Ramblers Chats: Ghanaian, African, and Global Histories in the Eyes of a Nkrumahist columnist. African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2012 Baba G. Jallow, Editor Introduction I first came across the name Rambler in Kwame Nkrumah’s book, I Speak of Freedom. In that book, he mentions how his columnist Rambler owned several scouts all over Ghana who fed him with the wide variety of information that appeared daily in his column “Rambler’s Chats” in the CPP mouthpiece, the Accra Evening News, and that unfailingly surprises Nkrumah’s opponents. On a research trip to Ghana during the summer of 2011, I was leafing through a stack of old Evening News copies when a small column caught my eye. The column’s logo was a small black box in which a figure very much like Johnny Walker, complete with black suit, long hat, walking stick and long stride. It was labeled “Rambler’s Chats” and it had no by-line. Remembering Nkrumah’s mention of Rambler, I decided to read a few of the columns. It was almost immediately clear to me that this was one trace of the past that should not be left buried away in the pages of an old newspaper. Rambler’s Chats make mindboggling reading. All the columns start with the mantra, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication; or His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication; or, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Your High Dedication, Your Messianic Dedication. All of them unfailingly hail the Osagyefo in highly flattering terms; all of them attest to the greatness of Osagyefo’s mind, the unfailing prophetic truth of his proclamations, the righteousness of his actions and his “messianic mission in the world.” Nkrumah is hailed, among many other appellations, as “the immortal Gandhi of the African Continent”, “the Guiding Light of Africa”, “Father of the African Revolution”, and “the Messenger of Destiny.” Reference is made to “Osagyefo’s esoteric powers”, “Osagyefo’s secret weapons” and “Osagyefo’s master plan.” Rambler was a fanatic Nkrumaist, a columnist who literally believed that, as

Rambler's Chats: Ghanaian, African and Global Histories Through the Eyes of a Nkrumahist Columnist. African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2012

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Rambler’s Chats: Ghanaian, African, and Global Histories in the

Eyes of a Nkrumahist columnist. African Studies Program,

University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2012

Baba G. Jallow, Editor


I first came across the name Rambler in Kwame Nkrumah’s book, I Speak of

Freedom. In that book, he mentions how his columnist Rambler owned several

scouts all over Ghana who fed him with the wide variety of information that

appeared daily in his column “Rambler’s Chats” in the CPP mouthpiece, the Accra

Evening News, and that unfailingly surprises Nkrumah’s opponents. On a research

trip to Ghana during the summer of 2011, I was leafing through a stack of old

Evening News copies when a small column caught my eye. The column’s logo was

a small black box in which a figure very much like Johnny Walker, complete with

black suit, long hat, walking stick and long stride. It was labeled “Rambler’s

Chats” and it had no by-line. Remembering Nkrumah’s mention of Rambler, I

decided to read a few of the columns. It was almost immediately clear to me that

this was one trace of the past that should not be left buried away in the pages of an

old newspaper.

Rambler’s Chats make mindboggling reading. All the columns start with the

mantra, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication; or His

Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication;

or, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Your High Dedication, Your Messianic

Dedication. All of them unfailingly hail the Osagyefo in highly flattering terms;

all of them attest to the greatness of Osagyefo’s mind, the unfailing prophetic truth

of his proclamations, the righteousness of his actions and his “messianic mission in

the world.” Nkrumah is hailed, among many other appellations, as “the immortal

Gandhi of the African Continent”, “the Guiding Light of Africa”, “Father of the

African Revolution”, and “the Messenger of Destiny.” Reference is made to

“Osagyefo’s esoteric powers”, “Osagyefo’s secret weapons” and “Osagyefo’s

master plan.”

Rambler was a fanatic Nkrumaist, a columnist who literally believed that, as

Nkrumah put it, Ghana was the CPP, the CPP was Ghana. There was no room

under Nkrumaism for any divergence from the path of the Osagyefo. According to

his ideology of Nkrumaism, which he later developed into Consciencism,

Nkrumah believed that only rule by “extremists” within the African liberation

movement could guarantee first, the achievement of true freedom from imperialism

and neocolonialism, and after independence, “the consolidation of the political

power of the people” which would lead to full economic freedom and prosperity.1

According to Nkrumaism, the winning of political independence represented only a

first victory over the forces of imperialism, a first stage in the struggle for total

liberation from the forces of imperialism and neocolonialism. Having formally

conceded defeat, colonial powers always tried to maintain their grip on

decolonized peoples by building in “schisms” into the independence constitution

which they would then later exploit through a regime of neocolonialism, a

“strategy of divide and rule from afar” perpetuated through the use of local

imperialist stooges. 2 In order to preserve imperial interests in the former colony,

the departing colonialists institutionalized a culture of “constitutional rigidity . . .

political separatism . . . and a civil service apparatus insulated from the new

political power in the young state and holding it ransom at will.”3 This

constitutional rigidity made it hard to amend the constitution to meet the needs of

the new nation; political separatism was perpetuated through a system of multi-

party politics that hampered the nation’s progress; and a civil service apparatus

insulated from direct state control limited the state’s effectiveness in administering

the affairs of the nation the way it liked. Nkrumaism was the means by which all of

these aspects of the neocolonial constitution were to be amended and brought in

line with the aspirations of the new nation as Nkrumah and the CPP articulated

them. It was the strategy through which Ghana would be transformed into a

socialist nation and a union of West African and later, African socialist states on

the continent created. Rambler’s Chats signify Nkrumaism in action.

While Rambler has nothing but praise for Kwame Nkrumah and his allies,

he has nothing but castigations and often outright insults for Nkrumah’s perceived

enemies or opponents. He is particularly critical of Western countries and their

1 Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite, quoted in Some Essential Features of Nkrumaism. London: Panaf, 2002, p. 34

2 Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite, p. 57

3 Some Essential Features of Nkrumaism. London: Panaf, 2002, pp. 38-39

leaders and has nothing but praise for China, Cuba and the Soviet Union. J. F.

Kennedy is called Good Old Jack; the American Ambassador to Ghana is called

Uncle Sam. Fidel Castro’s defiant stand against the Kennedy administration during

the Cuban Missile Crisis earns him the complimentary appellation “Fire Eater.”

When Sekou Toure of Guinea calls for a United Nations probe into the

assassination of Togo’s Sylvanus Olympio, Rambler unleashes a barrage of

criticism on the man who would later share his presidency with Nkrumah, calling

him “fallen star” and making reference to his “Luciferian dreams.” When Nigeria’s

Prime Minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa disagrees with Nkrumah on the question

of West African unification, Rambler warms him that “to fight against the Torch of

Africa is like fighting against Fate.” Rambler’s attitude to both Olympio’s murder

and Balewa’s disagreement suggests Ghana’s complicity in the killing of both men

and Nkrumah’s deep involvement in the internal affairs of other African countries.

Following Olympio’s assassination, Rambler proposes the “establishment of

diplomatic relations with the Provisional Government of Togoland” and “the

exchange of Ambassadors between Ghana and Togo.” He commends the

provisional government for “the speed at which you are helping to break down the

artificial barriers separating our sister states.”

What makes Rambler’s Chats a column of extraordinary historical

significance is the breadth of the topics and issues he covers on a daily basis. He

makes frequent mention of his scouts and chief scouts who were apparently to be

found all over Ghana and around the world – in the rural districts, in government

ministries and agencies, in press houses, at the United Nations, in Washington,

London and other parts of the world. He habitually claims to own international

scouts, Accra Mental Hospital scouts, regional education scouts, airport scouts,

Squad of Dawn Broadcast scouts, anti-talkative scouts, health scouts, housing

scouts, anti-landlord scouts, anti-squander mania scouts, industrial scouts, State

Farm scouts, anti-apartheid scouts, educational scouts, May Day Broadcast scouts,

anti-contraband goods scouts operating on the border, Scholastic scouts, a Chief

Scout, a United Nations scout and a London Scout, among others. Whoever he

was, Rambler had access to an incredible amount of information. For this reason,

he was able to comment on all manner of domestic, sub-regional, and regional

issues, as well as issues and events of world historical significance. To read

Rambler’s Chats is to be reminded of Orwell’s Big Brother in 1984. The ubiquity

of Rambler’s scouts lends credence to reports that Nkrumah maintained a vast

network of informers in every nook and cranny of Ghanaian society whose job it

was to keep him informed of all manner of goings-on in the newly independent


To read Rambler’s Chats is to have a three dimensional view of Ghanaian,

African, and global history and politics as they unfolded at the height of the cold

war. Multiple threads of historical narrative run through the column. Stories of

complaints from employees of local state or private enterprises and their attendant

warnings, threats and insults from Rambler unfold through the columns, often over

several weeks or months. Rambler called out the names of landlords, managers,

civil servants, teachers and expatriates and dished out warnings of further public

exposure or threats of dire consequences should the alleged culprit fail to desist

and abide by the dictates of Nkrumaism. In these narratives, Rambler comes across

as both inquisitor and warrior of the Nkrumaist cause, gallantly battling the forces

of neocolonialism and their imperialist stooges in Ghana. He seems to have had

Nkrumah’s total blessing to act in this capacity.

Domestically, Rambler addresses issues as varied as corruption within

Ghana Housing estate circles, price control wars between government agents and

businesses, dress code for taxi drivers, district council expenditures, books and

uniforms for Ghanaian school children, “imperialist-sponsored stooges and

reactionary interests”, and European and Indian expatriate businesses and

individuals in the country who, in Rambler’s estimation, were engaged in activities

contrary to the tenets of Nkrumaism and the Osagyefo’s great project of “work and

happiness for all.” He has particularly acrimonious and long-running “battles” with

the Ghana representative of British Petroleum over the company’s alleged refusal

to provide transportation facilities for its local staff and with a company called

Technical Lloyd Ltd over its alleged refusal to Africanize its workforce and its

discriminatory practices against African workers. Rambler exhorts – sometimes

through the use of abusive language – these and many other companies, state

corporations and individuals to adhere to the “lofty” ideals of Nkrumaism, and

chides and threatens those who would oppose Nkrumah or who were not

performing their duties according to the dictates of Nkrumaism. A police constable

in Koforidua is warned to “discourage the chaps from calling you by that high

appellation of our Great Leader”. Apparently, the constable in question was being

referred to as Osagyefo or one of Nkrumah’s many titles which, while drawn from

the pool of Ghanaian customs were now, in Rambler’s estimation, the exclusive

property of Kwame Nkrumah.

The same pattern is repeated on the African and global stages. Rambler

addresses almost all the major issues and developments of the day. On the

continental African stage, the narrative of the run-up to the Addis Ababa

conference of May 1963 at which the OAU was formed makes particularly

exciting reading. Months before the event, Rambler closely follows events and

faithfully keeps assuring Nkrumah that his dream of African Unity was on the

verge of realization. When the summit eventually gets underway with Nkrumah in

attendance, Rambler notes that “the political capital of this continent (was)

temporarily sited in Ethiopia for the duration of the Summit Conference”,

suggesting that Ghana was going to be the permanent capital of the continent.

Indeed, for Rambler, the Addis Ababa summit was “Africa’s first parliament.”

Rambler’s narrative takes us right to the Day of the signing of the African Charter

establishing the Organization of African Unity on May 26, 1963.

Rambler is engaged in the controversy surrounding the Sino-Indian border

disputes of 1962 and British involvement in them, the Algerian Revolution, the

Cuban Missile Crisis and fears over atomic meltdown, Apartheid atrocities and the

imprisonment of Nelson Mandela in South Africa, the dismantling of the Central

African Federation, African soccer tournaments, the Congo Crisis and Lumumba’s

murder, domestic British controversies over London’s entry into the European

Common Market, Nehru’s 73rd

birthday, the struggle in Northern Rhodesia, Harold

Macmillan’s proposed underground nuclear test, and a Mississippi Governor’s

contempt proceedings in the case of Afro-American student James Meredith

among many others. When the spate of bombings against Nkrumah erupted in the

early sixties, Rambler makes reference to “secret anti-Ghana operations in

Washington and Bonn” and “the calculated stupidly reactionary role Britain

continues to play” in Africa. For allegedly suggesting on a visit to Rhodesia that

Africans were incapable of ruling themselves, U.S. Senator Allan Ellender is called

“that stupid US Senator”, “an undesirable abnormality”, “buffoon”, “medieval

detractor”, “a dirty ambassador” and “rat.” For reporting views contrary to the

tenets of Nkrumaism, the British press is called “Mouthpiece of Reaction.”

But who exactly was Rambler? The question remains unanswered. When I

posted a query to the H-NET Africa discussion forum, I received two responses.

The first from Ghanaian Professor Kwame Akurang-Perry suggested looking at

Richard Rathbone’s Nkrumah and the Chiefs, pp. 96-99, and Daryl Ziwe Poe’s

Kwame Nkrumah’s Contribution to Pan-Africanism: An Afrocentric Analysis, pp.

22-28. Neither Rathbone’s nor Poe’s work specify who exactly Rambler was. A

second response from a Ghanaian history graduate student at the University of

Legon was more specific. According to Kofi Tamakloe, preliminary interviews he

had had with some CPP elders suggest that Rambler’s Chats was initially authored

by Nkrumah himself, who later passed the column on to Evening News editor Eric

Heyman. It appeared that as Nkrumah became increasingly engaged in the affairs

of state, he handed over both editorship of the Evening News and authorship of

Rambler’s Chats to Heyman. Apparently, some of Rambler’s contemporaries also

wondered about the column. In his chat of April 13, 1963, Rambler informs

Nkrumah that “as a result of an impertinent enquiry from a neo-colonialist agent,

the Editor informs me he is preparing for immediate publication the history of how

this column came to apostrophize you daily.” He assures the Osagyefo that the

“feeling of oneness” which inspired Rambler’s Chats “is automatic. It is in our

blood. It is in the air we breathe . . . as those who wish to know shall soon know.

Long live this Marriage of Soul between You and the people of Ghana!”

Rambler’s Chats ceased appearing in the Evening News after June 5th

, 1963.

It was replaced by a new column called “Accra Diary”, also signed Rambler but

written in a different style from the original Rambler’s. Was Rambler promoted to

a higher station? Was he sacked? Imprisoned? Did he die? Go into exile? Leave

the CPP? Abandon Nkrumaism? As at the time of writing, I can’t tell. Like his

identity, the reason for the cessation of Rambler’s Chats at that point in time

remains a mystery to most students of Ghanaian history. Unless students of African

studies are particularly lucky, who Rambler was and why his column suddenly

disappeared from the pages of the Evening News a good three years before

Nkrumah’s overthrow may never be known. However, we have a long journey

back to the future with Rambler, for it is my intention to collect and publish more

Rambler’s Chats from the beginning of the column during the twilight of colonial

rule in Ghana in the mid-twentieth century to October 1962, just before we started

the current chats.

What is clear from reading Rambler’s Chats is that whoever its author was,

he must have had very close access to Nkrumah and must have enjoyed an

extraordinary freedom of expression on behalf of the Osagyefo. If Nkrumah

himself was the author, one would be hard pressed to believe that someone could

heap so much praise upon himself. If he was not the author, one still wonders why

a man of Nkrumah’s stature would allow himself to be so glorified as to be turned

into a virtual caricature in the pages of a daily newspaper. Surely, Nkrumah could

have asked Rambler to tone down his praises or his harsh condemnations – even

insults - of individuals, including world leaders? The evidence suggests that if

Nkrumah was not Rambler, then he gave his full blessings to Rambler’s Chats.

One hopes that with subsequent research the identity of Rambler would be more

firmly established. For now, suffice it to say that it is virtually impossible to

adequately demonstrate the depth and scope of Rambler’s Chats in an introduction.

Please allow me welcome to you to a panorama of Ghanaian, African, and global

histories of the early sixties as painted by a fervent Nkrumaist columnist.


The Editing Process: I have done little actual editing of this manuscript. I have

made a few corrections to the grammar and corrected typographical errors. I have

also changed spellings from their original British English form into American

English. I have also standardized the paragraphing. Otherwise, the manuscript

remains the way it appears in the original. The headings at the beginning of each

chat and each section of the chats are typed exactly as they appear in the original.

Gaps in the dates are due either to the fact that the column did not appear, that it

was a very short one paragraph blurb, that the print was illegible, or that I couldn’t

find the issues in question. However, this collection is a very good representative

sample of Rambler’s Chats.


Rambler’s Chats

[1] Thursday, November 1, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: At a

time like this is the history of our continent when African political

leaders who espouse your Pan-African ideology are sitting targets to

the slings of imperialist world reaction, the following attestation by

the Nyasaland Minister of Education and Social Development is

worth its weight in gold: “The failure of Osagyefo’s Ghana will spell

the doom of the entire continent of Africa” said Mr. M. W. Kanyama

Chiume at a Party rally held at Labadi earlier this week. And

significantly enough, your name featured prominently during the

campaign in connection with yesterday’s Northern Rhodesian general

election. While the United National Independence Party led by

Comrade Kenneth Kaunda inspired thousands of Africans with

pledges of cooperation with Ghana towards a United Africa, Mr.

Harry Nkumbula of the pro-Welensky African National Congress

hoped to win support of fascist and white settlers by making anti-

Ghana innuendoes in his election speeches. But the die is cast. The

idea of a United States of Africa, based on your conception of Pan-

Africanism is not only the true gospel of the present, but indisputably

the only hope for a Free and United Africa in the near future. Long

live the teachings of Nkrumaism!

President Kennedy of America, EXPONENT OF NEW POWER

DIPLOMACY: Despite the prognostications of American strategists,

the world is yet to be dazzled by your new deployment of what has

been called “power diplomacy” whose application for the first time in

the solution of the Cuban crisis opens a new era of tantalizing

brinkmanship in global politics.

[2] Tuesday, November 2, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: After carefully studying Mr. Macmillan’s reply to

your first letter on the Sino-Indian border conflict and read a cross

section of British Press commentaries yesterday on the matter, I am

very happy you have written again to the British Premier.

I strongly feel that the spiritual bankruptcy of surprising quarters on

the true essence of Common-Wealth Association is simply amazing

and your second letter, when given the same widespread publicity as

the first one may help to improve a dismal national mentality.

Mohammed Ben Bella Algiers, ALGERIAN PREMIER: On the

occasion of the eighth anniversary of the launching of the Algerian

Revolution, let me send you the congratulations of millions of

Freedom Fighters all over the world on one of the greatest episodes of

heroism in the known history of the human race. Long Live the Spirit

of Algerian Resistance!

Mr. J. Tembo, Accra, NYASALAND M.P: A scout of mine who

saw you displaying the “Nkrumaist fireworks” yesterday at the

Additrom primary school to a group of Ghana Young Pioneers, has

become totally convinced that with people like you supporting Dr.

Hastings Banda, the constitutional future of Nyasaland is most

reassuring indeed. When you rejoin Dr. Banda in London next week

for the constitutional conference, tell him that seven million

Ghanaians wish Nyasaland the speediest attainment of the

Independence of MALAWI!

British Press, MOUTHPIECE OF REACTION: A digest of

yesterday’s commentaries on Osagyefo’s letter to your Prime Minister

makes a most amazing reading. If your ridiculous attitude to the Indo-

Chinese border war is a true reflection of British public opinion, then

there is no wonder why Great Britain continues to play such a

contemptuous role in the contemporary world.

[3] Monday, November 5, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Reference my remarks on your political prescience a

few days ago, the Editor has passed on to me a batch of confirmatory

letters from “Evenews” readers. Among the most pathetic is one from

a Nigerian correspondent who cites the present “lamentable

situations” in Nigeria as proof of your oft-repeated warning against

federal constitutions in emergent countries. And from the look of

things, it is inevitable that the “wisdom” which the British Premier

refuses to see in your first letter to him may soon become the

cornerstone on which the Sino-Indian border conflict may be resolved.

Long may you live to exert your messianic influence in human


Mr. Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet Union, F.A.O. AFRICAN


DELEGATES: Your moves, since the weekend, to expel South

Africa from the talks covering this and subsequent conferences have

won the approbation of Africa Freedom Fighters all over the

continent. Long Live United Africa!

MR. POTIAKO LEBALLO, NEW YORK, PAN-AFRICANIST: As the Acting President of the Pan-Africanist Congress of South

Africa, representing fifteen million Africans, progressive forces

everywhere support your present campaign to help remove South

Africa – politically, economically and culturally- from the comity of

nations. Yes, no decent moral can tolerate the shocking, terrible and

horrible conditions such as you describe to be obtaining in South


[4] Tuesday, November 6, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The move by the Ghana delegation to return to

Accra, unless the South African delegation is walked out of the

F.A.O. African Regional Conference at present holding in Tunis, has

gladdened the hearts of Freedom Fighters all over continental Africa.

Yes, events are hotting (sic) up everywhere since you raised the

revolutionary banner of Nkrumaism over the Sino-Indian border

conflict. Comrade Kaunda caught the contagion and continues to

inject Northern Rhodesian politics with a new dynamism that is bound

to yield fruitful results. Dr. Hastings Banda is on his way to the

London constitutional talks on Nyasaland confident of victory,

because of the inspiration he draws from the invincible spirit of

Nkrumaism. In Uganda, Algeria and elsewhere on the Action Stations

of the African Liberation Movement, the music of the Revolution

follows the same accelerated tempo. Long Live the Activating Spirit

of Nkrumaism!

Mr. Kanyama Chiume, MALAWI NKRUMAIST: For your

excellent exposition of Ghana’s role in the struggle for continental

African Freedom Fighters and other guests at the Ringway Hotel -

Which should be amplified forthwith and widely distributed in

pamphlet form. Oh yes, the deluge Ghana has started is bound to

engulf the entire African continent! Long Live “Nwazi”!

Kaneshie Tenants, CITIZENS: Be alive to your civic

responsibilities and co-operate with the Committee on the subletting

of Ghana Housing Corporation Estate houses in providing evidence

leading to the smashing of a racket which continues to inflict untold

hardship on occupants of similar Estate houses all over the country.

Osagyefo expects every tenant to do his duty to the nation.

GHANAIANS, COMARADES: Let us, as price inspectors, face the

challenge thrown to us by the Government and help to kill

profiteering by some greedy traders from the social fabric of our land.

[5] Wednesday, November 7, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The call by the Soviet Union for an immediate

ceasefire on the Sino-Indian border conflict follows the pattern you

recommended to the British Premier when Britain started sending

arms to help India. Now that the Soviet Premier has proposed to settle

the dispute by negotiations, it is hoped that Britain will co-operate to

implement the cessation of hostilities. Nkrumaists everywhere support

your continued efforts towards the cause of world peace.


the occasion of the anniversary today of the October Revolution, let

me extend to you and the Soviet people the plaudits of the entire

human race for your matchless contribution to world peace, during the

Cuban crisis and present moves solution of the Indo-Chinese border

clash. Long Live the doctrine of peaceful co-existence!


party press let me extend to you the good wishes of members of the

inky fraternity in Ghana for the noble tribute you paid us the other day

in connection with our humble contribution in spreading the gospel of


[6] Tuesday, November 8, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The imprisonment of Comrade Nelson Mandela

yesterday has shocked the conscience of the civilized world and it was

appropriate that the Voice of Ghana has, through the Bureau of

African Affairs, joined the inferno of protests that Freedom Fighters

everywhere continue to mount up. Up to the time of going to press

before noon today, late messages from South Africa reported massive

demonstrations against the apartheid perpetrators of man’s inhumanity

to man. As in the case of a similar episode in your political career, it is

only the physical Mandela that can be imprisoned: what he stood for

can never be confined within prison walls. And in my mind’s eye I

could see a thousand Nkrumaists racing to fill the gap left by the

temporary confinement of our heroic Mandela!


Let me welcome you to London and wish you every success in the

early disintegration of the Central African Federation.


PROFITEERS: In view of the Government’s determination to

regulate commodity prices in order to help reduce the cost of living, I

wish to draw attention to the following salient points in the very

topical address given to your counterparts and District Commissioners

in the Brong-Ahafo Region by Mr. A. W. Mark-Hanson, chief

commercial officer of the Ministry of Finance and Trade. First, that no

price inspector has the power to arrest but to REPORT traders who

sell commodities at exorbitant prices. Secondly, that your duty

therefore is to report to the Police any trader who sold goods above

the approved price or failed to display the list of goods in his shop.

Finally, Mr. Hanson appealed for honesty on the part of all price

inspectors, and expressed the hope that none will abuse the trust

reposed in him by the Government.


This is just to warn you about the consequences of failing to put on

your prescribed dress, in view of the fate of sixteen drivers who were

disqualified by an Accra Magistrate a few days ago from driving for

three months as a result of improper dressing. All reflective citizens

support steps being taken by the courts to check the behavior of

drivers who intentionally fail to put on the official uniform and take

fancy rather in hanging their neck ties on the driving mirror. Ghana

expects that this sort of discipline, in addition to the fine of GC3 each

will help to raise the standard of driving in this country.

[7] Friday, November 9, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Your latest message to the nation, following the

Chokor bomb explosions, has alerted all Nkrumaists to a more

intensified devotion and solidarity - especially where you charged

party members to prosecute the struggle in the spirit of our dynamic

Party’s motto: “Forward Ever, Backward Never”. Equally

magnetizing was your tribute to the courage of Party members and

supporters who stood firm in tracking down the nation wreckers,

detractors and renegades - reminding them of the Party’s new slogan

of “Freedom and Unity.” As a result of your rousing message, the

Editor’s fan mail has started to be flooded with solidarity messages

from the people to your Messianic Dedication! And I am told the

Party Headquarters and Flagstaff House are being similarly inundated

with messages of national solidarity. Long Live Katamanto!

GHANA BLACK STAR ELEVEN, SOCCER AMBASSADORS: All is set for this year’s international tussle against the Nigeria XI, on

their own grounds. Already, the forecast is 5 to 1 in your favor. But I

am sure you can improve even upon that tomorrow. Remember,

Osagyefo expects you to maintain your soccer invincibility.

ANTOINE GIZENGA, CONGO, LUMUMBA’S SHADOW: Although confined, your spirit (like that of martyred Comrade

Lumumba) is at large and actively disorganizing the disintegrating

front of the enemies of Congo Unity. Long live the liberating forces

that shall ultimately redeem continental Africa!


the nail on the head when strength of evidence being adduced before

the Committee at present enquiring into the malpractices of sub-

letting estate legal action in future against all tenants who fail to

inform you before sub-letting their estate houses. But please, make

sure that you set up appropriate machinery in connection with the

implementation of this decision. Righto!


prophesied before your incarceration, you will soon come out to take

up again the old struggle.


rid of irresponsible drivers off the road!

