Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance R S Trask, H R Williams and I P Bond Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Bristol, Queen's Building, University Walk, Bristol. BS8 1TR. U.K E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The concept of an autonomic self-healing material, where initiation of repair is integral to the material, is now being considered for engineering applications. This bio-inspired concept offers the designer an ability to incorporate secondary functional materials capable of counteracting service degradation whilst still achieving the primary, usually structural, requirement. Most materials in nature are themselves self-healing composite materials. This paper reviews the various self-healing technologies currently being developed for fibre reinforced polymeric composite materials, most of which are bioinspired; inspired by observation of nature. The most recent self-healing work has attempted to mimic natural healing using more detailed study of natural processes. A perspective on current and future self-healing approaches using this biomimetic technique is offered. The intention is to stimulate debate and reinforce the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in this exciting field. 1. Introduction The need for continual improvement in material performance is a common feature of many modern engineering endeavours. Engineering structures now encompass a wide range of technologies from materials development, analysis, design, testing, production and maintenance. Advances in materials technologies have been largely responsible for major performance improvements in many engineering structures and continue to be key in determining the reliability, performance and cost effectiveness of such systems. A key focus of current scientific research is the development of bioinspired materials systems [Bruck et al, 2002]. Naturally occurring ‘materials’ in animals and plants have developed into highly sophisticated, integrated, hierarchical structures that commonly exhibit multifunctional behaviour [Curtis, 1996]. Mimicry of these integrated microstructures and micro-mechanisms offers considerable potential to engineers in the design and continual improvement of material performance [Kassner et al, 2005] in the coming years. A great many natural ‘materials’ are themselves self-healing composite materials! Lightweight, high strength, high stiffness fibre reinforced polymer composite materials are leading contenders as component materials to improve the efficiency and sustainability of many forms of transport. In addition, they offer immense scope for incorporating multifunctionality due to their hierarchical internal architecture. One limiting factor in their wider exploitation is relatively poor performance under impact loading, a critical aspect of any vehicle design, leading to a significant reduction in strength, stiffness and stability [Dorey, 1998; Richardson and Wisheart, 1996; Abrate, 1998]. Their inability to plastically deform results in energy absorption via the creation of defects and damage. This damage often manifests itself internally within the material as matrix cracks and delaminations, and can thus be difficult to detect visually. Thus, a fibre reinforced polymer composite material could directly benefit from incorporating an added functionality such as self-healing. The healing potential of living organisms and the repair strategies in natural materials is increasingly of interest to designers seeking lower mass structures with increased service life, who wish to progress

Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

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Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

R S Trask, H R Williams and I P Bond Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Bristol, Queen's Building, University Walk, Bristol. BS8 1TR. U.K E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The concept of an autonomic self-healing material, where initiation of repair is integral to the material, is now being considered for engineering applications. This bio-inspired concept offers the designer an ability to incorporate secondary functional materials capable of counteracting service degradation whilst still achieving the primary, usually structural, requirement. Most materials in nature are themselves self-healing composite materials. This paper reviews the various self-healing technologies currently being developed for fibre reinforced polymeric composite materials, most of which are bioinspired; inspired by observation of nature. The most recent self-healing work has attempted to mimic natural healing using more detailed study of natural processes. A perspective on current and future self-healing approaches using this biomimetic technique is offered. The intention is to stimulate debate and reinforce the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in this exciting field.

