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171 daysopen! ברוך השם

Creating a safe, dynamic learning experience for students and teachers

May 18, 300+ students ages 12-16 were vaccinated at SAR. This initiative was facilitated by UJA Federation, and we express Hakarat Hatov to Chavie Kahn, Director of School Strategy and Policy, and Rina Cohen, Senior Planning Executive, Caring & Network Departments, for their commitment to the health and safety of our community, as well as to Danny Dang and the team at Esco Pharmacy for their gentle and attentive care.

190,000+single serve meals

delivered to students at the Academy

1,400+PCR and rapid

tests administered by SAR staff

1,385dots placed around

SAR High School to maintain social


10,000+masks used by staff

and students, donated by an SAR family

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We enthusiastically completed 171 days in school. Nearly 100% of SAR faculty were vaccinated by late winter, 300+ students ages 12-16 were vaccinated at SAR in May, and nearly all HS seniors were vaccinated by graduation in June.

The health and safety of our community was our primary concern in making adaptations to our campus in order to have the best learning environment possible under the pandemic-related circumstances. We reconfigured spaces, moved walls, transformed previously used communal areas for learning, and provided guidance with extensive signage, a Welcome Back Guide, the SAR Covid Algorithm, the Ruvna app, our partnership with Northwell Health, and so much more.

Kol hakavod to the SAR parent medical professionals who volunteered their time, knowledge, and compassion to work with administrators in addressing the myriad challenges of the pandemic. In particular, our heartfelt appreciation goes to the following experts—SAR parents and grandparents—whose dedication and time commitment was no less than 24/6.

• Teena Lerner, PhD, a healthcare and biotech expert, with a background in virology and a deep knowledge of drug development, clinical research, and medical diagnostics. She was a pioneering biotech analyst and holds a PhD in molecular biology from the Rockefeller University.

• Gita Lisker, MD, the Medical Director of the Respiratory Care Unit of Long Island Jewish Medical Center, part of Northwell Health. At the height of the crisis, Gita founded CROWN (Coronavirus Related Outpatient Work Navigators), a home-care based ambulatory protocol for moderate to high risk COVID-19 patients.

• Joshua Milner, MD, an internationally renowned physician-scientist from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and chief of the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology in the Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and professor of pediatrics in the Institute for Genomic Medicine at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

• Joshua Rocker, MD, chief of the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Cohen Children’s Medical Center, part of Northwell Health. His on-the-ground experience was invaluable. Most recognize Josh from the SAR Town Halls, frequently attracting more than 1,000 screens per session.

Thank You!Rabbi Binyamin Krauss (AC ‘84)


What we do matters. During these times our students and

parents have been heroic. Our lay

leaders have been bold and courageous. Our volunteers have done everything to help other people.”

This year in particular our faculty focused

on the development of the minds, hearts, and souls of our students,

allowing for the joyous sounds of learning

and laughter.”



One of the things that’s remarkable

and important about SAR is the existence of rituals, moments,

and shared experiences that

bond us together in a very moving way.”

Rabbi Jonathan KrollPRINCIPAL,


As we launched a school year that began with an “early” Rosh Hashanah, we reflect on 5781, a year like no other, for the entire world, and for the SAR community. The Gemara records an interesting discussion about when the world was created. Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus says that the world was created in Tishrei while Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah says the world was created in Nisan. This begged the question, at least for Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hananiah. If the world was indeed created in Nisan, why do we celebrate Rosh Hashanah in Tishrei?

One of the answers given is that although the world was actually created in Nisan, it wasn’t Tishrei עלה במחשבה, that the idea was born. While we do not understand the ways of God, it seems that we are being taught that there is a distinction between His decision to create the world and the actual creation. Furthermore, it seems that at least for some, the more significant date is the decision day, even more significant than the day of creation itself.

As human beings who were created in the image of God, we are asked to follow in his ways, imitatio dei. As such, we recognize the importance of both actions and thoughts and, perhaps most importantly, decisions and commitments that inspire further action.

We are grateful to the entire SAR community, students, faculty, lay leaders, and volunteers for collectively making decisions at a time of deep uncertainty that were deliberate, courageous, flexible, and bold. We are beyond grateful to have had over 1,500 students in school for 171 days. These pages and photos recognize the heroism of our students and parents, our faculty and our medical committee, and our nurses, who joined together with radical flexibility and SAR positivity and optimism, to learn and to thrive. I believe that our students will share the stories of this year with their children, and I hope that they will recall with pride how they stepped it up and embodied the theme of אחריות, restricting their own freedoms for the welfare of their families and communities, throughout this pandemic.

As we observed Rosh Hashanah while continuing to pray for the health of all of humanity, and for the wisdom of leadership at every level to make decisions that will preserve the sanctity and the quality of life, we are confident that this community will continue to thrive and to model the strength that comes from humility, positivity, and learning.

To Our Outstanding SAR Community

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SAR ACADEMYRabbi Binyamin Krauss (AC ’84) Principal

Alana Rifkin Gelnick Associate Principal, ELC

Beth Pepper Associate Principal, General Studies

Sharon Richter Associate Principal, Judaic Studies

Rebecca Ostro Nagata Associate Principal, Middle School

SAR HIGH SCHOOLRabbi Tully Harcsztark Principal; Dean, Machon Siach

Rabbi Jonathan Kroll Principal

Rabbanit Lisa Schlaff Director of Judaic Studies

Gloria Schneider Director of General Studies

Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz Associate Principal, General Studies

Rabbi Daniel Kroll. Assistant Principal

Naftali Bennett was elected Prime Minister of Israel in June. He visited with SAR students and administrators in Spring 2018.

Achrayut reflects three areas: engagement with the world, responding to the needs of others, and personal accountability. • The school integrated the theme in a robust year-long exploration of Achrayut (use Hebrew) and Stepping It Up with Models of Excellence, academics, learning videos, shiurim, special events, chesed programs, and calls to action.


Achrayut!THEME OF THE YEAR The HS’s Themed

Programming Council launched the Elul

Teshuvah Campaign to encourage students

to embody Achrayut by being introspective and deepening our shmirat


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Achrayut reflects three areas: engagement with the world, responding to the needs of others, and personal accountability. The school integrated the theme in a robust year-long exploration of אחריות and Stepping It Up with Models of Excellence, academics, learning videos, shiurim, special events, chesed programs, and calls to action.

Students from Grades 2N-8 created a permanent art installation on the risers of the iconic SAR stairs, visually conveying “Step It Up” and commemorating this unique year. Each pod designed the template and chose the word most representative of their Achrayut experience. Every student, faculty, and staff member’s name is included. Thank you to parents Annette Back and Dan Harelick for supervising the project in only two weeks, along with Noel Gussen, AC Art Educator.

Every High School student participated in a permanent Achrayut mural on the parking lot wall, designed by artist Rabbi Yitzchok Moully and depicting כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה.

Middle School students celebrated the theme kick-off in the fall and prepared for related learning, co-curricular, chesed work, and special programming.

