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New York Clipper (January 1895)

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CopnlgliUKl, riiU, bj TDo FOsk QDCtii PubUahlag Compuif (Llinllctl).

Founded by i

FRANK QUEEN, 1893.1 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1895. {VOLUME XLII.-Ne. 44.I Price 10 Cehte.



Some men there ere wbo ne'er grow olil

In Uiongbt, In ect, lo mind,Bni tnere ere oUien, I em u>li),

0( qalie e dllTtrent kind.

Now, tor mjgelt tbtro's nnght bnt jonth

In bopea end Joja end CMis—I b*T« not eged—tbia Is tbe tratta-

An bngr In tortj ;c«ra.

Pertups ;oo emile •( wbat I nj,Bal Uils I enrol7 know,

I lore tbe glrle ee well todej

Ae (ottj jeug ego.

Bow muT k nun beglni hii iKe

On money meking beat,

Bnt eirlr flads, emld tbe etrlfe,

Tli berder eimed tbu apent.

Be woika br d»7, be eleepa b7 nlgbt,

AndTime mofea on epece;

He nebea on Willi keen dellgbt-

.He's In tbe bnmin imce.

Bnt tbia le vein, Itet be can a*r:

"I do no older growl I

I Ion tbe glrle ea well tod*r

Aa tortj jeara agot"

Tbe diplomat, tbe atateaman, too.

Toe pollUclan bold,

Tbe? onlJ want wlut la tbeir dne,

Tbej'ie only after gold.

Bot later on tbej learn tbe iniUi,

Alaal It Is too lale,

TbefTe loit tbe jeamlnga oC tbeIr jontb.

Old age Is now tbeIr fate.

So, men, If yon woald ne'er get grey,

Nor any older grow,

Jnat lore the girlsu well today

Aa forty yeaia ago.




Tbey called ber "Bess"—that was the only nameby wnloh ahe waa known to tbe mile commonltyof rongb miners and railroad men; bnt n great

many of the Inhabitants of the llitle bamlct or

"Jnooilon Olty" conid remember well when shehad a name, as well as a home of her own. Old BlUBvsns, the "bead boatler'' at the ronnd bonse,

wnnid somcUmes tell bla assembled mates aronndthe olllce store bow big, honest Jaok Uortlandfairly wepi with Joy wben be ollmbcd off bis engineat the end of his ran to tie Informed that a Utile

danghier had come to brighten his home. At aocbtimea a mist woold often creep into the eyes of bis

llstenera, for all cooid recollect the day that tender

hands brongbt borne the mangled body of poorJack, after bis engine bed gone UuoDgh a bridge.

Tbe shock was too mncb for bla frail yoong wife,

who did not long anrrlye him; and the pretty, darkeyed baby girl was adopted by kind hearted Hrs.

O'Reilly, who kept the depot Innob room. Promtbe time sbo was able to toddle abont the platform,

she loved lo look at and admire tbe big engines,

witb Uielrahlnlog braaats and steel work. Haiiy

a gaady toy or piokageof ciady did tbe bloff, hardy

railroad men bring her; her wondering, ohlldlab

qnestlons la regard to tbe meobanlam of tbe Iron

monstenwerealwBjaansweredresdllyby the kindhearted eoglneers, and by the time she bad atttlned

the age of sixteen she was the pet and tbe pride of

tbe entire line—a slender, dark haired slip of a girl,

foil of mirth and mlsoblef, bnt nnderlylng, a veinof sound common sense, and that Inherent passion

for railroads and locomoUyes that nerer left ber—a fanoy, Inherited, perhaps, from ber father. Atthe age wben moat girls are reading Frenoh novels

and chewing gam, ber chief treasnte was a battered

and dog eared copy of "Forney's Oateohlsm of tbe

LooomotlTe," and all her spare time was spent

abont tbe ronnd houe or depot. Bbe knew byheart erery rod and place of metal on an engine, andby qnlet obserrauon and ]odlcloas qnesUonlni,

ber tnnd of msobantcal knowledge lacreased dayby day.

One day, bowerer, a marked change came over

Bess' lite. A new engineer came on the line froman Baslfm railway, one endof hla"dlTlslon" being

at JnncUon Olty, where Mrs. O'Reilly's lonch roomwsa slloated. As fate wonid baTo It, Bess wasstanding open the platform In front of the restanr.

ant engtged In tbesomewbat prosaic occnpatlon of

peeling potatoes for btr guardian, as Ulok MssonpisKd ibroogh the yard, dinner pall In hand, on bla

way to work. A line, manly flgnre had Diok; evenas bis srdaDt glance In passing caused ber to blosb

and turn away her bead she noticed that his face,

thongb bronzed by eiposnrt, wu aa handsome as

a Qreek god, and that his bands, Bibelt grimy from

work, were small and shapely. For bla part, bis

heart beat a trtde quicker aa he obaerred what a

pretty picture she made, framed In the dark door-

way, wlih the setting sun throwing a halo of light

atnut her brown curls—and that Image remainedIn bla heart for months and years theieafier.

We will paM onr the hllsaful days that Inierren-

ed between Dick's Iniroduotlon to Bess by Jolly

Hn. O'Reilly and tbe eTenIng In early Fall when behesitatingly told his love and was rewarded with asoftly whispered "Tes." Needless lo lay he con-

sidered himself the happiest of moiials-

One erenlng la late September, Bees was perchedon tbe softly oosblooed looker In ibe cab of soeoglae la the "ronnd house," abaorbed In a noreUThe big shed was deserted, safe tor tbe two"wipers" at the opposite end, wbo looked wlerdand uncanny as they mored about, tbelr dickeringlonliea oasiing strange lights and shadows omthem sodtbeshlnlngaldeaotthegTesttDglneatheywere cleaning. Suddenly shs heard Tolces lo ths

dsrkness near by, which she raoosnlied as tbcssottwo men who had recently been discharged fromtbsroad.

"Look hsre. IfIke," one wis saying, "nis htn' Job's dead easy. Tie engine goes down tbe bankand tto express cats next lo IL We smssh opentbe nhroagh sate' doria' Uie exelteosat ftnofUedthe wreek dOB'l do n r«r OS), grah all tbe swaa> we

kin git, aa' skip the country. Then we kin haveenough tcr live easy on the test oC oar lifts, aa'

yer kin sqnsre that grndge o' youm agin the en-

Rlaeer, Kick Mason.""Yes, curse him I" growled the other. "lie got

me 'dred' the other day, joat bsoanae I happened

to break a aral an' awipe some staff out o' a boxcar. I'm glad o> a ohance ur kill blm i" and tbe

speaker ground his Uetb ssTagely.

"Well, I've gal tbe scbens to do tbe Job," replied

the ntber. "That Irish 1001100 foremaa forgot to

lock np his hand oar tonight, an' Its right out there

on tbe aiding. We kin ateil ihe car aa' run downto Floodwood out In aboat a half an hour's time, as

ivs down grade all the way. We'll take a couple 0'

and the dIscoTery ot her Idiot pmre* st this criti-

cal moment psrtook ot the nature of a godsend. ATlgonus shake awakened him at once, and he wassoon heating coal Into tbe roaring furnace, while

biaTS llt'le Ben, ataung herself on Ihe cnsblon,

"booked up" ihertTenelerer a few notohes, andtbsn commenced the wild ride to Floodwood Out,

twenty miles away. A olIokety olaRh and a bang, andthey were oTer the sirltohes, tbelr myriad llghuntshlnghyllkeaseneaofiliootlngetais. Aatheyaped on, Bcoe rtllected that by tbIa time Ibe ntacre-

ante bad cnt the wlrei and rendered them useless.

The only course, therefore, was to pass tbe danger-

oos point before the dsstardly work had been ac-

oorapllahed, and Hag the express lo tlnie-

Ing, and the slight, girlish form leasing from the

window.• • • • • • •

Bess hsd her eyrs Bxed on Ihe halo ot light from

the headlight as "4t" swung aronnd Ibe cirre el

the ipper entrance totheeut,andlnamomtot hsd

descried the two Tlllalns, high uprntheeleep hank,

tolling with deiperate energy to bnri a huge rock

down upon Ibe traok. They looked np, aaw Ihe en-

gine ooming, and with a about of mingled rage and

dclance, redoubled tbelr amrts. Already Uie big

reck was beginning to mote—another moment It

wss bounding down Ihe sleep deollylly, ainhl <s

tte at erery leap. With a meolal prayer to Qod tor

(sfety, Beae pulled tbe Ihrouie open to lis tulles

crowbars along 10 pry a rock out o' Ibe bank with,

and when tbe train strlkea It ibe company 'II Iblbk

It's caused by a land slide or sometblo', ao' oobody

'U suspect us nil we'Te bad time to git away. Wecan't make 00 mistake, 'cause the exprese Is tbe

arst train dne either way after twenty-three gets


"Well, harry up," was Ibe response, u the two

plotters left tbe round bouse, and In a moments heard tbe soond of rapidly tolling wheels, as

lbs hand car dew by 00 ibe war to Floodwood Out,

the most dangerous point 00 the entire line.

She had listened with wildly beating heart to tbe

details of the dendlsh plot, and entr word seemedgraren lo her brain In letters ot llrtng are. Sud-

denly she sprang to ber feet—• soheme had oo-

onired to her, which. If put In pmctloe, might sareher lorer's life.

Directly acroa Ibe round house stood "No. it," abig, new passenger engine, with siesm sll op.

Tima wss precious—10 think wu to a*l—and a plsoof rescue psassd swiftly through her mind ss sheran toward the "switch box" near by, Ths old

wstohman, fatigued by his duiles, was nodding lo

his chslr. Quickly aeliing a switch key from the

rail, she unlocked and ibivw the "bouse ewllcb,"

replaced the key, and sped bank to the engine.

Mo one saw tbe slender form swing Itself lightly

Into tbe cab ot the "4<." Tbe "wlpeI^" engmaedby their work at the oppoalls end ot the ronndbooae, natoialiy Ibooght that the engine had beeosent tor, sad that a man, lnstea4 of a girl.'waa at


A pnff-a snort—a dood of steam, and lbs big

engls* moTcd slowly dowa Ihe siding, sod at that

noaeni ao nntoreseen obstacle preeented Itstir,

Although abis to "handle'' ths locomoUTS, ahewastotally Inadequate to both "lis" and tu IL

Aa lock would have it, howarer, ah* deaoledthrough th* gaiherUg gloom the aleeplag torn of

'WUyJIffl" upon Ibe opposite laeat box." ilmwa*s half Ttltiwl jnnm rhnmllwsiiiiossliinalljnigslsil

win dalntlea fren k«r gaardlaa's laaob eetntsr.

On, on, fsster and faster, dew the mighty engine,

obedient to eTcty touch of the slender girl who con-

trolled IL Up, np, higher and higher, noved the

little Indicating needle of tbe ateam gange as Jimpiled on the coal. Desssatllkaasutueonthehox,unmindful of tbe Jar and pounding of the hugbKMomoilTe—her left hand resting upon Ihe polished

tbrollle lerer, ber right firmly grasping the whistle

cord, end her eyes narer morlog from tbe liack

ahead. Old "<S" aeemed 10 realise Ihe prise at

atake, as she leape<l forward like a nee hone at

toll speed, and scatteied a trail of sparks far andwide In ber wake. II wss wss a race of lore against

bate—of life agalnal death. Which woold win t

"Are we making up tims. Mason t" Inquired Ihe

giey bearded supennlendent, as he stood In th* cabbehind Dick, peering out Into Ihe darkness. Thebig "Baldwin" was slowly laboring np the gradewith ber string ot heaniy loaded coaches. Dickglanced tor a moment from tbe eteam gauge to his


"I think we are, Mr. Johnson," he reptltd.

"We're dtteen minute* behind uoe, bnt I guessthe 7U will make It np ibis side nt Floodwood. Amile roon cosi, Ben," this lo the old flrsmsn whostood leaning on bis shovel, bis brow bespangledwith drops of persplnllon.Open went tbe "tre door," In went tbe coal, sod

tbe big slack shotap snntber pyroieehnlcalanayotsparks Into the aommer algbL Above, the moosshone tianqullly down upon Uie expreai, with Its

preelens oad, slowly laborlBg op the lucllns, and afew short miles away, lis nys Ul np a brace of des-

perado*, orowbsn In bsod, climbing the ten* of apreolpic* which overhung tb« track, Ibeir headcar, left to Itself, rolling down Ibe grade withnpldly lacrcaslnr nomsotooi, toward th* ap-proaching tralo.

And, Jost around Ihe be*d above tbe "ent," aBighlylooODoUvewaatbnadeiigg orsr Ik* rsUs,lu great hsadUgbi darlog, lis aastfv« drivtis r»-

voMng at llghBlsg speed, Ita bell «h*glat wsii-

exieol. For a second ahe dimly eaw Ihe honMcrJust above Ibe anglne-the next, and they hadpassed Ihe dsngeronapoint, the rock In listsll cnt-tlng swsy the resr n| ihs tender like a place ntpaper-aad they were spee<ilng like lightning downthe ringing nils, followed by a bowlof baffled ragefrom the vlllalna, With a piacllaed hand aba "ahntOff" the aieam u she saw tbe headlight of herlovar'a engine ihmngh the trees a mile away.ThanPoor "Jim" lold Ihe rest of ihe alnry afterward,

between aoba. Ilnw be was bsck on lb* "iiuik"breaking op coal, whrn bo tell lbs "air" go ontoll and tbe reveres lever come back, while Ihewheels ground isnd. He apnng mm the "gang-way" bnt waa met by Reaa, lie beard her rail.

"Jump, Jimmy I quick, for your life I" He felt

ber band on bla ahould«r ss hs left Ihs "d'ck;"then all wsa a blank till he found Mmself cnwiing,with a broken am, from under the wreck of old

"4e." which had crashed Into Ihe abandoned bandcar, and was lying In ths ditch, a shspelatR mass ofImo sod ats'l. In a moment he aaw the expreaeround tba bend-he heard the abort, qnlck whliUetor bntes-and Hsaoo's engine slowed np andstopped, with lia "pllni" Jnal Iftnching the wreck,Dick awung down ofr hia engine, end hurried for-

ward, followed br Ibe snpetlntendenL A great cryot horror and fn*r escaped hin as bs bsntover Ihecrushed torn ot Ihe girl he loved, sod pillowed herhead 00 hIa knee. A dnoior stepped tnrwsrd fromsmoBg the crowd of pesaesgen, sod after a brist

sxamlDstlon, aadly shook his head and turnedaway. Be could not brar lo wllnes* Ibe griet ofthe big, strong engineer ss hs watehsd Ibe lite otth« cos h* lOTsd slowly ebMog away. Than wasnot a dry sys li tbe crowd.Slowly ebe opened her great, dark eyesand gated

toodly op Into ihe fs«s of her eogloeer lover, benteoolcasto ber own. She knew she hsdoni longloliv*. bntshehad aaved the life ot tb«naaahelorsd aad sh* wss ailsM."l-goe l>sf*-oB-tl«*-PI«k." T»Hi wnrd*

came alowly, and with a Isst effort ahe threw both

arms about bla neck. Old Ben waa sobbing now,his face bulled In his bsnda. Again rams theeweei

voloe—a irine lower this ilmo, bnt as bnveu aver:

"Dick—I'm — going- faat—gord-hx»-tt'*- get-



And wllh her lover's kim on her Ilpa, sod his

airong arms about ber, bravo Utile Reaa' soul went

"over the divide" to npori to the Orrst Boperln-

tendentot sll.

On a New York nllrosil, whose tonr Iron llnre

ronoecl the lakes wllh the melropolis, la so sn-

glneer, who, his aaaorUlca say, baa nerer been

known to emIle or laugh, and thongb not over

iblrty, bla hair hsa many grey sircaka.

And, far away on a Woatern monulalo aide,

where the "inlllog arbnina" grows in Ihe Spring

lime, atanda a Utile while headatone, with Ihe elm.

pie inacrlpUon:

"Elliabeih Hoieland, sged sliiecn years."

And below:

"Qreatcr love hath no man than Ibis, that ha lay

down his lire for bis friend."



r MUNROR II. Rn^lKNril.D.

Ruoi.TitK—To neo lbs tenpiing howl,

And sll lianpnnonajoyi

RxsoLvsn—TO give my heart and soul

To woik without alloy;

. Rtaoi.viD—To qnll Ihe nlil, Iwd ael,

Whoao waya were nUier tSai.

Iliimh 1 1 feol a new man now I

No mora In habits rain I bow I

RlSOl.Titv-To put by tor Uio dayThat'* rainy called, and still

nnoLTBO-Hy honest debts to pay

Wllh iirompinou and good will;

IIISOI.VSD—To wod the girl I love-Wn'vo liccii engageil ao long;

Rssoi.van—Whilo aun aro bright aboveTo mako my life n aong.

Hurrah I Iho Now Year now ahall lie

A grand, a hetior joar to me t

Hnioi.vin—To play no gamliling game.The hones, ton, eschew;

niBoi.vsIi—To win a glorious fameWith honora, grand and new.


TDBSB wssas i.tTsa.


Are mads but lo decay;

Rmoi.vtn—Thst those above uf minelava reslly had lhalrday 1

They're only Jaat wbat each New TearAre made l>y every follow here I

VICTOR HERBERTWas born In Dubllni Irelsnd, In law, and Is alineal descendant ot Samuel Lorer, the tamonsIrlah novellat Wben only leven yoara ot sgs hswas Rent lo Oermany lo begin hli musical cdoo*.lion, and he hu ainc* Ihal ilniecontlnuoualyandsssldnoosly devoted bis lite ui Ihe scqnlnm«nt ot

a thorough knowledge ot all imnohos of bla chossnan. Ills dm pnaltlon of prominence was thst ot

solo 'cellist In Ihe oonrt orchestn si Hliiligon, aidhs played In many Important concaria liefore ao-

cepling, In im, an engaienenl aa solo'cslllst In

Ibe Metiopollian iircbeetra In Ihls city. HInre that

lime he hu been promlnenlly oonntcled wllh Ibe

lieat orobeslral organlcatlnna In New York, and usolHat sod Rondocior he hu become fsvonblyknown In many ot the principal cities Ibronghonlthe conntry. lie wu conneciod wllh TheodoraThomaa' oroheatra, and muro recenilywIUi that ofAnton Beldl, In which be was soloist and secondlesder. He Is si present leader ot lbs fSmnns OU-more'a Rsnd. Mr. Herbert hw slao won dlatlnoUooas a composer, having written oonoerloa for Ihe'cello, aome charming numhcra for orcheatnl In-

stmments, both solo and conoerted, and many de-

Itghifnl songs. Among his most smhillous work is

so oratorio, "Tbs Oapilve," which ha* won markedapprobation. Ilia Isieai work, Ibe comis open,Frlnce Ananlu,"Dow being prewsted by lbs Bos-

lonlsna, st the Ilroadway Thtaira, Uils oily, hashronghi bini miiob additional tame, and proved that

he hu mui-ta ability tor sncceaafol work lo this

fleld. He hw cootrlbnied lo this work a mostmelodlnua scorn, every number of wlilrh la lo liaelt

charming, alihongb In comblnsilon It hu beenJnativ aald lhay lack the variety neceHsry tor aperfect nperallo score. Mr. Herbert, however,abonldin sll prohabllliy ool tie charged wl'h short

comings In Ibia respect, lu view of Ihe psoullar ns-

inra of bla task, Thia open waa wrlileu lo ordertor a mmpauy that hu diapenaed wlih a lenor,

praollrallr Ignored Iho very rfasonable demandfora prima donna sopnno, and whirb hu walgnadIhs principal aolo numbers 10 the banione, Ibe

contniio and the oimedlan, wllh a tllgbl coo-

ceaalon In favor of tlio basao. OonaequenUy, Mr.Herliert'a seeming lack ot knowledge or dramsUcrtqnlremenia mar have reBUllcd from the awk*wardsessot Ihs leak Imposed nponblm.aod that

he haa ancraedad ao wall, wblla thus trammeled,affbrria mnrh promise ot anpsrlor work In this

Held ahnuld he cootloue lo labor therein. Ills mo.alo Inall ot hIa worka la eharacierlKed by eiqalall*

dslnllneu, end while It la ritromely melodious. It

la slwaya written wlihmnilcUnlyahlll. Asa'cello

virtuoso Mr. Ileriiert nnka aninng the very beat to

ihia country.

A SRCoiin niNn ainr.-A well known aciresa la

fond of telling a good itory; and for her lateal ahe

elalma absolute originality. One ot berlndesmen,II appears. Iiu Juat received an addllinn In bla off-

spring, nia eon, aamall iioy, wu taken to aee Ihe

new arrival, whom he eyed very crlilcally. "Why,he's got no hair, father," wu hIa drat nmsrk. Tbefact wu Hdmllted. "And he's got no teetb,(Ubsr,"

was tbe neat comment. The cironmslanoe coold

not lie denied. "I tell yoii whet, father," iru lb*

Onal obaervstion, "you've lieen Iskeoln. En's anold one."

MiRson.-TM; we're going to bring onl aMwtsrce oomedy next seaKin. IVIend.—What li lb*

Ideat "We baveo'l gotu far u that yeUhol etnleading man bu hit on a dandy f^enp,"

698 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January 5.


MobAsj Hlibt** OpMlaffa la all tlwBIc Show Tovu«


Contlnufld Attractlont Draw Paying HouMt-T,W. Keene'i Itlnoia.

(Rp«Ul Dlfptt«b to lb* Niw York Ollppor.l

Rll rnUOlHO, Ju. 1 -At Iho BildirlD Tliutro

*'AltMlaJr.i'rMi&laitk« ftOrulloD bore. TboTftTuriBglUhOponOo. vlU boRln ft twovooks'oogMoniootb«T»Ju.r. ThorwItUioRtliorolluwiDiTreportorT: Flntvr«h-MoD^,**lU){oltlU):"Taoadftr> "TroTfttoro;** Wod*

Boalty maUDo*. ' BobonUo Olrl;" WodDudkr oronlnff,

**TnTlftUi" Tbaradir, 'Otrfnto;" FiMfty, "fonit;"

AitanlAriDaUaoo, "Mirtfaft;" fiAtorOar otodidk, "run.taowr.** BoooDd wook—HoMlftf, "WIIIUniToir,'* Tuoi-dtr. "TnTUU;" W«iloe«l«7 mulnoo^ "Uiruion:"V*<lBoiil«rtT6DlDir. "C*TalloriftHultc*a«' utl * fAfil•at:'* TknndftT. 'TtaM:" KrhUr> "Mwtlift;'* HttardtrBWifut, *Tfoi ft'or*;" Btiunlkr •TOfltPg, "LobooRrla."UAuroimu TdUTU.—'The fftupoiV' routloR btro

thiomk. Bu*iD«Mlanwf«iiwuTOTrlu'ie.AiocinLL'sTHUTHL—"Tbo WoItoi oI Now York"

hta ftl(nct«d ft Urge ttitaduct ftad *till romklo for UioprtMftt weok.TivoLi—"LftlU Bootih"r«m»lai Iho Ulrftoiioo bore.Buift RTftbtT TaRATm.—"Uio Vollow Ouritia" wu

prodneed taat nigbtAUUUH TII4TIUI—llftTOrlj'l MiDllriU bftTO dooo ft

([ood bolidfty'ft bailnMi.aevi 9IUIT TiR*Tii.—"3£oDU Orljto" wu pot oo

UitolRht.ORruHM — Htrauiriio aod Lltzle Bnti, (Jeorflu

Dftdlfo. Bunift uw ftni^ ftod lb* Rnfliaj*.

WONDiibARD—Hon- T. Hubor. armlo** wondor; Mils.

XlMiro, Borr Ouoftnd olftdiea' wood uvlof oooMtftrotbe IftlMtftttnoUoflLNOTn.-auur Wftlur hu »*<mrod eoolrol of <bo

OrftDdOpOn HoOMftt LolAOIllOIL ftOd «tUODdUTOrSfto«ar«oUi»rhouiw •Htol ibe Mli>lBilppl HIver for

inudoTlUo ftiUMilooi OftlctJo ftod aIic« B»t-noDd bftTO lilt lor iho Bouthoro oircutt P. W. Koodoli T«r7 lU fttBftorftiniDto, liftl.


to iOft*'A EMtacky Olrl," "Tbo Flntfto oj

muwiftx ftOd TftOdOTlUft WOrft_ dfOB 10 MOMUlI

MTTieeolpU ftt Uu BIjoo BoiIdr ud vftttdftillu

uiSffi EffrMwrioBooftttb. wooplomMa'tvMla tb« Niotb ftod Ar«b ftn^om...-*.


TboroftreflTOboldoror* In town ' UboI* Tom'i OrtlQ"

ftt tbft Aodtar or Moilo, *^e Dorl)*o OoPity" at tbe

Iro^ ••Sowlflfi the Wlod'* at tbe Oboitoat Rtreot Op«rft

loaM, 'Htaplftrft PftQl" ftt tbt Oraod Oporft Room, aad

*^bar(ey*i Aoat** at tlio CheitonL Tbe latior Mlebraud luaeveatr-Ollb perfonnaoco aa aoovaalr alfht

~aaloeu at tboM booMi wai eeaorallf good.

HiLWAViBi, Un. I^orioae aad tbe RlabaU Optraiomlqae Oo. ooamoaeed a waek fti tho BiJod floodar, la

Haadriek Uodooa." aood Mud attdlea(« w'laeuloatbu olOTarljprajaeed borlaiqoe Tpo DaTldaoa badjAMpb Horphr. la bla lima booor«d IrM comediaa.

' rbeAflDdar aiteodaoM Wft« •alromair topMftrr, »bilo

locdar aighl vaa fta InproTomaat Yb» Hajr How-ard BailtMno Companr cimmtaeed ft ilx daya oagigf-ntatatibe rooplo'a. Moodar. to iba beat opealafneaiof tbe weak, aad prorad lo te war ajj*" ol a I

aimiltf orcaalulloai aoeo boro Oar Uncle Doa-Ur." an affloilag farce ennedr, ilid aot meat witb t«it

Md renlt« at tbe AndaiDy Ruadar. batlaat night waj«tt«r TbeHld WiDUrOireaibafftn iia Baal waekto ft me«Kfa aUandanoe Tba RUdt Compinr B»M"Daa Volh Wla aad Welaa uad L«ebt." br Kallab.Hua;

daroigbL tea good bnnae, aad )a«t olibttbe Harrafd" -Olobappeartdioftlftrnhoo** 0. W.WlIIiama'

dlasa bald o'erRoadar ftt tbe Faopla'aaed drewbettar tbao f.n thair opaalag M. B. ^lutIii a

Hptder aad Fly" Co.. wnteb waa u tbe Aeadanj

"WBBtward, Ho I'* and "A House of Cardi'

RecBlvo Their Premiers—The Old Year

Clotea with Big Buslneis Everywhere.

> tbe New York OUppar.]

UDiOAOO, JftD-K—The Buodftjr ftodlaneea ware geoarftlljr ap to the laiter day auodard, ibo grealor oumbar ol

aadlaocai balag ol ntlier eomroooptftCA proportloa.

Bitrft laaUoaaa today aad the liuilnaaa loofght foria tha

baaliOlmftaaKarlalbopaafora largely profitable waak.

*The OooBtTY Olrooa,*' at tb« llftymarket, bad alighily

tba beat of it oo Saaday, opaalog bfrore a crowdedhouka Predarkk Wanle end I>ouU Jftinoa pre>aoted'TbaLioa'a Hoath" at the Hehlllar. baioiea lair aiudtoraont, aad von a aliaal triuirtpli. Tho compaay )TOIT effMUTo ftod tba BeaaoTT atapla ftnO w»li aiaeaiad.

'*A Yemparaaee Tp«b/* at iha Uraad. beaao Ita

•eeoad week witb a aood luroout In attaadanco...llemaAaa laaoguraied bla lecond and Oaal wtek at ilia

4}blcago, beioro a tairtlied auOlonce "ttbaaaodoata"waa largalj paironlied alian ascmd of liaUolumblieagagameai bagaa HuatDe>ii wao briik at the Itiyft


VaRlTabOlmia, where the uiiu«l allracllTa oirarloR waifireaaatad Down at Ifavsriya ' Old Ulurj'' waa do-arlad.batoal/ lalrturatiutawara nu bead to appliitd

Ita natnotlo llooa aad iiuatlona OioTolaad'a Mla-strala toat ooly lair reaard a> itae AeaUtmy on ihe occa-aloa of tbelrantWaat8ideapp«arftoee Hlaco'aQityOlubgara a liTaly buflai<|UB and an eicalUnt olio forthe DeoeBt ol the lair tumouta at Kam T. Jack*B UparaUooae Twogood aliad audlaacaa *D|oy«l John Urllfltb'a eiaellant iinparaoaaiion ni Mephmto to "Kauir,"and appUatad thp clararwork ol hu aupportlng compaay At Frank lliira Casiao tha ftitaadaneo wmgood all dar. Ualiy Mayor anil hor four iiio^aoioalMmftdatbobltoraorKoeilent oiftriDg ol thn cunilouonaHort At Ram T. Jafk'a Ktii|)tr« a Rnod luraootvel-eoiaad Hob Kiiuimmoaa ami hta «auii>aBy lu inaweat divlilon "The Hlltor KIdr" waa fairly

well patroaliad at iho UUra R(iu«t. ami at ilia

Albiobra "Tbe Urtat Hrixihlye Handicap" waaloeallv InlroOooed. with lair buitnaM rrooidoilBtnigbt Tarieiyat tba fatk, oiympio aad Bogal>Pa-illion BDot Ulrpatrooaia 'Uo iha Miaaiiaiiipi" be-nAlullitbattlooo«ludiORwa«h at UoViak«r'a belorothe ouaiomary top heavy atienilanco B II. Hoiliararevlfod "Tbe llighait Riddar" laai nigbt at lloa'ay'a before an aadieneo that dUetl tlm liuuae oomp'eteiy

S.W. WllllftDia' UoniadlftBR oiiaaid tba w*M iht

aletj, wlib poor t>u*loe>a raoonled Vrid Wald-luaan'a Rpvolalty Cooipany nilwed tba natiaae at tbaLyeaan Toiierday. bntarriTed In time to givn tha nightibov, t^ fair bu»lo^u J. 0. Fb on ftod Haml Walker,ttie »kiiob team, hava eaded ihatr Dgaseui^Bi withMay Huwftid'a Barlaiiiaa Oo Maaater Moil Kioraocadeparted for Blkhtrt, lad . ye«ianlay, to oive ilia

Ant prodoeiloa on any atata ol lUwIn Rarbour'alam ootnedy. ' Ona of the Boya " Tha pieaeatlogl eompany Iteludea Hotllla fUlwarda. AdaWftyne. BiBe Feniehl, Alda i«ftrdloar, John B.Oooper t'barlai frlea Edwio OardBar aad itharlo*Penflhl,wlthB B Hume aad (:h«riw Norread la adTftnoe Walker Whliaaldo aad hu eoniraoy pawdtbrooph tba oity >eatardav, m roufd Inr aome niihttftbdi In Indlaaa Buainwa Maaagar CharlaaKarabaw, oi Han T Jack'aOp»ift lloaie, rtoaiTod » hand-•omt InlUftI void rlog from tha atuohoa. u a Ubriaima*gilt NellUKollannf gare-'ANiahi at the Clraoa'at tba UaluuatTbaatra,8oBili rhicaaa Hunday niaht, torapof tad good builDHai Jnhn and (Hlu ItiDgllai, oftba Riagllag ilroa.* Olreua. were lO luwo tMtardav, fromWlatar qnarteri at Uiraboo. Wra rharlay Iiaolalila hara, uead ol "Tho Kid." baTiog roMBiir ra*tgoad allfeepovlUoo wKh "rbet^aatUuftnl," UUraporteiheretbal Mftniger Oliia Heaan. ol St Lnula,Ho,tndObarleaMoGftTtbr, or"0noorlha HraTott" lama, wtl) lorn

luaea In a road laalore, to be^lB in ationi a lort-

alaht. .Jamea 8wa*ney and Maude Walioid haraJoined bftada tudoaakaiob epaning tfala weik at KraakJlall'a OaalBO (loatekt U pui»il>l« thta weak ba<twean Willlfttn Do Hon, of tha Royal KoBllah Olrean;WlUlam HhoHlaa, ol "Tha Ceualry t.'lrcua.'^ acd UbarleaFl»h, oiOhoi whomolalnii tho title el rhauipion baro-banbnder^ Aatroaiailorlwill be mail* to bnaathaelftlmaaia togaiher Mtko U'Niall haa ligaed lor

nait ""*

throui Knbart^ _ _. (Ilil" DAit weak for

theBmtlina bare at the Uaruarketi preeadlBg "ThaKonli

will) niaallag llroi.* _

Ullllard wlllpraaent •The LiulMt.dlir'

Boanif, Jan. K—The ttaal day and ereaiag of the old

tear wire deeldediy doll aod aluomy. hut there weieright laoea la abumiaaoe at our auiuMuaat bouata,

aBiTthaftUraeUnnaoirared lor theopaalngwaekof thasaw yaarftreol mora than uaual oiant Julia Marluwt*Tftbar begftft ftBDoal enitagemint at tha llollli

BoeotTheatr«and,aii baabeen herciiitom Intbepwt,aopaa>T«d hare la a ohanuter new to her. liwft«La>lyIwila, la 'Tliadohool lar tloudal." aoi her lBurpte!i<tioa ol tba cbarioiar waa marked by m ilnlib, daait

ftndaplrlt tbat OToked lie nio*t cnihuflaaito plaudiiaIron aa aadliDoe Uiat fliied iliehniiie. The aupi^trt-

ins oompaay la a oiore than nrdinarlly rauahieaoe and tbe oooiedy waa lupatbiy ntuaotei'.

War* A Wooll'a new ooitib upara, "WviiwarO, Uu!Ita dtat prtunladoa ou any itt*Re at Hit Doaton llu*aiimlaatanalBg, and U tuaat haia Imo aaoureeoi luurhaUafaeiioatoihaautbora aiul Hie ntauagouvotof thabouM to a»« the UB«>iutYucal ileliRht with wliloh ibUJfttaat ooDilo tnapleal wprh waa racetvod, aaii hraiiyap*pUaaa awarded ilta raaay brililiai Kfnu* ui ntaloO)-. rootand tuaafUlftlra with wltltih ll alHiun<l«. Thn oaot: rilr

Lionel HftTeniwtHhI. J. II Hylfy; Hoginahi, i lluton

Slder; llatrTrlggar Hat llairy DaTtiiiKiri; Citlorado

Kan, Oeorge w: Marloe; liatliD«)>«r, Thtmiaa Itiby;

6lftlB Binltn, B Alliu: Violtu Kanny Jnliualon:

aade. Aaaia Lawln: rroueutln« Atlontay, AiioeV, Rulberland; Btbel, RnmiUBd ItlHt; Kdtilt, MatyBiAb; AUoa, Agata K. Ual>; iMatr. JeuaiaOarrigan: Oraoa. Annie Black At toe iTuiia

Hqaara Tbeatre tbe Luuim Uramltt Opara liuuiU

Oo. bagaa tha laat weak rl "Jaelata." wbich ha<

been ncelved hare with ui*dl4|iu!it«J anil bsi

draws lIlMrat pattvaaxa m Manager K(<ao*a ihraire

At tha Oraad Opera llKuioJaM H ftltekt* began a weakla "Tba tHda Hhuw." The houa* waa nllr^t. and Ihftt Hit

ftttdlaaee hilly apprecia'.atl tha immor, tetllng i<oiitii

aad loanyaitualioniwaaevtiiaDt iiy Hib mubuuii lanah'

tar and apidauia duriea Hie iiarioniitnce Thalattwaak ot *ihe Aouaooa'* ot>ru«d to a iiae Imiuo at

the Ootambla Theati*. aau buaioe** wm abonrni^ily

good, nltb"A Bla«k Hbe«p,"at the FMk; LHIiau llai<

aall, (n 'The Ormnd Duehaits at ihe TraiiiiMit Theatre;"Uamaaiiy," at the Bawdoln H<|u*Te,aoaJaa A. iiatoa

at tbe Beaton Theatre, whara be U b <okiki for a ma in

**8hore Aerea" Keltb'Aoaw ihiiatt* haoa pleilioia

of patroLftia. and tbe oihar ivpitUr prUo pUcta uradwaOT At Ina I'ark Theatre achatt«« haa Itaan niada la

tba oa*tol '*A niatk Rbaen "Kuinnfr risTh wintatllatad tor Matt Hteiaua in llio ridaor IhJehlnn, andPaalft Bdwftidaai Mora Marka, tIco Auntr Loulao Tlrrrll.

Puiuitak^HU. Jan. I.—Tha HiMirlcal avaiit of laat

Btgbl wea tha flr*t Aniarican itkIuoIIpq • r sydn«yuraody'e "A llnuaeol Oania," ii«iu«aB alapuiloni>iBiidda'a Haiaoo Neure," whio'i waa EiTrn in h CTi>t didtaoweattbe ValoutbyMr* Unoiry. ThefUy)>bA.«aspaa ft tilTia) and •omawbat llluaicai iijtr. anit ibo

partofAftBca waa by oouioao* conviocine. ititi. X.xnu-

try waialmngat lliii»a. bul lii*r woik wan nni nrltauf-

uUadT With tbe exeeplloKM of Kraek II Kimtun andOaaar Adfe, har aupi«rt waa imliiU't^nt, aini the )<ru

dKtloaabowadalaokul auillolfiu r-liitBiHalu ^aidnMV*kea produced "A RuuHit ilif* lUnh" |oat>ighvuieat tba Natlooal aod (corad an lukUniaurtu* lui

'•Tba Bnmaoy Rye" Orew tha iar»:rKi Itxuaii ni ti p ark-

eon at Forapanan'a The (Hrai*1 A^ vmie woa t>trkatt

to >ee '-Wild Oata," aad ihe nU\ <<.iiirtly w«« ilii>iouf;hly

enloyed The lioaton llj«.itii AUifhxuin ro.

BUM the Auditorium .. . i itrn.-ri'U' Hiuauoia hadbig houae a> tlio Klovaiilh aai Ui>aTft

Honav. -TltM liualai" daiilrO a lair ali«\1

booaa at th* Buipira Tbi« KriiiioBlou waa wall

OUed to aea 'The Hai:le Talumin'^ Tbe Fayreet«rRarlef<|uet;oai)>any aar* thiaa perlvnuancea attba Lyeeem ui hea>r hoilbeaa. and will repeat (ha(iparattoB lodaT fliate waa a Jam at ihe Farfe to tea"Uif ibe Rftitb.'* '^le White ibinadHtB" played tolair Vurloeaa at thi Peopla'a The BiftBdaid

waefe.wftaftitachcdaSby Cl'ne Marcallae. lor |i«U backMdary, aUegad to aedoeharopoo laataaaaoo'aeootnci.MaaagerLakTltLwIatalogto aabilhe lull,

refialred, aod bla rapraaoBlame waa analLa

00* util Moult; nonlof. Tb« wmpur OawiM •!

tirn o'clock Ibftt ftTWraooa for Applvtoo. Xollr ud Auib;rettraHa(Drd«r. aodUio ttonol DrolhenJolBod ThoiroidotUiid btd > I>lrl7 Hood Buod,;.

WilBlliaio.t, Ju. I.—Klcbmid MuilloM opiDod U> •UodlDr nwm bosM >t Albuih',, prauoUoi "Anniud lh« Mu ' Jiwb Liu'i ''In OU XoDUckT" bbdUk ODIbDlluUo iMoptlon ftt Bftp]07'i Nfttlooil ftt Iho

iftDd, sr a Ur(ft ulandUM, cipMlftllf In Ibo np»innini 01 Ibo boui* Jftinoi T. l"owort. Id "fboliiBor" •uxoU nMit>d ftt Rftolor'i Audomr.tlioilAT oftllDii ft dteldod bit <'bulo, T. Bllio, lb

-RuHr, Ut Yodlor." htd u oiuiloot oposloi ftt

BuU«r'lB|lf><i.wboio belli lUr ud pU; ft» IftTorlUi.

Bom OoTOTo, wiib hii prino cowrio of ApoclftUr

poopio, Illod KotbU'a Ltmub la odmpUUoa 0° bio

opooloi. ftOd Ibo nmo luppy olato of ftlToln li llleir

ti eoouiiai ihrougli tbo vooir, otod wllb two poilomuctMftdftr*

Kt. Looisllftn. I^R«lllT*Wood'«iniow wowoltonndbTlvolnUMDiot ftt lb* slAodftid Handftr npoiThoftlra WM pacbM ud JoMpbloo Xnno^o nw lowl-

IDE Udr> roeolrn] ft rouolnii wolcomo Id *Tb« Plaofer...'..."Tbo BftiHlll XlDii" dnw two >ood hooMi u lift'.

llD'aUOOOj. U. Wtlluk ftDd bli homo..... .W. 0. r.

Bioekonildio MolDiod ftt Ibo Ulroiplo u ftlliibtboooo.

1110 Dwbioobo campuT. Id 'Tibftico," cupbt •ood houM ftt Ibo Uiud Jobo Dr«w ud oompftDy

p>0HDUd "Ibo Bullornloo" 10 food booooft ftt Iho

illFDpIo lul Dlibt wm J. DllTr Jolnod Ibo oompftnr

horauidTUOoftilut BiulDooi woi nod dII niDOd

N« YOftfl Ero. "FuUinift" bid ft erowdod houo.

OiaolliKATi, JOD. I.—NfttnoodwiD cjromoliM;! bli mooDd woot ftllliollrftid MoDdtr, priiMi>llnit"lo kllBoura''

loftUno ItooH Bftionbtci'oTmlood ADlmftlo hidftii ftuplclou, oponloi ot Ibo Wftlut BuDdftr raftU.

floro ftt Ibo Tftjlotr boaior, rule Hub! Ilm^o doyi.

'-no Oorbr WiDOor" plowtd ft bin oToolDRboDMftt Houeb'o lloptlDo' TniKCOulei ftllrftOod oodl-

ODOOf ol nodlj pioportloo, to UftvllD'o......OrftoloBm.

molt lu-'ibo FdUo or Now Tort," did wolt ftt RoblD.

UDi Tbft iDtomiUooftI VftudltillH, ftt Iho Foun<ftin. ud H. W. Wllllanih'Owa iTooipur.otlho Pooplo'r,

h$A DO lOftiOD to eoBl Utn oTOr Iboir abfttto of Ibo pft'

tnoftit, both Ibiftuoft ooliii pftckod.

louiarii.u, Ju. l.-7olll Horilo. ftt Ibo Tomplo,oiodbI lo ft rtlrudlooca -TboBUct I root,''


MftiftDlo;'! opoDOd to ft Bood boaoo......lloTtoBoooh 01 Bo70" Ulnolod ft Bood aliod ftodlODco ftt tb*

liriftd opeim Uoooft Tho Aroouo wto or Hio tophMTjonlir. wboToH.S Vend wftf tbo fttlrulion.

Tbo BDOkinibui wu woll Bllod to ioo Ibo Holeon.Tbo Oem oponod lo o rftlr hoooo.

BAiraiii Our, Ju. I.—BUftrc RobioD opoDod ftt IboCiKloa lut oljlbL pnioDllDB "Lnp Yur" lo ft nooi

hoa-o All Um UuDdtj ftUrftoliuaa tipoaod lo «ocdmtUaoOJi ftod bl( boom tt gllhl. Tliorwon: "Laa,!

or Ibo HldDlBht Boo." ftt Uio OioDd: "Ttio ProdlaftI

Pftlbor " at Iho NiDlli BIrool, ard "Tho Rblp ol But*," >t

lh,illllli.....Tbt YtloOlooillob paabod tho ADdllorlamlail DiBbt wllb a uolotr aadionoo.

All ROUtM Mult Riaeh Ut

Than Monday.


Not Lat«r

A tonliODi'i, Ulll»-8oolh rnmiDibtn. Maift, Ju. I,

A' Miironl rt. Wallbaoi "loucailar lo-ll

Atkloaoo'ft, UftoOo-BiDoiwIcb, aa, Doo. 31-Ju.B, For.

•ylbaW. BarBooTllloll.''ariollloDll.'Aen>ialborotoBfto"-Da« "olftoa, la-.'"- >•

boooa4, lladiMDt.llllwuko«,Wi>.,*.t."AUMma '-HoaUTllla, Ala. Ju. I, ColoDiblft. Joan.,

S MatfloHborol, llMpbIa 7-1^ UiUo Bock. Ark., II.

A?add Id Jr."- Bid Praaolieo, OoL. Dae. n-Ju. i.

EtaMn Oaatdj-Vt* WolDoa, la^nuJWu"BDitltt"-BrooU»». ». T., Bao. Il-Jaa. >, Bailan

Ju'lSMltT"-BoitOO,IllM..I>»«.>l-»tB tt

"BooaaJ Ho«"-Ke« HaraD, Ct, Jan. ^*, BoMon,

HaM. 7*11

jlUDoii Ooaadr aad Ooaooit-LowoU, Midi, Doe. U-

"IriSfArUH"-*. T. Cltj Doe, M-Jan. I, Umr OliT. M.

"iBUUXenuekT." No. 1-nuUotd, Ot„ Jaa. t. a, Ljiu,

•iSofe laiflwkr," Ho. J-TaiblDilon, B. 0., Daa. «1-

Ju.», nt"iODr»,Po., 7-11, V w ... •

'Id Dkl Kaolaekr." No. »-«ti<«f?' "V ftS^li- v'IfJ Loal"-Baataa, Bin., Dee. Jl-Ju. ^ Broekija, ».

Iri;b"lDlplratloB;'-K. Y. our, goo S;Ju. L"Id Iba Foot Billi '-Elliabou, N. J;, Ju. 4

, Clip 7,rraok 11,

"AmftcoBJ' —Beaton. Man . Oee. Bl-Ju. i.

•A Ciarr tof-DeUolt. MIeb . Doe. 3»;Jftp. 1. BnBoot BftBlna* >, FUal9, Jaetioa 10, Baula Or

'Ao°Dt BrSl!o"'-WlUiaiD«bBr«, N. T.. Dm. Sl-Ju. ».

'AuntBftllf"-<!odftrBftpl«o.ra.Ju.»Aroand tbe Wetld»-trlUluuborB, H. T., Dae. 81-

Jfta.0.'Alone lo ft Oraftt nlt7"-Voboku. N J., Ju. t.

Qtrao'l" If•T^IadiaaapoUa, Id<1., Dee. dWu. B, MIL

Botnaabii?'Bar!»-Bonuea], Cu., Deo, 11-Ju.I.To.

Bl'i»?lei''«,"FI'>ron«»-Moiitt«ftl, Cu, Dee. Bl-Jen. B.

UooDellBIuirft,Ia.B,7.Do«MolB»^ . ., , .Biraoa » HftrfId'o plftiora-Mdolla'Mo., Dee. >I-J>d. i.

BllT?»"n>.-J«"r Clly, N. J, Doe.SI.Ju.t.Blln-

B5;?a£*.?™(li'uin.. lU.. Jaa 7. Tamaroa H DaOeolD t. cuboodftio 10. AsDft II, Obtrlootoq, Mo., UDoilarK. ropUrBluiTIJ. „_..,, .

Booioa conodr-JftiMfiHo O. Dee. Sl-Ju. B.

Btforlf'L Dftlaof-Uictport, N. T., Ju. t, Biadrord,

Brannu-£'"o'bD''Kf.^ipbul. Pa, Ju. 1. FilUlon 3,

Tuobbuaoek 4, Wftferlr, « Y.,t.Owo||o7. Wftttlaa B.

B>noU-ft Wlmoa-N. Y. clty Djo SI, lodojalio.

BaMwiD Kolflllo-«barle»WD, H. 0^ Do; SUaa. B.

BaiboDrTbfftlTO-JorooTOIljr.OMDoe SI-Jfto.B.

Babb iviinedr-roiuineaili, N, B., Dee. Sl-Ju.B, Baib,

Bfttdw^e'loKor* CODiedf-.AiDerlcao, Oa, Dee. Sl-Ju. B,

Foraplb 7-B. OnlBD IB-IB, .

RlicK LTook.*' No. I—PfttotHD. N. J., JiD. 1Barroi or Monei"—Wboellot, W. Vft., Jfta. 7-11, Alleoaft,

'Buaeifiif Kf7ft"-Loolif Ilia, Kf , Ilar.lWan.B, EfUl.fiPle, lad . e, Uondorioa, «f.,7, Naibfllle,Tet-

BHeli8ho»p-Bo«OD,ll«M., D«e..;l, iDdoBolla

"Black Omob," No 3-tlbrefo.ioort.La . Ju.B. PlaaBlofr,

Ark.. 3. Hot Bprlaii t, I.litle Rook e, Hempbli, Todd.

7-B, Na>bfIllolO-lf"BrowDltft '-K.T Cllpnoe SLIodoflnllo.

"Braeir Tima"-Ba>haoll, IH., Ju. 9. Falrbarr 3, Ot-

tawa 4. La Rftllo 5. Uwl^bt 7, Fonllu B.OIIalon P.

BurdttowD II. Macomb 1». _ ... ... „' Bloa Joana"-BrooklyD, N. Y., Dee. 31-Jan. B, N. Y.

noihiu'a, Ro>a-DeifDlt Mlcb., Jan. t, BoKilo, N. T.

8< rMlodoIphla. Pft..7-li.. ^

Colllor'i. wmio-BalTftlo, M. Y., Jan. 1, DIlea >, Brook.

Cme^B.'wni II -BitwtlTD, N. Y., Dee. 8t-Ju. >, FblU.dolpbla. Pft., 7-11 .....

Olaifca ParblDaoD-Caatoo, O,. Doe. Bl-Jao. B.


Londop,—At the (Irand "Uoi FIM" vihjti a

retsni ongagcment, Uoo, 24 to t modenu Doubo,

L»la MorrlBOD, -Jt, bad a (air house. Tbe Uoliltn

OimedT Co. plar a roiura dale week or 31.

Lyobum TDBATBi —Under tbo new manaRementot BeawT It Ualoe Uli hoDie reopontd it. Kair

homes atti nded dorlog the week. Tbe rollowtng

pcopl* renialDed tte week: Jennie Uary, Johnand KelUe Uctlei, the UoOowclla, i'rior aod Qaieeand (intbe Bros. QreiorxBiw. TaodeTllle sursaie booked ror week o( 81,

KOTBg.-Mauiir Rnote, o( tbo (iraiid, received apenkDIto (lou U II. WUohell, ot'TheOonnt; hn"Oo.,Baa Xiiiaaglft Nellie Oaolhooy and UaxO'ltell will play leioni dates Id Uanadian cluoadur-

iDg JanuMT "Uur Flat" Co. made a ipilck

Jump rroinlLuQdon, PlajlDK bore on Xmas eve,

tne; led at 3 10 A, u. and gave a nallaee at KiatBaglnaw, Ulob., on .Xmai day, arrlflog there at I'J

iiiHin A. U. Dolinaa will managothe Prlncese

Rink during the WInlcr Hobert Fnirord haegiven an order to erect for him iii Woodland Oeme.icr; a lieaniKul maasoloum. Tnli sinioiure will

oouunemoiaio tho death o( Ur. FalloM's wife,

Angle FIxioj, and iheir son, ibe rcmalOBol both being Inierrod In that plaoe. It

Unndersloodilutlhe monomont will cost In the

nelguborbood o( tlo.ooo. 'fue monument win bothirij (eel high, tweotf.tonr (eet wide and thiny(cet long. At the cntrano* will bo two IKe slnil

lions, one on either side. Fire gianlte plllan will

support the Ooihlo arch In (root, and ennance will

be made br two magnlBcent brass gaits. Orer the

door will bo a groop lepreaentlng "Charily," audon two pedeaiala are—on the nghi hand, a life site

Onnro tepRBUilag "Tbe Urama." aod on the left

baud aide "Muslo. ' Uu Ue apex will be a llle Bite

gguro repreieniiug "VIotorr." Tbo cross aeo-

tlon, opposlie tbe doora, will he a largo stain-

ed glaaa window, wllb a spim dgsre bearing achild, anil at Iho (ecttecllnea a (oil (tmale Ogare.Under ihls arc Ihe ashes o( the uu Mrs. Folrord.

auarded bv two aogollo ngurea, In aoaorosllo tiled

•do. Underneath the wnole uiauaoleuu Is a eaia.

comb. The aide eloTaUons are pierced with twoBlalood glass windows, one on each aide, liearing

tbo legend, "Qlorr K> Ood," oio., and "un Kanoreaco,'>eto. ThecelllDg and root will be of cot

siono, oorlched with heavr mouldings. The rear

olcYatlOD Is surmonnied with across.

ToTonln.—At iheOisndOperallonte, Dec '.'4-'±>,

Olga Metiieraole bad good business. l,ewlB Morrl-

Bon 31-Jao, 6,

Tjrontd OrBBA UuusB.—Deo. M-'J), "Mr AontUridget" delighted large audiences at oach per-

(uruauoo. Coming: 31-Jan. j, Bessie llouehlil.

Ai'AOKiir or Musir.-l)eo. 24-j», "A Omij Lot"dill a big builnesi. Coming: ai-Jsn. o, "UoDoodleand roodlc."

Ui>onii'.'< Ui'BiB.—Ltotnre hall: Tho Ucrn^snItoM aud rror, Carr. Theatre: Mailow and I'mnii-

III, Mario stowart, Mans. Forlics, "The Qra}B"anilIhe Uurinan Hose,Korss.—M. Coombs, who has (or some time

been aotlpg aa press agent ior Iho Acaoeur ot

Music, has Hcotpted Ihe poelilon HS adrnncc agent(or Ihe "A Cfirj Ixit" Uo.

Jutea'a, Mane-IadluftpoUft, led., Ju.


ILeiiDBtoD, Br., 4 rai1aB,Clnolanall.

- Boallle. Wftib , Ju.

Ju. IBfulflllo- 7-U


fiooreld'a. Helnrlcb-N. Y. OltT.Df& Bl.lDdeOnlto.oiuioaJuftDadiok-DeuoiI.l'ich.. Doe. 31-Ju. 3.

Olftibe'a, WlKrod-nhMllng. W. Ya, Ju. 1 Alloona,

Pa, a.

nillton'a. Joa D—Wortoater. SIftoa, Ju.7-'l _ .,Capl Thnmftft* Horprlao Partr—Brouham, Tel., Doe. 31

Ju. 8. Hompilral 7-11OorbeU'a, JftDioa J -Now Orlaana, , Dae. sn-Ju. S, BIr.

mlngbftm. AU, B. AUula, Oa, 7, 8, Eaoaflllr. Tun1 10,Obittuooaall.lt . . .

CataP'Oft a, John R—WII1lomBbDri(,Il.r.,Dee 31-Ju,8."nellon Rlna," Ko. 1-N. Y. niir Dee. 31, ladoDolie. ,"ColtoD KIOR," No, 2-AUIeboTO. Mftui, Ju. 3, Lran. 8-

B, Lawrenea r->. Mucbeater. N. II., IB-U"Olrtu«nirl"-rhlladolpbla. Pft , Dec 3l>Jan, U."Clevn Swoop"—MoDllnollo. lod.. JoD.a, Delphi S,PeiD4 Blwooil ^ lokomo 7. llorirord Ullj B. llDlen Ultj 0.

"OopL PftDl"—Fbllo<lolph1a Pa, Dee. 3i-Ju. t.

"Couolry l<iiuli»"-Honlord. rt. Jon. 1"Oliarlor's Aunt," No. 1—FblUdolpblft, Pft, Doc 31, In.

dofimia."Oharlof'a AddI," Nc >-BI. PuI, MId., Dee. 31-Jan. ^

'Cbftrlor'a Audi." No. B-Nftabf llle. Tun.. Jan. 1 Jftck.

OOD 3 Rftiro, III . 4, lldnefth. Kf., 6. Loon f Ulo 7-IJ."Cbarllr BaU''-CoaDoll Blolla, la , Jan. 1 Lincoln, Nob.,

4.Kuaftanilf.Mo.7-l3. . , . . ^,"Poaat Ouard''-8rraraao, N. Y., Jan. 1 Cbleano, III.,

B-ir'Or»okorJaiik"-Buirftlo.H.T.,p«o.BMftn.B."Rnaa Rondo or Lllo"—fnr.N. Y.. Ju.l Albonr 3, 4,

rohoaa e. Bchoooelod* 7. Amaurdftm B, Jobnalown B,

Llltlo Fella ID. I'lica II. Walntown ll.

"Colonol"-Orud Raplda, Mlob., Ju. 4, s. , , _, ."Plau BweoD''—Kokomo. led.. Jod. 7. BarUnnl City 8,

llolonCltf IDoeatorlO. Van Wort 0.. II. Oolplioa 11Tonolrr nlrno '-Pblcago, III., Dec SMU.S. Omaba.Nob.. lO-lfi.

"Coon nnnoW'-Buehoaler, N'. H., Ju. 7, EloUr 3,

Uftf orblll. Mau., 4. 8, Philailelpbia, U . 7-11

Drew'a. JohD-8t Lo-)lft,Mo.l>fa.3l-ran 6Donnoilf A alrB^>^fl-lar^lpbl^ Tud.. Ju, a, Naab-

filIeS.J.RIoboi<'Hd,Va, 13,11. _Dftfla'.niiaa. L.—K«v iraroo, ft. Jao.l RrldgoportB.KalUv'a, Polor F.-N. T. i IlT Dee SUaa. 11Drewy Mra. John-nlaroland, O.. lloe Sl-lao. 8.

DlrkooQ'o Cbaa. B.—Deafer, CoL, Dae. 81-Ju. 8, Don

D*l''8!'Anr (read)—Trenton, N, J., Jan. 3, Albaor, N. Y.rip,


Dti«DiDi*L R L:-New OrleaDa, La., Dec SB-Tu. 8,

Darenporta Fannf-H. Y. Ollf noe. 3i. Indefinite.

Powlma'a J. J.-Bfncnao, N. v.. Ju. ^8"Kultr'a BInadon''—Nowark.N. J., Dee. 31-Jao.S."Paiilor"-Phllailolpbla, Pa., Doc 31-Ju. ^ Dalrelt,

MIcb,, 7-11l>own Id DIiIo"—natlem, N. Y., Dee.SMu.B.Bnot-

D'ikoit'Ruiala"—Pillaburt, Pa., Dac 31-Jan. 8, N. Y.

Cllj.7-13."Dertir Mftfcol"—Berulon, Pft., Jan. 3. Su Antonio,T«i..B 0 Aoallnia _,'Darbr Wlnnai"-0ln4^lnnftll. 0 . |t>c3D-Jftn.8.

niaoioDd Rraakor'*-Pftiolv^D, N. J . Jftn. 1Ell.l'r'a Fillo-Olofolud, <>., Doe Jl-Jon. B, Pluabnr(,

1'>..7-I1Rf ft Taomiav nomodf-Drrdon. N. ^ ., Jan. 1Eiomelt'a lallo-Heloa, Ala.Jan.a, Puaaoola, Pla.,3,

Mobile Ala. 4^. Now Ofloxia. La . S-URMIN*. Obaa T.—Wftohlnnlon, D O., Doe. 81-Ju. S.

Barla'B. nrahui—Colambta Citr, Ind , l>ec Sl-Jan. 8,

Norib Monebooior6-llBniintl'a. J K.-Dabunno, Ift., Jfto. 1 Cedar Raplda 3.

KuaaaOllv. 0.7-I1EliiDwood'a PlftTora—Plrmoulb, Pa , Doc Sl-Ju. 8, PottJorf la. N. V . 7-<l

"Bo.lan"—MompblB. Tenn . Jan 3.8, EfanofJIIe. lDd.,e.

"BaalDoer"—Fail RIfor, klaaL, Ju. 3 New Bedlonl 3,

Newport, R. I., 4, 8 BoaloD, lla«»., 7-11"RUbl BolU"-i:utoa O., Jan T, Colombna 8, la"HdoewoMl Foiko," llorwoed'a—OballanooBa. Tonn.,JftD.4.8.Naihfillo7-ll.

IprohinaD'a Empire Rtock—N. Y. Oltr Dac 31, IndoOnllc' Famll'a Tonr-Nt Ploa'ant, lo.. ju. 3, Fot Madl.aon 1 HeardJlowD M , i. Macomb 8, Pom s, aterllDg7. niionlVPrlDColoaO.JnllotlOL Anmra 11.

'Fftual" flrldllh'a—Chicago, III., Dto 3*-laa 8.

'Friooila'*-Now Orloona. I.a, Dac3<Man. ^'F«at Mall," Nonhom-Pliioa, 0., Jan, 3, Blulfton 4,

Ronton 8. Upper Randuakr r.

Faat Mali," Houtboln—Ih^rloaBold. Mo , Jan. 1 Aurora3 Fort flmllli. Ark., a. LIulo Reek 8. Hot Bprlnca 7,

TOTftikftna. Tea , B, Rbrofopert, La. 9, Mataball. Toi


lIVTilorll.llreonflllo 11'Fa\ilo nomul"—CInelnnall, 0 , .lu. 8-17.

ttontreal.—At ihaguocii'sTheaire'-Tho caletr

Cllrl" pla)Ciloneo(lhe ueatlett weeks vn ncotedaud BC\>rcd a big huucms. Marie UurriioKtis luc. 31.

Ai'AiiKMr OF Ui'!4ic—SnoB-llu Ircluict 'JI---Mto

lliht houses. UIga .Scihenole :il, "Prince I'luTooi"

Jan,(ii'BHA VHtKi'Aiii —Oood huilreto rul'd laat week,

mil tor 31: "1,0 IVIlt Due," "tja Fillo du TambourNaltir." "SIJ'et»lallol,""f»ui.'," "I.!- ilranil Mo-gul," "I* FAilllurne" and "L'Kilncello."

TUBirni UuYiL.—"The Bouili Uctore tbo War"occupied tho boardj Hoc. 'J4-20 and did. a goodliuilnors, Florvni'O KIBdIor 31, "Ihe ]>oj Tramp'Jan, ;,

Kubn HillB AND TUIATRI.—Iluilnoss Is talr,

Allractlans Ibis week: Peui Hrown, ll'iiirloiu Uc-liuire, Yonng thunaon, Hornl/r, Tbierrr, lielanner

and Wax Worka^

duelior.—At Iho <|uobeo Tacairo Ihe KienohUpoiaUomiMDT, lnrtpcii-jiri>. aropUjIng lo goodbrHluras. V. Ilaakronn haa been appninteil man.ag«r o( tho oonipaor.all exIiUng irouble hnvlngbeen aolUcd. Mmo. uunoier hai arrived hero (ramlUils lu assnine the leading rules aud made herdebut In "(ilru lie nirons."

At'AHtuT oi'UvFii.—"t-niMlle" r(n:ca Jen.

llainlKon.—At Ihe niaad the lloldcn CumedrVti, closed A blgwoek'a lioslness Dec. 'Jii, havingpla) cd un Cbrlsunas nli!ht to ilie largeat audiencethai waaevcrln Ihe Opera buuar. I,cwla Morrlwncomes Jan, ;, 0 Altho Siar Thtatrv (or lleo, :il

iiiid week: lAwerr and Francis, Marie winion.Carmen :^loWHrl, Ualllo and BoTdon.and tboihrcoAlblun DroUiera At Ihe Thcatio lloial ibes'ock companj are meellng with (aver. "Xiiadowaol a Ureal Cltj" will be prodaced Dec. 31-Jan."I'ncio llan'l" 3-.'>.

Uaalph.—At Ihe Hojsl Upeia llonse Ihe Web.llngBlniera' Entenalnero. II, had poor house. Comlog: Nellie Qanlhon; Now Year's Dar. l>.<Tld

UhrUlieMnrrajlecinrts Jan, lo.

EHne'a Thoa w. ...

4, 6, Portland, Oregnn, 7-11 „ , . —Kendall'a, Mr, urfMra.-N. Y. CIlrDee 81Jan.

IJ.goModr'aPlafaia-Wllkeobaiia.Pa.Dee.sl-Ju 1Swodf 's. Ulllu-Lowlslon. Me., Jan. 1 Dover, N. II


a* BlddoHwd. Me.. r-J, Portlsndlo-llElnilocMarle-flerinafilald,<>,Dac8I-raa.B.

>Kld"-Cbl(a(0. IIU Ju. B-UT jeanm Tbaatta, Prebnua's-N. V. Clip Dec 31, In-

JJ^ dofialta.Uwla' UUiu-Sl. Joseph, lfo.Ju II.

Lan'rp'-. Mra.-Pbllsdeipllla. Pa..Doc Sl-Ju. I, BalU

ir"ifl"B'(!welt-«bolbtf llle, led. D«c.». BlebDond4.6,D«nklrk7,ElwooUlo,Hanloid 011714. _„

LuMn'a,Oao. W.-Akron.o., Jan. 3-8. BafUBa 7-11

Lindloi'tHar^-CaUia, Bo, Ju. 3, Tuooboro 3, EiDi-

Lrcnm DiimaUe-IndluuwIls, lad, Jan. lA Con-

Lowe's Comodr-Cuor, lu. JU.B, Sedu S-B, Oodar-

fUlo 7-9. unwell 10-11. _ ,

laai'o.Harrr-Pblladelphla,Pt,Jan. 7-11

Lycaom Tboalie, Sbarplors-Waatheffoid, Tex.. Dec

Leaw?ajMloni»-Fruklard, Pa, Dec Sl-Jao. 8, Plain.

"LSnlied tfftVl"-nrbana, 0.. Dec 1 Detowara S. Waab-

InilonCoort nensel nlielofllle 8, LuMler 7, Alb.

ena D, Parkenbnra, Va, 9, CbUlleotbo, O., 10, Iron.

tonll.Aablud,Kr.,ll _ ,"Loot Pandlie"-BndBopoit, CL, Ju. I, BarKoid 4, 8,

Doboken. N. J., 10-11 „. „ „"Land ol Ihe MIdnlibt Bon"—Kansas Clip, Mo., Dec 81-

Ju. 8 RuuboDfllle, O , «. _ _ ..... i."LilUe Ohnalopb>i"-N. Y. Clip Doc 31. Indelnllc"LluleTrlile"-WllDilni(ion Del,Ju.3"Lidr Wlndornl<ra's FftD"-8ao Anionic Tea., Ju. 8. 8.

Ttronlion's. Lewis-Toronto. Ou.. jpoc 3IJaD. H—


.lUiiieo 7,8. Belief1110 9. KloBalonlO, Ouawa lU 11Marlowo-c Jnlla-Boafc-n. Maaa . D«o BWu. 19.

MftDlell'a, Boboil-Nftihfille, Tone, Ju. 3, Hempbls-S8 Li'll'Ro'i' a»» .''<»«orln«e.Afk^9.

MU'Beld'r, Blebsid-Waahlaiiton,D.a,Dec. 31-;an.8,

Atlanu(lf.,10,ll. ... .MartlDOI'cB.j.o-uosAnjoles.Csl., Ju.B-llMonls', Folla-Loolsvlllc Sr., Ju. 1 lodlaBapells 1-6,

Olofeland. O.. 7-11 . » « ... .Melnllo CoBedlens-Conlloenul. 0., Deo Sl-Jsn. 1Hsckle'c JSC B.-BoaloD, Mus, Dec 3I-Ju. 8.

Mouopolllua-irftileloo. I'a .Jftn. 3-1Marpbi'a,Ilni-DesMolnes.Ia,Ju.7., , _, , ,„MiSbr* Jooepb-Ullwankee, Wla, Ju.lElBla, III;

a,ESonilnilon4,Allnoa.BLLonla,llo.^U.Marah'a Selaet Plajers-Malleawsn, S, yOOu. Sl-Ju .6.

Marka Broa'-Pelorboro, Ont., Doc 3Uu. a. Port Bopa

Me'liopelltuCoinedr-Aniora,Ia,Ju.9."MeFaddn'a Blopemant"-N. T. CItr Doc 3Uu. ^Pblladolpbla, Pa-7-11.

. _ _ . ."Married Net Mated' -Brlil(iepoft. Ot. Ju l"MeKullv'a TllU' -Opper Bandnakr, O.. Ju. 3. Oreat-

llae 8, Haasflold 10. Oolembno II, tt, IntlsnapoTls, lad.,

"Mu WlUiont a Connlir"-Newatk, .V. J» Jan .'-ll

"Mmc Sue Oeno"— Vallloiore. HJ., Dec. 3Uu. 8,

VubbigioD. I). II..7-I1 ...Mf PsnnM"-Bciulon, Pa, Ju 1 il eonah Tronlon,

"ifiii''whlu rUB"-N. Y. Oltr Dac 31, IndiBnllc

XToblea', ]llllon-.Salldft. Col , Ju. 1 Aapen S I^sdfUle4. 8, Bonlder?. Fort Colllna H, Chofonno. Wic, 9,

Nonb Plftlle, Nob. 10, Eoemer 11, Orud is'snd 11

Noihei*'loa,nlBa-Monlt<ftl,Cu.. DecBl-Ju.s.Profl-donca. R I . 7-11 . . _ ,„ .

Knos' JolllUes-Valdoalc na. Jan. 1 TbomasfIlia 3,

Bam»ridie4 Tror 8, UoalgomoiT, Ala.7. Ponaacola,

FIs., ^ Mobile. Ala.. 9, MorlW.Hlac, ». II.

"Nominee"—Plusbnrg, Pa, Dec 91-Ju. 8. Chlugo. Ill,

7-U."Now Bor,"No. I-Waabln|tan, D O., Dec3Uan.8,WI|.mlnalon. Dot, 9. ....

"New Womu"-l(oaton. Msaa, Ju. 7-19

"NSW Bor." No. J-oenfor, Col. Deo 3Uu 8, Coto.

rado Springs 7, PaoMo^Uadfnla9,Aopenlo,arudJoDotionll, ProTo, U. II _ „, ,

."Now Bonlb"-ODSha. N'ob., Ju.8-11. Del Holnos. la. 11

O'Neill's, Jamet-Columbv, O., Jan. 1.9, Olarelud10 13

utt'a, ,'oaspfa-Ellitbeth, M J., Ju. 7, Ttaoton 1"UHl JsAl rronly'--PslerMin.N. J, Ju.4.8, Brookljn,

N. Y.,7-11"Oo Ibe liulsalppl"-i;hleuo. III., Dec SO-iu. 8.

"Osr Flat"—Mllwankss. Wla. Ju. 3-N Waubsaba S,

Fond do Lso 9, Oabboih 10, Applelon ll„Blefen'oPoint It .._>.....

"Old nomaaletd," Tbompson's-N. T. Cltj Doc. 91-

Sprlin"OneoltlioBoio'i—MsHoD, lod..Ju.8"Uur Uucio Dodlsi"—vilwsnksc Wla, Deo. SB-Ju.B,Old •ilort"-Cbicsgo, III. IllcSMaD.^UInelDnall,0.,8-13

"Oir the Ils>tb"-Pbllsdelphls, Pa, Dec 9l-Jan. B.

"Onlv a Farmer's Dsnshtor '—Now Brllaln. CL, Ju.3,HildB'Port3-B B'ootiro, N. T.,7-11 .

' Ob, Wbsta MI«bl!"-Ds>lon.O. Ju. ».

"Un tbe Bowerr^'-Vlevolud, O., Dec 3Usn.3,CbieaB0,

"Oar^a'psrmsr's DsnsbUt"—Bridfoporl, Ct, Jsn. 4.8,

Wlill>mibnr(,N. Y.,7-11. . ^ . ,

"Palmor ft. A. M., eiook-R. Y. Clir Doc 31, Indtfinlle..1 Pafloa'a,Cone-Flndlar,0.,D<c 31-Ju 8 Spring.

Bold 7-UParker-o, Faolloa-Profldoneo, B. I., Doe. 9Mu. B,

Wi|ll>inabatl,N.Y.,7-IL . .. „ . „ . .,FrIeBle'a, John ud Delia-Bapld Oitr, B. D., Doc 31-

Ju. 1I'oller-Bellew—Rone, Oa., Ju. 1 Cbaiunoosa,Tenn.,S,AUaala. ua . «. 8. Jack aoofUlo, Fla. 7, Btfuaa. iia.. S,

Aujpisul Obarlcaton, m 0 , lu, Wllmlnalon, N. 0., II,

Potoarn'r, KaUe-Soatlle, Wash., Ju 7, 8, Bpokus II, 17.

"Passing show." No 1-Mlnncspolla, Minn., Die 31-

Taekei'a LUBaa-BUBer, He, Dee. Bl-Ju, 11•TmUar BjsUB"-Oambetlud, Md_ Jan. B, Hapori.jon 9, llaBOfar, Pa,!, Ooloabla 6, BalUmora, Hd^

"IMnpuHon or Honer"-0raB4 Baplda, Mich., Dec Sl-Ju B,DeBi>lt7-II. „ .,. „

"Torado," Bonhera-Mailboro. Maaa, Ju. 1 Wali.ham t, Uwnaee i, 1 Baforhlll 7, S, fllckbnii 1KubiN.U,W,Lowoailasa.ll,ll•Toraado." BonlhaiB-BnMer. Pa. Ju. 3L KIUudIdiDa BoU i. Bealsdale B, Tncaa 7. Bellelepu a, LotbBafan 9, Billon lOL Bloomsbuw 11, Duville H

Yemperance TewB''-Cbl<MO, III , Dec 81, lodsBnIle."TVS Colonels"—Blehmend, Tc Jsn. 4, 1.

"Two aialerC'-Oadn^fg. N. T , Jsn, B, Wslsrtown8. OlOfsmUlo 4. AmalerdaB B, 'ftisloga 7, BebUHtftdr 8. BhBlrft 9, .Blagbaolon 10, Nlaaara Fallo ll.

"ttJi*6krClonl«e"-N.T. our JOB. 7-11

Tnia lush aesrts"-Worcasisr. MaM . Dec 31-Jaa. B.

iiTTnelo Tom's Cabin." Dafls'. Easura-Pbllsdslohu,'J Pa, Dac 91-Ju. 8 Kenslealoa 7-13.

"Vnela Tom's Cabin." Dafls', wsalsro-JsckroKllla,Mo.. Ju. 1 ML Btarling la. I. QdIdoi 8. Xceknk, II,

'rsoio KODiaai —tiiDQioBftii, V ...w.^i,.'Fftitasmft''—BL LouUk Ho , Dac 31-Ju. 8, Docaior. III.,

7.B."Fauai," Morrison's. W. sum-llsnslbst. Mo, Jsn. 3,

U'llner, III . 1 Koohak la . 4. Otiumwa 8. Pareeporl a,

'kolooaa 7. boa Uoinoa ek c^ar Kspida 9, Beck lalaod.in . in. Iji Hallo ll. Bselni>. Wla. 13

"I,tf I " RIco's-RslUniorf , Md., Dec 31-Jsn. 8, PlllsborB.Fa . 7-11

'ii9l." KIsw .t Brisiifor'o-Oolumbna. O., Dra Sl-Ju. 8.

-'FlaworTmoo"—WhaellDf, W. Va., Jan.l Wsihlniloo.n. (1., 7-U

"FInnlBsn's Ball"—Onsha, Neb., Dec 90.JaiL 8, Connellniuilft Ift, IB

•Fftuat" Lssn'eb'a-MtchulcavUIr, N. Y., Jan. 3, Co-hoeaS .BsllMun 1. HarsloiftS.

GoodwlD'a, N. a—riaolonftll O., DfO SSJao. 8, Lome-Tlll>. Kr.,7-9, Maraphia Tano , IHl

llontian Llllnnlluo— llarlom. N. Y.. Doc Sl-Jan. 8, 1'llls.

bura. Pft . ;-<]

OllloilA's. Wra —K^w York CItr Dec 31, ln'*oflnllo.

Oaf loi'a, Bobhr—Balltmore. Md., Dec SI.Jsd. 8, Prof I.

dsnco R 1 , 7.11Osrlud'a IIS0.8 — Aporo. Ps. Jsn 1norden A Wella'-Xrnls. O , Dec JUan. 8.

(lormanla Tbeatlw-N V. *'Up Dac 31. Indoflolle.

Uraaorf's. lleo. L —Tftioanua. I'a., .Iad. 3, Boruton 3-8,

Hlniihamlon.N. Y.,7.t>.

Qllrb'sroBedr-PaTBe. I). Jsn.38.' Ullheolr'a Abiosd"-Mftnanold, 0., Jan 1 TiiiIq s. Fee.toria 4. Bandnshf S, Fromonl 7, Defltcco B, Port Warns,Iml 9. UsTUnll

' iilrl I Loll Fablnd Mo." ><i>. I—Pillaburt, I'a.. Dec. 91-.lsn,8,ninel0Dall, l<„--II

''(Iraon tlooila Man"-be.'atar. III. Jan. 1 Paorlft 9,

ls|. altiirK 4,Ppr<nfQslJ 8,Ht Loula Mo,B*ll' ll-rl'. ^Vsr"-llol Npilna-, Ark . Jsn. 11lllrl I Lilt IWitnd Mo." So. 1-lln'MDr, III . Jan. 4.

"(Iraa: Hrrclljn lltDiiicap''—tbicsa'n, 11'.. Doc. A;-Jan. a,

"ilallor 8lsv*.<'-lDilUuaroll', Ind., Dae Sl-Jan. 8.

"Oaiolv UIrL" N". l.-flilaburii. Pa , Dac Sl-Jan. B, Bel.lain, X.Y, 7-11

''lialatf Olrl," No. S-tror. N. Y., Ju. 1 BTrscoas 4,


Haniean'a. E«1wanl-N Y. rity Dee 31. fndsBnlts.Illllaiao'a. Hsnd-BurllOBlon. VL, Dsc. 31-Ju. V

Ronlonl.N.V..;-!!IKwoiDi'a Jiiaeph-l'iovidsnee. R. I , Use. Sl-Jan. 8.

llaaaon's.R<dls-rhllailslphic I's. Use Sl-Ju. t;

llMf'a, Wnt.-Wa>hlBtlon. I>. (!., Jac 7-11llalton.t llsrI'a-rilubuiB, 1^, OacSI-Jao..", Clueln-nail. 0,7-11

llamlllon^a l'<<«l Tbaalre-laoJallflllr, Int., Deo. 81-Jon 8. PaulJles 7-11

Uantdon'a. Afnot—tlrltlssiMirL i;i.. Ju. 1 Now LondonIWoalerlr.H I, I ^^Tlnlmullcl.'L,^. Mhldlolewn1 Waloiburr • lo, Uorhr H Marlboro, Maaa , II

lloldou Cewadr—LoBdoD, Cu , Dtc 91-Ju, 8, SLTboBU 7-11

Uennaoar-Lerorlo—Terrell. Tea. Jan. 1 MIooola yi,BnlrhnrBpriniar, Bailonlafl, tlooarOmfe 10-11

Iitde'aOamodp,No I—Harloa. lad.,I>ec3l-Jon.l"llntTBwialss''-llprio(aeld,n.. Jan 1 MsnaSsld a, Msa.allien S. Ksat 7 Wsrrrn X MrsdalUe, Fa. 9, Jamaatown, N. v., IB, Bradrord, I'a , ll, Olsu, N. V., U

-v.. «—.. - . „ - - JolocF 8.,

7. Moberlsr. Mo, 6. Cbljlieplbs B. aedaTla 11.'Uoda Tom's Oablo," Bhea'a-OrtenfUle, BliL,Ju.l,

lineiaTom's Cabin, " BeFaddsa's-WllllaBabiri, K.T.Dec 31Ju 8!

'Uocla Tom's Cablo," fitaUoD's—Wbeellog, W. Vs..

Ju. B.

"Onde Tom's Oabln." Bnaco A Bwin's-Bntia, Moot,.

Ju B,Anaoenda7.DeaTLod|*a,Matrsfllle9,UoleaaIO,Boiamull,Llfln|alonI9

., .

-yu Oenlud'B, Ida-8tillwaler, Minn., Docal-Ju.l,

tVUllsfflS' aas-Xarlon. led., Ju.3. UdIoo CItr,;, blIT MstT'B O. B PiqnaS Ksntonio, LebsaonllWblt(sldea,Wslksr^PanIdlnc,0. Ju. 2. North BaHI.

more 8, Tlffln 4, Ada 8. B»llelCnlalne 7, Darlon 8. Wil-mlnatoB B. tdneaster 10, CIrolef llle 11, Cblillooths 11

Wood's. M.a-Lonlttllla. Br, Use. Sl-Ju. 8.

Walla CoDsdr. BaiwrD-Ponlaad, Mr^ I>ec Sl-Jsn. s.

Lewlaton 7-11Walls Oomodr, Waelem-Yeungslown, O , Dtc Sl-Jan.

S, Meleespoit, Pa., 7-11 _ . . .Wana'a, Mr. ud Hra-Dt|l0B. O. Jan.MWilson'? Oso.W.-Lowell.Majc,Ju.tWardaJamea-nilcaic HI . Dee 81, indalnltcWalllck'a J. U -«t Lonla. Mo, DocSJu. 8.

Woira, Howard, Ideals-Beading, Pa , Doc 31-Ju. 8,

Bhunohlnr-U.'Wblta Poesdna"—Phlladslpbla. Pa, Dec 91-Jsn. 8,

WIlBlnirton, Del., 7, BIcbmend, Vc, B, 9, Bampun \u,

Norrolk 11,11 _ .. „„. „."Worid AisiDSt Her," Agnsa Wallae^vdU'a-ttare.Maas , Ju. 1 Woonaoekot. R 1 . 3, FUchbara, Msaa. 4.

Msrlbom 8.Bontbrramln|bam7. 8onthbrid|ea Wah.si'r 9, Baiirord, CL, UkBrlatol, R. I., II, Mendtn,

"ifoid," LlUle'a—PioTldeniie,B. I.. Ju. 7-11

"iTort aod Waaoe '-Pbllsdslpbla, Pa . Ju 7-11

-Voaors, Ju. D.-NsabTllle Toon.. Ju. M- „ , .^ Yon Yonaon"-MlDneapolla, Mlu., Dec SBJu. 8,

••TooVi^li^ wSl\irop''-8prinBfiel!!. lU, J»sonvllleS, Dufllle«.BenbakeeS,Cbtoa)riB-l>.

"Tonna Amerloan"-BeloiL Wta.. Jan. 4, Bu»ba8, Bel.

fidare. lu. 7. Blatnl Ronlb Bend. Ind , II. EUbartll,Oeeben 14, Pljmonth IB.



A'iberA Oiu'oarudOpera-K. T. Oltr Dec 91, lodan.

note.Boaionlu Opara-N. Y. CItr Doc SlJan. 11CoTlnne-Mllwanks*, Wla, Doe. SOJan. s, BL PanI,

Minn. B-13.

Canlllo D'Ajvllla Opoia-Alloena, 7a, Jan. 3, Pblladel.

phia7-ll „ . .Dug qpera-Worc»atsr, Maaa. Jan.lDelia Fox Open—Bngalo. N. Ju. 33, OlOfOlaod.O..

7-9. Detrolr, Mlcb.. 10-11 _ .. , ^ , .,

Pranob npera-HontraU. Cu.. Dc. 91, IndaSnlle.

French Opera-New Orteu^ La.. Dee 90. ladoBnlls.

"Feneing Msater"—Ban Antonio. Tel., Jan., 2, \Analln 4.

Bopper'n. Oe Woir-Brooklrn, B. Y., Dtc 31-Jsd. 8, Rsr.

Ism 7-ltBsU's, Paullae—Msnipbls, Tun., Jan. 1, Oalrsslon,

Lmiu^usssll Opera-Boston, Maia, Dec 31-Ju. IILOD'as Bsodst Opera-Boston, Maas. Dec 31, IndoQntte.

Mnaln'a, OfIds-^Toncord, More- Dsc 1 Ullcs. N. Y., 9.

Hamilton 4 IdiscaB. „ „ . ...MeOlbonr Fsmllr roDcert-Oseoata, N. T. Jan, 1, Sew

NMh'iiile's-ndonU-Wlllow Sprlnga, Mo.. Ju. 9. We«lPlaloa 4. Ttaver 8, Jonosboro, Ark.. 0, Paragoold 10.

Poplar BluBt. Mo, 13 - „ v ..Owens' Concert—Auallo, Minn., Ju. 3, RocboaterlS,Mason CItr. la . «

, , .P) ka Open-aoatUe. Wash . Dec 91. IndoBello.

"p.inceas Bonnie"—Rtadlng, Fa.. Jan. 9, BalUinore. kd.

Peaoe Rhlere' Oneert—Morrlatowo, Ind., Ju. 1 3,

Noblasflllea. 8 . _Prince Pro Tem"-Concord. N. H , Jsn 1 Essno S,

Hontpellor 4. RL Aibana 8, MonlreaL Can^ 7-11

BobBof"-N Y. OllrUae.sl.lndoflnlte. . ^'Pebtn Bood" Opera—DsDborT, ft. Jan. INewbars,N. T., 9. For ijerf la 4, Carboo<1alc Pa . 8 RcrantoD7, s.

WIlbsabstTSB, laBaslon 11. Allemown II

Bnbnoko's. Ttioc Q.—SL lonlf. Mo, Dec al-Iu.8.Dreunr, III, 9.

Sehnbsrt Brmpbonr Clob- Orludo, Fla, Jan. 1ftmpa 1

TavaiT Opors-rorllaad, Ore., Dec 31-Ju. 8. Bu Fran.else.. Cel. 7-12

Wllbnr Opera-Albeof. N. Y.. Ju. 3-S. _ .,Wilson's, Franols-Phlltdelpbla, Pa, Dec Sl-)an. 8,

Watblnplon. D. P., 7-11 . _ ."Wana"-To<oiip. O., Ju. 1 Fremont 3, Cutoanolombos 7, B. Dailcn la ^

"Weslwsrd He"-Botlon, Man, Dec SI, IcdoBnlu.

.Ian. 8, Mllwaubre, Wis. (-9.

j'nllce loareetor''—Mr. carmel. Pa. Jan IHUDbarra.Kbanudoab I MabanorUityS. Haiollen 7, Wblta Havent, Pliulon 9, Carbondale 10. Donesdalo li, Port Jen Is,

). Y . 11, Klnmon li Coboes 18.

"ProdlRSl FatboT' —Ronus Cttr, Mc, D*c 3I-Jsn. 8.

"Power ol Ihe Presa''-DotrDiL Mlob., Dec Sl-Jsn 8"Psastng Show." No. i-WiIbIdbiod. DoL. Jsd. 1 Illdi.

mood, Va , 3, Norfolk 4, LrDobbon 8, KDOivllIe.ToDD .

iObaltuoogaa. Atl.nl^ Oa., 9, BlrmmBham, Ala., 10^

oalBOBorr 11, Mobile II _ ., ."Power ol Uold''-Mobokw, N, J., Dec 81-Isn. i. New.

"pJlk'»'Aln'l"-Wllllsmaburg. N. Y., De>.ai-Ju 8.

"Prodlssl Duohisr'-.v. V. Oltr Doc Sl-Jsn. ll"Pnlasol New YoTk"-ClnclnDail,0, Dse S'.lan.B"Pawn Ticket 3 0''- Osenaboro, Xf., Jan. 3, Pronklott 3.

Pftrl»4. LcilogTon 8. LoalatllloC'll.

"Fack'o Bad Bor," Eftaiern-aoruion, Ps. Jan. 3 Blaz.bsinion, N. Y., s-8. Tror 9, 10. Ibompaenf lUe, CL, 11,

Worceslor. Mass., 14

"PSDI Kftbfftr"-Wbmlloi, 7. Va, Ju. 4

•.peek's Bid Bar," Wsslem-Nsall1lll^ TUD., Dec 31-

Ju.8.Dussoll's, Bol fniltli-Omsba. Nob , Ju. 1 HL Jesspb,.!.> Mo , 4, Kaaaaf ntf, i-llRobson'a, bloarl-Kuui Ciir, Mo., Dor. 91-Jon, 8, BLLouis 7-11.

Roed'a Rolud—Wllllamabuip. N: T. Dec 91-Ju. 8.

Itillfl s. UdwIn-JofforeooUHr. Mo ..Isn. 3, 3.

Hhca's—Rlcbiiiosd. Vc. Jso.'J, llamplon S, Bawlln*. N.

0., 4, Now Url.soa, LrC,7-llRIce'a. Fsnny-BIBira, N. Y . Jan. 7.

Rotd'oCOBodlana-Maliatwau N Y., Dec,Si-Isn.B"Ran on Ibe Buh"—PbilUaipal -, Ps., Die S'.-Ian. B.

Bnffslo,N r. 7-11 _ . _ ..."Ruab Clip"—Prof idoBce, R. I., Dec 3 -Jan. 8, Ltw.reocc Mass., II.

"HallioU Tlc,sl"-Uufsr, Cot, Dac Sl-Jsn. 8.

Solbsro's, E. Il.-Cblraiio. III., DscSUsn.B-11BL Oir'a^ n. A.-illlBan, la. Jan. 1, Brook') nM,

BtfnoerVuira-Albanr, N. Y- Ju.lTmr', UticalSalfinl '.AIii-Hifsraldt, Csl., Ju. l,aslt Labs ntf,

i;.,3.3.Sboa's, Thoo. E.-Bln8hsmlon, N. Y„ Dsc S'-Jan. B,

Auburn 7-11Bewnrd's. Mlanls-Luaroid. Fa , Ju 3.J, Dazslloa 7-11.Siilllfaq's, John L.—BurllBBtCD, la . Ju. 4

Hanrord'a Wsltor. Btuch—biookl}n. N. v., Pac 31-

Jaa. s. WllllansbnrgBlullxTbsairo-Blucklon.Cnl., Dec Sl-Jsn, B.

Bwartwood liiamalio—Famlnalon, 111.. Ju. 1 Ablng.donS-^.

Bollf's, lisn—Loulsrillo. Rr. Jan. 9-8. Colunbna, O.,

IC-!-Baxon Hitlers' Hoilcal Couisdr-FalrmPneL 111., Jan. 1Bawlelle liramalie—Tauolon, Mau., D«o Sl-Ju, B,

Concord N H.. 7-11Radio KairauO roniodf—Honell, Mp.. Der.3I-Ju.B.Alf<>rElaii"-CMcaBo, III. Dae S-lu.l Findlsr.O .T.

"dull Alarm"—Baliitooro, Md , Dac Sl-Ju. 8, Phlla-deipblB,Pc,7-ll

"Baii.uier Hllsiaid"-Diilijtb, Minn., Jan. 3.

"Bpsn of Lite"—.1L Psol, Minn., Uac 91.Ju. 8, Minna.•i.oluc.13

'-liliePUdosli"-CI-lraro. IIL, Doc 81-Ju. 1"SowlDff Ihe Wlod"—Pblladolpbla, Pc, Dac Sl-Ju. r,

Balilinoic Kd.7-11*Buterta''—WilmloBion. Deu Ju. 4, 1, WlUlamabnrt,N. Y., ;-l3

"Bi^o Irscfcfd.'' Julo WaUra'-MalleoD, la. Jan. t,

i:barlosiAn 3, rrswrotdavllle. lod.,s' Chore Afroc'l No l-Hoi|on, Mau.. Dec 3I-Jftn M."Bboro Acres," No 3-Bftalnn, Pft, Ju. 1 BelblsfaSffl ^Reedlns 4. Allsnlowo S Newburg. N. v.. 7. ntoiooD,N. J., a/p, Rllaabolh. 10. Ilnnn ll,ranidM 11

"Khali No. 3 "-Tror. N. Y- Ju. 4. B.

"Btowawar"—Notlolk. Va. Jsn. 1' Hhip or S(ate"-KupuCltr, Me.. Dec s:Ju. r, Omaha,Keb,i>.|J.

rpocie'e. Jobo K -Colonbus, O. Ju. 3-3, ML Vsmon 7,.\aiisrb:<,CuftlDefStiaCsnmonll,DilehiTlllsll

The Hpeooors—Bontb Bsnd, Ind., Dac SlJsn. r, Ls*--eUe r-U.

'Trip 10 CbloatowD," No. I-Colombos, 0 . Dsc Sl-Jan.

1 UoUelL Mleb^, 7-11

'rrlu 10 CblnatowB,** No. I—AUanta, Oc, Ju. 1 s,

Teiu Btseri'-Nowars. K. J- Dtc SIJac N PhUale:"Teiupbltb Pa. 7-11

nilhiah Balh"-BOB.

.;taekloa. OaL Dec »Jaa. V rte»

4, 8,

VAniBTY.Anstln*sOlaanlMns.-ninBbsniton.H. ^ .Ju.3Bmsdwar Bwslls-Hoboku. N. J.. Deo 31Jan B.

< Itr Fpons-N. Y. CItr siJsn. 8 Newsik, N J., T-IS.

Oltr Olob-Cbleuo. Ill , Dee. aBJu. II . ^Creoisc Jsck's-Boslon. Maaa, Dsc SIJu 8, Bocbesisr,

N Y 7-13

Casioe Olr'ls' Dnrlsfnne-Wotoestsr, Msaa, Dec 81-

Dereio's. Bam-Wasbtogfon, D. 0., Dec Sl-Ju. 8, Belli.

mora Md.. 7-IS.

Fat rss>sr-rbllsdslpbla,Pa,I><c3IJu.8,Protldtoc*,

Frsoeii follr-Pllbtbnrg, Pa., Dse. SIJan. 8. OindDsftil.

rilnlnraooa'. Fob-Cblcsao, III, Dec SOJu. 8, Mil.

wftukoc Wla. 7-11 „Fl.lda'. Jobn F —Bocbealtr, N. Y., Dee. .11Ju. 8, Pllla

boTf, Pa., 7-11ilrenlar's Liesnm Tbsiire—CHoago, III Jsn.e-11Howard AntbaBenro-Phllsdslphts. Pa. Dtc Sl-Ju. 8.

Mill's, Osa. Noislilsa-Noaalb. N. J., Dec. Sl-Jan. B.

Ir-'- Bloa'.-N. T. our. Doc. 91Ju B, Balllmoro, Hd..

Iinrraallenol VondetlUo-Clse'neatl, O., Dec 91Ju. 8

BugslcB.Y.,7-17. . .„ ,. „ _Ladistf r.lub-Nonn Adama. Bus . Ju. 3 Na>hnc N. n.

3, Oloneesur. Masa. a. Woooaoeker. R. I., 8. Rrielol 7,

Thomaaton, Ol., B, Now London 9, Merldu IB. New Bri.

lain II, 11 _ , , . ».„ . ,

Lllir Clar—FrofIdauM, R. I., Dec SIJu. 8. PbHidol.

Londoii''Hiiiro Hell Bnrloaque—Bralnaid, Minn , Ju. 1LllilaFaliS BtOload4,ABobaB . _ , ,„Uw Baker's Idsals-Pluo. II. Ju.9. BsrMlls 1 I s

|ial'.s 4. PriBcatnr 8,Oilra7, B, BnsbnallB, McCvmb Id.

Csmp Point 11 13London Oslolf (llrls-WllllSBSbnrgiN. T.. Dsc9tJu

Malior'c Pelor^Ofdand, 0. Dee 31Jan. 8.

Mario Buaer-Linn, Masa. Ju 3-8.

Mat IIowsrd-Mllwanksc Wla , Dec 81Ju 8

Meileu flalolr Qlrls-Bugalc N. Y., Dec ai-lan. B.

"Haste Tallaasn"—Kenalnslon. Pa. Dae. 31Jan. aNrw York 8lsrs-N. V. Cllr. Tan. 711NlihlOwU-Tror. N. Y.. Dec SIJao. ^ Albur 7-11"Old Bonlb"-Lfnn. Mesa. Jan. 7-».

RenuRsnUer—Psisnon, N. J., Dsc SIJu. 8, Wsahlna-lon. D.O.. 7-11

RossUI'l- Linn. Msas.. Dac3'Jsu. 8, WerctaUrT-llRice A Barton's Comadlus-Toronic Csn , Dec SlJan.a DalrolL Mich., I-U . ,

Rosaell BroL'-Bosieo, Maaa, Dtc 91Ju, 8, Fblladsl

nel^i^J^Wooii'\-<t Louie Mo., Dec 91Jan. 8.

ReefM A PalBora—Cindnnail. O. Ju. B-11Rob Bor Bptolaltr-Pblltdolplila, Pan Dec SIJu. &Bobloion's-Bpmoa Oreeb, Pa., Jan. 2, 3, BIrmbiabaB

4. BSandow'c Eoffoe-Omaha, Neb., Ju. V8, SL Paul,

Minn., Ju. 7-0.

Bonon'a-Rcsdlng, Pa. Deo 31-Ju. 8. _ ., . .RoDlb Before tlis Wsr"-Bslllmore. Md. Doc. SIJu 8.

BbermiD A Herlsat'a-Uatifn, N. Y , Dec.SIJac S.

Tranancssnlcs, Hopklna'-CloclnnsiL n., Dsc 91Jfti; 8

Wl llaBS',lbnT.Own-ClseinDaU,0.,I>sc9lJaa. a,In..

dianapoiia, Ind., 7-11Williams', nsrrr, Wsleort-Lonlsf Ills. Br, DecBIJu.

8. Olofeland,C 7-11

Wohtr A Flolda'-Banlmon, Hd., Dec SIJu. 8, Pllla.

bora. PC, 7-la

WaldDua'a Fred.-Cblcaio. Ill , Dec SOJu. 13

Wat«>n Blatais'—Albasr, H. T., Doc SIJu. 1' While Crook"—BnBalo, N. Y , Dec SIJu 8.

UMBTRBLS.-Lonlarlllc Br, Ju, 4. B.

-Dobni|no,la Ju. 1Ju. 3, Bnmas 3. Hilf^nl 4.

Barlow Bros.'.Beacb a Rowsrs'-Bnrd's—Walktrlun. Ind

Ciilhua's-Vftldoala, Oa., Ju. 3. MonllesUo. Fla. 8.

ThoBft.fIHc Oft- 7, Albur B, Dawson I, Fort Oalnca10, OuihPsrt 11, Amarlens 14.

Olsfs'ud's—Cblcaao. Ill , Dse SIJsn. a.

Flsio's. Al. ll.-RtsnboDfIlls. O.. Jan. 1 East Llf•inoel3. Unlnnlowa. Pc. 4, Mcgaeanort 8. Abeona 7, Johns.town 8, on Oltr 9, Tlnsfllle I", HeedfUla II, tonngs.town.O Jl . „ ,

Ooiton's-Wilmlndos, N. fl.. Ju. I. Dsillnilon, B. 0., 4.

(Inf Bloc'—Psnaaotawnsr.l'c. Ju.3. . .Usfsrir's-Su Ffanelsco,Csl.. Deo 91. IndslnltcniBan'r's-AUanls.Qc, Jan, 1 9, Alhsos 4, Wsablng.IodB, Ant<iala7,HilMaBfl1la&. _ ,. w. w

Prlranas A Weat a-Bogale, N. Y., Ju. 3, DtUoll, Mich.,

s-a, Cbicaao, iiL. 0-11Vtee'ud>%orfr. Pa. Ju 3. BandplPh. N._Y., 4..ISIIj.

calUflIle8,Rprlnafllle7. Frankllntlllsa,Olean 1. Al

fled Cenlce m, Addlann 11, Welloabom. Pa, 11

0IR0IIBE8.Clatk'»,W.C.-Folrlald,Tei, Dtc 9, Kereui r.Csoton

Mwatton A Bona-Mullla, P. T., Dec 91-Feb. 34.

nall'a Fruk-Chlcaso. Ill , Dec 31, Indstnlu.U Pssrl's-Duwllic lU- Deo Bl. IndeBnlle.NalaoB'a Joba-BosolaKa A, Dac si. ladsBella.gedtl(Hi'a,L.J.-BllwukecWla.Dec3IJu^Sparks', Joha B.-Oowpm.B. oriuJ, .Oliou 4, Ps-

mljMiaui^llpanaaabnrg 7, Wsllford g OnaaflUe


BnutfWoalM-WtM^ Kwa, Dm n-Ju. &Butar^ Dr^LnlaitMLKT., Ju. t, i, rrutbil 4^1,

BiaaehMVOUamowtn-ariBHU, Ik., Dm. 3>-3tn. iOiaBOD'A 8l|t.—BftnUtM. O., Ju. I, OnnnlMTlU* 3,liOlMlaBkUl, 6.

Djt^^JPnt—aot SpriDfi, Ark.. Ju. B-7, Ttuikua,

Bi rvkiu-Qhu ruKK. T., Ju. 1, Huiiu I, r«nnoo < DtlnTlUt tTButom r.

SdwWood—Aimu Utroaih Dovtb Amerlem.racw A HuMnoB't-Horfolk, Ta.. 7-X1.Bigw^<>r»jOloeluall, O., Dm. il-Ju. >, lodUupa

U»nmuD-Chl«M<VlU.DM.SI-Ju.0.IMau-FuRblU, wU,J>a.t->.Babla^oM^tw OilMai, U , Dm. SO->u. ».DuUtu'i, Cbu. r,—RMlban, OnL, Ju. t, 6, Alb-

JoM?. J. AbiuUd—Ploruw, B. 0., Ju. t-t. BwoalU-TUtol-r.

KoifU BlM.* E^slB<»-lltiutfrl*, Vi , Ju. X mOar.laMut 4, Ubwlott«nlUa S, aunglaa 7, LailoKtoo ^BMMk*L 10.Lfnabbiin II,U

r*wMa Blira wud irwi>^4uD, Fium, Ju. Itt—rt. Oimi B'-rai llTar. Mtaa., Ju. 1, Naw Badlorila, Xanwi^ B. I. «, rnTldaow 1, 1^

StilaA BfDIth'a-jni miu thraoab AailnllaSebaUlar'a Edaa MaaM-LA Orofaa, Wla., Jid. >, Da-boqiHklktM.

TaitallVa. rnt J.-D«lrolt. Tax.. Ju. 1.

aatlaka'a Naw Oilaaiu Maaaam—RiehiiMDt), Va., Daa.•1-JaD.O.

iraira WoDdailud-JackioBiiUa, ru, Dae. Jl.Ju.t,Bl AiiriatlBa7-ll.


au Loala.—Bulnea mada t bl| aiut ttit tnlput of lut wrek, bin letdowo titer Vfeaattatf,

Oltmpio TBUTm.—Jolm Dnw uounanMd &wctk'a nimganwDi Deo. 91, preaenUag ' The Boiteitlaa." "ne 00011117 Olrooa" did • fair bulaeaa laet week. Hod. W. 0. P. Breckinridge UC'tDisdSnndaT night. E. H. BoUiera Jan. a.

Obind OriBA HooBB.—"A Trip to Oblnatown"dnw fair bouaea Uat week. Tboa. Q. SeabrooketlilB week, pRienlliMt"Abtaoo" and 'The lale ofOhampBgae," Btoart Rohaon T.

HATLiH'g TBunB.—Jaoea U. Wtllick commenoed a week'a engagement Deo. 30. nr. andMn. OUrer BTroo drew top beav; bonaea afier Ihetliat niaht laat week.Haoam Tbbitbe —"Tbe KM" drew aone good

hooaealiatweek. Htnlan'a"Pant>aDA'>lblawe«k.STAHDABn TBiiTRi.—H. W. wiUlami' Meteora

did a good boalneat laat week. KelllT & Wood'aBig Bbow this week. Qreoler'a Ljceun TbeaireOompaqr e.

BorBoia' ForB'a TsRiTBi-Jotephlne Honeukea Ibe place of Oella Ataberg u leading Isdj.The following la tbe TaiideviUe compaoj: TbeKIna Nan, Oerome and Alalia, Bamaei Bnrt, IbeLoreUa, Oenrga Onbam, Bertie Ilalgle, WillieRoaaall, and Thorne and WlUelt. The dramiilccompanj In *^he PInnger."KoOiMLXY's MusBi'H.—Fnnkiui (Are king),

Zlena (Impalement act) RBod* irorkiah dancerj,Nat Oomatook (Spulata ringa), I.lllle BLVraln (eongand dance), and ihe atock companT In "UncleTom<a Cabin."WonriR OAiioiK.—Vaaager Robt. L. Oulelon

haa Sited np a large Ttataonnt on Ihe aecondfloor front. He annonnon the fo'lowing compani


Alex. Kirk, tbe TenTe/ Famllr 0) nrcbeatrB, Koa-t«r Blalen, Mammla Ohamplon, Ed. Fox. DotFlaher, Ed, Harkej, Flom IlatUnga and HabelMonroe.EaBBB's AiBmBR* TnuTBB.—Hat, and Eoma

Oomatock, Jamea and Nenie Nevelll, lloae Mitchell,LotUe 8waD,o<car and BalMe Kberna, VlolotandLlDla Eahcr. Louie Thome, Hand E. Uwla, Mamieand Anble Stsnlex, and Oojetie.LONOOii Thbatbi.—lamea and Ida Olidaj, Emma

Weaton, Prof. Maze, Kaaien Slalert, Prof. Agtzt,three KonaoUa, Ada Oiltion atad Benie Iloideo.BiriKT'e Tbbjitri.—Toe Londgrena, llMoar

and Lee, Baker and Randall. Kellr Brcthen.aaaAadrewt, Uana and availing. Dare HcOord, AdolpbOoraalei, lla Beebe, JueTio Ohrrber, tbe Haoka,Beaale Gamer, Dolorca Amoretti, Obtt. PAlmer, J.

J. Herbert, Alloa Alklnaon and Minnie Lee.Tbbatrb Oomqux.—0(0. KtlL Too Talbart,

Mauie Browning, Chaa. and Bertha Tajlor, PearlAndrew!, Ed. Onilg, tbe Selge SlatetB, J. 1. Marrarand tbe ttook.OxM Tbxitri.—Relllj and Hackler, Mamie John-

aon, John Coleman, BIIIt Laclede, niij While, Sit-

ae Aablej, Diamond Whillub, LoUie Lea1I^JohnB. Morrla, i,<r,ile Parker and Ohaa. Oimdr.BijoD THBinu —Jeatle Adanu, Blaoohe WUbnr,

Jennie Clarke, John A. Lealle, BUlr and OracleMill*, Ullle De Unoha, Ceorgle Ullljer, CanleAUeo, PhUllpt and Najnon and wm. Hajler,OBIT.—Florence Stone takea Uia place of A. Ton

Ella In Oliver Bjron'a compin; tola week. Mr,BfTon Introdncea a ateam road roller on ibe'iagaIntbeltatact ThoDeltorelie Brothers, Fi^onfholowna and moslclane, made a bit at Popio'a Tbe-aire laatweekandwere re-engaged The BoaronIdeal Opetm Oomosnr had two large aadlenoea atthe newMnalo llaU, In Eaat St. Lonia, Ohrlatona

Ueot, w. Allen, tbe ventilloqalal andmaglolaii,lBheteTUIilng frienda and rtsnineathetonr of bla out Oamlval ExblMUon U Ohrlac-

naa preaenia were Ihe order of the day laat week.Frank L. Obt, atage manager of >Uher'a Theatre,recelTOd a Knighta of Pjthlaa badm from tbe com-panr and a Blgoet ring from oicar and SameKhema Manager Hoddleaton, of the TheatreOomlqae, received a allk ombrella and ProprietorThompaon aallver cop,

Katnaaa Cll^.—At Ihe OOAtea Opera llonae,thia week, Btnait Hobion. In -Leap YearJ' "SheBtoopa to Uonqner," "The Kenrleiu" and "The Id'

terloper." Thoe. Q. Seabrooke caine Ohrleiinaaweek, prearnung "rhe lala of Cbampagne" and"Tabtaco" to oolv a fair week'a boeloeaa. Nextweek, Sol Smith RnaeflUlQ ' Peacefol Vtllej," "APoor RtUllon" and ••The Heir at Law."OBiMO OrxRt Bonsi.—TblB week, A. T. Fearson't

"Land of ue Midnight Son." Uat week "In OldKentockj" pl»ed iti iceond engagement here

I. Hie"

thia aeaaon. The boHlneea goea to prove that Kanaaa Oltj la net encb a poor anew town after all, for abig week'a bntlncBB waa tbe reinit, people beingtoned awav at Ave pertormanoea, and toe bioaewaa well Oiled at otocr ilmea. Next week, J. K.EmmetMiHTB STBiR TsBATBt.—Tbia wctk, "The Prodi-

gal Father." Uat week Murray and Mack, In

"Flnnlgan'a Ball," bid a good week. Next week,'The Oharit; Bail."aiLUs uriBi Bomi.—Thia week, 'The Sblp of

BtBta." Lutweek"TbeSandaw.TrooideroVande-TUle Oompanj did Ibe banner week at ilie booae.CLirrBBiiiai—Thoa. (l- Seabrooke and wife,

EItU Croi, entertaliKd the memben of their com-PUT with aOhrlBlmaa tree alter Mondaj eTenlog'aperformance Tbe Oborlln Olee CInb gate aBncceaafnl concert Dec. 37 Bob Arthur, ad-vance agent for "A trip to Uhlnatown," loralnedhiB ankle while here. Mr. Aiihnr left lor St. Louieon Ibe apcclal train with "Tne Black Urook"companj Tbe Harvard and Yale Olee OinbBwill be here this week at the AaOltorium.

BrowoKe k Bardj'a Mioetni Oompanjhave lold their car to tbe <itrer BroaChu. Ponl* preaented Jcrrr Lan', of "Tbe UiaokCrook" Co , wlib a flne Irian water apulel pnp,and Delmoroand tvilaoo, of "Flnnrgan'a Ball" Co.,

were alao tlie reolplenta of a handaome dogMany protests are being bioogbt to bear aoalntiHir:ln Regan ereotlni a variety theatre at Rlgbihand Walnot, which I* a gooo bnalneaa portion nfthe city Momy and Msck gave the membfraoftbelrcompaoja 6aD(|iielnn OhilslmHseveManager Jndab preaenied each of the employea ofthe Oiand with a t irkey Hembera of the San-tfow company excbuged many handaome Ohrlsl-mari preeentB.

Ht. Jou|ih.—At Tooile's Theatre Ibe CrescentNlnatrtla (nome talent) packed tbe honsa Chrlat-naa matinee and night. Leatlog and Lord, pnfts-alonala, now flillnB an engagement at the Mneea,Tolnnttred and maili a bit. Sandow ccmtB Dec31, "In Old Kentncki" Jan. 1,'.', with .s'ew Yetr'amatinee, Lillian Laals II.

OmwraiD'a TBaiTaB-Obarha Uickaon hadgood bnalneaa UhrliliDu matinee and night. Bto-art K4iiaoD come* x to iila advuca. "Tbe Sblp ofStale" a, with msilne*. '-Toa Uuzirr" New Year'sBUUoaa and nighL Bol Smith Rntsell Jan. 4, Mnr.nr aad Mack e, "Ohartiy Ball" lo, J. K. Bmmei 1:.

DIN McSBi.—Bnslneas the piat week waa big.Anewdspanare In cnno hall (or OnrtstmaaandNew Tear'* week Is Jolrs E Oimer's industrial D«-aaar. Thealorlum.-Harle Wetflry'e Playera willpieient "Eaat Lynne" week of D<r. it.

im i


Illaaa Falla—At ibe Ortud Hie Wilson Tbr*.ireco. opened, Dec. ai.foraweek, In repiriory. on», Jane Ooomba appeared in "Romeo and Jollet,"

to a aaall andience. Onmiic "Yon YoDaoB"Jan.e. "ns Span of Ufa" U, Tba Slaodatd TbeairaOc, with Frad Tboapaen a* managiii, ia beliutorgaaiaed In thia dty.and will lake tba road aliontife* middle of JtBaarr.


PhlladelplilaH-At few of tba thwrM last

week wblb bnalnen np 10 tbe managerial expect*.Uon. ChilBtmaa week ii ninally a big week InPbUadalphIa, bnt liadlUon was sadly ahatlereil at annmbar of tba bonaea, Tbera are alx bold overtthlB week, and the noTelUea are tew aad tar be-tween.

WAunrr Btuit TaBiTii.-Hn. langtry did aDig bnalneaa last week, and bcr naaagemanl baabongbt the time booked here for "la ihe Tenderjoin;" thoa giving bar two week* In PblladelphiaInalCAd of one. Tbo aovoliy or tba week wm beher Brti eppearanee In Sardon's "Malaoa Nenve,"whiob Sidney Omndy has adapted lor her aadcalled "A Honsa of Cards." The play baa neverbeen sndnoed In English bAfore. lo addition tothia Hre. Ungtry will reanpear In "A Wlfi'-aPeril" and "Esther Sandiii," both of which ahegtvalaatweek. "Ooon Hollow" next week.NiTioxii, TBBiTiii.-ManAger Kelly baa tbe only

other novelty of the week In the liat PblladelpbiaprodncUon of "A Ron uo the Baak."ln whichwardand Yokes are narrlng. Tbo IlnsUer" laatweek played to large receip'a. Next week, JohnKeraell, In "HoFadden's FJopanant."ArADiBV OF UoBio.—From "Uncle Tom'a Cabin"

to grand open is the change which will Uke placehen next week. Tha old drama baa done a fairbnalneaa, and Its second week sbonM show no IWI.lag oir. Tha oompaoT Is all that conld be dielrtd,"11 Trovalore" will be snng Jan. 8 and "ivwst"will be given la Fnicb 10.

AusnoRtUM.—Lew Iiockslader'a Hlnslrela putnp a nntdaaa show last week, and the bouse waspacked at almoet every perfonnanc*. The praeentattraction la tbe Uoeion Howard Alhenicnm Com-pany. Nex( week Risaell Broihera' Oomedlanaoome.Broad Btbixt Tbbatu—"Tba Devll'B IXpoty"

contlnnea to be one of the grcateat dnwing atlrtc.tlOBB of the seaeon, and aeaia at any perrormanoawera acaroe Uat weak, A large advance aale Isalso reported for this week. Society bu taken optba show, and box parties' ara of nightly occnr-iBoce. Yaaya will nlay afternoon of 0. Nextweek, Camilla D'Arvllie, In "Madeleine, or theMaglo Klaa."

OOiSTNtJT SnxBT (IrIRA lloi'iiL—"Sowing IbeWind" had fair honses all last week and remainsaaotber week. Suvenhagen and Oenrdy give ananeraoon recital 3. William U. Crane, next week,tn "The Merrv Wlvea nf Windsor."OBBsniOT SraBBT TniATRB—"Obarley'a Annl"

had good hcnscs last week, and ptomlaea to bnakthe Pblladelpbia record for long rans. Tha seventy,ntih parfonnanca oconrrrd 31, and waa celebnudas aonvenir nIghLELlViHTB mBBXr Ol'IBA IIODSL— CtmoroBB'

Hlnstrela tlwtia do their beavltat bnalneaa abonithe holidays, and tha onatom holds good Ibis year.Crowded nonsea wera tba mla every night butweek, and preaentswere dlstrlbntad to the childrenat every pcrformanoa.EHriHi TBiATBi.—Beetle Bonahlll had a proflt-

able week In "Playmatea." "The Dazzler" la an oldPhiladelphia favorite, which baa apparantly neverworn ont Its welcome. Next week, "A TexaaSifer."

FonirAiriiB'.i Tiibatri. — Tbe stock company

Em a doe perfomuaoce of "llanda Across the Bea''at week, and bnalneaa was above I ha average.

TbiB week, 'The Romany Rye." Henrietu Va-den has been epeclaliy engaged to play MotherSblpion. Nut week, "Tbe SilllAlarm."GiRABD AvBNDB TBiiTRB.—'Ingomar" drew

big aodlences all laat week. This week, "WildOata," which haa not been seen In Philadelphiarlnoa the days 01 the old atock company at thaCbettantsucet Theatre. Joseph Holland hat beenengaged to play John Dory. Next week, "IhoBella," with OrettonOltrkaatMaihlat.Oband OriRA Housi.—Bnainesa has picked np

considerably dnnng tba holidays, ana "OaptalnPanI," wbloh Is really n drat clata melodrama, wellacted, baa played to the beat bnslnesa since thebonse opened under Mr. Ttssofs managementEmsiMOTON Tbbatbi.—Tha Oerman Tolon-

teer" did a big boslneat last week, playing to thecapacity of tba bonta at every panomiaaca. Thisweek, Hlaco'a Amerlcaa Paatomlme Company, In"The Maglo Taiiaman," Next week Davls<"DncleTom's Cabin" oomet np from tha Academy ofHnalc.LvctDB Tbbatbb—Sim T. Jack^a Craolea played

to large reoelpta aU Uat week. Tbe Fay FasterBotle8(|oe Ooopany, beaded by Marie Binart, thisweek; next weak, the LIUj CUy Company.Faxii TniATBX.—Otu Skinner deserved much

better bntlnisa last week, "flia Qraca, Da Oram-mont," being an atirtctlon at once nonandartlt-tie, and Toe KIng'a Jeeler" giving tbe star greatopportnultica. Tne oriaca apoke well of the per-fomaace, bnt tha attaadanca was lamentably slim.Tbe Amenoaa Traveety Company, beaded by EddieFay, tbU ire'k- Next week Rose Cogtalan givea'To Nemeets" for the llmtime here.PiorLi'8 TaiATta—Big bosineea retnltad from

the engagement of "Pan] Eanvar" Uat week, andthia week "The ffbite Sqnidron" U on. Owing 10Joeeph Dowllnt'a wllhdnwing "The Lite Ooard,"Manager Bradenborgb baa booked Bany iMj, In'The Man from the went," for next week.SriNDABD TOBATBi.—Chrtatmta week brought

ont Urge audlencee to tee "In lbs FoothUU," andbnilceea waa Otst cUaa. Tba atUBOtton tbU weekU Sadie HaasoD, In "AKantnoky Olrl." Next week,"Work and Wagea."Bijou TBBtTBB.—The morning peitormanoea

which an being given daring tbe boUdaya havebeen well patronised, and the naaal laria bnslnesahaa prevailed during tha atiamooaa ana aveainn.The openMo iiuncllon thu weak U "Tba FlrAtraofPeaiance," and tbe vandevUte entortalnmant Is fnr-nlabed by Sevems Sobalier, the California Trio,McMabonaad King, Frado and Stone, Oeorge DU-mond, O'Brien, Jenningi and O'Brien, Banelt andCocke, Oracy and Bnme(t,and John and JeffreyaPendy,NiKTB AND Arch MoitsirH,—The attraotlons this

week lnclaii« lllalto (sironiman), Walinso(blaemu), Jo Jo (dog raced boy). Ell Uuwan (half man),M. Bernard and wreatilng bean, and 0. A. Bonny,the musical albino, lo tbaatro ara Cnndail andClark, Three Aabieyt, Dick Leggett, Kojalo, Phil A.Mcnonaid, Rnta and Adtoa aad Mile. Monllo.WiHTiR CiiooiL—Tha opening week aaw Indit-

fennt hosinesa, wltl the exception of Satordaynight, when additional boxing inatobea iirongbtonlagood crowd. This weak Billy Piimmer willboxaiib Joa McOnlb, and the foliowlDg vtade-vllle Uleni will appear : CaTmenallle and Loellle,Prof. J. W. Hampton, wlia hia trained dogt anacats; Netdbam and Kelly, tha Loftua BTttera,Brown and Bventt, Romolo Brotbera, Qenie Oil-eon and Rita Dnnnd,KoTis.—All tbe bo laea tlve extra New Year'a

oulloe >t, and Ibe Lyceum has a midnight perform-aace New Year'a evd Capt. Vhartea M.UIark,the it'egoerd. batter known aa "the velvet ooa'edhero," has left town lo appear in "The BliU Alarm,"ottderthemanagemintof DavlsA Kaogh "Menand Women" it In preparaiioo for producllon bythe atock company at Foiepaagh'a Ed. R. Ber-100, of Rice and Barton, wno hu been ill with pul-monary compUlnr, will be given a beaeot, I atParktr'a Ba'l, Oermaaiowo Manager Joon A.Fotepaagh u being boomed for re-eiecilon toCommon Connollt Jamea Bashy baa beenengagedu maater roocbaato at the Pnople'e.EdwlD Wayne, of tbe Thomas K. Sbes Oomptoy,paldadyinivUittobU home In thia city last week.

Arthur Beaton aacceeda Warwick Osnor Intne BIJOU Open (Company this week Someidiot yelled Are In tbe Nai tonalTheatn at tbe CbrUt-niu matlaee, and a panio was only averted by Ibecoolnest of tbe atuchee. Fully half of the andl-enca left the theatre before it ww discovered thatthere was no dre After lu disaattont week atthe WaUint Ibe "Sanuon" company. In which J.

Waller Kennedy wu tuning, disbanded here. Mr.Kennedy oUims to have been deeerted by bis man-agera, who left him withoni fonda. The aceneryand propeniaa an held by Manager Howe. Mr.Kenntdy olalmi that tbete belong 10 bla wife, andthat It lu an lelosdca to him to be held lUble tor

hli Kanager'a debts.

PUlibwM.—American drama, Eogllab oomedr,fares tomeoy, melodrama aad Amenraa comedyrooprlie tha atiractlona of oor legiamate bonie*tor the current week.BiJOD TBiATii.— 'Oarkesl Rosiia" this week.

"Eight 'rill" boomed np to Dec. ». "In Old Ken-incsy'Jsn.I.ALvm TBBATti.-'TbeOlii I utt Behind Me"

thit wiek, the Llltputiant Jan. ;. John Drewcloaed a bnuitnt eEgaiemeot tMc.'a,EitT EiiD iniATRr.-Robtri HllUrd, lu "The

Komlnea," Uic. ni, for tba Or*t time here. ' ToePrIasteSecreitry" fliied last week's blU. Nothingis oaderllned tor Jan. I.

Babrt WiLUAHt' ACAOtur IIP Mcsic-TaoFrench Folly Cn. Uir. 20 and week. IlarTi WU-llimt' UWBBptaaiiy Co. did a big bnalneaa the pistweek.NBW Qbabd OriRA Bovst.—UallcB and Halt. InUterOD," ttu week; ElBe ElUUr Jae. I. 'Tba

PrlBoatt Bonaie" did aplendldly UM wttk.

HiBBT Dim' RDiN MtiRii.-ETaleen (wsterqnean) tad lUrirPiok (eqaUlbrltl) aia tha priaol-pal naw teatnrea In the ontto haU tUt week, whiloMllei t IreUnd't Tnnbadonn glv« a gna al*gashow.Woii.n'a Minini TniATtB.-Cnrlo ball attnc-

UoDs thU week an (;oaman (tword twaUowcr),OkUhoma Bill and Pnirta May, Mile. Owens (longhalradUdj)RadlhaUlklnghonaBanner. On Ihestags—Mnaical Dale, Robetta and Donto, Travelle,Dixon and Lang, the lUvonporta, Iho Hldnuua anaF.d. Rogei*.DpgcnKR TniATHi.-"A Gaiety 0lri'> for Ihe ilrtt

lima here Dec .11. w. u. Citne'a enguement Uatweek waa * brlliltntsiicotsa. Rice'a "r4ii|" Jan. I.Hasb.—Xella uujtoo. vocalist, Joins tee French

Folly Co. at Uarry WllUama' Academy of Hu<lcthU week There is a ramor thitt Joon T. Kellyand flue Williams may sur In iine.tt seawnFraptletor llsrry Dtvu will pracnt k anuveulr.In toe form of a gold breaatpin, to every Udy vlili-Ingtbe New World's Muaenm Theaire tbiiwetk.

"Prlaceiia Boonie" did m wvllstilienrandOpen Hooae but week lhal it hu been booked (ora niam eagagaracni at an early daio JohnUartU Is acting manager of tne New World'aMuaenm Theatn.

Wllkeaharre.—The hclliiay acaaon liu notbrought forth anch flnancltl returns. In thetirlcau,M wae anilcipaiert, owing, dm. 10 tbe general de-prtaalon; aecondly, to a aencral slump la the an.tbiiclta CMl trade, and, Inlrdly, to the tie op of iboeleetrio system of railways. At the nnioif OpenHouse, Walter Kenncdy'a Co., booked for Dec. 10,did not matenallie. "Princrtt Ronnie" (retgradaft), tit, bad Bneaitendanoe. Ward and Vokra,'.'!,bad light hntlneu. Cbsuncey Ulcoit, In "Tne IrishArtlsv' Hi. toroed them away. Joseph 011, in'The sur (l>r.:r." te, had light buslnets owing tnsiormy night Rbra, tn "Tbo New MagJnlon," i1,had light attendance, canted, no doubt, tiy the tie-

np of aireet rallwaya. Ocagmre .t (iisni'a "ThelUzzler," '.a, bad (air buflucea. To come: vtine.\CRa"3l, Uuls Aldrleh, In "My I'artnrr," Jan. 1:l.ehlgh Unlrenlly niee ud Banjo Clali 2, 'TheDerby Mascot" i. "Roiiln Rood" 11, lu.

Mtfiic llAU.-UlDola Sawiinl, In reptrtury, liec,

IT-'.I, had lair bnslneas. W. H. I'ower'H "Ivy L«a(,"24, 'J<i, 20, tomed people awav. M^tla Jauten, In"Delmonlco's at Six," ST, bad light business. ' Intha Tenderloin" a, JO, bad fair businoas. liAlsyMarcoa's "i:nde Tom'a cabin" Co. for same dateacanceled. Tn come: Kennedy's riayom lo repertorv week of .n.

woNDiRi.iND TuiATU|.Ui'ti>.-Uuni'..< ImperialJapanese Jugglem, Aatarie (air walker) and aspecialty company bad (nwd buslnets.Noris.—Tbe eetlous lllDesa of n twelve year olii

son took Uansger Shelby to Naw York licc. 'je

Manager H, ii- Bnrgnnilcr, of tbe Onnd, is a pruudfather of an Infant girl,

llarrlabani—At tbe Opeia llonie, Chrlslniasweek, bnslneas wis lood. May Robblna. in "l.liile

Triile," cams Dec. 2.'i, Khea 'Jii. The nnulml r orIhe week the hcnae was occnpied by tiio .S'ati-

Teachen' Mosic .Issoclstlon CanVFnit"n. vil.lch

brooghttoihisclty many dUtingui:thcil compoarr^andaololsls. KellarcomesJan. 4.

Edrn Hi'stt.—ObrUtnua week Wiu h iiig one.Week of Deo. so-Xewion Ueen, In "Tlio iir«nglenof Paris," with Margaret Tenet Kata Itnniaino,Agnet Furoali, Aggie Loraine, Thomu iMwards,Fred. Mnnroe, Maurice Fredericks, Ed. Thonui,Jfssio Pickens, Prof. CarUale and CarlKle Bisti-rs.

OicnxireiON Uail.—Holiday week proved a bignne. Manager lloUabangh will reopen with Ibe\Vlnter sports In Jsnoary.KOTi8.-ADnla Fording, of iho Rhea Company,

who hat been a soiTerer with rhenmAtlsm for manyworks, U once mora st her dalles, and almui fullyrecovered The Travoltng Men's AtHOclailonhave closed negoUailocs with Honw'ii Uaml fi<r nbeoedt Tbe local lodge of KIks are looking (nran allracllon tor a lienelt. Tbo ad. In last week'sCLirria brought many replies.

Rcranlon,—At the Academy of Music Jas. A.Heme, In "Shore Acres," New Year's nnatlneo andevening; I,oola Aldriob, In "My PHrtner," Jan. 3: A.Y. Peaaon's "The Derby Mascot" :i, tbe ScranionOratorio Boctely in -Tiie Chlmea ot NormanOy" 4.

The Sundard Dramatic Oo. of Scraaloo, in "llandaad Clove," were received br a Qoa house i>co. 30.

Joa Ott, In "Tba SUrOtzer" (rotara date), -ja, had agood honsa. Ohauncey Olcott, in "The lrl>b Ar^ist." 'JT, had an overdowing houso.FBOTniKGnAV.—"Ilosa aod linu'' Now Year'a

mallnea and evening, l.ehlgh Olee Club Jan. 3.

W, II. rower's "ivy Leaf ' Co. wera well receivedDeo. 38, 30.

Uavu' TntATBi —Atkinson's ' Peck's Bad iloy"Dec. SI, Jan. 1, 3, (Iregory's Pantomlne Co. 3, 4, r,.

OhrislmAs bnsinesB wse h record breaker.

Reaillng,«-Rhea gave two performancca at tbeAcademy 01 Mnsio Dec. li, to large andieocei'.

Agnes Heradon drow ttlrly well 30. "The liaziler"

came to good bnslneas 27. ohauncer Ocou pUyedto a large house Wtnle and Vokas, in "A IlunUo the Hank," did well a. Coming: "Sgperba"Jan. I, "Princeaa Honnle" 3, "Shore Acrot" 4.

Orand OrxiA notniB.—"Wtfo for Wife" wtsplayed to good business Doc. 'J4,2ri. Thecompaoicloeed Its season 30. 'Tim. tha Tinker." drew well3T-29. Howard Wall's Ideals week of 31.

Ufjou TnxAmt,- Gregory's "llompty liumpty"had good bntloesa 31-20. A Urgs buslnrss wa<done 2i. Harry Setton's Borlesquo Oo. week ot ai.

Krle.—At Manneraiior Hall "Wracked In Port,"by home Ulent, will In tried Doc. 31.

J. E. (ilRABD'B WOKUIRIAMII Waa (AVorOd Withtoo bnalneaa the past week. Tha stock companycontinues. In tha Cnrto Hall, Kijl Jim and Annand Annie Miller.

NflTSR—Tbo advance ronnager of TdcodnroThomu' Chicago Orcbostre wm hero last week,amURlog for a March date A grand ainll.

torlnm will be bnlli la Krle and Onlshed tor liie

Hnmmer season of 1«'J.'>. Tne capacliy will tie .'i,»io


AllooBB—At the Klcvenlb AvennoOper* llouwPior. KelUr had a largo audience liec. 21. tlio »nlyattraction during the week. "I'dul Kauvar'' ntter-

nocnand evanlng Jan. I, Camllle U'Arvllle ilpenCompany 3. Wllfnd Clark 4 and l.ouls Aldrtchli,

AL (I. Field's MInttrelt 7, »A liarrel ot Money" 10.

lUrry DhvIs' Kden Musan iliii a large tmM-nest the flrat part ot week ot Dec. 'it. giving touriiertormMces CbrlslroM Diy 10 crowd'd bouses,'rblsweak Uoyle and Granam, George Tnompaon,The Sbcebant, Mllo. Caroline, Collins and Madell,the Dtwaoos, and Stewart and Hart.

lianeaatar.—Atthc Fulton opera llonaa "PabloRomanI" wu well preseotrd to largo houses Dec.'J4, 'Ji, Oosgrova A (Inut'a "Tha Oazsler" did well3J1. Hsriu DcccA, snog recital, drew a crowdedbouae27. Hay Smith llibblsa, lo "Little Ttlxle,"badgoodbnslDess24. Marie Jaospn, in "Ifelmon-ico't tl II," had a Urge hniisa 20. "I'auI Ktiivar" 31


Lot Angaloa,—Thomas W, Kceno dicw talily

at the LoH Angelea Theatre Dec. 'A-'JJ, nitb "lllch-

ard 111," 'TbU Hercbant ot Venice," "Olliello'' and"llanilel." Aleiagder Salvlnl apptva at IhU

bonis Ubrisimu week. Uooklngt: Biolc Hailinot

Jan. <-l2,"A Tuiklib Bath" It-ie, Tavaiy KngllsbOpera Co. 'Jt-3ii, Lottie Uollios 'a-V) Tne Uor-bsnk Tlieairc reopened Deo. a with h apacuoularproduction ut "The lilack Crook." aod Lea iicinon-

dessndtJoanzaandHegilitaPd l,ee In apcrUiiIraImperial Hoalc llaM oir^rol the foiinwing

people 'O-x: Dig Four, lAlor aod Clinord, Carterand Mack, Dirwlu, Lamont broa., Koatrr andEvans, Boaeo and Wtliera. Harry lielalii and llvlug

piclurea The unnd opert llouae paaatalntoanother chapter ut Itt ubectered carver lieu. 31,

when the Walter Orpbeiim Ci. aiaiinica l unirni andwill open ibe place wlih vaudeville. The WallerOrpbeoinCo. itcomposrdof (loaiiv Wil er. M ll^

Sao FrancUco Orpheum, Joseph I'etrirh andLaooce Ur'-i bwell.



Hot 8pi loga,—At the Opera Uooae "Lady Windermare'a Kan" wu presented to a Urge aodlenca

Dec. 2i. Booked: Lillian tAWit :il. "Hhe" Jso. I,

' Tee Black Crock" ' Tue Fast Mall" ;, llobtMaotell 0, (iudla Woliia 1:.

Llilln Hnck,—At Uapltai Tbtaire "l.a-ly IVin

detmere'a Fan" camo, Dec. 'U, to fair bnalieva.

I,eaa Mltcbcli,:>, hud a lair bonse. "Goody TauShcs." 34. 3'. 2t, 2v, by home ulent, under the

diiTCtlon ot Mrv. L^on Rose, o' Chicago, drowmederata hooses. Doe: 'Bhe" 31, MilUn LevisJu. I, "The liuck Crook" 4, '^ha Put Mail"H. B Utntell 7, t, "AUbaiaa" U, 13 "She"Ooopaaf syaai Xmaa weak beta.


taauaad kr aaab lalttr, aai iK IIM ot k«iiS£u>Mby the peraoa aduiaMsd ihoilt be glvaa, la eidat tepraveai nuiakaa.^Hova.—nvfaaalooala aad elbers aheoM bear U oiadlhai all lauai^ ata., la buali batvau tSe (railed iwsaudCutda,aHM »<im*ali,ethttwUa thai anaolR^vmruev.

LAOlEa* LIST.UIOB. Aui« M.Uub\% AllMMoBifbnl Mwiul«r. Bttft

MuUuil.JialMlftttur*. B.MoDoflkld KatM

HmhtlLMidtllMHunr.MnLj II

MnTidk, rruki*aoTdMBL N*Ula

Hiuo, ruDj

Vorrlmri Lol*N»lJDD. 001%H

NoflML Mftodirltndo k

LomttoOldMsMu1HtB«i,Bll*^Pnor, LlUI*PallmAB, DotFmij, Mavfrior, LIIJI*

'E*KMd, J*sbUnaihronLIUMRontlttfim*Rktudu. KimtRalbdtD. ViaR4imoDd, HfttklR«bM, Oor* M.BoatmuL K«U B.Rooatr, Ktti*Rr«ient ItttttnRMQtf, Jocic

Rollo, UvtRfltoTa, MlDOl*

AUluMB. BJlth'"•AynftT, LoUaAadtcvoD, lUlvn

AMI*. MiDDl*Ard«ll, Olll*Adftnu, BUooh*Aduid, Ai1»AthlDiOD. HubyAhboit, Aooi* M.B*rafa, (Ine*

Belkar, A»l«BMI, AOBft iZ

aduHluehinl.klftrB«an*i(«.MtMl«BUk*,aBomi«Btch, Marl* A.Bwntlio. Mm. II.

B«lloQl, Bl*uBtironl EliUnBalltDnr. AUi*B«lobAl«r,

BaMwiD.Mn H.8Brraa. lliltD

Wra n.Bntirton, UtrnllD*OUDItr, iDOfH*Cady, OartniileC(ayioD.Miu K.Cra',«r,HUaAli«a«


Callihao. NallUCaalfonl, Mina.'Viwron. Add(»CaiD|>balf, Citric*t'aawroD,


Ch*rt*r.a«untl«Call! v*ll. JuliaCoop«r, UatRood. Xalor.al«*iL 0111*Ohaiaiiiao, KIIU*Oi>i VioUtnarlloo, Ad*l*ObaM, llatu* hnrtaffo. Blaaeh*narllDKloo, HllaCuDiiiipn,

Buocb* D.fllinoo. J**iia

D«bD(B)|, Madjt*U*T07 HaUio

04 V»r*. VaraOlamoDd, floraOalhaso. HU*.Dadl*r,May V.Ouiina.Hiaol*Do Bar, floroncoDllOQ, tl*Ml*OaMoli Marl*Ofiji; MiodIn[liDiiDAro. Kalll*IVIfov. Ada

i,K<U'*Oa iUvtfO. MlODltBrail*, Lllllaa

BaiDff, (tonl*K^rl. II«K*IKllia, MaOx*Kllatoii, MaudKoRslharr, Il«UoRvfliD, AonI*BuUll*. -Flibar. Miry

Fui.NvllloPraDhlin, t'raalil*Poller, U*tiruilKFraiar, llyaoioihNuRo, Uyrtl*Pr«Dch,Mr« M.

FloraDea, MIbdI*

rot. IHlfariaki, Manilariif, MarlonKI*h*r.MlDQ(aPuMoa, Boila~,)adrc, Kill*(IrarVMao

(toraoa, Llljtiajlor, Mar(lonloQ. Baoil*Urajwall. BOIthnrar. AdailrtifiD, Vlalal(lllbari, Paaal*[Jraltam, Blal*UilDiora, Killl*UoMaoa, (Irao*OllaoiOi, Mai7(lr*f, Paarl(IraT.DorothvQnit uam V.

Holm, AmyUtUrar, Allla

Uanli*, Hrt. P.llaavie^, MaralalltrtwrL Oorallow^ KalliarlBOllaal*7- LliiioHo«*,UIII*llaTTlMQ, LDllalUtaa, Lful*lUlaloo, MaUHuoLNIall*rb«rt, Mra Bi),Hnvin). .\*UI*UartiuaoD.

Ltniaa Kll*rb*rt, Blla


rilbuTu, hajr

ir*raand*«,lr*B*Hart, Oanl*ItajvoQil. Lirjtia

Miomar. liadff*

IBc*. BinnaInlDB. Jolla

Jaiu*B. CsoraaaJallao.Mrt.Prad

JuliDtoo, Balll*Jojca. Uoatia

avoa. Mabal—KlOd.Paulla*RIlMf. OoortI*KaaUD fllM*nKnoroD, Rai* O.KtDura, MayRally, Jal la

Vina, LatUafaovia. Tubal p.l.o*,ltni VIofortsaail *«. NaQatialaavloa, OlaralitODoL Kathario*L*oo. Mr* DanLalrJ Mn H I.

Labulla^ Mav L.(.#0. Kmma U-UtUa. Ralia


HUtorabaoora. r^rrloLamb, Matai*MHnntnt, Ida

Mari'l*. UuraMarray. Lloda J.

Har*lD0t.8adlaUooroa, rarnoMarloD. Kloraneo4lll«r, Mri. IsftaiH

v«iu>D,HarlatuH.Millar. JtwiaVMidoia, UlaoiltDdtl Hli'.ora

l^uvart. Haul*Riaoton. Anaita(Uawan), Linl*flprain*. A IraPaTiflBiHInaRoniiiara. JnllatPablon. AUeoBoomOaiTltRtniar. JohannatpanldlBi,

Gaorrlo D.fluiia, AnnaKnttAo. Nallla B.Km I III. IdaHill tl, MriL AboHmlth, UfMo~itumbalir>(UaTbonMMiOlU*

rhomai. PlomVarum, Mm.


Voa darAiaUraWaiD*r Barthi

Wailar. TaditrVilaoB.NlBa••UllrB Jaa.

Walura. DeliaIfyoD, HooaA'niio, LulaWanihwonh, Marirada, DaWVooti, HmmaVa^iiiar, BoatVaitoB, Pnoeaa

•^rorka,1laltnVouoR, AdaZtniora, Mr* Ha)

/. »m, Borila/.ili«r, HaiRia

GENTLEMEN'S LIST.airaratil,Ha<ll

*AT»ry, BallrAmicrron, W. Banttnry, W.Atlirrtno. PrankAuilin, II. It.

tiaiiihlar. PrankAmit'il. Billy\riutlrnPK Klrhtllao A DalinainA|b*n«. PriocaAnihooy, TlolorAlbUTlU", —luiilo A UaiTaayAmanu W D.irraaironf A

PorUrAhvmi, Th*iliaara, WillyAoifiia —ibbay. H NirlioRf n. Uen.AthD, Joi. aAlllion.OuaAilbloa Pr«tlO.A lira, Jr.*

Ackar. M ABoraa, (Jao. B.

Brook, JohnBaf (•••an, OarlBinotyAnhapmanBurrlll J. P.

Barn.V J.

BaldPln.B I,

Brooke, BamBaker, (ihM.Hacoo. ProdHaiUy. ITalUrBenton, —loor, rraukBitant A

KlcbioondlaiUy. HarveyRotb. I T.narUaii. PredBurt, PrankBryant, ubaa II

Ho>d.« bai It

Baflitort. UlautiBaenaDan, W. L.BatiDo, - (or B. AVon Loan

BellninQt Joa ABronni*ll, W. A.Bn ant. BillyBaroello, Bijf.

Bradley. D H.

Hoitock. J. W. 04Burke, J FrankBalUn. W. J.

BoUey. U*nBraoi. e. A.lUldvlD.rror B.HHroDhy.J. M.Bay 111^ EBartliTPrwlBerinniAiriiisn]BarileitAMayBelL Jae.Barton. HerBarsaUirl.X U-Brandon A HaelolBailar, KilvardHeoker, P/J*ardBo««ra fcd

(If era. O. I*.

Boylae Ueo B.KaroatMd Jr.. B.Hlanay, Cfaaa. R.Bowera, BillyBeUpbri tJ 11.

Barralt Broa.Htckar. rraobHrad-ay.J Bloona. JoLn A.larka, Jubn MBenDlniloD, Kd.Baker, D. t.Barke. Chaa. A.Biuoa«.J J

Oonror A tvxUroebv.O M.

Curua A ilardeoOenaon, trig

OODB'iW, U.CiovUr. Jobn('llfforg. Urpoufrmvaa Itldoe'rarpent«r. <>. V'.'an A JoialuiClark. BoitUCaspball, Jf rryi^bnreli <inaoai*r>'naklay.M. P.Obnana, Kd.Cralitf, Pat*Uord*, w. II

•'uriia#. H MColb*riaoiLB4uiCanol), Cl*farCrcadoa. DinVarroll.1. II

Coibatt.W D.<'arltoo,C II.

roB«efi. '•B>*Cary. B U.i'ftio. Xef er(:uli<aD*, W K.rooi>a. tJeo It

Craoa. f. Ui'r-«mn*ll,Cba« P.UifllloLjai J.r«J>. /. II.

farfar.C RClifford, Tueif-'uburo. .^oIjO

g«o A Bttu-y

naUruaa, ProfDarby Maaooc'CoDarliA KroKhDolnio, —Dalmora A f«aaDa Noa. ProdDalaur A

UabrlioootDllka A WadeDaly, R. B.Uleianbacli. fhllDolainay. i

DioiaoD, M.J.Ulttriohl u W.Uatii AllanUulitiG, WiniHiera, W. B.Doll, llarrrl>a«Iioff. Joa. J.

Ueroura*r,Bd«loDo Wlu, MaurleoElUworth, PliU

Bllla.Chaa.Brans, Praok II

OUrk, Prof. 0. A.roroalla,PaiaUur.la, w. U:lltronl. LaoCalo.B KatuUa. c.'baa.

Caban, Clia*Dawaoni Ttia

DaTla,Jaa P.l>*lniar* A Lo*UaPHIhl,Ji>a«l>bUnrla, W. J.Ulion Bf oa.

Dtrcf, A. P.

Uelinoro, W.Uanbam, BanDentni. AriliarOolaon, A L.Unanla, AndrewUea Rncbara, J. B.Delaney, F.ddloUarla, F h.Uarrall.TboaOlaoD.aovara

A 1)1 BOBD* Atmto, PraBkl>tris, (leo.Itoylo. J. W.Deuoo, Will.

Urrara, HamDallou, llarliartDuanay, Maurlo*DaTaraAKbarpliyDarrJr.J. J.

'Biieiiifaa furLtla" Co

Emuial J K,braB«.Kd«nrdKraaa, ProdBody, Albert U.Elmora, HarryPimiur, Jmm.

PUlt, B*rtPook*laaao. F. 0.Fialicr, B. J.

Praaa, JohnFuraman, U. W.FiifiQ*!, JaloaFiecch, tJttpLA B.Pordar, Willvreokiln. NatFob a PtabarPaitaU, PnshFalka.Chae II.

Foairr, L'baa.Flynn, John A.Pari ell, ToorFromann, If P,Franklin, UnaFrteuaa, W. V.'rra Uui»oni'oru A La«iiFiotda A liaoaonProdciiQka, Wiu.rolimar. Uea M.Pay. J. V.Pialda. ALU.rraiier, A KPo rieecu a, U*o. K.

Grluiea, t. AOariie

Ulllalla, Baitliuir, Pruf W. M.Oroatlioer. 0.Uaioiir, iobn B.Uaroaila, Robt.(Jr«the (fro*.

iJofffIn A U»vU'luf Brvi.oiiidun, UauUria««ll. P- B.Urrena, L. L.Onot. AL(lo'/en, Joallulliria. KsMlaUl<*ier, W. T.

uil^eii*, wu.Ulbba, Dr.Oatkall. W. r.Ilaaeoir, J. IJ.

lordoo, Phil(lambol. PrtdOarviD. (lao.uollmar Mrui.UitaraiL Jbfanflrlaal, L.Ueiae. ta W.OrabaBi. B AUaden, Uerlaod

(Iracla A RernoldB(loldie, W. H,CIrata r, Dan(lanallaan.


Ulberaloallalla. Ilarr*• rborlelo. J. O.iraMlBf, Prank fl

llllL Uao. A.Iluiohlnaoo. B.F.llarria, W. HHovaid, Bdvardllall.tlao. W.iforemaao, —llolohtnaoB. J. D.Hamilton, O. If.

llnroer. Bamllaraood, A,0.Uolne. A. W.UiekeT.W.tf.Uaoooek, 0. P.llilLO. B.iia«k. W. If.

Ilanaon AMaokllaalr. W. P.Hamilton,

(oLti. II.

Hart, J, W.Hnfay, Dr. J. B.Ileiwig, A. kUarrlnitoD.If. J.

tiarria > WalUnHanloaBroa.ifaoioB,ioluiT,Uart. AlbonHarrtaoB, UarryMart. BobUaokerALaaUrHaorTiO p.Uoi»kina Dr.Hodia W.T.Uaml I too. Uiny

A Blacklllil. P. A.ifarrtiaollurd.Y J,imi,llariT

(acrobat)Howard, 11. J.

Uuward, frankllnrtt, H B.IIad lay, Prank K.HaDder«on,W. 11.

HlgRlBa,D.K."raion, Praoh U.'Irwln, Oba*.

foobof AMdinlBaoa

frwin, M.Jaffaraoo, Tom

Jairaraoo. Joa.Jnyoa, EdwinJordoo.PruhJooaa, w. ProdJaaoa, Ovao D.ITaaUaB. DaaA^Kaya, iobaitKaawaliar, —Koodail, B P.Kerr. KatbalNelly A Wood!Kallay.JohBP

lalir Oco. u,gallf A UartgaoaaSf,

MaoiLbiiKMd.r, Obaa.Kallait. T. r.gabs a aaloarKimball, Vanklrtliarl, W. f.Kublaad. A. a.

KalUarTb. T.Kanptoo, 1,. A.aaMr. Alftad-arl.».».-rarar, g F.KaDoadr, KrrtaKioi, AflharN.Kaalaul, V. ».lDaalaa<l,a.l..glBs,-Tjooa,Allrad^lanoB, FararU gw, llav, W.Laaioo Uro*,Uabar.OavMl.ali>r, FrankLifoetiar UurjLaoB, fraaalaU aoak, BmUais, ADdrLatoaa, frubllublald, gait

la Bcr, Vat'.• Dail «i>es.

Utu, ».L^ow, aui.LailiiUa,yita4aLaflaor.Jaa.

laBaa Broa.Lafof, rruktoalar.Cua.Loaa, Oa*. w.Lao ton. rrukU>la.^wLaatiuilitvaL,e*a,L Altbi'1>IU, JacobiX.'-Rranla.Cbaa.

-' » BB-w . |.ae,CtiasCummlbiT^ liii'l't jilorua'erTlK'a.^J, |L«arvva, Oao. A.l'i.rTaa.y!>ba (JiUll, W. U. 1' -

-orraaf l,arh..lla'bCraoa BroaI'ciBBora Jaa.Clara a. LoanIbaarnrt 0 C.Coglaf . BdvardUaoipbalLW.griiri(«, HarTTte

•«.w.s".u. 'Laoa. llarrrliartra Baroait iLaa, victor<l>laiD.HtrrrUgtaaaa-L-baa.(iilaart A OoutalUiiaua n. r.mumu iirnd|'io;daaiL naOodeud, u. e.JaUait, tan

LaBoor.J.Uaia,U.IL\letMa t Oa toag


S^STluihDA.Ifaator^Jolin B.


MtnuAAMaaavnU Maclilaeo.AI(radMoDanal, Rlabanl

Soon^ Uurjteblla, <l. n.

KallMk, BaooallMaiTOJlBroa.Moru A HarphrMorrlaaar nnn,SaMaboB. Jaaonaa. Wlllla

liaAithor,8aoiMarvlB, W. J.Mtlbawa. W. 0.3onlB, Fraok

^ubji'riiu,Moitaa. wm.ortaa, F II.

MoATOva A DoylaMalllal, D.Mladrop, r. W.lleArola.B.lleDaoaM, J. T.Bast, Obaa J.iiaaa>*,rai]lloataarrat.(lao.UMarrar, BdnrMorrlaaar, BitbMaibawa, H. J.

Mopuragb.llarrrllTlr,OaaManb. W. r,

HoBridtA FIraoMalraae II

MoDoQOaata Broa.anoD,.WIIIIaMillar, 0.L,MeOtlhrtrWallar

pibrr, Paal ,* PUelwr, FradFanr A Bllavorlhreiu, Fcuk u.raTaona,a. A.rack A RleaPuloam, W. W.t'araoto. (lao.

Palmar, DuPaihu), WalterI*Dvarv, JebQ T.Par aaa, Thal*afrvD, CalTinrataraao. Rmllrarlar.llao. UPulaar, — <eooL)Paarl. W. II.

PItbla. (I«>.

Paarca, (l. D.PuUar. a U.I'atarMn, K. n.I'Mb A HaauaaPack. M. V.

rolloak.KilaI'Mk. UaoI'atohlna Hro..rnlo\ Bm.PAwara, lliivanlQalBlt. tlai). W.

gulan.Thoa. JUpaao. JobuBaooa, Fruk

Roaara, TliaRaia. Jobn tl.

arrlak, UairrMeXvar, HarryMuDlar. Wm.HakoblaABvuaHontaoa. CL P.Mrallb, OhaaHuohaalar, RobtXoftdav, LimaHarrlab. vtm.Haddaa A LowrfMaaon A LotUMeaa, Jaaaph.Mood, LanrVaradao, BloliardMeMahoa, JoaIfarkbam, llarrrMalhnlah. n. I.

MarllD, Prar.aiua. V. n.aartu,J P.

HcKalr. JohaMaodrow, J.aak. W. n.

MaNail, B. H.Ilaa. Paalilr

tlDtrr*.T. B.

Mauar. lUaiaillan,<laaMalaolnb, Prof.

Harrar AMarMarrlwar, 0. J.MorrlBAD, Jaa.MaOaflhr, Uhaa.

Noma. Prnr U. I

Nortoa, R J.NataoAd.B A.Kaih. OhaaNa>liw, Al.0'Kaafa,Ji>lia

nmaila, HajuO'ttaa, MurplirllrhaA McNalrO'Nain, P. JOrloir, CouQI0'BrlaD,T|oiirnAtL

Otawa, T.OrarlOD. II. R.(litoo. AlbailOaUibbaa."Brian. Arthur J(latoiu. (lao H.

(lldbam. fraahlroOdall, WinO'Ronrka, T. P.

Orabard, a H.

iiailir, It. 1.(Ill, Joa

Komalo, VallarRoobvalL J. V.Rawa, J. o.RoiaalUR-R.ttailmoniUr.. JarkHoblnaoa, llarrjKailinonil. EilwanIKaaMll, K. U.Raoa, Laalljru. J. II.

KarmonJ, Tliua.RIeb, A.Roiar.iiD,

t^laraneaRav, Jobn J.

Rostra, MacRIoh, J.llobartani!,ff.!ll,

Knaa,w. R.Rano, Wri.RIohanlinn, Prof.sobartron.Frmnblur, vio. n.HainoM.'Mtnit.Karn«lil>,.W. a.Rli-a,0. l4r.

Robar.W. O.llnnaMo, K>l.

Hella, llarrrSetTaa,—


Turner, llan, It.

Tanner A RannartThompaon. Jaa.TarlQr.Ilarbart II.

Tarrall. Fianb E.Tiittla, II. A.Thomraoo, Kil.

Trawaia, J. K.Tkiwnianil. llarrrTagsa A Daolala•Tomailo" Co.Tarlor. il. T.Tahar, llaHJTumour, T. O.Taala Hrna.Tnolar, LarrrTliorelon. ItarrvTautiar, P.Tliomimn. Oa^aliTiirubiill.J \V.

Tarlor, PrnnbTtioinaa. W. M.TuOor. K.Tbanlo. K


Rrmar, f, J.

Ruaara Jr.,(lao.g.iu»iL r H.Ruiaall.Hii.RatnoM. HantlaiuMMiaaa. tl.

^Halwmlio. F.KrWaalar, llarrrHiuir, Fraob J.rilataon,!!. P.Siiarka, Jobn It.

Hull|r,^nbn J.HlaiiiD. (I. I*

KOIiOI. O. W.litrana, l> J.ikaldlog. (loo.

a>u, Mark E.Harion, MarryHt Laoo, JobnHanon, It. W.Ravaei^JohD 1*.

HeolLW. II.

ripaitilan HamHIraum. KrilaHtaTKB., Lai).

H«titt. Lam L.Hpall'^aa.H.Hltaal.r, L. K.BlIoMO A Hartoniixni-ar, II. W.

jl. Julian. Du-loillinarAHmlthMnpat, Al. I).

H|i.noar A lAaitHaairunl, J. B.

Hplla. Joliu It.

HralLF.II.Hlilalda, llanHadlar, Win.Hainl<aon, (I. A.Irimllh. II J.Huillh. NoltiHlaiilil, Wm,

ilTtaur, Albertntaslao, 0. P.

Rallr, DenialHmlC Miltonflnlloo, DtakHtaranJL LaoDweal. AL O.Ht AubDm, 0. R,Hhorthorn. J. R.Heoll, A. r.Hharlilu. V. It.

HMart—Hhoa, wni.Hhaonon, llarrjDacor, (lan.

Hmltar, J. II.

HL naoraa, l/arrrKweal, Al. 0.flohraak. OaearHharpA Piattilnow, (lao W.Hunimara, flhu E.Thoiiiaa, John

Tajbir, It. W.TnrnlnlL J, W.

Vlolnn, Kit.

Vdldcoa, TtioVarnnn, RanVnaal. Jubn W.Van, Wni.Vanatia. Frankl'ini>. Wni.Vail Kuan, W. It.

Vraalanil. U. W.Van Vaahlao, Eil.

Vnat, WIU.Vauola Hroa.ViMirhaaa, Ham A,Wahtr, W. II.

Wa>(, AL It.

Waeb, KiisanaWnll, Privl

Wllbar, ClarancaWalla, tiairrWllla, Jolinir.WilUnl.JoaP.Wall, HubWards WllkiaWoOilranI, Win.WIlMio. II. n.Wlillllar, tl. II.

WaiLUIiaa M.M.Walla, CarlUmWarran, BilvanlWIIItaiuBon, PrankWiniana II W.Warnar tirant. C'».Wali.lar Chaa.WniiaralMI.Walah, UanM.WaaTor, W. II.

Waihburna, I,. VP.

WilibL W. It

Wllblna. I'lllliinl

Waek, I'n.r ii.

vv.iiiwiiriii. MarryW.II^J. J.

IValla. W. It.

WailaA llaxloiaWtHMnanl, O. D.W.liMlar. I'liaa K.Wllllaiiir, ilrlir

Will.. P.M.Will.. J. II

WIlun, A, K.Waal. J' T.WilllBin.. UnaWMi,, Irrliia


Viliins, (I. L.

Jrora, I'Mif.

'/.trroa, Tliar/.«iuni, —l/araaUi, K. K.


aBllle.—.M liaona's Hi.aulo 'riii»lri< ihoTavarj

Opera Oo. opeoeil a foar olghta' eiigtgoniont Iter.

U to tbe di'llglit o( a well lilloil huiiaa. "TbO

aoOBli Fair" oanii' to ordliiarv liualnraa IT 'JI.

' Jnllr Old i;buin«" bail a liglil hmno ri. Tlim.

w. Keene mmm :il-Jsn :i, Katln i'otoaiii 7, h, ( a|.

boon Opi^R Co. week of U.CilRORAT'B TIIBITHR.-Tlio I'ykii (l(iep» (In, li.'-

laa tbeir aecond wi'nk lloo. 'U In "A Ntglil In

VoDlcu" til a big boose. ••Amoiliii" and 'Tb"HeggarHtodeol" atliaaii d giKHl liualiioss wi ok (if

IT. "Hald Pasba" ni nod weok,Kacmb-TIis Healtle Atlilotlii umti will nrndiicn

traveslv of "A Hldsuniiiior Mglit's liroain,"

ooniposed bj Ulto OolllDgs, aenrolnrv of ilieclub,

end tbe mnslo arranged lir I'rof, 0. K. Iirav, at

L'ordral't Thetiro, Jan, IT-lu I.iiulae Hublllnr,

oC "Tba Jollv (lid Uhums" Co., Inlncd thu

UpeimCo. M......I-;. O. Iijan anil w. ii.Tlioodurii

ara eibiblilog Kdlaoo Kiiiuiuiico|ie in tlila iiitf, and

ara doing a big basinasa.

uokaiia.—Al Uio AQUtUirliiiii "'nin Conniy

Fair" oama to Diodorato liouscs lieu. 'Ji,-i. Knilii

Potoam ooiiiea Jan. 1 1, l.', the I'ullioun opera Uo.

U anA wask,PaorLS'HTitBtTnB.-'riils now vairdovlllo lioiise,

under tbo manageiuont of Julib w, ciinatdlnp.

opened In ooniniuillous iinartera In tbu IVankfnrd

lilook Uro. 'J4. Tnn iieoplo: Klhol Carlnr'a Kngllali

Hlonda, KIbi Hall, (;arrla inlniar, Kd. Ihilnii, MayUon, KIbk Loon, Maker ami Howard, Jas>li< While,

Addle Hiatars, Inn Ureedan, Aiinle ttluai i , .1 iianlta,

Ntllia Howard, KllndllborlKnil Iho Urlterlini (lusr-

Il k iiuUreeiianlsaiaie inaonier, Win, LMionrd

leader ol orebcatra and Wm, Mourn itiiieliliilai.

TnBiTiB OOMiMft.-Mliinlo Orcgnrr. I.IIMo Hlii-

art, Kva Lester, Filnco I'adI, Kllicl luruea, UayLillian, Lllllo llalnea, Amr Uuslirll, Mlly IIOHa.Bllna

llolilnaon and larrjf Luiul,

.ouvHi.—N'ew faces: The lllcktlia, SVIiliniiia and(lardiner, /ellnandJ. H KlrldlMg'H Minaioal liiir-

lasquo, "Ixlun," are tho dmwiug onrils this work.

Taeoma, — At Taixiina TliMtre "Jolly Old

Obaou" piaioil Ui fair bualnesa liec. la. Thoy rn-

inro 'Jl to good liustnoa<. Cumlog: Tlie Marin

Tavarr Uo. 2x, 'Jv,Tlina. W. Keene Jan. I, r,, "Hani,

lei." "Tne Uerohsmot VooIm" and '•Iticlwnl III."

......At llie Ninth Hireet Thealro "Uncle Turn's

Uaiiln" plafed to good liiiaiiiofa iioo. tv-ii.


Loalavllla,—At Iho Temple '^'lio Oreat llrook-

lyo Handicap" illridcd Ibn tiriio la«i weok wllb

llobcrt Haotall. Tim aticndancn the foro partot

Ida week wu only falr.whne It lni.muio>1 aume.

wbal the latler liair. Felix Morris line, 31, Jan, 1, v,

UanlelHullr3-i, „ ., „„ „lliusui.tr'aTiiIiTliK.-"yooiig Mrs. Wlnthrop"

tiled a tnrta nigbin' cniagcini^nl [icr. -ji a. in

modenia bonsoa, "Tbo inaek (.'MOk" 3i, Jan, I,

Barlow Bros.' HlaaUeU 4, .->.

aRARii Oriiia IKii'HB.-'Tho Feat Mall" played

to fair hnslneia lui week. "A Uoncli ul Keys"weakoll>eo.3l-Jao..'i

. ... ,

AvgRDB.—'Ulavra of dnlil" rr(»ilvcd lis sliaie nf

|iairontU4 lut week in spilu uf iml wcalhnr amioold Digols. N, H. Wood week lu-c. -il -Jun. ii.

BncgiHUOiX.-Kred Wnldiiiino'H HpiclHlir cu.

altlractad good sized hoascs last wurk. Harry

Wllllama' Hetenra weak of lire. :il Jiin.

UIM TltlATHB.-.Sew laci'H llei:. :il: Mity HIevena,

Dellle Ulmple, F,d II. and Marlon Huiian, HIstera

Parker, Tbiess and Franklin, Ulle. Knku, Jcnnin

Harton, F.llla Teroy, Tom Kliuib, llol) Kdirnrilsanil

Rd anil Jestie Foley. Iluimean Is gornl.

NoreL—W. K. Franklin, fiirim rly rallroa-l man-

ager lur Baraom a CIr :oi, hna piirubucd a niiK lu-

ttresl Id Walter L. Mtiu'a Kliuw, imw In U'tiili-r

iinanera In ihia rfy. Mr. Franklin hii'1 Ids pstdicr

aipeot to apcnd |A(X<ilu hsTtnittbrlr ahuw uvor-

baoled. Toe circus will iipan tho »;Mijn hero .tpill

It, and then goon a tmiri f tbo country ioialn

Folar. plariogaltba New Cctn Tlicaire, wu r.oii-

floed 10 bcr luom the fore part (if laat week aod trna

ODtble to appi ar Id iter act unlll Hen. V.


Cheyaniie.-.\t llio iipora Hooh "Tin .Vew

Boy" iiad H crowded Iiodko Dec. vi. "Ubsrioy's

Annl" WM greeted wlili the Urgeat iiiulocas nf loo

aeaaon Jso. 'J. Cuming: "A Jolly (Mud Felloa" K.


Mobile,—Al the Hoblla Theaire "A Trip to

CbinaloWD," IMo. V), played inatlneo nnd nigni in

good bonsaa. Toe Feecrng Hulcr," 30, jt, paakedIbe twotttt ImUi performtocet.


— Note* Iron) Mortan k PrnDlogtoD'i OOBMfOo„ tapponiDg UiDilg auidmd In * nptnorr nt

Blindtrt piMi: 'Thlii Is our twentf-Moond WMk,optnlDg Id Kkuu ud eifonmogu rtr Sonili uKej Went, F1». TM Muon bM odI; liecn moder-

•IfI; Mr. We will nrxt lOiBon litTe oit mi cntlrtDe«r nAinpsnT, carrtlag tw(-Dl;*elibt pfoplo, uorrlin'miuiil • car loMl or iptdu iwDiirr. WoVlll ORfl Ik fllft, paltCO HlMplDg ttr, ud • MrL b^ff'

Clio or. We will bxe id enllrrly new plir, writD bj i. P. reoDliiRion, In Ibrco Kcii, en<lll«<l

"N«* York KrII." Amnnn tbe tpoolM kmim IbMvlll bs OMHl In UiH prodiinilon will tie (bo NewTurk Onlnl Deint, Ibo Onuid Ontral (loirl

(be nrnlimn River hr nlgbi^ end % •IninlmlElcr No. M, % Hre odiIoo ud two One (rmrnree*. Oar iwpfr will ho the very flneM; all

lllbxEnipbe, Doih iiiind eml Hlndnw wort, bi IbelK>DiiliiioD Lliho Co.. of ClDClnoK'l. Wo neveliookHl Mime or ihe Iredlni rlilM. and Ibo Uiorwill exirnd ee 'er Wce( u Hen Fnnrleco. Tbe tol-

lorlnp ere enKtEed en lAr: Merry liMRdon. eievernnniK^r; Alltert l.lndler, iiiiu'rr of rrnpfrll'e;

lleino Peerrr, niii'lul oirrrinr; J P. rennlni'nnend i'wpb lUwhim. aprnie In edvence: K, F.Mnnon.niennser; Kffl* Thorn, leedlng eonhretle;

JuniM Tbaiclirr end F.nfrene I/>c>wond In iheir

new mmlral ari, -Tbo TTemp and ibe Ilabe," pl»j-

Ingon ppverel dliTfrf-Dt Ineiritnienta.— Nnire Iron) Hlonle I.^K-r'iO.: Oar (nrlrtmu

Itiiilnee* wee ennb ft" In gladden ibo hearia nf anyro^ntotvr, Ihe B. U. O. aign being oonenlceonoearlvlo rhe evrnlng. The onmpanvart rec'lrlngnneitnied praleo from tbo pieaa, and re'nro delcn

arK oagcrlT eniKht rnr in (be Incti nwaeRon. Dorhnnkinn for tbo remainder of (be Htwo are ot (bebell Ineliidlng only large (owna and cliloe, andEmapocta tor IMi new yreraro bright Indeed. Oldtnia Oiaea wen very liberal, and every one la

happy. P A. Yelvlngtnn monroe tbo loae o( anonly tirotber, who paaaed away at ladlanapolls,

Deo. n.—TtierarcaroinedT,"Anaggage(lb<ot,"hyObu.

R. lileney, will take Ibe roid nnder tbe managementor w. V. Oroaaley. Tbo cmnpeny Inoladea MarkRiiillTan, Jna. H. drntrv, Bherman Wade, HedgeYorke. and aevorvl other clever people. Tbe cnn-panv will play w> rk etande only, reluming (a NewYork In tbe Hpnng For a mn.— The wire or Ooo. W. Thnmpeon died In tbiaclly

or HrlgbC* dlaeaae. Ileo. S, aged ebou( 43, and waaburled at Itonradale, Pa.— Ro' er of Oven'a Band Oonccrt Oo.: 0. K.

Owena, manageri Una Qardner. advance agencnilir OwoDi, nmpenlna; 0. 0. Neir, K dat comet:0, li. ll"rbT, D flei clarionet; rmt DIoodgnod, Oratcornet; J. R. HoreUnd, eolo comet; K. R. Uoyer, E-hat cnrnn; O'llT. Llngfleld, flrtt clarionet; FredWhile, nnie: H. I, Uiranier, piccnin; Ullir. I,eliher,

aaiapfione; Joe Oudner. French bom; IlnrrOwena.aeoond tenor; Tim WImper, (Ire* (enor; FrankBrown. elide immlKine; II. K llneaer,llretallo;a.

R. Peaton, eewnd aim; Park OrlOlb. anio aim; R. U,Dlrraman, iMTiinne; K. K.Koker, (aim; R. FroHlcb,baaadmni; Will lianiela. trap drummer: RnaeOlay-ton. eonrann; Oraee Kenle. aim; Uerilo l.leber, con-Imlifl' Handniin Uurr. Jack Orvla, Fred Orlhtr, Al.

lltnMin, Will llrnwn: (llhamrrH giianei: Al. lliown,flrai i^nnr: Mnyd llrnwn, aecnnd lennr; Kilo Aloe-wnrth. i>arit«<ni*, and (Irtnt Finch, l aae.— Mre. nhaa. Anilrrea baa enilrrlr recovered

from thn pirecia nr Ihe eiirelc.)! oner.tilnn norfoirn*

ed al the l*rPelirlprlMn lliiepltHi, (Ihlrago, III.

— Noira from Iho lipnoiiora; (jecll It making aderldeil hit In bcr picinro dance, with cakinmolTeein. Rdna Mat, aa Uarr Jenr In "The Uuok.eyp.'' made a preat eiirrraa In lllooniloginn 111.,

and rerPlved aevrr*) riirtaln ralla. Annie R. Pavleviel'ed her hnai«ril(ltim Weaner).nr the Snnnnera.In llln.'mlngtnn. toh Hpnnnera bad a liarqnet andevnnanged numornne prp»enia Chrletniaa eve.Managpr Prrrr. or ilio Orand nppra llniiae, waa re-

mrmitrrrd hv Kilna Mar and Cerll with flegaolframed nloinree or iheineelvea. The Sn^tnere pNy(litnngh Indiana and Ohio for tberciloftbeieiD'arBPftmn.— (Iliav. II, Rnrrell waa eoHouaiy hut not dan*

gemneir wnniidcd liy anacoliienul diiKberge of arevolver during the perrormanoe or ' The l)»nliea,'*

at Pernr. N Y.. Ileo. 14. Ihe hall eirlking (be hiptv'be, ranging d<iwnward. and coming out near theknep. Ilii liaa returned m ble bnmo in Byraeute,N. V Ilia nl"ep ticinv niled hv Frank Xdam>.— J^mee Foroii and a-lfe have retired rrom (lie

Uarip Klnttn r.n ,(n lake nu( rhoir own compiny.

— Aean evhlpneo nr ilio eateoni with which tbeeniln* ''Itmwnto*' (VimiMnv hold Aolleg ManagerIlarrv A. I,ce, a ditmnnil hnrapebno pin wae pro*

aeiited in bim nil ihe einee nf the Kourteenlh FitvotThe<lre. tela eliT, Iminudmiply af'er iho perlnrm.anoe nn Ohrleiniae Kve, Tbe prcoODlailon apeechwaa made hr Hnlic Kdwerda.— Tho llj'Mi CnmotlT iin, bare roorganlcM for

tbp rPinalndfrnr iho eoaa->n, pmdiieing Uielr Uleaicomedr enir;fMl"Trte FIrrnian'e liaiighter." Tnero'ier la: Ihiah llanimi*r. manager; II. R. Jnnoe,1,niil» *nelii. Win. F. Il«elpr, ll«rr» Cllgnrd, HrmnIllohar"' lAremi (IravM, Violet Cimdrn. IJIIIan

QravM «n . Aina Wyandotte, inuelrai director,— nenrae Iterrr'e "llr WHe UiitwiKed'' On.

npeeod tiMi new nnom hnuoe at (^wfnrdavllle,la,. INie. 21, Ktcnralun Italns were tun nn all loadientering the rliy.

— W. T. KranclR Jr., aon of the mueleal dlreolorof ll^llen A llart'a (»., aged all nimiih*, made blafiret app'^aranrn on any etaeo at Ibe Acaderov of|ln<|i'. Jenvv (tlir. at tb" iiiailneo. OhnaimuDay.being CA'rIed on iiy Mr. llaMen In tbo liia( aot.

-n-nrge II Kmerlek, whoM "HcNnltye TieK"nnd''Finnlgen*a lltlin bare iieen ao enecceaful, b^aatninat onmple'rd ennlher three act Iriab farce0 niedr. In whloh Uurny and Hack will appearnext aeaaon.— Tho Vaw iloorcri Oi. ar« lonring Tezaa, and

report mom than orllnarv aueceea.— OiatroraiffoTwl>ebrll tendered a banquet (o

Mr. and Hi«. VA. Ilnlninnd and Will W. Jnhnann,of the H.'dmnnd liniinulo Oo„ dnring ibeir engage,nioni at Waaeca Ulnn., Ileo. 1A. Bealdee the aboveHra (iPO. w. Paige "r., Ura. Nilna Paige Prnte, Hr.and Mm Fenn I'aleo. Urt. Paulino Worlle andlllanntie Utah were proaent.— Otie wiliiame aende hia niiul comic New Year'a

Card to Tun Ui.irriR.— "The lltirgier" tionnuy, wbtcb wne reported

airanded at Ravannah, (la., Ileo. 31. baa reorgan*Ited and reaiimed lie inur. A Ur. Pcrklna was tbemanager, ho loating tbe play from A. t). Hoammon.Thta onmpaoy ehoiiui not Iw ronfoiinaed wlih Ur.Btvmmoit'e nwncnnipanv. now tniirliig lodlana.— Prank Wl llanimn, nf the lliiueli Omicdy (A>.,

event (*hrletinaaTlelilng l^t KclW. nf iho HennnvOomrrty On., at Klein III. Mr. wriiama'^D italea

that be waa nreaeiitod wllb a gold watob andobalnby frtendein iheci.— Koeler «f agneallerndnn'a (Vi.. wblob owned

tbe ee^a^'n In Kliealtoth. N. J., Jan. 1; Agneellfm'dnn, A'liert A. Aii-lriua. Frank I.tiimd, John F.

llran, Am >ld li4ly, Victor llarvct. llojce Alton,Harlo tbirtia, l,nulee nianohrMe, Mirgaret King-ilnn. Tboinaa llargroavee. nroprleior and man-aver; PMI II. Irrlnv, liu«lnn«a manager; Ocorgo A.Fair, pn*ea agent: J»bo F. Ilyan, aiagc manager.— Therrea Ann4 O'ani and Jaiiiei Megenlgal

Ptnipn^ are to lie m irrled Jan, a. at (I >lnnittna, flvUl«a tirant baa appearod with Adclatdo Randal, theH*]on (ipeia (Mnioanv and * Said Paeba/' anil waaalKi) In the Wnman'e Protceelonal Leagued performaueeofAa Yon Like p."— Harry Iinl< jmiied Ohillnii l/>dge, No. 131, K. ot

r„ at .ibrlbivllK Ind., laat week.— Frank II. IVv. <>f tho Uaiide lIlllniaB Co., re-

cplvnl a telegram iKHi. Vi that a aou bad anlred all.MA.M.— Atklnann A Darling, managera ft tbe BIJon

Thrftirr. IVtiioka. Kan,, irare a lianqncl al thathimae l>er. 20. The hnuee baa not opened aa yet,

but I he nianagoment will pmbaklv bo reaily (o an-iionnro their opening ilalo ihia week.— Kneirr of "Uar Unioihr" Vt>.\ U. II. J»bnaton^

pn>prle(nr and manager: UnMbank ll-tic, advanceagent: Find Malcolm, Ji<bnTbnmaa,0. F. Ingtahara,Ultob Ingmbam, K. 0. Hrailtiury.OoHlo JobnatoookHra- Nellie Spoocor. Hurl Sliiimona, 0. J. UcOnth,Aguea Adaiua. and Percy Jnbnalone. Tho comnanvare piaTliigIn good hualneaa. UHlt and HItobIngrabam bniigbt a fine Oonn (nba aa a proaent(0 tboir hrolhrr Vance. John Tbomaa rtoentlyporohwed a tno allror plalod Ulaton harltone.— Weailey Htnicll cloaed bla "For a Million"

Cn.Uro.3t, OQtll afior tbe bolldaya. Mr. Uanlellwin real a( lianalug, Hlob., nnUI Jan. 4, when hewill mumo bin (onr.— Hr and Hn. B. U. Uyera. of (be Uyen (Xilored

Oomeily Uo.. will ancDil (he Winter In Huoalo, N. V.— Robert Fniliirn baa given an order for (be eieo-

tlon of a nianeolcum In Woodland Ucmelory, liOn-

don, Oni, In memory nf bla bite wife, Annie rlxley,

and their eon, boib of wlioae reinalna are burled »(bat ceroet^rr.— Jneeph R. Raker, of Bneion, Haaa., baa InM

completed a fall length painting of Edward P. Bnl-

llvan aa Inguinar, and baa plaoed It on eiblblUonal 0. It- Walb*r a (Vi *• llttineraiihtn parlniw In tbvnltr

— Rom rron "A Railroad Ticket" o«.: Qolte anamaidng Incident occnired at'er tbe maHoee at tbe

EoplivTbntre, Onaba,Deo.3< Itaeematbatoneot (b« male memben of tbe oompany bad com-pialned of aomenne taking bia toap, and, falling to

letnn It, he waa canpeiled (o waab np (I) wl(b

eoeoa bnl(er. Ae tbe oortain fell oa Ibe liat act

Hr. Freeman, the proprietor and manager of tbe

company, ateppcd onto (be atage before anyonebad a chance lo get away, and aanouced that bebad a few preaenta for tne genilemen of tbe oom-pany trim Ibe ladlea, reqoeariig that the packagesabonid be opeDod bernreleavtogibeatage; Imagleetbe roar (hat vent np wbtnencb intam funad that

bla package conlalned (b« following veiT oaefnl

aniclea: One cake of aoap, one paper ot ploa.

one package nf needles, one apool of blaok and oneapnoi nf while aewlog ooltos. Tne loke waaIhorongbly enloyed, and tbe aitlclea thankfnilyand graciously received. Uaring tbe bllaiiiy ibai

followed Blllj Wliliama stepped to tbe centre nf

alage, and ID averr neatly wiTdedapeeeb pre^ted Hr. Freeman wllb a handaome walking auok, of

Uongo wood, wl(b solid sPvcr monnilog, snitaolyInsoflbed, from tbe members of ibe company.Hevtral of (he memhera wen reclpleau ot naefnland valoable presenla from friends both lo and oatof tbe oompaoy.— Canary A Lederer bave engaged Rdwln A.

Btevens to play a comedy role in 'The Twenileth(MniUT OIrL*'— Uarl and Theodore Rosenteld annonnce tba(

(bey are greailv annoyed at tba contlnned repe-iluoD of (be report that tbe Llllpnllans will desertibem next aeaaon in play under a new minagt*DWDt, and the; are empbaUo In ibeIr deniaia of the•lory. Tbe pilnclpai laembers ot tbe onmncny,Ibey say, Inoladlng B-lma Ooerner, Frans Rhen.Bcttha iarger. Ellaa Un. Mdwlg Uarkel and Hermann Ring, are under coMiaot to (bera for years to

oom«, and all will baya prominent relea In tbe newaprctacalar play wllb wniob Ibe Hears. Rosenteldwill open nextseaaoD.— Uoarles Ftohman baa engaged Hand Uarrlson

to play (be pan ot Ka(e Kenninn In •TbeOIrl I LefiBefnnd He," now bPlng played by Blanche Walah.uiaa Uatilson Joined Ibe cnnpany Dec. 11, In Piua-hnrg. Fa. Hiaa Walab, wbo, aa annonneed In TnaOLirrgt, baa been loaned by wanager Frohmtn toNaL 0. doodwln. Joined Ihe laller'scompany on lb*same ds(e at OInolnnail, o.— Amy Le«, Fiank Doane and P. Aug. Anderson,wbo are In "Pawn Ticket 210," wiu contlnne nextseason In tbeir present piece, also In another play-

J, H. Ward, 11 Is aald, will conUnne lo managethem and bag already booked tbem tor next aeaaon.— It It aononnoed (bat Osl. DIegle will piodocea

new TcraloD of "Peek's Bad Boy," wlthOule Yonagutbehadbov.— Canary i Lederer, It la said, bave wntteu (o

David Ueodeison cancelling tbe Bnmmer engage-ment of "Tbe Fsaaing Bbow" at (be Chicago OperaUouae. ThejcomplalnlbalHr. UeadersonlsntlngIn bli bnrleaqae, "VRnfant Prodlgne," ballet, mn-Bical nDmbeiaand lines taken from "Tbe PattingBbow."— Mile. Rejtne, whose American tonr will be nn-

der tbe direction or Abbey, Boboeffel ft Omn, willBall for thia oonntty about ibe middle of Febraary,and will open ber toar on tbe twemi-linhof thatniunita at Abbey's Tbeatre, tbis city, pttaenUsg"HadaraeBanaOene."— Baielle Adelaide Bylvene and Francis J. Oakea

oon-prorea>lonall were married Dec. 31 In (be reo-ory of (be Ubarcn ot (be nniy lonooen(a, this city,Ihe Itev. Fa ber Honrs ofll-lallng. The bndeiaamouibor of Jotrph Hswnrlb's Co. Tbe groom, wbobut leoeuUy secured a divorce from a loraer wile,Ui toe pretldent o' the Uakes Ohorolcal Oompany,— Fhinace Rockwell has replaced Harle Rurreni

as l-aillug lady with James 0 Kelll a Co., Hiss UurrcM baring r»lgoed from the orianltatlnn.— Nnl«8 from "Tbe Aunt Ball*" Co.: Tbe com.

pany spent a most enjoyable week's vacation In 8LInula, Ho., Dec. 17-'14, oi


Ijnuia, HO., UQO. Jl-Mniglit at JackHonvllre,William Orar, tne alar, haequellcj the companyafter the perfurniance al tbe UanUp Oouae. I'rra-

enta (oo numerooa (n menuon. aoine of wbloh werevery ooaUy, were eicbanged. Fred 0. Bearn,monraa tne loea of bla mother, Hra. John T. Hearo,who died Dec. D, al Tampa, Fla., ot pulmonarytronble,

Bllallne TSrrlta, wbo appeared at Abbey's Tbeaire, this oily. hiaiBpnng, In the ilila rdagfCln-dorelU," baa omught au action In (be CUy Otinnagainst Abbey, Boboeffel ft Qtan, (n recover 33aalary. Uer buband, Beymonr Dlcla, wbo waealao H member nf (be cnmpativ, has aleo brongbiaull to recover 1110 «3 It la alleged hy Ur. Ulctsand bla wife toat tbe roanagen deducted theseanroa from their salaries as oommhielona for thel,<indon agent wbo aecnied ihe engagement of HIenTerrlst and ber bnaband. Tbey refoaed (o acceptany dedooilon.— Toememneraot Lincoln J. Oarter'a Bonibern

"Tiimado" Co. enjoyed an elegant banouetWheelieg, w. Ya., Uro. 3T, aa a Obnsimssmembfance from Hr. Uarter. The toaler ot Ihe

,opening again Chrla'mae111., to a mcked houiie

company baa been cunaldenhly cbangtid, and la

as fullowa; Jaxon Cordon, Ceo. T. Heeon, W. J.

Iteming, J. E, HcUaff, Oao, M. Oarleton. Uoaer(Iniix, K. I. Qelder, Mamie Earle, Lnol le EllenWalker and Oracle deebe with J. i. I/Odge, manager; R. 0. (Inntlll, treasorer; w, u Bowen.carpenter; FnnKUbapln,pnpa., and Ed. B. Qlranz,advance.— Millie Josephine Polbird, onre well known

ibronthonl the ibeatncal profession u "Tbe Littie Chicago Venns," wss married Dee. M, Id 0bl<cago, III., to Oeorge A. Kena, a non-profeatlonal.— tlllion Tailor baa rejoined Fkirence Ulndley,

10 play his original okaraoierof Dare Lyons lo "TbeOaptalu'e Male."— U.T, Uaiey bu named his new play "Tbe War

ot Wealth."—The Onud Opera nooae In El Paao, III., was

opened by tbe Andrava* Opera Co, on Deo. IT.— A oorrvapoodenl wllb Oormtn Broe ' "Oil-bonly Is Ahro id" Oo. reports an enjoyable Obrlitnasfor Ibe memben of that organlsktloo. The eX'Obango of preeents was extensive.— The Prase Blatets report playing to good bnsl.BIS tbrongb Indians. Mane Peaas Is manager ot

the oompany. Btne Pease received several beanil.fnl pntema on UhrlBimas. .

— Tbe Rutcn ft Bwlft Dnole Tom's Cabin Oo,Noteai We have been ont from Ubioago eighteenwo-ka B'arted R itl from Tacoma Deo. M. Wehave received onr new band nnlfoms and wore(brm for (be Irti time at Rllensbnrg, Wash,, Chrlet.inu day. Hnslneas has been good, with ihe ezcep-Uon of Ibo coa*t towns, wblob wen very bad. Tbeoomplelo roater la aa fullowa: Powell Bros.,

niopneion; B. L. Powell, manager; Q, P.Pnwell, goDeral agent; i, W. Manney and FranklIiilraea,aaslttaniagentB; H. U. Ribnie, bud niaat-r; J. S. Hondro, leader ot orchestra; Will Hllvry. W. U. Uavldson, K. J Ftsior, HHoO- Had>r,II. T. Unalor, A. A. Bnel, EJ, Ulai. W. II. White,

wililamnnn, Chaa. rem. Will Robblns. R. L.I.loyd, lien Wehaier,W. A. Overton, Jaa. HaoNavIn,0. L. Onlllna. 1*. P Oray, W. A. Maxwell, KateUree^ Coral Denning, Hra. A. U. Uavldaon, Clai*Hanke, Kmnu Olaon (Little Venue).— Nous tiom the "Pani Kanvar" Co.: Gngene

Robinson, our manager, vlelied ns week ot Deo. 34,and apnnt Cbrlaimaa wllb na, and gave every mam-oeri l bla company a bandsume ptevnL All thememben lit Ibe company exohanged preeents, andwe had a happy and merry UhrUinia*. We did abig bualneaa, and up to tbe preaent time knowlittle ot the hard times we bear people (alkingaboDt— Ullle Akenlnm and oompanrptodnoed three

now piavB on Onrlilnas week al Hprlnefleld, Masa"The Litile Haroblnneee'' iras given Deo. 3t, "Abeanllful Blare" 37 and "Hellnda's Woes" 39.

— Rnelerof the PjkeOperaOv: JobnF.Oordray,proprietor and manager; U. H- Pjte. Lanm Hil-

lard, HarUn Pai-he, Louise Hantred, Fltnnle Liddiard, Qraoe Ward. Uannab Uavlt, Ktnel Avery,Oora unonla, Ray Hamilton, Florence Paitetson,Kdltb and B-lward Tllden, Maud Bvenoa, HatthaJacKson, Hauls La Dalle, Al. Leech, Francis OlalHard, Oao, \tA W. U, WlB^ Francia NIcboia,Harry lUnlon, Fred Bereranoe, Hanel Perrow,Wm. Bleadmao, Arthur Bnyoe, John Uolaa, WlUardDarren, Got Nlioa, lly Llarl. Nesl Campbell, 0,

Kiteln, Bam Driteoll, w. L. DeniloyLpan uriscoll,Fred Wonder, J. Kuntlemso, John wbao, 0. Bartmm, 0. L. Ilrown, W. N. LIvlngtlon, and lUcbaidBiabI, dlreolor.— Ubas. Mortimer bsa snooeeded Carlton Wells

wllb UoTSo Payton's Meny Oo, Hr, Payton'a tea-

son extends Into J ane.— We are Infomied tbat tbe Carl Brebm "Ten

Nlgbu In a Uar Room" Oo. closed Ueo. 36, at Hl-nerva, 0., with sabuiee three weeks In anaan.— Caaa. P. Yelter, orcbeatim leader of Fred D.

Btiafln'a Ila>ea Bioa.' "Unmply Dnmptj" Co..writea os (bat tbe oompany dosed Deo. 31. al Qrtn-vllle, N. Y„ wllb aaltrlea ux weeks In aman, andthat seme ot tbe memben wen left peunlloea.— U. E. Otilaban, manager of the "Oonn Hollow

Co., repoita very good botlneea In tbe New Rnaland towns, pantcnbtily on mnra dates. On Ubnalmas nifbt. In New London, Manager Al. Ualdirellbanoneied tbe comnaar at the Wlolhnp Hotel.— "ns Oeppsr Don,'' a lane oomedv, noder Ibemaasfemml ot Oeorin n. Bnbb^ onnmannaa tt>

oaaann Jan.K la KaiwM oitv. Hn.

—OlareDceT.PresooU write* na tbat "Tbe Oon-

vlot'a Vanghter" Oo. will betetRer he kn'>wn aa

tbe Hetropeliuns sod wUI bs noder bis manage-

meoL Tbe company will pUy "A Nnhle Ontcaw,""ReddT.tlie Haliain."snd"r-n Nights In a Bar

Room," and will play tbrre nlgbt standa, lonrlag

bslem PennavlvanU and New York Biale.

— Lnrln i. HowanI bas Joined Hr. and Hn. Oli-

ver Byron's Oo , In "Dps end Downs of Hfe."— Howard * Diyle, Chicago, 111.. theaMcal

agents, have been wpolnled npresenuilve sgenta

for the Hoilo and Drama Amnsemont Agency, of

Baiimoalsoa,Oal. _ ^— Aonie Oiay, ot Canary ft Lederer's "Pssalng

Show" Co., Inienda to atar next eeason In a newthree aot comedy by Oeo. P. Kiansa, entitled "TheTwo Fairies," onder tbe management of Walter B.

Ootto.— FInreDca Oerald, baring sold ber Interest In

"Tee Police Inspector," retired from the companyDec. IS. '-Tbe Police Inapeclor ' will cODllnneliB

aeaaon nndrr tbe management nt Clay T. Vance,la tbe BprlBg aeaaon Hl<s Oenid will be Interested

In lbs prodaeUon ot sn Koglleb melodrama.— Ullian Uwleell hu been engaged by Richard J.

Riley tor tbe remainder of the season for Jnvenlles.— CaiTle L. Kendall, who underwent a enrglcal

opcntlen, Dec- 34, at Ihe KatlonalTempemoce U-s-pltal, Chicago, III . la dolcg well and hopea to leave

Ibe bnepltal In a few weeks.— Hotea frem Bhea's U. T. 0." Co.: Ws are play-

ing In the Sootbem States to good i>ntlneas, sndIhe abnw lakea welL We are playing In openhouae* and nnder tent, as the weather permlta,BUy-

Ing two or three nights In a place, aboinng at the

large plania'lona and townaaking Ibe HIssisslppi

and baious. While Hanagor Bbea was In Maraballtnwn. recently, tbe Fallon Brutben got out anattachment agalntt tho tmat, claiming 133 fromMrs. Buea. John telegnpbed her not to pay, bat lo

a(aad anil, which ahe did and won.— W. K. Hill, onr esteemed roirespondentatCbl

cago, 1 1., and M. 0. Oroas, manager of tbe CrossPrinilng Oo., of that city, were made Knights of

Pytblaa D 0. 3T- ^— Rotter or the Lyceum Drametlc Co.: Holden ft

Bbuk, proprle ora; W. F. Uenderaon. manager:Henry Blfkaile, agent; 0. 0. McClurg, moalcal

dlreolor; Wm. I.of J. atage maeager; F ed. Oamhot, muter ot properiiea; Anna R. Davis, Htu.lBnrton, Nellie Manning, E-lna Hacbelh, Letb

Adama, Liuie Friday, Bert tiarter, Arihnr black,

ailer, Andrew Fortytbe, Will E. Burton, Ouy Foasick and E R. Bahb.— A. B. Knoll, of the Knoll and McNeil Coneen

Co., baa been oireitd the dtrectnrablp of (be TenthRegiment Rand, of Albany, N. Y., and will, nodonbt, accept, providing terms are madn eailsfaa-

tory in bIm. Mr. Knoll writes from Ban Frandtcn.Oal., tbat times on tne coast an very dull, andapeclalty perfnrmenan numenns.— Oeo. w. Ripley bas resigned bis poaltlon as

advance repreaeniallve of tbe EraTWnnay ComedyCo., and It spending a few days at nls home In

Uuraer, N. Y.—The ladles and gentlemen of tbe "Fast UtU"

(Nonbera) were hanoneted by Mr. anl Hra. Lin.

coin J. Carter, al Lonlavllie, Xy., on CbrlaimaaDay.— Eddie Otdell contlnocs (o be one ot tbe feat-

ures wim the James R. Adsms' "New Crazy Lot


Co., Id bis acmbailo tramp apeclal'y.— Alhen J- RoccsrdI, a memner of tbe Banlona'

'Sapeiba" Co., wbo was compelled (o leave the

companv lo the early pan of tne season on accountof lung trouble, laregslning bla healthandainngibIn B>n ADionl', Tex.-Chaa.A.HoamUilaalckatblebomeln Lools-

vllle.Ry. _— The RIamarck Opera flonae, nl Weaton, W. Va.,

waaomlrey deairoyed by Ore cn the morning ni

Dea31. Nothing was aaved. II will not be ri-bailt.

—The following la tiie makeup or Ollck'a Corned)

Oo.: J.J. Sheridan, J. B. N'-grotio, Oao NnioD,L. 8. DcKaih, Chaa. Teunr, Leo V. Sholer, R. U.

Ulick, Hanon BUIr, Mre. I,. H. DrKaIn and HraHarry T. Ollck. Uarrt T 0 Ick Is mannger.— Olaronce Hood, vocall't and comedian, closed

Dec. 34 alth Wairen'a Comedr Co , at Wakelee,HIcb., and la at bis hnmeai Poniand, lad,— The Bonnn-Coleman Co., In tbe rural comedyLThe Now SI Perlliis," sre doing well m the West.

At New Albany, lad., on Christmas allernoon andnlgbt, tber p ayed to two ot Ibe largest audiencesasaemhieo mere In year*.— A son was bom to Ur. and Hra. Oeorge H. Kim-

hall on Urc. 23, al ibeIr homo lo Ojiden, IM. UrKl'utall will lakea repertory company tnruugb meSummer resons of Culorado next season, openingabout Hay 1,

-After tne performance at Klogatnn, Ont., tbe

members ot the Marks Bros.' Co. were Invl'ed hy

Ura. and Ur. Klllam lo an ovster aapper at the Cll)

Untel. A Chilsioias tree waa aet up la the dlblngroom, end it waa loaded down witb preaenta.

pleasant time was spen( until tbe wee sma' houra.— Prof. Herrmann la now nrganlr-Ing a vaude-

ville oompany whloh he will place up m tbe roadatlhebrglunlngnf the season ot IhM-M. It winne known as Herrmann's OlganiU Amencan.EoMpean Tauderllle Organisation, snl will be

iMoked In Oral cites houaes only. Us annonncrsthst tbe company will h* competed of the best performeis to he fonod In Earnne, ae well as In Ibli

conniry. It will be remembered that four ycaieago Prof. Uerrmann organised a similar companyWllb good reaults. This will lu no wise luieifere

wllb bla (onr, which be will make, accompanied byhla wife, aa beratofure.— We have reoeloed Inlotmallon ot Ihe homing

ot tbe Opera Houae, at Weston, W. Va., on Deo. 21-

— Bunuel UlilUen. ttlber of Col- J. P. Mllllken.

died receoUy at UolUdaysborg, Fa., aged seventy,

ell years.Oeo. U Fallb has engaged Geo. II. Adams and

daughters, Tonlut and Tilly, to appear during the

.summer season In "A (^o iniry Terror," playingvaudeville bouses and Bommer iheatrca.


WaablBgion,—Theatrically speaking Wash.

Ingion bad a eurfcli ot good things last week, our

three big bouses presenting sttrsctlons never be-

fore seen ben and one ot tbem a Ont production

on any atage. Aa a conaequence brelneas wss ex-

celleni, ptnlonlarly eo at Rapley's National Ttiea-

(n, when Rlco'a "lin' played lo packed houaes.'Shore Acres," at tbe Aloaogb Grand Opera Uunae,had good buslnras, and "Two Oolonels,"ane<v paa-

lonl comedy drama, by Wllilao Richard Goooall,

wu pteaenied al Rapley's Academy of Hualo in

fair auendance. While Ibe title auggesis a war

flay It Is not, except In a reminiscent bcnse, tbe•0 principal rbaraoura having fornicily been

Oolonela dnrlog tbe bite war—one on lb-' sideof tbe Onion and the other on tbe confcilcnteside. There are four acts, the lliat two being laid InVermont, tbe third In New York Cliy and the fourth

In Virginia. Tbe seetlooal obaraciera are almnglydrawn, and tbe play as a whole pnsaeeaes much to

coomeud It to Uie playgoer, especially on IbeSontb-em olroQiL ''Tbe Stowaway'' waa well received at

Bailer's Btjon Theatre, adraollug the full clleniel

of (bla honae, Uie plav being eminently wril aniiedto popular prlord huuaea Weber ft Field'a Com.pany did a big butlnett at Kenan'a Lyceum Tbe-tre.

RtFLBY's NanoNiL TniATSi.-"In Old Kentocky'' Ueo. ai-Jan. t: Francis Wilton, In 'TneUevll's ll'puty," 1-13.

ALiicou'a QatNn Orsiu Uorsi.-Richard WantSeld, In repertory, U'Hi.9l-Jan(;"Hme.8ansaene'(return engagement) T-11.

RtruiT's AoanaMT or Husia—James T. Powers,in "The New Bor," Dec 31-Jan. t; Wm. Uoey, In•Ibe Flame," 1-13.

UnLoa'8 Bmuu Toiatbi.—0. T. Bills, id "Csaperlb« Yiidlcr," lie<^ Sl-Jsn. i: "A Flagor Truce" 1-11.

KXRNin's Lvcai'U Tbbiths.—Sam Dsvere'a Co,Deo 31-Jtn 6, tbe Hnnti-Sauller Co. 1-13.

HXTTUunT B Husio HaLL.—deorgeion OrchestnJan. 4.

A rsavrr was Issued by the District Commissionsn for tbe ereoilnn of a new open bouse on thealls ot tbe old James 0. DIaloe rvaldeooe nn Lafay-eue Bqaare, lIMlb Street, N. W.. between Pousylva-nla Areaue and "U" street. Toe al<e liaa beenleased for ono bundred vean by the Arm of Woodft Lavelle, of Obloago, aroblleota and Ibcaire bullil-

en. Tbe lot la N by lUft. and la at pr-aent neon-pled b> au blatorlo old mansion, which was occupled by BeentaiyW. il.Bewarddurlngibolalewar,and In which bla assasalnatlon wss attempted oothe same nlgbt that Fiealdent Lincoln met bis doaibat tbe haods ot Wilkes Booib. Tbe work of demoll-UnD wUl be commenced this week, and tbe newopen boose will be ready tor oconpancy at Ibe be*ginnlDwot urxlscasoo. II will occupy tbe entireFoi, will be ninety reel in height, and will costsomeiblog over |'2i0.ooo. It will bo built entirely otsieel and alone, snd even tbe stage will be as near,ly Oreproot ss possible. A root garden will eurmounl tho building, reaobed by two Immense ele-

vators. Tbe aeaUng capacity will be l.eoo, andIben will be tbiny noiea. Bosman ft Laadla. tbescenle anlslaof OblcMO, an aasoolaied with Woodft UriUo Hi Uw enleroilse, and Faol D. Conner la

Ibe aiCblleoL John W. Ainangh haa 1>Mn nStarad

BAM T. Jack's OngoLi O). waa tendered a ban-

qnet on Obilatmas night, al Philadelphia, Pa-, by

Direelor John W. labam. Mr. Isnam went home to

spend (Artstmw at tbsbesrthatono, bathe was with

the oompany in spirit, If not lo person. The fan-

noet wss given at tbe resld>nos ot Beltlncourt,

the well known caterer. A number of toasts were

drank, sod many happy apeechea were made oom-

pllmenury to toe joang and sncceasfnl director.

Among the speakere wore Ridge waller, Dno.

Baylcs, Tom Brewn, Cbss- B. Jbbnsnn and tbe Uai.

larye. Tom Brewo noted as ohalrmao ot the after

banqnet meeting, during which the company di^

elded lo oreeani Hr. loham wlthahando-ime gold

wauh. Tna vonng dlreotnr alao rememberea hla

people In other waya, every member of the enin.

ptny receiving a aoltable prewnt. At tbe ubie

w>re Ridge Wail»r. manager pro lem and rjpre-

aenta'lre; J4ke Mlll-r, aUge manaser; 0. F. Feck,

electrician; Tom Mi lnioah. Chas. E. Jobnton, Hal-

lary Bros, Tom Brewn- Dxi. Bayles, Alice May,

Geo. Wl llama. Mre. Mclmoib. B'lle Davis, Viola

Jones, Dura U>an, Hazle Brooks, Merrill Bl-sch,

Badle Terry. H«tile Graham, Annie Rooo, KluyBroao end Harle Roberts.

Fat KosrsB NOTXB—Same old sury, good busi-

ness everywhere. Alexander Bme. are nnw with

the company. Nelaonla, in addlilnn to bla apeolal-

tlea.leplaylagpartoqalteacopptably. John Marlon

and Jamee TWggan make a atrnng comedy duo. LaUoyoe BrM. are doing a very strong hoileonlal *t,x

act. Jam's J. Fenton Is a recent addition. Thecompany will be strengthened by Marie Btnart andDmmnnnd and Staley from now on. Chrlslmsi

wss spent In Dover, N. H., and every one received

presents. Florence Edwards was tbe recipient of a

gold watch and chain from tbe companv. A newopeelng akit. enUlled "Fnn on a Yacht," with abeaoUful apeclal scene, la a success, also % newborleaqa', "TM Tenderloin Chappies."BtRT Fonnrar, deacnpiivs vocalial. Is singing

irlib effect "BePs of Fate," "Speak Not Her Name,"Her Etes Don't Shine" and "Stage Done."Fnna Sam t. Jacx's ErmATAOAiniA Co., In "Tbe

BulieBhIer."—Wo have bad a very anccettfol tonr

ao fsr In Heilco. crowded bouies being the rale.

Owing to the effect ot a ncnt earlbqnake tbo

cnmptny was prevented from opening at the TeatreNailooaf Deo. It, tbe house being ordered doeedbrtneanlhorlllesasnnaate. We pbtved the TeairoArben 111-30 to packed houses and gaveaatlsf-cilon.

The Hendoea Blsten, aerlallsts, made a big bit.

Emille Paen caught tbe boose wllb ber solos

while Ihe burlesque took well. The living piciorea

catch Ihe Heilcans In gnat style. Bsm T. JackIs booking relnm dates for February. The com-nany will play Qnadelajara. Qoereiaro, Blhio, BanLoniB Painst, auuanajnatn, Agoas Oollente andMonterey, theoce through Texts.Waltib Wilson, the old tloM minstrel and

variety leader. Is now director ot tbe Cl'y Band at

Ramhrldge, Oa. On Deo. IB be was Initiated Into

Decatur Lo.iao, No. M K. otP.NAFini ANO MAsnu) cloaed wiib Dick LIulo's

Marie Banger Oo. Dec. 32. Tbey claim ibat Itaelr

talarles were six weeks lo arrears. Tbey are oowpiarlng B. F. Keith's Olrnnlt.

TOB Bbown Bans., Liszle Johnston snd Bam Rice

pent Ohnsrmaa Eve with Jennings and O'Brien at

their home lo Fail R>rer, Masa.Mrs. Thohab Soorr entertained a number of

frlenda on Chrlalmaa at her honse on PonrtbAvenue, Uile city. Amnng tbe gneata were RIennrScott, daughter of the boeieas; Ra»B^n snd Juoeand Utile dangbter Belle; will and Emma Rtdon,Annie Rydell, Harry narrlaoa and the three Heleile

Broth >n, who have Jnst ratumed from an extendedengagement In s nth America.Hamaoxb KoBHBUiiaiR, pf Knmborger Oarden,

Evansrllle. Ind.. tendered a dlnu'r to bis frienda

Thuinday, Deo. 20. Among tbe prnreealonsls pres-

ent were Harry Kline, Prnf. E. B. LInde, AnntnUlilafolrl. Valvo, Marxelle snd aildlena, wbo haslusi recovor<>d irnm her recent illness.

Tbe Lapiis' Cli'S Oo. played In Hualo Ball,

Lvnn, Hasa.. Chrlalmaa, givlngfiree performtncea.Afterthe evonlni performauoe the companv werehaequeted by LeonI ft Errret', the manatera. Therepeat was eaJnT*-d hy the eotlre company, andwound op ID epceohea and snnga. Tbe floor wsscleared and a dance given, mutin being fumlabedhv tbe nnera honse on-beetni. Ohrlaim is preaenlswere exchanged, and tbe managera were notforgo'inn.

Bi.AKoni SnnoK, tne male Impersonator, bssbe' n working a'one the laat two weeks, on accountof the B*vere llineaa of her partoer, Ulas Sheldon.HAHAosn 1/ioie Di Lboh reports doing a banner

bnatneas at ll^iroke. Mass.OtLBSRT n HtHSTntLB opened Deo. 30. at Slaple-

ton. S. I., and omwded the bnnae, and tbe managerot the ball made a mora date for Fehmary.HaiTiB !>TiRB baa wriuen a new anng, "Good-

Rve, Oocd-Rye." for Jeesle Bsrtleir. Davis, which'he lAl'er Ihloks a great deal of. Ulas Starr's newptantailnn InHahy, ' Oo lo Bleep, My Boney," It

ab<o gaining favor.

Mrs HARniA Conrot presented ber husband,John Conroy, wllb a boy biby on Dec S3, In Ohl-

catn, M.Grorob Nacohak, oreboaira leader at tba Odeon

Tneatre. Baltimore, Ud.. tendered bis frienda In

Ihe nmreaBlon a reception at bis bomo In thst city

00 Deo 33.

Qburob J. rowiii.'a CO. report good biulnesaihrouib Texta, sod win tonr Kanias and WesternUti"ioiir1.

Nrrrsa and wiliiaus writs tiiat upon thsir m-torn from Enmpe Ui-y win take out a novel abow,TobAhboiis iiLiRiax Trio, since (belrsocceee-

ful opening at Reiu's Dolon Sqasra Theaire, this

cllr, and Pblhideiphla, Pa., hnnse. repnn roeatlngwllh Bucceas In (heir novel mnslcal and singingoomedy act. They are at Keith's Boston bouse Ibis


olslly sngaged tn enleruin the banben and brokenat the Btook Exchange, Roeton, on Den 24, Dalyand Lrons entertained tbe Myello Sbrlne 97, atHortlculiuml Ball.

0iiiBi.B8 B. Dicxewrltaa na that be bao arrived•aieiv Id China, and (hat tbe Orloiee would open at

Shanghai on Dec 10, for four week\ and irlll thengo 10 Bong Rnng for an Indcflnlte period.TOi Hgwiirria are producing their aeries of

living pictuieaat the Wonderland Unsee, Wlhnlng-(on, Del.

Jambs E. Rostrfm. comedian, nt Lucler's MIn-Btrela. la al h'S home in Haverhl'l. Mats.Jsvp HcCabi aid Job Oluiot bave Joined 0. W.

Williams' Cnmedlana.Bart S. Qiuiorr ahd Mils. Douiris Fbrhah.

deaare nlaylega four weeks' engigement In Hall-fax. N. 8.

Uast Btdirt, obtnlrenae cecentrlqne, sails Jan.e to fumu a three months' oontnct In Paris sndBerlin.

Waitbr Q BtTTiH Is singing Ford ft Dnttnn'new deacrlpilvo oong, "Rells of lite," alio "TwoUeartewm Bpat AsOns."Joi F.inL, formerly ot Earl snd Lament and Ida

Uay Plum, vocallat, will he mairled Dec 2t, at Ibehome of the bride's parents, Winsion. Mo. Ur.Earl snd wife Joined the Eimn Oonceri Co. Jan. I.

axoROB KniTOK Is working alone, and reportssnccess with his nsw black face acLFOLiowiHO IS the rcater of Osritoo'a Band

and Orchestra, at the Tnea're Gnmlqne. Oaoton, 0.:Owl Carlton, leader of band and cornet oololtLt;

Fnnk Luce, leader ot onbesln; Harry Ahwlom,plinlil; Bert Tnie, tnmhone; Jamea Neablt,clarionet; K B. Nllotakee, flute; Ed. B. Bate, bast,and Tneo. Kohlmeyer. drums.Bbixb Fairuoukt, dtucer, fell on a slippery

paiemeamn Cbrlsiauiaeveand broke herleg Shewss removed to ber home.JooN AND Barrt DtLi-ON are slbglrg "PotHe

Off Al Buffalo" wllb the Field ft IlsnennOo.Notts rnnx McCabb ft Youno'b Mi»sniBu: We

have been playing In gnod buBln>ss through Wla-onoBln. We lay off In Obloago, In., and then elartfor onr Irip to Cuba. We have Just received a lotof new cnatnmes and every one la well and bsppv.Nbllib B. Simon opened at the nigh Street Tbe-

atre, Huncle, Ind., Dec 34. In borcbaraeiercbtoges.ThohasR. Suitb, gymnast. Is Iiing vsryUlat

339 North Sahlna 8 rett, Syisense, N. Y.TnoMASJ.RirLBT, formerly ot lb* team ot Rip-

ley and Rlshee, will for tbe fulut* work alone, do-ing a (uro of comlo snd topical songs, aa act wblchbe did previously (o bis msmsge lo Virgle Rlshee.He Is playing a ahoneogagemenl with B. W. Wll.Hams' Hetcor Co.Jbbbt ako Lodub CuNNiNOBAii opeued al Ibe

Bigb Street Tbeatn, Uuocle, lod., Dec 34 In "TheUauntcd lloase."Uici CtmaiNas, Usge msoager of Uie Park Thea-

(n, cnlrago. III., and bla wife. Kliiy, cloaed ibelrengagement at that bouse Dec. SO.Tan EAmN Bunas have oloaed a succenalal eO'

gtgement al Pope'o Tbealrs, BL Lonla, Mc, todwill BboiUy ntom Bast.Ed. IiAJta, lbs leaor of Dealng'a MUittnla,

sln(lsf wtik BaoosBB "Her Byss Doot aaia^j1Vafnoa«.f '^aif* VTM RAM Awav."

•TOOB LiTTi.1 Uabt," Mannoe Levi's latest, la

BOW being song by Brdney DeOreay.Hay Irwlo,

Isom Bifpr, Flo. Irwin, Uittie Ollton, AneliaBoooertUle, Dao Daly, Boonle Thcmlon, TloJa, FredBuwen, Madge Leseing, Nina Fsrnnrnn, uesale

BonahlU, Jnlle Mackey sod otbtn. During tboreodHloB ot tbe choms a tan Is mix -dnccd In anoeel manDer,addlag to lbs Interest ot the song.

Will 0. Hobton and Jo-ib nursB have closed

wllb Byen ft Olascow's Lyceom Tneatre Oo., andhave signed for tbe remainder of the aeaaon with

Manager J. E. ninrd at tbe Wooderland, Ene, Pa.

Paop Edpt, wko bas loti owsod an engatenontat Kobl ft Hiddloton'a Mntee, Chicago, IlT.,int«ndi

to enter a mereaniUe bntlness shortly la Denver,

OoLJambs RlAOAii. of Primrose ft West's Minstrels;

Alice Carle, or "A Railroad Ticket" Oo., and Arthur

K. Dragon, ot Dconelly and Olrard's Co., are all slng-

logObaa. K. Harris' snng, "While Ibe Dance GoesOn," and report It a snccess. HolcombeandOnth-man an alto sucoeasmily tinglngthis tong, as well

aa "What Does us Flower Sayt" by the asmsanthor.MtBiLQRABAji writes ns tbat she has entirely

recovered from ber recent lUness, and Is playing ai

the winter OtTden Theater, 8L Loots, Mo.TUB BtBRsm will open at Tony Paalor'a The-

site. Ibis city, Jan. 21, In their novel donbls club


Tna ABBRKS, gymnaats and acrobata,wen al tbe

Hotlo Hall, Lynn, Matt., laat week, with the

Ladlee'Clnb 00. .....O.iB of the la'eetdescrlptlvs songs Jnst tstned u

sn emotional billad, euUUed "She Forgets snd SheForgives," which Baynes and Llaelte an making a

feaiun nt as a state speclsliy. Tus song Issong to

ten diatlnct aiereoptlcon viewa, embodying the

narrative saggeatea by the woids ot the composl.

tloo, snd Invariably evokes the applause of the

tadlence.Oio. H. Diamond, baritone singer, writes thst ho

Is singing Ollmnre snd Leooard's new song,

"Whose Bean Is Your Heart," and Is doing sn well

wllb It thst he will sing It sll tbe seaaon. Tom L*wla,

of "The Old Bomestead" Co., la also singing itait

tong with ancceasful effect, and Al. Bellman, ot tbe

Uar Howard Co., gives the aame verdict.

Dam O'Brisn, leaper, loionDs os that hB will

shortly dote with Byrnes Bros.' "Eight Bells" Co.,

snd with hla wire. NeiUe OoIIIds, will play daios.

LizziB DtBinia. of tbe Dsriing Slsten. recsstly

creMnteo her busbsnd, Joe Absccc, ot Msidb andAbscco,wlthAbahy girl.

^ , „,Ultobd ANn Elmorb have separated, and MIn

LlUord bu rejoined "Peck's Bsd Boy" Co. for lbs

remaloder of tbo season.Oanroi.l Jobhsoh repotta thai bis (lew song,

"We Had to Hire Aooibsr Olrl," by Jos Newman,Is >cor1ng a bitWAursB J. PuiiHBB wrllaa us rrom Oblcsgo, IIL,

Uisi bs IS not to take full cbsrge ot Frank Rail's

Catino, In that citv, as sdvertlsed In onr last Issoc

Mr. Ball and Mr. Rice have settled their dioeiences,

sod tbe latter will continue In bis potlilon.

BiLLT BTAMnRP appeared at Bradenbnrgb's Mu-eeom, Fbllade'pbh^ Pa., week of Dec 34.

Tbb LATtsr In the Hue ot desorlpUve motto tonesIs a ballad now being sung with success In tbe

Loudon music balle and br minstrel oomptslet,

eoUUed "Uoot Boar Any III Feeling." It It by(bat pnllflo writer, Felix HeOlennoD, and la Ittosd

by tbe Bogllth Bong Pub. Co., ot Ibis city.


ProTldeBce,—At Keitb't Open Bonse, week of

Dec 31 '30, "The cross Roads ot Ufa" drew good

booses aid pleased. Tbls week "Rush Oily"

comes tor lbs lint time, sod as It baa been seven!

weeks since the pauons bave bad a piece ct tbls

cbtracler, (ben la no donbt that bntluBss will be

very large. Bobert' Oaylor, lo "Spori HcAllltier,"

next weei, together with a terles ot Keith's living

pictures.Protidbnox OriRA HoDSX.-Dec 34-33 "Bobln

Ho:>d''and''The Knickerbockera" were snngloalaige week'obntluesa. This week, Joseph Uawortb,

In "Rosedsle" snd "Hamlet;" Jan. T, iJiga Nelher-

eole makes ber Oral apprannce lo (bis city.

WBSTMiNbTBR Tbbatrb.—Dco. 34-30 Manches-ter's Might Owl Beauty Show did a good weekand weot awav hapny. Tbls week tbe Lilly Clay

Co., next aeek tbp Fay Fnsier Co.

LOTDRor's Orana Hocsi.—Dec 14-10 "GuiltyWilnniit Crime" gave ibo best "t satlsfaclton. Tbiaweek, Pauline Parker. In "Wild Rose," followed

week ot Jan. 7 by J. Z LIUle's "World.'>

N0TB8 —Commencing Jan. 0, a series of GrahamHiinday evening concent is to be inaugunied atKelih'aOpen House, and all the popular peoplewboDave appeared at iiicse conoeru In Btietvo wiu ap-

Ktr Rob>tt Pollard and abunt Otieen men-re of (he "R"blu Bnod' Co. wen entertained by

tbo Falslair Club Dec 33, after tbe performance.Oeo. a. Baubeller, of tbo WeetmlPStsrTbea-

tn, bas Ipsaed the Lvcenm Theatre, Bos'on, and bis

sen, George B. B«taneller Jr..wbobas tor ao longbeen Ireaonrerot Ibe Westminster, will bave ebargeotiheLvceom. ThenewtreasorerattbeWeatmln-ater Is Bermtn Parkin, who has acted as aaslsmnttreasnnr for some time The memben atKelih's Opera House orobesim presented their

leader. Prof. Chas. Lorenberg, wllh an elegantTlelln case on ObrtstmaB.

Pawtnckel.—At Loihoip'a Open HonsB, Dec24-39, Saihertno Ruber, In ''The Maid ct tbe Hlne,"had good business. This week, U, Percy Meldunin "Bacaped from Slug Slog."


Portland.—Tbe Marqutm Orand, wblob has

bees dark aloce Dec. 13, was rtopeoed 34 by MoKe*Raoklo, In "Tbe Cannok." TheTtvary Open Oom-psny will be seen 81 snd Tbomss Keene irlll fol-


COBORAT'a TBiATRB.—Tbe Obarles Rlgga Dra-matic I3cmpany opened 24, Id "Tne GsUoy slave"The br use waa dark the preceding week.Thb OKrBBPN Is dark.UoeBDKO's Ntw TBBATRB CCMiouB.-Msod Ray-

mond, Walter Ford, Frantio Overton, WalterParker, Harry Brown, Lnin Temple, Ollle Oalman,H«y WUklnann, May Shandley, Hand Ross, Lottie

AlouKi, Nsllis Clayton, Frankle Ward, BatUeHoover, Uaido ClarlL Hay Wallact and Lexort.ANBXIIBIR,-Washington, Overly, Lsngford, WUl-

lama, Btrdle flairls, Pearl Ashley and Novelty Mso-doIlD Clob.LotrvRX—RebtgllaU"s Bpanlsb Stndsnts.ExruHinoN bdiij)ino.—Poniand Unlveraal Bx-

poslucD. v,-„


Bait Lake CHr—"The New Boy" bad goodboslncassttbeSalt Lake Tbeslte Doc. 23, 2«, TheCalhonnOpen Oompany 31-39, Lottto ColUosJso.

I, Alexander Salvinis-t.

Orand.—This nsw honse opened Dec 24, wllb

ercry proepect of a ptoeperous fotntc Tbe open-ing butlnett wss to the capacity ot tbe bonse,which seats 1,000 penpia, Tns now stock companvpteeented "Mo:bs,<r and wsre favorably received.The theatre will ran aa a popular price hones, wllbseals ranging from (0 to 23 cents. Itlsnonslnotedot the latest lines of inch thesttvs,bas parquet•ed balcony with nine boxes on each side ot lbsstage. A capable slock companv will tomlsb mostof lbs amusement, tbongh comhioailons wlU b«occasionally pbiyed. The stock companies wlUprobably movearound with similarorganlxailona,onvering Denver, San Francisco and Portland,Oregon.Ltobdv—Tbls honse Is leltlug Its share of

tibrlainiss plnma, "Rip Van Winkle" being givenby a atock company.


Haw Orleano.—During holiday week crowdsflocked 10 ont various piayncuses to enjo^ Ibe at-

uacuons then presented. The UiUe ones, sspect-

ally, enjoyed Ibelr Obrlstmu at the opei», wbsrseiob lot after tailing In Iheir earnest attempts lo

oicsl Iheslngen ot tbo French open, and provok-log the Ul WlU of mtoy ot Ibelr eldext, won•warded a Xott loken.Prbnitb orsRA UouiB—Ben large and appre-

ciative audiences have welcomed toe aoraiiuonsoffered. Os Deo 29 -'Rlgolctto'' waa snng for tbeBrat time tols seston, Hmc Lavlila and Boum Intbe leading roles. "I^ Tnvlaia" 30Orand OrssA Uoims.—"The Devil's AncUon" at-

liac(ed large andlencea "Friends" 30.

Bt. Ohaslb.-During tbe vlsll ot "Ibe Raln-makon'' large andlencea nlghUv oiled this pcpulatikeatn. Jaa. J Oorbettgn.ftOADBar or MoBio.—"Tbe laMlgiir' aalojsd tali

lajmoMedoxn* tla>


ClaelauU ^Tha New Tttr bu > dMlMljnoiio*! welooaw, for, at MtuSa Ball, aodu itw

aoiplCM o( Uw amy FmUtcI Olionu, mi aided bj

TModore TTKHOU' OblcagD Onlieiira, "Ita Hn-unnwaaclTtntlM law nl|lito(UM old year. Th«oimata wen Ourluw Hona-LamoD, Un. Carl

Al9e*,ir.H.BtegtrandWaUliilllU. Tberenuanatlm Jan. l, •( wbloh a popalar ptoinmme ntpicmltd, and that CTtoliig a sjmplionj ooncanpnta CuliK)iiab:a pnlod to tbia mld-WiDierreaal of

melodi, to wbloli woletj liu bten looklav rorward

wlib pleamabM aatlelpaUoii. Holiday weak did

not ptoranob a marrtlona barrtat Uma tat all tba

mealRi. Erea on Obrlauaaa Dit tba mailDec*nia (tnanllf poorly auaodad, wblla a rara aaaort-

oaatol waatbar—drlullDg. donpogn, tvo anoirilona and a bllzurd-aarrad to cot down tbaara'am of (ba wMk lo ainipir ordloary dnraa.OaixDOma Hocan.—Nu o. Good •In btgao iba

otailni wa>k or bU eDngemont D«c. 91, preaeai leg"In Mlnoors." "1 OUded Fuol" waa rvTlvad to

fpleodld boaloaa, and on Obrlitmta iba boiua wupaoked. "Oartd Oarrlck" la nndarlload later In

tba weak and tba a>l<anca aala abona tbai Uiara la

wldeapmd oortoaliy to mo Hr. Oondmn In tb«lrola. 'Tba Olrl I Lafl Babind Ma," witb KaudaBarrlaon In tba oaat, cornea Jan. 7.

WaumTBraHTTBUTRi.—Bagenhack'iTraloedAnlmala cam* Dao. 31. Boiane Tompklna' produc-tion ot 'Iba Black Urook" did a rair iinaloeai. TbaObrliuiaa lomoni waa good bnt Jack Prott balpadkill bnalnan afiar tbat. Htria Jaoaen Jan. 7.

BaTLiN'sTaiAni.-J. D. Uapblna'Traoa Ocean-ic* mad* tbtir app^annca Dae. 80. "Fantaana"proved a aplaodld boliday magnet and bnnaai nfjood^tlza witnaaaad the parronnanca, "Old Qloiy"

FouiniiN Bqaiai Tbiitbi.—Tba IntamatlooalTaaderlllta onnia Deo. ao, latnyinclng Alloa J.Bbaw, Oolpb and Scale Latino, (be Tbrer piatob-an, Obarira 0. Kirtpairick, Prof. E- Aot, Oiipontl,Harry and Lola Rotilnaoo, Iba Pi-emnnie, PiankRlloy and Vllllao P. Daony. Oranler'a LTcenioTaodeTlila Oo., onder iba nanaiemenl ot JobnHurrltaay. did a fair boilnaaa. Raarea 1 Falmer'aOoamopnliiana Jan. a.

Hnoi'e OrkBa Uodsb.—"Tba Derby winnn"wia lean beta for Iba dni Uma Deo SO. "On tbeBowery" enjoyed on* ot Uie moat lucocaarnl weekiot tba aeaaon, and tba B. R. 0. algn waa in constantnaa. Halian and Dart Jan a.

BOBiKBONa Orna BODU.—Oracle Eomait, In"Tba Pnlaa of Nnw York.'' came Deaai. AdaOray'tMjoom waa Intampiad by bar lllneu, wbiob, fortnnaiely, only Interfered wlib tba drat two per.toroaoeea. "Baal Lynna" waa giran Cbrluoaaaid all tbe rant of tba weak. "FaMo Romaol" Jin.a.Pnru a TaiiTRi,—B. W. wiiilama* Own Oom.iny opened D<ago. Rallly t Wonda' Big Bbow

lid a giiod bnalneaa. Tbe Prencb Polly On. Jan. a.

KOBL A HinOLROH'S MnilDIi IMO CONnKOODSTbealie.—Darlog tba patt weak ineaa laat twowoida haTa oaan added to tba title of tbe hoo<e.Tbe tn\ weak'B eiptrlmeot waa qnlta encoarag-iDg. and tbe Idea will doohtlns ba aiioptad forgood. In Onrlo Ball, Deo. 81, were Oaylor'a qnar-tet ot BIndoo glut*, Jnbn Togrl (haman pinoa<tloii) Jamaa Oole (gliaa dancei), Z<p ibe"wb*t-la It," Ook'dano (oaa m«n band), tbe Oipay forianaUlian and Unplda obarlot. In tba tiiMire: Fredand Henry Kling, Oray'a Roral Huloneitea,Obarlas La Bar. Barley and TiiTee, Billy oiajton,0- Bockadetd, Time Bobwenberger, Uule Zella,Klnb« and Ifona. Lecaron. Bnalopaa waa good laatweek.PiiB OriBA Honsi —Col. w. 0. P. Breckinridge

laciQred Deo. 37 lo a ainall andlence. There waa aaeniatlonal acana In tba lobby before tba lecinre.In babalt ot Goi Ueyer, a yoaog attorney, Oon-Mabla Einnay raided tba box once. Yonng L.Qrowa, tbe traaaorar, waa knooked oat and had blaband cot by broken gtaaa. More money waagranbed tban tbe writ of allaobmeot called tor,

t4> 10, and tba manager may make Ibig a teat caaaand ngbt. Tbe Oonstable'a tModaman ara to ba•nad tor dunagaa and a crlinlnal obarga of asaoltand ballon pnabad.Hmiia UaLL —At tbe but Pop of iba old year,

Dec 80, Franceaca Qotbrlfr Meyer and Anton Sobottaia to ba tbe aololata. Tnera la oonaldaiabletalk now ot ooovartlng Htialo Ball into a placeinltabia tor grand opera. Aa It la now oondootadIt li a non-nvlng InaUtotlon. LItile atock la lUanby pnotlcal men In ibia reporL Olnolnnail cannotgiro grand nparn aofflolant anppon to warrantanob a innaturmHtlon.UniOH.—Tna Cornell DniTeielty Olee. Mandolin

and Banjo OInba appeared Dao. 31. Tbe D:ilTmliyot Virginia Olee Olnb appeared Dea 9. Tala'aTooallMa ara doe Jan 3. uarnrd came Dea M.aoesiP.-Uanager J 'bn II. Uarlln baa bean ciron-

lating among St. Linia and Oblcago fnenila daringtbe weak. On Obrlatmaa bare, tba empi <yea of ibaWalnnt Biicai Tbeatre prea'nted bim wiui h b»nd-aona olock Nat Goodwin gave a David Oirrlokaoppcr to til« company In the green room ot theGland after tba pariomanca Obnaimia nlgbt». . .


Sidney Wortb, ma lluie Olnclnsail aciraaa. JoinsFrederick Warda at Oblcato, to play Karoella, In"Tbe LIna'a Moolb." Jobn Fenneeay, of "Blavaaof Gold," alipped Into to'n to see wbat BantaOlana bad pnt Into bis stocking at borne TbaFiotaoUTa Laagna of American Showmen meebbare Jan. 8 Vera Lamb made bar debut at tbeFonntalndnrlog tbe angagemt-ot ot Grenlar's Lyce-nm VandSTllles Joeer Uofman, tbe 'ce)lut,wlll

ba tba aM'.lst at ina aecond Orphaaa concert, Feb. 7.

Manager H. 0. Ander>on, of Iba FoantalnTbaaue, ba* reiumad from Ndw York, wbera bewaa on tna mil ot Madeline PolUrd. He tailed

In bla mlaalon to get bar to appear onder bismansgeoent bera Oil Hoblnaon bas aniredfrom Jaraay Oily to oompleie plana for tba isgi

lonrotjobn R thloson's Otroui *Twm saidattba Walnnt Biraat ibat Mardo, tbejagsler, andLonlaa Hoopa, one ot tba oorypbara or "Taa maokOnmk," bad nean married lauie Lea Horrlln,ot Vioior'a Vandevlllea, won brr suit for liooaalarr fn« M. 0. Aoderaoo. All tbe oompaoy bavaremalnrd bera to Ogbi oot tbelroiaas, ana evarrrardlot Una far ba* been for iba aotora and aga>nsttbe Fonoialn. It will be a risky place of baelnatabaraafier lo canoai an engagsment ot a companybooked, even If tbe aoia ara deamad below theaiani^d George Mnnson, tor years ibaprtnte aacratary ot Ubna Von der Aba,of tna Bl Loola Ball Olno, la now aIbaatncal nan. Be li bera wl:b "Tbe DarbyWinner." '^o my trieod, Nat 0. Uood-wtn, Jobn F. Wilson," wa* tba InaorlpUon on amagniaoant gold waiob, ona ot Ibe conadlan'sboliday rrmembrsoco from a Oloclonail friend ofa aeon of year* atandlog. J<iaepbTab Dosen,once traaaorar of Wood'a Tbeaira bare. Is In ad-mnoe ot E. Bnrton Holmes, wbo cornea to tbaOdaon Jan 10 Blancbe Walab la to Join Nataoodwln,to soccaed Lllllan Vana.

OleTalaad.—Bnslnaaa daring tba part weekwu boib good and bad In airaaka. All noosea didwell Obrlnmaa Day.Ltosok TBiaXBa.-"Darkest Bassla" bcid tbe

boards week of Dao. 24, doing nrj welL Mi*.Jobn Draw, socompanled by Mi*. Sldiiey Draw, In

Tba Road to Ruin," Toel of 81. Felix Xoniaweek of Jan. 7.

Bi7auDATiHin Oriu Hodbb.—"I40i" dellgbiadbig booaea week nt Uoo. M. EOa EUalar Is aasnrcdotagoodraoapilonweakorsi, wbao staapraaaniaDoris," "Uaial KUka," "Egypt > andA Woman'aPower." Ddlia Fox and Jamaa O'NaUl dlrlda weekotJan.7.Bran Tbbitbb.—A raoepllon wu aoaorded tba

Maw York iMar*>VaodanUaOompany seek 01 Dec.31. Paler Mabar'a AiblaUo and Bneclalty a«mpanyweek of 31, H. W. WUlbuns' Hataors weak otJan 7.

a. R. Jiooaa' TBianB.-"Old Glory" wu ibeatlraotton, to good adranuga, week of Deo. M.Slave Brodia, In "On tbe Bowery," week of Dec. 31.

CUTii.aiiD GBAia' ABBoaT ^Tbe Hid-WioierCIrons, given onder tna aiaplce* of Iba OiaialaadGrays, u an nnqnaltlle^l and Hionnab ancoeaa.Bauae** week of Deo. M wu nniversuly good andpromlaaa^van better fur week ot 81. Some of Ibeoeal known namea of tba cl>«ns arena ara an.gated, and In an partlcolaii a Oral cUai enlarlaln-ment la given. U. B. Day, formally assistanttnaanrcr of tba Enolld Opera Uooaa. la In obargaof alladvenialng and alao Iba box oilloe, and blagood work Is balni crowned wiib •ncctai.Ont* —Manager Brady, of Brady * Garwood,

leueaa of tba ijcenn, waa In town week or tlvun •Dwtaat Russia,'' On acoonninr uinoaot a member of tbe Jalaa Levy Concert Company,tbair daie, Jan. it, waa canceled at AtaoclallmBall and will be ailed by tba Mosart Biopboay Olnb,New York Obrlatmaa gift* galora were givenaad received by tba maoagara and aaaotaaa of tbaibaattaa and by mamcaiberBOl vlalUngoompanlea.

Derton.oAt Iba Grand Opera Hoosa Al. G.Ftald'BMlaaaal* played to tba i>lue« boaUus tbe" ' " done no a boliday for^ aeTeral i*ai%

Eddie Foy, In 'Off tbe Eirtb," p'ayed lo bli bntl-nessas, iBandmailaea. Tim Hiirpbv and EiianeOanOeld, in "Alimony '• la tbe New Year'a Day at-tnauon. Vaiker Wblualda cornea Jan. 8, "Wang"

PiBX TBBiTBi.-"rbe Pnlan of New York." Dec,M-ia bad Mg baslneaa. "A FI»g i.f 'imc*," »T-»,bad fair boainea*. Cbu. A. Loder (Imui Dto. 81fi.ra UueanlghrssUy, followed by Hr. and Mr*.R"bert Wayne s-i.SOLOIXO' UuxB TnuTBi.—AL 0. Field's Uln.

atrala did wall Deo. 34. cuming; *-Taa Dorilar"Jan. 4, Tbe Oilboiileia Abroad" II.AL. 0. FiBLD wa* tba recipient ot a bandsome

diamond stndd^ watch charm Ubrtstmu avpologgiven bim hy tba membara ot tbe Ubaniy CircnsOommlitao in ramembianoa ot bis volunteeredseivlcaa at Uclr enuruiomtnt laat Jnly.

Cantaa.—At Iba Grand Opv-ra Uooaa Rosa 8v.daira Lonilon Bells played to a fair boose Iie& 24.Our Uncle Oa'ilii>''plaied 10 a good boose ai ibeCnrlaunaa matinee and It. R.O. In Iba aveulog.nnbert llllllard, in Tba Nominee," bad light re-oHp'alS. "BIROtBella 'Jaa. 4.

ToijtTiB CornqoB.-Weak of Dec SI: llaielandDaisy Collins, Auole Sylvaaitr, Cotfay sod Jobnaon,and tbe Oreanvllla Stiiers.

Baisaa'aMrsioUiu,.-Week ot si, Bonnie Lot-tie and Fannie Putman.

Coiambas.—At Iba Grand Opera Boose "14M"opened a week's engageDenI Deo. 31. Utgan.iieck'a Anlmala bad good baaloeu week ending 29.Jai. O'Neill comes Jan. 7-«, Dan Bally 10-13.Eton Btrbr Tokan*.-"A Trip to Ubinalown"

ooenad a three nlgb'a' eagagemeni Deo. 31. Lewi*Mvrruon bad crowded bouae* 2l-'ia. "Tba Palaaot New York" bad good booaea >r-29. "KlUamryand ua Rlilna" cornea Jsn.s-S.'Wang" 7, 8, "BIgblBella" «, 10, "HoNnlty's Visit" II, 11.

Blaabaavllla.—At lbs City Opera House agoo . alied andienc* enjoyed "lloss and llou" Dao.24. "rbo Pollca lDapecl"r" plrsaed two goodnonsaa 24. Ina Tornado" ISunUiero) did fairly28. Booked: Al. 0. Flelu'a Minstrels Jan. 3. "Landof tbe UldnlgblSnn" B At tbe London TbeairaXoiu week beat tba reaird. Opening Dec. 31:Emery and Hnasell, Kate Couway, Carrie Hoorw,Matt. Dc«, Jauiea Kowe, Conrilamt Blaiera, Mariaaad Liizla Ansilo, and the atock.

Uaaaaeld.-"Peck'a Utd Boy" ebnwad to goodbon-ea anarmnan and nlglii Uec. 2t. Al G. Field sUinairelB faced a larye bouie, 38. Hose Bydell'a"London Bailee" come Jan 1,

ZaDeivllle,—Lincoln J.Csr'er'a'TbeTornado"waa tbe Ubrisioua aitJaotion al Sobuli'a. cruwoadbousea al both ibe mailneeand olahip'rfonnancoa.New Year's day and nigbl, AL G. Fltld'a Mlnatiela.


"dOWlBf lbwtUbeEsi*

rind/> booked for 97, canoaled,aada. Tbe AmancanTiBTeaiy Oo.and

Bostoa.—Wlib Iba bolidaya a memory, Iba NewYear opens np a vlata to our manager* ot bopefni.

neaa for a great deal better ran of boalneu for tba

ananlng montba of tba aeaaon ibanperbapaot tbe

aama ilma In 18M. Tbe bolidaya broupbt heavy

draogbia into all box omces. Tba New Year sees

ona obanga at leaat In tbe rnanagemant ot one ot

onr bousea, tba Lycaom, which la now coodncted

by Oeorge H. Batobeler, who mna tba Weal-

minaler In Providence and a bouse In Worceater. There have been romori ot other

changes, viz., Ibe leasing of the Colombia to Harry

Miner and tbo Park lo lUe same manager. Bot

ihrsa have been deiilid with a show of aoihorliy,

and there la nothing realU dranllaio be obtaloednow aa lo whether the Culuubbt will ooaoge handsor not I' la In tba market, and It It was a real,

good pa\ log honae. It Is sore loal Rich A Uarrlawonlii not lie aniloua to let It go,UoLua ToiATBI —Julia Mai lowa-Taber began a

three weeta angageoieni Dec. 31. She will pbiy herentire repertory, upenlog In -Tbe Bcbooi for

Bcaodai." For tbe ibird week she will oOeroneniahi, (or the Orstume here, 'i;olombo's Birthday."Delia Fox Oolshtd a line tonnlgbt, Deo. 20, In "TheLIUIa Trooper."BOSTON MDSkOif.—An entirely new oneia,

"Weaiward Uo I" by Richard D. Ware and B. B.

Wooir, received lie oral prvaanbatl'in on any stageDeo. 31. The oompaoy Includes J. H. Rlay, ClintonElder, George F. Marvin, Unrty IMvensport, AnnieLewis, Fanny Joonston, A i le Sutherland andotbera, Roland Rted cloa ii a two weeta' sUy of

fair biialness Dec. 30. A ran Is exiiecud for "west-ward nol"TBkBOKr TuBiTBi: —Lillian Kusaell began a

season of at leaal two weeks Dec. 21, In "The OrandDuoneaa." Toe Lillpuilaua Oouiberi a tortnlgutDm. 39, and their uuunea< waa only mediocre.BoaiON TuaaTHB.—James A. Heme opened fora

run, Dec 31. In "ahore Acrea ' "In Old Keotucky"wuanil up lis leugtby aeason ot really enormoo*hnslneu Deo. 39. Toe piece Is now touring NewEngland and wM play tut ciroolt tor a month.Pani TBkiTUB.—"A Black Bueop" I* doing ex-

cellent bnilneaj, and last week saw plenty otpiirona Inroad awar.COLOMDii TaaiTHa.-ThIa la the aecond and lul

week of *-Tbe AmaEtini,*' and the bonsea provedthat Ibe busloeu «u excrpllonally good, Jan. 7.

Tne New Woman," with Mr. PalmerVt Co. It will

ran two weeks.Orano Opiba Uon*!.—Ju. B. Hackle opened a

weak Dec 3i, in 'fne Side bbow." The Meaiayer-Otia-Keruan Company, In "Oliver Twist," closed 20.

Tba peitoruaoca wu admirable, and oeaervtdfarbetter patronage toan U received. Jan. 7, "Uotsand Boas."UovooiN SQiTABa TnBATBB.—"Humanity" la In

lis second week hcrr, and Is drawing deaarvedlylarge audiences. It will mn here noul Jan. 13.

OaSTLB BqiiABB TokaTBB.-Loulae IP-andet, InJaclnta," opened bertocund week Dec 81. TbN la

Ibe lut week <>f "Jatinu," wblih win give wayto a new opera by Herman Ferlei and J. w.Norcioaa Jr., originally oiirlstened "Jounetia," batto be glTen a new name. In tie cboai'a u the mostcatcby by toe audlrnce on the "peLlog night or be-

fore. Tbe Louise Beaodei Co. have a six waek'abooking der', and It tbo new oparala aauacen It

will ba euy to run It for iha (onrwceka aauotlinn).KiiTO's Nbw Tobatbi.—The holiday bualoeaa

bare and lor tbe enilra week wu exirrmelr la'ge.

This week: Oto. Tuatcbor, Lan Uerv^lio, HavmonMoorr, Ulxon Bto<., I'rinimlna and Gore, Nellie B.

Ohudier'a Lady Orcbeaiia. Bislera Uool«in, Am-mons Ulerlso Ulo, Usier and Williams; Johnston,Davenport and l/>reila, Uanhatun Four, EddieEvans, Mead and Delia weliz, Napier and Maiiello,

Ml** Uigee, and llama an<1 Uart.

NickIL Oobun—Uansger* Dmn k LItbOtIdavloca aailslaotion at the manner bnalneu la boom-ing at Uielr boose. The eni«rtalnmenia app»sr lo

give ample uilsrscilon to ibair nutnarona aairooaIn Ibe ooilo ball tbIa week are Billy Welia(aaTdbeaded man), black art, anaka charmer. Ho e Lealaleotrlo woodar), Bogeoe Farslto, Prof. Ua Vena,Jennie Lament (treqaceo), Prol. Vara (maglrian),Hnrdo (vaoUlloqulBil. Dot Is Williams' Punch andJndy.au'l the Iron.fawed wonder, Json. Ud theatage; Yaagarand Woods, AllcaObeaier, WoodbomBlsieni, Jamea Dwyer, May Evan*, the Allan* and afemale mlnalrel troapa.HoWABO ATBIKAIOII.-Hanager Lstbmp'a show

this week anllaia RIalta, St. Felix Slater*, JoeFiynn, Ryan and BockOeld, Joale Oragory, twoDnmws, Brown and Hsrrlaon. Bertba Both, DickCarroll, harry and Dollv ROssall, Ualaly Glrla'Ballet, Maude F-o'on, Ed. U. Banker, Ja*. Gray,George Kaloa, Ida Howell, J. L. Manning, FlorenceHelene and Ibe Uoward Barleaqne Oo.LToaouTaBATBB.-Thanow maoagamenttnrely

alanda In capitally, and Mr. Batcbeller oner* * root-ing bill Ibis week, wlib iba Ruaaall Bros.' Ooma-dUoa. a company of excellent vailety performer*wbo are well known to CLirrin reader*.ADiriH A STDKB'eHi'aauii.—Twelve auong men

la cootiiia of endnnance are this week's fMlce.Tbelr naraea are: Uerr Willbelm. Tollna Wriabt,Joeepb Murral, BrliiOt Bretoera, Unslsv Hermann,George Fowler, Btcren MnHabnn, Michael Ilesrdnn,Rodnlph Schmidt, Dontid Molnlira and FrancoisDnmaa. Two companies give tba nsoal atagesbowa.PALAOi TnBATBa—9am T. Jack'* Creole Oo. for-

niah the entertainment tbla week, and they will

offer an Innovation In tbe way or a mldoigbt per-formance Dec. 31, to nsher In the New Tear.Gbanp MnaBDM.—Kalberlna Roipcr and oompany

are playing -A Heroine In Rags" tbla weak, andbare Is alao Iha tisoal vaudeville show.Nona.-Mane Ilurms, formerit of Ibe Boston

Museum "lock and latterly leading woa«n ofJaa. O'Selira Co., was married elx nonib< ago 'o

any W. onrrlcr, ot Lawrence, Ha>a. Tbe fact Is

only now pnbll>ned, aid the data ot the narnanIs givenu Jane It. Tne hrlde will rrllra from tbastate . ..Maaager J. T. Tiao*. of Keith's OperaBonae, Providtnce, spent Dec 20 In BostonWood and Vaka« am booked tor the Grand OpenBonae early In the new year.. .. . .Maoagrr Oeorg*K, itong will aoon leave for aa extended Taca-

Unn In Mexico aad Oslirorals B. P. Kalib aadbla general manager, R. F. Albee, both rtoelvadanddlsinbntrdnameionse'efant Onrlatmu pre*.enta. Dlamonda were Ibe principal gifia *x-cbanged on both aliiea Jamea J. Oorbett la

b<«kcd 10 open In bis new play,A Naval Oadet,"next aeaaon, In tbla city.

L^a,—At Iba Lyon Tbealie "Work andWages" played loagood husiaesi Dec at.' TheLvnn Musical Aasoclaiton gave a ooncert, tbe flnlof a acria*, 38, to a larga aodlaooa. Marie Bur-roagba came «T, lu "The Pronifala." to small bnsl.nesa. Tba parformanoe of "Marion" wu givenby a company of loral talent 28, under the manage-ment ot Harry R. Dose, to a fair bona*. DanDaly. In Alter the Ball," 20, • la Old Keninoky"Jan- 11, 11-

Mi-aiu Uall—Leool A EveraU's Udira' OlnbBorlaaqueUo-dldK good l>n<lne**Dei>.34-29. TheMaria Singer llnrle>que On. Jan. S-1. 'Tna OldSunth" T-», Manchester a "Might Owls" 14-19.

UOdSir.-Toa amaieor oompany which plared"Marlon" al Ua Lynn ToaaUe, Deo. 29, will tvpeatltatibanmaplao*alao ear'y dale, aod Will playBevarlr 10 for laa Waabingtoa Clnb Gold Bnt-ton Blll'a Mosauffl wu ben tt>a past weak.

Lowsli.—At Iha Open Houh annle Ward Tit-fany. In "Lady Blarney," had two good honses Dae.23. Maria Bamugbs played "Tbe PruSlgato" lo amod bonae, 30, with much aucoeaa. "Toe Twojohaa"dldagundbDslneas29. Booked: sioddatd'aleoiure 31. Dan Daly, In "Altar Iba Ball," Jan. 31.

Geo. W. Wilaon piajs a ralum data 0.

Musio Hall.-The New Suck Oompaoy opened aabort aeaaon l>cc34,wilh"A lloopgf Goid,''ohang-Ing Ibe bill 3T to ''A Brave Woman," and old a goodweek'a bnalness, J. Francis Kirke and Ethel nierdividing tba bonora. "The Bny Delacilva"wlllbaplayed Dan. 31-Jan. 3. Tna Boy Boom"' S-9.

UnxTiKonni Ualu—The Ovids Hnalu OoncertCo. bad a good bonae Dec 33.

UARHr 0. UuuHca nu applied tor a license loreopen the Bijun Theatre.

Worcsaisr.—At tbe Woroeaiar Thealn "TheOi'iuin King" drew good hnuaea all UsI week.Dnir Opera CO. Dec si. Jan. 1,3.

Fkont BTHkkT OrsBA UuDsB.-Tte Lilly OlayBuric> que t>). drew gi.od pauonaga lut week. TheCaaiou Ulria Burlesque Oo. 31-Ju. t, Ua Roae Ull|Cu. T-13.

. LoruKor's OrxBA Uootb.—Moialand A Thomp-Bon's Vaudeville u<i. did a big bualoeaa last week."True Irian Uearta," Deo. 31, Jan. 3; Joa. D. Olition,in "Haouh King" and ''biboy Pilson," f-lLMscUAMui fiau Mr. and Mn. Samrl B. Bald.

am, the Hnita llabaimaa, mysUIed and pleasedgood sized booaea Dao. 28-s. They remain mlJan. t.

Lawraace.—At Ibe Opera Uouia "Tbe PolicePaimi" Deo. li, gave two parfomiancM, ihe nia I-

nee lie'ng III a laTr aiied audlenoc The evening wit-aetaad uua ot ibe largtaibunsa* Ibia aeaaon, everyseat oeing sulu and standing loom wu at a preminm. (X.mlng: Jan. 4, 0, 'The Tornado:" 7, 8,"The Cotton King; ' 11, "Huab Cliy."Oaixtt.—Businenat lola nousr oontinnea good.

Booktoga Dec. 31. J. H. Graham, Vina Elaaui, LewCi'la, Fnye Brua. aod BiiUala Laiaaen.Pabx.—Uuoklugs Bl: In the awok-Tha llsmll-

tons, Jobn libra, Kay Earle, LoiUe Burgera andKisok KdwardA. In tbe olio—Dan Bwtna, LiUlanTower, Gnue Walkliu and Mabla Young.

Taoatou.—Al tbe New TlieaireTrlxle Friganiacame Deo. li lo uood busloeaa. "Work and Wagea >

27 drew small reloma. Coming: Sawteile'a lira-

uiauoCo. 31-Jau,6.


Uolroll.—At tbe Lyceum, Dec. 31-Jan. 6, Kate

Ulaxion aod Mme. Janausohek, followed by Delia

Fox 10-13. "Tbe Two SUttra" played 10 fair bnal-

ness all lut week.

ilETBOiT UrSBA UuusB.—Ilosa Oogblao Dec 81-

Jao. 3, Pnmruo A Wist's HInalreU S-S,"ATrlplo vnloatown" 7-13, "I4n" 14-19. Lut week, "TbaGin I L«rt Behind Ue" had fair boainea*.Wbitnkt's Giiaiiu OrsHA UumB.—Thi* week,

"ma Power ot iba Presa." List week AUiacker Jack" played to good bnslnesa. Nextweek, '-The Dazzler."CanresLL's Ebi-ibb Tusatbi.-Tbla week,J. R.

Adaiiik, lu "A Crazy LoL" Last week Peta B«kerplated 10 lair bn,ibesa. Tba company cloaed bare,aafl will re.,r8anlz« In two weeks, when they playthe Souibem circuit. Next week, "The TemptationIf Hooay."K'O.nDBBLAND TaiATBB AND MDSiUH. — CUllo

hall: Su'ideen (mini reader), Sam and Badla Ulrea(whliLen), and Oallella'a Muokay Ulrooa. Stage:uniban, HIchard Fuy and Vidder Solars, theGloaa Twin Bros., Turn Haley and Morrlaaay anuProctor.Hoaarj.-Harry Eliing Is now aaaistant manager

of Uampoell's Emtlie Theatre Tue midwinterclruuea wen the ailmoilons laat weak, ona atWonderland the other at the Andllorlam for IbaWheelmen'a Asaocuilon.

Oraail Raulds—Al Powers' Opera Uouae"Wang,'' Dao, 26, p«yed loB. R.O. ClayOlemeol,in 'The New UoioIiiIod," 28. drew well. Ooming:E ully Bauoker, In "Our FUt," 31 and Jan. 1;Joaepbloe Florence Sbepbaid, in "-fba Uolooal,''


Grano OriBA Uorak.—Week ot Dao. 30, "Black-llsied" played to good busloesa. Week of 31, "TneTsmptaUoB of Huoey;" weak of Jan. T, 0. W.williaraa'Uomedliuia.Sbits o 0p>ba Uiiook.—Weak ot Deo. 31, Dela

vuyu ana Fniz, Uelan BL uhtir, UIgglna Uru*., EllaUarllnglon,Leuaad Vbapam, and tbe atock.

Jacksaa.-Atlhe Illbbard 'The Olrl I Left Be.

bind He" pteyrd to a packed bouM Deo. 20. "TbePower of Ihe PreM" fared equally aa wall 28At Wondnrland—Cnrio Hal: Alexander Krnger(iron kln>), Chaa. E. Y.iong (aire king), Lew Uweo(phonograph aod waxwoika). Tbaam: Watsonaod Jeoks, Seaman sod Bieveu, tbe Rogers andIhe I loot Batlueaa cunUnnea dial class.

NaRlaaw.—At tba Acad'my ot Musia, Dec. 31,''Oar Plat" pleaaad two large aodiencca. "HutTamalra" drew a fair bouse 2a. Frobajao'a Oom.paoy. In "Tbo Gin I Left Uenlod Ma," Oiled tbehouH V. Clay lilanieni, lo 'Tne New Dominion,"comes Jan.! Al Burdweil'a Opera House IbeGolden (lata Specially ivr. and tba regular slock.

KalBUBSoo.—At the Academy of MnaloCharles Loder. Dec. n, came lu "B. R. Q." Booted:"Wang" 3T, "tba OuiU Percha Girl" 81, "The Girl I

Ult BehUd Uo" Jan. 1.


gIaDiptals.-At Iba NawLyceom Felix Morri*

entertained goodaizad andlsnoea Dec 34-30. "TbaDerby winner" did fairly wall 20-23. Dne: Fanllia

Ball 31-Jan. 3, llobart Manlall t-t, Alabama 7-«,

Nat Goodwin 10-13,

GBAKD OrsBA Uoubb.—"Obarlsy's Annt" drawmoderately dnrlng tba drat ba't of Iba week begin-ning 34. Tba booM remained dark 30-33. Coming:Donelly and Girard 31-lan. 3, "Tbe Eoaign" 34,"The lUaox Cmok" 1-9, "A Bnaob of Keys' ~10-13.AoniroBioa.—Dome talent, la "Fallen^'' drew

largfrslaed aitandaac* Dec 2T. Due: Dalvarsliyof Virginia Olee Mudolln aod Banjo Olob 31, Van-derbill UnlTCraliy Club Jan. 1.

KashTllls,—At tbe Tbeaire Vandome KatieEmmsu, In "Klilarney." opened Dec. 21, to asmall aodleace. The aitandaoce wu large Obrlat.

mu nailaee and nlghk "A Trip to ObTnaiown"cams 37-39, and bad larga attendance. "Oharley'aAnni" comaa Dec. 8t-Jaa. 3, Uvnoaily and GInrd>-e.

GBAiin OrkBA Ilooaa.-Lllllan Lewla, In "Olao-paira," optnad wlib Chrlat'nu mailnea and Bnadaway people. A large aodlence wu also presentat night "Ooodbyr, Swectiieafi," wu Iba bill 30and hart fair aitandanoe. Felix Horn* came ll-lo,preaentlhg "A Game ot Oatda" and "Behind IbaB<en<a." '~Tba Old Haalelan" aad "The Best Man."The altandAaoa wu good deapit* Iha cold wealber,Robert HanKU eomaa Dec 81-Jan. 3, Jaa. D.YoongS-a.Buou.-Andy Amann, In "Oiaaa Sweep," wu Ibe

atlracilon dua 34-39, and draw larsa andlaaoeaihronBbool Ibe week. ' Peck'a Bad Buy"i-omaai-Jan, t, Al'« Haywood T-ll Jobn Klilaer, wbo baalieen boalneaB maaager or tbla bmin for Bnwa ABallly, bupnriUiaaed ihair leau and latareM In lb*hooMandfraB nowon wlUbeaolenianaser. Mr.tlilaer bu a good booking and will aadeavor tomake the bonae one of ibe bait popalar pale* lb*-



Laal Week'a BtobU.—Tbe past week wualmost bamn or Important events, bot Ue Okrlit-

mu holidaja havinc been almost enllnly embrao-ad within the limit ot fa daya, Ua flnanclai showingla all places ot amasameot wu axcailanl. Anarlfrom the lint Amarlcao prodaoUoa ot a Germaaplay, there wu bnt one new work pitsanled, andthat wu not seen nntU Ibe oloelng bight of the

week, Moreover, there were bat two obaniea ot

allractlona at the prieolpal tbealraa npon tbe open-

ing night of tba weak, aod tbase resulted In the

preHhtatlon of very familiar pitya. The Biat heavyanew alorm of tbe aeason allgblly Impaired the at-

tandanoe at ai tna bonsea, but tbla drawback wasnot sonoleni to intarten with tba airong onmntof bnslnesa. Cbrlatau matinee* weie glvea at

almoal all of Ibe tbeatiea, bnt Ihe alisndanca,u amie, w'B aot large THe eoailnocd pertorm-

ancea tor tbe week were: Giand open at the

MtraonuTAN OrBna Uodsb, "Rnb Hoy" at Ibe

UkBLAin BqvABB, the Boatonbuia at Iha Dboapwat,"Tbe Maiqnaredan" at tbe BMriBs, "Ulsmonda"at the FiiTB ATSMDB, "UUIe Obtlalopbet" at tbe

OAaoBH, "A Milk White Flag" at Horr'a, Pal.

mer Oox'* "Biewnlss" at tbe FonBTsmrBBTBitT, "Too Much Johnson" at the Btanoard.tbe stock oo. at DaiT'a. Wilaon Barrett at Ihe

ABBBIOAK, "Tba OolloD Klog" at the Aoaobiit opMtnio, "Nolotlaiy" at Uabrioih's, "Tbe AmsBona'iat tbe LToara, "Rtmenlda'' at PsuiBB'a, RowOogblao at the Stab, Bid "Old Jed Frouty" at St.

Jahss' Hail, the two lul named oloaing upon that

date, and tba two Immediately praeeding closing

38 .The one work stands closing Deo. 39 wore:

"The Msa Without a Counliy" at tba Pboplb's.

"Youth" at NiBia'*,"Onoy<* einnden" al Jacobs'

TniBO ATsMUBi "My Psrtaar"at thaOBAND OrSHAIIDVSB, "Tba FIama"sl tbe Uabum OrsHA Uoust,

ud "Sport MoAlllalar" at tba Colubbi?* Vailety entertainment wu fornlabad at TONr Pab.

TOB's, KosTXB A Rial's, iha Vniom BquAB*, Paoo-

nn'B, the LoHOox, tbe OLVMria and Himsb's

BowBBY and Kionru ATiNi)B.>...,Perroruancea

In German ware ilveo at the Ibtino Plaob andOSRiiANtA, and performaooea In Hebrew at the

Tbalia, Wikdsob and AOLta'a At AoBsr'a

TOBAtaB, on Dao. 34, Mr, and Mr*. Kendal

began aa angagrment, aad appeared for the

Irat Ilma In tbla oily lo Tom Tayloi'a four

aot play, "lady Olancarty." Tbla play bunever enjoyed popalarlty In this oouniry,

aor did It proapar dnrlng the flnt dosen or so

yean of lis Ufa In Its natlrs land. After that, however. It bad a brief aeaaon ot ptoaparlly al tbo

bandaot tbe Kenoals, In 18SI, at the 8i. Jamaa Thr.aire, London, In tbat same year Hra. Laagiry In-

eluded It In bar nperlory daring her Americantour, and bad the able aaalatanca of Ubarle* Uogh-

laa. This former perlormaooe la aiill well renieni

bcred, and altbougb Mr*, langtiy tailed In ims, ula bar ofer plaia, to furnish any convincing ovl-

deoce ot dramatic talent, tbo Impreulon she madela the title role will acarcely be oiillieretad by Mn.Kendal'a imperaoaailoa. Mr*. Languy had com-

pantlva youth, poalilva beauty aod a falily inelo-

dlooa voice. Mn. Kendal may have bad all of

ibeaa advaniagea once upon a time, bnt time

la laaxonbla, and bad made bla demanda npon

tbe lady en aba deemed a vlalt in thia bind worthy

ot bar oonaldermlioo. SUM, even lime omra com-

peniallon for tbat It take* from ua, and althnugh

Mn. Kendal may no longer give na a ploiare of

romanilo love, Ibongh aba la matronly nlberthan girllah, aad thongb her loaes an strl.

deal, lime bu Increased her knowledge ot

ber art, and givsn her Ibst freedom ot the stage

wbloh goarsnteu an aooeplabla parformanoe ot

any rola of wbloh she la capable of (omloga right oonoep'lon. Mr. Kendal bu proved

blmaalf In all ot bl* role* to be a clever walhlog

gentlemen, bat laoks Ibe dash, tbe ardor and the

romanticism we rIgbifuMy expect In tba brave, rack-

leu and gallant Irtahman, while his home msdebrogne wu not of tbe son ihat could assist In his

traniftnoallon. Alli'gelher, the partomance wulistless, nnlasplring and onoonvlnolng, and lo

aplieof Mn Kendal'a anpcrlor leohnlquawe were

man ohsrmed by Mr*. Langlry'* •ssnmpllon of

tbe rola, becanse we oan mora readily Ixrglve ihe

faulla of a heantltol womu. TOacaal: Karl Clan-

cany, W, B. Kendal; King WlUlam III, J. F. Or*,

bam; Tbe Earl ot Portland, William Lngg; lArd

Woodaiock, Norman Forbca; Imti 8peno>r, II.

Cooper Olios; BIr Genrga Barclay, A. Boahlaw; Sir

Jobn Friend, F. M. Paget; Oardall Ooodnuin,

George any; Charoock, O. Morton; Rosewood,

0. F. Ilatrlngioo; Vaughn, I. F. Walker;

Knightly, P. V. Amaa; Jamaa Ham, F. o. Oweni;

Gllle, H. J.Carvll;Tnmlalt, W. R. Ourdon; Clink,

G. P. Huntley; Ofllcer ot tbe Guard, 0. W. Itsrdy;

Pnncaaa Anna, Minnie Oalbcati; Lady BetiyNoel,

Nellie Campbell; Sosannsb, Adata Banon; Molbsr

Hunt, Floreooa Cowell; Lady Olancarty, Mn. Kan-

del At the UiJou TuBATBi.on Deo. 24, Peter

P. Dalley began a brief eogagement In "A U»uniiy

Bpoil." Ituaa OogUlan began on Deo. 34 Ih'

ronrlh andbialweikof ber engagementat ihohTAH

TusATiB, praaantlog oo that dale "Dlploniaor,'*

which wu again seen 3T and at tbe Datlnse 39.

"London AHuraoce" was tbe aurullnn al toe

Oiirlslnia* mailnee and npon the avealnga of 2*

aad 2a "Forgei Ma Nol" wu given Ubritimu

night aod evealag ot 3S Attba lariNu FlaubTuiATBB than wu produced on Deo. 3T, for ihu

Oral time In tbla conoiry, "Die KIrlne Fnu, '

a play In Ihreeaol*, by F. Pblllppl. It lelU tbeatory

of Ibe wrong dooeby Loibar Von Roggeoiiacb to

Gusli Hlller, a piano taaaber. It tonhir lella ot bla

attrr daterDlnatInn lo make her hi* aire, the oppo

anion ot bla ralauvn lo ibta acbame, the tardy with

drawal ot the aama. and the olilma'a proapiolof

bapplneu tor tbe Isvsi*. The cast : Mabert Larnn,

Max Bin; Oharlotie, Cbarloua Duraod; Lwhar von

Hogganbaoh, Herman Uubmelur; Dr. Paul Valsniln,

Carl Sick; Martin Sobloter, Adolf Link; Dr, LensJacqnu Uorwils; Or. Rohlaod, Max llanaaifr; SnuiLnraan, WUb. Siemens; Fnu Bohma, Wllbtlmiaa

Boblater; GnBil UlUar, Anna von llomanowaka:

Scbweaur UUde^rd, Bertha Knbn; Fnn Bohmel.

zrr, Bnaoha Micbaalls; Kin Caireodenknabe,

Klelne Welly; Friedriob, Helnrtcb Habrlcb

At Dalt's TaBATBB "Lore on Orouhea" wuretained dnilag tbe dm half ot the week,but gave war, >i, lo "The Tsmlog of tba Shrew,''

wbloh wu ravlved wlib Uia following cast;

Obaneun In Ihs "IndacUoo," A Urd, UampbcUOollan: Ubrlstopoer Sly, Tyrone Power; A Uunla-

man, Gemid MaxweU; The Uostaas, May Sylvia; APage, Oeorge Lsaolr; UunlBiun,Masan.Daablgoy,Wbarnnck, tie.; Playan, Haaan. Oreabaffl andaampaoo. Feiion*lolbacoai*d7,B*pilsta,ObarIea

Wbeailtlgb; VInoenUo, Thomu Brlifgabud; Lo-

cratlo, John Craig; Faimcblo, George Olartei Ore-

mio, Obarlea Laclarcq; nonaaslo, Bjdaay Uarbarl;

A Pedaat, WIIUamBanpsoB; ammlo,Jaaias Lewla;

TaUer, Uobarl Boswoitb; Blondallo, Alfred Hlok.

man; Tnolo, Herbert Oreabani Katharloe, AdaBehaa; BIanc*,BybU Caillale; A Widow, Ida Mols*-

aonb; Cnnls, Mn. 0, U. Gilbert Tba bill at

Iha AMXBtOAMTBBATaB WM cbBBgad Deo. 34, wbanWUsoB Baneit wu aaea la "Otaadlan," In which

he coBilnaad 10 appear dorlBg ib* aailreweek....

At ue EBiM Unn, Deo. 34, wu produced, tor lb*

Brat time on any atage, "A Dteadan tbaph«rdaas,''a

psnlomlBM In Ibiea sets, by Vance Tboapaon, with

aoooBpaaylBg mnalo by Alma laahaoa*. Tbeper-foraan wan Mma. FUar-Morla, bar Itul* son Kd.

Dood, MU*. IsvertB aad ristsbsr WUIIan*. TnesesB* *C lb* sioiy was laidU lbslAsdat Onanis, la

the tloe 01 LooU XV. Tltaalo, a fairy qnatn, la

dneolpg fondly of Plemi, whom aba aaea re-

clining In a allvery moon. Tbrough her yearalogbe la brought lo bar, bul csrea mora for eailog anddrinking than tor ber love. She leavea him In de-

spair, bat Unpid then begins lo pl*y pranks, aodcsasM Pierrot lo lali violenily In love with a pnliyahepberdrsB. To please tbla cnarmer be under-lakea to win from theprlnccu Iha ai-rpua it herdomain, which, having won, he givoa to Silrla, ihe

ahapberdeaa, who promptly spurna hini anil be-

atom her love npoo a clalhopper. rirrmt, thoa

repaid for bis former colilocpa iciurna ui his place

In tbe moon At ihe Hstkui'Oi.itah uraiiA

llotraa tbe elilh week of the soaaon of grand opera

began with a pcrrnrmanco of Vepira "Aids,"

manilon ot which wu made In our la<i uaiio. Anextnpaitormanoewu siven upon Ohriamaa night,

at wbloh "II Trovniitra" was too offering. Mme.MMa Ilrog waa cut for the rnle nf iMson, bnt,

having been taken III, her place wu tilled hyMile, Hire lloiler. The ct\i: l«>non, Ullo. UlmHeller; Inea, Mllo. nAucmielaler; Aauoeua, Mme.Mantolll; II Uonie III Lnns, Sig. Uanipanarl: For.

rando, Hig. UailnnI; Huts, 8ig. Vanni; Uu /in-

gan. Big. RIaaldlnl; Maorloo, SIg. Taiuagoo.

Hayerbeer'a "Laa llnguenoia" wu preaonieil 3T,

altb an array of aingen that could scarcely bn ex-

celled In any part ot the world,u will iio eviilenoed

by the following cut: Valcnilna, Mme Nordloa;

Urbano, Hnic ScalchI; IMina D'linore, Nile, llauer-

melilet; Marghorlbi III Valnis, Mme. Uriua; lluinl

Dl Nanglo, Josn do Itestke; Utrcello, Kil. ilo

Reaite; Cuole 1)1 Ban Mris, U. Plancon; iluguonot

Soldier, BIgoor Vauul; Tavannea, HIgnur lllnal-

dinl; Da Iteia, Signer Vlrlael; Hniiroverl, Ulsnnr

Do VuoheUI: Do Cosso, Hlgimr Vaiinl; Coble III

Nevan, H. Haurel. "Kami," which was hcanl 'id,

waa thus csst: Margiu rno, Kiiinia KHnios; Faust,

Jean de lleeike; Hopblsiopbrles, Kiliiiiard do

llrstko; Valenllne, .SIg, Ancuna; ttlrlxl. Mine.

ScHlcbl; Marw, Mine. Van Canirrun. "lllgKlribi"

wuprcsanlCil At ilioiiiailnuo'iu, with Iho HaniociiBt

u whon last hranl, ami no llio oroolng of Al Hna-

sInl's'WIIIIiimTell" iriwglven with iho fniluwliig

oast: Mathllde, I.uolllo Hill; Ji mmy, Hile. Van Uau-

tenn; Kdwigo, Ulra ll)an; OuglloliiM Toll, Big.

Aiicoua; Ooalilaro, MIg. HarlanI; Uouilei, M. ri«n.

onn; Molchial, Big. Alminoif; lln I'rsoa'iire, Big.

Vaonl; l.oulaldii, HIg ilo VaHclioiii; Hmliilfii, HIg,

lllnaldinl; Arnii'ilii, HIg. Tkiiwuuh Al Iho

Ubhxblby I.Yuai'u. IK'o. 30, ino ilrrulo C'-l 'ii Car-

vanies prrsonu d Iwn iilays, lito niata lliroo aot

onmedy, by Kiirlquia '/.uiiiei, onillii il ''Ui rn flalln lo

Uanura," llurally "Aiiolhor lUiosirr Wiiulil Sing, >

and ilio other H lino act farco, ''OaMrsn sin Couo-

oene" ("Hairlml hr I'mxy"). by Ariiirn C'yaB,

Tliu drat named play waa i-oie In Una illiiio, liut

the last oaincil haa pn vlitusiy iHyii ilitim here.

