My name is Roger, I was born first of June, 1973. Today I can't be considered old, but give it a good 10-15 years and my social security status is going to say 'retired'. I've never been very happy about life, and there's some things that happened, some bad things, or so most people consider them so. It's not like they happened to me, but like I said, I'm not very happy about life. Let me put it to you this way. When you look deep into some-ones eyes, you think you get close to that person, and you form some sort of bond. That's what they want you to think anyways. But read up a bit on social gestures, facial ticks, and tone of voice and you'll discover a world of which you didn't know existed around you. I never could understand why people have to be dis-honest. The dead give away though, I'll tell you right now that some-one is not telling you the whole bannana is that short pause when they answer. Think about it, why would an answer take time to be thought up if your talking to some-one telling the truth. There's a world out there, just in the mind that fucks with you. I remember quite well my first time. I was 16, walking through the empty halls of high-school, through what seemed like an endless

The Telepathic Man

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My name is Roger,

I was born first of June, 1973. Today I can't be considered old, but

give it a good 10-15 years and my social security status is going to

say 'retired'.

I've never been very happy about life, and there's some things that

happened, some bad things, or so most people consider them so. It's

not like they happened to me, but like I said, I'm not very happy

about life. Let me put it to you this way. When you look deep into

some-ones eyes, you think you get close to that person, and you

form some sort of bond. That's what they want you to think

anyways. But read up a bit on social gestures, facial ticks, and tone

of voice and you'll discover a world of which you didn't know

existed around you. I never could understand why people have to be

dis-honest. The dead give away though, I'll tell you right now that

some-one is not telling you the whole bannana is that short pause

when they answer. Think about it, why would an answer take time to

be thought up if your talking to some-one telling the truth.

There's a world out there, just in the mind that fucks with you.

I remember quite well my first time. I was 16, walking through the

empty halls of high-school, through what seemed like an endless

tunnel of lockers and cheap floor tiles, fluorescent lights as brittle as

the pages of text in the books. A ceiling of some shitty cardboard,

painted white to make it look pretty. What was I doing out in the

halls ? Me a good student who never talked back to one teacher ? I

was late for class. Simple as that. At 16 you can't really say 'I was

chasing some tail', all because that's a young age to be concerned

with that sort of thing, but I was like a wolf. Kendra had a class on

the other side of the building and I stayed there talking to this pretty

little thing for what I hoped was eternity. The bell rang, we hugged,

and she headed in. Soon the circle of attention that was around us

two love birds dicipated into a bunch of kids sitting in a class room. I

didn't bother running, her scent was still on my clothes and I enjoyed

every wiff. But Rodrick and Travis where out here in the halls here

as well. Bloody savages. Even today I can't figure out why the

school kept those apes around. All they ever did was to start fights,

take lunch money, and fail every class they went in to. So these two

knuckle-heads happened to be walking around the halls as usual,

probably looking for people like me to push around. They came up

the stairs, I herd the foot-steps as they walked up, and I really hoped

it was two pretty girls. But it was just a fat 15 year old and a pimply

headed scarecrow of a walking tower. They didn't bother being nice,

or saying a word to me. The tall one used his long reach to grab me

by the shoulder, and the fat one tried to use his weight and threw a

hard blow right in the gut. It hurt. But the next thing to happen was

they froze right there. I couldn't figure out why, as I looked at the

two. Travis had his grip locked on my shoulder, but he wasn't

breathing, wasn't blinking. Rodrick had his fist right where he left it,

on my stomach, his mouth was still open, his teeth still showing.

There shadows right there besides them. I thought I got knocked out,

and just stood there for a good minute or two, and than I picked up

on the class-rooms around and how I really didn't feel like I was

dreaming. I figured, if I walk to class, I'll just wake up eventually in

the nurses office.

Mr. White didn't really enjoy the fact that I was a good 14 minutes

late, he told me to sit down, open up to page 54 and that we'll have

to talk right after class. That was the give away, as all the little

fishmongers snickered and chuckled. I was not any-where away

from lucid and wake. I thought, people can't hold their breath for that

long, it's impossible. And I thought they can't stop blinking for that

long either...not when my finger was on their eyeballs. I couldn't

concentrate at all on reading the social studies material. Hell, the

bastard teacher even bothered to ask me 'Uncle Joe supplied tanks

and weapons to U.S. forces, even if the Americans and Russians

faught long and hard in the past, why do you think they would do

that'. It was an easy answer. They had a common enemy, you don't

even have to read the books to know that. But I knew what he was

doing, gauging my state, he wanted to know what happened that kept

me from class. I quick answer, with no blemish is usually what a

mind in worry will give ya. He didn't get to the position of teacher

just because he knew a few jokes, he was good with people. I still

remember the way Miss Gilnerd looked at him (now Miss Gilnerd,

Lucy, was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and

will never forget). Because of that he was a bit of a hero to me, and a

good role model. If at 32 I'll be tapping some-thing like Lucy, I'll be

a happy man. That's what puberty does to ya any-ways. As hard as

you try your' only thinking about 'doin it'.

The class was over pretty much as soon as it started. Keep your mind

busy, show up late and that' is a great way to make an hours worth of

time fly by. The bell didn't go off though, and instead the school was

greeted by an announcement from our principal. "Attention students,

we have had an emergency on the 2nd floor, we ask that teachers and

students remain in their classes for the next few hours, classes will

be cut short today".

I didn't hear this kind of thing very often in high-school. That was

the only time. Amy turned around in her seat, her pretty little flocks

dancing in the sun-light. Here caramel eyes making direct eye-

contact. Her pink lips delicatly moist and sturdy "What did you do ?"

She whispered it loud enough for the kids around me to hear. We had

a typical seating arrangement, with chairs that had tables on them,

lined up in rows of 4 by 5. I was in the 2nd row in, 3rd chair back. It

was a good place to sit, I was surrounded by young minds I could get

answers from in case of an emergency.

I told her, I met with Kendra, and walked back happy that unlike her,

I'm not a lonely sad book-worm. "Your never late, not since 3rd

grade". She was on to some-thing. It must have been that gossip-

billy rant all day kinda trait in her personality. But she couldn't help

but be pushy. I raised my voice a bit, every-one was already talking

up a storm all around any-ways, it wasn't as if I'd draw any attention.

I played the card of the innocent by-stander that just happened to

cross the rail-road tracks 10 minutes before the semi-truck got

blocked on the tracks and a train hit it. She promised that if she finds

out I'm involved in any-way she'll never come over to do home-work

with me again. Now that was a treat, she knew she was a fox, and

that I liked her.

Mr. White called me up, and among the chatter of the kids I started

to hear whispers. The room began to sound more like the caffeteria

than the small class room I spent the last 4 months in. I was starting

to hear Mr. White saying.... "He's not slouched, he's not getting up

with a chip on his shoulder, he looks a bit confused". I stopped half-

way, just a brief pause "He stopped, some-things wrong". I looked at

my shoe, it was un-tied, talk about a good alaby. The conversation I

had with the teacher was weird. There weren't as many pauses

between words, and it was the first time I began hearing peoples

thoughts. They just kept pouring out.

"Wherrr-ooohhh, did-yarrrrrooookkk go do ? ? Look, I went to put

my tongue down my girls throat, you want the whole class to know

and to ruin a good thing...Well I didn't exactly tell him that, but

some-thing close.

But who cares about high-school ? I dropped out almost as quick as

those two knuckle-heads did that year. Except I didn't die, I just

kinda went to heaven on Earth. Ya, I had to train (chase skirts), and

so I spent more and more days at the shopping mall. At first it was

an easy bit of sticking around the food court and figuring out what

people thought about their food, a pretty simple excercise, but it took

2 weeks to get right down to the specifics.

It hurt to hear all these thoughts, but I could still walk. It is not a

pain that you usually would imagine. A pain that feels like an

explosion in your head, ever inch of your brain crushing against the

walls of the human skull.... Every vibration from every step.

Bang...Bang.... A nail being crushed on your head every step.

This pain is the pain of a million voices talking. Each one confusing

more one who are you. who am I ... Where I am. You lose your self.

The pain feels like a numbing sensation on your finger tip when you

slam it in a door. Dull... dead... But it was not what I thought it too

be. It was the shudden shock.

My eyes open again into the world. And I cried.

Chapt. 2

Always waking up.

I don't want to be boring. I hear thoughts and I know what every-one

wants. The majority of populattion. Is one mind connected.

We don't learn, we know. we believe that we don't know.

It's life, and it's not always a question of what's next, what's new.

I took full responsibility for my gift. This next step of evolution was

not going to be an acomplishement of vain. As being the first of this

new breed of man-kind. I wish only to inform those who come after

me. In a written dialog of whom I was and how was lived this life, of

this man.

Just as in history, the first man on the moon, the first man out to the

Americans, the first to learn of the eden of Calif...

These people, at times, not one, but a group have lived in history,

and they have led their people forward into the future.

I never knew, why people are so facinated with who was where, who

did what. I knew it, one look in their eyes and everything about them

was in my head not one word less not one syllable more.

This is how a telepath can find his place in the world. Just as great

people have been led by a god through their exploration with fate.

You hold in your head the same ideas as this person in front of you.

The group and it's similarities all conform into your head. And even

more so their questions, contradictions and hyprocrisy.

It is floating in an ever lasting water-fall for eternity.

Time stops, literally. I can pause every moment and than continue

on. My head does work at an incredibly fast rate. I have to manage

every-one else around me, and where they sit in the room with-in my


Some voices are louder, some are more quite. Some don't even exist.

There are people who live on an impulse. You'd think.

This is some of the ways this experience is for me. If you can relate,

good if your can not...maybe your children can. They may help


They may be telepathic them-selves.