The Academy distributed 900 gift packages to

frontline workers as an expression of


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For the first time all year, with great emotion, 950+ students and 200+ teachers joyously gathered, together and in-person, on the field for the end-of-year countdown.

SAR hosted in-school celebrations to allow families to gather and celebrate 50 Bar and Bat Mitzvot. We Zoomed the simcha for those unable to join, distributed swag, and served refreshments to each pod.










I just want to send a quick note to let you know how grateful I am that our kids get to experience the true joy of Purim this year- SAR style! They don’t even seem to notice that it’s another year without family, mishloah manot or visiting friends. They are just SO excited that they get to go to school!” SAR ACADEMY LOWER SCHOOL PARENT

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The New ELC Building Opened Its Doors for the First TimeThe new 36,000-square-foot state-of-the-art building officially opened. Indelibly aligned with SAR’s mission, it is designed for over 250 of our youngest students and features innovative indoor and outdoor learning and play spaces.

The building was dedicated in October with three Chanukat Habayit celebrations. Hundreds of donors made this possible, with a lead gift from Nataly and Stephen Neuwirth, in honor of their fathers, Mayer Ouaknine z”l and Paul Neuwirth.

Programming flourished with specialties on Zoom and in newly explored outdoor venues: Parshat and Shabbat Sing in the parking lot; the chaggim celebrated outside; visits to the ELC’s own child-centric Gan Ilan; and Metro-North, the woods, and the Hudson River as extended ‘classrooms.’

New areas of study were driven by students’ curiosity and included the sewer system, electricity, and the rainforest; and, the ELC launched a woodworking workshop.

Each room is unique and, simultaneously, open-ended, in thought and practice. The children control the experience, and the teachers guide incredible transformations. …a space for all to find their opportunity to shine…” ALANA RIFKIN GELNICK, ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL, ELC, AT THE DEDICATION.

The Family Wall organically teaches “Who am I in the world?” embracing each child as part of the ELC, SAR, and their own family.

ELC faculty designed an original Israel

curriculum, an in-depth two-month study for

Kindergarteners including literacy, math, and

language studies. The program culminated in

a kibbutz ‘visit’ and Yom Yerushalayim observance.

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Special Events Were Transformed and Recreated• “The Grade 1 Grand Outdoor Math Fair” brought

life-size games to the field

• Families worldwide attended the Grade 3 Virtual Wacky Wax Museum.

• SAR built a unique app to guide visitors through Grade 4’s digital tour of a colonial village.

• Grade 5 students designed an interactive Leil Dor V’Dor museum and acted as docents to describe family artifacts.

• Field Day for Grade 5 allowed students to enjoy a camp-themed day right here at school, topped off with a movie screening on the field.

IVRIT Enrichment Experiences Flourish• Shlishi Havayati provided hands-on learning

with an experiential weekly Ivrit day.

• The PJ Mishna Club for Grade 4 offered afterschool learning at home. Students studied Masechet Megillah and made a siyum before Shavuot to celebrate chavruta learning.

• “Learning From Afar” gave Grades 2-4 students enrichment via Zoom during weekly Center Time.

• SAR’s First Hebrew Poetry Writing Contest was launched for Grades 1-5. Congratulations to Sari Leibowitz, Grade 3, for her poem .הצפור הקסומה

sART’s Thrived with New OfferingsIn Masters of the ARTS Program, artists from around the world taught art classes to students in Grades 4-5, including Tobi Kahn (NYC): Collage; Hanoch Piven (Spain): 3-D Portraiture; David Moss (Israel): Hebrew Text to Visual Symbol; Ayelet Feinberg (Israel): Design Engineering, all through Zoom.

The Master of Arts Music offered Masterclasses on bass and on “music and mood” with Daniel Ori, award-winning Israeli bassist and composer, along with masterclasses on Violin with Monica Krausz, violinist and educator, for Grades 3-5.

For the Grade 5 Intergenerational Day, Noel Gussen taught a new digital art approach to memorializing family artifacts.

Mrs. Morgan Rosyln Cohn, Art Educator, joined us this year with an emphasis on building students’ drawing skills.

PRE-PESACH MULTI-GENERATIONAL LEARNING SERIESThe Academy held Shloshim Yom Kodem HaChag, a family learning series of seven classes for parents, grandparents, and students in Grades 5-8. Rabbi Krauss presented the seder as a model for experiential Jewish education, and Rabbi Rosenberg taught “Finding Your Own Superpowers at the Seder Table.”

Joy, music, and smiles abounded at arrivals and dismissal. Every

student and teacher was personally greeted with a

“Disneyworld vibe” in the parking lot by by the

ELC staff.

CENTER TIME PROMOTES INDEPENDENT LEARNINGCenter Time for Grades 1-4, and IWT (Independent Work Time) for Grade 5 started students’ days with independent skills and creativity. Students connect, settle-in, and immerse themselves in meaningful work.

REINVENTION RULEDIn response to the pandemic, the Middle School (MS) pivoted significantly from a departmentalized schedule to a homeroom model, as faculty demonstrated ‘radical flexibility.’ Faculty united as an MS teaching community, which led to more interdisciplinary work and cross-curricular connection.

AREA PARENTS HOSTED SUKKOT VISITSLocal families welcomed Grades 6-8 ushpizin during Chol Hamoed to their sukkot, otherwise impossible due to distancing requirements. Thank you to the Edelman, Nagata, Spevack, Torkin, Wechselblatt, and Weiss families who hosted our classes.

SINAI@SAR STUDENTS THRIVESINAI@SAR completed its third year serving children with complex special needs, more than half of whom have siblings at SAR. This past year SINAI added a middle school; total enrollment more than quadrupled since the first year, and we celebrated our first eighth grade graduate.

In recognition of a significant gift made by The Irving Montak Foundation, SINAI@SAR has been named the Irving Montak SINAI School at SAR Academy.

SINAI’s “Inclusion by Design’’ model allows students to thrive in SAR’s academic and co-curricular opportunities. Students joined SAR trips, Leil Dor V’Dor, D’var Torah on the Steps, the annual fifth-grade trip, and social studies and math classes.

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Outdoor tefillah became a regular part of the SAR day. For the first time, women’s tefillah was held daily. In the winter, davening was

held in the main entrance or inside by pod.


GRADES K-8The first-ever Student Council representing

Grades 1-8 was created. Kol Hakavod to the Grade 8 co-chairs, Charlotte Filer and Jacob Prager, and to Chana Shefa, faculty advisor. The

Council focused on ways to enrich student life and culminated with the Map

Masters’ Challenge.


CHESED PROJECTFrom April through June,

five pods partnered with the Van Cortlandt Park Alliance to clean up the park, which

significantly augmented SAR’s classroom space.

Throughout the year, students collected food weekly and delivered to POTS in the Bronx and

Open Fridges in Manhattan.

18Middle School Electives

New: Build Challenges with Minecraft, Cartooning,

American Sign Language, Improv, Photography

Students Debate Vaccine MandateRepresentatives from seventh grade presented their COVID-19 vaccine mandate recommendation to Rabbi Krauss, Debra May, members of the Medical Advisory Committee, and the school nurses. The presentation was the culmination of the science unit focused on

COVID-19, the immune system, and how vaccines

help prevent illness and transmission.