Al Ihe l.TiBi'ii TiiBATHB, I'll 11(0. 'M, llonry

Arthur Jones' ilirco sol cmnuily, "TlioOaaoof Itc-

iHllloiia Buain," was prrsuiiiud for Iho drat tlnio la

America. Tho story of iliia |ilay, anil C'lnimont

upon ire priMluciluu, will Ih3 (unnd In another cul*

umn of this luuo.

f.TOsuH TiiBATH*.—Tlinru WU priMlucciI at Mils

house on IHc 'JU, for llio first ilino In Ihls iinuniry,

'TlieUasouf Ituhollliiua Hiiann," an orlgliinl ciiiit*

edy. In three nets, by llonry Arthur Junes. Tlils

play WU originally priHlurml liy illMrlua Wyml-ham and hia company at tho utlterliniTncalre, l/in-

don, Kiig., on OoL 3 Isat. Tlio aiiiry hirnrnui us

that James llaialilu, ihe linilatiiil nf I.ailr Hiiian

llanbin, hu tioon ciliulnally InlliimUi wlih a our-

Usn Ladr Howell. Ills wife has diii:uvoroil this In-

tareallPgaooret. aod hu deiernilnml nut lu for-

ilvahlm. Mr. Ihnl'ln la hy nii nieana a ilaaliing

or aliractlve msu ot ibo world, liut, on lliu contra-

ry, IS somewhat lirsvy anil atoMliI, aril not iho Mirt

of a man oiif woimI aiiaiaict or tiplns tlio nrtiitlpMl

laatisitilrnrihlssiiTL Tlilscoiislili-railirn, liiiwi.vni

Iocs mil nililitaie ilin aniiM nf IiIh wifi*. nnr ai-oilio

her iiuiraguil ferllnna, and sill) pr. reiilH lit illaniisa

Iho sulijuiii with hrr uiiulo. Hir-iilrlmnl Kain, g u..

and Ailiiilnil Htr J"si-|iii liariiy. Tlirau Hi'" leinoii

forma strange pair iit o. uiia<'l|iirH in a iiiinn-s'lu

dllf'-roncanr ililaain, fur HIr llii'li>M laa iHi'iuinr

a'.d HIr J' Hf pli a sontliiinntal ailiiiU'ror, who. like

David nf iiM, thinks liualoni-a fur liis liiiirHI lapaos

hy ileplorliiglita railing. Aaa ri'snltnf ililaoooror-

anca llaniliiM laa.kcd to givo tils wnrd nr honorthat ho will never again Iw unfalUirr I to his wife,

bat Ibis be refoaiis to il». Cm-si quenil* l^dy Husauhu oo siiornHlivo Iiui ti> Iravo iila luiiian, ao aimsou til Cairii Willi iiir Irli-nil, Mra. ii'iesnol, « hilo

Hr llanliln, lu av"lil a,-Hnilal, gwHioriiuiiUtiil fur

tne shouting Al c.ilm Lviy tiiiaan has aoiiio iiivu

paaaagasuf nor own alili an liiiiiri>»li'nahhi yuungman named Luclru KJeiisnr. wini aru.rwnnlM lur- s

up lo Uindoii HH ihi. pr->tj'iiui,r HIr IlirlMnl. Ilo

haaa WHiiii liiti-rvlowwlih lAilyHiiaiin In l,iiadon,

and wins her imnaent lu nui aaav with hi n, Inil

Hir Itiohard Inierlercs with una plan, jiraienla lia

coosuniinailiiu and uirtiirriila Ills iiiitr.e lu come andstay wlih oim. I,iii*len g<iaa lu Nor /naUnil, anil

00 Ihe voyage niici'iimiiH to ani Iher cliarni'-r, i|io

daualiiernf a Mr. Jiu-innif, wncao liruiiicr vvrntu.ally brings to l^ily Huain a rliigslii' hail alveii lo

Luclan, and which la ri:liiraeil to liar unoliamii in apai-kel of wcddiogiMke. Her rnniaoro tnuaai uuil,

inil ber'.p(H>rtaiiliyor aiiunringacMMiiiis wiiti nnr

hnsb4"d liavlog l>>ua Ihkii loal, l,adv Miuan, In thelonelineraof lii-r deaistuilenry, rraulven ui iiiahu ihaiH at uf a iMil larjraln ami laiciinii rrciinoMi il ui herhuthand- Ilo, having rnniTii fie inulilplloliv "t lila

ainoiirs burdenanini', la willing tu ruimai tim cun-nuhlal rrtlalloo, and In ilolog so inninims un his

word or honor nevrrasain lu lio unfaiihriil tii his

marlt.l vow. Aiii'ing I, uly Husan'a Miiiii^eriirs wnmeet twu oleVL-r wiMiH-ii. Lulr Iiarliy ami Mrs. I -ra

ti'ieaoel. a young wl.'uw, who fluniiv agroea tu

li*tan to Iha a<1ilreaai« ur Hir ItichHrd K iio. In ai|.

dlihfb til Ihi-se we are Inir-duiie" lo lurgua,iii, I'v.

nua, an eiTeinlnaie unilii-ilu tnnih, wiiii hupca lu

put his aiaiiiri IIP'"' til'* wor'd. and ara also iimilo

arqnalnlcd with Kialite Hhrltnii'iiii. an nunuipaicilyituna wumao, wardiii Hir llli'itani.ainl siiccrulve.iy7liiNreai.d wifaiif Priitis llrfnrn enu-rl-.g at all

upon Ihe cunslrii ratliin nf Uiu play, iitii«nui imce-nieutla legltlmaiulr dnu that tiiniilHy waaan Im-luedlsle su'l timi'tslin. il ancceai. Iia rei:upllon

was Slllillar to lliatacl*.<irili il tii "Tho AI(lii£"lla,''KUd

It la asiiechilly Kntllyliig loHiHto that the favor lie.

stuweo opiin It waa in.iruuslilT nirrlied. Tho playdoea nol aiieioptt'i teach siir Iraimn, fur which weshould lie eapeclally giaiuiul, fur au hava, wlibsoincleni reasuu, grown wear; of Ihu didactic rotof Kngllsb playwri|lihiruni;ernlng tne relailona i,t

Ibe sBiea. We shuiild, moreover, lie thankful thatHr. Jonra elected tu build a cinnedy abiiiil his

Ibems, rather than a drama of serious import,and mat ba bu irtafd a risky ihoma su ihill.

oately Ihat not a word oiTends dlrevuy nor In.

tarentlally. Drilgliilul humor llluuesr very llna.sndoinlclsn sod andaoliy are emplu)ed noi ss nisin

Ingrsdiebta of tba product sitt hefura us. tint uKTcaa wbloh give It davur anil /.eat. What, fur In.

looa, could lie more enjoyalilo than tlii- refusal ofthe detected and abashed Hr. Ilaraliln lo gife his

word ot bootir never again lu lie nufalilifiil tu his

marital tows, aolely utain Iho grmind thai he"would feel su mean shiiulil he Iiroak Ills iirunnsor'In fsot, Ibera Is not a dull pirrsiiii up.in tlio sisgo.

and tmch and erery one in turn speakallriesfraushl

with bomur, becauao the trnriaiie ooosianily un.piagsa opoa aome well reciignlzeil truth. While It

la true tut ihe play dlapia)s nii InU'nllon to leaoh

mural leaauos. It nevenheliu iluea not fall to

convey them, not to tita asieni nl aulvlog hrniilems,

a prolllleu lask upun His sUga, liut by ponrarliiii

Ihusa wraknesaei iif buirian iMturo a tiioruugU

knowledge of which Is necesasry lu the litdiviniul

mental oiioteniplaiiun nt a"Clal errors. Hr. Joneshu In his work tieen vary sucneaaful In hIa oiiar-

acler dmwing, and It Is greatly ui his credit thai

be bu adnlnhly sucoecdeii where Hldoei Urnndy,In Ola 'Mew Wuinan." m signsily failed, lu pre.

sanilag an luierntltig end p.Msings udynf theemancTpaied wuman, who la faltululiy drawnwlilHinl being repiilalae, and ahu Is liy binanduwed wltli much vigor aod earaeauioas of

lliougbt and spaer.n, allied, howover, to discretion

ami cusflned within toe llnilta of good ba*l«. Fol*

lowloB the Kiialhih priaiucilon ul tba play lbsuhjeotiun wu urgrd In aiitie iinartara thai tna playproviil nothing, and th.it. inornirer. Lady Buaao.Ihroogh her luva for bi-r quuoiUin auiiur, muathava forever an aching v<od In her bearL It

Iba play pmvaa notnlng II cenalhly tuggealathat the Irt talliiiiu la a daoaenna aaapoalor a womaa lo baadie, and one likely to do mora


(iftinagt kt tbo breach thtn tt tba iniiolt. OnnurS'log lAly Hnnn'B lore Ion pllgbt, tbara oould be(nuDil no iianr curt lor b«T love ttau Uu Momvblohraiiai bm HproDglDia bor baut for • loTOtwtioM ncrer ondlngileTotloa orrlroil tbelr*«»iroD only tbrn wpeki, Utd ibg dowo wllb blmnnd alDDed, bor romome, not on bar hubud'Kccooni, Imt bcuuH or Iho deatb of iba bettar putor hcrmir, voiild Iiato glren her mora trtqaentmomcnrfl or nolgnftni uubapplDeaa tbmn aha wonidlie likely lo hnvo nndcr ber hnihasd'a roof. TtiarorXnriuRnce waa excallcnL lobol Irrtog,u tbarobcllKiua wlfo, folly jnnlocd bar aelnctlon aa laaolog lady or thli company. Hbe diaplkyed mncb inlalllgen'>o Id bor treatmcntof harrolo, and waacbmnn'ingly nKliiul tbronghoiii all heracanea. Uar lonea,it'attirta nnd htsring wcra >lwari< In harmony onavlUi the otber.and.all In all, wlUi the reqniramastaor her role. Ilnhert Kalcay ronnd In Sir RIohardKatn Iho mntaal rrltnd, tho adrltcr, Iba adliiatar ofnil dlirerencm, a rnin thoroiiiibly altar nia ownHeart and ona In which hli merlia aa an actor cooldconapicnonaly aliino, Oonaaqaaatly hia parfonn'Hnce waa almoat nawlcaa, needing nolhlni bnl aliuia noro llglilnfM of (ouch bare and tbara toiiiako It oDUroly hoyond reproach, Stepban Oikt-Ian, wboie recent work In Bardos'a play In thlalionaa won wall morltedpralae, waaegnallyaiooeaa-ful upon enilraly dimrent llnea In bla portraltora ofJamea llarsbin, iha huaband of l«dy Boaai. nilHcir ahuenentud reprenlon were admirably por-iniyed, and lila tmoalllon from the accoaed to tbauccoaer waa verr aatlxfaclory, and It la worthy ofinenilon lhat, while hia ncling bad thaaemblanoe orreality, Itcohaiantly had wlibtn it the genuine aplrltur comedy, w, j. Lo Hoyne wM, aa ninal, eioal-lent In hIa rendition of the mio of Sir JoaapbDarby, but ronnd neither Dccoaally nor opportiiltyror a creation dlirering from many In which bliwork baa become ramlllar. Uororlunaltly for Mr,1,0 Hoyne, In tho froiinenoy or Sir Joeaph'a laehiT'nioao bawalllnga Ilea tho moat oonaplcaona weai'noaa of the anlnor'a work. Hhoda Cameron, In therole or Hn. Iner. (laeaool, arhlerod a tunrapb, heracene with sir lllcbard In tbe laat act being one ofthe moat plijoaat aod delightful hita of aotlng OTeraeon In thla houae, ricb aa It la In memorlea. FrlUwilliania, na Vcrguaaon rtbna, delighted tbe au'dionce with liia ihoronghly humorooa ooncaptlonnt tho role and the aymoetry and corapletonoia ofhIa performance, and Dcaalo Tyree nre a portnlt-uro or Elaine Htirlmpton, tho omanclpated woman,which conld acarcely tie excelled, and wbloh aerradto llx Bilentlon nnon one of tbo great menta of tbeplay. Mr. and Ura. Oliarlea WaTont, aa naoal, tbor-nughlT oiled their rolea. and Waller H. nale waaacceptable aa louden Fdeneor, bnt can atlll Im-proro hIa peirorniancc. The acltlnga of tbe playwere Ion oiaborate tlian oanal, but neceaaarlly ao,and ranch oompenaatlnn Id thla reapeot waa fonndIn tho rerr h>ndiorao alago plctnre fomlahed Inthe Inat act. Tho play la a dellghtmi oomedy,worthy of a place npon thla auige, and ahonld, aa Udouhtleaa will, lioiwmo ao popnlar that It will llll

uut the aenaon nt ihia houac. Tho caat : HIr niobatilKalo, llerlion Kelcoy ; Admiral Sir Joaepb Darby,W. S, l/eHoTno; Mr. Jacomb, Obarlea Walcol;Jainen IlnrahlD.BUphon (Irallan; Fergoiaon Pibu,I'rIlB Wllllama ; I.uclon Edenaor, Waller 8. ualeRlrbT, K. THrletoD

;Footmen, mnk Short ann

tiharlea A, noolUer : Hotel Walter, ii. Elmer ; Udynuaan llanbln, Inbol Irving ; Klalne Shnmpton,lieaale Tyreo ; Lady Darby, Hra. Okarlca Walootlira. Inr/. ijucancl, llboda VHmoion.8UNIUY RKmiraiNHiMTS, on Doo. 30, were

llmliodtoiha al.Mlior Iho popnlar aarlOH of oou'cerlB at tbe Molropdilian onora Itooao, nnd an en-lorlalnmnnt liy vaiidovlllo perforoera at theAMdcmy of Hiielc.

Ir m annognccd that Uio Uelropolltan Uolol andNIblfl'a ThCHtro have changed handa, thongh Ibename or tlio purohaner and tho amount orpurchaaeiiionoy have not yet boon made pnbllcAt tui conolutlon of tbe run or "Tlia Ootlon

King" Ht tho Academy of Muilo, the Jamea O.lloanh'a Irlah drainH, "llorr ot tho lllll," will begiven an elahonilo nrnducllOB.

liirHiKO TiiR Obrlttmaa inaUnee performagon or"Rou Itoy" at ihe llcntld Siiuare Theairo Max Free-man, aiage nnnagor of Ihe company, waa pteaenledwith a gold waion, a girt from tbo managera andluouiliera of tho company and Uio managera of theliouio,

lioRiii' UuHiUM.—Uuilneae haa been boominghere alnco tbo oomniencemeat or tbe holidayHoaaon. There ore Bovoml ohaogea In the onrtohall nttmatlnna Uiln wock. The new reatnrta are:Mnnt OrlniT, iiylcd the hnroan window pnne: atroupe ot lloliomlao glniablowem, who praacnttbalady pairona With apoolmena or tbeir handiwork:Ualilcaohlora cabinet niyaterr, Jiilene'a Tcnomouaanakes, tbeOTpay PoriuDoTclfersand Sana Font,nxpert whlaUer. Oulp llroe.' Holland Hand aMFllagemld'a rnoch nnd Judy bold orrr. In Iheibealre Fanny Uerrlog la appearing In "The ScarletUanlalD,"llHoinwAV TiiiATHK.—Tho Uoalonlana began on

Deo. 31 Ibe Bovontb week and Ihe laat rottnrgbt ofthelrainy.wlili "I'llncoADHnlas" atlll tolherore. An-iionnoament had been recently made (hat "Koblnllnod" would bo preaenled during tbeae oloaingweeka, liut nronalilomtlon baa reinllod lo thelaler abttemont that no ohango of opera will bemade daring Ibo onrrent vlalt.

FouM-iBKrii STRxar Tiixithx.—Palmer Oox'a"Btownlea'' baa fairly won the bearu and openedtbe pookelbooka of ibo inirona or tbli bonae, whooonilnne lo come In viowda to wlloeaa tbe noTelantertalDmeut nrovUlol. Tne "Utownlea" bonnDuo. 31 thelrclghih voek.BTANiiiHii TBRiTiii!.—"Too Muoh Jobbaon" be-

gan lieo. 31 tbo elxih wcok or lia ahtyat tblabouae,HOd ilie leogih or It* run aim indeOnlio.lUHnim Tiii:.\Tiii.—"Little Ohrlaiopher" la nrmly

I'Mabllabed In jmpiiinr ravor, and abnndant evi-•Innco or Ihli raot la rnrnlahed by iba alae ot tbeHndlenoiatoaoh porroriiinuee. The Tweirth weekot lla niii began Deo. :il, when the nae bundrtdtbperriinnnnce waa rather prciuituiely cvlebrated Intbe UHiiAl raahlnn.AuAiiiMvoi- Ui'Hii'.-'<The L'oiton King," which

uoniinuca tii draw audlonuca of large proportliinato thla bouto, oniorod Hoc. .11 npon the flrtb weekor lia run. The plrco itniwa In public favor withmoll ancrcaalve work and la numbeied among thepopular Kuccoaaea nr tho aeaaoo.

uijui' TiiKiTHa.—l'oierF. Valley, In "The Oonh'tiy Hport," eiiiered uiwn lila aeooDd week Dec 31,lieforo n well crowded honae. Mr. Dalley la everpopular In thla oily, and ho wina newadmlranwith raoh appcamnoo.TiiK Uiiii.DHaN'8 Faxnrii ^Tho annnal aacred

ooDcotl aiul Olirlalnina foatlval of the oblldreD otilie aiagonu held hi Tony Ihutor'a Theatre andTaiiininsy Hall on Dec. :io, when ihe entire perform*nnoe waa given by children, who wen bandaomelyrumemberoil by older Irleuda ariorward. The pro-gramme callcil ror twenty aoven tome, and, al-though Iho purforninnco ainrtcd promptly at eighto'clock. It wnn aricr cli'vcn o'clooK berore the laatHut waa over. There wore children large and email,tiDglnir In agta trom two yean upward, and aofar aa ilnncing li concfrnod aome of thoaa who ap-peared coulil Rivo iMilniR to aoiiie older proleaalon-hK. While Vlnlo iialy oaally rarrledoir tbehonotaIII thi< evonlug (or lior ilanolDg. yet little urellla laihoniDffhly OHpalilo or holding licr own, llabylliiaai'ir waa ilio only diaappolntmcnL SheWAH BUironng with tho croup and couldnot ronio oui. Aiiinug tho Hat or porformora wereUaliel Karl, In a piano aolo: I.* retlle Leo, In aHword danro and a highland lUng; Millie <>ollyer,HI a lough girl; Klalo Kcenuy,lnanance,fOffvtilobHhe reci'lvnl h diamimil ring; Johnny MoKeeTer,In a violin ivlo; liHliy l.tl. In a danoe; Ferolla, In arrcllHttoii: l.a rellio Marie, In a French aong;tiliolliii. In adHncc; Annie Uughlln,lD a reoltallon,"Tho Mlaer'a Faic'Mn which Hhe ahoweil oaretniHludy Hhd training: Itaby Joaephlne, In a danoe;Kaly Honne, In a aoiic Ad* v. llllbcrl. In an Irlahrocllailon, "Since Khit (iiii sxntt on ilie Siaie,"In nliUth abe waa i|ulie ilovor: Mabel Ihkil, \lnleDaly, Kniy lliiglutL I'inkle Mollally, Lillian.><peMi:er, 111 annga: Tlildlowlnka and Lliile Johnnyliugau, l.iiiiu oilvo Mmltii, Baby 1,11, IreneI'lautlln mill Mm licrtniui Hlatcra. l.liilo Johnnyliiigati waa iireHriiiuil with a diamond acarf nin.Tlio niniiiiliit'O liivludnl "Aunt" l,onlaa KIdrldge,I'rraliloiii : Ura. K. I,. Frrnauilct, vice ptealdoni;Mra. Anl«iil» hisMr, Ura. Nell llurgna, Mra.ileorgv Slodilnnl, Mm. Anna Alien llliohelt, Mra.WucvDlo Va«HHr l.vnrli. Mni. A, T. llarmea, Mrs.Alei. iimtru, Jmiiih lierrold, Miiio Kldrldao, Kalh.flue Johimion, lIMirlro Muroland, Mary ronfleld,Anulo Kiialor. .tnulp While, liijou Femandtz, Ulanlliinior, Hatilo Kerguton, Kalo Bartlett, OIlTa Nrl-Aon, UlaiH Tiiropp. aud 11. H. Sanderaon, aeeretary.Aricr tho pcrronnance the children repaired to tbedining room, where auppcr waaaerveif. and then toIhe largo hall upalnlia, where a Ohrlatmas tree,heavily ladened, wiia acen nnd tbo prtMbla wereillairlliiilcd.

sr. JiUKa' llii.i.—William T, Otegg, who haalontod thla nu<atro,aaQouncea Ihnt tne anaann ctlPclurcaanilrrAdliiga,towhlrhlhli honae will be(lovoiod under hia DianHgeinoni, will begin Jams,KhcD Carreit 1'. Servlaa wUI deliver a Motoie on"Iho Alpi."woiiTii'H Ui-eai'H.-Sncceaa atlll atlenda Ibeeo-

vngrment or the Colored Mlnairela at thla booaa..\'u chaDEo III Iho method or entertalnmeiit la soledla uny of the depattmente.

PAMiH'aTBUTU.-"TbeFaUI Uard,"a oelodrama. In Ire acta, by 0. Iladdon C'hambera andB. 0. HtepbanaoD, had Ita flrat American prodnoUOBBt this home Dec.ni, nnder the managementot Obarlea Frotaman. The play had ita Inllial piO'

dooUon at the AdelphI Tbeaire, London, Kng.Sept. « Uat, and ta BtUl running there. The drat

act U properly a prologne, wherein wo Ond, In

ahantj at Ihe foot or the Ilocky Moimlaini, a gronpot minen. Among them an Oerald Anaten, the

Mn eta London merchant; bla friend, Harry Burgeaa, and aeorfs Forrcater, a man of bad reimlatlon, diatmaled by hIa aaaoclatea, ont beloved byUertedea, a Spanlab barmaid, who bopea to becomebla wife. Forreater la aelTied by a vigllanco com-

mlltae and laled ont to be lynched. Herredca pro

valli npon Oenld to undertake to aave Forrealer'ilire, and by hla appeal to the rongb bnt li weatmlnen galna for Ihe criminal a brier reaplie, dur-ing wblch he makea a d>ah>for liberty, and,bavlnc anooeeded In boarding a piaalog tralo,

effeota hla eacape, before which, however, bo butonaplaylogcBid lo twoand given half ot it to

Oenbf aa a loken In caae ttey may ever meetagain, lotbeiecondaot we again aee Forrcater,In bla home npon tbebankaortheThamea,and bare(lerald once again meela blm, but wltbont recognltlon npon ellber Bide, for tbe gambler of tbe DocklealaoowknownaBMarrable. lie la clean abaven,well to do, and apparanily reapeclabla, and, norO'over, uaa forgotten uarald, Mamiile, la aplie ol

bla aeemlng reipecuhUI^, la Ihe leader Of a gangot tlilavea, nla ohief accomplice being a ihorong i

paoad BCOQDdrel named Dlzon. Tbeae two wotthfi

filao to rob tbe city onice of A. K. Anaten, Uerald'ather, they baving Iramed that be 1b to receivelarge numoer ol American bonda. Uemld, whobaa fallen In love wito Marrahle'a daughter, Miriret, baatena to Inform bla father thereof, Ulatoimatlon la received with ezaapeiating indiirer'

ence, and dnrlag tbe Interview Ibe rather ternaea to

make hla aoa aiiy allowanoa, or even to gtvo blmmoner loatly one bUn. Uerald indignantly re-

(iroBctaeB hla tuber and they holly quarrel.Deiald, Ihoronghly angered, depana, bnt inadvertenUyleaTea betilnd blm a walking allck or pc-cnllar tfeelgn. The robbera, who have ror tometime back rested the adjoining offlce, oeteniiblyror bnalneu porpoaee, begin their work aa aeon a

Oerald baa departed, Toey enter Ur. Anaion'oraee and Ulxon eiideavora lo ohlorororm him witha latnialod bandkerchlcf. Tlia old man, bavlogpatttaily treed blmaeir.recognir.ea Dixon, who Im-mediately hllla him wllb repealed blown riom theallck lert by oerald, who reinrna at thla moment tobecome reconciled with bla hither, but, llndlng Ibedoor locked, and, being tuahle to gain admittance,departa. Ulxon Oeea mth tbe bonda, and Matrahle,bcrrlOed by the dread reaolt, leana over the bodyot tbe 014 inan, when Hercedea entera and icadablD away. Of oonnu, anaplclon r>lla upon Oerald,bnt Margaret aod Ilarir Borgeaa labor aaalduoutlylodlBoover the real erunlnals. The girl la led r

Bupeot her faibir, and, knowing that ho la to miDixoDand twootberconfederaicaatacouage whichHarrable haatamed Into a chemical laboratory, ad-vliaa Oerald to conceal himacif In the iialldlug andllalen Is ilieir oonverxatlon. lie eludcj the police,

rcpaln to tbe collagi', bean the murder dIjcnaKdBBd wItnoaHet tbe dlvlalon of ihi: ipolla, bat la on-fotmnaU'ly diaoovared by the gang. They aecurehim and draw lota to determine who ehall kill blm.Tbe tot falla npon Marnhie, who procecda to ac-oeiiipUab tbelaik bynieanaor an infernal maobloewith a cluck work movement, which la aet lo ex-

Filode Indve minnlia. Ceiald begi tbataminia-ere or hla mother ahall be given to Mugaret, andwhile aeeking tor U In the lonng maiTa pocketMarralile diaoovera the hair of the playing card hobad given to bla preaerver In tbe mlulog camp,with auddei rcvnialon ol reeling be releaaeaOerald, who tbrowa tbo internal machine ont ottte Mrhidow, it explodea and deiiioiiahea one aideof the ootlage, killing Harrable, imt leaving Oeraldanlnjucd, The other membera of the gangaie captnred, and Oerald, enriched by hlatathat'B deain, aecarea the hand ot HargarcLTbe play is entitled to bigb rank within ita olaaa.Wrileia ot melodramaa will oonatanily aaorlllcepiebabUlty lor the aake of dramatic effect, and theallgtateat euort lo aoalyae thla play would bring iheenuie atnclire tumbling to the grooud. Un> a

play ot ttala aori neither invites nor demanda aerl'

ou Btndy, sad may readily defy crlUolim ao longaa It pnvea Interoetlng, Therefore, wlthoot tba:cOBBloafaUcn of deialla which rtqolreatho oiling otloataiicta, tbe aumiiilog np ooncemlng tbla playiiinat be ceoldedly favorable. Oiantlng that manyof Its Inoldeata are very Iniprohable, that at Icaaione ul ita comedy actnea ahowa excecdinglvbad taate, Itaat much or Ita berolam la o'f

ao oxtiavagant a type u to piovoke In-

ciedelona amlllng. It muat nevertheleaa be admit-ted that the Intoreat In tbe atory la well malnlslnedthat I


or IIS

that aoUon Is plenlltnlly anpplled, and that manyor IIS Bcenea pceacaa extiaotillnaiT virility and In-

tense dramatlo Inierrat. There have been recentIndloaUoBB la lead to tbe belief that oullnred sndleocea are wUllBg to beatow aitenilon upon melo-drantts, and tbe recent aneceaa won here by a playthrough tbe merit ot a alagle melodramatlo acenetenilen Ihe present prodaoUon moat timely, andoObts a goarantee ot aucceaa. In the dramatloacene of ''Tbe Hasiinendera" tlio conloat ia betweena moon fialni simpleton and a contemptible cadiheslakoi saltiy sold and an ciiual-y paltry womanIn "A Fatal Card" Iboio la not only one, but thrreare savaial dramatlo icenea, each ot which la of farmore lopoiunce than tbe one above mentlnned.In theae aoenea Uvea are at alake, they are endaU'gercd, tbey are saerlOced, and In one especially,

the murder scene In the olUce, a piyobologlcalstudy ot great Inieieatlapieaented. There la muchpnmlae for tbe aurceaa of llila play In the mannerof lla perturmanco. It la worthy of a vlalt,

fur no other pntpoae than lu witucaathe excelleat acting ot w, H. Thompson In ihepniielpal role. Ula work la not only abaolutcl;nawleai, bnt It la the iierfecllun of art, anil

demanda Ihe oloaaat stndy of atudenta and loversottbe drama. Neither time nor apace will permit ofcritical analiBLi ot bla work, and wo muat be con-tent to aay inat Mr.Thompeon added anotberproot,to tbe many be baa already given, that In all thatocnalltQtea an actor be bu no anpeilor npon iheAmerican alaga, and tbe aooner thla tmih roceireathe reccgnlllon It demanda iho greater will be theiabllo*a enjoyment and profit. Tne alM of ibe caatorblds farther individual meniloo, and we canonly add that tbo votliti perrormance u-aameniorlouB, and that Amy Bnaby, W. J. Ferguann,E. J. Ratollite anil May Hobacu won eapeclal die-

UncUon. The pbv waa eioeilenily ataged, andworthj of toe moat liberal patronage. Tbo

east: Oenld Anaten, K. J. Haicllire; QeorgeForrraler, W. U. Tbompnn: Jim Dlion, W,J. Fergnioi; llany Burgaaa, IL A. Itoboria; Tor-enoe O'Flynn, J. A. Bamwa: A. K. Anaten, J. 11,

Stoddard; Uairr Onrtis, II. A. Moray; Sulky Smith,John Uenacn; lllram Webster, EmmetKing; OjrnsWaokford.K. W. Lawlor; Dnloh Wlonlgan, JamesKearney Jlolly Jack, WUIIaro Uimmlnga; Kid willlama, J. K. Pleraon; Bair Tom, Qeorge Leunct;reiiero, lloburi Olddoni; Tbomaaco, Jamea Bell;

Margaret Hatralile, Amy Bnaby; Morccdea, Adrl-enne UalicUea; Oscllo Aualen.Agnea Miller; UliaPenelope Aaalen, Hay Robaon: Kalo. ileorgla Busbv;Servant, Edith Alholalcue; Maid, Lctlle Vaiiipbell.

KmrtB II lliii.'ii.—a crowded bouse greeted the

excellent Ull prtaentod litc. 31 and week, and applanse was the order ol Ihe erenlng. Ua FonrDiet, who atyle thomselvea a ouartet Coputohic,

made their Ameilran debnt and acored a pn>noiucedssooeas. Tbeqnarutlamadeupottwomenand two women, who ate certainly enteruinera.

They alng and dance wllb neaineu and grace, andalso make aome very nnlck rhanpen or l Oitomce, all

or which are atiraouve. I^a .Mayoa, rccenitlotkaien, alao made their flnt appearame on anAmorlcAik iiage, and. while they were not accordedthe approval extended to the lint named team,they gave good aatlaraeilon. l.ra Majoa are alaoronr in nnmber, two nwu and two women,and gave a good exblbiuon or roller akai.lug, wliiiling op tbeir turn by appearlug In

groleaiiuo eoalamea, one ot ihem belog urcaaeo aa awoman siaadlng about twelve feci In height,lllancbc do Berttenyl, a Hungarian dancer, waaanother American debotaate; ahi' danced and

g aocoropanled by an llongarlan band B:aUoncdnpon tbe atage. She waa presented with aevendhandsome lloral pleora. Oihon on the hill wore"ogenle reirraen lOlth week), I'anI CInqnevalll,king of Jogglera" (third wceki. Mesa, and Ume.

Bruef niTlete, dneiiaia and lmll<ton (torenihweek), tbe Hoaaow Biolhen, lillpuilan aihleleeolBlb week), Amelia Olover, daeoer (tecond week),vanTactaernoiTaad hla mined dora (levenleenin

week), Flom Irwin, comedienne (third week), andHoAny and Hay, the peitotmance concludingwith the Uring pletaren.AaaBVsTBBiTiiB.—Ur. andUn. Kendal began

on Deo. 31 tbe eecoad week cf their engagement,ailU pieaaotinc "Udy Clancany." A revival of"Tbe Second ars. Taoaneray" la asnonnced torseitweek.

TuNV Fisroa'sTaaaTMS.—Manager Psator bad

Boiprlse la stars tor hla palrona on New Tear's ere

which was not down on tho prcgnmme. He ont

bis own torn short one long, and, after consider

able spplanao, tbe Jovial manager stepped to Ibe

fooUlghti with a Tonng lady, whom be Introdoced

BH-Hliia Slewart, anoiber Lillian lioaseU." Thla

waa HIai Hiewart'a fint appeanncc In thla city

She la qnlte well known In the Weal, tor ahe la

Oaliromia girl, and has inng her way Eaat rromtlie racinc Slope by eaay atana, being billed aa the

"Caliromia Nrghtlngale." Mlaa Biewan made -

lilg Impreialon on'her opening nlgh^ andli safe to nredlct a bright fnmn for bar.

hu everyidng In her favor. She la yoong, haaa beaniltul voice, eaay, grscefol mtnnen. andnatoro ban endowed ber with a preay face. Bbooldahe remain In Kew York, wblch seems to beher Inienilon, she will be nndoubtedly becomepopnlar hefore long. Tbe entire bill tbia weekla op tc a high order of excellence. Mile. Foogere,the Frcnob alnger, made qnlle an Imprraalonon her return lo h'ew York, and received qnlie anovalion. Haggle Oline, who haa bean Buffering

Iron a aeverenoaraenean for the peat faw daya,

only Bug two aonga. Mlaa Ollne will appear al

each peTformaneo, but ODlll ahe baa fully recoveredber voice ahe will not alng more than two or three

aoniH. Mr. Faaior la perfectly sallsacd with thi


and ahonld It become ntceaaary ho wnot nak ber to do that. Mr. and Hme.Valdarc, expert bicycllsis, were the laat onthe bill and bold Ibe andlancs In their aeals ontll

the end. Tbey do aome very good work. TheForteacne Blaters, Mr. raator's Uteat Imporiailona,

are meeting with anccess, tbeir aonp and danceabrlbglng forth considerable applanse, Otben onthe bill tblB week are Frank Hilton, called thehaman fly wheel; Fat J. lUcks, in inah aonga:Kitty Nolw, alnger; John and Emma Ray, In a

akeich, "Hy Dnaband'aPbotogmpb:" llalnea andreillnglll. In ".Scenes In a Pool Room," and, c

conrae, Ibe genlalTonv Paator, who was In higl

glee and waa accorded hla naual lecepllon,

Sriii TnsATBi.—Denmao Thompson waa irarmly

greeted liy a bonseful ot friends when he made bis

how on the stage of thla boose onMonday evening,

Uee. 31, In his lamlllar chancier of JoahuaWblt-

comb. In "The Old llomeatead," wblch bad been

aeen time and again by almoat all metropolitanplay goon dnnog lla lengthy nn at the Academyof Hoelc. eome yeais ago. No change haa beenmade In (be play, nnd many of those employed Inthe cast have been long identlOed wllb tbo parteIbey mi, and tbe play airjrded Ihe audience Jnat aamuch solid eojoiuient aa heron, a fact which waamade appironc by tbeir frequent dcmonatntlons otapproval. Mr. Thompson's stay here la Indelnlle,and II wonld be no occaalon tor enrprlae If the

rilece aboold have another notable mn. Commenc-ni Jan. 0, Mr. Thompson's new enterlalnment, en

ililed "Sosgs Illnstrated and lllomlnated," will bopresenled every Sunday evening and at the Wed-nesday nntlneea. Paintings saisilL are aeen(hrongh a heavy fnme, lighted with electric lightsWilli a blending ndector, with moebanieal andelectrical deialla, representing scenea In natureand ebowlog iho obanges of day aod night throughall ibe gndauons, and other oatiiral phenomena,wbloh Rlionid prove very attnctlve.LoNooxTuKiTRB.—Oos Bill's NOW Yotk Stan Is

tbe auraciloo thla week, openlog Dec. 31. Tbe ex-cellent ptogrammc draw good bouses at tbe open-ing pertormancts, and all Ibe favorlies on the bill

met a hcariy rettptlon. Hair and Uevere, Joilyanilr.Manil; <;. W. I.imoleld, allck and melodloui; tbe(.'rane Uiothcn, comically mral; Fred U. Leelle'i

dcga. cteveily trained; Nellie Walleni, vocally Blliemlan: tbe (Urdoer llrothen, mnslcally cumlcal.Mine. Flora, terpalchorean expert; Leonard antJfK8, sidewalk converenlonal (this being John JesB^Brat appesmnce on tbe Bowery In aeventeen leara,bo baving uken the iilaco ot Mr. Motan) and I.Uib

aod Vsni.ai rnbailcallr original. Tbe afterpiece,wiih "Pop" Uober aa (he "bern," caniieil raucbbeany laughter,

UiNKR's BowiHV Tdbitbb.—The Oily Sporla BigSbow, F.ynn and Sherldan'a aterling aunollon,draw good houieH Monday afternoon and evening,

Dec. 31, The show preeents an amy of excellent

borlcaqne and vaudeville talent, and tbe llrst partand burlcaqno go wllb a pleasing daah. "Lovevetsna HIeohler' iolrodnces Mile. '/.Itella, Obrlssle

Bberldan, and tho cborns lu a aeries ot songs anddances, and tbe comedr end la taken care ot ingood Bbnpe by I'hil Sheridan, Oeorge Snyder, Uw-rcaoo Tlmotby and llanT Buckley. Flynn and /It-tella open the olio lu their lively act, UUe. '/lilella's

singing and Mr. Ftynn's oonilcalltles being wellreceived. Wren and Daly, parody singers,next mued off some lively burlesques onpopoiar songs. Tbe Bherldans entertslned intheir well known act, Cressle Sheridan's wingdancing being applauded. Tho ballet tolloW'cil, Snyder and Buckley, mualcal comedlana,preaenled ilielr mixture of ton and melody; Jackaod ItoBS Dnrte, In tlielrpnglllsilc sketch, made ahit by tholrolever lllnatrauon of the tricks of box-leg; the Four Ni^laon Sliten, acrobatic perform-era of akill and grace, were aoplanded heartily fortbeir clever work; '-A Hot Night, or tbe Giop^ment," preaenled by the entire company, iniro-dncod many pleaaing chancier Impeisonatlona,aonga and marches. The oosiumis nsed by tbecompanr are pratty, and the goueni ensemble haaa One eiTect. J. II. Barnes la repreaentative, andOeorge Hay, mualcal director. Next week'a per-rormaticea will be given tor Ihe benem ot the A- P.U.No. 1,by membere of that urganlzatlon, Ihe pro-gramme to be cLangrd al every pertormsuce.P(ui'La'.s TiiiiTHB.—Channcey Olcoii, In "Tbe

IriHh Artist," waa welcomed hy a Urge audience onDec 31 at ibit house. Toe aiory haa appeared intbeae columni. Tho preaent cast la enllKly com-peieni, and special mention ahonld be accordedUarry Heiedlib, Luke Martin, Enie Oenncn aodlla Iivlne for roerotoiloua work In iheir aevernlcbaracteni Tluy liorton. In a child cbareoter, aUMdid well. .Mr.oicott'asingswereallenccreil. TbeBcenio emcts were good. Next week, "DarkestlloBBlB." On SnnilBy evening, Jan. 2D, Ibe annoalbcnemotTlioniasW. Moore, general anperlnlendeotor Ur. Miner's iheiires, will occur in tbhi theatre.

NiiiiJi's ToBATHB.—"The l>redlgal Daoghier,'the Knglbihmolodnma bnlltaronnaacaneaand Ineldents of race uonrao lite, wblch played to a weekot Immenae imalness here a row weeks ago, waant on borororatwoweeki'ataynlgblorDeo.31..he andlence wblch aasembled on Honday nightoomplelely nileil tbo theatre, and Ihe drama metwith Ibe eamo nnbonnded enthnalaam It receivedduring lla prevlona visit- Walter Sanrord, wtaonow controla this aucceaarnl dnma, evidently hata roriune In lla poBaeaslon.MiSXH'M KlIIUTU ATDiUK TOBATHB. - Irwln

Drill.' Iilg Sbow moved np from the lloweryTlieaiie for a week'a eongcDent here, opening onIK'C. ::l III a largi' aodicuce. The National Trlueasily cany off Hie bonun of the entertainingirogrnmme, which Is rcpiela Willi clever special.Ira, Kvery aet was heartily applauded by anappRclttlve audience, nnd too allow Ih evidentlybound 10 n pMt, If net eclipse, ihe immvuse bnal-neiH duue during a very recent euingemeot here.Kelt week. Out. ItlU'a Now York Siara.

C'Ksis LoKri'S baa aecntod ber releaae rrom borwninct with Augnatln Daly, and baa been engajtedhy Koaler A Dial, to appear at their mnalo hall Jan.11. Mlia Lollua bat not been accorded ihe prom-Ited opportiinliy orappearlngat Utit'a Theatre, hD>,op tho conirary, haa been compelled to eaaay minorTolca with the roid company, under an assomedname- She was lo have made ber New Yorkappearance In "ifueen of the Air," which was an-nounced tor Jan. e. Hr. IlaIr changed hla plana,however, and Iniendsto ptodnco "Ileartof nnbj,''and Hlit Lottoa' tovcranco Irom tbe company td-lowcil.

EuriaaTuBATRii.—"TheHaaqneraden" haa aet-

Ucd down for a long ran at thianooaa. It began onDec. 31 the Bltb week ot a ran ivhiob waa to haveleiinlnalcd In two weeka from that dale, to iiermltot the pralucilon of Uionaon llon ard'a new oomedy,Hr. llowaM haa, however, accepted a neatanm. In

eoiialdtmlloa ot which his play will be held by Mr.Frohmao lor pieseniatlon here a year hence, andIhe prtaont altracilon may thna contlone Ita mn In-

deaulii'ly. Fiederlck (lotiacbalk, ot tie l.yceoroCo., baa been loaned by Daniel Frohman, and nowappean here In Ihe role of Eddie llrmon.

IISHAI.O SqI'AIIB TaBATBB.—"ll)b ROJ" iB BllUdrawing well at thla honae. ItenteredDecSlnpontbe tenth week or lis mn, with popnUrlty on.dimmed and pnanetlty unabated. The. merits orthe work and or the perfonnance command e^naladmiration, and the eucceaa which baa craned theirodocilon bera la In every way raeilied. The oneinndredtb performance la aononuced for Jan. lo.

Fipra .wsNVB TuBAVHB —Fanny Davenpott'amagnlCreol prodnctlon ot Sardoii'a "Olamonda" la

meeileg withtbeanccesa It n richly mrrltc. illsdrawing aome of tbe largest andlencca ever aeen Uitbe hooae, and la ahowlng an cxoellcnl avenge ofboalnear. It liegan on Dec 31 the ronrtb week (tlis ni, and eflbria ate already being made to ex-lend lis engaiemenlal this honae.


BABBioAii'aTBUTaB.-Gdward UarrlgaB's lateat

play, "Notoriety," U dnwmg aatlataotorlly andaffording mooh enjoyment to all who vlalt this cmyhonse. lisBaperabaadantbamor, ItsmlrtbpnTok-Uig ptctorts ot metnpoliuui life and lis catoby

songs render It a promloont favorite among the

cnrTcnt aonaement oiTerloga. It entered Dec. 91

open the fonnb week ot Ita mn.^OTT'ii TaBATEa.-"A Hllk White Flag" still

waves tilnmphantly ai thla house- It suned opentbe thirteenth week of lis ran Dec 31, wlib tomenew reatnrea In evidence. Including a ilmeiy aongby Lew Bloom and a onlqiie dance by Frank Law-Ion. Tbe one hundredth consecstlve performanceor tbe play will be celebrated Jan, ll,wllbtonvenlreaa an added attraction,

Ksm's Uhion BqniBB Thiaiu—Tbe bill thla

week intiodncea two people now to tills city. In theperaont or Oraojao and Hay, wire walkers. Thisteam la a special Importation of Hr. Keltb'a. andtbeymade Inair Ameilcan debnt at tbe BI]oa Tbea-tre, I'hUadelphla, Pa., two weeka ago, where tliey

met Willi aneceaa, wblrH they duplicated at tbe

O0Lt>iiBti.-De Wdt Hopper appeared Dec. 3|before another of tbe large ana biUUsai andl-encts that have been attending this honae fromthe opening ot the tegnlar season. 'Dr. Synlai"Is one ot tbe mentest comic operas seen In tkltcity tor many a day, and an axoellchtTehlele torHr. Hopper's fnnmaklng. Bright, sparkling moalcwell balanced choraaes, pretty aiaglnp and splen-did otebestntion an some of lit merits. Listweek LlUlan Rossell, In "Tbe Grand Dncheai,"wai the ailractlon. '^Off the Earth" Jan. r, RoliindHeed, In "n» Polldclan," 14.


Buou.-Manager H. u. Kennedy hu providedton and variety for his palrona thla weak with "TbaHmtler," which waa ataged Deo. 31, btTcra an an-dlence that occupied every Inch ot apace availableFor nearly three honn tbe patroBswere kept laugh-ing and applauding the many funny aoenes ot thlttarce comedy. "Roah Olty" wis hen Isat iretk"Down In Dixie'' Jan. 7, "Darkeet Rnsalan u.SrsB Walter Sanford's Stock Oompain piesent

"Ycnth" for week beginning Dec 31. The udl-eooe was a regnlar New Year's eveoselnngtrd

Union Square Theatre Dec 31. Taeir work on the to nnmben, bnt very llbenl with Its applanse.WIM la wnna«rfnl ^nA th* *«m aMitA whinh 'Tha Pmdlaal DanffhlSr" mat wltb oni-MM Ua,true Is wonderfal, and the ease and grace wlilobthey display cangbt the honse from the start.

They turn btokirard scmeraanlta, with and talih-

ont Ihe pole, waliz, no and do nmnaroaa othertrloks, wnlcb seem almoat Irapoaslbia fur aperaon to do on a wire. Olhen on tbe bill

ate 'the Finseya (aquatic performera), Fliaon andEmll bl their comedr akelcb, "Men vr. Women;"BtaatzBrolbera, bead balancen; Albnrtnt and Bar-tnm (elob Jogglerti. Faranm and Seymour (aero-bats), John and NeUle Besleyln their sketch. HatFSman (dancer and comedian), Theo In a mualcalact, Devaaax and Taylor (danoan), Marie Grinilb,Meeker and Mack, unarley Dbtmond, and Pnt.Geo. H. Ole't art views.BniBB FAiacB HpsBiM.—New Year's week

opened wllb blghnslneesatthlahonae. The week'abill: Onrlo baO-Joaephlne Mynlo Corbln (fourlegged girl), SIg. AilUaVa roosier orchestra. Mile.La Maw, asalsted by Frances Hcrtlsey, In secondsight and mind reading, Uno (make ohsrmer).Geo- Wllllama (tonle bnt), sig. Erol (onelegsed barKrformer), Rnonlng Elk, aod Wana, and Yankee

oil. Stage—Price and Hack, Bella Odd, tbeMnslcal Hsaons, Gerald and Slots, J. J. Sbeehanand Kellvand BLOIalr.Jacobs^ Tbiatrb.— "HoFadden's Elopement"

opened here Deo. 31 for New Year'a week. It waiwltnesaed on above date by a good sized andlence,who gneted tbo principal minb dlspenaeracf tbepiece with considerable favor. The play has beenpassed over lightly u faru plot la concerned, bntIts farcical character haa been tnsled wltb mncbcleverness and affords an oppcrttulty tor conalder-able hamoreoa work, a chance not overlooked byJohn Kemell, wbo playa the principal role, that ofOon HeFadden, In bla own droll style. The caat:Con HoFUden, John Kerrell; Oof. Willie Dew,Phil. Feten; Roab BuUlok. Dan Waldron; ObarleaDatenbory, Oeorge P. Hall; niohard Onk»r, MortGmeraon; Fat Sheedy. Ohas. Emmondi: LawierMCTavlsh, Seymour nice; Olnden, Nolue Peten;

iw-a<~«>u<m«iuioiicc. uoou doi

TUlle Ilnllck, Emily Vivian; Habel Ouh, Clan Jan. 7, UummePa TtaniaUanllnnes.KnoU; Hattba Primioae, Julia Emmonda; Hn. " ~ "Roab Rnllck, Time Dannm. Ne.tt week, '-Two OldOrenlea."

HsnorOLiTAM OFtnA BouBB —Tbe aeventh weekof tbe sesson ot grand opera began Deo,3l, witbtbenresentatlon of Moarfs "Don Giovanni," wltb theloUowlng cast: Donna Anna. Hme, Ncidica; Zer-Una, Zelle do Lnssan; Donna Elvlia, Emma Eames;Leponllo, Ed de Rtszle; Don Ottavio, Slg. Bnsel-tano;Msssetto, Big. Oarbonne; II Oommeodatore,Big. Abtamoff; Doo Giovanni, H. HanreL Fartherannonncementsforibeweeklnclnde: "Uiello" Jan.


3. "Lea BugBcnols" 3 (extra nigbl), "OanlierlaItnaueanna" and "I Pagllacd" (doable blUi -I,

"Blaine" matinee i and "Carmen" evening 6.TBI Nbv MaMBAiTAN ATOLBTio OLUB inaogn-

nted a new tad evening ot Dec3i. wbloh compriseda variety enieitalnmeni trom II r. B. nnill 1


and alao the IntrodncUon ot a atcok ballet.

"The Prodigal Dangbtsr" met wltb aace«s laitweek, "The Ivy I,eaf Jan. 7, Walter Sanfotd'aBlock Ocroptny, In "Tbe Wages ot Bin," It.

llYOB A llBBUAM's —Hsoy populsr partoroerean tcra thla week. The programme It a long andvaried one, and big ciowda wcra piesent at thetwo performances Deo. 31. Tba bill la headed byCarroll Johnson, who la followed by Delanr andDebrlmont, Dixon, Bowera and Dixon, VeatonBnthon, Ualdwln and Daly. George FelU andJohn J. Oaln, Lenton Brothers, Oeorgo E. AniUbHsawell and Keeler, and R. P. DelL Trhe HowardAihenteum Company Jan. 7.

Hdbbb i, GxiBAnur's Oisiko.-An attracuvebill me preaenled Dec 31, when evcryseit In tbeboose was taken long before the time announcedtor beginning the peitormances. An entire newsetlea cf the living plctnrei was presented. Theprogramme Inclndei the Uelslon Bls'en, llodgeeand Launchmere, Minnie Bchuliz, Ids llustell,Thomss Robinson and others.AKrBioK.—A fairly good alsed andlence iras

present Dec 31, when Roland Reed began a week'sengagement In "The Politician." The play Is newto Ibis part of town, and onght to draw g<>odaodlenccs. Fair bnslncia laat week. "Snpeiba"Jan. 7.

iKB AvBKUE ACADEXY.-McFadden's HammolbBoston company picaant "Uncle Tom'a Cabin"bere thin week. Only a fair aUed andlence wasfinaent Dec. 31, tbcngli the business bsa aleadllyBcrcaiwd since the new management has takencharge of the boiitc. Pau'Jnc Parker, In "WildRoae," week of Jan. 7.

EuriRi.—"Ibe Pouca Patrol," an old time ftvorlie wltb theatre goen bi tbia part ot town, began aweek's engagement Dec 31 to a lair alied andl-ebco. bailafaotory bislnets laat week. Jan. 7,Walur Sandford's ilock company, In nronlh."(rMQDg.-Flynn'a London Oalety Olrts an bere

this week. The Initial performance, Dec 31, wasto a good slied andlence. flood bnslness lastweek.

Harlem.—At tbe Harlem 0|ien Bouse WlUIamnoey started Ohrlstmsa well, bat boslness (ell off

during tbe latter part The LlUpnUans,ln "Hump-ty nompty," opened to a good bonse Dec 31, Nextweek, De WoU Hopper, In '-Dr. Syntax."CoLUHDna.—Bobby Gaylor did Itlriy well last

week. A new Bonttaera play, by ScoU Marble en-tlUed "Down In Dixie," was preaenled tor tbe first

time to a New York audience 31. To give tralhandpictareaqneneaa to liaaoUon a large nnmber o(

aAVATr.-Oeorge W. Monroe, In "My AnniBridget," la the Mew Year'a auiaoUoa here. Theopening perfonnance, Dec 31, waa to a ralr ilzedandlence, Battatactory business laat ireek.NoTiLTT,—"The Merry Cobbler," with John R.

Oompson In the ptlndptl role, began a week's en-gagement here, Deo. 81, to a fair andlence Fairboslneas laat week. "Only a FUmsr's Dsoghter"Jan. 7.

Lyoium.—Tbe Philips slock company Is seesthis week In "The Rangen ot the Booklea." Agood sized andlence was pnaent Dec. 31, when thenemben cf the company won new honors. Goodbooses was the rule last week.NoriB.—losepb nild, tratsnrer ot Ihe Bljon Thea-

tre, was given an agreeable aurprlae on Cbrtttmaaeve, when he arrived home after tbe ahow. The em-ptoyes of the theatre bad purchaaad a handsomemar-ble and broo/e olock and a pair of bronze oompan-Ion fignrea, which had been sent to Hr. Bud's hoaseand were then awaiting bla arrival. Acoompany-big tbe preaent waa an album contabiing the anto-graphs ot the donois, wbo sahecrlbed to aa en-grossed address cf good wishes end prosperity.

colored men and a pickaninny bend figure m IL lla I Two Orphans "and' "My lady RecUaa " lostotTOonouns tliefoveotainanly yonngsonlber- lent bouses. Oomlng: 3Wan l.wlth hewner tor a beanUfnl Carolina girl, who Is oonaldered I Daynatlnee, "A0alelyairl;"2 Iwoperfomby hla family to be ot an orlgo too lowly to becomehis wife. . Dot be matrlea ber In secret After aav-

Alban^'-WbDe Obrlstmss week's atttactlontwen only ordinary, tbe theatres held geod-aliedsndlancea and did welL Tne Leiand Open Booseopened Dec st, 2S, with ao extra matinee, withJohn Keraell, in "HcFadden's Btopement," andbad lair buslneaa ooty. Dec 30, 27, 29, KateOUxton^ and Hine. Janantoheck jiiaseoted "The


Daynatlnee, "A0alelyairl;"2 iwo performancea,otia Bklnner, In "Hla Once de Gnnmont:'' 3, 4,Edfflond Onlller, In "Tbe Cross Roads of Lire;><

log plolnies an added attncllon; 8 aod t, "A NIshtOlliiand"7-ili-«."

inghisliteandbiatamilyfromacalamltyherbraili I lo, u, 12. Ftaok kerrlogton aod Jaa. Baaaome. laand ooorags receive proper recognlUon. One of I xikonla Crlsto" and "Paul Kaovar."

!5^.'?'2rjS' fJSi" 'f^^ ^, tbe rwone of a HAUiAMira' Blbboxbb Bali, did a fine week'tyonng naval on cer, by the berahie,rnm being boalneas with llanlona' "Saporba," Obrlatmat dar.!!S!^S'!?,''^''*""'°°°°'°I"<^ Nextweek, ihehaUbelng oomplelely fiUed. Coming: 3l,Dal£"The Bustler."

I Fox, In "Toe Little Tnoper;" Jan, 1, 2. i, 4, e,

w2*."b{Ssr£.' s5S»lMy..''i3tjVo!i' 1

cua" made tbeir fint Harlem appearance 31 to agoodslzed bouse, end no doubt will do well. Nextweek, tbe New York Stan Oo, Tbe testimonialtendered to ibe opiown theatrical adtertlalDgagents 30, proved a big aacceas. The following appeatad: Obarley Vann, Steele and Hurray, Hay 8,lAwrenoe, Boward and WllllanuL Annie EaitHomy Bros., George J. Osskiii, Emllle WallHlckOT, NeUle Garland, Dolan and Lenhsrr, Finnle81. Olalr, Yasa Ossfflan and Frank J. Rash.

Uari,s>i ATBXN.iinii.—ItwUI uke some time lomake this plaoe a paying one, st It Is hard to getpeople to climb stain, wbloh Is neceasaty In this

TBI Oaixiy Tbbatxi turned pecoie away Obrlsl-las night and did a lilg business all the peat weekwith the Clcv Sports Dorlesqne Oo, Oonung: Deo

case. Business during the psst week wu only fair.Tho following people appeaited to a fair atiedhonse31: OoUlvans, Leo OlUrord, Paotser. Pnt. Mee- i nrerban's canine paradox, Hn. Fanny Flelda, Lany aoltLa noy, Obas. Haywood, Brooke and Cole, aod Hoa-sell and Kenny. '

BAUI.XJI HusBDV.—Manager Bmltb nporls thatbasinets was never beuer. Ourlo Hall : Waller H,BinartTexuBanr's HlolatoreWlld Weet, Batesand Dates, Ben Unno, Betlna, Kate Keen andnmyWhile. Biage : Dick Gorman, Phil and lesdeHaber, Dan Regan, AL Tanmer and HInnle Reanar,Hahle Hone, Geo. R. Brensan and BeiulettaWbeeler.

91, Jan. t, Watson Slaten'Bnrletane Co.: Jsn. 7-i>tbe Night Owls.Nona.—Itomas Barry, manager ot tlis aaleti>

Ttaeatn, was presented on Christinas with a bano-lome gold headed cane by the attacbet o( thehouse The Scalier-Pcoctor litigation over tbeLeiand Open Bonee iiianagemeoi took anotherlaro Dec M, when Ctailea U. Mills irta appointedreceiver by Judge Parker. Mr. HlUs Immediatelylook poeesslon aod appointed Mr. Oerber hlaasttat-antandtreaauror. Hr. Oerber was totmsUy treat-nrer and Mr. Ptootor'a npiesenuuve dnrlng the


BrookliTB.—The BUdden odd weather wbloharxivcd during tbe ptsi week aomewbst oUUed theeotbuslism ot tbe local theatre goen and the bnal-

nest ot the week was not sa great satrusntlol-pated, althongh tbe Itaealna did fairly well. Ibeattnctlona were sll Mrong and the flrit night wit-

nested big attendancet, bnt alter Ubrlttmaa lbsboslness wu light in compailscn tc what It shouldhave oeen bad not tbe cdd wave pot lo lis appeai-aoce. The bills ot ttils week an baldly lets at-

ttaellve than Ihoeeot laat week. Theopeolngnlgbtbrooghl ont big crowds, and nnlees some muor-seen ohetaole tame op between lowand the end otIhe week tbe box oUce receipts shonld more tbaxcompenaale for the dlappomtment of laat week."Dr. Syniax," "The Ftcldc Mali," •Yonth," "nieIlottler" and "Bine Jeant" an some of tbebookings for this week. Do Wolf Hopper,who Is playing "Dr, 8yntai" al tbe Oo-inmbla Theatre, probably never appeared tobetter advanuge than be did on Ohrlatmaamoraing at tbe Odombla and Amphlon TheatresUtbe r«>le ot "Sanu Olans:" at least that Is tbe ver-dict rendered by tbe liule onee who ha then madehappy, Oeiulnly the oomedlan never faced amore appKclallva andlence than he faced on tboaoocoaalona. Mr. Hopper played bla part well andwaa admirably anpported by bla wife. The experi-ment ot mnnlngamnaloar faroe comedy a wnoleweek at the Academy or Mnalo waa Irted uat week,when Manager Ediraidoa preaenled "A OaletyGirl" with good inoceas. It only goea to deiiion-alnta the tact that Biooklyncan and will supportanother theatre II Iho proper attnctlons an pro-aentsd.Obano Urgtu lIoraB.—The attraction preeenled

by Manager McCoicheon thla week Is "Blue Jeans, '

which begao lla eogagenicnt l>ec 31. beton aaandlence that gave onaence of oordUl welcome tclla ntnm to tbia city. Tbe bniz aaw acene la allU

Intereattng aa when first prodnced. The play lawell prcieoied aod the oonipaoy ta a good one. It

Indndee William B. Kiwocd, George B. Chaplin,Frank Ambroae, Wallace Prince, Annie Hockley,AdelaideGoondne and Mary Madden. Uat weekJanca O'Neill waa seen In "Vlrgtnliia"and "HonieOrlatc" Rlchaid Golden, In "Old Jed Pnaty."Jan. 7, Lonia .Aldtloh, In "Hy Partner," 14.

rAXK.-Wlillam B. Crane la bere tor tbe weekwith "Tbe Pacific Mali," and opened Dec 31 loanendlence large bi anmben and decidedly enths-alaatlc In Ita appivolaUon. The taroe, u a laogk-

BaCalo.—At the Star Theain Primrose kWesfa MInatnl'a came Dec 31 for three nlgbta.Delia Fox Jan. 3-J, "The Oalety Girl" T-ll. EilleEDalerdldltlrlrweU.AOADBMT opMnaic—WUIle Oolller came Dec 31

forthite nlgbta; Itoie Cogblan bu the remainderottbe week. "Hme. Sana Gene" finished Its sec-ond week Inalde of a monih at thla boosea, hav-ing been one ot the meet remarkable eogageoianlaun record In this diy, llnanolallr.Lyoiitb Tusatrb.—"A CrackerJack"Blartad 31

tor one week, to be succeeded Jan. 7 by "A Run ontbe Iltnk." Rice A Barton's Comedlana depsnedDec a mth a good ohrlstmu week teaolis.Ooobt Strbbt Tobathi.-"The White Crook"

began Dec 31 for a week. Next week, Interna,tlonal Vaudevilles. John F. FIsld's Drawing Cardsproved tbe UUe not a misnomer last week.Bbxa's Music Bali.—Tills week finds Ihe follow-

ing people worklnii ben: Avery and King, theNawns, Victoria Wslteis, Thome and CarletoB.Viola Valon, Nettle Fields, KltUe Clayton, MsyBoey, Cvnne and Fted McClelland. FdUe Boltoeewu a big card Uat week.Norss.—Jules Levy's Concert Oo. comet to Ooo-

oeit Uail 3 Jnllt Wynian trill be the sclohit attbe symphony orohealia concert 3. . . . .Zen weatherand sleighing proved a atlmulant to tbeatrioala dar-ing tbe bolldaya John Major, of Ibe late W. 11.

Powei'a traveling companies, bu been lo chargeof tbe Star Theatre alooe Hr. rower's death, a toit-olgbl Bgp. W. H. Power Jr. will doobtleu be-come locsl manager ot the houae lo bebalt ot hismcUierand Oeaeral Manager Whitney Prlm-nae and West bvored the Udles wltb aonvenlr hatpins New Y'ear'B.

ter pnToker, Is """"Jny a tncccaL and Mr. Oiaaehaaapartlawhlelikelsathome. 'ATaxBa8teet»ipartheld tbeboatris laat week.Jan. 7, oua Bklnner K.

Tsov.—AtUiaOrlawoldOpera nonie,Deo,24-!i)-Tne'rwoOrphau"and"Hy Udy Iteckleaa" Hadgood honaea. "The I'aaaing Show" did a big bnil-neu 21, "HeFkdden's Klopement" bad fair bnal-neu 33, 30. "The OroM Reads of Life" came 31,Jan. 1, "A Oalety Olri" 3, Frank Losee, In "Shaft

Rako'b OrsBA U0U8B,—"Tbe Loat Paradlte" didgood bnalneu Dec 34-30. "Jane" had big

booses 33, 39. OUa Bklnner, In "Bis Once deQrammont" came Jan. 3.

GiitTTTnBAnx.-ThB Night Owls came Deo. 81tor Ihe week. AotUn'a Olganteaaa did big bntl-neuau lastweek.

Vtlea,—Al the VUca Open Bonse Primnee *Wesfa Hlnsliels (letom date), Chrlalmaa, paokedua bonae at two performancea. Odd and allvtrbalr ploa were eonvenln to the ladlea al thematinee. John KoneD, In "MoFaddeo's Bope-msnt," 37. gave a poor perfonnance tc a anaUhouse "The riiatu ot Feniance" (loeaJ), 28, tortbe beneet of the perfcimen, tailed to draw.Walter Kennedy, In "Samsoo," ap. oaooeled.Dstu: 'The Tiro Bitten" Jan. I, WiUlaiaOolUar,lii"A Back Nnmber," 3, OHa sklnacr 4.WoxoBBUUDdnw big Ohitatmu week. Cerloai

MUa. Tempeat, Prof. Dexter andU Blohle de Onae.'1la|e: Oarling and Olark, Oogao and Baoon, Mora-land and ThNipeoB, aail ilm Wyaa. MBaaftr

..-TT,. .-n ,AitnnrSeymeBrwupnaenledwlUiadlaaoBdplB

nllllam Oolller cones|OhtlatBiHEn,by theattuhMaad tkecdca 8MnoBpttaL


HTTMBM^MWItUngOtMimllousUie Wllbsr(isen Oo. ud Ui« UriDf plonire*, mill « oluagi oC

oM* *t <*cl> pertormuoa, drew S. R. 0. WMk ot

u«o. 2*-B. D«li> Fox, In "Dm unia Trooper,"J«ILl*BisTiBi.iTDUTU.—"Sbitt No. t" pleHoaudi'

eocu ot ttir propotUoiu Deo. 34-30. "Tdo KowBoT" «* *•» reoelred Zl. "Two Old OroiUu"oomea Jui.l,"A OdtlT Olri" «,>, Ltopold Godo-wlnOl (pluo reclM) 7.

B. H. Jacobs' tbutbi.— Wol Collier, in "ABuk Knmbor," hid lugt bntlncu D«c. it-K,rrlnroM i waal'i Hlnnroii drew well 27. "Tiegout aaui" IM billed roril, Ju. l, j.

Blaghamlon.—Atsiosa'i Opcm Bodh "ThoWblie Bqudron" g*re, Deo. 2S, two pertoimuicutourfoudlencoa. 'The FMalDi Sbow" hid binbujlnea M. Jon. Olt, la "Tbe Slir Ouer," did tMrbaiUieH97. "Sboie Acres" dellghledilartendl-eiM n. Booklnia, Sl-Ju. t. Tbo*. E. Shea, In n-r«p<iuiT AiueBlJOB Tbttre Newton Be«ra,

In repertorr, bad falrlr (ood atzed andlencea Deo.•u-V. Una, 3t-Jan. i, AntUn'i Olgaotaana, wlibllTlDg plolarea (ratam enmement); 3-i, "Peck'sBad Boy." Bbore Icrea" liad Ua auforuineto gat snowbonnd, bavlng left Sjracoae 37, la tbomorning, foraaneTa,wbera thcj were polnftto openanewopanbouaetbatarenlog. Tbajbadtrarelcdelerai mliea, batoonld not get anr rartbar. Tbefsujad tbeta nntu aeren o'clock tut evening, andwen iben taken back wllbin one mile ot BjncoM,and bad to walk tbroDgta ibe anow to get ibeta.

During all tbU time tber bad notblng to eat, Tbemanager ot tba Oenera Opera Bonae tetegmpbed to

tbe '•Sbore Aoras" Uo. to come 38, staling tbat tbajbada UrgaadTWiceiale, wblnb Ibrj wen onabla todO|^as tba7 were booked tor BIngbamlon on tbat

Newbarg^lt tbe Academy ot Maslo DincanB. UaiTlson was accorded a warm welcome Ueo.3i, In "Tbe Pannulcr." "Tba Fusing anow" la

doe 31, "Old Jed Proaty" Jan. 1, "Robin Bood"Open 00. 9, "Sbore Acres";.

EIralra.—At tba Opera Donae "Sbora Acrca'i

was tba ObrUinua aitrseUon to S. R. 0. Banbolo-maw'a Eqolne Fandoz did tslrly well Dec. M, IT,

Fannie Rice Jan. 2, "Ibe Taro Slaters" 0.


Chicago.—Only tbrea novelties And place In Ibe

onrrant offering, "Old Olory" at BavUn'a, "Tbe

Lion's Honlb'' at the Bcblller and "Tba Ottat

Brooklyn Uandlcap ' at tbe Albambia being the

only plays net bavlng prerloosly been scan npon

tbe local sUge. AU down lown resorts, aave one,

oonUnne tbelr oirertnga trom last weak, and at Ibe

ontlylng Itonsee oft repeated playa bold ailenUon;

banoa tbe week ending Jan. i boMs UtUa In store

tor tbe seeker atler novelty, and promises little In

tbe way ot startling box ofllce developments.

Cbrtatmis week gave avldanca ot being exceeding-

ly proBtaUe, bot tbe sndden advent ot Winter, In

tbe torn ot a severe bllziard, cbeckea tbe now ot

Ikeatregoen and gave tbe latter days ot tbe week a

poor abowlng on tbe box offlce stalamenta.

OEioioo Omm Hoirai.—Alex. Herrmann and

Mma. Herrmann bave drawn falr-slzed tomonts to

tbls resort tbns far In tbelr tortnlgbi's engagement,

and began tbe last week ot tbelr stay 30 wlib£rospe«ta tor good reward. Primrose i West'sHnstrels play tbelr annual week's engagement,

beglnnlog s. "A Gaiety airl" comes for a tbree

weeka' vtalt 13, iben being seen for tbe Bnt time

on tbe local stage.QBiND Orsaa noitSB —Boyt's "A Temperance

Town" began tbe second weei ot a very soccessfal

visit 30 wlib brlgbt prospects for tbe neartalure.

Tbe ptaaantlog company la competent, and In-

dodea Rtcbard J. Dillon, Ii. R. Btookwell, IM tlar-

rlson, W. B. Ouile, Wm. Oolllngton, Olanda B.Brooke, Fmnk Rossell, E. F. Ksiel, F.i. Lyons,dec. Ober, Jobn UolUod, Habel Earia, Obaa. Adams,Madison Ooray, Anna Robloaon, bun Ayan, Oar-tmde Dawes, Allle Warner and Mary Uart. Mana-ager Hamlin presents no more popolar plays tbanuoytean farce, and tbo etay Is likely to reanlt in

goodly nroflu for all,

HooLR's TBUTBi.—E. B. Sotbam devotes tbls,

bis second weak, to preaeniatlons ot "Tbe BlgbestBidder" Dea 31 to Jan. 2, condadlng tbe weekwltb "Lord Obnmley." Uls tbird and last week,baglonlng T, will be given over to "A Way to Wina Woman." Last weak tbe attendance was good,

wben 'K^aptaln LatlartiUIr" bold attanilon. Hr.Sottaem la we:l anpported l>y 0. F. Flockton, B.

Eottaem, Morton Seltao, Artbnr Lawrence, Row-land Bnokatone, Tolly HarabaU, T. J. Hnrpby, OnceKimball, Benba BuUeU sad Kale Paitlion-Selian.

OOLCUBii TniATai!—Obas. Frobman's prodac-tlon ot ".Sbensodoah" bin attracted few goodtomoute, tbo second week bein; inaugorated 31.

Since last seen btra tbe play baa been given atonob ot lbs npectaoiilar, and me stage u nowniled wltb men anil boraea at every opportanlty, ateatnre wblrb sddH materially to tne effecilveneaa

ot tbe ecenes. Tbe preseoUoa compaiij Inolndes

0. U. nelgel, Edward M. Bell, llmce Hcltea, Tbeo.Bndgina, Lools llcndrloks, Joaepb Brennan,Blancbe Stewart, Margaret Robinson, Mary Asg-Un. JoMphloe Hall, Uay Wood and otnoiH.

SoeiLiiBTaaaTSB.—Frederlok Wardeand LonlsJames, anpponed by Beverley Torner, ErnestWards, Edwin Tanner, Uoy Lindsley, Obas. Olark,

B. 0. Barton, Edyibe Obapman, HIaa Everett, Sid-

ney Wottb, Bilxabeib Ronton, Panllna Fellober andFlom Oalnea, began a two montbt' engagement 30,

tben prcaenting for tbe Drat lime bare Beary OuyOarlaton'a diama, "Tbe Lion's Hontb." Daringtba last week of tbelr stay "Oibello," "IlentyI7,>"Jollna Oaaar" and "Rlcbard 111" will be present-

ed. Tbe two weeks engagement of cimllle D'Ar-vUle In "Madeleine, or tbe Haglo RIaa," can be aei

down as tbe greatest artlauo and Bnaudal snccessof Ibe SoblUtr'a dramallo yeir. Tba boose wascrowded to repletion at neany all perfoimancea.MoVicxBS's TBEiTU.—Tbe ova weeks' nn ot

Davis A Kaogb's "On Ue Mlulsslppt" and wltbtbe oonent days, tbe slais being tban given overto Uogane Tompkln's "Blaok Orook," wltb LetuMertdltb u siatoesiiae principal. "On tbe Mlsala-

slppl" bas failed completely as a 0nanclal effort, dneaoKly to tbe tut tbat tbls bonss will not prodncepatronage tor mslodrasuilo nraieniatlona. It pre-

sented at a mora favorable nouse tbls slay wonldbave leanlied In a vaailr different manner.niYMABixr TOEiitn.—Manager Will J. Davis

Sresents Jefferson, Klaw A Erlangers "CoontryIreaa" as tbe KawYenr'a offering at tblrpopnlar

resort, tbe presenting company embracing, amongMbera, Hr. and Mrs. 8. K. Obesler, Kenyan Blabopand Mania Cod)-, wltb speclalues by Wm. Sbowles.BUly Conrad, Loolano Tatall, Oeo. L. Wood andU Belle Tina. Next week HooL HUUard will give"Tbe Nominee."LiH0OLi<TBBiTas.-Jiibn arimtbaDd an edlolent

company five "Fanst" tbts week, followed next by"Totug Ura. Wintbrop," presanK-d by Una AbeU,Robt. MoWade, Lillian Bcbovelln and otbera. Lastweek fair bnilness resnlied from tbe Brst produo.tlou on any stage of H. Onttan Donnelly's tear actcomedy dnma, "Virginia." Out tlina: Jaff<nonDexter, Jaa. n. HcCann; Artbnr Royltton, Fred'kUorzog; Jasper aincb, Frank Uo Vernon; SlrFblUliiOoldiborpa, Oeo. Dillon; Panl lloylatoo, Annie la-

man; Jacob Trae, J. O. Kline; Jamea, R. u. Uaicb;Falmer.Jotan WblteoDb; Carol, Harle Ediib KIce:lAdy aiace OiandoD, Uzzie Kendall; FrancisOower, Aostloe Plows: Mario lllcbmond, Mrs. An-nie Inmin; VIrgIc, Qlsdys Plows; Virslala, JaUaBtosrt. An emnoailo success was obtained, and I

look fora complele irtniupb for tbls lateat wort ut

Its Rsonroefar antbor.' Tbe plot is comprebenslvaand very well biongbt out.

AiHaiisax ToaaTBB.—"Tlio Oreu. Brooklynnandlcap," Intndoclog Adelaide Flit Allen, EmmaFonetii, Edwin F. Forsbarg, Davenport Babos, andAnbrar Mluentbal m tbe principal cbaracien Is

pntsntsd tbls week for Ibe iflst time bart,^ibe nextaUiaoiion being Slave Drody In ' On tbe Bowery."Obrletmaa week was prodocilveof fair profllatorOorinse and tba Kimball Opera Comlqoa Companyvben "Uesdrlok Oodaon" waa preaented. TbeaappoTllng oompany Inclndei) Wlllaid SImms, Lil-

lian Enou, Frank Uayden, Ubaa. Fosialla, BanyDIelt, LIUIan Coolay, Jaa. Stnrgeas, Fannie IM-ooata, Oba«.Kltk, Mark wooley.Qaorgla Hosb, OttoKnit, Handolpbtloiry and a well cqoippad obonia.SpeclalUea by WllUrd Blmnia and Corlnne warevan taronblv received.HivuN's TnEivaB.—Wm. A. Brady's prodccllon

ot "Old Olory" Is given tbls week for tbe Brat timebere with Jno. A. Oolemao, Loalae Montrose, Mil-

dred HaUaod. Danl Jarralt, Jas. Home and VivianEdrall caat In prominent roUs. Next week "TbeKid." for tbe Brst time. Nelile McBcnry gave "AMIglit at tbe circoa" Uat week before audienceswmcb averaged well tbrongboni ber engagement.AcisaiiT or Mcsic—uieveland's AtTOnllsd

Mlnslnls ai« in possession of tba ptenlaaa Uils

weak, giving way to 'Tbe Uoaatanard." Boslneu««a Mr laat week wban Oarl A.andFnnols luBaswli presented "Ibe Silver King," with Ihs aidp(B.araiDay, Cbas. rotter, Loab <IUI»fd,J. P,

Walab, F. 1,. Davis, Piealev U, Mlllon. Clias. K.B comer, Tboe. a Wilt, jerry Uont, Bennett n.lUdgley, Oeo. Moorebead, B. A. Cromwell, AnnieMorton, Hanla OoUlns, llaila Dudley, AnneueHarding and oibera. Amy lee la underlined forBO early production ot "Fawn Ticket No. 310.''

Clabk Strbit Tuiatbi.—M. S. Wood was fairlywell paimnlaed last week when ho presented "TbeOrpbaos nt Now York." cail A. Haswiu gives"Tne Silver King" this week, and will be followedweek ot s by Fred WaMman's Specialty Company.Sim T. Jack's OriM IIoo8B.-Tnos. Mluu'aClty

Clnb BurWquc ('nnjuny began a two weeks' en.gagement 30, iben mailng tbelr Brst local appear-ance ot tbe Sfaaon. DnalneM was veiy good laatweek with Bob PliMlmmons' Specially Company,which Included John R. Hatty. Boh Uordon andOarlUck,NeUle>'nnkl)n,Jts. Barron ano FnnkForreater, Wm. E. Whittle. Jobn Howler and I'atsyDoyle, Joe Hardman,Ju. Von Loor and Jobn Bar-ton, and Bert, l.on, Alice and Kllilo Flizpbbon.Ball punching Bnlshed Ibe programme.ROTAL Enousb OiHco«.-Tbla resort roalnUlos

a strong bold upon ibo purse sitlnss of our amnse.moat seekara by reason ot the excellent bill pro-vided, added to tba chansaa which, trtquaotlymade, keep tbe offering fresh andatiracuveatalllimes. Tbe performance last week engaged Ibeefforts of SadI AirarabI, Wm- De Hott, the Asbys,Sallm Massers tronp of Ambe, tbe Banaonia SUters,Roale Meera, the Klns-Nera. Mons. Caban, JennieAlvard. and tbn Fablnan lnt«matlonnl QoarteLAs an extra tealore, a doll ballet wsa IntroducedJastpracedlng tbe water camlvnl, which ends theprogramme.Fraiix IIail'sOasino.—TblH week's hill ot con-

tinuous variety eonialns two special featnics, Billy

Rice's Minstreb and the Inaognrailonof Cora licck-

wllh>a third week of an aluunpt to Boat In watertor thirty conseonuve days, each ot twelve boure'

dnnllon. Stage Manager Billy Rice presents tbensnal strong hill ot speolallle*, engaging Obas. andJennie Stewart, lUckey and Cole, Louisa SL Claire,

Tbora, tba Mcnolty suten, Buruf, Thompson andDonnall, Zinora, I,i Belle Toledo. Kian and Lynch,Sweeney and Wolford, Dan Naab, UUly St. Olaire,

Daley Mayerand Hague and Finn.LTCimi THIATBX.-Fred Waldreann'a Company

appean tbls week tor the Brat time here, and will

be followed 7 by Manager Jobn Morrlssey'sQrenler's Lyceum Theatre Company. Lut week'sbusiness averaged good, when the May HowardBurlasqna Company gave the usual excellent per-

toimance, wtaloh proved to be the best ot the sea-

son. The Brst pain, "Cigarettes," and the bor-lesqua, "One Boas CI cos," engaged May HowardIn the chief characlerr. aided br Uany Morris,Oraca Langtoy, Alice Smsom, (lartia kalih andAnsa Yale. Tbe olio wasprovlded by Ed. Uiolle,

Obas. Hanley and Tom Jarvis, Al. Dellman, DiveOonroy and Fbll McFarland, and J. C. Flynn andMaud Walker.Sam T. Jack's Buriam.—Bob Flizummon's Spe-

olalty Oompany moves over to this bouse for thecurrent days. Ed. Rush's White Crook BurlesqueCompany enjoyedavery good week, ending it, andgave tair satlsfaouon. The performance enllitedthe efforta of Emma Roie Lee, Pearl Bndbum,William Wardand Lottie Williams, Jennie La Montand Joale Love, and Bd Sandford and Joi. Lee.The burlesque, ''Iba White Crook," Bulshed tbo bill,

and waa well received.Oaibty Tbbatrb.—Manager lirlecoll has secured

C. W. Williams' Comedians to begin the year, tbefeatnreii of Uia bill being Agnes Charcot, Al lleeves

and Oleo Levlne. Bualaesa waa fair but week,when Alblut and NelUe McOnire headed a housebill of considerable merit. Madeline Franks, theSankey Brothers, Frank Forrexier and Lliizle Stew-art, OMlrlen atid Buckler, Morrlssoy and Proctor,Herbert Bolcomb and Siulle CuBUmnn, Lavaimlonand La Mar, and Uany Dudwortb fumlabed tboamnaemont.ULTVFio TniATKX.—Manager Castle begins the

year with a hooss lilU beaded by tbe Eddy Familyof four. He etyled laat week's bill "FannU'sFrench Varieties," and employed Uanson andMack, Bob Brannlgan, Sig. and Mme. Arcarls, tbeKoaore Children, Uarrr WlnaDan, the Five Par-

does, Ssdie Barnes ane Olrata Barton, Sobaffer andOlark, Jas. B. Black, Julian and Valeta Ty Bell,

MoAvoy and Doyle, Ooas. U. Duncan and Wm. andElUleBloketl.Pauk Teiatbe.—Manager NIok Norton presacla

a soAsonshle offering tbls week, preceding the olio

with a bnrlesqne ob "Fauat" and cloalug the showwith a comedy called "Old War llorae." Tbe spe-cialties will be contributed by the Rim Brothers,

Donna DoloRS, Oeo. and Lulu Bomer, Uany Wlos-man, Cbas- and illnnla Oahorne, Able Stange, tho

T'voNlbbes,ttaeSlat«nAnderioa,La Peuie Ivlne,

Pause La Pairs, Monnia and UeUle Bernard. Aseries ot living pictures will enliven Ibe festivities.

Ekoel's OrsBA Paviuon.—Bualncsi ban main-tains a fairly proOtable avenge and a good blil Is

genonlly provided. For this week the amuaemautwlU enlist tbe efforta ot tbe Judge Broibers, Lillian

Stair, tbe Bva Fardoca, Illnnla Fanchetil, Joe Uow.ard and Ada Eiiiersoo^t BItene and Nina, tbe

Rqyen, Mile. Flora and Ward and l.incb.

axont) Mdsio Bail.—Fsir business Is reportedfrom this bouse,where straight vanety boldaaway.Tbe list 01 enterialnere tor thisweek la not at band.WaiTS's LoMOOX UivB MII8BB.—Tbe curio Hat

for this week Includes Viols, a strong woman;Mme. NUes, Punch sod Judy; Jonule Lee, mosloiil

act; Borneman, a magician, and Sanderaon's marlo.nctles. On Ibe stage hourly ebows will beglven byJennie nipley, Del Fuego and Hay, May Olarkson,Bessie Leonard and Ben WallaceKoBL A MiooLnoH's OLons Dims Mtrasi.—Id

curio hall tbla week will be gathered together

Bonth Sea Is'and Joe, with hla curlosliles; JuhnCoffee, tbe skeleton, with his fat bride; Lutes, anarmless man; Wllibuns, a fancy penman, and Col.

Winner, a mldgsL Biage perfurmancea will begiven by tne Midway Uancers.Kohl t MionitnoN's oubk STHsir HiasB.—

A convention of giants and midgeis will occopythe curio hall tbls week, the delegates comprlslugKila Ewlng, Leah May and CoL iiilbart, glanta, andOommodon Speck, Major Atom, and Mr. and Mrs.WIlUe Rty. midgets. The stsga will be given overto Connie Raynor, Bcheldler, a magician, and Hig.

aDdMnie.Arcarla.OCnBisriiiH OoBxa.—While tbe profession In tbesepreoluota claimed a goodly portion ot atieollon

from Santa I31ans, a full Hat ot Ibe money sifis Is

ont of tbe question. Only a teir lusiauces aregiven, bnt snniclent srs at band to signify that the

ard acason wu forgotten at CbrUimastldc. Theohiet event ot the day waa the reception, tree andentertainment glveo ov t^lUo D',Vrvlllc on the

atage of the Schiller, forenoon ot 21. The poorchlldron ot the city thronged tbe pittty theatre andware given a kindword and atokeoof the day fromMisa U'Arvlilo, In peison, and the members ot btrcompany gave a long and Intaruilug programmefortnalr benaot Tba atiachaa of the Academyot Mnslo presented a costly diamond nng to Act-

ing Manager Will J. Barry, the prcsentailoa speechbeing inidc liy Business Manager Oco. 0. Francis,

ot a, H. Wood's Oomnany, who wu at onelime In tbe position Mr. Darry now gncts.

Hay lloward was tho recipient ot agift from each member ot ber CAinpaoy and In

turn presented to usch ot her support an spproprl-

atagllt Business Uanagcr lUm W. Ftokerug,ot the Uaymarket, will lo future cojoy tba use of aleather covered bedroom set, the gilt of hla em-ployes Down at tbe Aloamiira (Corlnne re-

ceived the uaual bonnuful supiriy ot Vbrisrmaatokens trom tilcnda In all direoiiuos DuslncuManager Harry N. FarTen,ot the Clark si root, waspresented with a fancy clock by thu honse aiiachea.Uls wife, t'oarluue Itay, with "Down In lilxle,"

alto cantrlbuled a box full at ramemiinncesThe members of Carl ,\ Daswln'ssuppurtpreiebtedhim with a bicycle Euima Ward wis tbe re-

clplout ot a silver dinner service Irom the at-

taobee ot Stm T. Jack's Open Honse anda silver flab set from tbe membeis ot tbeorobestn at Sam T. Jack's Opti» House aid tbeEmpire Aclisg Manager Law Wiswell receiveda good waiob, approprlaielr engraved, fniii tbeempioyes ot Uiaviu's I'roptielor John l/ing,

of tbe Pttk. gave a turkey to every peraoo employ*ed In the nouae. Acting Manager Hid F.usan, oftbe Kmpire, received a gold beaded uuibrellaanilwalking atlck from ibo bonae employes OoNew Year'a eve, Goima Ward will give a baDi|uet

to Ike employes of Sam T. Jack s empire aodOpen Boose, at the bonae of Manager Jack on tbeMonth Hide. More preaeata will oooblru be ex-changed and a night of Jollliy la expeo'cd.IIArrxBiiATD.—In Ust week's edition of Tas CLir.

FSB an advertlscmenl gave the iDtoimailon that

lillly nice would soon retire from the stage nian-

ageoont of Fiaak Uail's Casino, after a period ofservice coveting the term of Manager llalpa control

ot that popolar reaorv LMer devclopDenis navebronghl about an amicable aetilemeui ot tbe dlf-

fereaoea exisilsg between Manager Hall and Mr.Riee, tesolung Id the rMngagemeot of the lauar,

to continue In fall controloftne booklngaand iiagemanagement of tbe houie. Mr. lUce baa provenblmaeU an able coufedenie In Manager llall'a

efforu lonrda forntshlng bigb class perf"nnances,snd 11 would seem a mailer lor coogiatalailon thai

Manager Ball la afforded a contuoance of bla valu-

able servlot* Fropetiyman Abe Jacobs, ot the

Olymplo, lecetvedaDaolnated holiday guitrom hit

wife, Chrlslows sva. In Ibe peraon of a haby boy . .


A performance In aid or ihe Meroy Rcspilal waaPven at Oooley'a afteraocn ot 29. Manager Harry

Powen contrthuiad the uaa ot the house, andJoseph Murphy and blacompany gave aproducilonot "-Shann Rbae." The sltennanro waa good Inspile ot aet-cra weather F.iectn Olffotd ap-peared aa the so'ols>wlih the UoicasoUrchnira,at the Audlioilnm, 2$. 39 Uay Howard'a BigBurleaque company plaja Hll*auka^ Wla.. Ihia

week,and lays oft ben week of Jan. 7, otwolng atIhe Olympic for a week, 14 .Tne Russell ComedyCompany, which baa been In leheanal bcie, lookthe road al Aurora, ill,, I, with tbisraembeiahip:Ullly Curtis, Bell* Jord>D,Oie Baldwin, Win Ward,W. 11. Cross, A. J. Bodkin, Frank Evans, Fraud Mll-

laidandOlanAdama. Therelnaolmanaieinantarem tbe bands of Fnnk Williamson ii. Cross.who Is now roaosging the RIos Nrn, has bookedtbem for an engagement at tho wigwaiij, sen Fran.Cisco, Cel., whiihar they go In about iwo weeks.

Chicago Blanch B, Aoitira* rrotecUra rolon,wu organlied morulnn ot 31, by Allen A. IKmp-ton.... .The Golden Cats Specialty Company dc.

parted from bora lut week to negln the road scaaonat Eut Saginaw, HIcb. Lawreuro Alburtin la man-ager, J. F. cook, trcunrer, and the company In.

(Todaaaallaxherand UrIOlu, Blanobe Palmer, Net-

tle Bond, Bella Carmen, Allen and Bnrdette. UarryBarney and Pinkey Russell Manager Kilwin f.

Hilton, ot Pearson's "iMd ot tbe MldalgbtSan," wu lo town for a day la<t week.

"The Weaver" was glTi>n at the Orlle.

rion laat week with Betr Host, the anarch-ist, u tbe rhier featort. Bnalnen wu not good.

Ned Florence took an "Uncle Tom'a Cabin"layout to Aurora, 111., '.U Manager Law Wis-well, of Ilavlln's, leaned a handsome soovcnir pro-

sramma cbrlaiinu matinee and night In honor ot

Nellie McUenry'a Brst sppratanoe at that honse.

Treuurer Motrla S. Scblestnier, ot tba Fonn-taln Squue Theatre, Cinclunall, ()., wu In lownlust before ObrlttmM John S. Fla^arly, whohas been the amclentaoilug manager »f the RoyalEugllth Olrcoa since Hanagor Hall brought that

resort to tbe front, hu realgned bla poslUon to fur-

thersn nnauDouocedsctaeuje of bisown I'aouy

Uathuu Joined Walker Whiteside bere, replacing

Oraco Addison DickOummlogs closed hlsslxiy-

seventh week u siage manager of tbe Park, 30, andwu succeeded by H. w. Kagan, who has been ad-

vertising managerot Ibe house tor several veare ....

During the performance at the circoe iilght ot m,Ohas. W. Fish puMlcli challenged Ibo rights of

Wm. De Moll to the title of champion barebukrider, the result being an acccpiance an Iba part of

Mr. Ha Moti, and the aonouuccment of the date,

Feb '.a, as the lima when Iheir diffeiencea will beeetiled by arlding coniest In tbo ilniotthe Itoyal

English Clrcns Msnager Sam T. Jack la ex-pected lo return Uili week from hla successfol tour

of ' Old Mexico" wtlh Ills Extravagan/a Com.puy Col. R. 0. lugcnoll Is booked tor a[sotore at the Oolnmbia afternoon of t

Manager Qrenler, of the Lyceom, recenily

gave the boot hiacka and news bnya ot the city free

access to tbe lallery of his ilieairo u a holi-

day treat Tbo Princeton and Uarvard Olee,

Baolo aod Mandoim Clnba will appear at CentnlMusic llsU Dec 31 and Jan. 1, reapecllvely

Fred'k Warde and Loula James aro rehearsing

"Ruunymede," a new play by Wm. Oreen lUrrlaon,

for an early productlcin Slsslera'ta Jonee, the

"Black Paul," will alng at the I'aople's I ntl Una aner-

noonandevenlngl E.J.Lawler,amemberof the

"On tba Hlasliaippl" Company, wu married 2o to

a non-professional, whose Identity Is not disclosed.

Manager John U. Ilavlln, of UluclnnatI, o.,

wu In town on linalness last week Tlie Oor-

man stock company gave Suadermau's "Uelmaih"atUouloy'snlghtol 30. This play Is tba source of

Modjaoka'a "Magda," originally acted on this sisga.

K. U. Sotbam will give a pbotognph of blm-

seir, bearing bis autograph, to lbs ladles who at-

tend the matinee at Uooley's Wednesday Advertlaiog Agent l.oals Oberworth, of Kngel's OperaPavilion, mourns the death or bis wile. In onlld.

birth, 29. TbodoceuedwuformerlySophleBrown,aniamherof the slock at Kngel'a Afierstwoweeks' lay off tor reorganltatlon, "Virginia," the

new pUy produced lut week at iha Lincoln, will

go out under tbo management ot Frank Ourils,

wltb his wile, Julia Bloatt,ln the Utie role

J. 0. Flynn andMaud Walker did not appear wlib

the May Uoirard Vurletque Company, at tbo

Lyceum, Ust week, srter the performance Christ

mu night Rica's Surpnu Party puts on"1402" tor a six weeU' run at tba (Jolombla, begin.

Ding 13 Oeneral Treasurer Maurice J. Jacobsand Manager 0, R. Jacobs, ot Iha Imperial Circuit,

were In town lut weak Nell Florence Is

rehearsing a company at the Academy, lo produce"One of tne Boya," a farce comedy satire on the

bloomer areia. By Edwin Barbour, at F.ikhtrt. lud.,

on New Vear aOay nooklog Agent Mariiu

Heck, of Kngel's Opera Pavilion, hu secured the

Nelson Family for a six weeks' engagement at that

boose, beginning 7 Extra mailnaee will bo

given Now Year'a Day at all our Iheairos,

u well u tba roiulsr mid week mailneeii

Carl A. Uuwin'a '-Silver King" plava tbe CalumetTheatre, Souih Chicago, next Sunday night

May Brdlonne will aiauma Ihe leading role In "UyWits Ouiwlued" this week, after a fortnlght'a lay

off Infonnallon comes 'rom Cincinnati, c,that w. J, Winterbnm, manager ot Walker While.

Bide, Is In a critical condlil«o, u aresolt of a recent

surgical openilon. The best medical iHlani of

ibat cliy uaa been callwl In couaoltatlon

"Sbora Acres" comes to HcVlcOen follnwlug "TheBlack Criiok." Jaa. A. Heam orlginaMy produced

the play at thia houM Miry C. Fuller, adaoghier ot Chief Jus lea Fnli'r, and Knilly H.

Ilutohlnson mate their piorrsiiocal debut uonumbia plsnlsls st Ceniral .Muilo Hall 17

.Ura. Usblo F.rlam.tlawUomo will iiitume the

dutlt'h of assliianl managertiLH uf ilie Koyal Rog-llah CIroua nait wetk Iinu Fiixtlmmona weutdown 10 the Block Yards diairlct UhI we«k,andentering a blacksmith nhop. doffed bis coat andt>egan taming borsedhoes, which he gave to Irtooda

u souvenirs Tom Duffy, who hss iwcn prop-

erty man with Hick Llii:e'a Marie Stugi-r Com-pany, hu retoroed liimo Lillian llDeHcIl

Is booked for an eogHSement In "Tbe Oraudliuohess" al the Oblcaao Opera Uooar I' ollucSl«lu baa signed u aol list wltb Ibe llemanyl Con-

cert (.'iimpaay, which takes the road next month.Emma Harklnson bu been engaged I') alug

tlie eoprano role In "Juan (f Arc ' at bprlngBcUl,

III., \i Juhn Unas hu laaea tlia position uadverilsiDx agent at HamT.Jack'a Kmp.nAt 7 n'clui'k datorday night Bre wu dlsvuvered lu

au eillce In McVlcker'a Toeatrc, liul prompt acilun

subdued tne names wltb cumpaiailvdy small loss.

Decatur.—At the Powers' Cnnd "A Breezy

Time'' came l>eo. i-, to sallafatlory liuslneu.

Frederick Warde and Uuis Jamea plaied a return

data 27, to a good boose. It-wbel Morilaon, lu

"Faust," did well 3S. Coming: "Young Mra. Wlo.tbnp"Jau. I, "A Orson Ooods Man" 3, "Tba Olrl

I l.eft Behind Ma" 4, "Faniuma" 7, s, Tuos. <].

Reabrooka ii Frederick warde delivered a lec-

tora on BhUespeare and hie plava to ue Woman'sClub, ot Deoalur, afternoon or Deo. 37, which Is

highly spoken ot by the tallies pn adht Ben F.

Dodaon wu here to spenij tbe bolidays-

iif I


lllchmoDd.—The Onu Open Oimpany ren

dered nine opeiuat the Academy ot Music lul

week lo a praiseworthy manner, and luslslned Its

tormir good Impression by merlicrloui work. Acombination ot Inclement weather snd Yuletlde

celcbratloBswu accouniahio for small aliendance.

The Imperial Vaudsvllla Co, presented an lurerlor

bill at the ivibmond Taeaire, Dec. 24-36, to smallbusloeu.Ai'AUBHT 01- Hi'Hiu--nhea Jan. 1, 3, fcal lodge

of Ella iieueniting on the lalUrt dale: 'The I'AsaIng

Show" a, "The TwoCijiooels"4, 6, Itlcbard HansBold I, "The While Hquadron" B, ), "Tue IlilU'

makcra" 13. 13.

Itii'iluOKV TUBATXB.—"Ths Hlowaway" Dec. ei,

Jan. 1. col. W, C. V. Breckinridge will lecture v.

rtTHAM's TosATim COHigi's.-Opeolng Dec. at

Lillian Floyd, Blanch Uuwers. Lucy De Vail amiI'rof. AlberL Baslueu Is good.

Rorgolli.—At lbs Academy ot Hoslo Oorloo'sHiniirels played to large andlencea Ueo. 2i. "TheWhile Squadron" Jan. 10, II At Ibo BIJuuTheatre lut week'a people bold over. Bualneu Is

lair. ^FLORID*.

JaekiOBrllle.—AtthePark TbeaW tba Bald-

wln Helvllle Dramatic Co., In repertory, played

a snocessful engagement week ot Dec 24. During

Uie month ot isnnary we are promised many treats

from aolneat sian Uarrla'Mlckla Plate Showsstaled to weu Ailed tenu Deo. Xl,»,a TheCyclonma ot the Battle ot Oeuysbvg plwhsd luteal tMn 21, tod Is doing wsU.

ToNv LowANoi's CiBi-ra, NO. 2, la lepoitad to

have opened ondsr very Batlanngolronmttanoes at

Penal del lllo, Cuba. Thapandawuspnityapeo.lacla, ud waa headed by Joaa llemlda's HarmonyBand, compoaed of twelvo mcraben, handsomelyunltormrd In red, white and old gold velvet, silk

and uiln. The perfonnon ware dreaaed In silk

lunbalr dusters, and were crowned with royalallk open hats, while Suglmlto'a Troupe ofJaps (nine In number) were arnyed In nailve ooe-lume, forming a pleasing contruL The oomranywill etidently be a winner. The roster: TonyLowande, sole propilotor; Joso Plnen, asalstanimanager; A. K. Ho l>.isa, treunrer; Joe Carrey,eonealitan director; Joso llcrmlda, band muter,with twelve musicians; Mnrrello Bros, (three). Far.unm anil Welcome, SnglDlto'a Japs^ nine In num.bar; Adolfo llenera, alroug man; Johnny andRIolun Kemndl, double Inpeu; Jose IMnila, talk-

ing clown; Ctaudio Romero Mexican grmnui;Joan Romem, clowa snd donks, Roman nnss anddanclni rope; Juan Anto H'Coalo, rings; Uoncep-clon IrOflSia, flying trspese, and Rosaline B. Tick-uey'a troupe of pertoimlngdoga. Tba route will beprincipally largo towns. The no. 1 compuyle do-ing well. Thus far we have not nlsaad a day, andIhe leilscr sbows a tMlauoa on Iha right aide.

TDK Dnest route twok ihatbu ever been receivedbyTnBOui'i'BBarrlTadllao.20fnra tbe Hingllngliros.' World'a Oreatett Shorn. Tba book la pto-foaaly lllusiraled with halt toned photo engravingsot the people with the show. Is prinled on heavycalendered paper, and coulalna nut only a Hr*- otthe people wlib the show, the pnsclpal aventa otIbo season, and the lonta over which the aggrega-tion traveled, but 11 also contains a history of inaRlngllng Dns-' Show, nioablo hinte to advanceagenii and other show people, and a one aot playby M. J. O'MelU. The book oonulna nearly twohundred pages ot very Inteteating reading to show-men and othere Intaiealedlnthaahow businen, buhoard coven and wonld bo an ornament on tbedesk of aav writer olabow news.Uaaar iiihnuji hu been engaged u advance

ngout of the New Ottat Syndicate Shows and PariaUlppodrume for nest aeason. Col. charloa llolton

will bave ohargo of the advertising department.The show will bo gmtly entarged. Wm Bella hujust purchaaed six elephsnis, which will glvo tboshow seven for next season. Twenty.foor canwill he employed to wry the show, and tbreeadvertising can will be sent out, Ttiate will beeighteen cagee ot animals. The entire oniBt wlHhe fresh and new when the show tskes the roadne.xt Hprlng. Tbe ebow will visit tba Eutemcountry uexi seasou,FniNK B. HiLuiB Ann WIFE, equeslrtahs, have

oloeed H saccessfnl two weeks' ungsgamant at thoMidwinter Circus, lAulavllla, Ky., and opened Ueo.24 for two woeka at theoieveland Ony'a MidwinterClrcns, Oloveland, 0.

Tub Uykon's, urlallsis, have algncil for nextacason with tne llaronm A Bailey Bhow.Tns Roim BOOK of llunilng'a CIrcua raacbeil na

last week. It Is a neat IIIUO board covered book ofone hondrod and Bre pages, and contslns Ihe usualInteresting news ef the show's Invsis lut Bum-mer. Obas. K. Orlitln dosctves the credit for com.piling the data,

UUAS. IIBBNAHO, aflor clOKliig an eight months'season of advitnce work tor tlio Wallrr L. HaloIL II. Show, wu iiisrned on Deo. 0, In Lexington.Ky., at Ibe homo of the bride's pannia, to Pearlllogcn, a non.profosslonal. Tba Winter Is lieing

spent In Cincinnati and Olovetaud, O., where Mr.Ilerssrd la la>oklng and directing tbo lour of theMelTlnx. Ue will again Bll au Imintlant positionon Ihe advance ot the Main Circus fur tbe seasou ofISIIS.

Wh. and Hvs. Ibwih Joined tho ai'cnOortvta atOolon, Cutis, Dec. I. It U llieir second seaoou thsro.

JoKBS' rssBLSuii Buck Huhsab BANn.aJlladwlihthe Sunny Urook Quarict, bave been re-aogagedwith the Wallace Circus, making tbsir tourtn sea.

son with that show.I/jRBNzB AND lAiTA cloasd s succeufol fcur

walks' engagement at the Mld-Wtntor Ulrous, Hll-kae,Wla.,uec. 3-J.

TONT HAVtLVUN Is breUlog several horses sthlsring bsro at Lcwiaton, III. Ills Oaudtan sUIIInn,he writes. Is doing nicely. Mrs. Uamllion Is alaobusy training a near horse.

J. 11. SUTTON wmes frem Fielding, New Zeatand,under dale of Nov. R, reiioaailng us to deny the ra-

poil that he had Joined the "allent oialotlly." Hr.Buiton olalma tne honor ot producing tbe Brst"Wild West" with the Uamum Show, In 1IMI3-

ciiAS. LsB'a Ohbat London 8uow Nutik.—Wehare coinpleied unr new ring barn, which wethlukla eiinal to any In Ibe country, having all the mod.en improvemenia. The site Is colu by Mil., andIt Is bnllt alter the style of a round top. A smallstable and onios are connected. All are heated byhotair pipea, ao lhatUwIII bo comtonabla on thecolilesl (lays. Ubu. Watson ud wits, Mllo.

l,Qtta, have arrived, and the horses and ponluan doing nicely under Mr. Watson'a direction,

etas. Lee Jr Is learning a four pony and prin-cipal bartlntck. Things ate booming with os,m>k-ingthe usual preparailon. 11. L. Itogen la uulldlug two new band aagoiia and two pony ubarlols.

We have a frature for \mi that will surprise someof oar liroilier managers. Our canvu will lie

rAjlt.,wlih tnree middle pieces. Tno people wholiavu signed are lia Vliton and Vallelts. Thoj. Finn,Ben Baulsman, K. H. Socreat, chu. Waiaoii Ml<e.

Loita and the Wayburo Family ut arrobals udgfmnuis. w« sill give the puhllo what they ukfur In 'us-aulrcua up to date In every department.NiiTBS FHOH ma New Coummai. Hiiuwh.—Jcu,

llruwn IsatiloorniTand niansger; Oertle Urnwn,treasur'>r; flus. Henderson, sailslanl manager;Chas. Uelvlu, Moeairun director; Cliu. lltcBcr,

Indtr of the Innd, Willi eight plecce; Uhu.Ili'cker, J. H. KrItiihBeUI, M. F. Kinooy, Jnbn Henry,AMvn Laiy, Ili-e. Ilrls, Fred Uarka and J. Wilson.I'erliirmera: Iteta and AnderiiiD, double irarexo,

carrying perch and Chlnou Iraperaonature; NinaBolvln, ntlng rings and coolnrllonlst; i.'haa.

Kelvin, ventriimiuUt snd clown; FanI llrucliaril,

CJiuinniuulst; tins. Ilendorann, balancing tniieze,alru, and hnocsnboui olnwo; Mylea Andenuin,slack wire; Prof. l,<in4alo's educated doga andivinles. Concert people : Al. Kennedy, Miai Hehln,Ulle. (larlrnilr, IJhaa. Hi-lvln, lillly Wright endMule Dot l.-jiidale. The show la now in Teiu.andiloing a phenomenal huelaesH. We have anMiH. riiuiid top, with a 40lt. middle, and a nufi.

drofalng tent, snd twenly-dva head (ifflnaaWiok,anil have nerer missed a salary day.TiiK AHfiRra, prnducura of llvloir slatcarr and

inucem iculinuru, are at the Winter Clrciii,

Ohlcag'^ III.

mx PrrBB.HnuBii, li.i., Hiu wiktbii Oibiiusopesed Its icnih season lieo.'ji.wlih iha tolloirlng

people: Jiilla l.o»anda, Harrleiia Conica, ClanndaI'arsoii, William O'liale, Cecil Mwande, Joseph Far.son. Master Harry l,*mkln, Jun Uoirloa, Him Uea-aeii. Webb and ,(dalr, Alex. Lowandr, Kit surr, J.

lU Feagans, leader of band: Jamea Hawkins, tteu-urer; Albert Mlmcn,prnpenleai KnikWhIiIng andChas. Bales, Hug atocK grooms; Boh Terrlll, Janl.

tor; J, 0. Bishop, advertising agent; F.dward Smpp,pmprloloranil Diansger.Uhs. Lii.i.is HcUunnen, wife ot J. F.. McC.'en-

neu,died Deo. I'l.at ber bom) in this city, trompleuro pneumuia.

K. I.. Bbbn'an eloMd bll liiird year u generalagent of Ool. ilsH's Circus, at New Orleans,and went lo bis heme In larjons, Ksu., to spendtbo holidays. Mr. Hrennan will alisnd tne snow.msn's conveuuoo. In Olnclnuall, Jan. s.

Nvrss vBim John II, HfASU' Ciacia.—TliaItydeis lolnod tbe John U. Hparhs Bhow lieu. :il, stShelby, N. O, Tlie Tenia Has. Show paid na a vlall

21, liuilnraa la very good oonsldeiing Ihe weather.We weio oBsb^ to show 211 on aucooni of thehnvysnow. The weather Is raoie like North thta

week ib<n Ronny sonib,Juiitru ijviio, late ut Ibe Forapangh Show's

huslneat staff. Is this season busloeu msnsgar otLesroi;k'a "Faust" CO.Uhs. ava llisusiiT prsseuied her busband, ';oco

llerlitn, ot lloyal Kugllab Winter Circus, wltb aneight piund lioy iiaiiy. In ciHcsgo, on Dec. 2S.

Moihci snd ciilld are doing wilr.


Portlaod.—The Walls Comedy Co., with popu<

Isr prices, are playing a tortnlghl'a engagement at1/Otbrop'a, and have caught Ibe publlo'a favor, JohnL. Siodilard lecliirad on "Swilierland" 24. UrImaim Malcolm will be aeenin "UomptyI>ufflpl|>'HewYeara day.

- "VVeatward, He:" a three Bet oomlo opera,IllircUo by HIchard D. Ware, music by BeojamlnK. Wooir, WIS aung tor tba Bnt time st Uw Boston,Uau.. Museum, flee. 31.

— victorlen Hsrdon's "U Famllls Benollon"("The Parisians''), wu scted for the Brst time InAmsilcaOecai, al tbe Oraid Ousn Uooie, Wll-Biln|t«a,ML,b}BlM».

— Thcmu \y. Keene wu tmsble to flU a twonighu' engagtment week of Ueo. 94, In Saoia-mauto, Oal., owing to lou of voice.— Ollre Louisa harry and Sidney Eenselh Her.

hott were mamnl Ueo. 33, lu this city, the B«T.Dr lloushlon oniclailng.— Violet Vanbrngh (Barnes) and Arthur Bonr<

chirr wore married rrcunily In Uila city.— The marrlagx of Mario Uurrcss to Ony WHberCurrier (nou-prutrMlonsI) la Just nunonnoed. Thscenmniiy wu p<iift>rnivd Juno 13, lu this citv.— Mrs. Anionln Navarro (Mary Andoraou), whohubeen III slnoe Dae 7, ts now convalaaoing.— William ikinnieiBb ntlrea from "Oo toe Mis*

sisslppi" Oo. next week.— Arthur Fiirresl ntlred tnni Kate Ctaxton's

I'-o. Hro »ani1 Mmla TOiry Joined 31.— "In tho Tenderloin" la laying off thiawaek.

Thsywera booked tor the WaluniSliaetTheatn,I'bllsitelplila, Pa,, bnt aolrt ont to Mn. Langlry.— Tbniiiu H. Ilantor Jnlna "l-oai Paradise'' next

week to ptay Dr. Knowlion.— Frank l.andor rotlraa from Walter Saotord's

Stock (Mnpany next w<ek.— "Shore Aorei," No. J, did not ptay ntgbt of

Oec. 37 la aonaequenoe ot being "snowed under"for twelvo houn.-John Hntherland oloeee, Jan s, wllh "Down la

Dlile" Co.— Waller Perkins withdraws troni "The Ootloii

Ring" On., No 2. on Jan. i.

— Maximo Killntt becomea a regular member otDaly'a Company Jan. 4, on which dslo "Heart utlluby" play will be produood.— Harry Weaver Jr, bu wlUidnwn from "A

Oout Qoard."— (leo. w. Palgo, IJUtan Paige and Mtlla llalleno

have signed with U.nntlaa Donnelly'a "VIrgInU"Company,— Monia TAoiiinaon, manager nt Wane's Oonsdr

Co. (Kaslorn), Informs na Ifial their sngagamaniduring tno Oral weak at Lynn, Mass., wu ao auo-oesstul tbat they oonoludcd to play tba seoondweek then Inaicad of going to lAwreooa, Mass.,for walk ot Dtr. 17, the week befnra Chrlstaua(which la known lo bo the worst week In the aeasontor tnvellog oonpanleai. and paid tbo manager alM'nuca tea nut of his houio for that weak tocAucol tno dat*. Tbe aonond week's bualneu atLynn proved to bo tbo targeat week'a bnalaraa donebr any repertory company over playing there, aaManagen Dodge and llamsou, of tho Lynn ThSk.tn, will leaUfy.— J. J. Howling riosod at Kow Haven, Ot, Dao.

30. Ho «HlreoTganlrj)andopeululUlllmore,Md.,Jso. 14, wltb "Capt. Homo," as ho lulonda playingonly Ibat piece tho rest uf Ibe souiiii. Lisle Lolgb,wnii euacled May when It wu originally produoMIn tbla citr, will nmllnue In tho rule.— llarilet w, Thoni|iMin, wifo uf Con. w. Them,

aou, died Dee. ti, lo llila city, from llrlgbl'a dla-ease. The remalua were taken to lloneadale, hk,fortclemeni.— WlliUiu Devloo, an old member ot New York

I.odge, Ko. 1, U. p. o. Klhs, died Dao. w. In thiscity. FiinemI arrvli-tn were hold at Ribs' Hall, ao,aoit lharemalnsnotoluloirod lu KIka' Heat, KTor-greens Cemolery.— "A Hummor Dll/.rjird" Ouiiipaiiy cloaca Hs

scuen Jan. lu.

— Hurry A. Biiilih rellrcH frum WlllbimCulllor'sCo. Jan. lu.

— Nnii-a from thu Mlnulo Mewnnl i.'o. ; MImHi-wsnl opened tin* hsnilHuma now npi^ra Hoiiso stUliphant, I'a., rnrlaunu week, and ptayed touplenilldbualiiesa every niglil. At both purfomi-snnos I lirlHiiiis'i Hay many wrro turned away, andUlHi Bowaril reuelved nil iiviitinn trom Ilia auill-ouoe. Wo aro all well ami petard a happy Chtlat-iiiss. Mr. Howard la writing a now ptay, and Mr.Hi'Nulty.iiurning writer anil viiuallHl, Is turninguui new niualo lur it,

— Itutiar or tho "Young American" Cu.: Oartand(Isden, \Mn liomloe aadoOi Alaxsndor leopard,II. lind SnUun, J. H. HhlcMs, 1). A. Maomillan.Kdlib (inywall, Flon Keller, Prof. BbaOSr, andIxiula KalbQeld, busluesa manager.— Harry and Kate Jaukaon will olou their en-

gageraoot with Mr. and Hn. llobL Wayne onJan.i.— Wamn W. Ashley, for four sesBona u sup-

port and stags niansgor with Chu. A. I/Kler, m'lib, Whata Nigbti" olusea Willi Uat compaoy Inllaylon, 0., Jan. 'j Mr. folder produces a newcomedy Jan. 7, and there Is no psrt In It tor Mr.Ashley,— Howard Powers, Into of lltrlnw, D<ilson.t I'ow-

on' HInairela, has been oogaged fur Ilia tuar at"S|ieciBl lielivory," wliicb rnipons early In January.— Niilcs Irnni Kollani's I'layera: Wo aro playingixnaila only Uila aiiasun and are diilng well inweekB'aodH. Wn carrjr scenery ror unr pisys. MynCollins Is singing her new song, "Sly Little Bcbool

-Jnbn F. Knily closed with J. u. Hoakwall Deo. 30at Vlrilanra, Vn., ami will spend Ihe holidays wimhis pnroulaat I'ant, It. 1.

— I.uoy llevera, sunbretto.sptint Cbrislmuwitliher aunt In H ilein, Mass., and wu prosentcil wltb asosl akin cape and a lullnl sol.— Kdwiii .l.T'iiiiiiu Jiiinod the Hopkins Meny

Oo, litc.:i<i,at Iaw4 Falls, It., after spending athree weeks' vacation with Ills iwrents at llearda-town. III.

— Nsil H»aiii Ulas Mora will gn uut on thernad as a aUr In a uuinody oaili-d "ModsraMcplililo " writlen liy J. Uliarles ihinnelly. Mr.Ilyilu will manago the cuiupaiiy, Willi .Mr. OtarkuUuslnru n.aiiager.— ".t lloUHjuf Uirds,"NydneyOnindy'aadapta.

Hon 01 htrduu'a "Uitlaon tieuvu.' wu played fortbo aruilmelu America at the Walnut Street Ths-aire, I'h'lailoipbia, I'a., Deo. :il, by Mn. I.snalry,and,judglugrrunireporis,lidld nut prove a sueueas.


llalllraaia.—Ilnllday business Is buomlnr,aadMia facea of our managers aro wrcatbod In smilnat the brlghtneu of the ooHook.Uahhih' auadebv wu curaforlablr mied Dee. ai,

and lljliby Oaylor mot wllli a hearty reception aaHpoii HeAllulor. "In lid Koutueky" drew tnUhouses week ending m Jan. 7, "I'rloeeas llonnle."Vuap'n iii-BHA lliii'KS.-Tlio K. It. o. H gnwM un-

furled Ueu. 31, whi-ii Ulcus ' 14ui'' wusrun fur tboOral lime lirru. Its siiecevs Was Inilantaoeuus, allif thn prlfii:l|Mla iiwklug litis. Julia Harluwa Tklierrlused a liiguly pruspcroUH werk m, 'Duwlog theWind" Jan. 7,

ALnAi'iiira I.YUBi'M TiiBATHi: —The relnra o(Mine, Sana llruo" lieu.:ii waa isurkadby thessao

IsrgoHitendaiice and lnulllgi:ni approval Ibat HaOral eiigageinani called furili. Illohard HauBeldbad a great week 'A4-2J. Hmiy irrte iiiiahle to gainailinisaiun en tlia oeiti nlgui, when "Hr, Jakyll sadMr, lljds" waa Uiu lull. His. Uiigiry comes Jan, )•

lluu.iiiAV HrasaT TiiKATns.-'Thu Hilll Atatra"oni'uud Willi a Isrgaly aittndnl iiiailnsOINie. ill.

"^I'mr Power ot Ouiil" waaeKerclaedtoadTulaguweek ending 211. "Tlio Tiu.ley Hyalan" will baliiiriiiluc«dJao.7.

HuwANii'H AiuiirOHiru.-'-ThnSdUth MetorelbsWsr" Is Hie current atiraolluo, upuuHigtogoodbutlni-M Hoc. 31. llydo'a OomedlaOH muS i),Jan. 7. Haiu Hovers.KKHNAN'S MOHIIMENTAt. TIIKATBB.-Wsber k

Fluid's Co. coiiimeni'ed a priillUblo return unga|c-ineiit IKIC.31. Ham Dereru dlil a big businraa lutweek Willi inalluces dally, Jan. 1, Irwin llrotbera*Specially Co.CABTINg'HUiinoNTilliTHS.-New 1100.31: Morfts

Wnlpplar, Jennie I'lekeri, l.llliu Weldon ud UwUllmures. Mtnsuor Caaiinu onlenalued hta em-pliiyea, 30, Ills iiiriliitar, and waa prrsouted by Ihsiawlui a solid sliver ladle and set ot spoons.

I'AI.Ai'B MrHBDii.—'liny Ml>e (iiildgel) waa new InIhe i:urlo llall litc. :il. In TlieHtarlum: Uowo anilHeyuiour, Trixle Haujlliuii auil Jubu FrankJls,


AllanlH.—a: iIio Urand "Kdgowood Folks,"

Dec. 31, Jau. 1. Fauiipe lUll, Deo. 21,21, did asplendid buslneas. "Musswueil," blllsd tor >'i,2T,

tslled Ui nil. Nutwitlialauiling tbe extnms oolO,Kails Komettdlda talr liusiness w, 21. Booksdi"A Trip to Cbloatuwn" Jan. t, 3. Mrs. Poller andKirle Iiellaw 4, (, Jss. J. Uurbtti 7, s, "Too FaMlaiBhow" 0, Itlcbard Uansflpld 10, II,

Da Oivs's UrsuA IIih'he.—lUies Bros.' "OnDBCTDumpty" bad fair Imsliiaaa Ueo. ».KnuBwnuD AvsHtis Tubatbb —Hsbel Paige Dee.

81, Jan. I. This compsuy rlused a aallsiaotoiTweeklito 2a. ill lloarv'sMlosireta JaD.2, B, W.OF. Bre:klnrld|eleclarcs4. •

Nvru.-ou a work on tba new Lyceom willMcomiDeoced Mauger Miliiows will IsavsforNew York In a few daya lo the Inlsrsst ot Huauaotopera lor poil aeuon.

(OonrapiB om Paoi w\

704 THE jsrEW.j5roRK::::cLiPPER. Januabt 5.


nonmioai.OBO. W. KEIL, MinAOD.



tMlT «Mti ptr lla*,MM* tjp« BMnni iptM 01SMlock «UD Mc» tavKm. AdaduUsaorspw MBlIttUntt oa dnrtmosH wbia fU lor Urn* mnOt10 itfnaM, ud OS idTonuaiMau aoHUUf UO Umor son

BDBBOBIFTIOir.000 roor. lo Idnaoo, i4; tli moolbo, II ; tbno noBtba.

II. roroiiapoftofooim. flstlooopIoo,UloistiOMh


TUB OLIfYfil U Ulood 0T0I7 Wodooodov aaoraurTho Ah. Uili Ui4 IM (odnnuloi) pofoo 00 TO FBIUON BoiiDiT. tnt uo um, IWS SI ouui pifoo osTUBWAT,

Tb* ronni Oloclog Premptlr 4P.U.riMio malt br oopiim moooy ofdor, «li«ok, P. 0. or-

4or or roBlMond kttori aod

ADDRESS ALL OOMMUNIOATIONtRsr tta* Editorial or lb* BulBooi

DopBtUaoBl to

THE NEW YORK CLIPPER,r. o. Boi ajDM, or OLirrsB BoiLOiiiq,

OuprlB «0B bo obuuod. wboloiOMI oor uontA Bmltta, AluUo A Co., S Kfv-

IB BoiUod—TAi OuprlB «0B bo obuuod. wboloioloood rouil, 01 oor Ml


ouUolMil, tlnatlo rrmooo-ToBOurrulaoo uIoaiBmiabo'i otwi

dtpot. II ATOOflo do rOpoi^ roriA

WTMH NKW VOIIK OLIPPKB pab-llotao* a>i|r OBO •dlilea, BBd ttet U datedmm Mow VoTk.^


Miooiooiii iiioiaiiiiioniniTBo au.ioqoior 0001 lOOOU WAITS to TAOOI WHOM TAIT OBOI. 10OAABorTUECUPPEBrooromoo. AixumuwiixlODTUTUioooiwtii onr. IPtNOAOmoriATrauTBUUL ooArirr li ioooit, Bono lo on uir orROIJTa op AAOniBB riOA WAOiAPOViOOBOonOOTMiiL OB TBtaaBAra.

TIIE&TBIUAIu1'. N.~-W< CAS BdA DO rccnrd or ttio PArlr'a Bp-

poBimoco Bl UiAt must. "Boccaccio" wu doDO Atibo WindoorltKAUe Miroh 1, luil, kj U. B. HBlin'aOpofA 00., o( Bliloh Jeonio Wlniioo waii Iho our.A. iND W. 11., BcrBBIoo.—1, 1. Tlio iMri; begnn

iKr OAretr bo a iloicr. Uor blogfiphiail ikmobBppoarad ID Tub Oliitih boarlDg dsu Uaj 14,

IDM, oopin ot wDlcbwecaD ouppu, 3. Tnooooiorpi«4uolloa would, InclutlluKPoronBAO orupant,piobAblr AUinout to $M.ooo: wNUr»peoon,rroDiti.a»to|i,wo,0. L. U , Haa(Uo.-K<IWAr(l lUmonjI plAjod Bl

Kooler i blAl'A id ilo e>rl} Wa.S. A. 8., Hetoour.—About Hilrtj por week.K.W. l>.,ltonlieaU)r.-l. BlmmoDdaA BruwD, l.UT

BroAdvar, New York Ulif. 'i. Jonopli JelenoDwaaboni Id rmiadelpDlo, Fob.M. itiu. llo madebli dnt appeAranca wdod toor jcara old,

U, W., UuiTalo.—1. Tbe line lo wliloli you rembad Toferooco not lo the mattor ooDlalued In tbooolama at tbe fool or wblob It appoarod, but to

tbo eotire draisAtlo portion or tbe paper. 2. Wodonotdeallnlbeui.

U. U. U., UiuDklju.-Addreai Fiuk llArdlug,mUower/i lola vlu.

1. B., PbibtdoJpblA.-Addreaa lolitr In care orTniULirriH.W. M., I'awtuokel Addreaa ibe partj la can or

TmULlPVIM.J. L. s—Ounbrldge.—Abont twenty doUAre per

week.H. F., Newark.—Tbey are entirely dlmrent

pteya.IKQDIIITITI, HI. LouU.—We bATO nofor aeon tbe

nater ol tbo oompanT.B. H. U., Uoaion.- Boo anawer lo R, V. In tbia la-

auo.0. G. I.., UBTlavllle.—Wo do not know uo where-

aboniB or tbe Party. Addreaa letiurin our luro andwo wllladToiilw II.

No. 24 ritlAburg.—We noror fntnlab InronuaUonoonoerolog tbe duoieoUo alfaira or profeulonala.COHINMIR.—1. Advonlae your aoDg In Tiii Clip-

riu, ruroltb ooploa graiultoualy to ninmben or tbe

Sroieaaioa, and thus create a iteuitnd among tbeoalera. i. We do ucl fuol at liberty to quoio Trade

dlaooun>i.U. H. U., Worceaier.-l. Tboro la no tniib wbal-

cvcrlDllioa'aioiuont uiado loyou. t. Wo keep norccordaur pultce mauera.A. Y. U

,llADg ir.-Aildroa tbo party In caro or

TuirurriB.H. v., Uwrenoo.-Addreia H. It. Birool, 46 Brooke

81rMt,llaitrorO, CLW. P. II., Ktu Olalr.—You can piobably obtain

Ibe woik rroo Woaloruian k Co., BrJ Broadway, orBlrlgor A Oo., it l*ark I'Uoe, lintb or Uila cliy.

U. P. 1)., Now BodroM.-You cannut obtain aooDyilgbttoraDBot.Phil.—Tbe word "cue" la derived from ibe Lalln,

Cauda, a tall, and aa used upon tbo alage la appliedto tbe oloalug woida ur piayor'a apeeob tbat giroa bint to Ibe nut apoaker to begiD hla llnea.

1. K. L., Bierllng.—Wo do not know Ibe aong to

wblob you nfer, aa tbo party aang quite a number.U. A Ucfl., Uncolu.-1. There U uo tkelcb or tbo

aortonlberuad ao r«r ae wo know. 1. Forty del-

lara per went. 9 Wo du not ibink It would take,ultra looloni, Mid llKly to bKomewearlionie.

li. W., Longlilaiid Oily.—Walcb oor route llal, oraddreaa tbe pany lu care or Tub Olii'i'Bh.

L. U, PlilUdolplila.-Uee ywiinldauii'j Uiiltfr,

puollahed by W. U llooaldson, Ulnolnnall, U.B. K. C, Lore Ulty.—Addreaa Nornun It Eiani,

Lookpori, N. Y.J. U.I'. H., Kano —tviiru tbo pieaeulaeaaon cloaca

remain lo New York wbllo ooiupanlea aro roruilng,

and make tkeraoDal appllcalloue to niBDagcra.W. J. H., Uuhlln.-l. Addreaa Muhkt .t Uo.,

llAsdolpbBnd Jeitbraou l9lioeie.OblCBgo, III. x lie

doaaa balaoiiing aci. 3. We ihink uio patty waawlib B "Jano" i». 4. Doo Turr anawon.R B., Kaneu Ulty.—We bare been uuablD lo Dud

any rocord ul tbo prcduoUon or an oi>en bearingibetlue.tou tsentlon.B. F. P., OoDnelBTlHo.—I). Iilakoly li uunailDg

tbe tour of Bouaa'a Band. Too ultaer organltaiTonabeing minor ones tbelr niauagcra aio unknowntoua.W.U., Uanotieator.-Tbore la no auob orgaulu-

Uon M )ou naiue. Tboro la, buwovcr, a Board or

Trade, conilailog or a number or the ICBdlugAmonoan muaio publtahoii, Ubaa. It. Ullaon iUu., New York City, can give you panioubtra.

UAIIUB.iHrautanoii, lUIUmuro.-l. 1> won tbe band In

wblon A opened tbe pot on an luiuQlclout band,and In tboBbaenceofanroiborapculalagreemeuttbe baiter la loed twice iiie amount cl tbe otlgloalanla. 9. Uote la tbe role: "ir no player oomea In

except tbe one wbo broke tbe pot on an luuiUcleniband, a new band muat bo doalt and tbo iwnallyadded to Ibe poi."

U. U. II , Indlanapolla.-There being no apeclalundeniAuulog to tbe coutnry. iboo tbe piayci*wbo tied OQ tbineen aro lo play oiT, the winnertaking tnt prlio and ibe loeer eoooud. Tbe ibirdblgbril plAyer iwa no claim on any nriie.

0. U. 11 , Ua>lAnd.-A larlibi. The iwo teamatbat tied tor OKI piue play oillor cboloe, I be loaoiataking eeoond prlao.

J. K, Waablnglon.-lt waa nol a mlideal.J. P. W., MiDueaiKilla.—A and B gain two polnH,UcO. U., I'olladelpblt.—Uoly Iwo pnlnla can be

taken for a eucbro, wiiotbor the party euubered waaplaying a lo"e band or not,W. S. P., (, Cbraicr.-In aevcn up, when tbo two

playan are tied fur gaiuo, ur when then la uo gameout, tbe non dealer ii eullilcd to score Iho poiuL

r. U, TlllOD.-lt was a uilideal, and ine cardsueil be ahniHed again, renut and dealt over.

K. K., NewYork.-Pieaae explain the caeemureclearly and we will anawer. wo are not exactlyueilAin aa lo yonr lueaning.

P. B., Waablnaion.—Any sir»l|lii doita, eventbough It he the lowest Ibai can be hold, li a"myaJ" flueh, It being so railed only to dliilogulib

It from au urlluirt nuab, Just as In aoDie plaon II

Is termed a "llger" nuali.

P. W. T., Waurtown—Inthe game otall tours,or seveu up, the Jack ouqiiia tbe moment It la

turned up by Ibe dealer.

BABUDALL, VIIICKKT, HTC,V. T. M., l>0IUdelphla.-Only one safs tall was

made In lbs lame between tbe Alloonaand Wilkes-batro teama, June 4, IIM, at Altoon*, Pa,

I J. R., Tonnlo,—1. ns IsrgtBt total oo reeotd laaninofagiQ AmencBli Uie sw mad* by 0. B. Fat-t«rsim's«le?ea Hslsst A. M. Wood's sierini, Aug.31, a, IM, at Pnllsdslpbl^ Fa. O. S. Patteraonscored 3TI nn«, E, W. Okrk I4T nns ai W.Rnokle 181 rani. t. Yon will tai a completeobiDDdoglca) list or tbe cbtet erms In crtoket. In-

olndlDf oehtoiles, Inibe New You Ourro Ax.HDaL for ISM.

C. F. T., FiOTldeice.—A pholosiBpli and bio-graphical sketch or tbe ptsyer oenUoned would beacoeptabls. We nse only ine cuts tbat an made byonr eognTSr from pbotognpbe fnmlsbed.

ATHLBTIV.0. 0. ll.,OonlAnd.—Tse lArgast track tbat can

now be obtained In Madison Square aarden, aoll'able lor pedeelrlan and bloyole touroAmests, Is oneot itD clrcDlis to a mile. Tbat waa tbe circum-ference of tbe path need on tbe occaalan of tberecent 'oycllog loomey tbei«. Betore the bnlldisgwas torn down and recoosirucud s track requiringbnt elibt lape to compleie s mile wsa oualnable.

R. W., Pateraon.-Toere are many peraont, bolbaraateor and pfornalonal, wbo baye a record otmonltg one kondred yarda In ten aeconds.W. J. 11,, Doblin,—A handicap nee Is one In

wblob tbe man placed on icraich concedes bla op-poneois aUowancn, In eltber dlilanoe or startingtime, wim a viaw to cqnallilng ibo chaocea and In-snnni a dote Dnlib, tbe apportionments belogbased on tbe relailve abllltr of the itaiters aademoistraled by pioTlons peironnancts,

Rino.W. A. u, Albany.-1. John L. BnUlvan and James J.

Uorbelt rougbt ror a pnrse ot lu.tno and a alake otm.ooo, being tbe largest amonni of money evercooteoded for In tbe prize rlsg. Tbe Igbt betweenBob Viiulomona and Jim Hall was suied la be fora pone ot 140,000, bat wa ondersland tbat tbe win-ner failed u receive witbin costlderable of tbatBDonot of noney. Tbe sgieemeut between Oor-belt and mialmoone Is to flgbt for a pnrse of141,000 and a atake of Iso.lWO, 2. Tbe qnesUon wuaiuwered In onr latt Issue.COKSTAKT HiiDiB —1. JBOk Dempsey bu en-

gaged in and won more dolab llghia tsan did JohnuBuIllTsn. 2. We do not know lbs place, nemp-aiead Is a town In SnOolk Oounty, N. Y.H. V.,Toledo.—Charley Hltcbell's inited weight

at the time heroupbt Jim Oorheitwu UTIb, l£al01 Oorbett being iMlb.

TURF.(XiKsraKT Itiasiii, Omaha—Bee aialliUcs In lut

Issne or aooaww Tur/cuiae lor im.B. r.. Waierrille.—Tbe weaibtrcondlUonsbaylni

cauatd a poatponcment or ibe trot, tbe bet Is nuland void.

UIBCELLANBUDB.T. H—A very old obeetonl. Toe caller wu Ibe

prlaooer'a fatber.A. W„ Amsterdam.—We believe they am only for

rtnt. For fall Infotmallon apply to Prof. Tbomulidlaon, Henlo rBrk,arange, K. 1.

U. U. II., Bosion.—The medallion of Oolnmbns Is

tbe head of tbe Uolomblan hair dollar.B. F. B., New Phlladelpuhi An exclusive prlrl

lege cannot bo had. You can rent a place from anyowner of property.B. II, B- Ooabooion.—Wrlie to Piank W. Banger,

Hadlsun Bqoare Qardeu, Mew York, for tbe lolormatlon.

To €orrei|KindeBlt«W. UovrAT. Siroud iQloi.), BoiUnd.-Madi obll|i«d

IuUmO (or junr oooitMua rrbljr tud MfMAbU sdiicm-iioDi Tb* tsiund laooMi ol ib« 'CbMt Cod«" ts *•)'oomsDivBJo 01 Nbt.—V« biT* fto.ftppuvBily, ImborUut uU

^ffui kU«r utd pftMr for jnn. Wbsr* shul «• II

BH*. KOLUWI—iryOD ioif 11 iDHlTlublft tn MDdaji)-Uluii to Bro. Hftbsoo. will joa pluM rit* as jour mi-dreH uHl k iDdIr Uk« cbURs ol tbt tboT* lUms for bimtJuHH Oakohi1.-0 lad TOD wtn piMitd. tbAll ob«*n*

]fOurwl«b*iiJoe BTBFfliKtov.-Rlfht (n rs No*. I.W; now Hi m

nonniMDd p&rUcaUrlr BnlgatNo l.W.J. I. UiDwiKi—llu«rv.Cu*uo ud Bt«vbHK>a boib

saDd u utljUoaJ mIuIIoo ol BdIc. I.SM, sAd Mr. 0.toDkld»ii Mr. lUbsoii'i Uil tbr«»-«r (Frob. KBTtf ft

touibir ohMt'DuLJ.A.Oakmh—Tbt prvbUm lifUdlf v«loomsd; sola-

tloaieDrrHt-MuMbcnoibiot Iwrron tod: lb* ebwteoluDDyoutoqalrtaboDtwudiHOBUBuMioiiitiiiODth*tiDo*. to tbo mat TfMTOi ol aa al<.BDiToa MUy iMnfaprap^ Bloomlostoo. Ill -Yonr

klBdljud fruarati vraatiDg la blibljuipnoUtad: *•MlTajroorftulOBluiD lo full.W. Pbhn Huirur. fblUdalpbla.—Your nply ovar-

•boloH us ita laDaroDB abuDduca Tba brotbarljtaiur, tb*"auliatlo ot tba OodUmdUU OoiraapondaDeaToaroaT." aod iba adulrmUo iranloit group of mlnu-lur« |>boua ol ao many ol lu pla>*ra. lono » Xauu glUlo niika 9laA tha bwt erao or awLita ML roclusa.fiu). UiLBKUTH.-Baiura tbla, «• uoit yuu «ll( rs-

MiTs a ruil»r raply tbao cao b« giTta bara to sour atArt-llDg obaaa duoloiuraa

i. B, C. d4i Eckea.BYM OOUHKL.

tfr 1 ^alKB, IS. OBS KB4,l^woaljHllKttr

* II t"'""S.'i,.'""'kV4'>

Whrt* DiAtaa lo alL

No. l.UHS.Mmtml Oiurtte.bT J utuDMiuun.

atXBI; Ki, ORS, IBl

* t t talKE^QRl, KKta. BS.

It 4.

White biataa la aavaa.

PrabUm No, 1,WI5.

Pnm "A. B. c. <Sa Ectuei"RV Hiaa J. aauwN

WHltB (ao Amaunr)

BLAIIK illlaa B.) aaoooooaa taaia In nloa diotm.

Uanaa No, I.VBS.

Nat •tpwllDp aor nioia of lha ladlaa cbamplDBBkipvaisaaalpnaaBLwaglTaMn WunaU'avlotoir.-naua'

UlUOCOritNO.Wblta, Blaak,

BraWonall MimShovaltail..l"loI4 -


t..K II-BIS..K B-B4


s..i'-uir..r-2 HIa..uH-|[>s..iIhx ItO..IIKIMB1..UKI-KIia..^KB411..K R-HI


K IUB><!ull«a

l'-«B4ItC-IaqKitsPx P

IS..UKIxr <1B-Kllia..il-Kia KR-KIir.r-K Kill O-harS

Whlia, Black,Vi».Wotrall MnShowaltar.ll..ri<IIS(l| KKltoBla..Pi(P+ia..a R-KB



I8..h-KM»..UKt-QI>..KBirB ijR-^aqmvMi iDialUblr loaa tba tuia.

(o)S..H to Kt a, or 0*00"

Ki-K so3B K Kl




V..«lB)r BW..KR-KII».

^ B X B, wu bauar; iha UitiMTaiftvaab laiar* lor Black to tbaabapaol donblodPa.

(1) Matarallr to mak* as ouilat lorlbo Ki : bat not lb-Toiabt*. aa JiiaolilDf tba adiarM ra ud laftflai barowBUFla«l«iad.Wvmtr praiixand Tigoroaa; bai wo tell to laowhr

la dn« not follow wiitt tb* tiroanr ooatloaatioa,I..B « P 4. ualBUtolBgih* P.(ti r. -R In K a would, probabli, bav* la) to a binokodBMi* and a likolf dimw. 1* cvallBU*d, tbla |l*Ma Wbllodujaraua paaaad P.(l> Tb* baBiBQiDB orbaraorlnaatroublaa: tbo Raboald

alBPlj rotara to K t Wblto'a paaad P aooa abovaup aaa vInntBi ailvaniaf*.

(4) Ali«r lb* OAcbaBna. wlib lb* pta*** Boaa, wtg aAarBUok'aM... thagamaia pTMiioallj OT»r

Uatherwd <lr»l».Tba AlblQ-Bbowaltar mateh wu onodndad D*«. tt,

wboQ Mr. Bbovaliar woo lb* iw*air-Bitb an* aod tbamuch. Ibo aoot* balag: SbowdUr, Id; AlbiD, T;drtBo, 8 n* Tatloua haodloipa aad oib«r toor*oaniMta (a ifaa uatropoiia ara amooiblr idotIor ob toOMinloUon iBtbia r«A<baaonrr««d*r*iba«Malogbatiuof th* M*iroi«litaa Laagua will baro b**o (oaibt.

Tba iBiaroollaBUt* loDrMf opfood oo Dm. tL and«B*a w«tw ptBiad aaob day dariDi tbo rvii oi tbow»*b. Ilimrd laada witb 7 wlu; ibaa folleva Tolawitb I wiBt, PrlaeatAB «lib wluaad i^lBmbla witbIM Voillp Rlcbardwn lara aa •ihlbiUoa ni at.naluoaOBB play wiih twalr* plarbn at tb* Brook-In. N. v., Ob*M tJlBb at Doa & Tba play laaiadtbTM boBr«, a&d raauHad U Mr. Btobardao* win*Blag T ganaak drawtan 4 aad loatag I, AnkvJSoawftiM balag bla wlaalag oppooaat Oor Ma^

ropoUtaa 0. 0. la pottlag lortb vigonHU aad Usd-aUa afforta to aollat ncnrta,oatol|«boB Itmaydrawsuarial to atraogibaD It* l*«m lor tba Laagaa eooiMta.

Tbo Maahanaa'a cballanga baa baao aonplad brtba BrlUah o. 0 . BO tbat, tbougB all tba daulLa ai* ootHl« WriMMI W. V a v a«s«s HIVUBU BBS —m u«wiaB mtm aavi

aaulad, Ibla aicltlBg irmaa At<aoUe dbIoH will araata-

»t« Mow It naalaa to hop* tbat tba capital aeg|*a*tino ol a plekad taaa ol ib* dra boat prolaaaloBal bu»laraofLoadoa aod NawTorkdo batti* loraBpramaey.W MO that Boma ol tba Eogiiib papan bavebraa^ad ibo Uoa that iba BrlUvb 0. C la aoibiBg liko

aaadaqnaua rapraaaotatlra of tb* aiioogtb ol BaglUhuatanr chaaa aa ib* Maabattaa la of AD*r«cantaor talaat rromwbatw* hoowol ihalr mnbarBbtp.Iiaaana carialn tbat tba M- 0. 0 woald bar* boaa ealladupoo to (ua a lODgbar Ora from tba raoka of iba Citi


or MaimpolJtaD d. 0 PbiUde)pbia ctiaaa, major.minor, corraapoodeoeo. aod all aorta, la np to bigbwitar mark, tau raporia diract from oar aav eoatribtor, Vallar Pana Bbiplay, bimwil aivaya in tba for*-

fWaiwbaooTar tor eouoaal or battla aayiblog l« to b«doao to proatota Pblladalpbla cbaM; aod oarar badlaidaraamoia loyal bodyol loIlow«rB than Iboaa aamoPblUdalfhla amataara. Mr 8 baa laid oo oortabia aoopy ol tbo lint 'BoUailo of tba Cootloantal t^orro'

ridaoca Toaraay," aad all tia aecomoaoylog papira, a laiga rramiag abaat conlaioiag mioiaur

tratla of alily<flra ooaiaiiania in tbi* touraayValtar PoUiMr baa tArorad ui with a baadaoBo o«p7 oi

tata "tJbaaa UarnMOtaa," conUloloir ality**l|ibt iw<moraa, aad tbiny ibroo ibroaa, aad 0T*r. How, to tall

ifcaparpaodlealaruQtb.woaroaot riaklogtb* rncinr*ofoorpatallabf lalllng TlotatUroaonrkoaaatowoMbipwo moT« problaDB; yal, ooTaribalaap, ibaa* at* a tooddaatabora tta* ararac* ol aoAb bon-lK>oB, BBd tba worb«iTaa ampl* aTtdaoeo of ablllir to do aomatblog bouar.

ra boiwaUy r*oommand oar raaoara to atad aiaiy c*at«,a . .a-. —

-r of wbai wa bopa li

waltar Politiar. >. O.orBl tor an olaiaaily booad oopr, of wbat wa boca li

ooly Intaadod lor a ProdromBB, to waltar Politiar. >. OBoxia,Ofaa(aTaUaf, N J.. ..Tba oawMawUrtaaaaniobbaa ataricd off-wall, aa* haro: S TUi UU. 121 mambera,aad atiU oomlog "tik* dovaa to tbair wiodowa," wb&tavartbat maymaao, le baa adoptad tb* nama^'LonltkaDaObaaa aad WbtalOlnb," «ltb tbo diatlaet goaranty tbatdarotaaaof dmnabu ahall aivaya Im walcom* aad nadato fa*l at boa*, tboogb tbe oam* of iboir pvtim* do«anot appaar lo Iba Utio. Tbadrat board oi olBeara la anotabia ooo: Praaidant, O. 0. Wllooi; tIo* do, H. BTriat; aaaratarTtJobn A.Qalbraaibl; traaaarar, FbiaaaaMoaaa; goveroragoommlilaa-Maaara. Prladrieba.Piltcb'•It, Boy and uebvana Xoomf, at praaant, OontinanulOoaida* Amor/, UOCaaal Htroat

•*Bead hj All GUaiea.*Such UUiatltla of tba fraUnal aniole abora alladod

in Id "ro''orr«*poodanta,'*wtluaBaN>utna la TheDatlfAuiburapA, of BloomloitoB, III, aadar data 0*« II, *Mtiur arTnna to plaaao la ail dapartmanu w* toach araibua gaoaronal* Mt lonb: ^Ton hiv Yoaa CuKPia ofItatwaak conpllraaota a citUao oi Mabomat(J A. Car.•oa] OD a oiavarcboaa problam Taa *^Lirrmua cb*aaaad Btaaekareolanoa ara among Iba moat iBtanattog to

ba loead Id aoy pnblleailon, and ita cireotation la irad-oally growing amoDg paopla In Waaiarn proTloelalettUa wbo ar* In oowlaa alliad to Iba Ibaalrleal profaa*aioa, to ableb tba paptr ia ladlapaaaablo. Ailda ironipoiilog aod dramaiio avaota, tbara la alaaia a RoodHoiy. poauyand mora or loaa mlioallaay Toti makaaTBI Ourria laiaraatiBf and aapoelally to tboa* wboaro In aay way coaaaeiad or coooaraad witb tba ataga orlu pwpl* "

B. I«oyd'i **SoaTanlr.r Ua«HT B, DDOIMIT.



"Tbla la bow lha placaa muat bara itood bafora tha laitmuTO on both aldaa:


Wblto InpBy:W..R to Kt 0,PtoE B4(Q B. D.|; and Wbit* la to glT*maio la loar wmtba."Bat bara wa eoma id atlil aaoihar dllDoaltj. How

oouM tha Wblta K gat lato bt* praaMOt poaitma wbanunllltba U»t moTO, BUok'a X B PbadramalDad oo luori|loalaaBarat Again tbar* ta only ooo •Dlanailoo.Ha moit uva Roaa by war nfQReiKtTQBILatoBut, Ifao, II aaama lmpft«»lbl* th^t ba conNl aror baragot paal Black'a B. walcb waa craaiod oa Q R 6 andooBtd only bara r*a«b*d lu poaltlon by way ul tb* K Bftla»*How tbla and otbtr dlOoultiaa aro lot orar. tba r*ad*f

will dliooTar lo th* aubjolnad aolalioa, but bla attaatlonla diraatad to tb* twautilul aconomy of Whita'a nnvaa.hrt a nutva la waa'ad aoy whara. For •xaiDpIo, lb* K Ktgauio K B e la *iactly foar noToa, tbe q Kttott Kaqin ATOBOTaa; In aacb oua tbafawaai poailbla. Tb* K,goioB by way of K B S. raaaboa bla goal In IblrtaaomoTaa, olo Q ai), would bara takao fourtoBo moToa. Tbaway tba Ba aro playad li aicaadtngly pr*lt', uKlltlBffBatb«y do th* opaa raoksasd flita In tha alek ol Um*. m-loiathay ai« eloiad opforarer. Uaidl/amoT* cao b«tfiQppoMd IQ tb* wbol* lamtiall tb* principal morasand MM)u*BCoa ara Imnntabla; aad tb«wbola pnblamli a th'ogarbaantyaad a aiioh* of g»alBa,onlTto boapproelatad alur earafal aoalialaTba apooial laaturoln Mr Dudanay'aand Mr. Wblt«'a

luproTamaoti on tba aatbor'a orinoal aolo-lon la tbaacoDOBlcal play of Wblta a K B, wblob geu to Ita praa-ont poaltlon In oulr tbroa uoraa. Tbia raault la oblaloadby alialMr Loyd call tbo pr«tty pUy ol iba<) tnKBaoandlCI Mr Loyd plajed tba Quaao by way KaqaadKBc Tbuaartd onamo** lor tn*Q, but aftcaa-Biutad thalonoi too nora* with tba R.



l..PloKIt4 PtoKSI..KB-RtS KB-84a..EB.K44..K B-KteB.



7..B PX He..K r



" »g 11-83

t S B-R1It-BS

9..KUPX KtI0..V-B1 Q-KIIL.K-htaS (MrB4lt..QMPX F If Kl-Il13..K Ki-B4 Kt^l-I-U..K-U4 iIt-KC4ie..Bt3PX EtKB-KtB^lie..K-UB6 n-blal1T..U Kt-Q4 E-hUtlll..KtMPxBP-lftSt19..K-Ktln..K B-B rqii..K-qHeS^.R^X Bas..l'-4Kt4M.aQ B-hlaB



l-Ktaqara our diagtuo.P-UR4' _„ _

wbieb add tha aabloioad mora M.. aad "aov.havlogpiorad not laly that tba poaltloa la poaatola, but tbauBiywayiD abioh it la poaatbla, and ibit Biaek'a U..waa P to K B i wa bara otubllabod oor rlibt to pbky PX PmpoiMM. wblrb U tba kay moraof lOBloor moreproblam (ratbar a tama affair ta livolf It la tri.«}tbua:1..P n ftrtmu dti -f ; U..Bto Ktftaf : &S..QioKte-f;M..Qtob*rlmata

To CornapoBdanta*J D JARViaa—Yoarr»toaaleompllad wlib.Da Boaiana.—It* bop* tbat Toor afforu will maat

with a loll maaaai* of auocaa*J A CoaBS-YoaralBdlauarraoalrad Tha probUn

baa *om* aiarit, bat not aaiBolaaL If tba atrosa war*aot BO apparaotwa would publUb It with plaaani*. Latu baar Irona )ou againJ. H.lawiv-Hooalrad alibptaamr* B*«b*low.J. T WiiHiBOToy —Vouta at band O KR P. OnBAHUia —llow abont iboaa aamaatH, N MtcaoiB.—W* a*T*r aaw tt m1oc*l WUl adrUa

MolaUoM or PaalUoB No. 43, Vol. 41*.

ar w acvAiD. hbw loas.KMD UAMK

Black 1 1 ft 7 0 UWblUti 0 U tt IS IIWblta to pIat aad drawn ITl*) T 14 U 10 9 10 II T

t 13 ID 9 13 IT 19 10 Drawn.17 10 a 14 10 r 14 O

(*> ObIt iDOTa to draw.

PoalUoB Ro. 44, Vol. 41I.


nHt¥i 9 H* t| II 10

Whiuta s II » 18 uWblU tn i>\aT and dra*.

Tbla U aa aading Croaa nu fflofpow Amid, aad a rar?

Rowa ot iho ammo.J. H. Irwla «T4 lhat ba waa aot In Now Orlaaaa vatH

tbar alaa*laMManh,aBi that bB bop«awh*«T«rVoraBbi

Imparaooatad bin mada a |ood aeora. BothiakaPnabRolllBa lha boat plaiar.aad nadaih* lollowlag aaaraawith bin; Trwln. B; BoIUdb, 0; drawa, 0 Ooorg*Bacbaaoaa. tb* oiaagow dMmpIoa, la playlag bllBdIoMebockaiB witb eoBa'danblo auoeaaa Aa oaa of th*haat nathodaof irainlag bla papll* In tba art of tblak-iBc, Fror W A Dr*w, propnoior of DroWa Bualoaa*CaU*!*, ngio. IIL, bulatrodnead tb* gam* of eb*ct*rala hla eollai* O*o.j*w1it. 'TbA Hall IrtIbcIM*'*hu loat ftarlad a floo eolnmn la The UuU Airwa. Boll,EaguBd. Mr Jawlu la abont forty i**ra old B* «om*mancad to play obackar* wban ba waa alitaaa la tb*i«omai£baa b*t«**n Beotland aad BaglaDd Mr. JawluplayBdagalait Wyri*.Maruna. Forrla. Hotrand Rrydaotbacraamol BcoiUtbpla)an,and loat 3 won 1. draw 31.

TaklBR laio cooaidantJon ibat tb* llatcoaialaatwoax-chonpioaa of tb* world. tbU la a graat aoora, and MrJawluiaa graat plajar ....TbarobaTebataaannbarol ' baat*' rfaackarmajtaaloaa at dllTaraDl timaa. batw*Bay, with all lb* TBhamaocowa poaaaaa, tbat ne DraMghUn&rld,a«ltU>loc*J.L*oaiooH durgeoi tha gam a dapansaB^aupaaaaaallotbarBBgiBlocidarotad toohtok-•ra tbatwa baroaaaa. "P. B.," aaproblfm boataror poal-tlon beaoUBar.eaoaot b« b*at*B. ADdJaBW*I«** Ibtb* lir* llBaauiat h* baacboaea niailfatocbaebera, la

the araataat llrlBg axponaat loday From now onMr- Taomana will C*«ptb*waateula Club opao MoadayBfid batnnlaTOTtDlo|B,aa bla pauou tahaapbia otbartJma w. H. MoUORbllB. ot Mala*. "Oada Toby,'*wboB ovary ebaohar ptajar haa board ot, vlaliad Boaionrrcantlj, aad mad* th» foUowiogaooraa: MoL.S; Daaa,3; drawn. 0. McL.O; Plahham.O; drawn. la Mcb.O;Dwrir,0;drawB,l MoL. ljCbapia,0: dnan.0. MoU,i: Pnffar.O: drawn,). MoL., 1; Babbwd l;dm«n.a.MoL, 0: Hilior 0; drawn, 1. MeL. 0: Uamnara 0;drawD, 1 McLs.. S; Marrau l:dnwn,4 VcL.i; Bllai^l;drawB,l. MeU 1; Dakia, 1: drawn. 3 M«L-a:Blrd,0: drawn. 3 Mablag a total ol won M, loat 0, dmao 4^.

Mr. MolAngblui broaobad tba aabjact ot a tontnamaat10 daolda tba Kaw Eniiand abamploaabip. Mr. D«aa,pr«*Maoi of lb* Boaion •'backarOlnb. hlaatr offarad tb*uaaoT tbalrronma, wbleb oilarwaa aceaptaif, and It

—daddad to bold a lonmayon Waablngton'a Birthday,

GBMia So. 44, Vol. 4)1.

IBBBOULABPlayod In Brooklyn on Doo H, I8M, bot»*eo Malrin

Brown and A J. D* rr«aat Mr. Brown playad black.....10 Ift » 14II »

31 17» II

B Ba 11

9 aII 13

16 to31 IT7 »17 14

10 1731 14


u a I 10


a 197 10

U 0A 1413 9

a ae 9

I t

3 19

14 a17 18

3» VD D15 19


(a) Thla lj naw. Tba mala Idaa waa to pat conauadof aqoara 14 br tb* obaoga, 17 to 14, aa pU) ad. Ia anBi*b«tw**B Wyllla aad BoMrtaoa, aomo yaars ago, wyUl*ranrd * folloaa:

3i Mb "

a 13

U 19

17 U4 3

37 a13 34

U Ua 19

4 817 IS

8 11

U 17

11 U

a IP "r

B It 19 •U M I li a II 1 lus a a i; ) la a 19B II 9 S It t7 It BB IP 91 IT IP It

J» '11 It S t 10 It DravB.IB IS n 14 17 a' ", It M e u

r^w^lai •dthiaaaitloat I Htibar:» a 17 It B 14

IS 14 10 u 9 B 17r 11 It 10 U I 91 u7 u S It 11 u U Dn It 17 10 u B n HIIS ts 7 li It B t 14n It H 17 14 10 DiawB.s ; It la 7 14

ATHLETIC.CbrlalBiBS Among tlie AthlelM.

Tbe Park Atblellc Aawciabon beld a fleld meet-ing at the gronnds at Uaspttb, L. 1,, on Ubrlatmasafternoon, and, ibe weattaer being very pleaaaot,Ibere waa a goodly crowd of entboslssts presentTbs bonoit of tbe day were carried off by LcnlsHsrtel, wbo won ball a dozen events. BumnaryOaa Awidrcd yortfa run.—rirat baat; Woo by Loula

Manel. acraleb; fatar Aioaoil 4,0*., aaeond. Tim.I IMl Beoood baat: Won by cobart Kaaa, Stda. ; JamaaP. wbllaai, S>da. aaeaod. Tlma, lITfa nird baat:WoB by AlavaDdarOlloloD Sjdi,: Da.ld Wblto. 4ida.tacaod. Tlma, lIMa Plaal baal: Woo by Mane), Bansaeoad. Ollalon tbiid Time, IIHa.

T)a> kundita and fwatp pordi rua.—Pint baai; Woobr AtaKandar CUdud, 4)da. ; falar Amaod. Srda , ,ao.ood. Tima, Ba. Paooad haat: Woo br Aaibroaa Stat-laid. IM,; Loala Hartal, nraub. aaeood. Tioia SKiTblid haat: Won by Edward Pgray, djda : Jarsaawafda.4jda, aaoood. Tima. 2H|l .

MartaL Amaod aaeond Kaiay tbiid. Ttm%UH*.Qtantr mUe nu.-Woo \j biiiU MaruL a.,.,— ,

ratar Aiaapd,_Uida, aacoad; Jamaa p. Halcblojoa.

'loal baal: Won by... TImhttXa.iMola MaruL scrslab

1M«- Iblid TiUi, im. IMa.Ba(railUrtia.—WnDbyLoalalfartal,aermtob; Edvaid

.t?""! Oaoria Uotehlotao, Brdatbiid. Tima, tm. l^a.Tm Aundrtd and tiemttf yarda run -FIru beai : Woo

by Loola Banal, toraub: Oaoiia BuubloaoD, Srda.aacood TlBe,ltKa KaaoDdbaacnnroobyJaoabSelialar.ayda; HomaKorcoD, erdiL, laeoed. Tima Ma Ploalbaat: Woo by Haiul, UatafaUMO aaeond, Bebaiar IblidTlaia.SKaOafaundmfaiid iwnip pan>< Aunu raac-Plnt baat:

Woo br K J. Colby, Irda ; Uaoria Ualcbloaoo, tyda., a«oood. Tlma, ItH*. Baooo.l baat: Waa by Loain ManaLaaratob; Palar Amaod, HydL,a«00Dd. Tlma. imi Pinalbaat; woo by Uaital Amwd taoood, Bntcblaaoo third.Ttma, ItWaOne nfu rvA.—Woo bj Tbomaa Bnrrlaoa. rcimtab,

Janma PliDn,40ida., aacaad; L4oDnfOM.aftdL. thirdTima,lin.IV(>.flK mUa run.—Woo bp Tlioaiaa Morrlaoo. leraleh

Fraok DaonraB. UQrda., aaooad; B N. Breiatt. lootdatbird. TlD0.9ChD.ibH,Onaailieio/ttolluturaa-Pliaibatt: Woabrldaaid

Uarl. toialch: M ballar. Syda, lacoad: ilbanCai-laD.Bida,ihl-d. Tlm.,te. M<a. Sauod haal: WoobyArthorMlBdeo Shda:aaArga MartiD.tCrda.iacoBdJi.r. Bolih.40ida..lhud. Tlma. Im MM, Ploal haat:Wao^ by Bart, Oallaa aaeond, Mladao third. Tina 7a

'^'iwo mm n/Hp tIcpcK nuc-Plrtt haat; Wra byOaoraa Mama, hOyda.; J 1*. Hmlib. Bltda. aaaoad.TImatm. BKa Btcoad baat: Won by Bdwaid Hart,•oraiob: irihor Biodta. TOydtn aaooad Tloa im. eta.Piaal baat; Won bp Bare Bmltta aaooart, Mladaa third,Tlma,im,e.a«»imtiu»l«»iiia||>.-WoB by Barry Mortoa, larateb:

llielo.; rtBDli Jaidan, tin., taoood, UL llo.: SlapbaoCoDoor, 910.. third Sft

A NaBbcr of FoatbaU Toamalined np on Cbrlitmat Day, and enjoyed tbemselyeafor a few bonrs kicking Uie leatber aboit, tbe wtatta

er being One aod tbe gronnds geneially in goodcondlUon for tbe sport Resnlt: At WaslUngtcn,D. 0., a team composed ot selected college playersfrom New York met tbe OMnmbla College AtbleUoOlQb, tbe game reanlUna In a tie; Communlpaw,.X. J., tbe Qotbamltes, ot New York, beat tbe Lifar-eliea, of Jetssy Oltr, three goals to one; at PiospeotPart, Brooklyn, N, Y,, tbe Peerless Atbleilo Olnbbeat tbe 01) mplo AtbleUo Olnb, lo tot; atBayosnr,N. J., tbo leam of tbe aieamsblp Lucanlt werebeaun by (be Oeniter He Atbietlo Otob, 3 to 0; atBfooklyn, K, Y., tbe .fiinas beat tbe Uerculca teamII to «; St Bayoone, N. J., tbe Bayonne Rangenandtbe CenlreTiUe Atbleuc Ulnb pbyed a tie game,neitber scoring; at Woodtlde, L. I. tbo teams rep-resenUng tbe Woodslde and Bayrlew AiblelioUlnba played a lie gaae,M«b side scorloi ibrse;at Fort Uamllun, L. I., ibe Olendale Atblcuo OInbbeat tbe liamUlon AtblcUc Olab, e to 4; at Bayonne,N,J.,tbe Ancbor AtbleUc Ulnb, ot tbla city, wenvIoloiB orer ibe arayllng Atbledo Olub, 1 to 0.

A Long Idaad LeagueOt football players wis organised at a meet big beldat tbe rooms of tbe Uamlllon AlbleUo OInb, Brook-lyn, N. Y,, on Friday oTsnlng, Dec 38, delegatesbeing pitsent from the foUowlog olube: WoodsldeA. 0., ol Woodslde, Losg Islsnd; Ltnrel Bill A, C,LsDiel Bill; Olenrtale A. 0., OlendAlp; Bay View A.0., of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Peerless A. 0., Bmklyn, M.Y.; Bnsbwlok A O., Bosowick, L. I.; AtlanUo A. 0


Brooklyn. N. Y.; Rldgewood A. 0., Rldiewood, L.1. ; Olympic A. 0., Rldiewood; and Baomton A. O.,Biookiyn. James W. Bolmea, Woodslde A. 0., waaokosen lemporaij obalrman,and Cliarles P, Sobnel-der lempoiBiy secrelaiy. It was decided to levy atax ot It per olnb on esob member of tbe organlta-tlon, wblob was obrlticned tbe Long Inland 8n.borban Football Aasodallon; tbe amonnt mlKodfioin tbe assessment of tbe oinhs comprltloi tbenewsasoclatloD, wlU be devoted to porohaalng avetT Bne cbamploaablp Iropby for tbe clnb tnatwins tbe largest number ol obsinplonsblp games.

Ton Btotllab-Amerlcan Atbli-tloOlnb bave electedtbe following 01)1oera for I8ts: Pretldent, Jobn J.Barnes; Ont vice preaident, Wiidam Mnsaon; s^-ond vios pmldant, James UooUgam; treasnrer,Artbu Welcb; reooitllni secretatr, FraderlckUoop: Isanolal sacreory, WUllam Alnswoiib; cap-tain, WUIIaffl HonabAo: lint Uenlenant Nell Bmltb;second Uenlenant, Jobn OooUban; (bird Uentenaoi.John May.On OaBimtu Dat tbe Crescent Olty football

team, of Bvanavllle, Ind., defeated tbe All Unlvorsliyiaani by a scoreotdio 4. Tbe aitendtace waalariie, Tbe Unlrsmlty elaven waa oooooaed of tbebeat men from Wabaab. Do Panwand Indiana Uol.vertlttea. Tbe CrceoeDt team ban played me en-Urateasoa wlib ibo lecord ot not bailog bad asingle player lojnrcd beyond a tew sciaicbta,TBI Bergen Point Atblellc Omb Is olBcered aa

follows for tbe ensnlog year: PreeMent W. J.Deaoa: nee prcaldeal, /. 8. A, BoaloidL tnasnrer,B. A BiBonsoa; ssuntarj, P. gmuvan:noojdlnt seemair, I, A. Wales; capteln, W.J.


Ohroaolocy of EwaBta la the Faglllallo

Araua Sorlac 1884.

ooBPiLso BXpaaasLT roB tbb saw roai ourpaa

Norm.-PlRbta with bara hoachWa ara daalsnalaU by a •.

Abbott BlAntoD, beat J. FAlrey, pane, Ur,, ttm.Providence, ft I„ Jan. %.

and Andy Bowcn, pnrte, draw, Kew OrleansLa . Hay 7.


draw wlib 0. Jobnson.btal W. Ifyer, parse, lir., Mm., Boston, Masa.

July 4.

beaun by EverbartAmeoa. Jake, beat O, Hnller, «r., 23m., West Nyack

N. Y.. Feb. 14.a

Abearn, Bob, iwaten by Uonsgban.and J. Halooey. puree, Itr,. Mm., police id.

letlertd, draw, Galveston, Tex., Oci. i.

Amsteor Boxing Auoclailon cbamploneblp compt.Ullona: Winners: Baniam.llSDand nnoer—P.A. Jones beat E. Wngbt; feaibcr, iMlb andundur—B. Qunn beat B. Bartob; llgbt w.Campbell beat A. Vabderhooi; middle, w.Sykeebeat W. II. Ueaib; beavy, UoraceKloebeat J. Falndon. London, Bog.. Apnl e.

Amateur Aiblrtlo Union annual cbamplinsblp box-ing compeilltons: Winners: Baniam. iwm andoniler-J. Uadden beat O. Rosa; reamer, lltiband under—R. HcVelgb beat U. Weloar; spe-clsl cisffl. 1211b—O. miner beat J. H. Corey;llgbt, iamb and nnder-C. J. Oebilng best HngbKelly; middle, lASlb and aader—Owen Hamejbeat E. Leroy; beavy, all over Itsib-E. stollbest J. J. Kennedy—MadUion Sqoarc Oardes,Kew York.

Abcaro, Billy, beat P. UcCarlby, 11,000, tr,, S9m„Coiona. L. I., June 28.

Allen. Flank, and J. Barron, purse, (r., itm., draw,Colma, Cel., July 2s.

Arcber, Jlmmr. best Artbnr Ryan, 1300, nr., 43m..near Brooklyn, N. Y.. Dec. 29.

Brcslln. Jobnny, beaten by Uurpby,Bnrge,Jlni. beaien by Valeniine.Boiler, Walter, bealeo by Byles.Barley. Jobn (colored), beat E. Cory, 1300. 2r., Tm..

druce'6 Lake. Ind., Uarcb 27.

Beniau, n.. beat C. Melb, purse, 2r., 7in., Oslves-too, Tezat, April 12.

"firlglil Eyea" (colored) draw wlib EverbartBarron. Jim. draw wlib UcCoy.

beaten by Allen.Brown, Jim, beat J. Kced, pulse, nr., 43u„ ended

In a row, Long Itland, llay K.Bain, "Kid." beaten by Rowan,Bowen, Andy, draw wiib Abbott

beaten by Lavlgno; fatal (o Bowcn.BannoD, Dick, beat M. Ryan, purae, Mr., Mo..

Ncwion, L. I.. Dec. Ii.

beaten by Clark,Boyle, Younir, bcaien bj Williams.Brodeilck, Pat beat P. WUIIsms, puna. Or.. 23iii..

Providence, H. I., July 23.Browo. One, beat J. Derby, puiwi, lir,, itm., Fon

Smiib, Ark..JnDe'i2.Burke, Jack, beaien by EverbartBarry, Billy, beat 0. Leon, 13,000, 23r., lb. ilm..

Lament III., Sopt 19.

Burke, Jack ("Tbe Irlsb Lad"), beaien by Sullivan.Berg, Barry, and R. Clark, puree, 7r,, 2Tm.. draw,

Newark. N.J..Jaly2«."Black Prank" beat H. Hnrpby, purse. Sr., 31n..

Lyons, N. Y., Oct 2.

Boxing exblblilons of any sort smaieur or profts.alODSl, problblled hy tbe BuperlDiendeni ofPolice In Cblcapo. 111.. Dec. la.

Boyle, Young, bfeitcn by Qiyno,Brown, Jim, oeaten oy Conway.Surge, Ulck, beaien by Pnicbard.

beat Harry Mloklcts, 13,000 and Ibe 1401bcbamplODSbip, 28r., lb. ilm., London, Eog.,May 4.

Brownley, Oeorge, beai T. Vatj, tKM, 4r., itm..Cblcago. la, Dec. 20.

Barry, Tbomas, beaien by Brownley.Boyle, Jack, bent H. Coegrove, puree, I4r., Hm.,

Long Island Clly. N. Y.. Dec. 28.

Clark, Jimmy, beat R. Bsnnon, $300, 2lr~ lb. 23ni..Brooklyn. N. Y„ Dec. 22.

Coegrove, Ulko, beaten by Boyle.Carey, Jack, best Hike Wllaon, pnrae, or., sein..

Jersev Cliv. N. J., Dec. 27,

Cronln. Dick, beat 0. Heeban, tloo, tr.. Sim., Masstcbnseue, Jai,. 7.

Connolly, Wm„ beat J. WItnal, |ii2t, 22r., lb, '.^m,,London. Eng.. Dec. 2t, I8t3.a

Callaban, tt'alier. beat J. Uiiell, purse, tr., 3(iii.,

near Woodtlde, L. I., Jsn, li.Cribb, Oeorge. eldon son of Tom Crlbb, died, aped

leyrs., WeM SnllbHeld, Eng., Jsn. aCrlbb. Tboe., grandson of Tom cnbb, commliied

suicide, London, Eng., Jsn. 19.

Corbett Ja>.J.. beat C. Hllcbell, 130,000 and cbsm-plonsblp of lbs world, Jacksonville. Fla,, Jan.2i. Coriieitand Hllcbell were arrested. chariedwlib emnglng In a prize llgbt and on .Varcb 1Corboit wan auinlited by ibe Jury; case againstUlicbell nolle proesed.

sailed fiom Kew York for Eogland, April 12;made blii Orel public appearabce id London 21,al Drar; Lane Tbeatre. in bis pbiy. '-QenllenanJack." spanlng witb Jobn Donaldson, and wascordlsIlT received.snd Joe Courtney sppeartd Jn a leito betore

Ibe klnrioscope, Orsnie, N. J.. Sept 7.

and Bob FlizalmmoDS matched lo Ogbibe((<rethe Florida Atblellc Club, ot Jacktonvllle, Fla.,

alter July 1, 1889 (daie to be named by ibe clubi,for a slake of t'Ju,000, a pniw of 841.000. sndtbe cbamploneblp of tbo world—New York.Del. n.

Craig, Prank ("Coffee Cooler"), beat Fred Morris,pnrse, I8r., lb. Um., near New York, Marcb 18.— bcaien by Mtbcr.— best J. O'Brien, (1,000, 2r., 7a., London,Eog„ Oct 8,

— beai T. Prllcbard, pnrse, Ir., London, Eng.,Dec. 17.

Carroll, Bob, beaten by Tbompaon.Collier, Jack, beat J. Kemp, purae, 21r., Ib. 2im.,

Rockaway, L. 1.. April 2.— beat D. Wllilauis, puree, nr., 43m., Provi-dence, R. I.. April 28.— draw wlib Sweeney.

CusblDg. Jack, beaten by Qallaglier,Cory, E<1., beaien bv Barley.Creedon. Dan. best R. tfooro, purte, tr., 34m., Uln-

neapolii, Ulno., April 27.

Clark, Robt, diaw wuh Berg.Cunit, Jack, beat J, Ryan, purse, 2r„ 7m., near Du-

luib, Ulnn., Hay T,

Crawford, Jack, beaien by QMniD.CboTUAkl. Joe. draw wlib Piizslmmons.Casey, Hike, boalen by Hyan.Connors, Jobnny, beai J. Leavy, tl,80O, ir., lim„

Now Orleans, La., June 14.

Cummings Paddy, beat J. Blavln. pone, 2Dr., lb.Ilm., MluneapoUe, Ulnn.. June 31.

Cor Fred, beat J. Tanaey. puree, tr., iom,,neBrJackson. Ulcb.. Nor, 4.

Conway. Hike, beat J. Brown, pntse, 4r., Km.,Uonireal, (;an„ Nov. 8.— beaien by Edwards.

Daly. Dan. beat A. Nclal, 1300, 14r., tim., Bt Loalt.Ho., Dec. 27. 18t3.

Deemond, Frank, beaten by Uom.Dime, Jus., beat J. Oalhigber, tlM, lOr., 9tm,, Nlles,

0., Dec. 2«. 1803.Dsvlee, Jack, beat Wilding, lloo, 3r,, Ilm., Omaha,

Neb., Nov. 29.DllloD, Jack, beaten hy RusselLDiamond. Tony, heaien by Wblle.Dobbs, Bobby (colored), beat 0. Lavlgse, pntse. Or.,

lOm.. UlDoeanolis. Ulnn.. Hsrcb It.— bcsi w. Vernon, purse, 4r., liiu., ConeyleUnd,N. Y..Nov.2«.

Doyle. Jimmy, bcaien byOallagber.Dovlnc, Tom, oeaien br UcHabon,Dooobue. Jack, beat Dooley, purse, tr., itm., Ben-

onburtt, (. L.Nor.t.Denny, Uanin (of Aniiralla). beat W. Eyies, lioo,

20r., lb, Itm., London, Eng., Jnie 4,

Uoitey, Jack, fell overboard Irom an oxcoralonsteamer and waa drowned, near New York,&ept30,

Diion, George (colored), and "Orliro," gate receipts,cBicb wripbt 20r,, lb. Ilm., disw, Boston,Uses., June n.

paofonb. Tommy, bcslen by Finmick.Derby, JaneA Imien by Brown,uooley. Youni, beaten by Donobue.Dempevy, Jack, and W.VcCatiby, poise, 20r., lb,

Ilm.. draw. New Orleaoa. U . Sept. (.Doney. Tom, died from Inlnrlca received perersi

days pievlontiy si Eati Liverpool. 0.. Nov. 7.Uallcy. Ilairy. and Ed. VKugbn, pane. lOr., Mm.,

diaw, TnnioD. N. J., Oct. 21.Daly. Jim, heal J. Blavlo, tl,ouo, 7r.. 27m., fool.

OulTalo. N, Y.,0ct31.Dooley. Billy, beaien br Steltner.Downey. Jack, and Eddie Loeber, purse, itr.. Mm.,

row. police Inlerfercd, Long Island, Dec. M.Referee ordered ibem lo meet again, aod aaLMber did not respond Downey was awstdsdtbe money.

Denny, Tom, beat 0. Ingram, pntse, llr., Ib. Ilm,,London, Bag., April 10.

January 5. THE YORK CLIPPER. 705

DrIMoll. JeiTT. bcil B. Hoota, pniM, tr., Km.LoniluD, Bag.. Nov. M.

Ella. w*licr, but w. Biiiler, MW, lit., um., Loa-don. Eai..Aptlia.bam bj Ueonr (ot AuinlU).

EttBt, Dai)le.T,ini] J. Hill. ttM. 30r., id. itm,, drav,El RtDO. Oklatiomt, Hircb 8.

Ernr, FYink. lod 8. SmllD, 11,000, lOr., stm.. draw,BoAlo. N. v.. Oc(. 3.

F.vcrtatn. Jack, una -lirtiht Ejrea" (colorrd). pune,Sr.. m. 27ni., dnir, itallu. Texts. AprtI ».

but J. Burke, pone. Sew Orlcant, U., M>r!».

but B. Abboii, 11,900, 2«r., lb. 3am., NewOrlctoii. L>.. AuR. 11,

Edwirde, Jsck. b«>t H. Coawt.r. pane, rkin ilgbt

glorcs. ar.. Mm., Novlotrn, L. I., Ueo. II.

niver. Jack, betiua I17 AbbeiLbeuea bj Kf»a.

Fiehenr. Uive, brat V/. Smlih (or Auatralli), ttoo,sir., ah. Toi., El Piao. Tezu, Feb. la.

Pnrd. George, buien by Oiaco.

PlaDDuaD. Ooeo. beaten by Kenoard.FnTfjIbc. ff in., beaten bj HcVeT.Flizpalrick, Wm., bcalen by Pertbtni.FlizBlnniooa. Bob. and Joe Ulioynaki. nurse. Dr..

lao.. In favor o( Flizalnimooa; police Interrered, draw, fioaion, Han.. Juno la.

exonerated by coroner a Jury froin all blamefor itae deatb of Con Riordan, ibo verdict beinirthat bo came m IiIh dciiti from ao accldcniatblow. Syracuae. N. Y.. Nov. 23.

nnntck. Hurry ("Arkanaaa Kld'O. beat T. Danfonb,purae, 7r., 2Tm. BInneapolta, Ulon., July 2A.

beaten by Murrby.Flizpalrick. Tom. beaten by Moran.

bu<cn by Unian.Fojanr. Jack of (Ht. Louis), lieaten by Smitb.Fay. Htko. but kd. Lrons. |2Su. tkln llglii gluvea,

lOr.. 39m., Laurel Mill. L. I.. Dec. S.

nrimilis. Alf. ("Young Ortlo"), ond 0. LavlKDe,fougbt a draw.

beat ikc wier. purse. 3r.. um., pollee Interfered. Cblcatio. III.. Marcb IT.

and J. flrlfllD, purae. Sr.. 31m., draw, BoeioD,atiB)., Anniz).

beat w. Uurpby, purse, sr.. aim., fiostoD,

lI<ss.,MBr7.druiv with lllxon.

beaten by UcAulllR.brat B. Loeber, puise, ir, Im. 30s., Coney

Island. N. Y..6ept. 17.

t>cutrn by fAvlgue.noddard, Joe. beaten by Lalnir.(llbbODB. Anmln. scntened to pay a dno of |300 for

anaulilog Vraok CralK. New York, Feb. id.

Ony, Tim (colored), beaten by Lyocb.OreeoDeld, Harry, beat 8. Borrel, two, 7r., 27m.,

London. Eng., Feb. 12.

Olynn, "illdget." beat W. Uooro, pnise. Sr., Bm.BOB., near Clieaier.,'Pa., Uaicb b.

Qrant, John, beat E. Ilombarber, $400, 6r., lam.,foul. Stamford, ct . Marcb 21.

Grant, Elmer, ox.pugllist, died, asyra.. BeaverFallB. Ph.. bay 27.

OrlDln. Jolinoy. draw witb "(IrliTo."

OilOlu. P.J.,beai J. travford. puiee, 7r.,lTm., nearLondon. t;an.. Uav 11.

tirccn. Dick, beat II. Tiiomaa, purse, isr., lb. um.,Fort Hamilton L. 1.. Dec. 30.

Gilleu. fete, i^atcn b.r Sbeeban.Gleawn. ' Kid," beat T. Kelly, (Ito, 8r„ 31u., New

York, Aug. 1.

Oonnan. Jobnity. beaico by Skelly.Oallagber. -Kid." beat J. Iioyle. tioo, llr., 2h. 43m.,

near Heunessy. Okls., On. 4.

Qlona. Fred, neat llogan, $700, llr.,43m.,OllftonN. J.. Nov. 14.

Qclirralob. Joe. beaten b.v tfailtacvr«.

Gallagber. Teddy, beat J. Cusblog, |2O0, 3r., 17m,

nur Sioux FallH. S. !>., Oct. a.

Glynn. Y ung, beat Boylo. purse, dr., 23m.; latterdislocated bU ebouldcr, near Waiblngton. U,

C. Nov. t.

Glenn. Teddy, beaien br Lavack.aarjncr. OiU:ar(''T1ie Omaba Kid"), beat H. Sinltb

parse, tr., leni.. foul. UiiOiilo, N. Y., Nov. 27.

Hall, Jim. draw with Rvaos.Denncasy. Billy, beaten by O'Brien.Uavlln, Jack, Iwaten by Heenan.Ilorobaober, Rujreoe, beaten by Grant.Hagan. Ed., and J. Bmlib, purse, :ir., lb. 23m.,

Norfolk, Va., Uarcb 38.

Heenan. L. J., heat J. Havlln, purse, Sr., 31m.,Wooniooket. R. I.. April a.

Hall. Qeorge, and '-Cliaople" James, purse, skinilRbt gloves, lir., Kia., wiangle, draw. LongIsland. May e.

Uardy, "Bod," bealcn br Price.Horn. nave, beat F. Desmond, purae, 7r., 'i7m.,

Baltimore, Ud.. Sept. 27.

Harris. W. A.. iHal W. Wells, purae, 17r., lb. 7in.,

nur llonnessy. Okla.. UcL 4.

Uartcy. Jerry, hvai B Turner, fjoo, :3r., lb. 91m.,Denver. Colo.. Nov. 3.

Hopper, Jack, and J. Newby, $200, Or., 23m., draw.nuMnldilc. N.J., Dec 1.

Hogan. "Kid." beaten by Gloria.and "Bud" Lally. purso, sr.. 36ui.. police lu-

lerfered. CiDrinnail.O.. Dec It.

Ingram. Jack, draw wlib Petersou.Irvine. Dick, beaten byTbompsou.Ingram, Cbss.. bestcu by Denny.Jamea, ''Chaptlf," uraw with Hall.

Jobnson, Ob>rley> and BMoton Abboit, poise,Ur.. lb. 36m., Aberitr Inlerfeml, draw, Nor-folk, Vs.. May 31.

Judge. Jim. beat C. Wood, tMO, skin Ilgbt gloves,I3r.. tlm.. Berlin. N. J., Dec. 11.

Kelly. Charier, beat Young Kavisey, (000, Ir.. 2is.,

Boston. Uasa. Feb. 12.

Kaveney. Young, beaten by Kelly.Kelly, Tommy ("Harlem Spider'';, bcaien by


Kemp. Jack, beaten hy Collier.

Kennsrd. Jimmy ( St. Paul Eld"), beat B. Flan-nsgau. isoo and gate money, 4r., Km., Chicago,111., July 13.

Keogb, Wm.. beaten b> Sroltb.Lavlene, George (' Saginaw Kid"), and Alf. Urlt-

thbs. gate receipts, sr., tan., draw, Chlugo,111.. Feb. 10.

beaien by Dobbs.beat J. Varahall, purae. lOr. 30m., Coney

Island, licpi. 17.

beat'tlrllfo," pume 16r.. Mm., police Inter-

fered. Coney Islaud, N. Y.. Oct. 20.

bpat AndyBowen, t2,too, iSr., Ih. 11m.: fatal

in Bowcn. New Orleans. La., Ilcc 14. Livlgue.the sccoDds and oiher offlclals were arraigned.Lavigne belog cbaraed with mntder and held

In (10.000,aho the oibcrswitb being acceaaories

and held In t'.OOO each. Death waa caused hy<;oncnsslou of the brain, prodnced by Dowen'sbud huTlly striking ibe unpadded stage, andthe aecnsed were dHcbarged.

Lalng. Uerry. beat Joo Qoddard. I7MI and cham-pionship 01 Auulrallii, lir., 44m.. Melbourne,Aua.. Jan. 1.

Lcavy, Jack, beaten by Connors.Lavack. Jack, l>cat H. Nurtun, pune, 8r,, 31m., Col-

nmbos. 0., Frb. 23beat T. Glenn, 1300, 2r., 7m., Cleveland, 0.

Nov. 4.

Lyncb, Jas.. beat T. Gray, tllo. 4r., ICm., Passaic,

N. J., F>:b. 10.

Llitell. Jiiii, brateu by Callahan.Lewla, tCm.. bulun liy Binlih.

Lane, Uauricc. beaten by R<ao.LevlBon.jHke and 0. Slnions, purse, lOr.. Ih. ivu.,

draw. Ridge way. Pa.. Hay z.

Leonard, Mike, draw with Picico.Llndia.T. Jimmy, beat F. Robblna, puree, nr.. 43m.;

fatal toRobblns: Lindsay and eeconds. Rotheryand O'Neill, arresteil, Plali>mouth,Neb.,Aug.e.

LcoD, Casper, beaien by Bam.but Ryan, pune, Sr., 31m..Chicago, III., Dec.


Lay ton. Billy, beaten by Hyan.Loober, Eddie. Iwaten by "tirtDb."

beaten by Downey.Lyoua, Ed., buico hy Fay.Lally, ' Bud." draw wlih llogan.Hannlng. Fred, beat J. Holoney, purae, 13r., Aim.,

Providence, H. I.. Jan. 0.

Hcllurtbr, P.. beaten by Ahearn.Ualiney. Jerry. tKaleo by Uanolug.Heehao. George, iieal.-ii by Croolo.HllcbelL Oharlcy. betteo by Corbeil.UcDostld. Billy, but J.Thoniaa, 1100, 23r,, lU. 31m.,

Luug Ulaod, Jau.ia.Uonlmer. Ted. b.aten by Wallace.Holler. Otto. Iiuten hr Amena.Horrta, Fred, bealon bv I mg.Vaban. Wm.. draw with l-DneU.

beat Ponell, imo. nr.. lb. zun., Denver.Col.. Dec. B.

Hurpby. Billy (of Auitrallai. beat J. Breallo, Itoo.a.. 7fn., Boston. Uaaa., Feb. la.

buieo by * Oriiro."Mfcr, Blllr. bojten or AbbolLMoore, Wm . beaieu by Ulyna.Moloney, Jobu. and Porlrr, pnrse. Itr., Ih. 3m., po-

lice iDierlrrnl. draw. Galveston, Tex.. March >.• draw wlih Ahesro.

McCoy. VouDg, beat RvaD, |iM, 12r.,470L, AdauaCounif, la.. March II.

McCoy, "Km" but J. Seollr. pone, 7r., 27aL, Msw.Bcdfoid.MaaiL, March 11.— ud i. Banoo. pone, lor., Sam., draw, Mlo.nupoUa, Mlns., May U,

McMahon. Wm., beat T. Devlne. Bloo, tlr., 49m.,Long Island Cliy. V. T.. March B.

Honagban, Tom. but H. Ahum. IHO and gatemoney, Ic tlm., Oalveston, Tsxaa. March tL

UcDanlela, Jim. beat P. Kooney. purse. Ir.. aim..Rldgewood.L.L.I(ov. 10.

Miller, -florer,'' buten by Foots.Heib. (ma*., b^ten br BemaaMcVey, JImmr, but W. FOnylbe. pune, lir., 47ni.,

Jamaica. L I.. Aorll II.

Moiphy. MIkol bcalen by "Black Ftaok."Marshall, Blll.'beaten by Schneltker.Haisball. Jerrr, buten by Lavtgne.Moore. Dick. Utalen by Oraeden.

beaten by Drlacoll.

Haher, Peter. 'beat P. Craig, puns. 2r., <id., Boston.Hass.. July 18.

Momn. Mike ( "Cnapple"), beat T. Flizpalrick, Itoo,lor., lb. iem.,bbeineld. Eng., July X).

UcAullire. Jack, beat "Uriirj," lor., 99m., ConoyIslsod, N. Y.. Aug. 27.

and 0. ZclBler. purse. 3r.. llm.; HcAulinInjuied his arm, draw. Couey Island, Nov. IB.

HcCarihy, Rlllr. draw wlih Dempsoy.Uurphv, johnny, draw wllh I'llmmcr.McReavy, James, died, Pblladepbia, Pa.,Ssptem.


Uatthews, Charley, beai J. Geueralob, purse. ler.,

lb. 3m.. Iiaotiury, &., Oct. 3McGirk. Young, beat J. UcCloskey, Itoo, llr.,47m.,

Dalllmoro. Md.. November.McCloskey. Joe, beaien by McGirk.Murobr. Jimmy, beat II. Flonlck, purse, lur.,3um..

Doluib, Minn,. Nov. 28.

Matthews. Charley, beat 0. Sullivan, lloo, nr..43m , Banbury, Ci.. Dec. 30.

Moorebouse, Dick, died, Klyra., Beverly, Mass., Dec.IB.

Nelit, Al.. beateu br Daly.Nonon, Mike, but c. Williams, pnrse, lOr.. 3am.,

Louisville. Ky.. Jan. 10.

beaieu hy Uvack.Nleiney, Denny. Iieat T. NoUn. 840. 7r.. 27u.,

Albany, N.Y.. Feb. 7.

Nolan. Tom. beslen hy NIemey.Needbam. Dannv, but M. Ryan, puroc, -Jr., 7m.,

MemphlB.Tenn., April2I.Newby. Jim, draw wltli Hopper.Nlckless, Harrr, buten l>y Burge.Olaen. Henry, lieai a. Ford. I2uu and gala money.

7r., 31ni.. nur Omaha. Ni'b., March II.0*HrlHU, John, beaten by Cnlg.0 Brien, Dick, beat Win. Ueoneny, purae, nr.,

43m., Boston. MasK.. Uarch 20.

beaten by Walcoti.and W. Smith, purse, lur., 3vui., draw, Boa-

Ion, Mast., Oct. 'JB.

O'Brien, Dick (of Biooklyn). but J. White, puiae,llr.,43ni.. Itockaway Buch, L. t. Nov.8.

Porter, Youog, draw wlib Maloney.Poole. Wm.. b.'at HUler, 8400 anti receipts, 17r., lb.

7m.. MumphlB. Teno., Msreb '27,

Peterson, Hugo, snd J. Ingram. 1100, 6r., 33m.,wrangle, draw, Lawndale, 111. May.

Peckham. Illte. but \V. fiizpairlck. purte, sr..

33m.. Alexandria. Va., Hav 22.

Price, Saul, beat "Bud ' Ilardr, 1100, Sr., lam.;Hardy iela<>ed 10 coDllnue alter foul wu claim.ed. South Woodbaven. L. I . July 20.

Pierce. Eddie, and M. Leonard, purse, lor., 3Bm.,draw. Coney Mand. N. Y.. Aug. 1.

I'llmmer. Billy, and J. Hiiiphr. 12.800, 2tr., Ih. asm.,draw. New Orleans, r,a., Sept. 34.

beat Charley Erlly, purse, sr.. am. 89s., policelDtcrfered.,Coney lilsnd.N. ¥.. Nov. 30.

Pont, Fred, beat T. Roberts, 1400, Sr., 33nL, nurLsncssler. Pa.. Oct. 30.

Punell. Pal, but W. Hahan, 1390. 20r,, ih. lam.,draw, sear Denver. Col., Nov. B.

buten by Hahan.Prltcbard. Ted. but R. Burge, purse. 2r.. 7m., Lon-

don. Eng.. Nov. 28.

but R. Burge, ii,<m, 2r., 7m., London. Eng.,Nov.38.

beairn by Craig.Hossell. Wm., beat J. Dillon, purse, 14r., 69m., New

Haven, Ct., Feb. 19.

Russell. Dsn. buien by SIddons.Ryan, Youog, beaten by McCey.Roes. Dave. Iwat M. tjean. pnrss, lOr., Ih. 17ni.

Boston. .Maas., March io.

Ryan. Tom. but U. Lauo, puise. sr., llu.. SavinRock. Ct., April 10.

brat J. Folvey, purae, 3r., llm., Ilarilord, Ct,

May 32.

neat W. Bmllb, purse, 30r., lb. iBm., ConeyIsland, M.Y.. July -20.

beat w. l,ayion. purse, 4r., 19m. near St.

Joseph. Mo.. Sept. 13.

Hyan, Jack, beaten by Curili.

Ryan, Mike, beaten by Needham.beaien byBanaou.

Reed, Joe. tKalen by Brown.Hyan. Paddy, took a bpoeot. John L. Sulllran spar

ring wllh htm, Cislno, Boston, Us»s., June 10.

Hyan. Jack, beat H. Casey, pune, 18r., lb, llm,New York. July 27.

Bobbins, Fleloher, bcalen by Lindsay; Bobbinsdied. Aug. 14.

Rowan. John, best llaln. purse. 23r., Ih. 81m., nearSprioidsld. III.. Sept. 28.

Robblos.Ton. beaten by Ponz.Hooney, Fraok. beaten by UcDsnlels.Hlordsn. Con., died from the elTecia of Injurtu ac.

cldenially received in a boxing bnut with nlaapaning partner, IBob Fllzslminona, Syracuse,N. Y.. Nov. 17.

Ryan. "Kid." beaten br Leon.Hyan. Arthur, beaten by Archer.Slusher. Cbaa., beat c. Voku, itoo, lar., tlm.,

I,oolsvills. Ky., Jau.4.Scully. Jim. beaten by McCoy.SiHttcry, Jerry, beat U. C. Smith, purse. Or., IBm.,

foul, near DodKCVIIIe. N. Y.. Jan. ILSlavln. F. P., adjudged a banknipl; llsbUllles

t3,600,asseis none—London. Beg.. AprB 8.

smiib. C. C. (colored), beaien by sutler/.Supreme Court decided In bvor ot deftndant the

appulcd suit losiltnted by Attorney GeneralCuDolugham (or an Injunction to ttalrain theOlynplo Club from giving boxing conlnia.April 33; decision itvcreed od appul May 14—new Orluns. La.

Sorrel. Ban), buten by Greeulleld.Smith. Billy (of Ansiralla). beaien by Flahortr,— beat W. Lewis, Itoo, 16r., tarn., Mexico,

March 18.

— but J. Fogany.puisu, or,, Z3m., Tyler, Texas,Sept, 38.— draw wllh O'Brien.

Smith, Wbll. beaten by ZlcdLSmith. Bob. veteran trainer and second,dlcd, New

York,Jnly8.Slddoua. George, beat D, Kuiael, pnrse, 2lr., lb.

tlm.. Long Island, March 3. '

Sporden, Harvey, beat "Darkey" Burion, 11,000.33r.. lb. 37nt.. London, Eng., June 27.

Sura. Hike, draw with Russ.Mmlih, Jack, draw with llagan.

Bchncizker. Joe. beat W. Manball, |I0U. Itr., lb,

3m., Lawnnceburg. 0 , April 18.

Simons. Oaur, draw wllh Levlson.Sullivan. Owen, but J. Burke, tt.ooo and cham-

ploosbip ot Sonih A/rtcs. Or., 33ffl., Johannes.Durg, June.

Sheohan. Paddy, beat P. Glllso, |loo, nr., lb, 33m..Brtmehsm, Pa., July 17.

Slavln, Jact, IMaten by Uummlnga.braieu-by Dily.

Skelly, Jack, beat J. Gorman, pune. Sr.,23m., Coneylslaod,R.r.,8epL17.

aaaanltsd and aiabbcd, aa alleged, by T.Creed Ud 0. Halonoy, Br oklyn. N. v.. 0:l. 18,

Smith. "Hysierlous Billy." beaien br Ryan.Smith. Ed., but IV. Keogb, parse. Or., 23m., foul,

near Denver. Col.. Oci. a.

Bmilb. Bolly; draw wllh Erne.— and J. Van lleeat, |l,2oa, Itr.. 6em., draw,Bulblo, N. Y.. Orl. 17.— beaien by Gardner.

Bwecney, EUdle. and J. Collier, puree, I4r., Um..draw. Long laland, Nov. 8.

Smith. George, died from Injuries received la aglore boai wlib "Dummy" Winters. London,Boi., Dee. 7.

Sullivan, OoB, buien by Mallhewn.Stelzner, Jacy, beat W. Dooley. pniie, 12r,, Ih.

37a., Hampbls. Tenn., Dec. IB.

Blewan. -Ginger," beaien by ValenUne.S illlvun, Cos, bulon by Hatihewa. '

Thomas. Ualiy, beaten or ureen.Tbomaa. Joe. bulao by McDonald.Thompson, Bob (colored), beat R. Camll, purse,

or:, '23m.. Bait Lake, Uuh, March a.— beat B. Irilue, porse, 2r., 7m., Ball Lake.Ciab. Hay 31.

Tracy. Tom. beaieo by WolcoU."niley. Chas., beaten iiy WebAer.Tanaey,Joe, buten by Cox.Tnraer, Eugene (cal«red^ buten by Ilarley,

Vokea, Chas., buico br Slasher.Vaoghn. Ed,, draw with DaUsy.Valen tr.c. Aribur. beat Jim Hurgt, 11,000. »t., lb.

Ian.. London. Eng., March IB.— iiut J. wuioo, purw. Or., 23m., foul, Uindon,Eng.. April 3ii.

Van Heeai. Johnny, draw with Smith.Vernon. BUlr. beileo by Uobha.Valebiioe. Artbor, but "GInier" Biawarl, pune

4r., Itm., London, Eng., Dec. 18.

WUion. Mlka. beaun by Carey.

Charles Edward Dotfoe, once the hard hitting andbrilliant Utile onidelder of the Si. LoulsClnb, of lbs

Ameriosn Asscclatlon, died of oonsompilon D'c'Jt,

at his boms at Mobile. Ahk. UutTes was boin Jon.

37. 1807, at Mobile, and b«gan hia baseball ureor onthe lota aroond hIa home. Ha soon developed a deolded laite forllieaport,aod It was not long beforehe was roonected wllh the leading amateur andaeml'PMfrssional isams of his naiivs city. Amongthem were the no:ed Acid Iron E^iUs and Ho.biles. Uls Orst nrofesflonal engaaement began in

1B87, with the Hobllo Uluh, of Ihe Bonlhern Lesgue,After plavtog iwentr-four gamea, moat at homeand New oileana, the Mobile Club dlabanded, andBlrnlnghsm was Indncsd to pnl a club In its plocsand aaiab the season. Uudet went wl>u the (aturdnb, and ranked well up In thaoniulal averagis,both as a batsman and fielder, lie remained wllhthe Blrffllogbam t;lub during the f()llo<*lng aeaaoo,nr until ibe Club diabanded. Tne Sonihem LugoecbainploDihlp aeaaon commenced April I, andcame tian nnilmely ond ear>y In July of the aoine

jear. Dulft* then went to the New Orleana Club,where he Cnlahsd Ibe season with grul credit tu

himself. By this UraeHie had made nulie a rspubt-lloo, and hIa servlcu were In demand by a nombero( clubs of t*is larger organlE>«tlons. The St lx)uls

Ulub. of tlie Amsrican Aatocbtilon, however, waaone of Ibe drtt to make him a lltieral otfer, which heaccepted. Us algoed wllh It for the aeaaun of HUB,and took pan that year In nofewerlban ISfcham.plooablp gamu, ranking aecond in the olBolal

Oclding averagu, and Itadlng aiioli noted out,

nelden aa llolilday,or CincinLati; Welch, i t the

Athletics; GrIIIln, ot Ualllmore, and UoTaniany, of

CulQubus. He ratnalnnd wllh the bt. Loola Clnb

unlll thscloao or ihe season of isao. aHboush be bail

iiianr irmDiloff otfera In Join uio l''a*era^Luffiia.

In liai Imoee placed wllh Hie Ooluuboa dob, of theAmerican Aaa< oUUon, Inking part that yur In onehundreil and twenty four rhamplonablp gamu andnnkeJ eleveijUi In lbs oniclal baiting averagu ofthai aaaoolallon. He alao ranked hlgli aa a Oelder.In isa-j bo was a roemiisr of the Waahlngmnteam, of Ihs Kailonal Lugoe and AmsricanAvsoolatlon, taking part thai year in one bnndrrdand twenty nine cbaiiiplonsblp game. That waahia Isst aeMwn In niajnr Imguo comeanv. ThatPall be nlumrd to hIa hnine at Hohlle, atjdcooiplalnnd of not feeling well, hutlu lbs Hpilog ot18B3 he, olthnugh noi fioiing as alroog ss In fortneryiara, decided t" a«u'pt an eosageiiH iil with theAiUola Clnb. of the Southern Leafae, aa the cil-

male down there wu not ao aevtnon bis hatlih ssIt hod been In ihe Norlhern clilis. lis did gmdwort for the Atlanta Ciiin wblla eonnecied wlin it,

and again ranked high In theortlelal bal'lngaveragea of that league. Bo far aa we know thia wasblH last profesatonal engagement. He waa a goodbatsiiiao, exoelieni tiaae tanner, and a itrt.lUnt

Oelder, bnldca being a awili and accurate ihiiiwtr,

freqieuUr assisting In putting out baae runnrra,who attempt to run home from third liaae on binto centre Held.

wick. Walt, buicn by Yagel.Wiinal. J.. Icaten by Connolly.Wiiliania. Chao.. iieaten by Mnnon.White. Teddy, but A. Diamond, 1900, lur., Ih. loin.,

London. Eng., Jan. 10.

Wallace, Dave, neat Ted Monlmcr, 8900, or.. 31m..

London. Eng., Jan. 20.

Wilding. Yooug. beaten hr Davlu.wicker', ChSB., sentenced to 14 years In ibc penl-

icnllary for a^'sauliing John Benrande, crip-

pling him for life. PeorU, HI , Deo. It.

WIer. Ike. buten by "ilrlgo.


Webster. II.. beat 0. Tlllcy, purse, ilr., 4lm., I.on-

don. Eng.. April b.

Williams. Price, buten by Hroderick.

Walker, Johnnr (of Btoney Birailord). retired pugi-

list, died. Nuwpori Pasueli. Eng., Nov, 4.

Walcott, Joe (colored), beat T. Tracr gale rvcelpis,

Itr.. Ih. 3U1.. Boston. Usaa.. April IB.

R O'Brien, purse, 12r., 47ui,. Uostoii, Hats


JulysWilliams, D., beaten by Collier.

Wellii. William, beaten by llarrli.

Wllllamf, Tom. but Boyle. tl,tO0, 3r., 7in., London.Eng.. Oct. U.

White. Jimmy, beaten by O'Drleu.Wlnloni, "Dummy." arrested, charged with In.

Olciing fatal Injuries on Ucorge Smith In siMXIng bout; romandcd lor trial—London,Eng„ Dec, 7.

Wood. Chailor. buicn i>r Judge.Yagel, Loult. but W. Wli k. purse, 4r., 19m., Coop-

erabiwo, N. Y.. Dec. 30. ibaa.

Zlcdt, llarry, beatW. Smith, tlou. 3r., llm., Ilaile-

ton. Pa.. Harch 6.

Zlegler. Owen, draw wllh McAulllie.WIDon, Joe. bea'en by Valeoiiiio.


LalMt BajiBga SDd DolB^a of tbe Baae-ball KTBterBitr.

Fied Pfi'ffer, Ihe clever aecond baseman, who waarecently blacklisted by lbs National Uurd, thlnkB

he haa been very unjuatly icsated by the major

league under whom bs served so many « ura, aatd:

"I old not sxpset such an oatonnie. Had Barnls.Bnckenbergerand myaeit been blookilaiad lugMhrrli wonld have not been aa much of a anrprioe to meu the tingling ont of myoelf for aueh action. Atthe oloae of the docnmant whioh places me on tne

blacklist Ihe memben of the Nailnnal Board uythat I did Dot appear In panon and sent an'exirenely Umiifetenl and onsailsfaotory siai*-

ment.' It woold sesm troia that that the Boardlook oDbnge at my not apneaiing, and perhap* If

I had and had bent <he humble knee I might tarebeen relosiaud. I cannot understand why theBoard should ull my suiemeot extremely onsaiia-

(aeion and Indsllnlis. It doaa seem that lha Boardshould have given the docnraent some oonalden.tlon. The tact Is. I hate never approached any

RlayerwHh a flew to getilag him to desert the

ailonal Lngne. lhaverscelvsdinnomerahlelel-telamo ptayen about a new aasoclallon. bat havenever answered one, II wuold have been limesntBgh lodo tha' wLen a new assiclailon wsaao as.

toieil lhlB|. I am nut the man to get a fallow ball

player tola liooble, K a new aasoclallon waato be organlted I wsnted to be In It If I oonid In

any wsy improve ray condliloo. aod I have yet 10

lura Ibat It la a enmc for a iiian to try 10 Improvehia lot, 1 have not coosplfed and I have dona noth-

ing for which a man ahonld feel ibarae. The ac.

Hon of Ihe B'Ud mar hart me wiui those who donot oDdeniand tb** altuatlon, and who may simplyhur ot me as being a blackllsied mas. Bnl toinoaa who nnderataod tbe mailer and the grutbueball public It cao have no olhor appearanrethan nnjDSi dlsalmlnallon. What win I dor I do00 know. I have not had Uoie to think li over, as I

hare so ibruts to make, although, as I have raid,

1 think the ootlon nnJnaL I cnalnly do nol Id-

tend to arraign Ibe major lugns membera. 1

think Ihe fair minded men among Ihem will teethat I have been ontalriy iruied, and these fair

minded men may yet prevail upon those who barea trievaooe agalnat me 10 right thIa arilon, I haveoolblog more 10 any aboni 11. I Inve Ihe pnblloto Jadge 01 the oerlu ot the caae."

Maoager John C. Chapmoo, who la hoatllng toget Oral class pla>en for his next teaaos's Hocoea-ler team, eays: "Judging by ths players airesdysigned by ttaadloerra'ciubt of the Kosurn Leaguetbepsopls Inoorcltcoltwlll cenoloiy wliatatsomeot tha but faiou ever played.'

Tha Blayen ot Iks Waablogtoo mm have beenDoUltd 10 luoft 10 that diy OB or beiore March 3,a* UMy have Wooklniuia on iha( sight tor Chaitta-lOB, B. 0, lor Ihalr preUiiilaai7 pncUoa.

Thomas II. Oahl I. nunager ct Ibe Bonnlon teem,ot the Etaiera I,«giie. died ot hamnribagrs lieu.

3t. HtBenntoD, I'a: Tliouih hIa death wu iba dt-rfct reanliof beinorrliages ot the lungs, the tl<ree

phyalolaoa who attended kim foond, in maiilag auarcful diagnrBls ih>t hs wss reallv a viotiin ofcoLhumptlon. Tne lujurv he received in the recentfuutliall game ngaravaled 'bis Irouiilaaud t>ruugbt00 ths uetnnrinages. 1' he bad lecurered imiuthe mniile brouahl on by iho homorrhagu >, hewould have plaied no more baseball. Uahiil waaborn In Oa:ober iwa, at Fall lliver, Mass. II" waaO'lnuted at Ht Uiry'a ratocbial Hohnul, at y»:\

Klvtr.and In the yur IHHJrntered ll'iii Uroaa Col-lege, at Worcattor. Haas, lie and W. Heads wereone of lha beat uioheis and pilcheis thst everfiUyed a lib a llidy Gross team. Cahlll gndusiudn m Holy OiOiS In June, miM. and llnlahed out that

asaaoii u catcher for tus Worcester Ulub, id theNew Kuglood U*tar. lo Issuaod Iseoiie pla)edwHhmoNe* Haven turn, of Uie AUanito Aaaocla-tlon During the Utt^r ai-aann he ranked high Inboth the ultlclal baiung snd Onloing averager. Ininil he waa wllh tho Luulivllle UuC. nf ths Amerl.cao Aiauulsllon. taking part UihI acaaun In onebULdred anil ten ohainpiobahip looieais, and rani,lag well up In tne oOlclal balling aa well aa lleldingaverages, lie waa reaorred tor the seaaon ot Ihvibr the asms ulnb. lie played lu a lew gamea Ofily

of lha lalur year, and. owing 10 a perauLal gituv.

anu wllh hIa nutioger, waa releaaed, end imincdl'aiuiy atgned wllh the Trur Uiuh, ot Hie KisiemLeague, and teok part as ut< bar In niocy s-venchamplouahip coniea s snd nuked high in buthIhe oillcuil hailing and Belding avenges, lle.waare eugaged by lha Tror Clnb tor the seuon ot h\a,snd conunned with that club until It disbandedduring ths itummer ot 1SV4, wbeu be Julneu theSunnton Ulub ot Ihe une lugne and Onltbed tbrseason, when tne baseball scaaori rlosed In Sep-lember Oahlll wu nhUaed by Ibe Bctaaton U uuoniclala to monass Ihsir foolhsil team and akatingrink. Whils coaching Ihe toulbtll learn Cahilloverdid himself and aoa attacked a I b henorrhagia.He racovs'ed ao far that bt wu able lo walk oui,aod wot supposed lo be 00 Ihe rood tu rerovery.About f'lnr daii before lis oled, spparenUy withoutuusr. the temuirhagia returned and. aoilot npuua aytt<m weakened ky llloeu, mulled In hIa death,

A meellng ot repreaentallvta to form an iLterBUte Luguu was held Deo, 37, al Uulamboa, u.,

and etrscud a Umporaty urgaaltallon. eleolingArthur L. Gohlr, pmldenl, (J. L. MorsUnd, oec-raisry. Tbe leagu** win u4}mprUe eight clubs, tbeMUry limit ui be Itoo. Tne Ingna will he pernio,nchtly organlMd at a owtlng next Febmary, W.U. HoDemltb, ot UoluiLbui, Is alaltd lur preaIdem. HaoBO'ld will be a loembar. '/ianeavlueaod Akron are bo'h aoilooa u> be admitted, botme laitsr will probably complele ibe circuit. G.L. Horeland repretsnta sieubeovllle aod Wbesling;A. I., uoble, VanU'D; A.J. Walts, Biodusgy; HllioaWest, Columbu and Tony Zehnder, Kenton,

T. P. BulllTan hu recently vlilled New Uavcn ai>4othtrcoonecilcuiiowas. at wsll as several lo NewJersey, In toe Inlerui ot the proposed AUaoiloUagui, Thus far he haa net with oonalderableeocuungeDent, and the protpecu are good for thelormsUuu ot such a league. If the scheme Is arried onl. Um Connecticut end of the circuit willInolode Bndgenort, Uaobory, New llaveo andWa'erbury, while the Wuten eod will InclndeNawark and Pateraon In New Jsnsy, and twocIUm In Psnnsylvaola.

Manager Bohuelc bos not yet decided npoo Ihemate np of his team lot next sesaoo. and willprobably not do so nnul alter Ihe predmlnary lea-son In ths Sjnlh, It Is geoerally believed, how-ever, that Usrtwrigbl. Crookaand Jojce, will occu-py the bosu, and Belbacb, Abbey and llaumoeor.will play In the oniBsld. wlui a short sb^ U> be sa-leded later 00.

Ihe New York BU'e Lugoe, through lu aacre-laiy, U. U. Ball, haa arplltd fur pnltciloo oaderthe uatluoal agreemeaL Pruldeot Yoiug hasodtlaed hlffl tu go lote tilaaa B with reaervailiHi,which will protect the irgaolzfloo for aucceedlogataaoos. Hpeotlogoo iheanbjectorproteoiloo andreacrvatloo In lioaeball, Prealdent Young aaldi"Ihe National League receivcl leu lhan 13.000 forprotection and rtaervatloo In ISM. and paid out notifaa than $l*J,O0O for releaau of rusrved piayeraIt migat bt argued thai 1 bis Isa losing game fur theLssgue. From one standpoint It la, bot fiuu abrood, cqnittble. hooonbla hsslnsu stondpulnl 11

ItooL Ths aallunal agreement Is the corner aloneof baseball today, and snfihlng that buildaop, pro.lecta. and tlevaiu Ihe fame lo every secitoo aodcorner of ihia iitai couoirr.lncreaau the proa-psrliy of Ibe major urfoaliauoo."

Harrr Deoter, Ihe tz-pretaulnial Blatsr, It loironMs ogala. Uewi* Btld l> hoBdaloiheUhlea-go urUolaal Court oo Dec 34, lor i—iTf voituaa

Haaafrr Bancroftud hit turn 1 1 plokrd pnfta-elonalt. hnnwo aa tba Oloclnooil Rede, arrived atNew Utlrana on Dec 31, and played their Int gamewllh He Caopona co the 33a. tie rnmer iheo wlo-oing bv a 10 a, ID saveo lonlnga, Holliday'a batUogwaa a futon, be making a tilple and two donbiahaggen. Fuller made two donelahaggeiaand Ho-Pbee, ont.whUo Sttntel made a triple bagger.

Presldtnt Ynuog.ot ths Nailnnal Leagoe andAnertiaa Asaooiaiton, announces that he hM ap-polnttd Ihe fnllowing men for hIa next seasoo'sattiror (Dpim: John II. Lynrh, Ronert Emails.JokD Mc<)Dald, T, J. Kure and Jainu P HaD"Oald,The Utter nmplred In the Wcaiern iMgoe tastvesr.Ttii Invea "ue tegular and one extra man to beaeleoted, whiln be bu ibo namn ot at leut holt aCoaen pnmUani men to s'lcoi from,

Haoagcr HrCloaey. ot the Unlavllie Club, wooldlike to have Van llaliren 00 hla tram next season,and If asnHsblaamngsmrntun bemadsbetwseoIbe Loolsvlila and New York Clubs the Uaatfsrmay take plore.

Yoong plaveis who wsntio gn oollo profeulonslconunvneit soaaon are renilnscd thai the elnbaIn the I'ennaylvonla suie, Texaa-Sooihern. VIr-glola, and oihsr mioor lugoea. all want good,reliable meo,"II rannot be dlspuled iha> Manager HcOlootey

Is a hustler, and that he la puHlngin some goodlloks In his eitiins to slv* l,niiiai||le a winningiwm oeat )ear."aavB The Inultrllln cviiiniinlal,which cootiooes: "For ths put lew oiooihahehubceo 00 Ibe Imthout for pUyen. aod. u a rvaull,iwenty.tw)! aie onder oonlract, while mora may bsained. Ut coarse, all ihsae mtn will nm he re-talnrd, and Ibey will gradually bo dn>pped out, uthe 'weeding out' proeeta la carried i n. Bui lu thepresent lailoh theio Is some splendid inalerlal withwhich to form a team that alil dtht every Inchof ths ground till the race haa liun run. Aslha rlob now standB there arn aoven pltchrra—Knell. Wsilawoilh, Inka. Riirchsn, Psppers.Klink and l.uhy. Uute, Janioeo snd Wslohare amnns tho I'aichers. Vinur, D'llrlen andllatllsld wilt iirruny tha liaa>a: lllasari ok, ahori.stop, while Clark. Iirnwo ami Bwevooy will play laiho onidcid, M«nagor HolMi'akey baa deeldnl lotrv Uie plan whlrh many thins helped Iho Louli-villta 10 win tho pennant In moi. Iiikieail nf wall-ing till nearly the opening of ilierrgulara^asoo 10play eihlhlHoo taiiiea he will lako Hip entire lot ofpiayenwlih hin in February on a Houthrm tour.Ilonsliin, Tax . will he the drsilnatlon. and theployen will remain thrr* alx wseka. hut nn ths wayditwn garaea will he played at varlnoa points.Thru inoniha of ihia nrauilcu will put the men In•pleodld onndltioo. ani\ lhare alll lie lu alltr limbsand tore Jolnu when the seunn opena up."A meeting of llm Wraiorn A-aoclailnn magoatca

will be heliTjaD. II, al DtH Hulnea, 1.1.

Manager Maddoekn,nf the Tumnlo team, rf theKiaieni League, it la sold, will alioiUv Issvs thatcl'y fur Bi'siun, I'lnvidsnoo, Now York, phlbidtl-phis aud oibsr elUos In iliis conniry wlili a view otalgnlug good playaia for hla nest seaa-n'a team,John limn McMahun, whowuon 1 lio Ws> hingti n

Cluii'aicisrv Itaiaa i<ns nf ihu )u r'a playt'r«,il leuo' kldnivirnnblst. Iloii ao.athiH h inn al Urldifp>n,Ui lie WW born 1)01.19 HOJ.slWaUrbuiy, CI,and abfli.t right jrara ago he haik up nla rralnencoat Brldgriiuri. and It was Hiere ill 1 he learnedI" ptar ball. Ills On t |inifiSMlonal onsagoiiieni waaIn IIHB, ailh ilio Haglnaw Uinli, which tlnlabedaeoiiidloilie race lur Iho pennant nf the Hlonlgan.iiato League, wllh ortynloo vh ii rira niid IMrly.elihidefeaia lu lisomtti. lo Ihuo hs canthi furthe HanlMeo Itlloh.) I'luii, acd lo Ihui he caught lortbe Uululh Ulub, ot the Wiatirn Auuclatlnii,Hutlaiiuii uuiiiinnnced lha season of ISBJ wlHi ihoKanns CPy Club, of the Western iMgiio, aud iMikpan In r< tiy iw.i ulinmplonslilp tames, lu tnirl)-ilx1 1 whirh hecauihl, making iniirth lu tmllingsndaeciiiiil lif Iho uaichoin lo thouilli'lalavrravi anf thatoiianttHliuii. Whentho Weaierii l«iguedl>iMndcilMuHaliun waa engagiid by the Now Ynrk I'liib, wlihwhinli hn flnlahml the araion nf lavj, taking partIn Ihlily tlx rhamiil'-nahlpgaiiii a, In ihlitt fiiur nfwliloli lie llilril nr>l liw, ranking Ofili lu 11 at pi«l.Hum In the iimuial tlebllng avongranf iho iiiajiir

league. Ills otcellent wurk ihai trar led In hla lo-engageiiwnl Mr tbn teaanu nf l<tu, when hn rivil.lubly Olicil tlie catoher'a pnsiiiun wiisn Uhl oil mibi do ao. During ilia aown hn ImiI hla baud iiadlyInjured from a nitohoil hall. whliiU pr vontcd hliii

Iruiu again playing thai aeamn. Iiuniig the follow.Ing Wloisr 4 dual was cniupleioil iioiwuou the NewYork aoil Wuhlugbin Uluiw, wheieliy I'rUy andHoHahoii, uf Ihofoimer. wlin a lu ineurv cuuiilderauoo, wen exchai.ged fur Heehiu ami Fairell, ofIbo Waaiiiuglnii tram. Hlcknaan ki |ii McHalmn otttho diamond duiing Itm soaaon nf mi. hut II wasleoerally supposed that hu had iKonvereil suillul-sully to play tiail nexiaea«iu. Ylierufnrr, his duthwu nneip<i(.led,

"Uur national game stands llrat un His Hat." ap'lys<ya rir I'Uh'mu vuimloti. ' li la ibu gams ofgaiuea. aud tbe depaiUug tear boa nut by any tiicanabMO unhlLd lu II. i;,iueluering luu 1 real uoiimier.01 >l deprtsalou that has bung nvir lbs laid, aodalso cusMdenng llin gnat illaauvauiagrs ni ihstwnlve cluh league, baaeball lisa had a sued tear,ludted. Whilu nulhioH remartahla wl'l l» aildedIn ba-eball ahoala by liiB4, aUII a very go d oollcc'Hon of facta will lie garntrei), Ihepunnantraueauone of Ibe iiesi and bruughi lutu prumlaei co a nunvhodeaervistu im recngbludasagieal i«aaba>lolub manager. We lefer to Uanagtr Ed«a>d lias-Ion. uee of the features ut the loar bu lieen thesnlendhl work ot llanliio and bla turn Kivoi aplaoe uf cnmparailie obsoiiilir Haoagsr llaiiloo ledbis team u> Uie inpiuost Hare In liio NailnislIwgus and American Aswiclallirn llal. It waaa giral aoblsveoienl and hn iltairrtd iheauccess becaUBs he wnrkid for It, nod 10 wlollie pennant au uu u>y task >aal aeaaon. Peoplelulartaiid In laaebali will know itie arrai light tr,nNew Yuik, Buabm and Pblladrlphia Iwnsmadufir Ihe prise. Itwuilie Inicusliyur iliaslrnggieIhsl made ibo vlcu,ry of llaoluu and Ibe llaltlmvraall Hie more glurlous. and It larcasnnabeto aaylhaliba vlcunyofina llilUii>ore tram In IBB4 waaoue of the n ost I rediub e In ihs history ijI peooanlcotiles's. The TeniplM:up arrlu kumewhallaro-Isbed Ihe fame uf the penoanl wluneis. They werevery ladly beaten by Ine Nnw Ynrk lo>m, but avery large nuiuber uf U Hball auihuiHIisobilmthat the Tenple Uupseilea wss nnta klr l>st utthe general oerlla ot lha two leama. lis thIa uIt may lh« fact rtmaina Hut thu Ngw Yorki dIS'played decided auneriurlly over tbe petiuntwloneis, aud all liecau-s lluile eod Met tinwere able tu pitch all the games Inr theNew Yoiks. This unndlUon tnsde Ibt TempleGap coolest, when oompoied wlib the penuantcoolest, snmsthlng like a sprint lacecoopsted toone ot uiany oiHh. In the sptloi race Ihe Uiaouwun easily, becaiuo aiaylng ijnaiiiies sen n''tnsedad; In Its long disbinu rau the SalUuinreawon because UieypcMessed all lliseasrnllalaoeces'aarv for a long Itruggle. whtub Ihe peuiaol racernlly la. The Trmpio Cup la ohuUa-r baaebillfeature uf the year I8ai I'eiiple whu were olaap-Kluled al li>« result ut Ibe aerlea for that Iruphy

ve hod much to uy against IL Why ibersahould lie oppusiiloo Ui It Is hard lu nnileisland,Nu sound reason boa yet been advanced agalntlnooKa'ing f'lr It, aod II certainly keeps up a grulinterest lo the pcoosol lacs and gives lbs uobtesl.anu fur It an opporluolly to oiaks soDa extramonej."John H. Shuion hu been signed by Msnogtr

Chorlu II. Hurloo fur his next seasun's BoOiiolearn, of the Kiatsro Lugut.

J. A. Bnyder, ot Uat inr's Hsple l^af Uain, otGiitlpk, OuL. hu bwD slgoed for next saaaon't Is-dlaoapollsuam. oliheWeMero l>ngue.Jonua Rltt, wbo plsytd a big sbgagcment last

Fall wllh us Plitsborgs. will pbiy third tjase oralssasoo WHO the Ueircli turn, ot us Heststoi«agoe.

Tbe Princslou Cullega Astuclailon liu engagedFred PtetTer, the blackllaled aecond batciuau, tocoach ita baaeball loam tor next season.

Hooagir John U,Chapmao,uf iba IbiehtBterUlub,of UieKaaiero Leagae.auuouocMthslhebaailgoeuthe tulloaing players tor hla oexiaeaaou's t*am:Fittl Baaemao llambiirg uf last aeaaaD's llanla-bnrg Ulub. Centre Fielder Wolura nf lasl aeaooo'alancaak r leaio, Catcher Wante nf llartltunig. aodayoung plicbaruf ihs nam* of HePatlano. whuwoaa member ot ibe Amturdam Ulub, ut Ue NewYork Slate Leagoe, laii Bummer,Oaplal'a Anton, at the Chicago Inin, In recently

comuieoUogoo Ihe pisn to reiornlngihe pllelierlo his old puililon. said; "1 am not In favor of re.luioiuglo lbs old pitching disiaoce, Tbe publicdouB't want It. II way bs harder 00 tlw pliinais,bot II has helped ihe Inliing, and Ibal's what Ihspeople waoL No, Ibe 1 cores bsvso'l g>il too hig,sod there Is no deaira to loioro tuthsoldaiolscoru. Wlist Ibu puMlowanta laloUi>t bauisgand running, and (he games haven't grown toolung.ellher. A nun navertloksaljoutasliowbe.Ingioolusg alter be has paid hla asy lofst IB.lie nayoi'Jici alMui lu being kn Bhori, bnl toolong, usver. Now, for teiCtb restnat, I tbonld likeloRiuratolhe oM pitching dlstaou. for lha mltwonki help mr pltchsra. bnllof lha gud ol ban.baU I am not In lavoi e( II."


THE TURF.Kmtebi li Back Agsia*

B»j> a dUptldi from Bloox OUj, d*t«d Deo. M:•Bob KoMba, Uie AreeilcsD borMmu who wuftTTCBUd la 0«niiaD/ on a cbtrgo of riDglog Ibc

mm Boibel, uil who li out on boDda, li ben col-

looting eildenoB In bla awn babalt, In an Inlar-

new todtr b« aolil: The mtra Belbel li la tbla

oonnUT, and I cto proTo It. 1 do not propoea tomake toe wncrcsbooia ol llieanlmalknown, for Uioreuon tbit 1 biro roore(neiule<bere,wbo woulddome bans It tboj could tban 1 bave lo Oennanr,Hetener, Iho min wbo caoMd me all the Iranble, latlia blggeit ringer wbo cTer went abroMl. A factwblob baa not been gino to Ibe public la ibai Oere-Der never swore In Oennanr that the mare NellieKneeba waa Oetbel. It la true I Iniended to takeBethel abroail, and I lold him ao, but I sever didukener.i"When aaked about tlie auiemeou ot men wbo

wont to bla noub at WakeOeld, Neb., and to thefarm or aeorge Freeman, ooar Kit Polai, 8. D., toBM Uetbel, ana who teatiOed that the mare abownthem wu dot Boibel, Kaeoha aald: 'Thej went tothe wrong place; I can ahov tbam Uettiel In twes-tr-roor boora. Tboaa (ellowa don't know Bethel aawell H tbej Ibink ther do,' Kneebt bad UtUe to

ar as to the inTeatlgatlon or the American Trot-11ns Board, aajing be ihongbt it bonowed troublelu InreaUgatlng tHe caae."

The Oldua>Dw|rer Caae*The demurrer or r. t. Uwjer to the acUou

brought bj David Qldeon to recover |m,(icio tor al-

leged alander was OTermled b; Judge Birreu lu

the apeelal l«rm o( llie Supremo Uoortin (bla dtj,

l>eo. zi. Hr. Uwjer baa Iho privilege or anawer-lugwiunntweotrdaya, ahonid het'elao Inclined,upon pa;nient or the coHla. In the oourio of lila

deolalon the learned Judge aaja:"The deramatory worda were not oonOued to the

plalnuira cbaiaoter u a aporlanao. The/ aleocharge him with the commlaslon or luit frauda.Now, It la dlailnotlr averred that the plalntlir la en-aged lu the buelneas ot raclus and aelUng botaca,ana or enlarlni and running noraaa In noes law.rullj couduotea h/ various nclug saaoclallona Inihia State and eiaowhere. To aaj or each a manthat be has coramlued turf rnuda and thatho waa warned off the tart tor crooked

Enotices thereon, la dearlj lo defame bim In thenalneai thuaaetouL The; land direotlj to preju-

dice bIm therein. To uae the language ot thebooke, They toaobed blm lu his bualneaa.' H'howould want to purcbaae horaes Irom a peraon whobad lo leave Kuhvlile on aooount ut tort tnndcommitted U»re r What nclng assoolatlon wonidpermit a man who bad been warned oir the tart (ororooked practioea to entar his bones at ibelrueetlniaf The coiniilaint baa been eanlaUjtnmod 10 show what might well have beeu In-

ferred, namel;, the direct connection between thedetendant'a bualneaa and the worda ipoken."

The Naahvllle Sprlan Mnellag.Aeoordlng to a diapaloh trom Naahvllle, Teiu.,

Mie dircolon ot the Cumberland Park Olub have de-

cided to hold a twcut;-tour daya' mealing lu tlie

Spring, commencing on April l. They have decided

on a prognome calling for an onllaj ot allgbUfover tto,ooo, wliloh la tnc largeat aum ot moneyever hung ap for running horses aonlh of LatoniaTueeiakes will be u billow: Onmberland Prize,

torthrto yearolda, tl.ooo added; Imiuola, tor twoyear old colia, lil.UM added; Tton, (or Olllee twoveara old, |1,M)0 added: Haiwell Ilouie Uandlcap,tor two year old auioi, (1,um added; Uunoan Uoielllaudloap, tor throe year olds and upward, ll.Mioadded. In addition nix more atakea will cloae Jau.16, aa follow: For colls and nillea, two yean old,

(l.cooaddcd; tor three yearolda, r^eoo, and tourothera, wlili (1,000 added to each. The puraea andover night handlcapi will he tloo, VM and tan.Enlxlea to all the atakea oloie Jan. ir>.

Notice irom (h« Drooklyn Olali,

The Brooklyn Jockey Olub, not dealroua ot mak-ing any proDi out ot the guanntsed alakes wlileb

It baa advertlaed to cloae on Jan. 1 next, and being

saHated that the atakea do not meet with the ap-

riroval ot boiae owuera, baa eliminated the clauaen reiard to the orerploa. Should there be anyovfrpTua, tberofore, in any atake, the olub will addIt In the proportion or m, .10 and 20 per cent, to thehones which run lint, aecond and third. Theolub'a only object lu gnannleeing the alakes wasto auiialn the lurt nuder the clrcumalauoes nowexlallng, and to give hone owuen an opportaultyto nee their boraoa. II. 1). Uolxmu, Secretary,

milThe Blakea at St. Loala.

Till Board ot Baolug Slowarda of the SL Louis

(Uo.) Fair Aisoolatlon bave Uaned their atake pros-

peotua ror the Spring mceilnii, to bo held at the

Fair Qrounila aomo time between Hay 1 and July 1

noxt, Tue piiraea aggregate t^.ixu, which, withthe alake money, will toot op ll&u.wm. Among theprinolpal evenia an: The Jiiokey Oiub Handicap,la.ooo; Inaugural Handicap, iri.iioii; ObaaplonablpBtake, t'l.ooo, and aeven ciuen ot CJUX) each,

J. I. Uabb's taiiinua a'alKon Fhallaa, 3:I3.V, byUlctaior out ot Htlay Trotwood, aeventeen yeanolj, died at Hickory Qrove Farm, near Ilaoloe,Wla.ontheDlghtotOco.lI. Death waa the r«enl(at being cut In hia alall. He was bred by 0. H'Hollowell. ot Frankfort, Ky., and waa bought bythe lato J. I. Uaae when a two year old. ue waathe aire ot foorieon tiotten and one pacer In uaoorbetter.

Ko. VoRHititN, tor Bome reason not ataled.haadeolded to return with hie airing ot raoen tromthe Oolden Mate much earlier than ouatomary. Uehas wired uio sow Lnulavllle Jockey Olub tortweuly-flve sulla. alallng that ho had decided toahip bla horaes from San Franolaoo tor Uhurchlllliowus In about ten daya.

Jdooii aii.LR, Deputy Atloruey Qeneral ot lbsState, according 10 a diapaloh from Vaipaialw,Ind., dated Dec. 31, baa pnparcd three bllli, whichilovernor Hatlbowa will preaent to the Legl alalurenext week, to anppreaa the nco track at lloby, toprevent priae lllgnilug, and to enlarge tbo Oover-uor'a iiowen In auob cases.

Au.vmadean attempt 10 beat her record ot 'J »3>;at the track at Im Auielea, Oal., on Dec ai, butabe failed to eoual her former lime, allbougb aheaucompllthed the tiattat pertormanco ever madeon Iho raclHc coaal, ironing the mile In


A MTCH at tweBty-lve live birda each, (or aslake, between L, T. Davenport, thirty yarda rise,

and Benjamin Klurldge, twenty-eight yards riae,

was decided at the grounda ot the Weatmlnater

Kennel Olnh, at Bahylos, L. I., on Chrlatmaa Say.

It was a day ot gesnlne ohrlausaa JoUlly witli the

club members, and there waa a goodly crowd In at-

tendance to panlcliale in the teatlvlUes Incldeotal

to the oocaalon. A splendidly oonusied msloh,both oonteatanta doing grand ahootlug, naullcd In

the sacoeiaot Davaapon by but one bird, the scoreBUDdlng2tl0 34.

A uroBN MTi BIRD MiTcn, One hundred pigtonato caeb man, between Fred Uoey, ot the Westnlns-ter Eenuel Club, and It. 0. nathanlel, ot the Weat-cheaMrUoulry Olub, was ahnt atthe grounda ol thelatter organisation OS Deo. 30. Tbemembenotthetwo organUstlona milled In force, and eonsldeiabeapeculallon waa Indulged In ou the rtaull of theoonleat, whioh anally resulted lu the snccesa of Na-thaniel, the Boore atandlng et 10 IT. me Mrds wenawin nyers, the Dght waa poor and the wind fteeh,

and, under anoholronsulaaces, the work done byboth men was noarkaWy good, while the pev-

tomasce of the young wUiner was aurprlalng.evenafter bla good showing in lb« pnvloos maioli withnoey.

Fbsd, noET, OeorgeWork and L. 8. Thompaos,the crack wing shots, will sail ror Eniopo sbortlr

The Brooua In New Jeney.The curling aeaaon lu this viclnit; waa opeued

on Uonday, Dec. :il, when the Tbiiile and JohnO' (Iroat olnbs, or the inetropolli, engaged lu amatch, twii rinka a aide, at the rluk In llobckcn,

N. J. The loo wu lu eicelleui oosdiilon, and theplav waa witneaaed by a number of esiunaUailoonnets. 8ooi«:Thhttf. RiaK Nu. 1. JohHU'unai,K. iioKar. iiMiiaWtun,Julia Urar, Joho MnnhMil,JobD 1* Hutr, JftDlM WIUILMtt. tnui, Pklp tl n. MeKaiklli, aklp

Kl»« KO. 1.

AUiaa-Ur McKay, Jobn HutliarltBd,Tb«iuu WttMD, AUiaadtr UmvD,JobD Watt, lltora* T. Halo.TaoDiu Watt, akir 11 Uaorat Balo.iklr

Tola).. . tl Total . 1»

Till National .Vthlello Uiiib, at llrooklyn, N. r.lut week eleciod theao oillcen: rraaiileui, HlchaelJ. Brophy; vice pivaldout, T. s. llaienliaeheritrtaaurer, .\. nehlor: aecrctary, <>Mar llauk; ilnanclal aeontarr, K. Welman; captain. J. J. Hunterlloutenants, John Young and Henry /.ellcr.

Tai momben ol the Youui Hen'a Lyoeuni, at-iwbed lost. Mary'a Uhiirob, In llrooklyu. N. V., re-t'estly eleclol inc following oiUorn: Prealdeut,Hicbiird Murphy; vice prealdoni, llobert Ilalpin;treasurer, Tbouiaa smith: correapondlng'BecniarT,1). Dugan; flnannlal awretary, Thoiuas wkcr;oording seonlary, Edward Sweeney.ARTioi.r> or iiiRBiiiiNT were signed at iiock

laland. 111., Dec. M, whereby Martin Buma, of Iowa,and D. II. Oamll, ot lAUdos, Out., will wreatla.ln(hat OUT. Jan. 11, for mo a aide. Orii'oo.llora anOamberlaad and oatoh-as-ralch-cas alilcawlllbeconiesicd.

Tni BriHTiH lUNRtsas, ot Brooklyn, N. Y.,held a cross cuunl ry run on Sunday afternoon, Deo.go, twenty-eight albleles atarUng, and the alx Dikecourae being covered In forty minates, wtaleh, oon-aldering the rough oondlllon ot the anew covsndground, waa good time.

A romiLL MAToa wai played on Ihe snowoovered grounds atBayvlowPaik,N.J..onBnndayafKnoos, Deo. so, me teama engaged being Ihe

West side Bangers, ol tbla city, and the HndsniroothaU Olub, ot Jersey Ulty, and the termer win-ning by a sccrs or three goals to two.

TasTSiH of Ihe University ot Chicago wis de-

feated by the football playen ot the Leiand Slau-

rord Dnivenlly In a match conleat at Los As-galea, Oal., os Dec. ». Boore, 13 10 0.


t Hosts Carlo, corn-

tor the puTpOKe ot partlolpatlnr In tlie annualpigeon anooiing loomamenl at Honta CarhmsMlng In Febmiry,

TDK Haplewood Qnn CInb, ot Sonlta Orange, N..., held Ibelr annual election last week, wuh thefollnwlni reeult: President, J. W. Smith; traaa-

nrer, T. B. Smith; secntary. Waller a. Uldlaw;oorrtspondlng seonMary, 0. T. Yeamani; Held cap-tain, W. N.Drake.w. F. OiHvsa and Mr. Hanhall shot a matoh tor

ll,uxi,on« hundred live birds each, at Oekalonsa,la., on Dec. -jx, oarvar winning by a aeon ot t3 to»). The day waa raw and oold and the birds aalownylngloL

Oheaa bf Cable,The foUowlog letter, wrltlen Dec. 31, br Oregoryr. Byrne, acting honorary aecretary cf the Untlin

Cbtaa Olub, ot London, Eng., waa received Deo. si,at the Manhattan Obeu OInb. Tbe letter la as ac-osplasoeby Ihetormerolnbotthelatier'sohallengeforwarded trom this city, Deo. It. Amoog otheriblags Mr, Byrne saya:AtaoiaaUna of Uta eonaiutaa otUia Britllh Cbaca

Olob, bald t» day, roar eourtaooa latter waa oooiMorad.Tbi eonimiuaa ooldiallr nolproealalba MaaatyHDU-maat 0! voor olab, and ara, Uba you, daalrov uat tberralamafralatlooa batvaaa iha dbou oloba ot AinarleaaD4 Ureal BrIlalD iluobl b* eamaatad. Tbty bav« mattlurara In aooaptlos yoor rrlODdly ehallaoia. aiUDlt-D(. howarar, on aaoloaad maiiioraBeam Mma titan.

Uooa of tba aoadiUooa for roar ooatldoration.The memorandnm or proposed altentlons ot the

rules reads as toUowa:nrat—TbatthaDuiiibar ot playtn ba moralbaa Ore.

Teatabapraram^.BaooDd—Tbat tb* data or niiiubarihlp ol the mpao-

twi clnba uDallltloB for plar ahonld b« Jan- 1, isi lo"ooof JulTl.UUnird—Net oavlDB bolora tham iha rulM ol tb* Sitth

Aiiorloaa CooaiaM, Iha eocDiiiIltaa bavo appolaiad a•ub coninlttaalo parata lain* aad nportPouftb-rUrloMBlaatll A. M, Naa York Uiat,wlth

thirtf ulaataa' laurval altar tbiaa faoan* play.PIIUi—That th* matah ba pla/ad oa a HaUL

Fttiraary, USA, ooBTaDlaat to Iba Maabatlan Cliaaaoidar lo

Ol.b.Xlilh—Ibat altar oil boara* play, aietaalra or tba

ttae oooaplad la oabllas aod lotarval, entolahadHUDoi to b* adtadtaalad by Bnaaaal Ltakar, boaoiaiyaanbar of both oluba.

The Hanballai Chess Club, In Ihetr letter, pro-pcssd that the match be played osBveboarda;that the playen ihonld be active meobera ot therapectlve olnbs trom July I, limi; that the gamesshould be governed by the mies ol tbe Blith Aiser-IcanOosgress; that the matoh begin atl r.n-.NewYork time. A reply will be sent to the Btliltb

Okeis Olub thU week.IQ the Vaa^nei'ltabenhana match which waa be-

gan Dec. 31 at Havana, Ouba, the Im game waswon by Vaaqnesasd the aecosd by Taubenhaui.

TBI Yonksn (N. Y.) Oortnthlan Yaobt Clab last

week elected Ihe toDowIng ooicera: Oommodora,A. J. Prime; neet csDtiln, L. ()ninchl; reeordlngsKreUrr, F. A. Rlgcy: gnanolal aeoralary, H. J,

Rltohle; treaaorer, A. M. Potter; meaanrer, W. B,Meyers.

THEATRIOiLL.ooxniiDio nujM rioi va.


New UaTea—AtlheHyperlon Angnatli Daly's

company rams to big business Dec U, and Aroble

Boyd, H, to alursoloiT nlsrss. Comatook'a Hln.

ginis oome Jan. c.

OHiMO Onu nocBK—Dan McCarthy came to

big butlness liee. 34-Kl, as did J.J. DowllngandHyn Davla, 3T-2>. Charles L. Davis comes Dec 31-

Jan. 3, "Does and Hosa" 3-ii.

Poi.t's Wo)juni.uiD.—Bnslness wis fair duringlollday week. This week: ainrd Leon, Blectrloqoartel, Fleberasd Orowell, Sharp asd Flait, Ool-hns and CoUlus, tbe WUmolt Dso, tbe EUnorSls-len and Msrtinc

Brldgspeil.—At tbe Park City Theatre TheDlamona Breaker," Deo. 3t,dld alarge bniluess, udldOomstock'sHlnsttels,3t. "Tbe Vuslng Show"comes Jan. 1, "MarrltdTnot Hated," 2.

AVDITORIDU.—"Tto oonnlry Sqnlra" played to

good linalnesi, Dec 2t, u did Dsn Hooirlby,iii,:9i,ai. "TlieLoetPandlse"cones3t.JaB.'Alvis Joslln" 3, "Only a Farmer's Daughter" t, ».

llatHlbnlf—At Pnctor'a Opera Uouse Ihe holi-

day bnaloess bas been only fair, ceo. Dixos'sBpeclalty Oo. corn's Dec al. '-Is Old Keutuokj"wHlboUM aUracttcs NewYtar'a Day and sight,alaoJaB,3;ArobleliOTd,ln "The Country Squire,"3,'TheLastPaiidlae'>l,6. The Two Johsi" hada BBiall attesdasoe Dec 34. 0. L. Davla dnw goodhouieest. "l-'JO-a" did fairly wcJ 30. JameaB.Hiokle, In "The SIda Show,'' hadapiokad bonae9 T7i« Itaiyoiil nnira gave Bve hundrednewaboya and giria passes to Maokle's "SideShow" afiaraoon of3. Oolt'a band headed a pn-oesslos trom I7ii> nnin to the Open Uonae. Alierthe performaaoe each girl and ooy waa pteaentedwith a box of candy aid an orange HanagerFnnk VY. Lloyd, ot Cioolot'a Open Ilouse, waspresented by nia sewtpapsr friends with a dia-

mond Klks* pin St. The prteenlallon waa alterThe Two Jobsa" poiformance, on the alage. Asoolal seaslon wu enjoyed by the memben of"Tbe Two Jobna," asd tbe orrhestn helped tomake the seulonvery amuilsg AUjs Ilall hulite u purchased by Palrlok Dosoghue, who willnext Bumiuei ismodsl the theauc

HuuoiB Casnifs, ct the Odeon Theatre, Balti-

more, wu presented Dec 30 wltta.a sllvei set ofspoons snd sonp ladle by tbe employes ot the house.TBiMi O'NiiLL, ot Polly and Fnnk O'ReiU.wntea us that he Is not the party who was bUlsdweek ot Deo. 34, at Oanlos, O,010. Coss, tbe old lime minatnl performer, la at

present at his home In Cambrldgapcrt, Uaaa., In aprecarious condition. He Is neatly blind andallghtlyparalyred-TBX HisTii.1 FiMiLY ot blcydlals have re-

lumed trom Oaiada, when they appeared with theIloyal Eutertalsen. This company closed theiraeason Dec tt, at Bame, Can.Jos OiKNOH asd bla band ol pickaninnies play

Ban Francisco, OaL, for six weeks, Ibenca to Aus-tralia.

Wi ini lutoimed that the Jc«. P. Morgan Oo.closed Dec 13, at Coboes. N. Y.Tag BiRN BSCTBIB9, Doroh ssd chander com.

cdlass, wbo appeared at tbe beseCt tesdertd loOoamopclltan Lodge, No. 303,Kslghts of Pythlu,Is this cliv, recestly, have appeared lalaly ataevenl vaodevUle entertalsmenu gives at privatedabs, asd have been csgiged to go with a sewtares comedy.ANNA LiOYD, late ot 'Trill to the City" Oo., bu

gone 10 Ouba, under engagement t« do her spe-cially.

DoLLT HucroH Is playing a aucceestol engage-ment over the Bessay A Howe Canadian drcnlr,Jbsib Milub, Ihe girl comeuiat, only alxieen

Jean old, wu heard lut week for the am time Inew York, St the Union Square Theatre, wllb big

success, she comes highly recommended, havingappeared u soloist wltb some of the best mualcalorganlatlous lu America.u W, laoitOK hu leased the Lyceum Tbeatre,Is New Losdos, CL, asd Is alio lessee and managerol the Qalety Theatre, New London, and tbe MyatioOpera Uouie, Hysuo, Ct.

OwDa TO rasviouB BNoiogiiiinB made by LewBaker, 0. W, Huff wiu continue tbe company underIlia naal^ paying a royalty tor tbe aamo. Mr. UoShu reorganiud the company tor the Northwest,and ptebably tor the cout trip.

LioNi ft BVERnr^ Lions' Club ind BioVaudeville Co. closed a sncceaerul week, endingDec 33, at Cook's Unilo Ball, Lynn.

Ill Bolus ind ViLOBt, logglen, npoit doingwell with the "BUok Orook.''

a Mrs. Atiousu M. Bujcoii, mother ot E.N. Slooum, well known In minatrelay, died Deo. 93,at her eon's residence In Fhihidelphli, Fa,, agednlnety two years. The remains were taken to

Oolombns, 0., tor Interment.ASTBiiB LOHBUNi, Of Lomlne and Uowell, wu

preunted by his wife with a baby boy on Dee. ai.

N. U. BsooiB, manager or Wonderland, James-town. N. Y., writes us that be closed tint bonieDec it, owing to bad business."Sas'a ALL TBI World," by Ben]. F. Bamelt

and WlUism T. Honls, which hu been pnbllabedby H. Wltmark A Booa, ottbis city, and gives pro-ffllae ot becoming popolar.BONHiBTboRNTON U appearing before the Han-

hatlan Athletic Olub'a midnight peifoimances Ibis

YouMO and HiBOX bave left Ooa UUI'i World otNovelties and will open at Hyde A Behman's The-atre, Brootlys, N. Y., next week.BooRlRoa.—At iba Tlroll Tbaatra, Raw Orlaaoa:

BfrpUao daaelBi glrla, Bloooiar aad Hilton, PoturSalgloy, WIU InroB, tccttU Uagglar), Banh SUUri,nraatand arlrllla, far Dolmar, AJica Olark, Bartba

Tliorao, Lydia Qray, Boiilab Itamoo, KIdd WlUoa. AnalaHllloo, Ualilo I.roni, earn* riiliar. Big. Filaoo, Da[Tyi. B«Ila FaUma. Fiadla aad Adgt*. naak Lundlabaa raianiad aad ukoa hIa old plaaa aa alaga nanaiar.

AttbaBlioQ Tbaatra, Sioax Oily, la.: Jarry aadSlmor, Qlrtrd Bltlan. Par Bahlwla, Cltm adana, BdaaMonullo, BoUailhr ud WlUlaoia, llaify (bulda aadm* elaet At Uia Boaid otTrado Mailo nail. Elwood,lod.:AlmaAdima,lb«Dn7tooa,Mllard Pllnora, EddieCur, Oon Ooahoy. Did Ceolar, aod Biatoi^ aauObap-naa At tba Tople Tbaam, Orlppla Oraak, f^iL:Ctmll and Mala, aoniaTbompaoB,ltllay aod Baitba,Haad Alebiaoo and Edilh BuUas" At Iba ParkThBaln,nia>tralla, Moat.: Virile VadtU. Pnl. M. r.PattaaeUl. Toaaa, doi. 0. Havllla, Cappy Btaeh. ObaaBooUay, MarlaDovla ud Ada Youag. At AkaiarTbaaln, Barlty. Wla.: Qai. WUIlama. Oaitla WIUlamF,anoa Boxanl. Tom Lea. Elllr Lata. Llllla Bonla, May


Wheellag.—Th« Bnt bait ot the season ot

i$M4 Is gone, and a oatetnl revlawot the bnslneasat the local ibaatna shows aa UspioTanieBt overlaat Baason, sad tba prosptcts an bright (or miohbetter oualseu from sow ostU lbs stason asdaUollday week wu very lively, and boitalheaini dida good bualutaa.Oi'iRi llovsg.—"Doss and Hess" wu gi«eicd by

two crowded bouses Deo. 3i. Robert Ullllird pre-aanled "Tbe Nominee" to a good alied aadtence ».TheTornado,"?!, bad the smaUtat bouse otibeaeaaon. Booked: Vufred Clarke Jan. I, 3, "PaulKauvar" 4. Stelson's "I'. T. 0." t, "land ot tbeHIdnlilit Bon" 1, AL 0. Field's Minstrels 14,"Jana" H. 13.

QRtNii (irsu Boras.—'the Trolley Sniem drawgood bnalneu Dec It-M. "Fablo Romani" tol-rowed 3t-'j> to tair bnalness. Coming: "A Flag otTruce" 31-Jta. 3,A Barrel ot Honey'* ;-», Chaa. T.Kills 14-10.

Norn.—•Uls NIba, tbe Itaron," Company closedtheir season Is BMatsvlUe^ W, Va., Dec so, aadpassad through hen Iha day (ollowlnwni roufa toHew York Alarge deMfiltonot Kits from allover lb* Bute an making amagemenla to attendibe HouidivIUe Lcdgs^bsoeltrii; "Jan*" will b*glvea.

BIODdIa, Baaala gflvaiur, faail Biubal, Dkk rtalam,"— Laa.Mar/a'— "—'- "-— " ~— . (laorga waalaidor 01 orabMln.

Lima Laa, Mar rataia, Baaala Aloon, Vatsta Blla Baa-abaw, (laorgaWau and Ella Ward. ProL Banahaw la


Ban AatloBle.—At tbo Onsd Own UosssJamea J. Oorbett played to s. B. o. Dec le, a.Mrs. Potter and Kyrle Bellow were given a lecep!tlon 31, 21. "Frienda" wu heartily appreciated 33,24, u ns "The Black Oiook" 36, 33. (lladysWallace comea 38, 3>, Harle WalnwrlgM 31, Jan. 1,"Tbe Fencing Haater" 3, 3, "Lady Wlndetmere'aFan" c, 3, "The Derby Maicolt" 8, 9.PsorLi'8 Thsitrb.—A sew legiusiale popolar

priced house coounues succtaiful under tbomanagement ot Jamts P. Oorian, with a cleverBlock company.WuBiKOTON TBursE.— 0. O. Knight, proprie-

tor and minogerand Joe Orotiy, Is charge of tbeBlage. have Rbooied the followlsg oompalny: Jo-ale Wllsoii, Alice Fisher, E. H. Branage, FlonWheeler, Hay Brandos, Hlnsle RosselL Honcnetand Heiedlib, Hiy Uvida, DUIIe \villlaais,JoeOntly, Jen Powen and Oeorgta Powen.

AwaUB,-AtHllleu'a Open Houae Hn. Potterand Hr. Bellow, at idvance4 prices, presented"Uharlolls Cordaiyi'to a large aodleaoe Dec 20.JamesJ.Oorbefln"aenUeinin Jack," did a bigbnalneas 31. "The Black Crook" did well 2£"Frtenda" had magslBcent honaes, asd acored asaeoese Ohrlslmaa matinee asd nigbl. 33. •TheDerby Mascot" comes Jan. 10, "In Old Kentocky"14, Ssm T. Jack's Exinvagania Oo. 13.

aalToatoB.—At ttae Tremonl Opera Bouse Hn.Poller asd Kyrle Bellow piesenled Ohsriotie Ol>^day" to a good auendince Dec II. The BlackOnok" liBd ullsHctory basmess M, 30, James J.

Oorbett opened lo the capacity or tbe honse 23.Due: Jan. 7, a, Pauline Hall; 3, 10, "In OldKentocky." At the Mascot Thealn: Lil-lian Lee, Fraskle Wbltoomb, Ohas. Oates,John Keiirer, Joele FUnn, Petri La Hostasd Frask Howard. Bnalneu Is goodHarle Wataiwrlght will open Ihe new Qiand OpennouH Jan. 4 Dave welas, maaagar or Uie ne-Bost Open Dome, entertained Jamaa J. Corbeuwith a aspper Dec 33.


DoBTer.—M thenbor Orand Opera Ilcsse, weekot Dec 34, Louie Odllss' Ttonbadosn pkbjed togood bonsat. Week ot 31, "Tbe New Boy."Nsiv BsoiDWAT ToxtTu.—Week ot 34 MUton

asd Dollle Moblea, In "From Sin to Son" and ForRevenue Only," played to fair bnaliusa. Week of31. L'harlea DIckaon.

LTCBUsi Tbutri.—Week ot 34 "Ultle LordFluntleny." with Annie Blancke u Ihe Utile lord,had paokad hosaaa.Otitns 3na*TTuiiTRa.—'Ttie Prodigal Father"

bad lair honssH. Week or 31, "A llillroad TlokeL"OwnaL TnxtTRR.—No change In people. Bosl-

neulagood.MRNnoN.—Princeton alee Olub played to stand-

ing room only 34, 3i. Tbey wen euieitalned bytbe Dennr Club and tbe Denver Athletic Olub,and Denver Sootety give them a banquet asd bslL

Henry 8. Alward, butlness manager ot "TheNew Boy" Co., Is In the oily ..All Ihe iheatreahid good hossee dating Ihe week Pror. o. R.Oleason olossd U, and no did an eleianl boslnesato packed houiea nightly Ohaa. Dade madehis debut at Ibe Lyoenm.



iBdlsaapells,—At the Onnd the Warde-

James Oo. produced "The Lion's Mouth" and

'flesiy Till" lo lalr sized audleufes, Deo. 24, 29.

The Howard Olee Club occupied the boards 33.

TlfflMnrpbyand Eugene Oanseld, lu "Alimony,"plaved to modanteir good bDalneas.3T-3s. Coming:Harle Janses Dec 8l-Jan. 3, Felix Korrla 3-J.

Enouso'b.—The American Tnvcstv Co., In "Off

tbe Earth," wu the recipient ot excellent bnslneuDec 34-37, the Ohrlatmu andlences being excep-Uonally large. Iteevcs A Pslmer's OosmopoUtans,booked tor 28, 3>, did not appear. Booked: 'TboWitch ot Endor." by local talent, week ofsi, Bagen-beck's Anlraal Show Jan. 7 and week.Piix.—Big bnslneu wu tbo rule at the engage-

mentot'Tbe Flag ot Trace" Oo. Dec 14-23. "ABnnch of Koya" wu well received 27r2t.

EiiriHR,-Tlie City CInb Bnrleaqne Co. played to

well OUcd honarH 34 asd week. "TbaOaUey suve"week ot 31, Barry Williams' Own Co. Jan. 1 andweek.Nom.—J. Aldrlch Ubby wUl leave Paulino

Bell's company shortly A banquetwu givenOhrlatmu night by T. U. A. Lodge, Ko. 31, on thestage at tbe Pirk tor memben ol tbe vlalilng com-panlBH. RepreaenlaHvea of tbe Warde-Jimes, "Offtba Earlh.'r -a Flag ot TtucCand the City OlubCompanies wen present Toasts wen reapondedto by Messn. Frederick Warde, Roberts, Walkerandoibers.

NarloB.—Powell, the magician, gave a credi-

table perfonnanoe betore a good andlesce Dec. H.W. 8. Clevtlind'a Hlnsiiels were received by apacked bouse 34. John I.. Bnlllns, In "A TrueAmerican," Oiled tbe house to Ihe doon with abadly dls^ipolnled andlence 23. Be wu billed fora matinee, but refused to go on the stige, isdmosey wu refunded to pnrchasen of tickets.

"Ula Nibs, tbe Baron," billed tor 23, canceled. J.

E. Toole, In "Klllamey and the Rhine," gave anexcellent ptrfirmince to 1 amall audience 38. Un-derlined: Oonnyand Fox, In "Bot Tlmalea," 19;Nellie HcHenry, Is "A NIfbt at the Circus," Jin. I:

•Bolder and Fly"2.auaWllllimB.ln"AprU Fool,''

3; Nell Florence, In "Oneof tbe Boys." 3 ThePark Theatre on tbe Nortb Sidebu been recited,and will be opened by Hyde's Comedlsns 31 andweek The local lodge ot Elks era mskingprepantloBs to give a minstrel performance Is thesear fnion Tbe Harlos AUileUe CInb gave areception and buquelto John L.Balllvin Ohrlat-mu Day.BvaBavllle.—At the Onnd "Alabama" came

to fair bualnen Dec 24. "laud ot the HldnlghtBun" gave two Dertormances lo exoellest houses26. 'The (Irtat Brooklyn Handicap" hid 1 thin it-

tendancei;. "YonngHn. Wlslbrop" Is blllsd tor

28. "Pawn Ticket 310'* comes Jas. 1, Hatis Jan-aen 3, "The Ensign" t, Thoc Q. Seabrooke is,

"Charley's Aunt" 18 At tba People's "A CleanSweep" auiscled a full bouse Dec 33. Bookings:Paul Dreaser, lu 'A Oreen Qoods Man," 30, "ABunch of Keys" Jas. e, Jnle Waltere, in "SideTracked," 13^


WllnalDgu>av-At Ihe Qnid Open Bouse Wil-

liam Barry presented "The Blslig OeseraUon" Dec.

2i to Immense aodlenoei. Agnes Herndon appear-

ed 2*, a, to fair bnslness- Oomlng: Rhea 31, Dock-sUider's Minstrels Jan. 1, The Fusing Show" 2,"Superba" 4, 3, 'The While Squadron" 7, "The NewBoy" »woNDiiLiND UcsiR.— Tbe holldiys hnnght

enormous business. People for Dec ei isd week:Leotan hall—Hirry asd Bessie Hondlsl, Chief N.Eagle asd Das Onsas. Theatre—Byrosasd Blascb,Lizzie Johnaon, Brown Bros., Dick Leggett, Ilobt.

and Haggle Hewlette and living pictnrta,AoaiK the Academy ot Huslo wUl change hands.

FndA.Thomu, during lut week, gave sp thebouse, cliUnlug to hive lost over 13,000. The own-en will endeavor to keep the house open until anewmanager Is seonred. Ur. Thomu will remainhere tor a wbuc


TopekB.M)haiies Dickson came Dec38 to goodbusiness. Btnstt Robson la blUed torn, "In OldKeotaoky"3l Topefca Is to have a new the-atre, called the Bijos, on Qulioy BUset. J. 0.DarUng and W. H. Atkinson will be tbe proprietors,snd Hr, .vtklnson manager. It will have a Beatingcapacity of about too, and will bo Blud with lateat

open okalra. Tbo aoanery la being palsiad byDudleyABntIer,orTopeka. Itegular prices ot (Oc.

ud 33c will rale. It is phumed to ran In connec-tion with B aobool ot dnmatio art, and the pupllawill be depended on tor occaalonal pertormancee.

Wloklia—At Onwtord's Orand Lincoln J.

Outer's "Fast Mall" did big bnslseas Dec a andmatinee. Oomlig: Oharles Dickson, Bi "Incog," 29;Ocsgrove and Cram's Oomedlins, In "The Dizzier,"Jin. 3.

IieaTeBworth,—At Crawford's Onnd OpenBouse Ohirles Dickson, In "A Jolly Oood Fellow,"Dec 23, give in excellest pettonosnee to goodbnalnees.


UUavsakee,—Ohilstmu week wu preducUveof good nturu In consequence of the varied al-

tnoiloss presented, asd u the bills ot this weekire popslar, bustsess sbonld remain good.DavinoN ToBiniB.—JosephMurphy commenced

a short stay in "Shann Rhne" Dec 30 (matinee),Jan. 3, "The Kerry Oow" Dec 30, Jan. 1, "Tb»Oosagh" Deo 31, asd Jan.' 1 (matinee). BmUyBanc-ker, la"Onr Flat," Inlshes ont the week. 'TheOrnstot Society," with Catile Turner, dnw prom-able bouses Ian week. "The Passing Show" comes8,7,e,«.8IBU0D OFgBA H0D8B.—Oorlnue sud the Klmbsllpen Oomlqne Company, lu "HendHok EudKu,"

began 1 week Deo. 30. "Tbe Span of Lite" did alarge bnalnea all lut week. Hr. and Hn. OliverBrron, in 'The Vps and Downs of Life," Jis. 3 asdwiaek.AoiDuiT or HC3I0 Our Uncle Dadley," whichwu seen hen nsder thename ot "Charley's Uncle,"opased (or a week Dec 30. "Aoroas the Potomac"oomesJan. 3,7, 8, 9.

Brur TaxiTaa.—Hax and MoitlE," an amusingpenonlBcatlon ot ohirmcten In Ihe picture book, bywUhehn Buioh, wu given matinee ud eveningDec n, and lu lbs evening, 33, the one lot firce,"Der welBie nincb," iru also given. Ohrlatmunight the farce, areenhorss," wu iMy presented.

Omaka.—Al Boyd's Theaue Sol Smllta Rissellopened s three nights' engagement Dec 81. Ban-dow comes Jan.s, 4, s, the orlsoeMlsvtesOc e, T, %"Tbe OonntiyOlrcas" 10-13. Blaan Robeon did agood bnalneas Dec 34, 33, 10. Tbe Pilnceton Olee,Banjo and Mandolin Ulub had crowded hoaae 27,Evriai Thutrb.-Hurray and Hack, In "Flnnl-

gan'e6all,"opesedaweek'sengsgeoest3t. "Theshipot State'' comes Jan. 3 asdweek. 'A RailroadT1ckel"dld a Mg builneu tbe pait week.NoTsa.—'The Camboo HInea," a melodrama

wriiies by W, B. Need, of tbla city, waa presentedlor the Irel Ume, Deo. i>. at Wuhfoiton Uall, by alocal noDpasy D. W. Ilaynes la now tbe man-ager otlloyd'aTbeaUe Omaha pnmlsn lo bewell anpslled with theiires lu tbe near future. L.H. Onwtord, tbe leaaee ot the old fitteentb StreetTbealie, bu elgned a coniraot wlUtaapltalliu hento build him a gnnnd noor theatre wlih a seatingeapaeliy ot !,H0, asd now comes John A. HcBImmand W. A. Paiion, two of Omaba'a most prominenteapliaUaia, with a theatre to cost (I03,coo, and to beleased to a Chicago auisger. Work on boita sno-MtalstocooaeBoelaiSeaextiklityA^

The tonr act drama, "Harla and Magdaleia," byPaul Lindas,wu played 23,and Max aad Horlti''wu repeated 39. Bulness at each performancewu Urge. For 30 tbo burlesque^ "Dis Yolk weleswebitnnd lacb," Is announced.PiorLB's THiATSB.—Hav Hovnrd's Burlesque

Company commenced (or six daya 3L 0. W. Wll-Uama' (Jomedlans closed a weU attended eight day'sengagement 30. Bob Fllzslmmosa' Oompany Jan,3 and week.HinwiNm CiRotra.—Jan. 3 Is to bo the Bnal

day ot the cirons season, which will Inlih lis eightwwka dnrtu which time the attendance hu beenmost olsoonnging and nnprolliable. The bill re.

malu the same u lut week, u followa: RobertBUokney Jr. (Tour bone riding sell, Robert Whl^Ukerirlder), Robert Stlokney Sr. and his marveloasdoge Harry and JennleOoateUo. Delmon and Lee

iinIM novelty, 'Tbe Fenls >nieel"), Ihe Lazellee

uriallsts). the Unghs (inmliUsg), Altred RelckhoffIbe tanoy rIBe shoi).

WoNVRiLiNDMudgcM.—WcekotDec.31: Ourlt—Annie lln.Tlaw (lady whltUer), tv. D. HcOet, UinyEaglo and Punch itboss. Toeatre—WlUard andBaU, Hark Soring, Hable Uizleton, Owes asd Sun-Un, and the Hoore Slaters.dorroKs.—The May Bomrd Oompamy lay off

hen week ot Jas. 3 Hinsger John E. WU-Ilama, ot the Onsd Open Honse, Oabkoah, wis.,wu bi city 33, viewing tbe dlffeient auncuons Inthe city. Mr. WUllams suus be hu not bid a los-

Ingnlghttbls aeason "Lord Roomy" playedatVaokeaba, Wis.. 28 0. F. HUler, formerlymanager ot the Expcaltlon Hnalo Hall and theStandard Tbeatre, la back from your cityAogut Koehler, iged ten yean, the son ot JonsKoehlcr, a veteran Hllwaokee mualcUB, performedupon ten dinenst InainunestB recently daring anlstermlaa<os at the BIJoa Pnt. J. K. Kesnody,Ihe mesmerist, died at bla home In Jaekaon, HIcb..al four o'clock morning of 28. Prof. Kennedy hadmaur friends In this city Bert Jordan, thedancing irtah comedian. Joined a W. wiouma'(XtmedlaBa 31. Tbe lllitia cicaed with Ihe aamecompasy Jan. 3, and will be nplaced by O'BrienindBacslev chilatinu pttseuta were In abundanceat the different theaties lu spite of the hard tlmecTbe emplores of Ihe Davidson preienttd ManagerBrawn and Bnslneu Hanager Dean each wllu ahasdscme gold ring, set with rablca, aad each em-ploielBlam wu given alatgetnrkey Haaa.ger John o. Bandls, ol the Bijoa, received a band-gone oa|E table boo Us •mptoje^iad Hanager

Rodrlgnei, ct the Academy, wu given a ilerliniallfsr desk set by his suff Bart RuddlesIrtasnnr of the Academy, wu gives an Immessematch box, while bis ssslstaal, Allle HaU, wu therecipient of sevenl ntue boxes ManagerRaynor, ot tbe People's, received a large lamp, achandelier, and oilier preaenta from his em.nloyes Joseph Hnrphy snd company bid offsen 39.


D«s IfolBea,—At the Onsd Open Bcsie "TbeShipot Stale" WM prcwsted Dec 33, 13, lo goodbsalness. Paul" Is due Jan. 8.

FOSTXR'8 OrsiA Bocaa-Din Sslly, In "O'Nell,

Waahlngton, D. 0.," bad lirge ladlences 23 indmiUnec Btnirt Robaon followed 17 ind pickedthe home. Tim Hurpby comes Jis. 7, FioraiK-e

Bindley 8, Obirles DIckaos 11, "Tlie New South" ii.


31: Cnrlo and Icctnn hill-Ktcoma ilnn skull

man). BIJ in stage—Second aeries of living pic-

lotes. Theatotlum-Caliromla open compaoy in

"Fn Dlivola," wlib Beatrice and Ooldle Rinenaiiu prluclpalB Bnalneas the put week wu large

when "Said Faaha" wu given.

MOTis.-A change of pnprletorahip bu taken

K1aoe lu the WorTd'a Fair Hnaeom, Ooldbeck .1

nben having sold out lo Jam's L. Ruab. LouOrowley bu been engaged to manage the place,

and Is amsglng a big bill tor weekoini TheE. ot P. Hinainis (local) will give an entenilu-ment at Feeler's, Feb. t, for tbe beueat ot cbartly.

Cud Olveu left town with the Uin Bully Oom-lany, having iccepted a bualneaa engagementwllb Hr. Siilty Josle Bmlib ]atil to Join CoriaPayton'e Oomfaoy Frask Llndcs wulntuecity on bntlneaa lut week.

Dobaqne.—At the Omnd Olcilina" came to

large houses Dec 13. 'The Temptallos ot Honey"had a good taouse 13. Daniel Solly, In "o'Nell, of

Wuhlngton, D. 0.," pleased a large andlence IT.

Coming: Jan. 1, "Loat In Now Y'orkj" 2, "Frlta In aHad Bonae;" 3. Beach A Bowen' Hinatnla.THE OAiBrr TflsiTas has nccome tbe Bljon, asd

nnder s new masigement la doing well.

BgicB A BowEDS' MiNSTBELa Ot nheanlsgdally at tbe Onnd ind opestheirseason here JaiL 9.

Cedar Raplda.—At Oreeoe'a Open UonaeThe Templailon of Honey," Dec. 13, asd Dss'lBnlly.SS, came 10 moderate buelneas. The Prlnce-lon Olee Club Is bUled for 38, "Aoroaa the Fotomac"31, J. R. Emmet comes Jas. 3, "Aont SUly" 3Ohiutmu night, itier the pettoruuace, HanagerSimmons, ot oreene's, gave Che Open Bouae roicea banqneL Sixty peraons. Including the orcheslia,nshera, stage men, police, poslen, aod ell oltaenoonnecled with the honse, ugetber wltb the malememben or The Tempiatlon of Money" Company,aat down to an elaborate supper and bald anesjoyahle lima.Conncll OlaBTa.—At Dohiny's Theiire The

Blue lud tbe Ony" wu prcaenled by amaleun Dec.28,39. Booked: 'The Uhafliy Ball" Jan. 3, 'TheOaplalu'a Hale" 3, i, Hnrrsy and Hack, In ''Flnul-

gan'B BiU," 10.

