Kathleen Kampa Charles Vilina OO Student Book

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Kathleen Kampa

Charles Vilina


Student Book


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Student Book

Kathleen Kampa

Charles Vilina


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looking at the Stars

A conversation about stars in a galaxy

Listening Strategy Listening for reasons

The Speed of light

A science report about how fast light travels

listening Strategy Listening for main idea and numbers

listening Strategy Listening for similarities and differences

A Nigerian Myth

A myth about the sun and the moon

listening Strategy Listening for gist and sequence

Where My Food Comes From

A girl explains the types of food she eats

Listening Strategy Listening for examples and numbers

Types of Farms

Reporters discuss types of farms

listening Strategy Listening for reasons

Art Around the World

Children discuss art they like to make

Listening Strategy Listening for reasons

An Important Painting

A tour guide discusses a famous painting

Listening Strategy Listening for differences and details

Meg Harry


Talking About Differences

The first picture has a quarter moan.

Asking About Quantity

Haw much water is on Jupiter?

Giving Reasons

I'd like to go back to an ancient Maya city.

I want to see how Maya people made pyramids.

Describing with the Senses

What did dinosaurs sound like?

They probably sounded very loud.

Giving a Reason for a Preference

I like oranges, but I prefer bananas because they are easier to peel.

Talking About Food in Your Area People often grow apples where I live.

Talking About a Picture

What are the children doing?

They're painting.

Expressing a Desire or Wish

I wish I could point like Claude Monet.

Complete Sentences

The Earth revolves around the sun.

Writing Practice Write about an object in the universe (Workbook)

Choice Questions

Is Ganymede a planet or a moon?

Writing Practice Write about exploring the universe (WB)

Verb Tenses

The first emperor died when he was 49 years old.

Writing Practice Write about something that happened long ago (WB)

Count and Noncount Nouns

A lot of volcanic ash was above the bone.

Writing Practice Write about something old that people might look for in the ground (WB)

Interesting Adjectives

My chickens fay wonderful eggs.

Writing Practice Write about a delicious meal (WB)

Prepositional Phrases of location

The asparagus is near the carrots.

Writing Practice Write about a real or imaginary garden (WB)

Compound Predicate

Picasso painted many masterpieces and created many sculptures.

Writing Practice Write about a work of art (WB)

The Articles A/An and The

Theo went to see an exhibition.

Theo went to see the exhibition of lay.an Khan's landscapes.

Writing Practice Write about an artist (WB)


• ••••••

• Big Question 1 0

•Writing Write a compare andcontrast report (WB)

• Project Create a model

• Big Question 1 0

• Big Question 2 0

•Writing Write a descriptive report (WB)

• Project Create a time capsule

, Big Question 2 0

• Big Question 3 0

•Writing Write a researchreport (WB)

• Project Create a story

• Big Question 3 0

• Big Question 4 0

,Writing Write an opinion essay (WB)

• Project Act In a play

, Big Question 4 Q�-'------------...&.------------------ ;;;;.:;. __ ........

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Listening ____________________ _ �00 0

\..I Think Why do people like to look up at the stars at night?

Listening for Reasons

When you listen for reasons, first listen for questions starting with the

word why. The answer to each question will usually have a reason.

Listen. Match each question with a reason. G), .os

1 Why are stars so easy to see on • • a It's close to Earth and has clouds that

Grandpa's farm? bounce sunlight to Earth.

2 Why is Venus so bright? �- --- b It's shaped like a disk. We are in the

disk, and we can look through it.

3 Why can we see the Milky Way •

galaxy when we're in it?

• c There are fewer lights shining outside

of a big city.

Listen again. Why is our galaxy called the Milky Way? Write your answer. 06

Speaking_G> __ ,._01 _________________ _

8 Look at the two pictures. Talk about the differences with your partner.

In the first picture, I see the Milky Way. In the second picture, I see ...

The first picture has ... The second picture doesn't have ... , but ...

111 Unit 1 Listening: Reasons, Speaking: Talking About Differences

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Listen and say the words. Then read and listen to the sentences. Cl), .oq

(astronomer) ( space probe)� (gravity)� ( matter)

(distance) (diameter) (surface) (craters) (unique)

1 The astronomer studied the moons of Jupiter.

2 Scientists sent a space probe to Mars to collect information.

3 The core of Earth is 1,800 miles below the surface.

4 Without gravity, people on Earth would float into the air.

5 Earth's orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle.

6 Stars and planets are not empty, but are full of matter.

7 There is a big distance between the sun and Earth.

8 The diameter of the planet Mercury is only 4,87q kilometers.

q Many plants and animals live on our planet's surface.

