Addis Ababa University College of Development Studies Center for Regional and Local Development Studies Sustainability of Water Supply Schemes: The Case of Tulu- Bolo town and surrounding villages in South West Shewa Zone of the Oromia Regional State By: Elellan Debela June, 2015 Addis Ababa

Sustainability of Water Supply Schemes

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Addis Ababa University

College of Development Studies

Center for Regional and Local Development Studies

Sustainability of Water Supply Schemes:

The Case of Tulu- Bolo town and surrounding villages in

South West Shewa Zone of the Oromia Regional State


Elellan Debela

June, 2015

Addis Ababa

Sustainability of Water Supply Schemes:

The Case of Tulu- Bolo town and surrounding villages in

South West Shewa Zone of the Oromia Regional State


Elellan Debela

A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of AddisAbaba University in partial fulfillment of requirements for theDegree of Master of Arts in Regional and Local Development


Advisor: Wondimu Abeje (PhD)

June, 2015

Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa University

College of Development Studies

Center for Regional and Local Development Studies

Sustainability of Water Supply Schemes:

The Case of Tulu- Bolo town and surrounding villages in South West Shewa

Zone of the Oromia Regional State


Elellan Debela

Approved by Board of examiners:

____________________________ ______________________

1. Chairman, Graduate Committee Signature

___________________________ ______________________

2. Advisor Signature

____________________________ ______________________

3. Internal Examiner Signature

____________________________ ______________________

4. External Examiner Signature


This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university

and that all sources of material used for this thesis have been dully acknowledged.

Declared by

Name: _____________________________

Signature: __________________________

Date: ______________________________

Confirmed by

Name: ______________________________

Signature: ___________________________

Date: _______________________________

Addis Ababa

June, 2015



My debts of gratitude to all the support I was rendered during the research are profound. I greatly

appreciate the contribution of my advisor, Dr. Wondimu Abeje, for his encouragement and

scholastic criticisms on the topic at hand. I thank him for his kindness, patience and continual


I am thankful to the Executive Director of Water Action, Ato Adane Kassa who introduced me to

the subject matter. I also extend my gratitude to the staffs of Tulu-Bolo Town Water Supply

Service Office, Bacho Woreda Water and Energy Office, Tulu-Bolo Town Administration, Tulu

Bolo Electric Utility Office and Kebele administrations in Tulu-Bolo town, for kindly providing

me the necessary information. I am highly indebted to the hospitality and assistance of Ato

Abebe Getu, W/ro Elfenesh Tadesse, Ato Milkesa Lemma and Ato Gezahegn, who assisted me

in the field survey. I am also thankful to all the informants who gave me valuable information

during my field work.

Lastly, words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude to my family; Ato Debela Dinka, W/ro

Beletu Worku, W/t Workie Debela, W/ro Abdi Debela and Ato Bisrat Adugna for their patience

and encouragement during the course of my research work.



ADF African Development Fund

AMCOW African Minister’s Council on Water

BWWEO Bacho Woreda Water and Energy Office

CSA Central Statistical Authority

EDHS Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey

ETB Ethiopian Birr

FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

GLAAS Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water report

GTP Growth and Transformation Plan

HHs Households

IRC International Water Supply and Sanitation Center

IWRM International Water Management Institute

KW Kilo watt

MDG Millennium Development Goals

MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development

MoWE Ministry of Water and Energy

MoWR Ministry of Water Resources

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NWI National WASH Inventory

O & M Operation and Maintenance

OWNP One Wash National Program

RWSN Rural Water Supply Network


TBWSSO Tulu-Bolo town Water Supply Service Office

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences

UWSPUAP Urban Water Supply Universal Access Plan

UAP Universal Access Program

UNDP United Nations Development Program

UNICEF United Nations Children and Education Fund

WA Water Action

WASH Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene

WASH CO Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene Committee

WB World Bank

WIF Wash Implementation Framework

WSP Water Supply and Sanitation Program

WSS Water Supply Service

WTP Willingness to Pay

WHO World Health Organization



Sustainability of water supply schemes is a major challenge in Ethiopia. It is estimated that 20-

30% of water supply schemes in the nation are non-functional at any time. This study examines

the sustainability of water supply schemes in Tulu-Bolo town and its surrounding villages of

Keta-Insilale, Batu-Cherecha and Soyoma-Ganji. This was done by analyzing the demand and

supply of water services, the technical condition of the water schemes, the institutional capacity

of the managing bodies, the financial aspect of the water schemes and the sustainability of the

water sources. To achieve these objectives, descriptive research design was utilized. A household

survey with 144 HHs, key informant interviews with 12 individuals and personal observations

were used to gather data. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data quantitatively

followed by the discussions obtained from interviews and observations. Although there are water

supply schemes in the study area, the analysis showed that the community faced water scarcity.

The utilization of the water supply schemes depends upon their functionality. The study revealed

that the two water supply schemes in the study area are in the state of non-functionality and

‘semi-functionality’. This technical condition of the schemes is due to the inefficiency and weak

linkages among concerned institutions. Additionally, the managing bodies of the water supply

schemes haven’t achieved cost recovery and are not concerned about the sustainability of the

water source itself. One of the water sources in the area has experienced major decline over the

last ten years, but wasn’t detected by the managing body. In general, the incapacity of the

managing institutions and lack of cooperation among concerned institutions is the underlying

cause for the lack of sustainability of the water supply schemes in the study area. Thus,

strengthening the institutional capacity (financial, human and management) of the institutions

should be given priority to address the sustainability of the water supply schemes.


List of Figures Page no

Figure 1: Map of Bacho woreda ………………………………………………………………..10

Figure 2: Distance taken to fetch water (in meters)……………………………………………..53

Figure 3: Need of additional water points in the study area…………………………………….56

Figure 4: Organizational framework of TBWSSO……………………………………………...71

Figure 5: Organizational set up for medium towns……………………………………………..72

Figure 6: Participation level in the development of the schemes……………………………….77

Figure 7: Women’s participation in the development of the schemes…………………………..79

List of Tables Page no

Table 1.1: Water-related targets in the GTP…………………………………………………….22

Table 1.2: Non-functionality of rural water schemes in 10 regions……………………………..29

Table 3.1: Age of respondents…………………………………………………………………..46

Table 3.2: HH Size of respondents……………………………………………………………...47

Table 3.3: Education level of respondents………………………………………………………48

Table 3.4: Occupation of respondents…………………………………………………………...48

Table 3.5: Monthly incomes of respondents…………………………………………………….46

Table 3.6: Type of water supply system used by respondents…………………………………..51

Table 3.7: Time spent in queuing………………………………………………………………..54

Table 3.8: Satisfaction level of respondents with the availability of water……………………..57

Table 3.9: Days of water shortage in a week (average) ………………………………………...58

Table 3.10: Water collection responsibility……………………………………………………..59

Table 3.11: Days taken to repair a malfunction………………………………………………....66

Table 3.12: Days taken to repair water points/hand pump……………………………………...66

Table 3.13: Water utility manpower requirement for a medium town………………………….73

Table 3.14: Satisfaction level with the management……………………………………………76

Table 3.15: Problems with the management…………………………………………………….76


Table 3.16: Type of participation in the development of the scheme…………………………...78

Table 3.17: Progressive water tariff……………………………………………………………..82

Table 3.18: Financial capability in paying tariff………………………………...………………81

Table 3.19: Percentage of material price………………………………………………………..84

Table 3.20: Other fees…………………………………………………………………………...85

List of Photographs Page no

Photograph 1: Women at communal water points……………………………………………...59

Photograph 2: The spring capping structure……………………………………………………61

Photograph 3: Balancing chamber & pump house………………………………………………62

Photograph 4: Outflow from collection chamber………………………………………………..62

Photograph 5: Water reservoir…………………………………………………………………..63

Photograph 6: Abandoned water point in the village of Batu-Cherecha………………………...64

Photograph 7: Non-functioning hand pump in the village of Batu-Cherecha…………………....65

Photograph 8: New water reservoir……………………………………………………………...88

Photograph 9: New collection chamber…………………………………………………………88


Table of Contents




List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………….v

List of tables………………………………………………………………………………………v

List of Photographs………………………………………………………………………..…….vi

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study ....................................................................................................... 7

1.3.1 General Objective ......................................................................................................... 7

1.3.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................ 7

1.4 Research Questions ............................................................................................................. 7

1.5 Description of the Study Area ............................................................................................ 8

1.6 Research Methodology ...................................................................................................... 11

1.6.1 Research Design and Sampling Framework ............................................................ 11

1.6.2 Data Sources ................................................................................................................ 12

1.7 Methods of data analysis................................................................................................... 13

1.8 Scope and limitations of the study ................................................................................... 13

1.9 Significance of the study ................................................................................................... 14

1.10 Organization of the study ............................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 15

2.1 Definition of operational terms ........................................................................................ 15

2.2 Access to improved drinking water source ..................................................................... 18

2.3 Overview of water policies in Ethiopia ............................................................................ 21

2.3.1 Water supply responsibilities .................................................................................... 21

2.3.2 Policies and Targets .................................................................................................... 22

2.3.3 Financial and Institutional framework set-ups ........................................................ 23


2.4 Sustainability of water supply schemes ........................................................................... 25

2.5 Determinants of Water Supply Scheme Sustainability .................................................. 29

2.5.1 Technical and Institutional aspects ........................................................................... 29

2.5.2 Social Aspects .............................................................................................................. 37

2.5.3 Financial Aspects ........................................................................................................ 37

2.5.4 Environmental Aspects .............................................................................................. 40

2.6 Conceptual framework of the study ................................................................................ 43

2.7 Water Supply post-2015 ................................................................................................... 44

CHAPTER THREE: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS .......................................................... 46

3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 46

3.2 Background information of respondents ........................................................................ 46

3.2.1 Marital status and family size of respondents.......................................................... 47

3.2.2 Education level and occupation of respondents ....................................................... 47

3.2.3 Income level of respondents ....................................................................................... 48

3.3 Water supply in Tulu-Bolo and its surrounding villages .............................................. 49

3.3.1 Demand for water supply service .............................................................................. 49

3.3.2 Water supply sources in the study area .................................................................... 49

3.3.3 Distance travelled and time taken to collect water .................................................. 51

3.3.4 Water consumption pattern ....................................................................................... 55

3.3.5 Satisfaction level of respondents ............................................................................... 55

3.3.6 Person responsible for fetching water in the household ......................................... 57

3.4 Technical aspects of the water supply schemes .............................................................. 58

3.4.1 Technology choice and the quality of the water supply schemes ........................... 58

3.4.2 Time taken for repairs ............................................................................................... 63

3.4.3 Technical skills and availability of spare parts in the managing institutions .................. 65

3.5 Institutional and Social aspect of the water supply schemes ......................................... 66

3.5.1 Management of the water supply schemes ............................................................... 66 Operation and maintenance of the water supply schemes ................................... 66 Institutional framework and Organizational capacity......................................... 68

3.5.2 Community participation in the development of the water schemes .......................... 75

3.6 The financial aspect of the water supply schemes .......................................................... 78


3.6.1 Cost Sharing and Cost Recovery ............................................................................... 78

3.6.2 Financial management in Tulu-Bolo town water supply service office ................. 79

3.7 Sustainability of the water resources ............................................................................... 83

3.8 Expansion work on the water supply system in Tulu-Bolo town .................................. 84

CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................... 87

4.1 Summary of findings ......................................................................................................... 87

4.2 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 90

4.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 92

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 95

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................... 105

Appendix I: Supplementary tables and figures...................................................................... 105

Appendix II ................................................................................................................................ 107

A. Questionnaire for Beneficiaries .................................................................................... 107

B. Key informant interview and personal observation checklists .................................. 114

Appendix III Water connection estimation form ................................................................... 118

Appendix IV Agreement for household connections ............................................................. 120

Appendix V Tulu Bolo Town tap attendants’ agrrement form ............................................ 124


Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

Development is the quality of life measured by various means. The first UNDP Human

Development Report stated that the basic objective of development is to create an enabling

environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives (UNDP, 1990). The subsequent

reports affirmed that countries with similar average incomes can differ substantially when it

comes to people’s quality of life: access to education, health care, employment opportunities,

availability of safe drinking water, and so on. Thus one of the means to measure the quality of

life is the accessibility and availability of safe drinking water.

A locality deprived of access to potable water is not developed even if it generates high income.

According to the WHO/UNICEF joint report in 2000, those without access to water supply and

sanitation are the poorest and least powerful. Furthermore, the issue of water availability is the

issue of survival and health. Only healthy individuals can generate income and prosper. Hence

the availability of water supply is a major source of concern and at the top of development

agenda for developing countries including Ethiopia.

The 2015 assessment report by the UNICEF/WHO indicated that Ethiopia has met the MDG

target 7c by halving the number of people without access to safe water since 1990 i.e. 57% of the

population have access to improved drinking water source (UNICEF Ethiopia, 2015). The

coverage stood at 22% in 1990 and 24 % in 2000. Although there has been a major leap in

providing safe drinking water to the nation in the last two decades, it’s evident that there is much

more to be done. There are still 42 million Ethiopians without access to improved water supply.

Lack of access to potable water coupled with high population and urbanization growth rate;

availing water is still a major challenge for the nation. In addition to lack of access, the ability to

sustain the progress is in danger due to high level of non-functional schemes that are prevalent

(WSP, 2011).


Surveys indicate that emphasis has been on the fast production of new water schemes and the

benefits from completed schemes are not sustained (RWSN, 2009; Calow et al., 2013).

According to a study by Habtamu et al. (2013), it has been estimated that 20-30% of water

supply schemes in Ethiopia are non-functional at any time. The incapacity of existing and new

water supply schemes to give service for a prolonged period of time jeopardizes the water

coverage level in the nation. Lockwood and Smits (2011) noted that while much energy and

resources go into building new systems, there may have to be an acceptance of a case of ‘two

steps forward, one step back’ where levels of functionality will remain problematic.

A number of studies have identified technical, financial, environmental, institutional, and social

aspects as determinants of water system sustainability (Brikké and Bredero, 2003; Habtamu et.al,

2013). Thus, this study focuses on the water supply systems in Tulu-Bolo town and its surrounding

villages of Batu-Cherecha, Keta-Insilale and Soyoma-Ganji and analyzes its sustainability against

these different aspects.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Sustainable access to safe drinking water supply is central to socio-economic development.

Additionally, it improves the health of the community. But these benefits are not sustained if

access to water supply itself is not sustainable (Habtamu et al., 2013). The number of non-

functional water supply schemes in the nation is estimated to increase from 20-30% to 35% in

the near future unless immediate solutions are devised (Collick et al., 2013). This statistics

highly threatens the yearly water coverage reports by the UNICEF/WHO. Some studies show

that a number of water supply schemes in different regions of the nation are not providing water

on a continuous basis, or have failed altogether.

A study conducted in Quarit woreda, Amhara region by Zemenu (2012) revealed that a total of

217 water supply points were constructed in the years 2005 to 2009. Of these public taps, 184

were functional and 33 were non-functional. In Mecha woreda of Amhara region, 20 of the 21

water schemes were not functioning (Habtamu, 2012). This trend is not limited to Amhara region

but can be observed across regions. Out of the 70 water supply schemes in Mirab Abaya woreda,

in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, 40 water schemes were functional

and the other 30 are non-functional (Deneke and Abebe, 2008). In Oromia region, a survey


conducted by the IRC shows that, of the 14 boreholes in Daro Lebu woreda in 2005, 12 were

functional and 2 non-functional. Of the additional 15 boreholes constructed in the same woreda

since 2005, 7 are non-functional and 8 are functional. Moreover, 60% of the Somali region’s

birkado [cement-lined underground cisterns] are damaged and unused (Magda & Mulugeta,


As a consequence, the government of Ethiopia has taken stock of the situation that it plans to

reduce non-functionality of water supply facilities to 10% by 2020 under its new program: One

water, sanitation and hygiene national program (UNICEF, 2013). Such problem facing the water

supply sector indicates the need for a thorough study to analyze the sustainability of water supply

systems in the nation and finding out strategies to improve the situation. Thus, recent researches

have indicated that the services rendered by water supply schemes are hardly sustained.

Nonetheless, few studies exist that address the problem by scrupulously analyzing the different

building blocks of sustainability. This research intends to address this knowledge gap.

Similar to most water supply schemes in the nation, the water supply scheme in Tulu-Bolo town

was built in response to the incapacity of the previous water system to serve the growing

population. In addition, a number of people in the study area were using unprotected sources.

The water supply scheme was built in 2002 and its source is a spring that has a safe yield of 15

lit/sec. Nonetheless, the community that benefit from this scheme face water shortage. In

addition, those who were intended to benefit from the scheme, the villagers of Batu-Cherecha,

have abandoned the public tap. A hand pump has been constructed by the woreda water office in

the village but the community currently obtains water from unprotected sources (WA, 2002;

TBWSSO, 2011). Therefore, the mere construction of water supply schemes doesn’t necessarily

translate into sustainable services that continue to meet users’ needs in terms of water quantity,

quality, ease of access, and reliability.

In general, a concerted effort in the nation is on the construction of new water supply schemes

but not on the institutional, social, financial, technical and environmental aspects of the schemes

that sustain the services provided by the schemes. These aspects are the building blocks of the

sustainability of water supply schemes. Understanding and addressing these different aspects of

water supply systems will aid the efforts taken to extend and sustain water services. Therefore,


this study focuses on the sustainability of the water supply systems (not on the projects) in the

study area. This refers to the maintenance and management of the water supply system,

functionality of the system, quantity and quality of the water, as well as the provision of an

acceptable level of water supply, the involvement of the society in the overall system and the

environmental sustainability. This study using current data sought to assess the sustainability of

water supply scheme in the study area and make a timely contribution to the existing knowledge.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this study is to investigate the sustainability of the water supply scheme

in Tulu-Bolo town and surrounding villages in South West Shewa Zone, Oromia National

Regional State.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives are:

to assess the demand and supply of water in the study area

to analyze the technical aspect of the water scheme

to analyze the institutional and social aspects of the water scheme

to analyze the affordability and financial aspect of the water system

to analyze the environmental sustainability of the scheme

1.4 Research Questions

1. What is the technical condition of the water scheme?

2. What is the state of the institutional capacity managing the water scheme?

3. What is the environmental condition of the water source?


1.5 Description of the Study Area


Tulu-Bolo town and the villages surrounding it are located in Bacho woreda (figure 1), South

west Shewa zone of the Oromia regional state. Tulu-Bolo is a rural town located at a distance of

about 80kms west of Addis Ababa on all weather road. Tulu-Bolo is the capital of Bacho woreda

and it is surrounded by 19 rural kebeles. The villages in Soyoma-Ganji, Keta- Insilale and Batu-

Cherecha are accessed with gravel feeder roads. Tulu-Bolo is an urbanizing small town while the

villages are rural villages. The economy of the area is predominantly based on agricultural

production. Almost all of the people in the area are ethnically Oromos while they practice

Christianity and Islam (Bacho Woreda Physical and Socio-Economic Profile, 2012).

Topography and Climate

The area under study is located in the western part of the Bacho woreda. The name of the town,

Tulu-Bolo, is taken from the nearby scoria conical hill located southeast of the town which also

has the same name which means in oromiffa language ‘hill in the lowland’. The elevation at the

top of the hill is 2,264 meters. This site is the only elevated place located in the center of a flat

terrain in the area. The altitude of the flat land is about 2,180 meters above sea level (WA, 2000;

Bacho Woreda Physical and Socio-Economic Profile, 2012).

According to the information gathered from the woreda agricultural office, 97% of the woreda is

within the Weina-Dega agro-climatic Zone while only 3% is in the Dega (cool temperate) zone.

The area under study lies within the Weina-Dega zone. The rainfall pattern is bi-modal whereby

the short rains occur from mid February to April and the long rainy season is from June to

September. The average annual temperature is 18°C (Bacho Woreda Physical and Socio-

Economic Profile, 2012).


In 2007, the population of Tulu-Bolo town was 14,476 (CSA, 2008). According to the CSA

population projection, the population of Tulu- Bolo town stood at 20,727 in 2014. Out of this

10,328 are male and the rest 10,399 are female. Tulu-Bolo town has two kebeles named kebele

01 and kebele 02. The Tulu-Bolo Physical and Socio-Economic Profile (2012) indicated that the


town had 2,766 HHs i.e. kebele 01 had 1380 HHs while kebele 02 had 1386 HHs. Each kebele is

divided into 5 villages (Got/Gere); Belbele-Bantu, Menafesha, Hospital, Hawi-Gudina and

Mulu-wengel in kebele 01 and Bulchisa, Bufeta Feya, Kamb-Gebya, Total-Finance and Tele-

Kera in kebele 02. On the other hand, Soyoma-Ganji had 608 HHs, Keta-Insilae had 411 HHs

and Batu-Chiracha had 176 HHs in 2012 (Bacho Woreda Land Administration and Protection

Office, 2012)

Brief history of water supply in the study area

A local NGO, Water Action, built a water supply scheme in 2002 to serve the population in

Tulu-Bolo town and the villagers in Soyoma-Ganji, Keta-Insilale and Batu-Cherecha. The source

of water for the scheme is a spring located adjacent to Tulu-Bolo town. The total existing

population in 2002 and the total 15 years projected population to benefit from the scheme were

11,411 and 20,235 respectively. Prior to 2002, the water supply of Tulu-Bolo town was from a

borehole source. The system was constructed in 1973 for a design period of 15 years to serve a

community of about 4,000. The depth of the well is 80 meters and the water was pumped from the

well with 11KW electrical submersible pump (with power supply from the electric main) to an

overhead steel tanker of 4m3 capacity (WA, 2000; WA 2002).

The water was distributed to the town through household connections and 6 public taps but only

three public taps were functioning in 2000. Due to the expansion of the town, the public taps were

insufficient to serve the community and most of the community obtained water from the spring. In

addition, the distribution pipe lines and the casing of the borehole were damaged due to old age.

Additionally, the villagers in Soyoma-Ganji, Keta-Insilale and Batu-Cherecha obtained water

from unprotected sources like river, unprotected spring, and unprotected wells. In light of this,

Water Action constructed a water supply scheme for the town population by considering the three

villages located around the town (WA, 2000).