OHIO -(See Page TM.)

FlBdlBy.-At the Harris Opera Boose "Uo-Nnlty'a Vlalt," Deo. 24, draw a good house Pror,Belllng'B concert, 13, draw a large audience 'TheLimited HaU," 33, drew a good souse The FaytonOomedy Co, comes week ot 31, "Ibe Silver King"Jan. 7.


Wn.O. BowE)i,aweUknoimonme'tlsl,dledDec.2i, at tbe Insane uylnm on Ward's lauuid, Uili

city- The deceased wu bora lu England, hotcame to this oonnlry aboot twenly ose yean ago,asd, after playing Is tbla cliv with various mualcalorginlzailona, be Joined tbe Seventh BegtmestBand, and soon won recognltlos u a coraet soloist.

Whes P. B. Oilmen orgaslsed bis own basd Hr.Bowes went with blm, asd became ose ot the bestknom memben ot that timons band, .\boot threeyean ago be showed eigne of mental denngemeni,snd soon afterward unmistakable evidences ofpirealB became appannt The dlsfue developednpldly, aod In Februarr, U93, bla wire secured hiscommliment to Ward'a laland. OnDeo.l7,tbroughnegligence ct hia attendants, he wu badly scalded,and It It stated that the burns thus received baalen-ed bla death. He w<a 1 member ot tbe Royal Ar-canum asd Knigbia of Uosor. Be leaves a widowand aevcial grown children. Tbe funeral ocounedDec m, tram bis late reildence lu this city.

JanBB LiiiOKT (James L. Wllllama), a velennmlnatrel performer, died Dec 24, at. bis hone InPhiladelphia, Pa., from coninmpUon. The deoeuedwu Oliy-alx yean otage, snd for thirty yean badbeen connected with Oaincroaa A Dlxej>sand Cam-croa' Hlsattela, Is that city.

EaiLi Obablis BgBOUuNB, a mulolas, diedDec 37 at his bosie Is PlalnOeld, N. J~ aged atiynine years. The deceased waa bora is Brnsiel.,Belgium, and came to this coustty Is 1832. Heleaves a widow.

8. B. Byrrb tstorms ns that Owes Klsg. Creolemimic died Dec 3 at Onnd Rapids, Htch., fromdiabetes.His. Edward B. Bamkrr (Plorcnce Wells), whowu a well-kncim peiformer several yean ago,died Dec 36 In tbla city. Hra. Banker wu knownIn the profession, at one time, u the "ColoradoNaggel.'' She wu the yonsgeet daigbterot oldJack Wells, of clross fame Aa Florence Wells ibemade her Bnt appearasce when three yean ot

age, doing sprlles wltb Levi J. North, her titber

doing clown. At tbe age of twelve she iru ting-

ing m the same company with TOny Putor ucloim. She wu tbe original Oolnmblne In tbepantomime, 'The SevenDwarfs,"at tbe old BoweiyTheatre, this city. She had played chUd parts at

ttalB IbeaUe vrttta her slater, Lonlse Wells, woo wuwell knoira u a gnat Hazeppa. The decet sed

made her lut appearance In ue ring with Levi J.

Nortb, when lony Pastor was the principal

clown asd BUly Kessedy wu tbe aecosdcloim. She wu at 444 Broadway, tbla city, whenTony Putur wualnglngeomlceoogs, andwu alio

with him at his Bowery neatre. She had appearedat many of the leading vattety houses of this coun-try. She and her hnaband, Ed. Banker, Inveledua aketch team for a while, under the Orm name ot

Buker and Wells. Tliey appeared sea team unill

Hr. Banker took tbe management of Dan Bully, In

The comer Grocer," at Tony Paator'a OpenHouae, thle oily, when ahe retired from the atage.

Her remains were Interred Dec 38.

David Uawss Wilson, a well known manager,died Dec 38, at his bome In this city, from brandlaeaec. The deceased, who waa bora In 1838, In

Lyons, la, bad been cossected with ihe pnfesslonfor a snmber or yean, aad had bees the manageror lomo of the best known people on the atagc Dowaa at one lime business ininageror W. U. Powei'aThe Ivy Leaf" Co., and had imniged Hr.and Hn.W. J. Florence for one season. For live yean priorto Ibe deaUi of Roslna Vcku bewu her bssUKUnpresestiUve end Ireunrer, tnd later he becameacting mmager for Rose Cogbiin. Lut Spring hotook the posluon ot msnuer of the Orand Botel,

this oily, ind be Inlanded^ to take charge ot IhoHeuopole Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa, on Jan. 1. UeIravea a widow and ose child, ne remalu wenplaced tcmponrlly In 1 vault In Wcodlawn Ceme-tery Dec 30.

JouH K. Kenhvdt, who gave exhibitions ta mas<merism, died Deo. as, ait bis home In Jaekaon,HIcb., from Bngbt's disease Tbe decesaed, whowu forty-3ve yeareol age, bad been before the

public tor tweniy yean, and claimed to be the lint

to make meamerlam a theabrtcal entertalsmest.He had appeared In most ot the principal oltln Is

this conniry. Ue wu at one time a member ot

Daytes A Kennedy Broc' Bright LIghls. In 1(31 hetonred the country with (lieen A Kennedy's "KingLanghmaken," and In 1893 wu with UarryWlUuma' Own Co. Ue leavca a widow asd adaughter. The remains wen Inteiied, Dec 39, it

lacucn.D. B. MooDT, known to old time dress people

sa Dlbolo, Bra eilerand oloirn, died Dec 31 at Dts

home In Chicago, III., trom cilanb ot the stomsch.The deceased, wbo wu sbout Bfty-sereo yean ot

sge ntlied about tonr yean ago sad opened atieeeoneert ball In Chicago, which nrovcd a auc-

rese Be wu 1 prominent raemberof tbe B. P.O.Rike, end vru one ot the tonsdcn ot ChicagoLodge, No. 4. Ulawlfe,wbo,wIUiadanghler,sar-vives him. Is very Ul.

JOBN UODUBiH. Irish comcdlsD, died Dec 33,

at bis bome Is Chicago, III., mm cossnmpilos.lie wu ibltty-lra yean of sac lie leaves awidow. Tue fuseralwu nnder the auspices ot the

Aotcn' Fond snd the lemalna were interred In Csl'

vary Oemeiery, Chicago.Borais Brown (Hn. Louts Oberwortb) died Deo,

a, at her home in Ohicago, OL The deoesssd wuformerly a member of the stock at Eagel's PavUtos,that olty,aadwuibe wife ot Loals Oberwortb,idveitialag sgest o( Itast honse Bbe died I4


January 5. THE NEW YOIlKV:CIL.IPPER. 707


Prorwlonal Stocklngi Filled with Hand>(ome and Coitly Preiants.

A( la coiloDuy *( tbU twdfe nuoa ot (be jevpi«(MiIoii*la lutv« well remembered tbelr trlenta

Id the oompulea In wutoli Uur luo tntTellng udnwe fled irUta etoli other to make tbe clotlog

DOntti ofDM eIjo7tt>l^ detplie Ibe tut Uut boil-

neM Id (eaenl bii got been proOUble.

Objlitmu wu puaed verr pleMuUj wlib tbe

UudeHUlfflui Co., mil mnr beutUnl gttta were(lohufed, unoDf tbem belDft k nag oobtilnlsgMTaataen diunondi premsKd to HTm nilloun.

At Ibe ObrUUnia nutlDet Id Coboee,N, T., HandeBiUman wia prewnied wlib a bcautUal aiar ot dow-eia from tbe Cngtloenlal Drnm and Fl(eOorpa,olSobeneotadj, N. Y., who were preaenc in a bodf.

mt Atihor R. Sejoonr, o( tbe UoaeeTbea-ire, UUoa, V. Y., was preeeated wlib a diamondring Tbe New York Stare apest a pleaaantObriftmu. and preaenta were nomerooe. Tbelrmaaafer, Fred l. Uaher, loi a gold watcb obalnfrom tbe companj; MPK*iitle, elutrlolan, got

a iDld watoli obaln; Joe Weeger, proprietor, re-

celted a cane from Ibe companj; 0. yr.

unielleld recelred an iTorr caoe witb en-grayed atlver bead. Otben got email pieaenuof mora or leas valne. Tbe mana^r nre abananet after tbe ebow, and general JolliOcatlon

wu In order Ha; Hadtaonwu preaenled witb

a dlamoDd neollace Tbere wu a limy timeatonnd tbe Wtalte Palace, Eaaion, Pa., on OhrltmuDar, when preaenta were plenUfol. Manager UrockleoelTod a w«l«h and cbain, Mre. Ilrock (LoulieBlone) a hanilaomo dtcaa, and everr attache ahonttbebooaeabox ot olgara Tbe Lillian TuckerCO, excbaoged man; Obrlttmu preienta and werebasgneled bj HlnTacker after the pcrrnrmanceat Bangor Jolea Waltera' "Bide Tracked"Companrapent Obrlaunu Iq Alton, lU. After tbe

matinee ibe compan; anembled In the private din-

ing room ot tbe Hotel HadlwD, when a supper offowls, wim many eobeUiabmentB In the form ot

o;atars, salads, froltn, nets, Icea, etc, badbeen provided h; Hsnager Trailers. It wutralr a merrr Xnus gatbertng. All formalltinwere thrown ulde and good hamor reignedipreme. wine wu puied and Jokes were told,

Namenoe glfis were exobiraged among tbo memben ot the oompanT, araoni wblcb were a neck-lace and biacelet from Ur. Waltere to bis wife, anda diamond Btndded and engraved locket tromUr.Wallen and wife to J. A.Harphy.oC Mnrpbj andMoore. Mr. Horpbr also recelred from Mrs.

WaltetB three dozen paira of soobs. Tho beallh of

Manager Walters and wile wu proposed and diankafter tbe sapper, and all adjonrned tor tbe nigbt¥9tforaance, vouog tho Xmu witb "Blite

tacked" a great big dar ot pKasnra TbeEmpire Theatre, Detroit, lllcli.,opnoed tie dooisfor

the flrat time one 'year ago, on Obrlstmu day. andIbis year tbe employes celebrated lis lint birihday.

fbs smployes ot^Uie bonse took poMesston ot Kan-agar Oampbell'a oOloe on Cbrlstmu Eve, and whenbe nlnmed from enpper be tonnd tbe following

presents awaltfng blm : a baodaome eaay cbalr fromthe stage bands, a silk nmbrella from tbe orcbeatra,

a olgar holder from the advertising agent, a cigar

cue from the nshers. a silver match safe fromtbe press sgent, a box ot cinua from the

assistant manager. Manager Csmnbell also

received a nomber ot preaenis from mem.bers of tbe profes>lon Harry Shields, man'ager of the BiJod Theatre, Slons Olty, la., wupresented wlib a plnib and Ivory abavlng cue onthe atage ot tbe theatre by Kelson and Uarguenia,trapeslsta Mr. and Mrs. Sobonbansen warepresented on tbe stage ot the Tlvoll Tbeatro, NewOrleans, with asolld silver tea senlce by the com-

pany. Aftertheahowanputwu act and every.

bodybada good time Blm wilUams,of Oam-oross* Minatrela, proaenlod hie patloer, Joe .idams,

with a gold haued csne, a pair ot diamond ooff

bnttons and a pair ot allk auspcnders. In retoro

he wu presented with a diamond collar bntton,

gold beaded nmbnlla, box ot clian and a silver

mateh box Tbe Dlegle Comedy Co. spent

Obrlstmu at Medina, 0., and presents were abon.dantly dtetrlbnted among the memben of the com-pany. Colonel R. J. Dlegle received two boxes ot

olgan, a gold walota chain, one-half dozen silk

hSLndkorchTeta and a gold pin; Ura. R. J. Dlegle adiamond ring, opera glasses, book ot poems, kid

6loves and bncelets. Miss Morenos got an am-rella,a pair of allppen, perfomeryand aboxot

note paper. Ollle Yonng received a handkerobletholder, merescbanm pipe, nmbrella, photographsand silk handkeroblefs. OlrdePoirengotBbltis,col-

Ian and onllS,allli snepenaen, a cane, a necktie andooiraod collar boi. Baby Patrice and Hatter Clandereoelved toys too nnmerons to mention. Ooeofthe pleasing events ot the day wu tbe reception ot

a laige box ot sweetmeats, bonbons, etc., fromOeo.S.KoHnmy, tbe well known songwriter, of

MailOD, O. We gavo two roailog big shows to

Kcked hooses Obrlsanu Onu. Mack andUj Aimnnr gave parlor entenalnmeDls at New

Orleans daring the holidays, and were both the re-

cipients ot aoDM very handsome presents. MluArmonr received a gold breut pin, set with dia-

monds and mblee, with name and InsoilpUon onIt. Mr. Muk wu lucky enongh to get a gold

watoh andiohain and ellrer beaded walking slick

from aome olnb friends Jos. 0. Ilogbet, of

Bvmonds, Hagbes and llutas, with Dookstader's

MlDsmls, wu preeented with a diamond atnd, andbin wUe with a pair of diamond esmngsAnnie Bart received a Royal Worcuter china capand saaoer aad card receiver, a smnll cabinet In the

shape ol a lelephoDe, white satin atage dren, withgoUtrl^unlDg^agold hook and eye (or her cape,

an easel and handsomely framed picture, all fromMaggie CUne, a gray matble clock, Japueie em-brotdered piano lambreiinln, sUk table llaen, silk

nnderwear, gold gsiler olups, wrlUog desk andbookcau combined, handkerchiefs, perfumery,

toUetHt and a cue ot wine.Fnbably the moat novel ot all the gifts received

wu a "Flower ot Jericho," given to HeleneMon by Uarry Clark, manager ot Hyde's Come-dians, with watch Mlu Mon Is singing, at Ker-

nan's Howard Andltorlnm. The "Flonr of Jerl-

oho," or, to call It by Its blbllosl name, the "Rowof Bnaion," looks like an ordinary bulb when kept

In a dry place, bat as soonu It Is put Igto water It

blusoms one Into a large light broim Oower. Ur.Clark got the plant tan years ago when he wuDiaiBcrag a theatrical company In Dunas-cna. 'For the put eighteen months It hal

been canted In his trnnk, but yesterday It wupat Into water u soon u given to MUis Mom,and In a qnatler of an hour was blossoming hnely.

Another of Mlu Mora's gifts wu a stylish

looking slelgb sent to her by Jamee Fenneaur,maasnr ot the People's Thottre la Cincinnati.

Mr. FenncsHy, In hit leuer acoompanylng tbe gift,

expressed the nope that Mlu Hon wonld b« able

to&kearldaon CbrlBinu Day. Uat the weatherTn.n didn't sen It In that way. From RichardUyde the head of llyde'H Comedians, HUs Monreceived a handsome gold wstcb, set with dia-

monds,Fkanle Forresler, or the Forrtslers, received a

handsooie Maranlw ring Belle FklrmonntwuIhereolplentor a pair of diamond earrings and aHt ot garnet Jewelry Albeit Otton, hnrdle

rider, with Hants' Nickel Plate Shows, wu pre-

(snted with a diamond stud BIkl, Oying perchperformer, wu presented with a new peron pole.

....riw.F. w.oady wu praMntadwltb a gold

iralehand obaln Eogene lloblnson received adiamond atodded locket Manager Fred Rob-

bins, of "The Utile Trlxle" Company, tendeied ihe

ntanben a banqnst Cbrlstmu night, at Har-

nabnrg. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Robblu were the

reolplenH of many handsome prasanls. Uu-Ur Hugo pieunted John Price, or the umeoomnuy, wlUi a beaatUnl abavlng sot

M.nl««r Ohai. J. Yogle, of Ibe Olty OpenUoossL BtenbeavlUe, o., wss called to tbe siage dar-

ing the pertormance of"Uou and nou," Dec. 'J4,

and pieaented wlib a diamond itnd. Not to be out-

done In snrprlM Manager Vogle tendered tbe at-

taobeaof bis booM and the memben of "The Police

InsDeotor" Co. a banquet after tbe porfoimanoeuTVoeBatlleld and A. P. Bcott ot Al. (J. Field's sd-

vasoe, were also present Mrs. Clam AVmiams,leadlbg lady ot Lambert & Lucu' Co., received aTaylor tinnk, a gold comb and allvar dagger, aJewel oaaeand gold pis, a silk nmbieUa. a sllvsr

enp and a silk dress Com Wamei.ot Warner's

Comedy Oo.,re«elved an opal Ung set with dia-

monds."me FoUee Painl" spent two day* at Lawrence,

Hast, where Baota Clau called on tbe company.Manager E. 0. While leoelvod a diamond pin, allk

nmbrula and meencluum pipe. "Kd" Qluglere

•ot a diamond siud ud sleeve bnttons, HarryAdaaiadrssssnlt, Bianche Boyeradlamondrlng,Cbaa. Cbappelle a gold watoh, and Blgley andBtmvey dreulng gowna and allpnen FromHyde's Comedy Co.: Leola, our leading atlnctlon,

WM nraunted by the memben of Mr. Hyde's Mv-eral eonpaalea with a pair of soutaln diamondCBirlin a silk nnbrella ud a work basket,

ueksrand Wllku raoelved many eostly pitseats.

FnC Loots Daldook lOt a gold hnntlig case watohHd obala,Dactll<i, aaadisicUefs, etc, Melael •

watoh and obaln and an nnbrella, Robert Uyde asolitaire diamond ring and diamond pin. Tbeyoelebiated the Xmu with a spin in tbe oooniry, aUtile bunUng and a roaalag houM at nlgbl..Llitle Melrose received a band btg , a gold wicharm and a dlunond ring Josin, James andueorge Oorman, of "Qllhooly's Abroad" Co., esobreceived a bilarwood pipe,m i


^r•warI(.—Leaving Cbrlstmu out, the weekending Seo. 39 wu nther Ugtai. "Blau Jeans"filled Miner's at both pertormances on tbo holiday,

and did fairly weU the remainder of the week.This week "ATexu Steer" will occupy the boarda.It hu caoibt popntar fancy ben before, and wlUprobably do ao again. There wu a good honupieunt for New Year's eve. "A Man Wlthont aUonnlry" week ot Jan. T.

Jaoou' "Don In liuie" did modentely well,Including tbe hoUday, lut week, which wu wellfilled. Barney Fernuon. Ui "Daily's Blunders,"wlUmake a good bUl for New Year's week. ItwuweU received Deo. 31, and should dnw goodhouses thioogb the week. Jan. T and week, KimerCrandUi's "Power of Gold."Wuj>iiu(N>8.—Eretythlog moved slougaaccess-

foUy with Russell Bros-' oomnlians lut week.Tbe PuMlo appreciated the treat ud showed It.

Qos Uill's NovelUci play a return date this week.They recelred good sttenUon on their pnvlouvisli, and wlih an extm matinee on Wednesday,Jan. 1, ihey should make good money. Tbe UiiySports come a and week.a.Mm.—Hay Madison, Carrie Tnvart, Qenrge

Shannon, Uane Wwon, Rose Joanette and I'rof.

Baobmann.OuBS.—Oeorgle Leonard, Lydla Uall, Mule

Aano, Ulnnls Raymond aad Fnnk North,Niws—Ur. Payeon, who ran tbo Uuino free and

eaay here and olosed it op some seven months asu,reopened tbe place Deo. a, newly palnied , eio. Thefollowing people annear this week: llttile Dennett,Qrsoe Thompson, Uule Nelwn and Emily Walte.

Uansger Tobin hu aboot recovered his

health Deputy Bberlff Benedict releaaed thegoods of tbe Dalf Open Company lut week. Theyhad been sttaohed to satisfy a claim made by NItaCuntafor 1373-'). The property wu claimed byUr. Dog s mother, who declared that It wuallhen.Ulaa Oarntu fallmg to fnmlah a bond, the _were released Manager Waldmann wu the re-

cipient of a largo number ot Olirlatmu prewnt*lut week Uatlnocs ocouired at all tbe the-atres 00 New Year's day At the Star: EdnaWilson. Mamie Qllbert, Sadie Bnrgcss, Ceo, Barlowand C. W. Crosby a, vou P. I'^Uu, who baa Intro-

duced a number of Crvalal Mazes In this country,opened one here Deo. 31. As It Is such a novel en-tertainment and this being the first one thatbubeen opened In Neirark, It wlU probably attractmarked altentlon. The maze Is osen from li A. H<to u P. H., and wu crowded on the llrat evening,

PateruB,—At the Open House Elelkn Wardell,In "The Diamond Breaker," Jan. 1,2, "In Ihe Foot-hUls" having bton canceled; "Slack Oivok" 3,

"Old Jed Pronly" 4, 6, "Shore Aciu" «, «, Sousa'Band 10, Wm. Barry, In "The Rising aenenUon,11, 13. Barry O'Neill presented "Irieb Inspiration'to Blandlng room only Deo. tl. Bnalnen wu fairlygood for the remainder ot tbe week.Buon THSina.—Sherman it Motlsey's "A Jay

Olrou" bad good houses 2t and week. The Renu-Santley Oo. Is the bill for 31 and week. Week ofJan T,Klxfotd Bros.' Imperial Vaudevilles.Edih Mubu.—For the firet thne In the history of

tblshoosethecapacltywuuueqnal to the demandtor admission Deo. 26, people being turned away.Bnslneu oontlnaed good thraugboac the week.Tbe airlrals: Tom andUaitle Webster, KluySmllh,Clarke and Temple, James W, Thompson, the VenUols, Frtnkle Kometl, Oeorgbi Dean .Spaoldlngand r. U. Keni, James Brltion, Mile, fanoheiie,Mason and Lore, Corney Brooks and Flon I.tonard,

Jersey Clty^Wllllam Barry wlU hold theboarda at the Academy New Year's week, CnsnnccyOlcoK week of Jan. o. "Later On" bad an excel-lent week, ending Dee. 19.

Bom Tox.—a lobby, handsomely deconted,greets the many vlilton to this popular resort, sndwhets Ihe appetite for the many good inlnrwlUilD, towblch the foUowlng people will conti^bote: Tbe Boranl Brothen, llttTe Inne Franklin,tbo vidocqs, the Belle Slsten, Ibe Three Boiroona,Nelter end Williams, the Uulcal Itavens, BsrtUale, Edwardi and Kernell, William Debar, Davinand Belitc, John D. Leonard dnd Uarrr Emmerson. Boslnen stIH keeps dd to tbe record.

J. I. C.—Marie Weslon, Ulnnls Kslne, Marie UIloM, Frankle Bmmett, John Lynch and Prof. FredRavDond. Bulneucontlnnes good.Noras.—The 8. R. 0, alga at the Bon Ton, Obrlat-

mu day,wu a featare from tbo opeolng lo the clos-

ing of tbe house. Tbe Academy displayed Uieumesign at both the mstlueesndnlgbt piwiormance. . .


John Lynch, of the J. 1. 0., Is laid up wlih a twistedankle The Bon Ton claims the lint sdvertlsingsleigh ot the season. Another new advertisingicbemoisthe presentsUon ot 1,000 lots at RIverbead,L. I Tbe Palmu gave astag 27, with Irene Frank.lln, Andy Lewis, Ibe Wentworths, Fannie Bt. Uhilr,

Flshor and Canoll, Marie Stewart and Sharps andPlata John F. Clark gave a band to "The BoyTramp" at Sing Slug, N. Y., Deo. 'li, lils place at

Ihe Boa Ton being illed by Canfieid, ot UanOeldand O'OonneU A large and Jovial party of the' Later On'> oompany gathered on the Academyslags after the performance Obrlstnus eve and pre.ssnied Manager Brady with some valnable andhandsome presenls. Mr. Brady relnraed Id kind,and the people remembered each oiher. The onlything to mar tbe week's pertormancewu tbe severecoldotFrederick Hallen. .. ."TheBrownlu in Fairy,

land," under the management ot Major J. 0- Pond,compoied ot local talent, will give a parformanceat tbeTabemaols Jan. 3 and matinee (.

TraatoB,—"The Passing Show," 2i, drew bigbnsloen to Taylor's Opem Uonse, "rbe WhileEqoadron," 2S, did well, utla Skinner, 81, had fair

buslnesss. Bookings: "The DiMk Crook" Jan. I,

Aug. Ualy'a Oo, 3, Joe OU !>, Comstoek's Hlsstnls 8,

Louis Aldrloh IXTsBKTOH HusiDM.—The bwloeu for the week of

nec24wu good. Week of Deo. 31: Carlo bill—The talklug seal Polly, tbe Lees, Big. Mntiy, Lewis'curio exhibit. Prof. Bsny Allen's Pnnoh and Jady,Theatre—BlUy and AUoa Payne, T. J. Hefnn, FrankRose and Onasle Brosobe, Adolph Adams, EddieMiles and Daley Raymond.NovfiTY TdiiTni.—Losier Fnakllo and the

stoek continue to fair bnslneu.DuBiNO the lut show In the theatre Cbrlstmu

sve, at the Trenton Mawnm, Manager FrankBaoson wss prcHuted by Harry Allen, on behalf of

the atiaobes of the house, with a diamond studdedwatch obaln.

Hobokea—"The Power ot Qold" Is the NewYear'aatiraotlon at the Boboken tor the week. Jan.10-12, "Loot Pandlae." Bnslneu conllnaea good.OiBHAMia The Broadway Swells.

lvrsBiti.-Harry and Sidle Daly, Uarry Murtl-

mer. Bobble Canon, Marie Hnlili, TOm RIehen andProf. Banden.Norti.—Ex-manager Wilson 8. Rou hu arrived

safd; at his deatlnaUOB, Bio do Janerlo, BinsU.Ue irrltM In enloglstio laagaage of the beanilM otSouth America Ten yew old Cbealer A.Barnes, son of the veteran banjolst, Ed. names,made bis fint appeaianca on any sisge.at the Im-petlal, u a banjo soloist, Deo. 21 ManagerwelQihal did not forget any ot hie atlaobu atYnletlde. Tbey received presents, from a silver

mstcb safe ua salt of clouw Pop Foster,rormany eeaaonsstage doorkeeperat the Hoboken,bulost bla poslilon^

Blltabeth.—Atthe Lyceum Tbeatn 'The r.ois

Ins Show" came Deo. 24 to fair buslneaa. "TbsDszzler," on Cbrtsimu matinee and night, did alarga bulneia. Ooming: ".\ Night UIP' Jan. 1, "Tbostar Oaisr" i, "In tbe Foot HUU" t, "Shore Acrea"10.

OniiiOrstA IIOUBX-—'Yhe Coast Onard" cameChilaimu aflarnooa aod evening tn fair boal-

nes. "The Whita Sqoadnn" came Deo. 3T to afair liouse. ConUag: Wm. Baiiy Jan. 7, ' Oilrer

Twist" 14, "The 8UU Alarm" 17.

Tasivsi uoMiguL-Pur ni and week: Kd, endLlrjile Fieliis, Weti and Fowler, Blanche Clark, J.

H. Price and Annie Ellis. Buslnen Is fair.

KoDL A Hiddiaok's DiMiMuBiDii—Commenc-ing 31: Curio ball—Mr*. Hlllward (makes), JoeLncaate (Albino). Midget Pearly, and the hamanlightning rod. (in theitaaes—Tiie H»aklas,Bem.hardt Bros., Tyirr and oTilvcr, Heath and Cadd,Bmma Woods, and Perry and Lulu Ryan. BualueuIt Improving.Normi.—A Urge andleuco beard Ihe Yale Glee

Club ooncert 37 Local talent la prentriug "Mac.belb" for a week at the Meinpolltan In Febrnary.

Herman B. Zoch, pianist, wu the soloist atDanz'a concert 30 J.H. Hoot,ot the Masonicunariet, hu been engaged u direutor of muslo atthe Firei Uoliailan Church forisM The Hlune-spolla Orcbtsin, ludcr tbe direction ut B. A. Rom,sllernalcs with Daaa'aorcbeaira In glviog Sundaycoucena at Uarmonia Uall Jacob LItl gave theBijnnrmp'f^vesand HOme Invited gacats a Uhrlat.

maa dinner

81. Pawl.—At the Metropolitan bnalneu wasbig, week of Dec. -st, with "APanlngShow,'' beingIta Int production here. They will also give ane\in siuadsy night performance, making len per-toimaocea In alu Week of 3|, "Ubarley'a Aunt,"follo«red,Jui.7,«,0,by Sandow; 10, 11,13, CarrieToner.csAM).—Out Beege, In "Von Yonson," played lo

crowded houaea week of Deo. 33. Week of 3t),

'The Haan of Ufe;" week of Jan. 0, ('urtnno.

UoDiui Opening of week Deo. 31, John K. Car-

roll. Mile. IISTO and the Uowee. lloldlug over:Sherwood and Hercdiih, Maggli- I.ce Clark andCDarlOi M, EaraciL Ruslneie coulluues big.

ULVvric-Bnslneuwu light week of t\.


MlBDsapalis.—At tbe Qmnd Opem IIooM

"Rie FssBlng Show" will be seen week of Dec. 91.

Koainonnosment for tbe following week. "Obsr-

lei's Aant" was a big dmwlng •.••«">• M-a.Buov OriBA llorsi.—"Yon Tonson" opened 80

tor seven nights. "Tos Span of LUs" wUl follow

Jsa. t. "A Bummer Dllizard" caught large hossuDec. Zlaad weak. ^ ^Mjnoniuraa Oniu Boiin^*'ZUigalr," by a

local aothor whou name u not annoiuoed, wuibaveiu Initial partomaaoa ti, aad will oontlnne

for Ihe week, the prooeeda being given to Uwobaittahle Umltatipu ot Ika dtj.

OalBth —At the Temple Open llonu J. K.Fmmet made bla tiret appearance In Dulutb Deo.'Jj to a large audience. RlcklU'a Troutudoore ha*!

tbe house '.a, £). "A Summer Blizzard" Jan. i,

"Obarlev's Aoot" k.

Tan Lvcscy la dark. Uarile Tumor, In "IbeCroat of society," will be ibo Oni atiracilon tor

tbe new year Feb. 1, "You Yousou" H. 0, Ingersoil IX

FabiX)Ii TnsATHi.-Bnalucn Is act booming at£resent. The people: Kd, snd Llr.7le Fields, Fay[orris, John HcOnth, Uurio Mortimer, Alma

Booth, Edfflond Welch and ihe regular stock.


Wants of Managdri and Performers, OpenDates, etc—See Advertlsementi.

DRABIATIC*'Til* Almuto*' li • new Uic* comadr wlih pUntr ol

D«» f•ftiow,w Mt f"rth by ManBRtr U. B. WlUluuon.Ucu b« bookaO udmmt ppfoltltlM art vuUd.Ecn K«D<)allud J»od(6 Dbod can ba •D|Oi*d.Kell Isluhllckl'i oliUMtfr iDiMr<Dn»ilou mtgiot-

tbir commuiMl opODftll oTer tii* oouDiry. Utcut

BoMftud Willi! wABt (Mopto for "Dora Id Dixit*' On,

U. U. BftUh*)Ur bu Mcarad ihe J.TMan TbuUv,BmIod, wd vuu ftitnoiloDi for Um uin«.CombiDUtODi e«o book Urn* at DkIi* TliMtr*, SorM

too. ud otths BiJOQ Tbulm BioihimtOD.Tb» Aoadomr ol HubIo, wilmloHton, li offirod lor

mt.DnmftUo ptopU Are wuud br Mtnj T. (Illek, Hn.

BtKOD. A. J BliarplM, Juk PnvJor, Fnnk J. nuioi,Oto. w. Lowo. L'hni wotwr, HcOovao A Boibr.At LltMrtj:Q. V. Uurdook, BdoftCUn, W. U.Thomu,

OftTiU Wymu. Plonaoo Qiaell*, Arthur Mutden, H.PorerUewoD, BiholTuckor, rruklla L.RhoMoD. J. It.

BU>ckd»l«, GtimldlQO RutuU.UlonleBawud ud hor eompur titond b«»t wlih«i to

al) frteodR.BIU8IUAL.

Cbirlot K. UarrU' new dworlpliTe Mor "Mod PitUtyi." ii rudj lor proftuloDtU, who wiU m iddpHmhr thm author, wlili tbo tooK aod urobo«<im piru, for t«oetstt.

'•A Olauood RIor" aod "Uy Couotrr BwttlhttTt** artiMDid by tht B. Bralaardi Sooi Co,"Vboat lltait In Voar lltart" eao bt wourod by

aiofttri lor ttD etou tnm Loon Ifua.wiURoalurtauairoUitraoDit noveltjla itttforrao

hit lattat prodaoUoD, toiltltd '-I'm Tough, DtaiToaKb," which ht aoaraotttatobtcoiDtalilt. "Tattoo00 tht Ann" It balot 'dd| bj nur promlawt vooaJ-Ut«,ud*'Lmio Dora Dtir' liuothtr iqcmm. It top-piled bj blm wlib orchtttra part* for tea etoit."BowtlT" li btlDV luoR by Llitllt, with loutft. Tlit

MDi li pubtlihtd by Friday, Hall A Oo.B.4. UooDty withta Ont ela>t TOcaKiii to iIdk lili

UDff, "Tht KtWAboyof the Tnwu,""Btit KorRttt tod She Forirlffta " etabt ordtrtd Iron

CbarltJ W. Httd, lor too ctoU."BtultfrouiOrtriht Brlot" It publlibtd byWalltr

Uaqpbto.MoBlclUB are wuttd by WIU C\ Yatgtr. Tildtn A

TbeBaillibRoDgPobllnhloi Co. baTt iitutd ttrtralBtw pabiiettloot.AtUbtrty: (Itorce Stirulh, Frt4 1*. Cortllo, B. L.

SaMirr, A. W.Colo. L. J. ntlRtr.S. 8.flttKiTttnpp)fri DtaloLbaiUo mDtlo,ttrloi*|ttr.H. Witmark A hoot aonoaact the toor "lltr Bytt

Doo'tBbiQt Llkt DiaaoDdt," lobeoDtol ilitaoDi luoeoaiu of tbe tetfOD. A lew orehutrBtlooi ou bt

eesrtd by protemooaU, aad all iloftrtart r*iatittd to

itDdtiitm iliilrperiotDtotiddrettte.B. W. Pttrlo InTlttoprortuloDtlitOTlilthltKtw Toik

tDd Obleapto oifleei. Debai publlibed'i Don't Wtot to

Pity Iq Year Yard," aod othtraaocttieiOrogtr BroUitra hate itToral otw toDgt.*'Ut t Btlll Utr Baby Boy" la a acotMral loag, pnb-

llthtdbyN.U. Oftr.^'Baulo P«UU'' I* publlnbtd by 0. W. FltniiaR.

"Briog Biok the Aotwor" it luutd by O. W. Lut.VAIUETV ARO BINHTRBLI,

lltrrmua't Olgutlo Vtedtvlllt UrfaolBatloD will beIhttiiltol tHrtt oUh TtudtTlllt troo|itwbleb will beplaotd OB tht fltld aeit ttaaoa by the piomiatDtrouagar aod magielu. Antrlou ann Earopeaa •poclalilii

of Ibe blgbttt oidtr baTt beta Htoareii udareoeiDgtoiagtdaad il<t conpuyit booktd ti Ontolauibtatrti oolr. Mr. Utrnoua will Mrlve to eioel la til

polatt hit tmioeoUy tacctufal t(r»i1t ol atTtrEl jeartago, whtD bltTraat-AtlaoMqaei wtro teto lo thli oouo-try. Muann of Dnt data theatrtt art rtiioeittdtotend lu tbtir opto tiBoe.

Tbt rirt Pardon biorclt tiptru, cialo to latrodaoettatBDoititartlloRiwrtltlu la llitir tot Tbtlr 'oydlogbear, lapb, It nid to bt a remarkably oltrtr ptrlormtr.Borne uptaUmt ou bt DUtd by Uitm prior to tbtlr dt'

partort for Europe Id Way.8 Aklmoto olTtrt to tupply throe troupti of Japue

perfarntrtot r^narkable iklU, Incladfag wiolllbrlit

loRClera aod balueera.Auoy. e<|ulllbriit aad Juigltr, aooooactt bli loutia

Id Borope.Tht Bruoigui, Irlfh aktteh ttim, hart a tew opto

wtekaBptoIalUet are waotMl by Wrlghi, Dr. Oto. Leiltr.

Dr. 0. V. t!arptntw, McCormlok A Cattlla, Dr. E. W.Ilukttt, IlarrrT tireeo. 0. B. BtfU. New CoortBireotTbtatre. Uamll'on. u.. Dr. P. Oraot.At Ltberty: Fred Keuo. Ardto, tht lltldtrv, the

Royal Mabatoiat. ..Borrud May, eomtdy vkttoli taain, caa be toRtgeil.

Ollmore ua PtroudtK can Ull dattt or book wlih acombtoaUoo.Jamao Stamt wutJi conblDtUoDi to All datetal tbe

aalelyTbeaire,Troy.N Y.

Ptrforntra are wuitd by tbe Bootoli Madlolae Co.

J. Fred Bcbatlttr, oiuilcal tatertAlatr, eto be tD<

gaged.karilD UtDOtaiiy ud WiUii Arnold to bt iteurtd.


Utorge A. Ott, onemu orfbeitm, caq bt ttcurtd.Fraoolt lltrbtrt. forwarl beodtr, eu ba eogtgtd,'*Tbe Boalb Btfore ud Alter tht Wtr," uadtr Uarrr

Btb«rU*Buafemeat,libelDg booked.Bl'lr DtytOD la rtuowed to cotnmonloale at oae*

with BtUr Ooldeo. 19 KatiThlrtetDlb BUttt, Hew York.Bur tpeclally aeta, corlotltle«, tic, art wuted at ihe

World't MoMsm Tbetlre. AUtghtay, Pa., by Harryo»it.

Pollle Holmea, the Irtflb DucbtM liai Jntt cloud a two-Ttekfeagafemtat al khaa't, BuiTalo, whtre hertpttl-

ftUr It clauttd to bavt bteo proooaneed byprttiudpoGllo to t« tht blfgeat hit of uy aloglt tara that ererplartd there.Dtu and Jote, Id ihtir atv a«t, "Domttile Come-

dita," are reeommeodtd by Haoaier J. P. Wild aj a flntoltMaunAtloB. Ibtreubaeok'tted.

Prol. Urahame uacbtiitageduelog.FUbaBdiinigc. wbodo aiunoy a<t,cu be teeorod.

Tbey are playing Kelih't dreait at preieoLWe A. P. No. 1, K. Y.. ate loeaiaa Id tbtlr atv.

comiDOdinoiQa&nenatMKaii Fourteeaili llirott, HtwYork. Velnoiten for tbe beatOt wttk of Ju. 7. at

Hlotr't Bowery Thtatie, cao atad oDtrtTht Klaa-Nera. Fr»Bcli*ialllbrltU, eu lieeagtnd.JtMie Miliar, tht eipert yoasg contUat, eu MtD-

'Vlit Teroer Hbaktr Medlclae Co. vut lictoiera.

CIHOUI.TbtDtwRrttlB;odleatt Phowiud Parit KIpHMlromtillopta for thtttoaon oriX»ttrir lo April. Tbtr *IU^ mUr99ltrttA by Mtaactr WllliainBelUu/j. R

lUaUrow.tDd Dtvei|Qlpmeot4 wlU t>e u*ed ibr'mgLuot.rirttclatooircniperiermtrt. ooitlty aeti. rlog ptople,

aiwu. bill potttri. matur uf traott«rtaUoD aod peopleInertrrUatarevaDied. Tbe tbuw lata WioUrtjoar'un ti Deavtr.

, ,

BaraomABallty are toia^iog people for atit le*tu'apndootioa. AppllcaaUeu addrtta the littdi ofibeTanoBidepartmtottatdireoied.CoL O W. UaU'i clrtQ* properir will be aoid at pabUe

uotion, Ju. n, at New Orleau, Im.

"tnM DrofKtity It waalad b; W. n ud^ H. Fore-



OTft»lopemUoaM\DanBf«,Ool.;New mihuneaioThaatie^ Wloon^ Mia.The Otere LHbofnPbla Oo^ eapptf pictotlhl work ot

Am oaaUty. le uy ttyie. . . ^ .WalHeker. Ue bad eetlDi Mob, mm be booked Ihieagb

DaveDedtiok. ....A LlflDi nolttraealBt U olTtfvd teraale byJaa,r.

^wut Qejtr ofltrt a rnUnu ear for mH.aa Bllio withMU agaftaui with hit Innpeof

edaoitedboTtMasdgotti. _ProL R. R. Leliwieh wlthtetobDyilxBheUud poalea,Blegmu aod Wall lopply thealiteal goodt la ell

brucMtLU.(loM«mlth'alnaki are need Itrgely by Ibe pretet-

tlOD.Dr. B. P. BptDotr oiTtn to ntdlolot aitD tieetrlo beiit

n<< ooooaqat Oil eoap, which be goaiuteti to tell oatlghia. Ht odbra todootutaia to perloraitn, who ouHcure, to atart eompuite of their ova.Otrk n. Bill, aatnt, it at liberty.

Ptor. nBiaiiiiiitadt ollpplon mm Obl«Monew«<paptri wbleh ue very ootapoaea. la,


I ihtlrdtaaooittlua

ar<u oroptity li **»l«d bi W. B aod a.

iogb. l'rlTllefttu*ofr«redl«rttltbrthfni,Edward gbiop wuta ciicoa ptrforoiert.

L. W. Waihbora wuu clreui people for atxt leetoo.He alw wtDla to tell or eiebaoit lioat.

Ad adrertltlBf ear muagtr It wuted Cot BalTalo

IIU'tBhow by W. n. OaMatrTheprtttDladdraatof Kd. katco itwaoiaoaioace oy

J. A. Bellay, ire Weit Thirty eoTtath flt/ett, aad be li le-

tiotifed to wriu or teleirtph It

O B. ud Prubie Joiaoo cu be togtgtd.

BIBCflLLAHBOUI.Attnellowt eu book tJme at Opeift BoaatiTlp

1 pmle't TbtetiVtHan AfltoDio, T«i.;Kew i

oaatL BoekweU. la.: Llnflirt Upeim U«eM, Cl« CitF, iBd.: .Optn Boue, fcnsM Ufce.

of two oewtpapenol^ihle oIlPa vbloh reeeally pablitbtda aeaMtioatt tiorr. reffWdlaalheprenitoraodhlawKb,Mre Utrmun.Tua CinisoTiiurniaTBorfhOt. A.vei opeoed on

Deo. It to bli beilntia. Proprlttor. Phlilp Troninan, udrhu. Paynt, nutger. At eoiupuy: t^lamu andMailt, ohanptOD rlflt ud ^ttol afaoia; LIUlu De Vaun,eharaeter chaogwi; Leaa Bly, eoair ud duoetUbta.Payae, ooDiortloolit, ud the three llountoU.Cirr BiDHiT lliHHAit iHP goMDia Oiaiafornia

have bteo pLaylog Wttlera houaea elooeRtpLM ThttwtUoptD ft lonr wttkt' Mtagemut ta thlaoUy oq Ju. 11A.i) B&vtOBiK'aaLUt«BLOwauaTeioarlagthtiitaite

of Iowa ud WlaeoDtiD. A 0. Btaaeber la proprietorand muagar. Mrt. A 0. Baotebtr ireaturer. ua O. H.

OoodtUkasdIeatbtttoktu, ^ ^ „AI..J. OABBLB-oftheQlddyPBtr Bleotrle Co., gaTt a

blnlidayeapt>trb««,»tAtnembtr«erthe eompuy. Uewat pretanieil wlib a gold C. ol P. ohaim.lUMPiT liHA!*, eoBioriloDlit. bu Blgotd wlih Por»-

panih'MTftetlooKtlrforateatoo ot lortf-teTeowtekt,lo tear tbeWttiud South, opulBg at PhlUdetpbla IdApril. Uewilltaakeateatue ol dltloealiBg tht oeok.lit liaovelthZlpolalr.Ptor DtaT.<(oia, maglQlan. rtporta that be li uoeh

Improved lo health ud that he la meeUng wlih 1000010Iq feiaa. At •<alT«>ton, Oto. IB, be wu DretoDied withft JtpuMtrabe by hiimaaager, J, L. MtMalllD.

A. a noMmon AKO viri oloitd a aofettaial toRtgemtotol ttTtn wtebt at BrudtabarRh't Mutean Uatwttk, atd art booktd lor a reierDdatt Ju. ITaodSLThey are it tbtlrbone la Vermont aptnalag holtdayi.

K. R. Btirz wriitt QB that Mllllt Obrtfllat la dolog agoM bteieeai lo Lna Angtlta, Cel.

UitOiLLiifRoi/t Huowa.—Rotter ol Mohawk lodlanMtdlelDero., .s'd.li,now tourlog Mittourl to rtoortedbig bailDtaa aoder tbe wtaagenant of Dr. O. Mooar,tilt ' ojeloat" tooih eiiiaotor: Ur. 0. Mooar, Mn, «i.

MuDar.plaoiat: Toin Dalioa, Arthur JtDBlani,J. Uall,

Fraak Mwtet, Dobby llolconil^nJy Foi ud Chlaft RedClowd and Muaniaia Hawk- we Ood du bard Umtt udeTtrythloK la naaiDg tmoolhly. Tbt mu to whiltoomu lo Me na regularly Rotur of Klokap'o Mtdl-clot Co., So. SH, now tourlog N. R Ntbtttka to rtportedgood baiiotaa: Dr. Bill toie pioprtttor ud Dusaftr;Jaa. D. MtddtD, alage naoiKtr ud eomedlu; Prof. TVooe, nagio ud Ttniritoqaittj Jaa. U. Blggar. orvultiand ballad tiagar. lodlut: Huywayt, Old lloraeBuud Put Dog. Dr. Iiarry Brady clottd hit Mgageiiital Wlih Dr. Bill, lo Oil u aafltgemtnt la

Bt, Joeapb. Mo., weak el Dto. U-3P. Dr. BIDprettni*] all of hit HTlormtrt wiih u tltgentCbrlilnw prettaL ud iht ptrlonutra rtloraed tbteoDplhntnibyprtaenUBR bimwiih Tarloiu nbrltlinaiaoovttlra. The tnao in kit long white robe walki ereryHUunftay without ftll Noitt from the KloktpoeMtdioiDt Co., No. tt, Bodtr tbt intDagemMt of Prof.

Alired Btller. Batlaeea tbrongh Uuada It good. AiPttrollft «e Old a irenendoot bailaeet, tamlBg ptopitaway at trtry ptrformuoe. The rotter: Prol Alired

Bailey, lettarer ud tcoth ealnotor; Geo. B. Olailoo.maRlo'u ud TtDtrlloqulat; lltrry 0. Brace, ologduoer aad oomtdlu; LtwManohMier, eomedlani Ja«CaiteU, Wirt wtlktr anl fuoy rlflt thot; Mn. Bailey,

Elaalttt ud Ovt lodlua. Prol. Bailey, Uarry Bttoe. (l«o.

iBxton and Lew Muebe«ler wore made iC ol p.*B.atI'ttralio, Deo.tl Kotlerolthe Uall re Proprietory Oo.now tourlog the Black llllta ooaotry: We don't knowtht lEetolag of bard tlmta. Baalnttt It 00 tht toprung, a K La Moat, eoalorlloelat ud titok wlr«;U. Hal Wooltv, magklaa ud mlod readar; Ueorge Piii-

gtreld, blftAk itee; Mibt Murpby. Oeorge Orv< ortyonartlit: Boat FiUgtrald, piulit: Dr. B. W. Ilatheit,

Duaier ud ftotorer Rotter of RIokapoo lodiuMtdldDt Co, Pariy E: Dr. Ptroy llodaoo, Intptotor^Dr. Baa J. Bmoi. leotorer ud maoagtr: P. A.U Brleotoonediao: B. U'Roorkt, clog daoeeri Matter BeODtt,child nnelelu; lodlau: tniltl Afraid of hit Doogb,Chltf Kaitit Eye Lagglaa ud Oblef Deooli U HelTy.They art Uiurlng WItoooalato reported good batlaett,Chriitnt* hat come aod goat ud tbe boyt are baoprOr. llaiiaoD prtttottd each mtnbtr of the eotoMBy withaa Eaf|llabtoTarelgn|loappr«oittloa orthegoodbtulotttdooe. llr. U'Briea.wblltdologhltout*ideateeealon, ftl

tad iltihtly iQjartd hlntel/. Ut la able to be abootudibipnVleR erery day, at be laaitu on wearlaghlipltghatall the ticnt. Dr. Braai It betrtbrokea atletlng bla

bont^ "IClokapoo Blatcb," who took tlok ud bad tabalioL llowtTtr, the twit clieered him ap nhrlaltnttRtToliln a betTtr oreroMt. wbloh tarprltad blintnhtforget himtelf ud treated trerybody three or fourroBodt tMlore ht recovered Tbe Ongoo loJluMediDiBef1o.'t rotter la u followa: Uarrr orvllle, du-ager; Or ILM.BalUi, leotorer ud tooth aitrtcior; IheJtmto raiullyordane«ra,alDgara ud eomaditof, lDtn>>daeiBngwiae btll rloglog; thtUrvillat.Balh Md Uarrp,la Japtoeat mtgleau eomedy,ud Mrt. Dr. Bniitb, ladyattlMfttt Tht oompuy prtttottd Uarrr Orrille with agold betdtd ebooy out oo Ohrlttmatuu tvtri mambtrtiohtaiBd pvtttota wlih etch olhtr at well at reetiflogboiea from boat. Bnalatti atillooatlouee tpodKotUroffl. W.Bhore't Medicine Oo : O H. li7Vntw«lk*

firoprIator tod Ittturtr: Mn. 0 H. M. FratwtlL Ur. A. M,llIarDhyalclu: Dr. hobl. Rhaa, deoUit: Mrt. HobL

Rliet, Pnif. Loolt Bavllle. leader el orchtitra; Frui('.oluu.OarrltWlocbell, BlllyOoltoa ud Prtd Br«u.WetTttnorlBgMootaBftWllh good tooeete Koeiei01 Dr. F. 1*. IIIUtNovelir To.: Dr. P.P. il IIL maoagtr;Bi>tDctrBroi,matlcal teem. Tblt oompuy oolr oar-rite two people ud iiiiket two week ttaodt. ThtooB'

Euy «u teodtred t rtctPilOD •! Maltooa. III., oabrutmaa. There It Ulk of a doable weddiag lo tbeeompuy tooa. We are toorlng lUlaola to lood bnal.

ntta Rotter ol tbt NatloBaJ Htdielae fie.. Bo, 1:

Dr. Geo. Letur aod wiit^ Fruh T. Iltid, Oto. Utmllo,FIortn<« llanoa ud Prof. Bert OoiTey, leader ol orebtt-Ira. Rutoeat reported fair Notta Irora Ihe WrighteRapid Relltl t«d the Mr and Mre. Andy Bpetr OoeoedyOo. : We are playlog to well flUed houte, aod ihe uulowblUwtlhareguftrlftverTBuadaTBHmiDg. Webtveordared u BWL rouod lop with a aOiL middle piteo aodtwo uiore eloMiog leola, aad wiU have oae ot ibeetroogaat meoiolBo tbowt oa the road otxt itft-

too. RoeUr: Aadr Bpter, auotgtri MatUe I

traaeartr: J. w. Roott, ttaartr; Dr. J, u.Wright, Tonty Marka, buJout; Billy Uall, Inaheomedlu: tbe MeBrtde laioily, moileal ptrformtrt;J, W. Reott ABdySpttr. blwk Caoteomedl«s,aadMauieSpear tod berdeg elreot Botter WblUBpear Madl>eiBt Co., No. l: Dr. Jim Loag, leeturtr and rouoftr:Mra Jim Long, mntleal diretlor; Joe F. WUltrd, DateheiBt Co., No. 1:1Spear tod her de^reai.


r.B. <

Ltagoo. trape. rlage ti„ __,Jag|larfta<rwire walker. Ifta^Lo^g'emomr. MrrAtb

ooDiodlaD; I'rof. B. (I.ArdtB.mtgioiuaod metmertettrape. rlage tod oaluelag; PettrRao,

erum, levltlUag the eompuy. Or. lAPgntdeall tbemembtra of bit eotnpuy a Cbrittmu prtteat, tad

- . -

good. Kroffbaeka ovary KatKiowa HedlAloe Oo^ Mo. ll,optaed at

preieBte were given to the boyt by Mre Magu^ Mr«~AifatrtoD. Baaloeu la good. Ki

—'--*-_baeka ovary Kabbarh

ti 9 A. H ...Kiowa MedlAloe Oo^ Mo. ll,optaed elHodloat, Pa.. Ju. B, with Bob WlltODtJDiaaagaraod Ja«.AlUaoa. oomtdiu. Barry HL Ula'r alto goto with ihia

parly, whieta will be fbnbtr locreated bytJirtt noroper-foriaiart RlowaMtdleloe Oo., No, I0. ui Una Alll-

too'o Kpeclaliy Co., looladet Ov AIMtoo. Dr. HoUlagTltuDdar tod wilt, JtaoloNtwel) ud Bob Wilaoo. Boarotta rtported to bo good. Or. Relllog Tboaderwai ttCaaioo, latt week, aod paid a vlilt lo iibarlea Lee'i Uir-

ont lltadqoarurt, where be wat hoaplubly rtoelvod byUie proprlttor, wlio hu loviitd tht ooopuy to vltii blmat a later dale, when at Outon.

CALL.—FEBFOBMBIU WHEN IN NEWYURK ttopai w Ud itTEatt Piilototh Btreat, TUBAT-R(i;aL HBAOgUAnTBBB.two blookt from all Ihe tbea-troi ud luuaeoma. Paraltbtd reona for light hente-kaeplBg. Botrd Ifdtalreo. MBS.^. BARROWA~Wa^tkd, i'oit irEuiufirs~oir. oOMD~scAr)Rftcad oMBMiu; iMBjo plarar preltrred : yoa nottbelellftbleaDdaptrforintr. II yea eu'l buM roar owndon't wfiie. People who fcoow me write. Dr, OBO.LEBTBIi. WoleottvlUt. lad. _l^DWCkn'BHPF.I.'tAirLll^'ffrKATItBUUOpXHV'.

BpeolaJ Ptaia. rieootryaod Paptr. Muagaredeeiringu atimeUoB, flnt elttt aod ap lo date, aeod opto Umeaod ttrna. Wuted, people Id au Uaet of Inalaett.Matt bo iDlalllgODt Mitt ted gtatlemeo aod oadtr-Mftod Iheir bualBoea. I^y for Iteda, naa for propa udhaodlaaenotry tadtlagtctrpeottrwboeutcl. UaiirepeofU with Bisecialiltt. latompaitoey Dot tolertted.'*JaOK" FOWLRR, ProD. aod Manager. Amtt, le., Jaa.I. i I: Bialribora, la d-».

Haa.^Muffoqtil^VBaoE and Judy, &at ihS^&utaad tnata Performer*, atone*. WUl pay ST per week ftod

aU eiMBoea. Loog |ob. Too get year moaay.drVo hpawuIbiC MIlltntOwB. Pp.

Mu loi OM H.O. Jai.illt lAdj. •»! LaSf ror OldwontD. Ulnar MODI. «rll.. AililrMl

riUNKWAYNIl Bm.la. lUMMaOO., W. T.

I wriit.D tA Ant.r. AtAoip tnr naif.1 gBBSIUW. IM P.lrmojQt at., fblUdalphla.

N.^tODa'itaiD». ttn

inLiC—ll.ttmor^liMla or luMUtotJua, aa);'a Dauiliur. to: risa. or MrAUrr, (II Aod

WAlV'ricU~AB«dTue.BiaD wlio e«a orkgaaraa^l^m lot iu ecifol hamorlfU. Oo. Iislf to Mcb. Wni«Ofwlroj H. PItTinLKB CIHflMOIIf, lo«a.

nQnKM—Uood Vlc>'iiM~' iial' MotM<li7 Soad.la«..ti lo oumi.f lor oampU, (J. LUlf, l.sn (JopirtHatiMk Uraimii.,_itr;

"l ^'Aff^iiroflg ulnelioo lu op.a oov ^rftllvui*,flIoailUpMlkla. amrotdrtooptDoov. WOBldllkoleb.>r ffoM Malll. Vkh.r. ad<roM.atoBto, H. J.Tranale.

OlBuUH TJftf'A?!}' B^loYB?'Sfoil2JlS..'VS'?fll.'iolli;alM .IsbtUnad Baimo Solu for alaht bona*obMiloreaah. .tS4r«uUIlllIATglNlK)N,/;aarUBS^ArbMSMlB ear* otJobaws'o l.'Irwia

AT LlBKHTt. IIEAVlKil. UHAB.im^.soaa wwli jtddrau qaick, oae alrtloir^.U W.MriHW)Cg.boi»I.Coiiiioll(fM

WAHTCq^atall tiuwood, iDOtM.elaai LaSj

lUTkH OLD„bl aUD^ ,r*.toioi, Ktwmt,

. for tn. IfJUU TIIEAtRKIrVarlolTanliUoftllkletf..

BiosuS Utan, Mnleal. Uilrt Dtaoaia,HI|b KlekaraaadSkotebSTllstA. Mart do two or aor* taiaa Will*,ftatlsg loll lArtlCDUrf, lo«Mt aalafr aa4«m tlu,. Notin* Co dicl.r. UeaM iiiiAll. auo flrst elaia haiiMftai.r.oa.wboBDdmUDdj varlat7bn.la«aaaadraadaaialilii HcOORMlUKSnASBbCa.loUrropilMoia.

»I0. tiagflX*. Maar

appMrmae*.if4lxikiU«al,KfMitVtw Teik.

WAMTBb, Lady Monke L'htTmtr.with Hoakeei nitldo Illation or uy other giMttI tat lor enrio hall; talaiplow. Addrtttqnlck. ProV .1 . W. I.KB._Mtrldtn. OoDB.

LtTllOB UNK CKN'T KAL'll. ANY BTYAidyou wut Rend b)o. for *tmplti

BARRT CLARK WHprutt fit. PMIaJtlphia.Pft.

PORMALVL BWUBD WAtKINU UUTKirS, with BO-oret how to walk the»woriiH,ST; HUok Art, to order,SU: B lllualont In OBO, Atrial Hui)>en*lon, wlihco«tamt aod ptlntlog, SlS; umber Juioe. %y.<D. WM.HKL80N. Mann' . M Pultna Bt , Wnrct»er, Matt

I WIU**^ (orop, dreta ur bam); 1 lull BtaM taJettauwoi, BOq ; I looa Bidet tnd it., i4o.; I abort do.,

ta.;l«logftr, 3Je.;lfltdtt, aoH., SOa: t Mnataebe.ICO.: 1 aoaltt, ^, til llonian Hair, tht ttHTO forSt-BO J. J. BllRtl. MO Wathlntu^n Hr.. Portland. Or*.

MetU - •0.;

WAN'riOb, Attrat'loBi ivr uiipi'vr Mall, Wioihrop,Iowa. Boaung earaolir. Mu; good abow town; 800 lft<

babltuu; Brtt oitu hottl. write for datet toKAY ft. I'LA'iR WInthrop. Iowa.

tVANTKU. UmiDlieKIIIAl^TV AHTIMfiVtm HBW VAIUETV AT ALL TIUKH. (irve lowuitalary u nuoagtntot part board. UKNTIIALTHBA*TRB. «0 K. Jarmy Ht. Kllia^lh . N J. M. I.MWIH. Mgr.

RANbORMANOOLIX UllUlliWTKA. RongaoompoMd;Maalo put Ut wordt or toeoTui>uilnitot mtile (or utladViAddrew OUAA L. LRWIR. BIW >ih W . t!ltelonaU ,


PIjAYWHIUIIT, PLAVEH ANU PHUUUOBB.Pltra wrtttta and rtTiitd; otw prodoeUoot aund.ktmta, HoBologuet, Rtomp Bpatoaat, tl&, a tpealuty.State roar wtntt ud tend auuip lur reply.IIAHHY »BNPKR*OH. 1.MO f\)narete St. Iroultvlllo. Ky,

"WyS^iftliv Arr 'uNCR, utniu hi'tmiALfrplt>-PLR for the MohawE Imllto Hedlolae Co., Nn. tl. Loagttatoa to good |>eopl«. Biatewhat jnu eaDtndwllldo,alto lowett talary : aotnathtrt tnd would t^ttntoogtr*,Addrtu MOHAWK MUil Ctl . 1>« KtlU Mo . Lock Hoi B.

TnllA Bti.\ FUR IllNDIHlMfHfiritYialto piotoriai ptptiwllhmrlaliy. Kn 1

r fur tawe. Al man lor LToeloToniIh mrlaliy. Kn fkr^a advuotd. AiMreatU. W.VAjir ESSEN, Manavar Uuwtrd't ' U.T."Oo.,

____— IM Vutt Avrnnt. I'nmtiug. Fa.

VloLlN AHb pUnu: AlHt> ADVANUE AUBNT;PHOMIfBR AND PIANO TURRR. Wtll oP In openhooHworh. AdrtreftdtDtjftl IttllverT. Dai Moloaa la.

r^ANtiifti>~iLiiuiR. i*iANo~~n:jrvBH todoabit troall patT; Wnntaa with tmtll elittd,ua othertttefnl ptopit. Writt or wirt, paid ttlttraiua Fore ad*Tuotd parUta konwa. Addreia HctlOWEN A BUBBV'B,"Too MIghtt la a Rarrtmui," Per addreai, Pau, lU.,Iloopftrto. III., Jan.L

Tki Tilting UghtDlig 'Cjcilits.tki FliiWodd

RaniwDil luconpirible PARDOS.

A HHW RRA IK 'IIVUMKIII'or oiort partioilari mo ad. oo oDi. r rasa,Aiii.iieu mdiMa >E» TORg ni.irrXiCDaw Yoit,KoropMS addrwa 0. WlllB A SON, 1 llraat UUMa St.,

llulborD. Lnnfloo. W. II.



lovedOnes'IVerdaaBd Mntle hy TIIO.*tlAM IIIISIILBV.A dtiertpllve Boag.wlih a WaBlinil wtllt rerrtlD,aodtore (obeohll. Haogwitb triBtadeuiiucotiaby

LYDIA YEAMANS-TITU8,Aad we referi^yoo U> Hr. aad Mrt. TUai, il you wiah

to koow oioreof Ibli loog.


Hyile br B. H. MTItlnBU.A mw AMD TAKINO SOHO.

TbefavonbloeoiaineDtaof aevtral emlntotfucaUalt oathit btuUfal lev* toog, have ladaeed at lo publlah

llftt oate lo prenreaee lo all oilier HHH.To Proftaslonalt, lOo. ftod progrtinme, EAfJU, laoladlogorehettraUoo. ot call pereootily.

WIDHER-STieLER HUSiC PUB. CO.,lUl Weet4!lil Hts.Ilow York.

Snd lor oarUlfl-UMettalagae, which aofoiy cootftiaatotptihlng ID yotr llae.

AUNT SALLY CO.,Oooadlaa for Uliaruur Old rankM MM; ipoolallrwaa pnrorrad. HUl. ut; li.lsbl, ••lilit, l.oilb tip.-rioaea aad aalair. IMol par b<,.rd.

WM. IIHAV, Muai.r.Oodar ftpldi, la., Jao. (iikalooi., V; UbIIUcotlia,

Mo, II.

Top Mounters, Attontion.Wanlodg»Oood Bfountor for Ihroe acl.

Boetdodoablea, rIbo bo good le»por mnatambler* MIbIo mgm, helalit and wolgbt»Oood tbing for rlibl parly* Addreio

A. M II.. IIM) Voorlb At*., K, V.

Dramatic People for Stock.lait b. eonpaiooi aod Jolo Innadlalatf. RtatavarrOWMliaUrr. LAnK.naft.«m«Dt.

gRRt MitRTm. Mom., W. Joftph. M».


708 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaet 5.

HsTlng BBd* m lir* •to^F of cal*rtBB to tb« tsilM of •mBMm.at UvlBg paUoat of

TO MANAGERS OF FIRST CLASS THEATRES ONLY. :~^r.rr/;-j:rrx.rH.-.;-^^^^^lie •at«rtalDm«Bt lach si I pr«ieBl«l fomr ymn ago. I am, Ita.roron, bow orgaBlllac for th. •sbmb of UM>UM.



Th. .rll.l. ..iMlMl will compriK tll> croam of (he a<eTllle (aleat of both bemliptaerti. 1 nerd aot eall atteBtloB to the UemeadoBl MBsatloB created Inar resre ago by lIKRnMAnK'a TRAR8.

ati^ahtiuije VAVDBVILklCg. Bol ai BtietrapBloa. m.naM" ••BTe iBtUated that tllle wllta Ihe lalenl of detelvlnc the pnfelle, I bave decided ob cbIIIbr mr new oiganliailon by the sbova Bame,

whielt 1 have prolecied by cepyrlthl, aad any larMBgeatent of It will be rlgoroaely proiecote.1. 91>n.gen wlihlag to eecnre thii deelrable aUraelloa can lend me Iht of open time to

Psrnianent address HERRMANN MANOR, Whitestone, Long Island.

nMpMlfalljr joon.CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE, Ghlcago,

to Jan. S, l(ttt3; afleiwaid., ai per roate.


no PUI.TOSI ST., H. V.

WAITTED,mmmmimrnmTboM ebo m comMWnt in mutli their o«o ooid.

guuT Wril* lo n<)L t. A. BOtTlllDS, PloprUurDRTOON INDIAN MEDIImNK TO., Oom. Fe-, lor prop-

oalttoD no vbtoh tli*i o«D ni«b* mil Ihe mAiier ktr lli*m-

C*t«*a. Bi.l* .*l>«ri»n<.* ^


TO TUB "FBOPEflU,*' end tb« liat eildi e tleat Uok lo

roorahelD ot UnMI foa e loal ponielt mt ol

rooneir lor unoD.rr at tdTeitl.lot. ITi tk<

rlihi kinl Kr 11.0. Ill klodi ol mu bi ibow pilDUsiftttdlMOQDi. Wriu


••CENTRAL" TRUNKS,ID., |u.ai: aio., triu: itia., K^i w;:.

; Dumpertmul turf, 'ojM.tl-ijtniiDpUu. JMl.irtiDk., aoiaiU

ODnoelpl of UCD, bel 0. 0. 5., eioept OTerOollM

ind muuera' Icniki u enltr. Utlu B^ali, wilt

Si ll"»J, oo..r, IIA, niD.. IIBJO:u .WUOi *»!"•.

lua) Bkueudilpped oo receipt ol pnee.

HIIIONIsiub im.

Thulrioil Printing el E«wy


J 'IITANDWOKK' eipeolUIT. BesdI reiiUnk mkiur UH. 11 lorMinpItlu Hhtel Hluil .'ull Vtlao, Km*I l>i|orinR. up 'o dtio pTOiopl, lO'

^^HUB^^^ «i.>lif«i« Hul OniMh. Nal B*nh.

OAKl.tT()m-IIIH''PHI!IT il»rai« mil Kl..f>ni«lit W«b.


Tiinfl J NT IHiL * no. niDoioB»ii.O.

CIRCUS CANVASBMODil butt, lo good ModlUoD; oat lUfL BooDd To^^ "M:B'Sl'SlA''lfT*.fl'S.K.""*"-


^, . _U V PICK-^OnVURtD Ul*DlUlDfl«>oaihl to nwD a DoDkM

, oD'aOuid*. ItwIllttTt

voB »MitT tiiOM lu ooflt ID Ut« PoanM of • Muoo. PtImYiiaTi!<r vHi. dqnaliwin. riDoinn4U. n.

LEHER HEADS, (5 UP.Ueoil • oeat lump lor uaipUa.

iWALL KNORAVIND 01 urilMonpHod HodiI oopi lor eiumue« uil 9ir.eah«HL, N. Y.


Ruka Opera House.rin»r

, Rwtloff aijuollf CDL<H< ATTHMrriOWa ffANTHD.


UBNRT B. T<tOVBT Proprittor ud MuktwWAHTK't - noun f)l*Kr|(LTV AHriBTH. RTHOHn


OoaeoouDlof my oorf»M*Dd*De»h«loi tAolftrii« iri

tnud cBUlojrM or oinmi,tbMtrlotl, blorol*. ktiuba-mamuidftUiteUKoodi. . ^ . „ _

B. B. nALL. OP M*lp Htrift. Hprlnrttld. Mm.

WILL HUPPliV AlA.pLaTH that L»TO bMDpnottd ID U.6. or Karop*atU&ud So. Mcb: FtMtornpbi of Tbuulcal or

other ooUbrltlM. eAbln«iilu, Sa Mota; pAooU, $1.60

•Mh; l'r«Dota ud EoRllRhPbotompbii at tpaclal

raiM. PopoUr Boori: AJit'

I, her* or abroad,

. Mil tha Drwoa,oDDllad'at pobliibar'a prloM. ttond eaab with otdar.

BUpPlV CO.. « aoJ W Caolra Rtmu Wa* York.


lU (•BOD tii« variaty Sbua, bora or a

lONiaadb. ill KMki ralatloi to Moklo iPnotad Boa

Why?Do ONE THIRD vl tha fruiaMlon Um

"TAYLOR TRUNKS."130 W. tfmdiwrn 8U Cbleaco.

lOa B. lith Bt.. Wow YTk.CDlCCIH*e CllinC BBVUMTH ANMUAL RDinOM

thoalTradMaaDtaallbraoohaa. Aildr«aa*iorTbaatrtcK<.

Olreua, Vanair and Htuaum maoait^n: daaerlpuon* of

oliiaaaod toaot, populttloo, rallraadt, baalDeaiiaiar

Mta, opara bnoaai. loral nuoacara. bill poaiara. aiprau-rnaa. ItoaQMa; poruatu and akaiobaa of promloaotpruiaailoDaU, ato i| will wta vao uo Uraa> tu eou Ip

awaak. Pmfoaalr IllaitiatwJ aod bandfomalr bound.

Saet. all eharaaa paid, on raeaipt eruNB DOLLAR, brUHIPFIN PURLlHIHWOro.. Hoff*ro. W T.

SPICER BROS.I Tha only Urn maklDi Tlvbii^BlCD: 8hlrt^

1 MOO 10 woratad loodi Id anfdaalrad oolor

aod toapaolal naaaura t'otioo ablna. Ii CD:

oottoD tiibta, 11.0) Id blaoh. piok, whita andnan blaa. Rilk tifbta. flftUi par aat: Tfotantu 17.00 to $\t.'i>\ Boak* aaKL 110 00 vft|t.aO:PampB,l6ou.; Qatura. 11.00 8«od rur

ea'alona and •amptaa ol tUhta. Ballmataobr mall HKIORR BB09-.

* 6V RTararaon ATa Rrrwklrn. W. T.


8UBU Fi'ra. Estimates.ANTHONY BO€H,

0i Bnath Klawnth Rwaat Phlladalphla. Pa.








CARRIE scon. Tbio offar li lood

Aalr lorlOdara, and card or proBramna naal ba In

clotad Tbti la not a foroad hit. b it a Mooloa ooa. In-

ijaira ol parlonaafai and thafi UU Ton tha lama. rral

plaoo co> It* lOcaola

WILLROSSITER, CmCAGOOh* I m not -'Aln- • »hlfiff—thi"

SonettalDfi aa different aa iif|Elit la from day tonyihlnK tbat hna eT«r tMrore Deen altem|»lrd lahia line. Hornvtlhlng enflrely different even towhat we have ewer evaa produced oararlvea.EwerylhlDfc, ityle, BtK>iag apped, and every llwm->ntirely different to anyulog tUoaght of before.

he Tilting, Lightning 'Cyclists,

The FlTe World Renowned,

DGomparalile Pdos.latrodoclng among their nameroaa noweltlei

Kaphfthe bicycle bean Koph.thtt rapid piploalveAre arm manlpalatori Kupn, lh« oaly IIvIdkanimal chat haa ewer perrormed on a leslll rantebicycle* wllhoat the aid of niecbanlrai apjull*ancea* We open, la Earope, Uay 10, Pre*vlona to oar riepartare we have a lew wevkaopen time, to Uil whlclK we lavlle correipond-•nee ffe-om reaponnlble manager*. Addreaa

IVE PARO0S,Engers Pavilion, Chicago, III.

N.D —Different alylea of enla for programmea,(c. Verycatoby pleiOi lal work, by IHeasn. Greve,

LETTER HEADSandourNKW HUUK oiTtieaUloal KNdHAVINUtl.A Paoni r«>»lal may aava you Utfllart. AJdraai

C. Shindhelm, \ViU makuh,in llllKYbTIE aTKEKT, KEV TORI.

WinonoiDd uiil ouj* lo unltr. Olrouxiui Win 11

p. lUil. Crap .oil N>fto Dr«H WieiUtO a^ Oreu Wi|>

For Artistic Piiotos.DONT FAIL TO VISIT

l'EINBERU'8 New Art Studio.ALM> TUB omaiHAinB or

Foar Different Chareclere Taken oatbo Sa.oe NeHailve.

VKIMRIten Hn 1*W rflnF..«"lh Oit«» H.wTn.*.

Doiorolu H Niire Will n ceeu, miiDI tlJIl KnOKent] .'.top 'or DO* iirt..

l|||Tr|lQQi oUIUh-Tfluboe loalvt 10 ibow bnji-

AHAICUnO DM4.polDt«oo PAlM-r kdJ flitt .ppMr'* ' to Dooif rour MrvleoB, oop;


ELEGANT STREET AND EVENING DRESSESOlelldinrlpUooD TMOowoiTnlD OretMO MdSMlaktD Id ell ferlelloo AIM. u. oor IdU llDt of

GBNT*! OLOTHINO.It will per Ibon pIvlM PbUaJoIpbli to all end »

lor thomwire.. Oor DomMre, _«ll«Sl»JlBoiltb MlrooU boctlh Hid lOih Bu.. PhlU.

uc Hit of Diu.a«ra likpir uol utter lo Diutioie, ot^- ID.IL K|.t Mid. is ou.

n. B limPPI**. Rmt.ra H. T

SHOW CANVAS.Bolll to onl.r od .bort notlM. Wriu for MXtlODlen.lUonnied eiteloina f>e«. J. K. aiMB * 00,

la At».W HI.. D.110IL Mlth.

Olrous GanvaseseTuti ot All Ditcd^tlon UiNtictirii

a. B. lUmtBl.T.lP Boatb Ktrwt. K«w Tork IllW.

L. Be lllllcs, Lawyer,laS Lt Sill* Slrttt Chlcigo.

OoolM.Dll.l .nd uTtniin ili.*lrlo.l hu»ini.M> .DMl.lty

CLOUS. THUS. SPISNCEK,TUB <)RiaiN«L rilHATHIOAL OLOO MAKER, tnana-faQturartnaUliabfaDChat. DSW latb Hirvat, N. Y.

Wn. AnnHTHONU, W BaatLUa. Ubioafo.[H BUQfkoturar ol ^

fall kladi); alto Balloona Pnoaa raaaonabU.

NEW TRICIS. Litiit Empm Nonltlit.Uaffia. BaooAd Htiht and Antl^tntaaJian. Saadlaaowfor new Oaiaionia: in oania lor ooroiitaia Uita; no poatala

W. D LBHOT. '(Bt)oarlfltiw»u Borton.ll»<a.



III MDliL ellb penloslara ho» tolAtt Id 111. Ibow bu.lDMi ud IMro .11 klod* of eeto, tO'

(tlhfr wlUi lUoilrmtod boob of .tllrel.kl d.« eota.AaitMl J0UMU.WUBlDLU,OWn


Uava no eQoal lor olaar, brilliant, povarlnl tona and flua


BEND POn OATALOODB.Bpeolal ntai te Daalirat Taaobara and Parformar*.


THE BOYD HOTEL, JA'cX.T^'d.«lnr ol|ilil«eoDit. OoobVMklroDiB.AII BlejiD bojui.• llbOT.mnodorDooDruleoee, 11 ptrdu lo ell tnr.•IIBs ennpADl*. Kiior Mookl Trom Opor. HoumKAIlhunjTO AND fROII

FiKi Witcliu. Jnilriud SUiinnra Salt-

ABLE FOR FAlR»,"'IROUa>B >D<1 OIVB AWAThURrOilBfi. Roed ior lUunrml*] eatelone BAllET^UIIBR. IM R BdJIpoo »t . CMeefO, III


eonpUie or In pan, will plaaaa addraaa,wittapanIonUiaOH u*Li5*J'« unnoanmi

FUTURE WIFE AND HU8IANDato. Olcvnlan and aamplaa. Un oanbi, PITTOU OOH-Tha boM Dovaltr (or elreiiM«. n)aa*amt, laiardwu^BifAHT. T» BaitThlrt^aath BtT»»t. K. T.


haaitan aiaaahiowan^ Baaiitoek, loaMlprtoaa JOBNT. BAl^KBAN VliVt. Caiollaaai. Baltim^ra M4

¥ii'B MALL 1RUNKFtir roQfb tundllnf and •mall

draining rooma, BaiM atampforOatalofltte, jAMIS O. LVArM


Showmen & StreetmenW. er. nnwoff.riDV oor Boof BbMto ADd BoDff Booke

tt tb« CulKivlne rvUe:

JONO •HBITS, el» S4l3S, SO Mnta P«FO, ort4 par 1000.

•ONO OOM, Wortl* and MuBlo, tin•IIO, le pBgeti ni par I CO.»0N0 BOOKS, (heat tnualo alitt !•

paiaii tl par 100.Wahnian'a Up-To-Oate SonB Shaatai N

paaa*, Werda and Mualo, (I ^rlOO.Th* ebore eontetn .11 of tbo Ul.e( arttn, >nd Are TOffr

.ttioare Aod MlAblo. a«h with orO,r. FcotUTelr —MoeiwDiaO.D. W.«lllMhdoD*Hmploo(MaBlIfi tianta la ainr or ,»4tAce fteinpi,

lOnSi Blintoii Co SvHf ocr TortOQM. eUoberw uMelt to lOO.mam PUBUSHtMROOSESn


PATTERSON'SS iDob, UOO: 3) iDoh, •t.n: O iDoh, tun roll theUz1«.d tter, end ill olhonL Meti. MOh. T«nBl, cub la

lb B.. eolTFSllail.lpM'm. P».

Attraction WantedeLEAD. S'lirrU DtlOTA.

Til* b*irt .ho* towD ID th. BUek UIIU, Op*rm Boo**rati $70,101. S*.t*d vlib op*r«flh.ln Lit br *l«ctrlol9• Dd bcAtod br *i**m BoAi. ttl people. KI*(*Dl boree-.bO* IIVIUlT ADd IDll .UKk *MD*rT. IIO.M plAr*4 tOAieoo opvalDe «**k ADd three mil** rmm Detdwood.

»<rti«» B TRBVAIKia

Higlcil Afpintn, Tridt'

lllnslm. EtcKaw, four tUnitrmiad book eaUlona. araTTthlni npto data,Uo

rarlor tnoks oatalofaa iraa

AlTIHKA A 00..jgBtith ATaaaa. Haw Tort

15 SPLENDID S0N6S for ONE DOLLAR*-DrfamlnglDihaTwlll|thL" "Bi'la Laa,^ "Bba'a H

Naooj," "rnraThoaaBtkiTT BTM Upon Ma." **Viar Wtl


T*li Tou Vhr," and Uo oihar gaoalna blt^ fr>r oalj anaitollar Orrh'itral paru fraa. Applj br nail ontv -

rUBLPa HUfllO CO . S»-tt LathjatUrtaaa, Kaw Tork.

GircuB Canvases«tt. awl BiL Booad Topa; tat and TOtt

iM,wlth 3Uft. HlddlM; VDtX Roi'

Vit, mtdOfa. lOfL walla Allohaap. Addiwood TopiVlth

, ._ _ . maO, J BAKBMWW.ThinlMTTm BaamaOlty. Mo.

WANTED. A GOOD BARITONE PUYEPURTHBtlh D. K IHP4KTRT BARD Addraat ADJD-TiNT, Mkdiaon Bairachi, Baekati'i Uarbor, N. T.


VAa FLarr. ^|

MUwaBkee, aadparata*

aagalAcoBt wanlrobe and ap«

Tbe Great Coatnllo Character SlBHer, late of LoBdea, England, le atnglagtklllelffaTtli'e lateat,

"IT l^ove TT^as IVex^er Bllaaci"AND THK POPULAn BAIil.AU,

MIy SCoxne, S'weet Home,"8anK by promlaeDt an lata, la mrelInK wllh flrraler larre^athan ever. 8ebt uponro-ealptof runt* and profcramme by NATIONAL 31UHICCO ,i4ia \Vuba«lh Ave..t;iklcaf|o.


Having Mcnrwl ibti booia I'm now prapared to book flrat tiasa TaodaTlUa, Bnr|«»qaa. Parea Cooiadr NoTalty," -- ddrau ~ "" —'—

Hloitrai, Opara C^madf. ato , *t«. Aifdrau 0. H, HaTOHRLLBR. U aHoTa


Rallroatl SIio'ws), Ciroiis, Miimr-um, Monug^orie. Hlp-poarome and AVild WoHt.

PBUPLB Id ALL ITS BIIAKCHBH, Ulder. uf.II deirrlp.lnii, wllh or wilhont etock.Troapeof Jap*. Gurloellie* for Hide Bbiiw, Asen... Tralnma.ter A,(.*n.*, aill|M>.,en,White and Colored Baad. Addre**L. \V. WAltliauilN, rare air Dun.ldaon'a Litho-graph Co., ClBclBBall, Ohio* P. 8 'Privilege* la Let to Keipon.lble Parttel.


BOTH OL.D BNOUOH TO PLAY AKW YORK,KRITU ri rjRCUlT. 'T^toia up a^ln iha<ral ihlor.'

MAGIC TKIGIL JUGGLUlti QUODS,fIRfBIbomur AJD um nOOnUI^ IWUraUO OLUBS. Band to eaau tn atampa (or M pag'^«^*»w«« Tfct»u»^« w*r j««*tiav "\mrm antrlloontai aad Fonah aad Jtdy ngnna traa.



Addre*. M SHAWHDT ATE.. Bo*to* Um.


First Class Variety Paopla at AIITImes.AdJrwn O. g, BAQAW, Prop.


iBABedlale aad fttnre, at Davl.* Thea-tre. Hcraaiaa, Pa,, anil BIJob Theatre,aiBghamtoB, If, Y. Addree* either houie.Wire ar mall.

a BALDWIN BROS..V LsUliiiAinsulssllksVsrM.

1 INVENTORS OF THE PmCHUTE,a ARB govom FOB OABOR OF UM.W 11*0 Biaenetaien of all kUdi M Bollooaiki ee Hot Alrv Bead for mf*e ll*t toBALDWIB BROK. P. O. toi lU. qila*7. HL, V. B A.

The New PhilharmonicTheatre Hall,

R*v epea lor fIats. HMUei aapaeitr UBB Friee na.•oaebla, For pei11*elAn etfi*—~'' -—r*."


Props and Specialty,

light JuTinlles or Ught Coineili, Toplcil aid

Firadi Vocillst. On Plete Co. Prelerid.

Fir br Dlgbtaor nanacaia who can't aanit tickat, aararoar iiampa. Vrlta or wira ABTMPR HARHDEN,

Pm»pa«* lloiai ai R«c* B' . Phila Pa.




Write. Long eagag^meai to rickt par-tlea, Ohoat walka every AXonday* Nobooieraor maaherawanlrd* Addreaa DR.E. W. IIASKSTT, Dfadwood, So. Oak.

LiNviLL's mu mmTha moat popniarbooae tn Colnnbia Oltr. lod. Popn*lailoo lUu anri in a eiraalt oi Rood ibowtowna,butan boon raoptnad afttr b*in| plaoid in flnt daai abapator ail ROod utraetioua Ai>r daia can ba aacarfd ofiood eompanlaa br wiiiioit unmadlatfIr to

r K MtitH Mawir>r._

WANTED,Opera House. SinflacLike,II.V.MIro8Ui}lt>Oood Comadr. Tarlair or Mlmtral Conpany, ibir*

niabia. Jan tX 16 aod 17, oompaot with band I'lafand,dDrlna tha thraadaf* lea iron. MJYDioparraa Tbatala gooo mooay for tood eo" nor. Thia la a Mo 1 uo*town, and ibara will beabi* «r^d bara to raca^jmbill, aio, Wlraorwrlu^D'^k.

THE HETDERS,Iba brll'Unt aarman 6'*midr eonpla. bav* Jnal •'o**^ *tatoiiilbl two waati •ofacamaDl at Lotbnp'i OnafLoatam. Bofftoa Ren waaiL Rkhi Tbaa^ra. PauBivar; Jaa. T, Preeter'a Tbaatr*. H. T. AUm Haldar u•tlU tnaleji the a»aa-aba Dadomalnr. ^

-I Dofl^ WAjA to PLAYlN TOO* TliD."


^^^ H. E. WllIlaiiiaon*8 BIk Hvaioal Faroe Onmedy Boom,"THR ALMANACA deolded novelty in the mnsioal oomedy world. Introdnolns a battery of the strongest novelties ever gathered in one company. ALL NEWFEATURES-NEW SONOS, NEW IDEAS, NEW SCENERY, NEW PAPER, NEW MUSIC. AND NEW


R«rer»M u to flBBBolBl itandlDB, FInt Natlanal Baak, T>BrniI», lad. W« Hmy Mmo op»n ilm» Ib F.b. Whereeia n>r di. Obb a» a f%r man A No. I SptcUIIr Praplo, ComnllBBi sad NoBbrelteh Adilraw

3E3. "WIXjIjIAJMISOI^, Husalmw Print Co., lmlltiii|Hills, M,TBUMBNDOIjS succkhh. WONDBRIPUL. HIT.


DEniM niMD JOSE,laOttlr OrlglBBl Trmrcily oa Rocletr. eatltl** '

A Bkalob that li mUned, n«a<, sad awvll ilmiml, bat m fall of conedr thattbera't a laanh for every h and line oraoBii,- f?" C^PTT'tbted, bat Prelected by tbe A. P. O. Made a decided hit week

of P«. »* at RIch'a Theatre. Pall River. Hau,. amoBK the n>llowlB« wellkaewa ArlUti. nLLE. HIALTA. BKOWN BRO<l., OlM HILDA THOMAS,U'BUIEN, JBMVIVU!* aarf U'RItIEK, and I.UlltTOX BROR,


OKAIf and JO<IB have pUyril Ihie Theatre wllb ORBAT RVCCBS*. Their actll FIIl>T CLASit In every rcyect and cannot fall to Bake a hit. Have bookedthen for relorn, j, p, WILD, nanaiier RIch'a Theatre

CMS. K. URBIS,America's popular and most snooessftd

song writer, ansplolouBly Inangurates

the Ifew Tear by Issuing ftom hla ownpen to his thousands of professional ad-

mirers, the beautlfU "heart itory,"

"MUD PIE DAYS."One of the quaintest, outest, oatohleet of desoriptlTe songs ever written.

Original In every detslL It will surprise you all, as nothing like It hasever been attempted In the song line. Sent to professionals ONLT en-

olOBing FBOOBAMME, FREE. Orchestrations of niner parts by JosephClander lOots. Wlabing all my irlends A Happy New Tear, while the

dance goes on. I remain. After the Ball,

CELAS. K. HABBI8, Uuslo Publisher, Milwaukee, Wis.

N. B.—A few more proof copies of "FLOBENCE* on hand.





NOW THEN, FOR LEHER HEADS.pncM are macb 'over nod tnr woik Is far iM'ler ibw tbkt ol tnj booM In Aiii*rlu>—

bflnum I owo mi ood ^ngrKvloB sod prlotlon pUnr, bkilOR ItfltfO iDTtatcdId t>-fl Ltutr Hrid buMtowii ftloo». B*n<] roar pholu ud up7. ftnd I «IU kIt*


I'TIIF riOTRTUPrcOONi*LUR"<RiT U(«*tiiitf«r b<w>h). Bo.

BOOK OF IMPORTKD ANU AfER)C«N LRITBR HttAD DBPiaNP.Ve.I IftUo wriu »kcichM lor l#ftin» utd rDflft fpectftiOM PRANK HVBBB,

Ari|*t «D(i Auihor. r lnl'0^l75uld i;8 riVR» b I'di. N Y.ritj.



By GUILjlVIOrLES and IL.E301VA.riID.Fobllihed bp Loali H«b«, (flh KDd Wftlont Straata, Philadelphia, Pa. Bmn^ wilmin^a*einrceM hy Al Bellman, of Ihtt Mej Howarri Co.f Tom Itewlif of Uie **<

Uometlead** Vo.t Gm. H. Diamond, A raerlt'a*f favorite.


™--THE BRANNIGANS--«Genteel Hkelch ArtliU, hiDgera and Worlil Itenowncd Iriah Hornpipe,


MANAOER RATNOR,llll«auh^aL Wli.: The BrtDolgko'* art Itlbaml tbiOR ud eaa pUy m7 boilMai»la."BILLIBRirp. Pail araiiDo. Cbirago: "Anaeiihai wl'ltnafcaahii iDaniboaM." _Jan. aSaad FBH.4 0PEM AddroM KELLER HOU<-B Franfello aad W«»hlDRU>o8tr#*U, CbloifD. lU.



WHAT DID POL-ME UO T«» Tll^ ^.She didn't dn ft thtnfl to ih»m onix .top tirt ftod ill MOv" ft* «.•. jMrroraiMW. B,p*eUUr Mtftind forHOWiBD tTHRN/IUII i;0 FnR TUBES VBKKH TIlEt B >i^K TO PAHnjR S Ju 18 iOQ Topwi. Who.




BM (AT OMICAM)!•'arijMrroraiftnaa. E»p*eUUr eDtaffwl for





W.H, BURR and MAY,»>'i'Sinaiiia cobkdiah. RiiioiiioaB«DAifonfaBorminTB.



^E^IDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS.<icoin>.Bm CUTIS, buts, nc, fob bilb.

4 TU£ BlGr~i


J SftlUd, •lui ft Wftin HXnia. A do


Aootbar Dftrkej HarobiDf Roon.ojUia author ol tb«UiDoai"Coh)r«d 4(0" 8ora to pirate



A plaaalDg bona ballad. Jaaiiba*eo|top)aaM tbaIllM* oaai.



Tblt nnnoi dftrfeoy mok ii ioob bj ftll tfao CollonBoi II ftDd I. ft rTwt rftvnriio.

pni/HKonat ocrplft on appllcallon. Ordifulrapant 10 emit rjira.

ouvEH orrgoN company,WMtltonoD Hlivot, HotUIO.

Ko« Tott : C, U. 01T^UN i CO. Fbllftdolpblft: J. K.OtrmM A CO.





ELLWOOD CITY,•Ha.l.d OS lh« main Una ol B. & 0. R. R., ae

eaillbis via P. & t E. R. R. and E. ft P. R. R.

EVANS CITT la 28 mltei. ZELIENOPLE 32mllsa »d ELLWOOD CITr 45 miloa Irani PIHa

bars ELLWOOD CITT la 16 milea Irom N.wCaiTla. laduilri.l. manulacturlng and oil pro-

ducing towaa. PoDulallon to draw Iron avtr-

igs 3.00010 8,000.

Eaoh plios lull* .quipped wllh aoinary.

atin 13 1>2<20 IhI opining and 22x42.Llgnled by nilsral gsa. Play only two flrtt elaia

companloa p«r mik. Minagirs apply to

Mgr. Ellwaod Optra Houia, Ellwo.d Clly, Ps.

Colo's Eclijiso Banjos


Imporial Mandolins.FAT. HAT II, ini.

TROnO, BRILUANT ANDAOCVRATR.THE LEADfNB HIBH BRtDE INSTRUUENTlHpeelal latlacemeafaarenadeloleaehen(o handle theae gooda aa tbejr are theirbeatfrlenda and are (lalck lo appreolalemerit. Sfcnd fur catalugooaad lerma, W.A. COLE, IVUTremoni Bl.,Doalon, Bfaaa.

WANTED,mnm in mmi aA Good Character Actor,


TENOR SINGER,For goarUtftUiai ciDpiaTiman paria. HiuioDlaMUtlllJalf. BalarraT'iT Thurad«r, »iira. wichlia^alIi,Taiaa.Dac. 81 tDd *a«k D^lur Taiaa, Jan l< aod «r«k


JOS. W. MANSFIELD & CO.,MaDnfaotDran ol all biodi or


SPORTING GOODS.Combtulloo Hatu Tor Ltnog flolorot.roiioTCoalortloB Bolto. Pada of All hlQdABTBiAaL rBICEB TO MANACIEBII forOOIDpftDlOO. RODd ror MIAjOflTlO.

i.ai aidn Ar.. niiiftdoiphiK. r>.


TRUNKS.fWed forCauiona.FEOkHALHi..


HYDE'S COMEDY CO. XMAS GREET-IfTQ TO ALL. I ratelrad la pnaaoU 19) acni ol land,a bona attd bomu, taoate and loi, eod tl/pjatA) lo eaabIhaolawoka. HOBT U IIVDBW« hara Jolt ratatiad naa ear I' viol haamera ud

waar* fcewnot 'm a'cf7»bara '

TDI^If ft '^"'^ '^r citalara*. and_ niVI^O nhT TBN HR\T CAHD TBIOIBK. JOIIW » wiHHini,F.R.( UTaUod. 0.



For tho Travellnc Season of 1896, with the



ASSISTANT DOSSES AIV]> WORKING MENIn fiyery I>epartiiieiit of tlic Sliow*

CanTOB Men, Seat Men, Property Men, Animal Men«Railroad Men, Ohandeller Men, Rlns Oroomn and

Jookeya, Car Porters, Train men, ElephantMen, 4, 6 and 8 Horae Drivers, eto,, ete*

All appll'^ou can eall Id panoo, or adJraia b^ latur, Uia farloui baaJa of daparimaDia, aialiai what ooalllonilealrad, Mfoltowi:

Car Poller*, to H P. Toaor,ini Wait 9Tlh Rr . Kaw Ynrh iUlf T)rlT»rB In l>ava Maflffar, flharlilao LeKaonaHAoBtr. Pa Praparir Mao to wllllaT Whua. lOS Wa*t J7<h Ht . Haw Vorh ('it,. (Ironma aMi Jnrkava in ft'ni AnillbWlater Qiiarlan. Briila#pori, nt Aolmal Maa to ttllllant WlooDr, Wlotar Qua'ara. Brlilsapurl, Ol. RallroMMao (n Vrjon Rom, Wlatfr Qaanira Pridiepnit, OL Klai<hint Han in MTIIIlani Navman, Winter Quarlara,BildRaporL I't. rhaodallfr man to Charlaa Rmtka. Wlalar Uuartara. llrMiaporL ('I. I'antia Man in Am Old.bnow (Whliay), Winter Qnariara, Bridaaport Ci Aa*lRtaot HoHaa iiiarraaha applicailun lo tba haad of ibatdrpartmaot In wMeh Uiay daiira (o par«e. In abn*a addrota.

Prof>arainfrliDr«tl, anbar aad rahahla mrn oqIx are wanltil. and lo iIioh ilHarai waiai wllj bopald wMh aaiaailf aaaaoD aaDiaiamaaL ThaMnipaod ilaapliK aocnmiHlallnna itrofnUil wlih <)ila Hlmw kraiti far axpermrtn all fiihf ra a* lo opad do tpaolai mrollitn hara. Imi Iha ifai nl n>»n ara lUpiriwi an<t ihn hiii> n| ir»a-ni»ni la i frarad

HV.W I'liatarirr ffalta Hod|,uMaM" irir niBn. *nniaa

nr rliHil: a liiiih In•my Haa.

Mti> Ir alMiilp aiHl "rilrlir."

URtDQU.^RTP.HH11)1 1 I'lu Dutdolnii


Jutt a Ut 4 ' lie dia / mond, Juil a biu kcti lu in

MY COUNTRY SWEETHEART.Armngril ty Urmr S.x.iwrrn . (forifi anrf Miitfr huJ.wm SiLvrx

I. I h»c a'^sweelheirt who Uvea In the eounlrvi lie ralar.* po ta - Iocs, tad

Jin Songs wllh OtohistTi Parts ira Fre6'lo Professionals unillil Ciid or Proiriin.



MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS.OoldudBllTcrLMM, PnDiu, HpuilM, BIAn,THMlA, Browli!,, TUbu, Htilru, PwlillDn, UftU, win,BtioM ud Jewtliy, Tl»inc*l, KaaenrtAo ud AUilatia 0«hK, UmiDiniini' ud wigs Mu«n' BappllH.n*fi ud Buoen, HIIIUIT ud Bnclttj Tnmniliigi. Arainra nr til kloda lo iirdtr. Hood (or oUotUea.Tn, Isrnit uiorlOMnl uiuntO.O. D.

IT ud BAcl«t7 TrlmiDlogf


Id hMTlMitUKik ot iti«M fuudt u> ba roumuf »h«ra. UlrculAra free. Ooodi


The Four Rlehards.MrlthO.B. JtlTerun, Klaw it BrlBii||«r*a Orot Pr<i<lurtlnD, l*aln>rr Ciii',"araw<il»,"

at Iba Konrla^nlh HIrciit 'l'll.>alrt>. Now Vurk.AlleomraDDkAllnoilo DICK IIICIIAIIUII, r>ro"i iJl.lrl'KII A ll.i<|ir !<•• V»r to oil rnaodi.

ROLLA & WILLIS' "DOWN IN DIXIE" CO.,A No. 1 lilMk Face and Irtnli Comedian, that ran alnir aad dinre, and put on jifl«r*

piece*) alao 2 J.idlen tbalcan do rrllned modk and dHuceii, or oilier hprcialileii.

Voit It op lolbo buBiotoa Mono iilliaraao.d applr. I'lajr ri.iuih all Wiritar. Hu tHir.rara. hlrbara. iiiifti.r. or jnf^IM. Q.«d af>p>v. Hftvo four aumb. aod limo. ahiaaainanl in riu,M parll.. Mftn In whiii, apb.ar* ararrlabba'h HohtaaftdTaoud. Aif'lraa. HIILLA A «||,MH. Rnobr Mi.ool. N 11 . r>r J J. WIM Yrt Hir


Al BURLESQUE ud SPECIALTY CO.'S, FEB, 4. 18, MARCH II, IB, 25. APRIL I mi) 8 OPEN,WANTED. A riralVlaii Loartsr. Vlollnlat-maii bsinl.ir and r«llalilr-who IIiot-

aaKhlr anriarataa«> rarlslir laualaeaa. Adrtraaa .lAMKIt IIKAI(,\K,Prop*r. and Mffr.. 4lH.alyTt.fair a, Trtif, N, V.


llMBif O. MUw'a PaopU'a ThMtra, IT. T.tltmrj C. aUoar'a Hawark Th«»tra, ITavark, H. J.

Hmarf O. Hlaar'a Bowarjr Tkastra. If. T.Haarr O. MUar'i El«htk Ava. Thaatn, 9. T,

fthU AildraaA. Illka •* Afi'lrMaaH Mkmmnnink.iAn. in IIKfllll V f1. MI1KII, i*h a.anna ThMir*. H. T.

^> ^ _ ^^^^ ^^^^ Tllle OI.U IIBLIABLH

VvIGSa.M.BucI)&Co.,^^^^^ ^^^^ aamarAcmoa aflanABrVBMnAviarAomoB aiiaiiArvMan

710 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January 5.

JESSIEMILLARPninounc*4 by Pnn ud Publle tkt OrMttil Ll«tii|

•* Sol€>i9-t.16 YEARS OLD.



HAil FBAICHCO KX4nillBH—That won-derrol, •illitic and accampllahed iroaagcoraalUt, JsaiU nillar,

CIIICAOO TRIBunif—She has a mom fln-

lihwl atirUi bcaatlral tiiB*| liar phrailagli aicelUati the It ctaarmlac In pfnoa.

BOSTOn REBALD-Her iklliral pcrfarm-nee aicdU asTtlilof that ba« cTsr bttnheafd In oar «llf

8T, PAVL OAILV GLOBE-Sha la an arl-iai. Her work •ztlled sreat ailrolradon.Mtianar properlrlia 'ailed a Hem from the(Old mmea.

niu Hlllar can eaillp take Iter plare lathe front rank of comet aololita—t. Y,CLIPPBR.

All lettori toPlrat elaaa managera appljri

N. B. MILLAR. Manager,m *, Y. CUPPER.




Tim* ill Filled Is Aug. 29, '95; Company Com-

plllo; BnlneM Oood; Salirloi ttl Pild yp

to Jan. 6, and Every Oni Happy.


A. J. WILDBIIt, Ilutlaeia Uana«er.A POPULAR PRIOK ATTRAOTION pndilllnf a npai-

toira ol srsoiAi. rLAYU mbt op u> thi bi|ih piloeIM^Md IB aT*rif Tdapiflt

UXSOLICITEDeTUB OLtPPBA of Dt9.il, nja; "lUynoDil 8tuw,

ooDDUr UnoT, rtodsred Ui» niiv (•atln*Dt&l btlUd,'BmiU Paiit«,' OurlQK tho driit ptrt of OonittMli'ilIlMtnli, SL J»(DM* llftll, lAtt w«ik. Ttit toot proT«dntUKlioaii/ awMr, |i«rtioiilKTir tb« wlo iDaifo. am ft

Uklov AOK It itiould MrtAioly ocoap7 t prouiDantpUM In Mr. Bhair'i r«F«rUirr-"


PETITE,"wtlh orehMirA ptrtt uJ molfti elinrni ftnui*a*nii.FRBB. (I. W. FI.B«I <0. Hiucupfc K T.


Buffalo BiU Wild WestANU

Congress of Rough Riders of ihe World,

AN ADVERTISING CAR MANAGER.Biaaft bo mn «u«rg4ttlo and eiperleneed

m«B, Mbor aittl thoronHhlx reliable. Tolacb a iierion a liberal salary will bepaid. Adtlreai W* II. OAHONEll,

Uenoral A||<iBt,100 West :i7IU Ht., N«w York CIty.l


<'l'M8URb\*> Coiiilo. Femolo. 10c"Too Uave to Stand It" rumio. rauitu. i«>.

'<KEE1> IT IIANOY." uou.uu f.u»i.. lot

«Don't Bonr Any III Fe«liug."(TbeOmtMtoI Modsra DHarltitWa and MolloBalUdr,udtbtlllTilP LUNIiONi III., with OrelicitnParu

AlTbrihi amlo'it PNI.IN Hl-OLBMNON. RMdr tbiiwaah 8«Dt to the Prnl.imoD oo ra«.l»t of prtoa.THEKinmilSOSll PUB IX). ai K. Moora «1 , N. Y.


"Bring Back the Answer," by Lane.

HbrlaVarraD bati: "Itii a tmlr tMaatlfal aoDg anill( pnpttlTbanlM elll iMaUIIKATHUVOBU." Pto-rasaloDAla aandloir card or pnirttnm. anil lo. for poa^aga wul cat a oopr PAKB. Ilu.l b« a .later or Uia miorwillDOtEaaanlouL U. W. lank, Obuca>Ur. llaaLNav Yoik Ataaor, Lawraaea Novallraad fioppljUo.,

OLIPPHB «allj|j».


WeM U lib»rlr tor olromi mmod o( tU. <.\ B- A MUaPreakl*. Obamplua Triok Rirt* ud Piiinl Shou. UurMl li Moood iQ DPDs. WD) faroith eouplete Hid* Bbowoa p«i«enU««; tnkke iiw«ll onaDlon ftod ftBnoaDoa>maata. Alto uUloDAlBV.U)* Child Voniar HonatHtlllnt-oUu thova OMil aoiirtir tiili ad. I bATs loll ofpftlnttaia, ftShSO Uat,ud otbar tide itaov atulTfor tile.

All Uuera aoivarad. rraaii ud aalmale earloilileivrlte lor aoiuemaDt Tor W

H JOHUAW. MoBtalUi. lowa.


Six (6) Shetland Ponies.OUKAI' POR 0A8II,


Addt«H Pf.r. K B. LBKIIVIOII.Ilnt.1 H.D'i. Norlnlb. K.b.


Tba ODiir pnPDjar Ulloa houia Id Iba SuuUi. RBPKR-TDIRE OOllPANIlM AND HTUER UUOD AITRAC-TION% BTOVK HrAILl WITH PAI'BR, a Paw GoodriOFLB for Btoob r-mnpaD,. Aililiaaa

OBAPMAKAflUBRAW. •oaiaM. nM.aollOD llAll.


U uuv oouipUtod ud flolthafl. KrtryUiiut: ui* andilraiolaaa. iTUfa. \ri*»\ coiniorlahla aaiiDa cartelir.

700: lOCd •hitwlowtt. PopaUllun, 7.00U Addr*tiI.A/ARlIrl A BOffMAW. Uarugu. OolOfido


HRa. BAXON. Maiiawr. Palnnoool, HI.

DnilTC DnnV huntinu'ii niROua, im. nownull It DUUIV r-^t- * <><'•' boob lor Wrta.tavw.w Mwwn

0. B. URIPFIN, BaBam, II T.

TURNER -SHAKER yEDICIIIE COVPANY,low, ud at all iimaa, LBOTURBBB; aldarlf mu pra<

(•ntd : oolr Uwm «bo ara wiillag to work aa Uoalii bj

u: food big mooar u> the rlahi man. althar oo aalAtr.

Mroaoura or both : wa bava Laetoram vbo are okuIoiriTBnU.SDItBDD0LLAB9 parmoalh.We eaaoot um iwUtmao wlib Looit nalr or toolb

pullara,o«lUier cu wanH rifla ibola nor mdoataa of

nadloloa, wbao Uila la ibair oolr proof of abllllf.

P*rfAreiarao(lcDOvnaipariBSca «ltb nadloiDo workpralarTad, ifUiaf areffanUamulr la thai r deportmoot,u weaipiaoteTtrr nambfir of our cooipuloa to ao be-

bare ibaiDsaWai ai to add to and carrju air of rarpect-

abiUir, udaiHOtaUtobelooladaP to br thalr eom-paolooa aod uo pabllo u bilog ilka C«:iAr'a wlfe-^miwra aaaplaloa.''We poaitiralj forbid uy wife or oUier wotou to wort

with. baTelwiih or bain ur war ooonaotad wltb aojDanbarofUT of oar ompulaa, wbilaoo the road.

WawutmaD for tbair worth aa Bao, ae roocb u wewaot laaturera and parformara.Tlokaii wlU ba edTuead u paieooa with wbon wa are

ariiaalDtedorwboappLr proparlr ronebed lor.

Leotutera mar kTold daler br aendlof pbotograpbwlin tbair Brat eomiDDoleatJOD.

TUBNBB-anAKBB MBDICINB COUPINY,No. l.iailorTlBoo AT..8t Lottla.llo.




Now OD thalr waj to 'frisoo. waarlagfnA taaral%Jaat won Id NewTork. rbiradelphla. Wath-

Ington ud Oblcago.Tfala oat repraaeata Baluolog a W

poaad Wagon Ai|«.Addrarafor OfBH TIUB.

a 0. CROSS,8U Daaibom Street, Oblcago-


To take Intereat In hlnh clau comblaa-Hon. aapportlaa w«ll Known lady atar.Addreu Inmedlately, **MANAOBn,'*Care J. F. HAYES,01t WaehlnK«»t StrfM,

Boaton, Maaa*


Maat Doable OlaHoaet In Brass.Bt«u tall parttenUra Id Oral latur. WaehatanOa. Mao*Bgemeat pars board. J, AL. SiWTBLLK, UuagerBawtaUa'a DrwnaUo Co. TaontoD, MaaA. Dae- 91 to Jan.8: Ooneord, .V. H.Jao. Tto It



Obaap for caOi. JAB. P. MOEOAN. Ccboaa. N Y.

'94. AT LIBERTY. '86.

Characters or Ueueral BoBinoss.Ctn eil No. Mala. JOHN P. IRLLBY. Ptetoobal. R. I.

WANTED, TENOR SINBER. CAPABLE PLAY-Addi«aa,_MAUD| aipatUiioa aad lowajtINO PABT. . —,

aalarr, PBBO t. WfLKON.Ho. ts Moaroa BUaal. BnwblTD, N. Y.


BBNNBTT IIOU?B. Moaroa RUtat. Cblttlio.

AND ALL THBATRIOAL OOODS. Boaaaip palotadobaapljraDd qaloblT. Analaara aappUad.

nHAR.X MILLB UB BloadeaT. Naw Torb OI(T

At Liberty, Leader of Orchestra orriRSTVIOLIKlOOUBLBTRnMBONE. AddcaiA


K L. SUILlrP, taba aad doobia baia, aod BO.fTOLABB, aoubtaiuaad eaoaral bo.lDaaa:atiDDatpaola].liaa. Addroaa l,P7 Hoith Itib alwal. PMIadalpbia. Pa.

A.T riUBEicrY.Coraal, Band and OrehetUa BorbDnloin. Double

iiUrlooala Joint or aapanta, Addreaa A. W. COLB orL. J. RBI1*BH> Tloge, Tlogm Oo.« Fa.

WANTED QUIOIC,einglagaad DuelogSoubrelieudComedUn ud goodBapertolraPeopla Baknnoitbalow.CaitiaudUordoD.wrlu. AildreaallABHTTQLinK. Para*. PuMlagno.o.


DB a V. OABPBNTBR. KomOIIP. Wttllo Co., III.

NEW OPERA HOUSE, Roclmll, lowl, Slit.INOOATAOirY. Ikltoben and gardeoPo othar o»aifapply.

rira aoenaa, ttreat, parlor, wood,Kefponatble ooiuDaoita waatoo.


HABIGIANS AND FIRE KINBS, I BUY ANDHBLL SBCOND HAND BAOIOAL APPARATDR Writa10 Dta forbArgalaa Id majtlo. Tbalalaat rira Trick oul. II.

B.BABIIBLto.lH Noilb Flart Ptiaat. BolU X CblCMO.


HOWARD B. llOUOB,908 Lledtn *faBu».Ralumfir» Md.


Oraan'a Na* Vtrlat, Hall. Vnuna.ioeo o

AT LIBERTY. FRED P. CORELLO,MUBICAL DlRKOfOB, Waebbarg, U'ghlud Conoir.Ohio.




B'varaodtaUi Kliaat Era. Hit. RaLllaLl

Wittnoy Optra Co., In De Kovtn A Smith's Open,






Mait waab. "Two UM Cronla*."

B. F. Keith's Agiosiment Enterprises.

E.r. AUEE - - - OoLMc'r.a F. KCmra new theatre, Bo«ton, >au.;

THE BIJOU, Ptlladolphl^ Pa.;



OontinaouB Performanoe.XOOKTOULM. BO STOP.


TONY PASTOR'S SS?,*?S?iand 4ih ara.



THE RAY8. '"""'ToTa"IfalaeaaadPeUlnglU, Pat J. Rlekea,Blairn Forteaqae, Tae VoMarm,Kmv Nolan, The Oreat Hilton.TOMY PASTOR nt each PBHIl^HWaWCai.

M. W. UANLET, Miaapar.Nr. Bdvaid Ilairlgan'a naw plapi




PEOPLE'S 7bnry'^^NBR. Proprlator






HABIiBM MUSEUM,llSth 8tr««t and Tklrd Ave., N. Y. CHv.

TBENTON MUSEUM,Nfirlh Broad Stred, Trenton, N. J.


oalUaa aad NoralUaa for Laotara Balla: alio UlibOUaa TaadarlUa Aola for Tbaatrai. All applleatlona lot

aaiaiamaBU (bolb booMl moat bo addiaaaad toBDWABD 0. BMITH, [lariam Muwan.


ring OnrlOBldaa, yreaka of Natnre, Bare and CnrlooaAnlBsla of arary daioriptlon for oar now VanagerliDapartmuttand at all tlmfs the rarr best TudarlUiBten for the thaatre. Ko aalarr too high for First OUaiKoTolUaa. EagagamaDla from 4 to U weeks daring thr

OLYMPI#5ISO Bt, asd 3d At*.HlghClaiiVaudevlllea.


JAS. H. CProp.• mm:[aaagat.

THE WMOT DUO.Thla week. Poll.' Wonderland, New Ha-

Tea, next week, Keltli'a, Boaton.Free Feb. IN, US, alter Chlpaao. Homeaddreai, UHIB sr.,

CambrlJgeporl, Maaa.


PanpaBantnldreta. etreof OLIPPBB.


DBIHON OP CONTORTIO.Y,Will add now noTolUsa lo Daiooo .let Ipr aaaaon ^Now tooriog SoQib with Freoeh'a Kaw Baoutloo. No. I,

Will be opto for Olroua leaion Mareb 4, 1691 Propoal*UooaeoDildarod oolr 'rom muager* ol Clrcoifa whoera wlllinc topaf for a Orat eUasContortloDliit and goodOlowo. Addrvaa. Indrflo'ta, H. ARDBN,Gate Franeh'a Haw Ban>ailon. No. I, Wew Oflaaoa. La.



Good Leading Man and Womanwith rapulalloD. Two parlonoanwadailj Btocbaaajonto oran In Kabmarr. Appir or addraaa, PBANK J.PILLISO. Manaitar Palace Tliaatre. Botton. Maaa.WANTED QXJIOK,For Lowe's Comedy Oo.

PBOFLB IX ALL LINB.<) POR REFBBTOIRE alMLADY PIANIST to donbia parte on .ta.a IneonpalaDtpaopla abot oa alRht. Prater people who can do .paclal.Uaa. Lnahara. maahara aad klebara baT. jont abofivail Mlad. Uaid lima, aalarr. Addrev


BARTHOLOMEW'S EQUINE PARADOX.Mult be able tftplar lltst elisa muilo at aight State

lowHt aalarr- Warr«n, Pa., 31. Jan. Ll,0il0iirtl|4i Af. &—No lelagrama r««elTa<l eoUaor.

\yiLLO. YABOBK, Laadar.

AT LIBERTY, Vf. B. THOMAS,CoDiadr, Charaoter or Old Moo; good atage nuigar.OAHHIK WYHAN. Juranllaa and BmoiTonal L*ad«.KLORBNOB OBhBLLA, logaoaae and Hoobratias; goodloglDgapKtaJtr Blagantwardrobea, Cube engagedaapareulT. Prafar Joint engagamaots. ttalarr lo suitthe Umaa.

W. B. THOMAB. B Bbimald At., BieokLjD. N. Y.

Aor etria Nagn> Wig, to eaoii: Prlght Black Wig, |i;Cbarular Wig (natural bair). St0O. Send bat alu formaaaaramaDL (loodaawtn.d. D. Bobjcottoloipaotloo.

S. srUART, 1.015 Mtdlaon Arvnaa. aVaw York.

Wanted, Lidlis Wko Wnld Uki to Trail!with a good flnt claaa ud reaponalbia OROOERTRACOXCBRrcO Oaa flrat VIollo, Saoood Violin, etrlogDan, two Kroaoh lloraa oar duiIo Is all aAvy ar*langail. AddiwOARLKOHMBKiLU B4mBea.luoa.

WANTED-lidlu Hid. LictDren Tkit Areable lu muaga t>artr and honw ibar cu make a aieceta.IfjonatUacltaoibaerso. Halarr US aod truaoortA-Uoe. MQrtjolnatooce. Dr P. OHAHT. Mukato. Midd.

WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM DRAMATK!Paopir, Ladles and autlenu : ttaooe who doable lo bandprafcried. OHBIB wbbbb. ParkCitr. Utah.

WANTED, A FIRST CUSS COHEBYCO.F0Roea weak itudiln JunaiT.ieBa. Alee other fliH^aasslI'utleQa fbr Ju. aed fw. ft. nood Town aoo4beue. Addieas J. F. LBBTBBa, Tlptoa, tov^

mim 61 ARE ill?ANDEBTON, of OARK0BO8S' MllfETRBLS, PhllA., Pa., baa btan iloiiloaithla aani tor lb

tramondooa auaeaw. Tba lollonloc I. a toprooi cooraiaAtloo balvaaauialfllarlooQtorWBEEAwitb.., . .

dliecUr tba appUnaa lo MB. AHDERTUN'S ancoiea lubalJai:

INTRR.—"That I. a rarr pratip rons, ain't It*'*

Iba laatTEN"and Booaa

BONRK—"Taa, raiT prattr, bnt Jn.t a lIltlaBOPT, I thlDh, for tbia lima of tlia i aar."

INTBR.-"Indaad, bow U tilt 1''^ , , „

B0NE8-"naM, Jaat fancT anp fallOT balaii fooll.li anoaib to UT to a Rlrl, roino. pratt; one, and Ull n,wboialliUaiilrllSToiiraodllliilamaa and N.w Tear-a* near at band! mir.of cour>o,>^• would .a; voi'«eraiT Ume.andtbapoorraUow'lbaod wonid balnbiaanckataU tba bma. Baal •

EraiT ainiarabonid bara aeopf of tbia unr. ai It I. foil of ba.lnaa and can ba naad an;«J>8rf.

To pro'aulonali 10a and prORramma, loeludlmtorcbeiirmtioa, orcall parwoallp.i» VI. ... .i-u .uo. .uu>'"'»"»'"'y,j|^g^,oLBB „uj,o PUB. CO., Ill Waat Ud Street, Naw Votk.

Sand for onr I8M-189B ealaloxaa.


will open lAinlaTlllr, Ity„ earlf In April, and make a lona aeaion. Camp andaleeplns accommodatlona witia (hi. Show will be drat claea. Sober, reliable peopleonly who are wUllnff to work for a reaannable aalary. Addreaa aa lollowa, Oroomaand Drlwera. Robert Abrama, l#onlaTllle, K|r.i Ayentfl, Bill Poaton and all advaaceEeoplr, W. B. Franklin, Salt Hoiue, IjoalaTlile, Ky. , Boaaea aad all otben, Walter

. nala. Gait HonM, LonUTllle, Kj,H, B.—We haTe <br aale .how property of all kinda an'l deacrlptlon.

New Kensington (Pa.) Opera HouseaJUNT OPKNBD. HBATMO CAPACITY 300. POPULATI0:< 8,000.

lialle a Manafactnrlng Town. Booking Open for ISBS and 'tfO* AddreaaUUS B11.KR, Hanager, 2,133 Harab Street, Plttobnrg, Pa,


ClOMd with Harry Williams' Own Ce. Notreuble. Mutual agrteimnt Address


THE HEW ACT FUOM EUROPE ANDThe Great Hit at the New Union Square Theatre This Week.

APPEAR DAlLir AT AND B.aO P. M.Manager, of First Cja.. Bbowa wanting to accnre a Headline Attraction for tbli

or neit aeaaoB are InTlted to wltneaa tlila act. Addreaa tbi. week, UNION StlUAIlBTHEATRE, or »M B:aat Twenty-olgbth Street, !V. Y. City.

ORIENTAL VILLACEaEx-V« 8. CoBsal In Turkey, having obtaliiod the coBC«8ulon of tUe Oriental Vil-

lage at the Interstate auJ InlernatlonMl KxposUion at Atlanta, Ga., wJalies a part*ner vrlth 8'45,UU0, Dance Oa Ventre allovred. A fortane aaaared.

Address ARBGELY, 45 Pearl Street, IVew York Oltjr.


FRANCIS HERBERT,THEOKBATPORWARDBENDRB apMlallr aniatad for "Lacler'a Mmilrala," Feb. L AT LIBBRTT WBBBb'pJAW 7 I,, 31 aod SBforwIilch 1 can be aoiaged to do lar own orlainal cooc.ptloo, aotltled "TUEDBHONnP1IADE8," at the Anlah of wblch I will Introdoce top woodaiinl lorwardbandlnjr aod twUtins.

Fannanaat addrau. 70 EAST.NEWTON RIREET. BOSTON.

The Reason Z Love M7 Boney."NEtr COON 80NO. Bead card and 10c. lor copr and Orobaurallon. CRDOER BR09., X) ff. atb Bl., N. T.


NBW TORE. DEO. SI, 1891.

BRETIIREN-An ANNUAL MEBTINO ol Uia 'BLEB'MUTUAL BEKBPIT ARSOOIATION" will babaldMlbeRooma of Naw Xotb, lodia Mo. I, B. P 0. Hlka, Broad-war and 27ib fiu, Naw Tork Clip, on BDNDAT, Jan. 0,

ISM, at 7 P.M. Pralamallr loankE. P COLLORn. SaeratArr.

The Scotch Medicine Co.

For oar Ten Companies, Dootors, Lector-ers, Blanaffers and Perrormera who are^xperlenceft In the Ucdlolne Baslness.Banjo Player*, HIngen and People whodo more than one tnm. Blentlon whatjron do and LOWEST salary In flrst let-ter. Silence a potUe negatlTo*

Co. Ko. 1.I

Co No. 2.

DR. C. J. STAAKB, Hor.; I W. B. UUNOEB, Hgr.;C3o. No. S.



TomarAdama pleiae write; loatyooreddreaa^


At Liberty aner Feb. I, •03. Would liketo hear nrom reliable Uaaager. tbatcan aao a ar.t«clau Concert BftasloalTarn. 34 Corte. St., Boaton, Maaa.

WANT TO BUY AT ONCE,Complete Set Two t>etaTe CHROMATID(1I.AH80PHONE, taned wllbont water.Wbo'a got 'em. Write qnlok with low-eat caah nrlce*

J. FRED BCHHBI8BR,34 Corte. 8t., Boaton, JIaM.

Me Warren's Lal«st "Hit""Klttv Dear."] Cbarmlng Lar. Son. PRES.

tnr.Lr Zi \,\ SEND STAMPS.

SSSJ' t"*""^PtPPtHiCO.,

niuy near. ; arweat4MBt.,ii.Y.


OBNTRIO (WMEDY.Writ. (]ulek: lowaat nlAir, Tnacola, ni..


MagiOp Trioks,ZUusions, Sto.


Wanttd, for "Wright's Camedlans."Perfbrmera wlao are Terwatlle and canplayparla. U.nal raqnlremenli. Olhanwill not be conaldered. Call orad.lreaaWRIGIIT'H TMBATlllCAL BXOHANOB,MOO Eaat Uth Mt., H. V.

CIRCUS PERFORMERSWantlag a Pint Claaa Place to Practiceaad Spend Ike Wlater, commanlcateqalckwilh HOWARD MHtPP,

Peterabary, llllaela.


EDa KEECH.Plea.a .end yonr addra.i qnlok to

J. A. BAILEY,106 West 37111 St., N. Y. City.

AT OBEBTY,O-BO- OTT,The One Man Orchestra.

Bid FEATURE FOR BEPEBTOBY CO.Bolo< balwaao sots oo Piuv, Zltbar, Xylofhooa, Coiil-Ion, Slide Trombooeud tba Halamatoo. Mir Bowlr per-flated alaetrlc organ pUts all or mraoronpaolnaoiBantdnsUcAltr. Cera of PABE TnCATRE.

Daytoo. Oblo.


BOUBRBTTB OR INOBNVE.Addreaa cue or ROBERT WATNE, "Wagaa ol Sin"

Company. Dai t.-n. Ohio.

A Trap Dniinnir Hd i Cltiloiiet Pliier for

Banil aid Orclntra.ADDRBSa

MANAGER "UNCLE JOSH SPRUCESr CO.,Llbartp. Mo.. Jan. *. Oamaino t.



lU Beat Ponrtfantb Street, N. T. nit>..

Sead lOc. (or tie Great NagrsJablleBEidSoBK.



FrlTllafa lo BufBlae. D. LBARY,tu Waat TblitT-Hiat Btraau Naw Yoik.





DABPY, Ko. 9 W«l Itm Smat, SdiMlebar A Sana' PlanaWanroona.


' a.lka It. M 0.1/ r" "

* impoaTiijo oo.iINBttitn>k.auait.»

January 5. THE ^q-EW YORK CLIPPER. 711



tfi*r OhamplBin Are. 4 ButHOIb St.




"I'M MAMMA'S Ltnii 6IRL,"


OF YOUR BABY I"Piano coplei rr«e to the profeulon* En-

nlme otAnp. OroheBiim amBgomeBtalOo. taeh. 1 mm n»klD|| mr ta«adqaor*t«n Bt our New York brancn, ond shallb* plfla««d to have my proraialonalrrleadi In New York nnd Vlrlnlty callupon me. Alto all profeitlonaU whowl«h to aecare coplei of onr pabllcatloBB«Iwlllfaralih the aongi and teach Ihem«* 7on free of charge. Ofllce hoan from10 A, n. to n P. ra, couB see ns. iWILL* THEAT YOV RIGHT.Tdnntroly, H. W. PETRIE.P. 8.—I have levoral catchy dIUlea that

BinTO not ag y«t bcon Introdnced In th«Knit.






LWILLROSSITER, DEFY ANY ONEToume B tlDBertu good m the aboro, or Dtme one ile-criptlre MDK thu'e u orlglotl or oreMlat u mucho Motttloo as tht eboTO iodv. Sonemertlilokl'maLTIB. If Moh be the ewe, tiHiaIre ot pertonnera, nun-es«n, or watch the dallr upare. 'TBB TATTOO" Ii theaoBf that leaOa them ail todar. and a long, too, that wUllaitfoieur. Pnf*ulonaloople>,10c«ntJ.

WILL ROSSHER, CAIcago, PdlinshirOt "A ORDEL HieS'* and man^ mhitF hlia.

Oh? I'm nn» <1rt<tt» .I.-- . _

HEREAreifewcommenlson the lalesi H.i 01 iiia<i«y:

KSTioeoiDnniisi"Fnm tlie snat com»dl>o, JOHN W.

RANBOKE, charactorUIICBlly known •"Tile Halsror N«nr York."BOBTUN, Dm. n, OENTLEVEK:

From Ui« BMtOD pai>«rii I bAtewlth eDcloH, roawlllM« I hava iconO an old lima hli wilb loor d«v iod.,'.VOTBIKO'STOO aOODFOR TBE IBISD." Tba boanwu uirlv raoi»an( wllh aaoore at tlis eloia of mra«oiiidT«n«. Wllhbeitwfabal. Ynura.



IRI8B" for a Iblrd lODit, wltb Baail* Boaabtir* Co.. andItiiatnioaadootauecau. OALLAouer andwbST.

from Two Vanstlle Comedlnnt.WILMmoiON, Dal iD«a e. -M.

BKOUSH BONO FOB. CO., OBKIS:.Woara llnalDa /our naw Mbi, NOTHINa'fl TOO

HOOD FOR TUB IRlBU," aid It la. wllboit aieapUon,Uia MgsaaiblCwa baTabaddarlorUiapvttaar.

_ BOANLOH AN'D KILBOT.iVTba aboTo iODv lant 10 iba profMaloD, wltb

oraiiHtraparta, 00 receipt altaa cenu.

ThB Engllth Seng Pub. Co., 3» W. MoBrt St, N. Y.


One foil grown Lloneta, nine ye.ra nl«l,(hrae cabe one renr old. Addreaa L. W*WA8HBVRN, care Donnldien-a Lllho-Krmph Co., Cinclnnntl.O.


ANYTBINa IS rbtertuhb.


riaraBtMd. Addteta PA&ao,Hortb Uakota.



POPULAR SONG PUBLISHERS,Extend greeting, and are pleased to announce that the pretty story song,mm

SHINE UKI miMV—»B TT r> -A. V DE3 ^ Jk. H. I O N


Charmingly Rendered Nightly hy Leading Artists.




TERMS OK HALE CASH.A Ten Car Ooov ooalpltt^ ten Blitr Pool Can, new,

wjulppid with pa'eot aiJJatimettti aad bollt eiptHilylor ibe »ho«; one BleeplnR Car, one Dlobifi Car. onePriTlleRe Car, two BUphaat Care, one Htock Car.three rlM uari and one tdrtnca Oar. Tbrea Blepbanti. Kmp'eu, Uieen and Palm; Pour Raraela. flveLion*, tea fafei of Aniniala. Eliphant Headed Oi.SaoreJ C*it>. Cow KlTlng milk from Iwo MpartteDddsrr. 0D4 B'ack Airicao OoTllla. lorlr bead of Perfitmlng UoTMiand Pooiej^loDrie*nTeoui,Oil*LUhti,(l&soliDe and Ooat OIL one Bide Bhow complett: BandWegoo, two Cbtrlou. Tatileaux and Barnie Wagona,HBai«, alBhtr rercn Nnilhi. To be wid Wedae*idar. JantX to ihe I (ihcat biddtr. at Raeket Ore«n, oppoul* KLi;«raird Market, S'e« Or1eao>. La. AddRH

COL OBO W H*LL. New Or)*aDi. Ll


Fred KennoPIB^ TLAIS AUBOBAT. aRUTBSQUR SINaBR ANDDASHER, Jait cloied Mcond »f«Mnwlih Lnaler'aMln-treU. At llbertr to Join flnt clan man to do a doableComwlv, Aorobatlo or Knookabont Bong and Dance Aoi-Can Join at aop Ume. Addrt'i

FRED BBNKO. Port Wwne led.


INO AND DINING CAR.Pint elaie lo oTorr reipett; follj e^iaipped for a oeople;Miller A JesDereonplrr*; iteto neat; air bnkei; hotand ooH water;U wbeel tniekt. The oteaneat car on theroad. Don't write nolera yon want a One ear.

OHARLB^ OBTKR CootortlODht, Leilerten. Ho.


'me FflOM OVER THE BRINL''Rr WALTBH DAumm. conpoier or "Tb. Liule Oainarailed Clulog." ' Way Up Id Nin*r lleareQ." ete. ToprofeialOBBl.. 10 eti. each corr; ortbeatra parte .ttrkAdnreaa WALTER DA UFBIN, FlndUr. Ohio. Dm. Jr, tl.to Jao. t. •»

. fprloideld, Ohio. Jao. < to II. 10.

ENGAGEMENT WANTEDFer TROUPE of EDUCATED HORSES ud BOATSConileUngof 3 bonae, t goata, 3 ponlei. I down don*ker. 1 Bae blgh ohoo) taddle bone. Ooat broke to ride.AllToonK eod good aotori. PonrJomMlhrooibboopof Ore. Will *ork la linger itage. Will eeil orteaie.AddraesatoBoe 0 B. BLLIB.

Cate of Qneen City IIoUl, Obarletle. I*. C.

STAGE SCHOOL,Ear. im ualu isos olive btbebt. at. luuir. mu.flTAQB DAHCINO OP ALL KIHDR A RPKOIALTV.Acta, Tans and BketcbeiTauHht for the Uramtilo or

Vatietr Stage ropiU can enter any ilme. Head or call



THE PERIOD.Bun^ hy Ihe Ornndeat Ingera.

The Mont Ileautiral ol' NitrriitlvvBallndol


AND SHE FORGIVES."Bung with Kaonnoas Saccate !>/ tht*

Stirling Operatic Team*


FIMdION. ON BEOBIFI OF TEN OBHTa Kicelleotorobeelratlooa for olae plaeea, teo oaotaeitra.

"SHE F0R6ETS AND SHE FORGIVES"18 DBTHNEDtO BBCOMB TUB BEIONINO HIT OPn. It le f i»pble tn leatiment and beantiial In birmony. written vltbtn an eaeyeompaw (oreli Bicgera.j^It I* set lo Un etereoptloonTlewt ud siege

eittoei by DAYNE9 and LTBETTP. aid lorokwIremtndoni appUoH after each rare*. The beet•pi olaliy, long and ralaitrvl flnt part erer arlt'ea.

CHAS. W. HELD, 310 Fulton llrwi. BrwHyn.



PRIVILEGES FOR SALEW A- TV TE I>,so l.ngtli. orse.u, nil kind, ornallroadCnra anit P.miihemnlla In feneralt Caanee a few more acU| Open aboat March13, *U5, lor a InnV aeaaon.W, H.and O.H.FOREPADOH, MnnBHere,

Bi|[Nafiiiitr|)iuitet,l3ili iii(IGainliriaSii,Plih,Pi


Franklin L Sheldon,COMEDY and CHARACTERS,


I mi. Litho. Stands.Baad raadlog natter aad 11 loreampleor M ebealeiaodla ooIoii:i>laada,MMpelaade,t7Ll>. MATIOBAL LITUO. (!0.,>S N. Batood Bl, Fhlladelpbla, Fa



New ''Stuff" and Plenty of it.

xiiinh: rrHiM over.

"He's Stm Her Baby Bov."THB POPULAR SALLiA1> OP TllK 1>AV.

Head what a welt hnown tenor hae to nay aboat this song i

•S. 0. nVBIt. B-itoQ Ma«a.—HBAH HIB: I meeiTrl poor tong (oor weakaafo, and 1 think ItH tb« iieiteoog I ainilnginv. I get Ihraitnr

loarenooreieTeTTnlKtL ItatrlkeaeTerroDe, and they ell want me to aim It aialu. (Hlined). JOHN A. KKM.KV,To profesilonali, 10 cents on receipt of card or iit'ograinmp. tIrrUeefratlon frve

irrequeeled. 11. O. DYBH. I'. O. Iloi .'V,»TU, lloelmi, Riafli.


"Now Bulns Hunu wlllt Iiiiinunao Hii04!iifu« li/

MISS POLLY HOLMES ("THE IRISH DUCHESS").She wrilaal 'II le certainly one ormf DiUORIIT HIT*,"



SONO, PARODY AND DIAr.OOUK WRIXItJIC.NOTinK —Paorr MoOuo having left ny wl|wam wllbont Ifavlog Ibe kry undtr Ibe mat, I warn all landlnrds— on*agalaat chalking on on niy toooooi.

L.ATKR,PANRr—Come beak to ibe ball iMdrovm; louod hey, all la fiirgiTeD. ull iiut* hei (•oloKiiid, "iiiorf*.**

"flKOP." IIP Beat TweinbBtreet, Rew York CItp. Thare Umtilind in Ibii tuan'aiaitJneii -Hhilreepiere.

Otrlng to tlie flodden cloelog ot the Deiile lloneblll **l*la)^iiti4tf CoiiipanXt '

at liberty for balance oreeeeon. Addreia CLARK U. IIALL, BtrUlna* S, V.



FAMOUS SANS SOUCi AND THE GREAT UNIQUE, hiBded by Ih* QrMltit ol all Nigre ImptrMMtori, Iki Fameut OOLDEN and ORAYTON.

The Great 33 1 Tn CrOXjiX>3ES IW. ' JSXXmXj,^ I> 3E1.AWO JSfnThe Clevtr LIHIa Arlld, DAISY GOLDEN. The Plinler, FRANK ELMER. Tlia Planlar'i lliler, MAY GOLDEN. A PlelaricI Ufa Iniha Land ol Collon.

The 3 Kings of Colored Comedians, the only BEN HUNN, the Funny BILLY JACKSON and HEN WISE, and 8 Southern Beauties 8, A Dream ofDarkey Land. See thei Cotton and Steamboat Scene on the old Mississippi River and pastimes on the old plantation. Our great novelty. The$1 pOOO challenge to produce our equal In the Grand Prize Cake Walk. WATCH THE GREAT STREET PARADE.

Maaagers of flret claes liodiea aentl In year open time. Pleaty of printing, wall anrt window worh. B.^Tlio above lllle le copyrlgbtrd hy law. Aitdrcfs all cmmmunlraf Itioi luIIABRY ROBEKXljl, Proprietor ami Manmfor, |gO Ennt Kith Ht., Now ^'ovU.

Actors'ProtectiveUnionNo. I ,N.Y.tlerlnil (o Ihe Incrrair or MKMilBIHSHIP nnil Ul;<IKRBH, we haTe eacared more comraodlone qaailrrl. 11* EAST Ulh, COII. I4ih BT. and 4lh AVK. Til. Hailnrai OOlte will he Hllrrt u|> In elaborate .l|rl..

Long and Mhorl Ulelanre Telephone, Cable Conmanlre lien, la racl.a Daitnaea Oflce Tor Baalneea Parpoee. Private Ofllree for Maaagere, Heading and NmoklBg Hoome for Clenllaman, Recepllon llonnif ror Ladltr.

Artlaie wlataing Is offer Ihclr Mrrlcee, and alaFlng New Teik (hat wtek, aend in naaaM.l.-P.rtna.rf ..nd ^m nU npen Umm, JOBJI H. W. B1UB, Bm. Mgr. VUHT WIUOJI, i... XATT lUHaillOTUN, B», Mgr., BmIob.

712 THE < OSTEW YORK CLIPPER. .Januaey 5.




Havtan ronrloded lu langcit •fBi^a. fhc b«it one In Hi hlitsry. I* now In WIKTBB (tVAIlTKlia IK DBKVBR, CWLORADO,and will



PeopleinAll Branches for Circus Hippodromelodoilioii Jip*' Rroftd'wonl roinbAli^ flrit cliu JapiD«f« Troup«i M klotli of Jkpurp* woiknto. LuJf RUI»i, fifuiowti. Acrobaii, Amil Artlila. Athi«u«, Con-

.... « .— . .._„— . . . _. - IlfihCIi'iNnftUlei. Birfbick Eqaciirlin Rideri,lorllonlMi. Vkuliar*. Trail rd Anlniil*, ParrnimlDB Rm Llooa. HpMlal Aelt, KoTtllf Ae&, Flr«t i'Im* Lstfr ArtJir*._ ^ . „ Mjt tcu Mliibia for ihw«*ho»i. Oood. relltbl*.

coinpBtfDtnitoairai»ic1ioB.corafii Bat*, rlwtio. eltrloDoii frMdi twroi. a^Me irombootp. btrl'oot, odmr, wmmjdi flrat clu> dnmiDMi. AIM BrateiiMrnoc^ri P«oplK uid kH klndinf rru^ C'nr1oaiti«i. BDd r««iaT«i for BUcabo*. Waiitm). rallabi* BftuCaotM Mko. Cti^ndeliir Meo.Uroomi AolnslMro, CaDVMMfO, RAl>rofti1H«D. Bom PrOHri? Mu. First ClaiaMkilcr of T'kOipoTUlloD, EUtthutUoa. Foar. fli|. EffbttndTfn IIotia Driten. W*ftn

dtf\Tfnif> ttl iturchMiDf lh» rarfit tnlmiu, FtrnhtDla, lllpropelamaa. BMoonroa, ramtU lurarA0P,24bt)P, llttnea, L«opftn]a,B«P|ia)TlRtTa Vuot<ir, OrT^K^.'^'jia-Uockj^BIraiaod fl4pUI«a froin trAtr qoulvrof tb« lob*, ud llrit eUw abow propertr of avorr d«aorlpUonRoflalA. Llnoa. Tapir, Orri, n^ma-Uock, Blrdiaod fiopUlaa from i


2,046 Fifteenth Street, Ashland Block, Denver, Colorado.

80 First Class Bill Posters Wanted.Nooe botrobar. rtHtbla man; •hlrkera aodilrlDkara oot daalrcd To (b«ri|blmaD ibahlibMtwafaa will baTtiid.asd b»ittr«ktDeDt«it*ad*d. Woakl liko tobe*r

from all o*>t •mploiMwhocliwod th^iaii 'vaarn viihiha ihova a« thay bnov tbat lood. homai work lakU'Ddad with Roodpar. iibarAlitv aod anorMlatios.rOAlTI' NH AH*' AL^o VAUANT FOR tOENrior ALL IIIND9 Uar BapariaUo'faoU Navapapar Mao. EiconloB Bill Poitara. LlihofrmrhariL Bte.. Eta. Soparior

DditMinan'^ofTand loaoariaUcRobar u>d akllUoliDtii lo thladapariroaat. Addmaail latiara Tor poaltleoa id tbaadTAoea. lo

155 Kanaaa Avenue. Topeka, Kan.



AND MEDICINE MENFIVETHOUSANDDOLLARSINVESTEDAnar Fabrniry 1 1 will have enmi>|ot^ tlio flnMt fiolMtiaalD Uio worM fnr luralnitoutRlattria Ralia.ftoip.aio 1

waDU)i»»ddrf ol »Trij EIrctrir llrli BiH^ N*dlci|)B kfati lo ibeciDDirr Vrli* lo iro l«rprlo*ii. latiDpifdHrromraUliOD ll >Mil)PDi*lpin» lirKu I »lll rrll tou ft Coeriont <iil8oBp that caDDOt babeit aa a »»]lar ir.r ihebaraeo»t orniBiiuraelDra. You mrnklna raopls ilnl Bod It bird lo iat larritory, leimapat louoo to aaood thioit:

romaihirp vi u can dobua1r>e»awuh «hvr»Ttr inn cad fiat people id front n| joatrMudon^bara iti utu wheo waatba Uat tn'dlclnocotrpai rb«r«bDior* aniD|t In'o a town: ptrromarawho areablnlo laciure and bara |W.OD lo

ibofiMtd »rli«iDe,ruu mlBbtJaataawatlbaniaktoifroiDttfOOtollOOOO a waak aa to work loraalarr, aod Ifjroaaianot aaloh |oo ran do iL

HOTB-—Tiiabeli I maiiarBctaratRuafanteainba pot up lo b*)Ur abtpa lhaa aajolharbalt Id tlia couotr/ to*

daj.iDd III* taaia that no wlih ll »tnp)jrkDo*k aoommuDltjcnt/.

YOUR SALE IS 86 PEIl CENT. PKOFIT.Addraaa a'l commuplcAtloDi to DR. B P. RPENflER, H Paoiflo ATtiiDa. Chloano, 111



AND BALANCERS,Jiftle of llie ninallns Or<w.* World** GrfAt«at RtiAwa, fbr nait llu-ep aeaanBa, andre-rnaagfiirurHeaioiior 'U3. TWUNTY IS NlfMIIBR, nnti canAbln of giving twond a hair tioara* iierftorinanre. Alao VAIIIBTY flANAaKuS wlahing a fioort

irong ar (••ran ftaralali O. H or 10 proiilv doing m ttiong turn or Totty inlaiiloB. Clr>oaaao wlahltiH a aood trou|i« fhr ^raion ** 'U3**—can f^rnlah 0 or B JanAUva* Artliti.TUB TUOIiPUil IN NUMUHII), CON*liKT OK § LADIHS AND U OlfiKTjl

Cars Kriler Home, GhlcKBO, ill.


Also Books and MuhIc for tho niinjo; Strings, etc. Send

for Prlco List mid Paiuplilcts of liifornintlon. Address

S. S. STEWART, 221 ftiid 223 Clnircli St., Phllftdolpliln,

Pft., or. Sow York Oftico, 20 West Utli Street.


Ladr l«au irdaalfMl; rant low to rvpooalMo pa"r*. 100000 paopla Ia draw Irom. N.B—P. A. Thomaa, Iat*

wo ol Ikli hoaaa la to lak 4 a oompanr out Por fiiribar pariteulara apply to

RutrON A fiO., Raal BaiAia aod lQTMitn«nt Rmkara. WiIddIoiiIod, Dala»ar».


**WHEN WE WERE YOUNG,"RfibR witb tr*mtodous aiiooMi br Roa^on'a mD«t popular 'lainr, M ARIB W ARRBN. Alraadr a (krotlto. 8m Boatoo

papoT*. >hU aobn, toMUi^r «lth ihra* oihar aooga jnat luaad,

*>1 I.OMO TU SBB OLD lUBLAND ON€B JlOnB.**Od* ol tha awoatwi Irlab aoap wiltlao lo yaara. A i^attlT* Bueeaaa.

«>i:OUUAaB, BOYMI" LAST WALTZ.**B^ Rrorr alDtar ahould aood lor tbaaa aoDia. Tbav ar« ir«Tna. Tba (onr nalM to pmiaaaioBal alojtar*

oolj, aoodlDg pniiraoinia aod t#n mdU No altAnlloo paid lo laitara ilarlaUoa rrom tba (orofolnii rMHOaLAHRRTOAH NU.'IIO P"RL1PIIIb'U CO.. Ho. II baalTtriaantb Htrort N»« Tnrk Chf,



WANTKD-STAU SPECIALTY ACTS.Onlf pvrlnrmara ol rapatatloo wiih M|t««lal p'idiIbh 1 ODlr want laaturfi, aod not arlUU ol tttMllnera lalani.

tor tha Ibm ''iirio Malli. LIf t0| Wonilpra aod Utailloi KnTalila*. Pour »bo*« dalli H<H>kln|a *il#n(1 ovar tballarTT r>a»N Mao MoawOireult AcMrMo H^HRY PAVIS. KPKW MUSBR. PtIUbarg,




ML.L.IC. UULiOUUH KERNANOKZ.W«h*T«laQar Atrrd lomr hnur*. AD, kuiliHO* or Aor iii,BA|«r. Addmi Cmrvel'^LIFPRIi. or inv Aml" '— "—

'— — Wo hAT« wurkod Id "KaMnoQ'i rleolo.'*Hfctnli (n VahI Alt-t LiDnh.

AT LIBERTY, "THE ROYAL MAHATMAS."Illtb criaa Madiami (itiiv aod iaD>taiB») Raoaatioaal. Up tA-<*ai« l»tn|omtnut« Baaiic*a, ' Rplrit rbaoomiDa."aio. fictnrlal Wall aD<i Wiadnw «ork. Amarleao addrwaa 4SDAVKNrORT R D.Tnronio, Cao

, EQUILIBRIST AND JUGGLER.Ui^at laMaM at Roaachar'aTbfalra. Vlaaoa. and l«lt Oanao, OmOaa.Bow Bahlai a bla anmiiniWlini

audaosBarllB. Tha nealb or Jaa«tf7il'ln«8 Tartar. OoTMbafta. rmmiik hiinaiiit aiklia^WMiiiiMnvt. PalitAn, Lnodra. Rom. Klad TMVd* lo all


NEW YORK.LwcML romp1.i.«l n:ook of flOLf> Aim lin^VBR TniMNINOS. KTAqB JBWEI.RV,MATRRIALS lor cASTOnWI •'I tho rttO-KEB8IOW At liOWBII PRICBO IbAD Air olborhou'.. WIU8. HEARD* ISpoclAl OAiAloiioe), form.D.liOU.ndtS'O lvll..flflO, Dtgro. (VOc mid. onour pr.ml.... TIOHTH (our ovo tnuo ADd Im-Krtid). Id roUoD oar. (ri^dAcAd fron $i.tOi: b.trr IdII.

itilonwl Coiu>o,tl.7( (v.Ar ho'tor Ibtn 11 CO wot*l«]ll.hil; twl iTAd, WoriU<l, lltO: Sllk.M,) Aod 1100:bMtPilk.t? tu W.CArrrSD.hAdMln qoklllTADdflt,Id .lock. ADd rn.ke m orter in fnor d... PAdaed llihu(HmmaulCAlo (700 I.BICHKRR'jl I'miiorwdlGRBASB PAINTS,PUWDrRH mod BURKT•OHK. (RA«r.>nl.a(onlal.irihi U.R). KHOQB'IIKA08, 8NAKB8' HKAD<, cls.j lor Conorilool,u lnoNwip.t«Dt»i|ljihtm..*FlAl. F.rf.ctlmlu.HOD. 8ATIN HLIPPiCRII. (irt: 8ANnAL8,•i.u. ti ;g. win: (;ia>os, fn o'o 8Panqi.b<<!tl II) par t. BVLLIoN FHINOIta fruo IMio.dMP(7doA f.nl} to iQiD dHp. nptovom Lacar uoldnimpa. RTAMi. Latoi CoTda,aaIlloD nov.lit oto. MlDChMATINS In Aftry aba^A. Uc , Do Aoit tl 01 A tard.Pliiah... VaUat..Da Toheii, TINftRL RRO-r.AnE8, a'o ARMOnN. I>IIIKIjD8, hbl-DIKTH, RWOtIDH, OAOaEHS, vilhAild Alihoutjaw.la. JBWP'Ll, |ln ..liin. or with . hnt.a),DIADRttH. rR»WNS. OinnLED, NECK-LACK!*, KNIUIirit' CHAIND, eto.



SFECIAL SALE.aaiD. A7&:SId.,701:S8Io,7I0:'0Id, 8C0

A Trunk with 2 Trmn ind Make Up Box.Thaao TTDDka ara mua of Baaa Wof<d, eovart


wiih Oaovaa. ainad oo: Hardwood HIau wrappedwUh Rhaat Iroo od aa^ and iiod*r Biaol OlampB;Rkaei Iroa Boitom, wiili S Olfaia and 4 SimiHolien; romor Boaper Olampa: Fical "lor Lock,VaJaoca OlatnpH). Na 4 Bolta; 4 L%Tfii Ima BirapU|Da»a; S Bheat Iroa Baoda amaod iha Tniok; 4Bieal Ko*aa: all paruwall rnteeiad; avarr Tracklioioib Lloa>1 throaRhoBt; proTlded wlthoDaOaopCompJirtaiaot Tray aad vavp Up Boi. aod odo RitraDrMaTray. Bbippod on (bo reo*lpr of prk«.

GOLDSMITH'S,717 OUl At**, cor, 41it St*, Ik. Y.OraatarNaw York'aOraatsttTniDk Worka



UlIARAOr^R MIHIO.fllronit aod soTalapeflUiila*: Taokaa Pannar, Tramp,

Billr Rtd, Becaotrlo Old Womao, Old Maid aad rk-CIAL AOT.

FRnSS COMMKNXfipOI.EVRlAND (Ohio) L8ADER. Sept lA llW.-*-Kall

Liicbaaldpiaja the part of ZicbaHab BjaOeld wall. Im*panioR 10 U a rjaiiaci cbaraoierltatlon aod aatnoUogItahnipor with raaa aid vnoiloo.''TINER RBPUBLIO. Rufalo. H T . Aa>. B, •0I.-A »po-

olal wont or pralM la doe Kail Lltobflald, who la ootODIT a c'orar aoior of bnoollo cbaiutata, bat li aracltatir nlit of burloMno nris."BUFFALO (N T.) roURIRR, Auff. 19, *9i -"Kail LItch

Ram. aa Zacbulab Rjedald, tha rural landlon],dld blawork wall."BUFFALO (N. T ) EIPRB(ia, Aajr. 3a. '9l.~'<Nall Lllcb

flaM «a« a hnt faTorna lo iba fun mak loi."aVRACUSB (N. Y.) HRRALD, Stpt I, ISM.-' Tbe

moat»DjoTab<etblDitof thoaTanlogwaaiha Rood workofNAll LltehBaM. who** ahlllty aia eoiradlao ll tarn."DKfROir fMich) JOURNAL. 0«L 19, M--NallL(tcb

Q^M, tto well known lmii«<or add raeo coDtortloniiL•Dioiialnad tba audlaaoe lor ball an bour witb hli Ridluak'oa aMrUUIaa."DETRUir (Mlob) FRVB PRBS8, Oct D, tl-'-Boina

ooil cbaraoiar nopanouiiona ara dona by Nail Litcb-flald. Ila Iralia'oa nnai anythiat rrem a allljracboolIwr to ao anil Moibodiat praarhar."LOS ANOBLBJ (Oalin HERALD.-"Nail LUrhflaM.

baa lha rapuUlloi ol bolnt ooo ol tha artataat oharae-tar Imparaonaiora now on tha road. Hta laatal coo-tortiooaara ramarkaMa and amDiini."

Addraaa 4V Weit ru 8l. Naw York Clir. N T.




DI||||«At Monty Dranlni AnImBi Attnir.tloti thmt «TFr plAyM, Aaalln A 8lone*AMiiivnin In Boiton. Tttl« hom« orlnno*Tslloni Pat'kta Sollil For 1» dayi.^ TWO WEEKS OPEN, FEB. 4 AND II.

Dig Attraclton Ibr Tli«a(v« or Hatev.All commanlrallona la

UAVB DEDRICK.D«tIa' Bden Mgaai., PaH.bHPH, P«.

WANTED AT ONCE,Eietjiioilj in ihe Vaudnille and Variei) World

to oildreaA tliA NEW COOIIT 8TRBBTTHEATRE (rorniprlr tha BacklBahBiDI,3»9 Coarl ni.. llAninton, Uhlo.P. 8. — Wnnlcl llho ta h«Br Itom B


•me A No, 1 People to oing ob the flBHoB BOW ChBract.r Baai, •Btltl.d "Thon*wib«roriho Tonn." Cop7rl||M IBMkr SlophoB J, MoBBor, AMroo*Re.IW ORTAaua ST., Bn*kI|ii,7I. f,












A List of Deatlis Id the AmDseneiit


Aqoatic and Athletie Perform-

ances, Baseball, Cricket, Blcy-

cliog, Baein; and Trotting

Records, Billiards, etc,


Records of Fastest Time and

Best Perfonnances In all De-

partments of Sport


mica !ism.



Mew YorW.

(gtlcuraImlulll Rtlleiei


TORTURESA warm batb with

i^^CiUcyn Soap,

ir?'A9and a singit

' appliationof

^Cutlcura, the

<p-eat skin cure,

'"afford instant relief,

'permit rest and sleep,

"and point to a speedy cure

) In every form of torturing, aisfig-

urlng skin humors.

SoldlbfOwlOTlttbavorld, Blltlalt dipoli Nmiir.LoodoD. Fonme Deoo BCm. CoAr„ fiatfoD, u.e.A.


Vaat plar two noall paria racbvtak. Btaia aalaTT loBiit latter or talraram So c^H'cL

TCLDEN A PTKEtF.. RonMalaar. lad.

The Great and OnlyHUE.

LISETTE,la ilDfflnK wllhatfirMiitfcaB vffecUPRl-^ . DAY*8 song,

"SOCIETY"Kaacra-PridaT, Hall A Co.. ai*Di|aiDaD: I tbloh "So-

oietT" tha b^atdaacrfpUra aoog I erar hand lad.—IILLE.LIfiBTTE.Tbta aoDt Ii balng nng hj "ABTISTS" and doo'l jon

forta* It

Profo'tioDal PlADO eopT ton. Ordiotn parf lOa eitra. R«Utlprica40«. FRIDAY HtLLACO.,

ITORalpb 'Taooa Brooklyn, H. Y.

RRISCELLANEOUS.flUHUWrilL iBoatoB. Mma., Ajd ««« wbAITOo »IIU>t

FUTURE WIFE ^im:'Si;TfS'il'^.T*Dea 8t . Brrwaiyp. H T. Hunploa mallad anjwbary lOa.

Ai GOODRICHi UWYERi^t^TTthSnsBL'Bu^laiai aod qaito. Brtoohaa and facilUiaa Id othar Bute*

Morphlno Habit Cored In 10lo ao Oaya. No pay till CQi«d.Dr. J. tltep1i6Da, i>«baBOB« O.Wl Iwin Dr.j.i



Tarranrt Eitract ofGabeba and Copaiba

U a aalft, eanala aod qnlck oar*,aod lo ao old-Una ramodf, com-blotog to a biablj oooeaotraiadrorm tbo medioloal Tirtoaa olcubatM ud copaiba. It* portableabapo, rraodom I torn taato, andtoaadr action (curing lo loaalima Qiao aor ouier prapamdon)mako It THE MOST TALUABIjtKNOWN REHHDT. To prOTonttiud, ae« ibat averr package baaa red atrip aoroaa tbe face ol 1^beL witb the aliniatare of Tar-rant A Co., N. T., Qpoo IL FRICB,HP. Hold brail dmaalau.

ZAMBESI DIAMONDS, Ifrr;£Sand iDUodooad hr tba flrai tiina In Aiaaiiaa at thaWOIUJ>*a PAIR, wbaro tbej created aaeb a aeDtailooonacoooDtofihairbrllllaDor and One evb-tbe neareaiapproach to the fenatne dlamoad yet diaeorered, bariOR all the fire and pnanalio oolora ol the nnaloeartolAL PRICES to the proreaalon. Por ftall partioalara, prlcea.etA, gooda ahlpped 0. o. D.. ehargea prepaid,with prlvllenof aiatnlaaUoD. addraaa

a. B. BODKlHfl 388 r^earboto Bt, OblMMo.


Billiard a&d Pool Tablesn TUB WORIiD



IT««VA< ADd mo«l elanat «^1«a eltb tb. U <EQ9ALBDMONIBB OOanONarBUUArd DlAlAIlAla, dolh, bAUJoaaa, M&. or onrowp naaaiAetuo ADd InportAUoD.

TH< BBDIOWIOK-BAUCS-OOLLBNDBB 00.,*nhiaAtn. niiHdBO.H. AT. UtnK Bu rmoaiaeo

Altai— l.«e_ ^ «.»A ortto ohAim. 6md fo, Mabd for hmpblai

Pi. M. H.F BnlU. BpodAllil. Wll OUw a!. Bt. looU Ma.

TAPE-WORM!^with nnd, OTAO obanaa 6«ad |o. otamp forPkmp


ntniutMnmouSJ*'CAOO ll, UA/

Counselor at Law,IfKW YORK 0L.1FFBR BUIIaDDIO,

I AND m OEirrBB BTRBBT, New York CUT,rT«etieotoallibeOoarta,Clfll and CrlminaT Bpecial

acteotlo 0 giTan to tba collioUoo of eUlma and deota ol

all klnda, uej>repanaon ol aftveinenta and oUierlaira.boaleaaa.

niDtfa MdMtat. rwHwM^rwteiMwiaeii*^S»Tp^^O«a^«,^TMrt«*«M

.rdianriUfU..*IfHT* aif«.Ilirfhte pitvCMM, latkB.rMMH m1 Irta

toWlp.M;*MVT«>Uirt«Um tjfi>lll, OiBl^i»f*>*

- - - -, iL I



Dentifrice{•CBpedallyln* ndtdtoneatnlU*theaddswhich cniuedecayud ta

^ prevent R-deposIti of tartat on the

a teeth. Femmca Ihe bicath ana

maktBuicleKanttolktprepantloii. Pntnpla tnhca. ifon •oooomlal than powder.

aaUtvPmiMsat lTaaU*e«lv*Mnr>»an^TT TtMiiwii mi trntftt r»if -

CopjTlgliled, ie»6, bj Tbe Ftiok Qoo«ii PuUlablDS Compuj (UmlMv

Founded by i

FRANK QUEEN, 1893,) NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1895. (VOLUME XLII.-Na 49.I Price 10 Cent*.


wmimK POK ros fiw toib ouprin.BT BUMIOE KONBOE,

Ob, tboo truuocDdut joj ot jojrai

Thoo balm or lift Uut naTer olojtl

WlstlliiM ot ctre U17 loDob degtnjf—Oreue ptlDt I

The ucltnt dams, wlUi rotorti let.

Her Med jomi need not regret.

One toaoli-end sbe'i ef»T eonbreue I

Oreue ptiot I

Ob, corypbeee, of enUqae limb,

Otuglei qneerendopUcadlm,Whf do roi look io dilQtj, prtm r

Oreue pelntt

HowmuT biemUba joa onre I

How would Tloe'e laTege* endoreWItbont ttaf renonUoB Bnie t

Oreue peint I

Tbe pretty noee wtj b*Te • bneNot aperkllngu the morning dew—

nee win letre ot tbu no olew—OrtuepatntI

Ob, could we on Ute'f mimlo itege

Endlcete,u from 1 pege,

Tbe merka ot vice, wilb tbee, tbon age,dresae ptinti

Wbtt obuaotem tboa coaldit reptir,

80 Okj ooald iland lupeoUon'a glue.

Biding eiobmm blemlih tbere—Onueptlntl

Bat, wblle U>7 gUl* I ponder on,

Tbe nook ud boakln I mnat don;

"Bring from mymake np box, oh, Jobn,

Oreaae psiati"

HYPNOTIZED.wRimir iprrn tbboikhaii portbi www toir OLirrai.


We were having ibe Sanmier vtetilon. By v»mean certain membera of tbe Royal Theatre com'

pany, who, aooordlig to commonlat pnnclpleSi bad

olobbed together to take a trip In common to Nordemey.Tbeaa oommnnitt prinolplee we carried lo tar

from tbe stage to the domeaUo hearth, that we de-

cided to hire a tnmlahed collage. In which we conld

keep boose cheaper than we conld othenrlae live at

a taahlonable leailde reaorL

We "genUemen" Isdolged In a blUlard room tor

oar riscrettlon; tbe "yoong glrla" bad a alWngroom to goaalp lo-I mean, ot conrsa, for the good

natnied diuaailon ot tbe excellent qntlldea ot onr

dear brothen—and It ma Incnmbent npon tbe

married lidlea lo look atler tbe provUlons and decoram. And ao we toraed a party that waa not

ubamed to ahow Itaelt.

My slater Blanche and her baabsid, Aafoet En-

gel, were tlao ot tbe party, and to tbem olong acharming Bpanlah girl, who bad already nude a

very asooeafol debn> In the ballet.

This Senorlia Kannela Velaaqnez wu a boaom

trlend ot my alater'a, and, to tell tbe tmtb, I Uked

her >tao—Indeod, I liked her partloalarly well

SlQce I have oonfeaaed Ihli, I may u well conreu

alao that my jealoni glanoea followed her every-

where, and watched everything that alood In con

necUon with ber.

And It was not long before I dlaooveied tbit mybrother In law, Aognat Engel, went tortber In bUadmiration and ardent glancea for Hanoela than

wu desliable. Indeed, he wuu polite and atten-

ttre to hla wife u ever, bat bla gluca tlwaya

wandenid again to Mannela.

One evening, when Ibe ladlei had retired tor tbe

night, and tbe gentlemen had repaired to the bil-

liard room, to enjoy a amoke and a drink, onr con-

venation toncbed on all poaalMeanbleota,andeven

came to the phenomena ot bypnoUim and anggne-

Uon. The more Ignorant we were with respect to

these aablecta, the more heartily and wirsily did

we ezpreaa onraelvea relative to tbem.

Aagiut Engel had been, to be aire, a phyilolaa,

before he went apon tbe stage; yet we were inr-

prlaed at tbe venattllty with whiob he expressed

himself on tlie compinUvely new phenomena,

espeotally with regard to tbelr relation to cnme.But tbe honored brother In law by no oeana oon-

vlBoed me.

"Oo yea then maintain In all eamestneas," I

saked him, "Ibata person hypnoKud by yon ooald

be made to commit a crime anggeated by yet t"

•Vest uaaredlyt" replied Aognat Engel. '<Whan

I wu atlU pracUclni, t bypnoUied aevera) ot mypattentaand by aaggesUon anted tbem ot diaeasea,

which nnlll then bad been regarded u laonnble.""Too have made that assertion qnlta often al-

ready," I rejoined, "and tor that reaaon I do not al-

low myaelt, now u before, to pat any faith what-

ever Id tbe whole hypnotic legend. It la qnlte pos-

sible that yon can aoqilre ae Indaenceover weakminded Indlvldoals, and can care them ot nerveucomplains by working on tbelr pUaot power ot

Imagination, hot—well, I'd like to aee the one whoconld hynotlM mel"

"So—yon woold, reallyt" aald Engel, with a half

scomtnl smile. "What If yea were lo allow oe to

make the experiment on yonr"

"Why not, piay. It It woald asord yon pleasnrsP'

I aald, aomewbatneUled by hla tone.

"Tetywell,"aaldmrbiother-lB.law,cooly. "Andwhen wonld yoa like to have me tiy ttr>

"At oBoe," I tetnned. In a bold bunor."Agreed," aald BnitL "Oentlemen," tnmlng to

the real ot tbe party, "may I beg yon to leave na

alone for a tew mlnntest"

The gsntlenMii roee at once, and with the soleimadmonition to keep np my eonrage, and llie assur-

ance that U the' oxperlment abonld rssnlt la mjdeaih, ihey wonld see that I bade apleadid taneral,

marclicd by me, one by one, and disappearedthnogh the door. Then there bepa to creep overae the aame palntnl aanaaUonu If I waaaboat to

have a tooth polled.

'Sow, my iDcrednloiu sir," aald my brother-la-

law, "throw away yoor dpr, and look me itralght

In the race."

I dldul wu bidden, andu I looked op Into his

b«s^ I aoUeed that ta WM dsvmsh saiaesi In lae

BMar, and that It Bight iheietcn hsooma ae tor

me. At one moment I felt templed to wlthdiaw,for Angnst Engel looked precisely a<U hapoaaesied,Indeed, thelnheregtqaalltyhe claimed, bat obatln-

acy and pride overcame my feeling of apprehenilon,

and I remarked ncnchalaBtly:"00 on with yonr hypnoUeexpertmenL""We are In the midst of It," he said, flilni his

eyes on mine.

I had Imagined that be wonM aonrlah bla handa

and go ttmngh the nsnal hoost-pocna, bit he aat

there qalle still, and looked me calmly In Ibe face.

I letorsed this look tor some tloie nnfllnohlngly,

nntll saddenly everything annnd me seemed to

nnlth,aid Isawnotiilag bnt a pair ot llery eyesthat seemed to bnm to the very bottom otmy sonl.

over tbe qneer tellow, who abeolntsly wlahed 10 get

Into bla bead that he had hypootlsed me.' Feeling very tired, I wished to go atnlgbtway lo

bed, bnt to my sorprlae, I tonnd myself nnable to

do so. When I attempted to nsdrasa an Indefls-

able aomeibing obliged me to go over to my tnskand lake from It a Inely deoorated hnnfng knife,

whloh had once prompted me to bny It. In vain I

called npon all my will power to pat the weaponback m Its old place, tor I had the dead feelinguir I were abovt to do something daagerona. Bnt

my will seetsed u It paralysed; I astad directly

ooBtrary to It,when 1 drew the knife caretnlly fromthe sheath, and teated the aharpneu ot the blade

with my thnmb.

the way tor nel Tee, yon aball dispatch her, andexpiate the crime, that I may gain my freedom—and Mannelatl"

Now all 1VU clear to me. And yet I conld do no-

thing to aoiy the hand that had been ordeied to

oommlt onrder I

Xy tinrnenti Inereased. Bow. my darling sister—

lahcnidnlse the knife against hsrt Andnotwlth-

standlag the tetror Halt at ihia thonght, I stepped

nearer to ihe bed, cantlouly drew the cover aside,

and raised the knlte to strike—when I heard tbe

elook on the BunUeplece strike two.

And saddenly I wu myself sgala; wu again

master ctmy will. AUtomentslenme.andlgavovent to a ofy ot lellef


I tried to lam my eyes from tbelr gase, bnt wunnable to do so. larger and larger grew the ter-

rible eyes, ontll they appeared to Oil np tbe whole

ca. nen I came to myaelt, and foand mybrother In law standing before me, wstchmg mewith an anxlons bnt uttaSed meln. The other

gentlemen had come In again, and now began to

pat all manner ot qnestlona to me.And I bad nolhlBg to tell; nothing atwnl tbe dls

agreeable eenaatlons and snch like. It eeemed to

meu If I bad fallen asleep a little whUe-that irualL The clock, moreover, showed that the experl-

had lasted only a tew mlnntes.

"Well," I said to my brother In law, "how didyon enoceed with yoar bypnoUxingP'

Far beyond my expectation," he replied, and It

seemed to me that a deep meaning rang oat of Ustone. "How do yoa feel I"

"Qalle well," I aald; "bat wlthoat wishing to In-

snlt yon, I mast oonfeu that I dont feel the least

Ml of mesnerlsm, or whatever It may please yon to

caUIL"Is that sot Wen, we wui see abogt that," he

said, carsltaaly, shmgging his ahoolders. Tet heseised a brandy boBle and ponred himself oat—probably tkroogh Inadvenence-a winnilassfiil of

the Uqnor, Be looked, moreover, omewhal ex-

hansted, H be walked Ihtongh the room. I follow-

ed at bla heels.

"Is anything the matter with yon P' I aaed him."Oh, nolhlng-a UUle strong palpliatlon of ths

besrt;otherwtM nothing." be aald. "Bat these ex-

periments aadonbledly aflbot me In soios measus.II win soon pass over, however—never tear I Ooodnight I"

wllh thtee words he sank npon a chair, bnt Im-pamiThably took a el*» tron ths Icatlisr eaaa, cawhloh my stster had worksd a gold moDogiaa,and reoalaed qdecty altttag ibete, while the rest

c( OS betook onaelves to bed, tcklag on as way

I obeyed Ihe same mysterlou Inlnence, whan I

now slipped eg my allppers and glided noiselessly

to Blanche's bedroom.

A hnsdred ttmee I s4ove to lam back, bat the

mysterlons power drove me on, nntll I entered

Blanche's bed obamber nnheard. BbatUng Ike

door softly behind me, I appieaehed tbe bed onUptoe.

Theroomwu almost dark, bat the faint light ot

a shaded lamp that stood npon Ihe mshsland sot-

deed 10 let me dlatlngnlsb my Uter'e taoe. Bbs

lay there Bleeping peaxtnlly, bnt there wareHaeaiof lean on her pale cheeks.

AUhoogh I did not lock loand, the objects In Ihe

room Impressed themselves dljIlncOy and forever

onmymemoty. And so I even noUoed that a clock

stood on the mantelpiece, whoss hands pointed to

ten minntae ot two.

"What am I doing here, meroirnl heavenf I

naked myself. "What IsmMe InHoeoee Is icbMngmeet my tree will t"

Then It fluked tbrongh my BUnd that a mirder-

ou destgn had led me hither—the dsrign to mor-dermyownsisterl"Why doesBl she awake 1" I Ihonght, lamy mor-

tal fear. "Why dotsnt her bnabasd save her tioBthis msrdsr, and me from Ihe tnghtfal alaMf"HerhasbondlThatwu Ihe aolntlon ot the myslsiT. Bo ha had

hypnotised me after aO, and I wu the bearer of his

win. Bnt why shonld I klU his wife, my dear,

sweet BlaachetAnd DOW on a sodden I reaMSBhand lha wordsbs

bad apekSD lo me doring my ttort hypnsde riesf.

"Too donbt my poirarr' he had whlvarad Bone,or rather hisesd. "Fool that yen ant ADd altO

more rocllsh to imsglae thsl yea ean wli HanelalmaeahaUsksba-dorooterl Mlael Toarkfi-

Ical aad pals sWer BM b* golMa eat ec aywayl AadyoaaieasoMVtswmfMhsroMet

Directly after Ihe namslass diUvsranoe rrom dls-

treating icrtBraa, rage took posaasslon ot me—rageaolnstthe dlaboUoal fellow who mmstihe knlte

Inle By hand—the aame Inlfe that I now out aside

with ao moch Joy.

And now for Aognat Engel I

I mahed ont ot Blanche'a bedioom to Ihe smok-

ing room, and there I found him, etuing u I

had left him, when I lore open the door trembling


"Ah, Angnat t" I oiled ont, ititding np lo htm.

"Ah, yoa—" bnt every other word atack In myihroaL My brother In law ail there moUonlau,nglit-he wu stene dead t

Be mnst have died at two o'clock, at the very

mlnate, whose end he bed awaited with vIelenUy

IhrobMng heart.

ne deed wu to have been done at two o'clock-

end at Ihe last Bomant the over toll heart hadbant Its bonds, killed by Ihe two strong prissnie

oliae expectation.

lowllwu clear to me alao how my wtUhad be-

ecoe eo nddenly Itu again. Bad Angnst Engeldied bat a Blnnta Mar, It wonld have been all overwith ay staler, sod lo ne Jodge la the world eoald

I have provea my moral Imwcenoe In the tervlble

cnne. Indeed, Ihsts are things between heavensod earth of whloh oosaholsstlo philosophy dossnot permitu to dresa.

HsBoela Dever Isamsd of Ihe mnrder plot, of

which shs wu the InBoeai oanae. And farther-

Bote, If shsdseenot look over ay shoalder now,errammsgein ayde* by sad by, she ahaa never

learn otlLShs gave npifee baDet kmg ago to aDierlaloa

lifelong aDMoaeat-u By wife. Blaaeheaonnatorharknshaad slaeanly,aBd never yMhutddaijhady shoot ths qsanals (bst aaqaeBllaaaMyteet ilaes belwasa ha* aad Bar kosbead li ths



It's a day we all remember, and It's scene ot aol-

emn state

Still casts a gleam ot aadneaa when at home wecongregate;

For a baby form la ralaalbg, and no otilldtah pntUegiaats

It's mntlo sweet, nrreshlng, atiice the baby pnt napanta.

Twu a tnuufcmiatlon traly, and It marked anepoch grave,

it took away dear bahjiand and boyhood 10 usgave;

The change conld be diacoverad with the illghtoat

kind of glance

At the pndc-nntbed face of haby—that day he palon panta.

It oloeed the doora of lallaby and opened wide the


That leade tram arma ot mother lo the bill ot man'a

The light of dawning fntote crou tbe tngrantpalh-way Blania,

Ot baby, and enthralls him on tbe day he pnte onpants—Jt itiul j>l4ipa(cA.

RICHARD F. CARROLLwu bom In noaton, Haaa., on Oc>. it, IBM, andmade hla Brat appearance on the ataga at the ageot Bve years, From IIIO m Ilia, In onnJonctloDwith his lather, R. H, Carroll, and tls hntbeis,

known u the Oarroll Family, he appeared In moatat the principal vandevllle thealrea of this connlry,

among tbem being Tony I'aatcr's, and Joah nan'sTheatre Oomlqne. During thia time he appearedwith 0. L. Fox'a "llnmpty Pciaply," at the old

Olobe Theatre, Wond'a Hnaoiin and tbe old noweryTheatre, imting Ihe seuon of tMi-n they starred

In Battlsy Campliell's "Orphans," a play eapeclally

wmten tor the Uarroll Family. In lOD the enbjeol

of ihU ekelch made hla flrst veoinro alone when hs

Joined the llanlon llroa.' "Voyage en Balaae," r<i-

plaolng Alfred llaninn, who had lieen taken alok.

Do remained fonr yean with thIa company, and In

1IM wu a member or the alack company of

the Onion Square Theatre, appearing u the

dumb Idiot In "Tne PrIaoner for Ufe." Iinrtng

the ssason of isas-iT be iru with Lydla Thonp.son In "Oxygen," with Fattl Roaa and In TonyHart's Isat venture, "Dcnnyhionk," Joining David

Iftadeiaon's Dnrlesqne Company at the Ohl-

oago Opera House for the Hunraer, playing In "TheAiaMan NIghU." In IMT-«B-N he wu at tbe Oa-

alno. New Tork, taking Jamei T. Pcweia' place In

"Nadjy" and afterwards appearing In "The Bri-

gands," 'The Orand DochMS"aad "The Brulllan."

In IMo be opened with MarieTempest In "Tbe Rednossar," at Palmer'a Theatre, thIa city, and rs-

malned with the oompany nnili the end of the NewTork ron. Ho Joined tbe rsnllne Hall Opera Oo,

tortbeaaaaon of imo-91, appearing In "Amenta"and "Rrmlnle," until the end of the regilaraeaaon,

when he Joined tbe J. 0. Dulf Opera Oo. ror the

Bnmmer and for the rollowing eaaaon, pUylng Ihe

leading onmedy rnlea In "The Mikado," "The Hi-alee of reatancc," "rinarore," 'Tatlenoe," "TheOondcllen," 'The Qneen'n Hate," "A Trip to Afri-

ca," "Pania" and othernperu. During the aeaaon of

im-M he appeared u OharKa Favart, In Pay Tem-pleton'a prodnctlon of "How. Favart," and arter-

warda Joined Fred 0, Wliltney'a company, lo play

the Dake, In "The Fencing Muter." Mr. Oamll Is

still nader engagement 10 Mr. Whitney, and, at

present, is playing the role or Dogald Mao Wheelile,

the very entenalnluB Mayor or Perth, In Hmlthanil

De Koven'a opera, "Rnti llnj," now running at lha

ITeiald Rquaro Theatre, Ibia city, In which he la

doing excellent work, which hu deservedly wonunanimous pmlae. In addlUnn to hla aucoeaatnl

labon u a cnmedlan, Mr, Oarroll has other profas-

tlonsi olalma worthy of conaldeiatlon. He buround tine to Indulge In dnmallo authorship, andamong the plays he huwrliten are "Where Uan It

Be," produced at Tony raator'a Foorleenth Rtreet

Theatre, and "The liego," played Ust aeaaon hy Ihe

Oarrolla, hla rather and hrothera. He alao claims aportion of the responalMlliy for Ihe creation ot

Nellie MoDenry'a play, "I/ady Peggy," and "U andI," produced by John T. Kelly and One Williams.


He iru a leader of Hhatoapeare,

And longing a poet 10 be;

Shewu e atodent at college,

In qnest of an M. II. degree.

They stood In the pale, allant moonlight,

Ha holding her aott, dimpled hand;

A happier lover than he wuSure never llvrd In Ihe land;

Forahe had Juattold bin, the daning,

A secret he'd long algbed to know—Ab, lady, you'll gnea what the thing wu,That Is, It you e'er had a been.

Hy loved one," be mumonred In nptnn.With a Bne tench of dramalio art,

'Are yon sure that thow words yon have uttered

Oome straight from yoor warm, lander heart 1"

She aoawered—her full tones were sweeter

Than oreacendou from Dlihtlngtles' tonguaii—

"Ha, hat Froumybartr llowabaard, deari

The voice slways coma fion the langs."

—Itiarm, en,


lo Mlaataalppt Uura osed to be a oeanty where It

u almoat ImpoalMe to bold court, on acocnst of

the lawleaa backwooda element. Judge Olarke

once went there to hold court The Irst day hs

had a bucket ot water poured over him frtna a

oblDney bole In ihe roof, and averal pistol shots

wsn Bred In the court room.

The next day,u hs opened court, hs Utid two large

pistols on Ihe drsk, and at tbe drat aign ot dlsmrb-

sacs leveUed ths pistol at Ibe man and condncted

him to Jail. After that there wu no more dlslnrb-

ancs, and Ihe better element of the oommnnllywsn anxlons that be sbenid r«tam the next termbut be declined with a anlence that hu


IntoapoUUcat proverb In Miselaalppit "Iimy ocBlng Into this connty u an adventtoe; 1 1*-

tilt my iMvlBg IIu aa;eacape,"



•ndar ITIcht'a Optalagi to aU th»Blc Show Town*.


The Tavary Optra Co., Maria Heath, Ed-

gar Selden and Lottie Colllni the only

Attractloni Offered—Haverly'i Minitreli

Cloee their Engagement In Frlieo,

lepM^ DUpauh ton* Vtw T«rk Ollppar.l

StM FBANcnco, Ju. a.—At tlio DtidirlD TUtttre

tbe Mtrla Tttiuj Op«n Coniptor b«tu their en-

ga(etiicot Iwt erenlog Id "ltlgoleiu>,"iinil cmwiIHltbt houao to tte doon. Tbe bill will Ijg cbsDiedmnerj pcrrornmnca.

Htouviu'h TuBATit.—Lut weck'i bUI In ft-


TiTOLi.—"IaU« Rootb" remtlDi Uie Mtiulloahrra. Uunlneu lut wetk wu Isrgt, tod ili« pica-pccta ror IhU wetk iro cqiullj good.(iHiNDnriKAlJocsi.—Rdgw Belden la plajiDg

"Will o> Uie Win') here ilila weak, ud opeoed lutsight to n crowded lioaia.

AioarM TiiitTHi —llavailj'a Uloatreli hsvar.loacd ibalr aiiKSgcnieiii at mia hooaa. Mariollwtti, In "A TorkliD Bath," opooed laat avaalog.UiLiroimu TiiiiTRii.—Loiiia Uolllna' Tronut-

doun benn an aDgagemeat liera laat otgot to aimwdcd huuaej


"The Dragoon'* Daughter" Recelvei Iti

Initial Preientatlon—May BuckinghamDeadlapaaial Dijpaloliti to Tito Naw Tork OUppar.1

I'niuiiii.rnii, Jan. 8.—Ueaplia the dlntgrecable

weuilier laat night, (he Ihealrm all oror town wenfalrlj well Oiled, and In soma lutancea werecrowdod. WllliRm U. Onn« gara "The UarnWiTca o( Windaor" to a litrga aadleoco at the

Otieatnnt Street Opera llouto, bnt Ihera waa nogreat Hhow of ODlbualaam "Namusla" drew alargo taouBO a( the rark, aid Itoao Cogklln waawarmlj r«:clTa4l. For a plaj which deala withwomanly vlrtuaa, or ralber the lack ot It, "Ncme-alB," wlillo italllDg In a well worn rumcaroaljnaea aboTO mcdloallj ThoDoiion mmpbonyConcert, at ibo Academy of Huilo, waa given lo a

Mr Blied audience "Coon Uollow" wuglTon to a fair houaa at Uie Walnmno Nailonal wu dlltd to the doora, the at'

tnullon being "McPiidden'a Kloponcnt" TheBijiiu bad a great riiali, crowda of peoplebiocilngilio ildowalk for houra la front or thetheatro. "Juplicr" proved one of the moit aittu.tlvuoperaa given tbla acaaon Annie WardTliTitny, In "Uuly lllamej," oiiencd in fair bualneaiat tho Omnd opera llniut. llcr principal aapponwu given by Kom Tlirtnr, Walter Teaaler, KdwardI'owoll, Eiennor llarry and Oharica II. Uroaby"The Man from the weal" tnado a bit at the Feo-pio'aand lUrrr l.toy wu given an ovationOreaion Ularke and the aiuck company. In "rbenalla," crowded tlio Olrnrd Avenue HnaaellBroB.' UomiKlbuu opened to big builneaaat the Andliorlam "lladeleinc, or tbeUjglo Klia," at Ibu Uroad, rop«alod lit

former aucceaa, the hoiite being well Oiled"(!liarley Aunt" hail a fair Imiue at tbe ChMlnal.

Uarncroaa'MlnatnlaatUie Kloventh Streetopera Uouae had a full hnuw The Mntb andAroh Huitum waa erowileil all day long AtIho Empire "A Tuiaa Bloor" wu given lo a fe*vacant aeata The Uilll Alarm," at Fore-

faugh'a, plated to two big houaea "Uncleom'a OalitD" turned people away at the Lexing.

ton Teo orowded houara aaw lue UUy OiurUo, at tne Lyceum "H'uik and Wagea" pleawda large audionoo ai Iho Biandan] Tbe aiockcompany pbtyed lo fair boalneu at tne WinterUlroue neveni of the "UapL rani" Uompanyare aUU In town airandod. Tbey claim to navereceived noaaUrleiforaevcml wecka J.WalurKennedy, whoae "Suikih" acrnery wu held attnn Walnnl, oamo to an anlubla agroement wimManager Uoiro jciurday, and will take hla aluir10 Nrw York, where be bnpea to reorgaulce hitcompany and roaunie hla tour Ooinatooi'aMlnatnla have been bookcil for next week at theUnnd Upem Uouae.

lioervN, Jan. a.—The wolcomo accorded A. M.Taliuor'a Co. at tbe Uuinmbia Theatre lut eveningwu a moat aeneruiit one. Tne play preaonted waa"Tho Now WaiiiaU|"and It wu alagod and aoledwllh that ncrreoiDeat ot detail which alwaia char-aolerltea Mr. I>almcr'a pruiluctlnnt. Julia Harlowe-Tabur'aoogagomentatttio llolllt Slroet Toraire la

proving a aucceaa beyond procadeut, anil blda fair10 conilnuo ao In tho end, iMi evenlnir alio beganlior acoond week, appearing in "At You Uke 11,"

hnil tlie nudloiice that grejtcti her wu royal InKir.a and brilliant In lu (mil pii.vinlilr. .\a theKinr baa a pati Juai Oiled to her, aud nhe inaktathe moitor thoopiHinunitlea tidbred foradltpiayof her genulDO arrlatlo taluni, tho applauao wu fre*

quent audanthuabuiilo, ard ourlalu utila were Inunirr Tliu Loulao lleiiudet Upora Uouoe Oo.

freaouiod tho now coiulo opcm, 'Tiie llragoon'alauahier," to a gooil lioiiu ni the Ciaile biiuare

Tueaiie. Tne opera la very foicblng In lia librettoand aoore, and undo a iiu at uoco. Tbelibretto la by 1. W. Norcroae Jr., and theinitio by Herman ivrlet Ware A Woll'aopeTH, "\\>Hiwant llo,'* tjfgnn Ha acoonrtweek at tho lioaton Uiwenm to a well niled houte,and thai Ihoni preaeni nei o plenanl wu aliown lutho oohtlnuoua trlbulcn of applauao Tho lait

week of "llnnianlty" at the Uowdulu Siiuareopened to fairly good luitlnoM "A UlackBiioep'' had a nackril h'oue at the I'ark Tiu airo"Uon and llotii'' drew a lino lioiiae to tho OraoilOpera lloiiao, w did Mlliaii ItOMcll, In '-Tlio Unndlliicbeaii," at tho Troiooiii, ami "Mioro Acrca" atthe Uotlun 'llioalte Keiih'a New Thtatro had arath of buttncaa day and evening aud Iho KlukolOdion and otrior low price hmiaot got tbulrrc-epecllre aliarca aficrnoou and night.

Uiiiiaiin, Jan. s,-Imi night K, II. SoUiem pro-duced "A Way t-i Win a VVuiiiau" liofuro a crowdedhouao at llnoluy'a, and won ciiniploio aucceaaThe NiiniUy luruunti woro iiiucli Iwitcr than haveruled of lute I'rlnin>w .\ Wcal'a .Mlnatnlaiipenril at Die Uhlcatiu lo k big liorpp. and gavu un-Itouuded aAUHfacilon Ai UcViokt-r'a a goodhout(> aaw "I'ho lilack Unvk." ":ihenanduah"oiienod very light at ilioC.ihimlila At ilio Grandthe houao waa well nilcd when "A TrmporaDceTown" iirui\n lla third work Wanio and Jameetiogan tlii'ir acriuid and final week at iho Schiller,

wlUi a Rimd hniMo In Hue "iia Iho liowm'laiTviHl lo iiArk thi' Aihauibra to ropicilon "ThoNominee,'' ai Ibo llaTiiiirtei, anil "Tbo Ccaattioard," nt the Aradtnty, opi'ncil wellThe iniy Ululi, nt i<aiu T. Jack'a Upent iluiiM,entered lie accunil week with a gnoil inmoul Inallendanoe "Tho KM" waa well received aiUavlln'a, and a (0<>d houae aaw "Voung Ura. tVIO'

throp'' at uie blnooln Mara T. Jack'a sinokIlurleaiiuo Oo.wuwull paironlted aiihoKmplre.

lug hiiuNCt were rocordetl Sunday at the clr-

ana, and at Ihn Caaluo the Hllendaueo waa on ihecapiclty oriler nil day Kml Waldin^nu'a I'nm-

pauy played boih ilic l.yeeiiin ami the Oiark ttueot

twice Sunday witbimt a hitch iii elllicr porforin.

anco. UuHlncM at the varieiy lionani wu gen-erally fair Sunday, anil iho iiiiiNcniiia were veilpaininlzed Illclley .V WooA'a 0>. pp:ur<l at ibeOlympic yvaiordAy lo giiml huilnra^.

HiiwAi'aaa.Jan. a.—"Tno PiiMlng iiliow"cotn-

meiK-cd ita ougHKOtnenl at iiie Davlii^.n to tbeUrgctI advanuo.1 price Sunday uinlii aiidleiu-u ever

In tne houae. t.aai evenliit; annihcr large liuuio

altendpd, It laarcmarkaiiivMirongetiiniatniKeniThe IVnple'a Tlifaln>tiiriiri1 iteniilo away at-

liuln matinee anil nlylii huaday, wlih llob ^'llcilm-

nioutand hla apifelaiiy c.uiipany. MoiiiIat niMinoeand night wan aUo a rapacity tiuilue^a. Sn far iliii

engaiemrnt la iho Ikvi In ycara "Aor.wHiorninniao" drew larfrn snndav gaiiirrinsa In tlia

Aeadtiiiy, «hleh Inmily applauded ihia ilae nillliarr

prodacilon. Hondny'a liouaa vna file ThoHIJoii belli e'<<«l iionnet Sunday nllb Uilt-cr

and Kale lijron. in "The I'pa and l>o*nai>r l.ire." Tne appltuae wu daaranlng. I.wtI'vcning'a bnalnett wu fair "Koenig Ktenae,"n iiiitlraiiue, wuaoccteafnilv given betorea UrgeSunday bonte at tbe Stadt. Hobett iBgeraoU-

wu ttienlaatnlabt, and daUvend U* laleat lee

lore, "Tbe Blbl^" to a. R. 0 n» Itld-Wlntcr

01rent la oloaed, and the Bipetiuon AmoaeineniAaoelattea U oouldemble money out Ibrongti the

Tenlaia,'uthelrle*ie of tbe EipnalUoD BnUdlogboMa intU 6»L 10. Tbej will ooidool the MnaleBaUeeaaenovealnfMaylt. L.I.Rodf1n«ibHr»ilgned unaatitriad unueeededby D. B. Barrlt,

wall knownu owner of Flleaaker and Joplter, tbe

bigb lamping honea. Mr. Dama baa gone to yonrcity to engage talcBt for tbe Bnminer.

CixoiNHin, Jan. 8.-Tbere vru nothing new In

Hondav'a theatrical nioan, bnttbereton of "Tneam I Left Behind Me" te tbe Omnd and Mtrte Jtn-aen. In "Dalmonloo't at Blx," < U>e Walnut Bireet,

autacied the ntnal good crope of Ont ntgbiert.

Oo Sunday the flood galea were wide open,and the ttonn kept nearly eveiybody Indoora, tadlyInierfering wlui tbo amuaeoeot barvett "OldOlory" enthnied Ihe andlenoea at Uaello'tIlallen and Hart appeared lo "Later On" atUenok'a "Fablo Ronanl*' atmetad a fuUahaie ot Ibe day'a ptiroiuge at Roblnaoo'tHaneheatcr'a French Follv Oo, pUyed to big bntl-

nete at the Poople'i, and Uiere were crowdi at theFonntain, where lleevca k Falmer'a Coamopoliuuiaappeared Tbe Hanlclpal Reform Leagnaramade one more taUle attempt to baTO perform-anoeaalopped on Honday.

LoniariLii, Jan. I.-Nat C. Qoodwla preaenttd"A Ollded FooP'at Uie Temple laalnlglittoapackedbooee Hacaoley'a had a good audience to tee"Obaney'e Annt," prodoctd here for the Orat ume.

Jamee Yonng prodoced aolai' at theOimnd Open llouae hat night before a ronaingaudience "Pawn Tlotot 210" opened Sondayto two packed honeee aod a large andlence luinight Roee Bydell'i London BeUea auiieud acrowded bonte a: the Boollngbam lut nightTho new Oem opened to a fair honae. MayBnoklngham, reoenUy irtth "Tne Fut Hall Com-pany, irho waa Uken 111 on the arrival of the com-puy here, IMo- 34. died Monday, Jaa e, ot gutroenttniu. She leavee a aon nine yeart old, whoUvea wlUi her mother in Balumore. Her broiherwill arrive 7 from Balilmota to Uke charge of Uieremaloa.

WisoiNUTOR, Jan. a.—"Mme. Sana Oene'a" re-

tam date at Albangb't Qiand Opera Booaeamooniedtoan ovaUm, the boute being packed.

Wm. lloey, In'The FUma," KortiTa hit atKapley'a Academy of Mule, and Ihe atanding roomtigoiru early ditplayed Francia Wilioa tp-neared for the But time bare, In 'Toe Davirtliepuiy," drawing a big honte to Kapley'a NailnnalTheatre Saniord'a "A Flag of Truce" attracted

a toll bonte to Builtr'a Bllon Tneatre TheHenia-Bttnley Oo. umed people away fromKeman'a Lyceum Theatre.

St. liOon, Jan. a.-Otelner't Lyceum Theatreuompany drew two full houet to tbe standardyetierday. In aplte ot Uie rain, and Annie Whlueyand Frank Latona made Mg lopteaalona. . . .Stuart

Robaon drew a good boute to the Orand, to ace''Lnp Year." At Pope't tbey Mtned peopleaway, and the Nelaon Faniily made bita. Ilav-

llB't wu packed at nlglit to aee "A Oteen OuoaaHan." Joaeph Morphy drew two full houtet to

Uiellagan "AOtlety Qlrl" drew a full houte,and made a big bit at Uie Olympic lut nigbt.

KiNSiB CiTT, Jan. 8.—Sol Smllb Rnaaell openedat Uie Ooalee Uat nigbtin "Fcacelul Valley" lo

ablgbonae At the Orand, yeeterday mailnea,J. K. Kramet, In "FrIiB In a Hadhouae," opened to

a packed audience and had s. It. u. ai nightThe Oharliy Ball" opened at the Ninth Street Tbe-a<re lut night loa big honte A now variety

Uieatre, Uio Kuvelty, Ihre* open Ita doore Saturdavnight In aplie of Iho numeront proicaie brought to

bear agalnttit, and a big honte was tbe reenlt.

OLi\'ai.uiii, Jan. 8.—Packed bonae and a rentIng, enihnaluuo reception greeted Delia Fox atthe Knclld Avenne Opera Honte Wllllami'Heteote teited tbe capacliy ot the star TheatreboUi maUnte and evening Felix Morrtf


10 a aevere cue ot laryngiut, oloted fora tew dayi.Tnel.ycouin It dark In conteqnenco "Jane,"atJaoobt', did well.


Newark.—At Hln«r<i Ibe public look kindly to

'*A Teiaa Olaar * laat vaot, the aodlaoeaa balog larga

and dem&DAlratlva. John ll.Bnwa.ol Utacompaay.waauoabla to pariomi bla pare aarlr la Ibe w««k. oa aceonat

of llUiaaa, Ua haa (ally laoorarat. lorara ot aialo

traaia will, do donbl. ha btartllr lalaraatad In the flrat

appaaimnca hara of "A Han WtUiont a CounXxy" ihla

waac. Chaunory Okott, la "Tba Irlah ArUat," Jan. II

and weak.Jiooaa*.—Tha apaolallr aalawan the faalora of"OafTy 'a

Blundaia" laat wa«k, bat baalaaaa «u only ol mo^aiata

ptoportlooa Wal'ar Btedlonl'a '-I'ewar ofQcId" liaa aa.

larlalaadthanatroaaofthlahooH^ baCorOiaad ila appear-nc« tbla vaaa win liaaly laeraaM lia popularltr. ' Tbanun Alans" will tup baia Jan. It, it. ii,aad "Tba rolle*rami" 17, l^ I*.

WALDMina e.-Tha raaalinn aller tba holldaya waaralKouiaabu by lloa Ulll'a KuralUta laat weak, bailoaiabaiDB llRhtti than naaal. Tba i:lty Spona Co. ihla weakRlvaaaa ratoro lobailiaiiaaaiid, oonildarina ihaoiarltaad qaallly of the company, a blf weak may ba laaaoB'ably aipauad. Tba RaolaBaaitar I'o. watt ol Jan. t«.

lli^iia.—MIODia Barlo. aioola Dapraa, Hay BJIoon,Lldia Hall aad Praak Monk.Uaianr.—Maria WaMoo, Bltvlad Too Noidoa. Hay

Uainion aad Prof. BaekniaoaHria.—Haial Uaboraa, Kanoy Kally, Badia Borgaaa anda W. Croaby.OiaiKO—Oraoa Tbonipaot, LIula Nalaoa aod Kmlly


Jsraay Oily.—Ohaiucey lilonti. In "The IrltbAnlai," la at tha Aoailemy w*ak of Jan. 7 Tatar Uallaylollowa William Barry mat with a oordlil rve4|ttlcnweak aadlag B.

Pom Toa,—Ibraa afartlnaltl Biotbaia, Uampdaa'a Dogand t'at Clraoa. Riomlium lad Oowanl,Stvartand lllllaD.

Hurram and Aldaa. aa>*»ll aad Paari PiUiar and Par-mil, Kalharlae tlylo'. Will Maohavllla, Pr»naaa andWhMliir, Uariroa Mooa Wyon, Jaiooa and Ualaoa aaaChaa. Kaoaa, HoalaaaioonUaaaaura*.

J. 1. 1) -Mill* Mania*. Lon I'olllDa, Loalaa llolTraao,

Bella llaorbaw, John LyQck aad Prol. Rayininl. Baal-Doaa la Rood.Korap Tba parfomar* at lha Boo Too Kaw Vaar'a

Pay all did lour tuna Tht Olowd waa gloat Adrarlla-laa Aaaatuoo. Vlarfc'a Bon Too atueliaa' ball Jaa I

*aa ealoyab'a. Tbo oipooioa, liowovor, ororlAppodtho prollla A Wlatrr actao mm tba hraab nr BeobloArllot Hoilboldt wu loloDf0 la In roalbm. HaehlaUtH. O'Haim lad u,a narcb. Kolaoa, l.avanlon ani Nelaoonilod tho Boraol broa 'Oato Loalan Uimllaad torniaay aoaaoaa m«naa«r for William Barry, baa againJolpwl hlmtnlhaaaaio oapaoIlT A monoal tfauir*at lha AMdaniy laat whU waa Wadaworlh'a "BIka'llroot-

loR Marob." arvaoBOd by Kmil U. Wold, maaloal itirocl^rnl "Tbo Rialog OanaratioD," HaataoM Hanacorlltma*. ol tbo Acidaoiy. ainurna ho«auia ol Iho lopa ofIlia mmhor, who diad Now Voar a Day, apad ainaly B«o,

llobokan. — A dearth ot ttroug auracllnnaonmpola Manafor Clark to clooo lb* llobnkoo Ja«'Tbo Loat roradlaa" 10-11 Boalaoaa laat woah waamadiain,ilaaHARU.—Tbla waak, th* JalT*raDa AlhUUo and

Vaodovlllo Co.lai'RaiAi Holla llooahaw. LInl* Oolliaa, Mamlo Oor-

til, IJaoooo D«ToBpon,JohB rooBxaad Uaoia Uaywood.BoalooaaoAnitaaoo larta,Nniaa —Maria Hohnildt. of larlo eomlo famo, mad* bar

biunh uiauioioalal Tantor* Dao la. Bb* la oov Hro..lohn rnhlaan J II. Phillips wbo haa b**o aaio-cltl*d with llarTT Marlol la tbo DaaoRamtat ol -h*lUrmanla. baa purthiaod Ih* latl«r'a loloroat. aod thohoui* will btroortor b« known at Pbllllp'a a«iidaolaThoa'r*. Phil PaulKTall la no loapor oonaoot«d withIhohoaao IhoBrodoayHwalla bavaohaaoad IbairliU*. aod opaoad at Hoadlof.ra, aa th* Karly Blrda,IJa eiddoao doea not ao with tba ennpaoy. but will lah*a n**d*d roar, aa ab* la aafforlav with a baaty eoMMauaRorKolWolalbal.ol tho ImporlaLhaaaoooiad lhaUarinanK Irvtm Hay I, aad, olior alat«ralo Inprore-iiionto, will npoB tbo hnaio witb atialRbt varlotyUrae* Lyodoo, wllb "Tba Povor nl UoM," raoRbt th*

faliory wtih hor iniparaoaallon ol Lady Brandon, at thaloboboo, laat woob.

Treailon,—AITkylor'aOpeim uonae Ulla Skinnar. Dac. Bl. bad lair bnolooo*. "Tho B'aak nivek" Jon.1 bad Rood bniiDoaa "ANiahtna-'idid aoll Joaoii.l*. 'Th* Mar tliiar." bad poo'l bnalDoaa. noohlaaa;l\iniBlo«b'aHln*lx*laa VCwa. aorfy. In "tboRlaioa IIOO'

oration,"? Loola Al(lrlct<. In "Mr Partaar." II, 'DownIn lllior" II, "Moradilan'a Bktpooiaat" It, * Bhor*Aeioa*' lii.

KovatTT TnaATaa.-I.«at*r rnabUaaBd eoDipaayeoo-linn* to lair bn^lnaaa.Taaaio:! Mraira -Maauor Prank Ihnana rwpona

fair baaiuooa. Auroninaa for w»ok off: Cunnholl—tva'lor H R;uarL Ba'a* aod Ralaa. J, II. Hondlol.I.awla* ^arln Bi>ilMt. and Hanrr Allaa'o Pnwh aadJU'ly. Thoatiw-rhll and Rofalo Hahor. Bdly Stanford.AI Taonar, aod Uantlo Krnaol. Mabol Noioo. aad Oiehaod Aliro MoAroy, lo "no Irlabman'a llboaL"

All Routat Muit Reach Ug Net Latar

Than Mondar.

DRAHATIO.A horolnrai'a, ulllt-Wallbam, Maaa, Jaa. t. OloteaaUrA 10-11 inaabarr 11 U.MewboiTportlt-11.Attlnaon'a, Haada-PonyUi 0^ Jan. 10 Banatrlllsll,CarreUtAo IXCadartowB l4,r-art*rwTillo IB. Paltoa it,

Pooib rittfara, Toaa., ir, rayattavill* lB,Naabril:*

tl-U."Acraa* lb* PotoBao"—MUwankaa. WlJ., Jan. 9, Chi-

CMO, Id.. la-lB-

"aiSmid Jr."-HI. Loola, Mo., Jan. I«-1P.

"Alur th* BaU"-Baaier, Ha, Jan. 10, Togaa II, Boek-laad ML

"Alabama"—MamphlaTaoB. Ju. 0, LltU* RMLAik..Ik U Pta* BlaO 11 Bol Bprtan U. Torth Smith U,Joplla. Mo., 17,Aarof« 11 Bprloflold 11.

»A(!niyUf-VllDt HIei.. Jaa. P. JaOoon 10. BoUlanraok II, Aoa Atbor U, aaadnUy. 0 , II. Xorvtlk It.

roalona II, Tima 17. rindlay IH Moaalald It.

"Amaina>"-Albaay, X. Y , Jan. t, Baebaalar lail Bar-talo 17-^0

"Annt Sallr"-Oikalooaa, la. Jan. 0, Oaaurrllla 10,

(.blUleoUio, Mo, II. BrookOald It

DfpiB'a OilTOT—Mllvaobta, Wia., Ju. e-13. Obicago,lu., U-'.0

Borrongh'a Marlt-Toroalo, Coo., Ju. 7-U. Albany,B. T.,l7-I9.

Bledloy'a ^Inrooea—Tnroofo, ran.. Jan, 7-11Born'a. Wm.-Tl*aleo, M. J.. Ju. 0. Palanon II, II.

BOon Comodv—Da goolo, Til , Jao. 0, Carboodato 10,

ADBa II, Cbarlaatna, Mo , II

Borarloi'i, Dtloy-Lookport, K. V., Jan. I, Bradloid. Pa..ICOIaaa^N. T.,ll.

Broanao'a. Joba B —Balh. N. T.. Jart 9. DaoOTill* 10,

ML Motrla II, BaUTl^ II BMhaaUr ll-n.Barratl'r, Wllwa-N.v. City Jaa. 7-lt.

Bobb Oomady-Bau, Ha , Jan. 7-U, at John. N. B.It-ll.

BaldwiO'Boaara Comadj—Poraylba, Qa, Jao. t. QrlOlo,10.11 AUanU 14-11

"Bontlar," Beamnoa'a—Mt RtarlloR, Ky. Jan.O.WInohoalar 10, Ffanklort II, OoDrfatown U. Loalariu*11-10.

"Barrol ol Monar"—Wbaallac, .W Va..JaB, e.Altooaa,Pa., 10, BnoUaidoo U, Laniuur 11 rblladalpbU14- 0.

• Buneb or Roya"—BoahrlUo. Tana,, Jaa. 0. MamptalaIV-ll Naw Orlaau. La .11-10.

"Black Rhoop"—BnatOB. Maaa , Jaa. 7- Indaflolla.

"alaok Crook.'.' No. i-Cbleaao. III.. Ju. C. inda Jallo"Blaok Crook," No. t-Mampbla, T*aa , Jon. 0. Naahvlll*to-'l

"BfOwBlao"—N. r. Oltr Jaa. 7. ladaflBlfa."BlaeblUUd"-Wllkiabaire, rOnJu.B.BcraBloB lO-UBlnnhamuin. N. V , 14-ie

"Rrotry Tlm*"-01lDtonj III.. Job. 0. Baaidilown II,

Macamb It Eoobak, It.. 14, Qolaoy, III , 1> Hana,Mo.. I(, BrookHald 17, CblUloathoDLCamoron 11

"B'ua Joaao"- " " ' " '"


rioRhloa'a Boaa— Pblladalphia, Pa,^ danc*. R. 1 , 17-U.CoUlar'a, wini*-Bm>k!yB, N. T., Jan. 7-11OoBr*ld'a, BlBrlab-N. V. Oily, Jaa T. lodaaall*.Craoa'a. W. U.-nillad*lpbla, Fa, Jan. 7-10.

Clinoa'a D—Woiwatar, Maaa., Jaa. 7-lf, FrorldaBca,R.I.I4-l0.

Ohow'a, HatU* B*raanl-Norfolk. Ta- Jaa. U IIOapr.Tbomaa* Barprlo* Party-IIomp4a«ad, Toi., Jan.

Clarko a rarhlaaoB'a-SallabBry, Ho., Job. r-U, BrerlorIM9

Clarka'a Wlltnd-BcruloB, Fa, Jaa. II, 11 Wllkao-baiT*. Fa , II.

Oorball'o. Jaa J —Wooivllla. T«Dn , Jaa. 0. 10. nbatta-Booiall. 11 I<aibTlllol4-IC, LoiloilOB, Zy., IT, Day-100,0. ia.lBillaB>palla,lBd, It.


"Charloi^a Anal," No. l-rhlUdalpbla, Fa., Jan. r, la-

daflalu."Oharlar'a Aaot," No. t-LoolarUI*, Ky., Jao. 0, EToaa-Tlll^ lod.. 17.

"OI*aBRw*op"-UBlon City. lad., Jan.O,I>oealBrlo VuWart, 0 , If, Dolpboa 11 Lima 14, Upper Sudnaky 11BallalootaiBalB

"T-nnty rBlr"-Pano, N. D., Jaa. 0, W, DbIbUi, Mien.

"uriiakor Jaek"-II«ohaalor, N, T., Jan. 9, Oobnaa 11A "nay II, 11, OloiariTllla U, JohoaUwB IB, ayatCBa*

"CuaoiorMoaloRrUta"-AlbaBr.N Y. Jaa. 10-11"CoUoa glBf," No. 1-N. Y. Cliy Jaa. 7-B."CotP-B KiBR." No 2-Lawraoca, Ha«.. Jan. 0, Mu-obaaUr. N. U., 10-11 Uwall. Maaa , 11-11

"Capt HarBO"-Balllmon. Hd , Jaa 11-10.

*ToaalOoard"-Obleaao. Ill , Jan. e-U.'Copper Lion"—VoBhattu, Eaa., Jaa. It, Jooetlonrliy IB. Ballna 17. Huiehlaano 10.

"OlrcBaOIrl"—Phlladelpbla, Pa, Jaa. 7-11"Uhailly BalP'-Raaaaat'lly, Mo., Jan. l-uTroaa Raada of Lllo"-JabnatowB, N. Y., Ju 0. LItUo

Falia ICtiUea II, Waunown II Roehtaut 17-10."Onootry Clreoa"—Omaha, Nab.. Jao. It-U, Kaaaai Ofty,Ho., U-I0L

"Cnoa Uollnw"-Pblladolpbla, Pa.. Jaa. 7-11 Pataiaoa,N.JnII-M — -,

Draw'a, Joba—Mllwauke*, Wla., Ju. 10-U, (Hileag*,IU.,ll-a.

DowalBfa. Robl-lUaBta. Oa.. Ju. 11 10DoBBallvaoirard'l-DaBTliI* Ta., Jaa. 0 PalarabBrx

lOL HlchmoBd II, It. rbltadalohia Pa., lt-19.Dtllov'a, r*I*r F.-N. Y. Oliy Jas. 7-U, Jaraay lily, N. J


DIohaoa'a. Obaa a—Doa Holaaa, la,, Ju. II, ChlcoRo,III., 11-10.

Davaaporl'a, Fuay—N Y.CltyJu. 7. Indafinlla.Oaly'a, Ana- (foad)-Albasy. N T , Jan. O.ByitaBao 10-11Davla*, Ubu L.—LrBB, Maaa . Jan IB.

Patrrann.—opera na<V*e bookloit: Conutook aNinalrolo Ju. I, ' shot* Aorta" R, t. R^ura*a Band 10,' rho HIalnR ilanaraUoa ' II. II "C<wb IIoUow'> 14-11"The Loit I'aradlr*" IT- II '-Tb* Dlamood Broakar" hadcent buaiooaa I, I. "rba Blaah Oiwok" luod Ih* eapae'l.- Ill t^o houaa 1 "01 1 J*d Prooii" atlrutod goodhonaoa Lh.HiJoc TiiaATaa —Tbo Ronta PaallaT Company aloood a

aiiltlae'orrwook, RlaOid Brook' Iraporlol VondaTlllaaT and woobliDBH Mcua-BaalBaia wan aood at ihia hoaaa Doa tl

andw««k. ArilralaJaB-T: Oona and Baeea, Btala AJ-MoB, Mrakor aad Moak, tbo Kllaoi* tlaiaiK CbarloaMamoBd, Jim aad Ooi* Hoabin, LUllo Xauaar, lb*Maalaal RaTaaai Uaaar, aad luyma aald Baada

-N T, City Jan. 7-11 rblladalpbta, Pa.,

Jan. 7-11 Frorl.

Dobaoa'a Playara-korootoB. P*,, Job, 0. Roodloa kl-11'Dalh'a BloBdara"-Phlladolpbla, p&. Ju. K-10.'Oaiil*r"-Dalrolt, Mkh . Ju 13-10.WBHIVI —W.IWIk MKII .wan'PowB IB Dlal*"-Brooklyn, N. Y., Jaa. 7-11 TrOBloB,N.J. 11

"Parkaat Raaala"-N. T.Olty Jaa. 7-11 Brooklya, N, T,IHl

"Uiamood Br*ak*i"-N. Y. rlly .loo. T-IT."Mrliy Hoaool'*—Boadlog. Pa., Jab. 10. UolraatAB.Tox.a, ll, Lttua Bock. Alb.. Id

"Dorar WlBBOf<-Kaoaak. la. Jaa. II.

'ttavlPaABoM0B"-8aTUUb, Oa., Jao. 0, 10, AagoatalS,

jr-a BIBa-Pttfabonr, Pa , Jaa. T-ll N. T.riiyRra Tuanay Oomody—Norwich, N. Y., Jaa. 7-la,

Boonvlll* 14-11:

Bmmrtt'a, latia—BawOrlaaBa L^ Ju. 0-11 Colombaa,lit. 14. HacoBl».JataaoBrllle, na,lB. 8avuBab,aa.,17.0harl«atoa.P O..lR AaRaata.aa. 10.

Barlo'B. lltaham-Xortb Mancbaalor, lad., Ju. 7-11 Tal.paimlao 14-10

Bmmat'a, J. g.-guau Olty, Ho, JaB.7-U.Ct JoatpbII. iManeU Blags Ib.IK

ElliBwood'a riaioi*-Pon JoniiN. T- Jan. 7-11"BuIro"—Eruaflllo lad.. Jan.? Tarrv Uaota lOl lO'dlaoapolla II. II oblcago. III., U-lli.

"EoRlBoor'*—BoaloB. Maaa, Job. 7-13

"BiRbt Bolla"—OelambaB, O., Ju. 0-10, BprlBRdald 11,

OayloB II ClnrlBBaU 11-10. .

"BJROwood roUa'' Baywocd'a—XoabTlllo, Toaa., Jan.T.H, LoulaflU* Ir, l(-10.

1?n>t>maa'a Emplia Ricok— N. Y. OllyJu.7, Indadalta.A Forroil'a. Tooy—PrlBMtun, III,. Ju. 1 Jollot 10,

Aurora It, Booth CblooRO IS HlehlKaa. Tod , ll.Char-b>uo.Hlch.lB rortnunnll JaohaoBl7. Qrud Bap.ldalll.llHaak*|onll,

Pnxt a FuaUwa^-Naw Blraltrlll*, U., Jan. 1 HLParrlo' fVmtdlaBa—Whit* Hill, III , Job. 0. noodbooaelo-U Wlneboilor 14-11.

"Paiol Card"-N T.CilyJaB 7, lodoflalle."Fast tiatL" Norlhare-Nonh Balllmor*. 0., Jao.to.I'BuldlBg la Brian II. Adrian. Mleb , la. Aoa Arbor It,

JackBoa IB, CoHwatar IB. Pootiao 17. foil llotools,F.lBt 10.

"PaatMBll"lloatkarn-Shr*r»pert. La, Ju.lHanhall.T*a.. lOi Trior II. Oroonrilf* lO'ariB 14, Dtalaoa liRbormaa lil, MnKiDiay 17. Dalloa IB. Ii>,

' Fohlo noinaat"-UiooiBnail, O.. Jao. B-ll"Fontofini '-Jar.ka'.'tTlll", III, Ju. 0. li^ BlooninRton

II. lli:hlraiol}-»"Fouat," Morriaeo'o, Woalam—l^adar Raplda, la.. Jan.0 Rook laUnd. Ill, III, La Boll* II, Naolaa, Wla

, 11Mllwaukea 11-11

"IIM." HIn'a-Piiubori, I'a , Jao. S-ll. Chl<a«o. III., la,

lodoBnIW."mi" lUw Jt Rr'aBaai'a-Dairoll, Mich ,Ju 11.10.

"Fun or Tmoo '-WaahloRloB, U. ll. Job. 7-la, I'lUa-barg. Pa.. 11-11

"FauM," ilrlSUi'a—SaRlaaw, Hioh,, Jaa. lo.

"FiaaiRBB'a Ball"—t'oaBdl niDlT< la, Jao. In Pnooall,MaiabaliiowB 11 'D*a MoiBaall, il, Oakalooaa IB, ui.tamwal7,CodarRaiil<ol0.

GoodwiB'o. N. 0.-^Blarllla. kr.. Jaa.T*BB. 10.11 aali*BUB,T*i., la. 19.

Oannon LHIpauaaa-Pluaberg, Pa , Jao.Mich., 14-10

nilMliro, Wai.-ll. T, City Ju T, iBdrOol'*.Oarlora, Bobby-rrortduc*. R.I.. Ju. 7-11

Oal othor Uomadi—Cba'aohat. B. I., Ju. 1 10. NorthBclttia'o II. II Roetlud It-U

Oarlud'a, <]«e. R—Z*llaaoplac Pa.. Ju. II, Blwood I1t.r

llUlllarttowB-ll, Potrolla 11 IB. Parker II. II ForiiMy 10.

a«rmuiaTko*li>-N T. CllyJaa T.ladlOallr.ai«aory'a, Ooo. L—BlatbamloB. .S'. Y., Ju. 0 Coopara-lowB 10, Froomu 11 Nonb Adama. Maaa , 14-11

Oilck'at'em4dr-4;nnllBantal.O. Ju 7-11Qiai'a Ada-ABB Arbor, Mloh , Ju, II, Baal Booluw 11Bar niy 11 61. Leala 11 katUa OraU IT, Pobiiu le,FlIalK.0<ri I liori Bohlod Ma." No. l-dBolaaatl, 0., Ju. 7-11Mllwaaho*. wit. IMl

"flirl I un BahlBd Ma." No. t-tjulaty, lUn Jaa. 1Noamouth. III. 10, BorllBRtAB. la, 11

"Oonou ToloBtaor'-Roadioa. Pa., Ju. 0.*

"Ollboelya Abroad '-Fort Wayao, lod., Ju.0, Daytea,n., II, Otnolaaau U-ll

''OrooB Oooda Maa"-Ra Loulo, Ho, Jaa. B-ll ButBtLoulB. Ill , 11. iltoB It, JaeaaoBBlllo 11 Haaalbol. Ma,IB. qalaoT, III, IT. Xtolnb, la., 11 Burllagloa 10.

"UloriaBa<'-TlBtoa,la. Ju 10.

"Uoloty illrl," No. l-BBRklo, N. T., Ju. T-ll Olartlud,O., 11-11

"0*11*1 Blai*"-D*|loa, O., Ju. 0, Mampbia, Taan., 14-

"Oalttr nirl" Ne. S-ai Loala. Mo., Ju.Mi. Chicago,III. 14-11

Harrlgoa'a, Ed>atd-N. T. City Jaa 7, lad«IalH^Hillmu'a, Baato-BoodoaL N. Y. Ju 7-11 Bow.

boiR 14-10.

He*y*o. Wb.—WubtORloo, D 0 , Ju. 7-11 Boaloa,HMO, 14-11

lloaoa'a. Radla-C<imb*ilaKl. Md., Ju. 1 OrtltoB, W.le. Falrsoaat 11, BiatamlU* ll

lIolBHa'. Haioll-galaB. N J., Ju. P, Bad Buk Hl^ AUluila niiB II, fraakMid, Pa- o,

Uallu a HarVa-OlaolaaaliTu , Jaa. T-U, MlBtaapolla,Miaa., 14-11

BoMaa Oootdy^Fllat, Mi*k., Jan. 7-U.

EaailltoB'a Uaal TbaaUe-ranldlBg, 0., Jaa 7-IX Bp*a-eavTlllal^lP.

llHa*aay-L*royl*-Boa*y Orora. Tax, Jan.W-H Okika.iUla1Mt.Panal7-'0 Uaalaoall-ia. . _

Baworlh'a, Joaopb-Harlboro. Maaa. Jaa. lot WortaattrII, 11 aoBUibildi* K, Coneoia. M. U., U, riefcbari,Maaa, IB, Portamontb, M. u., 17, Maockaatar Uk La-eoBlalB.

BandoB'a, ARBoa-Watarhnry, Ot. Ju t,V^ Darby lU

1 ManipbiB,

r-'l Dalrolt,

Marlboro, Maaa, nHot TaBalaa°'-Maadvllla, Pa.,Jaa 0, JaoMatown, If. T^IO,Biadlotd,Fa.,ll,Olaaa. N T..ll.r.enlaR llElmlia11 Bletbaratoa IB, Bcraatoa, Pa., 17, Caibondala 18.

Wllkaabaira 10.

'BoaU*r"-BaTlao.H.V.,Ju.7-ll WaalilBgton, D.O.,14-11'Uanulty"—BoBloB, Maaa,, Ju. 7-11 FroTldooca, R I



'Boaaud Boaa"—BoalOB, Maaa . Jan. 7-lSiTrlab AiUaf'-Jartry City, S.J., Ju. 7-11, Newark


la Old KoBtacky," No. I—Woreaaur, Maaa. Ju. 0,

LyBB 11. II Poitlaod, «a.. 14. Itla Old Eoatoekr." Ho. g-rllubarR, Pa, Ju. T-llBnilford 14, BoOala. N. T., U-I0Lla tba TaadarlolB"—Uilco. N. T.. Jaa 0, Spimena* IMlla th* FooUillla"-Wllb«<l>arr*, Fa . Jbob 14-IB.

'irrL*ar'-Blooklyo,M.T. Jan. T-ll N Y City 11-19.

Juau'a, Maria-ClnelBuli, U.. Jao. 7-11 gnoarllle,Taan , 14. Chat^uooRA Ik AUaota, Oa-, IB, 17, Au-

nau la, QiarlaaloD, B 0., II

'Jaoa"—"lavalud, 0..JU.7-I1ITMBa'a Thoa. W.—PorUond. Ore.. Jao. 14I*- Xoodol'a. Mr aod Hn -N. Y. niiy Ju 7-K.RaBBOdp'o Plarora—Lobaaoo, Pa , Jao. 7-11Ioor<dy'l Lllllu— Riddirord. M*., Ju 0, FonlaodlC-11 bugor li-ie, aorBiia 17-10, Bau lo-iJ

,gomptOB t;omadT-MM.aa, 111.. Ju. 14-!C. Uonar 17,

UoopoatOB 11 10. . » .laoHb'a no* J.-DayloBo, Fla, Ju. 1 Ormoad It.

TIfnarlilo II. II"Kld"-CblcaRO, III., Ju.a-ULveooB Tbtalr*, Frobou'a—N. Y. Clly Jaa. 7, ladat-


Uwli', Lllllu-St Joaaoh. Mo . Ju. II.

UBRlry'i Mra—BalUmora, Md., Ju. 7-11 WaohlBitOB,D C.. II I9

LabtdIo Bowoll-Blwood. lad , Job 1 Harifonl City ILLaraaa'a, 0*o. W.—RaB*nna, 0 , Ju. 7 11 Bbaroa, Fa,14-19.

Lyeaum DramaUr—ConnaratIlia, TBd.. Ju. 7-lXLowo'aComadr-"Oadarrllla. laa, Jaa 9, OaUwaU lO-U,Anthony 14-11 Kiowa 11-11

Lacy'a HarrT-PbUadalpkla, Fa., Ju. 7-U, Rocbaatar,N.Y., 14-10.

La Potlta ROBa-Muklaaw, Midi . Ju. 1 8t ItBae* IC-11Nawbotry 14. Marqoollo IB-17 Nogannao IB 10

Lambert A WllBamt' Playora-IlochoiUr, Miu , Ju.7-11 JuoBTllla 14-19.

laalor'B. Mlanla-PUlBlBld, N J. Jaa. T-ll"Lady wlodormar'a Fu''—Oalraatoa Tor.. Ju. 11. 12.

-'Loot Paradlao* -Bobokon. N- J-, Ju. 10-11 Palaiaoa17-11

"LImllad HalP'-PaibanbarR W.Ta.Ju O.nhlllcolbo,u , 10. Irontno 11, Aablood. Ky . 11 PonamoBtb, o . ll.

niarlotoa. W. Ta . II llaallaaloa IB. Maiarlllo, Ey.,ly.Parla IILmIbbIob 10

'Loot lo Now Yorl" """"

Mo, 13-11Dact'ar, III., Job. II Bl Loala,

"L!li1a'ohriBtnrh.r"-N. Y. ritr Jaa 7, ladaaolla."LIUIaTrlalo lltoabatrr, I'a, Ju. 17-11

Itforrlaoa'a, LawlB-Ballerillo. Cao.,Ju 'J, glBiBtoa 10-UL OUawa 11. II MoDinal 14 i|

Marlowo'a,Jalla-BoBloo, Mua,Jan.7-'9Haatall'a. Bobort— Uot BpnnRA, ark . Ju. 9 hhr*roport,L*.10.Faila,Tai.ll,irharaiaa 11. Fori


Dalloa IS. 17, Waco 11 Ran Anioaln 19 10MaaaBald'a, BJckant—Oharlaotoo. B. C , Ju. 0, Atlanta,Oa, 10k 11. MoBlgnuorr. Ala., II

Harpby'l Tim—MlUaokao, Wla , Jao, 11, Orand Raplda.Hioh', 11

Martlaot'a. Badlt-LoaAaaoloa, Cal.,Ju. 0 11Moma', Falll—Vlovilond, O.. Ju. 7-11

Haabla'a, Jamaa B.—TanntoB Maaa, Ju.0Mitcholl'a. Loola OiauwocJ, Mlaa., Ju. 10, Wlooaa II,

Oaroid 11Marphy'a, Joaopb—8L Lonll Ho., Jaa C-ll, Euraa Clry

McCarthy'a, Dan—WaahloRtoo, l>. c.. Job. 11-19.

Malta Bno.'-P'rt llopo. liaL. Jaa 7-11 Oal'orlllo ll-IO"H'Faddw'a Blop*m*u"-rblladalpli<a, I'a, Ju. 7-K,BrMaoportCI.IO. ,

MoNinir'a Tlalf'-MaoaBold. 0. Jin.'lO, Colomboa 11.

II, iBduBapnlla, lad.. ll-l<

"Mu WIUionlaCoaotii"-.v*waib, N. J, Jao. 7. II, Boa-loa Maaa. 14-19

"Mmo. aaaa u*oo"-WaahloRlon. u 0., -laa 7-11 N.Y.Clly li IBdaOalte."Hu aad Womoa"—RuflOB Oltr. Me . Jaa. 14-19.

"Mr Paitaor"—Wlhnlnttoo. I)«l., Ju. 11, Traatoa, N.J , 11 BroohlTB, N. Y . 11-11

• Milk Whito FIa|"-N. T. Clly, Jao. 7. lodoBollo.

-Uoblaa', MUtoB-CbayanBa, W|o.. Ju. 1 KorUl Plau,Nab, II EatnMy II, Oraod lalud II Llocohi 14,

Omaha IB, Doa Molaoa la , 18Rolhorsoto'i^ OlfwProrldtnc*, R T., Jaa 7-11 llorlam,

Noaa* °i*lUU*t-Moblla, Ala., Jan. 10, 11, Wut Folot,Mlaa., 14, Jackaoo, Tooo.. 18. Nalropolia, III., 11Aaoall

"Nomloaa"-CbloaRO, IP.. Jaa. 7-11 BflrllaatoB. To.. 14.

"Naw Boy," Ko. 1—WllnlBtloB Dal. Jaa IBaaioo. Ka,10, Wllhoibana 11, PlBobamptoa, N. T, 11 Buffilol4-IC.ToroBto,Ou , 17-19

"Now bar," No. I-Laadrllle, r.n|. Jai. 0, Aap*B lOlOrud Jooetlon 11, Pr^ro, U., 11 Para dly 14, LoouIt. Poeatallo, Ida., It. Bola* I lly 17, Walla Waaa,Waah, 11

O'Nallra. Jamaa—ColoiBboa. 0.. Jan. 0. Claraland 10-11Pltuborg, Fa . 14-11

Olt'a, Jo«aph-Brldjtaport 01,Ju. 10.'-Old Jad l'nu'.)"-BrookltB, N. Y , Ju. 7-11"OorFlaf'-Food do Lae,wia.,Ju p.Oabbnih llApplatoa

11, Rlaraat' Folat 11 Bl Panl, Hlu., l3-:t. MlaaaapoUa

"Old F'anBornopklna"—Rot para Forrr, W. To. Jao 1RruBowlck. Md.. 10. Fradarlct 11. Waatmlolalar 11 BolAir 14. Abardaaa IB. Uarra daOrac* 18. HorUi But 17,B<bUB 11 Middlalowo, Dol., IP, SniyiBa 11, Ooior 11Q*orfotowB XL

"Old Uomoatoad," Tbompaon'a—N, T, City Ju. 7-Aprll27.

"O.lvar Twlat"-Ilartrord, OL, Ju. 0, Uildgerort 11 Al-buy. B. T. II II

"Old OloiT"—OlooinaatL 0- Jao. B-ll Daeatnr, lit, 11"Oa tba Mlaalaalopl"-Pllubnr> Fa., Ju. ll-ll"OolFaFanBar'aDaB|hl*r"-Troy, M. Y .Jao 11,11"Off tho^Ea>th"-BrooklyB, N Y., Ju. 7-11 Balllmon,

"Ob Qio Bowary-Cbkaco, III., Jaa 7-11 Allooaa, Pa,IB, Wllkoaharro 17

palmar'*, AM., Btock-Boatoa. Maaa , Jao. 7-19.-a Koiua'a, Corae-BpilagOald, o., Jaa. 7-11 Lima14-11

Partar'a, PaBUna-WIUIanabarR, N. T., Ju. 7-11 Horu.ton.. Pa, 11-10

PrlORla'a,JobiBla-L4adClty,S.:D , Ju. 7-ll,I>eadwoodll-Mt

PoMorBallow-Aagaita Ca, Jao 0. Obarlcitoo, HC,10 WllmlBitoB. NU, II, BtlelRb II. Hlehiaoad, Va,14-U Norroiai7,l8

FBInaa'a, Eaila-Boattla. Waah . Jaa 9, Olrnpla 10.Tacona 11-11 Bllrnabnrg 11 NorUi Yakuna It,Spratnoie. FpokaaolS 11

ParRo-a, Habel-OtooBrilla, Mlaa, Jaa 7-llNalehiB ll-ll

Ponplo'a Iboaire, Rotkwall'a-Brandoo, VI, Ju. 7-12Peiilto«y 14-|g.

Paul Rm* Cooiady—Rbaimao Tai , Ju 0, Clarharlll*10 Totarkaaa 11, Hot Ri-rloaa, Ark.. II Lllilo Rork11. Mlmphln,TcaB., 10, ;) Jaekaon 17, Nuoillla IB. 10.ObauaBoogall

"PaaalBR Show," No. l-Mllwanko*, tvia, Jaa 0, Loiila-Tllla, By . 10.11 clBilBaatl. u., 11-10

"PriaatoaacrotAry'-Binatiamtoo, M Y- Job 0."Polloo Toap«etoi"—PltUtoB, fa . Jaa. 0 Carboodale 10llootalala II, Port Jonla. N, Y., II glngiioo 14 Co.lio«B It

"I'toaioR 8hov,"No. 2—Atlant*. Oa. Ju. 1 Blrmlos.ham. Ala., la MontROmary 11. Molitta 11

"P -war 01 lhal'r«*a"-8jraCBff, S Y . Jan. 9, OorhaattriD-17, Botfaloll->9

"Pawo^Tlckatllir'-LnolBrlllo, Ky., Jan. C.ll Cblcago,

' Paul^KanTaf'-LoBlaTllI^ gy., Ju. lUl Niabrlll*,

"I'rodiial Daur>iifr"-s. V. ciir Jaa 7-II llorlam. N.\ . 11- 0.

"l'o;lco Patrol"—RrldRadon, t;i.. Jan. 1 N*w IlaroB 10-II. Nowark. X. J, ll-ili

'Wl 10'"*""""*""''• '•' Bioeklj a, N.

"itvaa dad Bey.' Roaiara-Trtty, N. V. Jao 9 P,tbenpaoBTllla, nc . 11. Worc«rt'r Maaa, 14.

"Po«k aBail PAy,'i WoBUrj-uartoo, U. Jan 10-11 Clo-oinaaU 13-11

Ruaaall'a, bol Bmltb-SuaaaCiiy, Hn , Jaa. 7-11 Lift;*H CI, an .. 11, aampLip. Tenu , l;-lp

lloliaen'A SlQort-Rt. Loula, Uo , Jou 7-12 ClaclDoall,o . 14-10

BUa'A FaBBy-Bloahamioa N. Y . Jan vK-Raa< Dramatic—Portland. Ore . Jan. 7-11H*ed'a, Boland -Lowell, Mu-., Jan. 1 Worcaalar 10,Brooklyo, N 7.11-10.

nickott'. Ironradwuia-WlBB'rar. Man.. Jao O.Dleklo-ann, N. D, II, HIlea Cl-y. Mn-i . 11. l.lTlnaalon llRoatniu IB, irolona IB. MariarlHa II, ll-oat Fall* It

TUiiunnO'a, fadio—ML VoraoB, Mo. Jao 0, (IrroaOald10-17,

R]iea'b-vaw or]au^ La , Ju. B-ll aalroaion. Tat , la."RuabCItT"—LoaoILM^ jin. ll, l.a*ip.i.v 11 Ilaaorhill 11 Laon II. II u-a-rH>iai le Bieckton II, NewHadioniiirannitaria

"Raljroad Tlcbot"-DabBi|no. la., Jaa 0, BL I'anl, Mlaa.,

golhe'rB'lB. II.-ChlcaRo, 111 , Jan, T-U RL Loul^Ho..

HL Oyr'a,'8. A -Maroego. la , Ju 9.

H",°';!'i'"-"f"-"" '^'f' Jaa- O.lOlFnablo.CoL,llD*or*rl1.l9.

Bbaajj-rk**. R.-Aubara N. T , Jan. 7-11 lIoroallaTlll*

Bawau^'i Mloala-Hu*llon, Pa, Jan. r-ll Carllala 11-10.

M, Oltnai

RBlllTU'lJobB L—Coooali Blofla, It., JU. IT"utoTd'a Walter, Btook-WilliamaborR. " ~BaaloB, MaaB . li-'i

N. T, Jaa T-U,

Bwarlwood Draniatlc-L« Ila'pe, 111, Jan. T-ll BnahBall 14-U

Bony'ii Daa-Colambll^ 0 , Ju. lO-U, Wllkaaharro Pa.,

fluoo Blatora' Mualeal Comody-ButooL III., Jaa. IIPUlOB 14.

R*H*a'a, EdRor-Ru FraoelrcD ra1.,Ju 7-11BawtajJ* Diamalio-Coaconi, N. 11., Ju, T-IlNaahoa,

ehlBBar>, Olia-Roobeatar, N. V , Ju. 1 Riraea>a 10-11Brookha ll-lO

"RHU Abm-'-PblladolphlB, Pa , Jao. I-ll Ntwatk, NJ , 14-11

"8paBerLira"-MlDa*a'Nillf. Minn. Jao «-i:"Bid* Traokad," Jula Waiara'-Coluobaa, lod., Ju 1BoyBoarHlLMdroid 11. Waiblaroa 11 Braaatllla 11

"•owlBg lk*_WlBd"-Balumoi«, Hd., Ju T-ll Wuh-lBRtaB,D,0. 11-u

"•V*-3aiiaa, Tax..Jaa la"nor* Aoraa," gal-MM, Mua. Jaa 7-le"Bkora Aena," Bo. t—Fatattoa, IIJ, Jaa. 0, BUaakatk

IR* 11, Caadaa U WIIuIbriob, Del, 14,

ro. KkTraalon. N. J., IB, Lucuiar, Fa, 11,DoiTiBDarRllWllllaffltportU. . ,. . , ^

"8hnaBdou'*-Chleago, IUm Jaa T-ll Colombaa, (1.,

Il-ie.' Bhip of aiata"-Ooiaha, Bab.,Ju B-U."Btawtwar'—Alaiudlla, Ta, Ju. 9 Carllilo. Pa, 11,

Bonlabalg IlLabiaon It, Aablud 11 Rbamollo I;,

BoiltalowB lllaaloa 10. . .. _ .'(oparba"-WillUaBiaharg, M. Y , Jaa 7-11 K. T. Clly

' Bommor Bllatard"—Hllwukaa, wla.. Jaa U-WTiffuy'a, ABBlaWaTd-PhlladtlpbIa Fa. Jaa. T-tl

Toola'a, John B.-Oaaal Dorar. 0. Jan 1 Cainll.loa 11, Orlehavdla 11 Tanotam. Fa, 17, liwla U, Mo.oontuala Oily 11

Toraar**, Carrla-MlBBcapolla, Mlaa., Ju. 0, BL Paol10-11

Tnehar'a, LIlliao-BaBRor. Ha., Jan. T, lodaflaile.

Tha Ppooaar'e-latayallo, lod., Ju. 7-12, Port Warnala-'B

TIklu.nualo-OoodlaBi). lod , Jaa 7-11*^p to Cbloatows." No. 1—D«uolL Hkh , Ju. T-llcl*Talaad.O.. 11-10.

'Trip to Obloatowa." Mo. I-Aanata (la.. Jaa. 9 Rrla-

I0T. TaoB . 14. Rounka, Va. 11. LjnebberR 11 York.Pa , IT. RolBBbia 11 IIarrl>bort 10.

"TtB NIaliUi IB a BarnK.m."UcOowaB A Buaby'a-ir-cola, nt, Ju. II ToicoU It . _ „

'*ruaaat#ar>.Phllado1pbta Pa. Jao. 7-lt

"Tnrklab Baih"—Bu Fraacilco. Col.. Jaa T-ll

"TroUor Byaum '-Balllmor*. Md , Jao. T-ll PhiUdH-phla. Fa, 14-19.

"roraado " Northom-Fllcbbnrp, Moao. Jan. 0. Noahao.N. 0., 10. Lowal'. Maaa, 11-11 rortlaad, H*, 11 11,

Lyoo. Maaa . I'-ll"TorBodo" Boothoro—Loek IUtoo Pa , Jao. P, HIIioo

10, Bloomabvrgll. DaoTllI* 11. UinlahDrgllShanioklnIt v. Cansal 11 dbonudoU 17, Luilenl It, Haial-ton 19.

"TamporaneaTowB"—ThleaRO, III.. Ju. 7-:«.

'TampcallOB ol Mooor"—D*tr.i|LMl.-h., Jao. 7-11

'Two Blalara'>-Elmlr*, N. T. Jao 0 Biaahimton in

Nlanrt Fallo 11. Kria. Pa. 11 aloTol*e<i. n.. 11.:r.,

TODORBtowB IT, Cantoa IB. Fori ITai u*. led , IP.

"T*B Nlabla In a Barroom," Brahm'a-Marioo, lod.,

Jaa. 1fiTToela ToB'a Cablo," Bletaoo'a—YoBoratowa. 0.'J Ju. 10, AkroB 11 AUluca 14 Salon 11 Culoa IS.

"Boclo Tom'a t^ablo," Darla', Baatam—EonalnttOB. Pa


Ju. T-ll"Uncle Tom'a Cahlo," Darla*, Waatara-Chillleotho,Mo , Jaa 0, Badalla 11

"Baal*Tom'a t^la," Hh«a'a-L*oi*, Mlaa . Ju. t.

"Uael* Tam'a rabid," Roieo ft SwIlt'o-HaiyaTllla,MoaL,Ju. 0. Ualaoa H Boiaman ll. LlnoRaioo 11Milaonily IL Oloodlvoll DIcklaaoB, N. D, IC.HaaduIT. Blamarek 11 Jaooatowa 10.

ixrllllaaa*, Oaa-PlqQa,O.,Ju.0, BaatOB 10,Labuon<' 11 Cladnaau 11-10

Wblto<ldo*a. Walker—wllmlogtoB. 0.. Jaa 9. LaBcaatar10. Olrclarlllou cblUlcotho 11 BprloiRald IS. Ilamil-

too IS.

Wollord.* Bbarldu A Holmoi'—Fort >Tayo*, lad..

Job, 10-11.

Wolto Comedy. KoatarB-Lowlalon, H* .Jao T-ll Harar.bill. Maaa 14-11

Waila Oomody, Koaten—McKcorport. Pa., Jio. T-llJohBBtowB 14.19.

Ward ft Voku'-BBlTalo, N. Y, Ju. T-ll, N. Y. Clly14-19.

WordaJamaa—tjbleafo, 111. Jab. 7, lodrflalta.

Walowiltbt'a, Mario-Naw Orloaoa, La , Ju,e.11Wall'i Howard, Idaala-BhamokiB, Fa , Jan, T-ll Hunbnry 14-19

"WblioBqnadroo"-Blebmond Ta-Jao. 0. Uaaptoo 13,

NorfnU 11,11 wllbaBborrr, Pa. II"World AgoloBt Bar" ARBoa Wallaoe-Tltla'a-WtbaferMaaa.Ju.D Harirnrd. CL, 10, Bilatol, R 1,11, Marldu, Ct, 11 H. Y. City 11-10

"World," J r, LIlUo'a-Fnaldoaca.R L, Job. 7-11"Work and Wa|*a "-Phlladelpbla, Fa , Ju. T-l'l.

VOBog*! Jamaa-Laularlll*, Ky., Ju. 7-11 WaabloRtenA Coon Doua*. O , U, LucuUr li ml Tarooa 11Newark 17, 1'aaal Dorar 11

'-Yob TooaoB"—Kloox FaUa.B D . Jaa 0, Kulw Clly,Mo . U-10.

'YoaoRMra Wlothrop"—CbleaRO, III.,Ju B-IL"TouBR Anarleu"-ElRin. 111. Jan 0. Booth Bfod,Tad.. II, Elaban 11 Oomiob 11 Flymoalb 11

BIIIBIOAL.Ab^ey A Orau'a Orud Opera-N. Y. City Ju. 7. lodafl-

nit*.BoMOBiao Opon-N. Y City Ju. 7-11 Piiubure. Fa



OorlBBa-ai. Paul. Mlaa, Ju. S-ll Mlnnaapdia 13-19.

OAmllla D'ArrlUa Opara-rhlladaiphla. Pa, Ju T-12.Oalhoon Opara-Uaaitl*. Wuh, Jan. 11-10,

Delia Fox Opota-CloralaBd, 0.. Jan 9, DolrolL Mich.,10-11

Fruob Opora—MootraaL Cu., Ju. 7. lodaflBlf*.

Frooch Opom-Now Orlaun. La , Jaa 7. lodoBalu.* FoBolBB Hular"—Dalloa. Tea- Job 9. Doolaoo 10. Bhar-ntu 11, Parla 11. Unt BpHnu Ark., II LIlUa Bock 11FIBO b!oIT 11 H*BiphlB,TaBn., 17-19

BoppoT'a, Do Woll-Uarlam, N. Y., Jao. 7-llAlbuy 11RochaatorlB 11

JnD**',Slaal*raua-E«okok. la., Jaa IdLllllu Ruaaoll Opara-BoatAB, Maw . Jao. r-ll Frorl-doBC*. R. 1 , 14-18. Werc*it*r, Maaa , 17, SprlacitM 11N*w Uarao.Ct. i9

LnulBa B*udatOpa*a-Bo«toD, Haoa., Ju. T, iDdefiolt*.NoabrUI* Stad*Bti-Joa*ahoTO, Ark.. Jan. 0, ParweooM10 Poplar BloBo. Ho. U Dealar 14. Maldoa 11, Wtnae,Ark.. II Foraal Olty tl.

Fyka Ueora—Baoitl*, Woah., Ju. T. lodrOoll*.Paaa* Blalara' Coaeart-YorktowB, lod., Ju 1 10, Bod.boy II, 11

"lHaeas* Boaal*"-BalUmora, Hd., Jan. T-11 Pblladal-phia Fa , 14-19.

"PrlBC* Pro T«m"—MootraaL Can., Jaa T-ll Flotta-harp, N Y. 11 BnrllDRion, VL, IS Itouud It, NorthAdoma, MaoA. IT, Pliuoold 11 Worutur 10,

"Hob Boi"-N. T. CllyJaa IT. ladaOolfo.* Robla Bood" Opaim-WilhaibarTa, Po . Jaa 0, 10, Baiua II, AUonlowB u Philadelphia 14-19.

RoBla'a Bud-Fataraon. N. J.. Jan. 10.

Baabmohe'a, Tboa Q.-Dacaior. III. Ju 9, BlooninRton10. Peoria II. Tona Hanla. Inc., 14 KruaTlllo l^Io-dlanapollo It, IT. FortWa\aa 11 LaTayaua 11

Tararr Opola-Baa Fraaclico. Cai., Jaa. 7-11Th* MalTloa-Bana, 0,Jaal Olmaiaad Fa<latO,Var-million II

Wllaoo'a. Frucla—WuhlBgtoD, D. 0, Ju 7-11 BalU-mora, Md , I4-1<A

"Wur'-apnoHBald. 0 , Jan. 9, Daylon 10"Waatward Bo*-— Boaion. Maaa , Jan. 7 lodaflolta.

VAniBTY.AoaUo*a Olgulouo—Worc4alar, Maaa, Jon. 11-19(Vililaa*, LotllaSaa Fraoclaco,CAl , Ju. 7-19City Brorir—Beaarb K.J. Jao 7-11Olty Clob-Chicapn, III, Ju 7.|lMllwaoha«,Wla., U-llCroola^ Jaok'a-RochfBler, V. Y., Ju. 7-12, Ularolaod.U. Il-I).

DoTf ro'a. Raa-Boltlmore. Md., Ju. 7-12, Pblladelphlo,Fa, 14-11

Kor r Blrda-ReadloR, Po.. Jaa. IC-UKay Voaror—Proridone*. R I , Ju. T-llFrooch Folly-TlBoloeall. O , Ju. e-llFllaalmmoaa*. Bob—Nllwaukto, Wla, Ju. 7-11Plelda*. John F—Plitaburp, Po . Jao. 11-10nr*laor*« Lyrir-m Theorre—Chlcoao III.. Ju T-llHoward Atliorcam-Brooklya N. Y, Ju 7-11 N. Y.City ll-ll

Ulll*a not. NorolUoa-Norrolk, Ta, Jaa. 11 RIclimond10.

Hvdo'aCcmodlaor—Rrooklyo, N Y.Jan. 14 19Irwin Brra.*-BalUmora. Hd. Ju. J-11 IToahinBton,D C . 14.10.

iBirraotlooal YaddarlPoa-BoITaIo, N, V„ Jaa- 7-111'biladolpbla.Pa.. 11-10.

Lll^ riay-Pblladalpbla, Po, Jao. T-ll A:bMy, N. Y..

Loadoa Be'lro. Ridoll'r-I.oiilaTllie, Ky. T-llLoBdoa Ulioty airla-Uarlon, N. Y. Jaa T-U N. Y. Clly


Laillaa- Clnb-Now Lendoo. OL. Jon. 1, Marlilaa 10, NowBl liain 11 12 Pall R.rar. Maaa, 17-11

Law Bakar'a Idoola-Ueahaall, HI, Jan. 0 McOinblll.ramp Peiot II, 11 I'olmira, Mo, 14, llanalb.l It.

Poiatta 18.

Horfo RURor-Lrna. HaaB,Jao. 0, Now Brluln, CI.,10 11 FaKraen, N J.. 14-10

Moa IliwarJ-Chlcoco. HI. Jan U-WMa!ileann,tal] Olrla-uloTolaod,«i.,Ju. 10.11, Claeln.ntti 14-11

Maboea. Paler—Bellalr* O . Jan. 0, Wbeallag, W, Ya,III- 2 UdI,ib*owb, Fo. 14. MrKeoaport IS, JonnatoanIB, a Iteooa 17, Lowlalon 18 lla riaborv 19.

a»w Te-k fliara-N Y.CMy Jan. 7-11Mahl <>w a -Albaay. N. Y., Jaa 7-11 LynB, Maaa., ll-ll'.* (I d Hi.uth -Lyoo, Maaa . Jan 1BaBla-r-'aottay—wublogtoaD. 0., JOB. 7-11 Newark, N.J., it 10

Hore tllll-Worceaier Maaa , Ju. 7-11 Prerldaoco, R. I.,

11-9RlroA nirfeo*a nentedlaBa-DalrolL Mich, Jao 7-3,Onod HipMa 11.19

Ra.-ali Nio-'.-Phlladelrhla, Fa., Jao. 7-11. Bolllnrre.>ld.. li-lp.

Reora^A ralnifr'B—Tiooioeatl, 0., Jon 7-17.R-l.i. ft trend B-Chlrafo. 111, Jw s-ll UclrolL Midi .

II- 0.^ihrriiian A Mnrlaey'f-Tror. X. Y., Jan. 7-11Sonfer'B, Eoseno—Kt. Paul, UlBn., Jaa 0, MlBOcapoUa


9i f.ooa'-Pcrau'no, Pa , Job 1 BlaRhonloo lO-U-eoiilh Bofer* Iho \rar"-RcraBloa Pa. Joa 1 WUkaa-barra l-VIl Fall Blror, Maaa, 14-M, Naw HaraaCL,

Tiana-beaaoicL llorkloa*—lodlanoioba. TnS.. Ju, 7-17,Bt Louiv Mu. 11.11

Willlama', Hany, OwB-Iodluapolia, led.. Jan. T-llIt llllama', Horrk. Holooia—oteralaod, 0 , Ju. 7-11Wabar A Flalda'—PilubarR, Fa , Ju. T-ll Claolaaa'.i,O.. 11-11

Waldtaau'i Prad-Chleaga IP., Ju. 7-11"Whlu Crook"—Toroafo^Ou. Jaa T-ll N. Y. Olty 14-10.

Wru DaraBd-WattpoiLOt. Ju. II. 11 Fort Cnaalor,N T.. II Mamarenaek IB, ML TanoB it, Toakaia 17, 11PIORBIeg 10

WilliamB', c. W.-Ortnd Baplda, Mich, Jaa T-U, BelTo.lo* N l^l9a

Walaon Blatart'-BoitOB, Haaa., Ju. T-ll

ninSTRBLH.Calhua'a—Dowaoa Oo. Ju. 0, Fort Oalo** RnulbbbitlU Amarlma 14. OrtOn IT, BawmuU La Qiui* il

t^laraltad'a—RBrllBRtoo, la, Job. 11.

Cematock*a-Phllad*lpbla ra,Ju 14-11I>o«lBtad*r'a-PcrutoB, Po, Jan. II, Wllhaabarra It.

FleM'a, AI. n -Oil niy. Pa. Jan. 0,TltBarlll* in, »a»lTill* II, TooBRtiawa,0 . D, Wbaillof, W, Va, U Fa.k*rabanr Uk Cblllleniha 0 , 11

Oootfio-lihan PtiltrR. J.. Ja& MOi B*d Ruk n.P*rth Ambdy U.

II UOBn'a-Ohaaur, rbany n,t

a.^., Jan. PtWIaaabaroK Raw.

T^'nm'iWmVt-aLmtt, ID, Jaa. t-H FltlBban,FOflt-lB.

ANU ART 12. THE jSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 715TiwUBd*f-OlMB.N. T.. Ju. 9. AlfradOMlnla, Addl

u, TaiUu, W. tZw. wlnyq IT.

CUICCSKS.r(ftrk*i. V. 0.—Oaatoa, T^K-Jfto. ILRvmitAn A8ou*—MAallUiP. I.. Ju.T-Pib II.

HftlllL Fnak—C^louo, la, Jv». 7. io4«Aatu.lA FMTi'n-DMTim la, Ju. 7. lodtamiAN«lBDB*fc JohD—BofDta, R A t Jul 7. lodcAoireSputa', Jobo H.—OnuTlU*. & o. Ju 10, Saoma 11

HIBOBLLARBOUi.ntraiTd'a, Juliii-4priD^M. Mtn.. Ju. r-ILBwKb*T'iQUMb)ow*n-8«U*rUiai, It.. Ju 7*)lBwtlMklOBMW't BqolDM-FnDkilD, Pa , Jut. 0, TltofTlllt


BaMviD'a. Mr aotf Mrs —Boffa*o, V V . Jao 7-lt.

Briflol, D . Eitalaaa-Nonraik. ffl.. Jh, U. It.

CotU'i a*«eiD-Mobll«,ll«,Ju.7, ladtBotU^Oala'f. H. J—Marloo, lad.. Ju. 10.

Drmola', Prof—Ttiarkuat Tai., Ju. 9-10. Nev Orlaua. L».l0-a.

Bdoa-Wood—n« mtU throiKti finoth An»riea.Fana A If«iilarMB'ft-)rorfo1k. Va.. Ju 7-n.lI»««DbM«'i-Iod(iiupolli, lad., Ju. 7-IS. LoulfrlUe.

Uarmaon't—I>«DT«r, CoL, Ju. 7-11, Halt Uk« Cllv, U.,10 10.

Hoco A 8a?dar'#-^ackiOBTll)«, Pla, Ju. 7-U, 8LAanutlat 1«-10.

Hablo'a MaM«--H»w OrlMoa. L%., Ju. 7-Ptb. 17.H«mlli«n'i|, That. R—Aftbiud, Ont, JaD.O-ll, Raddlur,OftL.I7.U BadBlQiriO.ao

JoB«i\J. AnnatlD—r>7nclibnra, 8. 0.. Ju. 0. 10, Uftytr-Tmall.ll.Samtfrli-10

LmII«*« Prof.-P(DekDe>vine. III. Ju. 13-10.

Norria Broi.* Eiialoa*—BouAka. Va.. Jta 9. 10. LVDoh-ban 11. U. Da» Tllta II II, niohmoDd 10. to.

FowaU—NwhTina.T»D , Ju. 14-10

BbWDU ACuo*N-Dabpqa^ Ta.. Ju 7-I&.Hum A Brolib'^m n»t£ ihroacb ADitrmlift.etMl'i. Otear B.-Fitrhb«rir, l(wa.,Ju. 0, Naatioa,H.n . 10. CooMM II. Maacbeitar 10.

fl«ha(dl«T'iRdao Uutee-Oobanua, la., Ju 7-lZ.Htawan'a-Urbua, O., Jto. 9 llT«ft«lll'ft-Brookatoa. Tex., Ju IS.

W«IU*«Wmd«rU'id-OalDMTlU*, FU., Jaa. 7-U OaUIMO.


OalTMlon.—A( Um Trcmont UperA Bodm,Janei J Gorbatt elocad a ttaraa nltbti' Mgagemaat to apaakad houaa Dao. SI, Id vpita of tba cold vaatbar. Rob•rtfiovalaf pna«a>ad "DaTid Ounek" ud'TbaOltdl-aior'*to larta aodtaoeaa A n< **Friaadii*'di«w gofKl

atlanduoa 0, SO. **l1)a Paaalag Mutar," at adTueadprioaa. bHl atartaaadlaooaJan. 1

OuBP Oriu noi'aa—lu. II. It, "Ladr Wlod«r.mara'a Fu;" IS, tl. "Tli* Darbr Mascot;" U, Bbu; U,]9,Ratfl.aoodwla: sL Riobaid ]lu*fiaM.HBiAwooD'allAKOTTUiATna.—TbiihoaMhaathuvcil

,Bbu; U,

hwdi, Mr. Plieivood bavloR aotd oat to Mn Nnra HanllD, of raablo.noU vhoopoaad lbabnaM,0, vltbaDiweompinr. QMflitlBg of Oarmli aod Ltvtt. Chu GaiMAlTlD. Cbu BartmaD, RaiiorO, Gar Plokman, RcriMFar.Ciaia Daria, FnaklaWbltcomb. Laa XcCDlloaah.Nallta DonaldioD, alarm Wtjbnr, Put) LaaiAot, MIodi«8jlTaat#r, Aq<int CliiTord, Anola L*a and Mbit AnderMD. CbiR Voltht will bate chariio of iba nreliaaira, a«atpraiaot Darlai Uuafar SbtrvoodH uri^CD )«an*coDaaetloawiihtbTabooaa ha baa had ooihiDs bat tbanoat \ lad aod coarlaoai traalmaat lor patroa ud am-ptoya. Mr. RiarvKdwupraaaDtadbyUiaoampuyaadMDploFaiot tbaihaatrowlibaaUvaraarTiea oi tw«atj<ooa piaaaa lD>ppr««l%tloo ol ih«lr hifh aataam inrbim u an •mplofor and a nan. Ha will laava fortbaOltyol Maxloo In alavdayi wharj bawlll ramalafor a fa* moalbi la aaaieh ofbaaltb.N0TB8—Cnrltiuaa ol|ht Jamaa J. Corbalt a d hli

eeoipur had a Cbrlatnia^ t'aa la tba parlor of the BaacbHotal.or whiob Mr. Corbau and aich mambar oi thieonpuj ticaiftd aprataat Mr ud Mn. RobertDown ID jr vera praau tad wiih a watar lat. Karrop,tba slant, hu baen oo eililbliloa at Market and Tiriniy-•aoond Street to fair bntlaau for the patt week.

Dallai—it tbe OpemHonio "rto DlAckOrook*'came D<M.,.*tl-JaD. 1 and Datlaee, (o itood bu^ineaL

Paairoa Uali,!. 0 RATe tbni mtaiaoiory pari nnuc«».'*Tha FfoelDR Muter** eomee 0. 0. "Hbe" laCUP Braaar.—Manafer Jao MliU rfpsru bafJnen

(air, witb tba IoUowiok oeonle: Btrney Fiyno. ClareMoon'aLarfr flp^lD*er^Marto«aod Uolire* Ciera t>aw.

noca. White ud WllUatnc LUIIu Orer. Billy Mli«e,

8»n Antonio—.U tbe QrBnd Opera lloaieMarie WuawrUht uil"Tha Fenclog Maatar" proTtcl»xcatlantdnwlna cardH lut va«k. Commg: Ju 6, C,

"Ladr WIpdermere'a Pu."PfeOPLB's TaiATAi oonUoaas aacoefirat wlUi ibe

tame Mook.Wabbirotoh TauTa^ —Same eompaor ra bnobcdBblu DsiosTURATRi nialua ibaiivoa ol Uit week.


MInneapolla.—At tbe Oraod Opera IIoomCarita Tamer came ia "TbeCruUnI Po^ety" Ju. r.tt,

p. Beadov followa 10 II, 13,Halleo ud Hut tbeflrat

lia'f or week tl »ad Emily Bueker wri Onlab tbat week.

"ThePaulDRBaov" vaaaairooaaiirao'lon Nav Yeu>aweak. baglnotOB Oae 31. and had big baaioei*.BiJOir Oraiu Bocaa—'The Bpan ol Life" Ju.O for

''ue «aek, Corlone will follev ix O u H*a««>, In "YonYoniNi,*' h^d crowded bonle^ aa u oaaal whu be ii

Itara. Dee Bi-'u. sMinopoLifA.<( Omu llurfli.—"Zlqgair" wai ginn

to rMrbualnaM Dm 31 aad week. Tola play la reputedto bare been wrtttfn by aaaotlemea oamad WaJtiavholiToaat Rt. Lnula Fari,Ml«n. OU line aalora migbttllKOTartn' Zingalr" a remarkable raaambUDcatoibaold play "Floaer ol tbe Foraett" wbieb Hme. CeleatAudLonllie Weeiem played In tbe oM day. Btlli u may beaald for Mr. Wailla tbat be oiabaa no great elaln toonalnaltty inpraparlog "Zlagair.''TsRATiiK COMiQOi.—For 7 and week; ReynoUa ud

Hack, Fdoa Mootrello, Ed. and Lluia FlaMa. UeriyBlake, Stella Bt Olalr. J. H. Price. UUte Foater, HayKoaatt, Billy Potter ud tbe regolar etoek oompuy.BoeloaaaivulrKoRLA HiDOLiToye Paliob MOfiCM —4'ommenclDg

7: Coflo Hall—Tbe eoogr*a« ot alinu ud mldiala,aaonw wbem will baPearly,nnbertud wile, HeJ Atftm,

Laah May aod Col Winner. On iha taiaa-Maggia L*eOlut, Haaih ud Cadd. Maltu ud llorrla, Nippon J *p-aoeaa Troape, R, P. Oroltua. Oation aialera, U. BUMMnrdud Ed. LawRDca. Tbe aiuodinoe la oo<i.NOTU.—Mloneapolta Ledge. No li. B. 1*. 0. B . bad an

ImpiDDpto wclal altar tba regular neeHaa 3. TheyImitad, and mere antertuaed Dy.f^harleiJ Rnaarwliowaa inUlatad by 41 at (be lequeat of ladluapolla Lodge).One Pliley. Seynonr Ilea, Una Ilaeie, end memt>ere or**rbe Faaalog Ibew ' aod "Yon Voaaon*' Cwnpuiac.

tti. P««l^At tbe HetropolltAD open Dousebn*laa»a wai bl« week or Deo. 80. wlih*Cb*r)ay'a Aont '*

Baadow eoDua Jan. 8. 7. R. 9, t?una Turner. In "llie ''raator 8oelatT."iO. II, li. *'oar Plat" II aod weak. MaaagerL<tulBN 8o«tc went to Chicago Ifluxo.—'Tbaeptnnf Llie^'had blgbnilntaa week rr

Daa. 30 Oorloaa, In "D^ndrlck Uadwn," cornea Jan. &lor tba week, (olloaed by "A Raliroad Tloket" 13 andweek.BODKOA.-New people week of 0: Wcat and Fowler,

and Lllllu Tcmer. Holding orer: John K. Carroll,MUa. Raya, George aardae r ud Ubarlea Erotat Baal-neat ooni loaea good.OLTJiPia—Bailoeea waa ruber llsbt week efSI, witb

Ouo'a Im^rlal Japueaa Tniopa, Lliiie Sberman, War-ren and Cnwrord, LlUte Irvio, Joba Haorha aod PellaHtaart,MinerTaD,iiormaDaad Fleld^ Bihal and LllllaOordoo. Week oi7: Wulilngton Dron , the Diamonda,Rafaiapavta, Mile- L*oo. Mack ud Monaue. and Mar*garat W. R Orainp<on A Co iMeaine preprletora aodmuugaraol tbe Olympic bof inning tba 0r4i«rtbi year,with .fob

' ' '

Dalath.—it the Lyoeom Oarrle Tamer caniefor three olgbia ud matlnre Ju. 1. BneleeNwuoot«bat ltaboaUb«Tet>eaDafwrtbaopaalngDl|hL "VnnTonaon** eooMa 7, ' The Coaniy Fair * lO

Tbhplb OPaaa Hop^i.—"A Samraar Bllnird 'oemal.t Baiiaaaa wai good tbe Brat nl|ht aodlatron ilieaaeood RickeU'i Troatwfoanwaa tiiaatineilon Dee30 wliM Ibe andleooe waaliibL Bookioga: Tbirley'aAO t*'Ju.&J. B Orlamar li "Hawing tba Wind" siMnhlbiar and Trantr»t'er gave ibe aeceod pymphonyeoaeert at the Temple Deo. 90. Tba aadlenee waa llmitarlaa tba people here will not go to aiheaireon flnnday.PauoATniuTRS.—Could Bfligetihe make up oi itte

eompuy for laai week, aa. tbare were no bouH bllU.Bdaineei (a light.


Hot 8pHB|ca.«At tbo Open lluoae "Cleo*

patrs," u praaented by Lillian Lawla. drew a goodiltad aodience Dee.su "Sbi,'' Hew Year'a oiabL drewa light booaa, owing, no donbt, to tbe aevare weaibtrtr«T*iling Booked* "Tbe Black Crook" Ju.X "ThePaotMair 7, Rohu HulaU^ "Tba Fencing Muter" 14.

"AlabMia" Is, **Tba Derby Maaeot" 17.

LIttit Roek^At lUe Ctpltal Tbeatre *'Bb6*'eame Dee SI to cur boBtneaa. Ulliu Lewla, la "Cieo-palim." caoe Hew Teave Dnp. anaraooo and algbt, teofvUowlBg taooMB. FuUoe Ball. Jaa. 8, bad big bul-eaa. "Tbe Black Crook."!, drew good boeloaaB. *^PkM Kail," *. had lalrbulaeaei Dae: R. B. Mantel 7,


••Alabama" 11, IS. ei-Oov. BobTayMtrlactor^aU, Wnli-•ovOpeTaCo. U,8olBmltii Rueaali M. -rtie Derby Muao("l8 AitM Capital Hotel Block Raona le due 0lor two waakA


OrsBd Rspldt^Ai Fowor*! Opera ltoiL<«e

"Oar Flax," Deo. SI. Jan. I. drew large boneei 'TbaUolooel,'* 4,0. played te ligbt ItoaioaM. Coming: TimMarpby 10. Tony Pamll ULJO. ReUnd Re«1 tlOBLUD OPiBA Hotrsi.—Week of Dee. si. -ThttT*ia9

S**? ?K "'IPty'L'te?!! houaa* Conloa:Week of Ju. 7, 0. W. wIliiaBta'Oevadlana: weak of ll.Blee A Baitoa'a OocoedluaBamiOma dona.—Week or 7: C. f. Oaletti'BHeakeya, runlOaaitat, tbe amltha, Carrar and Blaafe.Hig|iMkra8.,NAUBiS^aBddMMBek.


KO liCRKTTBANflicnOH IN TBI UirSBMBKTLIRBhis eicitcdmort fenolDe inierrtt UiAn the detl be-

tween tbe BolTAlo BUI Wild West BbOWADil J. A.Biilej, And 00 IIIAD7 confllctloff venlou or tbe lu*

lent) porpoeeond boslneos nlitluooAo tbej naJljexist between Col. Oodj, Kate Stlaburj and Hr.Bellcy bATO been olrcolAted. and u til ara so forfrom the n%\ lids Id tbe CAte, iteefms like a Tilng.ble bit ot novo to |1to a tno •olailon or the inuio-

aollOD. Id tbo dnt plsce do partnenblprelAtlooshave been ronned, And by tbe tejaor tbclrcompActnoihlDg tbAt oin be coDstrued loto t pArtaenlirp inmentloaed, bat it may lie aiatrd, oo aatboHtT, uttA poralr boslQrM •rrADnemeiil has been oiade.wbereby tbe ezpertenco, eoeygj and abUltr of allthese gentlemen are nnlted Id the common oauoeormaklDg tbe BaOAlo Bill Show the only and mostlni-poriani ornnlatilon of the kind Id exlAtcnce. andto attalo Ibis end the happj alliance waa broDghtabont. When It waa deemed expedient to toarthe coontrj wlib their great oiitat. Messrs. Codyand SslsbDry oatDratly sooght tbo moat plausibleand pzprneoced wat In which to do oo, andnegotlited with Ifr. Bailey to foroUb the eqolp-mentaod orgaDiy.-d force to pracHcallj hsDdle ihegreat enterpnae and make tbe dally moTemeoto anabaolQie opnalotr. After roatnro delll»enilon aplan was derloed whereby Mesara. Codr and S«Ib-bnrr might reuln all ngbia. name, fame and dlg-DltF or the Wild West and Conmu ot lltDsblUders of the World, nod preaent their ramona ex<btblUonnDder their pertoDAl dlreottoo. and at iheHLiM Unie aTAll tbemselTcs of tbe well known man*AgerlAl AbllUr and generalship of Mr. Bailey, whobrlop to them a complete ontdt in tDe war of ralt>

way oars, cADvas, wagms, stock and all the easen*tlau neceasary to transport, erects remoTe and con*doot Ibe ontalda affairs of tbe magnlflceat enter*talnment, whIob will be preAonted on an ennrmotisscal^ and an entirely new method as to seatlog andgenetAl amngement ot the cAnraii, which is do*signed In tbe (orm ot a boll'^w sqnare, with anopen centre, totaUy nnllke a circus tent; and, as araAtler or faot, thero will be nolblog In tbewhole ezblblUoB at all anggestlTe ot the cir-

cus performaoco, It being tbe wise polloyot all concerned to make the wild U'cst pe-collar to Itself. It baa been loiloafed that tbeForepaagb Sbow, of which Mr. Bailey la tbesole owner, woold cut a prominent dgnre Id thewiidWcsteihlb'.UoD. Tnts Mr. IiaIIbt emphAtloallrdei)l08,aDd PATa that ihn nflme of rorepaugtawlUDot bo roeDilooed In any way, and that BoRkio Bill,

wlib his coogrers ot riders, Is qolte enongb tosaUoty the meet exactlog poUir. aod nothingcould tM sdded thereto tbat wonld Id Aoy wayIncrwe the drawing poweia. It will lakeabont tony donble lengib railway cars to movetbe orgiiDiSAtioD. which will ombrare over onetbonsMid men and horses. Under tbe terms otIM4 compact W. F. Cody Is to head the WildWest oxDiblUoo, wbilo "Nate" Balsbary con*templates a novel and gigantic exhibit at AmbrosePark, aod Mr. Bjtiey will contlnoe ihe "greatestshow 00 cartb,'* Just tlie same aa It noihlng badhappened, his Inieicst In iho Wild West beinglimited to a pcrceoiage ct the receipts, In con-sideration ot toe great p'^nt and aervloes which befiUccs at disposal, togetoer with a toll and eitlclent

urce ot tt'lvertlsers and goDOral promoiera. MajorJohn Borke will took afUr ihe affnira ot bothshows.KOrSB KHOU W.C. Ol.ABg'SCRISOlNTSBOWa—We

ate Id Texas aoddolog agcod bn tineas. Mr. Olark'aAre band vag.'D has an l7Pd, aod the baod do DotiiATe to wAiklD the deep Teias sand. Wllils Clash(Otark) tell from hli trapeze, but siutalnod noSfiloui Injnry \\ e abo ven Oto dajs In oppoalttoDto ilie 11 Uiey Patully .Slow, but the mauigors floaliy

Agreed that W. U Ulatk shoald show maiioees andAira Uailey at nlgh:H. We l>olb bad Chnsirau In

the sane iowd. Mr. Clurk hss dow tblrtj'llve

head ot s'ock with ihc bhow, teo wagoDs and threebacks. Kd. Conk Id cut hla hand while )QOg'<lDgkDlves. Ceo. Jeonipr has Irarned to do a jusgllrgact, nuking three with tae show. Jerry walker,bead ImlanclDg lor, l-* a sncoeps. Willie Clash baahis barrel act down flne. Quo Qlelser has ererT>tbiDg tuoDlog smiotbe. He it an able maoager intil line. W. R. MctAW Joined Jan. 1, to work laconcert, and aasinfiiDg o:own. AllleuUrkbAsaDltIhe adrance to p'ny la baod, and J. Freeman taxesbta plare. The cnilre show waa given a day lay off

In SnrcTeport, U., to vialt the Rfogllog Sbow. Weare hafioK cold weather. All tbe boys an well.

