PULMONARY HYPERTENSION 0272-5231/01 $15.00 + .OO RISK FACTORS FOR PULMONARY ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION Marc Humbert, MD, Hilario Nunes, MD, Olivier Sitbon, MD, Florence Parent, MD, Philippe Herv6, MD, and Gerald Simonneau, MD A new diagnostic classification of pulmo- nary hypertension was proposed at the 1998 World Health Organization (WHO) Pulmo- nary Hypertension Meeting held in Evian, France (see article on Classification of Pulmo- nary Hypertension by Fishman elsewhere in this issue).88 This classification reflects recent advances in the understanding of pulmonary hypertensive diseases and recognizes the similarity between "unexplained" pulmonary hypertension (primary pulmonary hyperten- sion, PPH) and pulmonary arterial hyperten- sion (PAH) of certain known causes (see Ta- ble 1). Primary pulmonary hypertension is a rare disease, with an estimated prevalence of one to two per million people.87, 92 It can be sporadic or clustered in families.@* 87, 88, 92 Re- cent genetic studies have identified mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor- 2 (BMPR-2) gene, a receptor member of the transforming growth factor-p family, in most familial cases of PPH.23, Io9 Interestingly, more than 25% of patients displaying sporadic PPH have mutations in the BMPR-2 gene, empha- sizing the relevance of genetic susceptibility for this severe condition.l1° Other molecular processes behind the complex vascular changes associated with PAH currently are being investigated, including vasoconstric- tor-vasodilator imbalance, thrombosis, mis- guided angiogenesis, and inflammation.88, 115 In PPH, the distinctive vascular changes are found in the precapillary arteries. The same pathology is found in PAH of various ori- gins (collagen vascular diseases, human im- munodeficiency virus [HIV] infection, portal hypertension, congenital systemic-to-pulmo- nary shunts, and anorexigen exposure).88 A risk factor for PAH is any factor or condi- tion that is suspected to play a causal or facilitating role in the development of the dis- Because risk factors relate to the proba- bility of occurrence of the disease, they must be present before the onset of the disease. Risk factors may include drugs, chemical products, diseases, or a clinical state (age, gender). When it is not possible to determine whether a factor was present before the onset of pulmonary hypertension, and it therefore is unclear whether it played a causal role, the term associated condition is used.88Given the fact that the absolute risk is generally low with the known risk factors of PAH, factors of individual susceptibility are likely to play an important role. Whether mutations of BMPR-2 are implicated in such cases pres- ently is being investigated. Table 1 describes a number of risk factors and conditions believed to be associated with From the Service de Pneumologie et Rkanimation Respiratoire, Centre des Maladies Vasculaires Pulmonaires, HBpital Antoine B&lhre, Universite Paris-Sud, Clamart, France CLINICS IN CHEST MEDICINE VOLUME 22 * NUMBER 3 * SEFTEMBER 2001 459

Risk Factors for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

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PULMONARY HYPERTENSION 0272-5231/01 $15.00 + .OO


Marc Humbert, MD, Hilario Nunes, MD, Olivier Sitbon, MD, Florence Parent, MD, Philippe Herv6, MD,

and Gerald Simonneau, MD

A new diagnostic classification of pulmo- nary hypertension was proposed at the 1998 World Health Organization (WHO) Pulmo- nary Hypertension Meeting held in Evian, France (see article on Classification of Pulmo- nary Hypertension by Fishman elsewhere in this issue).88 This classification reflects recent advances in the understanding of pulmonary hypertensive diseases and recognizes the similarity between "unexplained" pulmonary hypertension (primary pulmonary hyperten- sion, PPH) and pulmonary arterial hyperten- sion (PAH) of certain known causes (see Ta- ble 1).

Primary pulmonary hypertension is a rare disease, with an estimated prevalence of one to two per million people.87, 92 It can be sporadic or clustered in families.@* 87, 88, 92 Re- cent genetic studies have identified mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor- 2 (BMPR-2) gene, a receptor member of the transforming growth factor-p family, in most familial cases of PPH.23, Io9 Interestingly, more than 25% of patients displaying sporadic PPH have mutations in the BMPR-2 gene, empha- sizing the relevance of genetic susceptibility for this severe condition.l1° Other molecular processes behind the complex vascular changes associated with PAH currently are being investigated, including vasoconstric-

tor-vasodilator imbalance, thrombosis, mis- guided angiogenesis, and inflammation.88, 115

In PPH, the distinctive vascular changes are found in the precapillary arteries. The same pathology is found in PAH of various ori- gins (collagen vascular diseases, human im- munodeficiency virus [HIV] infection, portal hypertension, congenital systemic-to-pulmo- nary shunts, and anorexigen exposure).88

A risk factor for PAH is any factor or condi- tion that is suspected to play a causal or facilitating role in the development of the dis-

Because risk factors relate to the proba- bility of occurrence of the disease, they must be present before the onset of the disease. Risk factors may include drugs, chemical products, diseases, or a clinical state (age, gender). When it is not possible to determine whether a factor was present before the onset of pulmonary hypertension, and it therefore is unclear whether it played a causal role, the term associated condition is used.88 Given the fact that the absolute risk is generally low with the known risk factors of PAH, factors of individual susceptibility are likely to play an important role. Whether mutations of BMPR-2 are implicated in such cases pres- ently is being investigated.

Table 1 describes a number of risk factors and conditions believed to be associated with

From the Service de Pneumologie et Rkanimation Respiratoire, Centre des Maladies Vasculaires Pulmonaires, HBpital Antoine B&lhre, Universite Paris-Sud, Clamart, France



460 HUMBERT et a1


A. Drugs and toxins 1. Definite

Aminorex Fenfluramine . Dexfenfluramine Toxic rapeseed oil

2. Very likely Amphetamines - L-tryptophan


Chemotherapeutic agents

Antidepressants Oral contraceptives Estrogen therapy Cigarette smoking

3. Possible


4. Unlikely

B. Demographic and medical conditions 1. Definite

2. Possible Gender (female)

Pregnancy Systemic hypertension Splenectomy

3. Unlikely Obesity

C. Diseases 1. Definite

2. Very likely HIV infection

Portal hypertension Collagen vascular diseases Congenital systemic-to-pulmonary cardiac shunts (Eisenmenger 's syndrome)

3. Possible Thyroid disorders Hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell disease,

Type Ia glycogen storage disease (von Gierke's

Lipid storage disorders (Gaucher's disease) Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-

thalassemia, spherocytosis)


Weber-Rendu disease)

pulmonary hypertension. These elements have been classified according to the strength of their association with pulmonary hyperten- sion and their probable facilitating role.88 Definite indicates an association based on sev- eral concordant observations, including a ma- jor controlled study or a clear epidemic. Definite risk factors are considered to play a causal role in the development of the disease. Very Iikely indicates several concordant obser- vations (including large case series and stud- ies) that are not attributable to considered biases or a general consensus among experts. Possible indicates an association based on case series, registries, or expert opinions. Unlikely indicates risk factors that have been proposed

but have not been found to have any associa- tion based on controlled studies.


