1 Sonic Booms, Earthquakes and HAARP by Craig Patin “In order to understand HAARP as a weapon, either you have to understand or generally accept the explanation of the technology by others who do understand, that is, if you don’t possess the intelligence to understand this technology.” In June of 2016, Taft California started to witness strange “sonic boom” sounds. Some thought that it was military jets just passing through that were causing these sonic booms. Others wondered if it was due to fracking or maybe local oil field companies setting off underground detonations or maybe some sort of detonations from the local kitty litter companies. Some had even wondered if it were connected to the strange “trumpet” sounds that had been heard all around the world for the last few years. The obvious and most common argument for what these booms are, were sonic booms from jets. “The sonic boom is the noise from two shock waves which a supersonic aircraft continuously generates as it flies supersonically through the atmosphere.” http://sonicbooms.org/boomprimer.html NASA says this about sonic booms from jets. “Altitude determines the distance shock waves travel before reaching the ground, and this has the most significant effect on intensity. As the shock cone gets wider, and it moves outward and downward, its strength is reduced. Generally, the higher the aircraft, the greater the distance the shock wave must travel, reducing the intensity of the sonic boom. Of all the factors influencing sonic booms, increasing altitude is the most effective method of reducing sonic boom intensity. The width of the boom "carpet" beneath the aircraft is about one mile for each 1000 feet of altitude. An aircraft, for example, flying supersonic at 50,000 feet can produce a sonic boom cone about 50 miles wide.” (https://www.nasa.gov/centers/armstrong/news/FactSheets/FS-016-DFRC.html) According to NASA the higher the jet is in altitude, the less intense the sonic boom is. The sonic booms that we have heard in Taft were loud and were able to shake houses and rattle windows. Not to mention, I have personally been outside working when these booms have happened and there was not a jet to be found in the sky. When hearing this boom, this was always the first thing I would look for. All of these “theories” could be easily debunked as far as t hese Taft booms go, but the one theory some believed to be true could have something to do with the San Andreas Fault line moving. Being that Taft is located around 30 driving miles (15 miles as the crow flies) South East of the fault line near Carrizo Plains, this could possibly have something to do with it. Some believe that when the ground shifts near fault lines that it is possible that booms and strange sounds can be heard. The USGS published an article on April 7 th 2016 called “Earthquake booms, seneca guns, and other sounds”. I want you to notice the date though. 2016 of this year is when they decided to publish a paper on it, after years of strange unexplainable sounds from not only the United States but all around the world. You would have thought they would have published this paper long ago. In the first paragraph they say “Earthquake "booms" have been reported for a long time, and they tend to occur more in the Northeastern US and along the East Coast. Of course, most "booms" that people hear or experience are actually some type of cultural noise, such as some type of explosion, a large vehicle going by, or sometimes a sonic boom, but there have been many reports of "booms" that cannot be explained by man-made sources. No one knows for sure, but scientists speculate

Sonic Booms, Earthquakes and HAARP

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Sonic Booms, Earthquakes and HAARP by

Craig Patin

“In order to understand HAARP as a weapon, either you have to understand or generally accept the explanation of the technology by others who do understand, that is, if you don’t

possess the intelligence to understand this technology.”

In June of 2016, Taft California started to witness strange “sonic boom” sounds. Some thought

that it was military jets just passing through that were causing these sonic booms. Others wondered

if it was due to fracking or maybe local oil field companies setting off underground detonations or

maybe some sort of detonations from the local kitty litter companies. Some had even wondered if

it were connected to the strange “trumpet” sounds that had been heard all around the world for the

last few years. The obvious and most common argument for what these booms are, were sonic

booms from jets. “The sonic boom is the noise from two shock waves which a supersonic aircraft

continuously generates as it flies supersonically through the atmosphere.”


NASA says this about sonic booms from jets. “Altitude determines the distance shock waves travel

before reaching the ground, and this has the most significant effect on intensity. As the shock cone

gets wider, and it moves outward and downward, its strength is reduced. Generally, the higher the

aircraft, the greater the distance the shock wave must travel, reducing the intensity of the sonic

boom. Of all the factors influencing sonic booms, increasing altitude is the most effective method

of reducing sonic boom intensity. The width of the boom "carpet" beneath the aircraft is about one

mile for each 1000 feet of altitude. An aircraft, for example, flying supersonic at 50,000 feet can

produce a sonic boom cone about 50 miles wide.”


According to NASA the higher the jet is in altitude, the less intense the sonic boom is. The sonic

booms that we have heard in Taft were loud and were able to shake houses and rattle windows.

Not to mention, I have personally been outside working when these booms have happened and

there was not a jet to be found in the sky. When hearing this boom, this was always the first thing

I would look for. All of these “theories” could be easily debunked as far as these Taft booms go,

but the one theory some believed to be true could have something to do with the San Andreas Fault

line moving. Being that Taft is located around 30 driving miles (15 miles as the crow flies) South

East of the fault line near Carrizo Plains, this could possibly have something to do with it. Some

believe that when the ground shifts near fault lines that it is possible that booms and strange sounds

can be heard. The USGS published an article on April 7th 2016 called “Earthquake booms, seneca

guns, and other sounds”. I want you to notice the date though. 2016 of this year is when they

decided to publish a paper on it, after years of strange unexplainable sounds from not only the

United States but all around the world. You would have thought they would have published this

paper long ago.

In the first paragraph they say “Earthquake "booms" have been reported for a long time, and they

tend to occur more in the Northeastern US and along the East Coast. Of course, most "booms" that

people hear or experience are actually some type of cultural noise, such as some type of explosion,

a large vehicle going by, or sometimes a sonic boom, but there have been many reports of "booms"

that cannot be explained by man-made sources. No one knows for sure, but scientists speculate


that these "booms" are probably small shallow earthquakes that are too small to be recorded,

but large enough to be felt by people nearby. As it turns out....there are many factors that

contribute to the "sound' that an earthquake makes. To begin to understand these factors we have

to understand the different types of waves, the speed they travel through the earth, and the speed

that sound travels through the air.” (Emphasis is mine) (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/topics/booms.php)

I want you to notice what the article says. That according to the USGS’ own admission that they

actually don’t know for sure what these booms are caused by and that they, like everyone else can

only speculate. And their speculation leads them to think that these booms are caused by shallow

earthquakes. Then they add that in order to understand their speculating theory of booms, you need

to understand how different types of waves travel through the earth and through the air. Now

remember what the USGS has said here in the opening paragraph of their paper. This will make

more sense later on.

Strange sounds and Sonic Booms

Like I mentioned before, there have been a lot of strange sonic boom sounds that have been heard

in the United States alone. You can go to different websites that monitor these strange booms and

sounds at http://mysterybooms.com and http://strangesounds.org/mystery-booms-and-rumblings

and you can get a lot of documented information from all over the world about this phenomenon.

You can also go to He Is Coming Blog


mystery-booms-being-heard-around-the-world/), where she does a great job documenting booms

and strange unexplained sounds since the 90’s. You can google “strange boom sounds” and read

story after story of these sonic booms all over the world. Texas was experiencing these booms in



earthquakes-hit/) One particular story I want to mention that happened in January of 2016 was in

New Jersey. According to FOX 2 Now, “TRENTON, N.J. (AP) _ The U.S. Geological Survey

says a series of sonic booms in southern New Jersey is what’s behind reports of loud noises and

shaking ground heard and felt along the eastern shoreline. The survey’s website says the booms

occurred Thursday afternoon about two miles northeast of Hammonton. That’s about 30 miles


southeast of Philadelphia and 30 miles northwest of Atlantic City. The booms were heard as far as

Long Island, New York, and Connecticut. The USGS doesn’t offer an explanation for the source

of the sonic booms, which is caused when an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound. The

group said nine booms occurred and were recorded over the span of 90 minutes. No other

information is available.


jersey/) Once again, the USGS wouldn’t offer an explanation as to what was making these booms

sounds. It would be easy to dismiss these 9 booms in 90 minutes as sonic booms from aircraft but

they didn’t. But they did acknowledge that these booms were causing the ground to shake. So

whatever it was that was causing this, obviously came from the sky. Below is another article that

confirms that these booms shook the ground.

Gizmodo.com also reported on this event in New Jersey. “Tremors felt by residents of New Jersey

Shore and Long Island today prompted speculation that an earthquake had occurred—but the US

Geological Survey confirmed that the rumbling sensations were caused by a sonic boom. A sonic

boom is a shock wave felt when something travels faster than the speed of sound. When asked

what had caused the sonic boom, a USGS representative told Gizmodo, “We don’t know that for

sure.” Meanwhile, a local ABC affiliate is reporting that a military aircraft from the McGuire Air

Force Base broke the sound barrier, causing the tremors. However, a spokesperson from New

Jersey’s McGuire Air Force Base told Gizmodo that the base does not house aircraft capable of

breaking the sound barrier. While the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted a

military drill in Florida yesterday, it denies involvement in today’s sonic boom. A NORAD

spokesperson told Gizmodo that NORAD is not conducting any activity in the region today. The

Department of Defense denied involvement as well, and suggested I call the FAA. “The FAA is

referring calls to the military,” an FAA spokesperson told me via email. What the fuck! Contrary

to reports on Twitter, the New Jersey State Police denies that it informed troopers of military

activity causing the boom. “That didn’t come from us,” a spokesperson told Gizmodo. This isn’t

the first time residents of New Jersey have experienced a sonic boom. In 2012, South Jersey

experienced a sonic boom after a military exercise. If it was a military exercise and not a very

poorly executed Cloverfield marketing campaign, it wouldn’t be the first time the military blasted

US residents with sonic booms. Poor Oklahoma City experienced sonic booms eight times a day

for six months in 1964 during an FAA test. Update 7:10pm: Tyler Rogoway from Jalopnik’s

Foxtrot Alpha is reporting that this was likely a Navy F-35C. From Rogoway: The U.S. Navy has

said the sonic boom was very likely caused by the F-35C, the Navy’s version of the Joint Strike

Fighter, that was executing test maneuvers in the area today. The F-35C is currently flying test

flights out of Navy’s premier test base, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, located in Maryland. If

that’s the case, I don’t know why the Department of Defense told me it wasn’t involved. Rude.”




According to Gizmodo’s final reporting, DOD originally told they had no involvement to later

making a statement that it was “likely” a Navy F-35C. The Navy huh? I highly doubt that it was

an F-35C after Gizmodo had gotten the run around the way they did and originally no one knew

anything as to where these booms came from and why they caused tremors i.e. an earthquake.

Although, McGuire Air Force Base claimed it was a jet breaking the sound barrier 9 times in an


hour and a half. That's laughable. Whatever it was in January in New Jersey, it came from the sky

and caused an earthquake. That is a fact. The New York Post later came out with a story

corroborating the “jet” story (http://nypost.com/2016/01/28/sonic-booms-mistaken-for-

earthquakes-in-new-jersey-long-island/). I can go on and on with stories like this from the past

few years that were just here in the United States, but I expect that you, the reader, will do your

due diligence and not just take my word for it and research this for yourself.

So what was it that caused this sonic boom/earthquake in New Jersey and possibly the same thing

in other places all over the United States? I do think the booms have everything to do with

earthquakes and that there is a connection, but not like the USGS has mentioned. My personal

opinion as to what this particular boom phenomenon is, is that it's due to HAARP and

Geoengineering. I won’t get into an in depth study of what HAARP is but I will go ahead and give

you a basic rundown of what it is and what it can do and does achieve. Plain and simple, HAARP

(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was built as a Low Frequency High Powered

Radio Wave that produces 3.6 Megawatts, to contact submarines and in their Patents for HAARP,

it says to “ fry Soviet missiles in mid-flight or maybe even nudge cyclones and other extreme

weather toward enemies.” Was it built for making contact to submarines or was it built as a weapon

to manipulate weather patterns, which is now called Geoengineering and Weather Modification.

