ARTICLE Salt Stress Effects on the Central and Carnitine Metabolisms of Escherichia coli M. Ca ´novas, V. Bernal, A. Sevilla, J.L. Iborra Departamentode Bioquı´mica y Biologı´a Molecular B e Inmunologı´a, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Murcia, P.O. Box 4021, E-30100, Murcia, Spain; telephone: 34-968-367398; fax: 34-968-364148; e-mail: [email protected] Received 7 July 2006; accepted 13 July 2006 Published online 7 August 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/bit.21128 ABSTRACT: The aim was to understand how interaction of the central carbon and the secondary carnitine metabolisms is affected under salt stress and its effect on the production of L-carnitine by Escherichia coli. The biotransformation of crotonobetaine into L-carnitine by resting cells of E. coli O44 K74 was improved by salt stress, a yield of nearly twofold that for the control being obtained with 0.5 M NaCl. Crotonobetaine and the L-carnitine formed acted as an osmoprotectant during cell growth and biotransforma- tion in the presence of NaCl. The enzyme activities involved in the biotransformation process (crotonobetaine hydration reaction and crotonobetaine reduction reaction), in the synthesis of acetyl-CoA/acetate (pyruvate dehydrogenase, acetyl-CoA synthetase [ACS] and ATP/acetate phospho- transferase) and in the distribution of metabolites for the tricarboxylic acid cycle (isocitrate dehydrogenase [ICDH]) and glyoxylate shunt (isocitrate lyase [ICL]) were followed in batch with resting cells both in the presence and absence of NaCl and in perturbation experiments performed on growing cells in a high density cell recycle membrane reactor. Further, the levels of carnitine, crotonobetaine, g -butyrobetaine and ATP and the NADH/NAD þ ratio were measured in order to know how the metabolic state was modified and coenzyme pools redistributed as a result of NaCl’s effect on the energy content of the cell. The results provided the first experimental evidence of the important role played by salt stress during resting and growing cell biotransformation (0.5 M NaCl increased the L-carnitine production in nearly 85%), and the need for high levels of ATP to maintain metabolite transport and biotransforma- tion. Moreover, the main metabolic pathways and carbon flow operating during cell biotransformation was that con- trolled by the ICDH/ICL ratio, which decreased from 8.0 to 2.5, and the phosphotransferase/ACS ratio, which increased from 2.1 to 5.2, after a NaCl pulse fivefold the steady-state level. Resting E. coli cells were seen to be made up of heterogeneous populations consisting of several types of subpopulation (intact, depolarized, and permeabilized cells) differing in viability and metabolic activity as biotransfor- mation run-time and the NaCl concentration increased. The results are discussed in relation with the general stress response of E. coli, which alters the NADH/NAD þ ratio, ATP content, and central carbon enzyme activities. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2007;96: 722–737. ß 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. KEYWORDS: E. coli; salt stress; metabolite distribution; primary and secondary metabolism; biotransformation; L-carnitine Introduction The occurrence of stress conditions during fermentation processes is an important issue for the design and optimization of bioprocesses. As fermentations proceed, one of the problems that microorganisms undergo is the progressive modification of the environment. The accumu- lation of low and high molecular weight molecules as a result of cell metabolic activity not only affects cells due to the build up of inhibitory levels but also due to osmotic changes. Stress responses are of fundamental interest as they often have a determining effect on process performance (Lindley, 2003) since the triggering of molecular response mechan- isms (Hengge-Aronis, 1999) will affect the cell physiology and metabolism. General stress response is triggered when Escherichia coli is exposed to a variety of stress conditions affecting the environment, being mainly determined by the upregulation of RpoS, a sigma RNApolymerase subunit which is associated with entry into stationary phase, starvation and stress conditions (Loewen and Hengge-Aronis, 1994; Hengge-Aronis, 2002) all of which strongly modify cell physiology. In E. coli, when the osmolarity of the growth medium is increased, osmoadaptation occurs, the phases of Correspondence to: J.L. Iborra Contract grant sponsor: MCYTBIO2005-08898-C02-01 Contract grant sponsor: CARM06 BIO2005/01-6468 Contract grant sponsor: Fundacio ´ n SENECA20052928/PI/05 722 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007 ß 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Salt stress effects on the central and carnitine metabolisms ofEscherichia coli

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Salt Stress Effects on the Central and CarnitineMetabolisms of Escherichia coli

M. Canovas, V. Bernal, A. Sevilla, J.L. Iborra

Departamento de Bioquımica y Biologıa Molecular B e Inmunologıa, Facultad de Quımica,

Universidad de Murcia, P.O. Box 4021, E-30100, Murcia, Spain; telephone: 34-968-367398;

fax: 34-968-364148; e-mail: [email protected]

Received 7 July 2006; accepted 13 July 2006

Published online 7 August 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).

DOI 10.1002/bit.21128

ABSTRACT: The aim was to understand how interaction ofthe central carbon and the secondary carnitine metabolismsis affected under salt stress and its effect on the production ofL-carnitine by Escherichia coli. The biotransformation ofcrotonobetaine into L-carnitine by resting cells of E. coliO44 K74 was improved by salt stress, a yield of nearlytwofold that for the control being obtained with 0.5 MNaCl. Crotonobetaine and the L-carnitine formed acted asan osmoprotectant during cell growth and biotransforma-tion in the presence of NaCl. The enzyme activities involvedin the biotransformation process (crotonobetaine hydrationreaction and crotonobetaine reduction reaction), in thesynthesis of acetyl-CoA/acetate (pyruvate dehydrogenase,acetyl-CoA synthetase [ACS] and ATP/acetate phospho-transferase) and in the distribution of metabolites for thetricarboxylic acid cycle (isocitrate dehydrogenase [ICDH])and glyoxylate shunt (isocitrate lyase [ICL]) were followedin batch with resting cells both in the presence and absenceof NaCl and in perturbation experiments performed ongrowing cells in a high density cell recycle membranereactor. Further, the levels of carnitine, crotonobetaine,g-butyrobetaine and ATP and the NADH/NADþ ratio weremeasured in order to know how the metabolic state wasmodified and coenzyme pools redistributed as a result ofNaCl’s effect on the energy content of the cell. The resultsprovided the first experimental evidence of the importantrole played by salt stress during resting and growing cellbiotransformation (0.5 M NaCl increased the L-carnitineproduction in nearly 85%), and the need for high levels ofATP to maintain metabolite transport and biotransforma-tion. Moreover, the main metabolic pathways and carbonflow operating during cell biotransformation was that con-trolled by the ICDH/ICL ratio, which decreased from 8.0 to2.5, and the phosphotransferase/ACS ratio, which increasedfrom 2.1 to 5.2, after a NaCl pulse fivefold the steady-statelevel. Resting E. coli cells were seen to be made up ofheterogeneous populations consisting of several types ofsubpopulation (intact, depolarized, and permeabilized cells)differing in viability and metabolic activity as biotransfor-mation run-time and the NaCl concentration increased. The

Correspondence to: J.L. Iborra

Contract grant sponsor: MCYTBIO2005-08898-C02-01

Contract grant sponsor: CARM06 BIO2005/01-6468

Contract grant sponsor: Fundacion SENECA20052928/PI/05

722 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007

results are discussed in relation with the general stressresponse of E. coli, which alters the NADH/NADþ ratio,ATP content, and central carbon enzyme activities.

Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2007;96: 722–737.

� 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

KEYWORDS: E. coli; salt stress; metabolite distribution;primary and secondary metabolism; biotransformation;L-carnitine


The occurrence of stress conditions during fermentationprocesses is an important issue for the design andoptimization of bioprocesses. As fermentations proceed,one of the problems that microorganisms undergo is theprogressive modification of the environment. The accumu-lation of low and highmolecular weight molecules as a resultof cell metabolic activity not only affects cells due to thebuild up of inhibitory levels but also due to osmotic changes.Stress responses are of fundamental interest as they oftenhave a determining effect on process performance (Lindley,2003) since the triggering of molecular response mechan-isms (Hengge-Aronis, 1999) will affect the cell physiologyand metabolism.

General stress response is triggered when Escherichia coli isexposed to a variety of stress conditions affecting theenvironment, being mainly determined by the upregulationof RpoS, a sigma RNApolymerase subunit which isassociated with entry into stationary phase, starvation andstress conditions (Loewen and Hengge-Aronis, 1994;Hengge-Aronis, 2002) all of which strongly modify cellphysiology. In E. coli, when the osmolarity of the growthmedium is increased, osmoadaptation occurs, the phases of

� 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

which have been summarized previously (Wood, 1999). Toavoid dehydration, the osmotic pressure inside the cells isincreased (Le Rudulier et al., 1984), certain solutes beingaccumulated at high cytosolic levels, either by uptake fromthe medium or through de novo synthesis (Csonka, 1991;Verheul et al., 1998). These osmoregulatory solutes includeKþ, amino acids (e.g., glutamate, proline), polyalcohols(e.g., trehalose, glycerol) and other zwitterionic organicsolutes (e.g., betaines such as glycinebetaine, crotonobe-taine, and D,L-carnitine) (Kappes and Bremer, 1998). Twotransporters, ProP and ProU, have been mentioned as beingprimarily responsible for the uptake of osmoprotectantbetaines in enteric bacteria under conditions of hyper-osmolarity (Verheul et al., 1998). ProP is a Hþ-antiporter,and its activity is Kþ dependent (Macmillan et al., 1999),while ProU belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC)family of transport systems, and the mediated betainetransport is highly osmotically stimulated at the level of geneexpression (Csonka, 1991). Additionally, CaiT is anexchanger (antiporter) for L-carnitine and g-butyrobetainein E. coli (Jung et al., 2002), although it does not play asignificant role in osmoregulation (Verheul et al., 1998).