Students researched the halachic, legal, economic, or scientific aspects of vaccine mandates and engaged in debates followed by a grade-wide vote to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for the 2021-22 school year.

Student panel: Ariel Frenkel, Zack Goldstein, Mo Hirsch-Hoffman, Daniel Hirshaut, Hila Loeser, Aderet Maslow, Tehila Maslow, Nava Pollak, Benjamin Rosenblum, and Serena Wachsman.

The Medical Advisory Committee was amazed by the students’ knowledge and professionalism.

High School

Critical Chesed WorkDemonstrating a strong sense of Achrayut, the HS formed a new partnership with the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty (Met Council) and The Kingsbridge Center of Israel (KCI) Kosher Food Pantry to create a unique student-led kosher food pantry. Since the fall of 2019, the pantry has provided basic non-perishable and seasonal perishable food items to those in need. The new SAR/KCI Kosher Food Pantry, initially housed in the High School’s kitchen, is now located on Riverdale Avenue.

350 deliveries were made by 70 students and staff, and included 1,900 boxes of food. The entire student body was involved in packing items for hundreds of recipients.

Many community members supported the food pantry to honor the legacy of Saul M. Lieman z”l (Salanter), a man who for years ensured Bronx residents had Shabbat and Yom Tov meals to enjoy. Mr. Lieman was also a frequent volunteer at SAR.


Nothing stops Sting Nation! Chagigah, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan











The field became a 16,800 square foot extension of the building where students socialized, had class, and enjoyed lunch.

The HS operated on a staggered schedule, enabling every grade to learn in the building three or four days a week.

75 (VIRTUAL) CO-CURRICULARSNew: Air and Space Club, Elections, Politics, and Governance (EPG), Glamour Gals, Meteorology, Virtual Connections, and DOROT, which forged connections with isolated seniors.

• Charlotte Aronoff (AC ‘18, HS ‘22) launched a daily tehillim initiative in June, with 80 initial sign-ups.

Student Activities ran programs to Boundless Adventures, SARcade Night for Purim, and Senior Spectacular at Camp Morasha.

We are grateful to Hashem and to our entire community for this year of uninterrupted learning and growth, which has certainly exceeded our most ambitious expectations.” RABBI TULLY HARCSZTARK

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The Girls Softball team won the Yeshiva League

championship and celebrated an undefeated


MIDNIGHT RUNFollowing safety precautions, the HS sent the largest number of students and groups to Midnight Run among area schools, hosting 10 Breakfast Runs throughout the year.

The Boys JV Basketball team won the Yeshiva League tournament.


For the second year in a row, we ran a highly

successful virtual college night program for the junior class and parents, featuring admissions representatives from 47 colleges. In lieu of college visits, we had seven evenings of alumni sessions for our juniors and parents, featuring 14 campuses and

25 alumni.

The seniors’ capstone project, Senior Exploration,

was held both in-person and virtually. Projects

included interning with a bankruptcy court, producing

documentary short films, volunteering at an animal sanctuary farm, recording

music, and conducting shaatnez testing.

Twenty students attended the weekly Golf Club at Mosholu Golf Course, coached by parent Barry Stern.

While Covid shuttered the Yeshiva League, we ran weekly athletics programs on Sundays. Coaches led socially distanced and masked activities, by grade, focused on conditioning and skill development in boys’ and girls’ sports.

NOTEWORTY EVENTS STIMULATED GRAND CONVERSATIONSStudents and parents participated in a broad range of programs and speakers:

The Interfaith Youth Mayoral Forum, organized by the EPG Club, and members Tyler Fischman, Eytan Saenger, Isaac Kalker, Kira Pollard, and Yona Sperling-Milner, partnered with six organizations and featured six NYC mayoral candidates.

City Council Town Hall, moderated by the EPG Club, featured six local Riverdale candidates.

SAR C.A.R.E.S. speakers and SAR parents:

• Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, Executive Director of NYU’s Bronfman Center and Chief Rabbi of the United Arab Emirates, discussed the Abraham Accords from his hotel room in Dubai.

• Dr. Naor Bar-Zeev, pediatric disease physician and statistical epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, discussed vaccine development, related ethical issues, global distribution, and Jewish responses to epidemiological questions.

2nd Mental Health Awareness Day for students and parents, featuring Dr. Deborah Gilboa, a practicing physician, resilience expert, media personality, and author, as the keynote speaker.


The SAR Bencher and Zemirot text is the ninth book published by the Art Department, part of the

“Drawing From the Text” class taught over two years

with 35 participants.

The Bencher features artwork by 50 students,

including juniors, seniors, two alumni, and 13 Academy

students in Grades 3-7.

Torah Lishma Participation Continues to Increase

193 students participated in weekly ITIM learning, a 65% increase over last year.

50 students participated in chaburot. Freshman finished Tractate Moed

Katan with Rabbi J. Kroll, and 10th-12th graders learned chapters of Tractate Brachot with Rabbi Harcsztark.

The new Vaad Program for Grade 11 offered a choice in Judaic Studies and allowed students to take elective classes.

Despite restrictions, tefillot continued, including an explanatory minyan and a women’s tefillah.

#BEEPROUDAn impressive year for Design Engineering:

• For the first time, the Robotics Team qualified for the NYC Championships:

Team Robo_Sapiens led by Noah Lerman and Noa Sonnenblick won the Judges’ Award.

Team SAR2D2, led by captains Ian Fuller and Toby Katz, won the “Think Award” for their robot and 3D model.

• Leo Bodner and Matan Kramer Richard won the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education’s Engineering Build Category Award for their brain-wave controlled robotic hand. (There were 15 first place awards out of 450 submissions. SAR submitted 50 projects).

• 10th graders Gabi Kronenberg, Raquel Schnall, and Sarah Papernik won an award for their video game design Space Race, featured on YouTube.

Rebecca Altholz founded SAR’s chapter of GlamourGals, a non-profit addressing elderly isolation by creating friendships between young girls and elderly women in residential care. For

her leadership and programs at The Hebrew Home, she was one of five teens nationwide awarded the $1,000 2021 Glammy Scholarship.

Reyna Perelis and Yona Sperling-Milner are among 26 fellows selected for the 35th cohort of The Bronfman Fellowship of 11th-graders from across the country who will spend a transformative year of study centered around pluralism, social responsibility, and Jewish texts. The group, recognized for its ‘intellectual firepower,’ will also interact with Israeli peers.

KOL HAKAVOD TO SAR PARENTS AND PARTNERS IN LEARNINGDeborah Leff, “Girls Who Solve,” co-curricular advisor.

Michael Lustig, Economics class presenter.

Kenny Arnold (AC ’03, HS ’07), speaker at a joint meeting of the Environmental, Entrepreneurs, Business and Engineering Clubs on Industrial Design and launching a start-up.