1. Introduction The need for continual improvement in material performance is a common feature of many modern engineering endeavours. Engineering structures now encompass a wide range of technologies from materials development, analysis, design, testing, production and maintenance. Advances in materials technologies have been largely responsible for major performance improvements in many engineering structures and continue to be key in determining the reliability, performance and cost effectiveness of such systems. A key focus of current scientific research is the development of bioinspired materials systems [Bruck et al, 2002]. Naturally occurring ‘materials’ in animals and plants have developed into highly sophisticated, integrated, hierarchical structures that commonly exhibit multifunctional behaviour [Curtis, 1996]. Mimicry of these integrated microstructures and micro-mechanisms offers considerable potential to engineers in the design and continual improvement of material performance [Kassner et al, 2005] in the coming years. A great many natural ‘materials’ are themselves self-healing composite materials! Lightweight, high strength, high stiffness fibre reinforced polymer composite materials are leading contenders as component materials to improve the efficiency and sustainability of many forms of transport. In addition, they offer immense scope for incorporating multifunctionality due to their hierarchical internal architecture. One limiting factor in their wider exploitation is relatively poor performance under impact loading, a critical aspect of any vehicle design, leading to a significant reduction in strength, stiffness and stability [Dorey, 1998; Richardson and Wisheart, 1996; Abrate, 1998]. Their inability to plastically deform results in energy absorption via the creation of defects and damage. This damage often manifests itself internally within the material as matrix cracks and delaminations, and can thus be difficult to detect visually. Thus, a fibre reinforced polymer composite material could directly benefit from incorporating an added functionality such as self-healing. The healing potential of living organisms and the repair strategies in natural materials is increasingly of interest to designers seeking lower mass structures with increased service life, who wish to progress

Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

from the more conventional conservative, damage tolerance philosophy. The conceptual inspiration from nature for self-healing is not new, and many other engineering approaches could be considered to have been inspired by observing natural systems. These bioinspired approaches do not typically include mimicry of the biological processes involved because in many cases they are clearly too complex. The field of self-healing in polymer composites has seen exciting developments in recent years, for example [White et al, 2001; Brown et al, 2005b; Pang & Bond, 2005b], using the inspiration of biological self-healing applied with broadly traditional engineering approaches. In this discussion, bioinspired self-healing is taken to be where the concept or basic mechanism of self-healing has been inspired by observing it in a natural system. It is simple observation that many natural systems can self-heal, it is equally simple observation that animals usually achieve this via a ‘bleeding’ mechanism. Biomimetic self-healing must mimic self-healing to a higher degree but the distinction is very difficult to define because in practice exact replication of natural systems is very challenging. A clear distinction is whether the natural mechanism has been simply observed or whether it has been studied and specific functional points mimicked. There is some general precedent for this distinction: Vincent and Mann [2002] describe the use of a systematic method of transferring technology between scientific disciplines based on grouping by function and Bar-Cohen [2006] concludes a discussion of a large range of examples of where nature has inspired engineering with the suggestion that a systematic database of biological functional approaches would help to guide future research in the field. The example of flight was discussed in this paper: flight is undoubtedly bioinspired but it was only the drive to mimic it that lead to the powerful understanding of aerodynamics we have today. The purpose of this article is to consider the ongoing developments in autonomic self-healing in fibre reinforced thermosetting polymer composites and take the opportunity to categorise the approaches described in the literature to-date as bioinspired or biomimetic self-healing. This is not intended to be an exercise purely of review, but to use the classifications to speculate on biomimetic approaches that could advance the field further and to stimulate debate. Nature has developed several wholly independent and very sophisticated self-healing methodologies that are worthy of systematic study, rather than simply observation. 2. Self-healing strategies in engineering structures 2.1. Bioinspired self-healing approaches Nature’s ability to heal has inspired new ideas and new mechanisms in the engineering community. Chemists and engineers have proposed different healing concepts that offer the ability to restore the mechanical performance of the material. One area of interest is the fusion of the failed surfaces. Polymeric materials possessing selective cross-links between polymer chains that can be broken under load and then reformed by heat have been shown to offer healing efficiencies of 57% of the original fracture load [Chen et al, 2002]. Another example is where a polymeric material hosts a second solid-state polymer phase that migrates to the damage site under the action of heat [Zako & Takano, 1999; Hayes et al, 2005]. Hayes and colleagues [Hayes et al, 2005] have developed a two-phase, solid-state repairable polymer by mixing a thermoplastic healing agent into a thermosetting epoxy matrix to produce a homogeneous matrix which contrasts with the discrete particles of uncured epoxy reported by Zako and Takano [1999]. These systems offer the capacity for self-healing, but require damage sensing, some form of higher decision-making via a feedback loop and heating requirements that are likely to be impractical in a real application. Although not explicitly stated by the authors, Lee et al [Lee et al, 2004] have considered the possibility of using nanoparticles dispersed in polymer films to deposit at a damage site in a similar fashion to blood clotting. In this work, the nanoparticles are dispersed in polymer films within a multilayer composite and are studied by integrated computer simulations. The model comprises a brittle layer containing a nanocrack sandwiched between two polymer films with analysis suggesting a self-healing mechanism whereby nano-particles congregate at the nanocrack. The numerical models also predict load transfer from the matrix to the stiff nanoparticles. This mechanism is considered