Prot. Sobtlhammer has reoeUed a lotor newmnslo.The band at present consists ot Prof. Bchelhammer,David Dodge, Oven Taylor, Allle Clark, Krltz Myers,Walter Wilson and T. Coosey.From TBI Wistsb QUAiirgsa or rns FoagrAuon

Traoilon Fair Oompwny —Krerytblng la movmgalong nicely and overyiwdy la Uie bnlldlogs la

hnatllDg,aDd It lookaaa It the big thing was soonto move. Carpenters, blaotsmUhs, painters andaail maken are all workluR wltn a tRd. The lAih

ot March Is not tar away. Tbe Sonth wl l bare this

showflrtt this seaaoo, and by Jane Uwlll be InNew Kogiand. Tbo following pertormeis havesigned: CiapL A, U. Bogardos and Soon, nines andCou*by (Ibe two American Jane). lUrrr loioan (con-tortlonUi), tbe ForepuiBh Famhy, PleJ -4 and bis

trained bears and Fnt, Bardou's Montreal FreoobBand of fourteen piocea.MlNAOBR UOWARD, Of UiS Dorord .V ItoWAfd

New Big Wagon Bhow, will boy moro horsod. Thoshow will bATO Abont twcnty olght head of bones,two wagons aqd four horses ahead. This will beone ot toe besteqalpprd waaon shows on tbe road.

James Uacllear will nave charge ot tbe bU top.

wltb twelve men. The roster, up todsle: Beltordk Howard, sole owners; the Belfords, George andBen, In their flying re am act; Mra. MoUle BeKord,Mrs. Dora UorlachCTHad children, Fred and Maud;Prince Klonra, tbe smallest male midget In Atnerloa;

Fred Bowell, the Ciut«ra, Oenrge and Matui, tbeI«agardo family, Chas. Oypsy Kennoth aod MasterCoarles. We will carry a baod ot ten mouth piecesand a new band wagun, makiagouoot the strongestshown on tho road.UiBSY IL OvBBTON, manager of advertising oar

No. 1, oc the Leon w. Wasbbnm tfhows, has neenre-enpged tor doxi acasou, ue reports tbat the

show will opoi early lo April, and will be enlargedto nearly tfooblo its former alze. Ten new cageswere recently added. The outdt la now In tho handsot the painters and decorators, and will receive atboroii|ta overhauling.

J. 0. MoNm- has algoed with iho W. L. MainBig Shows to tDmlsh toe pidc ahow b^Dd tor thenext season, wiih tbo foUowiDg musicians: J. 0.MoNnit, W. a Brown. J. W. Pleasant^ P. D. Powell,Jaa. 8. NortoD. W. T. Roix, U. U. Bmiih and Chas.E Enlx.


Clrcui.—Mr. DiVia IS gcitlug oot stnie newadrer*tlsiogaobemcs. Too Daod lor next aeason will beheiiertbanevir and we will have antroDgerahowthauwe had tant rear. We will have balloon an*

ceoslon and panchnie drop dally. Oar manageriblnkitiiatUcoeieaa mucb to board andcar yapoor stock as a gno'i one. Having this point Inview we will add the dlrTrrencc lo wlary aod carryODiy g'>odperple.FnoM w. 0. CoDr'fl Beow.—We opened at tbe

CnnTeatro Payret, llavaoa, Uaba,co big boalDesa.Uur roaicr iDCludej Prof. Buckley, Oatwilo Bonllo,the MartlDeP.imlly,itc.Tu.sY llAMiLTOH II gculDg ready to glTO n Wloter

cIrcDs at hh iiuiirtere, lo Ucwiniun, III. Bla li<>rne

In doing well anu bo han Imn practicing new ridlogactf. uls wife, NHlio llimiiioD, is lioprovlog bersc'-consideniNj.Jab FirzoBRALii, eqoPlbrlst, jaggler, and gcoeral

perfonutrr, and Janitrs King, aloglog aod lalklogclown aod comedian, have signed with QciiuiarBros.* OirctM and Mrnagerle, raakUg Iholr foartheeaf on wiih mat ah«*w.Wh. F. Kahi., of Kail and La Ubll, apont

Ohrlitmas wlib hia lurmi-r partner lo Madiiun,wis. Mr. Karl bad not rislied Madison tbla blrtbplace) In founeoD years.Ws ACKMOwi^iooB t&o rscclptof a aouveolr ot tbe

W. M. Mams Nickel Plate Biowa, which clOB»dseason In Jacksonvnie, Pla., I>c^ 30, aod has goneInto Winter qoaneram ibatiiry.

Frb3 Di Van has rec'^vrrrd irom the accident tobis knee while witb Hrra* Clrcun. Ang.and hu bean nppeartng with the Brothers Ue V*aat the Mtd-Wintcr rircup, MilwaukteWb Alls requested in state that Mrs. Llllte Mc-

CleoiMu, a notice uf whoa^ death appeared la oorlaetlpsoe, waa ibe wUe ol John R. McClaonen, whofor a nanibcr c>r yrara waa conoectM wlih theAdam Forepaogb and W. L. UAinV sbova, and whowitb bis hroiber opened a dime mnsenm, K^v. i,

1*171, ai 8T and 39 bsweir, tbln diy.USLSH Bhtun. female rider, witb bar Isaplng

mara, EsteUe, baa retaraed froD a aootlum tour.

PROP. AL. Aibbr and his trick borss "Massy'*are Uid op at Padncab, Ry^ on aooonnt of badwsatber.Unna ajusab, closed two weeks* SBgigenoat at

Hall*a UaslBe, Ubtcago, and Is stoppUg at oer I

Elaba, V. Y.

Bat;cB L Baldwin wittcs os as roUowa: "Maybs tbe most prosperons tbat the sbowaaa's

best mend, tbe old nllablo Ourpn,eTw bid. Istbe wish of tbe oodenlgnsd. 1 baTo been In thebusiness since tttcd, and. I uunk, I bare every copy oftbe paper sinoa that date. 1 know 1 have r«adevery one. Money of any desoratBadon or amonotconld Dover nuke me part witb my fllea. Tney areletters from home and friends ibat give airalghtevldeoceataliuoea.*'Tan WiKTSi UiRccrs Tmbatsb ODsiied Deo. S4,

in Pblladslpbla,toagoodalBedaaiilenoe, with thorslerMahsr Specialty Co. Andy llogbea h bust-Desi manager, Daniel llampbrles, treasnrer aodpress Ageot, and Many Merrloka, sdverilalngagent.

II. A. Mann, the general agent tor Chas. Lee'sLondon Shows, has moved from Imlay City. Mich.,to Wellington, 0., and Is bard at work organlxlugbis bill brigade and getting oat hli newspaperwork for 1803, which be Intends will not be outdoneby any teotedexhlbiuoo In tbe Qeid.W. n. WaiTLAiK ANii V. F. KiUiHSKi bAVo Joined

handsandbareslgned.fortenilDg season ut 1r<j.'i

wlUi Walsh Brotbera* Shows.Uartbt U Watkihs has severed his connccUou

with tho Bamom X BaUey Showa.

RoarsH OP TUB Loxpo.'* Bdb.^ Muais aho NovilttRibiblUoo: Morrla DeCiHroaodJ. II. Oruibim. (•ro-

prietera; 11. lieCatro. maoager; J. H. Oraaihan, tr*aa>urer; W. H Rboeaakar, agent; J. B- Uruiham, o^mediu aad alnglag down ; Ctiarlaa Weit, acrobat and con-ior*loalit;CoDgoJo^ dreklagaod glanfduenr; l^ne'eItflog marionetiea; Bla. UeCaauo. naglelaa aod pointciblnat worker; Proi MonlB,PuBcn uoJodr; (UriotteDeCaetro. Ulrcutlu eaake obtrmer aod ber den nfinakea and crDcedilea; a cyelAmna of ranoua baitlea,Ibe llTlntbaliladr lUuilon. Oracag*aol anlmaU ami abud ofJnbllee elogarA led oy Pmr Cbai. T. Farria. Weate a <7«TD top. a rmnt or twelve bnraara, B)it drautnglent, ud travel br wagoaa, tearing Oeorgia and BonUintrolioaeiolaaiTely. Tbe ahowu nowou theti<ad, anddotog a good bn«tneaa. rref. Oaba glTei a balloon aa-eenilen telcenweeb.ROATBa OK WlUtO."*'! Bill TWilVTI PITH CKXT FUOW:

Nr ud Mra. Uovanl Ptat, Ed- Kline, clown; JameaD«nlela. & Jonec Fr^ Rwim May Helton. Alice RiapHns,Will OamAeli ud R. T. Wllaon, proprlater ud miiugar.We are wort lag tbe Bayon Ttaba, !« .and willotofe atNBwOrietoa.La, aboot Ju. 19. We have a loll braaabud. OATeMomi la leader. Tbia la oar twenty aeeoDdweek oatALVABD ABD BBBTaA DoBiAN, gymnaati^ OlO'CO a Kb

Sella Hro*.' Cirooa and lotaad Freoob'sSeouiloo, (or tbeWinter faaaon.Bstxronr akd Pomn bare Joined the Genero Bret.

Pathnadeia lor a toar oi Bloneioia ud ibe north»e»tELaiB JOHU If no longer noder ilie oianagameac «r

A L Bankln.Pain BAaiL*TT,wbnbubeeniP,writ«a ua ilut beia

recoveilog rapidly aod bopu to be hinaell in a weekor ao.Mrs nAHHVflBBiana,wbo baa been aaaoolaled wlib

lUmllo'i Witard Uil Co. lor HverAl yiara, la 111 inTorooio.Cu.MA BCBULTz, wboia kennel of (Ire it Dana >!.^g* hai

been a great ailraoilon la the menagerie deparimeat atUnbare Moieom iororer a rear. Un^w h»v ni irnr>rbiidogi trained lorhlm by Albert Htmlifr, wijuira, u««uwiib Haganbeoh'a trained utDalBebew lur wmAiloie.Noneol tbepnpplaa ate orer •!> monthe obi. and Mr.Babulta aipeeu to have them ready to eibibtt by Kebrri.ary. ibelr ei'tlbtiton will be imilar to that ot Hietrained atalilou wblob appeared in the Bamnni ahow.Mahaqbu Poa.viHt ol Uie (laieiy Mneeum ihli eliy,ATeabaouuetioth* aiiadiee ud iriaoda StM V«ar adve. .Ei-Aldennu Farley, B»nater Tlmothv 1> Rullivao, ' Hon." John McU-maio. Baglebnnli and Blaooban),Geo. Eqglabardt ud wile, W. B. lUrlud ud wile, ' Or-Bona, 'Site LUo, the l.yncliea.Wn Wblte. Wm Kohoeud Ibe Gaiety Bteck Co Tbe New Year waa ntliered Inwith iteat wlabei for Uaoager Poioer atul Ibe aucceaa oltba Gaiety.NOTSS PROS THB Walkbb Bh»tbbbs—We IntfDd

tborily to put one nt the largeM pavilion "l/.T t!.'*

alioweon iha road. We will carry ulBft rouod topwiiba 30t'. middle piece. We win carry tweoty people, aband ud orcbeatra.aa well » hor«ea,donae}B,poaleBaodirainaddosa ud goaia We will make Ine atreetparade a leatore. WewiiluurOBi«Tlo,Cu.MiwiLUMiocB ilBOwa.-ao»ter or the Cherokee

IndiaoHedlolneCo : Dr Jarob I. Uorria, lormerly Dr.Spoiled Wgir, Mie t'ropnetor ud mnnagar; Mra. J» ouleNorria, treaaorwr; Ira Uel't, muilcal director; PruhDelia, buJ'lM; Haoh Irrlo, Ihe original blackface come-diu : Billy BlACk. king of aoogiiera ; Indlua Big Baaleud Btohen Bruoh- We are now Id Pine Blaff, Arlr..doing a wjndenal traiilnu; rarrr a loll ordieatra a(twelTe pleoee ud mr own Roman ^barloL wiib aladtamoad ibaped Frucb plaie mirrors on each a de. Theoompaay are well ud nappy Moiaalrom Fruk H.Uabla'a Hntee: We an now loarlng tbe Bontfa, andnotwlthataodlag the low prioa ol ootton we ^re Uniog

un... 1 Cor'"' " -—nicely. Whw we Itare Coaiatua «o will take ainpt&rouxh uooib Texaa, ud will be Ibe AratnuaauDi toentnre loto ibe Interior ef Maaleo. Below la onr com-Jlete roaier: Pruh B. Bnbln. proprleter and nuaier;lilMe Be'ra, aerpeoi qoten ud mind reader; HIg. AI-

leoo flrekioguaglaaadue*r; Almoaad Aha.TorkMhdaaeera: Morry'a troape of doga goaia and nonherAalao trained birdA gUaa blowent, pouary worhera, Mrilcu fMtber workerB, ein.,wiiii a large eleeirlo riuo.KTorylMKly Ii wall Notea mm Cameroo'B FalaeeMneenn: We openid Dfo 31. to good baaieeaa.Tbia la one ol Ifae bow aboeaon tbe road, wllh everything flt'td op lo tbe roatliett Banner, in laca and geldiriramioga u>r tbe itaeeA and alao plnab hugiaga.Boater: Mile. Yalta, anahe enebuireai. wlib the per-fomlngaerput<: 8ig ana Mile. GA>a)aora, tbe Wf>ader-fal laitooed people; tbe Heilcu hoiie tbroeen HarryCaaalaora, (loailoe wire: Piincaa Aona, ibei^onetleatmidget; Madame Boneliea. Proi. A. 0. Olarb. Paocb andJadfi maglQi manona'tea aod paiaoa ol iilaalon, bb-nistaa by Bile. Manioa in aeoond sight; PraL GeorgeReblaller, one mu band, ud Tloe hllahea, prvperlyman. We play tbe largut cttiee in tbe Raw ksgluddtetea RoaterofZanl ladlao Medioine Co. No. i:Prairie Ploner, ouBager: Or. t harha Herman, lacterer:Mn. LiBle U«man, L* IHila^ Dlok Barha. Kd.F.etfber, Proaeo Wolf. Leaplec Bear aod PrloeetaBright Eyei. Tbe oompuy bar* t»eeo doing n goodbaaineaa la Weatera New fork. A anrnrlae wee61 ran tba company on rbrlitUM nightby Dr. ( liarlaa

ermu; Priooeu Briabt B>ea wan pieaaoied by tbedoeter with a gold watch aad chtin; Frmlrle Fiowar,wlib a beaaiiful draaalOB eaae ud DUkaraaeuawiaaeb one in tan being prtautadwlth aireaentaaaoaken of aateen. Aa tbe doeior waa ab^ot io leavetbe eiage, Itae oompuy pr#aeoted bIm with • band*•oma oramcod plo. The dtoter had a much grealar aur-pnae for beeonpanf.ba being married at ioaro'o:<>ckooCtarlttioaB alieroMO, afrer Itae eaiertaloowBi. Theeompuy aerelnfitad te abniel to partake ofartpaat.

We aoknowledgeu lorlutioD w ihelioyalBa«i|aaCarnival, at tbe Colombia t lat> rooma, Hiivaukee.mJaa to Boateror XeBaca Indian Medioloe <;o.,

I: fir. G M. noaell. proprietLriProi. Ualbiter, piaoiai:Edwin WeateD, the BKcblea, Cora ud Dura: Obar eaLejnard, Ulay Vu Qaidy, 4'hier Red shio andCa'Diiy of Indiana Geo. T'ctlo waa •reaeoied wi'hahmdaoue gold watcb and chain by Mr P'aoeli andwaa ri-eogagfd Tor uotbrr >aar RggieBioa andllara»rapi»i<h Frencb'aBMaailoo aad report neeliagw|t|i anrceaa. Thay will t>e baea wlib the abiie lopawhan the bell rioia. JohoT. Power* la la bla twenuaibweak Willi Freoeb'a Heoaauuo. aad Id Bacce«rai lo lila

new apaolll'j, vnUlied -'Xnltem In rarvn" It waaPaal A. Baodooald aod oot I'hU. A SJicioneiii *bopttitd at Bradeoburili 'HuMnB, waohol htadl. iw.10 PhtladelPliia, Pa a. H. flteearr. lor rereral >rarataetiirer at llnbar'a New Vork llDSsom, l« eotaged byMealy A Rlaalow aa doctor and manager of the Ricaapt oIndisn Hfdiolne t-'o. now tonriag Haaa«r'.ha*eiuRoeterol the Kewua lo'^lu Medleloe Cn , No S: lir o M.I'lnaell.proprieter; J.M Kogara. maoager; Geo fickina.Ei<iieO. Bmeraoo.Oao. Baiiar. Fred I>«vaaD, MaMaXa.i:uoe aed Red bini. Titey ara now working at HayHfoob, IIL Frol De Graaa* lod wife |oia Jan 7tloe:eroi Ihe Libby OiaaaCo : 11 llamtntatahr, iirnL»rie

tor; MIU P. Rervf. adTaoee rap-e»aB'atife: H J liaak-ina aod Praok Cehu, glaaabioaera: D v Kero. glaaaeafravar; Joe Marpby. apiBoer ; Uiut Evaaa,Tlill* 1 1ammea rahrand JoUa nageraan giiaaweaTera.

h'olea irom WriRbt'a Bapld Belial udiheMr aodMra Andy Hpear'a Maaicnl Comedy Co.: BoaioaaacAotinuaa good, aod we are aelliBg loia ol medicine. AtRatnaboro, U. Aady Hpear, oar wnriby roasagar. waanude a K of P. lie la luatJIngthlnga along for hlal>lgabow, which goea oat la Uie Spring. Bia mure leoaihaui aeat«, laabing in all aeTonieao lengthi oi aeaii. eigiittiera hl|b, will be added, aod everftnlag will be breadIMW Irnio atom t'> aiere, aad palsted red R<>i>iar

of KteaatKM loJtu Hedlcloa Co . No IR. under ihe man*B^einent of Voyer A Lexington, now teu log ilaoaiia:

nr. Voyer,. 'red LaBiogioo, aan L. Bayliia, Joe WaU'>p,Ne Wno Go, Baale CMaf ud Bad Ana Dr. Voyer rr-

eelved a diainund atad Iron the moahara ol I lie com.l4oy r>r a Cbrlalmaa |ill Fred Leiiogtoa al>o re-eaived a gold baaded canF. Ne Wun Go PUale Juinad iia

Jan 1 Hoaar ol Ibe Mohaek Hedklae t'n . No Si,

ander ihe luaaanmeotoi Uydbnerbarlie: Nr. <lbai.Mooar, lictufer: D^ton fll*ta*^ 11. nrlgta, (lay lleeh-oey, lU'ry H««oa aod irbiaf Red Cteud. Or. Mooar waapr*aenud wlib a gold chain and charm. We atay laMiaaoari all winter Boaur ol tbe Oragoo lodiuMedleloe Co.. No. U: Joe Miller, propriafor aod man-icer: Ang->lo, contertlonUt; Miefaaro Plaee.aarlaiiii:Nellie MaVowh, ionbraUe; Marie llechlow, airlduoer aad birb kicker: Joe Milier, oomediu;Belie Allen. ergaDlai; trblel RaDIbs Rtir andPnncaae Honnae. We are iravelllog In UhioDr. Julei VemoB'a Medicine Co. report eic^lieot bmi-naaaaiBong tbe Peonayivuin kllla Tbay had aragularold faabi'^oed Bagllab Xmaa. Uie (oral g. ol P. Maetendering a raeeMlOB te ihe dtetnr and Ma party Wadid notrecelvedlamonlik tntiaeiulprvaonu galore, i^teeilveaeBaooeloaiogwiihaalmprompiodaoea. ReniaCtaaa isralabed d« wiih a hoga boi rr^m Wleeon»lnCMtemiBg a large lorker, cale. wina end cirara GeoU. CUae, triple bar pertirmer. Joined .V*w Year'a Day.

Boater 01 ib*Zanl Indian «edicine''o No. S own-log. Jaa, S, la Buffalo, N Y rtrthe Winter: Dr. R. Ilerr.lecoreraod nitaager; Mra. B llerr, ireaierer; K. 1'

CarL *uga maoager and ccfsediu: Dkh P|oe Iri«ij

comellan; Maaitr Willie Meriimer. aerlaliai and em-tnriioeiaa; Ed AilM noalcal directer; Mra May Carl*oobre.te: Delay Cail. <hlld »«ng aod duee, udArtbor Wyaaberg, acrobaMe clof dancer.

CLIPPER POST OFFICE.Amam nnun: pUlilr tMnatd, m.Mb*IMMM Ml Mth JMUr, Ul.Uh 0> t/tSSttOtwST VM p.noa .MiMNd tk..U b* flna, I. oiKr to

ynTMi ButakM.Non-rnrM.iouli tat oUMi* AmM bMr to bi*4

IkM .11 IMUnk .lo, to InulttatwMl lb.(MM (IMMud emit, wuux bt rr^alt, olk.ivS. Ihir in a.t ror>

AMI.., Main. P.Autj,

AMn, Milii.Ara.tnni, Hul.Attmt, H.IU.A.htnD, B.7AbnhMS. ADOl.TArnoll, LoaiMAioa\il,KdLlliAnO.noD, U.I.DAJ.m.. M.rAdamt. lioa

BlaaO, LM.kBatl.ll, Maial.

Rak.r, Ma. Rm.BIndUr. nonac.Britia, AiiAhMaVlwla, Ma;Ball, MarBa«h«lin,Oorall.niaiil,Ht..M.BUota.ll. JuiraBiiBd, Loal.. 0.

•II., IlaltiaRain. Mil..Baa.blll llaal.RarloD. RllaBaw.i, llalU.Hario., itara

Rail HIat.raH.lloaU KlaaaRtandhard. LaulaaBlab., AmyBamu.ha MjoaaBoaaa, MnaRIaeb. Llllla

Ball HarahRoTtl, H.rnatatBarhNalllaRartoa. Janal.HaM.ln. KalaBlaacbanl, Mar

LADIES' LIST.nahar, Mn. Ftaabraiion, Roalaroaur, Mn. II. W.ri.bar, ManFaaur. Nalllanaiajh't*, flonruhar, Oarrl.riaablla,MatlWL>ri.Ua, Nanianab, ManKimaoia BanbtPamDalon, RIB.Koirr, Tlallla

Parilf, (Inc.

Mark Aial.1J.luia,l[lul."MIMD. Haral.

Jailor. Marn.taio, Ploraae.Oraaloa, Raa(Inaa Aa.M(Irahan. ici.la

illllwpla,MaTT(lukhanLUarlaLtlra>aoii. ».al.

Ho.anl, Haaal.Il.lli. Iria

llov.a, Mailaallairia, .V.llla

llareourr, ManilaHill, Nalliaflo.all. Ilia

HaibfCb, mitrllowaid ei.l.raHai'.toD, Mab.1Haraiiia. LauraMili"0. Raaiiallatt, Mn Kil.

•lart,Rul>rllA.ar, Madaa^aiDillD.. Alia.

. . , ao'ar, L'lila'Caai|ib.lL M.ttiDiia FKiia

Kaaohop TrrlDR AJdIariarrl. laman.raail

Maia.ll, lata

Neiaon, Dnra &/Ippenbelmer.^ Ploveooen-Brien,AlleaJ.ilriando. AdaO'DelL Leonan'nrlea,Mr T C.D'Brtea. MiaeO.O'Nell. Nellie(Kleaby. Rdiib

i^heMer, Flerrla(lililiipl, Altoet^tll*ie,('AlberloeCharlea, Eliiy MOllftaUr* A.

iroiby Mm. V.. W.Cortlalia. MmeCbaDberlato Bille

flouriJaod. llraoeOlayUio, Kliiie

raniea, B>llaCfiie'DUj Jul>aolir.oB. I.llile

Cody, Llllte

tireato. R'andieReritu. Millie

Cltoe. N»llieCaraw, MaybeilrvtlllBP. J*itnle

Coai^ DoillaroOHay, MamieCailieie, Cora'•ba-Tii Je** "rar'lDgt'^n. EliaOlati. AilieGowHtr. KIlanrMP-aa llUan. LIIPmdClarice, La BelieCatIIoi, I abellr

\Ururiing. AnnieL^oalr. DnlaDeamonil, Aiinanervie. LlllluDetopae', LuuimnauBond. Minalanallaa, MluDTtare, JennieDailon GerllaDnyle, ReaaleDavla. Ma.tdDuUoo. BIBaDe WAir, MarieDarllBRtoa

HIMredDeolcigb. MaadDanell. Belle

DelkMo. BMa.Ditmood F'oomDe Lorme. Killle

EmraitU. LllHaukaria Alma

Kmary, GanriiieKaxletoD, KtbalRdwarriyl. tiabaRdwarda, NellieF.roet>t. BerlleRtidi, MarIWjBon. MayKilloit, PollyPdlano. HrR W. BFarle. Vlo1*tKoglehari, lltleeporrMie^^

1. PeailToboaloa, LIMIwv.>nhB«oa,JeaBiaJieoba, MIonIaKaalen, Mra. T.

Kotaia,Mra Nelaoo

Kinder. HayKiogalre, KdanKenwiok, Mra.vaaien RUleraKemp. AliceRooo. RalerMgte7,Raiilel^ryoe, UttyUlinnf. Jeanatie


l.e*lir, PaenlaLerelne,cie«eo.Lyona. Llllv(•avaml^ CarrieLarne, HraroLyona. Mme.I aro»a. May'.uTn le. fUlalleUh'I". RailBBlaT»ntler,

Bra B.TLewi*, lira reLippman. Rmmai^wirpre, Millarl4on. Mm DanLe'M. Janiue'iALaDCMii>r. lallllaD

LIvingaiun. MayU lli<ae. LtlllKLawienMRMeraI.Qlhrr.Gladial^ter MioolaItiona. FtU V.L^Ahlw. FlnraK.UnreL LIIIIa

Manning, CarrieUtitop, Mabel

Vurpliy, BludirA

Ualoolm. ReaaleMiiAtieli.OeiarlaVcNultyHlBiamWuniro*a, LoateeMarino, MavVeto. LeaxeWBDCer, RllaSnralla. MtraVoAvoy, Bniraa RVorrli, tllliwSarden. Addle L.Mjara. WarielUVareball MadeilaeVariB, BlBBBMelrem, Mra.Senear. BllaMarhbam PeultoaMillord.HaudMavot, Vluia KVflDonah), Red la

Prior, LlltiePaueraon, HlootePurcelle. AgoeaI'arkar. NelliePearl. Mra. U. 0,

Boae, MarlARob'e. Ulliu

Bevrea Mra. ALRollo, MayRiven^ KramaKiebnoad, liattla

Hfld. FlorenooRohblea, FruoeaRivera, LenaRiicble, Hr« 0Kai i)ionif,HlaaclieRliaa, JeaolaftubinfPB. RaihRitoner. RatlaHernoUa, LamaKe«Ml. JenoleHavey, DoraHarmnrd.CorlBnaRoland, KaiheiloeRedpaif), ntiieiRuthdeo. VieQlnart. Mabel^legel. RninaMtillman,Mre P.Himoada.i,nlU«W.Riaur, AnniertAblon. Alloai«yive«ier.Ann(eB.Hutton, LottyHeoti. rarrieHalllTan. Mamie*uiher>aod. HoaaBfulib. MaRunlfo'd. FloraNiout, Mra G L.Siener GuaielSL Fellv, Mayrtandereoo, Dibllrt^etbrm, Jalletrteoli, Htv T. a.

Fietcfaer, llatlle l^yrt'e, llrlea


•7rt*l|. RoveW Aabnrn.Rraeie"(iDliii, G-BceHiuhet. n-iranoe%enrer Nellie

leMe 'Tlllie

4<iiiih, Mra R.^nfrnd, Ifualaa

flor. RlrdieIiomp*fl0,

MiRBlaM.riininrron, irireTaylor MadgeTeinpln Lllllu B,Ter^r. ClaraTnrlMitt AnileVircant Rva

VtdJer, FannieVtvlao, HaI|«Tnobnr. KllanWniard Rmiu" Weilev. TedfyWard, MaGelWeoMin Annie C.Wan), JrrniBWilliam*. Mr« HWenlworlh, LnluWeaina, KalleWbe»ler. MediaWaihbore, L'TlieWiimn L«noraWaltaoe. Mra W, P.WePliio. BmmawlDier,Wra BaohfWaroer. MaudWarde. Mabelwinkle, MinnieWllaon. LilyWant. MabelWhaliay, HandWhltopr, EmmaWeaL Kmma^noee, MmaOaronl. HtellaH"Caiiiora. JnaleKorarrow, Mtlla


L«aweiawoiih»—At tts Crawford Orand OperaHoeae "^e Daailer' bad seed bnalBeaa Dee. ai. Con-lag: -laOttgntacfcr^ JaB.S,*'naalgaa'aBairS.

Actnn, FrBtih

Allleel, JoeAnna. Ri<-

Abl, Proiatnle. OwAoatin, II. ri.

Aueila, Pruk R.

Acl.ew.JaeAoriareoa, \ork BArdan, MailnwAnnatrong, W. 0.

Albion. Wm.Albfne. PrinceAmea JohnAoderaoo. J. MAlbeiti.-(Jnialer)A^by. OlarenoeAlleo DlokAlberts llarryAi era, Get»

Alleo, w. W.Adool, Prof.

AlhloaoB. KarlAcker, H A-

Blnm, PaulBarteo.Cbaa.

BaaeoA Robert*Hood. P. J.

BarreU, DuialRealty. T.HBa«liell, R. G.Rartioe, Chaa.Brady, J. II-

Berry, Geo.HrronA LangdoBBruno, Ciiria

H»ron.W 11.

Hraodon. LeooRearh. PanlRraloard. HillyRandall. FradBmwnBin*.Benram, Chu N.Halchalur. Wm.Baroaid. JaaBogert, B- 11-

HaaRe*»eo. )*arl

KaonOD. Jnho T.Hruwn i llarilaoDByron, W. U-Uralteo, Cbaa.HriaDt R. W.Bell. HarryReal, PrankHebu, Geo. E.Hrewiler BillyHanker, Fd.Raker. P. P.

Hrouta Dyb*Huka, Wfil J.

Botle, Frank F.

Rreaaao. Jobo BBvweia Billy

Realy. TboeniRk*tta TbeHlanheDfald. U. P.

Bontlare J M.Blo»lRel* (ageoljProfiles PomeyHilling*.Hnyd. ciia*Brunt A NinaBumherry. KByerr. G. P.hoid,C R.Hrlgga. Fbiid RBrace, K'iM.Hrowo. J 11

Peeler. PraokBelt, PeterRure^ai. Jrie II.

RlODdelL P-d

Rraver, IliiHardBereaford. FrukBurger a FalRIokalLW VRlaaebenl. 11 «.HactflK. D^oaMRoraley V«rninRoodnraol, J. T.Barha J KKriit"!, P'iif.

Hlotdell. fdRrciwo. JraaHreweiar, BillyBloodeli

rapL L. DBark*. Cbaa. A.RaTerfy. John H.Bauk'.GntiHowmeo. Pr»JHeoo, fd L.Boeb.W H.Barrett HroaHoffatn, BenBeanington, hi.

Ol^or^TfTaaCleoMBi, riay

relhf.tjhaa B.

Oltpfwr. H J.

oiiiiia, IMAO

Gradoc, Wfn<:ourler. F <l

Campbell V G.'*arrolL Pruknhoata. HarrrCfOBliy, O. M.rennera. NonnuCameron, FnnkCaaaidy. Johnnyrhirlaa Geo.r'arrBroanorllB, HowardCarr,tho« t.

Giayloo. FrukCarer. Law res oenonroy, John('aflrey, TomOhapmao, F. Kran<nbe]|. J. P.CuSeld A

HoUonnellniiTtfrd, l.eoItebnro, J. A.f'utlla M B.

nrandall* OtarkCarnl'.Lew 11.

niillOB,Joa DCuiarro Illak

Caoilnade, D.CooBianilo*.

llarryJatk. Chaa. II.

t'ulahaw A MnnM)Oathmu, FrankCngen a Hacon(laia'l HillyCuiuntlDBB U. Knrawfoid. RobtCbanil>eriud

DeRar. — (coni.)Duhhant benDraw, John B.Dull. II U.OI'ba,Jaa.Hemnote ToUraiton W. GDepaw, Tboa B.Deer, Jimnurand,GaDeDarrow II II.

Davla, W J.DonaMUaa, TbeEvan a, Geo

Edwarde. n, I-Rioenhantt. B. B.Krana. FredRmi.Pie.Rrs«aL IlarrrKMawortb, FugeneRraraiora, MarryFraaa, tbaK'dop, G. II.

>l'inBood,Tfimedwardr. II 0Fvana, rddie B-~^k UniB

Flaher, Frankflaber,ifa a B.Plvnii, A H R.Field*, JohnKergu'bo, TerryFonl Glial GProber, — (ui T. AF)

Puoihou*er,W. II,

Feb Ibng. Cbaa AFiBher, Garry BKiirreaier, Fruk

Fred Pemasdws, Men/Cunaldgliim J iPenDeaay, JbaOiirtnn, W 11. iFlyoB, J D.anbbell A Rvua Flabor, P I>,

rhariaa. PaulCoa*etlr, Krank'^ardona, Hlmianvineiira, Frednura.AurtGrowdia, w.flPooonr f ilmood')larha,TheGroaby. Dr. 0. M.'i|Uf*. J<*ei;*rro1l Bobbyi*nBniaghain W.CCalUhao, Joa.GammlBge II. O.unoD. HIg

Chainberlalo.H UCnrlli, W RCaaaey, JoeConner. II W.Ctrraine^H *

Lnolllerollliia. HonUa''orl-elt. f d.

(Mark, J. TKline. rh*a ||,


Dnray AIDe vaii'i*.n c

De t<onR. TunyDm Vtr*. Hillyd'Alma, HarryOleliieh It W.Ualey. Tttolaoo. A LHeavia. Itarxynnraod.C G.(Hmlng AribarOav*iii-'iri. Vie('•(iiC'i-r !||fri>ri|

t}tf\.\M,J W.DaytoD, fftininy

Oo Bo^B, KdwloOnrtio, Alfredi>ir>M>t<. W. ¥."avl*.Geo 0nuDiuot, FrukI>u>v. Allan BilavlB i: L.UivU. 11. n(fe<'a«iro. FrofMDel Fnego, —beCamo Oaa'feotoe, Pereyr»erlnua, llrn.

l/arilwL 0>.Oa Wpr. fhoItaaiela. Harryi»afta iromsrK.lieR^'lie. Dr.J.BDale. LewDean, M L1>* FTlllpbi, ieaDartiS ADaaaiogtoa. A. J.DaablDgteti. A. P.l>oi la Jobs A.Daa«aa,n B.DeoAi<^. JarDeaa,FrukL.

Find lay. KdrarrlaATrevaalonKey. Rinhia'lalds W. 11.

Faaa.1^ JFuramao, Leonard

Friadrloh. GoaFerr a WllerFarro'l, Pruh 9.'Ifno, J. V.''elli,-Flnn*r, J.Fill JimFuher, l'*rhinsPritinat, JuleaFrrter. FrankPoi>ba.GPlaliar, Frol RamFleidi^r. i\Froal y. II,

Krita, DelooForaL HamFeogler ( haa.'aiiat, A. JParrell. Tony"iiirMt Jaa.naigJr.flr P. 11.Vto»i,y 11

Frank'IP, HnrtPenlon. harryFord.Ulilit U.'t>M. Ed.

am A Bh«rldanItBnl. Ghaa.llbrhant, n. IL

GoUi»n Richard'Joritnn, lie PoreetUllagher. W. A.lenaro, Dave<lr«c»a. TwoGllltrit R'M,Graham. Pateif.^. Win(ilufk. John>r«r#> A HeroeitGn'b't-a John'lraa*d», Pnl.ilardiiar. W II.

tMinrur. T W.'Mlnnre'a Bud(1 iiholl. GuaGailatL Beitfhfdwlp.Ban f.Gibenn J Rniaooire. Rddla»aU*sher, Mali'•reeiie, L. L.Oaraer, A. II,

Qaietti,G If.

nii|*ii, w. BniHoore Q O.liraca, FdwardQl^ba, Cbaa.Go^dalL Ed.troea, VredUofBM, niebUueon, D 11.


OlUlagwalar.aB.—„-.i.., 1

aiihan.R A.aata, w. r.Qmabaain. JalafloitfoD. (Ho.(lalaa, i. A.llllaal. A

r.reaadaiailohTlit, 0,0.

flarham. R. R.aibbaaa, Y. M.Ooltaam Clir

Quarut(Iraata A RafQoMiUllloll, B,nnernaa A Adam.ui:i,a«>.S.Hani. T. J.

uitbtr, \r. II.

Illaa, (baa.Uawaid^daarilUlakar.Vr. w.llilioD, llairrllaolar.M Kllo:ilaa,U M.llaadir.T.B-llaaaaaa.1, HlleldM. Harryllayironl. Jaa.Ilania TaraUlaaa*

R.nilD|(«oIMlbf, Jobollaaloo, Kobartll.ai., W. II.

lla«lll,J II

lloadlBLJ II.

lluw.a rraaroaoHaadar.oo.ilMVllurtlg A BaanioBllaioa, llBbartllama, W. II


llarrlaoB, O. B.

una, r.laParrlion, Allardr, II. K

Maltb.wi^ OartrMoXar, U H.

McCanar,WIIIMaCor, r.UrMoaabao. UarnMatbla. rra<l W.MaUack, HaoQaltMurribr, JOB.Mofiulebwn, RamMaitaa, Jeho J.Maraala. -Moiarl, BilwanlMorrIMn, tt P.Morrar, L W.HBKia, ALMurray A AldaaMlol^.Jab.Monro., NrilMallallT, RarnayMprriaf.y. T I',

MoAollir..JMomlay, LitllaMoran, ll. T.Marrltl, JrltnMorlfio A RarallaMaob, Jaa J.Mnmaa, J, r.Moon, 0 \v.Ilacbl^ J. R.Muriihy. JnhoMiailb, hhaa.Mlloball. Wm.Moma. 1. f.Mllliio, HillyHualD, (Irld.Morrill 4 WalcbClvarllnaa..UaitMn i

llurlT, T. JI|I||(|B. A IiMll.Hlaa, rbaa.lloarLur. rraabllumawood, llairyHoward, Dr. L.lluntlBjiloa, HobIllaab, W. II,

Moaard.Wtii.Hall. Mullllarria. Hoblllalla, Th.HIBaa,n,T.Haalord. KdalBnoBI. IllohardllaaOrlah, A.Ilaallay, JDI.llaadaraoD, W. Ullaioall, LnuUubar. II.J.lianiBlood, L H.

Ilolinaa. KdoioBdllanla.lh>bHall, (>. W.MaB.lay,AHt«lUlllOB. Ed.Hart, 6 II.

Ilaacatk, I), r.

Ilabball, T.'l.

UaaUitoat, W. W.Houdlol Broa.Ilorrar, J. w,llartM,W. H.How. k cuablBallBb.r,J.llunHrloro,

HarryllaMaa, B. J.llarrlioD, HarryHoward. Arabia T.

Illobia llarrylludRhlna, BurtlalliBiahaail J.ll

lluol.l, Hr. U. U.

Uadl.y, frankUalla, llanayHal wood, Win.Hill, (Ian A.

raaa. II.

.niBi, HarryIrwlB,rt«l'ObBWBA

Cli.puiaaJarblB., Harry .

JuliBMB.Chaa, UJunaaAMeOorJaacar, Bara.yJaUarMB, J.

Joaaa OacarJbUnaofi Broa.JaabiB.,(i. r.

JoBM, llr B. U.JohoMD.HpadarJ.roiu., viator

K.llay, Turn t."'"Oj-KlraHy,AraoMKrauaboir. A.Kirka, I baaMaanady, Jaamelbl.t.8allay, J T,

.lly'h U.Klaul'aaJr., J.

Kaoa, r. J.

Xohlar, ABloDorl..l> H.Xlddar, <:baaBlBI, JobQ H,Kaaaa. Jala.Id,, In

Kaily A Woad.


Lladon, rarerUwl.,MuBila

LitUadBgar, MalarLMKoy, ff.

Uwll, A.l^agaoB, w. II

UaB.rd, JackLsVabl H a fradUwla, W !!.

uwraBCiW LLa auaoi., HaiTlLob. Hiar HarryLaTlao,()l.oUma.nao w,Lllabflald, (1

Lmard i Hark~ Ualla,



Lamy, KrabkLa Vao, llarrrLawraBU, K.I,.Lawraaca, Lodlo.UHuMi,liaDLmo, rraool.Lybdt, JackLa Nor. t. u.Llak Blllr

Laaur AwllllBiii.Laa, ViatorLoraloa, HarryUo. Kraak W.L. Vu BroalAwrane., A, (J.

Lodia. Baa1oh1,W. ALa Olada, LuulaLainliard, fj LL.oo.ril A PulloBLaBoril, ArlburlAOI, ti. HLaBraadLJ ULorraloa. 1*. I).

Laca, M. KLaPaarllllrciiaUBiaadl. Jaa.laniiaaia,

I,.royla,n.iinaU)Labariau, Uao.Laaa.U W.Lailla, IIM. W.LoaaoB. KailarLe ra.ia, II. w.Ue, Ubaa.I.aMrd, AlbarlLamoaU HarlUal,il KMeCulluni.

BarUaiHeATora, PirkMarJorlaA HaiiiB.Miloball, lloiacaMaaebMUr HobLMM.-abe, Jair

Marlon A faarlHcdragur. UonaUMurray, llao. w.Malaal. I^aa,Maruaatd, L,MeWaiK KobLMaraaoaala, Thoi.May bowl, (I. L.Monlauua. K. U.M.lrlir.,llae.U.MeLaao, AlMaiooiiu, wr. J,MarliB, J. H.MoKobieA KranaM.ncio, W.Mclaiyra, W,Millar. L. I*.

M.rlln, .\l.

Moril., li.rryM.BiIni, J N,Harliiu, f.mMiiir, WaltarMunlniar, yrailHon.ll. A. UHuu, llarrrMonoB. J. K.M.rklllb, KiaarlMillar, U. O.Millalia, AlbertMalliin, PaulMarriuin, Ufo.Maya, uhaa L.Muoie, A. W.MamibA MurKaaMaUua, Rd.Marlln, HowardMillar, Loul.MaanlBg. Mm,Haicay. JaaHaiwell, HairyMcl,.au«llallMcllalr,J. K.Mc<lroiiir, II. A.MoHumaii, rniibMcUooalil, bdJi.Mukl.. J. II.

MuiliBay, T,

"awlinuaa, JohnNeary, J...

.voidheiiii, rraJNero, -.fulw A .McHhanaNoma, Prill U. I.

.StirwoMi llioa.

.Suon.o, M.J,Nala., JnaXurlun, H.riaXirh.riun, K. K.NKhob, A.NaJWJii, Will.

NIeliolauli, U.Slcliiili,(l W..Valaon, H.in t>,

Nubler, HllliiaNuun, t rankNapier, KreU<~>'llaia,JobaU.


Udell, l.oDlaO'Brien, bdward(irlmr, (fouatU'Huuibe,T. r,

(i'Briea AJ.oalD||.

OklabODiabillUU., u. w(HieD,HaekU'Nail, Jaa.

Uriaodu A Loraltau'Brl.ii, Hill

Udell, KldlaFMrl, Billy

PaiiaiiiM. W,Puvl.r. Win.'rie., Tbeodor.'ow.ra. JnbB T.uwer. W. II.

'esrMB, A. V.ProoHr, HumPIb.. L L.PrIcA Maobriek.a.,jMal.1'ura.H, KubarlP.rtran, ulnranalPrlBM.ii. II.

Plpai, r. K.Powell, Bearrinea, Kd.

BK%- "•

HAiilllua, fUrbHegAD, DuRayiiiand, NeoitKegBoMa. G. J.tteeiea. 11. U.HIce. Geu.Ileeir, A II.

Howe, WniHaoBoaa, J. W.Hearea A PalmarHagu, Cliaa.

Bollo, HoUrtHiBlog.W HHenn A Fordfnberlf on, Frankloaeo W. A.Heh, Johti LHilelileAHUchleHi>bb, J. W.Heno, Geo 1'.

HIcatdu, Muna.Hooheell. J. G.Mo'iiano TIkm.lunaMu, Kd.Itiidnay iT'if,

Kuklo, ThtiaRugeri, W. A.Huwe, II P..

Hider, A-l*.ttuffe>ll, II G.HuMoll A I'aitonUiia»ell. Ilarr/rlelaii, JohnIlHler. Frr ll

Hlc)iiTdR,iiuailugitr, K ().

<(at,u. riiiiipHi>y, K L.

Keynuhlr, J'.. K,KuKell. Ulllyllyae,H. J.

iyu, DuiifKaetea A raltnarRblMiia JiiliD V.K«>ni<iiiJ. W.O.HlobaiUMin. W, H.

f1lee,Gfn. THanJili.J. W.fOBB. Hud(leiao, I liaa

ililDiffU Chaa.Kiadal.J, A.Hand, PhilipJnlilein, K. A^Htianlnii, H. K.^ohBBfttr Geo. W.<4irBrai(,Fr<d D.lUfClr.T V,laie, J.H.•41 ABbin. Wiirord/.ipi\w. Ifaiik

RmlihABlaaebardBaUlvu. W.Stromt>arg. J. A.Hully. John J.

Rwinerton, R. A,tU Vao, Cbaa.rtiuart,

Rpeneor. WlllanlRation. iraTTyRhine, H. P.

HiretlDaer.G. W.Kymoni|a,J 11.

MohanfleM. L. M.Rlrelluger. Gee.fliewart. John H.Knyder, JrthQ II.

Cmltb, J. W.Hi Julian,—Kmlih, \T. D.i«ooOeld, Fddle!*iillr, DanHiulin, MattHnillh, AilhorG,Htairart. W. B-Hllnaon A HertonHextoD, Bma.Huuthall. IlenrrMiotaa. JohnBiRnltha, TheHioolatr, BmeacHakombe. F.ritarr. L. H.Mchumachtr F.Kiniih AUeyerHa d Inn. FrankHlinauD, Al.HiiKQnon, Harry"—

-uori. G. B.

, WalterHweei, Ai.Heanian A BurkeKellera, HenryHoKloa BroAHiuifin, - (or

HAL* KoBf >

rtallnger, lleiberiSlune. Hen W,(llur|ll^(l. J.Hreneer, Alei,itwilt. Hillyritockuale, J. R.Mandnw, huganaMloouui, Prank

iltnriier, It,

Kiiine, II. A.Hcoii, Milioniilatlman, G. A.Huliivu,W. L.tUii telle, HIg.Hidiiar, Fred W,Haeet, Ai. U.:'uliihe,(luatichelhle Alltarlrtobler, B. F.Hulllvao, G H.

Heamoo. HmilhHulltvan. B. H.KL Liirena, A.itariiia, —"challer, RevomsHaiiiuBiB, K,G.liokitey, Hobt.piiay«r, W. F.TurnKr, JohnTliuuiaa A WelchriMo, HTrmcvy, Riigenn-

- « G,TrauiiiiBn.


Tiinniaa, W. H.Tuiirr, HarryTreBliaiii, H. D.Tanner A JennaliTliommin A HunellTrelogaii, H. W.riintiiBi<ri. HarryTrolt, Robt.Tliunit>Bou, W. C.rracay. DareTaala, Ilenrrrempeat, MarkriDgay, G. I',

Tiiarer, Geii G.riHiiii|iaou, llarrrriioniaoii, Vr»l a,fhaloher. Hurtraylur,G.T.raoutr, Al.rhtit, UiulaTaylor, J.rtHjiiipaon, Jaa.rmndpcnn, Al.Tauaey, llitrey

rwiicitoii.r, C.Talbiill, ll i;.

^uilarnuod, U.F.

Vaught, a a.« VaoiliilP,*theVniiiikua a Piitii

VanOecher Aritiiinr

Verona, WalterVtpce, TomVliiii, JnaVau, BiliyVenahle. OhaAWa*i,Jaa T.

Wiiaun, i;hap.Wnlrtiar. KdeaMWllllama, J.8.Waahliuio I. W.Warn A ClevelandWIHwr, W. G.Willlima.II, B.Wllaon, J, G.Wallace, CnellWeraia,J. GvVhliv, Dr. II. W.Wade, LeighWaiieo, rretlWeioh.LewJ.Wlilpi lo. MaUuWiiber. H. B.HragftihalB, I,. A.WeilitiHlnri, 11, A,WHIaiU A HallWllllama,J. U.Willie Kaala BillWlilpi*le llrua.

Ablfple.r. II.Weal, I. JHilMaiua, TradWIlBvii.Gen. W.Weal, Jan.Wbelu, M. K.Weal. JuhoT.WireltA, BillyWuHnnl, ArnoldWbIv>ii. W. Jl.

WL»lhall.A. H,Wooi), GrantWarner, II. H.Wliiiiatt, Gen.Waibsr, EugeneWani A llfdwoWbIuo. Hart K.WomMiBil, —WIrlln, NatWilbur A it

Wllliaiii*,Mal'wlinWllllanB,K.lf.Webaier.T. A

MainsWarren. K. A.Watie. Win.WeMUra,Tlio* eeley. V KWiiiH, FrenkM.#kcb, kiiianeWarren. K. JWelftli.JohnM.Willlauia. F. H.AlillfplerTwioaWeow.n. J. G.Wlillama A

iJarletenWilder, Hr. II. W,Welah Tony

WhlHiiuA Davll

WeaL Jaa. G.Wheeler Hroa.Wllinrr, HnliieyWoBlun HaltWll It*. Win.WralMrnal'l. HillyWiiliaii)*on,FraiiKwiiiiaina. MarlWarO, KiigeoaWarner A.H.Ward, llarryyeilar, G. P-

YAiing, HillyVnung. l1 11.

Yaavvr, GarryZmrnt. —

Znrelle, Geo.


Ilarrlaburg,—AtlhoOpini Hoiiss a alight ID'

oreaaelo buBlneu le noimed. Kellar did well Ju- 4.

Tale efinrerl. I. draw al>lg hoiiBe. Ri/okinK'-' '"The NewBo»"r, ••Tli« RtowBWJtv*' li. "|inel«Torn'ar*biu" II.

Ritas Mtiaii -Week ol 7: Newt'<n Boaiii in "i:'K rna

for KeoL" UiaHheareii', Mile. i.'arMline, t'ul. Ion avl Ma-deli, and rtiarllp H^f ai<t

Norrae—W. M. Nt*«a ha< aerared )ii« Mnnrclion wilh"The Utewawar" i*<'inr>ftny, ea agent, ab'l bBa JumaalCyril .forman'a "Men Wi>f>nii(a<:<turiiry.'* Ma i* buo^

eeaded hy A. L liwi KUi:ira, hiiuwo aa the bamanare light, wilijnm Kellar be^taeaaon.


Mnroln.*At itio I<aiJNiogiricHAadow>Tr»cadcro

VaodeviHa<;o caoia with the new year uitfootlboBlneae.

Bol Hniib Bnieall packed the huaae In 'Tlie Heir at

LaW'Ju.l. "Tbef.'barliyRair'dida good boainaBai.Booked: Kernnannr, "Yon Tonaon'' ll, "Tbe Cnuatr/utnaa" 14. IS. WardeUd Jamea 17, "A Bugage Cheer'IS J L. Soilirail 19Ftrgva^htPGnc'ioodlaeaad Mandolin Clubeane I'*

targe bOBlneee Tbe Hitod Boone Coniwri Go hid a lightlouae. Joba J. ingall waa booked lor Jen. S lo leelure

31 "Problenia nl Uar Kewnd Canloiv," but railed to arreowlogtollloaaa Roberta A Mariln'e'*rhro' the War''

r.SiObarJea piehaeo, la "A Jolly Good Fellow," eoneiIt, HUtOB MoblM 14.

716 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaby 12.

-Nol«iMidfMlnofUi>S«nt«T PirtoaOo.; Wean slftTliif » nptnoa Urongb CMUoral* to g«o4

I bsilOMi, lIlTlDf Kood Mlufi«Unn. )lr. Ftiton

wu rtoeDuV praMnttd wlUi • golil K. of P. oliwin

I hi tua Danben or tb« eompur. Roller: Bonier— pijiOD, Loot P»jtoD. lol* pMUm, Vln» fuvm,

-Note. fiOD lb. I'tlg. 00.: WMIo Id fl»i°V^"f'u'^XSi' AI™rtUnTl5.' e"Lrnobborg, V*., Hlu Ttlge oelebikted ber bink- 1 '^1^ uord Fiuhtr, Jolin AcCuroii, Jobn IMiil-

'a, ii. mcbolion, fiirUn Ilobbi, F. J. Morlbg,lUj, ud WM prcMnled wtlh « mirqolM dUmond

rlog, b/ tb* nuoftgement, hw motber ud the

nemben o( ibe oooiieDT' Tbe prenenliUno wunude dnrlog Uie perroraunce, bj U, Odt Wood-

WHd. After the performtoM % Ignob wu gtrtn, „.,„.,

UM oonmiif bT Uln Ptlie Huuer Hoilu. wbo I book of OK*r Berrati. Tbe open will be pre-

UoilDeM In I .ipiieowiienor the Orud Opera llooie In Jick

no. L. McnoiioD, matud jiouoi, r. j. suijub,

RdkI UoxoI, p. It. YODDI, W. V. Kmenoo udDebj Ltndo. .

- Alme Leebtamttau been enraed bjMenuerSunden, of tbe ahefieibDrT Tlieatre, Uiadoo,

Eng., to write tbe mulo for a oomlo opera lo the

- Tbe Boln Opeia Honee, at Ma^lwo,opened Jan. 4 bj tbe Robeite-Hanin Oo., b Tuet," I

toaweUllUedboaie. ^—Hewa. Becker h OlOelen bare aeiitned tbe

management of Ibe Opera Honu at Bbelbj.O. Tbebooie opened older lie new management Jan. 4,

wlib ••ifaNiltj'i VWt," to repotted "8. t O."- In tbe aolt or Hark Prtoe agilut Marie Bar-

rongbt and t tiTili HrttT- tbe plalatlirwu awarded

tico. Tbe aouon wu broagbt for damagei tor abreaoboC coitraot. Hr. Price wa^ engaged by the

defendanti to plaj wlib Ibem for a aeafon begin-

iqoet ball prceealed a mai-nlflcent appearance with Ito bandredi of eleouicllghu and gnrgeona deooiatlona of erergreen androecf. A etrlog otvbuKa gare forth lott siralDcof Doelo daring ibe entire erenUig. All the ladleiand genUemen appeared in erenlng drtsa. Hr.Hiaeo, onr genial manager, received the followingbandBome preaenu from varlona menbera of bli

a diamond icart pin b; the rompanj.LTnohborgwupheooDientl,crnwde<) hnoMiererfnight being tbernle. We opened In Atlanta with amaUnee I>eo. 34, glren bj IIIm Paige to ibo newe-bo|i of Ibe cliT. Tbo bonio wan crowded, and the

lonngiten bad a great time. Tner Joined In the

eboroiu of the MDga, patted for the dancing, andIn fact "ran the ihow.'' " '

iOiTllle. III., bare leaied the bnlldlng to Tlndtle,

Brawn k Oo„ a looal didiIo linn, wbo uke poaeea-

Ini Jan. 27, tbe leaie of the prcmnt managementeiplrlDg Jan. a. _-Ohae. W. Ynnng and Ohaa. A. Haeon, come

dum. hare cloeed with <ln> Ulll'i World of NoTeltr

00. and Join Uerbert Ctwthom'i "A Oork Man"Uo. for the remainder of the eeaaon, Jan. 14, at Ohl-

I cago.— Halph Bell and wife (Fmma Bardnn) Joined

"The Kid" 00. Id si. Lonli, Mr. Bell Uklog Jobn

IQoeen'tmrtot Bam Baxter.

. ^ „ ..^— n. K Wright, loln clarloDeUet, of tbe BnbbI. «. —

IOomedj CO.. hM oloied with that organl»tlon, In

were mide. We go to tbe eiireme Bonth now for I order to begin a tboroigh conrae of ttndj on thai

two monibi, and tnen work North again. I Iniirament.— A note elgned Hri, Annie Morrli Infnrma oi I — Paige's Plajere, we are Informed, cloeed not.

that Haggle Home bul>ern traniferred to Bloom- 1 M, at Macomb, III., nts inddenlr. RIgbi of tbe

Ingdale AaTlnni for tbe Inatne, I aiage company Imoedlatelj organlted a compaoT— Lena Bmce la going to he atarred In a new I and opened at riymontli. III., on a gnarantee.

farce comed; now Being wrluen for her hy Ham since then tbe company, known u the LrceamUnlohlnn. of Peck, Hloh. The company npena I Theatre Co., renortdoing a good hnilneta onrut-

Jan. a,at Beardatown, III. Felix Aneied bu been | nun wuengaged to do the adrance work

Bnalnew In Atlanta wanonly fair, a cold ware coming op that kept people

Indoon. The week of Jan. T we play Oreentllle,

Mia, tbe homo of the yonng anthoreas. May Ward.MlH Paige la now playing three pleccn from her

Kg.uhrlalfflH preHniB were plentlfnl, ereir-

dy being remeraberod. Moat of them werealmple lokena of oaleem, bnt aome aDbaiaoUtl giru

reportdolni a good hnalneaa 0, _ ^-j celebrated with a large nnrabcr of prei-

eote to each member of tbe company, and NewYear'a night a One bahouei wu ipread for tbeAlonto natch denica thai he bu algned with

Park k oraco'a Ualiromla Upeim tio.

— Mr.andHrt. HoliL Wayne hare cloeed their


aon temporarily, bnt will reopen alioat April 1, for

the Sommer. I noDoiDe, uarrr u. nejouiua, boi. iviuh, ram nmg-— Wm. Mitchell, of Hltehelland Lorraine, la now I nwDd, Blllr Palgo, Kranoea Florida, Beaale Borrows

wlib "On the Bowery." | and Dolly m Vynne.-Willie Walle Is now In the stock company of J,

members at colchMter, III., where the oompanrwere playing a letnni date to reported large bnsi-

neas. The roster of the company Is: Ollnton A-

Hohblna, Darry u. Keynolds, Bert King, Peie Ray-

Romnoa MuoD'a Oitt Gun Oo^We are nowIn tbe lUlli week of onr Wcatera trip, and boslneas.BO tar, hai been flnt claas. In dlereUnd, Olncln-naU, BU Lonis and Indianapolis boslneu wu tbebest ever done by the Oily Olnb Oo. On the nliht„ of Jan. 1 Mr. Mlaoo tendered the members of bis

Fbom Out. Taoiiaa' Notiltt, 8naui.Tr tm company a hanqnet at the Boston Oyster Booh, InFarce Comedy Oo.—We arrlred In Bonon, Texas, Chicago. Jut at midnight an elaborate ten conneXmuercand pnt op onr Mg lo^ The weather

J'JSZ ^'JUJ^ihiZ^J Si?iS^f-M?5L'»? !f!"

wu bea..lf.l«.d all looked well for onr showing SJlSX.''fti'b5r,n"er&S°p"r^r,^^te» ._ xmuDight. DnrlngtheshowaheaTynonherbe- 1 " -i .. . .

~y u-a

^•"iS^OctobarT'Ab^tlbrmlddTe of KoVemKer I gan to blow, and many people left the tents. We,

he wu discharged, ne asked for 11,000 damage^ nowerer, llalshed the show. The wind blowing a|— It Is annonnced that James 0. uarrey and ,g lowered the top and goyed it to the

I.odwig Rnghtnderare writing an opera, entitled noond, bntltwunonse, torltwu blown to rib-

Cleopatra,'' for LlUlso RuMll. ^ , Eons, u wu alaa the side walla. All we eared wu— M. E. Hanley has written a new three act u,, ,msll tents. We started to play balla, open- 1 .^.l,.... m™u —


comedy, entitled "A VUlageOlown^" ing at Bematead 80. All Is weU aSdW show will »'M^f: JJI^S'lSK^^^-Bosterof the OalUgher Comedy Co.: Ttomu coitlnne rigbt along u nsnal. We hare ordered SlSK^^i?.'Kf«Vil!ly^'KL*L'"»^t

Bweeney. Ed. BnrronghB, Ohas. Baxter, LawiehM .-eclal paper for playing theatree, and Oapi. ;,'»»»f.'K" !f '""I,'^^Brooke, Ohas.0nffln, Kdward B^rown, Wnu L. OaI- hWmu eijs be will abandon canru shows onUro- J.™*! *«««^ '^^^^^^


togher, James Byron^ pianist; karion Flake, Pior- m ae fntore. Onr show is now u strong u o^ ^^r^'J'^£?,f?f.°„'Sl!i!iS^enoe (irUn and Blliabetb Whittoker. ima be desired, and Is gUIng general saUsfaciloo. « ??.'*?;,?!i'^\,Vhi!J2^5S ^-Notes and roater from the Meuopolltaa Oome- Bownii, tbe dancer, Joined the Lycenm Thtalro '

"""" *

dlans: We opened New Year'sEreat Uarrey, III., to ' - -

a fair and appreclslire aodlence. Manager Atwell

tendered the company a dinner on New Year's

Day. We are booked In Indiana, Illinois, Wiscon-

sin and Michigan. Roster: BenJ. U. Atwell. man-ager: Josle Engle, lima Mleddermeyer, MarlonWatson, Unra Wendell, Frank D. Smith, Bert

i ..- . . ,. ^ ,_oowdrey. Wm. H. Niemann John 0. Darls and *

JtoSJaTuACO'e PAHromm CoiiraMT.-Mlaco & '^iSSl't"^^Chas.B.KIng. Oowdrey and Niemann's Urlng plo- Herrlll, ptoprletora; N. Merrill, manager; Ohss. ^S'ih^f^^A^l^F^ 522*?Sn*'rH~.1L''toresareafeatnre.

^ ^.„, ,Forrester, ropreseniiwre; Btere Mlaco7tr»Borer: °«»<<*^^^

-Kirk Armstrong hu been 111 for sereral weeks joolIams,sfige manager; Fied Dlrks^ muter of «''„" S'y'S™^„'¥2*JS2 i^^^^ _,„put, and we are Informed that hU lecorery la iransponailon; Ed. smiui, leader oF orcbealia; S*",T,-if?i'

\tiai\Di Mexico, wlu

Tbeo.^Ullainileadorof bsod;Costello and Taylor, I »^'?J"^°''*!»i^v'^Jobn Taylor, Kelly and Borgeu, Bdward Merrlu,Lncken Brotbera, Oelry, Lanra Mlaoo and Little IdaMlaco.Rosnm OP Lotnei sr. Clair's MnsT Bua-

teaqners.—Tbe company opened for two weeks atSam T- Jack's Opera Boose, Chicago, Isabnrleagoe,entitled "Lost Pair of Dice." The people: Miles_ - - - -. ^

donblfol.— John B. Karron, of "Tim, the Tinker" Co., wu


preeented by bis wife with a baby girl Jin. 1.


B. Oliard's Mnsenm at K,rte, Pa.—The Patrol (Inartet hu reorganized, and now

ooDslsts of Aeiko F. Aelkens, llni tenor; Paol 0.

Radeoaker. second tenor; Prank D. Monroe, bari-

tone, and Oeo. M. Decker, buso, and open at

Smith's Open llouse Jsn. 7, with J. II. Moon's cir-

cuit to follow. Will soon be Kut again. Tbeqnartet Is mnoh stronger now with tbe new mem-bers, and arc making a big bit eTerywhcre.-''Onr Irish VIsllora" opened al Wut Usitle-

pool, Kngland,weekofI>ee.l7. ThomuE.Mamy,TOny Hninran and Knnk Dana made dlsUnot anc-

— Notu from Bra Tangoay Oo.

doing a fair boalnen throngh^

— Dare D. Wllllaraa bu Mnght John Lncu< In-

tenat In Umbert k Luou' Players. Tlie companynnmben twelte people. Oeo. Ulemena and graceWulem Joined on Jan. 1.

— Nellie Lee, sonbntte, wu married on Ohrlsl-

We ara still

. _ Central New York,and an abont lo b^n a tonr tbnngh the northernportion of tbe SUie. Uhrlatmu Day wu nMrrlly

cbserred In Morarla. Uerbert Bella rejoined ns

then, u leading man, after an aluence of twoweeks. A. M. drlswold, of Lncler'a Hinslnia,spent tbe holldsya with the company, rlslUng hia

motber, Jessie Orlfwold. Two new comedies sre

now onder study, and will bo a ralnable iddlUonto our repertory. Alice Uamllion and Oeo, DarlsonJoined, 7, In Norwich.— Harry Wriaht, a member of Bdward Oarrl

gan'a Co., and Lillian Flinn, formerly of the sameorganltallon, were married Dec, ao,

— In (be case of E. E. Rice against Oamllle D'Arvine, for Tlolallnnnf contract, the SnpremeJadlclslOourt of Hasaachuaetta hu aualAlned the mling of

llio lower oonit In <lluolTlng an Injunction secored

Detroit,—At the Lycenm the last three nigbts

of this week OeU* Fox win be wlUi as. The Ull-

pntlans follow for a brief engagement Ust weektbe ClaxtoD-Jaaanichek Oo. played to wntobedbusiness. Tbe company oloaea hen sndntnmedto New York.DrnoiT OriKA Boosi.—"A Trip to Ohlnatown"

this week, Klaw k Erlaoger'a "I4M'* next week.

Brooklyn, a non profenlonal.— Walter D. Botlo Is engaging a compiny for

Cenrge F. Rnuia' comedy, onlllled The TwoFairies-" The iniual performance will be gUen at

llaiumoia. on Febmary 4.

— Ada Cray and Ubwica F. TIngay have recelrcd

an offer for an extended tonr of IJie PaclOo ooul at

the cl^se of Miss amy's presODl season.— Wm. Rryant, Dare Foster, Fanny Lewie and

the BraDS Slaters Join Will's ''Two Old Cronies"Co., at Plilladclpbia, Jan. 14.

— Ada Van Rita hu lolt Oliver Byron's oomnany,and Joined "Olorlsna," si Dnbuque, la, on Unrlst-

ms*.— Owing to tbe senons lllneasnt Kdlth Kramer,

Manager Don Kromer wu compelled to close the

KromerTheatra Co. at Haplclen, Is., without a mo-ment's nolle*. 0. W. Courtney and wife, leadingman and woman with the company, spent the boll-

diyaathome.— Notes from Stetson's "U. T. O," Oo; Will J.

Banks, bulneu managor, writes: "Our bnsloeu Is

rood.notwltbsuandlng bard times and bad wuther.


day. In this city, to Henry 0. Blmmonij or I hyManagerRlce'aatlorneysreatminlngMme.D'Ar-'villefrom performing for any other mansgeraonithis sesson.— Leopold Jordan hu Jnal wriuen a bnmorou

book, onUUod "Trilliy He-Vereed."— Manager V. 0. wbltney Intenda to have a new

opera next aeaaoa lor Dorothy Uonon, In whichalie will make her Oral operatic appearance In tbis

oily.— Lillian Ilsrper hu closed with "The OonntrrBiinln"Uo.— Jsrau O'Neill Intends to revive "The Danlcheffs" next season.— Annie Laura OalUgher liu begun suit In this

city reran aiwolnle divorce rrom Bernard (lallagher,— Katie Harney Intends to start on a aurrlng

tonr shortly. Wn. Hiraey will lead Ibe orcheaiia.— Ward A Votes and their farce comedy com-

pany, which Inolndes Ohu. Jerome, Tony Wllllsms,Al. annt, Htrgtret Daly Volkea, illlbert Learockand other clever performen, oome to the BIJonTheatre, thia city, for one week commencing Mon-day, Jan. 14. Ttey will present tbeir aucceaafolplay "A Run on Ibe Bank,*' by Otiat. B. Blaney.— Oracle Rmneti closed her season In Cincinnati,

Jan. t. Herbert Hall winalow hu written her anew play, oalled'^heareatNorthvrest,"whlchMiBSEmmeit Intenda giving a Spring prodnctlon, openIng In March.— The one hnndredlh performance of tbo "New

York Brawer" at the Cermanla Tbeatra, thia citwill be celebrated Balniday, Jan. 12. The eonvenwhich Managor Adolf Phllipp will giro to everyvisitor will be a sterling ellver mirror.— At a speolsl jwrformance, Dec. 17, "Kathleen

MaTonmeen''WBaVa«nted bv the ParagonOomedyUo. at Preaoott, Aria. Erba Robeson, who Is per-

manently locsted In that city, played the role ofTerence O'Hore. Specialties wen Introduced byHlu Robeson and cthen between the acta.— Will K. Muoo, manager or La Petite Rosa,

wrilea: "Bnslnna In the far North Is good. La Pelite Rosa la receiving ovations nightly. After Jsn14 we mate one Dlgnt stands exunslvely, present-

ing 'U UIgale.' Dec. 97 wu tbe Hist anniversaryof the marriage ofU Petite Rosa and mysolf. Wewen toe teclplonts of many handaome presentsrrom tbe company. I mske a flying trip lo youroily Jan >, to procnn new paper.''— Albert Taylor bu oloaed with Robt. Downing,

toacceptapnalUon with Dlok I'. Solton, whow II

Not a losing week since the nompaov opened, Ang.~ ~

le parade It a marvel, three blocks of glitter

>ld, which Inolndes three golden ohsriols,

ten BheUand ponies, two bands (one white and one

The IgoldBheU

ooloted), six of the largest dogs ever seen, donkeys.We ara pUylng Pennsylvania and uamle

9lng the beat buslneu ol tbe season.— Treunrer 0. Irving Pitt, of Lothrop's Open

Uonas, Woraester, Haea, wl<l sever hIa connectionwlib that theatre In tbe near ruinre.— Rdwln F. Titus hu Joined W. lu llample'a

"Oold King" Oo, for tbo remainder of the seuon.— Jobn 0. Rablsch, tate comedian with Ur. and

Mrs. Robert Wayne's Co., hu signed with FeteBsker.— Notes flora Ferris' Comedians: At the close of

onr engagement In Taylorvllle, III., Deo. n, wewcra given a banquet upon the stage by ManaserW, U, Kanp, Stage Manager Bates and nis aaslst-

tms. It wss a rich tpresd, and wu tbonnghlyenjoyed. Speeches were made by Hr. Fenls andManager Ksinn, after which "touts" were In order.

Wean gnat lavoriies In 1>aylorvllle, and have al-

ways done a good buslneu then.— Notes and Hosier or Oeo. L. Oregory's Panto-

mlmeOo.: L. 0. Bhelby, ronnerlr business man-ager of the Novelty Theatre, Trenton, N. J " '

severed his oonneoUon with that house, and hu I star him u Jin Bowie, In "Texu. or the Siege ot

lolned this company In the aame oantcliy. Roster: I tbe Abtmo." Tbe rosier: Albert Taylor, Rns*ell A.

geo. L, Qragory, proprietor; Lou 0. Bhelby, boel- 1 Onhsm, Wm. J. Woods, Fred Warhorst, W. Al.

ntu manager; Uso. Kane, stage manager; Qns and I Wblte, Oarl Flemlnga, Utrry Booit, Oeo. La Rose,

Lonlae OIIODrd, Le Bnrdo, Ueo. Kane, Hirnret I sbortv Dold, Olaienoa Fry, Iltna Blocker, Joe Ilan

Ley, Kennody and Lawrence, Clan Pldelle, iMtle I Ion, Joe Bsrgeats, Frank Towntend, 0. B. Neel,

Vivian Uslder, Juggler, and Muter Nicky Kane. I Maude Buuod, Lnia Sutton, May Woods and May- . Managor Qragory will shortly I I.induy, with Dlok 1', Snuon, manager: Albert

Taylor, dnmailo director; Clarence Fry, leader oforehesua; Uans Blocker, loader or band; ShortyUold, suge muager, end Lon B. Willlanu, advancerepresentative. Tlie company travel In their ownspecial parlor oar.— The Max Freeman Oo. bu lieen organised,

with headqnartait In tbe Herald Sqnara Theatre,this city.

—The American Dmmatlete'Olub Is sbout to pre-

pare and print a oompleie list of all pisys andatage manaKor; buso ui^groyo, n. n .unuiuuo,^.

Ioperu on whlcb royaltlesannowuked. Aotliora,

0. Branchman, propertlca; Luolla Lindsay, Edith I ownera and mstugen of plays srr requested to forUndaay, Mn. Laurona Manafleld, Utile Freddie I ward to the aecrelary of the oinh, 47 Weet TwentManateld, and Haa Honlgomery, pUntat. Onr tour I eighth Street, tnls city, a list of the titles of tbe i

oooUnuos through Toxu and Into (tolondo. I plays, the name of the antbor and the name or the— The New Ilioh'rdson Theatre at Oswego, N. Y.,

|{resent owner. It Is tbe pnrpose of the American

Buslneu Is good. Htnsgor Qragory will shortly

add a band and orohuaira.— Notes and Roster Irani the Lindsay Iimmatlc

uo.: We sre doing a good buslneu through IndianTerritory and Texas. At Atoka, I. T., Kdlth Lind-

say wu presented with a chased ellver dsgger byher friends, and Juan Baldwin, advanoe agent or

the oompiny, received a gold "Browule." Theother mouben or the company received nonteronspresents. Hosier: John S. Lindsay, manager andproprietor; Jnan Baldwin, advunoe: W. II. Pnrdy,atago manager; Luke Uosgrove, w. w . BrandoD, J.

will oiMD JsD. 34, with "Robin Uood." Joseph A.Wallace will manage the huoae.— Rosier ot tbe Unnroy Jk Pox "Uol Tamalea"

Oo.: John U. Kox, John II. Uonroy, Uliailea F. Lor-

raine. U. K. Fairbanks, Bon Shields, T. F.WaUon,Hiss HL Qeorge IIubm;, Vera La Vellutie. Josle UFounialne, Klille Allen, Hay AlloD, Dot Marble anil I royalties an oollsoied.

Dramatists' Olnb to place this Hit, together withother matter oonctrnlng tbe Irgal owoeiablp of

Da In the ooico of every theatre, opera honaeandIn the United Slates. Itlshoped bitblsnieans

to check the piracy ol plkys by esubllsning a sUn-dard of reference tor all plays and operas on which

Oaasle Stevena— NoiM from Kemplon's Uomoly Co.: We played

Indlanola, III., Dec 'Jl sud 24, to big bnalnon, annreturned Jan. 1, a, when wo plavcd to "B. R. 0."— Ohaa. Brickwood writes: "Don, the large blood-

hound with Ilalalo Harkoe's 'U. T. 0.' Uu.. bad athrilling experience near Btroudabuis, Pa., Deo. 2t.

While reuudlug a aharp curve the intlngavesucbaviolent lurch that Hon wu burled through the

— Manager neorge D. Dnhb renneata ua to denytbe report that he Intenda pulling oat a larvacomedy entitled, "The Copper Lion." Hoaler of

the Bubb OoDcdr uo.: Oeorge H. Buhb, managerand solo ownrr:Jolin S. Hoallon, asslsliint mansger; Jos. B. Brady, general sgont; Leon Thomu,asalsUnt agent; Harry Bubb, irmaurer; Will D,

Oorbelt, 8le Oondlti, James F. Kelley, EdmondUrutaella, J. J. Owene. II. L. Webb. W. D. Smith

open diior ol the baggage car with auoh foroeu to I Ohaa. U. Criap. 0. W. Wlilltms, A. H. Grant, Ethel

break hit hameu and send hint all In a heap Into a | Fuller, l.lule Bmllb, Maggie Spraw, Mary IHicker,

rocky ravine many feet liolow. Wo all thought we Llllto Marrey,"— ' •

BDwniA, the dancer, Jolne

IOo. at Chicago, Jan. 7.

Maris Btxxs* (La PeUte Marie) bu given upI dancing for tbe present, and la now giving private

I recitations.Yoni ANsmaoN, stagemanager or"BlaveiT Days"

ICo., Is ssld to have left the company on account ol

I a severe cold.RoniB HiAoo'B PAXToviin CoiirAi<T.-Hlaco k

eirlkes the boon, bsir honre snd quarter bouraFrom memben of the company Mr. FuUon receiveda sterling sliver Iluk, broBh,comb, olMhea brash,

Bilr of satin snapenden and varlou toilet artldea.ra. Robt. Folton received from memben or the

company: Solid |old wa'oh, set with dismonda;aliver brosh and comb, gold dock, sterling sil-

ver pocketbook, box or nandkereblers, mackln-

and Walaon, Bealy and PnrceU, Once Woods, MsleSt, Clair. BUMS and Lonlse St. Clair, Ray FUbnm,Hons. deUer, Harry HarUn, Frank Sanger, Ed.

Beyoolds, and a chorus or len.

OHAS. i. NavrroN, lau oT Orenler's Lycenm The-

atre Co., It again about, after an lllneu of eight

.UK ~.w . . u,*- ,weeki, and Is stopping with J. K. Newton, In Hart-

Tbeflist three nights or lul week Rou Ootblan I (o'diO'- _ „ „drew fairly well. Tne Utter ball of tbe week Kim- 1 Nans raoii tbi Harii Bahoiii Co -I. J. Ma.

row 4 west's Ultstrela played to big bsalness. I p» I"" S«o hoalneas manager, replao-

WHiTHwr'8 Obaud OriBA Booa«.-Thls week 'ng O. H. Wal4ron,who has gone to.Hoxloo to

Rice k Bsrtcn'a Comedians, In "MoDoodle 4 I sssnmethe lunagemeniolSamT. Jack'sEttrava-

Poodle." last week "The Power or tbe Preu" I«»»«» Co. Business vrtth ns ls very good. The

tested the honse'sNext week,


set week "Tbe Power or tbe Preu" I (*hu 00. nnsiness vnin ns is very gooo. meJDSo's capacity at every performance. I

eompany now nnmben twenty-one people. WeTbe Dtsler.'' I K>r* tl»w pertormancea on New Year'a Day to big

,'8 EHFiRi TnsATSB.—Tblsweek,"The Ionslneaa Ohaa. Venable, who hu been aerloosly

111, Is again with the show.Jos CiixT AMD AixisWoon report success with

tbeIr new act at Prank Uall's Cuino, Ohlcago-THl FBIHOKn AMD JDLII FllA]lt8 STe PISylDg BO

engagement over the Barry Davis' Circuit.OALLAOHiaAiiD WiOT Played at W. A. Brady's

"Fop," al the Academy of Motto, ibis clly, Sundayevening. Jan. a.

MB3. LCD F. Shaw, wife or Loa F. Sbaw, bual-

«u manager or the Sam Devere Co., hu beenvisiting herhnsband In BalUmon and Washingtonduring the holidays-EVAMB AMD ViDocq Sre maklDg a dlttlnot sncceu

with Ssm Devera's Own Oompaoy.

OennoB id carlo ban. In ihutre: Sed and'E« I JlS*i{}P„^" S^V.™S?iC5S'rhi!S™5ir"bnSis?ii?'iSJ'"^ "Mirj'.:.n,Wrie'5r'e.kii:'°'''°"'""''

Ir^.n.r^tT'ic.demr of Music Olay Uff """""Clement,in'TbeNewOomlnlon,'>drewgoodhonaes i>a,»

Jan. 1. "A Cnay Lot" comes B, John OrllHth, In

TempbtUon ot Money." Ust week J. R Adams,in "X Oruy Lot," did act pan out u well u ex-pected. Next week, RIelly k Wood's Company.WONDIkLAIID TBIATII AND Hubii.—Ocrlo Hall:

The Lees, snapenilon act; Frits, sword swallower;Jennie Qolgley, midget, and Tex. Bender, cowboyviolinist. Theatn: Mile. Alclde Ospilalne, theNawns, Ma). Jm. D. Doyle and otben


Jaoksan_At BIbbsrd's "Ibe Oolonel," Jan. 1,

2 and New Year'a matinee, bad good bnslness-Prof. Morris' Dog Show, 4, 6, dnw large honaei.

At the Wonderland week of 7: Pnt. w. A.wiuis, Prer. Nlmrod'B Punch snd Jndr and Jerome

"Faust," 10 At Bordwell's Opera Bonte theOolden Oala Specialty 00. and the ngalar stock.

Kalnmaaoo.—At the Academy of Mule, I

"Wang," Dec. 17, came to "8. R. O." 'The OnttaPercha alrl" bad a Uahl boase 81. " fbe Olrl I Lett


Behind He," Jan. l,orewalargeaudlence. Booked:Branson's Opentio Uinstnls (home tslent) 8.


Roena op Rosx Stdsll's Londom Billis Bob-lesque 00.—W. E. Bradshaw, sole proprietor; W.T. Campbell, manager; W. B. Oelati, butineumanager; Joe Bbepp, siaie manager; Wm. Ulckey,musical director; R- i. Schleilnger, treunrer;John Sydell, mseler of transportation; Rose Sydell,Julia KeUy, Orace Celeaie, Nellie Fox, Julia En-

HORBiBOK AMD DcviMi dlisolved partneithlp InTroy, N. Y., Dec a.OnAciB AND RBTMOun pUyod a snecesstnl en-lementst Proctor's Theatre, Ibis city, Isst week.lABBT O'EBTA writes u roliowt trem Klngtlon,

Jamaica, under date or Deo. 22: "The New YorkPieunre Party, David Tnllel, manager; Dr. Hun-ter, trtuurer, which uUed mm New lork Nov.24,collapsed at Slngston, Jamaica, Deo. 17, talirles

being In arrears. I atones reorganised tbe D' BetaFen Makers, coulitlng ol Bam D'Esta, L. MaiD'Esta, Alfred D'Esta, Oeorge Horn. OeorglannaUom, Joe. Elpram, Chts. Moore and Frank smith,and wo are now playing ths larger towns to satis,

factory business. Mr. Trallel It playlig the Islandwith two performen and one canvu man and auesanrer. We expect 10 sail Jsn. 2 or 7 for NswYork."Tbb Boddihib (Harrt AMD BBBix) npoft meet-

IngwIlbaocceaalbransbtbeSonth. Theysaytbeyare booked solid nnUl Feb. 11.

Paulo and Dixa, French ecoeDirto singen anddsncen, close wlib the Watson Sisten' CompanyJsn. 12, at Boston, Mass.DiLLOM AMD Hdrbat have dlssolvedpattnenhip,

and Tuny DUlon hu Joined bandt wim JameaMacksf.Babk AMD Evans and Larrt Shftb oloaed with

Harry WlUlama' Meteors Jan. e, at Louisville, Ky.0BA8. H. Waldson hu signed with Sam T. Jacku manager of bit extnvaganza company, which Is

now tonnng Meilco. Ur. Wtldion left New YorkJan. 1. for Mexico, when helatojoln thecompany.OBiB. W. Hilton, principal comedian ol WUI E.

CnlhaMe's Minstrels, hu been laid up for the pa«tthree weeks wlib lollammatory rheumatism. Bewu compelled to close witli tbe company Dec 3>,

to go 10 the hospital at Jacksonville for treatmeuLBbah and Hiim>N have dissolved partnenhip.

Mr. Bmm issUH will Oulhane's Minsinls.A HUBT BNIOTABLB IXraOlifTU BOIRRB DAMSANTBwu held at the Bolel Teller, in Philadelphia, onNew Year's Eve, which wu partlolpated In hytheatrical people stopping there. Proprietor MikeTeller, with hta uansl tenereslty, provided asnmptn-oos banquet, whichwu "discussed" heartily by all.

On the airoke of twelve o'olock the gueats drankeach other's betltb amid band shaUnga and goodwishes for iha new year. The dining ball wu thencleared and the diance_ commenced. The grand

Ilgh^ Mar a Taylor. UarUk Wallace, OerUe Lynch, S^S^-nS.HT. SSJlj^.. -SSrri.. w.%SSS,Sallle Price, Campbell and Shepp, Morphy mi 5?^,™JS''Jl'?'" ?Si J^'°,L!fi?^^

?i°v?Srd's """^ sr^iWt^So^rSd jpiTiSTor^sfffnV;

Providence.—At Keith!) Opera House, Deo. 81-

Jaa. t. "Roah Cllr" caaa for lb« 0m lime bare and did

a Rood vaak'a buloaaa This wMt, Robert Oar lor. Id

Dpoit MoAllliUr," and Kallh'a aarlu ol Uvlos plotunaJaa. li, "llanaaltr."

PaoriDSSOB Opbba Booas Deo. 81-Ju. t. JoaapbHAworth, Id "Roaedale'* and -IlaJiilet." ,It wis the OralprodioUm of Ue lalur pUy Id ibia clly by Mr. Uaworth. The loealjprais pimlwd Hr. Bavorui'a work vatrliisblr, Id4o«1. Thia wMt, 01|> Nalbenola nakw htrn,||H,y, ,uv..u. n..., wi|. nMuviwi. rr.Tl niirOrat Appea-.De. id ProTldeoM Id a a*l««l rap^rtorr.N«Kl«tatLtlllaDRosaan sod Roaa Cothlan forthroa

' liuaaoh... BSTaiKSTsm Tbsatsb.—Dao. 91-Jaa. t, Ike Lilly

our fo. pleaaed laria aadlancei. Tba Far Poster Co.IhtavMk. The Boa. UIU Co- makei IIS aaoDtl appear-aoooDoitwaoa.Lovaaop's Opbba Hoobb.—Daa 91-Jaa 0 tb* PaoliDa

Parktr "WIM Roso" Co. Diade lU Brat vlilt to Ihia hoaaisoil woDt away tiafled with tliawaek'i racalpu. TbtaWMt, J Z LIIIM'i "World." J. D. OIIIUD, la "TbeRaaui KIDS" DDd "LIbby Pnaoo'' Daitvoak.Kairs'a opbba HoDSB.-SaDdar. -'bd. S th* followlos

paopio BPpeand lo llie Oiat of a waekli Hrlao ol arahatneooeana: B. W.Boianoa, Maria Warraa, LodIh Honitr,Dadlar Prwaoolt, PolMoi aad ColllDa RajnoD Moor..Qao Thtlobar, Alica HodidoD. Blllla Carter, LInIo Da-rloDiDalr.aDd Bnreaand HartBQOlsa—Alan* party, made op ormembata of the

Boaion PniM Olab, vlalud lh<a oily Jan. 1 u> vltncwtthe opaolDf parfonoAore of "Oaoilat," hr JoaaphllaworUi, al th« ProvldaDee Opara Uoaaa, Bad waremoota pieaaad vltb It. Tb« paicr war* *Bi*fUtD*d byManaaar BlaDSAQ at both tb* ProvMaDC* Alhl«tlc BDdPrDTidaDoa Praia nluba. Mr BrvoDBD la adtreatoroithe BoatoD Piaaa dab. and Joaapta Uiworth la • Provldene* boy Klltl* r*iDbrot* aad Kltlie ChaplD hava

Five Pardos.Tub BtBTCii TBAM, WUtoD Bud Emeitou, or the

Metie Bros.' Novelty Co., have dissolved partner-ship. Kit D. Wilson Joining the Mildred MerryHakera, and 0. w. Emerson golDu to his home inDayton, O. Tbe separailon wu doe to the sick-

ness ot Mr. Bmerscn.Bill and Lawrbnci closed a sncccutnl two

weeks' engagement, they nport, at the EdenMates, St. Joeeph, Ho., and an at their home, BLLoula.Fbahx SioorrB, or sicoue and lawrance, met

with atevere accident, which hu deprived blm oftbe uae of hit right hand. Uo bu been in tbedoctor's can tor seven weele snd is slowly recov-ering. Be Is SI present located in Minneapolis.Mrs. EnfA Rbko presented her hutbsnd. Prof,

Reno, with a baby boy Dec M.FiTB Oriptin, buck dancer, and Wm. R. Sben

hands.Norss nwH Lilly Olat Oaibtt Co.-Klialfy

and his ballet troupe, Marie Carr, Tim Oronin andLillian Merrill, are the laiest additions lo ManagerHarry W. Semen's Oompanr. Leslie and Richtrdsan doing a new act. Melville, In his set, La ChuteDe Clel, Ts u great a card u ever. De Hon budoiihled up with a bright and lively partner, one


Toyon. The Hisses Pembroke snd Ohapln are do.' Ing the bniierflv dance. MUe. La Mar is still theEnmler asd suit leads the ballet Ohrlstmu andtw Year's presents were given and received

llberallT, the company presenting Manager Semen

wen conlilbuted by the gnetfe, and a prlie waitswu Indulged m for a beantltoUy froeted cake,

which was won by Barry Bhmey and KUberty LeRock. TbetoUowlngweiiknowsDiofesstonslapar-Ucipated In the fesUvlUes: Tony WlUlamsand wife,

Harry Vokee.Hargarei Daly Votes, Barry O. Blaney,Frets Bldrldge and wife, Ckarles Ohnrob, DalseyDudley, Starra KImbaU, Joe Russell, Thomu Eck-harl aud wife, Olara Bell, Inei Rae, lbs Aahley Trio,

Minnie Poor and Obsries Jerome. Press Bldrldgeacted u floor manager and kept things lively tor

everybody. The party broke np at three A. m.,

eveiyons declaring It the most en)oyab)e eveningor their Uvea- Next morning the breakfut table

wu deserted.Wb abb impobmid that Oeorge H. Rloe hu

bought the title, prlDtlng, wardrobe and all para-pbemslla of the Barlow, Dolton 4 Fowen' illn-

dji.0, W«.R.^d Dehble sterldan, have Joined •M,-';S?S'l"nf»'&*b1is"no?mihue Hams 4 Vook's Tansty 00.

lotiDdDCod a pial^ bviurflr daooa In the Llllr OUy Co.Tb* m*mberB el th* oompanr w*r* 8lT*n a baoqa*! 00llMlr owD prlTAt* ear oD OBrlatmaa day by Maauar

AlDoM Klrally lolnad lb* abow lo Woro*«l*ru«« u H. J. QallBsfiar. wbo takta tbe part or PitMolDtyr* Id "Raab Our." vaa preMDlad with aoio*b*intrfal floral trlbotaa by bia Provldaoea fHoDda wbll*It Bolth'a Oparm lloua* lut w**k Ba*I«d BDdtlani«roo Joined tba FlyroalarOo. haraJao.7.

Pawtmoket.—At Lotbron's Open Ilcuse. DecSUin. t,

• - - -

TbiB wa«i

Babsbtt and McSbattbbt have been compelledto cancel their dates at tbe Star Theatn, BamUtoo,Can., and Shea's Mnslo Ball, In Buffalo, on aoconnlot Bassett belDg 111 with a wvere attack ot dropsy.Be Is now in a nospllal, and bis condiUon is serl-

ouaEddix B. Evavb, cinb juggler. Is no longer with

the Wsison Slilera' Co., bnt is piaylng on the Keithclrenlt.

Mamaobr al. O. Fiild vrupresented on Um stage

iiwiMiT, »ito uvujiwuj KivscuuuM maoiiHcr oeioou I Of the ucw Onnd Thestre, In Dayton, O., on Dec.wlihK large pocketbook, in tbe centre fold orwhich 2i, with a gold cbirm, wlu dve large diamondswu a new gioo bill. Bverybody Is welLulsries utdlsgonallyacrosi the front,mm tbe committeepaid weekly and the troupe Is t)\ routs to Call or the Charily Olrcns, held In Davlon, on July U,forala. 18M. The tesUmonlal ivu given to Mr. Field In

OBARLBB E. D0B8ON and hiB Uuie sou, bsnjoiais, nwgnlUon or bis Bsrvicu ou that occasion,have been engaged by Agnes Wsllace-Vnis. and Hoxts FROM jAOXtOaBOuOo.-Among tbe newwin appear at every periormance or "The World tealnres recently added to this coDpanvu a novelAiaintt Ber," ireek or Jan. 14, at B. R. Jacoba' dance, enllUed "Ia Danae Elecbrtqns,'' In whichThird Avenue Theatre, this city. the native belles, sltlred Is rich and CtsclnaUngMATEVAN8,senocomlo vocalist, lulorms ns that ccstnmee,dl8ponthenuelves In "Under the Mlstle-

she Is not ths performer ol that name billed at the toe Bough." Oredit is due the MaUory Bros, tor

Nickel Odeon, Boston, Hsst. Hiss Enns bu Just "La Utnsa Elecirlquc" Tbe company played three-— •' performances at the Palace Tbeaire, Boston, Deciv'v.i,i;.iiMi:iTi^'^^';;^ii;:7ir,'.~> 1

closed an engagemomat Kohl 4 Ulddleton's, Oln-

CAUFORNIA.DixoM, BowBRSAMD DixoN Were at Byde 4 Beh-

man'sTbestn, Biooklyn, N. Y., week ot Dec. 31.Edw. Bsllkontb, trick lomblcr, snd Ray Alklns,

tenor vocalist, have Joined hands.Uariun and Pbarl, black face comedians, are

81, Including a midnight maUnee, to very utlattc-toty bouses.TBB DBioona have closed wiUi the Harte Banger

Co- and are now playing dstea.

FBANX KBMr, Irish comedian, is sick at Ohioago,lU.


Prop. L. W. payms, oomeltlst and bandmaster, ofa lengthy engagement at tbe Olympic mlnsinl ram^ wu called very suddenly to the bed-

hattre,UMotsn^III. side ol bis liitle seven year old danghter at Ft.g lACBllO* Wltl%a*«a>( Alt*

TUB MniOAL Maohbtb have IcTt Reno Williams'Oo.

Los ABHoles,—Alexander Balvlnl did a line

bnslneu at the Lot Angeles Theatn Dec 24-38,

when he preeented 'Any Bias," "Ths Three Onards-men," "Don Caisar De Bsian" and Friend Frits.'

W.A.Uahaia's Hlostrela sppear Jan. 1-s At .„.. .„„ ..„„ .. .K.n v «».tbe Burb.nk Tbeaire 'TheBlaok Crook" and spe- ,J^^^l:^ »« the OnihenmThe_dallies proved good hoUday auncllous Dec SI J,'^?kSi,i¥„^5SJ;."''JO. "OIndenHa" Is the bill Sl-Jan. B The 1

"'•'•o'lo CIrouit.

Oi^nd OperTuoasS reohrhrtened the Orpbiii' h„^A^"»i"" liSJUr'^opened iiider tbe management or Oostav Waller S!!"'J?;k;9 ^M~1'*^;,„2£ "W'i^*™"and associates, Doc 31, wlib a vaudeville bill In-

musical performen; Tom Franklin, „„,„,,. —clodl^TrtTSlowl;, J5«opl.:^O.Jc«do. Allcertp.

| SiS*^^«,'^eS''iilS"lin;'-aM^^^^^ 1 £?J?.:=:'i5!2SI'l';T,?I??^i?=!!?fl-«^»?'

year old danghter lScott, Kansas, arriving there only a tew honra be-

fore she died on ohrlstmu Eve."TBI Soino BxroBB rat War" Ca Is passing

thnnth Sontb Chester, Pa., reoently, passed thespot wbere Charles Smith, a former member of thecompany, waa klUed on Nov. 18, 1884. A sprig ofboxwood, wltb a card tiiaohed, wu given hyeaub member ot the company. Tne cards read u

itw I w . ... » .b IJogwe, Builth.whowu killed at Uls spot on Nov.ie,llM,...

?«t«k«eam: Prof. Palmer, mHlolsn, and Edna Da at 7.03 o'olock A.M.'' Tbe trlbuies were gslkeiedImperld Music Uall closed temporanly Deo. 80.

| £JII?,i'„^n?nSSSVi;j m!In ih"'?JIi _J2.^^ I ??.9'?.'§P.*f)?A^.''.'i''.J.'Jf?S?'.!??.?!?"'*?9

Dond, McCarthy and Rernolda, Oeo. Bvan^ Priceand Lloyd Thomu and welob and O. K, Sato

.•.>f»'±«f?'.«F5.9:,?-»»l«2«' i?«i!?«_4»JP.'~ DSSjrira?d~«k''ftV«SS^^^worllngu


"("^ 'iae rjjuew of tta memben^^^^^

had seen tbe lut ut Don, but, mtrvclons to uy, hebroke uo bones, aud, aluinngh terribly ahsken up,he win be all right in a few days."— liOniM Llewellyn, the serpentine dancer In

"Bide Tracked," received a telegram, Ueo. 24, menHoning tbe death of lier lather lu CInclnnsU.— JiUM Walton winod and dined Ms company

privately in Alton, III., OhrlaunM day. Business,wltb few exoepllona, hu been rehiattably good.

Rotter of KaUe mitnam's Company: 11. B.

Emery, manager; A. H. WiNier, bnainoM manager;Qua Ouhan, L. 0. Uart, Harjon Wllllanis, Oeo.Kllmt,Tbas. U. KIndlay, U H. Edgar, J. H »,Anna Watson, Sailte ludollim, Ada Fnwoelt, HuaaLeigh and Kalis Putnam.— Hanager Wni. T. h°ennesaT writes u followa:

"Owing to tbo diatreased condition of the one nightstands In the Wist, and the deslnjtlon of (beFltieenib Huoet Thealn. Omaha, by Are, when 1

wu booked to appear, I have canceled all my onenight stands In that accilon ot lbs conntri and laid

n>y auiaotlun, 'Slavea ot add,' oir. I wfll leannie

my tonr at Uavlln'a Theatre, 8L Louis, In Febmary,uur bulneu hu been remarkably good, consider-

ing the ilmeaand Oral season ot a new production."— Damon Lyon wu called npon lo pUiy tbe rde

ot Uarry niaWamo, In "A Oaletv Olrl," at sboit

noUce,on Booounl or Ihs sudden iUnessorOranvllle I November, ins.

Uarle Arkwrlght, Marlon Lewis,Llllls Ruble, AUIe Lewis. J. U. H. Fnllon, E. K.

Nlckeraon, Obarlee P. Lowe, A. 0. Uewltt, 11. R.Wright, 0. R. Wirdwell, Victor U Shailbr, NoimaaMorey/^T. V. Slock, Henry R. Uhl, D. U. SmIUi,Ohaa. Blodgeiu 0ns Arnold, Oeorgo A. Ilowcr, Ed.Uarrls and Jauiea U. Walen.— The Llllltn Tucker Oo. dosed the second week

ot their engagement in Utngor, He., to good bual-

Dfu. The eDgagement la for rour weeks, or more.— Franklrn Tutchle Is a member of ths HInnle

Lester Co. tnls season.— ooir I'hllllpa hu doaed with "The Vetenn De-

tective" Uo. and Joined Mitchell and Zarhn to playtbe black face comedy In "SUv*r Bird."— Manager Oeo. W. Uw^ of l/>we's tJomedy Co.,

writes: "I closed my company during the boildaya,

atier a ancceasnu season of eight weeks. 1 reorgan-ise again and open Jan. 14, wlib a strong companyof touneen people, and will tour Kastu and Cololado. will have all special paper and a new npertory, inoludiag two plays wrfiten by myself, en-

titled 'Bound to win' and The Tnoreughbred.iThe company «1U ha known hereafter u Lowe'sComedy uo.. Instead ot the Wonderland Oomedy00."— Brinkmta't Blsmark Open Uonte, In Weston,

W. Vs., wubainedDec. 11. U wu dedicated In

Bantock.— Frieda Blmonsou, a nine year old pianist, u-

rlvsd In this city Jan. 3 from Uambnrg. She will

appear here In oonoerts with the Damroech Orohm-tra, and wlU tour Ue United Btsles In oompsnywllh Juanlto Maula, a Bpaniah vIoUnlst. It la an-

nonnoed tbat Hlu Slmonson Is a pupil of Rnbln-stelB.— "One of the Boys," by Edwin Barhonr, wu

acted for ths flrst time at Bucklen's Open iioate^Elkhait, Ind., Jan. I, by the Nell Flonnce Oo.

— We an Informed tbat Uie Innbis betwnn tbe

Rev. Ur. Jenkins, ot Blonx Oiiy, la., and MrMcOldbuid, Pauline BaU's husband, bu beenHtUed. The trouble grew ont Ota teller which tbe

Rev. Doctor wrote, wilcb slurred Mlas UaU, wboaehuaband had commenced civil and orimlnal pi^ceedlngs against ths minister. The latter huMttledlhe csM by wrtUng Hr. MoClalisnd a letter

olTMiactlon.— U. H. Beeper Joined lUe llaMsB Oomedy Oo.at London, Can., Jan. a.

Thuue, was the nclpleat ot a handaome chinadinner and tea utu a Chrittmu preseot from theauaohes or ths boose Onsuv Waller and fam-ily an here.

Ban DIxgo.—Attbe Fisher's Open Boose Alex.Balvlnl comes Jan.M, 2, to large bulness. "Jackand Jill" 3, oanodMl. W.A.Hthan'a MammothColoied Hlnttreltt At tbe Oulno, light bnslneu raled Uat week.

... V^J^ iT.i .i. r''^'""""•oa. snow NBWS raOH a HBUOO OOBRkBrONDBNT.—

.K'?'K!"r'Jf1^.'i.^"^" "d WMt. writes Sam T. Jack's ExtiavaganiaOo. gave Ave shows stthat hIa new musical clown act hu proved a TeauoArbento tall boosesand turned many peopleraocen WesL He Is now at home In PhlSulelphla, away. Tbe living pictana made a tremendouThltJ.». .,. > , «v ^ On account ot the earthquake of Nov. 2, the root of

.Ji*iIii,"it"??ilfi5S?k\'"J?"*! "".i" O?'!"- •^Inolpal came down and the house Is closednus week, m PhUadelphIa, Pa., for Uie remainder fornpalre. Tesln Nadonal is closed for the urnsnSiill"]?: <i. u. _ ^ ^ . ttuoB. At Hidalgo's only maunees an given by

niJfifU?-.?I.?S^^f*Jj? *"»™ia-Fnnk St. Bervlu's DramsUo Co. on hiutBdtys and Bnndavs.

Slii5^2E!,'J??'lr^'"S?i' fiS' ?»»»»";. B. The HontaneUl 4 Sylvester Fantudoand NoveltyOlenroj, lieutirer; W. L. Plavfcrd, advance; Be - Co. wUl open at Arben on Jsn, 21. This company

!SIl,'?'S'ii2™'"^^'2S?.- "27"' """.•jonei and Hexican coauimes. The Oirin Brothen willHn. bjOlenroy. Wo will amy our nm band ami open the aesson early in January. Then Is great

•SI?"^ H* ™. ' . sniboslum In tbis city In anUelnaUon ot the ar-

MiSoS.1 £luD« l?i la^,. u^ii^ SbttrS: J3\?~:k'12P",' A'":;,"*"'. Cooo". ll""> taps nport succeu orer theaTaDiasMrfomaDnwaaaTaDbalurpatroDiied Local Sfr.2!5°?",l>i;?'*'SwT'"'!V?"' ""o Warren, Keith Oiroull.tods* ol BIka boDaBud 1, aad lb* bo*** waa laiad lo lu I the Anmona Ulerlse ijlo, Allen snd West, Uie Mrs. Amnib Ubnoon wss seriotulv wonnded byoBpulir. -Th* Piiaio. bbow rollow.d t lo.epUDdid Bison Cih Qusrtelte, Wm. HcCabe, Joe Howard, UiedSwhSe ot rrevSveronNe^^^

' "^a^vSrSAiftSiSl^^ oS'^SSiS Pi.'i2^.«x« l«»Tor«idH.rtfialto™MpbS^0^f«lS!S^^

' °BAS.Vo?ioL"riSM.X..DOLOR.BFBRMAM.I*^-'-??^?^»'^'""'DSB ntumed rrom lUlirM, N. S., Ju. o, to oil en*gwemcDU In BoatoD,llan.,uid tbUolij.Bbkrm&m'b WohiaD opWosdirs inilOuo*«lm-

Mrtftl JftiMAeM Tronpe plajed week ot Ueo. 81 at


HIchmoBda—Wltn tbe dAwnloc ot tlie NeTmt boalQM M oar pUyhontH i«MtT*d a frMh In

bDilDM*. "Tb* Two(Mtialor Bonbtn, bat . dlatlaoil?«hit,

. , th« dtfloltiBtituduo*^'Tb« BtowHky." ftl Um aicbuonl ThMlr*. Dm SI, Jin.1, optwJ w«U, bat Ul* loo4l praoa nliHd lu pnwpwulor lood bualQ««a.AdiDUT or MVBJO —Rlohud Muta«ld T. "Tha WLIta

Pqaadrea" a,f. "Tha R&lBiiuktn" II. 1^ Hn. FoilwudErrU B*l)*w 14-M.

BOBD ratAVBS (?oL W. 0- P. Bf*ek*nrMn B.Qoa Ulll'a NoTBlty Oo. It, Narna Broa.' B«DlDa* ir-lS.POTSAa'aTaaAraaOoHiqeB.—Laalwaat'a paopla an

ralalaad. BBalDaaaeODliaB**sDod.

Norftolk,—At the Academy ot Music "Ibe TwoOoloBBia" di*w laulr well !>•«. SI. Jaa 1. "Th* Btew.awar"wa aaaa by a aniall 4adl*D«aB. 'The PaaBlasBbow" did aieBedlDsIr w*u 4, th* "a H. 0." eard b*lB!dlaplAjad balbiw iba na* ol tb* osrulo. OoalDs: QnaHID'a HoraMa* It. BMU* Bansid Cbasa la. if Mn.PoluraadByilaBMIn.tr.la


BUOOTaaivaSL-OpaaluJaa. S; BL Hark A Lyaa'aBartMaa* OanblBaUooa Baalaaaa Is bboA.otaewnao's oitona wkiik tsWiawiai at I

Pait. u talla aa atuaMoamat rasorL

Dbbt Uowabo add Lboma Blaxd report meetingirith ancceas wltb Uielroomedyend musical skeloh,"Pon In tbe Oonnhiy." Tbey opened Jan. 7 wltbUie IntemaUooal VaodevUlea, at Ibe Oonrt StreetTheatre, Dnlfalo.

Ed. Looan, ot Logan and De Long, wu a recent

Wit, I w^..i ,.i;:.i:r-v,K'iX..,. ^ lCLirrBa caller audlnfomed na oriie coUuae ol

S?ii?'iJiiS?r jii^^™'"'''''*^"''!"'''*' UiecomDMyendesvo?odlo continue on Uie com-nisoia partner, Jaa. F. Rice. monwoutb plan, bnt doaed on aeooont ot poorKiKiBiL'sgnnsplnnlngandrUlelnggllnBactwlu hSunea?.

^he changed to a double act, and Int




r<^ n?*mnT'K2JlSI!'.-' ""J- 1OioBS" H. Lbb, a ooloied boy who nosed la one

strong. In Uie of UieUvlngplo£resBtKc«arABtsl%MDtioEall,Fhanix Open House, DpnaldsonvlUe, JsS: «, dnr. uUa dty, lUed I^la, at tSteos^lUa dnr, SonIng Uiepeitonnanoeot RIchaids A Pringle'a Mln- 1 ttiaegkMBlSt bom tteUn to ttau

Bewu iUtsen jasn old.

tha Bijcu Theatre, Dnbuqne, la., to good buslneu,and wen oonUnned this week.

Introduce the Mat IHOALiB left Flynn's London Oalsty Olrls, Ul" • ^ home

?li«8ui?2lr'a.S!,£!:,s"i *^iT.-r:^-^z!^iss^,rs^i'iD u Sultana, Ue Cuban lady dnun expert. m Lynn, Haut5*^,?T•^!2iS^^?.•' ^H^IR "» 0»om» B. Ub, a oolond boy who posed la

January 12. THE -JSTEIW YORK CLIPPER. 717ATimiTnxiaol«it*liiiuotini|t««iiJuL4 be-

Ion IM Inmitea cl Bkwmliiidala lijlam. AmongikoM WHO •ppmnd were Ocorn ind Tlol* Tm-uuM. I«m Btimtlt, Ad* Wditr, IbT llanUoril

tad BUIT Leifmoo. Tbt BrooUfn Ouino Or-duftnruBliluuUMmiulo. B. A. Oonll dlnoMilK enteituimwnLBimxiMDOAHnoN tan Jolged tbsFkjFM-

tn Co. tor tte nauiljiaer oC the kuod,Sp. i«oam bu JoUMd buoii with IL B, Hultj

udvU*.Fat RnuT amd Tin (Bn Armatioan were t«F>

derodk dinner on New Ycar'i dijb; IdeSconttber borne In BL LonU, Ho. Olben mtent wereAllen ud Weet, Jtck Perrr ud Disk Botlie.SAM BnMAiD ud Lime B. RAjnoiid cloetd

wllb Boatell Broe.' Oomedlint Jen. 6.

IH A recent letter to Meneger E.J. Orue, or theEden Mllee^ IHIe citj, Htrle ate?lll^ oC anibel endOreTtlle, wrttee ibtt Uie etorr current In ibepepene rewweekeegolotbeeoeot Uut elie bedmnrdered ber pertner, Anbor Osib*), wee flm-bood, ud IbAt Kr. Qnlbel le aUTe ud Iq gcodbcaltlL


ClBclnBktl.—Tte bonder btrreet wee not

oTerwhelxnlng enoogb to cenee e concerted auuiA-

gerlel rub on ibe lAfe muafectorem for lerger

tuoag bozee. Like tbe ObrUtnae iHj Mrj ibe

bnilneea of New Teer'a Hat wu dietppolnilag.

note wen no orobeelna forced to tbendon ibeir

eeeu to ptoTlde room for tbe OTerflow, dcepltcibe

OAgneUo piopertle* or Ibe atUMUoet oAred.Tbe eonUnaooa ebow tdee bere le llkelj to cot eflgme. Boib 0. E. Eobl tnd Oeorge Hlddleton ereOB tbe gmnnd «ltb Umiier J. A. Averr. end tbebonee win bereerter be known ee Kohl A Hlddle-loD'i Muee Theetre. Tbe Haaee opene at noon,one bonr earlier tbu bentororr, and Ibe cortalodoet not fell nnUI eleven at nigbtOiAMD OriBA Bocsi.—"Tbe airl I Left Reliind

fe," wlUi Maode Bameon, cime Jen. T. NatOoodwln bad no rcaeon to cnmplaln of tbe reaoltat bit rortnlgbt't eogtgemeni,ud It bat once morebeen dtmonntaied ibat two wceke It not loo longror u attnntlon of tbe drat obut Id Oloclmaii.Fosr or tbe Aneet aadlenoea erer teen tine cbeeredtbe 00median after tbe cnitaln rell oa bla Intetpre-tatlon or "DaTld Oarrtok." "Lend Me Five 8bl|.

Ilogi*' waa alto given. "In HUzonra" bold tbeboardt railj In ibe week. LUta Vane retired fromIbe compaar 4, and Bluobe Welab aaenmed tberole or Ada Ingot (. Hua Vane le to retire rnmIbe itage to become Ibe wite of Oeorge Ooodrtab,ot HewTork. In "David Oarrlck" William Inger-aoU abared tbe tilnmpb with Mr. Ooodwln. SloattBobaon M.WAixtiT Btubt Thiatri.—Katie Jinaen made

ber appearance T In "Delmonlco'a tt e n ^d later

In tbe week abe preaeoted "Mln Drnamlie."Haienbeok'i italned anlmala created a eenaatlon.

DalV maUiee* were given aave Mondtj, ud bntl-neaa nled good. "Ibe Paatlns Sbow" 14EATLTM'a TaiATU.—-'Old Olorr" vnt nnfnrled

a after Hopkint' nant-Oceulce bad pgt In a felrlrproltable week. One Wllllame 13.

BiDOi'8 OriBi noni.—"Later On" wu later-

Bnled < bj Hallen ud Hart. Ltat week. "Tbeerbv Wianer," did a good bnilneee. "Elgbt

Bella" IS.

FouNTAiH Thbatu.—Reevea A Falmet't Ooamo-poUtana, wllb Oyrene, came t, sncceedlsg tbe In-ternational Tudevlllea, cbler among wbom wuAlice Sbaw, wbo wblttled ber war Idio ibe goodptoea ot tbe Olndnnatl popalace. Tbe aormaaBntbert U.RoBiiisoN's OriBA HODSI.—In addlllon to Alden

BeoedloVt "Fablo RnnuDl" e, a new terlre ct liv-

ing plotote* wie abown between tbe ecu, udOtece Bonier dueed. lo '-TbeFalaeof NewYork"lait week, Oracle Emmett pleeaed maav old rrieodaud made muj new onea. Boemeia waa fair.

"Feok'a Bed Bo;" M.Fiori.l'8 THiiTM.—Huobeatet'a Freacb FoUy

Oompur came 6. fl. W. WUlliot' Own Oompanypteeented a great bill tatt week. Bntlneta rannom fair lo good. Weber A Flelda' Co. 19

KOBL A HiDSLcrON'B HcauTaiATRt.—In cnnnbaUT, ajonngltdlea'onlon peeling conleetwaianovelty. Lniee (trmleea oarpenter). ud Oitreu'eFamUr Bud werealao tbere. In rbe andliorlnn,tbe AliTna, tbe Cnsnlngbama, One Oirbolt^rtbaFor, Ibe Temon Bitten, Wllburt Wllllamt. Will If.

Bowera, tbe Atblon Brotbera ud MIe. Rar took. pttt, Boalneealt good.

Mima Ball.—Fnnceeca Oatline-Moyer ud Ul-Uu ArkeU wen tbe eololaie at tbe Pop g. Tbe Uat0B« attraoted a large indlence, ud In Ibeae inm-oota tbe tbeatrlctl mtnagera realm wbera tbelrdinndUog dnndav matinee orowdt btve gone. TbeBuy fetuval bo11d>r mntlcalee were artlillo, bntbr frem Inudal tscceaaea. Socletvdldnotaeem0 be In tbe mood, to appreciate tola midwinteraoalcal ooerlng.OoasiP.—WUllam Sella ud Oil Roblnaon bave

been ebjorlng tbe week togelber, ud bave beunvellngln memortee ortbe aawdnttaeaaontman Lee la now alnglig at Elaael'a J. P. P.

Byalt, tbe dtamatlo agent or London, Eng., ud 0.

0. BtaiT, or tbe Barnom A Bailey Sbow, were bereItet week. Tbey vlilted tbe Zoo "Siavea of

Oold" are taking a reet, ud bolb Manager W. B.Fenneaiy ud Jobn Fenneaar are bere. Tbe oom-puy reenmee ite toor at Havtln'a Tbeatre, fit.

Loala, in Fahmary, bavlng abandoned a aerlee ot

one olgbt etude Manager Ben Stem, of tbeFrobmu toroea, ben wllb 'Tbe Olrl I Len Be-

btnd Me," bta received an Intimation ttati

be may be needed at tbe front wllb "Sbenan-doabl" Tbla U one of Mr.Biem't old aiamplnggnudi, ud be enjoyed tbe wetk bereOu. Btall Doke lectored at tbe Pike 8 on "Mor-gut Men." Oeorge w, Btrrle cane In ad-

vance or tbe Frencb Folly Oompuy FiukRobblna, or tbe Bob Bnntlng Clrcoe,and J. Fagin, ortbe Beynolde' Bbow, are ben to attend tbe conven-tion orientabcwmen 8 Tbe Reevea A PulmerGcemopoUtu Go. an booked at ibe People's ror

April ud tbe Benck'a Open Bonee company btt

ulered anlt In Ibe Bnperlor ConrI to enloln tbe

tnlllllDent or tbelr engagement ible week at liis

Ponnialn. Tbe plea la uiat tbelr appeaiuce at

tbe Foutain woiud Injnn bntlneii at nbatinentpertomuoca.

cieTeUBd. — Bulneea proaptred tomewbttdaring tbe paetweek, being a veiy acceptable re-

vival ttier Ibe dnllneee of Otarlaiaua week.EuouD AvxHUi OriBA Hoosi.—EOle EUeler,

week ot Deo. 81. gave "Haiel Klrke," "Dorla,''

"Bgipt" and "A wofflu'a Fewer," Ibe Uuer being

new here. Tbla la Mlaa Blltler'e old bone ud abe

wu glvra a reception. Delia Fox, In 'Ttie LliUe

Trooper,"dlvldeaweek otJu-TwlibJimet O'Neill.

"A iTlp to Oblnatown" week of 14.

LTOiim Thiatki.—Daring week of Dec 31 Mra.

Jobn Snw, u ibe widow Wamn, In "Tbe Itoad lo

Roln," didu eiceUut bntlneas. Felix Morrla, In

a npeitoty ot new comedlea, boldi ue boards weekor Ju. T, "A Otleiy Olrl" week or 14.

D. R. Jacobs' tbiatbb.—Steve Brodle, In "OnIbe Bowery," caplored tbe patrona or tbla boiteweek or Imc a. Mvenl Umee tbe "B. R. 0." tign

wuaneceatlty. "Jue" weekof Ju. 7.

Stab tbbatbb.—Peter Meber'a Uompany, Inclad-

Ing Billy Bemetty, bla ipairlog partner, wendnwlng oardt week ot Dec. 31, ud on leveial

occasloni tbe bonee waa packed. U. W. wiuiama'Meteonweekof Ju. ?. _. . .

Olbvblaiid Obav's abbobt.—Tbe cloelng weekot tbe Ony'a Olnna iru a corker,ud tbe inll twoweeka or ike abow wu u eniln uccett. Tberiding ot Mr. and Mn. MlUer, tbe O'Deili, tbe mu-ageZct ud trained bonee of Prof. Berilt, BUrkand Zeno, terlalliu, ud tbe Walton Brae., werebig dnwlng cardt nnUl ibe buL Tbe Oleveltnd

OnrawlUnetabudaomeprcni.Outs.—Manager Fruk Dnw, of tbe Star, wm tbe

nolplut olaolamond alad from tbe emploree of

bis nonaeu a bonder girt Mtnagcr Obtt. nen-

tbaw, ot tbe Lyoeam, wet niB«mt>ered witb a com*blnadontunbreUaudcue. Will BInmm, ble Inaa-

nrer, received a gold wtiob otaAln, IbntRr FiedBnberacbaln udobarm,ud Uen liax Fuikra-bener. leader of tbe Licenm Orebetira, eereitl

boxes or perfectoe J. B. Bnnd, coolc openslBger, la nome ror Ibe boUdayi Mme. Jnlla

Blvt-KlBf ,plaolat. will play at Aaeoclatlon Hall 9.

neOomeu Olee.Buloud MudoUnOlnb gave adellgbttnl ud well attended concert at aamebtllJan.!.

CBMtoB-^rbe New fear'a atimcUon at tbe

OnndOpem Bonee, "Madeleine,or ibe Haglo Klee,"

nn aatUtecUon. At tbe niallnee Camllle U'Ar.

vlUe did Bot aspeer, bnt ber place waa acceptablyBUedbynudaTbomaa AtllieaTeninpperfomtncetbe bonee wm onwded,ud Oamllle V'ArvlUe wontte Cavor ot tbe andlenoe rrem tbe aurt. RobL O.iBgenoO bad B Mb bonee a. "Wang" bad bigkOBeee4,t.TBBATBB ooatQOB.—Week or T: Bern ud Kluy

Benaid, Little Basel, Oeo. Oooky. Mike Oralgian,

May Orut, iMn Irvine, Baity Jobnaon, and tb«OansioaBWen.aiob's Mens HAti>-JaB T ter «<ek: rtasle


OapteB.— At Ibe Onnd Open Hooee TimMnrnny and Bogene Culteld, In "Alimony," weretbe New Year'a aututlon. wben tbey played lopoor bnalnets. Coming: Walker Wblltelde. Inr-Bamlet," Ju.s, "Wug"l0, "Elttat Bella" u.Pabk msATaL-Obaa. A. Loder bad good bnal-

neta Dec 81, Ju. 1, 1. Tbe oompany leued bentbenmalndercttbeweek toiebeanea new play,entitled "On tbe Oo." Mr. ud Mra. Robert Waynemied tbe iMt tbree nigbie, in "Tbe Wagta or Bin,"to fair bulneea. Coming: "n» Oilley Slave" 7-t,"Peck'e Bui Boy" lo-u.SOLOiaas' UoBB Tusatsb.—"Tbe BaiaUr," 4,

Blayed to good bnelneee. Booked: Tbe Oorniune.. In "Tbe Ollbooleye Abroad," 11. Antbub,

mtglclu, wu Ibe New Tear'eattrutlon.AssocuTiOM Bau.—E. Morrit Bingbtm leotnita

ColBDibat.—At tbe Blgb BlRet TbeaUe"Wagg" opened a two nigbis' eniagement Ju. i."A Trfp to Oblnatown" bad large bnilneee Oeo. si-Ju. 1. "Killamey and tbe Rnlne" did well 3-9."Elgbt Beilt" comett, 10, "MoNnln't VUlf II, iLOramd OrsBA UODU.—Jaa. O'Neill oomee

"lltl" bad tplenild batlnets week ending t. DuSally comet 10-13, "Sbenandoab" u ud week.

8prlBgflald_At tbe Onnd Oben Boom "AOteen Oooda Mu," Dec ii, drew lane bnilneee-Powell, mtglclu, 2T, bad a leleoi andlenoe."Siavea ot Oold," Ju. 1, crowded tbe boue, maU-nee ud evening. Oonroy ud Fox, In "uct Tt-malee," a (retem engaaemeni), bad good bntl-mee. Coming: "Wug," 0, Bntben Byrne, In"Elgbt Belle, 'i^ II At Black'e Open Bonte,Fanob Roberieon'eComedy Co., Dec 24-30, btd fair

bntlneas. Marie Klnile, 31, Ju. I, i, wlib maUneeNew Year'e Day, btd good bnelneee at 10, 30 ud30 oente. Cone Ptyloo, week of T.

BiBBtfleld.—AttbeMemorlelOpen nonae RoeeB;dell>a London Bailee BnrleeiineOonpaDygaveagood vudevllle performuoe to t top beavy nooteJin. 1. Tbe Oormu Broihen, in 'Tbe OllhooijaAbroad," pleated a good tlted bowe 2. Connyud Fox, fit "UotTamales," dellgbteda large andl-ence 4. Coming: Anna Eva Fay 8, Klaw A Er-luger'e '•UW », "MoNniiy't vitit t" 10.

SleBlteBTllle.—At tbe Oily Opera noato Al.0. ntld'i Uluuel* bad bit bnilDwt Ju. L Comioi:••LiBd of tbe HI4Dl|tic Btto" B, Fruk <l. Oajpeoter ]«c-tana 10 Al tbe Loodon TbMtie ITau IHe ramAlatuUAsemtDAgeraodbooMconedlAD. OmdIoiT: UiulSLOlAlr*. Hogu and CAotnU, Kale CoDvar, HoMiotod Cn>.a,llAUDM tad th* ttock AtTuntrBtllimataanprodneadaiiiiDiuatibowl Unite ••Molallreonpoaed forthiauiterulBnflalbyPror.C&aA HaeUer,of tbe L«Ddoii Tbetm, wat randarad by ibeoietaatra.


PortlBBd.— At tbe Mtr<inam Otud MoKeeRankin waa aeen, Dec 24, 2i, pneuUsg "Tbe

Uunck" ud "Rip Vu Winkle" Tbe tbaatn wudark nntU 81, wbra tbe Ttvary Open Oompuyopened befon a large endlence In "Rigolelio."

Tbomat W. Keene JaiL 14.

COBDBAT's TBBATBB.—Tbe Obarles Rlgga Dnmatio Oompuy played to fair bnalneea week ofDec. 94. Toe plays presented wen "Tbe QalleySlave" and "womu Agalnat Woman." A com-puy, beaded by R, B. Pnncb ud wire, opued 81

In "Tbe Oolden OluL" Tbe Rlgga DiamaUc Oom-puy will playa retara enguement week or T.

OBrBxtm.—Obarlone, Eiele and Minnie Tluel,aaelated by local prorettlonalt, presented "Sbe'iweekotDec24. BotlneeewuratberllgbLHoSBDBO's Nbw TBtATtB CoBiQUs.-Waller

Ford, Harry Brown, Loin Temple, Mand Raymond,Fnnkle Overion, Mable Steele, Ollle Oatman, WallParker, May Wllkeon, May Sbudley, Mud Roae,Lottie Alonzo, Nellie OlajtoOiFrankIa Ward, BattleBoover, Uaiue Clark, May Wallace ud WilliamDelmore.ANBBDStB.—Birdie Barrlt, Raney Stuley, Law-

rence Manning and Ulan Edwardt.LODVBB.—RebagllaU'a Bpanlib Smdfnti.ExrosiTioN Bdildiho.—Portland Dnlvenal Ei-



Hemplilt. — At tbe New Lycenm Tbeaire

FaoUoe Hall uat witb tha B. B. O. .Iga oat Digbt of

Dm. 31 and tntUooa Jaa. I, tad eloaad a prosubia

•ntERaoiaBtl LtlUta L««li"*01eopau«"plaai«d fair

lUad aadltaoM Deo. I7-0. riobort Mtnloll opooad to a

ood atHd boue Jao. 3. ComlDt : "AltbaoiA" 7-9. Nat

Ooodaln lO-ll, Tba Qalter Slava" H-IH "Tba raaolQiHaliat" IT-ia.

otAifn OnBA Hooea-Dooully ud niraid diawlair mad aodiMicaa Dm- 81-Ju 1 "Cbarlor'i Auot"bad a food ilud hoaM at (tia opanlBg Doe. f7. Uieauaodaoea bolaa modarmu tboraaltar. -Tbo BoiIid"opuod to a fair bOQM Difbb of Joo. 1^ ud waa wallrocolTOd. Daa: "Tba Black Crook'' 7-t. "A Buocb ol

Bop" 10-13. aiadyi Wtllii l«-ia. Sol Smllb RotuU

AoDiroaioa.—W. 0. p. Bfacbleridia lootarad niebt of3 to a good audUBoa. DatwlilucudlDa tba orotadaaaalaatblm by tba ladlaa or Mompbta Tbs UolvarailrolvlnlBla aod the Vandarbllr UouaraUr Hojleal Oluoiauh bad a lair attaodaooa, iba rormar Blgbt of Doe 31,

ud iba latter Ju. I. Fimok Baaid It.

Notia-J. Aldrtob LIbbaiaod blawlla, gate Tn;or,raaliead Iron iba Panlloo Hall Co. at iba doia of ibouiafomoBC bora on aoeooot of aomo dlaaeiaaaaatvlui tba muatar. DIaaenaloaa in iJia eonpur andMr. UbboT bolnf dood la aappoaed tobavo bnoebtaboat bia vllbormval. Tbapanloa left for Nov Yorknllbt 01 3. Oownloi OUrho. wbo aanc Ibo part of Mora,dlfli, ramtload In tba oltf aflar tba Moapur dapartadlor LltUo Rook. Uaalaoaipooutodaparllor NavVorklo a day or tvo Hay Babar, vail keo«n lo openeinlaa, la lo tba olty auondloi lo aomo prlrau buataaaaSbo will probably romala a weak or tan dayL


Dea MolBea.—Al tbe Onnd Open Bonte tbe

HnotJoy Conady Oompuy bad rood boaleaaa Doe. 31

and woob, Hnrrmy ud Hook eona Jan. II. U.

Poana'a oraaA Uoeia —iboCarlatM Open Compuyeuoalod Jan. L "Acroaa tha Potonao" eaina3.3 to

laraa booaoa. "tba Now Bontb" la daa4 "A OoutiyCli!n»"H, f.MUIonKoblaalS _ . .WoNoaaLaaD MoaaoB imp Ttaivaa.—Waoh of T:

Cnilo ud Mton ball: TrUla (alllaalor qotaai andPnr Hanr Xlna (paper kini). BQoa ilato: LUlnipietnroa. lain tbaatra; CallloralaOpara Compuy, in

Doiolhy." _ _ ^WoaLO'erAiaMuaBOaiBD Pabilt TsBATaB.-Waak

of 7: Oono ball—Prince Zalo (^par paUea). Hiaaa—A.B. Laroe'a Bntartalnaia. Tbaatorlnm—I'oroy B. Robln-aoa'a Lyoeam Tbaaua Compuy, lo >*Tvo Haauia, * andUTintplotaiaa. _ _Morta-Obailaa Oaaa (n. W. Oonnaay) vaa a New

Tear a taaatat bla paraou'bomain tkta city JaaaaB.PaltonaodTanCOBway have loioad tba CaDlorala

Open Compuy Mna. Bmabart tara a buaSt Doo. antor Jimmla Yonoa. tba boy «bo waa tflpplad for Ufa bytba fallloR of a Wondarlud altn tbiaa laara afoJoilaSeiiui.uamalaar.wuapproacbadDy a muwbolapraawtad bImjaU to b« eoaaaolad allb Ceno Faylon,

and waa aaaaiad to Iota tboParloD eonpuy. Bofera

laavlDt, boworar, aba laanad tbu aba bad bean d»ealrad.


DBbsqae.—At Ibe Otud Open Uonee, Ju. I,

"Loat In Now York,'' two porfonnuoaa, bad laraa udwall ploawd boaaaa. -tua In a Mad Hoaier'diaw aamall uXlancal Baacb S Bowoia' Mlnlliala atluSada tood honaoA "Aon» iba Fotomao" bad a foodbonaai. "A Banned Tlcktl"B.Buoo TBBAna—Weak ol Daa 31-Ju. a, Bbannu'a

World or Wondara ud Cuo'e ImpailAl JtpuaaaTroopo diew good hoeaoo.

KeoiiBk.—At Ibe Keoknk Open Bonee DanielSally, 10 ".i'NoIlL ot Waablnatoo, DO," eam^ Doe. S,iolalrbwMaaaa. Mertlaoa'a "Paaal" <BMabol HorrlaoaaUiTlna) attnetad a good booaa Ju. L Oavla' "U. T.

c." Co/la billed ror 7. and bai a tair oaliook. ulaalitaUaJonaa' Coneart Co. oomao U, "Tbe Dorbr Wlaaar* IL"A Biaaiy Tloa" li, "A aroan aoooa flu" IS. TbaCa*inoTtndaTllIaCo,(Willlama')boobad lor Haw Yoar'a

alibi, tailed to matarlaliaa.

CoBBCll bIbA.—At Dobany'a Tbaatn "TbeObarily Ball" diaw nadlnin bnllnaH Ju. I "Tbo CaplAin'a Mala," bootad lor I, T. canoa'ad. Momr andBack. In "rionltu'a Ball," oomai M, Jobn L. tnlllna17, J. g. Bmmol IS

BmrllBilaB.—At tbe Orand Lewis Morrison's• Pual"l»., Ilo. a Haw Taai'o niabt ptokad tba booaa.

Jobn Holllru 4 ^raw won Oomtna: Joba Draw SUUraland'i BlaalraU II. ' TbeOIrl I Lett Babied Ma" UBob'lUIUIaid IL

9faTakalllowB.-At lbs Odeon "A OonntrvClreoa" csmaa Ju. 7 "Tba Cbamy Ball" bad a fall

boaaa (ratue dau) tHa. B. -Acieaa lb* Potomaor' badloodbnateaaa Jaa. I.



WllDalBgloB,—Al tbe anad Open BonaBbaa tieaential lor tba Im Una oa uy alaia ~Iba

Pailalaaa" Ota. 31. Tba pndaeUan waa kindly reaalTad

and tba laria uJlanee piaaut votad it a aaeeaaa

Doobatadar-a Mlnalra'.t draw lane aadlaneaa Jaa. 1.

"Iba PajBlna Bbow" eama 3 lo food bnalaoaaa

parta" dallibi '"


Ta^ Mile. MaKiEur aad

gunM and BainnanfBdim rawalBf, (bBV, Tom aed KasieWtk-


Phllmdelphla,—Wllb tbe advent of ibe Infutyear tba Ibaalna aaam lo baTobMaimbaadwl bnavlira, aad laalvaah'a baaloaaa waa mora aauafaolorr tbuIbraarafal waaka paal Tbaia era aatonl noielUaalatava tbla weak, and with good waalbar all Ibe boeaoaabonid be wall fatnalaod.AOADBMT Of Bcaic—"DnalaTom'a Cabin," wbkh wu

pndacad to fblr boalataa. ilvaa way tbla weak la tbiaamaaloal eTealA Oe Monday alRht oeonn tba (bird Boa-

loo SympbonyCoooan and OB Toiaday BlibfllTrora-tan" will be aaag by tba Matnpolitu Optra Compuy."Paoil'' will be aaag In Franob oa Tboraday. Kailweak twomoia oparaa will be predaoad.

CsnmiTT eruBT Ortai Hooia.—"Sowia g (be Wtad"playad to two waaka of good boaaaa. William H, CiwaopoBOd for two waaka Ju 7. amaarlBK tbla weak a.ralataKla'Tba ManrWiTaaorwindtor.'^ Neil wtat,"Tba rulBo BalL"rAaKTBBAvaB.-OoodbDalnoaareaaltad fnm thara-

tora o( ' Off Iba Eanb" laal waab, lha produollon baTlaghad aarafml bow faatoraa added alB<«luappeanBoa boraaarllarlathaaaaaoB. BoaaCoablaalaplaylBg''Kama«la"ihia weak, baalni ainpllSad iba aiina el Iba play motlha rmthar amblnoaa 'ToKOBMiIa" Naxtwata, BanabaaS HaoDoBald'aComruy,lB"RoblB Uood" and *^agBlotatbocbaia." __ „ .VAtstTT BnBRT TaBATBa—Mrou Lugtry'a aecoad

weak waa folly u attoof. dauolally, aa bar fliar,

allboutb "A HoBaaoroaTaa"wunol raoalTad wllburabow or Ibvor. "Coon Bo)ll^w' la barlat (la Brat lofal

Biodaallon tbla weak, aad Bail weak Oooaally udiraid eomo with Tbo Bainaiabara.*'

Batiopal TBaavu—Ward and Toku btTa made oomlataka In tbalr atalxIBW TOBtnra. If iba Ofovda wbo wll-

BooiBd "A Bob on lha fiuk" all or laal weak mar baUbw u a orttatloa. Al uy rate bealaaaa waa aborapar Muaiar gaily la bappr Id iba poaaaoaloo ofuolhar BOTotty tbla weak la ''MoPaddoo'a BlopamoaL"with JobB Kamall aa tba tut. "Bloo Jaaaa" aait weak.BUAD BraBBT TutATaa.-Pnaela Wllaoa, lo "TTia

DaTll'e Dapalr." kept ap bla big baalaaaa durlof ihoihlld weak otblawaaloBUL Tbla waab ' Madalalaa. orIba Maglo Ktm" eomaa lo (ovo for (ba oaeoad (ima (bla

aaaaoB, ud "Prlaoaoa Boaola'* oomaa ba«k to tha AaM of

lla aarly (rinnobo oaitwoak. Tbe oaBatamanl la Ilmtied 10 onawaaa.OiaiBO ATBBOt TaBAVaa-"Wild Oau" draw bit

hooaaa laal weak. '-Tba Balla," wl(b Craatoa Ularka aaMaiblaa,la (baoonaol auraolioo. aad Boitwaab Maa-aaarHollaod will bare a oofally la "OratcbaB," W. BOlibarl'a ranloD 01 "ranaL''Paoria'e Tneavan. — "Tba wblu B^Badma," laal

waak. wu aoccaaarully proaacad, ud baaloaaa waa Srtl

olaaa Uanr Laoy raaamaa bla loor hata tbla wookwiih'*Tbaaaa Inm lha Waal," wblcb waa wllbdnwaaltar a woak'a trial al lha ChaalBBtBliaal Opera Uobboaarllar In tba aaaaon. U hu bean rawrittan by Rar.OllTar J. Boolb. and Mr. Laoy baa aoooiad tba rollowlngaoppolt* Dora DaTldaoB, Arthur BllloU, Pttoa Ctbtw.LoBlaa Wakaly. Batarly aititaaraa ud May Biandiab.

NaK waak, 'Tba TiollaySiaiam "Obaho OraHA Bona—"CapL Paol" dlilapoor bual

Boaa Uat waak, ud will lay oglbu waak la Haw York.Maoagar Tiuot, lata Uat waak, booked Annie WardTlCany In "Lady BUnay" lor tbla weak. No uoonaeo-maalia made lor nail waak.AVDlTOBIOlf.-Tba Boaloa Uowald aihaoaum Com-

puy pUyad (0 (ho eapulty ol tbo houao alt ol laat

weaa. aBdMuaiarOltmora baaaoelbarpopBtaraUrao.tloolhlavaak in the Boaaall Broa' ComadUaa. Naitwaak. Iba lata?oatiooal Vaadarlllaa.

CaaeraoT BTtaav Tlieina—"Cbarlar'a Anal" la

allioito ba u old ttoiy.bol tbaemwdaatlU dork 10

aaa It, ud tha abow la mulni mooay. Tbor* la Ulkoowol lu flllloi oat (bauUia aaaaon. Tbarawlllbaanolbaraonranlr nlBbl3l,oBtbaoo«MloDot luaaruiy-dftta parfonaanoa. ^ .Eariaa Taaavta.-"Tha Danlar" bad beary boaoM

00 aaraiml Blabta laA waak, ud Iba old farea allll aaamato Ba popolar. "A Toiaa S(aar" (hia waak, and oaKwaak Baraay rarauaao, ib "Daflr'a Blaadara."roaacACoa'a TaaAvaa—"Tba Bonur Rye" waa

atatad IB a aemplaoBa muaar laal weak by HuatarKorapuib. ud playad to big boalaaaa, iha atock coot-

paoy alvTaflba old melodrama a to. proilaalloB. "TboBUiliUrm^ la tha oarrOBl atlmolloB. Nail wMk Ibo

oefc co*BP|ny will BiTO"MaBaDdWomaB."Bl/oo—tba Btwiaai atartad off witb a roah, "Tba

Pliaioa of roBBBeo drawlot aaorotoua audlaoeaa. Tboopar* (hIa weak la "Japil«r,''^aDd iba aMolalilaa are tap-

Rllad by (ha r(BBaya,DltoBBrolbaf«,llachar and Laaur,alaoB Tno, Qaunia B. AaaUa. Colllaa ud farlay, (he

fuaooa MaaoB aad l/'id, 8bvt1 aad Edwaida, udCbArUaB.Onpawla.LvoaOB TBBATta-Tba Fay Fotur Rorlaaiiua Com.uy pUrad (a big boaaaa laal waak, ud era roltowod

.ill wool by Iba Lliy Clay Borlal^oa Compuy, wMbAraold Blralry'a ballal raalnrad. Mail waak, San Davaia'aCo. ... „ . „, ,..

BrAtoaaa TaaAvu -"AJtaataoky Olrl" waa elrao lafalrboalnaaa Uat waak. "Work and Waaaa" la on (hIa

weak, witb "A Banal of Mooay'' uodarlload lor oailweak.KnaaiKoroH TtaiTta—Qood baaloaaa prarallad

dariBR (ba uBBiamaot or "Tbo Magio TalUmu" laal

waab, ud Ihia waak Darla* "Unolo Ton'a OabiB" moraa

Bp lowB rrom lha Aeadamy. Nait waak, "Two Old

^^LtvanB bvtiir Ortu Homa—Wllb oo ebuia ib

lha bill aioapl la tha mauar or tba bartaMioa llrlnt

tlotnraa, which are proring aucb a bit, bualnaaa eon-

onae op in (ha top oouh. Tba bouae wu complolalyaold all uat waak. _NiarB mo Aaon MueiDB-Tba aaw foatetaa (hIa

waab are OUo (aoaka ebaimar), garUvu (laloood mu).and Jo Jo, (ba dog laoad man. In lha Ihoaua: Owband Boyd. B J. CalUbu. Bhawallar and Zua Cooperand suwan, Rawaon, Floraaca ZaIIar,uarua BarrtBR-(OB. Lafoy and Wblta, aad Maatar Wlllla.

WlBTII Cliooa—Bnalnaaa ImpioTad last waab. u4(ha oomtoB waak, wllb aoma Rood raadafllla talant,

abould wltooaa aran a iiaaier laproTamant Amontlha apaelal'au aia aallaibar ud Waal, Tbao, PoolerudLawU, tha Bonlua, (ba Coffraea. Qnola ud Baynolda,ABBA O'Mallay, Lowra ud llaalay, Aedy Ifuibaa udFnt Banlaa'a dog aad poay olroua.

Nona —Maila B(Bari (a aoHarlOH Irum a aarara attack

of UnoRlUa, ud baa baw loitM lo aoaipooo hor In-

(aodad ulp (a Fana. ItwutaerlntMlloo Ui aallS

UaroM Blaka, wbo hu baan at bla homo In (bla oily, baa

been aniatM to rapUcaSvdoay Howard In iba LlllUnBoaaall Oompuy Mr. BUka u a rlalat yonoa uoor.

Baalrlea Morolud rojoloa BoM (ToRhtu'a Com-aany tbla waab. Blauor una hu alao tMaaagagad

7. Uaoraa A. FalL Ula of lha (Jirard Avanoa Tbaatia,

bu Snlabao a play called "Tbe WorblnR Mu," which bowlU prodBCo, iB oonjunelloo wllb bia iai>artery, nadarlha maaaflamut of Frank Daraaporl Kataalooal labor orRanllAdoBa wlU allaad (ha performuoa of "Work and Wacu" al (ha Standard 3

Manatar Holland baa porobaaad lor early pndBO.Uon at tba Oliaid Aranua lha lau Mart Jaebaon'a

Iruh diaoa, "Tba CialRB CboBO Bany M. DowUr. ot Oanoroaa* HInatiaU, U alaalaa with ano

oaaa bia U'aa( walii aaag, * Mo(har'a Blrih<

woida an by Oaorio J. Apo ..Aobcayhaaeomplalad (bellDiauo oraoomlc opera, (ha aoooao(

iday.Aobrey Boacleaala

-mabU Uldlaltelaod. Jallaa Edwaida wlU wrlla (hal

,00 re laaala BoaaUUa, Iba aoabraua a( Forepuab'aBlook Oompuy, praaaolad the membara of Vlratraelr B,

Irom wblchoompuy (he ataieflreoeo at tba(beam la aa.

ilRBod, with a laraa Soral boraaeboa. Acoompuyiet It

vaa a card oa wbtob wu wrlllu: "To (ho brara wbodally rlab (hair Urea to fare dhara, with beat wlabaaudpiayaialor year wallttra "......A tood (hiBR ror rjilUdalpbla U tba loog ran ol "Chailey'a Aanl" al (baChHl-naL rbariM Frohmu U ao plaaaad wllb Iba aaeoaaa of

bla vutBre(ba(babudaalded to praaeal otbar preduo.

Uaaa lor loBg rnoa la tbla oily. Sararal other laadlar

maaaian aia aaid to ba ullooi la aiuod thatr time onImponutatlraotiaoa tMokad at Mlioa A ISlmmennun'aboaaa.....TbatbraebBedrad and Qdielh oarlonnueaoi"M^aialne, or the Maalo Klaa" wu eaUbniad al tha

Broad Btraal Tbaatra, 7, abao aoavenlra ware Rlrea

Jallan Bdwarda ealabimtad bla oriaanlb UBlraraary u aeoBdaalor ol oomlcoparm tbe aamaevealBc. . . .Thalruafor or tha Empire Thaam pnpariy by JobB M. Kharp lo

Robart ooaleL of New Tork.wu tnada,S, ror gsatni,aabjeal u morltaiaa aHregaUag Sell.oai. Tbla ocUobu prallffllaary lo Ina arecuoo ola houl oo lha atU el

(ha(biatia, uuBnaacadloTuaCLti'rBt aarenl weaka

So. Foaaaaaioo will be obialBod March I. wbao lhaeatialaaaaaiplraa. Muetar Worrall a Taylor, el (ho

Empire, bare parfeelad oe plana ror (ha ln(ara. Nho-tlallou have been paadlng oetwaan a broker, rapreaeol-

,01 ihe Efflpira muaiemeDt, and Mr. VlBpoBay, owoer01 the PaUoa Thaaira property, bat affona to raaab uacraaaantbaraprovu laUla. Tba projael waa loaa.

OBie the two adJolBlBg properties aad uUrfa tbe praa-

ul atneuie, bet tbla baabeoB abaadoBod.

Pliubarg.—Alter Ibe boomot tbe ObrleunuboUdare tbaia la a loll lo all kloda ol bBalaaaa bare, andIhatollhaahowmu UoeaicapUeo to lha role.

DOQOtaaBTiBiraa—Bloa'a"ltfS"lato bare lu drat

Innlni bar* (bla waab. "AOalalrnirl"draw muy of

onr Piltabart tIrU op lo Ju. A JamaaU'Melll li

BIJOO TaeATat —Thara are anoot ladlcatloaa of aoroapaioea waab with "la Old BaBlBoby," aaiUBlaay.'Darhaat BoaaU" pievad a good maenat ap lo 1 *Oolha Mlaalaalpprii, ror lha Snl lima bar*. •

ALrieTBBAVaa—There laa Rood a^Tuoa aaU for (haURaaanaBtor (ba Llllpatlua, baaiaBlag 7. "Tha Olrl

I un Babied Ma" eu|bi oe wall (ha peal week. ThaBoaloBlua 11BAfrBaoTBurat-TbUbooaaladaik ibUwaak aod

will lemalB ae (lU aoma aallalaeUry arrugamaal la

made wl(h (boaa boUlntelalBaaBaJBA 11 ror (ba debtiBeBrradlnluaraeiloa. Manager B D.wiltbu madea tame alntala. aad It U (o oe hoped (bat lha mattermar aoen ba ulnatad ao (batbaeu raopao. Bobarlmay aoen ba ulnatad ao (batUiDUrdaloBadawaab'aaDpRaBaalt. _ . ,^ .

ilaaav wiLLuaa' aoabut or HoaiOL—Webber AFields Owa Co. Ihia week. JobB P. Flalda' OrawlBRCaida will lolkiw. Tbe French Folly Oo. oleaad e apUe-did weeks.New OBAve Oreaa Booaa.—Eflle ElUlar (hU weak.

Halluand UaitaloaadaaainblalaagaeamoBia. Frlm-roaaAWaofeMUaueUia.BiBtv DAVit" Beta Hcttt—Tet«and(balloB,Wal

laaaai* (ha arladpal e«w taaloraa Ib (ba enrlo balLAn exeetUeta'aRaabowlatlru by (heM^aaUa Vaoda-vUMCo. BaitBaaaaoeUaiiaatoad.New Wotu'a MCltoe Teiaraa -Zip. tba Wbal la III

aBdOlaible(BiaRldu)ai*lbe(nmp<aida la tha urtotoUa, wbUaOrfmmiaa A Ooia'a TaadatUU Btara aepaaru (be(hae(iw. EfarylbioR ledleataa a aaeeeeafel eet-ooawlarthUboeaaaBdarlUBewdepenara.BrBAV.—MaaaaarUarryO. Sabwab, or (ba Raw Orand

Open HoBia, left lor Now Torb 1, to aaeara aomo Barel-

Uaafer lhaaboaaa ilarn BlafaBa,lbo wall kaewapratimmmar. bu baaa III fir aoma iJma put at buhatula Nllaa, 0- bal wu abU lo rolBra bare S All

IbeledlaaaltaedlBa Elbe BUalar*a parforwiuee, at lhaNew oread T. will bo praaaetad with a baadaomaaoarulr Tbaiv U lo ba a baaadt lor the Wool FueBoaplltLW lha AlrlB Tbaaua, dartag E. H. Balben'auanaaaaut la Pebraary aoal. Bavanl aabara af

"A" del ell OliT Ca. were lU darlag tbe eatagaeaaatattbeeergaemtliB, at lbel>eqBaeBe lealwaat, owlag

to Ibe eeddea aad ilolut ahutea ofwaalbar. ... .Joke J,Baumu, foraerly Inaaartr el IballoUU BlieelTbaa'Ira, BoiloB. Mtaa. bu baaa appoletad naannr af (baNtw Oread Open uanae bar*.

Altaeaa>_Al Ibe BlerenUi Avenoe Openlloaoa "Faal gaarar" wu praaaeled New Tear'a matt-eaetoa amallaltaBduae. At lha aauieg perfbrmaBoe,bowoTor. lha booaa wu wall dllad. "«dalaiaa ar theMatlo Klaa^" wu piwMBted br the Camilla D'ArvtllaOean (Ajmpaay 3 to a Urea udlaor*- Camilla D'ArvitUdid aal appear ob aaonaBl ol aafferlBg iroro a aaranooU. aad bar oeadllloB waa aaah tbal bar pbyalelu ad-viaed (hal aha ahoold aot appear and at Ihle writtaR ahaloillllal Iba LoRU llnaaa, bar oooipaBy barlBR lellbar bare, liar plaea wu dllaO la a ntoal aaoaMabIamuoerby Hilda Thomu BaTora pncaadloR wllh (haopen lha uBouQoameal wu oiada trom ihaatataaod(ha aadUaca ware larormed (hat 11 ibay an daairadtbelr meaey would ba rataraad byaopljlBRatlbaboiotloa No OBO acoeplad tba offar. ud by tha InqaulaBeoia* (ha aadleace aeeraad wall aadaaad. Wlirred(?Urk bad amul baalaaaa i. Loala Ahlilob, la '-MyParloar " did walls Al II. Flald'a MiBiliaur. "A Barlal ol MoBoy" laHtara' Biodia, la "On tha Bowery." ISllABBT DATia' Roae Moeie.—Tbla weak Boanarlulb-

iBR horaol. Kloar^ (Hlalna ud Katooa, tha Japuea*" — •

Btala"marvaUaad Millie t'erllo, Mllaa aed Irelud, Bralaan

(Water Qaau). Ilaiir Plok, SliUa riab,<leorBe Laallaaad Bartllmball.

Wilheebatre.—"Bbcn Acres," Dec 31, badEBOd baalaaaa. Looia Aldrlob," to "My Pertear,*' Ju.had a Rood a'UBduoe. LeblRb Ualraralty (ilea ud

BaaJoOlBb, t. hade llabl boaaa. CoBoen(leeel),S drawa onwdod houaa *Tbe Darby Maiool,'' S bad (airbaalaaaa Taooua: 'The New Boy" IL Low OeckaladarIt, Wlirrad Olarta It (lUbU (a ba ouaaladk "U'Nalll,WaablBeUB. D- a," is, M, "Co (be BoBaiy" 17, "TheWhile SqaadroB" l^Muaic Hall.—Xaaaadr'a Playara,.waak of Deo. 81,

ilayad 10 fair baalaaaa. To aomo; "blaoblUlari"Ju.7,1. "TbaBoulhSaloia tba War" 10, II, II, "In lha Foot-

biua" 11 lA IS. "LItile Trlile" 17, IS, It, "Work eadWaiai"3l,a,IlwomiRBLaao TMaiTaaMDiaa-AalAru (la-eeg

aadu eieallaBl raBdaTllla Bbow had ootforalybaalaaaa aaak ol Dae 31.


ReadlBi—"Bnperba" drew large andlencee atthe Aoadatny or Mualo Doo.SI,Ju-l. "Prlooaaa Bon.Bla" eama lo Rood bualaaa A "llboie Aoraa" bad aUrea booaa 1 (}omlog: "My Partaar" B, "Tbe DarbyMaaool" 10-

aBABDUrBBAHooea.-llovanl Vairaldaala did wallwaak or 0*0. 31. Ed. P. DavU- "UoeU Tom'a UabIB" Co.Ju ABuoo TaBATBa—BualaeaawuoBly fair week of Dea

3), u Uanr Salton'aBBTleaqBaltoBpuy did BotRlra luoaaal abow, oe aoeOBBl ol harlBg aaTeraldliappolBlmuu wKh lu paopU. "The Qarmu Vulanlaar" Ju.7-t, the Early Blrde Barlaaqua Oo. U>-13.

ersBtoB,—At ISO Academy ol Miiilo tbe'Hoblo Hood" Opare(3o. eoraaJu.7jS.TbaHeruloeOraUrio Koalaty, BBdar (iia dineuoe of Rlohard P. Llulaar,tara "Tbe Oblmae of HormaBdy,'' 4, lo a Urge audi-woo. A. Y. FaaraoB'a "Darby Maaoot" Oo. wu wall ra.

oalrad 3. Laala AUilch, to '^M? rartaar,' 31 bad a goodbonao- Dockeuder'a MlBatialo II-

PaoTlliaoBAH.-Tbe Lahlih UIm Clab, 8L had a goodbouaa. Bookad : Whallaa A flaruil'a "South Bafiire tbaWar,"at. williad Olarka II, IIDiTia' TiaaTBa.—Ju. 7. a, 9. RaftoB'a Barlaieua Co-


10^ II. It "BUokllitad-" "Faek'a Bad Boy," lha pulweak, eama (o orowdad hOBaoa.

LaacBeter,—At Ibo Fniton onen Ilonte "Pealgaavar'' had good bBalBaaaOaa-31- lIuloBa"-iiuparba"dnw big houaaa Jan 3,3. -Tba FrlBeaaa BobbU" (ra

lara aaRaaamaBO, did aaeapdoBallr wall 4. Uamltial> AiTin*. 7b "Madalalaa, or be MirIo Klaa." had Uiiahooaaa, alalia** and •Taalag, L Loula Aldrlch, la "layPartner," 7, Jamu T. Powora, In "New Hoy," S


Near Orleane.^AI the Prenob Upeia Ilonte

Sunday metlneca hero been again reaumoil, udthie famed tomple of eong weloomee tbo old lime

nuMuee tiabltata, who Hook In Urge nnnibere lo lie

hallt whenever Ite doora are open to Invito ed.mlrcre of muBlo end eong. "Ia JoIvo" aitrautcd alarge endlence, woo gnnted tiaarty applauae udcloee attentloa Ibronghout tbe perforounce. OnDeo. 30 "MIgnon" wu tong to approclallvo lliten-

ere. Mile. Delornes capilvetlngberaadleoce. HLeagalu tooted a mutt pmnoiiaced tucceie with berHuulan folk deuce. U. Belley canleil oir tbebooon of the evenlog, ilotlng ine role nl wilhelmMettler. "I.e Orud MokoI" wae ooei nhtmiloglyeung end ell tbe partlolpanit tcored a tilampb.Oband OrtSA lluitBB—"Krlendt" being ibe et-

tracUon bere leal week, large audlrncet werenlghtly lb ellendanoe. Ju. «, Merle Wtlnwrlghl.AotoBHT OK HOBic-lloberi Downing, attleied

by Kagenle HIeIr, eilruted Urge andrenoee Uatweek, appearing In 'TbeflUdltUir, ' "Klobard, ibeLloa lleerted," "David Oairlnk," "A KronchHAiTlAge" end "Ingomtr." Ju, g, Rhee, In nper-loiy.

bT. OHABLtB.—Jamee J. Uorhett, In "QentlemuJack," played to crowded boueee during ble tliy InIbe Crtacent Uliy. Jan. s, Kaile KmmeiL


DeBver,—At tbe Tabor Orud Open lloaae

waak o( Oao 31 "Tbe New Boy" played to food bouHa.Week ol Ju. 7, llamauB.BaoaoWAT TeaiTaa -Week ol Doe. 81, Chaa. OlobaoB,B ' A Jolly Hood Follow"and '(boor," had lur bualaaaa.LToauM THBATaa—Waak of SI. "HaowbeU " by the

Block oompuy. pUfad to big bualBoaa-UoRvie HTBBBT TUBATna-Weak of SI, Fraeau*e"A

Bailioad TIebel" bad bla lioaaaaUaavBAL Thbatbb —Tbere U bo obuge le people.

Baaiaeu IB bla-

MBarioH--Torea naauB aad gloio guebo are IB lhacity labiBg a reel Tha Blba Lodge laaa a aoalal


Paeblo,—At tbe Uraiid Milton Noblct, wbo hadbaaa uaouoood lur Dae- It, cuoalad, but cauia Jao. 1,

appaarUt In '-Lotb aad Law." Coaglore S Urura Oo.,10 -^a DoBlar," 1

. _(ViLOaaiA.—trader tha aaw muaaamBot ol t^baa. W.

Barkaley, wllh Baw pUyera ud new plari (bla banaeeeaaa to have had u auapleleu baglaBlBg. Weak orDea- SI. "BarllBda" wu alvao.IliaLia'aBrABOiao-Hbaffar ud Wltllaffla,lha Maa.

tua Family, aad NuU Waiaoo war* aa* week of 31,

HooA Ouldo raappearad tbe aama daU- iSoU Vara, Bu-lla Hart ud olbara tiled (bejproRranima-NoTU -Tom Wada, tba well beoao niuager ud par.

lormar. opaaada fariatr IhaatjalBBaau Pa, N- M , Ju.3 Hbarlff Moaaa. of Fuaido.Tatoad tha ilora eeataalbeiaau Iba rugtaaw Kid aad FruaMmlUi, colored, ofDoBvar. which wu lo have uhao olaeaat Maallo'a. Dee.18 The aoal trial of llearr Baroea, aiaga muaHaror Uio Huodard, ror u alUgad laloolouaaaaaultupooanu bribe aama ol llewani, will badeolded Ju. 3.

A wraeillBg match (oaiab u oalah eu) batwaeaJack Bhoaahora, or Fueblo, ud Ed. Bart, who elalma lo

to iho ehamploa llgbl wolibt wiaauerol ibeUoiledStaua, wuareataraat llulfa'a Dae. 81.


PorllaBd.—At Forllud Tbeatra Uat week tbe

Waite Comedy Company bald tbe boerde doinguB. It. 0. builnees. LlllUn Kennedy, In "She

Oonldn't Harry Three," Ju. 10-13; "In Old Ken-tocki" 14, 18, ''Tbe Tornado" 10, 17. TreuurerSulllvu declined a BaUering oirer made by Mu-Jier W.lie lo eccompuy Els ebow on tbe rued,

uager Loiborp made nU eeml-Ubnal vUll to

ponuno Uat week Tbe Paealon PUy doted

eierW.Me lo eccompuiMa

Hioddard'a teriei ct tlx leoiuiea 8, tnd packed IbeCity UaU.


jBelaaoBTilIe.^neali1cal matlen were niter(IBlat at lha Park Theatre (he laal waak- Cenlai; Cora

Pouar aad Eyrie BelUw, la "OharloMa Cordny," Ju. 7,

"The Derll'a AaelloB" B Tba Oreloiama of Battle of

Oetlyahart la aUII lo town tod la dolotlalily wall......

Ilamr Nickel Plate thowa are wleunag al fHie Mey.aard. eaaof oaraaberbi


Varfo.—Fargo Open Uonee le dark at pretenu

Daa- M. lha Fargo DraiatUo Clab, wllh lha aaallteaee or

Mr. ead Mn- euckdaU, prodaaed "Brother AgalatI

Brather" lo a good alead aBdUeea. Tba aama pUf waarapaaiad Uhrlalmu BigbL Tern BlokaU' Troabedoeradraw raltlytl. Ju. Iwlui a Haw yoar'a real'—London Mule Hall Bnrwa^aa Co. did a llgltComing: >, 10, Nail Sariaaa' "Oounly Fair."



allna*. The

alt Lake Oiir.-Al tbe Ball lake Tbeatn Ihe

CaUoen Opara Compuy bed Ulr bealaaaa DtctJ-m,Loula CoUlaa II, Ju- L AUiaodar SelvUl Udae T-U,

Prof. Uerrwuae lA It.

(IBABB^The Bral waak'a baalBaaaaltblaBfv boeaewea eatlalaatoiy, tea aompuy belog reealred lo bigbtoror, preaaeUBB '-Moiba," Week af Dee, 31 "l«adeaAmeraaae" waa the hllL _


Clurleetaa.—At Otrens' Aoadsmy ot Motiolha BaldwiaMairllU Oo. didM Immeeee batleeee week

of Dee. twaa.^ al pepaltr prleea Ooitea'eMlaelrelB

H aiakeid MeatSeld


Laat Week'e Dwealav-Tbe pael week idd-ed builllue of Impoilance lo tbe leeeon's record.The only noleworUiy event which occnmd Ibenlawee tbe prodnollon In ihU countiy of u RnglUhplay which hu won tnccete In iMdon, when Its

Initial rnnlenotretoompleled. Tbe play laa melo-dntna, end Intervtl hat been aronted br the ex-

periment ot pietenilog a plar ot ible oltas for uullolpated ran In t Hroadwty ibeaue. Aa Ibe

pUy poeeetaee conaideniily more then Ihe averagemerit ot Ite kind, and wu received, npnn lis litt

preaenlallon bere, wllh many eigne ol favor. 111

lantrwill be watched wllh loierrel, In the bells

that It may afford eomo Indication concerning Ibeeort cl playe Ibat will be In denanil bere In the nearfnlnio. Bnilneu wtt eaturactoiy all along the

line. Mitlneee were given on Niw Y«ei'eDar,atalmoat ell placet ol tmutemeni, wllh mnoh heller

reenlit thu ihote eoblered on Ubrittmu ttlernoon.

. .The continaed perlormucee tor ibe week end-ing Ju. 8, were: Orud open tt the MbtkofolitanOrget Ilai'ta, "Rob Rot" at Ihe IIbrald SqutBB,The Caae or Rebelllona Rueu" et the Ltosvm-

the lloetonlani at Ibe Hhoaowav, "The Uteqnenden" et Ibe BMrina, "(lUmnnda" tt ihe riFvn Ava.Nira,Mr.tnil Mn. Kendal el AassT's, "IJllle Obits.

lopber"ei the OteDBN, "A Milk White Flag"alIIott'h, Palmer Uui'e "Drownlee" at the FOUB-tbbhth 8THBIIT, "Too Much Jobnton"alUieBTtNi>-ABn, the Stock Co. at IIai.y'h, Wlle<m Bemlt el the

AMtticAN, "The Uotlot King" al tha AoAOBMT OFHuHio, "Notoriety" al IIarsiuan'b ud ' At'oantrySpmi" at the Bijou The "no week iiuda dot-

ing Jan. 8 wen: "The Irlth Ariltt" et the Pbo-

rLB'a, "HcFadilen'e Klopemont" at Jacobs' TninnAvbhob, lurry O'Kelll, In "Irlah Ineplnllon," at

lha Orand Oi'rra lluitR, the l.illpuiUne al tbe

Uarlbm OraiiA llol'tB and "Down In Dixie" at

Ihe CdLUHeud Variety entoruinment iru for-

nithed at Tunt I'AnniB'ii, Xoitsr A Rial's, Ibe

Union Bqvabb, PHiitnuK't, (be UNnoN, tbe iiltm-

rioend Minsk's Hdwrhy end Eiiiimi atsnub. ...

I'errnrmenoee In Herman were given at tbe IrtinoPLACBandHBHMAHIA,udpeirormanceslnllBBSBWat the Thalia, Winiwih and Aoi.bb'b

At Palmrr's TUBtTBS anexoellontcompuy.uderIhe muegemeni of Oharlee Frobmen, prudooed, on

Dec. 31, for the dttl lime In thIe conntiyi "IBe Fatal

Card," a melmlnma. In B»e arts, by 0. Iladdcn

Ubtmbcit tnd D. C. Hiephonton. Tbe play proved

to he InleretUng ud received a very mvonble ver-

dict. Whether or not II will have a profliable ranIt itlll problemallral, for II waa not greelcd by arepreeeoiallve flni night endlence, end the reepeot-

lul altenilon hcttowed upon It wu dne lo Ihe

iboronghly good perfomuneoeqnallyu muohutotbe moriu ot the play, SevenI of the pUyen en-

gaged In lU preaentailiin ere memben o( the Km-pin Theain Stock Co., tnd tbe out derived addi-

tional ainnglh from the preeence ot J. K. Blodderd,

who, loened by A. U. I'elnier, niaile on Ihle ocotalon

hit tint raelropoHian appearenco ihlt eeaaon. Bull

runber Inlereat centred In Ihit produollon, Inee-

much at Iteimtdedntcaalon for the dratappearence

here or Amy lloaliy eince ehe Joined Mr. Krohniu'e

forcoe. Unrnrtuoately, however, for (hie pronilelng

aclreu, tllhuugh ahe occupied Ihe pialtinn ot lead-

ing Itily, her role wu i>r accomlary Impiirlanceudfalloil lu give her opponunlUee aileiiiato lo her

powen At Ihu Htah Tiirathb, on Dec. SI,

llcnman Tlioropmn licgan an ongagemrnt In "Thetlld lloiiiraltad." "The I'millgal Daugbtcr"

liegu on lioii. 31 a lorlulglil'a engagement at


iBit week, temporarily at lewi, frum the Uat or

hoiitot devilled to theetrlcal enlerUlnmonlt, II

liu been leiaeil liy Win. T. Oregg, who ennnonceelobe given thoilii aeerliBor leclureaandreadlnge.

Uirrelt l>. Servlaa begu there on Ju. 'J a aeilee ol

lllualntod iccturoe Tlie HIrollen, Iho enieteur

(Immatlo orgulaalloii rorniorly Ideoilded altb

ColuinbU (Jollego, gave eight performuon Uat

week al the lleiiKti.ar l.vuauM In bIiI of a local

chanty. Tliey preacnleil a double bill whiubInoludeil Mra. Hannah Crowley'a ibree ut comedyThe Brlle'tHlnugom," revlaed liy Kdwerd FainHoward, and "Tte Roee of Auvergne," comloopera, In one act, by OnSnbub ud Ferale

At Uie AHRRioiN TagATMB Wileon lUrrett wueeenIn "Ulbello" Uec el, Ju a ud t, in "Uen.My-

Vhne" matineeud erening Jan. 1, evening 9 udmatinee 8, ud In "VIrglnlut" 4 Barry U'Nell

made big Ont eppetnnoou a tier Deo, al, al tbe

Oband UrsRAllofSs, In "Irlth Intplnilon."

"TunlngtheHbrew" wucanllnuedittbsailncllcn

tt Daly's Tiisatmb Al the HSTBoroLiTANOrsRA lluiwB, Ihe seventh week of the eeaaon ot

nndopen begu Deo. ai, wHbaperrotmucecrMoiart't "Don niovuni," mention or wbtoh wumtde lo oar lul Ueur. Verdl't "(liellfl>> wu given

Ju. 1, wllb Ihe tame cut u bclon. An rainnight, Jan. 8, wu the ncculcn ror the npcUUonol"l«i llugnenou," wllb Hie aame excellent out uwhen Ont preeealed during Ihe preceding week. Adouble bill waa Riven 4. l,eoncavallii'e "I I'aillao-

d" waa the lliat oirering ami wit Ihne cull Neddt,

Mile. Xtlle de Ijiaan; Tunlu.Blgbor Anoooe; Silvio,

M. ilromzcekl; I'oppe, Bignur t/annl; Vanio, signoF

Itaailluo. Tbla wh folliiiied by Uaecagol'e"Uar-

alleria llualloanu" wllh Iheae Inlerpretani Hu.loua. Mile. Hire Heller; l.uoU, Mile. BanermcliUr;

Lole.Hlle. Juedo Vlgoa; Altii, Hignor Beuaude;Torlddu, Signer Tamagno. "Klalne" wu given at

the matinee 8, wllb Mate. Helba, Jeu de Hetibe

ud Kdoutrd de HMike In the oatt. BUcl't "Utr-

nieo"wu Ibe ogrring evening ut 8, Vbugeeinthe caat pretenled Luclle mil u MIokuU udSigner Knetllano at lionJoee Kxoerpis from

"The Scarlet I,elier," the new open by Willar

litmroKh aod Oeorge Panone falbrop, wen beard

In concert at Oimnihis Muhiu Hall atisrsooDor

Ju.4. Tlieiolesworelbutaaalgned: lietter,Hme.

Nordica; Arlhnr, Wllllem II. lUeger; Obllllofwonb.

Big. Oimpantrl; wutoo, Krlcieun F. Uotbnell; Oot.

luillegbaa, Oonrad Uebrene; Bracken, Jemea F.

Thompsoo. The Hymphonr Urcbcitn, nnder lbs

leadertblp of Mr. Deinroecb, tsaUled MendYoug made her prorcaalonal debut afiernoon of

Ju.t, St Ibe IIBBAM) HqiTABB TUBtTBB, ID the role

or Jtset, In "Hob Hoy." She will In tulnre nlleve

Juliet Cordeo twice eub week.

SUNDAT BNTSBiiHMBNn on Jsn. 4 Inclndsd tbseeventb of Ibo eerlee ot populer conoerta at lbsMelropolllu Open tluuee. a vaiidevlUe eotentlB-msnt at tbs Academy of Mnelo. Denmso Thomp-son's songt, llluainud and lllnmlnslsd, al lbs

Blar Tbeaire, ud a leailmuntal lieneli perform-anceloaldotmily Birch, tbe vileru minilnl, at

tbe BIJOU Tbealro.UHASLSS Fbouhan'b time At llnyt'a Tbeatn will

begin on 8(trcb 4.

It das been decided to poetenne tbe prododloaor "Ueartori<uiiy"at Dtly'e Tbeaire until Ju, 18,

and Mailne Killou, wbo u to appeer In the piece,

will not Join the tinck at Uial honae until to.

Mu. LANirniY wUI begin u engagement al the

Fifth Avenue Ttealre March 4.

J. ALDBiuii LiBisr and wifs have lell the FulloenallOpenOo. _ ^USNBV ABmuR JoNts Sent Oharlee Frohmu

IHO 10 be duirlboted emong tbe suge banda ot Ibe

Empire Theatre te a New Year't gift. Tbe mouywu dUlrlhnled during the lullsee lu. 1.

OBABLBS uuMMiNOt, doorkseper ot Um BroadwayTheatre, ata placed lo the Inmie pavilion of lbs

Bdlsvne Uoeplial Ju. 1, to await u exemlaatlonInto bU menial condition.

AH BWnaTAINBBNT WU gtvcB St Ibs Oily Fflsos

Jan. I. Among iboM aopearinc wen Mn. ((, A.Sieedwdl, Mrs. A. U. tailor, Mn. BsskoSD d«Feyster, Wm. Josh Daly, Mabel BUDmaa. AsnstBerlnger, Ctrl Odeu. U.T. Borlilil!, Ohss-Hseliaa,Looiss Tooker, Emu AdolpU ud ints. OlsdsrKbs,tocompuuis.

716 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januabt 12.

— Nolci fnm lbs MaMl Itliia Do.: wmie Id

LrsohMiri, Ti., Hlu roge o«l«b»t<d Iwr birui-

4*7, Ml4 wu prtMDUil irltt k nurqalw dUmoDdilai, h; Die miugtmeiit, tier rooUier tnil lha

ntniMn o( itao oonpaDr. Tn* ptMeDUUnn vhiu4« dorlDK Ui« pertonnuea, by II. Oof Wood-

wua. AfUr the parrornkDM ft loooh ma glTao

tlia coispUT b7 Ulai Ftlga Hauger Mailar, vboililltd na lo Lrnohbarg, wu niada tba reclplest of

a diamond acart plo by Uia rompany. Daalneaa Id

LTDObbgrgma pliaiioinaoal,crowdtd linoKaeTarfDlglit balDg tne role. We opened In Atlanta wlin areallDee Deo. 34, given by lllu Palga to ibe newt-boya ol Ibe city. Tbe bonio iraa crowded, and the

ronngatara bad a great time. Tner Joined lo the

oborona ot ibe aonga, patted for the dancing, andIn fact "ran tba aliav." Bomneaa In AUtou wtaonly fair, a cold ware comlDg np tliat kept people

iBdoota. The week nt Jan. 1 wa play Oreenvllle,

Hiaa, the bome ol tbe yonng antboraaa. Hay Ward.Mlaa Paige li now playing ibree placei from ber

pen. Uhflaunaa prcaenia were plenuinl, CTerr-body being remembered. Moat of them werealmpletokenaof eateem.bottome inbatantlal gifia

were made. We go to tbe eiireme Bonib now for

two montba, and then wort Nortb again.— A note ilgned Mni. Annie Horrla Informa na

Diat Maggie Moma haa iiwn tramfrrrcd lo Bloom-Ingdale Aaylum for tbe Inaane.— Una Bmc« la going to he alArred In a new

farce comedy now nalni written for ber hy Bunllotchlnga. of Feck, Ulcb. The company npenaJan. 9>,atBeiird«iown, III. Felix Aniud baa Imnengaged to do tbe adranee work.— Alonu natch den lea that he baa algned wltb

Fark A Oraoo'a (Mliromla Upei* Uo.— Iir;and Hra. HobL Wayne hafe cloaed Ibeir

aon temporarily, bnt will reopen about April I, for

Ibe Semmer.— Wm. Hllcbell, of Mitchell and Lorraine, la nowwllb "Oa the Bowery."— Willie Walte la now In the alock ooopany ol J,

K, Oliard'a Hnaenn at Krle, Fa.—TtM I'airol Qnartet hu reorganized, and now

conalala of Aciko F. Aelkena, Dm tanor; FanI 0.

Radeoaker. aecottd tenor; Frank D. Honroe, bantone, and Oeo. H. Decker, buao, and open at

Bfflltb'a Open Bonw Jan, T, wltb I. II. Hoore'a clr-

onlt 10 follow. Win aoon b« Kaai again. Tbeqoanet la mnob atronger now wltJi tbe new mem-bera, and are making a big bit erery whore.— 'onr Irlab VIeltora" opened at Weal Uartle-

pod, England, week of IMo. n. Tbomaa E. Horray,Tony BnlUTan and Frank Dana made dlatlnot rao-

— Noteaandroit«rottbe8«DKr PaytooOo.; Wean playing a rapertorr tbroogb Oallforola to goodbnibiaaa, gtrlng good aaUincUon. fir. Paytonwaa recently pretented wltn a gold K. of P. cbarmby tbe membera or tbe company. Roiter: BenterFaylon, Lucy Payton, lola Payton, Vina Farlon,Eleanor Baiea, Marie Beoktol,OorDellaau(rord,M.Ij. De Forreat, J. U. Moore, Albert Undo, D. E.

Onita. Lloyd Fanaher, John afcCarron, John Donl-rnn, L. NIcbolMD, Martin Uoliba, F. J. Morlng.'.m«l Bokol, F. It Yonng, W. D. Emeraon andUaby Ludo.— Aline Laehanmebaa been engaged by Manager

Baandera, of tbe BhafKabnry Tbeaire, London,Eng., to wrile tbe mnalo for a comlo open to thebook of Oacar Bareeti. The opera will be pre-aented In London next Beptember, wltb MarieTenpeatiD the leading role.

— Tbe ownera of the Orud Opeim llonw In Jack-BODTllle. 111., hare l«aaed tbe balldlog to TiDdale,

Brown A 00., a looal mnilo Drm, who take poeaea-

iloD Jan. 97, tbe leaaa or tbe preaeni managementexpiring Jan. St.— Ohae. W. Young and Obaa. A. Maaon, come

dlasB, bare doaed with niu nill'a World ot tforeltr

00. and Join Uerbert Cawtbom'a "A Oork Man"UO. for tbe remainder of tbe aeaaon, Jan. 14, at Obicago.— Halpb Bell and wife (Emma Bardnn) JoinedTbe Kld'i 00. In BL Loili, Mr. Bell Uhlog JohnQoeen'a part of Bam Baxt«r.— n. R. Wright. Kloclanonetlat, ol the Babb

comedy Oo., baa clotod wltb that organlrAllon, Inorder to begin a tborongh conrae of atndy on thatInitmment.— Palge'a Playen, we are Infonaed. cloeed Not.

24, at Macomb, III., Tory ioddenly. Eight of tbejtMe company Immcdiaioly organiud a companyand opened at PlymoDlb, ill., on a gnamntee.Since then tbe company, known m tbe LycenmTtoaire Oo., report doloi a good bnalneai Obrlat-

naa wu oelehrated wllh a large nnmber of prea-

eola to each member ot tbe company, and newYear'e night a flae banquet waa apread for tbenembeii at Uolcbialer, 111., where the compaD'"— --p onel

nton A.

— Dave D. WlllUrae haa bought Jobn Lncaa' In

laraal In Lambert A Lucai' Flaytra. Tlie companynnmbera tweWe people. Oeo. Ulemena and QraceWeaiem Joined on Jan. 1.

— Nellie Leo, aoubreua, waa married on Obrtal-

maa day. In tela oily, to Henry 0. Blmmona, of

Brooklyn, a non profeaalonal.— Waller D, Bouo la engaging a comswy for

Oeorge F. Krauia' oomody, eulltled Tbe TwoFalrlea." The Inlual performance will be giTen at

Haltlmnie. on Febnuuy 4.

— Ada Gray and Obirlet Y. Tinny bavo recelred

an oner for an extended tnnr of die Paclilc oout at

tbe ol'<ae of Mlaa Oray'a preaent aeaaon.— Wm. Bryant. Iiaia Foatar, Fanny Uwla and

the Erana Bitten Join Wlll'a ''Two Old Oronlea''

Oo., at Fblladelpbla, Jin. 14.

— Ad* Van EiiA haa loliuilror Hyron'a comoany,and Joined "Qlorltna," al Unbuque, la,, on tihrlit-

maa.— Owing to tbe aerloni lllnoaaot Kdlth Kromer,Manager Don Kromer wu compelled to oloee tbe

Kromer Theatre Oo. at Maplelen, la., without a mo-roenfa Dolloe. O. W. Uoirtney and wife, leadingman anil woman wlUi tbe company, apont Ibe bol

dtyaathome.-Notaa from Btouon'a "U. T. 0." Oo; Will J-

Banka, bnalneai manager, wrltoe: "Oar hntlena la

(ood, notwltbaundlng hard timea and bad weather.Not a loelog week lines the nompaUT opened, Aug.3S, Tne parade li a marrel, three blooka ot glluer

and gold, wblcb Inclndaa three golden charlola,

ten Bbetland ponlea, two banda (one white and onecolored), ilx of tbe largiat dogaeveraeen, donkeya,elo. We are playing Fennaylvanla and aaamledoing tbe beat bnilneu of tbe icaaoD.— Tnunrer 0. Irrlog Plu,ot Lolhmp'a Opera

Uonae, WoroeaUr, Maaa.. win aerer tile connectionwllh that tbeaire In the near fulora.— BdwlD P. Tlloa hii Joined W. IL Rample'a

veld King" Oo. for Ibe remainder of the ie>aon.—John 0. nablaob,laM eomedlan wltb Mr. and

Hn. Hobert Wayne'i Co., hu algned wltb PeteBaker.— Notaa flora Ferrla' Uomodbmi: Atihecloaaot

onr engageDwnl In Taylorrllle, 111., Dec. 3a, wewere alTen a banqnel upon Uio atage by ManagerW. U. Kanp, Biago Manager Batea and nla ualat'

ania. Il waa a rlob apread, and wu thoroughlyenjoyed. Bpeeohea were made liy Mr. Forrls andHanger Kanp, altar which "touu" were In orderWean great laToriUa In TnylorTllle, and baTcal-waya done a good bnilneu there.— Hotel and lluter ot Oeo. L. Oregory'a Panto-

mlmeOo.! L. O, Sbolhr, formerly builneu man-ager of the Norelty Theatre, Trenton, N. J., buaerered hli oonneotlon wllb that houie, and huJoined Ibla company In the aamt oipiclly. Iloater

leo. L,ar«g«ry, proprietor; Lon Q. Hhelby, bulneu manager; deo. Kane, ilage manager: ana audLoniM OIlODrd, Le Bnnlo, Oeo. Kino. MtrnrelLoy, Kennedy and Lawrguco, Ularu FMelle, RItlle

VlTlan Haider, logaler, and Muter Nicky Kane.Builneu la good. Hauager Orogory win aborlly

add a tiand aud orobealra.— Notaa and Hoiier from the Llndny Diamallo

Uo.: We an doing a good bualneu through IndianTerritory and Texaa. At Atoka, I. T., Kdith Llnd-

uy wupivaentcdwiih a obaud allvcr dagger byber trlendi, and Juan Baldwin, advance agent ot

tbe oompisy, recelred a gold "Brownie." Tbeother memtMii or the oompany recelrod nnmeronapreaenia. Uoiter: John B. Llndiay, manager andpreprletor; Juan Baldwin, adrniioe; w. II. rnrdjaiage manager; l,uko Umgrove, W. W . Unudon,0. Bianohuian, properilca; Luolla Llndiay, BdltbLiDdaay, Mn. Lauiona Manidcld, mile FreddieManaOeld, and Haa Honigomery, planliL Oor lourooDllnnoi Itaiougb Tvxu and Into Oolorado.— The New Kioh*rdion Theatre »\ Oawogo, N.Y.

will open Jan. n, wllh llobln Uood." Joeeph'

Wallace will rauago the houae.— Roaler nt tbe O^nroy A fox "Uot Tkmalca'

Oo.: Jobn 0. Fiii, Jobn II. Uonroy, Ulurlra F. Lor-

nine, II. E. Falrbanka, Ben Bmelda. T. r. Wataon,Mlu BL Qoorge lluiMf, Von La Vellotie, Joalo UFountalne, Kltile Allen, Hay Allen, Uot Marble andOaule Sierena.— Nciea from Kempton'a Uomodr t^o.: We played

Indlanola. III., Dec. a and M, lo Ulg bnalncM, andreturned Jan. 1, 3, wbeu wo plaiod to "8. R. 0."— Obaa. Brlokwooil wrlica: "lion, the large blond

hound wltb Male Uirkne'i 'U, T. 0.< Uu.. badthrilling experlenoe near Hiraudiburg, Pa., Deo. 39.

While toundlui a abaip ourre Ibe tntin gave audi a

violent lurob lhat lion wu hurlod tnnugb theopen door of the bagnge car wllh luoli force u t'

break bla bameu and aend him all In a heap Into

mcky nvlne nvuy feel bolow. Wo all thonibt webad aeen tbe lut ot Don, hut, marvclona to ny, bobroke no bonci, and, alihnngh terribly ihaken up,

be will be aU right In a tow diya."— LoulM Llewellyn, tbe afrpenilne dancer In

"Bide Tracked," renlTod a lelegrHu, Deo. 31, meP'tloning tbe death ol brr taiber tn Ulnclnnatl.— Julea Waliera wined aud dined hii company

privately In Alton, HI., Uhrlitmu day. Bualnoaa,wltb tew exoepUoM, hu boon remarkably good.

Hotter ot Katie Pntnam'a Company: II.

Bmery, manager; A. R. WlRwr, bmlneu muager;Oui Cohan, L. O. Man, Buioa wiiiuuii, Oeo.K1lmKThoa.U. Fliidlay, 1,. H. Edgar, J. MrailUea,Anna Wataon, Badk) ItadolliTv, Ada Fkwceii, MuuLeigh and Kalle Putnam.— Manager Wm. T. Fenneaiy wrltoa u followa

"Owing to the diiiraaied condition ot tho one nighUanda In the Wiit, and tbe deatrajtlon ot Ini

Fineentb tfiroct Thciiro, Omaha, by dn, when


WW tK)Oked to appear, I have canceled al] my onenight alandi In that accllon of Ibe oonnirr and hUdmy allnoUan, 'Slarn of Uold,' oiT. I will mumemy tour at Uadln'i Theatn, BL LauU, In February,Uur bnilneu bu been leniarkablj good, conildehlug the ilmtra and Oral aeaaiin ot a new prodaoUon."— Damon Lyon wu called upon to play Ibe rale

ot Uarry FllaWarren, In "A Qalety QlrlJ' at ihonnotice, on acoounlot Ibe andden luncuoianuivllleBanlook.— Ftteda Bloonion, a nine ye«r old plinlit, ar-

rived In Uli city Jan. s from Uamburg. She will

appear ben In oonoerta wltb tbe Uamnaob Orobei-tra, and will tour the United Statu In companywith Joanllo Uaula, a Spanuh vtoUnliu It la an.

nonaced that Mlu BImonaon la a pupil ot Rabin.Item.— "One ot tbe Boyi," by Edwin Barbonr, wu

acted tor tba Int time at Daoklen't Open uona^Kikhan, Ind., Jan. 1, hy the Nell Floranca Oo.

-The nein Open Honia, at MadUon, Neb,wuopenod Jan. 4 by tba Robena-Martln Oo., InTaut,"' laweimiledboua.-Meaan. Becker A OlDelen ban aaanmed tba

managementot the Open Bonual Shelby, 0. Tbe

bonie opened onder Ita new management Jan. 4,

wllb -IWialty'a vmt," to reported "B. R. 0."— In tbe anil ot Mark Price agalnat Marie Bar-

rongbi and LonlaMiaun the plalnuirwu awardedllto. Tbe acUon wu brought tor damagei for abreach ot oonlraoL Mr. Prico ww engaged by the

defendanta to play wltb tbem for a eeaion begin-

ning laat October. Aboot the middle of Novemberbe wu diacharged. He aaked tor |I,000 damagea.— II la announced Ibat Jamea 0. Barvey and,ndwlg Englander are wriUng an opera, enUUedCleopatra," (or Lillian Ruaell.— mTr. Hanley bu written a new three act

comedy, entitled "A VUlage Clown."— Boater ot Ue Oilligbtr Comedy Oo.: Tbomu

Sweeney, Ed, Barrongba, Onaa. Baxter, Lairrenca

Brooke, Obaa. Ortmn, Edward Brown, Wm. L. Oal-

lagber, Jamn Brron, planlat; Marlon Flake, Flor-

ence Oullnand Rllubetb Wbiuaker.— Notea and roaur from tbe Meiropclltan Oome-

dlani: WeopenedNewYear'aEveatIIarvey,Ii1.,toa tair and appreciative audience. Manager Atwell

tendered the company a dinner on New Year'a

Day. We an booked In Indiana, ininola, Wlicon-

In and Hlohlgan. ItoeKr: B«nl. II. Atwell, man-ager; Joale Eogle, Erma Nieddeimeier, MarlonWataon, lAun Wendell, Frank D. smith, Bert

Cowdny. Wm. D. Niemann, Jobn 0. Dana andObaa.B. King. Oowdreyand Ntemann'a living pic.

lorei an a festnn.— Kirk Armatnng bu been HI tor uvenl wwki

puL and we are Tntormed that bla recovery la

donotrol.— John B. Hamn, ot "Tim, tbe Tinker" Oo., <

praaentad by bla wife wltji <> baby girl Jin. I.


wtn playing a return date to reported large bai7neaa. Toe roator ot the eompauF la: (Tllnt

Hohblna, narry I). Heynoldi, Ben King, Feu Ray-mond, BlUy Paige, Francci Florida, Ueule Bnrrowi94 Dolly lie Vynne.— Nelu from Era Itegnay Oo.: We an atlll

doing a fair bnilneu thnngh Oentml New York,aid an about to begin a tour thnngh the norlheraportion ot the Sixie. Ohrlilmu Day wu memi;obierved In Honvla. Herbert Beua rejoined nithen, u leading man, atier an aiiience of twoweeki. A. H. orlawold, ot Lnoler'a HInilnli,apentthe bolldaya with iho company, vlilUni bit

mother, Jeaile CTrliwold. Two new comediea arenow under itudy, and wilt be a valaable additionto our repertoiy, Alice Hamllion and Oeo. DavlnnJoined, 1, In Norwich.— Harry Wriiht, a member ot Edward Uarrl-

gan'a Co., and Lillian Flinn, formeriy ot ibeuraeorganleatlon, were married Deo. eo,— In (be can ot B. E. Rice aninit Oamllle D'Ar

vlUe, tor vlohillon of ocninoi,lEo BopremeJuillcliJCourt of Maaiacbuaeili hu inataloed the rallns ot

the lower court In dliiolvlng an Injunction lecnredby Manager Rloe'a atlorotya reatrsinlngHme. 11'Ar-tllle from performing for any other manigemcnithli Huon.— Leopold Jordan bu Jott writlen a bomorau

book, cnUUcd "Trllhy Re-Veraed."— Manager F. O. Whitney Intendi to have a newopen nexi acann tor Dorothy Honon, In whichiUe will make ber Brit operatic appeamnce In tbiacity.— Lillian Ilarper hu cloied with "The Oonntir

Bqnln"Co.— Jamea O'Neill Inlande to nvlva "Tho Uanl-

cheOb" nexiieaaon.— Annie Laun ailligticr hu begun ault In ihia

olty toran ahiolote divorce from Bernard Otllagher,— Katie Htrney Inlandi to aian on a ettrrlng

lour aborlly. Wm. Maraey will lead Ibe orcheiira.— Ward A Vokea and their farce comedy com-pauy,wblob Inolndu Obaa. Jerome, Ttony Wllllama,Al. Orant, Mtfgant Daly Volkca, Ollbert Learockand other olevor performen, come to the BljonTbutre, thla city, for one week commencing Mon-day, Jan. 14. They will nieeent their aacceufnlplay "A Ran on the Bank," by Ohu. E. Blanoy.— Oracle Emmeti ok>Md her aeaaon In Cincinnati,

Jan, t. Herbert Hall Wlnilow bu irrltien ber anew play, called 'The Oiest Northweal," which Mii

Bmmett Intendi giving a Spring production, open.Ing In March.— The one bDndredlh performance ot the "Ntw

York Bnwer" at tbe Oermanla Theatn, ibli oltj

will be oelebraled Haiatday, Jan. 11. Tbe lonveoLwhich Manager Adolf Pblllpp will give to everyvliltor will be a iletllng allrer mlmr.— At a ipeclal performance, Deo. 17, "KathleenHavonrneen''wu'prfamted br the raragon ComedyOo. at Pruooit, Atla. Brba Rolieion, who ii per-mauently locatad In that oily, played tbe role ofTerence O'More. BpecUilUu were Introduced byMm Ilobeaon and oCben between the acta.— Win K. Miuon, Dunager of La Petite Roia,

wrilu: "Onilnen In Ihi far North li good. I* Pb-tlte Ron la receiving oralloni nightly. After Jin.24 we mate one night iianda ezclnalvely, preaent-lug *La UIgale.' Deo. 31 wu the Hilt annlvemryot the marriage of La Petite Roaa and rojiell. Wewen tba reclplonta nt many bandaome prueotafrom tbe company. I make a nring trip to yourolty Jan a, lo proonie new paper."— Albert Tiylor hu olowd with RoM. Downing,

loacceptapmlUonwlib Ulok P. Satton, who will

itar him u Jim Bowie, In "Texu. or the Blege orthe Alamo." The roiur: Albert Taylor, RuMell A.Onbam, Wm. J. Wooda, Fred tvarbunt, w. Al.White, oal Fleming!, Uarry Scoit, Oeo. La Rooe,Hbortr Hold, Ulannoe Fry, liana Blocker, Joe UanIon, Joe Bargenta, Frank Towniend, 0. E. Nsel,Maude Button, Lata Button, May Wood! and HayLindJiy, Wllb Dick V. Snuon, manager: AlbertTaylor, dnmatlo dlieolor; Olanncc Fry, leader otorcbeeUa; liana Blocker, leader of baod; BbortyUold, alagenianBger,andLonB.WlU1ami, advancenpreieniative. The company tnvel In their oweipeolal parlor oar.-The Max FreemaD Co. bu liecn organlied

wltb budqurten Is tbe llermid Hqnan Theatre,tb la city.

—The American Uiamatlata' Club la aboutto pnpan and print a complete Hit ot all playa andoparu on which royalilMare nowuked. Autliora,

ownera and managera ot vlayi arr requetted lo for-

ward to Ibe Mcretar; ot tbe clnb, 4r Weii Twesly.eighth Street, tnli olty, a Hat of the tltlce ot the i

playa, the name ot the anther and tbe nime ot tbe

Brewnt owner. ItUtbopurpoae of tbe Americannniautu' Olnb to place tlila lUt, together with

outer matter oonccrolng tbe Irgal owocrihlp ofplaya In the olOcn ot every theatre, opem bonaeandhall In tbe United Slam. Itlahopedbvihlemeanato check the plimor ot plkri by eiiabllihlog a itAu-

dard of rotorenoo lor all playa and opcru on wblcbnyalilNan oolleoied.— Manager Oeorge H. Dahb roqneata ua to deny

the nport that he intenda putting out a Urcocomedy entitled, •*The Copper Men." Hoiter otthe Bubb Oomeay Oo.: Oeorge II. Bubb, manigerand aolo ownrr; Jobn 8. Honlton, auuiant man-ager; Joe. B. Bradv, genenl agent; Leon Thoniu,aulilani agent; llanr Bubb, lrt>unnr; Will D,

Oorbeu, Sle Onndlit, Jamoa K. KeUey, Edmondllnuulli, J. J. Oweni. II. L. Weiib. W. D. Smith,Uhu. U. Oriip, U. W. Wlllltmi. A. u. amut, EthelFuller, Mule Bmlih, Hague Spraw, Mary liioker,

LlUle Harvey, Maria Arkwrlaht. Marlon Lewla,Utile Ruble, Allle LewU. J. IJ. M. Ftilton, K. E.Nlckeraon, Cbirlca P. Lowe, A. n. Uewlu, II. E.Wright, O. R. Wardwell, Victor I,. Bhamr, NormauHony, T. V. Btoct, Henry R. Uhl, D. D. Smith,Ohu. Blodgett, ODi Arnold, Qeorgo A. Uowor, BdUarrla and Janirn II. Walen.-The Ulllan Tnoker Oo. cloied tbe Mcond week

ot their engagement In Uangor, Me., to good bual-

neu. The engagement li for four weoka, or more,— Fnnkltn Ultchic la a member ot the Minntc

Later Co. thla icaacn.— Ooit I'hilllpa hu oloied wllh "Tbe Veteran De-

teouve" U). and joined Mitchell and Zwbn to playthe black (ace comedy in "Sllvor Bird."— Manager Oeo. W. (.owe, of lAwe>a l>omedy Co.,

wrltu: "I oloaod my company during the holldaya,after a lucceutnl icaaou ot eight wceia I norgin-lie again and open Jan. 14, with a einng companyot toniteen people, and will lour Kaniu and Colotado. Will have an ipeclal paper ind mew nper-tory. Including two playi wriilan by tnyielt, en-

titled 'Uouud to Wm' and the Tooroughbml.iTbe company wlU be known hereafter u Lowe'aComedy Co., Inalead ot Ibe Wonderland ComedyCo."— Brlnkman'a Blamark Open Boum, In Weiton,

W. Va., wu burned Dm. 37. II wu dedicated'-

Novemner, wa.— We an Informed that the tionbia betwrea Ibe

Rev. Dr. Jcnklna, et Bloux Olty, la., and MrHodelland, ranllns BaU'a hubaud, hu beenMlUad. Tbe troublegnw ontol a letter which theRev. Uoolor wrvte, which alumd Mlu Uau, whosehwband bad commenced civil and onrolnalosedlngs agalnat tbe minlater. Tbe latter

nttledUie oau by wrlUng Mr. McClelland alsusrofniraotlon.— II. M. Boepsr Joined ths Uddan Oomady Oo,

at London, Oan., Jan. S.

Delmlt^At tbe Lyceum tbe lait three nlghla

ot thla week DelU Fox will be with us. Tbe LIU

pntlani follow (or a brief engagemenL Lut week

tbe Olaxton-Jananiobek Oo. dayed to wntchedbualnea. The company doaeo ban and ntnrnedto New York.DiraorrOpiu Dotiai.—"A Trip to Ohinatotvn"

thla week, Klaw A Eilaaier's "I4M" next week.Tbe am three nlghla of laat week Ron Ooghlandnw fairly well. Tbe latter halt of tbe week Prim,lose A Wat's Mlnatrela played to big bnilneu.WBinm's ORixn Oruu H0DB(.-Tbls week

Rim A Barton'a Oomedians, In "HoDoodle APoodle." Laat wuk "Tbe Power ot tbe Pica"teated Ibe bonia'i capacity at every performance.Next we«k, "Tbe Daziler."CiHrBiM.'a EiiriBa TnuTRi.—Thla week, "The

Temputlon ot Honey." Lut week J. R Adami,m "A Oraiy Lot," did not pan oni u well u expeeled. Next week, Rlelly A Wood's Company.WoxnaaLiMD Taiini and HDsn.-«arlo Hall

The Leu, inipenilon act; Prlia, aword awaUower;Jennie Qolgley, midget, and Tax. Bender, cowboynollnlit Theatn: Hlle. Aldde Capltalne, theNawna, HaJ. Jaa. D. Doyle and When


JackaoB^At Blbbard'a "The Oolonel," Jan. 1,

3 and New Year'a matinee, bad good nualnen.Prof. Horrla' Dog Show, 4, 6, drew large bonsu,

At tbe Wonderland week ot 1: Prof. W. A.WiUli, Pnf. Nlmrod'i Punch and Judy and JeromeOermon in curio hall, in theatn: Ned and EvaTbucher, Lloyd and Bairla, and Burton andDelma. uuiioeN Is good.

aa.(lo>w,—At the Academy of Hntio ClayOlemeot, in 'The New Dominion,''dnw good bouiuJan. I. "A Oruy I,ot" comn e, John Orlffltb, In"Fault," 10 At Boidwell'i Open Bonn tbeOolden Oite Bpeolalty Co. and ihe ngular atcck.

KalnuBioo.—At the Academy at Hnilo,"Wang," Deo. 27, came to "B. R. 0." "The QntlaPercha Olrl" had a llghi house 81. " rhe Girl I UtiBehind He," Jan. l,dnwalarge audience. HookedBronion'i OperaUo Uiniinla (home talent) 8.


FxoK Oarr. THOXaa' Novitrr, BrioiiLTT inn

Farce comedy Oo.-We arrived In Barton, Texas,

Xmueve,and pot np onr big top. The weather

wu beauilfal and all looked well for onr ihowlng

Xmu nighL During the ahow a heavy norther be-

gan to blow, and many people left tbe tents. We,

however, gnlsbed ihe ahow. The wind blowing a

gale, we lowered tbe top and guyed It to the

vronnd, but It wu no nae, tor It wu blown to rib-

wnraawu alio tbe lids walla. Allwanvedwuthe email tents. We itaited to play halla, open-

lug at BemaMad 80. AU Is weU and the ahow will

continue right along u nsaal. We bare ordered

ipeclal paper for playing theatres, and CapLTbomu uyi be will abudon canvu ahowa entln-

ly In the fatnre. Our ahow la now u itrong uoonid be desired, aodU giving general ntlsfaciloD


EnwiHA, the dancer, Jolned^tne Lyceum Theatre

Oo. at Chicago, Jan. 7.

HiRti BTSSU (La FeUte Marie) hu given npdancing for the present, and la now giving private

rccllatlona.Torn AMDiBSON, itage manager ot "Slavery Daya''

Co., la nld to have left tbe company on account of

•even cold. _ „.RaenaMiico'sPavrOMiiiiCoiiriHT.—HIaco A

Mrrrlll, pioprieton; N. Merrill, manager; Cbaa.

Forreater, npteaentatlve; Steve Hlaco, trcasunr:

Joe UaiTls, atage manager; Fred DIrka, muter ol

tnniportatlnn; Ed. Hmltb, leader ot crcbeatn;

Theo. WUnams,leaderotbaod;CoateUo and Taylor,

John Taylor, Kelly and Dnrgeu, Edward Merrltl,

Lucken Brothen, Delry, Lum Hlaco and little Ida

Hlaco.RcerxB OF Lotnsi St. Clair's Hibbt Bm-

lesqnen.—The company opened (or two weeka at

Sam T. Jack's Open Bouse, Ohtogo, Hi a bnrKanoe,anUlled "Loat Pair ot Dice." The people: Milaand Watson, Buly and Pnrcell, Orace Wooda, MaleSLOlalr.BUIIeandLonlM SL Clair, Ray Fllbnrn,

Mom. (teller, Harry MarUn, Fiuk Sanger, Ed.Reynolds, and a oborna of ten.

Oaa. 1. NiwTON, lata ot Orenlei's Lycenm Theatn Co., la again about, after an nineu ot eight

weeka, and la Mopping with J. K. Newton, In Bart,

ford, (X.

Nona rxoam Maiui SiHaiB Oo -J. J. Ha-

PnTldence.—At KeltUf Open Uonu, Deo. 81-

Ju. a, "Roih city" came for tbe lint time here ud did

a Rood WMk'i hulDWi Tbli week, RobertOajlor, Id

'Sport HoAlllttar," ud Eilth'l MrlH ol nrloi pletorMJao. II, "llamulty."PaoTiDBioi oriHA Booaa.—Dm. st^Jaa. a. JoMph

Hawortb, lo "RoHdiU" aod "BiBilaL" Itwu the BntpndoeUoD of tlia latter pUy Id ihli cllr by Hr. Haworth, the loealprM pialud Mr. iwortA'i work Ttryhtihlr. iDdwd. Thli va«k, 01s* Nithenoli makeaherant tppM-iBM ID P'OTldeDM Id a MlMt lepvnorr.N*it «Mk LlUliD RoMll aod Boae OoghlaD (or thiololihueaeh.Wuniimm TaaiTav.—Dea SMan. a, th« Lilly

OIkr ro. pl«a«ed largi aadliDcai. The Pay Foiier Oo,thli wMh. The Bom UUI Co. nukei lu laoDi] ippiar.DDoe ont we«k.Loraaop'a Oriai nooea.—Dm. Sl-Ju 1 th« PaallDi

Pirkir "Wild ROM" Co. midi lu dnt vlilt to thfi hODMaod wftDt away ntlMIed altb tba «««k*i rDcatpti. Thtiwtek, J Z LItUi'i "World." J. D. Olllloa, la "TbaBaaeh Stag'' iDd "Llbby PnaOD*' nait waak.EaiTB'i OPiRA Hooia-Sandir, JiD.0 tharolIowiDR

paopla appaaiad id lha Ont ol a waahir aarlai ol OnhAmoonoiru; B. W. BoiaraOD, Maria Wirian, LoDlae Uorofr,Dadlar PraiootL rolMoi asd CoIIIdb. JtaymoD Moor^Oao ThalAhar. Altca Bodidoo. Bulla Carter, Llnla Da-rIooiDaly.asd Bomaand HarlSqoiu—A larita partr, mtda op of maoibefi of tha

BoBun rmu Olub, Tiallad thta olty Jaa. 1 to wItocLtha apaolDg perrormAore or "Uaoilat," hy JosaptillAworth, At tha PiOTldaaM Opara Uouf*. aod weremoch plBAMd wltb IL The PArty ware eDtartilDad byManBaar Bc«ddad At both the ProTldaDoa Alhlatla adCFrofidaDoa Pr«M nlutM. Mr. Bf^DOAa la Adtnotoroltha BoBtOD Praia (Hab, Aod Joiaph HAWorth li Provldaooa boy EltUi FADbrokiAod KttUa OhiplahaTaiBtrodDcad A pralty bDlt«rdr dAooa la tha Lilly OlAy Oo.The manbera ol lha eompAOv war* glvaa a buQDat odthair owD prlTBta cat oo Oorliimu dAy oy KADssarHamoD. ArDDid RlrBlly Joload tha ahow Id WoreAiiarDao 31 M. J. OBllAiliar, who lAkii tb« pAit or PaiHalotyra lo "Roib Our." waa praBaolad wlUi loiaabuntirnl floral trlbutaa by bia ProTldaoeo Itlaods wbllaat Kalth'a Opan lIoDia lut waak Ba'Iod aodCAmarooJolBed tha Pat Foatar Co. bora Jad. 7.

Pawtwoket^At Lothnp'a8I.Ju>. L II. Paiey Meldoo, li

Thla waak, KathertDa Rabar,

iinp'a Open nonm.IXo,ID "EACAHd IromSiDg Bloa."r. Id "A Ilaroloa In Rava"


Ijoa ABcelUf—Alexander Balvlnl did a flue

bualnea at Ihe Los Angela Theain Deo. 34-3t,

when be picaented' Jlny Blu," "TbeTbreeOuarda.men," "Don Casar De Baian" and Friend Fnts.'

w. A. Habais'a HInatnU appear Jan. 1-3 AtIbe Burb.nk Tbutn "Ihe Black Oiook" and ai

olalUu proved good hoUday altncllona Deo.


93. "Olndenlla" Is Ihe bill 81-JaiL e TbeQrand Open Uonn, recbmiened the Orpbeun,opened under the management of Qustav Wallerand aaoclatsa. Doc. 31, wltb a vaudeville bUl. in.

eluding the fonowing people: Ualcedo. Alice Ray.mond, McCarthy and fteynolda, Oeo. Enga, Priceand Lloyd. Tbomu and Welch and 0. E. Sato....Imperial Mnilo Hall doaed temponnly Deo. I..

Manager Butt 0. Wyalt, ot tbe Loe AngelaThuue, wu the recipient of a bandaome onlnadlnnerandleaNtasa Obrlitmu praunt mm tbeattaobaot tbe houae Oaatav Waller and tarnllym here.

Ban Dle||o,—Atthe Fliber'i Open IIonM AlexSalvlnl coma Jan.M,3,to large nulneaa. "Jackand Jill" 8, canoelH. W. A. Hahan'i MammothColored Mlnatrela 4 At the Caalno, light bnal.nea ruled lut week.


HIchmoBd.—Wllh the dawning of the NewToAT bQBlDaaa At oor plAyhooias raoaWad a ffeaih lo-

pataB,Bod Uia waak. uawbola. wu daoldadly ucoor-brIbh lor A rich hArrait lor lha lamAladar ol tba aba-BDD RhBA, At tha AOBdamy of Moila, Jaa. I, opuadwllb a apoelBl nAllDaa to • lAria AodiaDo*, wblla UaBTBDiDiparroraiBocwwBaaTaDbaUArpAIFODliid LocAllodia of lUkB baDaOtad X And Uia booaa wu tuad to lueapaolty, "Tha PabbIdk bhow" foUowad S to aplADdldboBlDBBA "Tba Two ColoDalA" 4, a, war* aUablad idPoiDt ot Dombara, bat Uie plAj aeorad a dlBtlaotlva biltADd anlhuilum mhla dp lei lha daflolt lo AltAadAooo."Tba BiowAwAj." at tba Alehoioad TbaAtn, Dao si, Ju.1, opAoad waU. bat tha looal prau raload lu pnapAeulor good builDaaa.AoiouT OP Hullo —RlBbird MABiflald 7. "Tha WLIU

RqBBdfoo"8L9.'Tba RAlanukan" II, II, Mn. Potlar udIrrlAB*11awl|.ie.HloaaonD TaBATBa.-CoL W. 0. P. BraehurldaB

Qas Ulll'B HoTAllj Co. IS. Hnma BroA' Boaloaa 17-19.

PimiAa'i Tbbatbji t^oMiqua-Lan woU'a poopla at*nuloid. Baaloau cobUdobb good.

NorOtlfc.—At UeAcademy of Music "The TwoODloaala" draw fucly waU Dbo. U.Jbs I. "Tha Stow-AWAT" wu auD br A BmAll ADdlaDMB. "Tba FabbIbsShow" did ucAadlDslj waU 4, iba "a R. O." aud babi [

dlaplArad bafata the iiio or lha eartKla. CaoilDii: Obi ,

Hin'a KoTBHlaa It. HatUa Banaid CUaa lA l( Mro.roturaadKyrlBBaUtw, ir.lABiiooTBBATu.-opiDiDS Jia. 4: 8L Sark A Lyu'

BariBBBttA OooabluttoBs, Boitaau u good.iouBnnao'a oiaooa, whMk la Wiatatlas it

PaikTli quiau atnauoalAu naorL

gee hu been engagedu boalnen manager, replao-

ng 0. U. Walsron, who bu gone to Mexico to

auume the management of Sam T. Jack's Extnva-ganta Co. Boalnen with na la very good. Tbecompany now nnmben twenty-one people. Wegave three pertormancu on New Year'a Day tn biginilneu Chas. Venable, who hu been lerloaily

in. la again with the ihow.JOI ElLLT AHS ALLIB WOODSnpOTt lUCCai With

their new act at Fnnk BaU'i Cuino, Chicago.Tas FuMOKn AND JuLia Fbamib are playing i

enngement over the Barry Davla' OlroDlLOiiLAoaiB AMD West played at W. A. Biady'aPop," at tbe Academy otMnilc, IbU city, Sunday

evening. Jan. t.

Mrs. LCD F. Shaw, wife of Lou F. Shaw, bnal.

_En manager ot the Sam Devon Oo., hu beenyldtlog her hnaband In Baltlmon and Wublugtonduring tbe bolldaya.

ETiNS AMD ViDocq an making a dlatlnot aucceuwith Sam Devere'a uim (»mpany,HowARO AMD Marxno, novelty chancier akeloh

team, will open at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago,

WU Jan. 31, tor three weeki.Dioi RICHARD and Emily l«ckctt bare Joined

Rosnnop Roes Sydell's London Billbs Bdbloque Co.—W. E. Bndshaw, sole proprietor; w,T. t>mpbell, manager; W. H. Qelatt, bnilneumanager; Joe Shepp, itage manager; Wm. Dickeymnelcal director; R T. Bcblalnger, treuurcr,JohnBvdell, muter of InnaporlsUon; RoeeSydell,Julia ReUy, Once Oeluie, Nellie Fox, Julia En-rlgbt, Maria Taylor, Marhi Wallace, QerUe Lyncu,Ballle Price, (tempbell and Shepp, Murphy andMorgan, I/ei Vergna Family, 0. U. Duncan and thePin Pardos.Tax siBTcn niH, Wllaon and Ememn, ot the

Helte Broa.' Novelty Co., have dleaolved i^rtner-Bhlp, Kit D. Wllaon Joining the Mildred HerryMalien, and 0. W, Emeraon going to bis home InDayton, 0. The Mparailon wu doe to the ilck-

neu ot Mr. Emeraon.Hill amd Lawbbhce cloied a encccuful two

week!' engagement, they report, at tbe EdenMnaa, SL Joaeph, Ho., and an at their home, BLLonli.Fbamx Bicom, of sicotta ud Laivrencs, met

wllh auvere accident, which bu deprived him otthe ue ot bli right band. Ho hu been In tbedoctor's care for uven weeka and la alowly recov-ering. BelaatpreeentlocaledlaUlnnapolla.UBS. EhhA Reno pretented her hnaband. Prof,

Reno, with a baby boy Dec 21.

Pits Oripfin, book dancer, and Wm. R, Sben-dan, ot Wm. R. and Debbie Sheridan, have Joined

Notes fbou Lillt Clat OitBrr Co.—Rliaifyand hli ballet troupe, Marie Cm, Tim Oromn andLUllanMerritt, an the latest addltlone lo ManagerUarry W. Semon'a Company. Lnlle and Rlchardiare doing a new acL Melville, In bla act. La ChuteDe CleL la u great a card u ever. De Hon hudoubled np with a bright and lively partner, oneToyou. The Hlaaa Pembroke and Obipln are do-ing the buitemy dance. Hlle. La Mar la ailU theRremler and atill leads tbe belleL Chrtstmu andSw Yur'a presents wen given and received

llberallT, the company presenting Manager Seraonwith K large pocketbook. In the centre fold ot wblcbwu a new gioo bill. Everybody li well, ulirlnpaid weekly and the troupe la 'en route to CaUlorala.

Obahles E. Dobson and bla little ion, banjolsis,have been engaged by Agna Wallace-Tiik, anawin appear at every performance of "Tbe WorldAgalnat Ber," wMk ot Jan. 11, at O. R. Jacob!'Third Avenue Theaue, thla olty.

Mat Btanb, aerio comic vocallit, Infcrma na that•he la not the performer of that name bined at thaNickel Odeon, Boston, Mass. Hlu Evana hu Juloloied an engagement at Kohl A Hlddlelon's, Uln-clnnill, O., and hu been engaged for (car wtcka attbe (Suino Theatre, In that city.Dixon, Uowbhs and Duom were at Byde A Beh.

man'aThutn, Brooklyn, N. Y., week of Dec. 81.Edw. BBLLKOxn, irlok tumbler, and Ray AUlns,

tenor vocallat, have Joined handi,Marion and Fsarl, black fica comedlani, are

playing a lengthy engagement at the OlympicThutre. OhlcaanTlll.Tas HDStOAL MAONEn havo left Reno Wllllama'

Oo.Rauza AND ABMO opeDcd At the Orpheum Thea-

tre. San Franclaco, Cel., lut week, and an bookedfor ilx weeks on the Pacldc ClrcniLTOE AHBRIOAM VACDBTILLI CO. report

butlnen on Long liland. The compioy: PaTmerand Parker, mnilcal performen; Tom Franklin,buck face biujolit: Edwin Percy Uradtord, Dnuband black face comedian; Martin and Rogen,Bkelch team: Pnf. Palmer, magician, and Edna DeFoirat, leno comic Edwin Bradford and TomFnnklln will cloie and go on the road, workinguDutchJrlih and black face comediansJOE WEST, late of Wlnitanley and Weit,wrltea

that bla new mualcal clown act hu proved aancoea WaL Ua la now at home In Philadelphia,Pa, for two weeka.Mabbl Wards Joined the Peter Haber Co. Obrlit-mu WMk, In PhUadelphla, Pa., tor the remainderof theRosnn OF Olxhbot'8 MiN8TRBL8.-Fnnk SL

Clair, manager; Dell Belmont, atage manager; E.Olenroy, tnunrer; W. L, Playford, advance; Belmont and Blair, Smith and Waldran, Edward HUler. Napoleon Horrla, Oeo. Brown, Dr. Llvln.iioneHn. E. Olenroy. We wUI canr our own band an(onbalra. We go on the road Jan. 14.OOAB. K. UARsts Is In ncelpt of letlsre from

Buks Winter, Cutell Brydgea, Eddie Olgnlre,Herbert llolcombe,Uhaa. BorwIU, Fred V. Bowers,Jama W. Heagan, Arthur R. Deagon, Alice Carle,Sadie Onihman, Luchle Tburiow, Harlo Wamn,Ibe Ammoni Clerln Trio, AUen aod WaL theBlaon Olty (jaartatia, Wm. HcCabo, Joe BowardFrank Belcher and many oihere, who alate thattheyan aloglDi with aucceu "Wblla the Dance OcuOn" ana "Mud Pie Daya"Bart. B. Oiuiors ANn Hlle. Ooloees Fxrmam-

dh ntnrned from Halifax, N. S., Jan. a, to Ul en-gagements In Boitan, Mass., and Ibla city.SBRRHAN'a World op Wonders and Oano'a Im.

perial Japanese Troupe played wuk of Dec ai althe Bijon Tntatn, Dubuqne, la., to good bulneaand wen continued thla week.Will L. Hacx cloied with liockilader'a Hinatrela

Dec. 39, at tbe Auditorium, rhiladclphla, and JoinedhU old partner. Jaa. F. Rice.

" i""^KiSEu.'a gun aplnnlngandrUIe luggllngact wlU

be changed to a donble act, and Introdnce thedrenunlng ipedalty of bli wife, profeulonaUykaown u Sultana, the Onban lady dram experLWa AOBHOwLXDoEotrd of InvlCulon to the mar-

riage of BUly Kenands to LooIm Strong, In thePhmnlx Open Uonu, DonaldaonvUlCk Jw. t. dar-ing the performance o( Rlchardi A Mngla'alUn.stnla.

Horn Fioii Huoo's Oitt Olth oo^Wean nowJ tbe flfih wuk ot onr Western brlp, and bnilneu.so tar, haa bean dnt elaas. In Olenland, Olncln.nan, St. Iioula and Indlanapolla bnalnaa wu tbebest ever done by the Olty 4Aub Oo. On the nightof Jan. 1 Hr. Hlaco tendetsd Ihe memban ot hUcompany a banquet at the Beaton Oyster Houae, inChicago. Jut at midnight an elabonte tsn contudinner was served. Tbe company Bang aonga, toldatoria and kept things lively natll ttve o'clock Inthe monlDg. The banquet ban pieeented a mag-nlllcent appearanca with ita bnndreda of electricllghta and gorgeous decoretloni ol evergreen androaa. A ibrug orobutm gave forth lotl airalniot mule during the entire evenlog. All the ladlaand gentlemen appeared in evening dnia. Hr.Mlaco, oor genial manager, received the tdlowlnghandiome preienla from varlou memben of hlioompanv : Solid gold match case, pen and penbolder,lolu gold handled pocket knife, iterimg illver eye-glan can, iterilng aUvcr lead pencil, braab, comb,clothea brnib, ink bottle and bloaer and box orcigan. Hr. Mlaco preaented bla bualneu manager,Robert Fnlton, with a bandaome gold watch, whichiirikea the honri. half honn and quarter boura.From memben ot the company Hr. Fulton receiveda alerilDg illver Iluk, broah, comb, olotbea brush,

Bilr of aatln aupenden and vartons toilet anidei.ra. RoM. Fulton received from memben of tbe

company: Solid gdd watch, aet with diamonds;Illver broih and comb, gold clock, sterilng ill-

ver pocketbook, box of naadkenhlefa, mackln-toab coat, pair of allppen and opal ring, wt wltndiamonds. Fanny Everett ncelved a pair ot dia-

mond earrings, diamond neck pin, a dteulnggown. Illver brnib, comb and loUetartldea.Sab T. Jaoe, who hu been tooting Heiloo, wiu

arrive In Chicago Jan. it.

Morrison and Detine duaolred partaenhlp InTroy, N. Y., Dec 23.

Oraoie AMD Rbtmolds plsjcd A anacesaful en.gagement at Proclor'a Theatre, this city, Isat WMk.Uabrt D'Esta wntu u fouom from Kingston,

Jamaica, under dale ot Dec 22: "The New YorkPieunra Party, Dand Tnltel, manager; Dr. Ban-ter, treuorer, which uUed from New York Nov. 24,

oollapaedat Kingston, Jamaica, Dec 17, aalarlubeing In arrean. I at once rcorganlied the D'EataFun Haken, oooalating ot Banr D'Eata, L.MalD'Eata, Alfred D'Eila, Oeorge Horn. OeorglannaHorn, Joa. Blprem, Obas. Moon and Frank Smith,and we an now playing the targer toms to sails.

factory business. Mr. Traltsl U playing the Island

with two performen and one canvu man and aueuurer. We expect lo aaU Jan. 3 or 7 for MewYork."Tan aoDDiHis(aAiixT AND BESSIE) npoTt meet-

ing With locctaumugh the Boulh. They say theyan booked aolld nnlllFeb. 11.

FACio AMD DiEA, Fnooh ecoenhrtc alngen anddancere, cloao wltb tbe Wataon Blsten' (MmpanyJan. 13, at Beaton, Haas.Dillon amd Mdbrat have diaaolved paitaenbip,

and Tony Dillon hu Joined handa wllh JamaHaokey.Barh and Etanb and Labrt Bvrra closed wllh

Harry WlUlama' Heteon Jan. t, at LoQiinile, Ky.DBAS. H. Waloron hu signed wllh Sam'T. Jacku manager of bli extnvagania oomuny. which li

now tearing Hailco. Hr. Waldion left New YorkJan. 1. tor Hezico, when be Istojoln tbe company.Coia. w. Hilton, principal comedian ot Will E.

<Mba"e'aHlnstnlB, nu been laid np for Ihe pa<three weeka wllh InOammaiory rbeumatlam. Bewu compelled to olom wllh the company Dec 9,to go 10 the hojpllal at Jaokaonvine tor tnatmeuLBram AMD HitmN have dtuolved partnership,

Hr. Bnm la sUll wiu Onlhane's Minstrels.A Husr ehjotable lupsoiiprD boisee daksantxwu hold at tbe Botel Teller, In Philadelphia, onNew Year's Ere, which wu participated In hytheatrical people stopping there. Proprietor MikeTeller, with his uual generosity, provldedasnmptu-ou banquet, whichwu "dlsonssed" heartily by all.

On the airoke ot twelve o'dook the gnala drankach other's health amid hand ehaklnga and goodwisbu for the new year. The dining hall wu thencleared and tbe dance commenced. The grandmarch wu led by Hlne Host Teller and bla otaatm-Ing wife, and wu a marvel ot Inlrioate manmuvr-Ing. Songs, reclLiUona and speelaUlu ot all klndiwere conulbuied bv tbe goesls, and a priu wantwu Indulged In for a DeaotlfnUy froated cake,which wu won by Harrr Blaney and Kllberty LeRock. The fdlowing well knovmpioteaalonalapar-Udpated In the (eattvlUa: Tony WUUamsand wife,Uarry Voka, HargantDaly Vofa, Baiiy 0. Blaney,Pren Eldrldgs and wife, Obarlu Ohnnh, DalaayDudley, Stam Kimball, Joe Russell, Tbomu Eok-hari and wife, Olan BelJ, Ina Rae, the AableyTrio,Minnie Poor ud (Hiariea Jerome. Pnu Eldrtdgeacted u door nutnager and kept thlnga llvdy foreverybody. The party broke np at three A. h.,

everyone declaring It the most enjoyable eveningot their Uvea. Next morning the breskfut table

wudearted.We ABB iNPORkED that Ocorge H, Rloe hu

bought the title, printing, wardrobe and aU uta-phemaU* of the Barlow, Dolson A Powen'HIn-strelii, and will open In Ohlago wak ot Jan. 21.

WiLBBR L. Werrz intonns na that he Is notivllhUie Uama A Vook'a Variety Oo.Basseit and HcSbapfbet have been compelled

to cancel tbelrdateaatthe Star Theatn, Hamilton,Oan,, and Sha's Mnslo HaU, In Buffalo, on accountot Bissett being 111 with a Mvere attack ot dropsy.Belanowlnanoipltal,and his condition Is lari.

onaEddie S. Evans, club Juggler, li no longer wltb

tbe Wataon Slitere' Co., bnt is playhig on the Keithcircuit.

Manaoeb Al. 0. FIELD wupresested on the stagsot tbe new Grand Theatre, In Dayton, 0., on Dec.2$, with a gold ch«rm, with Gve large diamondsKt diagonally aoron the front, from the commIRMof the Charity Clrcu, bald In Dayton, on July 13,

1834. Ths teatlmonlal wu given lo Mr. Field In

rencgdUon ot bla urvlces ou that oocaaloo.Norm FXOH jAox's Ohbcle Oo.—Among the new

featnrn recently added to this ocapanTls a noveldance, entitled "!• Danu Eleotrique,'' In whiobIhe native beUe^ atUred In rich and luclnatlbgcoatuma, disport tbomielva In "Under the Mlitle.

toe Bongb." Credit Is dne the Mallory Broa. for"La Duse Electriqne." The company played thmperformanca at the Palace Theain, Boaton, Dec31, Including a midnight matinee, lo very sailstK-tory houses.Tax Deaoons have closed irith the Harte Sanger

COj, and an now playing dates.F^HE Kent, Irish comedian. Is ilok atOhloago,


Prop. L. W. Payne, comeuist and bandmaster, otminalnl fame, iru called very enddenly to thebed-ilde ct his llUle nven year old daughter at FLScdt, Kansu, atrtring then only a few honn be-

ton abe dledonObrtatmu Eve."Thb Soimt Bbforb teb Wab" Co. In paulng

thnngh Sonth Choter, Fa., recently, passed theipot when Ohariu Smith, a former member ot thecompany, wu kUled on Nov. M, 1834. A sprig ofboxwood, with ft card attoobed, wu given byeach member of the company. Tne carda read ufollow: "In memoir ot our decaaaed friend, ObariaSmith, who wu killed at thla spot on Nov. 13, ISM,at 7.03 o'clock A. H." The tributa were gatheredby Oeorge Schofleld and a poner ud placed on theapot, at the requut ot the memben ot the company.Snow MEWS PROM A HEIIOO COBBBBrONDEKT.-

Bam T. Jack's EEtnvaganca Co. gave Ove ahows atTeam Arben to toll hoasaand turned many peopleaway. The living plctora made a tnmendona hILOn accoaot ot the earUiqnaka ot Nov. 2, ths loof ofTeatn Principal came down and the house la closedtor repalia. Team Naclonal la doaed for Ihe samereason. At Uldalgo'a only mallneu an given byServln'a DramaUo Oo, on Tbundaya and Bundays.The Hontanelll A Bylvester Fanttatic and NovdtyCo. win open at Arben on Jan. 21. This companywill uke to the Dolled staua a genuine bnU dgbterand Mexican coatuma. Tbe Orrln Brothen wlUopen the aeaaon eariy In January. There la gieatenthashum In thla cliy In anticipation ot the ar-rival of tbli popular ahow.raBWBEN'DinuHD Vaodetille 00.ieaaiiie their

toor Jin. 14, at Port Ohater, N. Y.CoooAM, liAMD and Tapi nport aucceu over the

Keith Olrcull.Mrs. Annie Bendon wu Hrionaly wonnded by

the dlicbarge or a revolver on NeivYnr'a EveW. s. Olevelamd writa that his siiltssgaUist the

Mayorand HsrBhallaotI>elphos,0., (or Ulegalarreat,already aggregato iioi.ocADEBT Howard amd Lxoka Bland nport meeting

with aucceu with thelroomedy and mnalalaketcb,"Fan In the Ooonlry." They opened Jan. 7 iriih

the Intsrnauonal Vandevlllea, at the Court SneetTheatn, Buffalo.Ed. Looam, ot Logan and Da Long, wu a isoent

CLippBRcaUerandlntormed ua of Ins coUMae oftho LoolsUe Leon Rngllih Variety Co. Annmuerofthe company endavond to conilnae on the com-monwealth plan, bnt closed on account of poorbnainen.HAT Ikoallb left Flynn'a London Oalelr Olrls, U

Newark, N. J., Dec B, and la reatlng at tier homeIn Lynn, Maaa.OsoaoB B. LB^acdond boy wbopaedla one

o( the living plGtuiss at Kcstsr A BIslVHosIc Ball,

thla city, died Dec u, at his hoBH In thla elty,mmUMSIIftcta of alkU (rem Ibe Ola Ui that hooM UBs was aUteeB jaan aid.

jAlfUABY 12. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 717X TiDSSTnueolertilaiiMiitwutim l*u.* tw-

fon tM lnaxu* ot BloomlaidOe Ajjlan. AnwngttoM who tpMuvt ven OMm Tlol* tot-

uuiw, iMn Mnma, Wtlier. Kbt HooUorilu7 Butt LcifbtOD. na Btooklja udno Ot-

chMtn tainliliM tiM mulo. B. A. Oovfll dlndedus MitminwwiuBlIRMI DID OlHIUH hlT* JOlDSd UM F»J FM

ut 00. tor ttia iraulndor ol Itao Kitog.Eo. TMAK bu ]olB«4 kudo wllb If, E. Hulsj

Pit IUillt amd win (Bn iiniutroDf) vera t«r<

dondftdlniur on New teu'a d>rbr IilaSoonattor Keow 10 BL Lonlt, Mo. OUwn prcMDt wenAltonud Weit, Jut PenrnndDlokBQrte.BiM BnHiBD ud LIuIe B. lUjmond eloeed

with Bnaall Bra.' Oooedlani Jtn, t,

IH 1 noent loucr lo Hunger E. J. Ciue, of UieBdio KoMt, tbla ellT, Mule Ore*lll^o(aolial uitOrertllo, WTltea tbnt tte nurr ouireat Id thepnpen a few waeki ago u> tbe enot Uai aDa badDotdafMl tier pnraer, Arlliar QalM, waa a falaa-

Hood, and that Mr. Oaltad la allTO ajid Is goodHealth.


ClneiBBall.—The holiday barraat waa not

orerwhalmlBg enoegh to caue a oooctrted mana-ftrlal mah on the aafe naoatactuera tor larger

ationg boxei. Lite the Ohrlatnaa iJaj atorj the

bnalncaa ot New Tear'a Day waa dlaappolnilng.

Then were so orcteatraa forced (o abandon their

aeau to pnrtde room tor the orerdow, dcaplte the

magsetlo propertlea of the attraouoDs omred.The oontlnnona ahow Idea here la likely to oat a

agate. Both 0. E. Kohl and George Middleton areon the gmoQd with Manager J. A. Avery, and thehome win hereafter be known aa Kohl ft Middle-ton'i Moaee Theatre. The Mnaee opens at noon,one konr earlier than hetetoforr, and the cnttaindoes not fall nntll eleven at nlgbtOaAND Ornu Bonan.—"The airl I Lett Behind

Me," with Haade Harrison, came in. 7. NatGoodwin had no reason to complain of the reenit

of his tortnlght'a engagement,andltbasonoemorebees demonalrated that two weaka la not too longfor an attrantlon ot the Ora*. olaas In oinolnnaiT.Posr of the flseat andlenoea aver seen hen obeeredthe comedian after the cnttain tell on bis tniernre-tadon of "David Garrlck." -Lend He Five Sbl|.

Ilngi" waa also given. "In Micunn" held tbeboards early In the week. LUIa Vane retired tnmthe compaav 4, and Blanche Walsh satnmed tberole ot Ada Ingot s. Mlas Tane la to retire fromtheatageto become the wife ot Otorge Goodrich,ot NewTork. In "David Garrlck" wmiam Inger-aoll ahaiad the tnamph with Mr. Ooodwln. BtnartBobaon U.Walmut Btur Tbiitu.—Katie Janaen made

her appearance T In "Delmonlco'aatg." and later

IB the week ahe preaenlad "Mlaa Dynamite."Baianbeok'a italned anlmala created a aensatlon.Dally matlneea were given save Monday, and baal-ness nied good. "Tbe Paasing Show" MHatum's Tbiitbb.—"Old Olory" was notnrled

s after Hopklna' Trana-Oceanlca had pat In a fairly

prontabla week. Gas WUUams 13.

BiDOi'B Oriiii Boimx.—"later Os" waa Inter

Brated e by Hallen and Uart Uat week. "The«rby Wianer," did a good bnilneaa. "Eight

Bella" laFOUNTAIH THiinn.—Reevea t Pahner'a Ooamo-

ponuns, with Oytene, came a, sDcceedlng the In-

taraattonal TandevHles, chief an<ong whom waaAlloa Shaw, who whlatled ber way Into tbe goodgfiGca ot tbe Otndnnatl popalace. Tho GormanSiDiheia U.RoBunOH'a OmiA BocBa.—In addition to Alden

Benedict's "Fablo Rnmanl" 6, a sew serifs ot liv-

ing ploinres waa ahown between the scis, andOnce Bsster danced. In 'ThePalseotNewYork"hut week, Oracle Emmett pleased manr old trleods

and made many new onea. Bnslness was fair,

"Fack'a Bad Boy" U,Piori.B'e THUTiia.—Mancbeater'a Frenob Folly

Company came 9. H. W. Wllllaau' Own Oompanypreaented a great bill taat weet. Baslntaa tanfrom fair to good. Weber t Plelda' Co. 13EoBL t MiDDLViOM'a MdsiiTbiitbi.—lo corlo

halll, ayonngladlea'oslon peeling conteatwaaanovelty. Latea (armleea carpenter), and Garrett's

Family Band were also there. In the aadliortnm,the Allyna, the ODnnlnghama, Ona Oarholt, BerthaFoy, the vemon Slateia, Wllburt Williams, Will U.Bowera, the Aabton Brothers and Mile. Ray took

' park Boalneaa la good.Hdsio Hill.—Ftanceaca Oatbrle-Hoyer and Lil-

lian Arkell were the aololsia at the Fop e. Tbe last

osii attracted a large aadtence, and Is these lam-outa tbe theatrical managera reallte where their

dwindling 8nndav matinee ctowda have gone. Themany festival haUd»y mnslcalea were artlsllo, bottv from Onanclal ancceaea. Society did not seem0 be In the mood, to appreclale tola midwintermnstoal ottering.

GoBsiT.—William Sella and Gil Roblnaon barebees enjoying the week together, and hare beenlavallnjln memorlea of the sawdostaeaaoniMTaLselanow ainging at Kissel's J. P.P.Hyatt, the dramatlo agent ot London, Eng., and 0.

0. Stair, ot the Bamam i Bailey Sbow, wei« herelaat week. Tbey visited the Zoo "Slaves of

Gold" are taking a test, and boib Manager W. B.

Fennessy and John Fenneaay an here. Tbe com-pany resnmes Ita tonr at Bavlln'a Theatre, St.

Lonla, In Fehnary, having abandoned a serlea of

one Bight stands Manager Ben Stern, ot the

Frohman torcea, hen with 'Tbe Girl I Lett Be-

hind Me," baa received an Intlmallon that

be may be needed at tbe front with "Shenan-doah.'' Tbia la one of Mr-Slara'a old sumplnggroimds, and he enjoyed the we^k henOen, Baall Date leotared at the Flke 8 on "Mor-gan'a Men." George W, Eaiils came In ad-

vance of the Fnnch Folly Oompasy FunkRobblna, ot the Bob Banting Olnos, and I. Faglo, of

the Beynolds' Sbow, areberatoatiandtbe conven-tion ot lent alwwmen 8 TheReevea A PulmerCoamopoUtan Oo, are booked at tbe People's for

April and the Heack'a Open Bonae company liaa

eniend salt In the Snperlor Conrt to enjoin tbe

faldllawnt of their engagement this wtek at tbe

Foaniain, The plea la that their appearance at

the Foontaln wotud Injnn boalnasa at anbaeqaentperfomancea,

OlavalBBd. — Boalneaa proapeted somewhatduring the paat week, being a very acceptable re-

vival alter the dollneaa of Obrtstnia week,EtxiUD AvBtni Opiha BcDSi,—Ellle EUsler,

weet ot Deo, 81. gave "Haael KIrke," "Dorla,''

"Egtpt" and "A Wooan'a Power," the latter being

new hen. Thla la Mlaa BlUer'a old home and aba

waa given a reception, Delia Fez, In 'The UiUeTrooper,"dlTldeaweek of Jan. > with Janea O'Neill.

"A Trip to omnatown" weet ot 14.

LToatm Thbatsi.—Daring week of Dec ai Hia.

John Dnw, u the widow Warren, In "Tbe Iload to

Rnln," did as aicellent bnslneas. Felix Morris, in

a repertory ol newcomedlts, holds the boards weekof Jan. 1, "A Oaletv Olrt" week of l«.

B. R. Jacobs' Tbutbb.—Steve Brodle, lo "Onthe Bowery," oaptored the pamns of this boaaeweek ot l>eo. 8. Several Unua the "B. R. 0." sign

waaaoeoeaslty. "Jaoe" week ot Jan. 7.

Stab tbutbb.—Peter Maher'a (>>mpany, Inolnd-

log Billy Bennsasy, hla spairlsg partner, werednwlng oarda week of Dec 31, and on aerenloccaalona the booaa waa packed. U. W. WlUlams'MeteonweekotJan.7. _. , ,

Olxvilamd Obat's auiort.—The closing weekot the Ony's Olrons waa a corker, and the i oil twoweeka ot the show waa an entire aocceaa. Theriding of Mr. and Mia. Millar, the O'Deils, the men-

age £ct and trained hoiaea of Prof. Berrla, BUrkSd Zeno, aerlallaia, and the Walton Bros., werebig dnwlng cards oattl the last. The Olevelaod

GnyawlUnetahaodaomepronLOUB,—Manager Fnnk Drew, of the Star, wu the

recipient ot a diamond aiad from the employee ot

hla nonae as a holiday gift Manager Obmm. Hen-

abaw, ot the Lyceum, was remembered with a com-binauoniuibRUa and cane. Will Btomm, hla tieaa-

nrer, ivcelred a gold waiob obalo, Mananr FredHoberachaln aod charm, and Beir Max Faetkcn*

hener, Imder of the Lyccnn Orcbeatn, aeteral

boxa ot pertecloe J. E. Brand, comic openalager. Is noms for the holidays Mme.JnllaBlva-Klag, ptanlat. will play at Aaaoclallon Ball O.The (ioraell Olee, Banjo and Mandolin Olob gave adellghttnl and well attended concert at aamehallJan.*.

GaBtoB-The New Tear'a attracUon at the

OiaodOpem Boaae, "Madeleloeior the Magic RIai,"

gave atoalkctlon. At tbe nullnce Ounllle D'Ar-

vlUe did noi appear, bat her place waa acceptablyOUedbyBUdaTnoinaa. Atthe evening performancethe hooae waa orewded, and Oamllle D^Arvllle wonIhs bvor of the andlence tion tbe start, Hobl, 0.

iBgaiaoU had a Mg hooae ai "Wang" had Mg

TUana Ooniqim.—Week of T: Sam and Kitty

Banaid, Uttia Basal, Geo. Oooky. Mike Oralgtaa,

May araat, iMtt lAvloe, Uanr Johaaco, and theOartaioBUtsn.' MuMMtft Hdsio HAU^aa 1 tot weak: FaiiBle

ramaat aid Man* Da Wett

Osjtan. — At the Giasd Open Oooae TimMaipny and Rogene Oinlleld, In "Alimony," weretbe Mew Tear'a auraellon, when they played topoor boalneaa. Coming: Walker WMlealde. In''Bamlet," Jan.). "Wang" 10, "Bight Bella" 13,Pabk TBiATSB,-Obaa. A. Loder had good bnal-

aeaa Dec ai, Jan. 1, 2, Tbe oempuy reeled henthe remainder ot tbe week to reheane a new niav.entllled "On tbe Oo." Mr. and Mm. Roben Wayoetiled the laat three nigbia, in "The Wagea ot Sis."to fair boalneaa. Coming: "Tbe Oalley Blare" l-i).

"FiiCk'aBadBo;"10-uSOLDitaa' UoMS TBiATsa.—'The Burglar," 4,

played lo good buatnea. Booked: The Tloimanone,. In "The Ollbooleya Abroad," II. Auabaeh,magician, waa the New tear'a attiaollon.AssociATioM UALI.-B- MoRla Bingham Itotorea

Colambna,— At ihe Blgh Slnet Tbeatie"Wang"opeoedaiwo nlgbu- engagement Jan, T,

"A Trip to Ohisatnwo" had large boslneM Dec ai-Jan, 1. "KlUarney and tbe Roloe" did weU s-t."Bight Bella'' cornea t, 10, "McNoliy'a VUlf 11, 11Guxn OrssA Hodbb,—Jaa, O'Neill oomea 7-«,

"14M" bad aplendid boalneaa week ending 6, DanSully oomea 10-13, "Sbenandoab" 14 and week.

SprlBgaeM,—At the Giand Open Honae "AOreen Oooda Han," Dec l>, drew large boalneaa,Powell, magician. 27, bad a aaleet audience,"Slavea of Oold," Jan, 1, ciowded the hooae, mati-nee and evening, Oonroy and Fox, In "Hot 1h-males," 3 (ntoin engagement), bad good baal-nraa, Oomlni: "Wang," t, Brolben Byine, In"Eight Bella,'' 11 At Black'a Open Boom,Punch Robertson'sComedy Co., Dec. 34-30, bad fairbntlneaa. Marie Klnite, 31, Jan. 1,3, with matineeNew Yatr'a Day, bad good bualnesa at 10, 30 and30 oenia. Oorae Paytoo, week ot 7.

Msnilield,—At the Memorial Open Booae RoeeSydell's London Belles Burlesque Oompany gave agood vaodevllte perfonnaooe to atop beary nooseJan. 1. The Oorman Brolben, In "The OUhoolyaAbroad," pleaaed a good alaed hooee 2. Oonroyand Fox, rn "Hot Tamalea." delighted a large andl-ence 4. Oomlng: Anna Eva Fay e, Klaw A Er-

langer'a "t4ai" 8, "MoNnlty'a Visit s" 10.

BtaabeBvllIe.—At Ihe Olty Open noose AI.0. neld'e MlAitrela bid bii bu.lMii J«a. X ComiDt:"Lud or lh« llldDl|htSuD"S, rfaah (1. Cwptater Im-IQW IO.....Attb«l,«iidooThutr«irittOMnnalfiiajitagemuftiartadlioafecoatdlaa. OpeolDfr: HtuIBL OlAlre, UoftD and CantieU, gate C'ODwer, Hold.Dtad cn*i,llauD«e ud the itoek at Tuner Bdlunataora prodaead a miotuel Ihov X Meaio MptolallrcompoMd for tliie Mtenalamtot br FroL Ctus Haeller,olUieLoodoo Tbeam, wu raodertd by tlie ontettxa.


FortlsBd.— At the Marqnam Grand MoEeeRankin waa aeen, Dec 21, 31, pnaenUng "TheUannck" and "Rip Van Winkle" The theatn waadark nntll 31, when the Tavary Open Oompanyopened before a large andlence In "RIgoletto."

Tbomu W. Keene Jan. 14.

COEOBAT'B Tbiatu.—The Charlea RIgga Di».matlo Comptoy played to fair boalneaa week ofDeo. !4. Tueblaya preaented were "The GalleySlave" and "woman Agaluat WomaiL" A com-pany, headed by R. E. French and wife, opened 31(n "Tbe Golden OlanL" Tbe RIgga DmmaUc Com-pany will play a ntom ennsement weei of 7.

Oaram.—Charlotte, Esate and Minnie Tlttel,

aaalited by local proteaelonals, preaented "She''week of Dec 21. Boalneaa waa ntber light.

MoaauBO's Nsw thsitrs Con iqua.—WallerFord, Harry Brown, Lnio Temple, Maod Raymond,Fnnile Oveiton, Mable Steele, OUie Oalman, WaltParker, Hay Wllkaon, May Sbandley, Hand Roae,Lottie Alonzo, NelUe Otayton^iankle Ward, BattleHoover, Battle Olark, May Wallace and WilliamDelmon.AttnxtiaBB.—Birdie Barrla, Raney Stanley, Iaw-

rence Manning and Ulan Edwards.LoDTRi.-Rebagllall's Sunlah stadents.ExroaiTiON BuiLnuto.—Portland Cnlvenal Bx-



Memplila. — At the New Lyceum TheatnFanlloe Ball una with the B. B, 0. tiga oat aigbt of

Dm. 91 tad msUQM Jto. I, tod olOMd a profitable

•asmaemeDtl Lillian L««li' "CItopatra" pleaaed fail

sIxedaadleDceaDae. tt-ni Mobert Ifaatell op«ed to aood Blied booie Jao. 1 Comlog: "Alabama" 7-9. Nat

Ooedvlo lO-ia, * Tbe aaller Slara" li-lfll "nw reoelagManer" 17-11.

Qhahd OrBBA UonsB.—Dooaellr and nlnid dnwfair alied asdiaocaa Dto. Sl^ao 1 "Cbarlay'i AdoI"bad a good aixad bouae at lha opeolog Dee. >7, theaueedanoa ImIdk moderate ibanaltar. '*Tbe Bailsn"opftlMd to a fair boaae niabt of Jan. B, aod vaa wellrieelred. Sua: '*Tb* Black Ciook" 7-S, "A Buacb ol

Keii" 10-13, Oladyi Wallia 14-ie. Sal Snllh BasaaUir-llAoDmajDH.—w. 0. p. Biecklorldio laetand niabt of

f to a Hood aadlaaoa, DotwlibataodlDR tbe emaadeagmlDBt Dim bj tbe ladles of Mampbla. Tba UalTamtyolVlralBlaaDd ihaTeoderbllr Uotreraltr MoalcalOloOieaobtaadalalratteDdauce, ibelonaer olsbt of 0«o 31,

aod ibalatur Jan. I. Piaok Baard II.

Novia->l. Aldrteb LIbbar aod bla wire, Kate Tiayar,nalined Iron tbe Paalloe Hall Co. at tba cloaa of theaoBaaameot bare oo aoeount of some dlwireemeatvlui tba maDaaar. Dlaaeoaloaa la the compaor andHr. Libber baloff bnad la aoppoaed to bare bnoebtaboat bia vllbormvaJ. Tbapartlae lelt for Kav Yorknlabt 01 3. Downios Clarka. wbo laox the part ot Hara-dllL rvmaloed lo the elly after tba eompaar departedlor titlle Book. UeaUoaipMUtodepaitlor NevVorkto a day or two May Babtr, weU koowo In openoirelei, IS la tbe city aueodlog lo loma prlrata buloaea,Bbe will probably lemaln a weak or ten daja.


Daa MalBea.—At the Orand Open Boose the

Boatler Comedy Company had pood boBlaaas Dee. 81

aod weak, Mntny and Maek come Jan, II, 11,

roBrsa's Orsax Hocaa —TbaCarlaten Open Companycaooelad Jan. 1. "ACToaa the Potomae" camaS.S to

laraa boiuea. "Tbe New Bonlh" la dne U, "A OooaliyClnnt"lS. 7,liUlonNobIeaU _ ,. , .WONDBBUHO MoBBOH ihd TaBAvaB^Weak of 7:

Coiio and Isotnn ball: male (alllialor qaaea).Pior DaiiT Una (paper klOR). BQoa auaa: Lltmipiemraa. Bala ueatre: Oalilonia Opera Company, to

••DorolbT,"woBui'B Faia HuBBoa AMD PiMiLV TBiuva&—Weak

of 7: Oono ball—Prloee Zelo (paper paliee). Huge—A.

B. Laron'a BoleilAlnan. Tbaatorlom—feror B. Bobln-iOB'a Lyeaom Ttaaatre Cempaay, lo "Two Maatan, * andUruliplomrea!(orta.-Obailes Oate (n. w. Coaitner) was a New

Tear a saaat at all parenu* boma lo ihli city Jeeae

B PeltoB and Vara Oooway bava loioed tbe Calllorala

Opera Compear Mma-RtnabartiaTeabeoaOtl^ saOpera Compear,tor JlmaleYo-Ihe ralllOB oflor^Jlmale Yoooe. tba boy who waa erlppled for Ule by

' A woBderlaod also threaieaiaa-'.v...»—.— . —lamataor, wmeapprDachadDT a Brepraaeotad bimaell to bo eoaoaeted wllb Corae Paytno,

\m ^ tjhtak bKk OAwpAea jajun ~ ~ » - - - -

ft mu wbo

u4 wu tDiMsd to Join U)«P»rl«D ooaipur.IWTlDf, bov«T«r, aba lMni«d lh»t ib« tad bMo d*-

Dabaqa0a»At tHeOnndOpen Hoiim,J*b. l.

"Lo«ilnN«« Yorli,'>t«o (^rformiBCM, but Ura* udw*n pItMd boot**. "Ftlti In A Mad Hout^dnwaudaU Ku<<l«Deal. BMcb * Bo«er«' MiDitnli utuOadA iRwd booMS. *'leron th« rotonu" bad ft foodhouoC Bftllroftd Tickor V.

Buou TBiATfti.—nrMk ol Dm. awu. t, 6b«nDfta'fWorld or Woodon ftnd Cuo'i (oiporUU JftpftBftM

Tnnpo drow good boMW.

Kooknk.^At tbft Reoknk Opem HooBa Dftolel

BuUr, ID **ii'N«IU,ol WMhIoictOD, D a.** ttB*^ Doe.lo Itlr boAlDOH. llorrlwWt^FMit" (BooftbolHoniioattftiTtni) ftttneUd ft good bout* Jftn.4. terU' "U.T.0." Co.u bilkd for 7. aad bu ft Ulr onfook. MMloraUftJooftt* OoDoan Co. eomoftio, Darbr Wleooi" II.

"A BfMir TlD*" II, "A Orotn Ooodi Hfto'* IL Tb*Cftfino TftudaTlllftCo. (WiIIIaidb*) booktd lor Maw Vaftr'i

olibt, bllod to nftUrUliB*.

Coancll aiaffhe—At DohftOf Ttefttre "TbeOhftrttj Bftll" drftw madlain bulB«M Jaa. I 'Tba Capiftio'a HftU," bookad lor It 7, CftaeaiMl. Harrftf aodllft£k.lD"l'ion(iftn'a8alU**oom«ft)0, Joba L. BalUrftB

17, J. K. BoimatlSBvllBgioD.—Attbe Oruid Lawli MorrUon'd

* Fftsai"CD., Mo. & K*« T«ar*a Bl|ht pftcbad tbo bou*.Jofao HaltlTan 4 ^nw wall Oonini: Jobi Drav 1Olaralaod't MlDitfali II. * TboOIrl I Un Bablod Ma" 11,

Bob't UlUlftid IL

aiarahalltowB.—At Itae Otfeon "A OoantndrcQi'' eooiaa Jfto. 7 "Tb« Cbftrttr Bftll*' bad ft hll

bn»(r^>B dftt«)tHa.a. "Aenaa tbo Poloni«f* badfeed bnalaaaa Jan. I.



WUmlngtoB.—At Um Graod Open BoonBb«» iiiiwiniit lor tbo flrot Una oa asf vtafo "Tba

rarUlftu"Dae.Sl. Tbopfodutloawaabiadlr rMOlrad

and tbo Urea aadlaoeo praaaat Totad it ft finwOeobiudaVft Mlaiinia draw Unto ftftdlooeaa Jaa. I.

Tba FftJklar She*" eamaj to food bulMaaa. •


Phltadelphlk—with the adrent or the tntutVftftr tba ibafttfM aaan to bftTt baa* iia>' ('baa*l<ra,ftadUftivoak'abuloa«wftiBora Ma^.*;iot7lbftOfbr aaTorftl vaoka paal Tbora ato ioTonl oovalUaa la

ton ibU vaok. ftBdwIib good waoibar tU tbo boaatiaboaM bo wall polroalaad.

AQiDUT or llraio.—"Uoala Tom'a Cabio," wbleb waapradaoad lo Ikir butBtaa, flraa way tbia woafe to ibtaomoaloal avaata. Oa Moadftr alghk ooooratbatblrd Boa*

tonSjnpboorOoaeartftBd oa Tnaaday Bight "II TmTa-ton^wiUbaaaDgbrtbaMatropollUD Opara (2oiano7.

"Fauf* wiU bo aoog la fraoch oa Tboradftj. Kaitwoah two mot* oporfti wlU bo prodneod.

CinmcrTBrun Orau nons.—"fiowiog iba Wind'

plftiad totwowtokaofgood uootoa. William H. CrmooepoDOd for two waok* Jod 7. ftppaariog ihtivaakajiFftWalt IB *Tha IfarT7 WiT»a of wiodaor.'* Nait nak.•Tba Pftolflo HftlL"rAiKTwUTfti.—Ooodbailooiantnltod from lha ro-

ton or * Off ibo Bftrtb" Iwl woak, tba pntduotioo bavlaghftd aavarftl now Mfttaraaaddtd tlova lUappaftraaoahar*OftrlUr iDtbaaoaaoB. RoaaCo«b|»Diaplajiog"Kamaala**(bifwaak, bavlBg inpllflad iita Damoef tba pUfrromtba ntbar amblnorii *To Mamatlft" Naitwaak, Rtroaboa A MaoDoDfttd'aConrftOf, lo*'Robia Hood" and 'ThoEalekarbookara."WiuuTT ftraiar TaiATki.—Mn. lugtry't aacood

woak WAS tallf aa atreoR, floftoelftlly, u bar Bnt,ftltboutb **A Booaa ol 0«rda" waa oot rooalTod wllb aoriibow oTfkvor. "Coon Hollow*' la biTlag Ita drat locftl

SrodoelloD tbU waok, and oait wook Doaoallj oadIrard ooma wlih Tba Bftionukofa.'*

Natiovil TaunM.—Ward aod Tokaa bava Dudo 00mliiaka Id tbairatarrtot TaotoTo, K tbaorovdi wbo wit-

iiouad*'A Rob od tbanoBk'* all or Uatwaab n»v t

Ukao AS ft orllAiloo. At aar rftta boiloaw waa aboipar HftDAfftr Kallj la bappr lo ibo peaaaaitoo ofAooihar DofaUy tbia wMk lo *'lloPaddaB*aB)opanaDL*'wttb Jobs Kareall aa tba atar. "BUa Jaaaa" oaitwaab.BkAAO 6TUIT THBiTBi.—Prftoela Wllaoo. iB *TTia

DoTira Dapotr." kapt op hla big hoaloaia dartog ihathird waok ol hfaaDBagamaBL Tbia waak * MadalalQo, ortba Ifagio Bias" eomaa to towo for Iba aoeood ubw ibUBOAMO, and "PrlBCoaa BodbIa'* eonaa back lo tba Aald nrltaaAri7 triamoba Boiiwaak. Tba aBiAgtmaot U llmItadiooBawaai.OlBlBD ATBIOB TBBlTllB.-*'Wlld OftU" drar big

booioa Iftjt waak. *Tba Balla,'* with CroaieB UUrba aaHaihlAiLla tboonrr«Bt Attrftotioo, and Bail waak Mib-Ac*r Hoilaod wlUbATaa BOTaltrta "QnicbtD," W.BaTibon*a raraloo oi "raaaL''PiorLB'B TaBiTBB. — Tba Wblta BqoadroB," laat

waak, waa «BCc«s>roll7 pnOBCad, aod boaioaaa «ta BratoUf«. UftriT iMf raiOBiaa bta toar haro thia waokwiib'TbaMao Irorn tbaWaat," wblob waa wltbdraaoftTlar ft waak'a trial ftt tba ChaatDnt Buaat Opara UooaoAATllor Id tba aaaaoo. It haa baoo rowntiAs br Bar.Ollrar J. Booth, aod Mr. Loof bAi laoand tba roinwlogaupport' Dora DarldaoB, Artbnr Blllotl, Patoo Ulbba,LoQlaaWAkalf, BavArlf PitgraAvaa Aod MAjBUadrab.Haxt waok, 'Tho TrolUFBiawm."OuvD Ofbha Uooai—"CapL Paol" did apoor bad

Dtia Uat waok, AOd will Uj off thU waok la Nav York.Maaagar Tiaaet. Iota laat waak, booked Aoola WardTlffUiF Ib '*ZaAdr Blarear'* lor tbia waak. Mo aodobdco-moot la oiido lor Doit waak.AODrroBiOH.—Tbo Boaion Uoward AtbanBum Com.

paov plAjad to tba eapaeltr ot tbo bouaa all of Untw»o>, aad MooAgar Ollmoro baa Aaolbar popular altrao-tlooibiawoak 10 tbo Baaaall Broi.* Comadlftat. Nailwaak, Ibo laUraaUoBal Vaadivlllaa.CntBT^fQT ttruBT THBAniL—"Charlar'a Aaat" li

galUugto bo AO old aiorr. hotlhaemwdaailllBotktoaaa tUaad tba abow to Biaklag 100007. Tbara lauikBowol lu flUlag oBt ihaaotlr* aaaioB. TbarawlllboAooibar aooTaoIr olgbttl,OBtbaoeoAaioooi Itaaafaaty-flflb parfonoABoa. ^ „ . .. ^ . .Eariti TflR&TBB-—"Tha Diolar" had bfan bonaM

00 aorarftl olghu lAtt waak, aod iba old rareo atlll aaamalo oa popoUr. "A Taiaa Biaar" tbia waak, lod oaitwaak Bftraay ForauaoD, la "Dnffy'aBlBBdarft"roBBriuOH'a Tbutbb.—-Tba BoniAor Bra" waa

itAgad IB ft tBrnptoooa mftooor Uat waak br NaaagarForopAOgb. Aod plAyad 10 big boalDaBa,tbaatoekcom.

KBT glTlBBtboold Bkalodromft ftaoaprtduoiloo. "ThaIII AunD'' U tbo oarraot atinctloo. Kait waak tba

aiock oovoOftBT will gira "Mao aod Womaa."Buoo.-Tba oawtau- aiftttod off wtib a niih, 'Tbo

nrataa of Paotaoeo'' drawlag oootmoua audlaacaa. Tbaoporft tbia waab la "JoplUr/'^Aad tba aMOlalilaa ato lop-

Kllod br Ibo FlOBoya, Dlioa Brothata, 1 lack ar aod Laaur,ataoB Trlo,aaorga B. Auatlo.ColllBa aod Parlay, tha

FiDBOoa Maioo Aod L^rd, 6b«,rt aad Edwarda, tadCbftrtoaBaOrapawlD. ^ - _

. „ ,

LTOBCH TuBAtBB.~Tba FAT Foaur Rarlatqna Com*panrpUiadto big bonsoa Uat waok, aod oro followadtbia woai br ibo Llij Clar BorUaqoa CrtnMaj, wHbAraoM Iiraifr'a baUat laaUrod. Mait waak. Bam Da-

* BrAoiBD TsBATBg —"A loDUOkr Olrl" waa glroo to

fair bOBlBoaa laat waak. "Work aad Waaaa" U 00 ihUwook, with "A BftiTOl of Moaar" nadarlload lor oailwaak.UBBSiBOTOV TiBATBB.—Good boilBoaa proTallad

donoB Ibo aogftgamaol of "Tba Magio TallaaiAo" laat

waak, ABd tbia waak DarU' "Ooola Tom'a CabiB" moiciop towB from tha Aoadomr. NaeI waak, "Two OldOroDlaa."BuTiim bTBSirOriBA lIonB.—Wllb 00 abftoga lo

tho bill oieapt in tbo Biatiar or tbo borlaanoo lUlogBlotoroi. wbleb ora prorlog audi a bit, bualBaaa ooo*Boaa op to lha top ooiab. Tba booaa waa eoioplatalr

loM ftU Uat waak. „ «. ,HiiiTH AHO ABOB MoBBtw -Tba OBW fftftiaraa thu

woak ftra Olio (iaaba cbArmar), urUrao (Utooad mao).aod Jo Jo. lha aog faead bub. Id Iba tbaatro: CookADd Bord. J. OAllAbap, BbawAilar ABd Zaoa. Cooporaad BtowATt, RftwaoB, Floraaea ZaIlar.uarUaHArrlBg-too. Loroj ABd Wbllft, AOd MftAUr Wlllla.

WiHTiB OiBOira.—Uualoaaa laiprorad Uit waok. aadtha oomiog waak, wiib aoraa good tAodarlUa Ulaot,abOBld witaata orao a giaftur lopror^maBi Amooaihaapaelftl'auaroaAlUgnarftBd Wajt,Tbao. FoiUroodLowU, tba BoBlua, tha CoiTraaa. Oraola aod fioraoldi,

Aasft O'MftUor. Lowrr ftad Uaolar, AodF Uagbaa aadProf. Bartioa'a dog aad poor elrooi.

Nora —Mario Btoait la oaffartog (rom a aarara atlackorunogltlB,and bA8 baoo lorea<d to poaipoao har lo-

tftBdad ulp lo Faria. ItwubarlBtaalfou loaaliSHarold Blako. who baa boao at bla hooia Ib ibia dir. buboaa aogagod to ropUcoBrdoaf Howard la iba Lull»uBo«all Compftar Mr. BUko U o rlilag r«oi>g uoor.

Baaulea oralaad rejolaa Boaa CogbUa'a Coai-

paar ikla waab. Blaaoor Laoa haa aUo baaa oogagadrr'.Uaorga A. Pall, Uta of tba Uiraid Araooa Tbaaira,

haa flolahao ft pUj cftllad *Tba Worhlog Maa," wbleb bewlU prodoeo. la cobJubcIIoo wllb bia raporurj, osdartba oiABAgonaot or Fraak Daraopoit Horaalowl labor orgaalaaUoBo will aUaad tba parfornftaoo of "Work aad Wftgaa" at tha Btaadaid tMaaagar llolUad haa porabAaad lor aorlr pradao-iloD At tba Qlrmid ATooaa lha Uta Uari Jackaoo'a

Inah draoift, 'Tba OralgA DMieaa BArrr N. DowUr. ol OAnoroaa* MIoitraU, U iloiloir witb iqooaaa bia U'oat walla aoag. 'Motliafa BirudAf.** Tb-woida at* br Uoorga J. Xpp Aabrar BobcIca«Uboa eoBiplaiod tha llbroUo or a eomlo opara. tho aeaoa otwbieh la Uld In iTftUad. JbIUo Edwaid* wlU writa that

»et>ro iMAla tfoaatalU, tha aoobratla or Forapaaib'aBtook GoBipftBF, praaaBtad tha DHmbaraor FIraTrBei B,

from wbleb woipaoF iba ftaga flraDfta at Uio tbofttro laaa.

algaad, wlib a largo Soral bonoibim. Aeooapaarieg Uwaa a oard oa wbiub wu wrltus: 'To lha brATO ohodallF rUk Ihalr llraa to rava othOTB, with boat wliboaaodpraranlor foor wolUara" A goud Ihlog for niU-dalpblA la tha Ubb ma 01 "ChArlar a adbi" at tbo Cbiai^

Dot. rbarlaa FrobBiAB UaopUaaod with tbi aaecaaa or

bla Taatoro that ba baa daeldad to praaaot oibor pnduo'Uooa lor toog naa la thIa otir. Bararftl oihar laadiD*

DiABAgon Aio Bftid to bo AOBlooa lo oiUod iboir tima vbImporiABt Altrftotioaa tMMfcod at Nlioo A ZlDmarBuoa'aboua*. . . . .Tba thrao boadrod and Ofiiath parlorioAOca oi

**ICadaialBa, or tho MabIo Klaa" wu eafabrfttad ftt ttia

Broad Btroat Tbaatra, 7, wb«o aoBraBirw wara glrao

JbUab Edwarda oalabrfttad blaHrioaBUi ftoolToraftrr aa »ooodoetor ol eomto opaim tba aftioa araolog. . . .Tba iraaa-

far of tba BoiplroTbAAUa proponr br Jooo M, KbArp to

Robart GoalaL of Haw Tork, waa mAda,IL lor •SBUV.aBb|a«tiOBiorlgaxaaAgBrafatlDgUIB.ub. Tbia acUoolapiallmtBarTioina oraetioo ora hotal oathoaiU ol

tbo ibofttro. Aaftoonoocod iBTHBCLircBft aararAl waaka

Sv. foMBUioB WlU t>a obtAlDod Mftnli I. wbao iba

aatro UAaa oiplraa. Maaagar Worrail A Tarlor, o( tba

Bmpir«,hftTO parfaoiad BO puaa tor tba laloro. Nago>tUiloaabftToboftapoodlBgoatwaoBabrokar. ropraaani-

iDg Ibo Bmplro Buoagamoat. aad Mr. WlopoDBr, oaoar01 tba Pftlaoa Thaaira piopartr« bot afforu to roACb abftgraaoiaatbftToprofaa loUla. Tba proJa«t waa toaa-

eora tha two adlolalog propanlaa, ftod aoUrga tba praa-

aBt atnotaro, bat thIa baa baao ADABdeood.

puubarga—After tbe \»om of tbe OirlgimuboUdaja ibarw ia a laU la all klada ol baalaaaa bara, aodthfttof tbo ibowoifta la bo aioaptloa to tbo rola.

Douoma TiBivBB —Btca'a "IM" la 10 hota lu dmiBDiQg baro iblBwaak. "AUalairOlrl"dro« maaF ot

OBrPittobargglrUopto Jao. A /amaaO'Raill UBuoo TBBATBB —Tbaro ora atroag ladloftiloBa of o

Dfoaporooa woak wllb "la Old KaotBokr." baglaBlBa7.^Darkaat KBoaU" pi«Tad a goodaMgaatoplol 'UsthaMlaaloilppi"l4.r2rlhoBnuliDabaro.ALrfBTBBArBB.-TbaroUAgooda^TAa«a aalafortba

aagAaomoBiof thaLillpollADA.bogiBBlBgr. *Tb«OlrlI Loft BabiBd Ma" oaaiht oa wall tba paat w«fth. TbaBoatoBlaaa IChurt Bbo TaiATBB —ThU beaao la dark IbU waab aad

111 ronalB ae ull aomo aatlalaciorr arraogamaBt uBUdo with itioaa boMiBg cIaibu Agalaii 11 for tho dabtiBOorrad la luaraaUoo. HAaaaar E D. Wilt baa madaa gama atragala, aad It U to m bopod that tbo BuuarBtar HKw bo adjoaiad 00 that booaa raopao. BobariUilllard oloaod ft wa*k'a osgaiiaBiaBt B.

AOADBiir or HmKL—Wabbor dJobo r Flalda* Drawlai

lUaar wiuuaa' _

Plald^ OWB t;o. ibia waak.CaidB will lolkfw. Tbo Froaeb FoUfOo. Uoaod ft apUodid waak i.

MBW OBAVO OroBA BoCBa^Effla EUaUr thU waok.Halloa ftad Hftrt alooad a nirtbtBloBgaflamaBte. Prin-roaa * Wan'o Mlortrola ItBasbt Datib* Bdbb Mdbbb—Taooftodlballoo, Wal

Uea, ftr* ibo priaeipsl aaw lafttoroa Ib iho evrlo baitAa oiaoUaot a'aga abow u bIvob br tbo M^aatto Yaodo-TllloCo. BoHaoaaoDBUDaaogood.HBtV WOBLO'B MCBBPM TfllATBB —Zip. |ba Wbftt U fit

•adDUblo<Biag1elao)araibotnDpeftrda la tha earlo' " hlloOrlBmiBadOoro'BYaodovlUaBtftnLa tbo tbaatro. BfarythlBg ladlcataa a noeoatfaf oBt-

ooBaolof tbUbooaooodorfuoowdapartaia.BruT.—MaBagar llarrr O. Hahwab, of tbo How Oraad

Oooift Uooaa^ Un for Row Tork I, to aaeoro aono aoral-

tlaator ibfttbooaa Ifarn BUTaftB,tbo wa<l haowopromamor. baa baaa 111 nr aow Ubm poat ftl bia

bmDalB|IIUa,0,bwtwaa abto loratorBbaroB. All

Ibo Udloa attoodlBB Effla Hllalat'a parfomftBea.ftt iba

Haw OnaA 7. will bo proaaatad wllb a baadaomoaaBTaalf Tb«t« U to bo a boaadt for tho WaiM PodsBoopltftLU tba Alala Tbaairw, dartag B. H. Bothora'aMfuoflaaat la Fabraaiy aoiL , . . . . .Borarai Boabon of

**A oiaa«r Olrl" Co^ woro lU dailaB tba aogafaaaataf tkei frrgBBiaiTlTB. an ihoDsqooaao UaBwoob, ewls«

to) tbo toddaa aad rlolaal abftagoaof woatbtr Joho J.BAUmAB, rorwiarlj tnftfBior ol ibolloUU BtrtalTbo*-uo, BoMoB, Mfta&^haabaaa tppolatad iroftaeior of tboNaw Onad OpofoBobbo baio.