BAMAH: UNITED THROUGH THEATER EDUCATIONBamah, a program conceived, produced and directed by SAR High School, Dorit Katzenelenbogen, and Rabbi Kenneth Birnbaum, brought five day schools together for an inter-school virtual performance of “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.” Schools included Golda Och Academy, Milken Community School, San Diego Jewish Academy, and Yeshiva of Flatbush.

Made possible with a grant from the Jewish Education Project.

The HS Choir premiered “Last Night,” a stirring video performance, on Yom HaShoah as part of our annual observance. Brilliant original recordings were “Cause SAR Celebrates Tonight” for Chanukah and “Gibor Al HaOlam” for the Annual Dinner.


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Innovative Science Labs Annually, AP Bio students visit the DNA Learning Center in Long Island. Due to Covid, the lab came to SAR, and 56 students conducted experiments at school.

The science faculty turned to technology and created original authentic biology, chemistry, and physics lab experiences for students in lieu of in-person work.

GRADES 1-8 REPRESENTATIVESThank you, once again, to Avigail Sugarman, who served as the Academy’s Grade Representative Coordinator for her fourth year, and to the 17 grade representatives:

Tal BouskilaYael BakerShira BilletLiana GoldmintzSarah Zwany GoodmanAdina HallerDan HarelickBarrie KrauseElana MinkoveDonna RudolphShlomit SandlerYael SchlengerMatthew SchneiderRebecca ShmidmanRisa TorkinRachel WaldAriella Zirkind

Todah rabah to alumni parent Nancy Siegel for teaching yoga (Zoom) classes to ELC and first grade students, helping to keep our little ones fit!

Once again, we are most appreciative to Lauren and Jeffrey Altholz, SAR parents and principals of Clarity Testing Services, for providing faculty with influenza vaccines.

Dr. Stacey Rosenzweig has chaired the HS Book Club program for years. She has been a great partner, champion, and leader of the group, and we are most appreciative.

Thank you to Abe Safdie, who spoke to Academy students about Sephardic culture and Sifrei Torah.

Chana Stiefel, Morah Abby Stiefel’s mother and renowned children’s author, spoke to Grades 1 and 3 on the power of non-fiction.

Adult & Family Education SAR’s Adult Education program, all held on Zoom, featured new offerings, and we are happy to report that we significantly increased attendance. One of the school’s most prized values continues to be sharing our faculty and expertise with the broader SAR community.

NEW: Adult Education 2.0, a Grand Conversation style program, explored various topics on Achrayut, including:• Four-part interactive seminars explored “How

Does Climate Change Work?” led by Dr. Victor Parkinson, HS faculty

NEW: Family Learning Series, Shloshim Yom Kodem HaChag, taught by Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg

NEW: SAR Arts & Enrichment Academy for Parents and Grandparents offered two semesters of small group Zoom classes with SAR’s Teaching Artists• Programs covered chaggim, visual arts, culinary

arts, music, and digital connections• Teachers included SAR faculty, world renowned

Israeli collage artist Hanoch Priven, artist Tobi Kahn, and SAR parent Chef Aviva Schneider

NEW: Pirke Avot - Six Spring Fridays, Six Modern Day Perspectives, attended by 180 guests• Rabbis Shmuel Hain, Dov Zirkind, Yitz Greenberg,

Barry Katz, Steven Exler, and SAR parent Rabbi and Chaplain Yocheved Lindenbaum

SECOND YEAR: Adult Hebrew Ulpan led by Academy Ivrit faculty Hila Harari and Hen Lerrer was attended by 86 parents and grandparents

SENIOR EXPLORATIONThank you for generously creating mentorship opportunities and fieldwork assignments for our seniors:

Steven ArensonJeffrey AronoffShira (Lerner) Baratz (AC ’06, HS ’10)Caren Baruch-FeldmanDeb Benovitz (AC ’78)Laurent ChornaJonathan DavidMiriam GitelmanAri GlassIngrid GoldfeinSeth HabermanMiriam Hoffman KleinerRobert JetterEllie KellmanAmy KirschenbaumJocelyn KleinmanDoni LevineToby Smith Nikki SausenSara SchonfeldEmily Weisberg Wiener Family Simeon WohlbergBeverly Wolfer-Nerenberg

Pride BeeInvolved

Rabbi Tully Harcsztark moderated “Race and Racism: The Dialogue at Jewish Day Schools” on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, sponsored by the Jewish Center’s YoVal Initiative.

Kol Hakavod to Eran Ginzberg, Kitchen Manager, for ensuring the Academy’s food service was uninterrupted, and for supervising delivery of more than 1,200 meals per day. We also recognize Rabbi Steven Moskowitz (AC ‘79) who stepped in while Eran’s travel from Israel was curtailed due to Covid.





HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY LIAISON COMMITTEEArielle CohenTali KarpRabbi Yehoshua Lindenbaum

ACADEMY TEACHER COMMITTEEJessica BartelAli Bloom (AC ’88)Elayna KoevaryRabbi Sam PearlsonMelissa RothwaxTalia SadresAdiella Shem TovSharon SturmRebecca Sykes

HATZLACHA RABBAWe wish הצלחה רבה to those moving on after 10 or more years of service:

Sarah Cohen (11 years)David Glazer (12 years)

Barbara Gochberg (11 years, pictured at left)Sarah Heller (10 years)Rena Karol (10 years)

Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz was selected as part of the

inaugural cohort of the Jewish Women Scholars’

Writing Fellowship sponsored by Maharat

and Sefaria.

Rabbi Shmuel Hain was awarded the prestigious

Silver Fellowship at Harvard University’s

Center for Jewish Studies for the 2020-2021

academic year.

Yoram Roschwalb and his family are making Aliyah; however, he’ll continue on as liaison to SAR students

and alumni in Israel.

The Academy announced the leadership appointments of Ora Muschel, Director,

Pisgah Inclusion Program and Rebecca Glassberg, Director of Technology.

Tehilla Rieser, High School chemistry teacher, received Mt. Sinai Jewish Center’s Annual Journal Dinner Award, representing educators who worked diligently during the pandemic.

Noel Gussen, Academy Art Educator, facilitated two graffiti workshops for the last cohort of the Heritage Legacy Fund Teacher Institute for the Arts. Noel also developed and facilitated a

graffiti seminar for the Netivot Ha’Torah Day School in Toronto, a similar version of SAR’s Middle School elective that he created.

Kol HaKavod to the Academy’s Hannah

Kelsen and High School’s Jennifer Pepper, named

as recipients of the Tikvah Fund’s inaugural

Abraham Lincoln Teachers Fellowship, gathering the

most dedicated teachers of American civilization from

Jewish day schools.

We thank Academy parent Donna Von Samek for her invaluable guidance and creativity in partnering with us on our campaigns to design a more robust social media presence. She was Marketing Chair for the Anniversary Dinner Heroes Celebration and led social media strategy for the BEE4SAR Shavuot Appeal Campaigns.

Thank you to parents Debbie Greenwald and Debbie Billig, both of whom have led Middle School electives for the past five years. This year on Zoom, Debbie G. once again led fashion and cartooning, and Debbie B. led cooking.

