1 (46) Evaluation of Forte Centre of Excellence Centre for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society REMESO Linköping University 2018

PART 1 - Linköpings universitet

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Evaluation of Forte Centre of Excellence

Centre for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society

REMESO Linköping University


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PART 1 Questions to the Vice-chancellor of the University

1. In the grant proposal, it was the HEI that applied. How were the applications selected? Linköping University, LiU, is committed to all ambitions and processes formative in strengthening strategically important research initiatives and environments. For the present call, we actively encouraged a dialogue with several interested research groups. The project “REMESO” was the only applications prioritized by the Vice-Chancellor and the deans to submit a full proposal.

2. Has the grant influenced the strategic priorities of the university? If so, in what way? As a comprehensive university encompassing engineering, medicine, humanities, social sciences, Linköping University has a large research potential with both breadth and depth. The breadth is decisive for taking on ”grand challenges” where constellations of competencies across disciplinary and faculty boundaries are typically required. In that context, the limited number of strong research areas that Linköping University is leading is central. Also, these areas play a key role for driving the dynamics of the knowledge triangle, integrating research, innovation and education. More specifically, the early start of a programme for visiting researcher at REMESO has had a positive impact of providing a momentum towards the univesity’s strategic goal of ‘expanding excellence`. In addition, REMESO’s location in Norrköping has played a major role in further strengthening the research environment at Campus Norrköping.

3. Has the university taken new initiatives in co-financing programs, positions or projects at the Centre? The university has since the start of REMESO had a very strong engagement and direct financial support to the Centre as an advanced international research institute. In addition, LiU’s high priority in the area is also evidenced by contracts awarded by the Vice Chancellor to three Professors at REMESO (Schierup,

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Ålund and Woolfson) with 2.0 MSEK/person/yr in promotional funding starting in 2008. Of course, additional recruitment has also been made during the period and worth mentioning is especially the recruitment of Professor Stefan Jonsson.

4. Has the university any long-term plans for the centre, after the grant period? LiU have had an active dialogue with REMESO on the future development of the Centre. The management of REMESO have applied for funding from different financiers in order to develop the research area of on labour market restructuring, migration and social inclusion. There has also been lobbying activities towards the financiers for future calls similar to the FAS-Centre. Pending future external funding LiU has e.g. granted 1,5 MSEK for 2018 as a conversion grant. Also, the Vice chancellor and the faculty are in a dialogue regarding a possible new professor recruitment within the Centre environment. Thus, provided that REMESO, the faculty and the Vice chancellor are in agreement, the Vice chancellor will co-finance the recruitment of a new professor by 50% for a limited period of 4 years (planned for 2019).

5. Reflect on the pros and cons of Center of Excellence grant. How do you perceive Center of Excellence grant? Is it a good way to finance research? If so, what is good with this type of grant? The aim of the center of excellence is to promote cooperation between outstanding researchers and research groups, through strategic initiatives that adds value to research within the field of labour market restructuring, migration and social inclusion. This broad research area, is by nature, cross disciplinary and thus funding is usually only obtained by individual grants in rather “narrow” research projects. Trying to obtain a large Centre in an area that is interdisciplinary by gathering individual research’s projects would be of great difficulty, if not impossible. Therefore, the funding from FORTE/FAS has been indispensable in creating the REMESO environment.

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Questions 1-6 should be answered by the Coordinator of the Forte Centre, Carl-Ulrik Schierup ([email protected])

1. Research performed

a) Describe the most important results of the research performedat the Centre.

REMESO’s key rationale lies in a synthetising understanding of economy and society as contingent on contemporary globalization in terms of its economic, technological, social and cultural dynamics. The understanding of social discrimination, migration, social justice, and social inclusion is set against the background of economic restructuring and contingent transformations of society, politics, culture and power. The study of these ongoing transformative socio-economic and cultural processes has continuously guided the research agenda of REMESO, allowing the centre to take on board challenges as new landscapes of migration and ethnic relations emerge in the context of global economic and social reconfigurations. Taken together the centre’s research has resulted in both national and international, recognition, numerous invitations to present research results at international conferences, as well as engagement in expert assignments by national and international stakeholders. In terms of the development of methodology there has been a continuous striving to combine qualitative and quantitative research. Policy trends and academic controversies concerning Qualitative Data Preservation and Reuse (Slavnic 2013) have been discussed with a focus on the regulation of data sharing as a key European and international policy concern. It has been scrutinised in depth at international workshops organised by REMESO, financed by a major Swedish funding agency (RJ), and will be published as a special issue of an international peer reviewed journal. The Centre’s longitudinal register-based data-base has been designed to meet the special needs of research on international migration and ethnic relations in Sweden. It contains a rich material for longitudinal studies ranging from 1990 until today. The database has served work that excels in creative methodological innovation, often in studies using an original quantitative-quality triangulation approach. Throughout 10 years of research, the Forte Centre REMESO has kept to and developed its original intention: to create an integrated interdisciplinary approach to welfare state transformation and social exclusion/inclusion in a multiethnic society under conditions of globalised migration, with a focus on Sweden in international comparative perspective.

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This endeavour has remained the core of the centre’s research programme. Yet, as laid out in the 2011 self-evaluation the centre’s research field is continuously being extended towards the transnational, regional EU, and a wider global perspective on social transformation, migration and citizenship. On all of these three levels - the national, the regional, the global - new research questions and contemporary social and political issues have been developed in accordance with intentions articulated in the 2011 evaluation. It includes, for example, right wing populism and racism, new urban justice movements, the historization of the European colonial heritage, refugees and asylum, the precarisation of work and citizenship in Sweden and at a planetary scale, and the growth, potentials and inherent predicaments of “ethnic enterprising”, continued critical scrutiny of citizenship, culture and institutional practices in education, care-work and health. Based on the past ten years dynamic development of research at the centre we present ground breaking research on the frontline of international research within five thematic areas which have had a high priority in the centres research: Citizenship, Community and Social Movements; The Political Economy of Migration and Its Social Contingencies; Changing Conditions of Work and Industrial Relations; Education, differentiation, and socialisation to citizenship; Care-work, health and predicaments of culturalisation. Along the following presentation of results of the research performed we include through digital links in the text references to projects described in the REMESO research database as well as to publications by individual authors or groups of authors included in the university’s DIVA publication depository.

Collective staff-work on the production of readers Before turning to these thematic areas, however, we present three collected volumes that have gathered senior scholars and PhD students in fruitful collaborative efforts in order to collectively introduce and engage with the frontlines of research in migration and ethnicity. The three volumes may be seen as representative of the centre’s broad research profile and interdisciplinary approach. An overall approach to social transformation and interrelated issues of, migration, ethnicity, social justice and inclusion has been laid out in a reader published by Routledge on Critical Perspectives on Migration and Ethnic Relations. Edited by Magnus Dahlstedt and Anders Neergaard (2015), the book is directed towards advanced learners (masters and PhD levels) and is a testimony of the Centre’s synthetic and complex approach. The reader was first published in a Swedish language edition (2013). Another collected volume, representing a collective effort of senior and junior scholars at the centre is the recently published, book Reimagineering the Nation (2017), edited by Aleksandra Ålund, Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Anders Neergaard. The book presents a multidisciplinary exposition focused

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on the transformation of economy and society in Sweden, seen in a wider European perspective. It addresses changing frameworks of citizenship, welfare and democracy, migration and asylum, urban segregation and labour market segmentation, processes of securitization. It illuminates intersecting dimensions of class, gender and racialization and juxtaposes xenophobic populism with new social justice and antiracist movements on a changing political stage. A third collective work on Education, Work and Citizenship (Dahlstedt et. al. 2016) addresses, in Swedish, the interrelationship between housing, education, and labour market, with its focus on sustainable development, equal opportunities and conditions for a “full citizenship”, within an increasingly class polarized and ethnically diversified society and segregated cities.

Thematic One: Citizenship, Community, Social Movements A theoretical-philosophical work on predicaments of collectivity and universality, concepts which serve to interpret human collectivities and explain historical change, has been elaborated by Stefan Jonsson in numerous publications. They discuss notions as "network", "subalternity", "multitude", "migrant" "flow", "movement", "community", and "humanity", in a perspective seeing ideas about the common and the universal as heavily influencing present and future developments of human and social science engaged in the examination of deep cultural and social transformations. The general aim is to historicize conceptions of collective being and action, so as to disclose that each presents a different model of a liveable social future. In two major monographs published by Columbia University Press, Jonsson (2008 and 2013) has examined the history of ‘the masses’ and ‘the people’ as political phenomena, sociological categories and aesthetic ideas through two centuries of European history. This internationally acclaimed research (translated into Korean, German, Turkish and Swedish), has brought REMESO and Swedish scholarship in relation with ongoing theoretical debates on how to understand collective formations such as nation, ethnicity, race. It has also had considerable impact on the development of transdisciplinary methodology, as it brings visual, literary and aesthetic theory to bear on sociological method. This research has also attracted additional major project funding and has led to invitations to speak at centres of learning from Stanford, Michigan and Yale in the west to Kolkata (CSSSC) and New Delhi in the east. Currently Jonsson’s perspective on mass movements is being developed further in long term projects financed by the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Tercentenary Fund. In addition, Peo Hansen and Stefan Jonsson have together made a critical re-assessment of the history of the EU and its relation to regimes of migration and ethnicity. As presented in some ten articles in leading journals, and crowned by the monograph Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism (Hansen & Jonsson 2014a), this research has opened up a new field of scholarship at the crossroads of political science,

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EU studies, European history and postcolonial studies, and has placed research about EU migration policy and Afro-European mobility on a partly new footing (Hansen & Jonsson 2011a; 2011b; 2012; 2013; 2014b; 2017). The impact of Hansen and Jonsson’s Eurafrica-project can be gauged by numerous invitations to speak at conferences and symposia around the world. Other angles on colonialism and its aftermath has been developed by Xolani Tshabalala (2017) in a doctoral dissertation on the Social Politics of Undocumented Movement, building on a methodological triangulation of historicity, political economy and ethnography, a fundamental work with obvious comparative potential relating to the increasingly acute migration and refugee-asylum problematic on the borders of the European Union. Another perspective on the European in Africa is being elaborated by Julia Willén on the basis of literary analysis in her PhD work on Belonging and Landscape among Whites in Southern Africa . The issue and problem of “whiteness” in a post-colonial perspective is taken into a global contemporary context by Catrin Lundström. In her project White Migrations: Gender, Whiteness and Privilege in Transnational migration, she deconstructs the dominant post-colonial concept of “the migrant”. The migrant is often thought of as a non-westerner in search for a better future in Europe or the United States. From a multi-sited ethnography with Swedish migrant women in the US, Singapore and Spain, this project explores the intersections of racial and class privilege and gender vulnerabilities in contemporary feminized migration from or within the West. Through an analysis of white migration, Lundström develops theoretical tools to understand the dynamics that shape the women’s lives as wealthy housewives, expatriate wives and lifestyle migrants. She scrutinises moreover return migrants’ re-integration into Swedishness with a focus on home, belonging, national identity and gender. A diverging intersectional analysis of citizenship and belonging is laid out by Sara Ahlstedt in her dissertation, The Feeling of Migration: Narratives of Queer Intimacies and Partner Migration, in which she explores narratives of queer partner migration. This concerns a migration in which one of the partners of a relationship has migrated to Sweden (from Africa, the Americas and other European countries), and where the partners queer the migration in the sense that they are ‘same-sex’ and/or gender non-normative. Ahlstedt’s ambitious study shows how partner migrants and their non-migrating partners narrate their lives and position themselves in relation to the migration processes. Law, belonging and agency are deeply intertwined in the framing of citizenship. In Citizens at Heart (2016), co-edited by REMESO-scholar Branka Likić-Brborić, this intersection is historicized. It represents the refugee’s experience of flight, asylum and social inclusion/exclusion and feelings of belonging in Sweden, from the 1990s Yugoslav wars to the new situation of war crisis and flight twenty years later, marked by the mass entry of Syrian refugees into a now fundamentally changed, and

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increasingly exclusivist, Swedish nation and society. Other perspectives on citizenship, democracy and belonging/non-belonging have been developed by Magnus Dahlstedt. Results are published in, among other, The Nordic Journal of Migration Research (Dahlstedt, Fejes, Olson and Rahm 2017). The paper develops a feminist perspective on how migrant women claim their belonging to a Swedish social community at the same time as they in different ways are denied such belonging by others. Variegated narratives by interviewed women, the authors claim, tell about crucial challenges of belonging in contemporary multi-ethnic Sweden, as well as Europe at large. Other research of the centre historicises the changing meaning of “nation”, citizenship and politics of belonging during the past two decades with a focus on the extreme right populist movements that have surged in Europe – West and East – as well as across most other parts of the world; most radically from the beginning of the third millennium. In several articles and books Neergaard and Mulinari scrutinize theoretical framings and the particular manifestations of new extreme right nationalism, most often with Sweden as an in-depth case study. Seeing the racializing discourse of the new extreme right (Mulinary and Neergaard 2017 in Nordic Journal of Migration Research) as being adopted by parties and institutions of the national polity as a whole, they trace a development of a racializing political regime, connected with a present transformation of liberal democracy (Mulinari and Neergaard 2017, in collected volume with Peter Lang). The originality of the research is enhanced by its intersectional perspective (Mulinary and Neergaard 2017, in collected volume with Palgrave Macmillan), examining the appeal of extreme right nationalism to women and, seemingly paradoxically, ethnic minorities. One priority targeted for the development of the centre’s research after the midterm evaluation (2011) was to ground an overarching perspective on contemporary social movements in times of crisis of community and belonging. It analyses racist/extreme right nationalist and new anti-racist movements as differential, and mutually antagonistic, expressions of a current "countermovement" circumscribed by an excessive commodification of the life world, labour and citizenship Carl-Ulrik Schierup Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Aleksandra Ålund and Anders Neergaard (2017), published in Ethnic and Racial Studies. New anti-racist movements and the process of becoming an activist (2017) are studied in depths by Aleksandra Ålund, with examples from justice movements in disadvantaged multiethnic neighbourhoods in Swedish cities. Analysis of the contingencies of youth rebellions in Swedish suburbs (2009 and 2013) have been published in, among other, Race and Class (Schierup, Ålund and Kings 2014). A plurality of new dialogue oriented activist groups have emerged after the riots, profiled as justice movements (Rosales and Ålund 2017, published in edited volume with Peter Lang). They address issues of segregation, racism and welfare transformation in Swedish cities. Studies of the new urban justice movement (directed by Kings and Ålund) among post-migrant youth in international comparative perspective and

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related cooperation, education and inclusion in multi-ethnic suburbs (directed by Dahlstedt) were financed by The Swedish Research Council, FORMAS and Forte. They have resulted in edited volumes, a number of peer reviewed articles and in academic-stakeholder workshops organised by REMESO under the auspices of UNESCO-MOST. An article by Schierup and Ålund (2018) in the Journal of Intercultural Studies historicises economic, social and cultural contingencies of contemporary transethnic social justice movements and their politics for reclaiming the commons after the crisis of 2008. These studies of urban unrest and new urban justice movements are in part based on the centre’s theoretically informed studies of urban segregation, the governance of urban peripheries (Dahlstedt 2015) and the politics of securitization and neighbourhood activation in urban renovation. Post-doctoral fellow Simone Scarpa has published his research on the impact of income inequality on urban segregation (Scarpa 2017) and ethnic segmentation in international comparative perspective in Urban Studies, Urban Geography and European Urban and Regional Studies, among others. His recent research highlights the limitations of using “broad” ethnic categories in residential segregation research and the inherent bias in using the category of “Swedish-born” citizens as a norm and mean in studies of segregation. Post-doctoral fellow, Christophe Foultier wrote his dissertation at the centre on issues of Urban Citizenship between Participation and Securitization (Foultier 2015). By investigating the overlap of security politics and participatory devices, Foultier demonstrates that deprived areas do not have access to an adequate form of intervention to meet the expectations and needs of its inhabitants, who are squeezed between a logic of development reluctantly accepted by, but rarely negotiated with its inhabitants, and a logic of security that often leads to the confinement of residents to their respective areas. In order to transcend the nation state as a framework for analysis of migration, ethnic relations and social movements, REMESO has developed a wider critical perspective on the formation and agency of a global civil society. This is manifested in the project Globalisation and the Governance of Migration: What Space for Civil Society?, undertaken by a consortium of Swedish, Turkish and Mexican researchers and with participation also of researchers from Germany and South Africa, under REMESO’s coordination. Funded by The Swedish Research Council and Forte, the project has examined the long-term development of an incipient global governance framework for migration initiated by a UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development. Results of the project are currently being published in a special issue (e.g. Ålund and Schierup 2018) of the journal Globalizations, and will also be published in a collected volume with Routledge. Other grounded conceptual work on social movements has, as foreshadowed by the 2011 evaluation, been developed in terms of the notion of “precarity”, a concept with a critical tinge rivalling the more commonly

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used concept of “social exclusion”. The concept of “precarity” links predicaments of citizenship, new social movements and belonging, to racism and discrimination and to issues of globalisation, labour and the political economy of migration. Results of the project have been published as a special issue of Critical Sociology and a collected volume with Brill, which examines Politics of Precarity (Schierup and Jørgensen 2016) in countries as diverse as Sweden, Spain, the United States, South Africa, China and Russia. Schierup’s research on politics of precarity has generated repeated invitations as key-note speaker in Denmark, Finland, Russia, The Czech Republic, South Africa and Mexico.

Thematic Two: The Political Economy of migration and its contingencies Developing pioneering research on the political economy of migration was basic to the original research application approved by Forte. An overall conceptual framing of the question has been laid out by Schierup, Hansen and the centre’s international adviser, professor Stephen Castles, in terms of Understanding the Dual Crisis (Schierup, Hansen and Castles 2015; building on Schierup et al 2006). This conceptual frame links two fields of study that are often viewed separately: research on ethnic relations and immigration, on the one hand, and the political economy of the welfare state, on the other. This conceptualization has entailed an advance in relation to state of the art research in the sense that it acknowledges that economic growth in the global age rarely seems to promote social inclusion, political consensus, or attachment to the values and principles of liberal democracy. The protracted crisis and restructuring of the modern welfare state is seen as a major factor of this predicament, which is analysed in conjunction with a parallel crisis of the nation, manifest in rising right wing populism, in Europe as across the continents. This perspective has been followed up by Hansen in several publications discussing the so-called “refugee crisis” or “migration crisis” in connection with the increased inflow of asylum seekers from, mainly, Syria in 2015. In an article in European Political Science, Hansen (2017) posits the migration crisis in a malicious confluence of politics of Asylum and Austerity. In this big picture of the European migration crisis he suggests that the answer to the question of Europe’s and Sweden’s refugee crisis rests with an austere calculus, which, for both fiscal and racial reasons, effectively thwarts the type of expansive public investment and citizenship regime that would be required to allow the EU’s demographic deficit to be perceived as congruent with the global refugee surplus. Results from research with an adjacent perspective on the refugee crisis has been presented in publications by Schierup and Scarpa, for instance in Social Inclusion (2018. They question prevalent arguments in scholarship and politics that immigration and increasing diversity by default should be perilous for a strong welfare state, and they (Schierup and Scarpa 2017) demonstrate that the “Swedish Model” of the welfare state was brought into disarray by politics of austerity long before the 2015 inflow of asylum seekers. In a new project on Immigrants' Legal Status, Integration and Life Course (supported by Forte 2017-20)

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Zoran Slavnić and Branka Likic-Brboric explore, from a bottom up perspective, implications for the livelihoods of immigrants/refugees of changes in both the political economy and in the legal-institutional framework. They particularly attend to the social consequences (in terms of integration) of the legal status and paths to citizenship that are made available to immigrants. In a broader interdisciplinary perspective a project developed by Jonsson and co-coordinated with REMESO’s Julia Willén has explored how constructions of cultural memory in Europe (which often silences histories of colonialism and the contributions of ethnic minorities) is connected to the social exclusion of migrants and minorities in the present socioeconomic system. This resulted in a major international symposium : Social Exclusion and the Contest of Colonial Memories (Jonsson & Willén 2016), which also has links to Jonsson’s innovative research on racism and ethnic discrimination (Jonsson & Bethoui 2015). A comprehensive global comparative perspective on the political economy of migration has been developed in a collected volume published by Oxford University Press: Migration, Precarity and Global Governance (Schierup, Munck, Likic-Brboric & Neergaard eds. 2015). In one of its 15 chapters on national, regional and global transformation Likic-Brboric (2015) critically historicises the development of an emergent global migration governance. She scrutinizes human and labour rights discourses, analyzing their institutionalisation and implementation and discussing the prospects that they will promote global social justice. Several other studies undertaken at the centre have addressed questions of changing labour regimes and the political economy of east-west migration in the wider European context. In ‘Globalization, EU Enlargement and the Challenge of Financial Crisis’, Likic-Brboric (2011) has focused on East-West migration and the search for EU solidarities. Likic-Brboric, Slavnic and Woolfson (2013) have traced wider commonalities and migratory interconnections that are leading to informalised or deteriorated employment conditions both East and West in the enlarged EU. Building on Slavnic theoretical scrutiny of the politics of informalisation, they have also, in several other publications, discussed how a growing tendency towards informalisation of work and economy emerges both “from above” and “from below” in the post-EU enlargement period. In addition, a penetrating analysis of post-communist transformation, corporate restructuring, the precarisation of labour and livelihoods and transfigured ethno-national relations in an area of Europe marked by mass emigration was published in a path-breaking case study by Slavnic Likic-Brboric and Williams (2013). A Forte financed project on East-West Labour Migration directed by Charles Woolfson examines free cross border movement with a focus on post-communist legacies and perspectives. Results of the project have been published in a series of articles and book chapters in, among others, Industrial Relations Journal (Juska and Woolfson 2015) and Construction Management and Economics. This research demonstrates that deterioration

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of labour standards and the working environment leads to increasing labour force “exit” on a scale not hitherto anticipated, while at the same time migrants from the former post-communist are at the centre of a high number of labour disputes in the EU-15. The broad implications of this strand of research, as a whole, are that the harmonisation of labour standards in the enlarged EU is not necessarily in an upward direction and that wider EU labour markets may be increasingly segmented as processes of informalisation grow in scope. In more practical terms, these research results imply that policy-makers concerned with preserving labour standards and norms of decent work should consider the interconnections between informalisation and migration, particularly in regard to “undeclared work”. The book The Contradictions of Austerity, edited by Woolfson and Sommers (2014), examines the development in the Baltic states, from which outward migration has increased dramatically since the crash of 2008. Praised by reviewers as a “hugely important contribution in the current debate over the future of Europe”, the book also elucidates current difficulties in Greece and southern Europe, the UK and elsewhere, as it clearly shows the immense social costs of programmes of radical austerity, which cut employment, living standards and social welfare. The centre's research on the post-communist transformation and East-West migration is historically framed by Jonsson's (2016) illuminating discussion on how West European integration was viewed in communist Eastern Europe at the time of the foundation of the EU; a East-European narrative about Europe’s calling and destiny that merits particular attention in today’s emerging polycentric world order in the age of migration.