Figure 1. Central metabolism of E. coli. ACK, acetate kinase; ACS, acetyl-CoA s

dehydrogenase; ICL, isocitrate lyase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PEP, phosphoenolpyr

lyase; PK, pyruvate kinase; and PTA, phosphotransacetylase. (EcoCyc-MetaCyc-2002, USA

g-butyrobetaine/crotonobetaine protein transporter; CaiA, CaiB crotonobetaine reductio

g-butyrobetaine CoA ligase; CaiD, enoyl-CoA hydratase or D-carnitine racemase activity


Despite the research effort devoted to unravelling theresponses displayed by E. coli when exposed to osmoticstress conditions (Hengge-Aronis, 1996, 2002), the mechan-isms through which the central and energetic metabolism ofthe bacteria is adapted to such conditions remain unstudied.In Corynebacterium glutamicum, a rearrangement ofenergetic metabolism has been shown to take place inresponse to increasing osmolality (Varela et al., 2003, 2004),reflecting the increase in cell energy needs. In E. coli, theprotective role of carnitine (trimethylammonium com-pound) metabolism has been studied, since this allows cellsto withstand osmotic upshocks, although it is still not totallyunderstood (Eichler et al., 1994a,b; Elssner et al., 2000, 2001;Kleber, 1997). This secondary metabolism has been used forL-carnitine production from crotonobetaine or D-carnitinewith E. coli cells in growing and resting state (Castellar et al.,1998; Canovas et al., 2002; Obon et al., 1999). In brief, thecarnitine pathway enzymes are induced in anaerobiosis inthe presence of D,L-carnitine and/or crotonobetaine (see the‘‘Central and carnitine metabolism in E. coli’’ section,Materials and Methods and Fig. 1). Canovas et al. (2003c)observed that salt stress improved the production of

ynthetase; CS, citrate synthetase; ETC, electron transport chain; ICDH, isocitrate

uvate; PEPCK, PEP carboxykinase; PEPCX, PEP carboxylase; PFL, pyruvate formate

, Keseler et al., 2005). Anaerobic metabolism of L-carnitine in E. coli. CaiT, L-carnitine/

n reaction; CaiB, acetyl-CoA/CoA transferase; CaiC, crotonobetaine, L-carnitine or

. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at http://

Canovas et al.: Model of Salt Stress in E. coli 723

Biotechnology and Bioengineering. DOI 10.1002/bit

L-carnitine from crotonobetaine (dehydrated D-carnitine)by resting cells and characterized the transport of L-carnitinein E. coli O44 K74. Resting cell processes are also importantsince biotransformation occurs in a simple mediumcontaining only the substrate dissolved in buffer, thuslowering production costs and simplifying product pur-ification compared with growing cell processes. However, tooptimize this bioprocess is necessary to determine theregulatory structure of the metabolic pathways involved inthe biotransformation carried out by cells in growing orresting state and in the presence or absence of NaCl.Moreover, little information is available concerning theeffect of salt stress on the central and carnitine metabolismof resting and growing E. coli cells performing biotransfor-mations. Further, since both substrates (crotonobetaine andD-carnitine) and products (L-carnitine and g-butyrobetaine)of the biotransformation (Fig. 1) are osmoprotectants, adeeper insight into metabolic adaptations and/or modifica-tions under osmotic stress conditions becomes morenecessary for improving strains to be used in biotechno-logical processes before undertaking optimization strategies.

The aim of this work is to report a first approach tounderstanding the metabolism of the secondary carnitineand the primary or central carbon metabolism involved inthe biotransformation of crotonobetaine into L-carnitineunder salt stress conditions, since no information is availableconcerning the effect of salt stress on resting and growingcells metabolism when substrates and products areosmoprotectants. To gain insight into the kinetics of thewhole bioprocess in the presence of NaCl, the activity ofcertain enzymes involved in the central metabolism, such asisocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) (Krebs cycle), isocitratelyase (ICL) (glyoxylate shunt) and pyruvate dehydrogenase,acetyl-CoA synthetase (ACS), ATP: acetate phosphotrans-ferase and the levels of acetyl-CoA and CoA (acetyl-CoAmetabolism), were followed and the cellular energy wasdetermined as cell ATP and reducing power levels (NADH/NADþ ratio), throughout the bioreactor runs in batch and ahigh density cell recycle membrane reactor. The latter wasalso studied after the perturbation of the NaCl bioreactorlevel as well as the perturbation of the crotonobetainebioreactor level in the presence of a steady-state NaClconcentration during the continuous biotransformationprocess. Furthermore, we also characterized the metabolismof the trimethylammonium compounds in E. coli byfollowing the enzyme activities involved in the productionof L-carnitine and the cell population heterogeneity indifferent resting conditions, such as the presence or absenceof NaCl within the reactor.

Materials and Methods

Bacterial Strain and Culture Media

The strain E. coliO74 K74 (DSM 8828) was used. This straincontains the complete cai and fix operons. The strain wasstored in a minimal medium (MM) containing crotono-

724 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007

betaine 50 mM and 20% glycerol at �208C. The MM wasthat described by Obon et al. (1999), while the standardcomplex medium (CM) used contained (g/L): bacteriolo-gical peptone, 20; NaCl, 5; glycerol (carbon source), 12.6;crotonobetaine, 4; and fumarate, 2 (to inhibit g-butyr-obetaine reductase, Kleber (1997)). The NaCl concentrationwas varied as stated in the text. The pH of media wasadjusted to 7.5 with 1 M KOH prior to autoclaving.

Batch and Continuous Reactor Operation

Growth of the Bacteria

Batch experiments were performed in reactors equippedwith temperature, pH, and oxygen probes. For continuousoperation, pump controls of Biostat B (Braun BiotechInternational GMBH, Melsungen, Germany) were emp-loyed. A 1 L culture vessel with 0.5–0.8 L working volumewas used. E. coli 044 K74 was grown under the differentconditions stated in the text. The culture was inoculatedwith a 3% (v/v) of the liquid culture stored at �208C in20% (v/v) glycerol, while the medium employed was theCM mentioned above unless stated otherwise. The cellswere grown in batch at 378C, under anaerobic conditions,while D,L-carnitine mixture, D-carnitine, or crotonobetainewere supplied as inducers of the enzymes involved inthe carnitine metabolism. Nitrogen was used to ensureanaerobiosis during the experiments.

Resting Cells Experiments

The strain was grown either in a MM or CM in anaerobiosis,as in Castellar et al. (1998). L-carnitine metabolism(caiTABCDE operon) was always induced in anaerobiosisin the presence of crotonobetaine. For the resting cellbiotransformations, cultures were harvested at the end of theexponential growth phase, centrifuged at 16,000g for 10 minand washed twice with 75 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.5.The cell pellet was resuspended in 50 mM phosphate buffer,containing 50–500 mM crotonobetaine (depending onexperiment) at pH 7.5 at 378C and left in the reactor systemfor 24–72 h without aeration. Therefore, microaerophilicconditions were maintained since non-strict anaerobiosiswas kept. All experiments were performed at least intriplicate and under sterile conditions. The values reportedare the means of the assays performed.

Continuous Membrane Reactor Operation

For continuous operation, the reactor vessel was coupled to across-flow filtration module (Minitan, Millipore, Billerica,MA) equipped with four 0.1 mm hydrophilic polyvinylidenedifluoride Durapore plates of 60 cm2 area (Millipore)(Canovas et al., 2003a,b). We used this type of bioreactor,since it is the one that is currently used for L-carnitineproduction in the bioprocess we are optimizing. We believethat results present both academic and industrial interest.

