On Theory in Operations Management Roger W. Schmenner Morgan L. Swink Kelley School of Business, Indiana University January 1998 Published in the Journal of Operations Management (Elsevier), Vol. 17, No. 1 (December 1998), pp. 97-113. Direct correspondence to: Roger W. Schmenner Kelley School of Business, Indiana University 801 W. Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: 317 / 274-2544 Fax: 317 / 274-3312 E-mail: [email protected] Acknowledgement: The authors are grateful for the comments of the referees and editors on prior versions of this paper. The first part of the paper owes much to Carl G. Hempel, the former Stuart Professor of Philosophy at Princeton, and to his book, Philosophy of Natural Science. Keywords: operations strategy, productivity

On theory in operations management

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On Theory in Operations Management

Roger W. Schmenner

Morgan L. Swink

Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

January 1998

Published in the Journal of Operations Management

(Elsevier), Vol. 17, No. 1 (December 1998), pp. 97-113.

Direct correspondence to: Roger W. Schmenner

Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

801 W. Michigan Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Phone: 317 / 274-2544

Fax: 317 / 274-3312

E-mail: [email protected]

Acknowledgement: The authors are grateful for the comments of the referees and editors on prior versions of this paper. The first part of the paper owes much to Carl G. Hempel, the former Stuart Professor of Philosophy at Princeton, and to his book, Philosophy of Natural Science.

Keywords: operations strategy, productivity

On Theory in Operations Management


The field of operations management has been criticized for the inadequacy of its theory. We

suggest that this criticism may be too harsh, and further, that many building blocks of theory are

prevalent in the body of existing research. This paper has two goals. The first is to suggest that

careful organization of our thinking can lead to useful, productive theories in operations management

that demonstrate all the hallmarks of the familiar theories of natural science. We discuss the nature

of scientific inquiry in general terms, and examine the implications for what should be expected from

theory in operations management.

Our second goal is to illustrate through examples how such theories and their related laws

might be developed. Two theories are proposed: the Theory of Swift, Even Flow, and the Theory of

Performance Frontiers. The Theory of Swift, Even Flow addresses the phenomenon of cross-factory

productivity differences. The Theory of Performance Frontiers addresses the multiple dimensions of

factory performance and seeks to unify prior statements regarding cumulative capabilities and trade-

offs. Implications drawn from the theories are discussed and concluding remarks suggest the

advantages of future theory development and test.


On Theory in Operations Management

Over the years, as research in operations management has become increasingly rigorous,

there have been various comments about the inadequacies of theory within the discipline (Swamidass

and Newell, 1987; Anderson, Cleveland, and Schroeder, 1989; Flynn, Sakakibara, Schroeder and

Flynn, 1990; Swink and Way, 1995). Although recognized as vital to the prospects of any company,

operations management suffers in at least some quarters because there is no recognized theory on

which it rests or for which it is famous. Finance has economic theory as its foundation and there are

various theories, mainly of psychology, that anchor aspects of organizational behavior and marketing.

Operations management lacks the intellectual rigor of these other business disciplines, or so it seems.

Unfortunately, this has afflicted the field with theory envy.

In our view, the field of operations management has been too harsh on itself. This paper has

two goals. One is to suggest that careful organization of our thinking can lead to useful, productive

theories in operations management that demonstrate all the hallmarks of the familiar theories of

natural science. Our second goal is to illustrate through two examples how such theories and their

related laws might be developed. In so doing, we advance several propositions derived from those

theories that are susceptible of test. However, the purpose of these examples is to demonstrate how

existing knowledge in operations management might be fashioned into theory, not to defend the

theories themselves. We leave that to future research.

In Section 1 of the paper, we discuss the nature of scientific inquiry in general terms. In

Section 2 we introduce a phenomenon to be explained – cross-factory productivity differences – and

discuss what traditional microeconomic theory can say about it. We advance some laws and a theory

in Sections 3 and 4 as examples of the explanatory power of operations management in dealing with

this phenomenon. With the theory as a base, Section 5 proposes some additional, testable hypotheses

and refines some understandings, and Section 6 discusses the related framework of the product-

process matrix and relates it to the proposed theory. In an effort to generalize further, we propose

another example of an operations management theory in Sections 7 and 8 and explore its implications

in Section 9. The paper ends with some concluding remarks.

1. Comments on the Nature of Scientific Inquiry

Any study of the philosophy of science reveals how silly it is to think that the “scientific

method” consists of (1) a collection of facts without a priori guesses as to their importance or

relevance, (2) an analysis of those facts without hypotheses, (3) the inductive derivation of

generalizations from them, and then (4) the further testing of the generalizations. All science

depends upon guesses and suspicions (hypotheses) to guide both the collection of data and the

analysis of that data. Without such guesses and suspicions we would be overwhelmed by irrelevant

data; we need to simplify and prioritize if our inquiries are to bear fruit. In developing the law of


gravity, Newton was not concerned with the pressure and temperature of gases because he thought

them irrelevant to characterizing gravity. Nor were Boyle and Graham concerned with the mass of

celestial objects and their distances from one another as they puzzled over the kinetic theory of gases.

There are, then, no generally applicable “rules of induction”, by which

hypotheses or theories can be mechanically derived or inferred from empirical

data. The transition from data to theory requires creative imagination.

Scientific hypotheses and theories are not derived from observed facts, but

invented in order to account for them. (Hempel, 1966, p. 15)

Proof is also elusive. Although one can disprove a hypothesis of “universal form” with a

proper counterexample, one can do nothing more than give added support, rather than proof, for any

hypothesis. Nevertheless, there can be more support for one hypothesis than for a competing one.

The more cases that support the hypothesis, the more different ways it is tested, the richer the follow-

on implications of the hypothesis, the more likely we are to hold fast to it as opposed to its rival.

