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Nurses Are Needed At Mason Hospital



12 Pngeu - Pages 1 to 6

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON,. M II;:.HIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1946 -----------------------------'• ' -r:~~C',!l<!/""'l~~(i"G)~(!/.')~1?../.':J~~/'.l~~'~(! ......... x,Jn~t-./J~C!/J~'!Jc•./;";>·-;;1 Vows AJ•e S]loken In Planf! 50th Anniversnry •ro wn:o TN srW1'1ilMBiilR. punt grnJHI, Oliv"'' H"h'''""· Huy

":J Mr. nnd MrA. William Favorite Whipple WUH 11011llnnl<•d IIH lll'Ht

I s l 6 J p L ') Bunker I-I ill Chul'ch or Hllll' \'OUto, Mn:wn, fll\nOllllCC I"CJll'CRCntntlw Ill J.\1'1111<1 lmiJ.(n 11\Jd f t ~ t.he hetrnthul of thnlr dnughtm•, L V S 1 1 1 : Ocla ~~n. s . ano . er~o· na s ~~ tll~'henlr:JI~;.'Itr~r_l','~ ~~~~~gMI~,I~;·~:,w•::oll~.~~; Owentlnlyn Mnn, to Hrl•b<M!I-t I. 113~cl· U~e.e;ql; ~~H•; ~l't':~~~gnt~~T~'".~::~~~~::~ ' I Lou, Hon or Ml'. nm rA. an Noxon nncl the HuCOIHI nllornutr- t~

Mclnt.ce, drwg-htal' of Ml'H. Ll1-zle II" •It 111 r•l' '111"011 Til" wccldin•· '" 1 " " • " •• Juy Coffey. Holll'l'l Bu!!lml wrw

') McTntoe, r ... HI!!l uml r~ohert m. I dale huH hcen Hot rm· September 1. elected to the hnll eomnilllm1 1111<1 Wllllu•llll, Hnn ol' Cru·l I. WllilnnJH, • • •

;,~r._..,-<Jt,.'>L?C...,./;)(,"'-.,.1<:..,./"i)(o'-1'.!e''.....,.-;)~~"'-.Jr~~~(,"''-X-••''''lr;~..,_x.~.X--"lr,-...._;JC.../'i)~r.....,.r;)"'-.) ,,,- '· MIIHOil WUH /lO]onlllil.ed .June 22 nt Milton Beebe WIIH rer•onlll\lllHied

I I n Hnlu11111 high 11111"" nl !1:30 11 , 111 •


Vevay L 0, 0. F. Lodge to grond lodg·e fnt' Ollt' tenn liS Lpcal young lVIen to Announcement Made Of Fal'l11 Hon1e Seen<.~ Family Gathering Honors In tho s. H. ConwlhiH lliHI Cyprlnn InHtalls Officers at Meeting tllHtrlct deputy gmnd llUIHit'l'.

1\.treet Al'OlY Cllaj)[ain Wedding Solemni<.cd June 17 Of Wedclin,r.,· Hites I Vt>teran Returned From Indin 'c'!l'out .. ,"tHh,,.,,BJ~<'•.n,tc,,~t~t·, •. ittlt-I·~~~~~-uJJdRIWw.llii.Fu'r't',· . Vcvny Lo<tg·e No. 113, I. o. o. F. ' • • ,. J.U ' ' . " " c . lwl<l lll.Hl!lllllllnll of nt'fh-m·H Mon· Ml~R !Wen RobiHon VlHitml h~r

D1·. (llld Mrs. L. JD. 13ru1Jnlwl' nre f M. ,1 Mt'' ,.111.1 ,1,110111 psoll A romnnC<' nl' long· slntHllnr, wn•JI 1,11 tcrtuhw<l 10 "U<'ntn ul 11 hclntrd i ,, 1 1, ! . uny nlghl with DIHlt•let Doputy , fl 111n lUI', I'H. uy H · MlHs Irene 'l'hnmp!lnn, rlnur;hlcl' Mr. 'unrl Mrn. n. D. Cnmpbr,Jl • Hnnlwnl nnd JumeH O'Munru 1 1""1' nd tl M G Hob! on m

Inviting the Preahyterinn younr,- d 11 c nn " on 1 ' '"·· "·' I 'n 1,, Chrlntmnr. dinner sunday. At thn · ,mn IIH er, on ee e nt• · · · 0 1· nn ·1· '" · tlllnl t, 1 \V, 1 'Hrl , '\', II,. 1 " 1 we1o nco Y LH. 1 -~ G · d M' l Milt B b Big RrtpldR over the we,•k end. , ' of Solon, Ohio, nn Rona' Til. fuly ~ wlwn Jl!i~·1 flails OltlR of It Ill th · 1 f 11 'I 'l'hn nllru· wnH de<·m·nt~d with lnnlftlllng- officer. Othni'H nnuiHtlng


.... , .. . . men returned from the m;rvlcc nnd llce!l.on, non ol' Mr. nnd Mm. Ben I csllc becn1;w th<• 'bride at' Herbert 1 10 '"Y ~~enrJOn · 0 liAllfl um Y, plnl! unci whitr pconiuiJ und Jllllnm. M1•. Beclw were: DiHt1·lct D11puty also the young men ol' collrr:;c. nge Pelton of Mnnon, were Uliltcd In Ba,llcy of Cor;1111111 li1•1°t1hcnng nwan 11'1°Bhlpolnc<lt hcetnune; 'rlw mrrnr< wnn mmg· by tlw mcn'H Gmnd Wui·den, Albert Fry·, Din- ~~--~~!!~~~~~~~~!!!~· . . l '1 ! . l g' J n . , . 1 c r son, uoue a£ no yo 111'· ' I I It! M n· I t tl to the manse at 232 J•~nst On it mm r np;P. " OIH ny mm n n ' • u e Th · It , ,. 1 b . t th · , d 1 f. ' 1 11 1 , 1 • 1 c 10 r, w 1 I'll. ,Ed o en " te tl'let Deputy Grand Secrdary, Dee I . 17 nt 10 o'clocl! nt their npnrt- c r cs \\etc cr e rnte'1 0 c I n\e lome t~m nr 11 Wletr 1" rwmm Mnrgm·ot CnrliB Sllll!'' "AvP B 1 t 1 t a d

etreet 'l'hursday el'e!J_Ing nt r,lght nJ•'•.nt 011 A"ll nt.t·~"t. 'rile l'ev. farm home of the bride's n_1other, had served lwo yen, rs. After net·v-; Mn··1,1" ••. " ' ' -1

l'lly; JlH I'd DepuY .ron 'I l t l ll Cl " '"'" " I tl tl I " 'l'l'tHUllll'tW, W. 0. Gr·e'r~·. DiHlJict o e oct o me<' 11'11 , eon, lll,f1· ctrrren('r, A. Lnwton, 1nlllor of the Mrs. Lucius Olds, nent· Le~!1c ut 7 Ill[( n _. 1e nrmy lor 11'ee yenm, , . . , . . , .,,.

lnln lDdwurd Bruhal:<ll, lntely .1"-· M s n tl t 1 ·eli nfl'ldniPd o'cloclc In the pmsencc of only thu he recel\'ed hl!J dlachurge the flmt I C,lv~n In mn11lage hy )ICI htolh· 1

Deputy Gl'UIHl Mlli'Khlil, Hny Whip·


PICTUllES turned fmm Sf!!"\'lr•" Ill lho l'llCllln. 11

, 0~1 llp S c \Ill : .~_-. immedlalc fnmlli~s. 11~1'. m .. T. of .Tilly ann tlmn the family Ill'· i AI', Lnumnc11 ~dnt""• lhe !wide pie; DlHtl'ict Deputy Grnnd Chnp·

Chaplain Tlnthnlrf'l', wlJn l•.; visiting- 1 h<. rlt~H tool! Jllflce m flClnt cross reading lhc ring ceremony rung-eel the rUnnel' for Sundny, 1 WOI'P n gown ot while lllOIIHHelln~ • lain, Ami 'J'enlll; IJIHtrlet Deputy Dt·, 11nd MrB. !.. m. Hruhnlwr, wnH of an altn.r deeluul wlt.!t I all 'l'he ~onplc tmattencl~<l rcpcnt.i,i Guests besides Russell Cnniphell: de Hevn, llttml with n JH'ineeHH' Gmnd fiiiRI'dlnn, Alvn Bmvend<!r; chaplain of tho filx!h HoglmPnt, b11sl!eta of aprlnr~ !lowem Jl'or her their \'Oil'S' before a ·b~nlcin of nnd Mm Cnmphell of arnncl 1 styl<l. with lonp; polnlerl HleeveR I nnd DlH'il'll'l Deputy Gmnd Hernld,

Von l'lhonlcl

2nd. Murine Otvlulnn. H" went. wedding t.hB bride wore a slrcel 1 plnl{ rases which we're al~o m~d in Rapids wel"e Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnyne : nnd t.lw full nldl·t whlr!h ended I , Al1'1·ed WeHlon. through the hnt.ll<;u nf ~1ainnn nn<i length dress of dusty plnl

1!, with olher advantageous places n!Jout Compbell and Sharnn Sue of Plllln·: In a long tmln. The full length MK AND MRS DAVID BA!{ER i 'rhe following- ol'!'icllJ'H were In·

T·Jnlnn and wns In orrupnllnn duty n comuge of while gnn!en ns nncl ll 1 Tl , 1 . 1 · j tl· 1 · well, Mr. nn<l Mm. William' villi ol' llluuion wnu caught. to o · • " lntalled; Noble Grund, Clll'f<wd in Japnn He n•cPive<l a llron~" plnl! mses. Her Hilll.et•, MlHs Je wme. H. mr e wns 1

111 lei£. 11n Pomeroy uml Bnrnh nnd Mr atlrl · headdresll of need peurlH with a Ml' Ulld Ml'" David Bal!"l' will Cow dry· vlco l'l'llnd .1 !<'loyd 'l'ay·

fla\'C tlte FineHt!

' ' ' ' ' PJ Tl t f an aquu crepe gown WI I w 11(' 11 . - . I I l f II l . n, ~ ! , J • • • ~tilr and cilnlion fon· llll'l'il.nrious ''' ennnr wmpson, Wllfl mn ron n · . . , , .. 1· . , Mrs .. Tames Pomeroy of EaRL Lan-1•~ 101' ace ve · She WOI'e n 11inr,- e , - . . , , lor; trcrllllll'et•, Dr. L. A. Wlle<len; ~crvlce in Llle ll!ti.ll•!s ol' Sulpan honot• rmd hot• ln·other, Edward she wme while acces~m es o~ct a Wig" lllHI Mr nnd Mrs B I Hoi-, strand of Vlctm·lul penriH which LelcbJate theh golden wedding nn· 'Jinun!!lrtl Hc~:r"Lrlry l•'ril'l DllllH· lf1ronl und Tlntnn. A "l'llllnule nr Pl'lnce- Thompson, was best man. The sholllrler cm·sage 0 t Amencan ley 'Kay ca1;111 1Jell M;. ~nct' Mrs ·1' wnu D gift of llw lu·ld"gmom. nivm•Hru·y on 'rhur·H<Iny, .July lK, mm·e· 1·uc;nnling· · ~<>cr·~llll'Y Ray

h 1 1 ft 1 d' t 1 t' · Beauty roses. ·. ' · · • · · If · b • . · .., ' · ' · ton Theological Scn11nnry, lw goes coup c e mme w e Y Ol 11 . • • , • • , M1le8 Holley, Christine Holley and 1 81 ouquet WI\R nt TIJaste1 llhes un£1' In honor nf the nt~easlon they PhllllpH; right Hupport to nobll' tim , ,

to Union Theoleol(lrnl Semlmu·y, honeymoon and hove now ;·eturned ~ftel ~ 1,1 e ';etemony Jeft_esh- Vernon Holley or Mason. i and garclenluA, tl••d with white will hold open hoUHll at thulr home grand, LnVcrn Soule; left support, New York, In September !o finish to Mason where Mrs, Felton Is nwnt.~ wete s_er\ed aLa b:-aulttully 1 sntln. Jennette Mcintee, Hlllter of on Ji'leld mud Sunday, July 14. J!m•lwrl Brown; warden, Rnymmul HAJOS-ELLISON

STUDIO WOfl! on his p 0 ct01. or Theology. employed a~ eecretary _at Wyeth appotntecl bndul tab!~ latrl, wt~h a :the bride, wan mitid of hono1·, IJIW They will l'H<!elve frlendH l'rmil two Mclt•ndy; conductm·, Leon Anway;


Incorpomted. Mr. Felton Is em- hancl-made_ Ita han cutwmlt-~loth Mas on Stu cl ent At WOI'e a plnl! gown With a !nee t ti • '•I •I chaplnilt Clnude Cndy. ill Hide played at the Retailers Produce and set With eryslal. A hncte'B bodice and o full net a!cil·t which 0 ve O<. nee. gw11·,11u 1; Ceml !Jndei'Wf;od· out· 221Y~ ~- Wuohh, 11 ton, lJp•lalro in Lansing. Those attending the cake decorated w_ith rnses centered l\;[t. Pleasant I-Ionorecl wus contrasted with 11 tiara nnd M1·. and MrH. Balc~r h,~d lhre~ side gun;·dinn, F'on·eAl Fry;' right I l"hlrot lloor south ur Mkhlw.w weddmg riles were the near rela- the board._ Later m Lhe evenlnf? the elbow length gloves of hlu~. She sons_ aJH~ 1~ duughtms;' lh~' mew Buppo1·1. to vkc grnnd; .Tny Coffey; ~~~iil"iiitiii,•iii•iiit•iii·•·iiii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiihiiioiiiniiioiiisiii.1iiii2iii1 iii5~~ tlves of the couple. couple left for a weddlllg tnp 111 Miss Lillian Beebe, daughter of carned nn arm bouquet ot deep daughlets 1emaining all' MIH. mu- left nuppmt, l~vcret.t Bulwi·; and

• • • Canada. Mr. ancl Mrs. !If. R. Beebe of Ma· red roses with white ftntln. Mrs. nlee Felton, MrH. TIJdlth Barlms, .. . WATERMAN-PUTNAM 'f'he bride attended the Mason ~on, who Jq r1 student at Central Philip WU!!nma, sister of the bride, and M1·s .. rosephhw Dle!z of, u!l of ""'============================

high school, from which she was I Mlehig-an college, Mt. Pleasant, was matron of honor. She wore a Williamston; Mrs. Hosu Slus~el', On Saturday evening al eight graduated, and Michigan stale hns hecn selected business mana· J)owder blue gown with a !nee L•'slie; M1·s. l•·ene Aseltine, Flmt;


Wilt 1lve you n summer of cool C.9Ulfort, in additl<1n to the latc•t ~n~ amaru~at hair~do.


CRACE STONE, Hair Styli•t RUBY CAJ\U'IIELL, 1\lgr.

413 S. Jcffcre~on Phontt 2·2313

~;~~-o~~ldH~%~~dG~~t~~f~~~:~~~ ~~ Normal college at Ypsilanti. Fol-~ g-er of Chlppewrr, the student year h,odice and a full not. Hklrt, which Mrs. Marjorie Fall,11

Janesv!lle; lowing her grachmllon l'rn111 the hool<, for the yeor l!HG-•17. She 1 wns contrasted with o tlum unci Mrs. Claristine Mu , Lunmng;

Lansing, and Miss Pearl Putnam, Jb 1 tl 1 t' · 1 Sl M M t w 11 C' 1 normal she went to Corunna to wnfl nsslstnnl business mannge1· 1 e ow eng 1 g oveu o pm 1 .• 1e l'fL urgare a .on, ol cag-o; daughter of Mr. and MrH. Garnett teal'h in llw !ocnl school 1111d will I I hi;; year nnrl was olflo secretary- I cnt•rted nn arm bouqt~et of yellow and M1·s. Kathe1·ine Barnes, Ma· Putnam, also of Lansing, were <'ontinue her leaching u1m·e an- lrensurer or Masquers and n mem- t•oses With ye_llow Rfltm .. leon Me· non. Mrn. Mr1ry AHeltlne, Jl'llnt; married by the Rev. Henry Llddi· othe1· yeur. her nf llw International Relations [ Caun, niece ot the bl'lde, nne! Ethel Louise Bender p•·evtouRiy puesed I coat, pastor of the Mnson Metho· Mr. ·Ba•h'y i.9 the son of tl)(> late club. She is n junior. This is the MeV~y, were brldPsmnidH .. Theil' I away. 'l'he sons are Ralph Baller 1


~lst. church, In :he rhRp~l of th~ Dr. ancl Mt:s. m. H. Emley of Co-~ fnmth year that eo-eds have been lid~ntwul gowns Wet•e ot gold of Williamston and Everett and chUI ch. They. wet e ntlendecl by MI. runna and nllencled school there, chosen for top posts by student I chiffon wl th blue tlams a1~d elbow Ct•<'ll Balcer of Mason. There are and Mrs. Vet non .w~uvle. later g-o111g to 'l'rH;tate College al pu!Jlicfltions at Mt. Pleasant. length gloves. They cnnwd arm also 25 grandchildren and three

• · . Angola, Ind .. for an electrical en· 1 Miss Marilyn Lee, Misn Beebe'A ~i~~~·::ts of t•ecl ~"?~es with red great-grandchildren. Mrs. ~oy H?over nnd s~n~ Ke•t.h ginecrin,:: course. At [11'~~1ent he i!i mom-mnle,_ who spenrls many At·bor · ~i~~~:nn~ Lnette. of Ann Mrs. Balcer was the former Isa·

nnd Gmald, ot East Lnnsmg. wele employed In th1· otli<•p ot the l'ntln· week endH m Mason ns her guest ' of the bdde, and belle Meel{er She and Mr Bal{er gu l t tl 1 f R d · Peggy CllVIlnaugh cousm of the · · • · es s a 18 wmc 0 ev. an ty dmin commisslonel'. wnH selected editor or Chippewa. . , , , • . · were manied In RovenHwood, W. M I' s. Henry Lldd!cout Monday I * * ,. • , * ~nde, wet e llowez glt Is. They had . , ,, . . , .

· 11 M. d M H .. Mill·.. 1denticnl tloor length lavender net Vltglniu. fom the past 3!! yems n~gl~ ·, '·,an -~"tt t 'Y,, etll COUPLE SAY VOWS ' Birthday Dinner Given To gowns trimmed in yellow satin. I they have lived In Ingham county. o a amazoo wei e Je ' WI e' em Williard Dmst and S!m·!cy .lean I Ell! • M . ' , ' '· * ,. guests and Hugh Norton of !{ala· B dl' 1 h ll (" ..,. 11 . · t Honor Mrs Maud Shook s yg1ants was best man muzo;, spent Monday nig-ht wllh ra on, 0 1 0


\alliS ~n. · and Philip Williams, brother of the! MI. nnd Mrs. Stanley Marshall them Miss R~chel Ro •ers also of I wet·c marl'led nt lhe Mcthodtsll The family of Mt'H. Maud Shook b1•idegronm was his attendent. j and Mr, and Mr·s. Clyde Under­Ka!u1~1az~;1 Is s[Jendh;;g tlle ~veelc I parsonage Frulay even_mg-, .June gave her n surprise birthday dln-~.Jnmes McCann and ushers were I wood of Eden apent the Fourth

d t 1•1 , ' ·.' , , 1 26, by the Rev. Henry LtddJCont. 1 ncr Sunday by going· to her home Harry Michitsch. Fm· her daugh· at Albion und MaJ·shall. en a lC pal son,t,,c. ' ,. ,. " t R d l l L I h t ' dd' '1 Ll . M I M . . . 1 ; a oun a <e nenr a ngs Ul'g,


er s we 1ng " rs z1e c ntee Walter Hurry Baller seaman t•s. Dnmel Jenmngs, Jr., and 1 Mr. a~d Mt:s. Malcolm Petty an<ll with well tilled baskets. '!'he cho~c acqua wllh white access·! second class received' !;is dis-

daughters, Annette, Betty and I Mark nl Yns1lanti spent the wcelt. afternoon was spent fishing and ories. The bridegi'Oom's step-moth- •i . ,. f. ·' G. t L 1 Ill Mury, are vaeutioning wilh Mrs. 1 end with their parents, Mr. nnd' swimming. Ice cl'eam mid a Jan~e er, Mrs. Cal'l Williams, chose ~ 1 ~1 ~,e 1

10~, . ~~~ ate~, M .. , .Jennings' pa1·ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. MrH. Clifford Petty. ' ! birthday cnke were served In the powder blue with white access· ~~d-~e~~lwreoi886,1es~~~~h 0Jeff~;:: P. Lundy, at Sharptown, Md. Mr. and _Mrs. Fr~nk. Lcucl! of

1 evening. Mrs. . Shoo!{ received ode~. Both wm·e shoulde1· corsages son and was employe;! at th'e Bur-

q::::~==========,;,,;,========~===== Toledo, Oh10, arc Vlsttmg at the 1 sever~! lovely g1fts. ?l pmk •:ose buds. .. . gess Stundu•·d Oil station before ho':lle of Mr. and Mt·s. Robe1·t 1 Bestdes Mrs. Shoal! and son, :; Fallowmg the wedmng, relattves , entering service.

·Quality Permanents Only W~ IIIIVe ju~t j he jWrmantml ftll' YOIII' tyllll

., · , of huir. ·

MJ~:hinl!, Machineless and Cold Waves Manicuring ·.-': ·

9~n Wedne~day nnd 'l'hursday evenings · ' by appointment

Clo~cd on !l'ucsdayM JunC Sylvester and E.leanol' Stens, opel'ator!

}3nnk. , Andrew WatHon, those present 1 gathere<l nt the Otsego hotel at 1 . • ,

M1·. and Mrs. Patrick O'Brien nr were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Under-~o7ac!tson for the wedding break-, M1 .• and Mts. St~art Arm~ttong Pontiac Sf1ent the Fourth of .Tuly wood and Miss Hope Underwood 1'ast. ~he t'eGcptlon waH held at J nnd Gerald :'-11d .Juunue, ancl M;rs. Wlth the ~cA!eer family. of Eden, Robert Somers of Dnns- the bride's home on 29-11 Hawley L_elnnd Austin and Nounan pte­

Mrs. Lyle Kat•r nnd· son spent ville, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Wat- road, Leslie. The couple left for niCited at the home of· ~ev. and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. son of Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray-l,a trip in no1·thern Michigan. For Mrs. Clnud W. Satte_rlee Ill Grand Miller of Eaton Rapids, pa1·cnts of mond Underwood and Gary Lee, :traveling the bride chose nn aqua Ledge .July ·!. .Jtmm1e Armstmng Mr. !{an. ·• • Mr. and Mrs. John Burns and Jinen suit with while accessories. remnlned to spend a few dayH at

Mr. and Mrs . .Joseph Phelps of daughters, Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Her corsage was of gnrdenias. the Sattet•!ee _home. Rev. nnd Mm. Owosso visited Sunday and Mnn· Watson and children and Mrs. : The bride is a gradunte of the Albert Mand1go of Quincy were day wilh Mrs. Phe.lps' gmnd· Hazel Simons:.·~!. of Mason. '!'-eslle high school. The bridegro?m u!Ho guests of thel!· parents, Rev-

Ju~t whi~l< It through sudM, 1i•rh1Me It nnrl it'H jll'actl"ally reiuly to weat•

'rhl• i• whot you'll lll<e about

Nylon Blouses White only with ruffled trim at the throat and sleeve6. Sizes 9

to, 17


Sun Dresses Flowered cotton Jll'lnts, pinafore style, cool pnd readily washable,

sizes 12 to 20


Sea Jacket& Long·.sleeved cotton coat» for beuchwe11r, blue or white, ~izes

· 9 to 15

$6 .. 95

The Paristyle Shoppe .. ·or lneXIJCII~ive SmartntH~

mothet". Mrs. Ivfl .James. ., .,. * _was 11 graduate of Mason h1gh CJ'end und Mrs. Satterle~.

1\k and Mrs. L. H. Walters l\!r. nnd Mrs. Don Scofield school. He served with the armed ,.,.,===================== =~==============""""""==== spent from Thursday to Sunday l(t~ests Sunday o_f Mr .. and Mrs. ,!orces ~ht·ee and one half yearH Don-Rue Be.auty Salon

uo· s. Jefftei'~0\1 J'hone 'lltll with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Tidd in Ft ank ~Ia I{ ely m Lesl1e. Robe1-t 1 of. wh1ch many months were

Mecosta. The Ticlds were formerly Scofield 1s spen£hng the weel1 with se1ved overseas. Mason residents. , hiS aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs .

Mrs. Caroline R>tg-an and Brian 1 Roll~nd Olassel in Leslie ..

are spending several weel>s 011 f M.' · and Mrs. Paul Snuth and Gmnd 'rravcrse Bay near Ells- fannly of Gull lal{e, Mr. and Mrs.

. Miss Arlene West · Says W eclding Vows.

OflS wor 1· Mr. and Mrs Dnvid DeWitt of June 18 was the occasion of one D • 1

tl · .JnnJes W. Cookson of Jnclcson

Beauty Shop Now Open ' M1·. _and Mrs . .Tohn Mueller and .Tacl•son spent' the weell end with of the season's lovely weddings sPECIAL !'RICES ON PERMANENTS son ~lchard of DcnVCI', Colorado, M1·s. Mary Lllsenby . when Miss Arlene West, daughter

FOR JUNE ONLY are vtsJtmg- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dr and Mrs F ·w K 11 f J of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey West of 1

Make Your Appoinlmenl Today Mill~!' of Rolfe road this week. Gmn.d Rapids 'and M·r. :ngg~~~- ·1·oute 4, Mason, became the bride I We s1,.ciulizu in Ali Kind• of The) were honored Sunday at 11 C. A. Plumb of Flint were guests :tlf Norman D. Greerttleld, son of

l'muuncnt Wav•• dl,nner at the home of Mr. _and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Ji'. J. !{ellogg on ,Mr. and Mrs. Fran!< Greenfield or Wo havo olo talotJbonci olop In or write \\Ill lam Fanson of Amehus. Oth- the Fourth. Mrs. Plumb stayed toute 2, Dewitt. ·They spoke lheir

for appoiutmcul. ers pre~ent wet·e M1·. nnd Mrs. for· the \'est of the weelc. ~edding vows nt 11 candlelight DORIS VORCE I Fred Miller and Mr. a~1d 1\lrs. Don· Harold Hawn of San Diego, I;Bervice at the Fir·st MethodIst

aid McCrumb of Lansmg. . California, and Gordon Hnwn of church in Lansing to the Rev. Ucense1l Operutor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prmce and Benton Harbor flew to Mason last Stanley Buell before nn alt 11r ot' · HANSVILLE Mr._ and Mrs. Fred Parker were week end to visit Miss Effie Hawn. pnlms, bnsl<ets of roses, peonies,

Socond bouse oouth of Howell Rond !!slung at Pleasant lal!e on Man· !'flss Hawn's niece, Claire Hawn, ·gladioli, lilies and maclt orange · on Meech Rood day. 1'/5 is in Berlin, according to 'blossoms.

M•··. and Mrs. Theo Heins are word Miss Hawn received recently. '. The bride chose for her wedding · spendt~A: a wee!t vncatloning near She will probably be stationed a satin gown mnde with hig·h lhe St1 a1ts. . there for a. yenr. . necldlne, with a beaded flam! de·

Any permanent, no matter how expensive, needs regular conditioning with 11 good sham­poo to !{eep it soft and natural loolclng. Phone us today for your appointment.

Dr. and Mr9. George R. Cltnton . Ml'. nnd Mrs. Lyle Knrr and sig-n across the waist. The slcit•t, and Lmdn Ann nnd Mr. and M1·s. 1amtly spent Sntm·d11y evening ·at .which was of net over satin ex· Paul Clinton and family of Hamil· ~le~snn,t l~.l{e with Mr. nnd Mrs. :tended Into a long train.' Her veil ton, Oiuo, spent the week end at · F. Kenzw. wns edged with u deep lace tloml the Clinton cottage at .Tmlyn lnlw. Mt·. nnd Mrs. R. C. Jewett flew design and was held by 11 beaded

Mr. nnd Mrs. Alton S!roud and I down to Lalw Luce!'l~e. 01110, and hnlf ct·own to match her dress. Barham spent last Snturday nne! I Bpent the Fourth With Mr. and He1· flowers we1·e an n1·m bouquet Sunday in ~ad Axe. The,v attended ~~~- h~~:~·y Hemy at their sum- :ol' 1 -o~es. ·Her bridesmaids were 1

We specialize In all ldnds of pe1·manents

Madam & Camp Phone 5341

Twlla Jlulett, Manager Bm·haro. WU~uu, OJierator

rLingerie For your own wardrobe,

or For the always-acceptable

gift. ..

Sheer Gowns

aizu 32 to 40

$2.98 up

Slip a white and tearose

size~ 32 to 52


small to extra la1•ge white nnd teo. rose


white and tea ro~t sizes 32 to 4·1

Flannel Shortie Robes

assorted colors slzeu 12 to 18



the Republican conventiOn at De-~ · Miss Ruby Shultz and Mrs Eva tt·ot't ·011 FI'J.d Mr nnd Ml'S James M Hughes I .. · ay. · '· · • ·Rohrbacker who were g-owned In

~r. and Mrs. Louis Stid enter· an? fa-mily ~f Rocky River, Ohio, I blue and wore pink corsages. The tamed Mrs. Com! Neely and Mr. M1 .. nnd Mt s .. Toe Ha,v!land and ld . 1 , . . and Mrs. C!iffmd Allen on the [family of Grand Rnpids, Mr. and J•'ma. ot wnm, M1ss ~at Y Paden, F lh f 1 1 It M Mrs J y Lee of Royll' Oalc and wot c yellow nnd a em sage of Ta!-Nour • b? thd u y. I was rs .. I Dr. ·M~clc. LaBerge of Wyandotte ·-isman roses. The rtng·s were car-

eMe y s ldr "ay VannJ\'eBrsary. d sp~nt the week. e!J.d Wl'tll.Mt· aJJd J•ied on t•uffled satin pillows by r. an mrs. . . rown an • · Sl . L K' 1 ct a ·1 w tt

Mrs. Robert Wallace were in De· Mrs .. James R. Hughes. T~any • oud dmcl. I an ld adl as. trait Frida where lhe , attended M1·. and Mrs. Harry Graichen ey p1ece e t 1e br e own the th R bl 'f t~ and datwhter Elaine . of Oal{ white bridal carpet. The grooms·

e epu 1can conven wn. . "' • • · Rl 1 d R 1 Mr d M Rl 1 d M'll Rtdge, Tennessee, are visiting Mr: man was c Jar ow ey. · an rs. . c Jar 1 s and and Ml'B. L. H. Harrison this Pipe orffan music was furnished

daughters and M1. and Mrs. L. B. \ 1 while Rnhert Reese and Harold ~~~: 6~~t the weelc end at Tra· ve~~: and Mrs. Kenneth Brown Rahrbaclter seated the 17fi rela·

:M~ \i and-son of Lansing were guests o! tive~ and friends after which Mt•s. mond.s ~nd MM~·s. GdordMo~ CR. Edh·l Mr. and Mrs. William Klant for .Tune Reese sang "I Lave You I L n I. an 15· ue thr. wee!{ end. Truly" and "Bec11use." For her Cr.:se spel~t _the week end In, MrH. Elln Lewis and Jnc!{ and· daughter's wedding Mrs, West. no~~ ern Mlc~lgan. , . , . , ! Mrs. Lulu Whipple attended the wore n pale plnlt dress with gold . . · nne! M1~. C. A. ~tnztel and/ bull game nt Detroit on Sunday. dotted sequins and her accessories I

fa1mly ond M1 · and M1 s. B. A. VI· Mr. and Mrs. John Lay spent we1•e white. M1·s. Greenfield wore land att~nded the baseball gume 1 Sunday with Mrs. Mabel Collar In green with white necessaries. at Detrmt 011 lhe Ji'om·!h ot July. I Mason. The reception was held in the

Mr. nnd Mrs .. George Grnham Mr. atld Mr~.- Robert Densmore church parlors. The six-tiered wed-spent ~unday nf~crnoon callmg on. were at ShiJlgle ·1Juke over the ding cuke was ·cut hy the bride's frle1~ds In Chm lo,tle and Eaton/ week end. ·.\·. ·.. mother, while M••s. Frunl{ Daldn Rnptds. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Gem•g-e McA1·thur of Muson cut the smaller cnlce and I , Walter Runym~ of I~olt IR spend·[ spent n few days last weelc Mrs. Grace Rowley of Lansing the ing lhe. wcel> w~th Jus g_mndpar- at thei: cottnge on Lalce Michl: bridegroom's cake. Others who as· ent~. M1. and M1s. Walte1 Cm_v~n.J gun. Mt. and Mrs. L. B. McArthm l sisted were Mary Schultz, Effie I

Mr. nnd ~frs. Lawrence Shaull were their guests over the weelc Bennett, Alberta Powell, Mrs. of Holt we1 e wee!t end gueRts of end. , ' Jean Coole and Gemld Erzen. Mr. nnd Mr~. Loms Ander~on. Mrs. F. D, Rnwson of Ports- 'l'he bride was gmduated fmm ,

:rvtr~. Cordle Franc~SC? enter- mouth, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mt•s. the OkemoR school' In 19H. She I

I t11med the Rebel<nh Coterie at het· Russell McBride and Jean Ann was an acti\'e member of the ·1·H 1

home Monday night. Mrs. Maud over the wee!{ _en,d. ¥rs. Rawson· club for ei ht ears and w 0 n 1

Eifert wns as~lstnnt hostess. 1 ~nd Mrs ... McBrtdc nre sisters. · many high l::mor;. She also played

