1 关于金圣叹、张竹坡、脂砚斋点评中“犯”概念的讨论 魏其濛 摘要: 《水浒传》、《金瓶梅》和《红楼梦》是明清时期极为出色的章回小说,金 圣叹等人对它们的点评水准也非常之高,并且有不少相似的观点。本文结合文本, 梳理的是金圣叹、张竹坡与脂砚斋对于“犯”概念的讨论。 关键词:犯;金圣叹;张竹坡;脂砚斋 明末崇祯年间至清初顺治、康熙年间,小说评点著作层出不穷,其中不乏精 品,如金圣叹评点《水浒传》、毛宗冈评点《三国演义》、张竹坡评点《金瓶梅》 等,这些作品的出现标志着中国古代小说评点派的形成。其中金圣叹对《水浒传》 的评点是通俗小说评点的榜样,对于明末清初评点派的形成起到了重要的推动作 用。 复旦大学王水照教授将这类小说评点归入“文章学”范畴。“文章学”在宋 代成立,内涵复杂、自成体系,金圣叹等人的小说点评在内容上当属于文术论与 品评论,即重点在评论作者描写人物、安排情节上的技巧,并将其与其他的作家 作品比较出优劣。在金圣叹的点评起到“道夫先路”的作用之后,张竹坡对《金 瓶梅》的点评在明清小说的评点历史上又是一座丰碑。从张竹坡点评《金瓶梅》 的几篇序言中的文字来看,他对金圣叹点评《水浒传》十分熟悉,可说他的点评 受到了金圣叹文论的影响;至于脂砚斋这一神秘人物,他(她)的身份我们至今 未知,但从脂评看,曹雪芹和脂砚斋对《金瓶梅》的文本是足够熟悉的,至于张 竹坡点评《金瓶梅》对于脂砚斋点评《红楼梦》是否有启发作用,还待探究。 金圣叹对《水浒传》的叙述情节、描写人物的手法十分推崇,甚至到了多有 溢美之辞的程度。他在《读第五才子书法》里说:“《水浒传》有许多文法,非他 书所曾有,略点几则于后”,然后列了十六条“文法”,如到插法、夹叙法、草蛇 灰线法等等。这些“文法”在概念之间有些重复之处,如“极不省法”与“横云 断山法”,都是在主线故事中间插入另外文字,以缓解累赘、同时造成悬念。不 过在这些“文法”中,有两条极为精准,也十分重要,即“正犯”法和“略犯法”。

Technique of Repetition in Commentaries by Jin Shengtan, Zhang Zhupo and Zhi Yanzhai

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1 施耐庵、金圣叹:金圣叹批评本水浒传,凤凰出版传媒集团,第四十四回回前评,第 416页。2 施耐庵、金圣叹:金圣叹批评本水浒传,凤凰出版传媒集团,第二十三回,第 211页。




























3 施耐庵、金圣叹:金圣叹批评本水浒传,凤凰出版传媒集团,第二十三回,第 212页。4 施耐庵、金圣叹:金圣叹批评本水浒传,凤凰出版传媒集团,第四十四回,第 417页。5 施耐庵、金圣叹:金圣叹批评本水浒传,凤凰出版传媒集团,第二十五回,第 244页。6 施耐庵、金圣叹:金圣叹批评本水浒传,凤凰出版传媒集团,第四十四回回前评,第 416页。



























7 施耐庵、金圣叹:金圣叹批评本水浒传,凤凰出版传媒集团,第四十五回,第 430页。8 金庸著、黄子平编选:《寻他千百度》,中华书局,第 234-5页。9 施耐庵、金圣叹:《金圣叹批评本水浒传》,凤凰出版传媒集团,第二十五回回前评,第 235页。10 兰陵笑笑生、张竹坡:《张竹坡批评金瓶梅》,齐鲁书社,第 9页。11 兰陵笑笑生、张竹坡:《张竹坡批评金瓶梅》,齐鲁书社,第 10页。




