Hypotheses and their tests are the basic building blocks of scientific inquiry. Their proposed

explanations are of two major types: deductive and probabilistic. Newton’s explanation of the

movement of the planets and of objects thrown in the air is an example of a deductive explanation

from empirical observation. All objects are included and a single instance contrary to Newton’s

expectations would be grounds for abandoning or, at least, seriously modifying Newton’s explanation

of gravity (as Einstein’s broader general theory of relativity later did). Mathematical (non-empirical)

explanations are of this deductive type as well; one is only concerned that the implications of the

accepted premises are logically derived.

A good deal of science, however, must content itself with inductive, probabilistic

explanations. For example, we know now that germs cause disease. Yet, not all exposures to germs

will lead to disease. All we know, at least at this stage of our understanding, is that exposure will

lead to disease with a certain probability. Tests of probabilistic explanations have been devised by

using statistics and by applying conventional standards for the agreement of the observed frequencies

and the hypothesized probabilities. We have to be content with probabilistic explanations for some

hypotheses because our understanding is incomplete. However, there are other phenomena for which

a probabilistic explanation is all that we can hope (e.g., quantum physics).

Hypotheses perforce guide data collection and analysis. We can learn a great deal from

hypotheses and the support given them, irrespective of any surrounding theory. Much good science

has been accomplished while we were as yet shamelessly ignorant of theory.

As hypotheses are supported by more and more evidence, especially evidence of different

kinds, they can often be organized into laws. Laws are the precise descriptions of observed and


supported regularities. Laws show how something to be explained can be accounted for. Moreover,

laws, like hypotheses, can exist independent of theories. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and

Boyle’s law of gases were accepted as laws well before there were theories to explain why they work

as they do.

Laws in the social sciences are often referred to as “models of phenomena”, conveying an

incompleteness that is often appropriate (Little, 1992). While it is sometimes difficult to describe

laws in the social sciences using simple equations, much valuable knowledge has been packaged in

laws or models in ways that have improved management practice. Like many laws in natural

science, many of these managerial laws have made great impacts while rigorous theories remained

absent (e.g., the learning curve).

Theories, then, exist at a higher and deeper level than laws or hypotheses.

Theories are usually introduced when previous study of a class of

phenomena has revealed a system of uniformities that can be expressed in the

form of empirical laws. Theories then seek to explain those regularities and,

generally, to afford a deeper and more accurate understanding of the

phenomena in question. To this end, a theory construes those phenomena as

manifestations of entities and processes that lie behind or beneath them, as it

were. These are assumed to be governed by characteristic theoretical laws, or

theoretical principles, by means of which the theory then explains the empirical

uniformities that have been previously discovered, and usually also predicts

“new” regularities of similar kinds. (Hempel, 1966, p. 70)

Theories often take the form of internal principles or concepts for which are devised some

theoretical terms (e.g., atomic nucleus, orbiting electron, energy level, quanta). The theory is often

explained by using these terms. Also, there are typically some “bridging principles” that tie the

theory to feasible tests of its implications. As with hypotheses, one cannot prove a theory. Rather, a

theory is more or less satisfying to the extent to which it (1) explains a broad range of observed

phenomena, (2) provides hypotheses for subsequent test, and (3) is simple in character. In addition,

A theory will usually deepen our understanding also in a different way,

namely by showing that the previously formulated empirical laws that it is

meant to explain do not hold strictly and unexceptionally, but only

approximately and with a certain limited range of application. Thus, Newton’s

theoretical account of planetary motion shows that Kepler’s laws hold only

approximately, and it explains why this is so: the Newtonian principles imply

that the orbit of a planet moving about the sun under its gravitational influence

alone would indeed be an ellipse, but that the gravitational pull exerted on it by


other planets leads to departures from a strictly elliptical path. … (Hempel,

1966, p. 76)

Operations management can arguably be viewed as a mongrel mixture of natural and

behavioral science. So far, our examples and reasoning have concentrated on natural science. Is

behavioral science any different? The philosopher Abraham Kaplan argued in his book, The

Conduct of Inquiry: Methodology for Behavioral Science, that it is not.

I do not believe that the role of theory in behavioral science is any

different from what it is in physical or biological science. There are, of course,

differences in the number, power, and weight of the theories which have been

established concerning these different subject-matters; but everywhere, so it

seems to me, theory works in essentially the same way.

What is important is that laws propagate when they are united in a theory:

theory serves as matchmaker, midwife, and godfather all in one…. (Kaplan,

1964, p.303)

Kaplan does acknowledge that behavioral science has its own particular theoretical


It might well be said that the predicament of behavioral science is not the

absence of theory but its proliferation. The history of science is undeniably a

history of the successive replacement of poor theories by better ones, but

advances depend on the way in which each takes account of the achievement of

its predecessors. Much of the theorizing in behavioral science is not building

on what has already been established so much as laying out new foundations,

or even worse, producing only another set of blueprints. …. (Kaplan, 1964,


And, Kaplan argues, behavioral science often has an unhealthy fixation on methodology:

Many behavioral scientists, I am afraid, look to methodology as a source of

salvation: their expectation is that if only they are willing and obedient, though

their sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow. Methodology is not

turned to only as and when specific methodological difficulties arise in the

course of particular inquiries; it is made all encompassing, a faith in which the

tormented inquirer can hope to be reborn to a new life. If there are such

illusions, it has been my purpose to be disillusioning. In these matters, the

performance of the ritual leaves everything unchanged, and methodological


precepts are likely to be as ineffective as moral exhortations usually are. There

are indeed techniques to be mastered, and their resources and limitations are to

be thoroughly explored. But these techniques are specific to their subject-

matters, or to distinctive problems, and the norms governing their use derive

from the contexts of their application, not from general principles of

methodology. There are behavioral scientists who, in their desperate search for

scientific status, give the impression that they don’t much care what they do if

only they do it right: substance gives way to form. And here a vicious circle is

engendered; when the outcome is seen to be empty, this is taken as pointing all

the more to the need for a better methodology. The work of the behavioral

scientist might well become methodologically sounder if only he did not try so

hard to be so scientific! (Kaplan, 1964, p. 406)

What then should we expect from an operations management theory? The preceding

discussion leads us to the following characteristics:

1. The operations management phenomenon for which explanation is sought should be

clearly defined. This clarity is enhanced by unambiguous measures of the phenomenon.

