The Story of Allen Banks The Story of Allen Banks Written By Alex Shores

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The Story of Allen Banks

The Story of AllenBanks

Written By AlexShores

The Story of Allen Banks

My name is Alex Shores; I’m going to

tell you a story about Allen Banks. He

is a 9 years old boy who has a hard and

complicated life.


This story is about a 9-year-old boy

named Allen. Allen has always had a

difficult and complicated life. He has

trouble with school, he gets bullied,

when he goes home he feels unloved, and

The Story of Allen Banks

more. This book will tell you what he

went through and how he deals with the

stuff that goes on in his life.


I woke up this morning to my parents

screaming and fighting, I was too scared

to get out of bed. They fought about two

hours, till my dad ran outside cursing

and screaming. He sped out of the

driveway while I was watching him in his

The Story of Allen Banks

car. He hit the mailbox while he was

pulling out of the driveway and sped


I was so scared, so was my mom. She came

in my room she was crying, her face was

covered in tears, her eye was bruised,

and her mouth was bleeding. She said

that she could not handle him any longer

like she use to. He seemed to be getting

more violent over the couple of years,

their were times he would take his anger

and frustration out on me, I could not

do anything about it. I was scared about

telling anyone, I was scared that he

might try to hurt me so I didn’t tell


The Story of Allen Banks

My mom went into the bathroom to clean

herself up. Later that night he came

back, he was drunk he was stumbling and

mumbling words out of his mouth. He

dropped to the couch, he looked at me

and said he was sorry about this

morning, but he’s always said that. So I

went to bed, hoping tomorrow wouldn’t be

the same as today.

The next day I woke up hoping not to

hear them fuss. I walked out of my room

and went down stairs; my dad was passed

out on the couch. I tried to be quite so

I would not wake him. I went to the

kitchen to get a snack and sat down at

the table. I was almost finished eating,

then I saw a note that read:

The Story of Allen Banks

“John, I can’t do this any longer. You

have been hurting me a lot and I can’t

handle this anymore I’m sorry. I may

come back only if you change…. Its up to

you! Tell Allen that I love him so very

much and that I’ll miss him! Bye John.

Sincerely, Anna

I burst into tears while I was

running up stairs; feeling like my life

is falling apart, only piece-by-piece.


I was so heart broken, and I didn’t

know what to do without my mom she was

all I had. I didn’t have any friends, I

The Story of Allen Banks

hope my dad changes and my mom comes

back. I miss her all ready.

My dad is still passed out down stairs

I’ve been crying for hours. School is

going to start back soon it is late July

and it will start back August 4th. I

don’t like school because I get bullied

all the time, I tell the teachers but

that hardly works.

Everyday I dread going back to school

the next day. My mom always told me to

stand up for myself. I guess my mom

would know because she had to try to

stand up to my dad all these years. I

know it was hard on my mom and it is

hard on me to, especially now that my

The Story of Allen Banks

mom is gone. I don’t know when she will

be back but I hope it’s soon.

My dad just woke up and he read the note

and he’s really mad. I’m scared he will

come up stairs and hurt me.

He came up the stairs and asked me where

she was and that I better tell him right

then, I said I didn’t know, and that the

reason she left is because of his

temper. He came up to me and slapped me

and got on top of me and was holding my

hands down like he was about to beat me

and he hit me in the face several times,

I was crying, begging him to stop.

The Story of Allen Banks

He finally stopped and I was bleeding

really badly, I felt like I was about to

puke and my face was throbbing. I just

lied there in pain, hearing him scream

and yell. I didn’t know what to do

anymore, I didn’t know if I should tell

anyone or not. I wanted to, but I didn’t

know if he was going to hurt me even

worse, if knew that I was about to tell

anyone so I didn’t. Maybe when I go back

to school I could tell my teacher or

even the principle and they would get me

away from him. Maybe he will get better

I’m not sure if he will or not.