I · · 1 In the Mlchi!l'nn State college band

I one yeat·. The brldegmom gradu-


~~~~~~ nnd served In the navy during the

C L 0 SED war, having been overseas three nnd one·half years., The couple are malting their home on the Green­field homes tea ct. July 15 to July 22

\Ve will be OJICII for the remainder of the llllllllller after that . datt•

Nan-C Beauty Shop

. · Out-of-town guests were ft·om :· Llve••pool, Pennsylvnnia; Kalida,

Ohio; St. Johns, Ionia, Concord lind Jncltflon .

Shopping at Ware's

Root Beer



• l.S

····-···-···-· Supe1· Deluxe


25c --r~td-~;-GJt~;;;: All FlavorH Squi]Jb Sunburn Cream, large tube ...................... 39c

Brick Ice Cream Gaby Suntan Lotion ............................................ SOc

Sutra Sun Filter Cream .. : .. : ...................... 65c- $1.00

2Sc pint Skol. Suntan Lotion ..................................... .' ........ 60c

Ivy-Dry _________________ 59c THERMOTABS Cala Cream _________ ~ ____ 49c

1\llnimlze fatigue nnd prevent heat tn·u•lrntlun. McKesson Poison Ivy

Lotion ____________ 25c - 50c SOc Zemacol ____________ 47c- 89c

Schratz and Wrisley Bath Crystals, li lbJ. 49c

SUN GLASSES "omplete selection 19c to $8.75 Picnic Supplies .....:. Pape1· Pia tes, 'Cups, Spoons, Najlltins

Anti-Skeeter ........................................................................ 35c

Mosquitone .......................................................................... 25c

Peah·oy,_ 6o/o DDT ................................................ 69c • $1.19 DDT Sp1·.ay, 5% .......................................... SOc • 75c • $1.25

DDT Potato Spa·ay, 3 lba .............. ~ ............................... 57c Boa·~ow, 4 lba ......................................................... 69c

Aeroaol Bomb Aa·aenale of Lead, lb ........................ : .................. 35c At·senate of Lead, 4 lbs, ...................................... 69c

$2.98 3·Way Rotenone Dust, lb ..................................... 39c 50% DDT Wettable Powder for Spray,

4 lbs ................................................................. $3.50

Waa-e's Da-ug Sloa-e \

;. 1•

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHICAN, THURSDAY, Jt,JLY 11,1946 ----------------------------------~--------------------- Thre!l

When a Hat Becomes a Social Requirement

Make. it 11. mrufru·lnllle f!X­

perlenee with a cool

Summer Straw

TlreRR Hal~

............................. !f;Vlr. tn $n.oo

Clnth Wnr•lc flat~

............................................. ljil.liO

,WP. hnvB bnth layawny nnd gil'!: "cr•liJicJtlc plans for gill !tnt Jllll'­



* Beckwith Clothes Shop

Mr. ancl Mrs', W, F: Dart HoHts IPAMILY GATHIDRING the beAt one, The pontera must be 4-H Club News Smedley or Olwmos at s't, Law-At JJ· 'I G tl .· J 1 1 M1·. nnd Mrs. L. A, Murmy _en: rcnrly for· the next J'egulnr meet- renee hoapilltl, Larlfling, on ~l'uen-. aJm Y il letmg l1 Y lcrlalncd 1i0 rclutlvca Sunnuy, lng- to be held Augunt o with Mrs. The Wllr10n Willing Woritcr'A .J-H day, .July 2. Ml'fl. Smcdlt'Y was 1\!r. 1111ri Mr·a. W. T•'. Dart enter- .June :30, In hnnor oJ' Ml'. nnd Mr'H. J!lr•neat Lltnghnm, chrh held n ll!ectlng •rnmHiny eve- the former Allee J~dgar,

tnlncrl nl a f;wrlly dlnnm· .ruly ·1 M1tx Murl'lly lllld Mr. unci MrH. _____ nlng for· lhe lllunnlng of llwlr· pie- A 11011

, Dn.vld ,Jnmea, wan born hnr 11 n·ing Mnr. nu'rt'a staler, Mr·a.l Glenn Smith of Howell, Max Mur-. , ·· ------ nlc whleh wna held nt Plerwnnt to Mr·. nnri Mr·a .. Jnuwu Miller of Dnmthy 1\Tur·ahali, wlw wutl rclum- l'llY Is n Hnn of Mr•, nnd Mr•s, Mur- Mt, nml Ml'lr. Hny Durman Rpont In lee the Ji'our·lh. 'l'ltcy wer•c ne- Lmrlic on Hundlty, .Juno ao, In~-: tri Orlando li'Jnrldn nHcr r•ny nnrl Mra. Snrilil Is their• daU!J'lL- I ,TJJiy •I with Mr. nnd Mt'll, Proud compnnlccl hy Mr .. llllfl r;rr

1·s, M

1!1o Mr. nne! Mr'll, Clmrlcr~ J:Jhum of

tiJWtrrling the m~nlil of .iune In • let', nntlt, cnupl<:.s were l'ec~ntly Ill Dulmll. · Shcl'\voorl nnd Mrs. GcJn d D 11" route 2, Lc:lilc, announce the hlrth Ma~nn 'rtw occaHion also wne n lmnr•r•icd. Guests were present !rom --_ ----------- · mond. ol' a dlllt!l'htcr, Mnr'lillt Jilllen,· nl miscellunoowl shower· for Mlstl Cleveland, .'l'enn., Hlllflclulo, r !-itch- OIG'I'H MAS'I'IC,R's fiFJGitlr.E ------ I CorHilltl hospital Oil F'ridtty, .July ,Jotln 'l'naz niece of Ml', nnd Mrs. Jlelrl, Lansrng n.nd Howell. len nf Ahc Cohn complclcrl worlc on Mr, and 1\Ti'H, Dnrmld Nr•ely of r,, 'J'Iwy rctnnrcd to their home Dart., whn~c nttll'l'iage to Charles , the grwHtR were rotur~wd sorvtc.e- '!'~ nuwtcr·'n degree Itt Micltig•m Sarnnotn, Ji'IOI'idn, IU'I'Ivcd MmHiay Wcdnesrlay, S ,11 , !' 1 . 1 ,. 1, ill he .111 vent men and women. Mr. rtnd Mrs. S,t,ttc college last weclc. He hurl 111 ,.hl to viHit lltC'll' mother· 'lr"J '~e 1 ~'111 " nn

1 , '

0 , Mnx MliiTIIY will leuvo In August 1 L1ticen mnst of the worlt before c,;'ml M N'ccly - ' " '' A son, l<cllh Mlehn.el, was bol'll

ol early. ~cplcmher, C.uesttl weJC for Or·egnn whore Mr Mui·my entering the lll'lllY hut hnd cnllstorl · .·.~. * tn Mr". nn!l Mr·s. L11wrenee Bnrrrcsu Lyle C. Tln,wlc~L, Mr·, nnd ~;rs. G.'lb- i w_· 111 attend lttc Unlver·sity of Ore-~ befom. Lllldng flrint tests, I-Tc und Bt'J•tllS of M1trwn nl Cnr'Hillll h<Hi[lllul on bhtH Howlett anrl .John, Mr.J. A. A. gon, Mrs. Cohn left Mlwon Frlrllly frll' Tuesday, .July 0. ~-tr:wtct._L nn,rl Mltr~m·ct Ar.m Mar-l • • * . IGruJt ·,Jorrlnn. After· vlsillng there Sigllrrl und fiogt11' l~riclwon of • • • . Jil.di nl Mu:tnn,:Mr. ltnd Mrs. Keith I they lntonrl to leave !'or· the upper Lansing Hpcnl part ol' l1tal wool< II 't J '!',,Hz ,Hnd lnn~Jiy of Gmnd Ledge County Granges Plan pcrilnsnla and then nn through with their gTrtlldJllll'mtls, Mr. nnrl - OSlJl ·a S Jl!Hl Charles Snell nl Lansing. Picnic At College I Wlllconsln to Minnesota l.n vielt Mrs. Emery H. ,Tewell. Pnllcnt<J disdtar·god at Cor·snut

AI. t.hc do~c ol. lhe dlnnc~· n , ! relnllvcH, They expect to camp for A clnughlcr, Linda Mnrie, Willi ltospilnl the pnut wcclc were Pablo lleaull!ul enlcr. decnrulml w 1 t h The Ingham County Pomn~JL. 10 days on tho shm·cu of L!llcc horn ln Mr; lind Mrs T·fJJt'I'Y Snell PrUnJJrin who umlcnvcnl 11 mnjm· "Cimelt n,nrl ,Jo-Scplcmber" w,as G_rnn7~ will hold, a grange plcmc I ;Juporillr', of .Jackson' Itt Mci .. ;tug·htiiJ \

011_ npcrlllln;1 three weclcs ago, Zcrm

placcrl bclmo Chnries and Joan lor S<i,~llrd.ty, .July 20• nt 11001~, 1;~ pita!, LnnHing-, on Jcl'li!1ty, ,June Lc!tch, Wnnwr· Kcnn, Mr':J. llunal-llwm to cut and wn:.~ then ser·ved ~.tchlgl~n ~,l"!·0 , collc~c Jlltllle · F B 28. Mrs, Snell was the· fnrn1cr rln Gnreln, nnd Almn Giorln, 1\Inl, l!ll' dcHHort. A num!Jcr• nf lovely grounds Ill Last ~.ln:ll~g, A~l Ing- ariD UreaU Beverly Bihblns, LaVerne !cinch, Mrs, Delnr'HH BrH-gifl.s were !hen presented the... ham County Gttang_ers me in- 1'110 Wheutneld JCarm BJJI'cau A son Mlclmcl A.lvin IV'l'l horn Lon Hllrl Ml'H. TI:arl Slid who hnd

" vlled They 1n·e " lnlcc own scJ'V· ill t w 1 d 1 • ' ' ' • · ' BRIDAL SHOWl;,R ir'c 1;nd vond things to cat Icc w mee ec nes ay even ng, to Mr. and Mrs. Cleo H. c;recnlco been ltl the Jwapll.al !'or· the pnHt.

" b cream w c umw e<, a so !t e B, 1 '1' i f • I' 1 ill " " • · ' I " · , · ' · elect of .July r;, was honored 'l'ues- m Jet•, Cltc ~: op c ?r .. ' r~cuss on .. w · Lansing, on Fr·idHy, .July [l, , cnlct•cd lite hnt~pllnl .fuiy 6 I or

children or Mrs. I.e!l.a:r Yerxa, had tonsil~ nnd ndenoids r c 111 o v e cl WetlrwHclny, .July :l, nne! Gordon and Patrlelc Glynn hncl their· ton­HI!H lllld ll<ltJnoidll removed l•'rJrJny, 'l'hey returned home tho following dny. Margnrcl Mllll!J'OI' onlerecl the hrJHpilul for· the r'CIIIOVItl of tonsils Monrlay anrl was cllaehlll'gcd Tucs­dny, Mrs. BorUm JPrnyor wns ad­mlll.ml to the houpltnl Monduy for treutmcnt. On .July :1, Chnrles 1-lnwc, Ann of nev. anrl Mru. Chnrlcs Howe of Holt, wus ndmit­tcd to tho h011pltnl fm· tr·cntmcnt for 11 lacel'lllccl foroheltd, Severn! sl ll:cheH wcJ'c lnicen. On Frldny 11onnic .JnnoH, Hnn of Mr. nne! Mrs . li'l'ltnciH .Jnnen of MnHon, wun lalcen to tho hoHpll.nl nftcr receiving a iucci'Jllcri foot. '

Miss Clnlre Pulver wns dis­clttu·gccl from the Dlodgott con­VIllcaecnt home al GJ'Itnd R11plds lu11t 'l'hJu•srlny, She Is tho rlnugh- ' ' lcr• of Mt·. nn<i Mn;. H. S. Pulver.

Wayne Bullen ent.er·cd Cor·snut hospital last wccic for obHet·vatlon.

M rn. A. ,J•. 'l'or·r·nnce entered St. Lawrence hospital this woelc fo1·

'IiHll Blanche Dar linn-, bride- ·- 11'1 b r · h 1 1 ·1 bl ,.Tuly 17, with Mr. and Mrs. Pear·lle of Holt nt Sl Luwrcnce hoSJJital 'eight wcciw WlliiltnJ J>owell who

day evening- at a dinner nnd 1 1

, , be 11 Co-op Fer tihzct Plant. I A daughter·, Suzanne Ameha, I treatment, returned to his home thcat.e1· party given ily Miss A. pmgr•nm WJ~l f~llow the du~- • • • was born to Mr. and Mm. Howard Monday. CtuTnll nnd Honald Ycrxn, • • • .TC!llllle Smiley and Mrs, Dmmld Iller' rho, spcal<Cr' wlil he Cllffo~d I ..,=======================""!!"''


Mcc1·umh nl' 'Lansing·, 'J'he honor M, Hardm, ltssncJat? professor 111 _

g~~w~~~~n~~~~~w~ n~1oo~~ c~n~~~.~~~~~~-·••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••m••••~ sage of "'tll'licni~s and clcltJhinium.l glln St<ttc college. Ills sUh.JecL wrli , Sh~ at 11 r/'reeeivml lnvely gifts, I' he "'_'. grleultural TI'Dnde," Capitol I ,,; ,, * Grange will ha vc charge of the

r L . . ll · sports.

new ciJ:ivcr fo!' Our ~ab company. HOSTS AT OPF:N HOUSE A. Dncel< Ill llt<lrmt wt:s a week ]Pifty g11ests attendee! an open

Larry Gl!I'(J\1 o ~an::ung _ls 1c I * * *

end gucHt al the .home of Mr. and house at ·the home of Dr. and Mrs. NEWS CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS Mr·s. Charles Pnncc. I Robert Azcllon Sunday afternoon

i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~;··~~;~~~~~- and avenin~ 1~cir guo~s were

Keep Posted ! -· ·- -··---·---· --- fricnd!i and relatives fron1 Lansing

anrl Mason. Punch and cool<ics '# ( · were ser·vcd fmm n tea table

~~ ,~~ ! decorated with a lnw arrangement vfi '8vf• ;' of red ami pinlc roses and crystal CEYLON for lmgrance

-Jf"JJ!L. "'.. eRnrlelabm. In the afternoon Mrs. (/'flff'.;, Azelton was assisted by MJ·s. Gale

THREE VARIETIES­one for deeper amber color, one for fuller flavor, another for fragrance -are blended into this fine tea. So different from pale, tasteless iced tea. Enjoy 1his special blend today,

Spotlight Coffee 3 lb. bag

Loaf Cheese windsor club 2 ~:~ 79c 30c 49c 25c

'X' 'to•

Grapefruit Country Club No. 2 Fancy Sections can

liP 2 lb. reserves Ruby Bee- Peach jar

~Peanut Butter embassy t-lb. jar

Tomato Juice rexas valley 4~~~z. 24c

Hershey's Cocoa %-lb. pkg. 1 Oc Cigarettes Popular Brands carton $1.29

FRESH COOKIES Vanilla Town Tavern or Marshmallow Blossoms

pkg. 1 Sc:


Fresh, Fragrant Flavor

l large 21 loaves C:

Deliciously Sweet - Fully Ripened Fresh ·

PEACHES llbs. lSc






with KROGER TEA box top

Mail to KROGER, 80X 1122, Cincinnati 1, O~io

Hl-HO CRACKERS sunshine !-~~·. 23c

MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing a::· 15c

CUCUMBER SLICES Mary tou 1~~~··1&c

CARNATION MILK or ~~b'try ::~ 11c

ROYAL PUDDINGS Asst. Flavors pkg. 7C


GREEN BEANS Avondale No. 2 New Pack can



DEEP BROWN BEANS Libby's can 14c

PINEAPPLE Dole, Crushed No. 2 can 19c


MOTOR OIL Penn·Rad 10 c":~ $1~99


ORANGES Florida 4 lbs, 39c LEMONS largo, Juicy 'lb. 13c PLUMS CANTALOUPE 36 s;ie each 21c POTATOES cfr~~~~~ias peck 75c lb. 19c: Watermelon Ripe,

Sweet lb. Sc: 24-lb. lug, line lor cannin9







Springer and Mr·s. Glen Azclton of Lansing, Mrs. Robert Mooney assisted in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. lvan Potter spent Saturday evening in Lansing, the guests of Mr·s. Mabel Potter. On S11ncifty they visited Mr. and Mrs. David Woods and daughter at Van town.

Rollin M. Hicl<s, seamfln Jlrst class, o[ star rotltc, Mason, rc" ccivcd his release from lhe nnvy at Great Lalrcs, Ill., Sunday, .July 7, On .rune 30 Gm·don W. Sln!J'er was rlischnrgod fJ•om Great Lai(CS. His rating was lireman fh·st class. He resides on route 2, Mason

Mr. and MrR. Thurman Watson or Leslie and Mr. nne! Mrs. Floyd Watson and family, Mrs. Hazel SimonR, Miss Marion Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Haymond Underwood and baby were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Underwood Friday evening.

I Miss Dorothy Felker of Wash­ington, D. C., was n guest Tues­day night of Miss Vera Vlaseck.

Claud H. Camp, who is seriously ill at bis home, is slightly im-proved. · I

Mrs. Dorothy Marshall has left ; for her homo in Florida after , spending the month of June with relatives in Mason. Her mother, I Mrs. A. A. Howlett, and her ' daughtcJ', Mar!l'ltret Ann, will re-I main in Mason for the rest of the

• nummor. ·I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Otis, Mr. '

an'd Mrs.' Earl Otis and Mr. and 1

Mrs, Wourt l!lvcry spent tbc , Fourth of .Tuly and the week end 1

at Lake G COr!J'C. Mr. and M1·s. Ed Ferris nnrl ,

family spent the holiday week end

I at Otsego lake and Gaylord.

(lHol'll items on Page 3, See. 2) ,


HOLT 1\lrs. l\lnry Dixon

Attend Webberville Lodge Twenty Rcbelcahs went to Web­

berville Tuesday night for the regular visitation of the 13th dis­trict. They were in charge of the pro!J'ram for tho evening. Mrs. Mary Heller was chairman.

Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Shaft and son returned to Holt last wcelt to malcc their home, Mr. Shaft had just received his discharge. He has been located at Cheyenne, Wyo. Miss E\'a Hclmclccr, u sister of Mrs. Shaft, went to Wyoming and accompanied them home, visiting the Yellowstone National park and the Bluett Hills in Dakota.

To l,alUl I,ouiNe Cump The young people of the Metho­

dist church leave Sunday by bus for the Senior Institute of the Methodist Young People at Lake 1 Louise. Rev. Wilson Tennant will

1 accompany ui~

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Smith and son Michael visited Mr. Smith's I parents at Jaclcson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Los Krauss will be In Harrison l?riday and Saturday. I Sunday they will attend a family I reunion at Gnnn lalco.

Mr. and Mrs. Van DeLashmutt and sons of Detroit and Mr. llnd Mrs. mrncst Malhia.s a. re spending


. a • two weelts' vacation at the Goodl'ich cottage nt Ducit lal<e. Mr. and/Mrs. Van . DeLashmutt, Sr., of Holt, spent several days II

with' them. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Durmanl

visited the E. A. Littles at Laings­burg Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Neuoffor 1 and sons spent the holiday weql( end In Mecosta,

Mrs. Bertha Welch and grand-daughter spent llle holiday week

I end nt Marshall. I I I 'l'o Sta1go J~lnwcr Show

Cigal'cttes All Populur BrandR

$1.29 }Wr cau·ton



Sc lb.

There is always

Good News in the Midway Ad

Hard-to-get murchandise, lowest prices possible .and variety:

these are weekly features in evea·y department.




Catsup per bottle ............................ 19e

" Chili Sauce .......................... 25c

Diced Carrots 2 jars .................................. 25c

Snuerltraut large can ............................ 14c

Com cream style or whole

(,et·nel .............................. 15c

Sugar Peaa ........................ 17c

Diced Beets ....................... .13c


BREAD StayA fre~h longer, goes farther

2 Loaves, 16-oz. Bread ...... 21c

Angel Food Bars ............ ..43c

Donuts, doz ....................... 15c

Hamburg and Hot Dpg

Buns ................................ 12c


Salada Tea Chase and Sanborn .......................... : ... 33c 112-lb. pltg ......................................... 45c Del Monte Coffee, 2 lbs ..................... 64c Thrifty lb, pltg ................................. S9c Manor House, 2 lbs, .......................... 64c

Hills Bros. Coffee ............................... 33c Millar's Nut Bt·own ............................ 33c

LEMONADE • IN A FLASH 10c With Realemon Lemon Juice, can


Tomato Soup 9c



Prunes 32c jar

Bread Boxes

Help pre\'ent brea1l waste


Garbage Cans neat, sanitary


Pick-Up .Cat·ts .......................................... $8.50

Child's Wheelbara·ow with rubber tires ............................................ $1.49

Fresh Fruits

and Vegetables


Camp Cots Extra He.avy ................ $5.5D

Aluminum Skillets .............. 98c

Camp Grills Folding Style .............. $1.50

Authorized Dealer


Crosley Appli&nces

From Sportswear to Specials The Midway's ready·to-wcat• department features fine-quality

wearing -apparel in all sizes hom infants' to adults'

Several &tyles Home Accessories 79c up

Boys' Sport Shirts $1.49

Women's Dresses

Lunch Cloths ........................................................ 98c ,. Pl'int Towels .... : ............................................. 29c up

Curtains .................................. : ................... $3.65 pair '

Ruga .............................................................. $1.69 up

Midway General Store ' AND RESTAURANT

The Holt Garden club held its business meeting Tuesday at the. home of Mt·s. Alfred .Jenttlns nt Dimondale, . w h o hod extended them nn Invitation for a picnic on her spacious lawn. Plnns wci9 formulated for a public flower nnd 1

vegetable show to be held in the j township hall September 6 and 7. Anyone who wants to have a di.s- ; play must have it there Saturdny 1 mot·ning. The show will be open t.o jl

the · public from three to nine. o'cloclt on Saturday and from tw.;~. to ·11!x. on ·sunday. Each member ·l~ j Vz 1\ULE ~OHTU Ol~ IIOLT ON US·127

,lusltcd to cntcr'in a contest. 1111 .. litl•lill!llllll•ll•iil•••iii•II ... II!III .. IIII .. ~•·•IIII• .. IIIIIIIIIII•III•IIJI•IIIIIII ... IIIII~~~~~ ..... ~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ~ · .for .which · ·for' r:.


Cl .,. d Ad t• · . GIRL'S Pf\lil·WAH BICYCLE, nil

aSS I I e Ve r ISIng ~:~ ~~~~~0~~=~-0~~-~~~~~~~~~~:~~: : . PINt< COHDUHOY RnnWRUlt2::~

RATES :-Advediscmcnta in this deplll'tmcnt: 25 ccnta fol' 26 wordo m· less fo1• ench inaet•tion. Fo1• more than 26 worda, one cent a word for each insertion, Advortiaing may be mailed en· telephoned. Dinl Mnson 9011.

I cap, ~lze 18 monthH, for Rnlo; NICE YOUNG GUERNSElY bull T•'011 SALI~-SCVllrnl thousand feet I alno 2 puli'H Nisuly HhollR, lllm new,

fm· Rnlo, Reruly for sorvluo. AlRo of IJCa:JOncrl hanlwcwd lumtu•r, RIZtl fjl,~A nnd 9AAA, woman's I btitohel' crJttle, ono or more. El, 2-lnch rmlt. Cloud and Francis blacl< wool uout, slzo 20, fur-trim· D. Fl'llnlclln, Mnson phone J!IOl. Willson,, 17280 Wright roud0 L~R- mod. Lmlls White, 4!1·~5 Ji'rost rood.

~Bwl 1 1le, R, .1. ~7w~p I Phom• Webborvi!lc 12F21. ~Bwlp LATrn Moo.illi::\v. ~c~---.-;.!ti:;.c;h"a-1:/'. TAvm~w Mo"Tu cnYS'i'ALs~ 1 'MiLi{.s·rtiArNiun --~;~~:;.~~~~

Irr•s HElHEl! '!'he new Harvey Rerl n11m1 trnclor with Caswell hy- lbs, for ~1.7!1. Ttloonomlcul and, I. and wr1tor creu~ sepurutor for Heel corn shollor·. Como In and dmullc lnotlcr rmcl poweit llfl for ver·y effective. Zimmer·man's Home:' sole. Louis White, ·19M• Front road.

For Sale Livestock and Toola

fl(lO It, and place yam· order for full sale. Oversize tire~, llg-lits ond Sm•vlce. 28wll1 Webberville Jlhone 12F21. 28wlp delivery. Em~rson Farm Supply, starter AIRn MeCormlelc-Deerlng i ---------· . -- .. -- --- -----.. --------- -------

HOIWillS-I-IIghest prlceR paid for Onondaga, plume fill'22. 2Mw1 i double. ch·um hay louder. L. Rcd·l FISHillR.MEN'S hata with viaor, "WI-TAT A nraAU'riFUL NElW I old IHH'fles ta be lclllcd, m· cheap --------· -------·------·-·----1 tleld, firHl farm 110uth of Howell· i 05c. Beci{With Clothes Shop, 153 r·ug," I~ what your frlendR will

worl1 hm·~es. I al~o havo hm·se~ 110H'PABLEJ GRAIN ELEVATOR, Muson rond 011 South Oregor•y 'W. Map!(•, phone 53!12, 28w1 Ray al'tcr you hove URed tlw IWW for sale or trade at nil tlmcH. for snlc, Ringle chain with 8-lnch i road. Phone 20:1F2. 28wlp: ------··----- .. -------, ~<c!lcntlllc fnum olenner, Irina Foam. Write George PhllllpR, Wcbhcr· c•xtetUJion teleBooplc apout. A Ill, ____ ------------------' MILK COOLER for sale, O·can, ~~ Zlmmermnn'H Hnnw Service. 28w1 ville, •1 1," milcH aouthcast of Web· metal cmnHtrudlon. Crm he u1wtl lf! HOLS'PiiliN COW for sule, ·I yenrH h. p. heavy duty, two-cylinder ----------·---- --------­bervl!le, eomer ol' House nnd Den- l'oot or 2•1 foot length, Emm·son I old, ft•esh. Alao Holstein heifer, conclenslng unit. Built for fast !'LA YElR PIANO and roll~ for nis ronrts, •y,, .Taeot1 strobe!. 17w·tf Farm Supply, Onon<lng-u, phone dull In 11 weok, Guernsey eow, due C'CJCJ!Ing and long- scrvlt'e, TIJm<~rson sale. Tei'mH. Write Verne Not· --- ---'-- --- ---- ·------ fiF22. 28wl In August, 7 Fl~A white·!'nced Fnr·m Supply, . Onondaga; phone znw, route fi, Box .310, Waui<esha, LA CASm '1' R A c •r oR, l!Hl, In ---- ----------------~ Hereford steem, wt. GfiO pouncl~ fiJi'22. 28wl WIR., ns to when plano cnn be seen

good ennrlll.lon. flee the Sur·gont CHAIN BLOWElR for snle, with ench. Rene Cremnr·, Aurelhm Cen- . - ·--------- In 1\lnsnn. 2Hw2p Hydrnulle twin eyllndm· Jnndem true!< hopper and 15 feet of 0- te1·. Phone Aurelius 52!l. 28wlp


THAILJiJH for mcle. Has 6-ft. 4-ln. ------- ---- -- --lind the Seaman 'flllci'H here. '!'hey lneh pipe. It will hnnctle nil gruinl ____ .. ____ --·--- ... ------------.. - ----- x:t rt. 10-ln. x 1 ft. fi-ln. box. ~uvo lots of lahor and cut down '"'onomleully without dumnge. Elm· WORK !IOIU:Hil, wt. 1900 lbs., for Well built. Ill. J. Hoblnuon, 527 E. costs, Both tools fit most trne- orson Far•m Supply, Onondaga, snle. Char·lcs Blaclcmm·e, route ·Ash st., MaHon. 28wl

~:\ A~1~ol~~~~~:~~~~~~~~e~lce1~~~·. 1 ph~a __ ~22. ____________ _:s~!: ~'._~~ll~-__P~'-"'~~t::_r;_fi ~e~ie~_:s\1'_2 APHONS-~-ali--;;;;-Ior·;: 1-,;~.g:;-;i~~~: Phone Lanslng, H-:11H:l. Ow-tf SiaV1nHAL REGISTEHED Hoi· PIGS, 8 wcclr:-; olrl, foJ' sale. A. B. .~1.30. Beckwith Clothes Shop, ---- - --------~

I stein cowR with pr·oductlon r·ec- I<ee~lor·, Dobie road, Olccmos. lp 153 w. Maple, phone fi3!12. 28wl 2-WHEEL TRAILER for Hale. In


·----~. ordH fo1· sale. Also ~ unregi»lermJI-GUE'RN_S_ "'Y BULL- f • 1


-·---- ---- --.. --·--- -·----------- excellent condition. Rex D. Jew-llolstelns, one milking 70 pounds ' " •"' 0 l sn e, yrR. SPRING COA'r lor sale, nnvy blue ett, S. Lnnslng St., at S. Jcffer·son, dally. Hobert Hunt- 711, miles old, plll'ebl•cd; also Ayrshire wool. Alsn black wool winter Mason. Phone 222:!6 nrtor fl:!!O. 1J1

w_:'l_l__or__~~~l_~~-:::~~lc~~:'.'_''d. -~ ~~~l~l<-~~er~1';; 1~q1.8: 1,~\1~~~lr. ~~;o~~ ~~~; ~~:~~~ll~!!e co~~!~~~n, ~;~~~;.;. 1 QlJANTITYOJP-USEDI~U~lBElR M COilMlCK-DEJElRINO 42 H com- Glover, 2 miles cast of Dansville, Greve, 215 Ill. Maple. 28wlp lor sale. E. D. Sanford, 200 Oke·

" ' ' corner Meech and M-:>6. 28w1p --- --- ----------------------- mos St. 28wlp blne for sale with grain bin, .. COMPRESSOR, 35 feet of hose -·-------------------

Notice To All Fai'ITiel'S

. plelwp attachment, clover seed F S l und gun for spr·ny painting fot· F'RlllSH COMB HONFJY fm· sale. sieve and srwclal when t sieve, a Or a e sale. Al~o rubber-tiretl lr.-.vn mow- Also 8 30-ft barn timbers. Leo

It you have good, young- mnn•s 1 year.~ old and In A-1 shape: Archie I Hay, Grain and Feed cr . .J. B. .Jones, u 6 N. Rayner St., Hawldns, 3·10 m. Cherry St., Mn-lllld will breed them, W<! ~ill buy


Hoyt, Munith. Mich., 1 mile east Mason. Phone 3411, 28w1 son. 28wtf or lease this fall. There Will be a Bnllt•eHe lul<c on M-106 to Hoyt BALEJD HAY, mixed timothy and ----------- --------- -- -----------------good marl<ct. for mares und colts. road. second house. 28w1pl clover, for sale. AIHo ear corn. PESTROY, liquid 25'1<· DDT solu- NORGE OIL FUHNACE, In per-I have a registered Percheron and I ____________ --· ---- __ Arnold 'l'omllnson, Okemos, R. 1, tinn, lasts several weeks when feet condition, lor sale. No Sun-~ ll.J'ee-lstered Belgian stallion. There lrwrERNATIONAL hay !onder for Olremos-Hnslel t rood. Phone Lnn· sprayed Indoors, several days when day sale!<. Orla Oal<ley, Haywood Will be n~ charge for service on 1 sale, $60, Also new dump mlte.l sing, 8·3163. 6w-tf used outdoors. $1.49 qt. Pestroy, road, Dansville. 28wl mar~s whJCh are loaned to UM: 1 Mrs. seth H. Jones, 422·1 Kellar so;,, DDT solution, for painting on GO-PCllJND--rnci'f-1--fii.emnn --;;t~<er

j I'Oad, Holt, phone Holt 2842. 28w1 CORN for sale. B. F, Guenther, screens, $1.19 qt. Zimmerman's for sale--Has extra worm, $150. ____ ---·-- -----------! corner of College and Dell roads, Home Service. 28Wl) Bergin, phone 23141. 28w1


5-YEAR-OLD GUElRNSEJY COW Holt. Phone Lansing, 7-4l~fi. -------- __ ---·- -----------for sale, fre~h fnr month and a 21w-tf MODEL T FORD· coupe in good .2 NEW AWNINGS for sale-34

I half; also boy's bicycle. Ed Water- condition, for sale. Rober·t Stof- Inches wide with tllctures, never

18wtr stmdt, 2780 Carter road, 1 1/2 miles fer, -2 miles south of Dansville. been used. Mrs. F. J. !{ellogg, 116 _.:.. ___________ 1 south ond 3 miles east of Dans- Custon1 Grinding- 28wlp E. South st. Phone 4571. 28wl 10rtn OFF ()n all Parmnh: electric ville. Phone Dansville 2599. 28wlp SHORTS, boys' sizes s1nall, med- ---------

1' -------------------- 19<11 GRAHAM for sale, M&H-fencers in stock Adams Ellec- and Mixing· ium and large, 59c. Beclcwith Service, 114 State St., Mason. 1

trlc Shop. Phone Mason, 3501 m· GUElRNSElY HTIJII~FJR for sale, 21 Clothes Shop, 153 W. Maple, phone H41. 18w-tf year.~ old, fr·esh .July 8· $lZil. POULTRY AND DAIRY FEJElD 1\:~92 · 28W1 2PAIR~imN;STROU~SERS:J;re-

Mrs. 'seth H. .Tones, 4224 !Cellar I 1 t · 1 h't 1

'th road, Holt, phone Holt 28<12. 28w1, MILKHOUSE 6x8 for sale an ex- war mu ena • w 1 e woo_en WI

NEW BATTFJRY BROODER, elec· ________ _ ____ Snow's Hatchery ceptionally 'good one, ~heeted black pin stripe, size 32x30. 412 E.

S. A. Laxton Phone MaBon 21786



Take It Easy Late In Life, Too A baby has it pretty easy: there's always somebody around to look after him, to take care of his require­ments, to do everything for him. But it doe5n't last forever. One day he grows up and the service stops.

To help him talce care of himself, start hiait out early with a bank account. When he's old enough to understand, teach him the savings hubit. If he's savings conscious from childhood on, he will prob­ably grow old with a nice fat bank account to hi!i· credit. And to make his future even more secure, start his account at the Farmers Bank, a. reliable banking institution for 60 years.

The Farmers Bank The Oldest Bani' in Ingham County-Memhet· FDIC and Federal Reserve

; trlc, 500-chlclc capacity, for sale. 3 GUERNSEY-DURHAM. heifers, and well-painted. It's been well Ash. Phone 5974. 28wll

Also used Homer furnace in good due after July 12, for sale. Ar· AND -FETIJD MILL cared for·. $100. W, D. Thomas, FORMAL:'b'!t~;-chifi;;;;, for sale; ,...,..., ........ ...,...,,.,..., ...... ...,===="""'"""'="""'==,.,•==================== uunl<er road. Phone Aumllus,l and 1 mile we."t of Williamston. 23 t t f' '1 01 acls 1 Q ACR"'• S will! mocl"rn 7 r·oon1 A 0 G condition. F. J. Dolbee, ·1799 W. nold· C. Champion, 2 miles south HOL'l' Phone 35.Jl 1187 E. Willoughby road, 2 miles I n 1 s

0 gabardine lined c

0 at, " - - I

,. " , wt cas o "nson- wmos J'O 2•6. tf' dresses, blouses, sweaters, etc., "-BURN'!JR OIL RANGE for sale. M '" " • , ·, 'Tl'eenough· z_,,l05. 21w-tl1 Phone 5F14.. 28WlJ1 w . 9 Ph I I 7'l3231" '" house, small barn, garage, hen

:::::::-::-:::-:----~-----·----- ~~~e -1~.. one .ans ng • • Mrs. Floyd Watson, 92'1 South house, about t,;, mile fmm court I Off AT STUD-"Golden Choice" P. H.' RABBITS tor sale. 10. extra fine BOYS' ensemble suits, $2.95 to I ~613 Phillips road. Mrs. c. ~heat- Barnes. :lllWlJl house. $7,300. Emery H. Jewett, I el'S: • ; B. A. 6432. An outstanding I white does, each with litter of 0 GOOD QUALITY OATS for sale. $5.98. Beclcwith Clothes Shop,, _h~~·----- 28W1P I' 229 State st. Phone 22571, 28w1 PO!!S('NKinn In o

1w WeP.k

l'eglstered Palomino quat'ter horse, I to_ 12. These are all young does 90c per bushel nt the farm. 153 W. Maple, phone 5392. 28wl


ENGLISH SHEPHEHD pups for HOME COMFORT coal·. and woocl 811 acreR, 13 mu.,9

south of Lan-

., ~ " 11 rth f L 11 w 1 1 t BARN SPRAYING for fli'es wi'th sale, blacl< and wh1te. A so tat 'th 15 1 rvol'r 1.n good con- ' o goo an or ,;,, ·1· • " uson on non-"l'"ndson of the chalnp1·011 CJLI,"rter With thel.rsecond Jitter and guur·-, Claud Willson, 2 miles east and 1 -- · 1 . I range for sale. All whtte ennmul 30 ACRES f d 1 d t' "' le sing 7 mr'le• to· M

0 11orse' Yellow "'olt', P. H. B. A. a.nteed disease free. Hutches If de· m e nc 0 es e on r g 1 fl 9 8 w1 ga rese 21' 1 th 1 M t da"u road· 8 I·oom h hi h · n d 27 2 DDT,.~ 10 to $12, average barn ..


hens, 40c .lb. WHI!am Musvl , , 12 dltlon, ~.100·, A.II'llne b'uttery t•adio, '" m1 es sou o ason a "' ' · 01156 w o IH 2391. Vei·y gentle dlspo."lti·o11 . Clav mred. Ray, Bowers, 3157 Covert ron · w P •r ~ 1077 T ttl d G d 7 I' om· very exceptional be· tl 1 " J Worlt guamnteed 2 to 2% months. Dexter Twll, phone Dansville, 2481. 6-volt and 50 White ·Rock pullets. II e rou . oo • o I ' mg en re y