2. The description of the phenomenon will likely center on some observed regularities that

have been derived either logically or empirically.

3. There should be one or more precise statements of these regularities (laws).

Mathematical statements of the laws will naturally help the precision.

4. The theory should indicate a mechanism or tell a story that explains why the laws work

as they do and how, and in which ways, the laws may be subject to limitations. The

theory may include some special terms or concepts that aid the explanation.

5. The more powerful the theory, the more likely it will unify various laws and also

generate predictions or implications that can be tested with data. Furthermore, the

power of the theory does not necessarily rest with the methodological choice of the tests


With this review of the philosophy of science as background, let us turn now to some

examples within the realm of operations management. Specifically, let us start with the examination

of a particular phenomenon and what an already well-accepted theory has to say about it.

2. A Phenomenon to be Explained and What Microeconomic Theory Can Say About It

For those of us intrigued by operations, one of the key phenomena we seek to understand is

why one operation (factory or service) is more productive than another. Much of what we research

has a direct bearing on the improvement of some existing operation. Microeconomic theory, well-

accepted and broadly applicable, does have something to say about this issue. How would it explain


differences in observed labor productivity across, say, two factories in the same industry? Here are

some of its conventional insights:

i. The across-factory differences could be the result of different inputs of labor and

capital. Thus, one factory could have:

a. a higher ratio of capital to labor than the other, and/or

b. newer, better capital as compared with the other factory, and/or

c. higher skilled labor

ii. There could be different, better technology for transforming inputs into outputs in the

one factory. In microeconomic theory, however, the nature of this better technology is

not detailed very well. It is customarily treated as the residual left from what is

explained by factor differences.

iii. There could be economies of scale enjoyed by one factory as compared to the other.

Here, again, the nature of what those economies might be is not well envisioned by the


iv. One factory might be rebounding faster from a recession than the other and thus have

more output to spread over its previously slack resources. (This is admittedly a more

specialized insight that is less applicable when factories are in the same industry and

when the phenomenon persists during any phase of the business cycle.)

These are helpful insights but they are not altogether satisfying as the factory itself remains

largely a “black box”. A great deal more could be said of the operations in each factory. Note some

of the aspects of factory operations for which microeconomic theory has relatively little to say:

the type of production process used

the existence of significant bottlenecks

variabilities in quality

variabilities in demand on the process

variabilities in the processing itself

scheduling capabilities

workforce organization, including indirect versus direct labor

workforce morale and effort

the supply chain, from initial materials suppliers through the distribution



Given these omissions, it is difficult to embrace microeconomic theory as a complete

explanation for the productivity differences between two factories. Too many of the details of

factory operation are ignored and the implications about technology and scale are too ambiguous to


3. A Competing Explanation

The discipline of operations management has, over the years, developed a set of laws that

have a bearing on the phenomenon of differential factory productivity. We have not labeled them as

laws, but in the terminology of the philosophy of science, that is what they are. Some of these laws

are deductive and derived from mathematical foundations, and some of them are probabilistic and

derived from observed data. Consider the deductive laws first. Note that within these laws, as stated,

productivity is defined as output per unit of input resource (e.g., units produced per labor hour, or per

machine hour, or per material dollar, or per some combination, such as those used in total factor


Law of Variability: The greater the random variability, either demanded

of the process or inherent in the process itself or in the items processed, the less

productive the process is.

This law derives from queuing theory and can easily be verified by simulation (Conway, et

al., 1988). The more variable the timing or the nature of the jobs to be done by the process, and the

more variable the processing steps themselves or the items processed, the less output there will be

from the process, as captured by labor productivity measures, machine productivity measures,

materials productivity measures, or total factor productivity measures.

Law of Bottlenecks: An operation’s productivity is improved by

eliminating or by better managing its bottlenecks. If a bottleneck cannot be

eliminated in some way, say by adding capacity, productivity can be augmented by

maintaining consistent production through it, if need be with long runs and few

changeovers. Non-bottleneck operations do not require long runs and few


This law is most readily associated with Eliyahu Goldratt (1989) and his “theory of

constraints”, although, in the terms of the philosophy of science, his theory is perhaps better

described as a deductive law whose foundations are not empirical but are rather mathematical and

capable of verification by simulation.


These deductive laws are complemented by several probabilistic laws that are derived from

experience. We offer three here that relate to the issue in question, productivity differences across


Law of Scientific Methods: The productivity of labor (i.e., output per

worker-hour of labor) can be augmented in most instances by applying methods

such as those identified by the Scientific Management movement.

This law, of course, dates from the time of Taylor, Gantt, and the Gilbreths. In making a

scientific study of methods they discovered a toolbox of improvements that have withstood the tests

of time in countless situations. Their work anchors much of industrial engineering. This law,

however, is an empirical one. That is how it was discovered. And, it is probabilistic in character for

it has not been observed to hold in every labor situation.

Law of Quality: Productivity can frequently be improved as quality (i.e.,

conformance to specifications, as valued by customers) is improved and as waste

declines, either by changes in product design, or by changes in materials or

processing. Various techniques of the quality movement can be responsible for

these improvements.

This is perhaps a more controversial law. It is stated as a probabilistic law that need not

hold in all situations (e.g., not in situations close to zero defects), but it has been shown to hold in

most. The evidence for this law is widespread, although much of it is anecdotal (Crosby, 1979;

Juran, 1979; Deming, 1982).

Law of Factory Focus: Factories that focus on a limited set of tasks will

be more productive than similar factories with a broader array of tasks.

This is Wick Skinner’s influential observation, drawn from his study of factories in a variety

of industries (Skinner, 1974). Its immediate acceptance by managers is evidence for its

persuasiveness as a law, and the experiences of many have supported it.

Each of these laws contributes to our understanding of why one factory is more productive

than another. Yet, none of them is so broad in character to be able to tie many threads together.

