Oriental Adventures Oriental Material Plane Rokugan is a prominent part of this plane, but there are many cultures based on other Asian cultures. All the new races and monsters are included. Notable changes The wu jen class has undergone the following modifications. o Elemental Mastery: When learning spells to obtain elemental mastery, it is possible to learn alternate spells from other sources to substitute the spells in the Oriental Adventures book. So long as the number of elemental spells learned is equal to the number of spells listed on the spell list in the book, the wu jen still obtains elemental mastery. For example: o Taboos: The rule about taboos does not apply. The Common tongue in the Oriental multiverse is not the same as it is in the standard multiverse. In the Oriental multiverse, the Common language is called Kyotsu (pronounced as kyo-o-tsu-u). Outside of Rokugan, the PCs and NPCs can still choose to be bards and wizards, but such classes are rare and only come from specific environments. The paladin, cleric, and druid classes, however, are strictly prohibited unless they are from an alternate multiverse. All classes from the Expanded Psionics Handbook are accessible to all races in Oriental adventures. Elves, dwarves, gnomes, halfling, orcs, and their half-breeds are not native in the Oriental Adventures multiverse. Almost all races from the Expanded Psionics Handbook are available. Those races are Dromite, Elan, Githyanki, Githzerai, Half-Giant, Maenad, Thri-Kreen, and Xephs. The race Duergar is the only race not available. Honor in Oriental Adventures is the same as it is described on pages 67-68, and to be honorable, one must follow the rules of bushido as described on page 221. The major difference is that honor is now measured on a scale of 0-5: 0 No Honor, 1 Honorless, 2 Untrustworthy, 3 Honorable Action, 4 Honorable Thought, and 5 Honorable Soul. “No Honor” was added

Oriental Adventures Oriental Material Plane Rokugan is a prominent

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Oriental Adventures

Oriental Material Plane Rokugan is a prominent part of this plane, but there are many cultures based on other Asian cultures. All the new races and monsters are included. Notable changes

• The wu jen class has undergone the following modifications.

o Elemental Mastery: When learning spells to obtain elemental mastery, it is possible to learn alternate spells from other sources to substitute the spells in the Oriental Adventures book. So long as the number of elemental spells learned is equal to the number of spells listed on the spell list in the book, the wu jen still obtains elemental mastery. For example:

o Taboos: The rule about taboos does not apply. • The Common tongue in the Oriental multiverse is not

the same as it is in the standard multiverse. In the Oriental multiverse, the Common language is called Kyotsu (pronounced as kyo-o-tsu-u).

• Outside of Rokugan, the PCs and NPCs can still choose to be bards and wizards, but such classes are rare and only come from specific environments. The paladin, cleric, and druid classes, however, are strictly prohibited unless they are from an alternate multiverse.

• All classes from the Expanded Psionics Handbook are accessible to all races in Oriental adventures.

• Elves, dwarves, gnomes, halfling, orcs, and their half-breeds are not native in the Oriental Adventures multiverse.

• Almost all races from the Expanded Psionics Handbook are available. Those races are Dromite, Elan, Githyanki, Githzerai, Half-Giant, Maenad, Thri-Kreen, and Xephs. The race Duergar is the only race not available.

• Honor in Oriental Adventures is the same as it is described on pages 67-68, and to be honorable, one must follow the rules of bushido as described on page 221. The major difference is that honor is now measured on a scale of 0-5: 0 No Honor, 1 Honorless, 2 Untrustworthy, 3 Honorable Action, 4 Honorable Thought, and 5 Honorable Soul. “No Honor” was added

in. The difference between “No Honor” and “Honorless” is that “No Honor” means that the character is not educated in bushido or they have a neutral attitude toward it, and “Honorless” means an outright hatred or disrespect for bushido. All samurai must have an honor level of at least as high as 4 or else become an ex-samurai. Within Rokugan, everyone must have an honor level of at least 3 to be respected by the locals. Outside of Rokugan, only certain civilizations and certain god sanctuaries care about honor. When one has an honor score, he must follow the code of bushido or else their honor score will drop. How far the honor score can rise or fall and whether or not honor can be restored depends on the severity of the crime and at the discretion of the DM.

• Shugenja and samurai are classes associated with Rokugan. A character who wants to play these classes outside of Rokugan can do so, but they must have a reason to be outside of Rokugan and in that regard, the player has two options: One is that the character can be from Rokugan and is venturing outside Rokugan either on an assignment, additional training, or on a personal whim allowed by his daimyo. The second option is that the character could have come from some place other than Rokugan. There are other nations which have modeled themselves after Rokugan and a player could make up a country of origin. The down side is he would have to make up the benefits because a samurai’s bonus feats and a shugenja’s school spells are based on their clan. To determine those benefits, the player might need to either take the benefits of a Rokugan clan, go without the benefits, or make them up (at the DM’s discretion). The last option is particularly important if the player’s race isn’t human because in Rokugan, only humans are allowed to be samurai or a shugenja. There could be a separate list of spell classes and bonus feats for a specific race.

• Ancestral feats can only be obtained during character creation and each character can only have 1 ancestral feat. All humans in Rokugan are required to pick one ancestral feat. Humans outside of Rokugan can choose an ancestral feat, but only if their ancestry is from Rokugan.