12 兰陵笑笑生、张竹坡:《张竹坡批评金瓶梅》,齐鲁书社,第 26页。13 兰陵笑笑生、张竹坡:《张竹坡批评金瓶梅》,齐鲁书社,第 32页。14 兰陵笑笑生、张竹坡:《张竹坡批评金瓶梅》,齐鲁书社,第一回,第 14页。15 同上。16 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第 12页。



























17 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第二十二回,第 285页。18 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第三回,第 23页。19 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第四回,第 37页。20 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第三回,第 29页。21 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第四回,第 39页。



























22 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第七十五回,第 586页。23 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第十六回,第 123页。24 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第十八回,第 143页。25 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第十八回,第 147页。26 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第十九回,第 162页。27 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第二十回,第 167页。28 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第八十回,第 627页。



















[6]何红梅.《红楼梦》评点理论研究——以脂砚斋等 10 家评点为中心[学位论






29 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第二十二回,第 180页。30 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第八回,第 69页。31 曹雪芹:《脂砚斋重评石头记》,中州古籍出版社,第八回,第 69页。


Technique of Repetition in Commentaries by Jin Shengtan,

Zhang Zhupo and Zhi Yanzhai

Abstract: Water Margin, Jin Ping Mei and A Dream of Red Mansions are spectacular

traditional Chinese novels during Ming and Qing Dynasty, with each chapter headed

by a couplet giving the gist of its content. The review of these novels by Jin Shengtan

et al is of high standards, in which they share many a similar point of view. In line

with the texts, this paper combs through the discussions of “犯” (repetition) by Jin

Shengtan, Zhang Zhupo and Zhi Yanzhai.

Key words: repetition, Jin Shengtan, Zhang Zhupo, Zhi Yanzhai

Between the reign of Ming Emperor Chongzhen and the reigns of Qing Emperor

Shunzhi and Kangxi, commentaries on novels came forward in great numbers, among

which were there masterpieces, including Jin Shengtan’s commentary of Water

Margin, Mao Zonggang’s of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Zhang Zhupo’s of

Jin Ping Mei. Among these works, Jin Shengtan’s commentary of Water Margin set

the example for the review of popular novels, which set the stage for the formation of

commentary school in late Ming and early Qing dynasties

Prof. Wang Shuizhao from Fudan University classified such commentaries on

novels into the category of “article science”. “Article science” surfaced in the Song

Dynasty. With its complicated connotation, it established one's own system, and it

can be divided into Wendao Theory (form and content), Wenqi Theory (style of

writing), Wenjing Theory (context), Wenti Theory (type of writing), Wenshu Theory

(writing skills), Pinping Theory (review) and Wenyun Theory (“Qi” of the writing).

According to this system, judging from the contents, commentaries of Jin Shengtan

et al belong to Wenshu Theory and Pinping Theory, which means the focus of their

works is to review the author’s skill in depicting characters and arranging plots as

well as comparing it with other works from other authors. After Jin Shengtan’s


commentaries set the example, Zhang Zhupo’s on Jin Ping Mei is another milestone

in the history of commentaries on novels during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Between the lines in the preface of Zhang’s commentary on Jin Ping Mei are told his

familiarity with Jin Shengtan’s commentary on Water Margin, which attests to Jin’s

influence on his commentary. As to Zhi Yanzhai, such a mistrtious figure, to date we

still know nothing about his or her true identity. But from his/her commentary, Cao

Xueqin and Zhi Yanzhai were very acquainted with the texts in Jin Ping Mei.

Besides, it still remains to be further explored whether Zhang Zhupo’s commentary

on Jin Ping Mei inspired Zhi Yanzhai’s on A dream of Red Mansions or not.

Jin Shengtan highly praised the skills of plot narration and character description,

even lavish in his praise. In Jin’s How to Read the Fifth Work of Genius (《读第五才

子书法》), he says, “Many techniques applied in Water Margin is unique for others

novels, and I will mention some of them in the following.” He then lists sixteen

techniques (文法), such as Advance Insertion (倒插法), Simultaneous Narration (夹

叙法), and Snake in the Grass or Thread Through/Incremental Repetition (草蛇灰线

法 ). Some techniques, in terms of their concepts, are overlapped to some degree.