Theory needs to incorporate these laws but also to expand, or limit, their scope. Fortunately, the field

of operations management has already developed the relevant insight that can be advanced as theory.

Much of this theory will, of course, be very familiar, but permit us to discuss it as if one were

unacquainted with operations management.

4. The Theory of Swift, Even Flow


The Theory of Swift, Even Flow holds that the more swift and even the flow of materials

through a process, the more productive that process is. Thus, productivity for any process – be it

labor productivity, machine productivity, materials productivity, or total factor productivity -- rises

with the speed by which materials flow through the process, and it falls with increases in the

variability associated with the flow, be that variability associated with the demand on the process or

with steps in the process itself.

To understand this theory one must understand several theoretical concepts:

i. The first concepts are value-added and non-value-added work. According to the theory,

all work can be divided into either value-added work or non-value-added work. Work

that transforms materials into good product is considered value-added, while work that

moves materials, catalogs them, inspects them, counts them, or reworks them is not

regarded as value-added. Anything that adds waste to the process is non-value-added,

including the classic seven wastes of Shigeo Shingo: overproduction, waiting,

transportation, unnecessary processing steps, stocks, motion, and defects (Hall, 1987, p.

26). Given this understanding, materials can move more swiftly through a process if the

non-value-added, wasteful steps of the process are either eliminated or greatly reduced.

ii. Similarly, materials can move swiftly only if there are no bottlenecks or other

impediments to flow in the way. To capture this, the theory clings to another concept,

throughput time, as a useful measure of the speed of the flow from the point where

materials for a unit of the product are first worked on until that unit is completed and

supplied to either the customer or to a finished goods warehouse. Other things equal,

the theory urges the process to reduce the clock time spent in this way (the throughput

time). Throughput time is particularly useful as a mechanism to isolate where flows

have become retarded or blocked.

iii. For materials to flow more evenly, one must narrow the variability associated with

either the demand on the process or with the process’s operations steps. Variability is

measured by the variance or standard deviation of the timing or quantities demanded or

of the time spent in various process steps. Variability is narrowed when the demands

placed on the process are even and regular. “Level” production plans are more

compatible with productivity than are production plans with irregular quantities or due

dates. Such steadiness of demand demonstrates lower variances of both timing and

quantities demanded. Variability is also narrowed whenever like things are processed

together. Hence, whenever like things can be worked on together, without slowing

down the process, then productivity will increase.

The Theory of Swift, Even Flow is thus consistent with the deductive laws of variability and

of bottlenecks, and its measures of throughput time and variability are easily understood. (A variety


of other laws on the topics of variability and bottlenecks, and so stated as laws, are available in the

fine book, Factory Physics, by Wallace J. Hopp and Mark L. Spearman.)

Importantly as well, this theory, like others, serves to explain why the probabilistic laws that

are relevant to the phenomenon work as they do. Consider these laws in turn:

1. Scientific Methods. Scientific methods are means by which non-value-added motions

and steps are removed from what labor does and by which value-added steps can be

done more quickly and with less exertion. They serve to speed up the flow of materials

without, helpfully, putting more physical stress on the workforce. Scientific methods

make little difference, according to the theory, when applied to non-value-added work.

One should thus expect to see varying success with scientific methods depending upon

the steps in the process to which they are applied. They should have their biggest

impact on bottleneck operations.

2. Quality. Among the most disruptive things to a process are snafus (temporary

bottlenecks, if you will) caused by quality problems that force rework, scrap, machine

downtime, interrupted flow of materials, and the like. Good quality is essential to the

swift, even flow of materials as it helps both to lower variability and to avoid


3. Factory Focus. Factory focus groups like products (and less commonly, like processes)

together. It is thus a mechanism for reducing variability. Moreover, factory focus is a

means for allowing flows to surface within the process. By grouping like products

together the flows of materials for those products are exposed to view more easily and

naturally and this permits the identification of bottlenecks and of non-value-added steps

and facilitates their removal.

The Theory of Swift, Even Flow thus provides a broad explanation that unifies the variously

identified probabilistic laws of scientific methods, quality, and factory focus and shows how they

work. It is consistent, as well, with the deductive laws of variability and of bottlenecks. The Theory

of Swift, Even Flow does not nullify Microeconomic Theory, but, for this factory-specific

phenomenon, it offers a more complete explanation and thus augments that theory.

5. Further Implications

As mentioned above, theories are more satisfying to the degree to which they (1) imply

other, testable hypotheses, and (2) refine and unify existing laws or theories. Consider the latter first.

A. Comparisons with Microeconomic Theory


The Theory of Swift, Even Flow offers a variety of qualifications to microeconomic theory’s

implications for the factory. These qualifications do not argue against microeconomic theory whose

implications are far-ranging; they merely discuss instances where microeconomic theory, as it relates

to factory productivity, is limited. For example, microeconomic theory argues that labor productivity

(e.g., units per man-hour) will be augmented with the substitution of capital for labor. The Swift,

Even Flow theory argues that capital-for-labor substitution does not, of itself, imply higher

productivity but only if such a substitution leads to faster, steadier flows. Continuous flow processes

are nearly always both more capital-intensive than other types of processes and more productive.

However, the Swift, Even Flow theory argues that it is not the capital of the continuous flow process

that is important to its high productivity, but it is rather the continuous, less variable nature of the


In a similar vein, microeconomic theory supports the inclusion of labor savings in the

justification of new capital equipment. After all, according to the theory, substituting capital for

labor leads to productivity advance. The Swift, Even Flow theory, on the other hand, dismisses labor

savings as a justification in favor of a justification based on what the new capital equipment does for

the flows in the process. Are the flows swifter and more even? Post-audits of new capital equipment

should reveal that the less successful new capital investments were also the ones that did not effect

swifter, more even flows within the process.