Thematic Three: Changing conditions of work and industrial relations A multifaceted change of conditions of work and employment was highlighted by Annette Thörnqvist and Åsa Karin Engstrand (2011) in a collected volume analysing the emergence of precariousness in Sweden in a intersectional theoretical perspective. By examining the development of precarious employment in different settings, from industrial relations and employment relationships to regulation, policy and actual working conditions in different economic sectors, the authors provide, from different disciplinary perspectives, a rich and varied analysis of precarious employment. Zoran Slavnic’s (2010) influential article on the “Political economy of informalisation” in European Societies is the sixth most quoted in this prestigious journal since 2002. His pioneering studies of ‘informalisation from above and below’ and ‘the recommodification of labour’ related to the wider processes of ongoing post-Fordist restructuring, de-regulation of labour markets and parallel processes of migration, ethnic segmentation and the transformation of the state, have guided a number of studies at the Forte centre. They constitute part of the groundwork for the centre’s wider research on globalisation, migration and processes of social exclusion/inclusion. This research has also resulted in detailed theoretically

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framed empirical studies of the precarisation of work in European welfare states, published in, among other, Forum for Social Economics (Slavnic 2011) and the journal Hospitality & Society (Slavnic 2013). It has also stimulated the centre’s research on post-communist transformation in Europe, changing ethnic relations and east-west migration, as expressed in numerous articles. A special mention is here due to an article in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Likic-Brboric, Slavnic and Woolfson 2013), which received the 2014 Outstanding Paper Award issued by Emerald Literati Network. Slavnic’s work on the informalisation of economy and labour has also impacted on studies of ethnic entrepreneurship, which was projected as one the of priority areas for research in the second half of the Forte-centre’s funding period, according to the 2011 evaluation. The project Strategies and Structures, is led by Martin Klinthäll, and includes an interdisciplinary team of researchers at Linköping University and Lund University. It is a multi-disciplinary study of the preconditions for entrepreneurship among immigrants. The project has contributed new knowledge through a systematic and coherent longitudinal and spatial investigation of the dynamics of self-employment among immigrants in Sweden in a selection of economic sectors researched through a sophisticated and original methodological (quantitative/qualitative) triangulation. It applies and develops instruments from recent international research on ethnic minority businesses (EMB). Results are published in, among other, the Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies (Klinthäll and Urban 2014), examining co-ethnic entrepreneurship and employment among children of immigrated parents, and the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Slavnic and Urban 2018), scrutinising “meandering entrepreneurship” and ethnic segmentation in the taxi industry. The issue of recruitment into working life is a research area with several original contributions from the centre’s researchers. A study of Social Networks and Institutional Discrimination in the context of recruitment practices of large organisations, by Alireza Behtoui and Anders Neergaard aimed to explore the consequences of various recruitment practices and unequal access to social networks for the employment of people with foreign and Swedish background respectively. Results published in Work, Employment and Society (Behtoui and Neergaard 2010) demonstrate, moreover, that being a member of a stigmatised immigrant group is associated with a substantial social capital deficit. This deficit arises because immigrant workers are embedded in social networks that constrain their ability to acquire valuable social resources or are excluded from social networks with valuable resources. Therefore, observed wage gaps cannot be explained by ‘human capital’ variables. However, when social capital variables were taken into account, wage gaps noticeably shrank, which indicates that the wage disadvantage of immigrants may be explained by the fact that they do not have equal access to social capital.

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A more recent project by Neergaard (in collaboration with colleagues at Stockholm University and Södertörn University), has studied Factors that Promote Gender Equality and Ethnic Equality at Swedish Work-Places. A complementary perspective, concerned with public institutional management of recruitment and integration in the labour market, was elaborated in Jennie K. Larssons (2015) seminal and appreciated doctoral dissertation on how gender equality, work ethic and other allegedly “Swedish” values are perceived and maintained by employment service officials and private sub-contractors (so-called job coaches). Her work targets the outsourcing of services related to the integration of refugees/asylum seekers, a process that she relates to the promotion of new public management and a doctrine of “workfare” that contradicts the earlier trajectory of the Swedish public welfare and corporate labour market regime. Another doctoral dissertation (2016) by Viktor Vesterberg analyzes labour market projects that target unemployed migrants and ethnic minorities. Results were pre-published in, among others, the journal Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization (Vesterberg 2013). Basing itself on Michel Foucault’s conception of governmentality, this paper demonstrates how a particularly disadvantaged group – unemployed Somalis in Sweden – is problematized in the context of a labour market project co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). The article shows how different techniques, such as resume-writing, personal action plans, guidance and job-interview training are deployed in order to reshape these problematized and ethnicized Others into liberal subjects, or “employable” individuals. Other research, related to governance and labour market policy , is the dissertation by Ragnar Andersson (2011), co-funded by the Forte centre grant. The thesis is focused cross-sectorial integrated regional development policy oriented towards a mainstreaming of labour market integration of immigrants at national, regional and municipal levels. It demonstrates that there were high ambitions for implementing the idea of mainstreaming integration, including the use of network governance. However, when these goals were to be transformed into activities, an institutional mainstreaming was not completed, with all actors refraining from implementing the proposed mainstreaming model. The thesis also shows that hindrances to translations were negatively related to discursive categorizations of immigrants, lack of management skills and resources and a lack of adequate knowledge. Competence and Contacts, a project led by Martin Klinthäll, has studied the relevance of different types of social relations for establishment in the labour market for young persons of immigrant backgrounds. Results have been published in several leading international journals. In ‘The strength of ethnic ties’, published in Urban Studies (2016), Martin Klinthäll and Susanne Urban conclude that living in immigrant-dense areas increases the likelihood for ethnic minorities of finding employment through informal contacts. In an article in International Migration Review, discussing University Education as a Compensation Strategy Among Second-

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Generation Immigrants, Urban (2012) concludes that expected difficulties among racialised youth, in establishing themselves on the labour market due to discrimination, are being compensated through investment in higher education. In his ongoing Phd work (to be completed in 2018) on Social Stratification & Meritocracy Olav Nygård develops a complex theoretical framework and empirical analysis of this question. He scrutinises the Swedish educational system and the phenomenon referred to as “immigrant optimism”. Questioning a commonly accepted concept and theory of “meritocracy”, he refers to the fact that immigrants and children of immigrants tend to be more academically driven than expected given their socioeconomic backgrounds, which would result in advantage in the labour market, were it not for racialization and discrimination. Results of Nygård’s PhD project have, among other, been published in Comparative Migration Studies (2017). The described research on recruitment and labour market integration/mobility at the centre can operate on the background of studies of changing labour standards, labour processes and working conditions in different parts of a changing labour market. In collaboration with REMESO-associated researchers, Christer Thörnqvist and Petra Herzfeld Olsson, Charles Woolfson has studied causes, conditions and implications of forced labour in Sweden, with migrant berry pickers as an in depth case study. Published results in, among others, the International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Woolfson, Herzfeld Olsson and Thörnqvist 2012) demonstrate how berry pickers arriving annually in Sweden from both Asia and the newer European Union member states have been subject to excessive exploitation, a condition that appears to persist in spite of public and international concern and successive regulatory reforms. An examination of this problem from a forced labour perspective suggests that this may be explained by inadequate implementation and application of international norms in Swedish law, as well as deficiencies in the application of criminal-law and regulatory oversight. More recent research at REMESO is also of interest in this regard. Results from research on what is labelled Sweden’s “new Austeriat” was published in the journal Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research (Mesić and Woolfson 2015; republished in the PhD dissertation by Nedžad Mesić in 2017). This article describes the working and living experiences of Bulgarian Roma berry pickers in Sweden. It argues that an erosion of labour standards, which in this case results in exploitation of seasonal unskilled labour migrants from Bulgaria, poses great challenges for regulatory authorities and labour market actors. This calls for responses of European and national trade unions to issues of labour precariousness. Mesić has offered an original approach to this issue in an article in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Mesić 2016; republished in the PhD dissertation by Mesić in 2017). Adopting a critical multi-sited ethnographical approach, which is theoretically anchored in social movement frame analysis, this article proposes that actors from within

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various social movement compensate for the incapacities displayed by state, employers and established labour unions. In this sense, emerging civil society actors seem to be able to address the humanitarian distress experienced by the workers and to accentuate their political and public visibility. In her PhD thesis on Managing Migrant Workers from 2017 REMESO- scholar, Karin Krifors devises the term “moral economy” to analyse the justifications and negotiations through which the working conditions of migrant workers are established and contested in local and transnational economies. Krifors examines the role of “capital” in migration management through ethnographic fieldwork and through interviews with managers in two highly different sectors: the Swedish wild berry and IT industries. Despite their differences, thetwo industries are both shaped by particular structures of seasonal labour and international outsourcing, as they are increasingly reliant on temporary foreign workers from Thailand and India, respectively. The dissertation particularly emphasises how managers relate to public discourse and emotions in the face of global economic restructuring and changing regimes citizenship, and how this positions temporary migrants as part of the Swedish labour force, and yet different from it. In a number of articles, books and chapters in collected volumes Anders Neergaard develops a critical theoretical perspective and detailed empirical analyses on the precarious labour market position of racialised migrant workers, with particular focus on their positionality in relation to Swedish labour unions. In The Dilemma of Trade Union Solidarity (Neergaard 2016), a chapter in a collected volume with Oxford University Press, he asserts the “in-between” status of migrant labour as “unfree labour”, and he shows how this poses a challenge to Swedish unions, with their principled status as associations of free wage workers. The issue is contextualised theoretically by devising the concept of “informalisation” of labour, intersected with migrants” particular positionality as differential categories of “racialised” unfree labour. In a new project (2017-19), financed by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ) Neergaard extends the problematic of unfree labour and racialised workers to encompass the Dilemmas of Representation and Solidarity that trade unions face in a context in which the number of migrant workers is increasing and working class support for anti-immigrant extreme right parties is growing.

Thematic Four: Education, differentiation, and socialisation to citizenship A cluster of projects at REMESO relates to education. These projects have examined how the school system has been affected by privatization, commodification, urban transformation and ethnic segregation. A focus has been put on processes of social inclusion in multi-ethnic urban settings. Furthermore, these projects have studied the ways in which reforms in the system of education and changes on the labour market are related to local community development, and they have thus elucidated the interplay

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between structural and institutional change, civic agency and individual social mobility. A number of projects, of which some are referred to below, employ different theoretical and empirical perspectives. In her doctoral dissertation from 2010 on Career Choices for Young People with Immigrant Background Catarina Lundqvist examined the importance of social and cultural capital for school performance. The study highlights how career choices need to be understood in relation to a horizon of opportunity encompassing both a temporal and a spatial dimension. Young people's horizons of opportunity are obscured by perceived ethnic discrimination in the labour market, as well as by ethnic categorizations at school affecting their careers. The project School Choice Reforms - Implementation and Consequences has examined the general political context and implementation of school choice reforms at the local level, the experience of school choice at the individual level and the long term consequences for young people's future educational and professional careers. Results have been published in, among others, The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (Olson & Dahlstedt 2014). The authors highlight trends and tendencies in the educational assignment to provide for democratic citizenship in the first decade of the 21st century, which they characterise as lacking in vision. A further analysis of the transformation in is made in an article published in Critical Studies in Education (Dahlstedt and Feijes 2017) with a focus on entrepreneurship education in Sweden. The analysis draws attention to how a discourse on entrepreneurship has emerged and been shaped as a part of the Swedish school curriculum, and how this, in turn, shapes a specific kind of “ideal citizen”, responsible for his or her own achievements, and equipped with a willingness to learn and with an ability to adapt to constantly changing future horizons. These results are related to wider trends in education policy, where neoliberal rationalities have become central, with a shift of focus, from an understanding of education as a common good, to an understanding of education as a private good. In a book chapter entitled “Towards a New Education Regime” Dahlstedt and Trumberg examines further consequences of what they call “the neoliberal turn in Swedish education policy”, particularly for the its avowed democratic and egalitarian values. Policy changes, it is argued, have carried with them a reproduction and increase of inequalities between different students, along ethno-cultural/racial, gender, and class lines, in terms of educational options and outcomes. From a complementary perspective, Sabine Gruber has traced aspects of Swedish schools’ discourses and practices related to ambitions to combat violence and oppression. In an article published in Nordic Journal of Migration Research Gruber (2011) demonstrates that the Swedish school’s particular mission to combat ‘honour-related’ violence and oppression has evolved into a practice permeated by a discourse on “Swedish” values related to imaginations of national identity and gender, and how this has become a tool for the production of exclusion and inclusion. Specific

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attention is devoted to an intersectional perspective demonstrating how boys and girls, associated with a background in so-called honour cultures, are assigned to differential positions in the imagined Swedish community.

Thematic Five: Carework, Health and predicaments of culturalisation During the second half of its funding period, the FORTE centre has developed a highly successful stream of research that investigates the impact of migration and transformed labour and welfare regimes on carework and health care systems as well as on the health and embodiment of migrants and minorities. In a REMESO-project on the migration to Spain by Swedish retired seniors, Anna Gavanas turns north-south dimensions of the political economy of migration topsy-turvey. Gavanas have studied Swedish retirees are part of a growing stream of Northern Europeans who migrate to Southern Europe. Here they meet another stream of precarious migrants from Africa and Latin America in the Spanish care sector. Exploring the relations between intersecting streams of migrants who meet in Spain, and their intermediaries, Gavanas explores issues of mobility and the globalization of care/service, of crucial importance to welfare states and the future of work, elderly care and retirement conditions in an ageing Europe. Her work has resulted in several books and articles, published in, among other, Critical Sociology (Gavanas 2016). Sabine Gruber and Anna Bredström examine the role of ethnicity and gender in the treatment of women of migrant background in primary health care, and how this is reflected in the everyday practice in different institutions. Results published in Nordic Journal of Migration Research (2015) analyse the everyday practices of health care staff vis-à-vis migrants as a form of citizenship-making. They reveal how racialised discourses take different shapes in different institutional contexts, arguing that the practice of language interpretation cannot be understood without an understanding of the larger socio-political context in which the health care encounter takes place. Bredström and Gruber’s original norm-critical perspective, which reveals how a politics of belonging manifests itself in contexts of intimacy, has been developed further by Bredström and Bolander (forthcoming), as they emphasise the exigency to venture beyond an actually existing cultural racism in proclaimed anti-racist sexual education for youth. In Swedish Genes? Ancestry and Ethnicity in Human Genetics, another of the centre’s major projects on public health, Bredström and Shai Mulinari focus on how methodological, translational and ethico-political matters are dealt with in Sweden-based human genetics. An article published in European Journal of Public Health (Mulinari and Bredström 2015) scrutinizes the discriminatory accuracy of broad migrant categories. The results question the use of broad native/migrant categorizations as instruments for forecasting individual SRH. Such simple categorizations, the authors argue, have poor accuracy and should be abandoned in public health practice. Measures of association that neglect individual heterogeneity around group averages and discriminatory accuracy should be

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reported together whenever an intervention is being considered, especially in the area of ethnicity, migration and health. A complementary critical perspective is developed by Bredström (2017) in a seminal article published in the Journal of Medical Humanities on culture and context in mental health diagnosing. The analysis scrutinises current trends in psychiatric theory and treatment that, while emphasising neurobiology and decontextualizing distress, is marked by ethnocentricity in making sociocultural context relevant only for certain patients.

b) Describe briefly the quality of the research in an international context (state of the art).

The previous section has presented the Forte centre’s substantial results. Through its interdisciplinary profile and its ability to combine a foundational interest in migration as embedded in global transformations of economy and labour with innovative approaches to a number of political, social, cultural and theoretical issues at national and regional level, REMESO has reserved for it a rather unique status among European centres for studies of ethnicity and migration. In the following section, we demonstrate our solid standing in the international research community by listing our results in accord with a series of factual parameters that are used to measure research quality. REMESO’s research and researchers enjoy broad recognition within the international research community. This is mirrored in the REMESO researchers’ (1) strong publication record; (2) their numerous invitations to give keynote lectures and participate as contributors in prominent conferences and symposia; (3) frequent service as evaluators of research applications, PhD dissertations and research institutions around the world; and (4) their research contributions to international organizations.

A strong publication record The research collegium at REMESO has a long and solid track record of publishing not only in leading journals (as shown by the references in the previous section and in by the list of publications in Appendix 4) but also with peer reviewed academic book publishers: e.g. Routledge; Oxford University Press; Columbia University Press; Duke University Press; Brill Publishers; Berghahn Books; Bloomsbury; I.B. Tauris; Palgrave Macmillan; Peter Lang, etc. REMESO scholars have also edited special issues of peer reviewed journals; e.g. Globalizations and Critical Sociology.

