Performance and selectivity of oral attractant-baited traps targeted for cetoniin scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Central and Southern Europe J. Vuts a, * , B. Baric b , J. Razov c , T.B. Toshova d , M. Subchev d , I. Sredkov e , R. Tabilio f , F. Di Franco g , M. Tóth a a Plant Protection Institute, HAS, Herman O. u. 15, H-1022 Budapest, Hungary b University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Zoology, Svetosimunska 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia c University of Zadar, Department of Mediterranean Agriculture and Aquaculture, Mihovila Pavlinovica bb., HR-23000 Zadar, Croatia d Zoology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, blvd. Tzar Osvoboditel 1, BG-1000 Soa, Bulgaria e Institute of Agronomy, Sojskko shose, BG-2500 Kyustendil, Bulgaria f Centro di Ricerca per la Frutticoltura di Roma, Via di Fioranello 52, I-00040 Ciampino Airport (RM), Italy g CRA e Centro di Ricerca per lAgrumicoltura e le Colture Meridionali, Corso Savoia 190, I-95024 Acireale (Catania), Italy article info Article history: Received 29 January 2010 Received in revised form 12 May 2010 Accepted 13 May 2010 Keywords: Cetoniins Mass trapping Control strategies Scarab pests Monitoring abstract Trapping tests were performed concurrently in several countries of Central and Southern Europe throughout the spring and summer of 2008, to study the selectivity and performance of oral attractant- baited traps developed for catching Epicometis (Tropinota) hirta Poda (CA-baited traps), Cetonia a. aurata L./Potosia (Protaetia) cuprea Fabr. (ME-baited traps) or Oxythyrea funesta Poda (PH-baited traps) (Cole- optera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae). Amongst the species caught, E. hirta showed strongest attraction to the CA-baited and ME-baited traps. O. funesta was mostly caught by PH-baited traps. In capturing C. a. aurata and P. cuprea, the ME-baited trap appeared to be the most efcient. At two sites in Italy, a related scarab, Tropinota squalida Scop. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae), was attracted in similar numbers to both CA-baited and ME-baited traps. For the scarab Valgus hemipterus L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Valginae), ME-baited traps proved to be the most attractive. Of the scarabs coming to the CA-baited trap, E. hirta was the most abundant, except at the two Italian sites where large percentages were shown to be T. squalida. The most abundant species in the catch by the PH-baited trap was O. funesta, although at some sites, C. a. aurata and E. hirta were captured in sizeable numbers. ME-baited traps caught mostly C. a. aurata at sites with large C. a. aurata populations, whereas at sites with low populations, good numbers of E. hirta or T. squalida were caught. Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Many species in the subfamily Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scar- abaeidae) are of agricultural importance. The adult beetles cause damage by feeding on the reproductive parts of fruit trees and ornamental plants, and also on ripening fruit later in the season (Hurpin, 1962). Control of these species is difcult, since most insecticides cannot be applied during owering without affecting honeybees and other benecial insects, or before harvest because of health hazards. Mass trapping of adult beetles can be an alter- native control method, provided that an efcient trapping system is available. In Europe, the most important cetoniin pest is Epicometis (Tro- pinota) hirta Poda (Hurpin, 1962; Homonnay and Homonnayné- Csehi, 1990; Mircheva et al., 2004). A binary chemical attractant comprising (E)-cinnamyl alcohol and (E)-anethol has been opti- mized previously and proved to be attractive to adult E. hirta beetles (Tóth et al., 2003, 2004). Application of this binary chemical attractant, together with a light blue colour in funnel traps, resulted in signicantly higher catches than in traps containing either the chemical or the visual cue alone (Schmera et al., 2004). The rst attempts at mass trapping trials in strawberry plantations and apple orchards against E. hirta using attractant-baited light blue traps were reported by Sivcev et al. (2006) and Tóth et al. (2005). Reports of signicant damage by Cetonia a. aurata L. and Potosia (Protaetia) cuprea Fabr. in Hungary have increased in frequency during recent years (Voigt et al., 2005). This indicates that the signicance of these pest species is growing. A ternary chemical attractant comprising 3-methyl eugenol, 1-phenylethanol and (E)- anethol was optimized previously and proved to be attractive to adults of C. a. aurata and P. cuprea (Tóth et al., 2005). C. a. aurata and P. cuprea were attracted in higher numbers to a light blue, rather than to other colours tested in the presence of their oral attractant * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ36 1 391 8647; fax: þ36 1 391 8655. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Vuts). Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Crop Protection journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/cropro 0261-2194/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2010.05.007 Crop Protection 29 (2010) 1177e1183