Microeconomic theory also argues for new, better capital investments and higher skilled

labor. Both of these policies can lead to enhanced productivity according to the Swift, Even Flow

theory. However, they do so because they either speed up the flow of materials or they reduce the

variability of the process. Microeconomic theory also prizes new technology and scale economies as

possible sources of productivity gain, although the exact nature of these is rather ambiguous. The

Swift, Even Flow theory can value technology as well, but, again, only if it leads to faster, less

variable flows of materials. The Swift, Even Flow theory does not lean one way or another with

respect to scale economies. Increasing the scale of a process is not unambiguously good if it has no

beneficial consequence on flows.

B. Other Implications

There are a number of facets of any operation for which the Swift, Even Flow theory would

predict augmented productivity. For example, the theory is much in favor of the creation of cells and

of compact layouts. Cells highlight flows and, often increase the speed by which a product is made.

And, by grouping like products together, cells reduce variability. Indeed, one can view factory focus

as cells writ large.


The theory also favors reducing work-in-process inventories as they can bog down the swift

flow of materials and thus raise throughput times to high levels. (The theory offers no implications

for either raw materials or finished goods inventories.)

Several other policies are favored by the theory because they either speed flows or reduce

variation, or both. Among them: cross-training of the workforce, quicker changeovers of equipment,

smaller batches of materials to process, and regular preventive maintenance. A pull system,

according to the theory, would stand a better chance at being productive than a push system,

especially if demands on the process are steady. With a pull system, smooth flow is more assured

because upstream operations cannot act without the authorization of downstream operations and thus

cannot flood the operation with work-in-process inventory. And, because work-in-process inventory

levels are capped by the number of containers or spaces permitted, throughput times are assured to be

low. In short, the Swift, Even Flow theory is very much in tune with the just-in-time manufacturing

philosophy that owes so much to Japanese such as Taiichi Ohno. Indeed, the success of JIT provides

strong support for the theory. (See also Schmenner, 1991).

The theory also argues for the coordination of the supply chain. The smoother the links and

the faster the flow from initial materials to the end customer, the more productive all aspects of the

supply chain should be.

In addition to these policies, the Swift, Even Flow theory argues for the abandonment of

numerous performance measures. Measures such as machine utilization or labor efficiency (standard

hours of labor relative to actual hours) are not measures of either flow or variability. For this reason,

the theory argues that they should be abandoned as measures in favor of measures of throughput time

and variability (say, delivery performance to plan). Indeed, there is some confirmation that machine

utilization and labor efficiency are not associated very much with productivity (Schmenner, 1991;

Schmenner and Vollmann, 1994).

6. An Example of What is Not a Theory

Hempel (1965) and Bacharach (1989), among others, point out the need to distinguish

description from theory. Much of social science is about describing phenomena using categorization,

typologies, and metaphors. While these approaches often yield powerful tools for managers, they

clearly fall in the realm of description, not theory. One such example is the product-process matrix.

It is one of the most appealing notions in operations management, advanced by Hayes and

Wheelwright in two articles in back-to-back issues of the 1979 Harvard Business Review. The

product-process matrix depicts a relationship between product volume and mix – what Hayes and

Wheelwright called “product life cycle stage” -- and the character of the production process

stretching along a spectrum from job shop to continuous flow process – what Hayes and Wheelwright

called “process life cycle stage”. The arguments behind the product-process matrix assert that the


diagonal offers the best match of product volume/mix and process character, but the authors did not

dismiss the possibility for operations to exist off the diagonal.

In the second of their articles, Hayes and Wheelwright state that they “proposed ‘the

product-process matrix’ as a way of combining these concepts into a framework for describing

alternative business strategies and examining their implications for the company’s manufacturing

organization”. Thus, for Hayes and Wheelwright, the product-process matrix represents a useful

framework, but it was never a theory. Empirical work has confirmed that most, although far from all,

factories can be arrayed on or near the diagonal. One could even claim such a regularity deserves to

be recognized as a law, but it is not a theory.

Why not? First of all, the phenomenon is not defined as neatly as one would require for a

theory. In their articles, Hayes and Wheelwright do not propose a particular measure for either their

“product life cycle stages” nor for their “process life cycle stages”. In fact, in their second article,

they superimpose the learning curve on the matrix, although it is clear from the text of the article that

they do not want to label the horizontal axis of the product-process matrix with “cumulative output”,

nor do they want to label the vertical axis with either “labor hours per unit” or “cost per unit”. For

them, the product-process matrix is obviously more suggestive and representative than theoretically

precise, although they see the lower right portion as the most cost-effective area of the matrix.

In addition, the product-process matrix does not offer many predictions. While Hayes and

Wheelwright see the diagonal as home to the best “patches” of space within the matrix, they do not

necessarily predict ill fates for off-diagonal operations, although they do counsel caution in such

situations. The mechanisms by which off-diagonal operations either die or change is not spelled out

in detail, although it is recognized that firms are unlikely to coordinate product life cycle stage

changes with process life cycle stage changes and so must linger in off-diagonal situations from time

to time.

The product-process matrix is thus not, in its current state, a theory. Rather, it is an

insightful framework for examining product and process coordination and matching. This is not to

say that frameworks cannot be useful tools in the generation of theory. Frameworks can depict

hypotheses and laws in accessible, often visual, ways. To move toward theory, however, frameworks

need to become more precise and they need to detail the mechanisms that explain the phenomenon at

issue and to suggest some implications that can be tested. Safizadeh, et al. (1996) provide a step in

this direction using the product-process matrix. They suggest and provide some limited support for

three propositions connected to the matrix. (The propositions are as follows: (1) process choice for

the primary product line produced in a plant falls on or close to the diagonal, (2) competitive

priorities are consistent with the plant’s process choice, and (3) firms positioned on or close to the

diagonal outperform those choosing extreme off-diagonal positions.) Nevertheless, the product-

process matrix remains a framework, and not theory.