Appetite Suppressants

Aminorex Fumarate

The question of a relationship between some drug ingestion and pulmonary hyper- tension first was raised in the late 1960s, when a 20-fold increase of unexplained pul- monary hypertension was reported in Swit- zerland, Austria, and West Germany.37, 38, 52

This epidemic followed the introduction in these countries of the appetite depressant aminorex fumarate (2-amino-5-phenyl-2-oxa- zoline) and subsided shortly after the drug was banned from the market. Approximately only 2% of the population that had taken aminorex developed pulmonary arterial hy- pertension, but 61% of the 582 patients who were identified as new cases of PPH gave a history of aminorex intake.37, 38 The relative risk for developing pulmonary hypertension in aminorex users was estimated to be 52:l compared with patients without any expo- sure to the 38

At that time, controversial conclusions were raised regarding the relationship be- tween the total individual dose and the risk for developing the disease, given that there was no correlation between the disease sever- ity and the number of tablets each individual 'patient had taken.37,38 During follow-up, some authors believed that, after discontinuation of the drug, patients with a history of aminorex intake had a better long-term survival than "unexposed" patients with PPH, whereas other authors did not report differences in survival 38, Aminorex resembles epi- nephrine and amphetamine, and a release of catecholamines from endogenous stores by this drug has been suggested, has a mecha- nism involving lung serotonin release. All at- tempts based on experimental work to pro- duce chronic pulmonary hypertension and to demonstrate the effect of the chronic adminis- tration of aminorex in any species have failed, however. This failure has been explained first by the low incidence of pulmonary hyperten- sion in test animals and in humans and, sec- ond, by the fact that a prerequisite for the pulmonary circulation to constrict or prolifer- ate when exposed to an offending agent is


probably attributable to a ity.

Fenfluramine Derivatives

genetic susceptibil-

Fenfluramine derivatives (fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine) are phenylethylanine deriv- atives that have been prescribed widely as anorectic drugs since the early 1 9 6 0 ~ . ~ ~ Several cases of fenfluramine-associated PAH have been reported since 1981.l”~ 25, loof 116 For some patients, the condition resolved completely after withdrawal of the drug, although re- versibility is debatable.25 Brenot et all3 studied a group of 73 patients with PPH and found that approximately 25% of them had been exposed to fenfluramine. This marked in- crease followed the large increase in the sales of fenfluramines in France after the introduc- tion of dexfenfluramine in the market (1985- 1992). The International Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Study (IPPHS) found a clear association between appetite suppressants and pulmonary hypertension, with an odds ratio (relative risk estimate) of 6.3 (95% CI = 3-13.2).’ Ninety percent of the cases for whom a defined product could be traced had used a fenfluramine derivative.2 The risk increased markedly with duration of use (relative risk estimate of 23.1 for more than 3 months: 95% CI = 6.9-77.7) and decreased after cessation of intake.’ Similar cases of fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine-induced PAH were reported in the United States after the introduction of these agents in the market or after the large increase in the use of the ”phen-fen” combi-

The Surveillance of North American Pul- monary Hypertension Study recently con- firmed a clear association between the use of fenfluramine derivatives and the diagnosis of pulmonary hyperten~ion.~~ The withdrawal of these agents in September 1997 may well have aborted an incipient epidemic in North America, all the more because the risk for developing the condition increases with the duration of use of fenfluramines. Moreover, these anorexigens also may have precipitated the occurrence of PAH in patients with other underlying conditions, such as collagen vas- cular disease.89

The pathogenetic mechanisms of pulmo- nary hypertension associated with fenflura- mine derivatives remain unknown.loO It seems, however, that alteration of the seroto- nin (5-hydroxytryptamine) pathway might be

nation.32.67.89 ,

a common denominator.26, loo Serotonin is known to be a powerful pulmonary vasocon- strictor and can induce platelet aggregation.26 Moreover, serotonin is also a potent factor stimulating pulmonary smooth muscle prolif- erationZ6 Recent studies support the hypothe- sis that fenfluramine derivatives may con- tribute to PPH by increasing serotonin availability or by interacting with serotonin receptors, promoting pulmonary vascular smooth muscle proliferation, PA vasoconstric- tion, and local microthrombosis. Under nor- mal conditions, the lung vascular bed is not exposed to excessive serotonin levels, because virtually all blood serotonin is stored in the platelets and free serotonin is metabolized rapidly by the endothelial monoamine oxi- dase in the liver and the lung endothelium. By interacting with the serotonin transporter, fenfluramine derivatives release serotonin from platelets and inhibit its reuptake into platelet and pulmonary endothelial cells. As a consequence, free serotonin concentration in the blood increases with fenfluramine treatment. Some evidence indicates that such an abnormality in platelet serotonin storage is a trigger factor in the development of PAH in susceptible patients: (1) A decrease in platelet serotonin storage with enhanced blood concentration of free serotonin has been reported in sporadic cases of PPH and in numerous disorders occasionally associated with PPH, including portal hypertension, Raynaud’s phenomenon, collagen vascular disease, and platelet storage pool disease.26, 42, 43 (2) Platelet serotonin storage remains im- paired in patients with PPH after heart-lung transplantation, whereas it is normal in pa- tients with secondary pulmonary hyperten- sion, indicating that this platelet dysfunction is not secondary to the pulmonary vascular disease.43 (3) The fawn-hooded rat, which has a genetic defect in serotonin platelet storage, develops severe pulmonary hypertension upon exposure to modest hypoxia.26 (4) Fen- fluramine, associated or not with phenter- mine, recently was shown to induce valvular heart disease in a manner similar to that ob- served after exposure to serotonin-like drugs such as ergotamine and methysergide and with increased serotonin levels associated with carcinoid disease.18 Interestingly, one third of these patients with valvular heart disease had coexisting pulmonary hyperten- sion.ls All of these observations suggest that fenfluramine may trigger pulmonary hyper-

462 HUMBERT et a1

tension by aggravating or inducing impair- ment in platelet serotonin storage.