Training is a hard thing, it's the same thing as it goes for any

discipline and any art. There's a level of success that goes as you

grow in experience. Today there are telepaths out there that can take

your order at any fast-food but are still obliged by contract to say 'do

you want fries with that'. They work in restaurants. It is a taboo that

is subject to so much judgment, persecution... and the worst of all.


I can not go to any-one. Any family, any friends. And say. I am


They ask for a demonstration. Ive hearb their ideas a google times


Word Demon-stration. Demon.. Demon.. Dem---On.

Think On ! That is what the latin original meaning is. A demon that

captures your vivid imagination forcing you to think of what is right

and what is wrong. T


Is the question so many people ask.

Chapter. 3

The voice of god.

His his his his his ...



He is.








Those moments we call Eureka!!!! Gold! Green! Diamond! Shiny :)

God speaks to every-one. At the same time !

So image listening to the angels in every thought of every man, all

the women...and the children. The babies !

Thoughts aren't always of words. Thoughts include, feelings,

pleasures, visions, locations, smells, tastes, it goes so deep, that it is

literally impossible to put into straight English descriptives.

Babylonian might do, but who speaks it now-a-days ?


It goes so far as to the voice of animals. The sounds in their heads.

They hear the screach of the rat they are looking for with the sound

of the forest. Each busteling bush that shakes the Jaguar knows

exactly which branch that was (the branch it peed on 10 hours ago).

The slither of the snake so close on the branch of the fruite hanging

on the tallest branch of the tallest tree in the jungle (but because you

are a monkey you do not know more than snake bad, tree tallest).

Other monkeys come and greet you, you have sex, and than play

with the kids, you forget about the fruit, and than your lonely again,

on another tree. And you start swing through the trees, climbing

again, the tallest tree and the snake is gone from both memory and


That is why I like islands. I am safe.

The bad is far away, it comes only once every 5 years. Crocadiles

haunt my beach stalking the young baby turtles as they creep out of

the sand under the biggest moon-light. The brightest. The richest.

All the energy given to the world in that one monent.

I like to eat crocadiles.

They preserve well, their hide is strong, good fabric. The furniture

fabricated by my own two hands is incredble, it will last for years

and years to come. You can find it, if you find the island. My

immortal soul ever laying in the sun.

That is what I like to do the most. Just like the spider on the web, on

the beach as it watches the sun Rise from the sea. The season

changes, he moves. A web he spindels catches a breeze. A wind

carries the spider away, as each web steers the web through the air.

To where-ever is pleased.

I am a man. I don't spin web. Unless, well, I talk to the spider with

my minds voice. She listens, and builds where we together descide

to build.

I have fed a spider, I have studied their behavior. Majestic creatures

that are on this planet for so many more years than any of us, or our


They are children of our first perfect parents. Deviations.

Adaptations. Evolutions.

But what they have never obtained through, from their billions of

years of life, the concept of good and bad. As time has gone on and

continued to progress. The children have learned to count. One

second. Two Seconds. Three.

time has passed.

To be honest. 42.

Planned every dime I ever had. Every penny I ever earned. Counted

every moment I ever worked, ever ry second I ever breathed. I was

ahead of myself by years, and I still am.

Sitting on this Beautiful Island. On the beach, don't even ask how I

got electricty to get this bit of story written down. But it's funny

really. If you think hard enough, you can remember where you've

been who you've been.

Just like that.

The same way people say, I was Cleopatra, or I was Dan-Atello. Ion-

of-Arc, or even Iulius Augustin Cezar.

Re-incarnation ?

That's for little children to sleep at night. What I did goes far beyond.

straight into the realm of voddoooo... Bujahbujahgagabujahbujah. >

Booom Boom !! Ponnannniiiaaaa !!! Bobama Juju

I chanta these words. I sand . Is in the keys. But, wait. No (its

impossible to think)

That's you, me ! We are able to g (ather our thoughts, your thinking)

back (in time)

Yes ! Ha ! Time travel is that simple !

Look, what do we do ? We're writting write ? Right now ? Yes Thats


Well...the moment, that jsut happened. To understand the readers ?

How to explain, do you ?

both of us.

From the present and from the future. Have communicated to create

this auto-biography.

My early life has found a point where I can sit and dedicate my time

to writting this, well time it only took 4 days to write, it's not like we

wrote the bible...

There are so many perks that go along-side being telepathic.

Naturally telepathic. There's a difference. For example, I'm not

naturally tele-kenetic, I can how-ever focus hard enough and

accomplish feats of tele-kenisis. The same way people can see into

other rooms, or find missing people (usually long after their dead)

that's forced telepathy.

Natural telepathy is the same way a seeing man opens his eyes and

can see.

Chapt. 4

I am who I am.

Technology, can never surprass, or even emulate the human mind.

Technology, it is in a world that is either.



There is no;


Analog belongs to the spirit (not to be confused with the soul - same

thing different dimensions), analog belongs to the infinite. So to

make a long discussion short, if one word can generate half a micro-

watt of electricity, an infinite number of words can generate an

infinite amount of electricity. With this same basic understanding of


This is the first use of a wave of time 4th harmonic coast.

somethings on the fire. .. give me a moment..

Yes I know.

Its the tea stain.

look, I know we just had this conversation two seconds ago but

really, there are some terms we have to agree upon.

Yes, I fully agree. We both must benefit from my presence in your

mind at this time.

Thank you for allotting it to me.

this should be a concensus for two or more parties of a brain-wave

(eh that's a clever term, it means a group of people whom legally

agree to allow their thoughts into other peoples minds).

Thats exactly what we had to demonstrate.

as I was saying, when you do communacate through time, please do

so at moments that are beneficial.

Such as right now, when you have a tea burning on a cold flame in

the same corner where you just left a cute little stain ?

yes, like when you can actually help me from makking a ...what you

call.. MISTAKES.

End of line.

I need a moment to ca t c h t h e

E a /w v



NMoeerrre > > , , ,

you need forever man, this book is supposed to be written in 5 days.

Fuk you !!! Just let me enjoy my island !!

time is infinite.

As I was saying, before the younger me had to drink his tea. I have

spent count-less nights meditating to achieve communacation with

my past self. Further-more I find it suiting that every person should

be allowed to have personal space. And further it should be

respected with honor and dignity, no-one should ever invade any-one

persons personal space. Telepathy is not some-thing that is as easily

controlled as is bumping into some-one, we always hear every-one.

Thus a contract should be formed, or at least a formal agreement

between telepaths on wether or not a listener should communicate

with his/her preacher.

All telepaths should be allowed to listen freely, just as the ears hear,

and the eyes see.

Before I turn this book into the Gettysburg address, and turn it into a

book no-one will understand even 200 years from now, or even

worse turn it into some law-reform act for proclomation against non-

profit abortion clinics on the western side of the hemi-sphere seeking

clearvoiance from presperrterians (I really dislike politics).

You know how you can tell if a politician is lying ?

His lips are moving.

Or you know the difference between a republican and a democrate ?

50 thousand dollars a year.

Why do republicans eat corn and democrates eat water-melon?

Cause democrates ain't to full of it, and because corn is cheap.

Or what do you call a Liberal Congress man ?

A cock sucker, cause that's all he does in congress all day ! That's all

they all do.

But before I turn this book into an anti-political movement and

completely forget that it's supposed to be an auto-biography. I hope

you attained a gauge as to just how much I dis-like politicians.

Poets, I have a little respect for them. But real poets, not the 4 line

hall-mark guys and gals that make the world that much more of a

fonie place.

Writers a cool, they have to pay their bills and spend time writting

when-ever they can, usually creating works directly reflective of

their circumstances. Engineers are great, they make clever little

invention that make the world a little bit more fun, but at the same

time contribute towards slavery.

Teachers are my favorite type of people, it doesn't matter what

subject, they get in the little institution and they personalize every

moment of learning to create the next generation of the world.

Chap. 5

Cloud Atlas.

How did this even get brought up you fucking twat.

cloud atlas is a movie written by a telepath.

Yes. As the narration says.

"I know this way of writting is kinda of old, but bear with me".

Right before the movie gets divided into 5 individual other stories ?

The slave, the lawyer, the jounalist, the holy-man, wait...a tick, that

movie was filled with people.

Just like all of the world !

Does, that get the point acorss ? This is a new thing man. Writters

from the future writting books ! Well...it's really hard to come in and

write with some-one elses mind. I'm doing it right now, so its

possible ! The only rea l benefit from doin somethin lik this though,

is reali just in de fact dat if u get stuk out sum place ona island, wit

no elektro, sumwere outside of ur bodi is anotta bodi reddi to work

for you. As I mentioned with the contract thing :)

With a bit of 'meditation' people 'hook' up to other peoples minds.

Personally its more comfortable when its with-in your life-time and

with yourself, that why you live your life to the fullest. Ya ...\the

other, past Brain can turn off and sleep, than the only stress load

could be on the eyes, as those usually give way to staying open to

long. Blinking intensly is the first sign that your doing harm, and it's

time to give it a break.

I mean there are days when IO turned me brain OFF.









Why should I think ?

Infiinte answers ,I search for the right one, come up to my mind.

To create, Man created by the creator to create, thought is not real,

but it must be to satisfy curiosity to answer question, to analyze, to

consider, ponder, differientiate,

Why do we think ?





To each of us,


How important is silence ?



It's kinda like that. Big empty space with nothing but a little spec of

reality wedging itself past my state of complete harmony. Though it's

weird how being def is scary and yet, I enjoy silence from telepathy.

You'd think!

Chapter. Seven



Ass sim you lation??

What? ?? ? ?

The word that describes what a foreign virus does in a situation

where it is the single cell of it's kind with-in its percieved area of

existence and it faces execution from other cells.

What about it ?