The Story of Allen Banks

I can’t sleep because I miss my mom,

and my face hurts so badly, why does he

have to do this. I ask myself that every

night, maybe his father was the same way

I’m not sure, but I hope he changes.

I finally went to sleep around 4 o’clock

last night; my face still hurts from

yesterday. I wished I had a father who

really cares for me and loves me. Not a

father who beats me and yells all the


That day I walked down to the local

park, and I met somebody there. A girl,

she was really sweet and nice and she

had the same problem I had but her dad

didn’t beat her, he would beat her mom

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and so we talked and talked, I really

liked her. Couple of hours later she had

to go home for dinner, I asked her if

she wanted to come back to the park

tomorrow. She said yeah, I was excited.

Finally I met somebody who understands

someone and me my age to. She was really

pretty, she had long, curly blonde hair,

she was wearing a blue ribbon in her

hair, she had on a light blue dress and

flat light blue shoes.

I was so happy that I had made a friend,

so we both headed home and I got home my

dad was passed out on the couch.

Thankfully he was asleep because I

didn’t want him to scream at me or

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anything. I was quite and went upstairs

to go to bed.

The next morning I woke up around 8

o’clock, it was quiet at that moment. I

wanted to walk through the house to try

to find my mom just to make sure she

didn’t come back during the night, and

so I did. She wasn’t there like I

thought. I just wanted her back so bad.

I didn’t know what to do without her.

I went downstairs to get something to

eat. My dad was on the couch asleep.

Then I started to wonder, why hasn’t he

gotten up already. I walked towards him.

He was pale. My heart started racing, I

tried to wake him. He wouldn’t move, I

didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know if

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he was dead or what, I ran over to the

house phone and I tried to call my mom.

She didn’t answer. So I called 911, and

told them my dad wasn’t okay, that he

was on the couch and he was really pale

and wouldn’t wake up. They asked me the

address, I told them and they said the

paramedics are on their way.

I didn’t know what to do. I ran upstairs

crying, I went in my room, I got on my

knees by my bed. I put my hands

together, and I asked God, to make

everything better and let him change and

pull trough this to make a difference

and to let my mom come home. I hoped

everything was okay, the paramedics came

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through the door with a stretcher and

they checked for his pulse. They said it

was there but it was faded. They asked

me he some questions if he drunk or

smoked and stuff like that.

They let me ride in the ambulance with

them; I was scared that my dad was going

to die. We arrived to the hospital they

pulled him out of the ambulance and took

him in the hospital in a hurry.

Later on that day they told me that he

was going to be okay and that he will

pull through this. They tried to contact

my mom and she didn’t answer. Again I

felt alone, sad, and depressed. I hope

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this will change my dad so my mom will

maybe come back.

We stayed in the hospital for about two

days; they said he had a heart attack.

We went home and I thought about Gracen,

I didn’t meet her at the park like I

asked her to three days ago. Maybe she

will understand. If I even see her

again. I hope I will.


It’s been about a week since my mom

left, I wanted to go to the house phone

and try to call her. I did and she

finally answered, I asked her to come

back, that dad had a heart attack. She

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said that she wanted to see me but she

didn’t want to see John right now. I

asked her if she would ride by the local

park and talk to me and stuff she said

yeah, and told me to meet her down at

the park around 2:00 P.M. I was glad I

could get to see my mom.

I walked down to the park. Gracen was

there, I told her sorry about the other

day. She said what happened? I told her

that my dad had a heart attack. She said

she was so sorry, and she asked if he

was okay and I said yeah he is fine. I

told her that my mom is supposed to be

coming to the park in a little while.

The whole time I was talking to her I

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had a feeling I had never had before. It

felt like a winding feeling in my

stomach, and I liked it. My mom pulled

up in her car and I ran to her, with a

couple of tears going down my face. She

hugged me and hugged me, I told her that

I missed her so much and that I wished

she would come home. She said she would

only come home, if my dad would change

and stop getting angry all the time.