Take Extreme Avoidance of Narrative Frugality (极不省法 ) and Clouds Cutting

Mountains in Half/Digression Insertion (横云断山法 ) for example. They are both

the insertion of narrative amid the main story, so ask to avoid verbose length of story

and to lead the readers into suspense. Even so, two out of these techniques are

precisely interpreted as well as of great importance, that is, Direct Repetition of

Topic (正犯法) and Incomplete Repetition of Topic (略犯法).

In Chinese traditional chapter novels (a type with each chapter headed by a

couplet giving the gist of its content), the reason the author adopted the technique of

“犯” (repetition) is actually to “避” (avoid). Savvy writers intentionally describe those

seemingly similar plots and characters in order to actually indicate the subtle

differences between them, through which the plots become intriguing and the

characters become vitalized—to quote the words from critics of novels of the Ming


and Qing dynasties, they are “好看煞” (brilliant arrangement), “妙” (fabulous) and

“妙不可言” (ingenious beyond description).

Chapter 1 Direct and Incomplete Repetition of Topic in Jin

Shengtan’s Commentary onWater Margin

Jin Shengtan classifies technique of repetition as Direct Repetition of Topic and

Incomplete Repetition of Topic. The former one is used to “repeat a foregoing

storyline, but the author is so skilled that he renders a tale that shares not the least

shred of plots with the former one. Thus this is enjoyment.” His illustrative examples

show that disparate storylines are derived from the same topic on different characters,

which underlines the subtle dispositions of characters, and in the meantime, creates

changes of plot. As for Incomplete Repetition of Topic, examples from Jin include Lin

Chong purchasing sword and Yang Zhi selling sword, Tang Niu’er and Yunge,

Zheng’s butcher shop and Jiang Zhong’s Forest of Delight, staff of Lu Da’s at Waguan

Monastery and the knives of Wu Song’s at Centipede Ridge, etc. Therefore,

Incomplete Repetition of Topic refers to specific articles, such as knife, specific

character or storyline. Jin appreciates the direct repetitions in Water Margin, as

mentioned above, “that shares not the least shred of plots with the former one.”

Although this comment seems to the author a bit exaggerating, it indeed illustrates the

fineness of repetition.

For instance, Pan Jinlian’s adultery and Pan Qiaoyun’s adultery are defined as

Direct Repetition of Topic to each other. Jin comments, “The story about Ximen Qing

is salacious to its extreme, but the story of Pei Ruhai repeats the storyline, which is

also obscene to its extreme. When reading the former story, one feels like savoring

delicious globefish in early spring, and then not believing the pleasant crab in late

autumn. Not until he eats crab and drinks baijiu does he doubts the verse of Mei

Yaochen, a poet in Northern Song Dynasty, ‘When globefish is in season, fishes and


shrinks are no comparison,’ ”32 In addition to sharing the same topic, the two stories

highly resemble each other. There is the same storyline—the adultery developed and

exposed, and immortal man and women killed; the same conflict—friction between a

women and her husband’s brother; the very surname Pan. All these were elements

arranged by Shi Nai’an, the author of Water Margin, on purpose. Under the same

topic, Shi manages to develop so diversified details as to show the distinctive

personality of different character, and vice versa.

Referring to character’s personality and storyline, in Pan Jinlian’s adultery, Pan

Jinlian is the minor protagonist while Wu Song the major protagonist. Wu Song

appears in the every beginning and the end of the story. This way of narration is

applied to demonstrate Wu Song’s tolerance and explosive power. In Pan Qiaoyun’s

adultery, Pan Qiaoyun is the minor protagonist while Shi Xiu the major protagonist.