International invitations REMESO Researchers have been invited to speak at conferences and by prominent institutions, such as: Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Conference of the European Sociological Association; European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference; European Union Center of Excellence, Florida International University; European University Institute (EUI), Florence; Johns Hopkins

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University, Bologna; Freie Universität, Berlin; Humboldt Universität, Berlin; Osaka School of International Public Policy and the EU Institute in Japan; St Antony’s College, University of Oxford; University of Cambridge; Open University, London; World Social Forum on Migration, Johannesburg; University of Cape Town, South Africa; The Russian Academy of Science; Center for Political Theory and Applied Political Science, RANEPA, Moscow; The Autonomous University of Zacatecas in Mexico; University of Split, Croatia; universities of Ålborg, Copenhagen and Roskilde, Denmark; University of Turku, Finland; the Georgian Office for Diaspora Issues; National Research Foundation of South Africa; The National Research Foundation of South Africa; Yale University; Columbia University; University of Michigan; Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea; Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence; Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University; University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Services to the academic community as international reviewers REMESO Researchers have been frequently asked to serve as international reviewers of foreign research centres and departments. This includes, among other: evaluation of applicants for professorships/chairs at the University of the Witwatersrand, Sydney University; Macquarie University; East Carolina University; evaluation of the research centre on international migration and ethnic studies, IMES, at Amsterdam University; Evaluation for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; European Commission TAIEX expert evaluation; research quality evaluation of the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen; evaluation for UK Equality and Human Rights Commission, Advisory Group on Discriminatory Recruitment Practices; commissioned work for Ecole des Hautes Études, Paris. REMESO Researchers have also been asked to evaluate research applications for the following foreign research councils: Central European University, Budapest; Croatian Science Foundation; European Research Council (ERC); Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg; Foundation for Polish Science; National Science Foundation (USA); L’Agence nationale de la recherché, France; Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; Research Council of the University of Leuven; Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO). REMESO Researchers have been asked to serve as opponents/examiners at foreign PhD defences by the following institutions: University of Bath; Roskilde University; University of Turku; European University Institute, Florence; University of Sydney; University of Copenhagen; University of Aarhus.

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Research contributions to international organizations REMESO staff have been engaged in research tasks commissioned by international organizations. These include, among others: European Commission TAIEX expert evaluation; research quality evaluation of the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen; commissioned reports to the European Centre of Expertise (ECE) in the field of labour law, employment and labour market policy; expert work for the Mutual Learning Programme of the European Commission on Roma integration; Commissioned work for the OECD and the European Commission on the European Union’s external labour migration policy; Commissioned work on Qualitative Evidence from the Second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks. Lead institution Cardiff Centre for Working Environment Research; commissioned research on Estonia national survey study. Commissioned research and in collaboration with Tallinn University of Technology, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Bilbao; Commissioned work on occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises: a comparative study of 8 EU member states (SESAME). Lead Institution KU Leuven.

c) Describe the role the centre has when researchers apply for different grants.

The long term horizon and flexibility guaranteed through the Forte centre-funding has made I possible to build a highly collegial and supportive research environment. It has provided research time for scholars without external funding, and it has provided opportunities for developing a large number high quality research applications. This has provided the basis for a sustainable research budget, stability and continuity in the development of REMESO:s research programme and an environment conducive to innovative and theoretically grounded empirical research with a long term perspective. A central hub for coordinating the work of the centre’s researchers has, throughout the centre’s duration – 2008-17 – has been the Research and Publication Strategy Group (RPSG). RPSG has been composed of senior scholar heading REMESO:s five different research streams, together with the Institute’s Director and deputy director. RPSG has functioned as a forum for the discussion, coordination development of research applications. It has been the forum for strategic discussions and priorities concerning research, applications and publications. In conjunction with the REMESO institute’s weekly academic seminar (with repeated sessions dedicated to application work and training) RPSG has also played a central role, in creating an intellectual environment for peer-reviewing of project proposals. The aim has been to improve the quality of applications from the centre’s researchers, but also to school in PhD students and junior researchers in the handicraft and challenges of applying for research funding. In advance of important deadlines for submitting applications to Swedish and international funders, special

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application seminars are held where researchers have their draft-applications critically reviewed, discussed and improved in close collaboration with experienced colleagues. A product of an established intellectual environment, and the synergy between RPSG and a vigorous seminar-culture has allowed and stimulated new constellations of researchers applying for funding, within Linköping university and between REMESO and researchers in other Swedish and international seats of learning.

d) Describe briefly how the research can be developed after the grant period. What is your strategy for maintaining a strong research environment after the grant period?

REMESO recognized early, not only that the grant period of the Forte centre would end, but also that three of the full professors would retire. As a consequence, there has been an ongoing work headed by two of the senior researchers to develop and implement strategies for a REMESO research environment for the future. This entails foremost a continuous updating of the strategy document, working with program application grants, and dialogue with the university. We enclose the latest version of the strategy document, which was decided upon by the REMESO board in December 2018, outlining how to tackle the challenges ahead (See Appendix 00) In this strategy document, we carefully delineate the following crucial points: (1) REMESO’s role in relation to future challenges of IMER research in Sweden; (2) the foundation on which we have built existing research initiatives, and which will guide the future; (3) REMESO’s major areas of research and possible new research directions; (4) our organization of research activities and education as well as the principles and aims that guide specific components of research and education at REMESO; (5) our aims for collaboration with non-academic social actors in the vast field of migration and integration; and, finally (5), we draw some conclusions about the needs for future staffing and recruitment, and we add some reflections on existing initiatives and possibilities that can ensure that research and education at REMESO is well funded and sustainable. As the university has declared itself willing to continue to contribute strategic funds to the Institute (although at levels lower than in the past), REMESO will be able to continue and expand in its role as an organizing hub for migration and ethnicity research at LiU, and sustain its position as the leading institute of its kind in Sweden, something that is symbolized by REMESO’s role in organizing the 2018 Conference for Nordic Migration Research. In discussions with the Vice Chancellor’s and Dean’s offices at LiU, we have particularly emphasized the roles that REMESO is able to play – first, as a University centre and, second, as a leading national actor in migration and ethnicity research. We have also stressed REMESO’s intention to develop research into two strategic areas: 1) the relations of climate change, global injustice, the Euro-African constellation, and forced migration or refugee migration; and 2) viable integration policies in relation

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to welfare (including employment, education, health, housing, social services) in the face of increasing migration as well as anti-immigration sentiment. Against the background of these initiatives, Faculty and Vice Chancellery have also expressed support for REMESO’s recruitment plans. In this context it is important to stress that the aim of REMESO is to interact and build collaboration with leading research environments. The vision of REMESO is not only to be the leading IMER research environment in Sweden, but also an active partner in the international, the Nordic and the Swedish research community. From this follows a responsibility to initiate and develop strategies across research environments with the aim demonstrating the need and importance in expanding IMER funding, taking on not only the challenges of today, but even more so for tomorrow.

e) Are there links to educational programs at the bachelor and master levels?

During the period of the Forte centre grant, LiU’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences has developed a policy of linking bachelor and master educational programs to strong research environment such as REMESO. Strongly supported by REMESO, this policy has meant that we have been able to expand our educational activities considerably, which has created possibilities for immediate output of research-based knowledge in ethnic and migration studies to large cohorts of students. Our educational activities take place above all in the International Master’s programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies and in the Bachelor’s programme in Social and and Cultural Analysis, both of which are entirely staffed and administered by faculty belonging to REMESO. In addition, members of REMESO have multiple teaching obligations in other university programmes and courses where research-based knowledge in ethnicity and migration is required; this pertains most importantly to International Master’s programs in International Relations and Economics, and to several professional educations: social work (socionom), economics (civilekonom), teacher’s programmes at various levels where REMESO faculty take care of considerable parts of the social sciences curricula, as well as programmes in health and medicine (training physicians and nurses). Of all these educational activities, the International Master’s programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies is the most direct outcome of research and knowledge enabled by the Forte centre grant. Launched in 2016, this program is informed by the new approach to the field of International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) that REMESO represents. The programme welcomes students of different academic backgrounds to develop a critical and trans-disciplinary understanding of ethnicity and migration. It relates ethnicity and migration to global economic and cultural change, as well as to systems of domination and movements of resistance. Students in the programme learn to analyse the causes of migration, as well as its consequences for emerging formations of race, gender, labour, citizenship, health care, welfare and culture.

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The programme is also characterized by its effort to integrate the humanities and the social sciences. By providing a curriculum that enables a comprehensive grasp of ethnic and migration studies and by offering opportunities for specialization through elective courses, internships, studies abroad and tutorials, the programme prepares for positions in local, national and international organizations, administration, business, government, media and the cultural sector, as well as for further postgraduate studies. A third crucial feature of the Master’s programme is that courses are directly linked to research at the REMESO Institute. All REMESO researchers are engaged in the programme and teach in their respective areas of expertise and specialization. Students thus have the opportunity to engage with the very problems and issues that are at stake in contemporary research debates on, for instance, labour and refugee migration, integration of migrants, structures of racism and discrimination, EU migration and asylum policy, migrant and minority access to citizenship, welfare and political representation, to mention some examples. As with REMESO’s Forte-funded International Graduate School, the Master’s programme has thus been able to draw on and utilize the synergies created by the FORTE grant, and students encounter an educational environment that is unique in Europe in its trans-disciplinary character, its direct research connection, and its access to the many guest researchers and speakers who visit REMESO throughout the academic year. The programme has been highly successful in terms of recruitment, with students arriving from all continents to take their degree in Ethnic and Migration Studies at REMESO and Linköping University. Together with seven other European master’s programmes in migration studies within the IMISCOE network, REMESO has also established a so called double degree option. This allows students to study one year and REMESO and their second year at a European partner programme. An additional high-profile feature of the programme is its running Linnaeus-Palme partnership with the African Centre for Migration and Society, which allows for student and faculty exchange in both directions. The second most important educational activity enabled by the Forte grant consist of the BA programme in Social and Cultural Analysis. This programme prepares students for advanced administrative and analytical tasks in a wide sector of employment, and it also prepares them for further research studies in the social sciences. The programme is wider in scope than ethnic and migration studies. However, since it was integrated within the REMESO environment in 2010, a large group of teachers and supervisors are REMESO researchers, and theoretical approaches, methods and issues from ethnic and migration studies have increasingly been incorporated within the SKA-program. Another direct outcome in the field of education of REMESO’s research over the past years is the prospect of a new Bachelor’s programme in applied migration and integration, which at the time of writing is being discussed at faculty level. Initiated by REMESO researchers, this new

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programme would respond to a demand for civil servants and professionals with knowledge and skills to plan and carry out migration and integration-related tasks in public administration, human resource management, education, health services and non-governmental organisations and businesses

f) Comment upon the previous evaluations of 2009 and 2011 and what has been done in accordance with the evaluators’ suggestions.

The 2009 evaluation of the centre was generally positive. It found the organization of the centre, set up during the first two years somewhat complex. It recommended that the centre put a priority on developing a encompassing theoretical framework. This has been a continuous effort with the idea that migration and ethnic relation must be theorized and studied empirically as processes contingent on a wider social transformation of our time. It has been exercised through continued development of complementarity between the centre’s five research streams. It is a perspective which is also reflected REMESO:s forward looking development strategy after the end of the Forte grant period (as described in 1d above). This work was emphasized and highly appreciated in the 2011 evaluation, stating then that REMESO had then a potential to become a well integrated institute. The evaluators also appreciated the formal organization of the centre. A recommendation was that the centre should concentrate its activities to Norrköping. It should put a priority on recruiting senior researchers which could strengthen the local research environment. We have followed this recommendation. The centre is today built around a smaller core of highly qualified senior researchers with strong international connections, putting an emphasis on quality and international standing rather than quantity. A priority has also been put on a tight integration between research and teaching. The 2011 evaluators also emphasized the high level of academic achievement of the centre and emphasized its contribution of theoretically founded knowledge to the European research agenda on, migration, citizenship, ethnic relations and citizenship. The 2011 evaluation furthermore emphasized the centre’s capacity to take on new cardinal issues. We have taken up that challenge in the second half of the centre’s duration, emphasizing innovation in terms of both qualitative dimensions and scale onto the existing research programme and its logic. The high quality of the research of younger researchers (PhD fellows) was emphasized. This is a target that has been followed up through rigorous and continuous peer reviewing of the PhD projects of doctoral students, through involving doctoral students in common work with senior scholars, through involvement in, training in the writing up of research applications.

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g) What university policies relevant to the gender profile of those involved in the Forte Centre exist - particularly those related to its leadership? How have these policies been implemented in the centre?

Linköping University as a whole have well developed policies that aim to facilitate increased gender equality. Besides the more general recruitment policy of stimulating applications from underrepresented gender/groups, the university has also been supportive in stimulating and allowing REMESO to perform search processes when recruiting professors in order to locate and inform highly internationally qualified women with an interest in applying for announced positions. As a centre where women are underrepresented among the most senior positions these recruitment endeavours have been supplemented efforts to engage female guest professors. This strategy has been successful including, among other, the assignment of a female guest professor through a major grant awarded by Riksbankens jubileumsfond. In our strategy document for REMESO:s development after the expiry of the Forte centre funding (included as Appendix 5) the increase of the proportion of women among the senior staff is a priority. This is envisaged to be accomplished through recruitment of guest-professors in the short term. In the long term it involves a determined search process securing the availability of female candidates in advance of the recruitment of a new full professor in 2019. This is a strategy aimed at creating a more balanced gender profile in terms of leadership the centre’s research and teaching programmes. The centre’s policies for obtaining gender equity among the senior staff and in leading positions involve, furthermore, the active inducement of highly qualified female colleagues already employed at the centre to seek promotion (from senior lecturer, to associate professor, from associate professor to professor). In addition to a striving towards obtaining gender equity in its recruitment strategy, REMESO has been successful in pursuing a policy of diversity, materialised in the fact that a substantial part of senior researchers has a foreign background.

h) Reflect on the pros and cons of Centre of Excellence grant. How do you perceive Centre of Excellence grant? Is it a good way to finance research? If so, what is good with this type of grant?

The flexibility in how to use the funding, the long term ten-year time period and the support of the graduate school has in combination created a stability conducive to collaboration, to explore new research within the broad field of REMESO, and to generate a dynamic synergy between research and teaching. The problem with short-term grants that are less flexible is that they entail the risk of stimulating linear research, sticking to what one already is an expert on. By contrast, the Forte centre grant has allowed

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REMESO and its researchers to embark on new and uncertain, but essential, research ventures, and at the same time stimulated integration and collegial dialogue. A central feature in developing REMESO as a centre of excellence has been to, on the one hand, avoid development into a “project hotel” in which a number of researchers do their separate research under the umbrella of a “centre”, and, on the other hand, to avoid building a hierarchical structure and a narrow research profile modelled purely on the research interest of the main applicant. The Forte centre grant, complemented by substantial co-funding from the Vice Chancellor, a stable faculty budget and continuous and successful efforts at obtaining additional external grants, have secured the viability of an collegially organised research environment with a profile that is both integrated, variegated and dynamic. A process of continuous development of research and teaching has been institutionalised through the work of the RPSG, the centres five mutually supportive research streams, a vibrant REMESO seminar and a recruitment policy aimed at taking on new research presented by ethnic and migration studies as one of the most challenging fields of study in our time. Moreover, our policy of delegating decision-making to the lowest possible level has encouraged the active participation by staff members and thereby enhanced the intellectual coherence and research momentum, as well as the strategic planning process. The university has supported this vision of a research environment by organising REMESO as a university institute. This entails that REMESO has its own board of trustees, representing scholars from within and outside Linköping University as well as stakeholder representatives representing stakeholder and public interests. Moreover, the centre’s international advisory board has contributed to intellectual discussions on what brings the individual scholars together as a centre. Through initial and halftime evaluations, and in developing strategy documents, senior, junior researchers as well as PhD students have together been engaged in discussing how to develop and improve REMESO as a centre of research. To a large extent, our research achievements and the collegial culture of scholarship and teaching on which they build, would have been unthinkable without the FORTE long-term excellence grant.

i) List as Appendix 4 a complete list of peer-reviewed publications by researchers at the centre during the grant period. Mark with an asterisk (*) the publications that are results of new collaborations due to the grant.

As clarified in the appendix, we have at this stage chosen to submit a list of publications that adequately reflects the research and publication strategies that REMESO has developed and discussed with Forte.

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There are several reasons for this. First, the categories proposed by Forte only partly correspond to priorities that have guided our publication strategy during the centre’s ten years of existence. REMESO scholars have made it their priority to publish peer-reviewed articles and special issues in well reputed international journals. In addition, and due to actual standards and practice across most of the international academic community in which our work is situated, we have put equal emphasis on the publication of books; i. e. monographs, edited volumes, and chapters in collected volumes, with top international publishers using peer-review. Meanwhile, our publication strategy, reflecting current international practice in our area of research, has not valorised conference presentations at international academic events as highly as is often the case in the natural and medical sciences. All our publications are registered in the University’s DIVA database, from which we can extract, composite lists of publications. However, the centre’s researchers usually do not register their conference presentations in the DIVA database. Such presentations are seen by our researchers as working material prior to final output, and final output is typically journal articles, books, books chapters and edited collections. As is clear below, we therefore have not followed the Excel-based template as supplied in Appendixes 4-6. We have instead chosen to deliver as Appendix 4, a single list of publications, corresponding in structure to the list that was sent to Forte in connection with the 2011 evaluation. This list is structured along the following categories: Peer Reviewed Publications - articles in Journals (PR) - Books and Collected Volumes (PR) - Chapters in books (PR) - Dissertations (PhD) Other academic (OA) publications - Articles in Journals (OA) - Other books and Collected Volumes (OA) - Chapters in books (OA) - Articles, Reports, manuscripts, books, chapter etc (POP)

2. Collaboration. Describe the impact of different types of collaborations, such as internal and external, and with different stakeholders REMESO and groups of REMESO scholars are active in a range of academic and academic-stakeholder collaborations. Stakeholder collaborations promote and enhance a more precisely targeted dissemination of research results and make room for constructive feedback that develop and improve further studies. It has become a common practice among REMESO researchers to let stakeholders influence the research already on

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the level of project design and to open up for constructive criticism midway and in finalizing research. The centre’s Research, and Publication Strategy Group, presented in 1c, oversees and coordinates REMESO’s collaborative and communicative work. We refer to examples of the Forte centre’s academic and stakeholder-oriented collaborations below.

Collaboration in education An important part of REMESO’s European and global collaboration is embedded in Teacher-Student exchange programmes fuelled by the Forte centre’s rich and differentiated research programme. The Centre has Erasmus agreements for student and faculty exchange in the field of migration and ethnicity with the following partners: - Master’s programme in Migration and Interethnic Relations, University

of Paris VI–Diderot; - Master’s programme in Sociology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt

am Main, Germany; - Master’s courses at the University of Trento, Italy; - Master’s programme in International Migration and Intercultural

Relations (IMIB) at the University of Osnabrück, Germany; - Master’s Degree in Social Policies and Socio-Community Intervention,

University of A Coruña, Spain; - Advanced Migration Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; - Master’s programme in Immigration Studies, Université de Liège,

Belgium; - Master’s programme in Social Sciences, with a pillar specialization in

Migration and Citizenship, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland; - Master’s programme in Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD),

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. - University ’Panaepistimio Kritis’, Rethymnon, Crete. Exchange of

teachers and PhD students. - Florence, Universita’ Degli Studi Di Firenze. Exchange of teachers and

PhD students. With several of these institutions, REMESO is also part of a Double Degree master’s programme offered by the IMISCOE consortium of collaborating European master’s programmes in Migration Studies. Moreover, REMESO has a long-term Linnaeus-Palme agreement for student and faculty exchange with the African Centre for Migration and Society, the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. An agreement has been signed (2017) with the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico, relating to teacher-student exchange focused on PhD studies in the field of international migration.

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REMESO has, in the educational field, played an important role in developing courses and curricula for major national stakeholders on migration, integration and discrimination. The Church of Sweden and the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) are the two largest organisations that have requested the centre’s expertise to teach in these areas.