Performance and selectivity of floral attractant-baited traps targeted for cetoniin scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Central and Southern Europe

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Performance and selectivity of floral attractant-baited traps targeted for cetoniinscarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Central and Southern Europe

J. Vuts a,*, B. Baric b, J. Razov c, T.B. Toshova d, M. Subchev d, I. Sredkov e, R. Tabilio f, F. Di Franco g, M. Tóth a

a Plant Protection Institute, HAS, Herman O. u. 15, H-1022 Budapest, HungarybUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Zoology, Svetosimunska 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, CroatiacUniversity of Zadar, Department of Mediterranean Agriculture and Aquaculture, Mihovila Pavlinovica bb., HR-23000 Zadar, Croatiad Zoology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, blvd. Tzar Osvoboditel 1, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgariae Institute of Agronomy, Sofijskko shose, BG-2500 Kyustendil, BulgariafCentro di Ricerca per la Frutticoltura di Roma, Via di Fioranello 52, I-00040 Ciampino Airport (RM), ItalygCRA e Centro di Ricerca per l’Agrumicoltura e le Colture Meridionali, Corso Savoia 190, I-95024 Acireale (Catania), Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 29 January 2010Received in revised form12 May 2010Accepted 13 May 2010

Keywords:CetoniinsMass trappingControl strategiesScarab pestsMonitoring

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ36 1 391 8647; fax:E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Vuts).

0261-2194/$ e see front matter � 2010 Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2010.05.007

a b s t r a c t

Trapping tests were performed concurrently in several countries of Central and Southern Europethroughout the spring and summer of 2008, to study the selectivity and performance of floral attractant-baited traps developed for catching Epicometis (Tropinota) hirta Poda (CA-baited traps), Cetonia a. aurataL./Potosia (Protaetia) cuprea Fabr. (ME-baited traps) or Oxythyrea funesta Poda (PH-baited traps) (Cole-optera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae). Amongst the species caught, E. hirta showed strongest attraction to theCA-baited and ME-baited traps. O. funestawas mostly caught by PH-baited traps. In capturing C. a. aurataand P. cuprea, the ME-baited trap appeared to be the most efficient. At two sites in Italy, a related scarab,Tropinota squalida Scop. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae), was attracted in similar numbers to bothCA-baited and ME-baited traps. For the scarab Valgus hemipterus L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Valginae),ME-baited traps proved to be the most attractive.

Of the scarabs coming to the CA-baited trap, E. hirta was the most abundant, except at the two Italiansites where large percentages were shown to be T. squalida. The most abundant species in the catch bythe PH-baited trap was O. funesta, although at some sites, C. a. aurata and E. hirta were captured insizeable numbers. ME-baited traps caught mostly C. a. aurata at sites with large C. a. aurata populations,whereas at sites with low populations, good numbers of E. hirta or T. squalida were caught.

� 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Many species in the subfamily Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scar-abaeidae) are of agricultural importance. The adult beetles causedamage by feeding on the reproductive parts of fruit trees andornamental plants, and also on ripening fruit later in the season(Hurpin, 1962). Control of these species is difficult, since mostinsecticides cannot be applied during flowering without affectinghoneybees and other beneficial insects, or before harvest becauseof health hazards. Mass trapping of adult beetles can be an alter-native control method, provided that an efficient trapping system isavailable.

In Europe, the most important cetoniin pest is Epicometis (Tro-pinota) hirta Poda (Hurpin, 1962; Homonnay and Homonnayné-Csehi, 1990; Mircheva et al., 2004). A binary chemical attractant

þ36 1 391 8655.

All rights reserved.

comprising (E)-cinnamyl alcohol and (E)-anethol has been opti-mized previously and proved to be attractive to adult E. hirtabeetles (Tóth et al., 2003, 2004). Application of this binary chemicalattractant, together with a light blue colour in funnel traps, resultedin significantly higher catches than in traps containing either thechemical or the visual cue alone (Schmera et al., 2004). The firstattempts at mass trapping trials in strawberry plantations andapple orchards against E. hirta using attractant-baited light bluetraps were reported by Sivcev et al. (2006) and Tóth et al. (2005).