Before you poo poo this idea and cry “conspiracy theory!”, I suggest you research HAARP and

not make yourself look like a fool. HAARP and Geoengineering is not only tied to chemtrails that

are filled with aluminum, barium, strontium and coal ash (to name a few), but is connected to

earthquakes as many others believe. Here is a great website as to why HAARP is so dangerous


understand-can-hurt-you). I suggest you also look into the Lucy-Alamo projects that are connected



atmospheric-methane-destruction.html) Below is a diagram as to how HAARP is meant to work.

Take notice that it can send the ELF Waves not only in the depths of the oceans, but also in “buried

targets”. It can affect and manipulate the ground with these Extremely Low Frequencies.


To HAARP or not to HAARP?

Before we move on to discuss HAARP, there will be those who will say “but wasn’t HAARP shut

down in 2013?” NBC News reported that they were going to in fact shut it down. This article was

published in 2014 but according to other sources, the site was shut down in May of 2013. “The

U.S. Air Force has notified Congress that it intends to shut down HAARP, a controversial Alaska-

based research facility that studies an energetic and active region of the upper atmosphere….The

program has been funded by the Air Force, the Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense

Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA…The program has been funded by the Air Force,

the Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or

DARPA…At a Senate hearing on May 14, (David) Walker said the Air Force has no interest in

maintaining the site, and is moving in another direction in ionospheric research…The Air Force's

plan to destroy HAARP has detractors. "While the Air Force neither wants nor appreciates the

unique value of HAARP, users from several federal agencies, laboratories and universities, and

friendly nations such as Canada, Britain, Taiwan, South Korea, Sweden and Norway, are eager to

use its unique resources, which would further spread American influence and leadership," Dennis

Papadopoulos, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Maryland, wrote in an

opinion piece in the Alaska Dispatch. (http://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/fish-can-

recognize-your-face-really-n587611) As you can see by the article, it does say that “the Air Force

has no interest in maintaining the site”. What it doesn’t say is that other agencies are interested in

maintaining the program that has been around for years. The key here is that it was also funded by

DARPA and as Mr. Papadopoulos points out, there are other countries that wouldn’t have a

problem to carry out what HAARP has started. So here are the facts, that HAARP was no longer

being maintained by the Air Force at the site in Alaska because of financial problems. It doesn’t

actually say that the site is “shut down” or that another private contractor isn’t carrying the torch.


According to ARRL.org, the site was in fact taken over by DARPA. “'Currently the site is

abandoned,' he said. 'It comes down to money. We don’t have any.' Keeney said no one is on site,

access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s website

through the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to

pay for the service. 'Everything is in secure mode,' he said, adding that it will stay that way at least

for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run

the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility…The only bright spot on HAARP’s

horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected

on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million

in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as

magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena…As things stand, the Air

Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique

facility will be dismantled, Keeney said.” (http://www.arrl.org/news/view/haarp-facility-shuts-

down) So as we can see once again, a “new prime contractor” came on board to run the site and

DARPA actually took control of the site in Alaska for further studies. I am under the opinion that

according to this article that this new prime contractor is NOT DARPA. Don’t you think that they

would’ve went ahead and just said it was? But they didn’t. So this leads me to believe that this site

is under control by separate entities and this can only mean that HAARP has now been privatized.

And then we come to September of 2015. HAARP is back, in full force and open for business once

again, or maybe it never shut down like I suspected? Back in July of 2015 HAARP found itself in

the hands of new ownership. Actually it isn’t new ownership in the sense of someone “new”. It

has now been taken over by one of their financial backers, the University of Alaska. So it never

actually left the confines of any of the original funders since they claimed that they were being

“shut down” due to financial problems. The University of Alaska reported “Why did university

higher-ups swing the door back open for the conspiracy theorists? Why not let HAARP go quietly back

to boreal forest? "Even though it's esoteric and hard to understand, it's the best," said Bob McCoy, head

of UAF's Geophysical Institute, which now has the keys to the complex, located off mile 11.3 of the

Tok Cutoff Road. The facility is the best tool to study a region above Earth we know little about,

McCoy said. Of three such ionospheric heaters in the world — in Norway, Russia and soon-to-be in

Puerto Rico — HAARP is the "most powerful and agile of the three," according to Craig Heinselman,

director of the facility in Norway…"The military had specific objectives, now we can do more basic

science," Bristow said. "It will help us with general ionospheric/thermospheric modeling, like how do

ions and neutrons couple in the upper atmosphere?" HAARP is now open, but the transmitters have

been cool since spring of 2014. With the transfer from the military to the university, Bristow and

McCoy are now looking for customers — scientists funded to travel to central Alaska on two-week

campaigns in which they fire the transmitters for 10 hours each day. There are no customers yet. But

McCoy and Bristow are confident they will be able to pay back a $2 million loan from the University

of Alaska statewide office. That money is now keeping the lights on at HAARP and funding other

costs of operation…The clock is ticking to repay the loan, said McCoy. "I've got three years to find

customers," he said. "We're sticking our necks out here, but it is the best in the world and somebody

spent $300 million to build it.” (http://www.gi.alaska.edu/alaska-science-forum/haarp-again-open-


So did you catch all of that? They actually admitted that there are three of these esoteric machines in

the world and that the facility in Alaska is the most powerful and agile of the three. It went from the

military to DARPA (military) and finally to the University of Alaska. It never left the handlers, it just


switched hands a few times. This machine according to McCoy is running 10 hours a day and is only

happening because they received a loan from the University. Their intentions are that they will find

“customers” in three years who will in fact do some sort of research there, that will in turn help them

pay the loan back. Maybe we will see the likes of Warren Buffet step up to the plate who can save

the day for HAARP? You will see why I mention Buffet later on in this paper. You can find an

article on the above article here http://dutchsinse.com/9232015-haarp-ionospheric-research-


DARPA, Skyquakes and HAARP

So if DARPA took over HAARP (I'm assuming DARPA never left the scene) like the article

says then let’s see what DARPA originally had to say about HAARP. Let’s take a look from

climateviewer.com at DARPA’s (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,

http://www.darpa.mil) original statement as to what HAARP actually is with the original links.

Here it is.

“High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP)

Original DARPA page now deleted. Mirrored here:

Program Manager: Dr. Sheldon Meth


The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) developed new experimental

research capabilities and conducted research programs to exploit emerging ionosphere and radio

science technologies related to advanced defense applications. The FY 1990 Appropriation Act

provided funds for the creation of HAARP, jointly managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory

and the Office of Naval Research to exploit emerging ionosphere and high power radio technology

for new military systems applications. Key to the current effort was the expansion of the

experimental research facility that includes a 3.6 MW high-frequency transmitter and a variety of

diagnostic instruments, to conduct investigations to characterize the physical processes that can be

initiated and controlled in the ionosphere and space, via interactions with high power radio waves.

Among these were: (1) the generation of extremely low frequency/very low frequency radio waves

for submarine and other subsurface communication, and the reduction of charged particle

populations in the radiation belts to ensure safe spacecraft systems operations; (2) the control of

electron density gradients and the refractive properties in selected regions of the ionosphere to

create radio wave propagation channels; and (3) the generation of optical and infrared emissions

in space to calibrate space sensors. To date, the facility has been developed to include a suite of

optical and radio diagnostics and an advanced, modern, high frequency transmitting array that has

a radiated power of 960 kW, about one-third of the 3.6MW called for in the original concept and

plan. The current high frequency transmitting array has proven to be extremely reliable and

flexible, and has shown the feasibility of the overall concept. However, results to date have

indicated that the advanced applications-related research activities and new military system

concept demonstrations envisioned under the program require that the high frequency transmitting


capability at the site be increased from the present 960 kW level to the originally planned 3.6 MW

level. A study completed by an Air Force/Navy Panel also pointed to additional high-value

functions that can potentially be accomplished with the a 3.6 MW capability, in particular, the

exploration and refinement of scientific principles that could lead to the development and

deployment of a system to provide protection for spacebased assets from emergent asymmetric

threats. DARPA established an MOA with the Air Force and Navy for this program in November

2002. The HAARP technology is transitioning to the Air Force and Navy in FY 2006.”


So as we can see with the world according to HAARP, it was made to be a weapon and it sends

ELF Waves to the ionosphere that in turn gets sent back to the earth, either to the ocean or

underground. This is a fact that cannot be denied. Before we go on I should mention that some

have labeled this phenomenon a “skyquake”. Skyquakes or mystery booms (as they are called on

Wikipedia) are unexplained reports of a phenomenon that sounds like a cannon or a sonic boom

coming from the sky. Interesting enough, an article from 2012 in the San Diego Times, they

mention these “skyquakes” in connection to the sonic boom that produced an earthquake in San

Diego. Once again, they initially lied and denied, like all of the other stories that you will read on

this, and then claimed it was jets off of the coast. The military even said how surprised they were

that these sonic (side) booms were able to be heard inland. Really? They actually think that the

public is completely stupid. Only about 80% of the public is, the 20% of us know more than they

would like us to know just by putting two and two together. Here is the full article. Notice the

doublemindedness of our own miltiary.

MILITARY: Navy says it caused mysterious 'skyquake' By MORGAN COOK [email protected] | 1:15 p.m. June 29, 2012

After an initial couldn't-have-been-us denial, it turns out it was the military's fault after all. A Navy

spokesman confirmed late Friday that two Navy F/A-18 fighter jets went "supersonic," rattling

doors and windows ---- and nerves ---- like an earthquake along San Diego County's coastline

about 12:45 p.m. Friday. The jets were showing off for about 2,000 family members and invited

guests of sailors aboard the Carl Vinson during a daylong family cruise, said Lt. Aaron Kakiel, a

spokesman for Naval Air Forces Pacific, at North Island Air Station. "Those two aircraft went

supersonic about 35 miles from the coast," Kakiel said. "Usually you don't hear the side booms

travel that far. It was kind of surprising to us." And that surprise led to initial denials, but then

officials looked closer, he said. "Sorry for the bad information, and sorry for the inconvenience

for people," Kakiel said.

People across North County reported the rattling, but confusion as to what happened followed.

Earthquake-tracking systems didn't report any seismic activity, said a geophysicist with the

National Earthquake Information Center. The event bore the hallmarks of a sonic boom, and

military officials said they knew of no aircraft that were operating at supersonic speed in the region.

One expert said there was evidence that the shaking came from an extreme atmospheric tremor

called a "skyquake." The first report of earthquakelike activity in North County came in at 12:43

p.m., said Bruce Presgrave of the U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information

Center. More reports followed from people who noticed structural shaking in Del Mar, Oceanside,

Carlsbad, Escondido and elsewhere. The information center recorded no earthquake activity at the


time people reported feeling the disturbances, Presgrave said. But he said that a sonic boom could

have produced the phenomenon.