Shi Xiu observes the whole proceeding of adultery between Pan Qiaoyun and Pei

Ruhai and made the initiative move in killing Pan Qiaoyun. This way of narration

could sufficiently show readers a meticulous and cruel Shi Xiu. Jin pays strong

attention to repeated words. For instance, Pan Jinlian calls Wu Song “brother-in-law”

thirty-nine times, but calls Wu Song “you” before her death. Jin comments, “I cannot

admire it more.”33 Another example is the discussion between Mistress Wang and

Ximen Qing about how to seduce and bribe Pan Jinlian. Thirty-eight smiles appear

during the discussion. The reason that Jin attaches such importance to repeated words

is he sees through how Shi Nai’an designs characters and their relationships, which

contributes to the narrative structure. In Pan Qiaoyun’s story, Jin frequently compares

Pan Qiaoyun’s adultery with Pan Jinlian’s. Pan Jinlian bosses Wu the Elder around in

the presence of Wu Song, and calls Wu Song brother-in-law in front of Wu the Elder.

In the banquet for welcoming Wu Song’s first arrival, she sits at the head of the table

and Wu Song opposite and Wu the Elder at the side. “Their positions illustrate that

Wu the Elder is foolish, Wu Song straightforward, and the woman evil-intentioned.

32 Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Pre-commentaryof Chapter 44, Page 416.33 Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Chapter 23, Page211.


The description is well-contained.”34 After Wu Song left, Mistress Wang and Ximen

Qing collude to seduce Pan Jinlian. Mistress Wang comes up with the idea that

includes five requirements and ten steps. Thirty-eight kinds of laughter are used by

Shi Nai’an to show Mistress Wang’s greediness and Ximen Qing’s eagerness. Due to

the characters of these five people, Pan Jinlian is finally successfully seduced. It is

also adultery, but what between Pan Qiaoyun and Pei Ruhai is differently narrated.

Not long after the character Pan Qiaoyun shows up, there is a trace of her playing the

field which is perceived by Shi Xiu. That the adultery happens is to imply Shi Xiu’s

smartness. For instance, when Pan Qiaoyun is going to meet the monk, Shi has

already sensed something, and then he “with his hands folded behind his back,

follows her afterwards”, Jin’s comment is, “For one thing, Shi Xiu is astute; for

another, the adulteress is unwary.”35 The next phase after development of adultery is

the exposure. Pan Jinlian betrays her husband, which is known by the whole

neighborhood, but the adulterers are able to meet each other every day because of Wu

Song’s absence. Previously, Pan Jinlian failed to seduce Wu Song. This occurrence

and Wu Song’s character serve as the foreshadowing. The subsequent return of Wu

Song instantly triggers the conflict. After the assisting characters, including He Jiu,

Yunge and neighbors, showed up one by one, Wu Song is about to kill his

sister-in-law. Jin’s comment in here is a contrast: Wu Song is “easy” while others

“astonished.” Jin even goes more penetrating: he finds the attempt of Shi Nai’an to

enrich this storm-like narrative—adding setting. For example, Wu Song invited

neighbors to be witnesses, but he does not let Yao Wenqing go. Jin comments, “In a

heart-stirring plot, by raising a sudden question, the author creates a great suspense,”

“Now it is a sudden answer, an insertion in the heart-stirring plot,”36 which gives out

that Wu Song is well-planned, bold and in no hurry. How the adultery is exposed and

the characters’ reactions vary completely from each other. Shi Xiu fully observes the

34Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Chapter 23, Page211.35 Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Chapter 44, Page417.36 Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Chapter 25, Page244.


adultery when Yang Xiong is absent, so Shi Xiu is a character shown bit by bit. On the

contrary, character of Wu Song has already been preset before Pan Jinlian’s betrayal.

Shi Xiu fully observes the adultery while Mistress Wang full plans the seduction, with

both of which the plots are developed. Jin thinks high of both narratives, saying them

“peerless”37 Each beginning serves a different function: Wu Song tolerates Pan

Jinlian first, leaves in the middle and vents his grievance at the end, his character

forming a “V” shape; Shi Xiu observes the adultery from beginning to end, and he

thinks of a plot to vindicate himself. When Yang Xiong is going to kill his wife, Shi

Xiu denies, “Sister-in-law, it is not me.” Jin comments, “Shi Xiu is ruthless, which is

illustrated by each sentence.”38 His character forms a fluctuating ascension.