[8] Saturday, November 10, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: It is fast becoming the pattern for Ghana to spring a

surprise on the world, almost every other day. This morning, the

surprise was the invigorating announcement that as large a number as

1,200 students have enrolled in the way of your grand Nkrumaist plan

at the Institute of Public Education Accra in fulfillment of the

Government’s declared intention of providing opportunities for all.

Even the most ardent critics of Ghana must sometimes secretly admire

the way your grand Nkrumaist plan for revolutionizing the country

unfolds itself by stages . . . much to the wonder of a skeptical world. It

is only now that people are realizing what you mean by repeating

several times in recent weeks a slogan with which you began the

Liberation Movement in Ghana: “The struggle continues.” Yes, the

struggle continues NOW, UNABATED!


APARTHEID: Your press conference in New York yesterday, on the

U.N. General Assembly’s resolution against your racist country, has

made you the most pathetic laughing stock in the world today. You

described the recent criticism of South Africa’s Sabotage Act by the

International Commission of Jurists as based on “ignorance and

prejudice”. You further cited present events in Nigeria and elsewhere

as evidence of “the small African states’ immaturity.” You hurled

similar accusations against Jamaica and Ghana - stating that yours was

the only country providing a “bastion against communism” in Africa.

Get ready to face that Raging Hurricane which will bring in its wake a

free and united Africa!


Remembrance Day and I can think of nothing more appropriate than

the appeal by twenty leaders of religious and liberal thought in Great

Britain and twelve other countries for AN END TO THE THREAT

OF WAR. Yes, no ideological or national interests are so important as

to warrant the risk of ending man’s existence on this planet! Let there

be PEACE memory of the late Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt!

[9] Monday, November 12, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: With the threat of atomic holocaust hanging like the

Sword of Damocles over the future of mankind, Remembrance Day

yesterday was a very timely reminder of what servants of peace like

you have been preaching all the time. As a firm believer in the power

of concerted thought, it is hoped that the observance of such a solemn

occasion on a global scale should help to ameliorate the tensions

stemming from more than half a dozen trouble spots in our

contemporary world. Talking about the need for maintaining a

constant stream of PEACE THOUGHT BARRAGE by centers of

great magnetic influence and psychic dynamo such as you

demonstrate in your ceaseless preoccupation with the cause of peace

and freedom always reminds me of Shakespeare’s immortal dictum:

“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” Let

us hope that the invocation of the memories of the Glorious Dead in

two world wars will activate the imponderable forces of the universe

which are deployed by the Lords of Destiny to avert the possibilities

of any further cataclysmic clash.

District Commissioners, Ghana, NATION BUILDERS: The shape

of things to come was foreshadowed at the weekend when the

Minister of Justice revealed for the first time that you have now been

invested with greater powers to control the expenditures of local

councils in the country as well as directing Government policies in

each district. Ghana expects that present and succeeding generations

of DCs will live up to the responsibilities which Osagyefo the

President has thought not to ask you to shoulder.

[10] Tuesday, November 13, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: A short while ago I had occasion to make mention

of your political prescience as a symptom of your messianic mission

in the contemporary world. Last weekend, two former British Prime

Ministers literally shook the economic foundations of the European

continent by joining forces with you in opposing Britain’s entry in the

European Common Market. They were Lord Avon (Anthony Eden)

and Lord Attice of Labor fame, supported by another former powerful

figure in successive Conservative cabinets, Lord Salisbury. This

unexpected but formidable opposition was put up during the debate in

both Houses of Parliament on Britain’s handling of negotiations for

entry into the common market. A time is soon coming when the

correctness of your predictions on both African and international

issues will entitle your voice to a greater audience as if it were a

global oracle. And now it is the turn of Castro’s Cuba to heed your

urgent appeal to allow U.N. inspectors into its territory in order to

make effective arrangement to verify the dismantling of Soviet missile

bases. Osagyefo “kasa, kasa, kasa!”


Please accept the thanks of two hundred million souls on our

continent for establishing a scholarship for assisting students from

African countries.

GHANAIAN WORKERS, COMRADES: Personally, I think it is a

remarkable co-incidence that the appeal by the Secretariat Bureau of

the Ghana Trades Union Congress should come out at the same time

as the opening of the new workers college in Accra. That is why I

wish to draw your attention particularly to the Bureau’s call on all

workers of Ghana to accept the present situation in the country as a

challenge and stand unperturbed and undaunted behind Osagyefo, the

party and Government.


obvious from what happened at the weekend in Lagos that the

Nigerian national soccer eleven were determined to snatch the

“Azikiwe Gold Cup” from you. But the very fact that you held the

Green Eagles to a goalless draw, on their own grounds, is prophetic of

what may happen when next you meet them again on Ghanaian soil.

[11] Wednesday, November 14, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Today is the seventy-third birthday of the Indian

Prime Minister, who like yourself remains one of the greatest

paradoxes of the modern world. And it is for this curious similarity in

the psychic horoscope of the two of you that I am using the theme of

Jawaharlal Nehru’s 73rd

anniversary for my chat with you today.

Students of Nkrumaism should read carefully the penetrative analysis

of Nehru’s life appearing elsewhere on this page and enjoy for

themselves the amazing similarities between the esoteric lives of

India’s present leader and the immortal Gandhi of the African


Visiting British Parliamentarians, SIGHT SEERS: While briefly

welcoming you to Ghana today together with your commonwealth

colleague, let me assure you of more intimate chats during the

remaining period of your six-day tour of our country’s industrial and

social progress.

Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, GENTLEMEN: Barely an hour

last night after your special announcement to Accra listeners, the

cloud banks burst upon the city - just as you had warned, in addition

to high winds and rainfall far into the night.

This morning my City Scouts reported the appreciation of the general

public from almost every section of the city. Hats off to the

Meteorological Department for their accurate forecast and your

prompt action in bringing this to the notice of the public. Cheerio.

Comrades Kojo Nkrumah and Others, Kumasi

PETITIONERS: This morning the Editor showed me copy of your

resolution dated the 10th

instant and addressed to the General

Secretary of the Party. The only ideological fault I detected was where

you referred to yourselves as “suffering masses.” It would have been

more appropriate to use the expression: “toiling masses.” Otherwise,

there was nothing wrong with your “resolution.” Yours, for Freedom

and Unity!

[12] Tuesday, November 15, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The boycott of South African goods, which you

started here a short while ago, continues to gather momentum. And by

a strange irony of fate, even Israel, with a sizable Jewish community

in South Africa, was compelled to vote in the United Nations against

the revolting question of racial discrimination in South Africa!

Yesterday, the Uganda Parliament decided to introduce an official

boycott of South African goods and details are being worked out of

items which will not be allowed into the newly independent African

state. The boycott fever against the apartheid territory is spreading

even to non-African countries – with Holland as the latest victim of

the epidemic! Always lead the way. Others will follow. Osagyefo

“Kasa, kasa, kasa”!

Dr. Hastings Banda, London, NYASALAND NATIONALIST:

That is the way to talk to the imperialists: “I have come to take what is

mine by conquest at the ballot box.” And the struggle is as good as

ever with the spirit of such categorical imperatives.

Your Malawi Congress Party has already won Independence for

Nyasaland in ADVANCE!

Julius Nyerere, Tanganyika, PRESIDENT DESIGNATE: African

Freedom Fighters everywhere will forever remember with gratitude

your great affirmation yesterday: “Co-operation among Africans will

be the spear head of African Unity.” Blessed are those African

Leaders who exemplify in their lives the truth of such continental co-


Opanin Yaw Anim, Adabraka, PRACTICAL NKRUMAIST: By

providing free electricity supply for people in the towns and villages

in your area, you have demonstrated a high sense of public

spiritedness AS A FARMER which is a challenge to other citizens in

the country who, perhaps have even better opportunities than your

good self. Selflessness, like righteousness reflects Osagyefo’s dream

of bringing work and happiness to the people of Ghana.

Comrade J.E. Aggrey, Cape Coast, PILLAR: It is no mean

achievement to be found worthy, for the tenth time in succession, to

be elected branch chairman of the revolutionary CPP - especially in

Cape Coast. I really wonder whether any other constituency in the

country can duplicate your remarkable feat of endurance and test of

loyalty. Let me proudly extend to you the congratulations of all Party


Visiting British Parliamentarians, OUR GOOD FRIENDS: Time

was when British insularity was the proud defense mechanism of

imperial-intoxicated Britons. Today it is fast making Britain one of

the least respected nations in the world. At the United Nations, as well

in discussions on African affairs of every conceivable description,

Britain has always toed the line of reaction. Nkrumaists here welcome

your visit to Ghana, to see things for yourselves - because it is the

surest way of breaking any remaining vestiges of British insularity

among the present generation of British politicians who are witnessing

the twilight of imperialism and neo-colonialism.

[13] Friday, November 16, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Your Pan-African conception of Ghana’s role

towards the political, economic and social liberation of the African

continent was never more ably put across than when the Ghanaian

delegation to the Pan-African Co-operative Conference in Tanganyika

pledge Ghana’s readiness to place her experience at the disposal of

ANY COUNTRY which needed it. What remains to be said is that it

is not only in the co-operative movement where Ghana is willing to

share her experience with her sister nations, but in almost every field

of human endeavor. And that was precisely what you meant when you

confessed at the dawn of our independence that Ghana’s achievement

was meaningless unless it was linked up with the total liberation of the

entire African continent. Late intelligence at the time of going to press

before noon today confirmed that nearly all the thirteen African States

attending the conference caught the contagion of Ghana’s example

and vied with one another in offering facilities for the setting up of a

Pan-African Alliance to bring together all co-operative movements in

Africa under one body. Long live those barrier-breaking weapons that

are preparing the way for the earliest realization of the Dream of a

United States of Africa!

Parents and Guardians, Ghana CITIZENS: The biggest news yet

since the promise of free books supply to schoolchildren, is the

Government’s latest scheme to provide UNIFORMS for school boys

and girls at the cheapest price imaginable! Oh yes, when the Party’s

revolutionary program of Work and Happiness comes into full

fruition, Ghana is bound to become an Nkrumaist paradise indeed! Let

us all join in applauding the Founder of the Nation and shout: “Long

live Osagyefo”!

Mr. Harry Nkumbula, N. Rhodesia, BALANCER: Now that you

hold the balance of your country’s political future in your hand, your

repudiation yesterday of any alliance with Roy Welensky’s United

Federal Party has been hailed by African Freedom Fighters all over

our turbulent continent. United Africa expects that you will join forces

with the leader of the United National Independence Party to form a

coalition African government.

Comrade Kenneth Kaunda, U.N.I.P. LEADER: See the dilemma

on the horns of which the white-settler regime in Central Africa is

impaled as a result of the bombshell thrown by brother Nkumbula! All

is not lost yet. Northern Rhodesia shall yet be saved. Forward to a

United Front with the African National Congress!

[14] Saturday, November 17, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: From all the indications, it appears the time is

almost opportune for you to write a third letter to the British Prime

Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan, over the British Government’s

shocking decision to carry out further underground nuclear test AT A

TIME LIKE THIS when – Both the United States and the Soviet

Union have declared their intention to end their present series of

nuclear tests! No wonder members of the British Houses of

Parliament of all shades of political opinion were equally shocked by

Macmillan’s proposal to set off an atomic blast under the Nevada

mountains, at a time when the hopes of mankind have been raised by

efforts being made to resume the H-test ban negotiations in Geneva!

Osagyefo kasa, kasa, kasa!

President Kennedy of America, GOOD OLD JACK: The

seriousness with which you wish to stamp out race discrimination in

the United States was amply demonstrated when your Federal Court

yesterday ordered the institution of criminal contempt proceedings

against the Mississippi Governor and his Lieutenant who had earlier

in the day been held in civil contempt for their roles during the

integration crisis involving the Afro-American student, James

Meredith. Despite the unwelcome sting in your present spate of

“nuclear politics”, let me extend to you the congratulations of

progressive humanity on the unique emphasis you have placed on the

humanizing aspect of the greatest Flag ever unfurled since the birth of

“The Stars and the Stripes - Old Glory!”

The Action Group of Nigeria, RIDERS OF CRISES: Believe it or

not, two hundred million Africans on this continent are watching the

repercussions of your challenge to the Federal Prime Minister, Alhaji

Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa!

Dr. Fidel Castro of Cuba, FIRE EATER: The weekend saw the

virtual rebirth of the Cuban Crisis, with the threat of thermonuclear

war looming on the horizon of the globe! In an age like this, when

even the nuclear giants of both East and West speak with calculated

CAUTION, I must admire your candor in refusing outright any form

of inspection from whatever source and your threat to shoot down at

sight American reconnaissance planes flying over Cuban soil! Before

you allow the atomic fires of nationalism which burn within your

sacred breast to work out its inevitable outcome, please heed the

recent appeal sent to you by Osagyefo Kantamanto, Oyeadieye,

Asuodumya Dr Kwame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of

Ghana! And let there be peace.

[15] Monday, November 19, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Your strident call to Party Members at the weekend

continues to reverberate throughout the eight Regions of Nkrumaist

Ghana. The Ghanaian public has a peculiar way of interpreting your

mind and from a survey conducted this morning by my Scouts, your

new directive has been accepted as A CALL TO ARMS - in

prosecuting the final battles against economic imperialism and neo-

colonialism! As the newly appointed District Commissioners take

their Action Stations, I could see in my mind’s eye the shape of things

to come towards the implementation of the revolutionary program of

work and happiness for all in Ghana.

U.S Ambassador, Ghana, UNCLE SAM: My Chief Scout has just

reported to me full details of your pranks of the Party Press the other

day and how the boys gave you hell on the issue of America’s stiff-

necked attitude over that base in Cuba, all other bases, communism,

socialism and what the “Evenews” Editor described as the bigotry of a

section of your press which, through years of mis-indoctrination, has

produced a generation of statesmen who seem to look at the world

through the eyes of a cartoonist - thus getting a distorted view always,

as a result. Look at your “Newsweek” for instance. All it does is to

pass sarcastically lying comments on affairs of the world, over which

it chooses to be supreme judge. But what is this I hear? You dared ask

the Party Press Editors and the Managing Director what was the

connection between the Press and the Government? How many times

would you like this to be knocked into your ears? And does this

question of yours not imply that you distrust the official statement? Of

course, this question stems out of gross ignorance and bigotry if not

bad faith. Our Ambassador in the States could have asked a similar

question and that makes your impudence more pronounced. No

wonder you were completely paralyzed on other world issues like

South Africa! Meanwhile, we are awaiting the implementation of your

assurance that the U.S. – Cuban base will be removed as part of the

general world disarmament move. Your Chinese standpoint is

hopelessly indefensible as you can see from today’s cartoon on page

4. Think of the fate of the whole human race and mend your ways!

[16] Tuesday, November 20, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Events in the Congo and Nigeria give cause for

grave misgivings. Happily, long before the delegate of the Central

Congolese Government exposed yesterday the United Kingdom,

Portugal and the Pretoria regime to be responsible for secessionist

Tshombe’s intransigence, the world knew the gory hands of

imperialism which propped up the Katanga evil. As regards our sister

State of Nigeria, the secret which the Balewa Government leaders

have to discover is that to fight against Nkrumaist Ghana is like

fighting against Fate - as they will soon find out, when the awakened

masses there reassert themselves! Elsewhere on the continent, the

going is good and the Liberation Movement proceeds according to

plan. Long live Osagyefo!

Sir Patrick Renison, Kenya, RESIGNED GOVERNOR: Thank

goodness there are still honest agents of imperialism like you and Sir

Hugh Foot who still foster the spirit of political humanism which built

what was once GREAT BRITAIN?

Historical Society of Ghana, GENTLEMEN: Perhaps you are

yourselves more sensitive to the need for a NEW history of Africa

than we laymen can imagine. Much as the public appreciates your

existence, the more if you would be good enough to publicize your

activities and the results of your research in the local press as often as


[17] Wednesday, November 21, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The news this morning from the two explosive spots

in the world today points to the triumph of your ideas in the solution

of both the Cuban crisis and Sino-Indian border conflict. It appears

Premier Fidel Castro of Cuba is now prepared to respond to your

appeal for a peaceful solution of the crisis by offering to send back to

the Soviet Union the Russian bombers now in Cuba. And in the spirit

of your recent appeal to the imperialists to stop taking sides in the

Indo-Chinese border dispute, late news from China confirms the

triumph of reason and that the Chinese forces have actually been

ordered to “CEASE FIRE” all along the line! What a shame to the

imperialists who have vested interest in WAR! Long Live your

Humanizing influence on Global Politics!

Comrade J. E. Hagan, Cape Coast, REGIONAL

COMMISSIONER: The Editor informs me that he has started

publishing today the first of a series of letters he has received in recent

weeks about the Cape Coast Hospital - as he thinks public

dissatisfaction has reached a stage where he can no longer serve the

interests of the nation by suppressing such unpleasant exposures. In

view of Osagyefo’s latest call for vigilance and concern for the well-

being of all Ghanaians, I should be grateful if you would look into the

distressing allegations and remedy the situation in double quick time –

as is characteristic of your rugged dynamism!

[18] Tuesday, November 22, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: From the point of view of the Nkrumaist

interpretation of global politics, it is obvious that incidents leading to

the lifting YESTERDAY of the U.S. naval blockade of Cuba and the

ending of the state of readiness of the Soviet Armed Forces constitute

a bigger contribution to the cause of World Peace than the Chinese

ceasefire order on the China-Indian border. Unfortunately, a classic

instance of what the “Evenews” Editor described yesterday as the

moral decadence of the West was provided by the top level American

mission due to fly to New Delhi for the purpose of studying what

India needs to stem the Chinese advance, as well as sending twelve

large transport planes with U.S. crew to India! Surely the moral

leadership of the world has passed over to the side of the Socialist


Dr. W.E. du Bois, Ghana, FATHER OF PAN-AFRICANISM: Welcome back home from your recent visit abroad. All who have seen

you testify to the remarkable transformation in your health and Pan-

Africanists everywhere wish you speedy prosecution of the greatest

assignment of your life- the compilation of “Encyclopedia Africana”-

Regional and District Commissioners, COMRADES: Students of

Nkrumaism appreciate the imaginative way in which you have started

implementing Osagyefo’s recent call for Party revitalization

throughout the countryside. We trust you to maintain the offensive

until the last vestiges of reaction and subversion are removed from the

fair surface of Ghana. Forward to the Socialist Paradise that Ghana is

bound to become! Freedom and Unity!

Mr. S. G. Ikoku, Action Group General Secretary, NIGERIAN

EXEMPLAR: Your press conference yesterday on the tragic

situation in Nigeria was very revealing and impressive. Equally,

epoch-marking was the publication of your topical pamphlet “Nigeria

for Nigerians.” Oh yes, the ramparts of reaction being built up in our

sister nation by the agents of imperialism and neo-colonialism are

bound to crumble under the impact of the mighty upsurge of the

progressive people of renascent Nigeria!

[19] Friday, November 23, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: My London Scout has sent me copy of a letter which

appeared in the London “Times” on the 20th

instant which echoed

your warning to the Big Powers very early during the recent Cuban

crisis. The letter which was signed by 41 members of the British

Parliament demanded the urgent dismantling by the United States

Government of the “Thor” Rocket and the “Polaris” submarine bases

on British territory because they aggravate international tensions and

endanger the lives of millions of British people. Your good friend, Mr.

Fenner Brockway, was among the number of progressive

Parliamentarians who signed the letter. Students of Nkrumaism, who

believe in your political presence, know that as the bewildering drama

of our times unfolds itself in accordance with the thought pattern you

have delineated, the world will come to a fuller realization of your

mission as the Prophet of this generation and age.

Mr. Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State, NEW

FRONTIERSMAN: I was amused to note from your remarks to the

Foreign Policy Association, published in this paper yesterday, that IN

RECENT WEEKS the basic issues of the Cuban crisis have made the

world to realize the fact of modern weapons systems being a source of

high tension. It is a pity you should insult the collective intelligence of

the world by claiming that it realized such an obvious truth during the

RECENT WEEKS of the Cuban crisis. Long before the Cuban crisis,

the voice of Osagyefo the President of Ghana was repeatedly crying in

the wilderness for the removal of foreign military bases in Africa and

elsewhere. And now that you have belatedly seen the light you will

help your Government to implement forthwith the demand by 41

British Parliamentarians that America must dismantle the “Thor”

submarine bases on British soil, because they aggravate international

tensions and endanger the lives of millions of British people.

Lord Bertrand Russell, BRITISH PHILOSOPHER: Although the

world has greeted the Chinese Government’s initiative in ordering a

ceasefire with such flattering encomiums as “a pleasant surprise”

(New York Herald Tribune), “staggered the world” (London Daily

Mirror), “too good to be true” (Daily Mail), very little is known about

your own humble contribution towards the actualization of what many

doubting Thomases still believe to be “inexplicable mystery.” This

morning my International Scout sent me Photostat copies of all the

three messages you exchanged with the Chinese Premier on

November 8, 16, and 19.

[20] Saturday, November 24, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: All Party functionaries who attended the one-day

seminar at the Winneba Kwame Nkrumah Institute this morning will

never forget the experience. One very sensitive activist described his

impression as the most soul-searing baptism he has ever passed

through in his life. Others have become so subdued by the magnetism

of your very presence that they are unable to express in words what

had come over them. My own psychoanalysis of the effect of this

morning’s seminar is that both Ministers and their Deputies, Regional

and District Commissioners, Party Secretaries and senior

Headquarters officials, and others have thoroughly assimilated what

you passed on to them as an epitome of the New Spirit with which

you expect them to tackle the new tasks that lie ahead of the nation. In

this respect, this epoch-making seminar has succeeded beyond any

imaginable expectations. Long Live Ghana and Long Live Your

Messianic Dedication!

[21] Monday, November 26, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Your weekend appeal to Afro-Asian member-States

of the United Nations to send a peace mission to both India and China

has demonstrated to the world the difference between real statesmen

and war mongering politicians. On the question of the India-China

border clash, it has become increasingly clear that only the

Imperialists will benefit from continued hostilities between the two

giant countries of the East. It looks as if the wise Chinese must have

realized this danger in good time before ordering the immediate

ceasefire - for, after all, the Chinese and the Indians are brothers.

When both sides realize their real enemy, the imperialist, your appeal

will automatically lead to termination of hostilities and the resumption

of direct negotiations between India and China. Long live the Reign of

Reason in International Relations and long live Your Messianic

Dedication to restore the equilibrium when things go wrong!

Ghana Housing Corporation, GENTLEMEN: The country expects

that you take the earliest opportunity to find ways and means of

implementing the resolution adopted three days ago by the workers in

Ashanti calling for the introduction of a new system of collecting

rents at source in all Government Estate houses. As a measure of

checking accumulated unpaid rents in this country, I think it is also in

your own interests to take prompt action on the matter.

Dr. Hastings Banda: We are all happy with you for bringing home

what you went to take - the first Prime Minister - when Nyasaland

achieves home rule early next year!

[22] Tuesday, November 27, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Your strong appeal at the Winneba weekend seminar

to the rank and file of the Party continues to reverberate throughout

the length and breadth of the land. In the offices, in the workshops, on

the farms, in the schools and in the market places, Party functionaries

are handing on the torch of Nkrumaist revival and devoted dedication

to the Party. Personally speaking, your call for Socialist Evangelists in

the grand crusade to transform Ghana into a land of work and

happiness is the greatest Christmas present which Your High

Dedication has ever presented to the people of this country. In that

spirit, your honored gift is being accepted by the nation and by the

turn of the year an unshakable foundation should have been laid on

which to erect the superstructure of the seven year Development Plan

next year! Long live Osagyefo!

[23] Wednesday, November 28, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: In recent weeks, I have had the opportunity of

examining the impressions of real lovers of Ghana (both black and

white) who have returned to Ghana from visits abroad and have been

shocked by the amount of ignorance which people outside Ghana still

harbor about our beloved country. Apart from your own impact upon

the world, very little is known abroad about Ghana - its achievements

and aspirations. Of course a great beginning has been made through

participation in international fairs, sports and other social-cultural

conferences to project the Ghanaian personality - under the

imaginative leadership of Your Messianic Dedication. And it is

obvious that the task of selling Ghana abroad must inevitably take

time, but this can be considerably accelerated if our Foreign

Embassies used the occasion of our Revival at home now to redouble

their efforts to SELL GHANA MORE! Luckily, both at home and

abroad, you are Ghana’s greatest show piece and we are eternally

grateful for that!

[24] Thursday, November 29, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: With the stepping up of possible Anglo-American

C.I.A. activities in India, it is interesting to observe the way Prime

Minister Nehru appears to be side-tracking your suggestion for an

Afro-Asian initiative in resolving Sino-Indian border differences by

the precipitation (sic) dispatch of his own version of a peace mission

to Cairo and Accra. As his two-man delegation will find out for

themselves when they arrive here, there is no shadow of a “confusion”

whatsoever in our minds concerning India and China. We know that

India’s enemy is not China and vice versa: the real enemy is

imperialism and that is the enemy we intend to help either side to

fight. That is why you have already cautioned those who have taken

sides in conflict. And events will ultimately justify your stand on this

issue. Yes, Osagyefo Asem Beye Ho!

Josip Bros Tito of Yugoslavia, COMRADE PRESIDENT: On the

occasion of the seventeenth anniversary of your country’s gallant

Republic, I send you the felicitations of the people of Ghana. The

basis of our religion is rooted deep in ancestral worship. This makes

Ghanaians automatic believers in the influence of Psychic Power over

national and international affairs. That is why we believe, as

Nkrumaist, in the vital contribution the socialist solidarity of the

Yugoslav nation can make towards increasing the Thought Force with

which the Non-aligned world is bombarding the ramparts of political

obscurantism, satanic imperialistic reaction and war-mongering in the

world today. Long live Socialist Solidarity.

Faculty of Engineering, K.N. University, Kumasi, NKRUMAIST

DONORS: On behalf of the Kwame Nkrumah Trust Fund, let me

thank all students and staff of the University of Science and

Technology who contributed the handsome sum of 278 pounds.

[25] Friday, November 30, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: It is worthy of note that so soon after you took over

responsibility for the Tema Development Corporation, things have

begin to tick! I am referring of course to the Augean Stables which it

has been your lot to clear – in respect of the 1,389 tenants who owe

more than 60,000 pounds in rent, covering periods ranging from 2 to

21 months. The tough line you have taken should be an object lesson

to the Housing Corporation which also has rent defaulters in every

part of the country where Government has established Estate houses.

Officials who have been condoning the rent collection scandal for so

long should be ashamed of themselves and note that since the “quit

notices” were served a month ago, about 27,000 pounds has been

collected from the defaulters - with the possibility of ejection facing

those who fail to pay all their debts at the end of November.