A sonic boom is a thunderlike sound associated with atmospheric disturbances created when an

object moves faster than the speed of sound (about 770 mph). No aviation activity that would result

in a sonic boom had been reported to the information center, Presgrave said. Military officials from

Miramar Marine Corps Air Station to Camp Pendleton to the U.S. Navy all fielded calls from

curious media, and all said they knew of nothing going on to cause a big boom or shaking. So the

shaking may have been a "skyquake," recorded Friday by microphones near Miramar Marine

Corps Air Station, according to Kristoffer Walker, a project scientist for Scripps Institution of

Oceanography in San Diego. Military activity in designated zones at least 50 miles off the coast

can cause a skyquake, or atmospheric tremor, which can rattle windows and created the

accompanying sound that some residents reported hearing, Walker said in an email.

Certain atmospheric conditions, such as winds blowing toward San Diego County at more than

100 mph, can carry a loud, low-frequency noise far inland, bouncing the sound waves between the

ocean and the fast-moving wind to rattle windows. A similar event shook San Diegans' windows

about 9 a.m. April 12, according to Walker. While skyquakes are caused by sound, the frequencies

are often too low for humans to hear, according to Walker. On nctimes.com, Facebook and Twitter,

speculation among commentators about possible causes ranged from secret military projects to a

meteor or an incursion into local airspace by aliens.



"Sorry for the bad information"? Oh I'm sure you are Lt. Kakiel. Lies and denies seems to be the

standard when it comes to earthquakes and sonic booms. If you are still doubting that HAARP is

a real deal weapon and want to write it off as conspiracy, then maybe you should read what the

European Parliament’s resolution was in 1998 regarding the environment and “global warming”.

It's not just the United States involved and notice they mention Antartica. Here is what they said

about HAARP.

“HAARP - a weapons system which disrupts the climate

On 5 February 1998 Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament held a hearing the

subject of which included HAARP. NATO and the US had been invited to send representatives,

but chose not to do so. The Committee regrets the failure of the USA to send a representative to

answer questions, or to use the opportunity to comment on the material submitted.(21) HAARP

(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) is run jointly by the US Air Force and Navy,

in conjunction with the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Similar

experiments are also being conducted in Norway, probably in the Antarctic, as well as in the former

Soviet Union.(22) HAARP is a research project using a ground based apparatus, an array of

antennae each powered by its own transmitter, to heat up portions of ionosphere with powerful

radio beams.(23) The energy generated heats up parts of the ionosphere; this results in holes in the

ionosphere and produces artificial 'lenses'. HAARP can be used for many purposes. Enormous

quantities of energy can be controlled by manipulating the electrical characteristics of the

atmosphere. If used as a military weapon this can have a devastating impact on an enemy. HAARP


can deliver millions of times more energy to a given area than any other conventional transmitter.

The energy can also be aimed at a moving target which should constitute a potential anti-missile


The project would also allow better communications with submarines and manipulation of global

weather patterns, but it is also possible to do the reverse, to disrupt communications. By

manipulating the ionosphere one could block global communications while transmitting one's own.

Another application is earth-penetrating, tomography, x-raying the earth several kilometres deep,

to detect oil and gas fields, or underground military facilities. Over-the-horizon radar is another

application, looking round the curvature of the earth for in-coming objects. From the 1950s the

USA conducted explosions of nuclear material in the Van Allen Belts(24) to investigate the effect

of the electro-magnetic pulse generated by nuclear weapon explosions at these heights on radio

communications and the operation of radar. This created new magnetic radiation belts which

covered nearly the whole earth. The electrons travelled along magnetic lines of force and created

an artificial Aurora Borealis above the North Pole. These military tests are liable to disrupt the

Van Allen belt for a long period. The earth's magnetic field could be disrupted over large areas,

which would obstruct radio communications. According to US scientists it could take hundreds of

years for the Van Allen belt to return to normal. HAARP could result in changes in weather

patterns. It could also influence whole ecosystems, especially in the sensitive Antarctic regions.

Another damaging consequence of HAARP is the occurrence of holes in the ionosphere caused by

the powerful radio beams. The ionosphere protects us from incoming cosmic radiation. The hope

is that the holes will fill again, but our experience of change in the ozone layer points in the other

direction. This means substantial holes in the ionosphere that protects us.

With its far-reaching impact on the environment HAARP is a matter of global concern and we

have to ask whether its advantages really outweigh the risks. The environmental impact and the

ethical aspect must be closely examined before any further research and testing takes place.

HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be

remedied. HAARP has links with 50 years of intensive space research for military purposes,

including the Star Wars project, to control the upper atmosphere and communications. This kind

of research has to be regarded as a serious threat to the environment, with an incalculable impact

on human life. Even now nobody knows what impact HAARP may have. We have to beat down

the wall of secrecy around military research, and set up the right to openness and democratic

scrutiny of military research projects, and parliamentary control. A series of international treaties

and conventions (the Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of

environmental modification techniques, the Antarctic Treaty, the Treaty on principles governing

the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space including the moon and other

celestial bodies, and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) casts considerable doubt on

HAARP on legal as well as humanitarian and political grounds. The Antarctic Treaty lays down

that the Antarctic may be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.(25) This would mean that HAARP

is a breach of international law. All the implications of the new weapons systems should be

examined by independent international bodies. Further international agreements should be sought

to protect the environment from unnecessary destruction in war.”




Chemtrails, Convergence and GWEN

Now I briefly mentioned Chemtrails earlier and if you are reading this then I am sure you have

some idea on what they are and what is behind them. I suggest that if you don’t have a clue, then

start your research now before we go on. Otherwise, I have a question as to what is the connection

to HAARP and Chemtrails? It is a fact that these fake manufactured clouds that come from these

jumbo jets are in fact spraying aerosols in the sky. I won’t debate anything regarding chemtrails

because I know for a fact these are not contrails like the media leads most people to believe. It is

a fact that they spray aluminum, barium, strontium and coal ash in the sky that has many harmful

effects on not only us and the environment but helps manipulate the use of HAARP. “With high

altitude dispersant of Aluminum or most any other metallic particulates this energy can easily be

“reflected” back TO the Earth and INTO the Earth and at the power levels mentioned can easily

heat these areas as well.”


understand-can-hurt-you) I suggest you read the article I just quoted to get a better understanding

of what he is saying. The chemtrails act as a reflector of sorts that better controls this weaponry

when it is coming back to the earth from the ionosphere. And not only does it produce a heat like

we have seen in Taft at times, it goes deep into the earth that can effect fault lines. I am no expert

on HAARP but I know this much. Imagine this weapon to be used to trigger fault lines and

earthquakes. Too late, you can’t imagine it, it has already been happening as we have already seen.

And this is what I think is going on at the San Andreas fault line located at the Carrizo Plain near


Just so you understand the concept of a radio wave through heat being injected into the ground, I

want to give you a small example on a smaller scale of how this theoretically works. A few years

back, here in Taft, the government (?) came in and brought heavy equipment and trucks and

pounded the ground because they said they were looking for oil. I don’t doubt that they were

looking for oil but the method on how they did this caught my attention. These trucks came in that

looked like tanks, without the guns, and had metal plates the size of the bottom carriage and they

would pound the ground with them. This would literally shake the ground sending these waves

through the earth which would send a signal back to another truck, giving them a reading of what

was below ground. If there was oil there then they would get a reading saying that there was. Here

is a brief explanation from San Jauquin Valley Geology on how this exactly works.


“To find a convergence in the subsurface of the geologic elements necessary to form an oil or gas

pool requires a careful blend of science and art. To discover what geometries and compositions

the rocks might possess deep underground, geologists examine the rocks where they are exposed

in surface outcrops, or they examine aerial photographs and satellite images when surface access

is limited. Geologists also work closely with geophysicists to integrate seismic lines and other

types of geophysical data into their interpretations. The collection of seismic data involves sending

shock waves into the ground and measuring how long it takes for the subsurface rocks to reflect

these waves back to the surface. The shock waves that are used today are usually generated by

pounding the earth with giant vibrator trucks, but in the past geophysicists preferred to explode

small dynamite charges in shallow holes. However, environmental restrictions in most places

today prevent using explosives to collect seismic data. When shock waves created by the vibrator

trucks travel into the earth, boundaries between the rocks reflect the waves back, and the arrival

times of the waves back at the surface are detected by listening devices called geophones.

Computers then process the geophone data and convert it into seismic lines, which are nothing

more than two-dimensional displays that resemble cross-sections.

(http://www.sjvgeology.org/oil/exploration.html) This is how HAARP works on a small simple

scale when the signal hits the ground. Same concept as we see above. Except that instead of

vibrator trucks, you have 6.3 megawatts pounding the ground with an intense heat through ELF

Radio Waves. This is where the problem lies.


I should also mention that these HAARP ELF radio waves have a negative effect on our brain.

Some believe that this in fact leads to a form of mind control. Here is a Patent that some believe

to be connected to HAARP and its ELF Waves. “"United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery,

October 27, 1992 Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No.

458339 Filed December 28, 1989. "Abstract: A silent communications system in which nonaural

carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency

spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated

acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of

loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted

directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical

media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener." If this is a part of HAARP like some

believe, then this is just one of the many reasons why HAARP is a weapon. So if HAARP is a

form of mind control, there is more than one facility in the world right? I had always heard that

there was an actual facility located in the Bakersfield area and low and behold there may be one

in Kern County A lot of people believe that there is one in Delano and Alaska isn’t the only facility

operating a High frequency Active Auroral Research Program it turns out. The one located in

Delano runs 27 Megawatts Effective Radiated Power. HAARP runs at 110. I suggest in order to

get a better grasp on this Delano location, you should research the links I have made available in

this paper. You can find information here http://www.haarp.net/mindcontrol.htm and here


Now here is the interesting thing about this Delano facility. It is located at the VOA site. Voice of

America is owned and ran by the Federal Government. “Voice of America (VOA) is a United

States government-funded multimedia news source and the official external broadcasting

institution of the United States. VOA provides programming for broadcast on radio, TV, and the

Internet outside of the U.S., in English and some foreign languages.”

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_of_America) Some believe that VOA is a form of


propaganda, while others disagree. Based off of the Radiated Power they produce, makes one to

believe that this site is a HAARP site. And in order for these ELF signals to travel there is a need

for what is called GWEN towers. “The Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) is a

communications system that the military is in the process of constructing as we speak. It operates

in the very-low-frequency (VLF) range, with transmissions between 150 and 175 kHz. This range

was selected because its signals travel by means of waves that have a tendency to hug the ground

rather than by radiating into the atmosphere.”


Courtesy of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45T_DVfK3rw

Some believe that these towers are now being disguised as cell phone towers. You know, the ones

that look like trees on the side of the road. Interesting enough, there just happens to be a big one

located near Wheeler Ridge which just happens to be due East of Carrizo Plain and at the bottom

of the Grapevine, that separates the Valley from the Los Angeles area right along the San Andreas

fault line. This is known as the Bakersfield site.



So why am I telling you about this relationship between GWEN towers, HAARP facilities and

ELF signals? Because I think this is why we have the weird weather and strange things happening

in Taft and I believe this is why we have this increase of sonic booms. This HAARP wave is

causing a rift when entering back into our atmosphere and causing these sonic booms as a jet

would. These frequencies are causing all sorts of havoc physically and spiritually. “Scientists admit

they have been studying strange earth noises. According to Elchin Khalilov, a geologist: “We have

analyzed records of these sounds and found that most [are] within the infrasound range ... not

audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds

... low-frequency acoustic emissions between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic

waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; formed in the

upper atmosphere. There can be [many] causes why those waves are generated: earthquakes,

volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc. However, the scale of the observed

humming sound and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned

phenomena”. (http://www.sicangusuntimes.com/node/1431) Annointed Vessel even question if

the sonic booms he had heard a few days before the Chile earthquake in 2010 had anything to do

with one another. “Hey we just had another incident of unexplained explosion like booms it

happened a day or two before the quake in Chile it was so loud it awakened people for miles for

several counties around some said it might have been a sonic boom but military instillation nearby

said no flights in or out at that time. No earthquakes even though it registered on the Virginia Techs

seismograph as a very strong acoustic wave.”