Only a minority of patients exposed to fen- fluramine derivatives develop pulmonary hy- pertension, suggesting that this subset of pa- tients could have a genetic susceptibi1ity.l. loo

Whether BMPR-2 mutations are present in patients with fenfluramine-associated pulmo- nary hypertension has to be determined. Aminorex and fenfluramine derivatives in- hibit potassium current in rat pulmonary vas- cular smooth muscle and stimulate pulmo- nary vasoconstriction.120 Because inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthase markedly potenti- ated the vasoconstrictor effect of fenfluramine in isolated rat lung, it has been speculated that patients who develop PPH while taking an anorectic agent could have a pre-existing diminished NO activity.120 Such a defect has been demonstrated in a small series of pa- tients suffering with severe fenfluramine-as- sociated pulmonary hypertension.6 Finally, poor metabolizers of fenfluramine derivatives may have a more pronounced exposure to the drug and therefore may be more prone to develop the condition, as recently suggested by Higenbottam and col leag~es.~~


Phentermine has been used as an appetite suppressant since the 1960s. During the aminorex epidemic, a survey found that pa- tients with pulmonary hypertension had used phentermine. In the mid-l990s, a large in- crease in the use of phentermine occurred in the United States because of the popular phen-fen combina t i~n .~~ Chlorphentermine and phenmetrazine were suggested to con- tribute to the development of pulmonary hy- pertension, but no report has been issued in humans since 1972. In the authors’ clinic, sev- eral patients with an isolated exposure to am- phetamine derivatives such as amfepramone and clobenzorex have been identified clearly30 It is not yet clear, however, whether amphetamines alone can cause the di~ease.~

Toxic Rapeseed Oil

The ”toxic oil syndrome” is an interesting example of the relationships between expo- sure to chemicals and pulmonary hyper- ten~i0n.l~. 33* 54, 83 The occurrence of a multisys- temic disease, first recognized as a pneumo- nia based on pulmonary symptoms and inter-

stitial infiltrates on chest roentgenograms, suddenly increased in Spain in early 1981.54 The failure of patients to respond to antibiotic therapy, the clustering of the disease within families, without any evidence of a patho- genic agent, and the lack of cases among in- fants were factors that favored the suggestion of a potential exposure to a toxic agent. These findings led to evidence that the consumption of rapeseed oil was the responsible agent or the vehicle for the epidemic. Hypotheses were made that the oil was contaminated. A WHO Expert Committee defined the condi- tion as the toxic oil syndrome. A total of 20,688 cases were registered officially. Among them, 835 have died. Exposure to toxic oil was de- fined loosely as the consumption of oil, pre- sumed to be toxic, before the onset of the disease or the occurrence of the disease within the nuclear family, or an epidemic out- break in the community. Pulmonary hyper- tension was found in approximately 20% of hospitalized patients at the second to fourth month following the onset of the disease.83 Alonso-Ruiz et a15 followed 332 cases of toxic oil syndrome for up to 8 years and found that 8.1% developed pulmonary hypertension. The condition regressed in 74%, and only 2% developed a malignant form of pulmonary hypertension at the end of a follow-up period of 8 years.5 It was estimated that pulmonary hypertension accounted for about 1.6% of all deaths caused by toxic oil. In a group of 40 cases of severe pulmonary hypertension at- tributable to toxic oil syndrome, aged from 8 to 58 years old and with a female-to-male ratio of 4:1,83% died within 6 years of follow- up. In these patients, microscopic examina- tion of the lungs demonstrated pulmonary hypertensive arteriopathy, including medial hypertrophy, intimal fibrosis, and plexiform lesions.


L-Tryptophan is a food supplement used for ailments such as premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, depression, and drug detoxifica- tion.lo7 Since 1989, it has been linked etiologi- cally with a newly recognized disease, eosino- philia-myalgia syndrome (EMS). More than 1500 cases of EMS have been reported in the United States, and the number of cases has been estimated to be as high as 5000. Of the reported cases, 83% were women, and 94% were non-Hispanic whites, with a median age


of 48 years, data that are believed to reflect the pattern of L-tryptophan users rather than potential risk factors. In its serious, multisys- temic, and progressive course, many cases of EMS presented with cough and dyspnea, interstitial infiltrates, and pleural effusion. Pulmonary involvement consists of eosino- philic and vasculitis syndromes, interstitial lung disease, and pulmonary hypertension. Few cases have been reported with pulmo- nary hype r t ens i~n .~~ . lo7 Biopsy specimens show vasculitis and perivasculitis to be asso- ciated with a mild chronic interstitial pneu- monitis and eo~inophi1ia.l~~ Considering multisystemic manifestations of EMS and its linkage with L-tryptophan consumption, pul- monary hypertension related to the intake of L-tryptophan should be considered as a sepa- rate item in the definition criteria of PAH.

Substance Abuse

An association between pulmonary hyper- tension and substance abuse has been re- ported in children, young women, and men. Evidence was first obtained from case series, which usually include selected populations. Pulmonary hypertension was found among boys with a history of chronic glue (toluene)

in a case of "crank" and "peanut butter methamphetamine" inhalation, and in young women with a history of smoking crack cocaine.l, 97 Cocaine abuse by a mother also produced signs of persistent pulmonary hypertension in a newborn. In the IPPHS, use of "hard drugs" (intravenous drugs or cocaine) was associated with an increased risk (OR = 2.9), but numbers were small.' The use of hashish and marijuana was not different between cases and contro1s.l In most studies, it is difficult to disentangle the role of the product used (cocaine, heroine) from that of emboli associated with intravenous drug

Moreover, known risk factors for PAH (HIV infection or liver diseases) are prevalent in this patient population.

Herb Toxins

In rats, monocrotaline, a pyrrolizidine alka- loid found in a plant called Crotalaria, and fulvine, found in Crotalaria fiIva, has induced pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart failure. Bush tea is made with extracts from seeds and leaves from these plants. Pul-

monary hypertension has been described after the ingestion of bush tea.', 26

Chemotherapeutic Agents


Mitomycin-C is used in chemotherapy for malignant tumors. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease occurred in patients with metastatic cervical carcinoma or with metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma after treatment with mito- mycin-C.51.119

Carmustine, Etoposide, and Cyclophosphamide

Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease was re- ported in two children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with marrow allograft transplant, followed by high doses of carmustine [NN-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitro- sourea], etoposide, and cyc1ophosphamide.l. 39

Open-lung biopsy demonstrated pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. Similarly, some re- ports seem to incriminate the use of bleomy- cin in some cases.l

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs


Indomethacin is used to treat premature labor and polyhydramnios.1° It has been re- ported that the risk for PPH in the newborn may be increased after prolonged therapy. In a randomized clinical trial, Besinger and col- 1eagues'O found three cases of pulmonary hy- pertension in newborns whose mothers re- ceived indomethacin in preterm labor.l0 It subsequently has been described that five premature newborns, whose mothers had re- ceived indomethacin, developed clinical and biologic symptoms similar to those of pulmo- nary hypertension. Findings in the literature, however, are inconsistent.