• Ancestral Daisho: The maximum level of +5 to which a samurai can upgrade the weapon bonus of his sword applies only to nonepic level samurai. However, at epic level, a samurai can raise his sword beyond +5 starting at level 21. While at nonepic level, when

raising the cost of the sword by applying magical powers, the cost and maximum level on the table on page 21 still apply. For example, a samurai with a +5 katana who wants to turn it into a +5 thundering katana (the thundering power is the equivalent of +2 bonus making the total cost equivalent to +7) can’t make his sword a +5 thundering sword until level 15. However, once at epic level, the samurai can now raise his sword further using the epic level table below. At this point, the samurai can add more bonus damage and higher level abilities than before so long as he is of the appropriate level. For example, a samurai with a +5 katana who wants to turn it into a +5 lightening blast katana (the lightening blast power is the equivalent of +6 bonus making the total cost equivalent to +11) can’t make his sword a +5 lightening blast sword until level 36. Samurai can grant any magical or psionic enhancement but epic level sword abilities are only accessible at epic level. While improving a sword through Ancestal Daisho, a samurai can change or completely remove the sword’s magical/psionic powers, replacing the old one. A samurai doesn’t have to upgrade his sword one bonus point at a time. So long as he meets the prerequisites, a samurai can upgrade his sword by several points. For example, a level 13 samurai with an ordinary katana can immediately upgrade it to a +5 katana because he meets the requirements.

• Staffs: While there are no magical staffs specifically for Oriental Adventures, most of the ones listed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide are accessible in Oriental Adventures. Just make sure there are spell casters who can cast the spell required.

• Epic magic items: Many of the epic level magical items from the Epic Level Handbook are in Oriental Adventures including weapons, armor, scrolls, rings, potions, staffs, and wondrous items. Talismans and wands are not favored by Epic level characters.

• The Afterlife: Those who die go to the planes and become petitioners, but which plane one winds up on can vary. It is possible to go to the Spirit World or the Inner Planes in the afterlife, but only if you have a high enough honor score. Only those with an honor score of 4 or 5 can go to either the Spirit World or the inner planes. Those who go to the Spirit World usually go to the Spirit World version of Rokugon. Those with an honor score of 1, 2, or 3 go to the Inner planes or to the Outer planes, especially

Shugenja who go to their chosen element in life. Those with an honor score of 0 go to the Outer planes.

• All petitioners have the “spirit” subtype. • All monsters from the Extended Psionics Handbook can

be found in the Oriental Adventures except for the Blue and Duergar. The following monsters have the spirit subtype: Caller in Darkness and Crysmal.

• All monsters from the Epic Level Handbook can be found in the Oriental Adventures except for the Leshay. The following monsters have the spirit subtype: Abominations (all types), Elemental (primal), Ha-Naga, Shadow of the Void, and Shape of Fire.

Other D&D Classes Made Oriental The bard and wizard class can be found natively in an oriental adventures campaign. However, they only exist outside of Rokugan, they are not as common as in the D&D multiverse, and (in order to fit the setting) they exist with a few changes. Bard: Even people in the world of Oriental Adventures can have their traveling bards to spread music, poetry, gossip, news, and stories. The only difference is that they tend to favor Asian poetry, music, and possibly shadow puppetry. Race: The most common races to be bards are human, hengeyokai, and vanara who are well suited for the life of a wandering bard. Bardic traditions are not a part of spirit folk, korobokuru, and nezumi culture, so it is rare for those races to become bards. Game Rule Information: Bardic poetry usually consists of haiku and senryu. Instead of a lute, bards carry an Asian instrument: the most common instrument of choice is a pipa, but bards will sometimes play a guqin. Wizard: In a world where arcane magic is taught through mentors and in small villages, the more academic nature of the wizard does not fit well in an Oriental Adventures campaign. However, there are some people or organizations that value one spell classification over another. While ordinary wizards are not native to an Oriental Adventures setting, wizards with specialized schools can be found in certain locations. Race: Wizards are exceptionally rare since races who study arcane magic tend to favor (or only have access to) the wu jen or sorcerer class. Wizards are typically human. Background: Wizards are generally trained either by mentors or by specific societies. In regard to the latter, most races or societies tend to favor one school of magic over

all others either because of cultural, religious, or philosophical beliefs or out of a special need for one class of magic. Some examples of this are the celestial avorals who train to become illusionists, an occultist group of death worshipers who train to become necromancers, a human clan that fight shape-shifters by becoming transmuters, etc. Relations: Due to how rare wizards are, wizards do not have as much respect between one another as they would in the regular D&D multiverse. Game Rule Information: Like sorcerers, wizards have access to either the wizard/sorcerer spell list or the wu jen spell list. Psionic Classes Made Oriental Although bards and wizards are uncommon, the four psionic classes are just as accessible in the Oriental Adventures campaign as they are in the D&D campaign. For each psionic class, the inborn gift for psionics is unpredictable, and it can show up in any of the common races. The following lists the most likely oriental races to take up these classes. Psion: The powers of psions can be quite alien to people who are more familiar with the spiritual or element based magic common in Oriental Adventures. Nonetheless, psions tend to spring up almost everywhere and will often come together in networks or small communities. Psions are often trained by mentors or in secret societies, monasteries, or hidden villages. Race: Among the oriental races, the spirit folk are most likely to become a psion because the disciplined and calm minded techniques of the psion can appeal to the serene spirit folk. Background: Like wu jens, most psions develop isolated from the world because of other’s fear of their powers. As such, they will often live as a hermit or seek out other like-minded individuals. Relationships: Sometimes, they form friendships with wu jen since they both share a drive for spiritual enlightenment and the pursuit of personal power, although these friendships tend to be tepid and short-lived thanks to the antisocial nature of wu jen. Psychic Warrior: Among cultures that openly embrace psionics, a few treat their psychic warriors like samurai, training them to embrace bushido and are treated with high social standing even though they are not true samurai. Bare