(https://ahrcanum.com/2010/03/08/sonic-booms-earthquakes-haarp/) Like I have said, there

seems to be a connection with these booms causing earthquakes. I am not the only one who

believes this. Actually the Air Force has a paper called “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning

the Weather in 2025”. You can download the pdf from their website.

(http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/volume3/vol3ch15.pdf) It’s a very interesting read.

The Big One Propaganda

It is my opinion that HAARP is in fact being used to try to cause “The Big One” in California and

the West Coast. In the last few months, articles all over the world have increased about the big one

i.e. earthquake happening at the San Andreas fault line that just so happens to be at Carrizo Plain.

It seems like there is now a big push to have this earthquake and according to “them”, it’s going

to happen sooner or later whether we like it or not. Here is a story from May of 2016 from the LA

Times that shows a simulated video of an 8.0 earthquake starting in the South near Mexico border

and moving North. (http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-the-big-one-earthquake-video-

20160504-story.html) The interesting thing about this simulated scenario is that by the time this

5.6 earthquake that starts near the Mexico border, it would’ve taken 3 minutes to get to the

Taft/Bakersfield area. And after 5 minutes from when it started, it would still be shaking the Los

Angeles and Oxnard area. You can see the video that was made in May 2016 here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN3SZdL1Zdc. There was an article from Salon.com also in

May of 2016 said that the San Andreas is “locked, loaded and ready to go”. “The director of the

Southern California Earthquake Center, Thomas Jordan, made an announcement recently that

would have sent a chill down the spine of every Californian: that the San Andreas fault appears to

be in a critical state and as such, could generate a large earthquake imminently. Of course, the

reiteration of the seismic hazard to Californians will be nothing surprising, but what is new is the


warning that the southern portion of the fault “looks like it’s locked, loaded and ready to go”.


The International Business Times reports “GPS reveals constant, large-scale motion around

California system”. “Samuel Howell, from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, and colleagues

found a 125km stretch of land straddling the fault experiencing uplift and subsidence of a few

millimetres every year. Their findings, published in Nature Geoscience, used an array of GPS

instruments to discern between noisy tectonic motion and the more subtle, local movements.GPS

records of vertical and horizontal movements help scientists understand changes to the Earth's

surface. Horizontal movements between earthquake events are "largely predictable", but vertical

motions as a result of tectonic activity "remain enigmatic". Horizontal movement can be caused

by a number of things, including groundwater pumping, precipitation, surface geology and tectonic

motion of the Earth's crust. Howell and the team sought to tease out the latter. Their findings

showed large-scale motion at the fault.” (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/san-andreas-fault-gps-reveals-

constant-large-scale-motion-around-california-system-1566507) Now if you look at the picture

below, you will see that the upper left portion is the Carrizo Plain area.

Forbes reported in May of 2016 that “The San Andreas fault is on the brink of a devastating

earthquake”. “The theory behind why we expect the next significant earthquake to be a big one

becomes apparent in a few back of the envelope calculations. The average rate of plate movement

along the San Andreas Fault has remained fairly consistent at approximately 2 inches per year for

the last several million years. Given the aforementioned 159-year gap in a major earthquake along

part of the San Andreas Fault, that would mean average plate movement has accumulated 26 feet

of movement since then. The accumulated strain built up from 159 years and 26 feet of plate

movement provides the ammunition needed for a major earthquake on the order of M8.0. At some

point the rock holding that strain will break when the strain overcomes the tensile strength of the


surrounding rock. At this point, the two plates will quickly snap to a state of equilibrium or close

to it, thrusting the plates from their current position.”



The San Andreas Fault in the Carrizo Plain of California (Credit: Wikipedia)

So since May there seems to be a big push on “warnings” that the San Andreas fault line is ready

to give. I have just posted a few of them but you can Google for yourself and see that this is only

a drop in the bucket as far as the articles that are being published about this. The other thing I want

you to notice is that the majority of these stories are centered around the San Andreas fault line

right near the Carrizo Plain area. Why would that be? Geologists know that this area is a ticking

time bomb when it comes to the “big one”. Are the elites of this world trying to set off a destructive

earthquake in California? Are all of these sonic booms from HAARP manipulating our atmosphere

that is aimed right at the Carrizo Plains area? We have seen the evidence that HAARP is fully

capable of doing this type of thing (i.e. earthquakes) and the people behind it aren’t concerned

with the collateral damage and devastation that it will cause. Here are excerpts from the History

Channel that talks about HAARP causing earthquakes. HAARP Weapon – How to make a

earthquake (History Channel)


HAARP and earthquakes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcHPAR_5TEc)


Why the Carrizo Plain?

Before I get into my personal experience with this weather modification and why I believe HAARP

is behind all of this, I want to point out a few interesting facts about this area of California where

the San Andreas fault line is located. The Carrizo Plain is the home of 13 species that are on the

endangered species list. The kit fox, blunt nose lizard and kangaroo rat are just a few. “This remote

monument, traversed by the San Andreas Fault which has carved valleys, created and moved

mountains, and yet up close, is seen in subtle alignment of ridges, ravines and normally dry

ponds. Prominent features on the monument include the white alkali flats of Soda Lake (alkaline

lake bed), Painted Rock, vast open grasslands, and a broad plain rimmed by mountains.”

(http://www.blm.gov/publish/content/ca/en/prog/nlcs/Carrizo_Plain_NM.html) Painted Rock

features pictographs by the Chumash Indians that are estimated to be as old as 2000 BC. I have

been to Painted Rock and to me personally, it was a strange outcropping of rocks that seemed to

be out in the middle of nowhere. I had wondered why a tribe of Indians would pick Carrizo Plain

to live when the water wasn’t any good for them to drink at Soda Lake and they had to have felt

the tremors from fault line. It seemed to me, like a strange place to live out of all the area that

surrounded them. Especially coming from the coastal area.

Painted Rock

The Chumash were known for their Sun and Moon god worship. “The sky and the heavens

impacted every part of the life of the Chumash. Like the Pawnee, the Chumash of California also

had a ranking for those objects they saw in the sky. It is important to keep in mind that these objects

were also supernatural gods to the Chumash. The ranking is: 1st - The Sun who was seen as an

aged widower carrying a blazing torch. 2nd - The Moon, a female god who controlled human

health. 3rd - Venus as the morning star, a kind god. Then Venus as the evening star, the evil god.

The Chumash believed in supernatural gods and they believed that humans could influence those

gods. The most important time of the year for the Chumash was right before the winter solstice.

They believed that this was the time when the Sun might not choose to come back to the Earth.


The Chumash took this very seriously because they knew they needed the Sun. So, they took it

upon themselves to influence the Sun to come back. The Chumash people held times of prayer and

dancing that would last for several days. They observed the Sun by putting sun sticks and poles in

the ground. This watchfulness was meant to pull the Sun back to Earth. In their time, the Chumash

were fairly advanced in astronomy. They named an enormous number of stars. They kept

astronomical records on tally cords and notched sticks. Sun shrines and observatories exist all over

California. It is thought that the Chumash might have used these to observe the solstices. Finally,

they painted beautiful rock art of astronomical happenings. These ancient people show an intellect

and creativity that we don't often credit them with.”


The Chumash were no different than other civilizations like the Mesopotamians, Babylonians and

Egyptians when it came to worshipping the Sun, Moon and the Stars. I have already mentioned

Painted Rock but knowing that they were into this astronomical worship, I have wondered if there

was ever any type of sacrificial system going on there. Whether it be animals or human. I can tell

you that many civilizations that did do this type of worship eventually led to these types of

sacrifices. And being that the fault line was there, I often wondered if they had ever tried to appease

the sun god when the ground shook the way it did back then. Not to mention, and this is just my

opinion, when I first saw Painted Rock, to me it looked like a sacrificial altar and an overview of

the site looks similar to a vagina. I am not the only person to think this. Jim Carnal from the

Bakersfield Californian wrote about this same thing in 1989. “The major cultural landmark is 120-

foot tall Painted Rock, a foot-ball-field-sized, horseshoe-shaped (some say fertility symbol-

shaped) sandstone formation used by Chumash and Yokuts Indians for 9,000 to 10,000 years.”

(Saturday, December 16, 1989, Section E, A Bakersfield Californian Magazine,

http://www.naturespeace.org/carrizo.hopespringseternal.htm) And if you don’t understand the

ancient phallic/vagina concept of worship, I suggest you may need to research and see why I say

this. I am not saying these Chumash did practice human sacrifice but it is a fact that some Indian

tribes actually did practice this. Below you can see the sun, some sort of weird humanoid being

and what to me looks like either a spider web or a Labyrinth (reminiscent of the Phaistos Disc) or

maybe a Medicine Wheel.



Circa 1929

David Stillman says this in his blog when visiting Painted Rock. “Painted Rock, always one of the

principle attractions of the Carrizo Plain, has had a tough go. The art there has most definitely

suffered at the hands of generations of visitors. Seeing the site as it is today is still a mystical

experience, the paintings there so grand and complicated as to inspire those esoteric questions:

Who were these people? How did they live? What were their beliefs and what gods held sway in

their lives? And most of all, what does all


this paint I'm looking at mean? Unfortunately, there is a type of person that doesn't ask those

questions and derives no intrinsic value from what they are viewing. Often, those types of people

suffer from an irresistible compulsion to commemorate their brief passing in such a way that they

destroy a part of something that has historic/cultural value and ethno-religious significance.”

(http://davidstillman.blogspot.com/2014_08_01_archive.html) Below is a rendering from

Campbell Grant’s painting pf the main panel before it was destroyed by vandalism.

“Horned human figure” by Death Valley Jim (http://deathvalleyjim.com/2015/08/09/carrizo-plain-national-


Let’s look at the entry from Wikipedia about Carrizo Plains history when it became protected by

the BLM and made a National Monument. “In 1988, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the

California Department of Fish and Game, and the Nature Conservancy partnered together to


purchase an 82,000-acre (332 km2) parcel of Carrizo Plain land. This joint effort ensured the

protection of this unique and beautiful California plain. Then in 1996, the Carrizo Plain

Management Partners again created a joint initiative called the Carrizo Plain Natural Area (CPNA)

Plan. (Bill Clinton went on to establish the Carrizo Plain as a National Monument on January 17th,

2001) The most prevalent geologic feature of the Carrizo Plain is the San Andreas Fault, a right

lateral strike-slip fault which runs along the northeast side of the plain, at the base of the Elkhorn

Scarp. The San Andreas fault forms the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates,

extending ~850 miles (1370 km) along the western coast of California from Cape Mendocino in

the north to just south of the Salton Sea near the US-Mexico border. The section of the fault in the

Carrizo Plain is the oldest section along the entire fault zone, where cumulative right-lateral offset

is ~195 miles (~315 km) since early Miocene time. Displacement on the San Andreas is

responsible for the development of distinctive geomorphic features along the fault trace, including

shutter ridges, diverted and/or decapitated stream channels, and sag ponds”

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrizo_Plain) We have already discussed the fault line in Carrizo

Plain so I won’t say much more about it. What I do want to talk about next is the solar farms and

power plant that Carrizo Plain has housed and is currently supporting.

Solar Power at Carrizo?