We talked for about an hour and she said

that she wishes she could come home, but

she was scared if she did that my dad

would beat her. So she didn’t she wanted

to wait for him to get better and get

off the alcohol and he needs to go to

The Story of Allen Banks

anger management. She told me to tell

him to call her so that they could talk,

I hugged her and I said mom I miss you

so much and that I hope your home soon.

She said that I’ll miss you so much too

and that she would be if he’d get

better. She said that she loved me and

she got in her car and drove off while

waving at me.

Gracen was on the swing set and I walked

over there, she asked me are you okay? I

told her yeah I was fine. I asked her if

she wanted to come over to my house

sometime and she said, sure. I was so

excited and I had that feeling in my

stomach again. I asked her is tomorrow

The Story of Allen Banks

okay? She said yeah, that’d work. She

smiled, I thought to myself how

beautiful her smile was, I wanted to

tell her but I didn’t.

I started walking away and the next

thing I know, I heard her say, “Allen

wait!” she ran up and hugged me and I

hugged her back. I can’t believe I found

someone who likes me. It makes me feel

good. So we stopped hugging and I went

home. I walked in the door and my dad

was in the kitchen, he asked me where

I’ve been and I said, “I was at the

park, mom told me to tell you to call

her.” He came up to me and told me, “son

I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you and

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your mom I know it hurts y’all but

sometimes I cant control it.” I felt

like I wanted to believe it but I don’t

know if I could or not so I said, “I

understand dad, can one of my friends

come over tomorrow?” he said, “sure, why

not.” I was excited and so I ran

upstairs and went to my bedroom and

turned on the TV. I watched TV for about

an hour then I fell asleep.


This morning I woke up to something

I never really woke up to. It smelt like

bacon. I went downstairs and my dad was

in the kitchen cooking, I was surprised.

The Story of Allen Banks

He never really cooked before. He was

either drunk, or fussing about

something. So I was surprised. He told

me, “I’m sorry about all that’s happened

and that this is to show you that I

really am.” And I said, “Thanks dad, it

means a lot!” I asked him did he ever

call mom, and he said yeah he did and

that she said that I needed to go to

anger management. I agreed with her.

I asked him if he was going to go and he

said yeah. I thought to myself, God

could do great and powerful things. Dad

fixed my plate and he sat down at the

table, it was bacon, biscuits, eggs, and

gravy, it was good. My dad has never

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done anything like this before, and I

had to get ready because Gracen was

coming over today.

I’m ready and I’m headed to the park

now, to see Gracen. I’m so excited! I’m

at the park now but she’s not here yet,

I’m setting on the swings to wait on

her, until I see a group of boys that I

know from school. They’re the ones that

usually bully me and stuff and now their

walking towards me, so I start walking

away from them and they’re still

following me. One of them says let’s get

him! I started running and they did too

I was scared, I wasn’t a fast runner so

they was catching up to me, and one of

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them pushes me to the ground the other

gets on top of me and spits in my face

and said that’s what you get for being a

loser! I tried to get away from them but

it didn’t work and the other one kicked

me while I was still on the ground, I

didn’t know what to do I tried getting

up then I finally got up, then a voice

in my head that said “take up for

yourself” I came up to the boy that

kicked me and I said go away before I

hurt you and he shoved me and said what

are you going to do, call and cry to

your mom? Then I got mad and said you

don’t know what goes on in my life and I

hit him really hard in the face and it

knocked him to the ground and the others

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boy held me and the boy I hit, he got up

and started hitting me and beating me

and then the next thing I knew was that

Gracen was yelling Stop! Stop! I said

stop! They finally stopped and said

don’t you ever hit me again and they

walked away.

Gracen asked what happened and I told

her all of it and she said I’m so sorry,

at least you tried taking up for

yourself Allen, I said thanks and she

grinned. I grinned back. She said I like

your smile, I said I like yours too.

Then she said lets go and get you

cleaned up.