The Theory of Swift, Even Flow, however, can refine our understanding of the product-

process matrix. Consider Figure 1. If one redefines the horizontal axis of the product-process matrix

as demand variability, going from high variability to low variability (from highly customized

products with irregular demands to commodities with steady demands), and if one redefines the

vertical axis of the matrix as speed of flow, from slow to swift, then a new type of diagonal can be

seen. The lower right portion of the matrix represents those operations that combine low demand

variability with swift materials flow, a combination that the Theory of Swift, Even Flow would argue

is the most productive (most output per unit of input resource). By the same reasoning, the upper left

portion of the matrix represents those operations that are the least productive. Such a redefinition of

the product-process matrix is quite consistent with the thrust of the Hayes and Wheelwright

framework. What is more, it is a consistent implication of the Theory of Swift, Even Flow.

7. A Related Phenomenon and the Conflicting Explanations Surrounding It

The Theory of Swift, Even Flow is concerned with the productivity of plants. Productivity

is an important metric for plants, but certainly not the only one of merit. A more general

phenomenon addresses why it is that some manufacturing plants appear to outperform their rivals in

many dimensions of performance, not only productivity, while other plants appear to be faced with

strategic “either/or” choices about what to do? A grand debate has erupted in this matter, a debate

that pits “trade-offs” vs. “cumulative capabilities”.

Permit us to capture the essence of the debate by stating the rival propositions as laws and,

in the process, begin to clarify the nature of the phenomenon at issue.

Law of Trade-offs: A manufacturing plant cannot simultaneously provide the highest levels

among all competitors of product quality, flexibility, and delivery, at the lowest manufactured cost.

Law of Cumulative Capabilities: Improvements in certain manufacturing capabilities (e.g.,

quality) are basic and enable improvements to be made more easily in other manufacturing

capabilities (e.g., flexibility). The sequence that the law of cumulative capabilities is most

comfortable with is quality, delivery, cost, and flexibility. (See Hall (1987) and Hall and Nakane


It is our intention to argue that these two laws are not competing rivals, as many see them,

but are instead complements that are subsumed by a broader theory, the Theory of Performance



The first step in resolving the apparent conflict between the laws of trade-offs and

cumulative capabilities is to understand the type of law they each represent. In the language of the

philosophy of science, the law of trade-offs is a deductive law. Indeed, it is almost axiomatic. The

law of cumulative capabilities, on the other hand, is empirical and probabilistic. This insight leads to

the first of two clarifications we wish to make:

Clarification #1: The laws of trade-offs and of cumulative capabilities are of two distinct types.

Consider trade-offs first. Skinner (1996) describes a manufacturing plant as a

technologically constrained entity. Choices among technologies define constraints on manufacturing

capabilities, thereby necessarily forcing trade-offs among various dimensions of performance in the

short term. Over time, plants that focus their resources on achieving excellence in a few selected

performance dimensions will, in those aspects of performance, necessarily outperform plants that

pursue excellence in many dimensions of performance. Technological constraints will assure the

result. The law of trade-offs explains performance differences across different plants.

Certain proponents of Japanese management and World Class Manufacturing have

challenged the law of trade-offs citing evidence that certain firms do indeed lead their competitors in

almost every dimension of performance. Moreover, some evidence suggests that performance

improvements in different dimensions are most effective if they are pursued in a certain sequence,

layered one upon another just as cones of sand might be layered one upon another (Ferdows and

DeMeyer, 1990). In this view, certain “trajectories” of improvement are regarded as easier and more

effective than others. Quality is seen to be a precursor to cost reduction, process dependability a

precursor to flexibility, and so on. The law of cumulative capabilities is predicated on the idea that

certain dimensions of performance facilitate other dimensions of performance. This law is an

empirical, probabilistic law that deals with improvements within a plant over time.

These insights suggest a second clarification:

Clarification #2: The law of trade-offs is reflected in comparisons across plants at a given point in

time, whereas the law of cumulative capabilities is reflected in improvement within individual

plants over time. The two laws are not in conflict.

Indeed, these two laws can be unified. We state the case for such unification in the next


8. The Theory of Performance Frontiers


Performance frontiers in manufacturing have been much discussed of late. (See the special

issue of Production and Operations Management, no. 1, Spring 1996.) We build on these ideas to

put forward a theory that subsumes both the law of trade-offs and the law of cumulative capabilities.

First, better definitions are needed. The performance frontier concept has been widely used

under various names including the “production function” and the “trade-off curve”. However, we are

at a loss to find a good definition of this construct in the operations management literature.

Borrowing from economic theory, a production frontier is defined as the maximum output that can be

produced from any given set of inputs, given technical considerations (Samuelson, 1947). The

performance frontier concept results from enlarging the scope of this definition. First, the nature of

“output” is expanded to include all dimensions of manufacturing performance (e.g., cost, product

range, quality), consistent with notions of data envelopment analysis (Charnes, 1994). Second,

“technical considerations” is expanded to include all choices affecting the design and operation of the

manufacturing unit, including the sources and nature of inputs. A performance frontier is therefore

defined by the maximum performance that can be achieved by a manufacturing unit given a set of

operating choices.

Within the operations management literature, there is also some ambiguity regarding the

make-up of a performance frontier. Skinner (1996) identified technology as the source of bounds on

the dimensions of performance. Other writers (Hayes and Pisano, 1996; Clark, 1996) suggest that

performance frontiers are formed and changed by manufacturing “systems”, that is, the aggregate set

of policies used to manage quality, production planning and control, and other procedures. For

example, Clark (1996) identified just-in-time manufacturing, statistical process control, total quality

management, continuous improvement, and cross-functional integration as “advanced”

manufacturing systems.

Manufacturing strategy concepts have made clear distinctions between choices affecting

physical assets and those affecting operating policies in manufacturing, using terms such as

“structural” and “infrastructural” to classify these decisions. We suggest that the same distinctions

apply to performance frontiers. Frontiers are formed by choices in plant design and investment as

well as by choices in plant operation. There are thus two frontiers. We call one, for lack of a more

precise word, an asset frontier. The other we term an operating frontier. The asset frontier is altered

by the kinds of investments that would typically show up on the fixed asset portion of the balance

sheet, whereas the operating frontier is altered by changes in the choices that can be made, given the

set of assets that the plant management is “dealt”.