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

applicable to optical communications, display technologies and biomedical engineering. The authors report that mechanical properties of the composites repaired in this manner could potentially achieve 75%–100% of the undamaged material strength. Later work by Gupta and colleagues [Gupta et al, 2006], using fluorescent nanoparticles, has shown that ligands on the nanoparticles can be selected to help drive nanoparticles into a crack in a microelectronic thin film layer. No restoration of mechanical properties were investigated. The viability of this technology for use in structural composite materials is possibly limited as the target damage is on a very small scale. The third area of interest is based upon a biological ‘bleeding’ approach to repair, i.e. microcapsules and hollow fibres. Microencapsulation self-healing [White et al., 2001; Kessler & White, 2001; Kessler et al., 2002] involves the use of a monomer, dicyclopentadiene (DCPD), stored in urea-formaldehyde microcapsules dispersed within a polymer matrix. When the microcapsules are ruptured by a progressing crack, the monomer is drawn along the fissure where it comes into contact with a dispersed particulate catalyst (Ruthenium based “Grubbs” catalyst), initiating polymerization and thus repair (see figure 1). The release of active components was clearly seen to restore a proportion of the loss in mechanical properties arising from microcracking within a polymer matrix and results confirmed that the dispersion of microcapsules within a bulk polymer matrix material was not detrimental to stiffness.

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) Basic method of the microcapsule approach, (b) ESEM image showing ruptured microcapsule [White et al, 2001]

A key advantage of the microencapsulation self-healing approach is the ease with which they can be incorporated within a bulk polymer material. The disadvantages are the need for microcapsule fracture and the need for the resin to encounter the catalyst prior to any repair occurring. In fibre reinforced polymer composite materials, additional problems arise due to the size of microcapsules (typically 10-100µm) disrupting the fibre architecture (i.e. fibre waviness and fibre volume fraction), the need for a good dispersion of the catalyst to provide uniform healing functionality, microcapsules having only limited resin volume, and the creation of a void in the wake of the crack after consumption of healing resin. Some results [Kessler & White, 2001; Kessler et al, 2003] have indicated specific problems in terms of healing efficiency due to clumping of microcapsules into woven-roving wells whilst cracks propagate along woven-roving peaks. More recently, microcapsules have been applied to improve the fatigue life of an epoxy bulk polymer. Both manual infiltration of pre-mixed DCPD monomer and catalyst [Brown et al, 2005a] and in-situ healing using monomer filled microcapsules and dispersed catalyst [Brown et al, 2005b] have shown a performance advantage. With in-situ healing, crack arrest and an improved fatigue life of up to 213% of the control specimens was demonstrated in high-cycle fatigue (>104 cycles). Self-healing using hollow fibres embedded within an engineering structure, similar to the arteries in a natural system, has been investigated at different length scales in different engineering materials by various authors, for example, in bulk concrete [Dry, 1992; Dry, 1994; Dry & McMillan, 1996; Li et


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

al., 1998; Dry, 2000; Dry et al, 2003], in bulk polymers [Dry, 1996], and in polymeric composites at a millimetre length scale [Motuku et al, 1999] and at a micrometer length scale – see Figure 2a [Bleay et al., 2001; Pang & Bond, 2005a; Pang & Bond, 2005b].