in mind that this is an exception, not the rule. Outside of Rokugan, samurai would occasionally multiclass as psychic warriors. Race: Among the oriental races, the korobokuru is most likely to become a psychic warrior because they are often attracted to the sheer physical might of this class. Soulknife: Outside of xeph communities, soulknives are uncommon. The training for this class is often passed down from mentor to student as an alternative means of defending one’s self. This is especially true in areas far away from civilizations with samurai or shugenjas. Race: Even in the Oriental Adventures world, xephs are the most prominent race to become soulknives. Among the oriental races, no one race is more likely to become a soulknife. Wilder: In a world where high social standards or social isolation is common among most races, the wilder will often come about as a rebellion against the social norms: evil wilders might feel tempted to use their powers for crime, good wilders might use their powers to provide services for the good of the community, demonstrating the advantages of psionics over magic, and neutral wilders might prefer to remain isolated and distant from the community, opting instead to devote their lives to self-discovery rather than being a part of the community. Race: Among the oriental races, the hengeyokai and nezumi are most likely to become a wilder either because they are attracted to the power or they just fall into it due to the dangers of their living environment. This class is most popular with the socially isolated hengeyokai who often develop this power on their own. Since psionics is unaffected by the effects of the Shadowlands, it is occasionally mastered by nezumi as an alternative to sorcery. Background: Wilder is the only psionic class that can be natively found in Rokugan. Although rare, wilders can spring up among the nezumi or can appear in any of the clans among the lower classes. Within Rokugan, wilders are treated with the same suspicion as sorcerers. The only difference is that the suspicions are out of ignorance rather than fear of maho magic. Psionic powers are relatively unknown among the inhabitants of Rokugan, and those who do know about it know it through secondhand knowledge. Much like blood sorcerers, wilders are often attracted to their newfound power, and will explore it on

their own, often through frequent adventures, long hours of meditation, or both. Maho-tsukai Spell list In addition to the spells listed on pages 239-240 in Oriental Adventures, a maho-tsukai can also cast the following additional spells. The spell Legacy of the Dark One is prohibited and thus not included on this list. All spells from the Rokugan book require a 1 hp sacrifice of blood as a material component. R= Rokugan, SS= Savage Species. Maho Level 1 Bleeding: Causes the target’s wounds to bleed freely, losing 1 hit point per round. (R 111) Blood and Darkness: Creates supernatural darkness for 10 ft. around. (R 111) Blood Rite: Consumes blood to boost abilities by +1 or recover 1d4 hit points. (R 111) Drain Soul: Lowers the target’s Con and Str by 1 temporarily. (R 112) Heart of the Damned: Drains energy from corpses to heal the caster. (R 113) Pain: Inflicts severe pain on target, increases all DC by +5. (R 113) Maho Level 2 Choking Death: Infects the target with pneumonia. (R 112) Limb Disruption: Costs the target temporary use of one limb. (R 113) Mists of Fear: Causes fear in target for 1d4 rounds. (R 113) Maho Level 3 Caress of Fu Leng, The: Corrupts jade items of up to 20 pounds. (R 112) Dark Wings: Grants the caster wings to fly (twice maximum ground movement rate, attack at -2, causes unarmed +1d4 damage). (R 112) Hate’s Heart: Inspires hatred in one target. (R 113) Maho Level 4 Rise Again: Allows the caster to return from the dead under certain conditions. (R 114) Maho Level 5 Gift of the Kansen: Traps any one spell inside a gift box, allowing that spell to later target anyone who opens the box. (R 112) Obsidian Armor: Protects caster from spells that target the Taint. (R 114)

Stealing Breath: Collapses the lungs of one target, incapacitating him until magical aid can be obtained. (R 114) Truth is a Scourge: Target must speak their exact thoughts at all times while under the influence of the spell. (R 114) Maho Level 6 Sinful Dreams: Causes one target to experience intense dreams about the caster. The caster receives +10 to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks against the target for the next 12 hours. (R 114) Maho Level 7 Awaken Undead: Mindless undead creatures gain intelligence. (SS 63) Possession: Caster takes command of target’s body. (R 113) Tomb of the Earth: Replaces a target’s Earth with the caster’s Taint, causing 1d4 Con damage per round maintained. Caster suffers 1d6 subdual damage per round. (R 114) Undead Mask: Subject’s type changes to undead. (SS 71) Maho Level 8 Fierce Blood of the Earth: Halts all aging for one year. (R 112) Fu Leng’s Champion: Transforms one living human into an undead creature. (R 112) Skeletal Guard: Create one skeleton/level with effective HD = your caster level. The skeletons gain a Shadowlands subtype and a Taint score of 6. The maho-tsukai can choose the skeleton to become any humanoid creature. HP blood material component: 5. (SS 69) Maho Level 9 Vile Death: Undead creature gains fiendish template. This spell will summon only demons from Gaki-do or other oriental planes. (SS 71) Rokugan To allow Rokugan to fit with the new additions and to the Oriental Adventures world as a whole, some changes have been made. Otherwise, the description of Rokugan is that same as it is described in the book. Epic Level Epic level characters in Rokugan are uncommon, and even among the epic level characters, finding one over level 30 is exceptionally rare. This is due to the fact that there is not that many epic level monsters in or around Rokugan or the Shadowlands, and most people in Rokugan do not venture too far outside these two lands. Nonetheless, epic