EVERY CLASShad the ability

to Zoom in order to make classroom feel

more accessible for students at home

All class


Conferences were all virtual

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Middle School Faculty, BEE4SAR Day


Dear SAR Family,

As you see reflected in this Annual Report, everything had to change this year in order for us to open our doors to ensure a year of learning for our students. The challenges were so numerous that articulating them here is not possible. But what must be said is how proud we should all be of our professional and lay leadership, our faculty and staff, and our entire community, for their dedication, commitment and courage. The shared Torah values of compassion, empathy, the sanctity of life and pursuit of learning were at the forefront when making decisions. Acknowledging the risks and understanding the places where we were vulnerable were all part process.

We played both offense and defense. We made bold decisions about what we needed to do to operate safely during the height of the pandemic. Our costs surged as we reimagined and restructured our classrooms and facilities, invested in equipment and technology, purchased whatever medical testing and tools were needed, and provided more tuition assistance than ever before. We did all that to bring our students back safely.

We set up networks of teams to help—a medical team, chesed team, and vaccination team. The expertise and dedication of our volunteers was unparalleled in their effort to ease the anxiety and burden of our SAR families.

And you, our parents, grandparents, and community members, made it all possible. The rising costs created a very significant gap between our expenses and revenues, and your charitable giving was vital to our success. You answered the call. This academic year we raised over $6.4 million directed towards the operating budget and to help SAR families impacted by the pandemic. This is a remarkable achievement.

‘Thank you’ does not begin to express the gratitude we collectively feel for your generosity. Jewish education, and an SAR education in particular, is a life-long investment. I assure you, it is the gift that will keep giving.

You have each made an impact—from the largest gift to the smallest. Together, anything is possible. This year especially, we have seen how true this is.


*SAR Operating Budget

Financial RE






Total Expenses*Total Revenue*n56.3% Academic Salaries and

Payroll Taxes

n8.5% Employee Benefits

n7.2% Bus. Office and Facilities,

Salaries, and PR Taxes

n8.1% Facility — Building


n1.7% Supplies and Equipment

n2.0% Food Program

n11.2% Legal, Accounting and

Other Services

n1.2% Student Activities, Trips

and Teams

n3.3% Technology

n77.5% Tuition, Annual Fund

and Fees

n14.1% Fundraising

n12% Educational Grants and Other

n1.2% Other Income

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SAR’s 52nd Anniversary DinnerThank you to all who joined our 52nd Anniversary Dinner, our first virtual ‘Dinner’ recognizing SAR’s HEROES. The program was broadcast live from the Academy to guests’ devices worldwide. Remarkably, 1,000+ guests attended and stayed through the final credits!

The evening kicked off as community members offered personal toasts and wishes to the honorees via three virtual ‘cocktail parties.’

The program celebrated those who have selflessly cared for the broader community with leadership, service, and dedication.

In an unprecedented year, we are grateful to 982 Dinner donors, representing a 58% increase from last year.

Dinner Chairs: Adina & Lawrence Burian, Rebecca & Yehuda Shmidman

Journal Chairs: Rachela Elias, Stephanie Minkove (AC ‘91)


• Medical Advisory Team: Dr. Teena Lerner, Dr. Gita Lisker, Dr. Joshua Rocker

• Pandemic Chesed Chair: Tal Bouskila

55 SAR parents volunteered to work with Tal to locate vaccine sites, make appointments, and drive anyone requiring assistance.

• Space Redesign Team: Esther Sperber, Hila Stern

• School Nurses: Esther Bacharach, Russi Bohm, Maggie Listhaus

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“ We are absolutely thrilled to support SAR and help create a beautiful outdoor space. I cannot thank you enough...our daughter has so much ruach and ahavat Torah in her life because of SAR!!!”


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Guardian CircleOur Guardian Circle families made SAR a

priority in their tzedakah, demonstrating with their actions that Jewish education and the sacred work that we do at SAR must continue even under the most challenging of circumstances. Contributions from the Guardian Circle increased by 30% to over $4 million and helped the school to manage through a surge in operating expenses and tuition assistance requests. With full hearts, their philanthropy made a huge statement. Our deepest gratitude for the countless contributions in talent, time, wisdom, and resources, helping SAR to stay open with open arms and answering every call with a resounding “Yes!”

“ Tzedakah and acts of kindness are the equivalent of all the mitzvot of the Torah” JERUSALEM TALMUD, PE’AH 1:1.

BEE4SARThe Annual Shavout Appeal

This year, 745+ families joined to raise $290,282 for SAR’s Shavuot Appeal. These vital funds close the gap in our scholarship budget and ensure that SAR continues to provide an extraordinary and safe learning experience every student.

Transmitting Torah values to our children and protecting and preserving Jewish life and practice are our priorities.

Our learning was elevated almost every day this year as 250+ community members sponsored a “Day of Learning” in memory of loved ones or in honor of their children, grandchildren, teachers and staff. Donors not only supported the school through this sponsorship but gave more meaning to our learning.

Class Gift Following a Virtual Commemoration of Kristallnacht, featuring a special presentation by Mr. Ludwig Bravmann, SAR

dedicated the Beit Midrash in honor of Lotte z”l and Ludwig Bravmann for their leadership and long standing support of SAR and the Jewish community.

GRANDPARENT TOWN HALL MEETINGSSAR’s principals hosted four dedicated grandparent Town Halls throughout the year to share updates on Covid protocols, academics, and co-curriculars and share Torah learning.

THE GRAND STORYTIME CIRCLEOne hundred grandparents, great-aunts, and great-uncles signed up to be weekly storytellers for our ELC and students in Grades 1-2.

Thank you to the High School Class of 2021 parents who collectively contributed $60,000 towards a Class Gift that will fund outdoor furniture for the new rooftop terrace. One wonderful outcome of this year was how the outdoor spaces were used for student life and learning. Our school community will enjoy this space for years to come.

Virtual Sukkah Hop150+ grandparents joined our Chol HaMoed learning, led by guests and faculty members Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, Rabbi Jonathan Kroll, Rabbanit Lisa Schlaff, and Sharon Sturm. Graciously hosting from their sukkot were:

• Cindy & Alan Lewis, Miami, Fl.• Rochelle & Rabbi Stanley Kroll Chicago. IL• Adina & Heschel Raskas, St. Louis, Mo.• Adrienne Cooper (AC ‘78), New York, NY

Machon Siach programming this year gave us the space to engage in the experience, knowledge, and expertise of our high school educators to address crucial questions of Orthodox life in the contemporary world. Our Faculty Beit Midrash (FBM), a core area of focus, provided our teachers the time and space to research, reflect on and explore topics that relate to their particular discipline and classroom curriculum. Our cohorts, comprised of a small group of committed educators, are studying and meeting regularly in the areas of Spirituality, Grading, and Gemara, and their discussions have already begun to shift how we educate our students.