Naproxen can be used to delay parturition by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. Persis- tent pulmonary hypertension was noted in three newborns whose mothers had a history

464 HUMBERT et a1

of exposure to naproxen, which was associ- ated with low plasma concentration of prosta- glandin.lz2


Phenformin has been used to treat diabetes mellitus and was reported to be associated with severe lactic acidosis, which could in- duce pulmonary vasoconstriction in animal experiments. Two cases of pulmonary hyper- tension, believed to be associated with treat- ment with phenformin, have been reported.lZ8

Oral Contraceptives

Kleiger and c011eagues~~ and Masi68 re- ported cases of pulmonary hypertension in women with a history of oral contraceptive use. There was no evidence of thromboembo- lism in the lungs or the veins of the leg. In the IPPHS study, neither oral contraceptive nor estrogen use was associated with a sig- nificantly increased risk.z


The effects of the selective serotonin reup- take inhibitors such as fluoxetine on platelet serotonin uptake are similar to those of fen- fluramine.loo Despite large worldwide use, however, no case of pulmonary hypertension or valvular heart disease has been reported yet with these drugs. In contrast to fenflura- mine derivatives, which are serotonin recep- tor agonists in the brain, these antidepres- sants do not stimulate serotonin receptors. This difference suggests that the increase in serotonin availability is not the unique mech- anism of fenfluramine-associated pulmonary hypertension, and that fenfluramine deriva- tives might induce PAH by interacting with serotonin receptors located in the pulmonary arterial

Alglucerase Replacement Therapy

Patients with symptomatic Gaucher’s dis- ease on enzyme-replacement therapy have shown significant improvement in health-re- lated quality of life.27 The possibility that pulmonary hypertension in patients with

Gaucher ’s disease is triggered, aggravated, or complicated by treatment with placenta- derived alglucerase or the recombinant form, imiglucerase, has been suspected.z* z7 Because these substances have been shown to decrease many signs and symptoms of Gaucher’s dis- ease effectively, this possible side effect is of major concern. Current theoretic explanations include coincidental, unrelated disorders (e.g., micropulmonary emboli or PPH concur- rent with Gaucher’s disease); pulmonary hy- pertension as a feature of severe Gaucher’s disease, unrelated to and unaffected by en- zyme replacement therapy; and drug-induced or drug-aggravated pulmonary hypertension. Elstein and colleaguesz1 recently investigated by echocardiography the rate of pulmonary hypertension among adults with Gaucher ’s disease. Seven percent of the patients studied had pulmonary hypertension (all on enzyme replacement therapy and two thirds with a history of splenectomy). The confounding ef- fects of disease severity and splenectomy in treated patients precluded definitive conclu- sion of cause and effect.21 There is no consen- sus regarding replacement therapy with- drawal in treated patients with Gaucher’s disease with pulmonary hypertension. In- deed, withdrawing treatment in symptomatic patients may increase the risk for Gaucher’s disease progression without definitive evi- dence of the relationship between treatment and pulmonary hypertension.

Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking promotes the occurrence of lung diseases leading to pulmonary hyper- tension such as chronic obstructive pulmo- nary disease and histiocytosis X.30, 88 Similarly, cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for ischemic left-sided ventricular heart disease, leading to most of cases of pulmonary venous hypertension in Western countries. Neverthe- less, cigarette smoking by itself has not been shown to increase the risk for developing pul- monary arterial hypertension in the absence of these cardiopulmonary conditions. In the IPPHS study, smoking was reported signifi- cantly more often by case patients than by controls, but it was not associated with an increased risk for pulmonary hypertension when other covariates were controlled for.2



Age, Gender, and Race

Primary pulmonary hypertension can occur at any age but most commonly appears in young adults.12, 87 The gender ratio is approxi- mately 1:l in childhood but shows a greater incidence in females in young adults (1.7:l in the US National Institute of Health (NIH) Registry and in the authors' French cohort).12 The mean age at the time of diagnosis is approximately 40 years in most large case series, with a peak of incidence in the third and fourth decades of life. Primary pulmo- nary hypertension also may occur relatively late in life. Nine percent of the patients in the NIH Registry had the diagnosis established after the age of 60 years (8% in the authors' series).12, 87 No difference ever has been docu- mented definitely in the geographic or racial incidence of the disease. In the NIH Registry and in the authors series, however, there was a greater incidence in black female patients with a (fema1e:male) ratio of 3:l in both co- horts.", 87 The reason for such findings is un- clear, although black women might be more susceptible than white women to the devel- opment of autoimmune disorders.

Pregnancy and Hormonal Influences

Although many investigators, on the basis of some experimental studies, share the no- tion that hormonal influences on the pulmo- nary circulation are important, the important findings have yet to come.86 As discussed pre- viously, the increase in incidence of PPH in women of childbearing age is a common finding.lZ Because pregnancy and labor in- crease the demand on the heart-pulmonary system, they should be contraindicated in pa- tients with pulmonary hypertension. Indeed, pregnancy is a well-known factor that in- duces or aggravates pulmonary hypertension in otherwise well-tolerated systemic-to-pul- monary shunts, such as atrial septa1 defects. Similarly, there are several reports of onset of PPH during pregnancy.21, 31, 76 Whether this indicates that the disease was present earlier and was exacerbated by the hemodynamic changes of pregnancy, or whether pregnancy and hormonal factors may be considered risk factors for PPH remains to be elucidated. Re-

cent pregnancies seemed to be more frequent in the patients than in the controls in the IPPHS study, but IPPHS did not have suffi- cient numbers of patients to be conclusive in this regard.2

Familial History

Primary pulmonary hypertension has been diagnosed in families worldwide.@ The prev- alence of genetic or familial PPH is uncertain but is at least 6% of all PPH cases. Recent studies in well-characterized families suggest that this proportion may be considerably higher.** The transmission of PPH has many unique features that often complicate the di- agnosis of familial cases (autosomal dominant transmission with genetic anticipation, vari- able expression, and a lifetime penetrance of 10% to 20%).63 As described previously, the gene for familial PPH (PPH1 gene) has been localized to chromosome 2q31-32 and subse- quently identified as BMPR-2, a receptor member of the transforming growth factor+ (TGF-P) familyz3, 77, lo9 The IPPHS study con- firmed that familial cases represent a risk fac- tor for PPH.' It is believed that the likelihood of a first-degree relative being affected when only one person in a family has PPH can be estimated at 0.6% to 1.2%.** If there is a sec- ond case in the family, the lifetime risk rises to 5% to 10%.88

Systemic Hypertension

A history of systemic hypertension might occur more frequently in patients with PAH, highlighting the possibility of a systemic rather than compartmentalized propensity of producing vasoconstrictive agents such as en- dothelin-1 or a decreased ability to produce vasodilating agents such as NO in this patient population. The IPPHS study did not have sufficient power to allow any clear conclusion on this possibility, however.