As to the author, the spirit of a novel is characters, on which the plot rests;

characters’ personalities and personality contradictions (self and interpersonal

contradictions) are the power to develop the plot. Even though it comes to wuxia

novel, a genre that attaches great importance to bizarre storyline, plots are also

derived from characters. Jin Yong, a world-known Chinese wuxia novelist, was asked

at a readers’ seminar whether tragedies was he deliberately assigned to characters in

The Return of the Condor Heroes. Jin Yong answered that he only wrote several

characters at the beginning of a novel, and then the story developed gradually

according to characters’ personalities, some of which ended up in comedies and some

tragedies.39 Postscript of The Return of the Condor Heroes gives a detailed

explanation: “A wuxia novel contains inevitable quaintness and coincidences. I

always want to achieve this: their kungfu is not real, but the human characters can

possibly exist. The departure and reunion between Yang Guo and Little Dragon

Maiden are fantastic, but they seem all about heaven’s will and coincidences. In fact,

they should all be attributed to their personalities. If they do not love each other so

deeply, they will not dump into the valley one after another. But for indifference, it is

impossible for Little Dragon Maiden to live in the Passionless Valley for long; but for

37 Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Pre-commentaryof Chapter 44, Page 416.38 Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Chapter 45, Page430.39 Jin Yong. Huang Ziping ed. A Thousand Search. Zhonghua Book Company, Page 331.


devotion and pureness, Yang Guo would not have waited his love for sixteen years

with no regrets. Of course, things in the world change, and there are ups and downs.

Destiny and fate may take its course, but fortune does not fall on everyone. All in all,

personality makes things happen.”40 Those vivid characters play an indispensable

role in Water Margin. Thus some of its excellent plots could stand out among Song

and Ming story books and were adapted into serials and operas. Among all these

characters, Wu Song wins Jin Shengtan’s highest compliment—a transcendent. “Wu

Song is a transcendent. He is as broadminded as Lu Da, as cool as Lin Chong, as

righteous as Yang Zhi, as kind-hearted as Chai Jin, as agile as Ruan Xiaoqi, as

innocent as Li Kui, as quick-witted as Wu Yong, as elegant as Hua Rong, as

magnanimous as Lu Junyi and as cautious as Shi Xiu.”41

Chapter 2 Technique of Repetition in Zhang Zhupo’s

Commentary on Jin Ping Mei

In contrast to Jin’s passionate comments, Zhang Zhupo’s is inclined to human

feelings and reasons, with a big picture. Zhan is particular about analyzing personality

of individual character in details. He holds a viewpoint that “the descriptions of all

characters are well-contained, repeated on purpose but divergent. How to Read Jin

Ping Mei (《读法》) mentions, “Writing is nothing but feelings and reasons. It is to

bring feelings and reasons out of a human heart, so the character speaks for feelings

and reasons.”42 Zhang also thinks features of characters in Jin Ping Mei are portrayed

in a circumstantial and unique way: “The description of Wang Liu’er is distinctive,

that of Ping’er’s is personal, and that of Jinlian’s is distinguishing; each one is

perfectly appropriate.”43 Thus it can be seen that Zhang interprets repetition from the

prior perspective—feeling and reason, aka speech and action of each person shall

40 Jin Yong. Huang Ziping ed. A Thousand Search. Zhonghua Book Company, Page 234-5.41Shi Nai’an. Water Margin with Jin Shengtan’s Commentary. Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc. Pre-commentaryof Chapter 25, Page 235.42 Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Wang Rumei, Li Zhaoxun and Yu Fengshu ed. Jin Ping Mei with Zhang Zhupo’sCommentary. Qilu Publishing, Page 9.43 Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Wang Rumei, Li Zhaoxun and Yu Fengshu ed. Jin Ping Mei with Zhang Zhupo’sCommentary. Qilu Publishing, Page 10.


accord with his or her status, circumstances and human relationships. Only complying

with feeling and reason can the article goes deep into human nature, arousing echo in

a reader’s heart. Water Margin features history and sagas while Jin Ping Mei focuses

on human. For this reason description is human-oriented and reason-oriented, and the

emphasis of repetition is also different.