Hulett, 2 miles no1-th of Mason on road. Phone L~~ 4·156.__ 28\V3P I ABOUT 200 BU .. of good, heavy Hagberg Tree and Spray Service, ._______ _ ____ 28\V1p Wnrr~n Gillett, second house weBt house, electrlelty and water sys-Jrecond!tioned with oalc t'loors, fUI'· US·127 and 1 miie we~t on Pryor _E __ N_G--L-JS-H ."-ETTER, t·eglstered, 4 oats for sale. Willard Foote, see- p 8 -- - - tem, basement barn nnrl other out-· nace, bath, modern llltchen, newly

d Ph M 5509 21 lt " C Okemos. hone Lansing, -2021. I 4 GALLONS PRE-WAH alum- on Vaughn road off Hawley road. builcllngs. Lou Shennan. Phone! decm·ated throughmlt Ill a way roa . one nson, • . w- nlonths old ptlps, 3 International and place south of avan,augh 26w4p I II 2339 "8wlp that I th

I d Phllll d 8 1 lnum paint, $4.25 per gallon. Phone Les e · ~ Leslie, 230,1. 26w 1 l ,· I? eases e eye, Good barn, ATTENTION HORSTIJ OWNEHS- ehampions, 7 champions In pedi· roa on ps ron · :. w P I 2 ---- I duve 111 corn

0 ib th d'

g Rob rt Burum 2 il th ~-GAL. DASHEJR STONE churn' Howard Fay, route ' Mason, cor- ·~--------WING-MA--CHIN'·' L d.· l d I' ' o eJ· imll IIlilS. · Now Is the time to breed saddle ree. . e J ' m es nor 25 ACRiilS OF MIXED HAY for for sale. Also child's b. I ner of Rolfe nnd Ives roads. Phone WI L S 0 N SE "'· PRODUCTIVE FAHM-80 acr·es an s goo , level and on. the mares and saddle types for best nnd 4 miles west of Leslie. 28W2 sale; also good side delivery 1 t t . IOW4n,l Mason 2-1781 28wl treadl•~. dr·op head, fol' sale. 227 good house m

0 de r n bar

1; 1 corner. School across the road

--------- ------ ehecked woo spor con , size . ; · · h 1 t t M 'son phon c -· • You'll lil<e th1'o fa d It h · etalllon. The Michlgana stallion GRAIN BIN • · · " . . ·• Mason. 28wlp ~~~. Lou s •

1 ' P one ::o~ HABBITS_ to sell for Sunday dln· 23962. 28w1 buildings. Flolds are well fenced at !he r·~duced price or $15,060.

inarltet. Be Slll'e tc select the best D-ER I H--:C 10-ft ral<e. J. G. Swerleln, phone 23821, I St'd h M r Mec un c s ree ' a . . equipped for dairying; other good I .. rm nn c y orne

Brlttonk Peuvlne 17382 is of power driven, In good conditiOn, 1·,.. -- __________ w ner. I Will dress Saturday on ap- ------.--------- and land is drained. Farm locate II 3D· family apartment building In world's champion stock. Otto c. for sale. W. D. Byrum, 2 miles 12 ACRElS of clover and timothy . 1 Y 11 t. pointment an c1 deliver. Jame~ COOK STOV!il With wa!~nm11 oven I on blnclttop highway and school Lansing, centml location, income ~iartlg, Michigana Farms, Holt. north and 4 mlle.~ west of Leslie. hay on ground for sale or to APPLES fm sn e. e ow Inns- I Leavitt, 34o1 E. Cherry St., phone and go.o~ I'eservoir l_or sale. In bus route. William Schlacic, Ma-1 Ol't'l' $10,000 a year net. Ask me.

1 28w2 be put up on sha1·cs. Lt1cy Herriclc, parent, now ready. Bring c~n- 2-1793. 28wlp fair comhtwn. Your JH'ICe taltcs 1t i 5 24

w·I]J I about this.

nstructlon counsel 23w d d 2 '1 th f c 1 F ' 28 ---- ·--- ---- ------- · -- ;ou e c. 01 sn e mtles south Bj reeding, IJOarcllng, train ng, sales8. -----·----------~Webberville. Phone 13Fl3. 28w1p taincrs . .Tens Hansen, 1043 Onon·. . away Dan HartWICI<, 508 W.l' on. nco· a >I•

8 1. .

1 2 - ' . 100 NElW HAMPSHIHFJ REJDS ag-a ron • ml es sou 0 ° urn- or Sale Maple, Mason. w1 ~lOUSE l<nown as Bertha .John:JOn I nf DanSVIlle, good' 8-rom,:; house JOHN DTIJElRE hnvloacler for sale. and White Rock hens, 1 year EAR CORN for sale. This_ corn hla road. 28W2P Household, Goods If S l ?helps place, on Handolph St., 1 t·econditloned, wltl! bath und fur-

Also McCormiclr-Decrlng mow- nlrl, for snle, $2 each. Tom Broolta, was ripe when It was piClted. ' or a e 1 Mason, lor sate. Haym·ond H., nnce, 2 bumH, chicken· house an'd er, International hny haler, sta- ~~' ~~~~h~\·~~~~: 2~~6~atoa H~~;~~ g~:~~~:~~~~ 0~~~e~~011~~stn~_re~c:s_;~ ATTENTION ROUND OAK KITCHEN RANGE I Real Estate McLean, Mason. Phone 3751. plenty of other buildings, 'includ-tlonary, dump rake, WJ<gon, lawn- --·----------------- on Dansville mad, corner nt Dm- for sale. C. L. Darling, 4 miles - 21w·t!' !lmg- gm·age, 10 acres of mucli. r. · mpwer and David Bradley feed mond road. Phone 9·101. 28w1 FIOME CANNERS . west on Columbia road and 1% SMAJ..L HOUSTIJ and 1 ncre of -- Pos~esslon soon. Look thiK over for grinder. Sunshine Hunch, Onon· Time-Tested Equipment ----------------- - · -- -- ~ mll~s north on Aurelius road. land for sale. Good well nnd S~SHINEJ RA.NCH at Onondaga· $10,,,oo. · . llaga. 23w-tf for moder f d d · ALFALFA HAY, Baled, For sale. . ·Phone Mason 7;.81. 28w1 electricity. l~irst $GOO cash tnlces

1• tor sale. 40 acres, 14-roor~ll 50 nc 1·es with stoclt, tonlR and

n arm an a try You take it from the fteld as There is a good supply ot the fol-. -. ____________________ it. Wlllium c. Schnabelrnuch, fi i' nouse, partly modern; barn 72x.Jc~, 1 some crops, 6-room hoURI! bam

FEEDJlJH CATTLE fo1· sale. Dur- Rite-Way, Milkel'S fast as it Is baled. Baled hay will lowing fruits: 1 DAVENPORT AND CHAm for miles south of Dnnsvl!le off Dexter, chlclcen coop, brooder house, gn-1 tnol shed, gamge, 1.1: bend of hum steers and heifers, reds and be scarce this winter. Better buy APPLES · sale, pre-war construction and I Trail at 9262 Ewers road, near I mg-e built on house. Deal with i stoclc. $8,500 includes evl!rything

roans, wt. ·100 to GOO lbs. Michl· Sterilizing Raclcs, Water Heate1·s, it now. Lawrence L. Oesterle. Dutchess ·II in good condition. Also blue Howlett school. 28wlp I owner, Ivun Baldwin, :y, mile 1 except wheat und. out crop


gan cattle. H. R. Anderson, 5 PI·essure and Potn·-in Types Phone 9401. 28w1 Melba leather rocker, green lounge chair,~--------------:-----;--- :10rth of Onondaga. Phone Onon-~ 1 acre with small house fi, miles west of Mason on Columbia Wash Tunics, Drinl<ing Cups, Pipe Wealthu 'r dining- table, square type, )JOrce· 5-ROOM HOUSE--2. blocl<s from 1 daga, 10-F-111. 18w3p-tf I'Ooms, bath and. fumaoe' ga~nne road, 1'):1 miles ~outh on Elifert nml Fittings (as nvniloble) PLIDASE GIVE ME your ot·der at Sn J luln top lutchen table 2 lcitchen court house, has lull baserr.ent,____ under• the houae Rnclt gar;! - .. t rand, 27w5p Yout· money goes farther here. once for Swift 2

-lO-S Red Steer 0~ourtland chnir·s and kitchen st~ol. W. L.l furnace, 3 piece buth, 1111 nice I B-ROOM MODTIJRN HOUSEl fm· 1 of Mason, $4.,200• with en:Jt:3


fertilizer that I may have It for Steele Red Jewett phone 9492. 28wl SIZed rooms, 2 c~r garage, 108 sale. Oal( floom, living room, down $30 monthly ' .<!ADDLE HORSES and J1Dnles for W A H ll you when needed to sow wheat. C. ' I foot frontag-e, price reasonable. dl . . lit •h d

1 til .' · . . a A. Davis, Eden. 28wl PEACHES - -------------·----- 6 00 L I G' Dl t . h R Jty ning room. mce ( c en an I • 2-family flut in Mason Thl . t·

sale at Fowlerville fair grounds, · ' - FOR JMMEDIATEJ DELIVERY-~ $ ,5 · ~~ 8 M e 1'1~30 , 1 ea 1 ity room on first flnnr, 2 bedrooms, a very n'ioe plnco for $U 00

s. s. ll'owlervllle. Open every day. D. 320~h~;eC2oJ~~bia For s .. le Dewey Haven GA:S STO'(ES-4-burner divided Agency. one nson ,, 2Swlp full b~th up. l?ull basement, nearly Brick store bllildin 1;. smnll: A. Bunnel, owner und salesman. 1 - South et-ta top, both city and bottled gas, I_ new Jurnace, garage. $7,000. D. L. town Good grocery· If d . t · 25w-tf 1

2Bwtf Miscellaneous Iillb Banner with oven control, $109.1i0. Apart-1 40 ACRES, good land, 6-room Bray, 41lli E. Ash, Muson. 28wlp busin,ess. Priced for qul~~ 1 ~~en,

I ment stze available July 1 I h b 1 h h ___________________ .... ----- sa e, JOHN DEEJRE l~lanut•e spreader 11938 INTEHNATIONAL % • ton Peach hat·vest Will start about COOLER-A TOR 5% cl; ft ice ouse, ~M1, arg~' en ouse, MODERN 7 room house, steam 120 acres. between Mason 'and•

for sale.; also mce gilts, bt·ed to truclc: also tenm of hot·ses, 6 and BLACl{ DIRT, fill dirt, dr·iveway .· . ,' - · · , other outbmldlngs. 1 '" miles north heat, with stolcer, extra large, Dansville. Good 8-rooni• house wltlt. t:art•ow thi~ m_onth and n_ext. J. 10 yem·s old, wt. 3300 pounds, nnd gravel, pea stones, and briclc August 10; apples on August 15 refngeratm, $80.25. ' ' I of Leslie or• 6\1" miles south of Ma· lot on E. Maple St., $7,7fi0. E. H. I furnace and bath. Good bnl'll ancll 11. Dalton, 2 miles north of Dans- new double har·ness. Vernon Flu· sand for sale. Prompt delivery. 4 tOJL5 CIRmCU"LpAaTI.ItNy O$!f9E9~TERS, I son on US-127. Has natural gus .Jewett, 229 State St. Phone 22571.1 other buildings. Prlee tW,500•with. ville on Columbia road. Phone I ger corner u. S. 36 nncl Meech H. S. Pulver, 506 Bart road. Phone Can Michigan peaches and o roo Cu c • • c.· u. I and elootrlcity. Lou. Sherman, Le~-

2swl $6

500 down

2470 25w4p i • Mason, 3406. 23w-tf RADIOS-Teletone, table model, lie phone 2304 28tf _ ' · · ·. ____ _ • ,·roads. 28w.1p save sugar 5-tube, $24.95; o-tube, $31.50.


-'-------~------------ LESLIE=w~-;[ sid;,-5-h~lf -1~;, 160 acres half mile from Bunker! GREAM SEJPARATOR for sale- AtlLThlAN-Tayl;;;:- Grain-Sep~ J tt' Fl Bl O ] d FREEZE LOCKERS, sizes 8 to R:EAL ESTATE FOR' SALE-A for Cjlliclc sale, only $200. Good Hill Cat~wlic church: 8-room house,

cage With stllnd, VIctor phono- two plow tractor will run lt. Floyd Flowerphone 21231 2 miles north of Leslie 011 US-127 $695 delivered. on Willoughby I'Oad, near Holt. Agency, phone Mason 23051, ba!n. With t~o- silos, lots or otheJ'. :.Also ~vood lwntin~ stove, bird rntor (23-30) for sale. Any good • ewe s owers OSSOlTI I'C lal' s 16 cubic feet, $325 delivered, to very nice three room bungalow I abstract. Lewis a. D{etrich Realty Wlt.h tumnce and bath. Ba~ement'

graph With 90 recor·ds. Raymond F Taylor 5376 Hull road, Leslie. MASON LES FOOTE Wired for electric stove, gas · .,8 w1p I bu1ld111gs. Pr1ce $16,000· and mak•· Jewell, 6 miles east of Dexter · · Alfred Wnrdowslti - ' ' ' avallnble, two acres of land. A ___ . _________ -~----·_:____ your own terms. Trail, ')4 mile south of Potter road~---- 28

W1P 34wtf 28w5 1114 S. Washington - L~~slnt1 real buy at $3,000• cash. Furniture !5 ROOM HOUSEl lncnted on .East 1 • wanted

3rcl house. 27w2p SPRINGER SPANIEL and Blue GRAVEL, briclt and cement sand; 'w- cnn be bought if desired. Claude I Ash St. 3-piece bath, modern I ~ REOISTERElD COWS, mllldng I • Ticlt ~uppies, 6 weel<s old, for bluclc dirt for every pur·pose MEN'S STRAW HATS-for dre;;;; FOR SALE-National sewing Post, Brolter, Mason. Phone2f\1 .. lcitehen, fmnace. $5,000h. Em;r2y5711i.l Property to. sell anywhere in th• · Shorthorns for sale. Dean snlc. Right nge to hunt this fall. lawn fill dirt, and play sand. Als~ or worlt, 55c to $3.00. Beckwith· machine $5, large linoleum $5: . w P Jewett, 229 State St. P one ~· · stnte. I coopemte with other.

Taylor, phon~ Mason 21361, Victor ~attler, 1 mile west of Ma- I septic tanlcs poured. Claude F. Clothes Shop, 153 w. Maple, phone 1 linoleum $4, 3 linoleum pieces HOUSE wlthVu·ac;;~~d:-- 28w:t 1~ brol<er·s. _ son goll course at comer of Tom· I Fiser, geneml contmctor, 1617 E. 5392. 28w1 large enough for a bath room $2 6082 Pollar·ct· rand, Lansing, r01, HOUSEl FOR sAim-u:rooms·ru;d, A. 0. Greenoug·h NORTH DAKOTA feeder steers, Iinson and Tuttle roads. 28wlp Jolly road, Lansing. Phone Lan- each, Simmons folding cot $5, 2 eule· at $2500, Hils electr.lc pump. bath. 1 bloclc from court house., R ,

Herford and Durham cross, sing, 7-1603, 24w-tf TAVERN CLEANER 's-Dry single feather pads 50c and 75c, Near• school. Fred' H 0 1 b r 0 0 k, Cash. or terms. Sec 01

• call owner. oal Estate Broke! slnoe 11U4 · good selection on light weight SOW AND 7 PIGS, 3 weeks old, cleaner, odorless, leaves no ring; wiclter table and rocl1er $5, wiclcer owner. Lansing R. 5, at above ad- Harold Neal, 241 State St. Phone 13·16 Mason st. , Dansvllle cattle. H. R. Anderson, 5 miles for sale. Also 8 pigs, · 7 weelts WOMEN'S slaclts In rayon fab- paint cleaner·, especially effective rocl!er 75c, table 50c, hose $1, •

94 L .

5701. , • 28wl Phone .Dan•ville 2

291 west of Mason on Columbia road, old and good· grain blndel'. Willlnm.l rlcs, sizes 12 to 20. $5.59 to on porous painted surfaces and hoe /iDe, lawn mower· $5, cot $1, dress. Phone 93u ·, ansmg. ~ · 1* miles south on Eifert road. Sharlnnd. second house ea~t of $6.50. Bec1{with Clothes Shop, 153 rug cleaner, does, a: perfect job enmnclcd 1dtchen shelf nnd brae.. 28W ·rMMiill:HATE- poSsES-SioN~~

28wlp Briclc church on Dexter Trail. lp I W. Maple,. phone 5392. 28w1 I without your having to take rugs kets $1. Must sell Monday, Tucs· modern 6-room house located 28wl?

·----..,----·-:-:--:-- T WOMEN'S bl 1 0 from the floor. Tavern headquar- day and Wednesday, .July 15, 16 & 1 within 1 block of the court house, 1 .-------------..

V· 17. Mrs. W .. 1. Mcllquham, 110 E. Sellt'l1g· t:'l' Buyi'I1g,? $6,500: Emery Jewett, 229 State,·· v ... ,..,.l.-ut p .• ..,..a.. S H E P H E R D P U P P I E S for RACTOR RIMS for sale. Have ' ouses, urge s zes 4 ters at Zimmet•man's Home Ser sale. Seven weelcs old. Earl By- stoclc tractor tires. We do cut to 46, $3.50. Beckwith Clothes rum, 4081 Byrum I'Oad, Onondaga, down. W. G. Heeve, Stockbridge. 4 miles west of Leslie on Bellevue 28w2p ro·ad to Byrum I'Ond. 28w2p I SWEEP R I(ES .

_ A IOI' Ford·Fergu-250 NEW HAMPSHIRE RElD pul-l son tractor for snle. W. G.

lets, starting to lay, for s11le, $21 Reeve, Ford·· Ferguson d·e·a I e r·, each. Howard Onlcley, second farm Slocltbrldge. 28w2p north of Mtllville store on Stoclt· bridge road 28w1p I ELEVATORS for haled hay, grnin. - ' ___ Brick, cement hlocks, three dlf· G. I: C. PIOS, 6 weeks old, fm• 1 ferent kind~. W. G. Reeve, Stacie·

sale. Il<e Rathbun, 1!4 miles bridge. 28w2p north. of Leslie on US 127. 28w2p

NEW HAMPSHIRE COCK· BAY SADDLE MARTIJ, gaited, has erels, frying size, tor sale. Live

been driven, for sale. 4361 l<el- weight. Ellsworth Brown, 1'h ler road, H.olt, fourth house east mlless south of Mason on Eden of Cedar street. on north side. w1p road. Phone Mason 4674. 28wl

-McCORMICK·DEiilRING mowing ·SHETLAND PONY, 8 years old,

machine, riding onltlvator, bean gentle for small children, for aale. Also saddle, bridle, hamess puller· and Moore plow for sale. and· ca~t. Martin· Dalrymple, cor· ,Carl curtis, corner West und ner Covert and Aurelius t•onds. wl Clarlt roads, Duns ville. Pl!one

Dnnsvllle 234!1, 28wlp INTERNATIONAL heavy duty

green crop hay lander, nearly MATCHED TEAM of Sorrel gel-new, for sale: also used radio, dings, 7. and 8 year'S old, weight

'cabinet model, In good condition. 3000 for sole. Also McCormlclt· .Ervin· Neul, 3234 Harper road; Deering grain binder, Osbom· corn Phone Mason -3382. 28wl binder and McCormick-Deering

• . ·.· -.c mowing mii.Chlne. Floyd Can.cdy, 3,_. SADDJ..,E HORSES with equlo.· 9 miles west· ot. Muon. on Colum-

· · ment for Bale. c:m .. Hause, 34 7 bla. road, 11"'- mllea 1outh on M·JID.

Shop, 153 W. Maple, phone 5392. . 28wl

2-BURNER GASOLINE CAMP stove fm• sale, pre·wnr, used 3

times. Folds like a suitcase, $8.00. .T, B. Forster, 5200 Innneyvllle road: 2 miles north of Onondngn, 'A, mile east. 28w1p

BOYS' PAJAMAS, sizes 2 to 8; Beclcwlth Clothe8 Shop, 153 W.

Maple, phone 5392. 28w1

INGHAM COUNTY MAP for sale. Polyconic projection map of

Lansing and Ingham county, showing also Grand ·Ledge nnd DeWitt. This is u brand new map, never used, of the finest quality muterlals, complete with roller and guide tape for qulclt and ncclll'llte . location. Ideal for business office or• school. We nre offering It been use It does not fully meet our own and· our cus-tomet•'s requh·ements in failing to show BOme townships in the coun-

ice. 28

WOMEN'S DRESSElS, sizes 12

wl' I South St. Phone 7871. 28w1p u I st., phone 22571. 28wi A-.. -.u ..... a to USEi.>-2~1ece -living --;.--;;-0111 suite LANSING=-Modern 5-room hou; I' li'OR 1\fl'l'll!il

f I I d dltlon "2" When vnu buu or sell. real estate Avenar.iu• c .. ~L-•:- .. -. 48, $3.75 to $6.98. Beclcwi th or Ha "· 11 goo con • 'P. ''' J- J \Vltll t'urniture for SOle. 2•car ---


AI 9 12 $10 M William be sure to consult an authority-11 no so x rug, . . ' rs. one who has had years of success- garage, good location. R. G. Hem· I Out~ allllllt•allon a year kl •

W1 Johnson,: 4~8 ,Wnldol road,2~1eft ful experience! In 1945 we closed lngen Brolter 219 S. Mnin, Eaton I ruul l!eeps. out mite~, blue Clothes Shop,,,l5S W. Maple, Jlho 5392. . _;_. , , 2S

door to Pollolt schoo . W P 3'17 transactions! Rapids. Pho~e 1_4831. 22w-tf I hugs, foll'l tlcll~ from IJOU!try or houses. Wood ltre!lllrvatlve 1036 PONTIAC for sale. Mot

completely overhauled t hI 9 GAS ~TOV.E, apartment slz~, por- OVER ~2;100,000.00 IN ONE · 200 ACRES-Good level produc· ' and •tal•• StnJ!II. tllnnltea t· celam top, cubh1et base, ·>·piece : YEAR! Uve lund for wheat and g-ener11l I See IIA fnll' '"nulae, JU.U&ll• st dinette sot, oalc fmlsh, davenport, I . cro 8 7-room modern house base- tel!d €arbnllnomm.

spring. New carbul'l!tor, new bn

d·· In' good condition, Air-:vay electric WI111ther you wish. to buy or sell I mei;t 'barn other buildings 'racing 1

BULit OR- GAili.ON· JtJGS · sweeper $5. Also 50 feet of 6-ft. a; home, a turm or a· going llusi- • • .

1P llnoleun;, new. Please cull after- ness, we can help you! Ou~.1·ecord ~~~c~~~fn· r~~~- ~~:~~oclfP~~~~r~~~ I W. A. Hall

tery und g·ood tires. 6 miles we 3 miles south on 0nondaga , ron Phone Aurelius- 412. 28w

w noon or evening. A. B. Baldwin, 1 proves our ability, Our entue staff $75 p . ucre Lewis G Dietrich i 3206 w. Columbh~ Koacl , 80 ' us E. Oak, Mnson. 28wlp ia ut your disposal, Call 'o!Jr "Bill" Realt;'· Ag~ncy phone Mason I ~lloae


110 ll'IilET %-INCH nearly ne manila rope for sale. AI

d . Forrruve for the very liest In 23051

' 28

w1p ,_.. ____________ ..

• USED FURNITURE f 0 r sule. real. estate service, ' " er Claude Hanley, basement of Don '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~===!!!!!!!!====::==s

Guernsey bull- colr, 4 months ol eligible to Mll{lfiter, 8-gal. wnt

en Rue Beauty Shop. 28wlp cream' separator, ne11rly new. Gl Fox, 1.% miles- south of Dansvil to the yellow barns, turn 1 ml :: I LIVING ROOM SUITE, dnrlc .tan

He and brcwn velour, for sale: also se navy blue slip-covers for• da ven­te ·port und chair. All in good condl-

2p tlon. Phone Leslie 2436. or call at

left to Swan road, second hou east on north side· of roud, hou

9720. number Phone Dans vii 2593. 28w

Jack Br.all farm, 2628 West Base-01' line I'Oad. 28wlp d.L...........=:-::::---::

WHITE ROC I< BROILERS f sale. Alive or dressed, dolivere

J. W. Conrad, 4 miles south 11nd

Walter Neller Co., Realtor

115 West Michigan Avenue


Phone Lansing 5-72ii4 7w-tt

Attention Farmers I Agricultural Limeatone

tiltread, per ton ........................................ . ty, Price $33. Ingham· News, Mason.

County I miles west of Milson on 28wlp . road. Phone Aurelius 709.

Barn 28w

2· 25 POUND ICE BOX for sale­Dvn Ch11pmnn, phone Mason

5801, 28wl I

BOY'S WESTERN FLYER bl· WATER· PRESSURE SUPP cycle, In good· running order, for '.tank for sale, 7 ft; by 30.1nch



.----·-·-------.. - rlli.O Hllli'AIItiNU Cmnonl. ui.UVIl W<l WIHh to I'Oit'I'AIII,l!J WTt:l,nJNG flnR nnd WAHHIDilfl HJiJPAJllliJD lllw now; WANTmD-Standlng tlmbor, lOJS'rRAYIW '1'0 MY !<'ARM- 2

aCl'DII or more, Will pny cnah, uulv""· <'n I' I Ciii'LIH, ""''11<.11' w""' Thuroaon L 11mb e r Co,, Howell, nnd Clurl\ 1'0JIIIH, DnntiVIlh•. l'hmw ~·~l~oh. __ ~~~~~e-~Ho:v'.o~l.:_~~~~w-~ Dun~tvlllu 2:1·111. 213w J I'

1'1'1.. M >'I' II II C.~AIH.I [)II' 'I'HANitfl

Classified Advertising

only, Wn urn now In pmilllnn tn do" llnillnd JlllllliHll', f!nll ru• Wl'ilu It, II. ll1lirli, ~17 N, Mnln HL, l!hnl'inlill, l'honu CIHII'lnl.l n, J.l2!1.


'''""trl.,, 'rl'ltlluJ'H mnrltl to tlf'(lm·; f'lll'nl ilnplou!llflt. J' 11 pHil'. Mnx Will'l'lo, ~ llllillH WtlHL ol' DlliiHVIJiu 011 M-:lfl, llllllHVIIIt! phone 2·102,

2·1w-tl' ·····----·--· -·---1 - -- -~------·-

l ye1tl' f(lllll'fllll llod. l•'rno r.Htl­mntl'H, Cull 111'-NilW fli'I'Ville, Lnn­Hing phmw 4-lfillfi, 1112 l!l. Mnln Rt.. Pldtll(llllltl thdiVt!I'Y Ht!I'Vlnu, 2~w0p

WAN'l'EJD '1'0 BUY·-- Chldwna, ·p---- -· -· - I ---HI,.-huHt price paid, Will picl< up, ersona

Reno Cr"'nbr, Aurelius Centnl',

Gl'tlt!Jl, In llli!IHflf'Y or IIIII' dnflf'

Hllll llllillll'lolh•n· whu lniil. l1lr1 ll1'11 Ill ll11l,V 2 ytHII'H ug·11, .July 1·1, 111·1·!.

'Pwo yo111'H hnvo }HIH:-md Our lwnrl11 Hllll Hol'l!

thn11l< oil!' frl<:ndH unci nolghbiu·a nud U\ll WIH•nLfluld Cnuuu11nlty Clnll 'Aid l'or I hull' lltrllllt.ll'ul ·JioJ'UI

1 nt'rtH'illg·H; HIBo Huv, H~(t!H(! Ull(!

1 !Jni'Hiintl llr"'" 1'111' llwi1· l<lnrltHlHB dll1'111g IIlii' I'U(ll!lll. ilOI'<lllV~lllllllt. I AM S'l'l!.L IN BllSJNJURS ntHJ.t

As lime g<II!H 1111 'I'll" l'nllllly 111' .lnlllt!l< Dnnul. 21lwl Wt• 1\lltm ym1 morn.



H .• II!I'J'tli'Hon, Mnmm, Witll WHHii· lug-, JliiJllll' dtllllllng, pnreh wniiH 111111 lloors t!lt•Hfll'll, "lli'U of IHWnH nnol Hhl'lliJH, C. 1t. l•'11ote. ~Hwl p

Sand, G1·avel Fill Dirt'

Phone A11rolius, a2:1. ~nw-tr I IN M!DMOIUAM .. ·-III loving· nH•m­CIDMEN'J-;-:JofisWANTEJD -- Wo Ol'Y of Iliff' hiiHbnnd unrl lrttiHll',

Gt.!nl·g-e SmiJPy, who· putUlt!d nwny do nil typos of cement wnrl< 1

or g1·t,l' nnd Hlll'''"w We'vn hutl o\11' :lilnl't!, llul JWI'llllg I'J'Illll Y"'' Wns the hill'<h!HI. In IH<I!I',

CAIW OJ•' 'I'JIANKH--·I wiHh· to ~X)JI'I!HH lli,Y lhllii)\H lo nil illY

fl'lends "'"' ueighl>mH who Rent me l!III'<IH dnrhll\' my 11lny In the hn~· plt11 I filii I for tlw muny acts ot

ldndn""'' :Jhwe my t'f.tlll'll home. llllrt WnlveJ'Lon. 2Jlwl

with antlsfnctlon, Nn loitm•i11"' 011 two years ngo, .111 y 1:1, 111·1·1. MrH, 3-HUOM HC I I H-!1•: nnd WIIHill'lllllll, Loeal nnd i<lllg' rtiHI'IUW~ ·-- . -·-· -----~ lilirt hi ad{ llll't for' Siilt!, A)HO, 0,1 .Job, Pl'ier.a l'enannuble, Mnr;hnll lJ'CIIC Smiley _nn~l_.fllnt!IY;._E~~l

d>ldw11 hiill~l!, ~ ""'''':<, 11 ndloH We nwve l!U'f;'" 1J1' amitlt lmildlngs f{ t' & ])l b' I 1 1 1 II &. R.llbb, 1•11,.,t tJtJIIB" norlll of m·•en ............. ___ ............. ~ e'L 'll1g' (])ll } Clllll:l't' .e Will'< am 11XIlHVH. l]<T ~ c " fl'lllll Lllllllill"·, ~~.7r.O.OO, I t11'11J,H. !I c . : 11g• " CARD 0"' 'I'I!ANI(" l IVI"i1 l 1 " 'I' l' I"HIIn at (6lllllil llllR~Illllllt.B llHIJec:iJlllyJ, lllld' BtOl'tl, Phone Mason, f\681. 17w-tf '' . ., .... · " 1 rnolllH 111111 I>J(IIJ, 1111'1\" gtll'llf:'l', IWW 'ree li · 1 e ----~-----·- ................. ~-- ·--· thuni< my ntllg-hh•H'Il mHl t'l'itmd~, J'IIJ'IHW<', a l••IH, w•dl locml<•d, ~:7,- R l' Il I Hermmng· roof pt~lntlng-, sill~wHil< and sewer WANTEJD TO BUY-junior size the RebelwhH, the Mlllvllln ehut'llh ooo, lt•J'JJHL H-r"""' IH·Idc hotJHe, :UU11:1 H1 ))'Ot 1CI'S wot'l<. glrl'H bicycle in good concllltnn. nnd Stmcluy Hchnol, the W. fl. c. A. lhnrnllghly """lrl'll, nxtra Int. 01111


nunlcer Hill, P. o., Lealie, Mtul1• Leo !{a \Vkins Mrs. Richard Mills, 508 w. Colu111- unci ull whn Htmt mu thu IH'uutlful ol' llw lwllt•J' lHJJJit>H ol' MaHon, Let n. :1. lOwtr --- bla, St. Phone Muson 23021. cnr•cts nnd letter~. fruit, e11nrly nnrl ua Hilllw Y"" .J hiH llJu• I"'"Jwrt.y. HO . · li'L'itz ITl' '11 340 F.. Cher•ry St., Ma~on. Phone 27w3 fiowerR nml otheJ' remembt•nncea at"'llH, i!IIIH<' lo l/H 1~'1, good lnlild-: -· __ .. ----- --~-~ ~·-· ---~-- · ~ ~ J1VJ 8 2·179a. 10wl.f =-:-.co==----·----------- during my long· nt11y rtL llw hospi-illt;H, ".good fni'Jll. 'l'hiH IH n hill'- I \VILI" CLmHK Ollt'llon ~nh'H nny-~ l:IB Ray11er WANTlllD-Oid l!Orltlft. Will pny tnl. I n!Ao wish to t.hnnl< Mrs. gain. H.~ lil'l't'H, III'W 11111'11 1111<1 looll wiJeJ'e AI i 1 • from ~lfl to ~21'i, nccnrdlng to MnY, er und tho alrtff of nu1'!1<1H, nr, I • 1 1 1 · 90 n " o m e ax "s- '·I I'l "'lQ61 size nnd condition. Chc1ri•R CnR-~111~< '' 1\)tll ','Ill 10IIHI', giiH IH•fll, 01\ slslnnce. mal'l DllllSI110rll, :llH2 nr, "8Sllll lOll~ "'' 0' F . R " CulvH nnd Dr. Bec){lvllh for their R 1 ~7 111111' MnH 11 1 1 11 1 v " 2o t 01' ent ndy, 517 S. Mngiiolln, Lansing 12, 1 1 1 1 M M 1 . o . ,,. H HIll\ Colllmilln Mnson. Phone 2-:l~·ll I . ,w f . Mich. Phone-'5-'o/20. 22w10p-tf cnre nne < IH nolls, I'S. ngg e

you llliH Ill rill. ill'l'gill lll'lli r.: .. lull', I J 11 ·,' ---·-· Bllt'den, ~llwl phont~ 2:11•11, MtHinn. :GHw1 .. 'W~ r ~ - ·--·-·~·--------·--- FOR HlllN'r Cenu~nt mixer by ------------·-----

~-- ---------·---·-----·-·-1 HADIO RillPAIRS- 'fubea nnd the dny, ulze 3¥, S. Phone Mit· CHICKENS WAN'I'ED-Wlll como · .... -.. --, --· .. ·--·-·

--Hudly mi11Hed hy futhel', 111nl h-i'!' unci IH'oliH!f'. 2Hw lp

We Are Now .Ready \ to give you

COMPLETE -~~;l~OM .COlJN'l'll.Y f!OME.~nl~<ll Nr:Trcm I n111 ~nltlng m·der~ fo1·1· parts, S~rving Inghum county son, •!751 01• 1!-ll'iOl. l7w-tf and get them. W. H. Appleton, CARD OF THANKS--I wish to

HeJ'e I'M nnlo, Al:;o gumg-P hnuHe, I o~O,OOO ycu·ds nt· marl, nn.Y qnnn- Ill yca;s. ,Just phone for service. _______ :J:J18 Pryot· rn11d, 2 m!ios north nl tlmnl< my fl'ienriH l'or the eurdH ehi<'lwn hollsl' 111111 u!i IcindH ol' Uly you wnnL James Rile, FL 1,, Bolton s Hadlo Service, R. 5, Lon· FOR REN'r--By the wee!<, lalw- Mason. Phone 538~. 7w-tf and llowcr·s >~enl. me d11rlng my Iii- , frttil., .Jo~ "'''·''!"., 1.:., 1111·1,,. , •. 11 ,~ 1 . ,,1• n, nondnga, 1 1i' milcH <lllHt of .onon-~lling, Box, 57,2. Phone evening~, front •1-room cottage, furnished, --------· IICHR while I wus ut Mc1·ey hospital

Grinding and Mixing Services " "' c • -• B 11 1 i 2 31 WAN'riDD-CullivlltOJ' for Furm- unci for the caliH since my return

DuBois 11."'\0ol "".'fur per ''"!HI, r, lj, ~3.1£0_~~1_-~--"--"~''1_1~~!:~~.:._-~~-~N-tf .nns ng, -, l~l. 10w•lp-tf complete with now bolit, Ice refrlg- uli-A !mel or. Jumcs Rife, R. 1, I home, Gcmgc L. Higdon. 28wlp mil''-' nm lhmJHl nt MJt:Wn, Houle 4, I amNF.RAL REPAIRING of Clll'H I emtm und large screened porch, Onondugu, 1\1, mileH eust of Onon- -- -··-·-··~·-~~ Mnson. . .. ~~wapi trudw nne.! tmdor. Welding ~f I LI1VJD



11G toh De- ~~e~~~~~~~~.e~~~~··c~:;~,f;~·1cne~~: dugu on Bellevue rou{j, ~-2lw-tf CAHD OF 1'HANKS-J wish to

·G--.. ·----~~;--·, -- ~-, . , - ~ - ~ nll ltindH. If ynu ure Interested In '' 0 , r ree o pac 1 ng ouse -,ARAC"''· tm Hille, J~x18, wdi-J acrvl"e ancl prke, come und seo m· ya 1·d~. Hene Cremer, Aurelius Stocl<brldge, ot· phone Stocl<brldge, WANTIDD-Logs delivered at mill, eKtend my thnnl<H tu nil thosn

hull!.. Cnnlrl llr. mnde lntn n me 01, phone 2-:l!:llil. Art Bniley, a 1

Center, Phone Aurelius, 523. 87f2, 25w4p 1 mile Bouth of Holt on EJdgar whn were so l<lncl during by be-small hm1sn. Locntc'd .nn Plnlc 'I miles emil. on Columlllll nnd' 1, ow-tt road. Write or call Ve•·hoeven ronvllment anti for the bcnuUful school grnllndrl, enl'l1C1' nl· Colum- mll•• north o Dl d . ,., ------ . FOR HmNT. Horse and sheep JlUfl- 7L_'!~5b2e.r Co., Lansing, R. 11.3wP•liJpo·nteciUo·I···n_I_n .. l'f•."'_ln_ii" ... ·~-·'.a_._Y w_.H._II_a .. l~."· __ w_ .~. bia and College mads. Inqnim of I . n nmon IOafi lf JwELDING and ull l<lnds·of farm :ture·wJth running water. Melvin ,,. ~~-· . ~~· ~ - -·~-~ .. -~~ l'aul Rnwr, tl·cnmli'Cr. 28w1p ------------- w- I machinery repairing .. Wagons Artz, 2 11111eH south of Bllnl\er H!JL - I CAHD OF 'l'HANKS·~~-We wish to

B · · -· and tmllers mudc to order. Ralph . 2Bwl WAN'fiDD- Cheap horses. Top thnnl< our ncighhm·n. also Rev.

usiness Locals LaWlliTIOWei' Hewitt, corner Bunlmr and Eifert ----- ....... -;r .. --~~-·---~·-~-·--;;- prices paid. M. B. I~ryover, 4541 EJ11Ier· and Mr. and Mrs. Vogt for d l'h . A li 2 13 FOR RmN , Good pastm·e und m· W. Columbia road, Phone MaHon, ll1·'11' l•iJJdiJCP", to U.'l ill 0111' l'"''l'nt

-·----·------ roa "· one ure us, 1 · young cattle. Have access to · ' ' " 0 - · ·

SPRAY-PAIN'riNG, mnfH an rl G-l'indinp; 20w-tf well water. Edward Swanson, H. 4687· 20WBp-tf bereavement. 1\fr. un<l Mrs. Gemld small hnnw. Hex C:hnpi•Jan, ·128 WINDS'rORM 2, Stocl<hrldge, 1 miles north of -WAN'l'mD-Pracllcul mu·se or rc- Miller, Mr. and Mr~. Elmer Blan-

~..:_}\Hh, Mason. Phone :10 ll · 28tf' 1 C. H, Fullel' nm ugent fo•· ~~~~:~utua~ Stocl<brldge on M-92. 28w2p sponsihle wom11n to earc for 2-r c.·hnrd, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. t>Hiler '' HUCKLEJBEI;R-Y---:"~1'·~0 ... ,, ..



1,1' West Columbia 8t. at City Llmit.s Windstorm Insurance Company of ~~--··--~~t-1 --- I G t year-old child nnd do light house- of Leslie.


Pick yoll!'' own ~;·t JOe fJII!~·t. SOLDEHING AND LIGHT Hastings and am prepared to WILL F RN SH LIVIN quar erR !we ping around the middle of Sep- ----··-··-----------· -----Bert Lantis, tlrst place west of . MACHINE WOHK write your policy. Janet Aseltine, I for small family in exchange fm• tembet·. MrB. D. H. Neville, 121 E. IN MEMORIAM-In lm•ing mem-N th t S 320 w EJim St. Phone 7371. care of elderly man and 11 child, 8 Ash. Phone Mason 3611, 281112 Jl ory of li'mnl< EJ. Elliott, who was

0 '' · wes "tocltbridge church on 'I 13w tf · atiw-tt years old. Neva . Uber, 1438 Har- ·-------- Jdlled in action on New Georgia Dexter Trail. 28w3p - per road. Phone Mason 6-187. lp WANTIDD-Cupable mnn for dairy Island three ye11rs ago, .July H.




E. J. SCARLET'r Vz mile south of Holt on US-127, llolt phone 712S1

THE SINGER SEWING Machine FOR RENT-Garden tractor for and stoclt !'urm, equipment mod- Mother, dad, brothm·s und sister. Co. repairman will be In Mason, ern, living conditions ideal. Mod- 2Bwl Jl