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The cell broth was recycled into the reactor with a peristalticpump adjusted to a high flow rate (70 mL/min) to minimizemembrane fouling. E. coli cells for the inoculum were grownas explained previously and transferred to the fermenter.Continuous operation was set at 378C and started by feedingwith the CMmedium. Anaerobiosis was maintained throughthe experimentation by bubbling nitrogen previously passedthrough a water trap. The reactor was run at a dilution rate of0.3/h until steady state was reached at a biomass dry weight of6 g/L. For the pulse experiments, an additional injectionpump was employed to supply the concentrated componentto be perturbed. The perturbation was performed when theculture was around the steady state and the pulse supplied asmall volume (20–25 mL) in less than 3 s (7–9mL/s). Samplesof 2 mL for metabolites and 5 mL for enzyme activities werewithdrawn from the high cell density reactor at different timesafter the pulse. In order to ensure that the reactor runs werestrictly under anaerobic conditions, especially during thepulse additions, we decided to maintain strict anaerobiosisnot only with respect to the carnitine metabolism (Kleber,1997) which is expressed under anaerobiosis but also to avoidmisleading results. Thus, the reactor was continuously purgedwith nitrogen, while the pulsed metabolite was similarlypurged before the perturbation. A sampling valve with aminimal dead volume was adjusted to the reactor vessel. Thesampling time was less than 5 s, and the complete procedurewas computer controlled. The valve was flushed with waterto clean the tubing. The reactor was left to recover and, after20–30 reactor residence times (so as to ensure that a newsteady state was reached), a new perturbation experiment wascarried out. Samples were collected in test tubes kept at�208Cand immediately centrifuged at 16,000g at 48C. The rotor wasprecooled at �208C. Supernatant was used for externalmetabolites, whereas pellets were used for enzyme activity andATP cell content and NADH/NADþ ratio measurements.

Enzyme Assays

The enzyme activity assays were optimized for the conditionsand media. Enzyme activity was defined as mmol of sub-strate consumed per minute and mg of protein (U/mg). Ineach case, reactor bulk liquid samples were withdrawn andcentrifuged at 16,000g at 48C. The supernatant was removedand cells were resuspended with the corresponding extractionbuffer. Cells were sonicated on ice for six cycles (10 s each), at10 mm amplitude, with a probe of 1 cm diameter. The extractwas centrifuged for 15 min at 16,000g and 48C to remove celldebris and the supernatant was used for subsequent activitymeasurements. Protein content was determined by themethodof Lowry et al. (1951).

Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (ICDH)

The method was that of Bennett and Holms (1975). Theextraction buffer was 64.5 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.5,and 6.45 mM MgCl2. The increase in NADPH absorbance at340 nm (eNADPH¼ 6.220/M cm�1) was followed in a GBC

918 U/V (Melbourne, Australia) spectrophotometer at 378C.One unit of enzyme activity was that required for thegeneration of 1 mmol of NADPH per minute.

Isocitrate Lyase (ICL)

The assay was that described by Dixon and Konberg (1959),using the same extraction buffer as above. The increase inabsorbance at 324 nm due to the reaction of the glyoxylateproduced with phenylhydracine (ecomplex¼ 17,000/M cm�1),was followed in a spectrophotometer GBC 918 U/V(Australia) at 378C. One unit of enzyme activity was takenas that needed to generate 1 mmol of adduct per minute.

Acetyl-CoA Synthetase (ACS)

The method used was that established by Brown et al.(1977). The extraction buffer was 64.5 mM potassiumphosphate, pH 7.5 with 1 mM b-mercaptoethanol. The ACSactivity was followed as the increment in NADH absorbanceat 340 nm (eNADPH¼ 6.220/M cm�1) and 458C. Enzymeactivity unit was defined as the enzyme required forthe generation of 1 mmol of NADH per minute.

Phosphotransacetylase (PTA)

The assay was carried out as in Lundie and Ferry (1989). Theextraction buffer was 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.5 with 1 mMb-mercaptoethanol. The enzyme activity was followed as theincrement in NADH absorbance at 340 nm (eNADPH¼ 6.220/M cm�1) and 378C, one unit being taken as the enzymerequired for the generation of 1 mmol of NADH per minute.

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDH)

The method was that of De Graef et al. (1999). Theextraction buffer was 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.5,EDTA 0.1 mM, b-mercaptoethanol 5 mM, and MgCl23 mM. The enzyme activity was followed as the decrease inpotassium ferricyanide absorbance at 430 nm (eferricyanide¼1.030/M cm�1) and 378C. One enzyme activity unit wastaken to be the enzyme required to generate 2 mmol offerricyanide per minute.

Enzymes of L-carnitine Metabolism (CHR and CRR)

The crotonobetaine hydration reaction (CHR) assay wascarried out according to Jung et al. (1989), and thecrotonobetaine reduction reaction (CRR) assay according toPreusser et al. (1999). Crotonobetaine was employed assubstrate in both cases.

Substrate Consumption for Growth andBiotransformation Processes

L-carnitine concentration was determined enzymaticallywith the carnitine acetyl transferase method (Jung et al.,

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1989). Glycerol, crotonobetaine, and g-butyrobetaine wereanalyzed by HPLC with a Tracer Spherisorb-NH2 column,3 mm, 25� 0.46 cm, supplied by Teknokroma (Barcelona,Spain) as previously reported (Obon et al., 1999). Theisocratic mobile phase was acetonitrile/50 mM phosphatebuffer pH 5.5 (65/35) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Bacterialgrowth was followed spectrophotometrically at 600 nm,using a Novaspec II from Pharmacia-LKB, (Uppsala,Sweden), and converted to dry weight accordingly.

E. coli Anaerobic Metabolite Production

The acetate, fumarate, lactate, and ethanol contents of thebulk liquid reactor were determined by HPLC. A cationexchange Aminex HPX-87H column, supplied by BioRadLabs (Hercules, CA) was used. The isocratic mobile phasewas 5 mM H2SO4 at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The effluentwas monitored using a refractive index detector.

Determination of ATP Content and NADH/NADR Ratio

The energy content per unit of cell was determined as theATP level and NADH/NADþ ratio throughout the experi-ments. For ATP measurement, the HS II bioluminescenceassay kit from Boehringer (Mannhein, Germany), based onthe luciferase enzyme using a FluoStar fluorimeter (BMGLabtech, Offenburg, Germany) in the conditions stated andafter cell DMSO lysis, was used.

Reducing power, considered as the NADH/NADþ ratio,was calculated as in Snoep et al. (1990). The measurementswere made using an enzymatic method based on the alcoholdehydrogenase enzyme. The extraction of the reduced or theoxidized forms was carried out by two different methods,involving alkali or acid extraction. The cell content wasdetermined after biomass optical density transformation asdry weight and assuming either an intracellular volume of1.63 mL/mg (Emmerling et al., 2000) or 1.72 mL�10�13/cell(worked out by flow cytometry in this work).

Flow-Cytometric Determination of Cell Viability

To determine cell viability by FCM, double staining wasperformed, using 5 mg/mL propidium iodide (PI) (from a1 mg/mL stock solution) and 10 mg/mL bis-oxonol (BOX)(from a 2 mg/mL stock solution in dimethylsulfoxide).Staining was performed in the dark at room temperature for10 min. Samples were run in an analyzer cytometer fromBeckman Coulter (Fullerton, CA) (mod. Epics XL),equipped with an argon laser of 15 mW for the excitationof the fluorophores at a wavelength of 488 nm. Fluorescencedetection was carried out at 525 nm for BOX and 675 nm forIP, and spectral overlap was corrected by using a numericalcompensation. Positive (heat-treated E. coli cells) andnegative (either non-stained or stained exponentiallygrowing E. coli cells) controls were undertaken in order

726 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007

to avoid false positives. The BOX and PI fluorescence wascompensated according to Hewitt et al. (1999, 2000), usingheat stressed cells treated at 608C for 5 min as positivestained control. The green fluorescence channel (FL1) forBOX stained cells was plotted versus the red fluorescencechannel (FL3) for PI/BOX stained cells. Results arepresented as the percentage of stained population.

Transport Assays

The uptake of carnitine in E. coli O44 K74 was measuredusing L[N-methyl14C]carnitine (56 mCi/mmol) as substrate.Cell samples were resuspended in the L-carnitine uptakeassay at an A600 of approximately 0.5, containing 10–20 mML[N-methyl14C]carnitine (5.6 mCi/mmol) in a total reactionvolume of 3 mL. Samples (0.3 mL) were taken at varioustimes and filtered through 0.45 mm pore size filters of25 mM diameter. The filters were then washed with 20 mL ofisotonic minimal salts and the radioactivity retained wasdetermined with 2.5 mL of scintillation liquid in a LiquidScintillation Counter (Wallac 1409, Perkin Elmer, Wellesley,MA). All the experiments and assays were performed intriplicate at least.