Zhang comments on the variations of repetition in How to Read Jin Ping Mei. He

says, “Guijie is an identical repetition of Pan Jinlian while Yinjie is that of Ping’er.

When looking back to Pan and Li, they are truly luscious. Although Guijie and Yinjie

have not been adulterous, but as people of the same ilk, they would follow the

example of Pan’s and Li’s.”44 Besides, “Wonderful, Jin Ping Mei is apt at using

repetition technique but not repeated in storylines. For example, the author creates a

Ying Bojue, with a resemblance called Xie Xida. However, Bojue is Bojue while Xida

is Xia. He makes a clear distinction between their statuses and styles of conversation.

Li Ping’er is a repetition of Pan Jinlian, but they are partly similar and greatly

different. Their speeches and behaviors are individual. Ben Sisao is the repetition of

Wang Liu’er, Wu Yinjie and Zheng Yue’er are repetitions of Li Guijie, Matchmaker

Xue, Madam Feng, Ms. Wen and Matchmaker Tao are repetitions of Mistress Wang,

and Wang Guzi and Liu Guzi are repetitions of Xue Guzi,”45 Zhang adds. Ying Bojue

could be counted as the most impressive characters among Ximen Qing’s do-nothing

friends. Being Ximen’s “most tacit” friend, he has a say in some matters, but he

actually serves as a joker for Ximen. What he constantly does is showing up at

Ximen’s residence as a freeloader. As long as there is something to eat, his clownism

will be unveiled, and he even takes opportunities to snatch some food for his wife at

home. What a loathsome and pathetic man! Xie Xida is another good friend of Ximen

Qing. Zhang defines Xie as a “Ying’s forever company.”46 Ying as the primary

character while Xie the secondary. This is why Ying Bojue takes initiative in

44 Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Wang Rumei, Li Zhaoxun and Yu Fengshu ed. Jin Ping Mei with Zhang Zhupo’sCommentary. Qilu Publishing, Page 26.45 Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Wang Rumei, Li Zhaoxun and Yu Fengshu ed. Jin Ping Mei with Zhang Zhupo’sCommentary. Qilu Publishing, Page 32.46 Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Wang Rumei, Li Zhaoxun and Yu Fengshu ed. Jin Ping Mei with Zhang Zhupo’sCommentary. Qilu Publishing, Chapter 1, Page 14.


conversations when Ying and Xie appear at the same time. Take the first chapter “Ten

Earnestly Become Sworn Brother” for example. Bojue eggs Ximen Qing on a visit to

Li Guijie, and then Xie Xida continues the conversation, “Brother, trust me. She is so

beautiful.” Zhang’s comment is, “This is the common way of Xi’s style of speaking.

Though different from Bojue’s, it repeats Bojue’s all the time.”47

Apart from the perspective of feeling and reason, Zhang Zhupo categorizes the

repeated characters as primary and secondary, the secondary being the complement of

the primary. Characters including Wang Liu’er and Song Huilian, in form at least,

resemble Pan Jinlian. Pan is “the sixth daughter of the tailor Pan outside the South

Gate,” and Wang Liu’er (literarily, the sixth child) shares the same name. Song

Huilian is “the daughter of Song Ren, a coffin seller, her name is also Jinlian.” “But

Yueniang thought Jinlian was not a catchy name, so changed it into Huilian.” So,

Song Jinlian is a repeated name of Pan Jinlian. Besides, Pan Jinlian has a pair of small

feet, but Huilian’s are even smaller. In The Implied Meaning in Jin Ping Mei (《<金瓶

梅>寓意说》), Zhang says, “Song Huilian and Wang Liu’er are characters designed

for Pan Jinlian. Pan Jinlian alone is far enough to demonstrate her evil, and not

enough to expose Ximen’s and Yueniang’s evil. That’s why the author arranges the

appearance of Song Jinlian and Wang Liu’s as the repetitions of Pan Jinlian.”48 Zhang

implies that the two characters, Wang Liu’er and Song Huilian, are the shadows of