Research: Academic and academic-stakeholder collaboration IMISCOE, International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion is an extensive European scholarly network for the study of international migration and ethnic relations, with involving 40 member-institutes and over 700 scholars from all over Europe. IMISCOE focuses on comparative research, publications, the organization of events, PhD training and awards and communication. The network supports more than 30 research clusters and the IMISCOE annual conferences have become a key item in the agenda of most scholars in our field. Furthermore, the network publishes various book series (a Research Series, a Text Book Series and a new series of short readers) and the journal Comparative Migration Studies. The director of the REMESO centre is a member of the IMISCOE’s Board of Directors. REMESO scholar Stefan Jonsson is an active member of IMISCOE’S editorial committee responsible for the book series. REMESO researchers, Anders Neergaard and Charles Woolfson have been active in IMISCOE’s standing research committee on Immigration, Immigrants and Trade Unions in Europe (IITUE), founded in 2011 with the aim to promote a broad understanding of the relationship between trade unions and immigrant workers in Europe from a cross-disciplinary and comparative perspective, and to analyse attitudes and strategies of a wide set of labour market actors relevant in shaping the position of migrant workers in the host labour markets and promoting equal rights and working conditions. Feeding into this involvement in European research on trade unions REMESO received a Forte Network grant on Trade Unions, Globalization and Transnational Solidarity (2008-12), directed by Neergaard and involving seven Swedish universities (Universities of Linköping, Lund, Uppsala, Umeå, Gothenburg and Stockholm, and the Linné University in Växjö) . REMESO researchers have also been involved in research and in the steering group (Neergaard) of a related Forte Network on Irregular Migration and Irregular Migrants (2012-15), including collaboration between researchers from the universities of Linköping, Lund, Uppsala, Malmö and Gothenburg. Between 2010 and 2014 researchers of the centre (Ålund and Puskas) participated in the five years Research Network Programme RECODE, financed by the European Science Foundation, with Aleksandra Ålund as a member of the programme’s international steering committee. RECODE, Responding to Complex Diversity in Europe and Canada, was aimed at exploring to what extent transnationalisation, migration, religious mobilisation and cultural differentiation entail a new configuration of social

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conflict in post-industrial societies; in the context of the network labelled complex diversity. The collaboration within the programme identified cleavages and normative issues that this new constellation raises on both sides of the Atlantic, and examined expertise in institutions, public policies and cultural resources that can respond to them. Participation in the programme has stimulated research within the Forte centre oriented towards diversity, transnationalism, multiculturalism and welfare state policies. The International Network for Migration and Development, INMD, is a Global research network, which has stimulated international collaboration of the Forte centre since 2010. Created in 2002 and formally constituted as a non-profit organization in 2003, the INMD is a global network of researchers, academic institutions and migrant organizations that promotes critical research on the complex ties between development, international migration and human rights. From its inception, the INMD has made significant contributions to the debate and has actively participated in various global fora such as the World Forum on Migration and Development and the World Social Forum on Migration. Collaboration within the INMD has stimulated extended engagement of REMESO scholars in researcher-stakeholder dialogue focused on society’s opportunities for influencing an emerging global agenda for the management of migration. A major researcher-stakeholder conference on global governance of migration under the thematic of Human Rights as Labour Rights (financed by Forte and VR) was organised by REMESO in Norrköping, 2012, in collaboration with the INMD and under the auspices of UNESCO-MOST (through Aleksandra Ålund), with world leading academic key note speakers and participation of representatives of influential international civil society organisations. A spin off from this international research collaboration led to the formation of international research groups, composed of scholars from Sweden (REMESO), Mexico, Turkey, South Africa and Germany, collaborating in the context of consecutive Swedish Research Links networks (2011-12 and 2014-17), financed by the Swedish Research Council (VR). Related to this academic-stakeholder workshops and conferences were organised in Norrköping, Cape Town, Zacatecas (Mexico) and Istanbul. In a parallel process, focused on glocal urban activism, consecutive international academic-stakeholder workshops, staging dialogue with and between with spokespersons of local Swedish and international grassroots organisations, were, under the auspices of UNESCO-MOST, organised in Stockholm. The Forte centre was in 2009 commissioned by the Swedish branch of the European Social Fund (ESF) to be responsible for its Thematic Group on WorkLife Integration (TIA). This project was in charge of ensuring effective dissemination of knowledge at the policy level to participants in ESF partnerships and of identifying new areas for research and development. This stakeholder-oriented project was running for three years and directed by professor Maritta Soininen (affiliated associated professor at REMESO 2008- 2011). It engaged REMESO researchers and external experts in strategic communication with stakeholders. A series of critical, high quality,

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policy-oriented reports on integration in working life were published from the project. Dialogue and collaboration with the Swedish Migration Board as a key policy actor with responsibility for national migration policies. Beside many meetings and exchanges through seminar activites this also led to the publication of a qualitative study the contingencies of policies of return migration, feeding into the Migration Board’s national contribution to EMN (European Migration Network) study on rejected asylum seekers. The report was made by Magdalena Lund at the Migration board, supervised by Associate Professor Martin Klinthäll. REMESO. REMESO started in 2015 a collaboration with Tensta Konsthall (Stockholm), which takes the form of a multi-year inquiry into the relationship between art and solidarity movements, performed in a series of commissions, exhibitions, workshops, presentations, and film screenings under the theme The Eros Effect. Cooperation (led by Stefan Jonsson) with the Art Hall has since continued with seminars and visits with students of the International Master program in Ethnic and Migrations Studies. REMESO has since the centre’s inception had an extended collaboration with the municipality of Norrköping. Regularly there has been meeting for exchange of knowledge and practical experiences between the Institute and the City. In january 2017, Norrköping invited politicians and officials in European municipalities, as well as researchers, for a two-days conference, Welcoming Refugees: Local European Experiences - to discuss best practice and innovative solutions for receiving refugees. The conference, was co-arranged by Norrköping Municipality, the think tank Arena Idé and REMESO. The proceedings (in English) can be downloaded here A group of researchers at REMESO, Anna Bredström, Karin Krifors and Nedzad Mesic, form the Swedish team in a large, cross country study on the use of biometrics within the European migration policy system. The study is managed by Eticas Research & Consulting and funded by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The aim is to analyse the fundamental rights implications of inserting, storing and using biometric data related to the migration process.

3. External communication/dissemination a) Describe your communication strategy. b) What efforts have been made to communicate/disseminate information about the activities and results from the research funded by the grant to different target groups? Please note that that this question does not seek to capture details of scientific presentations made to your peers in academia. c. Describe how the results have been communicated/disseminated to the public, policy makers, research agencies, etc.

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REMESO´s communication strategy is developed and directed by the centre’s communication officer, Erik Berggren. It builds on several tools. Our strategy takes as its basic task to communicate research findings to relevant stakeholders as well as to the general public through several channels, and in a language adapted to different audiences and media. An equally important aspect of the centre’s communication work is to participate in the public debate, to popularize research and to answer questions from media regarding various issues on ethnicity, working life and migration. The website is the main location and tool for information from and about the centre’s activities. This includes information on seminars, conferences and news items covering such events. The website also informs about new publications, activities and results of the research of REMESO scholars and guest researchers. It also includes information about courses offered at bachelor’s and master’s level, the Graduate School curriculum, application procedures, etcetera. The e-mail-based newsletter is a key tool through which we reach a large, targeted group of subscribers, both researchers nationally and internationally, as well as civil society organisations, authorities, activists and journalists working in the field of migration and ethnic relations. The stock of subscribers to the newsletter have successively been built up during the grant period. At present, there is approximately 1500 designated subscribers in key positions within research, government and civil society all over the world. The newsletter for subscribers contain a mix of news and announcements three times per semester, informing about the centre’s research, publications, conferences, seminars, courses, and other activities. English and Swedish. REMESO have always produced basically all our information in both Swedish and English. The centre is an international environment for both research and teaching, and subscribers to our communication output come from all over the world. On top of these tools, we have increasingly emphasized the cooperation with the central communications department at LiU, which reaches a range of additional stakeholders through through outlets such as LiU Magazine and News from LiU. This includes large Swedish media organisations, and such channels help create stronger overall impact and ensure enhanced visibility for the Forte centre’s activities among Swedish stakeholders. As part of the centre’s communication strategy (and the centre’s collaboration stakeholders) all of the centre’s major conferences have invited stakeholders and representatives from civil society organisations as active partners. In this way, these conferences have become platforms for fruitful encounters between the research community and the public. REMESO benefits greatly from having researchers who are well versed in popularizing their results and engaging in public debates. Many of our researchers often write for non-academic publications in accessible

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language so as to reach a wider audience and set important issues in motion in the public sphere. They are also mobile and participate in civil society-meetings. Our researchers are often interviewed by media to offer research-based knowledge and context concerning current migration and integration issues, and this task has become increasingly important as these issues have grown in social and political importance. The Forte centre’s investment in public communication is also evident from several events initiated and led by REMESO researchers. These events often receive external funding from the municipality of Norrköping or Swedish research councils. One examples is Migra Movies, which each semester show 3-4 feature and documentary films related to issues such as international migration, multiculturalism, citizenship, racism/antiracism, urban segregation, refugees and asylum, the involvement of migrants in civil society, in working life and culture. The films are always introduced by a researcher from the Institute, so as to stimulate critical discussion. The events are open to the general public and free of charge. During recent years, the many newly arrived refugees in Norrköping have been invited to screenings with Arabic or Dari speaking actors, and/or subtitled in these languages. Another example is Open Campus, organised by the centre for two years. It is an activity consisting of open lectures by scholars at the Forte centre inviting the general public. These events are important for dissemination of knowledge on the centre’s profile. Media have shown great interest in these initiatives, which are often covered by the press or television. A further initiative, mixing cultural reflection with research, is the project Lobby, financed by the research Swedish research councils Formas and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and led by by the centre’s communication officer. Lobby is an exhibition space, located in a main entrance hall on Campus. It shows audio-visual work by students who have done activist work, researchers who have documented their field work, as well as artists who have visualized and problematized the current migration regime through art. The exhibition room is a venue for “Lobby-talks”, through which issues pertaining to reception of newly arrived refugees and migrants are discussed from a variety of perspectives. Civil servants, representatives from the church as well as other activists and researchers are invited to give talks and to meet students as well as the public. Several other long-standing seminar- and lecture series serve a dissemination and collaborative function. This involves projects run in concert with museums, different divisions with the municipality and/or regional authorities, civil society networks, think-tanks and organisations.

d) Please list impact through media e.g. newspapers, textbooks, popular science presentations, policies/standards, blogg, twitter and homepage. From the very inception of the Forte centre special attention has been devoted to communication and dissemination. The impact in the wider society of the different tools described above have in general been

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successful. Also, through stakeholder collaborations, knowledge about the centre’s research and publications is spread in wider circles. A strong impact is made by individual researchers and their capacity to disseminate research through an engagement in public debate. The appearances of REMESO’s researchers in media and at public events of various kinds are too numerous to mention. Over the span of its existence, the centre’s researchers have given hundreds of public talks and discussion, for the purpose of disseminating research-based knowledge on migration and ethnicity to the wider public, and to offer counsel to organisations and stakeholders. One of REMESO’s faculty regularly writes on ethnicity-and-migration-related topics in Sweden’s major newspaper Dagens Nyheter. REMESO’s faculty also frequently appear in foreign media, to comment on the situation in Sweden. This has been particularly evident in periods when migration has been at the top of the public mind. These public activities have been coordinated and promoted by the centre’s communications officer. REMESO’s researchers have appeared at least weekly in press, public broadcasting media and, increasingly, social media to comment on various issues, initiatives and issues pertaining to the so-called refugee challenge. Here, too, appearances are too many to count, but they range from local media to national radio, tv and press. During the fall of 2015 and the winter of 2015-16, REMESO was contacted by Swedish, Scandinavian and international media on a daily basis, often several times a day for shorter comments, factual corroborations and/or longer interviews on a variety of topics emanating from the so called “refugee crisis”. During period of large inflow of asylum seekers 2015–2016 Peo Hansen was constantly called upon, by national as well as international media, to help explain what was happening. Enjoying broad recognition also outside the international research community, Peo Hansen’s expertise on migration and refugee policy in the EU is frequently sought by organisations and governmental bodies in Sweden and internationally. Here a link to one of Hansen’s articles about the so-called “refugee crisis”: https://liu.se/en/article/the-eu-s-role-in-the-refugee-crisis. An impact is also made through commissioned reports, such as for example “Utveckling genom regional samverkan?” Themes report 36/2011, by Martin Qvist. This was a direct evaluation of integration policy measures within the region Södermanland in Sweden and had an initial impact in media attention and circulation. A further example is the production of a popular textbook for university education, in English and Swedish, International Migration and Ethnic Relations (Dahlstedt and Neergaard 2015. Swedish edition 2012). The book was a joint effort of senior scholars and PhD students at the centre, who managed to cover a vast area in a textbook that has already made its way to many education programmes in Sweden and internationally, and which is also used as a handbook by journalists and a variety of organisations.

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4. Participating personnel

a) List the persons actively participating in the Forte centre during the grant period. Please use the Excel file named Appendix for presenting the persons actively participating in the Forte centre, (Appendix 1).

COMMENT: Appendix 1, titled “Appendix 1a & b. Centre Staff. Enrolled PhD Candidates”, is divided into two sections. Section 1A lists all senior scholars that have been working at the centre for shorter or longer periods during the period 2008-17. Section 1B lists all PhD students who have been enrolled in the Philosophical Faculty’s PhD Programme on Ethnic and Migration Studies, administered by REMESO, during the same period, and who, during their studies, have been employed at REMESO. It lists their date of employment and the date of their PhD exams (for those who have completed their dissertations).

b) Describe strategies for recruitment of researchers and research groups. Have the strategies been successful?

Strategies for recruitment of researchers and research groups – were successful in relation to both development of REMESO’s ongoing research, synergy of collegial teamwork and the centre’s interdisciplinary profile. Several post-doctoral researchers have been recruited during the 2008-17 period with the purpose of the formation of complementing effective research groups focused on core issues of the centre’s research. PhD fellows have been recruited with regular intervals, on the basis of the pooling of resources from the university, the forte centre-grant and other external grants. This has taken place with consideration of needs identified in key areas of the centre’s research agenda. At the same time we have strived to recruit as many PhD students as possible at any particular time of recruitment, in order to keep and develop a lively environment for teaching, supervision and research. We have strived to integrate new PhD fellows in research teams of senior and junior scholars to as large a degree as possible. The centre’s research school has been an invaluable internationalized environment for our enrolled PhD students. All PhD students who have finished their dissertations have become employed immediately after their exams, several of them engaged in teaching and research within the centre. In recruiting PhD students to the centre we have strived for a balance in terms of methodology (qualitative/quantitative). Recruitment of PhD fellows have been at several occasions been announced internationally in order to secure open and inclusive strategy. Beside internal also external supervisors were engaged in order to promote the quality of supervision. Two full professors have been recruited during the period with the purpose of 1) strengthening the centre’s profile concerning key questions of its research programme and 2) secure generational succession and continued high quality competence on central issues.

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Professor Charles Woolfson (formerly professor at Glasgow University) was (externally) recruited in an initial period of the Forte centre (2008). This recruitment focussed on strengthening the centre’s high level competence on issues of labour standards and industrial relations, on international migration (in particular east-west migration), on shifting EU rules in the area of migration and labour, and on structural-institutional conditions for labour market integration of migrants and ethnic minorities in international comparative (e.g. the EU and South East Asia). This recruitment has also stimulated the formation of research teams focusing on pertinent and topical research areas, and it has strengthened the institute’s capacity for supervision of PhD students. Professor Stefan Jonsson was externally recruited to the centre in 2011, with the purpose of securing generational succession in REMESO:s staff with concern to central areas of the centre’s research with focus on cultural theory and historical perspective on racism, multiculturalism, social movements and identity formation, and postcolonial culture. This recruitment has had a paramount influence on both the development of an innovative research program and an integrated teaching programme matching the centre’s unique research profile on all levels: Bachelor, masters, PhD. The recruitment of a third full professor is planned to take place in 2019 in the area of forced migration with support from the vice chancellor. While the administrative core of the centre and its PhD programme is located at a specific unit in the Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV) researchers who have made their initial careers have obtained attractive employment in other units of the Departments, in other departments of the universities, as well as other universities in the country. Thus the centre has contributed to the mainstreaming of high quality research across the University (especially in the social sciences and the humanities) and beyond. They continue, however, to be important in the context of the general strategy of the centre, which involves the formation of effective and creative research teams through collaboration across units and departments of the university as well as other universities in the country (in particular Universities in Stockholm, Lund, Malmö and Uppsala) and internationally. At the same time, we have endeavoured to keep a core of very closely collaborating senior scholars, located physically in the same premises. This has been effected through, among other, a strategy of “internal recruitment” through encouraging the upgrading of skills and formal qualifications that may warrant promotion from status of senior lecturer to associate professor, and from associate professor to full professor. This is a process that demands high productivity and high quality results, in terms of both research, teaching and administrative capacity, from those individuals that seek promotion. This entails a rigorous and meticulous evaluation process carried out by two external professors (from other universities in the country or abroad) commissioned by Linköping university.

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5. Budget and financing of the Forte Centre This information is presented in the Appendix 3 (Excel file). COMMENTARY TO APPENDIX 3 For the years 2008-2010 we have chosen to present the account of budget and financing corresponding to the principles used for the economic report delivered to Forte in 2011, included in the mid-term evaluation report. This part is presented in Appendix 3A.1 and 3.A.2 (two first sheets in the Excel file: “Appendix 3 Financial Report 2008-17”). We have chosen to do this in order, partly to obtain a correspondence with the midterm economic report, and partly since it is extremely difficult to produce detailed data from earlier years. During the years several updates to the accounting system at Linköping University have been implemented, and in 2017 a wholly new accountancy system was implemented. Please observe! In the earlier economic report (2011) to Forte even part of 2011 was included, for which we have now taken note. The whole of 2011 has thereby been included in the account for 2011-2017. It is delivered in Appendix 3B (sheet no. 3 in Excel file “Appendix 3 Financial Report 2008-17”), which in detail follows the current directives given by Forte for the final evaluation.

6. Evaluation of the Forte Research School: REMESO Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society The evaluation of the research school report follows the following headings: a) Describe the organisation of the research school? b) What is the relation between the research school, the centre and the

research done at the centre? c) Is there any connection between the research centre and other doctoral,

undergraduate or postgraduate courses? d) What are the future plans for the research school? e) Syllabus and literature lists are to be enclosed (appendix 8) f) Use appendix 2 to list doctoral students. Please observe! There are two Appendixes enclosed referring to the evaluation of the research school: Appendix 2A and Appendix 2B. “Appendix 2A: Graduate School. Students & Lecturers” consists of two separate excel sheets. Excel sheet 2A.1 lists all students, who have followed courses at the graduate school during the period 2009-17. Excel sheet 2A.2 lists all teachers who have lectured at the graduate school during the same period. The enclosed “Appendix 2B: Curriculum Grad School” lists curricula of all courses offered by the research school during 2009-17.