It is how we are the foreign being in society, and we must fit in to

the system. The same way it is just that word that describes how to

get work, how to get paid, and how to accomplish, in the full

definition of the word. What it means, to every-one.

I could've worked as a janitor, just sitting comfortably in a social

ladder, in a place no-body pays much attention to, or steps over. I'd

know all the company secrets, and keep my happy little mouth shut.

In 10 years of work, I would have saved enough to leave society. I

could have gotten a loan from a bank and dissappeared for-ever.

After the years of work, my body may or may not be in better

condition. All the long hours of walking and standing, it's not much

different from the life of a server. The only real sensible difference is

that a server has to deal with an alluring smell or an enticing drink

every time some-one new walks into the restuarant.

Work, for me was wonder-ful. I always wanted to race. The speed

and thrill of it all, the winding curves, the sound of the motor roaring

and screaming as you blast by an oppnent, a rival. Some-thing like

those open top F1 cars, that is where you feel the wind burn across

your helmet.

The pit crew in your ear guiding you through. "Dont forget, eight

thousand two hundred and forty five r p ms on this corner, let the

engine brake do its job".

In that instant, the half a second before you have to start turning, or

risk any scenario that counts as failure is a moment that makes any-

one feel alive.

The only problem is telepathy does not work on cars.

It does not work on any object, because objects don't think. It doesnt

even work on computers. That is called telekenisis, and the under-

laying law behind it is; Any physical alteration will never be

accomplished by the mind in the situation that allows for physical

contact to prescribe the alteration.

Telekenisis is the last movement the human body ever wants to

make. Why waste so much energy when the fingers are right there

and can do everything 5000 calorioes cheaper.

I always liked economics, money is everywhere and everyone is

willing to trade it. Some people are even happy to give it away for

nothing more than a hug and a smile (and a promise). But I'm not

here to tell people how I see the world, or how to build success. To

each his own.

There are a million jobs out their, and even more domains to work in

than some-body can shake a stick at.

I choose to work in the entertainment business. How hard can music

be for a telepathic musician, in a world where he is the only one of

his kind?

Pretty hard. I mean, wow... I had to do things I never even imagined.

I had to carry big guitar amps up on stage, and back to the studio, I

had to tune millions (literally) of guitars (and basses), tune countless

drum sets, karimbas, harmonics. I had to sit down and explain

musical theory, or even worse conversate and discuss elements of

theory, at times even revolutionizing the concept with some slight

minor addition, that no-one can ever trace back to the originality of

the conccept.

Man, it was hard work. Sitting in front of an audio board with 32

channels going in, doing a live analog recording, 19 buses sending

away digital and analog effects, compressors. Placing microphones,

in that right perfect place to get the perfect sound.

It's a job where you have to be as alive as the music that comes out

of your studio. that being said, if your dead your going to have dead

music (that wont sell, or even touch somebody) come out.

Music though, to me, over the long years of love that it has brought

to me, has always asked me, in one way or another. Why it is for


Love is what is behind all compositions. If even written in anger,

that anger is the cause of a disturbance in some-ones heart. Even a

loss for love, is still Love.

Art, over the past milliuem has began being sold. Is not the 'tablou

de Piccassoo' for sale for more than most can ever dream of

spending on for a 'drawing'. Is not the art of medicine a service ?

Therapy is the art of conversation being sold for an hour long chat

(and the art of conversation involves listening, as well as talking so

dont think they are seperate things).

Economy is the art of currency. It take form from the concept of

kings, and kings take their concept from pharos, and as pharos take

their concept from god. It all can be very easily traced back to its

originality (unlike my attribution to musical theory).

Things are incredibly complicated if you think, and satisfyingly

simple if you don't. Just as economy is the art of putting a price on

words, and even more so on lies.

Wow I got a good poem, I'll never see another poor day in my life. I

believe in substance, and that knowledge should be free, not

privilaged to those who can pay for it.

chapter XVIII

Play us a song your a piano-man!

cause we're all in the mood for song.

sing us some-thing, of-that-melody, cause we all got some whiskey-

and-rye !" Billy Joel was one of my favorite American composers.

He helped me get through my early years of life, the first 15 years.

Some-thing that simple, a song, will not have stayed with me for so

long if I had not loved music so much. At the end of the days of

high-school. I had to get a job. My parents where not happy with

what I did, they told me.

"Take responsibility for who you are" "We will help you"


They weren't dissappointed, they weren't angry, but they were

stressed out. We had a disbanding of our trust, they thought I may be

taking drugs, or I got some girl pregnant...Figures.

I didn't get much silence, I was working 2 weeks after I dropped out.

I'd wake up with the family at 7, I'd start preparing break-fest, mom

would come in around 7.20 and make coffee and pan-cakes, dad

would make the bacon, by 8.30 the house was empty, my brothers

and sister would be off to school, and I'd be stuck with no-one. My

friends were all at school, and I'd go jogging, fishing, or just about

anything that would keep me out of the house. The internet ? Not

really my bag of chips, it's to slow. On the weekends it was nice, the

family would go and we would do things together.

I had my first job. As an intern, at a law firm. My father had one

good friend, among his many many good friends. They said to me,

"Work here a bit, take some time to relax, get your own place, and

you'll think about going to law-school".

I said "Yes".

Now to kill any suspense over the controversy this may create, no, I

did not become a lawyer.

Everyone lies in court. The bare facts are so cruelily discarded and

the arguement becomes who am I over who are you. Court is people

beating themselves up with money, buying away time from other

people and most importantly, it is the art of conversation in the most

dramitic theater of all. Where the position of Lawyer turns the

greatest minds into a court-jester.

Death sentences are given to the actors that truly have no other role

to play.

There are how-ever cases that are quite simple. This guy ran over

this guy, the guy that ran over the other guy says he is sorry aand is

willing to do what-ever it takes to make things right. That's just a

good 15 percent of the cases. Most of the time it is a open discussion

over free money that can be given to anyone willing to argue for it.

My job here was to deliver the mail, index invoices, send faxes,

make coffee... the usually stuff anyone would get paid 4 dollars an

hour making. Luckily, this being my fathers friend, they gave me

1400 dollars a month. A good sum of money. I had my apartment a

few days before I had my job, having a good family meant a few less

limitations on liberty. My pops and I drove to a few places I called

and haggeled about on the phone. We had a small disagreement over

where I'd settle, but he bought into the fact that it was close to work.

An important contribution to time-management. Why the hell would

any-one in their right minds even bother working across town ?

That's not far to say though, Right now Loca chips is centered in

Texas and Cuba, and I'm living on an island in the Atlantic, but I

don't have to go to work, work comes to me.

Rent was already at 700. That left me with another 700 for taxes,

insurance, food, bills...gas. Man, I had my parents though, they

always had food. And I could crash at home whenever I needed to. I

had my friends and we'd always go out and be normal. Though I

never had to ask them what any-one wanted to do.

It was a nice experience for me to have money to take care of my

friends the way their parents did. The same people that would never

have asked me for money to borrow are today the same people that

know what island I'm on. Yet they are not yet the people who know.

The apartment I was renting was perfect, it was spaced out enough

so that I could learn to play piano in it. The 2 bedroom, kitchen patio

garden deal for the snazzy lil pup.

Of course, I turned one bedroom into a piano room, the kitchen into

an enternally flaming blaze (being telepahic requires 10 times the

average calorie intake as does being ...not telepathic), and the garden

into a feng shui star gazers dream complete with a few telescopes.

What else do you want to know about some apartment in some

downtown city some-where in Vermont in some neighborhood where

you can play piano and have Greek orgies (if you want)?

I spent my time out of the office mostly at home studying, it wasn't

that it took long to play the piano, but memorize and analyzing all

the music available for piano made my head schrivel. Some of the

compositions where damn near impossible to play ! I worked 5 out

of 7 days, so that didn't leave much room for any kind of interaction

between the out-side world and I. It was enough what I picked up on

the bike ride to and from the law firm, and it was enough what I herd

while there. Music had a way of drowning out all the voice so I

could have my peace and quite.

Once in awhile, I'd go out and invite people over, but it always

turned out weird for me, just what was it that I wanted from these

people ? Nothing, really, most people just came over for a coffee and

a bit of therapy, you'd think, a telepathic man is a good listener.

I had 4 years to study, in four years time, I would be 21.

Chapter 9

Snake eyes.

I didn't have sex until I was 21. The plan was turn 21, and have a

proper festive celebration for the fact that I would be considered a

full-mature adult. With music I took the time to carefully select test

subjects out of all the pretty girlies that knew about music and I. At

first it started with gaining access to their sleep cycle, it usually

started with a soft massage, and than I'd slow my hands down, and

lift them, slowly touching nothing but the hairs on a womans body.

My first attempt was successful, but even I got sleepy and we soon

woke up happy and smiling with the sun shine. Sadly, because of my

excercise into responsibility, all the girlies I experimented with

either got another relation-ship or never called back because 'what

kind of man doesn't seal the deal'. Ya, I'll admit, I experimented with

a few guys to, but long after the ability became more of a skill. With

guys I'd be a scenario where they play a guitar, or a drum, and I

would hypnotize them then, I never gave any man any rub.

I prefer the female mind, I hate the idea of a masculan mind being

passed my perceptual proximity. Besides, it is the women who are in


I could learn more and enjoy myself more. There's nothing better

than being in the presence of a beautiful women. That enough should

make any man satisfied with himself.

Pops wasn't much of the same man that I am, he had a side to him

that indulged in temptation. At home he was what I'd expect my

father to be. In the strip club he was who he was. The words 'Roman

Swords Trainer' Describe him the best.

'Suu kid! W B u d Ho ho


Much Longer


d w o e i w s her

getdo Iinhave to here ? ? Rub this guy?before he hands over another


"Who do you like Son ?!