Mike Ahey of Ghana, Now at Perth, GOLD MEDALIST: Your

name has gone down in the sporting history of this country as the first

Ghanaian to win the first Gold Medal at the Commonwealth Games –

when you set a new Commonwealth record by jumping 26 feet 5

inches. Let me join the concert of congratulations being showered on

you by individual Ghanaians and other sporting clubs. Osagyefo and

Ghana are proud of your excellent feat. May others capture that spirit

of Nkrumaism which makes every fiber in your anatomy sing.


[26] Saturday, December 1, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Once again it is gratifying to observe that Ghana

was in the forefront when the Afro-Asian member states of the United

Nations seventeen strong tackled what may justifiably be described as

the greatest assignment in the life of the world organization -



coming through this morning from the Geneva Conference on

disarmament is prophetic of the breaking of the Dawn of a New Era of

Peace in the world! Hark the symptomatic voice of the Russian

delegate, which continues to echo the world over. “I reaffirm my

Government’s willingness to discontinue underground nuclear tests

until the conclusion of a final agreement." It looks as if destiny is

about to answer your prayers for world peace at last!

Rev. Arthur Howard, Achimota, THE BLACK DEAN: I see that

from the new order of things in the University of Ghana (School of

Administration) whereby every Head of Faculty becomes a Dean,

your proud title has been rendered obsolete. But as originator of your

appropriate nomenclature, I shall continue to designate you as such, so

long as you continue to don Black habit. Believe it or not, you have

carved an epitaph hereabouts which may one day adorn the spot

where mortals pay their last respects to immortality.

All-African Trade Union Federation, INTERCONTINENTAL

COMRADES: The pathetic appeal to workers of the world to help

save poor Comrade Julian Grimatu, leader of Spanish Trade Unions

and the anti-Franco Movement should be taken up.

In the sacred name of humanity and international workers solidarity,

let us protest against the brutal torture of our Spanish comrade and

decry the bloody repressions of Franco’s primitive regime . . . in

flagrant violation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights


[27] Monday, December 3, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: When you declared yesterday to Members of

Parliament at the Winneba seminar that “OURS IS A PEOPLE’S

PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY” you epitomized for present

and succeeding generations of Ghanaians a new definition of

Nkrumaism. And your reputation soared to new heights of pre-

eminence when you reminded PRs that it was in their own interest not

only to welcome the praise of the press but also to take kindly to its

admonition and criticism. Yes, the following gem of thought from you

should be learned by heart by all Party functionaries: “Freedom of

speech and the principle of democratic centralism are essential in a

people’s democracy.”

U. Thant, United Nations – SECRETATY GENERAL: You have

supremely qualified for an appointment which entitles the holder to be

classified as the most responsible individual on this planet. Since

November 3 last year, when you were appointed Acting General

Secretary, on the transition of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, the world has

passed through some of the most catastrophic crises in its history. And

you passed the test, with distinction.

With the United Nations now fully entrusted into your capable hands,

humanity is assured that nothing can force the key of Destiny

backwards and MAN marches on to a Glorious Future.

Unitarian Buddhist, socialist neutrality (sic), confirmed

internationalist - I salute your grit, imagination and devotion to the

cause of World Peace. Take your place in history!

Members of Parliament, COMRADES: Fresh from the rejuvenating

experiences you have passed through at the weekend, I am sure when

the National Assembly opens tomorrow the atmosphere will reflect

the new orientation of outlook between Parliamentarians and the Party

Press. Long live Party Solidarity!

Ghana Boxers in Australia, AMBASSADORS OF THE FIRST: You have more than placed Ghana boxing on the sporting map of the

world, for which please accept the congratulations of all Ghanaians at

home. News from Perth at the weekend made us very proud of you,

when it was announced that you have established yourselves as the

strongest boxing nation in the Commonwealth - by winning two Gold

and four Silver Medals. Let me do the roll call of honor by mentioning

our Olympic silver medalist, SKIPPER IKE QUARTEY who now

becomes a Commonwealth gold medalist in addition. Then comes

lightweight EDDIE BLAY who becomes a Commonwealth gold

medalist. And finally comes Fly-weight CASSIS ARYEE,

Bantamweight SAMMY ABEY, Middle-weight HOMAS ARIMI,

Light-weight JOJO MILES.

[28] Tuesday, December 4, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: During the past few weeks, a continuous stream of

reports from parents, observers and the students themselves has been

coming in about the Opoku Ware Secondary School. It appears the

present Headmaster of the School is being held responsible for what

has been going on. The aim of this chat is not rehearse the complaints

but just to assure you that there is a genuine cause for ordering an

urgent enquiry into the fading reputation of what used to be one of the

finest secondary schools in this country. Please permit me to draw

your attention to the chats which follow: (1) with the Headquarter

himself; (2) with the District Organizer of the Ghana Young Pioneers,

Kumasi; and (3) with the Ashanti Regional Commissioner. Yes, we

must get rid of all imperialist time servers in our midst.

Mr. L. Kalinaucks, Opoku Ware Secondary School,

HEADMASTER: Read my next day’s chat with you and learn the

reason or reasons why your Africanization policy has been such a

dismal failure and why you now have to re-resort to part-time or

temporary non-African teachers, in preference to employing full-time

Ghanaian staff.

District Organizer, Ghana Young Pioneers, Kumasi

COMRADE: Is it true that in flagrant defiance of the instructions of

the Minister of Education, you have been forbidden by the present

Headmaster of Opoku Ware Secondary School from entering his

office or even the school compound; because that fellow is known to

be a bitter hater of the Young Pioneer Movement.

Regional Commissioner, Ashanti, GOOD COMRADE: Have you

also heard the allegation that the present Headmaster of the Opoku

Ware Secondary School is in the habit of criticizing with impunity the

policies of our progressive Government? Kindly check up also the

truth or otherwise of his anti-Young Pioneer bias and the other

allegation that he is running the school as if it were a Catholic

seminary. Thank you for prompt action on the contents of this and

other chats.

[29] Wednesday, December 5, 1962

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION:I rather like the Nkrumaist way in which Positive

Action has been taken with such dramatic effectiveness against the

entry of that anti-African U.S. Senator Allan Ellender into both

Uganda and Tanganyika. African Freedom Fighters everywhere have

hailed the swift action by the two newly independent African

countries in protest against the lunatic effusions of that stupid U.S

Senator. It is hoped other African States will take similar action in

banning the entry of such an undesirable abnormality in the twentieth

century. This buffoon of an American Senator talks about the

African’s incapacity for leadership, as if he has never heard of the

shining accomplishments of Your Messianic Dedication! But

continental Africa marches on to her glorious destiny - despite

medieval detractors like Senator Ellender!

President Kennedy of America, NEW FRONTIERSMAN: What a

disgraceful show and sheer diplomatic craziness by your uncouth

Senator by the name of Allan Ellender, when he libeled the entire

African race during a visit to Rhodesia a few days ago! What a dirty

ambassador to send to Africa at a time like this!

Senator Allan Ellender, RAT: Your un-American activity in

Rhodesia is going to cost good old America the affection and

goodwill of two hundred million Africans!

Mr. I. Kalinaucks, Opoku Ware Secondary School, Kumasi,

HEADMASTER: Since my chat with you yesterday, more

information has been pouring in by phone, letters and personal

testimonies – all pointing to the conclusion that the nation should

demand your immediate return home to Greece where, according to

your name you may have descended from.

Board of Governors, O.W.S.S, GENTLEMEN: “Headmaster

Kalinaucks Must Go!” That is the voice of both students and parents!

What are you waiting for before you act? Double Quick Action,


[30] Thursday, December 6, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: It is now abundantly clear that on the production

phase of your plan for revolutionizing Ghana, the Workers Brigade

will play an enviable role – as evidenced by the countrywide network

of ambitious schemes to boost the country’s domestic economy. And

on the cultural plan, there is every indication that the Ghana Young

Pioneer Movement is fulfilling the need for inculcating into the rising

generation the love for things African, in consonance with your

doctrine of projecting the African Personality. From the laudable

achievements of these twin products of your prolific brain,

Nkrumaists have become more convinced than ever in the

inevitability of Victory of your Messianic mission to liberate the

entire African continent from the shackles of imperialism and neo-


Sekondi-Takoradi City Council, GENTLEMEN: Following so

closely on Osagyefo’s “double quick action” at Tema for arrears of

rental due, it is gratifying that you have taken similar Positive Action

against 500 landlords for water rate arrears. That is the only way to

make such defaulting landlords realize the seriousness with which

Osagyefo expects all Councils to discharge their obligation to the


Landlords, Sekondi –Takoradi, SIRS: The Sekondi-Takoradi City

Council has already taken appropriate action against 500 defaulters

for arrears of water rate for 1959-60. Warning notices are soon

coming out in respect of arrears covering the current year ending

1961. Forewarned, they say is to be forearmed (sic) and it is hoped

you will all resolve henceforth to live up to a higher sense of your

civic responsibilities.

General Manager, African Manganese Co. Nsuta, SIR: The Editor

has published elsewhere on this page a letter complaining about the

behavior of your Village Master. Before his treatment of Ghanaians is

allowed to result in unfavorable press publicity to the detriment of

your Company, please be good enough to take prompt action to stop

the antics of this pocket Hitler!

Regional Commissioner, Ashanti, COMRADE: Protests coming in

point to the possibility of the situation at the Opoku Ware Secondary

School developing into a “KALINAUKS MUST GO”, campaign -

unless you take prompt action to prove to him that Ghana is no place

for apartheid antics in our educational set up. Please get in touch with

the Board of Governors of the School and see what has been done to

rid the country of this nuisance!

[31] Friday, December 7, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Since the exposure of the sinister methods adopted

by such organizations as the U.S Central Intelligence Agency, there

has been growing appreciation of your prescience in maintaining the

State of Emergency in the capital when conditions made it possible to

lift the curfew about a couple of months ago. From the growing

“offensive” being mounted along almost all the borders of Ghana and

beyond, it is interesting to contemplate what must have happened here

if the emergency had been withdrawn completely. That is why we

adore you as our Messiah and shall follow you as our Leader till

VICTORY is won! Long Live Osagyefo!

Mr. L. Kalinaucks, Opoku Ware Secondary School,

HEADMASTER: I am amused by your reactions to the spotlight

being focused on you, since the campaign against your regime started.

Listen, here in Nkrumaist Ghana you either have to learn to GET

ALONG with the socialist tempo of the times OR GET OUT! In a

subsequent chat, I hope to differentiate between “pious fraud” and

“religious nonsense”, and tell you to which category you belong. If

you are a man of conviction and courage as you think, I am expecting

to see you tender your resignation - if Ghana is all that “bad” as you

preach daily!

Regional Commissioner, Ashanti, COMRADE: Has the

Headmaster of Opoku Ware Secondary School tendered his

resignation to the Board of Governors yet? Students, staff and parents

are impatiently expecting some such action UNLESS he is prepared to

change his anti-Ghanaian attitude!

Offoase-Koloben C.P.P, CAMRADES: Please accept on behalf of

Party members throughout Ghana our deep condolence on the death

two days ago of 62 year old Comrade ALHASSA KRAMO,

Chairman of your local Party branch since 1949. May his soul rest in


[32] Saturday, December 8, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The glamorous achievements of Ghanaian

sportsmen at home and abroad, have justified the £G32, 500 the

Government provided for organizing the last National Founder’s Day

Games and for sending a team to the recent Commonwealth Games in

Perth, Australia. On the other hand, it appears the nation-wide

popularity of the Central Organization of Sport has been amply

reflected in the average annual income of £G293, 036. The public

therefore backed the Government’s decision not to grant anymore

subsidies to the C.O.S. Under your inspiration, Ghanaian sporting fans

are hoping that the C.O.S. will learn to cut down expenditure without

reducing the standard of excellence which we have already attained -

as a tribute to your conception of nationalizing sports in Ghana!

Mr. William Edunyah, Diaso, POCKET LAWYER: My Scouts in

the Central Province have some very acid comments to make on your

role as the “professional adviser” to the Chiefs and Elders of your

town. By the way, why do you choose to go to Sekondi-Takoradi, on

your interminable trips there for “legal consultations” by way of

Kumasi from where you fly by plane? Couldn’t you do the distance by

the direct and more economical Railway Passenger train or by the

Sleeper? The debate continues . . . until all other “pocket” lawyers and

litigants in the District learn that in Nkrumaist Ghana there should be

no place for such PESTS!

[33] Monday, December 10, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The biblical appropriateness of the illuminated

Address presented to you at the weekend, by the Volta Regional

Organizer of the Workers Brigade has been the talk of the town.

Almost apocryphal in its quaint imagery, the address has also

generated a sense of renewed confidence in your Messianic destiny.

Already, most Party activists and Nkrumaists have started “chewing”

it by heart, as most of us feel strongly that Joshua wrote those verses

as if he had you in mind. Hark! “Have not I commanded thee? Be

strong and of a good courage: Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed

– for the Lord thy God is with thee withers ever thou goest.” Yes,

your work of Redemption will surely be accomplished-

[34] Tuesday, December 11, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The swift attainment of Independence by the new

Republic of Tanganyika, since that country started going “the

Ghanaian way”, gives cause for special gratification to all Nkrumaists.

And the striking similarity between your inauguration ceremony as

President and the purely African pattern followed in Tanganyika last

Sunday must have brought home to the imperialists and neo-

colonialists that the latest African Republic has irrevocably chosen the

magic road to socialism based on Africa’s own cultural background

and known hereabouts as Nkrumaism! Long Live the Blazing Torch

of Nkrumaism to direct emergent countries along the true path to

Freedom and Unity! And Long Live Osagyefo!

Mr. L. Kalinaucks, Opoku Ware Secondary School,

HEADMASTER: Have you thrown in the towel or do you prefer to

resign in view of the harvest you are reaping now from what you have

sown since you took up your present appointment?

[35] Saturday, December 15, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The announcement, sometime ago, that fireworks

won’t be allowed in Accra and Tema during the Christmas led to

widely circulated rumors that dawn-to-dusk curfew may be re-

imposed before the yuletide festivities. That is why there was a virtual

state of national rejoicing when it was announced in Parliament

yesterday that no curfew will be imposed in Accra and Tema during

the forthcoming Christmas festivities. Particularly in Accra and Tema

people began singing your praises for your kind consideration of their

plight - if the curfew had been imposed during Christmas. And in

view of those imperialist-inspired lies about the “situation” in Ghana,

the welcome announcement has had a most salutary effect on the

temper of our detractors. The announcement has, therefore, not only

reassured the people about the competence of present security

precautions to contain the Emergency but also a most damaging reply

to those local and overseas cranks who think that Ghana be

intimidated by cowardly bomb explosions. Long Live Osagyefo!

Mr. F.L.S. Chapman, John Holt-Bartholomew Ltd., GENERAL

MANGER: What is the relationship existing between yourself and

Ghanaians working under you? Do you treat them with some respect

or you just order them around with some anti-African contempt? In

addition to this, I am studying that circular of yours – in the light of

what it reveals about your company’s policy towards Africans. If the

report you sent about the allegedly unfavorable trade position in

Ghana is what you really think, then you have forfeited your right to

stay here any longer - because the position in Ghana is as robust as

ever and only those interested in exploitation will speak the way you

do. Anyway, my humble advice to a neo-colonialist like you is STOP


against you in Africa. Get on with the workers or GET OUT, as you

surely must: Ghana not being a place for people of your type!

[36] Monday, December 17, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: What a happy coincidence that at a time like this

when the imperialists and their vile agents are leaving no stone

unturned to put spokes in the wheels of the Bloodless Revolution you

have generated in Africa, our good Comrade and Brother Modibo

Keita of Mali should ask all African Leaders to lend their “full support

to the fraternal people of Ghana and its dynamic President, our friend

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah!” Yes, the success of Ghana will be

the success of the whole of Africa and the earlier others capture the

vision of your Messianic destiny, the earlier African Unity will

become a reality!

President Modibo Keita of Mali, PAN-AFRICAN REALIST: Your

weekend speech at Bamako has made an invaluable contribution to

the cause of the African Liberation Movement. All Nkrumaists agree

with you that Osagyefo is the key to ridding continental Africa of

imperialism and neo-colonialism in Africa. Long Live African Unity!

President Tubman of Liberia, ELDER BROTHER: African

Freedom Fighters everywhere believe that your present visit to Mali

and the frank pronouncement by President Modibo Keita of Mali will

make a profound impression on you and open the way to a better

appreciation of the dynamics of the African Liberation Movement. Let

us all help to translate the dream of African Unity in our life time!

Mr. Kenneth Kaunda and Mr. Harry Nkumbula, COMRADES: Let incidents leading to the formation of the first African Coalition

Government in Northern Rhodesia be an object lesson to other

African States struggling to free themselves from colonial domination.

All your initial difficulties would have been non-existent if both the

United National Independence Party and the African National

Congress had joined forces from the very beginning – as Osagyefo

had always warned against duplication of Parties in emergent

countries. Anyway, better late than never. My congratulations on the

formation of your first African Government.

Tawiah Amartey, Kumasi, SIR: The Editor has asked me to confirm

your request, through this column, and would therefore be expecting

you to “deliver the goods” right away!

[37] Tuesday, December 18, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The decision of the Congolese Chamber of Deputies

to suspend the U.N Secretary-General’s plan for unification of the

Congo chalks another victory for your ideas about the unsuitability of

the federal system of Government for emergent African countries. It is

unfortunate that with all the wealth of the United Nations organization

at its disposal, U Thant should choose to back a system of government

which is bound to lead the Congo into a worst political plight than has

been experienced so far in that strife-torn sister country. The rot has

already started to set in from both Katanga and Leopoldville. African

Freedom Fighters hope, however, that the glaring anomalies of a

federal constitution for Congo may soon reveal themselves and force

the U.N. to adopt your Nkrumaist solution of the Congo imbroglio!

Osagyefo asem beye ho!

Regional Commissioner, Ashanti, COMRADE: For convenience’s

sake, members of the KALINAUCKS MUST GO Campaign have no

objection if the Headmaster will tender his resignation at the end of

the present academic year. As the old adage says, he who pays the

piper calls the tune; and Ghana cannot afford to waste funds any

longer on “servants” who wish to dictate the tune to their master!

Mr. F.L.S. Chapman, John Holt Bartholomew Ltd, GENERAL

MANAGER: How is the sacking front - so far as Africans are

concerned? What is coming is coming!

Staff Surveyor, Examination Branch, SIR: How long have you

been here and how many times have you been to the bush? As soon as

I complete my check on your salary, you shall hear further from me

Party Functionaries, Ghana, COMRADES: As the Editor would

say, “the Revival is on! Forward to January 8!” Revitalize Party

organization in all Branches and Wards. And long live Osagyefo.


STATE: Now you are getting somewhere, as evidenced by winning

two seats from the Conservatives and narrowing their majorities in

three constituencies during your brilliant smashing election victories

yesterday. Long Live the Workers Party of Great Britain!

[38] Wednesday, December 19, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Now that Sir Charles Arden-Clarke is no more, it is

obvious that he will be better remembered by how he adopted himself

to the impact of the Ghana Revolution on the colonial politics of the

contemporary world than all his brilliant record of services elsewhere

in the then colonial empire. After carefully reading your wisdom-

packed tribute to the memory of Sir Charles, I became enthralled by

the possibilities of what must have happened if any other imperialist

time-server had to be reckoned with at that time. That is why I

instinctively applauded the Lords of Destiny who through a fortuitous

concatenation of circumstances provided us with such a high-scaled

colonialist of Sir Charles’s caliber who, in your own words, was ready

to co-operate with the remorseless forces of the new era of African

Nationalism. Therein lies the hand of Destiny in your sacred mission

to deliver the long oppressed African continent from the tentacles of

the octopus of imperialistic thralldom!

President Kennedy and Premier Macmillan, CHAMPIONS OF

SO-CALLED FREE WORLD: Your present Bahamas confab

should reflect something of the ethereal benediction which has graced

the globe since Cuba and the Indo-China border clash. Progressive

humanity is getting fed up with the worn out one-traffic way of

looking at the world only through the blinking eyes of Western

diplomacy. Let us see the vision of that New Frontier about which

Western statesmen talk so much, but do so little to bring about!

C.P.P., Eastern Region, COMRADES: You covered yourselves

with glory when nearly a third of the £G25, 000 Eastern Regional

Secretariat building was realized when the appeal was launched last

week. Of course, our genial Regional Commissioner, Comrade E. H.

T. Korboe deserves honorable mention for leading with a donation of

£G600! Before passing on my congratulations to the rank and file of

the entire Party membership in the Region on their excellent

performance, let me commend good old Comrade Ben K. Asamoah,

the Regional Secretary, for the infectious enthusiasm with which he

launched the appeal.

[39] Thursday, December 20, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: Once

again the nation calls on you to take your usual Positive Action in

bringing an end to the disgraceful financial transactions of most state

enterprises in this country – according to the latest Report of the

Public Accounts Committee. You have already set the pattern for

others to follow, since your office took over the administration of the

Tema Development Corporation. And every avenue available should

be explored to ensure that every city council, urban or local council

sends bills henceforth with a reasonable degree of promptitude. Yes,

the revenue earning machinery in this country needs drastic

overhauling in order to eliminate the scandalous indifference even

among the higher income section of the civil service in paying for

services rendered them by the Government.


Your announcement in the British House of Commons yesterday that

Nyasaland could withdraw from the Federation reminds me of

Carlyle’s oft-quoted epigram: “With all they faults, Great Britain, I

love thee still!”

Sir Roy Welensky, STOOGE OF IMPERIALISM: You will soon

come to realize in matters affecting your so-called Central African

Federation that he must needs have a long spoon who aspires to dine

with the DEVIL of Imperialism.

C.P.P., Ga-Adangbe Region, COMRADES: Early this morning my

party scout gave me news about your last rally to raise funds for your

new 50, 000 Ghanaian Pounds Regional Headquarters which

encouraged me to squeeze this chat in today’s issue of the paper. I

hope the District Commissioner for Ga West will forward immediate

details to the Editor. Meanwhile, my congratulations go to the chiefs

and the rank and file of the Party who contributed more than 6, 000

Ghanaian Pounds on the spot – especially those comrades who

liberally contributed five hundred guineas, one hundred guineas and

fifty guineas! Long live our dynamic Party and long live Osagyefo –

the inspirer of our struggles.

[40] Friday, December 21, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: Once

more the history of British diplomacy (which does not necessarily

equate with duplicity) runs true to form. After backing the fraudulent

Central African Federation for good nine years, the British

Government is now being forced by the impact of African

Nationalism to back out much to the consternation of crazy settler

politicians like Sir Roy. As you have always postulated in your

teachings of Nkrumaism, Imperialism knows no law beyond its own

selfish interests. And the secret of British colonial rule appears to lie

in the fact that where metropolitan interests could be served better by

retreat, of course, you can trust Great Britain to change face overnight.

It is this adoption of new tactics to suit the current tide of affairs

which you have aptly called neocolonialism. And that is precisely

what is happening in Central Africa . . . amidst the falling ruins of the

once imposing edifice of Sir Roy’s Federation! Long live the

teachings of Nkrumaism as the Bible of the African Liberation



know you are too much of a gentleman to call Sir Roy a liar when you

refuted yesterday that his accusations against the British Government

for “ratting” over the dissolution of his pet Federation were grossly


Accra Assembly, GENTLEMEN: When World Peace becomes an

accomplished fact, humanity will never forget the great role the

Assembly played in bringing it about. The problem you were born to

tackle is so fundamental to the continued existence of the race that

none but the cynic can fail to appreciate your persistence and

determination to achieve your objective. Keep the Ball rolling!

[41] Saturday, December 23, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: Your

telling reply to that marionette finance capitalist Moise Tshombe

should go a long way in helping deflate the ego of the greatest African

enemy of the African Liberation Movement which this generation

produced. Just fancy such a brazen criminal like Tshombe appealing

to you for assistance to check an alleged secret desire of the United

States to plunder the riches of Katanga and to paralyze the economic

life of the entire African continent! Oh yes, America of all nations! Ye

gods, what madness has befogged the mentality of traitor Tshombe!

Two hundred million Africans and an incalculable number of

Tshombe-haters all over the world are grateful to you for telling off

this braggart!

President Kennedy of America, NEW WORLD

FRONTIERSMAN: The great libel which that imp of a Tshombe has

foisted on the United States may prove to be the greatest that could be

paid to America for her role in helping to end for all time the

continued treachery of the Katanga rascal!

Moise Tshombe of Katanga, ACCURSED TRAITOR: I don’t

know how desperate you are for making this eleventh hour appeal to

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. After reading the reply of Africa’s

Man of Destiny, me thinks I heard the contemptuous voice of the

Human Race crying: “SHAME ON YOU!” Unless you heed

Osagyefo’s advice at once, you are done for – You Fiend!

Ghana Housing Corporation, GENTLEMEN: Last night shocking

evidence came to my attention about a Ghanaian who applied for an

estate house in 1957 and had got nothing – but there are several

instances of 1962 applicants who are now comfortably housed! How

do these things happen even in Nkrumaist Ghana? More anon.

Roy Welensky, Northern Rhodesia, PHANTOM PREMIER: You

reminded me of your pugilistic past when you accused the British

Government of “ratting” and “treachery” for conceding the right of

Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia to secede from your lunatic Central

African Federation!

Mr. Harry Nkumbula, Lusaka, COMRADE: Reference to your

prediction that Northern Rhodesia may quit the so-called Federation

on or about the New Year. From the increasing velocity of the wind of

change that is sweeping over Africa, you may as well secede

tomorrow or the next day after!

[42] Monday December 24, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: The

weekend afforded the Ghanaian public in particular and the world in

general a unique opportunity to peep behind the scenes since

Kulugungu. The exchange of notes between the Government of Ghana

and the Government of Togo throws a most revealing light on the

local and international implications of the recent bomb outrages in this

country. Freedom Fighters the world over will observe with keen

interest how far the Government of Togo will respond to Ghana’s

request that immediate steps be taken to terminate the criminal plots

and treasonable conspiracy organized from Lome against Ghana, or

repatriate those self-exiled Ghanaians who are responsible for the

recent acts of terrorism and murder. Equally portentous is the

alternative action which Ghana may take to protect the safety of her

citizens and the security of our beloved State – should the Togo

Government fail to comply with our righteous demands. But whatever

happens, I can assure you of the loyal support of the entire nation in

any emergency which may arise as a result of this crisis in the history

of Ghana-Togo relations. Long Live Osagyefo!

Mr. Joe Appiah, Kumasi, GOOD OLD JOE: To parody the words

of a famous Negro spiritual: “Come and sin no more.”

Mr. Dzenkle Dzewu, Accra, DD: Yes, Osagyefo is most merciful!

Long may he live!

