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VoLrMK X.—No 4-1.








Aumn ukox ma« tAWATSA-nrtoAT A FRIGIITFIjL FACEJames Carroll Struck by Ligbt*

niiif; Friday.


WINS a Savwe EtectrkalUr.

■actcs fua Homc Witt tiM Dead Boir iatae wafM.

r*irnrt|iti|r tli#* rtiiiiitiir or lo«r..riiif( ' with a borkn or tw«». .. . ; of watw*. iiut it wa# fxiwdlnaly forth*^iiH^ta that tiH-api-rtioniiHait ^,^

«»f taxw* io a v»h^' larat* rity waw takiua liam. mm a f**w moin«ait8' Mart would pliM..*. i bar** |4arH<| it twyon*! roiitml. 4 In Mun-

it waiiaiid hai* l-*.ai .d jiiM om 1___ II I Mindiroaii farm, in IMW itt. wa» ►truck,prcrioua day. on** of ahoin an»wcr*'d the > Jioi"t“ |*arti^ ''**'*J'^*'^*’ '***' but tb** damaa** an* ii<»minal, Katiirday

lhai luoiiiefil In* lav in dierriiiiMiii ifiv*ai by .\fr. Mark of hi* If tla* Kiwn w«*r»* t«*ii time* a* laiaw. but|( wni, v**ry eriilcnt iiuu*ual f*N«tiiri* a‘a* that tb** iimhii*

bar* of th«* iNiard went at the thnire* iCatiNa>*«l. iiatnmer an«i tona*. and made manr iiii|iortaBt rbniiae*.

Tliere wen* minie bin**** in a**i**in>**nt*

.V wibl te*ini daabimr up the nawlway at full *|ie(*d, without any driv*w, wiw til*. M'eiH* which ifn*et**l .Mr*. Jam*** t'ar- niir* ey**. at her hona* in iMiplaiii town* ►hip. Friday lH*t. Tlie team turne.1 and came into her d»K»rway, wliere tliey *top|ie<l near tin* Imm. Sh** m<•in»i**'«l her huMi*aiid'* pn>|ierty.

Hut an Iniur ledon*. lie had iHt tin* hoiiee. intetMliiitf t«i work on a diaiant |ile«'e of laud, .kt tlie laittom ol the wamHi Im»x. with hi* clotlM** burned anil t*»ni. with hi* hnit •plit o|NH and with life extinct.

Tlie exa*'t iiuinner of hi* ileath will never be known, a* then* xva* no »nie to xvitnea* the affair, ami tla* only li|M which miirhl have tohl th*’ *tory wen* *eale«! in death.

When Mr. 4'aiToll U-ft liome it look**! like a *lorm. but lie Numiieed tliat it iniirht pa** anmnd. and concindeil to I**- inn the work whk-h In* liad in hand. He dno'e away i»* u*iial, wltlnnit tie* *litrht* .wt thoiurht that it wa* th** la*t time lie would l*N*ve tlie farm hon*e wlien* hi* wif** ami *eveii chlldn*n lix***!.

Fmm all tlie •.iiiroiindliur cinnini- ►tame*. the family have coiiclmleil thiii when the *iomi came up Mr 4’amill Miuirht *lielter under a tn*** at tin* nmd* aide Tla* ***14011* burn* xvhich tla* InnIv

fxiiitaiia**! indicate tliat •l**atli wa* in* Htantaiieoit*. The rta>*li and tin* **la*-k no doiilit friirhten»il tlie l•*llm, and tliey *tarte*l on a nin for home.

Tile axx'fnl •lio*'k to Mr*. • arndl wh«*n , ►be ni*liei| from tla* iioii**- and found lier liu*liand dead, tla* Inaly lyinu flat on tla* laittom of tla* xva|t«*n. cniiliot U* d*—- crila*«l. but tla* pH'tiin* of that «*ene xvlll iierer •*► fonroit*m.

It wti* foiiial that the litfhtninu had *nt*-n**i m*nr tla* •hniilder ami left tla* ImmIv at the bait. whi«*b wa* Imdly miiiitfle«|. «m tla* man * bmuit wen* *ev- end Inrm* bnni*. and hi* »hirt wa* tom o|H*ii down it* **ntin* leiiKili, a* wen* hi* pantaloon*.

Mr* r.irroll liii** tlie d«*e|a.*t ►ympathx of ie-r iienrlilair* and fri«*nd*. who did all ill**!' •••add Io ciiiiibirt la*r. Tla* d***id man wa- .iIhuii JI.’i y«*ai> of ain*. ami u a*, tla- ooii • if .laiia** f am ill. lb* ll■n\•a• |M.,.Hb**> hi« own family, hi* fatlier. *»*ver- al brotla-r* and tno ►i*ier*. They had n'*>ide<l in that |Mirtion ot the county for manv vear*

The finb'nil ..Tvic*— were belli Moinlay aftemiMiii at the MetlaMli*i < |iun*li in l*ii> plain.

Mr. AMtl Mr*. Ilmiry Mack ware arofMvd at tiMr btaa* ua Walker •tr«*t about two o’rl<ick Tii**day muralaa by the liarkiaic of their dt g. Mm. Mack ia* formed her huaband taat ab* bdirred MOiaeoa* wa* attaaiuting to opra a door ue tbe rcraada at tb* back u( tbr boaae. Mr. Muck wa* mmni in tbe room arbere tb* Buiae had breu heard, aad foaad that *otn*<N»e wa* kuorkiufc at the dour. Hr opeaed it and a*k«d what wa* waated.

• “lam after Mume iafonnatioa.” aaid a mau who Htood aear th* door, “caa you

' tell ON* where the FuKM Hcbool booaei*?*' Well Ihi* i* a Qae lime of night to baadi- iug for sueli iniormatioa, aaid Mr. Mack, a* be aunreyed tbe Mlow. “rregot a tenin oat then*, aud I waat toModtbetii'' coBtinned tbe man, a* be waited for an HONwer. lie wa* diracted by Mr. Mack to tbe place in mo«t lomihle tone*, and wa* about to iiuihble alHiat tbe direc- tiuae. when lie wa* adriaed to i|uickly make hiniaelf mighty anam*. He had nn acMiicr iWt the (ilace than another man wa* Meen to com** up the walk on tbe u|i- fMiaite abb* of th** atrtet ami atart in the direction whb-h tbe tirat fiarty liad gom*. .Nothing mun* u'a* aeen iil the pair. TIh* next day .Mr. Mimk rc|Mirl»d tin* matter to Marahul Keeney, who aaid that he had neen n (*ouple of *uepiciou* looking chamrtem arouud town the

^lauy to tiKof Review.

chan(;ks in assessments

iar an Ktads al Af-

It or the Ml Bacreased la the Wclghbofhoad of $iao,ooo.

The Ikmnl of Keview for the village of .*tt. John*, whirli ha* lieeti in neadoii dur­ing tlie |ia*t week, ha* doniieii all kind* of inetni|iolit»ii mr*. and it might have lieeii imagiiieil fnini aoiiie of tlie lieHttxl iliaciiMMon* whicli liave taken plan* of an

The ihuader atnmw during tbe post «mck bare **pi*yad hwoc** in many pUom, aad no \mm than aevao oa*m fd build­ing* or animal* hare bam atmek in i1iu- ton oonaty aad reported to Herretory iiitMm, ot tbe Fnrroet*' Mutoni fnanr- nnee t'lHnpany. Tbe fortnnate feature •■OBiierted with tbe “atrikfw” i* that al* muet no damage ha* been done, aad nor a building ha* been burned. Tb* bonee on the IVmbrook Hock fnmi in llengal, whirb I* occupied by Arthur Bullard, wa* atruck Pridar, but no damage re* ■ulted. Ihtring tbe eame Htorm. a heifer OB the O. L. rtpaaldiag form wa* atmek and killed, fin Hunday altermMMi tbe bam oo the Michael llyao fami in Ben­gal wa* atmek, a* wo* alao tbe ham on Franci* Brown’* farm in the *ame town* *hip. It hapfwneii at tbe Brown ham that two of Mr. Brown’* *00* were in the ham, and wlien they recorered from the momentary stupor, which fi.ilowed tbe entrance of tbe Huid into the iaiildiag, they noticed war up in the roof that a lieani wa* alln*. They *«niu extin*

Were tfee Qfwves of Norocs Decoritod.



St. Ceaetcry IfcrerIcMitfbl.

Hohllrr* In nn**! IMrieler* ot o*r aoll! U'bo fr«>*i ileatnictlon iMirr *■; who lm*iI'rfitert thr aoa* of |ieMce, who traOr «>r who

t«>ILU'onht i r«>*hl <t«ly (•mlM* you, that Mich

Mr*. Hlepbea (’haiHnau dkd at tha'Qlyi home of her son. R. F. I'hapmau.on Hail* road afreet. Maturday evening at o'cloak, after an illnewi of two weak*, attbe ag«* of M year*. Her. W. L. flolmni ^ -----conducted the funeral aarrion i at thebou» .Mawiny imping at If o’etoek. • \\ AS HOkKIBL\ POl NDED

' making aoine very fitting rMnnrk*, com* |fortiug to the bereaved rebitire* aad ----------------—

MW AtiMMi- ' "ud auggeation* of good to all. ,The remain* wrere laid to raat in tbe liu* I plain iwmetery by the atdeof brrbueiiand,! who died oearir Bfi yearn ago. Angelina Mariah Turner wo* bora in f'aaada io

eafcea Itorc At about tbe age of 2fi, *be wa* i‘ married to Htepben f’hapmau. Hix cbil-• dmi were bom to them, four of whom,8. M. f'hapnuui, at Poplar Blnfl*. Mo., j Mr*. Leri Mfiiaaey, of f'aaada. It. F. j f'bapniau aad Mr*, fi. Blanchanl of .St. i Juba*. HurTire her. She ha* been a r**i-

ANmI Loo«is to M At- MMlt Satimtoy.

liTMl PatiM IMd itr TrM ter Mm

Both of tbe Parties Beside Over laGreea* bash TownsIMp.

•Mr foe* might might mol.

honor find yoar frteail*

mo*t bmtai a**ault occured over in Ciraenbttsh towtialiip. on the fami of W.

dent of Hinton cnaaty for fifty year*, l T. Ifnvie*. Ia«t Saturday, when Urael tiariag moved ber* writh her family in' Patten and Alliert Lotiini* lierame in* lM4ti, wliere tbt^ Neftleil on a fami in j rolred In a •|uarrel in miine manner iwd linplain township. In 1871 herhoaband iMtomim' tm^ wn« horribly Itenten and panitl away, luid aince that timealie ha* hniined a* tlie onttxiiue of it. For a time mail* her home with lier Mon. It. F. i'ha|e it w’a* *aid that tlierx* waM*<in>ei|iiewtion man. recenilv of lia|»l«iu. uatil neren i wliether 1.4><»roi* wouhl nurrive the

'RAMMI:.Not an .American cti*lom in more l•enll-

.if"*™.’.f-..:*""?* i ■> •?■«"”« '-'5" «

ilmd to l**Mtrewn with tlower*. It hon­or* him xvho bravely atmNl u|Min the

.Mr. Mark of hi* nuctnmMl rinitor. It wo* very arhient that tin* imrtiee were either very drank, craxy, nr had n mure im|M>rtaat miaaion oo hand than finding the Itjeatiou of the •trfaool huildiitg. Tin* name |tartie* ahn

a home lielonging to .tnthonv F«<dewn. in Flagh*, waa^ntnick and killed. The animal, it i* aaid. wa* not worth to ex- •ecd $7.*.

nurw the path i»f deathalreat and when the lag dogwa* whiatleri for. they hnrridly left. It i* re|iort^ that they alno railed at Wm. fVickraoe'*.

ALiMNi tins u;ar.HtOH MTHOOL (IR.%l»t’ATKH AMR


For the tlrMt time io many year* the member* of tbe variou* graduating claaaeii of the St. John* high nchool tt'ill iiwet and go over old lialtle* together. .Not Mwe the meeting in 'HO ha* a meet ing of the nuciety lieeti iield. It i* inr •

I (lom-d to make the banquet thi* anmnter ' a* •■njoyable ** it will be ponaibh* to do. Tber>* are *li I iiere in St. .lohnnand with­in nn acn N«ible di*tincc a large numtier of gradoutte. MO that it will he iHmeible to have a larg<* attemlaoo*. Then- are now **v<*ral claaaee. tin* member* of which hare never been |ierroitte<l to at­tend a meeting of the orgauiinlion of which theyHreniemlier*hy**inherit.ince.” iiMlee>l, theottierr* of the .\lumm .Vmmio- aiion were verx mucli Miir{iri*e«| to find over 2fi*i iiHine. on the lint ol graiinaleM. .Mr. and .Mr*, fl. W. Mniig*‘r have con- *«*ntM| to thro* o|»en their lioune lor the liHiiquet. Tlie otticern of th«* niwoctalion arc: Pneidetit, Mr* K. H. I.yon: vice prewident, Mr*. Thoma* Bmmley Jr.. MM*n*tary. .Mi** .Hire Kelly: treanurer. Mi** FraiMw* .Nehum. The variou* c«»m- mitt*ee to take th** matter in chnrg*- will lie ap|Miintid thi* week.



It i* naie to iiwaime that Mr*. H. H. .Mcf'abe will not mmiii forget that F'ridny laat wa* her larthiiay. \ |iarty of her friend* arraugixl n little entertaiiiineiil to help her to coiiiroemnrnte the ilay and they Ml nothing undone. .Mr* Mrt'al*- WM* ready lor lier gu»etM, however, and tlie Murprwe wa* a* much on the gu«e|* a* on the hoate**. Tb«> ladle* were met at tin* door l»y a atiff laiekeri butler of <lark hue. who iMite a ntnckiog reeem- hlanc<‘ (when the maNk wa* off - to M«>nie- one of that locality. Mr*. MH'ai**'* c<i*- tume wa* preiMire«i for tlie ocraaion, and wa* H* linght a* Monieof the hrilliant rcfiurtM* lieanl dunng the coura** oi tin* evening. Thk NKUMiacka——Mfiace to go int«; ttie detail* ol tie* frwat, hut it will •uttice to chrtmicle the fact that n«*ver hefor** had tie- hulie* eojoyrti tlaanaelrr* more than on thi* evening. Hiiring tin* aftemtHin ii huge fNii'kage wn* •wmt to the litaiae •'ontainiug flity-two choice art- ichw which had Ixvii pan*liaead from the fienny counter at Muim* Itaxaar.

mliued it* rapital kt/o.fMNi during the year and thi* rrdnetion. together with otlier*. meant that either Mimething iniuit I** found to take it* idiue or tlie ^ rate wonid cr*et> up for tla* next a**e**., ment.

.\t leant a huiMlnwl or more i liatige* were made in the Hgnre* taketi liy the aaeewaor*. .\* far ii* iMwailile Aaaeaaorj Mnmhali miMie it a point to notify the imrtie* wIioNH mweaameiit* wereiiicnttNed nml they were given an opiiortunity to , ap|tenr l•efore the IhNird iinii nhiiw caiiae i on‘o**o why they Nhould not [my taxe* on tlie amount the lloanl liad decnleil they *hoiild.

In many ca*e* tho*e who were invitml iwx-efited the inviliition and came wi h tigiiree and Itnok* and attorney* and fortitieil ill otlier way* to ixmviihe tlie Ibianl that th«* iiicreane would not lie Mpiitable. In a few ea*e* tih-ahowing made had It* effeet ami the amount which IiimI lieen iiei-i«le«| u|Min wa* loxv- ereil. 4intl III other* it wa* like a doleful a|i|*ml to Kgx'|tliaii *phiiixeM. In *till other ctiae* tie- [mrtiMt did not ap|(ear.

I'lider the mov law telephoa* mmiNi- iiieH arv <»|tlige<i to [my atww**ment* in tlie variou* village* and citie* wlien* tliey o|H*raie and tin* Hell Tdephom* f'om|Niny wn* [tlmetl on tlie mil* for S^.Tiffl and tli* National Tei-pimnef'om- imiiy for ^.'I.Hihi. It i* ►aid tliat tlie .Si|. premel'oiirr may hold thi« law iinctui. ►titiitiona*. in which ca*e tlie taxe* on thi* Hinoniit will lie Iomi to tiie viiiag**.

In round tlgiire* tin* amount of tiie roll wa* given a net im-nxiaeof $|fifl,iiiHi liy tile Hoanl. over the amount net hy tlie a**««**on«. Tlie Ihmnl thi* year i* com- im>*m) of .lenne .Sullivan ami F^iwanl Hmwn in addition to .\**ew*or Miimhall.

I'nilNibly mon* change* wvn* made thi* year than ever liefon* a* tlien* xvere many a*Mr*«ment* incmaaed *mall ►iini*. In a large numliei of cnee* tlie amount of iiH-rea*e dnl not exce»*l one or f Wo hniidn*! dnllar*. but in tiie aggre- gat«‘, of coiirwe it ixainteil ii|i.



ltii<*|i*U l>)r • Hair** M* Hriaa Rw* imaa



AMR: HHIflllT.

The visit of tbe Ht. John* ladie* at lost week I'aim* near tiriog

marred by an awfni acdiMat. aud tlm encafie of four iadim of thi* [ilare. wa* «u miracniou* that it make* tbe blood ran f*uld to think of it. IinmetliatHy after tlie ladle* arrix'iil in the Hty they were taken inrarriag** to tbef'ougregationnl chnrrh. In om* surrey lieaide* the driver wereneatMl Mr*. W. H. BruiiiMin, .Mr*. Frank Weller. Mr*. J. H. Wheat ami Mi*,, feha Hmitli. The driver atarteil uptown and juMt a block north of the *tation wa* obliged to enm* the track* oi tl** .\iin .YrtMir mad. It adaugerou*cm**- iug lierauae of the large pile* of Inmiter which oliarure a view down the track. No noise of a train wa* lieard a* the cniaaing xra* reached, and jiiat a* the horwe wa* alMiiit to atefi on tiie track dfiwn oaiiie a thundering locomotive. With rare preeenn* ol turned hi* lioiw to tbe aide and the train ni*he«l hy within r*acli of the carriage. The horse had lairtially cni*i*Hl the track, but lortunatHy the tuirrey could lie turueil in a nhort sfiace and tlie ladle* were*ax*eil. Tlie *h«**k uniierTMl several ul the them «o that they could not get the picture from mind* during the day. .V* one of the occuiianl* of tbe carriage r markeil to Thk .Nkw*." •‘Y*** ,‘t wa* an exceedingly clone rail, ami wlien I be­gan to think of the *enou* [Miaition we

Held ol liattle. lead.V to vield Up hi* life If ne**! la*, ami at tin* *aiiie tine* It teaclie* the n*ing generation a )*N*oii in [laiHot- * i*in ami loyalty whiHi will last ‘‘nntil our race ha* mil It* •■ourae."

It in a day mo«t Macred in the memory ; of thone wla*** father*, brottier* ami { hiinitfuid* an* *l«efiing tin* last long nieep ufMai Mime niiiiny hilUnle in tbe Hty of tlie ileatl. !

.Nor i* it alum* to those who liave lieeti i tliii* Hoaeiy toucheil tliat tlie day iwair* . thi* solemn *ignitii am-e. for the lUiniiai i demonstration on thi* day, eacli .tear, 1*1 moat coiicliiaive pnMif that th«* [leofileit* ■ a nation reven* the tiny lunl so long a* flowem grow, Ml long will tlie grave* of J tlie iu«ti who xvore the bine, la* markial ■ each Mav tlay, with floral tribute* in j honor oi the Imiverx-. iiianbmMl and loyalty which tliey diaplayeil in a of national ili*H*ler.

Tile «lay in .Ht. John* wa* olwerved in a manner lieNtting it* Miiemnity. .Nature Hiiiiled ii|Min tin* da.v and not a cloud wa* vi*able ill tin* Idae *k.v lunl the fresh, Ititlmy air ami Miinahine contrilaited to a very targe attemlnme. From early morning until mH>ti the airvet* leading loHt. .lohti* I'eme.ery weie alive with veliicle* and fieopieafoot i-HiTyingHower* and it i» sale to mii> that never iieftir* ha* tlie «x*meierx' liNike<| more iimutiful. The late rain* had iimught tlie gra** and all vegetufion forxvani mi rapidl.v tiiiit it l«Nike«l it*ell in holida.v attire.

I'mmptly at oneo'HiM-k the pr«*’e**ion foniiMl on f lintoii ax'etiiie, in tbe onler givtai in tlie (inignim piilili*lie<] last w.**k Tlie iiiar-h wa* miuh* to tie* •eineiery and after the .xaiipletioii of tlie l•ealltiflll *ervice* tlieir return wa* made III tile ctiiiri'h.

Tile oration, wliidi wa* deilverMi liy John < t. Win*hip. of iTex'elaml. fthio, at tiie .MetluMli*! clinn’h. a •oiiiide«l in patri­otic ittteranrte. lie drew n touching ami ieali*lic’pH-tiin’ of th*- volunteer* who made ii|i tin* gixtit army from 'HI to’ll,*. MfMikeofthe ex trenm youth. Iillt ii*aal.v couragi’ ami Miidieri.v iMfiring.


to live with her dMUghrer.Mr*.l> Hlauch- pre«*nt and will, no douiit. get well, al- ard. Kariy in tiie winter, oo aoconnt of - though it will !*• a long time twfore be the illnen* of her daughter, «be returned i ivill recover fmm the frightful imni^ t4i the homenflterMMi.on lladmad street, j nient whh-h Im’ received ami be will ik> wliere *he [MiNMed the remainder of lier i diaibt carrx'tlieMtir* of tlie a**ault to dn.v*. Hh«- hIwiiv* lead an industriou* hi* grave with him.and active life. Her taith in the Savior, Tliere have been inan.v contlictiiig wa* strung from cariHait chidhoot], ami "torie* rrganiing tbe affair afl<iat. and in late year*. *bc wa* patiently awaiting owing to I.«Himi*' aeriou* •■onditi'on it tlie call of her .Master. i ha* luvn iinp«i*sibie to get at tlie fart*

------— ' fmm him in the i-oMe.I It appear* that Patten Imd lieefi at I work dtiwn in a Held dragging and that

---------- I I.4M>mi* wa* *ent ilown to take hispliuw.RRTBRTAIRRI) WT. JfiHR* LAUIMH <»R ' While this change wa* Iwing inade the

BATimnAr LAST. I troubleam*e.______ j " lien I.onmi* retimied to th*- houoe

Tbe inemlier* .M tbe I.adie-' Uierary I**" Ir^o *** " '''*^* **!"' «^»^'l'»v*tioned dub. who Vi*ite.l f isoaao last Satuniav i ^ V' '»»*•«*«' »• "'hichootbeinvllationoltbeWonHm’*Uterar> ""aad Current Topic* dub, of that citv re- ' ***** ***• ** '•‘V* "’“TTport that they wen* very nk^.v enter- **.*. .'"Hniier ^ t<i mangle hi* face,

time' tained. .k tiae breakfa*t wa* a*rve<| in i the parlor* of thcCongragationaicbi.r^. where over a luudrcd cover* were laid.Mr*. Partnela Patterson, correaponding serretary of the State Foderntioii of

such a- manner a* t<i „ ____.klMiut that time Patten i* aaid to l^ve

, ratiirned fmm tbe Hehl and overiiearing I what l.«Kiiiii* wa* aayiiig t«> have re- ; iiiarktxi:

“He didn’t do anything of the kind,Women's dub* gave an addr***. Mr*, f). W. Munger nwpoiided to a toast on “.\rt.’' which wn* enthneiaetiealiy

we got into a tight ami I self."

I did Unit mv-

Patten wiuiiirrenteil hy liepnty Sheriffoeived. Mr*. Manger tonml h.r aubfwt i ‘'fughtto tbe “art” whiTb women dUpiav ^T*’*'’*^**"*' J*"' , »«ken“manngiiig''mnn. and in a very b^iqiy j '-oMnd over tovein t«H»k advantage of tbe huinomo* • • ******!* for trial,aideol tbe*abiect tho* afforxkd. and eo- , ^**.***!l.lT'**I ’ " *“• •"*«*tertained her hearer* with a moat logen-1 *t!i*^** *1*^* J.*”** ' than theion* nciion*r < nim* of murder.

Following tbe bamiiiet tbe la.lH« were giwnadrivenmuml tbeeity.alterwhich ‘“‘.'C, *aiK»lenan informal meption wa* held at the \ T* a .home of Mr*. Albert Todd. Among tiawe rV**''*and i.uff«l up

.M. .\. Iliiiae. Mr*. U. C. Dexter. Mr*. B. 'D. f'a'roer. Mr*, fleo. W. N'ey, .Mr*. K, I. ibMiliug. Mr* M. Welter, Ml*. T. Bromley

tliat lie and hi*

f'rtim l..iii*lii* llrtiiilillrnn—The home nieinlier* of the l.uuaing. St.

John* A St. l^ini* Klertrh’ ilailway cum*[laiiy are rnneh gralifle«| airh tlie ft*4ing nhowii foeiird tta* (imiect aud the [ironi-i**e to auiierrthe hir a coneiderahle were [dared in I liecaiite really frightened mi wtMt, luit a great and lia|ipy country.

miiiil Ih*. ilrtrer The home [larting* <if file lint«»hl thoU*- miiiu. loe inxer thmiigliont the north wa* vividly

[lictiireii tliriaigii an illiiatralion of tlie *|ieaker‘* own exiierieiN'e. which lia|»- iiened in a little viliaiT’ III -Maim' wliere ite reaideil wtieli tile reU-llion broke nut ami wlien him*elf and *ome sixty of iii* M-lHHilmatee eniiTMl the *erx‘i*x‘ of their coiintrx'. lie [Niid a liigh trilaite to the veteran* liefore him and of ilieir cftm- nide* in arm* diimiu that trx ing [leriiMl in iMir niilion'* hixtor.v niid M[Mike in touching term* «if tiie loynity atid [latri- otiatii of the motlier*. wive*. «i*tcr* and ►weetiieart* wiio remained at liome lint not in nllefie** Memonal Day. m thi* «Nx-a*ion. mean* more to the nation than ever l«efon* Tie* war w ith S|>ain had mmie a r«-iinite«l country until to day there wa* no north, no »outh. noeiiMt,

Jr., .MrM.C.C. Vaughan, Mr*, f f. W. Munger Mr*. Frank Ward. Mr*. Frank Hyatt, Mi** SadieItyao.-Mi** Anon Dooliiig. MiiwtCad- dh* .Shaver. Mia* I'eiia Smith, Mr*. H. fioette, .Mr*. K. Smith, Mr*. Frank Fiixnii, Mr*. If. W. .Morris, Mr*. Frank Wriler. Mr*. F. Travis, Mr*. I.<ewi* Serernm'**, Mr*, (leo. Waldron, Mr*. Kd. Hughe*. Mr*, f!. K. VanSickle, Mr*. M. Bahi-ock, Mr*. W. H. Bruoaoii, Mr*. Dr. Jones, Mr*. B. V. Soule.

ocmI,Patten claim* that liegan tlie

annanlt and that he wa* obliged, in iwlf def line, to [imtect himnelf. He insist* that he only struck Lainmi* five or six time* in the face and that with hi* fist*.



MAN Vthr: law RINDtlfT OR THRM.

FlItST TIME IN L![iranent* were from fhegneataof flM-ercii

YKAItS'"** -----------------MR*. CI..%HI**A



anMMint of stock, ffwing to |irrnMng himinew matter* work in soliciting *al> scrtpfioii* iin* lieen iMerreO until now. It i* ex|ss*te«| that Ate[iM will at once In- taken to iimmnte this work. It i*r«intl- ilentially lieiievMl that they will Mucreeil.

Tbefs* The people north on th*- 'Im- an- very eti- thiiNia«ri<- aa«l the effort* raad<- at lain- ►iOK will have mneh to do with tbe work along the route. Tbe Inyalt.v of I.AU«og citixea* ran lie de[ienilet| ii|M>n to fnrwani thin entenmie to Hie utmost. The great

and I foumi it hani tn fre*- my mind fmm the unpieaaaiit efiiamle.’* It wa* rc- [Mirted on the atraet* ol St. John* during tlie altenKMiii that the ladle* had been thrown on th*- track aud some of them hurt. Fiitil tb«-rtiinor wn* contradirt*tf there w«Ti- Nome very uneasy men Iiere. What might have haiqietisd if tbe h«it>e

.Although living within HlmiMt a -tone'* throw of St. .Ii»bn*, on tlie farm of tier son *oiitli nf town, .Mm. f'larissH


f'liarles .Arthur, wb«i live* in Victor low ti*iii[i, i* fxmtiiirfl at tin- county jail

flag , mother of I nder Sheriff If. I’.ftagv on a charge <»i M-lliag Ihiuor without alin-nne. .\ warrant ha* also lieea Msiirdwfi*mSt. John* last w*«ek forfhetimt

lime in thirtexu year*. Mr*. Hag*' i» con*ideraIlly cri[if»l«xl with rh<*umati*m and tor that reason seldom ritle* out. SIh- wra* in th** nouth [Mrt of tbe Tillage- some yearn ago. Init dhl aot get down town. She drove ihmngh -St. John* at the tiim- the wall* were being laal for Tlie St*-ri. and thus *aw tliat handsome hisitiery i«*t wre*k for the drat time. .A* she remember*d tb*- court yard it wa* a meadow, ami *be wa* inoHi imprr*w>i| with tb** many imfimvement* which have been wmnght in the down aad one year* Water w«»rii*, eiertrii light*, ga*. Newer* and many nf tbe mihstaatiai im- pmv*m»nt* of tbe tnwm have lawn cno- ntrocted mace Air*, flage* last trip into town. YVhile here *be wa* acmm[iaaie«l to a photograph gallery hy Mr*. H. N. f'arpenter. lAwi* f'arpeater, aad MMter ” * I.,. fUrtwaiter. where tbe> luul a

in taken, rrprenentiag l<»nr Mr*, flage. altbimgt*

ywRmi of age i* bright aad active mental- i iy. aad neemwl to ewfoy ber little vMt a*' oRe who bail been away no long might | he expected to, hot she aa.v* that Nbei rare* little for tbe exritemi iit nf “citv H»e.”


for the arreet of hie hmther .\ndr**w. who I* rhargeif with tlie Miuie offence. Tb«- Bound I.ake reeort wa* u|ieae<i laat Friilay. and the .Arthur hmther* had a lent pitrlieri along tli*- madnide wlien- tbey wen* nellinM what they aay wa* pu[i aud varion* other kind* of *^t drink*. It ischargeil that several men and hoy* were MNnewhat intoxicated during the day and that tin* dnnk* which they ne- rareri at tic* tent contribnt**i to that •'unditkin. .Arthur will be examiiird next .Monday.

C*w*newH*w*l CkareN Nwto*.Saaday nervie** at tbe naaal hour.

Moroiag *fib)ect. “finr .New fbnrrh," evsniag anbMct. “The f Md Faitli.”.

Wooiea’* .Aa*ociatioa meet* next Tu«w- day afternoon at *J:Afl. .All member* of tbe flrwt divtaion will meet Thunwlay afternoon June h.

Tbeaemnd divieioa will meet Friday afternoon Jane U, at *J:«‘lfi.

Tbe l.adi*** .Mbwioaery wocietkwi of onr acBomatioa meet at f ivid next week Wed- iM*daT aad Thamday Jane 7, aad N.

Iieoettt to I ADsing fmm this Inter-iirhaii ... •line rannot well lie overestimated. [ilniigeil forwnrtl. or {umfieil to tbe►Ihiii* and lieadqnarter* will be located i* tiHi unpleasant to eren *|iernlHte with Ntatinn* of some inqiortance alcNMC the Hoe. The employment of men will be large and oi a cloia* which will Iw of i*oa- Mdernbl* lieoeflt. It i* gathered front the opinion of those liriug ontaide of tb«- ity that if lAOsiag ■urraed* in getting

inter-urban I'onnection* tbe growth of tbe place will be very great for the next few year*. Tbe *to^ mibarribrxl for i« expert to lie Worth it* face mine, l•e«ilics lieiiig of great valoe to the city.

•Ml aad the Imlie* and their friend* hel verx- gnilHul at their eecai**.



FDI ND DKADmtunmm tali.



Henry Terry, a DeWitt farmer, wro* found dead in h*d Hntardny morning. He wna in Ms uenal health when be re­tired the pfwvMm* evsniag. I wmi abont W) year* of age aad an to baart tMeena*. H •nd onedangbier. Mm. f'bae. SInaa. of tieWift. Funeral at ’J p. m. Wi darndny at <be finanieonvilie ebnreb.

Owatplalwl Wonasaww.The fore paft of the week AA*. D. Jsnni-

: son. nf Victor, appeared li*f«ife PnMsrui- I ing Attfirtiey Smith and made a fnnnal ' rei|ii**t for tbe withdrawal of the charge i of adnitery, which he had [wrferrwl ^against lairsaso Kameey, whnformeriv -'lived in the name town. f’oder the I statute, in •■an** •»( tM* character, the- onlv wairwe left the l‘r«m*rnt«ir i* to ; nolle pmaei the raee, which wa* done,- aiwl Knnawy wa* given hi* freedom. He i had Iwsti in [ail for nearly two montbe.

Mwe rewee IH*e«le.Heorx Fehr ami fte«i. Jiirx tire in the

•‘onrt* ox-er a line f*m-i- di*[nite. .Iur>' *-ierred a noat t«i •ii[i[Mirt a new wire feme on wWt Fehr clidm* i* hi* land nml in doing so he i* wllsged to havelet ihiwti NoriH* iMNtrd* which admitted Jury'* «xiw* to Fehr'* laiwl. .At thi* innctiire Fehr • ■listed the [MMit whh-h let •hiwii a [lor- tinn of tbe fMice ami Jnrr swiire out a

.Atmat flft.T member* of St. John* f'om- inaudry Knight* Templar dmve out tn Major D. S. French'* home north of town, laat eveniag. aad in fall regalia and with •Irnm •'orp*. walkeil in on the Alajor.

tile stronger iiikI lietter Nir th*- crucial lent* tlimle wliell n goVernilKHlt [leople wn* mi triiil. Th** han*l •>! fiiNl wn* ill tliat war and lie “let •inwn the luir*” that *lnverx might n«i longer ile- fiM-e or ranr ft** |ierff*-tne** of onr Itan- iMW. II*- “let d*iwn tie* liar*" for tl** *ak<* of hnniHnif.v ami S|Hila met <ief«Ht iind liniiiiliatioii l•ef•rr•* all the world, lb* [•h-ttireil liewey Miiling into .Manila Boy amlileatmying theS[>ani*h fleet and tiild of the •lestnn-tion Sain|MMiii vislte*! upon f'ervera. AA'** ilhl not •alter .Asiatic water* forcon*|ii*Nt. fiod “let ilnwn the l•Hr*'’ iiml ffld fthirx' Hoar* iiver tla* islaml* «»f tla* PhiliiqHne* a* Hi* ilerree, Itecause •inr nation will never agnin ►toml 4U«ine aiming tlie [Miwer* of tlie world. 1 Mir flog i* th*we to stay Imt'imiw* •■niiinierce itotl trmle and tlie interest* of hniiinnily demnml it."

.A Mext<*t of male voire* fnrnialieil tlie muni*- which wa* ex«'e[itintially tine. Tlie gentlemen wh«i •*«tm|NMM*i the numlier Were ifirani Bm**, II. AA'. Holton, fte«i. AA')NM|niff. K. J. Abiinet. .A. J. Hh-k* ond .Norman Kiihn*.

f'oinniamler J. I«. Bing read tliefaiiMoi* speech of l.im-oln nt ftettysburg, feeL ingiy niwl xvith splendid •anphiwa*.