Figure 2 illustrates a performance space within which there are performance frontiers for

two hypothetical plants. Both plants are located on their operating frontiers, and both operating

frontiers are located well within the asset frontier that is shared by both plants. Thus, while these

plants employ similar technologies and physical assets, they follow different management policies.


Each plant’s performance is immediately bounded by its policies and procedures – its operating

frontier. Each plant’s operating frontier may be moved or changed, say, by the adoption of advanced

manufacturing systems. However, each plant’s performance is also ultimately bounded by an asset

frontier. When two plants utilize similar production equipment, they share the same asset frontier, as

plants A and B do.

It is important to differentiate between two types of beneficial movement within the

performance space: improvement and betterment. Improvement is defined as increased plant

performance in one or more dimensions without degradation in any other dimension. (This definition

is analogous to Pareto optimality in microeconomic theory.) Improvement can be derived by

increasing utilization or efficiency, in the sense of bringing performance up to a predetermined

standard (e.g., standard hours). Improvement trajectories bring a plant like that in position A in

Figure 3 closer to its operating frontier. Under this strict definition, improvement has only to do

with removing inefficiencies in transformation processes and nothing to do with changing the

substance of either operating policy or physical assets. Improvement can result from changes in

inputs, experience, motivation, planning, and controls. Improvement takes a plant to its operating

frontier, and there, improvement ceases.

Betterment, on the other hand, is about altering manufacturing operating policies in ways

that move or change the shape of the operating frontier. Once betterment has occurred and the

operating frontier is itself moved outward, improvement can start anew as the plant can then attempt

to achieve its full potential within its new operating frontier. Betterment occurs in a number of ways.

Recent popular examples include the adoption of JIT or TQC principles or the introduction of cells.

These programs show that performance can be dramatically changed with little change in the amount

or type of physical assets employed. Of course, the asset frontier is itself movable through radical

technology upgrades or replacement. We expect, however, that because movement of the asset

frontier normally requires large capital investments and radical changes to the physical plant, this

occurs less frequently than movements of operating frontiers.

Under a given set of operating policies and assets, a fully utilized plant faces trade-offs

among dimensions of performance. It is immediately subject to its operating frontier and ultimately

subject to its asset frontier. For example, an increase in the number of different products

manufactured at a single plant is very likely to produce an increase in average unit costs if operating

policies and physical assets remain unchanged. However, a betterment in the plant’s policies, say a

move to cells or factory focus, can change the shape or position of the operating frontier such that the

plant can absorb the increase in products without a concomitant increase in unit cost. Nevertheless,

further advances are ultimately constrained by the limits of the plant’s technological assets.

The law of trade-offs states that no single plant can provide superior performance in all

dimensions simultaneously. We would expect to find support for this law if all competitors use


similar technologies and are operating near the asset frontier. If all plants are far from the asset

frontier, however, one plant can simultaneously provide higher levels of product quality, flexibility,

and delivery at a lower manufactured cost if, through betterment, its management approaches create

an operating frontier which is superior to its competitors’. In Figure 2 the operating frontier for plant

B is superior to that of plant A.

Figure 2 illustrates the performance frontier as a curve. However, a performance frontier is

really a surface that spans many different dimensions. In keeping with the law of cumulative

capabilities, the movement of a frontier in a certain dimension might produce economies and

leveraging effects for other dimensions of performance within a plant. Changing the shape of the

frontier in one dimension probably also changes its shape in other dimensions. We posit that these

effects are also subject to certain limitations, which are captured in the following familiar laws

adapted from microeconomic theory:

Law of Diminishing Returns: As improvement (or betterment) moves a

manufacturing plant nearer and nearer to its operating frontier (or its asset frontier), more

and more resources must be expended in order to achieve each additional increment of


Law of Diminishing Synergy: The strength of the synergistic effects predicted by

the law of cumulative capabilities diminishes as a manufacturing plant approaches its asset


The law of diminishing returns is common to the fields of economics and operations

management. We are simply applying this concept to performance frontiers. For example, we

expect that it requires less of an expenditure of resources to move from 8% defects to 5% defects

than it does to move from 5% defects to 2% defects. Once the easiest problems causing defects are

solved, deeper and more intensive activities will be required to find and solve more difficult

problems. And, in accordance with the law of diminishing synergy, we expect that the beneficial

impact on, say, delivery reliability, of improving quality from 8% defects to 5% defects is greater

than the beneficial impact on delivery reliability of improving quality from 5% defects to 2% defects.

The laws of diminishing returns and diminishing synergy work together with the previously

stated laws to explain the nature of differences within and among plants more completely than any of

the laws do in isolation. By considering the position of a plant’s operating frontier relative to other

plants’ operating frontiers and relative to the asset frontier, predictions can be made regarding the

applicability of the laws of trade-offs and cumulative capabilities. Specifically, the law of

cumulative capabilities should be most applicable to plants that are not tightly bound by an asset



Consider a plant that operates far away from its operating frontier (position A in Figure 3).

The plant contains a multitude of inefficiencies; many slack resources are present. As resource

rationalization programs or increased sales resolve inefficiencies and more fully utilize critical

resources, the plant begins to bump into operating constraints that prevent improvement in one

dimension of performance without degradation in another dimension. For example, the plant may

continually increase the range of products it produces while maintaining a certain level of on-time

delivery as long as sufficient non-value added activities and inefficiencies can be detected and

eliminated. However, once the majority of these inefficiencies have been dealt with, operating

limitations will begin to cause on-time delivery performance to suffer if the product range continues

to be increased. At this point, the plant finds itself in position A1 in Figure 3. It must better its

operating policies in order to achieve higher levels of performance at the same levels of cost.

As the plant engages in betterment, it aligns its operating policies more effectively and

completely with the capabilities of its physical assets, thus shifting its operating frontier to the right.

Throughout the early portion of the plant’s journey, the law of cumulative capabilities is in effect. At

some point, however, diminishing returns make it increasingly difficult to find and resolve the

remaining problems and operating-asset misalignments. In addition, increasing amounts of resources

are needed to accomplish each incremental betterment. For example, the difficulty and expense of

advancing delivery service levels increases at an increasing rate. Soon the cost of betterment is so

high that available resources are exhausted on advances in only one dimension, leaving few resources

for advances in other dimensions.