[43] Friday, December 28, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: Your

Christmas Message gave the cue for the spirit in which Ghanaians

observed Xmas this year. And in the offices and workshops this

morning, your inspiring message continued to be the talk of the town

as workers returned to work after an enjoyable spell of Christmas

holidays. Also, the decision not to reimpose the curfew for the Xmas

has amply justified itself so much so that even in Accra and Tema,

where evil disposed rumor-mongers had sown a variety of “wild oats”

during the period preceding Christmas, the people enjoyed the most

decent time of their lives within recent memory. Meanwhile, Mother

Africa wrings her hands in despair as the Monrovia Group meets in

Lagos with ill-disguised motives which may prejudice the success of

the proposed African Summit meeting in the Ethiopian capital. Be that

is it may, the Cause of Progressive Africa has irrevocably responded

to your Xmas appeal for vigilance and the need for working together

in confidence and harmony. And Africa shall yet be saved!

Madam Afua Nsia, Nsiakrom, NKRUMAIST YAA

ASANTEWAA: Time was when another patriotic Ashanti led the

men folk into victories on the battlefield. With the advent of

Nkrumaism, it is gratifying that you would follow the trail of

patriotism blazed forth in ancestral times in a burst of public

spiritedness which has won the appreciation of the entire nation. May

the fund which you lavished on the 4, 000 Ghana Pounds feeder road,

the building of a 500 Pound clinic, and the construction of two 800

Pound Henderson water supply boxes inspire other patriots elsewhere

in the country to help translate without delay Osagyefo’s program to

make Ghana a socialist paradise. My congratulations!

Church of Pentecost, Foso, REVIVALISTS: My Central Regional

Scout who was present at the four-day convention during the

Christmas season reports the wonderful effect which the prayers you

said for Osagyefo had on the minds of thousands who attended your

revival meetings. That is the spirit in which the nation expects both

the secular and the sacred forces at our disposal to join in the grand

crusade to generate peace and happiness in a United and Free Africa

under Osagyefo’s Messianic Leadership.

Ghana Army and Ghana Police, BASTIONS OF OUR

SECURITY: Osagyefo the President’s concern over the joint welfare

of all ranks is a true reflection of that high esteem in which you are

held by the nation – especially for the singular services you have

rendered this country in putting the imperialist-inspired bomb

throwers to shame. The psychic attunement between the Founder of

the Nation and the public over your welfare finds periodic expression

in the President playing host to your senior officers – as is being

demonstrated during this Christmas season. Devotees of Nkrumaism

know that all ranks share the honor that Osagyefo bestows from time

to time on their senior Comrades in the two forces. Long Live the

Ghana Army! Long Live Ghana Police! And Long Live Osagyefo Dr

Kwame Nkrumah, Supreme Commander of the Ghana Armed Forces!

[44] Saturday, December 29, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: The

two-man delegation that left Ghana yesterday for Leopoldville has

reassured African Freedom Fighters everywhere that all is not lost yet

in the Congo. This is particularly so because members of the

Ghanaian delegation, Comrades John Tettegah and Kofi Batsa, are

reported to be on a State Mission to further the cause of African

Unity. The revival of hope in the future of the Congo stems from the

assurance that where Osagyefo’s Ghana is concerned, the genuine

interests of the continent will be pursued to the bitter end. There is

every confidence that with the cooperation of the present constellation

of sincere Pan-Africanists in the Congolese capital, the baffling

question of Katanga’s secession will be finally resolved. Long Live

Continental African Unity!

Chinese People’s Republic, COMRADES: The signing of a border

agreement with Outer Mongolia and the complete agreement which

has reportedly been reached in principle with Pakistan over

negotiations on the Himalayas augur well for the dawn of mutual

understanding on the Indo-Chinese border dispute. Peace lovers

everywhere expect the India Government to respond to your repeated

offer for negotiations to end the dispute.

Ghana Boy, MY GOOD FRIEND: The Editor has asked me to

invite you in these columns to send your full name and address so that

a very important assignment could be handed to you on that job of

getting rid of that pest who remains in this country.

[45] Monday, December 31, 1962

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Your Messianic Dedication: For

the purpose of today’s chat, I was privileged this morning to go

through the flood of telegraphic messages to you which continue to

pour into the Secretariat of the National Headquarters of the Party

from every Region of Ghana. The fact remains indisputable that

nowhere in the world are the people so profoundly concerned about

the welfare of their Head of State. And this is itself incontrovertible

evidence of the failure of those imperialist inspired bomb-throwers

who thought that they could tamper with the loyalty of the people of

this country by such degrading and cowardly acts of terrorism! In this

spirit of Revivalism, the nation prepares for January 8, when you will

launch the greatest event that Ghana – or indeed Africa – has known

in its chequered history!

Ag. Executive Secretary of the Party, COMRADE: The directive to

all Wards and Branches of the Party to hold Special Prayer Meetings

on New Year’s Day has been hailed everywhere as one of the most

imaginative acts ever embarked upon by our Revolutionary Party.

Long Live the Spirit of Rededication towards that Great Day of

Revivalism – January 8th


Moise Tshombe, Salisbury, THE RAT: Your evolution from your

infamous role as a traitor to that of a BIG RAT (on the sinking of the

boat of your pet secessionist Katanga) has been most precipitous!

[46] Tuesday, January 1, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: As the Founder of the Nation, no better counsel

could have been given to the people of this country than the noble

thoughts which you asked us to ponder and resolve upon last night on

the threshold of the New Year. Indeed, there is rejoicing in the heart

of every Ghanaian as you restated those principles of the Dawn

Broadcast which nepotism, careerism, selfishness and personal

ambition in high places seem to obliterate from the socio-economic

fabric of the nation. And you hit the nail right on the head when you

exposed those who hold positions of responsibility and use their

influence to provide jobs for their relatives and friends – even though

such persons have not the abilities or the qualifications for the post.

To this I could hear the unanimous voice of seven million Ghanaians .

. . Yes, as long as you live - Ghana shall be saved.

U.S Ambassador Ghana. SIR: There is no doubt that you must have

either read the original article from the London “African Trade and

Development” or read it from the “Ghanaian Times” yesterday

exposing secret anti-Ghana operations in Washington and Bonn.

Expect my own comments later.

[47] Friday, January 4, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Before going to press before noon today, the

information was received that this year’s New Year Resolutions,

numbering three thousand, sent to you up to the end of the past year,

was an all-time record. And I am informed that since the beginning of

the New Year, more messages have been pouring in. This is an

inspiring record of the people’s demonstrative and profound esteem

for you which cannot be equaled anywhere else in the world. No

wonder that with all the devilry which imperialist-inspired World

Reaction can muster, both here at home and abroad, your reputation

remains high and unimpeachable! That is why Ghanaians and all

Nkrumaists will continue to regard you as their Messiah to the end of


Ghana Academy of Sciences. GENTLEMEN: Having swallowed

the National Research Council to become the highest learned Society

in Ghana and incorporating the research-planning activity in this

country, the nation can now rest assured that the much needed

Nkrumaist emphasis on Science and Research can now be accelerated

without let or hindrance from any imperialist-sponsored stooges and

reactionary interests.

Mr. Harold Macmillan, London: British Premier: Did you hear the

warning given to you by that Northern Rhodesian nationalist,

Comrade Kenneth Kaunda? He said a few days ago that unless your

Government’s policy of “divide and rule’ is changed, Northern

Rhodesia may not continue her membership of the Commonwealth.

And that is exactly the attitude of almost every Emergent African

State – in the teeth of the calculated stupidly reactionary role Britain

continues to play not only in the Congo but also in Central and other

parts of Africa! Oh yes, the twilight of Great Britain may set in earlier

than was predicted by Dean Acheson!

Rumor Mongers, VILE ENEMIES OF THE STATE: The Founder

of the Nation has dealt you a mortal blow through his New Year

broadcast from which you will never recover. May you all find your

deserved end in hell!

Kofi Brokeman, YOU BROKE: The Editor informs me that you

have baffled thousands of your fans by your continued absence from

the “Evenews” since the New Year – as was promised. Kofi please

come out of your hiding place. Thousands await your return!

[48] Tuesday, January 22, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: When Bukom Square throbs this afternoon with the

volcanic pulse of the Party spirit, thousands of Nkrumaists will

remember your release from imperialist prison thirteen years ago. And

it is symptomatic that the occasion should synchronize not only with

the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Provisional

Government of Togoland but also the exchange of Ambassadors

between Ghana and Togo. Another happy coincidence is the fund of

goodwill which our Minister of Justice is investing in the hearts of

nearly seven million souls in the People’s Republic of China. The

magnetism of your Messianic personality appears to be at its zenith

and on the etheric plane (sic). Indestructible foundations are being laid

at this auspicious period in your career towards the inevitable

fulfillment of your rendezvous with Destiny – the Freedom and Unity

of Africa in a Peaceful World! And so shall it be!

Provisional Togo Government, Lome. GENTLEMEN: The speed

at which you are helping to break down the artificial barriers

separating our sister states is terrific and has won the admiration of all

lovers of African freedom and unity. Here in Osagyefo’s Ghana, we

live for the union of all African states and it is our fervent prayer that

present moves to reunite peoples in our two sister states should

proceed without a hitch.

[49] Wednesday, January 23, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: When the inside story of the Bukom Square Rally

yesterday comes to be written, the wondering world will realize

another prophetic sanction of your messianic mission. For in the teeth

of almost a hundred percent consensus of opinion that the rally be

postponed, you never budged an inch and insisted that it should come

on – according to your plan. And when you literally took over

command of the Bukom Square operation yourself and issued

instructions, little did the security forces foresee what a pleasant

surprise you had in store for them. It was after the arrest of the first

bomb thrower to be caught red-handed that those who knew the

background exclaimed involuntarily, “Osagyefo is indeed African

Messiah of the twentieth century!” The prayer of all Ghanaians and

Nkrumaists all the world over, who have started pouring in

congratulations, is that your Bukom Square triumph should lead to the

final liquidation of the wicked gang of dastardly bomb throwers!

Togolese Delegation in Ghana, PEACEFUL QUARTETTE:

Welcome to Osagyefo’s Ghana on one of the most momentous

missions in the history of the African Liberation Movement. As you

will soon observe for yourself, Ghana is not only the Mecca of

African politics but the cradle also of the modern phase of the quest

for African freedom and unity. Nkrumah’s Ghana is indeed the second

home for all Africans and peoples of African descent. Here you will

learn perhaps for the first time the truth about an African Wonderland

which Osagyefo plans to build into a model State of the African

Continent – in fact, the microcosm of the African macrocosm. In that

assurance, let me wish you every success in your visit to restore

normal economic and political relations between our two sister-States.

Bomb Throwers, SATANITES: Your days are numbered and your

imperialist sponsors are now shaking in their conspiratorial dens!

Yield yourselves at once to the mercy of the Great One, before

Osagyefo unleashes his secret weapons to end your brief reign of

terrorism hereabouts.

Ghana Army and Police, HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION:

Now that you have got an ocular demonstration of Osagyefo’s esoteric

powers, your brilliant vigilance during the past few months will surely

come at an end if only you continue to cooperate with the general

public and faithfully implement the new directives by His Messianic

Dedication towards the final doom of the bomb throwers – together

with their foreign and local collaborators! N.B: Your performance to

date has won the admiration of the world. Never in peace time has the

forces of national security excelled your heroism and sense of dutiful

loyalty under such Mephistophelian circumstances. Osagyefo, the

Party and Ghana will never forget your meritorious record throughout

the present Emergency!

Accra City Council, GENTLEMEN! Surely you don’t want to tell

the world that it is impossible to improve upon your present

disgraceful performance. Please accept the challenge and let us see by

deeds that you can make Accra the proud capital of Osagyefo’s


[50] Monday, January 28, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: In view of the secret intentions of those who

campaigned for an inquiry into the causes of the recent Togo crisis,

the refusal by the U.N. Secretary General to entertain the vile

suggestion constitutes another resounding victory for all you stand for

towards the eventual redemption of the entire African continent. But

Nkrumaists are of the opinion that it is desirable, for very obvious

reasons, that such detractors of your Ghanaian experiment should

learn from their own bitter experiences the futility of trying to

challenge your ideas and methods. Those who through malice,

jealousy, or sheer stupidity fail to realize the significance of your

destined role in the contemporary world may soon come to a fuller

appreciation of the phenomenon that you symbolize in the political

and socio-economic evolution of our time. And it is only through the

disgraceful experience that Sekou Toure has passed over the recent

Olympio-Togo affair that others like him can differentiate between a

born Master and the midget student. Oh yes, by their fruits we shall

know them – as they have started revealing their own cards. But we

can assure all that bomb or no bomb, Nkrumaism shall TRIUMPH

and that no amount of reaction, treachery or declamation can stop the

inevitable victory of the African Liberation Movement.

Sekou Toure of Guinea, FALLEN STAR: When I addressed you as

such yesterday, little did I dream that your Luciferian fall would come

so soon from the exalted heights of the United Nations Secretariat! I

hope you will learn the obvious lesson from this shameful experience

and NEVER AGAIN attempt to cross swords with Africa’s Man of


President Tubman of Liberia, BROTHER: Despite your slip on the

issue of RECOGNITION of Togo, your refusal to toe Sekou Toure’s

line in respect of his appeal to the U.N to investigate the assassination

of Olympio has won for you the respect of all reflective Africans. Let

your intellectual freedom be an object lesson to other leaders in the

Monrovia Group.

U Thant, Secretary General, U.N.O., WORLD SCRIBE: What a

fitting reply you gave to that impish President of Guinea, who by his

Olympio inquiry request has betrayed lamentable ignorance of the

elementary canons of international law which is unworthy of a self-

conceited head of a renascent African State!

Antoine Gizenga, Congo. HERO OF THE AFRICAN

REVOLUTION: Listen to the lusty cheers, rising to high heaven,

from millions of Gizengites the world over who are jubilating over the

release yesterday of yourself and your heroic colleagues! While the

powers-that-be in the Congo refuse to lay fingers on a murderer like

Tshombe, only God knows WHY you and your friends had to be

incarcerated for such a long time! Be that as it may, your release is a

triumph for all the liberal forces in the world which almost daily

campaigned for your immediate release. Long live those

imponderable forces in the world that are daily battering down the

barriers of human obscurantism!

Comrade E. A. Adu, Awutu. EXEMPLARY REVIVALIST: As

the leading Party Activist in your area, the way you are demonstrating

the new spirit of Revivalism should be known far and wide, for

emulation of other comrades elsewhere. In your dual capacity as Vice-

chairman of Day Nursery and Health Education Committees, the new

spirit of enthusiasm in these matters is a credit to your organizing

ability. To cap it all my Awutu Scout informs me of the vital

contribution you and other Party revivalists have made towards the

acquisition of a large tract of land for the establishment of a State

Farm in the area. That’s grand! It is loyal Party enthusiasts like you

who make the CPP tick in almost every corner of this country. Carry


[51] Tuesday, January 29, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The dismal failure of the Monrovia Group of

African States should be an object lesson to all who have not yet

realized the following truth of your mission: “To fight against the

Torch of Africa is like fighting against Fate” – the fighter fights to

destroy himself in the process. Others who attempted it first in Ghana

have already reaped their just rewards for their inglorious excursion

into self-annihilation. The imperialists and neo-colonialists have

learned to their dismay what punch your political boomerangs carry in

their atomic onslaught against the foe. And now the Nigerian victims

of anti-Nkrumaology (sic) have imbibed an experience over the recent

Togo crisis which has been an eye-opener to other African leaders

whose cleansing baptism may pave the way to the dawn of better

understanding in our pilgrimage towards continental African freedom

and unity. Long live Osagyefo!

The Times of London, TORY MOUTHPIECE: Although for very

obvious reasons Nkrumaists may never see eye to eye with your

imperialist conceived views, it is gratifying to observe the

unanswerable logic in a recent editorial commentary on the recent

Togo crisis: “The Ghanaian sympathies of the opposition to President

Nkrumah’s rule and policy by no means prove Ghana’s complicity in

the successful coup in Lome.”

Party Activists and Members, COMRADES: The latest call for

VIGILANCE on the part of the rank and file of the entire Party

membership should be answered with all the seriousness it deserves.

Listen to the Executive Secretary’s charge: “The Party . . . meaning

YOU – will fight till all enemies of the nation, namely bomb throwers,

subversionists (sic) and other nation-wreckers are totally smashed and

liquidated from Ghana soil.” And let those of us who stay in the Ga-

Adangbe Traditional Area, particularly, take up this urgent challenge

of the Party and finish the job in double quick time.

Housing Officer, Ashanti, SIR: My Housing Scout informed me this

morning that you have within a year of taking up your present

appointment reduced the arrears of rental due to the Corporation from

more than 30, 000 Ghana Pounds to about half that figure! How did

you perform the miracle? The Accra Region will be grateful for your

experience which may help reduce a similar stagnant pool of some 24,

000 Ghana Pounds! If other Corporations had such conscientious

officers like you, the Himalayan mountains of bad debts in this

country may soon be wiped out! Let your shining example inspire


Ghana Housing Corporation, GENTLEMEN: Please check up

today’s chat with your Ashanti Housing Officer and introduce

forthwith ways and means of duplicating this brilliant performance in

the other Regions where, for one reason or the other, huge arrears of

uncollected rental continue to cast scandalous aspersions on the

competence of those responsible – if not on the entire corporation’s

organization. The debate continues.

NEW FRONTIERSMEN: It looks as if the New Year has opened a

new page in the implementation of those grand ideals which were

trumpeted from the skies on the installation of the Kennedy

Administration. Utterances by the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State in

recent weeks on the Congo, Portuguese policy in Angola and other

matters make interesting reading. Equally accommodating has been

your pronouncements on the greatest of all problems – Disarmament!

Let the humanizing influence of the American Continent make itself

felt more potently in the affairs of the world. Unfurl “The Stars and

the Stripes” – Old Glory!

[52] Thursday, January 31, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Nkrumaists throughout Ghana expect that the

announcement by the Accra City Council to clear the city of all slums

will signal the beginning of an equally important urgent assignment:

The complete elimination of all bomb throwers, imperialist agents and

other subversive elements submerged in the substrata of the Ga-

Adangbe community! In this connection, it is gratifying that despite

the unimpressive demonstration of their sense of responsibility in

helping to wipe out the wicked gang of bomb throwers, your

progressive government continues undeterred its program of

beautifying, increasing amenities and the industrial expansion of

Ghana’s capital for the benefit of the very people whose wayward

relations wish to crucify their Savior! But therein lies the mystic link

between your Messianic mission and the atavistic concurrence in the

lives of the epoch in which Avatars are born. This has been the

experience of all Saviors down the stream of the ages. And in the

cosmic sense, we are happy that like children, the fiendish bomb

throwers and your vile detractors should make futile attempts to bite

the hand that is guiding their destiny. That is the way of the Cross and

by their misdeeds VICTORY over your enemies is made doubly sure!

Accra City Council, GENTLEMEN: The general public has been

relieved by your bold attempts to clear the slums of Accra within six

months! That’s breathtaking and we trust that you will use the same

period to clear for all time, a moral canker within a sector of the

community which periodically produces such negative abnormalities

as the violent M.A.P., the subversive Shifimo Kpe, the factional

Emashi Nonn and more recently, the satanic bomb-throwing


Kofi Brokeman, Tema, OLALA: Congratulations on receiving your

first wages ever in your perpetually ‘broke’ existence! Thousands of

our readers are watching how you are going to spend the windfall – so

don’t forget the bomb victims and the Kwame Nkrumah Trust Fund!


Imperialist Agents and Bomb Throwers, CONSCIENCELESS

WRECKERS: Your days are indeed numbered. Osagyefo, the

Messenger of Destiny, is on the war path! Yield yourselves NOW

before his master-plan enmeshes YOU in the net!

Central Congolese Government, GENTLEMEN: Between you and

the United Nations Organization in the Congo, there was no difficulty

in putting Comrade Gizenga under “protective custody” – until his

release a few days ago. What debars the powers that-be in the Congo

from implementing the Security Council resolution to arrest traitor

Tshombe and try him for the murder of Patrice Lumumba and other

leaders? The world is watching YOU!

[53] Friday, February 1, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: Today is the day Ghana revokes

the ban on the importation of agricultural products and live animals

which was part of long-standing restrictions between this country and

Togo. It is significant that Ministers and officials of the Ghana-Togo

Governments should have met in Lome only YESTERDAY to give

closer examination of the vital decisions which had previously been

taken by the two Governments.

Unification of the Ghana-Togo border guard, as a step towards tariff

relaxation, is but a stepping stone to the inevitability of unification of

Ghana and Togo . . . which has been your cherished dream since you

donned the mantle of Continental African Emancipation. From all

indications, it looks as if you are about to spring another shattering

surprise on the world, as a result of the present Lome talks between

Ghana and Togo! Whoever thought even a month ago, that so early in

the New Year your emissaries would be sitting at a Conference Table

in the Togo capital with Togolese officials planning common grounds

for closer collaboration between our two sister States! And so shall it

be, one of these later days, when as if by magic, your conception of

Continental African Unity may become an accomplished fact!!

Osagyefo Asem Beye Ho! Osagyefo Asem Beye Ho!

Board of Trustees, Ghana Theological Trust Fund,

GENTLEMEN: My Legon Scout has some very pertinent questions

to ask concerning the large sums of money which you are known to

receive annually from overseas and handled through the Department

of the Study of Religion, Legon. In the first place, has any qualified

auditor ever examined and passed the accounts of the Fund?

Secondly, has any payment been made to recipients outside Ghana? If

so was it in compliance with the Exchange Control Regulations of

Ghana? Thirdly, (and here we appear to be fishing in deep waters) has

your Ghana Theological Trust Fund any connection with the World

Council of Churches - which is known to have links with the so-called

political refugees in the late Olympio’s Lome? Expect other questions

tomorrow as soon as my Scout has investigated other allegations

about your seemingly innocent Fund!

The Minister of Justice, COMRADE: Under separate cover my

Scout has sent you a copy of certain particulars about the Ghana

Theological Trust Fund and trust you will deal expeditiously with the

last item on the list – owing to reasons which should be obvious to


[54] Saturday, February 2, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: When I predicted in these chats yesterday that you

were about to spring a Ghana-Togo border surprise on the world, little

did I suspect the earth-shaking affair that must be sending the

imperialists and their crest-fallen stooges to their conspiratorial dens,

to use your own cute phraseology! And as the teeming crowds from

either side of the Ghana-Togo border danced and shouted for joy to

the strains of the Ghana Police Band and the Togolese Military Band,

there was one thought upper-most in their minds: Osagyefo has done

it again! (meaning that you have duplicated the paga barter-crashing

miracle!) Hush! From far across the centre of the African continent

comes another victory cheer, as three million Malawis jubilate on the

occasion of the swearing in of Dr. Kamuzu Banda, Nyasaland’s first

Prime Minister, who echoes your well known master-key for

unlocking the gate to African Freedom and Unity: “To me, the

freedom and independence of Nyasaland is incomplete so long as

Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia are not free.” And from

Northern Rhodesia the two nationalist leaders, Mr. Kenneth Kaunda

and Mr. Harry Nkumbula, also resounded yesterday your

constitutional battle-cry of “One Man, One Vote!” Then with the brief

stop-over in Accra of our good brother President Maga of Dahomey,

who can deny that yesterday was indeed a remarkable day in your all

conquering political career? Yes, Osagyefo Asem Beye Ho! Osagyefo

Asem Beye Ho! All your dreams shall come true!

Dr Kamuzu Banda, Nyasaland, Ngwazi: As a sign of our cherished

good wishes to you on the occasion of your installation as the first

Prime Minister of our beloved Malawi, let me repeat on behalf of 250

million African and peoples of African descent all the world over, the

great affirmation which you intoned with such telling effect yesterday:

“Malawi state is now a Blackman’s country in a Blackman’s

continent! Long live African Unity!

President Hubert Mr. Isaac Newton, Cape Coast, Ananias: Please

read the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter Five, Verses 1-5, during the

weekend before I resume my chat with you next week!

[55] Monday, February 4, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR HIGH DEDICATION,


have shouldered all these years for Ghana, Africa and the World at

large is actually unfolding before the eyes even of former skeptics. Its

fulfillment dawns on humanity at the rise of each new sun. On the

African Unity front, Dr Maga’s comments on your recent talks must

have come as another shock to those who are yet to understand the

fullness of the milk of human sympathy, fellowship and sincerity that

lies at the very core of your nature. And my scouts report jubilations

still continues throughout the country and across the border over the

lifting of the restrictions on foodstuffs and other commodities. There

is great relief over the event and we know there is much more beyond.

Sir Roy’s pet Federation is blinking to its doom with the

independence of Malawi. Meanwhile, the crisis among the exploiting

nations of the world deepens as the raging hurricane blowing across

the African continent gathers greater momentum.

Osagyefo, lead on! The nation, all Africa and men of goodwill

everywhere support you and your great work for humanity.

Long Live Osagyefo! Long Live African Freedom and Unity!

[56] Tuesday, February 5, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The opinion expressed by the Attorney-General of

Eastern Nigeria yesterday that African Unity would be greatly

enhanced if Ghana and Nigeria improved their relations has touched a

soft spot in the hearts of almost every Ghanaian. Although no one has

made the attempt to interpret this truism in such terse language, it is a

belief that is widely held by all Nkrumaists. And it is the popular

currency of this idea which has roused such widespread interest in

Wachuku’s vain efforts to stir bad blood against Ghana among the

Monrovia Group of African States over the recent events in Togo. The

hostile reception that has been accorded Wachuku’s anti-Ghana

campaign in the Nigerian press is evidence enough of the same

yearning for Ghana-Nigeria solidarity among the teeming millions in

our sister State, whose industrious citizens here continue to be given

every facility for attaining quicker prosperity than is enjoyed by other

citizens elsewhere from continental Africa! There is no doubt that

despite the antics of imperialist manipulated mandarins like

discredited Jaja, you will continue your remorseless quest for a Union

of African States – including the Federal African State of Nigeria.

LONG LIVE African Unity and long live Osagyefo to fulfill his

Messianic Mission of Africa’s Redemption!

Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, NIGERIAN FEDERAL

PREMIER: It was nice of you to have dissociated yourself last

weekend from your loud-mouthed Foreign Minister’s irresponsible

statements about the recent Togo situation – otherwise the implication

would have been most unpleasant from the point of view of the

outside world. And now what about the next obvious STEP you have

to take?

[57] Wednesday, February 6, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: One mystery underlying your sacred mission is

gradually unfolding itself - your detractors will soon come face to face

with the menacing scepter of Retributive Justice! Look at Dag for

instance, Osagyefo! The swift karmic consequences of Wachuku’s

indiscretion in trying to bulldoze the realities of the African revolution

should serve as a stern warning to succeeding generations of

imperialist mandarin who may wish to retard the onward march of the

African Liberation Movement. And the evidence for the existence of

national karma was never more dramatically demonstrated than the

alarming situation that is developing in Nigeria as a result of his

uncalled for disgraceful anti-African campaign.