I.ittle Bnrnice Bii*h read a MemitrtalMr*. Frett^ wa* “next" to th- pmpo^ = Hay rw itntinn in tlm chormitig manner program ami rbe •qiariow* home wn* in : ^bich hn* *o many time* captivated St. readinsa* for the .'iMtom. Tie- Maior • *lr‘hn* nudienre*

the veranda nmnking hi

Jo*. Dniinebackc •lied nt hi* bimieiu AA'tetphaliH Alar *J1. iNIHi. Hew** t>orn in the villng** of Marjie AA'e*t[ibaJia. tier- many. .August 21, INlS.tuid about 1^4-4, with hi* newly iiiarrtedroni[Niui«>u.<itart- •xl for far nwfiy .AmericM and on nrriral at once lucatevl at AA'tetplialia. this^-onn- ty ami state, and ac<|uir*d tith* to forty acre* •>! ImihI % mile wswt of where AA’ewt- phnliii now stand*. I'nder Heemiugi.r iiD*nrm<Miotable oletacl**, be set to work r*t create for himself and family a h«)iiie. •After alxint two year* toil, he found a l»ier** of tightT iicre* ol **>ltd wood*, two mile* mirth of AA'eNtpbaiia that nuited him lietter. AA'ith a will neldom leeu. be net t*i *wnrk and ebaoged th«* fonet to nae of tbe tinent farm* in tbe county, and hy hi* hnnsstv and gm*! fellow*iti[i en- drared liiniwlf with wlnmiever h** aa*o- •'iaied. .A pixNif of hi* |M)pularity Itring that at hi* futierai, wIih^ took idiire from St. Marx'* church, Ma.v *Jllh, an iminener •*oncour*e *11 [letipl** attended to ■Io honor to II iMoneer, whom everylMidr

ltd gete lovexl. Mr. Dnniiehacke leave*, iwwids* no thank* from anyone for it. “'Thefi hi* ng»*d widow, iwveti children, two again if tbe Mkiw i* convicted and get* i son* and Hx*e •laughter*, •mm* son havia a nefiteao-, th«- «'hame* are that tlie died in r«riT childhood, all of whom hoi com[>laiiiiog parl.v xrill cone ariiumi in ' liomirable iHMitioa* in different walk* of a •lay ••r two and tell tbe prieoner how I life. Air. Iinnaebackc wa* one of tbe x-ery norry In* i* that be ha* f*iiiMe«| him i foonder* of St. .Alary'* and 8t. Joseph'* •HI modi trouble and that the neotenw-; sni^etie*. under wh^we ilir*<ction the fa­wn* NO heavy, ami attempt to throw I iieral took place.He- blame for hi* proeecntion on tbe' officer*. I think that it wonid Itiok ' liett^-r if ther don’t want the guilty' partie* (•anMlied, not to Nay aoTthing at all and let them go stark free, than to •-0104- amaial afterward and ttSI h4iw *orry they are that they pronsrnteii tbe ;

“Thsfx- an* *ome *trniig«‘ [leoph- in tin* world." *ai4f a wtSI known olTIrwr the otlier iln.v. “I*«*)f4e will ixtne- up here with IiUmmI in their eye iinil want *4>me- iMidy arre*te4l right iiff for noiiie trivial offeoiM*. If tin- •iffh-er canmit finii the Ilian they inx-use iiisith* nf a very short N|ia4T of tine-, they xvill get hiii at tlie offi'-er iimt Hceii*>- him of iisgiectiug to do hi* duty, Nwenr around etc. Then •m tlie other hiiiid if the oitt.wr i*lucky enough to tlmi tbe [larty tliut i*

if tlie M«t*|iiriniie4|. xvh.V then the cbMOce* are that the tMxrtie* xvho have Iteen wronged will nut eign u rxiinplaint, no that a

tirnnscntioii may go on. anil the otfltx*r la* all thi* tntnble for mMlimg iiml






.A* iirevioiMly anaoum-ed. the ‘JOth an- ' nual oweting of the flinton I'onnty

l*i4>Neer Siiciet.v will he held at tbe i-oart liouae in St. J4ihn». Satnrday, June Iffth. Dtswittent Itorr K. Stowrell and Secretary

MK TH4IPOHTI J [)iii,i^lM have the |iragrain neari.v (iR*. j comiJeteil. It uppear* hi^ow xrith tbe

' ••xiwption 4)f tbe mosioal eelsetion*. Tbe ottk»rm are anxinn* that nil old [lioncsrw avail tbemsdvwe of thi* opiiortanity to meet the early settlem aial make it a spseial poiat to attmal. Thwy feel that it

CtiMING EVENTS.xx-a* cMit •Ni•weniag <’i||^r and ah4int tarn minntee he.

, fore the Knight* arrived he •ilcmviaetl i ______C4>m|4aint charging Frdir writh maHciiai* that hi* entire hoaee wra* lighted ii|i aad ' prswcMww ■erTim* at w«*t manbaai r. R.injnry nf hi* fence. The matter wrill he thm wn* th* flrwt imlkintifwi he hod of t^-1 chwrrh nest neaCar at T.-oon'etosk.iiearrl Hi Jnstice l•.Ton'* •'OOrt. ' nnrpriae. Tkr Knigbt* rsmainid 'till: frsafblag ■err*-* at WaH4H> MbatU boas*.

two o'clock aad were feacterl aSNl ban- = Hswnaf. nwt NaaUay at 2:^0 p. mlaBwa**.

Uader a splondM half time eat the i — -— —.......- • -r- ;• —: • —................... ■Hnntlav Trihnae *ny*: “Rev. Cyrna Men-' Mach* ixad 41011*100 aatl all Tb* laiRc* ol tb* ■wb>i**r.T MMMsr aftbe•teahall i* chaolain ol the state bone* of ' inwrimsat filled in the time ami JK wm -eye* .«eaftirtccihin and rs^brmatorv at Ionia returniag *>emed all too rvtaa.Teveamo. Jaa*o- . .. ,------ ! A rormrnt larttatloa I* *si*aa*a la aU •awHe I* of flanker extraction. incHaad to be I •**"«- [ hHsmw to aitstal tb* Mawai !■*<■* at tbsliberal in reitgton* laattcm, and xrieldc a | I *bla*r«Mssr Ibkptlst Am-railoa. bsM tc tbs[mwerfnl iaflnsnn* over tbe iamate* nf the I Ware .m Ttaw I B4»n«to rbwfvb ot tbt* Hty Jaae atb aail Ttb.

TWO o cioeg mma were leacTeo asai nan-;------- - - —quetsd aad gtym snch eatertain^t y; VHmSirat '"iVYlSBO 4»ne NBxrr Major rVeneh aarf hi* wll*. isapsettallr larttstl to attswd.

Su|iersatendent Monroe, of the public NchtMils. ia ill recs4[it of a letter from Snp- erintemleat F. D. Smith, of the (Ireso- rille achooi*. in which he tuiiircascc great cocffileocx* in tlisrximmerpial 4-00*** which ! !• •ntwa to be both profitable aati enter- it i* propoastl to introdme iato the_l*l*f*tt. The program ia aa followra •whoola hsm* next rear. He wrftea: “I I jast noted that K. L. Whitney has ra-1

i gaged to trneb shorrhRad and cumnwr-1 ^ cial w«)rk in tbr St. John* iwhool next'- year. 1 sbonld be gind to learn of nay 4111 I the detail* of .vonr bosinea* conre*. Will j there be fyp* xrritlag? How long a I conrn* i« plaaned ? I am mneh intermtsd |

. in mich innttsre aad beliexre that the dav {' of the •-ommerrial cnnnw la onr hgni i aeboni ia her>' tn ntay."

• ’allwl to oeCsr hy Prs* Ii. K, fNosrsR at |o a. ai.

iBxfwaUtm. Hex. TV. K. Alisa.IteaCtaa nf tbs Nitaais* 4>f tbs la*f lasstlwr. Hsport ot bsTTstary.Mapnrt •g Trsasater.Rlwt OB 4it otnrsrs for saatHaa .Vfwr. ftsport of OMiaary t'4MNaftt*si Mbwellaasow* hwaia***.Aifpkaniawat bw •Naarr.


rsformatory. Hi* awaay •Bapoaitlofi imnI , The folkiwiag pnpU* ia dhitrirt No. 2 great kiadbeaa to the lamatni ha* served > livid aad Btagham, xrere aot abeeat nr to make him one of th* oMwt ptiftalnr tardy for th* mouth indiag May 2t1:

OM Ttlira ReaabMi. Hsevetary Webster in wrritii to

aad recpectwl iiMMitntioa.’'

men cnaaected xvfth the Kathcryie* Jumper, lAiln Shaxrer, Bea*ie liaBois. .Ada Mmlth, lai* Bartlett. Kthcl Sntffa, Agwse Boies, N^hmi Bartlett, Faa- Die Slater, (lande Bacon, flso. Shaver Arthur FMd*. MUm Sttehicr. Jenai* Shaxrer, and abcent one half tlay Fiord

le aad enh^t ivcs a wMtiw

TW DRateii caiff t Btcretenat

Hfun on all ALUMMric.

Mic* Hattie M. Ptaakett. of f ivid, will ntdl from .New York Joly oth tm ateamer Kenaicffttm writh a party, who williaoJw a tonr of twmtinental Rnrog* aad rctnia i io HMHmbti ia ttoie to raanoM wtirk tn j the ftenic NomMl OoMni*MlMcn ahn In cMHMd ft

R*r Rwaalwn a RWC Pttwe.Jtiha Raynohl*, Flora Sharfi. Icanc

Isaiahary and Klin Bfitilaa wrerearrected Mtaalny rhaiged xrith ninniag a kowceof

•M.^'aa'm: 1 munty _memb^ tS tim oM ThirdKUMpma* " Tbs sssaiaa ibeawi I*: aadir." Tb* la*t at tbs «*sics atiwgiTsa am “iwtaa « lYifiatlaa.

HsTvbs* al Csanal I*. II. ebarsb •ml tbrn- •lav a* faSbtwrs ■ prsatlilaa al to a. ai.. lal- lasrsC by (-bUdrsa** Hay sxserbw*. rrnitiittac •tf ferttattoa*. dimhmmm, aatf wtan*. T<amn psagMs awstlag al 7:00 p wi.May Moxra la Itbasa.

Hrattotf'iaiaty Herald:—R. U. Ikancnt | nod xrM* of Maple Hapid* are *to[mag for a few da.r* at the Hotel Dale. They I •■onti mplate takiag up their rmMBnec lit I Ithaea if a *nitable hiMMe non he l •xhtained. Mr. Heroent hoe so long beenidentified with the bneineee lot sreete of •*no*>iir.T ooti r*in iKiinwi orr^ssOTi pext wcck in th* mtWMittms be imT* Maple HnpMie that he la wiiMy and ***** 'll!!!"!??.* he will iinieh Me romtm ia th* |!wt IfavtmtMy kaowa not only in that i tilThty apprared hsW Jiwtie* ^Siool and bocfdini. aad the*viriaiiy hot tkrnngliont thie ecetion of ^ *'*J*®***^ *** •RhoffI of abdominal soiMrrT. aad tmtbe date. thcM *xamtaatton xylll he held tomorrow iMploma eaoa. fte'daetor egf*

-------------------------- j morning at alaeoeteck. thakhe took hie own medlelae Hbe a laia 1BnyaCrMBeat Weyde. tbe henthteyetel -------------------------- laadwiU

Neww Re«t Weeb,l>r. J. W. Pollard xrritee from fbioaffo.

whert be ha* been undergoing a eargbial opemtioa that he in up iumI doing well aad xnll return IwMae the latter part nf * ^

f'avalry rMRirdiag theegye;

“1 have jaet received a [wieitiTe aeear- once from Col. (lUbevt Moycra, of W’aah- lagtoo, D. C., that he xvfll attead the re- oalna of the •Sd Third (’avairy, at Owneco, Jane 14, next, aad bonm to meet all eaiwiviag membstw of bm « rsgimsai. it wfti be the tret time oiavc lMfA4. INtrn oot and give him a royal weieoma. It may be oar laat chaim.

meeting at 2 p. m ; free haaqnet

HeasHai at * Hstsstbai.Wf»t

Papsr, “A Plow at bear <1141 Mr*. F. K. (iresa, of A'ictor.

Hsadtiwt of a HMsrtloa. Mr* Hs bbw. nf A'irtor.

Pimer, ••Tbs Farwer'a Bass" by Hsarv N Wsbb. IWWItl

Pnsai. astk Raat. Biawbaat.ihmVmt

K. l»Ms of De- Fees*** by mwr \’wr>

In the evwaing. .All are invitsd."

Bay B CrMBoat Wnde, far the MRif, bI ABIaoa' 'oJbmcIvj I BM,00 at ALUBon A

U BOW be ready to gtw* 1tbabcMettonitelBBowl

May OrowwaU iM LywwFraabie, tb* only coa of fie _

•cM. of Lyoae. a lad of H ycare, nae droaaed ia firaad rixrer Satardar Bight. 11m bady was foaad la tear teal of

AiMrsea. Mt*. Iisrtk* T'attsfwo*. Jarli*na.-omiag Twaafon j _ ___

AmsHea* Metlwr la RaaMwa Do yna know, aaid an obnerving gmr-

erymoa to Tnk .Nkwo tbe otberilay. that the hatter product of the Pnited Statm. bide lair to hemme a rival of tbe Dra- mark prodart ia Ragland. Tbic la poa-

' Nihic from tbe wkrinknge of snacehrnagbt about hy present ilay (NMaNtion*. mak­ing [MMeibk- tbe traneportation and de­livery of batter in the KagHnh market Wftesn day* after making, fader tbaos coaditicB* iaeariag tbe ewsetaeas of the pmdaet hsiag uaimpaired aad notwttk- •taadiag tbe kealtaaey of tbe RMdteb merrbaata to engage ia tbe hatter trade with tbe liaiked Statce. tbe prwdaet of tMacfiaatry prandee* to obtain atrai foothold a^ to coombmrI the biffiMak





Carriagres,k Harness t

and Horse Goods. 2llai^est Stock in the Chy.x

Prices Always Rifirht.k ------------------------------------------- —t

»Davies & Adams,



nDAnREEoatn«|ttpv«Mi «•» nt »ar HlSll Am •M ail Moipm UiwnM


<V> tiT mMpemm lit aaj MaUtm atiftto 3m mum of cmc—o>. Upna arriTal tlapoMt n«r ftle*. ••• VI, aad^MpraMcbarav*. wwfcUf ■iiiwii tutmal utf03Utowa.thm3TAIE TNEMAClUil HOME AM TIT IT FOt 20 OATSIf y«aar»r»Tf«ctty—tiiSadwith tti«aMrhia*.k**vM.olk«r mtm rMarn If U> Um f>t|<rMai mmiI. mhI hr anil riy* ) <Mi all ywr UMMay tiart If you prMar. wawiilaliipl^fmaMaad dnw o« you ikmucb yo«r fuawi f«pfc« dnfl aiucbnl to

pmotl^lnr. W1>»OMacbiwaciTaipay«tfaft.aiidtab»bMrhinw fmpBtMM. It youdon't Itkrit. rrttini It by fm«ht.aMl«*«rtll rrfand. Wa paafaptaa tbawMirbiDr for taw yaafa. Haf aibrr you talw no nib. Ilctnn*t mat you nna root ualraa ytai labr tl>n t—rbina. Wa^aaa<44mrr lOti.otMi. .<f.| i^, ayrail airintf rarfart aattafartmn ITS SPCOIAL FIATlMMS arr ball maniMt. LiPllt KunpIM. frirai !•>. Ijm I. <»|»ralr«J. Knoriraa, ftnuMr Pimtiyr FraO. lArll Tliroailliw MiatUr, itrtf hatuiur Nradla. TafwmaLlbrrator. Aul«auiljrHt«a>try, llurh Arni. Nirbir ptatad oorbtoic pana. aaarl baanpaa. ImiToraifMaal Attarbmanu, !uipan<>r ribud,. Hidtily Kohahr<l Mo«l •KMiTfc.tiaA or Watoat.

Ma4UG«nU(oruVlM«M«calntotfna. UUataararytbUNfiaaaiibymaiUiod.n. WMTMMIITWAIOACO.. ll4cMtMA«t..Alla«tM«tl..Clit€H0.




All wr rr<)ulrr U .<H> iloo n. halalH'r |>a> aitlr nlft-r riniiiliialloii Wr nrr Ihr i>nI> la. lory In Ihr I'nllrtl >lalra •rlllUK illrr«.t to rhlrr. tVa cnntnntrr iiur ifiHMU for I wo >rar»—itioal lllMTal ifuarantrr r\rr irlirti Wr irt,r trorr o|itlona than thr rrttulnr <lralrra Yon ran liiiyr your • hoh^r af

I ol.ir. hrtifhth <»f framr. or any itrar ilrairrftIlur Itlctrirr hayt- all thr latrat improyrnirn'r—larcr tuhlBu, >1a>h ilnir.

largr •i>riH'krt» irrhrfi fork . row n. .Ir»t|. han«rr. rti^ WRITE FOR CATALOGUE GIVING FULL DESCRIPTION. TODAY. ^


EstabUshedlSSS. MC. A. JOHNSON.

itoii«*rH| liiaurnnro, niau WhoLwrtI** Ifottlrr ill Hii'tr.r|*a» ttllii Suplilirw.

uviu bllCM.

If jrnti wtah to hnr litryrlaa or btr.rria aa|t|4ira it will iiayr you to mil aa<J r«a •a on'r attMTli W r hnyr n lamr aaaorttnmt to artrrt frt.in ami prtraa to aali all tintfa of iMH-krt huoha. Volt rtia IHi liak wban you buy h«r,

___ T^a. Baa_____A --------a-a _ ^ — U ^ --- a^ _ - a *-------

Ikintfala oar nxitta rroairlBKC. A. lOmSOR. Oftd. Ilchaaw oRwa

- — J pH _ _ _ —latoBB. 1 ou ran ihi naa warn you owy hlryrlaa off* A JllH.NHtlX, Ittryrla aaadrtaa. aaroad Kami whaal. wbrata to tmt aa«t ■mrral ra.

Ilaadaaartrra frtr kinrvan * Wrtcht llraa. Maroao banil whrria takan la rirhaiMtr lor

H. Bush & Co. Imwill Clous Out S:910 Second Hand Bicycles Cheap 9

I Second Haid Tandem $35.00 |^ 30 New Bicycles, guaranteed at $31.00

F. H. Bush & Co •y .'llchigan.QDaQ

Biy Yoir Shoes of C. A. Pitt,MO. 17 CLINTON AVENUE


PEOPLE WITH LEVEL HEADS - -Mini a fair aiiioiiiil of biiMtima nbilil.v alna.vabo niiil ua,. tlirir lioiiia <ia«tlar liHofv ordaniiK Ktthla Irtiiii atiiio* uiikuutvii tlrni ouiaitia. itiiil it looka n.iMmiMil>l«*. Thay ramliza tb». fttfl that you ••all <lo la.llor at iioiiia It toll rail rtiol Mhat von wiitit. I liav»* a* larK** aioi •iato a ilia|tlH.v ot fiiiialo «l fUirtole anti (Iranlte nonumenta. TaMeU, .Markers, etc., aa luir (laalar iii Xlirhiifitu. atal a vtait to iiiy nhow nKuna anti tvtirk nhop will ••»»iivin«’»* Hit* iimmiI yk**ptiral that w». an* KfitiDK "ur atian* of hmiiiryui


(*bikimr» liar will tw* ohMPrvnl at lb** kl. K <*liarrti iu Haiti urxt Suiitlay.

i^ektiul HtNww tliia w*u4( anti fit** kiti* will bt* rttuniiiK Umhw and wiltl for a f«*«iwytyka.

ItuiHlall I'uahniiiii and family a|iaot Saturday anti Suadar with hiii aiairr, llaru Harto, in Williainaton.

<|nitaa nuiiifiar of th«* niyHiiliy*ra of ih** I'oat and I'ortwi, ol iMWilt. wholira in Hath allatitinj tb«* dn-oriitioii ax* arrtaaw in IfaWitt.

F. .K. (’line la axiau'la*! hoilta thia Way*k. Ifa baa limti a«»iia l|•Mriy tbn** itioiithr prartiettiK hia proitwwioii, iia oruliai.at Ithaca anti vk'ioity.

.V’.idivw J. Murry la •■••iivalai.aiir frum a louK and •u*Tt*n* rickiirra. Ilf la iiiipniv* ina iiuitr rapidly. Thm* an* arvaral tt*u4a’ tiiiH* loat to him.

.\ atyrial (airtv will la*Ktr«*tint l*roan*a- aivf hall iiaxt \Vrtiii*.wlay •*v<*iiiiib M link* by ILL. liiH'r oii'hmim. .V •.«ii. •imi inritatioii i* ••xt**iiihyl to all a**iitl** man and ladirw.

.lohn Youiik baa •xnn|*ly*t***l a lann* tiaarmaiii lutrii for W ill llarria Kmniott 1 liia* liaa oiia iiaarlv iv>in|t)y*i#ul ftirNataoii .M<*Fam*o. ami baa tli*- job ot huildiiiK oiia for tjm. Murphy tiHory* harvHat.

Vouiiu Ihir Witaoii, iu i'om|>any with at nny til bar laiy a w»ait tti th«* lirirk yanl faat .'•umlay and whil** fiMiliiiir with thr mat’hiiirry had on** of hia hamla taidty la<'i*nitr«i. Thr wtiiind waa dnuMMuf fiy hiM lintthrr.

< juilr a iartp* numlirr of |tmmiia riaittyl I'ark l.dikr laat .Sunday, thr new im- pmvmiy*tita wm* thr attraction. Tin* nrw attainirr la a .faiay, ami thr huf •'aiiin ia <|uilr a nov<Htv anil othrr im* tmivmirnta tmi ininirroua to niriition.


Mr. anti Mn*. Kibfar lly«lr viaitr«i at f 'harlra .'^niith'a. in l(riiKal, laat w*a*k.

f'hartaw Itrrkr, ot i.anaitiK. riaitrd nt .S. \V. Norria' laat \\,.rk.

Mr. and Mra. It*mm IlrtMika, ot .*<1 •lohoa viaiirti at \V .w. liilU’ laat Sun. •lay.

Thr Mi)wtr.„ .Iriini.. Smith ami Nrllir llayrr. of (irami lA^tiif**. viaitr,! Miaattrih- Itiirtiin laat wia*k.

Thr rrtM.tii niina an- iimkint; a|irinc •.rtt|M iHNini. IVlimt 1- pa«i h•^p, Many H*.|(|a will ntif yl•^^l thr H.aa| IlMt'k.

Mr iml Mra. .Ii.tiii Loll ami Mr. anil Mn*. (irorar Murphy. •»! Laat |h*\Viif. •-alird on .Mr ami Mn*. LImrr l.ankton laai .'Sunday.

.1. if. Hnnk ha« a liora.. vrarH old that rrmitly utiv*. larth to hrr aixtrefith • •olt. Shr lirvrr loaf flttf olir aiiii ha« rafanl ftiurfrrii aiinH. otvmai fiv Mr. Knnk.

ItrW'itf (fraiitr** la ••onan|rrinii thr aiil, jrrt of only <«»iiirrnhb drirrrra oih>. m thna. montha fin*, •ximtidafr r>aaav«.| rht- ffrwt anil ••yoml ihintaa. ImU'itt (tmiiifr .**atiinlav iinrht. \ laiurrniwd war out ami a Ian;.' amount ot himirr f win*, arfit lor


.\ii i<*ri rram a.a ial will Im mvtai m th*. Irptiin. rtMMii id thr • humh nrxf Fridai rrniinif. .lum- If. Fna.aala for rhiindi la*nrrtl.

Mum Kilith Wiuidliania n-tuninl laat Krulay fn»m \lt»a, whrrr ahr .(aait t*«r winter and aimiid with iirr aiafAr. Mra f. .\. I'lMt

Mra. L. .\ll»rr w aa •'alird !•• I.anainif ft» aM* an •»hi fnrn«l wta> waa iiiakinit a liiir riMl triji tlimutfh that < ity. .Shr a|w>nt thr .Sabbath.

IMaoa arr t>y*fni; ina^b* u»r •|tr,*ial rxrr- raam tin .Siimlay nrxf. I(rv. F. M.l\»«l. •iintflon will ifivr a talk a|l|•nlpnat«* fur •‘hihirrii'a •lay, \lra. F t’. I!rri.n will rmti a |ai|ier ii|h,ii a fitiwta- family, and thr rhoir wfill furniab iiiuair

Rrv. F. M I «Nldinirion iiriuif «wlly**l away, hia pulpit war ab^y fflUal hr F. Krally, who rmd om* •>! If, hni*nimimra •w*miona in hir«.aar ami impnaatirr man nrr. .Srvrral linir* haa Mr. Lranr kimllv nupplird, which la apprrriatn] by hi* audirtK*,..

In all Conditions of Debility

whether from oeenrorh, in profrw* led iliMM, or in conveleneencc, the dlfMiire organs partahe of thefMMTBl weakneas, and are unaHe ID anaimilate suffleient food to bnlldwp the waaaed tlaaiiaa. In awch

la Inat the ntttritbre tonic yon naad. It ghwe tone to the sioinaeh. end edmuleeis the appetite. It akM the difasilen of food, and brings ra> frMhlng slaep.



.XJisB tfrarr Htewan. ot tfrid, bi riattinie b»r ta>e««B, Mrw. Myra Hark.

Mrs. S. J. Turarr •latrrtaiaad her Man* •lay Hchuol rlam of giria Muuday night nt aa|iper.

KrUowabip rarHiigi at th« Cbriatiao •■barrii next Saturday at ’J p. n.

Mra. Kiuiaa Yoa^^or* aad daughter Thrda are riaitiag frimiile in iHmuid aad Vrmon tbia work.

Tbr infant •wia of Mr. lutd Mra. <J. I*, latcrmull, abo wmt rriwrteif very afak laat wrrk, is roova*rsBaat.

Her. E. Mudgy* wrat through tbi« Ilian, on Saturday laat. «a niotr to Pfrneaiit Valiry and Huraud.

Tbr ijMlim* ('hrtetiao .kid auefrty will inert w tb Mrw Kmina Hakrrou Wrdam- •lay. June 7. nt 1 p. m. A rordial invi* tiitiuii rxtsadrd.

The very iatrtaatittg aad approiiriatr inmiorial rarnioii by Her. U. II. Iring nt tbr t'bri-iiaii •*barHi war writ raevtvrd ami appm-inlni liv bir liaarrrB.

(fnnrfrriy mreting will be beid at tbr ' Fuitrd Hrethnai •*barr|i nar week from next .Saturdar ami Sunday, June 1]>]2. I'rraidinK Khier K. if. Tamer, o I.ak** View, ie rx|ir<.teil to iir prmaat.

I'bihlrm’e hay will lie oberrred at the I H. rhurrli next Siiiiday, June 4tb. at lOii. m. .kII rx(*r|lent program ia tiring prr|iar».,| by the little oner. Kr»WT«ii»e w lui wiwhrw to enjor the exeo-iaea will la* wef«*«»nir.

I>M.ornliun hny rxen-iant |at«Mr«l off very p’raeantly aud •iiiirtly nt thin phoM. At 1<) a. III., nr |a*r arrangrmrnt, the It. .k. K. •irore t«t tbr I'nion llomr •'rme- ti»ry, where iliey •ieromteil thegmrrwof thnr fallen mniradew. They then re. tiininl !•> the Kurrkii <'en»et»a'r, when* there war a large gntluring of thefrim<la

>1 I he •ie|Mtrte«l. Tiu* xoietllll aiul lltl* prrwnre ntual i-e^Tireof thr order •>! the <i. .k. It. aud kV. U. L'. war obM>rr«.<| at the grave dr«li«at«M| to the uiikn^ovn• ienil. The eXereiNn, «Mlliauitr«i of aiogiiig fiy the t'hriatinn ••hiirrh rlmir. The MMigi* were \err appropriate to the m*- •*aeM»u ami well rroifer^l, Mina I'ryalal Falfe gave H rerttatiiiii. whirli woe well n.iviv>.<l. Ilex*. T. .kl. Hmidle gnre n «hort but x’ery iifeHeing addiMwe. rrealliug the eveiitr •»( the twilMT wim h l•.•i to thr •'iietiim of Hfrewiiig riiiwrrw on the laat rrwting plaerw of lalirfi •’••mraiien. and marking rni*li grave with our natioii'w •.inltieiii, the lw*aatifal alan* and «trt|irM• ti mi. white and Mae. fix-rr four •lozmtlagH WrO' llerii. riioXX'illg that tbr |M>|. ■lierr of arr fn«t iwnMing away.Mii*»« I'ryMtiil Fiille gave aiiotlirr rerila* lion, after whirb the (•oniiuiny retiml from the “Silmt f1ty," feeling that the •lay hn^i fieni well epent, ami iiiiotber IrwMin ha<i luMn gix'en in |Httriiitieni ami htyalty !•• the <mhii* and •iaiight'TH of vei,.rnn**.


fteii. Kriggr in in fietroit on litiMiiuMM.kliert i hnrrli. ^if .kMbley, xvae in town

kliimlay.I'laytim IC0.UM. •ii Itlinra. in a|iemiinu

ilu* w».ek with P*lalix*rM hrr*..I.. kV CiirtiM xviiM ill fiefniit on biir|.

nr— the liitti-r part •>! laat we.St.W Itrown timl iainilv. «it liiinniater,

vi»ii*.«l at kV. li. |{«e**a Friiiny laat.Frank Tvl»*r, «*f fietroit, ia a|irndiog a

frw •lnv« wiili .1. K. I'rnvrii ami wifr.Mr» lilll•lHh iniiait iM viaiting in Fort

lltiniii at the home 01 .Mra. .Miiml lieiiniM.Mra. Minni*. Vanhiiaen. •»! \b*ltain. ia

x'iaiiing nt tlu* luiim. •»! Mra. .1. kV. I’ur- tia.

Mr« Frank Fra-*, •»! Mualmefl. «|aai*fiiig II lew werk» xx'itii iririula in thi* x'irinity.

Frank Th*ura. 01 Ml Flrii«ant. waa m town •III tniainewa the latter palt ••! Inat w .a*k.

kira. T. kValkrr. •>! 4irami UH|ii«|a la Viaiting at the home •>! Iut panuita, Mr. ami Mra. Kelly.

Hurry Ilka. xvh«» haa firefi m x-hool at Itig Itapuia tiie pHat y«mr la viaiting hia aunt. Mra. L. f'hiiae.

Mr* .knb* Fineh an^l .\lia« VorniTufe atinit .Siin^lay in St. .lohua na the g«;eata• if Mr* II. L. Kemirtrk.

Lhirr Skinnrr waa In Fortlaiul Inat w<a.k in attriuianre at thr miaiatetial n uilrrenre h**l<l f lien*.

Nmxx’m waa m>.ix-M| hrr*. Tn*.Mlny n1 th** •i*mth •»! Mra kVhiftakrr. wifr •»{ Her. kVhittaker. at prearnt ^if .la<ka^in. but hir thre*. yrara puator ••! thr F. It. ••horch in ihi- |ila<**..


klia- klau^lr Trtnple la on th** aH*k liat.Mra. Meorv Van.Sirkle la viaiting her

-«in Jo*., at Ionia.Ibini—T*i Mr. and kIra. 4 Inrrncr Win­

nie, Mnv ‘J.l, a Ihiv.Frearhing at tin* Fuix'rrwaliat rhurrli

next Tuetwlay erening.Frank TenifJe. «»f Mapir Itapuia. la via-

iting Ilia aunt, Mra. kl. U. HMI.Krv. and Mrw. Kenyon atretuir<| thr

miiiiaterial roax-enti*xn at Fortlami laat week.

Horace Munror i* improving the a|e iwaraner of hia liouae by giving it a raat | of fmiiit.

Thr ladiea of the Fnix’erwaiiwt ehnreli will htSd tbrir annual churrh fair kVei|. nrwdny and Thurwdav, Jiinr 14 to ITi.

Mrw. .krtbur MH'rumb and Mrw. Milo Sutberlaad. of Hnoiir. attemleii thr aid wonety nt Mrw. 4'haa. Fntiick'w lost Tuew- day.

Tbr Indira' aid woctety of the I'oix-erM- liat •Hnirrh will meet next Tii***afar, Jnnr 41. with Mrw. kV H. Hointra. .kll nr** la- rltnl.

There will fir n bee •in tb** abeda at the M. K. rhiirrh next Saturdnv. Kiiough help ia •ieMred totlniahwhiiigliiNC. IHuner will ie* errrfwi to thr mrii frer •*! rkargr.

Notwithataudiug ibr threateniag arentbrr ot Kuminy. a Urg*- cougrrgalioa aowembied at the Fnix-erwaliat Hintrli to listen to tbr addowa given to tbeti. .\. K. bv tbr iwator of the rhiireb, Hrr. Hani. itfl noiriny .ka waarxiwa-ted.lltreemion wow a ffnr our aad waa well rereived Tbr fieroratitHie of thr churrh were beau- tifnl nod a very plewaunt time waa ea- ioviaf by oil pnaraf. Hev. Krwvon. •3t thir M. K. ckur^. awwated in tbr worrier.


Mr. nod Mra. H. J. Uenwotorr wheeled j to Imnwiag from their houir m INnapali. I where they afwat a eonph* of work* vieft-1 iog the former‘w aaater nod the inttee'e | nant and ••tber frtends.

.khout twr«t.r fire of the Fnmpeli I wehuol pupMe gore WilUrd 4Hllett o | |ileoawut awpriae porty Mat 2u. an it j woe Me l*Ath hirthdioy. Miww lamine f*HofM preeeoted him with a heoutiful I • mk roeiier from bin frleode.

YWft msimf“Pvaiy fgorning I bare a

bod taaia lo my motgh; my ttmgoa la coanad; my baad aebaa aad I often faal dixqr. 1 bare no appetite fOr braakfaat agd wbaf food 1 oat diatreaoaa ma. I bare a baary foaling la ray oioaMcb. I aan aatting ao woak that aooMtfmoa 1 trainbla aad lay aarroa are all anstruag. I am 1011100 pale aad tbin. 1 aoi aa tirad tn dw oMinilag ao ataigbt.”

Wfiat daaa yoar doeior aayl ** Too art aiiibriag froai ia

para Mood.*'What iabiarini Hep

ilnwnrU K«M. awn «*< Mr. Mwt Mra •Vtntnn Fwat. w«M kn«i*e« rawMawta at Eatna mw». aOtn. Bntwn roomy, wna Umwaag to Moow Lnbe anoany aairaaun. wMie Imtntna.


Jonepk Fbitt xriil mine bia imm Tbara- •Iny.

There wn* n dnoo* nt Tony IMinr'wSnt* urdny night.

('Inrn t'ouk, Inin of Huffnio. ie rioitiag refotivoa brrr.

Mampw ia the iwvvniiiag afekaeow iu tbtw rillagr ni prmeot.

FeSer ftnwt ami wife, of firand It ipi<|a, spent Hundoy iu thiw riilog**.

Frnak Sinioiw bow rrturoni from De­troit after n abort woiouni in that etty.

John Soitaen ia nl»lr tu iroxr*. biw lied, ouil no fewrw of a rrinpee are now woter- toiuad.

Fmnk DonnelMck**. of 4%i. K. of the .’ll. Michigon. riwitwi ivfntir*iw in kVrafphaiia oxrer Suiulav.

Dr. Seh*rnitli nmi family re)nirr on thr arrival ••! a Imby tiuy. who will rviil*ailly Ie* a dm’tor.

Fucie Tiiiii'e f'nbiu xvill Ie* in (own next Monday. Thrcuin|Mxio ia«up|Miwr<| to br nil right.

.k rniu. x*rry firnrffcinl to the •*ro|iw vieited thir -rction Friday nml .SiitU)*tny f•»lhlXX'n| by luit wt*athrr.

|.nwt Sumiav xvaw a ludv day in Ihr I'at hoiu* rhiindi. Trinity Suuilny. ItwHa not •'rirbmtrd. hoxvrvrr.

TOr |MI|H|n ol thr 4'athol|r Mt-lMMliw ha«i a bolhlay kbuid ly thr**ugh thr ■.iirriiil iw-rmirntion •ii Her. Ilmvig.

Fowtniuelrr Manren ami Kdit'.r Dorr- niuw, of thr ll**viriir, <if F*irtiHn(|, w**rr in l^iwn lm*t wrrk \k’**iln«-***inx*. Tlu* niltiin* ahvay*. havr n '’warm tiin*.” when thry poim* •ivrr.

Thr •■rrnlurry ^ daily gaining iwtroiiw ami nior** !iiv*ir among fannrr*.. It i** iiulrr*] a •*hr«i|irr r«.hrmr than tlu* unin- nfnrtnr*. ami -ah* oi hiiiiu* iiiailr iiuttrr. Thrciin*ka p-iir«i daily nrr x*nlid iu iaith the wPirrw.

F*ir thr tlr»t Hmr in manv ynirw kVrrt. phaiin i« wluirt on •lr**«*iiiiakrrH. ,s«tinr of them having rmgoni lalrlr. Thiw territory aff*irf|** a tine op|Mirtnnity lor a inodrrti •irmwiiiakrr iir two. Firwt coinr. tlrwi •.bniH'T.

That bami (if yonng. wrrniingly purrnt- IrwM Mi.vw, who of latr havrlimi mr<idling uniuml nmi in tlu* t'lithtilk’ -cbool build­ing alter •iiiwk hod tirttrr -low u|i and •loit tbrir nriartouw work nbonr thr ground*. Tbr niarwhal i*> a inigtity keen man. aw u x*rtrran. >tml it wiaild tw* tiiir wp4irt inr him to mn in a unmlirr •»! thrwr jiivenilr iiflrniierr. Ii«iyw of thrir ag*. whould tw* in thr hou*r and burir,| in thrir Muikw 111 thr rrrning, which woiihl do tbmi by far morr giuai.