Figure 1: Map of Bacho Woreda

Source: Bacho Woreda Land Administration and Protection Office, 2012


1.6 Research Methodology

1.6.1 Research Design and Sampling Framework

The researcher focuses on descriptive research design where different data are collected to obtain

the necessary information. Probability and non-probability sampling designs is applied to

identify the sample villages (got) and sample households. The sample frames for the survey are

the intended beneficiary households of the Tulu-Bolo water supply scheme. These are 3,026

households; 2,766 HHs in Tulu-Bolo town, 62 HHs in Soyoma-Ganji, 140 HHs in Keta-Insilale

and 58 HHs in Batu-Cherecha. Due to time and financial limitations the researcher decided to

take 150 sample households i.e. only 5 percent of the total number of households. The researcher

randomly (lottery method) selected four villages (got) from the two kebeles of the town; Belbele-

Bantu and Hawi-Gudina from kebele 01; Tele-Kera and Kamb-Gebya from kebele 02. The

researcher has taken all the beneficiaries of the rural villages. Thus, the sample households are

from the selected four villages (got) in the town and the three rural villages. They are selected

using a systematic random sampling method so that all beneficiaries are fairly represented.






Number of




Number of






household Tulu-Bolo


Kebele 01 Belbele-


255 255

1625× 150



23= 6



420 420

1625× 150



39= 4

Kebele 02 Tele-Kera 300 300

1625× 125



28= 6



390 390

1625× 150



36= 4

Villages in

Soyoma-Ganji - 62 62

1625× 150



6= 25

Keta-Insilale - 140 140

1625× 150



13= 12

Batu-Cherecha - 58 58

1625× 150



5= 30

Total 1625 150


1.6.2 Data Sources

In order to collect relevant data on the topic under investigation, this study constitutes both

qualitative and quantitative data from both secondary and primary sources. The research methods

included in these data sources are discussed briefly as follows. Primary Data Sources

Household Questionnaire

To generate information at household level the researcher used structured questionnaire for 150

HHDs that are drown from the intended beneficiaries of the spring water scheme. Broadly, the

questionnaire has covered information on the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents,

level of consumer satisfaction for the service provided, accessibility and reliability of the water

supply, functionality of the scheme, community participation in the provision and institutional

management of the scheme, and financial aspects related with the system. Furthermore, five data

collectors who are familiar with the area were trained to conduct the survey.

Key Informant Interview

Additionally, another primary data source included in this study is interview with 12 key

informants. These informants were selected from the different institutions; Water Action, Tulu-

Bolo Town Water Supply Service Office, Bacho Woreda Water and Energy Office, the water

committee managing the hand pump in Batu-Cherecha village, the Electric Utility Office in

Tulu-Bolo Town. These informants had the necessary information about the technical conditions

of the schemes; the demand and supply of water supply in the study area; the financial and

institutional aspect of the schemes; the community’s participation in the design, implementation

and management of the schemes; and the environmental sustainability of the water supply

schemes. Interviews are conducted with the manager and finance head of the town water supply

service office; 2 water technicians (1 operator and 1 plumber) of the town water supply service

office; a water technician of the hand pump in Batu-Cherecha; 2 tap attendants of public taps; the

project manager in Water Action; the head of Oromia Water Bureau and Bacho Woreda Water

Office, co-chairperson of the water committee managing the water supply scheme in Batu-

Cherecha, and an informant in the Electric Utility Office of Tulu-Bolo Town.



In addition to the above tools, the researcher also used observation methods to assess physically

the existing water schemes, their state of development, the distances of water sources from the

dwelling places, the technical condition of the schemes and matched it with the checklists to

assess the reliability of the data collected. To understand the realities of the water supply system,

field visits and informal discussions with users were conducted to get direct information about

the water supply system. Secondary Data Sources

Secondary data was collected from published and unpublished materials like reports, project

documents, policy documents, books, journals, research findings of various scholars on the topic

under investigation and other publications.

1.7 Methods of data analysis

Quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis were used to analyze the data gathered

from field. The primary data collected from household respondents through structured

questionnaires were first checked for accuracy, tabulated and analyzed by using statistical

package for social science (SPSS version 20 software). Descriptive statistics such as frequency,

percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data quantitatively. The data

were presented in tables, charts and figures. Qualitative data that was gathered through key

informant interviews, personal observations and secondary data (document review) obtained

from different offices was analyzed qualitatively.

1.8 Scope and limitations of the study

There is a significant shortage in safe drinking water supply in Ethiopia; and recently the

sustainability of water schemes has been in question. Various studies conducted have shown that

there is a sustainability problem in most water schemes set up throughout the nation due to

different reasons. Most water schemes cease to function in short period after being set up. There

are many studies conducted on the shortage of water supply but not many exist on sustainability

issue. The study is limited to domestic water supply in Tulu- Bolo rural town and surrounding

villages and does not include industrial and other consumption of water supply. Tulu- Bolo and


the surrounding villages are selected due to the fact that the community faced lack of safe

drinking water when there was abundant source and its relative proximity to the researcher’s

living area. One of the major limitations faced by the researcher was that it was sometimes

difficult to collect the necessary data due to unavailability of documented data and lack of


1.9 Significance of the study

The finding of this research is expected to come up with a conceptual framework that illustrates

the overall sustainability of water supply systems. It may also initiate interested researchers to

undertake a more comprehensive investigation to a greater understanding of the issues related to

system sustainability in water supply scene. The finding of the study will also help Non-

Governmental Organizations (NGOs), development partners and the government to inquire a

better means to sustain water supply schemes.

1.10 Organization of the study

The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter covers the introduction part which

includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective, significance, research

method, the scope and limitation of the study. Chapter two deals with the related literature

review on access to water supply and the sustainability of water supply schemes. The third

chapter discusses the results and findings of the study. The last chapter is the conclusion and

recommendations part.


Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.1 Definition of operational terms

Reading different writings on water supply as such as this, one might be faced with terms and

concepts such as safe drinking water, improved drinking water source, surface water, liters per

capita per head and the like. Some notions related to water supply are briefly explained in this

section. The most commonly used report regarding the access of water supply worldwide is the

WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) report for drinking water supply and

sanitation. At the end of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (1981-

1990), WHO and UNICEF decided to combine their experience and resources in a Joint

Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. The reports are devoted primarily

to providing information on water supply and sanitation coverage, and on the progress made at

the country level by local agencies in monitoring the sector. The JMP is tasked with providing

estimates that are comparable among countries and across time. It is the official UN mechanism

to monitor progress towards the MDG target for drinking water and sanitation (WHO/UNICEF,


Water consumption per capita is consumption of water in liters per day (the numerator)

divided by the total population (the denominator), for all domestic uses (excludes industrial and

commercial). Domestic water is water used by households for drinking, washing and cooking.

Water sources are categorized as improved and unimproved drinking-water sources. Definitions

of “improved” drinking-water sources can vary widely among countries; the WHO/UNICEF has

established a standard set of categories that are used to analyze national data on which the MDG

trends and estimates are based. According to WHO/UNICEF (2003), an improved drinking-

water source is one that, by the nature of its construction, adequately protects the source from

outside contamination, particularly fecal matter. Piped water is among the improved drinking-

water sources. Potable water is water of specified quality standard meant for drinking purposes.

It is sometimes referred to as safe water. Piped water on premises refers to piped household

water connection located inside the user’s dwelling, plot or yard. Piped water into dwelling,


also called a household connection, is defined as a water service pipe connected with in-house

plumbing to one or more taps (e.g. in the kitchen and bathroom). Piped water to yard/plot, also

called a yard connection, is defined as a piped water connection to a tap placed in the yard or

plot outside the house. Other improved drinking-water sources are public taps or standpipes, tube

wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, and rain water collection. Moreover,

adequate access to safe water is the ability of the community to use 20 liters of water per

person per day from an improved source that is not more than 1km away from their dwelling

(WHO/UNICEF, 2000).

Unimproved drinking-water sources are those that, by nature of their construction or through

active intervention are not protected from outside contamination, especially fecal matter.

Examples include unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, surface

water, bottled water (not considered “improved” because of limitations concerning the potential

of supplied water, not quality). Surface water is the most susceptible to pollution and most likely

to have poor water quality. Surface drinking-water sources are river, dam, lake, pond, stream,

canal, irrigation channels (WHO/ UNICEF, 2000).

Water scarcity is lack of an acceptable quantity and quality of water for health, livelihoods,

ecosystems and/or production. Sometimes described as physical scarcity, where water

availability is limiting, or economic scarcity, where access to water is constrained. Water

security is the availability of an adequate quantity and quality of water for health, livelihoods,

ecosystems and production, and the capacity to access it, coupled with an acceptable level of

water-related risks to people and environments, and the capacity to manage those risks (Calow et

al., 2013).

Functionality (of water systems and services) measures whether systems and services are ‘fit

for purpose’ and functioning as intended; typically used to distinguish between systems that

work and provide services, and systems that don’t because they have fallen into disrepair.

Maintenance is a minor activity carried out by a technician with skilled labor and caretaker

services provided by the villages and it is concerned with preventive care to ensure that the

system continues to function. Rehabilitation on the other hand means major overhaul and

reconstruction, often costing as much as a new project. Whereas repair is required, when the


system has actually broken down and need assistance in terms of material and expertise (IRC,


Operation costs include fuel, staff salaries and cost for water treatment chemicals, where as

maintenance costs are costs for labor, tools, equipment, spare parts etc. Cost-sharing implies

the share of costs among the communities and other stakeholders to develop sustainable water

supply system; while cost recovery refers to the revenue collected or the cost of water supply

systems recovered from the water sales. Full cost-recovery means that the water supply service

is able to recover the cost of operation and maintenance of the WSS systems as well as the cost

of investments. Whereas, partial cost recovery is that the water supply service covers only

operation and maintenance costs of water supply scheme (Sebsibe et al., 2002).

Tube well or borehole is a deep hole that has been driven, bored or drilled, with the purpose of

reaching groundwater supplies. Boreholes/tube wells are constructed with casing, or pipes, which

prevent the small diameter hole from caving in and protect the water source from infiltration by

run-off water. Water is delivered from a tube well or borehole through a pump, which may be

powered by human, animal, wind, electric, diesel or solar means. A hand-dug well is a well

usually dug without the aid of heavy mechanical equipment. It is usually dug with simple

digging tools. A hand pump is a device installed on a well or borehole to facilitate drawing (or

pumping) of water from the well. A public tap/standpipe is a public water point from which

people can collect water. A standpipe is also known as a public fountain or public tap. Public

standpipes can have one or more taps and are typically made of brickwork, masonry or concrete

(WHO/UNICEF, 2008).

Community participation is an active process by which beneficiary or client groups influence

the direction and execution of a development project with a view to enhancing their well-being

in terms of income, personal growth, self-reliance or other values they cherish (Paul, 1987).

Community management is an approach to service provision in which communities take

responsibility for operating and maintaining their own water supply systems. Willingness to Pay

refers to the inclination of the community to pay for improved water supply. Water, Sanitation

and Hygiene Committee (WASHCO) is a committee nominated by a community to operate

local water systems and carry out minor repairs (Habtamu et al., 2013).


Kebele is the lowest administrative unit in Ethiopia, equivalent to a community and composed of

several villages (Got). Woreda is an administrative division of Ethiopia (managed by a local

government), equivalent to a district. Woredas are composed of a number of kebeles. Regional

Bureau of Water and Energy are regional-level offices under the authority of the Ministry of

Water and Energy responsible for overseeing water resource development, management and

service delivery across regional zones and woredas.

2.2 Access to improved drinking water source

In the year 2000, heads of states gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York and

adopted the Millennium Declaration, which formed the basis for the formulation of eight

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Goal number 7, on environmental sustainability,

included a target (target C) which calls on countries to ‘Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people

without sustainable access to safe drinking-water and basic sanitation’ (WHO/UNICEF, 2011).

The international community certainly did work towards the achievement of MDG-target 7C

persistently in the last two decades because the target was achieved in 2010, five years ahead of

the target date, despite significant population growth.

In 2012, 89% of the world’s population had access to an improved source, up from 76 % in

1990. This indicates that, since 1990 over 2.3 billion people have gained access to improved

sources of drinking water. More than half the world’s populations, almost 4 billion people, now

enjoy the highest level of water access: a piped water connection at their homes. But there were

748 million people still relying on unsafe drinking water sources in 2012, of which 173 million

obtained their drinking water straight from rivers, streams or ponds. The remaining population

relied on unprotected, open wells or poorly protected natural springs. Nearly half of the

populations who lack ready access to improved sources of drinking water are in Sub-Saharan

Africa (WHO/UNICEF, 2014; MDG report, 2014).

Sub-Saharan Africa faces the greatest challenge in increasing the use of improved drinking water

sources. Despite strong overall progress, 325 million people in sub- Saharan Africa do not have

access to improved drinking water in 2012. The region stands at 64 % in using improved

drinking water source. Of these, almost a quarter relies on untreated surface water, and over 90%


live in rural areas. The region has made little or no progress in increasing piped water on

premises (15% in 1990 – 16% in 2012). Furthermore water is not easily accessible to many

households in Sub-Saharan Africa. Many people, usually women or young girls, often need to

join long queues or walk long distances to get to an improved water source (WHO/UNICEF,


The water crisis forces people , mostly women and young girls, to spend hours collecting and

carrying water, which restricts their opportunities and choices. Women and girls have the

primary responsibility for collecting water. In some countries the proportion is more than 90%

(WHO/UNICEF, 2008). Because of this task women and children suffer from disease, have

limited participation in education, and both income generating activities and engagement in

cultural and political issues are often compromised. In Ethiopia six of every ten households (62

%) adult women are responsible for water collection (EDHS, 2011). This creates significant

burden, especially when the time taken to collect water is considerable.

In addition to water scarcity, those populations using an improved drinking water source may not

necessarily have safe water. Many improved facilities are microbiologically contaminated.

Concerns about the quality and safety of many improved drinking water sources persist. As a

result, the number of people without access to safe drinking water may be two to three times

higher than official estimates. Most people around the world aspire to piped drinking water

supplies on their premises. Yet 38 per cent of the 6.2 billion people globally using an improved

drinking water source do not enjoy the convenience and associated health and economic benefits

of piped drinking water at home (MDG report, 2013).

Moreover, a significant disparity in availability of safe drinking water is observed between rural

and urban areas of individual countries in the world. By the end of 2011, 83% of the population

without access to an improved drinking-water source lived in rural areas. Seventy-two per cent

of the 1.6 billion people who gained access to piped water on premises live in urban areas.

However, household piped connections are also increasing in rural areas: over the past 22 years,

more people in rural areas have gained access to piped water on premises than to other forms of

improved water supply. Interventions that do not have an equity focus may exacerbate inequality

by failing to reach the most disadvantaged subgroups. The disparity at national level is


significant; the urban coverage of safe drinking water is 97 % whereas only 42 % of rural

Ethiopia has access to improved source of drinking water. Although the nation has taken a major

stride in increasing water coverage, the rural population that accounts the majority of the general

population seems to have been overlooked (MDG report, 2014; WHO/UNICEF, 2014).

All sources confirm that water supply coverage in Ethiopia is improving and rising. The review

shows that the percentage of households with access to improved drinking water has more than

doubled over the last five years and reached 57% in 2015. Ethiopia has achieved the MDG goal

7c of halving the number of people without access to safe water since 1990 (UNICEF Ethiopia,

2015). According to GLAAS (2014), the key elements of Ethiopia’s success include: strong

political will for improving access to water and sanitation and possessing the human resources

and education institutions needed to implement WASH programmes. Financing has also played a

role in Ethiopia’s success.

In general, deprivation of basic human needs (which includes water) is referred to as absolute

poverty. Lack of access to safe drinking water is designated as being entangled in poverty and

leading to impoverishment and diminished opportunities. And the people susceptible to the

shortage of safe drinking water supply are faced with far reaching consequences, such as ill-

health/death caused by using unimproved sources of drinking (especially children), low standard

of living; loss of substantial amount of time in collecting water which can be efficiently used

(WB, 2011).

Thus, even if the MDG target is met worldwide, there will still be large numbers of people

without access to improved drinking-water sources after 2015. The high number of people

without access to safe drinking water demands for a concerted effort of many partners of the

international community especially African countries to press on with providing a safe drinking

water to the universal population.


2.3 Overview of water policies in Ethiopia

2.3.1 Water supply responsibilities

The Ministry of Water and Energy in Ethiopia (MoWE) has the responsibility to provide safe

and adequate drinking water for human consumption and domestic use, from source to

distribution for communities, schools, and other institutions; water quality monitoring; training

of WASHCOs, teachers, parent–teacher associations (PTAs) and others; and operation of the

National WASH Coordination Office (MoWE, 2010).

Decentralization is a fundamental principle of Ethiopian policy in the WASH sector and beyond.

The argument is that decision-making needs to occur with or close to end users to ensure that

services fully meet local needs and are sustainable. Autonomous local institutions have been

created to manage water resources and provide water supply services, including utility agencies

in large towns, private sector and local artisan associations, water user associations (WUAs) and

water committees at scheme level (Arsano et al., 2010).

The Regional Water Bureaus are the highest institutional body of the water supply sector in a

region and an executive arm of the regional council; responsible for planning and management of

water resources in the region. The bureaus are not actively engaged in the operation and

administration of water supply services but their role is in project management, tariff review and

development, bulk procurement and facilitating and regulating the activities of the water supply

service. As part of the decentralization process, woredas became the lowest level of government,

responsible for decisions on public spending and the provision of services. Regional water

bureau formulate policy appropriate to their own development and play a leading role in

managing development interventions. Woreda water desks are in charge of investment planning,

monitoring, and technical assistance to service providers, at least for lower-end technologies

(Calow et al., 2012).

Woredas receive block grants from the central government and decide how to use these grants

within broad criteria set by the MoFED. In rural areas, WASHCOs or WUAs operate water

systems and promote sanitation, supported by woreda and regional water and sanitation

government staff. Urban water supply service is a semi-autonomous sector that is responsible for


the provision of adequate potable water to the town, collecting water charges, operation and

maintenance of water system, and keeps records of financial transactions and produce periodic

financial report (Alemayehu, 2012).

2.3.2 Policies and Targets

The Ethiopian government has set its own ambitious targets in the first UAP in 2005 which set

out to reach full access to water by 2012. The UAP has since been revised and aligned with the

GTP, with dates extended to 2015 and targets reduced to 98.5 per cent coverage, with coverage

defined as access to 15 liters per capita per day (lpcd) within a service radius of 1.5 km. The

GTP recognizes the importance of water provision and the development of relevant institutions

to manage water service delivery at appropriate administrative levels. It includes targets for both

urban and rural water supply (Table 1.1). The GTP states that the key objective for the water

sector from 2010–15 is ‘to develop and utilize water for different social and economic priorities

in a sustainable and equitable way, to increase the water supply coverage, and to develop

irrigation schemes so as to ensure food security, to supply raw materials for agro-industries and

to increase foreign currency earnings’ (MoFED, 2010).

Table 1.1 Water-related targets in the growth and Transformation Plan





Potable water Coverage (%) 68.5 98.5

Urban potable water coverage (source

within 0.5 km)

91.5 100

Rural Potable water coverage (source

within 1.5 km)

65.8 98

Reduce non-functional rural water supply

schemes (5)

20 10

Source: MoFED, 2010

The GTP’s water-related priorities are guided by Ethiopia’s Water Resources Management

Policy (MoWR, 1999) and a Water Sector Strategy (MoWR, 2001) that emphasize the need for

efficient, equitable, and optimum utilization of available water to achieve sustainable socio-


economic development. Ethiopia’s Water Resources Management Policy is based on the

following principles (MoWR, 1999):

Ethiopian citizens shall have access to sufficient water of acceptable quality to satisfy

basic human needs. The policy prioritizes drinking water over other uses, but recognizes

that water is both an economic and social good.

Water resources development should be based on decentralized management and

participatory approaches. Management of water resources shall include all stakeholders,

including the private sector, and ensure social equity, system reliability, and


IWRM is emphasized: the policy recognizes the hydrologic boundary or basin as the

fundamental planning unit and water resources management domain. Ownership is

devolved to lower tiers and management autonomy is at the lowest administrative level.

Full cost recovery is the aim for urban water supply systems and recovery of operational

and maintenance costs for rural schemes.

In addition to extending the target date for achieving (near) universal access to water, the revised

UAP also endorses a shift towards lower-cost technologies. This includes ‘self-supply’, in which

the initiative and investment to build or improve water sources such as family wells comes from

individual households. The revised UAP also highlights the need for community mass

mobilization, advocacy and promotion required to achieve the UAP targets, and the development

of minimum capacity at woreda (district) level to implement projects, or to promote and support

self-supply (MoWE, 2010).

2.3.3 Financial and Institutional framework set-ups

Four modalities for financing and managing community and institutional WASH projects are

outlined in the WIF (FDRE, 2011):

Community Managed Projects (CMP) using the Community Development Fund (CDF)

approach (CDF approach takes decentralization of WASH services a step further by

devolving responsibility for scheme development, construction and management to

WASHCOs, including management of capital funds and procurement. The CDF will be


mainstreamed under the banner of CMP as a primary service-delivery approach, where

communities have the necessary capacity)

Woreda-managed projects with WASHCOs or institutional WASH committees involved

in planning, design, implementation, and management of schemes. The woreda WASH

team will be project manager with responsibility for contracting, procurement, quality

control, and handover to the community. Larger programmes involving borehole drilling

will continue to be carried out by regional government, capitalizing on economies of


NGO-managed projects, varying considerably in approach and scale. Typically NGOs

either administer external resources on behalf of the community, following the woreda-

managed project model, or make external resources available to the community directly

or through a micro-finance institution, for user-group management in an arrangement

similar to the CDF.

Self-supply, in which the initiative and investment to build or improve facilities comes

from individual households. Self-supply initiatives are ‘off budget’, but will be

documented in the NWI, incorporated into kebele and woreda WASH plans and reports,

and supported with training and technical assistance.

Achieving sustainable services under the four approaches set out in the WIF requires that

WASHCOs have the capacity to select appropriate technologies, participate in scheme planning,

collect and manage user payments, and carry out maintenance and repairs. This places a

significant demand on woredas to support WASHCOs and build their capacity in areas ranging

from scheme design to procurement and financial management, while implementing schemes,

carrying out repairs, and monitoring services (Bethel et al., 2013).

While not mentioned specifically in the WIF, the National Water Resources Management Policy

treats water as both an economic and social good. In urban areas, tariffs for water supply services

are expected to follow full cost recovery principles, including capital costs, operation and

maintenance (O&M) costs, depreciation, and debt servicing, with subsidies for poor users. Urban

tariffs are tied progressively to consumption levels, with special flat rate tariffs for communal

services such as hand pumps and public stand posts, used mostly by the urban poor. In reality,

however, urban water supply relies on public subsidy. In rural areas, tariffs are supposed to


recover O&M costs alone, with capital costs borne in full, or in part (depending on scheme type)

by government or other financing agencies (MoWR, 2001; FDRE, 2011).

However, the assumption that significant revenue can be generated from users and that rural

water committees have the capacity to turn this finance into sustainable service delivery is

questionable. Funds are often inadequate, technical capacity to maintain schemes often weak,

and spare parts supply chains rarely reach lower levels. This means that O&M must be

subsidized from public sources, reducing the budget for capital investments (AMCOW, 2011).