Central and Carnitine Metabolisms in E. coli

Since carnitine secondary metabolism in E. coli is repressedby glucose, and in the presence of high levels of oxygen(Canovas et al., 2002, 2003a; Kleber, 1997), we choseglycerol as the carbon source and maintained anaerobic ormicroaerophilic conditions for this study. Glycerol enters inthe glycolysis as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, before con-version to pyruvate. This is converted into acetyl-CoA,which enters the Krebs cycle (TCA), producing reducingpower, which will be transformed into ATP within theelectron transport chain during aerobiosis, and metabolicintermediates through anaplerotic reactions. The glyoxylateshunt is associated to the TCA, shortcutting the metabolicflow and forming oxaloacetate from acetyl-CoA (Fig. 1,EcoCyc-MetaCyc, Keseler et al., 2005). However, whenE. coli grows under anaerobiosis or under a limiting oxygensupply, the reducing power comes from the mixed-acidfermentation for ATP formation, reducing pyruvate toacid metabolites such as lactate, succinate and formate andacetyl-CoA, which will be further reduced to acetate andethanol (Varma et al., 1993). These reducing paths also allowthe production of ATP, although at lower levels than duringaerobiosis. In the presence of alternative electron acceptors,such as fumarate, anaerobic respiration allows moreeffective cell redox cofactor regeneration and provides ahigher energetic yield, which is finally manifested as higherbiomass levels. Moreover, when carnitine metabolism isexpressed, certain intermediates, such as ATP and the poolof acetyl-CoA/CoA are addressed to this (generally termed)secondary metabolism (Canovas et al., 2003a), linkingit with the central metabolism. The physiological role of

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Figure 2. Effect of salt stress on the E. coli growth with (&, &) and without

(*, *) NaCl (0.5 M), and in the presence (*, &) and absence (*, &) of

crotonobetaine (50 mM), respectively, in (A) MM and (B) CM media.

L-carnitine and related trimethylammonium compounds inE. coli is involved in the protection against various stressconditions, since protectant behavior has been observedupon uptake and cytosolic accumulation (Kleber, 1997).Further, trimethylammonium compounds can be metabo-lized, in which case crotonobetaine acts as an alternativeelectron acceptor (Fig. 1). The carnitine metabolizationpathway depends on the expression of the caiTABCDEoperon which is induced when cells are grown in thepresence of some compounds, such as D,L-carnitine mixturesor crotonobetaine, not only in anaerobiosis but, in somespecies, such as E. coli ATCC 25922 and DSM 8828, Proteusvulgaris and Proteus mirabilis, also when grown underaerobiosis (Canovas et al., 2002; Elssner et al., 2000; Kleber,1997; Obon et al., 1999). L-Carnitine metabolism isrepressed in growing cells subjected to osmotic stress (Junget al., 1990), since it does not provide any advantage for thecell and its uptake depends on the activation of genes otherthan the cai operon. Nowadays, it is known that CaiT is anexchanger (antiporter) for L-carnitine and g-butyrobetainein E. coli (Jung et al., 2002), which also transportscrotonobetaine (Canovas et al., 2002, 2003a). The enoyl-CoA hydratase (CaiD) requires a CoA-transferase activity(CaiB), CaiB and CaiD both being dimers (Fig. 1), while thecrotonobetaine reductase activity requires two proteins:CaiB (one dimer) and CaiA (one tetramer). It has beenverified that the hydration reaction of crotonobetaine intoL-carnitine (CHR) proceeds at the CoA-level in two steps:the protein CaiD-catalyzed hydration of crotonobetainyl-CoA (Crot-CoA) to L-carnitinyl-CoA (L-Car-CoA),followed by CoA-transfer from L-carnitinyl-CoA to croto-nobetaine, catalyzed by CaiB (Canovas et al., 2003a; Elssneret al., 2001). Thus, CaiD and CaiB from E. coli have beenfound to jointly catalyze the reversible biotransformation ofcrotonobetaine to L-carnitine. Further, it has been suggestedthat caiC codifies a CoA:trimethylammonium ligase (Eichleret al., 1994a), which activates crotonobetaine/g-butyrobe-taine/L-carnitine when they reach the cell. The function ofprotein CaiE is not totally understood and further studiesmust be undertaken. Canovas et al. (2003a) have proposed amodel to describe the whole activity of E. coli able inproducing L-carnitine from crotonobetaine under bothanaerobic and aerobic conditions in bioreactors (Fig. 1). Inresting cell processes, no carbon source is fed to the reactorand so the cell-stored material is the only carbon source forthe synthesis of the enzymes involved in cell turnover/maintenance and the biotransformation of crotonobetaine(Castellar et al., 1998; Obon et al., 1999).


Growth of E. coli in the Presence and Absence of NaCland Using Crotonobetaine as Osmoprotectant

Cells were grown on the MM and CMmedia in anaerobiosiseither in the presence or absence of 0.5 M NaCl and in the

presence or the absence of crotonobetaine as an osmopro-tectant. As can be observed for both media, the final biomassconcentration was lower in the presence of salt (Fig. 2), aneffect that was overcome by the addition of crotonobetainewhich acted as an osmoprotectant. The best conditions forE. coli growth were observed when only crotonobetaine wasadded to the system.

Biotransformation With Resting Cells

After growth in anaerobic conditions and to allowmaximum induction of the carnitine metabolism in thepresence and absence (control) of NaCl, cells wereresuspended in the biotransformation medium, composedof crotonobetaine in phosphate buffer. Cell incubation wasperformed in microaerophilic conditions, since the reactorwas kept as an open system with agitation, while neither airnor nitrogen was supplied to the reactor. Biotransformationassays were performed in the presence and absence (control)of NaCl (see Materials and Methods Section). As shown inFigure 3A, the addition of NaCl to the culture medium usedfor cell growth prior to the collection of cells for thebiotransformation process, reduced the biotransformationyield with respect to those grown in its absence. In fact, saltadaptation studies showed that the growth of cells under salt

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Figure 3. A: Effect of salt stress on the biotransformation of crotonobetaine

(500 mM) into L-carnitine with cells grown with (*, &) and without (*, &) NaCl

(0.5 M), and during the resting process in the presence (&, &) and absence (*, *) of

NaCl (0.5 M), respectively. B: E. coli L-carnitine production under different NaCl

concentrations, (*) control, (&) 0.25, (~) 0.35, (!) 0.5, (^) 0.85, and ( ) 1.85 M.

Assays were carried out with 4.3 g/L biomass at pH 7.5 and 378C. Figure 4. E. coli 044 K74 metabolism evolution on a resting biotransformation

medium in batch systems. A: ICL (~) and PDH (&) activities in mU/mg prot, (B) ATP

concentration (*) and NADH/NADþ ratio (!), and (C) ICDH activity (^), control

(black) and NaCl (open) treated cells, in mU/mg prot.

stress provoked a decrease in the biotransformation capacityof resting cell processes carried out both with and withoutadded NaCl. Nevertheless, cells subjected only to salt shockduring the biotransformation process increased L-carnitineproduction with respect to unshocked cells (Fig. 3A).Control resting cells achievedmaximum L-carnitine yields inthe range of 20–40%, depending on the substrate employedand its concentration (Castellar et al., 1998). In this work,when NaCl was increased to 0.5 M, L-carnitine productionfrom crotonobetaine with resting cells reached a yield of 65–70%, while high salt concentrations had a deleterious effect.In Table I, biotransformation variables and specific growthrate at different concentrations of NaCl are depicted.

Table I. Biotransformation variables and specific growth rates obtained at d

Control 0.25

Conversion (%) 40� 1.2 45� 1.5

Productivity (mM/h) 8.4� 0.5 10� 1.2

Specific growth rate (h�1)�10 6.2� 0.3 4.2� 0.2

Values are the mean of three measurements.

728 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007

Central Metabolism During Resting Cell Processes

To unravel the metabolic consequences of the presence ofNaCl in resting biotransformation media, the profile ofmetabolites and enzymes of E. coli 044 K74 were recordedboth in the presence and in the absence of 0.5 M NaCl.Metabolism in resting cells is only devoted to cellmaintenance and the parallel biotransformation (Fig. 6),since no carbon source is fed to the culture. From 5 to 24 h,the control ICL activity doubled, reaching 12.9 mU/mg

ifferent concentrations of NaCl.

NaCl (M)

0.35 0.5 0.85 1.5

55� 2.1 68.5� 1.3 52.4� 1.5 22.4� 1.9

12� 0.8 14� 1.1 12.3� 2.1 5� 0.7

2.8� 0.2 2.3� 0.3 1.5� 0.1 0.8� 2.5

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Figure 6. Specific activities of the following enzymes, (A) (&) CRR (crotono-

betaine reduction reaction) and (*) CHR (crotonobetaine hydration reaction) in

mU/mg prot and (~) L-carnitine production, and (B) ( ) crotonobetaine and (^)

biomass concentrations in batch reactors with E. coli 044 K74 resting cells in the

biotransformation process, control (black) and NaCl (open) treated cells.