.k heart V oration waw rrn«fer*-l Fat hrr Hrrwig .Sunday rvming. Th*-•lay twiug •■riebrat*.«l to hi* patron -nint. Tlu* inah* •lr|»artmrnt ^if tbr choir turm-l •lUt in full hirre t«i *r.r*aiadr him in fmnt •>! thr rrwidmer. xx'hriv thrir ••xi^ier. Fi^d, Fran- •*i* Ixielirr. in tlu* naiiir ot tlu* •*hoir

i lu-titiwnl hi- hrartirwt ••ongmtiilatuiii- ; Ufwm him. Fiillier Herwig r**«|Nimir«i I with a frw ix-.ll 4•ll••)u•tl miiarkH, whu'li wrri' brirf. but «*«*m*i-... mnin^ling thrm

! •»! thr aim ••! thr church choir, nniiily thr |•ronMltl•Ml ••! thr luin^ir nf timi. and mit to rTrurr th** Jiral-r tif t h*" |wr»|d*.F»»tlu-r Hrrxvig hit- Irwn with uw for •ivrr It* yr,ir«. and it iw I*) iuipr*! that hi-a**- tivity ami latNir in th** c4mgr*xtHti<tn may tu-i-nniinm-lfor many yran* t«»***'iiu*.

S** Rleht To l.'allMeaa.The woman whoiw lovdy iu fnee, fortiT

ami trm|ww will alwayehar** fhrndw. but• III** whti wouhi Iw attractirc must krrfitier hralth. If -hr iw xx-mk, wickly aud all run •iowii. the will be nrrvoos and irrit- aUr. If ehr haw coDwi|Mttioii or kidiirv tmubit*, hrr iinpur** Mood xvill ('aune piin- l»lrw, Motchrw, wkiu ••miitiiinw and n wrrtcbrd com|iicction. Electric Hittrrw iw th** Matt rar<li<-iiir ill tb** xvorld to regu­late wtoinach, lix-er ami ki^ineyw and !•• i»urify th«* Muofl. It gtrrwwtrong nervrw, bright ryew. wnuNitb, veivrty wkin. rich «'om|ilectinn. It will mak**n gootl-lotik- ing, charming w*>man ••( a rau-tioxrn invalid. 4 >nlv .’»i> oentw ut FYldew Mll- mnii'w Drug .Store. . li

• Iwuilr lifiw iiiag. or I'lirf lliir**n. Uiruirrlr .•f I.wiM-.r M trriaht i-on.lurti.r on I hr liar, wma lilll«-l Saiiir*lwr night. T«*** Ur.>iti. •-r-. •Irnni iin<l .Xirrr,|, nrnt •lowrn with l hr• 'lil<-<irN ■III I.«kr Mlrblgnti In I **U.%


nST VIOLEir 6EB HMfE Tbe groatoat eara iboold ba gfras la any little soew. fompie or aueakch whAab

„ ___ tbotrs Bu dispiwithin to haal iindsr ordia*ADOCAflDI AT CIDtT AC traatmsnt No ooe oao tall boev eoao tboaa

SI rinO I Sd wAl davalop into Canewr ot tba worst typa.______ _______ ___ .*•*» "»«y p»p*a dla from Qanoar Nmply ba*■DK PHIPI CC oaaas tbay 'lo not know jost what tbe dtaamm iatHUK riMlLUa tb^ naturally turn thsiMsIess orcr to tba doetova,

and are foroad to aubmit to a erual and dangerowa opaeatifui—tha only tiaatasant whicJi tlie doecors know for Conear. Tba dlaaaaa pfXMopUy ratunia. howarar. and is erao mors violent and desteuctire than bafore. Cancar is a •laadly polaon in the blwgl. and on oparation. plaster, or otbar axtamal treatment oao hare no effect whatever upon it. TIm cure must oosna from within—the laat vealige of pumoa must be mJioal^.

Mr. Wm Walpole, of Woiohtown 9. D., says: "A little blotch about the aiae of a pea came under my left *7*- gradually growing larger, from which shooting palna at intervals ran in all directions I tweame greutlr sisrmail and consulted a good doctor, who pixwiuunrsd It CaDoar, and adviaed that it be cut out, hut this I could not con­sent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by R S. S.. and decided to try it. It acted like a charm, tba Gancer becoming at flrat irritated, and then dircharging very freely. This gradually grew less an*! than •iiacon- tinned altogether, laaxnng a small -cab which soon drofu^ ped off and now onir a hralthy little scar remains wham wliat threatened to «leatroy my life •mce held full away.**

Pooitixreiy the only cufe' for* Cancer is Swift's Spedflo—

S. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD—because it is tbe only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of the disease and force it out of the axstem permanently. A surgical operation dooanot reach the Mood—the real iwait of the diaeaiw* - Iw-cause fAr Moorf exits ••<>< 6s rut (iioap. Insist upon S. M. S.; nothing '’an take ilt» piwre.

8. 8. H. cures also any •*aae of .Scrofula. Ecaema. Rlieii inat ism. Contogioaa Blood Foiaon, Uloem. Rnrew. or any other form of bbswl •iiseoaa Voiuabla books on Cancer and Bltw-i Dtseaa**w will be maileiJ free tu any address by Swift 8paolflo Company, Atlanta, (teorgia.

' THE stallion


NO. 31 .080.

• twrn t,r«iih*-r »•• Harrr •iilhrrt.rrcftrU »';! h iniDl** In n trtwl when •• three.Tenr.<il«l. will make th*. -en.,,,! SI

KENYON’S FEED BARN Friday Ademoons and Sntordays

<in<l the fore itsrt ••! th*. week St lajr farm It* inllea nnrtli uf \<irfh l.aa«liig, nii the new fie Witt n,stl. Frt<lsv ii.Miti- m III hare thr h«*rwe St the lisrn «>l M K TrowUrt.lge, >, mile eiisi • •I Merle llewrh.

To ln*.*ire a llrtng •'olt

I • ine of t he ;irt«ir« In Michigan 4-t he ttn v■ Isllloii Itick <}|li*err,hr •frr«.nl>srk. Ilersii make an* h.trkiieT or I rtmeli r*>srh in the

t worhl s-haine*| ..f hlmM-ir when It rome- to I knee an.| b«M k srtionln harn*.—.sn*i ran trot j II gate \* title ■lotng It Itlrk'- weight In

1,.*<;;.*1 |Mil|n<l-. -en-l for extetl.le,! pe,||grre


ti:mxi>o\ ii'I.i.i* iTif*\MB....................................I aaitaa Si Swotli

voH 1.1 • i.T* mi;*IIT .It


G[fl,H.iMerchant Tailor,

Opposite “Tilt: Steel”.All the

Latest Novelties.


J. E. VOGEL,North lumsing, .Tich.


ruCieiit Hat rkiawB of r^wnpeiiUNCORPORATEdI UMOER an ACTOF us l CONGRESS

PURSER HCMRY M McKCEcanwew -***cssitwc aa»w*

America's FRATERMALBENEficiAL Orderlowest poisau- COAT coasoTtriT with etarccT srcuairv ftllO MOOTHIV CAVlWCrtTS CSf ATIMO AM C nTOSINCV fUNO

PEnMAMEtIT PROFITABLE POSITIOMS____ IHWIOYMCNT OlVfM TO eSWAatf Mftl Amo WOMem“““ iri TMO ontAT vwoaw at voun moi-ies on (L.s«vM(ar

Apoai^ DAVID 6WlNTQh .

Out For Business

Clipper Chainles.9 Bevel Gear and Chain Wheels.

Orient, Phoenix, and Ideal

Bicycles.Th«*iMIiiaiug bargHiii- for Snfurtla.T.


I Humber $H.oo I Hartford $10.00 I Rambler $8.00 .

Faml liamIMtnra hihI -addlrw J,V *xH'h.TItmte wheels liax'** bi*vii •.xrhaiig»-l («>i

u**w «tMe** iiiid ar*. in gtxwi itnhw.

.kiHl xxe iir*. getting it ttwi. nw «iue gl'iiH**'III tiur -litip uill rliiixx. Y«»u ••Hll't li*. !•>«•• Hretul with xourwbeela tinti IMiXX* I- the tittle to tmX'e rxmi-Itefent hami- i-lettii Hiid put thein in le-IT*«*t ahn|ie ftjr Ih*' MXt-OII. kV** iimk*. IMI rniiditin lMiHi*tw, tint we do itiak*-the Ie-t reftiiiri* lUi wheel- lor the Mum- imtiiey of iiuj •me int'llllt•>ll •*«Miiitr. If liny part of >-«»tir wh*w| is tirtik*-!! Jir lo-t and you xxiii’t get the n**ei|*.,i (airta. bring it to «ia iinil w*. will make a nexv part and(.1..trail- tee -atialaetifm.

Bicycle LiverykVe at*, right in lin*- with no oltl ”/»e/fef«. ’ hut hav*. the ttneal, U|etO- •late, en-y riding wheel* m Miebigtiu. Try on**.

SundriesI Inr line iu -nndne* i* the noMt ixiiit- ptele ill town.

Ghrc Us A CaII

0. 6. Plankettjl CHton AvctMia.

A^ent.St. Jnlnw.


Cooper.wwiwaHi simI Velrety , , .



XXe leak- a -feetal h*Wlare nl <le iTrrtWg * rewn*- ami ••e- ••n *<a**ta«r» We lahe M *lrr» al aa* lime •larlag •he week, lii he •mat al aioaveaieat hear fur *«aa«la* Uta,

ICECREAMaerreri lUala ami In flrteh*• •wr h***te*-*-*• m*l mwane*!. howerer, rtwalrelr i<i wamla* •Ml«er1e-, a* we ore plewpe^t t** itedrer al war honr aav ilav la the w.eh wi**. !Afii.T >t rrewm ' Ik laroe ^waailite* tor M*rlal-. rkarrk itolaa* eir X twit ami roniHele Itoe of

Both Tubular and Tile made and re­paired by Kimball St Love, successor to F. C. Young.

ddreM C. L. Kimball, E#RIlay.




Convis & Hayt’s, ^^ple Rapids, Michigan.

I Commencing Thursday Morning, Closing Satnrday 1899.



anil IIMillMSB(

[Ci.OTHM«b rACTOWjWIyTsonniMWTTlliiiiigiiarcMoiiQiIII M16 0011 so in

dBLAMCCT Millortiwit^.____ionNDOnifiHNNMNl, IINI6MiinMMMND8l|

QinoiM II oooiiil iiMonommimiiHii^i iiMiaNiiiiiiif|iiiiilliMiio|Hi||iioiBlM; ll■■olnlll•llli■llllllNlllONlloilllllKoo OINMIO 11 •••• IlflllltllllUlinillllllll^ --------- |I |M*HHPli08S8IBI0mHHIP«l«ll*




IMI InMNi Smul liiMri




n»r MILL .isnmsrnfij

OOOOMIIll___ _______ aQHoeLliooiiiaMOfloounoeil

NNM ■■■101)111000 Mil OlUilNMNMNIIMfil lltlMNOlllMMlINlI

_ iL' (S 0) OLLOAK 4 SUIT Vt

gigantic mill-end SALE





This Great

Sale will Open

at our Store

Thursday, June

I, 1899 and


3 Days.

You Have

Heard the


*^He Who Firs

Drives to the

Mill Should

First Get His


Dress Lining^s Dress Goods.'lill End Prices

Ml. •!.. : I M» M• i\.- i -I* ; I

I’l'• ■' ' . I,,. ...

'> It. 1 7 ■ ........ i* M i‘ -IIlf. I. .I . I . .

' • • - j.. I: .... _ •- .t■ I I i:,.. ,,t in

\ : • w. <1 It _ \1-I • IL*

Lininv: CambricsWhite Goods

't nuiK.- 1 i.|- .1 II ! *

. i. |.|. M !'

2 C

Silesiasi . .1 I . ii\ \

* I T. ' V .ir.l ,1 I ’ IL’ I L’.-

O I-2C

Percalineh. I W. IV

W .1 ■ ;i • -I. iii.-.l- • I n It li. ;

I • •O l-2t

nutI .run.- Ml... 1..I

Roman Stripedirt Ihlli..:-. lull. I•^>t:, -li I- n-i|~liirt null..:-, lull. l-nt:. -li

mu HI'liH’ r* lit ' .I"!- •■•UMiit -r -kir* liiimu*.nil****- -1. :t- .1. it..il|

ii Mi! iiil I'l '•»

o I 2C■ i .'.iMi yjilil- 111 »ii"l M . Ir;i» *ilii«li.«l

_ tiuliHlIi- ■ .1*1 uf. Ir.--' -I Till-will i.1*- liiiniliii|-III ';iiiiti.'r- III. uli'iiiii

■* ul.idiii'*” II* •li*'' lllll|•••r ;iliiiiif III.- l I i|l -i if .\|W||\- 1 .* • ••lit- III ti l tllii

; ;■« H»-r» VVIlIl ll-;! Ml:." * t fU' -TVl*— III'k Mill .-Ii.l |.|1I'- V .Iiil


'.'•Ml yiirii- •• II.. • xirii wultli. l••lll j ; • vr uiiii^.iiitii- N..VV \iiii will ll|•.•ll I

Miiir .-y*-*. iiiii| I*.. • I I.link 111 ill* «.iiii' i tllii^' a 11ll. iiiiyli. • iiti:|i I li- aud ilit'-ii*.Ir irii. r'.-iiiiL ■ nl tlu lMi.«t iiiulu-\»i.«i - iiiii'«.|iiiiui- ill till. miik'liMiii*

I iirly |irii-»il lit III. r.Tiiiiiii \\.i\ «• *m\ 1.7 .piiilMi'- Miii' nil pf ' jiv-r yarvl

10 I-2C.


Kill! • >•*• •!• *ii*i»* ami livIII. hiiml'a-vl. im-fltiiiu amt diirk ••li;iii>.. *tri|i«— i-ii«i-k*. pla >1* Hiul rttfiin^ ni tli*

• ■rill ~ Oiinoii" •Id-im'li .•*. a l•lllIl•l p.-rknown by iM'-ry liiui-«*wm lor ilu-ir

•ii(H«iiiiiiiMl WfMiTiiu imi vvH-l. nU'pin It;— Itpfiiil iirn**' III i-v'i' -tori' 12' • .

Mb .'ml pni'»-

Q I-3C. I

^iinl- 01 Mill Minl-wnl. iw-n-.ili- nil I'hoi, ■ pniti-rn-. Miinabl.' lor ilr* --.-. niiil wni-l ICi ulnr i ii''' I**' '!• ''mlfirio

5 i-ac.iVrhni** 1.2IHI Miril- m tin- lot ot n

rwry Hn* 'liiali O.'in tlriiahi i»t«i biiirk two i|iiallti«*- *J«Vi- vain*' Mill

wild prirw.13 I-3C.

C. i'l. I i- ' 111 .aalli amiI. ‘ * .. Ill-- 111. .ir= III*' • '' iiV.

t I- ! Ml. l-.ii oil u.'l 12 . '"i 7’lull, pinlli lliil‘.:i l.lli.'li "ir

I a I I’ ui-111 Mr'jH— yi\. ,i\• ■ I! .•! 1' u:ii,- •tt,-i-|- nr tlii .v.T

.|il. -1,1 V\ liil. Iiii.’k I' a ' a-*—II . • .1\\ iM \ 111 t" I nr.1-1 u' ' y|. I Mill Iiiul >111.

Mill End of Print­ed Orjfandies

\i r -i-ial.!. pii.-.-' I ••iiipia 1 mu--II. ‘ I- li.iv ii.'V. r ••.111.. In Mapl" II.ip ill-

|i - i-a-v i! y.iii .ii."" jiiii'kly in u* ! a |n 11|-.null. IU'. --Ill I , n \aril iiml wl.'ll Xlalli- I*MII1||.— -••I: .|l •. Ill1 HI •• nl I2 II* liiii.- .-v.-rv Im»I\ lia.i Iwi ' It Ml liiT luimi

RibbonsI nil t 'a: In niir .‘liuniil lim- nl

wii|. .1 -ilk nbboii- III ill lM*niiiiiiil pMiili I |iatl* rii-mill III ill*- pnpular Nuw "piiitU "“I ail»— timv nri. )Ui»t lli. ttiiitu In wi I nil Hill-.- i{aiiit\ nbbiiii il.i-p- w||.. |. -1-;iti alii.'In-Imiv ynii U 1 .irt' bnlllid In put prii".— at til*' InnI nl tl.*- lailit.-r .luiiiiu 11 '* *iil*'nml nff«-r \nii il.i .■|o .|iuilllv In! if|. Inw -Hill n' I'.I

Lace andEmbroideries

'Iiil limr -III.— III nil vvi.llli- III alt priif- " hn\. Iiumlrwl- ynni- nl • Mill Ilml pru^-.

DomesticM Kml pri..—

•_» iMMi \.ir<l» tin. .'Vi'ii ifir».iii| .m. •l.-a. Ii»-I ...I I..II M-J vanl a i.|. Mill .•Il.| pM. .

2 I-3CI...IMI .anl- ■.iit'i. M. ' .'iinii h.'ii \

ami -irniiu 'I ' ii'l pru-.


This is the original copyrig:hted “.'Vlill Lnd’* Sale as desiv:ned and executed h> ."Ir C A Lockhart It will be the bi^jjest Merchandise Hvciit of the year Think of millions of yards ofPrints, Percales, White Goods, Sheetings,

Ginghams, Outing Flanhels, Dress Goods, Silks, Linens and other

yard goods.But look ag:ain, it is not alone a sale of yard ^oods.

hut it means a sale of broken si/es, small lots, mill accumulations, any and all ^oods that a mxinufactur- er, he he maker of underwear or hosiery, clothing: or anythinvt whatsoever, is willing: to sell at a price.

We have g:;»thered a lot of merchandise that will demand your closest attention. Lor everv yard and every piece and every pound will be sold to you at ex­actly *‘Mill Rnd*’ cost, hut what mill end cost means you will never know unless you come to Convis & Mayt’s, Thursday, June i, or some day during: the week. For while this advertisement g:ives you an inkling: of what is coming:, not half has been told. The “Mill End” Sale in |many of the larg:est larg:est cities all over the country' has proved the most palp­able hit in the history' of Diy* (joods sales. Will the people of Maple Rapids and vicinity be Isss enthusias­tic?

As it is certain there will he a big: demand for these Matchless Barg:ains, we advise our patrons to come early when trading: is easier and g:et the benefit of first choice.


Corsets.txulllltul I i.rM-t < .1.

HosiervI....I1.-- II.

Mill .-ml p -ISIm. .iiuI -imiili"


6 Pairs 35c

Sbirtinjcs■ ..1. iiiiiiil 2" piM-.-. 11; ui'.mI < -

* iH=av -iii'-fis: .im| . ,ir» ll»■l♦.|• :?*.«l I'■ • ail-' tlw -•■t•-<itl..U III

Miipt.' Ibip: i ' .| i.inityl uuirk. Miiw lli-«i r Tin- Mill Miiil ;i|». rr*i bitk-.|i . iit ..t pn.— U. ..ffwr vMU til.-liwni I«k mill l.’i. ipiHlitv l«»r Tli. *»' .piality (or

;iii<| II jfii«H| 2'i.iii. vviili- iifH' (nr tin* low •mil. b.

.Nuiiiiii. r i-or-i'ii. 3111.7 mill .-in— l*r. .*-<'ltilliiiu “ i iirwl.- for-

m. i pru-- Pl.'Mt, to uo III 53'

Shirt Waists."« lin\'*. H iiiii iiiiMol -flirt wiii-tf. tliiit

v\•• will iiffi'r lit "Mill l.iui priii-- .’.ik. wni-tr ifo Hi 43v.7.*-- wHiMtfv uo lit 63

<Hi wfiinlM uii lit 79-

Mill End Saleof Notions

.'•iili-t \ piiin hII i»ir*.«. i-T iloi 3t.\hiiniiiuni thiniblf ......... ...Irlu-it uolil wxi^l |i*»r |w(|-.r....... 3.Iliirri-I i-iiriirt tnrk. {NT bill ... ..HrT ill ilri-«ioir I'oMib- ......... 4iNpniiu lliNik- mill llvi*. ...... II*


It 1-lib-.iliili'lv II (ni'T tliHl ill till- luu -111.- v\.- -IihII -.-II (iov*ii-, hriiw.-r- Skirt- iiml < or-4.t I o\.-i>. '■rii|ibntirHll.\ hihI uu- '■t|iii\IH-,-illv ;ii pm-— !.••« thuii til*' tnii*. ml W olll.l . iM>l liml rvrll I'-— llulli lll'- »rw lliu lllom \\ Olllil ro-t Till- W«- UUHt

, Hlll*^-• oiii*' nml H*-. our nil'., lin.-ol Imilir* ••m-

broulcrril umlrriviir.IVriHv'f tttliiiu ••nibroii|.-r»i| I or-rl 1 o\

rr- troiii 8ft' ti> 7ft'Kmbroul.-rvi| l*rn\\rn*, ii^w -tvlr Irom

3ft; toil.3ft.I’lii.n •iiibroiilrml Niuht tiowii- hiuI

.'*kirt-. 'Mill Kml pru-w*. from 7fti- to 91 96 wnrli.

Till- iiiulrrwi>nr will not I*.* in •took 1 H(|rr till" urwHt "HI*- "O tllllt |iriM«|""-fIVr * biiyrrw rnu«i itliin to mnk.- tlinr iiiirrhM"’ *"• iluntiK Oil'

3 days advertisedor volt will nummilirr our hiirirHin" wlimi it I" too llllr.

Saturday Evening\\v on* to trivc •h'vitxiI Five Minute 3ales, at

whicli tiiiK* (for five tnitnites ttnlvi soiiir s|K*cinl articlvs will )h> sold at ridiculously low prices. This is sotne- thinj: Ofver heard t>fin Mapir Rapids hclore, and those wht> are present wliea it hap|>ens will lie jrlad they were.

( M Vnurse vtMi all understand tlierc are no Hill Lnds in (iroceries, Inu our l»n\er ha^ luen linsi lini.: lor soim- harg:ains lor this ;:reat ."lill End 3ole. nd "o wt. will eoniiniu to L.”ve some \erv eio>e pri'-H"-.

Jackson, .4cme and Lenox soaps all jfo at to bars for 25c.Arc. 12 bars for 25c.

We alsii liavt a Bulk Coffee. .Mill Lm! I’riiv.He per pound.

Packa^rc Coffee, loc.Granulated Sug:ar, 5 i-2C.Lig:ht extra C 5c.1 lot \N ashing: Poyyder, to eiose out at 2c per

paeka^t1-2 pound can Jackson Backinj^ Powder 5c.

Clothing.T<m> many tbinj^s to talk about,

too many barj2:ains to miss, so be sure and attend this sale some one, or all three of three of the da vs. Therewill be manv winners for you.

There is nf> Mill lind elt»thint:. hni we have de­cided l»» put Mill End prices on many lines in tliis department.Men’s suits, regular price, .Mill haid price .'SH.Pg Men's .'^14-.Dll suits. Mill Eml i)riee .*^11.25.Men’s all wool, up-to-date suits. Mill Eml price,

1 lot hoys’ suits, running troiti 1 T to ID. Mill haul price. S2.QU.

1 lot laws'suits, running tVoin 1- to 14. .Mill laid price. .S2.7g.

1 lot hoys’ suits, size from to 1-. regular snininer suits. 43c.

1 lot hoys’ suits, size from to 1 T. Mill Eml price.S1.40.

Gent’s Furnishinjf Dep’t,We have succeeded in securing .Nonic rare l*ar-

gains for this great Mill End sale..Men’s duck black and white stripe shirts. Mill ICnd

prie-e. 23c.(>ur entire stock of black, witle blaj’k and white

sti|H*s, .Mill laid price, jgc.All our fancy detaehablceollars and iuiffs. tine shirts.

.Mill End pHix?, JQC. These are regular .“Dr values, new styles negligiv shirts ."iDe vahie 3c>c.

.\ whole hit »t fancy neckties, .all shapes, all shades, and collars tot>. .Mill laid price, loc.There will Ik* many hargnins that space will not

|»cnnit us to mention, and yon will Imvc to attend , this great .Mill End Sale to appreciate them.

Men's Shoes.We haVI 111 heavy ( hi

1 »rain sln»es rcLTular price1 .»(•. .Mill eml price .Si ig

ami ;i tew odii sizes we will sell very elieap.In tineSln»e> we h;ive .M W

I Mikeys m nearly all prices Shoes. .Mill eml price,

.'^i.gg1 h»i men’s \ iei Kid Slntes

.'*‘1' .»(• values .Mill end priceSi.gg

1 lot Tan \’iei Kid .Mill eml price.

Si.gg1 h>l hoy’s >ize raiigini:

troin 11* to .■> Tan. SLID. Thesi’ are regular SI ♦>.”» and

values1 h»t 1 toy’s size frtim 11* to

."1 to close at ggc. These are Itargains yon cannot afford tt) miss, and it will pay yon to come early

.Ml onr Sl.l’.” shoes, mill end price,

$1.00.Ml our SI.TiG sinies, mill

eml price.Si.ig

•Ml onr shoes, millend price,

si.jgAll our SI’ sh(K*s. mill end


All onr Sl*.r»(( shoes, mill end price.

Si.gg.•Ml our S2.7ri slicKTs, mill

end price.S2.2g

All our shoes, mill end price.

sa..?gThis inehides Ladies'walk­

ing shoes in black and tan. and a lot of children’s sIuk's to go at mill end prices.


Tk. St. Johns News


iPr»Mi>TH»ji ilrtiTK, W«Uwr Mi. Ka


TMitalkof MHMUiitec tW PMHpfiteM U tbm MMMi noM—w. Wk«t |iomMH» •■MM te tlWM for dlMMlfH tlwOMMOf Hmm WoRda wHMi hoH* bo«ni tkm mumm titlo lor tlM loot 400 jmm umI mom?

Omr io niMl ian^MMM to OORfl tMM MMI UmH Io

: tiMt ft poaitivolY «UI oot do to wator I thratoek.



»witk 0. L. llRRt.MfM. IUmmU Haairy, of Orid was fa He.

Jokaa Unaiay,H. U. I wm ia


TMK.NKwawtU icrataMlIjr rwairr MOoIrMtloM local **r MMcal l■t•^a•l wbaa M»uatMair<l hf tiN- wrftrr'* mm>.

Thto iMkprr %• Mil; <«|«tp|ia>l t4i 4|o l4tbM4l voMMrffUl lu MiMtola arr *4Urn UMwt ■txW. aB4l tlar wtirknMUMlilplaMar. wttril 4>t tbr hliOMwt •laallt;.

Whilr tiM lariaaia hara b«M fludiac faalt with tW oold Matbar tbroaafi May K. M. daiith ha* krpt warai drfTrariaii maafeal ia»tTmnMti aad Mwiaa oma- rhiaM, aad ia May ha* aold: J.!«. Baek. Ht. Loaki, May 2. oiwaa; E. I'ordroy, North Ntar, May lM.oraau;Mr*.CM{. lilo-

iiau>; Mra. Kfiaa f(ao; Wm. A.

.\llni. Ht. Johaa. MaA* 2<l, orsaa: Pr«d tlardaor, Ht. Joka». Slay HO, a wan; Mra.

! C. SVrtkrrbT, Unwobaah. May 00, oraan:________________ ____________ - ! Utemr WHIrr, .Ubley. May 00. ot«aa;

Nlary Bowl**, Ht. Johaa May 81, a oiWiHiawUM* watiW •ww.t. ^ JaaMw Mowa*r, North Hlar, MayWbatrvcr th** oaaar atary Mwon now : 3t), Crown I*iaao; A. A. (Thiek. Ht. John*

mofa aad iiiwa tronbi* artth ^Ry HohilWr iHaao; M. Clark. EM**,

jMtmt O. tiN; c.gjfcwit man. .Wbtoy M^y 28. 4>iir■Bitcri'il hjr Tar .Naw^ lU rtrramiwa w . -t.i__ .m ^MU* ale, Mwi It* MiaarriittWHi ito«i«»iwajr» Carry, .lakMy, .Ma.l jn. oi

•»|M t4> la«|M>tl4ia.

THI'RHIMY. Jl’NK I, imw.

___ . May H, machiar; Earl • ortia. I'airiatoa,.owasarrea* May 0. inachiar; Wm. Frits, Ht. John*,

aritaatha watrr Mppttm. Honu* __ __________ _ ___parmodag coaaidrrabic diltlealty in this mi^iM; Ti*rr>- lAwi*. Oral,ivapaet aad if it in not in th** amount, it .Mav 8, marhiar; .tlhrrt Haltrr, Ht. John*to to itowatar andMwrr coatamination. From i .j. maebiar; .tniraw Fullaw.the waat topadally coama thaw arconnt* j John*, May 31, maehiiu*.of tronbi** and tha pramot sTatam baa j ' ., .oi TToaou* an« lu* p—— . mowara. ratora. rutiary. gronad.baw the worst for yaars. ___ BkjTha, umbraHsM^ rinasra, carpat

Th** dafWaot raiafail ia oa«* great; nwr^ppfa. rapairad at Oabornn gun abopaoamr of troabk*, and in loenJitias that OOM bad a idantifal aapply tkr tronbW may b** traoul to tba daatroetion of th** | Curtaioa it wiU pay you to aw* tham

Union Building, Walkar atraat asMt.

If you oaad a naw (arprt or any I.aaa

,\t Noni.i: BvuTcrrp'a.

Human Hair (iooda. .Hwitchaa, l*nHa, and Front l*ieee«. Old switehw* dyrd and mail** aa gotul aa n**w.

Mna. Euza Hobiiimox, Walk«‘r Htraat Eaat.

A Hiwcialty mad** of «laaign work.C. F. Jc F. B’. K.**•XAIM*

Har** your fumitaw rrpairwl at H. W. Morria’.' Opfmaita r<Mt ofHci*.

Uood bargaiu* kiiida at

in B'aali imkmIn of all Nohi.e BcHJorrr’H.

Oar grrauiuuia are aidliiiK rapidly. « oni#- rtoou or tbay will b<» all ««»n**.

C. F. Jt F. B’, K.nj>.NAri*,

Hpirial pricr* uii Fina B’ool Uu^M and Urewi Trimininge. Hilke, **tr . at Nohi.k lli asETT’a.

IlaB’Itt d<je*4 Hm* r**pair and M<a him wlim in Ht. Juhi

work. Call

flo to H. B'. Morrie* for fnmitare. pir- turrw. pictnrrfrauiiw. **tr. Op|H»«itel*ii*i t iffi**t*.

Ciirtocte. any kind, any imw, any pric»*. in Momt* of tla* lM<i>t inak**** in th** rouiitry

.\t Nohli; llrH>r.TT'»4.

TIi4* Biirkev iion-i»unctaral»l** lin*e on Iti'iiaiH'** flM’yrie* at .M-nnnu’e.

Mrrr wurk**d tire*l natnr** after lutuae- ('leaning. l.,«*tiion llittereii* just tht*ttiioK to ton** up and inrigorate. .V •iampk bottle fre»* at Fii.l»K" »V Mii.i.Ma.n’**.

Spi*i*tal eale of Tatile I.imai and Towi^e .\t .Nohi.e llrnsr.TT'K.

gtowiag timber on the bill lOopeM and ahNHC tlm banka of atreatna. Hume towna 43an now satiafy tbetnaelrea tbia ia the oaaae of the tronbi**, that i* the trouble is grant ly incraaaad beranw the deatrur- tkm of the timber no lonaer {lermita the•treama to retain tlie water and it ixiniea ^ Tailor Made Halt. Cape,doam with a rnah with the raina. carry- Jacket or Hkirt, yon will dnd a koo<| ing with it the debria and arruroulatfal lection nud and mime intereating pricea

. . •*. TK.. <n.«tlr .It NolH-K BiH-TETT’s.eoataininatione in the beoa. m** g»*otiy : ___________ _monng atrenma of a gen*'ration ago. 'with their crystal looking wnt*Ti, are be-coming great strangera in the preaent idR.^- Baging onrrenta in times *>f heavyraina. and aioggiah low atreama moat of |the year. The gentle falling raina too'are yewriy Iwcoroing more and more awarcity and |ieople are accuatomiugthsmaelTea to a watera|a»nr aa it w*Te.and then a raging atream for a day or 'two, inatead of the ample, ambling cor-1rsats and gentle falling raina of their Iboyhoo*i day*.

The natural depravity of man. or rather hia intense grewi ia faat removing from exiatenoe onr one** tine wtMidland rtOpttly. Th«m the infernal t^areU-aanea* of many iwople, atart the deatmetivefor-1 eat ttree. aad to thia latter (wuae. many weat**ni towoa may lay their trouble with the rainiall to thia aonrre, which ' has deatwjyed the aourcea which held their ^treama in go<al auppiy. The for- •wt growth of the mountaiua nod aiopiog billa and along the water (xmraee hold the water like u a|K>iige, holding the melting aiiowa in aobiection, reiarda evaiioratioii, ind thua affording aalowly iHintributing supply t«» the running atream at all tim**a of th*- year, lovfati- gationa have prove*! beyond <]ue«tion that our atreama nn* drying up on ae count of tbmeauae. and in |Kirportlonaa the wiMida. the buabea, the mntte«i uii- <Iergrowth an- cleaned out *•*» are the water*, of th*- atreatna diiuiniaiieal and dried up.

Helen B'ATEiiaoN M*m»d\ liaaa way of saying tbiuga w«dl, iim* of her la teat i pH|a*ra i- entitled "I-ove Your I.A>ver.”.\monz other things ahe aaya: “Intimate acr|Qaiotan*^‘. (*ongeniality of tastes and parpoa*w. raafiect, niiiniration, material and social ad%'anceni»nt—all these may ‘ apiawl at some time to the young woman or the young iiuu* aa furnishing the (MJMiible material for a prospamua ventnre into matrimony. Hut to those who are on this side of tiiarried life, with yiwn* of eX)M*nenre to give ua instgiit.' ther*- never waa a greater (alacy. I wool*! **ay to all young women (and I wnnid I ha*! the tonguea of aiigeta to any it as I should), 'Ixive yonr lover or do not marry him.” llespeci and admini- > turn may do for friendship; inarriageab- Molnteiy demands love. You remember that when the .Vfaistle IVter sums op the i <|Ualitisa that go to inak* the iierfsrt I'bristian character be dtue* not liegin liy ; urging tb«* necessity of faith. He rtnm«*s Its exiateiMv at the start. Me says: “.\dd to yonr faith, virtue; and; to virtne, kn**wl*-«|ge," It is as if be would have ua know that faith is not to be rtniardwl atm|»ly oa an adornment to tkeChnstian character. It is a prare- qaisite. It is the atmosphere in which the I'hristiati life baa its breath and lie. ing. Hn it w with love wb**n tbs time eoHH** to settle the gravest question of Ills.” _________________

!»• ail of tbechurek societies carry out tkeir resolves to ssnti missninariss to t'nba. Porto Rico and the I’hilippines the p«»polation of those islands will show

Wni.0ttM Carl Hkaw

day.ti. E. Nashitt, of Ovki.

In towa.Rraakt

iaia Ovaad waia Oraad BapMaTam-

of Fowlar,Ht.

MiaaJaalaCarkrria spandiag tlw araak with rsiatlaaB ia PNat.

I>. J. Baafaittoa aad littia aoa vialtsd frieaia ia Ovid Tnsaday.

A aoa aaa bora to Mr. mmI Mia. BToi. Hnibsrt (Mi Hatnrday lank.

Bora, to Orvki BaUsy aad wila of Ht. Johaa, Thursday laat, a son.

Mias Niaa Clark spent tks fore part of ike w«a4 with friraos io Detroit.

Joaspk Haott Ult Monday tospaada few dayaia<Hrid,Ch«*aaaiagaadHa^aaw.

MfaaCvHa Arasa. of Wsatphalia. sprat tbs latter part of laat wm4 with frimda hers.

Hsa thaae mill end priem quoted by CoaviaH Hayt, of Mtfwe ItapMa. in thia

Mrs. B. P. Higbee. < iag bar Mntsr, Mrs. C

of Pewaara, ia viait- C. E. VaaHickle, this

Ecl*s-frir Ilaltii ia one of the Is-al medi- cio** on earth for what it is iat*-iide«i for, sneh as spmina, (*nta. bruises, i‘olda. coughs, rbeuinatiam. nut i|uite a careall, blit it will <-om** the closest to it of any m*-dicine ma*i*-. Fii.nr.w A Mii.i.ma.n.

Best line of Muslin I'nderwenr nt.NtlllLK IlrHNETT’s.

You will find .illiaon'a brellas all nght.

prices on Um

W. E. DaLaVargne, of Detroit, vMtsd frisodamHt. Jobas the fore part of the arask.

Mra. R. Odell, of Detroit, was the uueat of her aiater, Mra. H. W. Parker, laat week.