I suggest you take a look at Cidny"

Think quick find Cidny

'Marsha Amy Lucy AndCleatraBiceaire

Daughter Mom Aunt Sister Daughter - Beatrice ? Lover. Traitor ?

Off look at Cidy shaking that ass - the thought is linked straight to

the girl on the 4th pole, the star shaped stage with the white neon,

purity and feathers floating off of every cable wrigging the speakers

to this rinky dink sex-shop'

My father saw my eyes focust on Cidny,

"You like her! Come on your getting a lap-dance" He said to me with

a pat on the shoulder.

what the hell do you say to that ? No ?!

Heavens YES !

We got a beer we stood by her stage, my father teacching me how to

tip the dancers. He taught me how to get her off stage and how to get

her back-stage. He was even nice enough of a guy to teach me how

to get the girlie out to a nice hotel.

"Dad, I need to borrow 800 dollars, for me and Cidny you know"

I read his mind, he could have not been happier. He wanted to say

things like "Fuck that pussy raw DUDE!

or Get errr Get errr Get errr Tigerrrr !! " "My son, growing up so

fast.... Use a condom, don't use a condom this aint Vietnam...he

wanted to say so many things... he was speechless with his hand

glued to the inside of his pocket.

He broke down and his thoughts became pure.

Leather, finger tips, wallet, family, eyes, son, happy, here, jeans,

stomach, whickey, left cheek, lipstick, horny level, most get home to

the wife!, responsibilities, son 21, Cidney, stripper, hotel, sex,

money, jacuzzi, champeine, room service, give,

His body moved in the order of his thoughts, his words -> "Your to

young to have kids! She's not going to call you back, so you make

love to that woman and make your Dad proud. I've had sex (a tear

started to drop from his eye) with.... 842 women since before I

married your Mom, If I didn't know to do what I know to do and the


"Dad !! Stop Ni Ni NO No NI !!!"

"oh whoops, ha"

That is another reason why I had to get my own place, being able to

read my parents thoughts.."Oh daddy, Im gonna suck your dick"

"MMMMMhmmmmm can't wait to get back between those thighs"

And the list of descriptive appetive words to describe what was

going to happen between my parents whenever they had 5 minutes

away from my brother my sister or me.

While I was learning the piano, my little sister was eight, imagine if

you can: learning to play Bach with a prissy 8 year old throwing

claws at you and the piano....because its funny.

What do you do? Grab her and throw her head in the toilet.

“MOMMMYYY !!! Roger gave me rogering again !!!!”

My parents thought it was funny to consider bullying and picking on

as rogering. They never told us what the real British meaning was

until my brother Eric got in trouble at work over this.

"Jefrrey was Rogering me after dinner last night and I kicked him in

the balls,"

The moment he said that every-one at work thought he was gay...and

that got the ball(s) rolling for the next 10 years of Erics life.

Cidny gave me her phone number on a napkin, written with a red

lip-stick. We agreed that she'd get off early that night, if we went to

the strip club at 9 twenty four, and we partied till eleven, that means

she was going to get off when ?

At 12, the perfect night of my life. With 40 minutes from when Dad

had his break down and when I had to call, there was enough time to

visit a friendly neighborhood SexTM, drive home, hug pops, drive

back, call Cidny, pick her up, and go!

The whole ride home my father just kept telling me what to do. How

to touch the vagina, how to smell every bit of Cidny, feel every

wrinkle on her skin, read the woman, prepare the field, and in his

mind, "My boys gonna get laid My boys gonna get laid My boys

gonna get laid!" Just on repeat .....

That's my dad, and if you want to know what things were like with

me and Cidny, go to a strip club and go get laid you sick bastard. If

your a women, than give me a call, maybe we can talk.

The morning came, Pops was down stairs in the hotel lobby at 8. He

had room service bring me up a cigar with a note that said. "Time to

roll, time to bet, hope your dicks still wet! :)".

The hotel room I got was the best we could buy, at least in this city.

It wasn't the honey-moon suite, because it was a business hotel, but

it was the business equivelent of that. One of those apartment rooms,

on the top floor with a few as good as the name of the hotel.

I sat on the balcony, my birthday is June 14th, in the summer. I

smoked a cigar.

'What Fire Fire !!

Cigar? Wh


o Roo


She felt safe, and happy, it was such a perfect moment.

"Good morning sweet-heart!"

I waved to her from across the way, began to place my cigar down

and move along to giving her a kiss.

Chapter 10.

Easy money.

"Shake shake shake and Throw !"

Good thing I turned the ability of telekenisis into a skill other-wise

Casinos would really make me feel weak and vulnurable.

From a distance, the sound of a casion when you listen with your

mind is the sound of a million porn flicks being played at the same

time. "YES !!! NO!!!! Come ON BABY !! GIVE IT TO ME !!

OWWW ARRRRR ONe more TIME !! Give it up GIVE it up !

Make my day ! OOO yea Drop another one ! baby 5 more minutes

and //ill stop If this machine does not give me back my! She shakes

them really good OOOhhh Ohhh come on hit the sweat spot hit the

sweat spot!! OOO UMMMM YEAAA" Every-one is thinking like

this in a casino. It sounds as if 1900 people are eating a pie together

while having an orgasm.

"Having sex is a good thing ! Look how much money you made

cause of this beautiful girl"!

My pops grabbed Cidny and kissed her on the head. She came along

with us, I went to the lobby to ask if the person who left the note was

still around, pops was at the Bar drinking a Tokio ice tea. The cool

guy in the pajamas that day was me ;)

And yea, they can be pink if you want.

For a perfect day to get even better my pops bought me my first real

business suite, ok ok, my first casino suite. I wanted red, but it could

cause confusion on to who the valet is, whites no good cause people

think your in the band, blue, is cool, but you have to be careful, there

are just to many hues and in the wrong place at the right time it

could mean the wrong thing.

Pink is manly, but only for pimps, grey is elegent but a bit scary.

Black is for funerals, Green is royal. Purple is even more so.

I could get the dice to roll what ever number I want them to. Leaning

over the table, with a top hat that says Italian stallion, a green suite

that says lucky charms, white aligator shoes and a pair of shades that

a multi-million dollar drug lord would wear to a Casino, with my

father and a stripper. I felt good. The first roll, was in the air, I bet

250 on 8 and a hard roll the dice was heading for a 3 it was going to

happen in .75 of a second unless I did something about it. Cidny was

blinking, her left eye was moving a bit faster than her right, as she

usually blinks when she's a little bit more stressed.

' 6 plus 6 come on prada better be a red one money money money '

Thoughts were gathering, every-one was preparing for a reaction.

They bounced on the table, softly nudging the velvet mock-up top,

one dice slide, the other rolled over twice. 1 and 2.

The instinct of self-preservation kicked in the moment I saw I was

going to lose.

The dice furthest from me is falling down quicker, the closer one

will fall on top, it takes 2k calories to move the closer one and 2.73k

for the further one, each degree is 10k. Room service brought me

Lasagna, peanuts, melon, grapes, orange juice, extra black tea with

honey, plus calorie bank, calories spent,

I did the math in my head and for everything to work out right, I'd

only have to move the top dice .002 degrees as it'd hit the bottom

dice on the corner.

Snap back to reality, the dice fall, the top dice knocks the bottom

into a spin, the top one spins on it's corner, 4 and 4, every-one is

cheering, a few people are booing, and one or two are envies, and

devious. I've double my money, we're ready to stay here all day if we

have to, a small 500 dollar gamble by the end of 4 hours turned into

a 9 thousand dollar pay-day. Crapes took its toll and the remainder of

my energy.

I felt tired, ready to pass out, exhausted. I was losing my perception.

"Look, I'm getting tired, we're going to hit the roulette wheel and

than split" My first time in a casino and I couldn't even have my fun

at a poker table. Alls well that ends well.

It felt like I was going to pass out, or die. Watching the little ball hop

around the wheel. Our chips sitting on number 1 all couple thousand

of um. The joy and cheerful-ness of Cidny and my father where in

my hands, I couldn't let them down. I saw the ball fall into the 20

slot, the wheel was still spinning, it wasn't going to go any-where

else. It'd take eight thousand calories to get the ball to pop out of that

slot. Four to get it sitting in the right place. I was already running on

enzymes and alcohol.

I got kissed on the lips, I was being hugged

I didn't know where I was !

"You did it ! We Win ! "

She kissed me again, my hands were stuck to her abdomen, I felt

normal for a second, but I knew it wouldn't last.

I leaned back a bit, so she could feel my weight, she held me, I

looked up at the ceiling of the Casino. so many lights, cameras on

every corner. It was clean, their were no stains, if, I could be a fly I'd

sleep here.

"Come on guys, lets cash out, I'm tired, it's been a great day, and I'm

going straight to work at 8 and before that straight to bed"

"We'll split the 9k three ways, every-body brought in a bit of luck to

us all".

Pops made a bit of eye-contact with Cidny when he said that. I

couldn't read his mind any-more. But he was thinking, 'thank you so

much for making my son so happy'

It wasn't even 2 o clock when we left, each one of us 3 thousand

dollars richer. Well...800 dollar hotel room, 200 dollars spent in the

strip club, 100 dollar lapdance, it's safe to say my father was only 2

thousand dollars richer.

How I got home, how I sleep, I don't remember. I woke up 2 days

later, my phone was still charging I had no missed calls, but 40

recieved. Cidny left a voice-message "Thank you so much for such a

wonder-ful time, your the greatest guy I've ever met, I'll never forget

you". My boss left a message, "Look, I understand it's your birthday,

and your finally 21, your pops told me what happened, I think you

should give up being an intern, let lady luck take you where she

takes you, lifes full of good things as long as you expect them". Ya,

it wasn't lady luck, and I only expect the good.