level characters are highly valued and respected in Rokugan. Even an epic level sorcerer or barbarian can command at least a little bit of admiration. This has increasingly been the case with regard toward magic. Items that have been enchanted to epic level are highly coveted, and recently, shugenjas have developed epic level spells that can cure the Taint and create jade. Such shugenjas have earned a fortune from providing such services. Psionics The only psionic class that can be natively found in Rokugan is the wilder. As a result, psionic items and people who practice psionics are quite rare. The only psions, soulknives, and psychic warriors that can be found in Rokugan are outsiders. Clans Outside Rokugan There are samurai and shugenja clans outside of Rokugan and can have their own customs and offer different abilities to the samurai and shugenja who train there. The Tiger Clan There are a few small clans that have seceded from Rokugan. The longest lasting of which is the Tiger clan. During the 1,000 years of peace, The Lion Clan was thrown into a brief civil war between families and the emperor at the time, believing that their actions were not in the best interest of the samurai culture. Since they were badly outnumbered, the families left Rokugan and managed to migrate to the distant mountains north of the Shadowland where they set up their own clan called the Tiger Clan. Unlike Rokugan, the clan is well defended by natural barriers such as canyons, caves, cliffs, and lakes, allowing their clan to survive onslaughts from criminals, maho-tsukai, and the Shadowland monsters despite the clan’s small size. Much like the Lion Clan, the Tiger clan fiercely upholds the traditions of the samurai and their ancestral worship. Population: 400,000 (Tiger clan noble caste, 20%; common caste, 80%) Imports: foodstuffs, wool Exports: jade, iron Alignment: LN Recent History Tiger Lands

Samurai Feats: Same as the Lion clan (see page 22) Shugenja Magic: Water element. Same as the Kitsu school (see page 92) Uminogami This is a country that exists on a series of archipelago islands where it often gets raids from sea creatures and pirates. There are four clans on this island. The Whale Clan If the shark clan is the empire’s military might on land, the Whale clan is its force on sea. The majority of shipwrights, fishermen, and divers in the empire live in this clan are the heart of both their navy and their fishing industry. Population: 3,200,000; human (Whale clan noble caste, 12%; common caste, 88%) Imports: iron, wood Exports: fish, ships, tea Alignment: LN Recent History Lands Samurai Feats: Same as the Lion clan (see page 22) Shugenja Magic: Water Element. Same as the Kitsu school (see page 92) The Shark Clan Some of the most ferocious fighters, they are the first line of defense against the invading naga hordes. Population: 3,000,000; human (Shark clan noble caste, 15%; common caste, 85%) Imports: Spice, iron, weapons Exports: jewelry, crafts, sake Alignment: LN Recent History

Lands Samurai Feats: Same as the Dragon clan (see page 22) Shugenja Magic: Fire element. Same as the Agasha school (see page 91) The Octopus Clan The Octopus Clan is sometimes known as the magic clan because it values the supernatural forces over all others. Shugenja are highly valued over the samurai. It has also embraced the arts of srcane magic and psionics, becoming the first clan to have schools for wu jen and psions. Population: 2,500,000; humans (Octopus clan noble caste, 8%; common caste, 92%) Imports: tea, wool Exports: magic, psionics, arts, crafts Alignment: LN Recent History Lands Samurai Feats: Same as the Phoenix clan (see page 22) Shugenja Magic: Air Element. Same as the Asahina school (see page 91) The Turtle Clan Unlike the other clans, which are located on islands, this clan is part of a continent, and it is the largest of the clans both in size and in population. This clan is most known for two things: It’s sizable samurai and its technology. The land is rich with various metals, which the clan uses to increase its technological prowess. Some samurai even have access to firearms. Population: 4,000,000; human (Turtle clan noble caste, 20%; common caste, 80%) Imports: wood, gold Exports: iron, weapons, technology Alignment: LN Recent History

Lands Samurai Feats: Same as the Crab clan (see page 21) and it has the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) feat. Shugenja Magic: Earth Element. Same as the Tamori school (see page 92) Mezikyomo A city without any samurai, it places great emphasis on magic users, including shugenja. The shugenja of this city are not part of a clan, but do pledge allegiance to Mezikyomo. Population: ( clan noble caste, %; common caste, %) Imports: Exports: Alignment: Recent History Lands Samurai Feats: There are no samurai in Mezikyomo. Shugenja Magic: Shugenja can choose any school and element. Planes in the Oriental Multiverse The multiverse is arranged into the shape of a tree-like structure. At the base are the Material Plane as well as its Ethereal Plane and Plane of Shadows. Extending outward is the Spirit World. There is no Astral Plane in the Oriental Mutliverse. Instead, the Spirit World serves that function. All the inner and outer planes connect to the Spirit World in a large cone shape with the Inner planes at the base, the Outer planes in the middle, and the Void at the top. The Spirit World and the Inner Planes function like the Outer planes in that they are home to gods and petitioners and they are divinely morphic. The Outer planes are extensions of the four basic elemental planes: fire, water, earth, and air. The outer planes don’t have layers, but for each of the four main elements, there’s a plane for each possible alignment creating a total of 9 planes for each element and all together, that’s 36 planes. Each outer plane is connected to other outer planes that either share the same element or the same alignment. The planes that are