B. W. Flinn, night operator at the •tatioa, waa ia Detroit on bnoiaesaHat- urday.

J. H. aniett.of Detroit, sfwat flatnr- day aad Handay with relatives io Ht. Johns.

Mra. J. R. Howison, of Hagioaw, spent Monday aad Tuesday wiMi Ht. Jiihns friends.

Mr. .\rekie Mellhiney, tbe (liaao toner, i is in Ht. Johns this w«^ and ready for bosimwa.

B’m. Bird is s|isading a few da.rs this week in Orand Kapida and Watorviiet on busiaesa.

It. M. B’inston n«eom)ianied by his little son, Htanton. was in Ionia on bosi- n*es -Monday.

Tw«aity-tbree tickets were s»>ld for the excursion to Detroit Sunday, aad twenty- four to Bay (Ity.

Mrs. fi. Leonard, of Fitchbnrg. Maas., came Hatorday to spend the Hominsr with her bnaband.

Mrs H. A. Carprater aad son Roy visittwl her mother, Mrs. Hinun Brown, of Vernon, Tosaday.

BTalter Eamssand Mrs. J. B. Kamw*, i of (irand Blanc, ate spending the week with a brother here.

.\tte«tioo iscalle<l t<t tke iMiv adv. of f'unvrsA Hayt, of Maph- llapw. whiefa appears in this issue.

Mrs U. B'. (irceu. of Livonia, was the iniest of Mr. nod Mra. Daniel Dnttuii daring the |aiat week.

Mrs. .I.C. Dooling left tor .Niles, Mon­day inorniag, wliere she will spend several w*wke visiting relativea.

Master BTilli** (Iberlin, of Oratiot count.v, is sismding the week with his annt, .Mrs.C. D. Hhemiau.

-Mr. and Mrs. BTilder Knickerboeker. of . I irid, were guests of Mr. and .Mrs. It. Lyon the first of the w**ek.

J. 11. Camptiell. of Ponns4i. who has i lieen in Ht. Johns during th** (wst week, left for ftwosso, Haturda.v.

.Mrs. (teorRc A. Estes an«l danghtrr. ! .tieta, s|ient tin* first of the week with ! reiativ** in Columbiaviile, Mich, j The Misses Iva H*m*iersuii and (Iratv ' Ktnmons and liny IliHidersoii sp**nt Huii- . *lay with friends in B'est Ba.v I’lty.

Dr. B’«*iler and wile, of Itharu. w*Te guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Costerlioe, of Essex, the latter |airt of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barron are s|sm«l- ing the week visiting Mrs. Ilarr«>n‘ssist**r Mrs. J. M. Barlow and husband,of Flint.

Miss Hattie Case return***! to her home io (fvid Monday, alter sfiending tlie |«ast two w*s*ks with her sister. Mrs. CL .'k*ol- ney.

W. A. (Ilaxier, of IIoihws IViint, New York, was the guest of his sist<T. Mrs. i.s*wis. of Ht Johns, the fur** |sirt of theIf you hav** northing that ii«*r*is re-^

pairi^ take it to DeB'ltt, the j*»w**ier and | week.optition. Miss.tdah Htargts, who has been sorod-

Htandard Patterns and l>ssigner Sub- [w ibe ,.rat tbr*^. months at IMding.srripti«jns nt Nomi.e BrnNCTr's.

Is>mon Bitters will core dysfiepsia. I Ins half pint Iwittle for .Mkr.

Filiiew a Millman.

('bmnngrapbs and horse timers and all other high grade work isdone by Ifewitt. the leweter.

The most <*oraplet** line of Heswry and I'nderw**ar and best value is at

Nohle lit rnbtt's.

Eves teste*! free and |s>rfect fit gunrau- leeiJ at DeB’itt’s, the jewefer and opti- tioD.

For caiqiet bog destroyer (wlI at Fii.,- IIEW A Mii.i.man's.

Fine new line of Ties and Fancy Collars tor shirt waists at Noiilb Bi rnett's.

The famous B’hite Ktiad Racer is now sold by L. firaiit A f'o. at fH**. making it tlH*ch**a|swt strictly high grade wb«s>l on tb«* market.

A grand Isirgain in wi4«* all silk laucy IliblMins worth 40r to .'Sk* per yard at Ilf ami 2.'<*itt NonLK Bi'r.nett's.

to Csiitiwetori..Sentcfl |•m|loaais for the errctkin aad

•'ompfelion of a ''hureh edifice for the First Coagregatioaal Cbureh of Ht. Johns. Mienigan, aemrding to the filaas

retnrne*! to her home in this village, .Sat urday.

1*1*01. 1. N. IJnn left for Detroit Monday morning, where lie will |tUiy in an or­chestra at om* of the resorts daring thesensoo.

B. !», Marsh, of V*mon, was in Ht. Johns the fore jiart of th** sre**k. He was •rroni|iaai*‘*l by his nisr**, .MissKiith Par- inenter.

Mrs. Boy Hbolters and children left for Portia^ Moiulay, wlier*- she will spend th«* week visiting Imt fiarents, Mr. and Mrs. J. BTilliams.

C. B*. Carter left .Monday morning on a two weeks business trip to Big Rapids and l*arM. His little ilaught*T Doldie, ac(*oni|s*nisd him.

J. H. Moore, who has lN<rn night cieek at the Hteel for the |iast serso months, left for Flint Monday morniar to accept a similar iswition.

Chaa. Bit! aad Mrs. Frances Bitter, of B'estphalia. were onite«l in marriage nt the M. E. parsonav Monday afternoon, by Ilsv. BT. L. Holmes.

Miss f-stith B'ashburn returned hooto from 1*0well Hatnrday. Hh*- has rsaigiied her iNjsitioa on the Jonraal, and intends remaining in Ht. Johns.

Rev. J. P. Baker, of Kalaaiaio«i. spent Monday in Ht. Jobae. He dsliversa the liacraiaareate sermon for the gradoat- iag Haee in DeB’itt Hnailay •*veniiig.

fieo. I*ambeT. of Haetiags. who hae been vMtiag Hteriing Brietoi aad other

the tiaildiag >*oaimittee, will be nTsivsil to 12 o'**loak B*ion of Jane liith.

wonderfni iin reas< s whsn the rrnsar tak- propoeaU are not to iaciadesvagstamnnd. saating. henting. leadad gtaes. lightiag

«» or plnaiblBg. For theoe laat inratkHMaIr the PMM** coaferense sad theperpet oat ^mte ^ will be ^ved on

. .... . 1 said above imntioned «lats. IJttonentar-youth goat lymph should both provervHitratt the contnw'tor will sgsrtive. we may be treatfsl to the be required to famish satMartory boads.


pasaed awray.

too popalons world al- another gaaeratioe has

It ia quite poaoiMe that Manila bay aRiri if BO sneh terrors to fleorg* Dewey aa will aooail him whoa be aMe hia first futaraiag allaipae of Liberty EoMghtew. iag the World.

aad sfiecifieatioaa aow in the baaila of S friemla in Ht. Johns and riciaity, tor theI last two weeks, left for < iwoaoo Hatnr- day.

Mrs. K. M. Hteel returae*! Taeeday morniag from Vaaf'onvsr. Waahiagton, where she has !•*«■ ependiag the paet foar weeks with her siatrr, Mrs. O. M. HIddsa.

Mrs. T. 0. Reynolds. wh«i has been spsoHliag the iwei three weoke vioiting her lauwata, Mr. aad Mrs. 1). H. Mosher, retnrasd to her home ia Toledo Monday morniag.

Mrs. U. L. Tnakar. of loaia. name Hai- nrday to epend a short time with rela- tives'lwfu. Mr. Tasker, necompaaiad by his cnaain. D. Cwoiey, of Portiaad. diove from loaia Hatorday mitmoom aad re-

The (xnamittee roaerves the right to reject aa.v or all bida.

.iddrree all rommnaieatioBe to Bnild- ing f'ommittee. First (oagregational Chnrrh, Ht Johns, Mishi|pui.

P. E. WALswoimi,.*18 w 4 f'hairmaa.

AnwiaAL dsoirc is ftw rest have to sail for aoaw of the isfamie of the OMaa wboca psoph* ore saacne aad cabim aaknowm.

Door loaks repalrori sad kays fitted at Osborn’s gnn shop, f'nioi* Raildiag. Walkar street east.

Don’t make a mistalK*! Kaapt> Bros.

J«ihR ;Uswart. who is attaadiag the Northwestern rnivereity, of Kvaastoa. i in., sprat Hatarday aad Haailay with!»>«% lu. -■ ipoo t laaue a misiaac: aaapft nros. ”••• ^ —tV------Dicwat saya Ms pHaat^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ \ fyiradsia w oa his ^

rest, la that svrat he will Mtted nUata tnattaad the Y. M. i,. A. imaveatioa.^ ' wkicii is held ia firaad Kapide this wmk

wapaaied pids MowklmiWr wtsk to tOiudi

tolahimee wIh> en wtlHaafv sesltted mm ilsr- lew tlw aWkees. sad st tke destk n| ••er hss- iNMwt sad fstaer. Thatr the sak Its laws wfti

‘oalladMa’t find aav sever Ke tofwettes by setofT I MS ^MfE?

Rev. W. L. Hotmea, aecompaaieil by Ms fathsr. Ml f*»r Eaton Hapras Mowday aftarawtwi. where they sprat Taraday aad Wadaosdaf * Thar drove to Loan- iim aad took the traia from that pafat. Eaton RapMala Hav. Hofama’ oM MgM.


Harbor oa


IHnallary ’ srith frirads in : Mtas Martha HhiadoH= with friends in Owoora.

Mrs. charisn Daan. of ; visiting rslatives in Si. Johaa. .

Don’t fail to rrad thv pvirsa (pwtad in the ad. oa tha oppaaiM page.

M. T. HtrssMr Mt yeoterdavoa a wash's busiaesa ttip to Qraml Travis.

L L. Ooaa. of Dnraad, waa in Bt. Jmw the fore part of tha wash..Mff. L. C. Maad ki \-iaitiaghsrMstar, SK J. W. Flt^mald. this waMt. gWadraWhsiilf H. K. BaMeraoa, of loaia, was ia lihwn laat weak on baaimim.

E- H. Lyon Ifft for l*alm City last evra- I fag. whsre be wBI ba absaat ontll toawr- i row.

Qeo. n. Chapman Mt ysatsrday fora : short basinsss trip to Holly aad Flnsh-< iag.j F. R. Jaekson and A. E. Wilson sprat TWedsy fishing in the Oraad rirer atMoir.

Mrs. M. A. Dodge Mt for Mason Hat­arday, whsre she will. rWt hsr mothsr this w^.

Mies Libbis Longeor. of Hhspapdsvills, , sprat Hoaday with bsr brothsr, Uny l*oogeor.

Mrs. B. K. King sad ehildrra. of Fowlsr. were guests of Ht. Johns rsiatiren ycstsrday.

Miss Jessie Cretchton Mt for firaad I llaiads. yesterday, to spsad a fsw days ‘ with frirada.

.Hmitb Pradra. of firsaaville. sprat the first fmrt of the week viaitiag his father,

t H. L. Pradra.fiaorge Hwarthout, aa eropfoyeat th**

Table Factory, spent Handay at his home in < twooao.

Mra. |{. Hitthawa.T, of Detroit, ia Miiendiag the week with ndativea in Ht.

i Johns aad vidaity.I )lr. and Mrs. Frank f'oau. of Durand.' sfient tlie fore |«rt of tbs we**k with his father, B. P. Conn.

Mrs. H. B. Bowlsy Mt for .Ana .Arbor I vseterda.r to spend the remainder of the week with her son.

! J. L. Bing Mt yesterday for on ex- traded riait with rsiativee in Favetts

: and other pointB in Ohio.Mr. and Mrs. Mnrrett Ridenour and

; baby spent the firsr of the week with his i brother Charles, of f iwoaao.

Mre. Dolose (’anias. of ftvid, spent Dec- I oration Day with her parents, Air. and Mre. C. H. B’alter. of Ht. Johns.

Fred Arthur, of Detroit, was in Ht. Johnson bueinese and also risited M. L. Krayoii Monday and Tnsaday.

Mre. F. .McMaster, of Fnion Horn**, who wa« reptirted to he very ill last week, is n«> better and is falling daily.

-Mr. and Mrs. Fred ('arass, of Wa- i «*oaata. spent Hatordav and Handay with his ftareuts. Mr. an*! Mre. C. T. ('arass.

Mr. (Uid Mrs .A. E. Itntebor return***! Tuesday from ('h**saniag. wb<!*re they bav’e tie«‘n s|iendiux the past fsw da.vs.

B'illard C. I*yon has been spending a (tortiuii of tb*‘ (wst week at Mt. Phmsant ami surrounding ptiinte on a business

' trip.Mrs. .1. Krnse, of Orand Rapids, who

' has ls*ett th** guest of Mrs. M. I'etsch for th** |MM*t week, returae*! home laat ev*>n- ■iig-

Mrs. Emma Hchn<*ider and Mrs. Kalt- rider, of OwissMi, H|H*nt the first of the \ve<dc at the home of N. B'. Kaltridsr. of Ifenglll.

Orand I*ertnrer I'lark will hold aschu<il i of inetrnciion at the l(»dge room, m. .lohns I**Mlge No. lO.'i, on Tharstiavtweii-

' ing. June H.AA'ni. AValdron and daughttw, .Mrs.

Malthonse, Mt this morning for an ex- trade*! visit with reiatives in Philadel­phia. Penn.

Rev. Miller and wife, of Milwaukee, were giieete of Mr. aad Mrs. I'boe. riouie and other Ht. Johns refativee the fore isirt of the w-eek.

Mrs. M. .*teamaii and .Mrs. B. Hicks Mr Tuesday evening for an extended visit situ n^ativee in .Niagara county and

; western .New A'ork.Mbs* .Mary Htark was r*alled to I*ty-

mnnth yest«*rday by th** illness of b^ . sister. Miss Emma Stark. She will re- ' main seviral weeks.

Miss Maggie Parks, who lias been vis­iting hm* sister, Mrs. IUmh AVarren, for

' the |iast three weeks, retnrnsd Hatorday to intr home in Fowler.

11. D. Palmer wfti attend a board meet­ing of tM .Michigan Knights of the Orip,

I in lietroit, the latter part of the week.' Mrs. Palmer will accompany him.I Mr. and .Mrs. Cboe. I*ewia. of Jackson, were gnfwts of Mr. and Mra. .A. J. Pnllaw Tneeday. Mr. Lewis ia manager of the |*ewia' Spring aad .Axis works of that

I etty.Mrs. C. MeClauson aad little daughter,

: who have liera sfiending the paot week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James

, liaiiey, returned to their homeinChicagn ' Tuesday evening.

Mrs. K. Marry sraa railed to Plymouth Tuesday by a tefsgram aanoanciug the

: death of a little graa*l daughter, yonag- i •wt child of Mr. aad Mrs. Harry B’eeke. fnrmatly of Ht. Johns.

I will sell for a snort time a limited I aoHinat of bast Hioal bfadlog twiaa at

III cents per fionad. Farmers shoald order at once to avoid iieralexitira aad

' trouble of last ssason. L. (Iraat.The Maple River creamery, at Orid. is

doing an sxcellrat business. They made I 5.(Ntri ponade of huttar laat weak. The prises are firm aad ererytkfag looks fav- orablr for a good hnstaess this osaaon.

Mr. and Mrs. Thooms Bromlay, Hr., , Mt for (Isveland yesterday, whera they< will sprad a r-ouj^ of weans vMtfim bis ; brntaer, Harry Rromlav aad wtfr. Theywill also atten«l the wwkHag of thsfr

I aiese Mias Baasie Bromlay.The High HriionI (Bee Hah willgive a

' **HtrawhetTT Festtrar* at (leo. Br. Em- mon'sFridayerraiog.Jnae2. Lemaohe,

' the latsat refreahmrat, will also be served. This isn't all' a fine mooiaal

, program by the club, all for lOr.The foHowfag is the Hat of adeertiasd

! lattevw: Mra. I). K. Andre ws. Miss Millie Brown. Mies laa Davis. Mrs. Mina (loro.

. J. H. Moote. Mre. Jewab* iWrin. H. Pri s- toa. Hohert Rleaby. Mrs. Alice Hahrieer. Mrs. Rsfella Haott. Frank L.Hmftk. (larek Hmitb. Jadd Hpa.rd. Mrs, L.v<Ba Hmtth,

' Walter fl. Hpra(tne, Wallare Htiaklev, Mbw Mary A. TolW. Mise Alabef Wfl-

I Hama, Mra. I^siaa Wright, daily WlUoa.

Wonderful Rnaai Katah aad Dr. L. N. Mtxar*a y^iae Cancer aad


ArtMa949oltka•pahHa aataoflWT, eatitlad “aa act to provide lar tkrap- poiatamat of towaakip. vMlaga aad city commieaiuamn fog^jUto daatracritm uf

ifii** agihi^t sompaiaory for towaffMa hiMiMa ta aapoiat oaMiaaaH miai^Kt»4iN^M ass to it that the lawlIKpariKr iatka gia^SawHF npoa thv Caae and other of aatars.

ThraaaNaftfMaart erase is ia fall talaat all oNag datiid Rlvar and loaia isap-

’uatiy going to hcep ap with tha pro* A schema iaoa ftwt sad ia the

hands of loaia oapi^dHats aad leading ■Ml iateraatad ia the town's weffara, to damtherirar arar tha fair groaada aad tlnaa make boating facMthw daring tha aammer avaiiabie at this point. It |B eetiamtsd that it will coat somachiag lUe •2.(MI0 to baM a eaitalds dam aad if this M doav. other improrsavatn of a summer rssurt nature wowid nadonbt- •dly follow -Mapir Rapids Dispatnh.

The following marriags lieaaaes have been graaltsl (luring the past week by Conuty Clark Wm. M. Hmita:Uste. .Vsae. Aae.lia.v ‘JA—Hssrr T. llsto. Mspie RspI

sW ■Ke Nsethsu.MiserspiiRe. JJIsa.

at Berssrrt M«MiBlsg. WretsSsIts....UOTheitols Tbtoss. WrsiphsUs___ XA

30—Hum. F. Hsci. W»sipliells......... HAMrs. FrsSTMi MItter. W«stphalls.AM

311—AMeert E. Jrare*. Iiaplsls....>__ 37Msry I*. Hrctisai. lispbUa........... IR

Aa Msesottonsl ataOsat.Mioa Katbtwia** Heibert, who lias

atodisd with me daring the fiaat winter ia tha Hherwood l*iaau HcIhmiI, has been an exceptionally rarnsat aad intaUigrat otadent. ahe has added to bar firerioas knowledge, improved methods, <*ombia- ing the most anvanoed iihws of technical dsreiofMaent. (xmetq phrasing and proper use of the pedal. 1 take pleacars in rec- ummradii^ her.

BLAxraK E HraoNo, (liieago. May 2.’Dh. |h90.

Aimws* fitsUMF* *“It M a surprisiag fact,^'* rays Prof.

Honton. “ that in my traraie in all part of the world, (ctr tbs last ten y<mrs, 1 have met morepmfilehaviitgnsedtlrBra's .Angnst Flowrsr than any other remedy, (or dyspepsia, deranged liver and atoina^ aad for constipation. I find, for tourists or salesmen, or for |Mtrsoas fliliag office positkNM, whsre bsiidaehss aad grar ral bod teidinge from irrsgnlar habits sxMt. that (Irem’s .Angnst Flower is a grand remedy. It doss not injare the i^stsm by freqaeat use. aad is sxratleat for sour stoaMchs and indigestion.’’ Hampb* bot­tles free at Flldew A Milltnan’e. .Sold by dralere in all driliaKl conntriea.


I^siaess b the (iecayeil friui of phil­osophy.

Every men b more or less of a hero to himself.

The pact* that kilb b often s “flxetl” running race.

Hwsllowring Mgi* tsa b oae wsy to drink in wisdom.

The Iwst wsy Ui heat s piwr carpet u to hoy A fe«*od one.

If it wasn’t for the grip the (*nhl*‘ rosds wonM be (ItMime*).

PugUUtk*sllr K|n*sking, rhi* toogu*- i* mightier than the glove.

It’s hsnl to coavinc** miow* |Mto*|»b- titst honesty is the Iwst |M*)iti(W.

A K«mtuekian asys wsterpriM*r *’«Mt» sre sll right for stomschs.

Every tluii* the w«*ather hss s cubi it takes s drop <>f roercury for it.

The Iwst is the ches|wsL hut the cheapest isn’t slwnys the Iwst.

Home w«>men may n*>t ••srn their sslt. but Mr. IsR’s wife certainly <lbl.

S|ieskiiig <»f srt. the (!hicag«i river is a w-ster otior in a «*bss all l>y itself.

A msn inny Is* worth s bit uf nxuie.v an*l still is* s ver}' piM*r mtrx «»f man.

It’s a great misfitrtun** not to bav* Jutlgmeiii eiM>aah to k«***fi sibnt at th* proper time.

The netraliser enusblers life Imt a <lr«*am until the <lemonillarr ('oin«*s niung and wakes him up.

Many an orator with anti-trust pr*,- rlivities w«tukl kick like a mule if hi<* tailor heb) similar views.

This is the season of sa(4c(Hoth sn<l asb**s. Imt when the tennis season opens It will Is* sack (**Nits sml sssh**s. ^

H*>m** |wopb- tiu*l as much {Ucusun* in whining sbuit their misfortnnes a» oil* ers do in boasting of their gnaal lark.


rhiachilb is seen ererywhawe.Millinery b b**ing hliie-|wneib**t.Vidvet bouse gowns are iiictun-wine.\A*hy (iu n*H women I'ount their chsug**;Trains an* iMit***i in the«ier gowns of

silk.(tpen fires a*l*I mor** than furniture ti»

the catsiness of a nsHu.It b strange imt true that even new

wsteh«*s <-<1014* se«*(HMf-hand«’«l.Box (-oachee are mneh sought by thoae

wIm> are ptvsse*! for closet mom.The happiest moments of oar's life are

th<*ae in which we feel oevtain of our (rienda—l^Uade^hb^JCImsa^

“Plcaos 0<id.” aaid Anat Mary Baa- oy. “If I live till thia sveala aad all's wah I'll sand for tha doctor. **

“1 ahan’t name no naiaaa. “ raid Ua- ols Billy, “bat Jack Trmarahams’a tha man. “

John CRrtar. tha fanwaa onraggler of Portblaah, want throaghcat Cornwall by tha naaw of the King of Praoria. A Moaaahola man. oa hearing nwwa at tha real king of Priimia’a dafast at Jean. recnarlMd: “Mbfcrtnaaa aavur ooam tingla I’m omry for that man. Not BMVw'a rix waahs ago ha lost SOO Img o’ bcaady. by infonwatkm. an I’m toarld. ”

All tha craw had bsmi oavad. Imt cm poor fallow was broogat aahora ancoa* seioaa Tha oarato tarnsd to tha by- olaodrrn;

“Bofw do yon proeaad In tba earn of oaa apparently druwaad?**

“S’acch Iriapoaheta Oonriah Mug

**Dd yam oae that old amn ant 1 TIrirty-two yoara ago that oM oaaaa to (Johimhna with oma aad a occw ton Ba alao had a haebat of apples which a tenaar oataide at the dty bod gfvaa hiua. Ha psddUd the ap- plos oa High street aad aattsd 1ft ewata the firut day. How maoh do yam sag* pane he’s worth aowT“

“Ob. 91*Mfi.000!" raMoae.*^Srn milliaaal” ertad aaothor.“Six millioa. thfwa bnadred thorn-

oaMdl” was theeatlawto of a third.“I give H n|A *' roaarbud tha fbaxth

Hitoair“Not a slagia oaoH. and ha still own*

ftarlha taaohat“-«OhtofUatoJoaraaL

ad a lupablln. Havtag asaght aaamptfw. Hlaas triM tham air tJdag now wwaM be to

LET US HELP YOUSelect your Spring mt from this cle^nt new stock of Hart, SchafFner & Marx garments and we guarantee you will have the best - looking, best- wearing suit you ever WQ^. In workmanship and tailoring the H. S. & M. clothes are ahead of any others we ever saw. Here are all the new pat­terns. It is only a question of picking out the style most becoming to you.


By Han.Sckntaw h Mam

Wilson Bros.ST. JOHNS, miCH.

Hare yon sera onr hanging baakets^ BTe have ssteral niee ones at the store.

C. F. k. F. BT. Knapi*.

Fssd fsr Msassttos.Tharp are many psofde to be fonntl

everywhere who IMieve Chronic discmaes incnrable. Tbsy have liMt faith iu all tfoctors, and ooaaider medbmJ sriraoe a failnn*. Thaas people are boaest in tbrir (Ntndnsiona. haring doctored for yrars and reesived no pennan«*nt benefit, they have Iwcomsdiaconrag***!. Baniark- able as it may serai, many ot each cases in the faoe of all faiinre have fr xnd per- (srt health aad strength and*’? the skill- fnl treatment of Dr. B*. C. Walker, who visits our city every mc.th. The Do(s tor's time is usually taxed to the nt- most. and be informs us tbitt his practice has increased nrariy fifty )ier cent dnriuK the post year. Ther** is only ons explana­tion for this, and that is. the iHictor is retnarkably sorcrssfni in carinir his (mtienfs. Dr. Walk**r will be (onnd as usual at theHt. .lobue Hotel, Ht. Johns. Saturday Jiins .’1. (Hfici* httors h:;|(i u. ni. to p. m. shari>. See him.

The Jamee A. IHibuar Mqssfsriurtsg Co., of .Vorthvllle. bss test ablppAl srosalgnmeat of witerlhsrrows to Huuth Amertrs.

TW Csee s OsM in <Hie Dsjr.Tadce Laxative Bromo(|atnioeTablets.

.All druggists refnnd the money it it fails to ran*. 25c. The genuine Ims L. II. Q. on each tablet. Travis A Baker.

I.awren«>e lllab HrbaeJ will arsdtini. three ituplie this .T«sr. Lethe K<>lieris. K*lwar<t Mosrtie and I'alvla Park..

To Csro Coo. tips Mow Povoeor.TUkeCeacoroM Casdv CaUstriic. ISc or Me

It C C. C (all to curr. drsas'sM rvfsaa aosev



ADS IN ITS WANT COLUMNS.................

9 4

TbeHwutli Haven a Kaoteni rallrosal now rnn thiw trsisa rsrh way li.twrenI..jtwtoB snd Hontb llsreo.

rs Oaro CtosstlssMo** Psrovor.Take r^Msatvts C^aadv Cathartic Me or Me

f C. C. C. fall to eare. drsmstu reload anaev

JaMwph llollsn*!, of Lswrenre. ss*J Mr*- SMrah lirnhsui ol Psw Pnn. have iMwn imirrlnl. It woe the sr«b iiiatirlnMtslal m*!- (rntnre (nr tSM-h of Ihein.




WAXHnmiux, D.C., April 1, IMt. Dr. S. B. Mmrtwum, Coimmtms. O,

Mr Drab Doctor: —It gives am plaaanre to oortlfy to the eaeallant eaiatlva <|nalltlm at jour fuadintaaat

Bob. j. D. Bonmi,Coagraaamaw«a.|*aags(tsai Itoaoaa

Bi’va na aad Man-a Ha. I have baoa alllatod, mora or loaa, for a quarter oi a oaatary with catarrh of tha auimaah aad ooaalipatkm: a rmldsara In AVaoh* lagton has inirraarrt three traubloa.

A iuw beitim of your madietam baoa givuo ma almoakoempiata rallaf. aad 1 am ears that a ooatlnuatiua of thair oaa wlU atfaat a paramosot ears.

Bfni'na Is auraly a woadarfnl tmmr Haetinaa.


HiTe you a hoote to mt? Hife yoi loit somttitDg? HifejMsoMtlriDgtotrMte? Do yoi ffiot Mp at bom?

^ Hife yoo propirty for sili?A few nickles lovestetl in Nkus liners

will fill all thee** dernands.

(taly Five i'**ntsii line. (Heven words to tile line.)

If you want to get next to the public use News liners.


F(»lt .-SALK—Twii hlah irrn*le Isaltee* wheein In v<hmI re|*«lr. <>ur rhihl*. wlieel, <ilei>

p*.**! I>*ini«*.tk- •to'WluK issehlse Mud n lot of )eneiera trsy. tor .h«*w rttmr. Will aell rhesp*'iUI nt Hotel Rt. John*.

fjtolt MALK—ItrlvtnK h**rne. A wed hnllt mnre. Wriah. I.'nmi iN*an<t.. a*MM| ilrlrer.

ktn<l iiu<l irenti**—Mle (or <* Imlv. I'nil Wm. lllaler'., iM.uthrn.t of .*<1, Jokna. 4t.|t.

F«HI mkTTI.N**—Fr..« imre l.re«| Ci ( ornlsh Inallnn arsmes. .kildrr«. r*iuipklna, 4»v|<|. HIrii. RPw-4p

F(*lt HAI.F—Sewina msrhlne, new, neven airnw*. htoli srsale. Will eell fur CV**

.|M*t CKtoh. It (. lirsmi new. oml re«nUr $RA msehine Iminler nt Tsi; .Nkwh uiDce.

W’A.NTEI*—Your s«lr In this <le|>srtment. ft 1.'>.*NN* reaulers e«»ch week. If v**u have

sa.vthlns to m>ll we rsa make ;«»« N MSle. If have snrthlSR t*» trn<le or n htoise to

rent. In«-est l.trenl. In thi. ilefisremeat. It will In* the lient Investment Vtiu rnu mnke alt the sum. KverviNMiy renal. Tni: Nkws wnnt rolsmn.

.kKKdWH KOI! HA I.K—NevernI ltee.1 <'prtiii( TtMith Harratws lor sa.le rbenp. lire uf Tsk Hr. J«*H«s Henivii CuMetw..Kn<|ulre

1?<»II .HALk—The llnrreal i*l;m«*ntti lt<*rk Is r them**st iHipnlnrfowl In An»er«ent<MinT. M* stork Is (ratni IlMwkIn's ( elehraiaNl Ito.rnI nineHtrnis. L^mrs fur hntrhimc nt rens*»n- nhh* prtren un*l aasrnnteeal (rum strP-tlv pure hreal fowls, .k.lilress |l K Kst \i's

__________________________ Mt. Johns, .\llrh.

SI ((Alt liKKT IaAXJi—Heslrnldr Innal tor rstsln«siMrnrt*eeisrnnl*ehn*l fonmlyti of the rn>|is ns restni. Ht. Johns |.attd «’*». Ltd.

KKALkWTATK KOI: HAL>;—Anr*.iie.|*.dr.Ins n iHilldlnalot.fnrmtarjtlnretif

will <|4> well to see Us. Ht. Johns l.ssdl'<K Ltd.

F(»R HALK—llonse sml hit. mmer <»( i nan na*l Whitmore Htreets 4UPt.%. Iminire of

’JHnr3 Kskh 11. Isriv**.

Jj*(*RHALK—I will sell m; farm <»f use bna- <lTe*l nml twest.t nrres. known ns ths

Ike Hennlmc Inrm. three nml une-hnil mlito fr**m Ht Johns, rhesp. or will tnke m ex-

rhnnoe rtiisoe property, .w n smnller fnrm.J. II. KenrwA.


11** /T."'* ••• bey, sell *»r trnah* Isrm €tr^*Ht"j*.'hmrT?ih * — ** mmmlmIt** w.Xp.

__ahw Wstslt HNtar. M Ithsss.

isOvstsI Imhe, at RsoKWIa. huiMmis

was drowasd Mssdsy, wbae

If irWUPV Is s dreecttve iRsrssrmianwbT tiinnsssds hsveH snd------r* dtHi’f ksnw It. It .ros

rjMJljBl.C wsst qstek resstts vm* ■" eas mnhe mn mtmtmAm

by srioa hr. KUmer's awsmielUtot. the Ofsat kMaev fsmsdy. At alrsoalMs Ui (Mtv fsat sad dsRar mtmm. rmtmptm hnttle by mall Irsr. Stas psaihlst tsatam ma haw tf> (kM sat W v*wi have ktfiaay trsakta. it)


\\’k-'‘TKI»—Kxfiertsme*l trsveHns snl.smss VV t*« sell Srst rlnss Use **1 Pntnts. Vnrs-

Uhee. etr (hMul |H*sltton tor rtaht (•arty. BKwalp I'aist M *vt-rAi-Ti'SKB. (Vvetsmt, d.

W'ANTKlL nt «»see Wm. <'Hrh pays rmdi Yv tor seratml haMnl stutes. nmlwnntssusto

stadwe. .tis** Itnrsrnae.raaptwr, ■tsc. letidntwl vsbber. Fniun A Klebmunal htuHi.

■»NfcT Tn M»AN.

Md.XRA* r<l LOAX—Fedews a WslhrMa» hMui is«»sey nt h»w rates ad laterent na

real estate seenHty la nay sstss desfri <1.

Dr. B’slker will be at the Ht. Johns Hotel ia Ht. Ji*ht*n Hatnrda.v Jaae 8. < ifilre hoars m:JRI a. m. to 5 p. m. sharp*

Handay Juae 4. the .Van Arbor R. R. will ran an excartdon t*» Tnlsdri aad re- rant, Mpraial traia will have KMs at 7:82 a. m. Fare lor tha rnaad tripfil. For list of attraetfoas at Lahe Erie |»ark aad Caalao. a


.Every Prloii - 4L>I >in this store is marked In Perfectly Plain Fifures.Every Customer can see for himeeif.Every person charged the Same Price.We will not have any deception here.


f A


Sensible, Cautious PeopleWe Guarantee Everything as Repesented, or your Money Back.

Our New Goods are such that we derive pleasure in showing them to you.We are satisfied that we have the latest themarket affords.

will watch this page and note their wanU amonK Its offerings There will be many instances where you can save money. There will be many instances where you can save labor by buying our readv.to.wear ear- ments. You are perfectly safe in buying of us. ^ ^

The Backward Seasonban Irft oar atork* tilth fpMMU ou hand that ougiit tohaT.*lin*.fi nold

a mouth aiio. XV*. |im|io*n« to tnak** prism that ouKht to and will tlami.

Taffeta Silks.* lur nimortmrnt ia in ahaia* that it hah<M>rm ua to K**t n mov** on ii>

For thia pnr|»«*n.' w** will itlaci* on i*ala 'ITt |ii*T«a, in laturtha l',.TBnln to lo jiirdn of

Fancy Taffeta Silks.$1.75 quality, while it lasts, $1.39:^i.39 “ .................. Si.oQ$1.35 “ “ $ .90$1.00 ** “ •* “ % .75$ .75 ..................................* “ 5 .59

Kvarvljod.r knowra fh aanaun'a wvnr.

The Fashion Changes.i.aat yaar thr fnnr>- wniata ware .mtirHy in favor. Thin year tiia

oiia color wHiata-in aitk or nafiii nr** tlie c«irrert thiuir. Mtyiiah anistn in bliia and Mark corda«i fnMita and rntt1e«i ■ nffn. earh S8 50 to fO.OO. Itlark aatiii waiafa with coniiMi frtiiita. $6.00 t«i 90 00 each. XVaah Waiata. An extratnaly lanre aaaurtmant in all c(,|«)ra. iMittema nud inatiTiaia. 30< to 91.76 .wrh.

Important Announcement.Miitariala for ftradantinit draaaan can ha aaan at oar star**. Wc have

avarjthinK in fSh»vaa, Kana. Iloatary. .HIi|ifiarM nud Tim. Muny diffeiant vnriaiira of doth at prkwa that will nuit your idea of what you ouftht to

Don't Buy Your Outfit Until You Have Seen Ours.



Attend Onr Cat Price Sale of! FOOTWEAR.

We are overstocked on some lines of Shoes, owing to the backward season. We are making, some remarkable offerings in our great unload-, ing sale that should be the convincing evidence, of our absolute supremacy in bargain giving.

kirtLadies^ Suits.

are thr iatrat atyim and b.,mrht for the


Saparb Cokmafs in auita ai 97.So aad 910.00 mch. Silk linr*! jack

liraulifni wool rhavoit abort iack*>t linrd with laney linioir,F^rh,

Table Oil Cloths, la i-ac.In rnwy day want in any lionm h<»ld. XVe purrhaoad a lant** (|naii*

tity whrii the iinta* waa juat riOr lor 1l! yarda Ima than thia (*an la* lM>u(rht for tieilar. We are trivinK'>ur i'Oatoin**ra the laaieOt of ihia purrhaae ami will aell duniiic thia aale .V4 limt quality at 19S<'. Othera, we unileratand. are lutkiutf l.V for the aame quality. Why not liny of ua?


$15.00bii\a the lawt aoit in tile lionw* liiirinK the next week, .laeket, hranl

triinme*! Mild lilted with .Skiniier'a •Mitin. fiuur.mteed to wear two veara. Skirt liand*ome|y hmid*<i.