Reports of significant damage by Cetonia a. aurata L. and Potosia(Protaetia) cuprea Fabr. in Hungary have increased in frequencyduring recent years (Voigt et al., 2005). This indicates that thesignificance of these pest species is growing. A ternary chemicalattractant comprising 3-methyl eugenol, 1-phenylethanol and (E)-anethol was optimized previously and proved to be attractive toadults of C. a. aurata and P. cuprea (Tóth et al., 2005). C. a. aurata andP. cuprea were attracted in higher numbers to a light blue, ratherthan to other colours tested in the presence of their floral attractant

Table 2Details of field tests. HR: Croatia, BG: Bulgaria, I: Italy, HU: Hungary.

Experiment Locality Biotop Period

1 Bascica (HR) Edge of a mixedorchard

March 26eAugust 19, 2008

2 Prkos (HR) mixed orchard March 26eAugust 19, 20083 Zagreb (HR) Edge of a mixed

orchardApril 9eAugust 20, 2008

4 Kyustendil (BG) Mixed orchard March 28eAugust 9, 20085 Sofia (BG) Mixed orchard March 25eJuly 29, 20086 Rome (I) Mixed orchard April 1eAugust 4, 20087 Acireale (I) Mixed orchard March 4eJuly 1, 20088 Telki (HU) Bushy edge of an

oak forestApril 3eAugust 29, 2008

J. Vuts et al. / Crop Protection 29 (2010) 1177e11831178

(Tóth et al., 2005). Light blue traps baited with the ternary attrac-tant are in use today in Central Europe for monitoring and masstrapping of C. a. aurata and P. cuprea (Voigt et al., 2005; Tóth et al.,2006; Razov et al., 2008). More recently, the addition of (�)-lav-andulol to the known ternary bait increased catches of C. a. aurataand P. cuprea significantly, providing a more efficient attractant forthese scarabs (Vuts et al., 2010).

The cetoniin scarab Oxythyrea funesta Poda can also causeoccasional damage in orchards (Hurpin, 1962; Tóth et al., 2005). Afluorescent yellow trap exploiting the strong attractancy of O.funesta to this colour (Tóth et al., 2005), and baited with the binarylure of (�)-lavandulol and 2-phenylethanol, has been developed formonitoring and mass trapping of this scarab (Vuts et al., 2008).

The objective of the present research was to study the perfor-mance and selectivity in catching cetoniin scarabs of traps devel-oped for E. hirta, Cetonia/Potosia or O. funesta, respectively,throughout the spring and summer in 2008. Parallel tests wereconducted in several Central and Southern European countries.

2. Material and methods

2.1. Baits

To prepare the bait dispensers, a 1 cm piece of dental roll(Celluron�, Paul Hartmann AG, Heidenheim, Germany) was placedinto a tight polythene bag made of 0.02 mm linear polyethylene foil(ca. 1.5�1.5 cm). The dispenser was attached to a plastic strip(8� 1 cm) for easy handling when assembling the traps. Formaking up the baits, compounds were administered onto thedental roll and the polythene bag was heat-sealed. Previous expe-rience showed that bait activity was not reduced after severalweeks of field exposure, so we decided that it was safe to renew thelures at 2e3-week-intervals (Tóth et al., unpublished data). Detailsof treatments set up in the tests are shown in Table 1.

Dispensers were wrapped singly in pieces of alufoil and werestored at �30 �C before use. Synthetic compounds were obtainedfrom SigmaeAldrich Kft. (Budapest, Hungary). All compounds were>95% pure as stated by the supplier.

2.2. Traps

In the tests, CSALOMON� VARb3 modified funnel traps(produced by Plant Prot. Inst., HAS, Budapest, Hungary) were used,which proved to be excellent for the capture of related scarabs (i.e.Imrei et al., 2001; Schmera et al., 2004). Photos of VARb3 traps canbe viewed at www.julia-nki.hu/traps. The upper funnels of VARb3traps developed for catching E. hirta or Cetonia/Potosia were lightblue, while fluorescent yellow was used for traps developed forcatching O. funesta. For the reflectance spectra of these colours, seeSchmera et al. (2004). Later on in the text, the trap for the capture ofE. hirta will be referred to as CA-baited trap due to the unique (E)-cinnamyl alcohol content of its bait. Similarly, the trap for capturingCetonia/Potosia will be referred to as ME-baited trap due to the3-methyl eugenol content of its bait, and the trap developed for O.funesta will be referred to as PH-baited trap because of2-phenylethanol.

Table 1Details of treatments tested.