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a) Describe the organisation of the Research School During the time period 2009–2017, the REMESO Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society has offered courses for Swedish and international postgraduate students (PhD- and advanced MA-students). All courses are taught in English and count for 7,5 ECTS, or five weeks of full-time study. Courses are organized according to the principle whereby students spend the first two weeks reading and preparing for the third week, which is spent at REMESO in Norrköping; during the third, intensive course week students and teachers meet all day, and in addition to this, at least three scheduled evening events are included; weeks four and five students spend at their home institutions writing their exam papers. Since the great majority of students have come from abroad or from other Swedish universities, organizing courses around an intensive course week in Norrköping has proven the best option from a financial perspective. However, the possibility of having five full days and three evenings to focus on the course content has also proven highly rewarding from a pedagogical perspective. Moreover, this format has given students a real opportunity to acquaint themselves with each other, the teachers and the wider REMESO research environment. This has also served the very valuable purpose of facilitating students’ otherwise limited networking possibilities with other PhD students in Ethnic and Migration Studies. The curriculum addresses a variety of theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives on international migration. All the courses have been taught by REMESO staff and international guest lecturers. The course programme integrates current research on international migration and ethnic relations with studies on political economy, labour, citizenship, gender, culture and human rights. The REMESO Graduate School has given its 12 unique PhD courses on a total of 30 occasions, starting in 2009. A total of 335 unique students have taken our courses; of these, 257 have been PhD students and 78 have been advanced MA students. Since many students have taken more than one course, our courses have seen a total of 481 students participating since the start in 2009. All non-REMESO students (whether Swedish or foreign) have been required to have their formal enrolment at another department and receive their degrees there. Yet, while the school is not a degree-offering unit itself, the courses form part of the educational programme for those PhD students who are enrolled in REMESO’s PhD programme (and who receive their degree in Ethnic and Migration Studies at Linköping University). Since there are very few PhD programmes in Ethnic and Migration Studies, both in Sweden and internationally, the School has seen many non-REMESO students take several courses. This means that the School has served as a major course milieu for many PhD-students, hence filling a vital function in training future researchers in the field. We are positive that the school’s organization as a course hub in a research-intensive environment has played a major role in realizing this goal. We also believe that the Institute’s (1) multi- and

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interdisciplinary character, (2) its broad expertise in and approach to Ethnic and Migration Studies and (3) the School’s combination of comprehensive and specialized courses all have contributed to the school’s general appeal. Management: The school is jointly managed by its directors (professor Peo Hansen and co-director, associate professor Branka Likic-Brboric) and REMESO’s Steering Committee for Education, including the director of the LiU PhD Ethnic and Migration Studies Programme (professor Stefan Jonsson) and a college of teachers/researchers responsible for the organisation, teaching and examination of the courses, all serving on a part-time basis. In addition, the Schools is assisted by a PhD candidate (Lisa Karlsson Blom). The directors and steering committee are responsible for the school’s quality, planning and assessment of strategies with regard to curriculum development, economic oversight, networking, publicity and dissemination activities. The steering committee meets regularly and cooperates closely with the group of designated supervisors (handle-darkollegiet) in charge at REMESO’s doctoral studies programme in Ethnicity and Migration. The school also has an international advisory board, which includes Professors: Raul Delgado Wise (University of Zacatecas, Mexico), Ursula Apitzsch (University of Frankfurt), Jan Rath (University of Amsterdam) and Ronaldo Munck (Dublin City University); these are also members of REMESO’s international advisory board thus ensuring the strategic as well as practical integration of the Graduate School activities in REMESO’s overall activities and forward objectives. Course planning: The course plans and syllabuses are designed by the respective course directors; thereafter they are discussed, revised and approved by the steering committee. Subsequently all syllabuses are also approved as recognised MA courses by the Faculty board of Linköping Uni-versity. Administrative organisation: The co-director (Branka Likic-Brboric) works in close cooperation with the director and assistant of the Graduate School. The co-director has the primary responsibility for carrying out some of the administrative tasks related to the aims of the School. The co-director assists the individual course directors with formalising the course plans and course evaluations, with admitting students to the courses and designing course budgets. The assistant (Lisa Karlsson Blom) is the main contact between the Graduate School and the students with regards to practicalities of course information, travel and accommodation details, and where necessary, visa arrangements. With regard to admissions, the School initially set an upper limit of 20 PhD students per course. However, our goal has also been to accommodate as many PhD students as possible. Since we decided to prioritize our service to PhD students before the upper limit on enrolment, we decided to admit all PhD students who applied for each and every course. This meant that we involved more teachers in those courses with more than 25 students. We also tried to accommodate as many MA students as possible. Here, though, we decided to prioritize advanced MA students, meaning those in their

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second years with proven skills in formulating research ideas. All applicants are required to have their advisors (or the equivalent) write recommendation letters on their behalf. In addition, all students who are accepted have to fill out Individual Learning Contract prior to the course start. The goal of the contract is to make students acknowledge that they are expected to have completed the preparatory reading prior to their arrival in Norrköping for the intensive lecture, seminar and workshop week. The Individual Learning Contract also makes clear that in the event of non-compliance, the Graduate School reserves the right to withhold financial support. This quality assurance procedure has been used since autumn 2010. A complete application to each of the courses consists of an application form, a short (1–2 page) description of the student’s research interests and a letter of recommendation from the student’s supervisor (or the equivalent). The applications are sent to the assistant and co-director of the School who make a preliminary selection of students on the basis of the quality of appli-cations. The deadline for applications for each course is one month before course start. While in Norrköping students are provided with visitor’s and key cards, have access to the computer labs, the university library, the Graduate School library and access to the university’s wireless network. Students who need visas receive letters of invitation and confirmation from the co-director. After completing the course, the participants receive written comments on their course papers prepared by the course directors and a course certificate issued by the Graduate School coordinator on the basis of the reports submitted by the course directors. Information, Communication and Recruitment: The school benefits from support provided by administrative staff of REMESO (Eva Rehnholm,) and Head of Communication (Erik Berggren). This includes assistance with budget matters, reception and accommodation of the students, information disemination and public announcements of upcoming courses. Course participation has been encouraged via REMESO’s website, with detailed information on the courses, the application procedure and the research environment. Information has continuously been disseminated to different academic networks, leading universities and key contacts both within and outside Sweden. In addition, course advertisements have been placed in relevant periodicals. REMESO’s collaborating partners also facilitate the dissemination, including those networked in the Socrates/Erasmus agreements with the universities of Frankfurt, Florence, Rethimnon (Crete), Trento and Warwick. Other networks (e.g. REURESCO) and independent networks of researchers (e.g. The Swedish IMER Association, Nordic Migration Research (NMR), ISA RC5 and RC31 committees, ECPR, Council for European Studies, INMD, IMISCOE, RECODE etc.) have continuously assisted in the dissemination of infor-mation. REMESO scholars have long-standing contacts with individuals and institutions in the US, Mexico, South Africa, Australia and many European countries not only within the EU, but also in Turkey, the Balkans and

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Eastern Europe. These contacts have been important in attracting students to the Graduate School and in boosting the school’s international reputation.

b) What is the relation between the Research School, the Centre and the research done at the Centre?

The popularity of the School is intimately related to REMESO’s strong standing within the research field of Ethnic and Migration Studies. And, vice versa, the Graduate School has helped disseminate REMESO’s research and so created a fruitful reciprocity. Since the start of the School in 2009 we have seen several former students return to REMESO as doctoral and postdoctoral visitors, for shorter or longer stays, which have been made possible through various types of scholarship and grants acquired by the visitors themselves. This continuous circulation of visitors has greatly stimulated REMESO’s research, PhD programme (forskarutbildning), its seminar activity and its wider teaching environment. The great interest for our Graduate School is also resulting from its unique position in the world, Europe and the Nordic area. Although the research in Ethnic and Migration Studies has grown tremendously in recent decades, this has not been followed by a parallel growth in in PhD programmes and graduate schools specifically dedicated to the field. Nevertheless, the number of PhD students writing their dissertations on migration and ethnicity has clearly grown, and it is this trend that our Graduate School and Institute has both benefited from and helped stimulate; our course evaluations have confirmed this throughout the School’s existence. This unique position for the School in combination with REMESO’s strong international research reputation have greatly contributed to the School’s both international and national popularity. More specifically, the various profiles of the courses reflect the research profiles of REMESO’s researchers. The courses build on the principle that research-based teaching provides added value to courses and to the learning experience of students, who have the opportunity to benefit from sustained contact with experienced and internationally renowned researchers. The research results of the staff are therefore systematically built into the curriculum not only formally in terms of key publications, but also in the interactive transmission of wider knowledge and skills within the Graduate School courses as a dynamic learning platform. Due to Institute’s wide-ranging research agenda, encompassing numerous different geographical areas, methods, theoretical approaches, historical perspectives as well as disciplines per se, the School has secured a broad, multi- and interdisciplinary teaching platform. In addition, each course includes at least one and sometimes two or three distinguished international guest lecturer. The results of course evaluations show that the students benefit in a unique manner from the close interrelationship between research and teaching.

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List of the Graduate School’s International Guest Lecturers:

1. Bridget Anderson Professor, Oxford University

2. Floya Anthias Professor, Roehampton University

3. Ursula Apitzsch Professor J. W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt

4. Gurminder K. Bhambra Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies, University of

Sussex 5. Manuela Boatca

Professor of Sociology, University of Freiburg 6. Stephen Castles

Professor of Sociology, University of Sydney 7. Nicholas de Genova

formerly Reader, King's College London 8. Campani, Giovanna

Professor, University of Florence 9. Steve Fenton

Professor, University of Bristol 10. Steve French

Senior Lecturer, Keele University 11. Judy Fudge

Professor, Kent Law School 12. Yasmin Gunaratnam

Professor of Sociology, Goldsmiths University of London 13. Charlie Jeffery

Professor, University of Edinburgh 14. Russell King

Professor of Geography, University of Sussex 15. Eleonore Kofman

Professor of Sociology, University of Middlesex 16. Gail Lewis

Professor, Birkbeck University of London 17. Helma Lutz

Professor, University of Frankfurt 18. Marco Martiniello

Professor of Political Science, University of Liège 19. Natasha Mauthner

Professor, Business School, University of Aberdeen 20. Ann Phoenix

Professor of Psychosocial Studies, Institute of Education, University of London

21. Stefan Rother Professor, Freiburg University

22. Guiseppe Sciortino

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Professor, University of Trento 23. Anders Stephanson

Professor of History, Columbia University 24. Martina Tazzioli

Lecturer, Swansea University 25. Gülay Toksöz

Professor, Ankara University 26. Lucy Vickers

Professor, Oxford Brookes University 27. Raul Delgado Wise

Professor , Zacatecas University 28. Lois Wise

Professor, Indiana University

c) Is there any connection between the research centre and other doctoral, undergraduate or postgraduate courses?

The curriculums of the Graduate School and REMESO’s PhD programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies are closely integrated and have been so since the start of the Graduate School. All of the PhD programme’s obligatory courses are taught within the Graduate School’s framework; and REMESO’s PhD students have taken most of the Gradute School’s other courses as electives. On the whole, REMESO’s PhD students have benefitted from the Graduate School in several ways. First and foremost, they have been given the opportunity to interact, network and get to know hundreds of other PhD students in their specific field. Given that PhD student cohorts within the humanities and social sciences departments at Swedish universities are very small today, our PhD students have benefitted from having courses with a substantial number of students participating. This has aided the discussions, seminars and also added perspectives and intellectual input. In addition, our students have taken courses taught in English throughout and they have also had the advantage of the international experience provided by each course. The Institute’s new international MA Programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies (2016–)has also benefitted from the Graduate School. In their second year, students in the MA Programme have had the opportunity to take two Graduate School courses as electives. All MA students have also attended the lectures and seminars given by the international scholars invited to the Graduate School. Both our MA students and our undergraduate students have been given the opportunity to attend certain seminars, panel debates, book releases, film screenings and other events organized by the Graduate School, mostly in the form of evening events. PhD students within our wider Department of Social and Welfare Studies (Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier, ISV) have also taken courses at the Graduate School, as have PhD students from Linköping University in general. A few MA students from within Linköping University have also participated in our courses (e.g. the MA Programme in

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International and European Relations, Department of Management and Engineering). Internationally, REMESO is engaged in teacher and student mobility with its ERASMUS-partners, the Swedish Institute Visby Programme and post-graduate education with, among others, the University of Vilnius and the University of Zacatecas.

d) What are the future plans for the research school? The school’s overarching objective is to continue to evolve as a national and international hub for graduate level teaching on the interrelations between migration, ethnicity and society. Since its start the Graduate School has developed into a unique international teaching and training milieu and opportunity for Swedish and international PhD and MA students. Apart from the REMESO Graduate School, there are currently very few, if any, re-search environments in Europe that offers graduate students a comparable selection of courses in the field. This provided, the School is thus intent building upon the prominent position it has gained thanks to the FORTE funding. Reputational success to date is underscored by the fact that the School, since its start, not only has seen a steady growth in applicants but that it also has come to receive more and more applicants both from outside of Europe and from Sweden and the wider Nordic area. The main immediate strategic objective for the Graduate School in to secure a further tranche of core funding to ensure consolidation and further advance in its position as a national and international centre of educational excellence within the field. The primary objective is to maintain the continuity of our current suite of course offerings and ensure sustainability in order to consolidate the significant reputational and educational capital that has been built up over the past period.

e) Syllabus and literature lists (appendix 2B) Curriculum: Each course comprises 7,5 ECTS, corresponding to five weeks of full-time study. The curriculum consists of the following courses (for detailed Syllabuses, see Appendix 2B):

1. Theories and Politics of International Migration 2. Migration, Welfare Regimes and the Political Economy of Ethnic

and Gender Segmentation in the Labour Market 3. Citizenship, Ethnic Division and Social Exclusion – National and

Post-National Approaches 4. Introduction to the Methods of Ethnic and Migration Research

5. Research, policies and perspectives on diversity, equality and discrimination

6. Migration and labour in the global economy 7. International Migration, Ethnicity and Gender: Intersectional

Perspectives on Labour, Power, and Citizenship

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8. Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism – Historical and Contemporary Debates

9. Social Capital, Stratification and Integration: A Critical Approach 10. Migration and Development 11. Interrogating the ‘Refugee Crisis’ 12. Citizenship, Welfare and Integration in the Shadow of the European

Refugee ‘Crisis’

f) Appendix 2A (2A.1 and 2A.2) lists the PhD and MA students who have attended the School and teachers who have lectured at the School (see note in the preceeding)

Appendix 4: REMESO, publications 2007-2018 The publication list is divided into:

Peer-reviewed publications

Articles in scientific journals Books and edited volumes Chapters in books Dissertations

Other academic publications

Articles in scientific journals Books and edited volumes Chapters in books Conference papers Reports

Popular scientific publications Articles Books Edited Volumes Reports Debate Exhibitions Etc.

Peer-Reviewed Articles in Scientific Journals

Andersson, Martin and Klinthäll, Martin (2012), 'The Opening of the North-South Divide: Cumulative causation, household income disparity and the regional bonus in Taiwan 1976-2005', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 23 (2), 170-79.

Behtoui, Alireza (2007), 'The Distribution and Return of Social Capital: Evidence from Sweden', European Societies: The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association, 9 (3), 383-407.

Behtoui, Alireza, et al. (2017), 'Speaking up, leaving or keeping silent: racialised employees in the Swedish elderly care sector', Work, Employment and Society, 31 (6), 954-71.

--- (2008), 'Informal Recruitment Methods and Disadvantages of Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market', Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 34 (3), 411-30.

--- (2010), 'Marriage Pattern of Immigrants in Sweden', Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41 (3), 415.

--- (2013), 'Incorporation of children of immigrants: the case of descendants of immigrants from Turkey in Sweden', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (12), 2141-59.

--- (2013), 'Social Capital and Stratification of Young People', Social Inclusion, 1 (1), 46-58. Behtoui, Alireza and Neergaard, Anders (2009), 'Perceptions of Discrimination in

Recruitment and the Workplace ', Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 7 (4), 347-69.

--- (2010), ' Social capital and wage disadvantages among immigrant workers', Work, Employment and Society, 24 (4), 761-79.

--- (2012), 'Social capital, status and income attainment in the workplace', International journal of sociology and social policy, 32 (1/2), 42-55.

--- (2016), 'Social capital and the educational achievement of young people in Sweden', British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37 (7), 947-69.

Bennich-Bjorkman, Li and Likic-Brboric, Branka (2012), ’Sucessful but Different: Deliberative Identity and the Consensus-driven Transition to Capitalism in Estonia and Slovenia’, Journal of Baltic Studies, 43 (1), 47-73.

Bredström, Anna and Gruber, Sabine (2015), 'Language, Culture and Maternity Care: "Troubling" Interpretation in an Institutional Context', Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 5 (2), 58-66.

--- (2009), 'Sweden: HIV/AIDS policy and the crisis of multiculturalism', RACE & CLASS, 50 (4), 57-74.

--- (2015), 'Sociokulturellt sammanhang som etnisk skiljelinje i psykiatrisk diagnostik: kulturbegreppet i DSM-5', Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 92 (1), 47-55.

Dahlstedt, Magnus (2007), 'Fostran till svenskhet? Om en mångtydig samverkan mellan skola och föräldrar', Nordiske udkast, 34 (2), 16-39.

--- (2007), 'I val(o)frihetens spår: Segregation, differentiering och två decennier av skolreformer', Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 12 (1), 20-38.

--- (2008), 'Now You See It, Now You Don't: Reconsidering the Problem of Representation', Policy Studies, 29 (2), 233-48.

--- (2008), 'The Politics of Activation: Technologies of Mobilizing "Multiethnic Suburbs" in Sweden', Alternatives, 33 (4), 481-504.

--- (2009), 'Democratic Governmentality: National Imaginations, Popular Movements and Governing the Citizen', The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 7 (2), 369-94.

--- (2009), 'Governing by Partnerships: Dilemmas in Swedish Education Policy at the Turn of the Millennium', Journal of education policy, 24 (6), 787-801.

--- (2009), 'Parental governmentality: involving immigrant parents in Swedish schools', British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30 (2), 193-205.

--- (2009), 'The Partnering Society: Governmentality, Partnerships and Active Local Citizenship', The Open Urban Studies Journal, (2), 18-27.

--- (2010), '"Det är ditt eget val": Medborgarideal och föräldraskap(ande) i nanny-tv', Nordicom Information, 32 (4), 41-55.

--- (2010), 'Hårda nypor för ett mjukt samhälle?: Om medialisering och rasifiering i utspelspolitikens Sverige', SOCIOLOGISK FORSKNING, 47 (3), 35-56.

--- (2010), 'Toughness for a Soft Society? On Medialisation, Racialisation and the Politics of Spin in Sweden', SOCIOLOGISK FORSKNING, 47 (3), 35-56.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Hertzberg, Fredrik (2007), 'Democracy the Swedish way?: The exclusion of 'immigrants' in Swedish politics', Scandinavian Political Studies, 30 (2), 175-203.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Neergaard, Anders (2016), 'Crisis of Solidarity?: Changing Welfare and Migration Regimes in Sweden', Critical Sociology, 1-15.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Nordvall, Henrik (2009), 'Folkbildning i (av)koloniseringens skugga: Demokrati, nationella mytologier och solidaritetens paradoxer', Utbildning och Demokrati, 18 (3), 29-47.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Tesfahuney, Mekonnen (2010), 'Speculative Pedagogy: Education, Entrepreneurialism and the Politics of Inclusion in Contemporary Sweden', The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 8 (2), 249-74.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Hertzberg, Fredrik (2011), 'Den entreprenörskapande skolan: Styrning, subjektskapande och entreprenörskapspedagogik', Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 16 (3), 179-98.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Nordvall, Henrik (2011), 'Paradoxes of Solidarity: Democracy and Colonial Legacies in Swedish Popular Education', Adult Education Quarterly, 61 (3), 244-61.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Hertzberg, Fredrik (2012), 'Schooling Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurship, Governmentality and Education Policy in Sweden at the Turn of the Millennium', Journal of Pedagogy, 3 (2), 242-162.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Tesfahuney, Mekonnen (2012), 'Tillspetsad spekulation', Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, (1-2), 14-22.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Fejes, Andreas (2014), 'Family makeover: Coaching, confession and parental responsibilisation', Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 22 (2), 169-88.

Dahlstedt, Magnus, Ålund, Aleksandra, and Ålund, Anna (2010), 'Villkorat partnerskap: Demokrati och social inkludering i relationer mellan bildningsförbund och föreningar bildade på etnisk grund', Dansk Sociologi, 4 (21), 71-90.

Dahlstedt, Magnus, Fejes, Andreas, and Schönning, Elin (2011), 'The will to (de)liberate: Shaping governable citizens through cognitive behavioural programmes in school', Journal of education policy, 26 (3), 399-414.

Engstrand, Åsa-Karin (2010), 'En öppen affär: Konsumenten och den handelsarbetande i ett intersektionellt perspektiv', Scandia, 76 (1), 129-56.

--- (2010), 'The Governing of Shopkeepers in Sweden: The Shop Opening Hours Discussions, 1904–1991', Revija za sociologiju (Sociological Review), 40 (3), 297-323.

Gavanas, Anna (2013), 'Elderly care puzzles inStockholm; strategies on formal and informal markets', Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 3 (2), 57-116.

--- (2013), 'Migrant domestic workers, social network strategies and informal marketsfor domestic services in Sweden', Women's Studies: International Forum, 36, 56-64.

--- (2016), 'Multiplex Migration and Aspects of Precarization: Sedish Retirement Migrants to Spain and their Service Providers', Critical Sociology, 42 (7-8), 1003-16.

Gruber, Sabine (2011), 'In the name of action against "honour-related" violence: National nations, gender, and boundaries in the Swedish school's ambitions to combat violence and oppression', Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 1 (3), 126-36.

--- (2011), 'Nationella föreställningar och gränser i skolans insatser mot "hedersrelaterat" våld', Nordic Studies in Education, 31 (3), 149-64.

Hansen, Peo (2009), 'Post-national Europe - without cosmopolitan guarantees', Race & class: a journal on racism, empire and globalisation, 50 (4), 20-37.

--- (2010), 'More Barbwire or More Immigration, or Both?: EU Migration Policy in the Nexus of Border Security Management and Neoliberal Economic Growth', The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 11 (1), 89-101.

--- (2016), 'The European Union's External Labour Migration Policy: Rationale, Objectives, Approaches and Results, 1999-2014', OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, (185), 1-32.

--- (2018), 'Asylum or Austerity?: The "Refugee Crisis" and the Keynesian Interlude', European Political Science, 17(1), 128–39.

--- (2018), 'The Theory and Practice of Free Movement in the EU', European Political Science, 17 (2).