Ladies Muslin Underwear.Childrens and Infant's Wear.

tiowoa. Itmwera, Skirta and t’oraet t’over.. abaoliitt^y auld lor laaa than tiie material alone ran la* iMiuaht. and in a4»nie iDatiitir«yt lower thnii the -urn- ina ran la* bud.

I'bildren'M lirawera, 1 and 2 ymra. (mir. 10*'. I'bildreti'a waiata, 1.2 and *1 y.<at>, ••ach. lOr. I.adiea' ('ora.*t t'nvera, each lOr. I.aidiea’ 1’ora.t ('oTera, a little bit afdlrd.

Hea. 2.’a' and 'M**- kind, while they laat, llh-. Skirta, Iteautifnl embroidered trimme*],

each. 91.49 and 91.90.

Ladies Wrappers.

Select your Coraets as you do your shoes—get thoee that fh.

Our Corset department can show you all the leading makes.

None better than royal WORCESTER GORSETSw

Grocery Department


trading with■ n wagtm that comes

■■JMa»le of IVrrale in I lark t 'olora. Trimme*!

aroiiiHl yoke fMiiiM and iMittoiii a ith mttle pnnte«ieiiice. The la*.t ifttiiiK Wra|i|eT lo la* had in to voiir (loof, F’erhaos vtHi orc pavingtoan. Tliev Mr** iii«f like th** HryHtmpaoriuu nit .. V * ' iai d we Ih. II. at. .*arh 10 to Jo fier ccnt more lor your grocer-1

its that yf)u couhl get them lor at j


Read the Big Cut in Prices:.adie*,’ tan ah<M*« worth 94.iK», LnloaditiK .Sale price. 91.00.


Superb Showing of Lace Curtains.Nothinir that we hnreer.Trameil in af*a*k will aire the l(a«iitiful

♦>ff*vle III win.fow de«*omtioue and aijch apleadid aatiafactloii aa the "BOB- BIVKT RUFTIJED CXJRTAIJI**, m kind of which w.* have a lanr»* aaa*irt* 1 incut. The price. 99.00. up. We ala*, ahow the aaine irrMida liv the ynni for 36* and 60<' aith riime.| imIk**.. Onrandi** njrrnina 76c to 98.00 a imir. Thcae curtaiiM arc dainty and waahable and are laatutitul niWitioiia to any window.

I lur No. 42.’i Wrapiwr la made of lieat l***mile Kx- actiy like nit, triinin«*<l with .Soutache hraid. akfrt. nt- tach*-*! to waift in aiich a way that when th** lielt ia |aafe,»e«i it haa III** .ShiftWai.t an*i akirt *6**ct.

The Bisf Store..4«dice’ tan ah<a*H, all atvlim. worth W..**!), rnloadiotc Sale price, $2.7S.

.adice’ tan ahoae, iroo*} ralu*e* for 9*1 'iti. rnioadiutf .Sale prtce, $2,2i

They are perfect fitting and we well them at

Ladies’ Underwear.Our I’odcrwear lie|Mirrni«at ia chowtiitf an ini*

mense line (exclusively ladieel. "'e ••an idf*’.T‘»Ha irtMMi F>rn Koit for each 3c. .\ better on**. eeainleiM*, iiMiiallv iMilii for life, our price, each 7c. 10<" buy* aWinn aleevc. ta|ie<l neck rejcular K**ni Veat for ladiee. lui '‘Xtra iroo*l jrarnieiit. and w*dl worth the price^ Flu.vptinn Cotton. «hn|e**i veete, witlior without wina itleeve, a latiutifullv maife irartnent and a tianmin at 16c. Our rcipilar 2.V kind tfoiiitf at 19**, bi**ached nr nnhleacbed el*e*vel»*i«w ami made of I.i*l** Thread.


Misses Union Suits.We carry a full aiMwirtment of aiie** in Mi*ie»ii I’nHin euite. tafie*!

le. and knee |MintN. They ar»* the T**r.v lieet tliintc bir childreo’a wear.IW •nit.

35c to 50c.I.ADIB6’ UOBT WBIOHT URIOM STTITB. Iona-IfWTc, li«le'

thread, ma<le mchl. |ier euil.

$1.00.I.adi**e' low neck, wleevi-leae or abort deereii 60*' to 91 96 fier anit.

BOTB * 8 U HHKR WBIOHT 8HZRTB (Hirre|pilnr2.VkiadtoHneennt at



Ladies’ Wash Suits.


Granulated Sugar 18 lbs. $1.00

5 lbs Good Crackers for 25c:ts. 1 Doz. Boxes Matches lOcts. 1 Dozen Qothes Pins Icent.

juliee* ton ah«iee, extra (mriraioe at 92.."»o. rtiloadintr Sale price, 92.00.

.adieR* tan ehoen, ailk reatiuK top, worth 92 •Mi.rDloadinaSa)eprtce.9I.S0.

.adiett* tan eh€>eH. fancy v**.tintf top. mnnl valu** at 9I.7."i. .ale pi-Nw. 91.35.

.adiee'extra 6iie diinaoia. .ilk reatiuK top, ueualij •edl. fur 94.1HI, g® m ' thia i*ale at 93.00.

oidiea' .mall aii*<a. 2^ to 4 only, hand aewed, w*wth 9*1 «h», i-ommon aenm* toim, to **lo*e out onlv ♦•€.

.4idi*w' 94.INI hand tnrrH*«l .hncM, ,iointe<{ to**., to doie* out theentiivlot we. ha\*e marked them 91.95.

Therut repre«*enle the laitr.t ami llandMitneet j Wn.h .Sint we have wen tor the pru'c They an*! made III I«awo. Shirt Waiet ami Skirt .eftarate, [ Wai.t lia. Tucked Front. Thia iraniient mu.t Iw •cicii to fie a|iprertal***l. They cannot tie made for j • the price. W** ,*e|| them for, each


1 pound loaf of BestWHEAT BREAD

3 cents.All Kinds of Cookies

8c a Doz.Wash Skirts.

In aN I'olor. ami Kin«)a of material 9SC to $1 39 each.


I.adiw*' Hm* kid lac** .hoe., jrnod .fylee, worth 91.7*"*, for 91.25.%

262 pair, of ladle.’oxford., tan or black kid. .lien 21, to .'1. mdd for 91.*SO and 91.7.*i. your choic** hir ♦•c.

.Men’, mblier-wileil, twnva. top, lace .hoe., only 49.* ,ier jiair.

Men', tan .hoea, viwtinir top. worth 9,H.o<i. I'liloadinff .Sale price, $2 35.

.Men’, extra Hoe rici kid tun shoe., worth 96 00 far 92 25.

! I »ne lot of nnwi'a medium toe tan nhoe., fKihl for 94 iNi, tu ofiwe out. rou can take your choice for 92.90.

■ Men’, fancy reatloK to|i», tan or Wack. rici kid. new .tyle., worth 92.7ri,i j I'nloadiaa Sale price, 92.00.

Men*, extra Hne ki*l la**e.hoe.. <ood .tyh*., only 91,75.

In buying onr Bread you run no ri'-k ot‘getting pfior bread it’s made of

! the very best Spring and Winter Whexit I Flour we can pnrchafic. Onr Bake

SBXI«BT*8 1. the kind and wrecan nav** y«Mi monev. 80, 40 and 60 «'»mt» 1 find Clean and WC in­vite everybody to inspect it and

.\fe Tou aware that we oell the IIFXT FKIIFI’MK to be

inspectfor themsel\*es how we do it.


Try our Silk Gloves with Clasp Fasteners at-50 and 75 cents a pair. I n (^^tis Peaches............................... 35c

~ kl Cans Best Tomatoes.................... 35cMillinery Department. ^^nn* u«.t pen» 35cLadies’ Hosiery.Tile icmid weariav kind are here. We

can .apply you with a aood xeamleiM, hiirh

Hilieed heal ami tloulila Mtle, fall revalar I The Most Fashionable li'Ti‘LUr**..*'",!;made mm\ etaetir tofi. the omial ‘ific kind for \ •‘"* jieofile’a price. h» aboat S »OC

I Salbira are beinv w>ld by otbera for SI.SO. <bir SI*60 TTimmed llata ore per ,iair. 10c. I ummI SO.QO kiad.

Fancy |4.id and mriM hew. lor per Flowsrs WC can sHow a vcTy large assortmentI the price as usual, lower than others.

.Men’. Mtin calf .ho**., all .olid, half Hm*, lace or ('oa«rrae. worth 91.7.% for' 91 25.

.Men', plow .ho<ai, worth 91.2.% for OSC.

Ibiy’. calf lace ehoea. worth 92for 91.50. i

|ialr. 8*V.

Faaiw lA4e tbrea*l h

lie aad 50frtilorinip*.

B Cans Best Baked Beans............... 35cl\ Cans Best String lienns............... 35c3 Cans Best Sour Krout and Vienna

Sausage..................................... 35c3 Cans Best Cherries....................... 35c1 lb Fine Cut Tobacco..................... 30c1 lb Smoking Tobacco..................... 30c3 plugs any kind of Tobacco.......... 35c “

Hoy'. Mitin calf, lac»* idioe., worth Sl.'Vl, for 91.15.

(liiM’. kid Um— or hatton akoea, i4ww 6 t»i M, w tirth 7*W* for 50c.

.Miatwa'kid laopor bnttem .kfM*., worth, 91.*Vifor9l.00

Mtaw*' domrola khl laceor hattoa idioe., worth 92 nu, for 91.50.

Don’t Fail to see oir Hats Before Boyisj^ ^ Tlie lerfantile Co’s. Shoe Departnent!



BrsixKss Dikhct«»ky


LKWI» mKVKKKXI'K. a. II. Alloritvt. * •••naHor i%n>i HoilHlxr »(. J>ihn«. Ulrli

* uotliilhu uMr«ur*r NmiIumaI Haak

IKIIIIMrA « WkI.HKIMUK. AtItirMr at L.«w. I'oraar Draa


What a Wall'kaown CJUicaa ol Men- Jon. Mkh.. Smy al Ufakr'a

I)y»papa4a Cure amd Narve Kaatorrr.

W ll.i. H. HMlTNa«>k,AtturM> at Laa. rtt JiiliBa. tVA

U. 4. i'aaaia. P. K. i*kaai«. A.J BACOwik

PKMMINa a HiLUtVIM. Atturaaya al l.a«r aatJ M«»ltrll4tr« la riiaavrry, r«al aa- tala aaaniB.rttara.TaacvroaaU lauaay loaaara.

aaaaiiaa IHIaa. |»a> tasaa. axaruia tiaaama p«|aar«, aaU laaka rullartUiaa. All Uuataaaa proaip Ijr aa<l arruralalir atlaa<la<l t«i. OMcr oa*r tfittcktrr ■ 4kua ainra at Nu. 11 t'ilatua aaaaar.Ht. Jokaa. Ulrlilaaa.

R1L.KV J. MTtMUlMtKr, JtM»tlra uf tlw Haara. Caratal attaatlua clvaa tv all

caMartlvaa. MiBaa ovar Alllaon'a Jaaralar> •tvra.

ItiriN U. LiVtlN. Atturaa* at Law. Ml. , Juaaa.E

SK. Att»raa> at Law. Ml. Jtihaa• Uicb. <mrauvrr llallm-* Hataar.


MKa. UK. UUUUK. Taarbar ttl IMauti. Or- aau. ViH-al Mualo auU Itariuouy.

. r<Hiiaa ovar MitauMlua * llaniwara.PlIVSiriA.N'h.

DK M. U. Htit'.klK. I*ti»«l*-iaa and Mur aa.ia OlDvi-»a«-oud^n'Mir <1lnl«»li Idtiak.

St. Joba*. Klrb.

M.kKV I*. M.tVItNa. H. U. OBIrr ovaf Noltia liurnalt** aitira SI. Jt*bup oiMcr boura II l(> 11 a. lu. and :i: tu 5 p. tu. 1

SM.POMT M.U, Pbjralrlalt.suriratin ano • \olarv I'ubllr. Oftlrr •ivar Mi» H. tV. Molion’a llilllnary alora. .\o 14 I'linlou Ava-

BUr l(aa|tlan<*a «'>>riiar {.aiialua and ICttdaara Ht.. .SI. .lohU". MIrb4 4IL.1..VM A h|.KII«II 1. I'Uvan-iHnaaiidsur* It aaoBa Olb-'f MUd raaldamt- aaal *lda i>t<?oiirt H *uar tMiuaf*' Oltl<'«- lioura I lo avarjr allrroiMtit

DK. J M . rot.l..it(U. M. U.. I’li.t ak'iaijlinl ^Ur»tt-«»h. Ml \llrli Oftlrr

ovar Hlair lt«.na •


E. 1 If UUI. l udrrtnkrr. .No. 1*1 I'llDlitb .i*r. Ilraldrln f «•< MI s*t a I a S|. W ral

*|•lil- I’l.lNTO.V ror.NTV .saVI.NO.-' IIA.N'K

.ST .um.Ns. Mini..

I'AVS .1 I'KIl niNT l.MKUKHT o\ UK |*os|T.SANI> l.O.A.NM MONI'.V 0.\ A !•

PKoVKl) ilONIiS A.N'Ii ItKAl. KM- TATi; sKn UITV

ALHKKT J. IIAI.IOVIX. !*rr-ldrnlO. I'KSNin.!.. \ ».r.|'n-t.|rnl.

r K. IVvl.-'d' oil'll Traaaurar


Stale Bank of St. Johns,of St. Johns, Michitran.


Capital paid in $50,000.00

PORTER K. PERRIN. President.0. W. MONGER. Vice President,

J. W. niZGERALD. Casnier,R. A. BEEBE, Teller.

Tlir'-* |>**r i>*nt inlar»t*l luiid <iii (■♦•rtift- I'Hl*" ot <|a|»tt-.iT ami <»ii i>aviiiu> lKi<ik ar-

Iiriitla 111 aii.v |Mirto! tin- ^llll•■4l .Mtat>*a or I'aiiMila ami in til** prinrif>al **iti**- *if Ktir»i(M livtiunta ol Inriia n*. iiirn-hant- ami im<<'haiii<T< pi*- i>airiil Mil tavoralil*- l♦*rlll^•. ami ••vary iv- ciiimNlation ••xt<'iii|<-«i I'MiiHiniaiit uith Mii> liaiikiiii;. Su|a*riMr imiiiti«-r lor inakiiii.' •-«i||»«ftioiia o; all kiml-

looey Loaned on Approve ‘SecorlUes.DIKbCTURS:

0. W. Muni^er, Geo. F. BUrrln,J. U. Corblt,J. H. Fedewa.J. w. Fltzcerald,

Jesse SuillTan, James Rlcturdson, Dr. G. E. Corbin, Porter K. Perrin .loBn J. Kelscr,

Geo. W. Emmons.

r. Imans Compound

The Lading Blood Purifier

A Reliable Stomach, Liver and Kidney Cure.

Plasant to the taste.Ask your Dru^jcl^^ts for it.

Sour “■••Anar I WM iB4BiB4 $m try C’JbMMb>

m*:T». 1 vili aavar fea aaauat tbaai la ib» hoMB- Mr iivrr au la a vary bad abaa* aad »r asad arard aad I aad vioaiaab troabU Mav, Maa* tab- lau « Mcarata. I farl Bav My atta Bas atoo aMd laaat •lib tiraaOwi raaalu tar vaar Mnwaab '

Jua. kuuuAaa. on eaaaravi at. ai laMta Ma.


P'aavaat ^•ml>^ab^a. rMaal Taa«* Uaad Da Oauu .'••v»r •••ara Waaaaa er Urtya Mt Dr.lBa

... CURI OONmPATIOM. ...b»i»^ aiaiif Caaaw. iMaaaa. BmIiiiI. ar> tmt. m

■O-TO-BM S£Kt«IRr!SU!.%Sr

**l liHV«< hail ll.va|»r|aMa lor tlm |M*al thiri.v .ststra Sl.v tr«»uGUs> wm* ludutra tioii, Sour Ktoniut4i, .ktiil h’rriiHHi till too. Xaui^ritt. uuil iiloMliHK affr^r iitrala. llrart- bum wIiM’h Ml liliira nMidvsvs) >4ra|i iin- |MMatibi<‘. I lri*sl iMsarl.r avrrjr aa|i|Mif«d rroHsl.v, Mini UKV>r«l «lortora, but ishiIiI uot tp*t mli»J. iiiilil I aaa iodoMMl lo tr.v Dmkf'a I>rafK*(v.iM l un* unit Nrrv*« Kr*.- toivr. Hiiil M'Na isiiiiiilrtrl.tr t uml bv Ih*- liar oil wo lailra. I liaVw Uot bail MJI> troaok* with iii.v atoiuacli attHs*. and ••an rat Nii.rtbiaic aith |awtrrt isimlurt.

________ •‘Youra rmorrtlalhr.O' MrOiKh

lirakra ll.>a|ia(wiM Ciirr uud N'l^rvr Uratunr i« |•n•flMlrrd iiitablat fortii.roiii- liiiMsI wiili a Mrtbod Traatiiiatit, wbicb iu llrrll ia illlli-li.-UMalilr to NII.V •Imiroiid ol kret»iiiir urll, uud nijM.vinu ii loUK Mud pnNHirroua lifr. Tbr**- talilrt- do iioi tsiiiiaiit itpiuin or ••alonirl. an* I* ••iiaMiit to takr, rail la* raaily rarnril m tb** iMH'kri to l*r uar.1 urhrn iMsss.wary,

.V V ilu ibb* bi Ilk 014 rtoiiiarb aadiirrv*' tniiibl*^*. tbrir a.viiiiitoiiis aud •-tin*, fm- fortbr iiakinu at aii.v iiliiis* wbm* thin irrfilmnii iHr*ibl.

Kor iMilr b.v Travi» A Il.-iki*r. llriiKniiilii.

Sewer Notice.To thr pro|M*rty ourorra and otbrn-

iotarralMl in the followiuk propiaiMl iiuprovriiiriit, viz: The ritroaionof new H.vateiu aewer from the cNirnrr of UaUlwiii and OakUnd atreet, ruunintr north on Oakland atreet tu a point one hundred fret north of the north line of State atrts't. the situr iiriuK eight inch aewrr pipe to the 1‘urner of Caaa and Oakland atrisMs and* the reiuaindrr aiz inch. Notice ir hereby given that then- liar lieen de|K«iteil with the clerk of the Village of St. .lohna for public eiainiua Uon ii|irciHcationM of work. luaterialK and conatruction aud •••tiinatea of the coat and expenava of the following proiMMnl improveiuent which the Council of aaid Village intrnda u> make, viz; F^itenwion uf new HiaU'iiJ aewer from corner OaK laud and Ualdwio atreeta running north on Oakland atrret to a iioiot one hundred feet north of the north line uf State atreet, the aanie lieing eight inch aewer pi|>e to the corner of Caaa and Oakland atreeta aud the remainder aiz inch Tne diatrict to iM-aaaeaaed for aaid improve mentcoiupriaraallthefollowing deacrilied i Iota and preiniaea, li^wit* Loti.'iaudilbik 'i:i. lota :i and 4 bia. 21. lo a 1 aud *J blk. I 21. lota 7 and s iiig iota U and M* blk. i

lota 11 and I'J iilk. lota .*• and •> lewa l.*> fe«t blk. *J4. lot 4 and I-'ift. off north side lot o. blk. *J1. lot d blk ‘J’>, lot •'■ blk *Ji>, 1 ita " and a> . of P blk. l.'i. lota 1 and - bla. 21. lot T bik. !•*>. lot lHand n'. of P iilk. lo. lota P and 10 blk. 2*> lot 1 aud w

i lot 2 blk. *2.'i. H 12ift. in width otT loti* lo and 11 blk 14, n Toft in width ot lot.- to and 11 blk 14. Iota 12 and lo block 14. loth ^ and P iilk. P. The Council will meet 111 the council chamlwr in tin- Village of ,Sl. .lohiia on Momlav the liftb dH> Ol .lune, 1M*P, .It 7 •Pi o'clock |i m .to con.Nider any oiijection to said improve meut or to th<- diatrict to Ire .maeaacd.

Dated .Ma> l.'i IsPPUy order of ttie ixjuncil of the Village

ol .St. .lohn-M. .Ml Do>-\i.i».

Village clerk

Sewer Notice.To the pro|>erty ownera and othera

intereited in the folloariog protaiaed improvement, viz Theevtenaion of new avaiein aew-.-r frooi corner of Oakland and .State atreet, <«aat along State atreet aiz hundred and thirty two feet iL't2i, aame ireing eight inch newer pipe. Notice ia hereiiv given that there haa lieen de|NNiiteti with the clerk of the Village of St. -iohns fur public eiamination epeciti catiuna of work, materiala and oonatruc tion and eatiinatea of the costa and ex penaeauf the following proposed improve ment which the Council of aaid Village intenda to make, viz. Eztenaion of new avatem aewer from corner of Oakland and State atreet*. east along StaU* atreet, aiz hundred and thirt> two feet *•.'12 , the aaiue ireing eight inch aewer ni|>f. The diatrict tu Im* aaaeaaed for aaid im pmvement oompriaeM all the following described lota and premises to wit* e’| lot and wt4 lot .*1 Iilk 2>, e‘i lota .'1 ,tnd 4. less l.'i ft blk 2>. lot .'i and e I.'i ft lot 4 ' blk. 2>, w >, lots 7. M and (i blk 21*. w.'L'i ft of !•>, lota 7, M and 1< blk. Hi. e 44 ft > of et« lots 7, M and U blk. 2B. wllki ft lots 4, .*• and It blk. -ll, soil ft lota 4. and b blk.-'ll. w>, lots 7 and M blk. .'ll, lots I and 2 blk :tS. lot .*1 bik '12. The Council will meet in the council chanilier of Village of St. Johns on Monday the fifth day of .lune, iHSHi. at TiDU o'clock p. lu. to cooaider any objection to said improve­ment or to the diatrict to be aassaseti.

Dated Ma> I.'i, l*M*.By order of the Council of the Village

of St. .lohnaM. McDi •XALU,

Village clerk.

“Mnrder!" ahrlekMl the wamau **I Iwg yonr {tardoD- justifiable homi*

Hdet" cxclaiui*^! the inaa warmly, pansing fot a loouient with bla glitter­ing dagger held akdt

Of course two iwrsona wtio mnld not agree any lietter than that « aght nssrer

have mamwi.


Mr. Kj'iiinia’ hark ganlen luie lieea for many years Infeefed with cats. Af­flictions MZfv- fmtii this particular cauae h«‘ bnre. and iMarljarks were In rain. The votees uf tlto> eats wen- to the last degre«* exaa|ienitlDg to hla nerves, and a month ago Mr. Myiiuua was apiiar- enlly on the way to fall a victim to iwr- ilatent Inaoiunla.

One night a peeuilarly ineloillous sound floated up to Mr. Hymms* lairk windows. It waa a gentle, soothing eouml. of delbious tirabn*, awl, while totally different from the yell of an ordluarj- itat. It auggesteil what the voice of a celestial awl gluiiiltal 'nit In another and la^tter worki might he. Mr. Rymma Ilateoed with a<liiitrattnu nwl delight, awl In a short time was luUe«i to aleef> by the inehMiloua vnhv.

In the iiiomitig an invt>atlgatloti In the taick ganlen resulted in the disene- ery of what appenn*«l to la* a new siie- cies of animal -half cat nwl half tin can—a sort of iwaneding link l*etween live cat awl cnnw<l an usage. It a|e |N*nrs that a ••an contiilnitig n little pn*- wrviil salmon luid Iweii car«»4ess|y thrown int«i tla* ganlen by the toTvant, A pnshiiorj* cat luid M|ae«*ze«l her head Into till* can In onler to get at tlw sal­mon. aiMl had foitwl •nit. when It was too late, that the rmgnieiiti. of tin nniwl fh»’ iieitttli of tin* ••an preveiiieil her wltlelmvvtiic |ji*r Ih-h^I. In tlo-si* cln‘unisfa.’.«’<-s she waiHlen-*! alsuit tie* ganlen. Iillnd. awl unable to esca|N-. The volci" was so iiMMlitliil by the ••an tiint It l•N•l Its liarsli and •Itstiucllve felltji- ••hnno f*-r. and tsiviiw tin* •h•ll• eioiu iiiiisb* u'hii-ii IumI charim^l Mr. Sytnms* inhlnlght «’ar.

Mr. .4yinins at •>ini* saw that the tro-niiH ••f n>ndering all the ••nts >4 the neightMrIuHsi harmless was at his eotii- nuuid. TIm* next night le* pla«*eil 24 salmon tins In his lai^’k ganlen. awl In th^* morning In* fiHiwl tliat *24 •■ats had Isinio'tiil tliein»s*lv«*s.

K^ir warl.v a wei‘k these .aiilin:ila roaiiHil ^ afMOit tla* ganlen. iiualik* to ai«*al. light, or •lestn»y .Mr. Syiuins’ ger* nniiiins. while tb«- nelghlMirs •*alhyl •m tluit gentleman to thank him for the piiblle H{Hrft which ImmI Iwhu'eil him to put In Ills window •itch a •lellghtful I'Aillan harp. It was not neci*ssar> ?•• ti*e imMe tiuin 24 cans. f«»r tin* ••tie r I'.ats of tti«< m*ig|ifHirh«MMl. tin* m•ltn•'nt they caught sight of th«*lr ••anmol ••••iii- lNtni«>n». tlt*«l.

.\t tin- •*n«l •!! a win*k tin* eats gave up thi* ••ff^irts t^i llvi* with tlM'ir Itemls |M<rmiinently •*aniM*«l. ainl .Mr .Myniiiis lHiri<«l tliein lit Ills g.inb'ii.

I'harllv llrKiit**-.XI>r<NMl t

! At The Capitol.!.............. ........ ¥ I IM I IM..........

Ptiggb*mufBt-“\VlMi are you knitting thfise MM-ks for?*’

Mrs. l*tiggleinnfllt--**K«tr tin* l.Ittle Iblgwash IbiH’Volent nn’lety."

IbiggleniufTlt •till-' ni s«*iul In iiiy address: jierhnps th**v*1l give iw* a imlr!"—.Vlly Slejar.

ttvrr tlw Khlar.S«»ine time ag»‘ a Dennan lady, ar­

riving firr tla* first firm* In Huglnnd. drove to a tlmt-clase lAtndoii Imtel. askevl for a n»om. ami was -Intwn Intn a very smalL smntU.v f«ml«h»**l 'me. says Tit-lilts. Rhe said In a •leter- mlntsl nianwT ami In v«*ry l»n»k«*n Kii- gitsh; ‘i will w*t have this n«oin '*

**N«. ma’am.” said tfw is*rti*r. am! brmiglit In the first taix

”.Manr* repratzsl the hnly empluit- Ically. •*! will not fiave this room I”

“No. tna'am.” said tin* ia*ricr. and brought In th** avcowl box.

TTm- lady tlvought Iht faulty grnni- inatleal ••nnstrorllon was the reason of the itorter's •'ontlniHsI ol»stlna4*y. and re|teale«l with a stem •llstinctness:

”Man. I will havi- this roattn nothaver*

"No. iiui’aiu." said tin* (lorter. and brought 111 tin* thini box. wben«u|s»n the lady left tin- mom Iwllgnanlly. but tin* istrter •Irea* her liurrltslly laick across the threshohl. pillbsl a rope awl, to tier Intense astonishment tin* lift went up.

worn out by the %rorti kvorry of busy lift, find vim and vital)A. W. OuM^Blood Ptib.

andly lift, find ntw Ifty by using Dr.

Ntrvt and

■saraatei I , to l»aOTiaas yaatMaS. I Wa toitosf mkigtoMaa jvaMact.

TNon. s. umiAouu a noii,


Nvrvnas dsprisKwi aad ks UD. asrwMH rfyspspsw. baadaclw. ilevplsssasM aad ««aa inaaaity. rsaaH froai ihtn. wrnmy Mood aed an aaposanstiad atrvaas syiKia.

Tka gsntal. good-sazarnl basHMSi awn wko daas Mt wfivry rjaar las aasm. bal works away atetaapkshiag grtal iktagi m ikr isaiasss way. is Iks BMMi «mh nett Mood ia bu van, aad ttroag, ksallhy amrss.

r»r. A W. Chasrt Nerve aad IMaart rWi araafood for aarvassnd tdood. TIkeycoatoMi all Iks sisaMMs neresaary tor prodacM^ asw nah blaad aad baaltkv serve nssas.

Dr. A. W, rhase • .Nerve aad Nlaari Pllli •w a Inna to nenom tsMiasss awn xaDri lag fraw aay rtissazs arismg fraai laipewizksii Mood aad worn owl wivra

Tkey gM at ikr vary eaaw of dtssaas by ka- pattaig a szrsagtkssiag and raMmsirve toda- snaa ikraain tka ssedniai e4 tka arrenas lyMiaa to terry orpsn of ika body, aad by iiadiiw dvft, pBto btood, ftllad •sail Msgivtag oaygaa. to Iks rwBBiin parts of tks systowk

Wkot Warrted Her.Mrs. Holiaoir- **I wan no surpiise«l to

hear something nbnait jmtir liuslaind yeateiday.”

Mm. FrtWer- -“What was thalT’Mm. Rolamn—’•My hualMwl says

your hnstwimi invited him Into a sa« kmii to have a drink.*

Mra F*t1Wey—•’Ttear me! My. oh iny! Well, trail, well! i»h. I Just can’t—-**

Mra. Ibdaam—“There, don't worry nlavut It. My htiahand decllnetl and your huabawl didn’t iliiok. ••tther.”

Mra. KiiMey—’’It lan’t his •Irtnking that worvlea me! Where ivtnkl In* have had enough tnon«*y hbldeti to pay for It If jrour husband had acieptetl his tnvItattooT He must have wMiie aecrat |»eil«t In his clatbes mhuv where r*

Iilsasti to tUa Qlnsfai Nevrs.I’uakaaer ’’Reully, now. ars tbeia

eggs fmahT*Dmrae-“Madam. If you will kindly

steji ti> the telatdKzue and call up our farm you can hear the haaa that kHd those eggs atm cackling.”

luVT la Mw«»u Dean.

ill’K mm LETTERRailway Tax Quaation Still Rd*

maina Unaattiad.


Clean bUod maaai a etaan akw. Ntf baaaty witkont it. Caacareu, Candy Cathar­tic riaaa yonr Idaad and koat> it eJaan, by stimng up the laiy liver and drmng all un- •nntiaa front the body. Itagta to-day to haaiah prai^ bads. Watchaa. btoakhaada, and that aiahly bthona roniphnnan hy u C aaaarati, kaanty foe tan rants. AU >

A Llllla rrwgraas ■a* Hava Made kwt Tkat May ttoiy aarve to HHwa w« a Hesdiwab—aaaaie*» Arttow ow a Mala mi Ulll-Mea« aw«^r Itowaly Hill Nww la Ika NM4a«»( tka Uaverwar — Maarpaataattow af Ika katlawal (tworvl.

Lansing. Mich.. May SO.—We are st’.U here, and ao Is the tax fiuestlun. What is worse than this is the fact that the man has not sret lieen b >rn whi* enn pre­dict with any degree of accunu-y wht-n the situation Mill In* chang-d. A bttle lirogiess has teen made In tax matters during ih«- p4St we k b jt then- Is dan­ger tiint After Mil th -ir igrersh ss r*e.l• inly t*» bring on m deg il t k. Thr h'lus has paw. li m ralln mU lex hill that in- rreurt-s the annual imx s of thes. lom- INnier Just alaiut |.'.00i>Wi. mak.ng the luial annual rexenu.- from this s .urc 11..AVI.•!«»». just a» wa- pr<-dli ti-d in my last U-tti-r

Thu* w. uid be w little pr.-gt.ss If th.* senate dbl not «-vlnce ,i dlsiA.-ltiun lo lhr-*xx the Mil into tlu- xvasti' bavket iiml stick t<* their <>wn Wacar blltM-hIch m.ik..' Ih. Im ri-is. less than «>ne-tenth ot th<- house figure Tfl. house bill r**.ene.l a very chilly re<-eptirn In the e-^nale. iH-tng promptly r.'f«rr«ii to the h.*vtlb •■ mmlttee .>n luxation In spite of •letermliie*! efforts the part of several senators to have it ptui ed •in Its Immeillati lots.Hage or sent t.. the railroad •<mmltt*e Th< «le,-.alve vote by Mhbh thU xvas <1011. shoMs that the• •PlN.nenis . f the bill ur«- In th«- saddleanil <an Ii-im se if ih«- mutter Just us th« > p!< as. The taxation commltt.i*lias set a hearing on the idll for !••- morr-*Mr. This, i.f .••urse, m||| n-.t ex­haust the • pp rtunliKs 'or •lelay and It IS very t.r«d.al.l. that n*.thing •l.•lt^llt• will b- arc -rr.pllshfd this xveek.

Teio|H*rary Tax Com in P.-rator .\tw<s*d has pra* t|- .iMy r..m-

pV-t.il his tdll f r • rciliiig .1 tent^»rary tax •••>ti.mission whi« h .-hall r. |H.rt to the next I-gisi.itun-. th* rr>.-mie*rs ..f th. . ■■fnrnls-:-.n to I.. n.ime*! In th I. II Thet. th- sr!;.il.- i-onimttt.- ha*- fiiv.ira. l.l> •• lort..! a b.U | r^.vl.lltig f- r .1 tux■ f r.‘. -nis {NT rnlJ. ..f wir. i-. b i.tidI ;* t< 0 p; -li ar.d t.-egraph (■•uni .tub

Ill t:- -ilbi. t. .id this th. hous• "tf.rnbt.- ' h.iv re. lid .1 th- pis-.• f thv- •'r- n bli. • r.-atlrik i, j--r.i a-I. ni *1 it. i.iz ■ • nsmissb n t.- 1 ip.pi It t. . ^ v tie* -.j.iv rnor. an-: t b j ro- vl .li.c for tin lexylt.g of t ix ..f . j>-j• er.t -.11 the cr-ss .-arning- f .-xi.it-^t*-.. eraih ati-l t. . phor,. . tr.pinies Tn« s- rneasuii s liax ■ be.-n tiiuiie th.- sp-. lal or.l-r for t>*m rroM aloiik’ w:th I a Joint r.'soluilon proi> .sing a onstl- tiitlonal an er.drn-nt whl h i>ro\ ld.*s ! that tdy .1 mujortiv f th* v.-t»-» < ast ; on the p«rti< rl.xr *iibj.. t ^hull la- ! nec->siry for a rev si r f the ...nstUu- tb-ii !n‘teul of .« maj rlt> ..f th* h.gh- i est numla r of v«.tes cast at the el,-c- ' tion at which the pr<'|M>sitlon Is vot-il i upon (

It Mil. U- seen that ther.- Is not mur h j that is h.irnionl.ius In the too pr -* , grammes and that the • han. es f r : •leail.ocks and •-.■nfereni e ■ .«mmltte*-». xxith all th- <lcla>' ini-.*lert Ih.-reto, on* nume-ous The hois tax lommlssb.n bill dlff. rs from th«- on. pret-areiJ by Ih.- alt rney x.-n ral In minor piribu- lars ..nl> Inst, ad of giving th. . Ir- < lilt ■ urt In .’han.-ery Jurisdiction in (-as. s ..f assensments that ar. i.m. high, too low ..r frauiluieni. the h.-us.- bill make* the tax .--mmlsiilnn the i-ourt of Ia«i r.-sorf In these matters

To Z.inslsl .if Three Meinliers.This commission la lo be com|M*aed .>f

thr.-e memb. rs with the auditor gen­eral ms cx-.itthio chairman 'Theia* mem- la*rs. except Ih. audit..r general, are to re.eiv. a salary ..f rarh. andthere Is to be a seerefary at a salary »t fl MX! Should th(- bill lN*«-..me a law, the g..Vi mor Mill updouhtt-dly app-'Int th.- satiit- gentlemen that he named aa rallr.'ad assess..rs under the Atkinson laM

Tom«>rrow*s programme also in. ludsa a Joint res*.lutlon pr..poslng amend- merla t.> se«t!f>ns II 12 an.l IX. of article 14 ..f the •'onstituilon whereby a valhl law al .i.g th<- 1 nes . f the Aik:nson law• an lie enacted Nothing In this pro­gramme Interferes Mith the governor's purfM'S. P. .all a special session for the pur|M«e of submitting the (|uestlon of revising the <(institution to be voted on St a special election. No one need lie surprised If matters lake a turn that leads to the adj- urrment of thia aes- Sion M'lihout artbm on tax bills, leav­ing that entire .|uestlon to lie conald- ere«l at th. special session.