Treatment Trap Bait composition (mg)

(E)-Anethol 3-Methyl eugenol 1-Phenylethanol (

A ME-baited 100 100 100 e

B PH-baited e e e e

C CA-baited 200 e e 2

2.3. Field tests

Experiments were conducted concurrently in several countriesin Europe in 2008. Traps were set up in a randomized completeblock design (number of blocks: 4, number of traps/site: 12). Thedistance between traps was 10e15 m, with a minimum distanceof 25 m between blocks. Traps were set up in sunny places withno shade of trees or buildings, attached to poles at a 30e40 cmheight above the ground. Traps were inspected twice weekly.Captured insects were removed, their species identified andnumbers recorded. Details of each experiment are presented inTable 2.

2.4. Statistics

Catches were transformed using (xþ 0.5)1/2 as suggested byRoelofs and Cardé (1977) for similar experiments and wereanalyzed by ANOVA. Treatment means were separated by theGameseHowell post hoc test (Jaccard et al., 1984). All statisticalprocedures were conducted using the software packagesStatView� v4.01 and SuperANOVA� v1.11 (Abacus Concepts Inc.,Berkeley, CA).

3. Results

3.1. E. hirta

Except in Acireale Italy (I), where no E. hirta catches wereobserved, the PH-baited trap caught fewer beetles than CA-baitedor ME-baited traps; at all sites except Zagreb Croatia (HR), thedifferences were significant (Fig. 1). There were no statisticaldifferences observed between the catches of CA-baited or ME-baited traps.

3.2. O. funesta

Catches of O. funesta were highest in PH-baited traps (Fig. 1).ME-baited traps were generally more attractive to O. funesta thanCA-baited traps; at Bascica HR and Telki Hungary (HU), the differ-ences were significant.

Trap colour

E)-Cinnamyl alcohol (�)-Lavandulol 2-Phenylethanol

100 e Blue200 200 Fluorescent yellow

00 e e Blue

J. Vuts et al. / Crop Protection 29 (2010) 1177e1183 1179

3.3. C. a. aurata

In all sites where C. a. aurata was found, ME-baited traps werethe most effective in attracting C. a. aurata, followed by PH-baitedor CA-baited traps (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Mean catches of scarabs at the experimental sites (HR: Croatia, BG: Bulgaria, I: It(developed for catching O. funesta) and CA-baited (developed for catching E. hirta) tradifferent at P¼ 5% by ANOVA, GameseHowell. Total catches of less than 15 beetles in anthe figure.

3.4. P. cuprea

This species was only captured in Prkos HR and Telki HU, whereME-baited traps attractedmore P. cuprea beetles than the other twotraps (Fig. 1).

aly, HU: Hungary) in ME-baited (developed for catching Cetonia/Potosia), PH-baitedps, resp. Columns with the same letter within one diagram are not significantlyexperiment were categorized as ‘Very low numbers caught’ and are not shown in

J. Vuts et al. / Crop Protection 29 (2010) 1177e11831180

3.5. Other scarabs

Tropinota squalida Scop. was observed only at Rome I and Acir-eale I, where it was attracted to CA-baited and ME-baited traps insimilar numbers (Fig. 1).

Valgus hemipterus L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Valginae) wascaught in high numbers only at Bascica HR andmostly inME-baitedtraps (Fig. 1). Only low numbers were found in CA-baited or PH-baited traps.

3.6. Selectivity of the traps

3.6.1. ME-baited trapsC. a. auratawas the most abundant cetoniin species collected at

the two sites with the largest C. a. aurata populations (Zagreb HRand Telki HU) (70% and 76%, resp.) (Fig. 2). At sites with low C. a.aurata populations, good numbers of E. hirta were caught (ranging

Fig. 2. Percentage distribution of total catches of scarabs in the whole experimental period inO. funesta) and CA-baited (developed for catching E. hirta) traps, resp., at the experimental sitotal number of scarabs caught.

from 90% to 31%). At Acireale I, T. squalida was the most abundantspecies caught in ME-baited traps (97%). At Rome I and SofiaBulgaria (BG), C. a. auratawas absent. P. cupreawas caught in largernumbers at Telki HU (8%), while at other sites, it was recorded onlyin low numbers ranging from 12% to 0.4% of total catch. P. cupreawas absent at Kyustendil (BG), Sofia BG, Rome I and Acireale I.

3.6.2. PH-baited trapsAt 4 sites, O. funestawas caught in percentages ranging from 87%

to 35% (Fig. 2). At Telki HU, C. a. aurata and at Prkos HR, E. hirtawerecaught in sizable numbers. At Kyustedil BG, very low (6%), and atAcireale I, no O. funesta catches were observed in PH-baited traps.