Many detractors of the fact that appetite suppressants could play a role in pulmonary hypertension assumed that obesity was a con- founding risk factor for this condition. The IPPHS investigators considered whether the

466 HUMBERT et a1

association between the use of appetite sup- pressants and pulmonary hypertension could be explained by the confounding effect of obesity or of any hidden factor associated with obesity. The effect of appetite suppres- sants was the same whether or not patients had a high body-mass index.’-3 Neither weight-loss behavior of another type nor the use of thyroid extracts was associated posi- tively with the risk for pulmonary hyperten- sion, as would have been expected if obesity accounted for the odds ratio observed for an- orexic agents.’”

Thrombotic Risk Factors

Thrombotic lesions are observed consis- tently in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and frequently found in PPHFs It remains unknown, however, whether thrombosis is related to defects of the anti- thrombotic pathway or to previous vascular injury. The authors recently analyzed the fre- quency of thrombotic risk factors in patients displaying chronic thromboembolic pulmo- nary hypertension or PPH.’23 The prevalence of hereditary thrombotic risk factors was not increased in either patient population (anti- thrombin, protein C and protein S activities, mutations of factor V and factor 1I).l3 In con- trast, a high frequency of phospholipid-de- pendent antibodies was observed in PPH (10%) and, more notably, in chronic thrombo- embolic pulmonary hypertension (20%).123 In PPH, these antibodies in low titer may reflect endothelial dysfunction, whereas in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, the presence of antibodies in high titer associ- ated with lupus anticoagulant underlines the role of thrombosis in the pathogenesis of this condition.


An increased risk for pulmonary hyperten- sion previously has been suggested in pa- tients with certain hemolytic disorders such as thalassemia or hereditary stomat~cytosis.~~ 47, 70 In this patient population, splenectomy may be a risk factor for thromboembolic com- plications and pulmonary hyperten~ion.4~ The underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are un- clear but it has been hypothesized that be- cause of loss of the filter function of the

spleen, abnormal erythrocytes remain in the circulatory system longer and may trigger platelet activation. These activated platelets then could become trapped in the pulmonary vascular bed. Such mechanisms could be ac- tive in any patient who has had splenectomy but would be aggravated in the presence of hemolytic disorders. Hoeper and c011eagues~~ recently reported that the prevalence of asplenia in patients with pulmonary hyper- tension was 11.5% (7 of 61) compared with 0% in 151 lung transplant recipients referred to the same clinic at the same peri0d.4~ Causes of asplenia in these seven patients included spherocytosis, idiopathic thrombopenic pur- pura, and trauma. Histopathologic examina- tion of lung specimens from patients with postsplenectomy pulmonary hypertension showed intimal fibrosis, plexiform lesions, and abundant thrombotic lesions. Similarly, splenectomy is present in more than 5% of patients referred to the authors’ center for severe pulmonary hypertension. Interestingly, asplenia is associated with classical PPH but also with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension that sometimes is accessible to surgical cure (pulmonary thromboendarter- iectomy),


Residents of highland areas usually show some signs of pulmonary vascular reaction to chronic alveolar h y p o ~ i a . ~ ~ In the Himalayas, at altitudes 3000 to 5000 meters, 5% of sub- jects present with right ventricular hypertro- phy, whereas 27% of those living between 4500 and 5000 meters have clinical evidence35 of pulmonary hypertension. It has been sug- gested that immigrants from lowlands to high altitude may be more likely to react to chronic hypoxia than lifelong re~idents.3~ Recreational or frequent stays in high altitude are not asso- ciated with the risk for developing pulmo- nary hypertension, although such stays may reveal what was at sea level an otherwise paucisymptomatic condition.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

Several cases of HIV-1-infected patients with pulmonary hypertension have been re-


ported, raising the question of a causal rela- tionship between these two condition^.'^, 71,

79-82, 85, Io2 The first case of HIV infection-associ- ated pulmonary hypertension was described in 1987 by Kim and FactoP in a homosexual patient who also had membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. This complication of HIV infection then was reported in patients with hemophilia, suggesting a possible role for fac- tor VIII concentrates. It subsequently was ob- served that PAH occurred in HIV-infected pa- tients regardless of the risk category for the condition, supporting the concept that it could be related to HIV infection itself. Al- though every risk group for HIV infection can be affected, intravenous drug addicts seem to

In a recent review7’ and in the authors’ intravenous drug use repre- sents 42% and 56% of the cases of HIV-associ- ated PAH, whereas this risk factor is observed in approximately one third of the overall HIV population in developed countries.71* 79 In intravenous drug addicts, some additional risk factors for pulmonary hypertension, such as foreign particle pulmonary emboli,gO coin- fection (including viral hepatitis),44 liver dis- eases,44 portal hypertensionjU and substance abuse (such as amphetamines and cocaine),g7 also could play a part in the occurrence of pulmonary hypertension.

Since 1987, fewer than 200 cases of HIV- associated pulmonary hypertension have been reported in the 1iteratu1-e.~~ Pulmonary hypertension therefore is regarded as an un- common complication of HIV infection and it surprisingly is omitted in many reviews on pulmonary aspects of HIV infection. The inci- dence of pulmonary hypertension in patients with HIV infection is too high for the associa- tion to be considered as coincidental, how- ever. In a prospective study from a cohort of 1200 HIV-infected patients, six cases of pul- monary hypertension were detected by echo- cardiography, giving a cumulative incidence of 0.5%.102 A Swiss survey of a large cohort of 3349 HIV-infected subjects found pulmonary hypertension in 19 patients over a period of 5.2 years, representing a cumulative incidence of 0.57%. In the authors’ center, 56 cases of HIV-associated pulmonary hypertension were observed between 1986 and 1998, lead- ing to an estimated number of 150 to 300 French cases during the same period of time, suggesting a cumulative incidence of HIV- associated pulmonary hypertension ranging from 0.1% to 0.2% in France. The IPPHS study