strongly neutral aligned are the closest to the inner planes. Spirit World The Spirit World substitutes the Astral Plane, but other than that, it’s the same as it is described on page 206 in The Manual of the Planes. The Spirit World is the favored home of many spirits with no divine rank or a divine rank of 0. More powerful deities usually live on the Inner or Outer Planes. Since the Spirit World substitutes the Astral Plane, Astral Projection still works, but you go to the Spirit world instead. The Spirit World is so closely connected to the inner planes that it is possible to create portals into those planes by finding large examples of the elements in question. For example, a volcano could have a portal to the elemental planer of fire, or the ocean could have a portal to the elemental plane of water. Although a portal can even by open with small examples of the elements like a whistle can take you to the elemental plane of sound or a grain of sand can take you to the elemental plane of earth. Gaki-Do This plane actually functions as a demiplane within the Spirit World. It is located in the same place where the Shadowlands would be located in the Material Plane. The Shadowlands is only a milder version of Gaki-Do. In Gaki-Do, the land is so evil, the land itself seems alive and the power of the Taint is stronger.

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Finite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• No Elemental or Energy Traits • Strongly-Evil Aligned: Nonevil characters on Gaki-Do

suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Dead Magic and Normal Magic: Within Gaki-Do, divine magic cannot function at all. Arcane magic and psionics is unaffected by this limitation and can still function like normal.

Taint The taint is just as prevalent in Gaki-Do as it is in the ShadowLands. In fact, the Taint is even worse because its effects are stronger. How the Taint affects victims and how it is treated and protected from are still the same as described on pages 234-235, but with the following exceptions:

• The initial exposure to the Taint of Gaki-do causes a Taint score of 1d6.

• Every time a player fails a Fortitude saving throw while in Gaki-Do, the victim’s Taint score increases by 2.

• If a divine spell caster attempts to cast a spell, the spell will not only fail, her Taint score will increase by 1 per level of the spell.

• A finger of jade will only protect a person for four days rather than seven.

Celestial Heavens This plane actually functions as a demiplane within the Spirit World. It is located on a large island, an island with a direct correlation with a deserted island on the Material Plane called Angel Island.

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Finite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• No Elemental or Energy Traits • Strongly-Good Aligned: Nongood characters on Celestial

Heavens suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Enhanced Magic: All divine spells are extended and empowered in the Celestial Heavens. Arcane Magic and psionics is unaffected by this enhancement.

The Inner Planes The Oriental Multiverse has the same elemental planes as the standard plane (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Electricity, Sonic, Cold, and Metal) as well as positive and negative energy planes. The only difference is that many gods and spirits live on these planes. They also have the following changes to their planar traits.

• Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1 or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Impede and Enhance Magic: Any impede and enhance magical traits are now applied to Shugenja spell schools, Wu Jen elemental mastery spells, and element based shaman domains. Flame domain spells count as fire spells, Metal Domain spells count as metal spells, River domain spells count as water spells, Stone Domain spells count as Earth spells, and Wood Domain spells count as wood spells.

The Outer Planes Each outer plane has a specific element, but, unlike the inner planes, does not have any effect on magic. Each outer plane has portals that connect to all other outer planes that have the same element or same or similar alignment. Fire Planes Tairoyoo: A vast desert world where everything is hot and dry and the sun never sets. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Strongly Neutral-Aligned: Lawful or chaotic characters

in Tairoyoo suffer a -2 penalty on Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks, and good or evil characters suffer the same penalty. Any characters that have no neutral alignment suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Daigidon: The plane consists of glowing spheres that orbit around each other. Planar traits:

• Objective Directional Gravity: The only gravity generated is from large glowing spheres. Outside the

gravity of a sphere (approximately one mile), there is no gravity.

• Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Strongly-Law Aligned: Nonlawful characters on Daigidon

suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Ubinaru: The world of free flowing lava. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Strongly-Chaos Aligned: Nonchaotic characters on (NAME

OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Wild Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities in (NAME OF PLANE) function in wildly different ways. When such abilities are used on the plane, the spellcaster must make a level check (1d20 + spellcaster level) against a DC of 15 + the level of the attempted spell. If the caster fails the check, roll on the table on page 14 of the Manual of the Planes to see what happens. However, a spell cast within a permanently stabilized landscape will work like normal.

The world of perpetual sunlight, nourishing the plant life below. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will.

Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Strongly-Good Aligned: Nongood characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic The world of perpetual light. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Chaotic

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer the same penalty. Chaotic evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic The world of lightening. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Jigok: A fiery hell. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time.

• Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Strongly-Evil Aligned: Nonevil characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic The world of burning hot rocks. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Chaotic

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Chaotic good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Unpredictable thunderstorms. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Fire-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Air Planes

Yong-Gi: The whole world is a constantly spinning tornado with no gravity or land to stand on Planar traits:

• No Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Strongly Neutral-Aligned: Lawful or chaotic characters

in (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks, and good or evil characters suffer the same penalty. Any characters that have no neutral alignment suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Yomi: World where landmasses are shaped like spinning fans moving in the wind. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Strongly-Law Aligned: Nonlawful characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Sakkaku: Land of random tornadoes and winds. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Strongly-Chaos Aligned: Nonchaotic characters on (NAME

OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Wild Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities in (NAME OF PLANE) function in wildly different ways. When such abilities are used on the plane, the spellcaster must make a level check (1d20 + spellcaster level) against a DC of 15 + the level of the attempted spell. If the caster fails the check, roll on the table on page 14 of the Manual of the Planes to see what happens. However, a spell cast within a permanently stabilized landscape will work like normal.

Tengoku: A cloud-based heaven. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Strongly-Good Aligned: Nongood characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Zheng-Yi: The world of pure flight. Planar traits:

• No Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Chaotic

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer the same penalty. Chaotic evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic

Kamahatu: Land of random music. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Baha-Do: World of thinning air. The land consists of a series of mountains with no bottom or top. The higher you go, the thinner the air gets. Planar traits:

• Light Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Strongly-Evil Aligned: Nonevil characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic The landmass are nothing more than living giants and all live usually lives inside the lungs of these giants. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant

• Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Chaotic characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Chaotic good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Thamop-Do: The World of Will-o’-Wisps. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Air-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Water Planes Ame-Do: World of perpetual precipitation. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Strongly Neutral-Aligned: Lawful or chaotic characters

in (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks, and good or evil characters suffer the same penalty. Any characters that have no neutral alignment suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Kuroppoi: Ocean of whirlpools.

Planar traits: • Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Strongly-Law Aligned: Nonlawful characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic The world of shifting ice and water flows. Water can turn into ice and into steam at random. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Strongly-Chaos Aligned: Nonchaotic characters on (NAME

OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Wild Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities in (NAME OF PLANE) function in wildly different ways. When such abilities are used on the plane, the spellcaster must make a level check (1d20 + spellcaster level) against a DC of 15 + the level of the attempted spell. If the caster fails the check, roll on the table on page 14 of the Manual of the Planes to see what happens. However, a spell cast within a permanently stabilized landscape will work like normal.

A world where land consists of islands surrounded by a sea of holy water. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will.

Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Strongly-Good Aligned: Nongood characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic An underwater world where both air and water breathing life can breath the water. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Chaotic

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer the same penalty. Chaotic evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Tian-Giuo: World of constant hail. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Ocean of acid. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity.

• Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Strongly-Evil Aligned: Nonevil characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Jigoku: The world consists of several large giants and life lives inside the stomachs of these giants where acid routinely floods all within. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Chaotic

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Chaotic good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic The world of blood Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Water-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Earth Planes Chikushudo: The largest forest in the multiverse. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Strongly Neutral-Aligned: Lawful or chaotic characters

in (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks, and good or evil characters suffer the same penalty. Any characters that have no neutral alignment suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-, Wisdom-, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Hefa: Magnetic geometric shapes connected in a chain. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Strongly-Law Aligned: Nonlawful characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Arupyahatu: Land of earthquakes and randomly growing crystals. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will.

Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Strongly-Chaos Aligned: Nonchaotic characters on (NAME

OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Wild Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities in (NAME OF PLANE) function in wildly different ways. When such abilities are used on the plane, the spellcaster must make a level check (1d20 + spellcaster level) against a DC of 15 + the level of the attempted spell. If the caster fails the check, roll on the table on page 14 of the Manual of the Planes to see what happens. However, a spell cast within a permanently stabilized landscape will work like normal.

Raido: The land where plant life springs forth into a huge interlocking cage. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Strongly-Good Aligned: Nongood characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic Vast and smooth structures of carved rock, forming buildings for those to live in. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Chaotic

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer

the same penalty. Chaotic evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic The world is full of giants and all life live inside the veins and muscles of these constantly flexing and contorting muscles. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Good-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and evil characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful evil characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Meido: Land of corpses, bones, and fossils buried in the ground. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Strongly-Evil Aligned: Nonevil characters on (NAME OF

PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence-based checks.

• Normal Magic A world where all life is rock and any humanoid that enters this world will turn to stone after a few days. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size.

• Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1 or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Mildly Law-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Chaotic

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Chaotic good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic A world full of free-floating crystals that constantly grow and expand, often colliding with other crystals. Life uses these crystals to build their society on. Planar traits:

• Normal Gravity. • Normal Time. • Infinite Size. • Divinely Morphic: Any spirits of divine ranking of 1

or higher can alter the terrain’s shape at will. Ordinary creatures find the plane just as alterable as the Material Plane.