Carrizo Plain is home to one of the largest Solar Power Plants in the world. What most people

don’t know is that this isn’t the first time there has been a Solar farm or plant located at Carrizo

Plain. In 1983 ARCO was the first company to set up solar energy fields there. This was mentioned

in a New York Times article Sandra Blakeslee write, “Solar plant joins California’s push in new

energy” in 1983. “The newest project is a 6.5-megawatt photovoltaic plant that converts sunlight

directly into electricity, which is expected to supply 2,000 homes when it is completed next year.

It is being built by Arco Solar for the purpose of selling electricity to the Pacific Gas and Electric

utility. The plant, near the San Andreas earthquake fault, is often praised as physically safe and

environmentally sound. Yet the technology is fundamentally unproved. Questions of long-term

reliability, cost reduction and compatability with conventional utility systems have not been

answered. Moreover, photovoltaics, a technology that makes electricity without combustion or

heat, is one of the most expensive new energy forms. The new plant's cost, which the company

keeps secret, is believed to be astronomical.” (http://www.nytimes.com/1983/12/04/us/solar-plant-

joins-california-s-push-for-new-energy.html?pagewanted=print) At the time, this solar energy was

technologically unproven and was one of the most expensive new sources of energy. This site

produced 5.3mw at its peak from 1983 – 1994.

“The plant was originally constructed by the Atlantic Richfield oil company (ARCO) in 1983.

During the 1979 energy crisis ARCO became a solar energy pioneer, manufacturing the

photovoltaic arrays themselves. ARCO first built a 1 megawatt pilot operation, the Lugo plant in

Hesperia, California, which is also now closed. The Carrizo Solar Corporation, based in

Albuquerque, New Mexico, bought the two facilities from ARCO in 1990, but the price of oil

never rose as was predicted, so the solar plant never became competitive with fossil fuel-based

energy production…In October 2007, the Palo Alto company Ausra, doing business as Carrizo

Energy, filed an application for a 177 MW (peak) Carrizo Energy Solar Farm (CESF) on 640 acres

(2.6 km2) adjacent to the previous ARCO site. Instead of photovoltaic cells (as used by ARCO),


however, Ausra will use Fresnel mirrors that concentrate solar energy onto pipes in a receiver

elevated above the ground…the solar field would have operated daily from sunrise to sunset.

Typical operating hours for the CESF would have been approximately 13 hours per day, or an

average of 4,765 hours per year. In November 2009, the project was canceled. On August 14,

2008, Pacific Gas and Electric Company announced agreements to buy the power from two

proposed photovoltaic plants in the Carrizo Plain, Topaz Solar Farm and High Plains Ranch, with

a combined peak power of 800 MW. If built, these will be the largest photovoltaic plants in the

world. As of November 2014 Topaz Solar Farm is operational, with peak power of 550 MW.”

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrizo_Plain) So the first thing I want to point out is that this first

solar farm that was built in 1983, was built by ARCO. So what’s the connection with ARCO you

may ask? Well I’m glad you asked. HAARP was actually the brain child of ARCO executives.

This summary of "how the story goes" comes from Jim Lee of climateviewer.com. “One of the

first ideas came mid-decade from Bernard Eastlund, a physicist working for oil-and-gas

conglomerate Atlantic Richfield. Arco had the rights to trillions of cubic feet of natural gas under

Alaska’s North Slope. The problem had always been how to get that gas to the port at Valdez.

Eastlund had a better idea: Use the gas onsite to fuel a giant ionospheric heater. Such a facility, he

wrote in a series of patents, could fry Soviet missiles in mid-flight or maybe even nudge cyclones

and other extreme weather toward enemies. Arco’s executives presented the idea to Simon Ramo,

one of the godfathers of the US intercontinental ballistic missile program. Ramo passed it on to

the under secretary of defense, who in turn gave it to the Pentagon’s advanced research arm, Darpa,

and the DOD’s secretive science advisory board, code-named Jason. Tony Tether, director of

Darpa’s strategic technology office, gave Arco a contract to conduct a feasibility study. Arco

brought on board none other than Dennis Papadopoulos as a consultant… In a series of meetings

in the winter of 1989-90, the field’s leading lights, including Papadopoulos, pitched the Navy and

the Air Force. Haarp, they asserted, could lead to “significant operational capabilities.” They’d

build a giant phased antenna array that would aim a finely tuned beam of high- frequency radio

waves into the sky. The beam would excite electrons in the ionosphere, altering that spot’s

conductivity and inducing it to emit its own extremely low frequency waves, which could

theoretically penetrate the earth’s surface to reveal hidden bunkers or be used to contact deeply

submerged submarines… So Bernard Eastlund proposed the HAARP facility could weaponize

hurricanes, perform intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) defense, do underground probing,

and transmit to submarines” (https://climateviewer.com/2014/09/19/haarp-worlds-sexiest-energy-


Gary Smith wrote this in 1994. “ARCO, the US oil giant, found itself wondering what to do with

the estimated 30 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that it hoped to extract from Alaska's North

Slope. While this was enough energy to supply the US for a year, the gas fields were too far from

any potential customers. ARCO concluded that it would be too expensive to liquefy the gas and

ship it thousands of miles to urban centers. What was needed was a client that wanted access to

vast amounts of energy on-site -- in the wilds of Alaska. Bernard Eastland, an MIT and Columbia

University physicist with eight years experience with the Atomic Energy Commission, came to

the rescue with an extraordinary plan to use the energy "at the point of production." Eastland, who

soon became president of ARCO's Production Technologies International Company in Houston,

proposed burning the vast Alaskan gas fields to power a huge electric generator. The resulting

power would be directed into a huge antenna complex, 40 miles on a side. The antennae would


be used to focus an intense beam of electromagnetic energy into the upper atmosphere where it

would collide with the ionosphere to create a phenomenon called the "mirror force." Eastland was

granted a US Patent (# 4,686,605) for this invention on August 11, 1987.” He went on to ask this

question later on in the article. “Just what in hell does the military want with the world's largest

weenie roaster? Here are some possible applications I've discovered: EARTH-PENETRATING

TOPOGRAPHY: Sort of a CAT scan for the planet. By heating the ionosphere to create a resonant

mirror, electronic-beam steering directs an energy stream to specific coordinates on the planet.

This energy penetrates the ground to a depth of a kilometer or more, and the signal return is

received by satellite or aircraft. After computer processing, A RELATIVELY CLEAR PICTURE

OF WHAT IS UNDERGROUND emerges. Damn handy when trying to figure out where those

wily North Koreans hide their nukes -- or where YOU keep your stash.”

(http://theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/omegafile30.htm) Smith was theorizing and asking

questions back when HAARP was being built and first came into operation. With what he knew

at the time, he could put two and two together and assume HAARP was going to be used for

“EARTH-PENETRATING TOPOGRAPHY”. This is what I have been talking about all along in

this paper. HAARP is able to penetrate the ground and manipulate fault lines using ELF Waves,

the same way seismic trucks do when looking for oil pockets.

“The program is managed by the USAF Phillips Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research.

Equipment is supplied by Advanced Power Technologies, a Washington, DC-based subsidiary of

E-Systems of Dallas, a longtime maker of electronics used in ultra-secret projects such as signals-

intelligence satellites and the President's E-4B "doomsday plane," which is designed to serve as an

airborne White House in the event of nuclear war. Initial work on HAARP was begun in the

mid1980s by Atlantic Richfield Corporation's subsidiary, ARCO Production Technologies

Corporation, and its then-president, physicist Bernard Eastlund. ARCO wanted to find an onsite

demand for the enormous amounts of Alaskan natural gas it owns. So it cooked up an energy

intensive idea. Eastlund worked under contract for the Defense Advanced Research Projects

Agency (now called ARPA) and was awarded three patents one of which was classified until 1991

for inventions dealing with ionospheric modification. One of the most grandiose systems described

in his patents is a 40-mile square, HAARP-like radio transmitter that would have used huge

amounts of electric power generated by turbines burning natural gas drawn from the vast North

Slope reserves. "Full global shield" was conceived to wipe out the guidance systems of missiles in

flight anywhere in the world. "I founded and led the ARCO program until 1987," Eastlund says.

"About that time Edward Teller visited Robert Hirsch, the ARCO vice president who had hired

me. I don't know the direct results of that discussion, but shortly thereafter new [secret] initiatives

began which I was not privy to, and I declined further involvement."


“12 U.S. patents are commonly recognized as applicable. A man named Dr. Bernard Eastlund is

listed as the inventor on two of these patents and a co-inventor on another. Dr. Eastlund is

commonly acknowledged as the inventor of HAARP. The 12 HAARP patents were all assigned to

ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI); a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company

(ARCO). APTI also won the initial contract to build HAARP. In 1994, APTI was sold to a

company called E-Systems. E-Systems then changed APTI’s name to Advanced Power

Technologies Incorporated. Largely involved in communications and information systems, E-

Systems gets most of its business from and has extensive ties to the National Security Agency and


the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1995, Raytheon acquired E-Systems. Raytheon, the defense

contracting behemoth, now holds all 12 HAARP patents.” (http://www.hangthebankers.com/the-

haarp-and-chemtrails-connection/) Let’s not forget that the Navy was one of the agencies behind

managing HAARP. And if anyone has ever lived in Taft than they know that there are two Naval

Petroleum Reserves north east of Taft. Yes, these are owned by the government. The one nearest

to Taft is called Elk Hills which is run by Oxy. So I am starting to connect a few dots here. The

Navy ran HAARP from its onset and ARCO was the company who initiated this program in

Alaska. We just so happen to have 2 big Naval Petroleum Reserves located near Taft and ARCO

was the first company to build a solar farm at Carrizo Plain. Obviously ARCO is not connected to

Topaz solar farms presently and we do know that HAARP came after the closing of the Carrizo

Plains solar farm. But we still have that connection with ARCO. Is there a connection between

solar power and HAARP?

So we can see a connection with HAARP being the brainchild from ARCO gas tycoon. ARCO

executives didn’t come up with this concept on their own. This originally comes from Nikolai

Tesla. “Some of the military applications of this type of Tesla were voiced by Tesla himself in a

New York Times article of December 8th 1915 in which he stated, "It is perfectly practicable to

transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance. I have

already constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible and have described it in my

technical publications, among which I refer to my patent number 1,119,732 recently granted." On

Nov. 3rd 1993 the US Air Force announced that the main contract to build HAARP was to go to

ARCO Power Technologies (APTI), which at the time was a subsidiary of ARCO.”

(http://www.cropcircleresearch.com/articles/e014-haarp.html) So you see, this technology was

patented and made by Tesla and brought to us on a bigger scale with HAARP through ARCO.

And according to the facts, it is and has been owned by the military complex. Knowing this, it

makes it hard to not believe this HAARP technology hasn’t been militarized. We know from the

facts that it has been and will continue to be. Nick Begich asks “What would this technology be

worth to ARCO, the owner of the patents? They could make enormous profits by beaming

electrical power from a powerhouse in the gas fields to the consumer without wires.” But what if,

and this is a big what if, the solar energy that is produced by the solar power plant in Carrizo

Plains, that is supposed to be sent to PG&E for 160,000 homes, isn’t used for that at all. What if

it is sent somewhere else? Say maybe to supply an oilfield company's power or maybe sent to

some sort of underground technology near by that enhances HAARP? In the end, my opinion is

that it's there to help induce movement on the fault line. I don’t know how this could or would be

done using these 9 million solar panels, but I think it is being done. Is it being used as an antenna

of some sorts? I don’t want to jump the gun though just yet.