The Story of Allen Banks

So we started walking to my house and we

got to my house and we walked in the

door and my dad was setting on the couch

watching TV and he asked “me who is your

friend, Allen?” and I said “her name is

Gracen.” he said “nice to meet you

Gracen.” and she said “nice to meet you

too.” We walked up to my bathroom to

clean myself up, then we went to my

bedroom, and she said your dad isn’t

that bad and I said he’s been acting

different ever since the heart attack. I

guess it changed him or something and I

hope he stays like this. I told her two

days from now ill turn 10 and she said

happy early birthday. So we talked and I

asked her do you want to go walking or

The Story of Allen Banks

something, and she said sure and grinned

and so did I.

So we walked downstairs and “I told my

dad that we we’re going walking.” and he

said “okay, be back in a couple of hours

or so” I said “okay.” and so we walked

out the door and I asked her where did

she want to go and she said she didn’t

care and so we just walked and talked

and I told her we needed to do something

together one day and she said I know,

what do you think we should do? And I

said maybe go to the movies or something

and she said that sounds good to me.

The Story of Allen Banks

We was headed back and we walked past my

house back to the park and I asked her

did she want me to walk her home and she

said only if you want to. And so I

walked her home and got back to my house

and my dad asked me if I had fun, and I

told him yeah I did. I asked him does he

miss mom, and he said yes I do it

finally made me realize what I’ve been

doing is wrong and that I shouldn’t be

doing that to y’all.

The next morning I called my mom and she

answered and asked me how I was doing

and I told her that I was fine, and I

said, I made a new friend at the park

the other day, and that it was a girl

The Story of Allen Banks

and she was really pretty, sweet, and

nice. She asked me if we was dating and

I said, no she’s just my friend she said

that her dad beats her mom, so we have a

lot in common. My mom asked me how was

dad doing, and I told her that ever

since he had the heart attack and ever

since you left that he had realized what

he has been doing was wrong, and he

hasn’t drunk ever since you left so

that’s good right? And she said yes son

that’s good, maybe I should come over

tomorrow and see how it works out. I was

excited. I said okay mom I got to go, I

love you and miss you, bye.


The Story of Allen Banks

The next morning I woke up and it

was 9 o’clock I went downstairs and got

something to eat and drink my dad was

upstairs still asleep. I can’t believe

tomorrow I’ll turn 10 years old, Gracen

said she would come over tomorrow for my

birthday. Everything seemed to be going

fine, I thought. I cant wait to see mom

today either everything seemed like it

would be okay. The next thing I know I

heard the doorbell ring and I was

wondering who it was so I got up from

the kitchen table and went and answered

the door and it was my mom she stepped

in and said hey son how are you doing, I

just hugged her and I said I’m doing

The Story of Allen Banks

fine, what about yourself? She said she

was good, and she asked where my dad was

and I said he is upstairs sleeping and

so she went up their as I followed in

behind her she knocked on their bedroom

door and he said who is it, in a mumble.

My mom said its Anna. My dad said “Anna?

Where have you been, I’m sorry for what

I’ve been doing to you and Allen I

really am and I want to make it up to

both of y’all.” She started crying and I

asked why was she crying and she said

that she had never seen him like this

before and that she was so happy and

that she hopes that he stays like this

she ran over to the bed and hugged him

like she’s never hugged him before and

The Story of Allen Banks

she said I love you, John and Allen! We

both said It back, me and my dad both

said we’re glad your back! Later on that

day my mom asked me if all of us wanted

to go to the movies or something and I

said yeah, can Gracen come? She said


So I went to the house phone to call her

house and this woman picked up, I’m

guessing it was her mom I said, “Hello

my name is Allen Banks, I’m a friend of

Grancen’s I was wondering if Gracen

could go to the movies with my family

tonight?” she said “yeah, why not?” and

I said “we will pick her up at 7

o’clock, is that okay?” she said, “yeah

The Story of Allen Banks

that’s fine.” I said “okay, thank you

Ms. Powers.” She said “anytime hun,

bye.” So I hung up and I was so happy.