10 You can see the moon's craters with a telescope.

11 Earth is unique in our solar system because it has people.

0 Two of the three words are correct. Cross out the wrong answer.

1 Some people study this.

matter unique gravity

2 You use this to measure something.

distance diameter craters

3 This is part of Earth.

orbit surface core

4 You can find this outside of Earth.

space probe astronomer craters

8 How is Earth unique? Write a sentence. Then share your sentence with

your partner.

16 Unit 2 Vocabulary: The Universe


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Before You Read

� 0 0 0 \,.,I Think Why is the sun important? How would life be

different if we didn't have the sun?

Compare and Contrast in Science

Remember, when you compare and contrast, you talk about

how things are alike and different. When you read about

science, look for numbers and other information to decide

how things a re alike or different.

How are Proxima Centauri and the sun alike and different? Read the information and complete the diagram.

Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the s n. Did you know

that the sun is also a star? They are both in the Milky Way galaxy.

The sun is a yellow dwarf star. Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star.

Proxima Centauri 's diameter is only a seventh of the sun's diameter.

Proxima Centauri

Different Alike

The sun


0 Words in Context Scan the reading on pages 18-1 q andcircle these words. As you read, guess what the words mean.

bodies explore inner outer

C) Look at the pictures in the article on the next page. What do

you see? What would you like to learn in this article?

Reading: Compare and Contrast in Science Unit 2 17






In this science article,

you will learn about

the planets, moons,

and other objects

that move around the

sun as a solar system.

Science articles

are full of facts and

information about our

world and universe.

As you read, compare

and contrast objects

in our solar system.



Watch the video. 0

Look at the picture and talk about it.

1 What is the boy taking a picture of?

Why is he taking a picture?

2 Where do you think the boy is?

What else do you think is in this place?

8 Think and answer the questions.

1 Why do people want to learn about

the past?

2 What time in the past do you want to

learn more about?

8 Fill out the Big Question Chart.

[ Hav. do we know what happ, n 1 · .. °"'� ago'?

···�-�, .. �;mma;-'.: G9:t�� 27

"I think so;' said Javier. He looked down at a rough, gray object

sticking out of the ground. "I tripped on that;' he said.

"It looks like a rock;' said Fernando.

Javier looked carefully at the object. "I don't think

it's a rock;' he said excitedly. "I think it's something else!"

"Let's pull it out;' said Pepe.

"No;' said Javier. "It's better to leave it right here:'

Javier and the boys ran home to tell Javier's parents. Javier's

father spoke to the mayor of the town, who contacted the

Paleontology Foundation. The next day, a paleontologist from

the foundation came to the town. He followed Javier to the

ravine and examined the boy's discovery.

"It could be a dinosaur bone;' he said. "If it is, we'll need

to determine how old it is:'

"How do you do that?" asked Javier.

"This bone was buried in sedimentary rock, which lies

in layers under the ground. We'll look for volcanic ash

below and above this rock layer. Through a special process,

we can find out the ages of those layers of ash. Then we'll

know that the dinosaur died sometime between those

two ages:'

Soon, many paleontologists began excavating the area

around the bone. They found more bones, as well as a

skull. It was a unique dinosaur they didn't know about.

Television reporters came to the town and spoke to

Javier about the bone he discovered.

"This dinosaur will need a name;'

said one reporter. "What do you think it

should be called?"

"That's easy;' said the man from

the Paleontology Foundation. "We'll call

it the Javiersaurus!"

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Comprehension �Oo0

\..,I Think Talk about the story with your partner.

Do you think it could really happen? Why? /Why not?

C, Circle the best prediction for each statement.

Talk about your choices with a partner.

1 The paleontologists found all the bones of Javier's dinosaur.

What will happen next?

a They will stop looking and go back to their homes.

b They will ask Javier to look for more bones.

c They will look for more dinosaur bones in the ravine.

The dinosaur will be called the Javiersaurus.

What will happen next?

a Fernando and Pepe will be angry.

b Fernando and Pepe will be happy for Javier.

c Fernando and Pepe will not be friends with Javier.

3 Javier is very interested in dinosaurs. What will happen next?

a He will become a paleontologist someday.

b He will become a mayor someday.

c He will stop looking for dinosaur bones.

0 Answer the questions.

1 How was the dinosaur in Riodeva special?

2 Why was Javier in the field when Fernando and Pepe ran up to him?

3 What do paleontologists look for above and below sedimentary rock?

8 Words in Context Match each sentence to an explanation.

1 His favorite pastime was to

explore the open fields.

2 His dream was to be the first

person to find it.

3 "We'll need to determine how •

old it is:'

4 "I tripped on that;' he said. •

LIO Unit I.I Comprehension

• a This means that he always thought

about doing this thing someday.

• b This means that they need to find out

or discover this information.

• c This means that he hit his foot against

something and fell down.

• d This means that he enjoyed doing this

activity more than any other activity.

Oxford University Press is the world's authority on the English language.