Figure 2: (a) Hollow glass fibres, (b) Hollow glass fibres embedded in carbon fibre reinforced composite laminate, (c) Damage visual enhancement in composite laminate by the bleeding action of a

fluorescent dye from hollow glass fibres The use of hollow glass fibres embedded in a composite laminate was pioneered by Bleay and colleagues [Bleay et al, 2001]. In their work, commercial hollow fibres were consolidated in to lamina and then manufactured into composite laminates, i.e. the self-healing material acts as the structural fibres. The key advantages of the hollow fibre self-healing concept are that the fibres can be located to match the orientation of the surrounding reinforcing fibres thereby minimising Poisson ratio effects. The fibres can be placed at any location within the stacking sequence to address specific failure threats (see Figure 2b), different healing resins can be used depending upon the operational requirements of the structure, different activation methods can be used to cure the resin and crucially, a significant volume of healing agent can be made be available. The disadvantages are the relatively large diameter of the fibres compared to the reinforcement, the need for fibre fracture, the need for low viscosity resin systems to facilitate fibre and damage infusion and the need for an extra processing stage for fibre infusion. The ability to ‘see’ and become aware of internal damage in composite materials is as critical as in the human body. The ability to form a ‘bruise’ within a hollow fibre self-healing composite material was investigated by Pang and Bond [Pang & Bond, 2005a; Pang & Bond, 2005b]. In this work they designed a damage visual enhancement method, by the bleeding action of a fluorescent dye from discrete self-healing lamina housed alongside the structural fibre lamina (see Figure 2c). This approach permitted a ‘bruising’ of the laminate to assist identify regions for non-destructive evaluation. Pang and Bond [Pang & Bond, 2005b] also considered the rate of degradation of the repair resin effectiveness over time and correlated the infusion of an UV fluorescent dye into different damage sites with an ultrasonic C-scan NDE technique. 2.2. Biomimetic self-healing approaches The preceding section discussed the different bio-inspired approaches in composite materials. To date, different self-healing methods have been considered and assessed from an engineering perspective. It is only more recently that studies [Trask et al, 2006a; Verberg et al, 2006] have begun into underlying biological methods, mechanisms and processes in order to deliver a truly biomimetic self-healing solution. The challenge for the future is the evolution of ‘engineering self-healing’ towards a biomimetic solution. To date, this work is still in its infancy but mimicry of blood clotting, tissue bruising and tailoring healing networks to address damage formation are all being considered and will be discussed below. To date, the autonomous healing materials in engineering structures have been distributed randomly throughout the structure (i.e. solid-state polymers of microcapsules) or spaced evenly through the composite laminate structure. In nature the network is tailored for a specific function with the healing medium often being multifunctional. The first reported instance of tailoring the location of self-healing functionality in engineering to match the damage threat is by Trask et al [Trask and Bond, 2006; Trask