We was getting ready to go pick up

Gracen for the movies and I was so

excited I had that feeling in my stomach

again! So we got to her house and I went

and knocked on her door, and her father

answered the door, he said, “How are you

doing tonight?” I said, “I’m fine, how

about yourself?” he said, “I’m doing

good, Gracen will be out in a minute.” I

said, “Okay, thanks! Have a good night!”

Then she came out beautiful as ever, the

most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen! She

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came up to the car and got in the back

seat where I was sitting. I said you

look good she said awe, thanks! So do

you! I said thanks! With a grin on my

face, so we went to the movies, and we

was in the theatre room watching the

movie when something really amazing

happened, she grabbed my hand and held

it throughout the movie it was the

happiest day of my life, I didn’t know

if we was dating or not but I didn’t

care we have a bond no one can break and

it was perfect.

We got finished watching the movie and

we walked out to the car we were both

smiling, I didn’t know if she was

The Story of Allen Banks

holding my hand as a girlfriend or not

but I didn’t care we got in the car and

sat down and drove her home. We got to

her house and she was about to get out

and I said “Gracen wait” she looked at

me and I hugged her and told her that I

had fun tonight! And she said she did to

and that maybe we can do it again

sometime. She grinned and I did too. I

said “bye, Gracen” she said “bye,

Allen.” So we headed home and I felt

like everything was going to be great

for now on.

The Story of Allen Banks

Several years passed and Allen and his

family done great together once again.


It is June 14th, 2013 I am 16 years

old now and I have a lot to tell. I

still live in the same place as I did 6

and ½ years ago but Gracen moved closer

to me, she almost lives right next door

to me. Gracen and I are still friends

and she’s been having boy trouble

lately, she would go on dates and boys

would take advantage of her and I wasn’t

going to let them do that. Not to her I

kicked several boys asses because they

The Story of Allen Banks

treated her like crap and she liked how

I took up for her. I did too.

I don’t guess we ever dated, we’ve just

been really close friends ever since

that one night at the movies. We still

go out like that sometimes, but I wish

she would like, dating me instead of all

them other douche bags. Maybe one day. I

mean every single one she has dated,

they’re all ass holes to her and stuff

like that. I don’t know why she even

messes with them.

When I was a kid I learned I needed to

stand up for my self and others. Now I

know that if I don’t sand up for my self

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they’ll keep doing what their doing. So

when I was younger I started taking up

for myself, and they eventually stopped

what they was doing to me.

As for my mom and dad they never hardly

fought anymore if they did it was about

understandable stuff like, when my mom

was on her PMS and was sometimes ill,

they sometimes fought then, but that’s

about the only time they ever fought

anymore. So it was a good thing.

Sometimes Gracen and I, go on walks and

its really fun. Well let’s get to the

present; I’m setting here on my bed

about to go walk to Gracen’s house. I

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walked down stairs and my mom was in the

kitchen and she told me good morning,

and she asked if I slept well and I said

yeah, how about you? She said just fine.

I asked her where dad was and she said

he went to go get oil for the car

because it needed changing. So I told

her I was about to go to Gracen’s house,

and she said okay be careful, and I said

I will mom, Love you. And so I was

headed towards Gracen’s house and I got

to her door and knocked on it and her

mom answered the door and said, “ALLEN!

How are you today?” I said “I’m fine

thanks for asking, how about you?” she

said “I’m doing just great!” and I said

“that’s good, is Gracen around?” and she

The Story of Allen Banks

said “No she’s with Jackson, speaking of

the devil. Their she is now.” I said,

“Okay, thanks Ms. Powers. Have a nice

day!” and she said “you too Hun!”