Significant investment is needed in capacity building and strengthening of technical expertise at

woreda level to achieve and sustain sector targets in Ethiopia. A key problem is that they

typically suffer from limited human capacity, skills, and knowledge, both in technical and

managerial terms, and do not always provide the services for which they were established.

However, human resource shortages are particularly acute in newly-emerging regions (e.g. Afar),

and in remote rural woredas (Arsano et al., 2010). Technical and vocational training centres

(TVETCs) were opened to train woreda water technicians following decentralization in 2004

(MoWE, 2010). However, the training is mainly classroom-based, and most woredas still have

only a few, often junior, staff with little practical experience. Motivation at woreda level tends to

be low due to low pay, weak line management, limited capacity-building support, and low

budgets. To develop greater capacity, the MoWE (2010) has allocated almost $37 million under

the revised UAP to build the capacity of its staff, regional Bureau of Water and Energy

(BoWEs), water TVETCs, and the Ethiopian Water Technology Centre (which focuses on


2.4 Sustainability of water supply schemes

Sustainable access to water supply is central to socio-economic development, improving health

and educational achievement, reducing child mortality, and improving livelihoods (Hutton and

Haller, 2004). But these benefits are not sustained if access to water supply itself is not

sustainable. Non-operating systems, and intermittent or unreliable supplies, place an increased

burden on the populations they are designed to serve, lead to household storage in often

unhygienic conditions and, as a consequence, increase health risks.


Governments, local and international NGOs in developing countries invest large sums of money

every year for the implementation of water supply projects (Gebrehiwot, 2006). However,

construction of water projects does not help if they fail after a short period of time. In order to

make the investment in water supplies more effective, failure rates of these systems should be

reduced. Harvey and Reed (2007) stated that constructing water supply systems alone would not

eliminate all problems. The problem will only be solved by adopting a holistic approach to

planning and implementation rather than focusing on one issue. They added that functionality,

utilization by intended beneficiaries, and resilience of water projects are important characteristics

to be considered and integrated in order to achieve maximum benefits.

The statistics reveal that an estimated of 30%-60% of existing water-supply systems in the world

are inoperative at any given time (Chaka et.al, 2011). According to Harvey (2008), the reasons

for such low levels of water supply sustainability are multifaceted and include limited demand,

lack of affordability or acceptability among communities, limited sustainability of community

management structures, inadequate supply chains for equipment and spare parts, insufficient

government support, and environmental issues. Similarly Niyi and Felix (2007) indicated that the

key causes include inappropriate policy or legislation; insufficient institutional support;

unsustainable financing mechanisms; ineffective management systems; and lack of technical


Clearly such low levels of sustainability undermine efforts to expand water coverage and cause

health and economic problems to the population especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The concept

of sustainability is not new in sub-Saharan Africa. Recent figures for 20 countries in SSA

suggest that roughly 35–40 per cent of hand pumps are ‘non-functional’, representing a total

investment of some US$1.2–1.5 billion over the last 20 years (Baumann, 2009). The reasons for

failure of water supply systems in the region includes, lack of recovery of operation and

maintenance costs, poor training, disinterested users committees, weak administrative support,

non-suitability of the technology for its intended use and finally limited sustainability of imposed

community management structures (Harvey and Reed, 2006; Bhandari and Grant, 2007; Carter,



Like so many other African countries, sustainability of water supply systems is a major concern

in Ethiopia. Water schemes that have failed or experienced frequent outages in the nation stand

between 20-30% (Habtamu et.al, 2013). The lack of such services is degrading for the affected

people and has a serious impact on their health and well-being. Field studies by the World Bank

(in 20 woredas) and RiPPLE (in two woredas) have found that non-functionality rates can reach

40 per cent or even 60 percent (WB, 2009; Abebe and Deneke, 2008). Furthermore, many

households classified as having access to a functional water scheme in fact travel longer

distances to water and access less water per capita than the UAP service level of 15 liters per

capita per day within 1.5 km (Moriarty et al., 2009). This is because access often declines in the

dry season when fewer sources are available (e.g. springs), and pressure on remaining sources

(e.g. boreholes) increases (Coulter et al., 2010).

Although most efforts and resources in the WASH sector continue to go into the construction of

new infrastructure, which undoubtedly is needed, such investment often appears to be at the

expense of the sustainability of services already in place. Where increasing coverage in hardware

is the key sector driver in Ethiopia, monitoring is focused on that and not on the performance or

sustainability of services (Lockwood and Smits, 2011). Thus, in addition to increasing access

through implementation of improved water supplies, it is also necessary to ensure that both new

and existing water systems are sustainable, so that access to safe water is sustained for all

(Habtamu et.al, 2013). In Ethiopia, the recent strategic shift by the government towards lower-

cost technologies and ‘facilitated self-supply’ is a response to these challenges of delivering and

sustaining services in low income areas (AMCOW, 2011). Non-functionality levels reported by

the Ethiopia regional water bureaus and projected by the GTP planning team (MoWE, 2010) are

shown in Table 1.2.


Table 1.2 Non-functionality of rural water schemes in 10 regions

Region Baseline non-functionality (%)

Tigray 18

Gambella 30

Benishangul-Gumuz 25

Dire Dawa 30

Harari 35

Somali 30

Amhara 18

Afar 25

Southern Nations, Nationalities, and

People’s Region (SNNPR)


Oromia 20

National Coverage 20

Source: MoWE, 2010

Moriarty and Butterworth (2003) identified some of the factors that affect the functionality of

water supply systems in Ethiopia: lack of involvement of the community in selection of site and

technology, implementation, operation and maintenance of the water source, lack of finances at

the community level for operation and maintenance of water sources, inadequate support from

government agencies, use of complicated technology without proper capacity-building at

community level. In the end, these factors are combined to bring about the sustainability of water

supply schemes: by sustaining accessible water supplies in sufficient quantity and quality; by

reducing the time and effort used in water collection; by allowing for the provision of enhanced

sanitation facilities; and by facilitating income-generating activities.

Addressing sustainability was a key aim of the original 2005 UAP, which aimed to do so in the

first two years of implementation by focusing on rehabilitation and maintenance of existing

schemes. The UAP reflected current global debates on sustainability, adopting such principles as

demand-responsive approaches (DRAs), community contributions for operation and maintenance

(O&M), and ‘the participation of relevant bodies, especially women’ in an effort to strengthen

local ownership of water services and their sustainability (MoWR, 2006).


2.5 Determinants of Water Supply Scheme Sustainability

In general, the endurance of a water supply system, as well as the system’s ability to adapt to

changing consumer needs or preferences for water quality and quantity, are defining features of

water system sustainability (Carter et al., 1999). The sustainability of water supply systems is

correlated with institutional, social, technical, environmental and financial dimensions (Harvey

and Reed, 2004). But these dimensions are interrelated and interdependent to each other. The

different factors mentioned in the previous section falls into the following determinants one way

or another.

2.5.1 Technical and Institutional aspects

A major concern for expanding water-supply services is to select technologies and institutional

options that users would be willing to pay for, and that would also ensure good public health and

sustainable environmental conditions. Technical issues relating to the design and construction of

a water system are the most obvious determinants of water system sustainability. Technical

capacity depends on the availability of equipment for operating the system, people who can be

trained to operate equipment, and the quality of construction of the system. In addition, choice

and complexity of technology, technical capacity of the system to respond to demand and

provide the desired service level are also technical factors (Brikké and Bredero, 2003; Katz and

Sara, 1998).

Choice of Technology and Quality of Construction

Poor construction quality or the use of low grade materials and design flaws may lead to the

failure of the water system. Carter et.al (1999) noted that it is disastrous for poor people when a

facility breaks down and cannot be repaired because of a fault inherent in the design or

construction. While construction quality is difficult to evaluate quantitatively, the qualitative data

indicates that if construction quality was poor, systems had a lower chance of sustainability. In

addition to the construction quality, the design has to be flexible to allow users expand the



Furthermore, appropriate technology must be used in order for water supply system to be

sustainable (Zelalem, 2005). Choice of technology can determine how easily sustainability can

be ensured in relation to other aspects. A frequent claim is that lack of involvement of

communities in technology selection has been a major constraint in its sustainability.

Technologies should be user-friendly and communities should not be excluded from choosing a

suitable technology. Community participation from the outset can ensure sustainability by

embedding an understanding of technology upkeep, maintenance and, proper usage (Musonda,

2004; Habtamu et al., 2013). If a community is to manage a water supply system, the technology

used clearly needs to be the type that community caretakers can maintain with little outside

assistances. The technology must suit the locally available skills or that can be acquired by

community members. Technology is considered suitable if it is socially acceptable, economically

viable, technically effective and environmentally sound (Yitayh, 2011).

In addition to community involvement, the availability of spare parts should also be one of the

main factors that determine the suitability of a particular technology. Before opting for a

technology, the mechanism for supplying spare parts must be investigated, established and

assured. Often, however, the issue of spare parts arises only after the technology has been

selected and installed, which puts its sustainability at risk. Spare parts availability and supply are

therefore major considerations if water supplies are to be sustainable and suitable (Brikké and

Bredero, 2003).

Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation

Water supply projects should not be viewed as an end themselves, their benefits continue long

after they have been handed over to the society. Even a water supply scheme built with a

faultless construction design and suitable technology needs to be properly operated and

maintained to keep it functioning. Therefore, effective O&M is a crucial component in

sustainability of a water scheme. It brings about important health benefits by sustaining

accessible water supplies in adequate quantity and quality; by reducing the time and effort spent

on water collection; and by providing income-generating activities.


O&M also contribute for system sustainability by reducing frequent and long breaks in supply

and consequently by improving service delivery. This is because users are usually unwilling to

pay for poor service. This in turn causes further deterioration in services as finance is not

available for repairs and maintenance. But, if there is proper system functioning users are

prepared to pay for a reliable service. Thus, proper consideration of how O&M is to be financed

and managed will avoid this cycle of poor service, dissatisfaction, poor payment and

deterioration (WASH, 2003).

In order to address the underlined causes of system failure, and achieve sustainability and

effectiveness, scholars in the water supply sector have increasingly emphasized the importance

to follow an integrated approach to operation and maintenance. According to this approach,

O&M needs to be integrated into all decisions concerning water supply, both for new projects

and for existing facilities. In this way the implications for O&M will be taken into account at all

stages of project development and during the functioning of the system. First, before planning

even starts, an assessment would be made of the local capacity for funding, manufacture,

construction, supply of materials and spare parts, technical input, and availability of trained

people. This information is then used to develop a plan which is appropriate to the local

situation. Systems which are too expensive to be locally maintained should be disregarded from

the start. Instead, systems which can be operated independently of external funding based on

local ability to provide funds for repair and expansion should be selected. This leads to self-

sufficiency and to systems that can eventually finance their own expansion (WASH, 2003).

Technical specifications take into account the local capacity to supply equipment for

construction and to provide spare parts in the future. If capacity is lacking in these areas, there is

time to build it up before it is needed. The same applies for human resources. Plans can be made

well in advance to train local people and/or recruit appropriate technical experts so that the skill

and knowledge base to maintain the system at its full potential exists from the very beginning.

O&M personnel should be involved in planning, design, and construction; so that they are able to

understand fully the system they are going to have, and the responsibility for operating and

maintaining. This can also avoid inappropriate designs and bad technology choices (WASH



The next stage is operation. At this stage, O&M principles can be used to organize and manage

services. Thus, O&M principles can also be applied at the organizational and managerial levels

of water supply services. In sum, O&M has the potential to make the difference between systems

that are successful, independent and self-sustaining, and those that fail. But, to do so, it must be a

priority. Additionally, proper operation and maintenance contributes for system sustainability by

reducing the need for premature rehabilitation of systems. Therefore, O&M considerations are an

integral part of all decision-making on water supply and are detrimental in addressing frequent

system failure and insuring sustainability. However, in most developing countries, including

Ethiopia, it has been found out that operation and maintenance (O&M) of water supply facilities

is in a poor state of condition and the sustainability of the scheme is at stake (Phil Evans, 1992;

WASH, 2003).

Rehabilitation of defective schemes can provide an economic alternative to invest in new

projects, but that decision should not be automatic. Just as with a new scheme, the rehabilitation

option has to be evaluated by balancing community needs, preference, and capacity to sustain

with the support potential of the water agency. In assessing the scope for rehabilitation, the

community and the agency together need to review what went wrong last time and ensuring that

lesson are incorporated in any remedial measure. Above all, rehabilitation should not simply be a

matter of replacing broken equipment or infrastructure. The most common cause of failure is

organizational: either the agency or the community has been unable to provide the resource

needed to keep the system in operation. Replacement of failed parts will not eliminate that

causes, unless it is combined by appropriate organizational changes and acceptance by both the

agency the community (IRC, 1990).

Technical skills and Availability of Equipments

According to Brikké and Bredero (2003), spare parts can be divided into three categories:

frequently needed spare parts, for which the accessibility should be as close as possible to

the village (shop, mechanic);

occasionally needed spare parts (every six months or every year), for which accessibility

can be at a nearby major centre;


major rehabilitation or replacement spare parts, for which accessibility can be at the local

or regional level, or at the state capital.

The lack of spare parts may be a major constraint in the sustainability of water supplies and can

even lead to the water supplies being abandoned. The availability of spare parts is a critical

factor to keep the system infrastructure working properly. Supply chains are now recognized as

one of the key determinants of sustainability, especially where the technology provided is

imported (John et al., 2013; Davis and Liyer, 2002).

A lack of spare parts can result from policies pursued by the donors, such as when hardware has

to be purchased from the donor countries. Many donors, however, are only involved in the

construction phase of the project and make no provision for continuing the supply of spare parts

after handing over the project to the community. Some donors have attempted to overcome the

problem by supplying a stock of spares at the time of installation. But this is only a short term

remedy, because the absence of a supply system and the lack of foreign exchange mean that

stocks do not get replenished (Brikké and Bredero, 2003).

As one element of sustainability, members of the community should be well-trained to properly

and promptly repair and maintain their water supply schemes. According to Kebede (2003) the

reasons, among others, for the failure of proper service provision of the schemes are absence of

skilled care takers or technicians from the community who should repair and maintain whenever

water systems fail to be operational.

Institutional set up

Experience has shown that even a well-constructed water system needs proper institutional

arrangements to keep it functioning over time. An institutional set-up with legal and regulatory

framework, educated staff, community involvement, women’s’ participation and external support

is needed to effectively manage the water system. The institutions responsible for water supply

in a country should have clear responsibilities to execute their duties effectively. The problem of

overlapping responsibilities among different institutions is observed in many developing



In addition the skills of water committees and water offices in rural towns fall under scrutiny.

They usually don’t have the necessary education and skills to manage the service. They are

usually provided with a onetime training which is not adequate to sustain the system. Problem in

management is exacerbated when the number of beneficiary increases and a need of additional

water supply scheme arise. In addition to skilled personnel, transparency and accountability

should be the main feature of the water service giving institutions. The lack of accountability and

transparency in some government agencies leads to higher costs, delays in implementation, and

lack of trust by community members.

Brikke (2000) stated that the presence of strong responsible government institution is a crucial

factor for any development activity particularly in water supply program. Being a critical factor

in the water supply sector, institutional capacity is influenced by the organizational framework

and the quality of staff. The organizational framework should encompass all the components of

the sector from planning and design to O & M, with support for programs of health education

and community participation. There should be clear lines of authority and responsibility, and

when several government agencies are involved, coordinating mechanisms are essential.

Coordination among stakeholders is crucial but difficult unless there is a formal organizational

agreement and framework.

Another important element in institutional issues is allocation of adequate budget to carry out the

mandate, including budget lines for staff salaries, administration, equipment, transportation and

training. Unless the required technical, material and financial capacity of the responsible

institution is fulfilled, the institution may not discharge its responsibility and the intended goal of

adequate water provision on sustainable basis might be compromised. Furthermore, providing

institutional support to community management bodies is another important institutional issue in

water supply programs (Yitayh, 2011).


2.5.2 Social Aspect

Community participation and management

Sustainability rate of water supply systems increases as a result of communities’ owning and

managing their schemes, existence of management organization at the village level, protection of

the water point, communities cost recovery for operation and maintenance, and recognition of

women. Over the past three decades, experience has shown that water activities are most

effective and sustainable when they adopt a participatory approach that acts in response to

genuine demand, builds capacity for operation and maintenance and sharing of costs, involve

community members directly in all key decisions, develop a sense of communal ownership of

the project, and uses appropriate technology that can be maintained at the village level (USAID,


Currently, the principles of communities’ involvement in water supply projects are widely

accepted among NGOs. As a result, the developed water supply systems are the property of the

specific community and not of the donor agency or the government. There has been increasing

recognition of the challenges of the community-management approach since the early 2000s

(Whittington et al., 2008). These include a widespread lack of technical and managerial capacity

at community and a frequent lack of post-construction support provided either through

government backstopping or the private sector. With communities growing in size and tariff-

base, especially in larger rural settlements and small towns, and with piped networks becoming

the norm in these settlements, there is an ongoing trend towards the professionalization of

community management in many countries. Post-construction support, however, has not yet been

addressed in a systematic way (Lockwood and Smits, 2011).


In identifying safe drinking water supply projects, user groups should feel the need for safe

drinking water supply. The logic here is, that if there is real demand for water supply from the

community then that indicates that water, to users, has an economic value; or if water is a felt

need of the community, then this is an indication of willingness to share and recover costs of a

system to be developed. The fact that there is a real demand for supply of water will facilitate the


management of the water supply schemes by the users themselves, which in turn enhances

sustainability. One way of ascertaining this is to verify that the community has applied for the

development of the schemes (IRC, 2005).

Demand-responsiveness at the household level is a determinant of overall sustainability

primarily due to its role in increasing consumer satisfaction and willingness to sustain the

system. Consumers are more likely to be satisfied with results such as quantity of water, color

and test of water, distance and waiting time to fetch water when they initiate the project, are

involved in decision-making, and are informed about their responsibilities in terms of costs and

O&M. It is expected that under such circumstances, users express a higher sense of ownership,

greater confidence in their ability to maintain the water system, a better understanding of how the

tariff is used, and a willingness to pay for improvements (Zemenu, 2012).

Various scholars recognize that when local communities participate directly in planning their

own water supply systems, these systems are more likely to be sustainable than systems that are

imposed by the government or donor organizations (Katz and Sara, 1998; Carter et al.,1999;

Gleitsmann et al., 2007; Barnes & Ashbolt, 2010). This is not to suggest that the process must be

entirely community-driven; but “polycentric” approach that engages the private sector,

government actors and communities together can work (Falk et al., 2009).

Women Participation

Gender is key, given the time-consuming and physically demanding burden that insufficient,

distant, and poor quality water supply places on women and girls – those typically responsible

for collecting water and managing household water, sanitation, and hygiene. This makes it

especially important to involve women in planning and managing the water services in which

they have such a high stake. If women are fully involved at all stages of project implementation,

the risk of costly errors in system design will be minimized. In addition, the active participation

of women in community management bodies will ensure that these bodies are effective, and

therefore cost efficient. But conventional approaches are not gender-sensitive and have

undervalued women’s needs and contribution to the sector. Involving women in all water

planning and implementation activities is one way to guarantee the sustainability of the system

(Alemayehu, 2012; Habtamu, 2013). Hence, water supply projects should give the participation


of women high priority since they are the ones who bear the brunt of lack of safe water supply. It

is meaningless for water projects not to reduce the hardship, among others, of women and


External Support

One way of enhancing the sustainability of water supply schemes is the provision of institutional

support to their management bodies. The most effective community management is an evolving

partnership, in which a community centered organization typically a water committee draws on

resources from within the community, and from a variety of outside agencies like government

bodies, NGOs and the private sector (IRC, 2005).

Problems that are beyond the community level need to be addressed by supporting agencies like

regional and local governments and relevant government bureaus and banks. Studies indicate

that lack of backing of local community management body is an important reason for the failure

of improved water supply schemes (European Commission, 1998). Lockwood (2002) and

Schouten and Moriarty (2003) pointed out that external support should focus on technical

assistance, training, monitoring and information collection, coordination, and facilitation.

2.5.3 Financial Aspects

The community management of water supply systems is not successful, if financing resources

are not available and frequent supports are not provided (Binder, 2008). Cost appears to lie

behind many instances of unsustainable water services, with insufficient funds blamed for

problems including lack of technical capacity and spare parts. Securing investments for

construction of water supply projects and financially sustaining the service is a common

challenge. But one of the hardest lessons for the water supply sector is that making the initial

capital investment is often the easiest part of the job. It is often relatively easy to find the

resources (money, labor, materials and organization) for one big push to build something. It is,

however, much more difficult to maintain a truly sustainable system (WHO/UNICEF, 2000).


Financial Administration

Financial problems often arise after the construction of a water scheme. The operation,

maintenance, and management of a water supply costs money. Whether it is agency managed or

community managed, the money for the running of a supply must come from somewhere. And it

is advisable if different sources are used to cover the costs. As Cardone and Fonseca (2003) point

out, cost recovery for a sustainable service requires all costs throughout the service lifetime to be

met from different funding sources – users, government, and development partners. But for many

years, initial and recurrent costs for water supply schemes have been covered by government and

donor organizations.

However, ever since the last decade, it became clear that neither governments nor donors can

continue to afford to pay for the costs of providing water supplies and of running them. There

has been a trend of paradigm shift away from free provision towards user's significant

contribution to the cost, particularly to the operation and maintenance cost. The argument in

favor of financial self reliance of water supply is mainly based on the belief that first the

government allocates its scarce financial resources at hand among the competing needs of the

populations and therefore cannot afford to continually subsidize the operation and maintenance

cost. Secondly, if the government continues to cover the cost, beneficiaries would expect help

loosing the sense of responsibility and ownership feeling and develop a dependency syndrome.

But, if communities pay for the costs for the running of schemes, they develop the feeling of

belongingness and ownership sentiment and, the argument goes, consequently they would look

after and take care for their scheme that lead to a reliable and sustainable provision of the service

(WSP, 2011).

The provision of an improved water supply is neither cost free nor sustainable unless the costs

are recovered. These costs comprise operation costs, repair and maintenance costs and

replacement and/or rehabilitation costs (Briscoe and de Ferranti, 1988). World Bank evaluation

report states that sustainability can only be ensured if tariffs generate enough resources to operate

the system, finance the expansion of the service to new customers and ultimately replace the

infrastructure after its useful life (Paraguay IRC, 1999). The success of cost recovery efforts will

be influenced by the extent to which individuals and committees are supported, re-trained, and

guided in relation to tariff structures and broader financial management. If such (external)


guidance is absent, then it is likely that the success of cost recovery efforts will slowly diminish

over time (Misgina, 2006).