Once the plant has resolved most inefficiencies and has nearly completely aligned its

operating policies with its assets capabilities, it finds itself in position A2 in Figure 3. Now the limits

of technology begin to impose themselves and the law of trade-offs again begins to take precedence

over the law of cumulative capabilities.

9. Implications of the theory

The theory of performance frontiers provides us with a clearer understanding of when the

laws of trade-offs and cumulative capabilities apply. The theory suggests that a plant that operates

near its asset performance frontier will reap greater benefits from structural, technological changes

than other plants. These types of changes usually require a large investment of resources in order to

move the frontier or change its shape. Plants that are not near their frontiers are not likely to enjoy as

high returns on these investments because the frontier is largely irrelevant to them. Instead, a plant in

this condition would benefit more from a cumulative improvement approach aimed at improving

infrastructure and operating efficiencies (such as quality-related improvements).

Any predictions generated by the theory must take into account the relative positioning of

plants with regard to each other and to their frontiers. Consider the following:


1. Benchmarking. The theory admonishes managers to take stock of current competitive

positions and technological limits when considering improvement initiatives. Given where a plant is

within the diagram, change strategies should be very different. In this light, benchmarking takes on

additional meaning. Traditional process benchmarking is most effective when plants are up against

their operating frontiers but not up against their asset frontiers. Technology-intensive benchmarking

is needed as the asset frontier is approached.

2. Metrics. The theory also emphasizes the need to understand the limitations of physical

assets, and it suggests the need to develop metrics that characterize proximity to an asset frontier.

For example, a possible indicator of nearness to the product range / product cost frontier is the ratio

of throughput time and processing time for the plant’s products. Imagine the factory that has a lowo

throughput to processing time ratio. (One would be perfect swift, even flow, but a ratio near 2 is

regarded by many as “world class”.) Technological and capacity constraints impose the only

limitations to increased product range at equivalent cost. Moreover, it becomes important under this

theoretical framework to assess the severity (i.e. slope) of frontiers in different dimensions. It seems

plausible, for example, that in most circumstances trade-offs between product performance quality

and product cost would be more severe than trade-offs between conformance quality and product

cost, if indeed there are trade-offs at all between conformance quality and product cost. As factory

modeling becomes more sophisticated and complete we may be able to deductively establish

theoretical performance frontiers.

3. Variation by Industry. The theory of performance frontiers suggests that plants in more

competitive or progressive industries are less likely to gain advantage from the law of cumulative

capabilities than their counterparts in less competitive industries. As competition forces more and

more firms to adopt increasingly effective, advanced manufacturing systems and physical assets,

technological trade-offs become more and more important considerations influencing strategic

choices and competitive positioning. Thus, the law of trade-offs is likely to be more important in

continuous flow industries than in others.

4. Competitive Strategy. The theory of performance frontiers clarifies the impacts that

assets and operating practices have on competitive advantage. Armed with an understanding of a

firm’s operating position relative to both competitors and the performance frontiers, strategic

planners are better equipped to evaluate and plan manufacturing initiatives. For example, a quality

improvement initiative may well be more attractive than a new technology initiative to a firm that

considers itself far from its asset frontier.

10. Conclusion


Researchers of operations management need not fret that the field has no theory to ground

its various policy implications. Past work has developed the basic laws and the elements of theory to

the point where now we can now invent theories (1) to explain cross-factory productivity differences,

and (2) to address even broader measures of across-factory performance. The theories offered here

propose several implications that are testable, such as the sporadic benefit of capital for labor

substitution and the inappropriateness of some standard performance measures, the applicability of

benchmarking, and the character of manufacturing change in selected industries. More importantly,

these example theories demonstrate how a system of existing laws can be unified by increased

precision, clarification, and insight.

We in the OM field have often been sloppy in the development of laws and theories. For

example, the debate surrounding performance trade-offs has been muddied by imprecision and

inconsistently used definitions of quality, flexibility, and so on. Clarification is needed to more

completely specify the nature, measures, and applicability of laws and the contingencies pertaining to


We encourage others in the field to examine operations phenomena, to propose theories to

explain them, and to probe their implications. When our discipline can routinely assault proposed

theories, refine them when needed, and abandon them when warranted, then we will shed any legacy

of theory envy.



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Demand Variability (timing, quantities, or customization, measured as variances or standard deviations)

High demand variability Low demand variability

Low speedof materialsthrough the process Job shops

Speed of Batch operations Flow(throughput time)

Assembly linesHigh speed

of materials through theprocess Highly productive

continuous flow processes

Figure 1. A Variant on the Product-Process Matrix

Productivity (output per unit of input resource) increases as one goes down the diagonal.


Figure 2. Operating and Asset frontiers

Firm A is likely to operate under the laws of cumulative capabilities while firm B, due to diminishing returns on improvement, is more likely to be subject to the law of trade-offs.




Asset Frontier

OperatingFrontier for A

OperatingFrontier for B


Figure 3. Three Operating States for a Manufacturing Plant

Plant A is underutilized and inefficient. Rationalizing resources and resolving inefficiencies leads to position A1 at which the plant encounters its operating performance frontier. Operating policy changes improve the frontier and move the plant to position A2, where technological and asset constraints begin to significantly affect performance.









Figure 1. A Variant on the Product-Process Matrix

Productivity (output per unit of input resource) increases as one goes down the diagonal.

Figure 2. Operating and Asset frontiers

Firm A is likely to operate under the laws of cumulative capabilities while firm B, due to diminishing returns on improvement, is more likely to be subject to the law of trade-offs.

Figure 3. Three Operating States for a Manufacturing Plant

Plant A is underutilized and inefficient. Rationalizing resources and resolving inefficiencies leads to position A1 at which the plant encounters its operating performance frontier. Operating policy changes improve the frontier and move the plant to position A2, where technological and asset constraints begin to significantly affect performance.