My father was here, he always puts his foot-print some-place, plays

with one of my models, turns a painting up-side down, de-tunes my

piano, hides my dishes.... He just wants me to remember him.

When did he come by, I can't remember.


Beeiiippp.... Beee iii ppp


"Roger ! talk about a hang-over"

"I dont know, it was an eye opening experience, to much stuff

comming in at one time"

"There's never to much, but it's good to leave some-thing for others"

"I haven't seen Cidny around the Wet Willy yet, I think you scared

the poor girl" "Maybe she took off to Paris with that 3k, don't you

wanna go any-where?" = He was right, I have freedoms, and a

family that expects only good things of me.

"Let me think about it, can you and mom lend me a few thousand,

just in case?" = To them this was a life "Come over for dinner

tonight, we'll talk about the families finances, your brothers and


"Around 7 as usual? = altering experience, there was no way they

would accept for me to go back to being "Yea" = an intern.

"Alright, I won't be late! Love ya pops"

"Love you too son, Glad to see your finally back up on your feet,"

He hung up.

Man I was scared, I couldn't tell him that. I had no friends whom I

could tell.

"I've lost my ability to read minds !! NOOOOO !!! I'm a normal

fucking human being who droped out of high-school at the wrong

time !"

I was breathing heavy, the only way I'd know if anything was alright

was to eat some-thing, shower, and go out-side and listen.

I'd have to keep calm for the 40 minutes it took to get an answer.

My neighbors weren't home, it was 11 in the morning when I left. I

jogged down the road a bit, to use the frustration and fear for some-

thing use-ful. A car drove by.

"What kind of a lazy ass-hole goes jogging at noon"

I knew I was just fine, now to think. Where will I go? What will I do

? How can I rip off Casnios with-out them noticing, easy answer, get

200 dollars every-month, from a few different places. Lose money,

and than win it back a few weeks later, play poker...card counting? I

don't card count, just play poker. It's easy money.

Chapter 10

=Mala vida=Vida loca -Contra- Buenos Vitas!

This is why I always wanted the answer to be Yes.

"Do you want to take some time off and go to Hawaii(YES)" "Don't

you think you should take some time off (YES) and go some place


It's not like I am god and have full control over what every-one will

say and do. I am just a person who has evolved. Of-course!, society

is still going to confuse me. And conversations can make me think

hard and long, I can't tell the future. Though over the years I have

learned how to predict very well what people will do and how they

will react. That's besides the point.

Why would I go to New York ? It's just like Vermont, only more

complicated. California? And hang out with all the actors, drug-

addicts and free-spirited guru's of the world? India! No no no I don't

want to learn Indian.... Africa? Later, I haven't studied the art of not

getting killed by a lion or a rebellion.

South-America? There's nothing wrong with that...but unless I plan

on getting a job in importing goods/people, I wont make any money

down there, will I ?

Canada, to cold, Australia-to many funnel web spiders. Japan-Not

going to learn another language just yet, still have to train my mind!

It took my 7 days to figure out where I'd go visit. It wasn't really the

problem of what to do and what to see, google gives you up all the

information on the touristicy aspect of where-ever. I wanted to begin

my Journey through life, plan my daily schedule, and organize

myself to have complete freedom, un-tied to any responsibility by

the time I was 32. My family had 500 thousand dollars put away for

every-one to go to college and get a degree, with-out having to get

some part-time job running around with dishes and (my little sister)

would definetly get hit on by some assholes...

They weren't telepathic, I felt responsible for them, just as much as I

loved them.

Just as putting 2 and 2 together gives you 4, I have studied music

and under-stood it well enough. Britian, Germany, Sweden, (ya I

know, every-one goes on a Euro-trip at this age.) Thats the perfect

place for me !. I can sit in a British pub day in and day out and work

on more use-ful abilities that this telepathic thing can give me. Than

I could hop on a plane and be learning German with-in minutes of

getting on Das Avion!. Sweden, I can only think of Abba and pretty


My plan was simple enough.

Settle down in some nice apartment in a more comfortable neighbor-

hood some-where in Britian. I'd just walk the streets and listen to

people think, easy way to gauge where to live, another plus of being


Than I'd get a job at some music shop, tell um I'm applying for a

degree at cambridge or some-thing like that and everything else

theyd want to hear (another plus of being telepathic), and than work

on affecting peoples thoughts as opposed to just reading them. As

step 3 of my plan, use the ability to alter minds to get a degree from

Cambridge in 2 weeks.

Than the real moral dilemma comes in to consideration. I care about

my family, I would never abstract their pure thoughts just to make

my life even easier. Than I would lose every-one close to me, these

strangers contributing to the institutional system that makes up our

world have families and children of their own, what I alter is just a

few pages in a history book.

No... wait, evil idea, it'll never work. It takes 5 years to get a degree

their, your parents are going to want to visit, your friends, every-one.

Good thing the high-school thing was taken care of, sat through the

standard admitence tests ? is that what sat stands for? With every-

one, and I literally copied the answers off of everyone else.

But the first order of business, get to a pub, make some friends, take

it easy for a little while, it was still mid-December when I got here, I

had more important things to take care of like shipping christmax

presents to every-one. They gotta get on time you know.

"Jollyof what are you lookin at ?""Ibegginur pardon, it was tilst

deybreak, drinnkrboiull get thursty"

2 Pints of beer later. I'm starting to forget who Im talking to. Was it

the bar man, the guy eating all my nuts ?

4 Pints later, I'm getting a little dizzy. "I'm telepathic you know!

"Tell me my middle name !" Ill give you 3 loogers if you guess it !"

The barkeep wells "Amd twooo on de house !"


Countless bottles of beer on the wall. I remember fallin over, than

some-one carrying me home.

'It's 6 in the mornin, how long more is he going to sleep over, I'm not

leavin him no fucking note, what if he's queer'

Who the hell is this in my head ? Whats going on ?

I looked deep in his mind, SMACK-=-=

Whoa !

"rise and shine butterbreath!, Bart where are we !"

"Your at my place, you had every-one worried you lightweight"

"Ya we were drinking, Alfonzo was doin shots again"

"Ya we were drinkin, I gotta go to work, Ill meet ya at de pub tonight

over a lagger?"


Bart, Filip, Alfonzo, George, Harris, Henry, Pete, Joseph, Marry,

Kate, we had a big group of people, I could keep naming people but

it's going to start looking like the second and first book of


The months passed by with ease, the days melted away it seemed,

and soon spring was blossuming and the moles were comming out of

their pubs.

It was weird, but no-body really seemed to notice the sun-light, they

just get thinking, 'whens it going to rain, it hasn't rained for a

while' ..

I always thought to myself. They really did not like those carpet

bombings. It genetically implanted fear of objects falling from the

sky. And it was far much more worse than toads.

Chapter 11

Stay out of school! Its Time For BitCoin!

Why didn't I go to nuclear physics if I'm so fmart (fucking smart).

Because I would have never gotten out. I could not avoid stealing

peoples Ideas. It was to hard. When the art of science is putting into

words what is so simply existent.

I had another apartment with a garden, and it was just as great, the

view of the stars, the intimacy, the space. After Cidny, I really

needed some time away from the womans mind. That night with her

was to deep, it left me questioning myself.

Good thing I was focused on work, and 'pretending to go to school',

but I figured it would be easier to pretend than actually indulge in

the whole meaning of the principle of going to school.

For most people, it is finding, and searching, and seeking. They have

questions to answer about where they will go in life.

The few people, the one percent that care enough about their lives to

already know where they are going, are part of the group I belong to.

But, to make the experience that much more happy, joy-full and

memorable, as opposed to the simple two way intersection between

minds. The fun theater of the jester and the court hands.

Of course, we can discuss about the complicated heiarchy and

socialites environment provided by the institution of

school/education, but the Greeks have already miticulously debated

on this subject.

Go take old Greek at your local College soon.

I had to buy a car, sure, work was 10 minutes away with the tube, the

pub was on the way home, but, to make my visits to the nice people

I'd meet in school, I'd need a car. I'm not Jesus.

Talk about an easy fix, though, I couldn't do it legally....yet. And that

would be ackward at school.

"Roger, can we have a copy of your license". 2 years later after

having came to school with a fully packed little sedan.

"Yes here you go, sire"

"Roger, this is American".

"Yes, I have been planning to sort this matter out, since I arrived in

London -govana".

It was the first time I had to remember some-thing that'll do in the

future, and than plan to forget about it by the continuing future.

The music shop was incredible, every-one that walked in bought

some-thing, and I was helping every-one find everything. I don't

remember the names of every vynal in that store, but I used to know

them. If you came in looking for a t-shirt, I knew your really wanted

to buy a piano. There was no escape. I had to pay the rent, you know.

And I had to learn how to use my ability, you know ?

So by the time I started communicating with the admitence board

over why they should take me in, I was already 5 steps ahead, and

prepared to serve....to serve what ? To accomplish my dream !

"Apples are green

Hey wait? Hey wait!

Water burned over (toys for mathew) oil made it home-work again

(my phone!) time serve balls swivel, pull, repeat,

The mona-l avender is use ful isa of her time for yoga

Bullets are fast but sound is faster make sound bullets! Ya !! Im a


Hold where is that pencil (what is she saying) everyone taking on

pen a pop quiz (Its so sunny)

Er ka ic ty Joeysph "My name is ThomaS" (who is this guy) "

You wont hear people at this school thinking about their home-work.

They all have some-thing on their mind, some passion that drives

them forward to achieve what they so are fascinated with.

I made the right descision with the school. I wasn't going to get

bored of some Robots constantly thinking 'Work work work work

work'. And I wasn't planning to go visit Russian any time soon


I like Irish, Scottish folk. When their inside my head, I really never

know what their saying. It's like having 2 pretty (drunk) birdies

whisteling in the room all day long.