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

et al, 2006b]. In this work the key failure interfaces were identified and then the hollow fibre self-healing network was designed for a specific composite component and operational environment, in this case a space environment. The need for self-healing in the space environment was found to put significant demands on the repair agent in terms of mechanical properties, processability and environmental compatibility. The self-healing mechanism was found to restore 100% of the strength when compared to undamaged laminates containing healing plies. Verberg and colleagues [Verberg et al, 2006] have computationally studied a biomimetic “leukocyte” consisting of microencapsulated nanoparticles that are released by diffusion while the microcapsule is driven along microvascular channels. The surface chemistry of the capsule and nanoparticle could be selected to enable the microcapsule to “roll” along the inner wall of the microchannel, but damage to the surface in its path would cause the movement to pause until the diffusing nanoparticles collect at, and ideally repair, the defect thus allowing movement to recommence. 3. Biomimetic self-healing: the way forward The preceding section has indicated the current level of self-healing research in composite engineering structures. Most of the self-healing work to-date has been bioinspired and not biomimetic, although this is slowly changing. The definition of biomimetic self-healing applied in this work is that some systematic study of biological healing approaches must be used to influence the approach adopted. Clearly, the timescale for realisation of self-healing within engineered structures will be considerably reduced by a comprehensive exploration and study of the many examples of how the natural world undertakes the process. Biomimicry of the complex integrated microstructures and micromechanisms found in biological organisms offers considerable scope for the improvement in the design of future multifunctional materials. Table 1 has been generated to provide an overview of the healing methods used in nature and cross-reference them against the engineering approaches currently employed by the different research groups. The table is by no means exhaustive but gives a general overview of the characteristic similarities of biology and engineering systems.


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

Table 1. Biomimetic self-healing inspiration in advanced composite structures.

Biological attribute Composite/

Polymer Engineering

Biomimetic self-healing or repair strategy Reference

‘Concept of self-healing’

Remendable Polymers

Bioinspired healing requiring external intervention to initiate repair

Chen et al, 2002; Chen et al, 2003; Hayes et al, 2005


Action of bleeding from a storage medium housed within the structure. 2-phase polymeric cure process rather than

enzyme ‘waterfall’ reaction

White et al., 2001; Kessler &

White, 2001; Kessler et al.,

2002 Bleeding

Hollow fibres

Action of bleeding from a storage medium housed within the structure. 2-phase polymeric cure process rather than

enzyme ‘waterfall’ reaction

Bleay et al, 2001; Pang & Bond, 2005a; Pang & Bond,

2005b; Trask et al, 2006

Blood Cells Nano-particles

Artificial cells that deposit nano-particles into regions of damage

Lee et al, 2004; Verberg et al,


Blood Flow Vascular Network

Hollow fibres

2D or 3D network would permit the healing agent to be replenished and

renewed during the life of the structure

Toohey et al, 2006;

Williams et al, 2006

Blood Clotting Healing resin

Synthetic self-healing resin systems designed to clot locally to the damage site.

Remote from the damage site clotting is inhibited and the network remains



Skeleton/Bone healing

Reinforcing fibres

Deposition, resorption, and remodelling of fractured reinforcing fibres -

Elastic/plastic behaviour in

reinforcing fibres

Reinforcing fibres

Repair strategy, similar to byssal thread, where repeated breaking and reforming of

sacrificial bonds ca occur for multiple loading cycles


Tree bark healing – compartmentalisation -

Formation of internal impervious boundary walls to protect the damaged

structure from environmental attack -

The subsequent sections will highlight examples of biological self-healing and repair strategies that may offer some potential for initiating new approaches and examines what level of research activity, if any, is currently exploiting biological features and characteristics to improve engineering technologies. The references provided are by no means exhaustive, but serve as a starting point for more detailed studies. 3.1. Vascular networks Biological organisms have a highly developed, multifunctional vascular network to distribute fuel, control internal temperature and effect self-healing, among many other roles. A key feature of these systems is that they supply fluid to an area from a point reservoir, giving a branching network. Studies