Charging consumers for water should be done carefully. If prices are set too low, revenues may

not be sufficient to cover the full costs of supplying water. If, on the other hand, they are set too

high, households may not be able to afford consuming the new improved water, and again

revenues will not be sufficient to cover the full cost. In relation to this, Alebel (2004) suggested

that setting the required tariff, information on the ability and willingness of the consumers to pay

for such services are essential. In other words, to cover the full costs and sustain the service,

revenue should be collected from the sale of the water based on the tariff that considers the full

recovery of the cost, on the one hand, and the fairness and willingness of the consumers that are

supposed to be served, on the other. Therefore, the policy for increasing the coverage as the

proper use and sustainability of the service requires implementation of a cost recovery system,

which can be either full or partial cost recovery. That is, in order to implement the existing

policy for the provision of water supply fairness of the tariff, willingness to pay for the service

and efficient management of the resources of the utility office need to be examined.

Financial sustainability requires that available funds are used effectively and raised equitably. In

order to cover O&M costs and other important expenses of a particular water scheme, the

collected money from user communities should be managed properly and used for the intended

purposes. Cost-effective services require sound financial management to prevent the misuse of

scarce funds. Raising funds equitably is vital to sustainable cost recovery and use of services: if

poor users are priced out it deprives the service of revenue, and deprives users of safe water.

Water tariff should be affordable. Community consultation may be needed to identify those who

may struggle (e.g. for cash contributions at certain time of year), and to find ways to cross-

subsidize the poorest and most marginalized (Cardone and Fonseca, 2003).

Willingness and Ability to pay water tariff

According to the MoWE (2013) water tariff is the price paid by consumers for water. Water

tariff is calculated in such way that the income from water sales is sufficient to pay for all

expenses including some additional savings for further expansion and investment. Willingness to

pay establishes clear linkages between the type and level of service people want and how much


they are willing to pay for these services (Zelalem, 2005). Providing services which people can

afford is an obvious pre-condition for cost recovery. The willingness and ability to pay for water

service needs to be considered before the scheme is built and during tariff setting. Tariff setting

should consider different aspects so that the water schemes are not abandoned because the

beneficiaries can’t afford it. According to Briscoe and de Ferranti (1998), factors that influence

the willingness to pay are service level and standard, perceived benefits, level of income, price,

relative cost, opportunity cost of time, characteristics of existing sources, reputation of service

agency, community cohesion, policy environment, socio-cultural factors, perception of

ownership and responsibility, transparency of financial management and institutional frame


Educating beneficiaries about the health and economic benefits they can gain from a new or

improved water supply system is a crucial element in increasing the willingness to pay for the

service provided. There is much evidence that even where consumers are wealthy, they often

refuse to pay or other-wise cause difficulties for a water authority which is attempting to

introduce or increase water charges (Zelalem, 2005). It is argued that the villagers may not

understand the relationship between improved water supply and health: the assumption of a well-

informed consumer is essential if normative judgments are to be made about the expression of

his willingness to pay (WSP, 2002).

2.5.4 Environmental Aspects

The environmental aspect of water services sustainability deals with the water source. Lockwood

(2003) mentioned that one of the determinants of water supply scheme sustainability is the

sustainability of the water source itself, but it is usually an overlooked matter. The development

and management of water resources should fully take into account the need for environmental

conservation with an adequate water supply, both in quantity and quality, to environmental

sustainability. First, the system must be suitable to the climatic or environmental conditions of

the region in which it is located. Second, the system should not deteriorate the quantity and

quality of source water or the ecosystems surrounding it (Carter et al., 1999; Serageldin et al.,

1994). With respect to the first feature, we note that infrastructure choices must be balanced

against the other criteria of sustainability, both technical and social. This is because community


preferences and technical capacity may not always match the type of system that may be deemed

optimal for a given climate or location. In terms of the second feature, we recognize that the

environmental impacts or potential degradation of a water source in rural communities are likely

to be much lower than in urban settings.

Davis et al. (1993) said the continued functionality of water supply schemes depends on a

reliable source and a reliable system of obtaining water from the source. The reliability of the

source is often determined by seasonal changes. Some springs and wells may fail towards the

end of the dry season owing to a drop in the water table. This is the time when water is needed

most but supplies are least reliable. Obviously, deterioration of quantity of the source will be

major concern in area of low rainfall or poor ground recharge whether there is greater sensitivity

to over extraction. Studies indicate that rain-fall above 500 mm per annum will generally provide

sufficient recharge for rural water supplies (Edmunds, 2008; Calow and MacDonald, 2009).

However, even in relatively water abundant regions of the world, the source can fail to satisfy

demand due to either population pressure expansion, or abuse of the supply for non-domestic


Dereje (2007) noted that the quality of water source determines whether the water needs to be

treated or not. It also influences the technology choice. Thus, domestic water should be available

in acceptable quality to satisfy minimum requirements for drinking, cooking and food

preparation as a priority in addition to water for washing clothes and utensils, personal hygiene

and for watering small plots and/or small number of livestock or poultry. Therefore, water source

to be developed should fulfill a minimum set of quality standards. Furthermore, water quality

problem can be easily understood and mitigated by routine testing and understanding the nature

of geology and ground water resources. Otherwise, if minimum quality standard of drinking

water were not fulfilled, sustainability of water supply schemes would be questioned.

The quality of the resource also has an obvious bearing on the quality of the water service. Two

naturally occurring contaminants, fluoride and arsenic, are particular health concerns (Hunter et

al., 2010). By-products or chemicals from production facilities and nearby agricultural

enterprises could cause contamination that will affect water quality (Misgina, 2006). Another

factor that affects the quality of water source includes surface contaminants, human and animals


excreta. This has long-term health and productivity effects. Therefore, an adequate protection of

water source is crucial.

Inputs of experienced expertise of hydrogeology, geophysics, engineering, development planning

and sociology are vital in the course of water resource potential assessment, well site selection,

and depth to ground water and to choose the right technology option. If assessments such as,

ground water resource and depth to ground water is not well identified, the result mostly would

be dry wells and thereby unsustainable schemes (Sebsibe, 2002).

Implications of climate change for water services sustainability

Global warming will lead to higher rates of evapo-transpiration and a likely increase in the

intensity and variability of rainfall (Christensen et al., 2007; Conway, 2011), and most scientists

agree that both surface run-off and groundwater recharge will become less reliable. The potential

impacts of climate change on water services include (Howard et al. 2010; Calow et al., 2011;

MacDonald et al., 2011):

Unimproved, shallow water sources are likely to be more vulnerable to increased climate

variability because sustainability is closely coupled to rainfall.

Improved rural water sources that access groundwater over 20 m below ground surface

are likely to be more sustainable, however, a significant minority of people could be

affected by more frequent and longer droughts – particularly in areas with limited ground

water storage.

Extreme weather events such as storms and floods will lead to a greater destruction of

water infrastructure, from large city supplies to small community supplies, and increase

the risk of contamination.

Some water supply technologies will have a higher degree of resilience to climate

change, strengthening the rationale for using multiple sources throughout year, each with

a different risk profile.

An additional complicating factor is the impact of climate change on demand.

Abstraction of reliable groundwater for non-domestic purposes such as irrigation could

increase, though this could in turn enhance water security by strengthening livelihoods

and ability to contribute to maintenance and repairs.


Technical, administrative, environmental and financial capacities as well as social factors are not

independent from each other. For instance, the presence of social capital, via prior organizational

experience, can make it easier for communities to devise rules for ongoing operations and system

administration. At the same time, community engagement in the planning process can contribute

to training and skill building that might be needed for technical capacity. Still, communities may

not always have the technical capacity on their own for extensive system repairs and

maintenance (Kleemeier, 2000). Thus, external technical support needs to be available to help

communities maintain and monitor system performance (Gelting & Ortolano, 1998; Lockwood,

2002). In the end, these factors combine bring about the sustainability of water supply schemes,

leading to vital health benefits: by sustaining accessible water supplies in sufficient quantity and

quality; by reducing the time and effort used in water collection; by allowing for the provision of

enhanced sanitation facilities; and by facilitating income-generating activities (Moriarty and

Butterworth, 2003).

2.6 Conceptual framework of the study

What is meant by sustainability?

A water supply system is sustainable when (Brikké and Davis, 1995; IRC and WHO, 2000 and

Brikke, 2002):

It functions over a prolonged period of time (which goes beyond the lifespan of the

original equipment) and is used;

It provides the services for which it was planned, including: delivering the required

quantity and quality of water; providing easy access to the service ; providing continual

and reliable service ; providing health and economic benefits;

The management of the service involves the community (or the community itself

manages the system); adopts a perspective that is sensitive to gender issues; establishes

partnerships with local authorities; and involves the private sector as required.

Its operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, replacement and administrative costs are

covered at local level through user fees, or through alternative sustainable financial



It can be operated and maintained at the local level with limited, but feasible, external

support (e.g. technical assistance, training and monitoring).

It has no harmful effects on the environment. In addition, the water consumed is not over-

exploited but naturally replenished.

As for the purpose of this study, the researcher has preferred to adopt the above definition of

water supply system sustainability and the following as key determinants of its sustainability.

These determinants are interdependent. The success of lasting sustainable water supply services

is dependent on the interaction of these determinants (Habtamu et.al, 2013):

Technical determinants, including the siting, design, and construction of water systems

used to withdraw and deliver water to users.

Social determinants, including the relations and networks between individuals and


Institutional determinants: the formal and informal rules and structures governing the

management of water supply schemes.

Financial determinants: financial resources from various sources to meet all costs for

long-term viability without undermining social development goals, such as poverty


Environmental determinants, including the availability and quality (across time and

space) of the water resource, linked to characteristics that affect the supply and its


2.7 Water Supply post-2015

According to international consultations facilitated by the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring

Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation, targets outlined regarding water supply

are to achieve universal access to basic drinking water for households, schools and health

facilities; to halve the proportion of the population without access at home to safely managed

drinking water and to progressively eliminate inequalities in access by 2030 (WASH Post

2015, 2014).


At the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 (Rio+20), the 192

Member States declared their commitment for a global sustainable development agenda beyond

2015 in the Rio+20 Outcome Document “The Future We Want”. At the Rio+20, the member

states recognized the importance of water in sustainable development and the post-2015

development agenda, by clearly emphasizing in its outcome document that “water is at the core

of sustainable development as it is closely linked to a number of key global challenges”( Rio+20

Outcome Document, 2012). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are to replace the

MDGs which will reach deadline in 2015. The SDGs are expected to shape the global agenda on

economic, social and environmental development for the next 15 years. One of the goals of the

first draft of the SDGs includes ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and

sanitation for all (Wall, 2014).


Chapter Three

Results and Discussions

3.1 Introduction

Data for this research has been gathered using questionnaire for beneficiaries, key informant

interviews and field observation. All the collected information from the different sources is

analyzed using descriptive statistical study and percentage tools. Out of 150 sample households,

144 questionnaires were filled and returned. Key informant interviews were successfully carried

out with 12 informants. Personal observation and informal discussion with beneficiaries was also

conducted to gain insightful information about the current situation of the water supply system.

In this chapter, the results from the survey are presented and analyzed followed by discussions

based on interviews and field observation.

3.2 Background information of respondents

Background facts about sample households will help in gaining an insight to the socio-economic

status of the respondents in the study area. Among the respondents, 49.3% (71) were female and

50.7 % (73) were male. Since women are an integral part of water supply, having 71(almost half)

female respondents is advantageous. With regard to age composition of the respondents, 69.4%

of them are above the age of 35. As it can be observed from table 3.1, 7.6% of the respondents

are in the age category of 18-25, 22.9% in the category of 26-35, 31.9% in the category of 36-

45, 19.4% in the category of 46-55 and 18.1% in the category of 56-65 years of age.

Table 3.1 Age of respondents

Age Composition Frequency Percentage

18-25 11 7.6

26-35 33 22.9

36-45 46 31.9

46-55 28 19.4

56-65 26 18.1

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015


3.2.1 Marital status and family size of respondents

The family size of a household has an impact on water consumption. Households that have large

family size consume large volume of water, ceteris paribus. The collected data (table 1, appendix

I) reveals that 109 (75.7%) respondents are married. Whereas 7 (4.9%), 10 (6.9%), 17 (11.8%) of

the respondents are divorced, single and widowed, respectively. With regard to the household

family size, the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 11. Respondents with family size less than 5

comprise about 65 (45.1%), family size between 1-2 comprise 15 (10.4%), family size between

3-4 comprise 50 (34.7%), family size between 5-6 comprise 49 (34%), family size between 7-8

comprise 19 (13.2%), and only 11 (7.6%) respondents indicated that their family size is above 9.

From this the mean of the family size is 4.9 which is slightly greater than the family size of 4.7

persons in Ethiopia (CSA, 2007).

Table 3.2 HH Size of respondents

HH Size Frequency Percent

1-2 15 10.4

3-4 50 34.7

5-6 49 34

7-8 19 13.2

9 and above 11 7.6

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

3.2.2 Education level and occupation of respondents

Sample households were asked about their education level and occupation. The survey results

indicate that about 65.3% of the respondents are educated meaning that they attended formal

education. As shown on Table 3.3, 17.4% of the respondents are illiterate (unable to read and

write), those who can only read and write constitute 16%, respondents with primary school

education (1-8) represent 30.6%. Respondents with secondary school education level (9-12)

constitute 25.7% of the total respondents while 6.9% of the respondents have diploma/12+1-3

and only 2.1% of the respondents have a degree. In general, more than half of the sample

households have attended formal education.


Table 3.3 Education level of respondents

Education level Frequency Percent

Degree and above 3 2.1

Diploma/ 12+ 1-3 10 6.9

Grade 9-12 37 25.7

Grade 1-8 44 30.6

Only read and write 23 16

Illiterate 25 17.4

Total 142 98.6

Missing 2 1.4

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

Occupation profiles of respondents varies among traders (39.6%), public servants (14.6%),

farmers (12.5%), daily laborers (11.1%), private organization employees (4.9%), both farmers

and traders (1.4%) and others (14.6%) as shown in Table 3.4. Most of the respondents in the

villages of Keta-Insilale, Batu-Cherecha and Soyoma-Ganji are farmers as the area is rural.

Productive activities indicate higher demand for water supply. The classification ‘other’ includes

students, retirees, and housewives.

Table 3.4 Occupation profile of respondents

Occupation Frequency Percent

Trader 57 39.6

Public servants 21 14.6

Farmer 18 12.5

Daily Laborer 16 11.1

Pv’t org employee 7 4.9

Other 21 14.6

Farmer and Trader 2 1.4

Total 142 98.6

Missing 2 1.4

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

3.2.3 Income level of respondents

Respondents were asked the level of income they obtain each month and out of the total sample

households, 24.3% of them were unwilling to disclose their income levels. On the other hand,

29.2% of the respondents said they earn less than 500 ETB a month, another 29.2% earn between

501 and 1,000 ETB, 6.3% earn between 1,001 and 2,000, 9.7% earn between 2,001 and 5,000

ETB per month (Table 3.5). Thus the mean of the income of the respondents is 978.8 ETB.


Table 3.5 Monthly incomes of respondents

Income in ETB Frequency Percent Valid


<500 42 29.2 29.6

501-1,000 42 29.2 29.6

1,001-2,000 9 6.3 6.3

2,001-5,000 14 9.7 9.9

Unwilling 35 24.3 24.6

Total 142 98.6 100

Missing 2 1.4

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

3.3 Water supply in Tulu-Bolo and its surrounding villages

3.3.1 Demand for water supply service

The existence of community demand for water supply service calls for investment. Respondents

were asked if there was a need for additional water supply service. In response, 72.9% of the

respondents said they require water supply services and the remaining 27.1% said they were

satisfied with the existing service. This suggests that the available water supply is not adequate to

meet the needs of the majority of the community. In addition, the responsible institutions in

collaboration with the community need to invest more to provide the society with adequate

potable water. The reasons for the dissatisfaction of the community with the water supply are

discussed throughout the following sections.

3.3.2 Water supply sources in the study area

The population in Bacho woreda uses several sources of water like protected spring, protected

and unprotected wells and rivers for domestic use (drinking, cooking, bathing and washing

clothes). Additionally, 85.5% of the population in the woreda has access to an improved water

source within 1.5 km radius. The percentage of population in the kebeles of Keta-Insilale, Batu-

Cherecha and Soyoma-Ganji that have access to improved water within 1.5 km is 87.9%, 60.6%

and 85%, respectively. Moreover, 88.2% of the population of the town has access to potable

water within 0.5km. Nonetheless, these percentages are ambiguous because there are water

supply schemes in the area that are non-functional but not documented by the offices (BWWEO,



Tulu-Bolo town and the kebeles of Keta-Insilae, Batu-Cherecha, Soyoma-Ganji have different

water supply schemes. Batu-Cherecha has one shallow well and eight hand dug wells. Keta-

Insilale has ten shallow wells and two public taps. Soyoma-Ganji has nine shallow wells, one

deep well, two hand dug wells and one public tap. On average, a shallow well serves around 50

HHs, a deep well serves around 600 HHs, a hand dug well serves around 30 HHs and a public

tap serves around 70HHs (BWWEO, 2012).

As noted in previous sections, the population in Tulu- Bolo town and the two villages in

Soyoma-Ganji and Keta Insilale kebeles get water from the water supply scheme constructed in

2002. The source of the water supply is a spring located in Tulu-Bolo town. The villagers in

Batu-Cherecha (around 58 households) were supposed to be beneficiaries from this system

through one public tap. According to the head of BWWEO and the co-chairperson of the WASH

committee in the village, the villagers have abandoned the public tap in 2003 because it was far

from their houses. The Bacho Woreda Water and Energy Office built a hand dug well in the

middle of the village in 2004 (BWWEO, 2004). During the field survey, the researcher learnt that

the hand pump has stopped working around six months ago and the community obtains water from

traditional hand dug wells.

The population of Tulu-Bolo town has access to the water supply through household connection

and public taps. There are 28 public taps in the town; 17 in kebele 01 and 11 in kebele 02. The

numbers of people who have access to piped water in their premises and to public taps in the

town are 9,820 and 8,470, respectively (TBWSSO, 2014). The number of users requesting for

household connections has tremendously increased. The number of people with household water

connections in 2010 was only about 1,179 i.e. it has seen a 41.64% increase in 4 years

(TBWSSO, 2011). This indicates that the number of households able to afford household water

connections in the area is rising. The villages in Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-Insilale have access to

water through three public taps. Around 62 HHs in Soyoma-Ganji get water from a single public

tap while 140HHs in Keta-Insilale obtain water from two public taps (TBWSSO, 2014).

The sample households were asked the type of water scheme they use; the field survey showed

that 50.7% of the respondents obtain water from a household connection while 43.8% obtain

water from public taps, 3.5% from unprotected well and the rest 2.1% of the respondents obtain

water directly from the spring (table 3.6). The respondents who fetch water directly from the


spring are residents of Kamb-Gebya village (Got). These respondents fetch water from the spring

because it is nearer to their premises and more reliable than a public tap. Respondents who use

unprotected wells are residents of the village in Batu-Cherecha. Accordingly, 94.5% of the

respondents have access to improved drinking water source while the villagers of Batu-Cherecha

obtain water from unimproved drinking source which is susceptible to contamination. In

addition, half of the respondents have access to piped water in their premises.

Table 3.6 Type of water supply system used by respondents

Type of water supply system Frequency Percent

Private Line/HH connections 73 50.7

Public taps 63 43.8

Unprotected well 5 3.5

Directly from spring 3 2.1

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

Nonetheless, the community in Tulu-Bolo town and the villages of Keta-Insilale and Soyoma-

Ganji don’t have a single water supply system they use day to day. They use the combination of

different sources for their domestic use. Users of household connections fetch water from public

taps or directly from the spring when water is scarce in their house. Those who use public taps

might go further distance to other public taps or directly to the spring to collect water. Users also

mentioned that they sometimes buy water from private vendors at a high price when water is

scarce. In addition, some of the communities in Tulu-Bolo town also obtain water from

unprotected well locally named ‘Ela’. The villagers in Keta-Insilale obtain water from a river

and ‘Ela’ well when water is unavailable from the public taps. The spring is located too far for

the villagers of Keta-Insilale. As it will be discussed in the subsequent sections, the frequent

interruption of the developed water supply schemes is the main reason forcing the community to

use unprotected sources of water which are vulnerable to contamination and harmful to health.

3.3.3 Distance travelled and time taken to collect water

The primary objective of water supply programs is to develop water sources closer to the point of

use so that the time and energy spent on water collection is reduced. According to the UAP of

the nation, water should be accessible to the community within 1.5 km in rural areas and 0.5 km

in urban areas (UWSPUAP, 2011). Consequently, the BWWEO intends for the water schemes in

the rural areas to be built within 1.5 km radius and the TBWSSO within 0.5 km radius accessible


to the community. According to the field survey, 71 respondents travel from their houses to fetch

water i.e. 63 of them obtain water from a public tap, 5 from unprotected well and the rest 3

directly from the spring (table 3.6). But as it is mentioned above, the researcher has noticed that

users fetch water from where it is available. Therefore, those with household connections may

travel some distance to collect water from a public tap or the spring when water supply is scarce.

In some cases users send out animal pulled carts to the spring.

Figure 2: Distance taken to fetch water in meters

Source: Field Survey, 2015

Out of the total households that travel to fetch water, 74.6% (53) of them travel less than 500

meters, 16.9% (12) travel between 501 to 1,000 meters and 8.5% (6) travel between 1,001 to

1,500 meters (figure 2). Accordingly, the mean distance taken to fetch water is 419.19 meters.

Hence, 90.9% of the respondents have access to water within the radius of 1 km, the standard of

WHO. In Tulu-Bolo town, 79.2% of the respondents have access to water within 0.5 km radius,

16.7% have access within 0.5 to 1 km and 4.2% have access within 1 to 1.5 km. Respondents

who travelled 1 to 1.5 kms are residents of Hawi-Gudina village and the respondents who had

access within 0.5 to 1 km are those residing in Kamb-Gebya, Hawi-Gudina and Belebele-Bantu

villages. All the sample households who use public taps in Tele-Kera have access to the public

taps within 0.5 km. This indicates that the town hasn’t fully achieved the 0.5 km radius standard

set by the MoWE. In addition, the respondents in the rural villages have access to water within

1.5 km radius. Consequently, the majority of the population in the study area has access to water

within close range of their premises, thus the time taken to fetch water is low. Beneficiaries from











< 500 500-1,000 1,000-1,500







Distance in meters


Soyoma-Ganji village mentioned that although the distance from their house to the public tap is

convenient, it is difficult to fetch water during rainy season because the road gets muddy and


While the time taken to fetch water is low in the study area due to the convenient distance, public

tap users spend a considerable amount of time queuing. As it can be observed from table 3.7,

15.9% of the respondents spend more than an hour waiting in line to collect water, 17.5% spend

between 41 minutes and 1 hour, 47.6% spend between 21 and 40 minutes and 19% of the

respondents spend less than 20 minutes. This indicates that 33.4 % of the respondents spend

more than 40 minutes every day to collect water. On average the public tap users queue for about

44.3 minutes daily.