In addition, the work of Machon Siach and our SAR HS educators has expanded its reach this year through our various community-based programming. Makom B’Siach for current and alumni parents, and the Siach Graduate

Fellowship (SGF) for young professionals provided a space to engage in meaningful text-based learning and conversations about essential questions and issues facing the Modern Orthodox community. We hosted a virtual three-part panel series, “Living Through Change: Institutional Self-Reflection in the Age of Corona,” that explored how things have remained the same, shifted, or will continue to evolve

Yarone Tokayer (AC ‘05, HS ‘09) and Zev Hait (AC ‘05, HS ‘09), SGF Co-Directors and session leaders.

Bogrim 2021 Participants

SAR connections remain strong among our 4300+ graduates. SAR alumni were actively engaged in our community, serving as school ambassadors, volunteers, mentors, donors, and so much more! We thank our alumni who included SAR in their tzedakah.

Salanter/Akiba/Riverdale Graduates

Harvey Augenbraun (Salanter ‘61)

Hadassah & Harvey Bennett (Akiba ‘63)

David A. Goldberg (Salanter ‘47)

Debbie & Menachem Merel (Salanter ‘69)

Michael Popkin (Salanter ‘62)

Evelyn Rubin-Houpt (Akiba ‘61)

Phyllis & Herbert Charles Schulberg (Salanter ‘47)

Academy Class of 1973

Gil Ehrenkranz

Academy Class of 1974

Bella & Barry Weintraub

Academy Class of 1975

Eve & David FarberAbbie & Moshe

GreenbergAlan Wasserman

Academy Class of 1977

Rachel & Jay JubasEllen & Dean Ungar P

Academy Class of 1978

Adrienne Cooper & Arthur Adler

Tammy & Lawrence Adler P

Deborah & Jonathan David P

Shoshana & David NobleDebby & Bruce Prince PDeb Benovitz-Tepler &

Mendy Tepler

Academy Class of 1979

Shani & Moshe GoldFrancesca & Scott

Goldenberg PMarsi & Ira Tokayer P

Academy Class of 1980

Barbara Sopher & Daniel Harelick P

Academy Class of 1981

Allison & Jonathan Bellin P

Academy Class of 1982

Amy Michelman & Eliran Isaacson P

Linda & William Scheiner

Danielle (AC ‘83) & Steven Thau P

Academy Class of 1983

Elizabeth Mandel & Steven Angel

Naomi Dreisinger & Avi Fischer P

Tamar Bezborodko & Jeremy Horowitz P

Cindy & Jonathan Sherman

Dahna & Steven Stadtmauer P

Danielle & Steven (AC ‘82) Thau P

Stephanie & Jonathan Tropper P

Academy Class of 1984

Shana & Binyamin Krauss P

Academy Class of 1985

Judy & Marc Berger PAbigail & Ari Glass PShulie Rubin-Hochstadt

& Daniel Hochstadt PDebra May PPaulette & Jeff Morris P

Academy Class of 1986

Rosesara & Jonathan Greenspun P

Academy Class of 1987

Hudi & Lawrence Askowitz P

Ilana Gordon & Avi Bernstein P

Adina & Adam Kahn P

Academy Class of 1988

Joanne & Barry Aranoff PAli & Daniel Bloom PShuli & Avi Steinlauf

Academy Class of 1989

Deena Berger PMichelle & Stefan

Frank PLisi & Michael Mandel PAlyson Snitow & Ari


Academy Class of 1990

Maruja & Allon Ivri PDina & Jonathan

KaufthalRachel & Harris

Lukashok PRenee & Ari MermelsteinAdeena & David Rosen PDana & Saul Teplitsky P

Academy Class of 1991

Yael & Cory Baker PJamie Vichinsky & Seth

Braunstein PTamar & Jonathan

Croog PMiriam (AC ‘94) & Elie

HirschmanHadassah & Meir Lewis PIlana & Ari Milstein PStephanie & Shachar

Minkove PMaya Bernstein & Noam

Silverman PElana & Avi Spira PLara & Michael

Szlamkowicz PMichelle & Robert

Zellner P

Academy Class of 1992

Dana & Marc Jason PShari & Uri Kanovsky PNomi & Akiva Roseman PErin Leib Smokler &

Daniel Smokler PAriel & Joshua Weiner P

Academy Class of 1993

Lesley & Mark Belkin PTalia & Alen Gollender PSharon & Raphael

Sasson P

Academy Class of 1994

Anat Barber & Avi Bloom P

Sara & Laurence Hasson P

Miriam & Elie (AC ‘91) Hirschman

Samantha Brinn Merel & David Merel P

Regina SpektorElana & Mark

Weinberger PTanya & Darren Wolf

Academy Class of 1995

Sarah Cate & Leonard Glickman P

Danielle & Yaakov Liss PBat-Sheva & Jonathan

Maslow PMichal & Yaniv Schiller PShifra Landowne &

Matthew Schneider PSara Susswein Tesler &

David TeslerTamar & Reuven


Academy Class of 1996

Sarah & Joshua Blechner P

Sarah & Yoni Goodman PTamar Schiller Hakimi &

Isaac Hakimi PMichelle (AC ‘97) & Rafi

Halpert P

Academy Class of 1997

Michelle & Rafi (AC ‘96) Halpert P

Teri & Harold Rosengarten P

Academy Class of 1998

Sarah Roer-Bendheim & Etan Bendheim P

Debbie & Akiva BlockAvigail Sugarman

& Menachem Danishefsky P

Orlee LevinJessica Bartel & Ethan

Zadoff P

Academy Class of 1999

Shana Bloom & Benjamin Berg P

Tali & Yechiel Broder PSara & Mark Lerner PYael Schiller Martin &

Jonathan Martin P

Shimrit Hait & JJ Schmuckler P

Samantha & Daniel Wiener P

Academy Class of 2000

Miryam & Jonathan Fiskus P

Sara Beth Rubenstein P

Academy Class of 2001

Lael & Jonathan Seplowitz P

Caryn Keller & Isaac Silverstein P

Academy Class of 2002

Atara & Jeffrey Douglas PErin Fortgang (AC ‘05,

HS ‘09) & Eli Ollech PAviva Wilner & Daniel

Gordon PKonstantin Pozin

Academy Class of 2003

Sarah & Michael Heller P

Academy Class of 2004

Yehuda Cohn

Academy Class of 2006

Talya & Kalman Laufer P

Academy Class of 2010

Goldi Weiser

Academy Class of 2011

Adina Roth

High School Class of 2007

Sarah BelferRachel (AC ‘03) & Jeremy

Bemak PAyala Raice (AC ‘03) &

Samuel Pearlson PNaomi Cooper (AC ‘03)

& Ardon Wiener (AC ‘03) P

High School Class of 2008

Seth BotnickDina GreenDerek Greenbaum

(AC ‘04)Talia Harcsztark (AC ‘04)Kira Joel (AC ‘04)Cynthia (AC ‘04) & Evan

KollanderLily Wilf & Noam MintzJamie Schneider

Schwartz (AC ‘04) & Akiva Schwartz

Leora Yasgur (AC ‘04)Lizzy Brenner (AC ‘08,

HS ‘12) & Sam Zakay

High School Class of 2009

Sarah Nattel & Jack Zev Hait (AC ‘05)