[58] Thursday, February 7, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: With the threat of nuclear testing led by America

again haunting the fate of mankind as a result of the failure by the

three Nuclear Powers to reach agreement on disarmament at the latest

talks in New York, And while the rebirth of political Napoleonism in

France (through General de Gaulle) has sent dazed Britain reeling

back on the Commonwealth, it is gratifying to observe at the moment

the auspicious conditions under which the African Liberation

Movement appears to be gathering momentum. The recent Togoland

situation has paved the way to the virtual fall of Wachuku and other

victims of anti-Ghana psychosis.


MADAM: Your reputation as a disciplinarian is appreciated by all

and I am tremendously impressed at the unanimous reports of all my

Scouts. Anyway, two recent cases have come to my knowledge where

your uncooperative attitude nearly resulted in the lives of your nurses

being endangered – especially the latest incident where the nurse had

to be operated upon 12 hours after her admission to the hospital.

When in doubt as to whether a report on indisposition is genuine or

not, of course, you can examine the complainant and take appropriate

action. My Scouts have been alerted.

Minister of Education, COMRADE: Read today’s chat with the

Board of Governors of Odorgonno Secondary School and help to take

immediate action on this festering matter.

The British Government, JOHN BULL: On the issue of the

European Common Market, which you had so much wished to enter,

as well as on other global matters: Let us Toll For the Brave - The

Brave that Are NO MORE!

Board of Governors, Odorgonno Secondary School, SIRS: The

delayed appointment of a Headmaster is giving cause for misgiving on

the part of both parents and the general public. Immediate action on

the matter will be appreciated by all concerned.

[59] Friday, February 8, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Your latest call to the Heads of the Independent

African States for the earliest establishment of a Continental Union, a

Union Government of all States in Africa, continues to reverberate all

along the length and breadth of the African Continent and beyond! As

you said with such mystical insight, that is the only hope - the only

way – which can give us strength and power collectively to withstand

the relentless onslaught of the enemies of the African Liberation

Movement and of our fight to progress and develop freely without

their interferences. Yes, your appeal has registered profound

impressions on all who have read or heard it. There is every likelihood

that the message is being studied and assimilated by the Heads of

African States to whom it was addressed and favorable results are

bound to follow – especially in view of the stirring events taking place

all over the continent and the reaction of the awakened African

masses! African Unity must be realized in our life time!

Delegates, Afro-Asian Solidarity Conference, Tanganyika,

NATIONALISTS: That’s the stuff to give the imperialists and neo-

colonialists. Oh yes, I know you are capable of implementing the

charge given you by the President of the Republic of Tanganyika:

“Oust the forces of colonialism from the remaining strong points

which they occupy and prevent them from re-grouping for counter-

attacks.” Long Live Afro-Asian Solidarity!

United Ghana Farmers’ Council Co-operatives, EXEMPLARY

NKRUMAISTS: Your presentation of four million pounds to the

Ghana Government as your contribution to the national compulsory

savings scheme is the biggest news we have heard for many a day. In

fact, this and your previous contributions towards the country’s

development will be read with awe by succeeding generations as if it

were a fairy tale! Osagyefo and the nation are grateful to you, the

bulwarks of the country’s prosperity! Ayikoo!

Staff of United Ghana Farmers’ Council Co-operatives,

GENTLEMEN: As if the astronomical sum from your employers

were not enough, we are grateful to you also for your generous offer

of 25,000 pounds towards the same cause of national reconstruction.


[60] Monday, February 11, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Look at the consequences of disregarding your

suggestions for the solution of the Congo problem, particularly

concerning the integration of the Katanga province into the general

economy of the country. According to the latest information from my

Congo Scouts, it appears traitor Tshombe pretended to be helping the

U.N. forces to enter Katanga MAINLY to save his own skin! He is

reported to have been perpetually afraid of being arrested, in line with

what you tried in vain to stamp upon the minds of the UN authorities -

to avenge the death of our beloved Patriot and Pan-Africanist Patrice

Lumumba and his brave lieutenants! Now the Katanga traitor has run

away to France and Switzerland, AFTER making sure that his

ministers, officials and other stooges he has left behind will carry on

the work of subversion and delay tactics. If my guess is correct, the

U.N. Congo authorities may soon require your assistance AT LONG

LAST in sorting out the mounting civil and administrative difficulties

which you warned them against as inevitable - with the sort of

constitution which they had imposed on the country. You indeed,

ARE the “cornerstone” which the builders of the Congo rejected!

Osagyefo Asem Beye Ho!

U.N. SECRETARY GENETAL, NEW YORK, MR THANT: Please get somebody well versed in the deeper tomes of Akan

linguistics to interpret the following vernacular expression to you,

concerning the Congo crisis: Osagyefo Asem Beye Ho!

MOISE TSHOMBE, EUROPE, NOTORIOUS TRAITOR: Wherever you are, be sure the blood of Patrice Lumumba will be upon

your accursed soul! Your end will never come until you have got your

just reward for this grievous MURDER! Wait and see.

COMRADE JOSHUA NKOMO, TRUE AFRICAN PATRIOT: Your re -arrest at the weekend by the Southern Rhodesian white thugs

has rekindled the Flame of Liberation in the hearts of Freedom Fights

all over the world. Yes, it is through the suffering of Patriots like you

that the deliverance of nations from bondage is accelerated. That is the

esoteric principle of political mysticism – and like Christ, with your

stripes, we are healed!

YOUR GRACE J. K AMISSAH, CAPE COAST ARCHBISHOP: By the presentation (sic) of 45 district branch of the Ghana Young

Pioneer Movement, you have rendered a noble service to the nation -

because so many Catholics including some principals of Colleges,

Priests, Headmasters and others still harbor obtuse ideas about the

glorious Young Pioneers. Nkrumaists are grateful to you for this

indirect way of teaching such perverted members of your church a

lesson they should never forget. Thank you!

[61] Wednesday, February 13, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Another impetus to your life’s mission was scored

when the representatives of the six African nationalist parties

supported your plan for the establishment of a Continental Union of

African States. Coming as it does from representatives from as far

afield as Northern Rhodesia, Zanzibar, Basutoland, Bechuanaland and

South Africa, the resolution is bound to have profound repercussions

in the quickening history of the African Liberation Movement.

Nkrumaism had its devotees in the above mentioned territories when

those nationalist representatives affirmed that African Unity, as you

have always claimed, is the ONLY HOPE for the salvation of our

continent from the intrigues and Satanic diabolism of imperialism,

capitalism, colonialism and neo-colonialism. Long Live Your

Messianic Dedication to diffuse (sic) such liberating ideas of African

freedom and Unity!

Afro-Asian Solidarity Conference, EARTH SHAKERS: The

resolutions you have passed during your last meeting, which closed

yesterday, will continue to reverberate down the corridors of time

long after this year’s participants have receded into the limbo of

forgotten things! And that is how history is made. Let us hope that the

foundations you have laid at this year’s conclave will provide an

anchorage for the political and economic prosperity of vast areas of

Afro-Asia where human beings continue to exist on sub-normal

conditions imposed by the satanic system of imperialism and

capitalism. Long Live Afro-Asian Solidarity!

Mr. Ohene Djan, Central Organization of Sports, DIRECTOR: That was smart business - this appointment of a commission of

enquiry into allegations against certain referees. So long as you are

prepared to co-operate with the genuine grievances of the public, as

your policy, since the recent spate of criticisms against your

administration of the C.O.S., I am sure you will soon get the

confidence of sporting fans restored in you.

[62] Thursday, February 14, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: But for the welcome announcement that the Ghana

Government was taking appropriate action in connection with the

outrageous suppression of a demonstration by the All-African

Students Union in Bulgaria, public feeling in this country may well be

finding expression in mass protest by now! Be that as it may, the

Editor informs me this morning’s fan mail was deluded with messages

condemning the ugly clash with the African students in Bulgaria. My

own Scouts report widespread indignation against the spirited way in

which a socialist government used its police to handle the leaders of

the Union, who are known to have come from African States with

socialist sympathies. All Nkrumaists in particular and African

Freedom Fighters in general who have the greatest confidence in your

uncompromising stand against injustice and such obtuse eruptions of

primitive behavior as obtaining in South Africa and the Southern

states of America, are keeping their powder dry because they know

you will handle the issue in the best way possible. Long live


Mr. Todor Zhivkov, Bulgaria, UN-SOCIALIST PREMIER: The

way you treated the student delegation of the All-African Students

Union in Bulgaria leaves much to be desired. Contrary to your

promise to see them, the delegation waited for five hours without your

making any appearance or making any explanation of your

questionable “socialist conduct”! If color prejudice is the basis of your

Bulgarian pattern of socialism then, I am afraid, the socialist countries

elsewhere in the world have to make a drastic revision of their opinion

of where your country stands in the fraternity of international


All-African Students Union, Bulgaria, COMRADES: This is the

second time in recent months that members of your Union have

suffered at the hands of the Bulgarian Government’s racial prejudice

against Africans. Anyway, let me assure you that progressive

socialists the world over have been shocked by the behavior of a so-

called socialist Bulgaria. Other forces are also working to ensure that

such stupid relics of an imperialist past are not resurrected anywhere

else in the Socialist world!

Comrade N. A. Welbeck, Party Headquarters, DYNAMO: The

new policy you are implementing in going round the Regions is

paying rich dividends. On the issue of Party education also, results are

soon bound to follow by the intensive machinery you have set up to

whip up interest in the subject throughout the Regions. May I

recommend the reading of the Party Press publications as the most

effective means of spreading the gospel of Nkrumaism or socialism in

general? Let all Regional or Ward activists take up this suggestion.

Thank you.

[63] Saturday, February 16, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: It appears the world may soon require your services

again with regard to the goings on in the Congo. With the threat of

rebellion facing the United Nations forces there as pro-Tshombe

influences within the Congo and outside organize their secessionist

campaign, this talk of the Indian troops leaving the ill-fated territory

does not give any assurance in the competence of U.N. advisers to

capitalize on advantages gained so far. In the first place, progressive

opinion everywhere supports your demand for the implementation of

last year’s Security Council decision to try traitor Tshombe for the

cruel murder of Patrice Lumumba and his band of Congolese patriots.

And the traitor’s arrest, before he could be the cause of further

consolidation of Congo secessionist forces in Europe, is the talk

among Freedom Fighters of all shades of political thought. As usual –

show the light and let the U.N. find a way out!

Osagyefo – Kasa, kasa, kasa!


GUEST: Let me give you the Ghanaian traditional welcome greeting:

“AKWAABA”! You have actually sprung a pleasant surprise on the

entire population of this country, because you have proved wrong

almost every notion we have been taught at school about the Eskimo!

Your comely personality, winning smile and your whole physiological

make-up have been a negation of what we thought an Eskimo should

be. This cultural visit to Ghana is therefore going to be of the greatest

educational importance to every section of the African community. A

wonderful reception awaits you, here in Ghana! More anon.


CANADA, COMRADE: A thousand text books on Eskimoland

could not have done half the job which Miss Panegoosho’s visit has

already done to educate the people of Ghana about Eskimos. And I

wonder the full effects of this highly interesting visit, after it has run

its two weeks course! It is in this hilarious mood that I welcome you

to Ghana with your live education exhibit! On behalf of the Ghanaian

public, let me assure you that we shall do everything to justify every

assurance you have already given Mary Eskimo about us Ghanaians

and Nkrumah’s wonderland, Ghana!


UNFORTUNATE FIFTEEN: Wishing you speedy recovery from

your present spell of stomach pains.

[64] Wednesday, February 20, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: One aspect of the international esteem which Ghana

has won as a result of Dr. Du Bois naturalizing as a Ghanaian is the

fact that YOU made Ghana become an activating centre of the idea of

Pan-Africanism – thus making it possible for its aging Father to

realize, in his own poetic phraseology, the meaning of his dream! But

for the gift of your present incarnation and despite the fact that

Nkrumaists believe in the indestructibility of IDEAS as of matter, the

idea of Pan-Africanism would not only have been still-born but would

have remained for generations to come an academic chewing stick - to

use a quaint African imagery. Yes, Nkrumah’s Ghana as the Mecca of

Pan-Africanism welcomed its first trans-Atlantic Pilgrim by the return

home of the person whom you once described as irreplaceable – late

Comrade George Padmore! As was said of a former Avatar, so will it

be said of you by succeeding generations of mortals: “But me, when I

shall be lifted up . . . will draw up all men unto myself.” Hail, Thou

Rising Black Star of the African Liberation Movement! Hail!

Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois, Accra, GHANAIAN: Let me join the

orchestra of congratulations that comes trumpeting in from all over

the world – from the far off land of the First Astronauts, the Soviet

Union, to the nearby giant of West Africa, Nigeria! As the proud

father of the idea of Pan Africanism, we accept and have conferred on

you Ghanaian citizenship which Nkrumaists interpret as your tribute

to Osagyefo’s relentless struggle to translate your dream into actuality

- with Ghana as the spearhead of the titanic battle to achieve a United

States of Africa! Nkrumah’s Ghana is proud of your citizenship. You

are now one of us . . . seven million strong!

Comrade E. I. Prek, Kibi Hospital, DEPUTY

COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER: Wishing you speedy recovery

from the injuries (slight) received during your last weekend car crash

with another vehicle.

Bursar of Prempeh College, Kumasi, OWURA MPARE: My Chief

Scout has handed me a short history of your seven-year record at the

College, from your “tro-tro” days to the present car-full buildings – in

cocoa-farms, and moneyfull era luxurious living.

Look out in my new chats for details of this fantabulous (sic)

transition and where hidden traps have exposed you to the

consequences of our new Nkrumaist-socialist society.

[65] Thursday, February 21, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: At this stage in the execution of the gigantic Volta

River Project, your pouring of libation at the site early this week is of

great spiritual significance. And as the giant pumps suck the waters of

the huge Volta and expose for the first time the bed of the river, which

has never been revealed to mortal eyes for thousands of years, your

libation appeal to the elemental forces “to show their blessings on the

project” was most appropriate. Then as the receiving gods figuratively

drank the bottle of gin you offered, you dramatized on the physical

plane in the scheme of animist cosmology which literally opened the

way to the final phase of the construction of the project upon which

the future of Ghana depends. Long may you Live to animate our Hope

and Guide our feet to the Promised Nkrumah-land of Work and


[66] Saturday, February 23, 1963

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Yesterday’s horoscopic study of February by Dr.

Clair Drake as the month of African Heroes, reminded me of the

number of unsolicited testimonies to your greatness which has been

made this month. Earlier this month, a retiring expatriate officer of the

Ariston Gold Mines described you as “Africa’s greatest son and one

of the world’s leading statesmen of our time.” This week the visiting

Vice President of Kaiser Industries Corporation of America toasted

you at the Ambassador Hotel as “the greatest living statesman in the

world who has a genuine desire to help his people.” And just a day

before the above tribute, the leader of a group of Mexican

Parliamentarians who are on a tour of this country predicted a glorious

future for the Nkrumah-made wonderland called Ghana so long as the

country continued under your imagination of the Ghanaian public.

Yes, this is auspicious February and the stage seems set in Ghana for

the enactment by you of one of the revolutionary wonders of nation

building ever tackled in the modern world! Osagyefo, Take Your

Place in History!

Black Stars of Ghana, DEFENDING CHAMPIONS: All Ghanaian

soccer fans are sure that since the international match of the year is to

be played on Ghanaian soil YOU will emerge victorious

TOMORROW - despite the fact that all the national teams from the

sister states of Nigeria, Senegal and Mali are determined to return

home with the much coveted Kwame Nkrumah Gold Cup. Osagyefo

and Ghana back you to win TOMORROW and WIN you must!

Nigerian Green Eagles, YOUTHFUL TITANICS: Welcome once

more to Ghana - this time on the toughest assignment of your history:

To win the Kwame Nkrumah Gold Cup for Nigeria! But before you

allow zeal to dictate your fate, in view of what happened when the

Black Stars faced you last on Nigerian soil, let me remind you of the

warning given you by the Governor General of Nigeria, before your

departure: “Win honorably or lose gracefully.”

Mali National Eleven, SOCCER CRUSADERS: Believe me, you

enjoy quite a large following in this country because of the incredibly

excellent performance you put up when you locked horns with the

Black Stars last year. Local soccer prophets predict that you may be

the side which may play the defending champions to decide

tomorrow’s riddle of the Sphinx. Wishing you all the best.

Senegal Soccer Eleven, IMPREGNABLES: This being your first

visit to Ghana, let me first welcome you to our throbbing Nkrumah-

land and secondly wish you every good luck for a successful tour. It

may interest you to learn that your side is being popularly described as

a “mystery team”- solely because very little is known hereabouts of

your football prowess. In other words, this means that Ghanaian fans

will be most interested in seeing you go into action for the first time

on Ghanaian soil. Trusting this hint will give you the psychological

incentive to excel public expectations! Cheerio, till we meet again at

the Kumasi Sports Stadium tomorrow.

[67] Monday, February 25, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION, YOUR High Dedication: The weekend chat with

businessmen was most refreshing, sandwiched throughout as it was

with genuine frankness and sincerity. And my scouts inform me there

can be only very few, if any, among those who heard the speech who

do not still thoroughly understand the position or appreciate our point

of view. The facts thus clearly and succinctly put will prove useful to

the guests and reassure those investors abroad who had been confused

by the bigotry and cheap propaganda of anti-African agencies like

those you frankly exposed on Friday night when you referred to “the

mischief of a section of the press in Europe and America.” The

warning that the Ghana Government would not tolerate any investor

who sought to direct what political course Ghana should follow is

timely. Such interference is not only unwanted, it is as you rightly

pointed out, downright neo-colonialist. And as I understand it, this

stand does not amount to driving away investors. For you have made

it clear that the Government welcomed every honest investor who

wanted to work for his EQUITABLE profits. The atmosphere is

cleared – very well cleared, and the nation expects the fullest co-

operation of all concerned.

[68] Tuesday, February 26, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The nation and indeed all Africa are grateful for the

laurels showered on grand old Du Bois on the occasion of his

birthday. And the timing of the University Convocation was in itself

an eloquent tribute to the man who, at the threshold of the century,

proclaimed “The problem of the Twentieth Century is the Problem of

the color line.” Wider afield, we see your continued constructive steps

to further African Unity and independence, especially at a time when

the need for Continental togetherness was never so strongly felt

everywhere. There is every indication that despite the desperate

efforts by the imperialists to sabotage your efforts, all Africa will be

totally free and united earlier than many now envisage. And then,

Osagyefo, another popular talking point was your didactic address to

members of the University Council, Academic staff and Graduates of

the University of Ghana.

[69] Wednesday, February 27, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: The tempo of events revolving around you has

become so fast that it is difficult to focus attention on one issue at a

time. Today, however, I will crave your indulgence to give an

NKRUMAIST answer to the riddle of Nigerian soccer defeats – for

which the students of Ibadan University are demanding a Commission

of Inquiry! Unless the students are prepared to call for the abolition of

the neo-colonialist Federal Constitution of Nigeria, they should call

off their soccer demand! Long live the One-Party System for Africa!

Ghana Black Star Eleven, Nkrumaist soccer wizards: Throughout

West Africa and beyond, your walk-over at the Kumasi Sports

Stadium on Sunday is the topic of the day! Of course, your Mali

brothers are themselves appreciative of your atomic potentialities and

are preparing some nuclear tactics to avert the pulverizing treatment

you gave your partners two days ago! The Editor’s mail bag continues

to be flooded with congratulating messages for you. Yes, Osagyefo

and the nation are proud of you!

Mali National Eleven, Gold Cup Contenders: Please read over my

prediction on Saturday when I tipped you to play against the

defending champions – before the elimination matches were played

on Sunday. I have further surprises for you but will rest content in

today’s chat by congratulating you on fighting so heroically to win the

honor of playing against Ghana next Sunday for Dr. Nkrumah’s Gold

Cup. What do the “Stars” foretell? Read my next chat with you.

[70] Thursday, February 28, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: From the repercussions of your University Dinner

Speech on “academic freedom”, it is obvious that many people have

to re-orientate their outlook on the Party’s attitude towards university

education in this country. Of course, the speech has been received

with a concert of encomiums from all the faculties and institutions of

learning in Ghana – according to a report received this morning from

my Regional Education Scouts. You have laid down the fundamental

principles of university education not only for this country but for

other African states which take their cue from your Ghanaian

experiment. And it is inevitable that even those areas which have

previously established their own standards must be impressed by your

complete support for the unfettered play of academic freedom in all

our universities. Emergent African states are grateful to you for

providing an advance blue-print for universities of the future.

Long Live Your Messianic Dedication!

Members of Parliament, NKRUMAIST LEGISLATORS: Let me

welcome you back to the capital for the present session of the

National Assembly, after the Christmas recess. Since our last meeting,

great events have taken place in Ghana which reflect not only credit to

our Great Leader but to you also our legislators, through whose

legislative acts the country has successfully passed through a most

critical period in its history. During the life of the present Assembly

you will be called upon once more to pass further measures for

ensuring our continued and progressive existence. On behalf of all the

electorates in all the districts, let me wish you successful


[71] Friday, March 1, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Students of contemporary politics continue to be

mystified by your lone stand on the Iraq issue - long before the facts

became known to the outside world. Your unraveling of the

imperialist complicity in the assassination of the anti-imperialist

Premier Kassem of Iraq, at a time when there was a world stampede to

recognize the counter-revolutionary Government, will remain one of

the most amazing feats of political prescience in the modern world.

No more telling evidence of your Messianic destiny in Africa could be

produced! And as your mission unfolds itself, many more individuals,

States and nations will come to realize your role of Prophet in our

generation. Long Live Your Messianic Dedication!

Ghana Legion, NKRUMAIST MISSIONARIES: This week marks

a great event in the history of the African Liberation Movement. As

the vanguard of Ex-servicemen who fought in two world wars, we

remember with reverence your contribution to the success of the

crusade that was launched by Osagyefo to liberate Ghana from the

shackles of colonialism and imperialism. Fifteen years ago, Sergeant

Adjetey and the glorious band of Ghanaian heroes fell from your

ranks and consecrated our Independence with their blood. Then, as

NOW, the nation knows your dedication to the cause of African

Redemption as well as your preparedness to help prosecute the new

phase of the struggle to the bitter end!

The Green Eagles of Nigeria, INDOMITABLES: While your fans

in Nigeria and a section of the Nigerian press lament the result of your

clash last Sunday with the Black Stars of Ghana, you have shown by

your exploits on Wednesday that all is not lost.

[72] Saturday, March 2, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Once again you have hit the headlines of the press of

the world by your characteristic analysis of the Balance of Forces in

the world today and emphasizing co-existence as the only solution to

the bewildering anarchy of our times. The publication of your

challenging views in the influential Paris weekly “France Nouvelle”

has been hailed by Nkrumaists as part of a much needed ideological

offensive across the frontiers of the African Continent. Never was the

case for the African Liberation Movement in terms of global politics

more ably put than when you declared that unless colonialism and

imperialism were eradicated, the very concept of co-existence or

balance of world forces cannot be conceived. Long May You Live to

Throw Light on the Problems of our Troubled World!

Moslem Community in Ghana, FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS OF

ALLAH: On the occasion of the “Ramadan” festival this year, let me

extend to you the blessings of the Merciful One and the fulfillment of

your good wishes for Osagyefo’s successful mission to redeem Africa

from the clutches of imperialism and colonialism.

Ghana Young Pioneers, COMRADES: Soccer fans from our sister

states of Nigeria, Mali and Senegal have been highly impressed by the

services you rendered on the field of play during the Kwame

Nkrumah Gold Cup semi-finals.


Soccer Prophet predicts 3-1 in your favor tomorrow! And so shall it


[73] Monday, March 5, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Tomorrow will be the sixth anniversary of Ghana’s

Independence. How time flies! It appears incredible that Ghana could

have achieved so much within such a short space of time! Yes, the

miracle of Ghana is but a reflection of the miracle of your volcanic

Personality! That is why under the relentless lash of your resourceful

leadership, we have actually achieved in six short years what would

have taken others a century to accomplish! And as the nation prepares

to observe the occasion, seven million grateful hearts in Ghana beat

their profound appreciation to you - their Inspirer, Teacher and



made a name in soccer history last Sunday that will live for all time!

Ibadan University Students, COMRADES: I was amused by your

demand for a Commission of Inquiry into the continued defeat of the

Nigerian national soccer eleven by the Black Stars of Ghana!

Yesterday, in a chat with His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr.

Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, I recommended that you call off the

proposed inquiry unless you are prepared to move heaven and earth to

change FIRST the neo-colonialist Federal Constitution of the present

Nigerian Government. The truth is that with such anachronistic

constitution in a Revolutionary Africa, no Government – however

well intentioned – can do anything about your request OR encompass

any other change in any other sphere of human endeavor! Take my


[74] Thursday, March 7, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Despite the flood of congratulatory anniversary

messages which continue to pour into the National Headquarters of

the Party and Flagstaff House, news of the trial tomorrow of people

arrested in connection with the recent bomb outrages in the country

takes the cake. In terms of the African Liberation Movement it has

eclipsed all the felicitations of the sixth anniversary celebrations. The

Ghanaian public has been most impressed by the timing of the trials –

for no occasion could have been more appropriate than as we begin

the seventh milestone along the road of our national independence.

Everywhere there is profound relief that, at long last, those involved

in the recent bomb outrages in this country are going to appear before

the Special Criminal Division of the High Court of this country. Long

live Osagyefo! And let justice have its course!

[75] Monday, March 11, 1963

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, YOUR MESSIANIC

DEDICATION: Pan-Africanists the World over back your present

moves to ensure that the forthcoming summit conference of ten Heads

of African States fulfills the purpose for which it is being convened.

Up to the Second World War, Africa continued to be regarded as the

Question Mark among the continents. With the attainment of

Independence, you have never spared yourself in providing the

answers to the role Africa is bound to play in the contemporary world

- in addition to helping to provide solutions to the problem of

Independence for the few remaining dependent States in Africa.

Nkrumaists everywhere wish that the forthcoming Addis Ababa

summit conference will provide a basis of agreement upon which the

super structure of a United States of Africa would be built within the

life time of our generation.

Accra City Council, GENTLEMEN: Despite laudable effort being

made to improve the sanitary conditions of our proud capital of

Ghana, there remains much more to be done to justify Osagyefo’s

conception of mission in all emergent African States.

Uganda Government, NKRUMAISTS: The idea of setting up in

your country the pattern of the Ghanaian central organization of sports

has won the approbation (sic) of progressive Africans all over the


[76] Thursday, March 21, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: Ghana’s educational and

industrial revolution came in for honorable mention in the U.N.