Table 3.7 Time spent in queuing

Time spent in queue


Frequency Percent

<20 12 19

21-40 30 47.6

41-60 11 17.5

1-3 hr 10 15.9

Total 63 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

Respondents were asked if the hours available to fetch water from the public taps were adequate;

out of the 63 respondents who fetch water from public taps, 36 (57.1%) said that the hours

available to fetch water is not enough (table 2, appendix I). Public taps are available at different

hours in different places of the study area. The hours are decided by the community and the tap

attendants. The public taps are then availed by tap attendants on the agreed time. For instance,

public taps used by respondents in Belbele-Bantu village (got) are opened from 05:00 to 06:00

am, 07:00 to 08:30am, and 06:00 to 08:00am; public taps used by respondents in Hawi-Gudina

village (got) are open from 06:00 to 07:00am and 08:00 to 10:00am. The tap attendants informed

the researcher that the time intervals are not strictly kept because water supply is highly irregular.

Thus the tap attendants could avail the taps much earlier than the set time.

Distinctly the respondents in the village of Soyoma-Ganji said that the time available is enough.

From the interview conducted with the tap attendant of the public tap in Soyoma-Ganji, the

researcher realized that the tap attendant is a farmer and his house is within close range to the


public tap. Therefore, in addition to the set time 06:00 to 8:00 am, he avails the public tap when

there is a need. It is advantageous to have a tap attendant who resides near the public tap and has

flexible working hours.

In addition, the field survey revealed that respondents who queue for more than an hour reside in

Belbele-Bantu village (Got) and Hawi-Gudina village (Got). These respondents said the hours

opened to fetch water was not enough and that they might go home empty handed if the water

runs scarce when their turn comes. Users in these areas queue two to three hours before the

public taps are available i.e. around 03:00 am, so that they will be able to collect water before the

public taps are closed or before the water run scarce. Queuing at that hour is problematic to

living conditions, harmful to health and dangerous for women and girls. During informal

discussions with the society in these areas, it was clear they were fed up and angered with this


Furthermore, respondents were asked whether they needed to have additional public taps in their

locality. Most of the respondents (67.6%), as indicated in the figure 3, responded that they

needed additional public taps in their areas. All of the respondents in Hawi-Gudina village said

that they need additional public taps as the existing ones are not enough to serve them. Interview

with tap attendants confirmed that the major reason behind the need of additional public taps is

the increasing number of households. Thus, public tap users spend a considerable amount of time

daily because the water taps are not sufficient to the community and are open for a limited time

per day.

Figure 3: Need of additional public taps in the study area

Source: Field Survey, 2015












Yes No







in %



3.3.4 Water consumption pattern

The amount of water collected per day depends upon different factors like availability of water,

population number, number of households and household size in the community. As previously

mentioned, households in the study area do not use the same water source rather they use the

combination of different sources for domestic purposes. Respondents were asked how many

jerry cans (20 and 25 liters) of water their households consume per day on average. As a

consequence, the number of jerry cans each sample household used for domestic purposes was

multiplied with the capacity of the jerry cans (20 or 25 liters). The sum of the results divided by

the number of the population in the sample households gives the average (each respondent has

given the number of people in their household; the summation gives the number of population).

= Ʃ (number of jerry cans each household used to collect water each day* liters of the jerry cans)

Ʃ (the number of household size in the sample HHs)

= Ʃ (respondents ‘consumption of water in liters)

the number of population

= 10,710 = 15.04 lit/capita/day


On average, the respondents in the study area consume 15.04 liters of water per capita per day

for domestic uses. This is lower than the 20 liter per day standard set by WHO but it meets the

target set by the country’s UAP plan of 15 liters per capita per day. The consumption level of

respondents in the town is 15.39; which doesn’t meet the required 20 liter/capita/day set by the

UAP for urban areas. This shows why the communities in the area are not satisfied with the

available water supply (UWSPUAP, 2011).

3.3.5 Satisfaction level of respondents

The sample households were asked how satisfied they were with the current availability of water.

Consequently, 46.5% of the respondents said the availed water supply is not satisfactory at all

i.e. the water supply doesn’t meet their daily needs. About 36.8% of the respondents said the

availed water is fairly satisfactory, only 15.3% of the respondents were satisfied with the water

supply. Interviews with informants and informal discussions with the community in Tulu-Bolo

town, villages of Keta-Insilale and Soyoma-Ganji revealed that water scarcity is a huge problem


in the area. The communities in the village of Batu-Cherecha are actually worse off because they

don’t have access to an improved water source.

Table 3.8 Satisfaction level of respondents with the availability of water

Satisfaction level Frequency Percent

More than enough 2 1.4

Satisfactory 22 15.3

Fairly satisfactory 53 36.8

Not satisfactory 67 46.5

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

Subsequently, to comprehend the reason for the dissatisfaction and low consumption level in the

study area, the sample households were asked how many days a week they faced interruption of

water supply. Their responses can be seen on table 3.9; 14.6% of them said they lack water from

three to six days a week, 62.5% said they lack water two to three days a week, only 2.8% said

that they don’t lack water throughout the week. On average the sample households in the area

face water scarcity for 2 days in a week. This indicates that water flow is irregular throughout the


Table 3.9 Days of water shortage in a week (average)

Days of shortage Frequency Percent

None 4 2.8

One day 29 20.1

Two days 47 32.6

Three days 43 29.9

Three to six days 21 14.6

Total 144 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

Furthermore, the interviews and informal discussions revealed that water is available at night

time in Tulu-Bolo town, the villages of Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-Insilale i.e. those who are

supplied from the spring. The informants in the area and users said water is mostly available

from 06:00 pm to 08:00 am. Water is scarce and irregular at day time in these areas. This is the

reason for the dissatisfaction of the community with the water supply and the reason that users of

public taps go empty handed after lining up for more than an hour. Although it is still

inconvenient, those who have household connections can fetch water in the middle of the night

in their premises. But those using public taps don’t have that option; water could be scarce when

the taps are opened by the tap attendants.


The irregularity and scarcity of water supply in Tulu-Bolo town, villages of Keta-Insilale and

Soyoma-Ganji, has forced the community to use multiple sources including unprotected sources.

It is a common phenomenon that those with household connection travel to public taps or to the

spring to collect water or buy water from local vendors. Most of the communities in these areas

fetch water from the outflow of the protected spring. Informal discussions with users also

revealed that some people who travel to the spring to collect water fall and get injured causing

further problem.

3.3.6 Person responsible for fetching water in the household

As discussed beforehand, the burden of fetching water in the nation heavily rests on women and

girls. Out of the 71 sample households that travel to fetch water, as shown in table 3.10, 50.7 %

women are solely responsible for collection of water. In some households the responsibility to

collect water is shared among different family members.

Table 3.10 Water collection responsibility

Responsible person Frequency Percent

Adult women 36 50.7

Adult women + adult men 4 5.6

Adult women + female aged 15-18 14 19.7

Adult men 5 7.0

Female aged 15-18 4 5.6

Male aged 15-18 3 4.2

Female below 15 years 3 4.2

Male under 15 years 2 2.8

Total 71 100

Source: Field Survey, 2015

Apart from women, men and children are also involved in fetching water; 5.6% of the

respondents noted that the responsibility is shared between adult women and men in the

household, 19.7% said the responsibility rests both upon adult women and girls aged between 15

and 18. Solely, 74.6 % of women of all ages fetch water in the sample households. This indicates

that the responsibility to fetch water mainly lies upon women and girls in the study area.


Photograph 1: Women fetching water from public taps

Generally, the community in the study area faces water scarcity. The villagers in Batu-Cherecha

don’t have access to an improved drinking water source although two schemes have been built

within the past 15 years which are non-functional. On the contrary the respondents in Tulu-Bolo,

Keta-Insilale and Soyoma-Ganji have access to an improved drinking water source but it is

highly irregular and mostly available during night time. This is highly inconvenient to the

community especially for public tap users.

The distance from respondents’ houses to the public taps are mostly convenient (74.6% of the

respondents have access within 0.5 kms). But 48.9% of these respondents said they are not

satisfied with the hours availed to fetch water from the public taps. Due to the increasing

population, there is a need for construction of more public taps and an increase in the hours

availed to fetch water from the existing public taps.

3.4 Technical aspects of the water supply schemes

3.4.1 Technology choice and the quality of the water supply schemes

The choice of technology in any particular situation is limited by the water sources available

locally. Spring water was used as a source of water for the water supply scheme built in 2002 for

the population in Tulu-Bolo town and the three villages. The community in the study area

suggested that the spring should be utilized as a source of improved water supply due to its

reasonably good and invariable yield. The spring is located adjacent to Tulu-Bolo rural town

about 500 meters from the southwest boundary of the town. The spring is the primary source of the


“O-O” stream which itself joins Genji River downstream only after a distance of 2kms. It has a

safe yield of 15 lit/sec and is capped using concrete. During field survey, the researcher observed

that the capping structure has leakages and has to be reconstructed properly allowing it to be

collected in the balancing chamber. The leakage could be attributed to old age of the construction

(WA, 2002; TBWSSO, 2011).

Photograph 2: The spring capping structure

The blocker around the spring capping structure is built to prevent/ block flood water which

might damage the capping structure and allow muddy water to contaminate the water. The area is

known for heavy floods in the rainy season. There is only one inlet pipe from the spring to the

collection chamber with 3 inch measurements. The balancing/collection chamber has a capacity to

hold 25 m3 of water and it is used to pump the water to the reservoir without affecting the spring

capping structure. It is constructed with stone masonry that is reinforced with Ferro cement. It is

also used as a balance in the rate of flow from the spring and the rate of pumping to the reservoir.

The collection chamber has leakages due to overflow which happens when the pump fails to work.

There is one inlet pipe (3 inches wide) from the collecting chamber to the reservoir. Another outlet

pipe distributes water from the collection chamber to the village of Soyoma-Ganji which is located

in close vicinity to the collection chamber. The villagers of Soyoma-Ganji have access to the water

through a single public tap (WA, 2002; TBWSSO, 2011).


Photograph 3: Balancing chamber & pump house Photograph 4: Outflow from collection chamber

The collection chamber has two outlets for outflow. People come to fetch water, take a bath and

wash clothes from the outflow. The researcher also observed people sitting on the outflow pipes

which could lead to the short life of the pipes which was observed on the pipe from the spring to

the collection chamber. It could be advantageous to limit the access of people only to the outflow

areas. Due to the topography of the area, the water is pumped to a reservoir by a water pump.

The location of the spring is in the relatively lower land of 2,160 meters. The elevation

difference between the spring and the selected reservoir site on the flank of the hill is 40 meters.

Additionally, the water pump is powered by electricity and pumps 5 lit/ sec (TBWSSO, 2011).

According to the manager of TBWSSO and an informant in the electric utility office in Tulu-Bolo,

the current pump mostly functions at night time and during holidays. The sales manager in the

electric utility office noted that the pump requires 380 volt of initial torque to function and pump

water to the reservoir. But the pump reads 356 volt on electricity meter in day time, and thus can’t

function. According to the electric utility office, 15,000 KW of power is distributed for Tulu-Bolo

town; Soyoma-Ganji, Keta-Insilae and other surrounding villages which is insufficient for the

population in these areas. Thus, activities that require electricity put pressure on the available


power and the water pump doesn’t get enough power to function. The water pump works without

difficulties during night time and holidays because activities subside during those periods. Due to

electric power shortage, water supply is intermittent and scarce during day time and ample amount

of water is available at night time and during holidays in these areas.

The water is pumped to the reservoir (150m3) which is located at the top of the Tulu-Bolo hill at

2,264 meters elevation high, in the southeast of the town. It is constructed from a stone masonry

that is reinforced by ferro-cement structure sandwiched between the masonry walls. The water

from the reservoir is distributed to the community by gravity flow through one outlet pipe of 6

inches dimension. The reservoir is fenced and safeguarded by a guard who lives around the area.

Moreover, the population has access to the water through public taps and household connections

(WA, 2002, TBWSSO, 2011).

Photograph 5: Water reservoir

According to the researcher’s personal observation and from the interview with the manager of

TBWSSO, the design of the scheme is suitable for future expansion. At the time of the research an

expansion was already taking place. Additionally, the manager and technicians of TBWSSO noted

that there are major flaws with the design of the water supply system; the outlet pipe from the

water reservoir to the distribution pipes (6 inches wide) is imbalanced with the inlet pipe (3 inches)

which is from the collection chamber to the reservoir. The informants also mentioned that the


original water pipe lines don’t have gate valves, which are primarily used to permit or prevent the

flow of water. Therefore, when there is a leakage in these pipe lines, the technicians have to close

up the water reservoir to fix it. As a result, the entire population lacks water for a defect in one

specific area. The third flaw mentioned by the informants is that wide pipes are used in elevated

areas and narrower pipes are used in low areas, which seems to be swapped.

As stated in previous sections, the villagers in Batu-Cherecha were supposed to benefit from this

scheme but they have abandoned the public tap after using it for about a year. Even over that time

period, only few people used it because it was too far from the beneficiaries. Informants also noted

that the public tap was not properly used and managed by the community. This indicates that

construction of the public tap did not consider the communities’ needs or/and the society didn’t

manage it properly.

Photograph 6: Pictures of the abandoned public tap by the villagers in Batu-Cherecha

The Bacho Woreda Water and Energy Office built a hand dug well in the middle of the village in

2004. The well is 8½ meters deep. But the field survey revealed that the hand pump has stopped

functioning about 6 months ago. The communities in the area obtain water from traditional hand

dug wells they build themselves in their residential areas. In addition, the people in the area

mentioned that the scheme lets in mud during rainy season which shows that the construction

quality of the scheme was poor (BWWEO, 2004).


Photograph 7: Picture of a non-functioning hand pump in the village of Batu-Cherecha

The technical specifications of water supply schemes should take into account the local capacity

to supply equipment for construction and to provide spare parts in the future. According to the

technicians, managers of TBWSSO and Bacho woreda water office, spare parts are readily

available for the above type of technologies used in the study area. Furthermore, the technology of

the water schemes in the study area is easy to operate.

3.4.2 Time taken for repairs

Some users in Tulu-Bolo town mentioned that some pipe lines tend to break when heavy trucks

go over them. In addition, respondents stated that the water sometimes has dirt in it (among the

respondents that said there is water quality problems, 25% of them said the water is not

chlorinated at all times plus the water has dirt, 65 % of them said that the water has dirt content

(table 3, appendix I).The manager of TBWSSO also noted that they experience breakage of

water pipe lines frequently. Breakages of water pipe lines and public taps occur due to the old

age of the original pipe lines. Improper usage by the community or tap attendants also

contributes to breakages of public taps and hand pumps. During an interview with the tap

attendant in Soyoma-Ganji village, the researcher observed that in the absence of the tap attendant


his children are the ones who are tap attendants and this may lead to inappropriate use of the tap,

breakages and loss of water.

The time taken by technicians to fix breakages was analyzed to comprehend how promptly the

technicians repair pipe lines and public taps. Out of the total sample households, 25.7% of them

said it takes long time to fix breakages (table 3.15). According to the technicians of TBWSSO

and head of the Woreda Water and Energy Office, repairs of pipe lines, public taps and hand

pumps takes less than 3 days. Out of the 73 respondents who have household connections, 67.1%

(49) said it takes 1 to 3 days to fix water pipe line breakages, 28.8% (21) said it takes 4 to 7 days,

only 1.4% of the respondents said it takes 15 days to a month to repair water pipe lines (Table


Table 3.11 Days taken to repair a malfunction

Days taken for repair Frequency Percent

1 to 3 days 49 67.1

4 to 7 days 21 28.8

15 to 30 days 2 2.7

More than a month 1 1.4

Total 73 100

Source: Field survey, 2015

Except the main pipe line, repairs of water pipe lines are the responsibility of the customers.

Therefore, the time taken to fix these pipe lines is also dependent on the time taken by users to

purchase spare parts. With regard to public fountains, 77.9% of the respondents said it usually

takes 1 to 3 days to fix breakages of public taps, 14.7% of the respondents said it took 4 to 7 days

to repair and 7.4% of the respondents said it takes more than a month for repairs (table 3.12).

The respondents who said it take more than a month to repair is those who use the hand pump in

the village of Batu-Cherecha.

Table 3.12 Days taken to repair public taps/hand pump

Days taken for repair Frequency Percent

1 to 3 days 53 77.9

4 to 7 days 10 14.7

More than a month 5 7.4

Total 68 100

Source: Field survey, 2015


3.4.3 Technical skills and availability of spare parts in the managing institutions

Technicians need proper training and skills to maintain a water supply system for the scheme to

operate properly and sustainably. In Tulu-Bolo town, excavation works to install or repair pipe

lines are done by daily laborers who are hired by either the community or the TBWSSO. The

installations are then carried out by the technicians. It is highly advisable for the technicians to

constantly check the daily laborers. Additionally, the technicians should be able to install the

pipes deep enough to avoid breakages. The manager of TBWSSO noted that installations of pipe

lines are sometimes not deep enough.

It was a challenge to obtain the education level of the four technicians in TBWSSO. The

researcher has learnt that one has a diploma in plumbing, two of them have attained 10+3 TEVT

education level in plumbing and one works at the office based on his long year’s experience.

Except the one with a diploma, the three technicians have an experience of almost 13 years. They

were trained by Water Action and they have been working since then. Although an experience of

more than ten years is highly valuable, education and continuous trainings are highly beneficial

to maintain the scheme. The researcher also observed that some customers prefer one technician

over the other to repair breakages. This could be due to the fact that one technician is more

qualified and skilled than the other one.

According to the head of the Woreda Water and Energy Office, the office trains local technicians

to repair and maintain water supply schemes. Additionally, the office has a technical team that is

able to assist the local technicians. A local technician in the village of Batu-Cherecha has

received training before the scheme was built. Nonetheless, the hand pump in the area hasn’t

functioned and the water technician hasn’t repaired it nor did the committee members or the

community report the malfunction to the woreda water office.

Moreover, the key informants in the study area noted that spare parts are readily available in the

area. Spare parts for the hand pumps are supposed to be stored with a member of the WASH

committee to easily avail it to the technician when needed. The informants also mentioned that

the quality of spare parts is low and that the costs of spare parts are highly increasing. Besides

the old age of the scheme, the low quality of spare parts attributes to the breakages of the water

pipe lines and public taps.


3.5 Institutional and Social aspect of the water supply schemes

3.5.1 Management of the water supply schemes

A sustainable water supply scheme requires a properly functioning institutional arrangement and

effective management. The non-functional scheme in Batu-Cherecha is a casing example of an

ineffective management and lack of institutional capacity of the water committee and the woreda

office. The woreda water office is unaware of the non-functionality state of the scheme. The

hand pump in Batu-Cherecha was supposed to be managed by a water committee that was

established during construction. According to the informants and respondents in the area, the

committee members have never assumed their responsibilities and carried out their tasks.

Meanwhile, the Tulu-Bolo Town Water Supply Service Office is responsible for the

management of the water supply service in Tulu-Bolo town and the villages in Soyoma-Ganji

and Keta-Insilale. Informants in TBWSSO stated that the water supply system was managed by a

water board prior to 2009, a water board established in 2002. The board was accountable to the

Bacho Woreda Water and Energy Office and it was then replaced by TBWSSO in 2009. The

town water supply service office is directly accountable to the Oromia Regional Water and

Energy Bureau. Operation and maintenance of the water supply schemes

The Tulu-Bolo Town Water Supply Service Office is responsible for the maintenance and

operation of the spring water supply system. In addition, tap attendants are responsible for the

day to day operation of the public taps in the area. As mentioned in the previous section, tap

attendants avail the public taps only for few hours in a day. Due to this, more than half of the

users of public taps said the number of hours availed to collect water was not enough. In

addition, some users mentioned that the public taps are not opened on time and by the time they

are opened water might be scarce. Thus, they have to queue two to three hours before the taps are

opened. The basic problem that needs to be addressed is that the water pump doesn’t work at day

time i.e. water is usually available at night time. This has caused inconvenience both to the tap

attendants and public tap users. Nonetheless, effective operation of water supply systems should

reduce the time and effort spent in collecting water. In all the study areas, the public taps are


opened only once a day i.e. in the morning. In light of the situation, the tap attendants could avail

the taps in early evenings.

Furthermore, the manager of TBWSSO noted that the office installs water pipe lines for

household connections upon request from customers and builds public taps in Tulu-Bolo town

and the villages of Keta-Insilale and Soyoma-Ganji. The office constructs public taps if it finds it

necessary, i.e. one public tap should be within a radius of 500 meters of the residents living

around it. When individuals (group of individuals) request the TBWSSO for a new pipe line to

be installed to their homes, the office sends out technicians to the particular area. The technicians

list the required equipments and make estimations. Based on the estimations, the customer

purchases the equipments and upon receipt the technicians install the water pipe lines. The

excavation works are carried out by daily laborers under the supervision of the technicians or the

customers themselves hire daily laborers themselves if they find it cheaper to do so themselves.

The regulations set by Oromia Water and Energy Bureau (Appendix IV) stipulate that customers

cover the cost of repair and maintenance of these water pipes lines. When water pipe lines are in

need of repair, customers will present the matter to the office. Technicians will analyze the

problem and customers are required to buy the spare parts needed to repair damages and all costs

related to the repair. Then the technicians of the office will repair the damages. The TBWSSO is

responsible to repair and maintain public taps and main pipe lines that are used for distribution of

water in the study area.

The water committee in the village of Batu-Chercha was supposed to be responsible for the

operation and maintenance of the hand pump. One of the responsibilities of the water committee

was to collect money from users every month and deposit it in a bank. The money is used to

cover maintenance and repair works. The committee in Batu-Cherecha hasn’t collected money

from users; thus they are unable to repair the hand pump. Tap attendants are selected from the

community and he/she is responsible for its operation. But the society in these area fetched water

whenever they wanted and there was no tap attendant to control it (WASH manual, 2006).