Samantha & Jonathan (AC ‘05) Jonas P

Erin Fortgang (AC ‘05) & Eli Ollech (AC ‘02) P

Lara Porter (AC ‘05)Shelby (AC ‘05) & Alex

ReichAlex SteinbergJoshua TrachtenbergAlexa & Ari (AC ‘05)

WilnerEtan Zapinsky

High School Class of 2010

Shira (AC ‘06) & Zachary Baratz P

Yael Bellin (AC ‘06)Franni Bernstein

(AC ‘06)Talya (AC ‘06) & Mark

DouekElisha Friedman (AC ‘06)Donny Greenberg (AC ‘06)Aliza KahnSarah Sue LandauHillel NeumarkSarah SichelRebecca Skolnick (AC


High School Class of 2011

Matan Bocarsly (AC ‘07)Bradley GoldsteinJaimee Goldschmidt &

Nathan Shams

High School Class of 2012

Cory Greenbaum (AC ‘08)Tova Kamioner (AC ‘08)Zev LindenbaumAdina Safdeye (AC ‘08)Sophie TulkoffLizzy Brenner (AC ‘08) &

Sam Zakay (HS ‘08)

High School Class of 2013

Orly Arbit

Yonina Levin (AC ‘09)Noam Lubofsky (AC ‘09)Eden & Jeremy (AC ‘09)

ShermanIsaac Stein (AC ‘09)

High School Class of 2014

Yonatan IsraelDanielle Harris (AC ‘11)

High School Class of 2015

Ruth CharendoffBenjamin KaplanDeena NerwenIlan Wolff

High School Class of 2016

Talia Askowitz (AC ‘12)Meredith Greenstein

(AC ‘12)Doria Kahn (AC ‘12)Rachel MeyerJessica Sherman (AC ‘12)

High School Class of 2017

Noah GreenMaxwell GrossAllison Sherman (AC ‘13)

High School Class of 2018

Bina Aaronson (AC ‘14)Jonah Burian (AC ‘14)Romi HarcsztarkDavida Krauss (AC ‘14)

High School Class of 2019

Raffaella Kestenbaum

High School Class of 2020

Ethan Burian (AC ‘16)


Staying Connected with Our AlumniMachon Siach:Growing the Faculty Beit Midrash and Engaging the Young Adult Community

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ALUMNI CHOIR “YOU WILL BE FOUND”Last summer, we had the opportunity to reconnect with our talented choir alumni to record “You Will Be Found” from Broadway’s Dear Evan Hansen.

in our schools, synagogues and homes due to the pandemic. In the spring, we hosted a reimagined version of our college-age program, Bogrim, where alumni gathered for an evening discussing money and materialism, an issue they are facing as they navigate their lives as emerging adults.

We continued to share the work of Machon Siach through digital media platforms. The Grand Conversation blog tackled issues related to the pandemic, such as our spiritual reorientation and relationship to shul and creating a sense of Achrayut (communal responsibility). Through Inside the Conversation, we explored issues such as teaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to high school students, citizenship in the Modern Orthodox community, and taking a deeper look at the data from the Substance Use Initiative.

You can learn more about Machon Siach activities in this year’s Year in Review publication and by visiting www.machonsiach.org.

Makom B’Siach Director, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz, and Faculty Member, Simon Fleischer, conceptualized the panel series and moderated each of the three events.

Four of our 18 participants, alumnae Tamar Lindenbaum (HS ‘13) and Ricki Heicklin (AC ‘10, HS ‘14) and Mollie Landes and Shira Huberfeld, were part of SGF Cohort #2.


Malki Bernstein, Sarah Roer-Bendheim, Academy Chairs

Sara Blechner, Sophia Hershman, Alyson Small, High School Chairs

AC BOOK FAIREllie Goldenberg, Jill Goldfein, Michelle Zellner (AC ‘91), Chairs

AC CARING COMMUNITY INITIATIVELeanne Levin, Frederique Small, Volunteers

AC “FOR PARENTS, BY PARENTS” VIRTUAL SERIES (4)Tal Bouskila, Jessica Jesselson, Chairs

Joshua Kessler, Barnea Bistro

Ellen Fischel, Spatial Relation Consultants

Rachel Berger, The Kosher Dinner Lady

Ari White, Wandering Q

Roni Jesselson, Carmel Winery of North America

OFFICERSLudwig Jesselson z”l, Founding Chairman, Board of TrusteesLudwig Bravmann, Chairman, Board of TrusteesJack C. Bendheim, PresidentMichael Jesselson, Vice PresidentSpencer Waxman, Vice PresidentJoshua Weiner (AC ‘92), Vice PresidentStephen Neuwirth, TreasurerAbe Eisenstat, Secretary

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Barry AranoffHudi Askowitz (AC ’87)Harvey BekerDr. Harvey Bennett(Akiba ’63)Tamar Croog (AC ’91) Deborah David (AC ’78)Ari Glass Arthur GreenAdam IngberDana Jason (AC ’92)Howard JonasNathan KahnFaye LandesJosh LandesDr. Larry LernerPolina Liberman

AC CHESED WEEKYael Fraenkel Talia Fromer Susan Golkin Hillary Lewin Danielle Muth Diana NahmiasBeverly Wolfer NerenbergMara Rotbard Rena Rosen Emily Scharfman Lauren Westerman

HS COOKIES FOR A CAUSE BAKING DEMORachel Berger, The Kosher Dinner Lady


HS WOMEN’S FITNESS CHALLENGEAlyson Small, Ellie Goldenberg, Shira Kraft, Lara Szlamkowicz (AC ‘91), Ilana Milstein (AC ‘91), Elianna Sable (AC ‘00), Instructors

SAR SPIRITWEARMalki Bernstein, AcademySara Blechner, High School

SHAVUOT FLOWERS FOR SAR FACULTYJosie Bunim, Ramona Elishis, Stephanie Sandel, Anya Weibke, Academy Volunteers

Sophia Hershman, High School Volunteer



SAR ACADEMY EVENTSCLASS OF 2021 GRADUATIONMiriam Filer, Marc Kramer, Abigail Glass (AC ‘85), Atara Twersky

David LiebermanNathan LindenbaumJennifer ParadiseCareena ParkerDaniel PerlaRuth Raskas Bruce SchanzerDeborah ShapiraVladimir Shendelman Barbara Sopher (AC ’80)Noah WeisbergerJonathan N. WienerAlyssa Wilk

AUDIT COMMITTEEBarry Aranoff, ChairAdam IngberNoah Weisberger

INVESTMENT COMMITTEEJoshua Weiner (AC ’92), ChairHarvey BekerArdra BelitzJack C. BendheimLudwig BravmannSender CohenMichael JesselsonFay LandesDaniel PerlaAri Rennert

ENRICHMENT CLUSTERS Jessica Haller, Volunteer



POWER OF WORDS DAYJennifer Fenster, Founder and Chair


BEE4SAR DAY CARPOOL LANE PROMOTION Leora KesslerRahel Kelly Ouaknine MarcianoZiva Ouaknine