Al(««as.«AI (be BMTentb ATeDoe Opei*llooao "PabI EABTftr** waa praaaaiad Naw Taar'a vifttl-

oaotoa aaAllAltoBdABea. At thi oraaiBg parltamaaoB,bowatar. tba booaa waa wall Sltad. *'MaiiaUiaA or thoXaglo Klaa.*'waa pToaaatod bt tba Camilla D'AnlllaOpaiB Uompaor B lo a largo AodlaBr* CAmlllo O'Anillodid ftot appoftr oa aeeonat ol aiiO^rlog irom a aararaooUeAodbarooBdlilonwAaaaahibAt hor phralelABftd-Tioad IbU aha abould aoi appoar aad ftt tbia wriUsg abaUallUat Iho Logaa llnuaa, har oooipaar bArlog lallbar bar*, liar plaeo waa BlUd lo ft oioat ftoeoplabloBftOBarbF Hilda Tliomaa, Baroio pr oMdlog ollb tbaoporft lha ftBBOQBoanoDiwftB oiailo Iron ihoaiagoaoilIbo ftodlBBco waiw lofotmad that If thay ao daatradihalr Biooar would bo raturaati brftpplrlogAilhoboioflloa NooDoaeooptod lha o(T«r. aaii br tba irvunaotaooora^ tba ftodiaaeo Homid wall AAiftfiod. Wlirrtdnurk bid aoull bualoaaa 4. Uula Ahlrleh, la ' MrPartaar " did wall A AI rf . FlaU'a MlDiliola 7. "A Rarral of MoBar" id fllara' Rt«dlo,lB "Oaiba Rooarr," 16UaBBT OiTia* Bdin Mcbbb.—Tbia WMk DoonartUlk-

lag horaa), Kloar^ otiorma aad Katooa, iho JapAoa*auftrraUftBd Hlilia Carlto, Milaa and ItalAad, RraUaoiWAiar Qnaaa^ llAirr Ploh, KliUo PlDk.Uaerga Laaltaaad Barti ImbalL

wnkeabttrra.—"Bbon AorvB." IKra. 91, bgdtoodbBalDOAA Loaia Aldrlob," la "Mr Paruar.'' Jaa.badftgood a*Uadaaea. Loblib UBlraraltr illoo aad

BftDjoClaM.bAdft - ' -

A orowdad hotuoBADjoClaM,bAdftllBbthooM, roooart(looAl>.adrowA orowdad hotuo *Tbo Oorbr Hfticot,'' A bad rairbBaJauft To oooB*: 'tha Naw Bor" H, Law DoekatadarlA WilfVod Olarko U (lUbU ta ba oABoaladk "O'Noill,WABblBitOB. D. 0. •'

16, lA "Ob tbo BowarF" 17, 'ThaWhlUBqoadroB" if^

MVftO lUu.-B»BBidr*B PlajarB, waok of Daa 91,

pUfBd lo fbir tioalDoaa. To oomo: "BUehllatad" Jaa. T,

K 9. 'Tka BABib Baforo tbo War" 10^ 11, It. "la ih* Fool-hiUa" II. 11^ M. "Lttilo TiUt*'* 17, Ul Ik "Work oadWAgaa"||,a,llwoNDBBUiiD TiiBAT«a-MoBiL<-Aitaru (ro-aagftgad)

aadAB aiealiaBt raodavllU abow had ODliorBilj goodbDAlooia woak ol Dao SI.

ReBdlBg.~"8Dpertw" drew larfe Aadlenoet ettbo Aeadanir of Moiio Dao. 31, Jaa. I. "Prloooaa Boo.ola^ eaiBo to good boalBaaal 'Hbor* Aoroa'* had aUrga boBH 4. OoffllBg: "Mr Fartaor" B, *Tbo DorbrMucot" 10.

OUBDOrBBAlloo8B.-|[owaTd Wall'aldaaU did wallwaak of Doo. 81. Bd. F. Daria' "Uoola Ton'a tUbia*' Co.Jaa B.

BiJOQ TBUTBL-BailBaBB WAB ooIf tUr waak of Dae91, AI llArrr BaliuB'a BarlouBa iMtmpAar did aot alra Ita

oiaal abow, 00 ftcooaot 01 hariag aararftldUAppoliiiBiaBU wllb lu paopla. 'Tha Oornaa TolBOloor'^ Jao.T-d, tba Bftrlr BIrdi Burlaa^BaCo. lo-lt

Boimntoa—it the Acftdemy of Hiuto the"HobiB Mood" Oporft Uo. oomo Jfta.7. B. Tba HorAotoo Oralorlo Kooiotr,,oadar itiadlrwoUoa o/Klohard F. LlDdaar,gaia 'Tha Oblnaa ot NormaDdr," < lo a Urga oadl*oneo. A. r. PoArooa'a"Darbr MaMoi" Co. waa wall ra-oatvadA LoBiB Aldrleh. lo '^Hr Pftrtaar,* I, badftgoodbooaa. OoekaUdar'aMlaatroUII.FftoTUiiiOBAir.—Tba Lahlgb (lUa Olab, 9, had ft good

bouao Bookad : Whallaa d IfArUU'a "Boulh Bofnro thoWar,'*A B. wiiirwd OUrho 11. IB.

DiriB* TBBiTiiB.—Jab. 7. AB. Ratloo'i Borkflqua Co.


H II, tt, "BUobllitad." "Fack'a " ' " " ^ -'

woak, eama lo orovdad boaaoftBail Bor," uo paal

LBBCBBter.—AtibePoltonOMfB IlooBe "PiialEADTAr * hAd good builnaia l>ao.St. ilADlooi"'Hoporbft"draw big tiouaao Jan :^ S- Tha FriDoaia BobbU" UO'tora aagagintaoi). dU aioapiioaallr wall 4. Oamllloi> Atrll>, IQ "MadaUlBo. or tho Maglo Klia." bad Urgabooaaa, BtAiiooa Aod«raolDg,B. Loula Aldrlob, to "HrPonaar," 7, Jamaa T. Powara, lo **Nav Bor." 9-


New OrloAno.^At tbe Kreoob Open IIodmSunday DuiloecB tiftvo beon agBin reBumed, endibu tiamed temple ot eoof welouinee tbo old time

niftilDee hibliotB, wbo (look Id Urge Dumbera lo itg

bftllf wbfnever IIb (Icon ere open tn lorlte ad*nilrera of mnelo add Boog. "I« Jalro" AitraoKd alarge aadlenoe, wbo grBoted nwtj BpplBuae andoloce ftlteoUon tbroogtioui tbo perfomuuiuff. Onl)eo.8o"iflBaoD"wftg budr to appreoliiilvelUteD*erB,Hile. Delormrscaptlrftiloff berandloDce. Hlio

ftgMD Boored ft muBC pmoouiiced BUOceaR with berHualfto folk dance. H. Baiter Cftrrletl orr ibebonore of the ereolug. BloglDg toe rolo of WillielmMtUter. "1^ Qraod HugoP' w«a muat ohannlDKljBUDg and Bll tbe partlolpanla goored a lilumpti,Qhahp OPBEi lloi'Bi —"KrlondB" being ibe %U

tnoUon bere but iveeK, targe aadkncea were nlglit

If In BilendBDoe. Jbd. 0. Ilule Waiowrlghi.AoADiHY OP Hosio.—Itobert Downing, aaBliied

bj Kogenle Hlalr, aUrmoied Urge audrenceB UrIweek, appeftringin "TbeUUdlator, ' "lUobitrd, tbeMod Hearted," ••lUrld Oftrrink," "A PienohUarriftge" and "logomAr." Jan. e, Rbea, lo reper-

BT. UuiRLBB.—jBinea J. Uorhtu, la "aQnllemBnJaok," pUfed to crowded buuaee during hU aiajr Intbo dreaceni OUj. Jon. B, Katie Emmelt.


OBBver.-»At tbe Tabor Grand OperB llouewaak ol Dao 91 *Tba Naw Bor" pU)ad lo good houaaa.

Waak ol Jaa. 7, HanmaoD.BboadwaT Tbkatbb —Waak ot Dao. SI. Cliaa. Dlcbaoo,

la' AJollrnood Fallow" ftnd MDeog,"hftd iftir litiiloaaa.

Lraiim Tsbatrb.-Woak of SI, "Hoowball " br IbaBlock ooBipAor. pUvad lo big bualaaaa.CoftTia i*rBBBT TufliTBB.—Waak of Bl, Froonaa'a "A

Bailroad TIekot" bad bU booaaa,Ui^rftAL Tmiatrb -Tbaro U 00 obaoio la paopla.

laDBAod Klbio Kaoako aralD ibi

..Tha BIka Lodge bot* a aoolal

Paoblo—AI tbearud Hilton NobleB. wbo hadbaaa auBouBoad for Dao. IB, caaoalad, bat cftuio Jao. I,

appaftrlog In "Lora aod Lftw." L'oagiora d (IroBl'B Co.,la "Tbo Daatar," LCoLeaaiA.-UoJar Iho aaw BiaBaaaaiaatol ChAa. W.

Barkalar, wlib oaw pUiara ftadaavpUra, thIa bouaoaaami lo baro had aa auaolalOBi bogfeaiog. Waak otDta Bl. "Barlloda" waa glvoe.lljHtLln'MBTABOiBD-Hhaffar ABd WlllUaiB,lha Moo*

tADA FAmllr. Aod NoU WAtaoa vara o#w waak or 31,Hoaa. Ouldo raoppaarad tha aama dau ZoU VarA, Bi^Ma Hari aad oibani Ullad ibaprogramna.NuTU-Tom Wada,tbawan hoooo uaoagaraadpar-

lormar. opaoad a Tariatr iboairo lo Habu Fo, N. M , Jao.1 Bhorlff MoBOB, ur Poai'lo. reload tha gloro coouatbatwaoBiba HagloAw MhI am FfABBHalili,eoUiad.orDaavar. wbleb wu to bara lakoapUooAt llABllo'a, Doo.IB Tba BoAl iriA) of llaorr BarBfta, HAga DAaagaror tlio RiaadArd, tor aa ftllagoo lalooloaaftafAdltupooamaB br iho OAOia ol llewwtl. will tradooldau Jab. 1.

A wraaillBg mauh (coiob ab eaieh eoo) iiatwaoBJaok Bboaabora, of PoobU, aod Kd. Bari, wbo oUIbib tu

ta Uio ebatsplDO llBbt wolthi wraauar ol ibaUotlodButaa, WAB a raalaro At tlaaUa'a Daa Bl.


Portland.—At PorUud Tbeatre Uat week Ibe

Waite Coioedf OompBof bold tbe board* doing an

B. n. 0. bnalneeB. UllUn Kennedy, In "Bbe

CoDldn't Uarrf Three." Jao. 10-13; "In Old Ken-lack; u, ifi, '-Tlw Tornado" 10, 17. Tneiurer

BgorW..lie 10 aocoapur Eu Bbowvo tbe ruad.

Manager Lotborp nude nU Beml anonal rlilt to

PonUnd Uat week Tbe Faaalon FUj doaedHU>ddard'g eerlea of bIa leeture* B, and packed UbClt7 tUU.


JackMiBTllla.^nieatrlcal mallerB were ntberQOlatai lha Park Tbaaira tba lutwoak. CoDlog: Oora

PoUar AOd EprU BalUw, lo "Obaruiu CoidraF." Jaa. 7.

*Tha DorU'a Aoaiioo'* B Tba Oroloraioft of BaiUb of

OaUfabDrBlaailll la tooD aad u 4olog (alrlr wall......

ICAmB*NlckalPUtoBbowaAfowiBUriog At TlUa Mar-Dard, ooaoroarauborbA


irBrffo_Pargo Opera Uouee U dark at preMnl*

Dao. IB. tha Fftrgo Orftuatlo Olab. wllb tbo AaiUUaoa or

Mr. aad Hra. Bioakdalo, prodaood "Broibof Agalaat

Broibar" to ft good aliad aadUaco. TboaftmapUrwurapOAiod ObrliUua Dlibt Tern BloboU' TroBbadOBf


drawrairlrBI.Jaa.l wI(d a Raw Taftr'e otftllaao. TboLeodoB Hoblo Hall Bn/loa<|oa tlo, did A llgbt baalaiUomlBg: 0. 10; Nail Bargaaa' "Coaatr Fair."


iall Lake CU7.—At Ibe Bait Uke Tbtalre lha

CftlhooB Opon Compaaf bad Coir boalaaaa Doe.f7-4Pe

Lottie r^oUlaaSJ, Jan. I. AtoiAadar Balrlal U doo 7-10.

Prof. BarrBftBB IA IB.

uaiRo.-Tba am waok'a bBilaoaaftttbUsfw boaaewftBBftiialactorTi tbo aompftar bolog raoalrad la bigbUror, proaoatlog "HoihA." Woak af Doe, II "LoadoflABBorABoa" wMtboblU. _


Ohavla*t«a,»lt Owens* Aonddoy of Moslotbo BaldwiaMolrlUoOo. did aa laaeDae bealaoa waokof Doe, U-JaaeB^apopeUf prtaaA Ooftoa'e MUetrola


Laal Waak'a *aB(a.-ne *aat wetk add-•1 bgl Utile ot loporunc* to Uie uaaoa'a leoont.Tbe OBlf noteworUij .Teat wMoh occomd iheralawaa tbe prodoelloii Id mia connlr; o( aa RoiHahpla; vliloli haa won agcceaa In I.ODtfoa, wbrre HaiDlUalruDlenotieloompleud. Ttiaplajl.aawla-drania, anil Intertal tiaa been amnaed bj tba tx-perlment ot pieaefiilnx a play ot tbia elaaa tor aaaotlclpalod run Is a Broadway tbeaire. Aa Idaplajr poaatnea conaideralil; more iban Ibe araraf.merit ot lit bind, and waa lecelrcd, npnn lla Intpreeenlailon bere, wllb many el(aa ot taTor, lla

aiTterwIllba walotied wlUi lnlerrat,ln Ibe belle

that It mn; afford Km. Indication ooncaminf tbaKirt ot plajB tbat will ba In demanil bet* In lb. nearInlQia, Bnelneu waa •kllalBolorr all along >beline. Uallnee. wtr« ilien on Niw Yiar'aliay,atalraoat all plaiwii ot anuiement, wllb mnoh belitr

reenlta than iboae aobleecd on Obrtatoua atttrnoon.

Tbe conlinned pertormancee tor Ibe week end-Ini Jan. t, were: aianil opera at tbe HiraoroMTiiiOr.ai llot'Hi, "Hoh Rot" at ihe Ilinii.D Sgvtii,'Th« Caae ot Kebelllogi Bnaan" at Ibo I,TCIV||.

Ibe HoBionlana at Ibe liHiiinwAV, "The Utaqneradera" at Ibe Karina, "niainnnda" at the Firm ati.NOi, Hr.and Mra. Kendal at Ann.T'a, "I.llMe Obrla-topber't at ihe OiHonN, "A MllkWhIta Flai"atllorr'n, ralmor Uoi'e "Urownlea" at tbe roDn-TB.NTii HTHBiT, "Too Huoh Jobnaon"atltaeBTiHD-ano, tbe Stork Co. at Uii.v'H, Wlle>in Barralt at Ihe

Au.aioaN, "Tbe Uotloa King" at the AoaniaT ofHiuio, "Notorial;" at llinntUAii'a and' AUouolrjMporr> at tbe Buou Tlie "ne week atanda oloa.

Ing Jan. i were: "The Irlih Arllit" at tho Pao-PLa's, "UcFartilen'a Klopemont" at Jiimaa'Tiii.DAtbnui, Harrj U'Nelll, In "Irlili Iniplrallon," attbe aatiiii ilraHi lloiTim. the Mllpnllan. at IbaIliRLiii UriHA llotma anil "llnwn In lllile"at

Ibe CoLDii.ui Vaileir enierialnnient waa tnr-

nltbed at Tunt l*AaTua'a, Kotna k BiAL'a, tha

Union BqUAaa, I'tuvnia'., iho I.ONnoH, tho Olym .

no aod HlHBR'a Hiivinv and KmitTii Av.NOi....Pertorroaooee In (Icnii.n wore gleen at the iariNOrucBanil(laiiiiiNtA,anilpeilornuuii»alDll..Baw

at tbe TtiALiA, WiNnwH and Aniia'aAtrAUi.R'aTu.iTaianeioellontcompan7,onderIbe management ot Uharlee Frohman, pradaoad, onIMo. 31, for Ibo Irat lime In ihle oamtrf, "Ibe Fatal

Oard," a melodrama. In live arlit, bf 0. IladdonOhambera and li. 0. Hlopheneon. Tbe plaj profcd

to be lolertallng and rei»lfod a eery faTorable eer-

diot. WbelberornotltwIII baee a iirodiahie runI. aim ptoblemailcal, tor It w<a not greeted bj arcpreaaniatlfa Irat nlghlaodlencc, and Ihe mtpeot-Itil alionllon lieelowed upon It wu dne lo tbe

thorongbl; good pertormamieriinallraa niuoh utothe merlta ot the play. Boferal ot the plajera en-

gaged inlUpreieniatlnn are membera ot the Km.pire Theatre Block Uo., and Iho oaat derived addi-

tional alranglh (rom the preaeoce ot J. K. Hloddanl,

who, loaned bj A. U. I'almer, ma<1e on thli oeoaalnn

bla Drat molinpoilian apixaranca tbia aeaaon. Bull

turlher Iniereiit centred In tbia prodoollon, Inaa-

nuob u ItalTordcdoccaalon for Iho llratappearmnoe

here ot Aiiijr Hub; alnoe ahe Joined Mr. Krohnian'a

torvee. Iliilortonalely, however, tor ibl. pronilalDg

actreHa, althiiugh ilte oreuplCfl Ibe poallinn of lead,

log lad/, her role waa of aCL-onilar; Importance andhilleil III give her opponunlllea aileqitato lo ber

powera At Uio Htah TiiRATaa, on Ileo. SI,

Itoomen Tliompenn hogan an nngagemenlln 'TheUld lIumeateHil." •The rnxllgal Uaugbler"began on Ihw. 31 a foMulght'a engagement at

NiuLO'a TiiBATBa Hr. Jahbi IIai.l droppedUat week, lomporarllr at leant, from ibe llat ol

hoiieoa devntcd to theatrical enierlalnmenl.. It

keen IcaMil I17 Win. T. (Irogg, wlin annnnncealo ha given Uierltt a aerUe ot leoluroa and readlngi,

Uartott r. Bervlae began there un Jan. 3 a lerlea ol

IIIUBlratod looturee The Htrolleia, tbo amalaurdramatlo organlntlon torniorl; IdenllOod with

Oolumbia College, gave elilit performanoca laat

week at the llBHaaLar l.roaua in alil uf a IikuI

chant;. The; preeenled a duulilo Ull whichIncluded Mra. Hannah Orowie;*. three aot comeil;

The Brile'a HtraUgcm," rovlacil li; Kdward Falra

Uoward, and "Tba Roaa ot Auvergoe," cooloopera, la one aot, bj OdlDbaob and Farole

At tbe Ah.biiiahTbutu WiImd llarreit wuaaenIn "iltbello" Dee. ai, Jan 9 and 6, in "llen-H;-

Uhrae" matinee and evening Jan. I, evening 3 andiiiallneet,and In "Virglnlu." 4 llarrjO'Nell

itude bl. tnt appearance u a alar Ileo. II, at Ibe

flBAHD UriNA lliiti.B, In "Irlab Iniplrallon."

'Thmlngibebbrew" waaoonllouedai theailraoUon

at UALT'a TiiiATH. At Ibe HaraoMUTAHUriBA lluu.i, Iho Mveath week of tbe eeaaoa of

grand opera began Dec, 81, with a pertormaica ot

Moiart'a "Don dlnvanol," mention ol wblob waamade lo onr laat luue. Verdr. "U>lln" waa given

Jan. 3, with the aama oaat aa before. An niranight, Jan. I, waa Ibe occaalon for tba npetlUoaot

"l.ea llugoenoia," with the noe eacellent oaat aa

when Ural preaented daring Ihe preceding week, Adouble hill waa given 4. l,euncavallo>B "I higllao-

cl" WBB Ibo Orel nITerIng ami waa Ibna caat: Ncilda,

Mile, '/die do l.uiaan; Tonln, HIgiior Ancona; Hllvio,

M. (Iromuekl; I'oppo, Hlgnur Vanni; Vanio, HIgoor

ItnsBllanu. Tbi. waa tulluwad b; MaacKara"Uav-aileria lliialloanna" with iheia Inierprolera: Ban-

incaa, Hllo. HIra Heller; Lnola, Mile. Baoermelalar;

Ixila, Mile. Jane do Vlgne; AlBn, HIgaur Beoiande;

Turlddu, BIgaor Tamagnu. "Klaine" waa given at

Ibe nuulnee 9, wllb Mtue. Mollia, Jean da llenka

and Kdouard de Haiibe In the caat. Blact'a "Var-

uen" waa Ibo oifrrlog evening ut t, Utaangea In

lbs caal preaented Lucllc lllll aa MIobaela aadBIgnor Kunllami aa iNinJoaa Kxcerpia from"The Hcarlet Uiier," Ihe new iiptra b; WdlarUioroach and Oeorge faraona latbrop, were beard

laooncertai Uabniiiib Huaia IIali, atiarnoooof

Jan.4. TltefoleawarethnaaMlgned: Ifealar, Mme.Nordlca; Arlbar, Wllll.ro II. lUeger; Ubilllngwoitb,

Big. Oanpanarl; WIImd, Kriciaon r. Uuabnell; dor.

lielllngham, Uonrad Uahreoa; Braakall, Jaoiaa f.

Thoopaon. Tka B;mphonj Urohtalra, ander tha

leadenblp of Mr. Uiuroaob, aaelMad MaodVonoi made bar proteatlonal daliut aflamoon ot

Jan, t, at tbe IIibai.0 H(|Uabb Tiibavbb, la the rola

ot Janet, In "lUib Itu;." Ube will In futon relieve

Juliet tiordea twice «a<ta week.

BnaoiT iirriBAiHUBNTW on Jan. 4 Inolnded Ibaanentb ot tba eertea ut popular ooncarta at tbaMelropolllao Opera llonie, a raudevlUa caunola.mantat tbe Academvuf Maalo, Uenmae noop.aon'a eooga, lllualralad and Iflutnlaalad, at tbaMlar Tbeaire, and a leelimiinUI kenett perform-ance In aid ot Bill; Ulrch, tbo vciaran ailnaiial,at

tbe Bijou Theatre.UtiABUB FauiiMAN'H llmeat llo;t<a Tbeatn will

beiia on March 4.

IT OAB lieen decided lo poalpono tbe prodnollODor "Ilaartolllui>;"at liai;>a Theatre unill Jan.lt,and HaBloe Klllou, wbo la to appoBr In the piece,

will not Jola Ihe bIoci at tbat bouaa until 10.

Mu. Lanutbt will begin an aagagemeat at Iba

Fifth ATenue Tbeaue Karob 4.

J. AkBBioii LiB.BT and witebava lelt tbe Paollnatiall UpaiaOo.IlBNaT Abtuub JONn aent Uharlea Frobmao

1600 to be diBUlbuled among tha .lege banda of tba

Kopira Tliaaua aaa New Tear'a gift. Taantoaa/waa dlatrlbnlad during tbe isallnee Jan. I.

OBABua UUMtiiKag, doorkeeper of tbe Uroadwa;Tttealra, waa placed In the Inaua paTllbn ot Ibabellavue Uoeplul Jan. I, ki await an axamhiallontnlo bla mental condition.

AM BivTBKTAiNiiBaT WBB given at Iba Olt/ PdaoaJan. I. Among thoae appeuing wars Mra. q. A.Bteedwell, Nr.. A. 0, Thvlor, Mn. Beakoaa dare;rar, wm. Jcab Ual;, Habet BUUnuB. AofoalBetlnger, Carl Udell. U.T. Untlaltb, iniaa.1la«ba,UniM Tooker, BfflU Adolpbl aad Ohu. Otadaitabf,aeoompaalala.

718 TPIl^ :N"F.W YORK CLIPPER. January 12.

MmiBS. Aimav, rHODHiN, Piluiii, riRTOB,iniloUwr tbuuiul muiitgon, at t rtcent mMiInt, ds-cldcd to rning«perturnunc(*tol>«glToii •Imultt-Beonlj on me tKernoon utJu. it,m ibo Actdemjof Hulo >D(1 tho Onni Upen llosw, for themnent or tbc [tmlllei of Btiuilon Ctilet BramiaAnd Anln'kfit yortiiMO Itoonoy, of Track 13, wboirtro klllM Deo. £> M Uio Dro In Woit Tnotj-foanb Hired.iTiarumnrcililutoirtr lliitimtnlcln li looklni

(or * ilie for « dow iniiilo ball lomMrher* MlirMaTtreoly UilM nod Fony.wcoDd Blretta.I.roiDU TiixiTRK.—Henry Arihnr Jonea' enter

UlnInK cAmcdy, 'Tlin 0«H of lleliellloua Bonn,"baq tounil favor at this honu, wboro It began, onJan. T, ilio lecond week of lie raa. Tbe plarli rcrjclOTCrlr written and ahoiinda In liomnr. It li cap-itally played br (be oicelleni aUMk company of thliIioutc, and BllOEeihcr (lecuploa very blgb imnkamong current aiuact'nni. latbel IrrlDg wu nn-ahle 10 appear at ttio matlneo 6 and ber aUter,Kvangollne Irrlnn, aHinmoil Uie role of l.idr Suanwith no other atody than (hat alTorded by neirlngheriUler apeak the llnea npon aoveral oceaalou.Hbe Ravo a credliaiiio performance.Kui'in TflBiTHB.—"Tlio MaaiincraOen" la a

brilllaiii H'jrcrsa, and Henry Artbnr Jonei leemillktlyto monopollzo tbie honae during the entireH^naon, becaoao of tho reception accorded to ibiaplay and to 'The Bauble Bnop," whleb preoededIL The alKlb week of the mn of the conentHttmcilon l)Gf[an oa Jan, 7, and ae the only olMlacleIn MR path haa lieen removed, aantated In onrlaatl^tue, there la proapeet of an eictllent record. W.II. UromploD nnirappoara ni JloimyUlokta In placeif W. II. Tliompaon, now at I'lUmer'a, and lleorgellrrant baa I he rule furmcrlyaaaomed by ilr. Uromp-ton.

liOKia' Mueiuu —What la Intended as tbe alarreunre of tue curio lialla tbia week la Prof. PesVsnatatorial inonktya, which are claimed to be theiinly amphibian alinlana ever exblblled. Twootiior now fcaturca fnr thia week arc the Anatrallanant eater and Carabaa, atylcd the King of Cati.The All l.nb ItoOHtcr Orchcaira la bore (or a letnrarniBgoraent, Culp llroa.' Holland Sand and Jn-lene'a anakea hold orcr. Lynch, tbo cleTer shadow-KHpbUi, anil Kll/-ger*ld'a ranch and Judy are es-lertalnlng. In the llicauo Kanny Herring Is ap-pearing In '<nie numb wimeaa."AotiiiHr OK Uvait'.- "The (kiiton King" coo-

ilnnea on Itn pmspcroua way, and opened, Jan. 7,llaalitb week atthfa hnuao. At the conclnalon o(be mn of thIa lotcrcstlni drama Jamea 0. Ileacb'sIrlah play, "Ikiry of the lllll," will be prodnctil.FoDiirKKNTii smiiT TiiiiTNi—Mmer Uoz'a

"Brownloa" entered, Jan. 1, npon tbe ninth weekat thIa honno to continued iiond buslnMS. Theiiualntncaa nf ihia piece, which ahowa the doings oftue little fellowa made ao popular by Palmer Uoz,Iniereata tho young and old alike, and eaohperformance uofy aeema tn tighten its grip on theHirectlnnaiif iheamiiseinent going nnhllo.HTANnAHuTitiATKK.—"TooMuobJotinaoni'began

Jan. 7 the wvcnth week of Ita stay at this hooae.and waa Jiiatai potent as a Ungb proTOktrasItwas upon Ita flrat perfnrmance.UMOt; TiiEtTiis.—Peter K Uallej wu a contlnned

favorite In "The Uountry Hpflrl,<'Jan. 1, when bebegan hia third and laat week at thIa houae. Wardaid Yokes, In "A Hon on the Oank," will begin awrok's onEHioraont MTua Ai.ToiiH' Kii.Mi ID' AMiHiOA has announced

Jan. ^'i aa Iiiv date of lia aunnal beoeQU It la In-tended to preient an attractive proorMome madeup from now playa lulorpreted by well known per-formera.Fin-ii ATas'ui TuBiTRS.—Kanny Darenport la

rniilng tlio bHrvcai wblcli beraploudid productionuf Sarilou'R "CtatnoQila" dcaerrea. Tho merits ofthe play, ilie excellence of Ita performanco and theluagnineence uf itRonrlronnient haveall found re-ougnlilon, iiio rcault ticlnga continued aocceaslonufcrowdod hnuaoa. Tlio play, aa preaeuted by kitaallaTenport, la. In IM outlrely, a auperb work of art,

tbeeiioalnfwiitoh la rarely aeen upon the stage.Tie length of the porfoniianco baa lieen reduced nyibeomlBRloii of por-liOH of ibe dialogue, and theplay In 11a ri'Vlaud (iirin waa given for the tnl limeJan. 7 at tbo bcglnnlOR of tbo OtUi week of the en-ginetnuni.

l'<uri.ii'H TiiRATHB.- "lUrkeal Ruaala," tbemolodnamn which liai prevloiwly inei with anoceaaId other tlicatrea In iiila city, opened a wcek'aengagement hero Jiin. T. Tho uudlfnee nn Hon-day night waa a vrry largo one, and unbonndednnUiuil-uiii reigned ibroughuut I he performance.Tlio drami Iclla iin Intaroaitng aiory of life InItuiala, and liai Ikou rialionioly a'agod by tlan-Hger Hldnoy It. Kllin. Tho company la capable Inevery parlteolar CUaiiouiy illoott. In "The IrishArllat," rloaed a week nf very Urgt buslneaa hereJao, 6, M-iUilo Uortroehiiasoecoaded lA)tial,ynneIn the cluracicr of Kate Habooo. Nazi week, EilleKlUIrr,

tliiii.n'H TiiRATHH—Walter &inford'a prnduoUon,'The rroill|(Hl DnuBbter," began the aev-ond andeonoluding week here on Jan. 7 to very largo busl-neaa. TbIa la the nrcend ODgAgomentot ttalast-imoUon M tlila lioiiao during Vblsaoaaon. Nextweak, "rho Ivt I,<mr."

Wunrn'ii MiwBuu.-Tbe Oelorad MInalrels still

eonUnuo Uirir pmotahle engagement here. AnInnovallonihls week lathe iirodnoUen of a nsTallint part and a drama entitled "Oood Old OenrglaIn Mu." Tho prlnetnal performers are: Herr Win,>'reil I'ljier, Jerrv Ullle, Hob Uoles, Stella Wiley,Alice kUuVny, Wilka and aiaaolle, \y, U. Proctor,Jaa. Ruaicli and llio Unique ijnarteLStah TtiiATRB.—Dennian Tnompion, In "Tbe Uld

llonieatead," liegan, on Jan. .7, tbo eocond week ofhiB ciigageucnt at thIa honn The good old playBllll OniTB many ndmlreti, and tbe bualneasll la

doing la vuiy eucourntlng. It bus come (or a long»i«y.

KosTBR.t liiAi.'s—Tbo management of this la-aort ctinttniiu tn give Ita panoua toe beet to be badIn tbo vanilovllle lino, and the big alieudanoe oon-ilnuca. Tno third sorlea of living iilolnres la prov-ing to be evpn more popular than Ita prede-eeaaora, and la one of tho maguets ot uiehonao, Tho roin^lniler nf the programme preaentedJan, 7 for week wu ooni|iaacd ot popular favorltta.Paul Ulniinovalll, king of juggKra (founb week);Kiigeiile PeircHOii, contnrtlonlat (alxtb week); Hona.anil Umo. Itruet Itlviere, dnetlata and Imltotors(olahlh week); iliu Itiaa^iw Urothers, llllpntlanHthtelca (tenth noek); LoaFour DIcz, iioartet copor-chio (aeound week); A. tl. Iiunnsn, ventrUoiinlai, re-

Intnod; IrfiaHayoa, cocentrlo akHt«r«(aeoond week);FlorH Irwiu, coniedlonnotfonrth week); IvanTBober.iiniT aod III! milled dugs (ol|htoenlh week). AmeliaDliiver, dancer, waa on ilio lull but did not appear.UoAvoy and Mav.whu were on the bill at thia nonaeilie begtuDlng uf laat week wem caneeled after ibelrnorforiuanco on Jan. J liecauao they were appear-ing at another oily liouao without the knowledge orperiniaaliin or Ura.ira- Koaler .V Ulal. They werepaid their aaUry fur iho half week. Tho Rnppear-aiienlii Amrrk'Hiif Uuua. Htaluvllle la announcedfor next week.TiiBTiiHKK llonAS, acmliatB, made their Anierl-

uAn doliiit at Tnietor'a Theatro, Jan. T.

Manaiikii IlKNtiv ('. MiNKH, It Is aunonneed, la III

Willi In tii iinf.tMHws I'tiKATnB—Tho Kmpiro Knteruinera

nrovlde an e.\e<>lleut progniiunn thli week.Uo Vaux and Taylor, a team ot Weatom moslea]Hftlata, upeiioil thli bill In good style. Pat J. Ricks,Irlih vnoAltai. roudcrpil aoino oliamolor aelcotlons.MoAvoy iHiil lioilo. III their knoekabout act, dis-I ritintcit miudry Vtcka and pnnebea on raeh other'suoatnuiy and exvcnied aoino funny falls, oonolnd*lugwltliaiioinloat bnxiDg tiont. bOIUo I.onsdale,tbe lively Kniiltiili aerlo curolo aingor, next enter-lilnod with MiverrtI amiga full of Rluger. Menbauand Uaymond rolkiwrit In tlieir clover neu NellieMagutro abowril her well known ebamolor i-bangeswitn aonga ai,il Intltattuna of aotne of l,(inUon's in-babltania. Uuuigoinrry Irving, atrung nuu, gavenn exhibition of phnu^al ilovvloptnent In nuo-Ipnlntlng heavy welgbti and breaking atrapaH-id chains with auriirlilng easo- Ilia aotwaa tieiirtlly apiMaiided. Charles. H. Duncan,Iho I'imte ainger. rendered four aonga. Ktaaell,111* gon maulpuhlor, oloacd tho olio In bla ninakolHUd Hword Juggltiig act. Tbo bonaoon Mondayiiitfinoun Hint ovuning, J<n. 7, was wcU Oiled,Next week, Hynn'n (lately (ilrls,

UxTKdivi.irAS oi'HHA lloi'MB.-Tho eighth Weekof Iho Kea-aouof aranil opera liegan Jan, T with apetforiiiaiu'o of "Kaimi," with Mme. Uellia, Jean dollea/.ke, IMooi\:d de llrMte and SIg. t^ipanarl Inthe caat. Big. Aiicona had been announced fnr tbeiiilo uf Valeiitlni', but he having a cold Big, Oamn.narl waaaulii'.ltuted at abort notice and met withinarkeil and well deserved favor. The further an-niiunccinenta for Ilie week Include "Lohenerlu" n,

l>JU liiovannl" il, "l.ea lluguenote" iiituneel-',and ihu double bill, "I Pnpltaocl" and "liavallerla

Ituatuaiia," eveiilng of II. Bybll Bandenon,who, though burn In Ualllurnia, bas won all ofher fame atirond, not having yet been beard Inopera In her native land, wlirniake her Americandeiiui Jan. m In Haaaeaet's opera, "Minon."In tho aimonncement of this event Meaars. AbbeyA Qrau make tho vrrnueooastsienienitbst this wlUi>o tho flrat production of this opera In America InFrench. The opera was done In French ID Newiirioana, en Jan. a, Isrit. It was bnt presented Iniiiia inuniry liy the Mapleaon upem Oo„ tt tbe.vcaUcuiy uf Muale, ibia city, on Uto. 'Si, ISU,

VIB Ma auuuuuuvu iiuui »uii awKv, 1^ iioilljf liiip

slble to follow a regular programme. Monday's nners waa Terr good. The Union baa also seenreInter date at Hr. Miner's Eighth Avenue Theatre

UBMiiiNTaoiinoN'slltmDAV tiHniiraiNgBn-.-A large and thoroogbir appreciative audience as-

aemMtd at tbe Star Tscatre nigbtof Jan. t. Tneentetuiument Is styled "Bongs iTlnsliited and llln-

mlnaled," and conalats of a aerie* of plomrrs,viewed tbfongb an oblong opening In tbe cntuin.nearly tbe whole width oftbe proseenlnm aroh,andone naif Its height. The prosmmme a-inouncesthat Kessra. Thompson, Mayrnofer and Rrer, areibe proprleion of the entenslnmenta, which will

he given on Hinday nlgbla and Wednesday matl-neea, dnrlug Hr.'Thompeon's engagement at tbIa

theatre. Ttiere are twelve excellent examples oftbe scene painter's art, eleven of which arefrom the bman of Oomer F. Kmena, and oneby John II. Yonng. Moat of tbe plctniea wereaccompaoled hv appropriate haliadi, while thelaat, "Tbo Qardon ot tbe Oods," wai enbancedby a aelenllon from the opera of "Kmanl,""tlrowned with tbeTemneal." by II. W. Frlllman,and 'The Old Ilometteail" ((uarteL Mr. H-iyrbot-

er'B electric effects In light and abade, and alao bis

reproduction ot a thunder atorra, were totti noveland Ingenloui. A acene entitled "The old BnwanieRIvar" Tu very nalnrnl; the colon ot ibe follaiswere tme to nainre, and the change of bnea. re-

neollng the rays of tbe setting sen, preaented anadmirable effect. Ap'ctnreof tneUrooklynbrldge,and one entitled "A Mew England winter," wereamong the beat of the paintings. Tbe alnalng otMme. Hvera, II. J. Joae, U. wT Frlllman, John II.

Davla, Tliomas Lewis and Tbomas E. Olltford wuezoellenr. Isidore Lnckatone waa ihe piano accon-Sniat, and the Biar Tbesue Orebealra nccupled

eir anoiiatomed places.MiNBB'g BOH-BRv TniATBB.—"Actors' Protective

I'nlon No. 1, New York," have Ibe hooae tbia wetkand are rnnning the ootfonnances for tbe benettot Ibe charity fund of tbe organluilon. Tbe bills

presented Include some of the heat talent on theTsndevlUe stage, and pstrons of Ihe honae can lookfor good progrsmmea, different performers appear-ing every day, Tbe following artlets were seen onMondsy sfiemoon snd erenlng, Jan. 7: Uolllos sndMay, Marv Uriinih, Eddie Olgnem, Facy and Usn-ley, the Fletchers, Waller E, Ueaves' msrloneltes,Ooiham Oltv (jnariat, Batsnma, Irene Franklin, thePaynes, Flaler and Usmll, Frank La Itosa, Oil-

more and Lwnard, the De Foreetta, Memphis Ken-nedy, VUTOW and BInda and T. u. Howe. Perform-ers are announced from the stage. It belnjr Impos-

nns-secured a

r'a Eighth Avenue Theatre forIhe aame purpose. Tbe peirormancea tbli week sroIn eliarge of a commltva composed by Oeo. Felix,John II, W. Byrne, Vlint Wllion, Thoosa Carter andAl. Foslelle. Next week, <Tbe White Orook" Uo.Mb. PiBDT, innsleal director, bu been engaged

by noyi t MoKee, for next season, fer Uoyt'sTheatre, tbIa oily.

Jacob*' TaxaTBB.—"The Diamond Breaker" lathe present wrek's hill, a large patronage isas-sureddnrlnillsslay, IIS aenaatlonal climaxes sndtlie pKsentauon of an active diamond breakerservlngsa the most potent (actors. Tbe caat la aafollows; nexina Alden. Mlaa Rtelka Warden; Wal-ter Warren, Olarence llandyaldes; Reorteem Hark-eu, John J. Pleraon; Pike Price, Frank a. Mack;RIokotr Rloe, Hairy L. Rawllna: Wonderful U«m-Ing, Horace James; MoOork. Kdward O'Connor;Twiner. 0. K. Townsend: Old Dowser, GeorgeClark; Warden ot Aaylnm, II. L. Rawllna; Bnpeiln-tesdent nt Aaylnm, A. J, Parker; unicer, Ballla E.Unoley: Red Manoli, aeorgeOoaa; LogoParloUo,John Kirk; lltm Wallace, Chariot K. Clark; JanoaDoyle, Arthur HIms; Bolnmon, Edward O'Connor;Chatloile Kirk, Blauobe Honiton; Sles Rice, Flor-ence Marlon; Edna, KiIa K'neison: data, FloyNIohola; Klla,Oora llelraont; Ida, L'.lll Vane. Nextatiraoilon, ' Tno World Against Uer."Tony Pastor's TasiriiB.—Haggle Ollne does not

anpear here Ibis week, Hr. Putor de-ldod ababad better lay off a week and teat her voice.Hbg la doing a'l abe can to gel In conditionfur next week, when abe hopes to be able toappear. Tbe bill this week la a good one andInelndea tbe Hondlnla, In myatlfilng and mindreading illualons; the Fortetiiie Bliiera, who areroeellog with eonalderable suoceea; Jese Lewis,Antipodean and band balancer, who does some ex-etllent work on bis hands, with bla feet In the air;KlUy Nolan, in Irlah ballada; Frank Herbertsnd Frank Uarin, knockabout clowna and clevertumblers; T.)ny I'aalor, In his songs, which aeem tolake aa well aa over; Ohas Boiie and Canle Ura-ham, In an eccenirlo ooniedy aketoh; the BlateisWood, In VUigllsb ballada and deacrlptlve duets;Tees. O'Brien and Clara Havel. In "Tbe Newaboy'sConriahip;" Mile. Fongere, the vlvaolons Freoobebanannetio, and II. and Mme. Yaldare, expertbloycllata. who are capable ot bolding Ihe andlenceto the last.

Katrn'B Ckion Sijuaiib Tobatrb.—Tbe dlaagroe-abla weather nf Jan. 7 did not aeem to affect tbehoalncaa atthia bouse, for standing room was at apremium. The bill la np to the naual atandard otexcallenco, and la ananged to satltfy all taa'es.Taete la plenty ot Inn all through the bill, and thelarge andlence vma kept In centlonona lansbier.The bill: Raymon Uenre, In Ihe lateat liillada;llrolbers Forrest, funny clowns; Hilly Carter andIlls banjo; Dryden aod Mitchell. In a funny akeiob:(lllberl Barony, tbe "Qlddy Old Qlrl:" Swan andliamhard, funny aerohata; John and Nellie llealy,In tneir laleat nianialton melodies; Lavender anaTnmaon, oomedy dno: Orase Vaugban, danaense;Oarlln and Clark, In Irlah and Dotoli fnnnyUnia;Cook and Clinton, sbooteis: Wills snd Ualpin, ThoCop and the Tramp;" tbe Harlans, In <belr Udderaot, aod Carlisle's trained dogs. Tbe llraaiz Dror.were billed, bnt on acoonnt o1 sickness they couldnot appear. They hoped to be able to be present ».


Nsw Yolk Htars began a week's eugageaent boreJan. 7, and wu welcomed by one ot the largestandleneosot the present aauon. Tho organlstuonla one ot Ihe moat comp ete u vlalt this tbealteteoently. Is numerically atroug, aud liberally

eiiulppea with everything that goea to make a Dratclass vaudeville company. Tbe programme offeredon Monday nigbt gave entire aailafacllon. Everyapeelally iraa liberally applauded, and tbe pc-eunlarr retnma for Ihe week ahould be heavy. Nextweek Ihe Uoward Athenuum Co.nROiiiwAT TuBATBi.—Tbe Uoalonlana began on

Jan. 7, the eighth and final week ot tboir engage-ment, wlih "Prince Ananlu'' enduring to tbe laal.

Toe eiccllenee of the score of this work, con-irluhted by Victor Herbert, won favor for II at theatart. In aplte of tbo original weakneu of tbotext, and ibe ImpreTemanla eventually made In tbohook secured tor tbo work a comUnusnce ot favorsnniolent to make the season a gennlae sncceas.On Jan. II, Kathryn Kidder will give Sardon's"Hme. Bans Oene" lia Urst metropolitan preaenia-Uon.

Oariibm TUBATRg.—"Little Ohrlalopber" Is nuk-ing a due run at this honae, a result largelv duo toIhe uianagorlal oiperlenoe ami ability ot G, B.Uloe The extravaganza u Itwu drat presentedhere In lis original Kngllah form wu undeniablydull and wu tnieaiened witb apeedy oollapae, tint

thnngh indefatigable work II ku been brightenedIn oveiy part and Is now continuously cotertalolngand enjoTable. I.%bor npon li never ceaaoa, bow-ever, and new teaiuru added each week oenstantlyadd to Ha atiraetlvoiess. Tbe thirteenth week ofthe mn began on Jao. 7. Ueirn Beiiram was III

evening of ft ud tbe title role was aunined at atew lulunies' notice by Beule Abbott, one of thealsters whose ballad singing la one of the moatpleaaing apeclalilea o( the periormanco. She wonseveral euoores.AuiiBV H TitBATBX.—Mr. BOd Mrs. Kendal be^n

on Jan. I the tbtrd week o( tbeir ougaaement, witha revival o( Plneio'a play, The Beoond Mrs.1\uiiiueray." Our opinions concerning this play,and lira. K>ndal's remarkable conoepilon of thetitle role, were expreasod (reelyaod at length upontbe ocoaalon of the Urst production lirre lut asa-

ton. Nothing In tola later perrormaice fnmlahedany reason for a reveraal of ihe Judgement thenpronounced or for (oriber ooromeni. Tne play will

oe preaented at every periormanco thIa week.uaHAinBqUARxTnBATRS.—"Koblloyia atlll a

alrong (avorite, and oontlnuea to play to crowdedhooaes. alibough 11 enterod, Jan. 7. upon theeleventh week o( Iterun, It la fully worthy o( Its

ancccu, for It la adellgbtfnl opera, and la renderedby Mr. Wbltney'a excellent company In tbe moatexbllarailng and aallafaotorr manner. The onehnndredtb oerformanee of tbla work will be given10, when Reginald de Roven, Ihe compoaer, will

conduct, and nandaomeaouvenlTS will be preaented,I'AUiBR'B Thbathb.—"The Fatal Clatd," Vhailea

Frohman'a experlmnntal vcntun In tbe fleld ofmelodrama, bu ihus far drawn aallafaclorr tonaes,but bu not atonatd that onlhnslum whleb la aguarantee Ota auccesatnl mn, Althongh It la byno mcana a perfect play. It la nndenUbly a goodone, and Is worthy the attention ot all lovers ot thedrama. It entered on Jan. : upon tbe secondweek ot Its mn, wlib a large andlenco In atiend-dance.UARBiOiK's TUBATBB.—Alter SO looK su Bbaencs

11 la very pKaaaut to have Edward II urigan aodbis company with ns once more, and li la veryevident Iron tbe aooeeu of ' Noiorlaty," that thepublic appteelatta Ita pmant oppoitnnliy. Theplay began on Jan. t, ihe BRh WMk of Its run, aodua ihiu far made a very aailifKtory rtcord.

uorr's TBBATBa--"A HHk White Fug" la atlll

c loaplcuooaly anoeeasful at tbis bouse. It entered00 Jsn. 7 upon the fourteenth week of ita aeasos,

and Its audiences are yet testing Ibe capacity of the

houae at each performaooe. Bnch a resnit la, bow-ever, not oncommon with Mr. llojt'a plays, and nodoubt Ihe leporta concerning thIa one will vary bntlittle for maoywecka 10 come. Tbe one hnndredtbperformance will be given II, and will be cooem-moraled In the osnal manner.

lIUBBB's Piuca HtJBBUii.—The management of

tbla house baa prepared an cvo-lleotblU tor his

patrons this week, and Ihey snowed their appre-ciation ot hIa efforta to pleaae them by dlilng thebouae Jan. 7. Tne bill: Myrtle Corbin (four leggedgirl), the Tnrt',e Boy, Ell Howen (leglesa wonder).Uuo (tnake enchantreas), and Rnnnlog Kik andWanna, theatre double ahow and Japanese LivingFlotnrea.Dob BroNR, sdvenislng agent of n. R. Jacobs'

Theatre, will have a bencllt at tbe above bouseFab. 17.

Harlem,—Duslnesswuonlyfalilsatweek. DeWolf Hopper, In "Dr..Bynlax,"began a week en-

gagement Jan. 7 10 a large andlence, and u tbla

Is bis Drsl engBgepent In Harlem he will no doubtdo a big week bnalnesa. Manager Hoaenherg aayathe Music UslI wui open Marob 1. Next week,Ulga Netheraole plays "Froo Fcon" for the flnitime in thli city. Uer repertory: Monday, Tuesdayand Wedneaday evenlnga aod Banrday matinee,"Fion Frou;"Thni*day, Friday and Batorday even-ings, ''Caollle."CoLUXBVB.—"Down In Dixie" proved a money

maker at tbla houae tbe nut week. "The Buatiar"opened to a good alzed nonae 7. Next week, "TheProdigal Uanghter." A Sunday night concert wugiven e to a fair alzed bouse.Oi.TBric.—"A Jar Olrcns" played to poor honaes

lut week. Flynn'a London Calety Olria beputheir aecond engagement here ihia season 7.

Arnss-iitnf.—This week: Tnnett Meabao, FannyReynolds, Baunden and Renua, RnsseH and Ken-ney, F. Biockwav, Brooks and Onle, May L. Dell, L.H. Onnal, Eatelle Llaselt, 0. Rich, Yonna, 0. U.Dawley sad J. F. Toms. 1. L. Laneu bu been en-gaged aa stage manager.Hablxh Mubbuii.—Manager .Smith bu decided

to give a aerlea ot living pletnrea at tbe houae In sweek or ao, and he thinka they will prove a bigdrawing card. This week: Ourlo ball—The 7.wroa„E. B. Theodor^ "Obalk" Baunden, Jesale Allyne,A. L- Morrell and Pnf. While. Bisge- Tony Hack,Olarence and Kale Worrell, Qeorge Kalne, Mile.Fancheiie, Ohas. Frey and Minnie Evans, JessieCarll and the Irvlugs.


Brooklyn.—The New Year wu nshered Inwith CAoildarabIa romp, the thutrfeal raanagara add-

loR tbair ibmi* to the damoDatratioo by kaapiag openhouaa Item i r. v. ontil after 10 o'eloek, rteeiTlog

naoycallacadorloa that Una. Hnw that ibe boltdaya

have gone and thtagaaiaafalD reanmlog their Dormalute, lhatbaatiaawill have to await a laacjloe on thepan of th« pebllcbalora they ou aipaettodo Ibaboal-BemdonadorlDg lha adiaDt of the Ohriabnaa faaUvt-Uea. A duns aaaarmllr rollQwa a faaat, aod Um Io«b]rlavhonaaa tnjoyad the laitar for aoma vaaka bafi^raha New Vtar made Ita appearance- Bach honae pr«-•Dtad bl| altraallani, and Ihay were llbarally tavardad(or thalrifforta- Tbar* aia. bo«avar, mora good tbtagato aloia for Broohlyoltaa. Tlia apactacalar will ba thelaallDg Ml« or iba thaauleal aUraottooi lor ihti weak.Some or Ui« playi wtu ba aaeo bare for the flrat tlina.but OAma wlQi aioallant eoinneodattooa from otherplacaa-oaisiiOpaaA HoiraB—A laraa aadlaocewu praiant

Jan. 7. whan Blchird (loMao praaanled "Old JedPreoty-" Mr. (loMaa aonoonou thai ihia la bla (are-wall aagaremaot bare to tbla place. "BlaaJeaoa" dida good DQiloaaa bar* laat weak. Lonta Aldrich, m "MyPattear," Jaa It "A Baaaan (niecb" 31Pahk —Wltllaiii Cotllar, who opened hrra 7 in "A

Back Number " batora u aadlaaee that (utij taated theaalloa eipaclty or tbla hooBe, la a popnlar Munadlanwlib aquaiDtaiylaorhhowo, and ha haa addad mate-rially to bla popnIarKr by aaaomtog the taadtog lolaa laa conadv (hat stvaa bio anpla oppoitnatly (or dla-

fil•ylDR hIa ablllir to lotarpret the aarteaa aa wall aalaeomlo parte ofllla- Aa BaDjunlD Baanalt, do mora

raallaUoeoantiyichool muter eoold ba abowo, aadaaaa Idler, bia RhlfUau Ika wma a •(ady. W. II. Oraoa wueao bare laat weak (a "Tba PaoldoHalL'' Olla Bklaaar,in "BtaQraaa D«anmm«ot"ud '7ba Ktos'a Jeatar,"week of u. WIIUD Rariau ILCot.OH8iA--Rddie For. In "Off iba Battta," wu aaao

bare lor iha ntat time nlibt of 7. balora a larga ae.dtaaee. The eompuy la Urga ud the eoatamaa aodvoeoarr era budaooie- Tba compuy: Eddie Foy,Loulae HoDtajjna, SadiallaeDonaldiUlllan nawihoraa,Miu,— awifwHu*.— KM wvuMiu, uijiimi iiawuninia,Kate Hut Lola Uawthoraa, Hena Dooalaa, BadiaHlDar, vivlaa Boaaittr, B. W. McDanlek, Joaapb Doner,llaorr Carur , Qaoraa 0. CbMoaj. Cbarlaa JoboiOD,William norasD, aaorsa ail, (jbarlaa Baol ud Maaurt barlai Bwaaoer. D« Woir Boppar, la "Or- Syoux "

wu tba attraouon laat weak, ftolaod Bead, In "rbaPollUolu," II, Bra. LugtlT 31.

Buou.—Uaoaaer U, o. Kaaoadr hu for bla attzmoUooIhia weak "Dawo Id olila," whlah wu aeen bar* lor theni«ttlmanlabto(7, wbaa oae ot the larfraatBratntahtaodianeaa of lha aaaaoo wu praaant. Huy D«aroaaaoU aplekulDQrbud foniiaapeolal faatnfaoflnlara»LA tbnIltDK aptaoda wu tba leaeae ot a joung oinear bylha harotaa (rem balaa cru«bed In a couoa praaa Tbaioanlo affaou ware new and the aatUDsa baadaomaand raallaMc "The Hndlar" bald (be boarda laat week."Darkaat Ruaala" 14. Uaolooa* ^.^apariia" 31Btar -Manuar Uatfr Doel Parker hu atapad aoma

oicallaot ailracuoDB thIaaeaaoD. bnt Booanf tbam bufirao niera laUalaeUoo Uiao tbe Irlah melodrsma, "Tbary Laat " which bu bald Ita own for aararal aoaaooa

Itwu piaaoatad bare niabt of 7, before an aodtaoee thatBltad uw hoQia from the pai^aat to iba gallarr. Iiapletnraieua aeaou. and (be naay axoKlog aptaodea, arelully u much upiaelatad nowu wbaa flrat aaao bar*Tbo acaoe where a child la carrtad off by a maehutcataagla, wUta (ba aabaauDaot rwKna. the leap from a blabtower by (be bare, and (ha aiaeoUoa aoana ware u et.f.ottTO u avar. ud wai* liberally applauded by tbaaadiaaea 1 mi weak, WaKar Banfnid'i Btook Coapaorpraaan(ad "YotKb " (-Tbe Power of Qotd" uBydbA Bi;aHAR's—Twob(aaodlaoeaauloTad (hem.

aalvaa at the two parforaueaa glrao bara 7 by the Boa-ton Howaid Alhaeuum Ccmpar The ahow [a (oil ofDovalllaa, and la brlabtud antartalQlDg Tba bill la alona opa. and lotrodacaa the Tortajioa Traopa. BamBaroanl. Linn asd Vina, Joaephloa Babal, Kalkaaa. stta.aon aod MarlOD. PtI'nt. Conoora ud Blalar. tba RonialoBroi^ NolUD ud Mlllaa*. Blllr (JaiTOll and HcBrldeand WaltoD. Hyde A JMbman'a Own wu bare lut WMk.Utda'aOoraedlua la.

Boiiaa A UKauAaor'a Oaaixo—Tbo aiahlaMth weakAl the llrlag pletuiaa bvgu oiibt o( 7, whan aTary autto the bouie waa tUaa. and muy ware glad (o latiUQd(nB room. The rudavllla part of the pregramaa14 an aioollaoi ooa. SMI Inelodaa HIKon, QartleailaoD,Koh I Baby, Laaa LaOoorler, Ed. Bofaiaudo(bara.Aaraios.—WbatpromlHa to ba a necaaarot waek'a

anaagamaot wu bagoD hare T, whan tin ontulo wurung up 00 tba flrat Ml f I "Bepeiba-" TliadlmMatroa01 'the Ampblon'a ataaa atva tba muavamut ampleopponsnity (or Blue aatuoaa. aood bnalaaaa lutweak.; ConilDB li. "A Teiu Buor."EHdaa-—WaKar Suioid'a B(orh Companr praaant

"Touts" bar* Uila weak. Tba plav hu baaa alaatdlavlably ud la wall tUan cars of la (ha budi of aoapabia eomoiar- The opuing booMwu saod. Fairba«loaaa lut weak. Comloa II, 'Bbaftlto.lQaibtt.—Ilrda'a ComedlaoB are bare thlaw#ah, aod

the probabtliltu are (bat (hay will dnw big audlancaaall tba weak. Tba paopla; Ifalana Mora, Johnny andEmma Ray. Al W. Flluo and Lea Brrol, (ha KwcirlaQoarut. Uo lltphlya. ud Porbu ud (Jalao. Fairbuiloau lul wa<b (irmtag L tipoit HaAilU er."LKa Avaana AnAoaHv.—Tfila hnnw aloaad Jan. a, and

wdl raopwll u a aumlahtvaudavltkbooM.uDdartbeDUM*iiiaot or John Barhe, wlih nao Bloha u tNaa-uiar. Pint olaia TaDdavltta parfrmiueaa will ba atvanNoviLTT—Tbla bouia hu oloaed lla aaaa^a lor (ha

praaant. 8. M. Itlckar, who bad tba taau of tba pliea,dacldadt at tba bnalaaaa doao no loagar luiuflad blalioldtOR on. * Ooly a Fannar'a DaniEter'' waa (o balivao ibara tlita weak.Lvcioa.—TbaPetllpa Block Compuy (bla weak pre-

aoni "Aliioa In Londoo." Able audlaoca wu praaaata*. ibaopaalor partoimuce. iluaaar FnyaipraaaaihIroHll OB balDB aottraly aaUiflad wiUi laat waara boat.aiu4. "ltlla*D Oaa'i It.

t'N(QeB -Rtoce Uanaaar Oarr hu bcAa Id ooatrol haretba bnalaaaa hu taciaaaad ataadllr Ho bu uduvotadtoelva a rafload prrformaaea and ku made a aarcaasatoag lha lloaa ol hIa oDdaamra. Tbla weak bahuawall aalaetad haaaa cnmpuy. The npaotna partormaneowutoablRbonaa. Oood boitoau laat weak. CooiIdktl, W. U. Aahun'a Early BItda.Nona —The Uilrd coocan ot tba Brooklm Soldi

RoeiatratthaAridanyor .Muale ntaht of a lotrodooadRngana Viaya to atari* andlanoa. Ula aalaedooB wareRalDtSaui' violin nonoert No. a,Bnlnor. op.lt, andwlanlawahCa Fault Pantaala. la reapoiua to u anlhuata«Uo encor* for tba lauarha pla^ad. wlih onhudmlaccompanlraaat, (he Roado (^prlccloao by BalatfiaauIn a manner which made aran Mr. Baldl and bla or-clirairajolD In Uio trlbor* of tba aud.aoea, Tba o(baraalacdoaa ol (ba areateB for (be orchaatn ware: R*aoadBynphaoy. No. t. Draijor, Baa(hoTaDi(a) FnaaialMoala,eompoBM for (be occuion or Ibo iDiaimaDt o( lha lainalnaol Carl BarlavoaWabar (for wind teatnmu(a)(b) Phoaptio»H«n(a (from aymphonteoda ' ThaBaa," udarmphoBle poam, "Ouih aodaiorldcatloB.")

KrtTbnrK,—At tbe Academy of Hoalo, "TbePaaalBRflbow- raal wlih liberal patrous*, I>aa. SI. ualaodld*-0'd Jod Proaty,*' Ju. I, a«d (be ''Roatn Uood"Opera Ca, 3 Jaa, A Uarea'B "fiijoia Aeraa" eomta 7.Tba Maud Ultlrau Oomady Co, la-le, platini rapadorratfxipatar prlcaa-IO, II and Sd canla, iba Oiat lima Inthoblitory o( (hIa lioaaaforaaob low prload a(arialB-mao(a Batarml mambora of "The Paialna Bbow"worauaablatoappMr hai*. Mrs. Bert llavarly wu ao111 aba ooQld aceompup (ham ao Ibrttaar tbae Poaph.haaptia, where may wataobllsad toluva harfbrmadl.eai Iraalmwt Oittdrao fren tba Cblldru'a Homeand (bo Uoma lor (h* Frlaiidlaaa, Iwn rr ear elty'aehuitabia iDidtnUnna a(taadad lha "Old Jad ProatymaUBM on New Taar'a Day Jebo T, MeCanley. pro.Kitetor and nuagar or MeOanlay'a Tbu^ LboiavlUey- wu bar*, 1, wl(b Um "Bokia Hood" Oo. H*


laaaadhlaUiMlf* lor the aaaaoa, ud la tinreUag withtbe opera comfuy, aetlag u maaagar.

Uocbeainr,—At the Lyceum Theatre oUa Hkln-

oar baiaa. Jao. 7. In tap-norr, tat (be flrat half of lha

WMk.CibalollewadbyTb* Amasou'ror tha laat hall

ol thawaifc. Dell* Poi left I flvloe a alnala partorm.

ue* to rood boaioaf a 0>ffltBS IR. 19 DaWnlflloprar.

Oooa OrsRA Bocia had "a Cracker Ju»" 7. IJ irmaln

IhTMnliibta "thePoworol (ha Pre.B"comeatO forlba

runatoAr ol llia w*at. ria'da A Huua'a DnwlngCatda dapart<«I ». playtng in mid paironaae. An.

nonDlad: 14-It. Harry Uey; 17-19, -lha Crou Boadaof

Tsa ACADBIT or Meeio pc<a»nl»l Bam T. Jick'a

nr*olH 7 and weak. Mme. aod Aaanallo N'u'llla

Slaved to good bnilneai laat weak. For work of U Jobo:. BnDDan.WORnaai.mpMwssTBaitaa.-Tha following are u-

Donacadlordiiwaak: Curie ba'l-A 0. Babol (c'wboy

plulat), Ma(Ua Babal (aorui aololni. boI Buna (liibl-

BlBx calaoialor) aod Bara and Badt^StlMBlwhlulara).Tbaatie-MaalCBl Dale. Richie Foy, Vaddar BMan,tbaNawOB, Morrliay ud Proelor, ud T. J- UalTreB (OD*

laagad ducar).

Albanx^Tbe new year entered briskly In

thaatrlul eirolaa, and mora thaa (be ararua aodianeaaaKaadad oar plav honau Tba Lalud Open Boouopuad (ba weak wt(h (bru pertonnaaoaB ol "Tba(IatalyOlrl,"Dao.9l,Ju. I.aadluaaud wall plaaiad

SBdlaBcu wen praual. Otla Skteaar appaatad ib "Ilia

One* da aranmoDt" for two parlormueaa, I. aad matwith food saeeea* Edmaed Oolltar pnaantad "ThaOroaaBoada ofLlfi*' (oaicellaottBnOBUS L Booked:7, 8 "Rbalt No. 1; * P. LTcenm Thtaire Co . in "Tb*AnSBOU:" 10, 11, II KarrtaaUkB and HUBome. In"OOBBIof MoouCrtau"aad "L*d Ailny " 11- U,RlllaPraetor Otla, la "Oliver Twiat;" 17,111. 19, Mule Bcr-rooshaHAaifAlira BLiicKia II.\ll opaoad I>*a SI, with Dall*

Fob. Id *Tba LIIU* Troop*r,'' to.,* mat houaa. NewToar'a Day and for tha rematadar of (bo weak, (ba wtl-

bar Ofn Co. bald Uia boalda. and atBS bIb* oparudBriBx tba aBawanwL Lara* aallwcM war* praautat aaa p*rformaoc«. ComlBi: S 9. Daty'a Theatre Co..

'T-XM" and "A NllbtOB:" M ud IL "A Oncker Jaak;"IS, D* Voir Hopper, la "Dr. 8/Btav.'' _TaaOAirrvTuRATBlhadarad a((arw*ak,(h*wa(aoB

Blaura Borlaaque Co. preaeadBs tha bdlloblaboaauatucbperroimuce. A apaelal ma'lB#a-e,waa alffaa

for (ba bwaflt or (be aUaebu of the l)*Uru Houaa,wbtebwubBnaddoaBBenday Blfbt AlarfaaBmwa*added to tb* tallal (end- Rooked: Jan. 7-II. (ha'NI|btOwla; ll-», tb* Lilly OlayCo-

Bnffmla.-At the fiur Theatre "A aalelrnirl"beau Ju- 7 for oae weak, "la Old ReBtocky" lt-19Delia Foi drew aubvtuual homai.icADBHrorMCBio-BanrO aodMn Baidwio baalo

amyalloMtanaiDmwtTtorooowuk. 'The New Boy"14-le. "Tha AmaioBB 17-19. Bou CoghUn dnw a foodpatrenaae.LToapH TSBATaa.— ' A Rao on the Buk" alartad 7

for a w**k Haitwaak, "ThaPowarof (hePreaa." "ACraehar Jack" mat with aood rwolurV)DRT BraiST TnaAvss —The latareatlnaal Vuda-

• Itluthlawaak.O W wililama'Comadtua la-19. "TbeWhile Orook'' WAI tndilTArently recalred.Bull's M(7SI0 Ball—Fa|i| ud Caia, Kradham and

Sally, Morelud ud Thorapwa, May Adami, Fred Ho., . ....... jmCkHu. UftTlu ud Nsv'll*. BAller ud Boi

ClkTUtD, LeoI&Blllt. lb« V*UoTMiDd Barlol.WiLUAJi Parri, wbo %o loott ud cfflcltnUr fil'*d

tb» HMt of trtwanr «t the RUr, U mined ilis

thuue'e patn>si,hii paccMior b«loK Mr. KoTtoii,wbouud lo ibe ame eepkclij noder Mtuf lUdred.

ByracDHa^AtttieWleUDf Opera Jlnme DelUFoi. lo '-Tbe Little Trooper," bid 8 B. O. Ju. 1. JobDP Pleld'i Dnwiag Cftnli 7. H, ud "A Ml|htOIP* 10-11BaStablb TniiTBi —'TwoOM OroD'ei" vu fslrlj *t

tudedl. "AaMoiTOIrrdr«wlarv«builo*ri4 A OtitniDDtr, In ' m* OrftA* De nrmraiDoar." "The Kloi'iJealer"ud The Herchutof Vuiee" 10.11.

H. R Jicon' TaiATHi—'Tb4 Coeat OoAnl'* p*«twd• lujte asdiuce One Si, Jen 1, a Rilled : 'The Powerof Ibe PnM" 7-9 "Td tbe ToDderlolo'- 10>13.

Korn.—"T«oOldnroole«*'dli^>udedhereJtn 1. TbeSroprletor iietee ihit ell mooer doe people ww piid eodie(the oonpur will renrgenlu John T. Roarke

lolDed '^eCoeAOoerd'^Cn. Peo. SI, pUylBg the Ittd-log pert OD two duii*Dotlce

Troy.^it the GriBwoM Open Honae, "TbeOroeaBotdeorLife" bed good b*aHW. Deo. SI,Ju. 1.

"A O^etf nirl" plte*ed e laree ladlrDce. 2. PrukLoMe.lD^*flb»ft N't.*," drew well i. 6. "Id the Teoder-lolB** cerae *'P«ok*i Bed Boy" 9, 10, "Oolr aPermer*!Oetiihtei" II. 11RA!tD*a Oi'iiu Houai-Oiie Sklooer, Id *'HU Once

de Orammnot" diewwell 1. Tbahnau In daik ilitaweek.OAiaiT TavATaa.—"The Jay rireoi'* oaoe? for tbe

week. Iba NUbi Owls did tbeblBieet badoeee oftbeieaeon at tbli hoeu laat week.

viica.—At the UtioA Open Hoiue '*Tbe TwoRIeterii** were will reoelrad at two periormuea* NewYiav'* Dep. Wo>. Cell er. la "A Biek Ndoibei" Ju. 9,*iid Otli KklDoer 4. Both did well ConlDg: FuDrRice. In "A Pian'i Pralie."7. "Id lbeTeDderlolD"9,'TbeOrofinoadi of Life" 11 At the Wonderlaod OnrioHall: Coaot iTeo OrlofT. Prof Caddr. B'agetPrerudlAltarIf, NonD«n. Cbaa. A.Alleo, Seaolon aodOterenaud Eetoi.

Blngliamtoii.-»At StoDe'a Open Home nofl.B. Rbea. lo repertorr. pieaaed aood alxad aedleoeei Dee.Sl-JtQ A BookiDgi: O.PanBrRieelD**APr%n*BPro)lo:"10. "Hie Two hletoni;" lA 'Tbo New Boj." At lhanijoatbutn Aaiiio'iOlauteaoi bed good atuodaaceDee. Sl-JuL 1 ' Peck'e Hwi Bot" bad good bQHoe**S-5. Dd*: 7-9. "Tbo Piliate BecnUir;" 10-U, UarrpBeltOD'a VaaderlUe Co. >



GhlcBgOs'Tbla week brloga two otaAogee of

blU at the down iowd theatrea aod narke the Ant Ohloa*

go pradaotlon of"A Way lo Wlo a WonUi'*at Uooley'e

and 'Tbe lid'* at llaTlln'a Tbe nmilolDg offerlaca

hare been frtqaeatlp eeeo la tbeia preolacta and are

taoklagin lDtareit,aelda from tha Individual merllaot

the MTeral attreoUoo*. The weather bai DiodeTated cod-

Iderablf, ud if do eaddeo ebuge takea place ibe weekbtglaalog Jao. S may bring come goodly proOtcCBicAOO Onaa Botisa.—Prinnie A Weit'e Hlutnlri

eeTeDtpetrong, wlilbe In poMeiilon thie week, glylogway, II, to "AQaiety Girl,'* tbu piaieoted for thaOntilae ber«. Prof. Herrounn wu awarded geaorally

lalrbaeloen darlna bia foriDlabt'a atar, atthou|b blaeQcaieneat waa iMa profliable Ibu ninal.OaiND Oriai Booaa.—"A Tamperasoe Town" bie en-

joyed two «i>eki of preflia and bu atlll three week* tooodQTo. ThepfTforrauciglTOi tbn eioollent aellafut-tloo Qpgally attcadant npon all of Ur. Uoyt*a prodqo-tloniL Iba company being tborooably eSeieoL Ballonud Hart ara booked to begto a briefwgaiemeat fdllow*iDeibaoaneatbllLIlooi.IT B TnuTHB.~B. H. Boibam win out on tbli

week, for the 0nt time here. "A Way to Wlo a Wodu,"otocladlDf aeooceeefblihiee weeka' e^gaienuL JohnDrew wlirintjodace 'The Bauble Phop" oeit weekBuiiDPia wutnfi Utt we«k, wh*n Hr. Seibera gaTa•The IHibaat Bidder" and '*Lonl Cbamley."CoLOaiiiA TflUTaa.—"Sbeoandoab" bcRU tbe third

aad laat we#k of lU nnprofltable eogagenient A ud willIrowey to Rlee'eeorprlae Party, whioh will Inlndnce"1191" for a all weeka' enaegemeDt lAeoBiUaVB TuuraB.—Predarlok Waide aod Loola

Janeebepu their aecond ud final week A DroMolatloneor Oibelio,** "lleory ]V«>' "Jollna rwxer" aod "BlebardMl" baloi annoanoMl. Laat week ther gave "TbeLlon'a Vouth" loprofltabte and appraolaUTeaodlenceiLCbu. Diction begu a ritam eagagemant IS, la "lo-

^A'cVioBiB'eTBiiTBE~The Black Orook" begu a atayol uoeooonooed dorailon Areplaolog "On the UlBilanippl,!' whleb had been in poaaeatloD, ooproHiably, forOre weekaHATMAiKkrTaaATRi —Robr. mnianl vUlbeieeo tbla

week la "Tho Nomiaea." preoteded by "Tbo LtUl»etGirl,** (be weok of IS being giTen over to "The Eoilgn."Laat week, "Tba Oonotir Olraua" eoloyed ooe or Ibamolt prolluble weeka of tbe eearoo. aad pleaavd Im-raeoaely. Beadow.Troeadero TandeTlllea ara ooderlined foruoarlyvlalLLiHOOLR TBDAiaa.—"Vonaa Mra. Wlaibrop** la an.

ooaaotd (or tbla week with Oilrer ud Kate Bjmn tofollow. Tbe pt*aenuilOD ol "Paaat,*' t>7 John QrlOlth,attiaoled good andlence" Itat w»ek, and aa la oaoal withthli gentlemeo, bla work won tha bighaat pralie fcomprvee aail people.Uatuh'b Tbbatbi.—**Tbe Kid" la aeeo tbla week for

the Qrtt time hero and will b* followed by Bam Pletoberand Hulooa* "Putaaioa." Palrbnaloaaanaaltad fn>nlaat week'ii portraral of "Old Olor*'*u acted by Jobo A.np1aman,LonlaaMontrDaeand oiheraot aqoallyeleTer

Bowery'* tbla week, with 'Tbe Coaat fTaard" neat Idline. I«aat week bnilnew waa ^falr wlib "Tbe DerbyWinner," tiiu bItbdIu local Initiative, by a caat to-cladlec Adelade Ptlta AUu, Eama Foraatb ud Aobreymileathal.AOADBHTorMreio.—'Tbe Ooa*t Oaard" la aeenlbia

week for the tint time on theWeit BMe. lAit weekOlareland'a IIIoatr*la were veiy ilogtrly pationlud udgfeve a rather IndlfTerut peilnrmuco.OLABK eiRBtr TiiiATaj.—Pr«dWaldmun*a Specialty

Conpaoy la In potaeaslon tbla weak, ud will be leMewf dbr "Aeroaa tbe Potomia" Bnaiaeai wai lair laat week,wban Carl A. Baaain laTo "Tbe BlWer King." than oon-elndiDg hlitblTd week oa Manaaar Jacobe' local eirealiatu T. Jack'h oraai Uooin-oriioa. Hiaco'a city Olob

Barlaf(|ue Conpuy beau the lait bell of a two weeke'engegamiat 9, baTlna baeo ihua far lalrly well n-warded. TboolloamplotaThoe. 11 Nolao, UanrBrTaalud Carrie Paliop. ruoy Eferettt Al. D, PlaldeaodOava Levia ud Chaa. u. Bryut ud Oae U. Barille.

lo amplota Thoe. 11 Nolao, llajirBrTaal^uoy Eferettt Al. D, Plajdeapd

'TbeOld Uone-lB'Htaed" le the cooelndlog burlaa^oe,oDiailngRaby Harloa, ft male ETorettamTnlbari.RoTAL BHQLtSB CiBCCP. — Tbe epeciAl feaiQrerlan-

neanead for tbla woeh Inclode the ReoaiTd Btoihera, theMania Patnlly. ihe Melroaa Blalira, Panll ud Manoo,and tho Poor Molt Blitera. TheVerlormueealiatweekemployed John CleTelaod, RadI Airermbl,Chaa W. Pl»h.AL CaroB. Hooa Catau. Boee Meen, ibe SuaenlaBiata'a, Wnt. Do Hoit, flellm Naaaer a Araba. tba Delto-relll Broa.,aad thePabrlnaa Qaailet Builneaa ntaln-uloa an eicellent atudardPajKR HALL'a Oabiro.—The attandtnee hero bu

ahowa liule lalliog off aioea the helidayaandualibaeeaileg room neatly every alahL Billy Rioe'a MieatiaU,lododVagBllIf IUe«,Bd.Tbompeon. Bert Norrla, ObrlaaraeBa,\ew U. CarrollTaM- Oaaila. Pi«d Maloomb,Cbarlap BUwut, A. W. nalme and Part Baedet areaiamlaedthUweeh la addition to the blUofooatla-oou vrnttoty, which will employ tbe Three Beno«, BeaalePhinipa, llieiey aad Oola. Andy Ban aa4 Plonlvana,Ida aad Pimoela McNalt/, tba JeaaoB^ Chu. and Jaenle

Rtevart, KeooeJraod Biuh, Marry and llnnt Rlea udCartfill, llaniogton aod Aaberp, Rtaoloy and riculuo,IbeStdottDa. the Meniro*e Trio, Morrla ud Maloen>e.Hemllaodaalvln ud Daley Mayer and harfoarrlck-aoloolea- Cora Baeawiib will enter ber fenrtb aad laitweek ofan attempt to float tbirtydaya in watar,Ltoboh TBKATaB.—Vanager aranter ofan a bon*e

blllihl<week aiil«d>heaotham U'cbBoDera laat weakt uilaaaa waa ooly lair with Pred WaMmun'e SpeciallyCompuy, Bpitt'adBI Blpne ^d Blaoaj ^p>l

_ _ _ , . _ __jipaooRak T. Jack's Eanu — Loolaa flt (Jlalra'a Bar-

mmmioi, (lie tiitmpla (Joartet. Jaa. H. CoUen, thePatiereon Broa.. Hlla. OtUlioand fl A Sampr"

laaqnera la th« rfferlng Ibia weeb.Eauaa Waid aoa-taloln* thechlefroie. BobPliulminoDe'iipacialty Com-puy made a creditable boa oSee abowiDgUat woe>,uo gare a aatlalactory parformuce of tba atialgotvariety forL(lAihTT TnuTBi.—O. W. WllUaaa* Comidlui played

to wretched boaloMa laatweak, and for tbla week aboaiebin la olTeied atyted Blllv Bobloaoo'e (.'omlqnea.

OLTHno TiiBATaa.—Bellly A Wood'a Conpuy la

billed ihlaweak for tbo oeoond wraaeoieBt ot the an-eoD.ud will be fellowod week of U by Kay Hoaard'aBig Barlatqne Compaoy. Boaloau we* fair wlih laat

veek'aboaMbI L whleb emploted tbe ^dy Pamilv offonr, Berthud Pltmlng.Lew Baker, the llaanlntaTrio.O'Brtea aad Redding. iTarlon and Pearle Alei. W. Wll-

BOO, BUlj ud Laoa Orace, Ja<. Wnlbmok 0 Brian udRuekUy, BAdle Ooabmaa and Uirbert Uoloombe. udJ)U BUTlU.Park Trratbi—ThIa waek'a amoaemeat will be pro*

vidad br Borton aod Clsda Btuley. h\ Mttba a"4 May.nerd, WIU White, Barilgu ud Btack.Carria Monioa,Oeo. and Ualler Beroarll, Catherine Morgu and iLo

atock.Bbobl'b OriRA Pavil(o:<—Kor tbla va«k Muagar

Bagel praaenta tba live Pardoaa ud rion (re oagaeed),

LaBlraneud Ninv Leo ud Obapmao, Lav Baker, MayTampla, and AroMa and Roia Boycr.WHira'aLosoiMDiMBHoaBB—AMIdvay parformuce

on tba lower Biaga will bo backed by aim of cotio

faatnrae ibU wMk. loelndlog Prof. Bowoan a inaglolaD


Madelloa, a anake eliarmer; baodaiaoo'a marloua Ur,u.lMmo.Bowniu'e performing dog*. _KOBLAMlDDLBTOrB OlOIIB MCBBB.-CorlA Ilell Will

beglvworerto BUa Bwlog, a a-uTaw. Maj R*» aort

wI(S, mldgeiB. ud Byan,a cardboarJ jorfcer. Op O-e

eiAgo Mack LorlDg ud Allie Lvalle. Pioraoee Miller.

HlKgloa ud Milligu and otbera will conulbnta towarda

tho Mldwir perfonnanee. ... « ,

KoBL A HioDLBTon'B CLARK Strbbt MofRR-The cnrlo

Hat tbla week Incladea Mila. Mltward and her dghtlaguaiMwda. SonU Bea lalaad Joa, Com. Spark, a nildnt.

ud Mile. Coonieand hir doga. Tha mld-ay will be"twleted"npon ihalowerataaa.

, , ^ r o •

AvnoMATB.—Muager J. P. Eeonedr. of John L. Sal-

llTu'e compup waa bare laat we«B uil algoMl CoraBoottiodothaBonbrette lole Ib*a Tna Amertou."

0. A. fampaoD ended hIa pllgrliaage with Pr«dWeldmaiD'o Bpocialty Oompuj wlih iba Lyeeani rn-

guemeot Raevaa A Palmer\CoamnpoUtua laid otr

bare a cat of laat waei W. D. Coile haa algocd

with BlngllogBrotbera Clccua aa praaa aaut for the

Oltb DoaaecaUve aeaaoa Miy Uoward'a Big Dur-

leiqne Compuy win lay nn here ibia week •

Otanrop, nf tba team of Blohmoad ud Oleatoy. tfld not

work with Piad Waktmann a eompaoy lut week,

ovlof to eerlona lllneaa Bella Celeete. Jallen

II. lent aod Geo. La Moore, of lha vailety ira-

tamliy, ud B. Webb Charaberltlo, a legitimate

eoior. era being eared for here by Reerelery

Thotnaa L. Oraavee, of tba Aetora' Pood Cora Beek-witbvugrulad a dlvoree,byalo«al eonrt^laat week,

from Ubarlee M. EaraaL ataga manager of ibe Bodtge,

St PanI, Minn Lew BUer baa tiKo^ Be aiage

manuar of Eonl'B f^m Pavilion... ...The Abber,

BdioafTal A Oraa Iiallu Oraod npera Oompuv wIUplar a two we«>ke' uffeRamut at tbe Aodltorltun begin-

Dlog Maitb 11 The Oermao Stoek Company gave"Maoerbeamebaa," a faiaa comedy bjO BlomeoUiaraod0. Kaddliberg for the ant Ume In Amertcaai Bnplay'i

e Wm. ConiUeIgh haa reilrad from "On Ibe Mlaali-

itppi." 'Tbe Bbip ofBlale" la bare Iflogio ahoal

^nlncy,—At tho EiDplre DmW "Uode Tom'BCabio,"had lu naual gnod hAnia Jan. B Morrljon'i

"Pu*t" played to a large aadlanee A Tooy Parrel In

"Oanr (Jwen." bad g«d aUaoduca Haw Tiar a Oarmatioee ud nltlit. IVanle aad Jamea, In "Oibollfc"

played a re(Dm date IUo.se to 8. B. 0. John Drew, la

<Tbe BatterdlM^" bu large aa'ea at advaoe4 prieca.

'The Qiri I I<«a Behind^ Me," cornea 9, 8luieretuJonea IL

Deeatur^At the Fowert* Oraod "A OreeoOooda Mu"drewa fair hooae Ju.l **rheOlrl1 Lett

Beblod Me" did a good bnalaaaa 4. Comlog: "Pan.

tafma"7 S,Tboa. Q. BeabrooA0 9. "Loatlo Loodon" 11|

"OW OUrf' IB.


Boaton.—Somewhat of a frost fell aponlbe»t-

rloal bflalneaa here lait weak, aod tba gueralranof

hooaea ware not doabed to tbo doora, with the exoepUoDa

of Ihe Ilolila Btnet and Bowdola fqdaieTbeatraa, where

large aDdleocaa, eiofdally at ilia fotnar, were ibe rale.

Atthathoue the flrat week of ibeaogagemutol JnlLe

Mar:owa-Tab«rwu marked by a ancoemoa ol large, ap-

praolatlTB ud highly tnthoalaatlo aodlucea, wbo man.

Ifaaled tbalrdellgbt at the ablllty-u will aaveraatlllty-

o( thia talented fonng aotreia. The aetood week ol ber

eogagemeotbofu Jan T.anddnrlog'UBbewlli preaint

**Ae Ton Like It'* Monday and Batorday avulogB; Tnu-day, "Moeb Ado Atraut Mothiag iWedneaday, "logomar:"Thunday and Pilday. "The Balle'a Rtratagen" ud"Ohettartoo," aad on Bnoday altaraoon "Borneo udJollet." b'eat weak, (ha third aod lut o| ber anaage-

meat, aba will appearia "PigmaUoo aad Oalatea,"^"Co-

lomba'a Birthday/' 'Tbe Lore Ohaaa," ' Bognu aadTagabonda" and -jogomer." _Oabtu Fuoabb Tueatbi —There wu abit of a Horry

aroand town oo Batorday altaraoon and evening, coo-

aeqnant opon the rauote of the Cutle Baoara to open Madoora, uo mnoT had It loat "the new bouae had goneop." Socb la not the nao Tbe lllnau of Loolaa BearTbe llloau of Loolaa Beau-

data prima doona, rreviDted ber from appearlog, bancothapoetpooemeoloi ihe nerformucei. -"^ooBpuy will produce "'rhe Diaaooa'BrBt AmaricBD preroDtatlon). with theJoU atrangth of

Kia'a Dughler (Ita

an Leon ua ou iraiatooooKeyi, uaieana vidis

[y. lha Wllmota, Smith ud Oamphall, Montaaao andat, Ooorao. Bud ud Tafe, Horphy aod HeCoy,Iby, Pearl, Keya ud Nellla, Tom riyon, Bebwleger-

arn Auvncaii |iiwFwui»ii«aa/. «.» .laB*

the Baadet organludoo aod an uUryed oboma udorcbaatra. The libr»tio la adapted from ibePraMb.uyI. W. Noreroaa Jr. and the moeloleby BermuPerleUBOWDOin PqrARB TBBATRiL-' HomwHy" bu pipTin

a aneoeaeat tbia hoaaa. bnt lU Boat prwuiallona will be

given dorlog the current week. Next weak. Waller§ufoTd'eCo.. lo*-TheWageaoiBlD.**CoLtBiiiA TutATRB.-' TDo AnufoaT' bad a good run

here, oloaloa ft, to an eiceUaot bon>a. Weak of 7, AJl.Paluar*a home cnmoaoy openaan engtgemut In *TteMew Women." MiOBforiwoweekiormora.aiABO oygRA UorBB —Jamae B. Maohie, In "Tba Side

ebov " draw rair buaioeu laetwaek, aod la followed ihia

week by "Bou and Bou" Hixc weak, lor the Ant UmeIntbiaolty.'TheMenWiibout nCoootry.'*

^Park TnBATBB.—'*A Blank Sheep" Uonaoflbe atroog-

utdnwlogcudaaTerpieeeoted at thaPark. It la oofor a nut.Boero:! HOBtOH.—Tba prodoetlonofWooUaod Wan'a

oomioopem, "WeatwanlHo" acondaaacoeu at Mao-ager fleld'e hooaa laat week. It evofeaa lugbtar uduplnoM oontlonallT; la repleU with gorceooBeoatamaa,aod novel acenio efTeeli and allnailoM Tbli weak aomenoral lotarpolaMoaa will ba featored ud Hi* aoooeuwblcbaiteodedltaloltialparforaiueu abould eoouaoadonngtheruD.

. « ^ _ ,Truo.nt TuBATRn.-The Lllllao Baaael Opetn Boeff-i

rompuy, drew fairly good boalneu laat week to the

TrimooCeheretbey prauoied "Tba Oraod Dnebau "

It will ranain ihe aUrao.lon ibla weak. Wm. Hoty, lo

'Tba name" K .^^BosToy TasATRS. — Jamea A- Beroe, In "Sbore

Aerea." ba« orawn fairly good booau her^Eritb'h Nbw Thiatrs.—a atioog bill eu He bhd

llila weak. The toatar: Qeorge Thatcher, the 8u-noeka, Leo Dervalto, tho Mubattu Comedy, Poor,olranLeon ud hie iralotddoolceyi, Linieand Viole

U • ••

Weet, ( __Melby. Pearl. Keya l, ^ ,—liog'a MariooattaA Belly ud fit Clair, and P. EoiaoeSweatNicKiL Odiox.—A chugo of ilCalnbu takeo place at

tbla low prica hooaa. Oo the Btat of iba moolh a dlaan-

Intfoa ol the putnenblp eiiatlog between Pruk V.

Donnudtl.D LKebBeld took plaeaaadoowMr. Dnaniaaole nuagar ud laaaee. ThIa week: Cnrio Uall-A le-

mala (oothall leam, repraaeouna Harvard, Vela, Princa-tooud lha Uoivenliy taama, Prof-Sloaan (blaokui)Maoda Veotrli. LemyToall klog), ProC Meleolm (hnmuBloQoahloo). Ten (maglolae), aay Bvua (Br* qoMo),ha^ Baaibam aod Doyle wiuiama' Puo^ and Jady.

Biage-MeCartaraad KlDgibniy,Cora Armatnog. Alice

ObeaUr, Jaa. Dwver. Tloia Caloaia, Blllv AlIea/MlDolePna and May Bvena. Jennie Praaer, Mloole WUllamAOirtle Brown ai>d Vuger ud WoodaLvceoM TnRATBB.—ThIa honu appearB to Ooorlib

nodar ita new muagement, and liat week Ibe fioat

thawed oat very malarial^ aad bnaiaeu Improved to anoUeuble degrae altar Manager 0. U. Baiebeller aa-

aomadoontror Tbla week beoiferaadranibambMlor"ADfaam of Life Down Booth In ISBO, or a Dfean ofDarky Lud,"and lo addition an oHo, which loolodwQeorge 0. Thompaon,Iinog Jonee, llerryT- Leonard.Harry Plenoo, Haijorle Muwell, John Marrltt udthree diitlnet qoaruU.uMRO MvBBOif.-Bibel Tacher. u ClBlraiu MooUlth.

leadatbeca*tln"AFalr BebaL"uhlch boldatha aUROtbla weak. Rba la aapportad by tha atraogtb ofLeu;rep'e Stock, and ibe play la staged nodertoe peraooalaaparviaion of Bury Mawaoo. Joe Plynn beads a longlul of apeclalty eotertnlDera, „Howard ATiBa.acH —Oo the ataga week ot 7. Bfr.

LetbraDpr«Hoiaa big variety ahowjiaaded br MaogoBlUe, Norma WlUla, Menu Collloa,Bie« ud llalvar^Joa PlyoD, lha DQCrowa. Joale Oregory, Brown andUarTlaon,BdwaTda and Eenell, Padgu ud Laoora-raare, u eoaaeuiu paaaoek ud tialoed aebn, theQalety Qlrlalo ballet. May Hervlon, Conroy and DeUaey.Hlla. Boalna, Prank Ootton, Dlek natoU Dick Budi, MayWabb ud the llowaid Borleiana Ca, In 'Tba TwoTnmpa"AnrriirABTDHB'a Mcbbdh—In tbe lecture ball here

eao beeeuabalf ecoreof wbatnay be urmed mao of

perfect phyaical development, tlkewUe Qeorge Fowler(Ironnu of Ouada), Tullaa Wright (American Apollo),

Blgnor Qnlaeppa Morral (liallu baraaiM), Obaa. Bar-men, (be baby gorilla, ud other novaltlaa In tha fiaakUna. On the ataga are tbe DorailTwIo Brotben. Cole-

man ud Dayden. Orlando aad Loratto, May Ollftoa, IbeOnlllTua, Dave Oeouo, the Olvaaooa, Bmery and Roi-nil, O'Briw, Juolagaud 0*Briao. UlirtaeaBd Leall^MavBryut, Ihe BuaellTrio,BfTaotand^ConBora,MyrtleTr«atller, the blaun Penooa, Bay BUteoo, and MarrloandlAog.PAt.AOBTRBATRn.-TbaWataon Blitafa* Barka^MCo.

ua bookal bar* f^r a week and appear In too eatnvn;nnua."Pnona Kokonnt" aod •'On ibaBow.Woverr."la udltloa Manaii«n Aoatin A PlUlag have booked aManaii«n Aoatin A PlUlag have ^hat of Al vaadevUle, comedy u-t iMalalty peopMan4wlU give tbalr patroaa a blf variatp UtariedA


A- ll«rQ#«l>l MOO hAT*rMi]rrnrpro.jueiinD UtUoOtrdlQBi'd •*Aa Uoomoia] rautoL"M«r IrvlD'i lAor iMtiDi at l>.« Bmioq Mniuin MilAQgoit, aotl lb* wUlM iipporu^ Dim Ads Ltvit.

Wonsilar,—At tbe WoiCMUr Tbntra DgiraOMiftf^o. pp'And to »mftJI boilDMS Dto. Sl-Jio. 1. 1.

"Id Old leolookr" 7-9, BoUnd Becd 10, JoMpb Ha-w^rlta IL IIFiorr ermiT Onnk Borsr-Tka Ci* loo Olrli* Bar-

Iwna* Co- did nod boalDOi I**t wiak. Tbo RoM IJIUEDiillib rollr Co. 7-a Austin Olnouui l«.|>.

LoTiiOPB OrtiA Uou«i —'-Trail Irlib Urarti" hadfair bouiti Uat wook. Jamea 1>. Clinon. io * The RaaebKlo^' aad "LIbbr Fiiaoo," 7-11, 'Taek'a Bad Boj

'oBisin' Ball-Hr. and Uri. BaUvIn, "TlieWhlu MAbalmaa." dr«« blaerowdfall laatnoak.Kons.—Sniihaod JoD«a,^lacli lae« e«niadtan«, lolna«1

tboCaalooOlrl« Co-t UairrO- roanR- trvaaurar of•-Tba ColontI and I," li apandlni t«o wtoka at hia bonaban TbaDatrOpara Co., owlnff lo poor bnalocaa,brooilbtaboBtbf lackol lelieiiralaand ontallalattorrparformaacaJ^ baa abandoned ita propoird Canadian irip,and at tba doaa 01 the perfonnaaeo bare JaD. 1 wajeallad back to Naiv York forraorfaaltatloD.

Lawr*nce_U Uie Open Doom J, 0. Slewl,Id "Tbe T*o Jotau," piruetl a uikll taoiu* Dtc. 31."TIM AotoiDKtoD," an open from tbe pea of B. T.CoUlDf, leader o( the orcbeaua at tbu hoaae, iraapreeenietlta asriect aodlcnce Jao. 1. Uin ball,IQ "Aner tbe Ball," did a llRht bDtlnm 2. 'TbeTornado," 4. 6, plaredio gooil bDnlneat. Codiidr:il,"RuhOlij;<' to, "Tde Uelebialed Case" (local).OiiITT.—Uiulnea Isjood. BootlDnweeKoC;:

I'llirtinl and HcQiiIre: K. U. Kdirards, Haf KDillab,aod Hacker and Orolx.Paki.—BntloefB la fair, DooblogH (orireekot 7:

Uanr HamlKoo, Fianlc Kdwarda, Jobn Kvcu, !!lana WataoD, Emlij aamilioD, Lonle Ba'xeM, Olio,IJIIlan Obeaier, Addle Smltb and Tbas.E. Uljnn.

Lyau,—At tbo Ljnn Tbeatn "Pilnce ProTern ' eame Dao. 31, to fair buinaaa. "Olltar Tolai"waa plarod to a icood bonae Jao- 1. ''The Cotlon King"did a big bualoeai s-5. Coini*-g: '-Raab I'ltt" TiLCbarlee L Dana It. Tbe Toroado^ IH. 19Mcaio Hau—Tho Mario Haogar U>. 7-9, W. BarrT

Jonaa' Caaino Olria lo-u, tbe Klalit Oals l<-'9, theBlekau-aoaoco. iu:iiOosatr.—Lestirand WlUlama, iht FroatlKaandOaorio

EarnaJJinidtbellaileljangerCo. ber*7- OorlDeaodTrbroor, and DoUaoo retire A- U. Dexur, acuormaaater ol *1bo cotton King-" found many fnandabare, laat wook. Mr, Deitar waa itaa flrat managar ofthe Lyon Tbealr*^

Lowell,—At Ibe Opera Uouaa Dad Dal/, In"Altar tbe Ball," came Jan. I, to fair bnalaaaa- Qao. W.Wllaoo. in "Tba aar'nor,"had two ialr alted hoaaaaA.Centog: Roland Road, In "Tbe Folltlelaa," t>, "BaabCItt" 10. "Tbe Tornado^ II, U.Mimto Hiu.-—-Tbe Bor UeteeUre," Deo. Sl-Jaa- X and

'^e Boy Beont," S-e aarrad todraw tbe nanal patronageto tbia bonao- '-The Streeu of New Tork" 7-4, Tbe Hid.olgbtEipraaa" U-13.TaaarrLiOAlioxof II- C Cbnrcbio reopen tba BIlou

Theatre waa refnaad by tbe Boaid of Aldarsan, and tbebonae wlU remain cloaad.

Taamton.— At tbe New Tbeatie BawleUe'aDramatio Company, In repertory, week of Daa 91, garevlaran parlormaDcea to tbalargeat bualoaaa arer done InTaontAD. They retnni In AprlL Coming: "AlrinJoalm" Jan- 7, Jamea B- Machlo'a "Side Sbo«-'o.

PbiUIpe U°g|ll«r), Mra rhilllpa (globe laagler), Queen(human aololde). Mme Talon (aaoond alght), and theolio company : Cbaa.McKee.M- Toobay,J. J. Murphy,


gt. JioaUr-Bulneas made a good alatt last

week with tba uaaal letdown aflar the bolldaya.

OLTario TusaTRl-—John Draw and company drewgood bouaea at adranetd pricea to aee "Tbe Bnltaidlaa."

"A Oalaly Olrl" tbIa weak, B. B. Sotbem Jan. ILOaajio OrggA llousl-—Tboa- Q Beabrooke draw a Inll

lionae lo aee "Tbe lale of Cbampagne," but ' Tabuoo"did not proie Tory attraclive- Stuart Robson tbia

week, "AUddIa Jr." ILdiTLiN'a TBliT».-Faul Drasaer, In "AOroenOooda

Man," tbia weak. Jaioaa 11. Walllei did a top haayrbnalnaaa altar New Year'a Day. "Loat lo New York" U,Bob PItsalmmona' Bpeoialty tympany 0.BaOAM TBBATita.—"Faotaama" drow fair boaacatbe

latur part of the week. Joaapk Mnrpby tbia week,Uophlna'TranaOeeanloa U,Pora's TsiATaa.—Tlie Nalaon Family (7*. Bulallo,

Bebaaffar and Monti, Rilao, tba Perguaooa, Barry Bud-wonb. Minnie llloe. Ball and Mandel, Clark and Branaand Willie Boaaall and the atockeompaDyln"rba Wageaof Bin."MoOiXiare Monoa-—Franklin (Bra king), Hona.biUIpe (• ~' "

(human i

olio rom^wuf . v,,«M vag». m. «uwuaT,w-w. mmwyajfM. Belden. Lanra Wllaon, Rolla Wblt«,aallle Dnnban,and Dare Tbomuwigraa Oandb:! —Ed- Fol Dot Flahar. Emma Pad

mood, Wm.Uray, Edward Markay, Alaaaooar HIrfc, Oao-an<i Italia Oonbar, Laura Butler, Baby Rath and Ed.NoIaatlLLuhujV MualO BaI-L—Jerome and Alexia, Emma

Wealou. Jamea and Ida Ollday, J. U. Fay, Billy andLoolae fit. ulair. Prof- Bornman, Fannie and Roale Kaa-ten and Prank JoneaEgBaa-B ALBiMkBA TO KATRB-—Roao MUobell, GW.

aod Nellie LawTODce. B. Franklin and Ed- Kelley, Oaearand BaUla Kbaraa, Lottie Thorn*, Bra Howard. LarryOonnora Frank U Cay, Nat and Ltbble Comalook, Lot-tie Bwan and 0. B. Bradlty.BaTABraTBBATRR.—Manager Brya<*l baa decided lo

ebarge ao admlaalon fee In roture and annouacea DareMeCord. Wm. Hart, T,a Role Bretbera, Delnore aodLee, Kelly Brolbera, J- J. Uarbart, Loitle Do Verne. LaTyrone, Ha Beebe, Janoetia Cbarb, Tillle CoUln", Min-nie Lee, aeorglaoa and Ida Walling.TBBATga couigoa—Bd. Hurley, Alice Leffer, Jamea

Regan, Maad Lawla, Oao. Talhert, Tom Hall, MettleBrowning, Fearl Andrewa, Maude Coman and J. J,Murray.OBM TagAroi—Natand LIbby Comatook, AuQaWran.

dott Bud and Bmma Meley. John Oobnm. Jobn B- Hor-ha, Lliue Parker, Billy La Olade, Lilly White, DlamoDdWhitlock, Battle Oordon end Cbaa Qrady.Bmou TOBAmB —Wm. tiaytar, Oeorgle illlllar, Ethel

Cray, Blaoflbe Wilhor, Tlllie Do Lancbe, Quaenie Uar-tar, Jeaale Adana, Billy aod Oracle Mllla, and Jobn A.Laalle.Btabpard TflBATlta-Onoler*a Lreanm Vanderlllea

eorameneed a week'a eDgagammt 6. Rallly A Wood aRbow did a good bnalnaaa laat week. Harry WllUaffla'UvB<^mpauyl3.CBAT.—Mre Llllle Pony, wlfeofJobn ParTT,ane of tbe

comedlanaofBalllyA Wood'a8bow,waaukendanganua-ly tU 10 Oiacianatl. an i had to be len there BteUaTnoDMon, laieol Ibe Thompeno Blatar*. baa aepaxmladfrom bar partner, Clara Manager W. B Jnoce, ofUarlio'e Theatra, waa preeentad wlui a diamondring: New Ysar'a Ere- by Jamea H. Walllcb, andaarerml allacbea of tba houae. Mr. Welllch madetbe preeeotatlen apeecb, and Mr. Jooea reapoodedJohn B. llarlln, tba raleran manaaer, waa beralaat weekto take New Toar'a dlnaar wllb nie partDer, ManagerOIllaHagau BnekTaylor'a Wild weat lodlana areeueampeid at tbe Natatonam,aDd hare made applloationto tbe city auiborlllea for lood. ete Obaa r EUlott,manager for Bopklna' Pope'a Theatre- waa praaeoledwith a gold watob New Year'a Bra by Col- J- D llonklna.

iTOretoberB waa appointed praia aacot or Hophiaa* Theatre In place of 8. B. Taylor Fat Balllr la

orgaulBlng a compaay to go South into Heaico J. HWalllek aad eompiiny real two weaka and then reopen atOhioago 9. J. J- Money, atate naaager of tbeTbeau* Oomlqoe, waa preaaatad, by the aitaobaaa oltbatbonaa, wluia gold handled alia umbrellaNew Year'aEra.

KanaaB Cllf.—Xew Year's week opened wllbpoor atuaotlona aod conaejnently baalneeawaa bad.COATBa'OraKA Uooaa.-Tbla week 8oL Bnltb Ruaael,

In "A Poor Balailon.""Peaeefal Valley" and 'TbeUeiratLaw." lAat week. Bluart Bobeoo, lo "Larp Tear,-* ' SheHtoopa to Cooiuer," "The Benrlatia*' and "Tbe lolerlopar"dld fairly wall, tbe old favorite, *Tbe Benrlelta,"o.lllna for the beat boalneea. Neat week, Jelferaoo,Elaw A Hrlaoger'a "A I'-ooDtry Olroua-"(laABO OraaA Roubb-—Thia week, J. iC- EmmelL In

"FrIU In a Med Bouae " Lut week. ' Land of tbe MU-night Bun"dld not coma up to tbearaad*auaualbnal<nana, clearly protlog thatNeitweek. "Von Tonaon.NlBTB RTBiiir TBBATBB-Tbla wook, *^e Cbarlty

Ball" with Barnloe Wheeler, formerly of tbia city. In tbeleulBg role. Lut weak. *Tbo Prodigal Father" badfair atteodaaca. "Man end Women" neat week,OlutaOraBABotrBL—Laitweek "Tbe Ship of Blau"

held Ita own.TaiATaa COBiqna—Barry Brady, Nina Oliftoo, Bt

nialr, WaUaeo Blateia, Torn Fey. Urare Hartlaod. AliceUlilTord, Lena E. T. Dobetty and Worth and Haraball.NoTBLTT TBBATaa.—A new rarlety Ibeeire waa opened

at Eighth aad Walnut Btreete A Frank Monroe la themauBfor and a nrat clau rariatr partormanee will beglrea. TbeOralg ramlly will be thaopeoiog eliractloo-CLlprgaixda—are Btnart RobioB and Mra. Banrr

Bergman, ol the Robaon tympany, were the gneata ofMra. A. Judab, at tbe Progreae CluVa New Year a recep-tion Manager Ulbba, of tbe ClUla, bae been eonfloedto hie room for two daya Maaager Jodab baa a elarernew underline. It eonaiata of an elaetncal glaaa boiamageneeL which baoaa in the cantre of tbe prorcen-lom arch, aad llgbta up, between acta, abowjog tbe nameof tba neat attraatloo Oluart nobaon labuay atody-mg tbe part In a new pUr, wblcb, 11 la un-detatnod. wlllboon tbe atrle of "Lord Cbamley."Loo Ilodaoo. of tbe roalaa Opera llouBe noumed theloeaol hiawalcb and chain for two daye, bat be baare-caratwdUifm Wm. Potter, ilage managar of "TbeLeader tbaMMalghtBon," oecame aaddeoly 111 daringthe parfOraaace, and wu carried lo bla boul aad twopbyflclaoawere aommooad, who pronounced II aa at-lack nf heart fallore- Mr. Potter rerlred, and, allhougbeery 111, tbetaarw etroag bopea for bla recoraryThe Tele oleeOlob gave aeoncart at the Aadltorlem oaRaw Tear'a Bra to a packed aadleaee.

I. Joaepb,—AtToolle'a Tbeaire "la Old Ken-Incby" ,pa<ked tlia booea Jaa 1, 1 with Naw Tear'amatlaee. "Ton Y-onaoo" comea 1], Cat* Ulaaton aadMme. Jaaaaicbeh U.CBAwroBnaTnaaraB—"The Danlei'' bad gOAd bual-

nanRew Tear-a matla*e and nigbt. BoL BDllh Boa.eeller

— «-

-y»eaaeatoablB Miraaee rale Marray aad Mackt,Obarlty Bill'^ lA J. (- Bmo»u 11-

lan—BuueBB Iba paa* weak twaa big. TWpeoplelorwaakotT; WaOi ani Oteaa, AitosaBia Atll-paa, aad IkeSana WalaUe OoBiadr OoT

The Undsr Study.WBirTM rOR TIIR NRW TORa cLirrBR,


It la Uie under itndj.

And ittf nice U (lie;

Sbe's next tbe prima donnaInalltliiDgaibatmajbe;

Bull walling for ber cbancesAn opening to aee.

NIgbt In, nigbt onl, abe poica,

Vlth eager, ardent glance;

Tne prlraa donna'a health; I

Toere la (or ber no chanea.Tbe onder ttady «dljAUendance iilll mtut danoe I

''How Bbe conid pataljce 'em I''

TblB la an bonrlf ttaongbt;

Uow abe oonld win a fortnne

11/ ber own lalania wrongbt;Yet all ber wild ambiilon

Oimea, ab, aiai i to naqghl I

At last tbe prima donna,Aa prima donna's will,

(;ontnoia a batetol cold, and—And cannot all Um bill;

Ur clao abe baa a lliUc "kick,"

Wblob la more fmiaent atlll.

Then dairas tbe nnderetod/In her resplendent dnu.

With all Ibe alr« and graoea—More than we can ezpieaa;

Sbe'a then the piloa donna,

A ptOQd one, and no len I

Ab, well, towaltlalo/all

Bach lire will bare a abow,To be an nndersindrHas Its dellghta, wc know;

All can't be Drat and toremoatWhUe thro' Ihia world we go I

Aod, when Lire'a plaj la orer,

Dow man/ that are oblef,

Ma/ ttke a baok aeat Iroi/,

And com*, alas i to grief f

The nndarstnd/'s trlnmphWlUthenbenotsobrled

— Kre. Edmrd Olsrasce (Jessie Warner) Is dan-geroDsl/ lU at ber residence, tbls cit/. Bbe la at-tended b/ Leollne RIple/, who baa receatl/ re-covered from a long lllneaa. Hlis Warner has beena soirercr for some /ears.— Tbe wife o( Daniel Swift, ol BwlR and Obase,

now with Jaa. J. Corbett'a Co,, net with a serlonsaccident on Jan, 2, b/ the baroing o( her righthand. It Is feared that ampniailon will be aeccs-Bar/.— Eogena Hoore In In bla roorlb season as the

atsr of A. (). Scammon'a "BnrgLu" Co, Oood bnal-neia la reported,— Ltxile Ueltoee Informs ns that she hai joined

tbe "Baggage Obeck" Co-, lo play Violet Wilde,the Uowery girl,

— Prof, oe Bond/, ot tbe Williams Theatre Co.,who has been serlonal/ III with t)phold fever, hasfall/ recovered and resooetl his poelilon aa music-al airecuir of that compan/.— Little Harlon Blnua/, danghtar ot Ha/mend

and l/ireua Burke-Ulmlay, made her profoaalooaldebet In ibe Boston (Hass.) Theatre on Jan. e, at aconcert,— Uarrf P. It;an hu covered bis consecllon wKh

tbe Uande liUlDsn Co., as agent, and Is at home,la wcaideld, Msaa.— Manager U- K. Wllliamaon Is mating elsbotmte

preparations for the binucbiog of bis new moalcalfarce coined/, "Tbe Almanac,'' b/ Will D. Hailoe.— Roster or HcAlpin i Foster'a"A Bad Bor" Co.:Jas. T. HcAlpin, Obas. Clark, Hsrr/ Farreil, JohnTamosU, H. f. McKee, moalcal director; AlbertKeitz, advance; Wm. Primtoae, Doll/ Foaier, AllleClark. Beaale Deno, Marie Kilairorlh, Jaa. Hoblnsonsnd Pror. Dsn Uoolnaon, manager. Basinets re-ported good.— "M/ Partner" oloaea lu aeanm Jan. 10.— Ed, Temple hss Joined "The Passing Bbow,"— Bmma Maddern dtevens has been engaged forTne District Atiome/."— 8/lvaater Coroista baa been engaged for "A

Baggage Check."— Jennie Elbert* roUred from "A Qrecn Uoods

Man" Co. ihia week,- BMe Claklon baa given op the Idea of going tu

(^forola and closed her asason Jao, 6.

— Ada Oia/, who hu been qnlte III for somelime, reanmes ntr tonr Jan. II at Ann Arbor, Mich.— Ularenca Bennett, laat aesson ol the Irm ofBnbb ,1: Dennett, sends ns a sbitement regardingMr, Babb's recent prodacilon of a pla/, entitled"A Moble Revenge." Mr. llenneu wrltea tbat thetitle and pla/ both belong to bim, and tbat tbe pla/was proonoed while he was a partner with Mr.Bnbb laat aesaon, Ur. Dennett, in bis letter,

obJeciB to Mr, Bobb's nse of the il'lo "A KooloRevenge." He alatea that Ihe plav which Mr, Bnbbla now producing nnder the tlue la qneatlon is theold play proper!/ enililed 'The Flowen ot tbeForest'' Be also objects to siatemenia which haveappeared tbat Ibe pia/ was written b/ Col. Tlllot-son. Mr. Bnbb alao dalma the anlbor^lpof tbepU/.— Wm. R. Beele/, the hntliand ot Beasts BenehlU,

was a CLirrsa cttlier Jaa 7, < HIu Boneblll hasclosed her toor on acooant ot lllneaa. she oanghtthe grip on (Jbrlsimsa Da/, bot contlnaed lo pTa/nnlll Uei.20,wbeD dipbiherlaaet in, and abe wasunable to work an/ longer. She Is now at herhome In this cliy Improving slowlr, and hopes to boable to reaome ner tonr la about three weelie.—JaneSlnart has left Blchatd Maiisdeld's(M. and,

It Is said, hu retired from the aiase permanenllr.It la alao announced tbat abe la shoril/ to bomsrrlad to Oenetal Aure, a wtalih/ resident otMilwaukee, Wls-— Walter Flaaler Is pla/Ing bis original oljarActer

In "Udv Blarney" tola week at the Qrand OperaUoose, PhUsdelpbla, Pa.— aURoblnaoa wua ObirrsBcaller Jas, 7. Dewu accompanied b/ Wm. A. Phlater, aon o( Mont-gamer/ Phuter, ot Ttie Ciminnail Commnrlnl iia-

title. The /onng gentleman Is celebrating hiatwentieth bittbdar b/ bla fltat vIMt to tbia olt/,

and la under tbe able gnldance o( Mr. Robloaon,— J. B. HcEee, manager ct ihe Geo. B. Uarland(^med/ Co., wrtus tbat bOHloeM Is vor/ good, andUatnla farce comcd/, "A Modd/ Da/," la beingwell received. Tbe aopporting cnmpan/ Is u toFlows: Edgar Macka/e, Uhss. Stewart, WilliamDan, Dart/ Vance, llarrr (Carroll, I/igan ffll;lams.Harlon (;arlelon. Ha/ lilllon, LIzile Miller andHable Walaon. Philip Miller la boslness manager.— In the Conn ot rrobaie at Wmcrlv, K. 1, onJan. 7, the will of the late Mrs. Har/ E, noiiipaon,mother ot "Will T, Uarntlda" (William D. Tnomp-aop), ivu received, and ordered to be icoorded.The pteaent wberaabouis of Mr, Bumslde Is no-Inown 10 bis relaiivca-— The members ot lbs "Mslne and aeorgla" Co.,

who cloaed a two weeta' enssgenent at the OiandOpera Douse, Philadelphia, Pa,, Dec. 22, claim thatthe/ were not paid b/ the management tor a per-foiinaoce ot lhat pla/, which the/ gave In t>mdes,

— L. J. RusssU and W. B. Patton have Joined iheBaird Comedv Oo.— Oeorge H, Ila/es, lata ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert

Wa/oe's 00., wtucn dosed temporanl/ Ju. i, willplay Ihe role ot Damon In "Damon and P/ihlu,"which Is to be prodoced Jan. 1(, le and it at Ricn-mond, Ind-, b/ the KnIghis of F/thlu, ot thatplace.— "Father Venae Bon" Is the Uile ot a new nis/

which Martha Morton hu wiliteo for Wm. If.

Crane and which la helag raheaned. Mr. Oranaexpects to pnduc* It Jan. M at Waahlogton, D. C.— Prof. Uetnnann hu anuonoced lhat Ihe pla/la wbloh he and bla wife wIU appear neit seasoa is

a diBffiatlui loB b/ F. MarlonOmwtord ot his novel,''Mr. Isaacs."— Uarrr Uc/'s support this week, in "The Han(rom Ihe Weat,"attbereanle'*Thaatn,PhIIad(l-Bhla, Pa., inolndes liarr/ Mine, Uarold Hatael,barr/ Weober, Obarle* D- llawkina. Oeori* Filead,Homil Blane, Oharlea Moncan, James Dnnhsm,OharlesMaibewai ubarlea B l.imb, .\nna MorOand,Julie Ring and Marios Kllb/. Oar rblladalpbUletter on aooihcr page gives an Incontot llat otIbe people,— 'Tlie Diagoon'a Ilangbter," llbrttio b/l. W.Norcroaa Jr., moale b/ Uttmao Pcilet,wu songtor the Otst time at the Oaaile S^nare Theatre, Boa-toB, Msa-, Jaa. I, b/ the Limlss Seoadsi (Mnpaoj.

— Tbe L/ona-Ueal/ Oomed/ Oo. are louring theSouth under the management ot Motion A Alva-l«E.— Manager U, a Orlmea, ot lbs Ponsmouth, O..

Opera llonsc^ tendered a banquet Jan. a to the at-laohea ot Ihe houae and the members ot "A Barrelo( Hon*/" Co- who ware appearing thaiv.— George Doe/, ot Walter BauTord'a ezvouUvs

atair, wntea Irom l.ondon, Eng., nnder data ot Deo.20,u follows: "Mr. Sanlord hu acquired theAmencau rights ot tour vetr airong plajs, br wellknown English auihoia. This Is "Boalag bav,"and tbe reign of King Pantomime beslns. \Vehave been entetlalned here by Mrs. John Wood,and Engllah mauageia and acioia hare been par-ticularl/ kind. Kkpeot to be home lu Kebmar/."— A deolaloa In toe caae ot Charles II. Baasrit

agtlnstT. Uanr/ Frenob, hu been rendered In theneneni Term of the tJourt ot tximmon I'leu h/Judges I»l/. Pnor and Bltchoir. Toe aoUou wubioaght hr Mr. Baaseit on the innud tbat he waaengaged 0/ Ur. French tor tne Lillian UuaacllOpera Co., in October, 1K93. and wu to alog forthlit/ weeks at a aalar/ ot tvn per week, lietorethaoontnot wu to begin the compan/ wudls-btndad, and Mr. Freucblntormed Mr. Dasaeit thathia services would not bertqolitd. The latter thenbroaght ault for the whole smouni ot his con-iiaci. Okaunce/ B. Tmax wu appointed refereeand gave Judgment tor Hr. Bssaett for I2,800.Tbe Contt now rules tbat Id anch an action dam-aacs can onl/ be recovered up to tho day ortrial, nillog out the claim for recovery for thefull term ot the coattaol, but neverthelsas hold-ing that damagea can he oompuled ap to the day otaaaeaiment. The oonrt also holds tbat a deductionmuat be made tor two weeka' salary, dnrlugwhichUsaaettwu sick, after he had obtained other em-ployment, aad that the managermoatreceive creditlor all moneja earned by Bassatt elsewhere, tednc-lug the jadgment gtoo— Nous fromHcOowen A Bosb/'a "TvnNlshtsIn

In a Bar Room" Co.: Prof. Frank Bheman, plaolsi.

Joined Jan. 0, lo replace Prof, Ual Lawrence, wholeiliea lo aiiend conego. Bnslneu hu been veryaaUafaolory during the hollda/s.


Waahlaglon.—lUcbard HansOtld presented

"Anna and the Man," "Napoleon Rtelohea," "Beau Brum-melL" "A Parlalan Bomanee," "Prinee Karl" and *-Dr-

Jekyll aad Mr. Hyde," at Ihe Albaagh Qrand OpenBonae, to atandlng room at arery perfomanoe laat

week. "Arme and tbe Man" and tbe Kapoleonle abetcheewere new here and were voted raluable addlllooa to Mr.

Maaaleld'a Mat ol p'aya Jacob LItl'a 0 Co-, In "la OldKentuehy," at Bapley'e NaUoaal Tbeatie, bad aieellent

bualneaa, eapeolallF la tba upper portlona ot tbe hoaae.

Jamea T. Powara baa fonod lo "The New Boy" a vehicle

wblcb glrea bin ample opportanltlee lor bia aiubaraoleplrfla. Cbarlee Frobman hu nrronoded bla with emod conpenr, whoaa elforta, combined with thoee ofthe aiar.axiraoied to Rapley'a Academy ol MuaJc orowdedbooaea daring tbe entire ongagemeaL Cbarlee T. Blllaaiurflfayean' abaeaoe, preaeotod "Caaper tbe Todler,"at Butter e BijouTbeetra. with an eieelleot oompeoy, tocrowded bouaea. Bam Dererw'a Own Oompanrnra twoKrformancee a day all laat week at Kemaa'aXyceam

eatn.RAri-BT's NAVtoiiAL TaaATRt,—Fnaola Wllaon, lo

'The Oevtl'B Deputy," Jaa- 7-13, "Bowlni the Wind


ALRACiiB Obaro Opbba Bocbb.—"Hno. Bane Qane"7-11, Mra Langtrr le-19i

BarLar'a acadbhv op Mcbjo—Wb. Hoay, la "TbeFlame " 7-11. "The llaatlor" lt-19.

BDvtaa'a Bijoo TaaAvaa —Walter Bandford'a "AFlag of Trace'' l-O, Den HeCattby, m -True IrlabUearta," 14-19.

Kbrmanb Ltorom TaBAVaB—Tbe BenlaBentley Co.7-U, Irwin Broa.no lt-19.

MBrxaaorr Moaio HAtt^The Boatoo Bympbony Or-cbaatraS. Roee and Ottilia Bulro, enaeeible pfanlaua, IOl

Polk Mlller'a diaiect recnal II.

WILURD llALl, "A Borap cl Paper," by tbe Dram-atic ulub of Oolumblao Oolloga. 9-

Nona.—Tbe demollUoa ol tbe Htalae manalen waacommaaoed laat week preparatory to breaklag gronadlor tba erection ol tba new l-alayatte Fioare Opera Hoaae-Reury 0- Miner, of yoor oliy, otfered, ibrough IfaoagerOrmoad a Butler, of tbe Bijoo Theatre, 31, to aubacrlbetyvno toward tbe alook ol the new opera houae, hot tbeOder waa daolload, for tbe raaaon lhat the etoeh waaalready taken. Jobn W. Albauab waa offered Ibe man.agemeatot the now Lafayette Square Onera lloaao, fit,

aod he Immedlatalr accepted ihe poaltfoo, v|ib en In-

Ureet RIobard llanaQeld.wbllehere. paid offtba laat

of hie ladebtedoeaa to Baary Irving- Mr. Ifaaadeld lealeonaldarable money at Mr- Imug'a Lrceum Tbeatre,Lendoo. durfug bla lata oooupaDcr ol tbat hoaae- Tbeaom paid lut week waa ll.esl whiob eanoele tbedebt Oraot Pariah haa algnad aa adraace praaaagent of tba Haaford BpeaoarO Briao BhakaapeareaoOo . which la now booking for neRt aeaaon0. T- Daaay'a new play, "The War of Wealib," will re-

celre lu Initial pnduciloa at tbe Obeetant Street OperaHouae. Phlladerpble, Feh S Jaaa Btuart retiredfrom Blebard Maoafleld'a Oompaay an4 bade farawell totheaTagaC. Bhewlllba married In tbe near lolora lo'ten- Aner, a wealthy young Mllwaafeee merchaal, lateAdialaat aauaral ol tbe Htale of Wiaoouain- MleaBlaart In prlrato life la Jennie Uollhan. Noim LamlaooJoined Mr- Manaflald'a Company a, lahlRg tbe placevacalad by Mlu Bluart W. B, Shlrloy, of "Ilia NewBoy" Oo..baa eigoed wltb Haoajfer Cbarlee A. Htaaa'aComedy Co.. which will oeenpy Albaugh'a Orand OperaHouae neat Bommar- Frederick Bona letobatbaprlncipalcomedlao A. W. ("Sandy' ) Dingwall maaagerol Jacob LItu' "A," "B " and "0," "lo Old Kentuoiy"Compaalaa, made a ByIob vlalt bare il.


IndlaBapolle.—At Ibe Oiand Matle Janaenlutda ber drat appearmoce a* a alar In Ibia olly'ln

"Delnoalco'a at dli" aod "Slu nynanlla" to good

buaineaa Dec. SI, Jao- 1- Fella Morvia pleaaed UrgealiadandlenceaJ-t. The Bntlgn" 10-11.

EguLiaa's—'*Tbo WItcb ol Badar"waa praaented brlooal Uleniweekof Dec-31. Uageobeok'a tralaed aal-

malaweekolJan. 7-

FaBK-Mr. and Mra. Oliver Barofl ago eeae ftilly pre-

aenled The Upa anil Downaol l.ffe'' Deo 9i and weea.Unpklna'TraoaOoeuioflpeelAlty Co-week ofJan 7.

EMriRR—Tbe Oaller blare" tailed t« reeelre theSairoaageltmerllodweeh ol Dio-31, Harry Williama'peelalty Co, week ol Jaa. 7.

RTnaavllle.—At the Oiand "Voung Mr*. Win-Ihrop" appeared D^e. 18, to a apleadld bouae- "FewaTicket 110'' had two fair bouaea Jaa. I, Merle Janaen In"DelRionlco-aetPla,"badaatufaotary leoelpies. "TheEnelgn" la andarllaed for 9 noe. Q Beabrooke IS"Ubarley'a 4ent"obaoBe4 from 18 lo 17. PnweU. tbemaakiaa. II, '-Loet In Nov York" IS.

PROru-s—Pool Draaeer, lu '-A Oreen Oooda Mas,"draw well Oao aj- Barlow Broa * Mieatnia bad a goodaudience Jao- 1. "AUnocbol Maya' laoapeoled a, JolaWaitara. In "Side Tracked." II >l<o- H. Banob, lo"Me-Nuliy'B TIall," la J- II. IFalliek'a "Saodlt King," book-ed lor S, canceled. Mr end Mra- ftob*rt Wayne, bookedlor tho laat week lu Janoaiy, bare eaueeled, aa theycloaeJan S until Apill I.

IRBAVU CoHiitOB—Week of Dee- 11: Millie Fay, Hyrtie Ftcoualte, llaorgle raiser. Buale La Verne. SophieAlljn. Millie Iloea,ueorge B Allyn,BIUyMnagrareendOeorae Amu _

EoBjiiiBRiiRR's Wiana Oardrv.—W, u. Paollaio,Blllle Maaoo, BinleFdwarda Joaie Vew Hani, Bay Wllkaa,Frank le Lee, OoMlana and Prof. Llade, plan'aLBuvAB'a—Faul Draeaer arranged topolonooeotira

nawaewedeetto "AOnaoOo'4aMaB*'^Jan. 1, JennieBatlarleajolna tbia company at Bt LonU 9.

Marlon —Conroy aad Foi, In "Dot Tsmales,"dld«fc aat'ifaotory boamtaa Dee- 9. "A NIabtat thefllr-

eua'' draw a large audience Jan I. "Hpider and Fly"booked forScaneeled. aueWlllUmafll'edthoboaaewrtb''April Fool'' a. c:omlac: Nell Floraace, In '-Oneol the

Bo«a" S, "The Row Doiotolon" 7, t'arl Brebu In "TanNlibta la a Bar Room"! U-J-CaJn'a P-aiatialoere 10

w. If. Bberwood II At tbe Paih llrde'a Comodlanadrew good bouaea laat week- Tber wiuooetlouo to boldtbe boarda 7 aod weak Ben ablolda Joined Conroy AFoi'a'-UotTamalea" t;o-, at Mlanaaoolu, Dee. lA lie

takaa the pert or JImmIe ibeJaolior Bualoeea la

boomlug altbe Bt Mary'a O, Opera Itooae, which la

on M.nager Llreroiore'e cirvull Maury Pblllipabaa been eollog aa boalaeaa roaaager and ueaaurarfur tbe Coaroy A Poi Co , in "Hat Tamalae," and will

oeullaea counting coupooa for tho remalodep of tbo aea-

aoB. rha*. T. Lorraine, fermerly wltb tbe Walee OperaCo , bu Joined ibe eonpaoy-

Fart Wsrae.—At Masoole Temple ClavOleneut. la 'Toe New Oemlolou," drew aemallaadl-

Jaa 1- Nellie HoUenry draw a fair audlenea aed: "Tbe Oilbooieya Abroad" 9, Wolford, Bberl

daa A Dolmoa' r*o. la 11. II, Tbe Rpooner nooiodr t'o u.It.lC. "fbo laloof Cbaapaana" 19 Tbe Fort Weyne'fueling Olub bea engeged Ular Clemeat to ptednce"Tbe Old Domlnloo" n a tetutw osaeceaieBk oo aaeiety Merle t^lylo baa twcaraed lobar home. Ibie

eltf. to attend lunaral of ber brmber. Bllaa Ne^el waaalao called home Uat week owing to lUneea of berelatar.

TENNESSEL-I*ee Page I17.|

Ruhwilla.—At the Theatre Vendome "Ohar-

Uy'a Anat" wu the ettractlon Dec tl-Jaa. 9, and drewaadlencee of goodly proportloaa Donnelly aad 01 rard.

la Tba Bajaaiakera," earceeded la drawug large

eiowda S-s. ' The Prodigal Father" tomesy, "A lascbof Isya- a, S, -The BUck Crook" It-U.

OaABoOraBAHoDBS—Robert B.Mutell, la "Moabare,"Borneo aad Jallel." 'The MarbU Hean'' aad "Tbe Cor.

aitan Broa." ceoe Dee Sl-Jaa- 1 aad draw talr auad aa.diawcee. Jaa. B. Tooajwu tboatliaetloa B4, prodaaiBg"llaalet," -Bicbellea'and Tbe Ledy of Lyoaa' to lair

baalae» Tkeboea* will ee dark ?.« Rat. O. Oeedwie,In "la Mlaaoara." eoniee U, Pewell, aaagiHaB, It-M^"Faal Kaarai" U-19.Buoo,—"Feeh'eBed Boy" draw large or^wda DecU-

Jaa- a. Alba Beyweod, la -EdgaBead rotkA" ccaeeT-U.

NoriB FROM D'Eila'sPuHakeiBaad AneiloanFsBioalmeOo.: Onr company howlnolodas nan/,Mai and Allied D'Eata, Bptala and Mooiv, Qeo.

Horn aad wife, aad Frank BaUlh, We an doingremarkably well. BinceihedlabandBienlotihsNswYoik rieuni* Fart/, Uavld Tiallel, manager, wehave been pla/Ing the oily ot Klagslon, Jamaica,

and tbe hiricr toimn on the laland. Deo, 13 weRhowad atnovenmeut Ranacka. rtmalnlng over to2latihrt(i|oeatol th«oraolala,and hadanovetnow-Ing house. ChrtsUnuattrmooa we gave a specialpetfonuanoeon board IheUnited atates iranhlp Cot-

umbla. and after Ihe perfunoAnce a Obrlaimu pre*-

enlof$l9owuhandedua. Wehaveboanie-enBagetlto giro another perlomiance Jan. 4. Deo. 2ii and21, at Hpanlsh Town, wo played to packed honaea,rrmaluing n, canoellog Lucea, Deo. 29, govem-ment garnaon at Port Royal, Our time Is Oiled toJu, a, when wo eipeot to sail for New York. Jan.> a benem will he tendaied us bylhs mayor, city

council and olUseea of Kingston, Uor show is

making a big hit and In every Instance hu givenaaiuractlon. We aio all well excepting Mr. andMIS. Uum, who are somewhat nnder the weaabor.There are a nomlier ot leuemat Aiiiorlcaa oonaulonioe here tor Sahtmbo'a New York Vaudeville Oo.TUB QoRPON HisrsRs (Delia and Ray) are featur-

ing tbe charaolcr aong, "Caprice," at the principallUaiem mtulo balla.

MAsrsa Tommy Mayo, ot Ibo Kayos, raportaaucoeas alaiilog "Ihe Im( Oblh)," with "rhe BullAlarm" Oo„ la Philadelphia.MBSBiTr AND WBuni are with the Itents-Baailay

Oo., dolog IboU builesqoe aoLANHiB Hart canceled her Ti«y, N. Y„ engage-

ment tbls week In order to appear at the henelt otthoA. P. (l,at Minor's Bowery Theatre, this city.

She will loin "A Jay Olrona" Oompaay la Doatoanext week.P0U.IB IIOLHsa Is winning suoceu wllb a oomlo

dialect song, eniiued "I Went Home WId Mlchul,UeOama hack WId Me," which Is also very popu-lar In England. Another new song which la rap-Idly galolsg favor acroM the water la a motwballsd,"Uont Bear Any III Feeling," which l.ydiaBarry will thorUy Inosduce In thIa countiy,TBI LrcBDM HiNSTRsi COMSiNATiaN opsns at

Oanion, U-,lnUecllIa Uall, Jan.ll. John d. PriceIs the manager.FsBD. A. Ratmoho, tor several/son of Raymond

and Allen, and huely ot llaymond and lievlne, huaeparatad from bla partner. Next aaaaon he willJoin a farce comedy company, with his wife, BvaKaymond.Jim DiviNR AND Jobn M. Traynor irrlla ns that

atisr a separation ot nearly three years they haveagain Joined bands.Pit(Xinsot ANii Kniiig DBLtxay, are pliving

this week kt lbs Uomrd Alhensinm, Beaton, Mats.Msi-UB BBYMUiiB opsued With ll/as's Oomodlana

at tbe Qalciy Tboalie, la Brooklya, N. Y., Jan, 7,

taking the place ot Uolene Mora, who wu unableto appear owing to lllneu. Miss Be/moor madequite a hll wllb ber apeclaliy ud wu engaged byManager Hyde for next week,H, Bausr and Hub. Hivibrk, anii Oaiobdo have

alined for U. ¥. Kelih'a uiKult.Moras FgoMms I'srgR HangR Co-—We opened

tho Now Year with the lianner week of ibe aeaaon,at Ihe Star Theatre, Cleveland, O, Kveiybod/ la

well and bappy. We are now on our way Rut lo

filayl«lUIadalea. We open at Ihe London Theatre,. T,, Jan. 21, and are booked well up tor the ara-

aon. Polar Mahor and big aparrlng partner, Billyllonneaav, were presenled with hone shoes otnowers Jan, 3 by the Cleveland AthlelloClab, Jeaslslialph, of Hnssoll's Comedians, Jolnsd the show Inthat city, and Is doing a strong specialty. All Ihemomben ot the oompany received presents torObrlstaiai. John T.aud l.nlu Keegan are doingwell In their new apeclaliy.Tub Bijou TagATBB, formerly the People'g, I'aler-

gon, N, J., la said lo be doing a good bUHlneunlnceM- B. Leavlit became the manager. Job, 0. /leilocontlBoesu preas agent.

Potirr BOUND LoiHia, Thtauleal Hoohanica' As-sociation, will give sevoial bonelUs during tbeHpilogai BeatUo and T^ima. Thoy are lookingforaiimcuons. Or. II. E. Hertol, ot jeatUe, Wash-loitott, It In charge or tho hooking.HABItoLi,o(Hrs. Edwin Un Bob), who hulieea

111 at ber home la Pblladelpbia, Pa., with pneu-monia, hu had a nispae, and eanoeud her datestor Juosry.BooKiRoM—AtlbePatk Theatre, Qreat Fella, Moot:

Capoy BUoB, Frol. N. F. Feluoalll. Ada Young, CarrieU Roee. Buckler aad BariUa, Virgle Vedall and ManeDoyle At Banon'a TheeUe, Newport Newa, Va:Mask and Raymond, Sadie B.Benda. KlTueMiMer, NellieMunroo, BUlo Lowlo, Jehu end Mainlo Karl. Harry Alaa-ley, LoulM Lluden, Keller and BL lllair, Dell Bary,Aaolo Clifford, Yirsle Atbton, Pat Flan, Prof. Booa,Matle Berniore, Jobs /erby end Hill Doogberty


At the High Htroet Tbeaira, Hunele, iBd. : Rarri aodElla Oimr, Alma Adaaoa. Ju'la Bumatt, Jeaale Hrooha,Fillmore aad Adana. FaaayWIIaoa, Lillian I'erry, llateland Carrie CoarUead. J U. Morphy, Jennie Forbea andBaale loeed At IlclUad'a Wlnlor Oarden, PottWorth, Tea : The KInwioh Blaura. Ma i:ariule. theDalohMaodoU. Flora Wheeler, Wm. II- Staalor, Lillianllowaan^ fUtoOrletto. Relaloed: Veroon and Wluana,HI Bait, Kellle VAavbo, f:ha«. E Oarr, (Hare Lawranoe,Oranl Ka'ou aad 1. Mile Elawortb. Bu*lueu reported lobeg'-od At tho Parlor Thealre, HprlngOald Maaa :

Orrllle, Ammona and C'e'leeTrlo, Fl "raOabole, FrankKenuedr, Byron and Weetoo, Kitty Holib aod JameaThonpaoo At the Caaino Ttaeetre. Aaderaoii, lad


- - - .ere,t

Nellie Flilmora- Maaile Heiera. Bob aod JeeAle FleldaAlien Ti See, Jim Kelley. RluDarM aod Billy OarlaAt Koraberaer*a tdaides, Efaaarllla, lad-; FraokJooee Billy Kdwaidi. Billy PouHaln. Billy «a<on, IdaLarerlo,Joele Van /.aodl Ray Wllta and Frankle Im.Maaager Komberger teoded nla oompaay a baofioalJan. I. when many New Year tokeaa were eaebanaed.The followiog proleeiiooala par'iolpaled In tbe affair:

PoulUIn and Lee- Lola Foullalu, Billy Maaoo, BillyBdwaidi, Scbeok, Jotle Van /.andt and Ray Wllka.


Ullaraalaes.—.Vt the Davidaon Tbealfa "TheFaaeleg Rbow" oomea Jaa. 0, 7, t. 9, Jobu Draw, la "TheBatuilllee,"10, II, If. Joeapb Murpliy, Daa. mil, Jan.

I, Idraw larae boorea after bla openlag alghl, whldi wutoo hoary. Emily Bancker, In * Oar Flat," wu lalrly

pafroola'd K4 t ' Tim Murphy, In "Alimony,'' IS, "TbeUirl 1 UR Behind Me" II and Week.BtJOO OrBBA lloraB.-"Tba Upa aad Downs of Llle,"

witii jfr. end Mra. tjllrar Byron. S and week, roiloa*.lo Ueodrlok Uitdaoa,"drew good boueea laat week. LewieMorrleoB, lo "Faoat," IB aao week.BTiOT TiiBAraa —'Du Yolk, Wla aa Walot und

Laoht," by Kalifli. waa egala pra<eated Deo. ao

"(Iraeaboraa," which bu proren auch a ruecoM tbia

aeaaon. wu praaented for tho third aod lut tlaieJea. I.

' Die Kinder, Her Kleelleote," by Wollaiaen,l^end tbehurleefjaa. by Jellue Kalrer aad L. beimaao, enlltlcd* Koeoit annae." waa produced &ACADkHV or Mraio—"Acroee tbe PetomaoT' 0, 7. & 9-

"Our Ifecla DodUy" mat lair alaed hoaeea Deo. 0), ai,

Jan. 1,1. "A Bammer Bllturd" II, U, It, lO- ' Bpldarand Fir" draw large boaeeeCbilalniu weekFaorLK a TBBAVU —Bob Fllaalmioona' tlwn Hpeelally

Compaoy Jao.a end week. Tbe May Howard Borlee'ieoCoopaey, a model orgaolutioo, eoded a all daye* en-gagement a daring which time bnaleau wuap to tbebanaar mark. Tbe Olty t.lnb Burlefij le Oompuy 19

aad week,WoibBRLABO Hi'BBoa -Jaa- 7 aod week: Curio Hall

-UauUla(tbe raur Hoe walker), wmiam nhaarerlbaipipei), John ReheMler (king ot cardr), Balbioma eontJlga, aod PuBCli Rbota. Biaae—Foa ud FUber, iheBaeklBA Ihe uoroeaed Jeaole U'Aro Bualoeae la feir

MlnwiRTBH ClBooa—Tbe dooreweie eloeed dead Ihecireoelaataa end after eight weekeol poor baalneaa,daring which tluie ao eieelleet perioliiienoa wu given,but It did not teoipt onrolllaena- AtrraeeatihoralaaolblBg aooooaced 10 aueeeed ibeolreBBIn tbeEapoel-t'oa Balldlog.cooroBR—"Our Uoale Dadley" reeled bare 9 ....

Aguoa Toaug, a lataoled yooog Mllwaabau, at oootime wltb "cerreut Ra.h,^* lolned 'Oor FUt" 9Maaager Jaoob Lilt le homo altar a abort trip Hua-aerH H Jaeobewulntbecltpl topaaoRew Year'a wltbtheCorlnna Oompany TneUrereUthoaraBlilngCoffl-peoy.oruiieeliy. recehed elihtr-fear Inqolriee up toI liooi ueir enall adrerllaeeieat In yonr last laaoeDarlag tbe aoyagemeot of the May Howard t;ompinyat tbe Feopla a lait week, Maaager Harry Por-tia wu au aatliaaiaalio atlandaot ol the Htadt The.etre ILOM bu heeo pledged for meetleg ihe an-oual deBelt laeorred by the maiateeance of the BladtTbeaue. Ulaeapeetedlbattbotntalaefcarrlptlooa willeoun reach U-OUD a year, or Sfl0,ao for tea yaart,lorwblcb tbe pledBerera made. -----Albert leloblioff, aelever yooog faocr abot nf una city, appeered Uat weekat tbe oieoeillon aad madeebit Fred Bronkboret.meeieal director of tbe FeopU'a Thutra. wu preaealedwIlhavlellaeeeoM e Ohrlatmaa praaeat By I he orcfaea-

tra. ---Joaepb Mnjpby pUyed to iL LO, Row Tear'aDay. at tbe ffar ldaoe.

Pob4 dd Lac—At the CrvBcent the Karlle Lindon OramatleCo-, In rape rtery. Dee 31-JeB S.bad ea-

iclient boBloean TbeBmllyBaaeherOo.la*H>nrFlal,*, Lewie Morrleon'e '-Faoat''n Foadda laaLcdg*No. If. B- P- n. E-. wiu bold Ha Bllh UBBAl reespuaa aadbaUalAiBorrBM.


WASHINGTON,pehana.^Ertrr booM In UMcll/opfloed Ui«

t* T«r vltb ft bl| MU,l«*^li.O,*'buum. 1b«Omiim Loavr* priMUd tb«lrpMms wllb htad-

•om •eoTMir mfnaww- mUUlu » plil«n u4OMch ot«Mk ortbt pvrvmwfc

iOpnoftiuM.—A Ohri>tB»M irM drAvlDr* for tb» b*4*>StortbtAnDorrFottruBd, id vbloh vvtrr hnMtr at %il«k«t dr«v ft priBft, look plftM Nftv YMt't Bt*. Tb*boM «fti pMbvd to OTftrtowiar. Dway b«lov laratdft«ftr. TbiM. W. KMM OODM JftB.

THUTiiiOoiiiuoi.-Op*Dlo|l>«o-9l: Jftwlo DinolDCftBd llUBO ftftd SoltM.

Paori.ft*ft—"laOitlD N*v OrlMBi** puhtd Uif houftSI. ftad will eoQttB«* tbli wMk.LovTaL-Naw rkaiH: will Hickalt, Bdiibft Rlckett,

Barakn) 8itt«r« tod Mftinl* DIMon.Riraiuiv —ViUDB rnur tsftdltB'OrtbwUft, Aufoft*

to* E*b«| ftnil ATihur H«tl«octl.RoBr. J. Qdi.'vm. iMliiftot •ift|B inBB«q«r at iTia Aodl*

lonniD. ftBd MtiiU Hatfo, Don-rroitiBioDftl, ««ro oiar*rltdi>M.fA.

li«attl#fAt IfaDTift'NThMiro Tiion. We RcoMop«B«d Jbb, I Inr IhrM nl|lil*. In "IliiitUt." nod a»<Itfhud ftcrawilBd hODtft. TheTATMvoiwrA ua did annpiloary bntlOMS Doo. U-V. Kitm Vuinam codimT.S.Olboun Op»ra vtflh nf II,

COHDHAT nTiiRkTHK.—Tirt Prks (>p«Tk Co rftnitntduntil S._pnHluoloi[ "TTiftTaranil tbATftrlar" lo btubuitl-Dtu. Tn«r alio way in ChaA. HlMHs' To. 4 ror fourolRbtP, lo rtponnry. Tb* 0«ftitl* AInUtIo Club ptoduoa*-A MMwinur NIaht'a 1>r»ant'> IMP.Paoih.—Tb* Pjk* Optra Co. itarUiM for aoeotai^

nitni Id Brlll«n rolutithi* Tli* Tboa. N*fBO CiuO'pur oero binoktd In ih* utouoiaio* ft ralUarDia ontbofr w*)r to thin «llf mod w«r« c«mp*)ltd to oaneol I>«Oa.11 and nuliD**.)*!!. 1.


<4tieber.~At the Qoalioo TliOHiro tho KroDolt

Op*i* Cuu|<»sj, Id ro|4ilory, *r« |t|*jlii|( 1a oiowd«dboo***.

AUDIHVOP Hi'i)ir.--J*n.V i. Roatttll* taTaaUIr aD*t*rtalDD)*nl to aood houaai, aod haa *it*oilei) fan ta*laiaoiaot tintU w.

ToroBtoa—At thoOmnd Opom lIouMtJioo. ni-

Jkd. 6, l.ewlB Horrlion lutd big bualooM. Uarltk

Uomoitu T-li.

ToKOHTO Ui'iRA lloirsi.— l>eo. :il-Jan. A, re(0llftkor» IQ "OhrlR and I.0D11,)* drew hlg bDRlneauOomloi: T-ia, Florence Uladley , Id "Tbo Cftptaln'alUte."AuADiMvnK Uimo.-ltoo. 31-JftU. fi, "HoDoodto

and l*Dodlo" had big bualuou, OomlDtf: T-l'J, "TAoWblte Crook."HooHi'ri Hi'riRB.— Iicc. aii^an. &: r.oolaro b*H—

Bol HtuDO, tod Uloroao Mid oiiriauipher. Theauo—llutohltiaoo and /auelll, VhI Vibo. UoUowolti,Beiale Hcftrle. Marlov, riubkcttand Hlevone.Uiwiir'i) Mtrtiiii lUi.t..— Duo: T, l.(>nilon Tho

Wurld'e Heiropiille; to, uila A. rooto; 11, WalbiaUllla; I'J, NeMlo Qanihorno.Nona.—Boialii Uonehlll ottncoled her ODgage-

ment with thoToniiito Uoom llnuao lait wuek.At 10 o'olook Hatarday night Uaoagcr HnuUl m-oetred * tolegrftm 10 thU oiTCot, aud Ujr u o'oloolc

MoiidarmorDlDKhehad paper up,&itnuuuuliigttaooomlORoC Peioluker.

LoBilon.—At Uieamnd tho llnldon CornedjOo.appaatad «»«k ol lHv.91 to goud buiioou ai i>opularprlcM.Ltoiuh TniiTM —AfUr a w*«k'i trial onilar Hi*

maaaii*>n*Bt(ii H**Mf k lln«a tht* bnui* li dark tlila

w*«k. It II uodioldod r*t wbalbar It will upan aialo.

lUmllton.—At the Omnd l.nwie IfnrrjioaoocDM in a lara* ulnne* aals Jah 7, H At iho HurThtatra 'a*t vt«k biiaiD*** wm rihhI. .Ian. 7 «nd «*th:mi If aod JaoBf Itaby, fUdIa MtirruM, Ih* Wraotaa. Ki*oiaod M*rrib*ll. Maria ffinKio, l.ow*ry and Krino**, *adPanor Hic* Aithp Tliaair* Uui nl liuilnau It on iholDor*ai*. for7-Pthe rtnek onmiiMy win produa«"K«>h-l**o MaToorottn." "T«it NIahUIn a Barroom" will b*lT*o 10-11. Kiolurd Plumb li an adiliUon lu tb* ooiit.

Muel|ihas»At ttan linyal Opom llotine NowY*ar'i l)*y, Nalll* HantlMny, ihtolaiy •nuriainar, bad

Rood houH* iNiuilna: Jan. II, uiittaur thaatnoa)*;it ObnitI* Uorrar, Itoiurar.


Balllraor«.*"rrluce«a HtiDiilo" made her In*

Itial bow tu a BaltiionraauditDc* al JIarrU' Actdiniy•fan. 7, OBdar tba dlrrrllon ol ili**uthnrand comiwHr,WlllardNpaoHr. Th« houMva* orovd^d at lnflrait*tl

prie**, and B|*anor M*ro, Kr*Dk l>anl*l« *iid th* oiharmarabara of tn* eoinpany w«r* an'liuilKAtlrklly •nourtd.Tb* idvanca *ala I* lara*. Uubity tiaylor oh»td atelr«*«kA. M)i7ih* Kariir'Ji

Piiau'a OraaA itiitMa.- 'Howinit th* wind" waahunlfor Ilia flnt Una b«r*7,»Uh Harr lUmplna and J. II.

Ollmoor In th* l**dln| rnlM-ud mat with lniii*ataiio-

eat*. Tli* liouH aaa w*)l nil*a "1191" had a auocauionof full houaaa w»*b Mdioir ft. Vraiicla WiUuii brloga"Tba DoTira Oapnly" ll

ALRAi'ttii'a LToaoH TNVATBi.—An*r an abafoe* otfour yaara Mra. liUiKiry r*turn«il 7. nMDina «l(li

"Bflb*rHin<lriK"nad "Ailapiir Pair," bcforiiaii audl-*nc«ol ritlalautnty ilu "A IfouM nf Hard*" aod "AWlla'a l'*rM" alll l>oft**n durinic Ui* •naaHfinanl Prua.parity raigoid wlUi "Mm*. Hau* licoa" WMk aodiDi ft.

N*it«*ak, -iTftpL fanl."llnLUUAT RriiiBT TnaitBi.—Th* tJariistla llrolhara

n*w farf* eom*dri "Tli* Trti||*y Hritaiti, vlileh la anauipHn*d t*ri|uB nl 'Tiibl>'* t^iali," eniniiianawlv*«k'*BUy 7 with » )«ra«lyat(vndHl matin**. Ar*alirollay carijuo and liaht*d witli *l*oirioltr, liaDuvalfaator*. 'Tb* Htllt Alirnt" h*d a big wb*e oDdllig 6,

"Capt Hem*" odniaa 11.

Iluwaaii ArniruRiiiH.-fiiMHl Bix«d hnua** r«wan1«tHam llf v*r*'a Hpiaiallr Oo In lliair ariorl* t4> pl«*a* 7.

"Tb*HoBlli nafiira tlm War" did «*ll, oli*ilog ft. Jamva(Irondy and Haaao Plali*r, eoior*d iiiiimb*r*ii| tbaeftm*panr,w*ra married on th* alaia *t iha olut* ol ih*' »rfonn*ue*3 Marry WIlllama'^HpaelKitr (^i.onmaN II.

KaaHAii'ii MllHl'Ml^rAl, TtiaATaa.-Th* uaq*| (anaOMDloaaudl*Dc*a«aitad Irwin Hrmlier*' llii(Ht>*ei*|iy

(lo 7. Webar A Plaltia' (;•>. Iiad ir«at w*ali eloalDg f.

Huaaell Broilrtri' (hiiii*dl*oa II

UiariHiB UbSu:iTiiBATHB-.VBw 7: i^armM Hrnibar*.J*nDl* M*ad, (larmaa Hiuart, Mlily Mack, (l*i ti* L'arrull

and hlgoor Uon.PiUUl MiraaiiH.-Naw In llnrlii Hall 7: HbhiI* HIlUr

Ilai aoinaD) I* Th«*iariuiu: Allc* Hillnn, HUlf M*.MlDlMik aod ftuby Athloaoo, Marry notion aod Haggl*Howard.Kurm.—Houaa'a Banil wlligW* two eoocerta nt Hiialn

Hall II A r*c*nt il>li ion v* ItiM'a •Uu" I* Han*Hroa|htoD'Mai|jwa. ayoimKiir alatarol Julia Harlii**-Tabar (lanrin L ilhaunall, aiaut for Wnaiton AHaTt*ir*"Huulhllaror* iliitWar,"iail*d fur Pngland ft,

tuarraag*loraTlilior the onmpuy lo April Tb*Paiot aad I'owdar Olub wi)| (inHiuM the naw uL*ra"Joao ol Ar«" ac Kurd'a K*b. 19 Tit* Uoatoo Hym*rhoey (Irobulra will offer « Wagner pmgraiiiujo athull* Hall P.


LonUrllloF—AtlheToiiipIoKellx HurrlN oania

tb* forapartoriaai w**ka priHlaoInK "A (lamnol 0 *rda,

BtbiDd tba lc«a*a." "rii* OM MualcUn" and "Th* Beat

Man." Tti* palroaafa w*« net ui the beat. Uanlel

tally, IB "0 Rail. Waahloiton, J>. «.." rr>l|ow«d tba lai.

f*rbBir, drawlog moilerataly. KatUoodwIncomaa Jao.7-w."Paql Kaovar' lo.!!.

JOAI/Liv a TiiNiraB.—"Th* lllaeb Cr^ob" plaial afairly luocauful •ogaaamant tita Ixr* co'tuf liatwHak.barlitv Hr'>*.' Mioalrela nii*4 ou ih* w*tb lo fair i. udl.•0***. 'fliarlay'a Atiot" 7 'j. "l*aa*iap HImw" iv-iv

OaaRO OrkHl i\0VP»~"A Hundiol Keya' ntla'.Mi, ft,

a goMl waebJ bualnrti. J*tnsa Vuung, In trail* ly,

w*«b (if 7.

AviHua-M. B. Wi>r*J, In 'Th* Orplisna ol Raw Vora,'*plajed til lafrpatnnag* Uai w**h. "Pa«o Tioiat i^'

weak of 7.

bi'uiiiitiiaM.—TbiKatMraait/aoUil well |]||*<l Lnuta*all leat «**b. HA** Hydcir* JeODdoo Uallaa aod Jur-|**<lu*Ro. weak nfT.UfeMTgUTH* —.New rac**7: M*y(ilATaDa.Turo Pluah,liaUa ukTParkar.CTora Praiklln. M. 1). Murphy. Honfdvarda^ Bllla Taruy, and J£d. aod Jaanle Polay. Bo*i'i*Mia aocd.Norati.—All Ih* lli*kUei gata tnatlataa Naw Year'a

Day, batthakitan>1*n«o wajHlght 'ih*r)*y R(i«B*r,

o(''ABaBeb at K*y*" f^impaoy, (daflop at t)i*Or*MOpara lloui* laii w«*b. a iMiQiarili* boy, waa proa*at«d I with a flir*! «mbleiii r*pr***oliog a banclioik*)*, by bli ltl*n(la h*r*.


New IImtco—At the lliporlOQ C'cmitovki

Uia*u*tJ can* lo fair bualneaa Jae, a. Rotasd H**doomaa Iq "Tba PaIU elao"7a Ntod^ard'a LraluiaalL

riKaioUrBi* IIui'ib.-Ud Maw Viai'a Day ue dKrft

op*D*d for tha oreoing iiviformaice tii"H. K.O.** UaaMcCarthy did a big bn*ln*aa ll9^ Si-Jan. 1. '•tUm ladlloaa'* 8ft eama Ut filr ruiiirii*. (I^inlog: "Tl« LttXP«radfa*"7-'J, "Th* Pollr* l'*ir'«l" Jli-11,

POLI a WuibiiLiaif Tiibathi.—Buaia*«a hem e^B*tiBUe* big. ThIa w*tk : Ho*«i ua Hcli*al«r. th*Vidoc'ia. th* n**fl*B*, llayh*a and Heilni'iod, O'Hrlao,JaooiugaandO l)rl*n. Prancu Hry«ni, Jtihoaoo, liaT*a*

port aod Lur«lla,aii'l Hart end Rannalt.

Urldgoporla—At tlie I'ark f;ilyTheftUo. "TboPaaalog lUiow" pUyad lo "h K 0"jau. 1. "Harri'ii,

Mnt uaiedi" % plftf* I I" '*tr buaineai. "Tb* Kter tjaier"comea lU. '(JIlTar TvUt" |3.

AuiiirOBll'H —"Th* Uin P*r«dlaA" plar*(1 tn goAdbailDvaa I.XB "Alvin Joallo"pl**e<l lua lar«* audi*

*aoa >. "Uftlr a Paro)*r*B naughtar," a. ft pl*i*d tu

llibtbna*** 'Th* Polk*l'*'ror*roma* S. 9, -MePad*d»o'* itiopamoot" 16. Uortni ib* (aat waaii WaiiarBowlaod, aaaoaaia maneaer of thi* theaUa. raelgoad.

0. J BeliDap, th* manaiar «ho baa hid eharia ol thehooia formaoyy*ar*» •ill aooduet It aioae.

llArlford—Boilneae coDtinuCi good et Proo*lor'a Op*ra tlouae. Ronhed: "Ihe Auaooi" Jaa. 1,

k«taod1(**d. tB*Tb*Pollilelao,"0: KlIU rro«tprmto.Jo "(>ll«*r Twift. " ti "The World AffalBot Me|X^Paeh'a Bad M^y" U. (Inorge Iiiaoa** Vaa<iarlila aoiPpoeialiy(» draw a lop h*afy liuu**Oao-BI. *'1d ytdKaalaekr" vaa a gM«J drawing »td Jaa. 1. 1 AiefiwBoyJ. iB'TbwlViooiry 0«iuir*,"^dld lalrly wallS. "TbeL^Bt>aradlia"dr*w goo4 attoodaaco i, ft.




n4E FMNK QUEEN PUBUtMUN Ca (UalM)^norainon.

on. W. KXIL, Hiaion.

8AT0BDAY, JANUABT 13, 1896.

'UB OLirm U mud mrr Wadutdu anui.• wb, lith ud Utk (idnnuiaiD pint 00 10mmI iORDAT, tBt U» lUh, IME til etlHI PMM «


twMir p*r Um,MU* «p*DWin i •>••• olOMiMk (UD MO* liMu tlo. 1. dtdutka «( a ptr mbI la

kUOTiaa am idttnlmiwti vbaa oU lat ttiM mnlbila adnaM, ud oa idTntiMBaali Btatulw UD UM•r SOI*

BUB80BIFTI0H.Om raw, la adTaB<a,ii: ill moaUu,!!; thnaamtu,

(1. ranlia pwui* ain. nailaeovMiUaataaHk.

ODB TBUIS AU OUB.TUB.OLirrEB la Jinad^van^WadBiadtj


Th*Tonni OlMlng Promptly at4P.ILnaaaa nmll b/ upnaa moaar ndar, abaak, r. O. or-

dar or niiaund Utur, and


DapsrtmaBt to

THE NEW YORK CLIPPER,f. 0. »oi a,a3t, or ouppBiioiLpiiio,

mlatnOaan tat*, liaw Tort.

In Eoilaad-ni Oum« aan ba oMamadL wbolaaala

tod niall, of oar aaaala. ftmJth. AlatUa Kn-eaaUaatiaal, BMa(£la ri*a«a-Tii ouma la oa aala at Bnatuo'i mm

dtpol, 17 ATaaaa da I'Opaia, rarla.

J^THJB HKW YORK OLIFFBB BBb-lahaa only omm adlUoa, ud that U dstodllah(

tntm Bmw York


ADBK oiwanuioniaaraiTW, lunqmirauaorTUBOLirPBEmronipi. ALLtmoaaBAOTaamiDoaiwui oaiT. ip f» aovn ov tfTrauTUOAL ooapm aovair. airaa fo oca urn off

uurm 01 uoraaa pioa. Wa oijiiOTOBVB aoom oraiiL oa TaLaoatn.

TIIUATBIOAIuOuBij FltUbuiK.—1. BtlAiT would be rrom

tweDlT-dre doUart p«r week opwird, acoordlDg to

naiara ol tntaoement. 2. HUuUel, rtrco oomtdjand iDmaBtlo Inih ilnma. 8. Peraonal Hqoln ot

aienla moal ba made oonoenilng lennt. 4. Tea.

An adverUaemeDt in Tui OurriK will doobtleaa

afrfe jonr parpoae. Bee latea at Ibe btad o( UiUoolanm.M. B., UolToke.—Tlieta are DOfflerou dramitlo

•olioolim ibli olty, boi we do not care to tecom-mend anr ipeolal one.

L. T., nioiimonil Kobeon and Oiaoe prodgoed"Tbe Uenrleiia" at (be Union Hooara Tbeaue, ibti

oil;, Hepl. 'id, ieS7, and appeared togelber In It Cor

aercral aeaaonn. Hr. HoMon auooied ibe roleotBertie Vanaliljoe and Mr. Crane that ot Nlolielaa

VaoBlitjne.J. II. A., l,7on.—A lawfcr ODI; can alve jon late

and rrliable mtormailon concerning ibe maltor.

v. A. H., Troi Addrcta lllngilng Broibera. Bartboo, Wli.,and Uaranm ,t Ualler, 100 Weal Tbirt;-

aeventb 8ucet, Now York Ulij. We an nnable to

flOoio prloea.uutKY.—Vbarlea Baokna. ihe nlutrel pertornier,

died In Ibla oltj, June 31, laiu.

J. U. vt., Baltimore.—I. It la ImpoHible to forelibidriuiceaabB or pertormtra plailDf Inmnaeanu.i. We do not know wbat aola ua part; la dolO|.Addieaa Utter in oor care.

J, B. K. Jr., AppletoD.-Aa Uure are comptra-Ufel; lew in;oornne peeking olrauaeoiafementa,we cannot quoie aalar;.

K. J., llondonL—Addreaa J. n. WalUck, In oaia otTUI Ourria.Puou — 1. Tbe ioslitoUe role la tbo leading one,

and u fllled bt Uarle lleatb. a. We otnnoi glretbe alor; ut a play in thia aolnmn.

K. U., PIIUbnrg.-Addreaa H. Wlunark i Bona,tl WeatTwent; eighth Blniit, New York Oil/.

U. II., Harliord.-Tbo rtlatlre raloe ol abowlowna U BO largel; a mailer ot Indltldnal opinion,mat we muil deolloe jour reqoett for a deoUlonnpon jonr argumenu

F. A. P., Monroe.—Tbere are man; pla;wrl|btawbo would bo willing lo anangt ibe pla; aooord-lug 10 ;our dlreoilooB, bnt we prefer lo abow nopiaterencet.

II. P. 8., Wilmlnilon.-I. From ton; to llti;do|.

lata per weak. 9. UencnII; railroad farta onlr.

P. v., DalilDoro.—We do not know ibe wotre'abonu or tbo partlet, aa It It Unpoatlble to keeptnok olperformera.

J. U. W., Koobealor.—Addreaa oommunloallonalo tbe TarlouB publlabera, u the; alone oan aniwer;onr qner;.

P. BIUM., HoLeanaboro We know ot no inobwork.

U. 0. N., Weal PannlngWD.—Ooninltaomo pioml'nenlBrotettlonala.T. 0., New uneani.-We bare no reeord ot tbe

death ot Ibe part;. A letter addreated lo blm In

care ot Tun ULirrkH ua; be ibe meani ot proTlnghe la aUU alive.

U. W.-Addr«as Dick i Fliigeimld, 18 Ann sueel,una oil;.

MoK. AMD B., Kl Patoo.-Uwrenoe llaneU diedMarob a), It«l. Gdwln Boom died June 7, 18«3.

BotTUN.—Addreea me publlabera, M. Wiunark ABona, 81 Weal Twent;'Oiglim lilreei. New York Ulu.0. r. U., Mew HtTen.—You abonld laadilj obuuu

engagemenia wliu tbat act. t. Fiti; dollan perweek. 8. Tbe aeoond man would not In an; wa;Increate me Ttlue of me aou 4. Tbe limogrtphawoDid doubileaa help ;ou to aeonre engagemenia.

J. P. 0., pall ItlTor.—We haTeneferaeen mc feat

«on name performed. We do not ihlnk It baa everbeen done, nor do we belloTe lia aooompUaboentpoaalble.J.J. P., New llBTen.—For tttge mone; addreaa

tbe LawrenoD Norolt; Oo., ta andM Oeaue Bireet,

New York.B. U. B., Uamlllon.-Ktmrjn Kidder la ttarrlng

In "Mme. Bana Uone," under ibe mananment otAuBUiloa rilon. Tbe oompan; waalnBuOklo, N,

Y.. 1)00. M.W. W. B., Uloverdale.-Addteaa Prank Uaidlng,m Bower;, New York Oil;.

L.O., Nurwalk.-We have no knowledge ot ibewbereabonia ot ibo oompan;.

II. H. a., Uonvemour.—See anawar lo W. W, B.In ibla laaoe.

M. U., Balllmote.-Addreaa Robt Manohatler mitnile.

A. O..Ooeoni».—Tbo poalilon;on aeek reqnlieaeonaldorableoxperlenoe. audit will ba dimoult for;on 10 obiain lu We adtlie ;oa to retain Ibe poat.lion ;ou now bold, out It ;ou otberwlte decide anadrertlaemeat In Tui UurFia will no doubt aid;on.M. U., KoriWortb.-It Is Impoaalblo for na to tell

;on In wbti houaea ion an llkel; to obtain engage-menia. It ;uu doBire a Mat ot housea aeonre acop; ot IMiuiMaon't niilili<, pnbllabed b; W, B,Uooaldaon, Olnolnnall, Oblo.

U. P., Ooeben.—JenuT l<lud waa bom Ocu *>,

la-JD, In Biookbolm, Sweden, and died Not. 9, 1817,lu Uindon, Kng.

L. I.. 0., Belie rialno.-Addraaa Rlliabem Na^bur;, Kmpln Theatre, New York Ult;.

P. A. 0., Jaokeon.-Tbe noUoe or ibe deam ofKdwln Booth, and a akeioh or bla career, appearedlu our laaue bearing dale June 17, ISM. We oanaupplj oupiea at the regular pnoe, ten oenta.

ft. P. R., IXa Holoea.-Addteaa K. lU Bireet, MBrooke Blieet, llaritord. UL

U. U. a., Beiuia l. It tbe part; wbo baa ;ourpla; entered Inio ooniitct wim ;au wberab; hewaa to pa; ;oa mr the uae or tl, and baa tailed todo BO, ;ou oan aue blm and having got Judgmentoan atiach me abow tor the debt be owea ;ou, or;oo might obtain ;ourpia; on tbegroundot oreaohot oonlraot. I. Twenl; oenia per line.

P. W. M., South Uuubertjuid.-Yan an at llbert;

lo nae an; printed pla; publtihed br anputablehouae, wbTob doee not have upon Ita ilue page "all

rigbu reaerted."A. p. IL, Hinneapolla.—Tbe part; la now appea^

log at Koater « Ultl't, mit olt;.

J. B., tlalblleld.-Addreta Norman A Bfana,Lookport.N. Y.

H. A. P., Ball l«ke Oil;.—Addreea the UwienoaNoTeit; Uo., 8) and po oenira Bireet, New York Oil;.K. U., New UrlMna —Uddreaa me pan; In otre ot

TuaUurrtH.H. U.-"Tbe Black Urook" pbijed it Ibe Qiud

Upcrn llouae, Ula oil;, week ot BepkM laal. Wa|

cannot gtie ion tbe caat.

H. r. 0- WooDfoolut^I. Too mlgkt obala aoopnlght tor itia Utia, bat thonld ear one tin gro-dnoe a pla; wim me aama UUa befon j»tt ftmjwtawTtnan, jn vonld dlaoorcr ttat fonr olatmwould not hold good. l. A reibal aonlnat, BadeIn mia Stale, In Uepreatooeol witneaaaa, la legall;

binding.E. IL OlnolnnaU-l. Jobs BoMkoq. i.

Yea. 8. wm. Beok * Bona, Bighm and TlaaBlreeta, your olt;. 4.No|]ilng.T.B.,Fblladelnhla.-najhaTeBot;e«adTeniaed,

nor baa mere Men an; aaaounooiieBt ot theirplana.RttdDui Busu, BnoUfB.—Tb« part; It §011

In me bnalneaa, bnt her pnwnt wttareabonta la un-known lona.T. A. D„ Tnkb—Tlien la do work pnbHabed

that will glTO ;ou all Uu IntemaUon ;oa deilra.Yon ma;, howerer, gain much Intofmailon CromDonaittm < Oulde, pabUahed bj W. B. Oonaldaon,Olnclnnau,0blo.nuDia.—Addieai the I^wtenee HoTelt; Oom-

pan;, 88 and to Oentra Siteet, New York Oil;.

FiBi Kino, UnlaTlUe.—I. We caniwt tell, aithere ma; be aome on me nad ot whom we majnam hare heard. 3.Ptlt1;welL About tort;doPlara. a. Wa cuootadTlaa oonoenlag the mailerol lonr adrenlaement.0. A. B., R«cbealer,-aeaanawerU) Baadarin mia

lane.B. 0. 0. Jr.,Salem.—We cannot glTa;on the roeler

of me oompainj. Addreaa leuar to me maoager ao-cordlng to onr route Uat

li. O., HoAilatar.-Addnu letter la onr care andwewlUadrertlie lb

L. J. L., Uttia Book.-The part; la not jet ttt;;eaniotaie,

B. B. r., Obleago.—We neper In anawar loqnerlea upreea an opinion ooneemlag me tbllltjot anj one. In taking tor our opinion jon klndljInform utotparUeawno majtdd loour enllghlen-ment, and wa mentera iuggett that jen mightand It oonrenleni to addieaa lacte parilea joamit,a count we alrongl; noommead to jon.0. W. R.—1. Hlner'i Elgbm Arenne Theaira waa

artoted In 1881 and opened Her. U ot that jear. 1.

Be neper waa.U. B. P., Norwich^!. It would be wall to do to.

a. Wo conld noL 8. It la not tbaolntalr neaeaaatj,bnt It would be mom tdpanlateoua.B. iNO W., OleTelud.—1. mbabl; Ottj dollan

per week. 1. POui dollan and alghtj centb s. Ad-dieaa Prank Harding,m Bowen, New York Oltj.0. B. P., Newark.—1. From arisen to eighteen

dollan per week, 1. Watt until ean;8ninmer,andmake iwpllallan wbto oomptnlee lefoim. 8,

Krneat ulentanaen.B. H. W., Winona—1. Then lanol much demand,

a. Pnbablj not more than twentr-flre dollan perweek, aa a new coiner. 8. Jamet I. Aimalnag, 10Union Bquan, New York Olt;,

0ABO8.B. P., New York.—In the game ot poker, alter the

deal baa been completed, each plajer who nmalniIn me game maj dlacard Inm bla hand aa manjcardtu ba pleatea, and call upon me dealer lo gtpeblm a like number from me top ot mcae remainingIn tbe pack. Tbe eldeat hand mnat dlacard Oni,and to in regular ntailon aionnd lo tbe dealer, whodltcaida \uS, and all the plajen mnat dlacard be-fore an; part; la helped lo freab oarda.A. P. B., New York.—The age nerer liantten In

dmw poker.0. L., Beaton.-The opener ot a Jack pel, when

not called, la not requliad lo ihow mora man open-era.

N. n. W., Port Waine.—Atteren up. In oaaeot allo for game, under the rule the elder hand aooreathe point.N. B.-It nellhir ot the plajen to whom an enn

card waa dealt talaed bla carda it waanotamlt-deal.

B. 8. B., WaUlngford.—A U enUUed to a mo otIre tor ihe but card In d,4,t,aand8. Itlanotneceaaar; that me oarda ahoold ba pla;ed In meirregular order lo oonatllola a tequence.

J. B., New Yoik.—When a pla;er wbo opena mepot In Jaok pot poker la not oaUtd, belt not ra-

qnlred to abow mora than openera.A. W.T., Round Top.—1. At pinoole two klnp

andiwoqueenaofuumpoountto. a. Ho; jou can-not meld nn thoee oarda. Tbe cardt oonni ao ordl-uarll;, or to It tnmpa.a. H. S., Roblnaonrlllt.—Ttia pla;er who held

low went out IratK. K., New York.-It u neoeiaai; In Ihe tonr

banded game ot plnoola that lite plAjer take a irlokbetora be melda onL

J. M. K., Raeheal<r.-No; A taket tiit prtae. andBandD,wboUedontour aoee, Ihnw oS tor cnoloeot aecond and iblid pitaea.

0. U., Roohetitr.-See anawar lo "J. K. K."OtHoe, Woonaockei.—1. UtPlng bnt one point to

make, A goea out on high. a. In tlUa oaae highoarrlee out B, wbo had bnl one lo make.

BABHBALU OaiOKBT. BTC.J. R. L., Unmm.—Be wat oonneoled wim me

Alleutown Olub, ol me Pena;lnLnlt Stale Ltagne,nntll that olob Joined me Battem Leagne, when bellnlBhed me aaaaon wim the PoiUPlUe Olno, alio otUa Penna;lTanla Slate League.

II. M. B., Boalon.—Tte IrBt eertet ot obanplon-Bblp games b; profeialonal teama waa pla;ed In

1871, when the Amiello Olub, ot PhUadalphIa, wonme pennant.

F. 0., BalUmon.—Tbe Qiand Forkiand Fargoteama pla;edtweoi;'Sfalnnlngawimontaran be-ing tosred Jul; 18, IBM, at DevU>a Uke, N. Dakota,It being mo longeat etin Inning game on itoord.A. R. 0., Pblladelpbla,—The ralea ot cricket now

firoflde that me aloe whicb goea In aeoond aball

oUow melr Inning, It maj hare aoored lao ranaleaa than the oppouta aide.

Riiia.W, J. K., LowelU—Peter Jaokton It not ohampton

of either AuattalU or Bnglai|d,aimongh he atonetime held me former illle.

A.a. 8., Uhloago.—We nerer heard that be did to,

ATUI.BTIO.O. S. L., Chicago.—We anwithoni the neoeaiar;

data to enable na lo anawar;ou qneaUoo.

TURF.A. L. 0., BrlatoL—Tbe nee lo which ;oa refer,

between Kaahlon and Fe;tona, tonr mile heala, tor

I'JO.ooo, won bj me laller, toot place at Iba Onionoourae, on Long Inland, on Maj IS, law. Ttej lanaooiher raoe on me asth ot the aaoe moolh, at theUack at Uunden, H. JM^whloh waa won bj FtaUon.

It. J., Winnipeg.—The BngUah Deibj, run tor

eaoh Spring at Epaom, Bng., u a race ezolnalpeufor mree rear olda.

J. R. T., Lowea—HlUitnam won the OtaeMrOop, at Uheaitr, Eng., In I8M.

BILLIARDS, POOL, RTO,L. W. B., New Bedford.-1, When the cue ball It In

oonuot with an; omtr ball, me ttitker eannoleobol a count It he dUtaiba me ball wim which thecue ball la In contact, while attampUng a alnke.There an aaTeral wii;a to eObot a count whan thebaua are In contaot, bnt the plaier muat pla;direoU; awtj from the ball wl|h wbloh the one naUla In oontnok a. B la comet.


L. H. 0., Obloago.—Judging tram ;onr atatamenl,Itwaeatool mraw. Wnttio Ulok k Fllngtnld,18 Ann Street, New York, tor a oop; ot "AmaitaanUo;le."0. II., New Yoik.—The mnwa baring letuUed In

a tie, A loaea, of ooniw.W. P. 0., Augnata.—Ttie two ptaien who Uinw

M each ahould ihraw off tor onoloa ot Int andaeoond nrliet, moae wbo Ued on 41 mnwtng on tormudprlia.

MIBORLLANBOVI.J. ().,Orlpple Oieek.—We wonldadtlaemaliou

write 10 Ibe manager ot Ue mint at PhUtdelpnht,Pa., who can glre jon nllabla Inioimaaon legard-Ing tee milter.B. 0. B., New IlaTtn.-We know nothing ot the

reapooelblllt; ot Ihe pan;. He la notatuat addraaa now.NixoK.—Yon wUI Ind tte Inlbimatlon deaind

underme head or "lot Yachting" In Taa OurraaANHUiL tor law, ahorU; lo be iMned.

J. J. U., Memplilt.-ne aalBrT ot the Ma;or otNew York Oil; la lan monaand doUin per fear.A. J., Sacramento.-We healute at girlag |on a

deDnltlon ot me word when eo enuuent an tu-morll; la N'cah Webaler haa tailed to detna II to

;our aUlttacUon, but we will tretlj deOna It aa ameuui mabsdj, a mild form or lanao; tor whichtome cjnio baa aald the onl; cun la maiitmoa;.

A roi BUKT luratsned sport for a numoer otpeople at Piiobcine, L. I., on Ubrlilfflaa da;, megrlia being a gold watoh. Tbe tox waa gtran anonr'a alaii oter me doga, and waa drlren thnughme Plllag*. being anallj oangbt, alter an axoltugcbaae, b; liukeribe propertj of WUllam O'Banj,ot Bmimtown,on Maple Aienue.Tui New York Oaaoe Olub liil week elected ot-

oen aa toltowi: captain, OouMT Hjda; male,Francia B. I'ratt: pnner, H. B. Smjue.Joaa a Joata maaam .1 ila Blfaitaa Oaa Otab,- aaaTakaot w uta

OHBBB.FtoB C)k£Ji Anwnitt


atlB, Kl; i, gi. KBt.CB^QKtt. B^EBt,

* I t t tatQI. gill, QBiKKIt, and 1.

Whita ftwpilf snlnata la all aaoTaa

Pnblewi Bo. I.«M."OUmblDf ap Iba Ooldan Stair."

If a. p. L. laiaa.BLAOE.

malah la aot a paialtol la oar ntla.ldia, bat oalr apartial lUaatnUon; lornalalBpnBpllpbiiaadaMpokap Iba raailBf, paaaad bis mlfhtp aatafoaiat aad at

aatwoa aa helliZia bU laat niuh. oa rtadiluHoatraal. Mr I- aihibltad two or thraa Oubtaol ik*

ana laapantln poaar, bat tbo; aooa bdad oat la

daitDSMWa BOW IraTana a loai period baek«aid with ao

ooiablj panllal eaaa oa wueb u> ramsrk, bduI wa raaah

that aoot asuaUblog ol blstorlcal aialcbas, UairwlbiMaaalbal. TbU mauh aai tor alaiaa iBnaa ep.

BaiTwila. Iba brUUaBl, «bat botwaao lorialu and da-

laau waa * bopala«lf b«at*H " Bow it was tbat Ban UwboUrehaaiad bis nis Ino Iba biUllaat u> Ibo au»-boni, not u>aa> donad. waot ai bli maa llta a bauatlairam, 'plaiadlba mast Hod or aar«,Uiok Dsebaaoas,"ana aaiaaUraoa. II to U, wllb It drawall Bo iiiatwoodai tba> tba proTartilaUr poUl* Bimlla, auai br

raiuas blluiB«aaasotauuian(ebla8;),

waiiaWhite eoBpals patmata la ataraa moraa.

ammo He. 1,WS.Tba alBTanlb Albla-abonltsr.


~a. AlMa J.w.lbowalur.

i..risi« rtokti..I»-BIt..IB-Itlt..r-4ii..qit-Datl..dit-4ti..iB-n

t..|B-iti r-^Bi


EB-B4tr-oaia)P^BlfF-gii4' .t-B4

io..itx ctii..g B-BtU..4-barltu..iri<Ki

X Ct 4- It P K It- - IB-Itaq

XKt IB-kttU..r-0It4 EB-»tU..QB-It8 O-IIU..oLsU<, IB 9b-isK.-QB-bUI ^..IB-laqlUp-OBSI

(..xtidPxrgpxrB..T^it4«) irxPn.-QxitaiPMBiiin.a.n...ii..f-qt%tl..IIt-B4B..9-BI1



(a) This aad ibtbaturoptalaa.



SOTtL MB. ., OOHDWIU.bffouovlDvmoTi ilrtWLF (o C B 8^ k qvMttooabl* idot* in inott

irtWbiU nUiKtb*

potiuoDi ol lE* t^twlni rtin, la by domMu bad b*iu It


ommUaI to pnTMt uo ihrMUDtd Bio Ki ft ftL_IttoQL Alio,f..>toKas«ub*lt«rtb«D tl)*llD*orpiftj IflOpUd.CMTbri doDbllBf Rot*. R PUvoTM tboo aMl«a,M

Valto euoot mtM foraoMoaib tovlo lb* P.otMl thotn ovbouillr ptaood. u will moo apptor. BUok*i

Ucatlr nplr tonu tbo ubiw at oooosond ibooM rlv*biB aa odvaDtan-

- - ' "thatoagbtiovlA tha-*- - aii^, \MXn, P to

ooRbt ta wla,. , Ba, could not

b* moooMlaUr laalatid.(d) MlimbMoppoTtoDlty tolorealbawla.

WHirB(A- Alblo).

BLiOKiMr.BbowalUr).Koto mada-a.-Q B Ut R fti a..K to bla 1_foUowad

*llb K Bio Kt aqilf 9..EC to B ft+,Q BxKt),moatwin lo a fav botob

(I) WioDiattln; tboaldplay 90..E P X P. Toi|It«oiB r, Ihtowi awaj all abaoM ol a win. £1 twore. at bLTttrnait mora. ir9I..Q B to It aq. Wbtlo eoold notbkToaudoofraMforbliKbvPtoEBa; lortbao:n.. QHXB tB-.KtoBS B X B


~R KRXB 3S..KXB Q-le+,«lidE K B X P + Blaok vlD&noma waa uiMh bottar. ai Black tban ro*


L.QBxB KBXP+ BL(/) U..E boma waa niHh t

.DTan bU P wllh ao oa*r dimw.(*) I Bio. B abowi a draw dom 9..

tioai t«a noraa doapL aatfaiwajo ft bit "ahoan "i

(f) AsoUar and latal 1

oorara bU P wllh ao oa*r dimw." " ~ ' a draw dom a. .Q X Q; bnt Tarla-

ud onir onaalda to pbr '«nit u*

(fTAsoUar and latal bloBdar; aAaribia ibanU oobop* *v*a for a draw. Black waa eaiuinlj la a bloadu-lofmooil Intblf

*rhe FInt,and, pnbablr, Iho boat of tbo fonr ram** rtpottad np to

dalo la lb* Ooiilp-FoUoek natota.—jroHfinroi Aerald.BAHPrE*S ETB OAMK.

Br.Folloab. '"~


Ifxpiqp>(B%..q B X BU)


vom OT on. rouooi.U) PorottaUlH Et to q B 4


\ 9*B xEtI £E»-B«



sad Wbfu raalgaa.It X It P,

B 10 Et a, B X

. I u BtolnUa'a dot*.B X P.EttoQl; 10..Q bOBM, EttoBI; II. .Q

It; U.> X B, q to Et «. with a atnnf

(I) OtfUlDg **Ba adrliablo. Blaok** ruly la itroagfrom *T%r7polni of vl*w; If lJ..Et X Pa BlaokEtx P.

I rfjolu

^^UjlteBiq la DO bettor; bnb In antworto t*xt,Qto_ kvoaU allow K to Bt(M) VlBnlfli tba q br fon*.

JAOUOV W. SIOVALTU, TlOfOR.Atar twaov a** balU«a, maaj «( tbtm aa flotlj and

aubbomlj eonltftad aa oa*am ***b or n**d to i*«l tb*Amarleaa maat*r baa won eo* of tbo eonaplcaou onaaaooataota ol latar rtan. Bom* ol tb* oboaa aorlbt* baT*eUlm«l tbat Horr Albin la tb* cbampioo or TlannaTb«r pnbablr m*aa br tbta tbat Hart a , or all tb* Vl«n'*a* pUrfn u oar nldM alon* onlarwd tb* llata toobamploa B*r tarn* W*doDotb*llaTab*blBa*lfaUlmathai laok: or, If b* dooi^tbak all tba gtaat TknnM*maaUn wmlt tha olaUn.Hot la Mr BbowalUr obasplon of |b« Unltad Btatoi

Bo It vaa not a tilt U. B. t*. AoatrUp or oroo HawTorfc ta. TlMua; bat a eonttat b*tw**B two oralMotpUion lor a nlpBUtad a«m of monor Bat Mr. 8ua wa a Tlotoiir vblob onbaaoaa bla a^nadf fraalrnpBtaUoa (or abllltr to Mand a loof iiraia aad otm-oob* dloo»armnmtnta. Eia rlgbt to aipaet tb* oham-fiioublp of ih* ooDQttT aad Iboprababtlluor bli attain*

m ila an now of lb* briibtaaL WiU bla rlp*a«dMiw*riL amblUoa aad *xpan«ae* b* OB|bi not to b*dUplaoad lor manr r*ar«How, wbat abaUU aald of tba fallanl aad Indoodtabl*

UorrAlblBt €b**abroib«iomln«torataBr rauallwbo«aB roll baoh wllb ma th* paneraou of half a oaatan**obaao blBlorTa tablag nolvo of tb* moat oonapleaoaalandourka aa w* n. How nunr taitoraua*** panllal10 tbla oaa w* BAr Onlr two lu «iaal, onlr on* Ita

"lR**Baaraat In onr tUw ta ib* amaU adblr. Walbredt

boold iQ aom* of bU pobUabod artlolaa aad notoa onUba naaa bar* boon prorokod Into roiortlog Ln kind.

And, wbon rooaod, Borr U bad a d*old«d talant In thatdiraetMD, tboagb alwara la a nor* qaltt form ibanBtanalOB a. . .Tbla naiob, plajad at iba do** of 'AS, b*lng tb* Brat of

tb* bladw* rMB*mb*r. mada a vivid Impraaaioo apoooa; and, lo tbla tfar.w* ihlnb It tb* ono loadlBi *>•

*mp)ar ol ib*td«aln baod. avan *xo**dlDgtbo ptoaantloataoe*, oovar boTUg bad aliogvlbor aa aqnnl fn ob*aoblatoiy.noJul7,w« our olta ooo nor* aotabt* UlaatrBtlea.

•ran il itdooaallUl* paaa borood tbo limlu of onr p*raonal neoUooUon. H* i«r*rto lb* ipl*edld poworaofraalataoo* nod roooMraUoD oablbllad br M d*_Bfc.

va. BebaUepp. U*rr V. lott lo wlibln a ainif* gam* ofdalbai, aad ihaa, bra borot of powar of wbloh do «-

tbaagbt blm oapabtai, InnMl tbo tabka. aa


abraak.a tablao, aad wonwlihOBt

Nasi In aaoaatw* «oa* to that ImportaalTBtmaab ra. Tabliortn Tha i " ~


Iba Btddl* atagsol ihatgiMt:to bnt(*rfen«b«a tbat b* voaM loa* lb* mateh BU ad-mlran had gtraa op naarlp tb* laat bopo Mot b*. BobaekM •» (h*


0 tbat Importaal atraggl^1 maiBlfloaat Baaa. l«7lnIt maloh aatll it waa auibs

iaab,taabl*d tb* gloonj Mtnalloa wllh^ >WB oor

naUy di*w lb* matoh I

wlib^ Ua baowBooaitga, •atrgr aad roaoni**, aad

Aaaat ti Hr. fitanntoa la ih* mamonbl* match. Bag'land T*. ffiaaoo. In Paria, oloa* of 't5 Biaaaton woo, II

(ot,«onwo. BnBlolontlrdtclalT*, ula tni*; bat, allOTa urtaiB point, oam* aa oaar going on pari poini withtb* pr***Bt inaiaoo* a* eoold wall b*. Lik* Bairaibln'a,Balnt-Anunt'a eoniag* and fMopcrailon cam* alur th*l**d Bfalnat blm waa too groat u bo OTOiooBw. lo ibucat*, Uarrwiia** aad tba proaant uuiaaeo, a drawngam* waa alwasa a qaaal Tlotorr- Tbla groat oatcb La

•UU lo prlot. In Mr. btaonjon^a Ckna Ptayrra' Ctm-

Now, Ifanrbrothor of Iba ebaaa qniU think* ofaafoibar axampl* of Ibla eonipiooooalr noublo and pialao-woribr aplnt, wo kboold bo ttad to bar* him menilonand add it to the forogoiDg UatTbla r«oaB« la doi tha rotnlt ofaoaMbodf olao'aaar

BO, bnt eonpllod from oar own roeollaoilona aod Un-praaalona; and w« inland It to abow wtib wbat nattoraplrluof tbo olght tlmiaelgbt aqoand Held w* d*ligbtto otaiB and honor Bbbb aDOU Albib, Wodo not ofeoon*. knowwhoihor b*wUl demand bla rvooncAc; Mlw* do know that b* baa tuaad blaatlf t«it moob lo lb***ilmAUonol blatrlandaaadaUimaloraiiol ihe gameofebaM.

Tbb abboal auTiBO or the tfanbattaa Chaaa Olabwaa bald Jbo. a, at tb* dnb'a nmna Ui tbla clt) , th*main bnaUwas of the naetlag being the eleouon of ol-

fie*n Tb*a«ot«lar7**r«port abowod ibat tbo elob badtwo bnndred and taUtoaa regolar •olutad Bambora,and Biaa bonormir manbera, wblle the treoaorer'a r«-port ihowad that ihar* waa gfU aO m tbe olnb'a trnao-

nrr. A Tot* 01 tbaaka waa awarded to the offlotn of laatrear, aod the foUowlng wero aleoud for tbe •naoini5*ar: Waalar Blgtlow, preaidant; S W DahL vio* proaT•at;,U.H bath«war,r*ooidlngi*er*tai7;Dr.0.8unoD-

aon, eorraapondlog aoontair ; (1. Boll, tioatuer: board<rf dli*oiDr*-A- Poatar Uigglna, M. rnaokeUO. B. Blebaide, CoL W. P. Korwe. & Baa and A. TeUar.

Tea iBTBtooiaLaaun Oor—The collage ovant eamelo a eloae with Barrard winner, tbe Okal aeore beingHarvard, Prlnoetoo aod Yale, 6 each: Colombia, 3 oram* HW, Vp s iBitmiwti mi « ««us> tiviisiaavia, 4 vitbe plaieraTao Eieeek and Ballon (bolh o( Uarraid),mad* tbe beat IndlTidoal aoorea with 4M gamta eat"Tbe fbmerdtd not loao a game, bnt won Sand drew S.

J. W. Bbowaltib la likelr to flgora In two importaattuichea In tbe near fotnto A. B. Hodgeahaaannooooodthat be wlU pla> Mr. BhowaMer a mora maieb, and MrSieinitB baa eipnaaed bla deoliw to oioel Mr B. la a

Tab bioibt t«am matoh, ten pUjerB a aide, betweenaiaagow and Bdlaborgb, beoUaad. and plared la thelatter oitr. reanlted la Qlaagow winning bra aeon oftlo 1

TBB UTOH batweeo 0. B. D. Ooaalo and W. H, E. Pol-look, at Hontraal, now aiaada: Pollook, 4; Qoaaip, 1

drawn, I.

CHECKERS.To CoiTMpoadenta.

Da Bouim.—Think It wlU be a go alter alLB, p. OarauiDBa -Toarfkvorat haad- Oladtoknow

Ibat Hr. Bimpaoo la with na& a. TaoiUBS—Tha Brooklyn end of th* match wlU

moat llkolr b* vtrj Intaroatlov. HoEnto* alU bare loplar the beat ha erar did to bold ibe Doelor ertn.

J. P. EBBD.-Sorrr to hear that the aegoUallona boTOcoma to oaoiht wlib BarkerJ. r. WiBBiKOTOR—Dow aboot th* qn*rT rtlatlre to

loagao pU) f

TT PiBB.—BoT* WTltt«a poo.

Bawa ot tha Gamo*Aftor ail th* brlabt proopaeta of aa loponant cbiaker

match b>rthe world'* cbanplon^ip, weareoompeUed loitatathatibeBarkar'Baednatoblaoff. Wbr.waeannQtBtate. The report u tbat Barker la maklog pleoiyofmooep In Boaton eondnailog an anlomaton, aod that blapaitol tbeaiahe(trhowon tbe mabob)woold no eqnal>>lB«antogaat bia preaent botloea*. J P Bead, in theNoranber CKedur Journal, luUr and plalnlr ainogihtaaBarker'* right to the UUe ol ohamplrD ol Ih* world brbla iretbfbl aroonnt of how h* won tb* Utl* iiom WrUI*.Bead makaa an honeatt plain, bnalne** llkeatatameot,and baa th* loglo to baok It Wm. Campbtll, tba tmlD*Dt Sooicb oip*rt, laeoBpilInf aD«wobwAartr**4U*Aa th* prlo* WlU b* low. and Mr. CampboU la woU ablefor tha work, wo mar look for aomething goodHeaoa Oardoer aod Jewlit will aoon conteat for tbeTorkehlr* cbamplonBhlp. Tbe Impranlon intblaeoua-trr U tbat Jewlu la ib* atroogar plajor Th* noatnotable boildar ebeoter oolnmn — or more properlrpeaking eolonna—that baa oome to as tbla Beaana la

Ibat oondoolod br Bro Btoarna, In TMa Dern ire»$ ItooDlalna aoTon portraltp, alaren poalUona, dvo guna^aod a fine atory a oolomn and a ball in length, bv"Spod*' Ve congT*talau Bro-Staana onblaaplaadidtreat for obeokor pUjar* Mr. Barkar fnUv Uktaoan ol lb* Affl*rleaD aod of ohookora by lb* foUowlng,which app«an la The Wat Mktan Oovirr. Lot all

aaplianu for tb* ohamplooabtproad ib* lollowlng: "Sir—It waa not mi Intontloaol •Tororaaalog tb* AtlaniloOoaaa again to oogag* In anolh*rGh*ok*reonl«K,batMr P«rrfa*a r*plr to mr thaUaog* haa mad* mo f6r*gi <

lhatdaUnnlnaUoo,andI now luaeaebaUange, wbiob :

ainoenir bopo will bo aoo^ptad. Mr raooar la reedr topot np at ear tlme,andjoataaaoonaalam amied thaithe piarar who acoepu mr challenge reaUr neaaa bnilnaea, I wlU forward mj forfeli and artioiea of agreemaoito bind the matob. ICAofleaiK] B Boogbton Btreat,Caabridgeport, Maaa , U B a , Htb Novamber, 1S4 Ibenbr oballeoge aarplaier lo Great Biitaln-WfUi*,Martlw, Jordao, Btawait, rorri*, or Blobmond pnremd—to plaj me a malob at raalrloted play far tbe world'aohamplonabtp title on the foUowlok eondlUona: Saltmaloh to oonaUt of all ibe poaalble seTen moraa onellhar aide (aame aa laat Bead TB Barker match. 191), orih* regnlar twanty-two op«otnn (earn* aa Bo*d tbBarker matoh, lai^ Biakoa to be USD dola (one thon*aad do)lar*) a aide, aod I will give or tale BU dole, (twobaodr*ddnliarr)for*Kpenaea. TbIaobaUenge to nnainopoojaattwomontha Irono dat*; If not aceepled wl

"that lime abaUoome to the ooaolovlon that no obialrea to play. 1 am, ato, Cbaiub raAROia Babeib.P. B—Woald like matoh to takepiaoa nlnetr daya tronthetlme ol elgning artioiea '* Tola laavaa no room fOrqulbbllni If Iberalaaohaokarplaveroothe otbersldewbo hu uo aaod to aeeapL oow la bla opportonlty. TbiaiDolodaa th* talent of OraatBritala, and olearlp daOneaBark«r*a aidtode Dr Bobaeler and Jamea HeBataaara going to play an ooieatrteiad malob or Iblrty gamaa,wina and drawa u> ooont Tan gamw lobe plaied InMew Tork, too In Brooklro. aod un In Newark Tbawinner to reoalf• two thirda of tbe porae aad Ibe loterone iblid.

BoUUom or PoBlUoB No. 44, Vol* 4S«

whiua s u » 14 u_ While to playaaddnw.a a 17 U 6 S4 It T 16

K) 14 a kva) 10 u o tr si 17tt IT a S4 • I t 7 16 ll14 U 6 10 16 a tf 31 Drawa.

n a n a a^'a e 10 » aa 16 17 14 14 6 6 1 1 •


nbraia ftom ^aotiaga plaokp1 frera oa tbedofutan .

**Ohl«uba«kbaaa la la»VlAfmNl|iaM tn 61


PaalUom He* 4», Vol. 4B*


am 11 I T io r II usIt 11(e) at 14 s 7 a u a ^> ua uu II 18 10 u


14 II a IS IT 10 I 18 It7U au i;a us iriaIt 7 7t 7U Ull Ulo10 14 II IT aa It m u di»d.

WINTER SPORT.oomira bvsiitb.

Jaa. lt-34-lBtBiBaUonal raeoa aad Bgan akatlag.B*rUn.PnBala.Jul iB-NalloBal Bkatlag AaaoolaUea aaaoal ehan-

plen^lPDeetlng, Oiuge Lake, N. T.Jaa a. 17-BkatlDg naaa, champloaahlp of Boiopa,

Bnda-Pe*th, Bnngary.Jan. a—(ihADploaahlp Ognn akaUng oompellUoaa,


JaB.SWanloraad giaan SgonakatingeompeUUoo*,Hootieal, Oan. _Peb. l-TaBadlan Amatenr Skating Aaaoetatioa ananal

ohamplonabip oompetltlona, Hontnal Caa.

White » It E8Blaok to play aad onw.

ThIa la aa todlng (rem th* BrlatoL

11 U 11 Itn It n uM It uat n i nla 1 uB II u1 II 1 pM


« 1 7U u IT MIT II UIt W a

a*ai* lie. «», Val. Bit.







la u"J


Thejr Beet erlth Deleat at the Handa orthe Oanadlaa Flaxen.

Tbe AmerlotD team ol coUeie booke; ptaf-

en atuti tt Moolreal, Ou., on Deo. tl, and rode

tiom tbe railroad atitlan to St. bwiaooe Hall lo a

gesnloe bUmard, wbloh tber oppeared to es|OT,

dcaplte Ibe lotenae oold. Oirlig to tbe tlonn tbe

mitcb wbtob bad beta arraoged to take plica be-

tween tbe Titliora ind Ibe Bbamiocki tbat epenlbg

hid 10 be potlposed. On tbe following ereslog

ibej commeaced tbelr toor oC the Dominion bj en-

gaging lo a matob with the etiong VIolotta team

at tbe Victoria Blnk, and thej were ontclaaaed

both at Ibelr own game and at tbe Oanadlan tijle

of plaj. Tbe Vlotorlaa gare ibem many openlngi,

bat Ibe tlilton wtie Incapable ot taking adpanlage

of Ibem. Tbe pock oonid not be controlled bjIbem, tnd Ibe putlog ao nnoh indnlged In b/lbeoppoelng pltfera waa naknown to ibem. TheAmericana, too, are poor skaien, eioeptlog Olirk-

aon ud Chiae, ana In nitaca tbej were qnlokljorertaken and telleTed at Ike pnok, wbloh ibe;aeldom alleoptad to pea. Aa areenit the VIoa.

bad Ibem it ihelr merOT, boi give Ibem a cbiaoeto aeooie a goal, which iher did. Tbe alTle ot

game waa biU time American aid halt Caaadlao,ue start being made wllh the former. Tbe attend-

ance at Ihe rink wu large, tbe ladtea taming oat In

force, aad Ibe pUj met wllh lend applaote. Intbe American twle. In wblcb a mbber ball

wai oaad, the vlci. qoloklj caoibi on. It

U piMllcallT Ihe game of polo plajed In IheMew Englana Blatea, and the vici. need Ihe Ameri-can nlcka on the tcoialon. Therlilion had unieor no advantage, and when time waa called theBoore stood one each. Tbe Canadian game waa loo

one tided to caoie anr commeoi, bnt tbe Ameri-cana will greatlj Improre In ihelr pUr aa Iher goalong. The TIca. acored at wlU, and tooled con-aldeiablr with the pock- When the matoh waacrer Ihe Americana war* entenalned at lancb bjthedlieolon of the Vloiorla Btallog Olob. Theitiannia aid ihej admired tha (Tanadlan same,which wii mora dioonll than Ihetn, and tbit li

wonld be advlaable for Ibem lo adopt Ihe atjle ot

pliT. The teama and acorea follow:

American game—Ametlcaoa-HaUeaon, goal;

jonu, gnardpoint: Obaie, canlre; Olarkion, Hel-klejobn, run. Vlotorlaa—U. UcDongall, goal:

Qrant, goardpolnt; Elliot, crntre; DaTtdioo, R.ifcDoogall, raah. Bnmmarr—Ftrat goal, Tlctorlaa,

Dapldaon, Mm.; aeoond goal, Americana, 4m.OaiadlanOame.—Vlotorlaa—U. McDoagall, goal;

Orant, point; ISlllot, corerpolni; Wallace, Dtlnk-water, OaTldioo, R. HcDcugall, torwarda. Amerl-cant—Lamed, goal; Jonto, point; Obiia. oorer-polnt; Melklejonn, Olatkaon, Matteaon, Kocis, tor-

wardi- Sammarr-The VIca. took the Irat goal In

9Km.,tbe wcond In tKm., the third la23jm.,tbeDflb in am., and Ihe aUlo In 4m. The Tlalion tookthe fourth m>Km. Reterte.T. L.I>aton.From Montteal the American team went to To-

ronto, where, on the following day, tbep enconn-tercd tbe Toronto plajert, whom tber deleated im-der American nlea, acorlng ilz garaea to tonr.

On HondaT, 31, tbete two teama met again, pIiT-Ing onder Canadian intca, and the vltlloia werebull beaten, allboagh ibaj aorprlatd tbe Oaoa-dlan atbletea wllh their atlU and the taoiuijwllh wblcb the/ biTe adapted themaeWea lo Iherrqnlrementa or a game Uiit U eeeenilallj Cana-dian. ThelauiaweraiToronioa—McHcnlcb, goal; Uendenon, point;

Carrntbeia, cover point; Rankin, centre forward;OUmonr, Anderaon and U. 0. Smith, forwardi.Amenouia—Cbice, goal; Foote, point; MaiteeoD,

cover point; Jonea, cenlie forwaid; Lamed, Hel-klelobn aad Olarktnn, forwaida.In Ihe drat half, wblcb laalad tor half to boor,

iheTOiontoi aoored three polota andthevlsltoranothing. In the aecond hall tbe Torcntoa acortdthree polnit and the Amerlcaat notblbg, the To-rontoe winning bj tU pclnta to nothing. Tbere la

talk ot a Canadian team plajing a tetpra malob la

the United Siatea next month.fromTonato tba Amaiicaa taaa^Dresiad to Ilog*-

J«tb.lfboor vsanp lb« TtsttonmsdslAiaa aoala to saeoaS'

„B, vbara llisywm oalplsyad bj ua Lltaaataaa taaaOD Haw rear's Dljgbl. Tbiaa aosls waia sbot uodsr tb«Amatloan nlaa Miora tba tuIiois lot oaa. Bafora tba

* UM

iloB, Wblcb aTaaed tba scora. Ttas aaxt tblitf nlaalMwas dero ad to lb* Canadlao atria, and in Uils ibaAmanoana wtra eompletalT wonted. Tba HoeliaalaodToroato Dstebaa bad pot uam on lo tba oBblda dlBlool-tp. bat tba lapldltp Wllh whteb lba*'au>oM" apt la ibairoonblaattoB work was loo moob for ibam. Tba Ilogi-toQ tsam sa>t«d all poala la aaoaaatoii, wblla Iba Ajoar-tosBswara Cbtcaioad. Th* moat ooUeaabla laatoi* olbolb oonlsita waa tbe skatloi of Iba man. Tba Cana-dians waralwteauawlft as tbalroMmosDls and dod|tdwltb lalltDit soounsr- In iba Amanean lama Olarkson,wbo wsa Isallni onwalL waa plaosd at loaL a poaltionwltbwblob ha waa totaDrnnaooa tomad^ Hawassoooput on lbs rasb lloa and Wauason Iranstonad lo tbatakaa. Tba obaoia bad tba deslrad alTaot. Olsrkaoaand Cbsca ptsyod wsll togilbar. Wblla Chaos waa thauottrallablaskatarln iba taaro. Jonoa and Melhl^ohnwan admtnhia asslstanu Cha£a did soma |M)4 skatIn, la tba Canadian lama. hot hla tnlsriortly wu appar-ent wbao hacamalnoonuet wltb Uartf. lha stareantiatn Iba EtnnUiB taam. Than wsa Tary litUa elsshlagaioapt In lb* Amsrioan nnj*. whan *-ahlnnr" wu la-

dulfsd In qalla fnalr. Gaoraa Wrtiht rafsnsd thaAaiarlcan laaaand A. Cnnnlnihsm IbaCaaadlan. Tb*Una BP was;AjSBBiou BOLia.—Amarieaaa—OlarhaoD. aoal; Joota.

hsU; Cbaea, oantn; Watlaion and Malktslobn, nsban.Ltmaatonas-lfoBaa. goal; Irwin, hall; Haitr, oanti*;MoEsy and Leva, nshan.. Oapasup BoLia-Llmaiionsa-lralhanian, aoal; Mo-Baa, point: living eorar point; Utrtp, MoJIay. CBonlSK*ham aad Mw, rorwarda. Amaricaaa-Larnad, BOal;Jonas, potnt;Cha«*,coTarpolnl; Olaikson, yoota,lutt«-aoo ana Halkltloha. foiwaida.Bammaiy—rttstbalt—PIrat jtama soond byHaity to

Ifta. . Bsoond tans by Low* In Tm., tbtnl fans by Olnik-aen In Im., flub aana byrtaikS0BlnSm..llilb gaoM byHan/ tn Im. 8««oad balt-Plnt lana soond by Ono-Bloibaffl In Tn.. aaoood lama op MoEay 8m., Iblidgaaa by Oanntephaffl in., fonnh lama by Lowa 4m.,flnb itma bp Onanlniban Ulni.,slstb lanabyUarlyIB.Oo Raw Ta4r*a Day Iba Amartoaa laam visitsd tlnas-

lon, Obl, aod tbat staalni anoouaund Iba tsam of uaLtoiaalooa Clob, by wbon lhay wan oatplaytd. sixgoals tn nolbloff. Tba aoon loUowa: Amarloaa lama—Amarloani; Olsrbion, loal; Jonas^ bait; Obao*. cantn;MauaaoD. MslhtUobn, msta. LioMtonas: HcBaa, loal;Irwin, half; Hatty, oanlf*; MoEay, Low, raab. Csn-adtaa lama-LtmaatonM; Walkam, poal: MoBaa.potot:Irwla,0DT*r: Hartr, Molar. B. CaBBlniaam. Low, for*waidi Aaxiloaat; Laroid, loal; Jonoa, polat; ObasaeoTar: ClathloB, Poota, Msuasoo, M*tk*l obn, rorvsids.Tbs Tlslton w*n banqo*l«d at tba Bnllsb AnsilcsnBotat altar tha malob by tha Ltmoitonaa.On Iba loUowini day tba Amsricaiis paid tbsir r«*ps«U

la Iba Otuwa (Onl.) Clnh, and U* malob pUy*d thataTanlOK, aoC*r Amanean ral«a, larainalad la Crarorlb* Tlslton, wbo won qolls «a*lly. lha BoofailaodlOfS10 8 at lb* oloM, this balsa lbs most doetstravloleiyohialntd br tb* "Tanks" linos lhay larsdad Iba tanl-toiyellbacsnaohs. Mattsaoawu maeb applandtd forIb* •x«*ll*n«« ot hla poal kaaptni.

The Initial Skating BacaaOt lha teiaon took place al Orange lake, a fewmUea tiom Hewborg, N. Y., on Ohrlitmaa Dijr, andtheT were wlaeaaed by doee on lo one Ihonaand

peiioga,lhecaranowrannlng to the lake makingIt mnoh mora aooeaalble. Tbe main event wat atwo hsndiad and twenty yard datb between JuntaIloooghne,o( Newbnrg, and Howard Kcabler.otStorm Elif. Dcnogbnewon the lint heat In 22a.,

Mcahler tllllag when he waa aboni ttvi yatda fromIbe tnUh line. Donogbne won the eecond healqnlte eaally, and tbe race In lla. The aeooid laoewia a lao bandied and iwanly yarda diah betweenbeyt onder BUteenyeaiaol age. There weie eightalaiten. The Int heal waa won by Hartr Bhaw,and Ita leoood and third and the noe by BarryBlaalOB, ot thla city. Sianlon't beat lime, Ht., wiiBid* In Ihe bat beat.

Taa Oaitkage Ice Tachi Clnb, ot Caithiga land-ing, H. T, held their unnal election mt week,with the toUewlag ictalt: Oammodora, BlapheaOka; Pica eommodow, wumm Bndbarri aeon-taiy, botat Daawoodj; luatmwr, noBMlbad.

Januaey 12. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 721

BABEBALIL.oiAJioiro nmuD oouip.

LslMt SsrlBS* mmi Dslagi of <k* Baa*-bmll Fnt«mtr<

JuiM Bju, Uia bud taiulog tat olwer oat-

teUtrotUia OUcafo Olnb, la |ltlo(bli Tiem ooUK atsMi In whiob Ibg piuber of lodif U htadi'

ctpptd, Bid: "I Ibtiik ihM Um lujar leftgoa bug-uMs nude * gnat mltttke *h«n Uej IncresMdibe pltcblng dlituoe. Not onlj dJd Uuj muepItoblBg • bud Uik, KdDdag it lo • law «t

uasgtb ntber tbu ikUl, bot tbajmtda bMlIngdiup, and tberebT mado nna oheap. It belpadue batting. Bat tva a mlioka to Iblnk tbat tbapobllowaDttouaio mnob batting and nnnlng,la jiutto maoh aa tbajantnadafoalarUiaTanleaa appreobted bj iba pobUo. Dader tbanair nileaany man can walk bp to tba plats and bit iba ball.

A good aja no longar const* [or anjlblng.For Iba oama reaaon biaa tanning baa decnaaedntber Iban Inortaiad. Now, ll tod aia onmt baaa, iba ordar la to wilt nntll aonw-bobT lata joo aioabd. It matea do dlim-enca wbo la at tba bat-ba la atpeotcd to bit tbatall. It wu not tbat way nndor tba old mie*.Tben* bltwlib lomebodjoa a baaa meant aoma-iblog, and It atlirad op tba crowd. Now baaa bitanerbafobltwIUbamadaaidnobodrcani. Wbaiwere tba acom laat jeut Wb;, ii to to, or 30 lo

14, and Ilka tbtL People wantboma from ua game,and U two or tbrea erron bad been made on eachilda,u tbere nalorallr will be wllb tree bliitai,eTet7bodT said: 'Ob, the game waa touan.' If tbeicore baabeenltoo, wltbiba aama nombar o( er-ron, erarT man wbo aaw tba game woald bare

KM bome contlnced tbat be bad aean a great con-L TbalacreaseddlalancaglTeailielianeranlm-

menae adnntaga, and aor one oagbt to be able tobit the ball. OorTeaareotnoadTaoUgewbaUTer,and tbe oM niatd ball tbat aoma pltolais tucd toanccetefDil; baa been knocked ont allogelber. Inlact, tbe beantj o( pltoblng baa been rnlned alto-getber, and becanie batUng bai bean made obeaptbe game baa been Injuad."

F. A. Aball, tbe beavleat bolder of itock In tbeBrooklTD Olab, In lalklog abont bla cinb'a albira,aald: 'Oar olab la In a Teir bad war and aomatbiog maat be dona Immealauiy. The Flaran'Laagna people, wbo bold fony-alne per cent, ot ibeatook, are pracilcallr ao mocb dead wood. Wbentbej conaolldaud wlib as Ibey agreed to pay ua (orleaTlng Waablnaton Puk and going to Eaat NewYork 180,000 In uree montblj pajnenis and tlo,oooot tbe pionia. Uptodaiatbej bavepaldbattttoio,aliboagb ttaer abonld bare aeiUed tbe matlar tbmaleanago, MTlawrenbaTerepealedljaikedtbemto par op, bnt tbaj bave never reapondad wllb acent. Conaeonentlr no alock baa been laanad toIbem. Erer einca the coDaoUdiilon II baa deToKadonos ma to adrance all tbe moner lo nia tbe dab.wben wa aoll a loier a fear ago I bad to atand It,

tba minorlir alockbolden refaalog to pat np adoUu. Iaa( aeaaon tbe dob made a Utile moiar,and It we abonld quit a big winner tbis jear, I aop-poae tber would clamor for a dirtdend. Tbenagala tbey are greatlj benellted bj oor being atEaalem Puk, lor thor own tbe land tbere, (orwblob we par a big rania), and ibej are alu In-lerettcd In iba Klbga Ooanir elentaa nad, wblobcante* Uioannda o( penoaa lo oar gamta. Bat I

get no benefltatallontoduoban unngemeat, aaone can aaaU? aea. Now, I bave decided to poniaIba aime polfoj tbat tbej bava laid down, i don'triopoae to adfanea a dollar wbea It la needed, asam now merelr a alookbolder, and cannot be

aaaetaed. I don't know wbat It ul will resalt la,bat ibere migbt be aaoh a iblog aa placing tba dobIn Ibe baada o( a recelrer and aelllag It to tbeblgbeat bidder."

Tba Now Tork Olob can do llaaKno barm bja irlal to Danny Klcbaidaon darlag ibe early Sprloiprellmloary sahKa. TbenKbedoeanotcomaapioIbe itandardlt will not be loo lale lo tij aome onealaa. All Ibla talk, bowertr, abont galUagUcPbee,ObUla or aome olbar one of tbe noted eeoond baaa'menlaawaaleodlme. NotoneodboaeclubawUIIbink ot patting wltb In >tar plaier. And wbjaboold It? Wby ibonid any one olab be weakenedto attenglben anotber? To make a dnanolal euc-ceis ot biaeball all tbe leanu aboold be ot an eaoalatreogib, or aa niuly so aa tbe/ can be made. TnenIbe race tor Ibe pennant wonid be cloaer and moreInleitailaa, wbue Ibe Bnalrtsnlt would be In doabtalmoat nnlll Ue laca waa llnlabed. Bealdea Rlob-udaon'a nieaae wonId coet Ibe club notbing, wbllatbat ot MoPbee, Obllda, elo., would come blgb,Tben, too, wbat otaaranca would Ibe dab bare tnaiany ot tboee men will do aa good work bare nextaaason u be baa done In Ibe paat (or tbe dab bewaa connecttd wlibt Not but Ibattbey will do lastaa good work nuKaeaaon for tbelr olaba, bat acbanga of surrooEdlnga may bava a bad rnect onibelr work It iranafatTcd. HcPbaa and Cbllds atewondertnl olayera, bnt neltber tbe OInclnoall orOleveland oino can afford lo be weakeoed toairengtben New York. For wbat wonId be NewYork'g gain would prove aaenre loaa lo ellber oftbeotberonea.

Preildent noblaon, of tbe Olareland Club, wbola a member ot tba Oommltiee on Rules, la onoledSB being decidedly In fayor of iba old plicblig dlS'lance, and be will make every effort lo bave tbacoDmlilee recommend tbat tbe pllober's old boxbe reaiored, aa wall a* tbe old plEolilug ditlaoca,"ladmltibata raalormllon of tbe old roles will belptbe Cleveland Olab," aald be, "bol at iba aama timemy motive In wanllag a obanga la not a cellUli one.It will belp every team In tbe nulor league, and Itwill belp Iba nme llaelf." Ur. Roblaon will alsopropose aevaial otber obangea Id iba preaeni rules.A meeting of tbe Commluee oo Rulea will be baldprobably Iba lailar part ot tbia montb at Clave

Prealdent Kerr, of tbe PlUaborg Club, In rtcanttyapaaklDg about tbe auin of bu olob In genenl,and the Kam In parllonlar, aid: "Too FlUsbargpabllo are gaootoos to oor dab, and we mean lobyandglvalbemaagooda laamaaoan be foundIn tbe laud, TbIa la not mere lalk, because I meanwbat 1 lay. We will do everyiblng tbat can bedone to bave a winning team, and moat certainly,It naceaiary, wsan wUllog to apend all tbe moneywe bave In tbe olob to attain ibe dealred obJaoL"

, t vole of Ibe patrons c.



ĴlL- ^ '?.*!'°'^'?' ^Immy Baonon"II it aboold be put to a vole of Ibe patrons ofisabsll In tbie cliy aa to wbetber Jimmy Baonon

atoud nmalu wllb tbe Boatoos andbar year, tbeverdict would ondoubiedly be overwbelmlogly Intbe amrmailve," aaya Ttie Boston HeraU. ''Bladaablni atyla ot play, bis eanesloesa at tbe bat. Intbe tela and on tbe bases calob tbe spplasie of tbepeople, and bla wbola demeaaor Indlcaiea tbat be las rising ball player of tbe dnl gem. Tbe Improvement lo tus playing but season was wondeitul."Tbe dsy la Oat approacbing wben ibe divlilon ot

Ibe cooniry tor baseball purpoeea Inio two lugeseollona muai be made, ttiaoka to tba acUona otoartala weatarn mamban ot tbe National League.Tbe dlipoaliloa of a nnmber ot clubs to itll tbelrbeat playen to eaatem dube, Inalaad o( patUogont money lo tirengtben their own teams, gives anImpetoa to ibe movementTbe Wasblngton Club baa two good yoasg pllob.

era In Mercer and Slootadale. Sbonid ManagerBcbmals be able to turn out during Ibe pnllmlnatypnottco gamaa two more good ones from bis llat otellglbiea, Iba Wublsgtona abonld tben make apretty good abowlng tn tba next cbamplonablpstraggle.

Manager Bancrotiaad bla team ot ptotealonala,known aa tba Olndnoau "Oeda," urived bomaJan. I from New Orleans, la., loog on expanenceand abort In caab. Tbay ue all nnder tbe Imprea-Blon Ibat baaeball in tbe Orescent Cliy at tbe pres-ent Uaie la down at lero, and ibat li will lake someUme baton Itieacbea fever beaLTbe Uarvard Uolveralty team baa ssked (or dates

for exblblilon games witn Iba New YorU at tbePolo Orounda, In tbia oily, and bave named AprilIS and ao. Tba Yale Unlvemiy t^m Is booked forApril e and 17. and Ilia qnila likely tbat ManagerDavia will amnga to play tbe Dolveislty of Pean-aylvanla and Prtnoalon Odiage teama euly InAprIL

On Jan. 4, owing lo a ladden attack ot aenta ma-nia. It waa found necesaary to remove Mn. DavidL. Kvoiz, Ibe wife o( tbe manager of Ua BrooklinMain, from bar boma In BrooUin, to AmitTvUle,L. LjWben ibe conid derive Ue oeneot ot pnvaieueatmentand qaletaorronndlngs.

ItwonldbaagoodmoveonlhepartoflbeBraok-yn aob to aign Frank Uonnaugnton, wbo playedUat year wllb Ua lioeion team. It la ssid ihat tbelaaarclabUKndsnlfislnrbim. UelsasoodaU'ronod player, and woold belp to stresgtlen tbeBrooklyn team next aeaaon.

Tbe Waablogton Olub baa Ive man on Its list loselect a seoonu baseman froo. Tbey an Onoks,NIebolsoD, Bbelbeck, uonsemao and Collins. Man-ager Scbmels ays bewUiglveallotihama trial inIba early Spring games, and afterwards make bisaelecUoiL

..A ^ne was played on loe Dm. S, at BUI-t>laa. Mo., wblob rasslM Isasoon of I la I.

Kuk L. Polbemnt, tbe bard billing and clever

onlHetder of tbe Lewlslon Olab, of Ue New Eng-land Laagna, wu bom Dot. 4, IM, In Bnoklyn, N.

T., Ue bome ot many noted ball players. Polbe-

mos leaned to play ball at Pnapect Puk pandagrounds,Intbsoltyo( blsnsUvity. iDllMbewaaconnsolad wlU Ue aaml-proteaalonal team of Ny-ack, N. Y. Bis professional career, however, be-

gan In inT, wben be accepted ao engagementwlU tbe HaverblU Olub, otUeNaw Eogland Laagna,wltb whoaataambe began tbat aeaaon, botoolaneaItWlU Ibe Indianapolis Clob, ofUe National League.It waa on aooount ot bla bauing ability ibat Ue In-dianapolis Olub pnrcbaaed bla nieaaa, be at thatlima laidlog tbe New Eogland League balsmenWlU a percentage ot .416. In 1U8 PolbeDua waaengaged by ibe management ot Ue Lowell Clob, oftbe New England League,and took part in aeventy-Ave obamplonsblp conleaia and again ranked highlutbeolBclalbtlilogaTeraiieB o( tbat league. lulUO be drlRad BouU and joined tbe New OrleansOlub, ofUeSoaUera lMgue,and wben Uat leaguedisbanded be Onlsbed tbo aeaaon wlU Ue Hamll-Ion Olab, ot Ibe Inlenatlonal League. Be beganUe aeaaon ot isgo wllb the Oalvealon Ulnb, ot ibeTaxaa Leagne, bnt dnlsbed it wllb Ue Spokaneteam, o( Ua FaclOo NorUweat League, taking partInalxly-nlne obamplonsUp games wllb the iailer.

and nuked seoond In Ibe omclal bailing avengesof tbat organlcatton. lila excellent work tbat yeuladtoara^ngagementwIU tbe Spokane Ulabtor

Ue aeaaon of INI, he tsklog put tbat yeu in

nlnely-ona obamploaablp oooletia and ranked OntIn tbe offlclal battlog avertgea ot that leagne. lie

began Ue aeaaon o( i8«2 wiu Ue Spotane Olob, but

dnlsbed it irlU ibeSeaiUe team, o( Ua aama league.

He want BoaU aialu In lt>3, and Joined Ua NewOrleana Olnb, o( Ue BooUem League, ami re-

mained WlU ft until Ihat organlsallon disbandedlate In that Sammer, when he algnod wllb IbeWilkeabamUlub,ofUa PeoniylnnlaSUla League,where ha Baubad ont Ua aeaaon. The opaoiog ofUe aeaaon ot IBM found bim wlU Iba oosritiuijOlub, ot Ua Boutbem Asaoolatlon. Ue nmalnlngwith Ihat olnb oalll tbe aaaoclaiion dlabandetT,wben be llalsbad Ue eeasoo wlih tbe UwlilonOlub, of Ue New Bngland iMsoe. Polbemoa haabean ctedlied wiib many daeliatilng performanoes.Tbs moat nolawonby of Ibeae bappeoed in a gamebetween Ue Spokane and Portland taama duringUe obamplousnlp aeaaoo of isai, wben be made asate hit, Indndlng a double bagger, Iwo triples aoda home ruo, each of the live Tlmea be went lo Uabat. lie li a bard and reliable batsman, a iUongandaccunte Uiower aod a Doe llelder and basemnner. Balltog la bla atrong point.

The Nailooa) League may relnm toUe old pllob-Ing dlitance. This mbjaci la being acuvely agl-laied In Ua But, It being aald lhatlbe Boaton andBrooklyn Oinba, at leaai, have already proclaimedIn favor of Ua movement. Nearly every baaeballman ot experience wbo haa eipreoad an opinionon Ue anbject baa been ravonble to the obanga,alUougta Uen an a few oppoatd to IL It la ac-knowledged on all aldea that Ue epidemlo of rula-obanglog wblch atucked Ue baaeball magnataaafew yean ago waa bwmfal, and ue game waa bet-tar In l>a8 than lllstc-day.aller nameroaa amne-oaa eirorta to reform it," says The cnioagoBtont, and contlnaes as follows: "Ooe of tbemeet important okanges made, of ccone, wasIncreasing Ue pitching distance. This cbanfehas been in enact two yean. It bu aocom-pUahad Ua principal objant for which It wutbtandad—lo wit, bia looreaaed ue bauing. BatthelnportantqneailODremalna: Du tba Increaaedbaiuog Improved Ibe gamer TbIs la s qnesilonwhich pairooa of Ue game can decide; bat Uara la

a atrong Impreaalon lo Ua conirary. Lut yesrmon mns were made than In any oUeryeuinlbeLeague's history; more wen made proportionatelyby each dub than ever baton, even during iboeeyean when twelve more gamea were played all

annnd. Tbe Beldlng, undoubtedly, wu up to ibeold standard, and so the Inonssed nambernf runswu dlRcUy attrlbsled to Ue pitching. Tbe bat-ting avetagca at the leagae playen ahowed higbarllgurea than ever before, except poaalbly dorlogIbe aeaeon when bues on balla wen recorded ubaaa blia. But, wllb all tbe looreaaed battingand bigger acoiea, bu Ua game been made anynnlUer or mon Inleitatlog for tbe apactatontMay It not have been oheapenedt Theae an quea-llona that an belngagltaled, and wblch tbe paltunamay uka a hand in Mtillog. Thoaa favoring aChangs back to Ua ntty foot diataoce UInk thatlbagame wu battarimderUe old ruje. They long forIbe daya of 9 to 1 and I lo 0 acorea; It is a mlaaka,Uey ny, to UInk Ihat Ua public wants to see con-Unnsl batting and no eireclive pitching. In Iba oldtimes blta wen learca anongo to be worU some-thing, and wen, Usnton,appreolated whsn theycame. A home ran or three bagger wu lueenoogb to aronu the crowd to Ibe greateat enibuslaam, wben now Bucb blu cause lluie commentIn those days Uen were pitchlog stan, wltb mys-lerloos, wonderful ourvea which grand tland apec-taton never tired of watching. Today Ue pitchermust be a man of inn arm, able to Unw long aodtrue—noUlug olae la or any valoa, tor it la concededtbat curve pllcbing iaof llitle value at Ue lucnaaaddlatance. There ue no longer any pltcblng Maniucku Kecte, OlukaoD, llomnloo, Radbourn, Par-inaon. Bond and others. Ot coarse, Ua leaguebuinsla and a few oUais, bol howdoea Ituala corn-pan in cunning wlU tba old time league pitcher,wbosudled his batsman, bad wonderfol oommandot mysterlou ourved tbnws and wu able to useUsm t Rosle Is a big, swift and fairly acooniepitchw. Tbe new rale bu aocompllabed its por-poM ot ohatlty for Ibe batter, bol It bu taken haltotUeaUnciiveneu(romlha*rtor pitching. BrainU the box doee not cooni for half what It did underiheoldnglme.


PrMldent Hart, of Ua Chicago Ulub, Is ronalder-Ing a scheme Ihat hu been soggested to bim Innfennce to bavlog playen wear nunbeia donoganmainordertbatapedatoncan Idenltry Ibem.It bu only n willy bean auggasied lo Ue ohiosgoOlnb'a pteatdeoi, bnt aeama ao feutble Uat loawonder la ibat it hu not occomd to aoma eoier-prltlng baseball mu baton. Everyone who huattanded a ball gome koowa bow pnzslad one occa-elooally gela In endeavoring to ncognlu aomaflayer, or Uylng to locate a man wbo is on Ueearn, but whose position hu been changed fromtbat sigollled on Ibe aeon cwd. Tbe plan sug-aitsd to PRsldeot nsrt is very simple. II bor every man on Ue team to nave a wrantannmber, which he will keep Utoaghoni Ueaetson. Ua ahall wear Ibe number consplcuonaly,u Is done by partlclpania In an athlaile conteat.Naunlly Ue ragnlu man on tbe team abonld wauUa amaU nainerals. exin pltcben, catoben andotber aubeUtutu taking Ua nombcn from ten op-ward. On Ue acore cuda Ua aamea of iba playenWlU Ueir DBfflbeis ahall be printed, and In Ulsway any ipeoialnr can readily Identity any playeron the ddd. It la possible, alUougb hardly prob-able, tbst the soheme may be soggested lo UeNational Laagaa (or general adoptloiL WenPiestdeni Bui, however, lo adopt li for Ua Obi.oago Olob, other dubs woald pnbabiy follow UaexanpleiManager AiUor Irwin, ot tba PhUadelpbIa Kam,

will coach Ue Unlreialty of Paaoirlvania teamagain uua yeu. Be will begin bla duuea on Jan.It, whan Ue new oan will be given a trial. OaMaceh 1 the beat ot ibe lot will be retained andplaned amoag Ue old playera. Pitcher Wayhing,alao of U* Phlllea, vrili (nia ibe (Itchan at Ih*ilvanity.Ubaila Oansal, Ua valaiBn catehs, ku placed-iigaatiin to a Mob aab eoilnct (dt wt

Oaorge U. Oeer, nusager of tbs QloveravllleOlob, o( Ue New York Suta Leagne, wbo la hard atwork building np a atrong cIrcDit for Ua Stale

League, aald U a recant Interview: "We have nowpnteotlon nnder tbe National Agreement, wlU ibe

tight to leaetve playeia. Having Uat piotacuonwe an la position to go abeid and organlr.e alaagna far auonger than wa bad lut yeu. A salarylluut of two a raootb hu been agned upou. Ap-plIosUoDs bave bees noelved frem a number otcitlee and tbe proepaci la that wa alall bave aneight- club leagae of good ball teaoa. and It will betbe moat compact lesgoe In tbe oooDiiy. Malonayand LohdiU ue backlog Troy. We think UatTommy York ud probably Mr. FUaetl will backAlbany. In boU towns Ue bauball fovar will da-

velop and In bolh towna New York Stale Leagaedabs will dnw belter crowds Ihsb dobs in aleagnaof ahalf doten B'aiea. Then uen la Qlor-

eiivllle and Joboatown. Tbeio towna an onlyUrea mllea apan, Ua town pride la hobbllog over,

the attendance at oor leane gamea laat yeu and,Ue spirit shown towards next aeaaon's leira,

Eiomlaea a good aeaaon. Amsterdam paid wellat year and will be la tbla league again Ula year.

Kingston and Pougbkeepale made money lul yesr,bat It seems probable ibat next season Kiogstontilli be dropped for Newbuis, a good ball town,anzlou to get a (raooblie In Uo Stale League.Bohenactady wants a (nnchlsa. The District At-

lomeyot Ue county Is working hard tcraieam.In Uilca Uany Ulalandort, Pbll Ileltert and Halls-

bory sn trying lo sroose seuilment, A oommltieefrom Ue Stale Leagoe will visit UUca aoon andlook over Ue alioatloa. PluiOeld, Maaa., Itty

mUu eui of Albany, la anxious to coma Into UeBiale League. No dimculiy will be found fromamong Ueu towna in getting an cIgbU club."

Heaara. Roblaon, nanlon and Dart, Ua CommlliMon Rulea appolalad at Ue late meeilag of tbeNational Lewoe and American Asaodailoo, will

bave tbelr banda foil It Ibey attempi to wipe ooi all

Ue objeciloosble paaagca and adopt all Ue newaoggastloiia odiered ibeia doring the post fewmonths. Tbe priaolpal mailer, however, tor theirconaldentlon will oe nolay coecblog and rowdybaaeball playing, It la a anbjaot woithy ot Ua (nll-

eet luveailgatlon and deepett couldarailos, for It

wu a ailgma on the gania Iba paat season. Wbenplaven will not from ibeir own seose ot ilihtend honor oonduct themselves properly on usball fleld, tben they moat be made tu doo. If Ue most strlagent rules be necessaryto make Ibem. Tbs exbibliion given by manyplayen lut seaaoa wu a diagraca to Uemaelvaaand Ua game, and wu the meaaa ot ioluriog tbagame exceedlsily in varlooa due* in (nevelond,tor InaUnoe, Mr. Hoblsoo uld ibat II wu acommon thing In yean put lo have Ibe attendanceof ladles at tbe game* lo Uleveland reach lo notleu Iban four noudnd al a gaina. Iioriog theput yeu, byreuon of Ua Uogueg^ need byMvanIplayen, the number of bla (air pauoosreschad lo scucely Itty. This shows coDclaslvelyUat Ua molt airlageni ralea mut be adoptedto eliminate the evU. It la not tba Ulug to almplymUs the rulta: they meat be enforced u Ue lelbr.No player ahoild be allowed on uj Oddbo ou not aoonib of the luttocia of a gentleman

in bta oalan lo nfrala from each acijona. If anyompin, no mailer whom, huoct force of chano-tsr enough \n anrorce Ue rulea, be, too, aboold bemade to aaote, for be Is utterly IncspaMs of Bllingbis position and sboal'l not be allowed to act.Radical neuores nuat be taken, ud thai wlihontdelay. Mr. Roblaon Is in fsvor or abolishing ooscb.Ing entirely oUer then by sins. This, perhsps,migbt bs slmost too ndlciu an ex^erlnient,bat then an many good featoits aboot it atthak It would be Iba meua ot mUiogevery player have mora dependence on bfiown parcepUona, Jodgnent and rannlng abUllr,and woold aoon ngolate tbe qoeatloo of whichplayer deawred mon aaluy Uao anoUar. Itwould neoaiaiiaia a player being awake to thegame all Ue Ume, and make him watob Ue algnalau never befon. It would make taain work a mondisilncuva fnUn of tba game than it even la now,and woDld almost mUe a iranaformailon In Uelame. The Ume bu come for decided adlon to beuken, and it aboold reoeiva Ua moat cuelul con-sideraUon by Ue eommltiae.

D. A. Loog, Pitaldealof Ue Toledo Clob.ot lb«Wesuni Lesgne, hu been vlslUng friends atLoweU, Mass, dansg Ue Christmu bolldaya. Uealso bad bis eye on one or Iwo promialag yonogilayan Usi be nuy yet aign tor bla naxt uuos'aToledo team.

It la a pecollar ooluddenoe tbat ttaagt Looladabbu bod no good fortune alnoa Manager Oomiakayleft thai dty, walla Ue manager bu not been aso.oesafal u a bandit r of man aluwbtn.Ill* niladalpbia Club'a playen. nnder Managar

Irwin, WlU Iwve Uat cliy oa Muoh it fbr Ih«odU, to bagta iMrpnlUnlotty pfaelie*.

OtaM MU, ilw vaiaM IgtsMsf.^^jgsJo

Manant Uanlon, ot U* Balllmoi* team, who Uon* of the OoouUtue on Rule*, Id gltlDg bla viaw*o( Mograaalv* taubalL aald: "Pnftewva base.

baUiaraatlhl*. Inalaad of mUlngptayalhatbavebaoome alareoUped, I believe In maiisg ilag nbkya that

an oiexpeetsdl' that was lbs saoral of I


_ Boeun'ssneoeu diiitag ibe aeaaon of Mis. With a man onUird and one on dni, one ont, and the aoon a Ue,Datnnlly one would anppoae tbu Ue catcherwould try to naU tba man on Uird off bla base. ButUa unexpected play ot quickly Unwlag to dntand catohing that baaa raouer aaleep la Ine . .

caper nowauya. The man on Ulid doeu'i expeola proper

snob a Uing, and cooaeqaenUy doean'i aUr. Then,we'll aay, the naxtbaiaman put* up a ily,*nd Ueaide ta nUied wlUout wbai looked like a nn orIwo. That'a profnaaive baaeball."

Ooradlu Stokem, who died of onnaumpUon Dea14, al Uaiumon, Md., wu one ot the old OoUamteam, ot Ula oily, which bad UeIr headqnuian atUe Biyalan Fidda, Uobotao, N. J. Ue wu the viceptealdent ot Ue Qolham Ulub In lltt.

Should all playen, except Ue oatohar, b* oom-polled 10 play witbout glove* Ua poblle would havea oDsnce of wiueaaing Ue game playedu ll osedto be back In Ue aliM*.Thi NaUooa] Boud la htTlog plaalyot etau oa 111

budi ihli wiaur ftir aitiltaiuL fM lalaildiipau uoTtr Daalal lallyjbo hu Maa alsaad by lb* laMa^oil* DlnlL 01 Um WMlara Lucaa, hi u alalnad by lb*Boflklo olub, ol lb* Baatan Laacna.

Pruk WtlMo. romailr a ulaor laafa* pllabir, baabaao atsaad by tha Bmiob Olab, ot Iba Ifatlooal Laiiaasad ADnrlaao AHOolauoo.Oaofia n. BbAfTotI, lha it-pnfMsloaal pllabar. aad

niu line* li. Daibanl). of thti «llr, van marvIM onKor « lucaiobiiucbiiiah, Saiaalr-Biat Binat aad IbaBoalefapt, tbliettj.

ORIOKET.Otieliel la Pblladslpbla,

Bunat FhUllpa, Ua aaUor ol an Intartatlng anido on "Cyickit In lha IbiUes," wya Ihat while not

wlie 10 advance atalimenlawblch woold hav* to b<

dated tony or more ynn back, Ibatbe bu alwaya

beenlndlned to Ihlok ibat a dob of Philadelphia

lada, all of them atlaohed to the Unlvenliy of Penn.

aylvanla, wen ue me orlglnaton ol Ue game in

Ue United Slalaa, and that it* capiain—WliUamRdob Wilier—hu dtaetvedly earned the ilUe o(

"Ue (aUar o( orlcket in the UnlUd Biatta," Look-

lag from oanseloeffbot,bels InoUned to believe thslUere wu anoUer (oroa which gave an tmpalw toorlcket la lbs vicloliy of Philadelphia. For Uemaking of hoaliry ot a certain gnda Kogllih operaUvu came to aormanlawn over Kly yean ago.Tbe Rngllah lada brougbi Uair baU and balla, andwhan Uere wu a holiday hurtled to Ua delda, andthen tben wu Ue clicking of balls againai wlUowbeta, American ladi looked over (encM andwatched Ue English lads, aod than cam* a daainon Ue part ot Ua nallvea 10 play tbe game. Imlla-Uon being Ue ilncareat Oatlery, oriokal triad,

siayahoahsit Slop tor U* Bniaria Oab, o( I

aod ao begao oo Ue put of tbe Amertoan boy theBnt effona. Ilie lada living near Oennanuwnaoon became eager for criokaL Tbeohanre* for amatch wen alway* poMiMf, and ih* Kngllabyouugalan were good leacbera. Pntseson aadslodents wen coniloaally plaiiog orlokel, andthen haver wu a bollday Uat ibe Belda bad notalump* placed on tbe award. Amarloao eriokalalao owed a great deal to Pnfaaaor J. K. Milohrll,

of Jiffenon CoUege, who tavond cricket ud gavelo Iba young playen o( Ue Uaivoisliy o( Panuil'vsaia prltaa for diaUnctlon In Ua Bald. In inaopening match la Beplember, ia4>, bla eon-lhapnaeui Ur. U. Weir Hllobell-won Ue pilu for the

Keaieat nomber ol ruu. The aludanis playedair Brat match wlU a Uermanlowa alevao, made

op (or Ue major part o( Bogllah mlil lada, and tbaAmerican boyi won by a few runa, aflar a clou andexclUng conteat. A minor aDklr cetiaioly, a lot otlada, all American, on one aide, mosUy Knsllib onUaoUer,pla}logbefoienotadoBenapeolaIora. It

wu not a Bnt Inieinaiional match, built wuUareal beginning ot American cricket.

Orlcket VMrlsalllu.Among Ibe enrloaiuea of Ue pul aeaaon in Eng.

land were two that may be termed onlqae. TheBnt recounla Uo largeal hit ot Ue year, a "ncoid"ot nlnaiy'lbieet ThePookbam Pnahan wen play-

ing Ue Oamberwell Albion, and wlU latlomUaIn ordor to win, aod Btty.Bve mlnuiM for pisy,could only look for s dnw. Off Ue Brst bail bowledtbe batsman made a long drive, and Ue liall lodgedaatelyin a rook'a neat In Ue bi*noheaatah1|htree. WbUe the Bolder wu gelUng Ue baU, whichcauld be aaen, and wu ihanion not "leal," nlnei'^

three mu wen made. The Poiban avaninaliknooted off Ue remainder and won liy four wlok'eu. The oltaer incident occurnd In the countymalcb between Sariey and Hlddleaax,May3(, whana ball bowled by Hawlinsoairlsdsway pattot tbeblade of Jephaon's bat, the place knooklng a Ijall

off and Japbaon being glveo one "hit wlokoT,"

uprovad Wlekala.At Ue recent aiuaal moelinf ot Ue Oermantown

Club, ot.PhUadelphla, Uo beard otdlnoion nportedthat Uey had noted with ooncem Ua gndnallygelling poorer coodlUon ot the wlckela on Ueorlcket platform, ud added that, while great canhad been taken to malnlalo Ue high standing ofUs irooud when It wu new, tub aeaaon oufoonu It worse than the last, naUl tbs recent mstchWlU Loid Uawke's Kogllsb team, whan Ue crlckelwaa very duappolntlog, no doubt largely due lo thewntohed wicket provided for lha match, alUougbunuaaal can had been beatowed apon lla prapv-alien. The dirtclon, being sirooilr ImpressedWlU Ue necessity ot promptTy onderuxlng Us im-provsment of the ground, have, atter conferringwIU uvenl experts, noommanded Iba pnpanUonof Btuoo malchwlckalanpona plan IbatUbeUev'dwui prove enUrely uUafaolory. Tbla hu beenoompblod on one aide ot the platform, and If ll

provu anocaaaful Bliean monwickelawlllbemadanext November on Ue other aide,

Th* Uoalon DIalrlct Valoa.Tha Boaton District Oriokat Union held itatnt

annoai meaUng Dec. Q, at UodoB, Mu*. Pteal

dent U. T. UyaoB, of ue Newton Club, wu lo tba

ohair, and dalagalw wen preecnt from Ue follow,

ing club*: ZIngul, BonKtvUle, Uide Puk, Kvereu,But Vambildie, Eaat Boaloo, wut Indbu andUewton. The toUowlng olob* wen admliud lo

mambarablp: HyaUo, walthao, Lyon Waodaiuaand Rookland. The election ot ooican for theensnlng leu malted u follows: Fresldsnr, U. T.Dyson, of Ue Newton Club; vie* pr*sldesu, P, H.Wright, Hyslio Club: J. P. 1)1X00, EvenU Olub; H.Tunsr, of Ziggarl Ulub; A. L. uampbeU, of LynnWaudanra: T. Ward, ot Hyde Puk Olob; V. W.PerkUs, <A MrsUo Ulnb, aad O. w. Bsnllar, otBomarviUe Olnb; aeoretary and Ircuonr.W, Roflb;andllon, W. M. Thornton, Newton Ulub, and N.Uolden, Evenuoiub.


Tbs Hear J*n*r AlbUlle Clab.Th* New ieiwy AthlaUo Ulub'a citckeien have

had a very mcoMsful season, wUulsg Us ohaffl.

plooshlp ot the Metropolilan District Leagna, andll* Brat eleven going Uuongh Ue aeaeon wlUoulanatalning a defeat nnUi Ue Ust much Bl*y*d,whsB Uey had lo snbmll to an nsaxpected defulKthe Paieraon Club. The Moond eleven of Uew Javwy AUlaUo Clob alao woo Ue ebamplon.

ahlp of tbe Moond elavao aeotlon of U* M*tnpoll.Ian Dialrtcl League. In th* balUng averagta M.H. Oobb, u naoBl, ranked Bnt, haring made naaitytwice u many tone u any ouar msmhtr ot Iheteam. Tyen, tk* cinb'a proteaalonai, and t, J,Prandtrgaat ranked next in baiUog, lb* latlar hav.Ingmade bla roue lo Ue Important uatehe*. P.PTkaUy, who vinosUy led In bowlleg, and U. U.WrigbL who did bla *oan of mn gauLog In ohaa-pionahip conteat*, proved important sooasslon* loUsdablutseaaon.

nmrBaivs, lbs lob bowler of Us Eoglislnow U Autralla, la aald to have proved a I

H tu, on Uiehud wlckela. AnAnatnllann

lab turna tallOR,

Anatnllan nporterUu rtescrlbu bow bs plaeu th* Bild lo bl* d*-Uvtry: "U* ead* Ave men lo Ue honndanu,when Uey stand Ilk* Muirles to cb*ll«ng* toon.He leave* ooe man In the oir, at cover poisL andUe only one tn bis ooovanilosal place la Ue wicketkMptr. man la no slip or polni, and of couiw,no tang atop. When Uamphreya hu tomad the offUcoiy lopay-tnrvy,' ha walka wlU Ue gall of aoold man to get bu nu for U* Bnl bowl. In U*maioh at Viotoila hi* Brat daUvtry wu lo Onham,aod made Ue ipactaton iaogh It looked ao chUd-llke and bbtod, bat 11 abeolalely bewUdend U*haWnas Hie aaoood baU nsiUlad Ukswls*. TkeIhlyd laO aiDh*m *ooied Iwo oO. AU It* aflar-oe« Iter* tfu oaly **, losr off HinfenyB.^

bgtwii«»iiB*rt."Ut«bted 10 bO*aa *aoef* t

Th* MaisaehBislU Aueelailoa,nwBfooad annul mieUsflolUe Muacchnsaiu

Orlckit Aasoolailon wu hsid Uao. O, at Doalon,

Mua. Raptt**niaUvn otilie BoatOB, BoatoDAU.laUo, Andovar, Marrimao, Lynn, LowaU, Brocktonud Rookland Uloba wan pteaent, ihe Lawienc*Olnb not balug npnaenled. Tbe Harvard Vulvar-ally and Worcester Ulubs were admitted lo mam-benhlp. Tbe aonual report showed that Ua aiso.

daUon had a laocoaaful aeaaon, Boanotally andotnerwlM. Tba following oniceta wire ateoied for

UseBBUIogyeu: rreatdent. At Ibur Merrill, BeatonOlnb; vice preildaai, J. J. ilait, l/>well Olab: aeo<

retuv and iKuonr, K. A. Kanhall, Boaion Clob;bouo ol govenora, Oaorge Wrigb), Boalan AU-laUo Clob; U. Kidd, Andover Club, E. Layoook,Merrimu Olab; J. II. Comber, Ixswell Olub; J. B.WaU, Lynn Olnb; P. \\. Olatk, lluvard UniversityOlab, and II. TOwan, Onikton Clab.

M*MRaglaad to. Aailralla,

Tha laleat English nawspapen athand give full

pattloulan and aoon of Ue Bnt of the Bve Katmatohea halwaen tho viilting Kugllah learn, cap-

tained by A. B.Sioddart and Ueoomblnad itnngib

ot Ansltalla, which wu played Deo. 14, It, IT, It,

It, at Sydoey, N. s. W.,and reaulied in avlcloiytor the Kngflib loam byun rana. No fewer than1,114 wen Bcond in Ui contest, and Uls beat Ikertoord tor Ua largest agiraiate ot lunsever aoondIn any game, Ihe sen beat balug the 1,411 made bya ourlou ooluoldooce la anoiber Bve days' coa-uat at Sydney, In rahrury, lisi, when Niw SouuWaluaoonda loial In tba llnilanlogof Tit agaiutVioloria in an aODoal lotetoolonlal obamploaablpcontMt. The Kogllih team won attar an exoilloguphill Bgbt, and under clrouniataacea wbloh nllcolUe greateat credit on iholr plnck, dourmlnaUonand akill. Unly one chaate wu made In tbe com-GilUon of Ua teama maoiloned In ajiiccedlog

ua, R. Jonci, ot Hoiitb Aanralta, noiabte for bla

excepUonallv (alt bowling, taking ihe pUoe of U.Onham, ot Victoria. Blacthara, who commencedacapUlnlug lha Auiinllan team, hail hi* Uumb

lit while keeping wiokil on ihe third day, and)l«>d look hii place at wicket, while the Rogllih

l«*ffl left out rbillpaon and llumpbnya. Tbslouwu won by Blaosham, aod Uo opening wu re-

ukable. In the acoood over Lyou' leg atonpwuuntnying tiy Rlobardaon. Iiarltng, who badhelped Boulh Aualralla to defeat ilis Koallsh leaa,oaine in aext, and wu Iwwled Bnt ball by a yorkerMnt down by Hlobardaon. TroU, who had gone In

Bial, made a abort aiaml. and than Hlonarilionfound the way lo bla wicket, knooklng Ue bead ofUa off alump dun off. Liiokwood'a place In theBald wu luou by Phlllpaou, after noon on tbeBral day, lha (ormor not helog able lo bowl In Ibematch, on acoooot of having itnlnad hlmaoK.Oinan batted in Bno (oim (or int mua, but wu rx-cepilonally lucky, giving Day Una dlitloult

chancu at the wicket, and being mlaicd byWard in Ue long Bald, lie almply bloeheaHlobardaon, but hit lha oUor buwiora wlU Uagicatsst (nadom. OlffSn and Ireilale put on I'.I4

runa In u hour and (oity ninutea. QRgoryand Blackham mad* a long subd (or the oTninwicket, the former never liaiung bauer, bta

cuulBg being clean and bard, while bla drivingwu aaperb. Stoddarl theo weut on again to bowlaod Ongory (tiilog well hold o( a lull, hit high toUe bonndary, when Peel Jodged the ball admin-bly and held II by Ihe ropes, ilregory lo compilinghis 901 rau gave sear Ue nnlah a few chaocee, In-

cIndlBg one lo Warn at long add luu lielon boleaobeo hli ucond coatury. In bowling, Klobard.son oaplured Ove wlckela at ihe cost of lOl runs,wblls Feel's two ooit 140. Tbe Bist Inulng ot thehome learn look tbe greater put u( two daya TheKogllah team at Umea BeUled loosely during tbelr

long onUog, Brown alone dlailngiilahlng hlmailf byihaamartoeu o( bla pick npa and ahup relurna.Maclann and Wud went lu Brat for the viiltora,

when Ihe llibt wu sot Ue beiL Msolaren aoonwent out. wud played wall aod aUiullly, aooringOT mna wllboot a oliaoca, and tialog uol out wbauaUmpa wire drawn on Ue aecond day.

llala tell Batuiday night and Sunday morning,and cauaed appnheoalon of a poatponameni, butUa wlokat wu In good cuodiiiuo wbeu play wuruumed on Ibe Iblio diy. Wud wu aoon caughtby Iredala al the bounduy, liaving made Tt inalmoal faaiUeu form, Thia waa iho nlgbeal icoia,a canfolly compiled oonlrlbutlon nf IT, by Drlgga,balog the other chtal feature ol Ue Bnt Inning o(Ue vlalinn, which clotod (or 3'.U. Ullftn wu uamoat ancoeailol bowler, bla (our wluleu coaling Tl

runs. The Esiliih lesra, being ui In unu, nsdlu foltow CD, and Haolaran and Wud opened ihedefence to lha bowling of Ulifaa ami Turner. Runacame aluwly at Bnt, the bowling being very gcod,and Ue batsmen oaitlou. II wsa noi unUI 44 mnahad l)aen aoored Uat Olfftn fouail hia way u Mac-lann'a wicket. Sloddarl Joined Ward, wbo thenbegan aooilog al a great pace. Tha rnplaln ot thePJigllali learn quickly pnt logeiher ao, belore ke wucaught by Oimo at inld uif. Brown aud WardUen mado a pr,;lonxeil aiaud, brlngiog the acoreup lo aiT baton tba laUer wu beaten by a aplaudldball br Qinao, hli IIT being a magulBcent dia-

play of latung. Ward gave unly ou chance dur-ing bhi luy o( thru honn and (oriy.Bve min-utu al toe wlckela, bla datanoa being veryauong, while bla liluing wu dean and bard.When Ue alompa wore dmwn on tbe Uirdday, tbe same wu le(t in ao Iniareaiingoondlllun, ISO vlalton wlU only (oor o( Uclr wick-ets down In the second Inning, having pasted tb»bugs total ot Ibe Auatiallani and placed T runa lu

Uelr cradlL after Unickwill and real bad beanvery luckily diipoacd ot on Ihe fourth day. Ford andDrigss made a long aland. Dctb men hu with greatfreeoiim, and wlihcut giving a chance, dripit* nu-manu* cbaoiieaof bowling. At laat Hcl,<a<l aoo-oeeded In latlog both wicteia, bowling boU menwlUIn a tew mloulea ot each other. Alter ihia

iMkwoud alooe made any lUnd, and aoon afterfour o'clock Ua aide iru out for a loul of 4>T.

Tbe visitors bad plajoil up In grand form under de-pnaalng clrcumalancts,and wars loudly ubeendonleaving the Bdd. The two lolala amooalcd to m,luving Ue Autmllana ITT In get la aider luwin. illiTbn again led In Imwllng with fourwlokata for lt4 rau. Deaplie llie obangeableweather and th* huvy aooiing Ue wicketwon woDderfully wall odUI the clou of IhetoniU day's play. Th* Auamllan* b*gan theiraeoond Inning u before, wlU Lyona and Trolt.lUotanlion wu alck and retired aoon altar Ua Inn-ing opaoed Uua weakanlug tha Kogllah bowling.Lyon*wu iDcky, flvlogno fewer than (ourcbancubefore be wu bowled, Trolt wu eully cangbt atUe wlokel, and then Ulffan and liarling bacamaparUen. They dioed all the liowlliig ohangii, anduoncb Ihe BeldiOB wu very aliup kept iba aoonmoving ateadily upwarda ooUl when tba alompaware drawn for Ue day Ihe total Hood at lla wllhonly two wickets down, leaving Uo Auitnllan*uBir 64 more runs to get lo win. Uuvy nin tell

lu Ihe nighi, and Uen wu a aoli and ireacher-ou wicket tor Ue Aulnllao balamao lu con-Unoe s luk wblch bad been made to look very light.Peel ud Briggs wen admlralily sulud ny UecoBdlUon ot ISlnu, but wllh n runa added be-fon a wicket fen on tha Blih day, Ue Ana-iraUau were oonndent of winning. Tko wicketthan liecame almoal unplayable, and Uilgga andPhI made lha moat ot UelropportaDliy,U(rpnllcdoff a great victory. Thoae who folluwed, exceptOregcry, tali euy alcUm* lo tbu ouw *xc*edinglydilltonli bowllngpt Btigia and Peal, and Ua loorogcUacd for leg, itu Kogllah mm Uu uaexpacl-adly won by tea runa. Poal took alx wlckela fortT ra>a,*a4l Briiga capUied Uim wlckai* for


mu. The MUndaoceou Us*ecoodday|8aUrday)amounlod lo upward* of Iweair-alx Ihouiand peo-

Ki, Ua lugeat OD record In Sydney, and cuoilnuidg*lo Iba clou. The weather wu hot aud favor-

abw Urougbout, and U* apludid wickel providedplayed very iru* ticapl on Ihe lui day.

AoavaiLiA.Lroai b. glabaidioB I It. Hicbaxtaoa SITfoll b. lehaidm II a. Uar b. Pwl aDarllii b. BlabartaM... 0 StaSaar b. fail IS'fWal* a. tutUait b.raid...... SI b. Bflgsf I

aiffaa 'a.'>sid b. 'snai'•au..

(Jiagory i. Paal b. Slod..III I. b. «. Bilfif .


Ian SI a. (lay b. rail.


- aadBue. roid b. r>sL IT >lsr l<. fMl....lllL4iida.Uar a. TmL... II ooioul ITarsarb. >laaaia*uB.... I a Bilisab.rMl IEaShiB b. Bkbaiilaaa. 7« b. fasl 1loaM,B<iloil II I. MaalaraDb. Biliia.... •


Maalana a. Baadnia o.Toraar , 4 b. Olfrao in

Waida. Irsdalab-Taraar 7S b.UISto 117Huddane. Joanb.UilTH II a. ulSaa b. Tnraai MBravB, rta obl n a. Joobb b. (Ilffaa ISr>alaUiasorrb.<Jliraa, I b. Oliras ITBmbaall B. Blaebhaoi b.

Jeflaa. al b./oaaa,, ttoiiraBUaabaBib (llllaa D b. MaLeod. 41Mkaood a Ulffaa kTfou Isb.Tnu It

Brisiab. UKaa ST b.MeLaod. mliar a Urafoir b. I«ad.BBU..... Hb.TnttllahawBoa, aotaal . Oaatoal.


722 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January 12.

Tb« i»60Bd ol 111* life t«it in»ieb«n b«t*o«o AUviDinprtMotlOR Boflanl uj AuaUftlib wu pla7«dD«a.O,III Jul. 1. I, fti Molbiiqm«. Vietorift, kd i tti* fonotrD ualo won. ftCkblcaniD udouddIdit 0017 th* r**

--.t,i Tlet«ry for BdiUoiI by 91 ruoi. In oor dhi Imq*«• will b* ablt to si** faitfaer d*ulh bdiI Ui* icon.Tb« Uiinl u«t mttdi ( Kb«duM Ju. II. ia,ll, ift, ttAd«UUl«, BoDih AuMrallA, and the eooela-llDK eoolMUr*b. ).t, 4.»,ftt Bjdoer aRftlo, and MAreta 1. 1, i.i, it•Ibtoras ftnio. Ttie RaRiiii)i taMti, oiptilaed by A. V.Btoddftrt. hkT* 10 Ur playad Ud baoim. (tts or whichwmwoo, ono loit,»lil|o ibn (our nm«*uarQii oddJwar* dravo, bcloa laic unOolMiMl. Th« ool/ lanin lott*M tbt ODoat iheoauet of ihn tonrwitii Ruoih Aa»-tmila, wbio J. Darilnfi acoml 117 and yt sot 001, aod 0.OlDta mad* 9i asd U, not oar, for ih« homo laam.

Wlsden^a Crlck«terA* AlmnnKO,W* Mkoowlodi* ih* roctlpt ol John Wlilao'i Cricktt-

tn'Atmvtac lurlBK, It b«lDv ili* ttalHr-HOODd aDoaal•dlUon of a work vhleb li stotrally ackoowMiad 10 b*th* moit BuihoQilo aad rvllable r*«onl of Hrit olaaa

«rlokal Id EofUml aod AuRlrilla TIilalMu*iiuk*f ahasdumtlr priDted book of iN pif[«i.ud U aUT*rlf*dll4d hj Bfdotf U. farduo, wlio haJi «(iec**d*d id em*plllag aa aiaborai* an<l Imiiaruil racoid ol ih« paat •4a>MB^aadlD iilfinKvitJiln limluof ih*»pae«Mhlieomnavd a codoIh deuriptioo, toaaihor wiih full aeor*aodbowllDB aaalykli of AveirortT cliu eriokat malcbIn BnitUnd aad Aaittalla. It alM Ineladaa a full ao*eeoDt of Ih* dolnR* 01 Lord Ha«h«'a taam lo tba UnltadHtatM aod Cantdk Tba prico ( onironaaliilliDr. Itiipnbliabad and lold byJobnWladao A Co., 31 Craoboon Btr**t, LoDdoQ, Rdk.


Tm Tioga niflb. or Flilladalphia, I'a., Iial a iaecMifilMaaoo.aod raakod aocond id tliteoaiait lor 1)1* localcbanplODiblP, »lih a rMMid ol ronr Tl«u>rl*a and tbr4od*ruU. J. tf Kioir,«bohu r«pr«MDi6i1 hiaolob In la-uroaUoaal ootiwui daring Ui* paat two laaioDi, Itad*In boUi baiting and bovling, biviug to aferafo Id ntn*lDOlsg«or34 II ruDi, and eaptuilDg tliirtjr-thr** wioktuatftooitel 0.10 raai tacb.

PimBORU, Pa., la tahtT* a lino fr^a erleh«l groundforantror«aoliiilonOiAtlatoba rorniAd lo ihatcltr,b*Ml«d br IM'aoa. Ohur BIgtloirwADU Ui •oeooraieorlokAtaad baadKMad to Inoa'a tba grouod loRchanUrPftrk- ItliaipMirdiliitibo oaw publlo grouad vlUUlomAilf or«QA4 n«it Juo* ,

Tig aoonAl DiMtlOB nr tli* aocraUrlai ol lb* Na*BogUndelubi wai bald Jao. a At Beatoo. Maaa.andwulArg*l]ratt*ai*«d. Upaarda or two liundrtd gamiivAratbta letitduled to tw played darlog tbt comtng

OfllclAl PKoliliig Av«raf{CN.PregldeDt Voaoir, or tho Nitloul l^gfue aod

Aneiioan Agtoolttloo, hag completed iiie onicUlr«rsgeg ot tbo pli«hon or tbgtorgulzgtlon ror

itae gegKn or im, ag rollowH:

1. Maaklo, New Vork3. McKahoD Baliimor*a. Roaia, Haw York4. Taylor, PhlladaipbitA, NIobola, Hottoo& Htlratt«,boiloD7. QrimUi, CbioAgoH. llawhe, BaliimoreV, gUlo, Brooklyn10. aambort Pitutturg11. Olauoo. Bl. L., UaMiiiiDre.IL Ooppy, ClaralAndU. KlIlAO, fltiaburiIS. Uanty, rolladsloituU. Brelteonain. Hi. L-HiiiXL Koonady, llmolilynU. WaybiDg. FlillAiieip^ilA.

H. OolMlouvh, ritubarg17. Touog,<liaTalaaJU. ObamMrlain Ulac nriatl ...

10. fttalay, Hoatong). Dvyer, tiioelaDAMU. Il«p«r. Waab.AOd HallSJ. Ileomlng, LouUTtllo. BaUl11. lokt, BAltlniore. MulaTiHa.U. Hlntlon.Loulavina, Chicagom Uannao. New YorkIL Mallao*. BAltiinora,Oiere ..

» llaloblioD«Ohlauo0. rarroti.Olnoianati

a.MaoL WaihlDgtfln

. Bbr*l,Pmaburg.S. Daub, BrooklynB). Haroar, Wajhinitoa81. Hawtey, Rt- LoulaII. WMlerraU, Haw Vork31 aUMkfdalA, WaahlottnoM. Maaaraa, Uaiavlilf.i'iiiH ..

ag. Sailivao, WuiilogtoD. tJlaToB0. MoOill. t3liiea|o

sr. Tarrr, nhlrain31. KqaiI, Loularillat9, Wadiwoilb, LsulavilU

3? k.1

s a £5 .?!h !l

17 .t'k za Ill m .inII •il ila ii» u .atfV .7" 3U IKf tM Mlu :iiV »!' Kl 'iV .7MA .711 m IV J< .DUI

Jl Mi 3JI Itr 73 .919I' at SO 71 tl mia Ml 911 A' •0 .m1/ ew Ml Itl 7; Tn|i u» 9U 7S 91 .ft II

ifi bV 917 U N .MlI» III CI .tit

•* !6S- 9S a 97 .>«u uu .111 X it ai19 iiii lit toII 9U 191 m .7/1

U ait .H< 101 TV .diA

ft iM Ui u III .01111 .n\ nil iru .9tl11 .i i jtt' 7« t; .7111

Vi* 5ft) Mil « » 71433 SI 9 7 91 41 .to.6 .HD S» U 9« tnU M M lie .1(9

li .tn 931 71 .•ItJI .<» 9tll n s .ail

17 .<;i <» 4.' It Ml17 .m m H' 41 .710

.<n 9'< Its U .7191; !<• 907 lU 11 .914

u .t'C 9n c 91 .7atll 01 9r. III Bl .KHff lis aw II (91l- iJI 90 lilt 91 .SI17 .413 m 111 III .mII' <l) nr V .«H.c Sit .1x1 » .R9II xw 7f .101

•t\ .3I» as n III .111

n .0 SI K U moI at .x* 1 4 .789

ac tl « tu9r. fl tl

TfrotaODilroil dollgrg antoiith in the gaUry limit

ot Uie plajorg of U10 Weiloro l^gur.John Olemonbi, itioolovoroatoliflror tho DilUdel-

plila Oliib, bu Jun reoovprod rrom a noToro altaokoC pleurlAy. It ig gald that be I >Bt govonteen poandiilDriofblg lUocgg.

Tlig Louliiliie Ulub liAR tweuij iiro men nowunder ooDiraoi rmm nliicli lu aolecl a team for iboooiolog goasou. Utioagor UcCla«kej will give tbemen n tborough trial bcroro be releasee any ottbeiD.

Hanager SbtnnoD 1h bns; gotilag plaivre for bigneit gegjon Wllkoibarre icain, m ibe KtiteroUeagoe.

Oaplaln lloblnion,ot the Urtltlmnro (c«ni, will

goon hetfin to ooaoh the plajerg ot tbv Leblgb Uol-Tergltr nom wnioh a team tor neit eoaaoD wlU beHelfloted.

Logter H. German, one of ibo pliobora or tbo NewYurk Olob, and Mlaa Alice a. Qenlion, or iberdeco,Ud., wore married on Jaa, 3. at ibitl place.

A. C. Uuokenbergor, ex niauager ot tbe riUgbonrteam, bag been ooK«ged ity rreiildout Von dor Abeto manage tbe 8t, Luulg team next eeagon.

Kiel Llrerpii^l. U., will iio repregonied on tbegreen rilamoDd \)j a IaII loam onxt eeaaon tbatwill be get*ondiouoDo Inlifloiagg. It will be knownai Hcredltb'g Dlgmood Ulub,

Ii hag bcon unirUll.v gnunuDOOd tbgt Roj A,TbomgH tang realgocd tno cHptalnoy of tbo Untm*gitj of ronngylTaola toain, be glvtug no reaaong forbig aoUon.

William luralo, tbo ox^plnyor and nitniKOri 1b atliAlUnore, Ud,, HnUga)g bo maypoBilbljuotuplnbatioeig lu tbgt oUj.

Uanagor Ugnnlng, or tbo Knnvu UltyUlub.ortbe Wogteru l.oague, 1b (vying u> got Teone/, Ban*non and Oonoaugbiou, or Init joar'a Uoeion team.

Hubert lAwe, tbo hard bluing eecond bieeinan,bag glgncd tor next geaana witb tlio Uonion Olub.Tbigpotafo real all duobU aitowbcreLowewlllplaj ible Toar.

Jottoi Thominn, ol t*lnolnaati, O., who hid baan ap-troaohad to takp atook in tbe new Amarioan AAaoolatlonatdMlined, gmTeouiihli aioryat 10 the origin or lb*

old Anarloan AAaoolatiuo: "I'or yaata I hare beaa atwaabAll anihaitait, Aud uiouor ih« wrltanof OIdoidMtt u wall aa other plaoet hoow It At a olot* caloola-Uon araiT aana I haT* aean hAAooil ma |aai gil ttL andyou a»* I hAT* pAtd rAih»r dAariy for iny love ot th*KAB*. Tlia AntvrioAn AmooIaUou aprang into life 10rmlhorarunny war. Add I will 1*)) you about iL Itwaaduring lb* IaI'iAT parioi IrUl ihAl 1 read In aon* paperoraoKll (or a tneatlag at a riiiBburg l(0i«l ot all iboatlaTortofl a new bAMbtll oraaaiBUioo. Id (wtmpany wiihU. I*. Oaylor 1 look a run down to I'ltMbarf, andwbtn V* laaded ihare loand th» oall to oe onthooixler ofahoai. AiDoonoihowed npouuldaor tjnj*lor and nifitir. tt waa prelly louflb on ua, but 1 In*•lulred ol tn* hotel keaper wheilie* eay one la town waaloodorbBMbAU, fetd waarotatrod to Panny MoKnightABdAI. fnti Wit called on thaao lontlonien, and In Uiaeouraeor tbeuatial rontiTlal pnMwediDga I laughinglycalled the party lourdar, nominated uya^lf u preauloataod U r. Caylur aa «e«r*iaTy, and gave nuUce ibitBO othor nituiloalloiiA wuum Im recelfod. whtih«U KughlDgh- agi^ad lu. We then deelaredth* M**tiQg Adjoumetl to i;iDClDDAtl, Nor. g, mdtiAylar and I ttilurnail liome I (*l«RrAph«d ObriaVon d*r Ah«b Mike HoadIod an>l olher bAiibAllleadera In dlirarent eiiiaa, noiiiiing Uimi ol ibeooDitog uiaatlug, and than waited fur devalop'nemo. Thinia bad iiitueao Ur thai l^kuaw II ihe meet-lag WAI a fAtlur* Ih* tauih would ba on m*, lo I bat* a>^tbe parile* 1 had t*l*iirai<bed to undoratatd that thaarorgwIitlloD waa A rure so Tho Teaall|(ttuT*d to ha aa 1

repreaeoted. And 111* AiuoriMn A««oelAi1nu waa iloitedmoat tuooiaArally. I uiieo think whA>|mlghi har* hap*fined II eaob ur the parilat tu Uif auortatioa had r«AlIraown on what a allghl loundatlon the call toad* lor Ui*

Ulnelonall tneeitng vaabaa«.l.'*

A deal hai bean oompleieJ tMtw««n ili« Si X^onla andLonUTlll* Olubawltaroby Bbunri, nf llie former, btab**n eiobADKfd for Brown, ol tlio Uiier olub.

llAidl* Uoaderaon. tbo ToiAran profbaalonal piteber.II aa applU'tQi fur a poahlon ak ab umpir* on th*oAoiAl Blair of tbe NatlonAl l.aAgu* tod AnoncAB Awd<OlAllOO.