Figure 5. Evolution of E. coli 044 K74 metabolism on a resting biotransformation

medium in aerobic conditions and batch systems. (A) ACS activity ( ), (B) PTA activity

(~), both in mU/mg prot, and (C) N(methyl-14C)-carnitine specific uptake (*) during

the biotransformation of crotonobetaine into L-carnitine, at different experimental

times. Control (black) and NaCl (open) treated cells.

protein (Fig. 4A). Considering the Krebs cycle, after a slightincrease of the control ICDH to 90.3 mU/mg protein duringthe first 5 h, decreased to 19.8 mU/mg protein at 35–48 h(Fig. 4C). The central metabolism responded to the presenceof salt in a different manner to that observed before. The ICLactivity increased at higher levels with respect to the control(25.6 mU/mg/prot), and kept increasing gradually up tothe end of the biotransformation, contrary to the control(Fig. 4A). Furthermore, the energetic status of the controlcells showed that the ATP concentration decreased from0.7 to 0.31 mM at 24 h, decreasing slowly thereafter(Fig. 4B). In the presence of NaCl the concentration of ATPalso decreased from the levels shown by the control, thoughthe fall was steeper. The NADH/NADþ ratio of NaCl-treatedcells was threefold that of the control at the end of theexperiment (Fig. 4B). Moreover, the PTA and ACS controlactivities decreased throughout the biotransformation, PTA

not being detected after 5 h, while ACS was fivefold lowerafter 24 h and not detected at 72 h (Fig. 5A). In the presenceof NaCl, the ACS and PTA activities decreased during thefirst hours of the biotransformation (Fig. 5A,B), althoughthe latter (ACS) with slightly lower values than in the controlexperiment. These results indicated that, in resting cells,carbon flux through the Krebs cycle was more relevant andthat no acetate was produced. With respect to the PDHcomplex, it doubled its levels in the control during thefirst 24 h, reaching 19.60 mU/mg protein, and then fell to15.6 mU/mg protein during the last 48 h (Fig. 4 A), while inthe presence of NaCl the increase in activity was slightlylower.

Secondary Metabolism During the BiotransformationWith Resting Cells

The presence of 0.5 M NaCl increased the L-carnitine yieldfrom crotonobetaine biotransformation (Fig. 6). Fortransport assays, the decrease in N(methyl-14C)-carnitineuptake is shown in Figure 5C for resting cells both in thepresence and absence of NaCl at different points of theprocess. The presence of NaCl slightly decreased the rate oftransport. Moreover, the uptake decreased as the biotrans-formation evolved. Most importantly, the transport ratedecreased with time, paralleling the previously described

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Table II. Cell viability evolution in presence of NaCl during the

biotransformation of crotonobetaine into L-carnitine using resting cells of

E. coli 044 K74 harvested from an anaerobic CM.

Percentage of stained cells (%)

0 h 24 h 48 h 72 h


Intact cells 100 74.1 58.3 30.7

BOX 20.0 40.8 68.0

PI/BOX 5.8 0.88 1.3

NaCl treated

Intact cells 100 42.0 47.7 18.0

BOX 26.6 50.0 80.4

PI/BOX 32.0 2.3 1.5

The green fluorescence channel (FL1, BOX stained cells) was plottedversus the red fluorescence channel (FL3, PI/BOX stained cells). Results arepresented as percentage of stained population. Samples were taken from thereactor at 0, 24, 48, and 72 h. The study was performed using BOX and PI, asexplained in Materials and Methods Section.

decrease of ATP for both control and NaCl-treated cells(Fig. 4B).

The biotransformation studies in these conditionsshowed that the CRR activity (CaiA:CaiB) decreased from18.0 to 3.0 mU/mg protein, while the CHR activity(CaiD:CaiB) decreased sharply during the first 5–10 h from48.4 to 9.0 mU/mg protein, remaining close to 10.0 mU/mgprotein during the rest of the process (Fig. 6A), for bothcontrol and in the presence of NaCl. As regards L-carnitineproduction (Fig. 6A), the yield reached high levels after thefirst 24 h, paralleling the consumption of crotonobetaine(Fig. 6B). The yield (65–70%), was higher than that obtainedin the absence of NaCl (40%) (Fig. 6A).

Resting Cells Evolution During the Biotransformationin the Presence of NaCl

Cell heterogeneity during the biotransformation with theresting control and NaCl treated cells was recorded using aflow cytometric method (Hewitt et al., 1999). At zero time,100% cell viability and only one cell population wereassessed by simultaneous staining (Table II), while threesubpopulations appeared after 24 h. In the control, 20% ofthe cell population were depolarized (BOX-stained cells),while the percentage of permeabilized and dead cells(simultaneously PI/BOX-stained) was 5.9%. Moreover,after 48 h, 40.8% of the population was depolarized, whiledead cells represented less than 1%. This low percentage wasprobably due to cell disappearance (cell lysis) and to theoccurrence of phantom cells. After 72 h, depolarized cellsnumbered almost 70%, while dead cells remained in therange of 1–2%. However, in the presence of NaCl (0.5 M),26.6% of the cells had lost their membrane potential andwere BOX-stained after 24 h, while 32.0% were dead cells.After 48 h, 50.1% of the cell population was stained withBOX and the dead cells represented 2.3% of the cellpopulation. Thus, most of the population would be

730 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007

composed of phantom cells only stained with BOX(Nebe-Von Caron et al., 1998). At the end of the process80.4% of the population was BOX-stained and 1.5% of thepopulation were dead cells. The percentage of BOX-stainedcells during biotransformation was always higher forNaCl-treated cells than for the control, despite the higherL-carnitine yield obtained (Fig. 3B).

Metabolic State of Growing Cells in a High CellDensity Membrane Reactor After NaCland Crotonobetaine Pulses

Since the response of E. coli cells to salt stress wasfundamentally distinct in the growing and resting produc-tion systems, further experiments were designed to gainfurther insight into the salt stress response. To discriminatethe resting and growing cell responses, pulses wereperformed around the steady state within a high cell densitymembrane continuous reactor.

Osmotic Upshift Pulse

The osmotic upshift pulse consisted of a sudden rise (orpulse) of 0.3 M NaCl (below 0.5 M, to avoid deleteriouseffects of cell lysis in the biotransformation, Fig. 3B). The cellmetabolic state was followed after the pulse, recording theL-carnitine production pathways and the central andenergetic routes. To allow the higher expression of thelatter metabolism the process was carried out under strictanaerobiosis (Canovas et al., 2003a).

Fast responses were recorded in the intracellular cofactorpools within the first few minutes following the osmoticupshock. Figure 7A depicts the decreasing trend of theNADH/NADþ ratio, while a steep increase in the ATP levelswas evident (Fig. 7C). The final products of the centralfermentative pathways also modified their levels, with adecrease of the lactate and ethanol levels (from 60 to 37 mM,20 min after the pulse) as the cell addressed its metabolismtowards the acetate synthesis (Fig. 7B). This would respondto the occasional increase in the cell needs to obtain ATP andto regenerate NADþ (Fig. 1). ATP levels started to decline,and initial levels were recovered.

Figure 7A also shows that at the beginning of the osmoticshock there was a decrease in the enzymatic activity of ICDHand ICL, both enzymes probably being inhibited. Besidethis, the NADH/NADþ ratio decreased since the celladdressed the metabolic fluxes through fermentative path-ways (e.g., the acetate producing pathway) rather thanthrough anaerobic-respiratory and anaplerotic routes(Figs. 1 and 7A). Coinciding with the trends observed forthe fermentation products, the enzymes of the acetateanaerobic metabolism were also regulated, since the level ofPTA activity increased while that of ACS showed theopposite trend (Fig. 7B).

Figure 7C shows that the CHR activity increased untilapproximately 100 min after the NaCl pulse, reaching four-

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Figure 7. Evolution of E. coli 044 K74 metabolism growing on a complex medium

containing 75 mM of glycerol in a high density cell recycle membrane reactor system

under anaerobic conditions and after a pulse of NaCl fivefold that of the basal steady

state at t¼ 0. A: (~) NADH/NADþ ratio, (5) ICDH activity, ( ) ICL (isocitrate lyase),

(B) (^) acetate, (*) lactate, (&) PTA activity, (*) ACS activity and (C) (~) ATP, (!)

CHR activity and (^) L-carnitine.

Figure 8. Evolution of E. coli 044 K74 metabolism growing on a complex medium

containing 75 mM of glycerol in a high density cell recycle membrane reactor system

under anaerobic conditions and after a pulse of crotonobetaine fivefold that of the

basal steady state at t¼ 0 in the presence of NaCl. A: (~) NADH/NADþ ratio, (5) ICDH

activity, ( ) ICL activity, (B) (^) acetate, (*) lactate, (&) PTA activity, (*) ACS

activity and (C) (~) ATP, (!) CHR activity and (^) L-carnitine.

fold the original level, and then, fell to recover its steady-state level. The L-carnitine level in the bulk reactor alsoincreased, by almost 40% of the steady-state level. Thisincrease paralleled the decrease in ATP levels (Fig. 7C).

Substrate Pulse in Steady-State Salt Stressed Cells

Since the presence of NaCl within the reactor increased theL-carnitine production by approximately 75% when usingresting cells (Fig. 3B), it was also decided to determine theeffect of a biotransformation substrate (crotonobetaine)(Fig. 1) pulse in the presence of a steady-state osmotic stress.To avoid deleterious effects on L-carnitine metabolismexpression, 0.3MNaCl was chosen (fivefold higher than thatcurrently used). The pulse consisted of a sudden fivefold risein the crotonobetaine concentration (0.3 M) in a high celldensity membrane continuous reactor around the steadystate.