Jill Goldfein Talia Gollender (AC ‘93)Ayala HelftDana Jason (AC ’92),

Gita Lisker Robyn Samuels Daniella Thau (AC ’83)

CLASS OF 2021 GRADUATION CEREMONY PARENT CHAIRS Deena BlanchardNina BruderJennifer Fenster

CLASS OF 2021 PARENT CHAIRS CLASS GIFT CAMPAIGNHudi (AC ’87) & Lawrence AskowitzMyra & Alon MogilnerRobyn & Mark Tsesarsky

CLASS OF 2021 SENIOR SEND-OFFJennifer Fenster, ChairDiane BerkowitzDeena BlanchardJudith Block

FINANCE COMMITTEEStephen Neuwirth, ChairSandy Kahn, Vice ChairEtan Bendheim (AC ’98)Jack C. BendheimArthur GreenMichael JesselsonFaye LandesDr. Teena LernerJennifer ParadiseBruce SchanzerNoah Weisberger

2020-2021HIGH SCHOOL PARENT LIAISON COMMITTEE9th Grade – Adina Burian, Yafit Cohn10th Grade – Tali Rosenblatt Cohen, Danielle Thau (AC ’83)11th Grade – Amy Hanna, Ilan Lerman12th Grade – Hudi Askowitz (AC ’87), Chair, Lauren Mayer Hecht, Ruth Raskas

SAR ACADEMY BOARD OF EDUCATIONDeborah David (AC ‘78), ChairDr. Giti BendheimTamar Eisenstat


DirectorPearl Magence, Director of

FinanceNick Fadda, Director of Facilities

DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Heidi Greenbaum, Director of

DevelopmentSara Hasson, Associate Director of

DevelopmentHeidi Kane, Manager, Community

EngagementLauren Katz, Director of Alumni

Relations and Marketing/Communications

Tami Tropper, Development Associate

2021 ANNUAL REPORT Heidi Kane, EditorDr. Gillian Steinberg, Contributing

EditorAhlgrim Design Group, DesignJane Haslam, Photography

Nicole CohenDeborah David (AC ’78)Adrienne GoldfederGinna GreenDana Jason (AC ’92)Ann LapinDina LehonMichelle MaromDebbie Meiliken

Elaine SchnallJessica Rezak SchwabLydia VidomlanskiEstee Waxman

JUNIOR COLLEGE NIGHT COMMITTEEDebby GranevitzJudith Jelen Ariel Yarmus

PROSPECTIVE PARENT VIRTUAL PARLOR MEETING HOSTSJoanne (AC ’88) & Barry Aranoff, Westchester County; Connecticut

Tamar & Abe Eisenstat, Riverdale

Michelle Greenberg & Rabbi Jeffrey Kobrin, NYC Area

Lucy Hecht & Akiva Kroll, Student Council Presidents

Chani & Jason Teigman, Bergen County


Talia & Alen Gollender, Bergen County

Shira Hecht-Koller & Aaron Koller, Queens

CLASS OF 2025 PARENT SOCIAL EVENING PANELISTS:Staci BodnerSophia Hirschman Michelle Jasper-BrodyShira Hecht-KollerGayle LewisElana MinkoveCecily ObersteinSara Simon

Melanie Levy FagelsonMenachem FromerMichal GellerRabbi Irving “Yitz” GreenbergYosef HelftBen PragerDonna RudolphKuty ShalevEsther SperberNicole Molofsky-StronginAriel WeinerRobbie Zellner

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SAR appreciates your invaluable contributions of time, creativity, and responsiveness, particularly this year given the challenges of the pandemic and our commitments both to Achrayut and to staying open.

Spectacular, Attuned, Responsive Volunteers Officers, Boards of Trustees, and Committees 2021-2022

“The Jewish community could not exist for a day without its


Nathan Kahn, Board of Trustees member, was at the helm of the new ELC building. He is deeply passionate about our community, relentlessly

committed to its growth and success, and an inspiration (humbly so) to all who have the privilege to work with him.

Benjamin Telushkin (AC ’07, HS ’11)

Husband of Grace Telushkin and father of Helen

Son of Dvorah and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

October 2020

Sylvia Bersin Dedicated member of the SAR

community, and library volunteer

Mother of Neil BersinOctober 2020

Paul BelitzHusband of Ardra Son of Brenda BelitzFather of Yoel (AC ’11, HS ’15),

Leora (AC ’15, HS ’19), and Eitan (Gr. 5)

November 2020

Charles SchwarzLong time member of the SAR

BoardHusband of Renee SchwarzFather of Karin (Schwartz)

Diamond (AC ’81) (and Saul) and Alex Schwartz (AC ’84)

November 2020

William SpierFounder of the Riverdale Jewish

communityHusband of Radine SpierFather of Jonathan (AC ’84),

Evan Spier (AC ’76) (and Malka), Rosalyn Kozak (Ami) and David (Daniella)

January 2021

Milton SteinbergPillar of the Riverdale Jewish

community and founder of SAR Academy

Father of Susan Steinberg Riegelhaupt (and Elliot), and Lu Steinberg (and Michael Schulder)

January 2021

Yossi Mazurek (AC ’06)

Husband of SaraSon of Nachman (former SAR

board member) and Ruth January 2021

Frances “Cooki” LevyFormer SAR Academy facultyWife of BarryMother of Rabbi Daniel (Debra)

Levy, Academy Judaic Studies Faculty

March 2021

Lucy LangBeloved founder of SARWife of Edmond z”lMother of Claire (AC ’73)

(Benjamin z”l) Strauss, Elliot Lang, and Jeffrey Lang z”l

Sister of founders Erica (Ludwig z”l) Jesselson z”l, aunt of Daniel, Board of Trustees Vice President Michael (Linda), and Benjamin (Phyllis) Jesselson

July 2021


SAR ACADEMY SAR HIGH SCHOOL Jesselson Campus Dedicated to the Memory of JJ Greenberg z”l655 West 254th Street 503 West 259th StreetRiverdale, NY 10471 Riverdale, NY 10471718.548.1717 718.548.2727www.saracademy.org www.sarhighschool.org


@saracademyriverdale @sarhighschool @sarstingreport

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@SARAcademy @sarhighschool @stingreport

sardivinesparks.wordpress.com sarhighschool.blogspot.com machonsiach.org/the-grand-conversation


Dedicated in honor of our incredible administrators, teachers, and staff at SAR, all who have helped raise and educate our children for the past 25 years. You have been our ‘village,’ modeling for our children how to live a life of service, of Torah, of tikkun olam, and caring for mankind. We are forever indebted to you with tremendous gratitude and love.”THE DAVID FAMILY, DEBORAH (AC ’78) & JONATHAN, JOSEPH (AC ‘07, HS ‘11), ELLIOT (AC ‘09, HS ‘13), EMILY (AC ‘11, HS ‘15), JACOB (AC ‘11, HS ‘15) AND JULIA DAVID (AC ‘17, HS ‘21)

Join us for SAR’s 53rd Anniversary


Motzaei Shabbat January 29, 2022