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

show that the branching and size of these vessels have evolved to minimise the power required to distribute and maintain the supporting fluid within many other constraints [Murray, 1926a; 1926b; Sherman, 1981; McCulloh et al, 2004]. The system is also reconfigurable in response to circumstances by adjusting the radius of individual vessels by vasoconstriction and dilation in mature tissue, or by growth in embryonic blood vessels [Taber et al, 2001]. The future of the self-healing concept for composite materials relies on the development of a continuous healing network embedded within a composite laminate that delivers healing agent from a reservoir to regions of damage to permit the repair of all types of composite failure modes. New and novel approaches must be found to ensure that the healing agent can be replenished and renewed during the life of the structure. It must restore the matrix material properties and restore the structural efficiency of fractured fibres. The initial steps towards this goal have been taken although a truly self-healing composite microvascular network has still not been attained. Toohey et al [Toohey et al, 2006] utilize an interconnected microvascular microchannel network in the coating to flow healing agent throughout an epoxy polymer block. Conversely Williams et al [Williams et al, 2006] have proposed and validated a simple vascular network within a composite sandwich structure, consisting of channels approximately 1.5mm in diameter, within a polymethacrylimide (Rohacell) core capped with glass fibre reinforced epoxy skins. The generation of the network within the foam core offers a very promising delivery system for the healing of conventional sandwich structures. However, the network is only one key area for advancement, without the corresponding development of synthetic healing resins the benefits of the delivery system will be lost. 3.2. Healing agent Mammalian blood clotting has evolved around the chemical reactions of a series of active enzymes and their inactive precursors known as clotting factors. The intrinsic system takes the form of an enzyme “cascade” or “waterfall” of reactions involving clotting factors. It was first proposed by Macfarlane [Macfarlane, 1964] and Davie and Ratnoff [Davie & Ratnoff, 1964]. It is initiated by damage that breaches the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels and culminates in the production of fibrin, a fibrous polymer. Recent research [Liu et al, 2006] has shown that fibrin fibres are notable amongst protein fibres for their large extensibility: 300% primarily elastic extension has been demonstrated. One of the most notable features of the haemostatic system is that despite the rapid response to injury, system malfunction is extremely rare [Davies & McNicol, 1983]. This is achieved by the rapid removal of the activated enzymes upon the production of fibrin, and the action of endothelial cells [Macfarlane, 1964]. Endothelial cells initiate a series of reactions that break down fibrin, such that any fibrin produced in a region of injury and carried away by blood flow is broken down in undamaged areas of the circulation so as not to clot in healthy blood vessels [Davies & McNicol, 1983]. Biomimetic hollow fibre self-healing mimics mammalian self-healing in that a liquid healing agent leaks from a region of mechanical damage that has resulted in the fracture of an enclosed conduit. An important difference is that the primary reason for the relatively rapid haemostatic response in mammals is the need to arrest bleeding; the actual tissue and skin healing is a more lengthy process during which time the tissue could not necessarily be expected to carry a “service load”. In biomimetic self-healing, a reasonably rapid response is required to restore some degree of structural integrity or prevent crack propagation since, for example, an aircraft in flight could potentially experience a limit load at any time after a damage event. It has been estimated that the haemostatic system functions through approximately 80 coupled biochemical reactions of enzymes and platelet cells [Runyon et al, 2004]. This enormous complexity limits the degree to which haemostasis can be mimicked in an engineering system. However, Runyon et al. [Runyon et al, 2004] have created a non-biochemical model using only three water-based reactions; initiation and inhibition autocatalytic reactions and a precipitation reaction modelling the final stages in the process.