Pan, playing a complementary part for the character Pan. Of course, Liu and Song are

indeed individual characters, partly repeated and partly different from Pan. Zheng

comments in the book, “The character Pan Jinlian has already made one’s blood boil,

but there appears a resemblance of hers. This is technique of violent repetition,

achieving a non-repeated effect.”49

47 Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Wang Rumei, Li Zhaoxun and Yu Fengshu ed. Jin Ping Mei with Zhang Zhupo’sCommentary. Qilu Publishing, Chapter 1, Page 14.48 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press, Page12.49 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 22, Page 285.


Chapter 3 Non-contradicted Repetition of Topic in Zhi Yanzhai’s

Commentary on A dream of Red Mansions

The characters in A dream of Red Mansions outnumber those in Water Margin,

Jin Ping Mei, and relationships in A dream of Red Mansions are also far more

complicated. Even so, each female character, attributed to the ingenious author Cao

Xueqin, is vivid and distinctive. When Zhi Yanzhai comments on repetition applied in

characters and plots, he holds a practical view of point. Apart from highlighting each

repetition, he defines a variation of repetition—Non-contradicted Repetition (特犯不


Words marked with “non-contradicted” include character’s appearance, speech

and behavior, characters’ relationship, detailed storyline, etc. For example, Jia

Yingchun’s appearance in Chapter 3, “The first was somewhat plump and of medium

height….” Zhi Yanzhai’s comment is, “Not a repetition of Baochai,” 50 because the

appearance of Yingchun’s is introduced to readers from Lin Daiyu’s perspective while

the third-person omniscient perspective is adopted when Baochai shows up. “But she

also had a daughter two years younger whose infant name was Baochai, a beautiful,

dainty girl of great natural refinement.”51 As referring to speech and behavior, this is

the debut of Jia Baoyu, “The words were hardly out of her mouth when they heard

footsteps in the courtyard….” Zhi Yanzhai says, “This contrasts with the debut of Ah

Feng (Wang Xifeng), but they do not repeat.”52 It comes with Wang’s laughter before

her presence. As to character’s personality, “Apart from waiting on her elders and

looking after her son, all she (Li Wan) did was to accompany the girls at their

embroidery or reading.” Zhi Yanzhai comments, “This description of Li Wan is

different from that of Wang Xifeng.”53 Li Wan, like “withered wood or cold ashes”, is

dramatically opposite to the outgoing Wang Xifeng, so here is a contrast. Another

50 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 3, Page 23.51 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 4, Page 37.52 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 3, Page 29.53 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 4, Page 39.


example, “And Lady Wang, who liked peace and quiet…,” the comment is, “A direct

repetition of Lady Xing, but they have their own stories,” because Lady Wang has

already handed the household to Wang Xifeng, so she rarely leaves her residence

while Lady Xing is a minor character who seldom shows up and thus she does not

speak much in a crowd.

Here is an example for repetition in relationship. In chapter 21, “You know

perfectly well without my telling you.” Xiren says. Zhi Yanzhai writes down,

“Whenever a character says something implicit, it would be extremely wonderful, and

it is never repeated.” “At once Jia Lian begged with a smile, ‘Give it me, there’s a

good girl, and I won’t use force.’” Comment is, “Truly wonderful feast to ears and

eyes. Totally different from Xiren”. This is because Ping’er is Jia Lian’s concubine

and Wang Xifeng’s maid while Xiren is Baoyu’s maid. The master-servant

relationship is not the same54. We can find repetition of narrative. In chapter 75, a

Mid-autumn feast was held, “Whoever had it when the drumming stopped had to

drink a cup of wine and tell a joke as forfeit.” Comment is, “It is different from the

drinking in former feasts.” This mid-autumn is a lonely one. In a festival that

symbolizes the family union, “The circle, however, was only half complete, the other

half being conspicuously vacant.” Compared with their passing the follower in

drumming on a Lantern Festival feast, the comparison is tear-jerking. Last but not

least, there is also the repetition of architecture. “…they walked in. From the gate

porch a zigzag …,” Zhi Yanzhai says this is not a repetition of the verandahs

mentioned in chapter 3. Such kind of repetition is numerous in this novel.