• Earth-Dominant • Mildly Chaos-Aligned and Mildly Evil-Aligned: Lawful

characters on (NAME OF PLANE) suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks, and good characters suffer the same penalty. Lawful good characters suffer a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

• Normal Magic Void This is a plane where the elements come together. Epic Level Classes Maho-Bujin Although rare, a maho-bujin who can live to see epic level can become a legend in his own right. Deadly and strong, the epic maho-bujin is a powerful force of the Taint who gladly revels in the near invulnerability the Taint gives him. Other options: See description of epic fighter on page 11. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Damage Reduction: The maho-bujin’s damage reduction will continue to increase by +3 every four levels (14th level, 18th level, etc.). Maho-Tsukai It is hard to practice the forbidden art of blood magic without meeting an untimely end. But an epic maho-tsukai is so powerful, she will often exhibit her powers in public. The very power of the Taint bends easily at the whim of the epic maho-tsukai. Fearing little, she might use her powers to curse the people of Rokugon and even train others in the forbidden art. Other Options: Same as cleric page 10 and sorcerer page 16. Hit Die: d8. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier Spells: The maho-tsukai’s caster level is equal to his class level. The maho-tsukai’s number of spells per day does not increase after 15th level. The Maho-tsukai does not learn additional spells unless he selects the Spell Knowledge Feat. Blood Component: Blood cannot be used as a material component for epic spells. A maho-tsukai must pay for the material component. Otherwise, it is the same as it is described in the book. Samurai: A dishonorable epic samurai is virtually unheard of. They embody all the ideals of bushido while still a formidable opponent. Able to gain extraordinary powers as well as proficiency over her own swords, the epic samurai can smite all evil with unmatched strength and clarity. An epic samurai almost always becomes a daimyo of her own clan or, on rare occasions, form a small clan of her own. Other options: See description of epic fighter on page 11. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier Ancestral Daisho: At level 21, a samurai can increase the weapon bonus of his katana or wakizashi to as high as +20. The samurai also has the option to turn his swords into an epic level magic or psionic item. All the rules, work, and cost involved in enhancing a weapon still apply. Weapon Bonus Total Sacrifice Required Minimum Level#

+6 72,000 gp #21st +7 98,000 gp #24th +8 128,000 gp #26th +9 162,000 gp #28th +10 200,000 gp 30rd +11 242,000 gp 32th

+12 288,000 gp 34th +13 338,000 gp 36th +14 392,000 gp 38nd +15 450,000 gp 40th +16 512,000 gp 42th +17 578,000 gp 44th +18 648,000 gp 46th +19 722,000 gp 48th +20 800,000 gp 50th +21* 882,000 gp 51st +22* 968,000 gp 52nd +23* 1,058,000 gp 53rd +24* 1,152,000 gp 54th +25* 1,250,000 gp 55th +26* 1,352,000 gp 56th +27* 1,458,000 gp 57th +28* 1,568,000 gp 58th +29* 1,682,000 gp 59th +30* 1,800,000 gp 60th

* A weapon can’t actually have a bonus higher than +20. Use these lines to determine price when special abilities are added in. # A level with a number symbol indicates that although the samurai can’t upgrade his weapon bonus to +10, he can still add special abilities that add up to a number equal to or lower than +10. Bonus Feat: The epic samurai gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic samurai bonus feats) every two levels after 20th. Normally it’s the traditions of a samurai’s clan that governs what feats he can take, but because of how rare it is for a samurai to achieve epic level, there are no traditions governing epic level feats so a samurai is free to choose whatever epic level feats he wants. Epic Samurai Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Combat Archery, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Distant Shot, Epic Endurance, Epic Leadership, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization, Exceptional Deflection, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Manyshot, Improved Stunning Fist, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Infinite Deflection, Instant Reload, Legendary Commander, Legendary Rider, Legendary Wrestler, Overwhelming Critical, Penetrating Damage Reduction, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Reflect Arrows, Spellcasting Harrier, Storm of Throws, Superior Initiative, Swarm of Arrows, Two-Weapon Rend, Uncanny Accuracy. In addition to the feats on this list, the samurai may treat any feat designated as samurai bonus feat, but not listed here, as being on his bonus feat

Shaman: An epic level shaman is said to be so intimately connected with the spirits that they could literally talk to and touch them as easily as they could to a living person. They are the support of the party, able to aid in nearly all matters concerning mortals and spirits. Other Options: Same as cleric page 10 and druid on page 11. Hit Die: d6 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier Spells: The shaman’s caster level is equal to his class level. The shaman’s number of spells per day does not increase after the 20th level. Spontaneous Casting: Same as in the book except a shaman cannot use this ability on epic spells. Animal Companion: The shaman may have a maximum number of animal companions equal to twice her class level, as normal. Turn and Rebuke Undead: Use the shaman’s class level to determine the most powerful undead affected by a turn or rebuke check and turning damage, just as normal. Bonus Feat: The epic shaman gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic shaman bonus feats) every three levels after 20th. Epic Shaman Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Bonus Domain, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellcasting, Ignore Material Components, Improved Alignment-Based Casting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Intensify Spell, Multispell, Negative Energy Burst, Permanent Emanation, Planar Turning, Positive Energy Aura, Spectral Strike, Spell Stowaway, Spell Opportunity, Spontaneous Doman Access, Spontaneous Spell, Tenacious Magic, Undead Mastery, Zone of Animation. Shugenja: Epic shugenja are the ultimate forms of the four elements. They are so intimately in tune that their native elements quake with their presence. Other Options: Same as cleric page 10 and sorcerer page 16. Hit Die: d6. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier Spells: The shugenja’s caster level is equal to his class level. The shugenja’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. The Shugenja does not learn additional spells unless he selects the Spell Knowledge Feat.