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

Synthetic self-healing resin systems need to be developed to duplicate the blood clotting approach found in the human body. At present, self-healing in man-made structures requires the intimate contact of two-part resin systems, whether a resin and a hardener or a resin and a catalyst. In the case of the resin and hardener approach the healing efficiency is critically dependent upon the two parts becoming successfully ‘mixed’ at the point of contact, i.e. molecular transfer across the liquid resin/hardener boundary. Conversely, in the case of the resin and catalyst approach, the contact between the two will ensure the chemical reaction occurs within the damage site and beyond it, using up the resin supply in one repair episode. In mammals this is not observed. In blood clotting the once inactive blood cells are triggered when the endothelial cells are breached. This only occurs locally to the damage site, remote from the damage the clotting sequence is stable and inhibited. It is desirable to develop a resin system that can mimic this in order to allow multiple, localised repair events. The rapid reaction of blood clotting is dependent on a series of reactions activated by a very small input. The biological solution is to use a continuous fluid flow and active inhibition away from the damage site to prevent this initial impetus propagating below a certain threshold. Both one and two part healing agent systems are usually initiated by the presence of an introduced second ‘part’, either chemical or physical (e.g. UV light or elevated temperatures). A key inspiration from haemostasis is to have the reaction initiated by the absence of an inhibitor (e.g. endothelial cells). Anaerobic resin systems could be considered to function in this way. Other biomimetic approaches would be to use aqueous based reactions [Vogel, 1998] where achieving strength and stiffness comparable with epoxy resins would be a challenge. The notable mechanical property of the fibrin in blood clots is extensibility [Liu et al, 2006] and this could offer an alternative avenue for investigation. 3.3. Compartmentalisation While a cut to mammalian flesh triggers the blood clotting process, in other natural systems e.g. trees, it is internal scabbing or the formation of internal impervious boundary walls that develop over time to protect the tree from further damage [Biggs, 1985]. This defence mechanism is termed compartmentalisation and is the main healing mechanism that protects plants and trees from pathogen infection through wounds [Bostock & Stermer, 1989], ensuring that fluid diffusion and infectious microorganisms never extend beyond the wound site [Biggs, 1992]. This is applied to some degree at several layers in a tree including the bark, the xylem and phloem vascular tissue and even to some extent within the heartwood deep in the trunk. It is a two-part process in the upper layers; a chemical boundary is active in the short term to protect against pathogens present at the time of injury while the longer-term formation of a barrier zone gives continued protection from pathogens [Shigo, 1984; Bostock & Stermer, 1989]. Shigo [1984] argues that compartmentalisation allows trees to survive to a great age despite injuries providing that sufficient material for “normal functions” remains outside the isolated regions of damage. “Normal functions” include structural considerations, since the boundaries are structurally weak and represent a loss of load carrying material; it takes further conventional growth to restore structural performance. There is debate whether this approach can be really be termed self-healing [Shigo, 1984; Bostock & Stermer, 1989]. The xylem vascular conduits are themselves compartmentalised and there is no provision for sealing breached vessels; redundancy allows the complete loss of injured vessels [McCulloh et al, 2003]. Nevertheless, it has shown to be an evolutionarily successful way of managing injury. There is a parallel concern in the use of composite materials; the effect of environmental attack on damaged structures. Moisture ingress can reduce the strength of composite structures significantly over time. The approach that has evolved in trees could be considered a form of damage tolerant design by engineers. A biomimetic system for producing an impervious internal boundary in a damaged structure would allow damage tolerant design to consider only the direct loss of structural performance caused by damage, rather than having to also consider the secondary performance loss associated with moisture ingress through damage. This could, for example, be especially valuable for sandwich structures operated in the marine environment, providing safety, inspection and maintenance benefits.