Leslie ann Holt and vicinity 'to re- .lllrge gardens; power sprayer ern apartment if married. Hum-plllr all multes of 8ewing m'uchlnes. fqr spruylng Insides of houses and mond F11rm, Williamston, North CARD OF THANKS--We wish to Mail cnrd ot' phone 2652:l, Singer trailers, Murlt Kilpatrlclt, E, Soutl\ Dietz road, ~ miles east, '/:, mile thunk all those who contributed Sewing Machine· Co., 309 South St.; Muaon. 28W1P north of Williamston. 28w1 any nf the nrlicles that were tnlwn Wushington Ave., Lunslng. FOR RENT-6 room house, 3 iiELPWAN-TED--=M:Aim~o·---r to Percy Jones hospital. Blue 8tar

28wl-:Jtl' miles nm'th of Mason on US-127,' PPOJ'· Mothers 28w1 --·-------------- Leon l{elchum. 28w1p tnnity fm• boy interested in .. _____ ::_____ --~------

C A R PETS, rugs, and furniture funning. Experience not necessm·y t 1 h, d · ·~ NOTICE--'rhe P"''"on who oo {

cleaned. "On the spot or in our FOR RmNT-Sleeping l'Oom .close Must be 'pust fifteenth b!t·t ny, the wri5 t wutch from the dresser plunt." Call Allied Cu•·pet Clean- to business district with bourd honest and willing to worlt and I 'f

T I 47377 40156 l If' d 1 1 Bl h K 231 learn. Yeur 'rm1nd home, to 1 in our chamber is !mown and 1 re-ers, wuns ng or · • , co - es rec. ane e reger, wo.r < turned at once no questions will lect. 28w8p Eo.st Oalt, Phone '23161, 28wl with young farmer on well-eqlllp-~ fl 'II

I ped, modern, pleasant farm. s h 1 be usltcd. otherwise of cers Wl

PLASTERING-All klm:ls of pins- W l d bus to DanHville high Hchool. fr f,~- act at once. Sam Williams. 28w1p I tering done; patching ll 6peclal- an ·e . terested, write P. 0. Box 8172,. NOTICE=I~ill not~lle responsible

We have a complete line of poultry concenh·ate, startin1, growing and laying mash.

Farmers Elevator MASON

Hardwood Boards WANTED

Walunt Hard Maple



Bourds at leaMt tlll'ee-qmuteJ'M nf an Inch thlclt

and five inclm~ whit~ are wanled-~eaHnned hoards.

J,oolt uround 'yom· ultlc" and bams. You may

hnve some old hoards you <!Oil turn into IJil~b. I

need !he hnurdH fnr wood-worl>lng.


~==========================~ ty. Robert S. Burns, 3811 AUI'cl-, _Dilnsvll~-· I'm· ~ar'llculurs. 2 wlp for rlelJI." .• ,,cclllllt1lat".d hy Thel-L11nslng, ~-5108 16w-t1 desire to sell m· buy real estate,' ~WAN'rED: Odd jobs of all sorts 11111 Clemens from this dnle on.J llus road, Lansing, R. 2. P.llone 1 WANTF.D--'Real estute. If you _ . ~~~- ___ , c

farms, city or business property, for summer· by two veter·ans. Sum Clemens. 28w1p Casper Scarlett Auto Electric And Hydraulic


"'e use 1\lacl\llllan rlng-fl'ee motor oil. We abo MJleclallze In motor overhauling and cany 11 lal'ge line of electrical llal'ls for all cars.



I llBl£"fm·. the advice and nssislunce Phone Mason 2-3001. 28w2p

POSITIVELY of ·oul· large, well-trained staff -~·· who are specialists In this type of WANTED TO BUY-Old fush-~

N R · 'b} work Our 27 years of dependable ioned grain cradle .. mdwin Sluy-l ot esponsl e real estate service enables us to ter, Box 13, Eden. 28wlp I

!!'or dry cleaning left in the ehop give you quiclt nnd efficient serv- WANTED -Clean, white cotton ov~r 30 d11ys. Our space is limited ice. · Call us without obligation on rage for cleaning type and ma-J

your part, Herbert G. Cooper, We Cannot Be Responsible


Realtor, 226 s. Capitol .Ave., Lan-. ch!nery. 13c per pound. Inghmn ·f B It ·a tt County News. 25w-tf 1

or e e or u one . sing. Phone 5'7151. 24w-U -~-·-------

::'leltse J:ii-lng ii hange·r with 1 WANTED-Small electric refrtg·· WAN'rED TO ·RF.NT. Cottage ' every garment erator.' Phone MCUJon, 7183, or with bout at Pleaaant lalte m·

I It p · 0 B 25 Ducic lalte, weel< of July 21, Three

· • wr e · · ox 6, Mason, w-tf adults. Mr.•. Russell Lott, 1\13 W.

24-1 s. Jefferson st.

.. '1 Mod~rn MDry Cleaners WANTED-Light trucltlng and• Willow, Lansing. Phone 42663, SON : junlt. Orvllle Haines, 216 E: Prefer lnlw fl'ont cottuge. 28wl

""la•on l . A s. ycamore St. Phone 5251. 39f·U WAN'rED· -All kinds of beet cow• " " Phone' 7521 I " ----------------------------! · WANTED-"Yill do fencing by the .and calves. Robert Sheathelm I MASON INSURANCE AGENCY · R 1 L l' lltl 'l tl f

============="7=============-· representing the Trav. elers In: .hour or by the rod. Septic tanlcsl . , eH re, 2 m1 es ~ou 1 o 1 built. Estimate . given on phone Eden on Eden ·I'Oild. 48w-tf

Sll!'ance Companies. A complete 11 Ch 1 D p h Ph · I


''Siboney" Ding Cro5by


Popular Records.

S;ipphire and F.ideletone N~edles

Blanl{ Albums

Classical and Old~time Records



AsHorlmcnt nf Album~

insumnce service for your every ca s. . ar es e u g · one W ANTmD-Paper boy to run my need. Call Fran I< Guerriero, 209 Lansing, fi-On 7· 2·lwnp Sunday route .July 28, Ati-W. ~sh St .•. Phone 2-3141. 21w-tf I':<"OTICE-Report own or stray gust •l 1111d 11. Inquire Stuart

dogs toW. E. Dislet·, county dog _:ray~~~~~_j)_~~n_e__~~-~~-~l: _____ ~-~-s_:v_: C(onstruction

Work Briel{ und Bloclt Laying

Carpenter worl< and cement worlc of all'..lcinds,

Repairs a specialty.

Vei'Cl'Uysse & Noxon I

Phone 2-2701 or 7303

1 ~211 Sitts road 427 E. Elm MASON 15tf

warden, Dansville, phone 2261, nl' WANTED AT ONCffi-Man to to Ingham county sheriff, phone work on farm. Single man m· Mason, .9661. '23w20p mm'l'led couple. Small stone house ---:-:-------·-~--.---- fm• living quar·ters. Will pay good WANTEJD-Man with eqmpment wages or will give a slwre. Wulte1·

to cut hay and draw away. Call 1 Miller, W. South St., Muson. .J, L. Kelly, Wyeth, Inc. 2Bwl Phone 9491. 28w1

WANTIDD-Set -;;trims-nnd tlres WAN'l'Eil-.=_Elder·lywoiTI'anwanta or· just rims for lfi-30 Intern a- part-time worl< 'or will nare for

tl~nal· tractor. 'Frank Ward, 2'h 1 children evening.~. Mrs. Bessie Mc-111Jles nmth of Mason on US-127 Avoy, 314. W. Columbia. Phone m· phone Lansing 49291. 28w1p Mason 22264. 28w1

INTERmSTED in obtaining· 11137 m· 1939 automobile In goon con­

dition from private party. Cush. L. D. Parker, 526 W. Ash, Mason, Phone 22252. 28w1p

W ANTmD-Pre-war style tricycle for 3-yellr-old. Mr·s. NeiHon

Brown, 511 S. Lansing St., Mason, phmte 6761. 27w2p

WANTED - Mitldle-aged woman W AN'l'gD-Childr·cn to cure. for 'I for houselceeplng. Room, bourd

Steam plants, warm air, oil burn- in Mason during the day, Mary I and wages. Dial Leslie 2_531. wl ers, uil· .conditioning. We clean Ann Hallenbeclt, 410 OkemrJR St., ·--~

Furnace Cleaning­VAcuuM PROCESS

Auction Sale £6tatc of the late Francu Todd

Fautt. Sold by order of adminietritLOI",

Jamei5 A. Kunnl!dy. Held on jli'Cml~es. 605 Ox­

. ford road, Ann Al'bor, 1\'llch. 12 NOON EACH DAY

Tue~dny nnd Wedne~day, July Ui and 17

Complete Furnishings of a 12·t·oom house

Ful'llllure ,Hcp(llewhitll Sideboard, Pair

Knife Dox.l'll, Vit::torian Chairs, Sofa&, Tabh~B, Bcdei, Hilchr.oclt Cradle, Chalr!i, Empire Ch.,irs, Stclnwu.y U11right Piano, Music Uox, Dining Table, Chitln'i, Jlo•·ch Furniture.

Stmhmt, Royal Worchrstl!l" 1 Tif-fany LumJlA, Mirron, PaJJicr Mache Trays.

Chinn and nr·ic!-A-BI'IlC Mt!huum including Tea Si.!l, Caul~

rlon, LlnwKtHI, Canton, Parian V;ut~K & Pilclil!n.

Venetian und cut ilu.uwan, Pewter,

VilliOI'lan Jcwell·y Gold and Jt~t tmln of Bracelets,

Earringr., Choher5.

Watc;l<l! Ladil'!8 Enumul, Gold key-wind,

2 Wri11t Wutdun1, C11rd Ca.r~n, Sil­vel' Caga, l!h::.

Silver 6~(JC. Strrling Chinue Tea Set,

Sulta, PeJlJwra, Gl'!orgian Spoons, Flatware, Plated T1·uyr;, Candela~ bra, Bowls, Veg~table Oiahea, Lovinr. Cups,

Linunt~, Ulunkch, Uook5, Prints. Exhibition

1\londlly, July Ill, 10 a. m.-Jl !>· m. .

0. ltuntlh! Gliioeri, Auct. 505 Filth Av"nue, New York, 17,

N. Y, "We'll Gntlun· LililC5" "1-lm&!:l~ of 131111'! Lights" "Sweet Eileen" "Lauglling on the Out&ide" "Love on n. Greyhnu11d 8u5 11

"Ro1.1te GO"

Claesical Rh.un1bae

Cowboy Boorie~\Voolfic

pipes as well as furnaces In warm Mason. 28w1p WANTED-Certified teacher l'or 1 air systems. Drop us n card. thP. Sanders school. See RoRcoe '::;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;:;~

Fl·ecl E. B1·.1·g·gs HAVE A G. I. buyer who needs 4 Witchell, phone 3538 Leslie. 28w4 "'

"One-el}' Two-sy" .. Ju!Sl A-Sittin' and A-Rocldn' " "lt'e Only a r•aper Moon'' ••uule Whit~ Crusa on thu Hill"

Ray Rogers , ''Cement Mixer"

UecOJ'dlng Artist~

Vauahn Monroe Spilte Jone1 B(ng Cro5by Harry Jamu Gena Aut1·y

or 11 room house, either city o1· ------------Stocltbrldge, R. 1 Phone 98F2 suburban at onqe. Write G. I. WANTED - Shetland or Welch

I 14w-tf Potter, Brolcer, 107 1/" N. Cedur St., pony. Mrs. Louis Slid, phone Lansing, or call Lansing 5-6263. Muson 9408. 28w11


I REMOVE your old wallpaper the 28w1p I · I

I easy, modern way. Rent· a new WAN'I'ED-22-cal. l'ifte ancl shot-

wallpaper steamer. Webb Darling, WANT~D- Cleun, white cotton gun. 611 S. Barnes St. Phone

A I• 844 S. Barnes St., Mo.~on. Phone mge lor cleaning type and 1118·12-1541. 28w1p

. Pp lance I Mason, 2-2291. 28w1 ehln11ry. 13c per pound. Ingh11m

County News. 2ilw-tf WANTED-Small house with two

I NOTICE-Fuller's wellling shop TJVE - acres. Aged couple will trnde 130 W. ihh Phone 5511 1 will be closed fm· vac11t1on July ..., 'STOCK 'l'RUCKING to De· established swap shop in Detroit,

~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~bl:5~t:o..,J~u:l:y~a:.~H:o:lli:e:r~t~F=u:ll~m~~: ~~t. ~~y ~~ ~~re~ ~ ~willb~w~n~~us~~~ 28wlp C. Anderson. Phone Dansville, Slclmess re11son fm· selling· husl-2281. 43w-tt ness. Wonderful opportunity to

The ComiJletely Amet·ican Style

BLOUSES Paired off ll'lth IIUntntet• bklrts fo1• the pres­

ent, will• Mtlts fot• fall and winter

Special group, 1lzc1 82 to 46

$'. 70 to $3.50·

SLACKS for 7our vacation wardrobe

Sizes U to 18

$5.49 to $6.50

Beckwith Clothes Shop


I Day-old calves. W.lll pick up eve•·y


Jay Coffey . 1 mlle north of Mason 'on Oltemos road. Phone Mason 23804, or 21132. 24wtf HAVE A BUYER for 40 or 60

acre farm. WJ•!tc G. I. Potter' Broker, 107% N. Cedar St.,. Lan" sing, or call Lansing 5-6263, 28wlp

WANTED- Clean, Wlllte ·cotton

mulw money. Simmons Swap Shop, 3733 3t·d St., Detroit, 1. 28w·l p

WANTED'-Man to help me cut nil the lpw brush urouhd my

. house."MI'!l. Augusta Wilson, 120 E. Columbia, Mason. 28w1p

WANTED TO RENT-House or an apartment in Mason. Stanley

Hayden. Phone Mason 7331, 28w1

WANTED-Standing timber, no woods ton large or too small:

Launsteln & Mcl<eown. Phone Ma­son, 65B1. 9w-tf

nge for cleaning type and ma­chlne•'Y· 13c per pound. Ingham L'oat a·n· d Found County News. 25w-tf

WANTED-Old kerosene lamps, LOST;-Oioudy Tiger and white dishes, furniture. Also will buy m11le cat. A reward is offered to I ·

part or all of ~ontentB of attic. anyone having Information a2 to I Floyd Eavey, 114 Cavanaugh road, what happened to him. Plell.'le JJO· Lamllng. 26w4Jl tlfy Mrs. Artlmt• Hlnchen, 2%

miles weRt of U. S. 127 on Kipp WANTED--All kinds of live .paul- rood at house No. 3153. Rout~ 1.

try. Top prices. Call Hardy &: Mason, or phone 9702. 28wl Moulton's, 711 N. Cllppert St., East Lansing. Phone Lansing, 4-5745. INGHAM . COUNTY Hmnane 8o-

14w4p-tf clety urres you to look for your ---------------~......,- loat dog or cat at t11e Animal WANTED TO BUY John Deere B 8belter, 1'113 Sunaet. Ave., La.nalng. · tractor or Fa1•mall H, 38-lnch Open 8 to II, .wellt daya: · Phone

tlrea preferred,. not too old. ~ E. 2-82~. 411 doai picked up by He mans, 807 s. ~arn~•· p ll o ~ • ~o11nty :~ warlfen &re llrQuaht to ' 3i14.. . . ·. · . · ·· . ftw;.U llie Sheltli'io: d&UJ'; :. , . ·' . • <l2w•tf




Yuu con proceu jour fnd as r1111 alwors hou, withuut special equip· mant, without the dongtr of rut• ling, mildewing, ·spuiloge or span• taneous combustion. S.curltr COli· pound giwts ra• a bl1 luway ill judging , l~t ctimplettllll ef llr · curing.

It's. btt• test•• o'nd praun fer .,., 10 yNtl ~nftr ettrr 101lillll cun~ition -loll year ower ~.OOG pounds were sold In alit. te1t eru. Stop in If call us far fuN 4ttailt on this ••••ill ... dllcaurr. .-----· .. :' Bement .. ::-~ · .. f:eed .& :~.uppl:Y: . ~: ·.·

Phone 6741 Mason


Fa1·m ;UiD


Well-Stoclted with the Best Pharmaceuticals

BEEBE- SALSBURY- HESS. HessF1ySpl'ay (regulal'), gal. -$1.0~ Hess Bam and Cattle Spray

(with DDT), 5 lbs _______ -$7.00 Weed-Kill, 2, 4-D ---$1.00 to $10.5() Renosal Tablets (Coccidiosis ·

Tl'eatment) ------$1..00 to$2.00 Walko Chick 'l'ablets

_______________ 49c- 98c- $2.39 Ca1g1o, pkg . .:. ____________ r ~ __ 39c

PTZ Powdel' (Wol'm Control) Insecticides and Fung·icicles

Ware's Drug Store

AUCTION SALE Saturday, July 13

at. 618 W. Cohunbhl St.., !IInson, commencing ~t 1

12-l'lece Blue Lh•ing Room Suite

I Boolccnses .End Tables Coffee 'fable Liquor Cabinet Walnut Commodes

I Rug and Pad, !lx 12 .

I, Uug and Pad, Ox!J

Buffet anti 0 Cltalrs with Leatlter Seats

'bJestlc Radio 2 Stand• · S Ullds Featlter 'Bed II Dressers 'Small lee Boa . Uocl<ers Kitchell Chalrt Dreo.ltfnst Tnble Davenport.

Desk Hed Chair liiU'tl Coa.l Burner

11-Pie<!e Walnut Dining .Room Snlte Clothes Bill'S life tal Twin Beds. with llmeJ'SJlrlng

l'llattress 2 Rugs, 11.'<12 2 Rugs, 6x9

Porcelain-Top Brealcfast Set Ullche.n Cn)lboard (Jabinet ..., 'fable Bed - Round JUtehen Table Rocldng Chait• Go.rden Tool! Porch. Gilder ·Fruit Jars Detroit Jewel Gas Stove

I Duo Therm Oil lle11ter, used 4 Small BtUilllU

Ironing Board months · Clothes llamtter

I Square Oalt ·Dining Tobie Wheel Barrow

Fruit l~r• • Vultlvator i

Lawn Mow~

I TERl\IS: Cash. All good& to be settled for day _of aile befo!e r~-moval. . :.

I . .

I Mrs. Chas. Slack and Eleanor Wendt

Si~ JNGH~M COUNTY NEWS, MASON, M lCHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1946 ~~--------------------------~-----~--~----~-

Now B~auty lor Your Home

.... .... tPIW~~

t ., INTERIOil .,. GLOSS •• 1.00 Qt. lliiBY to apply, fl OWB 00 emootllly, Dries qnlcldy with a boantifnl, glnro-froo slloon.


Net~A! Jl'onm


59e Qt.

Makon a rich :fonm to bo appl!od to rugs or upholstery. Tho foam evaporates and oo dooH all tllo dirt! Amazing I

Built 1'0 Last u Liletima


3o79 Strong and sturdy, cvory bit of It stool except tho rubber feet that prcve11t ocrap!ng. Folds into l!ttlo upaco when not in URe,

Gets the Bugs I




2.9S The famons "bomb" wllich

releases a deatlt-deal!ug gas that penetrates au cracks and crevices, kills insects,

Photographic Chemicals



tertecti:r balanced, accu· tately 1nftated. Approved bf '11. s. Lawu Teunirl Associ· &t\011.




Fishing Tackle

e Al'chel"lf e Baseball

e Tennis



:Auto Supp.ly

C~NVI~TfO to l<ccp hla eye~ open for tile detection of ct•lmlnnl opcmtlona, Jlll(l that. it. was neglect of duty not to ne where l1e !mew he should

( Cmll'lruh•cl from l'ng11 1 l hrwo been,

r would tnl<e no ncl.ion, Feldman Whil 1J the jury comrlderlng thr. 11 nid Uwy worn wlillng to pny up cnRe or FmnltH wns nut, the coUI'l l.o ~1,000 per· month Fm·unmolcaterl without a jury went on with the npcru.tinn of tlw maehineH, I told case of IJ'oldman. him J wrw not lntcr·cRtccl." lmnmnif.,y IHNne Out

At the !!lnsc of the lntm·vicw The tlrst and only wltne~s called

Thnt ended the ru·gument nnd Judge Hayden then dellvm·ed his verdict, decllll'lng he found IJ'cld· mnn guilty na charged,

Although the 12 who served on jury wer·e tol(l to be prepared to return on call, It In not llltcly that the eompnnlon case In which IJ'eld­mnn is involved will ho Hche<lulcd for lr!rtl lhla ter·m. In tho com­panion case former pollee chief John O'Brien of Lnnsing was named ns 11 bribe-tnl<er, l-Ie nd· mltted his guilt nnd Is awaiting sentence,

wit.ll MetHIIICI' nnd JPclrlmnn, Lyon by Wnll!cr wns Joseph Mnnderrmo, t•cinlerl, McsHncr piacccl nn en· for·mcr Investigator employed by vclnpe on t11c lrthle, After his the grnnd jury, Walltcr started villllnrs left, Uw police offier.r rtllmtUonlng the former Invest!· opened lh<l cnvclorc nnd foty1d gnlor about Intimations of irn· $r.Oo in cash, Lyon tcutlfkd. He/C><· mnnlty mrule by Sigler and Pros-plnhwd that he conrtidered •!t nl cmttnr Victor C. Anderson., Foster J)ldn't J,!lm Imelltlnn g-ood wlli nfrm•ing-; I hat McsRncr· objcderl and after an hours argu- , nnd P'eldn111n wanted to be on good mont the ob,Jectinns. were sus· Masons nnnunl school meeting

1 tonus with llw slate pollee cup- lnlncd. Walker hnd Anderson on last Mnnduy evening passed off

Public Forum

lain hand to tui<C the witness stand. I with very little hlondshecl, can-T; , fl • 1 f . h t 11 .Judge Louis E. Consh wns also sidcring the importance of llw

wrw CJ nnr 01 11 011 vc standing by mnrul and llnnncinl issues involvcrl. months, the r·etircrl pollee cnpll!ln · · . It is true of course thnt

11 testllicrl he n•r•civcd rr·crtllcnl JliLY- It was the same story ns told t 1 tl th't 1 1 .' t d " • ' ' " • B I' C y C CR V CW]lOin WOill mcnls frmn F'cldmnn $100 on nne before, and !.here would probably 1 l 1 1

th 1 1 m·;·a~ion "case nl' Sr;nl;•h whi~l<ey 1 have been the same deninls. Wnl- tlhrtve rcstira ncrf e c m

1n1nnn tnf

, _. ' · - · · 1 i · t d th t IJ' 11 11 d e mcc ng rom puP t nrr 11e nn another nnd usually $•100 In . <CJ' nsis e rt 'c ' man supp c I ti b d ith > .-.

i rnHh a-bout the first of every ' information to the grnnd jury only c cc and "tard tw h' pcrson1s \tv


· ' b h h 1 b 1 were cvo e o ts re-c cc on nmnlh. Some of the r11yments were ecanse e ar cen g ven as- (" t . " 1 th 1 ll t 1 t u L 1 t sur·nnces of immunity 5 oogcs s c worr 111 a

g~~~ ~~~:tel ~~ds y~~~c lll~mllc,b~~Cill~d ' .Judr,~ BRyden point~d out agnin, re,nlhlyt pricjuthdilced cortnlmcntntl·or ·' · · h h d d 1 1 · 1 m g usc n s con nee on), A so

Organizations Phil Mcl{cl'llan Corps No, 131

wlil meet Monday, July lfl, at 7 ;30 Itt. the Legion Memorlnl b!li!ding,

The Sunday Rchool clttllll of tho A\lrelhllt Baptist church of which Mr·H, ,Jolm Edgnr ia lertchcr will hnvo n homemade Ire cream soclRI on the r.hnr·ch lnwn Tucnday night rtL' 8 o'clod<.

ltiS'l'(JitN '1'0 MAINir. MrH. Mrtrgaret Prem1 of Grnnd

R4pirln nnrl Rev. nnd Mrs. Dorwlrl Pllcsn of W1~1ls, Mo.lne, returned to thi,lr· respective homes Mondlly mbrni11g rtftcr spending 10 dayR at) I. he home of Mr·. nnrl MI'H, Fr·ed AJ Cnr'l'lel'. MJ•, and Mrs, Carrier· erftertnlncrl at nmny nfrairR In honor or their guc~ts. Rev. PrCHH gr}tdunl.crl from the Tnterdennmi­nnlionnl seminnry .Tunc •t, ruHl waH nrdttlncd .Tunc ,_(;i,,,J-Io ,I) an acccpl.cd a pustomtc in New .Jersey and will tutsnme lilt~ duties there Septemhct• .1.' Othcl' guests of the Carr·iers Sunrlay were Mr. nnd M1·s. Rnb­ct·l Schudcr and daughter of Kallt· l11t,LZOO.

nne m· two more Ill the Lyon car, lits eli at i one inl R prevbou~ JCtllrd· a truly conscientious teller would No payments were mruJc following ug, · Ja mmun Y can c gran c r 1 · f 1 1 1 1 ·. h r i in only 011e wny on n written rc ran rom P ac ng- n nom nrt· Llll' s 1 !It r 0 1 I' 1

, lim rmrl Y "ans ng- rtnd stale I - lion a candidate for election whose Htn ' e •m ' o u < ar '· I. polit'l' nfl'iccrs .nn Lansing cluhs mollnn filed by the prosecutor and t 1 1 t t 1·1 Illinois, and Charles Oliver of

J:wt .Nnvcmbe'r lu, Lyon said. ' entered in the court journal. Wal- vtths tle ~aj 8 11supp~scc.1 ~ till Y Tndlannpolls, Tndlunn, were ln· · . . ker Insisted thnt Feldman had w ou pre ur .0~·, arr ng wse volverl in the only Rllt.o accident

Up n n Cl'osR. -e><nmn.llltiOn h.Y 1 been promised immunity and little irregulant~es, which were W 11 t1 t i 1 t 1 t b d ncar Mason over tile holiday. The ~~ wr, Jc r·e rrcc po ICc cap run I should he given it regardless of on y o e cxpecte under the uceident hnppcnd Friday moming. satd ho hurl been grunted no lm- ~tho formality of having the order circumstances, the occasion might 'l'hc car driven by Lillinn Schmidt munity nor had his plea of g1~1ity I entered on the record, pass as 11 rcason!'-ble imitaUon of wns ll'llvcling Houth on US-127 been mRd~ hee;ursc. of prmmscs, Walker denied Fonter's charge 11 truly dcmocrabc town meeting. Just north of the inter:JCctlon o( ~~.o.rJ tcsttti?ll he had n. cv.cr: seen I that the Immunity issue wns being CYNICUS US-127 and Tomlinson roRd; she

I I ':tnlm unlrl the two weJ c ar- brought up again solely to em- st9rpcd in the ccnlcl' of the road ratguerl 11110 that neither .Feldman barmss Judge Consh. Walker In- · Church New<> unu Oliver's car ran into the rear

l rwr· Mcssm'," ever mcntwncd to sislcd he only wanted all the fncts "" l' tl f' t Sl' 1 t d him th•tl I•mnks was Ill on the I Mnoon Fitol Mcthodi•t-n.v. Henry Lill· 0 ' lC II'S car, •g. ,1 , nmagc I 1 ' to be brought out. dico"t. Mlnl<tcr. 111:1111 "· "'· Mnrnlng w,ts <!nne tn the rear of MisH

I' [ea. . I The judge sair:I he wns not con- WOI'Hhlr•. Sermon: "Snm.thing Worth I Schmrdt's car, but u-.., front of

In his argument to the jury 1 ct•rncd 'with "saving anyone's face While To Remcmlwr." 11 :r f> n. m .. Oliver·~ car was barllv damaged. Walker ilmistcd that Fr·anks was 1 whether the person wns 11 cir- Chu•·ch S•honl, M1·. r;len Coon, SIIIH•I'in· Huth Oliver a passe1i';rer In -the

I only an ermnd boy,, 11 silent part- ,1

cult .Judge or a prosecutor," but tondcnt. ClnMRe< for 1111 """" conllnulng ' . ' . throuuh the fHtmmN·. A r.lttHH fot· m..-.n seeond car, \VflS shghtly bnnsecl.

lner· who knew nothmg about any, that in view of the tint denial by hn• heen crenled with the '"'"lot· "' th•l -bribe payments made to Captnin j Judge Coash of having promised t.encher. Yo11 nrc inviter!. IIO~fl~ ON VACA'l'ION Lyon. Fosler pointed out that I any Immunity to IJ'eldmnn and in F'mnl<s !mew ali the angles of view of the absence of nny record Williamston Methorlbt-W. A. r;,.,~·•·y, .. Evelyn Guenther, cadet nurse, the den I and Jmcw that payments I as provirletl by law the Immunity ''"'tot·, Church •chnol I o n. m. Wo•·•hip I has returned to her duties nt Bron­wcrc being made for protection. defense could not 'be recogniZed. ~e:~1~1ic~. 1~. n.N~;.H~~~~oircl~)1~·;,\?:~~~~;~ 11 ~1~11~{~.~ son hospital, ~alam~u~oo, aftct· Fmnlcs shar·cd the profits and the I If such a precedent were estab· Mr•. Hnrolrl OeHtel'le rlurinH wu 1·,hit> spending a vacatton wtth her par-responsibility of ntanagement and lished then nuy defe!ldant could •crvlcc, ents, Mr. nnd Mr·s. B. F. Guenther. surely !mew thnl hl'ibes were being j set up a claim of immunity and Wllllnmslon Center Methocli•t-W. A. DISCIIAIUIEn I'ROI\f NAVY paid, the spcciRI prosecutor de- 1 there would be no limit to the GJ'e"o''Y, t•n•tor. Wor•hip ••rvice n::ro "· dared. 1 nbuses which would result, Judge m. Church AChool 1 o :au n. m,

Before the court gave the 1 Hayden rcmarl<ed. cl!ll!'g'e to the jury Wnllcer de· - Williamston Free Methodist - 11. J. mruHied that the special prosccu-1 Legal Notl•ce Mcye1·, pn•lor. Ch11rch •dwol Ill n. m.

t 1 \Voi'Hhin ~ervlce II a. m, nnd H :I r, I'· rn. tor· elect which of the two coun s ---~--- ' ' Young- Pt•opleR Hong H~I'Vic:e 7 ::lfJ p. ln.

John A. Rich, seaman first class of the naval reserve, received his discharge at the sepamtion center at .Jacksonville, Florida, Saturday, July 6,

would be COI18idcrcrl by the court. I FINAL ACCT. HOWELL-JULY 30 Proycr ,ervice Thut·•rlny, 7::111 1,, m, The first count In the WRrrant was I Stnle of Michl~nr). The Prohnte Cou1't GHOUND OJ<'IeiCEHS \VANTED the conspiracy to OllCfate slot fot• the Cou!1ty of JnKhnm.. Williamston Church nf the NJt:tarene-

. · At It t~eHt~lon _of K11id Cou1't, held at the Pnul Drummond, pnHtnl', Chut·c·h !lda10 J 1\.iajor John It1, Crnwy, stationed mncluncH, Tile second count, and i Pt•ohntt• OIHce in the City of MnAon In 1 u n. m. Wot·Hhip ttervi,:c I 1 a. m. and at 225 Federal huiltling, Lansing·,

J the one elected hy the special I Hnid County, nn the 9th dny uf July; A. 7 :an Jt, m. Pt·nycr Kct·vice 'fhnt'Rtlny, 7 ::w and commanding the Lansinu lniJi-1

proscculnr was the con~piracy to fl. lfl•lfi. · . I'· rn. ~ . t 1·' · b t1 I p, .• ,.nt: HON, JOHN McCLELLAN. tary district, is authDrily [or the

~OJ'ltl~ ~t\V OfflCCt'S y lC pass- .Turlg(' nf l'robnte, ' Wlltinnultnn Baptist-ltnrold Reefie, Jl!lll· s~~tcmcnt that the arnly ground lllg· ol b1•rbcs, In the MnHer nf the ERlntu of FLOYD lor. Church •ehool 111 n. m. Wot'<hip fqrccs now has opening-s for 2,000

In his charge to the jul'y . .Judge! P. HO.WJ~LL, DcccaHed.'. . Kel'vlr!e \I n. m. nnd 7 :SO 11. m. Jtmior f[' J-Inydcn pointNI out that although 1 F. hll)mc~ Howell hnvmg.flled tn snld and •eniol' Youn" Peoplus "''""'' r;:ao 11 • ";.leers to return to active duty. . · . . 'I cotn·t htH hnal 11<lrnlnlntrat1on. nccount, m. Teachet·s lcHHon study Thm·Hdny, 7:1 ti 1t was not the duty ol CaptRi_n nnd hlH petillon ru·nylng for lhe allow- r•. m. PrnYcl' Hel·vire Thut·•<lny K I'· m. ,'ROCIAL SEfJUJU'l'Y ADVICE Lyon t.o patrol Lansing streets 1t n!)('o.the~·f . .!Of, nnd for the ussi~nment und was R distinct neglect of duty nat I rhHtl'lhutton nf tho t·CKlduu of •nlrl estnte, Williamston St. Mary'• Catholic - Ft·. : W. Scott Hamlin, manager of the

Jt ~~ 01'dererl. That the 30th day of .John BuBh, paBtol·, Mn~Js nt lo n. m. 1 Lamdng field office of the Social July, A. D. 1!146, ut two o'clock In the

---~ nftcnwon, nt Auld Probate Office in the Willinmeton Weeleyan Methodist-H. A, SecUl'ity board will be in Mason, I City or MnRon, be nnd i& he1·cby DIJ- Cole, Jl!llltor Rowlt!Y church. church at the postotl.'ice on Thursday, July

------- ~- I pointed for exnmlnlntt und nllowinf.f t~nld Hchool I o n. m. ClaaK tnectin~ 11 u. m. 18, at 11:00 a. m. Persons desiring nr~Nl\Jill n.nd hen ring Huid Jletition: WorHhiJl nel·vicf.! 11 ::Jfl n. rn. nnd B p, m.

I It £K FurthtH' 01·del'~d. That tntblic nu~ W. Y. P. s. 7:30 11, m. P1·nyeJ' service iqfornuttion regarding old age and tif~e thm·eof he given hy Plihlicutlon nr II ThurtHluy 7:30 Jl. rn. survivors insurance benefits, social copy of thiR ot·del' for three successive ~ 't t b WeekR previOIIH to •uid rlny. of hen ring, Wlllinm•lon We.t Locke Wesley.n Meth· s Uri y accoun num crs Ol' other in the lnghnm Connty News, tl newtl· odlat-H, A. Cole, uaator. Wor·nhip Af!IW· ~usiness concerning social secur .. PHJlet' )ll'intecl nnd circulated in Rnid icc to n. m. CluBs meutln~ 1 t 11. 1n. tly, may see Hamlin at Mason.

Guest Speaker At The Baptist Church

Rev. l)rur·y Murtin, dirnctor of rum! anrl convention clnrrdwn for l.hc Michignn BnpliHt eouvcnllun, will he lhc gueHl f.lpcnker• rtl the M n H on ttn d AurclhiH Bnpll.ql rlnrrchcs C-lutuiuy. C. A. Lrtwtnn, pnHlnr nl' I he locul r.hlll'chca, will be ul I..nlw Lonlfte BnptiHl camp from .July 12 to .July 20,

'fen children fmm Mnnon nnd AurclinA will attend the camp £toa­lllnn. l~rom Mn!!ou lluJ children are; Lonnie Builnrd, Lurry Mc­Kenlllc, Durirt Loudcnalngcr, Lola Clnri< and Gcrnldinc LcwiH. From Atll'clius .Jon Dnvl~, David Green, Betsy Harm~. Cuddle Newman und Chu•·lcu Dolbcc will attend.

Hnn·y Sn1ilh of Mnson will be " courwclor. Hevcrcnd Lawton is the dlrcetm·. ~.;,venly-flve boys and girlrt of Junior ng-c will mulw 11p the crimp. ·

Paristyle Winner Of Softball Title

Pnrislylc won the first round of the rtoftbnll tourney with the help of Dflnsville, 'l'hc Dansville tcan1 lmoeltcd off IJ'il'efltonc 4 to ~ July r., going to the l'ront In the lar.t hnlf of the seventh.

The second round nf piny started 'I'ucsd;ty night at the enunl.y pnrlr with Jeffct•son Food Markel tailing- Wyeth 7 to 3 Hnd DRnsville poll11hing o[t' the Ycl-~ inw .ractwls 12 l.o 7. On Wednes­day Busler Bullen tossed a two­hitler to permit PariBI.,Vle to nhut out Howlett, 6 to 0, In the gRrne under the light11, Firestone hrol<e a ~ to 3 tic in the closing stRge of the game with Da1·t & Cady to move out in front 6 to :1.

Games 'flmrsday arc Yellow .Tnckcls vs. Wyeth at 7 p. m. with the .Jefferson F'ood Marl<el. playing DHnsville at 0 n. m. Nc><t 'I'uesday evening Dart & Cad,V will plt1y the Pnr·ialylc Shoppc nt 7; Firestone vs. Howlett's at 0. WcclnesdRy games to be plnyed wili be Yellow I .racl<ets vs .. J effcrson IJ'oorl Ma rl<et at 7 and Wyeth vs, Dansvilie at 9,

Weather Observations

A welcome nhmvm· of WerlneRrlny nftenwnn fllig-htly l't!lievPcl the hot, humid weuthel' of thP TH\!It week, 'l'he mf.!rctti'Y wr-nt tn lhr! high (lOR on four· difft~l'rnt. dnyH. Rnillfnll fur till! weel• rnnn:;qmd .ri~ n( an inch.

'l'IH• follnwinl-': Ill'~' t.PillJlt~l·ntun!a ful' l.hu \\'nd\ tu> l'f!~onlr.d llv StUill't Df'IHOI'eRt Cit l.ht~ tlii!JIOflal plant:· ol!JIY 3 ................ ,,.,,, ................ •1·1 ,July •I .................... .43 Jul.v ,,,, .................................... '1!1 .July ....................................... fi4 ,ltiiY ,,, ... ., ............................... 56 .July ................. 6!i Jnly n ....................................... li.J ,I lilY 1 n ................. 6!1 July 11 ...................... .. ........... 67


H4 81

They Say Prices Are Going Up!


Not at Marie 's For starting Friday, July 12, we aa·e offea·ing in 11


Bnnn-Ji'idl' nnd 'l'r·uly Clrl•nt VnlueH

'rhe good old Amtll'lmtn iji I• whnt it IIHI'tl to ho tlnrlng thiA e\'!)nt, Collltl llllrl HCil for .vmrrMl•lf. nu.v for l'rH'IIIlon, i I'ILI'Pl, off,h!e or Mdrool.

UDEH'f\'-l'HI<Clr.JI Aim 'rlll'Ji'HIJ AN'l'I·INI"I.Nl'IONII'l1'

Coats and Suits Good merchnntli•n hmu·ing lrthl'l" fr·nm llm•st mnnnflldm·erK, Ex­ccll<'nl valw·•· Ueductlnns 1111 to 1/:1 l'rum \\'IIIII llwy were unrllll' OI'A ]H'it•lng.


$12.88 Anti-Inflationists Summer SpurtR .'iults-OI'A l'rh·e \\'nR ~17.00