I sent the presents, I got accepted, I went to all 4 of my occupations,

and stayed awake just as much as Einstein. I never took drugs, and I

never got in any fights (welll, just a few times, it happens in Britan).

Well it just happens in life. And I am here to live.

The Volvo (yea I know) I bought was great, a bit old, but the green

paint job really brought it back to life. It was a safe car, but with me

driving who the hell should ever worry ?

I even drive blind-folded.

Basically, with the training at the bar, I got dizzy quite a bit, and I

learned how to see people and see the world through their senses. I'll

also admit, that the first time I had the courage to attempt driving

drunk was with Bart and Alfonzo after a pint (or two).

Is the telepathic man an Alcoholic ?


Your an alcoholic !

I used to think that labels were just for clothes. With the resources

available at the school campus I dug deep into that, and found out

how deep labels go. This idea is pre-biblical, even the Eqyptians

used to label!

Literally, a nice hot bradding iron that spelled ' E V A L S '

Than again, how is any-one ever going to build anything ?

so what was I studying in College. You may be wondering by now.


so what about my life that I have to jot down every little detail.

What? talk about my child-hood ? Now? how Daddy used to swing

me back and forth on the swing sets. Mention my first bubu ? ? This

is an auto-biography. It means I get to choose what goes down on

these pages and how the world will remember me.

Not any-one else. (Hope-fully).

Chapter 12

The first millions the easiest.

Strike it rich they used to say back in the days when every one was

carrying around a loaded pistol just in case you might possibly be

reaching for that gold trinket in their pockets. Life was a constant

battle to keep an eye out for the ties that bind.

By now, working along-side the scholarship I made. working ment

visiting Casinos, betting on horses. The rush of horse-betting. I liked

it, the smell of the beasts carrying through the wind, the trambeling

of their feet blasting through my ears.

You hear things in peoples thoughts like "Lucy TwinkleBerries lost 4

times in a Row she's going to win this time, or Drew Myshoulders

has been trained by the best jockeies, he's gonna win right out of the


The horses never had much to offer, but the crowd did.

I made a good 10 thousand dollars before the 5 year sit in college. I

even went so far as to learn Dutch and double-Dutch. Spanish

culture was begining to captivate me. The Italians won me over with

their delicious recipes, and the Swedes...well, heh heh, they don't

know how good they have it.

I started making a name for myself as a composer, helping bands

write songs and stuff, they under-stood me pretty well, just a

shinning star passing through, and they took full advantage of every-

thing I had to offer. I liked it, people helping people.

It never was hard work either, in music, people have the melody

stuck in their heads, but thought and words cloud up their mind and

they wind up expressing through words the music inside their heads.

The funniest and most tragic element that I witnessed is how, these

musicians can talk and express the song, and than the melody

becomes more and more deviated, even more tragic, is these same

musicians who can affect the melody with their words can not play

any instrument and talk. It's as if the answer to the problems so many

musicians is right in front of them, they just can't shut up and listen.

It was stress-ful dealing with them, and it had moments where I truly

felt dispare, but I remember at each experience, this is just one

person and just one life, the planet is filled with people and full of


I had another 4 months of thinking - time after college. I went back

home to stay with my family. Every-one grew up, but just 5 years,

long enough for my brothers and sisters to start thinking about sex.

But, I don't want to say anything embarrassing about my little

brother :)

My father and mother didn't change at all, my father still took me out

to a strip club the moment I got off the plane. Cidny wasn't there.

Back home, I even wrote a book, a big solid 4000 page monster

explaining the history of the mind. From Creation till Death is the

name. Written by a mister, Henry Coenda. That made me another 25

thousand. And count-less royalties that are still banking up each day.

I worked with some local artists and made a few records, you'd think

that would be enough to get me a few million, but that just ranked in

50 thousand.

4 months were over, I went to Las Vegas to make my money work!

You'd expect a few games of poker to be enough to make a million

out of not even 100. It took me 34 games, 4 weeks in total.

All that training I did was boot-camp and this was the war.

I wore a dark blue suite, with a black feathered hat, that you'd see on

Robin Hood if Robin Hood was a warlock. Black shirts, and ties as

red as blood. I kept a shave with an edge under my chin, puff me up

a bit, and most of all I had white leather gloves with gold engraved

cuffs. "The Tornado".

I had to spend 443,754 dollars to make 1million. That means I had to

make 1.7 to cover my losses and taxes.

People at a poker table have wondering thoughts, some of them

about the mountain of blow their gonna get if they win this hand.

Other people think about how happy the wife is gonna be that she

gets a new car, and little Timothy finally gets that plastation 5. But

youll always here about whos lieing, and what cards every-one has

in their hands. I have to bluff that I don't know. And it is annoying

when some-one leaves right after you have to fold. I couldn't win 1

out of 1, it had to be 40 out of 100, or 8 out of 30. Getting invited to

these games is the hard bit, finding the people who organize them

being the first priority. Getting the money to play being the second

(these guys never know what their playing for, some-times they just

go by their weight, one guy Marcus used to play by how many

women he slept with that week, oh, 20 million this week huh


I walked away as soon as there was 10 million on the table and I

took 2.

what ? The other 50k went to charity ! I'm a nice guy !

Chapter 14

Stacking Chips.

By now I should be 26-27. I'm not having a hard time remembering

but with that 1 million I went out and started a brewing company.

Getting the company up on it's feet and begining to brew our first

bud happen 2 weeks before my birthday when I was 27.

It was a pretty straight up operation. Order a bunch of industry

standard behomeoths of gear, rent out a industrial shack (I had to

persuade(how do you spell that) the owners to do a contra-profit


and scout for the right people to have over to experiment on....arrr I

mean work with.

I even managed to get a 5 million dollar loan to make things that

much easier (2 for my pocket, 1 for charity and 1 for the business, to

buy the complex, and the land).

Two years later, I managed to sell the Brewerie to a franchise and

made a solid 50 million.

How did 1 million turn into 50 in just 2 years ? Location location

location, and more than that, work work work. We cut every corner

to keep costs down. The crew of twenty, Larry, Dewie, Silvia, Mark,

Martha, Henry, Larry the Clutz, Jeffrey, Samatha, Nately, Derek,

Billy, Steve, Marky, Chuck, Charlie, Joe, Kendra, Paige and Giles

were all responsible for every-thing in the factory. Of course, I

avoided as much work as I could, and just got them to think I


I remember closing my eyes on top of a mountain. Listening to the

voice of the world. On top of the world and in Colorado, I was trying

to find the right location. Where was there at least 20 thousand

people that were waiting to start drinking a local beer. Where was

the group of people that I could take right into employment and have

them promoting the beer to all their friends, and where was this idea

going to succeed more.

Oklahoma. Kansas city Oklahoma.

That's the thing about these industrialized countries, there is a

pattern and an order that occurs almost naturally.

I was the greatest boss these guys and gals ever had. Only showing

up to work when the weather was bad. And never getting mad at

any-one for screwing up (I just reprogrammed their brain a bit, thats


The big corporate take-over was going to be transparent and by my

rules, no-one will suffer and I am not greedy. I took the original 70

million dollar offer for the factory and cut 20 off it. The condition

would be that Billy would be in charge of the factory as general and

chief manager, having no superior at that brewing facility apart from

himself, and further-more then only one allowed to terminate his

contract or any-one elses contract would be the general manager, and

no-one else.

It could be said that I took care of my kids, and truth-fully after 2

years, I got attached to the group. Yea, we had a few awkward

moments from slamming down a tad bit to many beirs, but you gotta

have fun in life.

Chapter 15.


I know, it's not a nice thing to do. But, some-body has to do it, if it's

not the CIA, it's Santa Clause, if it's not Santa Clause it's me.

And if it's not me, it's Mickey Mouse and Pop-eye while playing

hotch-scotch with Bugs bunny and Jewsus.

Getting my chip industry where it is today was very hard. What I

learned in the brewery about perception and ideals, and how to bond

my ideals with those of others is what made Loca chips what it is


Loca, ya, I know, Dorritos was taken.

I noticed from the lucky 20, that I could actually do things such as

show up to work naked and they will see me as fully dressed, I even

went so far as to bring in a dog and have them believe it was my

mom (I know, but it was funny).

The process of perceptual control is to over-ride a thought before it

occurs. So, Marky would see the dog and think - Rogers pet - Before

the word pet could be linked to the thought. I had to put the word

Mom in it's place. If Kendra saw me naked and thought - Yuck I can

see his cock! - Than I had to cut right to the hundredth of a milli-

second and mangle every-thing up so it came out - Wow I like that

tye -

I did alot of experimenting in that Brewery, if you thought College is

a mind-altering experience....if you only had any idea. I'm not gonna

be a rat a snitch myself out, (the wife might read) (What experiments

honey, just really gross things, childish things).

A brewery is one of the most relaxing places to work in, This is

where I learned how to Brain-wash people...well my own staff....

Evil ? Slightly ?

After that, my next step was to travel the world and implant into the

minds of every-one that could hear my thoughts (so to say) the idea

that they must buy Loca chips. They didn't even know what it was,

but the moment they saw it. Reach in your pocket, take out your

wallet and buy food.

I want to Indian, Japan, China, North and South Korea, Africa,

Europe, Russia (and only on this business trip), Austriallia, South

America, Mexico, and Every state in the United States. The trips

took me 1 year, well 320 days. All I had to do really was just sit and

think. 'I want to buy Loca chips, I will buy Loca chips, must eat

Loca chips, MMMM gooo Loca chips, Give me Loca chips, Loca

Loca Loca, Loca Loca Loca, How I could really use some Loca


It was a new form of advertising, and it was not and still is not under

government regulation, thus I wasn't doing anything morally


I wasn't gonna cheat my clients over either. If I was going to Brain-

wash the whole world to eat my chips, at least I'd make sure their

healthy, and our production would never make any compromise.