HorcAn Harphy, the olever lltUa oatohorof ttaaCIn*cinnati OKib. la reporied an liarlnw pufo)taa*d Ibepatent right* ol a boB* lor aharpenlDg barlMrn' cllppera.asd I* now putting It on the iuBTk»t,wlth a c«n«0[ageniA, with great anoooaa. He hu dectdtd loderot*bl* who)* itmo to hli n*w bualB«Aii T*nlur*.WllllAOi BbATAig Ih* TtterAB nian*g*r, li bIowIv re-

covarlBg from ab aiiAOk of pleurlAy, which coDflaed Blnito bli bed for oT*r tbr*« w**kB.

Uany Sterena, wbo holJa tbe eeore curd And otherpriTlloBM at Ibe Tolo ilrounda, In Ihla clly, ha« bMooOBAavd to hia boai« at NIlea, O , throuab a »«T*r* »p*llol Btokaan.HAnagar llanlofi, of Hit Baliimore team, buooocloded

Ainngtuienu fur pUjIog An tibibitlon gam* at Roan-oke, Va, on April 6.

U. U.Byrae.priiMeat of Ih* Brooklrn Olnb, Uiuk*pg airangvotnu tu take bU team Bouib earlj la iUnb.


Tbe Winitr tpoiti of tlis Bell Okla AUikUo Olnb

wn« litlil »t HtwtowB, L. I., OD New YWiwlUiUioKfallsbon Inttia •amiiiuT Uutfollowi:ou Aundrrd yartfi fwi.—Woo b7 Olitrl** Mlllsr,

Kfiub: Uvwd Far. tidt. fun, tmai; Anhv Coi.ru.tril*. iblH. TiBjiIiHiou Arlm; nia.—iroD 0; Cbulii Milltr, icraidi:

frut UiUtipIt, );dj., M0OII4; JiniH Dowtf, tjii,Iblnl Tlo*,Si.

//tfpdfe raoe, IfOrdi. — Woo br Ttaomu CallAbfto,enteb: MtnlD l.rrliu. 9jdJu HMDd; Arlhoi MasMil. fltdi.lbirt. TioM, VI./turdit nee. nord*—VTon br Tbonu Cftlltbu.

•enub: Ow, Xiltm,, UfOl, •Mood; Aitbai auMlUUrdi.ibiid. Tliiw.a<.Ou nllt NcttU ra«.—Wm bj JohD Hlaoou, Ktmlrb;Wb MoAiuar, tirdt., a4caod: lukk Crr, lO/dL,Iblid. Tiiiw.aai.9tt.QiuxrUr mlU rm—Woa br CbuUi Mllltr. lenlch;

Pnrf Bubuu, Brdi , iMoadi Irlhor llaDMl(»>dt


iblid TIiimTib.M<, UM/mUima—Woa br Obul*, MUlir, wnub : rraakMiB|^D,^40yd9.,M«oiid;j.BQ0baiuo.4Srdi.lblrd. Tint,

Oiu MlU nu.—Won br AUiandar TuMr. ienteb;Ed>ID Ltn. tOjai., iraod: F. A. Tobli, BO;di., ibirdTliM,lai.<tKi/hiaiif«a9(aA/wip.~WoD br Knob Loekvood, t«nt<b,

IIL IID ; L U. Asbaitlo, 41a.. MWDd, 4lL lU{ia.; Wll-llun Morrt,, >lg.. iblid, 4lt. KHo.nmnlng broaaJump.—Woa br Ralph Marrari aerateta.

len eia.: Zdaatd LonjbllD, in. tia., Hcead, 1(11. Ila.;wmiaia kakiotr. tn, Iblid, uri. (IDnKlliVUUUBlAal—Waa br I. P. Wlc>la||i,Kialeb,

Sit Ola.: Z kallaaat. 911 . ianaad, UIL Ila : 4. Ba.cbaaaB,9h.tla, tbltd, IIR BXId.

AOitLiiiaAllaulaalbatlfaa obtlltoia forvaidad brUia Kav Vork AtLMle Oleb for u latoTaatioaal Oaldmaollaa darlac tba Bammar of ]fl9a,allbarb«l«aaaauim oribttortftalutloaaafl opaartbaLosdoo AlblalleOlab, orauamaalacladb/lbaoilloaraor iba laltar, ba*l»aa aoeaplad. Tbit will ba Tair plauaat atwi t« all

IboaawhodaalratbaadTaoeaioaat of amataar albttuca00 bolbildta of tba AUaoUc

THE TURF.CBllforalft Jockejr Olab Racea.

Tbe meeilng being beld dnrlnf tbe Winter bj tbe

OalUonla Jookej Olnb, at Sen Kranolico, conUn-

nee wltb profit (o tbe managemenL boring bolldaj

week tbe attendance dallr wag above wbatit badbeen, gallitaetorT aa tbat waa. Tlie eventa tbat

took place dotlBf tbe put rortnlgbtaregommar-

lied below:Deo. U.—Fint nee-FiToand a ball forloogi, etlllBB—

Don PbIabo, Its, Obora. 9 to 6, won: (jae*B Bt*. ff7,

Coady, 8 to 1, BeeoBd; nkamor, Kg, Wiihb, SuO to'

9 to 6, won: (joeea B**,o MF >, Mcoaui wkamor, Kg, Wiihb, SuO i.

third. TlBW. l:ieu BeeoBd rtee-8lx furloDga telllag—BrawBeott, lOe, f. Oarr, g to 1, woa; OapL Re**,109, Chore. 17 lo l.aaeoBd: Idolpb. 109, BhAw. 10 lo 1,

third. Tin*, 1:13 Tbird raoe—BereB rarloBg*,NAfl»*Btak*B,Ta]a*gl,ODO-Jtnrood, «a B.lMm,8toa, won; tfAjor HeLAagbllB, 87. Cboni,eogpIed«libJlBFlood, g to 1. BMOfld; R*y Allooeo, IQB, darr. t lo l,

third. Tint. IJTK Foortb nee-Abont two and aqoArtar mlt*a. fall «oarM *t*«pl*obaa*. narlemStakei,value $J,oa^Floodfflor«, U7, AUmnrk. 0 lo 6, woo: Oan.Mllta,ia, Mnrpby, 19 to l,**eoBd; llAppy Baod. 114.

Ambroi*,10tor. iblrd. Tlm*,a:SS rurh nc«—flls

fnrtongwRanllaaUon. 10*, flynB.S to 1. wob; Qairt, IM,CotbraBe,etol, wooad; Moorovia, 109, Chom, 8 to 1,

third. TlBa.l:llK-D*o. M—Flift mo^Flr* InrlOBga, felling—lAwytr,

loa.Uborn,8tn l.won; Norl**, 91, Uaokran,? to 9, aee-ond; Thr** rorki, SI, Coady.S to I, third. Time. 1:10

Beeoni raoe—Aboot urn larloBga mIIIbb—BiperUmeat eolu 01. Coadjr. S to 1, vao: Btaadriat, m, f. carr,7 to a, aoeood; lnp.Bmplrt,97. A (rarrAei lOlol.ihiniTlot, 1:14 Inlrd rad^FiT* farlooga. aeUiBB-*nhArlei Qaiok, 109^ riyoB. fi to 8. woo; Mlaa Hath. 110.^CocknB.8to l.At«0Bd: My BwAelh*BVl,lll,OorlDgtoD,Bto 1, thiid. Tina, 1:11 Koarth raoa—On* mile—MUlBg-Wblt*tt4we KB, Cart, 3 to 1, won; Hy Dy. 10),

Chtra. 1 to 1, eeooBd ; Oarael. 03. Uoady, 10 to 1. third.Tim, t:tf Filth ra«e-FlT* rurloBga, atlliBB-DlchBeban, 97, Ooehnn, 0 to L woo ; rrlmandA, 107. Obore, 8to 1, teoond; Conrad*. 107, Flyan,3 to 1, iblid. Tim*.

Ueo 37-—FInt no»-PlT* Inrlonga r*llloB-CApL Coa-t*r, 108, F. Catt, B to 8. won: Uotarlo. SX B. CocbtmB. e toI,

109. Uhorn, T la

. FI*ir*Uir, 88. Atel*. 10 to 1. third.


4, won: NorlM.eJ,&Uookran,3 to I.

A*mod; Tbr** Por^a, IIA Coadr. 38 to I. tbiid. Time,ItOTta Tbiid raoa—Abont bIi rnrlontA, ealliaB—Ua*dint Buhaa, valot ILOOO-Pat Hnrpby, 101. narr, 11 to B,

woo; MalBttay, 1(B, ubon. 4 to 9, recond: Hanloid, 93,

R leom, U t«l, third. Tlmo I:I9M Poorth rae*-BlE IttrlOBB^Doa FbUbo, 108, F.iian',8 to 1, wob; 'Zo,

bftlr, 103, R, Karrk*. B to 1. oecond; Tartarian. lU.OlABoy, 3 10 B. third. TIma, 1 .Finh hm-FIt*-and a bait lurlnngB-Adolph. IVi. Uboni. 3 to I, won;Jak* JobnaoOilOL voomba,8to l.aeeond; ZtoUy L. Ally,B7.(;ogdr.BDiel,thlrd. Time,l:l0M-

D*fl. Vt-Plnt no*—FIT* and a half furlong*aaUlBg—Jobnay PAyn*, B, B. Uoobian, a to 1, won;Primaoda, IQt, Obore. 4 to 8, aeoood; Uaaon Bt*.107. Uoady. 9 10 1. third. Tim*. 1:1) Bocondno*—FIT* fnrloBgt-Olna, lOB, Perklni, 4 to 9. won;Imp. VIgar, ill, A. OoTlagton. 3 to 1, tecond;Uanlord, Itbi B. laom. « to I. third. Time, IrOe?^.

Thiid na^Abeul alx forlongt, atlllnj:—Bra*Beet* 103, Oarr. I to 1, won: Bad tlito, IML Ofaorn, 7to \ aeoood: Baa Lola Rty. 10*. N. mil, 30 to I. third.Tin*, una. RFoBrth rao* 'Matoh, dbtba $430 and$U00 a Bide, OB* mllfr-WhlteBlona, 108, PatklBB, 3 to B,

WOB. RoatBilor fell a qnarttr ol a mile from ibewlr*.Time, XM Plflh raro-fitx lurlong^Diek BtabaD,M. PerklOA, 8 to a won ; Qalrt, IOBl B. Oocbrao, 8 to a, leo*Id; aaaLaoBS Ue.0>^.4tol,thlrd. Tlme,l:M)i.pea 39.—Flmt lao*—Pira inrkiofa, •*lllBg-Tlgr«Ba

BloBaoB,!._. _ _ . UI at th* uiiw»qiMnor poie, oaoiyio*JarlBg Joek*T Ooohrao Tblrd rae* -BprecklM uaQ*dieap, Talae |l(^9DUk oo* ml* and a quartar-Ltiiak. I0&Chore, 7 to 8, won: Oadmao, 113, Uarr, 9K to 1.

Chumloa. lUl UoTd. B9 to l. third. Tuna,^ ^ -yd. I

Fonrth taoa—Bteepleohaaa, abort eoara*, Balllng-Jimjulonab. AT" " —

to LTlm*.9:llj

.teepL . _Norrtll. 131. MoCnlloogb, ATen, wen. _ .' . o^|,aj^ii»odoeino, 139,

; lUppyBand. 134,

lu, >«wiv«iiM. 139, tw*y, 9 to 1,

..Filth neo-FiT* (nrlooga, loll-

to 1.' third: Yime,iha«igb,Bd:

iBg-BoVrn 'dood.^li R 'fMn.'a to 3.~wba ; Bl tlruoVia.Coady.8io8,B*eoBd; Bloe Bannor.llO^ U*Bntaay, 10 tol.thliA. Tim*. 1:10.

Dea SI.—Pint rAO*—PIt* tttrtonga, aalllog-Baraal-dina, 64, R, 1*001,3 lo 1. won; BraTara,fiT, A. I«oni,30iAl.taoond; MyOtiarm,00,Ooadr,7to8, third. T1n^l:lL"

PIT* furlonga, aelllni—Boblo tioo^.No. 1, 108. U*BD*tn, IH to I. won; Lawyar. ICB, Oootnbe,SKlAi, leoond; Ob**,lQi Uoyd. 8 to I. ihtrJ, Time,

Third ne*-4uiolaB Btakea. 11,000^ Bt* aod ahAlf lurlongA-Clrta, lib, t^rklna 3 to 9. woo ; HAlnatar.llS,P.OArr,etAa. aMwml : Ollrla, 10^ R. laoBi,etoKthird. Tim*. 1:IIK Ponrtb ikoa-Bii fhrfonga—Imp. KliH, 111 P*rkin*, evan. woo; AglUto. 97, Chorn,3 tut, Moood; Imp. pAramatta, lo, U.Smlib, II to 1,

third. Tlma.im?/. Piith no*-Aboattli larlooga,B*mag-OApl Coaur, ftJi K Ib». 7 to8, won: ltod«r,IM. Chora,m lit I teoond; Jake Joboioo, 9B, Bllty. 9 to

1. third. TmiA,l:IlJan. 1.—Flret raco-Sli farlooga—Jak* Johnion. 101.

rarhlu,9 to 8^ woa; Baioaidlot, 89, BIbb. SO to 1, teo-ond; D*lNorto.97, R. liom II to 8, ibti^. Time. 1:BM.

..BeooBd met lortenit-Blr Rtel, 113, Bo'HogABM,3D to I, woa: Imp. Vigor, 84, P*rklni,S to 5. teo-ond; Robin 1lood,HB^ iHiAW, B to I. third. Tine, l:tl

Third mo-8tTaB larloBjn, aalllBg, fiaatet Rtakai,vain* gUOD-Doa Pnli— ''^ ~ " - ' —(Irandae^l, N. iliU. Bto ., p«owi...ikina, a to t third. Tim*. XTtK8tA«p|*cbaB«,OB*B-ll*-Bll I*odlg. 198, H«dfl*1

vain* gUjOD-Doa Pnlano, ICOt P. CArr. 8 to 8, won.N. iliU.Bto l,B*ooBii: Imp P«i«y.9B. P*P. « r

TBeo«^eld. a 10 1.

wob; Ploodmo'*, UO^ Almark, 3 to 8, teoond: Jim Nor-TtlU 1<1^ MoCalloaBb. B to 1, third. Tint, 3.D8 Fifthrae*-PtT* and a hair rbrlongt, •elling—Ooldbng. 108,Chore. 8 to 8, won: Zanpoat, W, Uarr, 8 lo I, teoond;Bio* Baaoar, 109, Hanneieay, 4 to l. third. Tim*, I :iex.Jan. 1—Pint lac* PtT* tarloBct, atlllnB—Major

ronb.07. PerkiaaB to 8, woo: HvObatm,97. W. Plrno,Slot aaoond; attlnBn.l04,Ohora, 4 tol. third. Tim*,1:1UM B*eond no*-Abont tli forhnga, tellloff-Inp. Bmplra, lOL Chorn, 8 to I, won; Chareier. 103, Ta-btrTliie, 9 to 1. Beeottd; Rtaadfut, Perhlnt, S lo 9.

third. TIma, I Tlitrd rae*—SU farlooga-Tartarlan, 11^ Oarr, 8 w 1^ won; Chartrenta. 97. Ptralnt, 10

|iDl,*eeoBil;i4alrt,99,R.laoBi,8tol. third. Tlme.l:3LPonHb ree«--On* nlla, ttUiBB—llABloid, 97. FUbd,

19 to 1, woojZAnpott, U& P. t^r. 3 to I, aaoond: Uy Dr.lie. Ohora, 4 to a, third, rtm*, l:bt Klfth rioe-Firtasd a ball rurloBgt-Qaeta B**, lua, R. laom, 3 lo 1, won;Prlmaada, lV7a oEore. 7 to & tecoad; BaUn**r, lU, M.BIIUSloMblrd. Tlma,l:l0W.Jan. &—Flrat no*—Fir* nrl<- irloniB, atllioe-UtlAQltk

to. Obit, ajp jl^ won ; OnUlt^ l^.f * !• *?'Ddj^Bt-BraodoB, IS, ueoneuy. 4 tol, thlrxl.

oDd n>»-Fire '~'

eoneuy.4tol,thlT\l. Tina. l:IOK....eM^_ lurloB8a.telltB|-BtllbAi, lU,r:ArrBto5,

woa: Baragna, 110 N. Uill. 8 to I, aawhl : LitUe Tongb,101. Flyno. 4 to 1, third. Tim*, im Tblrd noe-Fliforlongt, telllBB-Lawyer, 99 Ohore. 4 to B, woo: Conde,101 MoAullfTk. 19 10 I, e*oond;Tbt Judn.101 8hAB*.ttto I. thlid Time, IKVK Fonrth lAce-Betea fdrlonga. BtlllBg—R*AlIatloB,98, W. FlyDn.4 lol, won;RtdUlenn.08,<;bf>re, 4 lo a Baeood: BntbaalAai.ua, (^.9tol, third, TimA,l:37M ridh raoe-FlT* fQrlooBi^ttlllag-FilmaoA, loLOarr, 3D to I. won: (^b*muok,W^rhure. 8 to t, Booood; HIm Ratb,ei, Klnol*, 10 to I, thlid.Urn*, 1 :10.

Jab. a—Pint taoa—PIT* fnrloaga. •o'Kng-Lawyer.107. L Loyd. 3 to 1. woo: Ooede. 11% BeiemtB, 7io9,Btoond; Nonaandla, MU W. Plinn.4 to l.ihird. Timt.ISB Beeoadno*—FlTOfBrMni " "'

UloTar,3 to 1, won; Red tBtcond; Elur U.tV. Roaka.

Third raoe Un» mile, Hilroy . ,LoTdala IIL OrltBo. 9 to 9. won; Jim I'lOod, 109, CBom, 8loB aeooBd; ChatnloB,ll9.0lABoy. H to 1. tblrd. Time,I :as Ponrth rno»-8bort oonra* tteeptecaaae, talllog-

BraodoB, UI, MeCullongb.9 to 8. won: April, fli,

8taBlonl.4 to LAoeoBd; Rii ItDdlg,145. Redaehl 3tol,tblrd. T1maa:4lK Pifih nee-Vire rurloogB. eell.log—I Dob'IKbow, 111, Lloyd. 9 to I, woB;CheiBnok. lULlataell,10tol.aa«ond;IUeaMo, lOi, TnberrlltMOtoUthird. Vlme,l:ia • ^ «. s

Jan 7.—Plrwt raoe—Pit* InrlOBga, eeUlnr-MyObarm,

W. Funn.4 to I, ihird. Timt.e rBrhinBae*Ulng-Abl P., 111.

I LiBhl, 1(9. Boatman. 3 lo a,

ka. 10 to 1. third. Tine.l:llK.*, HilrojHiakoa, Taluell.gv-

^ 107. Ueani**bpDd_ia«*<


<g«, „.BB, 8 1* 8. wob; Bravura. BT, KlBB«y. 4 to 1.— '|*aB**BT,atoLthlrd. nma,l:lOM

FIT* ftirloan, ••UiBi-Adolpb. UB,HoAnliira~9'to't^ woa] RerEM «,''&'OoehrBa.'l tol^•oeoad; Lawnr, L UoH. 7 to I, third. Tina,lAK.'>-...n"id laea-FlT* tnrloag*, B*Uiag-Tbnal^m(.......lb1i«' ne*-PlT* 'tnrioan, ' B*Ulag-tbnarBfUv^Uwir.dtol, ratta Mb BBy.Hi,Lleydf

4 lo l,B*oADd: OliTlA.99 KlaBtr.lI lo L third. Time,1:00 Fourth rae* flii farlonga-Zobalr. Ifl, W.Bpence, 0 lo I, won; Robla Hood No. 3, IM, FlyiiB, Bib 8.

Beeond; Hay Day, 09. B. r.oehnn.8 fo 1. tblrd. Tim*.l.-flX Fifth raoa—8lB farlonga •eDIaf—Cbamer. 97,

K. Coobrmn. I to 1, woo; Bernardo, 107, fJord. H to a,

aoeoBd; Eiptrlmoot, 99. Kinney, B to t, third. Time,1:31.

nadug at the Creacent Clt|r.

Tbcre waa a big gaiberlog at ttaeNevOrleani

track on Ctirlaimag attersoon, tbe apeclat attnc-

Uon belog tbe Cbrlatmag Ugndlcap, tbe Bpecola-

Uon on wblchwaa very brlik. Tbe winner inmednpin Amelia, ggalnac wblch ibe oddg at gtaning

rnled at 4 to 1. 8be won u a gallop, Olementlne,

tbe winur or tbe Tracilon and American BrewingBandlcapg. flolablng lut Bommaryot tbe eventadecided during tbe paat fortolgbt:Deo-B — FIrat rac«—Blx farlooga teUiBg-O. B Coi,« '*<--r.aiol,flrtt; LnkA Parka. lOL PeBB.B tol.-"

[berao. 108, Blake. 8 to 3, third. Tlme.l:l>.Becood rae^Sli rnrloBgt, telllBg—Hlonl* Ce*,10l, U.WlLliaffla,ltol,flci(; PanwBy,99, FlnDtKaB,10tol. I'O-

oBd ; B«o WiUoo, 97. Barotd. 10 to 1. tblr\i7Tim*, 1 :14X-Third lae^PiTe rarlosga, haodlcap—Coma, luT,

Lelgh,8 to I. flnt; Fomegraoaia. 101, J. ailL 3 fo 1, tefr

00dryiDAh.lCaLn. WlllUna,9 to 1 third. Tlm*,l:QSX-Foorth raco—Oo* aod 0Bt-*l|hth inllea, Cbnat'

maa UABdicip-AmellB Mey, 108. Ltlgb. 4 to I, 0nt:Melody, 108, non, g tol,toe«ad: HAreal. 101. J. Bill. IBtol, third Fifth race—Ooe mil*. B*)llog-Vo<d, 113,

BUite, 1 to 3,ent: Too Bprlog. lOL B. WtU-am*, luto Laeeond; AlaibiA a1|*d,1c4 J.UiU,0 tA 1, tblrd. Tim*,1:4IH-D*& 38^—Plr«t rac*-Vlr* aad a half ftarloBga—Bbb-

Bom, 109, J OardBor, 15 toB, wob; VaBBrant,ltiS FIbbo-

fan. ill to a, Ateond ; Htd**o, 1(6, Babina. SB to 1. third,ime, l:U>£....,.^BecoBd rmc*-fii larloBBt, •elliojf, . -jUini—

Twenty-thrioe,llO. L«tgh, 3 to 1. won; Nlearagua. 107.

OArdoer.atoljeoeoBd; BllTArPrlne*. IU,MoCue Btol,Ibin). Time, 1:31 auKu iw.«— wtw, nrntunRoBBle B . 101, Mori*, 10 to 1, won ; Mtnoilot 98, EefiBto 1, aeoood; Emio Bey. loC Blab*. 1 to 3. tblrd. Tim^,l:i9>«. Pennb ne*—8ix forlongt. ••IiIob—Qalene,107. Utnottay. 7 to l, woa : Bob BoImaB, 107. Oualo, 3 lo1, leoood: Rof It Anderton. Ki7, Bamtt, 10 to 1, ulrd.Time, Pllib rae*-eU and a half fbrloDga,aelilnf-UodiBon. 1(0, J. Ulll, 9 to l. won; Qoard, lui,

Ptna, a tn 1, aeooBd; Itlon, lOB, Eliod, B to L third.Tlme,l:77M.u Ueo. 37—FIrtt nce-BeUlog, Btb forloBga-PeitlTgl.lOO, PaoilB to 1. flrat; Birdealebtr, lOl. J. Uli|,4 to 1,

Beeond; Flotb, lOB. U. WlUlAmB. 7 to 9, ibird. Tine,IM Bteoad raeo-Belllof. oo* mlta-Oleetone, 97,A. OlaytoD, 4 to 0^ flrat; Tab Bpnog, 'OO, H. Williamt, 3to 1, BtooAd; Jim H*>nry, lOX Uregory. SO to I, thirdTime, l:ie Third rAc^BAOdiaap, Bto iurloBge—Oold DoBi, IH. MeCue, 1U to 1, Brst; olara Baoer, 118, U.Rblelda3 lol, teeond; Bettit Niebolr, lll,u. JeboBOB,Bto 1, third, time. 1 09X Fourth raea-BeUlog, tliturlongt—Borrtll t BlUeit, 110, J. MoDonaUl, 9 to & flnt;Loke nrk*. 1V7, Fean, 10 to 1. teeond; On indralji, 104,

Parr. B) to I, third. Time, 1:16k Fifth race-BeU-Inf. all farlonia—Tramp, 107. Turatr, 11 lo 8, flrtt;

Waoda T., ICtL Uagtr, 18 to I. aacond; BAm Pamtr, IQB,

U. BbltMa, lOlo 1, third. Tin*. 1 :18W.i_SllD*a 38 —Plrtt reeo-BlK lorloog*—Blbtroa, 107. Plno*-

lao, 4 to 1, woo ; Mamtr, If*weon), fl toB, Moood ; Satlottt104, P*no,ieio ft, tnird. Timt, 1:18k; Baoood nee—3ii and a half lorlongn, telling-Mua Ptrklna lOH A.BArr«it,7tDl, won:TeDng Arlon. Ill J UoDooald,3 to

8^ aecoad : Deorer. lOP. Harold, S to l.Iblrd. Time, 1 «M.Tbird race—alx farlongi, sellmj—Unole Lnk*, Iif7,

A. OUyioo Stol, wro:P*Bway.lU7, nnntaao, 4to 1, tao-ood; Ben WlUoo. 107. UaroM.eiol. thltH Time. 1:19Fourth ne»-Oae mile. BeUtDg- Bumll't Billet, 110, J.McDonald, oien, won; Jobo Efoan, 101. B. wi)hAraa,3)cto 1. teeond ; Uaole Prenk. 107, U. Bblelda, 19 to 1. thirdTime, 1:41... .Fifth nca—PlTt InrlootB.telllog—JohnnyHcUale, IQB, A. Clayton, 3 to I. wooiNormBn, U8. New-com. 4 to 1, Btcood; Buokeya, lOi, Plnnegao, 4 to 1 third.Time, 1 :03U.Deo. 30.—Firtt race-One mlle-Nero, 108, Peno. 8 to 9,

won: HalAga, 101. a. 8*rr*tt,l5tol. leeood; BoonloB,107, Mamy, la to 1, third Tim*, 1:49H Beeondnco-Bia end a half furloDga-OIara Boner, 114, A. Otay-ton, t toS, woo; Longbroofc, 108. Welib, 10 to Laeoona;illeoiome. lol, P*bb. 8 lo 1, third, Tim*,Third rae«-4B* mile And a qoarter. paitB-Wabateble,97, A. OiAjton,Siol won; Htlody, 07. Peon. 8 to 3, tee-ond; lmp.Wolcey,10),MeCo*,4tni,thlrd. Tlm*,3A>9))f.

Fourth nce-UiE lurlooge-Necndab, 94, B. Wll-llAmt.3 lol. onrCoralIlnA,93,A. clayloo, 13 to 1. ete-ond: R*d Top. 8^ Wolah. U to L third. Tim*. 1:18Kliuinoe-Fl«e lorionBt-Flath, IIP, D.WIlliAmA,* toI, woo; MArtbaOriflln, lo8, (Jauib. a to I, ecood : Trial*,IV .WAmB.a) tol. third. Tin*, 1:1BX.D*^ 31.—Pint rac*-81t farloagt, aelllog-

108, uighL I to 1, won: Vaa Brant, 103, Plnn«a»w, « wB. t*oon<r:BldCBn.lOO. ilAToVi.atoLthlld. Tim*. 1.-33.

Beoond rao*—BIB and a halt Tnrlongi, Balltog—Adah L., 00, CaialB, 11 to 8, woo; Bam Parmer. 101. J.IIIU. 4 to I, Btcood : d*e Whia, 09, Newoomb. 8 to 1, tblrd.Time, 1:39h Third nc«-8li And a ball lurlonRt—Bait Up, HO, Linn, 8 lo I. won; Sir JAmtB, 99, HoOne, 8to l.ttcood; Cooper, 91, II. WiUlama, 8 tol. third. TIma,1:30M Fonrth raee-Ulx and a ball fnrioogi. toll-

iDB^Booale B . 1&7. Morny, l!t to l,won: BodgtOB.PO.U. wllllamB,eto 1, aeeond; Biberon. 10^ Plsnegao,Bloa, third. Tlm*.l:»X rltb nc*-8eTen fulona-AdTOcat*,09, A. nuyton.ia lol, woo; Allbl.lVfi. J. Hill,a to I, BAoood; Lay Oo, lOi, H. WIUUmB, 3 tol, thlrdiTime. 1:19.

Jao. 1 —Flrat noa-PlT* and a ball lartonga, BtUIng—Matt Whit*. HH. Wattaam, 60 lo 1. won: Lok* Faxluvw,U. Wlllltma, 11 to a, teeond: Paeolel, lOI, TbomAi. 39 to1, third. Tint, \:U\ Second rao*—8u rnrloBga,Belling—Oloteom*, Ila, Ptnn.a lol, won:Ohl Dominion.101, WeiBb, a to 1. aeeond; Bailnet, 101, O. WlUlama 8 toI, Ihlrd. Time, 1:19X Third rua-FIre rnrlonn,hABdicap-DATid, 111, HcCne, S to 1, won; Haqnan. IQI.

A. Oliitoa, 8 to 1. Becood ; Blrdoatober, 108, J. Hill, S to I,

tbliH. TUnt, 1K)»H Koartb laee-OBO mlle-DfTMonopol* Uandlcui. pniae tW^Mero, IQB, Caaaln, 8 to I,

IJnel* Lake. 108, U. WltilaniA, 9 lol, teeond; Wa. US, Berger, to I. third.


Filth not-^oe mile, aeUI^-^Qalena,

V third. Time. 1:81.

^Vaa Brant. lOl Newooibj ftd l. voo: doria,~flf/. U III

lie. 118, Berger, to 1. third. T1me,l:40>^UBi,A.O

enty-un*. wi, Jiewcom, *

111 Blake, 7 tol, third. l

t nee—Fire end on« hAlf—IM Bivdt. lOLNewooD, 7 to 1, wob: wtt«, ivi,«.Htoa,*ecoiid; ftaiiaom, W, J. aaidn«r,a to 3, third.

-_ -_ , . — OUyton.


lo l.won; Twenty-three. 107. Mewcom, 4 to 1, teoond;Prancla Font. Ill BlAke, 7 to I, third. TlmA, 1 il.JAn.3.— rlrat nee—Fire end one hAlflurlengt, telllni

Time, 1:13M Beeond race—One mil*, tailing—Dr.ParkalOlL H.ahleldL8 to l.won; Sir Jamea, lOB. Mew-oom, 8 to a, noond; Charll* B . 100. J. Bmltb,8 to 1. third.Tim*, lJU Third ne*—six lurlong*, uUIng—OldDomioioD,lBt. W*l*h.e lo t, woo; Jardloa, 109, J. Bill, 8tol. Aooood; uodgaon, 103, P*bb,7 to 1, tblrd. Time.' IBx Fonrth nee—BIB ABd a hall fortenga,bAndl-

-Wahatet' ^ -

lU, 4 lo 1,

CAP-Wahateble, 118, Paoo, 13 to a, won : M lu Gallop, 1 10,

J. IIIU, 4 lo 1, tteood; Bonnit B.. 101 Oolenaa, 18 to Lthird. Ttfflt.lAIM FltUraoe-PlfietntixieanthaoIfmiK t*UiBg->llm U*nry, 118,arBgory. 10 to l^on;ilon,llB^ A.T)layton.3tot, Booond; Alibi, Ud; J* BUI,


lo 3. third. Tim*,Jaa- 9.—Flnt rao*—PIt* lorloBia, palling-Walter

TAlb*n,lM,J.Bir - " " " - —PAnn,


Time, , .

nan, 101^. OIcJ'I<h>i,B toj-^woo; Qiay^Dnke, 113,A **" "*rol

- -.- Jeg*.oap-DaTlu, lie, MoOna, 3 lo 1, won; Triii*. 107, Warns,

1. 9.— rint rwot jit* inrioB|B, pouing—vrajiarirt, 104, J. HilL8to3, won: imp. Pomtgnnata, 109,i.6tel,B«oood;aideaa. 101. UaioM. 8 to 1. third.t, 1 :07.v B*oon4 lae^Uoe nila, aeUlng-Brake.4 101. A. Olejrton, B lo l.won; Qiay Dnke, 113, B.

Jonei, *T»o. aeoood; llBBryOwBlBr,lQa. Harold, into I,..... —..-a FlTo rorloor"tbiid. Time. 1:85.. ..Tblid kbandl-

3Jtol.McoBd; MAqnoD,IOi, A. Olarton, IB lo 8. third.Tloa. 1:07 FourUi race-Bli luruBaB, i all Ibf—AdahL,10,CaaBio,8toI.won:UlAaHamle!, 109, J. Bill. 3 tol,Be«r>nd: BtaratL U7.Ulgb,3 to l.tbtnL Tlme,^l:tL

KliUi nce-Hix ftirtoDBA, aelllag-Oatrd, lOT, A.OlaTton,3 tol won; Bern PArmer. lUB. J. Hlll,7la3,aerood; Pneolet.l0a,rbomai,16tol,tblnl, Tlme,lJlU.Jan. 4—Plruraoe-Tbr**40AriBnofaibII^B. F. Piy

Jr., Ill, J. Ulll, 3 10 1, woo; Tboodon H.,10B. OabiId,AT*n,t«oood; Charity B.. IM, U. Wllllami, Btol, third.Tim*, I:>1K BeeoBd ne^Plr* elghthi of a mile,haadloai^Kalll* 11., lOJ, A.ClAyioo. *t«o, wob; PAblA,101. Newoomb, S tol. aeoood: PrUio*aB Rot*, lO^B Wil-liamt, 8 to 1, third. Tim*,l308.V Third nc*-Tbi**-JuAttenof Amile—SAilBet,10i, II. WllilAinB,7tAl,won;ATdln*, lOi J. Bill, 4 te 1, lecond ; Burr^A Billet, 113,

J. MoDoaaM. 18 to I. tblrd. Tlm^ l:ie Pounb raoeAmile, ttUlag-Uodgaon, K8. J. HIU,r. 113, KntAht,ll lo 1. teoond; twtotyU lo a. Iblid. Tima IdB Filtb

—Berto tlghthaof Amilo, ttUlaiSio l.won; Kanutr."*IbFA*, 109, UIgb,


nee—Tbiee-uuBitenoi a bIIa, telling—Ten Brant, 10^F'0aegan,9 to 1|.wob; Dr. Reed, 99, neweon. 3D lo 1,

-wondj Bidean, lot. Uanid.iu to 1, Uilrd. Tune, 1AiUJaa. B—Plrtt noe-On* nlIe.*AlllDB—L* Qnnd. luvi

J. IIIIL 7 to 1, won; Ony Dahe, 11^ H Joqm. 17 to 10;teogad; IbIod. 107, A. Cltytoo, 8 to 1. third. TIda,IJIM '- • Beeond reon-Pir* aad a half farlonfi, •*Utng-Oot Wbia. BB, Uauin. 3 to L «ob: BAtdlOA, lOOLBabln*, 10 lo 1, teeond: Waada T.,9a, Qaidntr, 3 lo 1,

third. Tina*,l:ll Third raee—Fit* nod a bairinr-loBRA. aeilbig—Irap.TnT*lraB, 101, Penii.3 to 1, woo:~* '"""k, l01|Yoani,IO lo 1, eecond; Oaaro,-* ' — l:iau FoQril


Blaokbawk, 101, Yoang, 10 lo 1, eecond; daara lo. A.'

Clayton. 10 to 1, third. TlDi*.l:l6hC Foarihimoa-BoTtn larloogi. haDdleap—Mollle A , 111, J. Oardnor,lu to 1, woo; Wahauhle^ 111. A. Olayion, 8 to 1,

teoond; Ulia Oalop, 110, J. Ulll, 9 lo 1. Iblrd. Tlra*,l:39)<. Qlteaoire ilao laa Piflb no*-FlTe inr-loni^VarthA OrliDn, 107. Caaaln,* to I. won: Trliie.107. warT»B.3tol, teoond; Buck BtUn, 107, J. l)lll.e tol.iblid. Time. l.tBHJan. 7—rirtt noe-8li ftutonga, lelllag—llodgaon,

104.J. lllll,8io4. won; Coria, Oardntr, 3 10 1, aee-ond; J. P. B., 117, Mecae.ll) to l.thlnl. Tim*i,l:BJi.

Beeond race—On* milt, telllni-Bnk*man, 108, a.Clayloa.Stolwon; Billy Bokeotl*. K% OolemaB.SIoU aeoood: PaarliBe, 109. Bblelda, 8 to 1, third. Time.1:84 Tbltd raoe-Blx farloBBA,i*ulog-Cb*BOA,l09,J. UiIL*U>I.wob: MAqaoa,101,II. WilUaSnA,8 to 8. t*e-oBd; BUck BaUn, ICD. A. Bwntt, 4 lo 1, third. Tim*,1:13 Ponrth nc^Six ftirlongt-JAnJlaa, 118, Tor.n*r.4tol,won: 014 Dooiialen. lt>7iy. W*Uh,ttol, aec-oad; any Dak*. Ib7, 10 to 1, tblrd. Ttnn, 1:D Plitbnet BtTon iniloagt, tolling—Jo* Woohano, 107, B*r-tor, atol. won; Htm Pamtr. 107, J. 11111,9 to 8, t*oend:ucwta,B«^Ne«oom.8toi,lhlnl. Tine, 1 JB.

The Alexander laland MeetlBg*A gpeotally attraoUre programme waa arranged

by tbe Old Dominion jMkey Olub for Obrtatmuday, and,deeplt« tbe very tnreateslng appearanoeof tbe weatber at noon* ahont fonr Uionaand pe^aonaaaeenbledtowlliicagibe gpori. TbeparUon-lar event waa tbe CbrUtmaa Handicap, wblcb hadeeven 9tarttra. wlih Qallailn tbe favorite, havingopenedatstol aod being backed down to e to\Ae gpeoQlalora were again oir tbe gcent. however,tor ae ihey oame Into t£e etieich It wae anybody'gface, and after a nublng flnlgb between Tnontonand Ponoe de Leon, tbe iforiDer gained the victoryby a Kngiba wiu the favorite tblrd. Tbe timokwaa ratBer neavy from rain daring ibe prevlongnight. SomfflaiT or taoea deotded dnrtng the paatfortalgbtiD*e IBL-Plrtt ne* Plw favloaga-Poiw^ KB, Par-

OB, U to L vga; Boaoia, 107, Marphy, 4 » !,**»«;

a'laffoa. 110, Teller, 8 lol, Ihlrd. nmt,l:00 Beeondrae* BUaodaqaariar inrlongj^Mat^ nbtui, 104, Mnr*

ey,0 to a^ woo: BlUy Boy. uo, Doffy, 6 to l Boeoad;

Baelooa, 107, Zeelar. 0 to B, third. TIma, IMTblrd nee rhrlatmaa Uaodlenp, one mlla-TbntBioo, lOiHaffl. 9tol, won; PftBco da Leon, ICB, Carter,* to 1, leo-ABd: OnllaKo. lliL H. Uwla, S to &. third. Tinw, 1 :48. . .


Poorth r«ee-(t«T*o fbrlonii^-Lelgb, HBl DnlTy. 30 to 1,

won; Indrn, 118. Ham, 3 to A. eecAnd; Pint* tJhIaC IM,Taylor, e to 1, third. Time, 1:33J< Fifth raee-Tvo

Iear oida bIk and a qaarttr rnrloof^Paltle, HDK. Bom,I to a. won ; Jewel. 103. Mearr. 8 to 8. eecond ; Pamgat,

IiQ. Harphy a tol, third. Tlm*.l:3iVDrc. 36.—Pint rac«-FiTe fnrloBBA—Bobolink, 118, D.

Lewli 8to8,BrBt:Woodehopper.ll9. BoyIe,e to 1. M^oBd:aenlt,Kn.atAA«on,10tul. tblrd. -No time taken.

Second race—Sii aod aqaarterfarioogii-IUmon*,113. OAHLfitog, flrtt: Con Lney, llOi Carter. 0 to SD^r—ono ; Plciaway. UB. Congdoo. IB lo 1, third. Tim*, 1

Tblrd FAe^PlT* larloDBO—SoBom, 130.Marphy. 7to 3, flnt; Berwyo, IS3, R. LewTa, 4 to 9, aeeond ; Criterion,ISiOwyer, 100 lo 1, third. Ho ilmt takeo Fonrlbne«—aareo farloogt-Ohatean, 110. Teller, 7 lo 10 firot;

Ulaamc*.lia Ham. 9 to a. AMOod; Klaihlog. 104. Mn^phr. 19 to 1. tblrd. Tlmai 1:SS>( Fifth nce-Twoyearolda, ail and a qnarter fbrtong^Lnra, 99, Doonellj, 8 toKflnt; Oorman, 104, Ham. 0 to 10 teoond; O'Hean, 07,ConKdoB.80tol,tblrd. Tlm*,l:UH.D*e 88—Piretrao^Poor and onebair fnrlenga, aalt-

log—KuamoB. 109, Boyle, 7 to t Ont; Imp Boaee, 109,

Ram, 0 to a. ateond ; Lady Baperlor. 104, Cox, 7 to I, tblrd.Time. 0:49>4 PeooB* nee—Sli and n qnarter fnr-loogi-Pr1ac*John, 1(77. Can*r. 3 to 8, flrat; Jobnnr. lOi,

Neaiy.S to 1. aeeond; Tbien L-. 10l>^ CoTDlej,B lo I,

third. Time. 1:31 Tblrd nc^Fnnr and a heir roT<loon-Plnelloo. 1(9, Bona, 10 to 1. flrat; Oot. Plfer, 101.

Tribe, 8 to a, aeeond; Loo Fonler, 111 Paoar.U lo 1,

third. Tim*. 1:00 PcBrthne^FoaraBdahaU far*loan-Joytnae, 109, FAnona. 8 to 3. flrtt: PAmva^, lOS;

Tribe, 7 to 1 teoond ; Jewel. 108, Ham. 8 lo ft, third. Tim*,0:99 FiRb nee-Ooe mile—Pint* Cbl*C 101 Bem, I

to a. (iTAt: 0. 0. D., 107. A. Moore, 8 to 1, teeood ; Chedder,lOS HoTDby. 4 to 1. third. TlmA, l:49tt.Deo. 39.—Fine raoe—Fooraod onahalf (brlAoa*—Weal

Bide. lOO. MnrphT,8toaant; DrJohoaoo. 108, Ham, A to8, aeeond ; Detpalr. lOi^ Corbley, 8 tol. third. Tim*. ^iJnk

HooeiMl race—Bli and oneanarterforloDgfr-BliryBoy. HO, Ham, 4 to 8, Art; Woodcaopper, 113, Boyle, S toI, aoAoad; Pickaway, 109. Hnrvby, 8 to I, third. Tlme^\^\% Tblrd noe-bli and ooeqoAnar forloogiFAmtnt, 98, DoBnelly, 3 to 1. flnt: Qorman, 109; Bern, 3to a^ aeeond ; ailmpie fllly. ^ Boblnaoa. « lo 1, tblrd.Tlma.l:OK Fourth nco-One mile and ao eighth—Ve«llbnl*. lia, Dody. 9 tn 1, flnt; LoDiibankt, 96. Don-n*|ly.10 to I, f«Mnd; Poncad* L*oi^ 107, Ham, 4 to 9,

tblrd. T1m*,2Kn?j Filib lae^Poor aad b ball InrlooBA-Imp. Bontis lin, irAm,8 lo 1. Bret; B«rwyn, 111^railar. eto8,tacoBd; Ba7b*ny,119,Z«U*r,3Dtoi, third.Time 0:51Dea BL—Flrat ne*—Half a mile—Ormmplon. 109. Trll>eL

8 to a. flrat: Dtab'og Charlie. 114, Bomea 10 to 1, teeond;Oartla 99. 01*Awn. 8 to 1. third. Ttno. OAS Necondnee—Bli and b quarter iBrlonai—Ooo rncey, 109, Dob-nelly.a to 8, flnt; Joboay. 99. Noatt, 8 to 1, aeoond ; BillyBoriU'3.RaiB,4tol.tblrd. Time, 1:» Third noa-BaUa mile—Wbtelotkl, lOi Trihe. 9 to 1, Brat: Pemgnt,lOX Donaelly, 0 lo 8, tecoad; NorlbionJ, 101 Cob. 7 io 3,

thlid. Tim*. 1 •Al%. . . ..Fonrh riea—One mile—Bltmrd.Ill, Tribe, 010 3. drat; TenaelOBe. 108 Bersard. 0 to 10,

Ateond: Red Star. 10. Beoder, 30 tol, ihlnJ. Tlma.l:aiFifth nea-UAU a mlle-NlDA, 104 Ka^t. IB to t,

flrft: aiimpse fllly. 09. Naarr. 3 tol, eeojnd;MiAACaAtl*a,108 Btoder. 18 tol. third. Time. 0:81Jan. 1.—Flnt rae*—Fire fbriooga. BelllBg—Taleott,

107. tartar,* to a, woo: Boo Tojage.ir7. P1iher,2B to 1.

peeoBd ; Jiek Lorell. llOi Meyera, 7 to 1. third. Time,0:U Beeond nee—Bli and a bair farloog*—Lann,loa Donnelly, 4 to a. won : Jewel. 108, Marpby, B to 1, reoend ; Oormon. 109. Tnbe. 8 tA a, third., Time, \-JDTblrd nee-New Year'a Baod leap, ali aod a half inrlonga—Pooca de LeoD. 107, Oarter. 4 to 1, woo: Rtmorr*. Ill,

Ham. a 10 1, Nfcond; Oraad Prix. 107. E. Tribe, B lo I.

third. TlinA.l:30 Fourth nee-Halfn miK aelllor—Bonora, 101, Ham, •Tea, won: WeilSId*. UH, Marphy.ttola ateoBdjPartgoB, 111, W. Herria, 4 to I. tbu^l. Tim*.U:81K Fifth nc«-8lB ABd a halt forloogt—Chalean.109, Yttttr, 3 to 8. won ; Plokawny, iQBiMarphy. 8 to I, aeo-ood ; L*iBb- IM. /'4iler. 9 to 3, Ihlid. Time, 1 :t9.

Jan X—Pint neo—roar and a hAir fnrlonBt—MIskyB.. 1Q}, MsKeotle, 10 to 1. Bnt; DAtbiBB Cbariey. lOIK,Paiwda 7 lo B teeond; Bon MAlhenr, lOl, Hade, 8 to ft

third. ttm*.9:M)i Becood nee—Six aiHl a qoArterfarloDKt-Bobnllok, 109. Ham, 7 to 10. flrtt: Plehawar.

Mnrphy, 10 to 1. tMond; ll^tdllgbu lOO. Neary. (0to 1. third. Time, 1:39M. Third iaaa-8lz end aQOArler farlengi—Prinoe John, lOB, Carter, even, nr^;Hit Oraro 109^ flelger, 7 to 1, oecond; Tbnrtloo. IllUam.B tn a,Uilid. Time 1:3IX. Fourth nee—Fourend aball farlooffa-^oytopta, ilD, Marpby, 7 to 10. Brat;BroBiloD, 109K, Beodar, 7 to l.tooood; bllhan L,ini,DoootllT. 40 tol. Iblrd. Tlme.OM FIfih ne*-Oo«mll^-Cb*ddAr, 108, MnrpbT, 10 to 1. flr»t; LooBfihABha,10^ HAm. 7 to a, teeond; Frlno* KUmath, 101 rlynn. 3Dtel.lhlri, Tlme,I-.8l.Jan. &—Flnt no*—Blx ftirlooBa, Mlllnr—TbIen L,

U9. a Johnaon. 8 to ). flrtt; Drlnte. 1391 Coleman. 8 to 3;

leond ; InterOeeAO. 130, Delehanty, 10 to 1. third. Timii1:38 Beeond noe—SUc and ooe-baU toTloogn-Blli-tArd, 119, Tribe, atao, flnt: Doo Birch, lOlu. AlfoM, 30tol, teeond : MoBeaTor. ill. Bender, 8 to l. third. Time,1:31 Third nc«—Fire Inrleaat-Jehn MoOarrlgle,100. 0. Maipby, IS lo 1. flrat; Jewell, 108. Hnrpby. 3 to 1.

tecoad; HrinrUolLlOi, Dafly,7tol, third. Time, IHB.Foartb nee—PlTA rnrlonat—BelgnTl*, l0&.nAm.

5i<>lflnt;Innt, 101 Marpby, 9 to 8, teeond; Ontalder,|i8,A. Hoore,40io 1. thliif Tlme,l^ Pliihnce-(tlf and ooo fonrth forlonBt—L«igb, 101, Duff*. 4 to 1,

flnt; Waleott, lOl, Marpby, 8 to B, aeoood; Bine Blid. IliCarur,3tol,thlrd. Tine, 1:37.Jan. 4—Pint raoa—Fire furlong*—DMh Ing Charlie,

110, Morrla,8tn9, flnt; Larry Hay, 110, Doney, BOto 1,

aeeond; Sao Malbenr, 110, Ban, 8 to 1. third. TIma,l:06X......B*coBd noe-RIx end a qoantr fnrloo^ aell-

log-TBmolt IIOK. Home, 10 lo l.Brat; HeadllBbt, 10^Ntary, a to 3, aeeond; VBaabnad, IQftK, CarUr, aren,ihlrdT Tim*. 1:30K. Tblrd raoe-eu and a boll lorloog^Ranone. 108, Ham, 3 to 1. flnt; Bl* One*, in.OelB*r,B lo 3, Aeeond: Tennolot*. ina, Mnraby. 8 to ),

third. Tlm*,l:SI Fonrlb noe-Foar and a half fnr-longt—Dangtr, 100, DnlTy. 4 to I, Ortt: Ida R., loa Mur-phy. 9 to I. tteoad; Ciatdlan, 19l><. Carltr, a to 1 third.Tlm*,0OM Plltb nea—Blx and aqnarltr fttrlooBa,atlllag—Jobany, 103, N*arr. I to 9, flnt; Qllmpat miy. 79^BtBwart,liiol,Beoond;Ol4menLl(B P, MeD«rmotL 30 to1, third? Time.Jan. L—Fintnee-Poarand abalf farlongi—WIMam

Ptoo,fl0.I>onnelly.OtolOnt; Jack LoTalL ll^HorTlt,lltol, ttcond; Btrt'e, 99,aitann,4 to iTtblrd. Timt,0:97K Seoood raee-SIx and a qnarief ferloog^Broutoo. 101 Carter. 3 to 1. flnt: Noiibfonl, liB; Ham- 7to 3, aoeond ; Iran*, UB. MnrpbT, 8 to 1, iblrd. Time, I d4.... Thlidnoa—SoTen rariooBa—TbuialoD 10<,Ham,7io

i flrat; Ponce da Leon, 108K, Johwon, B to a. eeeond;ellpta, 113, Morrla, 10 toT third. Time. 1;SS !

Fonrth ne»-PiTe furlont^BoboHnfe. IS]; Ham, 8 tol,flnt; Bonon, lis, Murphy, eTAo, Moond; Paragon. 19XMorrtaato l,thtnl. Tlme.l:OIK Plllbne* Btiaadaball forlongB-Waleoit, ilO, Hur^y, 3 to 1, flret: DocBIreb, 101 Oaett, 13 lo 1, aeoond; Bine Bird, IICL OarUr,aiolthltd. Tlm*,l:aiJan. 7 —Flnt raM—Fonr aad one half (brlong*—Bead-

lllbt, ire, Ntary, H to 1, Brat: Datcb Lou, 109^ MoAra. 6toi,t*cond:LUileBnTo lO^BarTatt,40tol. third. Timt,1^1 Beoond raoe-Blx aad oim quarter larloogaVagi^od, MB, Carter, a to 1, flnt: Caneoan. 98, Hooll-bAO,IO fo 1, aeoood; Ihlera L., m, 0. Jobnaon, 4 to 1third. TItDe.l;SlK Third nce-Blx and a half furlong^Ponaxo, rae, Ham. 10 to |, flrat: Pater JaokAon.100, Borrla 3D to 1, Moond: B^lmrla, lOtL Joboaoo, S toI. third. TIma 1:40 Fonru no^Pire lorloBst—Ommplon, 108,Trlb^ia to l,arH; Weit Side. lOl, Mnrphv, 4 to I. aeoond: Oen Laoy, iCB, Ban, 19 lo n third.Timt, 1:10k Fifth noe-SIx aod a half ftirlongt-BobAllnk, loL Rim. a to 8, Ont; Muk, 108, Johnaon. 8 lo3, aeeond ; Jobony, lul, Near?. 3 lo 1. third. Tim*. l:33)i

Detroll'e RannlBg BleetlnfT*Daniel J. Campao, ptealdent or tbe Detroit Driv-

ing Olnb, on Deo.'JD aononnced ibattbe olou wonld

Jive a two waekB* running neeilng. beginningone 7A. Tbe atafcea to t>e oflbrod will Inclodo a

$6,000 Derby and nine atakea ot giooo eaob. Rn-trlea will cloae on Feb- 1. Tbe regnlar blue rlhbonIrotUog m<ctlog will be held from July 22 to 27, In-oloaive. TbIe will be tbe flret running meetingever Held at Detioiu

Tna TiaaiirtA Jockxt CLDOheld araetting at Waah-laioD, D. (i .on Friday afternoon, Jan. 4,atwbldi lb*illowlog offleen wen elected for the jtar entnlog:

a raaldtnt, B U. Dooahan: aeentaiy, Ilogh D. Holotyn;traamnr, J. N. Elrk. The olub bai ananged to gireBfteMAtakaa at the Sprlogneatlar, to bebetdin Apriland Mar, alihoagb tbe neetmg will open oo March 1.

A HiTca baa been amoied betweeo Pnd Foetar**Dr. Rica and Tbnmai Walah*B Btnmooa to ran tbrt*quarun or b nil* lor BICOil aalda, Ui* fotmar to carrTiIBB aod tbe latter loift A forlelt M glOJaald* waapoBitd with Porter Aahe a manaaar, Tom Rodman. Anatah hAA alao b*en mad* be:wt«n Rlmmont and ToTambtin to run one mile. lor |9,0QD a tide, CArrrlog r*.apeetiToly UDaad Itift It la txreoled that both ncetwlllberanat tbe Pair Oranndt In Bt. Lonla,a1lhengbtbe laltar may be decided at Oakley.


Blanghter ofJaek Rabblte.Ten ecore bnnierg went foiib Deo. so on the

plaing aioand Laiuar, in tbe gonthem paitot Colo-

lado, and glenghtertd Jgck rabbllg until darkput a atop 10 tbo fun. over 1,000 bead wenbroogbt In tbat evening, and ainoat ten tlmeg tbatnumber wore expected to be tUangbteredsi. Tlie9lan wai made alwut noon. Tbe reoord or tbe dayla beld by tour Pueblo gporumen, wbo killed mJaoko Intwo bouig. Atter the bootora came In tbenanlt ot their gunning waa ablpped lo tbe poorof Denver, where It waa diatrfbatad on ohrlat-maa.

In the Bontbera part or tbe SUte the rabbit baglieoome a peat ttaat cannot be compared with any-thing ODialde or the AoBtrmUan fitateg, and thetarmera goflbr eoverely rrom iheir depredailona.They cellmate their annual logs by ibonaandg ofdollaii, and Ibe rallmada cheerfully help thrm tomake war on tbe rabbit by girlng the gpongmena nominal rate to the flelde, bealdee bauUog free otcharge whatever gaoie they may bag.

Thb Alpha Whetimen, of thlg city, recentlyeleoted tbo following ofUccnfor ISOA: FneldenLElvood Da Voorbcee; vlre preetdent, UbarleaLlndeman; aeorelary, Elmer HonleU; treuuer.Obaa. Becker; eapialn, F. 1 l^ler.Tbb New Vork Wbeelmea bar* reorgaalBad.wllb the

loUowiBg oaic«n: Pntldeot, A. D. Loneht; vloa praal-deat^UB. Barker; aaBrwuiT, B. O. Bobmaoa; fartaa-anr, R. w. Dooglaai eaptaio, J. O. Benold: lltatea*aBiB.kD,AdMraBdO,l\OiiAny.


Tlie Ternaa AccvmoiodatlDgl^ Propeiedby the Coaaalltee Accepted.

AewlUbe aeenbyibe following cabtegnre, tbeelToitg ot OhallCDgcr Lord Dnnravea lo eccoie an*other Bcrlegofiacearorihe America CopbeiveentalB reprCMDtaave boat and tbe American defenderof tbe trophy have proved gncceaafQl. Tbe gpeeckmade by him at the mecMog of tbe Boyal TaohtSouidroo, on Ju. 7, bavinv bad the Dece9Barycifect tn indQclng the rtbcr memben ot tbe Booad-roD to accede to bit dralra:LOHDOB, Jao. 7.—The Boyal Tacbt Fqnadron mit at

BoodI*'* Olab at 0000 today. Th* Conmodore, tbtPrlne* ol Walaai praaidtd, and the Tie* Commodore, th*Maiqula of Ormonde, Act>d aa VUe t'>ainnan. Anontrorty nemben of the iqaadrrnwAre pr*A*ni. loeladlogLord LoDodal^ Loid Bulfleld, Admiral BootAgnt, BlrUenn Bawmida, Cipt Haliord. MoDiagne J (iaeat.JobnWnrdlAw, W. R. Coopaon, I. T, Olatk, L. II. MonigoneryWilliam Jamaa aod R. A.T. Bnwaier. After the metiioghad boon OAllid to oid*r, I^nl DnnnTta nad* a apaoeh01 eoDilderaMe leogth to adrocaey of ib* accep'nrca orfb* coatodyor Amtrtca'tCuplB th* •T*Btoi lu biugWOB by a BrlUah vacbt nnd»r th* lerma of ihe dead ofgIftotliW. 1h*PiiooaorWaieaaopp.ried thepofliloutakeo by Lord DuBnTtn, and It wan voted to arcf pt theeaalodyor the cup oBdertbeeilpulAUootoflttt TbUrunit waa bnnght abeni by the IcBaance of thePrlne* of Walaa.At the coodoilon of Lord DnonTtn'ttpetcb the Mar-

nult 01 Urmood* propet*il the acotplanc* ol lb* N*wYork Tacbt Olnb'a Hlpnlauon that ibaenp 1* acceptedunder tbe d*Nl oralrcor 1S7- Tblt propoial wureo-oadtd by the Earl eiCaledoo. and upanrmooily eanled.The loHowloB eabltwramwta then wntio CommodonJamu D. Smrth, ehalrman of the cop eommlitee In NewYork:"Baring regard t^lheoonttneitonplAMd open tbe

d*«d ot elfc o( 107, by the New York Yacht i:inb, theBojal TAohtSqoAdren le willing to glre a reeelnton ibetenna eonialoed In thedeedorgin, Oaivr. Cowta."Itwaadoolded lo appiint a aptclal committa*,to be

..Uled the '-AmerlcaCnp ConunltteeL** and iha foUowlogoamtd geotlemea ware BDiMioted tbereon: The Princeot WalM. the Marqola of Umonda, Blr Obarlea BaU, sirAllanTonogaod JnattoaBlrOalDBiordBraee. tataran-oiber eablegnm wai aent to Commodor* Bmlth, u fol-Iowa:*-We cable yon today the ratnlt ofa tpeelel meetlag 01

tbe BojAl Tacbt Bqoadroo, and cooelude that lb* ebal-lanae la d*flait*ly aal'ltd. Oxait.**Obairman Jamea D. Smfh.ot tbo America Oup

Committee,wu natorally very much pteased whenbe received the cabled report of the favorable actiontaken by tbe Squadron, and lu an Interview he ex-preaaed big feeiinp In ue following laogoage:At lAAt w* bar* got tbam lo rocognlxa lb* deed. W*

ihoBghtthoyhad Tteofolud It In *Teryn«*, loelodlngtBsl but anbeaqnent eTonta eeem to bare nud* thiadonbtfoL Now we bar* aeitted it la ednace. IbmTetboDgbcAU Along thAtiben would be a rec*, aad nvrerfor A momant changed my opinion. We oonoeded trery-thloB that we p^'BAlNy eogu under tbe torn* ol tbt d**dor 1B87. W* tbowtd tbem plainly tbat w* w*re morethan aniiona for % nc*. Tho deed cl gift la not lgaor«i),and tha Am'rf^'a Cup, tbe araaieat yaebung trophy—infaot, tbe araaieat trophy in the world, baa oot b««a b*-llitltd. I bar* malouloed, and aobATe nyeoUaanat,tbat II the OOP wae won It mstt i* r*e*lpttd for andhaldIn aeeordaoe* with th* larma ot th* b*w d*«d of gift. I•ay that 11 ihay wIb It ABd I partlculArly with to onphA-Bize tbat '11.' J don't tblek they win wIb It. but Ihty williTe ut A rice for It il, however, they do ngelo It aeitroll lo ihlA their Binih attempt, w* tbAll bav* to win It

bAekAgalo.tliAt i*Al


No tyodlcAt*, 10 my knowlsdge, hu b**B foiiii*d.Th*r*Ar4. lowATer, a DnmhtrofboAt* which will tAk*alot ol b»A loB^ On* lA lb* YlBllAnt, which I and*nUndwill be bronibl otbi from Bnaland In time for the BnttrlAl iBCAo. gtie tuceetalnUyo afended the rup two ytanAgo and irco raiiArboa'aato boHt-aod it laweUhaowuthat B*w boata era oLCArtalB qvAotlUe*-ihe may l»e

ated abaIb. There It telt ot two new boati, bnt wketheribAy will meio'lAl'tA or not remAlna to ba a**B, Theo'.her sachii that it la lald will try for the honortli dtleodlog lb* irnpby are the rolonia, Jnbl-lea, ABd NaTBhoe. The report about there lht«*jarhlt it pnmator*, at thtlr owoen will boTem do lomehsAillBgtA oTorhaol and pnptn lb* boat*lor tbe trey. I baTt called a meeUog of lb* Amtrloa aCue ConuBilte* for 10 u*o)oek to-raoirow, tbongb tbtra lareallyoolhlogtobedooe. irad*8nlt« reply It reeelTedfram IbeFqaadran the challenge will dale from today,aod the Bnt eup raoe will take pltea 00 BepL 7, If theValkyrie Hi i*ii*n on ihatdat*. Shewlll be allowedibreeweekBlnwblchiofltont andget mdptonca. Iam glad tbatiber* will b*anc*. f hope tbat th* butboarwiU win aad tbat that boat will be our boat

WINTER SPORT.Oarllnf In th. Domlnton.

TUe curUng Moion icrou tb« CanaiUu borderwaa optneil at Toronto, Ont, on ThnrKUj, Deo. 3T,

when, OD IM tuatmi emooUi and koai, the asnnalmatoli between sldeoMlected bj Uie piealdcntandTice preeldenc ot Uie powerfol Pioipeat Park Olnbwai oontetted. Poor rlnka a aide played In UeAiunooD, the leanlt belnE a Ue at M. InltieeTan-lncdTerliikaaaUepla;td,anda(i«rthot oonlttiUie pretldent'a men won b; tbe nanow margin otIwoaliola. The aeon:

PaniaaarT. ViospaiBiDur.R.AlmttroBff, W F. BoUar,J. J. brovo, F. O'OoBoor,".Brick. A.K.Wbaalar,Jna. WriafaL ibip 14J. W. Ooreoras, aklp ISV.McCaiu,r, J.MoKar.W.Mowat W.II.Eaatwood,Obaa H. Bait, y. rivraliiB.(. B. Wdllaftoa, tkip.... 10 R- B. gaaala, dip II0. 0. Patarm, J. Eaat,Jobn Doaejrii, A.ltalbavL1. W. PUTaila. J. OlarloB,B. irataon,aip. It W. Potbaa,aip II

B. (ibipaas, p. D. Maadin,T.Boiiaoe, lI.A.Bloa,J a.lllbMO, tkIp It B.L.PorbM,tbip uB.KiBd.n, E.J.IIa>ur;R. Uoltr. B. Htnloiaii,aao.Bairfr. O.O. EUlaa,D. £arl>la, Mf 11 B. & Blu, ikip 14U. P. Batlar, B. JuaorTU.T. BItrk, J.Btoao,n. Wllllaoia, Geo ulaapatloa,J. 0. Bcatt, Alp It q. D. HoOallodi, dip... . 19Dr. PMnoD, U. p. Palnu.

ToaillQua, u. Dantt,0. B. Ooopar, A. Elalm,

£; '^'P U ^' Doir.u, ttip IIU. H. Olatalonl, J.Parnua,B.K.Pilr, aM.Altololb,A. BiDVD, 3. gaalur,H. J.Orap, ikip ]< JohBl,aaib«a,ablp 10i;IrrlDi, Rar.J. Tooai,B. Batdar, Walur Lawl,,{. IStrmoii, H. L. Faiariaa,JoA Luitdu, aklp It A. MilUMwa, >blp II

total in lO

Oranlte ts. Proiptct Park.A outdiat ouUng wu placed bj tlie membera

ot Uie Oiaalta and rcoipeot Olnba ot Toronto, Ont.,on Frldaj, Deo. li, aaob orginlzMlon preaentingthree rtnka at ttie Qianlle rink In tbe atteraoon andItae aame nomber at Uie Proapeot rink In the even-ing. AtUietomertlieteenlt ot Uieplarwualleon 48, bnt at Proapeot Park tbo Qftntic* won brtwelve polata. Ttaeaoon:oaiaiia. UNaBiNITBIOB. rnoanorrAia.M. Hoitu, p. Moaaaa,W.Moiwt W.M.Baalwood,Dr. U. Walkar, u. Bardr.D. IL wilki,, dip u u. narlrla, Alp irK.Oraaa, il Btira,K. Oanla, j. Daival,ir.Bald, U.wilUuu.9 MBana,Ulp B J.0 Baalt,Aip. UJ. Ntlra, W, p. RoUtr,A. Nalre, p. O'Oooaor,i- out,r, 0. RCoopar,BL H. Orar. .kip II J.W.(;oraoiaa.aip, 1)

Total a TolaL 49

^ „ ^ OH FBOSPIOT PABK ICB.Dr. Blchatdaao, w .F. Uwla2!r-,SP?.»"l RB.Pair,P. M. UolUad. om. Olappffrtan.w. a. iiMjd.'ii, aklp u B. J. oSrvJk??: uJ. EL MtlluiaB, B. P. Patmaa,Dt.Cmu. H. A. BaUa/Tt B. Braeo, A. EUlHr,f Si?,'""' *'P •* W. Doiratt, Ulp 10£.Udia, B.HanlHa,8, J. Ball. J.Baaltar,U. J. Brovv. 0. B. RoaLJ. W. CaIToU,lkl^ M J. B. WaUlsiUiD, Alp ... .17

Total it Total 5A TiOBT nan look plan at Bad Bank, B. J., oa Iba

alUrnooBof Jaal. Iba duiaaoa balaa^laai mlwo. asdtba piliaallHialba tblrd ola-i paBBaatorlbaIbf«wfbaIT lea Taebt olob. Tba Ic* waa Ib aood Atpa oiartba intBaolar eoaiaa, wlib Iba aiapUoa ol a paiab aloaowbaraaod IMn. Tb. uarurawaia IbaZlp.DalCTaadPlaw. Bard'iraebt •iblblladwaad.ltalipMdaaamada a rawtd lorbarclua. Bb.aallad ibadlataaaa laa law •Ho.d, ovar foattMn mlaaua, bMUaaOomnv-doiaBotfiifd'araahllaoudabaUmlaota*. TbtOatajOalibwl all mlBBtaa allarlba zip oroaMd tha Uaa.Binr OaaDwici. baaotarr BtiBb.r or tb. Ctla-

doaiaa Oarliaa Olob. of BisokliB, wbo It laaldlai atHaiBO. !>. I., Bw Ban Rubor, laaoaaiatad oaillai oatbt mill pood at Xorao, back ol^ iba iMrMia Oritt ItUI,oaJaa.l MothtTlDaanr earlloRttoBai at eoauaaad,baaatdblMkaol loa a loot igoaiaaaOtKlB tblek. In.mUIo, tbHB fomid to Iba laa br aa la pick, aad wllbibItDiiTaliaoaUtaufor tba olfcalar araaiu alooaababtdooatldaiabla aaoit. la a oaa tiakjmaa tbaaeoraamd aa loUawa: Cbadvlak'a ilda-L. itli1dn.S: a,ubadaiaka-.toiaL a BUhdn'i itfa-H. Blirrtda*. t|W,Iia(.lilata],a. Tba pcaa waa eoTand wUb ^tar.

filHartailo^ iiB. iblak, tbat waiU ban Bad* bit OtH>doBlaa eoactvaf axia ilutao.

January 12. THE ^q-EW YORK CLIPPER. 723

Toronto B«aU Proj|»tct Park*X uAieb wii plK7«^ on Ju. 4Mwmo lums npn-

MnilDf lb« Toroatd ud Fraptet Pfttk Cvrllog Olabt of

ToroDt0,UaL, ihrMnakf aildtoppodof ueh oUwr tt

boib lb* Vl^iorlt and PiMpMl ?uk Rink. lo Itat «n«r

HOOD, 4tth*Yle(orIft Risk, the Toronioi Mcond » ntjontf of t«o. ud Id tbe trenlDf. u Ui* Proiptet Fukniek, Ibft horn* turn w«n btAUDbyttibt »b«la, IhoitlfUiKth»ToTOBtoiftm»JoiUrol UBibou. BunmkTr:^ToroOtO. AT VIOTOIU. _ PftMpMl Fuk.T LuekioD« J.J. Browo,W. W. Joo«. u»; *il»Pl«rton,

n 0. Biiftr, U Brick,j.'aBauSlliktp IC Wm.JoMph.ftklp (

Dr. 0, Oorton, R IJanliioD,

Dr eprui*. Om. I4«la,

R. B/Prfatl*. Oh. Uartlt,

C. B.Rf«noD,aip.. 17A.MttUi«v^ ikip 16

a*Arit«Bo|d* T O'Coaoor,

A. MoAitbDr, T. ai«rtOB,r, A. Plimlov, T. MooDCfl,

T. MoOnku. ikip 10 WiD. rotbu, oklp 17

Toll] 43 ToW 7l

ToroDio. AT FiOAPsOT PiiK. Pmp«rtPuk,f. B. JobBMD. 1 1. PAtOUO,n«o. H. Robert!, W. ll.Butvood,J N OonlAD, O.U. EaklDLII.T.MeMILUs.lklp » R H. aic«, ihtp UJ. loM, 0. ll.atuiiord.Dr. MUlmiD, a«o. PaJnlotb,T.O.V ArmiUDDf, J.Raalior,W. McLun, iktp a JobD Lambon, tkipD. HciuitmD, A. Bamau,H. Wk'ber, II. lliliaf,

II HaiiDU, A U. WbMl«r,T. EdooLdf, ikip 13 Jot. LogwllD.aklp 16

TolaJ... .47 Total..

On Ico and Snow*T&e 8«ft8oiublo coldaup ttwt vlsiicil tlils uoUon

(lohDgttiQ liaicr part of December foniUbeditie

(loToteM of Winter eporls ftbnndAiit opportanlt/ to

lodolgo their iDcllDMloni dorlog tioUdar week,

sod roll advanlBge was takeo of ibe opportanltj

bj tbo lovers of BlelghlDg, sktuog, corllogaadkiDdred eoJojsMe wiDter amosements. TheAlelghlDg WAS BplflQdld on all ibe roads aboutDie melropclts, wbllo slullDf was to be had onnomeroQS ponds lo ihe immediate vlolnltf, andat Orange Uke and other places at a dlitance tbeHpoithaa been floe for Borae Uine. Overoaetbon-sand peitoDS dlkp^ned ibomaolTes on tbe lee atRed BaQk, N. J,, CD Ibe cioelog day ol the old year,and abOQi a soore of 1 co jacbia were ont. A seriesof Ice r^es will be held there dorlDg tbewioter,bntnot tUl after iho cbamploDsblpeveotsarede-elded at Oriflge LtkP, In Jannarj. Heveral new loeyaohiB have appeared this ieuoD,and tbe pros-pect ot good sport Id this lloe Is good both on tb«uhrewsbarr and Uudson. Tue ice jscliismen are all

allre, and proparaUona are being made np theTiror for eooe ot tbe aonnal Important events.Meaowblle ihe Hverr keeperslntbe metropolis andtbe keepers ot road nooses in tbo Tlclolir are reap-lag a golden harreat througb tbe great dumaodmade opon tbeir resonrcea by sport loving and)iione7 spending New Yorkers.

Taa Oranlta CnrllDg Clob, ol Torooto, Oot, plajadtbalr aoDiul oiatcb, Preildeni tl Viro Prwideat, ooNovTaar'a dar, and a record braakor it proTod, ooabaodr«dandtw*otr.«ightDaiDbeTa oompifslDK ibiitT*

(wo rlDka. uklojt part, and ifae vica praaldani'a aidecomtDg off Tletonooa by a tccn ol 300 to in.

Tna Toronto (OoL) CnrlloK Olab bald tbair aaooatcharity bonipail on New Yair a day, aldea being salaotadbr iha praildtnt and tIc* praaloaot raapoaiTalr. andttftn rioka a ilda lining up. Tbe raanli «ai a vlotory(orUiepiealdaat'a ilJa, tbaacoTeftand.DgPSioSA.

ADOZIH Bi5Keortbe Parkdate Cnrllog Olub, of To-ronto, Unt. irled eonolailona vilb the * atiBs*" on HewV«ar*a daj, and tba pro«ldfnt*a aide deleated that aa-

iMiadby ibe TieeprealdaaibyaMoreoiSl 10 07.

THE RING.How Crnlg Derval«d Prltcbant*

Wstakolrom Ibe London SrierUngLUt Ue fol-

lowing ptrtlcuUn ot Uie brter cnconntar Ixtweta

Fnnk Culg, "tlio CoffM Cooler," ant TMPrltohan), at Cenlml Hall, London, Eng., on Itn

o?enlngot Dm. 17:

Wnen Ut men pnt their Hands up oreirtlilngfavored me prognoeilcadoni tbat Um i«n ronndjiwoold kc iiuialnei). L'mlg lorcliod a bit, and htidnii left band Terr looselT, bnt bl, ilgbt bad aibieateoing andwioked poise. It waa not bracedacroea tbe obeat, bnt vas Held more openi/, so tbataslralRbt abot or a tbarp eroaa oould oeglTen.He stood well back, so tbat be could not (e takennoawatcs bj aoT sudden laablng out on tbe partof Frltobard. Too latter appeared to bolil blm-elt somewbat loosely, and anlftred In tbeconpirlBOn u to nelgbt. After a aeoondor two of stndjlng ine sitaallon from adlitancs tbe ooolcr soogbt lo sneak In andKtin an Inob or two. At me ume time be addledboat wlib bis lift band. Prltcbard etldeDilytbougbt tbat tbe American's leltwas coming for bisdial, so be sparred ralber nigb, and felnteil twice.Uoih men brokegronnd at tbe same time, Jomplniback a yard at least. Tbe Cooltr iben dancedaroDOd bis man, wbo toned aa tbougb (asolnatedbj me movement. Tbe motion waa like tbat ot tbedog and tbe sqnirrel. Oralg made aa offer astboQRb be were about to step in. Prltcbard In-

auntlj Jumped back. Bv tbia time the boxen badworked round me ring to Ibelr original posluons.All at once Cnlg'a left foot abot nai, and be ap-peared to be on me point of sending In bla left

hand, bbt, allpplng on tbe boards, lie overreacbrdblmaell and almoat did tbe "spllL" Frllob-

aid bad Jumped back, or bs mlgbt bavetaken advantage ot tbe "Cooler's" dilemma,Tba EbglUb mlddlewelKbt cbamplon grasped tbe

situation wben It waa too late, and made a forwardmove. As be did so Onig spiang at blaantagon-lal, and sent bis rlgbt on the side of tbe bead. Tbeblow landed on Pi Itcbard'atempio, and eeemed to

force bis bead down. Tbe Cooler evidentir wantedto follow bla right banded lead witb a left bandedbait arm nppercnt. Prltcbard appeared to realise

wbat Ibe Yankee wai after, and be ollnobed, bury-ing bis bead on Crali'a breasL Aa tbej brokeaway Oralg scored a iTgbt one on tbe Jaw wltbtale rlfbt. Tbeie did not appear to be anyforce In me blow, bowever. Anoiber cllnon(ollowed. Aa may were cuddled logemer Frltobaidpnncbedaway at Craig's rlbe. Tbe boxera gotlo losgrange again, and iben PrIUbard rfasbed tbe obestllgbtl;. As bo did so Oialg sent bis left on tbe sideof me nose. It waa a halt arm awing, but not veryheavy, Tbenbepluieda bard rigbtbanderon tieside ot tbe bead. It was between me left ear andIbe temple. It waa a bard blow and well jDdgtil

as to place. Tbla knocked Prltcbard on to meropea, and bo appeared to bo dazed. Aa tbe Eng-llsuman gotnprlgbtto letontot danger me Coolerpromptly reacned tbe oMn with bis left,andFrlicb-ard, ulnking tne nibt was coming acroaa, ralaedbla guardbl|licr,lnarder 10 protectme"weakspoL"Tbla was exactly wbat tbe Cooler bad been playingfor, and In an Instant be awong In a bait arm uppercut, really a Jab wim bis rlgUL Prltcbard wentdownai iboURbtalt witban axe. He tolled overon bis aide. Here be remained tor a few seconds,and tben got on bis bauds and knees. ObesterfleldUoode ran over to Prltcbard and sbonied, ' Tskeyonr time." Prltobard waa oblivious to tbeae In-

stnictlons u bo wu to tbeillgbtof tbe precioustanseconds. Tne sound of tbe gong nng ont vblle bewaa silll Uying to usome last aliunde wblcb Ua-aeppa baa almost dsded. Tbs timekeeper said matUie bom bad lasted butla. 30j. Tbis Is undoubt-edly Inclusive ot me luj. wblcb were nstd op wbllePrltobard waa down.

Tni Eusisi ATBiETio Olud bava about parfected arrangements for ilii-lr carnival on ibeevenings of Jan. 18, 10, at their home on ConeyIsland. Tiiey bave succeeded In securing JackUempaey and Tommy Itvau, In addition to Ueorgelilxon end yonngarllTo. aod tne Konparell and toeolevsr lad from ibe windy Cliy will try concln-alonsou Fflday evening, ue otber staia being re-

served for me followliignlght. Jim Kennedy basbeen very lucky lo capioncg Jack andT^mmy, andIt It likely mat ibe club wui have a big ciowdaaob nlgbLJiiUY AacDiR, of Trenton, N. J., and Arthur

Hyan, a Brooklyn buiTer, fought wltb small gloveatorapnraeof liooand aside betof lice, at a resorton I«ng Island, not far from tbe City ot Cburohsa,oa Biurday niabt, Uec. 99. They wen oonOned Inweight to llllb, and Ibe conteat, aimoogb vetyOBsalded, owing to me great superlorltr or ArcherIn point of skill, waa a nmbbora one, for Rraa waaoleargrtLaad be canilnued to come up for morepepper wbin he could hardly keep bla feet. Finallyle waa taocktd senseleas In me Iffleentb round.LON Tun DID Caia, QisnoKB met la a hall near

View Centra, Mich., Uee. it. for a finish conies-wlih Ive ounco glovea. Tbe arst round ot me bat-tle had talily begun when consublea came lothefront, and ordend tbe Igbl lo end. The lloo stakemoney will be battled tor at an nndeiermtoed daleaexl oonth, at apolnt near Ohloago, III.

Tba Beaside Olab Caruliral.Tlis arraasamsnta Dtdt by Jnuss KsDaiJ/, th.

malekmskuollb.8«aaldaAihl«<laClul>, fbrtbabeilassanlval which Is to tahs pU«a than on PiMay and Bat-oidsy avsalDsa la. IS, II, iDsludt ihi follovlot•Bos, vbleb snbriM boitn ot •smeient onatiiy toattraotioodhOQtai; Pridsr—Jick Dsnpasv vs. TommvByaa, flils«Bnoada,ntoateb«elibls; Junmr DlmsriJinr Harshall, tea roiuai, at eatehvaltbts; pimnhrauan va Banny CampbaU, slabl toaqds, at lailbSatoidsy—Omit. DIxod ti Voods Orlirerivaotr Ot*reaadji Mkk Oaoss i%. Prad Wonrfr, iii roooi*ii,atealahatlshU: Jsok Madden va- Bd. Vaoiho, ils mnda,atettehwsifhta

Jici OlUT and Mike Wilson engaged In a akinUgbt glove Isht for a small pnne In a sporting re-sort at Jeney City, N. J., on Dec. ar, wllaonfloored his opponent In mo ninm round, and hadtbe game Ui bla baida, bnl loal throggn atilklogCany while me latter was down.Kid LiTiOMi and the olben who wen arrealtd

atttr the death ol Andy Dowen, at New Orlaana,La, were released from ooatody by Judge Aholnupon me Ooroner'a Jury remmlug a verdlot to tboelTect tbat Bowen'a deam waa caued by bis hralilrlfclng me unpadded Door.

SOU.T Smra and Johnny Van Beeat, me Hgbt-welgbia, wen aiTalgned In court at BiiiCilo,N. Y.,Deo, se, charged wim being vagabonds, and wereordered to leave town at once. Superlntendeiu otPolice Boll said that he had dslermlned to tid meclly ot all Idle penona ot tbat class.

Jicx BOYLi, ot me metropolis, defeated MikeCosgrove, wbo balls from me City ot Ileana, on Uemorning ot Deo, 28, They met In a resort at LongIsland city, and fourteen ebarp ronndawere con-tested, Boyle'i sirangm enabling bim lo eventuallygain the day.

Annua Vilihtiki met "Oluger" Stewart In aSlave light at Ibe Kenhlngton Social Clnb, lo Lon-OD, Eng., for a puree, Dec 18. Vbatley Hiicbell

olUolated as referee, and me light laiied but fourrounda, ttrmlnaungln moTtcloiy of Valentine.

Taa iniTiALBOXiao son orttMeoirolk AtbUiio Club,aBwtOD, MaH , lasUntioB. eans off oolbaaTialoaolJsa.aatltaaPoloBlak,ao4waa tttaadtd bvaboalioarbuodnd psnooa Tba prioolpal sruitvas amnllovbitwsaa 'rrhs Bstlsm Spider." Tonmy Csllr. and FrankBrlerlr, aa Inpoitatlon Ron Iraltae. who took tbe ptie.ot Htka Baan, wbo proved lo b« 0T#rwa1sbl. lo tbeopanlng ronnd K«Ur Ifienirwl a small bona In bli l«ltaim, wblab budleappad bin to a v.ry srsat .xleot, endla lbs saTenlh ronod be was obllsed to (ive op.JiCK Lvacil. ol Braoklyo, aod Andr McOtrrT. of

OrMapolDl, net lo s glove coatut for a pom. of $l(p,udaslde bet or|1d«acb.alafVMrt in Qarens Ceuntr,L f.,0B Batardsy alabl, Jan. 5. Tbev w«r« llnlttd idvolsbt lo UOft aod awb pnnolptl scaltd belov tbewwlfbt. Iber loasbt sanelr.and th. tno bnndrad or loiporta wbo psid lor Iba privilege at fe«loa tb. mill «er»amolf rapald for tbeIr (noble. The malt wu lo favorofLineb. who necaedid In hnoehing Mae oat lo theeleventh ronnd with a llsbttiaoder on Ibe Jew.

Bdoib CLAaar, or Cbleaao III , and Jak. Borce. olOinelanill. 0 , polled off a figbt near BIwood, Iflo . Dm.31, Uie Chleaio ltd winning on a font in the elith nnndTbev foDght for 110.

Jos OaovaoKi and Tommy Bvsn save a four ronndboiloB eiblbmon at PranSlort, Ind., Jen. 7.


A Circumstance happened fh connection wim tbofailure In business oi a well known Inbabliant ofYorkshire wbloh caused much amusement, Tbebankrupt waa asked me momentoua question:"Wbat are you pnpered to ooert" and in replystated that he bad no aasclH whatever."Wbat Is mere now, Joe )" asked a Jolly looking

creditor.".S'oihing," replied me bankrupt."Well, you can sing. Come, sfnguaasong."Joe fumbled wim his bat and said he haidly liked

losing,"i;ome, striko npl" exclaimed me crcilllor; "Id's

have somelblog for our brass."Thus urged, Joe cleartd ble mroat and began the

baUad, "And You'll Beniember He." As the plain-tive melody feu on me ean ot the credlton some ofthem began to feel indignant, but tbe liuuior of ihealtuallon at lengm bunt upon them, and Iho Itoal

line was greeted wllb roan of laughter,


THEi^TRICAL.oonniDn runt raoi lii>.

From investlgaUons at Greenwlcli It appcara matIhe obolera bacillus does not like smoke. It ebaresIbe feelings of tbe tribe ot cannlvala who petlilooedan Evangelical society to send them nilaslouarlcswbo were membera of tbe Anti-Tobacco Society.Tba anthorlUeaat tbe workhouse wben cliolcm recently broke out have discovered that male Inmateswho had been great smoken, or wbo bad been In

tbo babit of obewlug tobacoo, pused niiscaibedmrough me epidemic.Nearly every man was or had been n smoker, and

the stailatlcs show that only elgbty-tbree maleawere aUacked, aa compared wim ono hundred andsixty femalea. It was found that when a man waaseized with the disease It took a very mild form.Several old Irlahwomen In me workliouae wboemoked before meir admission, and now when theycould manage It, bad all escaped. Not one of ibembad been attacked.—Zandoti nitorai>h.


Tbe late Bishop Balwyn, ot New /eabtnd andUelaneala, was well known dnrlng his nnlvenliydays aa a devotee orme noble art of self defence,no Inoarred a great deal ot animosity from a cer-tain aeotton In New Zsaland, owing to bla sympamywim tbe Maorla dnrlog ibe war. One day be waaaaked by a rough In ono or mo b ick sbeela ofAuckland It be waa "me bishop wbo backed upme Haorla," Receiving a nply in me ailirmauve,tbe rough, wim a "Ttkt tbat, men," auuci blalordship in me face.

"My Dlend," aald me blabop, "my DIble tells meIf a man smite thee on one cheek, tnm to him meother." And he turned bis bead ailghtly the otherway. Ills assailant, ailghtly bewildered and won-dering wbat was coming next, suiick him again."Now," said bla tordship, "having done my doty toQod I will do my duty to man." And, taking oir

his coat and bat, be gave the antl-Uaorl obamplona moat solentUlo ihnahlng.—;/om« Journal.


The beauty ot dress depends much upon tbe har-mony ot ccHira, Tbla la eObcted by a combinationot tne mreepilmarlis, either pure or In comMoa-tlon wllb each omer, Ooloia an modlled In toneby me preximlly or omer different colora. Uyor-dmaiy gaallght blue becomes darker, red brighteraod leuow lighter. By Ula anltolal llgbta poreyellow appean lighter than white Itseir, whenviewed In conlnsi wim certain other colore. Intbla way highly pollahed biaaala ofleo mlaiaken torsliver.

At twilight blue appearamooh lighter than It Is,

red much darker and yellow ailghtly darker.Colon, too, have me power ot Innnenclng the be-holder In vanoua vrays. We speak ot warm colon—"like tbe nay red onshlsg Inme noitbam light."

Red la men a warm, oheeilol and exciting color.

We speak, too, of cold colon—like Ihe leaden gnyot threatening clouds.


"Family life preacnia some cunoiie rcaiiircn

here," a-tltcB Hra, leabella Ubibop In r/ie U'lstn-r

ItoHT. "In Iho disposal In marriage nf a girl liur

eldest bromer has mora 'say' than the parents.The eldest eon brlonibomc tbe lirlde to hlsfalher'ebouae, but at a gVveu ago the old people are'iibelved,' f. e., mcy retire to a email house, whichmay be termed a 'Jointure bouse,' anil tbe clileet

sou asAumes tbe patrimony and Ihc nitc of analrs.

1 have not met wllh a Hlmllar cuslom auywhere In

Ihc »sL It la dimcull to speak of TIlKlaii life,

wltb allltaalTecllon and Jolllly, an '/)i»iirpl(A',' for

Uuddhlau. which enlolne monastic life, anil usuallycclllaoyaloDgwItb It, on cleveo Ibouaaudoul of atotal population ofa buodreUauUtweniy IbouMaiid,

further restrains me Increase or ponulatloo wlihinIhe llmlla of eusteoauce, liy Inculcating and rigidly

upholding tbe ayateu of polyandry, periiilillng

marriage only lo the eldest son, me heir ot the

land, while the hrlde accepu all his lirotheni »n In-

ferior or sulwidUiate husbands, mus sttacliing tbe

whole fsnlly to mo soil and family roof tree, the

children Icing regarded legally as the properly of

the eldest son, who le adilreMed by mem as 'UIkFather,' his liroihen receiving the iitle of 'Miilc

Faiber.'". _

Too arm me nost nnklndest cut ot all Is tbe

newspaper wood cot,

Ir Is said that ibe fashions In Ltplasd bave notchanged for a thonatad yean, Happy huataasdsl

JoeaBiLuaassaya that "adrenlty It a foddeaawimtroaiiamllea.''


Atlanta.—At Ihe Cnnd Jamea J. Oorbett Jan.

r.a. Ediewood Foil! did lalily weU Dee. Sl, Jea. I.

Mr. Ueywoed and Kiotfer Da dive doaatad tweotp-flve

percent ofthepmceede of me mitlaee to the poor of

ally. "A Trip to ohinttowa" did veU Jan. t3L HiaFoller end Ifris Bdlow a M-ad fair alleadaaee at td-vaaoeprieea. Booked; 'The FasalBl Show" k RIebardHaasdetl l(t II. "Tb. Deill'a Aneuen" M, U, ManeJaniaa Itl 17, Bobt Doinlna IIDa. OivB'a Orsaa Uoraa—The Baldwin.Rogeie

(Tonedf Co , II lod WMhEnuswoon AvsifOB TBSiTsa.—Mabel Pain was the

alln<tlODDeaSI|Jtn l.tegood baslaaet. llllltnirsMInamIe enleiulned lane aadlenMa t, A t>a 1 W. 0.P. Brechenridie Uolend to a luia sad anpnclaliiaaodleaee.

BBwanatab,—Tbe (Ins Opera Company heldthe boeida lut wteh, plerloe lo aplandid HaineMstDopniarprlraa Comint: ''ATrlp to Obloatowo" Jen.7. 'The Devll'a AueUoo'*9, 10 Prof. Boio. megletaa,and Jennie Vincent, aerio eomie en Ih. Utaal addt-tlonaat Ibe Oeleir Tbeair*. nnder thentaneseneelofP. U. Pllipetileli. The Soiun and Ilal»ne8ioehton,orIhe old ennpeny, era alDl ratAloed, alio Obarlae Laair

J. CarUlrmen end Idabel clover are hen, aedtiave Uckelson aale tat a beaeBl peilormanee 7.


An Additional Llit of Prfunta Received by


Nellie Ulr, ot "The Devil's AncUon" Co., receiveda dismoud nng and Badle Siephena received sev-eral bandeorae preaenia Tbe Sadie Haymond00. hadaObflttmastrce of melrown after the per-

formance on Cbrlsunas Kvs In Webb Olty, Ho,Over one hundred presentawere exohangod-amongIbem a gold waioh to Miss llaymood from me com-pany. Everybody had an enjoyable timeWitunan and Bing, the atblollo bar pciformen. re-

ceived a bandaonie Ohrlsirau piesent mm BobMortello Cbrlsimsa and New Year's wore ap-preprlately celebnted at Sam T. Jack's Chicagohome. A biniiuel waa given at Mr. Jack's SouthSide realdedce on Chrlstmu Kve, Mrs. Jsok Bat-

ing aa bosiesa. Among the goesis were Col. J. D.Uoptlna. Eva Sleison, Ada lllcbmond. Ur.snd Un.Sidney J. F.uson, Uert siepbent, KItuo Hlichell,Uharies II. Kceshin, M. J. O'Neill, w. A, Phelon andCharley Banks. Un. Jack was presrnted wllb asuperbly engravod silverwmca by me employesot Mr. Jack'B Opeia llocse, and received a chinaDshset from me employes ot iho KmplreTheeire.Uanaier c. II. KeeeDIn was presented wtm anmitlaTrlng, atudded wltb dtamosds LItila Kva-Una Uongneny enumerated her Ubrlaimaa gills utollows: Flnt of all, from mamma, I received awhite China allk dreas, beantifnily made; tnm Hii,Forrpaugh, a bandaome pair of pink allk stockings;frem Theresa Se'dls, a fo'.ld gold pen and holder,

and a sterling silver pencil; a lovely bo.\ tippedwim silver, mm Myron Aiken; mm stn.Annie Mack Detlein, four bcauiltnl silk handker-oblets; from Alice Johnson, ot tbo "Brownies" Co.,

Ave dollan and her nhoiognpb, three nice boundbooke, a all'cr powder box, pcrfnmetr, handher-cblefe, bedroom sllppcn, lota ofcandyand two niceoamoa, and last, but not least, mm papa, Avedoliais May E. Unnard, late of Fenls' Corned'-ana, received mm Maoagsr C. Jay Bmim a dia-

mond marqniBe ring. anoT from othen: A goldbangle ring, gold monnied silk garters, eye gisases,

boxes ot silk hose, baodkercblefa, gloves, a Frenchhat, and an order on Redfem for a ullor made soli.

Ohrlttoiu temembnncea at me Wondsilend,Erie, I'a.: To Hsnager J. E. Oliard, a silver pocketknife, halt a doun dnta shins, satin suspendeis,

EIr of sllppen, gloves and omer usetol alUdea.s. J. E. Qliard received a grand Colby piano, two

caret diamond ring, elegant monnied tiger ng,large pIcKin, gold fewel box, gold pen, silver Inkeland, silver elotiing pad, alTvcr pen wiper andItalian centra pieces. Ada Qliard recelvedalargewater color piciure ot beracl', one silk and one wooldress and a Domberot toys and booka. Managernirard and w<fs did not forgot Ibelr employee.They presenicdeaoh one wima pleauni reminderol me day. Tbe maloilty got gifts ot sterling sil-

ver, and all were aniinbly remembered. Aa nsuul,we bad a Cbrlttmas Irto for ma cblldran, everychild received a present, Mta. cintd being meSanu Claua of tba oocaslon.Ubrlatmas presents were plentUul In Ihe Bam Do-

vere Co. A partial list is as roUows: To Ssm l>e-

vere, silver matcb box, sollably ensnved; Mrs.Devere, bandaome pier glasa mirror; Lou F. fibaw,elegant solid silver mnsnledjilpe,goldandsllv(rlink sleeve bnttons, bandketcblois, ties, umbrella,etc.; Omene, diamond oarrlogs. Jeweled nmbreUa,work baaket, Imported Japanese pug and abeanllfuliy bound copy ot me Koran; Ola Bayden,diamond earrings, dumond ktokel, umbrella, wimwatch In handle; tjneen lleiheiion; diamond ring;

Joe Uayden, halt dozen aooks; LHIls Western, touslset and brais monnied makeup glass; Jas. Dono-van, bat box, ring, silk handkerchiefs and cane;Fannie Donovan, tonioolse ring and diamond ear-

nnga; llanaon, nrny; F.niest, watch chain andlocket; Orahsiu. gl.su; Kiaok Enns, diamondcullbotionB; will Vldoc(|. cane, nmbrella, diamondpin and td in chink: Mabel Onyertftir dollar foldpiece; John Rowe, oano and satonel; nenit, silver

card case, cans, nmbreUa; F.ole Hueated, diamondbracelet, live dollar gold piece, lea iowd; dog Trig,

ten dollar bangle for collar; John Coleman, suit ot

olomes; Armor Wiillims, diamond ohaim and cnff

bnttona trem Omene. anit ot clothes, underwear,neckties, etc John II. Herron, ot "Tim Ihe

Tinker" Co , waa preeented with a diamond scarf

pin Manager Posncr, ot me usteiy Museum,this city, waapresenied by tbe aitacbea ot the hootawim a gold headed unibrellaon Cbrlalmas Kve,


wu. IC. Bmitb, manager, di'd Deo. 2i, at his

homo In Eitbait, Ind., after a lingering lUnesa.

Tbe deceased was a vetenn of the late war andwas Justice ot Iho Peace ot Elkbtrt np to the limeof bla death. Dnrlng ibe aeaaon ot U«l-'Ki bemanaged ihe Annie Mitchell Kepenory Uo, Ueleavea a widow and one daughter, Fnnsial oc-

oorred Dec. i\ nuder the auspices or me 0. A. R.Tukouaii me Inadvertent onsun ot a line In our

copy last week wo were msde m say In onr noticeot tlie death c t Mn. Edward n. Banker that shewas known atone lime as the "Colorado NuggeL"It iliould bave read that her daughter, Mrs, Whit-ney, waa known at one lime aa Ihe "Colorado Nng


geu"Maatn /.ou (Mrs. Charles Morgan), a bnrlcsiine

performer, died Nov. I at her home In Preaoott,Arltona.

II1/-BI. Lixrsa (Hn. Moncrlef), a vandevlMe per-forformer, died Uec. in, at Monroe Htatlon, Wash,,from coBHumptlon.HicDaiiK 0, KxiLv, a well known vsrleiy per-

toimer, died Jan, at St. Mary's Uosplul, Mllwaa-kee, wis., fnm typhoid fever. Tlie deceased, wbowas twcntr-nlne lean ot age, wu a native otIlocbealer, N. Y, lie was of tbe team Kelly andAsbby, well known for their (Alnese Unndiy sot,

of wblcb mey claimed to be me onglnaton. Mr.Kelly made his Ont appeannce wim Mr. Aahbyand mey bad been partners for Ihe put twelveyears. During their parmerablp tbey had beenwith Tour I'SBior end the Danum A Bailey Hbows,besides having pleyed In most ol Iha leadingvaudeville honscs In this conntry. They had also

msdo a two yean* tour or Europe whichwu highlysocctsslul. At the lime Mr. Kelly wu baken lit bewu a member or M. II. Liavlu's "Uplder and Fly"Co., bla lut appearance being with that companyDec. IT, at tbe academy of Music, Milwaukee. Tbenmalns were Interred Jan. e In the CamoUo Cemc-tsry, tliat cliyOsrT. Usu 1>. Mamn.twho was mansger otHeaele's YarleUrs, In HL Loula, Mo., from ISW lo

1810, died Jan 3, at bla home in thai clly, frombnit fallDn, Be wu elKbty thtee |can ot ageand leaves several children.JouN W. O'Bnisx, an ei.manager, died Jas. i, at

nIshoBelnPltisbuig, I'a. Tbs deceased wu for

nveral yeara owner and manager of tbe OssluoMuaee, met cliy, now llerry Davia' Kden Huaee,wbeic be made consiusnbie nonsy. For seveial

yean past he had been in rellremenLJ. B. CoisY, manager, died Jen, ( at Ihe home ot

of bla wue'a motner, liavenawood, a snbutb of Chi-cago, 111. , frem rbeumailem of the heart. The de-

ceased, wbo bad been In tbo profession for a nnn>bar of yean, bcpn bla career la Chicago, where bewu connected wim MoTlckec's Theatre, the OldChicago, now tbe Olympic, and Uooley'a, as atlei-

wart managsd severe! read ventorn, prominentamong which wu me loor of Mallle Vlcters. Forms past four years be bad managed me lour ofJoeeph Murphy. The feneral look piece i. Flonloffaiioge wen received fnm Mr.Moipby and oum-Denol Disoompany,Obsbus OOMSiNiis, a door leader U the Broad-

way Theatrs, tbu clly, died Jaa. 4 at the BcUsvwnospltal, ,


HiY BociiNuniM, aotnas, died Jan, a In Loola-

vUle, Ky., tnm paalm> eM«r<fls. The deosassdw»saboutmiity.twoye(notaga,and at Ibe Umeo( her deam wu a mamber ot Unoolo Oarttr's

"Fast Mall» Co.V, A, Ford, laaaager, died soMenly l>eo, an at

Olebnree, Texas, alter a shoit lllnsss. The ds-

eeased, who wu tbiity yean ot ageU me Ume ot

his deatt,WH a partner ol C. R. Reno, and wllh

him owned and managed tto "Joahna HImpklns"Co., tbe (im name being Reno k Ford.Tnouis It, DataaauL, a well known bandmaster,wu tonad dead In hts room, at bis lodging house.

In Brooklyn, N, Y,,ou Jan. T. Deam wu causedby uphyxlallon. The guwu toned full on, andvru onllgbud, and all mo olnumstaneu point to

suicide. The deoeued, who wu abont alxty-flvo

yean of age, wu a native ot Iiehtnd, and when bocametolblacounuy In bla youth, he wu already

an acoompllabed moslolan. Ue served In iho war,and, during bla oaieer u mualolan.be bad beenbudBuelerintbeNlnm.Tbirteentb.FonrtoeomandForty-aevenmilcglmenls,andhehadalaolodoichn-trutoryeara. UeHrveduiisadmsateratmerarkOouoeitaln Brooklyn, wbloh oil; had been blahomeever ainoe he came to this country. Ula lilggcatuwell u meet nntortnnate mnalcal coniraot wu for

the txiluublan celebration, for wblcb he eoiagedto supply all the bands lor that event tor llS.ico,

Atior a long wrangle vrim me Mnalc Uomnlitae behnaUy gotms money, bnt It anbqnently came outtbat me vonoher wu made out In me nameof anAlderman, and mat Mr, lievenU wu not allowodto handle It, The muslolan'e name became In-

volved In Ihe ecandal wbloh followed, and the re-

oent renewal of mis Is moogbt to bave bad muohto do wllh bis sulotds. Do wu a mirty-thlrd de-

gree Mason, a member of tbe B. P. 0. Kiks, HoyalArcanum, Knlibls ot I'ymias, the Fonsieraandseveral musical organlutloot. He wu marriedmree tiroea and leavu bis mild wite and a son byhis second wits.


"Ton Boim or Jumtca, oa Ricomhbnobii toMKBor,"a dnniain four acta, by W. It.Wsldrnn,

wua>'ledfor UednlUnieDeo. to, aiue SUndarJTheatre, London, _"AT BRKix or Day," a pbiy In one act by Tboa.

W. gloaeK-Davldson and V, Thoipt-Tncer, wuproduced for ibc flnt ume Dec. I'j, at meSwiaa Oar-

dons Tbeatn, Bboreham, ling,

"MtRY. iJiiUH or HOOTS,'' a tragedy, In ihreeacii>, bv Rooert Blake, was giren lie flrel pertorm-anci! Dec. lo, at the Theatre Hoysl, Hlohmood,Enr."OLD CiJi'," a play, In onu aci, by i '.olln Slaokay,

wan prtxented for ino Bnt ilmt' IKio. 7, et ilie

Thcaire Mrirepoln, lllrtcnhead, Eng."MBLODRiMSMii," B burlotta. In Ihree acta,

wriitou by Malcolm Watson, mnslo by WalterSlaughter, received lis Bnt produoUon Dec 30,

at St. Oeorge'a Hall, London."Tbb OomHiouin," an opentu, lb two acts,

w-liien by B. K. Wilson, mualo by 0. 8. Teiry, wugivjn tu InlUal pRaenlaUon Deo. 13, at the ArtQalleiy Theatn, Newoaatte-on-TyDe, Eng."CUB CARtiiN," anoporeua. In three acta, libretto

by Annie MoNamaia, inusle by Ohrlsllan Bobafcr,

wax presented tor the Int Ume Deo, le, at the Park-hunt Theatre, l,ondon.

"A Dauobtd's Uonoi," a doDsailo drama, In

four acts, by lianjamin Landect aod ArmorShlrley,wu acted for mo Ont Ubm Dec II, at me Snmy,I,oidon."DiH KomosMyTs," a diima. In miee acts, by

Adolf WUbrandt,wu given lu lint psrfoniiancoDeo. IS, at the SohaoapTel Uass. BeilU,"BsrwaiH TBB LiaBTti,"adnDa, m four acts,

by Edwin J, l^mpard, «u prodooed for tbe flnt

time Deo. it, at me MuncaatsrTliealte, BooUe, Kog.


"Weitward, Hoi"The flnt performance ot mis Ihree sot conila

opera, llbreiu by Richard D. Wan, mnalo by Den-

tsmln R, Woolt, wu given at tbe Boston. Mau.,Insenm, Deo. 3l. Tbe twi- The scene Is laid Inthe town of Maverick, la Wyoming, termerir atypical mmler iowil wim alllu appuneBaat barroomo and despetadoee, nnui me town govern-ment came Into me hands ot tbe Innux ol lao girls

fnm lbs But, atlncted U> Wyoming by lu ex-tremely favorable stand on the womu snfllago

qneallon. Tbe girls bave done away with all iheold loogbncss ot ms torn, and the gamblen enddespendoes have all left, wim me eicepuoo otColorado Bam, who bu abandoned faro to becomethe master ot ceiemonlea at tbe dances, and llair

Trigger Ual, an exdespendo.who liunfunnedowing to the election of his daoghter Violet, thebelle of tbe town, aa eherliT. As a mallei of

fsol, Bal Is Harold, Earl ot Ilavenswood, wholea England yean before and weol Weat,though his Idenilt/ la enllnly unknownto snyone. The story begins on eleoilon day,Violet being np tor re-eieoUon, but la some deoblof eucoess, owing to the expiring airnggle of thedown-lroddbn masonllne halt of me community;but, by the arrival of ms ronnd np, breugbt in byReginald, Violet's adorer, and me lover of aU tbaoiher girls, by me aid of aime tsmlnlne political

taollcs, ahe cones In ahssd, Jnst at miaUms, HIrLionel, nsl's lonngsr bromsr, arrives, lie batassumed Ue title In bit absence, believing hun tolie dead, and bu oome to America to see alKjnt

some rancbea that he owna. Ual ncognlies bIm,bough Lionel does not recognlie llal, and sobegins to pay great attenUon to violet, lu Ignuianoethat she Is lila niece, Violet Is resiiooslve, wblohmakes Reginald exirsmely Jialons, Sir IJonolInvites everybody to a danoe given by bin toeelebnis Violets le eleoUon, At the dance a^ecoullnuea to keep RegUiald Jealona by her coiiaet-

Ungwimme nobleman, and be anally leavea medance IB a nge. BIr iJonel nuwdlscoven matBal la his alder bromer, but saya BoUiIng m anyone abont It, mobgh me taot that he Is ayounger son, and Violet's nnclo, Is most dlscoo-

oertlng to him. After Ue danoe Hagtnald mceteCoUirado Ban, Ue reUied gambler, ud a plot Is

made lo have Colorado fleece BIr Lionel or anenormous sum which he carrlea, making It neces-sary for bIm to leave town, u It la Colorado's opin-ion tbat Violst Is to puny BIr Uoael tor his money.The money u to be sent to hlmagsln.and llesln-aid enten Inio Us schsne, iisllevTug that all'a fair

In love and war. The nextdav Colorado meets SirLionel, who bu decided that oe muat beoomo rec-

onciled lo his lot ot yooDgcr son, and wbo lieglos

Uo day wltb the deicrmlnaUuo to live up to

his poslUon and mm himself u soon u possible.

This nnden mattan easy tor Colorado to get himInto a game, and as the lut dollar goes, Viobtt

cornea Is, and, u her duty u aberlO tH[aiK; ar-

Rats msm bom. She Is determined to let tbe lawlake Its ooone, nnui Ual tells her ahe "oufht notto be bard on her poor nnole," wben every-Ulng Is cleared np and explained, Violet telling

IteglnaM ahe iru only trying bla love Cor her wbenshe wu flirting so despentely wltb BIr Lionel. Ualpain off wllh Marian, ihe proseonUog atlorney,

who bad tonaerly been bla oounael InhlsatumplMmurder case; and HIr Lionel, regarding It Inonm-bent upon bIm to many beneath him, proposes to

a prsuy lypsirrlter and Is accepted on tie spot.

Tbs cast: HIr LlonsI Ilavenswood, J. II. Rjley;lleguald, Clinton Elder; Ualr Tngser Ual, llarryDavenport: Colorado Ham. Ueorge r. Hwlon: Bar-keeper,Tnomu lliley; I'laln Bmim, J. Alkso; violet,

Fanny Jobnaton; Maude, Annie Lewis; frnetcnllngAttomev, Annie V, Botherland; F.mel, Ikiealind

Itlssl; Kdlth, Marr Bllfen; Alloa, Agnre V.. Daley;C'Allr, Jennie OstTlian; Once, Annie Black.

"A Heuie Of Cgrds."Sidney Orundy'a adaplaUon ot Sardoo'a "Halson

Neuva"«rH aclsd tor lbs flnt Urns at lbs Walnut

Street Theatn, PhlladelphU, Pa.. Iieo. tl, ism.The play telU of Ibe aitaoiploC lltne Flllcrat andhla wife, Clare, to break away rr»m their humbleaononndlnga and gain a roolhold In fashionablesociety. Tne articles »C nartoenhlp betwceaClan's tatber, Oensvoix, and her bnsbaad, Rene,In Ibelr little shop expire, and the latter and biswife leave the old man sad set msmaelvcs np In afublouDle lalabllsbment ot Uelr own. Theirpropsrty adjoins mat ot ms Comie Ue Mar-aille, a bsloony practically ' uniting Iho twohouses. Throngb Ihe aid of tne Oomts,who Is sscniJy Is lovs wllh Clan, meIraoclal rlw Is progreaslng. Hantlle dedaree bislove, poisoning Clan's mind with ules of ber hae-bandflafldellly. She

"> aemaadaproof.aDd MaialUe

lalla ber be will bilog tbe papen to her lioodoir,

In Ihe mird aol aba repeats and wrllu him a note,lelllog bIm not to come. Fluked wim wine andoooatnlngthenots IntoaehalleBae, he teepe theoriginal apnolnunant. Manilla allsmpls to forcecure Into ols sdjolnlng apartaent by my ot thebalcony. She evenually ladncea him to take adcse or chlonl, wblcb taka eireot lamedlaiely,and she Imsflaes shs bu killed hUB. Thelest set flads lUns ratasd throngb tbs sn-beaatemeni at his eashlsr. Tbs boose of cardahsscoUsfeed. Bat M coiTUeca Ua wll« ot Ui

ldellly,meComtsieooven,tbe cashier Is arrested

wim ola plunder, the nadenra nlnrn to tba

panntal root, and me onrlalu faUa npon the eon-venilonal tableau. FollowlnB la Ihe cut: Oenevolx,J, W. Flgotl; Hano.nilent, oeoar Adye; Oomie deHanli:e, Fiank II. Fonlon; Andn, Uoland AtwoodiOaapaM, Tom niillamson; Bonnetoy, A. It Bieell

Oommlssaln, Ivan Watson; Becniary, Mr. Topper)nai'Tlello, lleairlce Selwvn; Uutlenno, Florencel.eclercq; Ulaira rillent, Wra. UngUy.

"Humanity."Tbo drsl pcrfortnanoe In America ol Snttoo

Vane's play, "lluoianlly," oocnmd at Ue Bow-doln Thealte, Boaton, Mesa., Dec, 34, Bsvie

Crtnboume, the hero, a young lieutenant In UeDiagoona, loves Alma Dnnbar, an Engllah girl,

wboae home le Id Soulh Africa, bnl who, In theflnt act, la vtalling Bevis' mouirr. Lady ona>bourne. Major Faidyre liAngerOtId, a vnr cor-rtspoodsnt In tbs Tnnsvaal, uso loves Alma Dun-bar, but bad penuaded I.«abia I'enn, the danahierof Matthew ronn, to accom|iany him to Lon-don on tbo prunlae ol marriage, where berolood anil deseried tier. Nanaaaes Marks,a Jew money lender, appears on the scene,Meikshualarge heart, and wben liangarfleld en-deavoie to penuade lilui to furce Ihe claim whiclibo holda against BevU, eo aa to ruin bIm In Ueeyes ot his sivetthoart, ho refuaes. Just u a bunt-ing puny Is abont to mount lur ibu bunt, word00II1H ot the uprleiog of ibe Been, and Iho l>ra*

goonii are ordered lo tbe Tnnsvaal. la tbe aecondRot Is shown the i''>ttage of Miltbow foon. UenI.eablacomcsionekforglveoosa ot her old father.

Keslah Peon, btr sister, i-omtoria her andHendM Ilevie in advlee her. Alma ovcrheaialleviH oiTer Lcsbia money and edvlro and be-lieves Bevie to bo UxbU'ia lover. Iter father,Uatibi'W, seea a bank nou- wiib Uevie' namewriilon ou me back , aud gnex form topunlali themau wliiitu bo bollovea hea rulm-il IiIn dnughtsrsnd bin life. Uovls flnelly HatHDca hlin of hlalunori'nci'. MatUow overhears a toiivoimiIIoii

butacon liangerfltid and Lesbla, wliloh pnvcsthat Uangcrleid Is bin girl's beiraysr. Ili< atliohHlilm fnrlunaly with bl< neavy vralklng mlok. Pi'Dii

calls uiton Bevis fur help, and lievln'moitier, whoIH blind. bearuiK H"' crIi'H, ihlnka llovia heikilled Uauhow. Marks, however, Is a wit-

ni'U to the murder. In the mean limelii-vis la msrcliing away to Scum Africa,In me Iblid act Ainia Dunbar bu reuraed to nerhome wim Keilah and l.eabla Penn at her melds.Uangsrteld Is more luadly In lovo with Alma manever, and sirlvM In every way lo ruin liovls. Almadlsooven his iroscheiy and drives bim mm thehouse. Uevis ondcavon to force his way mnugUtbo enomj'a llnea to carry important dispatches,bnt In a rtwky pus, near Alma's home. Is con-fronted by a inunntsil guard ot tbo llosra,

and a hsndloband broadsword conillct lakesplace. UevIs Is caplunil, but not beforene hts sinppeil his llttio drummer boyllurke to hla hone, thrust his illapatohea

In tbi' bolster, and sont hini speeding forBsslHtanoa. Uevls Is sesrotacd for dispaiches, andnone are fonnd. The Uotrn aiteinpi to MarchAlma; she reelnis, and whsn lianierlcld UMrH tosearob ber, lie le struck down by llovls. Uevls Is

oondsmiieil lo die hi daybreak. Tben, alier amnillog baius scene, tbe Knallsli suldlenroit IhgBoen.and relouo Bevia, Maria and Hie women,


Tills new four act comedy drama, by U. (Irettan

Donnelly, was acted for the flrst Uiue on ani stago

at lbs LInL'Oln Theatre, Chicago, lll„lieo.33, Tbsatory opens In a ploluresoue spot among Ibomountains of lild Virginia, where Inaproiiy nome-Btcad we And tbo motner et Virginia awalllog ther,.turn of her daughtrr, who bu genu iHirtenacklining wim a young Kogllsh artist who hu iiiado

hla home at the bomeelrart while on a tkeiublugloor. Juper Ollnob, ii njootcd suitor for tbo bandot \ Irglnia, baa, In a spirit of revsnge, puichaaedms besvliT onoumbered home ot vlrglnla'amomtr anil annonncca bla lutrnllon ol turoingmother and daughter ont unleu Virginia scoepishis offer. Jclferton Dexter, a strolirng actor In

hard luck, bas sloppcil at the homostcad on bis

podcslrlan trip to NowTork.andonthearilvalofUllnob he mislakes Dexter tor the young artist

whom Clinch liollavea was his nucccasfiil rival,

Tbe evident poverty ot ilis ainnger sug,

Ksts to Clinch the Idia ot bribing kim to

ive tbe place, and lbs uior, not undeceivingClinch u to his misiakc, gladly lakes tboSroffered hrire and dliappcars lo the regret ofarol, ahrlgbtandvlvaolunaglrl who is sifted wllh

a snperb voice andwhohudecldedlotollowa pro-fessional career. Under the Impreision ihnl he liudisposed lit bis rival, Clinch renewa his offeror mar-nago to Virginia and tbrestota the mother wim tbelore of her home unless his sdvances an aoccpled,A teleinm compola Ihe young arllst to leave atonce, and ou Virginia's return nsr molhor appealsto ber to accept the offer "t Clinch. This, Virginiarefuses to do, snd In his rags st Ihc rofuul, uTinchtaunts ber wlih the deaerlloo nf her artiat lover,and Insults her liy Ue direct chsrge mat she hadforfeited her honor. Stung by Ihla laiinl, Virginiaairlkes lbs oowsrd wllh her riding whip andproudly avows heraolt Iho atilal'i wife, Iheinerriaie having taken place In stent somemonths before. In act aecond (eight leara beingsupposed u> have elapaed) we and Virginia wliSbor twin oblldren, a boyud a glil. lo London,wheretbelBsearcblngforberhusbsod. Slie Is Indin poverty, and la compellril to sell the palmingof her old homo-ihe work of ber husliand, Whilethus engaged ebe le discovered by Clinch, wbo re-newa his advances, taking Bdvaniagn of lier pov-erty ud dIslRss. Being sllll repulsed ho detsr-mUes to separata Virginia from her chlldien, Tboporchaser ot Iho |ialntlng,a kind hearted Idiidonbanker. Is me Irlend of Vlrglnla'a hualand, wbohu become one of Ibe most famciia porlnit paint-ers lo England, lie hss been searching for hiswlfs, of whom he can Dud no trace, and In theaction of lbs play he Is brought lace to tscewllh bla own onlldnn wlihoot noognlalngtlisffl. The third act revoala Ihe home olVirginia, and ehows ihe children In Ibelr home lite.

Dexter, who liu aoen tbe children, cooea to be-fnend ihe onUer and Inoldentally leams that sheIs the daughter of the lady bo had met In Virginia.Clinch hu enllsled me sld ot a powsrfnl Knallshlady to enable him to take me oblldren away iromIbe mother on Uo ground ihat abe Is an nnill per-eon to cars fur mem, and Virginia appeala to Uex-isr for sld. The Amerlran nobly rcaponds,snd,more than iliat, hrlngs with him Carol, Vlrglnla'aold companion, wbo Is now In lioodon, where abehu become a famous prima donna, and wbo buoared tor Vlrglnla'a moiber In all these yean.Ullnob, on bla arrival to lake ibe cbi'dren away,supporied by an cnicer ot the law and me pres-ence ot tbe lady of iltJe and her niece. Is con-fronud br Dexter and lisnied In hla sobeoisAct four brings about tbo reiinlou of the longseparated buabsnd and wlfs, ihe overibrow oTClinch, ihobnnlUailonof Vlrglnla'a enemira andher own vindication and Irlnoph. Tbe cultJefferson Dexter, Jas. U. HcCann; Irlhur lloflston,Fredenc Uenog; Juper Ullnob, Frank lie Vernon;BIr rblllp Uoldilioipj, Ceorge IMllon; Paul Itoyis-too, AnnI*Joman; Jacob Troe, J. C. Kline; James,II. It, llalhh; raluisr, John Wnitcuuti; Carol,Mane Uim Rlce;,Lady Unco Unndoo, LIsaleKendaUi Bnncla ppwer, Ansllne I'lows; Msrielilchmotd, Mrs. jtnnia loman; Virgin, (lladysPlows; Virginia, Jnlla Hiuan.


lie had been working all ivinler lo get a place Inme llarivell Maplcwood lirua Band u corneilat,snd lustu bis hopes seemed lo be on the verge offulOllment she met him on bis way borne from UeKilomeo, near Major De Camn's, and, linhing her

Bd wlinin his srm, walked on In alienee until

Ihey reached the edge of the poplar row. Thereshe stopped In the long shadows and cornered bIm,"(leorge," ahe said, "I with yon wouldnf play

me cornet lu lbs new band.""Why noil" uld be, surprised. " It Is the place

ot honor, and I get a a great deel of auentlon by It,

dear.""Yes, I know," she uld coaxingly, "It Is nice to

have you noticed by every one, and all tbst,



Bbe paused and bung her enrly hesd a little loweiDihebaab."But what!" asid he, sharply."Dh)wlng the lornet makaa—makes—


Uer v»lce aank lo a pouting whlsperi"MakMUellpssosUff sndhardi"Oeorge will not blow the cornet In the band tbla

Hummer.-crinclnnnll dinmtrcial OauUf,

Tiis following wu overheard between a Colom-bia aindent and hla best glili "Ub, Will, whatlovely noweni They look u If they had Just beenamered. Why, there la a mile dew upon mem,"wui <tllgbUy embanBBaed)-".Sot a cent, I sameJOS, aotaesBt.''

THE iq^EW YORK CLIPPER. January 12.


AMERICAN COMEDIANS ON TOUR.Juat olosad another two monthB* engagament at • WEST XND KDBIO HAIX, Iiondon, THEPAItACE, making 0 UOA'i'US wa fiare pla7ed In LONDON at tha three prlnolpal UoaloHalla, BtNCB OtJH AKHXVAIj IN EUBOFB LABT MAY, AND THE SCREW HAS BEENO, K. ALHAMBBA, BMflBXI AND FAIaAOB, not a atone's throw apart At present weare playing one month's engagement In Ireland, Belfoat and Dublin; dlasgow, Scotland;Berlin, Oermany ; Vienna, Anstna, to follow. Will retnm to America for tiie coming seasonof 1886 and '6 with the same title,

IJ r\i IM/%D/% 1-1SIVI


Copied by many, bat oan only be dona by as. There's a portion of onr speoialty done In almostevery Christmas pantomime in England. BUT DONT TOU CABS; THERB IS A DIFXTEB-BNCB. Boropaan address: LOWS 2ZCHANOE, 67 Charing Cross, London, Bog.

To llanp of fifst Class

mi mmmwill open a Preilminaiy Season of 12 weeks, on Jan. 26, tatroduclng





w.lght lUUIb..). the LlKht W«UhtIxh. Mul»l Klagi of Mut Caa^i,

Cbamploa Uamb Bell LIfler of the PW1 J n 11» orid, who, .luriDHbu att, will iBira- 1 nofflsoii snQ Dunnoli.dace aBd lift Ike largest aad beavleil '

dumb bell lu the wotlil, welgbt V.aoulba.

The Clerer Cenedy Dao,

Edward and Josie Evans.


The IrUh VllUfle Pair,


Th» Chmrnlng Hluging ConiMll«BB0,


RICHIE FOY.the C^madlaa, and Ih*


-\\rA n\rTE ID,A CoapU inuro Slt-oan NovcUy AoU< BaBib BBd Radd, BBd KfllUfABd Aibb|r,

pleaie wrlttt. MBBBgvra deilrlng to piBftbli •ie«ll«Bt alirsetloB, pl«»s* BddrMi

GHAS. H. HAYSTEAO, MANA6ER, 85 State Street, Detroit, MIcb.

F. W. STBOH, Sole Proprietor • • JOHN P. HILL, Bnslness ManagerBeBadfal new lllhogmphwl paper tnm the OBlrert LUbo* Oo., Oribler

Dank Note Co^ aad Ooarler LUbo. CQtt BaJTblo*

Plenty of New and Original Advertising Novelties.

WE WILL BILL LIKE A CIRCUS.P4r<U« who tai*9r«J oar frlf«r(l*«n« it (o IMIOLIPPBR nUta* <nDlIiltr •ihoo* k oobU DtgfttiT*

REWARD!^Pn>r*wlook1ai1oo'i b« bitalDil Uii UmM. S*oditoac«lorifa«gfwuitO«iorlpUf« ua|ol ilieai*. Ertrrbodr




LISETTE.]imakiDf Ui» hit o( har liravliltiL OoplM tD tht profMalon lOo OrdiMUk path iOo. BaU*: "Tf dlmtdrapplDKoal" Willi uidoo'iBo.FMOkV, UALL A no., 170 hTIpIi A**.. Rrooklyo. V. T.

ni iinnnifliinM *^ i'mmbi pto*

FUYVIKIITSswHbetehee, etc., obb bave tbe aame aatU-rhc(oril|r copied ob tirpewHter hy

MI88 B. L. SPAULDINC,Nenrioh, Ct, No. 7 RlpttyPUes, PmtsR.

PllOBPTKBSS OVABANTUHD.DoR't L»8k, for Yggr Ejii MlgM Hart Yu.



11* II wu4*riB> vllh Blebutl A PrloiU^ Mluln)f,obbiIbi tboaaBHi to bu: "Ib bB b bmb or dBTUi"Ronnla to tbo mfti Onig, LBTBOd, WUson, riDpllB,

AlBy^nwo Btid all frlBodt.

I baveagBiB atiuiufd tbe laaBagemeBlof tbe

GHETOPA, KANSAS, OPERA HOUSLAt hoaMlibMtwl br tUtin. llfblod 1>r tlMltielti

ud HfttaO wllb Opcrt Obkln, no mtwinA flo«r. Wi will

plAT til CO*!. OD |ood Unnt Btii RHov Toao In

SoiLtliei*!! KaiisaSyBur urrliorf Hot, wbore ooebtir mllHoD dolUn hubMD paitl ont to lb* iDdiua. I tm ftl«o nadj to )•»•ftUVDiure |ood booM lo Boatbtre Kfeuu tiid Mi»•OUTl.

ALF. D. CARPENTER.Osweso, Kan.,

nil r. HABEK. UUBrOfA, kinsah



lAUol Metdbu ud Htet.


nUARACTlR, OOHBDT, OB OOMBDT OLD MBNTboroofU} BiMriuoBd BBd oomptUttl la BTtrr llat ottbB boilBBBI. WODM BOOBpt BdTBOM VOrk fOF U«t 01b«BttrBOUOBOrbBBlBBBBBlUBIBOIBnt iddrBBB

T. M. BRoVn. BoilU, ObtoBffO. III.


Hiiooi p4rti InrOoDtolu udBoubrsit*.


I'uiiM l»okiD|i |nr aflmBititDB o«w ud botoI, udnuE.k. LUCKU. LoekthBTM, Niw lluipahlr«.

P. S.—AUnikaRi«r« who hmia vrltUo for tb* rl|btto

pUr "MiilHklr'i OUim" ud 'Tb« Lilt Uuu4,*' pl««Mwrilo Bialn.


Lrf}adina Juvenilo and He»vy.LATB WITH BZRA KBNDAi.1. CO.Addreu OIIAND PALACB HOTBL,

Chicago, III.


DEN HOWEBo«*BlrlaObBnalaTOomBdlWLOoBi«dr OMHbd. ObbtIM, ud Yaakaa Oomidlan. witb apo«UlU«B, aaooadBile IB band. WlroorwrluOiDUrvlUB. Iowa, Jan. 10:

UbIUiootba, Mo.. U, BrookBald II. Cat* ^'Aoat Sallj" Co

for ao oDiMMioDl or iramlour to iti moBlbt,oou-mtoolaa urlj to Ha; oait MTorvl tauBiof

\m mi Indian Bepbts.AOdr»a«. vllh lo«Mt Uraii. **A. B." ov« ot OUrFIB. BBHnaLEnER HEADS, $5 UP.


UNITY BUlLUINGt OHIGAGO.Flt»« aupo)l*(l, paoplt otiiMwl, computwivaUd, «to.

NdwTd lu kliih iue«Maiul Muoo. Bukcan vuUbiOral olUK ptoplo will and ti to thtlr edtaoiAnU) patroD-

U»ui. AllooDiniuoiCAtiooiahoaMbekddrMMMaboTt.J. D. WLiiUAIfB. AaUavMUwr.

SHIIHHII Band eaai Btaap for aamplaaMUflSH SMALL EMOBATIMO Ol BU daaBllp^C^H Uoa. iaad eopr tor BBlfmate^^^H fliBadnoMtnBL.lf. T.

CntGUS CANVASlMea4 hied, la |00d ODadlUoa; oa« Sn. BMa4 TDp,oaa an, eat Bde, oae Bia. <ae aiiiai. WriubrenoaA JAaBMAHTm * 101).



WILiL, Ol'MPr .TA-N. 10.

Hratlua caiiarlly at H.OUO, healed by•Iraiut llgbleil by SUO electi lo llghU IMthree roluta. Flue HreB.ry. Iloaae ceB-trall> altmated «b the aAala etreel.Maaaaen of flnl clau Attraotloat ad-

dma P. X. PBIiHAVI.T, liaBaglaiiUlrerlor, MU St. Uenli Street, MoB(r«al,UaBada.

Ruka Opera House.roDBiaiioB Moa BBaUDi«aMAii*a)


Olrous OanvaB0B>TNtiitADOtitilptlMtHiiifHtmi.. 1. nmULT,m SDelk IDmI, Maw TeTk OII|.

The New PhllharmonioTheatre Hall,

Now opw lor piMi. bmUbi «*i«oitj Ijba rrleeiM.

S O £] 3V SI fL^srAMD ALL THBATBIOAL aOODS. taeuT paUtadAMPlrABd qolaklv, Antuarr nppUed.

OHAt.Y mUA, IMM needww. Naa Tort Oltr

FiMi WitckM, Jmh] iH SHnmn Silt.

ABLE FOB rAlBS. niRODUS ea* QITB AVAT nu.rotm Sua iMiuerxaua «u»«n«L lAonr aDUBB,W B. MrdlHa tl , Obiouo. IlT

KW TRICKS. Litut EmfiH NmitlwiUt<a.Sea»dllikt>B41aU'ilpintulu. Stadleau

FUTURE WIFE AND HUSMND.at& Olmlan aad wdpIbb, taa eaaUL FUTVBB OOH*Iba boBB MT^tr Mr elrenaaa. moaaan^ tofaidMaala*rART, ft Baal Thlrtaaaib BtmU M. T.


fiUkladniiUoSelloou mw naiuetlt.

eiiSS BLOWERS SEND FOR PRIEE LIST OFUADSS. TOBINO. OAKB. •(•. Oeewel npellei (»r Bo.btmUe lUa UoeetlL Boat (Oak. In*i> pifeea. JOUBT. BAOraAii.m Bo. OuellM n.. Btltiaoia. M.

« BRASS BANDy^^S^P Iniirumrnra, Diiimi, Vnifoimt, Equip*1 jOi^l^H mrnia (ot )I.iih1« anj Diiim Coipa. Lev1 mpticnrvrrqiiotnl. Fine Caiktoff*

#7 Vn ^1"^'^^ l"«>"KiiontlM AiBittorBaHW

ii4L Liox 1 Buii »a ifcM k.

lOB PRINTEDaI VAN PLBCT. BlVciffW lalMsi, n-ao CENTRE aT.ll


THE BRIGHT COMEDIANS,.^t HilTDerty, Fciiroe Oona.e<a.y Px>efex*3red.

(«ftft°^SfiSirD'iiE"o7Vp"ffAVA'iSrLWri^^^^^^^"""" '-'•^—''•'^'-''"WRCOSEDTAKD eOHOaKB.

aalUiharud Vait. vbobtTaiurrad lo'TbaColoDalud 1/' InDenoDktad DoafflvaU aad BlutfaaU, rerpeeUrelf. TbU taam Aided aoUtUeln thaioeeeuoflfaaplattudlhalr apa«l»Itj»«laproT0»ailC0CTII<U0UBLA0aBTEB-BEc8BD, Plill».,Dao.a.


TbamoatDromlaaDtinaabanorMlu BooatalU'i Compur Ate OAUafhar and Waat a pair of Droll CenadUai. WHO IKTBODDOBD HAMT ORIOINAL WrmoiSllS AMDLOOAL JOtU.-INQDIIIBR.PbUt.. Dae.ll.


OalUibti ud Wall. Ua roaar Comtdlua, aa Leitf Blaleall udBlr DoamwaU. lEPTTBE ADDtEKOB OONTIBOALLT LADOBINO.—PBESa TbllA , Dee.B.aaliAabaraedWaat,tberiiDaakeii.wareAil>oJ7UdiooeaaatalAB irBB.-TIBES. PhUt., DeaB.aaliaabarWrite or wire 117 BAST TBKTH 8TBEBT, Maw Tork Cllj.


S. S. THOBP & CO.,ilO PULTOlf STh ft. T.



A BOABINe COHEDT HKBTCH, OP TO THE TIMES.AT IjIBBRXV to Join flntolaas Speoialty or B'oroe Coi^edyCo.'HAaann addiaaa M. B. BAMLBT,No.UBa>t Tbird 8<reat,Nae Tark Oily. H. B.-WebATeAa Al

fortp-mlBQle eomadj wrlttaa by H. B Baalay. aotbor of "A JAT CIBODB,'* at pltyad dot.WAFTED,MVUmiEDICIIIElEa'IIREItSnoaawbo bm soBoataat tn saaan tbair ova nom-

nalaa Writ* to OOL T. A BDITaBOA PropriatorOBEOOK DfDIAii BDItiiiTB CO.. Oony. Pa., fbr p^>^OBlUoa on which ttaar caa naka all tbo moaar for wav-aalvM. Btata •iton'ww.

NOTIGIEJ.1 ka«« [this day'purohBMd Hu siiUrs lnlsrHt •( Ihs GERMANLA THEA-


Masagsn ol Burisiqus as4 Vu4svlRs ConpulM ttvlng open llms In Jsnuan bihI Fsbni-

sry, Ua4ly snbsiH uais lo J. H. PHILLIPS, Proprlelor'snd Mssigar.

"oentbal" trunks,ta, fiXO; Bla^lua): Ota, STJD; Bbu lao):nJt; Oa^ •UJD: OomiartBaet Inn, maUl banad, SIEaU tiRBi faaaki, lueDBplala. BUI mala, BdBiULaaide, WJa Lllto imakt, mtpBUt lailda, IlUttaipa Aa4 Bkalatoo roUowaia, 11JB ud SUO. Sblmdaaiaaalpt of S&OX baL 0. 0. D.,aioapi oTerBDmOMikea nmlt wbota amout Majloal lutraaut, Uakaltad UADania' tnnkj to aider. BaClu Baikata vllhbar, Ualai, eorar, ala, SMn., IIUI; aba., SltO; Ola.lUjQ. Bailala ablppad oq reoalpl afprloa.SIMOIO A 00., ^BHTBAL TSintl PAOTOBT,

Baub. UH. (Ml Hoitb Tib ROeat. Pblladtlpbla.

\A/'G sAll fox* "Ftngla.ja.ca. In JSt/Lay.TUB KCOBBTBIC OOHBDT TRAM.

William 4 6ILMGRE AND BOSHELL CameoUATB A raw OriB trBBU. HtaaiendaairlDieiioodbatdUDartddrau Oara of CLIPPEB.

^CALL/^MB Balls IB mda wonted fJHtttwlHD tifbta, ILB par, aat; *^|iHBK|SQnfiM eattoa,!!. TamB,Bl, wItbUI M^TWHD ofdarbalaaooO.O.D. BaadHM BBhbWtml S&atantpfbrB) (Mf«IUBa-SK#FW mtad eatalofaa ofolma, BM tbaatiioal, blayclai, irma*- H^m^m^B

nniB aod Btblate fooda. ^^^^T^^b: B. OALL, tB Mala Btraat. BpriDfflald, Maaa

What Ohleafo baa aaadad lor yaara a thaatrlcal ai-

obaaga eoadaoted bf paqpla who bara had jaaia' aipari-•oea IB tba piolasiloB. naoldaataxchaaia la Obloaio,Bad noofSMd br malfopoUtu maaacan as tha uoatraUabla.


No* parDuaotlr leoaiad IDITB an. BOLA fl DBAB-BORN tfTRBBT.WOLrP BOILDIWO.

Uodar lha maiiAgaoiut of BL 0. jrooif


Plan TTlltao, booibtaae aoldreoBpaalaa omaliadud rooted ContrelJIat losr bli elroalli la lha Boalbud KorthataL Beoklai orar alx baadiad (On ooaiaboQiei. Looil muaaara win make moQar by aaadiaKoalhalropaallBia. To the pniaiiloo ae boekiai faa la

ebarild. Stad ai year aaaia, People la all biaaobaa oftbaprolaaatoD aiealeaya valaomaatoDTOflMaa.TO WBSTBRN IIAl(AaBU.-Waara boobloiroonipu-

taalrea. Wrlu ua for lolormtMoo. Addraaa aQ oommii-BloulooA to B. 0. 8BXT0N, Bl DaarboraSt, Ohloaio. lU.


La E. WinsonAGENT.

HOOTEB HOUSE, Stannton, Ya.

A.T LIBERTY,J f! IVrfili'lllT IfiRArFi'lilMTfl4» Vt ilUUulll, ultAvurfiUillVlLaada, Ohara0tara,Comad) ] rQraollai,BaaTlHCbar«auraFin. altia wardrobe. CulolB atooea. Addraaaaaie

DONALDSON L1TU0. CO.. ClotlaotU, 0.

"YOUR FACE10 rAiuiirfiAn

VOtBB *'PIOrEfiB,*' asd lha fBat adda a atODt liak to

foar ahalB of tama, If job hara a nod portimlt eat of

roBisair (or atauooarr aad adTartlalag. Wa aiaka lhartfht kta4 for pLOa All klodi ol eatB n»r abov prlotlBiktadtaooaat Write


IUIIIIm IfMlliB fii 1 milt PlnrAWillie \elly ^ Lizzie Giorei


A.T LIBERTY.Addrtu 96 NlfiHi Amils, New Yorl.

Bafiaida to f^Mk ud Boyd.

OvrlBgtoCliaBge ta the Proprletarahlp.rtlt. GaraiBBiB Tbeatre, Hobokea,n, J.,


P. A. PAULSCRAFT,us Baat aut St., It. T. City.

Whv ?WW JrDo ONE THIRD ol tka fiofaaiioa Uaa

"TAYLOR TRUNKS."130 W. Hadlaoa Bt^ Cblcafo.

109 B. 14tb St., New Te*k.

All ParfbrBBen Booked si the Imperialfrom Jab* 14 to Feb. 14 coBaldar them-selTea canceled. Aoton^ Protective Unionwill do the booking hereafter.

IBtPERIAL, Hobokea, N. J.

A.X LIBERXY,NEIL LITCHFIELD,Tukaa Oonadlaa, Paalal Aitlataad ObanatarllUDlQ.stnaa and MoT£BpaaUlUaa--Taobaa Famare Tranp,BlQr Ild. Wldaw Badolt, old Maid aad rAOIAL AOT.EBTafloa4aoloradtbra«ahaatlllbo of TankaaParatav

aBdfkMB,aDd4 eolorad oaa itaaaiot pemaltaadlacaA

ALBANY (wf$)^BmKnllS4.-HaU Uteb-Bald aa a ooaBtrrman baa BO saparloia. „ .ALBAKT(N.T.)ABaDB.I>a«. lA UB4.-NaU Utehflald,

la a "Jar" part, vaa oae ol tha aaaaffaat laataraa oftha

^BWnmTlUsa.) HBRALD Jsa. U ISBL-Nall LIteh-

flald'a qiMialUaa van fnatlp eoauiaadad by Iba aadl-

*Addraas OTW. ad BL, Nav York. N. Y.

eomiii*c ciiinc seventh ahnoal bditionbRIrriR d OUIUC MOW-BBADT. Diractorrorniair-tnoalTradaBmaBloaUbiaaobaa. AddraaanofTbaatricaKOtraoB, Vanatj aad Hnaatun nuaaffan; daaorlpttoaa ofolUaaaad towai, popaUUoo, rallmada, btutaaai later-•au, opara booaaa, local nuaacart, bill poitaii, anraaa-mao, iioBBMi; partralte aad akatobaa of promlaaotprDitaaloDala, ato U will aava jaa taa tlmaa Its oost Inawaak. rroiaaoly lIlDitntad aad baodaooial; boud.Saot, all ebama paid, on racaiDtorONB DOLLAR, br

URlVrlNPUBLIRUINano..eaffara,N T.



^^^1 Tha oBlr firm maklaf Tlibti^SlOO: abliU.^^^H $100, ta wo rated foodi Ib aoTdaalrod eolor^^H aad t« apeolal maaaof*. OoCtoo ablrti.Bl.(0:^fH eoitea URbtA ILOD la blackipink, white aod

UTT blua. Hilk tigbti, BlttO par aat: TngH aoite, tJJOU u> • 14,11);Boaka nita, ftldiDVV $>U)0;Pnmp«,noi«.^;'^'t^^^u. Brtiutea

UL br mat!'*" "^flOER BBO&etSBTaraTMB Ava.,BrooklriblVeT.

"Nino CoM and Rtzsinniuins Come Tofstb'

(Oopyrl|btad). AioBf with tba tlmaa, aod a wlaaar 'ormaa or woman, aad aar aadiaBco. Not toooaaaldad.Ooa dollar and tttj oaola par baadrsd to tbosa wlihlogto Ball lt(wonIa aad moalo). Blngla eoplaa, taa oaau.Wrlttaa and pobhabad br WUl J. Hardman. Boor Far>odr aad Bhatah Writer, U East Footth St.. Haw York.Band Bianp for aaavar to latter.


IS AT LIBERTYto aeeapt aaiacamaatt wlib a TalLabIa eo., at a nodarataaalaiT, to plafaiaoUonal Laadi. Blactav and OaoeloiBottbntlaa; ancaat Waidcoba,aU aaw iblaaaaaoa; ill

roan' axparlaaea: woald Ilka to baar from nanagan of»••'»<"• J-^HOTBt. OBaha. Bab.

COMPLETE DRAMATIC GO. QUICK.EapoaiaUT Patlta Boobntia Laad, wbo dow apaelaltlaaand eaa piaj b07 paita. Band pbotoa Btaie lowaat aal-

arr Ontlaoar No rana adraacad. Wa par aipaasaaWILLIAMS A OCa Oooldaotal Hotel

lodiaoapolla, Ind.

WwlViO Write (or

8U11B FITS. Estlnatts.AflTHOHY BOOH,

IM Soatb ElaruUi SIraet Pbiudalpblv Pt.

3VOTIOEJ.I Will Exchange $3,000 to $8,000WOBTH OP IMPBOTSO BBAL BITATE tir FloatlafPklAaa, Clieoi Property. MaMBOLLar urIblBa aaafbl la

tka ikow toilaaaa Addnaa W. H.J.BBAW.IM Aacuata BtieaL Ohleaie, lU.

AT LIBEBTY,'WUl IST. SXTLLtla.,Old Maa, Qaaieal aad Obanoter or Qanaral Boalaaa. AlAltoorTaaorlnBaad. BoQaalraPr1oa,Ll|btJnraBllaa.Al vardrobaa. Balarr raaaoaabla. Raaponalbla mrn.only. rar ad. aARWOOO. Mo.

For Artistic Pliotos.DON^ PAIL TO TIBIT


Fomr DUfbreBt Oharaeteia Takom OBUle Sam. N.gallve.

PBOIBBIUI. No. W W. PoeilaMlb BDaeL Hn Tort


EAR IJVERFOOL, O*I take plaatanla reoDBBaadlaf thaabore Prlatinf

Co. for BntolaaB verb aadptomptiStantloa.JAB. . OBB. Baaafar New Qraad,

Bast Uvaipool, 0.



Addnaa W. a J. »BAW, IM Aanaala et. tAlcaio. IIL

Bldezx IkCvuiee,PATEBSOIf, «.

BBRBT B. TOOTKT Proprietor aad llAatiei

WANTED -aOOD SPBCIALTT ABTISTB, BTBONQDBAWINU ATTBAOnOHB aad BUBOPBAM KOTBLTIBaOa aeooeat of my ooiraapoadaaoe belai too larie art

lju wUl obllie br ooaaMarlai alluea a poUU aaoUra

Saad Bl aad raadlar mattarfor Mabaal sampla.

Museum of Anatomy.Oomplata lo arary panlealar. PtBteaforauly.loarpaBaealBloiaa, n with it PBITATB DiaPZNaABT,r TIae saiatt, fHaalaaatl. 0.

WANTED, AT ONCE, SLEEPINB CAR.m PBET OB BO IN LKNOTB, WITH OR WTTHOUTIMnlBff Boom. Also Baccaie Oar ot food laactb.aqatppad Ibr PaaaaBRaraamea Band for tail daaerlpUoaaaddiairameWlUilowaatcaibpriea Will laaaaorbar BainaiB Car. BirB * DOLMAN. Kohono. led.


^raop. 5. OLABC. Vadlaa, K. T.

iONEY TO INVEST.Mast write parttoulan bafon I aaa yoa. AddnasWH. F. PniLLlPS, care of CLIPPER-Ms LETTER HEADS

aadoarNBW BOOKoiTbaalnaal BNOBATINGAA raaai roatal oiay bbt* jroa Dollara. Addraaa


VAN BERT ADAMSeaa bo aaiaced for Obaia^ia, BaaTlao or JartaUot.first alaaa la all rasoeau. No. npavtolra. Addraaa C|lIttb At.. Datrolt. Nta^

Wutid. 1 Pulmr iltl Sl.OOO, ta i GnudHoner Maktaf Bebama. Somatblng naw: ao risk: aohambav. Per partlaalan, addraaa rBOF. A BBrHA0UB,No.r4HarlotStraat,RawarkaN. J.

G. 8hlndhelm,wiu makeb,in OBBTBTIB STBBBT. BEW TOiX.

WIti OB bead aad nada to order. Olimaau Will |Aaa Bald. Oroe aad Ifafro Diaaa W l#i SUO ap, Onaa Wtiiffsoabnaa Si. Bare Wift n aua, PnsU tLm, b<BaaUap. Bud aUBp tor aa* eiwellat.


Addraaa 0. D . aara OurraB.

ROUTE BOOK, HARRIS' NICKIi PLATEOIBOPB. asafbl laloimaUon of aalwa^a* aaaaaoi rtl«aOo. 0. r. OODLD. Aalea.N Y.


l,a4 BoaUuaiaij iOeet, BnaaBa,^ B. T.


LOOK BOX II. (peoaar. lad.^'CALIOPES.*'Bast Ibr tdrartlaiaimr bwauaaa; mlaoad prlaaa



llliTniBC'K'IDB-Tellabaw is nan la draw boB-UNICUIM aaa..palDlaea atlan aad Bial ippaar-

aaeB.llator ntaagera likely to aaed year aerrleaa, oopy

CLOGS. THOS. SPENCER,TBB OBIQIMAL THBATBIOAL OLOO aAUB. Bua.tetarerlaaUltabiuokta. B W. IBk laeat, iTt. WnH PvtHH wRI $500, High

OLiBB TT^p**** AUnaaBOB BOY, BIsHw K, N«v YoA.


aLotk Bai Be.aA fkataa, Okk.ROUTE BOttaag^'H^^"


ivEw ERA. rrv 'OYOI-lIIVG^.

THE nVE mCOMPARABLE FIVE PARDOS.Aik ar«Te & C^o., Mllwaakae, who U KVPHf Th«r knew KVPH, *Bd ao «om 0«o» Ware, tke Old KelUble, H Gnat U«mb' BUeet, Hlak llol%«ra, Londoa, O., HagUnd.and Peter JackiOB, toat be k»i noi tke Fat Weman** eat. M. aniiol*^ Pnv&Uon, Chloaoo* HI*

He talk* ahont ttatt Cn<r«ii» CoolvrKind rriatda to Juloi Carr*

Breat Comic SongsHE GOT THE RINKEY DINK,By OKAS. 8b CmO. O. BD'WAiaDS.

A very lively Song, with two-ftop oelmly.


By HAJRRTr B. MmjHR.Waltz Soni anl Chorna.

He Married the Dliidrter, Mother ft All

By JiAH/RTT B. 2£rLjZ.iBia,.

Piano CoplM to tha Prefiulon, 'Vfiif.'StXIir IOe.Meli.

Orehistra PaHa ar* lOeantaaxtTa for aaeh Seii(.

HENRY J. WEHMAN,130 & 132 Park Row, NEW YORK. 126 W. Madison SL, CHICAGO.

PDOFESSIOIULS In lawn ir« InvHsd to etlL


We tske this method of iBfomlag maaaaera that we an the owaen SBd pn-prletan or the Dramatic Player Drama, entitled,

"SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR,"and any title bearlBK an It, laoh aa the "OLD BODTH," "SOVTH BBFORB ANDAFTER THE WAR," "SLiAVBRY DATS," Etc., ll a direct latklncement on onrcopyTlRhU, vrhtch cover all tlUel, and we will proeeeate to the fall extent of thelaw, any peraen or persona prodaelBR playe aader any of tile above titlea, or anymanaaer allowinic the aame to be prodaced at hta honie*

All onr Llthoaraphlo Work haa been aegUtered with the Llbrarlaa orCoBgreei,ai well aa the followlBR playil


There will be no turther eoatxoTeray—a word to the wlae la aaaclent. We r

fer yen to EDUUKD B. PRICE, Atty. at Law. Centre and Irtonard Sta., N. V. City.WHAIiliBN & HARTBLb, Sole Owaen and Praprteton.


r BlMintr Elmrla, for Baiepe. ivpnMDUoiWbillnA ulaU'i'^8oiiUiBeroretbeWar." B4

LOW'S BZOHAKOB. S7 CharlBg Cioaa, Traftiger Sgaare, g. W., Loadea, EagUad.

Geo. Burtch's New Sensation.THE TENTED MONARCH OF THE ROAD,

The Neatest and Most Comfortably Equipped Wagon Show in Eilstence.

r-strcoEssrxjXi seasons in oanajoa—ra Case of Shake Hands All Over tlie Dominion.It's

taf a BlVen rMplelnallBnachuor tli« Olrau Bulsau, noaptBIdtn; Tnape el Tralaed Don udWAn I KUi a(»ti,TnUi«l PoDMLXr ijeemloalit, Moileiui. Craoart rioela, HuUlai Anal,BouCann>Hui,Bou HolUar, roaraad Bll HorM DiIthi. Ton •( •Jooi; ' ^Uj UiU ilow. bat man lie lo

kwrlDi wluTuie tImM. No riru idraoood U> iwitOa oataova. Olvo nu doMrlpUoa of bailniM aid mlujeipeoted lo Ont UUer, ud ooniidor two WMti' •Itooee a voUU neiulvo. AddnH

GKORQK BURTOB, Deaeronto, Oat.

mamra eros*. route book••The flneit ronle book that haa ever been reeelved by THB CLIPPER."—H. Y.

CLIPPER, Jan. 9. Coatalalna 900 pagea of matter, betweea S90 aad 300 IIIbj-

tratloaa from photograph! aad •ketohea takea and drawn oa the apot, portralu ofoTor ISO principal departmeat ehleft, perfbrmera, maolelaai. ete.| gmape of work-lag people In all departmeaU. ageate. bill poiUra, etc. The booh li printed ondaely ealeadered paper, 0 !•» Inehei la ilaa. it ambraeei a complete hlitoryof the evenU of each day of the aeaaoa—a deicrlptloa of life la wlater qaartera—article! on the advance management, roatlng. contracting, advertlaing, work atbin poitera, conntry roate riding aad character aceaea oa the way. Deaerlptlveartlelea oa the big ihow reaching the towaa, aaloadlag the (ralae, erectlag theleaU. among the honei, the elephanta aad aalmala, amoag the gnome, drlVeri,pnperty men and other working people. The iUeet parade, among the maalet-ana, OB the ihow groaada. at the ticket wagoa, doen, etc.) wllk the aide ahow, lathe meaagerle, lathe" ' " * * *

enalire, eto., etc., etc.,QuiQv tA llie UDQIQAI dOtDftOL

hmted. Tlnreii.lio«OT«r,»llinit«lDolnbir of Uioiimjlwo* iBMpar «otj™ aryob will »•

MO Vrapald, baTr£o orloa ol Iho boud boood beoH. Addloii«llortoi»te BrEKOBB UBI tHOHR, Baiiboo. Wli

Royal English drons and Oennan Water Carnival,booked br two mininndollaim. Coraor of Woboob Avonoo and Hobbaid Conrt Obtcece, IIL rRANK HAU., kia-•(•I WAMTBD. BE1TBB ABnSTa THAN KBITH OB lOSTBB t BUL fLAT. AftllU ID All brucbtool armaadiiAiOboolBMe Mail bo Al, oadbeotordr««fOta,udaUpi«portJoonBtt beio booptoa with Iho tamoodlocoorUMaboroooubllthiDODt AjUoU aniworlDi thto ad . alooao iUI* U ' '

"~' ----at abet pUco or osioMmooL Kodo bot Drot eiaai artuti -roqaliad.

Eqooatnu OInotor, Rorol Eoallib Olreai, WabMh AT»aoo,<niiM«o.ii,.- .t ,

Iran artlsti wboaro oa lood aa Ibo Lon LaraoD roallr, Bovoraa Boaaffor, BartoldU Boaaov*a LUlpollaoa, BnalaBiea., Bad) Allarabi, Joloo Lerr. and otbora ol Iholr olaaa Bahrlaa do obloot It'o oaa'a diawloi Hwafawaaga-ttdar. TbIaolrnabaabaoolliefTaodoataooooaaaTaraaoalo Amarlea,aD4lareiooUUioBa|Uad, fiaaooaadaor-nan prodaoUoot.

. _ UOT bava perfofnod Id Obleaan. aad If ao,laliad. AU laiuia addraaaed to B. B. DOOKBILl,^

lU. r. B-Wo akooM be plaaaal lo boar

_ ^_ _ _ ^^^^ ^^^^ TUB OLD liaii.lAai.ni

\A/IGSA>M>Bucb&Co^H^H ^B^V IM gorlh ninth St, PhllA.^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ aAwiavAfiwna oiranArvHBnAviaMnnov sitaibai

MAGIC TBICE JTr66Lm& GOODS,tbntbiuxjuibt and jdot noDBBi. Bwiitaixa clobs. Mad a ooau lo oudim rer m pona Mafia iilCalalono. CatalogDO for Joailloa Oooda, clobi, Taotrllsqatat and Pceeh aad Jodr rlaaiaa fraa.


Forepaiig]i's Traction FairWaat • Dapple Gray Poalea, set over 40 lachea klgh| 3 mere Camela, aad

a cage eCWeafceya, alee a few men Weweltlea.

Btatleaarr Bleydea, Pkoaegraph, Weighing HacklBaa, Strlkora, Blectale Bat-terlee. Paper Flowera, Celogae, Card Writer aad a good Side Skew.

W. R. and O.. FOBEPAVOH, Manageia.Big Hew Winter aaarten, I3th aad Cambria glreela, Phlladelpkla.



miwnmm 9

CIRCUS OANVA8E8,• FolM and Stake** BEATS, Flag*, Bt«*

^-rorKinP'S PATENT CIRCUS LieHTS.SfConvHum cutai, siais^ tic, lot siu.

Showmen ft SfamtmenWa ai* DOW offoriog oar Booc Bbaoti aad BoeB Booba

olOw roUowlnf ralao


•QUO SHIBTa.al»t4rta,S0MntapwlOO, or (4 per IDO&.ONO OOKS, Word* and Musle, alM

•bIOi 10 pauB>ni p«r lOO.•OHO BOOKa, ihMt muBle BlI*. l«

tt par 100.Wahnmn'a U^To4ata aona •hMJBoPMBBi wordB and MuBlei •! par lOO,Sbeobora eoatafai an of Ibo lafa# aoaca, aad on war

amaaOva aad aalabia Outa wnb oitfor. ruaUiall MeoodaaoDia0.a WowlOaondoaaaanplaoiaeaaar10 0«nta_te1vworpeatacaatempaUXmi a ordan e> Su<7 oar Boa Totk «r OUeage

oaaa, wblabarw la ooaiaal 10 rea.

WIRMAN'S PUNJSillM NOOSES,- — tBW.Ifciaiiil-^"cwcm



NKW YORK.Larioat. Complatait (Rock ol OQLD AltD RIL-VER TRIMMIWOB, BTAOft JKWBI.nV.

MATBiUAjui lor COSTIIMKS aal Iha PRO-FESSIOIfatLOWEH PHICBB Uiaa aar olbarbODH. WIGS, BBARDH IHpoclal Caulofaol. formoB, BJ (a aod BS CO. ladlea 11 aaiiroa BOc nada odoor pfonlfax. TIGHTS (oor owo maka asd Ira-

Crtad), la Cottoa Dae. fredocad (torn ll.lOi; faaavy lolLJilODOd ColtOD, 9I.7S twoar baltar thiD ilCQ woralod

Uibl); baat irada Wonuo, flU: Hllk.BJU aad KOO;baatBllk.lT HI. Wo carnDahadaa In aaeh qaalltr aod aliaId alock. and make u> ordar id four daia. Paddod tllbta(araimalrlcala), 1700 LEICIINICn'B (impoiUdlORKABE PAINTS, POWORnH and BDRIITl*.QHK. (WooTwioloagonulftrthol;. a.). VHCHaB'HEADS, SNAKES' IIRADH, eU., lor ooaior-lloDlau. ID new (palonlod) llaht maiorlaL rorraot Imlta*lion. SATIN L.IPPBRB, BITS: SANDALS,l\Jt. tl.7t, Ud): CLOOB, n?! oio. SPANOLBII,JI.IO par b. BULLION FHINOKS rr»m lli<D.OOP (U« a rard) to lotn. daap. nponoork Lacoo. noM

(llni£a.BraiaB, Lacoa, Oorda, BoUIod riowankalo. 14 loebSATINS Id oTorr abada, tte, 600. and ai.a) a rard.rioabo^ Telralaua. VoWala, TINBRL BRO-CAOE8. eu ARHOnH, RMIELDB, HRL-HETsrsWOKpS, OAGOEHS, with aiM wllboalJawala JBWKLS On Mttma or with hnlao),




Cole's Eeli|)se^


Imperial Mandbflns.PAT. MAT lan.

STRQNO, BRILLIANT ANDAtCURATR.THE LEADrNG HIEH 6R1DE INSTRUyENT^.Special iBJaoemeDtaaremadetoteaobento bandle theie (ood. a. thof are theirbettfrlenda and are qatck to appreciatemerit* Bend for catalogae and term.. W.A. COLB, ITUTremoat Bt4,Bo>loii, Maw.




EUOANT STREET AND EVENING DRE88EBOfAlldHOlipUoD.. TwOownLTiiloDrMtMAndBMl-tkloCMtfl, [n all vtrtttlM Aiao, M*oarfalHla*of

OBHT*8 CLOTHffllO.It wlU pftfUioMpUyioR PbllAd«)pbl»t«eall ud tm

lor thiiDMlTw. Oor ooioMTa,W4>ad MSooUi BU— t. bt Hh Md lOUl flU.. FhlU


SBjAlIVJOSU4T* DO equi lorolwj, brllliut, powtrtoJ too« Oiw

BBND FOB OATJlLOOUB.SpMlal r»t« to DMlin, T«wb«ro tad rerforaira.


tm AU KOW OPBJT FOB BBASOlf OF ISlAIM muoteotann of all klad. ol MP""

(0*1 or Bot Alri Btod (orpHm lift toBBO(L.r. O. 6oil[


BALDWIN BROS..Lsa«R| tofsBRiil* eftts WsfM.



PATTERSON'Slaob, Hin; B laeb, lAII;

aarfml trar, aod all olhaiS iaoa.|Ada falllba

_ .^aralOala. oaab..Toma, oaik laC. PATTERSON A OO.

. Ninth Street. HlUdelpkla. Pa.

Attraotion Wanted.BOOTH OABOTA.

nebootabowlowDiD tbo aUok UlllA Opata BoaaacettmuiB. Baaiad wiib onoia obaiia Ut br aloetrlaitrladbaaladbralaaaa. Baala 80 paopla. Baiaat borao-aboegaUaiTaBd tall atoek aooaarr* Hoaao plarod to

nn) opOBlBi waak aad Ibraa mllaa tma DouaDod.''draaa A TRETABBla.

j6Hlglcil AffintN, TiMl*

IDitlNi, Ete.Raw, falir llluuaud boob aaia-loffaa, rrorrtUai ap la data, Uaca

rarlor Irlakj aalalegaa Iraa.

HAJTIRKA A 00..dBBtalb Araaaa. Raw Toifc

SHOW CANVAS.BalM la ordo* oa *en aeuaa Wilu lor panlealanLlUaJBatadaBttlataafraa. J.aaaBBkoO.


^ WILL TRUNKFor roa«b *'"^""f ud aaaU

4MMDd itmplDV


TaprorlagtobetbeBoBg IfoveltF of the flaw Year* llandred* of Uttvra arrlv-laa rtatly ttom the mcMt pronlnent alnaera oipreta tbeir dallflht In rfrttlvlnga aoai with aa orlglaal flaror to It. TWO IIITB Uaanlng In rull hia.t teat thepopalarlty of

Tb« Graat E>eacrlptlTa Bong Hage of the preient aeaaon haa iwdpt all beAireIt aad la contlnalag on the hlghe.t wave or iMpnlaTlty* Vnii liavo liut lo alngtl ONCB and jroar repatatloa la made.

Ni B.*Oa acooaat of the great demand Ibr Onhaitratlnno nf the alinve twohlU, alao "FLOIIRNOB'* aad **WIIAT DOBB TUB KMIWUU HAY/* tineTboaaand Bitra Orcheaira parta hare beoa printed, anil will lii* annt KUHM.Proof Coplea to aay of the late hita, lU cent., to Profeiilonalo only. Yonra,After the Ball, CIIA8. K. IIAIllllH, Mllwauhre, Wlo.



AND BALANCERS,Late of the Rlngllng Brei,* World*a Grealeat Hhnwa, Air |mit thrre (•oua, andreengaged fbr flaaian of *U3* TWBNTY IN NUnilRU, anil rauabln nf ulving twoand a half honra' perfomaace. Alio VAHIBTY MANAUHIIfl wUblng a gaudatroBnaet—can ftirBlah Ot H or 10 people doing a atrong InrnuffurlK uilnulri. Clr*eaae. wlahlng a good troape fbr Beaion " 'UO^^can fnrnl.h a or N JaiianitMP Artlila.THB TltOUPilM (3 IN IfUnBBH), CONBIAT OK H LAmMN AND 19* MHNTM.

Vara Keller iloaie, Chicago, 111.


MILITARY, THBATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS.OoldBildBllTerlA<w.,fTlii|eB,Bpaafl«B,Blaia,Tiaaeli, Brocade,, Tliliu.Blilrta, PBildlDa, UaU, Rlgi,Bboei aod J««elr7, TMaMoal, EtOMDrUo indAUilaUo Ooodi, Uoatu mora' aod Uailgt Malien' Happllet.

Plaf) and Buueia, HUltan aad Bootetr TnmnUip. Amon ol all kind* u> order. Bend fur eailmalM.ne laneat aaBOioaaibm btaTlaK alook at Uiaae foodi lo tw round aoiwtiare. Ulroulara free, (ioodinto.O. D.


Tbe Four RlchardSaWllhO.B. JaVeraoaiKlaw AErlaager'a Great Prodaetloa, I'alaer Vea'a"Urowalea,"

at Iha Poarteeaili street Theatre, Now Vorh.All oomiDBOlBatlooB to DIOK HIUHAHDR, cara m DI.in-KIl A lla|>i,r Haw Vaar to all (rl.oda


Also Books and Music for tho Uanjo; 8trIiii;,'H, ck. Hondfor Prlco List and Pniiiplilct8 of Inforiiiatioii. Address

S. S. STEWART, 231 mid 223 Cliiircli 8t., riilliulclpliln,

Pa., or. New York OiHcc, 2(» W(!wt. 14tli Htrcot.

The World's Miiseum Theeiitre,rORKERLT PABK THEATRE, ALLEGHENY, PA,


WANTED—STAB SPKCIALiTY ACTH.OatT partomora ol rapniatloD wllb aapaolal priatlos 1 onlr waot laatar.i. oJid not arll.la ul rii.il1(,era taloal,

lorlba tbraerorlo Halla Llflag Woadera aad atarllaa Nuvalllo.- fdiir .liriwa ilill, Hf-okliig. aiundwrortbollarrTDarUBdaallBaoaOlrCTH Addraoa HAHH¥ UAVIN. KDEW WIIBEK, Pltlabarg.

O. mNER'B ENTERPRISES.Hwr O, MlMT'a nilh Avamu ThaatM, IV. Y.

HmmwT O. Hiaar'a PaopU'. Thaaira, W, Y.Baaiy O. Mlaar'. ]fawark TlwatTa, Hnrarb, If. t,

Ummwj O. MiMar*. Bowar/ Thaatra. N. T.Haarr 0. IfUmr'a Eighth Ava. ThMtra, M. Y,

clabU Addiaaa, -Illka - Addcaa. aU onomoolaallona u ilENRV (1. niMKH, lib Atanna TtiMra, R. T.

FRANK HALL'S CASINO, Wibiik Aiena. Chltato, III,, ?;iSAT''iirwr!^r/';S,w'n'.',^DolDg thra* tiaa. the boilosM of aaf varlctf ibcatra lo Unieaio, aa<] t^• »LIfHhH rnrr»«roDrltnl t^lli ihapoaltiTa intb wbiD ba tiaias oar boaw*araero«d«il to 'ha dfiori. Ii'i iha fboa iliatdoii ii anil i)iaarii»u Diatplay lor .a. Wadoa't waot tba "aopar tea " or Uia lovir iradat, but artltt^ ihat*ra rinnail inil do a gmnj act eaaalvays Badan aDiaromaat il oar bonta II 700 arogniDa Baal ur «ofDlof W*»l twpnfi uM 11*1 mot etuncM oatol l«a, •* aaa eaa |oq Oar sbov omd. Baodkra, aoA « rar|Oira ao loon nullco. » wm ilto a Rbwl «liuv at! IhtticD*. Wa pUf alpopolarprlcai aad «a aipact to bar* thoarttiUnamtnivlarKU Mlarlia. Tha uccanlul mia-»eri bare bad to rMoea ib«ir pricM to kaop op to ih* tlioM. io4 Uiara It no roiann mhf iii* ariui sridokt not do

a kama. Drop ni a IJoaaod raeaira a prostpiroplr froro yoara **rjr iralf. ItK.f'f lilDP. Hima Hanaitr.


ORIGINAL SOUTHERN VAUDEVILIE STAGE CIRCUS.riBFOBMBU la all llBOOol Ibo TaadoTltlaprofMaloo. Tboaa doubllo, braaaor doloi Iwnurraoro aeupia

larrad. Woold Ilka lo boar Iroa two food JAIW, •WIIIBR TRAa IndoaMabaia and laipt, HH TllLli TBAB i>r

aardmaUaaacL UHlulAMitodooblaalnoi. Woald llta to haar Irua Wataon and Janba anil Hoocar'i KtaUtowaat talaiT lor loo, aaaaoa. A4dlooa JlcNABB A HK01TR. caiaor WMU Uouao, Iooi.llla,T<BG.



AMO A WHITE AND COLORED BAND,naadi ihU la liM latttr Uyai are rtlu or aolorad. Addraaa

WH. M. BIOI, l,<n|Irot4 tUMI, rnnklaB B

726 TH:S3 ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. January 12


Wantt of Mtntgers and Pflrformert, Op«nDa1o»i eta—S«ft Advirtlsemflnti.

DRAHATIO.^ WbtUfD k MuUII ttUlm ftll rlihU to *1lontb R*loraUmWu" MdilmUuUUaa.A. T. OordoQ wtoli peuplt for QoitfoD A WtlU* World

of PUror* Oo."LIUU Bo 7—9** iad *'B«Ut7 Ud tht BotM" »ro

off«r«d for nio br E. A. Loeio.TovnguO Mamd will opoQ wItt "A Cork Vu" /u. 14HOBtorPAfton lincowilQlIf toorlBKihoPMinoCout

irlth bli rwoMory oo.Hlu B. L. BfftukliDiidocii ibfiUletl IrMvrlllor.TooAmarlM DruuUo Eiohuio.Chluce, nppliu

- »anninonti,ptepl*,«la.Ki»n LlUitifi«ld, bamomt tad mlDlo, uo bt •ogiiod.B«an«U*i TiiMtrleal BicIiuko, CbloftfO. Hl'i ^ aodor

Uo muufmint ol B- 0. Boiloo.Or«aa*tle pMpl« ir« wuud by (itorRe A RUloMhs

€UllwU*i, Win BonU, WilllUDi A Oo., J. C. Nnnnt,OrM«r«rtljr. RobU A Vln, r«a) ObwUi. 0. A. B


At Llbart/:WIII N. Bmlib. Boooftlr* Prle*, Ut A,WArair.B4v.H.S)U>.Ook«. A BeOntb. T. M. BroBo,Lwur B. Willor, Uoo tlovs, nbu. W. Birota. JuhJ)ir«ll, Bmnit Wi««oll, Bobort UUud, Otrtio OU)f«,-D»)Urrtnflt,VaB Btrt Aduni.

HUBIOAL."Mod Pl« Dtya," Ohirlti K. Uftrrli'UUitHut.tecord'

Ug to Iktut raporta. bu Morod ft hit. "Whll« tb« Duc«Ooea Oo,"«oo levtral oibtio ofbli compcpiiiloDiaUo ttroDc fkTorltoi. OrobMtn puti »• •upplloil fortM e*GU wlUi proof floplta. to wch of thoH Mail.Th»01lT«r Ditino Co. hM luaad Urn* d«v mdh, **Mf

Promltod BrMo," '-Boutbody'i Dou LIlUt BvMUitftri*'ud "Tlir Bout"ThTM no* MDCi ua b« or4«r*d fron tbo Ool4» Bod

Pobllthloi R«."Ao Ola Pwblootd VAlMllot" ud **Tb« Ohoir BIdk'

•r" «r« pabllihtd br Judm Bttllmu, vbo hu rtmorodto iUBIith Avoouo, Ntv York.A drit elftu baad or olbar moiloal kUraclloD eu book

ftdTuttioooa d%uatopUjfprilif bfooflt ol iho PoRotiioaoo ^KcU.T.M.A. br. lloneo B. Mtrkolwilicooildor ftpplioatlooi.At Liberty: N lltrrli W»r«. Hailslta. liioi T Llad,

Prot W. w. fludOrd, Hlobuil Boneb, B4rltoni Joi. B.TharrftiL 0 D., Prol. nanftr Beboltlt, Qoo. B PtDbom.Hun B. Flahor, Joba Nohata, Prod lltllor. Jolai Baj*boUl."Oftpriot," 'Tht Llttlt l/Oti Obtld" aod fir* olber otw

•ongi tr« tapplitd ifm by Jot. W. Btom k Co., tnd or-

cbem putt too c«ou tvut.flmnr Broihtrt litro luuod a onnibtrof otv toDi


Tht Batllrh Root pQhllilifag Co. cao npplf toiaralnow Importtd rticoaMfal miit:

I'D tftmnK K Liuit ilirl?Mi II W. Pttrle't ItlttIlucctttJal pnUM»tinn.

VAHIBTY AND BUhBTBELS.Blooktom tod Baroa rapoit unltlirnipltd puceotafn)

aasaitintDti at Hit Itadtoi mails hallt ol MoloaThor aro alto booktd aiUDBlToIr oo tbt oeoilatBLUtllaihtraod WMt ara at Itbtrty toSlldatta. Tbtir

vork wTih RMtio Boothlll'i "CUrBaiti" Co. baa boaaTorr faTorably commtntad upon.nlUr Ifeniain aod Uharloi W. Wtlktr, eotortd oom.

odlaai of vidt aiptnanco, aro uld u hara malt a too-oaaalD ihttr rotnaeiirt comidr rolaila **0a tbt Ifiult-

ilppi," Tito auUior and manajiaaitat of ibt play p^rtIeuUrly rootmmaai tlitn for ihtlr eltTor won.P. W.tliroh'a Vaadefillat.ao orgtolutlOD Jaolodloi

maar wall known i»trforaMr(i,lt btmi booktd by Mao-titer Oharlti II. Ilaratoal. A raw oiort Dortltp toit cube vlaotd wlib tbt eompaor.Tnt rife ParJoi,(he oltTtr 'fljolitli, and Eapb, tlii

woodtrful blot ola ptrformlag btar, »%o ba leoartd.PraokUtarloo, mualoal, laliloi tad tloglotoomtdlan,

can bt ttiRiiad.Pmi and gaiiiit a't at llttrty.

Bam UtroAnl aad Muit B. Ilarnoad oto fill t fewdatai-Ptrfonnen and raotlottnii arewtnttdforRlot'iBIa*

Wtllar aad Walltr, muileal eomedlaaf, oao bt ea*

Ractd aftar Barch 11Ptrformenarawaattdfor Prtok llall't OaAloo,Ohl.

oaKo. Klraioltx* atu canalMf aa«oraao|agaatot«attlie Rural Boullili Oiroat.

. ^ . , ^ .JalTaa l« rtiwrud to bt dologwtUwIth HIcbtrdaA

rrlBRli'aHlQtVrtU.Ltt Bavoi. tktiorlal oomadiaof, who are ADIor a

laoMHraf tDRtaontDt at Kopttr A Hlal't, tao bt booked.Utrman Warbler waau a Udj aa partotr for a ipi-

"'u'laoro and BoBbtU can DU datti prior to tbtIr d«-

pariart for Raropt.M. K. llaoltyaod Lofao hart tfaln lormed a ptrtaor-

Blitp.aQd uDOar tbt oroi nama of llaBltr,liOgaa aodllaolay. oaoJoloafliHiolaHpo. „ _ „. ,

.1. II. PhtUtpthat tacurrd UarrrBarteU t Initrttt lo

the Utrmaou Thatue. ilAooktn, and will ptraoDallj

condnoi tht tamt. Ai traetlona can bonk tln^t.

HMolaliiaa aro wanted iiy Hr. J.M. I'oodoD, narios'a

Tbtaira. Nawport Nawa, Va.; J t: Ntrcla. D. J. Rfat,Vojtr A LtilDRtoQ, M. Uwla. rapt (1. II. Ptal^ljr.

Tht Valdtrti, trick bietoliata. oao bt tonnd. _^GomblnaUooi ou book tirat ai the KroniRirttt Tbta

tr« Baltimore Md.Nallla SeruDur la tngaRo t with tkt llydt Show.KtllruraOlorteanbetoiiaRad.Tbt BiJou Tltaairt, Pattraon. N. J . la rttomntodtd lo

maaaiem u a (Irtl eltu weak tat}d lur thtir aiiru-lloDt. TImt la btlng booktd by Mtnaitr Bta LtavULTbt Kin^ Nar*. »i|uiUbrliU, oan bt tMuredllarrr W. Wllliauia wantariiittluafpeciallltat^ompanlti o»q ttooh tint at the roUom Opera Iloott,

LMooie, N II.

Jictba HToihtra att lioMIng a woMllBg out tale oftraaatr^ at Bra dollart par pair.

J.W.II vania a lady aa piriuar.Obaa. Peoi A U > have rani >Ttl ibtir tftaoy lo 103 B.

lllh Htraett N Y. Ther «aot tn hear from liiRh oluaSerfoniitnlorlmiutdlttttaitRtmeottaBdaUo for ibe


OIIIUUS.J. N. RtDirrowwaoU olrout la'tDt«aiid pw»pltlD all

braqe^4i for tbt Now ilrott Hrndlottt Sbowa eadParltllippAilromt.

lotx I'alaor. Iron Jaw Mrforaitr, can bt eagaitd for

lilt olrout HtMID ^ ^ ^ , ,

KinRlloRUroiiitrV roatt book.oootalning mur kt-

Ira^Ure ftataraa, oau bt itoiir«d (or atveatr A'* otota.

In PMtroover fhtmRptoctr AltianderKcNattb k BrowQwaDi porlomtnaadnmiicltaaror

tltalrUriyloalHjatliara VtudavliltHtait Olrtut.

A. B. wania to togage atvtral liaroa oflargt Iralntd

Indian tltphaoia. .... , ,

l>owni A rowlty olTtr railroad tkow vagont for aaUtlollmar Rmihart want olrout ptoplt. Thty dTer a

abow outfit for wit. ^ ^ .

(tol. Ban MoOlore oau lupply rootitr baoda. cat or-

^^AimeVeMooauitltordrouitdarita artwaottd by "K.

^Hra. Jamta Ifutray oifara a hurd!o hone for aaU.

tlaomo llurtoli'aNtwHBnutluaWtioaBhow will etui'

tnanot ItaKiroDtbttaaoDihltjcar. Iltwanu ptoplt In

All bnoobtt-Thtrouto tKKtk ofllarTiB' Nicklt ritUOIreua la pub.

Ilihtd by() K.dnuW.ColJ. II Wool waouiu buy aooit tbow pni)>*riy aud

to tDgagt to agtPL

aiBCBlLLANnOVH.Attnollooa oan bnnk tlni't at Natlooal llal*. Mvnlraal.

CaD«i1a; Naw tlur (ipera lloupo, MoUitotlJ, fa.; 1 tl o.

P.Uverft Iloiite, nyniouUi. Bati Uptta llnuM, Ban-DlDRloD. W. Va.; Optra lli^iift JaektvoTillo. Ill

DUnRohmtdt tDrnuDCti that ha la DotouoDteltd withIht NowOrltautMiilwlntar Piir

,PrlTlleRtii oan bo itoureO at ilio roropauin Trarllnn

Vair; poDiea, tio , art tliu wanted bj W. H. AU. M.Partpauah.tiharlea Witll .1 Co. fiirelah aldraltov i«lotlDca

W. U. J. rtiiaw wania io ticbaogt rtal-talatt for tkow

'*H'/|iV'ltolmanwantaalotplogeaT., ^ „ , „

Kor BaU: )).ipaliv II. D.tfurrtll. eanarltt hy N. Liitli,

niiaoum br rrlTAli* UlBMOury. dona by I'mf. (I. tlkrb,

mooW hoTtt. by W. \V fltrt A Co.. car by Tom ItMrr,

tiRtr oal.oto., hyO. W. IrrlOR. ciroua wagoni oy k. P.

llattn.J. \V. Cridlxihl lot* kbow |>alallnii.

Mary fialtpr vaiitM lit hiiy car* oto.

A mtutRKr la irantv I r>ir thn IMon M(iB#t, klunlrtal.

Rnlwrl lloctiuMiih •U|>plloa wat QrutvAA t'liHiUoR I 111 and gruuoda art offtrtil (or aalt by

JaiuttO. Uniiluiii

At Libtriy: I', a. )*tultoia't, actoti 1. K. Vlatoo,

*Vhe Keoiii-ny Sliiiw I'rlftt fimUhra rrlollOR la all

'?ht'p(HM) l-:ti>n»lii>tu n-ill >ir*n P«b 4. ai tht Btnh.

Alb4ur, K. v.. tiwUr li.e auMikft I'f ih* Hualoaai Btn'aAaaoolatloo. H,>aot CkO l>» rtnlKl br arplyinR lo J. K"Litl(or^t»li* art lttrni*ht<l by lha l'ii>w rrlnlinR CokOd the l.^«r-itCA Kni:r«TiiiR • a

Our* Hh\wI:Ii U now Id iIip act <! arcom)illf1ilne lha

r»t ot lli-iDR in a lauk ol waitr lur itilitr iltM at Hall's

Ra*lnit.rhiraR>i Sh* ran b« tngaitd lnr Ihpiir^aand

Hlimuono, Miller A rr«n« purp.y all nuianMhrKirlealoodi Thty nlli Aca'«i-<HUO iti>i>n an^'i^ttlna.

Titlt't Kt'lipMt HaiO"< tod Imienal BaiulullBa art rvr-

PiumtlnKI l*» nmalctBD". , „

I'lrctia caotm^m bt* nianitrvtuiC'l bv Hunay 4 t n,r. ,1. Bikar, Jaoira Martin ,v Hnu. 8 )f. Tlnup A Co aB<l

J. 0. (iMi A f..

frolttilnua * r\n oiJar Iruoh* irttni Hit t. antral j'\\t>\

Ptctory. t^ A.Ta^I'U. l*a*«r«-<n .t Co , H H .t B , Jiniei

b. Lyooh BQ'I l> (iitlilpiilt)* •If.

Hlngman .t *»<l ui«niirio*uiM aot) iiiii<i>r* tlRhl*.

drttacnoilli. B|»»nu:o«. , li-r pr* l««»litDa1 U*'V

Tbt Bruaawiok an>l ttalhi> (\i|leii>l»r RilliarilTAbtftiite

in RAitral utt Ihrmit'ipiil ih-

B.H Blawarl'a liaptitiar* wi«llhnn*ii ii)rtliKv^i-«ll«»r«

of Inat «n<l W(iikin\ti»li<r. H*''.!'^ iii(i»u< n alftn «um>iiMby Mr.HiMvan

t'Ol MiN'r rom. Ilf.ll.— //<r MilhhfilttKn ~iou\\-.

Mav.drrtr. I w..ni Ik Imvc imi nii'cl Mr.Jeakln^He' sA\t xnii'ic n llliU> iMu-K rtml Ihil hr*« ttftcr

vim. 'Uti'ii- I tfui'tHUV nnl ilu* iliirk hc itailrr: liV

ilio ilumlii.— JVir^fr iiiirf invmti.


It Is B tonrct ot wrader to idadt people bow •nllrosd compuj cAn reffQlAte Alt the clockn AlongliellQea to ibtt cAcli timepiece Along the oniireroate aaII be la hAnnoDj with sll the oUicn. AnomclAl or the BaAdlng RAUroAd vompADr hAAMlved the mjeterXr dticloelng a Byeteni ai simpleflit it In perfectAi t&e telegitpli Raperlntendeni'ii onice. tt tBe

niAln BtAdOD, Reulng,FA.. U locAied a mtof rc*

puling iDitrumeDtA, which Are ronoected bjneAhA Af A AWltcli with the telegiBph lloeji of theReAdlnK Rallroid pemtng ortermlnallnR At IlcAd'Ing. Tills rcpcAier Is operAted iij one key sllastcdAlonffalde of Achronometer.on which en operttorworkfl •llthewlrcH slmaliAneonslj. Atsiflp. v.iMuinessoD ttierAilroAd wires Iss(upeni1ed,there>pcAter Is Avrltched In. And the opcrAtor bcKlni tooAnimli the word "tlmo" At Abort Iniurveli, thusctlllDR ihe AiteDllon of Ue list of offices lo the fACttbAt tfie time U Abont to be tnnimUted.AttwcDtysocoDditol o'clock sncceMRlre dota

ere msde until Ave seconds lo 4, when the circali

Uhcid opennQUieKAcUj4o'clook, when one dotIs given; ttao circuit Is sraIo held open until df*

teen seconds edcr 4. irheu two dole sre given; cirCQlt held open nntll thirty seconds After 4. whenthree dots atb given; ctrcuii held open onUi (ortj-

fivo seconds After 4» when four dots Are glren, sodcircnit bsid open nntll ono minote Alter 4, whenOvo dots Are 0ven And circuit closed, After whichthe wires Are restoreil to their nonnsJ positionssod the reguUr business resumed. The wires onbnnch roAda tluU do not centre At RcAdlnfihATo iheir time stgnaJB supplied h/ meAUitot locAl repeelers ulsced Id the Junction oitlccA.

hj thin operAtlon tne conect time Is imnsmiucdto ibout 460 offlcen end stAUons on the KeAdIngKtllroAd system, end the operatoni In the vAff-

ous omces Along the Hoc bAve flve oppor-ttinldes for setting their clockn end WAtches on tbosecond, AS the first dot Is aI wsys trAnsmllted on UieexAct second of the divisions of ihe minute asshove nsmcd. The ilme as sent from Hetdlng Is

isken from a cbranoneter which Is regolAicd delljhy telrffTAph from llmeslgnAls from tnc time seir-Ico or the OoKed StAtcs ObscrvntorTAt WAKhlogtnn.PhitaMphta Rfcnra,


JAiiies /eedcrL>org (old me ihsi his ilrni, J>ouiiwo months Ago, iKtugbt eight bAlC grown wilduhfAH rrom a huntrr nsmed (iroblAsr. (iroiiliiAr

cAUghithem In Awltdststc betwceo four end flvr

mouths Ago br riding After nod Isssoolog them.During ihc last month thcv hAve iKcn In trelnlDfiror hAnitss, wlih the rcsnii tbAi four of them oreperrcctlj quletand well irAlned And tlic remAlnlngtour pArilAllj tfAlned.The plsco where ther Are kept Is st iho siallon At

reienlmrg, in iho District of Zoutpsnsberg, Ttaos-vAAl. It AnpeAfs thAt they ere a little timid Atnmwhen Ihe nttncM Is being put on, but KfterwArdthey Art All right, And Mr. '/ecderberg bclleven tbsiIn A month ortwo*s time thev will be as steAdy ashorK9. They pull well sno Are very wllllnaandnever ]lb, a vice which is verr prevAleut with (hehones of this country. In fAoC,oneor them will

do bis best to pull the whole coAch-blmseir.jAmcs Zeederberg bajs they Are so sAtlsflcd with

tbo oipcrlmcnt, so fsr as ihoy hAve gone, tlist heIs going to extend It with the object of nlilmstelyMUlmtltuUng (hem for mules, as the zehrslsfreerrom thAt scourge of Bouin AfrlcA commonlyCAlled "horso sickness," which Any of yonr readerswho bAve beeu out here will know ooaIb au enor-mous Amount to rOAch proprietors in horse flesli

(turlog the Bummer seAson. In some pArts of thelow country It is quite stiniclenl for a none to iio

Ion out All night In tbo veldt <grvs) to Insure lis

dcAth from this dreedcd discAsc.The EobrAB, when lospADoed (hAmcMed to iho

coAOh), stAud quite hUU and welt ror (he word to

go; they pull op when required, nnd Are perfectly

smenablo to Ihe bridle, end Aro softer moutliedIhsn the mule. Thoy never kick. And the onlyihlngin tbeshApeot vloe wblcbthey roAoireetisIbel, when tint hAudled, ther mAnlfeet au Incllns-

(Ion to bite, but as soon Astneyget tonuderstandihAt there Is no InteoUon to hurt them they glre(his up. Fooroftbeso sebnts ere now inspAnnedADddrlvoQlnA toAm together, And ore AsrellAl)te

end good AAtho best moles; the other four, bclr.

older, require A little more timo to get ihom p«r-

fecUj trained.—TAe London Fleia,


A Ncwfouudland belonging to a gcnllonuu Id

llAlirAX, KovA Bcotls, WAS In the hAbIt ot goingwcTj momlug with a penuy to a certAin butcher's

Bbop Andpuronsslng bis own brcAkfAst Ou oneoccAslon, finding ihts niArkct cloAed, ho walkedInto Another, where be dopoelted his oennyupontho block ADd Itoked his chops, the dog's usualmsnucr of asking for breAhfast Tte butcher,however, InsieAd ot sorrlnv bis would be customer,totik tho coin AUd drove Ibo poor fellow from bis

shop. The next morning, on reoelvlng hisuBOslHllowsnoe, the dog went dfreoUy to the shop fromwbtoh he bed been driven the previous dAjr, Isld

inoy upon the block, AUd with s growl, as ir

to AAy, "Don't vou daro plAy Any more trlckH ouniel" plAced hlB vaw upon li. The butcher, not

OAhng to risk, under suon clroumstAUccs, the per-

petr«Don ot onothor fraud, gave him a piece of

incAt, which Iho dog quickly bolted, Aod. scleingIho culu, startoU for tho shop ot ihe more honesttradosmsn wllh whom he UAnAlly deAli. Hero heFiurotiAscd A necond itreAkfAAi, And thus msdoupor bis loes of the provlous dAy.—i/o»ie nud Coun-tty Maffaiine.


"The bHDter who cut ray hAlr told ino some hor*

rlUte stories About murden And lynclilngA that

have occurred hero lAtcly," said a New Torkcr in

the Undlord of a TexAs hotel.

'•Tho lurbcrhsHAn object in telling you those

blood And thunder stories," ropllod ihe IsnOloM,•<WhAl 19 his object^"'•He wsnts to ninkc your linlr stand uo end, so ho

CAU out It cnsler."—7P/ns suitnge.


H la belter lu fAll In trying todo good ihun uoi to


v,o6 never gave Aiiy nuui ihe right to batelils

brother.Kvery sinner would bOAdevIl ir lie had ibr |K>wer

to tin AA bo wanlA lo.

Tho nuu puiHon innurnlngwhen lovers qusncl.Ills A tulsIoriuDo ti> irtlong to h church where

nubmly ever looks hi^pj wbllo a collodion Is Itrlnft

lAkcii.IMS ,


Tho feeling nf stipcrloilly lu tho slenirr f<cx Mliilmm.••Msiums. do juu (bluk you'll gu to bvAvcor"

Mill Jrtck,tlioughUully, looking Inio bin moihrr'nfACi'.

•YcH, deer, It I'm good," Mid Ihc llltlo intrlhtfr

CAiiilnuslT, wondering whAt would i-omp nr.\i.

'•Thvii please bo good, ror pApA and I would l»o

HO lonosoiuc without jou.''— Afl/c AWd s IIUV*

SIMILAR.lln^lr:•A-Vr^, di>*r. It's h pretty plsnu lAuip: I

naiiuHl II Jack Mmllb.Viiltor—AfdrryourhuibAiulT Wh.r. mai I suktlloitoss^Wrll, iHrrAUAo It hm m guoJ dealer

lirosaHbonl ll.lii handsome to look st,requUe«iigoo(lilos1u(atlcnllnn,Unot remarkably brlllisni,

i!«rnthi>runsu*a<lyui>on Its legs and liable toe.\

piudo when uiilynaUlull.—^r&'nnmiir Trawtn:


' ."^v, llvd sml tlrccn.do you know ihst luoilmllVo\w 01 ihonlilchi nmoskniiwnr''•Sot Wbcredia }ou IcAm thatf"lloie In Kxodus, whete I'hanitih't daiiRhirr

roniiil MoHvn hi Ihc itfRh Iinc.''--l'hffairr0>hff> t^tu.

"I CANNtn'iinilcrniand bo Atiiorlcan ps|*fn»." i«ld

ilic wluralcd foreigner. "Here I* one Mt Ktysrei«nk In gone up, and here ts ooo eaI ssys lo OAUkIs gone under."

i'ii.i.KH.-"Wh)' ariMou waving yuur ImiiULi'i-

Vllli l HO Wtllllj>'' J/Mr«/(1.—"SlUO t»pA hu* fill-'

tiiiliUMi Jiti'k iiic liiuiitc we haveArmuei'il t rude .tf

xlgiml-'." npi/ir.-"\Vhsi lull*" .Wwr/l/ti.-- Wlu'Ulii: \vii\ei I It: tiamlkcrchli-l d\v ilmcMbii im-j)is

•|to vou Invo lUi'l* and when I waw fnullcalV^ iniri»iy. n uie.ni^. 'Yej". ilsrilng.'" r.iJM'.—".MiOIkw do von sfk other qurs'lops*"<ion'i. ThMi's Ihe whole o»1c.*'

A oambl hii twlee the CArrrlng power of ab ox.

With AO ordlnarr load of rour hnndred ponndA. he

CBB iTATel twelve or foonecn dAys wltkoni WAter,

going forty miles a dAy. They Are Ot to work At five

ycAiiold, but their Atrengih beilns to decline At

iwenty-flvc. Althoogb they osuAlly live to forty.

The Tartars hAve berds ot theso snlmAlijOftea one

thonand belonging to one rAnlly. Thejr werennmcrons In AOilqDlty, for the pAtrlsrch xob sadibreethonAsnd. The Timbnctoo or Uebarrl breed

lA remArkAhte for ipeed, Asd nted only forcoorleri,

going eight hundred miles In eight days, with amCAl of dates or groin At nigbifsli.

IIirTBi- Clisbk (to new 1*11 lioy).-I>ld you wskeiipNo.44t •No,ssh. Cuddentwakc him up,sah,

init difl (he l>cAt 1 could, Mh." ••What wafi ihstt*'

"I WAked up No. 46, AAh."

IBIBH AND DUTCH C03IRDIANB ANDBtagt MaoaRtr waottd for Jan. II, who con poton Cntpert teu and borltaqata If auitablo. loeg tpRagtntoL Mott bt tlofle.alioDaaetog Ltdlta. Wirt at

nooe p. J BVAW. rrBaillo Th»atrt. Norfftlk. Ta-

PLAVWRTOHT. PLAVKR AllD-PHOOi;-OB&-PiarswrlittoaBd rtii*<d;atwprcdactioopataiedsbatcbta, SfMiotoRata, Htump Sptedit*. tto , a speehllr.Biattyoar "wanu" and t^nd "aianip" (or ' ptitfcoUn,"HAHir IIEypBRBOX. l »).:opgietaHL.Loolafille gy.

fALK—BA<:rCIAH'H (it'TPIT. VTEBBOPTf-RONandTWO AI IIABI'H. Adilraaawlthila'OP. OEO. W.TMt BBBR,ISQtrdntrBirtaL I'rOTMtnct. It I

WAITED, Rtittrtoira People, Boobiett and Come-dlio,mait ilnRano daoce: Piano Playtr, mularraoRt.AlaootbtrPaople to compute CO. Bute full ptrUcalanUnt Utttr, lodudlof lowait talary. NoftTtt anitatikeow too. 0F.0. A flLATBRM Baio Bt . Daboqnt la.


~ ' Urv moat Irt Ttvr low. Antwtr. tJ. MOirroOBBBY. Wyaott 111.


WANTBD, for Paaama Btd.Oo.. oot good BUck/aeeComedion: onethateao pUy Baojo and Urgmn pre-ferred, and one Lady OrRonlit that eon work fo aiier-

pttet. BUU yonr lowett prt«« la Brat latur. BUenee ^^rt»t«lo aUVRfa. Addrea*pa. J. M. CONDON. Tjiry. lowA

UKOHOB RAIltiSHIDIC.THpnoUtiHLVOOOD PIANIHr AhD BlUUf RBADEB, WAHPS BN.OAOKBBKT. AlaoROod Id llRbt comedy, joTOolle aodslogiogports. Btitofnrtrtnott. Addreo*

g)W.ad Bt. Hew York Cllr.

VALKJIkU BathuiaN. |»: Ediaoo phonoRrtpha,aoppUet; mw olockwork roiobints. I7B. AmorlcaaTalklOR HacblDt. $D Balaey Bt, Brooklyn. Btuoplor punphULTo Ciraoi and Hldishow'iiaaastrt.—Am oovVr*pared

to makellTt rabbit miDairtl, cai orebtaira and tooii.

arbiod ooiau Warraoiod to girt ptrfeoltailifaetlonwill make lalti at reaiontbit asnrea on taiir ttnni.Pent to any ptrtof the world Hart tpecltl paotr forronturs rlrat eomt. lint atrrtd. Haft onW tint lomtbt a few more twfore ttuon optot. Eliharof ibtthret ootdtt art ttit Artatttt aidttliow aitrmeUona toihlaeouoliTr *°<1 m>nageraean tavt raootf byowulORoutSlo. Addreu New OrlttBt, La , n Boyal Slrett (ptdnum^r). noL DAN HoOLURB.

AOrsR TOOALIHT. flood Orta^r. eio. BemnalbitinaatBtrtOBly addrtat I.OUtflB. oraCLIPPfRSlMPAOff'B TIIKATHlCAl/ IIBlAD<iUAR-

TBHS, 12 Bomb IBth Htreil. 8L Lonit, Mo. kanaaaraanppliedwitb ABTIBT8. Two tUgta. wUb tovntrr, frtetorergaoiilng. I,&(D compiolet made opto July. Pro.faulonoU to all ilota keep yourttlTtt booktu. Mao-ogtn, ttad yotr ooBlrmott aarlr.' BIA>OMO CMAROI,(tl dtgrtt). eott MifOT tale or trvft. BLAOiTBNTff or BIOB WALL '

Fa. WbatofftrsT

VKRV IIASlAfHOlUlie or traift. BLAOK AhT,

II. KNYVETT. Ptlalerrllle,

THRUBlOIlVAIiQlfiOHfftlA niNSTRlCUf,btadtd by billy Wllaoo, Rliiy VoanRandBlmtrThomia,would llketo btar inmall drat eltjahooaea Id N. Y. Butt.Maouart Platte write at oDca, «libjiarucalara, toA. OOhBh Mantttr. fli Cewmtrct Birttr, Newark, N. J.

AT iiIllB.UTV, CljAHlUlVB'in'liiT. FJVBflBABONRat UalnohaiareTbeaue. h. Y. City. Addreat

MUfllCIAN. ll7St PatrlcV Hiro*'. QuQlxe Canada.

BTAUKDAnUlftU^CP TU llAl'fi:. UfBH*.BBIKr. BPAKISU. AL80 WINO. PUHlTrONS SB-CORBD Fablio apptaraoct ertry wetk. O Ka»t Pour*tetnih Rlratt Bflom IS. y Y. ULLB ADHLINE.WANTBiD, A LKAUBH lU PLAY PlANU AND TU

Drill Local Cliomaea In ibe romio Optra, **Mllier'tDauRhur," now btlog prodaetd by local laltot Heodloweit tema drat ittitr. Hon*/ aure. ni we plar on a— ......— oao. HARTLBV. Btrre.VL

LlVINOAT4>l«-'WALLlAm'«.— .MiKRIED, UNXONOAT, DR '.76. tSBi, at the rt'ldenee of ihe brloe.No. Its BadR«r ATtDue, Ntwaib. N J., br RtT.R.H.LnUiar. O. D.Br. PHANC M. LlVINOdTdN* and UlaaBPFIKB WILLTAMH hoih <it Newark. H J.

BUPBHIUH ilAfkO MUlflU.». N A i n . m HL JamM Ht , MnoUtal. Canada

WAn'rBiU, bAUY •*tANlIia*, AlliilJANHIbO,AND PLAY RBALL PaRTR PttEPEflRBI). Writt full

"BUBIOAL." care P. 0. Boi 63S,tiraodBirtlooUra toaptda. MIob.

WANTBD. AT O.^CB. A'lAnibT, WHOOAN DU BTR'IOHT IX AOrR Lone tngagemtnL PtTar^low. BIX NATION MRDI' IKB no »fictDK»rt.Oh lo.

AT 1«IBIEKTV, bxutritDoed Buaoil Ltadtr. Vio-llD aod Ptann I'.ajrn, dttire togigamtnu f-tr Bum-mar aod Wioier rviona. Will 'nrnlth fail orobuirt It

rvtulred. Kod* hut rf*pon«ibie oattlti nted applr.AddrwaPEPy, W. W. tfANDifOnP WlchHa- ifaoiiaa.

UaHHIAUK KH A I.OTT8RV.—A'ftri> fm/rrr~l)nyou think you will ite haitpy wKh my Oatinhli rrAKtmrnnii— I ihluk to. 1 was alvsys lucky Inambllfig.^HaUo.

PIANIBT, PiAA£i;Okt:k.H'A< PKIiSroiCBIKRand aooonpaaiat, wiahet a poaiiion wiui a drat alauoompany a* eolo'it, aecemraolat t^r Ituirr Nonebat flrat tlaii oompaoita need apply. Addrtaa Prof.ODBTAVRROHOrTLR. Lsnnrand at g«n»aai-itr. Ho_WA(VTUD. HUlCH, goodarBUL tiitV PBUr'LE.Thoiewhteon obaogt a«t ertry night (or ontwttk.OBtgo'HlBaBjo HaotfaatcaopltyOrRau. LongataioDto good pteple. straremootT BiatewliU yon can andwlurto: alao lowtft ita*arr kinaiba to lult the tIaiiiB.

Ho Ktsbtra or wouM ba roanacart wan'eJ. AddrefaINDE.'C MBUIOINE CO., Ko. i.

OltarOtM Co Byltr'o^D PaBuUtbTUIHU neH:"a Btlrolu. 8onR_aod


MB*ig PUB CO, Indlaaapou*. ln<1.

. - ifkt)>'B Ltt'vr* Ballad witbWalta fttlrolo. Bona aod OTjhtatra paru lo rrolta-t'ooalt for 100 "~ - -

LK^DS. WlT.. Mo collMt Will adtaoco tut 11hoowa ptnouUr. Moiili%i.w.n1rr>1>..

HflBT A FIPK. LlTonl.fll.tlitn. K. V.

AND OBMAMDULl.N OROIIIiSTRA. KODII COBpolS!Maalo pat tn woni, or .MompAQlio.Dt mid. for m.Iodr.jMn— CHAR. L. lEwrniiiw w . cUfmnni. a.


Orit ct.M V.iutit. r«rlanii«r., Uitt ud ckKac. Ih.lr.MClllllH olgbllr lor ttio wMki MgKt plrtio udf on-dl.DC 111. Rood Motio iDfl CliATtc'.r RloRor, HkJIoltD ud l^iDrh or NArlon.tIM M.o Kd, (!lf m.:.! andim OODB.llr, «rlt« Ko ht.i tilv.nrni t>i f»lnofi.rA.AMr.u .11 li'tor. VnYKH A LOMNOrov. Bull Bt*Man.. Uleh. l*. L—Ota Vo)*r A (.vvDjitM i«iid )>Mtr,R.idi lo Or. Jowph .Dd A K. Wy.it, ol tta. Bohi.kVhI. no.. .Dd All Irl.odiL Will..

WA'>TaU, u<HIO HPK lAIj'i'V AHTIBTi«TOR NBiV^a'iUETK At ALL TlWKt ll7. lo.Mtulmrr, M mko.gMneBtj1.7a bMrd. Qo'd PiAoo PUrerwtsUJUODCA. CKn'RAI.THEATRB,<«B J«nr BtBUiAlmh. 1. J. . LBWia llMi«»,r

FOat HALE, TIOBR OAT, A DKAUTV,1 ft Alio BklM.ov hAinUa^*, 10x11. I'.iAiioniuiii,IIotIIU RtroQff U.n. H.giolu, B[^l^ DtKir BADoar, eta,.U oaarlr D.w, BIO Mch : Porl .M. iTu*. $4.

U.H IHVISn, ll»r«iblll.Mai«.

KOH 8AliS.— (III tot . il«onl W.lllDg UoUlt:ljidil.r.6i»onlAAlldlvr«t bow to .01; Lloibir Jaic»,

K;Bluk Att |3>: A.tlBl BolpaoaloD. lit: Mloalona

00., IS. t)a. third «ltb ord.r. biluio. 0. 0. D.WM. HKLHOW. » Mtnli 81, Worifiur. Uttt.


IIARRT OLARK. UiapniMRl^bUid.lphlv I'a.

~i!kwroiiiEii, Hu.no's,' riinituiBs, dur.LBMUKh «rllt4D to ord.r Buoip lnr ronlr.JuaBPII RERJIIAW. la Palrmouut At.: ftiHiJ.lpblA

~>Taub oanoino, banjo and mANUOLIN lAogbL BODRADddADCo Jip, ciflR, Ulab lig.od r..ldaDoiDgtaagbt lnr tbo tlAg. or.uua«in.Dt. b.Dd attmpfor olro-ter. Pla. looirDDiPDt. .apwUltr.

JOIIK J. BOgA)l..-Bi) AT.ooo Now York.

WAKTBU—MANAnlR UR TnBASURKR WHbnoil eapllAl li>r *Thonrp>TQua*n"Co. Calloraddioli

A. LiWI^LN, ai V ntb K'.'N.w Vnri



WnH QL'ICI METHUDR. TMCh Mt.ial dot.I ud p.r.loR AUK* ducM. iinl«r«l. I.m. (In.rmDIMd la ar.w laaMOa. I rtl.r (o mr rnpila now oa Ib. ataaa—0LAT1ON OLIRK. RUBV LlLLIAK.aT. TEL

caiiwwiWTnru wrbbt. private aoadeiiv


Btcond Utad Blrim RIdiOR Oalltry Complat*, raadylor uH Mnat bt In Rcnd repair and dietp. Oaih.Addreaeti B BOBBRrrt. P. 0 Hm or.rorawa'l.oot


SONGSODd any klou oi innate arraottd aodetmpetvJ. Rmall tonga ai teoaon-ableratei^ OriRtaalamigiketA^wntten. TUtndown. SennUugbtA. BBIKBBT. Bg B. lOft Bt, W. T.

BATTERY WORKERS I fKK*Sr-JifC'Ttoni, It; BaB|>)a^ lOc ; BaUAriaa, la^ rboto/Oo, Bdao,


MAYOSmmmn prtette






All Communications to






Noit wMk-Wtrd apd VokM-A RUN ON THE BANR.

II. R. JACOBr THKATRB,OttT. Slit Bt. aod sd At..


B. F, Keith's AnnseinBRt Enteiprlses.

E. T, AT.-RCT. ... Oan. Itg'r,

8. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Boiton, But;THE BUOU, Philttelphli, tn.;

a. F. Ktmn opera house, Pra«id«ref, ill,AMD


ContinuonB Ferformanoe.XOORTO10.K. MOBTOP.


TONY PASTOR'S Sfff.^?S"dand 4ih ATI.

FRBNOH AHTIhT, FOUGERE.HRRBBnTnKdCARUN, WOOU8I«TBR8,O^BfkeBaBdHaTfl, JoeeLewli.Hoyla aaid liraliaui* 'ilieUoDtf nla«Kllly Nolan, BlalrnPortnaur.BlATlNBBII TPEgPAIf AMD FRIPAT.

U. W. UAMLBT, Haoainr.Mr. Edward Harrlgaa'a ntw play,






HENRT U. iil'EB, Prop'r.











HABLEM MUSBVAI,llSth SbMl ud Ttlrd Av*., N. Y. CHy.

TBUNTON MtSEUM,NeiUi Bmd Stntl, Trinfoa, N. I.

JOHN HANSON PraprlatorBDWAllD V. SanTH UnmatwWANTBD AT ALL TIMES, atmoa PaalDiai, iKrl-

oaltlw aed Noraltlaa for Laotoi* utlla: alao Blab01a« TaadaTlUa Acla for Tbaattaa. AU applleaUou (orODBaiamMta (both koDR«tl Boat ba addiaaaad to

BDWtm) 0. BMITH, HarloDi Mowom.

HUBER'S 8*^. MUSEUM.Open aU tbt Toor. WANTED. rOB TOE OUBIO niLLB.UTlng OnrloatUti, Preaka of Natue. Bare and OnilonaAnlmali of trerr dttoripUon for onr nev BooagerleDepartment, and at all tlaiti tbe Tti7 bett TaudtTlUeStan for the tbettn. Mo aalan u>o high forrintOlaaiKoTtltla^ Bngogamenti from 4 to U veekt dortng the

OLYMPIAlaOSt, and 3d At*.NlflhClu*VagdmUI«t.



THE^WILUOT DUO,LICADINO DOaBLB *CY0LIST6 OP TUR WORLD.Ktlih'tBlJon, Beaton, Jan 7-it Etltk'tUolonS'inare,

Ktw Tork.Jan U*I9. TsoltShow.KadlaooFqnaxeOar*det, .Nt« Vofh, Jan >l-fd K«ltb*t Bi|on. Phiiadtiphtt«JaB.k4.Ktb.<. NOTIOETO AGENIE ANDMAlfAaBBB-UaTlDgJorJaatiaable reaaoaa oanceled engaganMOtatibtChioagu CIreoBvoare fVee Ftb 4 AddteterSFRIBBT . OaabrUgeport. Mt*a.

AT LIBERTY POR TARimEB.FariDaawt addrwa. cara ofCLIPPBB.


AT LIBEBIY.Ou Acconot of the ClosiDg of

Morgan's Vaudevillo Co.,iM-itroiOntbtiiia- Donbit In Band. CointL Baod aodOrrhttu*^ 8t«nQ4| violin and Buitone. Trmp Dtn«BHr blPglf or Jutntl/. UV B PIBBBR

Ta*r*to»B Wf Tntfc





"LiTtlr Caprice, when will tbla eeaie,

••""T.*.^ 7* P'«a». twteUisart d<»,htitoo mr kottr

on'noR my bean lore to tfln.woo*t ron bt mine, yon know I m tbloe.'' *


Jatt same the dar, do. not dtlar,


Ai>o(S) JoerirDn'tI.ateti Comld Sodc.MiDAVK hR POQERTVS DANCl.Va 8?IIO0L •

O) Ilt'aot Hora't Ortat I>o»enp'lTe Sone,'TIIO"*K L08P IIAPP? DAia *

(I) Mloolt Hthnlt'a FtfOiHa Waltl Sang,'*UI3 I.IRT TBOUOHTft WERK OP V0U.»

(ft) Will II Knx B RKtttMt BilUd,••PERIIAP?-WIIO KKOWSf •

(C) Prtltltat Lallabr In yeart."MOrilKKB FCVOESr DRKAM."

(7jand itit r^mnunblt,"TflB UtTIaS LOST OIIIId "

Note! ! Anr orall traboTtftrtnrongt tent free to rt-etlp^oi programmt aadlOctnUior nxllinc; c^mpierporcnrttrationa 10 ctmt taeb eiira JOil. W. BTERN aCtt. a-ji Hast PourtetBlh Buett W. Y. Oily.


4,0117 CbanapUlBATC. 4BaataO(h8t.



Words bithe talented loiog aullior, i J. lAUB

yaskb) H.W. PETRIE

Orclieitra ArraBgenent b| • > H. H. THIELEIbopeoTtiT proltMlooal reidtng thtKidTtrtlttmtnt

vtU tend for tbt tooft* Von can lake mr vord for It—

IT IS A WINNER.Proletalooala in ibeWtJit Mill rlotie oider from mr

nblcaio brancb, and tbofe In ibtKait ftom New York.Eoe!of# tt«mp, and l( joa vant tht orohttira anaogt-mtot add 10 ctota.

I am making mj beadqnarten at mj New Torkbraoch.andtbailbe pItaM to baie my trltntta and all

fnltatlooala «bo *l»b to laare mj looge, call apon nit.

will teach tbem tn« of ebaigt




"I.Went Home Wid Michael;

He Game Back Wid Me."

MCOLVNNON'H DIaltCt lltt« Hang lo fonr «n-COtea nightly bj Mlaa

POLLY HOLMES._J- READY THIft WRBff. Uo KDlHoVlog, Prollcklof:.

Oharacter Huneh, Ologcr Ditty, Uie Crau of tbe Lon-don Uua.o Dalla:




Nil ol Popper. A ratillOB March Rnoc aod HurrahCbnruit Baas lo 4 ooeora. hrUie Briiilaal Uao.DOlX0T.IIIM. LIUlo MADOR ElLlR.


"Don't Bear Any


a- NOTICE.Aoy ul IbM. aoon; "Bacli to tlia Old llnmo Affaio,''

•tbt Loll Ul. Haa Wlio Lo'M H.r for ADtUi.r," "TliaRaioa BVMt Bolli Ar. Riogloa." 'to Err la Uaman. 10

"inlTO, DlrlQ.!'' "PooDf Old Man," M Uo LovoYou.MpDaar OldDaddr,*' "NoUilnR'a Tao flood lor itt.

PonlTO, DlrlQ.!'' "PooDf old Man," M Uo LovoYou.orMpDaar OldDaddr," "NoUilnR'a Too flood lor itt.

In.li " "P4U.pudUi.Uor..ahoa,"aDd>*Tbe RIOK.I'P.A BOW BBIBADE " 'Tba Workbooaa Door." "Tha »•"Unma ll>MI Home "aod "OUH T BB.R ANT ILLPEBLINQ." AIIWlTBOROBEnRI PARTS wl'l bo r.ol

OS recolp'. ol 190. each bp Ike ENOLIRH 80X0 POR. CO.H N. lloora HI, 11 Y. Root, lanihcio ProfualooaliPRERbaKnnland.P. M. Take Clh At.. Bl. B. B. aodff*tnlTatPrmnbliD8t



Leader (Planiste) Small Soubrelte,

wltbSpeclaltifialso Irish Comedian.(Pror* BOd ' aoelog tpeclattj-). Addnn 0 A. B,

fTare of CLIPPEB Co. liaa a nniTtr**! repoiailoD.


CoaobM iArRlMp.r., tso t*T inootli. uo. 61 loot il«i<

on. Oltr lool Slock id ulocl"na*l, oo. I'oaoh In Roci-

ronl, III. Addiaii, D0WN8A pnwLRY.Car. fif rLII'CKn.

Circus Wngons For Siilc:One PUUorm enrlng Hagtat^: IidrIIi, U fat*; 3

•Idea; otarlf ne«: coat UJUU) yt\f.$\VM. OoaPlAiroraflpringCage; light; make nice TiektiWagoo:nt«. Pilot. $150 Oj. Tltaae \raaoDa are a bargain rnr

toweonta H P. HATES HaTorhlll MaM


JACKSONVILLE, ILL.Jaa. n «lll DleOM corroannad atib I'l^^ d«*

HAaGIANS, FOR 50e. I WILL MIIL YOUTOELATEITTBIOI OUT.THB MTRTBRIOOS LIOa^<.Plo. ootAu ooaiel.t*,U. Bbeood head maaifi ovotniand aoM. E RARNRLLO 171 K. riart »• . nMia". I"..


139 LaoeaH#r ATonat, Wllminttoe, Deltvare tutban aaiary. Ho ohjtttiona to DnTc*> or v*on T*f <

WANTED,A LADT AB rABTWBR IB OBABAOTEB BIET^:!!.Mnal atoi aod daDoa Addraaa

JJT H .dUBMODd ATaDD..Ka» Yor» Cllr-


January 12. THE 3S3"EW YORK CLIPPER. 727


lANUART 16, 1835.








Aquatic and Athletic Performances,

Baseball, Cricket, Bicycling, Rac-

ing and Trotting Records, Bil-

liards, etc..


Records of Fastest Time and Best Per-

formances in all Depart-

ments of Sport.





Closing Out Sale.

TrousersTo 00.

Order, *P<J.roRMER PRICBa

ETvrytJhlBK mn.t In 30 day. to iubIiomom for oarMomon.


Coraw DRMin* B^mC229 BROADWAY,

0|ipe.ll» Pet OIBc, K, Y

First Glass Specialties


5 Or 8 WeeksApply At OQCc.

IIAIIRY W. WILLIAMS,Adidcmy of Mnslc,

Pittsltiirg, Pn.Ulrectfrain Norvema CIrqa.,

Pari..rBuroRUAHOK eivi'ly


ASTONISHING.The QrMteat LliiDf Artiili To«lKr



M. 0. GROSS,us DfHborn 81 , OblciRo,



AND AGENT.Od» ConblDAtlOB C4r, nnt lau tliui COn. toojr. •(Ui bay

f«K«iloor oD lid*, oae-bftif of e*r for UIdior rooot itid

Mcboo; mutt b* «f|alp|i*d fnr piu«D|[*r urrlc*. A\wpurehu* odb taisll doutli Amtricao Tkolr; mlto one

Um* AirleiD Bok Coaiirloior: klao onsiirBtdurllUorUonhej, to ««lib oot 1*U lb«o oo« haodrrd pooDd>.Will psf cash lor •un*. but prlcM mail Oo «ccoiiIId|| loIbotiEDU. AlKWulan A No. I lluilllDf Adfaoca Amdiud iwoBMiiiuifl. NO I.UHIIBfta- one oot ftlrfid toork: one ibat la eamiHiunt in vnrk tobonti.Addrua COL. J.ll. WpOU.Manaa*r.

Ne* York ud N<«v Orltinii Uklinoo Adierii« aR Co.Orud C«otr»l Uoiol. llooatOQ, Ttia*.


Folsom Opora House,NT. H.,

For No. I Variety and Minstrel Cos.

J. F. HAnillMAN, Manaacr.



MoQlir< '.b, 4 UI tl, oQd.r Ibe .a.plM. of tb. floilD.iiU«o*. Auool.lloB. For dl.«r.m. ol ipic. ud pricogpnlrlo J.KdILUAN,iOISONSgtrARE UARDRK,(>7Ui ItrMl Enltur.).

N» rork


Two pArforoABCM dallr. Captbl* ptopU vllh r«pat»>tloo, illloR Ut MMpt lAurr atiabl* lo iho llraM. Lo'Mt ulmiT molt b* tuttd. S«uoa bcflDi fob IH Aeonaaofwtlopt ooofldiDllaL fBANK J. FILLlKiaoacar, Patae* Tbaatn, Boiioo, Mau.

FOR SALE,A Broken Iloras for the llartlle Ati,

Mallabls for a Nan.nnr.aiiht r«an oM. rao i>* moq aihI tritdatUBflk'•at'aTrtlDtiii e«bool. For rurti>«r rarlien<an addroH

UHi. JAMB4 .MURKAVtfmfit. Paol -a AT«Do«.J>r>oyCiif. X J.

FOB SALi: CHEAP.Baggage or Scenery Car.

FalljanoippadiMlL (oog, H illar plailorw, Jtoolt coupIIOK.aIr brakMLflv* hiDda of iloam haai coaplara, airwhiMi*, Woold maka a good ilMporor prlriltK* cafCaD b* Mao at aot iitno bj applilDi ro

TOM BARRY, (fai*irTh«tlr«.Alb»nr,J( T.


AOEinloiir SlfNEir BOOI ofThuulol ENORAVINUJ.

Wi Mike 111 Bait Portnlli li tlii WMld.

H. 0. CROSS '-Xlo^,'^:- CHICAOO.



"THE CHOIR 8INCER, or Cone, But Not Astray,"fb. In bMI «(otU of th. ropilsr BoDi Wril.r, OUmiB L. PAriO, nl Ih. nrMt ballk), "KATII) KBLI.V."DoD'l tell to K.! lb,in. T» O.DIJ to prof«uloslU; or«h*ili.U0Di, t«D CU nti%. KOTK—(tvloil lo lb. ID.

orMMOf DttilDM.. I biT. uk.o l*T|.r ftld mor. oommodlpu. quirl.i. ftt V3 RIXTII ATBMUB. NHW TOBI.mfHaloQtl.conll.llr IbtIIMIoML JABBS RTILLMAN. Mo.iolMblUb.r.ltllUllh AT.nic N.w Yolk CUT.

CHiaPIOR I.4DT 8WIJIHER OK THE WOKLD,No* OBdwrtaklai lha grMtaat taak of III, plaok aad todaraaea aver aconmr)liUi«l li; aoj lliini p«r«oD.

FLOATING, LIVINQ. EATINQ 30 DAYS IN WATER, AT HALL'S CASINO, CHICAGO.MIS) BRnKWITIl'A Ar»t •DniMDiDiwKafloatlDi 1 dara; raaoiagttl, anO HvkiwI Itldara niihoui UaTlDi (t%

waUr. Nov IQ bar 4th WBKK of floalloi

a O 3D AMantcaraof thaatraa and Sammar raanrU addran niAS BBOKWITll, llaira Cniino, Cliic«||o.


CUIKOK BILL THREE TIME, EAril WEEK. Tlira,mofltb.nocb. Addrmaqalck,

BTOCU CO., 1. 0. 0. P.OPERA IIOUNB.Mk.lop" .I*n 21 orfu Firmfiiiili. w«m

For Sale, Australian Woolly Horse,

A vondariDl frtak nf aaiara. ball ihaap, batr bnr'a,

oaiibar maa« nor utl.enrar«d wiib ahaatrooaiofvubl;o«T«rb»aBabo*a. To ba aoui viihooi rMorra at VanTm*«i'I a Ktaro*r'' Aaetloa Mart, im and IM Baal 15 li

Bt« Fridar. Jao. 11, at II c'cloek ifaarp Can ta M«oibaia from W«>iaa*nar Mil "a'a. For parllcaUr* tA6r—%

_ W W tHHT A CO . a Wmn M m . H T

Ao; Riria NocTA Vir. an raoia: rrlibt S!a<k vik, ii;

CharwiarWtg (aaioraj hatrj %tln Hand hat aica hit

mauaramaDL Uooi1aMoi''.o D. aabjtct taii>ap««Ueo,K urOABr. 1 01* « dlaoB AT»aoa. Uttw Yntt.


re:movk]i> to io:» eaht laxii hxreet.Wanted at Onoe, First Olaas Attraotlonn for tho

Royal English Circus, ChlcaKo; Orplieuin, San Franoisoo and Los Angeles.

M XO lO WXIEKH' ElVOAOlCMCICNX.Arn now rrailxlo comnivalcKt. with Dl0 Onliloar Allrarllon. for Ihn coming

Ramiacr .r.Mit, All Ant ClaH Artl.t. will .1. wril by rAlllnH iin iia or M.n.l n. byI.ICer th.lr onen tlinfi, low..1 .alary and fbrwa.4 pbotn. n.ul IHIin., ii. wo nrn nowablo to alT. Btrani No.olty AoU :i to 4 mottth.* f>nBafrrni^nl iliirl.iK flic Hultimera.a.on. VHA8. PKN/ «i CO,, Katt Mtli Klrrrl, N, V.


THE BiJOU,P.oP^T'"'"'S THEATRE,paxkhwoiv, IV. .i.

OE^ LRAVITT, ------- - l..>««r« ntiil IflnnaKair.

"Thf* nijntt'* I. on tit. tllab road tn pro.nerlly. tloo.l aliu^v. rn.i niny Id l.lff hu.l-no.k Want nothlna bat tn. beat altrarlluna. K.w oit.*ii wrnUa ilil. .paaun, AIMbouklnn avaaon IKM-vn, Aditroa. IIKN liKAVITr, llliiiiagrr,iBd


UR. nKN I.KAVirr. nijouTbnua.Paltnon, N. J.

liKAH Hill: Ulf (nlir;lDBtoUr. Bbemund mjMlttoKokonwIoilB.ll'ii llin IIIISIN'KSS dooo AtyoDr houio bj 'Ttio Jaj Oiniu'' Oo,,iuid to oommeDd,oar polio; or Uitoritl nnil cnoriinilt: ntiujAgemont,ulilcb irlll, tcjond nil lonbl, rlAcc 'Th. BliOD" In tb« front ntnk or v.niiuvlllonimM.. II III Willipteuuro tbnl 1 book *-Tbo J.r Olrcni" for . nlaro rt.to tblt to.Hon. llrflpt-cilulljr ruiira,

U. W. ORANr, Mtntier Uu flli.nn.n'. Uoniixllitiia, In "Tin- J4r Clnuia."RBNTZ.IIANTLBY CO. PiiAVBD TO OIIOWUBU IIOUHKB LART WKKK.


Nuw HvliiB Hunu wltli Xiiibiiuiihu Miiim'i'hh liy

MISS POLLY HOLMES ("THE IRISH DUCHESS").fhn writ.ii **l(l.c«italnlynn«ormy IIIUOBST IIITN."

rROrFBSlOKAL, KIND CABD OR rROURAMHR, lOo. rUR I'dl'V AND ulti:llK«TH.\TI(iK.IIRUUBR BROU, » WaalT'anlv •luli li Kir.*.. Na» Vork.


1 Fifst Oass Dandor Musical Orgaiiizatioii,orlli;li Class Vaubille Coiii|]aiiy

To pli* In bolh S<atll* and TaeomB, Waib., tomt llmi during tllhir Mgrch, April or Miy, 16BB,

FOR THE BENEFIT OF PUOET lOUNO LODOiNO. 36. THEATRICAL MECHANICS' ASRUCIATION.AllrBcllonB ol the abovo ebartottr oomlng lo the ooiil wrila al onot. Addraii

HORACE E. MERKEL, M. 0., Corraipandtnt NEW YORK CLIPPER. Sfallle, Wiih.



lUrlDfleaMd t^ia abovahoaaa, va ata oow praparad lo ticuk KIril (llaiiUatrMlrama, Hurlr«iiu*, rarcnCnmadfand HlQBlral Compvolaa. cto. Oond iharloii torma to raeaiii'tHl aKraoMnua wlUi iilootT i<f

«om1 prInllD*. Want alronr aitraflUiiii lor wmmt Jan. 31,'tfy

GIOOT> OPICN XIMIC IN KUMIilJAItY AN1> ^fAIiCIf.Addrapa N. Y. AMUMBMRNTCU, Laaaoft. Frnnt Hlr^al Tlitalia, llalllmurn, Hd.

The Kill? nndOnccii of Trick Kic.ycliolN.

THE VALDARES ^^<^HlKanro.«..tToprPwtor*aTb,.lrata.tw..k f>loalBi tk* ,|inv and RK KKttAflKD llil« wi.k '••ilo llia am..

llana(arai1r>lrln..llBNUIIIK>«)<IIATl<lKALN0VRL<V niiUBl.KTHIllK Hli:VlM,K AITT, mo lli.t launlNlf.UmM. full ol HKWaDd NUVRL Trleka aod dona lih. tlalilniiif, alinuM ni>t ml.i aralrg lUVK niKHrROKOKKT riNIHIl (1. ANir AC7T BRrORB TIIK rVBU I, THAT Of IllOI.Sri DOWN />N IKlll.lNKIl 10 TOliTLADPRR ON A BUUOr irllKi'L. J... 11-11 opao. ,\,li r.<- alui..

A aUAIlANTEE I PROFESSIONALS BUY THEM,*il(o<;kiii|B; tlic IlahicH," ^^I'upa'N Ulaiiiiiia,^'

«*Truc Irish Lioto," "lH.y llab.y."lOCanta Bach, whb Orchaatiatloai to Iba ProroaatoD Anngaaod MalrJjaa Wrll>*n tn Ordor.WALTER rLBrOIIKn, Hfr. EVflRH HUHlJ <JU<PANV. UJ # IJth H'i4<i'.. N-« V>trb llllr.

"THEREASON BESS WENT AWAY,"hy the poyylar wrll«r, «U8SIE L. DiVIS.

Otchwl/ftlloDi laadr, ud will b. Ballad to profaMlnoAU aaodlD. oAld or piuiramrn. and iOo (unHUOEU BHim , » W.al Taenl> Mi^liili Kirial, N.< Vork (lllr.

BIN a.


Jan. 7 and l« with the IIVDB IIIOW. Ain't dalnH a tiling.


TT GlES.Not wl.blag t« mar mr paaiaaccoH. 1 tak. tbi. annan. or aili^lalnir all ronrornMlIhatlliaTvna eono.cilon whatovor with the Kl> <JA M.KII .MBW OIII.KANI, MiU-WINTEIl VAIH, wblch wa. taop.a Dm. IS, andwhich I. nut y.l»|i.»i.


COL.OnK[) PIllBT CliABB ItVA.nTBT, bolK nral anil Jllliilrri Al COMKMIANaTAI-.ICM'T ANU nPHCIALiTV PBOPl.B. Tbo.e wlin liarx wurbrd for rao'WANU'*1C1> befbri. writo, and nam. Inweat aalary anil arli.,n you can Join*A.'r ONOK. Addr... OAPP. O, II. PBAIIODV, llni 17:4, Kmiaita City, Mo.


The Heason Z Love M7 HonoT'.'ny.W i'MOS HONfJ. B«a<l oaril aod IQc ror oopr aad Orcbaatratloo. CHl'HKit Hlt'iH . tt W, ZHili HL. N. T.




Ol'UN U-IMKirnia<iDl«l-X-M:Ju. 1. ir. 1< It: rail , >Mka ofMno ,

4 .lid II. aod BJ 10 n: Haicli, .11 Ihroorli. Maaliosc.paelir.9n:r<U..,i9a40,l,lt In .rorM. (fond aitraallor.u?r llnnlba.lnaiaani. HtRRAl'K A HEOFR, Vita


( Aboat Afi- Id r#cMnoira: uradla, l>ar

NO MAHlltK Also LAUV (aboat III. ») «bo cait dolaadaorcbaraetara. Moat bara food wardrelH* MeobwnpaDj Hta'a k>wMt lA'arr Addiaaa n J. ERW(>t>D,<j|pff7 Warda ffUKb Co., WondarUed. Port Ha*Da. tfieb.



FREEKr-t h« tvtr fnlt fttai* Bail

4l ^-1 ••• Kill ti^al t'MI^'l»f L-ir ar ial l>« l^«t», liltll

|t">. fur sa.OB.il..i>'-lt»<«lM*trrati4 »«>illMru1

fx yttKK ihH ta|li.l «i<h,aUiii mMkvl I.I, g .14 l,f\,h J, b«i><lll»llT

• .-^ta.t.i w-t tn*-*! In ai-f-sririi* aMBAgto-l « ii'ii-f'f" •* ll*< kvfrai*

III •••t-it i:|Ifl »if h, Wa 1*1,4

ll^ C/i -igf* avl MaUh l''gilkir

L.f i>.,. >i '.•1/ 4S.9H. y»it,^,„t^ iKfMi t\ Ibf »tfitH

aLrl II l.ltalWlfat/ Mj lb*••nl ILO at.'m-t u4 lb*y aitf^tll. WtlMlr.lir. %ltm\^nL.ihtr f'M »aai ltdha', mgdiia' a)u «ai<b- AA4r«W(


728 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaby 12.


MAT GONCESN.Wt ukt UmImaI pow*r to UDoaoM Two Notad Oontdiui, Two Kttnnl Aclon, TwoOrlfloal Z>«llD«t«rf,T»o o

NfttQn** Owe Ifuura of Bihlopiu Comsdr. Two L««d»r« 0/ Uislr nco, Tvo Mourctu or all (taor lairor* TbtirBfttaru frblUlr, bowtTtr, nwr* tbu oOMU ft long kppnotieMhtp on tbo boftrdi Wlllian mwoilh. Datu AKMaib.Wn Olwltnd. Dtrry Bimob.OIiii OftUtodor, WbaJUn i HtrUtL ftod erltlca (Void all tbo prlDclp&ldUflBor IbotTBltodBUtMtMHleo ud U»iudA,udUi* iMdloi JftoroaU of New, York. Brooklfo. ruUdolpbU,BottOD, WHblattoo,Bt1iliiioi»,8u rrudHA, OblcAffo, Ctociooall aod otbrr arwi cltlM ue ratpoulblo lorib«M«Ut«iii«aU,ud irtb«r doD'tkDOW we voold liko to koow wliodoM. 'Th»M two ToaoviiiMritnurkftbloluulir for eoootlTlof orlflitftl sUg* bailooM Id ifao JkiI jud oeooft Id tJo Dio Uinl

two TOOOVmM pOtHU A IDOItJf orlflitftl sUg* ba«lo»M Id ifao U'l fud eooo Id •Uo Dio UinlutppL' Tboy

fODnlMtbiMdliDOovlih Uogburbj ibolrqaHr utlei ud romftrkktils raoDrlimi. tod ib»r r«e«lT« DomarDDSTMud oTfttlODt for tbfir uearmto, odd, rutMtlcjnrLMoa* ud rldliralnai mtnimoDU"~WILLIAV HA-

VORTn,tDtborof"ODtb*lllMiMlppi*'^'Eoiljrii.'i«ta. ^ Wbtrodld too flod two Dttanl eoinodluittofllltbfttaMOiIdldo't bBowtb»«ilA«d."~JOlIII iBBNBbL. "The IlotUflttwo bora t eraraftw aod gaotlemaa vltb-."^BO. MILBAMK. "I baTO boowD MoOLAIN ud WALKER Ploce tbalr boTbood. '


I elwBT' tboDfht tbej•D and artJitjTD tbetr—.—_ ..aaippt". "I flod tbam aborei^aaTamie eodproDd ioaar,

I aEDtbalr maoafarudjbar ^0Q]a49 oradll Xo inrbodj^i pftow."—T10TOR HARMON. Mitt- "Qd thi NlB*lw>PPj..


wobU aet Uior*."-^nAe. DOWARD. "I eea't lav aor thlng. nnlj'thar a>« laotlaiDtD and'arUltjTD their-TnOMAS A. WlflR, Biaga plractor't)o tbeHIuiaaippt". "I flod tbam abora i^a aTam le eodproad toaar.lloa."-

BILLT HoOIi&Ilf.The Camadf Oaolaa, boro, lodlaBapolli, lad., Oct, II,

18M- from earlf aM he evfoood aoDOoaotl ability Ular>rol«Mlone\ careerbann with Law JobBaoo'i MloatteU,am. SiaoatbaDbabaabeanattbaheadortbeorloel'pal oolorad abowa ibroaghoat tbe ooanlrr. Mr. IfoOlalaoompo*ea aod arruvea nia oea muale. aod li ooa of thelaw Ibat baTenada ataga work a doaoolal loMau Mr.MoOtala li tbaaolhor of a looraet eomedy, wbiob la areraUtioB to ibe AJro AmarloaB at^g*. an^, with allpiobablllif. will be predaeed hj aoma reipoDalble mao-aganio ibeBaar lotore "Aa for an ftDlhor, MeOlalobu wrltlan ai praur nalndlaa aa we aTer oaard."—BPAULDIira A ORAY. "Tlia Brat colored niuleal direc-tor I arar raw waa Blllr McOIaio. viib Tbi Sooth Be*fora tbe War.' lie la follr eompeteDitoflll the potltloa.**—ROBT. BBOKBB. "Tbe eolored oooliofeat of Falo'a'Btonnlag of Tlekibnrg,' oodar tha totorahlo of BlllrMoOUio, waa a ahow wIQiIb tbainHlT»a.*'-0LHVBLAN6OAKnTB. *Tbe abora portrait ta that ol Blllr HoOlala.wboliatpreaaDttraTallDiwlth Davla A Keoagh'a 'OntheMlialaalppl.' Blllr la a Jollr ifood nUow. aod baabald maorprooilnaDtpoiUloot Willi the leadlogaoloredeompiDlaa IbroDRhoat thaodnotrr He la a eonedlaa

We deal lo faa. aod make It (0 order. Wa take tbli oteibod to iBionn tfaa prolauioo aod theatre loing poblloIhaloBraoleobJaotbaabeaB topleaaeaod amoie all olaataa ol the amaaameDt world, aod brao doTDgwaDerarha*a bard tlmea, and are ajwariwoiklog. We are ontdolDgthiatogai work, botio ibow tee afflaaamaot pab-lle that there are two parlonaari aod gaotlaoao Id the colored proraaalno that are tbaDatoral tblDtaBd capable o(dolngaof thiQg Id lhair lloa wbleh hu baeo ao Iodr mImlehM) br tha bolTooaerr of baret oork. Ingot wlgt. paloiedbig BMatb and eiaRsaraied obooilooaBiilaaaeea. wewilladmltuiattheraoaTer haTebeaoooe or two colored 00m a-

tage.aod did a great deal tobalp aioog the UarTTillllBeae4L*'-RI0)lXRDK- POX'S P5LI<:Bl]AZErTR. "Aea troDbOBe purer. MeOlalo baa law r1rala,aad waa theUfa or the OlaTalaod MlnUral fiaBl."-01IBOtriOLB,Bao Praooiaeo, Oal "Porgaoaralperforman. Ma latheben I aver Ba»."-OHA8^ALLHNDBB. or OallcBdar'aMloaireli. "Waa the hit ol tbe abow at NIble'a OatdeD.**-NBW Y0RE0L1PPBR.

licb'a "BaDdltKlDg."aDd be waa iheoDlf ODedorlofbladara qdUI waipraog loto poblle favor. The geotle'nao wboaa oaoaiaod loflaaBce vehaTa oaed wlllTarliyioar atetemeota. Oertata oiaaairan tried erarr aTallable wartoarold baTiot wblleperforaieri toBU thaplaeaa madaTaeaotbr bi, bat ther bad toaabmltto Iban.lorthareooloBot letcolored^parfonoara that vara oepablaof dolag tha work Joitioe. Bo that maat gira aene tooa to the mea whooraaUd aad made the pana aaoeaaahil aid laft the path ao bot, bo aeeood teten eoold itep loto It Doo't be fooladv.... ....... . w_ ..

_ oar"ampUl7 to diffoBo." Tour

br lalaa raporta that wa are goiof to let a good thlag drop : the old gag, *-WbeB yoa gat a good ihlog keep it"bilUTalQ cbanetarandtauDigaBc^Bot nee aad oolor. It roa waot ear Idd repaired aod Tooarearooadwar. drop orar loto oor ju^, we'll "oagoUata prerogatlrea." Thla loTlCaUon ii "ampUly to diffoao." 1amaaemaot aarraota,



OHA& W. WALKER.Chaa. W. Walker, bora AnburB. IlL. Oct. U. im, be

tint etuactad altoBiioo at Hprlogllald, III . 11 raan latar.

Bloce toao. be haetoarad allthaprlBClpaleUleathRragh-

ODt tbe coDtlDCBt. Mr- Walker la the fooDdar of

Walker'a Harrr Hakeri, Ooau A Walkar'a MlnitreU aod

la credited with belog Ibe Ont to lotrfdoee eaka walkiag

laOlaelBDatl 0. He alao la ao adept with tbe gnllar,

baojo aad plaao. Mr. Waller waa th4 ablolog light wllh

WIUoD A etewaii'a HlnttoelaL aad baa alwaji avobadoooalderabla aiteDtloa. whererer b« baa appeared. Debu alwaya prored to ba a gaetlanus aa well a paTfonnar.

"Aa for a daoear, Mr. Walker bu few nrala for a trie aodasoQUoD; he eaallr eairtad tbe boaon and woo tbe

madal, wfaleh Maoager Olark oflired for artlaUo teqptl-

ohoTe."-EAMBAe Oirr TIMEa "la 'Ob the Mlaala

IppU* there leObaa. W. Walker, who eattrad the rote olAoorew JaokaoD BrDWD,aad waa the redeamlog leatweof tbe daB«an.<'~WASBrNaTON POST. "Mr.Obaa W.Walker, of The South Bafore tbe War* Co.. waa tbefllarereatebarafller of Ita kind OTaraeeo bare. Terraal-dom roa aee a colored man gtra a correct daaorlpUoB ofhlmaelf; he la reallr fooBj to b)o oaiaral itaie. batwban opoD the atage ba moat gaaerallr orer doea li. h>Mr. Walker laiareir daaarrlsg of aome credit-"—NEWYOBE BUN.





BOTH AT URBE. Die It I llttli lirger ttuiR tbi otNr, bat thai cost nt) teiri) the sane.Addr«aaallrommaBloRtloBB 140 W«at SIxCeeDth Street^ New York*


AND PARIS HIPPDDROME.MoDBtor MiiBeiini, Double Menagerie, Elevated Stage, 3 Blng Clrcns

and Grand Racing CarnlvaLWANTED. FOR THE TRAVELING BEABON OF 1895,

OROTEfiQUB. AOBOBATIO OLOWN AND rAKTABTlO ACTB: all aad arerr worthr attraaioaii anIUble to bepreaanlaifbefore the orlliotl aadleaeee patroalilog theaa iboea: arerr iblog ofa merltorloi cbBrtoter that li oev,novel, Bolqoa, elarUlog or MoaatlDoal: LtvlBgPlalarea. laaddluoB, there are oeedad BntelaMRIdera, Joekaja,Obanotear', BratoUiaXadr Artlatea. Uanru Hes, Bellroad MeD.ChaDdaller Meo.QrooD*. iDloal Meo, Poor. Bixaad Bight florae Drlrera Ooaaartpaopla aod maalolaoa write. Tor balloon aad other prirllagea to lat- WANTEDFOB THE ADVANOB, Bflj Brat olaaa Blllpotlera. Mona bot aober. reliable maa. Poililooa are alao vaoaot foraararal ageoia lo tarioo* dtputmeat who OBdaretaod the teat abow ouilaeaa. Loveit Balair nnat be oamed lofliMletleroraoatlaBUoDvlllbei^d toaama. Addreaa J. N. RBNTritOW. S,UC lUh Bt. V., Danm, CoL


To take ekarge of »b ealabllahed HuaeeKnd Tkefttre* Be»tlo|| oapaeltj, 'M0\ alt*nmt«d on Ike m»lB aUMt* Applr.atatlBffterme. BDER HOBKE,MOO Bu LawTOPce 8i.t MQntie»l,C»B>d»,


EXPRESS CAR, llso SLEEPING CM,BaaeleBRtb. I«IUreDt,Mll oreicbangeoBefiOftPaa-•eaiar Coach, aod ooa SOfl Baggage Oar. Lateiteqoipmaala. MART riBBBR. care ofOLIFrER.

I-jlt>erty,JACK DARELL,

Jarenlle and Heayiefl.BOBBB IHO BELIABLB. IddraM

MO. PgTAWiroBD BTKBR, Botton Kua.

After eighteen suooessfbl weeks of vaudeville, have goneback to our old love, Faroe Comedy.


1 sbaU bo AT I^IBKRTY A.BOTJX MAY 1. Ata now touring Cuba-with Tony I^WBnde'a Olroiu.


ZXTSZ FALXtCBrPermBnoBtaadreaa antll tlmj 1, Oobrent Rotvl, ]IftT»n», Caba

IronJaw Ziady,

3VEelt>oiJ.m©'s I-iCttestARK


Th» Bbove Br« aon||a of escevUoBBl merit aad will eanlr plenae. Sant apoa re>celpi of rout« and progrmameDy- Nalloaftl Btnalo Co., Hid waliaak Ave., CklcKgo*



THE HCUOAL, TAIAINO AND BINGINO OOUEDI&H.OIaii>d wKh Chaa. A. Loddr's "Uh, What A Night" Co., Jaa. I. No (ronbl*, goodfVlendi* No part ffbr In hia new comedf• BlaB«»n ofDfmmatle, Barleiqav, Aln>atrel and Fana t^mfidjr Vo*i., addnu cate or CLIPPBK.


"WetUer ctxxd "Wciller,In oar OrlRlaal and Norel Datdk naaloftl Com»d|rt eatltled **Blrlk aad Maalo laa lleataaraat Kllokca," **NoHtoleB Ideae.** Urlglaatonof prodBclBg mnato ftromBide of Beef, Hamo, Slorea, Htove Door, IjoaTea of Brvad, HoMt Tarkey, Panapa,MeaiBlook, Hton' PoU. Jnal cloaed fbar weeka at Uadlaoa Sqaar« Oardea* Ai Lib*•rtyaner IQarah W» Addreaa care of CLIPPER.


Oor. 4Ui aad Oolembla Wraeie. Kewport. My.



J. 0. MORIlia Boi U, Tl*oU>D, Mo.


Kaa Oaallaulal Hotal, Ballklo, M. T,

ON ROYALTY OR FOR SALE. "WIFE FORHirs." A OOlUDT DRAMA: "BB KIM TBIBAION," MOBIOAL FABOI OOllBDr inaUl MMrlor koth. T. B. wunnrr, A««ai, o w. Mia^R.T.Tiv.



aiAla all partloBlan Id llnl tollor, tadba rudr lolUitnpoD raoalTlog tolHram. Bauir mirtba low.

»II OALuConaa, DaMla.Tu.

TO MUSEUy yANAGERS. WAX WORKS OFALL KINOt, Aaatonleal aod Paihaloiloal apeolneaa,etc. iFarltlaa work.i Bend for eautofee.ROBBBT HOOUHUTR.SB BaatnihBt, NewTork.

yA(ICUNS,SPIRITHEDIUyS, yiNDREADERSBTHRBT HBH, MEDIOINK MBN AND rAIIBS.anjoaloaklaafbr Nav ld«a« f Baoloao a lo. tlamp, aad nt ihaUu«.>kaUrau DolDiaaaWiUarai.,MlInataa,Wla.




Write fbT CatakMoa.717 eth Ato., Oor. 41it St., N. T.

I Oomplat* Blaka Up Box noo.


"My Promised Bride"Br J. L. VETLE- A Beanurol. Pathatlo Ballad,

a aal^oe Walla BefMo.

"Someiiody's Dear

Litlie Sweetlieart."Br BOBT, A. ESI8BIL A ohaimtni Daw WalU B«d|.

"Tiiy Heart."Br BBKRT BBPP. A Home BoBf of daeldad merlLProfeaaional ooplea on eppUcatloiL Orobeate parta

UoenU each.


NowTork:O. H. onsON A 00.

PblU.:J. E. DnSOX A CO.



OWNBRa: J. T. RAKBNAOROrr. HANAQBRGOOD TRBATHBMT, GOOD BUBUIBSA FOB ART BHOW.I played above booae Jaa. 1, Uie ololb aanoal aotaie-maotaodaaalvajitoajaiDtBad booie, oordlallrreeom-meod the maoagimeat to all traTelloc managera. Mr.RaTooaorott koova b4a ton, ud can fill bla booia arerrUnie for a |ood abov. nUNK B. DATID80N.

tfaoaftr "Old rarmei Uopkloa^'Oo.




AUTUMN LEAVES.lOo to the proiaMlOD. 9te.eacb teolhara, or tbeB for


Wutel, tor Bollnar Bros.* Slots, Seasm ofUM, PEOPLE IN ALL BRANOnBS OF THB OIROUBBIZ., who do three or more torrta, at salarlea to aolt thetinea. No oae lor fUcr aalarlia, loaban, klthara ormaabere. V) billpoaten aod llthoirapban, lOmaaielaoa,aober and reliable boaa bnaUaT.DOU eaoTaa man, boaaSropartr maa. Want aa eltphaat. Wagon abow FOBALB, oaa SDItwIth two SOft, middle pleoea taot. flrat

oUaa,onlriLtt: ooeaMO, flrat olaaa, •0: ooe 3Dfl.|ll:ooe horee Unt«l« Moalolaae addrau OHAB. eBAW, lUTowoKond BL, ObtoaRo; Blllpoatera addrea PRBD O.aOLLMAR. Raraboo Wla. : auoiban addraaa GOLLKARBROa..Boi n, Baraboo. Wla Ooonderlweaka'tllanoeapolite neiatlTo; fire pennanentaddreaaand eeod photo.



Toufint tha Pidfic Ctist. Conpini of 20

]i. Flat Bni ud Orcliestn.


ProDoanoedljere tha atroniett B^riorTCo.vUlUngCaliroraU for taaro. AddreaaBSNTBB fATTON. Care or "Mule and DruA,"

flan Fraooiaeo, Cal.


Formerlr wlUt Geo. P. Oaabkr, FallniTor, BIsiiKgera of flnt claaa noaaeaonly need ftuawer. Addreaa


laady Partner with SomeKind of Specialty.

OaeU^stcan alnn And pl^r piano pre-ferred, wllb m IllUe child nbont 5 yennoldi to aeelal tke grenteet Oermsn Dia-lect Gemedinn end Tjrrolean Warblerow befbre the pablle*Beat rafarenoe aa (o ibeahAee atataoiant Addreaa


CHAS. A. McGRATH.Laadlai Jataallaa. <0 mb8lfMl,Loalirllja, Kr.

GOOD AHRACTiON WANTED, TOTRATBL rOR SOOIBTT BBMBriTa I have tha beatloaranief aceot In Amarica T.F. BARTBT. Albao/, N.T

Olrous CTanvases.AlmoMan; OA^ul On. Bond Tm; tK tad l«t.

)n,'ail4dlal0AjnIla ABabau. tMltm


A FIBBTOLiSBLBADXNa JtTTBNILE MAN, with wardrobe todreaa parta la repertorr. Moat be good droMr,good looking and AOT, alao want for Bandand Orcbea-Gra, man to plar eornatln Band and Donbla Piano In Or-obeatra, moat be AI Plantat and algbt reader. OtherOiat giaaa people write. Waat Tmp Dnunioar that la opLnhlaboimau aod playa Alto or Taoor loBand. WewantaDaaoiog Team that can DANOB,aiDateDrBklnaad 8«rpantloe Danceri aare yont atanpa. Companr

Kja board and iraniportatlon. Balanaa In keeping wItLatloMa. We pay no farea to unknown penooa; old

frienila write, Hlllaboro, Ohio, Jan. T and waak. JaokiOD,OblOiH.week. Addreaa all latun to


Sideshow PalntingSeIfiron get any get the beat.

Charles Wolf A Co.,


t4t ElgMk SiratI, mv Brotlway, New York.

Palnton (br Baraam A Ball.y 8how,Adam Forapaagh 8]iowa| Bella^Bio..* BigBtaowa, tlia Oraat Walla.* Show, BU.,Bt«., Kte.

OrJ«it ProiBptly TWti. Prie»i MnJtfitB.


DANCma BPBOIAUnBB,Addr.n Boom 001, Tha Ooloanade,

at. Paal, Mian.


GERTIE CLAIRE,Ha.poa.lble maBagera onir addrau

i93 W. MoBioa gt., OBIoago. 111.



AddlaM "K. L." Mre of OLlrFBR.

FOR SALE. A TROUPE OF SIX DOSS.Tbar hare worked two eeaaona In ring aod on atrnge.

Addreaa B. B. BTABBBTI, ITl Olennont Ara^Brooklyn. H.T.

CASE OF PERFORUINB CANARIES FORBALB. OBBAI._^ , Learn anv to woi* them by letiar.^^drw IT. LA£BLL,B8WaloatSt,0hteago,iaBUmp or no alteatlen.

Esuped. AILuu. AtLMtrtf. EDW. H. ELUS,JDTElnLBa ANDLIOHTOOMBDT. Ballad and QoartatBIngine. Beaponalblenuagen will be rewardadll theyeeoorebln. Addraaa nntfkATeane,Oblflago,ni.

AT UBERTY, HANS V. LINO, Vliilla iwi Alto.



New Star Opera House,Wanted, First Class Companies.

Caa make a big bit la ooe of tha beat abow towni inPoBDa t on the main line of tha P. R. R , 16 mllaa wen aiPltubarjr. Beattng oapaeltr 900. AU lighted br «Im.trfu^. Btogeiaxso. Homa good open tina In Jaourrand rebmarr. Wire or write for booklaga to c ^BDOBBBIT. Boa. Mgr. STAB 0?EBA no* BcDooaldWaih. Ca, Pe '

CHAS. W. BURCH,Comedian.

aod MoDOlona flpaolalllM, Alia Horn Id Brua18IBLB MANAOBBS ONLT ADDRESS



FUTURE WIFE ^^mi&fnsrdtraooeSt, Brooklyn, M.T. Bamplea mailed auTwhara IQa.

A. 600DRICII, LAWYER, Sim!,£^g'.<l^lagal and qnlte. BrBaohaa aod faeilltlea In other Biaiea.

OPIUM'Uofphlne Habit Cored In 10to M daye. No pmy tUl oared.Pr. J« Btephene, Lebanon, O.


FOR SALE, A SHOOTING BOX,Fonr nmms (rtaralohed), eaoh IBxIO feet,with stable, wagon elied and 30 acrea orland. Fineat game conntry In AtlanticCo., n. J.f eaay of acceei from Rew Yorkand wonid lalt Banning «Inb. AddreuJAMES g DUNHAM, P. 0. Box 629, Phlla.. Pa.


Billiard and Pool Tablesn THB WORU>



RawbM and moat elanat itylaa, rUh the U <EQDALEDMONABB OUBBIORa, BUUwd natarlali^ eloih, belli

aoea, eto.. ol onr own manniaotaie and importation.TBt BBDRBWIOK-BALEE-OOLLEIVDBB OOn

Ohioata Olfloinnatt Bt LoniiL Ban Frmnalaao

D»ij*_poynyB kbai/th bxbiiiciser.For OeDtleman, Ladlea, Teotha, atk-

late orinTalld. Complategrmtiaalao);takeaftln. of floor room ; new, loIantlB^.

dorable. obeap. lodoreed by lODLOBQ

phralelaoa. lawyan, olargymen, edl(-

nioa-tratad clronlar,AddraaaD.r


al and Tocal C

Ironlar, tt engTmTU)g% Craa.

D. L.DOWD, Boientlfle PhTito-

ocal Ca]tnra9 B. UthBt.H.T.

DONTPAYACENTWSEE IT, OurlateatlmportMlBtoncpuzzlei diamond ezperta. Youcaunot delect from ibo Renulne. 1\j

iDiroduco ibia new atoiio we will

sood forSOdaya tbla ring or itud

byeipremaO.D. forllAS. Youei«Bln«, irn«l («)aal In tppcaranftfto •

tJOitniiilon'l laholt irMll*r«clorTWItw afttat $}.6y Order oalck RrM

niMuir«. Wllh OrdrrKftm ill Oarm, CaUlfvearn*RiTIOlliL iOBDlHa CO. lift I'altr BgUdlBf, thio^ UUaoU

^otWANTa BARBAIN? fo°u WISHto sell?



uusiMiDduuni» H.W01F4C0 '

ii*ntutMtmwsi<>cMic*o^'.. **a*

EDMUni} E. PRICE,Counselor at Law,raw YORK OUFFBR BUHSIHO,

B AHD n OBNTBB RBBIT, Haw To.k CMr,Fnulw IB aU lb. OouU, OItU and OrimlaaT BMual

attMde D ftrw to tb. wUmUob of elalnu aad d.DU of

all kind., ua..pi«pu*tlaD .1 aiTMniwt. ud oth.r Ufa.

TAPE"vRbVTcataa diank'Sad |a. Muap •o''»P^Dr. M. Ballb. Bpadalla.WU Olh. 1. Bt Ualfc IK-


DR. TARR'SCretne

DentifriceItcspedaUyinlcadedtoimitnUMtbeacUswhich OBtiadecay and ta

fncTent ledepoaili oftartaron tha

teeth. Pcifiunn tb* bieath udmikcainelegBiittt^ktptepa^lon. Pat upla toba. Mon >oonimitc«l than po«<lcr>

SoM b7 DinnUti «v by mmU poitpaia Ibr Bfr

•r.V.W.TAU.«m3MIMIu« ataia


Ml««, BrkatU ...4.1 B<ka.U OuHtMl wt vm., UlaMUa. Amr, Baucl. flaroar,

a. tan. u IMiMIti «~.aulM-^OkBl.k nurtal.atalh Paklto Elklk^


CopTitgtaicd, laM. bf THo Fnnk Qoceii Pubiuniiui Com;«Dj (Umlicd).

rounded by i



wvwrwK KKn www toik oilrpu.BT MONBOB H. XCMENniLD.

All, bow wa niM iba htt to bim i

Bo* gnttM •Mmj to bo I

We tMw onto tb« muufcr—Bat bot« we ctook (be koeo I

We iMop Into bla llulo box,

Wlib everuxlou eje;

He Rnwi In ml|baneaa etob dtjUolUtbeweekgoeebjl

We koow tbe ibekelewe abonlWbon bo li milUnt awoot;

Wo tou It bT bla jkontj gait

Aa be oomea tfown tbo atnet I

We ironder U bla pane will butnniu tbe Oboat abaU walk;

ABd II, wben aalailea are doe,

He atlll can toe tbe obalk I

We watob blm, aaacattbemooie,Wben one nigbt atanda are onra;

How often tben onr lltue patb

la not a path ol doweia I

Bot wben tbe Undlord loota on blmId aodligolaed dellgbt.

We know tben'a bieakiaat In tbe mornAa well aa beda at nlgbt I

Ob, Treaaoier I Bold Treaaorer I

Wa plaoe oar laltb In jos;

8UI1 ami le aa 70n were wont to amlle,

Wben aalarlea are doe I

Ot all tbe ]oja yoa are tbe beat I

Here powT nsto joor poiae.

For aiUl we're linked In golden bonoaFor better or lor wone I


"Bo, Obarlea Henry, now joa know all the rtcit

I baie In mr poaaeoal'on ooncemlng tbia mjaterloni

caae, wblob baa ao ezolted tbe oaoally qolle town

ot leeborg. In Weatem Mlaaoorl, tbat Ha major baa

offered a apeolal reward or one tbonaand doUan to

lb* one wbo ancoeeda tn nusTellng tbe mriteir.

I bope wltb all mj beatt tbat jon will bave tne

good Inok to pooket tbla anm. In reaponw to tbe

oiftTor'a commnnloatlon to me, I bare oboaen joo

to biTeatlgata tbe dark aflUr, becaoae 1 bare tbe

noat UnpUolt conldence In jonr rue ablllljr, wblob

baa demonabnted ItaeU more tban once alreadf


altboagb jen are compaiatlToIr a beginner In tbe

lerrlce. Bring tbe oaae to a aocoeaafnl laane, and;oor tnlore aa a deUoUTe la aaaored."

It waa tbe oblef or a great Weatem detecUre

agenoj wbo tbna addreeaed a joong mas, wboae

appearance beapoke blm a atodent ratbertban tbe

clerer joong poraoer ot orlmlnala tbat be waa.

A (e« minntea later tbe joong man took learo ot

Ua oblef, and atarled tor tbe mllwaj atallon, ab-


iBdeed, tbe taafc that bad been pnt open oor

joong triend waa a Terj dlOonlt one.

Tbe taclaot tbe caae were aa follow:

ffllbin a jear. In tbe town of Leeborg, Mo.,

atrange gneau bad been mlaaed anddenlj at Inter-

Tala; even dnrlog tbe daj time, togetber wlib

tomiaaien In tbe l>eatjtare and droomatancea. Aato one. It waa to be anrt, not poalUrelj eaUbllabeil

wbetber be bad met with an accldentor tonl plaj In

tbe plaoe Itaelf, or In the Immediate neighborhood,

aa be waa a wild, eztnngant fellow, qqIio capable

ot leaTlig bla landlord In tbe lamb, bj rnnnlng

awajtnmblaalieadjoonflderable botel bill. Bnt

wltb tbe other lU mlialng onee It waa altogetber


Tbree of tnem were "dnunmera," wbo bad left

tbe botel In tbe morning dlreotlj after breaktaat,

to Tlalc tbtlr ooatomen, and not onlj bad tbej not

teen aeen bj ibem, bot had nerer ibown tbem-

•elrea at tbe botel again. T»o were well knowntownamen In eaaj olroumatancea, wbo bad parted

froDttaeIr tamUlea aaoaoal.tn got^thelrplaca cl

boilneaa, and bad nerer been aeen again at tkeU

honea. Indeed, ibej bad not oTen teaobed their

reapeotlTe atorta.

Tbe aliib one wu a penaloned major, wbo bad

left bla botel earlj one morning topajaTliltloa

nlaU*e llTlng In tbe ootaklitaot tbe town, and on

ibe waj tbilber, bad been Inat u ojaterloaalj

pinted awaju tbe otben.

Wbllewltntbe tbree dmmmen tbe nppoalUan

waaatleaatnotezcloded tbat tbej.aaJoUj joong

men aboot town, bad fallen Into bad oompanj, and

met tbeir (ale ao frlgbitoUj earlj and nneipeoledU

In a aeoret gambling bell, wltb tbe old modem aol-

dier It waa nnqoeattonablj not tbe caae.

Tbe major waa, moreorer, a roboat man notwttb-

itandlog bla age, and waa, bealdea, armed wltb a

terolTer, wltb wblcb weapon be waa known lolia

Torj bandj. for tbat reaaon It aeemed lo be tbe

moat mjaterlooa lo bla caae tbat be oonlddlaappear

ao anddenlj and wllbont a trace, for It oonld not

be aacertalned tbat be bad emn been aeen aoj-

wbere In tbe nelgbborbood of bla relaUTe'a bonae.

Oetlabi It la tbat tbe relatlre In qoeailon bad not

aetejeaonblDLWltb ibeae faeta known to blm, no wonder tben

tbatotiarlea Henrjwu loat In a brown atadj all tbe

WBj to Leeborg.

Upon bla arrtnl Ibete, be pot op at tbe lame

botel at wblob iba mlaalag gneatabad atopped, aid,

baring dined, aet ool for tbe injor'a oaoa to con-

aolt wltb tbat official telatlTe to tbe atrange aOblr.

Anbooruuerbemlgbt hare been aeen amr tbe

h«n>« of tbe rlrer, In tbe ootahlrta of tbe town,

wbltber be bad wandered wblle atlll nmlnatlng on


Snddeolj, be foond bUnielt nnderalargeabadj

tne, at wbnaa foot alood a raaUo bencb. Halt ear-

toondlng blm and oonoeallng tbe rlrer tixm bla

Tlew, were denaa boabea, wblob alao paitlj later-

oepted bla Tlew ot Ibe bigbwaj.

BeaealadbUnaelf ontbabencbaadgar* blmaelf

opto bla cogitation.

ADatoncebe waaalartled bja abiUl arof dee-

pall eloaa behind blm, and at tbe ne nomantajooagglrlnAed nnt nf ttw Tinabiia In iba iHiin

tloBoC aa aigbwaj, anrt nmih tewnda tbe ttnr,


Qolcker toan it can be wrliun, tbe jooog manhadipninglohla (eet and darted after tbe nnbappjoraatom. Oloaebj tbe bank beancoeededlncatob-Ing her; bnt oalj bj exenlog all bla atrengtb waabe able to prereot tbe deapetata jooog girl ftoocatrjiog oot her Intention, wblcb abe did not ap-

pear willing to glre op wllbont fnrtber ceremooj.Be waa obliged to atmggle bard with tbe nnfor-

tnsale cteatore; her bot breath graied bla oheeka,

and her Urge ejee pierced bla, oaablng wltb anger.

At last he orertame tbe mad tbing, wboae fleroe

realatanoe waa now followed bj aawoonlike weak-Dea.Tbenbeletberalipgentljtoibe groond, fetched

aooie water In bla bat, and picked op Ibe baadker-

a doTll—mj own fatber, watcbea me, tbreaieni

me, Imprleona me, but, tor all tbat, wa aball meet•gain, aod joo aball koow ibewboletnib. Donoifollow me; do not arek to know wbere I Uto—It

migbt mln all."

Obarlea Deaij gare bor a Octttlooa name, wblobbe bad aaaomed on arrlrlng In Leeborg, and alao

bla boiel, and told her tbat be waa a tbeologlcal

•todent tiaTellng at random.••Tbank jool" abe wblapered, holding ont ber

band to blm, and tonlog ber large dark ejeaaofoil on blm tbat It almoit aeemed to tne joong manaa If a aopematoral btlUlanoj anddeolj flooded

blm and plooged bla bean Into ao ocean ot bllahllbetio onknown lo blm, It wu like a contact

In tbe look. At tbe aaoe Inatant tbo floor anki|DlckU nnder tbe toot o( tbe aoipilaed naa, andbefore be coold crj oot, tbe baplea delaoUra foondhimaalf deep onder Ibe groood la otter darkaeaa.

Tbe opening In Ibe door bad eloaed OTerhlmlm-mtdlalelj, and be beard a doll aonnd ot ibnining

atepa. Tben all wu altll, and not utU notf did

Obarlea Benrj fnllj onderalaad, not onlj the ter

rlbleneai and laolatlon ol bla altoatloo, bnt 11 wuclear to blm at tbe aame time that now be blmaelf

wu 10 Inoieaae Ibe nnmber ot Ibe poor TloUma onwboae acooontbe had been aent to Katobea.

Tbe apaae In wblob tbe deteotlTe foond blmaalt

wu aamw, and did not permllonelofeaeb cottar.

Tbat ererj cry for kelp wooM be aael«ia wu avl-

oblef abe bad dropped, lo order to batbe ber fore-

head and oheeka.

Wbat a ptettj, aweet laoel Tbe dooMe cbann of

Innocent jontblolneaa, and perfection oralltbefea-

Inrea prodoeed an effect In tbla tmlj olaaalcal face,

wblob mnat alao bare tonobed tbe jonng man.Finallj aba opened ber ejea aod percelred ber

iltoaiuon. She wu alleni for a long time; a noble,

modeatabame and remoiM for ber elofol act madeber face glow aoddeolj, and ber ejra grew molat.

"Ton tbUik Terj 111 of me," abe began, at flnl In

a low, tben In a flimer and oncommonlj aweet

Tolce. "Yon tblnk Terr Ul of mo," abe repeated,

"bot If JOO onlj knew all jon woold forglre allP>

Obarlea Brnrj, deeplte all the pltj be felt for tbe

prettj joongglrl, oooldoct help abaklog bla bead

bj waj of dlapprobadoo.Thenopon ebe reaomtd, u It In aaolUoigoj:

"Ab, JOO are right—ooe eboold nerer, nerer go

BO rarl And jet—it joo onlj knew wbat I anObrl"

"If I, tbiongb mj Interrentlon, bave a little claim

on jooT cooOdeace, and It woold nlleve yoo to

oonSde In me—tben nothing need prerent jon from

legardlag me u a friend, wbo maj bear all, and

wbo wlU lodge Blldlj ud giro pmdeot adrlce."

For a long wblle tbe joong girl gare no replj lo

tbla. A rtoleot itnggle wltb hetieir at tbat mo-

meni aeemed to agltale ber. She eaat down ber

ejea; ber Ilpa trembled.

•lea, jea," abe wblapered, flnabj, almcat loandl-

Mj. "Oh, bow aweet It wooM be to be able lo oo-

boeom mjaelf—lo be able to poor oot all tbat MmIn mj btart I And It aball be ao I I win be frank

wltb JOO—JOO (ball koow all I Todaj 1 lack tbe

atrengtb to tell it—to—to—denoonoe mjown fatber,

lUeubelal lamtooeibaaated.Imoatflntban

time to eompcae mjaelf. Bot wbo ate jon, to

whom 1 owe mj lifer I eball nerer forget tbat job

accompUabed that at tbe parti ot joor own life,

einoe I mIgbt baya dngged joo Into tbe water

with m« anil boib ofu might bare beea diowned.

Bowarer, thai la ivet. I aweu lo joa that aacb

tkoogbta aban aarar Mn me onaj afala. Bnt

bow eaa I gel word to JOB wkan aad wbea tomeet

maacalaf laaaetBljewBmlataa.' A'

from aootber world, like a pteaentlnenl ot te-


And u he now went awaj, pannog for a momentbj tbe bench coder Ibe large abadj irce. It leemedto blm u tboogb Ibe flrat aonbeam of bapplneubad fallen aoddeolj Into bla Ufa, and be atatcd

after tbe gracefal, raiieatlng form u It la a dream.

Wltb agltatloa and longing be walled daj after

daj for tbe promlaed appolntmeot of the meeong.Aa tor bla deiectlTe work, be had notu jet been

able to get a aingle doe tbat might lead blm lo tbe

•olodoo of tbe mjaierj tbat bad ao atlrred op tbe

qolet little weatem town.

At lait be foond a neat little note atibeoflloeof

bla botel, bcMlDg the almple algnatoie of Blella,

and wblcb r«|a<st«d blm to meet ber the followlot

Bondajatnoon, on tbe same apot where be bad

lint net ber and formed ber acqoaloiaace onder

ionb eztnordlnarj circnmitancea.