A fr·w wnul t•nnl• anrl sullr; in thlll g·rou11

Dr'CSS!i~-011 1\'hkh OI'A-pl'it'<' Ju~li r•t•rui 1111 tn $22.1i0 WIG UANG 'l'IIIG Lllllm'i'\' IIJI:LJ, ON 'l'ImSIG

Liberty Special at $10.95 J.nunging Pn,janrns-Coin dot rnsnn tn·int as arlverliRed In Good Jlouselceet>ing nt !'I•Ulli. lrlcal for rlormltory wear nr fnr lPiRnro lounging at hume m• \'lll'nlionlug.


$5.00 Anti -Inflationists DreR~es-lln nssnrtmcnt of Rtmnfi, rayon~ anti t:Otton~. All J>rlco

togs !111m rmul mueh higher

Rninconts-gootl quol!ty, trentetl for water J't>Mistnrwe. OPA t>rlce \\'llR $7.flli

You ~llll!tly ean't miRs on these. You wlll ll1Hl eountleHs other itemM L!berty-prleml. Execl!cnt vohws in Si<ir·is - Jum]ll'I'M - SwcnterH - Blouses - ,JuelwtR - 'renuls Dr.,sses - Sloe!< •Suits - Sun Dres•es- l'n.nlin Glrtlll's - Pmses- Dlddrs - Glovt•s -,Jewel­ry- Hats



Only a few Mar;on women braved the heat to attencl the weekly meeting of the Women'R Golf as­sociRtion at the golf course ' Wednesday. Prizes at bridge went I to Mrs. Raymond McLenn and Mrs. S. A. Murdock ~----------------------------'



County, JOHN McCLELLAN, Church RchoCJI 11:15 a, m. Pr11yet' fWI'V-

IAt~c~) J~~P-~~~~Q7~m. 1;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; MARTHA THAYER, Dei>UIY Re~ti•te!' of Pt·ohntc, 28w3 · St. Katherine's Chnpcl-Nnrlh Meridian

I-O-RDER APPOINTING TIME F 0 R l'onrl. Fr11ZU1' McDou"11ll, 111\Htor, Wo!'Hhip I Hervice :1 Jl, m. Church school 4 Jt, m.


I State of MichiJ.fun. Th~ Pt•ohnte Court Williamston Christian Science-121 \Vest

fo1· the County of Inghnm, · Grund River. RenrlcrR, Esthe1· Dihble, 1 At. n seflsion of Hllld Cou1•t, held nt the" Nornbelle Hnywnrcl. Wol'~hip Rervice 11 r

I Prohntc Offlcs In the city u( Mnt~un in n. tn. the Hnid County, on the 2nd dny of July, A. n. 1946. . V11ntown Methodist-C. E. Chnmplin,

Pt·eBent, Han. John McClellnn, JudKe JlnRtol', Wo1'shi11 Rervice 111 n. m. Church of Pl'OhHte. - · Hchool 11 n. m.

I In Lhc Mnltm• of the E•tote of MIN·

NIE HARPER, Deccnsed .. · Bell 011k Methodist-Clyde Onyette, JlftR· II

It lqlJlCill'ing to the couri. that tlu:i tot·. Worshi)t Ae1·vice 10 u. m. Church -you must have peace of time for Jli'CHtmtntion· of clnims ngnili.!lt school 11 11. m. Youth Rnlly 4 to 8 J), m.

' d sairl cntntc should he limited, llltd thnt mtn • · n time and plu~c be· fiiJtlolnted to re-'

Peace of mind comes with the lmowlcdge that your insur• ance cm·ers you against every insurable loss possibility.

Before vacal ioning-see us.


D. c. Daa·t ,Jolin 11. Dart

1\11\son Phone IHSl

ueivc, exnminc und udjust nil cl~timB niHl de munds nguinst snld dcccn~ed by. and hefol'e Anicl court: · . · .

It iH Ot·del'ed, Thut Cl'editoL'B of said deceased nl'c requi!·ed to· ll·rescnt their l'!HinHI to Knid court ut said Pl'Obate .. Of­flee on 01' ltefOI't! the' ~4th dRY. or Sell• temhcr, A. D. 19~6, nt ten o'clock in the fot·ennon, ~mid time ufld lllnce being htJrehy HIJJmintcd for the eXitmlnutiOn unrl mtjuRtmcnt of. nil clttil'nn und de-mttnds nJ.tuinHt Knid deceuae~. · ,

It iK Furthet· Orde1·ed, · Thut uublic notice thereof be given·· by nutdlcntion of n co11Y of thiK orde1· fot·~ three succ438Hivc

l wcekK prcviouH to t1aid · dny ·of· hen ring,

I in the Inv;hum County NewR,' . n newl:l­ltnHcl' JH'inted nnd clt·ctlltcd .. in .Mid county, '

A trtHJ copy: MARTHA THAYER, . n~nuty RegiKter of Probnte.

Aurelius B11ptlst. Clnrence A. Lawton, I JlMtot·. 1!1:4ft Sundny ~chua!, W. D. On•, S;ntt. 12:110 WnrRhl11 sel'vice, Rev. Drury Mnrtin. Lnnt~inH, g-ue~t spenker.

Mnson Church ·of~ Nazarena. A. \V. En:;tmnn, nnllto1·. Chureh RCh(lo] nt 10 a. m. Worshh1 !JCI'vice ut 11 a. m. 'fheme: "The Eyefi of the Lo1·d." Youth gTOU(tli nt 6:30 p, m. EvensonJ.C nnd seJ•mnn nt 7:311. Praym· meeting WedneHclny ning- nt 7:311.

Dnnavl!le Methodist. Rev. H. n. IIUSh<lll•:.'l lliiRtor, 10 u. m. Chnl'ch Achool, Al'thUI' Pollok, SUJlt, 11 n. m. Worshitl Hel'VIce )VIlh a meAAilRe hy the J)nstol'. 6:•lfi p, m. M. Y .. F. Hct·vicc. Community lll'IIYf•l' ineeting rruesdny ~venlng nt to! o'cloC']\, Reguliu· church lll'IIYCI' meeting Wedne~· ~lny evening nt 7:311.

Wheatfield Methodl&t. H"v. H. (j, Hush­ong, JlRHtOI', !l :30 \VorHhh' Hf'!I'ViC'c with n melisngc hy the JHlKtor. 111 ::!!1 Chul'ch Lansing Phone 22424 27w3 ·Kchool, LcHteJ· Wnrnct·, SuJlt. Mid-Wef!k

~=============================~ devotionnl service ThurHduy eHning nt ~ 8 o•crock.

lTndoubtedly--The Thoughtful 1hing to Do I

' Making funeral arrange· ments in advance of necessity. is a thoughtful thing. to do. It relieves those left behind .of many a burdensome decision ..

· It costs nothing to make such arrangements; we invite you to discuss the matter with us; at your convenience, and . irl . complete· professional confi~ dence.

DnnsvUJc Free Methodt&t. Hev. tAoyd Euler, t•nRtoJ·. 'J'hcrc will he no RerviccR Sunduy on nt:count of the cnmp mcetin~ neal' St. .Johns. Community lli'ILYCI' meetin.: TucKclny evening nt H o'clocl\.

I Rcgulnr chul'ch pmyor meeting. Thunnlny evening at 8 o'clocl..:. ~

Mason Baptist. CIHrenco A. tnwton, llR"· to1·. 10 n. m. Mol'llin~ \\'oi'Khip, Rev. D1·ury Murtln. LnnHing, gueHt sfHHditll', 11 :Hi Sunduy school, Chul'len Evct•ctt. Su11t, 6 :~n Youth meeting. 7 :an V11cnt.ion Bibl(' Hchool dcmon!l.trntion 11nd com­mencement.

Mn&on Presbyterian. t.nurf'n E. Bru­hnket·, MlniRleJ·. Morning llcl'vice nt 1 n n.'m. Sunday, July 14. Chnt)\nin Edward Brubnkc1· will 1111enli on "Chri!\llanlt.y In Jn)lnn." MiHH Ethelyn Hunna of Duns­ville, a foi'IIWI' mcmbt~l' of ouJ• church, i~ CXJlCCted tn nint-:' n .Hoprnllo Rolo. M1•s. Dnvl11 will ttiHY "Invocnt.ion," by I~nhJ. monn: "Pl'Hlo'CI'," hy Sergir.Ron nnd "Fc/1-tivnl Mnl'ch," hy Oulc, C.hui'Ch Rr.hnol meetR nt 11 :1 n n. m. On July 21, Com­

·muni'on will be olu~erved nt the mol'tling MCI'Vice. , ro.i; ), ., ,

El11le B11pti11t. Pnui E. 'l'ucker, ttnsl()J', 10 ll. m. Sundny school. 11 n. m. \VorRhltl lle!•vice. S~1·mon: "The Gr('ntcr Jonn· tlum." SJH:clnl muuic by choil·. 7:30 Jl. m. Go8Jlel houl'. MuRic nnd moving Jlicture!t. Thursday, 7:30 p, m. Pl'ltYct• meeting.

Mason CQtholit; ~. MnRH will be ~nld lit the cltn)lel nt the coc·net· of Jcf­fer~on nnll Chcl'I'Y HtrcatH Sundny mor .. nlnll' ot 8 :3o. '

Chrlsti11.n Science Society. MnKon, holc18 1mrvlcel! nt the chua·ch, of Onk nnd Pnrk'·Rtreets, nt 11. Sundny 1\cho[)l In ice, W~dncKdttY includes tcKtimonlcs healing. A public rcnllhlK room · lending lihrm·y Is OllCI\ nt tlfe e\•ery Suturdny from 2 t[) £i Jl, m. "Snc­rumcnt01 will be thc fHthje'"ct of thll lell­MOU•Hct·mon in nll Ch1'iRtinn Sci e 11 c· e cllnt·chen thrcmghout the wo1·ld on dny, July 14.

Holt Firat Meth~ WIIRon .M. nnnt, Minister. WorRhil) Re1·vicc Sm1 nt 1 n. n. m. Th(! PnRtot· will lll'e11ch on the suh.icct: 4 '1 Saw Also The T..onl," hMing t.he me~sngc UJlon t.he ViRion nf hniah. 'fhcl·c will be KJtecinl music IH'o­vlded by the Reniot· choil'. Church Hchool !'lcc~s nt ·1 1 ~· m. cnch Sunduy. ', .

What to do

If Polio Strikes ·)

If infantile paa·alysis (poliomyelitis) breaks out

in your community, follow these suggestions.

Avoid new contacts. Try not to mingle with crowds unnecessarily. (Schools and other gathering places, however, may remain open.)

Watch these symptoms. Headache, unexplained fever, a cold, even upset stomach may be the first symptoms of infantile paralysis.

Call your doctor immediately if any of these symp­to~s ~ppear. Expert medical care may help prevent cnpplmg.

Remember. Carry on your normal activities. Infantile

paralysis cannot be prevented but few of those

stricken develop serious illness and, with good care,

the majority will make a satisfactory recovery.

Don't woa·a·y !lbout expense. If polio strikes, get in

touch with the Chapter of the National Foundation

for Infantile Paralysis close to your home.

Quick Action Often Prevents Crippling

June through September is the danger period

when these simple rules should be followed.

Don't get overtired. Extreme fatigue makes you an easier victim.

Avoid chills. Don't stay too long in cold water.

Keep ?lean. Wash hands before eating. Keep flies and other msects away from food. ·

There is no known cure for il1fantile paralysis. Good medical care will prevent or correct some deformities. But in every fourth or fifth case t!iere will be per.ma­nent paralysis that cannot be overcome. Do not be­lieve those who for one reason or another promise ,to cu1·e these cases. Be guided by sound medical advice.

Y~ur doctor, your health officer and your county Chapte1· of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis will do everything :in their power to see to it that your community is ready to meet an epidemic.

Help keep your community clean. Waste and exposed garbage may be sources of infection.

Don't swim in polluted waters.

Avoid removal of tonsils or.adenoids prior to and dur­ing polio epidemic season.

Year-rou11d services provided by the Nationil.l Foun­dation Chapters, in cooperation with local health authorities include:

Hospitalization, transportation, care and treatment of polio patients.· '

Purchase of artificial respirators (iron lungs), or­thopedic appliances and other special equipment.

Payment of fees, of physicians, nurses,' physica:l therapists and other professional personnel.

.... ~~········ -• Thtf· · 'only tri1Iy happy men :r . , .. . ;

have ever known were Christians; L~lll•••••••••••••••••••••••••••llil"••••••••••••••••••••••••ill

Theae Sea·vicea Are Made Poaaible Tha·ough

Your Contributiona:tcnhe March -of Dimes

-John Randolph. 1;

' '

THURSDAY, _JULY 11, 1946


OKEMOS AND VICINITY 'rllll CIIITILIIII Sunday flrhool picnic J\Jl"N, A. II, \VhHing

J\fr, nntl Mrn. llurnlrl Glnllil 011· tcrt.nlncr! Unulcnnnl. DIIiiA'~'"Il nnrl mother nf L"><lnglon, Kcnltleiiy, laRt week.

of the Cmnmunll.y church will he held Sn t.UJ'duy 11 ftm•noon, ,July I a, ul. nne o'clnclc at. l.hr. f!ntllll.y pn.r•i<, Lnlco Lnrwlng-. Jnncl1 fumlly Ia tn t.nlw n tli11h to pmJH nnrl Slllld· wlctlr.H, ..

t • • • A II Miss .Juncl. L. LeWRndm· In ut-A <lriiiF,h eJ • Sl!1-unrw me a, t II C'i I Rt t t A A b wns hol'n .July 2 nl. Ht. Lnwrcw~e cnr ng- ' 1.' ·'1 •, a .c II· tllt r m·, hnspltul to Mr. 111\d Mr·:l. Hownrcll flfJOI!IlOI'!'rl hy c,hlnf OI!CIIIOII Amcr· Smerllcy of Hlllei'CIII. Drlvt•. MI'II, lr,In L,<'ginn nl Hnslet.t unrl Okc· flmctlley Willi l'onnerly l'IIIHH A lieu I ~10'1.1 Rlrcl Wlllfll .'ielll<'dNtl tiJ yl 11 clr E l r · · .eue lOI'fi .o 11 {f! . tc .ra n ng 11 Lrll1:~r.·.' Bcl'llii'C Kilter In IIJICiltJing- dllzcnH!Jip IIIHI niJicrJ ~IUrJlcf!. AI· 11 wecli'n l'a<·ul.lon 'wllh Mr. nnrl thougl1 living- In OlwrnnH, tlhe nl.· Mrn. Lou Cudworth al. Uwi!· enl.· tend.~ Hchool In IIHHicll .. lAgc nn Hnug-hton lulw.

Mr. unci Mr~. Clautln Linn HIHI rlnughlr.r u.nd hll:lbantlund lllr. nnd Mrr~. C. 7ly!IJ'nn oJ' Chlc;q . .;·o npeul

,, l.lw p11nt. wcclr at the 0. K. nrd· tcnbcrg-cJ' r;ol.t.ag-e on Houg-hton In lee.

.John C. Grd.t.enhet•get• 1~1 l~on­vnlcw:lng n t. hl:1 home on Dollie 1'011 cl.

J\!r·. nncl Mrn. Don Philllpll nntl two chilrh·•·n havc: 111f>V<!il into the Mr11. Helen Blt;f'lnw horne wlrlr:h they J'cecntly fllll'dllwcrl.

WHITE DOG DISTRICT Mr.,, M. V. fluflcr

Ml'!l· CiliTic Hlggll upon!. pnrt of lust weclt Ill lhc M. V. Btrllm· 1unnv.

Mt·a. 1'1wmcll 'l'hurhcr· unci sonrt spent fi'OIIl Wcrlner<rluy to Sntur. rlny With Mr·11. Hny Thiu·bct·.

Mi"" .tnnlcoc Cllclcner ,'Jflcnt Sun­day With her· fl'I'IIIHiflHI'CiltH, Mr·. unrl Ml'rl, 'l'hen Clldrncr.

MifiH Wanda Smit.IJ hJ npenrling thifl weclt in the north. ·

Ingham County Chaplet· No. 71-D. A. V, Pre:;cnt~

14 ···Acts of Vaudeville-- -14 FEATURE ATTRAC'J.'IONS:

• Juggling- Acrobat:ic Dancing • Musical Duo - Comedy Magic

Ooucl dt•an f.ihow,

I,EfHON JI{JJLJHNG fuu fo1· IIH' I'll t ir" fnmlly

MASON Thursday, July 25 fihnw hcginr. 1"'"11111tly nt ll Jl, 111,

~encl·al Admisr.ion .................................... $1.00 plus 20c tax CBct·vcd Scats .............................................. 35c, at the door

Pa1·ty Time

Lunch Time


• Ice c1·eam Is unanl-

mously a favorite

We acc:ejlt orders fo1· ~peclal parties. There are se\'eral Oat·or~ from which to .mal;e your choice, We ilJlpl'cdnlc yotu· calllng en.rly !o place your orrler.

Fountain Service

Mason City Bakery UNDERWOOD & HALL

COLUMBIA ROAD llh·H, W. CJ, Nol'rlfl

'fhc twhool r:l11h mot .Tl!I,Y a al Mm. Smlley'n. The next. meeting will be lteld wilh M1·s, Lucy Grlf· fin nl AumllwJ Center,

M1·. nn<J l'vlt'H, Alvn Howe nnd M1·. nnd Mr~. A. Gr•lffin were din· IJCI' g-ulwln ol' Mt·s. Will Nonls .July 3,

Mr·s. A wrlln f:lmlth 1tnd Mr11. Walhcr Jones ttllcndNI lhc Chu·l< reunion Sundny ncar Sprlngrort.

Mr·. and Mr·a, Bet'l Fellows en· lertalned g-UcHls Sunday.


As a special observance of the end of OP A controls, and to prove to our customers that we can sensibly conduct a business with reasonable prices without such restrictions. '



IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pu l'ehased from &tore tills our

week only

Friday or Saturday,

July 12 and 13

The prteo for motlel 71il Is




3 1




Mason AB R H E Snyder, ss ................ 3 o o 2




• • We have ove1· 200 satisfied radio customers

JEWETT APPLIANCE CO. 130 W. Ash Phone Mason 5511

Eifert, If .................. 2 1 0 0 Lavis, 2b .................. 2 1 o 0 •rroff, 1b .................. 3 1 2 o Taylor, c .................. 3 0 1 0 Corbin, p .................. 3 0 1 0 Curtis, 3b cf ............ 1 o o 0 Belcher, 3b .............. 2 0 0 · 0 Rector, rf .... : ............. 2 0 1 0 Strouse, cf .............. 1 0 0 0

21 3 5 2



Mr. unci Mrs. I VIlli Snyder wore Sunrlny dlnnor guests of Mr. unci Mrs. Lowell Crrmdull ltnd family,

Hcv. A. '1'. Camburn n.nrl Mrs. Cam btn·n nt·o moving to Hlghlnmj Pat·lt this wcclc. ·

Mt', nnrl Mrs .• J11mcs Smith, who hA.ve hccn Ill nt. lholr home, ttrc both lrnpmvlng slowly,

. Mrs. l'llltt Millhouse Is COJIVII· ·t Jc~clnr: Hlowly al lwr homo west . of towu. Mr·s. Addle Klalles Is

Cltl'ing fm• hCI',

Drm rJambH Is serlolwly Ill the locnl hospital.

EJmma and Ccphns Smith tnklng ll tr·ip to OI·cgon,

II'OX 'riiiGA TIU~

filM Nfws·

Closing Saturdays at 6 P. M. In cooperation with other grocery stores In Mason, we also wlll

close every Saturday evening at 6 through July and August.

Saturday night business hours will be resumer! In Septembe1·.

Mason Frozen Food Lockers

The Suit Alone Can't Do It!

lt'li got to be well-cared for If you. want 'to maintain that trim, tailored look, Scientific dry clean­Ing regularly will give a snit the li)Jarkle of newness.

• Hav11 you talked O\'er our mothproofing service with u!i? For a Hmall sddltlonal charge,

. rarments can be Jlrotectell for IS year8.

Modern Dry Cleaners

Bl'IIC<J ltl!d Brt~ll 11rtl.hhone. Acllon I Lc,<tti·n.rlc or Seutlanrl Yn.rd nnrl tnJtCH fllllce llbfllll'd U urcerling 11Unll!l'llUH f!l'lllllnnJ Cllfll'llclm•n. All night Cl!fii'WIH t.mln <Hll'oul.cJ fmrn lll'c lnvoll•cd In tlw rll:mppcamnco Lontlo.n l.o Rr•nllnnrl, PUHHmrg·cl'H on


1. ol' a fahulouu rllanwrrrl, tim Star the li'nln Include Rhci·Joel<, hill of Hhodcftln, which SIJcrloclt In­colleague, D1·. Watmm, ltlllJHlt!tOI' t.ondH to deliver to llu OWIWt',

~- ------- . --.---- - ~

Rodeo and Round • Up Sunday, July 14

A 'I'



• Big Stage Show

Satm·day Night, July 13 A'l' 11::10

Complete Hill-llilly Show Jllusk h.v



Continuuun Satul'dily frnn1 li:JO /', M. Continnnu.'t Swulnv fmm 3:00 P. M. Admi~t-inn- l2c a11rl 30c- T11x lncludr.t.i

Evc!lliug :Showli St;u·t ul 7:00 J'. M.

'J'htu·Ntla.y llllll Jo'rirlaJ, ,July 11-1:! All .'itnr CrtR( in 'J'IUtOW A 'SAIJULJ~ ON A H'rAJt also CLOSI~ CALI. FOit BOSTON liLAC Ill 1~.

AI ll£ ·- £. &

Saturday, July 13 'l'wo Gil'ls Ou A llon;n, , . , . Willi J\ 1\lan 'l'o 'fhe Winner. , .•• ll's Nerlt Awl Necl< All The Wa~· In This Lo\'e, Laugh Anti 'flu·lll \\'inner. , , ..

,James Cmig·Fmnces Glffortl·Ava Gardn~r

Tuesday & Wednesday, July 16-17 . 'l'lme Mur,at.ln" Suys, "II. is worth :wy tln1.cn Aeatlemy Award·

WlnllCJ'IJ." We thiul< it grentm· than ''The GriiJJeS of \Vrath''. Anti yon will lllw It,

She Was His Woman! He Was Her Man!


EVER LErs 0" OF YOtJ "

R HEARTI" anti Znchru~· Scott

nl~o ShC11111 llmntr(l Comedy a11tl Dlxlelaml Jamboree

Thursday & Friday; Jul~ 18-19 THE WEST IN MAGNA­



' New~st Sherloelc H!lhnes .

[) () llllllllRn II ' fl~ lfaywortll·Gienn .For11

mo~t JIOJlUlal' Jlil\t.ure of recent months, GILDA; Jonn Dennett· . Cllllrlcs Ctthlll'n In <:OL. EFl~JNOIJAM'S RAID; Roy Jtogors-Dale EVIIn~ In ltAINBO\V OVEJt TEXAS,

---P~u~.u~o~TL~~o~· --------------------------~----------IN_G_I_iA_M __ C_O~U_N __ TYNEWS,MASON,MICH\GAN,T•~~~.~~R~S~D~A~Y~,_JU_L~Y~._ll~,-19~1_6 ______ ___

INGI-IAM COUNTY .NEWS ~ nv '!'lllil r+~::~i::; .. ··;~;;;:;;qq,.i 8"ollol KHIIrH'rrr Sycamore t GlntHIPtl from NIIWI fll•• nl l

o~· I · I L ............ , .. , .. ,.:::.~.~ .. ~.:..:~ .... , .. , .. ,., .. , .. ,.... I M~~~~·:,~·~['l~~l11~rt~Jr·~~10J.:~~!//~ ~v~T~~~ "What. twnttl llw ••nlm nf 1hiH 1 dny except sunday~ and holldnyA,

.•. . PUD!.fSIIEfJ 'fl!llllSDA 'l AF1'1ilUN011NB IN 'PHE /JI'J''f ~ MASON, MICHfOAN

· V. J. Brown & Son, Publlahern

Ji:ntorcd ua ~Jecond cltuiB ·,nntt.er hf flOHtuffltl~l Mtuwn, Mlohhuan, nndor twt uf Mnrr!h ll, 18'1 1

SUDSCIHPTION JlATE.~ (Jlay~abl• In Advtmn)

)ne )'unr Jn Jnglwrn unci ndJ"lnlnrr r.o11nthlK ............... ., ,~.00

Bl:x rnonthH In Jnnham und utljoinln1' COun!lt!K '""""""'"" J.2fi

Fol<i: 1nonth1S .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,, .7~

~!ngl~ copies ....... ,,..,,, .. , .. ,............ ,0/i Ontl yeur mlts!de lnH"hnm und

,uljolnlnf{ Count.le11 .................. 2,fin One yenr lo mt!n ln service ...... 2,00

AllVJ-:rtTIRIN!l f<ATI\S

fl\!'pluy tuiYMIIHinM' l'Uf.~d on RP· rdhmt.lcm. But~lneHn JocmiH nnd nmd­lnu- nat.irml on fii'MI. fln4l locnl JIR!rfll!, I lie n Jlno, No I'Oiullmr nr lnn~!neHt~

nclvez·llttlnH lt!HK thnn U1c; Cnrd of 'l'hnnh1:1, J c u word. AnnmmcernentH nf entertnlnmenlll where nrlmiHH!on It~ chm·ucd (JI' of lillY pl11n to rniKe funciK muKt he pnid in udvttiiCtl ut rel{u!nr rllttl,

who if• Hhop . , " 1


Onll Vom1• AJ.;'u 2-ti p. 111 .; Monduy, WedrreHdny, Jt' my lrwld"H arc going Jlf'IJl I 'l'lw Mason Comn111111ty hos]lltal Saturday, 7·0 p, m.; Story Hour, , ,., . 1 . will launch n drive W<,.Jrwsday, 8 lr ·u y 1 •'j()

']hut Wll.tl .wlinl. ''!11H!~!Il !lli.ill ollfj' ,) uly 'I 8. 'l'ho goal Is $fJ0,000, 'l'lie ' ll 1 1 IL ' ·• • ' • • IJo!lore l.hf! lflllllflinr~ ot Wyeth fn· 11101wy wlll lle 11 sed elllwr· tn lmtse COI'JlOl'itl.ml, '!'Ill! pluu·nm~'elll.le~d 01, ptir·clmse nnd eqiilp IL hospllul W'JLDillRN!i:SS ADVEJN'rUHJU. ' lll'ln f!OIIId well ltdopt 1:\f!nectt !I 111, l.n build u new h<mpitlll. '!'he Al'ler• the nppeuraneu of a best saying fol'. A mphoJ"! ami Lllf!·, i!Oilllllllllity hus been without u seller by nn ltllthor, hi~ s~eoncl l.a1nln advf!r Using llinganrl · ~llllt, ol hllHpltLd Hinuu Just August when [boo\< Is always of grmttm In· coUI'He, l.he l.wo uh:or· nwwdwH are lwlll tho Ponton nud Corsltllt hoH- tel'est, J'or everyone wnnt11 to cl.hlcal JH'odudri 1111<1 11.'1 Wll!ll t11e II. 1,1 w ,1., l'lLmed I know whether he ertn rmtlly write, Amerh:an Medkul assuclnt.lon P a· " L ' • • . or whethet' perlutp~ he Is just a. l'l'flWIIH upon ndvel'tlnlng·, It waH a flilort 81!1111ll(,''· ~'he "IJIW ]Jflult" wrltm·. It IH our· opln· I

llll!I'C!III'Y did 1t noAe-drve I twAtluy ion lhnl Elizabeth Pnge, author• I More 1nn1Je:r lli'C "going . 1111p" morning, dr·opplng' down to tlw of "'['ree of Liberty" uflmwanls

tho:~·~ days thnn ever before. /\ lot free7.lng point. Col'll !fi'OWing on lllmed as th~ "Howur·dH or VIr· i ot: people t.r·ied l.n kill liH!IlJAelves n1uelc wun l<llled. MoHl other lrlllci< ''lnla," hnH nul enhnnm•d her I iln<l their· friends nlong l>y Haylug '"'"I'" c:Henpml drwlllge, though. fume by ttrls last boule, Again n. o t.hat stomuel1 11leeJ'.'l are t11e I'!!HIIIl OrfifliiH, the o:hief mucic r:rop In connection with the former· boolc ot' worry nnd mental HLT'Uilll, Now fng-lmm cm.mly, CH<!ltped ser·ious can be cunslnted. '!'he story rnm-

. Doe Bmdy han eomc fllll. flnl· dalllftg'e. Mmt and eelm·y loHHCH by


bleH from old Wllllnrnsblll'g of CONVENTION REFORMS ARE NEEDED l'note•l with the <leeiamtinn tl"'t. 1 ro~t were nl~o llg-hl. 17•12. tllroui-J'h the mountains to

Minorities can and do control primary elections anrl they most. Hi.mntlf!h nlct:r'11 ,ar·e eaused h,-Y Dr·. WI Ilium B. Hnrlzog-, 82, n the Yazoo River, down the Mls· . Tl · l.obaem or· alcnhuJ. II p~nple dldn I. rdil'f!tl Baptist miniHI.er, anlJLOJ' of [ sisRippl to New OrleanH, to Fmnce,

als9 often control political conventiOns. Je two conventiOns liSt! tolwe•·o nr· nkohol, 1Jw1 Brsuly hiHlfli'Y ltlld llwology bool(R, !'OI'm· Spanish F'lor\dn, und hack countr·y "held by the Republicans and Democrats last week prove that clnlnm, .'Jlomach lll<'f!I'H would Jw "'' Michigan lllg-islator, nnd 11t the' Georgia. Interest Is dlvideLI by reforms can not be longer delayed if the parties are to serve rare. I lime of hi." paRsing- u ,iiiHlice of the I sending Important charucters In the will of the people. \VI1h. iohtu•o•o I"'".''I'.~HflrH and IWII.f!e In MaH1m, diL"I at his home, differ·ent dlredlons, .und. nor.Je

1 · d 1 f 1 the tlls11Jlo·r·s lUI II hr·o'll't•rs uollllng fi 1•1 Wf!Hi. Maple .July 12. Doetm· seem to tuJ;e on real st,ntllltl.

At the Republican conventwn out-state e errate~ OtlllC new o•nKiniJu•rs '"' 11 ola 111 . Hartr.og wlls pnstnr or the Mnmn Something- nl the reln,tlonH ot rung·. theniselves helpless against the Wayne county machme op· W!•dh ~1 • 01.1"'''' 1 . 1~;'{ Hl htwk ·u,;i Bn.ptirJt chlll'ch until he retired in llsh nnd French nrc told, as weiiJ

. 'd b S' I Tl tl ' t t I a i The ' ' . . ' UJ~G. ,a~ customg of the Incllnns along e,rate y rg er. 1e same ·ung was rue a ~ ns ng. Hmlle; "''''n.""" a 1~>1. ~>I lltns" 1n· . . th, route but these do not·gut'llce 1

Van Wagoner forces were in complete controj. hut·<'o unol '"'"~" I'UHionwrs will 10 Yo•m·s Ago It "nuke ~ well constructed novel f . ld b l d nne oluy """"""' buyers nl' Am]Jlw· The county pari< was tnlwn over·. Ao 1 . tl th th . h . nt

··' · ·The first step in the re orm program wou e a 1311 on- jf'l and t.:u•1amln. scveml nights the pn.'ft wcelc by:: . ppaJ~'~ by u" n~ c~1• nnscl;qp~ut :ipg' the unit rule system imposed by the politicians in some Mnm>n ramilif~s whose Jwmes WBre.

1 conHI ew e me n lese r ,

~o(lnties. Here in Ingham the delegates have backbone enough Another Wyeth product for too hnt !'or· ""mfor·t. Scor·cs or I either· her attempt to shorten the ' whl<!h liH! dl!iflnn•l i" noaring- i~ renplc toni< to porches and ~pac~- novel hrrs !cud to too much con-to.Ivote their own convictions. They don't let one man or one s. M: A .. ila.by food .. BllbicH '!ru ious hrwky,11·ds. Sonw nl' the more .


den~atl<~n, m· her method was ~·~o~p 'of men cast the ballot for the entire delegation. In many stamhng .m lm~ lor· S.M. A. 'llw tu·isto~mtle slept 011 the gnll' po~rly chosen. . at counties, though, the unit rule prevails. baby busrness JS honm1ng and sn course greens. Dif!k .Tewett fried SINGING WATERS. In gre ·' · · · many or tlw new babies <llln't I an egg on .the sidewall< in front 1 contrast Is. this .last boo!< by Ann < :·,_'.T9 give delegates the right and the responsibility of nom- "eat off their· mothers." Nineteen of his Hower shop J<'riday morn·- .


Br\clge, wh? wrrtes well antl eon-hlating men and women to state office all that would have year·s ago when we had a new ing. · . slstently or things she hns seen .to· )le: done would be to install a few voting machines. With lmhy nt our house two wo•11en Mert Coleman and his family 'and observed, yet whose ch.nrneters 1iominations closed, then the delegates would file into the vot- called. The oldcr<l boy, then lour,! rellll'llCd to Mason Sunday. They I are allowed to live their hves. nn~

'" · · answered the doo1' .. "We've 11nnw I have b"en at Mustang Island in 1 t.cll ;he stor·y nutm:any. Wrfe of i\'ig~ booths and register their choices. There would be no to. see your· new iltlle brother. the Gulf of Mexico since last fall Ia _v.ell known diplomat, Ann ~ins'ing or waiving or yielding of county voting. There would Where i~; he?" the women nslwd; when th" bittwing jumper cracl<ed Bntl~e has had the opport~nlty ~.;·::~o maneuvering and jockeying from the platform or the as they \JJ·ushcd pust the boy Into J"ll· The iutrcpid aerialist has re-I to travel widely, and that travel

· ~ Tl · ld b d 1 d 1 · the house. "Olr.. he's upstairs eovered and JooiiS entirely fit; I has broad.encd her understanding :1Q'or: 1e nommating wou e one open y an t 1e votmg eating· off mn: mother," the !JOy During the winter he wot·Jwol'

011 11 I ~r people 1n out of the way places,

done secretly. Each delegate would know his vote counted, replied. · new pamehulc and is now signing as w~n. us t~os~. who live In :;vhnt and was not used by some politicaJ)eader for horse trqping. . . contracts for jumps at Michigan we Usua!IY call high SOCJe~y. ''. Primary elections were initiated to cure .some of the evils . ~· 1~he dJhg.ent fam~er plants and Ohio .,0 unty fairs. . ~ lbama b~comes .nn mtegrnl f . fi . h . trees of wh1ch ~le lumsclf wrll Mason is one of the few towns ~Ill t of the story: for Its way to ~- the. convent10n system. There are aws Ill t e pnmary sys- •wver see the fr:mt." r mused on in Michigan where there is no hve sl!ows a c>vrllzutlon thut Is

tern,· and it will be difficult to remove them, but the conven- that anc>ent snymg su:Jday alter- water shortage. Although the de- fast ~1sap~ea;·t.~~ under press~re ~ion evils can be easily cured. Now with the convention rigging ~oo~. as. I ~as 1~ ~he lop nf a manrl since July 5 is nearly double of out. m.echanrzed age. T.he. chref tic.' fr. esh in the minds of the people is the time to start action. cherrY tree snutchmg hnndtuls of the clemn.nd for the same period eha:acter Is the so~hrstrcnted

ripe _fnut. After church Sunday of 19a5 there has been no water Glmre Thurston, whose hfe Is com· 1)11 voting machines and a half-hour to set the ballot labels mornrng r had harvested my. own rationing and 110

restrictions on pletely cl~ange~ by a chance in: place would take the control of votes away from the pre- crop and m the afternoon I p1cked the use nf water. The only fly rne.etlng, wrth N1ls Larsen on th.e

S SAFER . . . . rn

the jungle

After ev•~ry war. rdurning servicemen with back p;ty hurninr: a hole in their pockets fall eil!ly victims to questionable husinesr; vcntLtres.

If you're not thoroughly familiar with an inver\tment, stop in and let us give you an opinion based on years of ex­perience. There's no charge ant! we~ll be glad to ntcer you right if we can.



fe·s~iortal politicians and give it to the delegates. on shares. While other people were in the ointment is that the user Or~ent Express. r:rob~bly as Stll· _ . . -----~----- -· --- ~~~.------------·------ --

~! .· .• ; . -o- sweltcrlnbg atthhome or nt1 the lal<es must pny his bills. Phl'>sedd ufs a~hyonehm NJl\~ho h~~ cation with' their grandmother· 1 Hunt'"' Ruth Breth aver and 1

Miss Mnr·y Jane Dunn of Mason ' . . A o· EFENSE OF THE FREE PRESS or were rea mg gaso rne fumes The Masim bakery has installed ope m· c c nnge, nev t' "I ht I I ' . ' . d tl h I' M d 1'\ '.. ' ' ' . ' on the highways I was cool and · 1 • • • h·. · 'l'h dreamed that it would follows his Mrs. Lane, n ···aug on ace. I CaLI'ie Owen. Brrllldays honor·ect 'enlle nt w nme o r·. nn . .. · · ' rce cream rna cmg mae 1ner·y. e ' H · Mr and rvr~s Percy VanSicldP i • •

1 'M II M

0 s tl :'"'; It's probably unfair and it's certainly untrue.for people to comfortable in the top of the tree, fi•·•t ice cream w>ll be made I•'ri- own Wishes so completely. er · · · ' . j i were those ol Mrs. Th1rza Am er-

1 J's, . . wtm till ay.

li,;..i.:·.tb".t l1ad the Detroit Free Press spec1'al prosecutor been · · · d~ -y. chaructcrs nrc varied but real, al- were callers recen,tly aLt• tl~~ "Y111., Hun and Mrs. Erma Morse. Nylons i VlncPnt Owen of Chicago ·spent "'J· " C1ty and farm fnmrhes should . tor•ether a boolc worth rending Warner home ncar es w. " r. . .

ha. u.·.·.d. l.ing uffairs Monday the guilty plea of former Police plant plum and cherry trees as Sam Tomhnson, who was gen· nAME BAG F . th. h t : Warner being confined to tlw were giVCII aB gills. 'the week end at home. · ' I erally reported ns dead fmm the " · qr e un e1 or . , ~apta'hi Laurence Lyon would have been spread in stud horse ornamental trees. There 1s no rea- heat is alive a~d V:.en and did fisherman, this small collection of . J _ _ ----·- -,----------------,

t)rpe.}•,c!OSS eight column~; The Free Pres.s ca~ried th.e.story son why some of these new type 111ot ~uffer from the heat 'He was tales from days ntlel<l by Nash, CULVERS CORNERS I · u . .-.l'ld .. t.!.r .. ~~.·one-column 24-pomt head. Had K1m S1gler still been hucl!lebcrrles won't make as good I in a minor automobile :n;shap hu't Buckingham should s~tlsfy many I Mrs. H. 'l\1, Owen •

n hedge as barberry or honey- was not hurt He is now vacation- 1 vacatwn or any evenmg's needs.