--- (2017), ''Crisis? What Crisis?: Why Sweden's Refugee Crisis Spending Should Be a Keynesian Lesson For All of Europe'', This Century's Review: Journal For Rational Legal Debate, 5 (2), 12-17.

Hansen, Peo and Jonsson, Stefan (2011), 'Bringing Africa as a 'Dowry to Europe': European Integration and the Eurafrican Project, 1920–1960', Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 13 (3), 443-63.

--- (2011), 'Demographic Colonialism: EU-African Migration Management and the Legacy of Eurafrica', Globalizations, 8 (3), 261-76.

--- (2012), 'Imperial Origins of European Integration and the Case of Eurafrica: A Reply to Gary Marks' 'Europe and Its Empires'', Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (6), 1028-41.

--- (2014), 'Another Colonialism: Africa in the History of European Integration', Journal of Historical Sociology, 27 (3), 442-61.

Hansen, Peo and Jonsson, Stefan (2015), ''Europas plantage: Afrikas plats i EU:s historia'', K & K: kultur og klasse: kritik og kulturanalyse, 43 (119), 55-74.

--- (2017), ''Eurafrica Incognita:: The Colonial Origins of the European Union'', History of the Present, 7 (1), 1-32.

Hardman Smith, Louise, et al. (2013), 'Improving the Psychosocial Work Environment at Multi-Ethnic Workplaces: A Multi-Component Intervention Strategy in the Cleaning Industry', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10 (10), 4996-5010.

Hviid, Kirsten, et al. (2013), 'Visibility and Social Recognition as Psychosocial Work Environment Factors among Cleaners in a Multi-Ethnic Workplace Intervention', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10 (1), 85-106.

Högberg, Lena, et al. (2016), 'Categorising and labelling entrepreneurs: Business support organisations constructing the Other through prefixes of ethnicity and immigrantship', International Small Business Journal, 34 (3), 242-60.

Jonsson, Stefan (2007), '“Att färdas under dödens tecken.": Recension av Patricia Lorenzoni, Att färdas under dödens tecken: Frazer, imperiet och den försvinnande vilden. Institutionen för idéhistoria och vetenskapsteori, Göteborgs universitet 2007', Lychnos, 290-96.

--- (2008), 'Kartan över världens centrum', Ymer: Svenska Sällskapet för antropologi och geografi, 128, 51-72.

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Jonsson, Stefan and Hansen, Peo (2013), 'A Statue to Nasser?: Eurafrica, the Colonial Roots of European Integration, and the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize', Mediterranean Quarterly, 24 (4), 5-18.

Jonsson, Stefan and Baggesgaard, Mads Anders (2015), 'Indledning – Mellem Eurafrika og Afropa', K & K: kultur og klasse: kritik og kulturanalyse, 43 (119), 3-11.

Juska, Arunas and Woolfson, Charles (2012), 'Policing political protest in Lithuania', Crime, law and social change, 57 (4), 403-24.

--- (2015), 'Austerity, labour market segmentation and emigration: the case of Lithuania', Industrial relations journal, 46 (3), 236-53.

--- (2016), 'The moral discourses of ‘post-crisis’ neoliberalism: a case study of Lithuania’s Labour Code reform', Critical Discourse Studies, 14 (2), 132-49.

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Kallaste, Epp and Woolfson, Charles (2013), 'Negotiated responses to the crisis in the Baltic countries', Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research, 19 (2), 253-66.

Kallaste, Epp and Woolfson, Charles (2009), 'The Paradox of Post-Communist Trade Unionism: “You can’t want what you can’t imagine”', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 20 (1), 93-110.

Klinthäll, Martin (2008), 'Ethnic background, labor market attachment and severe morbidity: Hospitalization among immigrants in Sweden 1990-2001', Jounal of International Migration and Integration, 9 (1), 45-61.

Klinthäll, Martin and Urban, Susanne (2014), 'Second-Generation Immigrants in the Small-Business Sector in Sweden', Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 12 (3), 210-32.

--- (2016), 'The strength of ethnic ties: Routes into the labour market in spaces of segregation', Urban Studies, 53 (1), 3-16.

Krejsler, John, Olsson, Ulf, and Petersson, Kenneth (2012), 'Governing Europe by comparision, peer pressure and self-interest: On the Bologna Stocktaking Process', Bulletin of Institute of Technology and Vocational Education, 10 (9), 35-37.

Krejsler, John Benedicto, Olsson, Ulf, and Petersson, Kenneth (2014), 'The transnational grip on Scandinavian education reforms: The open method of coordination challeging national policy-making', Nordic Studies in Education, 34 (3), 172-86.

Likic Brboric, Branka (2011), 'EU Enlargement, Migration and Asymmetric Citizenship: Political Economy of Inequality and the Demise of the European Social Model', Globalizations, 8 (3), 277-94.

Likic-Brboric, Branka and Schierup, Carl-Ulrik (2011), 'Governabilidad asimétrica, trabajo decente y derechos de los migrantes', Migración y Desarollo, 9 (17), 3-44.

Likic-Brboric, Branka, Slavnic, Zoran, and Woolfson, Charles (2013), 'Labour migration and informalisation: East meets West', International journal of sociology and social policy, 33 (11/12), 677-92.

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Challenge for Europe (Maastricht: Shaker Publishing) 492. Dahlstedt, Magnus and Neergaard, Anders (eds.) (2015), International migration and ethnic

relations: critical perspectives (Routledge Advances in Sociology, London: Routledge) 300.

Fejes, Andreas and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2014), The Confessing Society: Foucault, confession and practices of lifelong learning (1 edn.; London: Routledge) 122.

Hansen, Peo and Hager, Sandy Brian (2010), The Politics of European Citizenship: Deepening Contradictions in Social Rights and Migration Policy (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books) 240.

Hansen, Peo and Jonsson, Stefan (2014), Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism (Theory for a Global Age: Bloomsbury Academic) 316.

--- (2015) ”Building Eurafrica: Reviving Colonialism through European Integration, 1920–1960”. In Echoes of Empire: Memory, Identity and Colonial Legacies. Edited by: Kalypso Nicolaidis, Berny Sebe, Gabrielle Maas. London: I. B. Tauris.

Jonsson, Stefan (2008), A Brief History of the Masses: Three Revolutions (Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts; New York, USA: Columbia University Press) 232.

--- (2013), Crowds and Democracy: The Idea and Image of the Masses from Revolution to Fascism (New York: Columbia University Press) 312.

Jonsson, Stefan and Juraschitz, Norbert (2015), Masse und Demokratie: Zwischen Revolution und Faschismus (1 edn.; Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag) 342.

Jonsson, Stefan and Willén, Julia (eds.) (2016), Austere histories in European societies: social exclusion and the contest of colonial memories (Routledge Advances in Sociology, London: Routledge) 256.

Khayati, Khalid (2010), Mağdur Diasporadan Sınır-Ötesi Vatandaşlığa mı? Fransa ve İsveç’teki Kürtlerde diasporanın oluşumu ve ulus-ötesi ilişkiler (Istanbul: Avesta).

Lundström, Catrin (2017), Vit migration: kön, vithet och privilegier i transnationella migrationsprocesser (Göteborg: Makadam Förlag) 259.

Mulinari, Diana and Neergaard, Anders (2012), Global Islamophobia: Muslims and moral panic in the West, ed. Scott Poynting George Morgan (London: Ashgate) 241.

Munck, Ronaldo and Schierup, Carl-Ulrik (eds.) (2012), Migration, Work and Citizenship in the New Global Order (Rethinking Globalizations, London: Routledge) 127.

Munck, Ronaldo, Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, and Delgado Wise, Raul (eds.) (2012), Migration, work and citizenship in the new global order (Globalizations: Routledge) 136.

Neergaard, Anders (ed.), (2009), European perspectives on exclusion and subordination: the political economy of migration (1 edn., Maastricht: Shaker) 384.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, et al. (eds.) (2015), Migration, Precarity, and Global Governance: Challenges and Opportunities for Labour (1 edn., Oxford: Oxford University Press) 302.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Bak Jørgensen, Martin (eds.) (2016), Politics of precarity: migrant conditions, struggles and experiences 97 vols. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Leiden & Boston: Brill Academic Publishers) 329.

Sommers, Jeffrey and Woolfson, Charles (eds.) (2014), The Contradictions of Austerity: The Socio-Economic Costs of the Neoliberal Baltic Model (1 -2 edn., London: Routledge).

Woolfson, Charles (2009), The Labour Theory of Culture: A Re-examination of Engels' Theory of Human Origins, 42 vols. (2 edn., Routledge Library Editions; London: Routledge) 124.

Ålund, Aleksandra, Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, and Neergaard, Anders (eds.) (2017), Reimagineering the Nation: essays on twenty-first-century Sweden (Political and Social Change, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing Group) 374.

Ålund, Aleksandra, Schierup, Car-Ulrik, and Neergaard, Anders (2017), Reimagineering the nation: essays on twenty-first-century Sweden, 4 vols. (Political and Social Change; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing Group) 376.

Peer-Reviewed Chapters in Books Ahlberg, Beth Maina, et al. (2014), 'Racism Is No Joke: A Swedish Minister and a Hottentot

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Ahlstedt, Sara (2015), 'Doing "Feelwork": reflections on whiteness and methodological challenges in research on queer partner migration', in Kathrine Vitus Rikke

Andreassen (ed.), Affectivity and race: studies from Nordic contexts (Farnham: Routledge), 187-203.

Andersson Högberg, Lena and Johansson, Anders W. (2012), 'Small business promotion and intermediating as societal entrepreneurship', in Bengt Johannisson Birgitta Schwartz Karin Berglund (ed.), Societal Entrepreneurship: Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting (1 edn.; Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing), 117-38.

Behtoui, Alireza (2009), 'Social capital and Stigmatised Immigrants', in Anders Neergaard (ed.), European perspectives on exclusion and subordination: the political economy of migration (1 edn.; Maastricht: Shaker Publishing), 232-37.

Behtoui, Alireza, Nygård, Olav, and Neergaard, Anders (2016), 'Ungdomar, socialt kapital och stratifiering', in Fredrik Hertzberg Susanne Urban Aleksandra Ålund Magnus Dahlstedt (ed.), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap: strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska staden (Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag), 239-63.

Berggren, Erik (2007), 'Danish Xenophobia - Power Logic in Motion', in B. Likic-Brboric N. Trimikliniotis G. Tokzös E. Berggren (ed.), Irregular Migration, Informal labour and Community: A Challenge for Europe (Maastricht, Netherlands: Shaker Publishing), 372-90.

Berggren, Erik and Neergaard, Anders (2013), 'Högerpopulism – mellan populism och högerextremism?', in Neergaard Magnus Dahlstedt och Anders (ed.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (1 edn.; Stockholm: Liber), 199-229.

--- (2015), 'Populism: protest, democratic challenge and right-wing extremism', in Anders Neergaard Magnus Dahlstedt (ed.), International migration and ethnic relations: critical perspectives (London: Routledge), 169-99.

Dahlstedt, Magnus, (2008), 'From Acemel-Boy to MP: The Politics of Agency and Exclusion in Swedish Political Parties', Migration and Activism in Europe since 1945 (1 edn.; Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), 152-71.

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Dahlstedt, Magnus and Fejes, Andreas (2015), 'In the Name of Freedom: Governmentality, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and the Will to Activate', in Jacobsen Gro Hellesdatter (ed.), Rights of children in the Nordic welfare states: Conceptual and empirical enquiries (1 edn.; Copenhagen: NSU Press), 51-71.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Neergaard, Anders (2015), 'Introduction: Critical perspectives on international migration and ethnic relations', in Magnus Dahlsted and Anders Neergaard (eds.), International migration and ethnic relations: Critical perspectives (London: Routledge).

--- (2015), 'Whither Swedish Exceptionalism? Concluding reflections', in Dahlstedt Magnus and Neergaard Anders (eds.), International Migration and Ethnic Relations: Critical Perspectives (London: Routledge).

Dahlstedt, Magnus, Rundqvist, Mikael, and Vesterberg, Viktor (2013), 'Medborgarskap: rättigheter, skyldigheter och medborgarideal i förändring', in Magnus Dahlstedt and Anders Neergaard (eds.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (1 edn.; Malmö: Liber), 110-40.

--- (2015), 'Citizenship: rights, obligations and changing citizenship ideals', in Dahlstedt Magnus and Neergaard Anders (eds.), International Migration and Ethnic Relations: critical Perspectives (London: Routledge), 86-114.

Engstrand, Åsa-Karin and Larsson, Jennie K. (2015), 'Intersectionality: manifold opportunities to grasp the complexities of inequality', in Dahlstedt Magnus and Neergaard Anders (eds.), International Migration and Ethnic Relations: Critical Perspectives (1 edn.; London: Routledge), 115-38.

Fejes, Andreas and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2014), 'Living the present otherwise', in Fejes Andreas and Nicoll Katherine (eds.), Foucault and a politics of confession in education (New York: Routledge), 204-15.

Gavanas, Anna (2013), 'DJ Technologies, Social Networks and Gendered Trajectories in European DJ cultures', in Anna Gavanas och Hillegonda Rietveld Bernardo Attias (ed.), DJ culture in the mix: power, technology, and social change in electronic dance music (New York, London: Bloomsbury Academic), 51-78.

Gavanas, Anna and Calzada, Ines (2016), 'Swedish retirement migrants in Spain: mobility and eldercare in an aging Europe', in Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck Majella Kilkey (ed.), Family life in an age of migration and mobility: Global Perspectives through the Life Course (London: Palgrave Macmillan), 237-59.

--- (2016), 'Multiplex migration and aspects of precarisation: swedish retirement migrants to Spain and their service providers', in Martin Bak Jørgensen Carl-Ulrik Schierup (ed.), Politics of precarity: migrant conditions, struggles and experiences (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 118-37.

Genelyte, Indre (2016), 'Policy Response to Emigration from the Baltics: Confronting ‘The European Elephant in the Room’', in Line Eldring Jon Erik Dølvik (ed.), Labour Mobility in the Enlarged Single European Market (32 edn.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited), 45-72.

Hansen, Peo (2007), 'EU Migration Policy in the Post-Amsterdam Era: The Contradictions Between Migrant 'Integration', Flexible Labour Immigration and Refugee Protection', in Berggren Erik (ed.), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community: A Challenge for Europe (Maastricht, Netherlands: Shaker Publishing), 21-39.

--- (2009), 'The Parrot's Alive: EU Referenda and the Politics of European Citizenship', European Perspectives on Exclusion and Subordination: The Political Economy of Migration (1 edn.; Maastricht: Shaker Publishing), 19-32.

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--- (2017), ''EU Migration Crises in Times of Fiscal Austerity'', in Hilz Wolfram and Saracino Daniele (eds.), Nordic Perspectives on the European Asylum System: The Cases of Sweden and Finland(Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag), 85-98.

--- (2017), 'Refugee Keynesianism?: EU migration crises in times of fiscal austerity', in Julia Willén Stefan Jonsson (ed.), Austere histories in European societies: social exclusion and the contest of colonial memories (Abingdon: Routledge), 135-60.

Hansen, Peo and Jonsson, Stefan (2012), '‘Demographic Colonialism’: EU-African Migration Management and the Legacy of Eurafrica', in Carl-Ulrik Schierup Ronaldo Munck and Wise Raúl Delgado (eds.), Migration, Work and Citizenship in the New Global Order (London: Routledge), 13-28.

--- (2015), 'EU Migration Policy Towards Africa: Demographic Logics and Colonial Legacies', in Ponzanesi Sandra and Colpani Gianmaria (eds.), Postcolonial Transitions in Europe: Contexts, Practices and Politics (London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers), 47-67.

Hübinette, Tobias and Lundström, Catrin (2015), 'Sweden after the recent election: the double-binding power of Swedish whiteness through the mourning of the loss of “old Sweden” and the passing of “good Sweden”', in Åsberg, Cecilia and Rönnblom, Malin (eds.), Debates in Nordic Gender Studies: Differences Within (London: Routledge), 43-53.

Jonsson, Stefan (2007), 'Apans bildningsresa: Europeiska bildningsidéer och postkolonial teori', in Gustavsson Bernt (ed.), Bildningens förvandlingar (Göteborg: Daidalos), 287-310.

Jonsson, Stefan (2008), 'Facts of Aesthetics and Fictions of Journalism: The Logic of the Media in the Age of Globalization', in Lind Maria and Steyer Hito (eds.), The Green Room: Reconsidering the Documentary and Contemporary Art (Berlin: Sternberg Press), 166-87.

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Puskás, Tünde (2009), 'We belong to them: Narratives of belonging, homeland and nationhood in territorial and non territorial minority settings', Doctoral thesis, monograph (P.I.E. Peter Lang).

Qvist, Martin (2012), 'Styrning av lokala integrationsprogram: Institutioner, nätverk och professionella normer inom det svenska flyktingmottagandet', Doctoral thesis, monograph (Linköping University Electronic Press).

Sköld, Birgitta (2013), 'Strukturerna och företagandet: en longitudinell studie av kvinnors och mäns företagande i spåren av den offentliga sektorns omvandling', Licentiate thesis, monograph (Linköping University Electronic Press).

Suter, Brigitte (2012), 'Tales to Transit: Sub-Saharan African Migrants’ Experiences in Istanbul', Doctoral thesis, monograph (Linköping University Electronic Press).

Tovatt, Caroline (2013), 'Erkännandets Janusansikte: Det sociala kapitalets betydelse i arbetslivskarriärer', Doctoral thesis, monograph (Santérus Academic Press Sweden).

Tshabalala, Xolani (2017), 'Hyenas of the Limpopo: The Social Politics of Undocumented Movement Across South Africa’s Border with Zimbabwe', Doctoral thesis, monograph (Linköping University Electronic Press).

Vesterberg, Viktor (2016), 'Ethnicizing Employability: Governing the Unemployed in Labour Market Projects in Sweden', Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Linköping University Electronic Press).

Zachrison, Mozhgan (2014), 'Invisible voices: understanding the sociocultural influences on adult migrantsʼ second language learning and communicative interaction', Doctoral thesis, monograph (Malmö University/Linköpings University, [Department of Social and Welfare Studies]).

Articles in Scientific Journals, Other Academic

Behtoui, Alireza (2013), 'The Ethnic Penalty: Immigration, Education and the Labour Market', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (5), 915-16.

Bredström, Anna (2008), 'The Venereal Map of the World’: Exotic Places and Seductive Otherness in Swedish HIV/AIDS Policy Discourse'.

Christodoulidis, Emilios, et al. (2010), 'Dialogue and Debate: Labour, Constitution and A Sense of Measure: A Debate with Alain Supiot', Social and Legal Studies, 19 (2), 217-52.

Dahlstedt, Magnus (2007), 'Moralisk fostran i brist på reell demokrati', Krut: kritisk utbildningstidskrift, 126 (2), 34-49.

--- (2008), 'Viljan att "göra om sig": Terapeutiska tekniker, social och emotionell träning', Locus, 20 (3-4), 50-64.

--- (2009), '”Det lärande samhället": Lärarutbildning, lärar- och lärandeideal kring millenniet', Krut, 135 (3), 62-79.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Tesfahuney, Mekonnen (2009), 'Panglossia', Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, (2), 6-23.

Hansen, Peo (2008), 'Book Review: Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka (eds) Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies Oxford: Oxford University Press', Acta Sociologica, 51, 375-77.