Again, the faster responses were observed in the coenzymepools. During the first minutes following the crotonobetainepulse, the cell was devoted to lactate and ethanol synthesis(around 0.1 and 90 mM, respectively), thus being able toregenerate NADþ. However, the NADH/NADþ ratioincreased since a higher carbon flux was devoted to

acetate/ATP synthesis, the steady-state basal level beingreached after the perturbation (Fig. 8A,B). Since the pulseconsisted of a sudden rise in the crotonobetaine (Crot)concentration, cellular ATP diminished, having beenconsumed during transport and even during activationinto crotonobetainyl-CoA (Crot-CoA) by CaiC activity(Fig. 1 and 8C) as well as in other metabolic processes. Withrespect to the Krebs cycle and the glyoxylate shunt, Figure 8Adepicts an increase in ICDH enzyme activity, while the ICLactivity fell sharply, even though NADH levels rose duringthe first minutes. Actually, if the initial activities (Fig. 8A)for both enzymes are compared with those in the previouspulse not involving a steady-state osmotic stress (Fig. 7A), itis observed that the levels in the previous pulse were lower,especially in the case of ICL. Further, Figure 8B shows thatthere was a decrease in acetate levels during the first fewminutes following the pulse, although they increasedafterwards, with a parallel slight increase of the PTAactivity, generating also ATP and a decrease in ACS activity.Therefore, the ICDH/ICL and PTA/ACS ratios recordedmust be a consequence of the osmotic stress.

After the crotonobetaine pulse, L-carnitine productionincreased and energy consumption was directed to thetransport and activation of crotonobetaine (Fig. 8C) as well

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as for other processes. The altered ATP levels recovered afterapproximately the first 20 min (Fig. 8C). At the sametime, as shown in Figure 8C and coinciding with the higheravailability of substrate, the CHR activity increased, either asa consequence of higher induction or as a consequence ofthe higher availability of the cofactors necessary for itsactivity (Crot-CoA, L-Car-CoA). The consequence of thisincrease in activity was the higher L-carnitine production.


It has been demonstrated that L-carnitine and crotonobe-taine are involved in the osmoprotection of E. coli both inaerobic and anaerobic growth conditions (Jung et al., 1990;Verheul et al., 1998). Besides, anaerobic L-carnitine uptakeby the carrier CaiT is not related to osmoprotection(Verheul et al., 1998) and thus its metabolization by caioperon-coded protein products must be considered mainlyas an alternative anaerobic respiration pathway, whichwould be physiologically important in intestinal populationsof enterobacteria. Consistent with this double role asosmoprotectant and electron acceptor, crotonobetainealways increased the final biomass growth of E. coli in thepresence of NaCl with respect to control experiments inwhich crotonobetaine was not added. Further, when no saltwas added to the reactor, crotonobetaine itself increased thefinal biomass growth (Fig. 2), which can be explained by itsenergetic role in anaerobic respiration.

On the other hand, the growth of cells under salt stressprovoked a decrease in the biotransformation capacity ofresting cell processes carried out both with and without NaCladdition (Fig. 3A). This might mean that growth on NaClaffects the expression of the carnitine metabolism, carnitinetransporter activity (CaiT) or even whole cell membraneactivity, finally leading to a loss in viability (Table II).However, cells which had been grown without NaCl, showedan increased L-carnitine yield (Fig. 3A) if subjected to saltshock only during the biotransformation process in restingwith respect to unshocked cells. Therefore, the differencebetween growth with and without salt stress and resting inthe presence of salt stress must have been due to the effect onthe cell metabolism and/or physiological state.

No simple answer can be proposed to explain this empiricobservation. The facts seem to point to the activation ofbetaine transport by long-term exposure to salt or somebeneficial effect on mass-transfer from the medium, throughmodification of the structure of the E. coli cell outermembrane (OM), cell wall or plasmatic membrane, whichwould facilitate the interchange of extracellular compoundswith the cytoplasmic compartment. In fact, the biotrans-formation of crotonobetaine into L-carnitine by resting cellsin the presence of 0.5 M NaCl was almost twofold that of thecontrol. Moreover, it was observed that during salt stress-associated betaine-transporter activation (i.e., salt-inducedtransporters, ProU and ProP), CaiT was affected and thisslightly reduced the uptake of L-carnitine (Canovas et al.,

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2003c). Therefore, when crotonobetaine is biotransformedinto L-carnitine under salt stress, the carriers ProU and ProP,which have both been shown to be stimulated or/andinduced under salt stress (Verheul et al., 1998), and theantiporter CaiT (Canovas et al., 2003c; Jung et al., 2002)coded by the cai operon, would work together. However,since ProU and ProP are irreversible transporters, theymight have achieved kinetic equilibrium by adjusting thetrimethylammonium compounds uptake/efflux ratio, andthus CaiT, which is an antiporter and thus reversible, wouldbe the most active during biotransformation, while theosmotically induced transporters would increase theconcentration of intracellular betaines against the trans-membrane gradient. The ProP transporter is a compatiblesolute/Hþ antiporter (Macmillan et al., 1999), while theProU system belongs to the ABC transport systems (Csonka,1991), and so, directly or indirectly, both transporters areATP-dependent and require energy (Fig. 4B).

Metabolic studies performed in batch with resting cells(crotonobetaine only in the buffer biotransformationmedium) underlined the importance of the glyoxylateshunt, since the ICL activity was double that of the control(Fig. 4A), indicating that the cell stored material was beingmobilized for maintenance, since no carbon source wasused. In anaerobic batch growing cells, Canovas et al.(2003a) also observed the importance of the glyoxylateshunt compared with the Krebs cycle during the bioprocess,since both compete for the same substrate. Competition wasalready mentioned by Cronan and La Porte (1996), whodescribed the existence of the aceBAK operon, codifying forthe glyoxylate enzymes (ICL: aceA andMS: aceB) and a thirdenzyme (ICDH-kinase/phosphatase: aceK), which performsa post-transcriptional modification of ICDH, whichinactivates it and improves opportunities for ICL. Anotherfact to bear in mind is that ICDH activity remained higherthan control levels, indicating a certain TCA cycle activityunder salt stress, corroborating, as mentioned above, thehigher demand for energy and metabolic intermediates inthe presence of salt stress. Despite this, the cell energeticstatus, as revealed by the ATP level, decreased during thebiotransformation by resting cells, since ATP was being usedin cell maintenance and in the biotransformation (Canovaset al., 2003a), this decrease being faster than in the absence ofsalt stress (Fig. 4B). Varela et al. (2004) also observed anddetermined that the maintenance coefficients for cellularintegrity decreased with the medium osmolality whenworking with C. glutamicum. Moreover, in this work, theICDH/ICL ratio ranged from 5 at the beginning to 2 at theend of the process, suggesting the importance of this ratio togain energy and intermediaries. Higher ratios have beenfound for growing cells in cell recycle reactors, indicatingthat the functioning of the glyoxylate cycle is less importantcompared to TCA during exponential cell growth (Canovaset al., in press). Besides, the PTA and ACS activitiesdecreased throughout the biotransformation process both incontrol and NaCl treated cells (Fig. 5), partly due to the lackof carbon source and partly because these enzymes belong to

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the E. coli anaerobic metabolism and the biotransformationwith resting cells was performed in the absence of aeration.Canovas et al. (2003a), using batch growing biotransforma-tion systems, suggested that acetyl-CoA was transformedinto CoA and acetyl-phosphate, this pathway renderingacetate and ATP by the acetate kinase enzyme (ACK)(Kleman and Strohl, 1994) (Fig. 1). In fact, in batch cellgrowth biotransformations, acetate can also be used byE. coli to produce acetyl-CoA through ACS (high affinity,working at low concentrations) or through ACK-PTA (lowaffinity and reversible, uptaking acetate at high concentra-tions); however, in resting cells only traces of acetate weredetected. This work also shows that in resting cell systemsusing control and NaCl treated cells and microaerophilicconditions (absence of aeration), PDH activity slightlyincreased and remained constant during the experiment,rendering pyruvate and acetyl-CoA. Furthermore, theNADH/NADþ ratio (Fig. 4B) regulates the PDH (Fig. 4A)and PFL enzymes, a low ratio implying low levels of reducingpower and higher PDH enzyme activity, while high ratiosinactivate the PDH and activate PFL (De Graef et al., 1999).Correspondingly, this study reveals that in the biotransfor-mation by resting cells, the NADH/NADþ ratio was higherin the presence of NaCl than in the control, and that theincrease in the PDH activity was lower than that observedfor the control (Fig. 4A). Therefore, the results demonstratethe relationship between the central carbon and the carnitinemetabolism both in the presence and the absence of NaCl,and confirm the importance of the TCA and glyoxylateshunt during the biotransformation. Moreover, the increasein ICL and ICDH activity in the presence of NaCl (Fig. 4)indicates that the stress imposed by the high saltconcentration affected the cells at cell metabolism level,as reflected in the NADH/NADþ ratio and by the evolutionof the intracellular ATP pool, the cell metabolism beingaddressed towards energy production and the synthesis ofintermediates to maintain the cell structure. Further, thoughit has been described that IclR is involved in regulating thecoordinated expression of the glyoxylate bypass and the ACSpathway to allow growth on acetate (Cortay et al., 1991, Shinet al., 1997), under resting cell conditions the glyoxylatebypass is probably mainly devoted to the mobilization ofstored material.