I $p'e~}~l prosecutor, Captain Lyon would still be enjoying him- suckle. A hedge of red raspberries . · . th · th I There is an appretration for nnt· Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forcs- 1 ~~lfJif'.California and drawing his state pension. That was the is good to look at nnd will turn mg 111 e.,~0~., • • A, mal beauties, skill in sport, and burg vl~tted the latter's sister and! ·~.· a,l. s .. i_gler m. a de with Captain Lyon, and Sigler himself sent hncl< dogs just as well as bar- Another~ twotl~~les g~f the new the thrill of watching a trnlned brother-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clare: · berry. Here in Mason we should t M 14 'b tw Ma dog do a good job for· the pleasure I Boughton. In Grund Ledge, Sun- ' !1-oid.·last December to the editor of this newspaper and to at slash down the tho~sands of box ;g~er::~3 L~~~lie "was ~ }e~~~ last of doing it for a well loved master. day.~ . ,.·. . . . < . ! least' one member of the Detroit Free Press staff to that effect. elder~ and replant wrth plums and Tuesda . Four· miles nr~ now com· NOW LISTEN, WARDEN. I Mr. nnd .Mrs. Floyd, Morse anl1

1 :t·:; . ·' .. -o- · · eherr1es a~d other frurt trees. A pleted Ytwo miles north of Leslie' _Whenever sportsmen gather, the 1

Faye ·Sheltrawn spent_' last weel<: ·;:··. · .. THE COUNTY IS OUT OF DEBT -OR IS IT? wom~n mrs-ht just as well be and t,;.,o miles s;uth of Mason. conversation is llnble . to get in West Branch' visiting, i , ,,: . . . . , •. · weedmg a strawberry·, b~d as a A block of ninite witll ·the· around to the game wardef! .. His Mr. and. ·Mrs. Laurence Coyer 1 : ... Ipgham county residents have boasted for years that the flower bed and strnwberr~es taste words A D 102~ carved thereon job may rang-e from Incidents and Allen attende.·d t. he speed boat I .Cfl~!"tY is out. of debt. Tru~ it is that o~ the books of ~he better than asters on shortcake. I and 'contai~ing ~ copper box i.n wh.lch, a;·e am~.sing to dangerous races at Moore's.H.Iver Drive Sun­~Pijnty treasurer no outstandmg bonds are listed. Yet accordmg · Ralph Edwards, Leslie far·mer wheh was contained much his to !'I· 10t 1 akys

8111 fw~JCh. lllks life til~ at day. , R b. ·t' F . b . !

·t · '•h b I d · W h' I h h · · cal matter was set in place as a s a e. o a1 as IS nown us IS Mr. and Mrs, . a er · ot es Ill g . .. o.,• e oo rs own m as mgton, ng am county owes more w o moved mto town, tmported th d t' ·th the first collection of such and Mrs Florence Gardner of I 't~ · · · · t'h t · th something· new in the way f pro part or e foun n LOllS nt e · · · . . !~il-11, . e coun y IS wor . . . , . . 0

• northeast corner of the new 'i sto.ries. Ray Holland has alreudy Lansing were ~11turda:y evening .;: , · .. Last week the Ingham county board o£ supervisors set ~fctwdn to his fchetrry crop .. He county jail building Wednesday wr1tten three sportmg bool<s, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. ·non Brct-[ ", . . . I . $17 2 Th ' h I . II gge up a com ot able cage high . . .. .,last of whrch was "My Dog Le· haver . . . I .~!le ·.com1ty .va uat10n at . 9,5 1,522. at s t e va uat1on In the cherry tree and in it he evenmg. TheJ'e were no Jm·mal .. . ·t f D ld Ha ·u of M · M

1 w· h

1 . f FI

1 It

PI" d 11 th 1 t t · th · t 1 th 1 · 1 1 t s h speeches Chairman Fran!< Seely mon, ,t 801 0 av 1 m rs. ur on ee et o ns e. J . ,.c!!,, on a e rea es a e m e coun y p us e va uat10n P acec a ca . uc a scheme prob· . - .' . .1 . . t e dogdom. This should add much to was hostess to.,. the· Gigg-ling pL·~tQre stock.s and other assets placed on. t~e. ~ax roll. That bbly ;vorlted do~n on the fa_rm J ~~r~~~i~ge~~~l :.~~ c~~!w~f"~:n~o~-, the not too satisfuctory material Gertles Birthday: club. After th<: .

1 $179,521,522 represents a hundred years of bu1ldmg, a hundred T~t e ty 1 ~rrds tshootntlgrew ':"'81e1.


tar as the stone was being lowered for sportslovers. busmess,meetmg .. and wlute ele· · ' f th 'ft t h d d f b · h ey cou ' see a le eat cou' · t 1 · phnnt sale' c•r•azy pedro was played '

5hart I¥.4Y Lines TO ANN ARBQR: '·:" · 7:46a.m. -1:46 p. in.-- 4:31p.m.

- 5,:31 p. m.'

TO LANSING AND GRAND RAPIDS: 8:34a.m.-l:l9p.m.-· 5:19p.m .

- 7:49p.m. y· .. ears o · n y managemen , a. un re years o usrness ere do them no harm and some of the I m.o posit on.. . I SOUTH AURELIUS AND ith · :·' : · 1

· t · Gl· ll I in' I_ngham county. Yet it· is short by .. $81,710,468 of the sum robins actually perched 011 top of Mr. and Mrs. Guy :horburn w P1 tl':,es . gon.g_ 0 <1 ys

~~t~fudu~~~~~t~fu~~re~~~ llie c~ ~d ~t~~y ~~~k~F~Q_~~~~~ a~~. NORTHONONDAGA .-~=~~~~=~====b~.~-~-~-~--~-~-~.~~~-~-~-~-~-~~~.================= " · 0 · b · I ·h $261 2 0 through the screen onto the eat. I wecks_vn~atwn tnp through north· 1\frs. Jl. n. Flelrl I , , . n a per cap1ta as1s, ng am county owes , 32, 00 ern Mrch•gan. a~ ·its share of the national debt now aggregating 370 billions. "~lttle hy little we suhtract 50 Ymu·s Ago · i . ~lbcrt Tausand of Saginaw. We actually owe more than we are worth even though here in 1< aith and .Fallacy f.'ro. m Fact, I Mrs. Adelia. Fuller now has a I. vrsJted his c_ouslns, Mr. and Mrs. I . · h h · b d d d b d 1 · M The Illusory fr·nm the Tru(), studio at the home of Mrs, 0. F. ! ~ercy VanSJCl<le, over the wee!< . ng a '!I county t ere IS no on e. · e t, an ;ere m ason And stul'\·1, 1111011 fill' RcslcJ.ue," Miller, where she will give instruc-1· end and Glen McCrumb of Grand there· IS no school debt. We are 111 debt, and It's a •debt for Th , . . . . I tions in oil, water color and China 1 Rapids was n Saturday visitor. which· we never had a chance to vote. It's the debt that has Hoffe qlu.atJ aim '?t fr omll Stamuel painting, and will also take orders j Mr. and Mrs. B. Silsby nnd


contmua y mounte smce 1932 an wh1ch skyrockete dunng thing else he ever , . t b t tl t or por raJ s. r. an · • · · .. · 11 d · d · d · ens em. can reco ec any- f t 't I M d Mrs Clifford S1n1·th at b I ' d b h II f 'II h · ' · \\ 10 8 11 la On .July 22, there will be a ball tended the bnll game at Detroit t t:war .. ' t s a e t t at a o us w~ ave to .pay m one way hns stuck w1th rne n long t1m.e. game at Knppelhir's pm·k between


the first of the week. ' Ol'.another SQ.me day and that day Will soon arnve. With the reopening- of con- Webberville and Aurelius. These i The two childr_en of Cletus_Ra~et

-o- spiraey trials,' that word 'recollect' clubs. are old nntagomsts. . of . Wayne, Ind1ana are VISitmg BEING AN ELECTOR IS BIG BUSINESS will be back in hard usage. A It 1s expected that a state s1lyer · therr grandpar8nts, Mr. and Mrs.

:.' .. ·., .. Those w!Jo 1·ntend to vote at the No.vember electl'on WI' II favorite question of · lawyers is conventron to be held at Lansmg Carl Warner. ' ·' will endorse Bryan and Sewall. Mr. and Mrs . .Jacl< Sanders and

want to brush up on their mathematics. They are going to be "What's your best recollection of Haying and harvest with the ex- mother of Sngillllw visited their asked to approve a bonus for war veterans and to also force the such and such a conversation or ception of oats are finished. Some parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Snn­litate to divide sales taK collections with cities. e,vent ?" I maintain that there is have begun harvesting oats this ders, the Fourth of July and the

only nne recollection and it is weelc ; weelc end . . ·::: . The best estimates on the bonus deal is that something neither good nor bncl. There can't Mrs. William Laxton and three : Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barnhill illlO~e. $200,000,000 will be needed and it will probably have to be n best recollection. There can daughters visited friends in AI· .f of Grand Haven visited Mr. and i:ol'rie.- O)lt of sales tax collections. Now the state returns to be only one honest recollection. An bion this wee!<. :Mrs. Clayton Snow the weelc end. · h 1 d' · d f If d h · honest man cloesn 't uarry two : The Misses Cmoline and Mary-·sc, oo . IStncts an or we are an ot er local· needs the big- sets of l'ceolleetions around with READ 'rHE CLASSIFIEDS I olin Dol bee are spending their va-ge·~t share of the :!~les tax. With the cities being cut in for a him--one for ordinary telling and I f!lrther. share the taxpayers will have to find other means of the best one for cour-t. raising enough for the bonus and for schools, or else the sales tax Will- have to be hiked. .

Being an elector is a responsible job, especially ·when the voters~must make the decisions which legislators are expected to make. . ,


, ~cTh~· 223 people who sweated it out at the Ma·son school me't!:irt.g ·Monday night know there· is a ·better way for con­ducting school elections.

'Usually there would have been only 23 willin~; to brave the ;~eilt anc.l humidity at the school meeting. This year an additional 200 were attracted by the school row which has been fought at public meetings, through the press arid ,by mail for the past three months.

~egardless of the size of the crowd at the school meeting Mon~ay night, the time has come for a change. Most people now~da);'s just don't _like to get up in 'meetings and make nommatmg speeches. They don't want to show their hands in .public. They believe that school board elections should be' conducted .in the same manner a~ other .elections. . .

· ·Here 111 Ingham county the electors 1n the Ala1edon Umt scbo91 .. district and the Ingham Township Agricultural school district have a better way. They vote by standard ballot. Polls are open. throughout the day. The_ electors don't have to pack themselves into a hot room on a· sweltering night to listen to long reports before they are given the chance to write the names of their candidates on·slipa of paper. · . Under the improved system used in Alaiedon and Ingham

townships the. ca~didates don't have to depend upon someone . to ._make nommatmg .speeches •. They don't have to wait for lightning. to strike. Candidates file petitions prior to the election

l'eopl" lll'e no1 }Jtu•1lmrlar what they I!IU!\1' on theNe days. I~ust l;'•·lduy a llUie hoy hanolml this not" t.o a dm·l< in lUIIIt!!'llle's llllll'· l<et, "Giv" t.his ho,v 75., wort.h of' JIOI'I< st.eal<, Jean, nr ln~Bt' stenl<, or t•ot roast. or venl st.eal<, ur •·onst or• stew 1neat, or un3o•lhlng ebm lit to eat." n., got short; ribs.

'1'11ere's a fine lot of Mexicans and Americans of Mexiclin ances· try worlting in onions and sugar beets around Mason this year. The men and women and the young· sters are clean and well mannered, They are not only good workers and good customers; they are :;ood people.

In the Parkview subdivision are ~ome of the prettiest and most pro­juctlve gardens to be found in ~he entire Sycamore valley. If 'Jullding materials remain scarce ~or another year or two many of the Jot owners will have their properties paid for by the pota­~oes, tomatoes, corn, squash and }ther crops raised. A. G. Spenny has one of the most productive Parkview plantations. He has one nf the best stands of rye In the •nt1re county, His only regret is thut he didn't plant Bourbon !n­~tend. Over an the west side of town Claudius Bushnell is one of the fop gardeners. He has the advantag·e of the enthusiastic nnd expert help of his son Herman, . .

Michigan and The. Old Northwest BATTLE AT MENOMINEE

.. :._ ..... ..,. ..... _.... * lon1 Dlli1nce linea urul •witcl•board• •orv· ln1 MldliiOIJ rc1ort orcr•• nrc cxtrn bn•y tllla ,...,,,,,.,, 011 ~alia lo mul from tl10ee area&, :rou'll 1e1 belter aervice by m•ohU11g tire rush houra -10 A.M. 10 110011 oud 7 10 9 P.M. 1Ceepin1 coll1 brie/•~111 help, too •

1 M~tt.~&.iarn'l. -1.-r.fa~.··set s&iffii;~·~ available only. in l~rtd !ju&uti~~· O.t~!

· ~an't be had at all, •••'lii1G;r:Jlll'·..,.·· .... ~: ,With you it'~ butter anit suaar and shirt. •

r~nd many ocher thinp. With ua it' a lead and I copper and ateeland·lwnber arn1 brua and · textile• - and many other thilljl needed in · .

the manufacture of telephone e'fu.ipment,l

. ~~ A few months ago it looked as if thins•

I. snight be sening better, But diaturbed con·/

. ditio111 have tishtened up the aupply •itua· . r· ... . t h I t10n. n recent wee .. a, mater1a s ortagea

have been more criti~:al than during the war,, ..

f We have found many aubatitutel1 made aome old material• do, and practiced all , kinds of short cuu in an elfort to meet a 1

situation that ia far from normal, :·~ Right now, we hope that mott of the

orders for telephone aervice received before the 6rst of this year can be filled by the end ·

of the year, In eonle areu, of courae, we expect to complete many orden received this year. But it may be late next yeu before

we ca11 return to a "ready·tO•Hrve" baaia everywhere.

We're moving j~t aa fast as we can, and as supplies improve, we'll set going full tilt,




·~~.their names arc printed on ballots. There are no dark ~or•l!s .. '!here ar~ no surprises--c:ase_s in. which candidates ·~~ .. nom~nated, and elected solely because they were not at

It might not huve been honest 3Went, . the l<ind that lathers up \fter hnrd toil on the farm or in the garden, but there was plenty of moisture cascading out of poreH nt the Mason school election Mon·/

There they burned the fort ond o Seu• town, killed o

... the meetmg to protect themselves.

. . We. have outgrown the ~own meeting plan (or holding ~~~~ol -~tltrict elections~ The ttme has come for a change.

few pri~onen. ·

day night. · !--------------...;---------..: MICHI8AN BELL TILIPHONI COMPANY~


r - j F M1·, nnrl Mm, Puul Clinton und Dr. rmd Ml'fl, B. ,J. Dowd nnd Mr. nnd M1•a. Lloyd n. Donne ,.,,cJ'oHI.Ion purlol' '"' llOOI~ ""It in 1J!.rcnl;, !mown aR tho r.enllo nndln PTIJI~SONALS • 0r1ner MaRon Man J'nmlly ol' Tfnllllllon, Ohio wcwo 111

m, Allen, nf Kut1111111

zw• 11

pcnt HIHI Nod w•·r·r. ln·Og-<lJlnw ennnty 1Hl111Jlldod. 'l'IHJ illylllg' of ill'll'l! in CIIIIIL. o· I c l"f . giiCHlll of' Mr•, Hllri Mt'll, c. /1, :~nndlly will! Mr. """ Ml'll. i\ll't'IHI 1'111' !he wcclc ('!HI. 111" III'W l'l'ol!l. lu•iug <'1'<'1'1"11 hofnl'n

1 Clcor·g·d Higdon In convnlonctug / 'l'ho Nclmm JJrL!l fnnrlly spent. ICS 11 a 1 ·ornaa rJ!Int

1111 over t.lrn l•'otn·th. '!'hey !Jol't A lion.' MI'H, Allen roiiiJ'IIml In Gl!e!lill nl' Ml', 111111 Ml'll, Alhot•t

1.!111 old ponl 1'<111111 flll Mnin :;LI'l·d' nt hi.~ ltntnn 011 Ill. Klnrwyvlllo J'Ond tho holldny week nn<lnl lL cottu.go nen,llllllill JP. Dnlhc .. , 711 , fnr·nwr• Alltllrdny 11101·11t

111r 1'01· .lnHl,Yil lnl{tl, KnlillliiiZOn Ln Hpond thu we~k /ll'l',V fllllldlly Wlll'll M1·. nncl Mr~,


Small Attendanec

lHI~I J'l'lll'iu•rl "'" '"''''""' flifl!'y. 'l'lw ftl'lm• 1111 "f"'l'Hll1111 fill' u.ppcndlcltiH I 011 St J-Ielml'H lnlw, Mn,'IOII hi!HineHII II Ifill, died nt hln Ol.lwr· gllmlt.•1

of Mr•, 1111<1 Mr·:1, with t.ho JJnw<la. !loll Hlr·niiH 1111d l\lm, lUHlhcr

";""'I hy "'" H U I U<·y I"'"' I" "~ "P: '"'" w <>« '"" "' h<e I''""' Ru pll«l tl<e Cl"l«tl «« yo« l.h 1<·«1 «I«' S« I «<'<I«·', .h "' «, « fl"' « «I«< <'l W « o "' l.,h ««« < <e< «I I<«« il Y « "'I 1 "' «, N <«« y o «<I Hm o I"" I.O< <, <>I Me, ""<I M <"«. C lw <'«eo 0 'Deh lllrlllllng· IVirl'll l'l>lllplel.c;d i" In lm at Mei'I'Y hrmptlnl, .Tnoi!Hnn, Hll'l;•ll'll Bnrllelt IM nll.onrllng hnnw In Hnntr1 /Inn, Cnlil'rll'ni 11 , Clltrl.nn on tho l~nlll'lll wm·o MI'H, Mr·

11. l'nnl cnwl<dl nrul da11gh-~ lllllhilf llllll Pat nl' 1-lnll.

I• l'iriii,V Wil.tl!'ll_'


''" I.IIIJ






ng "


chlll'eh Hpollt Wmlru•tJrlny clelUJing / c·un 1 rtl. Gnll !nice. lllnoHH. Mr. Dolben- hil'l. M:uwn In Mr·u. Andrew Irnnl 11nd .Joy<'ll, fl:unpl.nll, Vir·g-lnlu, unci Mr.Y, Ilal- nl' Wehhcrvlllc wm·n lfll<'flif! of 1\fr, I !"' I«« «'I«« ''' I h<' "" «< "" l I '""'.'I": U« < l«"lm·• « f lh« « h «<'d<. ' M ~. " "'' Me"· n. R """ «I « ml '0 HI """'' """ 1 « g I h « I« ml """" S «<«I« y M < . «<«l M ''"· l•' ,., «I< ll« .I"« k hm "' W « " N ""''. VIe- «<«I M <'«. I""""«" l•'l« I< S « «d • y. tuur nt. I he flll.l·. ".1. tiro new L"f·; 11,~ Mr'.Y, n1

waell r-rnnJJnuJHI 11ndm·-~ Hon anrl M 1·, nnd Mr~. CharlctJ lmown IIH llw Antcl'lcan Slc>nm Dalcln \Vern llfnllnt• gncr;ls or Mr. g-inlu, at·n viHilllllf llii'IJ• nunt, Mrs. I --------"'"""·' I'""

1 1

'" '" ' !'"" '1 l ""tt 1

S '""" 1 o ""' j '" «I««« ll<«< « l U '""" WI< <Oto y m<d d« «gl<ti«• of 1.« """" lm « «< h·y wh I« I< lw "I"' «il «<I f «« "<«I M < "· U « ""'" D« I< I« l« A«« G moo AU<'« I"" « "'"" lh · 1" II>OV.U U "' m,; ._. IN.JVU •• 12'/, .IIIHI. lirli'LI


. "




1 1

age hc>Hpitul .Tliclwon, cml'ly In the "pt>nt (!10 Fom'lh nf J11ly at scvcr·ui' Yl'lll'H. He <'nlllinund Uw Arllm•, JlfJ', and J\'li'fl. llar·old TrunHu Slllnoy Spec!' nl' Lillt.Ying, a Mci

·Jo Lnlrillllll ,·ulll Tllll'nld lilllllo II nrw 111



' 11111

t!O· 1 ' " d 11 b I I ('Ill' tl llltlll 1 t 1 1 I N M t I t I

l' 1

, •. ·lr IJ'I'I t



11 i'Jicl In , wee<. Gmn nvcn, RIJ.mc llflllCHH " "1 " 1'1 a · Mr·, 11 nd MI'H, fficlgllt' Hlrlgll 111!< tlpcll Lire wen c <'II< 11 cwugu 1 fm·11wr 1111on rrH c en , 11 cnnva.

H«'" ill«« •~ < " "h•" l< '" ' " "'" .,.,..,


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1, • I' h« M "'" m '""' 11 ·' <"««<il<m W«« W «II««< U """" or ''" l<h « g «« il hI« mU < "'"'' «' '" "" I· I .I •• « ""'' M <'. "'" 1 M ,., . Ulu I« Uh «· '"' I< M «. ««<I '"'" H" ««« « . II««~· 1~<·1 "" I« " '" «I«« w l«wpll•l '"''"







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.1 111Hl "






, 11

1111 11

· ~,': 1 .;7'\1111'1 .tll 1'11. l.l

1',, Vi:J, hold al I1utwcll pu'r·lt, 'l'hurHday, JDdwtn Bnrton tJ[ Iclln

1t npc

1r1t1t He IH sur·vtverl by I he widow, I worth

1qwnt llw wcel! '''"' In Aile Ann, who h11rl IJCl\11 In New- injm·ie» J'<'eotvr.rl "" .June ~.'B. Spcet•


•Jie JHJfll'rl Ill' ''' "''fl 1011


1 11

' '' ~ I I '1'1 Y I" 1 M r I I I I •·J 'VIlli I I l '·! I I II II It 1 St Ilelen

At Sehool M ccting

.• ' . ... . . ''" y ' . w "" "'"' "' ""' "' ... " • ,., . I" "''" A "" '"" " '" W« s "" "" Wit" M ,. • "'" " ''·"· • "'" "" "• "' ..... , '"' " " """'. ·" "' ' "" " "" """ "' • . !1111\llll! nJeeling of


'" LI•HIII! IIH· l.rg . 'l;hu I!CJJJCnt floor luw been luid Mr·, fllld Mr·s. LfLWI'CliCC. BU.l'lrlll. Hons, Cllfl'nrrl fl. Dnlhl'l' nf HiVI'I'· WPllrimn. I Ml', llllll MrH, 1-lni'I'Y WllllllllJ[J 111111 he fell ln the gTOIIIIII when a trlr.l held nl l.lw H<'liool


"""'" Mill!- at the new !Jump nurl paint. 11hnp Gue11ts of Ml'. !111<1 Mrs. Burton nlde, Callfnnrlu, and ClHII'IPH B. Mr. nl!fl Mr·11. John Lay Hpent nl' r,,1111

iirl'! were gueslH on Sunday flcnffnlding-- collapHIHI, lie Sllffercll

(·'a" "V<'tliiJ". /\lrlllrl :111 fllll!'IIIW nf I \\'pdrfill~, Soll•mni'f.r'd I I M

1111.• !If · I '· I I l 1 t 1 t b 1

' ' " . " ' «« N. M «I « "<'«< l « o «« """' """ tho WoO< "'" W«"" 0

• " 0«11«<" «f PI«"«« ll « , C« «<"«'" S«<e<l"·""; ll< M <'"· I'<O< I C« I « <'. «f M<'. m< i1 M <·«. f,. C. 011«. « """ W< "U «'" « <o '"'· t!u', sclwol al.lt•IJcil•d. LoiJJu:~u ~~'"" 1 II q11id \\'l'ddiug wa:< ''""'""'i'-•'c! :Jtl'llel. MI'H, Jcm·cHt Sage of Bclrllng,. unci fntn· g-J'lllrrlehllclren nncl '"'" Mr·. a11

rt Mm. Hnr•o!rl Bnr'llhlll cleelml fm·


l.l!i'IIJ ol' '""' Y"al' '"'" Wl•clili'>Hifl,Y nvcon(ng ul lire lronw Lt., Mar·vin f•Jdwanls spent the Mr. and Mrs. Ji'rnn]{ GUCI'l'!el'O gr·o;tt-grandehild. Tfc HIKn JenveH and Mr. and Mr·H. Holllll't ilL'Illl· ----- -----Hnmlllnn frll'




'" Y"tii'H, '!'Ire I of tl11• lrricle's llll>lillll', Mrn. NPIII<J I•'o!lrlh with hh; Jlll.l'ents, Mr. and and Mt', fliHI Mr11, nus~cll Huntmg- two Histet·s, Mi'H, fi'rnnlt Coni< of' """'" spent Sunclny at. Shl!oglll nwnt.lng Willi i"'''':ill<•rl '-'1'

1'1' lly L<'!/· 11 •. OlclH, fi'I'H J'lllld, enHI. nf I•Jrlell, ton

1111011t the wccl{ end at Colnm- Mason, nnd Mrs, ChmleH Sage or Jnlm. li

n, Vl!ll'C, IH'I'HirilliJ_I. ol 1.111• ho:rnl. I ll'ill'll ,,,.,. llilllf,'illi•f', f)JJJ'ili R, Willi Dl!ll<lllli',\]0, I t

" I 4 H Cl b N hllH, Ohio, . Mr·. and Mt'H, S. A. "":' "" wt•r·o

nnrl WIIH llfll'nl'll wJI.Ir II Jll'llYl!l'

1Y.' ,,,,.,,.,.,,.,! 1.11 lll'l'ill}J'i. llllilcy Ill' I • u ews B I J lett I l\! (' 1

· Mr11. William CJ'g n, • r., ---------- -- gucst.Y of M1·. nne l'H. .enrgc w Rev. 'l'lllltllnn Wriglrl.,




Cnl'llllllll, Tlw 1'''

1'1'1llii!Jy Willi pel'· i 'l'lle Nnrllnwsl Alnicdnn ·1-JT Sat.rmln.y for a two weeks vaca- Mr. and MrH. Doyle Burgene Young-er• in Gt'IIHHil Poilltc Iaili.

the Mr.t!""li><l l'illll'l'h, nnd w:'" J'JJJ'IIII'd h,Y [,,., •. f•jdwnrd .r. CJ'nH.~ i ·I IJ m"t nl lh~ home nC .Jimmy tlon ut Saugaluclr. · nnd children spent llw hollclny weelc encl. Tirey wcr·c llH'I'C l'nr 1.1111 clo.srrl With a lll'll<llhdiiJII hy ncv. ol' f"<'l:lil' Mr.~. J-::llll'y has 111ll'l1 1l '-.'

1 8 11 ·11 1 'fl c~dny eve Ml', llnd Mrs, Wayne Wci't 11.11d I wcelc end wil.h lll'r Jllii'Cills, Mr·. g-olden wedding lllllliVel'Har·y of Ute

Paul 'l'llel<•!l', mlniHtl'l' nl' Uw J]ap- tllndreJ· ,;, l.lw Cor'lllll'ra clehool11 fnr· l~l'll~l~Jr;lnnf; '~t ~-;~~:t o'~l~clr.' Encl~ Riolllll'd and Mru·ilyn fi!Jd MI'H. and Mrs. Bell Pringle, at the Yoi!I!;TOI'!l, ,

1.isl. ehrn·eiJ. a lllllllhr!l' ol VL'ai'A """ l.hc hr·lde- nlng, .Y ' ·] h t Koonter· of Lalnf:{Hhllrg spent Sun-, Pringle coll.agc nl Ducic lake. Mr·s. F1·cd Strobel nf Dlamnn-Ro!Jer·ir-l HIJnwc!il ll111t 1111' r·x· gr·nnm h11s h;'I'JJ II. lif<•·lnnll' r·esi- member· tonic his rc~OJI ~ ce ', day with Mr. and Mrs. D. L, Brny: /Mr. nml MI'H, LIIWJ'cnec Barna- dnlc, Mr. nnd Mr·s. T•11nwr· Lnnd-

penlwH of till) sr·l""'' for 1.111! l""'l d<·nl. cd' C'oJ'IIIlllll. J-Ill iH llw fill!) A mocllng _of lh<·, lnodH ,IJld cr~n- Mr. and Mrs. c. 0. CIH!I'eh nl by and family of flflltlo Crcelc llf•rg a11d Mr·s, Ida Hcving-tnl! or ye111• J.nl.ak-d 11 tww -F·I,IIIIII.Oll. It of llw !ale DJ·. r•;. IT. llaii<'y, ifJnjl· nlng group nt the Anulhcast A~uc- M d



Wllfl vol••rl IJJ~II. lllf• 111<'1111"'~'" 111 ,1_ 1,,.,.,,,1,.,_, 1.11111 ,,_ 1• 1 ·11 thnl c•ily, At <Inn ·1-J[ l'illh_ \~liS hclcl .June 2oJ a_l Buy Cll.y left for home nn 011 n.y Hpcnt .lilly •I Willi Mr·. lliHI Mrs, Clevclllncl,, Ol1in,_ Mr, IIJH rs. ,

1 II - 1 1· 11 d Ar mm·ninA· after Hpcndlng a week li'. L. Bamaby. H. llill nl Lflll!•lllg, M1 H, Willllrm the llmll'll Ill\ f.'aid lll·n·:~fll'l' "· "' prl';il'nl. Ire iH ""·"'"'ial.ed with the Uw hr:nre 0

.>crJJ:rr 1:ne 111

_1 ." wllh Mr. and Mrs. W, S. nhodos./ Mi', anti Ml'H, HUHIH'IJ T3irlcel.l 1

lll'rgin, Mt', and Mrs. Nathan rate of $a.fl0 loJ' f'af'IJ l1ooJ.r'd llH·.ut~ ,1, .. ,,·111 ('CJtlltnb;:;h,twr·':l nff"it'e of dttll Shaw. Dcmonflttalwns wcJc

1 1 1

I "' t L

1 lng l.hcy nti.I'IHI. !'lllllw '~>ww:mon Nlrifi.W'IIIHtlc ''"""'"· A Hllllrl wed- 11-:' Von. 0 !1 11111

' ng · HrVtll't Joe' childrPn ol' DetJ•nlt arc spcnchng-1 as llwir guc1:l.H this wm·lc em!. 1 Mr·. 111111 Mrs. J• r.arrlc thompson 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ts Mr. and MI'S. F'rcd Hn soy '!IH hac! Mr, anrl Mr·s. Rober·t Birlw .t Tla vi!J, Mr'H. ,o,rn;'" :~•;ncr '"" i or l.hn lllllll'es•ll•·lll 1'

111"'" will< lr nrl" llll.eJ· wlli1·h ll11•y WJII malw ,,ilcl'l'lcs. A hl!srnc/JS mectmg w.ts !•'. Riclurrds. 1 ~;pent t.hc woof{ c11<l with Mr. and Iilll-1. L. Green during the past

was h<•ld I"' to lill• 1




' •·:rpll.ii ''~ 1 :' 1 di11g IJ'IJI is hl'illf; lniH•JJ _In C;m-1'"111 _mnlfin.~ a.'·"' c;anllml') strn:v- this weolc with Mr. and Mm. W, Mr. and Mrs. Charll\11 Ht•ed I were all g--w•sln nl Mr. nncl llfrH.


d the :wflillli nii.<•J' WIJJI'!r a l.lwir· lllllll<'lli. Con 111111 ~, held and rcrr·os!rmenlH were . V

1 1 short ad•lrce;1; w:~s gi1·1·n by I ill' 1101,vr·d. A nnther mecl.ing- nf tho Mr·. and Mr·s, Mnynard Stsco,! Mn:. \< illiam Hee<. wee c.

newi,Y Pll'l'il'd - HIIJli'J'illt<•lldclll., same gronr was held .Tui,Y 2 at tloe Mr. anrl MrH. Howard Wall;cr and J-,====="--""'====,.~==,.:,..=============.,., I 'i\{rs. 0 . .1. r·~dWlli'IIH, whilll tieing-- Mr. ancl Mrs. George Rrcs at- = CIArrllce Vlll!rll'i'Ltll< '-'"· · ti'IIIJsi'<ll'l'l'd from the Ncwl.nn D. home of Sl.lir·Jc.v MeMic!Htel. Dcm- tended the lrnrsc show at t.hc Lone I ~l"l••••••••••~•I:IIIRIB!fl'lfA!DI•••m•zmanwac:.•••••••r.

I' . I ill I I J::J!<J•r g'l'lli'J'al Jw:;pital, Mll'.'i.irrs- onsl.r·ntions were given on mQ,'llrlng Pine mnch at Haslett recently. I _.ul".al' !vi I',.'~ ''vni!I ·v I'" I burgh, \V. Va., lo fcnrt c>llot·iilan, nwa l loaf, <'akc nnrl cnoldcs. lies- Dr. and Mt·s. Russell R. Robbins

The r''""""" " ;,_ 1

• • • 111 t.ions wore aslced the members on were guests the Fomth of .July of

Cnmp, nl' l•~;u;l. LiiiiHIJJ;: " '"'''""''I ;l'llf• ol<l llffi<'l' huilrliiW at the llll·lr pmjeclH and refreshments Dr. an·• 1\'t'.", C. L. Dobbcns at . I I r I (";ill• \VI'I'I' lli'C>IJ"Iil ln "' 1'1 t l' [' u ., ,, remr en. " ' . ' ,, . CIIUIILrynJ:IIJ ]'unlc v:ll'fl "''. N. Main were served. ' 1C nex mcc rng o Scott lal!c. '\' lhwn I'I'IJio•l•·rv Wt•dn 1""'·'Y · · · 1 J 1 16 l tl '


~ ' • . .• 1 · · · · stJ·cl'l ""'; llC'llll moved to the prop- I his g'I'Ollp wi I he • II Y a 1C Carl Hoyer· nncl Roy I<lnkald

8ftct!H"1" r


burJ, I. 1·rty of Lloyd Kenney, Woodworth lwmc of Judy and Delores Heath- spent the Fourth of ,fuly week end ('ar Jfilh iluil<ling- siJ'I)L•t.. man, 'rho next meeting- nf the en- with Stanley Kellogg at Lalcc

Early T•'riday l'l'l'llin·~· '"' aulo111n-l l.irc gmup will be .July 2:1 at Bar- Georg-e. bll; hitllw 11 ,;f'th """;. post. nf !] 11,' 'l'mill'r 0\'l''.'llll'ns l!lll'a ami Ann Md(lnncy's home. Walter and Donald. Leach of

1 clrivcwnv inln I he ll~>nf(l'rbi·""" i\ trai!t•r· loarlcd wilh :;heel t:tccl Tile cll1b lour will be .July 12, ancl TrnvcrHe City are Vlsttmg thmr · I' 1 · ovcrttn·ncd lntc Salut·day at'tor- wHI ~ln1·t at 8:15 a. m. at the father, zcna ·Leach, wllo is con-gnrRge, Main Btl'Pt•L, dPlllll J}llltlg' 11111111 o'll 'l'!"lle't" ('Ol'IIPl', imu mile rrl f ft

the Honth pm·ti11n of J.IJp pial•· gl:~s>: -• li'mnlc wmpson arm. valcHcing at his home a cr w!ndnw allcl mal!ing II. IH'<'C~~"''Y eac;t nf LCiilit• on lf::l·l 27· The ---------- underg-oing nn npemlion at Cor-to rebuild " portion of the build- litL•el wa~ strcwc•d over the pave- WHEATFIELD CENTER saut hospt'tal. They were 1'Ccently

ing front. ' lUr·s. Erma JnhllMon tsc mrg-ec 0 - ~ · mcnl. and <kla.•.•ed the lmfJ'ic until d' 1 1 rr 1n til" service ncarl.y lGO <'Ill'S We1·c in lhc j;tm. Mrs. Albert Gephart is spending

Mre. Dora Bird, Mrs. Lena Fieh- this weclr with her daughter and cr, Mrs. Stella Wolt' and Mrs. Er- husband, Mr. an!l Mrs. 'fl10mas

flllilfJjJJgt-t l 1 1'11J.{I'4'~;~;in~

A m•w <'Cl!Jel!l. l'l'ol!l and lloll'.' Elel'll'ie power '':'"H em off with other illlfH'OVI~IIll'lllH l!a\'C l't\J'I.~r Sunday lll.(Jt'lllllg' r:rmn Lhc been added to UH• hniltling- n•ct~nu.v · Lc.slw nrea Whtle l'CJHttr::~ were purchancd by Al'lwld 1\Tar·vjn of 1 being- made ln . Uw Consumer Detroit lrH':tlrrl (Jtl C;n·ru·y ~.;tn•t•t.: PcJwt•r· cnmpany hnt•fi.

ma .Johnson allended the W. S, C. novston. A. inslil.ul e Tuesday 11t Munith. Mr. and :Mrs. A. E. Chilvcr or

west of· \\'i!llo;nn; ga:;nii11e' tJ!iitinn. ~ . The wonwn of the Leslie Bap­Mnrvin cxpcds t, opel! :1 p11ol a111l: l~;:l l'inii'L'Il met at lhe ciHJrch

I WL•dneeday ai'Lernoon With Mrs. I Bi'llill'h l•'isclrcr a llCI M r·s. Nettie

,----------·----,.: J[f•mstret.:L in ehat·;.;c or tho pro-

Miss Connie Dibble spent the Glendale, Calif., arc visiting at J?otJJ'lh at her hnmc. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gibson ar- Sawyer. rived home Sat urclay night after Mi·s. Arthur Gennis and claugh­»pcndino- a weclc visiting relatives tcr nf Flint spent a few !lays last

Inside Painting \V;\LLl'Al'lr.Jt ltl~l\IOVIm

B.v IIIOIJir;HN nlll;'f'IIOD



1; :.: rn m. ' 'Tlw ~L'etJJH! r·!r·cu:-; of the sea-

Hflll l o :~how in Lr:.'ilil' exhibited i \V('t!nesd;_1y afl !'l'lliH)Jl mHl cvuning-.

I i Ha r c Bt·ot!Jer·s Wl'l'U ttw slww­lllen.

"' week with her parents, Mr. and in Ponliac and Detroit. Mrs, Cliffnr·d Watt. Wilham l~berly and Hany Rind- w. R. Tietz was in Jaclcson on Jlcisch were Sunday guests of Mr.

·,lnd Mrs. Pcar·lle B'each and Dnr·is. business Monday. . Pf'e. Charles Seeley, marine

Snnday altcrnoon callers of ll!~'· 1 cm·rs, or Qtmntico, Va., is spem_l·l and lllrs. Arthur l<'msl were Miss in[;' a ten clay furloug-h with hts E:nna Pullnl{, Elmer !Prost and Li- pai·cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Churles F. 1118, and Mrs, gdilh Curtiss and Seeley. Mr. and Mrs. George Coon ft•om Mr. ancl Mrs. Ferris Reason Lapeer. were guests nt the C. H, Watt


lllr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gibson home Saturday evening.

1. Mr. nnd i\fr·s. !ellis War·<! and ' daug·hter·, .Joan, 1\'fr·s. Dcl<•tha Up­dyiH· and 1111'1<. Mary Smith rc­tl11'1led Sunday evening from a motor lr•ip thrllllf;'h liH• cast visit­ing Niagara T~ulls, New York City and Pittsburgh,

12f.i T!J. SouLh St. I. rL c. !1.1"llllg'C~l' Hllcl Mr:-;, Rosetta Phone MASON 22•101 ; Dcnrnnd nr Lansing have llpcnecl

wcr·c Sunday dinner guests nf their Lt. .Tames Egan of .Johnstown, I son, Ji'Jnyd Gibson, and family or Ohio, was u weclc end guest of Sl ncl<briclg-c, Lt. Robert Shoemalccr at the

Miss Connie Dibble and Paul home of his parents, Mr. nncl Mrs. '--------------•; a !'aclio repair shnp on S. Main Wolf' were S11nclay dinner guests U. B. Shoemaker.

of 1\'lr. anrl Mrs. George Vnnder· Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Spcnny marl; and Beverly. ancl family arc spending this woek/1

Mr. and Mrs. Hernmn Gt·etten- at Lake Geor·gc, berger ancl i'amily were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Stricklancl


dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ar- spent the Fo11rth of July at Mar-lllllr Frost. , inn trout fishing.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rum- Mr. and Mrs. L . .T. Acker of 1 bm1gh, Miss Bernice Hunt, b'rank Detroit spent the Fourth of .July!

· and Ida Mac of LHnsing- called on weclc end with Mr. and Mt•s. Dean ' Mr. and Mrs. Berton .To h n son Taylor, i 'Fimrsday evening. Mr. and Mr~, John. ~aylor a?d 1 Mis:; BarilHI'a Cook spent the famrly were _m Detrott Sunrldy

[cmrrlh and the wcclc end with he!' where they VISited Mt·. and Mrs. father·, Allen Cool{, in Lansing. I Stanley Luther·. Margaret a_nrl

Mrs. Winifred Frost spent sun- .Janet Lnlhcr rctum?d home With <lav wilh Mt·s. Minnie Baclcus In them and ar~ spcnumg th1s wcclc vV'II' "I at t.he Taylm home.

, 1 wm., on. . " M1·. and Mrs. E. R. Tietz of De-i 1\h·. and Mr~. Rnwlan!l li'r 0 ·',t and l.roit visited their son and wife, : f:11~1J!y ~yen~ Sunday w.lth ~1 ·• and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tiel?., and . 1111 ~-. Ou.l Krnw_ of 13r~ckc~11ll~.ge; _ Phillip on Monday.

111'.. and MIR. George I root .Lt. M1•s. A .. 1. TmTance is ill at her . lenrlcd funeral sorv1ees fol' ll~ctr home.

r.nusin, Albr.rl. Dclloss, In Lanmng Mt•, and Mrs. Oscar VanSteeland 1 Wednesday artcrnonn. and family spent last weelc at

--------- Gilletts lalce with Mr. and :Mrs. GROVENBURG Amos Vunsteeland. lllrs. llowarcl. Nnr•lb

Mr·s. Clarence Leonard called one clay last week on Mrs. Wilson 'l'cnnant in Holt.

Dcvel'ly and Dick Leonat·d spent the l?omth at Pickerel lake.

Mt·. and Mrs, Ralph Ha1-t at­tended a family reunion Sunday at · the home of Mr. and Mrs.

, Elmer Gillett ncar Barryville, Mildred North and Lizzie Moon

were dinner guests Sunday after­noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Canedy.

Mr. anrl Mr·s. A. L. Toolwr were g--uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harr·is Toolcer ncar Eaton Rttpids for dinner Sunday after-noon.

M1·. and Mrs. Ernest Farmer and son, Ruesell, of Detroit visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rice from Thursday until Sunday.

There were 2a present for rlin­llel' at the North r·ermion .July 1 at the home of Mrs. Howard North.

SOUTH ALAIEDON 1\lr~. Lewis Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wall visited Mt'. and Mrs. Hm·man Walt at I Reese Sunuay,

On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nichols and family I we1·c g-uests or Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I H. Watt.

1 Mr. and Mrs. L. R. White will spend the next two weeks at La lee L:msing vacationing. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Forchc ariel family re­turned on Sunday after· spending a weel< at the White cottage, I

.Tack and Bill Richards spent the week end at Yale with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pul mer, 1

Mt•, and Mrs. Carroll Young of Eaton Rapids were guests of :Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seeley Sunday evening,

Mrs. C: V. Post spent the week r.nd at St. Louis with her mother, :Mt·s. Floyd Markovic.

Miss Alfreda Powelson returned home from Central Michigan col­lege at Mt. Pleasant on Sunday for the summer months,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Garnet Seigel und

I children spent the Fourth at the ....,=========,...,================== home of Mr. Seigel's sister nnd

e hushand, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnes of Lansing,

Mrs. Donald VanderVeen is now at the home of hct• husband's par­ents, :Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Vanuer­Veen. She has been at Hollywood, Fin., for the past several months, r where her husband has been stationed.

Miss Madelene Mcniec was a guc.s~ of Rev. and Mrs. Clarenee W. Lawton last Tuesday. She rc­tur·ncd to her home in Bay City With, the Lawtons Wl\0 spent the Still Another Change !

llll~A'l' QtTCITAS Mil~ S'l'lLI. IN Ei<'FJIC'r

l Mr. and l\frs. Lyle Laycoclc at-

1. tended the Demorest reunion ncar Greenville on the Fourth.

i 1\Ir. and :Mrs, Vernon Elliott and · family spent Sunday with Mr. El­liott's parents, Mr._and Mrs. D. C. Elliott at Ithaca.

Fourth there, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newman'

WCJ'e guests of the for·n1er's. par­ents, Mr. and :Mrs. Arthur· New­man, Sunday.

llow (;an \'ou Gc•l Mm·"

Automobile Insurance J'oJ' your· lllllncy

1,250,00() ('ill' 0\\'JUW~i did if! Insure With

EMERY H. JEWEll 22H StuftJ r-;t.


1\Jasoll, 1\Iil'll. FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOIIILE INSURANCE CO. World's Lnrgc~t Automobile lnsm·nncc ComJlolllY with home office In Bloominr,Lnn. Illinois







LEMONS 300 SIZE dozen


PLUMS C'UifuaMiERS 2 '"' 23c





;, As they led him a­!·: way, they laid upon I ·I ! Simon the Cross. to ;


11' bear it after Jesus, A : .: great company of 1· people followed, be·

wailing and lament· ing him.

Lu. 23:26. 27.





LEMON JUICE S1f2-oz, 9c can A&P

SAUERKRAUT No, 21;, 15c can SLICED




RICE CEMS svror, p g. 11 c










The agricultuml department's meat quotas have not been affected, as fat• as we arc able to detcl'llline, hy removal 9r OP A con trots. Becuuse this is true, our meat continues to he limited.

\\'e \\'ill open at !) tl. m. allll dose ll'hr'n nwat supplies arc exhausted

Miss Mabel Jessop of Grosse Point was a week enu guest of Miss Jeanette Severance. Sunday morning Miss Severance enter­tained guests at brealtfast on the

Mr. and Mrs. Alford Powelson were In Ann Arbor Sunday to visit Mr. Powelson's mother, Mrs. Lottie Stowe, who is at St. .Joseph hospital. She fell on July 1 and broltc her hlp.




doz. 15C There~ None Better

V2-lb. pkg. 33c y2.1b. pkg. 31• Vrlb. pkg. age

lb. bag 21• 43c 46-oz.


No, 21f2 glau 28•


21• 46-oz, c&n

cake ac

tall c&n

11° Our sincere wish is that these continuing inconveniences to our customers will soon cease and that we can ugain resume normal business hom·s,


1 lawn. ·Those present were .Miss 1 Jessop, Miss Grace Hull of Mason ! and 1\flss Josephine Williams of Kansas City.

Miss -Belva Otis, cadet nurse at the Fot·d hospital in Detroit, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Otis.

PAN READ'( fl.ualitg_ Jteat.1, !Ji.1k anJ Poultrg. FIRM WHITE MEAT

FANCY HENS, 14 to 16 LBS. FANCY.- 4 to 6·LI. AVG, HADDOCK POLLOCK Mrs. Lewis Wilson and children nt.tendcd tho North reunion held at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mil­dred North, at Grovenhurg on the

1 Fourth. 1 Mr. and llfr~. Fran!< Severance 1 and Jeanette culled at the Howard ! Fay home in Eden Sunday eve­

Mr. and Mrs, Francis Bleicher and Mary and Joe of Lansing spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bleicher's parents, Mr. mid Mrs, C. A. Parlthurst.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Davis took Miss Donna Jean Davis and Miss Jean Freeman to Harbor Spt·lngs last weclt, where they will be employed at tho Harbo1• Point club


FILLETS : nlng.

I Mr. and Mrs.

spcn t the Fourth ...;.:....; ________________________ , ~1oon lake. Albert Turner during the su111mer. Mr. Ul1d Mrs. fishing at Half Da\'ls spent a day in Macllinac

City before returning home. · · ·

lb. lb. 49c

Pag~J Foul' INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, .ILILY 11, l!l4Cl -----------·-----------------~~--------------------------------~-----------~--- .~~----~ .............................................................. , .... ., Ill' I' rfiV<'n lly hnr• mnt.hrr•, Mt'M. 'l'hr. Young-. Wnrnen'H Rnrvh1o DANS y J L L E NEWS 1 1' E M S I Pi!l.l'flll .July;., 1f1• wnH n delognlu I o•d. !11'lllliV<lll Wt'J'O Jli'P1111llt. l't•omJ.Itily wuuk u111t nt er•nnltcd laiH,, 4 'I Mlll'Y I llxu11 Hurul11 y, Mr. ltn!Htnn, Loug-Jlll nwl wll h Mm. RuHanno l'l'lllll lll!'lllltll, Wltl•iillleld 1111<1 MaHon, !1:dr•n, It! I' I'll .111111'1 lou, , Mr. ttlld Mt'H, G<lot'g'!t Mtt<ltwll ' l 1 J-J 0 L T l !llll'lll•l .111, .ll't't'y 'ffnnilllnn, Mr. f'ehr·ul Wf!dnemflly evBnlng- I'm• ltH ffl,iflll Young Wltllt• Onlt, l.ltll•lo 11111 , Anr 1 Al'IHII', Mlln<•lu•uiPI', I <il' llm,JHvllll' o•allnd 1111 Mt•, llllrt

t I I'''"' Mt·H. flm•mn11 '"'''"'"Y nnd r·e,:prlnl' monthly Hrwlal g-ntllcrlnr~. r,, J(piJit nho•u"y IH 11 u,. 11 cllnrr 1 .

1, .

1 11 ,


1 Mr·:~. lt,l'll<'~t Bnrllell one duy lnNt

IIIIU'Y Jll~llll t ldnllghi<'l', ,111111! Allll, Wlll'n 'gtlfl~tH, ,Jnlln i\llcnnnd l311d WllldnH J'U· 'l'ultluu ll.uiHl•d nt. thn IIIIVIII nil' Hlllllon Ill (JI'IIHHI! Mldllgnn Hlnle 'cuiii'J:'I' J.hiH, llUIHlVIII, Ill IIIII Ill!< ll\l,lVI ' \Vet•lc. ' ! Tl<JIIIIllllnrh• h•e r•r·cnmand hlrthdny l111'11C<.I ft'rlnl Lltl'~ St. J·JnleiJ ,"'tlt1· AI. II rm1011l. llll'llling- of' lhe !Hlr.. llllllllh, ul'tm· wltl<'h lito Cltt'II".YH · · - ..... I "t', 1111<1 Mt'll, Hlclllll'd Pool 111111

••. ~............................................................. 1'111!<: Well! HCI'VI'd for ueHRel'l. ' Ully, .~ " " hour·<! of edueattnn It WllH th•t•hltlll Mr. und MrH. I,, M. fi<'lil.l. and llXJli!lll to lli<IVI! to Mlddlt•\•1111', HAWLEY I ra:;;lly ol' MIIHOII, Mrs. Edlll.lnii'wln

H\11111111'1' l'roJ(I'IIIII OJII'IIH I ''. r Ml', nnd MrH. Roymrmd Millet• lln rnhll• llw lnltlon l't•c I'Cijllll'otl nl' Ml', llllil Mt'H. 1~11 'l'holll]liHln ol' SluJ'r Hg'l, Wuytlf' Wulltl!l' Ill'• IHI'H Mlllll'il'll J,yon or I\IIIHOII 11\ld MrH. r~nul'll Vull ur ~'ho• I'<'<'J'o•nllo'""' Jll' o I' t' 11 111 I Annunl St lltlnl :\'footing srent tho weelc end at Deti'Cllt ut- non-rcRident elementur·y pu pi I H Gr·uunvllh! l'<'i.Jtl'lllld Mundny nl'tur· rived t1011 w Bntlu'tlity lll'lBt' IJPitif~ ' • I LnnHing wr!l'\1 dinner· gJWHlH tJf

plunrwd lnr· IIJI' llllllllltr•l l;y lh•• 'l'liu annunl school meeting WUH tending tiJO hall games, Cmm $20,00 to $fi0.00 becous1; nl' JIJ lluys liHhlng nnd 11 pil'lllllll'<' In the seJ'vle" the pust JfJ 11111ntlw, 1 Mt•, 1111 11 Mr·s. Chnl'lt'H Hlu•o·I"Y Ml'. lllllf Mt·H. Muur•ien l,yon em I'OillliiiiiJity ,·nJIIi< II g"t ltll<I••J' WilY, heir! Monday night. Rogulm• hUH!- Mr. and Mrs Lorned Goodrich 1rnpldly t•!slng sehnol costs, rhln ll'lp on WIJII.e IIJHI MIHHltHillli:llll the pa 11 t Hix 111 onths ul' wlill'!t wns 1 nl' Htocltbl'ldge, Mr. 1111d Ml'll. 1~1111· I 'l'lliii'Hdny. tile p111il wo•<'lc H1•Vr·ml rllli'l.bllll fltoHH wun trunsncted rwd tlw same I of Birmingham' vlslted friends In II mnount is tn ltceplng· with thnt rivcl's In Cnn11tl11 untl n l'mn· d1ty spent nvcrHcas. I renee Nlswongc1· nml fumily of • ---------gomcu uno! llli!ll'lmll W<ll'c pluyutl, 1 HJl[lrorJ•jullon wns set uslrle for Holt the pnst woe!t, chnrgcd by the other town schools trip deep suu fllihlng- on L11lte Mr. nnd MJ·,<, B •• 1. nr·eennug-h 'l'omllnson I'Clud, Mr. und MrH. I '!'Ia• 11 11 1

11 nl'


.. 11


I the Hchool board. ~eRoy Cnrpen- Mt'R, Duane Kennell wns tulten of lhls urea whicll have miMed Sur('J'InJ· nt CJI'IInrl Mnrlrw. They of EnHl Ot•rmgc, N . .T., wrl" Mon- 1 Rnlwrt .Judmon nml fnJHIIy of i llowt•t' gurdl•JI, llloHHomtng under Ju llanol Cmu•o••·l ter WIIH cleete<l lo 1111 the vacancy to the st. Lawr·enee hrmpltal last their tuition or· plan on doing sol report llm1t catcheH of g-rey, tiny gucstH nJ' Mr. untl Mrs. A. 1! Phlliip11 r·nnd, MrH. LYI.1• R<~f:clli lUll' HJH'II "'' ilw t'tll'illlntcr·, frost,

Mall 110111 Hlllt nHcndml th" I on lhe board <:uusm\ lly Herbert Satlll'day aftcmoon for an em- this coming yeor, This umount spcd!lcd and In lee trout. They O, Greenough, nntl Chnt·le:~ of [-Jolt, MJHH Can!<• --Whfltl•.'l', . COllt't'l't nl. Mll'!lignn r.;tute mllcgt' NotTis moving out ol the district. ergcncy opemtlon. added to thnt received fmm the I c?vercd llbout !GOO mtle11 on the Mt· and Mt"J nenrve Mltdwll I Sheeley ul' MnRon nncl Hobet•J ..,,.,...============ r,ivorr !Jy J1 1,. lllgi 1 ;1ch<ml 11 t.uti1!1Jlii ·--- .. -- Mt•, ond Mrs. Rex Hewlett of alate Is believed odequntc to meet t1lp. upcnt the Fo;1;.tl;' ll'l' l'lii'HlH of Com·tcrn of Lansing Wl't'P dinner =- ·-from tJ), ul!'i'o·,.·JJl high 11 ctwui 11 of~ fi'IU'Illi'J' lnjnt'Pll _ Allego.n called o.t the Langh11111 the per Cflpltll cost of operation, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ahbott Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde Wi'rnble's ~f gtJe11ts of Mr. nnd !'!lB. Bruce:~ !1 ,---------------',

the 11tuto;, 'l'IH'<Je tJOYIJ rr·om Jlolt AIJel Rockwood of Dell raud home lost weelc, Mr. Hewlett pre- ---1

nml fo.mlly were Sunday guests of F 1 1 ville · 1 Brtltcr llw Fourth ol .ruly. Mr.

purtldpnl.ed In tlw ;JJ'chr•:JtJ'IJ t•nd t'el~ ore n hny mlw lo11t weelt ond sen ted sev.JI·o.l nf hts music pupils nurled In Io'aln•lew I Mr. OIHI Mrs. Albett Thompson of 0 v cr · nnd Mrs. Murl Grl1111n or Tomlin- Dr C L Kaaer bantl. 1;1., 111 MIJI<JI', Hun or Mr. nnd I betor·e he could Hlop the horse, of Allegan In the choir, b11nd and Pmyer· services were held nt the Lnnslng-, Rev. and Mr·s, Lloyd Eulrr ond son rnnd rulll Mrs. Minnie Snyder • • • Mr,<. Arlhur· Mill1·1·, waH pl:wud In 1 he was rolled over sevc1·a! times orC'hostra at the high school con- gmve Sunduy afternoon for Judy I Mm. Lilly Petteys and Mr·. and family nttendctl lht~ F.ulel' f'nmlly of Detroit wore evening guest11. 1 VETICIUNARIAN llrst chilli' ror· e!arlnet11 anti was I :vlth the mlw unt! wns bndly In- ccrt.~ held nt Mleh111nn State col- Ann, Infant 'uaughter of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Dale mrter visited William reunion °11 .July ·I at the home ol: Mr nntl Mrs. Eitner Cl'flmloll[ Phone LllHllc 8411

· their Hololst. .Jcwllie HntTIH, Bon or Jlll'ed and hrUJsed, liege Sntunlity and Sundny, Mr·s. Gemld Miller of Mnson, who 1 Stebbins of Charlotte on .July .t, ~~~~~t. nnd Mrs. Henry Schmllll nl nnn:d,W:· ~~~ll~ln~r=n~s~p:ct~lt~l;h~e~l~:o:u~r~ti~J~o:r~;;;:;:::::::;;;::~

Ml'. uml Mr·s . .John llnl'I'IH, ad- -- Robert Wlrsham, a for·mer passed nway Saturday at the st. Mr·. and Mr·s. Chester Langham .., __ __ _ _ -· _ m vnncctl tlw. ehatm 111 llw tr·umpct I !3om to Mr. nml Mrs. Cleo H.' te~e~ct• In Holt, viHited nt the Lawrence hospital in Lnnslng. nnd f'omlly or Bun leer Hill. and Mr. nntl Mr·~1. 1~. C, AntleJ'Rflll ·· section, Whil<• .JunJ<'H JJt·lv<'J', IHlttlcr·cl'tllec ut st. LrrwJ•ent•e Jmspltnl, Elrnest Lnnghnm home Wedne11- Mrn. Miller wu~ formerly Vlrg-lniltiM1·s. Dnt·othy Wnll.er, Leo, hnth- attd flllllily, M1·. nttd Mr11. HoiJCtt ,------------------------------:, of Mr·. nttd Mt'H. At·! hill' Ur!VI!I', I ,July ri, tJ JJ.Ib. Hf<n, Mll'iuwl Alvin. do.y, Blallchartl. '!'he llflby Is survived ryn nnd Ar·llne spent l't'rllll 'l'hllt'IJ- i\ndenwn und fnmlly, .Jenn l'urltH 1 played in l.h1• hnrllorw lltll'll til'"" Mrs. r•:fJ'Ir• Jl:ll'lm<··~ nn<J son, Mr. nnd Mr·s,. Bud Ellis anti by the parents Mr•, 'nnd MrH Mil- day unlll Hlllldny with rnlatives in und I•'OI'I'UHt Wulltl'l' ·"Jil'nt fhlttdny' tion. Uiilt•, spo•nt thu weelt m11.l wtlh Mr. Mnr·y Ann nml Hrchnt•d n~d Mt•,q, ler, the gr·amlp~rents, Mt•. ltnd MJ'II, Metllmt unrl Clt!Vl'lund, Ohio. with Mr. lllld Ml'H. CJJI'ilott J(t'HRI<lt'

IIIJd Ml'll. CltnJ'i<•s Mc·nhlnll'ic and Fldltl\ Newman mude n tt IJI nvt>t' Ellnwr· Blandranl aJJd Mt· and Mrs Mr·. anti Mt'H, Onrll'g'C: 'l'<•t'ht•Hh ur Ci'YIItltl !alto. tlanghtlll', 1Jelore11, nl llwir f'llllage the I' ourth nnd the weelc end ln D 1.1 Mill,: f 1 II• 1~ Ll 'ct' [UHI l'nmlly or Revmma, Oh!rl, Mt·. Mr·s. Virg·lnla i\eldt•y nml

I I I I NHI"Ht'fl I•'nll11 thl·ough Pt H!ll'nn · · " 1 D "" 11 c. -.ev. oy 1 M · p 1 M · 1 · 11 1 1 t s • 1 1 t Mru. ll•·nl.rlc·•· l(nliilo 11 wm; Jho• nt .JoJ'lllll 11 w. " . · .. . · EJuler ofl'lclnted with burlill in nJ.)( I'll. nu. JHJ<lot niH IH!ll y <aug 1 cr·, 11e """· wt•r·u JJ'nng 1 t • 1 !Itt ' 'It' rtntl ll'rH Arlillll' Milici' nnd and SatJila nnd Jctmncd IJY the 1, 1 1 l ' ol Altt·on Oluo Ml1m Mary Juwh homu 'l'twHduy fr·om llw Rnwn gucFI ol HliH< I' • • " · ' · t' Cl 1 .• 01 · · • 11 t'V cw cetnl' cry ' • ' ·

lillllll, Cl<'lll und Phillip, left Mon- way 0 eve llllu, uo, · · 01' the W i\C, Htalionctl 111 Calif., 1\lemorlal IHmpllrtl In HtoeldJrldgc. I thV r"1' n two we<•ltH vat•ntlon at Mr. and Mr'H. Donald Dixon nnlll A ,1, Ill 1 Peter l(neh nntl ''"ll nntl Churlc•J MIHH Mlldr·utl 1\ing nr llowcll

•""""'""',.."""PI~•II"'..,-J .... ,...Ia' Julw Jtt'lll' Jful't'is;n;, · fr·JcndH Hpent tho holiday wcclc end g <•a!'lu•r· rt" J(uch nr Detr·oil. ;ntl Mr·, and Mr~. llpent lnHt weelc nt llw iJilllll' nf 1 Mr·. and Mrs. ,J. D. HmTiR nnd :'t Bandy Hru·brw, Onlnr·lo, tl~h- Melvin Simonton of 1~ e I' o y, .John Kneh or IliveJ' Houge Hpenl MJ'H. loJII~nJH;th BaelcnH.

ON~~...,""'!~ lllflll, ,lnl'l<, lei'!. Mondny for flongh- 1ng. They br·ought home 12 large Mll'hlgnn, hus been eonlructed by the \VI'clt end with Mr. and Mt'H. Mr. nnrl MJ'«. Dol'll Dil•hl liJWnt' p / t t<~n Jrtlte f"r three wt•eltH. pltw and neven hu·gc blnck ]Jn~s. the board of euncntion to 1111 the Miltc Kuch. thll 1,'ulll'lh at the eottuge of the

<'~j m'.ut.: ~ V,p •i. I · . agJ•Icultnre teaching position from Mt'.Y, Gnntc,n nf Howell ifl ;;penll- lalteJ''H pnt·c·uttJ, Mr. und Mt'/J. ,J. •"

11 , f l"'c '1 ; Mr. nnd Mrs. l·l(lt'l'Y Bnmord LABERTEAUX DISTRICT whl<'i1 L. Keith Cheney recently lng· llw wcelc aL lhe home of her D D t PI t 1 1

rd4 fl 1 1 1 1 r M n1 1 M . cnn, a cnnun a w. 'II l·flll_l I Ullg J f'l' ·'' nyv e nn< r. 1\lr· !\[ I I n •I '. r.. resigned lo accept a position in HOll, M<'I'Vln Oanlon. A HOI! WllH IHH'n .Tune 25 to Mt·.

A Fire Costs More Than Insurance Pit·e ltl!l!H'li Wht•n Jtot c·overt•d hy ltl/HII'UIWe ut•e eostly,

heyond whnl nJorJL pt'operly oWtii!I'H <'1111 ufl'ord lo lrme, lnRUI'· nnr•t•, on lht• ollll'l' hnr11l, t'<'Jli'('Hellllnt\ a smull, regular payment whi<'il tllu lnlo lillY ]Htdgd, t'llll I'PJlllY lillY fil't! ]OSHCH wltieh mu.y necllt', On till~ buiil:i, nl4JHI I"'"Jllt• <'nn't 11rfonl not. to have in-Hlll'fi11Ce.


McCowan & McCowan l'hone 82111 SUPREME ' 111111 Ml'll. Altoii'Banml'll a.ntl ~on H.

111011 l. ~IIIIIJ.:Cl I adult education ut Middleville. Si- Ml'. nnrl Mt'li. A. C, Dowling, nnd Ml'll. nalph BllttltJH ol' Flint.

COLD WAVE 1"1'" 11 1 th:· ',V<'Pi< 0 ".'~ nt, Jo~·dun ln,lw Hnl'llltl l~nx ot' Tcl!nnshn spent muntnn r•nmes hig-hly rceommond~ Mr. nntl Mrs. C. A. Diehl, Mt·. He tmH ltPI'Il nHtnPd Lcnmml \~Jih Ml .• md M111. ChnJies Men- lite wcelt end with Mr. and Mrs. eel llll<l with lloth a bachelor ol, nnrl Mrs. Ruw~t•ll Dowling und M1·n .. James. Mrs. Baltlell wan fonnnrly '"· "'-=,;,=======·"'·"'-= .. =""-"'·"'-"'-'"'·=-.. ""'="""="""""'"""""'""'""'-==="""""'"' lunwlc. Howard Beinwenger. 11dence and n muster of science de- Willlum Milclwll attcntl<ld llw IJtll'othy PPlley11 •

llorh kil cononlns 3 full ounce::~ o£ Sulon·t)'pe •oludon wirh Kudium, (iO Curlers, 60 oml siuuu, cmwn uppli· "Ltol', neutralizer und IOw.plctt in3trucrions.

HOME KIT Butltlie Miller, son r!r Mr·. ~nd M1·s .. John Am~ssc of Denver, grec in agrienllure. His leachinr~ i runeml of li'rl'd Dcl'ff S11turday Mr. und Mrn .. Justin Brady ond "-?i~ffi Mt'll. l1itynt«nd Millet•, 11

'. spctHhng Colorado, Hjl!•nt last weelc with experience has been gainetl at I nftemoon at the GorHIIne Runei- l'nmlly weru flullll'tlrty nt'lcrnonn V'J/ ~ 1~ . three WCI'itH var.a!Jon with ht•r 11ncle nnd onnt, Mr. and Mro. Harllnnd ami the Michigan School man runcml honw. M1·. Dceg WllR lflteiJls of the furmer's mother, &•• 1 ""' IJ'JPtlllH rwat Rot;co)nmon, . nn<l Ward Vicnry. fm· the Dear. He has hall ecvo~ml' tlw hushantl or Emmn Diehl. 1\frFJ. Elizahdll nrndy, and family

1 2 "'3 :'1\IBllnlte Mtller :111 rt Rosnnn Salm .To Ann Haines accompanied Mr. I year·s of experience in boys '4-H Mr. anll Ml'B, Lloyd Hayhoe tWill' Sloclclll'irlge, SiHter M. •rer-1 7•/re$only lo 'hnvc .been flJl"!"hng· lhe pust weclc and Mrs. Kenneth Bolton of .Jaclt- club wnrlc and voentional gnld- were Sund.ay visltm•s nt' llel'. :'ml renee who hns j11Rt received her·[

Houra Gl Homo ll1 Gt nnd RILpJds. :wn to the Detroit zoo on the nnce He Is n veteran of Wnrld Mrs. Merlu1 Osborne of Lansrng. masters degree from the House of . Cirele N?. 3 nf the Pt'P;Abyter- F'our'th. War· r an(l with 20. years of pmc- Mr·. and Mt'R, Errw.t Seeley Stuliit~s, Washington, D. C., was Jilll Women s associatiOn wtll meet At the annual school meeting u1·nl farming to supplement hiA spent. Sumlay wllh Mr. nnd Mrs. I nlso n rruest. w!lh Mrs .. ~orn Martin Thursday, Monday evening Fran!! Balluff ngrlcultuml training. Mr. and Mrs. L . .J. Seeley of Ba~lt.. . llelnliws g·nthHed nt the home

Ware's Dt·ug Stol'e 1\IASON, ~IICII.


Stack Covers .Tuly 18 1m an all day meetlllg. was re-elected trensurer Si t 1 t 1 Mr nnd Mt•o. Wrlham Musnlfl f M 1 s ·u I' B 1 1 M . , · , • mon on p an o move wre ns 1 N , 1 1· ~[ , 1 M . , i' 1 o r·s. ~a urn • 1111 1 o un w ·

="'-~=-=,..,.,_..,..,-..,.. ..... __ .,._, __ ,.,_,., __ ,_,..,_, __ ,.,_=-"'·"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-=-"'·"'"'"""'"'=""'=""'""'== . !. ~nd Mrs. Fred Betswengm soon ns a home can be located. nm ea e nnl t. am tH. wn- Hill Sunday in hnnnr nf Mr. and were drnner guests Sunday of Mr. coe Al'llnld were Sunday eve111n~ Mrs. Elton Ilodgcs and daur;htet·s, Tarpaulins

Waterproof Covers


Schultz Repair Shop ARC and ACETYLENE Welding


\\'e lmlld tl'lll'lnr ll'lllllli'M In order

We l'IIJillil' 1111 mal«'" of fnnn llliU'hlnery

:1817 CilVIlllnllgh mnd, I'Ust uf College rood l'hnno J.unsing 71.574

. /

Complete Repair Service on Sma.U Ap-pliances

All kinds of electric· motors, sweeperB, toasters, flatiron~,

mixers, perco!Hiors and other ,small ~ppli,ances,

,, • " Plume li511 MASON

and Mrs. Ralph Beiswenger at ]'ast 1\lllll'ons Club guests of Mt·. nnd Mm. 0, B. T•1mma .Tanc nnd Chnrlol t.e, of San Pleasant lo.lte, T h f th . P t Mn- Arnold nf Gregory. Bel'lladinu, Calif., who have !teen

Mtss Madge Gl'Osshan,H nnrl Rob- en mem ers 0 e. as MJ·s.' Mina Mann, Mrs. Onn Al- vacalioni11g· hel'C l'oJ' the past ert BJ•Jttoin of Leslie nnd Mr, and trons club enjoyed u trrp tn Mus- i mond and Ml'.· nnd Mril. nalph month. A potluck dinner was serv­Mrs. Curl GrosshllnR und Mr and ltegon Heights Friday to the home

1 WaliHll' W<'t'e entertained nt. l!in­

Mr•s, Clarence 'fennlson ntl~nded of Mrs. Elmer Ojnla. A picnic din- ner, .July 4 nt the home of Mr. anrl the Clevelnnd-Detrolt bnll game 1ner was served un tlte shores of Mr·s, 1~. m. Otis in honor nf the at the Detroit ball parlc on the, Lalte Michigan. Those who at- hirth<lrty nnniver·sar·y of Mrs Fourth of July. I tended were Ona Almond, Cecil 01- Wallcer .

Mr. and Mr·s. Stuart Diehm nnd sen, Vem Dnyton, Iluh Brnman, I li!ny Densmore nf Cnldwat nt Dwight of Dewitt spent the holi-' Clara Vogt, Ruby Curtis, Grace spent last weelt with his gmnd­day weelt end with their parents, Kinne, Bertha Miller, Iva Corwin I purents, M1·. and Mrs. noy West Mr. and Mr·s. Frnnlt Balluff. and Mina Otis. 'l'he next meeting Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Mnr·in-. J,

.John Kam Is spending some wiiLbe at the home of Mrs. Clyde dnrf and .Janet and M1·, uno! Mr·s time visiting ln Tndlanhend, Mnl'y- Allen of Flushing, Sam Williams and Phyllis SJWnt lnnd, and Georgia. the week end in not'lher·n Michl-

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ca1·1 Knnblauch EntPrtlllnml at Shower gnn. going as far as Sault Ste and Ke1th and Paul ~ailed on P. Mrs. Clyde Abbott entertained


Mrme. . T. J)'mnce In MJChtgan Center at a shower in honor of Mrs. Ivan M1ss Mary Ehzubeth Woods of Sunday, S Abbott t their cottage at Lansing spent. the weelt end with

Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf of ' · a I her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlrs Kalamazoo llpent the wee!< end ~le~sant. lalc.e Satm·?ay. Guests Woocls. Saturday Mrs. Woods and wtth Mr. and Mrs. Ellmer Bl'lstow \/Ole MIS. Bishop, M!s .. Hartmu~, Mary Elizabeth visited at the home

Kenneth Grahnm'H brother Ilex· Mrs. Whedon . and MISS Gracia' of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Lang of and .~IRters, Betty, Ella and Sy: Hartmnn, all ot Jackson, M.rs. Z?a I Webberville,


JULY 13 1 milt• ll't'sl of UuulwJ' !Jill f:o•nli·r·, ur• (j mil••s south anti I mile w1•st ut' nunsvllle nn Fogg l'OIUI, 1 mile <'!lSI of MeriiUan road, the flll'lll luwwn ns 11w Ji"ogg· j'urm or I ho• Jttllly farm.

Household Goods Stoclc and Tools


I f



Government "llt'dlit•atlou muteJ'Iul m!Uie to your mells­ur~mt•nt~-serun~ oloulllt~ stltt•lwolwlth sides nnd ends hemmed, Urns~ grommets lowato·d UJlJll'oxhnatl'ly 3 feet lliJnrt on all filtles.

AS LOW AS 7c PER SQUARE FOOT (thi" pl'ice doe" no! illl'hllte ropes.)



John Wilso·n Co. donna, of Nashville, viRited at ~owers ,of Albion, Mrs. Ailee Wll- Mr. nnrJ Mrs. David Diehl spent his home Sunday. lmms o! Pleasant lal<~, Mrs. Ruth the week end ns gueRts nr Mr

Barbala Weuver of Albion ia I Wtlhams, Irene Me~muorf, Julia and Mrs . .Jolln Dnun or Ypsilanti visiting· her aunt and uncle, Mr·.1 Wall~er, Jessie. Reinhart, Jos,~~·· '"Mrs. Ernie Miller is spenr.llnv and Mrs. Francis Hnmilton, for Corbin, Mina OtJs, Clara Bmmnn, the weclt with Rev. ancl Mrs, G a weelc. 1 Ona Almond and Mma Mann, all P. Segtnnn or Ithaca and llllenrl-

Phone. 4-3 I 7 3 <!Oil E. Hhlaw11~~"" :'\1.

l"llll~ing 12, Ml<'liigllll owN1m I ..


1'n he snltl at I 0 a. m,, shtu•p Flll'm and C1·ops to he sol!!

at 2 I'· m,


1 of Dansville. Ice cream, ealcs ancl, Jng tile Ft·ee Methodist camp iced I en were served. Mrs. Abbott meeting. received mnny gifts. Donald Erler returned home


·-~__:___I Nellie !\lac Sherwood Sunday nfter spending two wcel<s

Mrs, Wllliam Love and children nrncnnugh Reunion with :Ml'. and Mrs. W1lbur Vcm- Auction Sa.le

THE BEHRENS FUNERAL HOME HJ•oli•·all'rl In 'J'hnse We ;;;m·ve



. 1 Thirty-one guests nttemlect the na1ll of Sheperd. of Lans ng spent last weelt with G 1 . S _, t lh . MJ', nnd 'Irs,. Llewllyn Km"'. nley M1·s. Ruby Galvin. l'eenoug 1 reunron unuay a e " , ,

Miss Dorene rrawlcins of Aure- home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Orin Voss, who !mve been living with the I! us called on Miss Nellie Sher- .Jr. Those attendmg were Mr. and

1 Iutter· s t:nrents, Mr. and Mr·s

wood Mondlly ' Mr·s. B. J. Greenough of Elast I Charlc~ lueeger·, moved ti~Js wee!< Lester and· Larry Dayton of Orange, N. J., Misses Frnnees

1 to thcll' home m Northvtlle. Due to poo1· heaJt.h I will sell at public auction at the place 9 miles southeaGt of Malon Ill'

Mnsnn Silent Sat d · '- ,, Vollmer Nettie Greenough and I Mr. nnd Mrs. Square Holt were Sunday ~ith th~\'r a~r~~~J~~fe~~~~ I Mr·s. Olive Cooke of Flint, Mr. and guests ~u~d.ay of Mr .. fJI~d Mrs three miles northwest of Bunlce1· Hill 5tore onE we1·s 1·oad just off MeridianJ•oad on Mr. and Mrs Clar Sl . , d Mt·s. Ralph Gt·eenough or Lansing, Jo.mes Eggleston of Mtllvlilc. Sunday eveJ;lng th~~c~isit~eJ~~~it: Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Greenough .. Fred. VanVor_ee hns been se~- 13 gmndparents, Mt•. and Mrs. Vern land son, Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd El- lOUsly ill nt Jus home the ~la .• t Saturday, July Dayton of Mason dred of Mason, Robez'l Greenough weJI\ t C

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sherwood of Selfridge Field, Mrs. F. M, 0 Je.r·. urry nttended th~ of Wucousta were Friday after·-~ Greenough and Mabel of Pontiac, Rcpuhltcr\11 State convention n noon callers of Ml'. nncl Mrs. Clut·- Mr. and Mrs. Il. M. Laughlin, Mr. _ _ ... _ _ _ ence Sherwood. nnd Mrs . .Jnmes Warfield of High-

Betty Love Is spending the weelc land Pnl'ic and Mr·. and Mrs. Ar· with her grandmother, Mrs. Rully thur Cool<e of Dem·llorn and Mr.! W'tR'mlfl'ft!WIJ"of!''

'Gulvin. and Mr·s. A. 0. Greenough. The • -· potluclt dinner wns served, after : DENTAl PlATES

NO'I' SCHOOl, •SJ~CRI~'l'ARY which visiting was the dlvcJ•sion of 'I · Miss E Ina H 1 II 11 t d 1 t 't , lllconolr •nd• m•'"•· hnrmruJ • • .:..oL an n, s e ns the ai ernoon. , ~~ ;,.:J bru:shlngo. Jm;t 1m1 your plnr.o

week as school sec!'etary, toolt the --- 1 ~~·- .... ~ or bradt:L· 1n" gln!Js uf wntcr. position only tempomrily, she ex- Seiloul Election I r . ~dd • Iiiii• lilo.•~tile. "·"""' Plulned anu does not intend to 0 I 1' t ' t M d Sraln•, "''""" odur, dt>eulo·

, I flY 'l VO eS Wete CaS 0)1 ay , flliiOIU diU&JJU.•Ur, \'our teeth - eontmue the worlt. She expects to 1 at tile annual school election. AI-~ ;:' "'""'•'• like m·w. A:k )""'

enter college this fnll, she suicl. lie Braman, Who hns filled a vn- do·uKK"' lodny lur ldco•nuo, I ------- ·--L 1 N t' ·-- caney on the board since the res- , . .

ega 0 ICe ig-nation of Rex 'l'ownsend, WaR re-I Get KLEE:NITE toduy •• w .. ,. ••• --NOTlCE OFMORTCACE SALE - elected fm• .a term of three years. Drug Stm·e nud .. u good drugaist •.

Dllfuult httvin~-t h1•1!n mnclt! in th 1~ pu~·- At the bumness meeling it was I men! ol iru~tulhlh'fltli o! ,Pt'ill<'iJI!tl nrul in- I VOted that the ffiOfley in the bUild- -~-- ~-laJ'eHt, unJ .. t· tlw ru·ovlt~WnH of n ccrtuln fno· and site fund be 1nade avail- · · lllOI'l){UKt' llltl!le and I•Xo•I'Uit>d by John I " ' 1