Johansson, Rune (2008), 'Dubbel exil', Historisk Tidskrift (S), 561-68. --- (2008), 'Från judarnas Wagner till folkhemmets pergament?', Historisk Tidskrift (S), 547-

53. --- (2008), 'Kluven vänskap', Historisk Tidskrift (S), 540-47. Jonsson, Stefan (2008), 'Den första människan: Anteckningar om Norden, litteraturen och

kolonialismen', Ord & Bild, (2), 35-47. --- (2009), 'Az északi identitás megkonstruálása: Az elso ember', Magyar Lettre

Internationale, (75), 10-13. --- (2011), 'Massornas ansikte och blick', Ord och bild, (3), 77-85. --- (2012), 'Il primo uomo: Il Nord, la letteratura e il colonialismo', Lettera internazionale,

(111), 27-31. --- (2013), 'En kvinna och en man vid världens ände', Ord och bild, (5), 49-57. Jonsson, Stefan and Hansen, Peo (2014), 'Demografisk kolonialism', Glänta, (3-4), 60-69. Klinthäll, Martin (2007), 'Etnisk bakgrund, integration och sjuklighet: Slutenvård bland

invandrare i Sverige 1990–2001', Working Papers in Social Insurance, (1), 1-28. --- (2008), 'Flyktingskap och återvandring. Exilen som temporärt tillstånd', Lund Papers in

Economic History, (108), 1-15. Kravchenko, Zhanna and Kings, Lisa (2013), '[Recension av] Suvi Salmenniemi (red.):

Rethinking Class in Russia', Nordisk Østforum, 3 (1), 98-101. Larsson, Jennie K. and Ekman, Joakim (2010), 'Jämställdheten inom svensk statsvetenskap

IV: Kurslitteraturen och undervisningen', Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 1. Slavnic, Zoran (2011), 'Arkivering och återanvändning av kvalitativa data - Policy trender och

akademiska kontroverser', SOCIOLOGISK FORSKNING, 48 (4), 87-88. Syssner, Josefina (2010), 'Review on 'Devolution and Social Citizenship in the UK' (ed. Scott

Greer)', Regional & Federal Studies, 20 (4/5). Tovatt, Caroline (2008), 'Arbetslivets osynliga dörrvakter', Invandrare & Minoriteter, 2

(Livskarriärer), 38-40. Vanoni, Didier, Foultier, Christophe, and Remy, Julien (2009), 'Les attributions de logements

sociaux, entre règles et pratiques', Revue Recherche sociale, (1891), 4-80. Vesterberg, Viktor (2015), 'Formandet av anställningsbara studenter: En reflektion kring

karriärvägledning inom högre utbildning', Högre Utbildning, 5 (2), 99-105. Woolfson, Charles (2012), 'The future of the construction industry: A Baltic view',

Construction Labour Research News, (4), 30-33. Ålund, Aleksandra (2009), 'Segregationens motmakt', Invandrare & Minoriteter, (2), 5-12.

Books and Edited Volumes, Other Academic

Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte, et al. (2016), Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [1]: Metoder och strategier (Malmö, Umeå, Linköping) 79.

--- (2016), Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [2]: Möjligheter och utmaningar

(Malmöm, Umeå, Linköping) 64. Arke, Pia and Jonsson, Stefan (2010), Stories from Scoresbysund: Photographs,

Colonisation and Mapping (1 edn.; Köpenhamn: Pia Arke Selskabet & Kuratorisk Aktion) 284.

Bennich-Björkman, Li, Kostic, Roland, and Likic-Brboric, Branka (eds.) (2016), Citizens at heart?: perspectives on integration of refugees in the EU after the Yugoslav wars of succession 56 vols. (Uppsala Multiethnic Papers, Uppsala: Uppsala universitet) 220.

Brusman, Mats and Jonsson, Leif (2014), Kommunledningsrum: om rummets betydelse för ledningsarbetet i kommuner (Norrköping: Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier, Linköpings universitet) 56.

Dahlstedt, Magnus (2009), Aktiveringens politik: Demokrati och medborgarskap för ett nytt millennium (1 edn.; Malmö: Liber) 247.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Hertzberg, Fredrik (2011), Skola i samverkan: Miljonprogrammet och visionen om den öppna skolan (Malmö: Gleerups) 183.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Neergaard, Anders (eds.) (2013), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (1 edn., Stockholm: Liber) 325.

Dahlstedt, Magnus, et al. (eds.) (2007, 2016), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap: strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska staden (1-3 edn., Umeå: Boréa) 397.

Engstrand, Åsa-Karin (ed.), (2010), Möjligheternas marknad: Om företagare med utländsk bakgrund (1 edn., Stockholm: Tillväxtverket) 323.

Gavanas, Anna (2016), Pensionärsplaneten: Spaniensvenskar och pensionsmigration i en globaliserad värld (Göteborg: Makadam Förlag) 224.

Gruber, Sabine (2008), När skolan gör skillnad: Skola, etnicitet och institutionell praktik (1 edn.; Stockholm: Liber) 192.

Hansen, Peo (2008), EU:s migrationspolitik under 50 år: Ett integrerat perspektiv på en motsägelsefull utveckling (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur) 251.

Hansen, Peo and Jonsson, Stefan (2015), Eurafrika: EU:s koloniala rötter (Stockholm: Leopard Förlag) 282.

Jonsson, Stefan (2010), Rapport från Sopornas planet: Kritiska essäer (1 edn.; Stockholm: Norstedts förlag) 332.

--- (2013), Taejung-ŭi yŏksa: se pŏn-ŭi hyŏjntŏng: 1789, 1889, 1989 [Tre revolutioner: En kort historia om folket, 1789, 1889, 1989] (Seoul, Korea: Kŭrinbi) 303.

--- (ed.), (2015), Samtida politisk teori (Stockholm/Hägersten: Tankekraft förlag) 406. Jonsson, Stefan and Arke, Pia (2010), Scoresbysundhistorier: Fotografier, kolonisering og

kortlaeggning (Copenhagen: Borgen) 157. Lindberg, Ingemar and Neergaard, Anders (eds.) (2013), Bortom horisonten: Fackets vägval

i globaliseringens tid (1 edn., Stockholm: Premiss) 399. Petersson, Kenneth, Dahlstedt, Magnus, and Plymoth, Birgitta (eds.) (2012), Fostran av

framtidens medborgare: normer och praktiker bortom välfärdsstaten (1 edn., Lund: Sekel Bokförlag) 227.

Soininen, Maritta and Sainsbury, Diane (eds.) (2011), Kön, makt, nation: Festskrift till Maud Eduards (Stockholm: Elanders) 171.

Syssner, Josefina (ed.), (2011), Perspektiv på Turism & Resande: Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys (Lund: Studentlitteratur) 303.

--- (ed.), (2012), Turisten, resenären, besökaren: om etik, identitet och resande (1 edn., Linköping: Linköpings universitet. Institutionen för studier av samhällsutveckling och kultur) 165.

--- (2012), Världens bästa plats?: platsmarknadsföring, makt och medborgarskap (Lund: Nordic Academic Press) 128.

Tesfahuney, Mekonnen and Dahlstedt, Magnus (eds.) (2008), Den bästa av världar?: Betraktelser över en postpolitisk samtid (Stockholm: Tankekraft) 375.

Chapters in Books, Other Academic

Ahlstedt, Sara, Qvist, Martin, and Suter, Brigitte (2013), 'Migration: Suveränitet, gränser och kontroll', in Neergaard Magnus Dahlstedt och Anders (ed.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (Stockholm: Liber), 54-81.

Andersson, Ragnar (2008), 'Inclusion of immigrants -- effects of diffent kinds of partnerships', in Barbro Nilsson Lennart Svensson (ed.), Partnership: As a Stragegy for Social Innovation and Sustainable Change (1 edn.; Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press), 159-72.

Behtoui, Alireza, Nygård, Olav, and Neergaard, Anders (2014), 'Ungdomar, socialt kapital och stratifiering', in Fredrik Hertzberg Susanne Urban Aleksandra Ålund Magnus Dahlstedt (ed.), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap (1 edn.; Stockholm: Boréa Bokförlag), 233-60.

Behtoui, Alireza, Nygård, Olav, and Neergaard, Anders (2016), 'Ungdomar, socialt kapital och stratifiering', in Fredrik Hertzberg Susanne Urban Aleksandra Ålund Magnus Dahlstedt (ed.), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap: strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska staden (3 edn.; Umeå: Borea), 239-63.

Boréus, Kristina, et al. (2016), 'Motstånd - valet mellan protest, sorti och tystnad för invandrade och infödda anställda i äldrevården', in Holmqvist Margaretha (ed.), Makt och inflytande i arbetslivet (Stockholm: Premiss förlag), 240-65.

Bredström, Anna (2010), 'Åk inte dit!: Exotiska platser och förföriska andra i svensk hiv/aids-policy', in Maria Wendt Cecilia Åse Maria Jansson (ed.), Den nationella väven: Feministiska analyser (Lund: Studentlitteratur), 73-95.

--- (2011), 'Intersektionalitet', in Syssner Josefina (ed.), Perspektiv på Turism & Resande: Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur), 99-118.

--- (2014), 'Sex på kartan? Om tonårssexualitet, rasism och sexualupplysning i Sverige', in Maja Sager och Nora Räthzel Kerstin Sandell (ed.), Kritiska gemenskaper: att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap (Lund: Media-tryck, Lunds universitet), 125-34.

Dahlstedt, Magnus (2007), 'Föräldrar som villkorad resurs: Skolans föräldrasamarbete i mångetniska förortsmiljöer', in Alireza Bethoui Magnus Dahlstedt Aleksandra Ålund (ed.), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap: Strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska staden (1 edn.; Umeå: Boréa), 213-40.

--- (2007), 'Inflytande och politisk jämlikhet', in Peterson Mikael Hjerm och Abby (ed.), Etnicitet: Perspektiv på samhället (Malmö: Gleerups utbildning), 148-66.

--- (2007), 'På demokratins bakgård: Om ínvandrare´, representation och politik', in Charles Westin Mehrdad Darvishpour (ed.), Migration och etnicitet (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur), 241-73.

--- (2008), 'Att ställa krav är att bry sig: Spekulativ politik och kravmärkningens grammatik', Den bästa av världar? Betraktelser över en postpolitisk samtid (1 edn.; Stockholm: Tankekraft), 194-221.

--- (2009), 'Coachning som bekännelse?: Föräldracoachning och fostran av neoliberala medborgare', in Andreas Nyblom (ed.), Kultur ~ natur: Konferens för kulturstudier i Sverige, 15-17 juni (1 edn.; Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press), 367-85.

--- (2009), 'På tvären: IMER i brytningstider', in Erik Olsson and Annika Rabo (eds.), Vem älskar imerforskning?: En jubileumsskrift för CEIFO 2009 (1 edn.; Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, Centrum för forskning om internationell migration och etniska relationer (CEIFO)), 81-85.

--- (2009), '"Skriv historia med oss": Ungdomar, urbana konfliktlinjer och kampen om förorten', in Göran Graninger and Christer Knuthammar (eds.), Samhällsbyggande och integration: Frågor om assimilation, mångfald och boende (1 edn.; Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press), 87-117.

--- (2011), 'Makt', in Josefina Syssner (ed.), Perspektiv på turism & resande: Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys (Lund: Studentlitteratur).

--- (2012), '"När hemmet förvandlas till en krigszon": Föräldraideal, nanny-tv och viljan att coacha', in Kenneth Dahlstedt Magnus Petersson and Birgitta Plymoth (eds.), Fostran av framtidens medborgare: Normer och praktiker bortom välfärdsstaten (Lund: Sekel), 59-84.

--- (2015), 'Discourses of employment and inclusion in Sweden: governing citizens, governing suburban peripheries', in Magnus Johansson Tapio Salonen Erica Righard (ed.), Social transformations in Scandinavian cities: Nordic perspectives on urban marginalization and social sustainabiliity (Lund: Nordic Academic Press), 61-80.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Hertzberg, Fredrik (2012), 'Governmentality og entreprenörskap', in Ann Elise Rønbeck (ed.), Inspirert av Foucault: Diskusjoner rundt nyere pedagogisk empiri (Oslo: Fagbokforlaget), 258.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Fejes, Andreas (2014), 'Viljan att samtala: utbildning, deliberation och terapeutisk intervention', in J. Balldin T. Axelsson and J. Qvarsebo (eds.), Styrningskonst på utbildningsarenan: upphöjda begrepp i svensk utbildningsdiskurs (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur), 21-39.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Foultier, Christophe (2018), 'Skolan och trygghetsfostran – viljan att förebygga', in Dahlstedt Magnus (ed.), Förortsdrömmar: Ungdomar, utanförskap och viljan till inkludering (Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press), 89-104.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Ålund, Aleksandra (2018), 'Den nya svenska förortsrörelsen – viljan att höra hemma', in Dahlstedt Magnus (ed.), Förortsdrömmar: Ungdomar, utanförskap och viljan till inkludering (Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press), 181-99.

Engstrand, Åsa-Karin and Larsson, Jennie K. (2013), 'Intersektionalitet - att fånga ojämlikhetens komplexitet på flera sätt', in Dahlstedt Magnus and Neergaard Anders (eds.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (1 edn.; Stockholm: Liber), 141-67.

--- (2013), 'Svart och vitt i äldres omsorgspussel: hushållstjänster och privatisering av äldreomsorgen i Stockholm', in Calleman Anna Gavanas och Catharina (ed.), Rena hem på smutsiga villkor?: hushållstjänster, migration och globalisering (Göteborg: Makadam Förlag), 84-103.

Gavanas, Anna and Calleman, Catharina (2013), 'Rena hem på smutsiga villkor? Hushållstjänster i den globala arbetsfördelningen', in Calleman Anna Gavanas och Catharina (ed.), Rena hem på smutsiga villkor?: hushållstjänster, migration och globalisering (Göteborg: Makadam Förlag), 7-23.

Gruber, Sabine (2011), 'Etnografi', in Syssner Josefina (ed.), Perspektiv på Turism & Resande: Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur).

--- (2012), 'I namn av heder: Kontinuitet och variation i skolans fostran till svenskhet', in Magnus Dahlstedt Birgitta Plymoth Kenneth Petersson (ed.), Fostran av framtidens medborgare: Normer och praktiker bortom välfärdsstaten (1 edn.; Lund: Sekel), 177-202.

--- (2013), 'Frirummet transformerat till kontrollrum: Skolan och insatser mot "hedersrelaterat" våld', in Petersson Abby and Åkerström Malin (eds.), Den sorterande ordningsmakten: studier av etnicitet och polisiär kontroll (1 edn.; Malmö: Bokbox Förlag), 201-24.

Hansen, Peo (2007), 'EU Migration Policy in the Post-Amsterdam Era: The Contradictions Between Migrant 'Integration', Flexible Labour Immigration and Refugee Protection', in Berggren Erik (ed.), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community: A Challenge for Europe (Maastricht, Netherlands: Shaker Publishing), 21-39.

--- (2009), 'Det kosmopolitiska löftet: Har "mer Europa" gett ett mer kosmopolitiskt och progressivt Europa?', Spaning Europa: Arena Idés årsbok 2009 (1 edn.; Stockholm: Premiss Förlag), 37-69.

Hansen, Peo (2009), 'Det kosmopolitiska löftet: Har "mer Europa" gett ett mer kosmopolitiskt och progressivt Europa?', Spaning Europa: Arena Idés årsbok 2009 (1 edn.; Stockholm: Premiss Förlag), 37-69.

--- (2012), 'I dynamiken mellan marknad och murar—EU:s migrationspolitik bortom det sociala Europa?', in Lars Oxelheim och Antonina Bakardjieva Thomas Persson (ed.), Arbetslöshet, migrationspolitik och nationalism – hot mot EU:s sammanhållning?: Europaperspektiv 2012 (1 edn.; Stockholm: Santérus Förlag), 287.

--- (2014), 'Arbetskraftsinvandring i krisens EU', in Fogde Marinette and Övling Johanna (eds.), Det globaliserade arbetslivet (Möklinta: Gidlunds förlag), 45-53.

Hjerm, Mikael and Schierup, Carl-Ulrik (2007), 'Integration till arbete', in Mikael Hjerm and Abby Peterson (eds.), Etnicitet: Perspektiv på samhället (Lund: Gleerups Utbildning), 96-115.

Jonsson, Stefan (2007), 'Marxismen: Och sedan?', in Arvidsson Stefan (ed.), Marxismens filosofi (Stockholm, Stehag: Symposion Brutus Östlings bokförlag), 149-67.

--- (2007), 'The Thinking Eye', in Louise Fogelström William Jewson Richard Griffith Karlsson Paul Berf Niclas Östlind (ed.), Fiction is no joke (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag), 182.

--- (2008), 'Atlantropa: Le rêve fou d'un architecte visionnaire', in Chaumeau Christine and Thureau-Dangin Philippe (eds.), L'Atlas des Atlas: le monde vu d'ailleurs en 200 cartes (1 edn.; Paris: Arthaud), 170-73.

--- (2008), 'The Ivory Towers in California', in Betancour Ana and Kurttila Annelie (eds.), Global Cities: Arkitekturmuseet Yearbook (Stockholm: Arkitekturmuseet), 5-18.

--- (2010), 'Inside the Fire: Collective and Individual in Anna Ådahl's Art', in Kaur Diana (ed.), Anna Ådahl: In Dependence: Crowds, Gestures (Stockholm: OEI), 23-30.

--- (2010), 'Tolv sätt att dela ett samhälle', in Magnusson Ann (ed.), Att dela ett samhälle (1 edn.; Stockholm: Kulturförvaltningen, Stockholms läns landsting), 35-53.

--- (2011), 'Apans bildningsresa: Europeiska bildningsidéer och postkolonial teori', in Lisbeth Eriksson Anita Lundin och Alvar Svensson Stellan Boozon (ed.), Att bilda ett samhälle: Texter kring mångkultur och folkbildning (Föreningen för folkbildningsforskning), 146.

--- (2011), 'Hannah Arendt i Weimarrepubliken', in Anders Burman Ulrika Björk (ed.), Konsten att handla - konsten att tänka: Hannah Arendt om det politiska (Stockholm: Axl Books), 129-44.

--- (2011), 'Postkolonial vändning', in Lennerhed Anders Burman och Lena (ed.), Sekelslut: Idéhistoriska perspektiv på 1980- och 1990-talen (Stockholm: Atlas), 297.

--- (2012), 'Dummy (1997–2003)', in Aktion Kuratorisk (ed.), Tupilakosaurus: An Incomplete(able) Survey of Pia Arke's Artistic Work and Research (Köpenhamn: Kuratorisk Aktion), 276-76.

--- (2012), 'The Paintings', in Aktion Kuratorisk (ed.), Tupilakosaurus: An Incomplete(able) Survey of Pia Arke's Artistic Work and Research (1 edn.; Köpenhamn: Kuratorisk Aktion), 262-63.

--- (2014), 'PK, eller konsten att dominera utan att argumentera', in Jones Nick (ed.), Bryt upp!: om etik och rasism (Lund: BTJ Förlag), 27-42.

--- (2015), 'Förord', in Löfgren Mikael (ed.), Inga undantag: Värdeskapandet i små och medelstora samtidskonsthallar (1 edn.; Göteborg: Nätverkstan), 6-9.

Jonsson, Stefan and Syssner, Josefina (2011), 'Postkolonialism', in Syssner Josefina (ed.), Perspektiv på Turism och Resande: Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys (Lund: Studentlitteratur).

Jonsson, Stefan and Behtoui, Alireza (2013), 'Rasism: Särskiljandets och rangordningens praktik', in Dahlstedt Magnus and Neergaard Anders (eds.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (1 edn.; Stockholm: Liber), 168-98.

Jonsson, Stefan, Lalu, Premesh, and Murinik, Tracy (2015), 'Considering History, Memory, and Citizenry and their Representation within the Arts: Stefan Jonsson and Premesh Lalu in Conversation moderated by Tracy Murinik', in Ose Elvira Dyangani (ed.), A Story Within a Story (1 edn.; Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing), 208-19.

Khayati, Khalid (2012), 'Diaspora as an instance of global governance: The case of Kurds in Sweden', in Moksnes Heidi and Melin Mia (eds.), Global civil society: shifting powers in a shifting world (Uppsala: Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University), 181-85.

--- (2012), 'Diaspora as an instance of global governance: The case of Kurds in Sweden', in Heidi Moksens and Mia Melin (eds.), Global civil society: shifting powers in a shifting world (Uppsala: Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD), Uppsala University), 181-85.

--- (2012), 'Swedenas a gravitation center for the Kurds – diaspora formation and transnational relations', in Alan Dilani Almas Heshmati and M. J. Baban Serwan (eds.), Perspectives on Kurdistan’s Economy and Society in Transition (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), 101-14.

Khayati, Khalid and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2013), 'Diaspora: relationer och gemenskap över gränser', in Magnus Dahlstedt and Anders Neergaard (eds.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (1 edn.; Malmö: Liber), 82-109.

Kings, Lisa (2012), 'Förorten och föreningen: förvandligen av det lokala', in Wijkström Filip (ed.), Civilsamhället i samhällskontraktet: en antologi om vad som står på spel (1 edn.; Stockholm: European civil society press), 55-69.