confirmed that HIV infection is a risk factor for pulmonary hypertension.2

Histopathologic findings of HIV associated- pulmonary hypertension includes classical pulmonary hypertensive arteriopathy and veno-occlusive disease.71 In intravenous drug users, pulmonary vascular obstruction from embolic material or talc granulomatosis rarely is observed.s2 The hypothesis of a direct infec- tion of the pulmonary vascular wall has not been confirmed in two studies, supporting the concept that HIV may play a role through mediator release associated with retroviral in- fection rather than by direct endothelial infec- t i ~ n . ~ ~ , 72 The authors69 and others72 have sug- gested an indirect role for HIV on the production of cytokines and growth factors such as PDGF by activated macrophages and lymphocyte^.^^, 72 Similarly, human herpes vi- rus 8 (HHVB) has been implicated in HIV- related Kaposi sarcoma pathogenesis, another HIV-associated condition characterized by ab- normal angiogenesis. The authors were un- able to demonstrate evidence of HHV8 infec- tion in their patients by means of enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot analysis, however.49 Interestingly, only a minority of HIV-infected individuals develop pulmonary hypertension, suggesting that dis- playing this condition in the context of an HIV infection requires some predisposition. A recent report74 indicates that HIV-associated PPH may reflect a host response to HIV deter- mined by one or more human leukocyte anti- gen-DR alleles located within the major his- tocompatibility complex.74 Similarly, the involvement of mutations affecting the PPHl gene are being evaluated. Indeed, genetically predisposed individuals may have abnormal growth factor signaling in response to HIV, which, in turn, promotes abnormal cell prolif- eration.

Clinical and hemodynamic features of HIV associated-pulmonary hypertension are simi- lar to those of PPH. In a comparison of 56 patients with HIV-associated pulmonary hy- pertension with 112 patients with PPH ob- served during the same period of time, sur- vival rate was lower in patients with HIV, presumably because of less frequent use of continuous intravenous epoprostenol in these patients.79 In HIV-associated pulmonary hy- pertension, prognosis is related mainly to pul- monary hypertension itself rather than to other complications of HIV infection and it is the direct cause of death in approximately 75% of reported cases. In the Swiss cohort,

468 HUMBERT et a1

the survival rate in HIV-associated pulmo- nary hypertension is significantly lower than in patients with HIV without pulmonary hy- pertension. Recent improvement in survival in this patient populations coincides with ma- jor improvement in therapies, including new antiretroviral drugs and vasodilator agents such as epoprostenolso (Nunes H, Humbert M, and Simonneau G, submitted).

Portal Hypertension and Liver Diseases

Pulmonary hypertension is a well-recog- nized complication of chronic liver diseases.16, 40, 44, 65, 75, 98 Portal hypertension rather than the hepatic disorder itself seems to be the main determining risk factor for developing pulmonary hypertension, leading to the con- cept of portopulmonary hypertension.4* Ini- tially described by Mantz and Craige66 in 1951, portopulmonary hypertension is suffi- ciently infrequent so that it was debated for a long time whether this association was coinci- dental or causally related. Several lines of evidence suggest that the existence of portal hypertension and the development of pulmo- nary hypertension is noncoincidental. Indeed, the incidence of pulmonary hypertension in patients with portal hypertension is much higher than the estimated incidence of PPH in the general population. A large retrospective autopsy study0 showed that pulmonary hy- pertension occurred in 0.13% of overall unse- lected autopsied patients, versus 0.73% of pa- tients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Two prospective hemodynamic studies40 showed that 2% of patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension had significant pulmo- nary hypertension. Two recent studies carried out in patients undergoing liver transplanta- tionM, loM found an incidence of pulmonary hypertension of 4% and 3.5%, respectively. Finally, the IPPHS study confirmed that cir- rhosis was a risk factor for pulmonary hyper- tension. Portal hypertension is not a rare cause of pulmonary hypertension; the pro- portion of patients with portopulmonary hy- pertension was 8% in the NIH registry and 13% in the authors’ series.

The mechanism whereby portal hyperten- sion facilitates the development of pulmonary hypertension remains unknown. The pres- ence of porto-systemic shunt might allow va- soconstrictive and vasoproliferative sub- stances, normally cleared by the liver, to reach

the pulmonary circulation. Serotonin pro- duced by the enterochromaffin cells of the intestine may be one of these substances. His- topathologic findings of portopulmonary hy- pertension are indistinguishable from those commonly observed in PPH. Hemodynami- cally, compared with patients with PPH, pa- tients with portopulmonary hypertension have a significantly higher cardiac output and significantly lower systemic vascular resist- ances and pulmonary vascular resistances. In a retrospective study, patients with portopul- monary hypertension had a better rate of sur- vival than patients with primary pulmonary hypertension, although there is some debate on this issue.44, 6o Continuous intravenous epoprostenol infusion may be effective against portopulmonary hype r t en~ ion .~~ In- terestingly, liver transplantation has been shown to reverse the pulmonary vascular dis- order in selected ind iv id~als .~~

Collagen Vascular Diseases

Pulmonary hypertension is a well-known complication of collagen vascular diseases such as systemic scler0sis,5~, 93, lo4, 114 systemic lupus erythematosus,6, lol mixed connective tissue disease,lo5< lZ1 and to a lesser extent, rheumatoid arthritis,73 dermatopolymyo- sitis,14, and primary Sjogren’s 96

In these patients, pulmonary hypertension may occur in association with interstitial fi- brosis or as a result of direct proliferative vascular involvement in the absence of sig- nificant parenchymal disease or chronic hy- poxia. Estimation of the prevalence of pulmo- nary hypertension in patients with collagen vascular diseases is difficult because of the lack of consistent epidemiologic data. Esti- mated prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in these patients is highly variable, according to the definition of pulmonary hypertension and the method used for assessing PA pres- sure and potential bias concerning the study population.

Systemic sclerosis, particularly in its CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud’s disease, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia) variant, represents the main collagen vascular disease associated with pulmonary hyperten- ~ i o n . ~ ~ , lo4, 114 In a large study of 673 patients with the CREST variant of systemic sclerosis, 9% were noted to have significant pulmonary hypertension. In the NIH registry, among 236 cases of unexplained pulmonary hyperten-


sion, 18 were associated with collagen vascu- lar diseases In the authors' center, more than 10% of the patients displaying se- vere PAH have an associated collagen vascu- lar disease, most often the CREST variant of scleroderma. Histopathologic changes in pul- monary hypertension associated with colla- gen vascular diseases are generally undistin- guishable from those of classical PPH.lZ4 Moreover, the whole spectrum of pulmonary vascular pathology has been described in these patients, including veno-occlusive dis- ease and pulmonary capillary hemangio-

The mechanisms leading to pulmonary hy- pertension in patients with collagen vascular diseases remain unknown. A pulmonary va- sospasm, the so-called pulmonary Raynaud phenomenon, hypothetically could play a role. The presence of antinuclear antibody, rheu- matoid factor, immunoglobulin-G, and com- plement fractions deposits in the pulmonary wall vessels suggests a role for an immuno- logic mechanism. Compared with patients with PPH, patients with pulmonary hyper- tension and collagen vascular diseases are mainly women, are older, have a significantly lower cardiac output, and show a trend toward a shorter survival. In the authors' ex- perience, survival was significantly lower in the patients suffering from scleroderma com- pared with other collagen vascular disease.5o, 94