Poll ot Impatleooe be walled there for Ibe joonggirt, bot In Tain. Bad It not been dair to Obarlea

Ueorj notu tben tbat be bad reallj loat bla heart to

tbla pretij joong glil, be mnat ceitalalj bare per-

celred It bj tbe agiuilon iliat took poaaeaalon of

him, becaoae lb* ooe eipected remained awaj.

Tbat tbe Inhoman parent tn whom Stella bad re-

ferred that daj, mlgkt be connected wlibll, grlered

himaorelj. nnalljlteimckcneo'cloek.anddeep-

j tnobled and concerned, be letraoed blaiiepa lolo

Ibe towiL

Oo tbe pnbllc aqoara, wblcb wu deaerted al tbla

boor,wben ererjbodj wu at table, Obarlea atopped

at a tobacco iton toimjadgwortwc before going

to bla boteL Tbe old man, wtio waited on bin wlib

cringing pollteneae, looked like a Veilcaa halt

bleed. Wben tbe deiectlre dnw oot bla well tiled

pccketbook to paj for wbat he had booght, the

atoiekeepar went aoddenlj to tbe door, u If aome-

thing eitracrdlnarr wu lo be aeen ontalda, aod

placed blmatlf before the aame, ao tbat no ooa

oonld aee Into tbe atore from tbe itreet.

wtUe tbe "atndent," qoiu nneoBoeraed abaot

Ibe atoiekaeper, wu lajlBg tbe aaeoat of bla for-

ebaau on tbe eooBter, be baud anddaBlj al Ihe

door a peeaOar eUckM If tkakej wu balag

dent to blm, for wbo oordera aad roba la aoob areffned maanor oertalnlj doeanot learencb oilon.

latlou oot of tbe game. Aa bla poeketbook laj

abore on tbe ooonler, tbe robber wonid probablj

leare blm at reatlo tbla gmra nnlll the decoapoel-

tlcn of bla oorpM obliged blm to reBtore It for fear

of diacorerj.

Wbat a pmapect for aocb a joong lite and for aheart that b>red ao ardeotlj I A aort of deaperale

madneu took poaaeaHon of the poor fellow, aadtbat prored fortoaale for blm; for, all at once,

when be wu Ibnwing bla anna abont him wlldlj,

there opened elowljononealdeotblalofflba bearjdoor, tbroogbwbou craok a cellar air Impregnated

with the odor ot wine penetrted Into bla bortlMeptieon. Wltb tbe awakenlog of bla cooiaga andhope bla atrengtb radonbled, aad be focceeded In

opening tbe doorallogetber, Be dropped caotlooa-

IJ opon bli fcneta, and felt with bla haoda oot Into

tbe cold darkaeaa. Stone atepe ltd opiraM, aad

bj tbeaa the detectire tuibed a cellar like, ranllad

apace. In OM ooraer of wblcb be eapled a UtHe

barred wledcw, tbroogb wblcb a rerj faint glim-

mer ot dajllght fell loto the depth. Under aocb

olrcomataoca tbe wax malebea be carried oonld

not betnj blm, ud bj their light be now gmdoalljnadeontibealtoatlon of tblnga. HlaeaoapewuwboDj du 10 tbe olrcomaiaooe that Ibe man aborebad eaaoallj forgotten to batea the Iron door wlib

tbe padlock.

la tbe cellar ware atorad an kiBda <* ddbonae-bold atoff, and oa Bona abalru la one oomar le-

apeclablarowaof wine botUu abowed Ibenaatrea.

Before tbtm aloed a caak with a candlaallak, a half

enpljwiH bottle aad a glau; baaUe ll,aa old

tubloned bot eoafonabia anaebalr. Eridaallj

tblawu a farerlle place of tbe mnrdarou robbari

batllwutobepruoaad ibaibaaoagbtlbeBaaaonlj wbaa bla laal rlcttm had Baeeambed lo atrlgbtfol death bjatairadoa, Bot abliMr did hetakaUathaaf To Ibe jeaagdeteeUTeltWMaa-qaaaUoBable thai the lalhmau rlOala apBlaIn did

aol bar ot bam the aefpauiaadllaaaaadjBalMlapcrtble^ with Ihe taaaac gelBfl ca la ae Ufa et

aaeh a IMa lB«a,«bM* aiB lalfkbertekaBhla

noae lolo all ihe poiaand eoreera otaaoUier nelgb-bor'e booae, tbat tbe mordeter oonld gel bla Tlotimont ot Ibe booM witboot tearlog deuonon.On a oloeer exanilnailon of tbe large flagalonea

tbat compoaod the oellar floorlna, he foand Is oneof tbem an Iron rlog, bj which to rataa It, aadwhile Obarlea wu leroWIng In blamlod whether II

wu adrluble to follow op tbla dUooierjat once,

be beard on a audden, a kej torn lo a door near Iba

wine atielru. The diteclire learailj tonnd Uoetoblow oot bla wax match and crooob behind an old

•nfa, wben the lohaooo dealer appaarad, wltb alighted candle In bla hand, and made blmMlloom-tortable In theam obalr.

From bis hiding place Obarlea Iteonr wu able,

u tbe latter aat lo a bright light, to get a full rtewof Ibe mallgwot face, wlib Ha wbole plaj of eoontenaooe, andao he noticed that this monater, adarhe bad aiukea oheertoglj to ibe red wlae with ajoj-

folennrk, llatcned lo IbedliecUoDOflbeolbercor.ner, where be tbonght bla rlctln waa.

Obarlea qnlcklj made up bis miod what to doThe momeot the old man roee to letre Ihe oellar bewoold take him ooawarN; he woold get'tbedrop'

on bio, and thu force blm tr> rarreoder. Or, If benelaleil, be woold abool him dowo Ilka a wild

beut Aod tbe old wretch blmaelf oowliungljhelped tbe delecUre in get blm Into bla power.

In hie erliteot loj orer Ihe repeated aaooeu ofaalo^ou Clime, tbo latter golped dowa gteeldnogbia ol tbe wloe, aod It wu oot loni befoi* hebegan to jawn, and preaanUj, itretcblog cat bla

lege, boHt op a drooken snore.

Oaotlonalj, bla hand on bla rerdrer, OhaMeaflebtj now stepped from bla bMlog place, tn get

poaataslon ol tbe cellar kejs, which lar beside the

old mao'a wine glau nn the ouk, for the httier hadlocked the door behlod blm. Aa Obsriee ploked nptbe teja ibej cllohed togetber aod awoke tbe mar.dertr. Wlib a wild oath he aprug lo bla tsal, aadlo so doing sxtlngolahed the light. Tbe dstecUrelook adraniage of tbla to ton toward tbe cellar

door, with the bope of being able in and It, eren In

Ihe dark, hj meau of his local senie. Indeed, heaoooeeded In reaoblog the door and nolocklDg It,

bot he got no fortber. Tbe old maa aoddenlj at.

tacked blm from behind, gruping bla haoda with

boroolaan sirangtta, so tbat be coold not make uaof bla rerolrer. Obarlea appeared to be loat, for bewu no match for bla aaullani In itrugtb, wbaaaoddeolj tbe door wu thrown open, aad alalia,

light In band, appeared on the Ibreabcld, leadj le

aol, In ber ton, u a raacoer.

Her Tlllaloou taiber—for aoob, la tsol, wu Ibe

relation tbe nie aaaaaain bore lo the joong girt

whom tbe deieotlie bad aared from aniclde—nllarada bowl of lage at tbla Inlerrsnllon of bla danghtar,

and raleaaing bla rlctlm, roabed toward ber wllhopllfied list. Rotbtfore be reached ber be pitobed

forward oo bla face. A atroke ot apoplexj badeared blm from the moodaos Jfldge.

Tbs mlaiing corpau were found where Obarlea

Beorj bad aopposed tbem to be, and u hia baad-aomeat rawaril, he took Blella boms with bin u bis

bride.I a^ae-^-

PERCY BROOKEWu hon lo Keotookj aod wu edocaled at RaolaaOollege, wbere bla boddlog draraado talent fooadeipaulon In plaja gtren bj Ibe alodeola In Ibecdlrge gjmaulom. He began bla pptfaaslcBal

csreer wlib a Weatem reperlorj eonpuj lo play

ujiblBg,u be eipreaau It, at Are dollar* a wwkand expfoaea. Be nerer saw Ihe tea. Bla Btsl

good engwemeot wu with monle HaiMem, wllhwhom bo made bla diat meiropolliaa appaaraaceu Wallj llenderaon to "Oaprlce," at wbal la acwtbe lleiBid Hqoare Theatre. During Ibe eeaaca of

ItU-M be wu wllh Bidwell'a Blar Stock

Co., of New Orleans, of which Barton BUI,

fxaepb Wheelnok, Marie Walnwrlgbl, OharluWbeailelgb and llarrr Hawk were member*.Ooncemlng Ihia engagement bestalMhawu on.

der nunj oMIgalloas to Barton Dill, nadarwboMable alage maoagament be wu Ihe prompter aadsecond conodlao, and whoas adrica ud aocooragameot hare been nf tbe greatest rsloe, The aea.

son nf liM-n he wu with Idoli Jamu aad Marie

Walnwiiabt, with whom be n<ajed Pint Orars

nifgsr In "Baralet," Dogbmy In "Moob Ado,"

Rod>nan In "mbello." FMar aad the Apctbaoaij

In "Rnmen and inllel," Oronlo In "Kalberloe andPotrooblo," Uiinoelot anblm lo "The Merchaal of

Venloe." l,nolu In "VIrgloloa," ud Poljdor la

"iDBonar." He wu oexl wltb Artbor Behaa'a Co.

u Btookalow, lo "Maooj A Oo„"0ealalgh la "SertaTweoij' eight," and Dr. Boffmao In "Utw* In liar

neat." norlogtbeaaaaouof IM»-MaadlNa4lktplajedBlr Andrew Agnecbeek la "TwelfUi Rlgbl^n

with Mirle WalnwrlgbL Be wuMxtforeatttB-soa, with Pruk Sengera "Mr. BaroM a( I, T.»Oo., plajlae the Pieoeh railway goard. TbeBUBsanf IWM), be wu agala wllh Maria WalavrlfH,u Orahitu la "Hie Bcbool for Scaodal," Adam Ul

"Aa Ton Like It," and Rlcbaid Boitaa la

Roolal Hwlm." liMUMsnabewaeoBlberoadwHbSol Smith Reaull, Be la at pttteol a aamher ot

Wm. II, Orau'a compaaj ud bu won Baneh boner

br bla performaaoa of Ooclnr Osloa, la "MerryWlTMctWIodaor." ItmajJoaUybeaddadlbatkltparformaoce of tbla role bu larelj. If erer, beta

eieelled, _

"I TBI.L jmi. old mnn, I nw ihc muU remarkable

exbllilllon nf animal Inlflllii^nce tndsy that could

be Imagined." /Wl»-Wbat waa lit irn(U-Abridal parlj alarlert from the hnnse acrou Ihe

street from wbere I lire, and one ot tbe horaea at-

laobed lo the carriage threw a nboe. Mow, whatdn jou think of thatr

llBiomaooa (atier the certmonj)—Maud, joo

and I are one now. It nnlj rrmains In be decided

wbleb Is Ihe one. I Irlrd lo win joo, didn't It

firfdi-^Tes, Bsmid, "And I won. Tnal seems to

muIc II." "Hot quite, lltrold. Ton tried lo wis

me. Ton succeeded. Tben ;oo are Ibe wlaner,

arajoonoll" "rei.dear." "Aod I am tbe won."

|T« PBiorioiL uaia,—man—Papa, wbat la lhal.

big hammer for In Ibe box al Ibe aide of Ibe cart

fbpa-lt serrea two pnrpcaes, ny sao-lotatMtIbecoodoclorlo hnockdowafarMudloMy At


oonnerolal uareler lo ctaeh )okat<-ff(trtar|auimin,

730 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaby 19

LATEST BY TELEGRAPH.Xfoadsr Xlcht'a Op«Bla(« In all th»

Big Show T«rw«.


LottI* Collins, th« Tavary Optra Co. and"Lallah Rookh" are Doing a Phenoma-nal ButlnaH—Tho Buih Street Cloi«diISpMiftl Dispatch to Tb« Iftw Vorfe Clipper. J

BiK FaiKOUoo, in. 16 At Uig Olironila Tlx*-

In Lotilg colllDi'TroDliailoDn remain 111* auru-tlOD, asd bnilntai oodUdiiuI good. In Uot, Die B.

B. 0. iliin wu dUplajed at lertnl pwfonuwoealiatweat.

BiLSwiM TnuTBi. — Harla Iterarj'i EnflUk0pm Co. Mfin tbo aicood week of tlitlr eaMe-

tntnthmUat eTenlDir,wl>(n "WlUlani Tyil" «mODg. "ntvlaia," "OaimoD," "OiTeUarla Ro«U'

caaa," "nmit," "UwUia," "Ttontora" tat "Lo-

lieigTin" will fonn ibe rrpntorj for Die remalDderot Uie w(«k. Tha aooc«u of me opera compaor la

aanred. TtieattendtDcalut week waivarr large,

Uie B. R. B. algn belog Oliplajed nlihtlj.

' BrocawaiL'a Tbutiib,—•(loldas Itelio" wiayreaeiled Uat erenlDg for llie Iret ilnie.

ALCiziH.—Wllltrd and Wlllltm Neaell, In "ntOparalor," began an engagement lieie lut ercn-


OaiNV Onni Uoum.—"HoEenna'i Flirtation"

Isthlaweek'abllL' TiTou.-On acoonnt ot the ancoaai of "Lallah

Jtoekli" It will lie kept on Indegnltelr.

Tna Boan Briiiar TuiATaa le dark, where bul'JMU baa been ailremely bad tor aome time.

OaraiDH.—Bnntli, Rodd and lOake/, Glare DoI.nnea, Louel'a nook of trained etorka, BogcrtantO'Brien, T. J. oodtrar, LydUYcanian Tlios, Qeor-

glua Dadlgo, noaaljn Broa., namr* and Ano, andthe McOanbje wore tbo attrtoUre featorea lutweek.

Nom.-J. ). aotUol) and Air. Rllnghonae haredlipoaed ot tbeir managerial Intareatt In tbaImperial, Loa ADgclef,and liare returned lotbiaoily. Ther art In March ol a good piece of ibeat-

Tleal propertj Home Pojaer hat aerered bit

conneoUoa with the CallCornlt Tbeauo, and QotBdlllnier hat been appointed to the treaanter'a

peat nnru Lore, after a jerj cloea call, laagain oonnleacant and hu renmed the tolllon of

Riage dancing Oarl Smith, Beatrice Lleh and• ccmpaorwill abort]j make a tour or the FtcUoOotat


The weak opani promldngly. although In

aoniB citlai the attandanoa It not vary

large-The uiual weekly ohtngea In the

bllla are reported, but no noveltlet are

Introduoad—Ethel Barrymore Overoomeby Cas-The Stadt Theatre, Milwaukee,

Damaged by Fire.

Itpeeltl DUptubai to ni K«w Toik Clipper I

OBioioOi Jan. III.—The Oolambla wu the Meccaor a large nomher of onr ehow goera Bandar night.

When "14e2" wag gireo Itt local InlUaUre, bjnioe'a Bnrpriae Party, Late arrlralt were com-jelled to stand, aail (he pertormtooa won Inataot

aaeoeai. Illohard narlowe made the hit of the eren-Ing by Tlrtne ol hia nukeop and atage pretence,

tint a nomber ol the other membera or the clcTer

orgaslcallon come In for atrong recognition

•'A Tampemnco Tuwd," at the Qiand, •The BItok

Vrook," at MoVloker'a, and an oilra perfonnaace byrrimrote A Vett'e Ulntttela, at the Vhlcago, werethe holdover atlracllont on the down town etagee^

and the auendanoe at all three houaet oonld eatlly

led teaUng room In any oae of the Uiea'ret la

qaetilon uharltt Ulckaon retomed to the

Bchlller (or a week'a prodacUon ot "Inoog"and began bit enRagemeni with fair hutlneat

lecorded "The Enalgn" opened bli at the

naymarket, and at UavUn'a two good honiet metHanlona' "Fanlaima" "Acrota the Potomac"did not open very well at the Olark BIrett Thematinee pertormancc wu omiued at Uie U«y-narkct, "l^awn Ticket 9io" belngdolayeil rn roiiu,

hot the night home wu ot good pioporUonUllrtr and Kate Oyron met fair reward at the Lin-

coln when "Tiie Upa and liownt ot Life" wm girenforlbeOrat time In llie Qerman aeuiementThe many attract Ira acta at the Itoytl Kngllth CIr

ooa twred to mi that permanent big top to repl^tloB Btock bnrletque, preceded by excelleol

apecltltlet, tarred to draw good hooeca to Bam T.

Jtck't Opeia nooH and the Rmplte Down at

the Alhambra fair Inm oatt wtro accorded "TheOoaat Qoard," and the aeniAUontl featnrot of

the phky met bclausiooa reapontet fiom all

paria of the houo Ilollly ,tc Wood'a Oom-pany tnlthcd the weok at the Olympicwith a big torn ont on hand The bill

of eontleuoua vailety at Frank DaU'i Cuino wuenjoyed by neatloi cnpadiT andlencca day andlight Uonday night broogbt two noTCIUettothe local atage, tlic pretentttlon of "The Baable

Bhop," by John Drew, Inciting chief Intel eiL

Uocley'twaa Oiled compleltly by the fathlonable

act and the lUrand play were equally well recclrtd.

.. ..At the Ohlcago Opera lloutewo were treated to

n aobattnilal anionnt of pretty women on the Initial

appearance of "A Oalaty Olrl." Tho ntiendaaco

wu very good, and the play tconid a ttir anooear.

Hay Ilowanl'a UorlMqiio Uorapaoy cspigred

two giKMl houet at tho Ulynipio John Hor-

rittey't Qrenler Lyceum Theatre Co. held downhome hue a*, the Lyoenm, aed, Jadglng by tbe

amount of applauie, tho auiilenroa, which were of

good pioponlun, enjoyed the ahow. Wllllt OUtrke

and Annie Whitney mule hlii The apeclal

tralna bearing "Uii2" and "I'awn Ticket aio '

met wlUi an accident between here andritttburg, I*a., which might hare proved trrluot,

but no onewu Injand Manager Sam T. Jaok

arrlTtd home Bnnday luoratni from hIa trip

throngs old Mexico wiih hit pocket book replettd

and hit health gnally Improved J. r. Uanlihu gone In advance of I'riairote .\ Wcit't Hlnttrelt

and hu been tnccccded by John T. West hack with

thethow Hay llowtril'e Co. Uldoir here lait

weak I). Phillip rbllllpt, adrance for Walker>Vhlieiilde, epent Banilay In town Paul RIomala orgaoitlng an "Ola Olten" Vompany here to

take the road toon Keale Clinton hu been

called home by the lllnett of her mother, and Violet

et CI lire la working with Ralph Pott thitweekal

the Lyoenm The weather conUnnct tevere andwill have an evil cirect on onr theatiet Ihit week.

HIaco't Olty Club corata to Ibe Bmplie next

week.PniLtDxirnii, Jan. 11.—Cimiililrrlng the trarclty

of aortllltaat the theattealuinlght the auenducewat all that could bo ddlred. William U.tTrane

gave "The raclOo Mall" t) a large and mildly en

thnilutio nndlenco at the Chumnt Blrert Opera

House. It wu well alaged, and Mr. Oiane't tup-

portwu excellent "Dnirj'a lilnnden^" at the

Rmpire, iru the only other nnrelly, and the gallery

greeted Barney Ferguaon vocttennily ThepooiTtt Monday night honae ot the teaton wu at

the Olrtrd Aveane, which, alter all, oompaied fa-

vorably wlUi a nnmtier ot the other houea. Thebiu wu w.B. Ollbcrt't *araloheo," bytha ttook

eoapaay. Tka play li totaaattDf, ai It dealt with

the old leteat o( Fasalla a father oilglntl ntaatr,

bet apoB the eeeadsu e( Ita toner Amtneaa pro-

daetlcBt, never Bade a (avonhlalmpitalOB. TheFaaat o( Onaton Oltite, the VtphMophelta of

Boat Whytal, and the Qtatchea ol Marte Knowlet

were excellent bitaotaettng FOrtpangh'tBtock

Company, with Dnacan B. Harrtaofl,Ra)pb E. Cam-minp, Barry Dnffleld and UodeHmt apecUUly an-

gaged, gava a Ina perfomanee ot "Men andWoman" to two large hontea. The play wuelaborately ttaged, and compared favorably wItt

the Itobmaa prodncUoiL Fanny Mclntyre ant

Howell nnntelhava done nothing bailer at Fort-

paugh't The Inumatlonal Vaadevlllea had a

highoite at tbe Aodltortnm "Frinceti Bon-

nle'a"ret«mtotheBmadwutheBlgBal forablidcmcnttrauon. ne honiawu packed, there wore

Oowen galore and the enthntlaam wu nnbonnded,

"Ohartey'B Aont" had a fair honu at the

Ohettnnt The new featorea ot Camcroat'

Mlnamla were aajoyed by a large aadl-

ence it the F.laventh Bireet Opera Honae.

Bamabee A MaoDosald't Company gave "ThaKniekerbooken" to an Indaigtnt and fair aludandicnce at the Park "The Tiolley Byaten"

aeemed to pKateaMg aodlenoa at the Peoplet,

where the Oameliu proved to tie hit favorltea.

An snntntUy large andlance hetnl "LaPerlchola" and taw the vandenUe bill at UeBIJoo.T. . . At the Rinth and Arch Moienm tha newcortot drew big conllnnona hontee One ot tte

itrgett hooBtt of the teaaoa greeted Comatock't

Hintlralaattbeaiand Opera Honie. Billy Sweat-

ntm wu taken 111 and Eddie French tiled h<a

place.-.. ..."Two Old Ctonlea" had a fair il»dhooM at the Kentlngton Bam Davereia

Own Company, at tha Lycanm, ptajed to goodbnilBiti. Oraeaa made a hit That "Dine

Jeant" It tUU popularwu proven by a large honte

at the National DOBBtlly and Olrard gave

"The Ralnmakera" at the Walnut, where bntlneuwu only fair "A Banel of Money," JadglogtroD the attendance at the Standard Itat night,

will make good l(a title Bntlneuwu lo badat the winter Olrcna lait week, with tha exception

ot Batnrdaj night, when there were teveial box-

ing bontt, thtt ne atlraotton waa booked tor Uepretest week ODtll tha elerenth hour- Arnold AOardner't Female Hutodon MInatrela appeared

before a very tllm audience lait night.

BoeroN, Jul. u.-Jaa. w. iiarklu Jr. 'a newAmerican melodrama, "The Man Without a Ooan.

try," had lla tnt Bottoa preaentallonltti night at

the Grand Opera Honte before an andtence that

mied tha theatre. The play It acted by a ccmpC'tent company, and the tcenio and mechanical lel-

ttngi are decidedly novel The third and hatweek ot Jolla Marlowe-Taber't engagement at the

ncUlt Street Theatre opened with as audience the

peer In tone, nnmhen and enlhutlaam ot anythat hit atiembled In that houte In many moniha.The pretentaUon ot Itota Eiynge and A. S. FIther'a

adtplatico ot Brownlng'a poem, "Oolomba'a Blith-

day,"u given by her laat night, wu not at all lavlaraclory to her audience. She waa nervoua andnot, at all Umea, up In her llneH. She lacked force

when her Unea requited ttiongdrtmaUc power andexprtaaloo. Bar andlence wu onUcal but ratber

cooL "Pygmalion and Oalalea" doted the bUI. In

her lopertoaaUoD of the latter chaiaoter the star

well earned the raptotont applanta accorded ber.

.... 'The New Woman" drew a big honte to the Oo-

lambla Theatre and received a hearty tend oit onlu tecond week At ntaa!,"A Black Sheep"

packed the Park Theatre, In fact, "tomedthem away." Not a teat oonld be oblalBed for

aome time before tbe doora opened, and atandlng

room wu tcaree, Indeed. The eitfavaganta im.

ptovM with age and the Introducttcn ot new andtnnny bntlaen Ware A Wocll't operetta,

"Weitward Ho," begun Ita aecoad week to a large

and appreciative andlance at the Beaton

Hnteum, and the favor with which It wureceived wu fully u warm at on anyoccatloB ahioa lit pnm'al pretentaUon...

"The Wagta of Sin," at tha Bowddn BqoaraTheatre; The Dragoon't Uanghtar," at the OiaUeSquare; Bill Hoey, In 'The Flamt," at the Tie

mont, and Jamea A. UemCa ''Shore Aotea," at the

Bolton Theatre, aeverally received generona rap-

port from our theatre goeia, and the week openedflnely It It alaott toperaooni to tay thatat

Kelih't New Theatre big orowdt were contiiut In

their attandanoe, and irluieaaed a ine vanderllle,

comedy and tpeolalty thow, and the popular price

houttt came In tor their qnolaa of cub, attemoonand evening.

MiLwiuiBB, Jan. It.-The People'a Thoalreheld

the latgett Sunday honaei ot the week, Muco'tOlty Club Company commencing on that day.

Mcnday't hontea were tlto Urge "A BummerBilnard," at the Academy, drew fairly waUBun-day Tbe BIJcn, with Morrlaon'a No. 2 Com'pany, headed by RoMbel Morrtaon, lu "Faott,"

opoied to fairly well flUed bcuaea Sunday, andabout the tame lut evening "Uer Ptatrer VonRlrohfeld," at the Stadt, wh given with

good enect Bonday night before a large andattentive audience "The Ulil I Lett Be-

hind Me" had a flue opening honte at the Davld-

tcnlutnlghl,andmadeaproronndlmptttiloo'Tne Wonderland'! held fair boutea ThoDavldaon management were tintottsnata in book'

log Hutphy and Candeld In "AUmony" Sunday,

The play and company ware flat tallurca and hadpoor attendance 0. F. MUler, tatcked by w. W.Whiulgand Joeeph Planner, the motlc pubUihcr.

hu leased Bchllli Park for next Somucr, and will

icopeo It about June 1 wllhaoomic opera company,Manager Miller will alto play a few top line nude-vllle allrMilona between the acta of tbe opeiaa.

"A Bummer Blltzard'i wilt dote Ihelr louonIt Bihd Banymora, daughter ot UinrlcaBanymcte, wu toond nnconadont In her room Utbe Uavldun Uotel 13. Mlti Btrxymoie, who It amember ol John l>rew>e Company, retired thotUy

alter midnight, leaving word tor aa early oaa Theoill vru made, bit Mlu Uiitymotedldnotrtipond,

nor had aha made her appearance np to the time

the train wu to Man that waa to take Uie coopanyto Chicago. The door.wu loroed, and Hilt Bany'

mote wat found Intennble. Tbe room wu filled

with gaa, which had eeoaped liom an open burner.

Pbyalclana ware tuaffloncd and the ycnog womanvru tettoied to oonidoutntia. It la Ihought that

the will he able to appear with the compiny at

Chicago At eleven thirty o'dock today, fire

from a defeotlve eleelrle wire broke out on the

etageof theSladtThealte. The damages will cer-

tainly be heavy.

WiantHOTOM, Jas. It,—"Sowing tha Wild" at.

Iraoled a large andlence lo Raplay'B National Thea-

This wu the iBltlal prodaoUoa ot tbe play

here, and It tnlly met ihe hlgb axpeotailona of ihoia

pitaent Mn-LaDgHTopeaada icpeitoty weekwith "Bittaer Baadraa" and The lUppy ralr ' at

Ue Oraad Opera Houe, altiaeUog a toll sad ap-

pieclatlve audience. This It Hia. langtryia firtt

appcaranoe heie In Ire yeait, and ourloally la

natutally high 'The ButUtr," at RvlayaAcademy of Hntlo, attracted a big honte, whichheanuy enjoyed the blivtreklt DanMemthyt"Tme Irlth Heasta," with Ibe additional tettnreot

PilaceTlaymtte,drew a large crowd to BnUer'aBijoo Theatn Tbe Irwin Brathtn' Bpeolalty

Show had their ntaal big opaBlag at Stmaa'aI^cenm Theatre, the ttaadlat toon alfa helatdlaplayed early.

BT. louiM, Jan. u.—HaiiT W. Winiami' OimOompaay wu welcomtd by a Mg booae at the

gtudard In the attemoon and a bigger one at

night Hopkint' TraaaOceaalet drew to Ihe

toll capacity ot Ihe Hagan and made a hit

•a«tt In New York" wu gtetled with two full

bontuat Bavlln't Pope'tTheatrewu crowded

afttrsoon and evening, and tha new tpeclally pe>pie made hlla "Aladdin Jr." drew anenUinil-

attic andlance to the Grand E. H. Boihera

prtaeslad "A Way to Win a Woman" to a large

andlence Uit night at tbe Olympic

OiifOniMin, Jan. l6.-Stoart Robion played

"Leap Tear" tor an opener aid there waa a trplcal

drttnlght crowd at the Grand "ThePattUg

Show" began Ita retnra ingagement at the Walont

Street and wu witnetaed by Ihe higgtat Sonday

night honte ot the teiton there Gut Wlllltmt

did fairly In "April Fool",at Bavllnl Weber AField's Oim Company packed the People's. The

fntmer It 111 with diphtheria at PlUtborg and Lou

Field only appeared In the atlerplece, "A GermanSenator." "The Ollbooly'a Abroad" wu Inter

prated by the Uormani to big houKa at tha Foun-

tain "Peck'H Bad Boy" drew well at Rohln-

ton't Anna Eva Fay had aamallhonaaat tbe


LODJtviiLB, Jan. IC—A good andlence w» prea-

ent at Maranley'a latt night, diswn by the oiilqne

performance of llagenbech's mined animals

Tbe BargUkr,"at the Ciand Opera Douse, attracted

a Hue house on the opening night of a week's en-

gagement Alba Heywcod opened at Ihe Ave-

nue Sunday lo a good honte, which wu repeated

lut night Reevet A Palnerit Cotmcpolllans

drew a good house at the Backlngham The

Oem opened to a fair houae.

KANSia Onr, Jan. ls.-Joaeph Murphy opened at

the Coatee laat night In "dhanu Rbne," lo a good

boose At the Grand yeaterday atteropon "YonYoueon" opened to a big matinee and at night had

"S. n.O." At the Ninth Street Theatre Froh-

maa's Company, la "Men and Women," opened to

a big house lut night.


Hlnntapoiu.—At the Grand Opera Uoiisc

nallen and Hart opened for three nlgbtaJaiL It,

and will be followed by Emily Banoker. CarrieTurner wu well received la "Tho Crest ot Society"

>, e, t. The Bandow Tiocadeio (Mmpany had goodhouaes 10 M. "A Temperance Tbim'' la underlinedtcrjlandvreek.Ltobum TBUraa.—'The Omst ot Society" (Car-

rie Turner) came K. it. Adele Ana der Ohe will

give a piano recital le. Ratxrt logeraoll lecnrtdon "The Bible" brfcte a big aadlence 11.

Bmoo 0ria4 UODSB.—uonnne comet 13 forteven nighit, "A Hallroad Tlckei"«i. "The Spanof Ufe" drew fairly good boutet e-lLTBuraa Ooxiqui^Fortlx nigfaia bcglonlDa 14:

MoOarty and wlillama, Edna Uontdio, ClaraAiiama, Weiton and Uall, nazal Floyd, Stella St.

Olair, Ada Wlillama, Jack Price, BlUle Foiter andttie ttook, Builneathfalr.KouL A MiDOLnoM't Pauob Muatnii.-ln the

carlo haU week ot 14, Ume. Warren and Hater,Booth Sea Iilander Joe and wife, Ibe Qermin Roie,Shearer (bag pipet) and a month writer. Siage—Emma Woodt, the ilyana, U. Osgood, Marguerite,two Diamond!. Terry and Elmer and the OrollutComedy Co. Bualneu It Improving.NOTxa.—The Minnetpolla Choral Society hu de.

elded to disband and cancel theremaining two ccO'carta ot Ihe teaton, becanta (u they allege) of lackol patronage at the drat concerL Thla la ontorta-nate for tbe lovera ot otatorlc muato, became therela now no orgaolzatlon that can tomlah that olauof muBlo to tola community Mlu Ana dcr Ohewill appear It nnder the assplcu ot the Ladles'TbondayMntlcale, whiohlaa verr active and auc-cetafnl society Charlea A. rarkor, formerlypreta agenland atlerwarda manager ot the Giano,and httlarlT with the Colombia Theatre, Chicago, la

now one of Jacob UU't itaffot preat agenia. Nextteaton he wlUcome In from the roidand hold Ihetame noaltloo at Mr. LItt'a local bonaea, the BIJouand Hetiopollun Wm. E. sterling and wirehave telDmed from a vltit to Kanna Olty. Theyexpect lo go to New Toik toon Jamea Harn-100, who was itage manager at the People't, huopened a dramatic lohoo) here.

St. Pawl.—At the Mebopolltan Sandow and theTrocadero VaadevlUet came Jan. e, 7, 8, a, to full

toll will deliver hIa new leotnre "The Bide" II.

Emily Banoker, In "Car Flat," cornea la. It, It, IC.

Hallen and Hart, In "Uter On," 17, 18, le. "Wang"week 0120.aaiND.-Butloeuwu bigwiih the Kimball Opeia

OotDlqne organlzaUon, aoppcrtlog Corlnne, week ola. Week of is, "A RaUroad Ticket;" week ot 20,Ulllanuwl^ln "Oleopaim."BODloa Opening 14: Nippon Royal Ttonpe ot

Jape- Uoldlng over: Weat and Fowler, and C. M.Emeal. Botlueu It good.OLTHrio.—Builneas It Improving nnder the man

agement of W. B. (irampion A Cq^lbe new leaieca.weeka ot It and 31, Sherman't world of Wondersand Oano't Imperial Japaneae Troupe.

Dalaib.— At' the Temple Opera nonse"Charley 'e Aunt" made her firtt app<aiance beforea Dulutb audience Jan. H, o and draw large audiencea.Tax Lycbuh had Qua Heege, In "Yon Yonaoo,"

7, when the andlence wat of fair aite.

TUX Pablob TuiiTHE has cloaed Itt doort forthe Winter.


JaehaoBvllle,—At Ihe Park Theatre Hra. Pot-

ter and Kyrle Dellew, In "Oharlotte Uordray,"

pleated a large andlence, at advanced prices, Jan.7. 'The Devll'a Auction" had top heavy taooso.

Oorton't Mlnnrelt had a fairly good atteodance 11.

Coming: KaUo Emmeu lo. "The Prodigal Father"17. Harle Walnwrtsht m, le.

HrraorOLrraN UtLL.— laylcr'e Specialty Company did not fare well D, lo. Prol. Dan Daly't BoX'lag ud Variety Show met wllh moderate tnC'oeatll.NOTis.—Oooper A Co.'a Olrcni will toon airlre

to leleet winter qoarlen In one ot our tuborhs.Amatenn are reboarrlcg 'The Forestera."

which wlU be prtunted at the Park Theatre Feb.0. Tho production Is lu chame of Harry Uogg, aclever actor, who wu formerly with '-riie Coral-can'a Oath" Co.


Hot Bpriaga.—AttheOpetancuae "TheBlickCrook," Jan. e, bad a honae filled to oveinowlog,

which wu well deaerved. 'The Fut Mall," 7, hada light audience owlnil, no doubt, to the badweather prevailing. Robert Mantel, e, had a largeandleaco to wimeea 'The (Joialcan Brotheta."Booked: Oladya Walllt ir 'The Fencleg Muter"14, "Alabama" It, 'The iMrhy Maaool'" 17, SamJack's Co. 31.

I.lllla Rock.—At tbe Capl'al Theatn Robert U.Mantell came Jan. 7, I, to good l oalaesa. "Ala-hama" II, 13, had fair hntlneii- line: Kx-Oov hobTaylor 14, PatU Itota Comedy Co., wllh Qladyt Wal-III, iniUnea 14. 'The Fendng Maiter'i It, Sol BuilthRuttill It, "ne Derby Mucot'' 18, Ban T. Jack'aExtiavagann Co. a, Rchl. Billiard 14, lUohirdManifield t7, Rhea 38 In a elore on HarkhamStreet -Nana" li hooked for tbit and next week,rndligia (leneml Biaddook, the gbnt horae,la being oxhlblitd In a ttoit on Main Stteek


Topaka.—At the Grand, Sol Smilh Rottall camiJan. t to "S. R. 0." befcie eight o'clock, Freemtn'a"A Railroad Ticket" played a return date 7 to goodhutlneat. "FInnlgan'i Ball" » had a top heavyhonae Manaatr Atklnaon opened tbe BIJouOpera Uoute 7 wlk "The CUhler" and 'The WorldAgalut net" bait a week each.

laaTawwoHk,—At Ike Crawford Oiaad OperaHonae "le Old Eentachj" had hne bulnett Jan.*. Hnfiay aad Hack bad good baalneu a. TbeHay roku Ooaedy Co., week ot 7, opened to lalr

batlBeu. OoalBg: Jo*. Hurphy B, "The Olrl I

Lett Behind He" s, 'Tne Span otute" 34.

All Route* Muit Reaoh U« Not Later

Than Monday.

oaAMA'nc.Aktntnm'l^ mila-K«w»aiTPort, Hus., Jia. It-It,A LavlattfiL Me., 31-V.Itaiaaon'a linS^-Dallon^ Ot.. Jan. It, BooUi Pills

bora, Teon.. 17, Fajeua'Tlla II. MiahTlUe _ ^"Acroa Itm FounuC'-Chleaio, 111. Ju. U-U,BoaUl

"AUdd'n Jr/'-BL Loom, Ho., Jsa It-n. ladliDtpolK,led lU-UL

"Aiiiit Hallt"—Mulea, Mo., Jan. It, Nanball 17, Booovilla It, JopIlD IP. ......

"Almbania"—ron Soillli, Aik., Jta. It. Jopllo, Ho., 17,

Anion 18, BprtagfleU It.

"A Orur Lot''—roilotla, O - -lu- >>• TIIBn 17, Plodlay U,UmttU IP. Clooiooul awt. „ ,

"Aoot Brldt<i"-l<<inkuipu>D, Hue, Jao. 1^ Doljoke17. Pllcbbura IS, Lawtna II, Boralo. N. v., It-a.

"Amauof-lyncu*. T., Jan. U, BalUa 17-II,

f/otlJoDee.R I..Ii-M „ „ „Bf lOD'f, Ollnr-Cblcuo. la,Ju. U-IP. Oaaton. O., 31,

RMbtftar. Fm., a3,ar«*oiborx XI, 34, JohMtowaS,AltoODaV.

Bakar'a I', r.—Loctport X. T.. Ju. 31, Ctiaadalgu S,Aobamll.BiraeiiHn'M. .„. „

BaiToafbi', llarie-Tny, K. Y., Jta. U. Albaay 17-lS,

Phlliile!phlvr».,ll-il,. „ __. . _

Bam'M, Wm.—Walarbary. Ct. Jan. 11 New Britain 17,

MldCktowD II, Marlilso II. rblltdalpiiia. Pa . 31-a.BnoDta'a, Jnbn E -Rncbfater, N. T.. Jan. ti-19,

B«rT.ii'a, wilioo-K. Y. Clir Ju. 14-11, Brooklyo, K. T..

31-a.B«farlr'a. DalMr—Hoaltdtla. Fa-Jsoa 14, FhUIIpabora

17. JtlMr tbora la Hraloonvllll IP, at. Oaimtl 11,

BheotnJoahS). laDifoien. ...„.,. _ «Bobb Comadr-St. JobD, M. B , Jan. 14-13, nalKai, K. &,3l-3t.

Baldwin Roian Cootdr-Atltma, Oa . Jan. K-lt. _"Borj^lar"—XoulBTtUa, Kr, Jan. IMP, WaihlottDO, D.

"Bairel oriioner"-PblUdelpbla. Pa. Ja». I4-U.„"Buoeb ol Xaji'^aw Orlaaiia. Ia., Ita. 13-IP, Mobile,AU.3I. MootfODerT33;Colainbill, aa.,a, BLacoalt,JackiAaTIDa, Pla., at. earatuiata, Oa , 0.

''Black Sheep"—BoatoD. Hm^ Ju. II, Indaflfllta.

"Black Crook," No. I-Cbicago, lU , Jan. UL udalo'u."Ulack Crook," Ho. 3-Padoeah. Hp., Jan It, EvaoarUIe,lod, 17. Inlltnapolla IB. 19, Colnmbui, 0.. a, 33.

'-|liacklltt«d"-BlnabAail4n. N. Y., Jan. -16. tioiantos.

Fa . 17-19, Kfnaloitton 3I-3B."BiBUga rbKk"-Brooklpo. N T.. Ju- at-lt.

"Broanlaa '-N T. Cl'r ."n. ll-Fab. 3"BrMiT Time"-tfacan. Ho . Jan. 16. BroobflaM 17, ObU-llcoUia IS. CamaiDo IS. Kuuai Olty 0-3t.

"Blua Jaana"-PhlladelFbla, Fa, Jan. ll-lt^ Williams.ban, M. Y . Il-a

Qoi^lan'B^RMa—PioTldtQca, B. 1^ Jan. 17-19. Beaton,

Clark»-'pHbrofon-rd>aiiIaTllle. Ill, Jan. 31-17.

Cnlllrr'a, Wlllla—PrmldtDre, R. I., Jin. 31-34

ConraM'o. Blnrtch-y. Y.UItr Jaa. 14, Indalnlt*.Cnn^'a. w. n.—rblladalpbit, Pa.,Ju. H-ll, WaahlnctOD,D.O- 11-31

GIIiuibV Joa. D—PioTldrnca. H I.. Jan. 14-19.

Onaaa'a Rattle B*niBid-NoTfolk,,Va, Jan. IC.

Olarka-Farblnaon—BmvUr, Mo., ju. 14-19.

Olarkt'a, Wiltnd-Budiaa. Fa. Ju. 17.

Corbeit'a, Jamaa J.—Naabviua Ttno ,Jan. II. Loolarllla,

Er . 17. Borlniatld. 0., IB. Indlutpolla, InO., It^ HU.w&nkaa, Wia.,3D-:6

"Cbarl^a Annt," No. 1-PhlladaIpbla, Fa, Ju. 11, In-delnlt*.

"Ohailor'a AnnL" Ho. S-Bruivllla, lod., Jan. 17, IB'diaoapolla 31-38

"Cleu Bvaap"—Ballaroolaloe. O., Jan. 16.

"Coon'y Fair"—Dnioth. Minn , Jan. 16

"Ortckar Jaok"—Joboatoao, N. Y., Jan. 16, Byncaia17-19.

"Coul Ouard"-Chlea|o, III, Ju. IS-19, Booheater, N.T.,l<-ai.

*<:opp«r Lion"—Joootlon Olty. Kae.. Jan 16. Balloa 17.

tinloblnaon 19. Ne«tni 31, Walllnatoa 31, WInOald 33,EurekaSI, Bmporlars. Pott SoottlS.

"Colloo KiBi," No 1-N. Y. RllpJu. K-ld"TottAB Elag." No 3- Lowell, Uaia.Jan. 14-19"CroM Boada of Lira'*-Srruul«, H. Y., Jan 16, Ro-ohaaUr 17-19.

"(Clonal"—FanMlDt, O., Ju. 16, D«flue«17, HaryartlleIK. Cuun 19.

"Capl. Fuf'-Balllnota, Md., Ju. U-IP, Waabinitoo,DU. 31-31.

"<v,nefTv nueni"—6t. Joaapb, lfD.,Ju. 18, 19, Kuaia

"i;bar1tr Ball"—Bnrllottoa, la . Jan. 34.

"Cmq UoUow"—Patoraon, N. J., Ju. It, 8cruton, Pa.,18. II,

lioanallf Aarnrt'a-^Fblladerpbia; Pa., Ju. 11-19^

BaUlmor*,Md , 3l-3t.

Dowhntj^f, J.—BilUraore, Md , Jan. 14-19, Roohattar,

Dal'lar'i, Polar P.-Janoy Oitr, N. J., Ju. 14-19, WaahInttoo, D. 0 , 3I-3L

Dowalnx'a, BobL—Atlanta Oa., Ju. 18, 10. Macon 31,

Amarlcnan, Jaokaonrllla, Fla.,33, Bmntmek, Qa, M,Barunah 3J, Aoaojlare.

Dlllon'a John—Fargo, tf. D., Jan 31.

SlekwB'a, Obaa a-Cbloafo, llL,Ju. U-19, LeadrlU^Ool.,23

Downlaa'a, B. L.—OhatlaBooga, Taao., Ju. 16, Atlu'a,Oa, 11719.

Da«anport>, Pannj-N. T. Olty Jan. II, IndeBnite.DarlaVOhaa. L —Lrao, Maaa., Jan. 16.

"Dooya BlDndan"-FlilLulalpbla, Fa , Jan. U-19."Dafff'a TUit"—Dayloa. O.. Jan. n"Oaa1at"-I>alnl>, Micb.. Jan. lS-'9, Chleago, HU B-^."Darbaac Bnaaia"-BnatlTO, K, T., JanTia-u, Phlla-dalpbU, Fa., 31-3S

"Down In Dlala"—Wllmlnilofl, DaL, Jan. It, Hobokan,N. J., lr-19. N. Y. CItr Fab. 1

"Dmby Maaeot"-Uot Bpilnia, Ark., Jan. 17, Little Book

"Darbr Wlonar"-Ilook ItUnd, III, Jan 16. Iowa Ollr,!>., 17. Daa Holnta II, 19, Omnba Nab , tO-tS. Ciaalon,la , 31, Monnwolta. Ill, 36, Aarora 36.

"Davll'a Auction"-Soma, Oa. Ju 11 BlrvloBbam,Ala, l7,Cbaltuooia,Taan, la 19. KnoiTlllo3l,Boaoka. Va.31, DanfiDaB. Norfolk 14, Rlchnonil 36^31

"niitrlct Altomoy"-K V. CItr Jaa 31, lidadnlla.'Eillalar-a.USa-KY. Olty Jan. 11-31'C' BUMwood'a Flayara-Mlddlatowo, K. T., Jan. It-

19. Blngbamlon 11-11BTaTuBoar Comady-BoonvllI*. N. T., Ju. 11-19.

BoDolt'B, la'la—JarhioBTlIla, Fla , Ju. 16. BaTunah,Ca. 17. Ilbarlaatoo,a 0., 18, Aaguia, Oa, t^ Brooklyn,N Y . 31-36.

Bllla'. Cliaa. T.-Wbcaling, W. Va, Ju. 16, Altoooa, Pa


19, Newark. N.J. 31-n.Barle'a Graham—Valpaialao, Ind., Ju 14-19, Ooahao

It- 36.Enuoai'a, J, E.—Ooiaba, Nab., Jan. 16, 17, ConnoU Blaffa,

la.. II"lIoal|tB"-rblcaao. Ill, Jan. 11-19, Fort Wapna, Ind.. 31,Mu>0a:d.O.,33.Culoa39, Balam3l, Baavar Falla B,Eaat LlTarpool 96.

"Elibt BalU"-Oloelnaatl, O., Ju. 18-19. Toledo 31-11"Edptwood Folha," Bayvood'B-LoulaTiUa, Ey,, Jan.


I|i|obmu'aChia,Btoek-N. T.CIIyJan. 14, IndaOntla.' Fanalt'a, Tony—Chartotta, Mich., Jan. 11 Jaokaon17, Orud Rapid! 18. 19.

Farrli' Coniadlana—Wlnobaatar, III , Jan. 11Froat A Fuabawa'a—Mnrrar, O., Ju. 10, 17.

Flik'a. RobL A.-Bprla|waur, M. Y , Jan. 16-19, Angatlaa

"Fa'al Oard"-N. Y. Clip Jan. 14. lodaanlla."Frtanda''-CharUatoo. B 0 , Jan. 16, Birannab, Oa, IB,

AtluU3l.33."PauiL" OrlOlih'a—Toronto. Can. Ju.14-19, OnalphSI,Oalt 83, Brmnllord 33, Woodatoek 34, BL Thoaiu 31Bt.Calbtr'na<3t

"Faat Mail' Notihare-OildwaUr, Mich., Ju. II PonUao 17. Fort Uaroo IB. I'llot 11 nhatham. Onl, 91, PL1boma«33, BarllBXlBrutrordM. BcOaibarlaaaaa

"Faat Mall," Bouihara—BbarmaB, Tax . Ju. II MeXln-o«r 17. Oallaa 18. 10. Poit Wmlb 91, Wtalhlord 33, Corilcua3l, Waoott. Tamplo 36

"Fulaina"—CfaloaKO, III . Jan. 13-36."Fanat," Monlaon'a Waatam—Mllwaohaa, Wia, Jan.19-19. Watertown II, Poa On Lao 33, Otkoih II, Apple-ton 31 HtaotarniFoiBtrt, Baa Olalra 31

"1191 " Riea'a-Oblcaiio, lU , Jao. 11 IndalBlto"1191" Ilaw A Brlaogar'a-Dauolt, Mich., Ju, U-19,Buloaw H

'i'lai^or^Tnica'-Pllubnra, Pa ,Ju 14-lP, CleolnnatI,

"PlBBlgu'a BaM*'—Oakaloofa, la. Ju. 16, Otlnmwa 17,Indapaodanee 18, Cidai B^plOa 19. rataaport

"OooOwln'a, N a—OuvuioD, Tai..Jan.lB. 19-

Oarman Llllpotitna-Datroll, Mioh. Ju. II-IP, Day-ion. O., 31-33

OIHalla a Wm.-N. Y.OIIy Ju. II. Indelulta.ollck'aComadr-Totedo. 0.. Jan. 14-ia.Oapbr-a, Bobby-WUItamaborr, H. T., Jan. 14-19, Pblla.delphia. Fa. 31-36

Gallaabar'a Conady-Roekliad. R I.. Ju. 16. Aatboay17, PlaloOaM, Ot.ia, I9, Votanlown ll-n.

airaulaThaam-N. v.Riir Ju. II, indaloluaarUnd'a, Gio a-Pitnlla. Fa , Jan II, Paitar 17, IIor^iorr'a Oao. L.- North Adaol^ Maaa , Jan. 14-19, Fror.Idaaca, B. I., 31-11.

OfBi'a, ida-A. LonbL Miob., Jan. 11, Battle Ontk 17,Foatiao 18, Pilot 19. Dalroll flC-XI

(litninn a Walla'-JaabaoB. n., Ju. 31-3S"dirt I L.R Bahlad Ma," No. 1-Mitwanhaa, Wia., Ju.ti-ip

'«iil I Latl Babind Mr," No. 3-Boohaal«r, R, T., Ju.11-33. ilbur»-n

"Ollboolr abToia"-CtBolBoat1,0.. Ju. I!-19.*'Ora«B Oooda Man"—HunlbO, Mo., Jan. 16 Qniaer,

III., 17, laokBk, la. II Barllnalon 19. Davaoport 30Cadar.Raplda 31. Oinrnwa S3. OakaloOK O, Daajiolaia34. St Joaaoh, iJo., ti Afblaon. Eaa.,tC

"Qalatr OlrV' No. t-OlareUnd, 0., Ju. 14-19."Ilalalp Olrl," No. I-Chlean>, IlL, Jao. 14-ru. 1nallay BlaTa"-MtrapblB, Tann., Ju. 11 NiUTllla I1-3SIHarrlxu'a EdaaM—N. Y. Rily Jar. II. tidalalla.

Hlllmu'a. Mand>—Nawbnrf, N.W Ju. Il llOloT.amIUatt-ll

Roar'r, Wn.-Boaloa. Maar., Ju. K-St.Uaaaon'a Badla-MaaaBald. O., Ju. 16, Rent ir.SalamII EaalLlraipoolie 8teDbanT|11at1,ParbarabBrB w.Ta., 33. MoOoualliv lla, C, 33, Logu II, Naw LaSlaatoB33. NoiiooTiiiaia • •

Uallan A Uaifa-aianaaoolla, MIbb., Ju. 16 SL FanIl7-19,Uhicae«,lU..Z>-rab.a!

llamliloB'a Idaal Thnlia-fipaaeaTTllla. 0,Ju 14-11BloirroB 11-36

nuBaaaT.Ureyla-Patla.Tax,Ju 17-19. DtBlroan-B."—rth'a Josep)i->ltcbl "— •— " - -

— Jth. K. r —ManTkl-H

Baworth'a Joaaph-'PltchbBrg, Maaa.,' Ju'.Tt'^l^ila.M B, 17, MaaokaaTar ifZaacala 11 BaKST,. -I-H

UolmaaBlal-eaatlBptaB, Fa, Ju. 17, Balrldar* UOirardivtlla D, cSiuile U, WUUaaatova n, kSeSvillaU

"Bamptr Dnmptr," Bataa Bfoa*—Ploiaaee. Ala, Ju.17, Oolambla, rima., IS, NaakvUla lt,OalSaIiriKtak

iu.*ABowllBaOieaB Ky,,Sa,BlaabtlhSHoi Tanalaa'-Blaghamtaa, R.T., Jaa. U, BoiutoBPa, 17, cartoBdaltMi wtltaabam l>,AlbfSiS n'Batdiag 33, roitiTllla 14, VUUanBiioit a, Builr

"HoXar'-WBablBiloa, D. 0 . Jaa. 14-11nomulbr-ProvBuoa, R. I, Ju. 14-11.

'BandaAoroaa tha Boa"-WilllaaiatirwB, Maaa.,Ju li;

Ctmblldia, R r, 17. Trey IB I*.• «">. i».

IUInola Comedy aad Ooa«art-f19, OwaaaolMt,

Irlih Aitlal"-Kt*ark,H.J.,/an^l4-ItJBnSalo,N.T..

"In Old EutBoky," Ro. I-Balh. Ma, Ju. U, Buior 17IS.ABinala 19, Dover, N H. 31,Muchaatar3f la.mc*,Mua.,l3,RLowall38.38.

"la OM Ewtaur."No.t-Bnlblo,l(. V.Ju. 11-19, Sna.OBM 11-31. Wauilown34.0avago38. Corlludll

"IntbaTandarlolB"—ClDclnBail,0., Ju.RI-lt.'Iry LaaT'-N. T. Oily Jan. It-U^ Patatton, N. J., 31Bfl>ab*lb33.TtaatoatlIn Ifea roolhllU"-WllkaibatT*, Fa , Jan. 11


Ooa«art-8I, Johna, Mich, Jaa It.

Jrlab'HomMtaad"—laxioftoa.' Ky, Ju. 31, ParIa ta" .vevlUalXAahlaDd 34,OaUett"Va-16

EaUettaharg 36, Bnauagtooi

JaaaM'a,IUila-AUula,aa,Ju. 16, 17, AngniuiiObarl«loD,S.O,ll

"Jack aad JIU," Shaw'a-BaBta Barbara, Cti.. Ju. li-lt, BBuaTlalatt-n.

"Jua"—WhaollB],W. Va,Ju II Dayton, n , la.

.ITaaBa'a.Thoa W,—Porlland. Ore.. Ju. 14-19A- Eaiidara, Mr. asd.Mra.-]f-T.01trJu. 14-11Eoanedf'a Pitian-Fouauwn, Fa. Jbil 14-19

EaoDady'a LUUu-Butor, Mb,, Jaa. 11 Ananata lr-1'.i

BathWO.Eampton Oom«1y—RaDoa, 1!L Jan. 11 BoDor 17.Boopaaton 18 19. Butoalll-a, B«manl34-tl

Eaoxb'l Thoa J.-8urord, Pla.. Ju. 11 Orlando 17 Bar.low 31. Tampa 3M>, Bt Fatarabara 3B.

"Eld"-IadlasapollaIa<I..Ju. 17.19.

Tyc«Boa Thaatrv; rrobnu'a—N. Y. City Jan. II, iDdaO.Bita.

Lawla,' LUIlBD-BL Pul, Mint.. Ju 30-31

UaatlT^ Mra-WtablBftOB, D. 0., Jan. 14-19, Brookli o.N.T., 31-31

larau^a, Oao. W.-4haroB, Fa, Ju. I4-U, Maadrllle31-36.

Lawla', Jasrara-Loa Anaalaa, Cal, Ju. 14-31Lladlai'l Harrr-Lawlalon, MoWu. 14-11Laopola'a ConadlaDa -Jaekaop, III , Jan. 11-19, Fort Ho.IBB 31-38. _

Lreanm Thaatre, Bharplay'a-Waatharford, Tax., Jan.14-19, Oleboima3l-IS.

Lowa'a Oomady-AnUiony, Ebb., Ju. 16, Xlowa 17-19.

aarpar31-33, HadlelBaLodnsl-St.La Fellu Boia-MaiuDlla, MIoh., Ju. II 17, NeaaoBaa

IB, 19, Tihpamlng SM3, lion Koontala 34, Bapablla 2t,

ObamploB 36.

Lambart A Wlillama' Flayaia-^asoavllle, MIna., Ju.14-19.

Laer'a Darrr-Boehaalar, R. T, Jbb. 11 Syraenae 17-19.

Lodar*", (Tbaa. A.-lBdlanapolla lod., Ju. 31-aLaator'a HlBBla-BUiahalh, N. J., Jan. 14-lt, Booth Norwalk. Ct. 31-31

"LoatParadlaa"-Fateraon, R. J, Jan. 17-19, Tianton 31,

Bllubalh33"LImllad Mair-BBBtlsxtoa W. Ta., Ju. II MayaTllla.Cy.. 17, Ftrli 11 UitBiloB 19.

"Land ot Ibe Mldnlabt ean*,-BloghamloD, N. Y.,Ju.


"Laat In Naw Yori"-Bt. loo1a,llo.,Ju. 19-19, Erani.villa. Ind.,n

"LlulaCbnatopbar"-ll T.CItyJu II, IndatBlla"LIUIe Trlila''-Wltkaabam, Fa., Ju. 17-19, Fhlladal-nhla 31-38.

^onliOB'a Lawta-Mootraal, Ou, Jan. 11-19, Beaton,

MartewaVJa'lla-BoatoB, Maaa, Jan. 14-11MutaU'a, Boban-Dallaa, Tax, Ju. II 17, Waco II BaaABtoBloie,m. Aoatlnll, Branham 33, OalraalOB s, 31,

Uonaton 31


Maikla's Jaa. B-Brldgapoit, Ot, Jan. IS, It, ElbabaUi,N J , SL TrutoB 33.

MaaiBaMia. Richatd-Rtw Orlaua La,Ju 13,11Mnrpbp'a. Tlm-Oraod BapMa. MIeb.- Jan. It.MoTTii', Felll-Dalnit, Mich., Jan. 34-31Mslvllla Oomadlau-LaUyalla, Ind, Ju. 17-19, DUT||1^III. 31-38.

HBrpby*a, Joaapb-Eulu Oily, Ho. Ju. 11-11 Topoka,Eu,3l. Laavaowortb Il,St Joaapb, Mo., 33, Omaha,Mab.,r4-31

MtrkB'BroB.'-Ba11arll1a,Oat, Ju. 14-19, OUawa, Cu.,31-Fab. 1

MartlBot-a, Badla-BoatUa, Waib., Jan. 31, 33.

MoTartkT'a, Dao-Waabhigtoo, D. 0., Jan. 14-19, Albur.H. Y.,343l • .


"MoFaUdaa'a EtopomaDl"-Bridgeport Ct. Jan. 11"Mu WIlbOBC a Conalty"— Bolton, Maaa, Jan. 11-19,

Barlam,N.Y.,31-:l"Mbm. Sua aaBa"-N. Y. City Ju. 14, lodelnlu."Muud Woman"—Kanaai Olty, Mo., Jan. 14-19.

"My Parlnor-BrootlrB. H. Y, Ju. 14-19.

"MoNnlly'a TliU"-Iadluapoila. Isd, Jbb. II Braail 17,

PrlBoalon 11 ML Tanoa U, EraoavlUa 30, Tarr* Baoie31, OrouBald 33, l>Bjlon,0., 33, Plain Olty K Bprlag-taMB.

"Hagla Tal1imaB"-Raadln(, Fa, Ju. It-U."ilkWbltaFIaa"-N V.Ci^Jan. ll-lt.

"MoCanna'a FlIrtBllODa"—Ban Fruclaeo.Cal, Ju.14-19.Nobla'l Hllton-D«a Molo«^ la , Jan. 18

NalUrtola'a, Olga — Bartam, N. Y., Jaa. 14-19,

Aibur31,33.NoM'JolliUaa-Jaokeoa.TaBB.JaB. 11 HaHonoUa, IlL.

11 Aona 19. MorpbyaboroXl JatfartOB, Me., 34, OIlalOB36.

•Komlnaa"—UlUa B,-ok, Irk- Ju. 31.

''Maw Boy," No. 1—RnSblo, N. Y., Ju. It, Toronto, Ou.,17-11 eBlllmore,Hd,3l-IS-Naw Bor." No.3-FoaaUlk>, Ida. Ju.16, Bolre City 17,

Walla WalU, IFaata , 11 Fonland, Ora., 31-33, TaooaiaWaab, 34, taaula 38, 16.

Q'NalU'a, Jamae-Fluabnrs, Fa, Ju. 14-11, WhaeUog,

"Okl Jad Praoiy '-Troy, N. T, Ju. 17, Albuy 39.

"Uor FUt"-SL FmI. Minn , Jan. 16, MlnnaapolU 17-11.

"UM Farmer Bonkloa"—Hana da Qiaoa. Md, Jan. 16.

North Ban 17, Bikuo 19. MUdlatoaa, Del, 19, Smpma3l,DoTaT3iaaoraatovB39.

"Old Homaatoad,"niompaDa'a-N. T.OIlyJu. Il-Aprll37.

'-Oparator"—Ban Praualaca, Cel., Ju. 14-19.

"Old aiory"-Indluapoiia, lod., Ju. It, Daealar, 111.,

II Bt LoBla, Mo.. 30-38.

"0i)rarT>lM''-TToy.N.Y..Ju. 16, UUoa 17, Byraonaa18. Cbloago. IlL. 10-11

"OIT the Earth"—BallUBOia, Md, Ju. 14-19, Bailem, N.Y.,ll-M

"00 iba Bowary"—WUkaibam, Pa, Ju, 17, Borulon18, Baadlag 19, PhiladalpblaSl^

'Ob tha Mualaiippf-riuahnrg, Pa, Jan. 11-19, Olncln.nati 0 ,39-16.

Palmar'a, A.M., Btoct-Boatoo. Maaa, Jan. 11-11FHton^a, (^n«—Lima. 0, Jan. 14-U, Foatorla 31-31.

Paraar a, FaBllne—Soranlan, Fa. Jan. 14-19.

Pringla'a Johonla—Daadwood, S. D, Ju. ll-3tlL Bpaai-aih31-3t.

PouarBallaw-RlebmaBd, Ta, Jan. 11 Norfolk 17, 11WllmlBgloo, DaL, 11 Wllkiabam, Fa , 31, sorutoo 33,

WIUlaDuport a, Lueutcr 31, Raadtag 3t, Allen,town 16.

PolBam'a Ealla—Bpruna, Waab , Ju. 11 Brokua 11 19,

Ooiru 3L Moaeov.Ida.a. Pnllman, Waah;,!), WallaWa'lt 34 FandlaloB, Ore , 31 Baker olty 31 Bolae Olty,Ida, 3B.

PaliaV Mabol-Natohea, Mlaa . Ju. 14-19.

PaopIa'aTbaairo, BookwaU'a-Foultaay. Tt, Ju. 14-11Fatti Boaa Oomady-Meinphla, Tana, Jan. Il NaabTltla

17-19, Obaltuooaa 31.

"P.al EanTaf'-HaahvlUa, Tans., Ju, 18, 19, Mamphia31-B.

"Faaalog show," Ko. 1.—Claelouil. O., Jan. 11-19,

BoatoB, Maaa, 31-31"FrodUal Uuihur'-BiTlam, H. Y, Ju. 14-11"PaialnBBbn«,»No. 3—New Orlaaoa, La, Jan. 13-11Mampta'p,TaDO , 31-31

"Power ol^ tha Praar'-BalUo, N. Y., Jan. 14-19, Fltla.

bntf. Pa, 31-3B.'FBwBTIeaet3IO."-Ohloa(0,IU, Ju. IS-HFoUea Patfof'-Naaark, N. J., Ju 17-19, Fatanon3M1

"Frodlxal Pathat"—Bavaaaah, Oa, 'Jan. 16, Jaokaon.vlll*,l'la. 11

"Power or Ookf-Brooklra, R. T., Ju. 14-19.

Faok'a Bad Boy," Waatan-OlneuBaU, O., Jas. l4-'t.

Rnaaea'a Sol Bmllh-LlttU Bock, Ark., Ju H, Mom.A* pbla,Tun.lrllRohaoo^a, Stnart-CtaolBBalU O, Ju. ial9.Baad'a Bolaad-Broohlyn, N, T., Ju. 14-11 faglnawtl,Otand Baplda 31,

Hlokait aTrMbtdonia-Eelaaa, Moo, Jan. 11, MtryaiUto,17, Ureal Falla IB

Badmogd DramaUfr-Wlonabaao Olty, Mlu, Ju. 14-11ladmoad Dramauo—Wlonabaao 01BInaBanbOily ll-m

SobinaoB^a PnbJ.—Oaoaola Pa, *BohiBBOB^a PnbJ.-Oaoaola Pa, Ju. II II FbllMpa-bBrgll,31Woodludtl,3l,Olaai0ald 31, HOannoni'TlllatBLIP

Bhoadsa-, SItty-Wavatly, N. T, Jan. 14-lt, Plttstoo,Fa Sl-3t

'Kuih Our"—Woreaatar, Maaa., Ju. It. Broehton 17,

Naw Radloid 11 Pall Bivarlt, BMtoBtl-UBlea'a Btoak-Coitlaad, H. T„ Jan. 14-U; Oaaudalgoa

'Rn'alu6cBadron"-PalcoB,CoL,Ju. 17, TQcaon, Arlt,I13D. FonDIUonll.

"Bailroad Tiokaf-8L Faal, Mian., Jan. u-u, Mmoa.apo1lalO-S6

"Roah Oity"-Boataa, Mas , Jan. 31-36.Colhara'a. B. IL—81 Lonla, Mo , Jan. 14-19, Clnolooall.O 0,31-36.Vawud'i Hiaala-OarUtla, Pa, Ju. ll-U, lluovii31-36

aaimnnr-BlriltOB-talaBl, N. J.. Ju. 14-11Balvlnfa Alai.-I>asvar, Ool , Jaa. 14-lt, Omaha, Nab


31-11, lloinav, 111. ttBhaa^a noa B.-Horaa1laTllla. N. T, Ju. It-IP, Jamaa.town 31-39.

BollWaB^a. JobB I. -Omaba, Rab. Ju. llOOBnan BluD*.la, 17. Falla Olty, Nab . 11 LlBeolB 11 et Joaapb, Ho..•I, Atahlaoa, Ban. 33. Toiaka XI, Uwraua 14, oiuwa31 La«Tuvortli34

Bulbrd'a WalUr, Btook-Boatoa, Maaa , Ju. I4-n Moot-naLVaB..n-a

Bwanwood Dtamatio—BoahaalL DL, Ju. 11-19.Bnlly'a Dan-Wilkaabaira, Fa. Jaa. M.Bbiob BUUif—lotlal. IlL, Jaa 31-11Bawialla Oiamaltc-Naabnt, N. B., Jan. 14-lt, Muehii'Ur 31-31

Bblooar'aOtia-Bntkl>i>,N.T., Ju. 14-11; BalUmora,Md., 31-36

^"mill AUrm"-Navark, H. J., Jan. 11 BUiahelh 17, Trao.ton 19.

Bpu of Ll(a"-Daa Molaaa, la, Ju. 31, 31, bane,worth, Ku. 34.

«MaTnetad,"jBlaWBltara^-Alaiudria, lBd.Wu. If.

Biwood^lT MoBlpaUti U, KaadaUilUa 11 DalniU

apldatud ni>:-OBlaoy, III, Jaa. 19.DowtBi tba Wlad"-WaablBttoB, o. 0.. Ju. Ii-I».

NaaaA,II.J,3l-llnni* Aorai," llo. t-Boatoa. Has , Ju. 11-19.Wut* Aena'^ Roi B-TrwaioB, R. J., Ju. 11 Uaeaatar.riiS.ir7BairllbBn.ta Wtlbtmapoil II TortBL Altoooaap^kutajn a, teEeaaport ti7wbaaUac W. Va ,


«>WBdeBk^-ODlnBbu,'0, Jan. M-t8; Flttaban, Pa


«iiait Kb. 3'^WUI'awbait, T., Jaa. M-U; *, T. Olty

January 19. THE ^sTEW YORK CLIPPER. 731

MLaMtaalKBnonn.If.T."8apub?*-N. T. 0(tr J«a.1t-1», BnBmtlmlf.T.tl-«-aanMiB1lBirt''-liUwHkw, WU.. Jia. MLrftooltA 'otaa B—TuMtvn, n, Ju. 17. <•>•- -a,

i- MnaostohvU Cl^ It, Ualonton n, Jwatn

TiiA>fl.UUIui-Bunr, Jtn. M. Iwklolu.Tanar*i,0*fTlt-Borua|tMl, l^, Ju. fi Iwikvk tirtnk fioooiiMl-fort Wmd«, IM., Jfto. 1& HutlDftOD

"Teip to Cblsktowa'* Ho. l-€I«Teliatf, 0., Jta.riiubui,r>,ii-N.

"Trip (A OblBfttown* No. 1-Lfo«bborf, V*., Ju. ILTort, nk, ir. OoliBbla It, BirilibiiKTt

"TiikUb BSkUT'-SiDtt BuUn, nti. Jib. la.

"TnUorSnum'—nilidtlpbia. Ju. it-i>

Tonido.** Horthorn—Portltad, Mo.. Jol. ia>l7. LroD,my I'. 1*. Motibore II, Tuoioo a. Now Miort sHrkIIBInrB,ia

'*Tontfo,"8oaltiore-MLnftnDoL Po.. J4Q l0,Rboaoanoib n Maarort IS uiuiioo i>, CoonJioii. n j., r.Wotorova n, COTihMO Q, (loofoinoar M, Oltowt,Cob., 9, n, IfonlxM] 38-P«b L

•ToBOwnnoo Towo**—Clilcaco, III, Ju. Mliuowo*Ill.ltlas,fl-> • • "< ^

Tnatlolb CODlgtT aitl"-N. T. Clu, Ju. II, Intol.nil*.

-Toioa 8toor"-WIIM>iDibiir|c, .N. Y.. Ju It-I^ PiUr01, K J , a,n Ellubotb ft, WllmlDitoD. Dil . >.

*T«o aifton*'—Olofeload n., Ju. 10, TooBgilAn 17,

Out/'D 18. PortWoiEo. lod , 19 CbloMO. III. S-U>T*o Old UmDioo"—EooalBtUtD. Pa . Jaa, U-n.'TMiDUdon orHoooy"—Colambo*. O , Ju. 10. DutoD

17-l>. lodluipoU'. loil., 71 -nKTTaolo Twn'a Coblo." MoPboo'o -BaRbr, N. J>., JidU li CbarU'l Ponr 17, Porib 19. Dt. Joho B DoTll'lL%k«0, Larlmonn PanRlforl4 Lu|i1oo0.

"UooloTon'oOablD," RoKO AAalll o-Dluloroo, N. DJia M. Vtodaa 17. Biwiib 18. JiiiioitovB 19

* llnoto Torn** Cabin " RIouoo'o—Cantoa. O . Ju. 1&Wllliama'. aoi-Clocioraii. O., Ju 15.19. BartTlllo.

Rf , tl. Athlind a. IrootoB, O., n, PnrumOBth M,UotaaTorS WiiblOBtooCoartHooioIfi.

Whimldoo'. Valkoi—UoDllUiB, 0 , Jaa. It, Tnr 17,noaaomlllo, iBl . IS Pnokloitig/Baimoar ll,WaililOftoD a, Eraanlllo 2S, Padoeab. Sp.&

WalU nommr. E<«*ni-Banrblll, Htn., Ju. 14-19,

BoUokoll-a.Wall* CoBiodp, Woftaro—JobSilowB, 0., Ju. 14-19, Al-toooatt-n

WIUoo Tboatn-Sloox Palla, a D, Ju 14-19.

Want t Toko>'-N. V. Clip Ju K-19, BoMoo, Haaa.ti-n

Wantar Oomodp-GarrolL la ,Ju li-I9.Wanfa-ramoa—Kanhalito*D,Ia., Ju. IS, Oaiaba, Nob.,

II, 19, Ball Uko Clip, U., a-il.Walnarlabt'a. HBrlo—PasaacDla. Fla,Ju It. JaohioD-illloIS.19, ilaTUBab,aa.,n. S,ABiBila »,Cbailaaioo.ro. ia.u — •

WallKk'a, J. n -nbleaiD. Ill, JaB,»-n,WaU*i, Howa/d, Tdtal^aQbarr. Pa., Jao. I4-1B:*-Wafw 01 8lB**-BoatoB, Haai . Ju. Ii-I9."Vblta SqaadroB'*- BaaioB. Pa, Ju. 10. PlUaloa 17.Wlltaibim U Rorulsa 19. BaiHooia. Md, n-B.

'Worid AiMoat Bar," A|B«a Wallaao Tllla'a-ll. Y. CltrJaa. 14-r9.

"Voik aad Wataa'-Wllkoibam, Pa.. Ju. Il-t).yjaBi^ Jaiofa-lfL Varooa. 0 , Ju 10. Noaart 17,

DoTar IB. Allluooll, VavllloB n. BaTura IL- ~ " "1 19

9, Oauha,AknaU, BoBIlt, Warrao 70 YoaanloaDig 19„j

^.. -

"Too ToBa<w"-Kuaaa CUr, Bo.Nob., S Doa BolBoa IL, n

"Toana Mia. Vlalbrop '-U Hallo, HI . Ju. II. Dlioa17, rmaoit IS. Mllaukoa, Wla. 30-11. JuaarlUo S,Bnck(oid,IIL,a.I.OBUTIIIo.gr,B-Pob.l

nVBIOAli.Abbop A Ormo'a Oraad Op«ia-N Y. OUj Ju. II. ladtfl-nita.

BoolDOlu Opora-PiMabarg, Fa^ Jan. 14-19, Olorolaad,0,91-tt.

CoxTlsno—HlBBOapolla,MlBB.. Ju. U-!9, Manballlowo,la. 94.

RaiBllU D'Anlllo Opoia-PllubBni, Pa, Jaa. U-IS.nalboao Opaim-Soaula wa«b.. Jan. 14-'9.

DoUa Poi Ooora—Dartoa, o , Jan. 10 lodluapolla, Ind.18,19,«l Loola,Ko.a-a

Praaob Opara-Nov Orloua^ I« , Ju IS. ladaSBltaProacb Opaia-Montiaal, lloD.. Ju. 14, ladoflBllo'Pooolac Maalar"—PlDO Bloir. Aik . Jan. IS, naopbla.Tub Al-lt, Jack v<B lu Cairo, III, 1^ Palgoib, tf-, t,Na>brlUo.Taan,14-».

Dopp4r'^ Da Wolr—Dlloa. N. T.. Jao. IS. BrnCBao 17,

Roobaa or Ul 19 Phllada'pbiB, Pa , 31-n.Jonu', RlaaLnana-Obanuooia, Tun , Jao. ir. At.lut*,Ov,U

Lllliu Baaaoll Ooora-ProTMoaoa. R f.. Jm. II Wor.ea<tar. Man, 17, aprioitoM IS, Now Bitob, «., 19,nilladalpbla.Pa.,ll-P.b 1

LoolaoBlaudatOpara-Boatna. Maia.Jin 14-19

LOTOlor'a Haulillo Opora— IPcbalar Mu'.. Ju. II,PrankllD 17, Bait PcoTldooeo, B. 1 . 18, BrUul it

Maion Pamilr Concort—Norlbport Ma, Ju. IS. Llocolo-TiUal7,18

NaabrlUa Suidanta-WrBBo, Atk , Jai. 19. Poroitaltp U.Prka Opati Baittlo. Wub.. Jan. 14. InloBBlla"PiiBoau Boobio"—Pblladolpbia, Pa, Jan. 14-19, SUalra,

X. T.,a,Bod»atarl4-M. ^ '

'^PrlBCO Pro Tarn"—RotliBd. Tt,JaB.10.North Adlml,an. 17, PlttaliM 18 Woiouiar 19. Lawraraa tUloaaU II, Aaiaabiir a, BtTaiblU II. PoiUud, Ma, a,

"RoWa Bood" 0-«ia-Pbiladalpbla, Pa, Jao. Il-N, Blai.kamixo. N. V . <l. Ilbieaa

"Rob Boi"-X. Y Cltr Ju. 14. lodaflBlto.Btaia'a Baad-NorlolK, Ta. Ju.si, Btobmood tlRoalnovo'a. Tboi. Q —iBdlaiajmlla, lad., Ju 10, 17,PertWayoolS Lalarolto 19, fliaoinnatt 0 , 0-0.

Tivarr OoAia—llu Pruclaoo, OaL, Ju. 11-19.\fl<r'"l>. Pruola-BalllO-n, Ml., JBB 14-19, BOlUo,N. T,f(-18.

Wilbor Upora—Hartford, re, Jaa. 14-19.

Woatward Uo"—Boitoa, Haaa. Ju. 14, ladoSnHo.'irui<'-Bt. PanI, Mloo, Ju. n»

VARIBTr,Oolltoi*, Lottla-flto PruolMo. Oal , Ju. 11-19.

Olafton'l, Ida-Fort Bntoi, Voa , Ju. 10 Booldar 17,

Elkbora IS, Bum 19, Dter Lodiio II. Phllllp<bar|i n,Mtaooolan MaiTailllol4,TowBaoi>dS,Botoaiun.

<11tr Bporta-Boiton, Mala, Jan. 14-19

Oaatao OUH Boriaaoa*—aprlBaflok), Maaa, Jaa. 17-19,Now Brllala. Ot, ll-S.

Cltrfllab-miaaaklo, WU, Jaa. U-:9, VaiblBitoa, 0.o,ii-a.

ftiaoloa, Jaok'o-OlarotiBd, 0 , Jaa. 14-19.

Dlioa'a, Ooo.—Altoooa Pa, Jao. U.Dorarax Kaoi-Pbll«dol|,hla, Pa, Jan. ll-'t, iruilaaa-ban, N Y,ll-n.

KiDpiia ultr Hran—Bridgoport, ot-, Ju. IT

Par Pottei-RoadlBK, Pa., Ju. 11-19, BalUmoro, Md,

Pr«noh Pnllr—iBdiaoapslli, lod., Jaa. 14-19, BU LobIi,Mo, SMI.

PiiuiDimoaa', Bob-Kooknk, la, Jan. ir, Qalnep, irL, IS,SLLoola,Ho..04S

PloUa', Joho P.-ritllbarf, Pa, Jaa. 14-19, Bouaa,Mai^,l'-ai

analar*a Lrenm Tbaalra-Cbleafo, lIL. Jaa. 14-19.

Uowart Alboonam—N. V. Oltr Jan. 14-11.

Iliil'a^ Oaa, NovolUaa-BlobBoad, Va, Ju, IS, Balu.BOia, Md , lt-t0.

Hrda'l Oomodlaoi-BrDoklfn. N. Y . Ju. 14-19.

Irwio Broa.'—WaiblBftoD, D. 0., Jan. '4-19, Clorolaod,p.,ll-II

Jolofnatio-LIUp OUj-Albanr,'N. t . jao ll-i(.

Loodoo BiUai~DaT(*B. o , ju. 10.

Loodon OalolT OIlU-N. T. OltpJu l4-!9, Albup, N. Y.,iia

lodloi' Olab-Bo-joko, Maaa , Ju. 10, PaU Rlror 17-19,Tn>r,M T,1l-n.

LowBatot'aldaaU-Paralla.Mo.Ju ItMotnpolilanRpaoialtT-CbltioBuio, N Y.Ju. 17.

Man* Raator—Naw Ln'oa. Ct , Ju. IS, MriUo II, Mori-dulS,B>adlBi[. Pa,B4L

Mir aowart-Chloaao, III., Ju. It-Sl Pltubsrc Pa,n-a

MoileaBOalolrOlrla-ClBilBBaU, 0,Ju 14-19.

Mabor*a, Polar—JobMlown, Pa.. Ju. 10 Altoooa 17,LawliloB IS, Bairlibon 19. H T. Clijll-Kob. 1

No«T«rkatii«-Pf«rldoB«*. R. I , 'u. I>-MNllbt Oall-LrBB. Mail . Jao. 14- 9Pllmo " •--


llffloar*!. Bilir-OloolBnatL 0 ,Ju XMI.BMUBullop-Vawark, N. J, Ju ll-lt Bcookltn, N.

Bom HlU-Pnrldion. R. I , Ju. 14-19. BoitoB, Man


ll-a.Ble* * BartoB'i noiaadlua-Orud BapMi. Mlob . Ju-M-lt. loola 91, Kalamuoo U, BalUo Oratk O, Nlloi U,Mloblaia Cl'p n.

RaaoiUBnia'-BaltlDora Md , Ju. 14-lt

Raaraa A Palaor'i-LoBiarU'o, (p . Ju 14-ltBloBj^ A^Wood'a-Dollolt, Miob, Ju. 14-11, BoBUo, N.

tbanuia A Moilaap'i-Boabn, Mas, Jaa. 11-19 N. Y.Oltpll-<l.

Bindo«*a. Boiaai Codir Raplda la. Ju. IS, Obloago.ia.»a. •

"SnalU Biroi* tbo ir<r"-Pal| Blror, Man.. Ju II,

Naw Hina. 01 . 17-19. W iobloi>oi. O. a. n-MTrmna Ooaulea. Hopbioi*—at. Xooli, Mo., Ju. lA-:9.

KUiaaOlipaiin.WIlllaBi', Hanr. Oan-St. LoBli, Mo , Ju. U-I9, toolanlla, Kr.. ll-il

WaborAPialdr-OlBOlBoalLO, Jao. 14-19, Obloafo, Id,

wm'aioa-. 0. W.-RBffalo. N. T.. Ju. ll-lt.

VanoB Biauia'-Tfoj, N. Y, Ju. 1119. Pblladolpbia,ft , M-tf

Winiana-, Ban', Naloora-BalOoiora, Md , Ju. ll-lt,

Nawark, N. J .11-91Wns.Doiaod-llt Varaoo, N T., Ju II, ToBkota 17. 14.

HlOf tlaa 19, Pookaklll tl-tl, Maitaawu tl. P>o|b.koapaUBill

'Wblu Crook"-N. T. Cltp Ju. 14-19, Biookiro, H. T.,


MSTBKL*.Calbaao'a-Orldlo, Oa, Jan. 17. Nowau IS, l« Grufo

19. OanoUtoo f I, Otdartowota.Romatoob a-Pblladolphia, Pa, Ju. ll-'9.

Daalora-'o'utoB, ra., Ju. 10, Biasbamloa. N. Y,

OookatadoT'o—Blnlra, N. T., Ju. 10.

Plo'd'a, Al. O.—CliilIlooUlo. O . Ju IL Portameotb 17,Obarfaaloo, w, Va. IS. llaatlnaioB 19 Durlllo Kv,11, LooiavlUotJ, BaadoraoB 13. Monpbla, Tub , t4-n

Oodoa'a-Ocala, ria., Jaa. W, Kulorl 11, Orlaado 14,Taapa

oaTBm*.-nran-n. w va.Ju.l0Oinaarr-WlniitoB. M.'i.ju II. (Jroroabo'n ir. Dan.•lUa, Va . II Do'baiB. M. u it. Ha'aitb tl, BIbmob B,Na* Bfm* ft, WilmiaiE'oa n.

PrlBioao A Wia o-Plllabart. Pa, Ju. 11-19. CkroUad.Cn-II

Tnalud'a-Walklaa N. T , Jan. M, Wlllart 17.

OIBOOIM.UanuloB ABoM'-HulUa, P. I,iu U-PabtMaira Piaok-riileaio. ni. Ju II. ladol*ll>.NilM'^ Joka-BOfola, B. A., Ju. M, ladalBI

UOSLLAllBOVr.BaldBlnf, Mr. aad Mn-Danllloo, Ou , Ju 18-19,ToroBioii-M.

Bonaid-i, Julaa-BUITird tprloiia CI, Ju. 11-18.

Albur, lad.. Ju. 17, Jilfor-IMVUN 19.

Juaobar'iaiaiiblowtn-TaBaCilr. la. Ju 11-19Brluol'a D. «. EoalBU-PaoballU N. Y.. Ju. IS, 19.Ooila-aMsUBn-aoblla Ala.. Ju. 14. ladololloDa Caalro A nnaibaB'a-JoBiaboco, Oa, Ju.LoT>|otl7-'9 nrilllati-11

DjirBOIi\ Pior-Toitrbaaa, Tor, Ju It, N«OtUaal, UllMSdoa Wood^ai mue Ibrooib SonIb AoiorioaBli ParklBi—BrowonlUo. Tub.. Ju.U Kaliiwa Kr.a RodiHxIUo A Pobloirllio, lad , B, IliUlaid, 0.10 Daatalorta

PoqaaA Hudliano'l-Korlolk, Tk, Ju. ll-SlPohUoa-olBor, I.I., Ju. t'-10lajianbook a-UHilari llo, tl; Jan. 11-19. BL loBli, Uo.

BoloA Baidir a-BL Airinlaa, Pla., Ju 14-19, PalalkiItn buloid ll-la.

Boirmuo-Loadrlllo, Col., Ju 10 BallLtkoClip, U., It.

Hbso a Bajdor R-BL AGiuaUBO. Pla., Ju 14-11Bamllua'a, Oal B -RaddlBf, i;.!-, Ju- 17, U, R«lBloff 19.fiL

Babln'a Moioo-Now Orloui La, Ju. 14-Pob 17.Uait'a Pnt Joha-BUlanrllla, w. Va , Ju. it. Mirlla'Panr, u., 17-19.

Joaei', J AoiBallBO'-buBtor, fl. 0, Jaa. IIlaillo'a, FnC-Plaokaairlllr, III , Ju. ic-lt, DniuoloTy-SA,

Morila Broo'. EoBloai-Rlobmood, Va. Jan. 18-lt,Patatabgrfll, tisoiroUil K i>ciulli ll-S.

Powoll-NorDfUla.TaBB , Ju. IC PTaa*rllla, lad., tl.Boeo -Tanploo. Ill , Ju. IB. Pnpbo'.ialowo 19, rutloo tl.

DoWIDIitBilb'i. W. U nilib'i Palla Cu, Jan. 11-11.

B«alo ABBltb'a-Aa rofeU tbtonab AuttrallaBbannu'i-St PasI, aiOB., Ju ll-n.MiontpoMill-n.BUBBlt'i, Capt -Tn7, 0 , Jan. 10-19TaiM>!batIa>-raila Tox, Jao. ll-U.Vortalll'a, Prof J.-Bioofcatoo, Toi., Ju It.

Viauikoa Niw Or.oul MBaaoio-BiebBood, Va, Jao.Il.lodaloila.

WoOl' Woodarlaad-OoaU Pla., Jao. ll-lt, TaBpa ll-lt.


OiaclBnail,—Tbera bivo b<en illicordint

lonndBlii lb«i«Almot iiielod7 4urlDgilMWMlc,aD4

IntcnttiistetiUj casuitd In'tbt miulcsl wing ot

UM local mild o( uiaB<ni«n(. For over s jcar

tbcro bAva been evidences ot an nptieavel In the

lanti ot tne nntlcUns. Oturles Uriber, wbo plaji

tke bM* vipl In ibe orobesirA at (be OraDd Oprr*

Home, I* tlie czar imoDg Ulnclnnall nnulclans.He Is said to own Ue Unett moRlcal llbnr; in Hitoltj, li ituewd and bis Btloed viriui comnuod otmnilcAl alfalnu far at Ibe moilolant are concern-ed. Mlcbiel Brand, wbo bae tor ;ean led tbe or-

cbetifA At ine Qisid, and oonducied tbe UlnclnnallOnbeairmtt ihe Popi, reilined ine (onner poiiuoaearlT In ibe week. Tbe Tmmtdlate canee ol bis

tcuon wu Ibe objection ot llr. Ileibet to histaking part la Ibe Drti lerlea ot conceru bj IbeClnelnnMI Bjmpbon; Oicbesira at ihe Pike, nndtrtbe direction ot Frank Van der Blocken. Mr.Md-ber boldi Ibe oonunot lo provide tbe orcbcsiiu attbe Omnd and oibertbesti», andltiruauertedtbafr be objeoied to any ot liis men ainilAllng wlibtbe new organlzittoo. Earlr in Ibe week a dlplo-

msUo game was plajed. Ttio outcome -was far

naeblng. There were binta midetbatif Hr. Mel-oer did not onnnge rroot tbai pertiapi wbtn ilie

time cane tor tbe Orand Optra Uooie to be re-

leued It Digbt be toroed over to oiben tbin ibepmeni leeaees. Tneie waia cbanie In tbe Uellirr

oampalgn and tbe o'oade have drilled on. Ttie

OInelonail Sfmpbonp Orcbesin eotera npon Haoareer ot pitioiM witb muj obeuclei removed.Mn. Obarlu P. Tklt, wbose faihtr, Uivid S dnton,owns tbe Orand, Is one of the earnest workers In tbocaote and all otmualcal CInolnnsU li wmpped npIn IIS sncccts Tbe flm ot tb'j three conoeria vi i

take p'u« Jin. 17. Tba sololsla will bo l.lllian

BlAnvell, K A MicUowell and Julia W;man. Taeieare over fltif membera or tbe orcbeaira, inoliidlog

ilxlecn (lollns, Ive ilolas, foar ''^lloe, tour baileeand three Hnta. The oruhcain wishes It em-pbaslud that It It pof allilo tor CInclonail to crraioand support an orchestra just as good at any UatTModon Thomas oirlodluillr imports Into tbe cltr,

OuNS Opsba ilui'di.-!ltuart Robson came 14,

oponlug m "I/Cip Year." Daring ihe week "SnoStoops 10 Conquer," "The Uennetia" and "ThePtct ot Venni" we underlined. "Tbeoirl I L>fi

Bshlsd Me," wllh Hand nanlaon aa Kate Kannlon,pUyed to piotiy good builneaa laat week, Tbeoavalrr charge was a teatnte that called oat obaenateveiT performance. E. H. Sotbem 21.

WALvvT.HrnBiT TUBATRB.—"The Fusing Showilecnmed this waj i:i. Marie Janien la popularhere, and "Deloionliws at e," tne plsT praiemedearlr In the week, draw well. Then "UiBi U;na.mile" came In on ihecreat ot a snow storm ibaicontracted hosinets a bit, but tbe vaek'a averagewas not bad. T.Q. Bfabrooke'a Opera Co. ii.

Uavmnb TnBATRB.—Qui WlUlima celebntedhis arilval 13 by reviving "April Fool. \V, AUradjind Oharles A. Vincent bare In "01daiori>,an Incentive to painutioeiploslon, and tbis ilageplclnn of tbe late t(onbl"U times In Obill wuwell received brenthnilaiilctolk, who voolierooelj

hailed the Stars and Sinpos. "In tbe Tenderloin" ao. _PiBB OrBRA HODBB.—There li a mmor ihat I. Ii.

Uopkles u after Ihia Fonttb Sireel theatre, and It

be sacoeeds In getting the leue from Ralntortb kUaviln be wiu turn tbe Flke Into a varleiv boonfor ooeUanoua pertormancet. Mrs. Lespold Uait-brelt, who wu Bertha Fiebwk, returned to <bestage 18, and appeared aa tbe Baroness In ''Die

Oniaat ulooke." The bouse was crowded, and tke

performtnce for the beneot ot tbe Qeiman TheaireAMOolaUon wiB a social and fluanclAl success.FouHTAiH TBBATBB.—Tbe Oormaos, who hare

Inmed from nuutieliT to tarce comedj. prtatnied"Tne Ollnool;s Abroad" 13. Heeica & I'llmei'i

Ooimopolllan Vandarlllta did a good builneas all

ibiongn, Ojreor.'one ot the magnais, was taken til

earlj in tbe week and mlised several pertormincis.'Tb«PAiaioibhow"'iO,Ubdcxb UrBBA IIOVSB.—The Brotbera Hjme

ohimed "lilgac Belli'' 18. Iak week, llallen aa>i

Hart were seen in "Ltur On." The; hive aboutthe Ineat ooopanp that erer aiirroundsd tbeni,

Mark Nurphr beh g one or ibeni. Bnilneas wugood. "Oa the Hlsilaslppl" 20.

ROBINSON'S OrBHA iluvsi.-Uader Fred F. Wil-

son's management, "Peck's Bad Boj"wiaputon13. "Fabio Roman," with a aeries ot living plolutes as an after the show rcllih, was a iiunii matattnoted good aUcd audiences laat week. "TheFlagot Truot"20.Piori.a'a Tubatib.—Weber k Field's 0«n Com

paD7 openedia. Robert Haocbeiiet'i French FourI jompaor did a nicibnslneis, and Ibe farewell per-formance wis glugarcd a bit by the latroduciloo ofnolesatbanlenlijxmg bontd,JoDn Slmcna benc-nilDgby thseiiia bill. Billy Pilmmir'a BpeolaliyUO.'d).

&OBL& HlDSLkTON'a Ul'HBS TUIATRB.—TheCon-tlnnous pertormaoces bivo msde a lilt, in iliu

andltnnam, npon which moat ol the energy or themaBagement wM be apcot hereafter, tbero weretneae new noai it: Tno oabrne Biaiers, Ada Pagi>,

Blotell and llaril»,tbe Meieia, Bam Vole, Uarier'aQoartet, O'Ronrko and Uumeu, Benio HIckcI,tvuue llynes, Ueinu and H > Id, Alma Booib, llig

glni and MiUlgan, John MoUnili, thi' Itiiter cHlen and tbe Feriuaon llroihrri. Curio ball:

OanelVs Familr Bind,Keniiicky frank, I.IKieFlannandaHookyHountau colleciloo ot relics andsouvenlibUOBSIP.—"The Pnlse of New Yori" slopped

baiUng bets, and Oracle Kmneit will be em In anew pUy, "'Ibe Ortat Nortbweti," by Herbei t HallWlosiow Uarry Hopper, ibi Onud'a llihog-

rapher, Is to Join tbe Pain forces nndrr Uen Bierancit Hnmmer Mamie J, MoDoooogh Is toglvoft dramaUc reclial at L- vaaon UsII Feb. 8Ueorge W. Block and bis" Mosioaed IIaglo"couilany has relnmrd trom a two months' lour offlonlfin. They will play In tf.enelghliorlngclile*during tbe rest ot tne season Waller lot-tos, of "Eight Uells:" Al McLean, rtprrsenuoBQss WlUiaffls, and James P. Korrer, ofue Oorman Brotbera, were among ihe Iran-alents dortng tne week Yobi«hiiiia, iheJap. wbo makaa iiie allde wlib ihe Preachroilv company, suiTcred a fall cailr lu Ibeweek and wai badly bmls'd Anns F.va Fa/ la

10 give a a-iica or seances at tse Plte. Her OratcccniTsd IB. The Kile' benellt ocean at Pike'a 38,

wbw aaud iliiie minairci show wrll be givenAodiewBoex bu wrlllen a medley for the Kks'nlnstnls The Moi^rt HympnotiT Club, or NewYork, arrived from '/.au'sflile to, and gives con-ceit at Mnrwood. Uiio I.iud. Taeodor llorb. H.Sloilter, M. Blodeck, Oeceila llnehjns and Tot DeVielle are msmbera of ihs ciob Ligoqn park Is

to be a new Bummer rcaort near OInclnnail. It

will b« minaged by John Noonan, lateor WoodsdaleIdaad, and u located near Ludlow, Ky., on a newelectrlellne. Managrr Nojoao hit been lo Chicagoifisr noieliiea Mirle liecca wu the loluMS> tbe Po^ 13. and sani Care .S'loe and Ibe pane'sarte mm The Uugnenois." Frank XeodsU,wkoBsabaenonUie road wlib llany Dall'aOome-dlaaa, hu anlvsd home. Tbe company closed alCambildga Citt. aid Included lu lu repenoir "TheUnkoown," "The MacSanltn's Diaghler" (whichwnarasUr "In Mlman"), aad "Holly,'' a copy oti-jaoa." Unr K:lit ii lo take "Oa Ihs Half

8bsn" on Ibe road, and tebearaala are now ta pmareas. Wsyne Fills Is the anther ot Ihsoonedy.In the oompsnv are Lanra I.ee, Rnib Nelson, naltisMorris, KlUle Lesll^ HatUe Slewut, Uuel Bebell.Paycheihe Dancing Wonder, Hattln O'Nell, PbinW- N'orvs. Cbailes R, Stanley, Olem OUndorf, H. 0.Talboti, F. TV. Mtader, Itobeit Roden and UirryMarilh John Rlngilgg wai In tbU city, but hodid not make hit appeinace at tbe meeting otshowmen J, p. Vagan bat signed aa nuiroadconirtcior tor Walter L. Main 3tm Dawaon,Ibe hnilling agent at Newark's Opera Uonse, Isiogo 001 next Summer, probably, with lbs wash'bum Show, and was a llgnra at Ihe convenllon.

Oeoige o. Hisrr, purchasing sgent at tbeKimiini Rbow, h«a pnrohaaed the ilriim at ibe/.'», which Is aa:d to i>e tbe largeit in Mpllviiy.

I'rcildtnt A. K. IlurhhAidl, ot Ibe /'WloglcalOarden, bu ordered a pilr or ronng girrilbi tiomtee llagcnbeoka .Sam Josephs. «ho hubeen aam laird wlih tbe Rihlninn Showfor ycaia, b«i levered his conn-otlnn wllhintt enterprise, and neit sesson will and him wllhBelli Broihcrs The Awoolattd Bill Paslora'.teioclauon met In special aeailon at the clue ofthe I*. L..\. 3 mtrting, and Oied a new nohedule,II was, however, not made public JancaHamilton, for lomo seaa-iha with tbo WaihbumShow, hu sined ssjnner^i siebt ot the WallscoUlrcna. Tbo Wallace CIrens will go ont this yearas a straight show, ths UJOk A Wbliby annon beIng obsoleio.

ClerolBBil.—At Ihe Kuolld AvenncOp' ralluuseDtlla KdJ, In The Llltio Trooper," Jsn. 1, s. u, oap-ilr.ted Ihe big audiences that nightly throngedtbo huuie. Enihuslaini prevailed tbrooihont theeogAgemcntandcurljilo cal's were In order. Jam*sO'Neill, In "M'>nio Orhto" and "Vlrglniui." dideiccedlog^y well lo. 11, 11. "A Trip to oiilot:ovi,"II proralied a good engagement wtek ot Jao. 14.

Ihe Bcsioulaoi week ot'JI.LvcKDU ToBATHB.-Felli Monli, owing to _

aovcro allack at Ian ngllls, wu not eaableil lo open;, although, stlsr the irtatraent of an emlgentiprclnllai, he was permltled lo pUy lo, ii, ii, bisvoire biiog mucb Imprnveil. Crowded houseigreeted hia appearaucenlghtlr. Ua produced "TboBest Han," "TnaOld Musician," "A Otmeol Cards,"and "Uablud the Moeues." "A Qnlely QUI ' holdelie hoirdi week of 14; rrliiimc A West's Uiiiiireliweekol'JI..>irAH TnKATSB.—Williams' Meteors niabed oo ns

wtek or ;, |ila;luR a brilliant engagement to bigliualneaa. i ns company It ons nt ihe besi that buiieen here this year, Sam Jtck's Ureoica week ot14, Irwin Bros.'Co. weekot 31.

II. II. Jacobs'Tueatrb "Jana" was pioducod locxoellrnt hualnesi 7, e, i>. Carl lluwla followed10. It, li. In 'TheBllrer King," alsokceplugnp therecord ot go-yl bntlneis and a aglendid peiform-ance, "The Two Sisieis" 14, \r,, lo.

Cins.—U. E. Oaul hai ongsKed Uigcobeck'i Ammat Show (or a two weeks' engigemont at iheSiougnfest 11(11 early In February Ume. Julianivs King, pisniu, appears at Asaoclaiion Hal Jin.IT Fred Onsn, treasurer ot the Kuclld OpemHouse, mourns the loss of two brlphi ciiMdrrn, whowere taken wlib sosriet rever sml oicil rcry au I

denly. HU wire has also tsken tliedlusM, and Isvery low The old variety thtaire, ronnerlyknown as the wnito F.lephsnt, is lo i>e remodel edafter a long vacancy, and litobeuaeil forawhols-salc provision wirenonse.

naylon.—At the Orand (ixra llouis WalkerWhl'cildo appeared In "lltnilei ' befon a largeaudleuce Jan. x. Ooslso gavea lertorasttbe IllihSchool In the aiiemoon, "Wang," witb John IlsrtIn Ihe stellar role, came 10 to goo<l bualneas. TneBroj. Uyrne, In "Eight Bells," dnaed tbe week 12to fair bUBlocaa. Ooming: Delia Fox.ln "Tbo LItlloTrooper." 16, "The Wlioh of Kudor," by local latent,IT, \H, 111, itie l.lilputlans, ln"Hnmpiv Dumptyl'pto IMIo," 21, 12, -a, "Shors Acres" 'J4, 'j.',, "Jsne" 2n.

Pinx TOBATHB.-'The Oalley Blave," T-'J, hadfair builueu. "Peck's lud Hoy," lo-fj, drew wsllplesKd andleneea. The London Uillea come 14-18,'The Temptstlon of Money' it-ie.

SOLOiBBS' liouB Tobatrb.—Ths Oonnau Brux.appeared 11, lu ''Ths OllliooleTs Aproad" to asplendid honw. comtog: "UDity's Visit" 'J2,

union S'oblcs 31.

ASSOCIATION llALU-K. MorTli Bibgham leclures


Canton.—At ths Orsnd Opera llouw "KIghlBelli" bad a crowded boose Jan. k. IIqo: Btelion'aUncle Tom's Cabin" Id. "Two Slaters'' Ik.

TaBiTHBCoiiiQDB.-Week of 14: Ilyelord Sillers,

John Morgan, llarrv Held, I.IIIIho Dn Ilila, Jobnnnand Bales, tleorge Ootrey and Ilera'd Johnson.Daubr's MOKii: Uai.i. —Second week or Mane De

Wolf And Fannie Puinarn.

SprlngOoliI.—Al the Onnd Opera llouie"Wang," Jan. o, packed tbe houao to Ita nimoatcapacity. Brothers nirne. In Right Balls," II, hail

a large audience. Coming: Walker Wbliesldo. In"Hamlet," It, James J. Corbel 18 At luaok'sOpera lloun tho Corse Paiton Company, week or T,

had a good week's builneie, luniudlog Bauirdaymailnse, al popular prices ol lo, 2iiaad 30 cents.

Mnnallelil.—Alihe Memorial Open Rooae KlawA RrUnger'a "1413," drew the largeat audlcncea Intho history In this bouse Jan. I, the "8. It. O " signbeing dlaplaied early and all available auudingroom being occupied. "McNuliy's Visit" showed tothe smsllest aodience In tne nisiorv or ths house10. Sadie Ifuion. In "A Kentucky Olrl," oomea IB,

Adams' "A OrB7.y Ik>i" IB.

StenbeBTllle,—At Iho City Oprm Uonse,Land or tbs Midnight Sun" had good tinslness

Jan. i. Coming: "Jane" 14, Sadie Ilasson 21

At the LondDn The aire opening 14: Mand Davisilogan and Csotrell, llizle St. Olaire, Cortland Sis-

ten. Matt Dee ami (be slock.



MIlMrBukeo —At llie Dsvldson Tneaire "All

miinr," with Tim Murphy anil RugeneCsnleld.wsagiven Jsn. 13. "mo tllrl I l.ert Uebloil Hii"oiion<:d

14 for a week. "Tbe Passing Bhow" e, 7, h, g, iciied

tbo cipMlty of tbe house at each performance,

John Drew, In 'Tlie BnlurilIrs," l<i,ll, 13, wu well

patriinlr.«d. "A Ti^mpersnce Town" comes 'J>,

entries Krnhmsn'i "Cliarloj 'a Aunt" 21 and week.

HrAPT TOSATKB.—"Pfsrrer Vos Klrch'rld" wasproduced l:i. being slsfed by Kmeit iiaclimitd:cr.

Kmll Von Dcr Uilen aiipeared 9 In tiio lilitorlcsl

., "Uer Rusalclie Krlrgf|iUn," by Ur- JullnakVi-rli^r, and r'lHratcd his former ancrrii at i Ills

Ihuairt'. nn la Von Ui'r mien gavi! "Fedora-".vcAOiMv OK -Mueio—"The Sumnier Ullzurd"

comes 13, 14, Vi, 10. "Across the Potomac" hsdfair alud ho'iica 8, 7, », 0. "Yonug Mra. Wln-throp"28. 2I.'.>I, 2Hllunu OrsHi IIui:si.-"Faaat," wllh Hoaibel

Morrison sh Msrsuerlle, 18 snd week. Oliver andKale Bjron, In "The Ups and l>owni of Life," weretalrly palroniMd lul week. Jsaes J. Corbelt,ln' Cenilemsn Jack," n anil week.raui>i.B'sTiiBATnB.- MIsco's City Club BuilemiQe

ITompany 13 snd week. Bob FltxalmiDOBi' OwnMpeclaliy Company appeared before psokcd homesall last week. Manager Haynor will selects bousesiinw for 28 and weekWoHDBBLaNii UvHiUH—Week <if II: Ourioi—

nwau 0. Andnrson (whlllleri. Madam lieVcreIbearded lad.ii. Uarl Krtaaal's bog Clicna AUcoMllwaid and King Oeorge Cbaa. and Jennie Wi lib,

Msdilen and Horilell, Uookey, Kellb and Cadd, andMoore and liojn.Coci'u>s.—"Aorr-HS tbe I'ornsiac" gave two per-

fomuresat Ibe Nallonsl Soldlsia' noma 10 andlaid on 11 I'J, ppenlog In Otilago 13 Qeorga C.Hsmlcr, manager of El Ion's Comedlara, wu In Ihecliy 8. Mr. Haulier will anon nltce 0. Illrria KMonIn Hie popQiar priced bniiiea lo a apeciacular pro.

dncilon of ' tup Van Winkle." Part or iheHLadtTbeatro slock compaor spneared InCbtugo13, sopporilDg Emil Von Afr Oiten at llorlM-'s

Theatre ReprcsenlatKe W. T. Waitbill.or lbsKxposttlon central Mnslo Ihll, li bnay complailoghis airaugemenis tor ths MardI (i>na ball aooalu lie given at inst resort. A seri's ol Thomas con-certs are also noder iray tloliert Schilling, alocal latwr agitator. Is about totourlbe stals. lop*orted tiva compauy of speclsliy peopla under IbeIlls ot Tbe People's Knterlalornentcomiiany, nn-drr Ihe manaBemcnt ot USIari T-ie recentengagement of '-The I'isilngHbow"at ilis Uivld-son waa so siicreiifnl that Maoagar Urowu huarranged fora re'orn dale In Ihe Spring -TheWar or Wealih," Manager Jacob Mit's new pay,wrlllen by Charles T. Dazey. will be producedfor ine flrit time Fsii. !U. st tbn Lbeai-nnt Sueet Tneaire, Phlltdeipbli. John II.

Voour. of Ihe Bnadway. E u. Dnlu,otibe Eopli*Tbealie, your cur, and Joseph nsrr. of Milwaoket,are buty npon tbe aesnen Maeter Uert Fiis-

Sbbons, ot tbe FHMtbooos Fsnlly, 'ens ot ih«stores of Bob Flizelmmoos* Compuy, was pre-

sented wlib a gold wMcb bj tbe comjany Obrtst-


te«MM lormh Mw.ui iU UmoTEUSffibr tbt r«4m tMnmtA aboiUM gtnm, n oiw »pt«TMt nistu«kWoti.—rrofMiioD*li u4 «(hui AmM hmr la mad

lUtalllMtan,*!*, la inatfibttvwaUMValM RMmu4 Otaada. nan W ii ifiM, olharwu* (btf u«ao4t(w

Atliloa, MiMAijani.llTtJ.1AWtnt, Nin4Alotvortli. TiTlaoAulUD- AiDil*AlUa rbyllltAndanoD. \l»UnArooki. LqIbBAronkl. Alio*AlblOD. KiuAndanoB Liul»Adknii,*'lanAtnoU. RdlUiAUitEdtr.lt llaaAjniir. LoDi*

Adferat BtHch*AWllff, MIooUAlUloD. HttwlAlibolL N*lll*A*htoo, OorntAUIdvid, RabjrAton. Hrik L.Albtoo. BUI*AOttRDU, Ltttt*


Broten Frank•BtMrortVlolft

BHCb LiMi*BMbtll (^rai«DBooehtll BMfl*Bat.kM>D.UrU.ff,fulow. EtnmfeBurl. HiUlBUnchtr^. MtrHsIuiODL RflrfkPelioQi R>a«Hcolh, Humlliickw«li, jQlUHot', Nelil*BnwW Mtlll*B*n HiiitrtB«ll. Miu It.

HrDBMa, Hlaol*RaUa, r. TarmBrawn. NormaHrovoa. JtODlaBBnoD, UalcaHniL UtortlaOulitllaa.XiUiu

>:trlfala Mariai*ottaD.Jnil«ru>ioB, JaoDlaOaupbalt. LaDaOroruiD. Maniaouiia, Mamaraiiar. NiDOlaCoor. LilliaD0>rMa —Co!a LI IHararaplMlL UUiraC»rliila.lsiiltiaCarrlDKtaD, Hod aChMa, llatlu B.CgrK Rorabroinatooi, ASDtaCartion HiilartOint. Lora A('Auiilaed BfaCoalallo. MarnaD4la.MirOrciinDaB, MayOoahlDi, kiitiaTuta-lo, HasilaOiDipbaP, ClarlJararllaglOB. Mlla

LADIES' List.Bail. TinliiaRarla. MaiUa

, AbbbM,Fllbarn.rraafcliB,Milllaroi, Nalllarr«ocl^ Laoia AFoliar, A IleariiDD LtniaoFaaaoo. UwjarrlBitoe, NiaaFiildi,14aiilaFarrta. IlalaorioraBilD*. MifaFortllBK ABDiaFoliar, MolilaFraaka. Julianw iaria

,imham. Blalanrav, BarilatX

niay 'laian(larlor, Bra. RoM.II lor. BavOirdaar. LUltaaOimallaa, Mra. L.cirDTtr. Blrdlatl.(iraDVllla Rlaiariiludoar, Pau aiiraafar. Fanay(laoria, Blaaaerii^ahaiD, CarriaHartailuaala

fMIL Maniallartourt, NailUilanaian, Fraaklailolraborr FaliaMatch Ami W.'aiai. Kthal(lobaoo, Maadllarioofl Hlitara-tarlaod, L«laIMII. LoutaHlUMrv l\ Allatfbt MaiilaUonpltrar. MraWlD.

Hook, AoaaHall. Joaaphlaa£rTiD|, Balla

TBlla,MlB8vjQliu.HraFiadJaekaoB, MulaV.~~aDa. Mabil

lalaar <iaor|laroBa,[joiiaUna. Lima

baaiidua, Blala a.Lytla.Mra U14.LaKor,MrB.Na(Laaur, IdaLaTtrv, CarluiuLaa, Mra ViotorLa',oaTar, l^aa

LlIUisalor, Mariab*»)l», UailnaLaChavaliar

BliiaipLoTa JuBiaLaHont, CJlllo

LMlja, l.llUa

Ooyla, kMlaDtiitafRb.MaBd


Dalar.ll-.Draw. DomihyUtlmora. A'leaOdBbar.EllaU-B>tA.Mta. L NUaTla. LlrxlaDoyla, btulaDavlB, BriaiaDalr, Mra jolioDaVara. La naDarllBRUiD, Mll-

drMDarara, JaoBiaDanlalah. MaudaDaly, Liuia 0.DeBamora, DoraIfouiilaia. Doddla"HtUwuiih May

'BiDBiatUUraelaEitap, ABOiaKaRlaUo, KibalBdiDK. HolouaBiaary. UaorRiafwtam, FloraBcaKuitDiit, Uracial£arl HiaiaraRarL LotaBMIa, MuuIpKUvarda. Nallla

U>1U*. BOBDifLaa.MlonlaUa' py HUlarau^MUiiar YatiaVaaoaita, ViaaB.Harhoa DaitiaMnoar, Lnio,Nlib«ira. (IracaiarrlQo.MayKanino imaoaaullally, oratfoI'Daaai. MaalaVtabaD, AOBiaMarabalLHadaMoaHaek.L'arriaT.Millar HlilanHordauot Ha'liaHarlow. BaaBlaMaraallaa, BaaaValriHa LiniaMllU. MMa

(ol Mali Uo.)Monliomar/a

Hub)MarioaBi. tVarlMaieoim, HaulaMarola. MayVyrkal, BaimaVoiria, Biiiaaloolm, HoialoMiieball, Frf>ia"urtoB, LnU

Miblu. MinaiaNairoiui, KlUiaNo tar, Mra llarr)

NoraolL MlMNavbirkt MarloBO'Brlao. Lima

0 DalL PaarlUrla&d^ida J.

Oeiavia —nillrlar.JaaalaONia Killlapomany, tola^ Fain, DorarilBtuar. Jr .MraVwPortalL Balaratia.Hra.PaiDaai. DotP«aa«, KRIarnaa. MadalataaPaarl. JaoauPfara, FaHljPostf, II aulaPrior. LilMaBkF.DUaiaRoWru Maria

Ridiavay, Utlaa

HoblBaoa,Maad L,Baynood, Abb laRayaoM^ MiaBt6a.MraBauaobarf, MlaaRayDolda,KoTaMar solda

iiartredaRilgaar. BeaalaRaitaoodtCorlonaRoRara. LoiiiaRichanla MradQaRoUad, BaalTBK«)ei*ia, LltllaoSpaaear.JaaaaHraiL (\ma

4fiitp, Mra AbaKpaBoar. KalllaRmllb, Mra JaaalaHpoBcar. Alloa8ntlih Mra. Uhu.W 4tUlr. Ilaialffooa, MlaelaHainoar.Lolllortloaa, Oarrla^cbaadaLDDidar, A

I _Maaitord, FloraHpmaa, BalaHlddoaa, IdaHiaalalr, Rmuia^ynour, t'iiuilla

Ht nittr, HarthaiHoraBa, JiHlaRahirat, —Rtar»*. MlUlaHylra*lar AaolaB.Ml iilalr, VIoIatrimlih. IdaAcolUBtartmiib, uracadymondA, Lotila

tendllaadr, Mra

^rpa. Ada•Tqwo, Nallla

Taoiaay Uo.. Brarhomp*iB,(ii|iaFat lor. Vayrylar.krt V. H.Fumball. Mandaray>or,.lo|iA V,TlioinpMB, LydlaTnja. Millfaaakr. Mra. 4.

V»rBOD, niaoVara. Mlla,

WaaioB. Mail'*Wraoa, Ama

ffrblon. FraafaaWood KlilartIfbaa la r,

Hadflaloaffliaakr, tdoa4hila,OoralUliaiua, MariaWalfear. AbbiaWlllam. BlolaaWauoo.Caoilffada. Haodatllllam^ LotUaWaUb. KalllaWal-fc, luballaWilUar. Molly J.WalBOD.nillaWail, ABBAiraiaoD, Madallaafftlaoa, VKiaffiDacD. Marl*ffabamaB, Bnlly

Y»'^ May•VouDB,Lodaabl

talitay, WarraaArlli Riaa, Qao.Armiirooir,

VanabyAdana,J R-Aibarlua, —AddlaaloB. Wn.Addy, Prof. TlAliaiabi. BadlAQCaraoo. A. J.

AroawD. BAlllMO, UoaAdama,*). K.ArDoid, BillyAnDitfoof, V U.Auauaa Ourrao


GENTLEMEN'S LIST.Oarrao, JobaUbaaamaraL

IriirradUlllloii. Harry

nmitraoo, rttuart

Aahbr. alakaAllao.Uio. Iff.

ABiareib, BiUfAlia, SamAcblay. W. D.Aabby, —

(ol B.*»AUao, LlaBL W.3arol,Mai

tfiunmal.W ABroa Ball A Oa

OfalrvlltaRiaaaaD, II. K.Hall. II. W.Royolon. F L.iiruwo If roa.

BartoD, JaaBrowB. N B.Brasa A NioaBarota, BartlaadoB, HarrFloraal, UariyBrat'oa. Ubu.Sallow. Brriafaraard, Cbaa.Barr A ETaoaBlack. JobB J.

Baara JuUoUaacbar, A. U.iakar. U«BwdiaiUA t.

Baraily.J MfauefcUi, Dr. B. L.Hraca- iJaxrrBrtaioL JackBoaa, Jr.B B.Baraard. Jaa.Rakar, Chaa.Barrla. JoaBall, JafliaaBoom a, A


Baria, JackBrady. J. MBowara, FrrdBaacb ublldraoBoracb.


Ba' Ul A KaddBarr A MarBailoD, BaBonouiba, B. 0.Baiaa Broa. Oo,Bryc*. JotaB V.BartiiD.W B.Bakf.P y.

aara,Jnha V.

Barr, ADJyHarrr, hvtta%Black, J BBalllB, W. H.

Barry, W. NByraaa. u. TBaoBioHtoo A

IbonaoBBarrr. milla" raiUad. Jr.. K.

l^laaia.UaaayJ D.Callao. HarryOaDBlBfbam.W.O.aao, rror. w. a.

Uba Mab. -lark, DuBcaa

L'ajaoa, BobbiaUlark.wiuijCtalr, BarryOiark. Proi u. A.UarkaTbaOoV) W. II.

t:iaib.J T.Cook. Jaa F.

CfaaBBall, (lao. L.I'olamas, Uao. U.Oulf, BartComoy, Fat-iloaioo. Uao. B.Cvlby.Cliaa. E.


"oawf, Adau'ampball, Jaa.UortiB, M. B.UranioB. W. J.

Uobao. OeiA*aaCoona, JohD J.iililiurd, UraoaUarota BamayUoddJloarFcoablay.M.r.lUBflald.tbai.

BllavviUi, JookBaalaaioo, LallarnMra, 11. J.hiiiott, A. If.

"Xtuabioa. T.Fraocb. F, B.

Foaa,FraabFotlar, Ur. 0. J.FaaUiB, llarryFradoAatoBaFobA ylabarFoalor, 1^0Faiioo, Will-arBOfflASainKiQrKay, Jaa. O.^laakllOtUaaFanolBf, TonFraohllo, NatFoBia Bool BroaFuramao, U. W.Faraaadaa, llanrFlyDO, BaiaayFiaaeli.A.B.Fiyoo.MattJ.Fraaia Brur,riibar, 0. V,

L'raafoid. CbaaUampoall. U A J.

Laroy, JaboOocpar. FraokCbadwiek, AUy


Oiali. BabartOobum, J. AUroBkblla.W.II.A.U'aado, —Coiliaa, La*L'otCallo, Uao.Jaatian, Coaradi;ia>ioQ.FraakUaray, PaiarUaauAo, II.

(;«lby, d B.Jiair, llarryCaauriiB, Id.O.Caiatdy, JohoaniaroB, Ukk

Carroll a Blmar' ,fihH>0, w. L.

Itarii, W. J.Oamora,—UatiBa, JaaII* boa, Wa.

•ra,Balpliinr<-Doae. Cllffard

Uaria/aa U.Uoloar.B J.Ifiiay, U. BDaiBoii,FroC.J R.UaVorraat, U. T.DaUanao, FraokUiioD Broau<Mi|banyJobDl.( *«r. LIHIibiiloo. JoaDaaaKs'arUarl IOf Bd-Daoiaraar. S. 11.

u'amfo, FraokDilioo, HarryOilleo,Joa

W UTHSIIMI, W*raiur a Uwiafariall, Frankrariali. rraak r,rub, lllramfoj, bieblafraaDU, Magrlear'abar, l-'haa-

GolSao, billyUMajt,Jaa.a,

Uillas, T-1."racar, Uao J,UilUa, B- r.urael., Oao-ullnuia, Ban./Ullioy, ihiaaUritkSItMnlaell, Alai.Onmib, Om- IT-

Jaiatl * NaflllaUilJaipia. riasSJotlo-MIILUorioa, Jr-, Jai.iJudBir, Jiokurar, BayryUraMa, h UIraiorr, Oto,(lilaiora a

Faraaodai(Irlffla a Hriealla'dair. O r,(lalplB, Wo.(loUM,W M,

UnavM, JobatJaakin. Uao.to diD. riaab J-Uuinoo, k M.ami, Idwln(iiaw. FraokilliSaUM-logliUrlarM, Joba(ioniiao,T J.

ainirrs-gsdl*dfliTa, Uari

Iwlaorib, llarrylart'D|H4tJ1 J WPHSVBS.<lima ', KlaaiS Dalar, Wi^.B-i a<ar, rrrl Uaaa, gal W.ir au < Hty Dana U- L.

i'a,r- B uater.Ai rBlsv-l-aiill DayMliJ-g-Bio ikr, llonay Ua.ia II- Knil liar, K UaaKDi TbaK|,slaar, Ur- f. ua'Ma, H a Ma)~-ai.,0.f;. i a'AA H.lakaoa-J W. D.fliB, J. a.

Baxr. ilali.A. MnOao a MilcUbMflM-UM K. Da<li,0. ir-ifu. E a, ihoibanr. airHDD. a. "alirA Sawullalom.r-J. Uii«aaaro>l«ySaar.. Julio F. A'-Urlaga. Frs*!•a>k, Fi.ak UBMIa^aallyH.iS'ii, rn. RSI.ooi- Tba

'lift , Obaa iaiaiaon. J. S.

lake. Win iitaa,Ba-(,Chauaway, jrrol anirr, ~ ~

Oala-CharllaOkaadlar, Ow. n lEvlag, fleriea'kaaa- frot L D llSaaidaObaa EaampbaU,Jany UU»o<d,ybM.

iilara, llarryileeOala, atioarllta'laa B.taoMiiLldla, W. i,Iriy, Jiali aaroi'iMlait,uallisnirsilnoo(•MSIag. lltfryllalllurBilluiia><iVi, a- M.lliSira', JoaIJrabam, a R-

Uo'Voaebara, J. B. Uraaawall DiiB-UtFililiipl. Joa. K>-Kiiaau, Baiiy UatrliAWallsrsBU, ES-S '^Uowenli.Joba

gltlla Bleksy,W-llaa<lanU.liaoaL.Uao- HUnatJole


HiEilolUaS, B J.Hall, Jobs J-Hillf.BaairllllabeMTg.Oliaaoao, Jas.illae. Obaallasllay. Or, 0 ».liar ray- Jimilabia, r, -ll-raaaBL>rol.Hirbies.WB.llael,oieirllaal. JayIItU, JoboHosa.Oaa.J.Hayia, DanlloaardTJa

Howard, gdwardloywood-O. r.Bia4y?7fr.HySa,'tl O.Hoiaauas, ~Bfsry, 0, 0,

Bimaa^nsHsittlrrisgBoflnuu Fraallilarwadr cbaaUria, Waltarniana.rndO.HarlyrH. UHaitrnn AMarloaHan, John U.Uanla,BobHmlsaaar. J-

I owu£ U. W.i tara.Tnil ii.

Htaida Braa-1 ollaad. mat1 iJa,W-B.I siTinstoB. J- O.Howard <l*a- 1>-

ItoOt^WT.Iiiialni B X.ilirroo. T. J.Ilirt J. W-Ilaalr, Dhnrlrlliatbeolo. W. II-

llowa, r. a Kalllallarratilla, J, W,Hopa. rraokJanaa, llarry

Julias, lliriTJoDw, nr-O- r

JafkaoQ. IlairrJaokBon,Blllt(ouL)Joaaa, — ikaJ.r)JonaaABoUoyJohn, UjcarJordan, JoltuiJchoaioa*. JaakJohoioa, JoaJoboaoo, BoltJallaa, FiadJordan, M. F'Jodaon, br- willJonaa, or- 0. r.JiMriOB, JoaJilfbnoo, 0. U-Jutaaa —KanoaOr, B. J

Kallr,lllckaiaKarrlsao. Dr J,WgBDDar. J.

iloM,j aKally.Jaa f.

Kokin, rrlDoo

sgH,Jr.,BaBnrrar aiM.sHloaiiLrrsnkMirliil,-oraiMao.R B.fo'.'aao, il A,Ifaltlni, DMoDerial. BdwanlHo.ria, Johnelalrn. eadlaMarrlBo, DaraHllilmoio-


BanDins, J.

.I.ill., Frankcdlbaar FamlliMeCormlok-Fraailltrou^J A.Muipby, Kl-uaihaw, K FMoRtov.r.n. K.Hnild, W K.Hall.r, Winilo"iba k KmoiatlHclMla. W- T.Hacait FiadNoMabon.J. S.

I. J. J.

Kaii,lna>l,V. F.gallr- JoegIrainr-AiBuM(raua, U- UXa'l. Wing.nar, W r.godik. HiuricaKanoir, Qw-Illaa, llanygally,J. W,IIdUil BartIliail, FnokBondall. I'laaloDgin, a La rataKrooiD, riara

f araoloa, TomA^aaard, DarnIaIob MosaLararalU, A. U,L'BdoB. raroyI,ayao,M-L.uaho, IiaibaiilAiiia-JobnLobs a Lobs'taVaad. Fr*ltaTallai.Tl<aafSe,OlarlAB

LaLouda, PanlLanioBti, Thatiira JoaLaarlll. N, X-


UBar, Frank'


L•«l^ Jo.Lavraooa, Jo.UDao, B:U-LoDS, O. M-LlaoolB, WllllaLorrlniar, FlatUhr, Wd-LawiapH 4 llllaLa<'Nd., LofllaLalloo, -Labaa RMbaiilLoB.Rur llany;Miar, Kdwaid.4*11 tailLaKoaaSroaLanori,TbaLawroBM, FrankN-

LoraoioTrloLowry, SunLabiQUi, ALUra, J B.UloilrDp, F-

Huiray.QM-AMoKii, AodrBlllar. g- U-

MeAiillA p. A.Bait, iobbyBaali, A. li

idllkO-T-aaaaa,^K. K

MasMUarkham. Illrryarr.l, Bd.Haaon. W. 1.

oiniBB, llaQBlo--HijiiB. FraakNrlioBSgantlnaSlHorria, Rtara W.Naaloo, HarryNurniaQ- — ilioa)VDUJolllilaaCo..Lwo-Tlua'lalo, II H(llii, 0. W.

o'Hnan. A- J-iiaawa, T-Usla, thaiOttilia, I'lial

Oltnalaad, (lao(1-

Otinian. (lao. B-U'tlall, L N.O'llrlffn, WniO'lloarba, Tboi-IIJalL iHiulllliiabursar.—lI'Hrlan, W- J-


^ rrlBon. KdvardrarkiBUB.R r,"MkhilB, H tV.cataraan. Dr. U.rili.JiihnKrarunnill, r- R,Plillllpa IT- F,

I'lyBa, La.yf.arKB.A.Vrairr, T. arouara TbaPalarMB, Ballfaarl ToByPralaali.Kilvard

avaoa, K. I

Jusdy, JamMoooor-a. J-

Mcgaa, II- g.mHiaaa, F. II.


Buipby. F.

lla«£aa,VraL]r,A.KeU.rnoll, W, BMasai, BortMuBtgoinlry, Dr.aabaaa



FaaalBgtoBBoAdov, UndliyBaitiB.. HadforrlaoB, Jaaf iilailhy, FriahHonHOB, Jai-oillarn, B J-llaNa>lo,Jaa.lobrlBg. JoboSour*, t'kaa-Bairlll. Fiol- WJMllaball. t^oMahrmaoo, H.IiibavaliarrylaBaa, II, Bleiluiliy.Cha.-BoDoaald,

LawrvBoaMIdaay, J. <l-

HIIUrTW B.larray,.Tboi Baarib- W, «.Biaoridy a

fnaoa.ibarllaFilmnM, 0. R.

Polaraao, B. (I,

I'aak, (lao.

I'aek A SaaliaflTkar, IMaanlraUhlBi. EmllParklna, u. 1,

rarkar. BartI'iBkarloB. llairyI'ouar, UarryI'ambeitiio, 11,WFrIlobaKl. uao. Lfhlllma, J,U-Fro. J. F-raiaa Han r.riBaaBlil-Oliai-Faot. Al- k.

~iuaw. John

aid, Wm,'•Iniond, llda.

nilay, W y.

Hyil.r.ToByHold. AndaraoDHaiaXd. W.lliitillU,J. ft,

HloaS Bartoalljin, DaBHoaa, (lao- r.Ilkli,1liiryHimal.lU V. IT-

auaiall A raarlRow. J- II.

Siiiualln HrnaBoliaila.J. V.

Huloa, MaalarHoiara, llarrrmlolpb. W. II-

Kngara Broi-lllilonl.Mlk.HobloaoB, llarryHoblaaoB. W A.llayBart.llhaa-Hmdolpb, J. W,Haawn, a. II-

Hooyoo, uao. F-

RImA AndirHORasa, l4«RIccI, II- R.

Raao, (lau, B.Ilogari, Eo.Hamaar, ll, L.Rial, Jarllo.Jia,K B-Klploy, Tlina- J.

Ra«Tai, ALHooabi. WallerRarao i HodgaRah, Jobo L-Riidd, ARakia', lllrrrRoaa, Ktv.Ilinaa, FraikKoaaira, HobHala, M- W-Uoaob a VorkarRuiaall.H B-Raad.riilllpItiM Broa-Hoa.ra, Jiihnlllea. IIIO.TllobblOB, F. A,HIII..II. Obaa.HlBilolpIl, J, W,ItoBolos FlkllaUalBi-, I'rliMIFarllBiOi.WRiBllba BlllaSbaw, RaimoodHnllh, AnbBrU,HbowlM, W-HoMcar, U W.HNrniB- Uaa

LaaaooiRiar,— (llolMoBlfoaary,llaTa Havyar, A. U,BnidMk, Frank buiar,Joa. ll-

Maalora, Mobart rnadlar, W II,

MalUaad, B- J, IMawarlaoa, FiaBkMoIMwall- J. U- 'N.o,Ua«.Mnrrliy.U J- IHi«Mlng- B,oDoiuU. llarry jidaia, Juboooro, Ira lllakBa7,Jr,mibt

MarMlo,W- 1 cfaroatlor, John


Bptnear, WlllardahoamaWr. JaddtBin JaiBRnillhA HafiratolM-J If

MhlOir, n. H.stihlar, iniaa<a«rar, Wni B.:(ttBinB, r. D.N'laxllBs, (lao. aflakBratnaa. F.Holly, Jobs J-Ahtw. Bamf.iilackilBla,J. 11-

4ull0B,II B-litioBft, Loa4wali, II-

ipanior, BillymilllBs.Cailaiiarka. (lao. W.ilL Loraoi A.'aaaoB., Wm.illmUo. Fimak-lalloiar. Harbor^InsliloB Had(panoar. 0. W.4h^«arl, AwlvHlokoi. John E.Hanilfiv. RoiiaaSllbkOlO,!'iiillli, ()- T.

<i«k- T. Vsaakall, llBb.rt-laalaf, (*,•! (ttiai^

(ultna, Blab r.Iflla A, A..HtKMioar. F- K,(Billli, W. H-4tBlnrd, Ibl-

4iiniu,1T-L.-(ailuB. JohBOialiolllTaD.u.aSaalar. Alai.Bailor, B. R-Saaol. Al-Xlanlar, II- L.'nh«la,John F.

Tlhlao,Uao. B.TtiomiiaoB, J. W.ihaltbar.A-II-ThomtoB,

holioaihlnionpaoB, Bd.rboinpaOB. Frot.rwld, Kusnarnpaob, Qao.Trayanr, J. M.ruriier, Loniariioinpaon, J- W,rioiay. Uhaa.rboiupaon.tJ. W-TaonarA RaBaatrtaoy, MTbohiaa a Waleliriaao, H-

ra)lor 0-"fhoniiAO, W. It*

ribar, HaiU-lrhiBr. VIolor

rr Balla Tbarallaball.FraakO.Thorna, llarryrtioaiaon. (IbarloyTaykir, II. T.Tlplnn, (lao,

{]""-Van Vaehlas- Bd,VamoB Hrol,,

Vaa Uom. F. J.

raaTaraalt,MiaJ,Vaa, Blllr

VaroBi, WalUrVaraoB, HanVianaraoB, W- B.VaBola, Jill

Van -lianLIVnotliaaa. B. A.VaDUtioriiuoi.

HaalValilatl, -Wallar.Marllo J,

WllllamaTrioWtailall, llanyWallar A WallarWllllaiiii,

LawranaaWaek. KugaoaWolaoh Annid'ayna, HobartWa'droB, JoaWaal, llarry FWlilpplo, truduWarm, RoyWItaoo, R C.Wliaalar, D- It-

Waal, J- A-Woimaoiiil-

I'rnr. V- f-Whiiiiir- iiirbanWolhr, JataWllllami, FrsakWllkln., f.r.WInohlilar, B-K.Ward, ArtanoaWIIIUDl. WlltyIFiiidio,>ra(lWallaaa, B- K.Wiigaii, -Wlllliml.arigWiiga. HobartWwid dot- J- II-

Wiabborni, L. W.Will, II. T-W.liatar. JnhnWrlshLF,T.Waaiiakt, Billy;Wallar., Uhaa.WlialbaoD, B,vrilaon, llao. (I-

•llaoB, Ow. L.WalaoB A JankaWlnSald, UtirUMWirilaall-o bTWaarar, Qao.WoodhBlj-A.II.Warran. lUvartWard. J. K.WMiBirdBlityaidWorld, (illnkWood, A, II-

WlhUB, H J-WllaoB, giiosWarran, Jaa.Wavoi, Mr A MraWilliam., llao. T,Willlok.J, II,

valdiro, -WwkAI. II.

WillacJr., F. X,Wllaan, (lao. X,woir, BlllrWaloli, Uiekwilion, WD- W-Yogotf, Frank u.

l.lluBff, ll.man'Zarauia, J, J-

/.iiDOiarbiu, MasItuiiora, MajorXliuiiiaraiaii, OlioZanlratla, Frank


Ualllraor*.— Ffdills Foy's Oral l(ii»l nppsar-

BOOS ss a star wsa msdu In "iiit llio Kartb," at

Uanls' Acsdemy Jan. U. Ylio Iiuuib was paoksd

and good tanmor prnrilledrrom tbo rlss ot lbs nor-

lain, "Prioctsa llonnio" did an onnrruous busi-

ness, 7-l'J, snd Iri ixHikod for a rolurn ongsgemsot.

Uonne'ly andairardJl.

Fosn'B UrBBA lluuHB. 'Frsnuls Wilson ws«wsnnly grtsiod oy an aodlrncs ibat complslsljr

aikd Iho bouss, U, whon '-Tba lisrll's Uspniy"wss beard for lbs iirat ilmo hero, l,ula UlassrIII ids btr nrst BslilDoio appMirHnco on thisnooa-aion, bating boon prevsnlol Iroin singing by III-

Dcsa daring ronnrr imBsgomeniB, Tlisialo tnr ibawcik Is larsD, "IXiwIob iiib wind" did a Isrgnhnslnsssaud sxriisd muoh comuieot wtok coding'1 'Tbs Now liny" coniPs'.<l,

ALKAiiuu'H LvuBUB TilBaTSB,-"Csnt, Faul,!' arcsluilo i-aral mslodiaius, upsntd to good at-

tsodsnco U Mrs. Lanitry closed a suocnislul »•gagsment U hatl'fg lauored under Iho dlisdvan*lafSotarPisminrBllirostdiirlng tho wrrb. oilsSkinnsr brings "Ills Oracs dn llramniont" st.

IIOIXIDar HTSBtT TllBlTHS.—' C'spi, llorus. It.

8. A.", drswfnil housei maUnceind night 14 withJosspb J. tiowlliig lo Ibo nils mlr. "riisTrolleyBjsicni'' hsd sn nxcjilent week t-i-j, "TIio wmiaBqnsdron"rsinrns at.

UOWAND AUOiToHiuH.—Williams' MsKors, wHbOsorgn ThatcOrr, aliranted two good sized aodl-oners II, Bam IMrero's Uo. clnssd a fair wesk 12.

Tno Fay Foster liiirlesritia C'o.'JI-

KniHAH'BlluKL'Hei.TAi.THBATHB.—llniHell Broth-sen' (^oosdlsos oiienud to a ctowded hones 14. Jr*

win Brolhera' Hntrlaiiy Ua. did wall T-12. Nsxtwa«k, Uoa llill'i WorM ofNoielilrs.OivriNB'H (iiiSOH TiiSATBR-—-Vew 14: c'olliossnd

Hsdell, Arniatrons snil I'orlor, snd Ulllr Hsvk.Pii.iOB MussUB.—New In ourln hall II: AaUrto

sadLonaBisr llarry. TbeaUirtoni: Uile. Caroline,and Bhaoaon and Horllia.

Nona.—AinalciirorganlealloBa aboond Ihlassa-IOC, lo addition 10 the Faint end PowderUlnbareIbsBplokaad H|ian Clui, wblcU will prodoco'TbaMan From Mart > at Knrd's In Apill. snd tlio KougsSt Blano Olub, which will come to iha front with aMformancs ot lbs conic opera "Midas" at ths

fcsnn Feb. t. Tbs latter work Is from lbs (cD otrred Baldwin Blosns. and hss been secured for

tfesprofesilonsi slags by K K. Riu Tte tnnsialor Hay BuoklnghsD, who dlid In Loulsrills, Ky., o,

took piscs from lbs homo ot hsr motbsr oa KotawBtmt to. Bhs wu tbo wits of llsrry Bnokloglaa,who dlsd Nor, 14 from bums recelred at Ihs FroRtBinst naalia. and slilar ol lllcbard IIIU, door-ksspsr at UanU' Academy.

732 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaet 19.

— 'TheOrett Brooklyn nuidlc«p"itnn4ed»tUia

Allumbn llieMro, UhlCHgo, Ju. T, wbea Uia pio-

ptrtj of the conptor wu MUclMil for iMk Mltr-

Iti. ne wTlu iurecl«il ttie oompuj'g aonnr tnd

trankt, wblcb bid bton Hartd Id UieOrttaUl wire-

boDM on Wat HtdUon Blraot, OtictfOi orlj Sdd-

d»7 momlDf, ud vert lined Id fnor o( BmiuFoMUe, Ksle ToDcnx, Adelaide Fltzelleo end

Diveoport Sebn, Oeorgc W. MlddleloD, Jobn U.

Wlllluu, ObirKe I^bler end fonr or are IllUe

colored bore who wlib ibe comiiur. \at] wmtleo mtde on two borate owned bj fie comnnfud kepi Is % eubio et TwentT Mcond ud 8l«t«

Streete. Wllb (be comnoj, In one cipeolty or•noiber, were Ike (oar lllitentbtl llrotbei»-ObreT,

I. H., Huiael iind llenrr, ell of Kelemeioo, Hicn.

I. M. Hiueniliel, who le CDieged In tbe proitnuKommleeinn bulneie In Kelunuoo, wm eoppoMdto owD the (bow end oil tbe brother! tMleud Id

III nMnegonioot. Mori of the codidmij ere bcModu fer three wccke In their eelirlee.

— Wm. 0. Bennilen, clarloneiilek bae Joloed

U<Te B, l.eTl'e "Uucle Jaeh Sprncebj" Co.— Budnueter Uoianey hti wrlK«D a new nurcb

eoDi for Mitle Kibel LlDdler, enilUed, "Boomp-ii-llldoy, Uoon, Boom t" Bpaldlng k Qrsr bare tbecompoilUon Id the prcm.— Alei. Klllnwood repoiie good bnalncee (or hia

compaor tkna far tbie aeaton. Tba roaicr: W.II. Ilartlian. Uarold Vlner, Jamea Halaldr, DameBroa, Uw llcUord and wKe, I.llllaD Boicr, QacenleFoje, Leitli Bkeppard, Harlllo llaileU and Pro(,

ilarrr Urralne'a band and orchcaiia, iDcladlngt

Uatrr Lomlne, Orrllle Walion, Jacob Fettle, FrankBelraondt, (leorge Ouninilon,/aniea HoLaca, HarryOaoiliell.aeo. nice and Wmiam Weir. Tlioa. Rllln-

woiid la aole proprietor and naoaiier. Mr. F.inn.

wood baa pcrcbaaed tbe actinf dos "Halor," lately

Importad from Bwlucrland. "Haior" will play aniniporUDt part In Mr. IlarUgan'a new play ''Ni.

agaia."— Notea froo tbe lllinole Oomady and Oonocrt

Co. : We art now la our Ktb week aod are dolai agood bnalDeaa. F.ferybody la bappy, Obaa. Bkel-

cber la mtklni a bit wtib Obaa. K. Ualn'a laleat

aoDg, "le LKe Worth iilrlag A(iar All." There bannot MOD any cbangra made In Uie company ainoe

we opened. Tbe roater: Kobena and Allmon, FredBargy. Uan Iladaon, Uatrr Holrey, Ilert nodeon,«lbu. Bkelober, rro(. B. d. Undaoo and Hra. UarryMnlTay. We wlllbe In Obloln ibree weeke.— Oeo. \r. JackaoD, adferttalng repreteDlatlreof

OllgL 0. Ford'a -AmerlcaD Dero" Oompany, hubeeo tranB(erred to Ford'a Ununallo Company, re-

plaolDg Olarenoe U. Ilarland, who retiree.

— Obaa. Oodard boa beeo coDDeoted wllb tbe

Uoore comedy Uompaay alace laal Noreoiber,wbKn be oloaea ibo tsar of lile own conipaay. Mr.Oodard aaye ha doea not eipeot to make agy at-

lampi at management again (or eome time.— Noiea from iba Bpoonen: "We opened oar

Indiana olrooli at Lafayette, In 'Inee,' to B. R.

0. Uarltog Welle baa Joined for leada, and HarryJackaoD for comedy and alaga management Tberoator: Mna May, I'eell Bpooner, Ollre Orore, Hol-

lle a. Bpoooer; U. B. Bpooner, manager; Will Ho-Alllalxr, InelDOaa manager: Harry Jacteon, lUgtmanager; Uatlton Wella, F. 8. Oall, Traman Jobn-eon, H. K. Bpooner, C. C. Palmer, and Roy N. Uair,

mailcal director.— Ud leemlDg of Uie death of May BacklDtbam,

wblcli oconred at (.oDliTllle, Ky., morning of Jan.a, Hatlla Oolden, manager o( Lincoln i. Oartar'a

Northom "Fatt Hall" Co., of which tba daceaaedbadbeoD amember(or tlio put Dto yean, called tbe

oompany logeihor In the hotel parlor at upper Baa-

duiky, n., aad Otilng reaoloUoDa ware paaaedexpreaelnj grief at tbe death of tbeir former com-panion. Teiegranu of oondoltnce wert eeal lo tbe

memben of Uie family, and aucb oUier action takenaa waa deemed proper.-Noiea of DaTla' "D.T.O.Co. (Weettm): Bnil-

neeacoDUanea good wllb ibia ibow, allbong there

wu a ptrcepiiule drop off In tbe aKendanceItatoagb the noHday wttka. Freaania, nnmeroatand ooetly, were given and raotlTed on Obrtalinuand on new Year'a Day. At BprlngOald, III., tbe

oompany wucalledon ilieatage,and wllbneatandapproprlalaapoeobea by oar gonial alage maaagor,Aaa unmnlni. Leader 11. A. vinderoook wu pre-

aanlad witb a gold beaded cane, aod Korrtat Mo-OlUard, car mall man, wItb an laliial ring let InOlamoDdB. Uarry L. nation, barlione eololat,

Inlned Oeo. >8, and la a valaabla addlUon to oarbead and ortheilm. A leading Obloago Orm of

toanlo arlla a bare Jnat llnlebed and ablpped na aoomplete new eel of epeolal acenery. ObanearoonuaD, donble drummer, Joined 80, and 1^ P.

Yoang, comedian, Joined Bl. Wltb tbe eictpUonof ban colda Ibo company la In excellent bealtb,

and all are doing well.— "MoMnlly'a Vlali" ttporla meeting wllb ino-

otat oa ibe road. Uoiineea Manager Will BbadewlUiooa begin 10 book Umt for ntxtietaon. It la

alto ptooalile Uallblaieaaon, wblob wu originally

Uitendeil is lui natll tbe middle of March, wlU beextaiDded Into April or May.— Hat Gray hu reopened Ike Obarlotle, N. 0.,

Opera Bonae.— Jala Waltart la Diaklng elabonta preparatlona

for bu new play, "A Money Otdtr," to be prodooedneit leaioD. The alar pan, wblon Mr. Wdlen will

play, la that of a iramp, but of a dlObnnt type from(be one be now porintye In "Side Tracked."— Kotoa and roaier of Ibo fiareka Theatre Co.: 0.

R. Ooddtrd, proprietor and manager; Jamea Qod-ley, iiagt manager; Liaander llouk, Fiogene

rbelpe, Ubu. Fonta, U. N. Bweet, adrance; OleoBenoir, Oeraldlne Lealle, Mra. G. Kydon and LliUelluel. Thoyroportoxoellonlbnalneee. UbtlaunuKre UioT wen banqueted by the management of Ibe

Opera llonee, Kenny, alter wblob tbe companypreaenied Mr. Qoddard wliba Congo wood walkingallok wltb allyer inonntlDgi, inllauly Inaorlliod. Inteiom, eaob member of ihe eompany recalled apraaent from Mr. Qoddard. Among tbam newtripa, irunki, hale, wltb a flre dolbir bill for eaob.

liaa Benoir wu preaented wltb a ihopbotd dog


a tomugb llllnula, Mlaaourl and Iowa.— Will T. Burnaldo, wboaa mother, Mn. Mary G.

Thoineaou. died recently Id Woaterly, It I., learlnga will In bla faror, li ediiing a weekly paper at

Bnohnnan, W. Va., and hu beeD lliua eDginod for

the pati two ytara. Joa rickeni, o( NewtonBeera' Compaoy, who aaw tbe nnia in lut wcek'aOurrin, uting (or tbe wbercaboulaol Mr. Bom-ilde,aenda na tno abiio>ln(onnailon.— Uol.M.A. Baiea'UntniaUo Co. will aurtfrom

Meuipbia, Mo., Feb. 4, wllb alxtecn people, a unl-

fomied band and orohoatra.— Tbe Upera Uonae, llaaung, Minn., wu burned

to the gtouDd Jan. e. It wu ibo only place of

amuaemeDt In tbe town. I*, arlillo, tbe pnpttoloraod manager, laya be will rebuild tbe bonte Id

time lo book for oexl Fall.

— Jaa. B. Mackia will have "The Side Show" en-

Urely rewritten for next eeaaon. Uo will produce"Ortmei' Ci ller lioor" Feb. 4, with many newmembtn In ble oompany. Cf the nieacni companybe will retain Loulao Sanford. KItile Qllmon, U. K.

Moealer, Jobn r. HoDonald, Hurt J. Kendrick andWaller A. I'bllllpa. lie will add the OoUum Oily

ijuariel, J. Ueniy Micke, Kaio Wcelon, Uattle

Kent, eoptano, and Uoroiby Kent, conlialio, andNell Lllobeold h Joalab Qrlmea, the eccentric

Tankeo. Hualncaa la reportcd|to be good, and bureally picked up all down Kut "'rbe SideBbow,> " Mr. Maokle writea, "bu prored a good

Bleca of propoilT, and, although really liooked for

ID wseka, liu played Iweniyaeren etialgbl weekewiikoul lotlng a night, anil, witli only oat axoep-tlott, bu prorea a moneymaker fnra tbe itart. I

Bbali play back over tbe kanie tome to oae the old

paper np for Ihe i>our,' and have all new paperfor liolb abowa next aeaaou. Wltb my bntber uhalf partner In my ventare^ I aball open early Id

Aognat-lD Name,u uaual."— Marlon Mttobell left Hoie Oogblan'a Company

on Jan. 11 and lejolncd the rotieMlellew CompanyU.— Uoward r. Taylor wrllea na regarding a com.plaint wblob hu appeared Id print, fnm Die mem.bera of Ibe "Maine and atorgla" Oo., that tbeywerenotpaldlora per(otmance In Oamden, N. J.

Mr. Tkylor uii: "Itrmlt me u Iba anibor andowner of <Ualne and Qoorita,' te atalo ibat

compuy, without an excepilon, agreed to oonaldar

that perinimanoa a dieu rebearaal, prepaialory lo

cpaDing Ibe following Monday in rbilaoe)pbla,aBdII waa explicitly underaiood that no aalary wuatlaohed lo It Not a member demnned."— Notea from Ualta Bn>a.> "llumply Unmplj"

00., No. I: Wean aim In tbe Bontb, and, alibongb

wabaie bad cold, wet weather, beeldee tbe lowprice o( ooilon lo work agalnat, we an doing agood bualneaa, and ererybody le well and bappy.The oompaity la the aame Ibat we opened wllb, wifhthe excepilon of two. Mr. PIroeatel, orobettneader, oioaed on aoconni of alckneaa, aad Mt.Oookly, baa and tnba, oioaed to atland to pnpaitibe baa an Intanai Id. Both bare been aeeeplablyepiaoid. OarbandandonheatiBtreblgfeMDr

— Kenplan Comedy Hotea: L. A. Kampton buJnat Dnlaned a ancceami tour of Mexico, playlag'Tbe Flnnger." AtHontmy we wen complimented by tbe OoTemor who occopled a box. "Itie

Flnnger" tna Ibe only prodncUon.eliber In Bpulabor Engltib, be bu erer honored wllb hla preaence.

Dnrtng the perfonnance the ladlea of tbe companywere each preeented wltb bandaome aonronlra-

L. A. Kempion, u the Flonger, made an Inalantan.

eona bit, the apeclalty work of unrti Ober, u the

T^wrlter, and Cam Bally, u Simeon, were well

Retired. Car advance agent met the company ontheir arrival, anayed In a red bUtnket aod a«m-brero, which canaed a great deal of menlment— Waifr 0. Bolto bu lelt ihe Lew Dookatader

MiDalrel Co., to accept tbe management of Oeo. T.

Rranat' 'The Two Fainu" Co., which will opto lu•etaon Mareh 10, Iniuad of Fabmarr 4, u hadbeen originally Intended.— 0. W. neckley bu recently aaanmed tbe man-

agemtntef Clint a. Ford'a iccnlo production, "AnAmtrican Bera."— Maerlce De Wilt la atlU wllb tbe Pat Ilooner

Comedy Oo. In tbeIr farce comedy, "Lord nooney.''— Jo*. M. Oallea, anther of "A Railroad Ticket,"

"A Wild Duck" and 'Iba Electrician," bu gone to

Farli, Fnnee, In aearch of maitrlil for hit newplay, lie tiMCta to ntom May 1.

— Note and lloater fnm tbo Robtrt A. FUk Co.:Mr. Flak bM rtorganlted bla compaoy and II nowIDclodei: Minnie Adelle Dip, Lena llahn. Mre. An-drew Olauford, A. Olaaaford Sr.. Harry cordon,W. C. Relllm, Fred O. Olp, Jaoea Olbaon and Pro(.

Wm. Boou, leader. Tbo npertoiy bi"Pre Tern"and "lilt MliUke." Tbe company are now lonringWeatera New York Btala.— Otu Yelton will aaaome Ihe management of tbe

Newton, III., Open llooae oo Feb. I.

— Lillian Tower, lata of tbe Seymonr-BirationDremallc Co., la nported lo be very III at tbe CityUoapltal, BomoD, Mata.— Cbarlee Crepewin la playing with Wllla' "Two

Old Oronlea" In Philadelphia, Pa., tbia week. Lil-

lian Wooda and la Cbeveller Bliltra have altoJoined the company-— Wanen Aabley, Frank Olayton and Robert

Oonnell cloeed with tbe "Ohi What a NIgbt" Co.,

being nplaced by Maurice Wblib, Bobby Bryantand Etbel Lynlon. Following la Ibe roaier of "Chu.A. Loder'a Ucmedlaot:" Onu. A. Loder, managerand proprietor; U. R. Illckok, treuorer; BaokaWlnlar, Mannce WhUh, Bobby Bryant, U. 0. Cub-man, John Foley, Etbel Lynton. Evelyn Temple,AllleManball, Minnie HcAvor, Nellie and Llezle

MoOor and Mn. Obu. A. (Ader (Ruby I.ylion).

— Eldrede A. Blela aenda tbe following fromMaiiUion, N. Y.: >Tbe Townaond 'Oapt Racket'Co.. In reality oioaed eeaaon at Wbllney Point,

N. Y., Dec. SI, but we managed to pell oat and Mr.Townatnd and wife (Lillian Oarllile) and miaelfand wife) managed to reach here. On Jan. i Mr.Townaend and wife left aod we were lert herealone, but will probably get cot 0. K."— Paulino Markbam, well known eaveTtl ycare

«go aa a bnrloaqner, annonncea that eba la In abacInte want, aod aaya the Onda It impoaelble to get anengagement Two yean ago, while itarrlng In

"llerllDtband," In Ualarllle, Kv., MUt Markbamfell Id an txcavallon and bnit btr Itg. 8btbrengkt aolt agalnat Ibe oontraclon of tbe buUd-IDR when tbe accident occurred, and got a verdictfor ta,ooo. Tbe caae wu appealed, and ellll awaltiDual adjudication. Since that time the hu iieen

unfortanale In ber engaiementa, and la now, abaclalma, pracUealiy llvTog on tbe charily of berboarding bonae keeper.— A will bu Jnei bean llled for probate In Ban

Fnnoltco, Cel., which Itavot tbe ettale of Hia.Jennie Paraooa to Minnie Adama Itrooke, and la the

olotlDi cbapltr of a tlraoge ttory. Mn. ItreonaWM oae of tbe Maodavllle Slaiera, well known Intbe pnfetilon yean ago. she wu one of ibenaa-lengen on tbe etetmer Paciflc, loat oif Cape Flat-

tery, In 18TS. She left nearly ti.ooo In hank, whichwu turned over to tbe Public Adrolnlitnior. Hela-

Uvea of Ibe woman'a buaband eatabllahed a claim,when Mn. Brooke eamtforward wlibabolognpblcwill, which wu found In a botuc wuhcd unorefrom ttat WTtck. Tbt will It in tht form of a letler

to herdanghler br ber lint butband, and bu Jnatbeen found, after being niaatd tlxtcen yean.— Clan Ilelle and Cbarlet Jtromt, botb mtmbcn

of ttat Ward and Voket Co., wtre marrltd Jan. B, inBuiraio, N. Y.— Cbarlet n. noyl, who It a member of tba New

Htmpabire Laglalalnre, la amnging to take blaentire onnpany, now playing "A Black Sheep" attbe Park Tbeaire, Beaton, Maaa., to Concord, N. II.,

10 give an afternoon perfonnance before the law-muen. A tpeclal train wUl carry tbe companyaod ttair of Ibe Park Theatre to Ooucord, and re-

tarawllb them lo Beaton Intlmefortbaevanlagpoiformaaot.— Cbarlet B. Hopper will open ble itarrlng tour

In Lecuard Orovtr tod Clay If. Orttne'e pbty, "TneVale of Avoea," In Wublngion, I). 0., Jan. in.

— Ida Fnbawk, a member of Fanny Iiavenport'tCo., wu mamed Jait 3, In tbIa city, lo LvowoodPalmer, an aniat, well known u a painter of hnnct.— Tloltt Anbny and any Bailtr (non profet-

tlonal), wen marrltd Jan. 10 at the Churab of atMary Ibe Vlriln, tbIa olty, the Rev. Ur. T. UcKeeDiovn onielallng,— H. amtlan Donnelly liu been engaged to irrlie

a new farce oomeily for Nellie MoUeory.— "Don'lTeU ller Bueband," the new comedy by

Angualua Tbomu, wblob waa recently pnrohaacdby Obarlet Frebman, will be given a copyright per-fonntnoe Jan 16. al tbe Clobo Theatn, London,Eng.— In Ibe caae of tbe Uolled Statea agalnat We-myu Ilendenon, Ibe CIrauit Uonri of Appeait oftbli olty decided Jan. 10 that theatrical coitnmetabonid be admitted to tbia connlry dnly free uloolaotlrade, alUiongbihe coatumea an Importedfor tbe UM of employee of a Arm of which toe Im-perttrlaamember. Thia deolalon nveraeaa decl-alon of Jadge Bhlpman. Dotlea on ibe ooelameabad been paid UDder proteat— Barafoe Wbaeler wu graoted a divorce Jan. T,

In Kinau Clijr, Mo., from Edmund K. Wheeler (nonprefeealonal).— Tbe Bnprame Oonrt of tbe United Statea bu itt

tbt oue of Oharlolte Ewer agalnel tbe Siaie of NewYork for bearing on tbe leoond Monday of nrxtterm. TbIa la Ihe caae of La Regalonolia, Ibe childdancer, who wu taken oirtbe etage oo account ofber lontb by tbe Oerry Soolely, and Invulvea Uievallillty of tbe atatnte under wblob that aocletyopentea.— Knnk C. Qrimiba bu begun inlt In tbt Muni-cipal court, Boalon. Matt., agalnit Mre. Langtry tonoorcrlMB. Mr. arimitawu ber manager duringtbe eeaaon of latl-j, and clalma that the amount hetoaa for la a balance wblcb la due him. The nrlgl-

oal amount which Ibe plaintiff clalma to have ox-

etnded la tl.eae, but tlila la reduced by the receipt

y him of 11,200 from Mme. Modjnkafor a aeaaon'anatal of Mn. l-angiryia parlor car. Mr. Orlllliha

baa agreed to allow ibe eaie to go over nnttl the >le-

ftDdaDl It In Ibe tIcIdUv of BottoD. Mn- Ungtrydenlet owing bim anything.—J. C. Otoomi, itDor vocallai, la tptcUUly en-

gaged for Uie Ottawa, Can., Winter Carnival, Jan.11 and week, u aololat Mr. Crooma, we an Informed, will lake out a company next ataaon, un-der Ibe management of A. U. F. Southerhind.— Mra. Bydney llama Jr., who, u Kluy Brady,waa a popular aoclely girl In tbIa cllv aeveral aea-

eona ago, and who le conaldered a good amateuractreu, la. It la annonnoed, preparing to go on tboeiage.—Tbe Acton' Praleollve Union of Beaton, Man,,

are agitating a movement for aeouring for aotonan amendment lo tbe elaoilon law wnenby ibaywill be allowed to vote Id tbe place when ibeir pro-feailon mav call Ibtm od ileeuon day.— Wm. U. Cnne bu decided lo call bla newcooedy, by Martha Morton, "Uit Wlft't Father,"Inaiead of "Father Vennt Bon," u originally lo-

ttnded.— Notee mm Carpenter't Jnvenlle CinderellaCo.i Willie Strlogfellow and Mamie Knoir wereeach preaented recently wltb a diamond ring by A.". Petnon. We are playing loioodbnilneaa.— Roater aad Nolaa or Sawtellc'a Uramiile Co.:

Jetale Bvana-Sawtella, liello HteveDaon, Winona,Urlilgta, Florence Mack, Laum Dnrrll, Baby Jouc.Ulaienoe Qeldtrt Oeo. II. Summon, Joa- W. Glnutl,Uarry Bewley, Kinrit Rice, J. B. Price, I.. K. l)oane,

R. a. Wbllller, George II. Miller, M. A. MoAdami,0. A. Fiene. Emit Koennnoke, K. P. Wbltoorab,John I(. MallbeWB, Jaa. H. Cole, W Beaold, U W.Baraea, J. W. Smith, H. K. Beldeo. J. Al. Sawteile,aole proptlelor and manager: Walter Aibmno, ad-vuoe agent; Geo. II. Ulller, mnalcal director.

Onr eeaaon bu been cootned In New Rniland,and we are booked here for Ibe remainder of Iheeeaaon. Bntlneta la eioellent Laat week weplaied to reoord breading bnalneu al tbe NewTHUton Theatre, Itenlon, Maaa.— "Lonlaltsna," a tentatlonal diama In four tola,

by Lao Bale, will leocln lia Initial production la

Manb.— Fmnk W. Wilbur, maaager of Wilbnr'a Stock

Co., Infoma nt Ibal lie oompany doted owing lo

poor bntlneta.— Edward Amtdent Ootnadiana have cloeed

nnlU Manb, when ttaey irlll open for a eeaaon ettea weeki. Fnnk Amadaa la at work on a play ei-Utled "A Sintnl wonao," which will uke Iha roadaeilSeplefflber.

— Lew H. Newcomb hu wittidnwn tion Frob-

nant Wcttem "Jane" Co. and bu Joined any *WoodhnU't "Aunt Ballr" Oo. Mr. Ntwcomh In-

foma na that be la wrltlnt a play In wblcb BugoUlcka will alar next aeatoo. 0- B. OIlHngwaitr,

lata of "Tha Utile Cbtletopber' Co., bu aucceeded

Mr. Newcomb In Ibe "Jane" Co. . „ .


— "Tbe Irlab Uomeatead," with Joaepb J. Mackle

u the alar, opena tbe aeteon Jan. 91, at Lexing-

ton, Ky.— Notes riomStaw and Otalg'a "Jack and JIU"

Oo. : Oar bulnenconUnuea good. F.verybodr In ex-

cellent beallh- We Bpent our Cbilrtmu m SanBernardino, Cel., and many pretenta were ex-

changed tn tbe company.— Lydla Barry wu unablo to make ber appear-

ance. Jan. II, at ibe Opera Bonae, lo Pattrton. N. J.,

In "Tbe RMIng oenenilon," on account of lllnctt.

Her place wu fliled on abort notice by En Butler,

a member of tbe company.— Clint 0. Ford, of "An American Uero" Co., bu

engaged Prof. B. H. Band, aa director and leader of

orckeatra. A new manb. by Antaor H. Cohen, la

nanad "An American Bero."— Will B. Rlalng coniemplatet organizing a com-

Mor (or tbe production of "opereiiu," which bewill produce In addlUon to an entertainment en-

titled "Songa Hluiiinled and Illuminated" upon tbe

orderof entenalnmenia given by "Bnazelle" aodnenman Thompaon. Mr. nialng aaja that be will

cater to lodgea, cbnrcbet and tocleilea deilrlng

beoellta, and will have tbe aialaunce of eicelleni

perfonnert. ^— Oecrae J. Bnh requeita ua to elate that "TbeCopper Lion" le an original romaDtledmma In (onr

acta, and not a farce comedy. Meaan. Bub, ReedA Olarke own the dnma.— R. Dane Smith, recently advance agent for

Janea B. Uackte'a "Bide Show," realgned bla pcal-

llon at Wocnaocket, R- 1-, Jan- 1, and bu accepted

tbe poalilon of bnalneaa manager for Lillian Ken-nedy. Joining her company at Portland, He., 7.

-CharltaBluea "Colonel and I" Co. la reported

10 have cloeed at Scnnion, I'a., Jan. 6 wlUi lalarlea

In anetrt.


OalTeitoD.—One of tbe eventt In tbe hietory o(

the city occurred Jan. i, when tbe New Orend

Open llonae, under Ibe localmanagement of David

A. Welt, WM opened, with Marie Walnwrlgbt, In

"Diugbten of Eve." The building occnplra Ibree

lute on Poet onico Strerl, between Twenlletb and

Twenty.flnl Streett, bu a frontage o( UBft, la

isoft deep, and It tear and Ovo elorlea In belgbt.

Tbo aootta front of Ibe bulldlog la to be deroteu to

hotel pnrpoeea, and contalna fifty rooma. The(rout or the building la o( St Lcula preteed brick,

wllb alone irlmmlnga, and ornamenia of terncotta. Tbt entrance to Uie open houee la on the

ground floor, at toe eontbweat corner of the build-

ing, and conalata of a oianlre and bandeomelycarved none areb, twenty (eel In width,

bearing the Inacrlpuon, "Open Bonae, IBM.''

Tbo lobby, aiiMd., la paved wltb Tntctnmarble and It exqnitlttly deconted. Tbe boxonce Is located on Die right u one enten tbe

bnildlng. Paaalna tbia tbe auirway la reached,alxteenfeet In width, ccnalating of adonoatapawhich lead to the foyer, elxty feet In lenglb bytwoniylnvldib. eninnce to which la effected bymeana of Ibree folding dcotv. Tht newel poet le

entmounied by a haodaome gu llxtan conalilingof a group of etatnary In illfer, npreatnllngLovt'tVictory and Including tbt llguret of Cupid, Payobeand liymen. Immediately above and extendingthe full longtb o( the (oyer la a piece of grill work,3ft. In width, making a pleulog effect Tte bal-

cony foyer dupllcatea the one below, and In theaouili end It bu a Bnolyexecnted acene. Tbe dooraof bulb foyen an panelled in artlatic doilgna andbong with bronze blngea. Tbe Uoore and ataltwaraare covered wllb Wilion velvet of crlmion color.

Parlon (or ladlea and gentlemen are to befound on each elde when one ttept opentbt paiqueite floor. Tbe alalea are wideand convenient The entire ground flwir

la given up to parqueile aeata ttaere being nofamily circle or pit Tbe aeata are formed In a olr-

ole and are pitched downwarda. Tbe aeata arefolding pingb covered open obaira, flnlabed In oakwltb plenty of room between tbe rowa. The balconyaeata are almllar to tbote of tbe parqueile vrlUi tbeexception that tbey an contlructed of quartersawed oak and veneer. Tbe baoke o( Ibe aealsare veolllated grill work. Tbe protection to tbabalcony and gallery conalata of nicklo plated nil-Ing abort tbe bannlaten, tbe woodwork all beingIn white and Ivory. Then are eight boxea, two oneach Bide of tbe parnoette floor and two on eachBide o( the balcouy. Tbeyare flulahed In white, goldand silver wltb pale blue pink and old rote illk anddamatk dnpenea, itae darker colon graduallylightening towarda tbe top. Tne grill work on thecelling c( tbe bnxet Is c( tbt moet elegant detlgn,canoplea o( Moorlab dealgn o( white and goldand blue and pink covering them. Tbe banla-ten environing tbe fnntt of ibe boxee areflulahed In white and gold, tbe top being covetedwlih crlraaon and pintb and inrmonntcdby allver railing. Tbe tealing capacity of tbe bouaeli aboni l.MO. Tbe walnacoallng Ihronghont Ihebuilding la of yellow bard pine, flnlebedin harden,while tbe body painting la of a delicate ahade ofbrown. Over tbe etage the decorailona 01 tbe freizeare elaborate. Including loren' knota, tropicalflowen, raniloal Inatrnmentt, nutkt. play hookaand other appropriate emblemt. Tht tiage Itteventy-flve feet wide, ilxty-elgbt feet deep andBlxty-elgbt feet high from ibt^oor to tbe gridiron,making It one of tbe largest ttagea In tbe Bute.There are two gallerlce for tbe handllngof acenery.bonae icenery being bandied from tbe tower androad aceneiT from the upper. The dreaaing roomafor tbe elan are on botb atdea of Iba atage, and be-hind Che boxca. tbo other dreaaing rooma, twelveIn all, are under Ibe alage, and are fnrniabcd wltbhot and cold water, mlrron and dteating caacs.On tbe souniling board above Ibe alago ladepleted tbo awakening of Love, conalatlugof Uirce flgure^ artlatlcally renderod. The dropcurtain le a copy of a celebrated palotlngof Sappboand her compinlont, there belogllve female flgnreaIn all. The work la exrcoied in the moat arllitlo

atylc and rellerta much civdil on Frank Cox, whoexecuted It, and who wu alio the deelgner and ar-chitect nt tbe building- The open honee can belighted by either oleciilolly or gaa, the former akinetioing uaed upon Ibe alage. Ileal It enpplled bytwo botair fnrnacet. PtolccUon from Are la ampleand the exits are nnmerona and euy. Freeh air la

teoored by meana of a large ventilator In the cell-

ing and an ample number of windowa. The openbouae proper la aopareicd from the hotel by an atrabaft eight reet In width. Tbe aconitlo properileaan pronounced almoai perfect Tht opening nigbtIn tbe Grand Opera Bouae wu a aucceaa, and be-fore her departure from tbe city Mlaa Walnwrlgbthad preaented to her ibe aword of ber father. Cap.Walnwrlgbt commHUdrr of Iho United StateaHan of War llarrlti I.aue, who wu elain Inbaltle In Qalveaton Harbor, on Jan. 1, IMl.The bonding la owned by a Joint atockcompany, and wltb ground and flxturet cottlioo.oco. Uenry Oreenwall A Co., leaaeea; DavlilA. Welaa, local manager: U. L. Czollie, trtunrer;Edward Auailn Pond, chief naher of Ibe parqnelie;Leon Levy and U. P.Oautlre.aaalatania; Bud II.

Uorrla, chief uaber of the balcony; Conar Walkerand Mr. Ornfaman, aailiunta; doorkeeper of gal-lery, II. Ilti liert Adolpb Wilde, wltb tn able bodyof auUianta, will have charge of Ihe alaga. Doe:Jan. 21, 24, RIobard ManaOeld; 2t, 18, "She." MarieWalnwrlgbt cloeed her engagementJan. 6 lo a nodelaed audienco.TuxoKT Orsna boiqi.—Oladya Wallla preaented

"A Olrl'a Way" lo a large audience 1. Bbe alaocloeed this bonte. Tbe leate of U. Oreenwall andcomnany mnt nnill April 1, ms, when It le under-tiood that ihey will aire Ibe hooie np. Dnrlog theunexplied term of Ihelr leate 11 wlu only be usedfor ainalcur performancee.

lloniUin.—At Sweeoey A Coomba'OpeianonteUarle Walnwrlgbt Jan. a bad a crowded bonte, aladnnced pncep. "lu Old Keniuckv," 7, a, badthree lilg honiea. Pauline Uall, In "Dorcaa," drewwell a. "Lady Wlndemere'a Fan" came lo, RtaeaU, Sam T. JacB'i Exiravaganu Co. It.

Palici TuBiTwa.—Builnen It fair. Week or I:

Antonio and Coocblb(MBrilnea,Malda Pope, RihelBarlnw, Run Uall, Tnm Kelly and Flo Wllllania.Norrta.—A new opera bouae le again nadtrmu.

ildeniion, liot ihia time It la an aaanted fact. Theold bouee win be recosalructed; atalrcaaea Ibathave been ao diniciill and wrarlai'me lo climb. wMIbe removed, and Ihe audllurlnm lowered lo theground floor. ^


Fargo.—At Ibe Fargo Open Bonae "IbeOoanly Fair" drew big boutes Jan. a, 10. Coming:la, RUMO A Swlfi'a "n.T.O."Oo.; 14, "Oharley'aAunt;" ai, Jobn milon; 3), "Oor Flat" Thepatvo Dtaniallo OInb played "Breiber AgalnatBntbar," la Qnad Forki, Deo. «.

Toi followlog list of Cbrtatmu gIflB, txcbaaged

by memben of Sam T. Jaek'e Oteolt Co., wat

crowded ont of our lut lune. At a banquet ten-

dereo Ibe compaoy by tbe maoager many baod-

tome pretentt were exchanged, u follow: Maa-

ager lahaw, a beanilfOly eoraved gold watoh, by

the company; Tom Mclntoab, gold Onlabed umbrel-

la and diamond auid; Fnnk Hallory, diamond aet

K. of F. cbam and diamond ttod; Cbat. Jobntoo,

(Old waUih: Hrt. Tom Molatoth, diamond ojr-

hnp; Belle Davit, diamond ring: Mario Boberta.

baodaomely engraved allver toap cate; Klitle

Brown and Hits Merrill Bnrab each received dia-

mond earrlngR.

JiHU ABHSTBONO, (atber of Ju. J. Armtinng,

tbt well koowo manager and booking agent of tau

city, died In bla borne In Philadelphia on Deo. 24,

after an lilnesi of three mooua, aged 73 yeara. Hr.

Armatrong wai well known in tbe nudovllle pro-

(taalon, and wu (or maoy yean conneeiad wltb B.

K. KeHh'aBIJonTheaire.FhUadelpbla. Tbetaneral

Kcrvlcea, held lo Philadelphia, were larg'ly attended.

Tbo nmalna were brought to tbit city by Jat. i.

Armatrong, and Inlened In Calnty Cemetery on

Deo, 27.

Mints MiLi.tnos, of NelBon and Mllledge,wutaken III wlib La Orlppa after tbe performance at

Uyde A Behman'a Tneatn, Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 7,

compelling tbe leara lo cancel their entagementTna EHMtTr Trio (Bob, Kl'ile and UUIao) will

leave (or Auatnlla next June. ^ ,

LioroLo'B COMSDiiKS, nodcr the management of

Bert Johnaon, opened their teaion at Jollet, 111.,

Jan. 7. Haiiy Leopold la tola owner, Ben Johoton,

repnaentauve, and chu. Rotten, nuier c( tnna-

ponatlon. Their louie laya In llllnola, Michigan,

New York Bute and New Bntland. Mr. Leopold

wu formerly o( tbo taenia ol Smith and Leopold,

Leupold and Bunnell and Leopold and Green.

MoAvoY AND May, Itau three Marvellea, and Bin-

nle Thornton have folned Ruaacli Btca-'Comedlani-

Feter S- Clark 1b now the manager, John Rnaaell.

auge manager; Max Flelda, advance agent andChu. Smlih maater o( properuee. Tht companyreport good bnalneta. ^ , .„M. wiTMABi A Soxs Inform na that "Sbe'a All

tbe World to Me," a new song recently pnbllahcd

by them, la meeting wllta aucceat.

NoTisPBOiiaiLDBRre' UnwnsLS -WoflDd bu -

neai very good tbn.ngb Weatem New York. All

tbe bora are well. Tbe Enire Nona Qoariei Joined

na at Middletown. Johnnie Tnlnor la Juai ucomical u ever. Walter Bmlib la making apio-nounced tucceea alnilog Cbaa- K. U>rrlar"Wnile

Ibe Danre Ooea Oo." De will alng Mr. Barrla'

lateat balled enutled "Mod Fie Dajt," ttaningnext week.BSN LXATirr, and not M. B. Leatltl, la Ibe man-

ager o( the BIJOU Theatre, Palenon, N. J. M. B.

Leavlit la In no way connected wllb the Dense.

UowABp Fowsaa denies that Oeo. B. Rli^ bupurcbaaed tbe iltle, priming, wardrobe and para,

pherntlla cf Barlow, Dolaon A Power'a Hinatnle.

Tax Pablox TaiATRS, Unlntb Mlon.,cloaedJu.6 for repalre. The Welcha have led for California

(era ahurtatar, where tbey will onduce Ueir three

act comedy dmma, "Trtrance Brady, Eiq." Bd-

roond Welob bu managed the above theatre (or

aeren jeata. The bonu reopene March 4.

Froh Mauara's Oolobid MiNSTBtLS.-We anIbe only colored abow on the cout now. Jack

Mahan and Fred Hyers, oor ageota, bare been

vlalUng ua Mr tbe lut few daya, and ihey have

made arrengementa to take tbe company lo Uono-

luln (or two weeke In Harcb. Barry Fiddler buarrtvid (rom Indlanapolle, where be has been dur-

ing niB motber'a tUueu.. ^ .,

MiUBH AKb RuasiLL (Hr. and Mra. Jobn Kane)

mourn tbe lota of their uitie daughter, who died at

HInneapolla, HInn., Dec 21, otbnin trouble.

ALttmrvs AND Bartrah will close a eeaaon of

Iwcniy weeke Jan. I«, witb Bydo't Oomedlana, andopen in London, Eng., Bborly.Tut WiLBUB GNTBRTAiNBRBreportexcellent bnal-

neu- Fr«(. F. J. Bennler,ot the company, bu fully

recovered from tbe effects of a antglcal operation

performed on bira at Denver, Cel., recently.

Babt S. Ciuiorb and Mile. Dolores Fernandez

are In Boalon, Matt.jAMxa W.THOHrsoN ANOWiFS (Kliiv Smith) are

playing tbe New England clrcut,afiorOKvlogtpent

a Merry Chrlalmu with their family Ui Baltlmon,

Md.CLtquoT's performance It one of the tttnoUve

(eaturea with tbo Onlu Bros.' Show In Mexico.BLOoxeoa and Bdrns and Textrkanau were at

Ibe Empin Theatre, Beiraat, Ire., at lut acconnta.

A. J. ANDBHSON hu Joined 0. W. Vreeland'a Mln-

atralB u gcnerel agent Tnit Is bla ttaird teaion

wltb Ihe company.BCBDTLBR AND NASB tuve cloaed Wllb the Bob

Roy AihleUc and Specialty Oo.

MintL anTSR, OP ButaTiD and Odtsr, cele-

biHted her wooden wedding at Baltimore, Jan. 7.

An eojoyabie evening wu spent by a number of

Invited gneeia.Padi. bobdmah, and wife, Ltuie Bloaaom, wlU

tall from Ban Franclaco for a proteaalonal tonr of

Auatnlla, about Jan. 20.

IIiBBT Gordon bu led tbt John L. Sullivan Co.,

and will work in patioetablp wllh Hay Mortimer,doing their varlona aketcbes.

MoRBis AND GOODWIN Opened wllb tbe Intema.Ilonal Vandevlllea Jan. >. •

RosTSR OP Ida Olatton's BDBLiniDSBa —D. E.Handtll A Co.. pruprleion; J. S. Blewari, bnalneumanager; Pro(. Fnd Weaterlaiu. leader of band;Al. Time, leader ot "nhettn; Ida chivton, BIJouRuaaoll, Mane Florence Doyle, Llllle Wllllama, (nr.no Feaver, Laura Tllua, LliiloMorTla,Ru Hcnioon,Hinnle Emmett Ibe Bouktr Sliien, Jeanle Kalion,Baule Wade, Law Spencer, BHIy Mack, ObarletBuckley, W. M. Malao, Jack Ford. Fred WealerlalD,Al. TIloa, Frank Eooway, Artie Otcen aod N. Davld-aoD. The company opened Jan. 14 (or a tonr o(the WestROSrSR OP SCANLON A DUHtlM't UlOD OLASS

Imperlala.—H. F. Durkin, manager; UarryTempft,eIHgo iiiiinager; Sotnloo and lempeai, Teeley anaJenmoa. Shore and Cornnell, Cadden, Carroll andfveli-y, Lydla Jenklna, Cbarlee Oeaaely and TommyWaiera aod wKe.

I>. J. Kbnton wu a Ctiri'SB caller Jan. 14. Uehai |uai returned (rom Ooba, whtiber be went Deo.It aa a raem'.er o( a compaoy under tbo manage-me'itot Wm. F. Wlae. Tbe feature of tbe abow wuThe Deairucilon of Bercolaneum." Tte companyopened Deo 2t, bni elnnded Jan. V. Many ol Itae

performen are left ttaere wltuonl meana aod wl'ta

no proepeoi ot geuing away. Hr. Keoyou slatedthat Hr. Wliewu daaerted by hlBfinaoolal backer.Louts I'ABetBY, of Our Broa.' Mlnalnla, wu

preaented wltb a gold headed cane by Oeo. Ony Sr.,

and wire Jan. 10.

OoNROv AND HoPABLiHDareailll Wllb the HsyHoward Bnrleaqna Oo.0. J. WiiRATLRV la no longer connected with itae

Audiiorlnin Thealre, Cleveland, O. Wllb U. I,ane

he le managing Itae Imperial Hoalc Rail, that city.

OxoHOi R UiiLOH buelgned to play Jeada withBelle Ureighion in a repertory o> shtheepeareanplaya Tba oompany la rebeaning at ibe itoblller

Tbeaire, Obluagu, III.

Tea ASBBY8 nave oioaed a two weeka' eonge-menl at Uall'a Rogllab CIroua, Chicago, IILWiLLARD AND tlAti have flDlBbedaalx weeka'

eDgtgement at the vaudeville Uieauea la Chicago,in.

TiiB OorDAH CiTT llDABm are doing wen WithDemlDga' Hloalrela.

NOTB FRoa ZeteeUi'a Oalety Eotertalneni : WeareplaylogourseooDd week at itae Ponland, lod,,Mnaeum.Hr. Toms, ot tbe team o( Brad(ord and Tomu,

wu preaented by bla wile, on Jan. 10, wllb a pairot baby boya.ROtTBR OP TDB AMBBICIN VAUDBVILLB Oa:

Palmer and Parker, Bradford aod Tooua, RulbDenul*, Fnnk Bedell, Edna De Forreai, Martin andRoget>, Canle Walker, T.Leo Deonu.and AndyRiker. agentt'oooAN. RAND AND TAPS, the Oallfonla brio,

have be«D playing for tbe paet three weeka upontbe B. F. Reiita Uircult, and have met wllh greatauccen.Uatibb a Rob's Tntaaty On. notea: We aia

doing a fair bnalneu and giving atUtfaoilon. Webavo added new mnalo, Bonga and dances lo ourflittpart Onr llvlngplolurea are very auoceaafnl.NliTBR AND tViLLIAMB luform Ua that they bare

poaiponed their contemplated European trip untilApril. Tbe team appeared at tbe A. P. U. benem atMIner'a Bowery Theatre, tbla city, lut week.Bbrt Uaofs AND Wallt UBLsroN have Joined

baoda, and will play dales.J. Aldbicb Lipbby, tbe popular vncallat. It now

In Ibe long publliblog botrneat, at 303 Weat Forty-sertalta Street Among talt pobllc%tioDi for whichancceu It predicted an "Oomndea BilU," "maBer LIlUe Band la Tonn," "She's Irish AU theTime," "Tin Old MSB's Bloiy," "MelUi's tht OlriorMa,"aad"ErtBade."

'can. Tbe organization wlU be equipped at tbe

SIghib Avenue Theatre, aod will open Ita eeaaon

FBiin TarBbishiw^ vitb, AddleUvlomonapnaaata«blmwtttaababydtogbtar,jaa».and otaUd are doing nlody.J. Bbbbbxt Maox, maoager ot Rice A Btrton'a

Bote BlU Engllata FoUy Co., oelebntcd kit bIrlhdAvJaa. 7, at Itae Ooloonade Botel, Woroetttr, Maat/AcoUallaa iru aarvtd to ttae memben of tbt coinpaay. Coven were laid for twtaty. and soon,reollaltoiis and ttorlea irere hipplly isdolged In!and a royal good Ume wu ttae remit ^Tns TIAH OF FOX AMD FISBBR bU dUSOIred

paiinenblp.ALBUBTua AHD Babtbam wUI olc*eibelrs(asonof

twenlyweekswIltanyde'tOomedlaotJu.u. Tbevwill play dalet up lo rtb. is, when they wiu tall (orLnnoon, Eng., oodtr engagement lo play at tbaLondoD Pavilion and other boutes.BsBTia Tbobnton notnlly dcttd to elitatweekt'

eagagement In tbe Junto Tbeatn In MlnnnDo-lla, Minn., and will reat tor awtaUe al ber bntbn!ahome la Cleveland, O.MUBIO PUBLISBBB BABDIKO. Of tbla City, hU In

Kit a oew soog by David Marios, enitiled "niat Good Bye," aleo oa tela a new anng by Roben

Reeker, both of wblcb Mr. Bardlag oonalileTBamong tbe beat be bu ever pnbllabed.UcrcBiNtON AND CoLB have beeo forced to can-

cel all eogagemeou owlag to ihe aertona lllaeaa ottbe former, wtao Is down wllh (a vrXp^, in Brook-lyn.

TBI T. M. 0. A. Oldb teoeailr nve an antenaiu.mentatsteteon'a Hall, Fblladelpnia, for the bene-fit of Itae gymnatlnm fond, and bad a crowdedbnuac The people that look pan wen DewiiiBroa., William Derman, Fnnk MUlar, Joe Page, theThree Marvelt, ttae La Stales, Dannie BoyI* and JoeArtrent.Soaaa A Co. have onaalxed ttat Metnpollttn

Specialty Co. for a tour ot tbe State of New York.Toe following an engaged: Ben Ia Olain, SamBolaleln, the Eulmana, Fanny May, LoMIe Weatnn,ttae OoltonB,Scbng and BctaUleoberg, aod Dan Horrla. They WlU carry a bran band aad orcbealiB.

FiBLoe AND LBirui, ot HIaco'a City Club Co., oon-templaro playing a engagement In Ban Fiaocltconext Bnmmer.Obo. RtnrroN bu Joined bandiwlih Joe Letler.

O'BntBH, JSNNinaa and O'Bribm pliyed In NewBaven, Ct, lut week. Through a mlatake that

were billed to appear In a Beaton theatre Uat week.Frso D. Bandbu. recently cloeed hla tbirteentb

week wltb Frank Uall'a entetprlata In Chicago,which Included el|ht weeks at ttae circus aad five

at BaH'a Culno.Dan bbbbban. op Shsbmah A Mosmr, propl1^

ton ot the "A Jay Olroua" Oo., requests ut to correct the report ibat M. E- Banley wrote "A JayOlrcn%" u It Is now played, bot nyt Mr. Bultyatalated In Ibe aulbonhlp.Tbe Taylor Twin Siarsns report meeting wltb

incceat at Eogel't Open Pavilion, Chicago, an4will pbty over Moore'a dronltHons. Forbbr, jdoolsb, la at bla home lu To-

rontn, O'n., vlBlilngbla panata for tht fini UmeIn twen'y yean, be lafonns ut, and will get nptome oe* ieatnr«< for bla actGbo. W. Woods tailed for the Wett India oa

Jan. 11.

Oboroia Diam SrADLDiNO AND F. B. KsHTweraOurpBR callera Jan. 12. Tbey an playing dauaduring iht winter, bur. an conremplatlDg maklogalonr next Spring tbrongh Mexico with ttaeir owncompanv, which will be known u benioforeu tbe

Spaulding Swift Bell RIngero.Manaobb Loina Robib. of Mlneft Eighth Av^

nut Tbeaire, tbla city, will place ou Ue road nextseason, we are Intonned, a apeclalty and extnvt-gaoza compaoy eoHUed the "Wuhbam Blalert'

laat Sanaailoo," be bavlog engaged Blancba andLilly Waatabaro, our Informant alalet, (or fire

yea " '

Elg -at Ollmore'a Andltoilum Theatre lo Philadelphia.

Tbla la noe ot tbe orgaDtzaUcDs organized undertbeanaplceaof Ue VaudevUle Managen ot Amer-ica Aaaoclatlon.Bdqo a Sntdbr Nona.- Bugo and compuy

an amoolbly lalUng along. Hngp, ot conrt^It tbe feature ot ttae ataow. ne roaier Is

u foilowa: Bugo A Snyder, nreprlaton: BairyBnyder, bnalneaa manager; B. S. Slater, pUui-

let; the Logana, aketoh team; Barry Monroe, mottoaingtr; De Roy, Ue matlcalprodlgy, and Obat. 0.Jor^n, idvanca agent we wui ne In tunnyFlorida nnUl about Mareh U, when we oome Noiuito gtt Into abape oar European FavUloa T1lealr^

tor the Summer.Mlib- LiSBTTB, ot Bayaes and Uaelie, opetsUc

dnetlait. It aaracung atteoUon In vaudeville olrdea

In the lUnatnUng ot popular baUadabyatereoplloonviews- necenUy this alnger Inletpnted a aewaong, by Monroe H. Roaeufeld, enUUed "She For-

geu and She Forgiven." lo wbloh lea diatlnot itage

plotnreawere need. Tbe act conaumed eighteen

nilnniet.. _ . .

MaJOB J. A. MiODiRB aod Belle Tboralon Joined

T. B. Mlaco'a Olty Club Oo. Jaa 14.

Ed. B. Mason wIU abortly double np irtU DaveFoy, to do a black face actBowABD AND AiAON hsve oloaed a aeaton of alx-

teen weeka on itae Tezu circuit, and opened at

Edea Theain, Few Orleans, Ia., Jan. 14, for twoweeks.

Manaobb Jobn W. Ishak, ot BamT. Jack't Oreolt

Co., wu caUed tway tnm hit compaoy at Rochet-

tar, N. Y., Jao. 19, by Ibe dtaU o( bit titter at

Uilca.Mahib E. ELtNB.Irith vocalist, wriitt nt thai,

owing 10 a tevere cold, tbt It laylag off.

LOBBNZB AND LoiTA iDtom UB tGtt thty teouted

ajodgment Jan. 3 U Ue Denver, Cel., conruagalnat 0. R. Oleaton, taorte lamer, tor ISOO for

back ttliry.

Wb BATS reotlved a letter from aeveral o( Uememben o( Boyd'a Modern Minalrela, complainingo( unprofeaalonal treatment at the haada o( Ueirmanager and advance agentNona PBOH TBB Fat Fostbb Oo.—We oonnnue

todoawlnnlngbutlneu and give excellent tttlt-

laollon everywhere. Alextnltr Bros, olottd In

Providence, R. 1., and were tocceeded by Barton

and Cameron, mnelcal ptrtonoen. Mile Rltlia,

oleomcal dancer. It engaiged tor a limited aeaton.

Bcbaffer, tbe Joggler, aoengUeu In BalUmore,Md., week ot Jan. 21. Ollle Ardell (Omega), watUt recipient o( a mtonlOceot gold wauta andchain (rom trtenda InPtalladelpbIa, Fa., reoanUy.

Ronu AMD NoTss OP raa waibon Sisms' Ei-

invagaozt Co.—W. B. Walton, Jeaneue Dopn,neo. Oiark, Hay Clark, Ue Bozzam BUten, Roae

I.ealle, Orlnin and Brioe, Lenotte SItltn, Mabel

RuUerford, Obaa. Kenna, Maggie RouBdt, Athlon

BroUeia, Blanch Fernandez, Fred Rounds, Alt nie

del. May Bardlog, Oladya Aikluaon, Hinnle Fonda,

Sobenot White, aad Frank a. Pleroe, advance.

ThlB la our twanty-aecond week and we have not

minted a aalary day. .Oabhanblu and LuoitxB hare algned tor ue

nmalnder of Ue aeaaoa WIU the Lilly Clay Oalety



al her home lo Brooklyn, H. Y.Bbnrt J. Gbadt hu Joined taaadt wlU John


Oenn Street Tbeatn, Buffalo, N. Y , ibli wtek.--

Mlle. Agnes Obtrcot, Oaaeman, V. P. Wormwood,L'Ule Flonle, Ward and Lynch, loogeoe, O'Brlea

and Buckley, 0. W. Williams, Ryan and Apdale

and Al. Reevea.AsTABrs madeberlntEnropiaa appearaaoe in

Vienna at EuUetaementRonacber Jaa. 1, aad In-

forms na ot ber decided tnooett. Bbe nmaliaUtre (or ont monU and opent Ftb. 1 la Bndapetutor ont montn. On Jta. 1 Aslatle htd Ue pMuuieotpretentlnghtr sot btrore the Royal Family o(


A Lirm FBOM OsiFpaN and Bbtob ot the

Watson Blalen' Co., aU'es that Mr. Birce'a ri(hi

arm wu burned from Ue writt ro Ue thoulder

urougb ttae burning of Ue bed eloUei In UeIr

room In tat Columbia Botel, Albany, N. >>

week before Utt Mr. Bryoe hu njolned ibe

company. ; _Mrr. Edward Oubanob (Jetale Waner), who

bu been lU WlU la grippe tor two weeks,bu been

nmoved from ber borne to itae Fieabytenan uoa-

pltal Itala olty.

Btrob'8 Vaddbtillis WlU open a pttllmloary

aeaaonof twelve weeka oa Jaa.M wlU a companywtalob InclDdfB Ue foUowlng people: F. W. Buoib,

Ue Bickeitt, ThomtoD aad Bunnell, Ihe Biannlgatt,

Edward andJ08leEvan%UllleUrkeUhRloble Foy,

Ue Vedder Blalen, Banla and Wallers, the Valdenaand Ward and Ijneh. F. W. Strob, pnprlalor;

Chas. B. Uaytlotd, maaager; Jobn P. Bill, bnilDeamaaager.BBRT Martin will open tbt Edts Muee, 9t

Joseph, Mo., Fob. 1. _


DizoN. BOWBRS AND DiiCN, •Tbt TUtst Rn.WJ.


are apeclally engaged ivlU ''A Jay Olrcns" ult

week St Ibe LvcenmTbeatie, Beaton. _„..FiSB AND ODioo sn plajlng In SclU'a BUoo

TbeabreUlaweeklnPblladelpbra,Fa. ^Babbt FiDDLiBL, of Mahan'a Mlnstitla, who wia

called away fnm Ue abow Bavea weeka an ai

PortSmlU, Ark.,on aecount ot Ue nineuot hit

mother at ladlaaapoUsL lad, rejoued Ihe oompaiyla Lot Aagelea, Oal.JBB BhowaLtbb, ot Bhowa«ar and taae, wu

(Bkea taddealy Ul lo FhUadelpkia, PB., Utt wetf.


WuklBStoa.—"Mm*. Bui OaM" hkd oordial noptton on Um ooomIod o( iu ntoni aii|»f«-

Diaiit u tka Otpllal Oltj, wbtrt It reotlved lu Inl.

till npfcieDtMlon In UUi ooontrj onlj » ibon iibm

(fo. n* pl*j uil sofflpurm iQOlitngei) ilnct

itilonMrTlilt, tnd Um wlituUon glTtn ituutUoa Innnd tba locotM uooid«l li on Its nioni,

Tka Oiud 0pm BonM wu *eu aiieil it tntjpotoraiuee. The Fnaoln miion Optm Oo. nn-dand "ItM DstU'i Depot;" for ttio Ont time be-

foi* WuUnfton udloiMi lot week at Riplej'i

NtUonnl Tbcstn. Orowded bouei wera Uw rate,

•lUwofli tbe open U not coneldeied u brll-

llutud unetnl u iome In wbloli Mr. Wllaon bubenioContppenred. Bill Hoej.efuriaUnse weekIn tbli cllr, plajea » pronubleeningenent it lUp-lej'i Aouemr ol Mnilo, pieiieoilDg "Tbe Fumi."BuineM ma big. Wdier Sutord'a "A Fug ofTrace" attneled luxe ladlencei to Batler'a Bljoanenin.Tbe mecbaoical and oenloeileciawen daljippieolated and tbe companj preaenUoi tbe drimiwu tollj CQoal to tbe reqalreoKnia. Tbe Eenic-Sant-le; NOTelijand Botleaqae Co. bad a dewrvcdlr goodweek at Sernan'a Ljoeom Tbeatte, opening toa itandlng room boue, wbtob agreeable iUU ofaliain cooUnoed dnrlng tbe entira engageinenLRiTLiT's NinoxiL TnniTtn.—"Sowing tbe

Wind" I«-M, W. H. Orano 31-9aALBinaa'a auxn Oruu Uocai.—Hra. Langtrr

It-K, 'H!apL Paol" am.RiruT's AoiDnr op Mdsic.—'Tbe HuUer"

14-U, Peter F. Daller, lb "A Conntrj Sport." 2l-2e.BmuB's Bmod TniiTHi.—"Tme liub Ilearta"

14-l«, "Tbe Bomlar" 31-M.EuhuCb LTOiim THiiTM.—Irwin Brotbeta'

00. li-M, •Tbe Sontb Before tbe War" 2l-2a.Mnznon Kcsio Hu,L.-Aleiander Black'a plo-

tore plaj, •Mlii Itnj," 15. Wallace Bmce lecioredon "womanbood In abakeapcare" matinee ol le.

Uwla Hurli Flnnej'e Uloitrated lecture, "Olotleao( the Nile," ntgbt of 1«. AnIU Cloaa, barp Tlr-

tnoio, Mi Frank 0. Carpealar'a lUoatrated ulia onJapan, tibloa and Ooita, i\-2»,ODD FiLuiwa' Bill.—Pror.Caiponter, bjpnoUal,

opened M, for an Indednlie period.Nam—Tbe leaae ol (be LalaTttta Square Opera

Booia, now In ooorie of conitnoUon, baa been con-Teied to Jobn w. Albaagb ror a term of one bnn.dred Teari. Br tbe lerma, Mr. Altaangb aaaninea al!

Uablluiei, taixee, elo., paring a gronnd rent ol

tt.ooo per jear tor tblnx-nlae jeatc, and tbereafierW,Ooa per lear. Tbe bnlldlog permit calls for aitroottue ooatlng not lees Iban $16,000. . .It laromured tbat a new TanderlUa boue la to be erected onFennijlTanlaATenne between Tblrd and Four anda Bait Biieeta. on tbe alte now ooonpled b; tbe oldOongrtuUmat Ofobe prlnttng oaoa. Tbe ilte le anadmirable one tor a Tagdeniie bonae, bat It It

doobital It ancb a boose woold pa; bare, as JamesL. Keman's Lrcenm Tneatia aeema to meet all tbereqalremeota In tbat line Joaepb JeOenon andfamily are spending tbe Winter bere bavlagapart-mentaaloneofonrreadlnglamllrtaolala. Mr.Jeirer-

son andtbe elder Mr. Rapleratelltelongtrlends andtbe twoarealmoatlniepanble. Beorelarr LamentgaTeadlonerrtcentlj fn bonorof tbe gnat come-dian Aognslua Oook and Eilbeirn Ktdder,tbe Napoleon and Hme. Sans Oene of Fiton'a pro-doctloD, ware obliged to respond to six or elgbtcortaln calls at ererr performance last week at tbe

Albaogb. Mr. Cook will be tbe priaolpal comedianIn Manager Rapier's National Tbealre UomedyStock Co. next Summer, Jamea K. Backett biaalso been engaged for tbe same companjr Tiromen new plaja will be tiled on tbe Wasblngtondog In lbs near foture. w, n. Crane piodaceaMartba Morton's new comedj. "Bis Wife'sFalber," Jan, m, and Obarlei U, Uopper will uj"A Tsia ot AToca" week commencing 28

Orant Parish's new book, "A Brnaior's Crime," le

eren more lenaailonal Uiin any uf bis tormorbooks,


New OrleBBs.—SofartbUseason'sattracUonabaTO, tor tbe meet part, been sacb aa to win for tbe

managen o( our plar bonaei aa well as tor tbe com-

panlee TislUng bare, nnlversal commendation, and

In conaeqoence of tbe meritorious entettalnmeuts

osered, tbe pnbllo baa accorded to tbe tbeaires

liberal patronage.FaiHOB Oriu Hoini.—"Rlcbard UI," a grand

open, In four acta and Kin tableaux, br Salrarre,onen tbe modern Frenob oomposen, received lie

nrat American performance at tola temple of moslcJan.6. Sooletrwuoutlnforce, anowopbnoffer.inganaltncUon wblob tbe most blase of socletrleaden would bardlr can to miss. Tbo overtureand earlieracts wenreceived witbllbeni applause,but tbe wbole aOilr waa so odd tbat It was onlf lutbe taut actand tbrllling tnal scene tbsleuiboslasmbroke loose In sometblug Ilka an ovation. Ot tbis

open It mar well be wid tbat lu climax comea atine end, for tbe wbole work la a simple, not to sarweak, IntndncUon to tbe deaib ot Rlcbard. Tbeopen onlT deala with that period ot blatorr after

Qlostar bu been proclaimed king and until tala

dtaib. "La Favorite" was given 8, "La Maltn deObapella"and"LaOruideUacbeise"10. "Rlcbard111''^ will be repeated several llmee durlog tne pres-

ent montb.OniMD Opiu noDSi.—Tbe large andlences tbat

assembled ben dorlng Marie Walnwrlgbt'aengase-mcnt alKst tbe pnpnlarllr of tbat actress. Jan. 13,

Rlcbard MaoaOeld, In repertory, Kal Ooodwln 20.

AoaDDfY OF Musio.—Rbea pKsented "Tbe Pa-

rinana," "Tbe Ladj ot Lrone" and "Napoleon at8cbool'>and "TbeNew Magdalen," to falraodienctatbrongbooi ibe week. "Tne Faaiing Bbow" 19.

Br. CaiBLXs TaBiTBB.-Katie EmmeudeligbtednUendld audiences with "Klllarnor." "A Bnnob otKcya'' 18.


Bamplita,—At tbe New Lyceum Tbeatre "Ala-

bama" did a llgbt buslncaa Jan. 7-0. Tbe bouae

wia dark 10. Hat Ooodwln bad a big advance aile

for 11-12. RobL HanleU drew fair sized bonses

a-t. Oomlng: 'Tbe Galley Slave" U W, "TbeFencing Muter" iMt, "Paul Kanvar" 21-23, Al.

0. FltJd's MInatnIa 2411.OuNO Onu-Uoirai.-"Tbe Diaok Crook'' did a

llgbt bnalneu >-•. "A Buoob ot Keya" opened to

a fair alied bouse 10. "Tbe Ensign" did fairly

weUS't. Dae: Oladya Walllal4-u, Sol Smilb Ros-eau ll-U, "Ttis Passing Bbow," No. 2, 21-23.

AUDitoBiiiH.—Bob Ttylor lectured to a goodsized bouse I. Frank Beard came to a goon at-

tendance II.

UhBttaaoagB.—At Ibe New Open Boose '-Tno

Merchant of Venice," by local talent, Jan. 1. 'ToePaaslng Bbow" did a good iiuslneaa 8. "Tbe Mer-chant ot Venice" Blared mitlnee 10. Miss Orlnel-

ll's concert at nigbt. Coming: Marie Janian It,

Bobt. Downing le. Blasletetu Jones IT, "Tne Devil's

Auction" 18, 10, "Friends" 2t.


Portland.—At liie Martoam Orand tbeTkvary

Open Company gave clever and sitlsfactory pre.

sentallons ot tba following operas week ot Dec.

31: "Slgoleuo," "Harlba," Oavallerla RuaUcana,"

"I Pagllaoci," "II Trovatora," "Itaobauser" and"Oarmen." Tbe aadlencea wen deaerredly large.

Tbomaa W. Keene Jan. U.OouaaT'i TnuTU. B. E. Fnncb and com-

WBTweie Been week ol Deo.Sl.presenilog "TheOolden Olant," "Dr. JekyU and M. Uyde" and"Montennna." Bualnesa was fair.

Tbb Oiraitni la dark.MotBiiBS'a Maw TetiTBa Couiaok. — Walt

Ford, Barrr Brown, Lolo TemDie, wall Parker,Mand Baymond, Maud Rose, May Wllkion. MaySbaadley, Lottie Alonio, Nellie Olayt», FnnkleWard, HatUe Boover, Batue Ulark, May Wallace,Ftankia Ovetton, Hable Steele. Ollle Oatnan, WillDelmon and Mable UfImore.AnUDlu.—Ooldle Beach, Ctaua Edwards, Cad

Wilson and Wm. Mervr.Looraa.—Bebagllail's Spanlab SUdente.


I<M Aagelea.—At tbe Loa Angeles TbeaueW. A. Maban's Mlaairela fared badly lu tba way ol

pamnage Jan. l-s Tbe Bnrbank Tbeatre dnwwall Dec 2MaiLl,wtib"ClndaRlla" aa Ue mag-neL Jeonys Lswia begins a aeaaon of three weekaat IUb boose a, with "la Belle Roae" aa a alaner.

Tne Orpoeam opened Deo. tl lo a packedbosas aad boslnesi oootlnned food during tbeweek Manager Wyan, ot the Los AngelaTham^ 1* la Ssa FraatUsooon bnpoitant buameaL



Boitoa.—Tbe engagtnMht ot Julia IUrlow^Taber baa been beyond precedent the most brilliant

and Bocoeasfal ever tiled by any dramatlo atar attbe BoUla Street Theatre, II not. In fact, at anyIbeatn In Bosioo. A sueccalon of bugs aodlenceagreeted her at every performance In her repertory,

and every seal In the hoose hid been soM a weekpnvlonsly. The present week, ibe third and last

other engagement, she will appear In her reper-

tory, and will be followed, II, by Roee Coghlan.COLDMBia ToaiTBB.-Managen Rich k Uarris

made no mlataka when they auged "Tbe New Wo-man." It proved a mosey winner last week, andwell deserved the liberal pamnage It receivedNext week, "Tbe Passlbg Sbow."OaiMD UrBBA BODsa.— "lloss and Boa" did areat boaiueaa laat werk, a succession ol Jammedlonsea being Ibe rale from Bunday to SaitinUy

nlgbis, and matinees lacladed. This week, "TbeMan Withoot a Country." Next week, "Wardand Vokes." In "A RooOu Ibe Bank."Boston Musbum.—Ware It Wooli'a new comlo

opera, "Westward Uo," has caught on bete wlih avengeance. Tbe biggnt kind of buslnea baamarked lis career since ills dnt pieaeniatlon, andIt fullr deserves tbe socceta It baa gained. It lepore, aparklluB and embodlea a ripple of langhteralinoet eveir moment, and comblnca admlnblybright dialogoe and catchy melodlatic eireola. Itstill holds the bcarda ben and la evldenilr bookedtor an extended run.OiBTLB aqnuu Tbbatbb.—Tbe Louise Deaodet

Co. drew faiily good buslneia laat week In ibeopera bonne, "The Dragoon's Dangbter," wblobwill ran Ibroogb the current week. It li a spark-ling bit of buslnees. In Its olaas. and waa favonblyreceived. Next week, Joseph Haworth, In "llam-lel," "Rosedale" and ''niohellen."Pabx TaaaTBa.-"A Black Sh>ep" Is dnwing

big business to ihe Park and causing many laugbHat every performance. Constant InterpolailoQa ofnew work, gaga, puna, etc., serve to keep alive tbeIntereeL It Is billed unill tunber orders.BowooiH SquiRB Tbbitrx.—"Unnunlly"

wound np IIS aucceaatcl ran 12, and thin week la

toUowed by '*The Waies ot Sin." This has beenseen lu Boston before, and bad a strong ran whenBreeented a tew years ago at Ihe Qiand Open[onse. Next week Lewis MorTlMn In "FteueL"TaBioNT TaBATBa.—The Lillian Rouoll Open

BooiTc Co. clostd here I2, and this week an follow-ed by Bill Hoey, In bla now one, "Tbe Flams." Ue,In loro, will be succeeded by the Kendsla,UoBTON TnaiTBB.—Jas. A. time remains tbia

week, presenting "Shon Acres." Next week,"Rush City."EBira'B Nbw TaaaTaa.-Mansger Keltb baa con-

vened tnis week what Press Agent Sam K. Ilodg-don terma "A bnlllaol congieaa ot European andAmerican vaodevllle atara." They are hfona. andMnie.Braet-Rlvlere, tbe Forest Una.,WllliaP. Swcal-nam. Smart (remale Impenonau^rj. the JohnsonBroe., Horrlaaey and Ford, the trio ot Hurray Bros.,Bmndonand RfglDa,lntB Heousker, Billy Uarter,Eddie and Joale Bnns, tbo Qlenroy Bros., theFrench vidoc<is, Eddie Qulgere. the Ityden, Oeorgoand L^un Lewis, snd O'Brien, Jennings andO'Brien,NiOBLB ODBOH—Manager Frank V. Dunn Is fully

allvo to tbo fact tbat "great oaks from little acorna

f[row," Bla bonie wbinb, al iteopenlng, dnw onlyairly good palnoage, li now crowded dally from

the opening hour at noon until eleven r, a., and thereason la simply because he presents a Huc:esslonof new attractions In bis two curio balls and hourlyaiage ebowa or an eicellanicbtrecter In hia theatre.TbIa week, under bli sole management, be oirera In

the cnrlo line. Prof. Slugard, In bis black aricxpoitl-tlons, a troupe of feuiale athletes. Prof. Hardo(venlrlloqalst), the trained mule "llayea " Jaa. Del-kano (hnman volcano), White Eagle Uill (oiodernBerculen), Cbaa. Eaaiman (trick plaolii). Prof. Mar-den (maglclari), Minnie La Harr and her spirit

cabinet, and uoylt Wllllsms (Punch and Judysbow). On the stage strong cnteruininenis aregiven by the Reese Bros., Core Armstrong, AliceOheater, the LewlsSlaten, Billy Kellv, Uorry Kgan,Yanka Atwond, Dennis Snlllvan, Mar Evanii, QerileBrown, Minnie Wlillanu. Jennie mz«r, and awind up by a female mlnBirel and variety troupo.UowiiiD ATUBH.>oa.—Violet Mascoue and a

company are billed to appear bere lo her burlesiioe.

"SInbad." In the olio are Leo Dervalio, Ualnea aidPetteoglll, tbe Zamoni Pamlly, Mile. AntoinetteBorga, Madge Ellis, Ida Hoaaell, Collins HUd Willis,

HoAvoy and Roien, Joale Oregory, Addle Smith,Lillian Cheater, Prof, 0. U. Ulee and bla dionmicIllusions, Conroy aid Delinoj, and the Oalely UlrlsBallet Troupe.PaiauB TuBtTBx—The City Spans Uo. hold forth

here for a week, and other atinctlona are theKelson SIsten, (Rou, Llllle, Annie and Katln. Jackand Rosa Barke, Flyon and ZItella, I'hll aodurlsitloSheridan. Snyder and Buckley, Wren and l)4ly,aud

a big ballet treups.AimiN & Sniia's HtJSBDU.-ln the lecture ball

there can be found this week tne cquino beauty,Marqols," Mile. Elecira, Gautemallan lodltii

MInmba band, Orecitu Lady Necrouancon, tbe

Queen o( the Telephone Wire, Viennese troupeor mandollnlaia and oumbo Jr, The aiageWilliams and Barton,Am mons-Olerlas« Trio,Westonand Byron, Hay Walsh, Brysnt and Connors. Billy

Borke, Banlon and Wllaon, Uarry Paige, liurall

Twin Brotlien, Byron and Blanchs, Uoleman andBayden, Susie Uoirard, Richard BIstera, Blllle andAnnie Williams, Clever Walker audTonuny Caldor,

Lycsum TiiBA'nia-—Manager 0. U.Botcholler la

closing a thriving bualneasat Ibis bonae and pre-

senting a commendable aerlcH of enieriAlnmenis.This week be billsSberman A UotTlaey'sOomedlaasIn "Tbe Jay Clrcon." He llkewlee announce* theanpeanncee ol Anole Uart (the Boirery Olrl), Chu.V. tieamon, lllll and Powell, Hlle. Uelmoto, nr. undHn. Onnt, Emery and Marlow, (he Four Bmperoreof Hualc, Mile. Rhea, Frank (Minr, and the midgetZulu.Obamd MoBBua.—Manager Geo. K. Lotbrop stagca

this week at bis Booth end bouse the scnsailoDalcomedy dtama, "Pen, or the Olrl Uciccilve," withKaiherlne Ilober In Ihe title rule. In adillilon Man-ager Lot-inp Interpolates a big variety show Inwntnh will appearsome ut tbe best vaudeville peopleon the stage.Ninss.—ElUe Elliler cones to tbe Orand (Iprra

Bnoae very soon Joseph Uaworth'a OrMt ap-pearance on aoy stage as Cardinal Rlcbolli*u will lie

made during bis coming engagement at the (;ait)e

Square Theatre Johnstone Bennett baa de-

cided to go Into bQrlesqoe, lights and all, ^nd Is

golug abroad to study ana will donbtleas make herdrbut on Ibe other »\le Eatello Bylvane andher mlllloniUre husband, Fnncia Uakes, have lienn

spending their hooeyoioon on the Now Englandclruult, where Joaepb Uawortb, of whose compaojMn. Oakes Is a meuilier, has been plajing "Hamlet" and "Romdale." The lady has consented to

remain In Mr. Ilaworth's suppon until the clou of

bla engagement at tbe OasUe Square Tbratre.

Worcester,—At the Worcestrr Theatre "In OldKentucky" dnw good houses Jan, T-v. Itolaud

Reed came to good buslneas 10, Joseph Uawortbdid a big boslneu II, I'J. William Uuiller coiuc*

14, It, "llnsh Ulty 10, LIUIan Iluaaell 17, "PrincePro Tern" 1».

FaoKT Btbbbt Orsaa IIodbb.—The Itoee lllll

Folly Co. appeared lo big bonsea all last week,AusUn's OInnleans M-lo, lllg Vsndevllle Co. 21-23,

City Sports Iluilesque Co. u-it.Lomnor's OpasA Uovsb.—Joseph U. Clifton, In

Ranch King" and "LIbhy Prtsen,^' did a fair hasl-

ncss Isst week, "reek's Bad Boy" 14-10, Kthel

Tucker and II. I'eroy Meldon 2l-is.

NoTBS.—Manager Wilton, of Loibrop'a UpenBouse, has Inrlied all Ihe newahoia In Ihe city ui aperiormance of "Pecl'a B«d Boy"alternoon ot It,

and baa dlatrlliDted tickets among theoj

Oeorge Irving I*llt, who haa been irrasorer of l/>tb-

rop's Opera Uooie nloce toe bouse was opened In

1891, severed his oonoecilun wiih the bouse li, andUarry Aiken, lor seteni seasons treasurer ot Ihe

More Co.. ukes bla place Tbe Waanburn SIs-

isre Stan out with a company of their own nextseason Joaepli llaworth cmchefl tuo atudaoieof Holy Ctohi (Xillege while here. Toey are to pni

dace "King Jobn'' BOon at the Worcester Tbratre.John M. Kendall and C. P. Hanson, of ilils

cl'y, have wrltien a new cr^rolc opera, entitled

"Prlnceas Pbosa," and It will Ik producad In Hayby the Worcester Light Infautty at the WorceaierTheatre,

Ljno.—At the Lynn Theatn tbe BL Uary'aDramatic t^, an amateur orBanlBallon, prvaenied

"Sweethearts" and "Uncle Jobn" tor a lienelli Jan.

B. "In Old KentackT" waa niayed to packed bouaea11. 12. Coming; Fanny Rice 22, Agnes Ueradon2t. 2«.

Mi'Sio llAiL.—Tbe Vatino Girls' Bntleaque Co.

_une 10-12 10 a good bualnesa. Tale company Is

under tbe mansgenieot of W. Uarry Jones, withCbarlea F. Taylor aa biialoess manager, and H; P.

Bottler aa advance agent. Hauoheater'a NiBbtOwUk with Mullen and Hagee Sybarel. Rheme Nel-

son, McClond and HelvUle, OdsU and Page aod To-

PBok and Steele U tho stUacUon Ibis week. Theblckelis' Own Co., wia Durell Twin Bros-, UleglMaad Leslie, tbe Howes, Knns, I'erry and Bllawonb,DiBca and Remington and the Blckelis come 2l-3>.

Lowell,—At Ihe Open House Roland Reedplayed "Tbe FollUclan'' Jan. Otoa large and wellpleued aodlence. "Hush City" had fair bouse 10.'^0 Tornado" bad BUiall bonses II, 11 "Tbe Cot-ton King" comea 14 fora week.Htnio llALU—The Sleek company are doing good

work, "The Streets nl Now YoflT" T-o. and •hueHlilolght Express," 10-12 dnwing good bouse*."Nobody's Claim" will be played 14 lor week.

Lawreace.—At the Open Bouse, "The CottonKing" pleased big houle* Jan, 7, 8, 0. "Rush city'did a good bualnesa II. <X>mlng: 21, "Itlnce ProTern;" 'A 24, "In Old Kenlacky.'~OaiBTT.— BiiBlneaa continuN good. Bookings

for 14: Fnnk Le Bar, FlomI)* Bole, J. U. McQolik,Etta Lyons and llarrlaand Horrlaaoy.I'AKK.-Tnomu E. Oljnn. Harry Hamilton, Emily

Uamllton, Frank R. R-twatda, Jaa. ccowper, SamErana. Lottie Barges*, Lillian Towm and (be stockcompany.LawRBNCB LODOB OP Klks has In prepantlon

the open ot "Pieafon" for Its benellL

Sprlagflald.—At Gllmore'a Coun ftquare The-ami week of Jan. 1, Wilbur Open Co. drew largebouaea. The operu were not up to their nanalatandard, but Ihe llvlog plcturea wera well pnt onaod proved to be a dnwint card. Booknl: le,

llooeCogblan; 18. Lillian Ituhsell; 2I-'J3, "The Cut-ton RIUB." Bovktd at (illuore's Upen MouseJamea U. Hackle's "BIdeahow." At Tucker'sParlor Theatre good buslnees was the rale for week017. Weckot 14: Ubarles Hcach, Adah CaaUeton,J, ll.anbam, Hanola-Hason guanet,May llryaniaod Jenu.

Taanlon—At tbo New Theatre "Alvin Joslln"cttno Jan. 7. to fair boaloess. Hackle's "SideStow" 0, had fair retnrna Coming: "Mr AuntIirldget"i4, Willie Collier, in "A Hack Numlier"ie,"Uoss and Hobs" U,


HI. Lools.—AtlheOnuid Opera Bouse "AladdinJr." commenced a return engagement Jan. 13.

Stuart Robson did a good butlueaa Isst week.Delia Fox, In ' The Little Trouper," 'JO.

Oi.vanc TnuTHB.-"A Galeiy Olrl" dreworawded bouaea laat wrek. E. U. Sothcrn this

week. BlulcreltaJoncsmicd In Sunday alteraoon

and evanlng. llageobeck'a Trained Animils 20.

ilAVUN'B TUBATKB.—"A Urceu Qooda Man" drew>op neavy houses alirr the drat night. "Lost lu

N'ew York" Ibis week, Bob Kltxalraoions' Specialty

Company 20.

Uaoin ToBATna -Joirpb Mnrpliy did a giwd

bualucss laat week. Ilupklna' Traos Oceaolcs tins

week, "Old Olory" 3).

Standabii.—Urenler'a tint Edge Sped Uiy Com-f)Any did a top heavy buAloeas after the Bmt niglii.

larry Williams' Om Company this week, ibeKreucli Folly Uompaoy 'jo.

lloi'itKB' rnpB'd TitBATKB.— (lerllo Cochran,nichniond nud Oleoror, Ztmon, Clayton, Jenktoaand JaaiKrs, Jauiea E. Illack, U«n Uowati, FrankOlaylou, Madeline Franks, Uurt Jordan, Hole andWalker and tho drama "Forgiven."I.0NUUN Uinio llALi Pror. Han and hla doge,

Emma Wrainn, RaJ«n, Ohns. Palmer, Kleiln HlsteraJlrecQ and I.ntn), flornman, Jamni and Ida Oilday,'Tnreo Datnos, aud tbe stock coinpaDy.Wi.sTBK Uahubn. — Alcxaoilrr Kirk, Redmond

nod Qrar, SuIIIvhd cnilJroo, Kdvard Kux, Kd.Uarkcy, (Ireham and U jrdon, Uora Uotlor, lllll

and Ijiwrence, aod Annie Asbluy.I'^BiiSKB aluaubha Tiibathb.—llrlioJa KalJIk

(Kgyptlan dancer). Dscar aod Sallle Kliurua, Ijiiry

OoononsC. 11. Uradloy, l/)IUe Tiioruo, S. W. Ijiw-

nnce, Dottle IKIinay, Joe T. Kelly. IIihic Ultvlioll,

Henry H. Franklin, Utue SIvaii, llazrl KItk, KvaUoward and Jlmmj Woods.McQiNLBV'a Mi«Bua.—riillllps Uugller), lira.

Phillips (Japanese peroli). Dave Tnoiiiaa, Ithoda(anake charmer). Ohaa. UcKec, II. T. Itenleo, IjCO

UegBS, Ueo. K. Orren, Laura Wllaon, ll-jlla Wnlteand the stock company. In "Hickory Farm."Obu TnBATHB.-JotiD Uorrls, Mrxle Parker,

Annie Wvoodotta, Billy aod (Iracle Uilla, Nat amiMbble Curoalock, lllllr lAclcde, John Colbnrn,Diamond Wniilock, Lilly White and C'jas. (Irady,

TuXATHB (X>iiiquB.-jM. Kelly, Uarry Frenkilu,Maude l.ewia, lid. Uurley, Alice LliTee, Tilly (»dIId,Petri Andrcweaad J. J. Hurray.Bijou TiiEATBi.—n'm. Ilaiter, Jeaile Adams,

TlUr Walah, BliDCha Wilbur, Jennie Clarke, JohnA. Leslie, Oeorglo lllllyer, Carne Alleo, I'hiillps

and Naynon aod Annie t^oocn.

BRraNr'a Tiibatkb.—Dot Flahsr, W, II. Gilbert,

llecsonand Fox, llnuaan and Hack, Han MuCarry,Jeanuelic Uherba, Ha Ueehe, noorilana, WilliamHart, Ida Walling, Alice Aiktuann, Minnie l,«e, liit-

lorOM Amorltta. Uattle tinrdon, J.J. llerhert, AdolpliG.)D2aleB, Lottie UAVInnle, Nellie llotaman audDavu UcOinl,CuAT.—MoniaiM Charley, tbe loog-dtitance rider.

Is resting here till Spring Tbe Uermaula Thea-tre haa t>een re-lnsed tor this year nnil Kuudar per-

formRnces are being given regolany ini. J.

D. lIopklOB calls hH theatre Hopkins* Pope'sTheatre, and bla new houie win be called llopkias'Thoatre. Tlie location Is a aecrui iml yet, not It

doesn't look as If Ibe owuere ot I'oim'a Theatre aredesirous or having nim leave tliero for some timeyet. Col. Hopkins leaves for Oalveslon, Tex., 17.

J, U. Leater, treasorer of I'upe'a Thea*re, baabeen prcsentod with ao k'lk badge set withdiamonds by some or his Oalilmoro rnrndaSorlbuer A Smith, the well.bnown clrcnMmansgcra,report good boslnesA tor the poal few weeks wlihHarry Wllllans' Oun Company Uol. Cbaa. T.SIvalls. Wni. Adaiiia HOd Mr. Jacotia liavo rnndc ar-

rHnnemoDta lo take clutrge of Hcdlnloy'a Moaeom14, Jnmea UcOloley having dlspoeed or bla Interest

to them Maude Fenton and Gcrtmilg Han-dolpli Joined "A Urcon Goods Han" roinpaoy br relaat week, 10 atrengthon the c^mipariv i>>>ttle

Dltnple,vliobaa1ieenresilngat nor homo In lun.vine. III., for the iHst three iii'iutlin,J'>inH thg coin.

pauy at the London Mualc IlaU Ibta work KU.Fox und Uol PItbcr btvo parted, Ur. Fox remaluaas Bbige manager of Winter Garden.

Kauana City.—At COBlcs Open llonse this

woek Joseph SJurphy, after a two yeara' atfseutc.

will make nis sppearaoce, presentlKg 'Tho KerryOow," "Tbo Douagb" and "Shaun Khue." iMiweek Sol Binltli Ituaaell did his uaiial lilg week'sbusiness with "I'eacelnl Valley,'' "A Poor Itela-

tlnn"and "Toe llrlr al Ijaw." Kelt weuk Jeirer-

aon, Klaw A Kihinger's "Tim Country Circus,"GhakdOpbha Uot'KB.—This week '-Yon Vouson."

Rmmett, In "Fritx lo a Mad bnoae," opened big andbad fair attendance tlio remainder of the wrck.Hopklna' TraBB-Uccaulo Bpeclaliy Company nextweek.NiNTU Sthskt Tiibatkb.—Frobman's company

remains over liils week to ptoacoi. fur the Ural ninehere. "Ueu and Wumen." Too/ gare "Tlio CharityBall'' but week wlib good result*. Next wrek, Fitz

and Webster, In "A Breexr Time.Gti-Lis OrasA Hui'MB.—Nolhlog poatllvo Is booked

until 20, when 'The Pasalng Hbow" uimea.TnxATHB (MaiQUB.-Kuima Ilarls, Tom Fey,

Alice Clltrurd, Wurlli and Uarabsll, Gertrude liar-

bind, Wonh Hlaf ra, Nina CIHton, Dohany andItyan, the Uatmanaand Uva,KuVBLTT TIIBATKB.—ThU DOW Variety house

opened 6 to au luiocnae bonae. Oalijg to somouilkuuderaiantllng hctweeu tbe lutiutgeuient andtbe city onictala Ibe houas remained closed until

10, the city oOlclAl* cbalulog that the bulMliig lawhad not bee: properly coup.Kd with. Kvcrttbin,'waa made aailsiactory, and eveolog of lo Hietbeatre reopened. Honrue A Itegau are the pru-

Krletora and Frank Honrue manager- 'the housesa a aeatlng capacity of oou thousand. Tbe roster

or the opening week; Tito Omig Kamlly.seven In

number. Hadle II •awn, Cbarlea and Klily Bauy,Leooa Uayur. clitfiird and Williams. I.uttlu Hwan,D^viire and Hasaon, and ITut. A. u. Itayiooiid'a

dug clrcoa. Tula week, ihe enure i/lll, wlih llie

ezcep'.lun of Iht Craig Family, reinalna over withtbe addlUun of Violet Hi. Chair snd Uarle. Theprice* arc II aud 2t cents; boxes to ceoia. Mail-

neea are given Tuesday, HAtnrUay aud Buoday.CLirrBBiKaB.—Beriilce Wheeler, of "The llnanty

Ball" Company, a former resident of thia city, suedfor and ohialned a divorce duhng her stay In thecity Frank Wise, a prcnUlog amateor ot this

city. Joined J. K. F,mnieti here Jeannea* Mil-

ler will lecture at two matinraa at the Coate* 28, 20.

Freeman's "A Halltoad TIckti" paiaedIhrooBli bere on tbclr way Eial laat Wednesday.

.Geo. Hendricks haa sacctedcd OeueLicya*chief doorkeeper of the .Ninth Hireel ThutreWm. Dell, formerly Ueasurer uf Ihe Urand (iporallonse, baa realgned and Jaaon E.llaiekln haaiieenappointed Utaaorcr, wllti Wallace lladtr aaalttaolireasnrar Manager Zimmeroian, »t "Tbe Bpanof Llle" Co., waa In ue diy la*i week.

HI. Jaaaph.—Tbe Tootle Tlieatn baa b*<a darkor lb* past week. "Yon Yonson" oomc* Jan. ILtTbe ConnUT Clnna" 18, IB.

"OaAwnnnTaBt'na.-"SolBmllh RBaaell"dnwtbe largeai hnnse ot Ihe season 4. Morray andMaok did a good bntlneaa >. J.K.RtnouUooDeBlt.EnsN MtMxi—Untloesa bu been satlataetorr.

Woek ot 14, tbe Paper King, Oaka Znma (Kafflrwarnor), Hlle. /.asel, Pref. Silver, Oayalt andNevllleand"UncleTom'* Cabin,"


ProrMeaoa,—At Kolih'a Open House week of

Jan 1-12 Hoben Gaylor, In "Spun McAlllaisr,"

togelher inui Keith's living pictures did a goodweek's bntlnrBt. This week, "lluroanllr. Jan,

21-20, Willie Collier, In "A Back Number," and aaho U a favorite here ho will probably do a goodweek's hnalneas.rxuviDBMOB Upbka Hut'BB,— Jan. M2, Olga

Netbennle, In a raperinry, ,ild the Urgtit week'shiiBlness of the mosuu, and Ihe andlonoe* werematle up of the Aral peoplu ot the city. She wentaway iMvlug iha heal klud of Inipieaalon. ThuOral half ot thi* week Lillian Kussen In 'TheGrand Hudhoss," at advanced price*, and Ibe re-malodrrof iiio week Itoae Coghlan In "blnlonaoy"and ''Forget Me Not." Next week, "The Ama-tona."Wbdtiiihsvbb TitBATRB.—During lbs woek of

-I'i. The Fay Foster Co. did tbe largcat week'ahnalnca* done at thIa bouae this seaaon. TbIawrek. the Hose lllll Kngllah Folly Co. Noxt woek,Gua lltll'a New York Blare make their annual ap-hi amuce. BualDca* at tbIa bonsa baa taken a bigpoooi.

. irriiRor'a orxBA Uupsb-Week of 7-12, J. Z.Mitlo'a "Wiirid" wu well presented by a goodcompany and drew lilg houso*. This wcok, Jos. II.

Citlton and Jnno Agiiott, In "lloncb King" and' l.liiby Prison." Next week, Geo. L. Gregory'sHomply IMimpty."Kbitii'h (irsiiA llorsB —Sunday ovenlug, is,

the second of tbe series ot (Inbam conooruwaagiven liv Ihe lolluwiug people: Carroll Jobnaon,Piilllo Holmes, IK'an and Jose, John T, Merrill,Master Kimball, liaroard Dyllyn, Kddio oiguoro,IMe Gmliam, Annio Foa'er Locombe, Chas, Lovcn-berg aod Nellie lievoniali.

lUiniai.— I'top. Trowbridge aod Manager Phllllnsare coualdoring me Inauguration ot a series of llguiopera at l/}lhrop's Open House, lo be opoucl assoon as arreugencots can lio norfeeted, HanagorPhllllpa wu proacnicd with a floral boreenhoo,,There was a very large exchange of Uhrlstmaa andSew Year's prtaonls among Iho membora of the FayFoster Uo There ha* not been an aciresa hereIn many yran that haa made aa many trlonda b*haa Hlsa Nutlieraolo during tho paat week of herooRagemeut bore,

Paivlarfcet, — At Uthrep'a Graud Openlliinao. Jan. 7-1'J, Katheriuo Ituiier, In "A llomlnolu Itaia," hart a good week's business. Thisweek, KthnI Tucker, In "A Fair llebol."


Harannah.—"A Trip to Chinatown" pUyedJan. 7 boruresn ImmoUK audlonce. Mrs. Porter andKyrie llollew 8 had a lilg house at advance price*.

Tho Devil's Aneilon" «, lu, did a lair liuslness.

Coming: "The I'nidlgal Father" lo, Katie tninioi

17, "Krlcnda" IB. The benefli enlertaloucut advertiaeil by J. Carl Hlrnmn and Idabel Hover provod lohe a Qaac". A great mauy tickela were Bold, huttho performer* tailed to put lo an appoannoe. Tlinyonuglady whosold tho tickela for the aliuw hasloft Uio city.


Cbarlealon,—At Owcna' Academy of Music<l irion'a MIoslruls, Jau. 7, drew a good house,

A Trip 10 ctiloatown" Imd good business s.

Illrliard HanstlrM 0, Ura. fuller and Kyrie llellow,lu, hail crowded hniiitrs, at sdvanced nrlci>s. 'ThuI'loiiigal Father" come* It, "Friends" 17, KatieKnimcil8, Uarlo Jana«n 10 Hr. "Illuo HountalnJoo" Is giving dally perfnrmanrea to largocrowds.


Laal Week's Krenta,—The past week wuone of iiio dullest of the present season. With the

exception or a drema done In Oennan there wuuol a new oScrlug at any ol Ihe tbeaires, and at the

prtuclpat bbiiaea tliore wu but one change of bill,

lliHtone rciolling only In a rovlval. A dialreaaing

storm which licgan o|Hin tho Oral day of the woek,

ouotlnucd with inure or less violence until near lbs

close tbereof, and Ibis cauie, together with the re-

action whioli usually follows the holiday seaaon,

produced a falling off In attendance at all place* of

ainuaemoni, and rendered tbo bualncs* exceeding-

ly dlsappolotlng all along Ihe line. Ii wu notice-

able that sonic ot the largest audleoces were foand

lo those lionsos In which orcbentre seats are aold at

two dollara each, and a careful study of this some-

what perplexing problem resnlied lo the dbt-

covory uf tbe fact Ibat none ot these andlencca

were corapossi of fashionable people, nor were

they lu Buy way roproaeMllve of motropolllau oul

lure. Tlie gurata hidden lo Uie feut were con-

splenons by (heir aliseuce, hut Ihe labire were not

empty. It might be argned upon theae pretolsoH

tliat money cannot In aoarce In tbIa comtnuoliy

whon thooa ontalde uf the wealthy clau prefer to

select tho moat costly eotertalnmonia, but liewbo

dealres to avoid eironeoua Iwllef will probalily

rearh anottier conclusion, which Is really too ob-

vloua I" require direct mention The coatlnoed

perturmsncea for the week ending Jan. 12 were:

Urend opcre a' Ihe UBTKoroi.rrAN OrsBA lliiiJHa,

"Hub Hoy" at thu llBBAi.n KgUAKB, The Masquenden" at the F.Hriaa, "The Caae uf Heliellloiis

Husau" at the Lycauu, 'The Fi-tal Card" at

Palubii'h, "Glainonda" at Iho Fiptii AVBNva,Hr. and Mra. Kendal, In "Tne Sa:or.d Mra. Tan-

queray," a'. AonBv'H, "Mine Chrlslopliet" st tho

(lABUkN, "A Milk White Flag" at IIOYT's, I'aloier

Cox a ' lirownlcs" at the FnuHTBSNTii Hraarr, 'Too

Huch Jobnaon" al the laTAHtiAHU, 'The Taming of

tho Shrew" at Dalv'b, "Tlie Old Homestead" al the

8TAH, "Notorlcly" at llABBtOAN'a, 'The Colioii

King" at iheAUAnBar up Musio, Wllaon llarntt st

t>ie AMBHiOAN, "A VounUf Spun" at tbe Uuuu, the

Huaionlans at tho OnoAOWAV and 'Tlie Prodigal

Ihiugbier at NiBt/i'a, the three baal nsined oloaing

upon that dale The one week atands cloaing

Jan. 12 were: "llarkeal Huaala'' at Iho Pboplb'b,

"'niu Diamond Breaker" aljAOiiBS'TfllBDAVBiiUB,

"liloe Jeana" at the Omano Opbba lloima, "Hr. Syn-

tax" at tho llARi-BH OPBBA llousa, oud "Tho lluat-

Icr" at tbe Culombdb Variety entertainment

waa rurnlahcd at ToKT PAarun's, KOaiaK A lliAi.'a,

Hie Ukiuh BqUABB, Ibe I/inuom, Pauorou's, Ihe

Olyhpiu, and Hinbb'b Howsnr and KluOTii

AYBHUk rcrfurniancealu Uortnan were given

atthelHviiia I'uca aod OaaHaNiA, and perform,

aucra lo llclirew at the Tiiai.ia, WiNtiaoH andAPLBB'H The Blogle new play of the week wupresented at the Iktino I'uob TuatraB, when, onJao. 10, wu produced, for me flrst line lo Ihia

country, ' Die orleotrelte" ("A Trip to the Mat"), acomedy, lo three acts, liy Oscar lllomenthsl andOosiav Kadelljtirg. This play, done Into Kogllah,

wu preeonled by Aoguailn liaiya Co., In l«ndon,under Ihe title, 'The llrieot Kxpreas." The story

tells of Ibe mlaadventure of a worthy German mer-chant, who disposes of a railroad iloket bearing

bis wife's name. The purchaser, irevellog opunthe same train with bira. Is mUIaken for bbi

wife, aod when Intelligence Is printed that Hr.andMra. Fiedler liave been ulzed l>y brigaoda In the

Nalkaoa, domeaUc compllcaUooa eoaoe, which,

after serving their purpo**, are uilsfaclorlly

seUlcd. The cut: Hoben Fiedler, Rudolf Beoloaj

llenoy, Aooa v. Bomanowska; Frisdrlch Ucrldg,

Max Uuseler; Marianne, Wllbelmloe Sehlnter;

Thea, Anna Bmga; llaoa Boekoer, JoUoa ftlrohl;

Uemel/rMltrovIc*, M*k BIni Alfred OUtB, JacqoesUorwlts; fCooaol Bock, Arthor E(|«IUif ; Sarah

BarUioKly, Bertta Kobn; Behba, Antu Fnooaoh,At Um AaBKiCAN TaaArna Wlboa Barren

wai ae«n u lUffliat Jan. 7, 8, He pieaented "TheManamu" 0, 10, aad at a speelol mailne* pertointanoe attoraoon of 10, when profnalonala wareInvited. II*wu ae«n In 'The Silver King'' II andat the two performances IB The only change of

bin at Ihe Hroadway boossB was al Abbbt'bTli*ATRB, where Ur, and Ura. Kendal revived

'The Second Mn Tanqueny," Too FiptbATanuB Thbatbb wu dark Jan. B owing to Weeeven iBdlapnellloo of Fanny liavenpart, who wuaMo, however, to appear upon the foUowlog night

Dan Oollyer waa aliaent (rum tho cut ot 'TheCoiion King" at the aoaiibut op Huato afternoon

and eveuing ot Jau. 10 nn account of the death ol

blsDOIher, Edward Sou aianmcd bla role II

C, Miner, John Koster, nf Kmier Blal, and A.

C. HoCurmIek, bnalnoas manager of the BiratdmyTheniro, were aeven aunrrera lul week from l/i

UiiMv, and at the time uf writing aropronounoedHrioualy HI Too una hundredth oonieonilve

performance of "A Hllk Wblto Flag" at llorr'd

TuaATBB waa given Jan. II, and Hie occa-

sion wu commeuoreled l>y the ditlrlbnilon of

vellum bound visiting booki, which are ex-oecdingly pretty and daloly Tho one bundredlh performaoceof "Hob Hoy" nuglven al Ihe

IIBIUI.D BquABB TIIBATHB Jab. 10. Iloglnald deKoven, composer nf tho open, led upon that ooca-

slon and sonvenlra were preaonied. Dig. Ho Novol-

lls, musical director of tbe company, looelved fromthe memben of Ihe orohcsira and of the comiiany

a gold chain and oluirni ami Hanagen Uhu. E,

Kvansand Krcil U, Wlittoey, and Reginald de Koven,

enleitaliied tbo company and Ibe oecullve slatT of

tho booao at a lianquet The sovcniy-llfth per-

rnrmanee of Palmer Uoi'a "Bniwolea" wa* madeIhe ooculon for the dtslrlhiitlou nf aouvenirs

Jan. 10 at Ihe Fouhtsbstm Hthbbt Tiibathb

The floatonlans gave oo the alternoon of Jan, lo, at

Ihe llMUAbWAV TitXATHB, aporfurinancoof "rrlnoe

Anatilan" to an audience ciiinpoaed cxolnalvely of

niointiora of the thrnlrlcal prufcsalon At the

UicrHi>n>i.iTAK (ii'BHA lliiiHB the eighth week of

the seuon ol grand open began Jan. 7 with a per-

fiirnianco uf "("auat" nioullnn of nhlch wm niado

In our but luuo. ''Iiolicngrln'* wu prcaeulcil 0

wlih Victor Haiirel In Hid rulo uf Telnmund, Thoremainder of Iho cutwasufnllowsi tlsB,MmeNordics; Lithongrln, Juan do Itcaake; King, HPlani'iin; (inruil, Muio. Uantrlll. "Ooa lllnrauiil'

wu perfunuod II with tho furmer i:nat unchanged.

Ub Huiuennis" wu heard al thn nMlloeo I'J,

with Hmo. .Sordica, Hme, Mellia, Jean do llcaBko,

H. riancun and HIg, Ancona In tho cut. "I I'aill-

aci:l" aud "Cavallorta Kuailcana'' hail been au-

nounoed fur evening of l-j, liul Hig. Huaallann

claimed eaenipitun liocausc uf overwork dorlogtho week, land In placo uf lliu flral naiiwl open twooelHOf "Uarmun'' wrro given, witli ilio folluwlDg

uaal : thartnen, Zelln do l.uaMU; Hun Joae, U, Mau-gutcre; Mlchao:a, Lnclllu lllll; Fniq'illa, Mllo

Uaoeruielaipr; Uurcnilea, Unin. Van Caulrroii; Ka-

camlilo, HIg. Iienaaoile; Uuratea, HIg UruniieskI;

lianoAirn, Big. Carliuno; llciiieniladn, Hig. Ilenal.

diu<; '/.uniga, HIg. VIvlanl. "(^avallrrla lluatlcana'

wulhuacasi: Hiutuzaa, Uira Heller; Uln, JaneduVIgno; I.ucia, Mile. Iliiuermolnlcr; Turrldur, HIg.

Tamagnu; Aido, HIg. Ilonaauilu.

TUB A. I', U. IIBKIPIT.-Tiin fullnwlng pcuple appearud for tliu tieutini uf tho Acinm' rruteoUvollnl-jn, Nil. I, 111 Miner's lliiwory Theatre, last week,

acurdlng to tliu lint aeut us: Cullina and May,Marie (Irimtha, Kilillu (ilgiiorrii, I'aey aud llanley,

tbo Kletcbora, Wallor liMvoa, J. 0. Iluwe, UotbamCity tlnariet, HaUuina, Irene Fraiiklyn, the Payuea,

FIsber and Carnill, Frank l,t ll isa, Iniuroallnaal

Hun, UarrJh aod lllnca, the Ho Furrosta, UemphiaKennedy, Hovsra's Marlnncttea, li.in l.eno aodFlelda.nyronanil lllancli. Kll i Hunlar, Onweu,(IaBSUoywiMd, I'aui/. irand liii'r.o, lUlltii and Baudulle,.ngroiila, llliiea aod I'ettluglll, Fish aod ijuigg,

l>lzuu,Huworaand Hlxoo, Maiiairo ami Thurulon.Waller llrila, Wimii Htuers. lAgronlt, II >>lo andUnham, Furiestrio Slalnrs, llraiiilun anil lleglua,Kiily Noleii, HllcB anil Ittimuml. Martyno,Foatollo and Eniinoil, |hu llundliils, Carrolland larkln, the Voitgeroa, Vlllle Kger, Car.sou Hlatera, tlourgo lhavla. HIIIhiii, U'llrtnn andllavel, Harry Kcuirr, llerrHi:hiani, llulcle llumud.Hob and liutua iMlloy, tho lli-lrturs, (luo. W. Kiog,ClareoRu Duo, Bryant aud Cleaver, K I). Garcia,Netter and Wlllliuiia, Frank lllluy, Wliiiinau andliavis, Harry llrenn. Miller anil May, JoeWa'dron,Mile. Bramuiid, HuUrldo nud UiHHirlub, Annie Hart,Mona Wynn, J.!asle Muilsey, Collins and luy, Hotr-

min aod Muoroo. thn K'llauns, Delmannlng Urus.,Mile. LlBsetle, Kmll Miller, Foneaqnoaud Ourmao,Jack Bhaehaa.lllllleUirltrJatrrtte, l.uokyThurlow,Ullou HIgnoii, Heaale (llliiort, Imrn Fox, Hyan anil

Hllvo, Mile, Hurrullo, Tliuinpaon and Collins, Pal J.

lUoks, TIddlBwUiks aoil Juhonln Duaao. fVjuger^,Hinllh aod Couk, HuAvuy and Diiyle, lUrry andBannoti, W, u, liavis, U Olndo Uroa., Tom t-brier,

Florence lladley, 0. II. Uoulny, Iiaaain Chollln, D.i.

Ion and l/inharr, Halwlu ami Halley, l,aurouue andFlUB. Hub Uarhull, U, W, Wuoda, Haa<m, Ualaloy,Two Uraus, Hr. and Hni. Marsh, lAdell anil Alverox,Yearick and Courtis, Harry Hrrmka, Fred ll'ilieria,

Harry Nuun, Murpliv and lluyd, W, II. Hhanniiu, DeWills, Ollan and Miles, llau and llruuhe. J. J. lllll,

Howard Hlatera, Dawsons, John H, Mnrttua, theKvau, the Touloya, T. J. Oram, IS'i CIHTird, Amyllewora, Richard -riiiiiiiMi, Hilly nod Ha; U. Day,Heamon and llloa, lluwo and Hcaiiiora.O'llMeo auil

Hedding, l«u Hawkins, Kcllx aud Cain, and theNubllU.OaoAB llAUHBRHrBiH iMH nurchaiod llio liloek

fronting on Uio oaal aldo ol Hroadway, lielwoenFony-fuurth and Funy-Ofili ulre«is,ODWhloh he In-

tend* to erevi a uumhlnailon niiialohall, tliaaierandooncan hall, which ho says will bo on a larger andgrander scale Iban any amuMiinent reaonln thta

couotry. The plot neaaurea 913 7 feet on Hroadwayby 114 H feet on Furlr-flnii Hireel by '.Mi.lu In tho

rear and W.2 uu Funy-fourih Wreet, and huao addlUon on Fully nfih Slreel m by luot,

Uo the Bruadway plut there used to be fur

many year* a aerloi uf BUir>-s «u the aroundfliior, afiuvo wblon wu the annnry uf the Klxhth,aod subaoqoenlly ol Iho Hoveoiy-arsl lleil-

meut. Afterward lbs Hulvatluu Army oooopledpart of the upper aiory, A Bre dually emptied thepranilaes, excepllug the corner of Fortr-founbHtreeu Mr. Ilaraoietsleln anuuunce* tJiat Hiemutlnhall will occipr Hie Furiy-aiih Hireel cor-

ner, the Uiealro will lie al His corner nf Forly-fonrlb Hireel and the concert hall will b«liatweenthe two. Work wilt Iwiiln al unue uu Hie sUuotureand Manager llainmcraioiD expecla lo have bishouse icadv for tho opening iiSXt Nuvemliar, Tneprice paid for the pruperlr Is given u linu.ooo.

8iH Auuuerva IIakkih, il Is aonuunced, hot coni-

pteled arrangumenis for Ihn preseouailon In Ibis

cHy next Hummerol "Hick Whiittngion," the panto-mime oow having a run at tbe lirory Lone Tnaaire,Eng. It Is staled that the (.(jnaon pn>,lacUon.sceosry, properiln, and principal performers, will

lie liruught lu America, aod the pauluulu^ will

lie an exact dopilcate of Ihe periormance In l,on-


Uannog, iwo ballet giria, obtained, Jan. II, lu IheHoperior Court ol this Hiaie, a verdict /or Iwoweeks' salary, aiauuntlug to )24 apiece, agaloalOsorge Knos, prupiletur of inn Imperial MusioUall.(JoBPAXY U, TwBNTT'SBCiiNU HBuiUBBT, at-

tended the performauc* ot "I'rince Ananlu" althe Broadway Tuoaire, Jao, II, u a compliment to

Vtour Herbert, who b the baiidmuurof Uioregl<

menuBOKntT BHTiHTAiBaaHTH 00 Jao. 14 ware lim-

ited to the eighth ot Ibe series u( popular conoerual the MMropolinu Optra lloua* and UanmanTliompaoo'e ' Hoogs lUualrated and lllomloaled"alihe Star Theatre,TUB paiBBDB of the btte Archibald Gordon, a no-

Uoeof whou death win be found InaooUiereol-ama,are arraoglog to give alieoeoilnaldof bis

famllr. The beneOt will be held on Hjndsy sv«o.

log, Jan. 2t, at Ihe Bljon Thsaln. Haov v«Uknown proftaslooals have volooleered lh«lr aar-

vlce*. .

TBBANHDAL beooOt Of the Acton' Poad wID be

flveo ou Hie afternoon of Jao, 9t at the Bnplr*ataire, noder the direcil'inot Uharie* and Mofsl

Prohmao, A lungaod loierwUog proframia* baabeen ananged tor lb* occaalon.


DHOiDWAT ToKiTRi.—"Maitema Bmu OeBo," •eonuij, la f proloiae ud thcea toU, Vlotortan

Buiaa mi Kmllo Homo, wu prodiucil u UUihooMb for the Ont lime Id Uli olt^, on Jia, Ifb7 KttlirTD Kidder (nd li«r npporUiii eompuj,nodor Ut6 nuuugomeDt nt Augutu Plioo. nilpitj tatd tu flnt prodacilon, wlUi Mom. nejuo Id

UioUtloroli!, nt tbo rurla Vaadevlllt, Oct 9,ieB}.Uma, RtJtDO wai ilao tan In tDe pl*7 tt Uio QtielrTlwatre, London, Kor., btglDnlDg Jodo 23. 1S04,

•Dd Ihe plH hud im Dnt Aniorlcao prodacilon utb« budn nl Ulu Kidder nc Allen's Alhtngb OpenBonte, Waablngion, U.CNoT.e.ieoi. Iltnurr bHImdj sppurcd In our colnmu. TDe lotcreetwblcb !• at prflent taken In all ihat pertalni u> IboMapoleODloperlod of French lilatorr and munenbis canatd Uio hceiowmtnt or tnncb alfnilon npontbe rortunee or ihia pla; and intelllnence of 111 tno-ccn In tbe Tatlona cluea In wblob It bu been ieeoiUmnlatedlhedcalrebcreto wllneta lU peifonn'ance. OosMqnenilr It wu gntui dmd iib open'iDf nifbt bete by an audlegca tntt not onlfOTOwded the booao In orcrj part, bnt ibat waa Intbe (nlloat mniie repreeenlatlte ol tboie wtao areroallj Intercalod In dramatic ait In tbiaoltr. Norbaa anr work ever recelred bore at tbe banda of adnt nlRbtisdlenoe amore apnnlaneona and nnanl'mona rerdlct of appioral. It may, moreaver, beadded tbat ranilr baa incb a Tetdlot been nor*tboronihl/ deaerred. Tbe pi*} la of eicallent con-trnctlon and viitlf loterestint tbrontbont. Tlxwork of tranalHilon mliht bare been better done,It la ime, bnt tbe Teralon U utlatactorr In tbatIt conceaJa none of tbe cblef menu of tbe pla/.We learn notliloR new from tbe itorr norfrom tbe cbaracter akelnhes, but onr attenllon la

focoaaad upon tbe pecoliar people wtao becamenoble nnder tbe Kmpire, Ibe people wbo wereanceaiora and not dcacendania, and we were alio'permuted to conalder Napoleon apart from affairsof itata and eolelr Iniarealad In domeallc prob-lems. Boob a view oriheHao of Ilistinf and ofhia conrt Is oilreoieljr diverting, and exoIlM tbekeen interest Inspired bj spier goaslp. Kverjonewho reads or tlilnliH,orwlio feels Intereat In tbepassing Bbowol Uio limes, will wast to see tbisplaj, Tbej sbonii see It, too/ will see It, and Its

aooeu liero promises to be beyond precedent,or tbe manner of lie perforraapoe we are com-pelled lo apeak witb mme cacUon, WblleKatrrnKidder doen not personally ttaemble In ineleast onr Ideal of 0<ltaerlse Uobscber, lann-dress, Tlranrilero aod ducbess, and wbllewe feel lesi tbsn tbo full meaaara ofaatlsraollon In her ncrlnmance, we reraeoiber andrespect beranterpnalog spirit wblob led berloseante for beraelf ihe American rights to tbiaplaj;we remember tbo dimculty sbe oiperlenced In secoring tbe aaslsianco or a manager; we recognizetbo amount of atodj she bus bestowed npon bernle; wa aeoln many Inatanceal'a eioellent reanlla,and we willingly uccept all lliat la good In ber per-formance and render ner Just trlboie, allowlngtbeearnestness of ber eiforis to condone all short com-ings. Angostoa Oook was qnlle saUafaciofT In therole of Napoleon, and If tbe Kmperorlaokeddlgnltyor commanding force In bla portrayal, It mnat beremembered ihu ibla la not ine man we bsTeatndled In blatoiy, bni tbe niandrawnby ibo aotbrraforoomedy porpoaca and that a man'a vain da r/uim-hrn never dnds In lilm a bcro. Among oibers In thecompany onllilcd to pnlae were Harold ilosaell,Walfacottiiav, Janioa K. Ilackell, Uenrletla Landerand Marie .Sboiwoll, tbo lat er lady having beenwell oboacn for tbe rolo of ((aeen Uarollne, herhaanir of face, her lino rorni and carriage ailingheraomlrsbly fur the role, which abe, moreover,acted admirably. Thoplayla moat tnagnlllcenilymounted, llio aciunoa, coaiiimes and tnrnllure be-ing both elegant ana aiudlonily corraor. This pisywill probably provo ilie most consplonoos snoceaaof Ibe nraacni anwiii, and will ceruinly lingerlonger In memory Uian any play seen bero In along wbllo. Kmc. ilejane will aoon be aoen In tbiadty In Ihe same play, and her porforiiitnoe willbe mora groaily onjoyed bucauae of the pree-ont oppiitunliy to becomo familiar wllb tbework. The eaat of Ihe pre<ant prodnctlon la asfoUowa: Napoleon, Auguilos (look; UarsbalLefebvis, llimlil lluiiaell; Veurhe. Wallace anaw:Us Nolpporg, James K. Uaokeii; Kavarv, Unto ofItovlgu, Jamca Oooper; Tallp, ciiirlea W. Btokoa;liespreaux, Cbsrlea Plunketi; Uroy, Uarroll Flem-ing: Bt, Harssn, Qoorgo R. Dowers; Lannelon,T.J,UoOrane: Oanonvllle, Pancoaat Kidder; Jonoi,Alvin Dreble; Uonenart, Frank J. Pleraon; Jardli,I'rederick Webster; liuroo. It, H. Bolton; Foninea,lleorgo N. Blavenaon: ArnanU, Frank Inilee;De Urlgoilo, IVIIIbun Aaliloy; Kouatan, ThomaaMatlln; Oomo raiii Kverion: Uod, J. L-Oarhart;OonatanI, iMwanl Uackar; Vinegar, GeorgeH. Fell: Vabnnlialn, Kdward Uoward: Joil-ciuor, Alfred Tison: Itlaiont, Felix Winter;Valet, Cliarica H. udiln; ijncen Catoliac, KaneBliotwell; rilDceia Rliaa, Uenilella liUder;Uadano Do liolow, Vivian I'atee; Hadanie IM Vln-tlmllle. Vera Irving; Uadamo Uo IDvlgo, VirginiaBloddnrd: Midamo Ue Oanlay.Uary A. Bonston;Msdauie lie Talliouot, W. Kay Carey; Madame lie

Baasaoo, Ueairlco Howe; Madame be Sloilemart,Uargaiei Bpenocr; Mad»mo lie Brignnlioa, Winnie-fred llnssoll; Madame 1)0 Uollinne, Bars Frestow:lbs BparroWiKiia Allen; J'lule, Nina Morris; inlle,Itulh Oliver; L'athorlne llobeober (Madame Banstiene), Kaibrrn Kidder.

riuri.i's TUBATHB.—Kine Kllsler, supported bya oonpotent oorapuv, picienied Robert Dronefsplay, ''Oorla," on Jan. u, at itaia bonaa, wltb a goodsIcM aodlence In ationdance. Mlas Kllaler's wallknown emotional powers bavo good aoope In UUaplay, and tbe alar la deservedly popnlar with tbepauona of tbin ihcairo. Prank Weaton, as BrianO'Nell, and Itobert Dronet, as Kenneu Aablolgb,rendor good support in the Htar. Tbe osHt tollowa:Uoria Vane, Knln Kilaleri.Kenneib .iMhicigb, RobertUroaet: llruin ii'h'eil, Viank Weaton; fir, Mem-Bood, Kveiyn Krana; Slepten Bruidj Oeorge K.arran; Mr. Iirotio, II. U Ooamberlin; Bimon Craw-

ley, T. J. lAwrence; Jaokaoii, B, J. Powers; Mis.Uiawioy, ilolon Wealbenby; Mn. Herrlgood, Gllialludaou; HIaa BUuibrc, Bophie Albert; Jeanelte,Uarbva btannanl. Will 0. Klialor la manager oftbe oouipany, and John J. Kllsler, advance repre-sentauro- Next week, "Bhaff No, g."

Niui-o's TiixATHi,—"The Ivy I,eaf,>> W, H.I'ower'a piotorcuiiio Irish dnuna, opened here to avery large undleucs night of Jan, 14. TbIa dramabaa been uresonlod uuuy times In onr city theatresand Invariably wlih good flnanclai results. Tbepitaent eugsgouont will, no donbt, achieve thesame good loriuno. Tbo cast, which appears be-low, Is H Ihorongbly oonipelent one, and llie speclal-iles. Introduced In act two, woro reoelvea wllbliberal apphiuao. The oaal: Mnrty Kerrigan, Wm.II. Power Jr; Uariiy Flynii, Foiix Uaney; UenilaDonovan, IIavo Beymonr; itnbert NoUn, Jobu P,ilarreii ; Oerald lialy, Uhaa. Numoy. c'apt. uannon,jAOk Itojam; Tciliiy, Ohas. HoNnmey; UolioeU'Brlen, Kaiharlne Ituland; Manraen Deeliah, LeahBtart; Uis. Deeliah, Juiiinolie Johnson; Norlnno,I.iuie Ilaby Jniinsnn. Next week and the followingweek, "Uown In lilxie."

Hnvorai.rrAN iii'iiu lloi>aK.-The ninth weekof tbe season of gniuil opera began Jan. 14, withtheprrsentailonoranoriion of lH)nlr.etU>a "Lnolsdl LMunirrmoor," followed by "Uavalleria Itustl-

cana." Mme. Mclba appeared In the lltle role orthe Siat named work, wllh Big. Itnsallano aa nd-gardo. Mile. UAueiuiolalor as Alios, Big. Beusandeaa Rarloo, aud Bic. Alimuioa'as Halraondo. "Cav-aiierla itualioana" was thus cast: Bantnaa, MItaHeller; Liioia, Mile. Iliuonnolster; Lola, Mme.NanicUl; Turridu.Blg. Ti>msgno; Aide, Big. An-iiona. Un Jan. It, Sibyl !<«udonoo will make herAmerican opcrailc ilcbtit in Massenet's "ManoD,"MeyeriHur'a "L'Afrlininn'' mil be heard II,

"Faoat" uaiinoo 10, and "lllgolciio" evening of it.

HiJOD TiiiATna.—WanI anil Vnkea preseaunl onJan. 14 Ohirloa K. Illauey'a larclcal piece, "A linnon the Bank," for iho Oral time Intliiacily. Thia

Bhky was glron 111 diet pmlmiUun Aug. il, li^i, at

pringdeld, ()., aud Ihc slury has already appearedIn those coluuiua. It la iiu admirable venlcle for

apeclaiiica, and waa well looeived by the hirgo

HUdieuco iircaont. Ward and Viikes have longbeen favoritesun liie vaiioty aiato In iblsclty.anil

their mctropoiliau tirbui on the diamatlo augeprorert entirely tallaraoiory to tbeir warmeat ad-

Dilrera. Narguorlio Daly Vokea was auo^rlogftoma Boroto cold aud cnuld acarcely apeak, but man-aged 10 gel Ihnugb ibe perfomianco. Tbe atars

won muoli Hoplniiae for Uielr funnylsms, andIhey were ably aci'^iuili'd by an excellent com-pany, Alfred Oniil'a linllallnna being especially

ulever. The cast In full: i.oid I'enyBoakop, UappyWard; Ilaron lUroi'l Decanter, Uany Vokea; ilow

I.ega, Harry 1,'lav lllaney ; ueneial Note Biiavsr,

Tony Willtima: lieady Money, Bid Doat»y;Wimot'haae, Allred Unoi; Con Mau, Uhaa. Jerome: liarley

Com, Jou lIUBSCil; Lager Hope, T. Wllmot Kvkert;

Nera Man, uiilieiil Uaiook; Kalcllo BbaTer, Msr-oeilie luly Vokcs; Iltlte Shaver, Inea Has; Uaaiy

Wriur, Ultra lleile; Minnie Apolla, Emma lieri;

Uanie RomHUCP. Hiatn Klinbell; iliaoe Ohorcb,iMiir Dudley. Nextwcel:,'-TaeTwenUetliOentoryaiiL**uKOAR nAMUiMniN began en Jan. 14 the work

utcleatlog toe ruins Iron bU new iheatn site enUioadwaj, between Furty foortb and Fonj-flllb



MiMlB's BioBTn AviNDi TniATBi.—The popnlarBoaioii Darvard Athene:om i;o. began a week's en-

Mmxnthae on Dec 14. Every seat in the the-

atre tield an oeonpant, and there wu only coolort-aUs ataodlog room when tbe curtain roes on the

opealiif numberof iheptogismme. James I. Arm-stroDg, Ihe well known booking agent. Is proprie-tor and direoior of this company, wlih Wiiilani B.

Moore bnslucss manager. Evidence of Mr. Arm-smog's good Jndgment waa fonod In the selectionof his peopU,and bis liberality In engagloganam-ber of cievar entertalneri, was highly appreciatedbr Ihe large andlence. Every act was heartily sp-

plsoded, as It bad been applaoded oo msoyocca-BloDS beroio, by tbo same people wbo were prcienton Monday olghL Their domonsiratlona or appro-val were an Indorsement of clever aod enienalolngapectalty work by performers or recognized metliIn the vandevlile profeaion. Their namea follow:Kalkaaa, HoBrtde and Qoodrlch, I'luoi, RomalaBros., roily Uoines, Btinsoo aod Merlon, Bmlib andOampbeil. Ooonora aod Btaley, Preaa Eidrldge andIhe Hawaiian Dancers. Next week "A JayClroea."

liOBis' Mmsuu —Toe atiraoiiooa on view In thecnilo balls Uila week Include I'rot. Moore's ateamman, ItttUeanaka lltialoo, Texoa Jim, aod Ida,trlok rllle ahola, and Sidney Kinsman aod wire,life aaven. In tbe ihcairs Faooy Herring la ap-pearlog In "Lights and Bhadea of New York."MiHin's BowKBT TaiATKi.—"Tbe White Orook"

Oo. an plaving a return dale at tlila honse, openingJan. 14 to fair alxed aodlences. Emma Rou Lee,lbs clever singer aod daocer, still leads the orgaol-latloD, aod Banfordaod Lee, comeliaos, have laleir

beeo added to the compaoy. "A Royal Rccepitoo''opens the show In good style. Fields, the Oormancomsdlan,wu flnt on the list of specialties, fol-

lowed bv ward and Williana lo a comedy sketch;Jsnole Lamootand Josle Love appeared In theirnew act, Emma Rose Lee's songs and dances warewell loceived, Beorord aod Lee were soccesafol inrslslog minh with thelrnotch aod Irish wlltlclsros,

the Two Oracca, Billy and Lena, lo a clever comedyact, eloied tbe olio, "the WblteOrook" Inuoducedthe entire company In a combination of fun andmusic. Next week the Howard Aihencom BtarBpeclaliy Uo.LONDON TiiiATai.-.John A. Flynn's lAndon

Oaleiy Olrle opened to good bonsea H. "A DreuRsheanal," Ibo cntiain reiser, and "A King for aDay," the burleaqoe, Introduced the neual oboma ofshapely girls, Oeorge Divls, John A. Flynn and Ed.Oalugner fnrolshrng the comedy element ThespevlalUes Include Tbomis llotilnson, harlionesinger; FIcsrdo, trantomiaUon dancer; tbo BmllaxBisters, vociIlBia; Victor Leo, Jnggler; Ed. Oal-lagber, oomedlan; llllioo, oootorUoolat aod acro-bat; Oeoria Davia, mimic, aod Battle BtewartandTtooas allien. In tbeir boxinar act, MauriceJacobs la bosineas manager for Mr, Flynn. Nextweek, Peter Mabel's Bpeclaliy Oo.Jacobs' TniATSi—Agnes Wallace Villa pre-

sented hen, for tbe dnt time this season, "TheWorld Against Her," tbs play with which ens hasbeen so long and pleaiaoilyassoclated. The boosewaa coraforiably liiled on Iha opening date, and asEaataldera lake kindly lo straight dnmailo pro-duoUons, satlafaclory verdicts were assured. Anentlralv competent compauy la aasoclattd withUlaa Villa, aod present their respecUve charactenIn an eoloyable maoner.UiBBiaAi<'aTuBATU.-EdwsrdIIarrlgan'a latest

play, "Notoriety," Is proving a strong msgoei atihisnonsa- Manager Mart Danleyls qolte Jubilantoeoanae of lis success, and claims tbat manrpatrons or tbe house have returned seveial timeslo enjoy again the huoior of tbe play and tbemelody of Its nings. It began on Jan. 14, the sixthweek of Its run.IIIBALD BquABi TsiiTBi.—"Rob Roy" U sUll

reaping a satistaotory harvest. Iibeganoo Jan. 14Ihe taelfth weak of llama. Each ancceaalve bear-log of this work nveals new merlls In Its score,Slid strsngthena the conviction tbat light opera haaimnly been Inirepreied by so competent a com-paoy. Its visit here haa keco the moat pleaaorableeveol of Ihe season. Is fniore Wedoesday mall-oeea will be glvoo.LToiuy TiiiATHE.—"The Oise of nebelllons

Bnsan" Is msellog with well merited encoess atIbis house. It Is an exceedingly well wriuen play,full of gennlae hnoior and clever sketches fromlife. It Is exeellently played, and la enilUed to alen^by mn. Itentereil, on Jan. 14, npon Its ihird

EMriBB TaiiTRi—'The Mssaueradera" cootiDues to dimw sxcellent honaes. It snita Ibe moodotlbeUmesaodla likely to have acoorapllahed alengthy tun before the mood changes. It enletedon Jan. 14 upon Its seventh week. Tbe secoudaiutverasiy of tbe opming of this honso will becelebrated JaiL 24, and aonTenlra will be presented.

ROTT'a TniATai —"A Milk White Flag" contlnues to draw lo lbs oapaoliy of the boose. Itentered on Jan. 14 upon the tneenlh week of Itatnn. Ila one hsndndlh conaeootlvo performancohero was dttlngly commemonted laai week, andIt la now announced that It will remain here untilthe cloae of the regnUr season of Iho honaa. InMarch. On Itasabove date Genrode Reynolds tookthe plsoe of Rosa Fraice, one of Ihe vivsndlers.Hhis France, It Is stated, baa retired perroineotlyfrom the stage beosuae of pnlmoosry tmnbliH.OAnomTontniB.—"Lllile Ohrlatopber" eotered,

on Jan. II, npon the fourteeoUi week of Its tun. I(la still holdliiig a ptomlneot place amnogtbe com.pettog aliraellons, aod still merits and receiveseommendatlon from a'l who attend lis perform-anosa. lis nomerons enteruining speolalites, andthe Kllaoyl plctnrea, add grtaUy to I'a sttiacilve.ness.Film ATBiiai TnEATi<i.-Fanoy Davenport's

magoldcent prodncUon of Birdoo's "Olsmooda"oooTlooes Its ruo st this house. The Judicloui cut-ting of portions of the dltlogue haa brought thepertormanos wiihin tbe usual al'.olroent time,and neeesaarlly qntckened tbo aciion or Iha play,It began on Jan. 14 the sixib week or its mn.PAiiiiB'BTniA'mi.—"Tii» Fatal Cird" seems to

lisvs ealabllahed Itself In popular favor. Ila aa-dlonoca compare favorably In size with those se-cured by other current alliactions, and Ihe puynlghily receives a vsidlot of approval, libu niaoymertla and la worthy of sucotss. It began on Jan.14 Ihe third week of a ran, which sho'ild bo longand prosperoua. On ihat dale Jrssle Bnsley a»sumod the role of oeclls Analsn, in place of AgocaMiller, who hu irjolned John Drew's Co.Konxa A BiAL'8.—Toe bill ptcssnled week of

Jan. 14 waa fully up to the ataodard of this lesort,aod waaireoteo on Monday, Jan. I4, by the uaual blihonae. Mooa. Bialovlile, mimic and ohamoter Imf-tator, mads bla raappearanco In this counnr.andwaa accorded a hearty welcome. Josephine Sabal,chsotreoso lotemallonai, an old favorlto with tbepalnna of thIa honae, ivtomed, and won approvallor her singing, Ivan TaohemotTand hIa traineddoga, Dineleenih week, Inindoceda new one actpaniomime called 'Tne rinman'a lUacne," inwhich the dogs displayed remarkable In'eliigeoce.I'anI Olnonovalll, king ot Jugglers, began bis Ofihweek, aoa Introduced now feoua. Kogeuie Fciresco,eontonionlst, sovenlh week, wai a aooilnucdfavorite, ber dimoult feaiH of hand walkingand bal-

ancing, daociuR and Jumping winning ronnila ofapplanae. Tbe Hossow Brothers, lil'poiran athleica,eleventh week; Us Four Uleta. quartet copuicblc,third weok; Lea .Mayos, occonirio skaters, ihliaweek: Amolli Olover, dancer, and A. 0. Danrnn,ventriloquist, sll did well and won Hie approval ofthe aodienoe. Too performance was concludedwith the llvlcg plclur<:p. Toe uaual concert waagiven by Ihe llungatlan iirchcaltm.