The non-contradicted repetition Zhi Yanzhai puts forward refers to the following:

“I will,” said the nurse. “But you must take a cup too. Don’t be afraid! The

thing is not to drink too much….” This is about Jia Lian’s former wet-nurse. Zhi

Yanzhai’s comment is, “Baoyu has a wet-nurse called Nanny Li, and there is a Nanny

Zhao here. A non-contradicted repeption.”55

54 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 75, Page 586.55 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 16, Page 123.


In chapter 18, the author directly mentioned the novel’s name—Tale of the

Stone—here, “…Let me, stupid as I am, explain this to you.” Comment is, “This

novel is used to non-contradicted repetition. It feels appalling when reading this.”56

“…Daiyu, depressed at having no chance to shine, came up to his desk where he

was struggling alone, meaning to help him out by writing a couple of poems for him.”

Zhi Yanzhai says, “This is the description of Daiyu’s love. She also treats Baoyu like

this before. This is a non-contradicted repetition.”57

In chapter 19, Daiyu laughed, “You make fun of me and dare pretend it’s an

allusion.....” Zhi Yanzhai says, “Intoxicating fragrance from Daiyu’s sleeve shall be

compared with Baochai’s cool, sweet fragrance mentioned in chapter 8 so that one

feels it interesting and vivid. A contradicted repetition, brilliant arrangement!”

“…where they found Shi Xiangyun laughing and chattering away. After they

had greeted each other…” This is Shi Xiangyun’s debut in chapter 20. Zhi Yanzhai’s

comment is, “Another way to describe Shi Xiangyun. A contradicted repetition.”58

“One-Plaster Wang laughed. ‘Quite right. You mustn’t fall asleep after eating the

gluten in that vegetarian meal, or it’ll play tricks in your belly! The whole room

laughed….” The comment in here is, “One-Plaster Wang is the resemblance of Priest

Zhang. A contradicted repetition.”59

From all these comments we can see that the Contradicted Repetition, in Zhi

Yanzhai’s opinion, shall be used when two characters are similar in status and easier

to be compared with, so as to create an aesthetic contrast. For example, Nanny Li and

Nanny Zhao are both wet-nurses; the former one is so arrogant and rude that she

offends Baoyu and his maids while the latter one is sensible so that she earns the

respect of Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian. One-Plaster Wang and Abbot Zhang are both old

Taoist priests. Wang is typically grassroots while Zhang, as the Duke of Rongguo's

56 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 18, Page 143.57 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 18, Page 147.58 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 20, Page 167.59 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 80, Page 627.


substitute, is noble. Young ladies, including Baochai, Daiyu and Xiangyun, are

good-looking, kind-hearted and educated; they all have their own stories and

personality, so the 108 women in Jia Family, with their features about love, are all

listed in the “Love Registers”. The most important is the comparison between

Baochai and Daiyu, one of who is generous and very popular among people while the

other is proud, solitary and sharp-tongued. There are quite a lot of Non-contradicted

Repetitions between Baochai and Daiyu, which are so refined. Most of their

comparisons are pointed out by Zhi Yanzhai, like “How about comparing Baochai

with Daiyu?”60, “The story of Baochai will definitely be followed by that of Daiyu.”61 Daiyu helps Baoyu write verses, and Baochai helps him polish a poem. Baoyu sells

fragrance from Daiyu, so he does from Baochai. Daiyu retorts at Baochai’s residence

Pear Fragrance Court, so Baochai mocks at Daiyu’s Bamboo Lodge. In the novel,

“Daiyu shows up first, and then Baochai”, and vice versa. The order is parallel but

their comparison not contradicted, which shows readers vivid portraits of them two.

60 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 22, Page 180.61 Cao Xueqin. New Rough Inkstone’s Commentary on Story of the Stone. ZhongzhouAncient Books Press,Chapter 8, Page 69.



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