“Report on Social Development in African States” which was released

a few days ago. From an exhaustive study of the Report, no better

tribute could be paid to your Pan-African conception of inter-States

planning than its conclusion that colonialism has not been able to

destroy the Unity of Africa. Long before the Addis Ababa conference

was conceived, you had started planning here in Ghana harbors, major

rail and motor roads which may soon serve the needs of neighboring

sister African States. And as Pan-Africanists look towards the Addis

Ababa Summit Conference in May, they feel confident that the ideas

you have so diligently sown will help to establish an Nkrumaist

foundation for the inevitable African Unity that will be achieved in

the Ethiopian Capital. Long live Osagyefo!

Comrade Duncan Williams, Kumasi Ashanti Regional Secretary: All Party members have been congratulating Osagyefo Dr Kwame

Nkrumah since your appointment on your supreme competence to

shoulder the mantle that has been passed on by the equally much

beloved Comrade O.B. – as he is popularly called. The changes have

come at a very strategic point in the evolution of our dear Nkrumah-

land and with you and the storm tested Comrade R.O. Amuako-Atta at

the helm of affairs in the Ashanti Region, the best is yet to be.


Miss Mary Osei, Kumasi, SECOND WOMAN D.C: Let me add to

the scores of congratulatory messages that must be pouring in on this

most exciting assignment of your life. Osagyefo and the nation trust

you to do your job well.

[77] Friday, March 22, 1963,

His Messianic Dedication, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: The Text of an interview

between yourself and a correspondent of the Soviet official paper

“Pravda” is being read avidly by all students of Nkrumaism. The

opportunity to reach millions of Russian readers who otherwise would

not have had the advantage of sharing the contents of your

encyclopedic brain was itself another triumph of the African

Personality. And you popularized that electric phrase of yours:

“teleguided diplomacy” which, I am told, is fast gaining currency in

the vocabulary of the diplomatic world. On the vital question of war

and peace, I hear your first class idea of setting up an international

team of scientists and technical administrators to produce a plan to

show what can equally be done with the resources now being wasted

on armaments made a deep impression in Russia. Long live Osagyefo!

Delegates, Conference of African Local Authorities,

GENTLEMEN: “Akwaaba” is the traditional Ghanaian welcome

greeting to visitors and I salute you this afternoon in the name of

Nkrumaists all over the continent and beyond. So far, your meeting

has exceeded the wildest expectations of Osagyefo, who first

conceived it. The foundation being laid now of co-operation between

local government officials of continental Africa is bound to enhance

the superstructure of the inevitable political Union of Africa. While

noting the happy impressions which most delegates have already

formed about Nkrumah’s Ghana, let me wish you fruitful

deliberations until my next chat with you.

[78] Saturday, March 23, 1963

His Messianic Dedication, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: I have always described the

telemental (sic) capacity of your brain as volcanic and in vindication

of this, it appears another atomic brain child of yours is about to be

born! I am referring, of course, to the Conference of African Local

Authorities which, like the All African Trade Union Conference of the

World Without the Bomb may, by the unanimous consent of the

delegates, become another permanent institution – with the

headquarters probably in Accra: also by unanimous consent! Being an

exponent of psychological processes, it is obvious that you possess

ample funds of magnetic power with which you mesmerize every idea

you project – and this so successfully that every scheme from your

volcanic brain succeeds in producing almost instantaneous hypnotic

results! “Obiara Ntum Kwame Nkrumah!”

President Tubman of Liberia, ELDER BROTHER: Do you say the

time is not ripe for the submission of Osagyefo’s proposals for the

consideration of African Heads of State before the Addis Ababa

Conference? How long would it take either the Monrovia Group of

States or the Casablanca Powers or the French speaking Malagasy

States to come to an agreement on the principles for achieving African

Unity? I am checking up whether the imperialists and neo-colonialists

are working on your mind, before you will hear from me again.

[79] Tuesday, March 26, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,


National Assembly yesterday on foreign loans received to finance the

huge Volta River Project has done a lot to clear webs of

misconception that were gradually growing around our partnership

with outside capital investment. It may be unnecessary now to go into

details as to the sources from which such seeds of misunderstanding

were sown. Candidly, you made the nation feel proud when you

confirmed yesterday that it is the people of Ghana themselves who are

paying for the gargantuan project. And I can assure you that your

message has made Ghanaians more determined than ever to accept

both the opportunities and the challenges that your revolutionizing

dream project may yet impose on the country.

Ghana Holiday And Tourist Agency, GENTLEMEN: You nearly

ruined the last day of the delegates to the Conference of African Local

Authorities when you took them to visit Nsawam, Akosombo, Aburi

and other tourist attractions in the Eastern Region – BECAUSE you

made no previous arrangements for either their refreshment, reception

or feeding. And so you almost whittled away the large fund of

goodwill which the Nkrumaist organizers of the Conference have

laboriously built up among the fraternal delegates. This is not my last

chat on this national disgrace!

[80] Thursday, March 27, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: By a strange concatenation of

circumstances, yesterday’s issue of the “Evening News” carried two

impressive testimonies about your greatness, from two widely

different sources. The first was by Dr. Davidson Nichol, Principal of

the University College of Sierra Leone who, speaking in the fourth

annual series of the Aggrey–Fraser-Guggisberg Memorial Lectures,

nominated you yesterday as “the greatest leading Pan-Africanist

among African politicians.” And in the concluding installment of the

thought-provoking “Call for Enlightened New World Leadership” by

Mr. W.C. Anas Malmud Lugman, the “Evenews” Afro-American

correspondent classified you as the nearest approximation of the new

type of enlightened leadership among living statesmen in the world

today. Definitely and positively, our dedicated work for Pan-

Africanism is winning you the appreciation of progressive

commentators all the world over.

Comrade J.E. Hagan, Cape Coast, RIGIONAL

COMMISSIONER: From the spirited demonstration which I saw at

the National Headquarters yesterday, I appeared to have rather

minimized in my short chat with you a few days ago the urgency of

the growing danger of unorthodox methods being used by some

disgruntled elements in the Central Region to ventilate their imaginary

grievances. Drastic action should be taken against those saboteurs

who by-pass you and send unsubstantiated reports to Accra direct.

[81] Thursday, March 28, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,


proposal this week for the formation of a Parliament of African States

as a positive step towards African Unity reminds me of a similar

Parliament you recommended for the Ghana-Guinea-Mali Union

nearly two years ago. Nkrumaists have a presumption that such an

idea must have been incorporated in the proposals which you have

already circulated among other African leaders – in connection with

the forthcoming summit Conference. The point of interest to Pan-

Africanists is the opportunity afforded by this year’s Aggrey-Fraser-

Guggisberg Memorial Lecture to popularize some very healthy ideas

about African Unity and other related matters to which you have

dedicated your life. Yes, African Unity will be realized in our life

time. And Long live Your Messianic Dedication!

Mr. Joshua Nkomo in New York, ZIMBABWE NATIONALIST: Your fireworks in both London and New York have won the

admiration of Pan-Africanists the world over. Yes, that is the only

language the stolid British understand! Give ‘em hell!

Northern Rhodesian Delegation, London, COMRADES: I could

hear the sentimental cheers from a million on-lookers as you walked

out of the conference on the fast-crumbling Central African

Federation! African Nationalists everywhere support your demand for

a “categorical assurance” from the vacillating British Government. On

with the show!

[82] Friday, March 29, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,


appreciation of your revolutionary experiment in Ghana helps to

fulfill your life’s mission to provide a model microcosm of the

continental macrocosm that should be the social, cultural, economic

and political wonder of this mid-twentieth century. In this connection,

the following appeal by the National Organizer of the Youth League

of the Basutoland Congress Party, Mr. M. R. Monne, is of profound

significance: “Let other free African States emulate Ghana’s role in

pursuance of African Unity by helping dependent African nations

through the award of scholarships. I hope also to recommend the

formation of the Basutoland Youth League on the pattern of the

Ghana Young Pioneer Movement.”

“Osagyefo Asem Beye Ho!” Long Live African Unity!

United Trades Union Congress, Northern Rhodesia, BELIEVERS

IN PAN-AFRICANISM: On the eve of the epoch-marking Addis

Ababa Summit Conference, the best disrespectful compliment that

one can pay to neo-colonialism is your decision to disaffiliate from

the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and join the All-

African Trade Union Federation. Your worthy example will show the

way to other trade union blocs in other parts of Africa to help translate

the dream of a United States of Africa!

Accra City Council, CHRONIC BUNGLERS: My Chief Scout reports

receiving a growing number of pep-messages about the dilapidated

roads in Accra and asking for quicker action before the rains set in.

Get a move on!

Mr. Henry Brooke, London, BRITISH HOME SECRETARY: It

looks as if you are on the way OUT with the Tory Government! Good

riddance, all!

[83] Monday, April 1 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: The talk of the town is the

conference of fourteen experts which opens today at the University of

Ghana, Legon on the Seven-year Development Plan. Coming as they

do from all over the world, your idea of inviting expert opinion on the

design and content of the Draft Plan has been hailed as another

vindication of that sense of dedication and devotion to your life’s

mission which is rarely found among leaders of the contemporary

world. Nkrumaists look forward to the vetting of your revolutionary

plan by the team of experts which will literally open the way not only

to the construction of a Socialist Ghana but also the implementation of

the Party’s program of work and Happiness for all. Long Live

Socialism! Long Live Ghana! And Long Live Your Messianic



GHANA: By your amazing feat of defeating the Italian contender in

such convincing style at the Accra Sports Stadium at the weekend,

you have placed Ghana on the boxing map of the world again - for

which I offer you the congratulations of seven million Ghanaians.

You lived up to Osagyefo’s expectation of the New Ghanaian by

knocking down Mario four times – a record which will be hard for

any boxer of your class to duplicate. Bravo! Fans will watch with

pride your subsequent boxing career.


THE BLACK HAMMER: Despite the fact that you were floored

four times, you put up a noble fight last Saturday and won the

appreciation of local boxing fans. Let me wish you better luck next


[84] Wednesday, April 3, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: In view of the fact that this

year’s guest speaker in the Aggrey-Fraser-Guggisberg Memorial

Lectures has made the greatest impact on contemporary African

Thought, the Flagstaff House reception you arranged for Dr. Davidson

Nichol has been accepted by all Nkrumaists as a worthy tribute by a

towering African Statesman to an equally monumental African

Scholar. With such African intellectual giants as the Principal of the

University College of Sierra Leone translating in the academic world

the ideals which you are generating into the bloodstream of both

African and global politics, there is no reason why we should not

accept with pride the nomination of Black Africa as the “Challenge of

This Century.”

Mr. & Mrs. Davidson Nichol, DISTINGUISHED AFRICANISTS: The honor accorded you by His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr

Kwame Nkrumah on Monday was a tribute to your Olympian

scholarship which has the concurrence of the entire seven million

Ghanaians of this Nkrumah’s wonderland. May the Gods of Africa

protect and preserve you for the greatest tasks ahead in the

achievement of continental African Unity! Wishing you safe return


Mr. Fenner Brockway, London, PROPHET OF AFRICANS’

DESTINY: Unless the British Government accepts your predictions

about coming events on the African Continent Mr. Macmillan’s Tory

Government will fade out quicker than can now be foreseen. Yes,

press the gas for Brother Joshua Nkomo’s immediate release!

Mr. Joshua Nkomo, Southern Rhodesia, ZIMBABWE

NATIONALIST: The fireworks have already started for your

liberation. Stand Firm: We are coming!

[85] Friday, April 5, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: The debate in Parliament on

the Maintenance of Children Bill has provoked lively nationwide

discussion. Naturally, Nkrumaists everywhere take this as a healthy

sign of the people’s growing interest in Government legislation

affecting their destiny. It is believed that since the countrywide outcry

against the introduction of Income Tax by the imperialists in the early

thirties, no Bill has received such a mixture of diverse comments as

the present Maintenance of Children Bill. In this respect, it is

gratifying that the Minister responsible has invited public opinion on

the matter to justify the practice of Nkrumaist democracy in Ghana.

Long Live Osagyefo!


promised in my chat with you on the 2nd

instant, the list being

compiled by my Scouts is conspicuous for the names of responsible

officials whom none would have suspected to be dabbling in this

unholy game. Fancy the name of an Education Officer of a reputable

City Council featuring in such a list! Unless you people stop this dirty

practice, I shall give you no peace of mind.


leak evidence that should expose your 5 per cent tricks with your

collaborators at the Courts! Therefore, be on the look out.


SUCKERS: To whom do you send amounts ranging from £G15 to

£G25 which you receive from prospective drivers? I am going to call

the attention of the Commissioner of Police to stop you all from

hovering around Licensing Offices – duping fellow citizens looking

for Driving Licenses.

[86] Saturday, April 6, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: This weekend, the mind of

the Ghanaian public is preoccupied with three dominant topics in the

following order of topicality: The deferment of the final reading of the

Maintenance of Children Bill to the next meeting of Parliament in

order to allow enough time for consideration of amendments; How far

the imperialists and neocolonialists are going to try perverting the

nationalistic spirit among Afro-Americans to come BACK TO

AFRICA to sabotage the African Liberation Movement; and your

almost transcendental message to the Premier of the Soviet Union on

the launching of a Russian rocket to the moon, in which you

acknowledged the spectacular and phenomenal scientific

achievements of the Soviet Union and belief in the immeasurable

potentialities of science as a tool to Progress and Advancement of

Knowledge. Thus, even by the very thoughts coursing through the

minds of seven million Ghanaians, we measure the length of the

shadow which your High Dedication casts across the Globe!

Operations Manager, BP House, Accra, SIR: I think the time has

arrived when your continued intransigence over the RIGHTS of your

Air CP staff should be aired in public. Tell me why BRITISH

Petroleum should be the only Company at the Accra International

Airport which refuses to provide transport facilities for its workers?

And overtime too! Before I expose further complications of your

negative policy in subsequent chats, let me call the attention of the

T.U.C at once!

[87] Monday, April 8, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: On the occasion of the

second anniversary of the historic Dawn Broadcast, I salute you in the

name of the nation for providing us with a veritable Bible as a guide

to our private and public lives. None can deny the fact that the ideals

of Nkrumaism can only be achieved more quickly through following

the teachings of your Dawn Broadcast than through any other political

or economic panacea! Long live the spirit of the Great Dawn

Broadcast in our lives!

General Secretary, Ghana T.U.C, COMRADE: Please read my

chat in Saturday’s issue with the Operations Manager of BP House,

Accra, and arrange an immediate meeting with the Management and

Air BP to resolve any differences, before the continued suffering of

the workers degenerate into a bitter industrial conflict.

State Furniture and Joinery Corporation, GENTLEMEN: Unless

you take “Double Quick Action” to collect all outstanding accounts

with those so-called BIG MEN, I shall start extracting their names

from our secret files for publication.

Ghana Distilleries Corporation, GENTLEMEN: The shape of

things to come is going to be reflected in the series of “Telescopic

Chats” with all corporations, public or State organizations and other

meddlesome individuals in high and low places throughout Ghana.

Let me open with you: “Are you sure that the trade agreement signed

in January with Gillbey’s of London was in the best interests of this

country? Check This as Part One.

[88] Tuesday, April 9, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: Coming as it did from the

horse’s own mouth, the claim by the British High Commissioner to

Ghana that progressive Ghana was leading Africa in the field of

agriculture, education and industry should be worth its weight in gold.

Reportedly speaking at the London Airport on his arrival there on two

months leave from Ghana, Sir Geoffrey de Freitas confessed that after

fifteen months’ stay in Ghana, he had been impressed by our dynamic

progress and this has been accepted by all Nkrumaists as a tribute to

the first fruits of your untiring efforts to transform this land into a

socialist paradise. Long live the Nkrumaist Revolution!

Chairman, Ghana Housing Corporation, COMRADE: That’s the

stuff! The notice to publish all the names of defaulting tenants by the

end of the month. Good hunting!

Operations Manager, BP House, Accra, SIR: From the details

coming in from all quarters in support of my last chat with you, it

appears you have no case whatsoever for ignoring to provide the

means of transport for your Air Staff, to and from work. Do you

realize that your Company’s new time schedules for three shifts make

the situation worse for the workers? Let us hope this stupid policy is

not dictated from neo-colonialist motives. The debate continues!

Personnel Officer, Agric. Produce Marketing Board,

COMRADE: I refuse to believe that nepotism is at the bottom of

some of your recent activities. I am looking into that so be on your


[90] Wednesday, April 10, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: The standing ovation that

was accorded extracts from your Historic Dawn Broadcast at the

Ghana Press Club earlier this week constitutes a meaningful reminder

to the nation about the continued popularity of that Nkrumaist bible

which you produced two years ago. The point of public interest about

the Dawn Broadcast is where you warned Party executives, Senior

Civil Servants, heads of Corporations and other statutory Boards

against nepotism, corruption and ostentatious living. If all Ghanaians

learned to govern their lives according to the precepts of your historic

Dawn Broadcast, a way would have been found to transform Ghana

into a land of Work and Happiness for all! Long Live the Spirit of the

Dawn Broadcast!

Secretary General, Ghana T.U.C, COMRADE: My Airport Scout

reports with satisfaction the quick action you have taken in organizing

a round table conference between the management of BP and the BP

Air Staff, over the question of transport facilities and other glaring

anomalies the workers have been enduring for so long. Make sure

that the workers are cheated no more!

That Professional Battler, Kumasi, WRETCH: Your new plan to

beat the vigilance of the Police is being passed on to where your

iniquities can end at last!

That Education Officer, SHYLOCK: Read my last chat with illegal

money lenders and advise yourself accordingly.

Negrophobist, Accra, CLOUT: The next time you use such dirty

words in addressing either a Ghanaian or an African worker, I will

howl your name from house tops and demand your immediate exit

from Ghana. You blighter!

[91] Thursday, April 11, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: Coming as it did during the

Peace Week celebrations throughout Ghana, the tribute paid you as

the “Champion of Peace” amounts to an honor done by the G.D.R.

State Secretary and First Deputy Foreign Minister to all the

inhabitants of this country. And when Mr. Otoo Winzer who is

leading a G.D.R delegation to Ghana, quoted your latest epigram:

“Peace, like charity, should begin at home”, he was paying deserved

homage to your messianic witty ideas which will be quoted all the

world over, for all time! Osagyefo kasa, kasa, kasa!

Mr. Peter Manu, Chief Internal Auditor, U.G.F.C.C., SIR: This

week is the second anniversary of the Dawn Broadcast and I am using

the occasion of the confirmation of your appointment as Chief Internal

Auditor of the United Ghana Farmers Council Co-operatives to reveal

to you, in a series of chats, what others think of your arrogance,

snobbery and string of offensive adjectives since you took up your

present appointment. You have been elected for this “exercise” as a

warning to other equally obstreperous “Sir Oracles” in the Ministries,

Corporations, State and Private Enterprises who in their turn will be

subjected to similar x-ray analyses order to reclaim them from their

anti-socialist path unto the dedicated paths of living as taught by the

Simple Man from Nkroful, Africa’s Messiah and Redeemer, Osagyefo

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah!

Clerk of Urban Council, Bibiani, SIR: When are you purchasing

Saving Stamps to give to your employees, covering deductions

towards National Development for last year?

[92] Saturday, April 13, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: As a result of an impertinent

enquiry from a neo-colonialist agent, the Editor informs me he is

preparing for immediate publication the history of how this column

came to apostrophize you daily. There is a certain basic psychological

background knowledge about the strong bond binding you to the

people of this country whom you liberated from the chains of

imperialism which should be widely circulated especially among

foreign students of Ghana politics. Of course, to the seven million

inhabitants of this country this feeling of oneness with you is

automatic. It is in our blood. It is in the air we breathe . . . as those

who wish to know shall soon know.

Long live this Marriage of Soul between You and the people of


Mr. E.T. Ashong, Lever Brothers Ghana Ltd Accra, LABOUR

OFFICER: This serves to inform you that my Scouts are

investigating allegations of dubious tactics you employ in the

engagement of certain categories of employees – as you shall see in

my next chat with you.

That Certifying and Examining Officer, Sir: In view of my recent

exposure of shady deals in connection with the issue of driving

licenses, be careful how you associate henceforth with that notorious

licensing contractor.

[93] Monday, April 15, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: Nkrumaists everywhere were

agreeably surprised to hear from such an unexpected quarter as

Brazzaville the announcement that the Congolese National Assembly

has unanimously adopted a single political party – the very doctrine

you have been preaching to all emergent African States, for quite a

long time. Speaking after the voting in the National Assembly,

President Youlou said that the single party system was the expression

of the desire of the Congolese people. This is a most wonderful

demonstration of the spread of ideas in places where one thinks one’s

views may not reach. As if he was quoting you, President Youlou

further stated that the one party system guarantees national unity and

will promote his country’s social and economic progress. The more

your ideas are accepted and implemented in other parts of the

continent, the merrier we all are. Osagyefo kasa, kasa, kasa!

Mr. E.T. Ashong, Lever Brothers, Ghana Ltd, Accra, LABOUR

OFFICER: As I hinted in my last chat, I have seen copy of a letter

from your office dated 29th

March asking applicants to come for an

interview on the 8th April. But according to an endorsement from your

own office, your letter never left your office for the post office until

the 4th April. That was why several applicants outside Tema got their

letters on the very day the interview was to take place and arrived

several hours after you had done your interviews. You can imagine

what people are saying about this way of doing things. By the way,

what are the duties of your Personnel Officer? I will tell you why I am

asking this question in my next chat.

[94] Tuesday, April 16, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR MESSIANIC DEDICATION: Judging even by the cabalistic

number of words used in addressing a message of hope to African

Freedom Fighters everywhere on the occasion of Africa Freedom

Day, it is obvious that you are deeply conscious of the revolutionary

turning point which has been reached in the Liberation Movement of

the continent. Although the shortest message ever sent by you, it is

most pregnant with meaning. And as I heard on the air the speeches of

other African leaders commemorating the great day, the shortness of

your message became more pronounced – but its significance was

most overpowering. “African Freedom Fighters”, you said, “keep up

the struggle. Africa shall be FREE.” And so shall it be!

That Sand and Stone Contractor, Kumasi, STONE CRACKER: If

I were you, I would have washed by hands clean of this business. I am

no prophet, but I can predict unpleasant consequences if you persist in

using your husband’s position to deny others an equal chance of

making a livelihood.

Mr. Peter Manu, Chief Internal Auditor, U.G.F.C.C., SIR: Do not

deceive yourself that because of dissimilarity in your names, your

blood relationship with the head of your organization is unknown to

the vigilant public. If it is this you have been using as your “secret

weapon” in imposing yourself on employees of the Farmers Council

Co-operatives, let me warn you to desist from any further use of such

a double-edged weapon which cuts both ways. You have everything

to gain by being courteous and polite in speech and demeanor. Re-

read the “Dawn Broadcast” before my next chat with you.

[95] Wednesday, April 17, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The presentation of your bust to the

Ghanaian Ambassador in Moscow is the topic in town today and

Ghanaians look forward to the arrival of the gift with some

expectancy. Made by the eminent Soviet Sculptor Samvel Manosyan,

the bust will stand proudly by the side of similar mementos which

have been showered on you by your admirers the world over. This

concrete gift marks a welcome departure from what has now become

a daily routine for visitors to pay unsolicited tributes to the unique

experiment you are successfully initiating in Ghana. The gift is also a

symbol of Ghana-Soviet solidarity which grows richer with each

passing day. It is by such recognition of your services to mankind that

your name shall remain imperishable in the annals of recorded history.

Timekeeper, Tetteh State Farm: Do you realize that your method of

treating workers on the State Farm of which you are yourself an

employee leaves no room for distinction between un-Ghanaian and

anti-Nkrumaist behavior? What do you mean by refusing to allow

workers to quench their thirst during working hours? Have you ever

heard of the Party’s program of work and Happiness? I have

compared your code of discipline with that of other State Farms and it

appears you have evolved your own illegal measures – very much

similar to those used during feudal times and the days of slavery! On

whose authority do you suspend workers for days on end for a day’s

absence for health reasons and compel workers’ wives to work on the

Farm for nothing? My friend, you are playing with fire – as you shall

see tomorrow if you watch this column.

[96] Thursday, April 18, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The death sentence passed yesterday

by the Special Criminal Division of the High Court against the five

bomb men has been hailed throughout the length and breadth of the

land. In fact the nation would not have been satisfied with anything

less than capital punishment for those found guilty by the Court of

these outrages. The point of interest to Nkrumaists is the salutary

effect the death sentences are bound to have on all sections of the

community. Yes, Ghana is for Freedom and Justice!

Mr. E.D.S Quarcoopome, Accra, LANDLORD: During the past

few weeks, your name has been appearing about six times in

connection with housing complaints being compiled by my Squad of

Dawn Broadcast Scouts. The number of houses you own in the capital

has been submitted, together with the deplorable amenities available

in most of these properties. What I am checking now is whether you

are among those landlords who also rent their kitchens, without any

thought of where the tenants will cook their meals. The provision of

lavatories or absence of such facilities, the state of repair of some of

your so-called houses, etc will form the basis of my next chat with


[97] Friday, April 19, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: It must have gladdened your heart to

observe the emphasis those nationalist African leaders placed on

Positive Action as the only means of eliminating all vestiges of white

supremacy from the African continent. These nationalist leaders were

addressing a rally at the Manhattan Church in New York to

commemorate African Freedom Day and one has rather to sympathize

with those African leaders who think that Positive Action and

violence is a weapon for prosecuting bloodless revolutions. Long Live

your brand of Positive Action as Secret Weapon in the Armory of the

African Liberation Movement!

Mr. Peter Manu, Chief Internal Auditor, UGFCC, SIR: I presume

you must have realized by now, after re-reading Osagyefo’s historic

Dawn Broadcast, that no man can long remain enemy of our Socialist

principles. I hope you will learn your lessons from these chats – which

of course, will continue until I see visible signs of your reformation.

Comrade Atta Mensah, DIRECTOR OF STATE FARMS: Please

check up on the alleged harsh methods being used by the timekeeper

of Tetteh State Farm, near Kibi, and thus help to end the torturing

experiences of the workers and their wives. Similar reports are

coming in from other areas which will be discussed in subsequent

chats with you and those concerned.

Mr. Abraham Lamptey, T.M. and G. Ltd, SIR: I am checking

alleged remarks you made recently against the Party’s program of

Work and Happiness - after which I will tell what I think of you. He

laughs best who laughs last.