Moreover, the respondents in the area mentioned that the amount of water they got from the

scheme was low when the hand pump was functional. This is due to the fact that the hand pump

was open to everybody throughout the day. Discharge of groundwater should settle for a while


before it is pumped so that sufficient amount could be fetched. The Co-Chair person of the water

committee mentioned that the community hasn’t received training on how to use and manage the

scheme. These all indicate that the water system was not operated and maintained effectively,

additionally the scheme was vulnerable to misuse. Institutional framework and Organizational capacity

An institutional set-up with legal and regulatory framework, educated staff, and external support

is necessary to effectively manage a water supply system. The informants in the town’s water

supply service office were not forthcoming with regard to the organizational framework of the

office and the educational level of the staff which was a setback in the study. Nevertheless, the

information that was revealed by the office and obtained through informal discussions and

observation are analyzed henceforth.

According to the national guideline for urban water supply - organizational set up outlined by the

MoWE (2013), the main mission of a town water supply and sewerage services is “to provide

adequate and quality potable water supply and sewerage services to all users in and around the

town”. The Tulu-Bolo Town Water Supply Service Office has taken this mission and aims to

provide adequate and quality potable water to the town’s population but it doesn’t handle

sewerage service in the town. Generally, the major missions/functions of the town water supply

service are the followings:-

Provides adequate and standard quality potable water supply to dwellers in and around

the town.

Administers itself on the basis of cost recovery principles.

Installs water distribution lines to provide the water supply service, and amend, maintain,

and repair related water works found under it.

Ensures that any water sources are not polluted or contaminated, but are protected and

conserved, to this end, it shall take the necessary actions including the closure of

contaminated sources in cooperation and consultation with the concerned government

organs as required.

Establish a system that assists to boost the efforts being made to provide water supply


Carry out other similar activities that assist for the attainment of its objectives.


Figure 4 depicts the institutional set-up of the TBWSSO. The manager of TBWSSO is the higher

executive officer responsible for the day to day administration and operation of the water supply

service. The organizational framework is more condensed than the set up outlined by the MoWE

(figure 5).

Figure 4: Organizational framework of Tulu-Bolo water supply service office

Source: TBWSSO, 2015

A clear and structured organizational framework is crucial for an effective management. There is

disparity between the framework stipulated by the ministry and the town water supply service

office’s framework. The organizational structure of TBWSSO is missing few offices like

woreda/zone council; town water board; legal service; audit service; marketing & customer

service; planning & data management; study, design & construction. In fact the organizational

framework resembles the organizational set up specified by the MoWE for small towns (number

of population < 15,000) (figure 1a, appendix I). Even then, the organizational set up of the town

water supply service office misses planning and customer service, town water board and

woreda/town council offices.

Manager of TBWSSO

Finance and Procurement department

Operation and Maintenance department

Material and Logistics


Human Resource



Figure 5: Organizational set up for medium towns (no of population between 15,000- 100,000)

Source: Organizational setup for urban water supply services, MoWE (2013)

In Tulu- Bolo water supply service office, there are five water technicians (1 pump operator and

4 plumbers), four personnel in the department of finance (finance head, accountant, cashier and

bill seller), one meter reader, one store keeper, a human resource manager and 4 guards. Table

3.13 shows the manpower requirement specified by the MoWE (2013) for a medium town water

utility office (no of population between 15, 000-100,000).


Table 3.13 Water utility manpower requirement for a medium town

Office Position Qualification Special Skill

Manager Office WSSS Manager Degree in



Secretary Diploma in Secretarial science or

office management

Computer skill

Office girl High school complete

Planning & Data


Planning & data

management expert

Degree in Economics/

statistics/computer science

Planning, M&E

and computer skill

Internal Audit Internal Auditor Degree/ Diploma in


Auditing and


Legal Service Legal officer Degree/Diploma in law

Human Resources


Head Degree/Diploma in

Management/administration &



Human resources

development expert

Degree/Diploma in




Store management


Degree/Diploma in



Record and

archives’ expert

Secretary Diploma in secretarial science Computer(Microsof

t office)

Finance, Property

Management &


Finance head BA/ diploma in




Accounts Expert BA/Diploma in



Bill expert BA/Diploma in


Billing and


Cashier BA/Diploma in


Cash management

Operation &


Head BSC in water supply,

hydrogeology, civil etc

Coordination and


Operation Expert BSC/Diploma in water supply


WSS operation



BSC/Diploma in Water Supply


WSS scheme




BSC/Diploma in Water Supply



Surveyor Diploma in water supply



Water quality


BSC/Diploma in



Water quality


Pipe worker Plumbing 10+2 or above Plumbing

Driver High school complete 3 grade driving


Pump operator


Secretary Diploma in secretarial science Computer(Microsof

t office)

Customer Service &


Head BSC/Diploma in Business


gy/management/and related

Promotion and


Customer Service BA/Diploma in Public


Marketing BA/Diploma in Marketing

Secretary Diploma in secretarial science Computer

(Microsoft Office)

Branch Office Branch head BSC in Engineering/Management WSS Management


Office Girl

Customer lines

connection &

tertiary line



BSC/Diploma in Water Supply


Billing and

customer relation


Diploma in Accounting/Finance

Water meter


High school complete


Source: Organizational setup for urban water supply services, MoWE (2013)

Tulu-Bolo Water Supply Service Office has been functioning only for five years and Tulu-Bolo

town is roughly a medium town (T-B has population of 20,727) which indicates that it has low

capacity to meet the requirements set by the ministry. When considering the manpower

requirement set by the ministry, the town’s office falls short in few departments and educational

qualifications. Nonetheless, the growing number of population and increased demand on water

necessitates the office to build its capacity by incorporating important departments and qualified


Most of the personnel in TBWSSO have worked under the water board management that

managed the scheme before 2009. They have received different trainings from Water Action

with respective to their job post (WA, 2002). Some of the staffs have built on those trainings by

attaining formal education. It is highly valuable to have staffs that know the system thoroughly

but it is also advantageous to be up to date and obtain continuous trainings. An expansion work

on the water supply system is being carried out in Tulu-Bolo town by the Oromia Regional

Water and Energy Bureau. The expertise and the personnel that are undertaking the work are


from the regional office. Equipping the town water supply service office with skilled workforce

will let the office carry out the necessary expansion works independently in the future.

Furthermore, there is only one meter reader at the disposal of the office i.e. he is responsible for

Tulu-Bolo town and the three public taps in the village of Keta-Insilale and Soyoma-Ganji. Since

it is an impossible task for one person, four more personnel from the office assist i.e.

unofficially. These personnel include the pump operator, store keeper and the technicians and

none of whom get additional payment for the extra work. Additionally, tap attendants of the

public taps are not staffs of the town’s water supply service office. They are elected from the

community and are responsible to collect tariff from users of the public tap. According to the

manager of finance in TBWSSO, tap attendants are required to sign an agreement with the water

supply service office (appendix V). The agreement stipulates the particular area where the public

tap is located and that the tariff is 4 ETB/ m3. The tap attendant is responsible to collect money

from users and is obligated by the agreement to turn it in to the water supply service office every

month. According to the agreement signed by the tap attendant, the water supply service office

has the right to go to court if the tap attendant doesn’t hand over the collected money to the

office on time. The agreement is helpful to avoid negligence from the tap attendants.

The working manual of WASH committees in Bacho woreda (WASH manual, 2006) states that

a water committee is to be established when a water supply scheme is built in the area. The

committee members are selected by the community and they all have different roles. The

committee along with the community is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the

scheme. In addition, the committee is accountable to the woreda water office. The committee is

required to report work activities to the bureau every three month and receive training every year

at the bureau. Furthermore, technicians and tap attendants are also trained to properly operate

and maintain the systems. A tap attendant is responsible to avail the tap for a limited time period

in a day, protect it from misuse, and report malfunctions.

Nevertheless, the co-chairperson of the water committee in Batu-Cherecha village stated that the

committee hasn’t taken any responsibility to manage the system and has never reported back to

the bureau. In addition, the bureau hasn’t followed up on the committee after its establishment.

Moreover, the communities fetched water throughout the day. There was no tap attendant to

supervise users and to avail water for restricted time. In general, the management of the hand


pump is non-existent. This could be attributed to poor trainings, lack of sense of ownership, and

lack of support by the woreda water office. The community cannot independently manage the

water supply scheme without the external assistance of the woreda water office which acts as a

facilitator. The head of the woreda water office responded to the situation saying that the bureau

doesn’t have the capacity to follow up all the committees in the woreda.

The respondents in the study area were asked if they were satisfied with the management of the

water supply services. Their responses varied; not satisfied (17.4%), fairly satisfied (52.1%),

satisfied (29.2%) and highly satisfied (1.4%) as it can be seen on table 3.14. They also mentioned

the problems they observe with the managing institutions (table 3.15). All the respondents in the

village of Batu-Cherecha clearly said that they were not satisfied with the committee and that

repairs are not made on time.

Table 3.14 Satisfaction level with the management

Satisfaction Level Frequency Percent

Highly satisfied 2 1.4

Satisfied 42 29.2

Fairly satisfied 75 52.1

Not satisfied 25 17.4

Total 144 100

Source: Field survey, 2015

Table 3.15 Problems with the management

Frequency Percent

Takes long time to repair 37 25.7

Lack of skilled manpower 41 28.5

Staff are unavailable during

working hours/unavailable water




Lack of finance 12 8.3

Tariff is expensive 2 1.4

No problem 16 11.1

Total 144 100

Source: Field survey, 2015


3.5.2 Community participation in the development of the water schemes

Community participation in the development of water supply schemes is one element to ensure

sustainability. Both schemes in the study area are constructed in response to the communities’

request. The spring water supply scheme was constructed because the previous scheme of Tulu-

Bolo town was unable to serve the growing population in the town plus the community in the

villages of Soyoma-Ganji, Keta-Insilae and Batu-Cherecha didn’t have access to an improved

source of drinking water. The previous water supply scheme of Tulu-Bolo was from a borehole.

It was designed to serve a community of about 4,000 dwellers in the town. The community in the

study area strongly recommended the spring to be the source of the new scheme as it was

reliable. Moreover, the hand pump in Batu-Cherecha village was constructed in 2004 as the

community abandoned the public tap built in 2002 and was obtaining water from unprotected

sources (WA, 2002; BWEEB, 2004).

The sample households were asked if they have participated in the planning, construction and

management of the scheme. These sample households are those who have lived in the area for

more than 13 years i.e. those who lived in the area when the schemes were constructed. Out of

the total sample households of 144, 119 of them lived in the area for more than 13 years. From

these sample households, 81.5% (97) of them said that they have participated in the scheme in

one way or another (figure 6).

Figure 6: Participation level in the development of the schemes

Source: Field survey, 2015






The intended beneficiaries of Tulu-Bolo town; villages of Batu-Cherecha, Keta-Insilale and

Soyoma-Ganji have contributed cash, labor and materials during the construction of the scheme.

The communities contributed 100,000 ETB in cash and 203,576 ETB worth in labor and kind;

the total community contribution in cash, kind and labor amounts ETB 303,576. In addition, the

Tulu-Bolo rural town administration availed transportation facility for transporting construction

materials (WA, 2002). The means of participation of sample households can be observed in table

3.16. It is clear that the majority of the households participated in the construction of the scheme

through materials, labor and money.

Table 3.16 Respondents’ type of participation in the development of the schemes

Types of Participation Frequency Percent

Construction 61 51.3

Construction and Planning 31 26.1

Construction, Planning

and Management

3 2.5

Planning and Management 2 1.7

No participation 22 18.5

Total 119 100

Source: Field survey, 2015

A water board selected by the community, which has been established in 2002, took over the

water supply scheme from Water Action. Among the seven board members who managed the

water scheme four of them were women. This was done to ensure that women had the majority

share in management. Women also participated in the planning and construction of the scheme

(WA, 2002). Respondents were asked if the women in their households participated in the

development of the schemes. Out of the 119 sample households, 57.1% of them said that the

women in their household have participated in one way or another (figure 7).


Figure 7: Women’s participation in the development of the schemes

Source: Field survey, 2015

Although the villagers of Batu-Cherecha participated in the planning and construction of the

scheme notably in labor, they haven’t benefited from the scheme. According to informal

discussions with the people residing in the area, the public tap was intended to be built in the

middle of the villagers. But it was built too far from the community and they opted to use

unprotected wells in their areas. According to the manager of Water Action, the public tap was

intended to be built on the spot where it is now. This was done in consultation with the community

but the community later demanded construction of another public tap at the center of the village for

easy access. Their demand was not accepted by Water Action due to budget constraint. It appears

there was a miscommunication or misunderstanding between the communities in the area and the

implementing organization and/or the implementing organization was unable to deliver due to

lack of funds.

When the Bacho Woreda Water and Energy Office built a hand dug well for the villagers in Batu-

Cherecha upon their request, the community contributed labor and 5% of the cash needed for the

project (BWEEB, 2004). Excavation works were done by the community. It can be observed that a

sense of communal ownership of the scheme doesn’t exist because no one in the community

reported that the hand pump is dysfunctional. Community participation hasn’t been sustained

during the service life of the scheme. In addition, there is no post-construction communication

between BWWEO and the community. Lack of community involvement and external support


57.1% Yes



from the woreda water office has contributed to the failure of the water supply scheme in Batu-


3.6 The financial aspect of the water supply schemes

Management of water schemes cannot be successful if financial resources are not available and

managed efficiently. Finance is needed for the construction, operation, maintenance, and

management of a water supply scheme. As noted previously, the water committee of the village

in Batu-Cherecha doesn’t have financial resources although they were required to collect money

monthly from the community post-construction. These contributions from the community would

have been used to buy spare parts and repair the scheme. The inability to secure financial

resources after the construction of the hand pump is due to the lack of an active committee

management and lack of follow up, support, and guidance from the BWWEO.

3.6.1 Cost Sharing and Cost Recovery

The community in the study area, donor organization and the government all made contributions

to construct the spring water supply scheme. According to Water Action’s report (2002), the total

community contribution in cash, kind and labor is 303,576 ETB (22.7%), the donor organization

contributed 650,000 ETB (48.5%) and the government contributed 386,493 ETB (28.8%).

Currently, the TBWSSO is a financially autonomous office. The finance manager of TBWSSO

stated that the costs for running the water supply system is generated by the users and managed

by the office i.e. operation and maintenance costs are recovered from users. The operation and

maintenance costs include those costs which are used to run the water supply system on daily

basis which includes staff salaries, administrative costs, office running costs, chemicals, energy,

repair & maintenance costs, etc. The financial resource generated by the office is enough to

operate and maintain the system but it is unable to finance the expansion of the supply system

and replace the infrastructure after its useful life. Thus, the office hasn’t achieved full-cost


The cost of construction of the hand pump in the village of Batu-Cherecha was 30,000 ETB. The

woreda water office covered 95% of the cost while the community contributed 5% of the

finance. The community has contributed labor for the excavation works (BWEEB, 2004).


Operation and maintenance costs were intended to be covered by the community’s monthly

contribution but the committee hasn’t managed to do so.

3.6.2 Financial management in Tulu-Bolo town water supply service office

A cost effective service requires skilled personnel and sound financial management. An effective

finance management necessitates sound financial policies and procedures plus a strong system to

implement them. According to the finance head of TBWSSO, the office gets income from two

sources; tariff collection and fees from new customers. Tariff is collected both from the users of

public taps and household connections. The tariffs are set by the Oromia regional government

water and energy bureau. The regional bureau determines the tariff level by considering the

income of the community, the ownership of assets, responsibility for operation and maintenance,

the level of service and the willingness and ability to pay of the community (MoWE- Urban

water utilities tariff setting, 2013).

Users of the water supply system in Tulu-Bolo town, the villages of Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-

Insilale pay for the water supply service. The tariff collection from household connections is

based on progressive tariff (table 3.18). Progressive tariff rate is paid in birr per m3

which is

determined each month from the water meter reading. According to the head of finance in

TBWSSO, meter readers go door to door for four days/month to read the water consumption

level of households, businesses, institutions and public taps. According to their consumptions,

customers are required to pay at the TBWSSO from the 11th

to 25th

day of a month. Customers

are required to pay a penalty of 31.50 ETB if they fail to make payments until the 25th

day of the

month and if customers do not pay for more than 6 months, the service given will be halted.

Table 3.17 Progressive tariff set for water consumption for household connections

Water consumption per month in m3 Tariff in ETB

1-3 4.25

3-5 4.65

6-8 5

9-11 5.40

>11 6

Source: TBWSSO, 2011


Flat tariff rates are paid in birr per liter by customers who use public taps. Tap attendants are

responsible to collect the tariffs from customers when they fetch water and turn in the collected

money to the TBWSSO monthly. The water tariff for public tap users is 0.10 ETB for 20 liters,

0.15 ETB for 25 liters and 0.20 ETB for 30 liters (TBWSSO, 2011). During field survey, the

sample households who use public taps were asked how much they paid for their consumption.

The respondents in the study area stated that they paid 0.10 ETB for 20 liters and 0.15 ETB for

25 liters. The sample households in the study area use jerry cans with 20 liters and 25 liters

capacity. According to the national guideline for urban water utilities tariff setting (MoWE,

2013), water tariffs per 25 liters of bucket should not exceed Birr 0.15. This has been ensured by

the town water supply service office. In addition to the water tariff, public tap users pay monthly

fees for the tap attendants which are determined by the community and are paid for the service

rendered by the tap attendant.

The study indicates the majority of the sample households who pay tariff for the water supply

service can afford the tariff. Respondents were asked if they have financial difficulties paying the

tariff; 84.9% of the respondents said they don’t have financial difficulties to pay the tariff, 11.5%

said that they sometimes have difficulties paying the tariff and 3.5% said that they have financial

difficulties paying the tariff (table 3.17).

Table 3.18 Financial capability in paying tariff

Difficulties in paying


Frequency Percent

No 118 84.9

Sometimes 16 11.1

Yes 5 3.5

Total 139 100

Source: Field survey, 2015

According to the water resource management policy (MoWR, 1999) higher income groups

(connection users) should pay higher water tariff and should subsidize the low incomes (Public

fountain users). Accordingly, the low income groups in the area are charged lower tariff than the

higher income groups. For example: for 5 m3 of water consumption, those who have household

connections pay water tariff rate ranging from 27.05 to 32.05 ETB [(3*4.25) + (2*4.65) + (fixed

service charge which varies with meter size) - refer table 3.20] while public tap users are


charged 20 ETB. The fixed service charges are 5, 8 and 10 ETB for ½, ¾ and 1 inch meter size,

respectively (TBWSSO, 2011).

As noted above, the fixed service charge varies with meter size and will be charged to customers

regardless of the level of consumption. Additionally, both domestic and non-domestic water

supply categories are subject to monthly fixed service charges. It is targeted to cover the

administrative overhead costs, usually customer-related costs which are not related to water

production and distribution. The fixed charges are determined and differentiated based on

equivalent meter service factors. It is assumed that customers with bigger sized connections

enjoy more convenience by getting more water at a faster rate than those with smaller sized

connections and hence charged more (MoWE, 2013).

The second source of income to TBWSSO is from installation of new water pipe lines to

customers like households, businesses and institutions (schools, health clinics, public service

offices). The finance manager of TBWSSO stated that users who require household connections

apply to the office and the technicians head out to the premise to estimate the equipments needed

to install the needed pipe lines. The water connection estimation form can be seen in appendix

III. Based on the estimates, users are required to buy the equipments themselves and the

technicians will carry out the installations.

The income received by the TBWSSO is the proportional percentage of material price;

excavation fee; permission fee; estimation fee; requisition form and customer card fee. Material

price refers to the price of pipes, faucets, gate valves and other needed equipments needed for the

installations (appendix IV). These equipments are purchased by the customer. Table 3.19 shows

different percentages of material prices for households and organizations that vary with the

length of the pipes.

Table 3.19 Percentage of material price

Length of pipe % of material price

Households Organizations

1-30m 30% of material price 40% of material price

31-60m 20% of material price 30% of material price

Above 61m 15% of material price 25% of material price

Source: Water Connection Estimation form of TBWSSO


Table 3.20 shows other fees the office charges for the installation. These fees are the same for all

customers. Excavations are carried out by daily laborers hired either by the office or customers.

In some cases the customers hire daily laborers who will excavate for a cheaper price than 12

ETB. Moreover, the deposit varies with the size of the water meter; 75 ETB for ½ inch, 100 ETB

for ¾ inch and 125 ETB for 1 inch (TBWSSO, 2011).

Table 3.20 Other fees

Other fees Amount


Excavation fee 12 ETB /meter

Permission fee 10 ETB

Estimation fee 30 ETB

Requisition form 3 ETB

Customer card 7 ETB

Source: Water Connection Estimation form for TBWSSO

According to the national guideline for urban water utilities tariff setting (MoWE, 2013), the

purpose of the deposit (table 3.20) is not for the security of water meter but for security of the

water used. In case the customer disappears without paying his/her bill, the town water supply

service office will easily confiscate the deposit in the amount of the bill. Only in a case where the

bill is more than the deposited amount that the service will take the case to the court. The deposit

is estimated based on three months average consumption of the customers.

The TBWSSO is a financially autonomous office. It is able to cover operation and maintenance

costs. Nevertheless, it hasn’t reached full-cost recovery as stipulated by the MoWE for town

water supply services. Furthermore, the office’s budgets are approved by the Oromia Regional

Government Water and Energy Bureau and the town water office sends out annual financial

report to the zone water bureau.


3.7 Environmental aspect/Sustainability of the water resources

This section deals with the water source itself. The availability and quality of the water resources

linked to characteristics that affect the supply and its sustainability is discussed henceforth. From

the interviews conducted with the informants in the study area, conservation of the water

resources is not a major concern for the institutions managing the water supply schemes. In dry

seasons, the spring has a safe yield of 15 lit/sec (TBWSSO, 2011). The informants in the

regional bureau and the town water office noted that the yield doesn’t vary highly in seasons but

shows a slight increase in the rainy season. The yield of the spring was 20 lit/sec in 2000 (WA,

2000). This indicates that the quantity has declined significantly within ten years and is not

recognized by the town water office.

The Batu-Cherecha villagers who obtain water from unprotected wells noted that the quantity of

the ground water is lower during dry season but they generally don’t face shortage in water

supply. The static water level of the ground water is 5m and the discharge is 0.5 lit/sec

(BWWEO, 2004). The discharge of the ground water was tested before the construction of the

scheme but it hasn’t been checked recently by the bureau.

If minimum quality standard of drinking water were not fulfilled, sustainability of water supply

schemes would be questioned. The quality of the spring has been assessed by the Oromia

Regional Water and Energy Bureau. The temperature of the water is warm with an estimated

temperature of about 30 C°. Water sample has been taken and given to the laboratory for further

chemical analysis. It is understood that the warm water from the spring cools-down while it is

pumped all the way to and stay in the reservoir. The result of the water sample indicated that the

water is safe as a source of drinking water supply as per the Ethiopian standard (TBWSSO,


There is no fixed radius enforced between the spring and residents, but the manager of TBWSSO

mentioned that houses are not allowed to be constructed near the spring. During the field survey,

the researcher has noticed that there are no houses in close proximity to the spring. Furthermore,

the area where the spring is located is fenced but it is open to the community because they use

the outflow. Nonetheless, the spring is properly sealed which prevent contamination by surface

water, insects, or animals. Moreover, the blockers around the spring capping structure and the


collection chamber protect the water from being contaminated with the heavy flood that occurs

in the rainy season.