As part of the University of Oxford, we are committed to furthering English language learning worldwide.

We continuously bring together our experience, expertise and research to create resources such as this one, helping millions of learners of English to achieve their potential.



Where are we in the universe?

How do our bodies work?

What is the mass media?

Oxford Discover uses 'Big Questions' to tap into children's natural curiosity,

enabling them to ask their own questions, find their own answers,

and explore the world around them.

The 2nd edition builds on Oxford Discover's tried and tested methodology,

developing 21 st Century Skills in crltlcal thinking, communication,

collaboration and creativity, to prepare students for success at

primary school and beyond.

Promote more discussion of the 'Big Question' with

extended videos

Increase understanding of key grammar points with

engaging animations

Access all your teaching resources in one place with

the Teacher's Resource Center

Reinforce and extend learning with the Odord Discover App


Parent's Website

ISBN 978-0-19-405396-9

. Kathleen Kampa Charles Vilina



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here are we In the universe?

ow do we know what happened ong ago? nit 3 ...................................... 21 nit lf ...................................... 2q

here does our food come from? nit 5 ...................................... lfO nit 6 ...................................... lf8

L:: 7�� .�� .����. ��� ................. sqp�it8 ...................................... 67

hat Is a city? Unitq ...................................... 78 Unit 10 .................................... 86


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Kathleen Kampa

Charles Vilina

() How do our bodies work? Unit 11 .................................... q7 Unit12 ................................... 105

0 What Is the mass media? Unit 13 ................................... 116 Unit 11.f ................................... 121.f

0 What can we learn from nature's power? Unit 15 ................................... 135 Unit 16 ................................... 1lf3

0 Why are blomes Important? Unit 17 ................................... 151.f Unit 18 ................................... 162

Student's Writing Resource .............. 173


Grammar In Use

C) Study the grammar.

becomes will explore If he an astronaut, he the solar system. doesn't become won't explore

will fail . don't study They the astronomy test 1f they hard. won't fail study

If I don't repair h I I won't be able to see G d t e te escape, anyme e.

repair will be able to see

If the sky is clear, will she go to the observatory? Yes, she will.

Will she go to the observatory if the sky isn't clear?

What will he see if he looks at the sky? If he looks at the sky, what will he see?

He'll see the moon.

Read each sentence. Underline what may happen in the future.

Circle what will happen as a result.


won't = will not

1 If scientists continue to study Ganymede.�y will learn much more about iI) 2 If scientists don't find water on Ganymede, they will

be disappointed.

3 People will travel through the solar system if we create fast spacecraft.

LI Kenan will build a model solar system if he finds the right materials.

5 If Jackie doesn't finish her homework, she won't use her telescope tonight.

6 If the space probe continues at this speed, it will fly by Ganymede next month.

7 The large meteorite will make a big crater if it hits the moon.

8 If the sky is clear tonight, we will see Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.

111 Unit 2 Grammar: Future Real Conditional ! Student Book page 21 !

G Match.

1 Where will astronauts go first •

2 If astronauts find water on Ganymede someday,

3 Where will the space probe •be in one year

q If we go to an observatory, •

• a what will you look at through the telescope?

• b if they can travel outside of the solar system?

• c will they be able to drink it?

• d if it continues at this speed?

(:) Write future real conditional sentences. Use you as the subject.

1 not study science/ not become an astronaut

If you don't study science, you won't become an astronaut

2 look at the sky tonight/ see Venus and Mars

3 read about Ganymede/ learn many interesting facts

q not look through the telescope I miss seeing Jupiter's moons

0 Answer the questions. Write future real conditional sentences.

1 If the sky is clear tonight, which planet will you look for?

If the sky is dear tonight, I will look for Venus in the western sky 2 What will you do if it rains this weekend?

3 If you have a test next week, what will you do the day before?

q What will your parents do if you get good grades this month?

Grammar: Future Real Conditional Unit 2 15

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Word Study _________________ _

ignorance fragrant abundant fragrance ignorant abundance

0 Read each sentence. Circle -ance or -ant. Then match.

1 The Milky Way has an

abundance of stars.

2 Some flowers are very

fragrant, while others are not.

3 Tom studies a lot because he

doesn't want to be ignorant.

.,. An orange tree in the spring

can have a lovely fragrance.

5 The astronauts have an

abundant food supply in

the spacecraft.

6 Ignorance can cause low

scores at school.


0 Complete the sentences using the words from the box above.



I smelled the wonderful ________ of the hot apple pie.

________ about the universe. We are no longer



s 6

A rose garden can be very ________ in the summer.

________ of resources.

________ , they believed the Earth was flat.

________ energy resource for our planet.

The surface of the Earth has an

Because of ancient people's

The sun is an

16 Unit 2 Vocabulary: Words with the Suffixes -ance and -ant ! Student Book page 23 j

0 Circle the word or in each question. Underline the choices. Then answer

the questions.