In these patients, immunosuppressive ther- apy seems to be effective only in a minority of patients mainly suffering from conditions other than ~cleroderma.~~ Continuous intrave- nous epoprostenol therapy has produced in- teresting results in this indication, although less than in age- and severity-matched PPH.50,94

matosis.36, 4650 . 76. 124

Congenital Systemic-to-pulmonary Cardiac Shunts (Eisenmenger's Syndrome)

In 1897, Viktor Ei~enmenger'~~ described a patient with cyanosis and dyspnea since in- fancy who died of massive hemoptysis at 32 years of age. Postmortem examination showed a ventricular septal defect and severe pulmonary vascular disease.l17 In 1958, Wood coined the term Eisenmenger complex to de- scribe pulmonary hypertension at the sys- temic level caused by high pulmonary vascu- lar resistance, with reversed or bidirectional shunting through a large ventricular septal

defect. Subsequently, the term Eisenmenger's syndrome has been used to describe pulmo- nary vascular disease and cyanosis resulting from any systemic-to-pulmonary circulation connection, such as atrial septal defect, ven- tricular septal defect, patent ductus arterio- sus, or aortopulmonary window.l17 The likeli- hood of developing Eisenmenger's syndrome depends on the size and location of the intra- cardiac defect. Among patients with ventricu- lar septal defects, 3% of patients who have a small or moderate-sized (51.5 cm in diame- ter) defect and approximately half the pa- tients who have a large (>1.5 cm diameter) defect will develop Eisenmenger's syn- drome.l17 Among the patients who have a large defect, the syndrome develops in half of those with ventricular septal defects or patent ductus arteriosus and only in about 10% of those with atrial septal defects.lo3! 117

Moreover, patients with patent ductus arteri- osus or ventricular septal defects who de- velop the syndrome have an earlier onset (80% during infancy) than do patients with atrial septal defects (goo/, during adult-

The reason that some children de- velop pulmonary hypertension in the context of atrial septal defect remains poorly under- stood. It seems likely that factors other than congenital heart disease are necessary to ex- plain the occurrence of pulmonary hyperten- sion in a minority of patients suffering from an otherwise well-tolerated atrial septal de- fect.

The pulmonary vascular involvement from congenital heart disease usually follows a pe- riod of decreased pulmonary resistance and high pulmonary blood flow but may occur in patients who never manifest a large left-to- right shunt, further suggesting that the pul- monary hypertension in these individuals might be "primary," rather than "secondary" to congenital heart disease. Support for this comes from reported cases of severe pulmo- nary hypertension in children with small atrial septal defects whose mothers had PPH, suggesting that congenital heart disease may play an additional role in people predisposed to develop pulmonary hypertension or may be a misleading risk factor in individuals ge- netically predisposed to develop PPH.88 Moreover, histopathologic examination of the lungs of these patients is usually indistin- guishable from that of PPH.

Thyroid Disorders

An association between PPH and hypothy- roidism9, 2o or hyperthyroidismll' has been

470 HUMBERT et a1

suggested by some authors on the basis of a limited number of case reports. The present authors recently evaluated the prevalence of autoimmune thyroid diseases in the South Paris University PPH Registry and compared this prevalence with that of autoimmune thy- roid diseases reported in Whickham, UK, a representative sample of Western Europe pop~lation.”~ Fourteen patients (13 females) met all the criteria of autoimmune thyroid diseases in the authors’ Registry (eight Hashi- moto’s diseases and six Graves’ diseases). When compared with the Whickham popula- tion, the authors’ female PPH population was characterized by a higher prevalence of Hashimoto’s disease (2.8% versus 19’0) but not Graves’ disease (1.8% in both series). Isolated PPH and PPH associated with autoimmune thyroid diseases were similar in terms of he- modynamics and survival. The only clinical difference was the higher rate of Raynaud’s phenomenon in PPH associated with autoim- mune thyroid diseases (50% versus 14%). This finding raises the question of the respective roles of autoimmunity and the hemodynamic consequences of hypothyroidism in severe pulmonary hyperten~ion.~

Hematologic Conditions

Hemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell dis- ease, thalassemia, or spherocytosis, may re- sult in pulmonary hypertension alone or in combination with another known risk factor such as splenectomy, liver disease, or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hyperten~ion.~, 70

Myeloproliferative disorders (e.g., polycythe- mia Vera, idiopathic myelofibrosis, essential thrombocytosis) have been described as pos- sible conditions leading to pulmonary hyper- tension34 although several cofactors (high blood flow attributable to splenomegaly or chronic anemia, hematopoietic infiltration of the pulmonary parenchyma and alveolar cap- illary plugging by malignant cells, thrombo- cytosis, hypercoagulability, chemotherapeutic agents, portal hypertension, splenectomy) may play a part in these patients.&, 47 More- over, it is of utmost importance to evaluate, in detail, the left side of the heart because left ventricular failure is a common feature in this setting. Other hematologic conditions, includ- ing lymphomas, have been associated with PAH and pulmonary veno-occlusive dis- ease.lo6 In these patients, several cofactors (mediastinal compression, chemotherapy, ra-

diotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, vascular plugging) may act in synergy to pro- mote the occurrence of PAH.

Rare Diseases

Unexplained pulmonary hypertension in patients with rare diseases provides valuable tools to analyze possible relevant pathobio- logic hypotheses in PAH. Development of se- vere PAH with no identifiable cause in a pa- tient with a rare familial platelet storage deficiency, for instance, allowed the authors to hypothesize that serotonin-a pulmonary vasoconstrictor and growth factor for vascu- lar smooth muscle cells stored in platelets- could play a role in PAH. This observation subsequently led to the description of altered serotonin turnover leading to an increased availability of free serotonin in patients with PPH.43, 53 Similarly, the authors believe that identification of PAH in rare but well-charac- terized genetic or metabolic diseases will pro- vide new hypotheses in the field of pulmo- nary vascular diseases (e.g., alternative role of a known mutated gene, genetic defects in chromosomic regions adjacent to a mutated gene, role of a new metabolic pathway).