Furthermore, the manager of the TBWSSO noted that the collection chamber and reservoir are

cleaned quarterly in a year and the water is chlorinated as deemed necessary. One of the

problems the sample households mentioned in regard to quality of the water supply is lack of

chlorination (table 4, appendix I). The respondents said that the water is not chlorinated at all

times. It was observed that the community knew the importance of chlorination for safe drinking

water. Therefore, they were urging to increase the frequency of chlorinating the water.

The BWWEO has assessed the quality of the ground water and concluded that the water is safe

as a source of drinking water supply as per the Ethiopian standard (BWWEO, 2004). Since the

villagers in Batu-Cherecha don’t have access to an improved source of drinking water, the water

they use is vulnerable to different contaminations. Given that the villagers themselves build the

wells, the quality of the construction is poor and prone to be broken and let in mud. This has

long-term health and productivity effects. Therefore, an adequate protection of water source is

crucial to ensure the quality of the water.

3.8 Expansion work on the water supply system in Tulu-Bolo town

The design period of the water supply system in Tulu-Bolo is nearing an end but according to

Brikke (2002) a sustainable system gives service for over a prolonged period of time which goes

beyond the lifespan of the original equipment. This requires an effective operation and

maintenance, expansion works and sometimes rehabilitating the entire system. The water

shortage in the study area coupled with the increasing population of the town necessitated the

TBWSSO to undertake some measures. In response, the Oromia Regional Water and Energy

bureau is undertaking an expansion work in Tulu-Bolo town to supply potable water to the entire

population of Tulu-Bolo and address the water shortage problem. The construction which started

in 2011 is fully financed by the regional water bureau because it was beyond the capacity of the

town water supply service office.

The expansion work utilizes the same spring used in the current water supply system. During the

field survey, a balancing chamber and a reservoir with a capacity of 30m3 and 500m

3 has already

been constructed next to the existing ones. According to the heads of TBWSSO and Oromia


Regional Water and Energy Bureau, fitting works are remaining for the system to start operation.

The equipments needed for the installations are imported materials. The fitting work hasn’t

begun because the needed materials haven’t arrived in the country yet. This additional water

supply system will be working in unison with the already existing system. It is planned that it

will provide water for those who don’t have access to potable water in the town. Moreover it is

anticipated that it will alleviate the water shortage faced by the community who use the current

water supply scheme. The community and the informants in the TBWSSO are highly counting

on this scheme to address the water supply shortage they currently face.

Photograph 8: New water reservoir Photograph 9: New collection chamber

As discussed previously, the major cause of water shortage in Tulu-Bolo town is the inability of

the existing water pump to function at day time. The informants were asked how the expansion

work intends to address this problem. According to the heads of TBWSSO and Oromia water

bureau, a new water pump is incorporated with the new scheme. It will be powered by electricity

but a backup generator will be available if power fails. The new water pump is expected to pump

5.83-21.83 lit/sec (TBWSSO, 2011). As mentioned in previous sections, the current water pump

fails to function at day time because the power available is not sufficient for the water pump to

utilize and operate. According to the sales manager of Tulu-Bolo Electric Utility office and the

manager of TBWSSO, the expansion work tries to address this problem by tapping into a

33,000KW of power line which is distributed to neighboring kebeles. This power line has ample

amount of power that is unused. Thus it is hoped that that both the current and new water pumps

will utilize this power.


The informants in the Oromia Water and Energy Bureau and the electric utility office in Tulu-

Bolo town stated that the regional bureau has already made payment to the electric utility office

to install the power line from the neighboring kebeles to Tulu-Bolo town in 2011. But it hasn’t

been installed due to lack of communication between TBWSSO and the electric utility office.

Furthermore, the electric utility office is currently facing shortage of wooden poles which will

delay the installations further. It is essential for the TBWSSO and the electric utility office to

coordinate and work in harmony since the water supply hinges on the availability of power.

Furthermore, the society hasn’t been consulted before the expansion work begun. Besides

undertaking the construction of the new scheme, consulting the society about the water supply

situations would have helped the institutions to evaluate the service given and incorporate any

other remedial measures to be undertaken alongside the construction.


Chapter Four

Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1 Summary of findings

In light of sustainability problems in the nation, this research has taken Tulu-Bolo town and the

surrounding villages in the kebeles of Keta-Insilale, Batu-Cherecha and Soyoma-Ganji to assess

the sustainability of water supply schemes in the area. The descriptive method of research was

utilized and questionnaire, key informant interview and personal observation were used for

gathering data. The sample respondents were 5% of the intended beneficiaries of the spring

water supply system and the interviewees are individuals who have firsthand information about

the subject matter.

1. What is the demand and supply of water in the area?

Out of the total sample households, 72.9% of the respondents said they require additional

water supply services. On the other hand, 94.5% of the respondents have access to

improved drinking water source (the population in Tulu-Bolo town and villages of Keta-

Insilale, Soyoma-Ganji are supplied from the spring water supply scheme while the

villagers of Batu-Cherecha obtain water from traditional hand dug wells).

The mean distance taken by public tap users to fetch water is 419.19 meters. In addition,

90.9% of the respondents have access to water within the radius of 1 km. Nonetheless,

public tap users queue for about 44.3 minutes daily at the public taps.

Out of the 63 respondents who fetch water from public taps, 57.1% said that the hours

available to fetch water was not enough. Moreover, 67.6% of the respondents indicated

that they needed additional public taps in their areas.

On average, the respondents in the study area consume 15.04 liters of water per capita per

day for domestic uses. Consequently, 46.5% of the respondents said the availed water

supply is not satisfactory.


On average the sample households in the area face water scarcity for 2 days in a week.

Furthermore, water is available at night time in Tulu-Bolo town, the villages of Soyoma-

Ganji and Keta-Insilale.

In response to the water scarcity and the growing population of Tulu-Bolo town, the

Oromia regional water and energy bureau is constructing additional water supply scheme

to supply the entire population of the town but the project hasn’t given the necessary

attention for the reasons of the current scheme failure.

2. What are the technical and institutional conditions of the water scheme?

Besides the old age of the spring water supply scheme, the design is of good quality and

suitable for future expansion. Nonetheless, there are three flaws with the design:

The outlet pipe from the water reservoir to the distribution pipes (6 inches

wide) is imbalanced with the inlet pipe (3 inches) which is from the collection

chamber to the reservoir.

The original water pipe lines don’t have gate valves.

The wide pipes are used in elevated areas and narrower pipes are used in low

areas, which seems to be switched

The water pump of the spring water supply scheme is non-functional at day time but works

during night hours and holidays.

The villagers of Batu-Cherecha have abandoned the public tap constructed in 2002. In

addition the hand pump constructed in 2004 is currently non-functional.

The construction quality of the hand pump is poor.

Most of the public taps and pipe lines of the spring water supply scheme are fixed within

a short period of time; 67.1% of those who have household connections and 77.9% of

public fountains users said it takes 1 to 3 days to fix water pipe line breakages and public

taps, respectively. On the contrary, the hand-pump in the village of Batu-Cherecha hasn’t

been repaired for about 6 months.

Out of the four technicians in TBWSSO, three have formal education (one has a diploma

in plumbing and two have 10+3 in plumbing) but one technician just received trainings

from Water Action.


A local technician in the village of Batu-Cherecha has received training before the

scheme was built. Additionally, the bureau has a technical team that is able to assist the

local technicians.

Spare parts are readily available in the study area but the qualities are low.

The Tulu-Bolo Town Water Supply Service Office is responsible for the maintenance and

operation of the spring water supply system.

More than half of the users of public taps said the number of hours availed by tap

attendants to collect water was not enough.

The hand pump in the village of Batu-Cherecha was supposed to be managed by a water

committee. But the committee was non-existent; the members of the committee haven’t

assumed their responsibilities and carried out their tasks. Moreover, the community in the

village collected water throughout the day as there was no tap attendant.

The woreda water office is unaware of the non-functionality of the hand pump in Batu-

Chercha. The woreda water office hasn’t followed up and supported the water committee.

There is a major difference between the organizational framework of TBWSSO and the

one specified by the MoWE. The town water supply service office falls short in few

departments and educational qualifications.

Out of the 119 sample households that lived in the area for more than 13 years, 81.5% of

them said they had participated in the development of the water supply schemes.

Furthermore, 57.1% of the respondents noted that the women in their households have

participated in the development of the scheme.

3. What is the financial condition of the water system?

The community in the study area, donor organization and the government has shared the

cost of constructing the spring water supply scheme.

The community and the woreda water office shared the cost of constructing the hand

pump in the village of Batu-Cherecha.

TBWSSO hasn’t achieved full-cost recovery while the water committee in the village of

Batu-Cherecha hasn’t achieved partial-cost recovery.

84.9% of the respondents noted that they don’t have financial difficulties to pay the tariff.


4. What is the condition of the water sources?

The spring, the source for the water supply scheme of Tulu-Bolo town; villages of

Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-Insilae, has a safe yield of 15 lit/sec as of 2011. Its yield was 20

lit/sec in 2000. The TBWSSO isn’t aware of the decline.

The area where the spring is located is open to the community.

The static water level of the ground water, the source for the villagers in Batu-Cherecha,

is 5m and the discharge is 0.5 lit/sec as of 2004.

Both water sources are a safe source of drinking water supply as per the Ethiopian


4.2 Conclusions

The population in Tulu-Bolo town, villages of Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-Insilale obtain water from

a scheme constructed in 2002 that utilizes spring as its source. The communities in these areas

have access to the water supply through public taps and household connections. The population in

these areas faces water shortage during the day although water is mostly available during night

time. The villagers in Batu-Cherecha collect water from traditionally hand dug wells because they

abandoned the public tap constructed in 2002 plus the hand dug well constructed by the Bacho

Woreda Water and Energy Office in 2004 is non-functional. Due to this, the current water supply

is not meeting the needs of the community in the study area and the water consumption level is

low. On the other hand, the distance travelled to fetch water in Tulu-Bolo town and villages of

Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-Insilae is low because public taps are located within convenient distance

to the community. Nonetheless, the society has to endure long queues to collect water which is

attributed to the increase in population and the unavailability of water during day time.

In response to this, the Oromia Regional Water and Energy Bureau is undertaking an expansion

work on the water supply system which intends to serve the entire population of the town for

about 15 years. This additional water supply system will be working in unison with the already

existing system but the work is taking too long and the problem that is majorly causing water

scarcity in the area is not addressed. Furthermore, the water supply didn’t consider the

population of Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-Insilale.


With regard to the technical condition of the water supply schemes, the spring water supply

system is of good quality while the hand pump in the village of Batu-Cherecha is of poor quality.

The spring water supply system is highly dependent on the electric power supply available in

Tulu-Bolo that is not enough to pump water during the day time. Thus, addressing the electric

power shortage addresses the water scarcity problem. In the village of Batu-Cherecha, it can be

seen that training local technicians doesn’t ensure the water supply scheme will be maintained

and repaired when needed. Finally, the low quality of spare parts in the study area subjects the

water supply schemes to immature breakages. Therefore, there are major problems in the

technical condition of the water supply schemes. While the hand pump in Batu-Cherecha is non-

functional; the spring water supply scheme only supplies water during at night time.

The institutional capacity of the managing bodies of the water supply schemes plays a high role

in the sustainability of the schemes. The hand dug well in Batu-Cherecha is non functional

because the water committee is non-existent. Thus, participation in the construction of water

supply schemes plus the existence of demand for an improved water supply doesn’t guarantee

the sustainability of the scheme. Moreover, the woreda water office didn’t ensure that the

community participation is sustained during the service life of the scheme. This also indicates

that the woreda water office doesn’t have the financial and human capital to follow up and assist

all the committees in the woreda. Community managed water supply schemes need support and

follow up from woreda water offices. On the other hand, the current staff in the TBWSSO is

highly dedicated to serving the community but the office generally lacks vital departments and

qualified personnel. Additionally, the time availed by tap attendants is not sufficient which

indicates that the town water supply office doesn’t monitor the operation of public taps.

Financial resources are vital for the construction and overall management of water schemes. An

efficient institutional capacity is crucial to raise and administer financial resources. Finance was

not raised post construction of the hand dug well in the village of Batu-Cherecha due to the lack

of an effective management. Contrary to the water committee in the village, TBWSSO is

financially autonomous but has only achieved partial-cost recovery i.e. the finance it generates

cover only operation and maintenance costs and is unable to finance an expansion or replace the

infrastructure after its useful life.


The sustainability of water resources hasn’t been given enough attention in the study area. The

spring water has experienced a 5 lit/sec decline within 10 years, which hasn’t been noticed by the

respective institutions. Furthermore, the spring is not properly fenced and protected from human

contamination. On the other hand, the woreda water office hasn’t recently checked the water

level and the discharge of the ground water in the village of Batu-Cherecha. The static level was

recorded as 5m and the discharge as 0.5 lit/sec before the construction of the scheme i.e. in 2004.

The services rendered by the water supply schemes in the study area are not sustainable due to

technical problems which are majorly the result of institutional incapacity and lack of

cooperation among different institutions. The absence of an effective management of one of the

schemes has also resulted in lack of financial resources to repair the scheme. In addition, the

managing institutions haven’t given due attention to the quantity of the water sources which has

shown an evident decline in one of the study areas. Strengthening the capacity of the managing

bodies of water supply schemes and enhancing cooperation among the institutions is an

underlying determinant for the provision of a sustainable water supply service. In addition, the

institutional, social, technical, environmental and financial dimensions are correlated with water

supply systems. These determinants are affecting the availability, reliability and sustainability of

the water supply. Therefore, it is essential that a holistic approach be taken which addresses all

sustainability factors and the relationships between them to sustain water supply services.

4.3 Recommendations


Data on non-functional water supply schemes should be available at kebele, woreda and

national levels.

Form a co-ordination committee at regional or woreda level for different stakeholders to

work together.

Woreda and town water supply offices should conduct a continuous management,

operation, maintenance, environmental performance measurement.



Construct more public taps in Tulu- Bolo town and villages of Soyoma-Ganji and Keta-


The town water supply service and electric utility office should coordinate to address the

problem of power supply for the water pump immediately.

Use alternative power systems like solar and windmill to power the water pump of the

spring water supply scheme.

The public taps in the study area should be availed both in the morning and early

evenings to adequately serve the community. Additionally, TBWSSO should monitor the

tap attendants and enforce a regulation to adequately serve the community.

TBWSSO needs to hire more meter readers as the town is expanding and the number of

household connections increasing.

BWWEO should adopt a legal agreement with the water committees in the woreda to

avoid negligence.

The Woreda Water and Energy Office should monitor and ensure the quality of the

construction of the water supply schemes in the area.

Communities should participate in determining appropriate locations for public taps/

hand pumps and their participation should be ongoing throughout service delivery.

Capacity building and institutional strengthening of the woreda and town water offices-

specifically strengthen the financial capacity and human capital in the offices.

Partnership and continual dialogue should exist between the committees and the woreda

water office. An ongoing institutional support and regular monitoring by the woreda

water office can help preempt the reluctance observed with water committee in Batu-

Cherecha. Support activities compromises encouragement and motivation; technical and

financial assistance; community sensitization and trainings; capacity building; monitoring

and evaluation and setting-up effective financing mechanisms.

The town water supply service office in collaboration with the woreda water office

should consider supplying water to surrounding villages to serve the community and in

return increase its finances.

If water supply users understand that they must pay for water, rather than to maintain a

system, the financial obstacles facing the Batu-Cherecha community could be addressed.


A fixed radius between the spring and sources of potential pollution should be enforced.

Chlorination of the spring water supply system should be carried out by the office

constantly and in definite intervals.

The quality and quantity of the water sources need to be checked occasionally and

documented as well. The water consumed should not be over-exploited but naturally




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Appendix I: Supplementary tables and figures

Table 1 Martial status of respondents

Response Frequency Percent Valid percent

Divorced 7 4.9 4.9

Married 109 75.7 76.2

Single 10 6.9 7

Widowed 17 11.8 11.9

Total 143 99.3 100

Missing 1 0.7

Total 144 100

Table 2 Satisfaction with the time available to fetch water form public taps

Satisfaction level Frequency Percent

More than enough 1 1.6

Enough 15 23.8

Fair 11 17.5

Not enough 36 57.1

Total 63 100

Source: Field survey, 2015

Table 3 Problems with the quality of water

Response Frequency Percent

No 124 86.1

Yes 20 13.9

Total 144 100

Source: Field survey, 2015

Table 4 Type of water quality problem

Response Frequency Percent

Lack of chlorine 2 10.0

Dirt 13 65.0

Dirt +chlorine 5 25.0

Total 20 100.0

Source: Field survey, 2015


Figure 1a Organizational set up for small towns (no of population< 15,000)

Source: Organizational setup for urban water supply services, MoWE (2013)


Appendix II

A. Questionnaire for Beneficiaries

I. In English

General Introduction: The main objective of this questionnaire is to gather information about

the supply and demand of water; technical, financial, institutional and social sustainability of the

water scheme in Tulu-Bolo and surrounding villages. The data to be collected from this

interview will be used only for educational research purpose. Your responses will be kept

confidential. So, I kindly request you to participate in this study voluntarily. The quality of this

study depends on your genuine response. Therefore, you are kindly requested to answer all

questions and give reliable information on the issues. Thank you in advance for your time and kind cooperation!

Date: _______________

Name of the enumerator: __________________

Name of the Kebele / Village: _____________________________

Part One: Background of beneficiaries

1. Gender

A. Male B. Female

2. Age range

A.18-25 B.26-35 C.36-45 D.46-55 E. 56-65

3. Marital Status

A. Single B. Married C. Divorced D. Widowed

4. Educational Level

A. First degree and above B. Diploma/12+1-12+3

C. Grade 9-12 C. Grade 1-8 D. Read and write E. Illiterate

5. Occupation (Multiple choices are possible)

A. Farming B. Commercial /Trade C. Government employee D. Daily laborer

E. Private organization employee F. If other, please specify_______

6. HH Size: __________________

7. Monthly income in birr

A. less than 500 B. 501-1,000 C.1, 001-2,000

D. 2,001-5,000 E. 5,001-8,000 F. More than 80,000 F. Don’t want to say

8. Do you need water supply services?

A. Yes B. No

Part Two: Questions forwarded to Beneficiaries

2.1 Access to safe drinking water

1. For what purpose do you use water? (Multiple choices are possible)

A. Domestic use (drinking, food preparation, bathing and washing clothes)


B. Cattle watering C. irrigation of crops D. Other

2. What is the water supply system you use?

A. Household connections B. Public taps

C. Directly from the spring D. Hand pump E. River F. Other, specify______

3. Does the current water supply meet your water consumption needs?

A. More than enough B. Satisfactory C. Fairly D. It doesn’t

4. If your answer is ‘C’ and ‘D’ to Q. 3, on average how many times a week do you face


A. Once a week B. Twice a week C. Thrice a week D. More than three days a week

5. In case of interruption what is your alternative source of water supply?

A. Spring Water B. domestic water storage C. River D. Other, specify____________

6. On average how many Jeri can/clay pot (20 liters) of water do you need for your household

per day?

A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 E.1

For public public tap/ hand pump users

7. How long does it take you for a round trip to fetch water?

A. less than 15 minutes B. 16-30 minutes C. 31 minutes – 1hour D. more than 1 hour

8. How long do you stand in que to fetch water from the closest public tap?

A. less than 20 minutes B. 21-30 minutes C. 31 – 60 minutes D. More than 1 hour

9. How far is the public tap from your household (estimated distance in meters)?

A. 500 or less B. 501- 1000 C. 1001- 1500 D.1501-2000 E. more than 2Kilometers

10. At what time is the public tap available to fetch water? _____________________

11. How satisfied are you with number of hours available to fetch water?

A. More than enough B. satisfactory C. Fairly E. not satisfactory

12. Is there a need for additional public taps?

A. Yes B. No

13. Who is usually going to the public tap to fetch water for your household? (Multiple choices

are possible)

A. Adult woman B. Adult man C. Female child b/n 15-18 years of age

D. Female child (under15yr) E. Male child b/n 15-18 years of age

F. Male Child (under15 yrs)

2.2. Questions regarding technical Issues

14. How frequently did the water pipe/public tap/ hand pump line fail in the past year?

A. more than 5 times B. 5-3 times C. 2- 1times

15.How long does it take to fix a malfunction?

A. 1-3 days B. 4-7 days C. 8-14 days D.14 days- a month E. More than a month


2.3. Questions regarding institutional and social issues

16. Were you involved in the development of the water supply scheme?

A. Yes B. No

17. If your response to Q16 is 'yes’ at what stage of the development process did you participate?

(Multiple responses is possible)

A. Planning B. Construction C. Management D. None E. other, specify _____

18. What type of participation did you have during the scheme construction? (Multiple

responses is possible)

A. Cash B. Labor C. local materials D. Idea E. None F. Other

19. Are you satisfied with the service given by community management/water supply service


A. Highly satisfied B. Satisfied

C. Fairly satisfied D. Not Satisfied

20. What problems do you observe under the administration of the water supply service

office/community management?