I walked over to Gracen’s car and I

said, “What’s up Gracey?” she said “Not

right now Allen, I’m fed up with all

these stupid, pathetic boys!” I said,

“are you okay, what happened?” she said

“I found out Jackson was cheating on

me!” and I said “I ought to kick that

boys ass!” she said “I wished you

would.” She started walking to her back

yard and lied down in this hammock that

she had and she asked me “do you want to

lie down too?” I said “sure.” So I lied

The Story of Allen Banks

down next to her. We were back to back

on the hammock. I liked it. So I grinned

and she said “Allen why do you like me?”

I sat there for a moment, and asked her

“what do you mean?” she said “I know you

like me, its really noticeable?” my face

turned red, I said, “It is?” She said,

“Yes, like how you take up for me, how

you talk to me, and even sometimes look

at me.” I sat there, and said “do you

like me?” and she said “of coarse I do!”

and I said “good, I’m glad you do.” We

sat there for a while just listening to

each other breath and the birds chirp,

for about 15 minutes and she said “are

you okay?” And I told her “yeah, I’m

fine, can I ask you a question Gracey?”

The Story of Allen Banks

she said “yes, anything.” So I said “why

do you date all these ass holes, when

I’ve been here for you the whole time?”

she said, “I have no idea Allen, I guess

because I was waiting on the right

time.” And I said, “is now the right

time?” she said “I don’t know is it?”

and I said, “I want it to be.” And she

said, “I do to.” I turned a faced her

and she turned and faced me too, we

looked into each other’s eyes and we

suddenly got closer and closer to each

others faces and then we ended up

kissing. It was one of the best days of

my life.

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We eventually got up off of the hammock

and I hugged her and kissed her and said

“I got to go, ill see you tomorrow?” and

she said “sure, ill see you tomorrow.” I

hugged her one more time and I said “bye

Gracey.” And she said “bye, Allen.”

I was on my way home, and I seen my dad

pull up in the drive way and get out of

the car, and I said, “what’s up, dad” he

said “not much son what about you?” I

said “nothing, coming back from Gracen’s

house.” He said “that’s cool, son. I got

to tell you something.” I said “what is

it dad?” he said, “I’m going to buy a

car for us to fix up. Does that sound

like fun?” I said “of coarse dad, sounds

The Story of Allen Banks

great to me!” I was excited because he

said, “ when it gets done the car will

be yours.” I said “Really???” with a

voice in excitement, and then he said

“lets go and look at that car son.” So

we got in the car and drove about 30

miles and we pulled up at this farm.

We got out of the car and a man was

standing outside and he said “how are

y’all doing today?” dad and I both said

“good how are you?” he said “ I’m fine,

are y’all here about the car?” and my

dad said “we sure are. Where’s the

beauty at?” he said “back here, ill take

y’all to her.” So we walked back their

to the back yard and it was in the barn

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and it was a 1969 Chevy Chevelle SS. I

was so excited and my dad gave him the

cash and he said I could drive it home.

I got in the car and drove off.

It needed a good bit of work done to it

but it was worth the price. I started it

up and I drove off in behind my dad. We

got home and I pulled behind the house

to the workshop and backed it in the

garage. I got out of the car and my dad

said, “let’s get started.” I said

“okay.” And so we popped the hood and

looked at the motor, it looks like it

needs a new one and so me and my dad

went and bought all the stuff we needed

to fix it up with.

The Story of Allen Banks

We finally got all the stuff and just

now got home. We pulled the truck around

back and my dad said lets get started.

It took a couple of days but we did it

and all she needed now was a new paint

job. I got in the car and started it up,

it sounded perfect. I drove to this

mechanic shop about 40 miles away from

where I lived and he said it would cost

$1,500.00 so I gave him the money and he

painted it within a couple of hours.

It dried and so I got in the car and

headed home it was a shinny red, and had

a five bar chrome rims on it, and custom

The Story of Allen Banks

SS tires on it. It was a beauty. I got

home and my dad was overwhelmed at how

good she looked.

I drove over to gracey’s house to show

her, and she said she loved it! I was