So from 50 million I went to 1 thousand. That's right, 50 million

dollars to 1 thousand dollars. Every cent was being spent on getting

the chips on the market. I had enough for one little farm, and one

little factory, we had simple bags, and yes they were bio-degradable,

sadly 250 thousand went into an ad campaign (which was just to

play pretend). I stole company secrets from the minds of every

researcher I interviewed and I came up with the perfect ingredients

to make the perfect healthy chips {(the perfect little girls) (But

professor plutonium accidently added secret ingredient!)}.

The second the bags hit the rafters, they were gone. Our clients

started begging us to find a solution to get more chips on the market,

and I made my first billion before I was 30.

1 billion dollars to supply one franchise with enough chips to fill

their stores for a year.

And that was just how much money I was getting paid. The budget

was unlimited, we had access to credit of the stars, and with a 2

week dead-line for a solution. 4 weeks in total to Get It Down.

The solution was easy, buy a bigger factory, set-up the equipment,

purchase ingredients from a competitor. By our 5th year on the

market we were begining to look like a monopoly. We bought farms

from our competitors, we emptied their factories of supplies and

soon I made the move to Check-mate.

I don't have to come to work today.

Chapter 16

A search

I never understood sexuality, Romance I adhore. But, it's not been

easy to find that soul-mate everyone is claiming to be existent for

everyone. Most of my dates ended right before we even introduced.

"No sorry, I cant do this you remind to much of my mom" or better

yet "I'm not Roger, I'm Norman!".

After Cidny there were a few girlies in Sweden and reading their

minds was point-less because they were just thinking 'ya tasty

strudelhouusen' and other weird things that I just...didn't have the

time to learn Swedish for. That was as far as I could go, I reached

my limit of comfort pretty quick. 1 week with Aicsha and with her

Swedish thoughts brought me closer to their culture. Once I started

making sense of what she was actually saying, and thinking I was

back to a world lacking of Romance.

I don't judge people, or critize them, I don't go wondering about in

my head about some-ones freaking lip-stick and shirt color. Really,

the things people think about. If I am going to be with some-one

special, whom is going to be around me long enough to see me die. I

don't want it to be some-one content on matters of nail polish and ass


After Aicsha it just made perfect sense to wait for that one special

some-one, its just too damn frustrating any other way. A great deal of

things had to be accomplished before I even would think about

getting married, and there was still the shinning jewels of society

that had in their small world of privilage, (hopefully) an angel. If I

was working to reach the level of liberty these people had, it made

sense that maybe my soul-mate would be in with-this crowd.

My parents are perfect, in the name of love, they taught me never to

make a compromise.

"Roger ! ------Roger !" -is that really him ?

An almost perfect female voice began to take shape around me. I

looked to my right, and there was a woman waving at me, -He saw

me ! It's him- quick say some-thing, he's going to walk away!-

She thought as I walked closer to her side.

"I usually don't have women yelling after me, whats up ?" -oo he

started the conv- don't mention the chips-

She was taking to long to think of some-thing to say. Why would

any-one bother some-one else if they don't have some-thing to say ?

Why did she know my name ?

I asked, "How do you know me?" -duh, your the biggest name in the

world since rocafella- no-don't say that- think Lauren-

"We met once in Norway" -yes, I bet he hasn't been to Norway for

awhile!- safe- your turn big shot-

"Impossible, I'd remember you! I never forget any-one, tell me what

we were doing" - you were doing me-

no no Lauren- dont get caught in a lie, he's bluffing- he's a

businessmen they do that-hope this works-

"I dropped bracelet and you picked it up for me, it wasn't a big thing,

you were right next to me when it happened and after you picked it

up I asked whom should I thank, you said Roger"

Now she had me thinking. Here is this beautiful woman, fabricating

a completely rubbish story just to keep a conversation going with

me. Here is a woman I can actually stand face to face with and not

feel as if I'm wasting my time. What do I say ?

I was out doing what a normal man does. Walking around the hot

streets of California. I still had hobbies, just because I'm telepathic

doesn't mean I'm weird. I was stepping out of a r/c shop, making my

way back home the way I usually went. But this time, I was going to

take the detour and visit the local artsy swag meet. And was heading

towards a rental car.

"Your a long way from Norway, do you live around here ? You can't

I know every-one in this neighbor-hood" I said with a smile on my

face. Happy that I met some-one.

"I was looking at a house around here, but I can't seem to find any-

thing special all the while I've been looking"

Was she still talking about a house? her immediet thought after-

words - 'if you know what I mean wink wink'.

She was wearing a pair of jean shorts, good cut for volley-ball. She

had a pink tank-top, black eyes and as much make-up as you'd put

on a dog. None!

Her golf shoes said 'spayed and neutered'. I paused for a bit as I

looked into her eyes.

I leaned in and

Chapter 17

Helicopter Wedding

We jump out of the Helicopter, the priest, Thomas, is with us, our

parachutes are strapped on tight.

We're falling straight down.

My braining is thinking. HOW THE FUCK DID WE GET IN THIS


1. made alot of money, 2. met a pretty girlie, 3. asked her to marry

me, 4. she said only if we do it while sky-diving 5. trained the priest

to sky-dive 6. rented a helicopter got a few tips on how not to die 7.

got on the helicopter 8. climbed into the sky while holding my

babies hand and telling her how much (bullshit ! go to hell! I don't

like this story). 9. Jumped out.

This was our second attempt, as I forgot to mention. the first time we

couldn't get in to position fast enough. The priest had to be close

enough so we could hear him, and we needed enough time not to

..ahm die.

2 seconds into the 'flight' I'm holding Lauren by my side, and we're

holding hands with the priest, facing upwards minds you, this isn't

some upside down wedding.

"Dearly Beloved, and Father of our Fathers, We are gathered here to

join these two kindered spirits" Thomas had to take a breathe of air

because he was literally screaming at us

"In holy sanctity"

My thoughts of, stopped, sky-diving for some reason inhibits

telepathy (if I jump out of a few more planes I'm pretty sure I'll get

over it).

Her ring was in my hand the moment we met in the air to hold each

other, I stopped holding hands with the dude and wrapped my arms

around my wife, taking the ring from my other hand .. Lauren was

still beautiful, there was no fear on her face. Just happiness. It didn't

matter that we had nothing under-us but the world.

There was a good 20 seconds to get a ring on both fingers, say yes

and kiss.

"By the power invested in me, do you Roger take Lauren to be your

blessed, loved, and charised wife"

"From the Day I saw her I said YES!"

I placed the ring

"Great, Do you Lauren promise to bless, love and charish your


"That's what we're here for,

ah yes !"

She placed mine

"Good you may now kiss the bride, I'm opening my parachute !"

Thomas was gone, I held Lauren tight, and gave her a pure kiss,

without reading her thoughts, I closed my eyes not knowing if hers

were open. She pulled the chute, what a surprize! We fell from the

sky like two angels in love.

What was expecting us on the ground was not power-lines and roads.

From way up high in the sky, we saw the deep blue ocean

surrounding our little island. As we glided in, the corals and the sand

became more and more clearer as we fell,

Straight into the water around our island (again).

This time we didn't have to dry our clothes and struggle with the

chute and do it all over again, we got it right.

The helicopter flew by and we waved the signal for him to go home.

Of course after taking the priest with him.

We'd have 2 weeks for our honey-moon. Than our families were

coming to visit. My (families) Yacht, her families Yacht. Some-how I

still turned into one of those rich assholes whos part of a Yacht club.

Day and Night I struggled with the idea of telling Lauren.

-Hey, guess what I'm telepathic.

"Remember that day when you said we met in Norway"

"Ya what about it honey"-why is he bringin this up now?

I paused a little bit more

-am I hearing things?-no no, he's probably talking in his sleep-

"I'm not talking in my sleep, and your not hearing things"

-How did he know What I was going to!

"How did I know what you were going to say?"

-He's not reading my

"Yes I am",

Lauren took the news so well, and was as excited as a kid on

christmax. Even 20 years from that night she is still as excited about

telepathy as she was then. She tries to hide thoughts from me, just to

play games, and she's gotten good at it, but she's my soul-mate.

We're met to be this way.

Though, if I didn't have to spend my honey-moon explaining to her

what it's like being 'special' maybe this autobiography would-ve

been written earlier. She took everything from me. She wanted to

know every-thought from every person I ever met ! That wasn't even

close to enough, there was the discussion on thought pattern, on

speed of thought, she was to me like a pupile of the science of

psychology. Every-thing I learned in College poured right out of me,

I use to say to myself....why isn't my wife telepathic and she has to

ask all these silly questions, that make me smile.

"Do women think about their bra size, or how they smell of body


"Are dogs thinking bark bark bark ? "

"How does a care sale-man think, I bet he thinks like a Robot.

Customer entered, go Greet, Introduce to new model, Attempt

negotiation, Error Error, Small talk"

"Who had the most powerful thought you've ever encountered"

"What about the weirdest thoughts"

"Women are not concerned with their bra size, alot of them are

spooked by the idea of boobs, it's as if they have a bullseye on their

chest, the bigger the boobs the bigger the bullseye, yes they are very

concerned with body odor.

Dogs think by smell, sound is more a phonic memory of sounds that

mean smells

A car sales man usually thinks, shit I'm gonna get fired if I don't sell

at least one care this week

The most powerful thought ever ?! My drinking buddies in Britan,

they were one entity after 10 pints, weirdest thoughts, you honey."

But enough with the small chat about marriage, you wanna know

what it's like, go get married!

Chapter 18.