A. unable to fix technical problems on time B. lack of skilled manpower

C. Staff is not available in working hours D. Lack of financial resource

E. lack of equipments F. setting of high tariff

G. I don’t observe any problem

21. What type of participation did women in your household have in the overall water supply

development? (Multiple responses is possible)

A. Planning B. Implementation C. Management D. None

2.4 Questions regarding financial issues

22. Do you pay a fee for your water service?

A. Yes B. No

23. If your answer for Q22 is No, what are your reasons?

A. Tariff is not set to the service provided B. The tariff is expensive

C. the quality of water is unsatisfactory D. water collected is insufficient

E. other, specify_______________

Question 24-32 are to those who pay tariff

24. If your answer to Q. 22 is yes, how much do you pay?

A. Publictap users, how much do you pay per Jerri can (20 liters)? ________

B. Household connections, how much do you pay monthly on average? _______

25. Do you pay water fees on time? (Household connections)

A. Yes B. No

26. If your answer for Q25 is No, what are your reasons?

A. The tariff is expensive B. I don’t trust the tariff collector


C. The quality of water is unsatisfactory D. water collected is insufficient

E. other, specify_______________

27. What is your perception on tariff level?

A. Expensive B. Fair C. Inexpensive D. I don’t know

28. Do you have problems in paying tariff (ability to pay)?

A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes

29. Do you think beneficiaries should pay water fee?

A. Yes B. No

30. In Q.29 above if the answer is yes, why? (Multiple responses is possible)

A. to build new water scheme B. to cover operation and maintenance cost

C. Others, specify_______

31. In Q.29 above if the answer is no, why? (Multiple responses is possible)

A. Water is considered as a gift of nature and hence it should be provided for free

B. The villagers are poor and they cannot afford it

C. The use of traditional source of water has no problem and I prefer to use that source rather

than paying fee for improved water

D. Other, specify_____________

32. Who is the owner of the scheme? (Multiple responses is possible)

A. The community B. Local gov’t C. NGOs

D. I don’t know E. other, specify _______

2.5Questions regarding environmental issues/ source of water supply

33. Do you face problems with the quality of the water?

A. Yes B. No

34. If your answer to Q. 38 is ‘yes’, what are the quality problems?

A. It has unusual odor B. It has unusual color C. It has unusual taste

D. It is not continually chlorinated E. It contains dirt

35. If your answer to Q. 38 is ‘yes’, when do you face quality problems?

A. Dry season B. Rainy season C. doesn’t vary in season

36. Do you have anything additional to say about the water supply?


Thank you for your cooperation!


II. In Amharic

ለውሀ ተጠቃሚዎች የቀረበ መጠይቅ የዚህ መጠይቅ ዋና አላማ የቱሉ ቦሎን እና በአቅራቢያው ያሉት አከባቢዎች ውሀ አቅራቦት እና ፍላጎት ፤ የውሀ ሲስተሙን ቴክኒካል፣ አስስተዳደር፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና አከባቢያዊ ሁኔታ ለማጥናት ነው:: የሚሰበሰበው ዳታ ለትምህርት ብቻ የሚውል ነው:: የማንነታችሁ ሚስጥር የተጠበቀ ነው:: ስለዚህ ትክክለኛውን መልስ እንዲሰጡ በትህትና እጠይቃለሁ:: ለትብብራችሁ አመሰግናለሁ:: ቀን ፡…………………………….. የጠያቂው ስም፡…………………………………………..………… የቀበሌው እና የገሬው ስም፡………….…………………………………………………….

ክፍል አንድ ፡ ስለተጠቃሚው መረጃ 1. ጶታ

ሀ. ወንድ ለ. ሴት 2. እድሜ

ሀ. 18-25 ለ. 26-35 መ. 36-45 ሰ.46-55 ረ.56-65

3. የጋብቻ ሁኔታ ሀ. ያለጋባ ለ. ያገባ መ. የፈታ ሰ. ባለቤት የሞተበት

4. የትምህርት ሁኔታ ሀ.የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ እና ከዚያ በላይ ለ.ዲፕሎማ/ 12+1-12+3 መ.9-12 ክፍል ሰ.1-8 ክፍል ረ.መጳፍ እና ማንበብ ብቻ ሽ. ያልተማረ

5. የስራ ሁኔታ (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ. ገበሬ ለ. ነጋዴ መ.የመንግስት ሰራተኛ ሰ.የግል መስሪያ ቤት ሰራተኛ ረ.የቀን ሰራተኛ ሽ. ሌላ፣………………………………..

6. የቤተሰብ ብዛት ……………………………. 7. ወርሃዊ ገቢ (በብር)

ሀ. ከ 500 ያነሰ ለ. 501-1,100 መ. 1, 001-2,000 ሰ. 2,001-5,000 ረ. ከ5,001-8000 የበለጠ ሽ. ከ 8000 በላይ ቀ. ለመናገር ፈቃደኛ አይደለሁም

8. የውሃ አገልግሎት ያስፈልጎታል ? ሀ. አዎ ለ. አያስፈልግም

ክፍል ሁለት፤ ለተጠቃሚው የቀረበ ጥያቄ

2.1 ስለውሃ አቅራቦት የቀረበ ጥያቄ 1. ውሃ ለምን አገልግሎት ነው የምትጠቀሙት ?(ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል)

ሀ. ለመጠጥ፤ለምግብ እና ለንጵህና ለ. ለእንስሳት መጠጥ መ. ለእርሻ ሰ. ሌላ፣…………………………….

2. ለመጠጥ፤ለምግብ እና ለንጵህና የምትጠቀሙት የውሃ ሲስተም ምንድነው? ሀ. የግል ውሃ ቧንቧ መስመር ለ. የውሃ ቦኖ መ. ቀጥታ ከኦ-ኦ ምንጭ ሰ. የእጅ ፐምፕ ረ. ከወንዝ ሽ. ሌላ፣…………………………….

3. አሁን ያለው የውሃ አቅራቦት በቂ ነው? ሀ. ከበቂ በላይ ነው ለ. በቂ ነው መ. መካከለኛ ነው ሰ. በቂ አይይደለም

4. ለጥያቄ 3 መልሳችሁ መ፣ሰ ከሆነ በአማካይ በሳምንት ምን ያህል ቀን የውሃ እጥረት ያጋጥማል? ሀ. አንድ ቀን ለ. ሁለት ቀን መ. ሶስት ቀን ሰ. ከሶስት ቀን በላይ

5. ውሃ ሲጠፋ ውሃ ከየት ታገኛላችችሁ? ሀ. ከኦ-ኦ ምንጭ ለ. ከውሃ ማጠራቀሚያ መ. ወንዝ ሰ. ሌላ፣…………………………….

6. እንደ ቤተሰብ በቀን ምን ያህል ጀሪካን ውሃ ትጠቀማላችሁ ? ሀ. 5 ለ. 4 መ.3 ሰ. 2 ሽ. 1


ለቦኖ ተጠቃሚዎች/ የእጅ ፐምፕ ብቻ

7. አንድ ጊዜ ውሃ ቀድቶ ለመመለስ ምን ያህል ጊዜ ይፈጃል? ሀ. ከ15 ደቂቃ በታች ለ. ከ16-30 ደቂቃ መ. ከ31-60 ደቂቃ ሰ. ከ 1 ሰአት በላይ

8. በአቅራቢያችሁ ካለው የውሃ ቦኖ ውሃ ለመቅዳት ምን ያህል ጊዜ ትቆማላችሁ? ሀ. ከ20 ደቂቃ በታች ለ. ከ21-30 ደቂቃ መ. ከ31-60 ደቂቃ ሰ. ከ 1 ሰአት በላይ

9. የውሃ ቦኖው ከቤታችሁ ምን ያህል ይርቃል (በሜትር ግምት)?

ሀ. ከ 500 በታች ለ. ከ501- 1000 መ. ከ1001- 1500

ሰ. 1501-2000 ረ. ከ 2ኪሎ ሜትር በላይ

10. ውሃ ለመቅዳት የውሃ ቦኖው ስንት ሰአት ነው ክፍት የሚሆነው? ----------

11. የውሃ ቦኖው ክፍት የሚሆንበት ሰአት አጥጋቢ ነው? ሀ. ከበቂ በላይ ነው ለ. በቂ ነው መ. መካከለኛ ነው ሰ. በቂ አይይደለም

12. የውሃ ቦኖው ለአከባቢው ነዋሪ በቂ ነው? ሀ. ከበቂ በላይ ነው ለ. በቂ ነው መ. መካከለኛ ነው ሰ. በቂ አይይደለም

13. ለቤት ብዙ ጊዜ ማነው ውሃ ሚቀዳው?(ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል)

ሀ. ጎልማሳ ሴት ለ. ጎልማሳ ወንድ መ. ሴት ልጅ (15-18 አመት) ሰ. ሴት ልጅ(15 በታች)

ሸ. ወንድ ልጅ(15-18 አመት) ቀ. ወንድ ልጅ (15 በታች)

2.2 ቴክኒካል ሁኔታዎች 14. የውሃ መስመሩ በባለፈው አመት በአማካይ ምን ያህል ጊዜ ተበላሽቷል?

ሀ. ከ5 ጊዜ በላይ ለ. 5- 3ጊዜ መ. 2- 1ጊዜ ሠ. አልተበላሸም 15. የውሃ መስመር ሲበላሽ ለመጠገን ምን ያህል ጊዜ ይፈጃል?

ሀ. ከ1-3 ቀን ለ. ከ4-7 ቀን መ. ከ8- 14ቀን ሰ. ከ14ቀን- 1ወር ረ. ከ1ወር በላይ

2.3.የአስተዳደር እና ማህበራዊ ሁኔታዎች 16. የውሃ አቅራቦት ሲስተሙ ሲሰራ ተሳትፎ ነበሮት?

ሀ. አዎ ለ. አልተሳተፍኩም

17. ለጥያቄ 19 መልሶት አዎ ከሆነ፣ ምን ላይ ነው የተሳተፉት? (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ. እቅድ ላይ ለ. ግንባታ ላይ መ. አስተዳደር ላይ/ የውሃ ኮሚቴ ሰ. ሌላ፣…………….

18. የውሃ አቅራቦት ሲስተም ግንባታ ላይ በምንድነው ተሳትፎ ያረጉት ? (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ. በብር ለ. በጉልበት መ. እቃ በማቅረብ ሰ. በሃሳብ ሽ. አልተሳተፍኩም ረ. ሌላ፣……………

19. የውሃ ቢሮ በሚሰጠው አገልግሎት ደስተኛ ናችሁ/ አጥጋቢ ነው ? ሀ. ከበቂ በላይ ነው ለ. በቂ ነው መ. መካከለኛ ነው ሰ. በቂ አይይደለም

20. የውሃ ቢሮ በሚሰጠው አስስተዳደር ላይ ምን ችግር ያያሉ ? (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ.ብልሽልት ለመጠገን ብዙ ጊዜ ይፈጃል ለ. የተማረ የሰው ሃይል እጥረት መ. ሰራተኞች በሰአት አለመገኘት ሰ. የፋይናንስ እጥረት ረ. የታሪፍ ውድነት ሽ. ምንም ችግር አላይም

21. በቤትዎ ውስጥ ያሉ ሴቶች በዉሃ አቅራቦት ፕሮጀክቱ ላይ ምን አይነት ተሳትፎ ነበራቸው ? (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ. እቅድ ላይ ለ. ግንባታ ላይ መ. አስተዳደር ላይ/ የውሃ ኮሚቴ ሰ. ተሳትፎ አልነበራቸውም

2.4.የፋይናንስ ሁኔታዎች

22. ለውሃ አቅራቦት ታሪፍ ይከፍላሉ ? ሀ. አዎ ለ. አልከፍልም

23. ለጥያቄ 22 መልሶት አልከፍልም ከሆነ፤ ለምን? ሀ. ውሀው በነጳ እንድጥጠቀም ነው የተሰራው/ታሪፍ አልተቀመጠለትም ለ. ታሪፉ ውድ ነው መ. የውሃው ጥራት አጥጋቢ አይደለም ሰ. የውሃ አቅራቦቱ በቂ አይደለም ረ. ሌላ፣…………………………..


ጥያቄ 24-33 የውሃ ታሪፍ ለሚከፍሉ

24. ለጥያቄ 22 መልሶት አዎ ከሆነ፣ ምን ያህል ነው የሚከፍሉት ? ሀ. ለቦኖ/የእጅ ፐምፕ ተጠቃሚዎች፣ በጀሪካን ምን ያህል ይከፍላሉ?............................... ለ. ለቧንቧ መስመር ተጠቃሚዎች፣ በአማካይ ወር ምን ያህል ይከፍላሉ?...................................

25. ለውሃ አቅራቦት ታሪፍ በተገደበው ጊዜ ይከፍላሉ (ለቧንቧ መስመር ተጠቃሚዎች ብቻ)? ሀ. አዎ ለ. በጊዜው አልከፍልም

26. ለጥያቄ 25 መልሶት በጊዜው አልከፍልም ከሆነ፣ምክንያቶት ምንድነው? (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ. ታሪፉ ውድ ነው ለ. የታሪፉን ሰብሳቢ አላምነውም መ. የውሃው ጥራት አጥጋቢ አይደለም ሰ. የውሃ አቅራቦቱ በቂ አይደለም ረ.ሌላ፣…………………

27. የውሃ አቅራቦት ታሪፉ እንዴት ያዩታል ? ሀ. ውድ ነው ለ. ተመጣጣኝ ነው መ. ውድ አይደለም

28. የውሃ ታሪፉን መክፈል ይከብዶታል? ሀ. አዎ ለ. አይከብድም መ. አልፎ አልፎ

29. የውሃ ተጠቃሚዎች ለውሃ መክፈል አለባቸው ብለው ያስባሉ? ሀ. አዎ ለ. አላስብም

30. ለጥያቄ 29 መልሶት አዎ ከሆነ፣ ለምን? (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ. ተጨማሪ የውሃ ፕሮጀክቶችን ለመስራት ለ. ለጥገና እና ለስራ ማስኬጃ መ. ሌላ፣………………………..

31. ለጥያቄ 29 መልሶት አላስብም ከሆነ፣ለምን? ሀ. ውሃ የተፈጥሮ ስጦታ ነውና በነጳ ሊቀርብ ይገባል ለ. ለተጠቃሚው ውድ ነው መ. እየከፈልኩ ከምጠቀም ከ ኦ-ኦ ምንጭ/ወንዝ ቀድቶ መጠቀም መርጣለሁ ሰ. ሌላ፣…………………………………………..

32. የውሀው ሲስተሙ የማን ነው ብለው ያስባሉ ? (ከአንድ በላይ ምርጫ ይቻላል) ሀ. የአከባቢው ነዋሪ ለ. በጎ አድራጎት ድርጅት መ. የመንግስት ሰ. አላውቅም ሽ. ሌላ፣……………………………..

2.5.የውሀው ምንጭ ሁኔታዎች 33. በውሃ ጥራት ላይ ችግር አለ?

ሀ. አዎ ለ.የለም 34. ለጥያቄ 39 መልሶት አዎ ከሆነ፣ ምን አይነት ችግር አለ?

ሀ. ያልተለመደ ጠረን ለ. ያልተለመደ ከለር መ. ያልተለመደ ጠአም ሰ. ክሎሪን ማነስ ሽ. አፈር ይቀላቀልበታል

35. ለጥያቄ 39 መልሶት አዎ ከሆነ፣ በምን ወቅት ላይ ነው የውሃ ጥራት ችግር ያለው? ሀ. በበጋ ለ. በክረምት መ. በወቅት አይለያይም

36. በመጨረሻ ስለውሃ አቅራቦቱ ማለት የሚፈልጉት ነገር አለ?

ለትብብርዎ አመሰግናለሁ


B. Key informant interview and personal observation checklists

Date - _______________

Name - _______________________________

Gender - _______________________________

Education Level - ________________________

Occupation - ____________________________

1. Interview with the manager of TBWSSO

1. What is the existing water supply situation of the Town?

2. Are there any flaws with the design of the water supply system?

3. Is the water system (the hydraulic structures like the reservoir, balancing chamber and the

engine house) designed to allow future expansion?

4. What is the technical condition of the entire system?

5. How often is repair needed with regard to the entire system?

6. Are there adequate equipments for maintenance?

7. What kind of skills do the technicians have to maintain and operate the system?

8. What are the major goals and objectives of the office?

9. What is the education level of the staff?

10. Does the office have enough resources (money, skilled personnel, transportation) to

manage the system?

11. What kind of support do you receive from other institutions (local, regional gov’t or

NGOs, banks)?

12. Has your office received any training (on water supply issues) recently from other


2. Interview with the Finance manager of TBWSSO

1. Is the town water office financially autonomous?

2. Do you face lack of finance for operation and maintenance of the scheme?

3. How are tariffs set in the area?

4. Was the tariff set with consultation with the community?

5. How is your finance handled?

6. How do you control the tariffs charged by tap attendants?

7. Does the revenue cover the costs (repair, maintenance and extension)?

8. Does the office finance the current extension project?

9. What are the major financial problems you face?


3. Interview with two water technicians in TBWSSO; plumber and


1. What is the existing water supply situation of the study area?

2. Are there any flaws with the design of the water supply system?

3. Is the water system designed to allow future expansion?

4. What is the technical condition of the entire system (reservoir, balancing chamber, engine

house, public taps?

5. What technical problems do you encounter?

6. What are the technical problems the society complains about?

7. Do you have the necessary spare parts at your disposal?

8. How often is repair needed with regard to the public taps and water pipe lines?

9. Have you received the necessary trainings to manage the water supply system?

10. Have you faced a technical problem that is above your training?

11. What is your means of transportation to visit schemes?

12. Does the society have the perception of responsibility and ownership?

4. Interview with two tap attendants of public taps in Tulu-Bolo Town and

surroundings villages

1. Is the public tap functioning? How many faucets are functioning?

2. How many times a month does the public tap require repair?

3. How long does it take to repair the public tap, if it needs repair?

4. What time are people allowed to fetch water?

5. What is the peak time for water collection?

6. Are there long queues to fetch water?

7. Is the public tap sufficient to the society living around it?

8. Does the society consider the public tap like their property?

9. How much do you charge per liter?

10. How do you manage the tariff collected?

11. What measures do you take to protect the public tap from improper usage?

12. What do you think about the quality of the water?

13. Does the quantity vary during dry season?

5. Interview with the project manager of Water Action involved in the Tulu-

Bolo Town Water Supply System

1. Did the society participate in choosing the technology?

2. Did the society get training to embed an understanding of technology upkeep,

maintenance and, proper usage?

3. Were there technical trainings given to the community?


4. What kind of institution did the organization set up for the management of the water


5. Was the water project the first priority need of the beneficiary?

6. Did the community participate in the planning and implementation of the project? If yes,


7. Were women involved in the planning and implementation of the project?

8. How often did Water Action give trainings after construction of the system?

9. Were there any problems regarding finance in the implementation phase?

10. Was the society’s ability and willingness to pay assessed?

11. What kind of financial management was set up?

6. Interview with the head of Oromia water and energy Bureau

1. Are water committees being replaced with water supply service offices? If yes, why?

2. What are the problems that face water committees in the region?

3. What is the water coverage in Oromia region?

4. What is the % in non functionality in the region?

5. What is the involvement of Oromia Water Bureau in the current and previous

construction of water supply in Tulu-Bolo?

6. Did the office take into account lessons learnt from the previous water service?

7. Will the current construction of water scheme alleviate the water supply shortage in the


8. What measures is the Oromia Bureau taking to increase the sustainability of water supply

in the region?

7. Interview with the head of Bacho woreda water and energy office

1. What are the problems facing water supply in the woreda?

2. Non functionality in % in the woreda? In the rural villages?

3. What are the responsibilities of the woreda water office?

4. What are the problems that face water committees?

5. Does your office give external support to community managed or town’s water supply

service offices? (technical, financial or training)What kind of support?

6. How do you monitor water committees in the woreda?

7. What measures has the office taken to sustain the quantity of the water source in Batu-


8. Interview with the technician of the hand pump in Batu-Cherecha

1. How often does the hand pump need repair?

2. What are the major reasons for malfunctions?

3. Do you have access to spare parts easily?

4. Have you received the necessary trainings to upkeep the scheme?

5. What is the technical condition of the scheme?


9. Interview with an informant in Tulu-Bolo Electric utility customer service


1. Why doesn’t the water pump function at day time?

2. What measures have been taken to alleviate the problem?

3. What measures are being taken to address the problem for the upcoming new water supply


4. Why has it taken so long to fix the problem?

10. Interview with the co-chairperson of the water committee in


1. How many households does the scheme serve?

2. Is there a need for more water supply schemes in the area?

3. Do you face water shortage in the area?

4. Is there a tap attendant in charge of water collection?

5. What are the technical problems faced?

6. Do you have access to spare parts easily?

7. Does the woreda water office follow up on your progress and activity?

8. Do you receive any external support?

9. Do you have financial resources available?

10. Does the revenue cover the operation and maintenance cost?

11. How is the quality of the water?

11. Personal observation checklist

1. The existing situation of water supply and demand in the study area.

2. What are the types of the water scheme used by the population in the study area?

3. What are the types of water sources used in the study area?

4. Alternative water supply sources, when the schemes fail.

5. Is the technology used in the study area user friendly?

6. The technical condition of the spring capping structure, balancing chamber, water reservoir,

water pump and public taps.

7. The management of the water supply schemes.

9. How is the coordination between communities, water supply service offices and other


10. The financial management and personnel in the managing bodies of the scheme?

11. What are the measures taken to protect and conserve the water sources?

12. What are the settlement patterns and topographic nearby water source?


Appendix III

Tulu Bolo Town Water Supply Service Office

Water Connection Estimation Form

Customer name ___________________________

Address of property to be connected

Kebele__________________ House No ____________

No Description Size Quantity Price of material

obtained privately





1 Pipe

2 Pipe

3 Elbow

4 Tee

5 Union

6 Union

7 Nipples

8 Nipples

9 Reducer

10 Gate valve

11 Gate valve

12 Faucet

13 Pipe saddle


14 Fiber

15 Antirust

16 Water meter


Material price________________

30% of material price (1-30m) __________________

20% of material price (31-60m) _________________

15% of material price (above 61m) ____________________

35% of water meter _____________

Deposit ____________________

Excavation fee ____________________

Permission fee ____________________

Estimation fee ____________________

Requisition form __________________

Customer card ____________________


Total amount _____________________

% 5 service charge __________________

Total amount paid ___________________

Price calculated by ____________________

Date ____________________

I have calculated the above total amount with cash receipt voucher

Number____________ Date ______________________

Approved by WSSU Accountant __________________

Date ________________________________________

Approved by head of WSSU _____________________

Date __________


Appendix IV- Agreement for household connections





Appendix V Date: ___________

Tulu Bolo Town Water Supply Service Office

Water Service Supplying Agreement Form

Agreement provider: Tulu-Bolo town water supply service office

Agreement receiver: Mr. /Mrs. ______________________

Address: _____________ Village (Got) ______________ House no. _________

I, the agreement receiver, agree herein after to provide public tap service in accordance with the

price set up by the service office which means 4 ETB/ m3. I agree to submit the total sale of

water monthly to the office. I, hereby, supply Mr. / Mrs. _________ for the surety and guaranty

of this service agreement, whose address is Tulu-Bolo town, Kebele ______. I understand and

agree to provide the necessary payments expected from me until I or the office terminates the


Now, therefore, the office which is engaged in providing this service also understood and agreed

in order to follow up water meter guage regularly and collect the appropriate balanced amount of

expected payments from the agreement receiver. The office is entitled to take the case before a

court of law if the agreement receiver fails to submit the necessary payments on the described


Signature of the surety: ______________

Agreement receiver For Agreement provider

Name: __________________ Name: _________________

Signature: _______________ Signature: ______________

Date: ___________________ Date: ___________________


1. _____________________ ________________

2._____________________ ________________

3._____________________ ________________