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

3.4. Recovery after yield Nature also offers alternative healing strategies to the repair of brittle materials, such as the use of materials that regain strength after yielding. For example, mussel byssal thread is capable of regaining strength after yielding [Waite et al, 1998; Vaccaro & Waite, 2001] whilst lection in abalone [Smith et al, 1999] possesses microstructures that are broken during loading and reformed during relaxation. In distal byssal threads an initial modulus of 600MPa with a yield point occurring between 20-30% extension was reported by [Vaccaro & Waite, 2001]. The sample was reloaded after three minutes and the modulus had dropped to 100MPa. However, after allowing the byssal thread to recover for 1 hour, the modulus recovered to approximately 170MPa. It is suggested that above the yield point, load sharing between the yielded thread and the other threads permits recovery by a reversible cross-linking mechanism [Waite et al, 1998; Vaccaro & Waite, 2001]. In composite materials the standard engineering approach is to design the reinforcing fibres with the same strain to failure response. Perhaps a better damage tolerance strategy would be to adopt a hybrid composite material that mimics the safety strategies observed in living organisms. This approach, although not specifically self-healing, would permit the development of composite materials with elastic-plastic behaviour. This approach could be taken one step further, if the yielded fibres, and probably the matrix material, could then be ‘healed’ to regain its original stiffness a composite with the capacity to recover from transient overload in the primary loading direction could be developed. This would ameliorate a significant disadvantage of composite materials. 3.5. Reinforcement repair To date, self-healing in fibre reinforced composite materials has been primarily focussed on the potential offered by the polymer matrices because typical impact damage is primarily in the matrix. However, the reinforcing phase provides the majority of the strength and stiffness within any composite material, and it is this component that would benefit significantly from a self-healing capability for other failure modes. The healing potential of fractured bone in the human body is influenced by a variety of biochemical, biomechanical, cellular hormonal, and pathological mechanisms [Kalfas, 2001]. The healing process is a continuous state of bone deposition, resorption, and remodelling. The natural process of bone healing is a complicated process involving blood clotting, the formation of collagen fibres, the subsequent mineralization (stiffening) and transformation of the collagen matrix into bone. This initial ‘woven’ bone, which can be considered as randomly arranged collagen bundles, is remodelled and replaced by mature ‘lamellar’ bone. The remodelling process can take up to 18 months to complete in which the healing bone is restored to its original shape, structure and mechanical strength [Kalfas, 2001]. This process can be accelerated through the application of an axial load to the fracture site. This loading promotes the formation of bone to align with the primary load path and the redistribution of bone where it is not required [Kalfas, 2001]. To date the repair of fractured synthetic reinforcing fibres has yet to be undertaken in an engineering context. Furthermore, the in-situ growth of additional fibres to support additional design loads, similar to branch growth in trees, has not been considered. The problem with this approach is the timescales required for growth, which are unlikely to be realistic for engineering applications. 4. Concluding remarks During the last decades, constant improvements have been made on composite materials, manufacturing processes and structural design. Nevertheless, the problem of damage initiation, propagation and tolerance has limited the acceptance of composite materials in all engineering disciplines. Conversely, after billions of years of evolution, nature has developed materials that have healing potential and repair strategies ensuring their survival. It is the possibility of self-healing a damaged structure that is increasingly of interest to composite designers seeking lower mass structures with increased service life, who wish to progress from the more conventional conservative, damage tolerance philosophy. Self-healing approaches applied in


Self-healing polymer composites: mimicking nature to enhance performance

composite materials to-date have primarily been bioinspired. A more recent advance is the detailed study of natural healing to allow true biomimetic self-healing. Tailored placement of healing components and the adoption of biomimetic vascular networks for self-healing are very active research topics at the cutting edge of self-healing. Nature has more to offer these biomimetic approaches. Novel biomimetic healing agents are a requirement closely linked to the adoption of vascular networks. Compartmentalisation is an alternative strategy that bridges the gap between self-healing and the more traditional engineering damage tolerance design philosophy and would be particularly applicable to the problem of moisture ingress into damaged composite structures. Post-yield recovery may offer a self-healing approach for overloading in primary loading direction, which would be a new direction for self-healing technology. Self-healing reinforcement could extend the concept of self-healing beyond the repair of matrix dominated failure modes. These systems, and others, offer the future of engineering self-healing. Their exploitation will require extensive multidisciplinary research because many natural systems have evolved to be enormously complex but robust systems. The key engineering challenge is to understand and extract the key functional aspects of natural systems in order to produce systems that can feasibly and cost-effectively be applied to engineering structures. Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their gratitude to Dr Julie Etches for her valuable support in the development of this paper and the funding provided under EPSRC contract GR/T17984/01 and via a University of Bristol Convocation Scholarship. References Abrate S 1998 Impact on Composite Structures Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 1-5 Bar-Cohen, Y 2006 Biomimetics – using nature to inspire human innovation. Bioinspiration and

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