Setting Shop

My family didn't show up first, and I already met Harry and Jane,

Laurens parents. Her parents were sailing around any-way (an early

christmax presant I got the two) and dropped by. Harry served in the

military, under some special conditions and had experience as a

mercenary of sorts. Basically had a care package delivered by

parachute, which included bullets, guns, armor, and money....oh and

a mission. He did a great job of taking care of his missions with-out

ever killing any-one.

By the way, do you know why the military calls the jobs missions

and not business ?

Because they kill people.

Jane was a journalist, and enjoyed making documentaries about

Lions more than she enjoyed spending time with her husband,

though when Harry came along she was at her best.

These two came as if sent by god, experts at dealing with situations

where you have to sleep out-doors, and at bare-bone construction,

now if only they had a little bit more style and harmony. We set up a

make-shift tent. June 5th was scheduled to be the day of a family

gathering. Both Laurens and mine.

What we did was to cut down a few trees, and place alot of branches

as walls. It really wasn't very pretty. There was no furniture, there

were just a few hammocks, and a bunch of blankets.

"Well, it's only the third, and we have alot of work to do before this

place starts looking like a Mansion"

"Roger, really it's going to take years to build some-thing marvelous

all by yourself"- Harry

"We would be glad to go bring some fabrics, furniture, tools, it could

speed things up"- Jane

"We're staying just until the 5th, than getting what we need for this

place, we have to take Roger parents back to civilization after-all"


"I'm going to need alot of steal cable, alot of nails, alot of screws,

and alot of beer"

-good think your as rich as god eh - ha -! - your gonna need alot of

patience- its going to be so fun !-

We kept going back and forth that night on June 2nd, the island was

pure than, it hadn't made it's aquantence with human beings yet.

Soon there would be a garden, a bunch of pilled cut down trees

(arrange so to make a home, no not a shelter a home) and a young

children living here. There would be 2 providers of knowledge and


I've never experienced child birth, I'm not ready.

3 days later, my family still Didn't show up. Lauren and her folks

went for a walk around the 200 mile island and were going to come

back in the morning. All of a sudden, I was alone on the island.

And I was scared.

So scared that I filtered out every-thing Lauren and her parents were

talking about. What if they ask her! 'are you sure you want to live on

this island with this guy?'

I had to know what they were thinking now that they were away. I

sat down, on the sand, the sun was setting. I closed my eyes. They

were sitting by a camp-fire, eating pine-apples. They had no

thoughts of which to worry myself with. I was happy. And bored.

two seconds later.

I knew I was going to start weaving leaves together to make a sort of

quilted wall. I never knew i could make 4 walls in 8 hours. By the

time Jane, Lauren, and Harry got back, I managed to make a shack!

It was round, and it had that traditional pitched straw roof with a

hole in the center for smoke to come out. Harry saw what I

accomplished and

"Look, go take a nap, I'll go fishing"

Lauren took me by the hand to the hut, the humidity built up in the

hut in and circulated in a circular motion, it was warm. She sat up,

with her back to the 'fabric' her lap my pillow as she watched her

mom and dad spear-fish.

We caught enough fish and my part of the family showed up.

They knew the rules, no electricity, no technology, and no bad vibes.

My pops still brought a couch, and how he got it on the row boat is

beyond me. First he said to me as he got on shore "You gotta help

me out with the bed too now, and I got you a nice recliner" "ya that

sounds nice, but lets grab a bite to eat first".

Under the moon-light we rowed back and forth from the yacht to the

island, my brothers, my father-in-law, my father, the first step to

setting up a new ideal was being taken by a group of people and not

just one individual.

Chapter 19.

Why ?

Would a man that has every-thing, bother sitting down and writting ?

Where is a piece of paper or a collection of bytes that makes up this

book going to take any-one ? How is a story of one self-ish man

going to inspire any-one to do anything with their lives ?

I hope that people will get out of this book some level of relation, so

that what I have told they can say, "Dammit ! I knew I wasn't the

only one!"

The book can serve as a beacon of hope. A symbol that there are

people in the world with nothing but good intentions in their hearts.

As it is a testement to the ability to live a simple life, if you buy your

way out.

Even if there are people that have the option to opt out of what they

do not believe in with-out having to make any sacrifice or pay any


It is also a confession, and luckily for me, one that can not stand in

trail as a piece of evidence of bad buisness ethicate. Every-one is

ripping off every-one, it's business.

The current time in history for such an auto-biography to be written

is right at the apex of modern society. The world of twenty thirteen

will not be the same tomorrow as it is today.

From my experience in the world, and my situation of being in the

future, I can say that the golden age of humanities balance with

technology has begone. It is also the golden age of freedom and

liberty as every-one has the opportunity to become what they wish,

the internet alone creates criteria and provides knowlesge to attain

any position in the theater of society.

As life is a simple matter of choosing the right words to speak to the

right person, it is also a matter of lieing in the face of evil, telling

that evil that it is good, though in your heart you know it to be true.

If nobody died, than nobody cried, and if every-one cares than

nobody dies.

Maybe I want to change the world for the better? Can it be possible

for the story of one man inspire others to follow behind him, a leader

whos words are as loud as his actions ? I have many questions to

ask, and many questions that I ask, but it all begins with that one

simple question.

What is right ?

Why is it right ?

How is it right ?

Since when is it right ?

Is right the same thing as infinite ? Does rightesousness mean being

positive ? I'd ask these questions a million times over if I didn't

know the answers.

Right is what you feel in your heart. It is right because it is what you

feel. It affects everyone, and everything that it needs to affect with

the energy that it needs and wants in that present moment. Since the

day it was written.

Infinite is a matter of time Right is a matter of opinion. Positive is a

false descriptive of a double existent variable.

I explain these things to myself so only I understand.

Chapter 20

Once the kids come

Where can I conclude?

I had a great life, and I am thank-ful for every day that I spent on

Terra. My gift is in itself a new discovery for man-kind and it is

damn near impossible to under-stand how to fit telepathy with-in

society of the late 21st century. My honest opinion is that there is no

room for instant communication between people in a world

dominated by commercialize and ageing principales of


Few enough people step away from the common-place institution

that helps drive the definition of pure morning and tired into their


Just as video games are the books of yesterday, tomorrow it will be

another intellecutail form of slavery taking people by the throats and

forcing them into a world of function. Where is the love ? I

remember Bob Marley asking. It's all around us, I wish I could tell


In my life I'd say 40 percent of the population gives pure love to

each other, maybe in Bobs time it was 20 percent ? I can never know

such a profound question.

The world will progress, at it's own rate, besides there's no need to

rush. People still have to write down what has happened so that

others will have a documentation of their history.

What is it it to me, what some people are going to think. It's none of

my concern who considers me crazy, even to myself I wonder if this

life could be just some altered perception of reality, instead of being

telepathic, I'm living in 2 universes in parallel ? Ain't that some-shit.

Why do people try and so hard, to explain why some people can

accomplish and other people are just doomed to fail, why should

any-one care for what they will never feel a damn thing for ? I've

always been myself and nothing else. Never pretended to be some-

thing I wasn't (thought I never showed every-one my true nature


But, that is besides the point.

I am a free man today,

I got payed, and I am still getting paid. I got married, and I'm gonna

be raising kids. If I fucked up some-where it does not matter, cause I

am getting paid, my children from a hundred years from today will

have what to eat and what to spend. I may not be immortal, and I

will take that mortality and it will be turned into legacy.

I have a masters of psychology and can talk shop with the best of

them. 10-thousand dollars an hour, I'm running a multi-billion dollar

producing chip factory and all I have to do is sit down on an island

and lay in the sun all day. So go ahead and think every bad thought

you ever had, make um all about me, let it out, make yourself feel


I am getting paid.

My kids are probably going to be telepathic, having the conversation

with them, that "hey, you know. We're kinda different from every-

one else", is going to be one of the most difficult things I'll ever have

to do, but if they are or not, is a question of wheather to be or not.

Simple throw of the dice, it's in Gods hands, and I pray that they be.

The diet of a telepath is complex, meat is ok, but I prefer to avoid it.

We need foods that contain thousands of calories per serving, with a

good meal being at five-thousand calories. A filling meal is around

18. This is based on studies of myself, of course (it's not like I had

telepathic mice to experiment on). For example 5 boiled carrots is

one meal. But we don't eat that much either. 3 meals a day, no need

for snacks in between, just one the occasion.

On the island I have 200 miles of open space. There is a flower

garden, 10 miles across. There is a farm, 120 miles across and it has

everything from bees to avocado. It's a farm where there's a

hammock at every tree. Every-thing is allowed to grow free, and we

only take care of what-ever plants we want to.

Lauren has her chickens, and her pigs, and her milk cows... It's fun

watching her slaughter an animal.

"Here little rooster, come on boy, time to get in my belly"

The plan is to finish building the house, its a master piece of

crocodile hides, pine apple trees and shrumbs mixed together to

create a big 8 room round tree house. We're having problems with

the fire pit.

Exactly how do you make a fire pit in a wooden tree-house ?

Obviously, alot of dirt and sand...and than you have to care-fully turn

some of the sand into glass, but.. Anyways, the house should be done

in 4 years, than we'll start making babies. Fred and Daphny, Wilma

and Barney, we already picked out names.

Some-times, a friend will visit, my CEO comes by every year to

verify that my company is running well, and ask if there's anything I

want to do. He talks to me about what's going on in the company,

and gets advice on what-ever they board is planning next. Family

comes by when-ever they feel like it, well actually every-one comes

by whenever they feel like it.

There's a family account that every-one has access too...a couple

billion dollars for the whole family to....? waste ?

I have a nice yacht, anchored on the coast, and when-ever we need

supplies we go get them. But apart from bullets (I like sport

shooting), there's not much to buy. Lauren and I brew our own beer,

but we prefer to drink rum. We don't really wear clothes, except

when it gets chilly....Even then, we prefer to snuggle.

Once the kids come,