Topaz – Aluminum, Flourine and Fire – a killer buffet!

So now we come to the present day. There was a new Solar Farm (or should we say power plant)

located in the Carrizo Plains called Topaz Solar Farm. “Topaz, which is manufactured by First

Solar, is a $2.5 billion project that consists of 9 million solar panels spread across 9.5 square miles.

The project is expected to generate 550 megawatts, which is enough to power 160,000 homes and


displace 377,000 tons of CO2 every year. It was built at least six miles away from some of the

more sensitive areas of the Carrizo Plain National Monument and prime agricultural lands.”

(http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-largest-solar-plant-in-the-world-is-now-operational-1663849468) So

we have 9 million solar panels that produces 550 mw of power. Anyone who researches the occult

will know 9 is a very significant number. Freemasonary gets 6+6+6=18=1+8=9. The magic

number. So to be specific as to “9 million” panels, well I would say that's a pretty specific number.

And don’t forget, HAARP produces 5.3 mw. That is ten times more than HAARP. And since we

are in “conspiracy” mode for a minute, let me also look at as to why it’s called Topaz Solar Farm.

Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine and by definition means heat, fire or burning.

Very fitting name if there is in fact a connection to HAARP through the use of Chemtrails (which

by the way, this area is bombarded with chemtrails just about every day). Our air is some of the

worst that sits at the south end of the San Juaquin Valley. Aluminium, flourine, heat and fire.


I also found it interesting that Topaz was mentioned 4 times in the Old Testament. The Hebrew

word Pitdah was used in Exodus 28:17 & 39:10 for the second stone in the first row for the High

Priests breastplate. And was used in Ezekiel 28:13 as the covering for the annointed cherub, who

some to believe as Lucifer, in the Garden of Eden. This was also the second stone mentioned.

Topaz was mentioned once in the New Testament in Revelation 21:20 as the 9th stone that

garnished the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem. For those who study the Word of

GOD and understand the significance of what this means, let me also point out a few roads and

entrances to Topaz. Bitterwater Road runs through Topaz and the entrance to the North section is

called Helios. Helios was the Greek personification of the Sun and was identified with the god

Apollo, who is Osiris and Nimrod. All the same person with different names for different cultures.

The South entrance is obviously called Apollo. Why wouldn’t it be right? Another entrance is

called Tracy Lane. “The Irish name Tracey is derived from the native Irish O'Treasaigh septs. The

name is taken from the Irish word "treasach" meaning "war-like" or "fighter". It is also translated

as "higher", "more powerful" or "superior".” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracy_(name))

Interesting choice of names for the entrances into Topaz isn’t it?


So who owns this Topaz solar plant? Warren Buffet. One of the richest men in the world who has

had more problems associated to him than he would like. I won’t get into Mr. Buffets past and

what some writers claim, but let me just say that if it is all true, this is a very very bad man. I

suggest you research and read the book by John DeCamp (attorney and former Nebraska Senator)

‘The Franklin Cover-up: Child abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska’. According to this book,

“Buffet is exposed as being a part of this Satanic cabal in Omaha”.


child.html) Now Buffet owns this Topaz Solar Plant and a subsidiary of his company Berkshire,

MidAmerican Energy is the company that actually runs Topaz.

Jeff McMahon from Forbes wrote an article on Buffet purchasing this solar plant. “Warren Buffet’s

wind-energy company plunged into solar energy this afternoon, agreeing to purchase the Topaz

Solar Farm project in Central California for more than $2 billion, the company announced. In


2000, Berkshire Hathaway and other investors paid roughly the same amount to purchase

MidAmerican Energy Holdings. MidAmerican entered agreements to acquire the 550-megawatt

plant on the Carrizo Plain, one of California’s last large expanse of prairie, according to this

afternoon’s press release. “Adding solar energy to our generation portfolio is a strategic move to

invest in yet another renewable energy source,” said Greg Abel, chairman, president and CEO of

MidAmerican. “As energy needs continue to increase, the Topaz project will allow MidAmerican

to produce renewable energy for thousands of Californians. This project also demonstrates that

solar energy is a commercially viable technology without the support of governmental loan

guarantees and reflects the type of solar and other renewable generation that MidAmerican will

continue to seek to add to its unregulated portfolio.” MidAmerican is currently the largest owner

of wind-powered energy generation among U.S. rate-regulated utilities, Abel said. The solar farm

is large enough to supply electricity to 160,000 average American homes…The project’s original

developer, First Solar, has agreed to construct and operate the Topaz project. Construction began

in November 2011 and is expected to be complete by early 2015. Pacific Gas and Electric

Company has signed a 25-year agreement to purchase electricity from Topaz, helping the utility

meet a state mandate to generate 33 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2020.”


farm/#1d148fd52803) The Topaz project was finished in February of 2015.


I thought it was strange that the address to MidAmerican in Iowa (where Buffet lived) is 666

Grand. Just another strange coincidence. And below you will see the overhead view of the Topaz

site. The first picture is from NASA and the other is my screenshot from Bing. Notice you can see

the foothills in both shots but for some reason the Topaz site is blotched out. I wonder why?

Courtesy of Bing Search


I would say by the looks of it, Topaz is more along the lines of a Solar Power Plant than a Farm.

You can find videos on the construction of Topaz here:




Courtesy of http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=85403

Courtesy of Bing Maps

Before we move on I also want to give you a couple of screenshots. One is from a YouTube video

where employees left a few not so happy comments about their employer MidAmerican. These are


just a few I will show you because I did find many more but don’t see the relevance to show them

all. I think these few show that they weren’t happy or treated right. Let me also mention that they

did have there fair share of problems. One being, 30 employees had gotten Valley Fever at one

time. The second comment is from someone who had broken down the cost and how long it would

actually take Buffet for this investment to come through and make some real money. This is one

question I have as to why build it here when the first one in the 80’s failed.

The screenshot below is a good explanation as to why this is a bad investment for Buffet.


The Chumash 2016 Sun and Moon Worship

Just recently, there were articles published on how the Sun and Moon will now affect the San

Andreas fault line. This is nothing new. We have known for years and years that the movements

of the Sun and Moon will in fact effect the movements of tides & fault lines that in turn cause

seismic activity. “Earthquakes are the product of ELF, VLF & ULF resonance between the

ionosphere and ground electrical currents. Those disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic signature

occur naturally due to electrical interactions between our sun and celestial bodies as they align.

These days, this electrical disturbance is no longer the work of nature alone.”

(https://amicrowavedplanet.com/electric-earthquake-man-made-disasters/) HAARP enhances

these ELF, VLF and ULF Waves by sending there signal into the ionosphere. This is why

earthquakes are more frequent and more powerful than the past. It’s just not because of the Sun

and Moon anymore, they are getting a little help. So why are all the articles coming out now that

are specifically saying that the Sun and Moon are affecting just the San Andreas fault line? Why

not the New Madrid or another fault line in the world? Because at this point, they don’t care about

any other area except for the San Andreas fault line for some reason. It’s like the black lives matter

nonsense. Evidently only san andres fault lines matter right now. So why the focus on this

particular fault line over the last few months and why are we being bombarded with article after

article about the concern for the “big one” happening near Carrizo Plains?


KTLA 5 in LA says “The gravitational tug between the sun and moon is not just a dance of high

and low tides: It can also trigger a special kind of earthquake on the San Andreas fault. This

phenomenon has fascinated scientists for years. Like sea levels, the surface of the Earth also goes

up and down with the tides, flexing the crust and stressing the faults inside. Further study found

that during certain phases of the tidal cycle, small tremors deep underground – known as low-

frequency earthquakes – were more likely to occur… Studying how these low-frequency

earthquakes respond to the tides can reveal new information about the San Andreas and what it

might mean for larger earthquakes, researchers say. The data offer a window into deeper parts of

the fault – as much as 20 miles underground – that would otherwise be inaccessible.”


gravitational-between-sun-and-moon/) Notice that they say it triggers a “special” kind of

earthquake on this particular fault. Kind of weird that they would say that right? “Low-frequency

earthquakes, named after the rumbling sound they produce, are of magnitudes lower than 1.0,

located between 15 and 30 km (9 and 19 miles) below the surface, close to where the crust

transitions to the mantle. These tremors are important because they are capable of providing the

scientists valuable information about the deeper parts of the fault, that cannot be accessed in other

way.” (http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2016/07/19/san-andreas-fault-prone-to-low-frequency-

tremors-caused-by-the-gravitational-pull-of-sun-and-moon/) And what do they mean by these

“low frequency” earthquakes? Like not happening very often or like Extremely Low Frequency

like HAARP puts out? I took it as the latter ELF earthquakes. And if this is true, they are in fact

admitting that these Low Frequency earthquakes are actually taking place. I will say in the articles

defense, this article http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2016/07/19/san-andreas-fault-prone-to-low-

frequency-tremors-caused-by-the-gravitational-pull-of-sun-and-moon/ mentions Parkfield, CA. as

to where this study took place. Either way, it is the San Andreas fault line that they are talking

about. Los Alamos National Laboratory did a study on the tides and fault line here:


Do you remember the article above that mentioned that MidAmerican Energy was the company

that runs the Carrizo Plains Topaz Plant, that is owned by Warren Buffet? Did you happen to know

that he is also in the business of selling earthquake insurance? Yeah that’s right. This elitist has his

hands in all the cookie jars. HARRP, solar energy and now earth quake insurance, which all of

these just happen to be connected to Carrizo Plains. Coincidence? Maybe it is…or maybe it’s not.

In a 1996 LA Times article Buffet predicted that California wouldn’t have a devastating earthquake

in California before March 31st 2001. He was right, New York had the earthshaking event later

that year in September. “Multibillionaire investor Warren Buffett is betting that no big earthquake

will devastate California before March 31, 2001. And that, according to a principal advisor for the

new California Earthquake Authority, seems like a very good bet. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway

Inc. has agreed to sell the state-run earthquake insurance agency $1.5 billion of reinsurance for

four years, in return for a premium of $590 million, it was disclosed over the weekend. The

earthquake authority's actuary, John Drennan, said Sunday that calculations of annual quake

probabilities indicate that there is only one chance in 20 that Buffett would have to pay out so

much as a penny in return for that premium. Terms for paying the premium were not revealed, but

reinsurance premiums routinely are paid early on in the agreement. Reinsurance means that an

insurer--the newly created state earthquake authority--pays a premium in exchange for a

commitment that the reinsurer--in this case, Buffett's firm--will pay damage claims above a certain

amount, or, alternately, a percentage of the claims above that amount.(


http://articles.latimes.com/1996-11-18/news/mn-386_1_big-quake) So Buffet is not only in the

business of selling earthquake insurance and turning a profit, he is also in the business of cashing

in on disasters such as the Japan earthquake. “Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway,

said Japan's record earthquake is a buying opportunity and he won't sell shares in the country. "If

I owned Japanese stocks, I would certainly not be selling them because of the events of the past

10 days or so," Buffett said, speaking to reporters in the South Korean city of Daegu, where he

arrived yesterday to attend a ceremony for a new factory being built by TaeguTec. "Something out

of the blue like this, an extraordinary event, really creates a buying opportunity."


earthquake-creates-buying-opportunity-) So do you think he took advantage of misfortunes for

some and made an investment that would turn him some more money? I bet he did. Let me also

add that this Topaz site was built by lead Agency Department of Energy, the Cooperating Agency

was US Army Corps of Engineers and the loan for construction and startup was from the Royal

Bank of Scotland. The loan obviously fell through, this is why Buffet bought it.