Type la Glycogen Storage Disease (von Gierke 3 Disease)

Type Ia glycogen storage disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a de- ficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase (von Gierke’s disease). Its estimated incidence is 1 per 100,000. Since the pioneer description of Pizzo in 1980, seven cases of severe pulmo- nary hypertension have been described in von Gierke’s disease.”, 84 In all but one case, this condition was severe, leading to the pa- tients’ deaths within a few months of cardio- pulmonary arrest or untractable congestive right heart failure. When available, postmor- tem examination of the lungs demonstrated pulmonary hypertensive arteriopathy, indis- tinguishable from classical PPH.84

The only case occurring before the age of 10 years was in a young girl with atrial septal defect of the secundum type and type Ia gly- cogen storage disease.” Interestingly, neither atrial septal defect nor type Ia glycogen stor- age disease usually lead to severe pulmonary hypertension in the first decade, suggesting that these conditions could have cumulative negative effects, with a faster progression of


the pulmonary vascular disease.'lfs4, 117 The six remaining cases of severe PAH complicating the course of type Ia glycogen storage disease occurred in the second or third decade, sug- gesting that long-term metabolic abnormali- ties may be necessary to lead to pulmonary hypertension. The authors recently hypothe- sized that the occurrence of PAH in type I glycogen storage disease could be caused by abnormal production of vasoconstrictive amines such as serotonin. As a first step to study the serotonin hypothesis in this rare condition, the authors prospectively mea- sured plasma serotonin in a series of patients displaying type Ia glycogen storage disease with or without pulmonary hypertension. Demonstration of elevated plasma serotonin in most patients, irrespective of PAH, sug- gested that this mediator could be involved in the development of this condition in sus- ceptible individuals with type Ia glycogen storage disease (Humbert M, Labrune P, Si- monneau G, submitted). As described pre- viously, familial and sporadic PPH may be caused by mutations in the BMPR-2 gene.23, lo9, 110 Other genes predisposing to PPH pre- sumably will be identified in the near future. The gene responsible for type Ia glycogen storage disease has been cloned on the long arm of chromosome 17 in position 17q21. Fur- ther studies should be performed to investi- gate a possible gene linked to pulmonary hy- pertension in the same chromosomic region.

Lipid Storage Disorders (Gaucher's Disease)

Gaucher's disease is another rare autoso- ma1 recessive disorder characterized by a de- ficiency of lysosomal P-glucosidase, resulting in the accumulation of glucocerobroside in reticuloendothelial cells. The typical manifes- tations of this lipid storage disorder include hepatosplenomegaly and bone marrow infil- tration with dysfunctional monocytes. With the exception of splenectomy, few options were available for treating this disorder until enzyme replacement therapy with alglucerase became available. Lung involvement in Gaucher's disease has been reported to occur in the following three distinct patterns: inter- stitial infiltrates of Gaucher cells with associ- ated fibrosis; alveolar consolidation by Gaucher cells, filling alveolar spaces; and pul- monary hypertension.22 Pulmonary hyperten- sion may result from capillary plugging by Gaucher liver splene~tomy,~~ enzyme replacement therapy (alglucerase or

imiglucerase),22 or closure of intrapulmonary vascular dilatations following the reduction of hepatomegaly by enzymatic treatment,22 resulting in increased blood flow through a pre-existing restriction of the pulmonary vas- cular bed. As discussed previously, there is no consensus regarding replacement therapy wi thd rawa l i n t rea ted pa t ien ts wi th Gaucher 's disease with pulmonary hyperten- s i ~ n . ~ ~

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome)

The classic patient with hereditary hemor- rhagic telangiectasia has nose bleeds, dilated vessels over the lips and fingertips, and gas- trointestinal bleeding in later life.99 Arteriove- nous malformations in the pulmonary, cere- bral, and hepatic circulations account for some of the most devastating clinical compli- cations of the disease.99 This condition has an autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern. Mutations in at least two genes have been shown to be associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia in different families-endoglin on chromosome 9 and ALK-1 (activin receptor-like kinase-1) on chromosome 12-although there is now evi- dence that a third hereditary hemorrhagic tel- angiectasia gene accounts for the disease in some patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia with pulmonary inv~lvement .~~ Interestingly, endoglin and ALK-1 encode en- dothelial cell transmembrane proteins that can be defined as components of the receptor complexes for growth factors of the TGF-P ~uperfamily.~~ This occurrence suggests that disease pathogenesis is likely to result from perturbation of physiologic effects of growth factors in vascular development or hemosta- sis.

The main physiologic features of patients with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations are pulmonary hypotension and a right-to- left intrapulmonary shunt.11s There have been occasional reports of pulmonary hyperten- sion, however.95, In 1969, Sapru and col- l e a g u e ~ ~ ~ described two patients with here- ditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and mild- to-moderate PAH.95 In the same report, they described an additional case of PAH oc- curring in a patient with a single, large arte- riovenous fistula in the right middle In another report, Trell and colleagues112a de- scribed two sisters with severe pulmonary

472 HUMBERT et a1

hypertension and hereditary hemorrhagic tel- angiectasia, emphasizing the possibility of a genetic predisposition of developing pulmo- nary hypertension in a subset of patients with Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome. Moreover, two patients with large arteriovenous pulmo- nary fistula recently were referred to the au- thors' institution for end-stage PAH, empha- sizing the fact that a minority of patients with arteriovenous pulmonary malformations may develop pulmonary hypertension rather than pulmonary hypotension. The reasons for this uncommon presentation are being investi- gated.

Finally, the authors and others are follow- ing up several members of families in which patients with isolated so-called PPH have a familial history of hereditary hemorrhagic tel- angiectasia without evidence of PAH. The au- thors strongly believe that analyzing in detail the clinical and genetic characteristics of these patients and families will help in understand- ing the reasons why diseases characterized by an abnormal TFG-P signaling pathway may lead to uncommon vascular disorders such as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and PPH.'lZb


The present limitations in knowledge of the potential risk factors for PPH undoubtedly are attributable to the facts that PPH is a rare disease with an unknown pathogenesis and lacking large case series. Moreover, definite epidemiologic data are rare and ideally should be obtained from epidemiologic sur- veys such as large case-control studies. The increased incidence of the disease in young women, the familial cases, the association with autoimmune disorders, and the recent discovery that mutation of the PPHl gene may not be restricted to familial PPH support the hypothesis that the development of pul- monary hypertension likely implies an indi- vidual susceptibility or predisposition, which is probably genetically determined. It is also now commonly believed that the develop- ment of pulmonary hypertension in some of these predisposed individuals could be has- tened or precipitated by various expression factors (some of them yet unrecognized), such as ingestion of certain drugs or diets, portal hypertension, or HIV infection.


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Address reprint requests to: Marc Humbert

Service de Pneumologie et Rkanimation Respiratoire Centre des Maladies Vasculaires Pulmonaires

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92140 Clamart France

e-mail: humbert63ipsc.u-psud.fr