Sense Element: The shugenja’s maximum range continues to expand by 5 ft. per level after level 20. The number of times per day she can use her sense element power continues to increase by one every five levels she gains. So at level 25, the shugenja can use this power eight times, at level 30, the number of times she can use the power becomes nine, etc. Sohei A mighty warrior, an epic sohei can hold her own against even the most ferocious of fighters and even monks. Other Options: Same as fighter page 11 and monk page 12. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier Spells: The sohei’s caster level is equal to one-half her class level, as normal. The sohei’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. Ki Frenzy: The number of times per day a Sohei can enter her Ki Frenzy will continue to increase by one every four levels after level 20. Damage Reduction: The sohei’s damage reduction will continue to increase by one every three levels after level 20. Wu Jen The epic wu jen forever seeks to harness more power from the forces of nature. They are so driven by it, they will even traverse the planes, seeking natural power wherever it may be found. Other Options: Same as sorcerer page 15 and wizard page 16. Hit Die: d4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier Spells: The wu jen’s caster level is equal to her class level. The wizard’s number of spells per day does not increase after the 20th level. Each time the wu jen achieves a new level, she learns two new spells of any level that she can cast (according to her new level). Spell Secret: A wu jen can still learn a spell secret every three levels at epic level starting at level 21 and beyond. Taboo: I don’t use taboos in this game, but if I did, the wu jen would gain more taboos with each new spell secret gained.

Monsters Kitsune Most kitsune look like completely ordinary foxes when they have one tail, but as time goes on, the kitsune gets bigger in size and more tails grow. The older it gets, the more

powerful the kitsune becomes. Once it reaches a maximum of nine tails, its power becomes so great, it almost becomes god-like. Kitsune are well known to be mischievous pranksters. The pranks of a good or neutral kitsune are usually benign, but evil kitsune may try to harm or kill people with its pranks. Most good align kitsune become one of the zenko, an elite group of messengers working for the got Inari. Evil foxes, often called the yako or nogitsune, tend to roam the Material Plane to harass or kill people. According to legend, kitsune grow another tail every 100 years, and once they achieve nine tails, their fur turns white or gold.

Epic Level Spells Flames of Amaterasu Evocation [Fire] Spellcraft DC: Components: V S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 300 ft. Area: A sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 20 ft. Duration: 20 hours Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: gp; days; XP. Seed: energy (DC 19). Factors: . Mitigating factors: . Most favored by wu jens or shugenja’s specializing in fire of shamans who venerate Amaterasu, this spell creates a circle of fire which cannot be put out by non magical means (like water or lack of air). Jade of the Earth Conjuration (Creation) (Summoning) [Earth] Spellcraft DC: 35 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 75 ft. Effect: Summons a mound of earth (five cubic feet in size) from the Elemental Plane of Earth to create one cubic foot of jade Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 315,000 gp; 6 days; 78,750 XP. Seed: conjure (DC 21) and summon (DC 14). Factors: instantaneous duration (DC x5), summon a five-foot in diameter sphere of earth from the Elemental Plane of Earth (DC +10). Mitigating

factors: amount of jade created reduced to one cubic foot (ad hoc DC -38). Created recently by Miya Tomoe, an epic level shugenja with the Earth element mastery, this epic level spell is the only way of magically creating jade that is capable of absorbing the Taint. How the spell works is the caster, upon completing the spell, summons a five-foot in diameter sphere of earth from the Elemental Plane of Earth, which magically hovers a foot off the flat surface where it was summoned. The earth has natural magical properties, and the spell accelerates the process of the earth to create jade without corrupting its quality. The ball will remain for 10 minutes, and when it is complete, the earth returns to the Elemental Plane of Earth, but leaves behind one cubic foot of jade (enough to make 144 fingers of jade). This jade has all the same properties as natural jade, including resisting the Taint. The ball of earth itself has an AC of 14 and HP of 16. If it is destroyed, the jade earth will return to the Elemental Plane of Earth and no jade will be created. Nezumi Resilience Abjuration Spellcraft DC: 70 Components: V, S Casting Time: 6 minutes Range: Touch Target: Touched creature Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 630,000 gp; 13 days; 157,500 XP. Seed: ward (DC 14). Factors: permanent duration (x5), complete immunity to the Taint (ad hoc DC +10). Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 5 minutes (DC -10). This spell will allow the subject to become completely immune to the Taint so long as the spell is not dispelled or suppressed. When exposed to the Shadowlands or spells that cause Taint, the subject will not gain a Taint score, but this spell will not protect the subject from other effects of the Shadowlands such as damage, ability score effects, impeding magic, etc. Remove Taint

Conjuration (Healing) Spellcraft DC: 40 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Yes (harmless; see text) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) To Develop: 360,000 gp; 7 days; 90,000 XP. Seed: heal (DC 25). Factors: remove Taint (ad hoc DC +20). Mitigating factors: only removes 1 Taint score (ad hoc DC -5). The corrosive power of the Taint cannot be completely removed by regular level magic, making it impossible to lower a Taint score below 1 with traditional means, but with an epic spell, this limitation can be overcome. This is the only spell known that can completely remove the Taint. When applied to someone with a Taint score of 1, this spell will remove the Taint permanently. However, this spell will not provide protection from getting the Taint again. This spell can only remove 1 Taint score at a time, so usually the best strategy would be to use conventional magic to reduce the creature’s score down to 1, then use this spell to remove the remaining Taint score. If used on an undead creature with a Taint score, this spell will cause the loss of all but 1d4 hit points if the undead creature fails a Fortitude saving throw.