[98] Tuesday, April 22, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The African Unity battle continues to

be waged on all fronts. African students abroad have over the past

week demonstrated with their contribution from London that the Hour

is invariably NOW. Meanwhile there is still some hope that Elder

Brother shall come to understanding before too late - particularly

since the African masses everywhere realize that this is not the time to

put the cart before the horse. There is no harm in any PRESENT

moves to resolve differences: after all this process has been going on

all along. But those who do not fully appreciate the position very

objectively should understand that it is precisely for resolving

differences that we are meeting in Addis Ababa. More grits to your

elbows (sic) and all sincere African leaders fighting for African

Freedom and UNITY NOW!

Timekeeper, Tetteh State Farm, BLIGHTER: I am happy that my

few chats with you have brought about the desired results. Good bye!

[99] Wednesday, April 24, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Today is the 93rd

anniversary of the

birthday of the greatest revolutionary of modern times, VLADAMIR

ILYCH LENIN. But I feel reluctant to devote my chat exclusively to

this event in view of the equally important turn which the Addis

Ababa Conference has taken by the welcome announcement that the

Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization is himself

attending the African Summit in Ethiopia next month. Just as the birth

of Lenin opened a new page in the history of Man’s occupation of the

globe, so will the birth of a United States of Africa come out of the

monumental conference of the Heads of Independent African States

which opens in the Ethiopian capital next month. Nkrumaists

everywhere are bound to use this auspicious occasion to rededicate

themselves anew to a more militant prosecution of those objectives for

which Destiny appears to have supremely fitted you, in this

incarnation, to achieve for the benefit of Africa and Mankind!

[100] Friday, April 26, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The arrival in this country of Dr.

Mburumba Kerina from the United States, having been banned from

entering his own country – South West Africa – is an issue of great

significance. On his arrival yesterday by air, Dr Kerina admitted that

he had come to seek advice and guidance from you not only on the

liberation of South West Africa from the depredations of the Pretoria

regime, but also the continental issue of African Unity. Only

nationalists like Dr, Kerina whose people are in death grips with

imperialism, can fully realize what it has meant to them for Ghana to

remain a tower of strength and support in a continent that is ridden

with neo-colonialist anti-Africa influences. May Ghana continue to

offer a place of refuge for nationalist pilgrims who seek the promised

land of Africa’s self-discovery!

Technical Lloyd Ltd., Accra, GENTLEMEN: I have been studying

the record of your operations in this country since 1951, when you

established here. My first shock is the discovery that, as yet, you do

not appear to have heard of the word AFRICANISATION! And that

explains why, after more than ten years operation here, you have no

Manager, no Chief Clerk, no Accountant, no Foreman, no Paymaster

and not even a Chief Messenger who is a Ghanaian! Now that the

battle is joined, I have pleasure to ask you to keep your powder dry –

for the next series of fireworks!

[101] Friday, April 26, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Pan-Africanists the world over must

have been forcibly reminded of your unflinching faith in the

inevitability of African Unity when the Emperor of Ethiopia

confirmed yesterday that the African Summit Conference in Addis-

Ababa next month WILL PRODUCE UNITY with its own Charter.

Yes, it looks as if the stage is being set in the Ethiopian capital for the

dramatization of the greatest epic in the history of the African

Continent – thanks to the devoted services of leaders like you who,

day and night, have been toiling unceasingly to lay the foundations for

the final redemption of Mother Africa from the satanic claws of

foreign domination, suppression and oppression!

[102] Saturday, April 27, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Since, as you have always

maintained, Ghana has a vested interest in PEACE, the decision to

afford the General Secretary of the Accra Assembly an opportunity to

attend the Addis Ababa Summit Conference is receiving the plaudits

of all Nkrumaists and Pan-Africanists alike. The plan to “sell” the

Assembly to the various delegations attending the Conference will go

a long way to sow the seeds of “The World without the Bomb” among

the heavy contingent of delegations from nearly three dozen

Independent African States and the equally widely representative

observers who are known to be attending the Summit in full strength.

It is this imaginative initiative, characteristic of your inspirational

leadership, that will differentiate you from the ordinary crop of

leaders when the historian of the future comes to record the stirring

events of the present.

Workshop and Spare Parts Managers, Technical Lloyd Ltd.,

Accra, SIRS: Let me warn you about the way you treat the fitters and

storekeepers who are respectively working under you. Unless I see

some relaxation in the reign of intimidation and dismissals among

your hard-pressed labor force, I may be compelled to take a more

drastic action to handle the situation.


[103] Monday, April 29, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: By the overwhelming defeat of

Nigeria by Ghana in this year’s West African Athletic Games, Ghana

appears to be repeating in the athletic field her well established

superiority in the soccer history of the continent. Last year, when

Ghana broke for the first time Nigeria’s ten-year old monopoly of the

West African Athletic Competition, it was thought the lads from

Ghana were only kicking against the bricks. But by repeating that

experiment for the second year in succession, even the Nigerians

themselves have begun to sit up. All this boils down to the fact that

your overall objective in setting up the Central Organization of Sport

here in Ghana has been supremely achieved. No wonder a few other

sister African States now wish to organize sports on a nationally

centralized basis along the lines of the Ghana pattern. Long Live the

Abiding Inspiration of the Youth of Ghana!


SPORTSHENE: You have cause to be pardonably proud at the

results of the West African athletic competitions held in Ibadan in

Western Nigeria, at the weekend. Please accept on behalf of all your

coaches, organizers and athletes the congratulations of the people of

Ghana on the creditable performance of your team in both the men

and women’s events. Wishing you even better results next year!

[104] Tuesday, April 30, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: News about the renaming of the

Cape Coast Government Gardens and the Central Region Library into

the “Kwesi Plange Memorial Gardens” and the “Kwesi Plange

Memorial Library” has been hailed everywhere as a worthy tribute to

the Rising Star of the Revolution in Ghana. Apart from your own

donation of one hundred guineas towards the erection of bust for the

late Kwesi Plange at the Memorial Gardens, which made a deep

impression, the description of the late Plange “as a young politician

who had the vision of a seer” by the Regional Commissioner, Mr. J.E.

Hagan, made one fan weep on reading it yesterday in the “Evening

News”. And when Comrade N.A. Welbeck epitomized the late Plange

as the “Lucky Star” who opened the gate for the Party to come to

power, the seal of immortality was set on the name of Kwesi Plange in

the Party’s temple of fame.


should all read, mark and inwardly digest the editorial in the latest

issue of the “Party Chronicle” and forever hold your peace in

connection with all matters affecting chieftaincy which, you are

warned, should best be left to the Government for appropriate action

through the Ministry of Justice. Self-destruction awaits all who may

continue to fish in such hot waters. I have warned you!

ESTATE HOUSES, FELLOW CITIZENS: It is only one day more

and the Ghana Housing Corporation may be compelled to implement

its new declared policy to publish the names of all defaulters. The new

chairman of the Housing Corporation meant every word he has uttered

in connection with the publication of such names. PAY NOW! It is

only ONE MORE DAY to avert being put to shame in public!

[105] Wednesday, May 1, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Your May Day message to the youth

is a curtain-raiser and marks a new revolutionary era in the training of

the rising generation of Ghanaians. Revolutionary, because this is the

first time national training for the youth has been started in this part of

the world – if not on the whole continent. Among other things, your

idea of training our youth in order to give them physical fitness as

well as mental, spiritual and moral upliftment is most praise-worthy

and has been welcomed as such by the entire nation. An opinion poll

conducted by my Scout this morning points to a high percentage of

support for the new scheme, particularly because of the general

awareness of falling standards of courtesy and politeness among the

youth of today. Long Live Osagyefo!

General Manager, G.A.P.M.B, Accra, SIR: Do you realize the harm

that is being done by the impact of the new on the old blood in our

establishment? The earlier you find ways and means of resolving this

conflict the better for the more harmonious administration of the


[106] Thursday, May 2, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: On the eve of the Addis Ababa

Conference, it is worthy of note that Ghana continues to be the Mecca

of attraction for African nationalists, who still seek to drink deep of

your political experience in Ghana. Now in this country is a

delegation of four from Burundi to see you. Comrade Joshua Nkomo

is here already and others may soon follow. From recent utterances

from a number of African Leaders on the question of African Unity, it

appears certain that your unceasing efforts to sow the seeds of

solidarity among African States have yielded a rich harvest of mutual

understanding. Therefore confidently look forward to the Addis-

Ababa Summit Conference of Heads of African States as the

harbinger of Africa’s ultimate redemption and total Emancipation.

Technical Lloyd Ltd., Accra, GENTLEMEN: Let me remind you to

use the occasion of May Day this year to make room for

Africanization of your staff.

Tenants of Ghana Housing Corporation, CITIZENS: Yes, we have

reached the dateline (sic) and the defaulters among you may be

shivering by now? See that your names don’t appear in the publication

list next time.

[107] Friday, May 3, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Your Forward to the new 174 page

“Africa Unbound” by Ghana’s Permanent Representative at the

United Nations impels immediate attention. With characteristic

candor, your analysis of the colonial problem is bound to have an

indelible impact on African thought. Exponents of African Freedom

and Unity will buy the book by the thousands because of the new

ideas you have infused through your masterly Forward is a welcome

addition to the increasing library of books on the burning issue of Pan-


Millet Textile Company, Accra, SIRS: Please adjust your weekly

working hours from 45 to 42, otherwise my daily acid chats with you

will make a hell of your establishment!

That Police Constable, Koforidua, No. 4071: Unless you discourage

the chaps from calling you by that high appellation of our Great

Leader, I shall be compelled to report your very disrespectful conduct

to the Commissioner of Police immediately!

[108] Saturday, May 4, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Apart from the Railway and Harbors

Administration beginning to observe its sixtieth anniversary

celebrations today, the weekend has been most prolific of news of far-

reaching importance to you in particular and Africa in general. Never

has the reputation of Ghana risen so high as has befallen her lot by the

events which crowded the past month and the equally fateful dramas

that are about to be enacted this month.

Mass Education Officer, Somanya: For your information and

necessary guidance, my top anti-talkative Scout is being palmed on

you to help check your bragging tongue from doing further mischief.

You will hear again from me whenever your long broad tongue lashes

out again!

Health Inspector, Bibiani, MY GOOD FRIEND: On behalf of the

suffering tenants living in the Bibiani Housing Estate, let me ask you

to take steps to remove the stinking and stagnant waters in the gutters.

My Health Scouts are watching how you will ACT to merit your pay



Editor’s fan mail continues to support the recent “Evenews” expose of

your fake role, leading to your dismal failure in reducing the sorrows

of tenants who occupy houses put up by private capitalist-minded

landlords in this country. There appears to be an urgent need for

reorientation of outlook to suit our present Nkrumaist socialist era.

Once again, the Masses shout: Get on or Get out!

[109] Monday, May 6, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The impression of the four-man

Burundi delegation, which leaves Ghana today, makes interesting

reading – especially when the Leader confirmed that the people of this

country enjoy happiness and a comparatively high standard of living.

The result of your socialist experiment in Ghana can only be correctly

assessed by visitors and not by Ghanaians. That is why the consensus

of opinion of nationalists from other African countries about

prosperity – even at this stage in the socialist revolution of the land –

should be treasured in more senses than one. Ghanaians will continue

to follow you, until we reach the Promised Land of Work and


Proprietor, Kusogbo Workers Canteen, Accra, SIR: Unless you

take immediate steps to improve the discipline and the standard of

treatment given to workers visiting your canteen, I may be compelled

to launch a campaign which you may not like.

Inspector of Police, Bibiani, SIR: On behalf of the hard working

citizens of this mining town, let me appeal to you to take some double

quick action against the increasing cases of audacious burglary and

other acts of felony – resulting in much personal suffering and loss.

More anon-

Mr. E.O.S. Quarcoopome, Adabraka, SIR: Your role as a

professional litigant and court bailer does not interest me at the

moment – although I may handle the matter soon. My chat today

concerns your position as a landlord and to ask you to check without

delay the availability of toilet facilities in the number of flats you

own. Look out for my next chat.

Regional Marketing Officers, SIRS: I often wonder how much of

the “secrets” I am about to reveal are known to you!

[110] Tuesday, May 7, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The talk of the town is the

phenomenal success which has resulted from the adoption of “Positive

Action” by the new chairman of the Housing Corporation. With rents

and other housing installments pouring in at the rate of £G3000 daily

IN ACCRA ALONE (as compared with £G2000 a month) before the

“pay-your rent” campaign was launched over a month ago, other State

enterprises facing similar arrears of payments may as well be advised

to adopt the new secret weapon! Yes, it pays in these matters to get

tough or to use the language you taught us - to resort to Positive


Old Boy, Royal Gardens, Accra, VICTIM OF LANDLORDISM: It has taken my anti-landlord Scout pretty nearly two weeks to

account correctly the number of houses including those horrible

“Noah’s Arks” you own in the Merry Nillas area! You will yourself

be shocked if I disclose how much you collect in rent alone each

month, despite the fact that most – if not all - of your buildings have

never been repaired or white-washed for donkey years on end! Unless

you do something about this immediately, these chats will continue.

Seven-man Committees, U.G.F.C.C. Societies, CUSTODIANS OF

FARMERS SURPLUSES: My anti-squander mania Scout has

started enquiries into the amounts bagged by each Society during the

past few years and to report how such huge sums became liquidated!

Principal, Commercial School, Somanya, SIR: I have been asked,

pro bono by the public to help cure some of the “diseases” prevalent

in your school. If you are anxious to know where we are going to start

the operations from, please watch this column!

[111] Wednesday, May 8, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The symposium on Nkrumaism that

is to be held at the Press Club on Friday is bound to be the event of

the week. The panel of dedicated Nkrumaists who will lead discussion

on the occasion and the guests of honor - apart from the subject itself -

will surely combine to attract a record attendance as well as

disseminate much needed latest interpretation of one of the most

engaging topics that is to be handled at a time like this – especially on

the eve of the Addis Ababa Summit Conference.

Mr. Paul Essien of North Ankobra Timber Co., EXPLIOTER OF

AFRICAN LABOR: The whole country will be shocked to hear that

your employees have not been paid for good six months! Can this be

true? Before the furies invade your preserves, settle this scandal at

once! T.B.C. (meaning To Be Continued) tomorrow.

Old Chap, Royal Gardens, Accra, VICTIM OF

LANDLORDISM: By the way, who owns Gbami House? Don’t tell

me it is also one of your endless catalogues of inherited properties!

Your only salvation lies in renovating AT ONCE all your buildings

which you have failed to make decently habitable for so long. The

debate continues unabated.

[112] Thursday, May 9, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Speaking as the local representative

of a country which is similarly engaged in the promotion of huge

development programs, the U.A.R. Ambassador in Ghana must have

known what he was speaking about when he said that the Volta River

Project was evidence of your wisdom and foresight.

Continental African politics has become almost synonymous with

fervent concern for African Unity. It is therefore refreshing to record

yesterday’s emphasis to your wisdom and foresight in connection with

your profound interest not only in the welfare of the Ghanaian people

but also of all Africa.

Manya Krobo Local Council, Odumase, GENTLEMEN: When are

you going to put a stop to the very disgraceful practice of leaving

Saturday’s insanitary filth and nauseating stench spread over the

Agomenya Market and Lorry Park UNTIL MONDAY? Get cracking

there, before I start my chats with you over your other activities.

Millet Textile Company, Accra, SIRS: Just a reminder today about

the urgent need for providing better service conditions for your

employees. Look out for my chats with Ghana T.U.C. on this matter.

Mr. Dan Cole, Royal Gardens, Accra, LANDLORD: When are you

going to make a start to correct some of the anomalies complained

about in my two previous chats? The debate continues.

Head Teacher, Onwona Agyeman Primary, Akim Oda,

SIR: I am sending one of my Scouts to find out what sort of accounts

you keep covering sale of bottles, palm kennel etc., which you collect

from your school children.

[113] Friday, May 10, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Motivated by the spirit of your

immortal Dawn Broadcast, the campaign to clean up the Police

Service which was initiated this week by this paper has produced

surprising reactions. The police, who at least have been lukewarm in

the performance of certain duties, suddenly erupted into action by

checking Quarterly Licenses, Third Party Insurance documents and

examining of vehicular parts - beginning, especially, with the fleet of

Lorries belonging to the Guinea Press, printers and publishers of the

national papers. The reasons are obvious, but this is Nkrumah’s Ghana

and despite what the Police can do to harass our drivers and delay the

distribution of the Party newspapers, this paper will continue to carry

out its just assignment!

Commissioner of Police, SIR: Your boys have been doing a grand

job since this paper tried this week to focus rays from the Dawn

Broadcast on some dark doings by some members of your service.

More grit on your shoulders!

That Money Lender, Aflao, SHYLOCK: Let me warn you to keep

your powder dry and lookout for my next chat with you!

Principal, Universco, Somanya, SIR: Since the basis of your

Commercial College is co-educational, any discrimination between

the sexes to your personal advantage is bound to poison the moral

atmosphere of the place - if it has not already started yielding such

negative effects on the students. More anon.

Constable Quainoo, Koforidua, POLICE NO. 4071: I am happy to

observe that since my last chat with you, there has been considerable

improvement in that dirty habit of yours which I warned you against!

Cut it off altogether!

[114] Saturday, May 11, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Events Across the Atlantic seem to

focus attention on the inevitable reaction of the rise of the African

Giant and the universal consciousness of the fact that oppressed

peoples everywhere must be free. It is an indirect tribute, in fact,

directly complement, to the rise of the proverbial Ethiopia Continental

Africa - fittingly symbolized by the meeting of African heads of State

in Addis Ababa. Your concern for the fate of Africans and people of

African descent is a serious contrast to the brutal treatment of the

Afro-American community in the Southern States of America.

Doubtlessly, the persecuted thousand fighting for freedom and Justice

look, in their plight like the apartheid victims in Verwoerd’s South

Africa, to the light of hope and inspiration from the New Africa.

Ghana protests vehemently to the morally bankrupt Jim Crowists and

demands the immediate release of all imprisoned Afro-Americans!

[115] Monday, May 13, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Like a bolt from the blue, your new

229 page book. “Africa Must Unite,” made a profound weekend

impact on the literary world and to the imperialists and neo-

colonialists in particular, it must have sealed their fate in Africa!

Coming as it does on the eve of the Addis Ababa Summit Conference,

no greater contribution could have been made to the cause of African

Unity than the launching of your new politico-literary leviathan. The

joint dedication of the book to the “African Nation That Must Be”,

and your life-long friend and Comrade-in-arms, the late George

Padmore, is most characteristic of your messianic devotion to your

life’s mission.

Lydia Donkoh of Central Organization of Sport,

TELEPHONIST: I understand you are the sister of the wife of the

Director of the Central Organization of Sport, which relationship you

are using to good advantage by being offensive to almost everybody

including staff and customers. Your weekend escapade into the abuse

of a housewife on the telephone, at hourly intervals, demands your

removal immediately from the place - and this shall be the target of

my next daily chats on this matter.

[116] Wednesday, May 15, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: The whole African race joins you in

welcoming the growing testimonies that are emanating from the lips

of most African leaders who, hitherto, had not being so vocal as

yourself on the issue of African Unity. If this is not an unmistakable

indication of the success of the Addis Ababa Summit Conference, I

can’t know what else is! Long live continental African Freedom and

Unity, as you had been preaching for nearly a decade!

Glamour Garment Factory, Accra, GENTLEMEN: If what I hear

of you is true, you will be well advised to restore fully to your factory

hands all work benefits due to them in respect of the few hours off

duty that they had on May Day. Be warned that any victimization for

their refusal to do compulsory overtime to cover the May Day holiday

will remunerate serious headaches for you. My industrial scout is

watching your next moves.

Mr. A.T. Alkins, Income Tax Dept Koforidua, SIR: Your bragging

about the National Savings Bond contributions has reached me and I

hasten to ask where and when you received your directive to chase

people to make out right annual contributions or face court action?

Desist forthwith from sowing disaffection among the Krobos on this

issue. Otherwise, I will pursue the matter further.

Board of Directors, Agona Swedru Secondary School, SIR: This

matron affair! This matron affair! There’s more to it than meets the

eye – as I shall try to explain in a day or two.

[117] Thursday, May 16, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: According to the latest intelligence

from Addis Ababa, the arrival of the Ghanaian Mission to the Foreign

Ministers’ Conference has made a profound impact in the Ethiopian

capital where some Heads of African States and other delegates have

already arrived for the epochal African Summit next week.]Naturally

enough, the entire population in the Ethiopian capital look forward to

the arrival of the main Ghana delegation. Yes, African Unity NOW or


Regional Education Officer, Koforidua, SIR: You must know

already by now all about the irresponsibility of the pupil teachers of

Mayera Middle School, via Poluase. What is needed now is prompt

action to rectify this regrettable situation. Get cracking!

Alhaji Moro Basali, Accra New Town, LANDLORD: I am

watching your next moves in connection with that swish building case

before the Rent Assessment Committee.

Rent Assessment Committee, Accra, THREE “WISE” MEN: I

understand you are moving to the spot today to inspect the building of

Alhaji Basali for the purpose of determining its proper rental value.

For obvious reasons, I am making this a TEST case and you will hear

further from me, after knowing your decision.

Tenant of House No. D684/4, Kwame Nkrumah Avenue,

COMRADE: My Housing Scout has sent me particulars of your

sorrowful plight. And so your landlord has given you only 57 days to

quit after staying with him for 13 years - more than 4,745 days! I am

getting ready to go into action and may the Good Lord himself save us

from such people!

[118] Wednesday, May 22, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: If it were possible to broadcast your

thoughts and feelings today to the world, as you sit in conference with

your brother African leaders in Addis Ababa, what a remarkable

impression that would make on the world! With the political capital of

this continent temporarily sited in Ethiopia for the duration of the

Summit Conference, the eyes of the world are trained on all the heads

of African States whose lot it has fallen to open this glorious chapter

in African history. May God bless all the deliberations of Africa’s first


Comrade ATTA Mensah, Director of State Farms, ACTIVIST: My State Farm Scout reports that you have taken swift action to bring

the timekeeper of Tetteh State Farm to his senses. This is grand of you

and especially the crest fallen workers on the Farm must be grateful to

you for action being taken to bring life to normal.

Mr. Asiedu, Timekeeper, Tetteh State Farm , Near Kibi

DICTATOR: Only a nitwit of your type could have conceived the

stupid idea of fighting the Party Press. You will realize your folly

soon, when the Party machinery goes into action!

District Officer, Young Pioneers, Nyakrom, ANKUMAH: Repeat

your pledge thrice today and reform as it is unworthy of an official of

the Young Pioneer Movement to encourage or engage in anti-

Nkrumaist activities. A word to the wise should be enough.

Manya Krobo Local Council, Odumase, GENTLEMEN:

Cleanliness is the elementary step to good health. I notice since my

last chat that you have started sweeping Saturday’s filth at that market

and lorry park in good time. But the heaped refuse must be removed

simultaneously and not left on the scene. My Scouts are watching

your move on this and other acts of omission in your area. Look out!

The Principal, Peace Academy, SIR: Please put those anomalies

right in your school, before I start enumerating them!

Mr. Quacoo, House No. D354/4, Accra, LANDLORD: Will you

stop shouting on your tenants as if they were your house boys.

Accra City Rent Assessment Committee, GENTLEMEN! Now I

know how you work since you “inspected” House No. 158/6! Come

out with your findings before I start the next round of fireworks!

[119] Tuesday, May 23, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Your interview with your brother

President Tubman of Liberia has been received here at home with

great satisfaction. It is the sincere hope of all Nkrumaists and

progressive Africans that other African Leaders should follow your

example and not bind themselves to any group loyalties. Your

expression: “I have come to the Summit Conference with an OPEN

MIND” has won for you another large following among the

rationalists and humanists of continental Africa.

The Paramount Chief, Afiao, TOGBI: Don’t you think it would be

a good idea, consonant with Osagyefo’s call for work and happiness,

to let your people undertake the construction of that road through the

pond at Tagba to the L.A. (EP) Middle School?

More anon.

Mr. Solicitor, Osu New Estate, SIR: The treatment being given to

your domestic employees is becoming the subject of public comment

and it may be in your own interest, as well as that of your expatriate

wife, to adopt a more humane attitude. My Ghanaian anti-apartheid

Scout is on the lookout for results.

Mr. Inspector, Adidome, Volta Region, BOOZER: You should be

ashamed of the contents of a letter I have received about you - a copy

of which I have today posted to you for an obvious reason. All your

Senior Officers have also received copies of this letter and my

examination of it will begin almost immediately!

Yaw Esiaw, Nyakrom, PROFESSIONAL WITNESS: Your

suspension from the Party should do you good, for there is an end to

everything. How long did you think you could trade on your dubious

“profession” in Nkrumaist Ghana? Before you cool off, think of better

ways and means of integrating yourself in the social life of the town

and district.

State Furniture and Joinery Corporation, GENTLEMEN: May I

ask you to adopt the same method of publishing names of all

defaulters as has been adopted by the chairman of the Ghana Housing

Corporation with such magical results?

[120] Friday, May 24, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: From the flood of messages reaching

you in Addis Ababa, it is evident that Ghanaians at home are waxing

enthusiastic about the inevitable outcome of the African Summit

Conference. Even in faraway Ethiopia, Nkrumaists at home are

agreeably surprised by the unanimity of outlook of most African

leaders on the issues of African Unity, African High Command,

African Common Market and one Continental African Government -

ideas which you have been expounding since you achieved

independence for Ghana. Oh yes, Addis Ababa will surely justify the

aspirations and hopes of Progressive Africa!

Accounts official, Turf Club, CHASER: If you knew the number of

homes where your name is held in abomination for your anti-social

habits, you would have put a hasty end to your despicable

propensities. I am compiling a list of homes you have broken for the

information of your better half, so that she might know the sort of

husband you are.

General Manager, Technical Lloyd Ltd,. Accra, MR T. VAN DER

WALL: Let me welcome you back to Ghana after your well-earned

leave - trusting my delay in welcoming you since your return here a

few days ago will in no way detract from the seriousness of the chats I

am going to have with you about justified grievances on the part of

your Ghanaian employees- within the next 24 hours.

Mr. C.J. Amaning, District Education Officer, Accra, SIR: My

educational scouts have just informed me of the prompt action you

have taken in removing that irresponsible pupil teacher of the Mayera

Middle School in Pokuase. Congrats!

Operations Manager, BP House, Accra, SIR: I have refrained from

commenting on your reply to your Airport staff for reasons best

known to myself. To say that I was shocked by the tone of your letter

is to express the least of my feelings. Knowing the mentality of the

capitalist – especially the British type – as I do my only advice to your

affected employees is to carry on with the fight to obtain better

working conditions until circumstances compel you to yield. What is

good for the goose should be good for the gander. I hope you catch

my meaning.