11c. Mito•h•ll und Arum Mitchell, huHhand able to be used for any buildmg POISON nnd .wife of l.t"·Riie, ~1i••hiv:nn, pnrt!1•1'1 of put•poses at the discretion of the I tJlr IH,Hl .JlHI't l(l nuvul. J, l.uEcl' nl LNi· board or education. ' It \VUS a) so . . h~, Mwhumn, tHtJt.y ot the fi(•coiHI t•ntl, , . whic·h mot·t~ag,, wuH dult!tl the Ht·Ht dny voted to operate the school on a uf Muy, A. n. 1 !1·1·1, !tlld WIUl l'('f!Ol'dPd in nine-month basiR. I I . tht• nfj'j('p Of !Itt• l't'J.dtit(•J' Of dt>l'dH Of thr --- :vy ruunt y (J( Itudwm, fltut~ of ~ichhwn, '!II Rev and Mrs Lloyd Euler and I t)w thihl duy uf Muy, A. n. 1 o.H, lll I . . . I.iltt-Jt' rd2 (]f MoJ'Ij.tn~t·K u 11 pngH :no, und family, Mr. and Mr·s. Lawlon \ rryol'(' thnn ~hhty clnYH having t•lup:w_tl Hedglen and Gailf Mrs. Mary Gn.n-fiiU('t• th 1•• tWtd mt>tnllnwnt~ nf fii'IUC1- ton and Lloyd Mervin and Roy I A U. S, Go\'crnmcnt Report on pal und rnlt•t·t•Kt weJ't' t.ltlt> und pnyuhlro,, ' 1 1 ' 1 • • lty whi,•h d··f:utlt 1 h·· whul~ l:lum /\I'('Url'ti nnd several young peop ~ D.l'C nt- no.uncea I le dJt~co\'ery of n new tonmc hy tJni.d mot·t~nge. lwenme fltll' nnd JIUY· tendJng the l~ree MethodJst camp,~ nc1d treatment. It hns Le4:'n found ex uhlt• 1oJ•thwith, untl th•· 1mitl mol't~-tll~{·l' n1eeting· near St. Johns this weelc celJeut; it i!! gentle und eufc ddee up ::~1v~::~t ~~~'~~~~~~~ \~v ~;:h~~~~~~;101~/~;,K;n~i~·;: • M,r. and Mrs. Rex Townsen? and the blbte~~ i~J u eurpritling)y ;hot'l time und pnynble, nnol by which defnnll llw fanuly spent Sunduy wi.th M1. a11cl -ofleu mllnu 2·1 hotn·o. Theoe govem

commencing at 1:00 o'clocl' shal·p, the following described pJ·ope1·ty:


G1·ay Percheron Mare, 7 years old

I Blacl' Je1·sey Cow, 5 yea1·s old, f1•esh Guemsey Cow, 8 yem·s old, due in October Jersey Cow, 3 years old, due in Novembm· Holstein Cow, 3 yem·s old, due in Octobe1· .Jersey Cow, 6 years old, due in July Holstein and Swiss Cow, 4 yeal'6 old, due in

July Guel'nfley Cow, 2 yea1·s old, f1·esh Gue1·nsey Cow, 3 yeal'S old, fresh 2 Guemsey Heifers, 13 months old, bred in

May, 2 Calves


2 Dm·oc Brood Sows with pigs by side

I Duroc Gilt, b1·ed 5 Gilts .and Ba1·row


35 Laying Hens 50 Chiclu1, B weelt5 old

Allis-Chalmers Hi-inch

Wood Wheel W ngon

Land Roller

1 Bottom Plow

3-Section Sp1·ing Tooth Drag

2-Section Spil'e Tooth Drag, Disc Harrow

John Deere Cylinder Hay Loader Dowagiac Grain Drill New hle,a Manure Spreade1· Elcch·ic 8J•oodeJ• Oil Broode1• Hog T1•ough Chiclcen F eede1·

Cedar Fence Poat& Chicken Fence, 2 rolla

Elech·ic Fence Conh·oller 2 Mill' Cans


Wheat in Fieltl

30 Ac1•es of Hay in Mow

150 Bushels Com

Corn in Field

% ton OJ' mo1·e of Shelled Col'll 60 Bushels Oatn

HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1nowc1• nf ~nit> in ~11id moltHnJH: con1uin•HI Mrs. D. S. Townsend ot OnondaB·n ment findinga 4U't incorporated in the

hn• become O)let'nlivu: ""'' wh······u• !here nntl vial ted Mr. and Mra. Lool uuw product ' . ' • 7 Rabbits. ~}~~~d~t~·l~~m:ijA t~o~l~"l.h~~/';!~10\~~11111i11 du:.\ Town.send in the evening. , You,·drul•ltH·e.59c. IVY,. DRY


Elecb·ic Range

MISCELLANEOUS inll'l'~'>Ht, hv r(lmwn of lluid llcfuult UH Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W1tt and nfot•t•Hnill, tlw aum of twn tJJOuannd o1w Mr. nnd Mra. Hlltl'y Stone of De­hundred clsdllY·"•v•n und RL/100 112,- trait were. Sundny dinner guests ,l,R7.~fil Doll<!''" nnd '"'' lnrthct· •nm of of Lyle Hanna yeoman first class lh11·tv-five (~:tr..UOI Dollui'K IIH un uttul'· • 1 •..,.'

Ware' a Drug Store !\lAS ON


General T1·actm· on rubbe1·, 2 yea1·a old with Cultivatot·

2 Po&·table Hog Houses P01·table Broode1· Coop

IWY ft-•e nrovidetl fn1· in tmhl mo1tgnp;n, '"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'=~=""'~""';,..,,:,...,...,...,===""'=====""'= ltnd whlt•h RCJVt•t·:d t~liiiiK Ul'e tlw whoho~ -:.:: ·---- ---------------------------------------------nmount llllJIDid ou suid moJ·b-tulw. uud no ~uit ol' 1H'ocl'lnlinu ut luw hnvlnr.r: bt•en iruHituted to l't:l!oVt-'1" th•• monf•y ReCUI'ed hv esnid rout'tf.(l.lUt! · m· uny nnrt tht'!l't1of. Now 'J'ht>l'PfoJ·p, no1 i('e il'i hl!t'~by gJv..r1 thnt by vl1·tm! ol11nltl JlOWel' of Hal•• ('Q11· tnlned in Knitl mo1·tgnge, nnd the Klutntt! in auch cnst! mude zuul lll'ovldt'tl. on l"l'i· ttny, th•• fo1n·th dny of Octubel'. A. D. 1946, uL ten o'dnek in thr foJ•cnoon, suid undm•Hhtnf!d will, nt the WeAl £1·ont doo1· nf thtJ Com·thouee, in th•• City of Mnaon, huchnm Count)'. Miehitwn, that belntt ()lle nf the Jlh!Ccf! wher·t.• tht• Ch·C'uit Court fo1· t.he Count)' of ll1tc:h"m ia held, AeJl nt 1Hlblic nuctlon, t.o the hlu-htlt'>l hiddr-1', the Jll'~millleK deRcribfld in suhl mo1·tgu~e with Hi:x Jlet;.cPnt interPBt nnd nll lt•gnl colllH, to~rether with the tmld utto1·ney fc~!. which· Hnjd Jll'emirwl' 81'~ danu•riht!d in twld mol'lJtn~e 81\ nil thnl Jertnln nle~e or JHll'ctll of lnntl situnte I the Villurtf'! of' T..flt!li<!, Jnf(hom Cuunty, nnd Stnto of Mh•hl~tton. Lot numbe1• Bt>ventren (17') nncl the WtH~t one-fmu'th .(W. J,4) of l..ot tllxtcen ( 111) in Ulock twel\•e ( 12) in •nld Vlllnge of Leotlo.

DAVID J, LA'I'TEil. Morlgngee, Po•t­office nddt'I'!R8, Lefllle, MicJltgan.

I>UANK M. FOGG, Attot·n~y fo1· mort• j!ft)tee, Pootolfleo Jddrut, Loolit, Mlchl­jan.

0~1.!4 July II,' 1946:

Farm Animals Collected Promptly SUNDAY SEitVICI~

Phone Collect to Ma•on 4221 WE BUY HIDES AND CALFSKINS


B. V. Fruin, Art.


We will also sell at public auction the 120 acr~ farm with good buil.dinga and water running through pasture.

\ TERMS OF SALE: $1,000 cash on day of eale, bal&mce due when deed ia riven.

Sale of farm will be held at 3 p. m.

TERMS: Cash. All goods to be settled fm· day of sale befo1·e removal.

M. H. and M. R. Barnes, Props. i 213 Ea1t Street

..... ----------------~.~ ~:,RL·~-~N'S,~ORE,,CJ~rk • r

ORO PRICE & SON, Aucti•••ri, Attinr with power of !.*torney. . . ' ' .



Expert body and pmnt repatr C 0 Ill P I E T E I' A I N T J 0 B 8

Factory quality and prompt servtce



lluslnes~ !'hone .H!Ol Ut sldt nr e Phone ..!14117


REMOVED FREE Eu1l IIIOJnlng CullM Ueccl\e the Be~t ReMult&

Phone DARLING'S Collect MASON 3141


nm (0NJ)JlJON OF


L R WHITE Cashier CORRECT-Attest


State of Michigan County of Ingham sa Directors

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of July 19i6 (SEAL) MARY FRANICLIN (SILSBY) Notary Public

My commlaalon expires :May 81, 1949


MAKE 5 MINUTE TEST Got TE OL at onv drug store Apply

thi1 POWERFUL PENETRATING fun~i· cldo FULL STRENGTH Rcnche• MORE Qermo to KILL tl1o ltch G,r NEW foot comfort or your 3~c bort



Secured liabilities

VI II RINARIAN A~h 81 l'hone


Tired, Nervoua


Thts new v1tamm capsule gets amazmg result11.

(a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pur· auant to 1 equlrements of law .................. ,;,..,.,o-=~~.;:;:

(b) TOTAL ................. ..


·r-;;~~;~;~·;~~~-.. ·-·J INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, ~~ICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1946

~----~--------------~--------------~-----------------~----------------~--------~~--------------w commHI.ce conRI~Ung of Nlnn 1\et-[ aady; July 30, L n FerrIc t' v s. Mary Jennette, or Plwcnix, Arl­

zonu, ttrc vloll.lng hln pal'entn, Mr. ILIHI Mr·u. Wllllum Hndgo of Mldrllo alrcet., and sif:tor.~, .Julltt. unci ITIJ.hel 1-Iorlges of Cedn.r street. 1-IndgeH fot'lllot'ly operated It greenhouse In Wlllliunstou .

JllrH. lVJn" J(etdllllll

·~ ................................................................ . ... Tile congrcglll.ion of the Mr.l.ho-

chum, Hub,v Merllldrl nnd Helen Brown: Auguut l, Lu l?mTier· vr1. .TohnAon plunnerl r•n leo cream fJO· C 11 R 11 a cl y : Auguc;l. 2, Wells v~. dul tu be hold un Lhe IJtWn at. Uw Bl'own; Augu11l 5, LaForrler va. home of Hn:w Drtna, the lust Jiving [)"Bart cl y ; Auguul. O,'•Wclla vu. ehlll'tCI' lllolllbCI', Bmwn; August 8, Wc!lu VII, CnB·

dlst church heal'li spcelnl lnulru· Flunl llfellUng jncntnl muale 11t Uw Sumlny mm·- Myrtle Hcbc!!llh Lodge, No. 72,

sndy: August IJ, L" li' e r I' I e r vs. Brnwn; August. 12, Lal?cr·rler vs. Brown; Auguut l:l, Well11 VH. CrtH· Hildy; AugtiRl lfi, LnFel'l'ler· va. Cllwmdy; August 16, W c llu v s . Bmwn.

nlng aervlcen. MrH, 13, H. mnglc or IH,Id !1,11 l11sl meeting of l.hc ~um· I!nlt!morc, Mnt•ylnnc!, plnnl.sl, Mrs. ' mer I uomluy evening, .July 2, In O~orgc H. illVIlllll or Wnshlnglnn, lite I. 0. 0. IP. hall. Any member D. C., violinist, nnd Mt'l!, Wllllum rlcslt·lng to w"rlt nn lhc Klwunln J. Mncltlc of WllllumHlon, r;ellll!f., dinners u.rc tn c:onl.act. the noble llfltny Cnnh·lhutlon~

I u II WI it f The local Klwrmls club, which I!! furn!Hhcd the numbcrA fnr the lll'c- g r· n n r , ml'fl. · omer I c, o 'Jude, offertory nnd poslludc, 'Jhey Whll.c street. The next regular apormorlng the mlslng of funds of

l! Ill p 11 Jl l T 1 $6800,00 fot' the lighting of the nlso plnyed "Ave Mnrln," mcc ng w 0 10 rs lloH< uy nlhlelle Jlelrl u.f. the school, have 'fhe new church tower or fho In Seplcmht1r. A fl.er lhc meeting- mlscd .~1,000,00 nnd nnolhcr $l,•l2!i

Methodist. cliUrdt Is ncurly enm· llghl. refreshments wcr•e served. has been prom 1 s c r1 , which will pletcd. 'I'he bell IVHH lnsl.ullerl the ,

1 " , B lit r bring the total to $5,'121i. 'l'he hftl-

pnat weelt 11nd mng lnHI. Sunday 'l'hc Surv ce "'011 " cnc, 0 - nncc Is Hi.lll needed and cerllflcttle<! nfter a silence of' scvel'lll wcclm. gnnlr.allrm Is still nmlllng hh thdtty' arc avullablc at Ute Peoples Stille

ehcclts lo HCI'Vlccmen over·sens, and hank unci ul Gorsline Bt·othet·s fur-lleneflt. Sndnl birthday bnxc« lo those In the niture store.

I•', F. A. llhapt er 1\lceiH Wllllttmslon Chapter No, UU 1<.

Jucnb C. Alford, COX, lllld HUH· sell H. Hovey, CM :J/c nf Wllllnm!!­ton have reeclvcrt their dlscluu·g-es lrnm the nnvy IUHI arc home,

The Grtlvln fund, sponHored by the Blue Sllll' Mothers, has reached *BDB, 12.

Wut'l'cn Galvin nne! friend, pa­tlcnl.fl In the Vetel'llns hospll.ul ul Denrhorn, wero brought home Sal.­lll'dity for the weclt end.


fJchenectndy, N. Y., who hove been li'erry nt. Pcn•y, vlitlllng· Uw!t· purontu, Mt•, and Mr·s. Gny Doxtarler, aeenmpnn· Mr'fl. l•'rltlllt 13nt'l'ell., VJHilcd lhch• led by Mr. nnd Mt'H, Albert Dox­r"'iiHinu, Mt·. und Mt'H, Vern Me- Iader nnd fmnlly of Lnnulug,

St111duy school 10 11. m., chiii'C!h Mltnllci, Sunrlny. vfHII.ec! Mr•. 1111rl MI'H, Lee Dnxllldet· 8 p, m. MifiH l'hyllhl Clnpp<!l' Hpcnl pnrl Ill lr'n.rwcll R11ndny,

'l'ho Yonth IPeiJowohlp helrl un of' l.ltBL wcclt wllh Ma)·.v C!nrlcc, M1·. ltnrl Mt•u, ,Jay Httlrlwln enter· lee cr•enm Hoeiul nl lhe hrtll 'fhura· CI_,-1-1-~D--S ..... S .... CI-IOOL faln<.lfl rolnflvea f'rorn Howell for· dny night, ,Tilly ll, • - the week end.

Mr. 1111d MrH. ,J. Durnell of' Ply· DISTRICT Dlek Kllbour·tw nl'l'iv~>rl home mouth wero auppc1· gllcHtn of Mr. 1\fr·u. Lon1w ,JohnHfon with hiH honnmblc riiHdlllrge frmn unrl Mr·:r. ErncHI. Se!Hreltnw Wrlday the nuvy. evening and Mlas Htt~el Dtu·ncll Mrli'J;nrct Conmtoclt nnclu gmup Ckorge nnrl Roney LltY hnvc rd11rncd wllh them nfl.m· Hpendfug o!' eir.;·ht nthm· g!J•ln and two purcluwo<l n Hpccd bout nud hnvc ~he weclt. llhaperonn arc uponcllng the weelt it on f.hc river.

M I u l I T d Hl P!caHant. lni!O, Roher!. L. Byi'Uill hnn I'U!!civt1d ~ 1'. am ml'l!. "on OWilf!en, en· F.IIIH 'l'ownRenr! n.nr! ,Jumes f.crlnlncd her mother, MrH. Sarah C.'omstoel' hitV" "''''" tn r.r•rtylll1"' wnrcl from lhc IVrtl' depurtrncnl P I d l I II f I ' " "' ' " fllrt!. he lmA been HWilrdcd lhe Jruncml Scrvi<!BR Hr.lfl ! roc .or •. nn ,. tcr "I (ron nne 'wll.h Sin I.e 'l'r·oopH for· twn wi1elw, Croix •ie r.uctTc wff h Hilvm· Hl.tu'l

. , I h'l'lln<lchlidr·en ,.,undny. Bnb CnmHLO<)I! litH! Dnnnlrl Beale .Tames DotMI, 80, JlolBSed ILWUY I . M I M L I I" II f I hy the P'nmch r:owt'lllll<ntl., fnl'

'rtlUrsllay <JVcnlng, June 27. lie ' , I'. am r·s~. ~ ~l •u ~r 0 , spent M."'11 ay In I!JnHt LanAing 011 ApeclHI Hcrvlecs rcnriPI'nrl In the

wfoai'HI1lllltllresldce•.,','.~ <ll'f "Ji,''11gnh'a(nl1 cofJ.lttnrttyl fv,!.:t/~"~~~r. ~~~~~'\,fr·~i!Ci~~~·,'·~Jd cl~:;::~'!~ •1·%,~~·::111!;1 Mt'H. llnbcr·t P!L"c en- llherallnn nf J<rnncc, Byrum was " y y " Co u g 11 n 1 "' cnptaln ln the Ninth laef.kul ulr

1 L ' t ' 1 1 1• 1 ., Mt·. and MrH. Elmer• Burghill'dt tm·lrtlnerl guosi.H nwr lhc 1courth f ~. cro~ owns 1 P· 'unern ".crv- dncJ r;on~ r>[ Inlt~lm• spent Jcridtty of .July fmm Dctl'Olt. nrcc,

Ices wc1 c held from the Gorsline wit.l1 Wllsr n nee 1 'I' Beverly C'onwtr ,11 lms been Mrs. lilfflc 'l'm·ncr of Yp!!llnnll Bros, ,chapel Mnnr!tt·y· uflcrno:•~1 all Ml', ar;rt' MrH. '1~,·~d Briggs and call~rl lJJick f.~ lhc '~lriH to' wori!. 1 wn.s ",,wecJ( end lilWHt nf ~r. and two o cloclt, Rev. Ha1old Heese of- family, El'\vin Barth and M1·. llnd 'l'llc school meeting Mnnrlny wn~ f Mr.s. lloyd Hawley nud .r. z. Brtl-flcllillng. Interment .. ~vas In, l~1e Mt·s. 'Ll1Blm· Barth spent Sunday a.l.tcnclcd hy five voters. Mllclrccl'llard. ', , ' ian.lllylo; at the Al~llln. cemetery. with Charles Stanflcltl and fandly Mcl-lcsscy wus cleelcd lt·casurer A. C;rov~nber g •. \:'hn llllH, been Smvlvtng nrc two .wns, C!utcncc I f Mu Ill 11 1 . f 11 bl .1,1 1 · for annlhor ter·m. vlsltfnr, M1. nnd Mts .. Joe l•i'HIIi<-of Webhcrv. !lie ond lc!oyd o[ Wll·

0 . n •. 1 1 ~.11.!1101 n · 1 H 1 ·t11' ay lin .. rclurncd lu hlu honre nt. DPVII's

llnmston; three daughters, Mrs. ulher relative's whm<e bll'ihda ~ ONONDAGA IHI<e Monday. .

resldenl., rllerl Sunrlnv night at h~l hnnw In .Jn<Jiumn.

Povor'i.y wrtnl.s Horne l.hlng-n, lux­lli'Y 111/IIIY, avur•ice all things.-1 Cnwl<!y,


Will Be Clo&od


August 15

Dr. H. D. Henderson


The Past Presldcnl's dull of the Htatcs. All gifts and eheclts. are Woman's He lief Corps No. fiG met ! Hcnl, not In the nu~~e of the 01 gan· !Lt the horne of Mrs, Mary !Cowley I i?.lli.Jo~,. but ~~om· Your Wl;llums· on Bccmnn road Monday, .July. l.ltou lrlends, .lhu!! Jolting . each A bohemilln cllnncr Wllfl scr·vc;J ul. mun lmow his h,mnc town uttll rc­Bcven o'cioC)(, It WaH dccldccl tilat f mem!JcrS him. 1• IIndH fU'C lo.w a~d the past rreulrlenls will multo and 1 ar!yone wiHhlng lo help this wm I\ pl11ce wr·eathH nn the graven nf In- w:fh IL rlnnnllnn 1!1 ln cnnL1tel the cnl poHl preHidcnls al. Chrlirtmas f~·ea:mrCJ;,lMrs. Bess Abbott, North time. As funds '"'" bdn~; rniHerl tn I utmun 8 1 cot. provide 11 per·munenl corps hnmc, 11

F. A. mel .June 26 at the home of Jet'l'y ,JOJ'g'cnHcn. Pluns were com­pleted for a six-day trip to Durlwc lrllte and for the dlstt•ibutlon of several l.cn-weclts-Dld pig11 lo boys In the chapter. On their trip, tho progrnm for the coming year will be set up. A swine pwjcct of two gUts wns given to Bernard Red· lawslt lo care for. He wlll r·etm·n llvc pigs for distribullon lo the boys desiring lhem.

lanruvcrHnry. wre were 1rec ·

Nellie Purlts of Wllllamslon, Mrs. · d ll 1 .Y1 Mm. W11Hlcy Bachmun, a tm·n 1cr Lnt.lie 'fa lm· nf Mllwnulwe Ore· occurrc 011 10 sanw 'ay JH'cscn" (IJ••m Fosler ~~~~:~·~::::::~::~:~:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::;::;:,:~

Y . . ' •


1 ; Illll Hccdcr Hpenl Uw wcclt end I! ------------·----

Th~,~~~~~t~a~!;~: .Jessrc Wmnegur of ln. Plymm~~~~~~--M~~: ___ necder. Before n bcauliful nlt.nr1 of flow-~ AdciN Insni'IIIJ('.ll


Alber'l ,J. Dorn, cx-scr·vlccman wlw han opened up a business of booJtJtceping, UCCOUIIllng ltlld 111/llt­

Jng' out varicms lax forms recently, IHIH ur!dc<l insumnce to his busi­ness.

CI'H Wilmia .ll!an Glover·,' daughter

· -·---- ' '· WOND''RLAND of.Mn,, Isllhclle Glnver· of Onon-1' LOWDEN CHICKS Ilics After Short Illness I 1!.

I nl 'VIlli J I rlaga' HIHl Maurice Glover of Peter W. L, :••ber·tca.1JX, 73, pa".'S"rl .r·s. u.m • • () arlw 1 I

~ "·" Clarlt's Lal<c, >l'cnmc the hridc of away .. Ju.n: 2• ut the home of !)·I The East Hamlin Variety 1-H Lawrcn"c Doyle, son nf Mr. nncll W. Nuns Ill Wht~e Oak tov..:nslup, club had a weiner roast 11 t Bald- Mm Hus:wll Doyle of Leslie, rrl following n ~hOl't Illness .. He Js s.t~r- \yin park, Onnn<laga, Tuesday eve· four o'elnc!t Werlncmlay, .July :t, ILl

1 vlvcd by one son, Lester, of ~en Y: ning, .July 2. l.l1e home of her mnlllel', Hcv. Wil­onc daughter, Mrs. Robert Mills nl PhHrlll;tcist Mate Dale Snow left lmm Htmlcr· of Onondaga rend the Ok~~1os: nn;t eight .(l'mndchll.~lr~n; Tuesday evening ln retum ln 01(- service in th~' jH'cse,n•·c of 2f) rcla·l Set vices wcte he!~ lt?J~ G_otslrne, lithnmn uflcl' spending 10 days lives an~! fnenrls .. fhe ~l'lde was ~rothers chttpcl, Satm d,t~ at .. t~o I with his parents, Mr·:;, and Mrs. gowned 111 blue wrlh white acccs-~ ? clock, Hcv. Ha!Old Heese offtcJ,tl· Lloyd Snow, and other rclalive:J. I sones and wore n <'OI'Nng-c nf r·oses lllg. Interment was m the Nims Mr. and Mrs. Lynn li'aulkncr lnncl gardenias. She was altendecl cemetery In Jacltson county. Mr. anrl sons spent sunday with his I' lly hl'r sister, Mt·s. Hichar·d .Jarvis, 't

Lnhcrtcaux lived many ycnrs in parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'rra l•'aullt· who wore a gmy pl'int gown with 1

SUNDAY DINNERS Ser7ing Chicken

Itoberl. Ketchum and son, Wil­liam Ketchum, who operate the greenhomrc, have closed lhe busi· neHH for the 1D•I6 season. They r·aise vegetable plants, g-cranlunw nnrl potted pelunlns for wholesale lr·ade, r:nvering three large routes out of Williamston.

Dlurring-1, Annnuuccrl

LOWDEN FARMS Nl!lAR. PLEASAN'l' LAim l'hone ,Jnd!sun 2·48011

llllll Sr•hcduln Allnnull('<"(l

Mrs. Ruth M. Smith ol' Jackson street, announces the marriage of her daughter, Pauline Huth, ln Fay Edward Lowrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lowrie of Crossman street, on .June 21.. The you n g eouplc arc bolh grncluntcs of the Williamston high s c It o o 1 • T h c bridegroom served in the navy during the war in both the l!luro­pcan and Puciiic lhculrcs, unci has only been out of service 11 short time.

\VIlllamston and was formerly in ncr. l'oscs nne! gardenias. Earl .Jcr1lw, r"-============================,. the mcnt marltct business until ill The Clarita families from the .Jr., asmsfecl his cousin m1 best 1~,-----·------------------------


T ·Bone Steak

OJ1Cn 7 a. m. to 1.2 llllllnlgltt

Carolyn Cafe ReservatlonR for perH<IIIItl

Jllll'tlOH li(JCeJJted,

146 .E. AHh 1\IASON

The softball league games sche­duled at McCm·mlclt park for July and August nrc: July l, Wells vs. Cassady; .July 2, La1ccrrier vs. Brown; July ~l. Wells vs. Brown; July G, La Ferrier vs. Cas s r1 d y ; July 8, Br·own vs. Cassady; July 9, LnFcrrier VR. Wells; July 11, Cas· sacly vs. LalPerrict•; July 12, Wells vs. Brown; July 15, Wells vs. Cas· sarly; .July 16, Br·own vs. LnFcr .. J•ier; July 18, LllFCJTicr VH. Wells; July 10, BI'OWI~ vs. Cassady; July 22, Ln J<crrler vs. B.rown; July 23, Wdls vs. Cassady; .July 2fi, Wells vs. Brown: .July 26, Lal~erricr vs. Cas,;ady; July '29, Wells vs. Cas-

Wanted F£rms




Jewett· Real Estate Agency OVER R.EXALJ, S'fORI!l

Phone 28·1/i 1

JIU!IISUn·JiuHdl)te Mr. nne! Mrs. Charles Husehke

announce the mat'l'iagc of their daughter, Irene, to Lewis Jncltson, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Jackson of Alma, on June 2!!. After a short wedding trip lhe young couple will make their home in Almu.

Betrothal Tolcl Mr. and MrH. K A. Conner of

Lansing announce the engag-ement. of their daughter, Mary Aileen, to David M. Graves, son of Mrs. Lois Gra vcs. No date for the wedding has been scl.

heulth caused him to retire. 1 F 11 · ll vicino~y attended : :tc .;lith Clnrlte man. 'o owmg 10 ceremony, re-fnmily reunion Sunday ut the frcshments were served and tho I

Mr. and Mrs. William Ketchum home of Mr. anrl Mrs. Laban Wil-l ynnng emtple left fot• a trip to I and son, Neil, arc spending lhc Iiams. Niagara Falls and RnehcBlcr, New summer at their collage at Bush AI. the annual school meeting York. Mrs. Doyle is a gradnale of I lake, ncar Prescott, and enter- nt Kinneyvill" school Mr. Overdorf Leslie high school, class of 19•15. taincd Mr. and. Mrs. Hom.cr Bar· II.,..· '·as re-eiecl.ed as treasurer .and it Ml'. Doyle was recently dischar~cd I num of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. was voted to close the school for fr·om the armed forces, having­Curran Wilton of Wlllinmston over t'he 19•16-47 school year. sen•cd "" " pnratrooper overseas.


the Fourth of July. . .· Carl Blodgett of ncar Charlolf.c The crnrplc. will malw their home I' visited Mr. and Mrs. Vem Me· in Onondaga.

Dorothy Smith, Virginia Finlt, Manus Sunday. M!'· and Mrs. Frank Mohr and Joan While, Ann Kathryn Gibbs, ,. Mrs. Perry Fisher of Millers- family, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ewers Willa Lou Woods and Douglass 1 ~tll'g, Indiam!, spent a few rlnys nnrl .Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ewers 11nd I Devine arc lalting lhc special l!wt wcelt wtth her sister, Mrs. fam1ly SJlenf. the wecl! end In

1 course in music offered hy the Bcrneiec French and Carl. northern Michigan. ' Michigan State college. Concerts , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bateman Mr. and Mrs. Halph Glhr.on of were held July •I and .July 7. Erl- n~ml son Gordon of Aurelius and .Jael!son spout the weelt end nt the ward Cooley, Williamston high 1 Mr. and Mrs. Or· ville Moore ami l~ra nlt Mohr h~me. .

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mackie school band Jenrler, is on the fac-j da~tghtcr·, Martha, of Holt wcr·e . ·!~an C'a~nbr1e visited relatives of East Middle street, have been ully of the college summer music 1 ll'rulaY, cvemng callers al W. J. 111 I ole do, Sunday. entertaining former fellow musi- course and has charge of the per-~ Clarke's. Mr. and Mrs. Clwrles Me1·on of dans the pust week. Their guests cussion department. Mrs. Berncice F'rcnch and son, 1\Iin viYiled Mr. and Mrs. Melvin were Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Engle of Carl, nnrl M1·s. Perry l~ishur· spent Green Sunday. Baltimore, Maryland, and Col. and Williamston G r 11 n g e No. 115 tile latter part of the wee!( in Ivan Doxta<ler, Don Lang, Dick Mrs. George R. Evans of Washing· held its regulrrr meeting Monday. Musltegon with Mr. ancl Mr9. •r. F. Balclwin and Miss Mary Ellen ton, D. C. The Juvenile Gr·ange furnished the Boy. cc. Baldwin a tlended the hnll game in j

I --- • program, consisting of two group Mr. nnd Mrs. Harris Tool<er en· Delroit .July 4.

\\', 8, C. S. OroUJIIi Dleet songs, a piano duet by Wilhur and tertained the IaUer's cousins, Mr.' M1·. und Mrs. Earl Wallace and,

the .Juvenile Grange picnic given

Delano Monument Works


Why not buy your monument, mausoleum or marker this modern way: from our quarricn to factory to your ceme­tery lot? Call us for an interview at no obligation. You have everything to gain, nothing to lose because our monuments arc guaranteed to you and your heirs, not for life but forever. We invite you to investigate our fi­nancial rating.

ROY ROBI!lR'fS, lluf.hnrl~e(l rc1Jrcscntntlve for this territory 1'hnnc Lansing 8/lolOtl

1 Unit No. 1, of the W. S. C. S. of Maurice Ryltert and a report of and Mrs, Edwin Temnlc anrl fam-, family of Dcl.roit visited Mr. anrll the Methodist church met at the lly of East Syracuse; N. Y., Salur- Mrs. D. WY, al.t rccent.ly. I home of Mrs, Mot•rls Gustin on by Thelma Dcxtet·. day evening. Mrs. Bertha Childs spent the

·-------------------·----------• Wednesday, July 10. Unit No. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Car·! Barrell of past week with Mr. anrl Mrs. Dan •-----------------------------

held n picnic nt McCormick park; T J tl ..,.=======.,....,==== ·-,...,====,;,.=============-,.,==================,.

B. \\1, Fish, <JIF;Irirlt manager 1047 E. flmrul Hi\'CI', IGuo;t Lnnsing

Phone l.anslng 8271 ii

Do You•· Own Lettllring With

Transfer Monograms l'aclutgo of 3 for· !ie


Airosol Bombs The original arm~· formula for DDT-1\ernsul ln8ectii!Ltle, complete­ly automutie, no mixing, flll!ng, shalclng, jJUIIl)llng or rlusting.

425 S. Jefferson JI[ASON


July 8 to August 5


Phone 28461


Dr. 0. Keith Pauley

Electrical Appliances COMBINATION

Bottle Cooler and Refrigerator 4-CAN MILK .COOLER


12- 16 and 19-Ft. Freezers



... (lailey's Refrige.ration SALES AND SERVICE

it N 3 l lth M Eff:' he 4-H club met uly 5 at 10 ,.... ~ =

,~ o. ~ w ~ m~e~~oo~~~~~9!'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ j Moerman on McCauley street. j M~thews of the American Zinc !n·; I 1 c ,11 M t. stttute anrl A . .J. Bell, extensiOn

I T . . 01111'- . co s I specialist of Michigan State col-

h~ crty council met, July 1T nt I c g e' gave a demonstration of the c:ty !tali at eight o clo.clc. he. metal roollng, the care of metal mcetrng was called to mdet by I roofs rust removal and painting. Mayor Vaught. Counctlmen pres- ' -~--cnt were Blossey, Howarth, Lech· The Leo and Meec.h Aid Society ler, Clarke ond Vaught. Absent. met at the !tome of Mrs. Tillie Por­!{mtz nncl VanHorn, Bills of ~1,- l c 1. 0 f South Williamston. The 271.05 were presented, moved by meeting wnA romlucted by the C 1 a I' It c • supported by Howarth, president, Mable Pierce. The next bills be allowed and orders drawn for same. Motion can·ied. meeting will be July 25 in Me·

Cormick par it; instea<l of a picnic Move<l by Blossey, supported by supper icc cream and cal!c will be

Clat·lw, that Mayor and Clcrlt be rver!' authorized to sign paper with Wil- se · liam and Lelia Coles for alley 1

rights and certain sewer rights. r Motion carried. No further busi· ness appearing, the meeting was adjourned.

The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. Edil h Ingels ori South I

Putman street. Mrs. He:;s h a ell charge of lhe devntiona Is. Mrs. Ffschet• pt•esentcrl a. "Flower Day" I program. The next meeting will be at MeCor·miclt park with a bohe·1 mlan dinner being served. Miss El·

Funeral Rites Hr.ld Funeral services for William H.

Onltes, 81, who died June 28 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Leasure in Lansing, were h e I d Tuesday, .July 2, nt D :30 a. m. from St. Mary's Cnthollc church. Burial was in Mt. Calvary cemetery. Sur­viving arc !Jte widow, Catherine, seven rlnugh[ers, Mrs. C. M. Lea· sure, Mrs. E. D. McLean, Mrs. 0. H. Seely, Mrs. W. Meller nnrl Miss Ethel Oaltes, all of Lansing. Mrs. P. C. Potter of Detroit, and Mrs. Luwrence Langham of Williams­ton; two sons, John of Williams· ton, Kenneth of Perry; one bro-

1 thcr, John of Williamston; one sis­ter, Mrs. Alice Rathbum of Lan­sing; 36 grandchildren and three great-g-randchildren. The body was removed to the Palmer-Bush fu· neral home where it remained un· til Saturday evening, when it was' taken to the Oakes funeral home in Perry.

Harry Johnson hns received his dischnrge from the army air corps and art'ivcrl home last week. He has been stationed in Japan.

1 Pvt. John Eaton, son of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Frnnlt Eaton, urrlvcd from the Philippines and is spending a H-day furlough with his parents.

Charles Hodges nnd daughter,


Taka off weight each weak. Eat

plenty. No drugs. No

lax a• tlves.

T(!Ar out thle ad aa ·lt reminder.

sie Cobb will be the lender. I VANTOWN

Mrs. L. P. Wllllams

A reception will he held at the hall Friday evening for Rev. and Mrs. Luren Strait and f n m i I y. Those attending arc to take cake or cookies and own table service.

M r s . An n a Kleinschmidt of Dansville was a Saturday caller nt Mrs. William Sly's.

Harlow Sly and family attended n reunion nt Pleasant lake Sun-day. i

Mr. anrl Mrs. Basil Stowe were I Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Stowe nt Munith.

Mrs. Robert Ray is ill at the , ll01.11c of her· parents, Mr·. and Mrs. I Orm Voss, S r,

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glynn spent Sunday evening with their dnugh· tcr, Mrs, Hownrd Gauss, and fum· ily. •

'T h i r t. y ·on c members of the Greenough fnmily at.l.encled a re­union nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orin Voss, Jr. Sunday.

Maralyn Kaye Vo~s spent the past weclt with Mr. and Mrs .. J. P. Warfield at their cottage at Kings­ville, Ontario. She returned hon{e Sunday.

A number of 4-H club members and their leader, Hugh Oesterle, attended the 4-H tour at Mlchlgun State college Mondny.

The Sunshine Circle will meet with Mrs. Edna Glynn Thursday, July 18 .

LOTT DISTRICT Nellye J. R.nH~ell

Mrs. marl D. Nelson und .daugh­ters entertained nt a bohem!nn I dinner in honor of Mr. und Mrs, Marshall Spangler and son, Davy, of Westerville, Ohio. Those pres­ent wet•e Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Nelson of Lattslng, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Waters and family of Holt, Mrs, Olive Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lynn and son.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wcnver and son, Kenneth, spent the wccl< end at Higgins lake. '

Ware' a Drug Store - l'HONE 1\IASON Gut

· . · Mr. :'111\d Mrs. Allen Evans and son are _spending ·a month nt the

. F. c. Wcnvcr ho1ne, · · · ' ' ~


·Special Metal Frame Lawn Chairs $10.95 regulal'ly $13.95, now

Cool off the l1itchen Gas Plates, 2-burner ________ $9.95

Ironing Cords _ ~ ___ 69c - 89c · $2.95 KITCHEN

VENT FANS P1·ovlde .free flow of clean air th•·ough the ldteh,en, enl'l'y out cool,!ng o1lor·s

Deluxe Steel Showers · $71.25



$9.75 Quart Spt·ayer ...................................... 59.c

If thet·e' s a bddc on your gift list, she'll like "


Chicken Fryer . $7.25

Roasterette $6.75


Dart & Cady

From Our Farm Department--Si'de Car ,Cat·t·ier ........................ $4.50 pa"ir

JAMESW A Y HOG F.EEDERS 261j2 Bushels Capacity .............. $46.65


Boat CLtahions .................................. $2.75