So once again. Why would anyone decide to build a billion dollar solar investment in the middle

of nowhere? Not to mention, it gets built on land that is owned by the BLM and is supposed to be

a National Resource that houses 13 species that are going “extinct”. The first plant failed in the

80’s and this one seems to be spending more on building it and production, and it won’t be years

until they come out on top. So why here? Solar energy has been proven to be bad for the

environment. In this video you can see a brief reason why and what are the negative effects of

solar energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znEA8VjzzlU. Here is an article as to why Solar

is bad for your health http://www.eiwellspring.org/SolarEMFHazard.pdf. And why would they

build it right next to the San Andreas Fault line. I am no genius but that doesn’t seem so smart to

build it right there. SO WHY THERE? According to Katie Fehrenbacher “There are two other

important reasons why developers chose this location for the Topaz project. First, the obvious one:

it’s hella sunny; it’s one of the sunniest regions in the U.S. And second, there was an existing 230-

kilovolt transmission line nearby, which will deliver the solar power far from the site to the homes,

offices and factories that will use it.” (https://gigaom.com/2015/01/20/a-special-report-the-rise-of-

a-mega-solar-panel-farm-why-its-important/) She is right. It is always sunny and hot but according

to Katie’s source, they built this in that specific area because there was an existing transmission

line nearby? Ok…


Ley Lines and Earthquake Fault Lines

Well I could’ve mentioned this earlier but I thought I would wait. But before I answer as to why

I am doing this study, I just asked as to why this area was chosen for all of this. Why did the

Chumash settle here and come this far inland? Why would you set up a 2 billion dollar Solar

Farm next to a major Fault line? I personally think those are pretty good questions. Well I think

there may be something there that hay shed a little light on as to why. I am currently writing my

first book “The Temple, The Abomination and The Holy Place”, and I had to do a little research

into Ley Lines. Here is what I came across as to the connection between Ley Lines and Fault


Map of Ley Lines, Fault Lines and Animal Deaths, Courtesy of http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread647261/pg1

Here is an article by Mark Patrick Gibbons. “A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth’s tectonic

plates; this is a scientific fact. What science though refuses to believe is that through these, cracks

in the earth’s tectonic plates the magnetic energy released are very powerful indeed. In fact many

people have claimed to have felt the energy surge up their body, and some of them claim that they

have blacked out as the surge was that powerful. Our ancestors have known about these lines for

many hundreds of thousands years. Every race and culture on the planet has known about these

lines yet every one had different names for these lines. Many people here in the UK tended to

think that the druids found these lines; this of course is complete and utter nonsense. All we need

to do is to look at the ancient cultures of the earth. Take the native Indians of the United States;

they used to call ley lines spirit lines and their Shaman’s used to use the electro-magnetic energy

in these lines to help them contact the spirits. They even designed their medicine wheel on the

spirit lines, as they knew that these lines followed a straight round line. How did they know about

these lines and the energies that they give off? The answer’s simple: the sky Gods told them.

Whilst here in Europe we are lead to believe that the druids called them mystical lines, in Wales

they used the same name as eastern countries; they called them dragon lines. We know that Eastern


countries called them dragon lines as the sky Gods flew in dragons along these lines (I will draw

on the Wales, Eastern connection in the next sub-heading ). The aboriginal people of Australia

called these lines dream lines, once again they claim that knowledge was passed on to them from

the sky Gods. Do Ley-Lines Emit Positive Or Negative Energy? Yes, ley lines can give off positive

or negative energy. "How?" I hear you ask. Well if a coven have gathered and practiced black

rituals they can blacken the line from giving off positive energy to negative energy. Is there any

proof for this? Yes, in the nineteen seventies, in the small Yorkshire mill town of Todmorden, a

coven practiced in a small woodland area in the district of Cornhome. The woodland has four ley

lines running trough it. After the coven had stopped practicing there, the wildlife had disappeared

from the area and did not return till nineteen ninety-six, after white witches had performed several

cleansing rights there.”


So he claims Ley Lines are in fact connected to Fault Lines and tectonic plates. To me this makes

a lot of sense. He mentioned that the Native American Indians knew about these Ley Lines which

they called Spirit Lines. Did the Chumash know about these lines from there “sky gods”? Is this

why they were led inland and built an altar of sorts in the middle of nowhere? Was painted rock

telling some sort of story in the pictographs of giant creatures and a horned humanoid type

character? Maybe this is why the Chumash were led to be here and maybe this is why it’s a

Monument of nothing and endangered species? Is this why Topaz has a 9 million solar panel farm

there? Would Carrizo Plain be considered a high energy spot or a vortice like some New Agers

believe? “Vortices are high energy spots on the Earth. Earth energy is due to its electromagnetic

field. NASA research has proved that the human energy field is tuned in to certain ‘Earth Waves’.

The joining on the surface of the Earth are ‘hot spots’ of energy focus which we know as the

vortices of the Earth, these are linked by ley lines. A Ley line is an energy line, some being of

more importance than others…When a major earthquake occurs, the effect is felt along faults and

ley lines. For instance when an earthquake occurs in San Francisco it can create mini earthquakes

along that fault line for hundreds of miles. This particular fault line is also a major ley line. The

ley line begins in the Peruvian Mountains and ends in Alaska, however the fault line continues

under the sea of Alaska. Whilst faults may change after activity, ley lines do not. Large vortices

may appear like wheels with the spokes emanating from them being ley lines. Some of these spokes

are more powerful than others, just as there seems to be different degrees of strength to the vortices.

Energy may whirl through the spokes from the vortices, at different frequencies.”

(http://www.ofspiritandsoul.com/earth%20vortices/vortices.html) Remember the picture at

Painted Rock of what I speculated to look like a Labyrinth? Were the Chumash drawing a vortice

that looked like a wheel with spokes? Or was it just a spider web like some believe? Also, speaking

of endangered species, some have connected Ley Lines to the deaths of and animals and birds.

You can find an article here and also read the comments section:

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread647261/pg1. I can personally say that I have seen

dead birds in Taft at different times and they always happen in groups. They aren’t mass deaths

like around the world but it does seem odd they I will see a lot of them at one time. Then it stops.

Matter of fact, in June of this year (2016) I had seen quite a few dead crows, which is really strange

because I had never seen anything like that before. Let’s continue with the article.

In the article he goes onto make a connection to sightings of UFO’s and paranormal (or should I

say demonic activity) in these areas of Ley Lines and Fault Lines. Before I go on to the rest of his


article, let me bring something up that I had heard personally from quite a few people in the past.

Being from Taft, we used to go out in the fields to party and hang out. This was the thing to do.

There was a place we used to go behind Fellows on top of the Temblor Range called the

Microwave. It was a huge Microwave satellite dish (that I still don’t know what it was for or who

owned it) that over looked the Valley and Carrizo Plain. I never personally witnessed anything

strange up there but I do know that it was fairly high in elevation and if there was a storm in Taft,

it would snow up there. In the past, I have heard from quite a few people that they had witnessed

objects or “ufo’s” coming out of the ground when they were looking West toward the Carrizo

Plain. Every time I had heard this, I wrote them off and said, “Oh you guys were just seeing things

and it was probably because you had too much to drink”. Every reply was “NO!” and they all were

very sincere on what they claim they saw. People actually believed that there was an underground

base out on the Carrizo Plain and after these people who witnessed these things happen, they got

scared and wouldn’t dare go back out there. I had a guy tell me about it a few years after it had

happened and he said that was the first time he had mentioned it since he had seen it. Is it true

what they saw? I can’t be for sure and say it was or wasn’t. I do know from personal accounts

from being out at Carrizo Plain, it did give me a creepy feeling.

He goes on to say, “The orange balls of light phenomena, that certain UFO investigators such as

Andy Roberts and Paul Devuox claim are earthlights, are from my findings mainly seen over

positive ley line areas. And according to the witnesses I have interviewed, the earthlight theory

can be ruled out. The witnesses claim that they seem to be intelligently controlled. The earthlight

theory is an interesting one. Ley lines do run on the earth’s tectonic plates fault lines, which

according to Roberts and Devroux release earthlights during stress on the fault lines before an

earth quake. If this was the case, the Scammonden would not be here as the orange balls of light

are seen there often. Which now leads me to ask why these things are attracted to ley lines. As I

have explained, ley lines give off positive and negative energy, the same as a magnet has a positive

and negative poles. Ley lines run on the Earths’ tectonic plates. The blacked or negative ley line

attracts negative experiences…The only proof I have for this connection is from the painstaking

and long years of research I have done on the subject. Further proof comes from talking to the

many witnesses to these phenomena, as well as the occurrences on the sites.”

(http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/mapas_ocultotierra/esp_mapa_ocultotierra_07.htm) So he

does mention what is called “earthlights” from “positive ley lines”. As far as Ley Lines go, in my

opinion, there is nothing positive about them. They are completely occult in nature and I do not

suggest anyone get involved in them. For the record I do not support the views that Ley Lines are

positive. They are all negative in my opinion. But he does connect balls of light to these “positive

lines”. The one thing I never thought to ask the people who saw these lights or objects was what

color they were? He also mentions Medicine Wheels. Dream catchers are based off of medicine

wheels. These too are something I wouldn’t get involved with. Below is a Cherokee Medicine

Wheel and a wheel that is a mixture of pagan cultures and astrology. Here is a video about these

wheels and ley lines. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QqLS9qGlHo) So according to his

research, he connects ley lines to fault lines. I personally think he is on to something here.

So is there a Ley Line where the San Andreas Fault line runs in Carrizo Plain? If there in fact is,

this would answer a lot of “whys” now wouldn’t it? The Chumash obviously knew something

about this area and I wonder if Buffet and Topaz knew something about this area also? We may

never know and the only thing we can do is theorize and speculate.



My answer as to why?

So how did I get to this point where I’m at now? Why did I actually take the time to research all

of these things and in my humble opinion, they all seem to line up. How did I personally get to

this conclusion? Why is it that I am so skeptical of what this Solar Farm (Plant) really is? Well let

me tell you. I was raised in Taft for 43½ of my 44 years alive. You could go ahead and say I was

born and raised here. Might as well been. I have seen everything Taft and this area has to offer. I

remember one major flood when I has around 6-7 years old that happened in the 70’s. I have felt

all kinds of earthquakes throughout my life. I have heard all kinds of sonic booms. By doing this

research and writing this paper I am not, by any means, trying to over sensationalize anything. I

am just writing what I know and going from research of others that know more than me on these

subjects. I won’t give you a full run down of 44 years in Taft as far as weather and strange things

goes. What I will tell you about is three different occasions in the last year where really abnormal

things, as far as weather goes, happened.

JUNE 10th, 2015 - The last flood I remember was probably when I was around 6-7 years old and

it was in the winter. That’s a pretty normal time to have heavy rains that would cause a flood in

Taft. In the middle of summer on June 10th 2015 at 4:30 pm, here in Taft we witnessed a very

abnormal storm that caused a flood. Parts of town literally flooded like never before. Prior to the

flood happening, we had strange winds every night starting at 5 pm right on the dot. This even

continued weeks after the flood. Not only was this flood out of the ordinary because of the flood

itself, but the way it formed and happened is even stranger. At 4 pm on the dot (I remember this

distinctly because I looked at the clock when it happened) we heard a loud boom that was not

thunder that shook the house like an earthquake. Around 30 minutes later at 4:30 pm a storm came

from out of the south west that literally blew in like a hurricane. There are palm trees across the

street from our house that are probably at least 100 feet tall that were bending sideways from the

wind. The wind and storm was so violent that the rain was literally blowing parallel to the ground.