1 Is a galaxy a star§a rou of stars?

A galaxy is a group of stars

2 Is Ganymede's orbit around Mars or Jupiter?

3 Does a moon go around a planet, or does a planet go around a moon?

I.I Does our solar system have seven planets or eight planets?

0 Write a paragraph about exploring the universe.

Read the example below. Use at least one choice question and at least one future conditional sentence in your writing.

Should astronauts explore the solar system, or should

space probes explore it? Space probes don't need food or

oxygen to give us information about planets. If we have better

technology someday, we will send people to other planets.

For now, space probes are an easier way to get information.

j Student Book page 23 ! Writing: Choice Questions Unit 2 17

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� Comprehension • •

0 Match each sentence to its group.

% It gives us oxygen, which we need to live.

2 It is good for bees, which help plants to

make new plants.

3 It has plants that keep the soil strong.

II It gives us water to drink.

5 It has plants that may give us new


6 It gives us water to wash with.

Tropical Rainforest Grassland Freshwater


0 Answer the questions.

1 What do rainforests help take away from us?

2 What happens to some farmland soil?

3 What happens when people take too many things from biomes?

8 Words In Context Read and write.

Arctic hatches glides scenes

1 This desert snake ______ from an egg.

2 An eagle often ______ in the sky, searching for animals below.

3 Some ______ in a tropical rainforest may include sloths in trees.

LI The fox lives in the tundra along with the polar bear.

Q About You Which biome would you like to visit and learn more about?

Write two things you want to learn about that biome.

! Student Book page 172 ! Comprehension Unit 17 157

Grammar In Use

C) Study the grammar.

Period of Time

People have used these biomes for food,

water, and shelter for a very long time.

Scientists haven't seen a living golden

toad for over twenty years.

Point in Time

Pollution has hurt biomes in our

area since I was a child.

People in many countries haven't

hunted whales since 1 qs2.

0 Change the tense of the underlined verb. Then complete the sentence with

for or since.


Antonio hasn't hike in a rainforest _�s....,inu..,c..._.e..__...;__ he was in high school.

2 The camels haven't drink water on this desert journey three days.

3 The people of the tundra have eat seal meat a long time.

... Unfortunately, our city zoo hasn't have sloths 2005.

5 Ja-hoon has travel to the equator twice he became a biologist.

6 Grasslands have be a safe home for many animals centuries.

7 Maria's grandfather has 9.Q fishing in this lake over thirty years.

8 People haven't take trees from this forest they passed the new law.

q Scientists have find new plants in the rainforest many years.

10 My father hasn't visit Russia ______ he moved to New York.

158 Unit 17 Grammar: Present Perfect with For and Since !studentBookpage173!

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Word Study • •

independent independence absent absence intelligent intelligence

() Complete each word with the suffix -ent or -ence. Then number. 1 Elephants, dolphins, and chimpanzees are some of the most intellig ___ animals

in the world. Their intellig ___ has astonished scientists.

2 A leopard shows a lot of independ ___ . For example, you will usually see it hunting

alone. Leopards are very independ compared to other big cats.

3 When the rainforest hike was over, Jerome was abs ___ from the group. His

abs ___ worried the guides. However, they found him taking pictures of a sloth.


0 Complete the sentences with the words from the box above. 1 The ______ of speedboats in this area is wonderful. We can snorkel in peace

and quiet. It's too bad that Jen is ______ from our group today.

2 The Portia Labiata Jumping Spider shows great ______ . It is called the

smartest bug in the world. I wonder if other spiders are that ?

3 Sea turtles are quite ______ . They usually swim alone. This _____ _

makes it difficult for people to see them easily.

168 Unit 18 Vocabulary: Words with the Suffixes -ent and -ence ! Student Book page 183 j

Oxford University Press

is the world's authority

on the English language.

As part of the University of

Oxford, we are committed to

furthering English language

learning worldwide.

We continuously bring

together our experience,

expertise and research to

create resources such as

this one, helping millions of

learners of English to achieve

their potential.



Where are we In the universe?

How do our bodies work?

What Is the mass media?

Oxford Discover uses 'Big Questions' to tap into children's natural curiosity,

enabling them to ask their own questions, find their own answers,

and explore the world around them.

The 2nd edition builds on Oxford Discovers tried and tested methodology,

developing 21 st Century Skills in crltlcal thinking, communication,

collaboration and creativity, to prepare students for success at

primary school and beyond.

e Promote more discussion of the 'Big Question' with

extended videos

e Increase understanding of key grammar points with

engaging animation•

e Access all your teaching resources in one place with

the Teacher'• Resource Center

e Reinforce and extend learning with the 01tlord Dl•cover App


Parent's Website

ISBN 978-0-19-405398-3

I I 9 780194 053983