Canovas et al. (2003a) stated that ATP and acetyl-CoA/CoA pools were the points of connection between carnitineand central carbon metabolisms (Fig. 1). Furthermore, theimportance of the ATP pool was highlighted, since thedecrease of its level coincided with the cessation ofL-carnitine production and a sharp decrease in CHR activity(CaiD:CaiB, Figs. 1, 4B and 6B) at 15–18 h, as well as withthe decrease in the transport rate throughout thebiotransformation process (Fig. 4B and 5C). In fact,Canovas et al. (2003a) showed that during batch processesthe best biotransformation conditions were associated withthe growth phase, in which higher production of energyfrom the reducing power and higher levels of acetyl-CoA/CoA were evident. Furthermore, ATP is necessary for the

transport of trimethylammonium compounds (Canovaset al., 2003a) and since energy is required for the action ofother ligases (Vessey and Kelley, 2001), energy would also benecessary for the action of the putative crotonobetaine/butyrobetaine:CoA ligase (CaiC) that has been proposed tosynthesize the crotonobetainyl-CoA or g-butyrobetainyl-CoA required for the activation of the trimethylammoniumcompounds (Elssner et al., 2000) (see Fig. 1). In this work,the results related with the biotransformation enzymeactivities in resting followed the same behavior both in thepresence and absence of NaCl. The decrease in CHR activitymay be due to the fact that if ATP decreases, crotonobetaine/butyrobetaine:CoA ligase (CaiC) cannot work, lowering thelevel of Crot-CoA required as a cosubstrate for the CHRactivity (CaiB:CaiD). Furthermore, during resting cellprocesses, the importance of the cell stored material wasobvious in both the presence and the absence of NaCl, sincethe activities of ICL, ICDH, and PDH remained high(Fig. 4A,C and 6). This suggests the synthesis of cell-maintenance compounds and energy through the mobiliza-tion of energetic stored material. Besides, cell metabolismwas not devoted to the production of new cells (in Fig. 6B,the biomass decreased slightly) and the cell ATP levels fellrapidly from the start. These facts provide a possibleexplanation for the high yield of L-carnitine since, ratherthan being devoted to growth during the first 22 h (Fig. 6B),the energy and material stored within the cell wasdevoted to the biotransformation and cell maintenance inthe resting state. This decrease in the ATP level may thusbe the possible limiting step of the biotransformation, sinceATPmight be necessary for transport and activation prior tofurther biotransformation (Fig. 1).

In order to unravel the underlying mechanisms respon-sible for the distinct effects on growing and resting cells(Figs. 2 and 3), experiments were also planned on growingcells. High density cell recycle membrane reactors werechosen as a model system since they have previouslybeen characterized from the metabolic and productivepoints of view (Canovas et al., 2003a; Obon et al., 1999).Pulses of NaCl (to generate a sudden osmotic stress responsein steady-state growing biotransforming cells) and bio-transformation substrate in the presence of a steady-statelevel of NaCl (to make osmotically stressed cells in thesteady-state respond to a higher biocatalytical pressure)were carried out and the effects on the central and carnitinemetabolism were followed. Fast responses in the intracel-lular coenzyme pools were ascertained after the NaCl pulse,since the NADH/NADþ ratio decreased parallel to anincrease in the ATP content. It has previously been reportedthat in the first minutes after an osmotic upshift severalmembrane-dependent functions stop, ATPase activities areinhibited and respiration temporarily ceases (Wood, 1999).However, steep increases in intracellular ATP due tosubstrate level phosphorylations have also been described(Ohwada and Sagisaka, 1987). Moreover, the effect on theprofiles of fermentation end-products was represented by adecrease in lactate and ethanol levels and an increase in

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acetate synthesis (Fig. 7B), since the cell rearranged itsmetabolism to obtain ATP (Fig. 1). The PTA and ACSenzyme profiles correlated well with this latter observation,also responding to the upregulation of RpoS by inhibition ofACS and activation of the PTA expression (Fig. 7B), aspreviously reported (Kumari et al., 2000b; Shin et al., 1997).Considering the low energetic yield that is associated withthe production of acetate, this pathway has usually beenconsidered as an overflow metabolism under aerobicconditions (Chang et al., 1999). It works to provideadditional energy when the respiration capacity of the cell issaturated. Thus, the increase in acetate production whichfollows the NaCl pulse can be considered as a consequenceof the transient inhibition of anaerobic respiration (Wood,1999) and may explain the parallel ATP production.

Although the ATP level increased at the beginning, it soonfell since it was used by the carnitine metabolism (transportand activation) as well as other central metabolic pathways.At the beginning too, both ICDH and ICL enzymes wereprobably inhibited and/or a sort of regulation occurred, theICDH/ICL ratio ranging from 0.13 to 0.24, although bothrecovered their initial levels afterwards. In a previous work,ICL activity was seen to increase during the entry into thesteady state of a continuous reactor, indicating the need forenergy production and intermediaries through anapleroticreactions (Canovas et al., 2003a). After the NaCl pulse,the NADH/NADþ ratio fell since the cell addressedthe metabolic fluxes through other pathways to produceacetate and synthesize ATP (Fig. 1 and 7A) and produceethanol (which levels decreased from 60 to 37 mM 20 minafter the pulse). After quantifying the increase in themaintenance coefficient for ATP (mATP), cell integrity, andcell productivity with medium osmolality for C. glutami-cum, other authors (Varela et al., 2004) have also shown thatflexible nodes alter flux distribution in order to allow areordering of the central metabolism and the covering of cellATP necessities under these conditions. Similarly, in ourwork, CHR activity and L-carnitine production increasedafter the NaCl pulse. The rapid increase seen in theintracellular ATP content, favoring substrate activationthrough the putative CoA-ligase CaiC (Eichler et al., 1994a)and probably substrate and product transport (Canovaset al., 2003a; Jung et al., 2002) might explain this fastresponse. Further, the previously reported activating effectof NaCl on E. coli betaine transport (Canovas et al., 2003c)could also reduce the transport limitation, which has alreadybeen suggested as a feasible biotransformation bottleneck(Sevilla et al., 2005). Nevertheless, osmotically stressedgrowing cells have been seen to express lower biotransform-ing activity (Fig. 3A), probably due to the upregulation ofRpoS, which acts as an inhibitor of cai and fix operons(Eichler et al., 1996). However, even though cai operonmight have been repressed under the salt stress conditions(the turnover of the proteins coded is sufficiently low andnot limiting), the mentioned effects of NaCl could be takenas a sort of activation of its expression in short-termexperiments (2 h lasting experimental window).

734 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007

After the pulse of crotonobetaine in the presence of 0.3 Mbulk reactor NaCl, the NADH/NADþ ratio increased. Toascertain whether this response depended on the presence ofsalts, a control experiment in the absence of salt wasperformed and the same behavior was found (data notshown). Thus, either the NADþ regeneration rate waslowered or NADH generation was increased after crotono-betaine pulse. Crotonobetaine can be used by E. coli as anelectron acceptor, as confirmed by the generation ofg-butyrobetaine in the absence of alternative electronacceptors in the media, such as oxygen (Canovas et al., 2002)or fumarate (Castellar et al., 1998). Under anaerobiosis, andconsidering the probable transient inhibition of respirationof bacteria, the production of acetate rather than lactate andethanol was required in order to obtain ‘‘fast’’ ATP. The lasttwo routes are only used to regenerate NADH, as is depictedin Figure 1, and the level of lactate, after a peak devoted togenerating NADþ, diminished since the salt stressed cell wasnow principally devoted to obtaining energy (Fig. 1 and 8B).Also as a consequence of the osmotic stress, there was anincrease in crotonobetaine uptake into the cell to counteractstress, which also helps to explain the increase in L-carnitineproduction (Fig. 8C). However, after the first few minutes,acetate recovered its basal steady-state level and so the ATPcell content kept increasing, matching its behavior. More-over, it was obvious that there was an increase in the acetatelevel parallel to the increase in PTA activity and the decreasein ACS activity, as depicted in Figure 8B. This represented asort of regulation to generate ATP since the PTA/ACS ratioranged from 10 to 30 at the end of the study (need for ATP).The ACS pathway is considered to be repressed bycatabolites and induced by acetate, acting at low concentra-tions of acetate (Brown et al., 1977). Further, during cellgrowth the enzyme ACS is positively regulated (thusgenerating higher acetyl-CoA equivalents) by CRP (in thepresence of high levels of cAMP) and FNR (at low oxygenpartial pressure) (Kumari et al., 2000a). Furthermore, itstranscription has been determined to be primarily depen-dent on the s70 subunit of RNA polymerase, while it isnegatively affected by the sS factor (RpoS protein) (Kumariet al., 2000b), which is responsible for the stress responseafter osmotic upshift (Hengge-Aronis, 2002). It should beremarked that the steady-state activities of ICL and ICDH inthe high density cell recycle reactor in the presence of NaClwere fourfold the steady-state levels in the absence of NaCl,thus demonstrating the effect of a steady-state salt stress onthe central metabolism of the cell (Figs. 7A and 8A), at thelevel of the cellular need for anaplerotic reactions andenergy. Higher fluxes in the central energy-producing andanaplerotic pathways have also been found when C.glutamicum was exposed to increased osmolality (Varelaet al., 2003, 2004). Thus, the results obtained after the pulseof crotonobetaine in steady-state salt stress conditions mightindicate crucial changes around isocitrate, since theglyoxylate shunt was nearly inhibited and/or regulated(Fig. 8A), while the tricarboxylic acids cycle (CAT) wasmoreactive since the ICDH activity increased and the ICL activity