Within 10 minutes from the downpour not only our house had flooded like I have never seen

before, our tree in the front yard blew over. The whole town was flooded. I can tell you for a fact

that we did not have an earthquake because I checked the USGS website and the radar wasn’t

predicting any storm. It came from out of nowhere. A sonic boom, earthquake, winds and a flood.

Sounds like HAARP to me and that was my first thought when it happened. And yes, HAARP can

affect the winds. “Did I forget to mention the HAARP winds? We are not far from the head of the

Sea of Cortez, a major driver for continental US weather. We believe our zone is often

manipulated by ionosphere heaters to agitate winds over the sea. What might be called wind here

at times – luckily not constant – is terrifying to behold. Probably when the atmosphere kites

upward under HAARP's force. We call it the big suck because it is more than a force that

blows. More like updraft after the concussion of an explosion.” (geoengineeringwatch.org/haarp-


July 18th, 2015 – One month later we had another strange storm materialize from nothing. This

time it was a lightning storm. This lightning storm reminded me of plasma streams falling from

the sky. It was really crazy to witness as it lit up the whole town and at times it was blinding to

even look at. Bakersfield also witnessed this lightning storm. Below you will see the NOAA Radar


screenshot and a shot of lightning from Bakersfield. On July 19th we witnessed the same exact

thing as the night before. Notice how the lightning looks like it is entwined and wrapped around


May 6th, 2016 – We witnessed another strange storm again. This time it was a combination of

flooding and lightning that looked like plasma streams. There were no noticeable booms or

earthquakes but we did witness torrential rains within minutes that would last ten minutes at a

time. The rain came down so hard that it felt like it was punching you in the face. I had never felt


rain like this before and I had never witnessed “lightning” like this except from the storm in July

of 2015. Let me also point out that this is around the time when all of the articles were coming out

about the San Andreas Fault line in Carrizo Plain was ready to give anytime. Below are pictures

of the lightning in Taft that are courtesy of Taft News Now Facebook page.



Notice the picture above with the hole in the sky. This is over the Carrizo Plain area where the

San Andreas Fault line is. Pretty strange huh? HAARP and Saclar Weapons have been known to

punch holes in the atmosphere like this

The one thing I want to point out is that we ALWAYS have Chemtrails here in Taft. There are

very few days where we have clear blue skies that don’t have manufactured clouds. I think this is

one reason why we are having these freak storms now. Chemtrails are in fact enhancing these

storms in my opinion. “HAARP can be used in conjunction with chemtrails in order to modify the

weather. Disbursed metallic particles such as aluminum, barium and strontium (the main chemtrail

ingredients) may increase the atmosphere’s conductivity and therefore enhance HAARP’s weather

modification performance.” (http://www.activistpost.com/2012/08/smoking-gun-haarp-and-

chemtrails.html) The photo is prior to the storms in May. Notice the circle the plane made.


February 23rd, 2016 - I wanted to save the February 23rd, 2016 event for last. It was three months

before the floods and lightning storms we had in May but I think it’s better to talk about this one

even though it’s out of order. There was an earthquake was allegedly centered around Wasco,

California. Wasco is about 30 minutes North of Taft. I say allegedly because we felt as well as

Bakersfield and Fresno. This particular earthquake had a boom prior to what felt like someone

picking up my house and shaking it a few times. It was not only loud but had a pretty good jolt to

it. This was definitely an earthquake and the sound was heard by quite a few people. I will post

comments from Facebook at the end of this. Now there are a few strange things about this

earthquake. The first was being that this earthquake happened at 4:01 pm (the first thing I did was

look at the clock and notice it’s the same time as the flood boom/earthquake in 2015). I

immediately went to the USGS site to see what was the depth and size of the earthquake and it

was 0.3 km’s deep (0.18641136 miles or 1,056 feet). The strange thing was that an hour later the

USGS changed it to 22.1 km’s (13.7323033 miles or 68,640 feet) deep. Why would they do this?

They had an instant read out as soon as it happened. It went from being just underground (0.2

miles) to 13 miles deep. You can see the screenshots below. Also look at the Shake Map and you

will see the green area where the earthquake was felt. Now notice that the green is also in Taft and

around the San Andreas Fault line. I enhanced the colors so you could see it better.



Original Shake Map


This is a picture from my computer to my phone with the screen tilted to see the colors better.

This has not been enhanced at all. This is from original picture.

Enhanced image


Now notice from the pictures above that the earthquake was not only centered in Wasco but it was

also centered in Taft. Conveniently next to the San Andreas Fault line. The next weird thing was

what happened in the sky when this earthquake happened. I have multiple picture from Taft

residents who witnessed this and I was lucky enough to get the pictures. People in Bakersfield

actually witnessed this also. The first two pictures are from Taft while the others are from

Bakersfield. And notice all the Chemtrails.


It looks like something punched a hole through the atmosphere that is reminiscent of HAARP

activity. Notice the colors from the Barium, Strontium and Aluminum.



The pictures below come from Mark Ortiz of Bakersfield. He actually had gotten video of this

right after the earthquake. The first picture is the original and the second is the enhanced image.

He said the original image didn’t project what he had seen in real time. He said the second

enhanced image was more along the lines of what he really saw. Notice the arch effect in the

second image. Also notice the round dot in both pictures. What in the world is that?


Here is a screenshot of his video. On the video he points out the pushing out ripple effect of the chemtrails. Kind of

like you would see in a still lake when a rock ripples the water. You can see it better on the video. Pretty strange

indeed. Video can be found here https://www.facebook.com/mark.ortiz.142/videos/1278557218827443/


Below are comments from people on Facebook who not only felt the earthquake but heard the

sound just prior to it happening.



If all these strange events aren’t caused by HAARP, maybe Scalar Energy has something to do

with it? Earthquakes…strange boom sounds…? Here is what this weaponry (which is very similar

to HAARP) can do. “Distant earthquakes can be made by depositing energy in the rocks and

increasing plate stress until slippage occurs at a fault zone. Rocking of an entire plate can be done

by depositing and contracting energy from alternate areas causing buckling of a large rock plate.

(Tom)_Bearden writes on how to induce an earthquake: "Here's how you initiate a very large

earthquake with such weapons. Take a convenient fault zone or set of them. Focus the

interferometry on the fault zone, in the "diverging" mode, and deposit EM energy there in the

rocks on both sides, increasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect

(deposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements). Do it slowly, and the stress will build

up to large pressures well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks

yield and one or both sides ‘slip’ and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that

zone. Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, scalar waves easily penetrate right through

the earth and ocean at will, and so the ‘interference zone’ focus can be inside the earth or beneath

the ocean, at will. Anyway, focus this thing down to where the active part of the volcano is still

slumbering, down where the hole in the plate has been made. Keep increasing the deposition of

energy in the magma itself, and eventually the increasing pressure from deep within that volcano,

underground, will cause an eruption. Build the energy slow, and the eruption will likely be much



“If a transmitter is at a higher reference 'potential' than the interference zone of 2 crossed scalar

beams, energy emerges into the plasma 'bottle' which materializes physically and this is called

'exothermic' mode. This can cause explosions and can be 'nuclear like' if set at a high

frequency…To extract energy back to the transmitters from the energy bottle of 2 crossed scalar

beams the potential must be set at a lower mode and this is called 'endothermic' mode and as energy

is extracted out of the 'bottle' area, a freezing will occur, possibly causing a thunderous

sound…This 'bottle' of energy can be detonated inside the earth to create an earthquake or into a

building to make a 'nuclear like' explosion. This 'bottle' can be moved anywhere on the planet or

through it and made any size…These powerful beams can also travel right through the earth and

create an earthquake at the antipodes of the earth and Tesla also experimented doing this…Tesla’s

inventions were dangerous and not only did he discover scalar waves and how to use it to

manufacture earthquakes but also he created a ‘Death Ray’, which has been likened to a particle

beam weapon.” (http://members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/scalar.htm)

This all sounds like what we have been witnessing less than 20 miles from the San Andreas Fault

line. Now my question is always leading back to the Topaz Solar Farm. Does this site have

anything to do with this happening? The weird coincidence with the opening of Topaz in 2015 is

that all the really weird things started just after they made the site live. Is this enhancing HAARP

or Scalar technology? I can only speculate on this particular thing but it is interesting that I had

came across an article on a type of VLF Antenna that is “could be used in conjunction with other

similar facilities to set off a major earthquake”. And notice the comment he makes after this

comment I just mentioned. Does Warren Buffet come to mind? “EMF generators over earthquake

fault lines? An expert in the field of electromagnetic energy, who wishes to remain anonymous,

tells me that this may be an electromagnetic (VLF) antenna installed over a fault line. It could be

used in conjunction with other similar facilities to set off a major earthquake. Great financial


and political gain may be achieved through disasters such as earthquakes. In the catastrophe

reinsurance market, one can make a lot of money from a disaster. Governments have been

known to seize power through declarations of emergency and subsequent ‘relief’ efforts… My

informant also mentioned current research into how ionospheric heaters such as HAARP could be

used in combination to create atmospheric ionization paths which can be used as a lightning

weapon capable of completely destroying individuals or vast areas. Maybe the original purpose of

Raytheon is to come up with just such a weapon. Raytheon means ‘light from the gods.’ Raytheon

acquired E-Systems; the company that built HAARP.”


For those who are interested in looking more into the lightning plasma weapon phenomenon then

I suggest you go here. The Army has built a lightning plasma weapon. These should get you






Comments from those who can see and hear…

I will leave you with this. I am not the first person to believe that these are all connected and I

won’t be the last. Here are what some people think about these Sonic Booms and HAARP:

“There is a theory that the USA used the weapon because they did not want Japan developing the

hydrogen car and selling them, and caused the huge tzsunami that hit Japan and caused Fukishima

nuclear damage. before and during the storm that attacked New York they have evidence of

weather manipulation, multiple storms that were started by cloud seeding and matured to one big

storm that caused maximum damage to the city and coastline. Close examination of weather

recorded radar showed manipulated energy patterns around the storm that a natural storm does not

exibit. We are living in the age of weather manipulation as a national weapon of defense or offense.

The scary part is this will give the ability of gov. to create all kinds of weird weather

phenomenon, earth quakes created on demand, world changing weather effects upon demand.”

“I can tell you this, it is not earth related in terms of earthquake, the shaking of the ground is a

result of the booming sound and sound waves traveling through the atmosphere impacting the

earth. The boom heard here in 2013 in Holts Summit Missouri USA was not long after I heard an

odd trumpet at some distance on the wind from the sky, same as seen on utube heard around the

world, the worst trumpet player ever, a sickly deep sad sound….very disturbing. The boom not a

couple weeks later came out of the upper atmosphere and yes the sound waves shook the ground

and building but, it DISTINCTLY FOLLOWED the boom, and my neighbor whom happened to

be looking up out the window said she saw an orange flash of light thru the window which she

thought was in the sky like a lightning flash (not a bolt).”




“Earthquakes can be heralded by changes in the ionosphere – the earth’s upper atmosphere on

the edge of space. Just before the earthquake struck Sichuan province in China there were odd

visual disturbances and they were caught on tape. One puzzle is that the colors in the Chinese

clouds were upside down from a normal circumzenithal halo – red pointing toward the horizon

and blue towards the Sun, instead of the other way round.” (https://ahrcanum.com/2009/04/06/is-


Sonic Booms, Earthquakes and HAARP by Craig Patin, August 1st, 2016