3.6.3. CA-baited trapsExcept for the two sites in Italy, E. hirta comprised 100% to 54% of

the total captures in these traps (Fig. 2). At Rome I, 57% of the totalcatch was the closely related T. squalida. At Acireale I, only

ME-baited (developed for catching Cetonia/Potosia), PH-baited (developed for catchingtes (HR: Croatia, BG: Bulgaria, I: Italy, HU: Hungary). Numbers above each column show

J. Vuts et al. / Crop Protection 29 (2010) 1177e1183 1181

T. squalidawas collected, suggesting that E. hirtawas absent at thatlocation. The second most abundant species in CA-baited traps wasC. a. aurata, ranging from 40% to 6%, while O. funesta ranged from23% to 2%. Only small numbers of P. cuprea (3e1% of total catch) andV. hemipterus (15e1%) were caught in CA-baited traps.

The selectivity of the traps studied in the present project wasinfluenced by the local occurrence of the target species and therelative abundance of the other cetoniins at any given site. Thus,even themost selective trap tested in this study, the PH-baited trap,caught cetoniins other thanO. funesta in large percentages where O.funesta was evidently present in low populations, or was notpresent at all.

Another factor to consider is that selectivity of a given trapcalculated for the whole season may be significantly different fromselectivity of the same trap during the main flight period of the

Fig. 3. Percentage distribution of total catches of scarabs in the main flight period of the targfor catching O. funesta) and CA-baited (developed for catching E. hirta) traps, resp., at the eCetonia/Potosia: Exp. 1: May 30eJun 9; Exp. 2: Jun 27eJul 23; Exp. 3: Jul 2eAug 6; Exp. 4: ApJun 24eAug 4. For O. funesta: Exp. 1: May 30eJul 11; Exp. 2: Apr 21eJun 5; Exp. 3: Apr 30eJul1; Exp. 8: May 10eJun 19. For E. hirta: Exp. 1: Mar 31eMay 30; Exp. 2: Mar 31eMay 19; Exp. 3Exp. 7: Mar 4eApr 7; Exp. 8: Apr 7eMay 10. Numbers above each column show total num

target species (which may occur before or after flights of otherrelated species coming to the trap). Thus, for example, the 54% E.hirta selectivity of the CA-baited trap at Telki HU (Fig. 2) becomes94% if we consider only the main flight period (between April 7 andMay 10 at this site) of E. hirta (Fig. 3) and, likewise, the 41% Cetonia/Potosia selectivity of the ME-baited trap at Prkos HR becomes 99% ifwe consider only the main flight period (between June 27 and July23 at this site) of C. a. aurata and P. cuprea (see also Fig. 3).

4. Discussion

In the present experiments, equally large numbers of E. hirtawere caught in CA-baited and ME-baited traps. Previously, we hadno data on the performance of the ME-baited trap early in thespring, when E. hirta is flying (Tóth et al., 2005). The surprisingly

et species in ME-baited (developed for catching Cetonia/Potosia), PH-baited (developedxperimental sites (HR: Croatia, BG: Bulgaria, I: Italy, HU: Hungary). Period shown forr 24eAug 9; Exp. 5: Apr 30eJul 29; Exp. 6: Jun 4eAug 4; Exp. 7: May 15eJul 1; Exp. 8:2; Exp. 4: Jun 2eAug 9; Exp. 5: May 26eJul 29; Exp. 6: Apr 14eAug 4; Exp. 7: Mar 4eJul: Apr 16eMay 14; Exp. 4: Mar 31eApr 29; Exp. 5: Apr 1eJun 12; Exp. 6: Apr 7eMay 27;ber of scarabs caught.

J. Vuts et al. / Crop Protection 29 (2010) 1177e11831182

good performance of the ME-baited traps can be explained partlyby the presence of (E)-anethol (which is a component in baits forboth E. hirta and Cetonia/Potosia), but a possible synergism for E.hirta among the other components of the Cetonia/Potosia baitcannot be excluded and should be investigated further. Anotherfactor could be related to the blue colour of both traps, as E. hirta isstrongly attracted to objects in blue (Schmera et al., 2004; Tóthet al., 2005).

Based on the results in the present study, for practical applica-tions, the ME-baited traps could be used as “multi-species traps” inEurope for catching E. hirta, C. a. aurata and P. cuprea. This could beadvantageous in situations where control of both E. hirta andCetonia/Potosia is required, (i.e. on farms with orchard cultures withripening fruit from spring to mid-summer). However, when onlyE. hirta needs to be controlled, the original bait targeted for thisspecies may be more economical, since it contains only twocomponents as opposed to four in the Cetonia/Potosia bait.