The (niy thing that stands In th- way of such an oulcom.e .if the controversy Is th. present determination ..f the house n.it til (Hinsent t'l the fixing of any .biy (or final adjournment until the tax hills have laissed. ’Thus far the hous* has valiantly stiMid hy this de­cision. voting down two senate r<-a .lu- lions naming the day on which the sss- atun should end, one being June 7 and the .ither June 17. In either .-aw It is evident that It will be .lutte awhile l«fore th legl.lature finally gets away

Meter red to Meligtswa llatomlltoe.The senat. did one thing this week

that will l.e generally applauded by the peop.e of the stale, whether It will in­sure a better condition .if things nr not. ’The llqur-r denlers .if the atmte surr-eed- ed In getting through the hous- a Mil permitting thr saI.khw of the state to be kept open .m Fourth of July. The peculiar argument waa made that the Mil ought to pass In order that the numier of criminals in the stAle might be lesaened. for as long as the preeent law remained on the statute books ev­ery saltMinkeeper In the state will be a vtoMtor of the law at least one .Iny each year, in other words. It was ar­gued that the legislature should Isgal- lae that which Is now universally done Illegally, there tielng no such thing ns keeping Ike salooiis closed on Independ- enc- day. A iiarc maj<ifity ..f the house took this view ..f Ihe Mtuatlon ' and voted for the MU. but th. senate very promptly entombed Ihe m<-asure by referting It to thr •-’mmlttee on re- llgiotts and bsnevo ent si-ctellee It will not he heard of again

Another very different MU wns stm- Uarty dtspoesd of hy the House. *rhto

Ike Aldrich MU praMMtIng nbue- lately tke giving of any serf of nti aster- mimmmmt far gsis on SkMag. Tkta i»-

■ eluded (very manntr of outdoor sports ' as well as Indoor entertainments. It.’ t(Mi. was sent to a committee that le (leprttdxd upon lu throttle It.

j Im Ike (otxernar** Meed*. |. The tieet sugar bounty bill Is now In . I the hands of the governor, the senate I having Anally passed It. after using It I i as a club to force the houae to pass the 1 ' hill Increasing the standing approprta- I I tion for the university from 1-4 to 1-4 | of a mill on the equaJlaed valuation of

I the state. This Incrccae will ansount to j . tas.CM a year, making the annual ap-I pmpriailon It will enable tke re- |gents to build a new ccleece building • and a new hospital (nr the homeopathic i departmi>nt bo hof which have long beer. { needed. No amerdments were made to j the liounty MIL It appropriates 44ti0.- j OW for the ensuirg tw«i years, and pro- : vides that anything earned In exceaa of - that amount shall lie paid .lUt of the general fur.d.ihux placmg no limit on the ^ appropriation. The bill did not receive 1 a iwo-lhtrils vote in the **enale. and f« r this reason It Is believed b) some to tie un(-unstltuilonal. these iiersons• lalming that it makes an appr. prlation of i:ublh moil, y (or private puriM.ses

*n»»- houx has agreed In ••ommittee• .f the Mhob- !•> the K» Ily-<iutlln btll Mhb-h apt ro| rial. !> IT.VI.CIO f..r the pay- mer.i uf extra eomiK nsail.m at Ihe rale of 4k ^nts a day t«- Michigan •oirtlers In th.* re. • nl xxnr There Is no .loiibt that this is an u| proprlatl.m f.ir prl- vat« puri-.ses ami f(-r this reas.m It is pot Mk.-I> i«i pass to third reading The legislative farmers’ . lul. Is opfM.sed t.*II and the <hai.’- .*( Its receiving *7 x-otes Jr th# h«ius« an- very slim.

Medical ileaislrallnm Hill.It noxx IiM.ks as If thi- tM.. houses xvlll

get together --n the <’handler medical examination anil reglsiratiun l>II! ’The iroiibU has let II ovi-r the re<i.gnitlon to he given the •'hrtsitan scientists. The house arrtndtd the hUI so as to ex­pressly t xempi these alltged htulers fr..iii Its provisions The senate has eliminated this am* r.dmtnt, and no ref­erent-. Is anyxvhere made to t'hristian sf-ier.ilsis. the bill Heating them as if they xver. no lairt <if the medical pro­fession thus leaving them In exactly th. same |a.sitlon they have alxxays oc­cupied. If n i-t-rs.-n 'Ikes the sort of treatment the Phrtstlan sH.-nilsls glx-e. he < an have u. t.ut th* laxx tl.a-s not i-t.igr.ise It as hax-ing anything to d" xrlth the I ra.-tb-e ..f m* .Heine This action Ilf th.- -enu!.- Mill pp.laibly lie rsllsfactory t«> th*- hous#-. It Is high time su.-h u regisirntb r. law Is en- a<te<l. (•■r under th. !iix laxvs noxx ex-

: Istlna s«. nianv ;H.gus . g. gm.lu.it»-s i hax'.- Ih-.-i, ‘]uir.|.<l lnt< the stal. that i th. gra«lu;ii.s of re|*uiMl.'!e tt.lleg.s ar.- i having Ih. Ih-ld t. t»..m and *■« eking j n«-xx 1.. Hi;**ns T*. humbugs kr-.xx ‘ ute-ui xvhut th.-lr •> rvt = i.r- xx.*rih iin.i

have cut th* fe. - ... ixn to starvuUon ' rates

\\ III I'iraae I tr S'liins.I Th< rinnish titlxns f th. ufl-er |>et.-

Insula xxill In- plea.>.<l to kn.'xx that the ! .MIthigan Itglslatur. Is intt'r.sieti In

the slr-ugg!.- their brethr. n at h* n.c ! are •nakli.g for IllN-rty In xl.-xx ..f th.- ; re.-ent abrogali.-n ly Itusslu >•( th."Alt •>( Assuruiut-,' M-heret.y Klniaiid

; rrtalne.l Its .hart.r ar.d autonomy, the j senat.- has a.b.pte.; resolutions express- ' tng «ympaihy miHi th-- Finnish people, and .isklt.g I'n-sldt-nt .McKinley to hax-e th.- .Vmerican r.-presentatlx-es at the {•eat-t (or.gt'ss iniimat.’ that It Is the xxlsh .if th. pcple .if this country that th« ’llartles ..f Finland i«e not Inter­fere.! xxlth

Th« tdll reorganizing the national guard. Mhich has (.assed the house, makes some x-ery imiH.riant . haiigcs in the exlstlroc Imxxs It prox’ldes for a .otnmisMtrx gen.-ral, who shall rank izs colonel, and M-h<> la to hax-e .-harge .if th. pur. hast- and distribution of all supplies It also makes the brigade commanilcr m«ire than a mere tlgure- head hy providing that he shall have actlx'e (-omrrand of the triM>|>s whenever they are ordered out Th. moat im|*ir- lant '-hangc however, was one suggest­ed hy S. .retary tif Stale Stearns ’This pf-ox'lslnn makes It (he duty of the ad­jutant general to aMlst all Michigan soldiers Mis* serxed In either the cl\-|J • ■r Siainlsh xvars In pushing their claims for iN*nsl..ns. latch pay, etc. This Is de­signed to aid tht veterans tr. having their claims adjusttd Mlthout cost to themselves and at very slight ex|.ense to the state. The adjutant general Is to furnish claimants with all ner<esaury tertlAcales. copies of records, etc., and In ail practlcahle ways to secure speedy

; and Just action on all ••laims ja-ndlng.I or xxhhh may hereafter be Aled.

To Ari aa Agent.H.- Is also. In t-ases xvhere It may be

deemed ex|N-dlen(. to act as agent ..r attorney of record In prose ruling claims for such |.ersons as may re- (|Uest his serx'lrvs. The soldiers are to tie charged nothing for this service, andII will relieve them of the largt toes charged by iienston attorneys It Is estimated that this work can lie done by the employment of an additional clerk This has been the .•X|i»rlence of Wisconsin where a similar law- has xvorked admirably, the ct«t to the state t<elng only aliout 40 cents for each sol­dier assisted, while the saving to the claimants has lieen very large

A substitute has tieen reported In the house for the Hayre Income tax bill, which recently passed the senate a.id was explained In these columns, and It will be .-onsldered as a special ' order ’Thursday. It leaves the graded rates the same as In the Mayrt- MU. but provides a less cumbersome method of . collecting the tax. The sulwtltuie pmx-ldes for the collection through the regular channels up to July 1. when that remaining unpaid shall be turned over to Iht county Income tax collector for collectton "niere Is to be but one such collector In each county.

RaM tMi the Ssaal*.’The executive committees of the Htate

firange. Htate Aesnctatlon of Farmers' clubs and Htate iJalrymen’s association met here a few days ago and made a united raid on the senate, the result be­ing that tluit iMidy took up aad passed tke MU pmhiMting tlw colorlag of olao margarine. wMch had been slumherlng In committee for a lung time and waa liable to remain there.

The supervisors of the state will be ; Interested In an optnkm Just rendered i by Attorney (leneral oren In reeponae to a (tuery propounded b) the prnuscut* liui attorney of llranch county. 'Hie ruling Is to tke effect supervteors can yeur. and drawregular ssselen of twelve days and two apecial seealans of sla daya sank. Tkey can pro long the seeutaaw It tkey •t to serve tke iHsiag tliue wHkout pay.


Hi Wmkm*$LjBch

Build it on g btacoit baaid—a I Ua« any kind of s reiiah, but one kind of a founda- tion~ UtlMCla Blseylt. poaacaa mdainty a flavor aa ia aver found in the best brand.


have started the thoughtful housewife crackerwards. In U floods Biscuit Bhe finds food novelty without lo« of nutritive value; a complete, satisfy- ing, liealth giving food th.it ia always ready, always fresh, always dainty. These are the reasons why UflOOCiS BiSCirtt niakc* the ideal lunch for the businetxs man or tlu- mechanic—for ex'crybody. Order one of the new 5 cent air tight packages.

Doctors B. S. & Co.Tli«* OlchralctI ii|M.t'lall*i* .if lb*.

.Muakegou.American Mcllrwl and •mrgical InBtlIntr til

Mlrh. %VIII lie Ml the

STEEL HOTEL, SL JohnsThursday, June 15,


Consultation and Examinations Free ^nd Strictly ConfldentialOne Day Only bach /vtontn. uitice noureo a. m. to 7:30 p. m,

K ORES AFTER OTHERS FAIL.riw Most Sacceaaful and Sclentl.'Ic Treatment ot All DIaanaat aad Weelto

oesoes of /tlanklnd Pocaible to Obtain.The mMt wWcly lUMt fk rf.-abty known npectalist In the ITnIted Htntoa HU long expart-

mce, rsmargabic ■at*l and ontvcrs.-U rticcaee In tka lerrcrt koapiiair In tbs world ennotoe Mm to trsotall x'litPi.VIC, NKnvOL’H, SKIN and OLxiI) 11*.- rosto upon tba IsteM selee .tSe prtnriptofc and cnittlae him to Um full confldswee of Uv* efnicted everywhere.

nD Ofmil AM has nosopcTlor In dtognoaing and trenttus dtMweer andde.v/1 1 i▼xiu^H formlilaa. Mcdleel and Horgleai inaseae*. .\rt:p»atMl rbroolr

''xtvrrk, Ulsaase* ot Uw Kyw Her. .Nfwe, Throat aad Lunrs, lJ7epepau> ! rebt’a I'laeese. ti'atictea, KMney. Liver. Mlwdder, Cbronie Kemole and Hexoal Pleefxs*** •prcutly cored byrrestrnent that bus nevet fslletl to tbouanudaol rase* that bad beett pronounced teyoed hope. Many p^viair meet deotb rxery yeur xrbo might have keao mtoi^ to pertoet h^tb bad they piac^ thslt oaeot. » ihr Imodi M szpartA

IMPOUTAHT to l•A2yXBa.-'LU. OTTMAN, xftet yaari etexperisoe»,bMdlacorrred Ike greatest cate koawafer alldlaeasc* iwcslisr to the aes >>a»a?c diseases peaHIvety cered by tke aew reaiedy. OUTS BXaMMOM. Tke care is caectcci to heaw treat meal. Cciirely karaileee sad easily applied CowmUUUeei Ftue end atrictly CowadcetUl.

DU. OTTMAm operates sscccMfsliv aad i DVAFlfSaa.paleleeely for sqx'ot eyes, piervriaia. Iridec tamy, larniag ia or oat of ere IssSas or lids, closareof tear daci aad all otket eye opera- tiook

cmODlC DOBS STM xad graaa-Ixted IMs aalebiT cared.

A add fositive cvbetor the swfel egectx of aariT viev aad tke aamemas evils tkai fellow la its trsia.

nirVATS BMMM> ADD HE ID DlBBAaEa speedily, cowplewiy nod per- auineatlv cared.

DEEVOV8 DEEXLITT ADD 8DX.VAL DIDOEDEES yMC rmptAlj le iua sktlllel treatment.

PILES, TlSTDXtA ADD BBCTAX,DDCEES gsarsstead cared witkeat psta otdetest I in (ram baslaeiM.

SmtIX,ZS, OODOEBMIA, OXJMT,AeeraiStorrHas. Seminal Waakaess, r,o#i Msabaod. dighi Cmissiuas. Decayed FscePties reessle Waabaeee sad all delicate die- orders eeceller to eltber ees. peeliieely cered, as xeell as (aacilaaal disorders tbai reselt from yeetbfel (olUeeor tke egceee ot autefs yasrs

SDEClALTlEDi CxtarrIuMila DIeeaeee,Pares. Pimples. Hcrofsis, Bleed Taiats, ketems. Csacer, Pileesisd DIaaaaee of Weama (jaicbir sad Permasaatly Carad kr tka lateet sppmveti Iresiamat aa parsasd ay leodlsg epecistisi* .<f Aesenca an.l Karope.

MEB DEAHTDATIOD OT TSE DB owni slHMild toad or bnag (ram i to 4 oeacae of ariaa Itksi lerradV wbicb will recetee acarelal rkamical izad microaceatcisl eaaaiiaailoa. sad if reeasatad a-wriiier sasirsM will to gteaa. Haraoas raiadd la Sadltb by aaladraad pretosdrrs. wko

irtaiag wits tkam aaaik after meeib. gtetag petaeoeae sod tajartens ceaipaaads. skeald■------- -isMly. Itoly s are daaearoes.

Perfected la old esaaa wklck keea baso asglectad ar aeabillfally WWDtO treated. Neeapertoweis or (altorae. Part lee tiaated br bmI

but wkere peeelbti. peraaaal ceeeeltstlea Is preferred. Carstoe casoe gasrsatsod waodoarraapuBdence esuadsoMal. Tranuaaat aaut C. O. U. le say part el U. A

I ctre yrr errf. of all caer*.. >*.irx (sses rr rr<t in • re tri Ctr'cat.

DiaCHAROlDC ZLLEO ccrcd ir. everycase.

CATAEEB OFTmt DOHD.trrrchItls aad laag iroaMes (.saeed (roai catsriU, peel- lively cored.


ACIIDC PIIDC Tbe strfalrffrrteel eerty tfUnC UUIlLt vice, wbicb brings or- gaair wrsknvss. destrorlag both mind sad

bod^ with ail iu droadfal ille. perassoeatly

DR. OTTHHANpaired tbretselves by improper indalgveeoaad selitsrr bsbits. wbica rata batb miad sad body, aaattiag (bdw Idr basiasss, siady, aacirty or marriage.

MARRIRD men. or tbaer vatrrlag oo that bappy llfr. aware of pkyalcai dabilltyi osicblv assisled.

WE OUAEADTEE TO CUBEDrrvaasDektliiy. Fsiliag Msabaod. 8vpbllts. Vartcto cela. Sirictare. Uisat, Uaasiarsl Dtscbsrgud Waab Peru and all Kidaay sad Uladder Diaaaaas.

dWCasas aad eerfeapoadrarr coaaisattdl. bat persoasl coaealtaiiaa prrirrrad.

-Each parasa apalylag far amd leal trasi- d arst ia Ikr ataroiag i

List of 1 HO gavattnaa ftta*. .tddf with imati

DOCTORS B. S. & COMPANY.Pfivata Bna i#o. riualcDgDn, /lllclilBaD.

Draying^effect that bourda of

lawfully hold, in etu-h Cl per diewi for hut one wAA nwE



F you want It promptly and carefully done at rea­sonable prices call for

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TBB jrr. joflRi imm, tbuisdat lammmom, jna i, tsos.

*IDOVTOWVWOBK.” buktric hotom m paib. caibb ra Rn nxinw.gf VlMy Will

la this

••I WM botlMrad with • IV ^iOBld ba qvita annoyiiif at U ■iothara would aliBAiat atop.

**I oaadptaaavipUaoagivoai phTRlelaa, hot tlw m— atoll of mSmkm aootlBuad.

** Aftar I ttea I ww teitan withi • flnodin that 1 w obllfad to baap my bad.Vln^ly, in daapnir, 1 gnaa vp my doa< tor, ni^ bairan tnkinir yoor mwii*alne. and bare oartainly baan graoUy banrtltMl by ita uaa.

** Lydia K. I*inkham*a Veiretable Cobb* pound haa indaad baan a friend to me.

** 1 am now able to do my own work, thanka to your wonderful metiicine. 1 waa aa near death 1 believe aa I oould be. AO weak that my pulae acaroely baat and my haart had almoat given out. 1 eould not have atood it one week more, 1 am aure. I never thought 1 would be ao grateful to any medicine.

** 1 ahall uae my influence with any one Auffering aa I did. to have them uae Lydia EL Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound.**

Every woman that ia puuled about her oondltion ahouid aaeure the aympa* thetio advice of a woman who under* atanda. Write to lira. Pinkham at Lynn, Maaa.. and tail her yoor Ula.

■a Katlrelr aaoeeMida ttw Vea MarMA.




Mrmlieni of the MorWty fbr tlie I*rrvenilou of ('melty to Auliuel' uughi lu lejolce. for I*aria to a year or two will ou longer be twlled the bell of ralplMirMw. at leaat. alrhiHigti It may «till remain the purgatory of men and the twradtae of women, areording to a lia'rkneyed aaytng. Next luonili the (leneral Company of Vehlrlea will aeml out llo electric' laotora, tbe num­ber lielng Inrreaaed aa other mra are ready. It la expected lltat during lb>* exhibition year over l.tRMt motor ralw and harkueya will lie running, and that by degree* tlie SdWHi fiacre* or

I aapiiiH now in u«- will be NUpprewAed j Tile ltur»e*- iMinr liattered old Ko«tii- , ante* of the I'arl* airaeta—will he al* ' lowed to die of old age unlea* «trirt

economy *hould liiiiiel tin* c'omiMuy to liave them Allot At might off when ut­terly unlit for aught liut the knife of

^ the kimc'ker. .Uiyhow, tlie nagA ii*ed , up win luu la- re|»la('ed. Tlie new

motor* are to lie Aupplical with an ele<- trk- ac-f-uiiiiiLaior caimlik- of working o»-er almiit .'17 inlhvi without need of replenlMlinieiit. Four kind* of I'ehicle* are to In- put In circulation. FIrAi conic* IIm- laiidaiilet. o|ien nr cloved, with four place'*, and to la* hire<l at J fra<*a tlw* Journey, or 2 fmnea .'*• c'cn- tlnies the* hour. Next come* a couia* or onllnary Aort «if c'al/ or foiir-whwier. then till' vehli'le with rotund Interior for four la-rAeuiA. and the iniltatlon < f the cxlAtlug hackney of commerce with u large Aelf-Aeat or Atmiainttn. In addition to tla- iiaual ac.'comiiKalattoii. .VII flieAc- Vehicle*, with the cXt'«*pllon of the landaiilet. will run at the tariff* unw' In iiAe. Tlie delay In getting nnt the- new motor* ha* lieeii can*ed by the illfticulty of tlucling n proper type

’ of ai'cuiiiiilator. Tla* driver* of th • vehicle* will la- Miiart-looking felhvwA. unlike nio*t of the •>xl*ttng Pari* i-ali men. wlio Aeeni rather fiouilerou* and cliiiiiAy in their high hat* .ind loi-g coaiA Tile motor conductor* or Aiok cr« .in- to Wear wliite-glaxc'd flat (-ap*. Iiluck jnc-ket* .ind pautaloon*. with yellow piptiiK and gilt ornnnieiii*. iM-arlng tin- <-oiiipati}''A nioiiograni. lu a «'«illl|»iiratlvelv «llort A|i.-Iee of tlllie I'ariAiaiiA will talk of ealling a iii< t ir hiAlc-ad of a e.lb. while the worn “e«a-|i»-F’ Ia deAtllic**! to la* repineed by that of "chauffi'ur*' or •‘inker The tratiAforniatloii tliiiA effeeted will iin •loiiliii-ally lake rank anioiii; the t lih-f liiiiovailoiiA i»f the eeiiiiiry. -P.ir » t’orreA|M.iidence I^oiidoii Telegraph.


Ur ma

••Pleaia*. «ir. then*** « gentlem*n down-AtaIr* from the lioltic'e wnntA to know *ow yer hlnflueiiay Ia.**

“IIha my Ahirt t-onie laick yetT* "JuAt arrived. Air.”"Then tell liliii I*m lietter. jind nm

returning to the ottiev to-day.** -Judy.




Thursday. June 15th.ONE DAY EACH MONTH. Office

Honrs from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.


Ur. Mciioniild for veHix ninde ii -tiuly and •(MA-iiilty of ■‘hnuiic ami liugertiig dieeNae* tllnt naiulre -klllflll llle<iH*ai tn-Htinent lor tle-ir i-nn'. .'»iich enee^ ae laiiiily |ihy*ieiHiiA inil to help and pm- uoiim'eiiieunihleare particularly .olH-iteil e*|KA-ially thoAe ov*-r-do**-«| with Atrong mineral ilrugA and |Mn.onA. Ur. Mc Uoimld ueee oni.v the piireat metlk-inee roni the vfvetiihle kingdom, lie imy* attention to tb*-(-nu-e oi tin* diAcnae and iiiAtruct* liiA (witientA the wii.v to health and happin*-**. Ur. M<*U maid c«n «how huudnai* of teatiuioniali* in the hand­writing of grateful tmiietiiw who have lieeii eureil hy him when other* faikai He IA AO familiar with the human Ay*tem that lie i* able to read all diA^-HAe* of tbe miml or laaly correctly ai u gliim-e with­out ii*king nay ipie*tionH. TIioimaudA of invalid* an* being treatiAl ilnily tor di- Ai-aeeii that tliey do not have, while a few dniPA of medicine directe«l to the Acat of the diAeaee would give A|AA*dy n*. lief, ami iwrniaoent cun* in a rer.v ehort time. fiiMid health i* tlie m<i*t preciou* jewel in the crown of hapiaiieA,. With it the world IA bright, without it miAery claim* II* for tier own. If .voii an* a Auf- erer you Nhoiild weigh well the** wonl*;A (Awwon who oeglef-t* biA health i* guilty of a great wrung to liim«elf and a grave injury to humanity. The name of Ur. McUoiiald, the well-known Afienaliat in the cure of chnink* ami liogering di«- eniwe, liae hecome a hoiieehold wont in tliouAHOilA of liumee which hie ekill and wondertui remedie* have maile happy by reatoring dear oimw to lavUth after all hofie* wee* Uwit. Tlie doctor i* a gradu­ate of the higheMt and l>e*t medical col­lege*. .ind hi* iMtvniieeil tbe«irie* in the treatment of chmnk* dieewee* *arpri*e the moat Akeptiral. .\ll ebronk? dieeaaee of the


and BUW’EI>.MCtentiflcally and *nree*Afulty treated.

Ur. McUonald ha* inmte a Aiieeial atudy of ail ileiicnte aad obw-ure diaeawe* {wcui- iar to women.

Ur. VIrlionald’* Sfiectnl Remedie* nre a iiermnoent core for men Auflenug from aervoo* ai d eaxunl <lebility and early ilerviy. Hbeamatir ami imral.vtlr crip- plee made to walk; catarrhal rfealneae imaitively cured ami many riiaile to hear n whiofier in a rerr few mionte*. All { ache* and fiain* fade away under hi* magmal remedie*. UpilefMV or falling ■irknAw* (midtively eared through tbi* new method of rrwatment. Mpecial at­tention given to catarrh aad dieeaee* of the blood.

Thoee oaable to call write for qoee tion blank. Hnndrvd* enivd hy rortwe pondenr*. Medicine* **nt everywheve. Conenifatkai free aad Atriekly ctmfltlca*- tal. .Vddree*

DR D. A. MCDONALD,Tgg AenruMer.

W**iHngton Flats, (Irnad Kapf^ MWi.

Kelnrt.Mmiui till o'clock ill tin- iiioniing.

when the wind wa* rhuing In a frenxy of liowlliig rage alMiut rity I la 1 -•iuare and the ItpNiklyn bridge en traiiif. a woman who*,- errand* to k her down Nuawiii Ain-et. wa* huffeilug the eletlielltA that A«-«-me‘l to o|i| oa> d her .idvaiu-*- *te|i hy Atep. The •‘iniw wa*i drlvIiiL’ hani up from tin .•■uth. anil dnAheil again*! the unproti eted fao-A of traveler* with a <tlng ••liaiji a* to eoni|>e| |H-opk* to cloAe llieir ey. A even while iiiovliig fonvanl. In till* Milldeil Alate the WOlliail In iltleAlloli found herio-lf «tuinhlliig u|Mtii a knot of ''White Wing*." who wen* einlenv oring to make a clearing al the ero«« lug of Fulton «ir*'et.

■'HI. .Mill!" Ahoui«-«! one of th** aIc v- cUt*. “you're ninning down a lady**' ami at the *aine iiioiiieiit the '-U,--.*' of the gang reA‘*Ued tin- woman from n fall. In-r u|Nin her feel; and. giv­ing her a go‘Al Ahake. exclaliind r<*ughly:

•■|•^etty Weather for you to In- out In; you'd iH-iier go inuin- and go to IaiI '*

The woman''* ■‘plrlt. ratlier cru*h*-<l hy the Af.iriii. n>*«' at the wonl*: -he tunnel Indignantly towuni the iii.iii and Mild:

“I'erhap* you'd like to earn my liv­ing for nie. AO I van Ainy at liome in Ainh we.'ither."

The man gave an aAtonlAhcil *t in* and toiielied hi* cap.

“Sure. I'd Ilk*' to A«-e all tin* la^Ah a well c:ire*| for and Aitfe at home, and I'm doin' my U-*i, ma'am.” In- «ahl; "d*dn' ui.v lA'At."—N«'W York Tiihiine.

Krwiik Ntck-iU lurcl aw, * liachnor tArmcc tiring nc«r I'aniden. r«iinial*tr,| AUlHik- h.r taking mornhlnc |ii*ai>*oliitmAnt In a lore affair la «ai-i i<» hare mMne-l i Ite art


Jpmcnptly ncrmlf of


If all %’oiiiig women could have tbe right wrt of motherly advice much ai the unbappinca* of the world would he av-oided.

There are two troublm in the wny. The girl* hesitate to consult tbe moth^ and the mother* really know only a litUn more than tbe girls. Conn- •tl of tbe tmt •ort t* at tbe ooBnmand of ev. er>' woman ami if the will

avail If of it abe

will *00*1 be re­lieved of her

trouble*.Thouioml* of women, everyyear, write n ato Dr. R. V.Pierce telling their eymptomsoad aaktng bis advice, which ia freely given without coat.

For over thirty year* Dr. Pierce haa been aad is tf>-daV chief coBisalUng pby- acian of the great Invalids' Hotel and Smgical Institute, at Ruflalo. N. Y. Heis a specialist in tbe di.......... of woawnaad his ** Favorite Prnecription *' has had tbe greatcet sale of all medicines ever devised for the cure of the troubles peenlierfy feudnine.

Bverv letter addreeeed to Dr. Pierce la held aicrcdly confldentiel aad baa tbe moat oarcfbl attention.

No teartnsoaial Irttrr is ever nubliabcd until tbe uHtten oonatat of ita aatboe baa been given.

Mr* Mnrv B. Ltw«* of Taaaw. Ottmer Oa. W. Vn.. wrWm; •• iwr ig*tw y—r* I mflkrtd *a- toM inl**^. I kM ffiwn wp *11 l»*e* ^ ''*** fvtltae wvll I caeM aM Me ttmrm to alevp. sad rrrrylWM I ■*• eooM Uwosl CTMnp w* to dentil WiU wry nime* nad ceetd knedfy wnik acfon* tlw raow. I oalr wsfafwd etaetr pooad* atwii I iuniia»a**d tnatan then* awalaaw: 1 now o*tat> <iae hnndrtd Md fhrtv paaad* nad M* harlea bttwr twaMli tknn revr boSwv. I twve inhee tlw ' rnvortw rvsetH>»<»■ ' '<>* -Oalden M«dlail tSannoerv,' nad tlw - rvIMn.' I tnlw ffrvnt nf*A*nfi <n nswawsadlaa r«a« intdtria*, to tlw ateti fhr t kanar tknt trll kad not knoa fkr tkwa I woatd not kovo hooa Itrlae toAknr. 1 aai wry tknnkkil to Ood who nat tk* ■van aaaer la ymm wadMass that aana nw."

f'ondartnr oad KNglnwr.In <»kl i-ar* the In'll i-onl ran ov*'r

the t«i|i ami wa* woiiinl «m a nn*!. *ny* Mr. tJ«A»rg*‘ In •*F*iri.v Yi-ar* *ui tin- Rail.** ami hrnkciiiaii lia*l t*» cllnili up to the top •»! tlM* car*, no matter li*»w fast tin- inilii wa* ruuiiliig. i** «»“• th** •-onl *ir ailjUAt It lu i-aw *if ml*hap. .\n «dd ciiglm-i'r *if tm* Kri** nw*! t*'ll* how the Ih-11 iiinl wa* lnvcni*Al.

“I'nppy** .Vyri'A. th** |ikuu'«'r Kri** ctimliictor, hit u|Ain an cxinHllt-iii for Aigiialiiig to th*' **ngln*-«-r. He tl***! a AtU'k *>f w**n*l t*i H king rain*, hung Ml.* Ailck lu th*' engine • ah. ami *iir- rk**! th*' r*»in- *»r*'r tli** ‘-nr t*ipA to th** nmr of th** train. Ill* plan wa* to pull the rop*- aud ratti*' th*' Aik-k wli«-n he wIaImaI th** train At*»p|nA|.

The ••iiglnwr of ('**mlucior .\yre*’ train wa* «'onA«'rvatlv<-—“sulky.** th*’ c*»iiductor calh'«l lilin ami dhl not ae,- rtt to r«'***»inilx*' AUch an Inimviitloii.

"Why ‘Ihlii't .r«»u At<ip the train when I pulhnl that n»i»f ** thumlere*! th*- •-omluctor, after n flagrant refu>nl to noth'** the Ailck of w»i*a| Algiial.

••’t'auA*' m* •»n*' tohl me t*i Atop It." wa* th*- *'ngliiecr'A Aiirly aiiAW*'r.

"W»-ll. 1 l♦•ll y*ui to Atop It ln-r*-aftcr when I pull oil that *llck *»f w*mmI." Aniil til*' ('*»mluct<ir. "If you don't--*’ li*- turn**«l away inntieiiiig muii** nirt of threat.

Th*' very n*'Xt nin th** comluctor'* ricoroiiA pull at tlie rojN- wa* uiiliee*!- •a1 hy III*' eugliwer. .\t the ch***- of the da.v <'*in*lu«'ior .VyrcA met tin* eugin- i*er with th*' w*»rdA’

"S*'*' h**r»-. I’v*- aI*amI all th** m»n AeiiM* I'm going to. .luAt *'*uii*' **111her*' ami I'll give you a gi*o*l licking.*'

Th*'r*' w.’iA rtr»- ill hlA ey*-, and th** ctigin*** r n«>tiiig It. tunnel mlhl at once.

*'.\ll right." lie aiiAwere*!. aiiilnidy. Tm willing I** wrnAtle wH y**. an' If ye ‘Hii thniw in*' I'll noth-** an> Aimmi, If 'taln't m*>r*''n a huinhl*'l»*‘*''- huxxin.' |N-rvI*l*-<| y*- rail hanie-A him *m»'a t»* luixr. wh* n .v** w:int th*' train At«ip|A"<I.'*

.V wn'-tlliig maleh fidh*w«-«l. In which “Pappy" hikl th*- «*tigliieer U»w. Th*' r*»iH- ainl Atlck w<»rk*Al to a **!iami aft*’r tliat. atul —aui h**l t** fli** Intro­duction «»f th*' n*»w tinlvt-rAal lH-H-*onl Aystetu of Algiialing.

.kmuAliig A HAnAtor.Th*-re Ia a -etiator fr*»m a w*—i*-rn

•tat*', who -hall Ik- naineh'AA. wh** llk*-A to play jAikcr. ll** w.ia v*'ry much :itnuA*-*|, not t** Auy aniioytAl la-t Suti- day. to lltid out that IiIa repuiattoii .m an t-xpert of the gr*‘at .\iiit'ri4’nn gain*' hail pr***’* «l*-*l hitii to n lltth* hotel not a tlmuAnml tiilleA a ray from WaAhlng- mn.

Th*' A»-tint*ir liH*l g*»n*' out <*f t*»wti to A|M-ti*l Suielay nuk-tly :iii*l r*-a*Ai*-r»A| III the iiiortiliig at til*- hotel when* he jir*'iA»«*’*l lo A|;» in| th** *hi.v. Til** *’l*-rk. wh** watch*-*! him Aign hU nam*-. <lid mit know him. hut the mauager. wh<i glnuiiAl over the aiitograidiA later in till* foreiKMin WHA not •<* Igiiornni. Im­mediately w**nl waA Aent to tlie Aen- ator tliat be couhl Inive a tuiirh lietter nMiiii tliau the one iirlgliially a**lgne«l. ami when li** **niere*l IiIa new i|tiarter* he foumi a fln- eheerily hiirnlug ami every pn>vl»ioii niaile for IiIa <'*imf*»rt. In a very short while a lielllgiy up- |N*an-4l and with lu.VAteiious swrwy annoiinetHl tluil although It was Sun- .lay he lia«l Iwo-ii liiAtnict*Al to inform the senator tliat any onler for n drink would lie promptly fllleil. Ther*'U|A»n the Acnator *inlenAl n refr»'*lilug liev- eran** ami liegan to realla** tliat he waA Imlewl a favoiiNl giie«t.

Tile climax came, however, when he (-aiiie ilownstalfA a few ininiiteA later. The manager of the hotel eAple«l him ami apprnache*! him with a <*«inlklen- tlal air. “Senator." oakl he. "1 know tliat .vnu like to |ilay a little game and so I liave sent out to Nr«-ar«- four or five gentlemen who will Im- gla.l to play with you. I thought, .mu know, that yon wmikl like a little amusement for a i|ulet Sumlay."

The senator smile*! ami thankeil hi* oliliging host “Heally,** he «akl. "I am much obligiAl to you for your thonghtfulue**. hut I d«in't lielieve I want to play t*»-*lay."

Ami the hotel keeper kMiketl i|ulte disappointed.

J«At IM Ttaw."Your Utile Iwiy," aakl the visitor, *1*

the exact Image "Then sbe iiaiiaeil. Sh<- happe«e«| to

rememher that Mr. NiMipofi one** bad received a priae of a idug list al a rburrh fair for Iwing the 'hotneileai young man in the imiish' am! sbe ba*i- Ujr added;

"tif Ills mother "

A kartwa *k*SA. •A Canadian lias «!eAigne*! an lev

skate whirh ha* the foot plate pivot*-*! to tbe center of tbe runner, with apiing at tbe front and rear, wbicb allow tbe foot to rock up ami down at each stroke ami coahlon tbe stete tn pass tog over rough kn.

At l:9n o’cloek yesterday tnornlng. aajr* tlie Huffalo KxptviMi. Fell. 12. 12 peraoBs. tw*i women ami lu men, hoarde*! an KImwuud i-ar at tbe corner of Main ami Meneca street* .\ft*o- the oar bad ihhumvI two store* ami tbe •'oo- doctor had carefully 4-ollect*A| all tlie fares, flxx-blff! a streak of blue light shot acruaa tbe roof of the car hy way of anuounf'ement that the fuae luul Imrnetl oat. When four ftiMo* had met the name fate ami the IMMSengiWA lie- gan to make amlliik* reiiiarkA aleiul taking amitber car. It wa* mitlct'*! that tlm conductor liegau to lietray the name sign* of iierr<,us ogltaltou that lias lieeii olMM'rveil In a guinea pig uu- d r the luflueuc*' of alwinthe. lie ran from tile rear to tlie front platform.