[121] Saturday, May 25, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Your realistic proposals delivered to

the African Summit yesterday have won world-wide approbation

(sic). Characteristic of your explosive imagination, your much

expected Summit speech gave an overall picture of the case for

African Unity which should go a long way to dispel any cloud of

doubt still befogging the minds of those two or three delegates who

have any reservations about the feasibility of our desired goal.

Nkrumaists all over the continent will spend a happy weekend for

your immortal contribution towards the achievement of continental

African Unity.

Accounts officer, Turf Club, Kumasi, CHASER: My scouts tell me

that you still persist with your pernicious visits to that man’s wife in

the Fanti New Town area. Now I have specified your place of work

and town, unless you abate the evil forthwith, your name and other

particulars will be out.

Mr. Kumado, Ho, BURSAR: When do you say you want to resume

duty after your present leave which falls due on May 26? I have my

reasons for warning you not to add any more days for “emergency

duties” you claim to have performed while on leave.

General Manager, Technical Lloyd Ltd., Accra, MR. T. VAN

DER WALL: As promised in my chat with you yesterday, let me

address you today on DISCRIMINATION between your African and

expatriate employees. Why are European women allowed into the

Yard while Ghanaian women (usually wives or relatives bringing

urgent news, food etc. to your African employees) are driven away at

the gate? What do you mean by the insulting expression which you

are in the habit of hurling at your African employees: “No European

will do this”? The debate continues.

Mr. A.A. Quarcoo, Accra, LANDLORD: Apart from shouting on

tenants of your House No. D354/4 as if they are your house boys, my

May Day Broadcast Scout reports the insufferable inconvenience you

give your tenants by locking the main gate at 9pm and switching off

the electric meter from 5 am to 8 pm daily. Oh Mr. Quarcoo, learn to

treat your tenants as free human beings and not as prisoners!

Board of Governors, Swedru Secondary School, GENTLEMEN: You have set a bad precedent by condoning the re-employment of

those very characters in the Matron’s department who recently

became entangled in a Police web. One of these days, I may be

tempted to list a record of your unpardonable concessions on similar

grave issues.

[122] Monday, May 27, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: With the dramatic translation of your

life’s mission through the birth of an All-African Charter, your

prophetic eye has already seen on the horizon the approaching sign of

an African Continental Government. To parody your own words on

this phenomenal achievement, all Africa is happy that the end of all

groupings in Africa has become an accomplished act by the signing of

a charter which has given birth to the Organization of African Unity.

Two hundred and fifty million souls on this continent join in patting

you on the back for your monumental contributions towards the

consummation of the greatest event in the history of Africa! That is

why the nation stands solidly to give you a befitting hero’s welcome

at the Accra international airport this afternoon!

Mr. T. Van Der Wall, Technical Lloyd Ltd, Accra, GENERAL

MANAGER: I am afraid the poor state of Industrial Relationship

existing between employers and employees in your Company stems

from your refusal to abide by the Industrial Relations Act of 1959, on

the grounds that you know ONLY your head office in Amsterdam –

from where you receive instructions and NOT from any labor

regulations in Ghana. On this matter, the Editor informs me that the

paper’s Industrial Correspondent has been assigned to explain to you

the dangers you run by ignoring the present labor regulations in

Ghana. On other matters, the debate continues.

Araba Kumiwaah, Nyakrom, EX-N.L.M. QUEEN MOTHER: Let

me warn you to forget all about your in-law relations with Kofi Boye

and refrain from being used to foster anti-Party feelings among the

womenfolk of the town. Your political past should be another warning

against your meddling in Party affairs of the Nkrumaist era. Your next

move will determine the tone of my next chat with you.

Mr. John Setufe, Adidome Poultry Farm, MANAGER: If it is true

that your car belongs to the self-exiled former Finance Minister, then

be careful of your continued association with that boozer!

Miss Janet Awittor, Adidome, Volta Region, WIDOW: A time is

soon coming when you can no longer, as a petty trader, continue to

sell certain goods without license. Let no one deceive you in flouting

the law, for my Scouts are taking action to break your “v-ring”. Look


Mr. Adjason, Peace Academy, PRINCIPAL: What happened to

your teachers affair? And the rent? Get cracking before I spill the


[123] Tuesday, May 28, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Knowing, as we do, the amount of

energy and devotion which you continue to lavish on the African

Liberation Movement, it is with pride that Nkrumaists are happy with

you over the outcome of the Addis Ababa Conference. All who saw

you at the Accra Airport on your return from the African Summit

were unanimous in confirming that thy have never seen you more

cheerful and almost literally glowing with enthusiasm!

Yes! The political unification of Africa – the near-fulfillment of your

life-long dream, at last!

The Police, Mamprobi, PEACE OFFICERS: Of course, you know

all about the growing cases of hooliganism and robbery in the area;

and I am sure you have plans to check the situation - especially those

jobless chaps roaming all over the place.

Mr. Hukporti, Aflao, CHIEF INSPECTOR: My anti-contraband

goods Scout operating on the border yesterday sent me details of how

you rounded up that surveyor from Ho who wanted to cheat the

Government of Ghana by trying to evade customs with a large

consignment of contraband goods from across the border. And this

reminded me of your old Takoradi record about those two U.S. ships

which were engaged in smuggling cigarettes, brandy and Indian

hemp. Both the nation and the service are proud of you!

Mr. T. Van Der Wall, Technical Lloyd Ltd, Accra, GENERAL

MANAGER: It is obvious Africans have no promotion in your

establishment as evidenced by the fact that up to the time of writing,

NO African earns as much as £26 per month! This is not good enough

and you will be well advised to initiate a more progressive policy. I

am happy the T.U.C is going into the matter to settle all differences

and clear up anomalies.

[124] Wednesday, May 29, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: No living individual is better

qualified to express authentic opinion on the success of the Ethiopian

Summit Conference than the simple man from Nkroful who has

devoted his entire life to the cause of African Freedom and Unity.

Your acceptance of the outcome of the African Summit as the

fulfillment of your dream has been hailed everywhere as the most

authoritative verdict of the importance of the Addis Ababa

achievement. Succeeding generations of Africans will hold in

veneration the names of all the present African leaders who

contributed to this remarkable success.

Mr. Von Hermet of Technical Lloyd Ltd, Accra, SPARE PARTS

MANAGER: You need a good deal of re-education in industrial

relations before you can hold your appointment with any semblance of

success in the Nkrumaist Ghana of today. Unless you learn to respect

the Trades Union Congress of Ghana, I am afraid you have no

justification whatsoever in continuing to work in this country. The

following expression, which you are fond of bellowing out when the

local union intervenes in disputes between workers and management,

is unworthy of a man holding a managerial post: “I do not care; bring

out the whole bloody T.U.C here. I am the spare parts manager!”

Manager my foot!

Secretary-General, T.U.C of Ghana, COMRADE: I presume you

have been following my chats with the management of Technical

Lloyd Ltd, Accra. Please read the above chat with the Spare Parts

Manager of the same company and see what can be done with these

uncouth continental blokes! Keep following my continuing chats with

the Technical Lloyd people.

Manya Krobo Local Council, GENTLEMEN: Let me advise you to

remove at once that rickety wooden shack in front of your fine market

– no matter whose wife is selling salt there!

The Deputy Minister, SIR: Read the above chat with the Manya

Krobo Local Council and advise yourself or your connections


[125] Thursday, May 29, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: True to your estimate of the

importance of the Addis Ababa Summit Conference, a major section

of the World’s press continues to eulogize it. Foremost among the

most progressive elements in the Socialist World, leading Chinese

papers have also hailed the success of the African Summit.

Enthusiastic African leaders returning home after the Conference have

contributed to the bombardment by telling their people glowing

accounts of what happened in the Ethiopian capital - which have

equally been accorded gratifying publicity in both local and overseas

papers. Yes, African Unity has come to stay!

B.E. Sekondi-Takoradi, COMRADE SCOUT: Message received.

Please rush by post all available information, without any further

delay! Other detailed instructions follow, in a day or two, through the

normal channels.

General Manager, Edward Nasser Ltd., SIR: I am afraid I have to

break the semblance of a press immunity which for one reason or the

other your establishment has enjoyed since its inception. Owing to the

limited time you have to spend here in Ghana on your present tour, I

shall concentrate in a brief series of chats with you on some of the

causes of an industrial discontent among your African employees. In

the maiden chat with you, I regret to observe that since June 1961,

your establishment has not thought it proper to implement the

Collective Agreement signed between the Industrial, Commercial and

General Workers Union and the Commercial Employees Association!

Is this the establishment in which you claim “Progress Never Stops”?

Administrative Secretary, Ghana School of Law, DEAR MR.

TAWIA: Would it surprise you to be told that since your appointment

in June 1960, no single promotion has taken place among the Junior

Staff? Read my subsequent chats with you about the causes as well as

other tantalizing sidelights of your administration.

Mr. Khubchadani, Glamour Garment Factors, GENERAL

MANAGER: Knowing some Indians so well as I do, let me point out

from the very beginning that Ghana is not like South Africa where

workers are compelled to work full blast only for a mere pittance -

thus enabling the employers to make fabulous profits. On other

matters, standby.

[126] Friday, May 31, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: Sentimental cheers from seven

million Ghanaians as well as from thousands of Nkrumaist admirers

the world over must have greeted you as you enplaned early yesterday

morning for the Ethiopian capital. Now that your intriguing views

about one continental government for Africa have been disclosed to

all Heads of African States present at the Addis Ababa Conference,

progressive Africans everywhere expect that the correct ideological

foundation for the superstructure of a United States of Africa has been

well and truly laid. Long Live African Unity!

B.K.A. Baah: My Nyakror Broadcast Scout has been detailed to

compile a list of cases in which, using your fraudulent claim to be the

Great One “Nzema nephew”, you have tended to feather your own

bed instead of assisting those you should be helping.

Look Out!

Mr. Attah Mensah, Director, State Farms Corporation,

COMRADE: As a result of my recent exposures of certain high-

handed treatment being meted out to the workers by the time-keeper

of Tetteh State Farm, that anti-Nkrumaist dictator had the audacity to

be the people’s paper on the farm. My Scouts further report that

conditions have been worsened for the workers to a deplorable pitch

in a desperate witch-hunt for alleged press informants. Please institute

enquiries and bring the situation to normality before things get out of


Mr. Asiefu, Time-keeper Tetteh State Farm, DICTATOR: Information reaching me points to stringent anti-Nkrumah measures

you have adopted to make life unpleasant for your farm workers

following my recent chat with you. Unless you desist immediately

from your anti party moves, I shall be compelled to unleash in full

blast of my armor on you. Be warned!

Mr. M.K. Amegbe, Accra, SIR: My Scholastic Scout reports that

you will start fasting this week with effect from tomorrow up to

Friday to pray for divine inspiration for all African Leaders now

assembled in Addis Ababa to read the agreement on African Unity.

All lovers of African Unity wish you every success in your fasting


Moses Boahene, A. Appiah, J.K. Quashie, J.K. Okotor of

Technical Lloyd, Accra, “I” QUARTETE: I have been watching

your attitude towards the working class movement since my recent

chat with the management. Expect what I think the whole batch of

you in a day or two.

[127] Wednesday, June 5, 1963

His Messianic Dedication Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah,

YOUR HIGH DEDICATION: You have been described in Addis

Ababa by an Afro-American poet who listened to your speech as a

seer, prophet and visionary. It is this intuitive gift easily recognizable

by perspicacious eyes which gives you that spectacular radiance

which places you among the rare geniuses of the century. When the

world comes to know that you have been waking up at 3am since

Addis Ababa, working for your people of Africa, perhaps it will feel

as my Chief Scout felt that day this week when you were emphasizing

the lofty principles of the Revolution at that incense-wrapped

moment. Toil on, devoted son of Africa, the work of Redemption is

nearing its goal. The night will not be long.

The End


Achimota, 26

Accra City Council, 49, 52, 75

Accra Mental Hospital, 58

Action Group of Nigeria, 14, 18

Acts of the Apostles, 54

Adabraka, 12

Addis Ababa, 98, 114, 117, 127

Addis Ababa Conference, 76, 78, 99, 102, 106, 111, 115, 116, 125, 126

Adu, E. A., 50

Adjason, 122

Africa Freedom Day, 94

Africa Must Unite, 115

African Coalition Government, 36

African Common Market, 120

African Continental Government, 120, 122

African High Command, 120

African history, 118

African Liberation Movement, 4

African Manganese Company, 30

African National Congress, 1, 13

African Nationalism, 38, 40

African Regional Conference, 3

African Summit Conference, 101, 120

African Trade and Development, 46

African Unity, 36, 106, 116, 126

Africanization, 28, 100, 106

Afro-American Community, 114

Afro-Americans, 86

Afro-American poet, 127

Afro-Asian Institute, 24

Afro-Asian Solidarity Conference, 59, 61

Aggrey, J. E., 12

Aggrey-Fraser-Guggisberg Memorial Lectures, 80, 84

Agomenya, 112

Agona Swedru Secondary School, 116

Agric Produce Marketing Board, 88

Ahey, Mike, 25

Akosombo, 79

Algeria, 4

Algerian Revolution, 2

Alkins, A. T., 116

All-African Charter, 122

All-African Trade Union Conference, 78

All-African Trade Union Federation, 26, 82

All-African Students Union, 62

Amaning, C. J., 120

Amartey, Tawiah, 36

Amegbe, M. K., 126

America, 67

American Committee on Africa, 10

Amuako, Atta, R. O., 76

Angola, 51

Anim, Yaw, 12

Anterkyi, J. S. A., 7

Anti-Franco Movement, 26

Appiah, A., 126

Appiah, Joe, 42

Archbishop Amissah, J. K., 60

Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles, 38

Arimi, Homas, 27

Aryee, Cassis, 27

Asamoah, Ben K., 38

Ashanti, 43, 51

Ashanti Regional Commissioner, 28

Ashong, E. T., 92, 93

Asiefu, 126

Australia, 27

Awittor, Janet, 122

Azikiwe Gold Cup, 10

Baah, B. K. A., 126

Bahamas, 38

Balewa Government, 16

Balewa, Sir Abubakar Tafawa, 56

Banda, Dr. Hastings, 2, 4, 6, 12, 21, 54

Basali, Alhaji Moro, 117

Basutoland, 61

Basutoland Congress Party, 82

Batsa, Kofi, 44

Bechuanaland, 61

Ben Bella, Mohammed, 2

Bibiani Housing Estate, 108

Blay, Eddie, 27

Boahene, Moses, 126

Bomb Throwers, 35, 49

Bonn, 46

Boye, Kofi, 122

BP House, 86, 87, 88, 120

Brazzaville, 93

British colonial rule, 40

British diplomacy, 40

British Government, 14, 40, 81

British High Commissioner, 88

British House of Commons, 39

British Houses of Parliament, 14

British Labor Party, 37

British Parliamentarians, 19

British Press, 2

British public opinion, 2

Brockway, Fenner, 19, 84

Brong-Ahafo Region, 6

Brooke, Henry, 82

Bukom Square, 48, 49

Bulgaria, 62

Bureau of African Affairs, 6

Burundi, 106

Butler, R. A., 39, 40

Cairo, 24

Canada, 63

Cape Coast, 12

Cape Coast Government Gardens, 104

Cape Coast Hospital, 17

Carlyle, 39

Casablanca Powers, 78

Castro, Fidel, 14, 17

Catholics, 60

Central African Federation, 6, 39, 40, 41, 55, 81

Central Congolese Government, 16, 52

Central Intelligence Agency, 31

Central Organization of Sport, 32, 61, 103

Central Region Library, 104

Chapman, F. L. S., 35, 37

China, 17, 24,

Chinese People’s Republic, 44

Chiume, M. W. Kanyama, 1, 4, 5

Chokor bomb explosions, 7

Christmas, 35

Church of Pentecost, 43

Cole, Dan, 112

Commercial Employees Association, 125

Commonwealth, 2, 25, 27, 32, 47, 58

Commonwealth Games, 25

Congo, 7, 63

Congo Unity, 7

Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 82

Conference of Local African Authorities, 78

Congolese Chamber of Deputies, 37

Congolese National Assembly, 93

Continental African Unity, 44

Cuba, 10

Cuban Crisis, 1, 5, 10, 14, 17, 18

Curfew, 35, 43

Daily Mail, 19

Daily Mirror, 19

Dawn Broadcast, 46, 87, 90, 91, 94, 97, 113

Day Nursery and Health Education Committees, 50

De Freitas, Sir Geoffrey, 88

De Gaulle, General, 58

Disarmament, 51

District Commissioners 6, 9, 15

Djan, Ohene, 103

Doctrine of peaceful co-existence, 5

Donkoh, Lydia, 115

Drake, Clair, 66

Du Bois, W. E. B., 64

Dzewu, Dzenkle, 42

Edunyah, William, 32

Edward Nasser Ltd., 125

Ellender, Allan, 29

Emashi, Nonn, 52

Encyclopedia Africana, 18

Esiaw, Yaw, 119

Eskimo, 63

Essien, Paul, 111

Ethiopia, 101

Europe, 67

European Common Market, 10, 58

Evening News, 80

Exchange Control Regulation, 53

Flagstaff House, 7, 74

Food and Agriculture Organization, 3, 4

Foot, Sir Hugh, 16

Foreign loans, 79

Foreign Ministers Conference, 117

France, 58

France Nouvelle, 72

Free and United Africa, 1

Freedom of Speech, 27

Ga-Adangbe, 39, 51, 52

Ga-West, 39

Gandhi, 11

Gbami House, 111

Geneva, 14

Geneva Conference on Disarmament, 26

German Democratic Republic, 91

Ghana Academy of Sciences, 47,

Ghana Army, 42, 49

Ghana Black Star Eleven, 7, 10, 66, 69, 71

Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, 11

Ghana Distilleries Corporation, 87

Ghana-Guinea-Mali Union, 81

Ghana Holiday and Tourist Agency, 79

Ghana Housing Corporation, 4, 7, 21, 41, 51, 89, 104, 106, 119

Ghana Legion, 71

Ghana-Nigeria Solidarity, 56

Ghana Press Club, 90

Ghana-Soviet Solidarity, 95

Ghana-Togo Border, 54

Ghana-Togo Governments, 53

Ghana-Togo Relations, 42

Ghana Trades Union Congress, 10, 87, 90, 112, 124

Ghana Young Pioneers, 2, 28, 30, 60, 72, 82

Ghana Police, 42, 49

Ghana Police Band, 54

Ghana School of Law, 125

Ghanaian Times, 46

Gizenga, Antoine, 7, 50

Glamour Garment Factory, 116, 125

Global Politics, 17

Government of Ghana, 42, 67

Government of Togo, 42

Great Britain, 2, 5, 8, 58

Greece, 29

Grimatu, Julian, 26

H-Test Ban Negotiations, 14

Hagan, J. E., 17, 80, 104

Hammarskjold, Dag, 27, 57

Heads of Independent African States, 59, 75, 99, 126

Henderson Water Supply, 43

Historical Society of Ghana, 16

Holland, 12

Howard, Arthur, 26

Ibadan, 103

Ibadan University, 69

Income Tax Department, 116

Ikoku, S. G., 18

India, 5, 24

Indian troops, 63

Indo-Chinese Border War, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 24

Industrial, Commercial and General Workers Union

Industrial Relations Act, 122

Institute of Public Education, 8

International Commission of Jurists, 8

International Socialism, 62

Jewish Community in South Africa, 12

Jim Crowists, 114

John Holt Bartholomew Ltd., 35, 37

Kaiser Industries Corporation of America, 66

Kalinaucks, L., 28,

Katanga, 16, 37, 41, 44, 45, 60

Kaunda, Kenneth, 1, 13, 36, 47, 54

Keita, Modibo, 36

Kennedy, J. F., 1, 29, 38, 41, 51

Kerina, Mburumba, 100

Khrushchev, Nikita, 3, 5

Koforidua, 107

Kramo, Alhasa, 31

Kulugungu, 42

Kumasi, 11, 66

Kumiwaah, Araba, 122

Kusogbo Workers Canteen, 109

Lamptey, Abraham, 97

Leballo, Potiako, 3

Legon, 53

Lenin, Vladimir, 99

Leopoldville, 37

Lever Brothers, 92, 93

Liberia, 78

Lome, 51

London Constitutional Talks on Nyasaland, 4

Lord Attice, 10

Lord Avon, 10

Lord Salisbury, 10

Louw, Eric, 8

Lugman, W. C. Anas Malmud, 80

Lumumba, Patrice, 7, 52, 60, 63

Macmillan, Harold, 2, 14, 38, 47

Maintenance of Children Bill, 85

Malagasy States, 78

Malawi, 2, 54, 55

Malawi Congress Party, 12

Mali, 36, 66, 69

Mandela, Nelson, 6, 7

Manhattan Church, 97

Manosyan, Samuel, 95

Manu, Peter, 91, 94, 97

Manya Krobo Local Council, 112, 118, 124

Mario, Sitri, 83

Mark-Hanson, A. W., 6

Mayera Middle School, 117, 120

Mensah, Atta, 97, 118, 126

Meredith, James, 14

Mexican Parliamentarians, 66

Miles, Jojo, 27

Millet Textile Company, 107, 112

Ministry of Finance and Trade, 6

Mongolia, 44

Monne, M. R., 82

Monrovia Group, 43, 50, 51, 56, 78

Moscow, 95

Moslem Community in Ghana, 72

Napoleonism, 58

National Founders Day Games, 32

National Research Council, 47

National Savings Bond, 116

Negro Spiritual, 42

Negrophobist, 90

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 11, 24

Nevada Mountains, 14

New Delhi, 18

New World Leadership, 80

New York, 3

New York Herald Tribune, 19

Newsweek, 15

Nicol, Davidson, 80, 84

Nigeria, 8, 16, 18, 73

Nigeria XI, 7, 10, 66

Nkomo, Joshua, 60, 81, 84, 106

Nkroful, 91, 124

Nkrumah, Kojo, 11

Nkumbula, Harry, 1, 36, 41, 54

North Ankobra Timber Co., 111

Northern Rhodesia, 1, 4, 36, 41, 47, 54, 81

Nsia, Afua, 43

Nuclear politics, 14

Nuclear Powers, 58

Nyasaland, 1, 2, 12,

Nyerere, Julius, 12

Nylander, C. T., 63

October Revolution, 5

Offuase-Koloben, 31

Okotor, J. K., 126

Olympio, Sylvanus, 50

One Party System, 69, 76

Opoku Ware Secondary School, 28

Osei, Mary, 76

Otoo, Winzer, 91

Padmore, George, 115

Pakistan, 44

Pan-African Alliance, 13

Pan-African Cooperative Conference, 13

Pan-Africanism, 1, 18, 64

Pan-Africanist Congress, 3

Panegoosho, Mary, 63

Party Chronicle, 104

Party Press, 27

Peace Academy, 118, 122

People’s Parliamentary Democracy, 27

People’s Republic of China, 48

Perth, Australia, 32

Plange, Kwesi, 104

Police Service, 113

Positive Action, 30, 39, 110

Portugal, 16

Portuguese policy in Angola, 51

Power Diplomacy, 1

Pravda, 77

Prek, E. I., 64

Premier Kasem of Iraq, 71

President Maga of Dahomey, 54

President Tubman, 36, 50, 78, 119

President Youlou, 93

Press Club, 111

Pretoria, 16

Price Inspectors, 6

Principle of Democratic Centralism, 27

Program of Work and Happiness, 83

Provisional Government of Togoland, 48

Public Accounts Committee, 39

Quarcoo, A. A., 121

Quarcoopome, E. D. S., 96, 109

Quartey, Ike, 27

Quashie, J. K., 126

Railway and Harbors Administration, 108

Remembrance Day, 8, 9

Rennison, Sir Patrick, 16

Rent Assessment Committee, 108, 117, 118

Rhodesia, 29

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 8

Rumor Mongers, 47

Rusk, Dean, 19

Russell, Bertrand, 19

Salisbury, 45

Second World War, 75

Security Council, 52

Sekondi-Takoradi, 30

Senegal Soccer Eleven, 66

Sergeant Adjetey, 71

Setufe, John, 122

Seven Year Development Plan, 22, 83

Shifimo, Kpe, 52

Socialist Evangelists, 22

Socialist Solidarity, 24

South Africa, 3, 6, 8, 61, 62, 125

South West Africa, 100

Southern Rhodesia, 41, 54, 84

Southern States of America, 62, 114

Soviet Armed Forces, 18

Soviet missile bases, 10

Soviet Sculptor, 95

Soviet Union, 3, 5, 14, 64, 86

Spanish Trade Unions, 26

Special Criminal Division of the High Court, 74, 96

State Farms Corporation, 126

State Furniture and Joinery Corporation, 87, 119

State of Emergency, 31

T. M. and G. Ltd., 97

Tafawa Balewa, Sir Abubakar, 14

Tanganyika, 12, 13, 29, 34, 59

Taxi and Commercial Drivers, 6

Technical Lloyd Ltd., 100, 102, 106, 124

Tema, 30

Tema Development Corporation, 25, 39

Tembo, J., 2

Tettegah, John, 44

Tetteh, Joe, 83

Tetteh State Farm, 95

The Times of London, 51

The World Without the Bomb, 102

Tito, Josip, 24

Togolese Military Band, 54

Tory Government, 82, 84

Toure, Sekou, 50

Tshombe, Moise, 41, 45, 60

Tunis, 4

U Thant, 27, 37, 50

Uganda 4, 12, 29, 75

Union of African States

United Arab Republic, 112

United Ghana Farmers Council Cooperatives, 59, 91, 94

United Kingdom, 16

United Nations, 12, 21, 52, 99, 107

United Nations Declaration on Human Rights, 26

United Nations Forces, 63

United Nations General Assembly, 8,

United Nations Report on Development in African States, 76

United National Independence Party, 1, 13

United States, 14

United States Government, 19

United States of Africa, 1, 13, 59, 82, 99, 126

United Trades Union Congress, 82

Universco, 113

University College of Sierra Leone, 84

University of Ghana, 26, 83

University of Science and Technology, 24

U.S Ambassador, Ghana, 15

U.S Assistant Secretary of State, 51

U.S Cuban base, 15

U.S Naval Blockade of Cuba, 18

Van Der Wall, T., 122, 123

Visiting British Parliamentarians, 12

Volta River Project, 65, 79, 112

Von Hermet, 124

Wachuku, 56

Washington, 4662

Welbeck, N. A., 104

Welensky, Sir Roy, 39, 41

Wellesley College, 63

West Africa, 64

West African Athletic Games, 103

Western diplomacy, 38

Williams, Duncan, 76

Workers Brigade, 30, 33

World Council of Churches, 53

World Peace, 27, 40

Yugoslavia, 24

Zanzibar, 61

Zhikov, Todor, 62

Zimbabwe, 81