Catches of E. hirta showed a tendency to be somewhat lower inPH-baited traps, with significant difference at two sites (Prkos HR,Telki HU: this experiment caught the largest total number ofE. hirta). The performance of the PH-baited trap in catching E. hirtacould be explained by the relatively high sensitivity of E. hirta to thevisual stimulus of fluorescent yellow (Tóth et al., 2005), but thepossible attractive activity of constituents in the O. funesta bait onE. hirta cannot be excluded and should be studied in more detail inthe future.

Catches of O. funesta were largest in PH-baited traps in thepresent study, supporting an earlier report (Vuts et al., 2008). TheCA-baited traps caught negligible numbers from O. funesta.The somewhat higher activity of the ME-baited traps could beattributed to the presence of (þ)-lavandulol in both the O. funestaand the Cetonia/Potosia baits.

For practical applications, if the damage is caused predomi-nantly by O. funesta and the mass trapping of this species is tar-geted, for reliable results, the application of the PH-baited trap canbe recommended.

C. a. aurata and P. cuprea showed the strongest attraction to ME-baited traps, although at some sites the PH-baited traps also caughtsizeable numbers. This could be explained by the presence of(þ)-lavandulol in both baits. The colour sensitivity of C. a. aurataand P. cuprea is not as overwhelming as in E. hirta or O. funesta (Tóthet al., 2005), so the different colour of the traps may have had onlya minor influence. The lowest numbers of C. a. aurata and P. cupreawere generally found in CA-baited traps.

For practical applications, the ME-baited traps appeared toworkwell in several regions in the present study and can be recom-mended for general use in Europe.

T. squalida is a Mediterranean pest scarab with similarmorphology, life habits, behavior and the damage it causes to theclosely related E. hirta, which is abundant in more temperateEurope (Hurpin, 1962). In the present study, it was recorded in thetraps in Sicily (Acireale I), where this was the only scarab captured,and near Rome I.

T. squalidawas caught in larger numbers by both CA-baited andME-baited traps,which closely resembled responses of E. hirta. Fromthis point of view, results from our site near Rome I are of particularinterest, since both T. squalida and E. hirtawere present and showedvery similar responses. The good catch of T. squalida in the CA-baitedtraps is not surprising, since attraction of the same compounds as inthe E. hirta bait [(E)-anethol plus (E)-cinnamyl alcohol] has alreadybeen reported for T. squalida (Ortu et al., 2001, 2003).

Successful capture of T. squalida in the ME-baited traps couldpartly be explained by the presence of (E)-anethol, however, theeffect of trap colour cannot be excluded. The colour sensitivity of T.squalida has not been studied in detail, but white objects have been

reported to attract the species (Ortu et al., 2001). E. hirta respondsalmost equally well to both white or blue (Tóth et al., 2005), andcurrent results suggest that the blue colour can also be a significantcue for T. squalida. Tests to investigate this phenomenon are underway and will be published in detail elsewhere.

For practical applications, both the CA-baited and ME-baitedtraps can be recommended for usewhen the capture of T. squalida isnecessary.

The scarab V. hemipterus, which is mostly known as a visitor offlowers (Hurpin, 1962), can damage Prunus L., Malus Mill. (Bureshand Lazarov, 1956), Rosa damascena Mill. (Nikolova, 1968), Casta-nea sativa Mill. (Ovcharov et al., 2007) and Tulipa L. (Horváth et al.,2007). This species was caught in low numbers at most sites, but atBascica HR, significantly more beetles were caught in ME-baitedtraps than in the other two treatments. (E)-Cinnamyl alcohol haspreviously been reported to attract V. hemipterus (Tóth et al., 2003).This compound was present only in the E. hirta bait in the presentstudy. If the practical need to capture V. hemipterus arises in thefuture, more detailed studies are necessary on the activity ofconstituents of the Cetonia/Potosia bait vs. (E)-cinnamyl alcohol andtheir combinations.

Further research will optimize attractive chemical and visualcues for T. squalida, and develop “multi-species” traps with a widerspecies-range, possibly targeting O. funesta and other pestcetoniins.


This work was partially supported by grant DO02-244/2008 ofthe Bulgarian National Scientific Fund, by OTKA grant K 81494 ofHAS and by the grant of KUKBOGMV OM-00063/2008 JÁP.


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