I folkiwe*! by the inoiormau. at Irost six I tliu*'*. .kfter each return trip be pull- I e«| tbe strap to signal the imiinnuau in , go ahead ami each tlm** another burn­

ing fuse sent a thin blu** line seiMitlug along the iKif. Th«> i»a*seiigerA were more than um-asy after l<t minutes of acndiailcs liy the i-omlurtor ami luu- toriiraii ami liegau lu say nwl mean tilings alsMit lielng out flietr car far**. In ileA|»erntion tlieu th«- comlttctoFs bnilii iH-gati to w«trk itmler high pH's- sure. It could easily lie •M'eu at u glance as the oiitwani evkienee of a strong eiiiotloti flltte«l across tils coun- teiintic*' that unless relief came there wotilil lie sii aiiihiil.'ince (-nil. tine of th*- wniiieii itasAeiigen* came to IiIa aid. •*II*-r*-r’ «li*- exi-lniiiiiAl. tiiekMlrntiia- tlcally. “T.ike this atnl us** it as a fits*' If y*iu «’:iur' }<•» saying she with- *lr*-w froiii her I'olffiir*- oti»- >*1 tli*»:e onitil|Mtt*-iii hairpitiA ami exteiMleil it tn the aAtonlAli*'*! i-nndiictor ii|»un her ImIiii. Til*' re«-lpl*-iit of the siiiall oli- J«-<-t Awallowisi twice, wink*'*l tiiatiy titiies. and tlieti grasiMsI the sltitatkiii atiil th*" liairfilu. Tlm*** minutes after- iranl the (*ar was siH-eillug omvanl. Aav*-*! by a lialndu* while the (lasseii- gers Aliiiwereil grateful AUiiles on their fi-male iM-iiefnctor ami Ainni|H'«l their feet lu rag time to kt*ep warm.

# ...........I'liAasiteetlBa Kna.

.\a w*- eiiierg**«l into til** first clearing n fox was not more than flv«- nr a|x rtMiA l»-fore iiA. fetsllng oti the grass, •ays liradfonl T*»rr»'.v in the .\tlnntk*. Her *‘.veA wer*- on til*' work, th** wind was lu our favor, ami, notwltiiAtaml- liig two of iiA w* r** alnu'At wlmll.v “x- |NIA*'«I. W** AtlMsI llll'r*- on til*- *A|g*- of th*' f*»r»'Af for th*' lietter i»art of half

I ati hour: glflA*o‘A up. passliig coiiiiiu'iitA U|s*ti her Ia-Ii.’IvIui'. Kvkb-ntly *li*' was Itincliliig u|Miii iiiA*><*tA gr.'iAA|iop|i,-rA or «'rl« kets. I aiipimia,- ami **i taken up wiiA «h*> with fhl- agr*''-ilde em- ployiiiiiit that All*' walked i|lr»*4'tly to- wartl IIA atnl |wiaa,-,| witlilii ten yar 'a of our |NiAltlon. Atoppliig i-vi-ry l*'W At*-pA for :i treAh l•aplllre. The Aitn- llght, which a|i,i|]«‘ A«|uar**lv in h*>r fiu-**. a,', tii*‘*I to affect li*-r un|d*'j|Aniif- ly; at all events slie hlliikisl a deal. II*-r manner of stepping ilAuit. her luothiiiA in *‘at*'hlng n*T pr- y— ■Irlvlng h*'r no«*' il*-**p Into flu* griAS .111*1 |•n«hltlg It lioin*- ami iti Abort her wlhde Is-harlor w*»r*- nior** <-ntllk*> tirin ilogllke. or AO We all thought Fliilnly Alie had no hh-ii 'if aldirevlating her riiMiAt. ii'ir «llil Ah*' lietray th*' Aiigh*- ••Ai grniti of AU,|,k'l**UAii4'AA or wari- ni'AA. iievi'r o'n***' «*aAtliig ati ey*- alHiiittn A*‘ar*-h of isiSAlhlc elMMllleA Aa ,if. f**ti aA aIic ai»pr<>ach«H| th*- siiiroumi- ttig w*mh| aIi*- ttiriHsI ati«l hnntiAl hack across the field. \V*» niiglit li’iv** play*-*l th*- Aliy iiisui her lmh■tlnlt*•|y. lull It w.iA always ih** same thitig o%’*-r agalti. ’iml l*.\ ami liy. when sh*- |viss»-,i for a little out of sight 1*ehlll*l till* tuft of husli«‘S, w** fo||ow*-*l. c.ireless of tlie result, atnl. as It *****nie*l. got Into In r wiml. .'*lie Atnrtisl on the iiiAtnnt. ran grai'etiilly up a little liielln**. *tlI1 In the grasA latiil. tunie*l for th*- tirst tini** to look at Its. and diAap]>eare*l n th*' forest. pretty I'reatun* «h** sure­ly was. ami from all we saw of her «*!•• might have Is'eii a*'*'ount*A| a veiv iiA,.fiil farm haml. hut. jierhapA. a* fnniii’rs Aometlim's say of unprofltahl** ‘•atth*. a|i,* woiilil A«Ain have “I'ati'n her h*'a«l off" in the jioultrr ynni. .'*h»* was not f«-arless Ilk** th** wiHslchuck that one*- walkisl up to iii*- ami siiielle*! of my Ihmii. as I aiinmI still In tlie roail iM*ar th*' t'rawfonl house—hut Altnply off her giianl. and oiir flmilug her In such a iiiinmI was simply a hit of gn*Mi luck. Soui«> liay. |ierlia|w. wc sluill catch a wi'asel aslei'p.

Tlw T«r ApMMlel immIThe Stewarts adih-*l to th*- list tli*>

toy s|ianirl ami our liiitcli •■onui'Ctlon brought US the pug. Roth came from ILdlaml. hut th** former, the "King ''harles." was «irigliially a pure IihbI dwarf spatilel.exceptlonally intelligent, iiwful In finding gam*- ami differing only ill Its smaller sixe ami extrrm*' ilonu'Ailrity fr»»ni our larger hr»'e*l*. The “Apaiilcl. genti*' or comforter.” which I»r. ('alas dennnnt-vsl a* a iima- lens lafeilng. must liave piv«-ede*l the King ('harles as an ImllgeiiniiA pet. Fugs came 111 with chocolate. pow*ler. negro |Nig*‘ lioys ami h«Nif»s. .iml mark- *s| th*‘ first step In Rngilsli taste for the grole«H|Ue In 'lugs. The cleunll- n*ois ami ah*eiir»- of canlm- ‘nhir .itHHit tile pug. as well a* his ilin-oratlve <iual- Itle*, also re<'oinmeml*-«l him. He wa* an exotic ami ha* rrmaltied In favor on hi* meiits for nearly ’JUsi years. The sfMitteAl cartiag*' *log wa* a H.inorer- Ian introduction ami the white l*om- eranlaii is cre*llte*l to ttie connection with I*ni**la in the wars of Fr»Mlerlck the dn-at. -The Sfiectator.

Mate* lowlier OmM Akessil *i*aaWAbout liMBUMBBt feet of Maine liirrh

w«i*m1 will Im* mcui to Kuglanil and M«*ul- laud tbis year for spool*. The wimmI U cut In Aiuall logs In winter, Mwe*! at mill* Bear tbe for***! lu sprtug, ami piled up fur oeBsonlitg UBIII warm weather, alMuit lb** middle of June. Then tbe liar* are bundled and siuit to Rangur by rail, wliere they are loailed generally Into ateauwblp* for tbe Ku- rupeou market.

IrtoB M<m« MoBe# N«>«r«slila« V*mhI.One of tile many useful things

wbicb alModute privation ba* lieeu tbe means «)f tuaklug kmiwn to tbe world la Irlsb tiHNMi. Tlie |Mmr luliabiiauis of tbe Irish «‘ua*t were ilrireii lu Its us*- by the iMiUgA of hunger. When tiulled It prodiH-e* a thick. miurtshluK. aud not uniHilalable Jelly. It I* must lieu«>- llclal for dIaeaseA of the throat and luug*.

flaral OM IBs Imprls.Fib'S and other iUMH-ts an* extiMinlu-

! ateil by a .Miseourtau's uul*|Ue devbv, a Aiiiall lamp lielng su«|iem|e«l over a tnh 4if wafer, with vertical screens on opINiaile Abies of th*- ttaiiie agaiiiAi which the iiisiA-t* strike as fliey at-

^tempt to cir*’le around the light, fall Ing into the wati'r ami •Irowning.

Maw M*-<lleliM* .XOmlMlsIerer..\ ttiAtrulaii has pni*'nle*l u 'Irlring

tdt which •-an In- use*! to give intsllcal tn-HlIlielit to the HIiiniMl. the center of till- hit IN-Ing Indlow. w-itli sen-w-

. thr«-aile*l t-mls. to which flexible leiib], < <-aii In* attacliisl lo contain a meilica' ’ iiiciii. dlM-liarglng It into the horst-'r


I'aii't t-»- pr*-f»A-t iiitiltli Mitliiiiit pur*- . hliNNi. It-iri|«e*k IiIimhI llitt-r-* iieikiA,

hliMNl. T »u**A nml iiivigiinitiM the ohitU* , syAleiil.

I 'Tisii't Aob- 1*1 In- h dn.v willioiit Mr. ' ThoioiiA* F^-bs-tne oil in tb** bouse.

.\ev**r euii l*-l| wtlHt llOimellt all aiA’blelil is giiiug to bHp|A*ii.

Knives. Forks and Spoons are the best. That iswhy Allison sells them.

ShirtsMr. S. T. Linsey, the pop­lar .'Ahirt Man. •*» tiraiol Ihipi-lA will In- hi .Si. .lobiiA ill II few iIhvo with a lull line • d

Fine Shirtings and Underwear.

lie earn*--lb-* nii*At l■olll|.|••t•• line in tb*' West, i-oliAlAlllig of tine IVri'aleM, FleuctlI'eoaou". Kin-' .Mmi1io«. .'A*'*>t«-b nml Mom—tic (b-vHiiA. Kine .**ilk .'(tri|A- MiolroA amt FIiiiii.i-Ia. ||,- will go to t ivifl ironi iliiA city.


*-T*iR«vnr Aivn iww»fiwHKM»:



St. Jacobs Oil

ImB b mim sMhNUL AmWMIi Ai- Ml Md ShMMm.

tiM* mM. **,*1 A*wr,A. NUSA*.Mtttr r^mrM ky rsllrpa*, WSwi #»•

wjA. M tA »S lAirtm, W ts» AW Twi mnmt .■MbM. far th* af araW *•* *•**■**,1*11 A. a*#-. T*« iBii raflaS lia^asw «w*l •aM,.. MMAtraMM IIIBaBaMa rhaa* r*n Th* vmmmtmm *»*»*•••*•« ■•♦*•

mi IIN m F.IIBITIII*r*4M IB* Moll Ap|ir*r«*la IB* Llttl*


Near the lltth* town ol Wood* I'orBvm. about MX milM from luam. rnantwi K. L I'ieriMiu. \ (ariBvr by uecupatioa. aad like all hani aurkiuir fiHer* cl the aoil ae iiaa fouud tbe hurdns the loMsk must liear iMt li«ht burdvn to narrv. F**« iNajple wh«» Mver llvf* on n ianii appre- iiate what it uieaB* to follow the |4ow from AunriAe to sun net, lait il the pule lie in imiwrul iloB’t kuow how hani aueh work i*. the kidaer* do. I,«aig miun* oi work *#f an.r kiad iweaiiN loag hour* foi the kidiH-.i A. and they can’t stand It with­out rehelliuic. When tbe farmer come* bona- tired out at niubt, if he only rw«- IixiaI that tbe find fer^imp* imMily al- aayA iadiietmm tired kidney a. ami that tlie little woii«ler-work«a>, ibuui'A Kwl- iiey I'ille, w«inbt right the wnmgbnaight on by «iver-work. IH*- would tieeaeier fur him. U*-ad what Mr. Fiereou says iilNiiit hb* ex|ierienoe;

"I nnttredwbm t Bt<Mt|w*l IHlr«torrhanar4t. Ml |N*aMb*a AHUdewly, early I* the of t*ll la In|«7. that I wa» alwsy* rrwAr*la*l witli •h«ri> pMlna arr*iaa the Bmall ul my liark, aimI in I hr III iiratna I ww. *<» lame shd a,»rr IhMt I conbi ararre oel of liail. The two fr»AU»rBl action of ita* kidaer'a-rref Iona, ra- l^ially annoy lag al nlohl. '•lataiy IndtcaiiAl Itial inr kldaeyp were ihr rauae ol the Ir,,*. Ide. I had ,,fi*-fi h**ar,| lN,aii a Kldarr 1*111* a|A,h*>ii ala. Ml lir lay n*dvhtH,rB. an,! aa ii waa the Sral tlaie I r*A|Ulre<l ANcIi w iirefiar*. lion. I |,r„rnre,t a iMti. I not ce-* Ilirtr lA-nr Hclal eftrefa In n -Inr or I *•*, snil I cniltinr,! the Ir*-aliurut until my ImrkNrhe wna r«jre«l An«l ihc Ollier wrnkiiws w a* Ihoroualily le- Ue»e,l I laHkrno mistake when I aav ihni |i.,A I, A Kidney l*|||a care hnrkarhe sbd kid ttev roiiijdalnl."

M,»iiii A Kniiiev I'illM art- aoM hy ail di-Hlere. I'rice .*,th- |»*r Imix, or six Inix*-* •or?2..,tt. .Miiileil h.v FiN»i,-r. Milhurti •'o.. Miiffolo Y. .-bde ngeiitA lor tbe FimIiaI .'(tales.

U,’fnenilN-r tbe naiiie''MoairA'’iiiid take no AUlmtilUe.

"H’. NE



$5.70 Includins: Berth. Leave St. Johns 3:12 p. m., D. G. H. & M., Monday Wed­nesday and Friday. Leave Muskegon, via sieamer 6 p. m. Leave Grand Haven, via steamer 9 p. m. Arrive at Chicago, 6 a. m. Also fast freight line.

W. H. Burke, Agent.


Tbi'Ce IA not nil oittdiMir toy or piny- tliing that iN-tniiA t«* ainiiAe nml plense tlie children like on** <d my |Nitent aw iuua Niich HA ina.i In- .een on ituin.vof tbe lawiiA III .*(| .loliUA. They only ■ iNit

$3*00.\ml at IbiN ml*-every family with little folks i-wn afloni to tinv*- one. fall at tn.v horn**. II hlorkN niwt ol union Nch<Nd or lenre ordern with Wm. Fiwrter at th** Met •'Until** Co.


pi'iillAII’. .ViiTIl'K. —i'rohatr ,*,,iiri, ‘Iln- » Ion canty, a*. .Nolle- l* brrri.r girm III*I all •-lalm.i <ind •Irmniul. agaln.i the •■*- late of .vat 11.1 .M KI. I. PA.VI r. 1,1 Jl. .m^ard. will In-hear,I hr Ihr Judge >,( Probate of .ai«l cowni.r. at the Probate Oflire In the rlllaif,- *•( -(i. John.. uo Ihe nth day oi .VPVKMItKK .\. P.. lann. an,| that the creditor, .d de,raae«l are Mbiweil .!« mnnlh* from the

. dale „r ihla nntlre III whb-h to po-aeat Ihefr ' claim* for ad|a.tin«-fit

Pal*-*1 May aih, .% p . IN-Jb.«'II.y|tl.KK M. MEIIHH.L.

Judge of I’rolmie.

STATK OK MIL’IIIOA.V.—.Haral, l.nwHI itowiiian. roraplatnant. r« Oeor*,- m,.

wall. Jr.. Anna ... Puck. Au*ia Lowell. Frank l.owell, Marr {.oweli. Janie* |.owell. Aiidr.T m,wHI and Nadir l.,,well. defendant*

Tweniy-nlalh Judicial (irrult. lu I’han- eery. .-Ault fiendlng in the Hrfiili I’oiirt (,,r the I'oaatr of <1lalon. In I'hannwr, at .**1. John*. Mtehlgnu. «in the-JTtb dav lif March, .y. P.. 1 Atiii.

In I hi* <au«e. II apiiraiinK from affidavit • •n nie. ibai Ihe ileientlaniA. Anna O. Puck. \ii.la In,well. Frank l.itweil. Marr Lowell! Janie. l.owHI. .tudry I.*,well aad .'<a,IN* l.ow. <-ll. are not reeblente of thla .tale, that Anna • i Puck 1. n rraldent of the .Male of .New Nork thai'.liiata miwell. Frank l.,,w*-ii. Mary l.owell. Jame* |.owell. .kudry IaotHI and .'•adb* l.ow*-ll are reablenl. of Ih. .Stale ol Penney Iv ania

*»n m«,tb,ii of l!,twar<l J. Moinet. cmplain. ini'e eolMlor. It I* ordrreai that the ania-ar. ann-of aabl Lon-realdeai •lefeiidani.. Anna *i. Iturk. .ktiaia I.4>Arell. Frank l.owell. Marr I.oweli, lame* l.owell. .\iidrv tA,we;| and A|,.|le l.nwei|. Iw- enirml herein within four iiionth. tr<,in theitale olihl. order, nad In t-mmf of Ihefr ap|,earnttce. they rauM- their -newer, lothe 1,111 of c«,ni|,laliil lo I*-rtiml. nit«l a ropy thereol It, Im- .erv,-,| on Ihe •-omplainnnt'. .iiib-ttor. within iwenir dnr. after iwrvice on them of a cpr of .aid bill .in<l noitre of thi. order. an,| In -iefniili iher>- ,if. .abl 1,111 will be inketi aa cni—*»«l l,r .aid n-in-real,lent •lefmdani.. And It la furllii-r or- ,lere,|. iltai within twenty day*, the com- Idaluani cau*. a nottee ol il,l«’ order t«, In- i,ui,U.hed In Thi. .nt. Jon\. Ni:w.. a new.. t-Aiier prtnte,|. |,ul,li*he*l nnd clrrulailnir tn •abicunir. and that .aid piiblb-allon In- t-onIlniie.| therein, ••nee In each week, for .U Ar,ek> In .licrea.btn. «,r that .hr rauee a **,,1,^ of ibl« ...fb-r lo Im-|A-ri>onally aervefl «,n <Miid non-r—Ideal -lefendani. al lea** twenty ,la.r* Iwfore the Hiue alM,ve praai'iltw'l for their n'p. |n*aratt(e

S. II PAibiLL.Kiiw «MI> J. Moim;t. I'lrrali Jii<i*c.

• omidalnant’* Hollrltor. :(gw*l

PHOIIATK iiKIiKK.—Stale of MIrhbtnu.•'ouniy of ( Union, *e —.\i a ..Mion ol

the Protiate I'oart lor the I'onniy of* Union, hobten at the Probate Ufllre, In lb. vlllawe ol SI John., on Fridny. the lUihdar of May, In ilie year one ihonoau*! elchi hundie«l an*i nlnrty.nlae.

Pre*«-ni. I ba. M. Merrill. JM«)aeof|*r,,bate. In the mailer of the eat ale of Ai* \ M IIICII.

MiiNP, ilereaae,!. On reailln* aud nilmc Ihe iwtitlon, dul.r rerlBe*!, of Allen i'. Adam., lira t Inic that be or iMtine ,,ther .allal,le |,er- «,n way lie ap|H»lnle,i admlul.trator of .aid e*lale

Thereiipon It I.onirml.thal Thuraday, the l.’tb -lay ot JI'.NK. .\. P.. IMic.i. at on. • •’•'bM-k in the afirrn<M,n. be atelaneit tor the heortna of .abl iwiltbin. at tbe l*rol,aie Oflire. in the rillaKe of St. John. .%n*l ill. farther «,r,leee,|. that notice be glv,-n H, fh* |,er*<,na intarealed In .abl mtale. ol Ihe tlm, amt idace >.| nabl heartnit. by caii.tng a • «,p.T of thi. onler to Iw |iiibll.be<i In Tni St. John. Nrw., a new*|,a|ierprlntfAland rirrniallnalIn •abl coant.v ofriinlon, f*,r inre,* .,iecea.ivr week* preVbtn. to .abl day of iM-arlnit.

I'llAlll.l-X M. MKHIIILL (.k TrneCo|i.T,» Jn«laeof Probate.

Gfandlfunk Railway SystemTime Table. In KnVrl .Apr. to, ’*!»,

I* A M. Illvl.b,**.

wr.AT iM,i \|i rnoM .r. j,,nna:No It Mornluv K«|,re*A to ild. Haven ..... .

lO;47 a iti.No t.'. Mail and ('hkitgo Kipre.. lo ‘id.

Hav«-n .'t: |g p. m..Vo. IT SteamiMiat Kspreaaio fid. liaren anti

Milwaukee 7:.M* p. ui..V,i 11* Weafern Ksprea. toilrami llareii.......

s;g.N a m..ViM, 11, I.', B 17—ilally except SanilayNo lU dally.

KA.T nolMl.

No. t*l Ki|,re*iA lopetrolt and Ka.l A.g.’a.ra.No. go .Mail to Peirolt lg:01* p. ro..Vo Rvenlng Kspre** to Detroit aad l!aat

.ligg p. ni.No. In Kaafem Kipre*. to Parnad an,I Laat

*.»;17 p. m.No* 1*1. gOB Jg—dnll.T except .Sunday.No. IH dally.E. II. Iinilll-Uf. W II lll’ltKK.

A. i>. P. B T.-kaent .kirent.I'htcngo. .Ill St. John..

IHE m ARBOH ROADFforthern Michigan, Ohio and

all Southern Points.Dtre,-! I'onnectlnna at Owi,Bao Janrtlon and

Pnrand wIth P. <1. il. B M. it y Train*.

T'lmtt T'alvlo.

In egeef .VorenilM-r .Hrd. t s{».N.

UOIXti .VOHTH--I.V. Uurand.Aj40 a, M..................... and......................ffiOO P. MFor KUb*. .kahler. Ithaca. St, l.oal*. AImn, Mt. Pleaaant. •'(arc. I'adlllac and Frankfort

(ifllMfl S«)UTH- -Lv. Purand.BiSAA. M.................. and.................... A:A« P. IIPor H owell,.knn Arl><,r, Milan, Toledo and

alls,,at hern Poiaia,H.HENN ETT U. P. A. Toledo.OhI

Just the Moment.


«pi;c trie kTIWV*. Name- ffawtiirra, c -aSiNci, iiaw"** rkaae-. rtmln twolenei '■an.era *mn1 rl»,A. (bxlMaa, • ll» taaMr •. Mm-v '.mar aaU nb*w« r. Iwrk1 M#aal*»«Mnea..'*M*A«erWlac^ nniaBlaywianwaw- ****ly Ka—I Baoe-NaealarIt. l». •• ••‘sn raar anU Wliwniar* ma* m :iamr Maaa « aa a. Handle Bam

v4|aM>al, PeSaB nrldayri railtae aw4.1 4ta olUlaa».r*l<ektA*. Snah,, Taawra* l^>• w«r S#*ai#< o’, aaal H*.XJrTm«t.Mr**r TB,*! I VaiM-h Momna B Wrtnht aeakB tone Taai Mo* Z .i.lataiaa weeiwh. dBr. rapalr "O*** aau -yaa- J aar Tmwd * -■•ac* Takdaw- Mwlbyc-^er**^• Maooo,.. Wboal Baaa- imTaCwa Whaota-B Z laanaa Wakoha -jIIwaU, Bf^naaB.

118000 S*M ki 18M: It*« M sand a* aay wheel made. .\tl modern ' nwprnrvwBU. (IwirBPkeett for oweyanr. If• Doi (nuad aa ri pmaakkit. return at onr ex-2 peiMH* bath Arair,. aad jrou ran hare yxmr ! tiMDeT hark am deoiaadI AKOlTOStNBIOUQWrtnMCYaCUTAlM• Head U centa Iot oar I jkdn pnae cakatagae. Z It itkU ereryihUai twed hy maaklBii.


Itnn't wait, if .roii think of haring .roar pteture t*ikea. You iiin.v juat mio* tbe ausfiicioUN miinient when .voar heultb, jour coatanic «ioil tbe atmoapben*. hut moat of all jour mood are all in tine. W*- want jou when .rou jnnr*elf want to

i-oine. ami we will niak*- n (octure of jou

that sill In- a revelation.

HAniLTON, Th* Artiat

L I. iWilll



IInaa4 •* a lamkiy . *••»*** I.............. *■wttryoRfl wttii tnti^ mtnm. hww om*erar m uiwi cm***- iwa>«M*at la ih* ■•dd- rn,latirwiiiia adaiei n -f tm-

m. la OATON.

BaaTTahokkaipMaad Mooha laar INh Awaf.Tn 4}aU iBhakka aaaftr aad tarnrvr. ha atag

aatte. fall at lira, aerra aad rurar. uMte Xo-To- Bae. Uwwaadar-warBer. tank aiahe* waak kaaa atraag. AU rtragfina rfri-rTl Catagaatna- taaA BaaBlM aad aaaipto fraa. AiMrwM Bkarttag Nomady oa, Chtaago nr .Mew YerB.



NMaM DOUBT STumSTh** WaaawMB, Irraaw.larwrialoai iuai.iai,mii eigae . aad kaaBk " eaMM *1 wwutraa iuoa “ Thay am HLmB Baveaa**' laakrB ai eaiaaaheaa. •Miae de- cilieaii *>af uraaa, aad had*. It* ha,aa laaiady Mr w*aaa aaa^ iham t-Baa,! d* mpa >«B he- leoma, a ekaaMir* N| pae- Bawi8mqiiPBSSi8o..*«i........ I*

|Or. fnutaaaa' Ii■iwtllei

ItPile, liahaarhalBat _

aAlayra tB* tiekkag a< oaaa. Bdka .. - ftvea taaiaat riplint. Dr. WIUtaaas’IadtaaPlAaOlan

_ ~ ■natlaaekpaiiii Bar FiamaadltcO' tag «f ilM prtraie parts. Rrery haa la warraate-* Hr drviagi«t«. By aagll *« tn-

ka «*a«s aS gl.oa. SNAJliK R CO.. Praga. gwaiiilTRBg

C. E. VaaMokle. Ht. Joboa, MtebiffM.



An BxooUent OaMMnation.The plMkMuat methfid MkI baoeflcial

•ff«cU of the w«ll kaowm remrfly. Mtrvf or I■*I0S. laonutestaretl by tbr CAuruNHiA Fi« bVRvr Co.. lllu»trmtr tbr rwliMi of obteininf ib« liquid Urn* tirr prineiplM of pluata kiuiwo to hr OMMlicmally l«jntfre mmI praarntlog tWn) in the form munt mfr—liiuy to tbr tn»tc nod Moeptnbic to tbo ayMnn). It is thr oor prfoct strrnirthrBlnfr iasn- tiro. tbr Kratom elfaetaally.dUprlliof colds, hoadaches and ferm Itsntly yet promptly and eoablinir onr to ureroomr habitual conatipntUm prr- nuarntly. Its perfect fret^om from errr}’ objeetifiiinblr quality ami Mib- stnniw, and its actinr on thr IcUlnr^n. Urrr and boerela. without weakriiitiR or irritating them, make it thr ideal laxatire.

In tbr prooeaa of luanufacturinK dRo are used, as they are pleasant to thr tastr. bat tlir medicinal qualities of thr remedy arr ohtainr<l from neiiua and other antinatic plants, by a meihoti known to thr CAi.ironniA Fiu svari- Co. only. In order to Ret its lirnrtirial rffi'cts and to a%'oid iinitationn. plranr remenilirr thr full iiamr of thr Company printed <ni thr front of every packuRr.


uourmvju^ nr. itnw Tonx n y. For Mic bjr all Uramnata—Price SOc. p*t bottle.

The work €»l I’nif. I. Il.Ulllrrrt.oflbr Sorlh. Till* rrhiMtU. haa Iwm a«i antlafartorv thai ihr nrh.Mil iMtani •Imtrr him to miiatn anotli> rr »mr Thr trrailuallaa tiaaa .tf '.r.i num* hrr» ten.

Maw a aU.ar\Vm offer One llundretl Doilars Ilewnni

(or nny caaes of Catarrh that t^an not in cumi hy lloira Cntarrii (’ure.

F. J. Cheney b Co. Profai., Toledo <).W.* the undenuRned. hare kntiwn F. .1

Cheney for the laat 15 yearn, anti Iw^ievi him firfertly honorable in all buaiitre.. tnuieartiona and Hnanrlnlly abletucarrt niir any tibiiRiitione tiindr hy their drtu. lV.wt Jt Truax, Wholeanlr DriiRRieta’ Tolrilq ()., WaldinR. Kinnaii A Marvru. Wliok^le ItruRRiatM Toledo, <>hi >.

Ilaili* Catarrh ('ure in taken intrmall.t artiiiR upon the blou«l and tnorou* enr- faroHof thesyeteni. Prif^Tra-.iwrlrotilr-. SoM hv all ItruRRiata. Ttetimuuialafrtr. l-.Vll *

Mali'a Family PUIsan'thr laatt.

Hay ttty i-oMutuii i-oun<'ll nn<l liualaeea itirn will takr artlnn to l■nln|M•l tbr F A I*. M. to abamlon Jrltrra,oi atrrrt. Im-I wrrn KIrvrnlh atrrrt iin<l Fittli avanur. It la aat<l thr.-om pauy liaa mi rlirht to tlir atrrrt

DROPSY TREATED FREE!t2.S0 Worth of New Treatment Will Be

sent Free to any oi Onr Readers by the Well Known Qilcairn Scientist

Dr. Franklin Miles. M. D.,LL. B.

Ilroirty ii« a terrihlr dirrua** in itr Inet etatcr. .\t tirwt no diamar la apitamilly iiiorr harnihwM, a little pnffiiiR oi the eyr- lida or liaiida «ir a aliRht aweiiiiiR of the fe«*t. aiiklea or alMlntiien. Vet im ihvith la more terrible. The iinfortuaali- |>h- tirut alowly lintwiia in thr water of hia own btoo«l.

Itr. .Miler' a|mi*taity la diarttaea of the heart. Hrer, kidneya, nervea and dnqiay. Tt> liltrolunr hia new dntitay tr«*atnirnt,I e will jrivi* away $lo.iMMi worth. Ilun- dre«ia of toatimoniala of th** nitmt nminrk- able C-iriw wrill le* aellt Otl request, t llii* Reiitirnian wiia «*ure<i after hariUK liern Riven up hv ten (iniiid Itapida phyai- tmiia a lady afteWaix ab'e t'hirsico dia- tora had promiunoil lier rase lM>pd>-sa.

Mr II .V. <tr<H-r. of A4)4 Sluontalu Ml.. Kl- s<n. III., aartl 7:1, wa* th.iusht iti la- tarura* j liir iroin ilr<ii»ay. whirli rrartinl to hla luua* aai| i'aiier.1 ■.niotlirtihs aiirll.. rouichr, "hort. lira* .if lirralb. Hr re|i.irla: ‘•|»rof»«jr aliaolir. i Iwtirr r\rr»- wa.v Mr. Jamra I'lnkrrtoa. ...1 llor of thr Uua>lat lllr I^UU. Inti.. Wfilra “Mrr. P wa> iriven iiti tiv ihrrr ittiratrlnn*. .Mhr owra her lllr to Hr -illlra' aklll Mhr now (irl. forma hrr li<iilaeliol<l ilutlea at alll v.H vr rear* ofaer" .\lrs. Kllblrr.t'nluiart, Mirh..alate« ’*1 aiitfrrnl ariioualy for yesra froai ilro|Mi\, rheumatlam aatl h^rt itlaraar. .yftrr takiiiir M|irrlal Treatmrnt I BaInrtI «IO {Hiuntla and liftw alwaya frri well." klr«. U. It Morrlai', •>r lloerra. I'olumhiitnii f'ti., Ohio, aava "Hr. Mile* my llfr h.T raiiSK mr of thatawtnl •llaraer, dro|Mv and Heart TrtoiMr. I aafferr.! tertildr >ll«a .s.t|thta Naowltrni. nt No. 'Jsi, .ktr., Mlnura|Hdl«. Iratitlee that "Thrrr dava aftrr ctnnwrartnir to tnkr Treatmrnt for dro|M.r It waa aeatiy all tcoar after two n'lo'talbh- and two homo-<>|>athl(- phrairlana had falletl. Mr A. A Colburn, of llleeaiB|i, la . "'*r Mlire' 'I'lratnirnt haa{«ertt»rmr«ra lalrarir lor Mra C. after hrr lea •uraf Irtini dr«>|Mr .'

Hr. Mihw tmitiiient is much au|ierior to liny others and to obtain the Iteat re- ^ anif it ia prepami for ttach fMttieat.: Krery aft1icte«| |M>re4in ahoiihl e»-n«i for' tbie tnarreloua treatment. B2.5H worth sent free u|niii re«|u«st. .\ddresa l)r. Mlllea, lllfh Floor .XlaatMik* Tfm|»lr, Chiriurti. IMetiae mention thie |ia|ier. >


Itrv. K. MudRr prsarlied at Baaaieler on Hunday last.

.4 new walk ha* been built ontheaorth side of the I'erry Honov.

klurtiu llnbbell, ui Muir, is vioilinii ntUlivea in this vieiaity.

Hiram llrown baa bcMiRht tbe Stdary C4P» pru|iarty in this villo^.

Mr. uud Mrs. t) O. IWry havegua* ou a vMtiiiR trip to Hattie i'rsek.

P. W. Iledisrn made a bosiaaw trip to LaaaittK durtUR the past wssk.

Ikim. to Mr. and Mrs. Hart Cuwlea, Huaday, Maj 2Htli. a ilaughter.

Job Naldrett, late of MkkSleiou, has berome a riwident of .Maple Kafuds.

Usome Hooker haa icoae to Mat'kiuaw’, where lie rX|wets to spend the summer.

Ilev. F. Mudm* made a huaiueMi trip to Hnnuid. during the Hrst of the wreak.

Her H. H. launK (ireachad the me­morial seroMUi at Kureka.ou Huada.v loat.

Mrs. C. Hastiiimi hae gone to Ohio, where she ex|wrts to make an extemlrd visit.

See those mill end |>rtrea «|aoted hv CoDvisJc Ha,vt, of Mafjr Itapids, iu this issue.

Mise ioex Conklin has Hosed a suci'ens. ful srho«d .rear at the Sesoioos school iu l^dwaofi.

Ail the husinsse houses in the villaRi' j were eioausl dortiiR the eiercises on .Mem- I orial Hay.^ Cliester Hobh is iit present traveiiiig j in the interest of the Cliaiii|iiun Machim* I (!on iMiuy.j I*. V. Heiqaniin, of Mt. IMettsant, tiiiole I a husinesM trifi to the villag** diiniiR th** |iast week.

F^noch ChHp|s*l, of Ismsinu. is in town rrreiviuR treatimnit of Hr. (l«<or|(e Hlise, for l•an*'*•r.

Several new iiwiiinRs have liein a<hled to a nuiidwr of the husineee h«*ueet< in tide village.

.V delegation from this village hav** gone north to eupt.v a short seas*>n in trout Hshiug.

Mn*. Win. Owen, who has lieen visiting relatives in this vkrtiiii.v. has returiMs] to h**r home nt Stiintuii.

The l.adies’ .Aid sociel.v ol th** M. F<. Hiun-h met wfith Mrs. .1. H Yates on F'rida.r af term Min last.

Several of the farm**rs over in F'lilton have**untrH**ted to raise sugar lieete for the .\lma sugar factory.

It is tbnuirht that Mrs. Kacbel .S«*«>it. widow of th** late Hovid Scott, has hut a few days longer to lire.

Never was Oh* interest taken as on Tiietslny last, in th** grand disftliiy of 01*1 (iiorv in this village.

.Mr and .Mrs. .\. H. .N*»Ne Jr . of He tmit. visit**<l relativtv* ami friends lu this vicinity during th** past w***4k.

lion, (files T. llrown aud wiieof ltba«’n. werv the guests (»f Mr. ami Mrs. Uoliert Anderson the lirsi of tiie w*vdi.

.Mr. ami Mrs. F. M. Hichardsoii, <if Owi*ss«i. w**r** llie gm*sts of Mrs. Rich, antson'*. imreiits during tii*' (wist week.

Itariug th*‘ |»ast w*<ek Miss Ivah liiile Is-ll puri*hns**«l n tin** piuuo from I*. l(*m|ainin. miisk* th'aler of Mt. I'leasaiil.

Tin* ll•sli<-lltion of the sfddier's immu- luent III F'ultuii C**ntre has is‘**n |M>st- |Nin**<l until .'■iaturda.v next .lum* .'I in the aftiTuoon.

.4 ilaiicing imrty w as giv**n at l*eiT.v’s hall on F'nday evening last, hy Hiinstell At Knickerlsfckcr. .IIhhH Oiirt.v*flr** coiiplee |Mirtiri|iate<l.

.Marri*s|, at the residence of Mr. and .Mrs. Chaliiicr ibsiferii. Ma.v J4lh. hv Ilev. 11. II. latng, Harrv Spring**r to .Miss lliNHi Ilro«ini. ItoOi of Hrice.

.Mr. ami .Mrs. Wilfoni .\shiey. of Orand l.'sige. ami .Mr. and .Mrs. .Marivilus H*****!, ol .\liiilikcii. visited relatives in this vi­cinity during the |>aMt week.