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decreased up to the level of the steady state of the reactorprior to the NaCl pulse (Fig. 7A). Therefore, the ICDH/ICLratio ranged from 0.13 to 1.30 at the end of the study. Whenthe crotonobetaine pulse was performed in the absence ofsalt stress (results not shown), the response was the contrary,that is, decreased ICDH and increased ICL. Although in theabsence of salt stress the NADH/NADþ ratio followed asimilar trend, the time profile of intracellular ATP showed adecreasing trend, probably as a result of the totally differentresponse around the TCA/glyoxylate cycle node. The greaterneed for energy to maintain the cellular functions of cellsexposed to salt stress together with the increase of thebiotransformation rate after the pulse would explain this.Furthermore, the expression of ATP-driven transporters forcompatible solutes, such as ProU and ProP, which mightfavor the biotransformation, could also respond for theseenergy-depleting conditions.

Around 50 and 60 min after the crotonobetaine pulse, thelevel of CHR activity (20 times the steady-state level)diminished until it reached the steady-state levels. On theother hand, the levels of L-carnitine kept increasing as aconsequence of the high levels of ATP generated, confirmingthat the production of L-carnitine depends on the levels ofATP and that as a consequence of a salt stress, its level washigher. Therefore, after the crotonobetaine pulse, theL-carnitine level increased principally due to the followingcauses: (a) the reactor bulk contained fivefold the standardNaCl concentration, and (b) there was an increase inavailable crotonobetaine, leading to increased intracellularcrotonobetaine levels and, as a result, L-carnitine produc-tion. Moreover, as a result of the crotonobetaine pulse thePTA/ACS ratio controlled the production of ATP coupled toacetate production and ICDH activity just as the lactate andethanol production was controlled by the NADH/NADþ

ratio. Finally the perturbation allowed a substantial increasein the level of L-carnitine in the reactor, showing thepossibilities of new strategies for process improvement.

On the other hand, during the biotransformation withresting cells, the BOX-stained cell population (depolarizedcells) grew with the incubation time, implying the existenceof intact cells which were probably viable but non-culturable. This fact indicates that, as cells become stressed,the metabolic pumps will be inactivated and the cytoplasmicmembrane will eventually depolarize, permeabilizing beforecell death. In the presence of NaCl (0.5 M) in thebiotransformation media, a higher BOX staining percentagethan that without NaCl was ascertained due to the osmoticstress. It has been observed that NaCl produces a degree ofcell permeabilization due to osmotic stress (Nebe-VonCaron et al., 1998). These findings are very important sincefor the first time it can be demonstrated that biotransforma-tion with resting cells is also performed by damaged cells.This is also important since the state of each cell contributesto the overall rate and efficiency of the metabolic activity ofthe cell population as a whole, and the quantification ofheterogeneity during biotransformation constitutes animportant achievement for process control and optimiza-

tion. However, the most important fact is that NaClprovoked a permeabilizing effect, probably at the level of theOM. Detergents and organic solvents cause cell permeabi-lization at the level of the OM, even though the mechanismis not totally clear (Canovas et al., 2005). Therefore, in thisstudy NaCl permeabilization probably affected the OM sothat crotonobetaine would enter the cell more readily andL-carnitine would leave more rapidly by carrier-mediatedtransport, an effect, together with the metabolic effectsobserved, which would justify the improvement in thebiotransformation yield.

Thus, from the metabolic point of view the increase inL-carnitine production in the presence of salt may be theresult of an increase in the ICDH/ICL, PTA/ACS, andNADH/NADþ ratios, which would increase the activity ofATP-dependent transporters (ProU and ProP) and carnitinemetabolism enzymes, together with the possible perme-ability effect caused by NaCl at long times. Furthermore,when the pulse of crotonobetaine was made in the presenceof NaCl, the cell required so much ATP that PTA/ACSincreased and also ICDH generated NADH in the TCA cyclefor ATP production.

The metabolic enzyme activities measured herein are infact the combined result of the whole metabolic functioninvolving, for instance, the presence of positive and negativeallosteric effectors. Wittmann et al. (2005) showed thatthe tight correlation of many metabolites throughout theentire oscillation cycle of Saccharomyces cerevisiae could bean indication that these pools are efficiently equilibrated bythe corresponding enzymes, that is, the correspondingenzyme is operating near equilibrium. Finally, it must beremarked that stress response in E. coli is triggered by theupregulation of RpoS (Hengge-Aronis, 2002; Mandel andSilhavy, 2005), which is being displayed not only in thepresence of salt and starvation (our study with resting cells),but also due to other environmental stresses, all of themaffecting the central metabolism of the cell.


This study shows, for the first time, that as a result ofosmotic stress E. coli resting cells were affected at the level ofglyoxylate shunt/TCA cycle, indicating the important roleplayed by gluconeogenesis and the consumption of cellstored material, as well as the Krebs cycle activation forintermediates, ATP and reducing power. However, the effectof subjecting the cells to a pulse of osmotic stress in thecontinuous reactor increased the concentration of ATP anddecreased the levels of NADH and, as a result, there was ahigher synthesis of L-carnitine. Moreover, after the pulse ofcrotonobetaine in the presence of NaCl, it was observed thatthe higher ATP availability stemmed from the osmotic stressto which the cells were subjected, allowing a higherproduction of L-carnitine, without letting the levels ofATP diminish as dramatically as in its absence. Furthermore,

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the cellular energetic levels were regulated by the ICDH/ICLand PTA/ACS ratios, which indicate the participation of theglyoxylate cycle (need for energy and cellular intermediates),the tricarboxylic acid cycle (needs for intermediates and tolower the reducing power) and the metabolism of the acetyl-CoA/acetate in the cell. The increment in L-carnitineobtained in the presence of NaCl might be also due to theeffect of salt on the OM, permeabilizing the cell, as wasshown by staining with PI and BOX. However, flux analysiswith respect to the central carbon and the carnitinemetabolisms, as well as a study of the still kineticallyunknown enzymes (CaiC and CaiB) and the RpoSregulatory network under the different production envir-onments should be carried out. This work is beingundertaken by our group to fully understand biotransfor-mation by the complete E. coli metabolism.


aceBAK o

736 B

peron for the glyoxylate shunt cycle


cetate kinase


cetyl-CoA synthetase

ArcAB re

gulator of the anaerobic/aerobic metabolism that in

anaerobic inhibits CAT, ETC, and PDH complex, while

activates PFL

cAMP c

yclic AMP

CAT tr

icarboxylic acids cycle


rotonobetaine hydration reaction (CaiD:CaiB)


rotonobetaine reduction reaction (CaiA:CaiB)


atabolic repression via protein receptor AMPc

CS c

itrate synthetase


lectron transport chain

fixABCX o

peron necessary for crotonobetaine reduction in Escher-

ichia coli

FNR tr

anscriptional regulator of the cai operon under anaero-


H-NS h

istone protein


ocitrate dehydrogenase

ICL is

ocitrate lyase

IcIR re

presor of ICL and activator of ACS

LDH la

ctate dehydrogenase

MS m

alate synthetase




EP carboxykinase


EP carboxylase


yruvate formate lyase

PK p

yruvate kinase



sS or RpoS si

gma subunit of RNA polymerase, upregulated upon entry

into stationary phase, and in response to various stresses,

inhibiting carnitine metabolism

caiTABCDE ca

rnitine operon

CaiT D



CaiA c

rotonobetaine reductase

CaiB C


CaiC p

utative crotonobetaine/D,L-carnitine/g-butyrobetaine:

CoA ligase

CaiD e

noyl-CoA hydratase

CaiE p

rotein of unknown function

CaiF a

ctivator of cai operon, active in presence of D,L-carnitine

mixture or crotonobetaine

iotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 4, March 1, 2007

We would like to thank Prof. H-P. Kleber (University of Leipzig,

Germany) for valuable discussions. V.B. is recipient of a predoctoral

research grant from Fundacion Seneca-CARM and A.S. from the

Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia. Biosint S.p.A. (Italy) is also

acknowledged for the kind gift of the substrate.


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