Larsson, Jennie K. (2016), 'Empiri och teori i växelverkan: en analys av närbyråkratin', in Johannesson Maria-Therese Gustafsson och Livia (ed.), Introduktion till politisk etnografi: metoder för statsvetare (Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB), 125-44.

Klinthäll, Martin and Urban, Susanne (2010), 'Kartläggning av företagande bland personer med utländsk bakgrund i Sverige', in Åsa-Karin Engstrand (ed.), Möjligheternas marknad: En antologi om företagare med utländsk bakgrund (Stockholm: Tillväxtverket), 107-30.

Likic-Brboric, Branka and Bennich-Björkman, Li (2009), 'Slovenien: från nation till stat', in F. Björklund and J. Rodin (eds.), Det nya Östeuropa – stat och nation i förändring (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur), 444.

Likic Brboric, Branka and Bennich-Björkman, Li (2016), 'Swedish ‘Exceptionalism’ and the Integration of Refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 1990s: acceptance and Strategies of Citizenship', in Roland Kostic Branka Likic-Brboric Li Bennich-Björkman (ed.), Citizens at Heart? Perspectives on integration of refugees in the EU after the Yugoslav wars of succession (Uppsala: Uppsala universitet), 87-115.

Likic Brboric, Branka, Bennich-Björkman, Li, and Kostic, Roland (2016), 'Introduction', in Roland Kostic Li Bennich-Björkman and Likic-Brboric Branka (eds.), Citizens at Heart? Perspectives on integration of refugees in the EU after the Yugoslav wars of succession (Uppsala: Uppsala universitet), 11-25.

Likic-Brboric, Branka, Slavnic, Zoran, and Woolfson, Charles (2013), 'Informalisering: migration och arbete i ett utvidgat Europa', in Neergaard Magnus Dahlstedt och Anders (ed.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (Stockholm: Liber), 261-79.

Lindberg, Ingemar and Neergaard, Anders (2013), '”Mellan Marx och Planyi” - Ett nytt landskap för kollektivt handlande och facklig förnyelse', in Ingemar Lindberg and Anders Neergaard (eds.), Bortom horisonten: Fackets vägval i globaliseringens tid (1 edn.; Stockholm: Premiss), 399.

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Lundqvist, Catarina (2007), 'Arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning: vägledning och/eller sortering?', in Alireza Bethoui Magnus Dahlstedt Fredrik Hertzberg Aleksandra Ålund (ed.), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap (1 edn.; Stockholm: Boréa), 267-98.

--- (2007), 'Transnationella horisonter i val av utbildning och karriär', in Erik Olsson (ed.), Transnationella rum. diaspora, migration och gränsöverskridande relationer (1 edn.; Stockholm: Boréa), 50-60.

Lundqvist, Catarina and Ålund, Aleksandra (2007), 'Social exkludering och motstånd; Utbildning och arbete i multietniska ungdomssammanhang', in Thoursie Olofsson Jonas och Anna (ed.), Ungas framtidsvägar (Stockholm: Agora), 160-78.

Martinsson, Mathias (2012), 'Skolans ideologiska spänningar', in Magnus Dahlstedt och Birgitta Plymoth Kenneth Petersson (ed.), Fostran av framtidens medborgare: Normer och praktiker bortom välfärdsstaten (1 edn.; Lund: Sekel), 151-76.

Mekonnen, Tesfahuney and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2007), 'Lägrets politik: Undantagstillstånd, övervakningsansamlingar och migration', in Lövgren Sophia and Johansson Kerstin (eds.), Viljan att styra: Individ, samhälle och välfärdens styrningspraktiker (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur), 133-64.

Mulinari, Diana and Neergaard, Anders (2014), 'Svenskhet som kulturellt kapital: SD och kvinnorna', in Madelene och Borg Kristian Axelsson (ed.), Sverigedemokraternas svarta bok (Stockholm: Verbal förlag).

Neergaard, Anders (2013), 'Från hemmet till en arbetsplats, från krav på intimitet till arbetskontrakt', in Neergaard Ingemar Lindberg och Anders (ed.), Bortom horisonten: Fackets vägval i globaliseringens tid (1 edn.; Stockholm: Premiss), 229-55.

--- (2014), 'Tankar om rasism: den nya extremhögern, etnopluralism och könad omsorgsrasism', in Maja Sager Nora Räthzel Kerstin Sandell (ed.), Kritiska gemenskaper: Att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap (Lund: Lunds universitet).

--- (2015), '”Det fackliga löftet”: solidaritet, fackföreningsrörelse och arbetskraftsinvandring', in Petra Herzfeld Olsson Catharina Calleman (ed.), Arbetskraft från hela världen: Hur blev det med 2008 års reform? (Stockholm: Delmi), 200-43.

Olsson, Ulf, Petersson, Kenneth, and Krejsler, John B. (2015), 'Elevcentrering som nutidshistoriskt problem', in Lisbeth Lundahl Sverker Lindblad (ed.), Utbildning: makt och politik (1:1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur AB), 67-80.

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Peterson, Abby and Ålund, Aleksandra (2007), 'Etniciteter: Ras, kön, klass, identitet och kultur', in Hjerm Peterson Abby och Michael (ed.), Etnicitet; perspektiv på samhället (Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning), 11-26.

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Puskás, Tünde (2007), '”Vi är, kommer att bli, eller har redan blivit sverigeungrare” Berättelser om en diasporisk gemenskap”', in Tobias Hübinette Ingemar Grandin Per Gustafson Sara Johnsdotter Mirjaliisa Lukkarinen Kvist Catarina Lundqvist Erik Olsson Minoo Alinia (ed.), Transnationella rum och diasporiska gemenskaper(1 edn.; Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag), 247-70.

--- (2011), 'Etnicitet', in Syssner Josefina (ed.), Perspektiv på turism och resande: Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys (Lund: Studentlitteratur).

Puskás, Tünde and Ålund, Aleksandra (2012), 'Etnicitet: Gränsdragningens och skillnadsskapandets komplexitet', in Magnus Dahlstedt and Anders Neergaard (eds.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (Stockholm: Liber), 27--53.

Rundqvist, Mikael and Andersson, Ragnar (2009), 'A capacity builiding evaluation of integration and diversity in regional projects', in Göran Brulin Sven Jansson Karin Sjöberg Lennart Svensson (ed.), Learning Through Ongoing Evaluation (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur), 253-66.

--- (2009), 'Integration och mångfald i regionala projekt', in Göran Brulin Sven Jansson Karin Sjöberg Lennart Svennsson (ed.), Lärande utvärdering genom följeforskning (1 edn.; Lund: Studentlitteratur), 245-57.

Scarpa, Simone, Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2016), 'The end of the swedish model?: reconfigurations of welfare and citizenship in the new millennium', in Erica Righard Sven Trygged (ed.), Social inequalities and migration: challenges to social work in the swedish welfare state (Lund: Studentlitteratur AB).

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik (2007), 'Sverige, ”mångfalden” och exkluderingens politiska ekonomi', in Nora MacHado Zenia Hellgren Göran Brodin Tom R Burns (ed.), Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor: Multidimensionella perspektiv på strukturell diskriminering i Sverige (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis), 543.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2007), 'Svensk välfärsstat i omvandling: Medborgarskap, arbete, utbildning', in Magnus Dahlstedt, et al. (eds.), Arbete, Utbildning och medborgarskap, strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska staden (1 edn.; Umeå: Borea), 27-56.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Urban, Susanne (2007), 'Social exkludering: Ett beskuret medborgarskap', in Magnus Dahlstedt, et al. (eds.), Arbete, Utbildning och medborgarskap.: Strategier för social inkudering i den mångetniska staden (1 edn.; Umeå: Borea), 57-78.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Krifors, Karin, and Slavnic, Zoran (2013), 'Social exkludering: migration och social utsatthet', in Neergaard Magnus Dahlstedt och Anders (ed.), Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier (Stockholm: Liber), 230-60.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2016), 'Bortom den svenska modellen?', in Fredrik Hertzberg Susanne Urban Aleksandra Ålund Magnus Dahlstedt (ed.), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap: strategier för social inkludering i den mångkulturella staden (3 edn.; Umeå: Borea), 27-56.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Urban, Susanne (2016), 'Social exkludering: ett beskuret medborgarskap', in Fredrik Hertzberg Susanne Urban Aleksandra Ålund Magnus Dahlstedt (ed.), Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap: strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska staden (3 edn.; Umeå: Borea), 57-78.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Ålund, Aleksandra (2016), 'The end of swedish exceptionalism?: citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion', in Roland Kostic Branka Likic-Brbooric Li Bennich-Björkman (ed.), Citizens at heart?: perspectives on integration of refugees in the EU after the Yugoslav wars of succession (Uppsala: Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala universitet), 191-213.

Slavnic, Zoran (2007), 'En intervjustudie av fyra utlandsfödda företagare i Sverige', in näringslivsutveckling Sverige. Verket för (ed.), Invandrares företagande: En studie av utlandsfödda företagare i Sverige (Stockholm: NUTEK), 96.

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Syssner, Josefina (2010), 'Visioner, miljöer, människor: den förmedlade bilden av Vimmerby', in Jonsson Leif (ed.), Astrid Lindgrens världar i Vimmerby: en studie av kulturarv och samhällsutveckling (1 edn.; Lund: Nordic Academic Press), 133-49.

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Tesfahuney, Mekonnen and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2008), 'Fångad i spelet? Spekulationer kring den bästa av världar', in Magnus Dahlstedt Richard Ek Mekonnen Tesfahuney (ed.), Den bästa av världar? Betraktelser över en postpolitisk samtid (Stockholm: Tankekraft), 302-13.

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Conference Papers

Dahlstedt; Magnus (2009), 'Det svårfångade "kulturmötet": Mångfald och skillnadsskapande inom den entreprenöriella akademin', in Magnus Dahlstedt (ed.), CUL-rapporter (Linköping: Centrum för undervisning och lärande), 149.

Andersson Högberg, Lena and Engstrand, Åsa-Karin (2012), 'A discursive approach to sensemaking at work', Fourth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 21-23 June 2012, Helona Resort, Kos, Greece.

Dahlstedt, Magnus (2007), 'Spekulationer kring en postpolitisk samtid', Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte, 17-19 oktober, Norrköping.

--- (2008), 'Democratic (Govern)mentality: Movement Ideals and National Imaginations in Sweden', Irregular Migration, Informal Economy and Pathways to Decent Work in a Globalising Economy, 4-5 december, Istanbul.

--- (2008), '”Inga afrikaner ska lära oss om demokrati": Aktivt medborgarskap, invandrarskap(ande) och villkorat deltagande', Bortom rösträtten, 12 juni, Samtidshistoriska institutet, Södertörns högskola.

--- (2009), 'Politik – eller konsten att göra om sig: Betraktelser över en postpolitisk samtid', From Welfare Systems to Welfare Societies: Changing Perspectives of Nordic Welfare Model(s) in Times of Globalization, Nordiskt sommaruniversitet, 22-24 januari, Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier, Norrköping.

--- (2009), 'Popular Movements for Whom?: Governmentality, Civil Society and Democracy the Swedish Way', Civil Society as Arena of Learning, 11-13 juni, Södertörns högskola.

--- (2009), 'The Partnering Society: Governmentality, Partnerships and Active Local Citizenship', A Regional Citizenship? Nordic Outlooks, 31 mars-1 april, REMESO, Linköpings universitet, Norrköping.

Dahlstedt, Magnus (2009), '”Tycker du att du förtjänar ett hjärta?": Medborgarideal, skolterapi och viljan att styra', Utmanad: utmanande, 2-4 juni, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, Linköpings universitet.

--- (2011), 'Samverkan med förhinder?: Föreningar, Miljonprogrammet och visionen om den öppna skolan', IMER-konferensen 2011, Motstånd och särskiljandets praktik: Rasism och antirasism då och nu, 17-18 november, Norrköping.

--- (2011), 'What Citizenship is there to be Active about?', Changing Notions of Citizenship – Past, Present & Future, 16-17 juni, Medelhavsmuseet.

--- (2012), 'Learning for Active Citizenship', Changing Notions of Citizenship: Past, Present and Future, 23-25 maj, The Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul.

--- (2012), 'Var god reflektera!: Reflektioner kring lärandeideal och lärarutbildning i förändring', in Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne and Stiwne Elinor Edvardsson (eds.), LiU:s utvecklingskonferens 10 mars 2010, Linköping (Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press), 11-23.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Tesfahuney, Mekonnen (2009), 'The Gambling State: Speculative Pedagogy and Governmentality', Migration, State and Pedagogy: Exploring a New Research Area of Pedagogy, 26-27 augusti, Tisvilde, Danmark.

--- (2009), 'The Speculative State, Education and the Commons', What is the Common?, 10-11 oktober, Göteborgs universitet.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Henrik, Nordvall (2010), '(Post)Colonial Adult Education: Swedish popular education between international solidarity and national fantasies', Paper presented at the ESREA triennial European research conference, Linköping University, Sweden, September 23-26.

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Hertzberg, Fredrik (2011), 'The Entrepreneurial Subject: Governmentality in Education for Entrepreneurship', Symposium on Governmentality in Educational and Social Sciences, 14-18 april, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison.

Dahlstedt, Magnus, Ålund, Aleksandra, and Lundqvist, Catarina (2008), 'Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap', Resultatdialog 2008, 16 oktober, Karlstads universitet.

Fejes, Andreas and Dahlstedt, Magnus (2012), 'The Confessing Society', 40th annual congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NFPF/NERA), 8 – 10 March 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Fejes, Andreas, et al. (2010), 'European Citizenship: Activities beyond Educational Practice and Policy', European Conference on Educational Research, 25-27 augusti, Helsingfors.

Fejes, Andreas, et al. (2011), 'Citizen Formation: Becoming a citizen inside and outside of school', Annual meeting of the American educational research association, New Orleans, April 8-12.

Fejes, Andreas, et al. (2015), 'Individualisering genom det kollektiva i svensk folkhögskola', Mimers årliga forskarkonferens.

Foultier, Christophe (2011), 'Empowering the Unprivileged: The Case of Self-renovation in Disadvantaged Areas', Current Issues in European Cultural Studies; June 15-17; Norrköping; Sweden 2011 (062; Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press), 545-51.

Hansen, Peo (2009), 'EU Migration Policy and the Politics of European Citizenship: A Matter of Rights… in Retreat?', in Lozanoska Jana and Dimitrov Slavco (eds.), Integrating Differences: Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion in the Balkans on its Road to the EU, 28-31May, 2009 Ohrid, Macedonia (Skopje: Euro-Balkan Institute), 36-68.

--- (2011), 'Making Sense of a Neoliberal Fortress?: EU Migration Policy in the Nexus of Economy, Security and Rights', in Bragadottir Ragnheiour and Kristjansdottir Iris Björg (eds.), Misuse of Migrant Labour: NSfK's 24th Contact Seminar, Helsinki 26–27 Sept, 2010 (Reykjavik: Nordisk Samarbejdsråd for Kriminologi), 12-22.

Jonsson, Stefan (2009), 'Europe through Africa, Africa through Europe: Reconstructing the Relation of European Integration and Colonialism. Keynote Speech', in Palmberg Mai (ed.), What’s Culture Got to Do with it? Cultural Images in and of Africa. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 15-18 juni 2009. (Uppsala: . Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet), 29-37.

Larsson, Jennie K. (2011), 'In the Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity: A comparison between Swedish and Danish Integration policies', Nordiska statsvetarkonferensen (NOPSA).

--- (2011), 'In the Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity: exploring Swedish Integration policies', The Welfare State and the Issue of Migration in Europe – New Class Conflict or Clash of the Civilizations.

--- (2012), 'Ojämställda familjer, drivna singelkvinnor och unga killar – tjänstemäns berättelser om invandrade män och kvinnor', G12 – Nationell konferens för genusforskning.

--- (2013), 'Att studera förvaltningen och frontlinjebyråkrater: Paper presenterat i workshopen “Feminism, makt och politik”', SWEPSA 2013.

--- (2013), 'Från rättigheter till skyldigheter – svensk integrationspolitik i förändring', Den fulla sysselsättningen och makten över arbetet.

--- (2014), 'Den aktiva och villkorade integrationen –: eller frontlinjebyråkraterna och kampen om tiden', Nordiska Statsvetarkonferensen (NOPSA).

Lundström, Catrin (2016), 'The white side of migration:: Reflections on race, citizenship and belonging', Stockholm Rountable in Linguistic Anthropology.

--- (2016), '“We are the world”: Swedish migrant women and white cosmopolitanism', G16 23-25 november 2016, Linköping.

--- (2017), 'White women. White nation. White cosmopolitanism.: Swedish return migration between the national and the global', ACSIS Symposium: Mobilising Cultural Studies.

Mulinari, Diana and Neergaard, Anders (2010), 'Women and Migrants in Swedish Xenophobic Populist Parties'.

Munck, Ronaldo and Schierup, Carl-Ulrik (2016), 'The migration crisis: what can trade unions do?', (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Nicoll, Katherine, et al. (2010), 'Citizen Formation: Beyond Educational Practice and Policy'. Olson, Maria, et al. (2013), 'Citizenship production beyond the curriculum', Biannual

conference of the ESREA research network on Access, Learning Careers and Identities, 28-30 November 2013, Linköping University, Sweden.

Puskás, Tünde (2010), '”Managing Multilingualism in Monolingual Swedish Schools”', New Challenges for Multilingualism un Europe, Konferens organiserad av Languages in a Network of European Excellence i Dubrovnik, Kroatien 11-15 april, 2010.

--- (2010), '“When there are not enough words ”: Teachers and Children with Different Mother Tongues in a Preschool', Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction, Aalborg, Danmark 17-19 november, 2010.

--- (2012), 'Conflicting language ideologies versus uniform language management. Heritage Language education in Swedish schools: Heritage Language education in Swedish schools', NFPF/NERA's 40th Congress: Everyday life, education and their transformations in a Nordic and globalized context, 8-10 Mars 2012, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

--- (2012), 'Flerspråkig som etnisk markör', ASLA-Symposiet: Språk och undervisning, 11-12 maj 2012, Linköping.

--- (2012), 'Managing Immigrant Multilingualism in Swedish Compulsory Schools: Working Paper No. 09 (2012)'.

Qvist, Martin (2007), 'Integration och organisation: ett förvaltningspolitiskt perspektiv på mottagande och riktade åtgärder', Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte, Norrköping 2007.

--- (2008), 'Collaborative Efforts for Labour Market Integration?: Implementation of Introduction Programmes in Sweden', XV NOPSA Conference, Tromsø 2008.

Qvist, Martin (2008), 'Managing Immigrant Integration in the Welfare State: Post-NPM Strategies, Past Reforms and the Institutionalized Context', ECPR Joint Sessions, Rennes 2008.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Ålund, Aleksandra (2013), 'A Global Migrant Precariat: Labour, Citizenship and Space for Civil Society', Primer Seminario Internacional de Estudios Críticos del Desarollo. Crisis, Desarollo y Trabajo, University of Zacatecas, 14-15 February, 2013.

Soininen, Maritta (2008), 'Towards inclusive democracy?', NOPSA (Nordic Political Science Association), Tromsø, Norge, 6–9 August 2008, 27.

--- (2009), 'Incentives and identities in joint policy governance: The EU programme EQUAL and Swedish partnerships for economic growth', in University of Melbourne The Centre for Public Policy (ed.), The Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne, Melbourne1-2 December 2009, 25.

Syssner, Josefina (2007), 'Conceptualisations of Regional Culture', Historikerdagarna, Lund 2007.

--- (2009), 'Space for Citizens?', Is there a Regional Citizenship? Nordic Conference in cooperation between Remeso and Regional Studies Association. (Norrköping).

--- (2010), 'Place Branding: spatial vision, public norms', ERSA congress ""Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy"" (Jönköping: ERSA).

Vesterberg, Viktor (2011), 'Managing ethnicity in the shaping of employability: A study of labour market projects in Sweden', CMS 2011, Doctoral Consortium.

--- (2012), 'The employable subject and discourses of self-commodification', International migration and integration, Göteborg, 25-26 October, 2012.

Ålund, Aleksandra, et al. (2012), 'Access to Public Voice?: Framing the Mobilization of Migrants in Sweden', Immigrants and Civil Society: 16th Nordic Migration Research Conference, 13-15 augusti, Åbo, Finland.


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