Mr and .Mrs. M. Maker ami Mrs. .V. .1. Haliiwin. of St. .Inhiis. w**re present nl the fiim*ral of ile\. Chiiriiv* Harstow, which w**n* h*4il on F'ridii.v last.

Ilev. .\. T. I.iilher and family visitml rHativesat I'ahi. dunng the Hrst of the wr*s.k. \Ir l.uth**r als** deliv**re*i th** memorial addr**<w< at that pia<*e.

The Miamtrial *a*rnion. d*-liven**l »it tin* M. F. cliiirch hy the jiastor, Ilev. .4. T. Luther, on .Sunday last, was a rf*r.v atile on**, aud was *is|eiie i to hv n larg<‘au- diein**-.

.\ Issiuiiful new huntiiig flag w as Hung lothehr*s*te at the sch*Hd gnniiids **f onr viilag** sHiimiI *tti Tii*s*<la.v last, to lake On* pla**e of the old om* recently ile- sirti.v*sl.

The Ihmivv wind on Siitiirday last, blew off a section of tin* iron Hag staff at the O. .4. it. Iiall. It has sims* ls*eii r»*- |iains| and Old Oior.r again Hiuits fr«mi its top ns of old.

.4niong the ihstiriiOons in the store windowi nl .4. N. Howe on memonni day were a Hne disfilay of a large numls*r of phoiits of decivise*! soldiers who had foriimrly liv*<d in this vicinity.

The liin**nil services of the late Ilev. Chari*s« Karstow, wen* •‘onductefl at tin* lamilv n*enlems*. Ilev. .4. T. Luther, as- sisleil b.v Ilev. F. 4iiidg*- and Ilev. II. IL l.onK, oftlf’tatoil. IJuite a larg«* gat tier­ing was pnstent, including a number of fri«nds from St. .Inhns.


Mho* HcUa HtaiM-kHI m belter at tkU wniiug

Miss Hertba Htukauu is visitiag at Hr. J. FL liiuksou’o.

Mrw. J. Heutoa was called to -Atltea tu atieoii the luurrai ul her sioter’s has- baud.

Mfu. John IaiwHI is very pfMiriy at ifnwent. iMh* hae laaai stek since belurw her hiMlMUid's death.

The W. C. T. r. institute will be held at the t'uaiinscatiouMl *-hurcli June ft. A pnigroiu hae been amuigtsl fur the wven- mg. Admieeiun flvaceats.

Mm. Jaixibe. Htale Hv|aity of the I.. O. T. .M., was in town last Haturda.v, and luitmted a Haas id t w« Ive new iiieinbem. This makes seventeen new lueuibers in the «*laee for tbe Hive here.

The Memonal servicew at the M. FL church last Sunday were nice. The church was HlUvt ami a Hne aennun was preaelmd hy tbe iiastor. Tb«* 0. A. K. aud 44’. II. L*. atteudeii m a body.

MHiiorial l)a.v services were bokl lawe this .tear, aud never hetun* have they sseiiHd mure apiin»|>rtate. TheU. .4. li. |NMt ami the 44'. 11. C, were twcurted tu the ueoietery b.v the Imiel aud a tth* aud drum ••or|ie. The exen’ises «*Ye Im‘IiI in the Methieliet churcli. The uddrews waa deiivemi hy U**v. H. II. North, aud it was a pfiwertui |iieeeof fiimpositiiMi and held th** iMvirers' rioi«e«i intention.


Mm. Ne!lie 4’iiiet, of l<a>Maaa, is visit iug her immiit*. .41r. uud Mis. l<ecey.

ri*«« those •uill **n4l prh’es quoted b.t Conviek Hayi, of Mapie Itaiuus. in this

Me Uvlim Am VUAU


FL Creeaman is n*imMleliiig his hou*s>.•loiin Strong returiie<l from Itannister

F’rida.v.I'urk .4lenll has imive«i into Hurt Jeu-

niug's lious**..4 numlier from lien* s|ieiit llecoratiun

Ha.v iu .St. Johns.fiilbert Uraiiger and wif** ar>* visiting

n*ialiv**s ill Hext**r..4liM* Mary Siatk rctunied to her hoim*

ill 44'u.vne Inst Tunwiu.v.Fllder lt«MH' mad** several calls iu his

Held of laluir last w*'*d(.Mrs. IliillHni is s|s*iidiiig a few ilays

with ndulivtw in .St. Johns.I. uther Joiitv*. tif CarMiii Cit.v. visit«vl

at F'rank Hals*.v's la**! week.FI. H. L.voti vi>il**<l iMcar IMowtnaii in

North .Star one du.v last week.John Jacob and wife are the pniud

IMitvntsuf a twel«‘«* pound hoy.Mm. (t#vi, 1‘rofts, of Olive, visitiai at

John ThH*lt'e one da.v lost week.Mm. .Aims* I'useag*- visit**d her sou in

Flast Hiugham on Thursday last.J. HullanI is having his bouse |Miiul(*d.

F'nuik Huiilap is doing th<* w'ork.Lighimug struck l'**uhn*ke Muck's

Iniiise last w***S( i**armg out a rafter and doing a litth* other damage.

.Art HullanI ami wif«* have return*-*! fnim St. l-oiiis when* they hav** lieen vioitiug his sister. Mrs. .Alvin HtiadI**.


F'nuik ltaiHiigi*id'i**r went on th****x- oursnm to Hetniii Sunday.

M. V. |{****i ami iHiiiil.v **nt*-rlained a I’oiisiii inmi I lino Memorial da.v.

Mrs F'orls*e w«ail to HeAA’itt toatl**iid Memorial ex**n'ises. Memorial Hh.\ .

.4 giMxlly numlier of th** |sH»pl** hete-a* Imi'iIs w**iii t«i .S|. .Itihus Memuriui Ha.v.

The 44’<mm1 Hni's. have sohl their fcoc** light for th«* town of Oliv** to .Miwsrs. I Ml and l.*-*m Fliiaest.

.4 nuinls*r ol |s**i|»le iroiii St. Johns, Lansing, and other pla**ee s|s*iit lM*ora- Hull Ha.v at th** H***u'h.

Mytt**lle Alisirc. of th** .41. .4. C., s|s*nt .Siiiida.v ami Moiidiiy in Chn-ago. a gu**st of her sousiii. 44*. IL Taylor.

I'iiie gniwiiig w*vither. .Alost of th** fanners hav** plant***! tlMr •*orii and are happ.v over the pleasant changi* of th** weather.

Th**n* will Is* h sts'ial hop at M**rie Heach.liim* Id, hill .'iiti- lor danc** and Inirses to ha.v. Clavey s on-ln’slm will furnish tin* iiiiisk*.

iillr** (imiig** was w**ll atl**nde«l .Satur- da.v erianiat. th** pnuiniiii was lult.v nmlenil, alt*^ whn-h i*'e crenni aud cake w**n* serv*» I to about flft.v |NYs4ins. .411 w*Mil home ftMiiig I hat a pleaMiiit anil pmHtiihle evening had lie**n sismt.

IM IlI.ISlIKirS .NitTIt'K.

Uscoration Hay was obmrved in this village la^ 4|Bada.v. Ilegardlsss of the rain, the n. H. charch was Hlied. to listen to the able addresses dsiirersd by Usv. Laesy and Her. IMtrieh.

neoudma Chapman, of Ht. Jobos. was buried at the Hafiiaiii osuietery Muadat iMMMi. At 1 o’eluak, theluasml ol Jhiihsi Carroll, who wm killed by hghuuag nsar Hannistor. was lisid at the M. FI. church.

The recital tu Is* given at the M. FI. church by Miss Fliina Hathawa.v. has been iMtstponeil until F’rida.v evsaiug, JuneU. IhMi't fail to he tmve nt, us it will Is* a treat. .Adinisniuo tea kimI fif­teen «wats.

Tbefftllowi^ program for Childreii's Hav will is* given at the Christian church next Sondav Jun** 4: Soag, SciNMii: In­vocation, Rev. Laee.v: S*»ag. Cboirt lleei- tatioii. Hlaache Holbmok; "I'souies lor J«sai«,” Inloot **laM*; Kerilatiou, Hattie latnih: S«*ag. Hrho4il: *'Sead th** (Had Thiiugs,** mix*<d ciuss; Solo, l<ola .Ash; ilecitiitions. .N**llie H(dhrrM*k and F'lee- iiinti MHliiitnrk; "(inr Jubilee I tffering,” mixed Has**; Ibi-ttatnm, F'lomnce Keys; Song, Choir: Itecitation, Jit.v Matt»'mon; ll****iiati«m. Miss F1<irsiM*** l’•Vkil•s (silver me«lslist); .Addnws. Kev. Igwey, .*miiir, St*h<Mil.

S H^P A R D8 V i LLE.

Hailey left 44’***|r»***»<lav *g‘ her new hoim* iu Niiiiwu,

Mm C. J. last w*ek for Mich.

.Air. and .Aim .4. II. It<iy*ii. ul«*t Mr. and Aim (1. C. 44'arreii, sfeHit .Sumla.v in Hay (.'ity.

Til** rtwiilefHv*. of J, J. 44'iiiH<*ld nml ,4. Olesoii hav** Imsmi grsnll.v iMatuiiH***] with a Iresh c-oat of imiiit.

tfiiite H numlwr from liere att*mdeil Memorial **xerris*e at Huplain Sumlay ami at (Ivid Tuesday.

i'harie.v .S’ok*v« miiirned from the State of 44'iishington Thunelay. and will liMik alt**r th** int*Tvals of his motlH*r's lami.

The follow iiig is the progmiii for the **tghtli grade cnmiii**n<*enieat **x*Tcis**s to he held at the .41. FI. charch, F'rtda.v ev*Hi- iiig, June 2: Mrgnii voluntary. Lillh* llimiiiighain; Invocation, Ilev. Houck; I.Hiliss' qiiari**lt**; •Miiir Town,” .llta Ltnigror; **Old St>ini|M.'' .Aniiimia (II- s*m. “Class Hi«tor.v.'' .Altlisa drove; Song; • Cranks," lama 41r|.e<sl: “Hack- tione,” Mary Olson: “I’niphecy,” Alta Hauer; 4'isml iluei; l*nssntation of Hi ploroas, .Mr. AA'alker; .Address, Ilev. Johnson. Ovi«l; latdiss'ipiartette; Hen*- dWIoii, ilsv. Houck. .AdniMsion free.

Tile Ms*lrr*i MewnlyThrives on goo*! (ihmI and sunshine, with plenf.v of ex*Mx*is»* in the fqieii air. Her lorm glows with h**alth and In'r fac** (#hHim« with its Is'uiit.v. If her system ii****«i tile <*leaii>iiig action of ii inxativ** re*i:e<lv. she uses the gentle ami pleas ant "ymii of F'lgs, mad** h.v t h** Califor­nia F'lg .S* I lip Co. onl.v.


Oae eroalag not long ago there emam to the galas of a Moatli l.aiaduu w*trfc- liottae aAMrrtb country mechanic, with bis wife and three chUdren. The maa wfNx* a pained and wrorrled look, the woman seemed abont to fnlat. and two of the «*hlMreti cried.

“For heaven's sake, let my wtfe and children come In.” said tbe man to the imrter at the gate. “1*11 pay for their keep If ymn'll give them abeiter. We're lieen tramping the street* for milea herentiont since 1(1 o'clock this room­ing. iNit can't tlnd lionae or rooms to let at any price.”

**It's against the regnlatlons.*' mM (Ih* imnr law ufliclal.

'Then, what on earth am I to do? I've Juat got a good Joh In this district to start on Monilay. We travelr*! to I-omlou hy the night train, thinking we might get a liouse the first thing In III** rooming, a* I was pretaire«l to |My a de«*ent rent: but tlmugli we've s|smt all the day searching, we can't HimI room nnywlien*. Ail day long my wife lias lieeu taking on** side of a street aiMl I the other, wlilh* the clilhircn walte«l at tbe **omer. 44*e woiihl hare Ron** into temmieiits or a|mrtim*nts aiiywher**, but not n s«dltar.v nsiui la H* Is* had. As It grew- alark. In oiir <1*^ s|Miir We went tf> the |s>llf**> slutt<*D. nml tli**.v aalvlsssl me f*> Iniog th** wife and children to the worklioiis** till such tlim* as I •'oulil llml a pin**** outshl**.”

“Hnt we’ve no nsmi t*» s|un* h«w**, either,** sahl the gate |s*rter. “AA’Iiy, w-«*’v** already got m*aiiy ’J(n» iiion* |ieo- pl** than th«* lious** Is **ertlll<sl for. Still if the imllce sent you. I sap|MMM* you must Is* admltte*!.”

S«* III** man |Nirt*Ml with his wife iind chlhlreii at the wnrkhouae gnt**. s|ieDt the night In a eoniiuon hMlgiug houae himself, th** whole of Sunday In a fur­ther futile search, but It was not un­til a full fortnight liatl gone hy. alurtiig which he iMld for Ills wife's and iMlnis' ke«q> lu th** workhtoise. that he found a pla**** to take them t«». Then It was m>t a hous«* ns lie <lesire<l. but to tenenienta; not u«*ar his w*trk. ns he want***!, but two mil*** auuy.—lA>n«lon N**wa.

Warn WeatherIN


• ▼.


GoodsWe are showing some very pretty fabrics

and s^les in New Wash JHaterials, andPrices are Rigiit.with us

Pisces Dainty Cool Effects in Figured Dimities and Huslins,Quality Good, Colors are

Fast, Price is psr yard............... 8 ceatsBeautiful Sheer Organdies, all the new

Colorings and Designs, Floral sp jand Stripe Effects are here at C6fltS

The stylish Materials for H 7 • j.this season are Corded \||i|T W Madras, P. K’s. Welts, ^ ^white and printed. Silk mixed uinghams, Scotch Corded Qinghams, French Zephyrs, Etc. We have a large assortment Ul yc ratiicof new arrivals at from....... " Ld CCIIlhs

SI dozei Ladies.Ribbed

Vests Sc each


F*r*-*l .lucoii hill* a imw sli****!. liom. to .4|r ami Mm. .lay Coffiiiau

.Alay .'«i. an nI, |N*uiid girl.F'rniik llolcMin and family viniHil

.41 AVilm'. ill .Aliiir, *iv**r .'*iin*la.v.Atm. f(oM-tibiirg**r ami <iaiighl**r and

•Alio* Tunuw. *u l'l**ai*aiit 4'allcv, w**r** I III* gum t ft ol .Air. ami Mn*. 44'arn*ii Hnvis last t%»n*k.


F'rtcmli* ami r**a«lcri* of Tin; \i;wi* will I'oiifcr uliivor oti th** |Mt|***r. ami tli**iii.

>*«*lv**s ai* w**n, ii.v linking Jiidg** of I'ro Imt** Alcrhil to publish all miliom ot **»-

tiit**n ill which they ma.v In* int*-r«*st**d, in Tin; News. Th** .Irnig** is |M*rf**ctly will­

ing. rtiiil II r*'i|u**st is all that is m’ltv*-




Golden Nectar.

Strictly pure, without equal in flavor, con­tains no coffee.

A Food Expert“May I bav«* a cup of '(ioldsti .Nvr-

tarf ” was tbs inquiry at a *wisbratail fa^ expert at a I'bMUMt** I'nrs F'ood Rhow. “You know tbs firm hy whom I am smplo.Tsd luak** a csrsal coSss, hot tiMW do BOt socrssd ia gsttiag that ds- ligtitful flavor that '(ioMsn .Nectar' has. This aftsmotMi in my lv«tats «ni I'tirv* Pmsls I toochsd ii|»oii I'cmal I'oflssn, rs- oomin«m(ling thsir ms* as a pars, whols- soms hMid. aod stated that while them were several brantls on the market, ‘(ioldsn .Neetar’ was oa* of the liest aail svrefy I ctMitd not say more when run aoiwvMate the fact that I dsmonstmte aaother mak^. ’ Huch is the unanimons vardict of all who try "Holden Nectar.*' It hwi no equal, and when hnlMI flfteen miantea has the delightfal flavor of roSee. Most deafen* eefi It, hat If .von canmil get it of .roar giwer, eadtsw foar emt* ia staaapa for sample hr mail to


.4 large crowd of old soldi«ws and citimis ol this vicnit.T. i*ame Pneether at the difft’cent «*emetenes in this hicality on Tu**sda.v last, tu |iav tribute to our honor***] dmd. .N**Ter IMore w*»rt* the ex- **rctses more iiit* r**stinK aad carri«si out nith imire Milemnitv than those of .Aleni- orini Hav. iHIMi. The M. FI. charrh was lilerall.r |Mick*’«l to listen to the Hosing ex*wrises of the day, which coiMOstert of soiigs and nMliiHons ami a short, hut able address by Mrs. !4am Hmwn. Post liepartment l'n*eident W. It. C. of Mich., alter which cams the oration by lion. (Hies T. Hrowu, who paid a glowing tribute to our country's patriotiani, oar hoa«>red dead aud to ths ffrond Army of the ll«*pahlir. Tbs musir for tbe oreoe-

^ sioii on tlie line of marrh was famished ^hythed. .4. R. martial haad aad the

«*«*met Itand of Morgan's facie Tom's Cabin troa|s*, who gave an eatertaia- meat ben* on Tuesday eveniag laat to a large audieace.


visitedMrs. Henry FIdeas, of Fllsie, friends in this vicinity Monday.

Mrs. Hart Hulseandsoa, Hoy. visited her father aad brother, of Victor. Alon* day aad Taeoday.

Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Pnrker and son, (Henn, of (irand ls*dge, were gaests of Mrs. Willetts last week.

Hchool rioeed FViday with an eater- taiament, after whiHi Mies .Anaa iJoesy presented the tsaeher with a very ake album from the school.

Wiwderful IlnoMi Katah and Itr. L. N. j .Mixer's gennine I aaeer aad Herntuia Hyr-1 op, at f. FI. VanWickie's. Testimoaials i oa apidieatioa. I

Sev**nil from lien* wen* at Hound I.ake F’riilay.

.\*4lic AA'ashinglou ami IIismi Hiigiilet will M|sai<l Satiinlay at lirami ls*dgt*.

.Air*. L. Smith i* rereiviiig a visit fmm her (laughter ami children, of F'owhT.

Ain* II. F'reemaii and daughter, of lauiigsiairg. Sumlay***! at FI. McIntyre's ami attimiied (Irang*-Satiirdav. ^

Flarl (iregg ami Aliss No.Te«. of Mason, risited at .l«)bn 44'eth**reirH «irer Mumiay. j Mr. (ir**gg was a iiieinher of the .'list [ regiment.

Hlaucbe and Liuie AVetberHI and Mllie I Hixby will rrceive Mth gra*!* diplomas Thursday ••vening. FIxerriees will Is* i liefd nt the town hail, aad afterwards a i tveeiptioa will ls>girsa at Oliver Hixhy's, -


44'lien Miss Hhi I'oiiklin H<ie«*tl a ver.v su(*i'**ss(ul .l**Hr‘s wttrk at th** .Session's MchtMil ill Is-Imiiiiii Histrict N<».M.recently eev*THl frieiais gatliemi with thepii|>ils at tli** school house and •'iqo.vtsi a pi**iiic dinner, alter wliii*h a pr<«grnni win* ret*. d*a***d ami all retiirii***! to their r**s|ie«*tive hollies r*s-|ing th*il they had limi a giast time. .4- t**ach*T aial pufiils have *efi. joy**«i «»iilv *u»e \\*s*k's VH<*iiti«m thisvtar. th** r**et will i|o th *a> gtsid.

HIstmsrk’s Iron Nerse44'ns th** result <if his splendid health.

Imlomitahl** will ami trenumdous **nenry arc not foiiml where Stomach, Lina*. Kidneys ami ltow**ls an* out of order. If rou want thes** *|iialities an I th«*Miircess they hriug. us** Hr. King's .New- Life fills They deveiofi **verv is*wer of hrniii an«l IsMly. Only ‘25** at Flldcw .4 Miilman's Hrug Ston*. (2)New Tmlna on the .%*•• ArHwr Ksllrowfl.

.Alomlay, Aln.v 22. the follow iug addi-1 tional |*ass*aiger train servi**** will Is* iii. . augiirat***!: Tmiii .Vo. •'! going lairth, | which under prewent schedule la.Ve up at Mt. fl*‘**saiil, sill on him! Hft**r tli** alM>v**- dat**. run thniiigli to I'adilla*- arriving ih»-re at p. m. This train will«*arry s|*ejMUg car lr*»m T*i‘***i«i to I'a*!-1 iliac, at which isiint it will lay until morning, wtiefi it will l*eHttach*s| toisw* train l**HViiig fa«lillac at <> a. m. ami ar­riving at F'raiikiort nt H-:io a. m,, wlicre conn*s*iions will Is* mad** with .Ann .Arfsir **ar ferrss* i*»r all (siints west. Train N*».2 going south. whi<*li now Uvives Mt. fi*'nsant at 7:15 a. m. will, •'omm<*a<'ing May 22. leave ('mlillac at a. m. ami mil thmugh t<i Toledit. .4 new- train sill l***v** Frankfort at T:*'ln p. m.. arriv-; iiig at (’adiiiac at Id p. m. This train will carry shs'piiig *^r fnim F'rniikfort t*» fadilla**, at which isaiit it will lay until morning when it will Iw attached to train No. 2 lenviog failillar at .5 a. m. j and will arriv** at Toledo at 12:45 p. m. Traine .\<ni I aiwl 4 will cfintinne to ran lietween F'raokfurt ami Tohslo hut ' Might changes in their lime at soon* ssa-' tkwis may lie mad**. Th«* trains lietwean F'raakfort and Cadlllat? will ran daily.) Other trains daily except Sunday.

Ilev. (!. It. Sturgis will |irrarh at the Haptist t'hureh Sunday morainic Jane 4, at ld:fld. f'oaae out and bear him.

Hon't foii^ Rov. Hard invites thn secret oqpaaixationa to be present naxt Maadav, Jam* -i. a4 **1 p, m. miw tlmt Thursday Jnae H, is th** ragnlar msefiag of the I.'. M. sooincy at Mm. Ida Seott'a.

.4 large crowd attaadad tbe memorial servkes here, aad laany were naaide to gain udmittaace to hmr the (latriotic aad vary iatermtiog oration of Hoa. W. .4. Norton. We are |•roltd ofoar.rnaag peo|iie at the talent shown in maoic and ncitatioae, and alon onr haad hoy* wlm rendered aoma flae seirctioaa.


SneHal Children'e llay iTviran will be held at the WiUaey M. F. charch (mi San- da.vJfiBvll. .4 program in which tha little onee will participale will be carried oat.

WoaderinI Huam Katah and Hr. L. \. Mixar’n araaine Caamr aad Sarnfuia Syr­up. at C. F. Vnaaickie'a Tmtiiaoaials oa apfdloatioa.

A Meaieol MweMss*.The .American .Medical and Surgical In-1

sliinte was (wtaMiabed id lssr», fwthei treatiiiaat of Chroaic aad lYivate Hi-| si’oeeii and lias alrea«l.v hy its remarkate j curee, (tlared iteelf among tbe miMt iiotni j medical inatitutioaa of the conntry. Hy j sfweial arrangement the Hm. H. S. A Co. i fh.vetrinne will make renlar vinite to thieHtv every tweat.v-eif^t da.ve, whkh I will give the afflicted of tbe r<naimanit,v j an opportunitv of cunaaltiag these noted spenhtliats liiey do n4it elaini to work miracles, hnt do claim in all honesty aad cmidor. to care name that are at nl* car-1 able. Ijet thnse given a|i hy tdivsiciaae. ! call for free coasultation nt the Steel I HotH. .St. John* Tharsda.v Jane 15. he- • twrvea I* n. m, aad T p. m. Oneday onl.v. |

- -- - I

I inl.v *Hie remedy in the world that will at oaee slop iichiiesni of the skin in any part of the liody. Hoan'e fNntiueot. At aay drag store. 54lr.

Aiothevw lose their dread of “that terri bie second summer ’ when thsy have Hr. F'owler's Fxtraet of Wild Strawherry In thv hoasc. .Natare’s spseMr for bowel cooiplaiala of every sort.

SpIrtliMillswt se*l lewee.••Then* never has h*H*ii a se|**iitlflc

inv**stigatlnn of th** phemmienn In- volvcil in th** various phas**s of what U calle«l spiritualism.'* reinnrk**d a w**ll-kii«>wii si’leiitist to a AA'iishiiigtoii Star re|s»rt»*r; ••that U. sci**nttHc, pure anil slmph*. though muhc spiritualists ver>- freiiiieiitiy claim that s«*leina* has «l**iii*iiistrale<l nml uiqimve*! all their claims and siip|s*s|i|f>iis. Then* have lM*e|i a iiiiiiilier of lnv**silgatloiis made 'll this country ami in Kiimp • hy Isi.-inls on which s<*i*-ntltlc iu**n liavc asslst«*«|. hut tlit*s«* lnv**stlgatlons w*‘re mad** to approv** rather than t«> liiveo. ilg.ii*>. In **acli iustama* the sclcntltlr .-isslstniit was mon* of a spliitinilUt than a H«*lenllsr, and that fact was known liefor** his assislanc** was nsk- *•*1 Th«* nearest that has **»-er ls*en n*a<*he*i to a s<*leiitffl<’ lnv**stigatlon was the <xis** of I.ulii Hurst, rh** so- <*all***l inagncth- girl of (i«Mtrgla. who cr«‘ai*al su)*h a sensation alsmt rtfh-en y*-ars ng«». Ttiat clever |s*rforni**r rais*-4l inon* of a sensation In a few weeks than <lid tin* F'ox sisters, th Hrst puhllc spliitimllstlc ine4iliims as tiuuiy .v**srs. Mh** irni*!** the sensa­tion ami iiisd** tile immey, ami then quietly retinal fn»ni th** s**en«*. TIh* s<*lciitltic Investigation In her <*as«‘ was Just alstiif lH*lug start***! when S4ane om* rais**«l th** i|iiestlon .as to ther** tir­ing anything n* lnv**silgati*. Th** girl was th«*n askcil If she us***! ph.vsi(*al fon*es to a<'«a>iiiplish her tM*rfonnnm*es. an*l she repll**«1 that If sh** did sh** was mit iams«*l«>us of it. It was tlieii n»aa-ssary i*» ns**ertaln If phvslcnl forc«‘s w-**r** iise«l. ami i.iilii was ask*-d to {HTfonn li*‘r wonders whil** standing on a platfurin si'al**. Tli** in**ni*‘nt sh** ls*gan her efforts wen* imlif*at*sl on s«‘ai«*. ami that was the Inst of the mysti-ry of the pliemmiena. How she dhl h**r trh'ks was m* <|iiesfion for s<*l*>ntlfh* lnv*-stlgntors. who lia<l satis- rt*-*l th**mselv*-s that she ilhl iierform them h**rs«*lf. Then* w**n* liumln*«ls of magti<*tl** girls who tiini**<| up stsin nfterwnnl. luit tlie.v wen* mu In It with Lula Hurst, who |in>ttt*sl liiiim*ns**ly hy lM>r skill nml < iiiinliig.''

Wsklsw <'«*sl Emw* i*e*M.Th** Canatllan Kl«*ctrt**al X**ws *l«»-

tnlls the n|H>rnlions of a machine for cnrnpn*ssliiK crtKie jH-nt into linnl. black, nml shining fuel, with n density alwuit inidwny ls*tw**eu that *»f him- mitious nml nnthniette «’oal. This ina- chliH*. while appan*ntl.r stdving n dlffl- (*ull scientlflc prnhieui. is of gn*nt sim­plicity. It merely forees *lry. |s>w. derr*l |H*at thniugh sh*»n. <i|»en steel tulles ami coniprreaes It hy th** resist- anr«* of friction. AVorks have li»*«*ti *♦ tahllslie«l hy the patent«*es at AA'elland. when* tin* roa«*lilnes will In* use*l to complete nature's pnmeae nml trana- form the |ieat hog Into shining coal. IVat bogs are so numerous In Canada that tb«* owners of the machlae pro- poac to Issue lleenaes for Its uae. tbe territorial limits of tiacli 'llcenc** to be flxcsl by agreement, *uirh Ikenaee to operate the tnarblue and sell the prod- act In hie own *Hstrirt exrlusively.

New Belts andBuckles.

New Neck' wear for Ladies".

John Hicks.IM MICK

Mteiitlish hid) (w-mMil will gratiasl** fl** girts iMid oe** Isiy on Jim** I.

HU Ufv Was MaveU.Mr. J. E. IJlIy. n prominent Htiacii tA

llimnitioi. Mo., lately bad a wonderfu. iMireroan* from a frightful dmth. In tell iug of It liesoye: "I am* tak**n with

In I Typhoid (ever, that ran iot*» l*n**umoDiu. M.v limgs les^Mtm* hHnh*n«<tJ. I warn •••> weak I couldn't *‘V**n sit up in ImnJ. Noth­ing bel|ie*l me. t exp**ct*sl t«» s«*on die of (’*»neumption, when I li**anl of Hr. King e N**w Huicnvery. One botti** gnv** great ndief. I (Mmtintie*i to iiae it, and iMiw am well and stroog, I can't say ttsi much in its praie** ” This mnrvelloiis mtdictm* ie the snreet and quickeet cur* III the world fur all Tbnmt and I.iinn Troiibl**. Ilegular siiea .''die. und Bl.iMi 'Trial lM>ttl*s* In*** ut F'ildew A Alilliiian'* drug stun*: •*very lNittleguarniite*sl. (*J

THZ KABXXTB.Ht. Jobns, glrlt...luar 1, lHt**.<

Wbsal n**!............. ....................Wheat white..........................................f**rn lb **»r.............. ...............................t»gls,........................................... ...........CUiTer Hssii.........................Ttmolby f*ee*l..... ........Itvs............................... ...Ilncliwbeat.........................

i,iTra<T<s KCows, inlk-h...................CnwstsittsI per cwt......Htsrrs fnf ted. «-wl ..............Hogs |isr cwt.........................l-ambs........................ ....

iSMsax.', INI .. ..$*J •JAsiSH INI

.'.nstO* INI $'J .VNit$]( IS)

................. Uir,wHoi.»:sAi.i: csoMi r: *si* rsriT manki.t

.trews- county su*«tinsr scIkm.I will .i|n*A Itli*** gli. swii continue si« weeks. Professor K. *'Nr|N-*iier, ul itrsnil Itspids. will Is* In rnnrg

Voleaalr Kravtiaa*.Are grand, but akin eruption** mb lifeit*

jity. Hucklen's .Arnica Halve cans* tii*‘m. aleoOld. Running and F'everHores, I'lcen*. Iloile, F'sions, (loraa. Worts, Cuts. Hums, rtniista. Heolds. Chapped Hands, Cbii- hiains. Rant fVIe rant on earth. Ilriv*** oat Pains and .Aebss. < *ni.v 25 cts. n box Coregnaraatewd. Hold by F'ildew A AIIT- inau, Hrnggists. (*2I

Its, !-• I*. Sprsgue. Ilf While <1ou*l. willpriihslil, l>er<iiNe the |>nstor of the I onsrrws linnsi ctiurrh st *<iaiHlUli.

The church pooseoaetl a vnluahle M- ble. which was only used on Hamlayn, nay* a writer In th«> r^ornhlll Magaxine. speaking of an Kngllsli couatrv parish. I luring the week It urns kept in a box which rather curiously fortn***! tha stand upon which the reailer of the leeeoos stcMwI. On nae <M*raslon. when this was lieing shown to a visitor, tbe rnmark was inmie that It dhl nut e«*ein very reverent for ev«*n a Hergyman to iread upon the hlMe **l*anlon me.” the old verger repHeil; 1n this church, air. We take o«r staad upon tbe errip- ttmn.”

The fVsirrt nessns ts cipsslsg eerty st Pew I'sw hkhe Msav reesriers have elready set- llrd there tor the ssMiaer.

fhlMrsa's day. Jsae 11. wUI he ohserred la sesrty all the ehsrrhre and Ha ads., sehuohi ot .tressr roaaty. Is Htssdtsh ihe M. R charch wttt ohaerrelt two weehs later, Jaseas.

NwTwMar ftMr Plfty Oasis.(luarssteed Uthsc-ro bsMt care, makss weak

wan siroac. tsood pure. Mo. tl Alldrnagisu

Tree <'wlti*re In Parts.Then* an* s<»ni** things Hint the

l•’n•m*h do Inlinltclt liettcr than the Kugllsh. nml om* of tliem Is the ••mliel- liehment of th<*lr capital clt.v. says a writ**r iu I^iiMluu T«>i*qtrnph. No at>- solntc rvaa«m exists why I.oimIoii should not la* os ch**erful ami IwHiuti- fnl as Paris. TIh* dltfcrenc** lu climate Is small, ami It Is not wholly to the advantag** of the F'rench metropolis. Ami If iaoae.v In* a •xmslileratlon there Is qnlte as much of that commodity In liomlon as In I*aris. Ttie houlerarda ami arenu«>s arv onMroente<l with KB.- 4th» trees, which is Do medlo(*re feat to aeeompllsh. I'oasldering the inhoopita- hie nainn* of tbe sail. They are to a large extent iilain treesu whieh havn been foumi more satiable than moat other kinds. There are. however, no fewer I ban 14240(1 chestnut trnna, whereas the number of <*4ros is still greater by a hnmlrv«l Their malnle- naat'e coots, in round numbers. 9K.(XK1 a year. There are liSOli seats In the trees aad sqoarea which cast the weary passenger nothing, and a very targe numlier <if sappletaentary chairs which can be ImmI for a (leiuijr.

Hutter .........................Cheese.........................Idigs..................Onion**.................. .llcnae iier hu ...........Ileans hanil |>lrlt«*<l .*t|ioaldrr emoked |>er iti .I.ard........... ..............Vl pies |s*r bu..................Prletl spides |ier lb..........Plied |ie«chr» |ire*e*l.......Piilsloes .........Hlonc lime |ier bid...........Hiilfsiu cement per Md.... l‘ortlsn<lSI ucro |ier bbl...........lla.T tlwolh.v...................ilsy »lse<l ......................................Htrnw Italed.......................................

Mlm KI.I.,.,* ol m.I'htrkrne tlreeee*! fier It* ....................Chickens lire......................................Turke.rs dremm*! peril*. Hire 7*iHl..

.............llki IJ.........lOVkkl 11............... 1 Ul Ig............ :t.*.*i.’.o.............S.'.klts*.......... .!S 1,1 *.«.’.

S '.SI.........m .*,*•... f.'(Mmi s7 iHi

#.'• 'Ht ........‘S*

Beeswax |ier It*Tsilnw |ier lbCult nklas greed......... ...Beef hides.....................Nlie«i* sklas....................Iiewt'on sklas..................Beef <lrem*e<t cwl ..........I•*»rk <treeee<i cwt...........W.HsI herd tad 'Iry.......Calree (lirei.......... .......I siTee iilri'iiei i|> ........

W*M*ICnwashed Medium........Waehe*l Medium....I'nwashetl Fine..............Wiiehed Fine..................

"os ‘.*s* H*

........g**sig.",............... 2s,K.................. si.


..... -j-Vdat ao.2.**ei a.*> m piece

«mmi|i7 ini •4 ■J.’.Wdi AO

....•I .Vmiei 7.**

............... *0 41,

Chicken rholers U eabl to Is* epMemIc In Amisiy township. Illlledsle county

.Marshall ami Tek«iashn will unite sad hohl n Fonrth of Jnir celehrntlon nt l.y**n l.s»ke

rile Hntrhsr's ami ilrts'er'e nssas-lntlons ot Hay <'lly. hare taken a hand In Ihe eafurce- menl **t the Hnnds.v i-Kwdng law

Chicken Ibleies are leaping a harrest In m>me p«>rtb>asot HHsdah* rvuaty. The., eren •leal aettlag hen*, carrying og eggs, nest aad all.


wiinOsady tMharttr, ear

Haas. If COC tau,i

HIssss.The olfactory kias Is Moagollan. Tbn

ntttritlve affair Is Runqtean. The Mob- gollati ktae Is with the immw*. The Ktl- ropeaii klaa Is with the mouth. The Mongolian klsa Indlcaten that the party sniffed would be an agreeaWe prey, tbe Kotopeati variety ladlcates that the (Mriy embraced would nsak** a ilelectalile meal. They an* Imt the different forms of tbe same lasttact of pressrvatJoB. the give ami take of wtM boanto.—Oalllet'n Weakly.

Think of Ease Bat Work On.**

If your blood is impure you muy * * *Ufork on '' but you cannot even ** think of ease," The blood is the greatest sus~ turner af the body and vfhen

make it pure by taking aood^s Sarsaparilla you have the perfect health in which even hard work becomes ease.

saiy rssharti, is take wwir*!

I iaBlrl■ nan v-vm««n.iTjsar&sTsrMS

Its ss«s. eMgritoa^—^g*^