BTABTnsATBi—'ThoUld Ilomealead." In aplleot IIS age, seems to islain Us popularliy, as It la

slwaya grcetsd bv large audiences that dnd pieainn In Its performance. Denman Thompsin beganJan. 14, hIa third week In Ihit play at thia hooao.Aiiniv'sTOkATm.—Mr. ana Mrs. Kendal revived

at this hooae. on Jao- 14 Sidney Orundy's four actcomedy, "A While l,l\"and gavo the inoit aatla-

faciory peifomianco of their preaeiit engaseraent.It waa mnacaal: Sir John Uolyncox, Mr. Kendal;Ueorge Deamond, Mr. llucklaw: Uapiain Tempest,U. Co«|i«r Cliffo; WhcalcnII, Oeorge I'. Ilanttey;Dixon, P. F. Amea; Lady Molynenx, Marlon Lea;Hannah, Itarbin Huntley: Mafd, Minnie OAtthcait;Palsy Uoamond, Uartlu I'aleutlne; Kate Desmond,Mn. Kendal. Thecomiiinyla now lo Ihe fonnhweek and tbo last foriolght of Its engagooeni.

lliT«SR*s Palaor Hcsk'U.—The spacious carlohallaol tbo house were crowded at every lecioroJan. 14, while at night U waa a dinicnit matter lo

move about. Lcoinn hsIls-Orn. Williama (luttlo

boy), carl MIcbaela (ttrong man). Big. AlouttiaUgbt wire), Uoxia (Aliiinu), Count Ivan Orkitr

Inosparvnlossidod niao), Joaephtno Myrtle Cor Din,

(lour lexgod girl), Kli Buwen llegleaa and aimleaaman), Martin Btaiera (Alblune), and Uoo (wakeoharner). Blags — Mmnlo Rirle, Uonard andFullon, W. U. liAly, Frank P. Dale, J. J. Bhoebiu,the Japanese living plctnrea, and Ward anaUfown.TBI BNmTAiNHcKn at the Academy of Mualo

aod Qitad Upeim lloo-e no the artcrnooo of Jao.IT, for the benedtot tbsfanillKanf Uauf Bnsnanand Aislstaat Foreman Roouey, will laai from 1 anlil

t O'Olook. Kaoh Uoket will aomtt lo elihcr hosae,aod the pngtamme In ssoh will oonlsln the namesoltnanyweU known pertormen who bare volu-mrtdiheli seiTtoei tor IM occasion.

TOHV PisroB's TBBATSi.-Whi:e this honse wasool crowded Jan. 14, a good s'zed andlence waapnsent, that loorooghly enjoyed the excellent pn-gnmme presented. Haggle vllne rcippetred with

new snnga aod waa given a roualng recepUon.

Ethel Irene Biewart, an excelleot aloger.look the

place of Ulle. Fongers, who waa 111, and msdo abig sncceaa. This was Miss Siswart'a second sp-

pearaoce In Ihe Ktst, snd Mr. Pastor oonddently

expects to see ber attain a prominnut position

aisong Eastern performeia. Tbe hill indnded,bcaldea the above, McUahoo aod King, In pUO-tailon pasiimes; the SIslen Fon«acue, mseilo comic duets, mug and dances: KlUy Nolan,

In Irlah balhida; Ihe ratleraon Bros., horizontal barperfoimen; Princess Oelgoronky, nosalan vlo'ln

fai, wbo nude her American debut. She tiiorooth

ly uoderitaods how to please, aod when she played"Yaokeo Doodle" ahe falrjy bnught dowo Ibe

bonis. Beotley aod Ureve, blackface nnsicalteam; Nelson, Levanlon and Nelaon, In "FunAmong the Chinamen," and Tony I'isior, with anew budiet of songs added to the entertainment.Kstrn'a Union Bijdaiib Tosatu.—There Is no

let up In the business at this honae; Ifsnythln"

Increases. To get a seat afier 1.So is out ofi|ocsilon, snd standing room Is at a premium after

8 o'clock. This week opened In the nsosi way,umiog people from the docra. The bill Jan. 14

Imro FOX, conjonr: Ilsymos Moore, ballad singer,tte Wllmot Duo, bicycle experts; the ManhattanOomedy (luartet, Ueo. K. Fortescue aod nicbsrdOormao, loeir drat appearance as a team; OlrardLeon's sloging donkey. Big. Boralil and AunettaZeloa In a musical comedleua, their dnt appear-eoce here as a team; O'Brien Bros., acroham;!!Louie, gymnast; Toe Pansons In "School Boj Days,'

Al. Tanner In his dcsorlpiire aat"At the Bwltcb,'and Bchwlergerllns's Marlooeites. The DlxooBr-s were cloned sfier the drat show. Sorely this

bill ataonid pleaao all classes of people.TaBNBwYxAaOAiiBOLor the Lambs Clnb oc.

cumd Jsn. 13, at llie club room. The entertain,

ment consisted of songs by Leo DletrlchB:cio andOhanncey Olcolt, an amusing lecture entitled "LesDames sux Chocolates," and two boilesques,one"The Maaquerader^" hy Augnatos Tiiooiaa; theether "Oismonda's Binir,'' liy Clay M. Ureene.ffoRTO's Mt'SkDM.—The Oolorod Mlnaitcia con

Unne their long engagoment here, snd oo changeIn the eijie of entertainment is announced.

TUB MAiox" Is In nibearesi at Uarrlgan's Thea-tre for sn early revival.FoDBTSBNTB STKUT TasATax—Palmer Cox'a

"Brownies" cooUnus lo hold forth at this honae,aod tbe aononocement nt the cloalog weeka of tbia

quaint piece has had the effect of Increaalng Ibe al-

ready good buslneaa. The "Brownies" enteredupon their lenlb week on Jan. I4.

AcAnmr or Mnsio.—A 1 irge andlence dlled Ihiabig plaihouse Jan. 14, on Ibe occasion of the dtiicih

performance of 'The Oouon King" here. Appro-priate sonveolra were presented in hooor of theeveot. Tlie play began on Monday oigiit the aer-enih week aod last fortolgbt of Us no.EtahdabdTbbatbi.—"Too Much Johosoo" con-

tinues on IIS succesafui war at this honse- Thecrisp, witty dialogue, fnnoy acenes and ludlcrouaaltnailoon nave made this farce popular snd wonrnises for its author. The piece began, Jao. li

isilghtii week,

Harlem.—At lite Uarlem Open Huoae OlgaNelbenole made her Dnt New York appearance. In

"Fion Fron," Jan. 14, to a crowded house. It took

four acts lo warm up the audience. During Ihedrat, second and third note, ahe did not receive ap-plauae, as her conception ot the pin waa foreign toanytblng ever seen on a New York stage. Judgingfrom her Idea, one nronld snppoae that she wasporinylng a child ol seven or eight. At timea aberambled so that It was Impoiaible to ondontandher, and In conacqocuce Ibo audience becamenervous and reatless. In the founb and flith act,she proved that she was capable of doing goodwork, and Ihe audience showed Ihat ihoy appreci-ated her efforts by onmerous encores. Tbe pro-Saiomo for Ue week: Mouday, Tuesday, Wedues-y sod Saturday matloce. "Frou Frou;" Thora-

day, Friday and Saturday, "Oamlllc." Next week,lbs American Travoitv Co , In "Off the Earth," forIbe dnt lime In New York.OOLtmsDs.—"The UnsUec" did a good business

iutweek. Walter Bintotd's "Prodigal Daughter"waspruentedfortbe nretUmetoan East Sidanptown audiance li betore a fair size honso. Nextweek, "A MiO without a Counlry."aLTurto.—Tols week's bill: DsVeaux and Tay-

lor, Al. Iloome, MoAvoy and Doyle, Meehin andRaymond, Nellie Hagoire, Montgomery Irvlog,John and Nellie Healy, Kissell and Baisnma. Nextweek, Ihe Might Owls.Atbbnauu—Iilihard to t«ll what the manage-

meninf this place Inlrndtodo, ItwuthelrTo-tentlon to give a coollnnuos perromuncc, bnt Iheyonly kept It op Ihe dial aod aecond week. Thethird week, wllhoot oolirylng tbe pabllc, theychanged the opening to 3 90, and dia not give apeiforiuance udUI 3 o'clock. This week they willgive two fbows a dsy. This week: Russell sndKennr, Billy aud May O'Oay, C. II. Dawley, Uairlsaod Fields, U. U. Ricii.CsrriuFndrlcks, J. IlosiNordhelm, Frank Manning, Mtehan's Uanlne Fan.dox and John Leavilt.

II iBLiiH MvaiuB.—OyatrlctaUeniloo to buslncsiand good altraotloos tbla bouie Is oiakiug money.Uurlo hall—Me and llim, the Lyncba, 0. A. Bonney,Mile. Mantlna aod Alex Weyer. stage—FisukBInney and Kittle Ubapman, Will E. N. Naokevllle,Fraok aud Hiwicy, Dick llatria, Frank CirllonKdlih Lec, Will llukea and Kluie Wa don.


Braoklyn.—The local playhoosca did a big

business last week, and that, loo. In the face ot tbe

most disagreeeblo weather that baa vliitcd na this

season. Tbe storm came at the beginning of the

week, and never abated In tbe Icaat until late ooFriday olght, when tor the drat lime It broke awayand gave us cue day of sunshine. It wsa enouguto dJacounge almoa*. any one, bnt foriuoaicly tueIhemrlcal maosgere had excellent aliraellonsbooted, some ot them being seeo here for the drsttime, and the aUendaoce was good sll ihrnogh theweek. This wss particularly so at iheBIJousudIlio Onud Open Uouse, where big booscawen seen at every perrormanoe. "Down luDixie" waa the bill preseuied st Ihe former,while "Old Jed I'nnty ' was seen at tbelatter, aud both appeared to bo Just tbostylo of ptnys the pnoUc wanted, anur act-ting a suifeit of the farce comedy. There are anumbsrof Intoreating scenes in both picocB thaipleased the aoditnces and held their sttentlonihnnghoui the pcrforosnces. The current seekshonid have beens frulifnl onoin theatrical circlesas all the bills presented are strong ones, bnt thestrike among the employes of the differentstreet osr railroad couipanies had a seiionscir<ct on tbo altendance. Silll Ilie dnt nightperformances were rar better atisnded thanwas expti-ted under tbo oircumstat ces Theprlncliiat event ot ibo week li the appcannceof (Ills Bklnncr at Iho Park In two nolabis iiliys.

Tne other bouses alio have sir ng aitiootions,which may riiablo them to comn out ahead eventhough thisirlte contluncs all tbo week. Tins Isto be a busy week among tbe amateun or this city,

lu no iosa tnau foor prosrammes are booked by tbeleading sKlciee. Uoldra "Carmen" win be givennt the Academy ot Music, nlihi cf ii, by a com-piny fr<im tus Meiropoliian Upcra lloaic. NowYois, nniler Hie dticcilon of Abbey ,1- Omu,for wblob the sale of srala began 14, andthe demand for the choiceat onoa almost ex-liiuaied the supply on hand. The Amnnntuwill preseul a good bill lo. The entctlaln.ment wilt htgln with a now play in one act en-lltied "Behind the Unrlaln." ana WIU botollowrdby "The Serious Family," The Florences will give"A Scrap of Paper," at the Urilcrion Theatre, 17,and ilio same night at Prospect Usll, the i;iks,aairman society, will present "Korllz I'orliz." foeUoolbs Wilt give ' Oar Bosrding Qonse" IS.

Oband OrBBA Hovii—Louis Aldrlch openedhere, 14, In ' My I'artner," bofore an sndteoce thatdlled a greater per too of ihia spaclons ball. Tneplay «aa aeen here someyears ago, when It won dis-I Inoilon.and the theatre goenof today cannot helpbut be pleased with it, ror It has ceruinly not wornont lis welcome yet. Tne scene at the close or ibethe second act waa well recrircd by the audience,who were liberal In Ihilr applause dnilcg iho en-tiro play. ' Old Jed Prouiy'' played to big housesIsat week. "A Baggage Check" n,I'AHE.—A new play waa produced here night ot

II, when Oils Skinner made bis dnt appearance InIbla city as a star. Ue began hia ongigomeoi wllb"Ula Grace Do Orammoot," bsfon an entbuilastloaudieore. For several weeks prior to Ur. Skinner'sarrival here be had been oxtenalvely advcillsedtbrooghoui tne cliy, and a ttig crowd vab lotkedtor, bat Ihe irolley car atrlle kept many nereousaway, although the boose waa well dUeo. Mr.Stiooer's power aa ao actor Is well known to Brook-lynliss, ha havlcg bad a soooeistul engagement asaiook a'tor In one ot Ool. Bino's companlua fswjean ago, "Ills OraceDeGiaamoni'- wllj be given

a*, eath performance op lo and Incladlng ttai

ot Tounday night, and will sisi be sc^ at

the mttines Batorday, wtallk"rbe King's Jesur"will be given on Friday aod Batnrdsy nlgbls.

Willis ColUer was here last week. Wilson Bamtt31.

CoLDUBiA.—Msnaver Knowlea bad for tl* at

tnctton Ible week Roland Seed, In "Tee PollU.

clan," and a line andlence was prtssnt night of 14,

when he began his eogagenunL In thu plai Mr.

Reed Is given every opportonliy 10 dispuy his pe-

culiar persoosll^ In depicting oomic characters.

The piece Is fanny and bighly enteruining. ''Off

Ihe Earth" was here Isst week. Mm. Ltogfiy zi.

BiJOD.—The attraction Manager n. 0. Kennedyhas ror his patrons Ihls week Is "Darkest Rossis,-'

wbioh opened here night of 14, before onoot toeoaoal good crowda that have been attending lU*bouse all aesson. "Darkest Russia" la a massiveproduction deplcllog Russia ot today, with slabor-

ale stage settlogs and magnltcent coslnmea. 11*

story Is mil ol romance, love and sMrtllng realism.

It Is undoubtedly one of ine most popnlar playsthat has been brought here this season. Lsatweek,"Down In Dixie" did a good business. Hanlooa'"Snperba"3l.Brin.—Waller Bsnford's Block retaroed here,

olght of 14, stier a brief absence, and prtseoied"The Power ot Gold" before a good sised audi-enco. It has been leen here before and has alwaysmet with success. It la fnll of Interesting sIidb'

tloDs aod nfresblng climaxes, and la tiamed In aseries of masslvs stage slitlogB. iMt week, "TheIvy LeaT' wss the atiraounn. Katie Eamen Z1.

UTOi ft BsDUAi<'s.-No speolslty compaoy owldhave bad a more eoibuslasUa reception tbsn ihataccorded Hyde's Comedians at the two perrorm-ances 14, when big crowds were preaeot. BevsrusShaeffer, a clever Juggler, has t>eeo engaged aaspecial atttmcilon. Tne rest ot tbe hlU Is made nof nelene Hon, Johnny and Emma Hiy, Fllson sni

F.rroll, the Electric (Juartet, Harding, ChalfantandKerra. the Uigbleys, Harris and Walters, Albuttnsand Dartrom and Forbes and Qulna. Last weekIho Boston Howard Atbenicnra uompaoy held lbsbotrds. The llentz-Ssniiey Novelty Uompaoy 31.

IIOBXB A Obobabdt's Oabino —Manager Oebhardt baa prepared an excellent bill tor hIa patronsthis week, which waa presented night ot 14 betoreaa large an audience as bss beeo seen here this sea-son. Tbellvlngpicturessreasgreatafsaturanowas when they were dnt prodnoed heie. The rest otthe programme Is as follows: Minnie Schnit, whomade her rcappesmoco al'er a short vacation;Bobe and VIole Dally, wbo have beeo eogaged forooeweek ooly; Paul aod Parker, Dot Daveoport,Thomas Bameusnd oihera.AxFniON.—"A Texas Bieer" la hen this week.

The oomedy Is oo stnoger lo this part ot Ion, andhas always left It richer than when It came oere.Unless the oar strike cintlnnes. It will no donbtdnpltcate Its former snccesaes. Fair bosineas lastweek. "Blue Jeiu" next week.BarreB.-"ShsnNo. 3'' bsgana week's eni

ment hen 14, to a fair sized oonie. Falrbilsatweek. Coming 31, 'The Stowaway."OiTnr.—In Rooett Oaylor, who Is bera thia

week In "Sport McAllUler," the houae's palionsrecognize a popnlar favorite, and he will nndoobt-edly play a snccesslul engagement. There was afair sized aodieocepnseoi 14. Good bosloea butweek. WeekofSl, BamDsven'sOo.LTOiini.-Tbs Phllllpa' stock compaoy this week

revive "EUeeo Uge." In tbe cast are Caryl Wilbur,Emma Bell, Frenk Base, Anna McOisggor, LouisCrollus aod Jamea R. Barnes. Week of 31, "TheBlreetsot New York. '

LsB AviKoa AOADBitT.—This houso icopeosd 14nodsr the management of John Burks. It will beran as a straight vsriely hoose. Ths people thiaweek an ttkeo from the Acton' Protective Unloo,No. 1, aod Inolude OlaCilfton, Mercy and Bird, Rob.Inaon and Dolion, Con Blombard, Harry Tvebsr,and Dalley and Jordan.Wavbblt Tubathb —Max Rosenborg baa taken

posseaalen of ihta place aod lotenda raonlog It asa iiraight variety house. Bla eoon Is to give a re.dned perlotmaoca at popolar prices.UKiQux.-Aries' Vaodevllle Oo. oseoed 14 to a

big houae. The people Include Ohaoprell andScliuyler, E J. BolUmd, ths Ssnnden, nlcs sndLark, Irene nice, Soele Mandre and John Blano.Week of 31, Rash's "White Crook" Borlesqne Co.NoTX8.-Tho Btjoa Theatre has passed Its dnt

anniversary mark as one ot BrooklyD's places otamosetuent, and its staodiog as a popollrprleeutheatre is 100 well koown to need commendsUon.A specltl children's miUoeewllI be giveo 3a, tbatthe IllUe folk may wltoeas Oanlons* "Saperba,"

Simon Ooodtrlend, who wss formerly withRichard Mansfield, Is now manager ot the OUsSI Inner Compaoy, which is Ihls week at the ParkTheatre,

Albany..^ne or two axim atlnotlona warethe featarea of last week that made It more thanordinary. The Leiand Opera Hoose opened tbeweek with two nights of "shaft No.^" to fair re-turoB. "The Amazons" waa' preasoteJ 910 a lanehouse. Karrington and Ransome appeared In"The Count of Monte Criato" and "l«d Astny," toood sized audiences 10, II, IX Coming: 14. It,BIIU Proctor OUs, lu "Oliver Twtit;"ie:Aotioa[Aibleile Toorosmenl of the Cspllal City Athleticuinb: 11, 18. 19, Marls Bomogns, lo "ne Prodl-gaic;" 31, 31, Olga Netbersole, In ' Oamllie" and"The Traosgreasor;" 33, Richard Golden, In "OldJedProuiy;" 24,3(,3il,"TheOlrl ILeftBehlndMe."Baruands BisBCKin Bali, had an important

attraction n, • with Daly'aOo., In '-7 30 8" and "ANight Oir," Both nighis Ihe nail waafiUed. "ACracker Jack" had fair aized andleocea 11 13.Coming: 16, De Wolf nopper In "Dr. ByDI>x''2l. 2138 Dan McCarthy In repertory.TOB OAiirr Tbbatrb did a large hoalnsfs all Isat

week- The "Night 0«ls" furnished the bill, andsll the performances were isrgely attended.Booked: 14-10 Lilly Clay's Oalety company; 31-M.London Gaiety Qirls.

flufklo.—At the Star Theatre "In Old Ken-tncky" comes Jao. 16, tor dvs nights. FnnolsWllion nextwtek. 'The Oalety Girl No. 1" wasrnthleisly handled by iho newspspen and verypoorly psironlisd. The piece was wsU staged andwas cast meritoriously, save In two or tone In-elan ces,ACADiur OF MDBia—'The New Boy" cornea 14,

for three nlahts, '-The Amazona" IT-lo. Ohannoeyu:cott In "The Irlih Arilst," ne.\t week. Mr. andsin. Ualdwln aipeared to eieelleut receipts.Lyoidu TnBATi>B.-"Tbs rower ot the Press"

opens 1 1 for one week, to be suocieded 31 and weekby "Ny Aunt Bridget." Ward and Yokes hadpicked hooscB olgbtly.CucnTSrBBiT TasATBB.-c. W. WUllams'Oome.

disss start a week's visit 14. Next week, RsUly AWood's Co.


BuBA's Music Uail.—Daisy Kayer and Plckaotn-Dtes, I'rancla Bryan', Ihe Delsabcs, Maater Dan,May Iloey, Mario Griintlis, Felix and Cain. LoliiTrimble, Llills Lsrkelle and Fred Hodellao.

nochealer.—The Lyceum will rtmalndark nntllJan. 18, when De Wolf Hopper comes In "Dr. Syn-tax" for the Isst two nights ot tbe week, Otis Bkln-ncr and '-a'ho Amazons" divided laat week to tairaized audlencee. Coming: 31-21, "The G.rl I LeftBehind Me;" 34-30, "Priooess Boonls."Coox urXBA llorot.-Harry Lacy, li "The Han

From Iho West," began a three nighu' engagement14, to be rollowcd by "The Cross floadsorufe" itfur the remainder of tne wtok. "A Cricker Jack"and "Tue Power of Hie Press ' divided Isat week tofair business. Annoonoed: n-w, <Ths CoastGnard."TUB AcAnxur uf Hviio has John E. Brenoao.

In ' Ttni, Ihe Tinker," 14 and week. Last week,Sim Jack's Creole Oo. atmoled good alied andi-eoccs. "Capi. Bearne, U. S. A-," 31-3*,Tog WoKnBBLiND MDSBi-TSBATBi presents

Iho lolloivlDg 14 anil week: Ourlo Balls: Jenniei)algley, Te.\ Bender, Unelda and Prof. Lee andbcluo Fritz- Theauc : MUe. Alelde Capllalne.Howard and Bland, Iho Garrlsona and the LaMonis.

Byracuie.—At tbo Wletlng Open Honss John'. Fitld's Drawing Cards had good bnslacss Jan. >,I. "l-2« 8" and "A Nlaht Off > dnw fairly lo!UeialdeU: "The Amazons') with Johoslons Benneu14-10. Uiury Lacy, In "The Han from the WesL""-10. '

BAnrASLi TtiBATHB—Oits Skloosr, lo "Ills Onceno tiiammoni," "The Klog's Jestei" and "TheMerchant ot Venice," was a luaoolal soccess 10-13.Booked: Ds Wolf Hopper, In "Dr. Syntax," 17.Eiiu Proctor Oils, In "Oliver Twut," 18.R. II. Jacobs' TaBATag.—"Ths Power of Ihe

Press" drew Urge sndlenceaT-P. "In the Tender-loin" packed Ihe theaus 10-12. "The Cnss Rcadaor Lire" comes 14-1(, "A Oracksr Jack" 17-l».

Tray_At the Oriswold Open Ilonse a goodsitcti audteuco greeted "la lbs l^nderloln" Jao. 8."Peck's Bad Boy" drew well t, 10. Hloly a Faim-rr'a Daughter,'' booked for II, 13, klied to appmr.The Two Jobos" cams 14, 18, Bllla Prooior oaaln"Oliver Twin," i«^ "Bands Across tks 8ea"ie. U.tiAKD's orsBA Boi;si.-lls(te BbhobiIh, m


Pntllgau," came 16, is; Richard Oolden mJed ftooty,"l7. Ths honse waa vSSi (,«


UAiitr IBBATU—The WatsonBlBlen'BntlefQUBCompany comei li for the weak. "The Jav Sircw'^w paoked honsei all last week. '


BlBwhmalon^t the Stone Open liooje-FSony Rloe. In "A Ftan's Fnllo," had fair bnsloeiaIan. ». Ths Two Blaten" came to atlatactol!boslBeas 10. "The New Dov" dellghleda lackMandlence 13, Bookings: 14, fiookstader's Mlutrc^?ie,Connyand Fox, rn"notTamales;"l7,ia '•niRedosa" (local): IS, "Land of the MIdnlgbi 'snn >>

At Bllon Theain'Tha Private 8ecr*iarv>'nt/italily good attendaoca 7-». Setloa's VandermaOo. came 10-13 to large business. Due: ii.in"Blacklisted;" 17-1«, Demlng's Minstrels... u-'D. Van Dyke has purchased the belongings or the'Austin's Qlganteans, which closed hereafewdaviago, and will take io lbs road u soon as he canbook hlsdstea. The compaoy will be known as theRoyal TsodevUle Uompaoy, wlUi llvbig pictures.

Vdea.—At Ihe UUis Opera Hoose Faoor liicit

In "Fnn'a Prollo," Jao. 7, pleaseda large audlei^ce"In the Tenderloin," «, and 'The Oioss Roidii ciUte" 11, both did welt. Dated: Marie Borrooibn in•'Ttie Fndlnia," 14, Da WoU Hopper, lo "Dr. a/ntax," 18, "Oliver Twlat" 17 A) the Wooder'aoii-Oorto hall—"Electra," Mexican Char.'esaoa Uaitin'Amazon. Btage—Rath Llvlngsiooe, Beanlan m-iiKliroy, Aland Gates, and Bcboyler and Nasb.Mewbarg,—The Academy ot Music Is nc;oi>ic<i

Jan. li-iehy ths Maude UiUmao Uomedy Cu. in tutfollowing repertory, ai popnlar prices, 10. 20 snd ;ucsnis: "naiOirllo Yankee Laod" u, "TneVssn.bond Helrea" 16. "Hoop ot GoM" It, "UharirvBess" II, "Oliver Twist' 18, 'Zippi, the uiiiM ,'t

the Mines'' it. Jsa- A. nerae's "Shore Acres" welldeaerved the big hoose It dnw 7.

Blmlra,—At Ihe Open Boose 'The Two su.MB" was the atmclfnn, Jan.«,togDOd bnslntaiJohn F. Fleldi' Drawing Csrds had a good slz^ii

»i.- „ B -.i*(l

houas II, Uns: "Eot Tamalaa" li, Dockttider'iHlvtiela le, 'Trinceas Bonnie" 23, ohanncey (ikni28.


Chicago,—Last week brought dUsster to ihe

local amnsemsnt deld, three companies fslling byIhe wayilde and one hoose glvlog op Ihe straggle

against scant patronage. Ualeaa business chaognconsldsrsUy more financial dlatrtes will be re.

corded, as four of the honsrs now open an barely

paying expenses from the avenge receipts. Theseason has thus far been very trying on the pniicattlnpof our managers. The cotreot days hold

o ston nooh that is novel and pniseworihy, aodshoold the slemcots spare os severs weather souic

very big boslneaa may be expected. The first local

preaeotailon of "Mt2" at ths Oolnmbbt, "TheGaiety OlrP' at the Chicago and "Ttie Baablo Shop"at Hooley's mark ths novellles ot Ihe week, and li

wide heiaMtng and the promised merit of these at-

iTBOUoos will avail bialness shonid bo rather pioni-abls.Cbioaoo Ofbba Hoobb.—Geo. Edwsrde's Com-

paoy give tor the Irat time here 14, "A Oalety(llir,"iben beginning a three weeks' engsgemeot-Frlmnse A West's UlostRls gave the best perform-ance Obicago has ever known In Ibe lino ol min-strelsy and met good patronage. The company,seventy strong, was the largest organization ofthe kind we have seen.Obamb Ofxba UocBi.—"A Tempcranoe Town"

began Its toorth aod ooocladlog week 18, havingeojoyed tbns far a nigo of evenly good buslneis,conplid with the splendid satisfaction invitlablyattendant upon the prodnctlon of Hoyiean farce.On 30 Ballen and Bart begin an engagement olbrief anraUon, reviving 'Later Un," with ihestatement that they make their conolndlng locilTtaltu Joint elan with this engsgtment.HooLXT'B Thbatbb.—John Drew makes bis Int

appearance as a star at this honse during theonrnnt fortnight, presentbig, tor the dnt limehere.Benrv Arthur Jones' play, "The Bauble Shop."On 13, E. U. Bolhern dnisbed a week's prcseotailonof "A Way to Win a Woman," and oonoloded athree weeks' engagement, marked by large tnm-outa. At nearly ever/ performance toe house wssdlled eomplelely, and on many occasloiis standingroom was In dsmsnd.OoLtniBiA TitBATHB.—Rica's SumrDie Party be-

gan a six weeks' engsgenisnt 13 presenting then,for ihs dnt time here, their prodneilon ot "1403."Daring the past three weeke "Shenandoah'- waapieaentad In an adequala manner, bntthepainoagoiraa of the iDost dlsoounglog aort. During tnecoming Biz weeks, however, Mansger Davis will boa pnmlnent factor In the division of spoils.BCBiLLBB TniATHB.—Ohsa. Dlokson began a re-

turn eogagemeot is with a revival of "looog.," andhu fair proipecu tor the week, Fredertok Wardsaod Loots Jsmes conolnded a fairly successful fort-

night, 19, their Isst week having been devoted in

Bhakespeaiesn plays. Beglnnlog 30 "OUver Twin"will be revived lor ooo week byaoompany directedby W. A. Hestayer, wl'h Eitta Prootcr Olla aaKaoey SIkes, Frank K'eosn aa Fkgan, Chaa. Bar-ron SB Bill Bikes snd Wa. Meataysr ss Bnmble.MoVicigB's TBjtATHB.-Eogene Tompkins' pro-

ducllon ot "The B ack On ok" began Ibe secondweek of lis fairly prosperous engagement, 13, withan unannounced period atili lo endure. The prin-cipal oharaoten are In the hands of Lena Mere-dith, Onssle Cogao, Ella Craven, Tlnnle Henahaw,Allle Utibert, ceo. Morton, Bam Oolllns, B. S.Goodwin, Frank D«n. U, cry KoaaeU, Bd. Ssntord,Frank O.liette, Ruisdi Hunting, John aearey, E.K.Bcaode,John Uendncks and asmnel Boldeo.iheprincipal daoreis beiug MtcJolaTomaghl, Uile.BlAcclonl and Aiferdo BwocldoiL Specialties byMardo and the Aihos Family add matartsUy to thein*tll ot Ihe performance.Batuabibt TOBATBi.—Jacob Lilt's Comnaoy

will be seeo this week lo "The Eoslgo," sod will befollowed 30 by the Uaodow Troadero Vaudevilles,tor tbe dnt ume here. Robt BiiliarJ met fairpAlreoage last week, then presenting "The Noml-nee," preceded by "The Liltiost Ulrl," bla owndiamatlzatlon ot Rlohard Harding DavIs' sloiy,''Btr Flnt Appearaoca." The soppomog com-noy was eotlRly eompsteot snd rncluded Theo.ibcock, Frederick Perry, Edwin Brewster, Msrte

da OampI, Carrie Strong, Blanche llobloaon,Elsnor Gray, John Billings, Geo, Webster and Lot-

us Dorotliy.

LoicoLH TBBATiB.—Oliver BOd Kate Dyron will

deplci "Toe Ups and Downs ot Lite" ttats week, sodwilt give way 20 to naolon Bioi.' "Faolasma."Last week Maoagera Hotton A Treyser gave"Toong Ura. Wlolhrop" tbe moit elaborate aod ditlog stage moontlngs of any play seen u these pre-

cincts thiB sesson, and Ihe piesenilng company,tonlthed by Msnagen Wagenlaaa A Kcnipcr,was splsndldly choseo. The list locloded Lan-sing RowsD, Bml Daobar, Mn. Annie Mortimer,Robt. McWade. Una Abell. William Hunt, ColimSemper and Lillian Sohovelln.Ai.BAnnBA TuiATBB—S. W. Oomb'8 prodoctioo

ot "the Coast Ousrd" will be witnessed Ihls weekfor tbe dnt lime on thsBonlh Side. Biiioeaa waavery good hut week when Stare Brodio gave ' Untbe Bowery," with tbe assistance of Frank Bosh,Edwm Bbapley, Mvik l.ynob, Edward Chrlaate,Wdl Mitehell, Al. L>ar,is, Geo. Anderson. JobuWslsh, Irving WUIIams, J. M. Bonoksr, Joe. K.

Krefe, Helen Macgregor, Valerie Bcrg<ra aod Isabel

Wood. Weekof So.'TheTwoBistcn."UavuN's ToBATBi.—Uaoloo Bros-' "Faolaams"

It Ihe atiraotloD Ihia week, and will doublleaa pros-ler. Next wejk. Floisle wes>. In 'The Daztlcr.".aat week, "Tbe Kid" was gmgeiley palnolzed andlodloeRotiy presented by Chas. Allison, RMph Bell,

Joe Downe, Uns Boblke, Alt. Hampton. Helen JoniaBarclay, Edna West, Emity MUdred, Dorothy Kent,BUS Herring, Emma Sardon and BcUoFrlfoldL Thehigh wire act byAdele Purvis Curland ber speciallyon a revolving globe were the best execuud andmeal woriby feaiorvB ot the performaoco.ACADBHT OF Mraic-'Tawn Ticket 310" will en-

gage auenUoo this week. Amy Lee, Fraok Ooaneaod Paul Andeiaon sustalnmg the chief rolea.

Boslnesa last week wss very fair with B. ff.

Combs' production of "The Oout GosM" pre-

senledbya caat, loolndlog John Bnike, O.Berlt-ags, J. H. Ferris, L. F. Boward, Edward Faiton.F. F, RusaeU. Jenny Darrab, Lncy Taylor and oih-srs. Ospk L. D. UlondeU aod Bager sod FaourMidiley sre featored. coming week ot 30, Jas. li.

Waluot.cuxx BrRBBT TsuTiB.—"Aonsa the Potomac"

li OBnonnoed this week for Its first North Side pre-

seotatloo. Fred Waldmann's Specialty Oonipsoyst- -

tneled llmlud tura6nls last week opto Wednes-day night when the company dlsoaoded- Thehooia nmalocd dark during Ihe real of the

week. An intsrealtng featnre iTibe bill was the firal

alaga appearance of uentySlrangier, aatrosgboy,who gave evidence of considerable muKle. '-PawsTicket 110" oomes next week.Sam t. Jaoi'b ofbba noins.-ICaBafer Jack's

stick bmlaqne forossi headed by Billy aod LouiseBt Olali* ua Emma Vaid, wU ooBhrtboi* Iht


msueoaBt tUi VMk. Ttiot. XUm's "CItr Olsb"Bori«a4ae Compuv DiiIikM two wmU tt Ikir

•acoM 19. UiOr pcrtonnuicM lisTlor (iTto iplen-

dld miatMtloo. FUDT Ertntt b(MM ihtbiir-

leMU form Id lbs Ant put ud barlMiDe. "Tlit

UM Qaiii»tii'8lead," btcktd by RabT HwIod,LIIUu WIlaoD, Bopble Erb*. Con Wbltc, OlllgAUiaitoii,Aiuile PtMrs n« Btrtlu Dongbui, tbaolio afitiBM Tbo*. n, Notu, Hun Bijuit uiCwrlo Falton, FkDor Enntl, AL H. FItlilt udDtTO LewU and ObH. II. Bijut »ni (ieo, U.BiTllte.

ROTii EHOUsn Circus.—Msiugcr Fmk milbu broogbt » loog Una of efllolentjiorfoniien tbuifar ud promliu mom lo rotore. Toe ntir feitDTefor Ui« wMk U Bn BenoUl nlxh Mrera Sobairernsderllned. Tbo Derformuu lui wttkeoRkgtdJobn CleTeUsd, Dollle Emmloga, Btllm Nuur'aAmbt,AI.CtroD.Oliu. W. Fltb, Hosa. Vibn, ibeRennud Bioi., Roal* H>en, tb« Bsiuorl Blatara,Wm. Da MoK, rami and Harono, tba Da'.loRllInroi.,asdtbaFM)liiaa(liuKeli«. Baalnca la tcttgood.FBiMi BiiL'a OiaiNo.—Tbe aU«ndanoa main-

ulna a blgblj pnlliabla atandard at tbia reaort andtba bill o( oosUoDona vatlatr la or tba btat aortobtaloabla. For tbIa ire«k will 0. Feiria, a mea-meila^ la tba (oatan, tba nrletr portlonor Ibe pro-Kianuia aDgaglgg nobatta aod Dorato, JaiiDle aidAiuila Daolala, Ida and Fcancia UoNdI^, Walla andMonroe, HtrrT Tboma, tba SIdmua, aaorglaEoarr. tba Beeob Oblldnn, La Vaae and PatDaod.Oleo Cclcatf, Val Vino, Haigla Wlliiu, McAroj aidDoile, Obaa. and Jennie Slamrt, 0. W. Andenonanl A. W. Holme.LTonmTBiATBi.—Foriblawmk tho altracUon

will be Qrenlcr'a Lroeom Tbeaire Oompanr wblobbaa been ont ibia aeaaon, dirattcd bj Jobn Horrla-ger wbo wu atone lime aaalatut manager or iblareaort. Webar t Fleld'a Cnmpanj la dne week o(3L liiat week Haaager Qienler preaenled a bonaabin and met fair reward. Tba perforaunce eoftag.ed Dnpont, Dan Ktaung and Jobn Lord, Ford andFrsncea, Ju. R Beacb. Stdle Onabman and nnbertBolcomb. Delaroj and Frtii, Edward and LinlaaLkTeite, Fred Barrand Yucca.Sin T. Jici'a EHriai.-An organlzailon atjled

"London Hoalo Hall Borlnqao Oompan;" preaaalatbe amnaament thia week. Bnalneas waa falrlaatweek, wban Manager Jack offered bla stock com-pany lo Ibe bntleatiae "Tbe Fortj Tblerea," enmg-Ing Emma Ward In Ibe oblet lole. The olio waaGOTlded bj Frank Healej ami Frank Porcell.Mand

Ilea and Irene Walton, ObarleT Banka, Bliljr andLonlae 8L Olair and Ibe Conwaj Brotbera.Oaiitt Taitni.—After iwentrweeka of bard

llabling Manager Uriacoll aobmliied totbeloavlt-able U, and doaed tbe doom of tbIa reaort. Heannonnoea a detennlaatlon lo reopen In abont ibreeweeka nnder changed condlllooa, amoklog anddrinking being tbenpenniued. Wlib Ibe exiim In-come fmm llqold rtfreabmenta Manager DrtacollbopeatoHndproIlL Thelaatweek of alralgblra-rl«T brongbt oat atnggllDgandlenceaand engagedDan BarreU and Jobn Flaberir, Orace and RoaeMarre, Frank Onmmlngi. 0. Park Bjen, Dick andKiwe Oommlnga, Roao Lee aid Dan and KellleBlaitOLTifPio TnUTBi.—Maj Howard'a Big Bar

lesqno corapan; makes Ita Ont appeaiance of tbeeaaon at Ibia bonae week beginning 14, and aa tbeorfanlzaUon la Terr popolar wlib Manager Caatle'afollowing, big boalneaa laaaanted. Laat week RellljA Wood'a oompaoT t»n a prctenilona barleaqoeand a fair line of apeclnl'Ici to good bsalneaa. JoeAllen and Jobn Weat, Tarrr and Haggle Fergnaon,Obaa. and Minnie Barao, John Perrj and Jaa. Tennraoke, Llilr Lanrel and Hand Harrey and HerIlorke and Randall romiabed tbe olio, the bnr-liaqne, ' Hades Up to Date," wHIi Maggie FergnaonIn tbe oblef role, flnlabed Ibe Mil.PAHiTauTBi.—Manager NIokKorton malntaloa

llting pictnrea aa an ealabllabo'1 fealnre of tbeontruig here, and adda loaire to the enrreni bill bytbe presentation of two loul comedies. Tbe oliowill employ Barton and OlTde Stanley, Thoa. Leoand Jeaile Obspman, Mark Lorlng and Allle Lealle,Bobaeffer and Monti. Ed. Thompaon and Oeo. Bnn.nail, Lilo Tbels, BUI; Maloner and Harrr Wll-llama, Fanae Le Petre, EotUe Bernard Obaae, Oa.borne and Horanla.Ehoil's Oriu Fatilion.—Tbe attendance bete

nalnlalna a fairly progiable atandard and tor tblaweekanexceUentbllllaprovlded. The feainreotIbe week will be the piadncUon of Anhnr J. lamb<abnrleiu "Bla Nobba Ue Nabob" wblob will be pro-ceeded by an olio engaging tbe Lonere Slaters, theNelaon nmlly, Oor> Ronit, Sadie Onabman andHerbert Holoomb, La Birtoe and Nln<, U BelleAdele, Arable and Roae Royer, Lillian Starr, UamieCanierand Lew Baker.Wnm's LOKOOK Diiii Hubii.—For the second

week OapL Jobn While, the manager, maintains tbemidway aa ihe principle featore of ibe lower alage,tbe enno Hat for tbe week Indadlngtbe Alphonaos,Are manlpnlatora; Amy Folletia, aapotted woman;Jenny Bowman, with trained doge and Prof. Bow-man witb abadowgrapbs. Tbe preaentailon of mid-way "iwlatera" laat week brongbt ont the largeaibnslneas tbe bonaehu been favored wlib In morethan a yew.EOBL ti MinnLBTO.s's Clirk SmiKT MOSBK.—

The carlo arraDgement for tbis weak eongea JoLnaaale,an albino; Balbroma, a maglolan; OlB»,aClrcaislan lady; Sam Font, awblluer, and LeabMay, a gtantesa. Tbe lower auge will be In poa-aesaion of Edward and Lonlae Loretio, Will Mc-Roble. tbe Oelhert Slaien, Fatay and Sadie Urannl-gan, Oeo. R. Bonn and tho Beatles. A bomber ofmoMle danceta are contloned ( .r Ibe third week,doe to toe fact that their presence has aerred to

draw great crowds of cnrlooa alghtaeersEOBLA MlDDLITOK'SaLOBB DlHB HOSBI.—OOrlO

ball this week la alren orer to Pnf. woodwardand hia mined scalB and aea Hons; Ibe Oair Bnw.,with wreatllDg bear; Welaer, an Albino; Mile.

Connie, with her trained animals, and a nnmb>r ormidway performero. On ibe alage Florence HllirrwlU do Ibe "Koncbl Koncbl" and like "awlrel"daicea, and apeclalilea will be Inirodnotd by Tj-reene, Ohas. Rlob, Tom Olbbona, Bott Marlon andBUly Pearl, and Prof. Qnty. Hie mldwsr ezeralseshare oansed a big sport In bnslneu at Ibts reaort,

and tbe end Is not yecAntBHiTB Welb A 'n'achsner's Qerman Slock

Company acted at Dooleya, Bight of t, "Manerbineochen" ("LltUe Wall Flower"), a comedy in

tonr aota, by O. Blomenlbal and 0. Kad-diebtrg, caat aa rollowa: Jnataa Wonnann, Fer-dinand^ Welb; Fanl Worman, Carl Uolly; Ed-ward Harborg, Max Flacher: llenrletu Mar-bnrg, Iledwig Baotlcger: Edith Marbnrg, KlinNUiBon; Bpangentanli, Blegmncd Hellg; Fianz-laka Spanienbtnk, Henry stnirer: Manin, Wll-

helm Oehrlog: Dr. Lacai. Adolpb Byer; JennieLncas, Anna ncltbmolcr; Uemlolo Lncas, Clarar«piilng: Erunnlis, Can Koenig; Uerman, D.Otfebe; Jadge Henial, Hogo Crabee; Knut. AlbertMiller; Btlielte. Victoria Marlham; BInie, Bel-mer Letsker, and Anton, Herman IllrscbbnrgW.J. WInterbnrn will deToie bla roU time tu tbo

management or the tonr or Walker Wbluslde0, E. Bklff Is perfecUng plana for a society circnsto be glTen at Battery "D" W Bert DavisJoined Primrose t Weet's Minstrels here, re-

anmlng bis former station u general presssgent Manager Nell Florence baa with-

drawn Edwin Btrbonr's new faroa comedy,"One or tbe Boyt" after an anprodl^blq week onIhe nigbt aunda of Indiana V. K. viator hasreturned home fcom bla evenirnl visit to Clnoln-

nall, O , and will at once organlu a varlctr com-paay to take Ibe toad 27 at indltnapoUi, Indoeo. Oeraier and Obarley Li Mar areplaylog tbesnbarbs with a company styled Kettle Wlllard'a En-tertainers LAwrenoe Ilanleybas been engagedto loin' 01 tbe Ultslsslppl," ii, at OinclnnatI, 0.Kogene Tsaye, the vtollnlal, will appear as aolnlal

wlin tbe Chicago Orcheairs at ihe Andltorlnm. Feb.1 and 3. This will be bla local debnt EdgarOwlnga Towns bia diaposed ol his plar. "OtherPeople's Money," to Chaa. Dlckaon. who will atonce bexln rebeamalt. Tbla play was prtacnicd by1.mie Evans early tbla season, and Is a recon-atmcled varaloD ot Mr. Towne'a play, "By WiiaOnlwlued.". . . .Tbe last week In Jannary will bring"Shore Acrea" to MoVlcker's, where It waa orlsl-

nally anted, OlgaNetbereole to Hoolej'a.tor berlocaldebat,and Caraille D'Arvllle to tbe Soblller fora re-

tnm engagement In "Hadelelne,orihe Magic Klaa."

Boalneaa Mooaeor Geo. W. Sammla, of "Oa theBowery," waa called homo Uet week iiy the aarlonaUlneaa ot bla wife, and bla place waa dlled br Bnal-ne*< Manager Victor Barmoo, of "On tbe Missis-sippi." Jan. U. Oallen, the Patterson Broiheis,OtUUIe, Blnni and DInna, Richmond and Olenroy,Higee and Orimraloa, and tho Olyropla Qoariet,

members of Fred Waldmann's Company, whichwent to the wall bore last week, claim aal-

sHea doe them from Manager Peter Rice totbe amoant ot 11,100. A majoilty of the oom-ptny have departed for year pieclacta"nt Ortat BrooklfD Baodlcap" went to pieces atthe eloae ol the Alhambm engagement t, and"Tbe Kid" Oompany diebtnded when the aogage-menl at Bavllo's was Inlabed laat weekJohn E. Boyle hu signed wlihSella Brothers' Clrcosas general press agent for Ibe third conaecnllreseason. Be Is spending the Winter with TreaaaitrThos. J. Baker, of Ibe Oinnple Ceo. 0. Francis,who has bean ahead ot H. B. Wood's "Orphans ot

psw Tofk," bii Ukaas Uks io«iua«iltkBisv«

Bndle'a "Ob the Bowery." Mr. Wood closed hUaeaaon In bnlSTlIle, Ky., on scoonntof somenn-favorable bookloga,htt( ezpecia to tue the roadlater In Ibe aeaioo A. J. CaaUe, rather of Man-ager Oeo. CoaUe, of the Ulympio, U lorionily lU.He hu aoalned a veuetahie ago and la widelyknown In the profeailon Manager W. A. Kd-wstds, of tbe Alhambra, haa begun anit ror adivorce InmhiBwire TheaitaaheaoribeBoyalEnglish Olrcns laat week preaenled a diamnndhoneaboe pin to J B.Flabenyaa atnken olihclretisem. Mr. FUberty bnt recently reilgned blapoaltloD aa bnalneaa manager ot Ibat reaort torottheran entorprlaaot his osn,tbs cbarmcierotwhich will soon be announctd Tom Coatcllo,or Healey and Coatcllo, la oonDoed to the PoetOradaate Uoaplial, In yoor cliy, and la being caredfor by Madison Lodge, NO. 134, K-ot P.,lhlscliy. Ulseonditton is very critical and no hopes are enter-lalncdror bla reoorery Betnloe Wheeler waagranted a divorce rrom her hoaband, E, K. Wheeler,toKanauCliy.Mo., e. She la nowiutUlDlDgibeletda In one ot Oniuve Frohman'a "Charity Ball"companies Thronghibe oonrletyot RInglIngBrothers, I am In poaaoaalon of a copy o( tbeirroots hook, which Is traly an elabotaiesonvonlrotIheir highly ancceaatui lonr of tho "World's Orcat.Sit Show."

(iBlMir.—At tbe Empire DIsalerella Jonei^dldaltiy well Jan. II. John Drew, in "Tho Bniteinier,"drewan enormons bonae 7, "The Olrl I Leil BehindMe," », played to good liotlneas. Coming: Flu iWebster, In "A BteetyTlme," it, "A Oreen OoodiMan" 17, Rob FIlsMnusona la, "Spider and VIv" l»,

"The Cmatof Socletv" a, Alai. Salvlnl is. W. c.Boward Is condned to bla home with trpboldfever. 0. B, Bowman taken Mr. Howard's place atIhe door.


LoalsTlller-AI tbe Temple Nat 0. Ooodwincommenced a bait week engagement Jan. 7 before

apacked honae ln"A Ollded Fool." "In Mlzzonra"

and "David Qairlck" were preaented the lemalnlng

nlgb'ato ueqnallygood honaea. The latttr hall

of the week was flUed with "r.<ul Kanvar" to fair

andlencea. Jamea J. Corbeit comea 17.

MaciOLBT'8 TBBiTRii.— "Charley's Annt" di-

vided the week with 'The Pasalog Show." Tbetormerdnw fair sited honaea, while Ihe luter at-

tnoKd big anillcncea. Uageobeck'a Tialnod Anl-mala and Zoo Olrcas week of 14.

Obano Opiba Uodss James Yoang, In abhakeapeartan repertory, auracted good bogieaweek ending 12- Waller Matthews, ot this city,

anpported Mr. Yonng daring the engagemeoL"Tbe fiorglar" week ot W-Avsi<DB.-"Fawn Ticket 3I0" proved a magnet

for tbla honse laat week. Tbe atiendance was bigdaring the engagement. Alba Beywood, In "Edie-wood Folka," week ot 14-

BDCiiNaBAH—Roae Sydell'a London Belles On-Isbed a good week's bnalnesa 11. Reeves .V Palm-er's Coamopolltana week of 14.

OIM TnsATBi.—New faces 14: Dannie Norman,Dora Menzenola, Bob Edsards, Slilcrs I'wkcr,Cora Fntnkllo, EllUi Ten;, Magglo Tbleas and Kd.and Jessie Foley. Uaalnesa Is fair.

NOTBS.—Sonvenln were given nt the matineeperronnasces or James Yooog at the nraud OperaHonae but week Charles H. Illil, or Baliloiore,Md., brother or May Ilnoklngbani, who diedatlhoLonlavlUc Botel a, arrlvedin tbe olty 7, and acnim-panlcdiberemolnalo BalilmoreS. Toe Lonhi'llleLodge or Elks were lonerous In tboir attentions toIbe actress while sick, aud aaaunied responsibilityror her rnneral exponaes. Tno remains were tukento Ibe Dominican Church a, where reqniem nuuiswas said. Members or LouiBvlllo Lodge, U. r. O. K ,

acted aa pillbeareis Uojor Hughes, oblelihoLoolBvlllo lire department, was preieoted o wlUi agold walch by Mat 0. Ooodwin aa a token ot friend,ship.


BleUmoBd.—With every seat In the bouaeoc-

cnpled at advanced prices and tlie alalea crowdedto a dangerons degree, lUcbard Uanalleld presented

".Napoleon Bowparte" at the Acsilemy of Mualc,

Jan. 7, to one at tbe moat brllllaat audlencea ever

aisembled In Ibia bonae. Tbe play Itself waa coldly

received, the scenic cltects and Ur. Manadeld'sin-rtlvldnallty alone atoning tor the dullness or theaction- "The While Bqnadron," s, g, was fairly

patronized by a top heavy house, "rno llainmakers," li. 11, was preseuied to unlforinly largobusiness. The Klobmond Theatre remained darklaat week. Col. Brecklnrldie baring canceled.AuDBuv or Mueio-—Mrs. Poller and Kyrle Bel-

lew ii-ig, Sanaa's Band 22, "The Dovll^s Aocllon"211,26.

RionvoKD TDX1TR1.-0IIS Ulil's Korcliy Co. is,

Norria Bros.' Ennlnes 17-ie.

PlTNlU'STBBaTRB COBiqrB.—OpCDlDg 14: LCOhand Mocmalck, Tnxle Hamilton and Joalo Sbelld.Boslneas Is fair

Norrolk.—At the Academy of Mualc Ihe VeteranOorpa Band came Jan a, bnt met with poor bnal-

neas on acconnt of a heavy wind and rain stormwhich swept onr olty. "Tue While snoadron" tol-

lowed 11. 12 and plared to excellent houses.Booked: Souaa'a Rand 21, "The Davll'a Aurilon"2l,Nonis Bros.' Eqolnes •a, it.

BiJon TasiTBR—Opening l-i: WhlUock andKaffilnkl,Trl«le Miller and Baroca nis'oni. Re-maining: (ionnan and Weat, Jo:in l.omue^a, J.

Ittuti, Hay Miller, Floyd Slaters, U»i la Orey, Uhria-tle We|/ih, Jobn Omham and U«vo lloinail. 81.

Hark f: Lynn'a Barleaqoe Co. did a good builncse.


Beaicie.—At Uanna'a Seattle Theatre Kiule Put-

nam opened for two nigbta Jan. 7, with "LitUe Uav-

riok," to a good bonae. Thomas W. Keene did tilr

bnslnesB 1-3. Sadie Martlnot and Max Flgminbnog "The Paaaport" 21, 23, "Fbo New Hoy" ti, 20.

CoRDRiT'a TasATRB.—Week of Dec. M waa di-

vided between tbo I'yke Opera Co. In "Tho Tar audtbe Tartar." tor Ibe Oist three nlgbls to pickedbonaes, and Ihe Ohaa. KIgga Co. the remaluder ol

the week In repertory to fair sized aadlencts. Tlie

BeatUe AtbKtloOlab produce Olio Culllng'aoper.aUc trsveaiy, "Mlilwlntcr Night's liream," 24-2<i.

Stewart's Comic Players, headed by Ueo. P. Mur-phy and Kilty Kursalea, open ror a week :8.

Fiors.—J. B. Sbuok, or Ohiago, III., was hers In

this city ror sevenl weeks looking np talent tor bla

Calhonn OperaOo Martin Parker, now ot tbo

Fyke Co., Joined the Tavary Open Co. at TMoma.Manager W. M. Itoisle, of Cordrsy's, Ih arrang-

ing a new vermon ot "Fansf which be win pot ontbe road ahenly TbsT. H.A- Lodge are nak-Ing eltorU to secure a ArsI class aiincUoo for ihclr


TscoBia.—At the Tacoma Theatre T. W. Kceno,In "Hamlel," Jan. 4, and "Richard III" i, played lo

good bnalneaa. Tne P;ko Opera i^ompsny fournights commencing 7, Katie I'atnam 11, 12.


Wkeellng.—Bnalneas al tho luoU lliealrca the

past WMk was only fair, occasioned no doubt by

tho ezlrcme cold weather. At Ihe Opeia llnaae

"Land of tbo Midnight Hun" bad a good sized aadl-

eoce Jan. 7, giving excellent satisfaction. Thebonae was dark tbe remainder of tbo week.Booked: Al. 0. Field's Hlnalrels 14, "Jans" li, 10,

Jamea O'Mell 11. "Shore Acrea" 21.

aBAiiD.-"A Barrel of Money" drew fairly well

7-s, ai did Peter Maber'a 8|>e< tally Company 10-12.

Coming: Chaa. T. F.IIU I4-|i>, Jarhtao Ijonicdy

Company. In "Slarllgbt," I'-lo, Daii^lomew'aEqninea 21.30.

NOTsa.—Mr. and Mis. Al. UerrdlU have retnncdborne after a proaperoos seaion wltti Waller I..

Maln'a Show. They have aigned to go with Ibo

Main forcea next aeaaon again HanaterObarley Vogle, ot the Sieubenvllie, 0., Opera llonie,

waa In lha city 7 Prank Vooig, nf "A KenIncty Olrl" Co., spent Sunday, 13, hero with friends.

Jos. B. Uall, a local oompcaer, has wil:ten asoug, entitled "Tbe Uobo," which he aabfulfcdloManager E. F,. Rice, who accepted It. It will beanng In "140!." Mr. Hall haa oeen at work o.n

a comic opera, which will be tried here bylocal talent In April Wheeling I^idgoor Elka,

No. 28. have amnged to have the BoalonUnahere two nigbta In May ror their b«n>Ot Tbeoperas will be given at Ibe new Casino In wncflingPark. The caaloo, by the way, promliiea to be the

aceneorannmber or operailc and dramailo pro-

docilonsdnring Ibecoming Snmmer ManagerFelaler, or tbe Oimod, contemplaua Intogatallnga seasoa ot vaoderllle at bla iheairs arier the

elcss or lbs ranlar season at UwanndiSbOBI UisBtUdlsglllay.

— Jostph n. While has begnn two anlia In tbeSupreme Court ol this Slats on assigned claims of

Sydney RosenfelJ, by which Mr. While seeks to i»-

corcr t;,(00 from Fttncls Wilson ror breach ot con-tmct. In Ihe dtst comprint Mr. While alleges Ibat

on March 18. ia.sg, Hr.wiltonenleied Into an agree-ment with Mr. Itoaentelil whereby lbs latter waa tomake an ndanlallon from a French comj>oslllnncalled "I.'Rtollo," ud was to receive iheiefor Ito aweek, aa well as a hall Interest In tbe pntu of themnalo of the opera. Mr. ROKnreld waa also to re-ceive IMOInadvance. Hr.Kosenteldclalmslhsthecarried ont bis part or the oonlrsel; that be adapt-ed tbe opera nnder the name "King Frolic," aiddelivoied It to Ur. Wllaon. The complaint thengocaonlaaay that the latter paid Hr. Roaonfeldtsooin advance, bnt that tbo payments slappedtbcie, and, li Is alleged, that In fraud ot Kmenfeid'arights, u tbo plalntlg bellsvea, Mr. Wilson pro-duced a version 01 "L'Etolle" nnder iha nameot"The Metrv Moearcb." to Mr. Roaeufeld's damageIn tbe sum or ti.WO. The second cause ot actionalleges that Mr. Wilson made a contract withRosenfeld In December, ibsd. tor an Eogllshadaptailon from a Pienob llhrello called "ubo-lln,'> forwhiob Ur. Wilann agreed lo pay Mr. Roaen-fcldgli a week when Iboopen abonld be produced.Ilie pialuuir aaya that the com raci was carried ontby Mr. Rosenfeld. and the adspiation daMvoied totbe defendant. Then tbe plaintiff aaya that Inviolation ot Ihe oonlraoi fir. Wilson prodaoed"liitiolln" under Ihe name of "The Devll'a I)e-pnly," and has not paid Mr. Roscnfsld anything,lumagea In tbe sum or |2,.v» are aabed In thisesse.— Mansger Edwin P. Illllon, or ths "Land or tho

Midnight Son" Co., reports good business tor hisaittactlon.— U. n. Atherlon, wbo hu lieen playing heavy

aud chancier rules with ths Swartwood DramatloCo., ainre Bepi. e. closes with that company atMacomb, 111., Jan. 19.

— Kllen Voctey gare a aacceural dninailo ro-clul, Jan. 10, In tbe concert hall ot Barrla' Acad-emy of Hoalo, Baltimore. Md. Mlu Vockey foraome time lutenda lo devote burselt to recitals forprivate social lanollons.— Qarland Qadan Infortna na Ibat 'The Yonng

American ' Co. will lay off in Onicaio, III., fur twoweeka, owing to tbe Ulneas of Unn LomlneOaden, lha atur.

— James w. Forraet la In BolTalo organlting acompany to snpportbis wife) Lillian Pollock). Theyhave Juat cloaed with Harle Kinale, In "The Uangenor a Oreat City," and have aecnred F. N. Potter,Jaa. A- Uero, Ed. Bummera and Chu Stanley, whowill play the comedy roles aad do a akoiob.— II. D. laifgrij, owner or the Academy or Hnalc,Roanoke, Vs., has leased the theatre to a ayndlcaicol bnalneaa men or that cliy ror ths rsmaleder olthis acuon and next. A change will he made Inheating ine hallding, and oiher alienilona andImpruvementa are In contcmplailon. J. L. Hooperhas been spnoinied business manager,— The Fall Hirer, Haas , newapapera contain ac-

connia or a dlsagreeaolo hapnenlng lo the Mom-willlams Co.. at Ibo Columbia Theatre, in that ally,on Jan. 0. The memhen or the Mora WIUIams Co.wen ready ror tho porfornunce and tho oroheatnbad been plailng a longer time than oaoal, when It

wu round that Uio box omce recelpia iiad beenattached by the aUge manager ot ihe ibcaire. whohad alao levied upon tbe curulu ror a claim orback pay doo bim. A member or lliDMonCom-puiy explained mauers to ibeandlence, which Aledoat to the box omce and wen nimbnrsed tlie priceof iheir tickets- No blame was attached to tbeMora company.— F. U- billion will take ont bla cnrnnanr'abont

Jan- 29- He will play "llamlat," "Tho Marblollearia"and"Tbe Bells," and will lonr the West.Jamea U. Itoastll will manage Mr- Oorton.— The members or Andy Amann's "A Clean

Sweep" Co., were tendered a "aoolal" liy KokomoLodge, U. P. O. K., No. ISO, Jan. 7.— Joa. II. sillier has lulnsd UJlle Akenirom's Co.— Lillian Fofflcr, planlat; Pearl Oonzalea, Span,lah akirt ilmcer, and Edwin Htewart. comeolao.Joined Holrlllo's Comedians atlFort Wayne, Ind.,Jan.l.— The Bpoonar Comedy Co. oloaed a meet auc-

ceaaful week, they repon, at Lafayelle, Ind., Jau.12. During the performance. Jan. II, llille Johnnie,the aoven montna oldaonorobarleaand Lula lloaty,nuido his professional debnu Mr. Spooner maoohim a hauoaome proaent, which will ne treuuredu a soovenlr of bis Arst nppeannce.I W. w. Cnig, we aro luiurmcd, la no longercon-nected wlib tbo company formerly mown u Bhaw& Cnlg'a Comedlaus, or "Jack and Jill." The rosiernow Isaa lol nwa: Sam T. Shaw, proprletorand man.ngcr; A. P. Ilalnaburg, Hairy w. Smith, Jno. W.Ilnrner. Lew lloddy. Jack Ueck, Ual. Pavegport, B.M. Oriniih, Uert McQragor, Clarence Itohherig. W.K. Anitnrson, Jeeale Bblrlxr. Kaihlyn Daveuporl,Nellie Ualie, vinuleOir, W.ll. Weaver, agent, anda l>and and oreheatra.— Reports of good boilnesa corno rnm MoPhee's

" U. T. u." Co., now tonrlog (he rar West.— Klule Hbcadea Inrorma us thatahe waignnted

n divorce from William K. Ilboadea, profetslooallyknown an W. R. Ward. In the Court or CommonPlena, Philadelphia, on Jan. 6.

— Tho lllHmark Opiin Uouse, Weston, W. Va.,which WHS receolly bartied, will bo rebuilt byManager Brlokman, wbo expects to have It readyby H4y 1.

— Tnos. (J. Beabrookc'B now Iwo sot oponllobniletia. by fl<tgar Bmllb snd Fred Oagel,wu sungfur Ibo Aral time at Powers' Unnd Open llonse,Decatur, III.. Jan 0.

— Lee Hale bu wrilien a three set dnma, entl.tied "LaulBlana,'' which be expccis to produce InUarch-— Mansger K K. Rice baa secured the sole rIehiB

to tho new bnrleaiiae "Midae," by A. DildwloSlosne, which will be produced Fcl>. a, In UtlU-more, ltd.

— It Is now snuouncod that Ha; Yuhe and LordKnnrli llopo vera married .S'uv. 27, a'. IlompsteadI'arlib, London, Eng., their names appearing onthe reglaier at thnt place.— jQEtIco llirrotl, In Suprome Conrt Onamben,

this cll7, has gnnied an Injuncilon reatralnlngOiaay Flmerald, who has been doing a akin danoeIn 'The Ua'uiy Olrl," from appearing under tiio

inanagemenlofanyone imtUeorga Ed warden. MlasFiizicralil was leillniC |M a week nnder her con-inclwllh .Mr. Kdwarden, hot recenllrsbe enteredIntoaconinclwlih Managers Csnary h L-derer,loGriorm la 'Toe Twentieth Ceniuty Ulrl,'> at a

rger salary. Hr. Edwardes contended that herdanoingwu ths featun ot bis play, and that heraervlcra could not be dlapeiufd with.— Ulilr Link and Jennie Plau will close with

Uurny A Hack'a "Flonlgau's llsll" Jan. ig.— Notes from the KIrabull Open Comlqne Co :

Biislncn with us bu been excepUonslly good, and,noiwllbiunding the cry of hard limes, our houaenhave been eicellenL Mrs. Kimball hw aurronndedCorlono tbla aeaaon with the atmogeat companyabe bu ever had, and It la no doobt duo lo lha factthat we aro giving one ot the beat ot performanceatbaiourbuiioeHsbas been so good. Corlnnolsather i,eal and doing aomo remartakly clever work.Her mandolin S'lloa are making a hit, and btradcplnesi on il.U dlillculi Inairumeut is earningber well deaenel praUe. Ilooklogs are almostcompleted for "lleodrick lludsoD" next aesson,which will In all piohalillliy be tbe lut, as Mrs.Kimball contemplates golog abroad, and will nodonbl look around for a new fnoe In which to setber bright litlbi star.— Hr. and Mn. Char. Forre'ler wi-re called home

on account or tbo dtalb or their alx monllia'oldliabr boy, wbo died on Jan. 11.

— Notes from P.O. Perry's "U. T.C-" Co, Wlo-lerlgg at Colo, la.; Rreryih>ng Is uodersolog acoio|i:ele renewing In the paint rh-ipa. We willbare a new >iii, also a new ilckclandadvancosaron for next season, and will pot out ono i f theOacsl snd mml complete "U.T. O." coropanlis laAmctlca. The onllrooutAt will be fit-ihandnewwhirii the aU'.w takca Ihe r<iad next Spring.— Ooa Wllllami' <^>. cIams the season Jan. IS.

-J. r. Lcuer, comedian, Joined "A llailtoadTicket ' Jau. 12 al Milwaukee, VVIs.— Ilrp<ins i.r sood buiinere come from Lovejoy'a

Bali^liUo Upeia Co. lo lliaopf ra '-Hatoics," Uiruiighthe Ymx.— Uenvllls Howe, havlog cnclnded his iweniy

weeks' contract with any A Wcodbnirs "AnntHall)" Company- left ror bis homo st flnnitou, Va


Jan- II. A. 0. Noyes, who hu been Playing IheJiy, sill aatnmo tbo IlUe role, lo puca of Mr.Howe. Lew II. Newcorah Joined Jan. IX— Ed. O'Connor, tbe Irish comedbin, writes that

ha cliacd with "Tne Diamond Ureaktr ' Jan. 13. loIbla city, and hu J dned lbs Vernont Jarbeau Oo.,fiicieniing Ibe larce comedy "Aiarllght," Tbearre baa been. It laaald, recunatractedand bvoogbt"up to date" and It replete with newspeclaliles,medleys, etc T"elr laurexlsnda train New ToiKlo Sen Fnndsco and mora,and wlUeovaaMiBlodottwaatiwiskg.

— II. E. MoKse wrlMiu Oat be U BOt Iks iirail>

oaldltecierot ibe MoAlplB * mstsr "Bad Boy"Co., bnt ig dotgw lb* Rabg wlib tbal eoBpsay.— BegrbohmTieebaadgoldedlo give a nadlniol his paper ebUUgd <nM ImaglBtUTS rsenlty toArt" dorug his (oruoeming tonr la lUs oonsiry.Mr. Tive read this paper betom Ibe Rojal Intlta-UoB In London.— MoUarver Bies. Joined tba Ed F. DavU "V. T.

0." Ca, No. 1, at Philadelphia, Psm Deo. M.—Maria Hose Is 111 st her molbsr'B home In

Brookllne, Mass.— The Vioni Street Theatre, Balilmora, Hd., will

open OB Jan. 31, under Ihe BUBagement ot IheNew York ADOsemeBl Oo. It wlU be ran as aoomblnailon honae.-Tbo UUlaa Tnoker Co., In 'ThB NIghls IB a

Barroom," nporl good bnglseag plailBg thnng


Maloa.— K. D. TaBBehUI baa been ordered by his phy-

sician to go to Ashvllle, N. 0., ror tbe Wlater,u hela sunermg with lone diatass. llelentorhlsWto-terqaanenJso.g.— "Ths Two sislsn" Co. closss lis season April s,

— Delia FOX Is npotled to be seitonsly Ul atlialrolt, MIoh.— Frank a Jay, wbo tetlrad from Ihe atags two

vesrs'aiolocondnollbeNaUooal Band orlffaah-Ington, D. 0., bu joined the John F. Biowe Oo,

- Notes riom dowaid WaUis Ideals: Ws ai«iilaying thnugh Pennsylvania to food bnalneaaWe pUied IteadlBi New Year's wsek sad snbooked lor a rslurn oste Jan. t*. John A. Blmme-leln U now ssaoclsle manafer or Ibis oompany.— Sherman Wads bu Joined "OnHJ's Diuaden,"tutug the plaoeot Ben UrinneU.— Lilllaa Rpencer is st prossntat the Men MOSM^

this city, wliB ths pantomlos orgaaixaUon nnderIbe name or Mils. Bevsnnce.— "Tae Binb or Venng," lbs new oomlo open by

J. W. Herbert and Edward Jakabowshi, will lis

pnduoed Feb. II In Ualilmoio, Md.. with tbe rol.

lowing company: Don Tannsr, Once Ooiden, Itoae

Lslibioo, filale MoeUer, J. W. Uerben, w. p.

Bweatnam, K. J. Uenley, Fmnk Dothon, A. W.Madln and Edgar Weniwonb. Max Freeman willBta«e tbe pleoe.— Manager A. M. Palmer has ncelved wordrnm London, Eng., that he was elected to mem-lianblp 01 the Qatrlek Club at lis regnhv meeting,Jsn.12.— It la nported that Haiager llenri 0. Miner

coniemplaies bnlldlni a new tbeaue in Boston,Msai. It Is Intsnded, ir the tbeaire Is bnllt, lodevote It at Ant to tbe piadBoUon et niaya byJames A. Bene, and win be eonlfolled by Mr.Miner and Mr. Bene.— Notes from Fred UoUsc'a HIUlaiT Band, wlib

"A Oooniry Olreus" Co.: The luanagvmenl ot Uocompany have presented tbe memben ol the bandwith new nnlfonns, wblob we wear at all limes.FAldle Taylor, Ant alio player, Is guAeilnf from In-

namnuilouoribeeyee. A gnhslantlal ngtse wsgraised by memben ur the oompaDy (or him, and hewu taken to ue M. B. Bospltal, u Omaha, for twoweeks (or molt) treaimeui, where It la hoped bis

eyesight nay be resured.— Ada CuUtion desires us to dsny the slatement

made iiy the manager of ibe "Two Old Cronloa"C«. that all salaries were p<ld whan that compinrolioied. In Syncuaa, N, Y., on Jan. 1. Miss Ouilo-lon aiatea ihat four weeks' salary la still due her,

and lhat none or Ibe meniben ot the oompany hadbeen paid In full. She alao wlahea na to alalo lhather bnaband, Ubarlea lloach, wu not a parloer InIhe ouuagemeni ol the oompany, u h<s bean or-

roneonsly auted.— Uonry P. Otarke bu Jdnad "A Bniiehof Keya"

tor tbe remainder ot ibe leaaon.— Harry E. liavis, suae manager, sow with tbe

Punch lluberuon Co., willeloee with that attrasilunJan. It, at BuUer, Pa., ti Join J. 0. Uwla' "61Plunkwd" Oo. lo play the lole ot RobL Denny.


Toronto.—At the Onnd Open House, Jsn. 7-12,

Marls Uarroughs opened lo good builneu.

ToHOKTO UrsHi llousi.—"The Osplau's Mats"did a big business 7-13,

AcaoiiiT 01* Muaia-Tlie While Crook" hadgood bnslneu 7-13. Owing to a ehangs of dstes ot

Wsn) and Vukcs week ot u-l>, Ihe houM will bedark.MuDBS's UuBBB.—tlualaeu Is fair. Lecture hall

—I.llllo (edncaied doe), and Uodderl. Theatre—llealey, Urothe Bros, Uill and Ulll, and Harlow andPInnkell.MtsRsY HuasB IliLL.—Ths Ant eoncerl of the

Henlelaaubn Ulioir nf Toronto It, with A. B. Vogt,condiiclur, usiaied by Madame Lillian Blauvslt ulNew York.

Nnntreal.—At the Academy of Hnilo "PrincePro Tem," week of Jan. I, did a fair bulueu. ThebooM la dark this week. Walter Banford'g BtookCompany wrek ol 31.

(jusiM's TiiBiTHS,—Lewis UorrlsoD, In "Faast,"roopona the honae weekor 14.

TuBiTsB HoTii Mme. and Augnailn Neovlileplnjed In big bnalneaa Wlib "Buy Tnmp." 1, B, o,

'•Ulll 21" 10, II, 11. Week or 14, Dan HcCarty, In"Tne Pride or Mayo."nrsRA FRaNuaig.—Week or "U Bonn,'

"1,'Kllocellr," "Mtgiion'iand'lM Hofvqnetalres."Week or 14, "Faust." "Hara'felle," •Sltonche,""L'Aiiiio UonstanUo," "Fllle do Ueglment" and"U Sours."HoNUMSKTiL NiTioMtL—ThIs hsw pIscs Will be

dedicated Id with taiilaaux viranis snd blstorlo:scenu, undi r tbo patronags or Their Excellsooleathe u jvetnor-Oeneral ofUanadaand thaOountsu otAberdeen forcharltalle pnrpoaes.

Ottawa,—The (inid Open Iloaae hu beendark fur toe past two weeke Lewis Horrlaoo, In"raoal," paoked Ihe boose Jan. II and 13, "Bna-zeile" 14. li, the Wobllng Siauit, le IT.

(iHaKT'a coxcBHT UaLL.—Marks Bros.' Oo. comelllortwoweika.FsaNK Cnaviii.sB, the Mugee maasger. Is lo

town atrsnslug fur Ms atlracUons duilng theWinter camrval week.

llamlllon.—Ths Oiand hu been dsrk duringtho past two weeks. Damn H. and KIlUe Baldwin,tlie white Hahatinu, open a week's engagemeoicouiiiienuug Jau. 14.

BraR TiiiATSB.-JaB. 14 and WMki R'eble Foyand the Vedder Bislera, Usri and Lirue, Wlllardand Hall, and Jennie Holiy. Arthur Cohen huhern eniaged aa planlaUTnsans Horai,—Toe s'ock company will ap-

pear la "Lost In London" 14-ls,aod "Coder IbeUaallght" It-ig.

AeaociaTiuN Uai.L.-Davld Obrlelle Hnrray willfive bla leclnre, ' I'eacs and War," It.

Londnn,—At the Omed Hex O'llell had a ratnradate, Jon. 0, to a large bonae. Kgllla Oanthony (re-

lorn dalei. 10, drew a good alied andleneeBtneer A iloee nave jlren up with Iheir elfuris (ors'abllah Ihe Ljceum Tbeaire. Albltd trial will bemtde lirCUM.A. U.'npwy. ol Port Huron, Hloh.,who will reopen tne place 18. Maw aMraciluag will

be tne venture tbisUine. the place being now larncdInto a curio hall and niuaeuni wllh Ibeatre aiiaobeil.

(iwebee.—At Ihe Academy of Huslo Rnszelle

flay>d to rio/>r liualoeu Jtn. 7-10. Tue (|nebcorcnch iipera Compur comes 14 for an lodetnlte



Hrldgfiporl.—At the Park City Tbeaua 'TheBIsr Oaur" played to big bnstbegg Jaa. 111. "Oliver

Twui" had a fair bogjs 11 "Ths RIslBg Uencn.lion" comes 11.

AuDiroRiVM.-"Ths Police Patrol" did a big

business a. o. Annia Ablmi, ths Oeorgla Magnet,cnroes 14, It, 'McFadden's Elopement" in, tbe Em-pln City Hiars 17, "The BideHliow" IB, l>.

Ilaiireril.—RaslBeu Is vety qolet sinoe Ibeholldars. The Wilbnr Ooen Co. will be Ihe aitrao-ilon wiHi cbsngeolblilnl|htlr week JsB. U-l«.The AouE^u ' did well 7. Ibiland Reed, In "TiiePoliilclao," wu well received B "Oliver Twial'had fair atlendaaoat. 'Tba World Asaloot llcr"did fairly well 10. "feck's Bad B'ly'' bad a lopheavy boose 12.


Wllmlni|(aB.—AI lbs Omod Open nonu"Tbe Wblle Squadron" wu piesented to goodbnslneu Jan. 7, "Tne Ksw Boy" dnw a largs

aodlsnceo. "My rartner" did well IL "WaTtryDays'' wu piessnlsd to tali bnslBssg 11 Cemlgg:SboraAcRs" 14, D'AinilsltasraUo. it, "Down loUlxu" 11, Mn. Potur aod Kyrle Bellsw le, "ATexu Bisst" 9B, "Ths Rtlaoskstr'H At theWnadBilBnd MgwehtUnf M asel

Sam raoa Waitbb l. Main's "aRSMDisT audBest Sbowe on Eartb."-Onr new Winter qnarlen

at LonlSTUIe, Ry., preeenis a scene ot great aeUvlly

with seorea of carpenien, palnlen, blacksmllbs

and haraeu and wagon makers, all ot whom arehard at work, roAitlng. npalring and replenishing,and the big show will atari out next Bpneg ubright u a "golden guinea." W. B. Fnnklin Is

bnally engaged arranging Iho adnnce, and thai

depeitaent will be ono ot the hast equipped on the

toad; everything will bo brand new aud apeclal

from the advance oan down to a date. Bpeolallllbognpblo paper ot all alylea, alzes and deaorlp-

tlone will be uaed, and II will be ono ot the beatbilled ahows In AoMrlca. The two lloncqgeatrlans,

Wallace and Mohammed abould prove big features,

and In conjnciloowllh lllzey,iho iioxing kangaroo,Delay Wnok, the llllpuilau hone, iho baby nonernnce and gneen, lbs performliigelepbants, ponluand boar bounds, our monagorlo duparlment will

afford some very loterrstlng attnoiluns- Two nowadverilalog can, one stook, two steepen and three

Sat oan have been ordered and an already underway, Hugh Harrison will aaaumo tho managementet Ihe Annex department Waller L- Main and W.B. Frantm, departed Jan. 7 in aiiend tbe annualmeeting ot ibo Hhowmen'a Unnveiiilon, at Clnoln-

nail. Tbe stock lain charge nf itobeit Alirams, otPhlUidelphla. Ths mnsloai orgaulsailoa raulns Its

same director, F. Hont l,ong, uf Olrolovllle, 0., sol-

ing In hbi ninal capacity, this making his Atih ssa-

son with the show.IxiwAHna snow Noras.—Bnalneaa conilnnes nnl!

formly good with the enterprises ot Hr. Lowande,aud ourenlnnce Into llanna was one of triumph.Urge aitendancos have marked each pcrfrrmanoe.and thoonilook Is very nattering, onr Cbrlsiinuwu passed In irae American aiyla; a small onngetree loadod with ths golden troll wu aeoored andIIS bnnohrs yielded to the burden or oosuy andbeaniimi pressnis. Ur. Idwands distributed tbe

gifts. Agnes Hon raoelred a gold watoh studdedwith dismondH, Mr. lAwande received a diamondBoartpin riDmthoemploiea. No one waa lurgouenIn Ihe diatnboUon of gllu, aud the evening olused

wllh a banquet glron by Ihe raanagnnionl. Severalor the bora bare Men doim wllh lever, andKid La Marline Is sow III. Mrs. 0. W. William-

son and son have arrived trum America. Inea

PBUnsr oonunucs a gnat favorite. Iiliiho llUle

Hun la adding to her act, and la a vary clsver Jug-

Gler; her kausi feature (s Juggling on horMback.Ills. Belle Jano is a verr accompilaied rider, ana

does a lerrlilo Anlih, making her call with a roundoff somsnanli. Alinongli orrcua Nn. 2 la ihtee bun-drrd nllea tnm us, we ncelve dolly unilcw of Hisuccen. .So one goems aniloua for gi> pleasant aseason lo oloM, and we all love to diloh tho puredraogbtg from naiure'g apring In aun blaaed Uul*.NoTtR rnoH tub Fiuni a. nannHBR'a show.—

Tho Xala famllv left Deo. 10 tor New Yiirk, InlngIhe lut of the late company that caiiio down a yearago lut November. Uiislnew has lieen vary largewith Hr. Qardner np to within a low weeka, bntroll off nn aocouni iit tbe hut weather coming on.

u tbla Is Hummer limn in lliu Janolm. In a goodmany of tho towns ws liirned people away duringonr eslire stay iit trum leu daya in uve weeka. Hr.(lardger expi ola to aoun cmae ami oomo to NuwYork to orgnnlto a new cuiupany. Tho FnnkUtowa dhow oliMd their scawn liio- 14 at RaoI'anlii, Biull. Must ol his cuiu|mny are liugllah

CBrtormora, who will go hnnio frum there. Hr.lown hu a great water ehuw, but It la very og.

penaire to carry la lliat oiuniiy. Tnero an a gnatnumber of aiiitll nailro alnwe down bore, andaome very good unen, but the piilillo oeom lo wantAmorloan ur Kurunean pcrfuinicrs. There wu noaloknoM when wo left.

Titos L. Finn, venirllnqnlst snd lllnslonlat, busigned wllh Unas. I.oii'b l.t)ndnu Shows for nextBcuon, making bla aocond arosun with that sIhiw,

Sylvester Newn.an, coinodlaii anil iloncor, bualsosigned wllh thatahnw fur neat aeuon.Tits lluunsa, acniluils niid rMen, wnro com-

pelled tu cancel all dates fur mis winter owing lo

an Injury Hra. Ilughca r«cclved In une ot herknees. They are at ilielr hniiin In Ulnolnnall, andhave aigned wlih Uiu Ureal Wallace Hbuw fur nextaeuon.DoLLig EmiiNiiH It atlll at iho llnyal English

Olrous. Ublcsgo, III.

TubTubbb MuaiMO llHoa., acrolials, ullcd ror

Cotia Jan. 10, where tlioy Inlo Tuny l.oKando's

Circus. They nave slincil wlihScilbner AHuilili's

United Show fur Iho oiiiiltig Numinur scaoiin.

H. Olickoho Iws been te-oniKeil with W. F.

Klrkhart's Oreat Amorluaii CIroua, Muaeum sndWild Weal Show, u (cnoral cniiirauiing agent tor

nest scsaun, making his seooud season with the

show.U. W. Hai.i.'s show proiirrty Is on oihllillloo,

prevlnns lo Itsaale, In Now Ijrieniia.

NuTsa fRiiH iliiaH. LtK'H Hiiuws.—Oscar Jones,miitlcal diii'i; or, la pulling lugetlier a groat bandand orchcalra lor ncxi aoawm. Miisli^lans whohave slaned are: I'reu llico, H. K. ilwmia(d«aaea-sooa), Wm- Parker (lour acosuiia). II. li. IlrowoandMylrcsur Nrwman. I,nula llDnuvals, line armiilaoreiiai, and '/.viiio, uriaiui, havu atsu signed. J.

II. Iloslil, tirasurer and liualneu iiianagnr, hupuri'hased a far ii iirat l.'anlnu. W. II. Cillt/in, bis

wire (Jesale Ullfioo), lliitiiiy llcnnesay, Wiley Feirls

aod wile (HI e. Treranloi i, who cuiiiiiuao part or

the* iinoieliuiry" Co., now louring miiiajinniaunder W. II. uiirion's iiiaiiagemoni, were gueais or

Chu. Lee on UbilaUnu. Tlia oilftuns have signedfor IBM, uiaklog Ibe eighth seuuo wllh tbe LundonShows,FoBBrivuii'n Tiut:rioN FiihComi'sny hare en-

gaged K<l. u. Uiillenu lujer.l aguuilur next sea-

son, binclilr and Carllile and ihe Hdirooiltr

Brotbsfs bavs also slgneil. At Ihe WInier iioarters,

Philadelphia, I'a., everyililng Is prugreaklog, andIlls red and iiluii paint la ililiig-

Also.i Wiibblks, ul the wnco'.er lima., writeslhatbswill ovltiheiiulanrsbnw Ihs ooniing sea-

son, bat lias algnod wllh lbs Usu. H. Uulo Huows,u genani oontrsoilng sgeni.

ono Uiisnu hu tuiiiiod parlocniilp wlib HIUoluTag SopBoBDgn linos, have signed wllh Fore-

KUBb's TraoUiin Fair [ur llis seAniii uf lll9.^, lo doilr Irlple bar and gruioiijou twu liroilier aui.

Juux U. HCIISIMI.SH, raaglolan.and Hiilllo nol>-

sns, mind reader, have algnni wKb |,enn W.Wuhburo's Utrooa for llie ooming aeaaon, this

niakigg Ihsir second season wllh this nbow.Tug UiKoiH Hrr'i ciiHVBKTiiit:.—Cincinnsll, o.,

wuUisuecca nl ilia ciroiia pi iqila list werk, anil

al Douglass (Mallo Hall, Jim. a, tho Protecilro

Lugue III Amirlr.iii Hhueiiion mot In tbeIr aeo.ind

snuoal geulon. II wiu auwiunrud Uwt they arenowiia mcobsra onrnlird. Thedclegatea were en-tertained br W. II. Ddnaldwio und ilien attendedIhe rounlain Thesiro u gueata or Hanager Hex u.Andoreun. Tne CIrcUun ul new oiHuera reanlied In

Ihe obiilcs ol Rphralm Se.la, prralilent; H. Y„ Wal.Uce,er<l vice pr>aldent; W. K. Fnnkiln, secondvlreprrgldsBii U. F. Hullcnry, recording aecistary


W.ll. lionslrfaon. rnirrsiiuiidlng arnronry; JamuH. TCiisipaon, Irraaiirer; Walter L, Main, I'eler

Sella, Jubn l/iwlow, Hani II. Joaepbs snd Jameslltmllton, directors

Mai-irrg Bsuh,, acrobats, havo signed wlib Bells

Bros.' Shows fur llie rnmlnu si-nMiii.

AtngsT MiLi-nrR of tne UIIKlia llrnt., grrnliats,

waemsrtled Jan. In at Hi. Hirplieo's Cliurch, ilila

cliy, to lilna(;ardln |uiin-pri.li.'aaliinai).

Nl7rn)'nOliTIIBWll.T>H(|UlTH<MI>l'StVr)!l.f.B'aOlrcoa and Museum.— Everytiud/ Is busy In eachdepiiloenl building. rKpalilug, gliding, aroaraent-

log snd palming the wagoiii, imgra, eio-, for thelenllogamsonoriat.',. The fallowing poople havesigned) Toney llimliton, Llizlo llsmilion, PaulinoUarr, John Davenpori, the Hagliilejs (loule andKddlei, Charlea lllll, Jubn Ueirlu, Juo Mve, '/Ip

Clalr,lleo. Umar, K. J. t.'aaii. U. (). Iloorr, U. I,.

Ilolmca, K. W. llankanor, llonry HcbulJolil, Will

Blerenann, Rnbeil llrmaiiy and Harry II. Oiinlib

and his bind and nrohntlr* .f ten moo. TOIs com-ing aesson we will have a Ono parado, wllh mosilr

sverylblng new. Alt or inn waguna, vagcs amipaiade wagnna will lio painted a iirlglil r<d, alriiw dwllh blue, gold and ctnary. Wo bare some lln-

lahed up snd Ihey are tial ciroua wagana. SIg,

Banlslle rspecta to make Ihli hia tanner aeaaon byhaving a larger, lirlgbu-r and liailir ahow ibon hehaa ever owned la-fure,

VaL U.OiLijirrs, ex circus manager and agent,wnitans that, after living wlin hia dial wile lor

dtieen year*, iney were divorced, and aliorliy alier-

ward ns nsrrled sgiln. Too yrara lab r Be wudivorced rrom bla aomnd wire, and Jm. Bhewuremarried lo hia orat wir<i at Uullvar, N. Y,, IheRer. T. II. Oarryar oniclatlng.

- Roaler or Theatre Knyal Slock Co., llanlium.Can.; Uarry Urunrldga and KJWln Uooshloo,letaees sad mgnagera; Wm. i^orbei, Uhai. wlraa^Oeo. Pinm, Edwin Andera'<n, Oeo. Rail, Oeo. Moors,Ail.Mcl.ean, Vlrglnu lluuglitan, Annie Cansroo,Uertrude Ailiortnn. Emma Johnson sod Frot, Law*teoos Crowley, mntlcal director.

(ovninae oi ugggIM iss TK]


PENNSYLVANIA. I bitabtlr In tbeOmlo HiO. On tbe <*(«] 0«ort«iHMkw ud Bob lfMk,DuOmc<r>M AdftBir-

I Betu, On BuU, Oulln inA Oluke, uA Aiu>l»I Wat laa tiM Eduoni. oonUnod latm-


UiU wHk If utuutlDf mon ttiu usil •nesUon,

PhIlad*IphlB.^nili wMk wtUCMM t«w

OTtldMlllMlnIutlollIl^•nlK>Iltl UMnUmotanimitMrotoM fnorlKi Im aMeti. Tba tad

oa tnHieii, ud obIj at * r«w or a» lunuM were ^ ' ^ »,inUi»ot peopM from RodKftcr, B. T,tt« taoupu op to U» itMidtrt. aa«ln>ipecUlcutoiU«idblip«rtonii«iuaJHi.AoiDiKT OF Mono^TlM Bmiod Brmpboiij 14, *ad MTtnl tlintn psrtin b>T« bMD MiugMi

TleTslora"S tod "nut" M drew two ol ttaetmt^ petfornuiioo lut week. "A Trip toOblii*-

mad open egdlenoee of tbe muod. Abber * towD"Zl.




ana tm M Uet awtkened lo tbe red tbat It tbeir

opaiM en to be Mlnnlted In FbllidelpbU tb«rDmt t*Te tbe New York ciata bere. "DonOloTunl" It end 'lUKOletia" it itre tbe ettrsoUonefor mie week. Yw;e will gtre en etuniooD recital

It, iaiited b7 Mlaa Tbeodote Ptafflln, ioprano, andAliM iMbanne, plaaleLOBBntT Btuit Opiu nouu.—wiuiam n.

Crane bad One honiet lo aee "Tbe Merr; Wlrea ot

WlBdMr," ainpt on one or two nlgbta, when tbe

wauber waa Terr eerere. Tbe csmpanr U an ex-

orient one, and the elaboiala pndacUon oreatad adaotdedlT UTorable Impreailon here. TbU week,Hr. Onne will srodnoe "Tbe Paoloo Mall." Nutweek. Do Wolt Ilopptr, In "Dr. Biotax."OiBiiD Atbioi Tbiitu.—"Tbe Delia" l> one

of Umton Olarke'a moet aioeeattol plaji, and It

ailed tbe boue ncarl/ ererr nlibt laat week. W.8. Ollbert'e "Oretoben" la ttren bj tba itock oom-aur tbia week, wllb Oretton Olaria aa Panit, andIlane Knowlta aa Oretoben. It la a renlon or

oottbe'e "Faut," Next weak, Tbe Herobtnt or

Tealoe" and 'Tbe Udj or Ljona." Hr. Ultrke'a

anmeniaDt tennlntiea Feb. le, and be will devote

tba remainder or bla time to tbe claaala diwna,ttTlng two plaja a week.KMnniTDaATU^"UDll>'aDlonden," wllb Bar-

nai Fernaon In tbe leading lohi, la flren tu Irat

FblladelpblaprodncUontbliweek. "ATexaa8t«er>did (alrif well laat week. Bobby Qajlor next week.IB "Sport MoAUIater." .......AiisiTOBKni,—Tba nraanliaUon of Aaioelailoa ot boioi plotnrea but or mlnlatnre modelaoraoanea

VaadenUe Hanafen orAmerloa baa enabled Man- reprtacnting all tbe principal oceana, lakta, moon-ltr aumore lo prteent tbIa week, aa tbe Interna- taua, oltlaa, eto.. In the world, vonatanllnople b;

BUOD Tauni.—"On tbe Uaalaalppl" for tbe

flnt time bere 14. "In Old Kenlook;" oloeed aaplondld engaiement 11. 'Tbe Fewer or tbe

rtaa''21.. ,

ALTiH Tniini—Tbare la a big adrance aale for

tba I)oatonUna,wboalnc"Piloca Ananlaa" It lor

tbe llrat Ume ben, and roUow It op witb "RobinHood" and 'Tba Kald or Pljmontb'^ later in tbe

week. Tne LUIpntlana pjajed to large bulneaalaat week. CamuieD'ArTUle Opera 00.31.

BiaBT WiLUiKS' AcinuT OP Moaio.—Jobn F.

Flald'a Oiawlng Oarda U tba leaaon eet bj Prof.

WlllumarortnapopUaot bla Academj tbla week.Weber * Flald'aOwn Co. were atsdled bj large

olaaaM op to 12. Tbe olaaa wiu take np tbe atndpor tbe Ma; Uoward Bnrleaane Oo. n.Niw Oauio Orna Doun.—Eteirtblng aeema

cberrr npe foraancceaarol engagement or Pnm-roae * Weat'a Mlnatrela, commanolDg 14. Ellle

Bllaler waa wannlj welcomed iMt week. "8ban-andoata" 21. . ^HiBBT Dato' EokN Hdsii.—Veno and tbe

lion Wallace bare been retained aa tbe principal

Oorln Hall featore lor a aecond week. Tbe Knick-erbocker Bpeclaltr Co. appear In tbe tiiealre.

Attendance contlnnca large.

Piop. 0. L. LiN8' AUTOUTIO FiKoaaMi.—One of

tbe noel norel and pleialng entertalnmenta aaenban In reara, la now being glren nnderlbe aborename In a floating anditorlnm on tbe Allegbenj

lUrer, near tbe Blxth Street Bridge. It conalau


iwaatjaaati per Una, aiaia tipe naaau* :ipaM of oa*

.oA «JD aack <IMB«M. AdaenottoaolSptreaalUtUnwad oa almttaeeMata vtwa paU lor tbne aioatai

adnata, lad on tdrartHmBta maaaaiua UO Ua«

HUBSOBIFTIOV.' rmlanpoataiaaiGa. RlaHaooplM, UaaataaHh.


TBB OUITER la Unad araiT Wadoatdw monmjt.fka lah, uth ud uih (tdTtnuiBi) paiM 00TO raisa'm aoRDAT. aad laaMtk, IMt Si can tt- <»


Th*renna OleslncFrompaj- at4FJLPlau* KDlt b» aipna maatj ortar. ebtok. T. O. or-

n ot mtatnad lalttr, tat

ADDRK88 ALL OOMMUNIOATIONIFor tha KdltmlBl or «k* BaalMtaa

Dapavtmawt to


fciod » o«an» Bmac, Kaw Tort.

ager ,Uonal VandarlUea, one of ibe ainngaat groapanfipaolallala arer aeen at one time In bla tbeatie. TbeUat enbraoea Bmlola Ubelll, tbe Tortajada Troape,daitoua, Foater and Lewlal Unit B. Raimoml,Ban Bernard, O'Bilen and Harel, Will H. Dennr,DoiBB aad Lenhan, and Baldwin, Ualj and Bald-

win. Rnaaell Brolben' Oomediana pn( np a goodallow laat wtek.BBoaD Btbxbt Tbbitbk—Tbe OamWe D'Anllle

Opua OoDpanp had a big week wllb "Hadelaln^or llM HagtoKlaa," which dapllcaied lu ancceaa

of earlier In the aeaaon. •Prlnoeaa Bonnie" Uila

wiek, aad a tmrj adnnco aale abowa what a kold

Wlllard Bpenaer'a opers baa open local plaj goen.Next week, Ulllan Rnaaell, In "iHe OrandOacbeaa."Oaomnr Btbbit TnurnB.—"Obarlefa Aunt"

eontlnnea Ita mn, and tbe onlr tbing that c»n beaald abont tbe faroe at tbla writing la that It la bold

tag Ita own. ,

FoiiriiKiBl TBUTM.—'The Still Alarm" laat Artbnrweak plajed to larger bulneaa than tbe araiage of


oomblaauon ahow at tbla booae. Tbe old melo-diama aeenu to hare a pecnilar bold on the pnbllo,

alwoja plajiQg to gooif bulneaa hen. "lieBandWoman" ta giren or tbe Block oompany tbla werk.with DoBCan B. UarrlaoB aad Uatrr DqIU'IoineoUllr engaged ror tbe prodnoUon. Next week,Tbe Plantar'aWire," bj tne atook company.OBiNDOraBa-IIODaB.—Annie WardTtflkny played

to fair bnalneaa in "Lady Blarney" laat week, andla followed tbla weak by uomatook'a Mlnatrela. Tbeorganliallon Inclsdea ancb old time Pblladelpnla

tarorltea aa Wlllla Bwratnam and Ungbey Doagh-ertr.Pabi Tbxitbb.—Roae OoghUn bad one or two

bad Bighia lut weak, bnt whUe "Nemeala" did notmake a tarnrable Impreaaton, HUa ooghlan bu

noonllgbt being a epeclal crauuo. It wu coD'

almcted entlraly In tola city and tbla la tbe liot

time II bu erer been placed on HblblUon, After

a aeaaon bere It will be taken on an extended tonr

o( tba United Slaiea. _Nona.—Tbe Rogen Drnthera Join Jobn F.Fleld'a

DnwlngCardaattUrry WliUama' Academy 14..-..

A letter naa been recelred bere from the OonwayBroa., two Piuabnrg boya, nylng that mey barebeen engaged by Manager Bam T. Jack to

auengtben bla abow at ibe Empin Theatre andtbe Madlaon Street Opera uonae, Chicago, and that

tbey will ator next aeaaon In a farce comedy of

Ueir own Fltubnrg Lodge, No. 11, B. P, O. B.,

wlU bold lu aannai banelt, atiarnoon of Feb, le,

at Ibe New Onnd Open Uonae Mce'a -un''made aoch a pnnonnaed aocceu at the Dnqneane,Uat weak, that It baa been booked for a nuim en-

gagement at that borne la abont ten weeta.,. Artbnr Fnnch, a twenty year old boyNew York, wu locked np here, 12,

on a cbatKO of paaaing forged obecka. Uaeonteaead and aald!^bia irooble had been cauedby bla dealre to pnrlde ererytblng tbe marketaiforda for a pretty cbonia girl of Rlce'a "iwi"Oo., whom be bu been foUottlng erer ainca tba

company lelt New York Moet or tbe com-panlea cloaing bare 13 were ao large or bad tomakeaoch big Jompe uat tbe rallioadabadtaprafldeapaclal imu ror ibem J. K. Mniray.or ttie

UunlUe D'Arrlllo Open Co., la a reaidentor tbUdiy and bla frienda an arranging a recepUoo for

bim to lake place alter tbe periormanoa 31, onwblcb date toe U'Amila Co. begloa a return en-

gagamant at tne Alrln. Mr. Mnrrar'a wire, prorualonallr known u Olan Lane, laapendlng a por-

' " Winter here Tbe Unntar Ooal, , . , lion or the - - „ailiaatoUoinngln Philadelphia, and tbe aniage- and band Oo. bu aned J. W. Urr, Henry W.meatiru fairly anoceaafniananetally. BanabteA I Hoaley, J. W. Freedborn and Wllaon Miller, uHaoOonald'a Open Company are ben tbla week, I ownen ol the pnpertr, which wu rormarlr knowngtflng 'Tba Enickerbookera" tne Intthree nlgbta, u tbe New Vara Theatre, bnt la now the NewOld "Bobln Uood" the laat three. Next weak, tba I Woild'a Hnaaom Theam, 10 recover tlta claimedrewtn engagement or Marie Borronghe, In 'The I 10 be dne for ooal fomiabed by the pbuntlir to rnnPionigBio.^'

Ithe ihuire'a heating and eltoino llgut plant darlni

BUOD TBiiTRB.—Bnalneu wu op lo tbe mark - -—'— •"

lut week, and 11 aeama to take more than hadweather to allMt the attend anoe at Manager Kellb'a

henae. "La Perlcbola" la tbe opernuo aurooUontbla week, ud the randerllle realum are rnmltbedby .the rtnnefa, Raoket Brethere, Herbert andOarln, Radding and Stanton, Bryantand Rlcbmond,Flab and ()nlgg, Ollbeit Barony, UiUe Bijon andBnant and Ulearer.PgorLB's Tbbatrb.— Large bulneu reanlted

from tbe engagement or Uarry lAoy in bta raoon-

almettd "Tbe Han From tbe Wui." Mr. \mimade the mlaiake In tbe early part ol the aeaaon In

preaentlntllat high priced nonaca. Tbiawaek'aatlnoUoD la "The Trolley Syatem," with Pnr. JohnH. Vluke, Frankle Uogan and Annie Lyaierapeolaily engaged lor an act enllUed "College Atb-

ioi" Neil week, "UarkeatRoaala."

. igthe inanagement ot B. J. Little. At the bearing, 11It wu proved that the theatre iru pnrcbaaed ot

Hr. Hoaley by the other derendanta for $31,000, bntthat be aull reialnad an Inteiut In It. An nunc-ceaarni attemptwu made to prove that tbe 191,000

waa to be need In port ror tbe payment or Ibe debiaots. J.UtUe, tbeformerowneroritae property, utbe witneaaea ninaed to teeiiry. The buting wuthen pcatponed to admit or tbe partncnblp article

or agreement being piodnced In evidence.

WilkoebaTTa.—"Robin Uood" Jan. 9 bad apacked booae. "Tbe Enlckerbocken" 10, wu op-

preclaud by a Una andlonce noiwlibatandlog ine

aevereatorm. 'The Now Boy," with Jimmy PoweiaIn tbe utle role, II, bad tne bnilneaa. Law Dock-atadier'a Hlutrcia 13, maunee and eraolng, hadgood auandance. To oomeiWIUred Clarke, 10



wIijiw8rHiiTTnBarBB.-"OooBHoUow"pla,ad KS,?h5S??-14 "O'SS WubSitin D ij " Wto iDdlnereni bualneu.lut wrek.. Uonnelly and

I To roouS &wery"lT, f^bS WhileHuaio Htu "Blukllated" T, 8, • had goodbnalQlraid, In 'The Italn Makare," are hen tbla week,

WUllamBairy next week. In 'The Rlalng Qenera-Hon."BTiNDiBb TOBiTRB.—with the rcUnmebt of

Bamnel Bpeok, who goea on the rood to manage bla

wife, Beula HItebell, Ibe management 01 tbehonae la auumed by Ultcbler A Watt. "Work andWagaa" did fairly well laat week, and the cnmnisUnctlon le "A Barrel ot Honey." Next week,hoy BmlUi Hobblu, in "Uitle THxIe."Ltobdm TBBJiTaB.—The Lily Clay Barleaqnen

law week mied tbe hoaae at nearly every pertorm-aace. Bam Deven'a Company la on tbla week,with Omene leoiored. Ouen an Sam Daren,Ullla Wutem, Kraua and Vidocq, the Donorana.Ola Uaydan, Rowe and Henta, Bneated and Onverand Uaydea and llalberlngion. Next week, wat-aon Blaian' Bnrleaque Company,NirtOHAi Tbbatbb.—"HoFadden'B Elopement,'

with John Kemell In the utle role and an adeiinatecompany, played to large reoelpta, "Bine Jaau"tbla week. Steve Btodle ntnma next week wllb«0b the Bowery,UiXTiMTn Hranr Oruu UomB.—Camoroa'

MtnalniB praunt a new bnrleaene Uita week, In "ABoolety Uilde'a Uup," with obangea In the bn^leaQoe living plotnrea. Bulneai contlnnu oood,KutaiNoroN THBATBB.—"Dncle Tou'a Cabin"

draw good bonact, and played a fairly anocaaalnlweek. 'Two Old Unnlea" ibU week, wllb "Black-Haled" andorllnad for neit week.NiNTB ANo ABon HtraioH.—The aOneUona Ibia

week an Jarrow iiirong t>oy). Big. Borrano'a eda-ooied monkeya. Old Zip (ibe wild boy). Olio (makeohormer), Karlavan (lauooed man), and tbe tat

wooen'a living ploiurea.Nona.—Jnlia MarlowoTaher and her company

will be at tbe Temple Tbaatre, Camden, all of nextweek. In npertoiy Bonni Band will give twooonoena at the A<wlemy of Mnain St. HynaFnnoh, aopnno, and Oarrle Dnkea, viollalai, will

b« Iba aofolaia Ilairr Kinliy, one .ol tbe al-

laobM of tbe Ninth and Arab Hneeom, will makebis debut on the onrlo aiage u "Ibe man with theeryatal throat." Ralpb Bingham, who atlll

beoia the uue of "tbe boy ontor," will be glnn ataallmonlal anienalnment at me Walnni the latter

put ol tbla monita by ibe memben of the Penaad Pencil Ulnb It la wblapered abontUutt Will tL Armatnng, or the "PrlnoeuBonnie" force*, will ahoruy wed a yosng ladymember or tbe aame company Toe aenniy-ttlb performance of '-Chuley'a Annt," at tke

neaa. 'The Sonth Befon the War" 10, u. 12 drewImmenae honaea. To come: "In tbe Foothlila" it,

1 16, 10 "Uttte Trtxia" 17, IB, 1», "Work and Wagea''(1-33.

WODDBRLAXD TnBiTRB-MosBi U doing a heavybnalneu with exoeilani cnrlua and apeoulty companlea. A change oT pngnmme weekly. Aeon,Unnoni abow Irom 1 to 11 r. a.NOTi.—The people turned cot en nuiaae to aee

Helen Ralneley, the wire or Manager Dan Shelby, or

Mntto BaU, u Maid Marlon In the open or "RobinUood," at the Grand. Uy bar gracetul acting anddna voice aba bu eatabluhed benelt ponuanentlyIn tbe good gracu of onr tbutn goera. Mra.Shelby came down from Oarbondale after tbe perfonnance and paaud Sunday with her bnaband,

BorantoB,—At the Academy of Mualo DanielBully, In '-CNeil, Waablnglon, D. C," Jan 14. Uock-aiader'a Hloatnla, 11, cane to a large audience-

Booked: Uonioy and Fox, in "Uot hmaleaJ' 17,

Bteve Brodle, In "On the Bowery," 18, A. Y.FuiBon'a 'The white Squadron" 10.

FBOTHiNanAH.—tne Wlltnd Clarke Comedy Co,

vame 11. 13. In "The Widow Uant" and 'Tit for

Tat." web«ier8elam,orthlaolir,a member or tbe

company, wu well received, whallen A Martell'a

"South Baton tbe Wu," 8, a, bad fair houeaa.

"Ooon UoUow" comea 18, la,

Davis' TBiATBk.-Arihnr Unnlng'a Hlnttnla14, 14, 14, "BlackUated" (return engagement) IT, It,

U. Bntinea oonilnoee good,

Altonna.—At tbe GlevenUi Avenne OpenlIonMAI.O.FIeld'a Hlutnia did weU Jan. 7. "ABanal of Money'' had a email booae 10. SureBrodle u, Feler Haber IT, Chaa. T. EUla la, Oao.

DIzon 31, "Bbon Aoiu" 13.

Uabrt Davibs' Bsbn Hobbb bad good bnalneuweak of T-ia. Tbla wuk: Travelle-Fantuuo Bhad-owlaoue, aaalatad by MUe. Tnvelle; Dixon andLang, DoUle E. Howe. O'Btleu and OoUlna, Allanandllelmaln,KliUe Pink, Uarry Pink, and Oalfae

and La Rue.EAorSiPX TnBATBB —Walte'a Oomcdy Company

oomu week uf 31

"DnoleTom'e Oabin" Co. bad a crowded hooH 8. Uob-Bon'a riayera. In 'The Indian Hero," did weU 10-13.

Mlaoo'a American Pantomime Co., week or 14.

Buon TBBATBB.—WUI 1>. BaBhu, In "TheaemanVMouteer," pUyed to fair bnalneu week or 1. TheFay Fcalar Burleaqne Company wuk or 14.

RaadlBH.—"My Partner" dnw modeiately wellat theAcademy ot Hoalc Jan. 8. "The Derby Maa-001" did a fair bnalneu 10. Coming: "Tbe While

ni,^tm ii,^ Th^n^ M .-III ti „>:.^ri^ IBfloadTOn" II, Wilfred Clark 17, Leblgb Dnivenlty

S5!!K!\SSlSi, i52h?' • I i™ SSSUJ^hf Oiw and Banjo cmbie, -on Uie^wety"l».aaouier aouventr ntgnt A new ooneoy, oj 1 nsAwn nvaaA nonu.—Rd. p davIi* "IStanlaUM8tan«e,wiTiten rorJOMphUolia«4,bu ' 0"aiid oruBA B0tj«B.-M. r. oavia

been aooepted oy Hanager Oeorga HoUand for

early production at tbe Cltard Arenue "OnIBe Bowery," which conwe to the Mauonal nextw«ek, la Ilia Srat attraeuon to play a retnro en-ngement at tbla bouM tbla aeuon OhwiaaW, Strlne, who bu been doug tbe pnu work andaingtng aolo* tor Sotua'a Band, will givea aobaorlp-UonoonoartattbeNew Century DrawlogRoom Feb.1 H. Onttan Donnelly nturna Rut ihia weak,and will again take np hie ivaldence In Pblla,

Oalphla TtSUy Ougan, aa old rniladalBtalaa, who bu been abroad with tbe Wild Wut, la

la town m tbe Intereet ot oomalook'a Mlutmla.George Ledger, mnaloal director of the

WJeo, mourna tke autn ot hla father, who wu tor

niany yean pioprlator ot the old Ragle Hotel, atvanoyank Peter Robey, the man who veiled

*Flnl" at the Obrtatmu matinee at the National,

wu eoDmltted by Judge Heed 10 tbe llouao ot Cor-

netton for two montba Walton Woodall eeenalo be a peimanent Oxmn with the Ponpaagh atocfc


Lmwoaaavr—At the Fulton Open HouM LonlaAldrlob, In "Hr Partner," had good bualnen Jan.T. Jamu T. Powera, In "The New Boy," drew 1

good honee 8. Hlaco'a Pantomime Co., In "IbeHagloMlaman," did well 0. Ed. F. Davla> "DncleTou'a Oabln" bad crowded houM II. "A BarrelHoney" oomra 13, Kellar It.


Pt<UbBrB.^opll«r FInvlu and Juk Frataaem to have entered Into a ooneplra^y otalut oarlocal moaagen by providing Ibe moat dlaagnuMeWinter weather that can poulbly be liuglned.Tkeaa oondiuou hav« pnvalled tor more uan a«aekput,aad Uiere la no Indlcattoa of aay Im-prevamenLHaw WoBLnl MoiBtm Tbbatbb.—M. TamaaakI

Uapaaeu akeuh pertoraer), Weaton (olnb epa-olalty), and Hataloua (mttalcal epeclallat), diui«

Bloax Falla.—Attbe Orand the WllaonTheaMOo. opened Jan. 14 for a wuk In repertory. Tbla

company wu booked for week ot Deo. 81, batonaooonnt ot a airoke ol pomlyala received bv Man-ager Wllaon 31 , the date wu changed. Mr. Wilaonairtved In ihla oily Jan. 7 tor treatmenL He ta

elowly Improving. Qu Deogr, ln"Yoa Vonaon,"packed tba Onnd t. The MetnpoUtaua, an operalacompany, did fair bnalneu 11, II John fShorn, an old abowmaa, who bu natded bere fornumber ot yean, bu punbaaed from the flntNational Bank, ot Creaton, la., the oinu ooUltwblcb wu formerly Ibe pnneity ot P. J, Wllaoa,wtaloh ha wtu overhanl aad pntontuanllnadahow In tbe Spring, playing the Wntand Bonth.

8AT0BDAY, JANXJABT 19, 1895.

poker, when the dealereipoauaanlln^^ "}5Bi^lBtoEaq:li..Pto»llbeplayertowbomtbeexpoert eMdwuglventa I \J . =tnot aUowed to accept that card, bnt muat be helped

tntbenextcardfromthetop of the P*J»|"i**»fore any one to hla left la aulated to what be may

"0. f'' a., Worccater.-AccofdIng » the rnlea of

dnw poker, In cue a card la acoWenlly expoatd

by the dealer to the simple act ot dealing, the

ayer to whom ancb card la dealt muat accept Itj

IQ EaalABd-TBB Ourraa au ba oMainaJL wbpttaala

jd latAll, ol osi agasta SnlUi, Alaalto A 00.

MtlaBtiaat, Btiaa^„B Km-

la rraaea-Taa Ounalaoa aalaatBnataao'a aa«i

tapot, 17 Avaana da I'Opan. Pula.

rTUK IfBW YORK OUFFKB pwb-llebea only one •dlUaa^ aad that la datedmm Haw Tork.-VB


jioawavBBAaoDTaaoveivaa. Aixiaotrwor acoa aaoow waiva n rnou vaox vaai aaaa, is

ilaaorTIlBOLIPrEBroaiOnioa. AiximnwiaiaunnnsDon wna osiv. Ir na unvs opurraairauui cowvAn a aoooar, aaiaa 10 oga uar or

(oovu ov AXoranPAsa waoAaaoieua aotnna ar


ut, on the other band, should such card be expoaed

by tbe dealer In tbe dnw, tbe P.layer to whoiii It Is

dealt la not permitted to receive It, Jjgiven the next card from the lop of the deet and>efore any other player to bla left bu been helped.

0. L. H., BalUDore.—Tbe rule bearing on ue ,

matter, wblcb we give In tnU for yonr benelt,

readsu follows: "if a player makea a bet, and an

adremiy niaes blm, and tie player who made the

prevlnus bet bu not money anrilclent to see tne

nise, ho can put np all tbe funda he may have andcall for a ahow tor that amount. It be should nap-

pan to have the beet band he wins tb« ante and aii

lunounttrom each player wno beta over nun equal

I tbe sum be himself nu beL"0 W. B., Lamln.—In answer to yonr quesUon

we would aay that ai Ibe game ot dnw poker the

dealer muit give to each player Ave cards, one at

a Ume, beginning to bla lelt, and that It tba dealer

deals witbont having tbe pack properly cut, ortt a

card be faced In the pack, then muat be a frcab

deal. Tbe carda are reahnffledandrecniaodthedealer deals again- w, vS. 0. D., Pluaaeld.—The player who bold high

won the game, ot conne, that card uUng preced-

ence of low.

DICE, O0BIINOE8, ETO.A.H.M., Scbnectady.—FlvealxM an bigbest at

poker dice. Five aces an lowest.

A. U. A., Deadwood—Tbree tnya and a pair ol

uu do not beat three Uvea and a pair ot alxta at

poker dice. At that game slxea ue high and aces

''**°*BA8BBAI<k OaiOKBT. ETC,.. H- P., BalUmon.—Thb Nbw Yobk OurrBB

AvNDAi for IIM coDlBlna portrelta and brief blc-

gnpblcal skefihu ot the playen compcaUig tbe

ieama ot tbe BalUmore and New York Olnbe in

1N4, togelber with a fnU summary ot tbeevents

and Incidents In baaeball during the past season.

H. C, Brooklyn^nr cbamploDsblp ubie wuconrecL Three games scheduled 10 be played by

the Cincinnati Olnb In September, at home, wenplayed instead of earlier at PbUadelphIa, and wanafiarwards tbroan ooL Two of uieae gamu re-

sulted In vtctorlee for tbe Cincinnati Olnb and the

other wu won by the Philadelphia Olnb.


TUEATBIOAImF. p. B., BaldwlBsvtlla.—1. We nenrncommend

any special concern. 2. We know nothing ot the

puty to whom yon refer.

^.L.n.,ulnclnDaU.—It hu not, 10 onr know!

"^S^AHD M., Brooklyn—Yon an both loo young10 go npon Ibe aiage, ibenfon It la nnuecen«ry to

auwer yonr qnutiou In detail. TneeongjonconoblalD ot Uhu. K. Barrts, Hilwaukee, Wis.

O'Bbibm.—We do not know to what reoelpta yonrefer, nor do we pay any attention 10 liema of that

sorLU. L., Jameetown.—Address Scrlbner A Smiih, In

can of Harry Wllllama, Academy of Mualo, Plua

bnrg.Pa.P. F. E. E., Halltax—1. None thai we know ot.

Fifty doUnn and upwards. 9. Three timea


L. w. U—Advenlao It In Tni OLirrkB tor sale

outright or lor leau on royalty. Bee retea at tbe

head ot tbla colnon.M. B- Mitohell.—We have no knowledge ot the

party. Addieea let'cr lu care ot Tbb OMFrBB andwa will advertlaa It.

O. U., Uartford.—We know ot no belter plan to

aecore the position yon dealn, but ot coone do notgnamntee runlta.Ui4rrBB's FBikNn, Cincinnati.—1. A la comet.

_ We know ot no dlg«rence. One engaged for

SeneraJ bnalneu la expected to do any rtoaooable

ilog required or hlm-H. AMD U.—We have no record wbstovtr or the

party- Yon abould addrete the anrvlvlug brother

in Baltlmoie. You may obtain partlculara by writ.

Ing 10 Martin Ooldan, manager or 'TIte Fut Mall"

Co. (Scnihern), u nor our route Hat.

Q. N. w.—Hay Yohe la In London, Eng. It la

nporied aha hu married Loid Hope, bnt tne nportlacU oonOrmauoa.

D. 0., UQuilngton.—1. We know nothing concern-ing the parly apart from the fact that hels a mem-ber ot tba drafflailooroteulon. 3. Allot hla mall npto flate hu been delivered.

X. Y. z., Oleveland.-l. Addrtu M. Wltmark ASou, tl weat Tweniy-elshth Street, and for tbe

playa addreu T. Henry French, 38 Wut Twenty-ibltd Street, botn of tbla city.

S. F., Andenon.—1. RobL Rlobmond and PAUIlnoliaieheller were both memoen of the May RutellCompany at tbe time of their marriage. The com-pany lanotontha road St present. 2. Yonr flgorea

an correcL 9. She is iiot.

J. H.—They were a aoogand danca team.A. O. E., Waahlogton Court Honsa.—1. Sixteen

yean ot age. 2. There la no elogle work that will

give yon what yon want. 3. We cannot,W. 0. H., HanhaU.—We have no knowledge ot

any dramatlo aobool In tb)U city.

w. Bmos., Atlanta.—!. We do not know whatyou mean to Include under open house anppilu,and thentore cannot au'ar your qneaUon. 2-


la onatomary.F. T., St, Lonla—Addreu A, Halnecke A Bone,

Hiliraokee, Wla-, or Norman A Evans, Lockport,N, Y.

B, T,, Hlnnupolla.—We have no knowledge otthe wbercabouia ot any of the panlea.OOMSTAMT RiASxa, York.-l. The dntlu ot

preu agent are obvloualy to pnpare newapapermatter and Mcure Ita Inaertion. 1. The dnifea ofan advance agent are too numerou to aentlonlntbla coluon. Balarlea vuy acoordtng to the Im-portance ot the undertaking and the ability ot tbeagenta.

F, W., Fwley.—Addieaa Wm. Davere, In care ofBoyt'a "A Black Sheep" Oo., u per our route llaL

TOM, Jpawlch.—1. You can obtain the wire at anyIt abould be of copper3, Thirty to forty dol-

flrst clau hardware atora,

8-ie ot an Inoh In diameter.Ian per week,

J. J. B.—Addieu Frank Harding, 23> Bowery,New York City.- E. R., Oalvtston.—fhe act hu been done bnt notrecenUy, It le pnbahly worth lltty dollan perweak.H. AMo W., Birmingham.—I. Not knowing tbe

naton ot yonr twelve minute act we cannot quoteealary. 3. Yea.BOX 84, Philadelphia—Addreu the Lawrence

Novelty Oo., 88 and to Centn Strut, Mew YorkOltr.

U. A. N.-Rdwln Forrut began an engagement atNIhlo'B Cardan on SepLlT, isw, and again appearedihenlntheFaUof liex

B. H. a, Sontb NoiTldgewook.—We know notta-

Ins of the party. Tbe latter la suil ben.D. H., UonoldsonMUe—We never furnish mtor-

matlon. nor exprtae an opinion, ooncemlug tberallabllllr ot any one.Mat, nanktoit Be hu only two componlu

npon the road.A BIT, Fltiabnrg.-'The silver Ring" bad lie

flnt production on any stage at tbe Princeu Tbe-am, London, Eng., Nov. IS, 1883. It iru flnt pro-duced In tbla country at wallaok'a Tbutn (nowPalmer's), Mew York City, Jan, 3T, 1883, vrlth Oa-mondTaarleu Wlltnd Denver and Rou OoghlanuNelUe Denver,

D. R. P„ MeadvUle.-Addrcu tba party In can ofTDB ourriB.

0. R. A., Evauvllle.—The show Is not npoutheroad, and we know net whan It irlnlara.

oTs. M., ChlUiootbe.-Addreu w. H, Elnhaus,Halden Lone, New York inty.

R. n. McH., Tunkbunock.—1. Btllboani Jdivr-iMn^, published at Cincinnati, la luned in tbeIntereaiot blUpMien. 1. Addrua T, R. Dawlay,

"Bwkman street, tbla city.

J. P., Toronto, Oni,—Letter wu unt to Brad-ford, Pa., on Dec 31.

CARDB,T. H., Boaton.—The connt tor a hand In crlbbaga

ot four I'a and anaoe Is twenty-four.C. P. P., Jciuy Oty.—A la entitled tc a mi ot

uvea tor tbe lut card In 3, 8, 4, T, 3, • and I aadalao oosnta one for the go,U, N.S., Chicago.-l.Tbe player hoMlngaband

oomsoaed of a nine, ten, luk, qneen and kingwould win ogaluat the other mautloned, which Istbe loweat atralgbt floah that can he held In tbegame of dmw poker. 3. The ace oonnia both wayaIn amlgbt flouea, 3. Certainly It doea.B. A., La BaUc-It la not nnnntuij tbat

straight floab atdnw poker abould ba oompcseduypailot court aids.E. 0., canton.-

oat baton the 0-Hie party boMinii low, lack 1

bo held hlgbTSaiae.

I«l UK. .&BIDikPq,PIt) Tba fliatopao atnka of aa]avareofflblaatloB.aaMB.

laglr qnlu onrteokad by Blaek. ^

Ohau la Pbllodalpbla.Anmaof^naaul latann" In the piaiuit touur

BUT U>PEXJ. F. Honaa, B. Banway, 1 1 T. Borsta. B IsnMnr

l.,IKt-B8 '- "


J1«-BS iB.g?*'B-blaEl


;» X It''



1B..QBXP P-^«_ Wa-QxffR iE^liT

ie..KR-B!(a) gitxB <t..OB-KIK {B-Kai~I..KBxn P-EEta a..KB-B> K-Etl^..OB-EB Xl-hlit U..EBxP(n BXE

ll..r-ER4 P-EBtl |M..EB-EtXbatBlaeawlutllh two q ebseks, aad B P ohanjaa boaa.(t) Baama lalarlor ta E B lo B 1. lokowad brPtoqi

which w«ol4 bars •qo»lli»4Ui«poalUoo.

0) AO napleaaaat nscaulty; It la now dUBoalt lor

Blaea to daralop hla fama.(a) niooki aa If Bio qtor B lo Iti, wu aipailor;

tblimva aoablaa Black to nbava aoaawbat hla craoi^ad poaitloD.

(A) Wblta'B alUak wu akilllallr Pived, aad only >moat oanlat dafanoa ooDtd^aroM dafaai Blaek'a da-

taaea from t3.. la aitramaly flna.

<n Tbaaa aichtaaaa aoD«wbat rallara tkapTaacanoallAck; hnthalilnaomadSBRaryat, forWbtUUmataoi* to E Et a, follawad byPtoKBS with craablDg affacL

Blaek'a aaiwcr laotlae blgb'atoidar. aad pneUealJraaraa bla xaoia.

(1) BaoslMDtl Blaak thnataaad B lo B4, foUowsd byXBKblal.wiiliawiDDlosataek.

(tl A dtaaatrou anor, wblab oaoaaa lha loaa ot the

aana. Black had tba prafanbla nsa, rat baidlr aor•loDlaa cbineaa. WhItalatondadEB—Xtoltxtongaln


A. R. B., Phlladelphla-Toe I of

tba B; bat ha orailookad B'ack'a + "> Bl.Hist, wu proper.

lBtai«alieglat« Obeaa.

na third anaaal ooUfga eompatlUoa baa oaao losght,

aad the raaalt uwu taiaahadowad at tba tatid miod,haataraufaitad tba cbamplonahip fmn OobunbU Ual-

TaialtT to Baivaid. TbalUyeoneaaladanaaTol aomaoltba BoatoB papan laaou taqnlrad aallbsr by good tananor the Caoia.

All tba eoUaiaa aa aavar batora, now raaUaa tba Int-

poruBoa or oarlr, baid aad ataody work la piaparatioalorlblaavaat, )oai u mnch u for aay olhar importutooUaia riTalfV—and araa noia, alaca lotallaetaaldlicl-

pUsallamon alowly aoialrad thu phraloO prowaaa AUtba collax*a an now on tba atait, aaah In iBapnra lu

ruEiScofdedTn a cricket game in Amwfca la the 1 '1^^;F^JS;^;^'^,S^\'^'Z^V6^\IS^Ztout of 843 for the tali ot twenty-four wickets, I K, oatbl iba "lAatdncb:" Tala aBdFrlaeaioa,tuIaimade In a game betwun the amateurs and pro- •Taryatnnt ta eoacait pitah, to aablaTs at laaitaTi»

tenlonals of Philadelphia, Aug. T, 8 and a, 1884, mthat city.


H. J. Y., Alton.—Addreu the Beau Com andStamp Co., IB Eut Twenty-third Street, Mew YorkCity.

L. D. N., Cblcago.-If accepted It Is paid tor at

tbat Ume.O. T. H., Shelby,—We would adviM yon lo oom-

mnnlcato wlib me ucretary of U» Pblladelpbla

Kennels, 337 South ElgbUi Street, PhUadelnhla, Pa.,

who wui be able to give yon all tbe Uitomiatlon

yon desin In regard tothematier.

OHESB.To CorretpondenU*

I. H Browii. is Btgbr BtTMt, L««di.-nuik 70a udMr*. R. ivrj klodlr lor ibe •leimst boUdkr »m«m*branoe,

II. r. L. Hmm, BrdMbkm.-And joa. ftUo.ud for tbt

dtOloaU ODd gtm*, Dat II jon kMp 00 mkooioi mm»acb u notantble bull It will doU bjaud by*, udoodc10 Id. s yur.Bko. rOLLOOi.—Tbuk TOO ^hxf iDB''b for blod ra-

fpoDM. of wblcb wa ftTAli oniMlTet. Toar niKMboD(• nndoobtedir "Mnndi^and we ooloelde with It.

Waltbk FDUTni.—win 70a hlodtr point ont one or;wo of yoDr UTortie Uiree moTenfB. ALLiH, Boideotown, N. J.—Onirect; oomt «n^s

and tb*o keepeoDlns. _OiDB EDiTOK Queoulaiid<r, Brlibue.—Tbe geolle-

mu joa eddrMaed ii not obMt «d. o( TBI Oums; webere forwarded yonr eodofOfW to him.

Olieif a Solao*.A fdlow feellOK mikee ut woodroai kind.'' Id wri^

loR allttla ItMD recently wleraelnllnr title, we lltUeiboagbt bow amn we iboald wiih to preeut e nlU moreKtrikToR eumple. Tkere Ii so Deed or mulUplfloKwonli ot oor own, v the followlog eitrecti from Mr.PalltuT*^ preuee to bii "Obeee UanDoolee" will nfll-

olentlv ihow onr mMnlns. Aftar offerlot e quelnpolocr Tor codIdb out with eobeubooR eoMMoaltei-le&TDiDgtbe gtme. Hr. P. conmandi oar ptoodlu eoHenlliti onr lympetby tbat:

*>It II a etruRe feet ihet, bed not eeprlcloee fete beenperttooierlftiDkliMl id lu bwiowel(ftol poorbeelUi.ltta not Improbable that tbe reapoDilbllltT of In'roduolasme lotoobeaadom would oever have been Impoae^ uponDr. BioogbtoD. tbe genial efaes editor of Jm Bno\\}piStandard- Union."Up to tbat Ume I bad never been aoqualnled with tbe

beauUfal acleDce To mj German maaur I ovomr OritBe auggeated that I learn Uiebnowltilite of obeaa

came, if for no other parpoae man to nae It aa a meuiofdlTerttng mr mind from myaell and mr *aen»atioiiar

toiT overTta unmedlaU ^Tal.' Prinoeton la aald to havealciady eipreeaed banell In no ooeerialn tonw on tbli

iwlnL flood I

The rooie by eoUena la alontulr BymineWeal.Colombia, 3: Tale and Prlneatoo, SiBarraid. 9. lodl-

Uaallr—Tan Kleeok aad Ballon (Harrard) a ofuo,

beaded the poll wiUi i%. Tan K. not loeloi a game, bat

drawing S. bla yoke fellow loelpg and drawftfw Boai

(Tale).l: aejmoar (PrineeWb). 9K; BeWon (Do. . 3«:Bomitead (Tale), t; Friee and Biolen (Oolombla), a

of tbe lolrlnalo ralae ol ItOO, mut be won ten

tioea bfone ofUie coUegea to become It* ptopertr:

maanwhlle aaah eoUege winnlnR It in aaeeeaalon wjU re-

uln It one yearu an e'oblea orehaaptoaahtp. end eacb

01 lu champlona winning It will peraonaUf be pnaeetedwllb an elegant »llrer medalu a petpetoal t*aUmonlal

to bla proweca.Ploally. tbe boya ud tfaeir friwda bold a reoepUoa

and bad oaob a loulfloeUon u none bat coUece men aro

qntteaofaclleaigettlug Bp ud enjoying, nuftttnaujin Bnbatuea.Uiua reooid* the llnato: "Jodge Henir o.

Uowland (Tale) pnatded; Wm. U. Bud (Bamrt) pte-

aeated tbe trophy and medala to Uiewlonera. Baeelo*

tionani Uiukato ProLWm. Pteeland. ol the HartardSetaooUforeo ganerooalr faralahlncUie battle irronad.

and to B. A. CuweU (Taft). for hla laQlueea marAaUblpni tbe Halt, were nouUnoaaly paaaad. Piuk H. Bow-

mu (Colambia) then became maaur ofeeremonlea, and

nader bla genial aoperrlaion Um reat of^Uie OTentng waa

pwMd In apMdi making, touting ud gueral merrynaklng.**

Wing Shot!.

Tbe Kubattu'a unoal budlaap la 0pl»b«d. eiuptthe Ue lor Orat and aecond prliaebei»eenll^or Uuhamud Hr. Bbowalur. which oagbt to prodooe a notabla

ooDteaL Thoae winning more ^antney lortare: Ban.

ham ud Bbowalur. 11 to 3: BIchardi, 10 to S; Pitch and

Fataraon. eacb, 7 to 5: Hr. Teller, tialuoing on the Ugbtropa, 8 to S; hfr. TaaUo. teadlog the mlnna ooatlngenLeto? Tbe Bronklyn 0. O'a ''«»V?.'!*^»_fi"^*??lor 'M. biH prodaced u vlclori: PbtLBlchirdBon, J.O.Tttnml A. J.PIeree and E. H Ollley. Mr. O. eaptnied

the prlin'Mthegreateetnumberol Tlotonea-173 J- J.

Bponlete waa whbin u aee of bla Boore-in^....Th»icon IB the Juovakl MleaM miteh at Parla, nowiianda:Juow»kl.a.Mleaea,l:drawii.l......Tbelatealre-ponafWin the Pollook*aoaaip matoh at HontpUl, kIt*

tbe aeon of Pollock,*: (loaalp. I; dr»wn,a..„..TheTaa-benbana Taaqaei maiob at Havana ti^di; Tanbenbana3;Vaa«nti. l;drawB,S The BriatolO. o.baaaecavtadtbeMubattu'echaiUnge, iagteatHR a few modlflea-

tlona, notyetdnallT aetued; w thU grud milch laaaetUtd thing TheOlt? handicap openfd Uat Pndaywitn twalTo playera In the Held, daaaide^ w loUow:Detmar.DeTld#,Lawfco»lciud Bbowalur, In olaaa U;RoeUiinff.lncIaail; Argoad,Dovle,Ragent and Beiter

' a: Bat and Thnmler In cuaaS, and K*uien«e ta

Thebudleapplnftlaootbenaoal baala, aicept

tbatplaienlndaaa faaddtbeedda ofihedtaw to the

oaiialodda In alleaaea A Albla la anilooa to bar*aaother malab with J. W. Bbowalur.

Mr trouble waaaoerToaBone,ud atndr.eto. belnglor-bidden, the daya hnnf long ud waanly oa my baadaTbla genuemu, thoagh a good player bad little or dofcnowiedgeoi pmblena; bntoneaaT.qalubrebuce,hedid M' np a three mover, aDdaaktdmetoheiphlmeolvoIt. Id BtadylDg the poalUon. Idaaa ud poiaiblllUeapreaeoted tbemaelreautme, ud lo aaborttlme IbadtheDoanl In hand and waa working on IL Prom that dat«in, albeit tt «aa not long ere the fjuciDailooa ot theiroblemlatio weaned me from tbe atraugic (beta baann, albeit tt «aa not loDg ere the fjuciDailooa ot theproblemlatio weaned me from tbe ttraugic (beaa baabean my aolace, aod tbe cheaa board today remaloa the

THBPiiaTOiHuorthe newly orguned MelnpoKtanChMa League were played on the aveBlnf ofJan. 8 be-

tween th* Oitya 0. ud the Newark COaBt the boa*oftbe lorfner Tbe Uuhattu, Oliy, Brooklvn, Newark,M)tropoUtu and Sla'en lalud Ohba are roembera of

the Leagae, the peraiHinel ol aadi belngea Jollowa:, ^

JfanAoifan nam—Bodaea, D. O. Balrd.J. W. BaM,BtUinger, laaacaon, flimonaon. Byu and BehmldL Rnb-

rtltnt**—''lapp, Davldaon*TeUer and Dr. Obonn. A. B.

Hodgea lacapulD.

aame loyal 'eoropulon' w of old. Thoa. the role ot*hannlt' being loreed npon me daring mr 'pell ol u-ralidlim. the paaiime gndnallr evolved Itaelf Into, udaaanmed the dignity of a atooy—ud u tbe abience ofthe naital other ocoopationB, aoMp ud abaorbing one.

Clt9 renK-DeUnar, H^pem. Jaaoovrodaky, Bhowal-.er. Hanbam, Kemeny, Volght and Bampton. , BnbaU-tataa—LAfd, BonUngton, Baethlnit, Devloe ud Perria

Uenee It la I feel that theae peat two yeara (or mon)_ eoaatut ud anlaUmpted ob*oa applleaUon are

equivalent U a ttrg mnch longer penod^ under uy-tblni like ordinary clrenmaUaoea, aad ao It U yon be-hold thia llttla Tolome."

litPHu N. Land, Ouardian.ai w. r. wiLUaM.

^ tir i. ^atqiie, Kt\ EKtl, I,

Pawat Se, KB J.

* tatqa, e.

i tKB3, andl

WblU matoa In two.

lat Priu In JTnoieColfff.

BT a. a FBLLOirfl

ji^atKitt s, KRt. gne.

# I ^ tatKB4,gR», QBSl

WblU malea In three.

Pvoblera No. 1,(W7.

Cbarlea MQaant la eapuin.BrvoUin nm—r^UaboiT. Rlchaidaoa. D« Tifaer. Bo-

eomora. Uetma.Tatam. Oily and Bitdftnd Bebatltotaa-Pnre.Boowelne, Elwallud Bnib. Tatam U captain.XfoBork fVaai.—Sumberg. Hadler, 0. Bynea, B.

Uymea, V. Bymea, Benuuin, Llauar and flahlg. Bub-

al Itntee-Difacoll, Onoberg, Benaer and Liule. E.

Bymea U captain. .

ir<trv|)«UlaA nam.— arnhetm, Boneiger, Bobltacbik.Pieoonaka-CampaLalpatger.Loeb.BooheandBeln. Bud-

itltnlee-Heyer, R. BoDitachlk ud DoBohne. Bonefgarla eaptalo.

' Smen IKoad DwBa.-Boeitlg. Eidam, Byaa, LItaanbar-

Sar. Enbn, Pudleton, Pruk and Berth. Bubailtutaa-ennr. UamUtonudBebwIkeit Baettigle captain

1 The acbednle ot the conuau to cone la: MunK*tana va. ftuun lalaad, Ju. H; Brooklvn va Newark,Ju.M; MeiTopohiuva Olty. Ju.lS; Newark va. Meu.Peb. 8; (»tr va Hubattu. Peb. T; Btatao lalaod vi

Brooklyn. >eb. 20; Huhattu t*. Newark, Peb. H;Btaten lilud va Olty, Match 1; Brooklyn va Met^Hareh 3; Newark vaBuUn lalud, Hareb 14; Muhat'tan va Meta March 18: Olty va BttMklyn, Muth IL

Tbe tnpby for whteh the eloba an oontaaUog ta 01

bnnte Ud npreaenu a Roman gladiator, Joat retomlngirom a flibL eiowned with a taanl wreath.The openug match. OI17 0. 0. ve. Newark 0. 0.. ra

anlted lo a viouty for the loimer by a eeore ol to IH*

eonualed thoa:CITT 0. 0.

l~S, W. Bbowalur...3—Banoe Delmar. .


8—N. Jaanegittdaky...i-J. Balperas—Chaa Devldee-8.Loyd7—0. RoaUoB8—W. BunUnitOB...,

.... 1

.... I

.... 0

.... 1

.... 1

.... 1

IBWABE 0. O.N. Hyiii.a. «

L. Btarabarg 0

KHiBiaa 1

II. Hrmaa »

"L. BareatalD HH. DnaooaB. Qraaabarg.,J,LlaaBar

.. 0

.. 0

Total <)< Tatal ...-IK

Onboaida anmbar ^^7and0 thaOltrman had laa

oioTa;ontbaolharloar,tbaNa«arkplayara. . ^Tha aaaoaC aUi waa on Jan. 10 abac the Maahatlu

n. u. aadtba BnoklraCO.eoalaalad at iba noma ol

1 tha fonaar. Tba aeora waa, Brooklyn. 5; Maahallaa, a.

laClTldaally tea gaoaa naaltad aa loUow:BBOOKLTNaO. HaNHATTAKaO.

I I—a. R. BocajsorK 1 ra Dr. 0. inaoaoaI-H. N. PlUabair t la. J.aByaaJ-W. Ma.Tiiaar KraD. OBalidt-rb.O.Bllcliaidaao..... f vaL.adiiDldtJra-H. Halma 1 ra Dr. I. W. DabI

I a-E, N, our 0 Ta U. DavUMMii-J. 0. Talam 0 ra A. Torralh-B - - -



-B. r. Bndrort M va. J, W, Balid


WBITB,Whlta to plaj anC at«a Dat« In flTe moraa.

Oaaaa no. 1,WIT,Tba tvaatr-lhlnl of Uw Albla-Bhowdtar Datab, aod

Hana-'a laatTletory.RUT LOPEZ rra aanE

Whit* Black,a. Alala. J.W.8bowill.r

- .pioEaI. .IKt-BS9..KB-Kiaa..CaaUaae..IR-Iaaa..r.«B3



it..g tutsII. .r-ICH3U..BPX P-'..B-Ktaq


K B-KKa)


irxrgKt-B4p^iiatt)laata a

Whlta, Black,A. Albio. J.W.Bbowtltar.

II..PtagB3 puiiiBa


ia..l.4iURiK R-gt.4

II..P-g litn..Kf-it9B..Qg<-BeH..KtrxBB..QB-Ra(i) <i-Kh..KRxr-^ Itt?Rn.-ft-Ilaq Mill-..SxEl -

Tatal a TotalOn bMTdi I, a, a aad 8 Brooklra hul tlia mora, laa

1 Maabattaa eoDUoiant noilnr flnt oa tba olhar foar

boarCaTba third and dDalmaallagol Iba flratnnad oocnnac

Ita. la batwots th. Mauiiponian aad tha Bialaa lalaad

n. 0., at lha lauara boma, aad t«alt>d la U» "Kau' d.raatlaf ih.IilaadanbyUwaeonsrtKta IK laaiiaTba loUnwlBK labia *howa tha laaalt of tba nateb:_


~ B X ItW)Kt-BI


HBTROPOUTAll a 0. 8T1TEH I8LA1ID 0. 0.

1—M.LlubKik 1 Ta. B. Bldaai•-A. PlaeaoDka. M ra. w. Ulaaabargar...t-R. BuiTluohak. 7 va W. T. Rran«-T. B BMba K T, Ob. BoaniiI-H. Ulrah I Ti. L. Eahna—A.Anbalm 1 tp. 0. A. BanbtD C.Oenoboa 1 Ta J. Bebwoikart..-a. Marar.. ... )i Ta. W. PwOlaUn.,

..ii .Ta.ial-..Total ™ --

Tba "Mata" b>dlb«DHnaoatablMl,l,*aDdr. wblla

lb*Blaua lalud maa morad liM oa lha naaalalDi loer


U) Wul^owtaaToWblta'aatna'ji p«aalblanp^|,,Q , ,

Et u> B 31, ala. Br Iba uil opaaiai, Blatk aborUy at- Tbb Hbw Toil ATBLBno Clcb held their anneal

'*?bl'B^S^?^?3^•rei^op ij>.™iu».. .« meeting on Tneaday evening, ian. I, tbe eleotlon

awiiT^U nfQrSda'ad«1fS!t«Ir^S!S ISt^dren nenlttof In tb?cbaM of the following:

BiS'iKStan al2Ad»,S'ffirt3STSiy&'bJt Fwaldent, Jameflfhitely: tfonpnaaaooaaiyanaafibaBlaaof bta E'aoaanan | Tan Wotmaer: aecMaiT, John 0. aniick; liaainnr,(Otl.-Eik>Qa«,blmdbjPta E rtiulEttaEt Obaa. E. doodbne; capMn, Bngb H. Baxtar.


OHEOKERB.T» CowntpomdmntM*

a H- Txnun.—Tbt BroohlyB •d4,m DunlpnteUd hjib« iMitr that yoo d*paUMd to wt, tua Mt proTtn no-eiM!ral.M«KttMltwaiBOt prwMUd vlth Ui« vnaiilnMd aul* to tb* pUytn In gutnL

J. II —Am b«lov.0 A. Buniir.—Llk* Buay otlm good MhcnM; It

UBKvUbw lor wut o( pnipvrnpportfUiK B>BAWLin—Toarterornealrtd. Hmwrit*

!l«Wi of Cta* Gsmt*Tb* WMt BM« <ft«ck«r Olab, ol H*w fork. U iltutMl

eor Mlntb ATMoe lad Ttalrtr-foiirtb BtrMt. oT«r thtMMloa«*. If roaVUtt FMl ROOdUmtiOlltbtrVMIM)losd>7orB*tnrik7tTiBUiK. TheOratnuBjoamMtlitb»-fl«Blal tovufT, B. H. Tmdui, ud ha wlU intro-

dae* too to the nembera aboat u follow: Pint vlU b«tho riilog loanR pUj«T«, BII)iO|t*lf . Vul*r Mil BoHhj;tbM w«eoiD*to>UT«nol bl|tbtritr«Bj|Ui, P B. Bvalo,Jobo IfoBntM, H. P. OitrAoder; tbw w« iioe two of tbt•tnmitMt plftyen New York caa prodooe neii to Or.

Sehtofar, taar am Wm, PoIru ud naorr Muv«ll. lotbu lot wo malt ftlw looludo an old tine pUMT.oBntao, tnd Uatof all la Ur. ttobaoftir. vbo la bj lar tbatnoRoator til* dtr pUfan Oooof tba moat (lerut*loffof oomtni araou la a abacrlpUoD matcb, batvaaoDr.Sobaofaruid Ju MoBntoo. Ualf ol tba Ramoa will

bo plorod Id tbo elob rooma, tad tba otbar half will bapUjad la Kavarlr, N. at tba roooi of tba Na«arkL'boAarOlob.MT Broad Btrnt J.r Rood, ax-ebao-ploo oftboworM, oOare to ro to aWcow aod pUramatch with Perrlo lor|30D. prorldad ba la altowadllOQlor oipaaaoa Bro- Otouaer li baitllofr forebKbtnlo Jaroay Cltp |iut now. Uo aitanda an lovitatlon toBro Blaodin and bla aaiooiaiai of Newark lo *laltP9Wayne Btraet, Uruf Oltr, aoma Tuoaday areDlng la iboDoar (ataro The OUu^ow WaUg Utraia la now pub-UablngrfeoUecilnniol tua groat Ucoicb player. AndrewAadervD, by John MoEerrow, of BongUa. SootUnd.Mr. MoKarrow la now orar algbtr jeart old, and remem-ben Andoreon Bfty yoara ago ...,Aa loUtUo la knownaboot the lata cbeokor king, it would bo one ol ibe beatroainraii of Tol.a. of Book of Portralta, If Bro. StoamaeooJd aeeoro portialta of Maun. AndeiMD.and Mo*Kenow, and ao doubt tbat tba latter lontleaan wonldfaralab boUi to Bro. Etaama If reqaaaiod to. Alao aaketrb of tbeir loni caroart wonld bo verr IntaroiUng.

HolaUoB ofPoslUoa No. «&, VoK 4MiBT "irUO." www TOIK.


Black to pLav aad araw.Ifl Sl(a) II 16 X) » US St 17

11 U a 16 IR BO Drawn.II a » i» 34 n s IB

(a)» 3D aoa 31 ff »M 34170 II 11 U 83 O 16 11 11 16

Wbita wlaa

PMtUoaNo.4e. Vol. 4B.

10 M 15 IS 19

wbiiaa a a a 34 17 II

BlAck to plftT aod win.

Oamo Ac. 40, Vol. 4^4.

8WIT0HBELFlared id ibo recent match batween R. P. Ortraoder. of

Btooilrn, and P. B. Bwaln, of New York. Mr. Oatranderplayad black.

II U 14 n IS 18 7 11 IB O-31 17 » A u 16 a o a a9 U 17 31 19 II 8 7 a IT

a It a a u 19 ib a asB 11 1 6 34 18 9 8 17 14

17 14 a 9 10 19 ao a ao a10 17 59 18 Id 6 lU J4 IB31 14 8 B 91 a a 17 US6 10 St a 15 U 11 16 13 10a 17 11 u a so a 31 si a18 D a 34 U 8 7 11 18 14

a 17 15 18 »a aa S3ais IB a 14 37 a 11 IS 14 IBa a 10 17 19 a a a a .*uIB a a a 19 10 14 is it

14 IV 7 19 8 10 17 10 a St16 a IB 13 8 IS 6 18 16a 31 ir a a u 31 a si aIB n 9 U 8 8 8 lU 11 1617 19 u a 10 14 an a siU 17 DO 11 7 10 U a 7731 14 a 31 14 17 a a 34 ai6 10 18 IS 7 1 IS IB Ihawn.14 9 16 17 31 m 9)B 14 16 II 3 7 16 13

U 0 8 IS 31 a a 81

A.THLETIC.Tlt« Intornatlonal Meeting.

Tba olitllengefonntded bT UieKoT Yorx Atbletlc

Olnb lo Ibe Loudon (Eag.) AtbleUo Olab, propoelof

u IntoruUonal compelltlTe Held meeusg tMlveen

licked mma npnaesUng Ue two oonntrle*, ep-

peuB 10 b>ve nwi wltb macb faror ki tbe nude ofDie chUleDged pmr. Tbe L. A. 0. beld * meeilng00 New Year's diij, at wUlob tbe following reeoln-Uona were Iniioduced and ananlmomly carried:Tint—That tbu oimUoii rM4tre eballMKe ol tbe N. T.

A. 0. to the L. A. n. Willi unaDlmoQ. approval, aod re-qoeit tba boBOrabla Mortlarr lo anaajit for a taaiB oflaoiaben of llio L. A U.. lo ifo lo Now Tom lo tbo moDlb01 Mar Of Ibtt data be agreeable lo Ibo N. T. A O.) aadlo report tbe reralt to aa oarir neollD. of Ihia oemnilt-lae: alao Ibat tbo N. T. A 0. beannred Ibatetirr effortwill be Dide to toloet a lultablo taan, aad ibat a feitborflommaBlcatlOD vlllbemtdololbemaa aooo aa pouiblo.Sooood—Tbat Ibo booorable Herelarr ba reoaotted to

aeod a cop7 ol rooolatlob No. I to tbo H. 7. A- 0., aod toananie wiib tbat olabm lo tba aipeaaM ol iba Tialaniteam and tbaeTaotaofthacompauiloD.Tbe aecreiu/ or tbe L. A. 0. pronpUr oominnnl-

oatcd vllb Ibe obsUenglDg orgaDlziUoo, bla CiTor-tble connnanJcailon being pmienied below:

LoaooH ATHLario club i

Loaooa, Jao. I, un )

JoBR 0. aouoE. Sacratarr, New York AtalauoniDb,Hew York.—D«dr Sir: I bare Iba plauure ol eoboov-ladRIDg IbereealptofyoarlellarorDM 11 tail, aod lo<

fonnlof 70B that Ibe aama baa beeo laid b.fora mp eon-mitlee, vtalcb net realardij araalog (or Ita oooaldera*uon.

I am raonaelod lo aoioilot joo vllb Ibe oordia] racap<tloB bf mr eoamlnee of roor lovlutlon, made oa be-balforibe M. T. Y, 0.. loao albloUo coautt wllb a olobteam oilbe Loodoo Alblallc Clab, aod lo aanre poa tbatIt will llreaa mat plaiaare If we aaa brlaa lo a aao>eaaarBluaeaalnoodljcoDleal betweeo ear elaba eoobaafOBrlatlarbrlallf lodioalea.Aa far aa onr iDlormalloa aoaa oo tbia aide, ve galber

Ibat tba moatba of Juaa, Jolr and Aoiaat (aad parbapa8opleBiber)woatd, lorTarloaa taaaooi, be oaaailed lorIbe propoaad maetlBg, aod a. oar ovn cbamplooablpmeetioir will ba bald Ib iba drat waohofJalp, aod, aa aomaof ooj rapraaealaUTo mombonwlll ba eompallng ibao,aad oibarawlll be OBiaRad IB their atodla* at oar oal-ToielUaa aod alaawbare, ibe lima at wblcb anob moellBroaa be boM la »B iBiponaal faourio Ihe eoorldoratloBot Ibe arraniameat, add, we fear, maf aot be ea#llrorareoae. Uoworer, lo aaro time, I am dlieolod lo aag'eat tbat adata Bol laur ihaa Ibo middle ol Vaf or earl/m OeloberwoBid probably aoilBabetL aodloaak rou toloform aa br pail mall wbalbar ailbar ol Ihe uoolbaoamod la battar Ihao Ibo olbar conaldorioir all Ibeclr-eanauaoaa. lo tbe avaal of Ibare balBii little oraotraleraocoB roar part, va ahoald take It [hat wenlahta alloaed to ulact aaeb Unaa aa wa fouad woald beat

eoablaaalo brlaga rapreteotatiTo laam. Tbolloalaat*tiamaalol tblapolot,bnveTar.maatreBialB opoB aoitlI bear from roa and from Iboae mamboro of mjr alubwllb whom 1 am BOW lo oonmoolcatloB oa Ibaaabloolol Ibe propoaad meeUaa.

I praaome tbo oreota to ba dacldtd voald be aa follow:NDrda, la^da, hordjoa, 4alrda, ball a mlla,OBa miletbree mllaa. bl jib jamp, loaf lamp, alltaoo poaadabot(or baoRBar).Aa 10 foor renarba OB Ibo qoe^iloo ol eipeoaaa It la

felt ti7 mj coBimltteo ibat wa are baidlj lo a poaltloa tomake a aoitiaalloB, riarloii at tb. momaat no aoeoraupereooalkBovledBooftbe ptobable axpooaoa ol aocb aBip; ball mayaap alnooo ibat I .oa an chaaee of bolniable 10 oaleel a laam to par ita owo eipanaoa. and ihoolab haa ao fooda oTallable lor aaeb aa oullar aa wooldbe Baeaaaltatad br tba .i.itofaar twalva mao to beawarfrom bono four vooka. Mr comnliiM wi.b ma lo aaaroD If roa eaa nakeaaaRaaalioB oo IfalapolatWo abOBld brlog Booo bat tboao wbe are booa fld.

mombera of lb. L. A. 0., aod It woold. of eAoree, bo ma-toaUragiwod tbat all prooaadlaji aboold b. carried ootla coeformlir wtib lha mlaa ot tbe A A. 0. Eaglaod aodIba HaUooalA A. of America.

1 aaod laelooad acopr of Ibe aeeolatloaapaaaed br mreomoilua*, aod woold Ibaab roa lo favor mo wllb twoeoplaaoltboralaa ol tbo NaUuoal Athlallo Aaaoelalloaof Anerifa. vbieb 1 aadarataod to.be Iba daalgaaUoa olroBrraliagbodr, aad iwo copira of Iho reloo of roarelBbgaTanilagtbe"analaar*'doflBltioB of IbeeoedBctof ninaawllb klodregania, aod awaltlogroarforlbereomma-

BleaUOB, I am, roara tailbrallr.B. K. HouiAV, Roaotabla O aiii alary.

Tu WllUamibnrg Albleilo Qob beld tbeIr u-nul eleotlon In Brooklin, N. Y., on Ibe eeenlng ofiao. », and ebon ibe fouowlng: Piealdsnt, RobertA. Form; Tice prealdest, fieoUmla A. RonlT; re-eocdlag ecnlarr, Frederick 1. Baniee: financialKcrel*i7, Wm. A. Wolirrom; mHOfcr, wiiUui A.Btoln; oaptalB, Oeorge A. Berger; Ueououi, Hagrp^.tuker.

AthlMlu th. WmI.A meetlrgotrapKMatiaTe* ot tbenriouenl-

TOilUei la Uu wcftem put oC tbe coantrp waebetdat tbe Andltorlnm Bolel,ln (Alcago, IIL, ontbo OTesIng at Jan. II, tbo tollowing being pimntNrnaot to call: VnlTerritj ot Mlcblimn, PietldentIngalli; Unlrenttj ot Oblcago, Picaldent Harper;Psfdne VnlrenltT.FrMldent Smart; nolTerallr oinilnols, FrrtldtDt Iliaper; UoWenltr of Uinneaota,ProldeniNonbrop; Noitbweatem irntTeraltT,Pr<»Ident Bogeia. Tbe conteranoe adloomed atieradopting the following rain:

I. Tbu eaota ooUcgs and nnlrtraltr tbat hai notaueadp doge to appoint a commlliee on collegealbleila, who iball lake gaoenl •opemaion of allatbleuoiporta and bare all reeponalbllltj ot an-tonlng Ibe ralea ngardlng albletlca and aU literoollegulaapons,

i. Nooneitaill be allowed lo parUclpits loanrlamca or atblotlo iporu nnleaa be be a alndent do-ing toll work In a rcgnlar or apeclal coane u de-fined in tbe ooliege or anlTenltj; and no peraonwbo hu partldpaicd In an; match game or anr col-lege Uwm Iball be pemltied to panlclpaia aa amember of anotber college loam nnleaa be baa beena atadent lo aald collMe ror the period ot alxmonibi. TbU nle ibalT not apply to tboao whohare been gradoaied tiom one and bare eataietfanotber.

». That no peraon iball be admltwd to any Inter-collegiate oonteat who recelrea any gl(ia, lemoner-atlon or pay for hli lemcca on tbe college laama.

4. Any itndut ot any Initltntlon wbo ihall bapnnnlig iba legnlw prtacrlbed oonne wlibin ancbIniiltntlog, wbetherlnan adrancod claaeoroneotIta proteaaloBal lohoola. mar be permltiod to playtor mloloom nnmber ot yean reqalred In aeoonngtbe protenlon tor which be la a caoidldato.

t. Mo peraon who haa been employed tor tbe pur-pose of naming any college team for a oonteat canbe a memberof me team bebu trained, and nopro-teulonal athlete, and no peraon who haa erer beena member of a proteailonal team, ihall play In anyIntarcollegtaia confaL

a. No atodent iball play In any game nnder an aa-

anmcdname.7. No undent Ihall be allowed to partlolpaia wbo

la fonnd to be dtllntnent In hia atndlm.8- All gaoaa iball be played on groondi owned

or nnder tba Immedlaie control cl one or both ofthe collegea paitlolpatlng In tba oonteii, and all

gamea ahall be played nnder itndeni management,and not nnder the patronage or convolot oom-panln.

9. Tbe election ot manager and captain ot teamiIball be anbleci to tbe approral ot (be conmlueeon athleiloa ot the hiooI.

10. OoUege teams ahill not engage In any gameiwltb prolealonal teams nor triui tboao represent-ing so-called athlello olabe-

II. That baton an Intercollegiate contait a lUtot men shall be prcaenicd to the othera ceitltyingtbat all tba nnmoer are entitled to play nnder theroles adopted; snob certldcaiea abali be algned bytha leoniaiT or Rglaiiarct the college or nnlTeis-liy. It shall be tbe dnly ot the captalna to enlorcetblamle.

Kicking the Leatber.A lerlea ot foolhaU malobea waro contested In the

neighborhood ot ibe metropolis on Sunday after-

noon, Jan. 13, when tbe weather was clear, cool

andjnatanltedto ooldoor exerolie. At nearly all

ot tha gamra the attendancema accordingly good,andthereinltot tbe different oonleiii laherewiibshown: Tha opening gamei ot the tonmament lodecide the champloublp ot tbe newly organizedLong Island Sabnrbao Football Aiaoclatlon wereplayed, wltb tbe tollowing reanit: Woodilde Ath-letic Olnb beat tba Pterlen Athletlo Olnb, 6 to 2;

Olendak) AtbleUc Olob beat the Hamilton AibleiloOlnb, 4 to 3; the lUdgewood Athlello Olnb beat theBoTTlew Athlello Olob, 7 to 4: the Olympic Atb-lotlo Olnb beat the Bnsbwlck AihlcUc Olab,3 to 2; the Atlanilo Alhletio Olob beat IbeNewtown Athletic Olnb, 6 lo i; tbe Empire AthlelloOlnb defeated tbe Dionileu AtbleUo Olnb, 4 to 2.

These clnba played tor a tronhy rained at tloo,

which Is 10 icoompany tbe title of champion cinbot tbe aaoclailon. On the same day us leamareprcaenung the Cenirevllle Athlello Olnb and tbesteamship Pans met at the groondi at Ihe foot otWest Twentr-third atreei, Bajonne, N. J., tbeformer winning by a aeon ot T lo 0: In tbe after-

noon tha aacond team ot tha Brooklyn Wandereratackled tha Oenlreniles, and laoerea defeat by aacore ot 4 to 0, while tba Drat team ot tbe Waoderanmet tbe leara ot the Tenioiio aleamship, whom theydatealed by ibo cicae acore ot 4 to a.

THi new XaUonal Aaaoolatlon Football Leagoe,oiganlzed permanently on tbe erenlng ot Jan. 8,

wbau repmentailrea from tba followlngombawenRrcaent at the Crlckelera' Olnb, In Ihle city: Biook-ro Wanderers, w. Sonthem; Anerlcm A- A., W.

e. Olll; Wllilamsbrldgr rhiiiles, A. Addison; Scot-tish American, ot Newark, R, Johnion, and NewRoohelle, J. Wation. Tbe eleotlon ot omceis ro-

solted as follow: Prai Ident, W. Bonihera, BrooklynWandani s ;Tlce pmldeot, Qrabam Wlnlers, Oentn-rllle A- U.;secreian, J. Young, Brooklyn Wander-en; iressnier, W. E. am, Amencna A A.

TBI aeries ot professional racqnet gamea betweenStanding, of New York, and Boakea, fotmerly orVontrau, Can., bni now ot Oblcago, III., came lo

an end at tbe conrtot the Oblcago Aibltno Olob onToeiday evening, Jan. 8, and resnlted In the auc-ceas of Btandmg, lha total score iiandlng uo lo 92,

which nnst ba considered a Tory handsome rlotorytor Standing.


Latoat B.plBifa and Doings of the Bas^ball Fraleniltr.

Howird Roblson, seonlary ot Ibe Cleveland Olnb,says: "Fnnk Wilson, the pliober, who has )nitsigned wiih tbe Boston Olob, accepted the termioirered turn by tha Cleveland Olob last AognsuBis nana was pnt on oir raaerra list hut FallandPresident Tnnog was noUlled lo that elect. Uebelongs to ns and we pnpoae to tight tor oar rlghisIn this caio."

A meeting ot all city college Btndenta ot Balti-

more, Ud., vraa held In that oliy on Jan. 8, tbe ob-ject being to form an aiwclatlon. Two or threeleama will llkelr represent the city collegs thli

Jear. A oommltteo waa ehoien, oonilitlng ot[eaaTA Whlisbnni, 'M, Swalnc^ ts, and Lewis, •M,

to dimw np a oonstiiatkUL

HanagerDsTlihas great filth In Wcsterrelt, andthinks tbe latter, wltb proper enconragcment, willmake one ot tbe coming star pllchera.

WUtrad Oarsay haa acoepted the lenna offeredhim by the Philadelphia Olnb, and haaaiiaehad hia

slgnaiua to one of the dnb's contnots for neitseaaon.

Oaplaln Broobi baa leiineatad all candidates for

the pitcber's position on tbe Princeton Ooliegeteam lo report al once tor piacilce.

THe rii'jbnrg Olnb has come to ternis wllbPitcher Addison 0. Qombert, and Ibe laiier haaalgned for lha coming seaaon.

Bart W. Abbey, onaot tbe pllchera ot tbe Oblcagodab, and Hiss ibnla Lncy isbam were mairled unVec.Sl.atBarllngtnn, VL Tbe conpla will ukeoptheir residence at Springfield, klass.

Hanager Haddock, ot tbs Toranto t«am, wanisdFlask Hasioy to play flrat ba*e tor bli team o»iseason, bot, beroro bs cooid Hgn blm, Haoay badplaced bisslgnsuita to a contiactwitb theCarbon-dalo (Pa.) Olnb.

T. J. Keele, tbs Tateran ex-profeailonal plicberhu been engiaged lo ooaeb tbe Harrard DolTersltyteam for the coming season.

Tbi Washington Ulab wonld like to get Tenney'ireleaaa from toe Boaions. The latter Is preuy wellaopplled wltb catchers, and. It Is said, loatTenneyIs to bo nieaaed it the other men inra oot to begoodooea.

Jamei J. Stafford haa placed bla slgoatnre to aNew York Oinboontiaotior lha coming seaaon. Qewill be given a trial it sacond base.

John EInble, a pitcher, who played last yearwith tbe Hlinilo IN, J.) Olnb, will be givan a trial

by the Pblladelphlaa next Spring. Kimble la aright hand pitcher, and la said lo pnssi» plenty ot

Tbe death ot Ca'cher John HoHaboo baa placedHaoager Bobmeli, of tbs Washington learn. In anawkward poalUon aa regards his catchera, aad beIs now on a bnnt tor a player to uka the place ofHoHahon.The nailonil game daring tbe past year lost

tbne prominent playere Oharles Bonnetl by acci-

dent, John H. Ward by rtuiemenl, and H. J. Kelly

byWUllaa Barals, rormeilr of tba BaltlDor*, Lonla-

TlUa aod other imms, has beea ngaged by tbeBaaaioi Clnb, ot tha ffastmi Lesflas^ to managelunait

Oharlea Eaper, one otihe plicbtnot the champion

BalUmoro Olub, ot tbe Mulonal Lcagne and Ameri-

can Association, was born July 28, 1848, at Salon,

N. J,, bat leaned to play ball with amaiear teams

at Philadelphia, Pa., where be soon made qnlia a

local Rpnlallon. It was, however, as a member ot

tbe QosKer City team In 1888 aid 1888 ihst he lint

cane Into promloence. Ills oxcelleni pitching tor

that olab began lo attract Ihe alianlloa of ihe mao-agen nt major leagne teams. Among the clalu to

bid tor bis services wu Ibe noiod Athletics, of

Philadelphia, then a member ot tbe American Ai-

•oclailon, wltb whom he ilgned tor the leuon of

18M. lie remained with Ihe Atblotica anill they dis-

banded lata lo that leason, when be Joined tha

Philadelphia Club, ot Iho Nailooal lcagne, and not

only flalahod out thai seaaon bit remained wllb It

thionghniit the entire season of I8ul. Ilo begin the

naion ot lan with iho Phlladelpnus, bnt Dnisbed

It wltb tlie riusbarg team, of Ibo ismo league, ap-

ptirlng with the lauer tor Ihe Dm time la Ihe

plleber'i poslilon on Ang. H, of ihatytar. In a gameagainst ti.e Ulevelandi at I'lUalinrg. Al the be-

ginning ol tbe aeaaon of lan, Kaper waa engagedby tbe oipnagumoni ot tbe Wasiilnglon Olab, of UioNttlonal Leaiiieanil American Aiaoclalluu, and re-

mained wllb Its loam until late In ibo aeaaon otliM,wbon be was released to ilie llalUmoro Club, of iho

lama leaguo, Kapor li a lelt haniled pitchpr, withplenty ot ipeeil, good command of Uio ball and lias

all lha cnrvei, shuoli aod drops necessary to iiiabo

hli services valuable to any club.

President Yonng In ipeaklng abontthemakeapol tbe coming season's schednle of championshipgames, iald:^'8o far as the opening daio Is con-

cerned. New York will iniely oommenca ihe seaaonat home. TherelsanaesUonwbeiberUalilDonorBoston will be tbs opponent ot the New Yorks In

the opening series. Karly In April tos weather In

Boston li not always warm and tavonbia for ball

playlog- There la an nnwrltien law In tbe majorlasgoe which does not permit tba Brookiyns andHew Yorks to open tbe same leaion at home. Tbennoertalniy innonndlog tbe new iieel pavilion for

Ibe Philadelphia grounds complicates uesrrange-ment ot the opening soiiedole somewbat.It the weather in Doston Is nnieasonablewhan the season open* and the Philadelphia grandBland Is Dnisbed and liililmon abould be assigned10 play In New York, Waihlngton woold ba the

only oily In the Eaatein cirooft for Pblladelpbia,

Brooklyn and Boston to come to. It Is pouiblothat Winter may have cxhanaied Itaelt long before

the Maion opens, and In that event Urooblyn aiay

play al Boston- nslllmora will go to Mew Yors,

and Philadelphia opeo at Wuhlogtnn. It may benecessary to iranafer Boston lo New York andBnxialyn to Billlmon for tbt opening lerles, bnl,

sspravlonsly slated, there Is a gonttai dlipoaluua

10 let New York and Baltimore upon up the season

together it lha Mhedole can ba so amogcd."A new baseball organization, to be known aa the

New Kagland AasociaMon, haa been formed, wludabs In Mancbester, Lowell, Baverblll. IAwrence,Salem and Brooklon. N. K. Yonog, chairman of

lha National Board, haa sent oni word that ibe NewEngland Aaaoclailun has been admliied lu ijaaillltd

membership In Olasi B nnder the nailooal agree-

ment. J. 0. Uorae, or Uoaion, Haas., baa oeenelecKd president ot ibe assoolailno. Among those

Inieresied an Fiank Leonard, ot Lynn; Kelib, of

Brockton; Irwin, of Uaverhill; (Carroll, of Balom;Waller Bomhao, tbe baaeball maaagor; Fred Uoeand aoma men lo Lowell, as well as several bnsl-

neu men In most ot tbs other cities.

A dispatch from Chicago, IIL says: "A peUUonlo the dincton of the Natloaal i«agaeand Amerl.can Association Is being numerautly signed on tse

Block l£iohaogo aad Board ot Trade, asklug that

Second Baseman Fred Pfelfer be relnstsisd. TbepellUoners say It Pfeirsr Is noirelnsuiad they will

never attend a game played by the Oblcago Club,

wtlla It ho Is ninsiated each petitioner wui hoy aseason lIcksL Itlseipactad ibat several huodndaignalotes will ha secorsd. The broken are goodpalroos ot ihs game and It all Ihe slgnera aeeptheir word. It win make a bigdiffeicncain tha re-

calpts ot the <>hlcago Oluli games haie, shooldPteoer not be telnsiaied."

At ameeilng held, Jan. 13, at Uarrlsburg, Pa., lbs

narrlsbarg Assoclsllon was formed, to take the

place of Ilio old llarrlabnrg Olnb, with a capllal

lock ol 11,000, and tbe following olDoen wareelected: H. PhlUlpa, president: William Smith,aeoniary and iraunrer: board ot directcra, H,PhUllpi, E. K. Meyera anil Thoous ZeU.

Thomas K. Bannon, who played In theoatllaidtor

Ibe Fawinoket Club, ot the Now England Leagns^laatyear, hustgned lor the oomlugaeason wllb Iho

Now York Clnb. Us Is a brother ot lha Bostonnob's right telder.

A call baa been luued lo tha candldalea tor Ihe

Unlvenlty of Pennsylvania learn lo nport tor com-mencement ot ngnlar practice nnder Hanager Ar-

thur Irwln on Jan. 18.

William Sbanig, Ihe veteran manager baa beenengaged to manage the Uasloion team, of tbs Penn-sylvania suio Leagne, lor tbe coming aeaaon.

TheOilnmbla College team will meet the NewYorks In eihlbltlon gamea on April 10 and U, attba Polo Orounds, In mis city.

It la said tbat Phil King and Charles McKeotle,well known players, formerly ot Princeton (Allegelearn, wlU play wllb tbe Oruge Albleilo olua nezi

Manager Hannlag, ot tba Kansas Oily team, otIbe Wcaisra League, baa arranged an early Hpriagicbednia of games aod bU players have boon order-ed to nporlTn ihai city oa April I-

Hanager Comlakey bsa engaged R. L. Browning,Ihe veioran onioelder, for nii St, Paul team fvr


A T. Bonlly, manager ot Ibe Lancaster laam, ot

Iba Psnnsylvania ma'e League, has algnad JamesToman, Joseph Xappal, Thomas Bloacb, John Fore-man, James HoHsever, Stanley Arthur, Myers,Tesger, Tnast and Yenea, Ue wIU aign asrenlother good men beton hia team Is complslsd fortbs oomlng SIS inn. Bentloy aays that ha aipsciato bars a winner for Uuicasier Ibis year.

II Is now stated that Paal Itadtord la booked lo

capuin Ibe new Toronto team, ot lha EistsinKngne, neat seaaon.

Nearly all tba major Isacna clnba an on a huntfor pliotasn, ^hlle New York Is foletly looilog on,bat not M>ln* a word. If tbe plichsr Is movedback to bla old box, than 5sw York «1U ba laitroag: It aot snongsr, la tha piichar's posltloa, ssaay ouar dab In tba oomtrr.

Tug ULiri'kR, almuil from tho lime ibe twelveclub league waa formed, hai takoo tho ibtud that

Ihe orgaolcallon waa lop heavy, nnwloldy, indwould prove a detriment lo Itself. Wa have helltbat two olght olob, well bahtuced leaguea wouldprove more sallitacLoiy than ihe prssenl onmberaoma aOklr. rrotiably tha magnaies reillatil ihia

to ba a tact u soon as any one die, bnt iliry wennot In a poiiuon to make a ohaugo, nor were ihoywlllliig to admit Ibelr misuka. Nuw, however, Uieyrealm tbat aomotblng must ba dono and tbey arcceklnglba boat means for ailrlca'lag Ihemioltuifrom the muddle without gelling tbointelvei Inbi

farther dimoniiloa. Iilreolnr Abdl, ot Ibe Hruok-Irn Club, one of ihe row magnatca wlUi lodepen-Jent view., who it not afraid to eipreas thorn, evonIbiugh a mliiako li made, now latei ine laino dewof tbe twelve diib league nialttr that hai been heldall doog byTiiiiii,Ii'rsH. He mjt: "to be candid, I think the twelve oluu league Is loo unwieldy,and that ultimately tberewlll be an Ktsiem andWciitern League, both under lha protection ul thenational agrearoeat. Tbe Western clulia are uu-doubladly weak llnsuolally, but tba ilrae la not fl|io

'.0 push lbs scheian ihroogb, I'll admit that it

kMkod very much like a plan of the Kulcrn dubs10 pat tho acrawa onto the Wesiem delegates at lbsNovember maellng, when the ten per oenL Leaguepayment wu aboliincd. TV Ean hu got tbe bignold now, aod no mliiake."

"In leu than two nioothi Iba msjorlly ol themajor league clutia will ba facing aoolhward lo

order to get In shaM for lbs coming ohamploniblpimggle. Some of ibe olabi will go u far louih uTeiu, otbeia will go oalr u far u the Oarollnaiand work ibeir way north In nay ilagea, whileoibira.loduding tho Phllllei, will be conient wlibtho bsbODi Ihey may derive from ihoollmale ot Vir-

ginia, leavlna oere a><oal tho biltor end ot March,"says Thf J*MlaUflpMa l'rn$^ and than onllnuei:"The value of iheao Boulhein trips In liall playerscanuot be overesilioaied. Time wu when tinavenge bauball magnaie oonildend a couple ot

weeka' preliminary work In a gymnailnm all thatwu oeoesitry lo At hie playera for tbe long andinitaliad Ogbt Inddcnlal lu a league campaign.Now all li dtifareuL Tbt eipertinco at tbs putibros or toor saanns demoasiialed that the leamawblcb went ihrougb a prdlmluary Mason In theHoulb were In far belter shspo to play good ball

tbsn thou who depended upon Indoor practice In

tbe Northern cities, or who took chances lo obtainontdoor piacUca at some of ibe nearby resofla atbotna."

A naatlng wu beld on Jan. 8, at Chicago, III,, tor

tbe purpose of forming so Inlar-Htaia League. Tbaleague will Inclade lowoa In Indiana, liirools andIowa, tbat are not In tbe Wutern Association.Plana ot oiganliatlon were dlioossed, but nothingdellnlia wu agreed to. A conunltloo wu appoloteato pnpare a constitution, oylaws, a salary limitand name for ihe orginltation. The oommiiieewui meat at lbs National lloiel In Peoria on Jan.7i,when a permanent organlsulon will lie formed.TU ooramlites la oompoasd of II. H, Hmlih, TerraUaols, led.: J.A Nelmeok, Jdlet,lll.;A 0. Palmer,Evansvllls, Ind.: Josepb (lucii, Chicago, and W, H.MoOaol, ot JolleL Tbe other memben preaintwere: William Schneider, Terre llauta; M, J.

O'Brien, Jollel; It. K. Nliliet and K. P. Wlekbam,F,faaivllle: Has lllnch and K. R. Johosoo, llur-

liagton, la.: R. Wblimer, of Oblcago, nprrienilDg0. R. Jewell, ot Fort Wayne, and W, A Bausk, ofMooDlngton.

Thomaa Brows, ot tbo Lualsvllla Club, wbo wasaccepted In a trade tor Frank Hbogart ot iho bll/ouls Olnb, bu fvfased to play with uo utter.

James II. Muning, manager aad captain ot lbslama* Olty team, ol lha Wsstsrn Iicague, and HissMayma L. Ualnis, ot Kansu Olty, Mo., were mar-lieu In that city oo Jan. 8.

Harry Blaloy, a pitcher, tonneriy ot the Plusborgand Bosloo toarai, hu signed tor oeit laaion withthe St. Lonia Club, wbou team will train at llolSprlngi, Ark., In tboBprlng.

Oeorge Miller bu bean re-engaged tor ibe com-ing Huon by Ibo St Lonls Ulub. Hanager Hack-•nberger says ha will probably play Hlller ngu-Uriy in ibooaioeld.

President John J. Ilanlon, ot tbe PenniylvaolaHlala League, uya: "Tlie leaguo u organiced alHeading will cerulnly auy In ue flslo uniil tbeseason u llnUbed. I have made, canfal Inipeo-llon of tns circuit, and I am salbOsd with lha out-look. Wa bare ten clubs In llos, and all bavaKcmlasd to pay up tho goaianlee of |un. Ws

va securad ibe protection ot tba national agrae-meat, which will mate It Impoaalble for any otherorganltalloo to iovids onr isrrlioiT. I hara aletter In my pocket from Hr. Myen, of llamsborg,lo wblcb thaigeotleman nys Ihu ba will ba loyalto lha organiuUon which wu totmed at Hsadlog.We will hold onr aanaai msattng at PousvlUs onJaa. 11, whsa ereryihlog will ha pat la ablp shapeorder."

i- r-

narrr Wright Jr., aon ot Ihs Tetatao maoagnand chlaloCnaplfM^huohsrgsofaMeyslasekoolat Pbliadalphla.

~< • '

narw hu bssn ooosldeiahla said about tha

Brooklyn OInb'a Inlsnllon ot leaving laatamPark, III pitsanl home, and isaklng a new one In

lbs vlclnltiot Washington Park, Us tormsr bead-

onartsn. When F. A- Aball, oaa ot tha largeal

iioohhoMen ot Ihe dnb,wu ukad It Ibeia wuany Irnih In the report ha laid: "I am not pia-

pared to say muob anoat that Jaat now. It can bSdone though, by a mi|irlty roia ot tha ilock. OnrleaM ol Eailan Park niu another year, I ballsra,

and we conid p«y tho rent np to lia uptntlon,even though we should decide to leave. Wa alao

bare an option tor tve leaia more, wbloh, br avote of the diteclora, might not ba renewed. It la

my Impression that Brnoklyo snpporlen of Ibagaoie woold like lo have the dun located at Ibe eldBland, aad It would probably cost us llt.ooo ormore 10 move aod bnlld a new ground. Memra.nvme and Fonii have eniiro charge ot Ihe learn for

tnia year. Fouia will be nUlned u manager,that la oertaln. Hr. Byroe hu eogaged a onmbatot new pUveia, and u far u I know be hu nasdgoal Judgement"

CRIOKET.Tba lotercolleglata Aaaoolatlon.

Tha annual meeting ot the Inlereolliglata

Orlokel Association wu teoonlly held In Phlladd-

phla, when all artangemenla wets utlitaolotUy

completed for the coming season, Feroy II. Olaik,

or Harvard Uolaerally, nrealded over Ibe meeting.Tba ohamplnnahip for t804 wu formally awardedlo Harvard llo<vcnliy. The prise tor the best bat-

ting avorage was awarded lo J. A. Laaler, ot Haver.ford College, and the prlio for llie best bowlingaverage to Perov U Clark, ol Harvard Unlnnlty.The lullowing oiilooia were elected for lbs ensuingyear: Preildenl, J. A. iMler, llivertiint Odlege;vica nmldeni, P. II. Clark, Harvard UnivenlTy;seertury and tieuunr, Bamuol Qoodmin, Unlver-allv ot PenuylvanlB. Tho following championshipgaiiiis wen srrenged: Hsy 24. Harvard UnlvenltyVI. Ilavertuni UoTlege, at Hoalon, Hass.;Msy8l.Harvard llnlvcraliy va. Uolverally of rennsylvanla,alBMiou, and pmbably June I, llavertordOolllgaTi. Unlvenlly of Pennsylvania, at llavorford, Fa.

A piNisifota ourlous chsnclcr oocomd la aPamo hiiween tho Cape Tl>wn and Westernrovlnoe Elevens, Dec. I, at Cape Town, Booth

Afrloi. Tho homo team rcoiilrod une run to win,and had iwowiokeia logo nown. Walermeror hit

a "no ball" and wurun ont, and, lime being np,lbs other bauiuan did notoom^ In. The qutillootbenaroso wheiber nndor such olrenmiiances arun ought to bo a>ldsd in the Cape Town tesm'aicon. A oliuH ol Role it wyi that. If no ron bamads from Ibn bat, one run ihall be added In Ihscon. It fniiows, therefore, that the "no ball"

Bhiiold bacnunled, or otherwise tbo bowler wonldeacape being punlined forlnfrlnglngiholaw.

Tna Waina Oounlry Club, ot Wayne, Pa., pUyedIwoaly-lbne gamea lutieasan, ot wnloh ten wenwon. Ion kMt luid Ihe remaining ibree were dnwn,A number of iheie gamoi were agaioil tbe itrongolavcoi of tbe rblbailelpAla diiha. B. B. I/ihmano,a bralbrrcf tus tanions Kngllili liowler, Oeorge lAh-raasn, hsi the iiesl balling avrmge, having mado301 runs In uliieUen InnlDoa, with 70 runs, not out,

u biB highest acore. l/inmaun and U. (I. Brookehail tho brunt of llm Imwllng, and viniially led la

that mpeoL Tbs club had two profeailnnals. Halland Brallhwalla, who ranked high In lbs ballingand bowling avenges.

Iisnckwii.u of Ibo Bnrroy team, who Is now withllio Kogllali Irani playing In Aiiilralla, seoniad Dntrilaro lu ihn 1>aiilng avomgrs In nrnt nlau matohoan Koplaoil laat aeasnii. mil alio iiodnulitedly car-

ried olT the clilof hnnnra ot mo year. Previouslyha had never galnrd llio diallnciinn of scoring acontury In a nrai ciaaa maluh, lint so rapid wu his

advance In Iho frnni ihat during ihe past i

the feat WMjiorlorniod hybim at tbs uval on Bvaoocaaloni. Ilo also Ind all Kngllah habiinen In se-

coring the InghcNi nggregate of runs durlog tha

Fii^r 111 liiillvldual Innings of loorunB and np-warilawcre acnicd In lint oUia matches in Eng-land Isii season. BnwKwnll wm rredlled withdro ceniuriu, Abol, alii ol tlie Hurrey slereo, Willi

fuur.anil W. u. Uraco, U. U. Fry and J.T. Ilroaooach with tliroo cetilnrius. Hevnn oonlurles werolill against uliHiccnirrahira,- tint no balsmansno-'.codril lu making Itn runs against the Sunejbuwien.

Uhs iir tba moil rioaoly conies'ed collegs obam-plonahlp gamei ot lul aeas'in wu Uial oslweeoibo elevans of llavrrford Onllrga aod tbe Unlvsrdlyat I'eiinaylvania, Juno I, at llavortord, I'a., tbaaconaunding a lie altn each In lha hntlnnlof.Tbo llavorfiird Coliego inani mads III toruvsnwickets In Ihn aeciinil tuning. J, A. I4sisr didmoMi uf the run getting for Ihs homo loaio, lonringnronain the ant Inning and 18, not out, In llie


FHiNS II. Miiiii.iNniHii, wbo will he rememberedu anirnilierur ibe lltlmanit.ara of I'hliadelpbla,

under tho uaptaluoy ot Ihu late William NslionWesi,hrsdi llio baitlDg llBtof Ihe BaokOlertiofIhst oily durlny tbo pastieaion with a Uiial ot 411mm In nineteen Iniilogi, hbi higheitsonn lising

one of 1:1 runs. Ilo nude over four times ss manyrnua u tha nesl lilgUeat soorer. F. HoAIIIHar,who ranked second lu batting, virtually led In tbebuallng.

A Hivivii. of Ihe nnre annual match betweanreorHeniaiive elevens of tbs American and Kog-llihrealdsnla ol I'nilsdelphia, I'a., la Ulhod of unoe nt the teaturoa uf tbe coming ssaaoo. TbsKugllab Irsni wuold have tns valualils uivleea ol

A, H. WiKM), uf lbs llelmuot Clnb; J. a. Lsstsr, ofllarerfiird Oillcge, and H. II. l/ihmaon, ot theWayne Cluli, lagoilirr wllu lha pick ot Uieptotci-ilunala employrd by tbs I'lilladelphla Clulis.

UkiiHua l,<iiiMtNN, Ihs once famous Kngllihbowlsr, who hu lioan rcaldlog In Bunlh Africa dar-ing Ihe put two souoni, Is announced Ui ba mak-ing arraugrinents to mure to Englsnd, and behopes to lie aiile Ui rsiama nil plus on tha Burrsyclsvon. II Is aald that the Hurrey County oommlltsahave egpreascd their wllllagnsu lo givs liohmaoDa beneoi In mm.Tug Linden ulnb of Camden, N, J., hu elected

onicen for the ensuing year, Inolndlog llowhudCnii SB prasldont. Tbs club eipeots lo plica astrong Steven In tha Held neat season.

BiMiHIN IliLi.nwiLL Ja., wu eloolsd presi-

dent of tho lAnsdownalFs.) Club at lis neaotsa-nual mMilng.

Mnfiland ts, Aaalralla.Ttioaicood Iniornailonal contest between rapre-

Huuilva alsveOB of Englsnd aod Anslnlls took

place 1)00. 9, 81, Jao. 1, 3, at Hdbonrae, VUloria,

and again naulled In a victory tor lbs termer.

Tlia visiting English laam, aflerbolngdlspoaad littor

onlyliln thellrsilanlag,agaln made a seosatloaaluphill Bght and Anally won by 04 rnns, tba rs-

spacllva toialB being: Knglanii 16 aod 418; Ans-tralla, 123 and 833. Illsokham wis noahls lo play,aud tbo capulncy darolvad upon Ueurgs Olffln,wblls A. II. Jarvis wu subsillulad u widulkeeper. The lutiatltutloo or Jarvis, Ooolngbim,Ttumble snd Bruce tor lllsckbam, C. Hol«>d,Headman and Junu slrengthened rather thanweateoed the Ansuallan eleven, II. Pblllpson,formely ot the Oiford Unlvenlly slevsn, ksplwlotet for Ihe Kngllth learn, taking the place ofL Oay, who wlUi lluraphnys were left oot.

Tbe wloket st starling wu In a vory poor coidl.Uon, owing to a heavy downpour of ralo on lbsprevlons day. At tbe llms for ihs cumnenoenieniotplay the (nrf had not nearly recovered, aod sodead wu tbe ground that It wu doublful wbaihera start ooold bo mads. Tho empires, hcwsrsr,went ont and Inspeoied the wloket and decided thatIhs game might be commoocd,u they coniideredtha wlckomtio play nn. fliifen won lha losa anddacldsd toHOd the Eugllsh team lo the bat, Mc-Laren and Ward opened bi the bowling or Coning-ham and Tumor. A aaoaatlnnal sisrt wu made,MclAiao popping Ibalrsi bsll iMWIed byConlnghanInto Ibe Hues of Trull al point. HUiddard, Ibo F,Dg-

llsh caplalo, neat pariorred Ward, and made Ihoonly aland ot iho Inning, alihongn lha fannerwu aoyibing hut al home with liowllsg, andwhen he ma<le lu, be played across a breakingliall lioaled hy Turner. A very Ine catch by liar-

ling got rid III Ward afur he bad aoorcd ao msa brsteadV play. The bad wicket, tha eicelient bowl-log and the hnofleldlng combined were too muchtor tna remainder ot the team, and tbefenib wloketof Ibia strong balling comblnallun fell for a paltry

score of it. Tomer wsb Ihe meat snconstDlbowler, esptorlng Ive wlcteie for only 12 runs.When tbs AuunllsaB went lu to liatihe wloket badoot improved, and It wu aooo evident that thabowlen would bava a good show. Tbe Biat Ibnawickeis wont down fur 10 rans. Oiirtn and Oaillngthso mads a great ttsod, end, playing with ib«olmosteanfolnaas, each acoredairani and eollaradtbe bowling, caaalo|t nnmerou cbangea, Tbaother wloksis aooo fell, Iradals aod Trett also*playlBg Headlly, aod Iba laalog clossd tor W.


PliUlpton ptoyed In Hot fona behind Uis wlckar,iNlof BOtoDiT m!» bnt MllUnt, in<l Ten cKrtrlTcMoUng airen ud Ooniniliui. IUourdwn<iT6I7 tut bowling prOTCd tloMt noplndil^ hatoklnr llTa wlokeu ror tt rani. TbaMUnducawu Tarx luge tba lint diT, unonnilof to 11,000Is tta aClanioon. bnt ibe duptej ot oriokat wudtappolnUng. Tbanutobwu reinmed Uoattj,Dtaai, nndir mott fivonbla uiplcM, On Httnr-dij iTtnlng and Siindaj tba gnnnd man woikadhird on tba wickal, and II wm In riniuaii condi-tion wben lloTi%nn and Ward opened tba Mcondloolog oC Ibe Roillib team, racing iba bowling otConligbam and Olirao. Botb liaiud aludllT onUIUwioora reicbadu, wbcn Olireo gate wax u> Tor-Dir.wbMeiecood ball clean bowlnl McLaren. Bind-dirt tban Joined Ward and Ibaicora moamed rapid;until loi.wban Ward wu alio liowled br Tomer.Drown and Broctwall theniuccoiilTelr parinoredBloddart, wbo gave a grand dlipliT of bailing,coring moot out, when iinmpi were drawn, tbetotal being n3, with four wIctcu down. Plaj waaTMinned Jan. 1, when Ibe weather wai dellgblfniana Iba atiendanca immcaae, 2},ooo pijing farad'million daring tbe day, The wicket wore wonder-(ollfi litlog lUII Ter; good on tba iblrd day.Bloddart and Poel Oritricad Oliren and Tomer.Bloddart, wben be bad mida 173 ram, played a ball

ilx Inobei onialde blaoffBtomp. on to hie wicketTberewuurTlOoobeenng when ineEagIlib captainwaareitred by the Auiirallan captain. HU Innlogwaa a fanlUeai dliplay ot really >elenilOo cricket,and inelnded ibraa t'» and loartcen I'l. The ra-

niUlag biUoeD acored freely. Peel Baking Urcnibefore na waa amirily elamped by Jirilo. Lock-wood omied hia bat for an adolnble 93, and Ibetola) leaobed 476, BriiooandTrottopcnedibaAni-trallan lecond Innleg, and when Ibe ilnmpi weredrawoeachhiid u'red^sraaa notoul. OnJin.3Ilrnoa and Trott bnogbl tbe total to eo for onewlckeU Tbe ramilning wicketi tailed, bowerer, to

mate np toe amonnt reqolred lo win, and tbe Bng-llib laam proved rloiorlou by M rnon.Tba Aoiinllan learn, wanting I JS to win, batted all

ot Ike toartb day, tlie toiil being 3il, wlin ninewlokela down wnen tbe itompa were drawo. Iro-

dale and Tomer made a prolongad aland for tbeliat wloket, pniung on Olio partoenblp and carrr-lagonl their bate at tbe end ot Ibe day. Iredaitnl>red wlib perfect oonddenca In iplleof tbe crit-

ical Slata ot tbo game, and bit In diablng ityle.

Tamer wu nearly bowled lint ball, bnt afterward!buked op hli pinuer well and a iplendid itandWM B ide. Tbe almoit lererleb Iniarett In tbli

naiob wu clearly ibown by tbe Immenie orowdiwbo lined tba aneloiare and watched tba gomewlibUwkeencttpoalhleatianilon. Tioti wtiuiohlgboiticomr la Ibia Inning, baling luido M rum In doeform, wben be relumed a hot one to UrookwelLTnimble wu declared bribe umpire lo bernn cot,

bnt tbe declilon wu donblfnl and wu reir on-popniat wlUi tbe ipsotaton. Tbe game waa verywoo oreron Jan. i, the ditb day, Iredale rectlredIbe foie oyer from niobardion, drlrlag bim twicefor 2 e«ob and hliilag tbe Uittorl. UtoulngOTir, Iredale faced Peel who bowled bim wllb hli

drat ball, a plain Hnlgbt one. Turner did uotre-eelre a alnil" ball end carried ont bli bat tor it.

Tbeptlrbw) added o< In pirtoanuip for tbe luiwieketi and Ibe total amoiiniad to 333, lear-

Ing tbe vltitora viciorloua by M mm. The auend-ance wu reipeolable under tne clrcnmitanoM. TbeEnillib eleven loored a very credllaMo victory,

aaobid nothing In ilie wayorinck toglvetnem annndae advinuge. Toer loil tbe tou and had all

the wont of the wicket on the diet day, andIhoogb tbey hod a grand pitch lo bit on the eecondand third cayi, Ibe Anilnllina bad <ialta ai favor-

able oondiuoni for their lacond lining. Peel

Kovad tbe moat sucoeufnl bowler In the aacondning, taking tear wicketa for 17 mm.

RlUt.AMD,Haelana o- Trott b. Oooloitaun 0 h. Tanifr

Wart 0. DlrllDR b Trdtn-bit 90 b. Tjrner

BtoMin b Tur»r U b. (lurHiBrovn o. Taroer u e. Jarf li b. braoe.Broehwill a iRdile b.

Oooloihiui nb.Tura«rrealalrarabltb. Tarnar Oat.JarTlib.Olrr«DFonl 0. {llir«D t>. Trom-ble la TroU b. Oiffto

Haoicar Ailbnr Irwin, of Ibe Philadelphia team,uiipesilngot the minrplicca In tbe Bcsih torKwuieintcamilodolbelrualnlng.iald: "Perhapiloa may not be nnarillUou, bnt mere ai« manypenou who are, and nowhere will jon fled tbemmore pleoufallhin among ball playera. Tbey be-lieve In all klnde ot omem and cbaimi, and certaintocaliiluaratotbemaanre barblnger ot victory.Tike the caie ot Obarlotteavllla tor lutanoa. Thelilt team that ever went there to train wu tbeene which leprwenled Beaton In the Flayen'League. That wu In 16M, and that and ereryother learn that ever went there haa won tbechamploublp. In IMI ibe Boilon leain, of theAmericas Auoclallon, mtde It their taeadqcartenlor iheBprtaa eierclic, and tbey capthrrd tbe pen-nant In a walk. In the following year, the BoiionUam, of the Nitlonal Ltagne and American Auo-elailon, look their praoilce In Ibe ume viclolty,

and tbauma li Irae of IIM, and It will b« remem-bered tbe senmnt went to ibe Qob dnrlni the twoKuom. LaatBprlngiheBiltlmoreamadelttbelrbcidqaarlera, and the remit ot the oeaaonwu an-other clincher. Now, I loppoie. If we go there wewill be looked upon u eare pennant wlnnera, andwbo knowa bnt that blitorr will repeat lleein''

Aibley Uoyd, trewnrcr ot tbe Olnclnutl Clnb, In

talking ibont the ealarlei paid ball playen, uld:"I wlin bueball were In aocb a condition that It

were poealble lo pay even larger ailarlee than nowrale, bnt I cunot enibnie to tbe point that I belleve a clnb le In Inck every Ume It geti one ot I'l

old playen In line. When I look anand and eeebniinui men with iBveaimenis of from tK,na to

|(O,0oo Is cavllaL with all tbe tUk and worry of ayear on tbelr ihoolden and utliled wllb a tliper oesu earning on tbelr money, and(ben lee ball pbyen do Init about uwell with nothing Invettod, then I ippnciile what,I am aorry to mj, he doce not. Tbe ball player li

Ibe one who eight to be (lad that then ere con-tncta 10 algiL The Weatem League will donbUeapay tor 111 tonr and a half monuia' aervlce moreiban the majority ot Iboae who will play In thatrlrcolt conid earn In a year at any tiade, and dur-ing halt tbelr engagement tbelr living eipeniei arepaid."

Praeldent Powen, of tbe Etiiem League, la

qooKdu eaylog: "I bavenotiioipended Dm tally,

ue ouilelder, who recently ilgned wllb Ibe Hln-neapolU OlDb,o( tbe Weatem LMgne. I nuldedbim that he had no right to aign with Hlnoeapo-lli, u kli lervtcei belong lo either tbe Erie orBoifalo Olub ud ihe matior would be uttled by tbeNailonil Board. 0. n. Byrae'a ruling wa> ibtt noclub ogtalda Ibe Eutern League could itgn theKrie pUyeri unill the Erie Clnb bad dlibandcd audibat u incb li not Ibe cau yet Ully btlongi to

either Erie or Bodkto, Ihe latter city having pnr-cbaaed ibe Erie traacbiM on condition that tbeplayen could be held. Erlelaittllamemberof tbeKutern Leagie, wbloh makca a clronlt ot nineclnbs."

Jimci BuUlTan, wbo bu been engagedu one of

neit leaooD'a plioben ot Ibe Boaion Olub, andJoieph Bulllvin, the ibntietop ot Ibe Philidelpbhtuam, though brought np together at Oborlcilown,Hus., are not rolated lo each other.

Hamger Chapman la baiUlng to get a itronglearn togelherto raprtaent llocbeiier, N. Y., In theKuiero League nan leuon. lie bu already•Ignad lavenu promliing yogng playaia and la onthe look ont for otbeti.

Ju.&-n...ri^.El.v«..H«.«ith,.f.mU,-0»» "^,<'«^. g^^^^'i'J^^TttV ufil^-^^

[IU.ll*t.M<iosd: B«ilil)lebolal(1.0-JobB«>iLllll(i iL.nntnM-r«ar aid onabiU lorloon, •aU-.. IbM. tlmi. I:IIK e«ood f»t»-«ii 't'^S, .//"ilili ffi uiS 7 » loT Oomalt^ l»- "«r-MUlgi-KlUoia,lia.^.Hill,7 to l,woo:Wu<laT,llb, !S,k-°°,^ ^lit- dr^Ten^iiTSSnil. U to I,

leDD'.lUI, HWBd; T«nOlQM,I(ILr.O«o.r.aio I, Ijt" SATS l^minli-^n^-"IbM. TlB<Ll:OX..--..ltiiidi»«»-yi«farlo»li.lbr«» ' Tine-im wconu wm^..,.

•aroUi—wlballnaQ. UU. Cialn, SU 1- won; Trtilam Tanur.e Is l.HcODdT^ad Top. lOr. Ulib, Ilo I,

ob«bU»-DooI»LoH lca.Tbai»,3to I.woo:iiDP Tra- 'JS^^VL'S'SS^ai

toMblnl. Time. 1.61 FIIUi rua-OM mil*"''- .h.lli.fj5l»-F»rimoo«-Ad«hL.,IOJ.O««ln,>lel, won; AKthliAllaa, I

Fooraae ablltlojioniy-rarKiio,

I. Ulll, 10 lo I, McoDl: liroeal*. IM. HoOoo, < u I, tblie.

TliiM,l:iaJu. (—Pint raeo—Fiva aid aliilt rertooK-BUtk

ball,IIB,Il. WlllliiDl.eto1,flrat; BidUB. UD, UoroM, 15

Ibi, MeOba, II to 1 Im: wooCaT.. loi, lluorll u> i,

aUek Dwk, 107, Tlorpa. I> to l.lKlrl, TImj.niBCa uaaivBtivit iiwiirw. iv w •*•w - — -


..IT mm raeo-aii rorlooi*. •olMgg-JaKlliii. 107,

Tumor,! lo ii,ani: KiaCor^KS. HiUj to 1, imowI;Old DomlDlOD, lO^ WlUli. 9 la I. Iblid. TImi. ISKFourUi rtco-FlTo farlooio, Hlllog-EinaM, ICO, 0. si-cv-T^-V-i' ^iiiw*


'i'i.^Kv!„",*jfir' .jfct.°w?,-iii-m

onil ; Btm Fomor, lOB J. BlU 9 to 1. Ihlid. TImJu. lO-Fint rui-FlTo forlooin. HlllOK-liMOOD.

KM. J. Dill. II Ui I,ent; Rod Top. ^04, MoHoo. looio I,

iaomd: Fabla,a,lliwoom,30 to l.lblid. Ttmi. I:IOW.

BoeoDl rtca-lOTon farlpogi^ nlllDi-Lootar, 107,

Eborrlo, ina, Bnt; Hireol, 101. A. CUjIod. U lo 1, aw->Dd;Oi>TDiiia,liaB Jonu TlorUiin Tma.l:UM.

Tbird noa-PIro rarloan-lnpertod Tiovolraa.101 Fooo, 3 to 1. flrtt; Luko Paiko ua, Tonor.l to 1, Mo-nad: But Up. KD. LiDD,n 10 I, iblid- TliD*. I :IIKPoorth nco-BII loiloo|o, lollloa-tdtb L.. 101, 1'-uilo,

110 1. Ont: Hiu Uunla IM,lleCiio.ll lolLMe<ad:Tetto*. 101. J. mil, g 14) I. Iblld. Timo.i:a)^. Pinii


Brlmto Bmoob-Taroar 5 I. b. w. b. Qlirto.


UMtWOOd, DOt oat 9 DOI OQIrtiillpooD e. barllag b.

Tdroor. 1 b. atfTonRIolilfdMa 0. Irodt'.o b.

TruDblo.Brw. ato

.. <l

-171.- 17

.. II

.- a

.. u

.. II

.- 99

Lraaib. RleherdiooRrcoa a Fold b. Pool.

I a.aroiorTb,(JI(Ton...... 10 llfil,ilo

...... TotalAt'ailil.11.--- I b. Pool

I aHloddactb Fool ...



1 b. RIoliardMD,.._UMQUlloQ o. rlilUiii.- -. _ , . ^ „Briip 91 a BrovQ b. firoohwall..

Darltog b Loekwood.... St bBrook««ll.Itadila b lllcbonluQ.... 10 b. PoolUODlDBham A. PhlllpouDb RToboidioo 10 b Pool

Trtmbla b. RIchaiCMD.. I no ouLTrott, ma oat IS o- oad b BrookaollJaiTii c Bnwo l> Bclilii II b. RIohaMooaTurnir, notout I not oatB|U,alo 1 Vroa,ito

COMMO EVENTS.Ju. Il-lt—iDtomallQDKl itcoi aod flfnio okatloB,

Borllo. PmulaJu. 19—Nattoul Bbitlag AhmUUoo uduoI obun-

plnniblp moetlog. Oruie LUo, N. T.Jon 10. tr—RkotlDa raeoo, obomplooihlp of Biropo,

Boda-ro*lb. Uooiory.Ju. 91—nbomptoublp flguro ikallog ooDpoUUou,

Boolb Oraoaa, N. J.Ju, bb—iQDIor ud grain Ogan ikotlageompoUtlooi,

MoDUool, Ou.Fob. 1—OoDidUo Aiutaar SktUng Ajaooiatlon uoul

QbimploDihip oompotiUoDi, MoDtrool Cu.

T0U1.... HI ToUI.. ..99S

The whlit tuumameut at the Crlohalen' Olnb Id

mil cltr WM oonoludcd Jan. IJ, when U. A. MoOullyasdT. J.O'llellly wonwllb an imbioken record ot

viclorlea, icorlng 9«o polnia, Ibe bigbeat poialble

number. Jeromo Fluinery and J. UoUlubenraiked a good atoond wllbm polnia; a. lb Cooperand A. II. BIddle were third with lei: A. A. Adaniaand B. a. Koogh alood lied wlUi 8. Eltord aad 0.

II. Ohidwiok tor tonrlh place with ill, and J. Bnlfka

and W, Feuwiek bronghl np the rear wllb 160. Moatot the gamea wore well oontea'od, and tbe loama-ment proied ao altncUvo that It will aoon be fol-

owed by orll>bigo and oiieet comoeta.

BASEBALi:..The Teiu League had a hot lime of It at Iti meet-

lug held Jin. o,at Dillis. T«x.,and for a Ume It

looked ai It II wore fated to be wrecked. Tbe orlgt-

ntl clronlt, lucladlng Kew Orleani and Bhraveport,

wu adop'ed, and thono iwi towni will ctrtalely bo

in lha clronlt when iho inson openi on April JO.

tliWeiton mado a iinbbom Ogbt igalnit the reten-

tion ot the iw) l.oiiialisa clilaa, loilaUog on a

riirely Ttxai clronlt, with Anilln aud Bnn Antonio

n plice ot Now orleau and Bbrareport. Uallu,

Waco and IIouiIod, Ibe latter repreaentad byT. P.

Balllvan, Inalaledon ilioorlglnalolrotill being main-tained, liillu declaring thii It would not go Into aoogna Willi Now Oiloani abd Bhrevaport umllted.

I'retldont McNealui declared bo would resign be-

fore be would remain it the head ot in orgoobv-tlon that woold throw down towna that bad gone to

HQ mnob eitienoo and ibown lo muob good faith aabid Bbrevoport and Now Uricani. Finally Qalvu-ton'a raproaenutlvo, ueorgo Dormondy, agreed lo

Bocept u a compromlM that If Shreveeport andMow Orleans were aliened extra amoubla ontheir gale rccclpta to vialUng einba,. beeanaeot Iho cxooailve mileage to bo traveled to

reach tbne townn, Qilvciton would so Into Iho

Tlxu Houtbern Leagna Thli propoiltlon wu ao-

copied by tbe Bbieveport and New Orleau reprv-

aeniatlve. aud tbo laagna made a certainty. No(oar wu tell that then will bo any trouble alwntMallonil Agreement pioteoUon. All tbe ronllne

lioiilneureailrfortlioioaion'i play wuanaoged.The Mbodule ot gomei la all made out, but wu not

promulgaied for prudcQtUl iruona.

Honagor Bohmeli, ot tba Waahlnglon team, bellovea In a Bostbera Irlp. lie Ihloki tbe playoncon get In boner ihipo down fiere than they poa

olbly am by remaining at home, lie uvo: "ThePlayen will report tomcat Wafhlaalon,!). U , onthe Boraing ot Bainrday, Harob 9. They will leave

the ume day fur Obarlcelon, where we will put In

the month ot March and part ot April, In tmlnlng.

tt'hlle HtUbarloaion wo will play inch gamaau canbe booked. Botton will play three giiiira wllh aiiken. Tbe propoaed lour ot tbe South wllb Ibe

Doiton team bu bcos abandoned, became we be-

lieve the team can be put In belter condlllon br

keening them right In one city. OS the way North

we will play over tbe Virginia League lonllory for

about one week, reaching Wublngton a day or

two betore Ibe opening or tbe obamplonihip r~

on."NinagarScbmelitblnki that HcQuIro and Dug.

dale can do all tbo catching for tbe WuhlnilonOlub next aoaion, bnt It he can ilgs another goodman bo will oorialnly do lo.

JOMph Lyndon, ot Toronto, Onk. bu been in-

formed ibat President Powera, of ibe EulenLoagDO, will give niiu a trial on ueatiiTot uraplitt

ot that organiutlon daring the coming aouon.JohnBlatlDrd.apllobor.builgaodforneitaeuob

wllh tbe Utand IbipldiiUlub, of the WMtcm Leanr.Ilia brother, Jamea Slafford, la a member of the

Now York team.

The Newark Olob bu laonred grounds at JelTer.

ion and Kinney BUeeta, Newark, N. J,, and WIU|i»n a lUong team in Ibe Bald.

Carllag In New Jenef.Tbe loe belog In floe condition on Saturday atler-

noon, Jan. \i, then wu a capital attenduce of

loven ot Uia game ot onrllng at the rink cl the MowYork Tblalle Onrllng AaaoolaUon In Uoboken, N. J,

and tbe toltowtng gamea wan played:

RiKX Mo. 1.—John 0' Onata-aeorge Biln,No.l;Alexander HoKay, No.2: Jamea L.UcOaro,No.s,and John Hnlr, aklp. Total, 8.

OaledoDlaua—Robert Archibald, No. l; HenryArchibald, No. 3; Jamea L. HcKwan, No. a; TbomuAroblbald.aklp. Total, la.

RiNi No. 1.—Slmnona' TCam-Jamea HcKntght,No. 1; Robert A.MoKnlght, No. 'iiJomeaH.Sievou,No. 3, and Hloliul Slmmona, ikip. Total, le.

Kdwirda' Team — Jamea W. Edwarda, Ko.Edward J. Edwarda, No. 3; Cbaa. 8. Edwarda. No.8, and WlUlam D. Edirardi, ikip. Total. 18.

RiMi No. I.—Landar'a Team—Jamea Watere, No,

; John Ony, No. 3: Itobert McKay, No. 3, andRobert Lander, aklp. Total, 11.

MeSlnun'a Team—umrlaa MnKanxle Jr., No. 1

Jamea Thaw, No. 2; Tbomu Wation, No. 3, ani'

Uanlel McKlnnan, aklp. Total, T.

niNC No. 4.—Bmllb'a Team-John Leille, No. 1,

Fmnk DIelrlob, No. 3; Robert Watson, No. 8, amilieDirSmilb.iklp. Total. 0.

Dyfe'a Team—Andrew Ollllea, No. 1; David Kay,No.i; Arthur ulayion, Ho. a, and Frank Dikaa, skip.

Tom, 13.

RiNi No. e.—Garry's Team-Tbomu Connell, No.: James OODnallT, No. 2; William A. Hinwell Jr.

10. 3,and Adamltanwell8r.,iklp. ToUl.g.Sennedy'iTeam-Oharlei Adle, No. I; Dr. Jamea

J. Roblnioa. No. 3; Oeorge Loibtan, No. 3, indJamea McNeill iklp. Total, 18.

RiHk No. e.-<Jarry>s Ttam-Robart Hicbelh, No.John Boyei, No, i, ud Robert Oorry, aklp,

Tbtal, 14.

Keonedv'i Team—John Walker, No. I; JoeepbOonnell, No. 3, and James Kennedy, skip. Total, 18.

M«MIce TaehtlBH on Orange I«ake,

Tbe aeisos u legatdi loe yaobllog on OreageLake, near Newbnrg, N. Y., wu opened on Mon-

day, JaiL 14, wben tbo Orabga [<ka Ico Yacht Club

held their Ont Winter neei. Tbeoblet,ind,ln fact,

th« only irliner «t tbe day, wu vice OommodoraKIdd'i Bnowdrllt, which captured all of Ibe three

oventa tor which Ibe boat wu entered. Tbe dntrace wu tor tbe ohillenge onp ot 1888, open to all

boali. Thli hidu atarten Oommodora u. 0. Ulg-

glnain'a Cold Ware, Vice Commodore Wlllett

KIdd'a Snowdrltl, U. M. KolDCn'a Frclto, I. N.lilUer'a North Btar, Kromer qnlnland'a Ice King,Homer B. Ilamidell's loo Queen and Robert Ker-nochinl Troubler. Tba dlatance wu ten nllea.

Tbe tnmlbg point wu reached Orit by the

TronUar, bnt soon atlerward tbo Bnowdrltiovertook her and landed a winner la 3am. 22i.

Tbe othen flntibed u follow: Frolic 2lm.; Ice

giieeb, srm. 24s.; Oold Wave, 2lm. He.; Northstar, Sm. 8a; loe BIng, 9Pm. lit. Tbe alnner wuaillad by Oharlea Momtt. ot Low Point. Theeeoond conleat wutor the Van Noalrand onp, open10 aeeond and Iblrd clau boat*. The oonno wutbe aame uialled la Ihe dm race, and the lima,

llm. 141., wu remarkable, oonaldorlng the turao,

and the futeat evor lude on Onnge Lake. Thealarlem wore: Ice]Klng,Ttonblor, Ssowdrlft, OoldWave, North Btar and Frolic. Dr. Ktdd'i Snow-drill woD. Then came the Oold wave, In lem. lei.


tni: Jo|tino,l(». Bui.l to il••««'>S! 'jSJ^'fLSfil; I

BollT.l lo iTTblii. TIow. Il»...,...fWiUi.iioa-Flva ITHEATRICAL



Ib^il" TlAT3"I.TlUcOBd'imea^Firo ftrlMjt*

Ifewark.—AtMlner'a, "A Mtn WllhonI a Conn,try" attnolad good bom's all last week. otaoD-oey Oloott bu made a very favorable Imprergiog

liS^t"°l lSi.l•^u«iJl».^4TiSS"lSlS^^ lnNewark,and bis pertormanca, UUi week, win,

SffVof, TblSl r2a-^oor iDd ooobaJ no doobt, meet with wirm approbailon. A folroflnn. oodiof-^ianTOD, lu, Outar. 10 to I, «r»; hooM welcomed bin Jan. 14. "Sowing the Wind"w.— iM u-— 8 to 1. loeond; 0liaip*a any, _w. i —— m .K.a_uw '"^_Jaip«a L_

Timo. Idlli Foartb,118,

_ 111 a., W, AIIOIU. W HI ( !|««

ii»Bd:Bwllb.Cu;la,«i tol ibrrt.„mi^ irLpT/S'',i^o«r lorlonta mUIo(-BI Tola- I

.B«ooJ™£4-/i»oui.l^fforloo,»-MI^^^^| ^^j,%i'Si,?Sj^ttV ir™lfdmld*l, 101k Horn,


comes 91 sod week,

'jL'ioin.i tot, IJioou'.-"Tha PowerofaoId"wiswell rendered

SiL",'.^nT.V;,'i'iu'^:b^ioD7u'rTtuDdrBoiJtano^ I and sppreclaied by the mnal good aedlcncea. r.

te'jL^'mf. idMiSrV^^^ '"i T.Btaiaon and wife (BannlaMringham). whi wen!?iia nrioaio-Doo Birth. Ill DorMr, 8 to L ant:iiu in the Call, were pleaunuv remembered by theirg..»d,AI(ori.loiol,»otoiid;8aniBiTut, ICS, Boor*, u friesds. Two plecee will divide tbliweek. "ino. ^ .1..^ ..w

' BUUAtaim," which Hays 14, H. 18, received*,or-dial welcome 14, and "Tbe Police Patrol" will prob-ably do 111 share tor the latter hall ot Ibe weekOhu. T. EilU 21 and week.

lViLsiiiNM's.-Tbe Olty Sporta had qnlto a phe.nomenal week ending 13, good honiea ittenuiDseach perfonnsnce, and oloiing on Sainrday niohito Ihe Isrgut sndlence In the history ot tbe houieThe BentsBantley Co. will keep allentlon ceDicrcdon thta booM tbe preeent week, and ihonld con-Unue the brilk bulneis. Tbe Ueteon21 and seekOi.OBB.-Hermle Nixon, Udu UeU, Minnie Kirle

May Edaos and Fiank North.

OuiMO.-Once Thompson, Olan Cbevea, FluraBriggs and MstUa Moore.OauTr.-Llssle Beywood, Vloreaoa Reed, Uarie

Weaton, Joaey Wolby,snd Prof, Bacbmann.

JSTi.sidTi!:ff,'-8^«rijri»«r^Uilid. TiBO, 019 Bocood <uo—Bli ud iqoarmSii;b|i,Tiilioi-Flol..«. ^"J'W-.Wfli^m-Vitibood. IILAttor. tto "j^oadjloila^Udj^,OoDtdoo. 11 to I, thifd. TIao, 1:11 Tblid net—rSu rorlooinr MUlag-Wbaoloikl.. Ill, THbk 7 to I,

raoo-^ri'loTlobkaiOlliDf-Cbullo B.,ICI,- - b Ihrio, 1(0 Nowoom, II U) I. oatODd

eaillh.nto l.flfvt; Taoor* Ihroo, 1(0 Nowoon. .

Or. Part, IM, B. Wlllluia g lo I. tbiid. TIno. I:>7.

Ju. II.—riiilnoo-Bli failoon-Iladon. iai.Tb*no,- to 1 Ton; Loftor, 101, Bkorrln, S^lo 9, •mod; BolloBloat,codwon.mobor, iwi u. rcwt. o la «, uiiiu. iiui*,

Tblid nea-FiTo roflooao- 1011101-Roadlor, KX KDithi,iltoB, woo: Ludlor gr,aoniilfr " *-

'— ' '

Pirti.lol.Toni>r,llol,lblrd. T.,.,.^

nco-Bovoo fatlooM. MUlDg—AUlbIa .

1 10 1, won; (lloaiouo. 101, Pono, OTon. ucood : Bodiwo,107. Thoipo.9 u> 1, iblid. Tlmo, I:]1K Flllli noo—Sll iDflODn-JobD Oyoba, KO. L. Rcdon, 0 to 1, won; Bid.

eu, UB. lltreM. II to 1. aooood; Dr. Rood, UO, Nevcom,-Ml, Uilrd. Tlmo l:»K _ . _Jio. II—Flmt roea-fllK tbrloan. mUIdk—WaadaT,

let. DMor. 3 10 I.wod: HilfO. Ton A. BoriotI, 1 lo I,

Hooad; DWTOr. lO. J. DHL a lo I. Iblid. Time, l:3IK.HoeoDd laee-ali roiloiiii >illlag-0. B.Coi.ir.

ClMlo,8a to 1, woo: Tlpoufr. 108, FlDk, 8 10 l,000ADd:

HU »-F diTIo, "A "•".7 10 t Iblrd. Iloio. OJ'r-r'gS'^nSZlenlliS 10 u l Sliudaball forloBxi. m oi-waleott, 1(0, tfanhy.

TSXm" Tir^i'-m iiirent: Uliiavia a«.8uwut,eital,aoeoDd;Frfoea

.i^ Mllloi^SijoD: Jobo. RSito" 8 to L IbK: Time, lffl,.....PItib>ai>.HiiiDa auiioD. i MlllD«-R»d Star, »7, BL Klog,»U)L

nt; Drtalo. lot, Borphy, 9 to 1, Mcood; SorE., »,Kurr, IS u I, third. Timo, 1:11.

Tke Nallonal Stealing.

The enlrlea received tor Ihe annnal oompeUttve

meeting ot the National Bksling AsaooUdon,u sn-

notucad by SecretaryQuUvm Walton, and wbloh

la advertised lo take piece at Orange Lake, seven

miles from Newbnrg, H. T., on Bstnrday stiemoon,

Jin.18. an u follow:

ouarrcr milt.—John 3. Johnson and OM Radd,Mlnneapolta: Howard Moehler, Olarenoa Rudolph

the atlar ot Now York. S;"K"»'i',V;": JJim Douoghne. Rndd, MJi?™nSil ui,

lion, Rudolph,^, and "3 fSKil^n^J?idsndBlngley. ^ "j* i"n lifbi Him DonoohQa. Jobnion. J- p.—BClie B

Jersar Cltr.—Peter F. Dalley holds week otJan. 14 at Ihe Academy; Dm Sally toUows. "TheIrlih Aitlit" bad Ibe S. R. 0. sign ont at every per-formsnoe week ending 13.

BoH Tox Manager Dinhim preaeuta a eiroogamy of talent, headed by Blllv Clifford end a

ViV^.jml^^Vlh^iifi^r'^ 1 Ml-n7.i-iiliiVBo«rT M«hTe7Joi.re.M Rtrtolpb| •^•%i2'^%«U°^S5^Rfv«le?D'fok «^MoAvoy, Fetching Btoa., Fulton Bros, and Wirren,Myrtle Arlington, Parker and Belardo, the lie*,leties, Oeitte OUion and Martyne. Boslneri ii

Elii^SI zrFm^liis^i^F^i^ii^^ 1

isirigorMt^SiSMrr nTSJ^i::

'itheOregorr Street Pj|I% 8t»ion.Bemhaw, Lew OoUIni, Millie .Mor-

Thej.mceLaoi:theno« wjll .be u follow: ReJ-| °J,°*-„,5;S'.TH»lgbt of 22 the Steven.Qlee. Banjo and Mandolin Olob.

NOTIS.-W. 11. Stack ta nowdolngidnneo workfor "Bull No. 2." John Birrett, at onetimettcunrerit tbe Opere nome, now the Bon Ton, li

working at the aame placo as a grip AndyMack, oow with "A Country Sport," goea oat nextanaon la "Mylea Aroon," ludertha manogemeniottbe Harms Broi. and D. W. Tmn LeaderWagner, ot Ibe Academy, regaled ibepairoDiiutweek wllh eelecuons from "Notorteiy." The mealccaoghi the audience, who demanded more—

,,||, jonOned lo bin

) HoviMfTv 10 Ior janv, a weaiara ana oguuioru uuuuia vuuuii. , iwni wi.u uwbwwwu uaiv TreuiuerJobo P.

t» U tblid.'Tlmo.' l:iex..'....B«oood lan^a milo, .u ananied u foUow: JoUlet, Jnly 2», pnrsea Haltlj,ottbeBonton,laontbe»lck Uit. Mr. Bell,

aolliDi-Bolodr. 111. TiSl onn. woo; Bohr BilUIM. „,„,' b^," ntireited wllb E- McOura In the Bon Ton,ThoriS.8iol,M«Md;Lottoi IlI.Kijborrv.eml.tblid. »30,0(«;TerreHanttFalr, A^^^

,1,, mutorlnne to low one o(nmaTl:!* Tbiidji£^TOi«o»»runol amliaortl-

1 polla Driving Club, Aug- 13, »40,OM; F^^ children by d»lb Alexander and" ^M|S?'i j^'V Udy Beibert will again be with tbe Bamom-9S.?r I Bollej Show next eeuon. Mr- Seabert, wbo broko

bli kneecap while doing bii leap lut eeagoo, ii

„. DMiiot,-|(ll H. Wlllluia I tol.roeoBd-^illo I JW;"""?J™^""^^^^ I mending repldly, and wfll bj In good trim wboniooor,ioo,Koweoii.uioi, Iblrd Tlmo.i«i PiHb I $«/,ooo Tone Haute Driving Clnb, Oct. 1.|»,IW); ,.„^ ' Butt and BonneU baveaepanoo-^woisbuuot am!lOj.iollio«-T»llowBoia.l(B, Lexington, Oct. 4, 176,000, and NuhvlUo, Oct. 14, ' i><ui,.uu oouuou, ii..oocp»

Qoud. 1(0, Poon, IK to I. Iblrd. Timo.131 Tblidnoo-Bix larloDU. uUlos-Cano, lot. Lalab. e u> a luvoci. nonuuin,

r5iu"!fSW5:'JfmTfii!:.rF^i5!|Mi IaSnu^wiiieulBakrr: nSw YoTI; H. C,H.,

mllo asd a lilaoDlh—Maroot 81, A. OUrtoo. 8 lo B woo


HlH Bimlo.n Bb(rrio,tti>l. Hcoad; BlUv Koguula,97, Harold. 9 to 1, third. Tlmo, Ifl) Flllb nea-PlTO larloogf, lolHog—Footlval, ICS, PoDD.e lo 8, woo;Rod Top, lol A. CUvIoD, >K to I. HOODd; HuooD, m,J.lllll,>!<l°l.!blld. TlmSl^rX.

Johnion, Moobler, Davldion,Otarence Ctark, MoPartland antUrn ml(a.-Joe end Jim Douoghne, JohnaoD,

Rndd, Uavidion, Moabler and Blngley.

TheoMceiaol thereoaa will be u I -

eree, W. B. CurlU. New York; Judges at llnlib, 0.

L. Waring and Obarlei F. June. Newbnrg, and 0.

F. Kerr and Oos 0. Walton, New York; fleld Judges,

John A. WIUli, A. A. Jordan and Thomsa B. Kerr,

New York: J. P. Tucker, Newbnrg: Umera. Robert— ud Webdell Baker, New York; U. 0. Uiggbi-

ion. Dr. Wlllett KIdd and Frank 0. Wood. New- >

burgi atarler, Jamei 8. Taylor, Newbnrg; clerk ot|

couree, Oeorge D. PhUllpa, New York.

_ IVaw Trotting Olrcalt. _'jiiTiV-^Fbir'iMo-rn^^

IAt a meeting held in Obloago,lU., on tbe evening I jobn'Ljncb, oMheJ."!. oTla'iilil

Tliorp*. 4 to 1^ «od: D«QT6r, lot. Neweom. 11 to 1. MCODt)


LajOo, IQI.P. WI)llaiD»,10t<il,Uiiid. TliM,1J3.

ThB OAllftinil» JockcT^ Cl«b.Ju.9.-Plnt rM*-FlTt lurloon. mUIor-MuUmi,

lCaObon.4 to a,«oD: Ailnne»,i01 Mo&qud*, 10 tol.Hcond; Coqa«U»,M. BlUr. 9 lo l.Uilnl. Tlo*,l:nW[.

Bmooq no^AbOQtila failoo«i.MUlDK, Doa wlu-otra UM-SL AlbtnB.09 C(Mbnn*,7 to l.won: Uoada-loQpe, IQS, HoAqIIITo. It to 1. Mooad; Biudhu, in.Obora.a to 1, thtfd. Tim*. IrtSlif Tblid nc»-81xlarlODM. budltt^Qoirt, SO. nooknne, T lo 1, won;Robla Hood (I). «r. WlUoD, 10 to 1, Mooa«l: ZotMlr. 100, P.C«rT,9toB,tlilri. TIm».lA>( Foaitb nc«-8hort

' bu«-Vi|or Bftv. Id, BUoionf, & to 1,

woHi ajiauua. 137. WltbtTg 4 lO ^ MCOnd ; Alb»tTOH.137, OAini. 30 tol, third FIIUi raeo-Flro rarloDft,Mlllov Don-wtuHTV-Oaulo. lOD^CoombLB to l.won;BlaoBuD»riill.HeiiB»Hri9to 1.MO0D4; MoiiU nog,97.n«orl«hB.8tol, tblrd. Tlmo, 1:11.

JUL 10—Fint f««o—Tiro larloota. Mltlnv—BndalVail. K4, P. Out. S to wod; JtnaU Dua«.n. W.FI}aii,Sto1,iMODd; Bnut.n D«loriefaa, lOtol.tbIrdTime, l:llM 8*eoBd nu—Fir* tarloofi utllDf-TbrooForkiBO. R lum, S to l.won; MtUoltft. lOL F.

(terr.fltol.Meond: AboP.,10B. Ooonbi IS to 1. tbl'd.

Tlmo, 1:10 niid no*—B«T«D fulODn. mDIdi:—ChertrtDM.M, CoohnDo. a to Lvod; llDuiailut 101.

Ohoni,aoto ItMcood: Bod OIun.BS. B. Isom.T.to S,

•bird. Tin*. 1:41 FooTtta neo-Fivt (iirloDp,HUloR-FAn, KB, Bbftw, 10 to 1. woo: Cbonook, Bani;e to L PMood; HltN Roth. 90. W, PlrniL B to 1. tbtrd.

Tlm«.l:UX Fifth rac*-FlT« Md ftlikir fafloDte-Tbo Jodfl*, 10a,O1ion,0tol,«oa; B«l(iitt,0r,Bolorlehi,

e to 1. MCOod; Ontulon, O. Ooebnno, S to A, ttainl.

Tim*, i:U.Ju. ll.-Pint noo—FiTO tod • btU larioDn, loUloff—-..-.a- *. fHBO. 9


QiORoi L07BU. Ibe bookmaker, died bX bU reel- ,,T"»*">"'r2"Sj°V*»n*Jl??^h'Sn2?®^^^deace Id tblo cltr on Wodnewlay nlttbt, Jul fl, trier ^SI^S^o'*.n^^»^f^^i^\S 4idH?I? hla fSraebonallMkofpnetHaoDla. fheaeccMedwMau *1 fw.«V« w^i^.niajioDt«d «nn of wllllAm LoTcll tor mftOT iwB bUBloess. "DowamDlilej*M4, baaEOOdbaeineM.

tromtnent la racing clroles, and foraerir well

nown as a poolaeller and owner ottromDir non«f


bU principal poasetalon being tbe fafflone trotUogmare AmertcAa GUI, wblob be owned in ker prime.George Lovell leavea a wife and eeTeriU jmlldren,

THE RnSTG.OlORoa FsTSB, tba Noulngham, Eng., boxer

who vuiied ihla connttT lome yeaii ago, and whilebere made many trlendi. died at bis some In tbe

above nsmed townontheslgbtol Jin.e. Belcre „„,^,„^„„ ~. .v~.becoming a proftislonal be had been amateur gpgncer.HUe. Fanchotte, Oeorge R. Srennan aii<l

heaviwelght champion. < '

A oiBLsoBui from London, F.og., dated Jin. M,state! thit a match has been oaected betweenFrank Oralg, "Tbe Harlem Coffee Cooler," and P.

P. Blavin, to dght to a flnlih tor ll.OOO a ilde.


Ouola, W F. Carr. rio I, woo; Boliklo.U, t

Ucklnn: "HcFadden'a Elopement'ACRB" le, "Tbe BilU Abtrm" It, "The Loit Para-

dUe" 21, "The Bide Show" 13, "The Ivy LcaP' 21,

KeUar28,TUHTOH HiBitw.—Buslneaa last week was big.

Tbnradsy nlgbt tt this bonie li known is "imaleurnight." Tbe beat amitenr team or not that goes coIn connection wllh tba regular performance re-

calvea f aa a prize. Broadheid and Wood, an am<-lanr mulcal team, took Ont prlie laat week.Atmctlons for week ot it: Leetoit ball-TboZarroi, "Chalk" Sanndets, Lewla' cnrlo exhibit, andProf. Allma (Pobch and Jndyi. Theaue-Oeorge II.

Whitman and MzrJa DavU. Klaaell, Billy and JohnSpencer, HUe. Fanellanrletta Wheeler.NOTSiTY TasiTBS—Lealer Franklin and the

alock In repertorr, continue to good busloeia.

Hoboken.—The Bobokeo will be dirk tbe earlr

E'tn ot tola week. Jan. ll-ia, "Down In Dixie."ext weak. "Daole Tom'a Cabin." Bnalneas wllh

] "The Loat Paradise" was (air.

OsBHiNii.—Tba Metropolitan Novelty and Vau-

1 do villa Co. Tola company opened the season at

Tnra Ball, Dnloo Hill, 12. It conilali ot tbe HwtellFamily (Rarry Martell's aona), Howard Slater,,

Roach and Oaatlaton, tbe Orana, Eennctc and M«i<

Thla honu. In Ita time one of Ihe leidlng the-

alrta In thla oily, stood In Ohstbam BKeat,

now Park Row, npon tba lite of part ot

riMooO:Norib.»,'B. lHD>,8'ta r/ihli4. 'Tlma"l:l(><. I ih. bnlldUin damaged. Jan. 11, bys deatmoUve Roaob ana tjiauaton, toe uraoa, iLenncic ana .M•l-

. ..eoooD;inc»-sovoaflirloDn,HlliDg,Don wiDoin- "l^t „.M ™ ~i„iB. Wi Kappas, Aggie Loraina, and othcro.

SaowBloifoiii,U.R ioom.a lal.voo: Oud>loop*.llB, I me. Ihls recent event arouiea many "nun- j^^j^j^ ^^'-jf^m^0!iorD,iui,iocood:E<poraoehWCMkru,ltoK ijcencei ot tbe old playhouse. It wu opened lHrxRiaL,-Fredls Ton Korder, Ray Sully, Piddy

2l?i^Lr„^-'EiJKloSroioS ifloVSn?!?'!?: by Thomas Flynn and Uenty WIBird on Sept. 11. S^ll'«»JS«J5'^^

lot. Frcirv.'e'oi.oo«n<i:ao»io,»».w. fiiqd.iidi, u39,wltbJ,R.8coitas81r Qlles Overresob In "A *'"'£^'*¥;.*^.'{St.^S;"H~?!!^?^'^i![fn„^£!«;i5i2|'^V"<a;Vr^^^^ ?S'„''iy i°a,S?e?"ovSnirne"Src???K aKj^Sl'^d-KVSiTsaW'eMlUov, BOD wlDDorft—Bluo B«Dnir, lOi,

voDj Hlu Botb, «^ Blloji B to.

^?¥JS!?".,L'''^»«?!<ft«°«»>.»5L» i'gMt weerbnt noThlnguellnliicb-;i-iitt"S

IMMufM UliTouae" NOV. si of the nme year. 1 l?"'''*t\'!i"l^^£,°^'S^TJ^JSi^^,o^

joa£i,Doui: The hinio waj closed In Janniry, IMO, owmg iL";:,i^!SKL'15^'^S ?.-v--, ,„ „ to differcncts between the two manaaera and BUP?'"*.?"/*^ of Union BUI, looting tor a suli-

• SSfi'i3:w'Fr,"aQ^»M; Cb^M lU Thome Sr, a member of lie slock.'


iiSl Shirt! t!£1 "ii° porchaaed Hr. WUlard-e Intereet Ui the theaue, and

t). FiroD. I to I. u7nl. {lnii,l:lo.

Jib. 11—Firat raoo—PivoForka as. R. IMOD, 3 to 1, too .

1, oooooC ; Morloa IS, Cotbran.


eoenoil 1*00—Five IdvIoiii

I to 1, won; Miilor Cook, WXF.lario,«a,F.Ooaiiu.lilol.tblrt. Tlmo, 1:11 Tbirtnoa-Ooo mllo. oelliDg. all agoo Ooaft eiakoa, vilao|l,0D-JliD Flood, 91, lLlMai,aiaa,aoo: Imp roior,IqL F. Oorr 4 10 I. oooooO; boo FaUoo, IQO, Onlfia, 8 lo

1, inlTd. TIno, 1:1611 Foartb rtea-Onomlll aod a

able looillty tor mualo halL

an—Bomah, lOUOrHrin,r.^rr.ato a,oooood:On

1, _hill, oolllai. oix hoidloo. Four Baodrad Blakoa, vilaoSI,BO-llrLDOk.lU.WIiboialto l.won; Arnala,l3>.u.roohnD.7iol.aoooaa; EUKoadld, lA Bodaoica uI, Iblid. TIDO. t:ir Flllb raeo-SovoD I0Ilo»^

two weeks later alio bonghtont Mr. Flynn ind be-

csme sole manager. Under his tour years as min*agar the home enjoyed good anooeas, and anonelan aa the elder bootb, T, D. Rice, John Befton,

Hons, and Ume. Le Compte, Hme. Celesta, John R.Bcoti, ueniy Wallack, Mary DaO,James S. Urowne,Bill wllllami, Henry Placlde, Edwin Forreatand

IuuHUBBi •. .rvm.u„. wu,. uv.,un

Joaepbina Clifton appeared. Hme. Celeato made Loat Paiadlae" iT-ia, "The Ivy Leal"2l, "ATexaaher Srat appearance here May 1, 1840, and Wm. Steer'' 32, 38, "Tbe Police Patrol'' 24-28.

BeniT Sedlay Smith appeared here for the flrst | BuouTBBaTSB.-Jeffenon'a Alhlotloand Vande-

Fsltarson,—Wm, Birry'a "Rising CeneisUon''hsd splendid bnalneas Jsn. 11, 12. Soosts's Bandtaxed the capacity ot the bonae 10. Tba enlorulo-raent was given under tbe anaplcea Oompanv B,

Second Regiment, N. 0. N. J. "Shore Acree" nulgood honaea 8,0. Uomstock's MInilrala bad poor

bnalnesa 7. Booking!: "Ooon Hollow" 14-18J-T0C

?"St-VK*ihS!,?d!?5l.'J&il,'I5S=o^55!*a'ri; ars'it the -SSTeir. AdluTdo Fhlii;;, viua-conpany is the Mnoonceraonl at thla hon«SirtL^mi I'uJ^

uioia.0100, „^,^„j„,,pp^oce In thla olty Feb. 1, 1M3, forMandweek, Nothing deOnlta for 21 and week.

>ta- R-FInt raee-Flvo farlooii, lollloii-ldTue., at Ula bonta. and Joabna 8. SUabee, the original Rlxtord Bros.' Bpedalty Company hid taUly good

AQUATIC.Tni Beawanhaka Yacht Club held their asnnal

election In this city on Ibe evonlog ot Tneadiy,

Jan. 8, with the itaolt bere ehown: Commodore, B.

0. Bonedlcl, eleam yacht Oneida; vice commodore,

Henry 0. llosie, schooner yschtlroquoli; rear com-

modors.B. V. It. Croger, iloop yacht Indolent; eec-

rotary, uenry W. Dayden; tieuurer, Walter C. Unb-banl; neaanrar, John tijilop; neat ciptaln, Iter,

Qeorg* H. Yandewsler,

Tns Brooklyn YaohlUlnb's newly elected oncenar« aa follow: Commodore, H. 0. Ilopklni, iloopyaoht Fauttlna; vice commodore, C. H. llumnhrcyi,Iloop Adcle; rear commodore, Oeorge R. wbceler,oaiboat lloaamond; meunrcr, U. w, Kllbonne;piealdentiT. II. Jeannol; Ueunrer,lYllUrdaraham;aaoielaiT, WUUam Cagger.

Ton Inaillnia Boat Clnb, ot Newark, N. J., lutweek eleoled Ihe following omcers forlbeeniubigrear: Fretldent, John U. Ford; vice prealdent,James U. nellly; secielary, R. L. rrtaaeadorter;ittusnr.T. J. ftyin;coramodore,noberi Dancock;oaplUn, Idam Uerilg; llenteaant, Tnomaa Saoaom.

Tng Intaka boat Clnb, of Newark, N, J., butweek elected tbe following oOlcera: PrtsldaniiAdam flroil; vlos prealdent, Daniel MoHUIan; aec-

relary, Edward Ooz; Oaaaols) saontatr, AddpbBrann; oaplaUl, B. Max Jsiy; Ueslenaat, WllUsm

l», HoAollgo. a to t won; Floiin, ea, Oloarv. II loMcoDd ; BolaDpiso 101 Chqni, 8 to l.^tbtid. Tic l:li.

Baoood moo—PIva and a holt foriooso. iolliog—OonulbQlloD, IQIh Obore, s to I. von; Oanla 101, F.

COTT, 1 10 I. Moond; OMoor IM,B Iwn, 8 to 1. third.

Tlma I:I0M Tblnl nco—Fin aoda boir farlODpo,Hlliag-Oaiinol, ICi. lleAnllgo.lOlo1,voa; AblF., 119,

OloTor.- • •— — • I- .

ihlid.HaaUrbora.Time, ™ -Albaol, W, uoebnno, 8 to I, too- BoaaUa M, W. FWdo,B to a. Hoond; Bareatdlno, 9^ B. Imd.S to I, third


The Alexander faland Bares.Jan. g—Flrttraoo—Sliaad a qautor loilosgo—Imp.

Bonto, 110, Him, 3 tol. Ont; MIokoyB .llO. Moloniia,8to 1. aocoBd ; Andrew D., Ill, Bomo, SO to I. Iblrt. TIno.l-.3ll^ Boooud rtoa-Tbroa ya.r oUa loor aod abaltlurlnogi-Cinadlui, 107. CtrUr, I] u l,liit: OolU H ,

lflB,Faiioo, II to l,Mcoad: Ida B.. ICS, Marpbr, T 10 1,

Ihlid. Timo.t:m Tblid race Bli and aaoMtoifor-lonaa-gaak, IKt JohiioB, I to a, em; Fiokawai, 110.

MarpbrJIol, looood; Koaloiloda, 110. BinSir.r to I,

Italrd. Tima. Ids Fonrib nea—PIto tvrloaKO—Booora Its, Htm. II 10 1, em; Wilmi, UX Hnipby,•Toa.lHond: HlfOr«oa,lSLB4lnr, 810 1, third. Tlir-

\M Flbb noa-Ooo mUo-tlhodflir, HM. Ho^phi._ .

"bar'l 0' apple aaaa," made his motropolllan dobnthere on June 10 following. At the explnuonot Mr. Thome's lease. In IM, he acid ontto bis ataie manager, Hr. Siavena, and A. W.Jackaon. Ben De Bar became stage manager April


bonaes l and week.Edin Hussb—Bnalneas waa fair 7 and week. Ar-

rlvala 14 and week: Frank Uijllion, Roweoa Ward,Ryan and Sllvo, "Yankee'' Moore, Kilty and Dolly

Uelston, wm F, Alton, Wlllism De Boe, Mabel sun-ley, Keller snd Williams, Hand Ollherl, AI. Wallz

the I^conm Thealre "Shore

.....m.. .... , .- — , — , -- -» 'air honao, owing to a hcarj

Lyona." 10 oar hnaband'a Clssda Helnoue. "The atorm. Coming: Week ot 14, Minnie I,tater, In

BhdTa Journey," a apeetaculor drama, wu given ieneitoir,M popular prioaa; "The Ivr Leaf" n,

lis list prodncilcn here Aug. 31, 1844. Tbe place "The Loat Psisdlse" 23, "HotTomalea'' 81.


wna stlerwarda bailer known u "Toe Bevan Ea- Dbaxb Opibi nonBS.-WUIIam BaTr7,,ln "The

capia ot Adelaide ot Dreaden." Mr. Da Dir with- Rlalng OenersUon," came, 7, to a good house,

drew from Ihe management the foUowlog Ootober. Coming: "The SUll Alarm" 17, J. B. Haokle 31, "A

In Ihe early part of 1841, Ihe buabieaa of the bonae Tezaa Steer" 31, Robert Caylor 20.

bad that It IT

lOD OIHj VDW«,i iHli ivi. A. l.nwi*, tv 1

B,.t7,Kia!T, VIo l,llilid. TlmalKH.Jtn s—Ftmnei Bliaada boll forlonit—BoaFor

IIOL Flibor. 0 10 I, em; Sulniioilow. ua, MmtI.,sTo'l.oocond; Uoo Qraado, llO, Uarphr, 10 to I, third.

Tlmo. 1:0 Uocood rtco—Throo roar olda flu ud aqiort«rfarlonn-^0)onio.lt7. nim.a lo e.Or*l; Broo.kioo. ea. DooBollr. 1 to I, oocoDd : Norlhlon), 10tCoE,8tot, thinl. TIma 1:81 Tbira Itfla-Flvo hrloDsa—Writ fildo, 108. Hnrpbr. U to 1. flm: artmpua, ICS,Trlbo. II 10 8, iMOQd ; Ooa Lney. 101 DoonoUr, II to a,

third. Notlnelak.o. Foortb roea—Sli aod a ball

waa ao bad that it was converted Into a clriMis, butIt wu aoon reopened aa a theatrr,and In Novemberot teat year. Elder a. Q. Addama appeared as Rich-

ard III. J. Fletcher then became aola proprie-

tor, with Wm. Uleld aa atsge manager, hot I

be aoon gave way to Frank S. Ctaanfran and 1

W. Qlglvla Bwen, wbo opened lha bouae Feb. 28,

1848, M Obanfian's National Theatre. "New York,

aa 11 la," by Ben A. Baker, waa Ont prcdaced atthla theatre March 17 toll>wlgg. unAng. U, 1840,

Hr. Chanfnn again changed the name vf thebonae, opening It on that date u the Mew KallonalTheatre. In Jnly, 1810, A. II. I'ordy aaanmed con-trol ot tbe home and Intbofollowbig Novembar beotraredaprlteotil.oootor the beat Amailcan playand "Naturo'B Nobleman, The Mechanlo, or TbeBblpCtrpebtor of New York," imuos by BarryWaUlna, won lha prlxe, Ihe play being producedDec t, I8M. On Fob. 8, 1831, Oeorge b. Fox, the

CEORCIA.-lSeoPsgs 733.]

iorioo|^YaistoDd,iii,Ctitor' « to i,tm; Looio. lorj I clowD,made his drat appeaiance In burlesque Invifan^io 1, •trondi^l'^onm.lni Knrphr, in^

| "piairobus, or Who Shot Bollabns." In 1883 IheOil.W W_. , .

T1mo,l:tf PIMb ia«o—611 ud a qoartor ftartooal-

Wa1coll,104,lfaiphr,3to IJInt: Romoiia. 101, Otm, 8lal, MtoDd; Cb>uau,U7,Talur, 8 to Mblid. Tlmo,IS.Job. n —Flr«t raco—Poor and a hall ftailoaao—Wor-

satd, us, Uam, 7 to la erft: FrIooB AUi, 81, Olouao,8 10 1, fooood; UriTK..108. I>onoy,lltoI,Uiirt Tlmo,liOlH liteood ne*-Thr«a roar oMaloor oodaboKbitloBM-Oaullor, ICS, Moon. It 10 1. Irol: WhooloUl,IflS B.Trlb«. OToa.oooood: Moolo Oatw, lul J- Moiphy,

Awgiuts.—"rha Prodigal FSthor" cornea Jan.

14, "Frlonda" 18, Maria Juaan.bi "HisaDynamlte"

18, KaUa Emmeltlt. Uineni7<aMlnBtrela picked

Ihe Opera Home 7. "A Trip to Chinatown" caino

10 a good home g, allboogb It rained Inceiaantiy.

"Tba DevU'sAnoilon," 13, bid good builneaa.

AtlBn«a.-At the Qisnd "The Devll'a AncUoo,"Jan, 14, It. JameeJ.Corbelt did weu T, 9. "Tie

rasaing Show/' at advanced pitcea, had fair ai-

lendance t. Richard Uaulleld aiuacied largo

bonaea 10, 11, at advanced prloea. Booked: Marie

Jensen 10, 18, Robert Dowobig IB, l«, "Friends" 21,

21, Slsalereita Jonee 21 At Ue aive'a Oneia

Uonie Ibe Baldwln-Rogeis Comedy Co. come 14 aod


bulaces wu very bad and Hr. Pnrdy, | ALABAMA.who bad loot heavily, wu abont to givenp Ihe house, wben Qeo. L, Aiken btooght Uoblle«—At the Mobile Thestn Robt. Downinghim a diamallraUon ot "Uncle Tom's ju. 7 g hui soar bnidnau on acconnt of bidCabin." Cbarlea WeaWm Taylor'a varalon bad '^,J'„ iJJ.n Vl?^* ?.i^..ii 'Tbobeen prodaoed at UiU Iheatnthe previous year SSin^BhX^ «^^t^n w to «and had tailed, bnt npon the advice of Mr. Pox, FJsalng Show" gave two ptrtotmsnces Mtogoou

Mr. Pnrdy presented the Aiken version Jnly IB, pjf!- „„_ n.,..- .hiutaamiU1883. and It proved a wonderful aucceaa, ud Hr. PnmcEffl THiAT»i.-Flon Bataon 8 had a amui

!.^lSJbSSS.'u?.'!!rg!?!!krJ'i:i.Sr5r.'?,iSt P«C»n;in'n'&Tn»ol°i.'\^'"^^ andlen..o. s.oom.l.»h.wulher.iiMiaiior.auiioooond: imp.Bonoa, iioi,Uam,Tio Ik aralyeaiB. On July 10, 18S9, aallght Ore occnired, '

third. >lma. lAK .Fonrth no-Fin luWa- '- ' ^ '

Oooddar, ueTllorplir. 7 lo \0, am: PriBoo gtanalh. III.UUWUKT. IW. HUl.'Uf . ,

F.ohir.lltol anoBd; Rod Bur.lM. B. glBB.e0 to 1.

third. Tioi«,1:10M Fifb noa-Ftro lortooaa-DooBiRb—ICO, J. Donor, a lor, am; Oonnloa. KTLworpbr.ttol, itcoBd; l4Blo,lQL J. FlJBn,8ta l.thir^, Tlmo,i:ia

Ju. II.—Fim iBM-^Foar ud a hilf hrtonsa-lda R.,

...miging me place to ibeexlentot abont imd.The houaewu then allertd and opened, witb LateNixon and Aymer'a Clrcna, and wu called theChatham Amphlibtatre. In Ihla oompaaj TOnyPutorwuolown. On March 4, iseo, the name otthe houae wu changed to Ibe Onion Theatre. In1881 Itwu opened by Fox A Cunan aa the National

TEXAS.-I8ea Pago 733]

Dallaa.-At the Opera Honaa "The Fenclog

Master" gave three performances to good bmlncn

Jso. 3, t. 'She" hsd s top heavy house 10. NalAOoodwla oomea 14, 15, Robert llanteu 18, 17, "Tba

lio.iinip!>T.iioLeni-,BoionBiu^^ The lut pcrtormanoea wat« given In FaalMaU" 18. 19.

•^Siiil ^JtiKr. JSrtiJ.Siiiitfi w?iiJ2"^ Uecemner of that year, and bi October, 18«J, Ibe Jos Miiji>-Ust week's people remain over,

ii'ii im?liIS?i£ iaS>h?{ toa^ "»•«> ««" down, except a oanabi poruon ot BlUy MIlea bu been upomijd sisg* msnager of

MCamr, 10 u iV%i".^T&A. is.r^^ I Ibe old bnUdInf, which slUlatudsand UoocoplM this bonas, elos Harry tSoa, who goes to Bd-nv*flutoBga,iaUlai-Blaaraa^BhJahaaaa,»ia4lbjtnnlUi*deilart. I laa41,ngtWNtk.


niHiiOAziiiNUiloiniiiiaotlili'litcnUoD, naxt

MUOD, to tend ODt t Drat olaa orgmalt4tloa ot In

umaUoMl itadeTlUsiUn, be>4ed bj ttlauticuiil

Hun'Mlla Floal*. InuMltlostaUiaMoleTarpO'

tomun Uia compuj will latlada Hrenl otterBorsMU(MUUMenttKlj nntnown to AiiMrlcMntpeauUTaogtgedfor Dili eompujr.lbe niuladwot tli« oompMij btlDf mtda up otmeplckotlhabetc ot Amnlctn oooe<lr acta. Mr. CiEmuitkaowledge of tbe renalr«ni«otfl of tbo AmericanpablloanarlilaaaTeral aeasoDi' experlanoe intblicoooUTi anA tila penoul oonoecUon wlUi tbaEaiopean vartotf voild, alter aoma twelra jean'trtuUo and maaaierlal career tbcra, render bloiparlloalarlj lilted to amnge an orgmnliatlon thatwoDid gtra. In orer; lenn. nnboaaded aatlifacUon10 American andlencei. Tlie enUnahow will be ofan axtanalra ctllbre, and Hie prtnUng and Uiaotter apeclaladverUalngnoTelUea utd will be ona liberal acale. Tbe aeaioa will commence abontibe en<* of October and cloae In ApnI. Mr. Cazmanreona to Eoropa abortlr, and will aall for Kev Yorkthe end ot September, brloglog tbe Eaiopean oon-tlogent wito nim.Tun Oopruis, Carl D. and LoUle D.wbore-

torned from Earope a few weeki ago, hare Jutcloaedaanccenrnl ongemenl at tbe Winter Olr-coi Tbeun, FnlUdelpbU, wbere tber are bookedfor a retnm date. Ttieir apeolalilea Inolnde comlaconjuring, oomedj wort, ato.

MiLLii Ko Ko (Hra. uagli BartoD), wa* marrted,JaiL I, to Jobn Brown Jr. (non proteaalooal), bjthe Iter, lir. Onik, of Obrlit Eplacopal Obnrcb,Loolanile, S.J. Mre. Brown Intend! to retire fromtbeprofeaelon.wisroN, OLUB E-Trnr, l< plajing an engage-

ment at DaTia' New World'a Hnaenm, PItiiCurg,Pa., tbliweek.Paduni CooKi, ot Cooke and Ollnlon, wrlleeDa

tbat abe baa bad ber moiber, Mra. Anna Koob,committed to Bloomlngdale Ineue AajliuD. Mii.Koob, her daogbterajs, baa been ailing tor orera >ear, and aotienlgg ot tbe bnln baa now da-feioped. Her caie baa been prooonnced bj berpbialclans ai bopeleu.KOm PaOH TBU LILLT OLIT OOHrANT.—TbS

ncoeaa of tbij oompanf at tbe Ljceum Tbeaiie,Pbiladelpbla, Pa., la said to baTe been no great tbalManager Jeiooo lua booked tbe abow tor nextaeaaon. Agnea Brau and Nettle nninnann remainaa Manager Bemon'a atwa. Carmaaelll and LuoUle,Kltue Palmer, Maj nank'ord and LnclUe Herenare tbe recent addlUona to tbe rrater ot the com-panr. Klimnr'a ballet troupe la ailU a featore.John aho UAaBv Dillon, witb Flelili A Han-

aon'i Bbow, were preaenled wlib gold headednmbrellai oj tbtlr frienda atConlaad, N. Y., Jan.V. Tbej win oloae wllb tbe company Jan. it atntubnrg. Pa.DWNo'a MiMBTBiL Notbl—Prince Flatow, who

waa with Pawnee BUIU Eorope laat Sammer, baiJoined the oompanj. Ue baa aacceeded i. AlbertUatoi ai stage mantgar ot Uie compinj. BntlaeaaIs fair and erer/ one la well wllh the exeeptton otMr. Oemlng, who baa been orerworkcd for thenaat few weeks, Ijat atUI appeara at ererj per-formance. MaxJieoba. onr manager, la kept bnsrconoungmonej.Habbioan, "imnp" Jaigler, was inliUled Into

Wendell Phllllu Lodge, Ko. sit, K. ot F.,attbelroaaile ball In Terrace Qarden, tbia cltTi on Jan. 14,with the nuk ot Page. TbIa lodge contains aoTeralEirformen and meeta nerj second and fonrthonday In ibe moEib.Ba»b AMD Randall opened Jan. 14 at the

Oomlqne Tbeairs, Kansas Ollr, Mo„ tor two weeks.anni CiisoH Is SQCoeutullj loglng -The Lit-

tle Lost Child" and "Papa Come Back to Mamma,"SobUahed bj Joe. V. Burn i Co., ttia dir. Thisrm also pnbllabee the "Uonej Moon" March, and

tbe baUad, "Bla Last ThonghM Were of Yon,"both ot which are gaining popniarlty.It is romoted that the Association of VanderlUe

Maaagen ot Amtrloa, which was recentlj organ-ized, has ooUapsad becanse ot the apathr of oat ottown varlctj theatre managers, who did not Jointie Association In nambera exp7cted. HeaTj tz-penies andjimall rerenne are said to be the cuaeot Ita nntlmelr demise. Thla rumor la, however,denied xj w, J. aumore, one of the officers ot tteorgAnlzalioD.Jnaii MIU.AB, the yonng oometitt, wu the re-

cipient ot manj Sonl and other aonvonlra daringber engagement lait week at the Now Court StreetTheatre, Bciralo. She made a decided bit and hasbeen booked for an carlj return date.TBE Fora 0OHAH8, 000 ot tbe principal fealnrei

of the Qoa WUIIams Co., will close a aeason oftwentr weeks with thkt companj on Jan. it.

JouH Bdbib, an old rarletr pertormer.waa con-mllled, Jan. 13. la tbe Harlem Conrt, thla ollj, forexamination aa to his sanltr. He wai remored toBtllOTne HoapltaLOwuia to the lUneca of Blllj Jackson, his colored

minstrel compur did not open week of Jan. T. atBrAdenbnrghs Musenm, Philadelphia, Fa. Mr.Ja:kaon has now (oUr recovered.Joi WiBSB, ot Weier and Field, Is serlonilT lU

with diphtheria In Pittsburg, P*. Mr. Field U withthe oompaoT, bat appears onir In the atterpleoe.

ALIO! EiisB AMD LULU DzciBB, the former thedaughter ot Jas. T. Eeese, advertising agent of theOlymplo Theatre, tbia city, appeared atttspnblloInstallation of oUoers ot BL Oeelle Lodge, Ko. 6e8,

F. and A. H., at Uaaonlc Temple, this city, Jan. 8,

and met with aacct SB.

Jas. J. Oamhon hu asaamed the maiugement otthe Auditorium Theaire, Cleveland, 0. llr. Can-non wt I book onlj first class attncttons. 0. J.

WlieatloriB no longer connected with the hooHe.ANNA LLOTD wriiea that ahe la meeting with big

sacccts In Cuba.Emilt Hall, wife of Hawk Adami, Amoaement

Director of tbe Palace Theater, Hooalen, Tex., pre-aenled her hoibaod on Jan. 12 with a bab/ boj.Mother and baby are doing weU.(lOTES raOH La FLACi 6 Amzola's CoMnv and

Pantomime Co.: We havedoneabig bnslnesi alnceour opealog, Uto. lo, eipeolallj onrlng Cbrlsunasweek- WearenowouonrwajtoWestvirglnla. Ouroompuif oonalcs ot atieea people: Asxou, contor-llonut; llarle Ueclow, grotesque daocer ud hl|hkicker; Hoaa. U Place, aeriallst; MarUnetta andDartico, musical clowns and paulomlroUilB: Obu.Wslih, iilab comedian; Miller and McUrlde, LeonBondou, clown, does I'lpo In the pintomlme ot"F.lp-Fuii'Flop." The show opens with a straightspeoialtj pertonnanos and oloaea with a pantomimewhich runs one hoar. Prof. Shaffer's clown budand Mane neclow, dram nujoresi, are tlie features

ot Ibe street paisde. The companj have apeclal

paper and bllli like a olroaa- The man In whiteappears everj Wedoeadaj at noon.WH . S. Li Vaudb, comedian and baojolst, wrllci

us that he hu eutltelv recovered from his recentlUnna.BooKiKOS—At ihe P«lac« MaiM ud TbtAtre, Wll-

llADnort, Pa.: The Malwnibf, Dilfp Wa4* Allee Bfr-

vlea, Dtrrr if . Prloa ud Out- 0«o. WhUUer Bar-tOD'dtliuu*, Newport Heas. Va,: Maok uO Bajnood,Badia B. fUDdt. Klule lliUn, Mallli Hoanw, BUloLe«lAjobB aad Haoiie Barli^ Biorr AIoilar.LoolaeLiBcou, Uuti* Ararr. Beiltik Topuh. AooU O.lt-

fold, LaPetlta Bddle, Voore ud Belmont, VIrslo A«bt«D.VAUl«B«7nouud Pror (liulr At Uib WarwickTbMtn. Newport Mewf, Ta : Jooonlile La P1ar«.orUiefaraofflBrae, Eaieeo Ware, Olbaoo add Helboome.Lanon ud BalaoM, Joha Iniau, Dalir Bbuoon, DotBrovBT, Blnora OIIHod, Vlrfle Tbompwo. Joha andKtmU BlUr. Sadlo AndonoDud Pruk De Porreat.AtlbelllsaSlrMtTlioure. Mnnolo, lnd:Tbe AUrei,UitOD0OtaebAnia,Mar ETAof, J. fJ. Maipbr. BodolpbBolitaAr, Lllllu Pemr, Pujlo WiUoo. Don Poilorud Llole ColHaa Ac Uie aow amaieniDt niert. uOlonooMar. Mmo, OAllod Wobitar Uill: BddltEfua,those Bfllaoo, Blllv fiorka, Vonolla ood Plao, Pantonand Mamw, uio walkOTi, tiit Sherldaiu and BootlorHoPbM.


Delralt^At the Ljoenm the Llllpallans, In

"Unmpty Oomptj," thla week, Dave Henderson's

"Aladdin" Jan. 3S-30. Delia Fox, In 'The UlUeTiooper," hid a omeh the laat three nights ot laat

week.Obtboit oriBA BODBi.—Klaw A Erlanger's

•KM" U with US this week. Laat week, "A Trip toOblnatown" plared to well dUed hoose* at everjperfoimance. FC.Ix Morris oomea 24-at.

Wbitmbtb Obamd OriBA Dooaa^Thla week,"Itae Duz'ja." Lait week, Rice k Baiton'a Come-dians ptayed to the capaoliy ot the house. Keziweek, Julo Walien, In ^Ide Tracked," followedby Edmund Collier/' In "The Orota Roada of Ufe."OAHraiLL's RiriBB Tbiatbb.— This week,

nieUy A Wood's Vaudevlllea. l.aat week, TheTeDptailon ot Money" played to fair buslneaa.He» week, Ada Cray, In '-Eaat Linne."Wobbbbiand Tbbatbb and Hdbib.—Curio hall:

A. 0. Babel (cowboy planlit), HaiUe Baiie) (cor-

nettlil), Dodrette (itrong man), and Prof. Bcheldler(BagloiaD). Theaire: Moslcat DaM, the PatrolQaartet, the Nawni and F. J. Befron.BoaAPB Wm. CanOeld. ot thla dly. Joins "The

TnplaUoa ot Moo'I" Oo. hm laat week,Haaigera wmtaey A Stair basqneled Ibeir aB-|lex« at tt< ATeno* Hot«L

o.^fi*^'^*.™'*"*'* OI»jOltnieat.l«"TheNew DoolnloB" Jan. it, had • small but dellihiadBonse. Oharlai A. Loder, la "On the Oo," had ex.odIentbaalnMBll. "The Fist MaU>>l>,^ny Fkr-reuiT.

_ WoBDMBLAHD.—Week ot 14: la Carlo Hall-TexasB«a and Texas Ana, Prof. w. Young's Ponch andJody and Madam Zaiallas. nwr«-DuhlagtonandBanr.the Thatohera. Ella OarUngton aadiheatoek. EdwBrtEagen.of Poitaann,huawaBiedthe mansgeaient ot Wonderlaod, Maasier With'citu golBg to Dayton, O., In • like capael^.

RalaBaaaa_At the Academy ot Mualo "TheColonel," Jan. t, drew • fair honae. This plreo Isthe same ss the one prodaoed here Deo. 91 usderthe name, "The Gulta Fttcha Clrl." "A Crasi Lot,"lo.hadagoodandlauM. Bnason's Operatic Hln-stto's (home talent) changed Iheir data from h to 14.Then are BO booklogs tor next week.aBAND.-Only paitot Uoyd's Minstrel Company

Buoceeded In teaching thla city to dll their daleTe,and after the pertormancs they alao disbanded.Coming: Noirta Bros.' Equine Partdox M, 37.

ar«Bd Raplda,—At Powera' Opera Bone'The Colonel," /an. 4, s, draw small hoeaes. Com-ing: Tim Murphy It, Tony FuTtl II, IS, DoiandReed S4.



Obamd Opbba Bocsb.—Week of 7, c. w. will-lama' Oemedlans plued lo Ine bnalueaa. Week ot14, Rloe A BattoD^ Oemedlans; week of 31, "AcrauthsPotomso."Bkrh's OriBA Hoosa,—Week ot 14, AI. Duiay,

AdaB. Oownle, Harvey and Prince, Keilte Bond,Mamie Haawlck, and the siook.

SBBlaavr,—At the Academy ot Mnslc "ACiuvLot"Jaa.8 had light boslneas. John cm.dlh, lo "FBast,'' 10, had a talr honae, a violent snowatoim keeping inanyat home. Ada Oray, ln"EaatLynns," 13. drew a tma houga. Booked: •I4K"34, Roland need !),B.B.8stliemU At liord-well's OpeiB House: Nettle Bond, James Parks,Violet brie, AL Fsmey, Delia Ward, Wataon aodJenks, and the stock.

LmBslBH,—At Baud's Opera Hosse John Crlt-lllh's"Faoat" cams Jan.* to a packed bonse. UlayClements did a big butlness 13, In "The New Do-minion." Coming: It, Felix Morris; 30.Obss. Dick-son; 33, Sew York Mostrt Symphony Oinb.


Des Haines.— At the Qnnd Opera llonse

"Fanit" was given to big baslness Jon. ts, "TheDeiby Winner" comes 19, is, "Ton Tonaon" 21, "AOreen Goods Mao" M.FOBTD's Opbba Moubb.—Tim Murphy 7 and

Florence Bindley 8 canceled. Hilton Noble* Is due18, RotMrto. Ingeraoll wUI lecture 10, "The Span otUfe"2l,a,LllluaL«wU34.WOMDfBLAND MUSBUM AND TBBAVBB.—Week Ot

14: Ourloandlectaiv hall—Uartand Bessie. Bijonstage—The atoek, p. u. Babeock, Leo and StellaRlnehorr, and Miss Howe. Owlngtothe ancoeas of''Dorothy'^tweek the same blU Is reuined In thetnolu theawe.WOBLD'a Faib Hcanm and Fahilt Tbbatbb.-

Week of 14: Carlo hall—L%wnnce Proaser (banjosong and dance), Marie Diamond (Ssanlah statdowdance). Jack FaliCur and Verne MoboghUn. The-atorlom-"The Odd King." In tha company areJack 0. Perkins, Charles Nickel, Larry Prouer,Verae Molanghlla, William Rlgbv, Mlases AnnaBagley, Willie Oaopbell and Marie Diamond.Horis.—Sam A. Oarber has gone on tte read

with tte Dnvall Medicine (»mpuy MaroosFrederick Shaffer and Adelaide Lilly, both profes-alonola, were married In this city lo by Rev. H. W.Tllden The lowaststa band hainiurnc^l froma rather unaaccaastnl sonthem trip.

Cedar Rapldi.—At Oreene's Open Bouse,Nellie MoHenry, booked tor Jan. 7, canceled. J. I.SnlUvan came 8 to light business. "Fanst ' > drewa fair honae. Wards and James are due 15, San-dow 18. John J. Howard, bnslneas manager torJohn L. Sulllvao, reporta bnalneu protperoas andsays the oompanv will not close. He said Mr. Sul-livan, for soma time, hod bean having ttooble witha member ot his company, and at tte cloia ot tha^ormonoa last week at Paris, 111., he dlaohorged

BarllBgtoB.—At tte Orond John Drew gave"Tlis Bottemies" Jan. 8 lo a splendid honae atralaed pricea. Tha blizzard caoghc Oleveland'aMInstnb II, snd tteir bnsUiass saScrsd In conse-quence, "tlu Olrl 1 Lett Behind" had a good ont-look for 11. Thoaus lllUlird Is dne 14, "A Ctef


Ooods Man" M, .Ckrrle Turner 92, "The ObotllyBiU"S4.Keokafc.—At tta Keokuk Open llonaa tte

Blalerett* Jonee Oonoert Co. came Jan. lo to a lighthoosa. "The Derby Winner" bad good baslneea il.

"A Bfcesy Time" hasa fair outlook for 14. Coming:BobFlizalmmons8peolaltyCa.]7,"Aateen OoodsMan" IB, "The Oni ot Society" 34.

Oaanell Blnffi.—At Dohany's Theatre, Mur-ray and Maok, Id "Flnnlgan's Ball," pleased a largeandlsnca Jan. 10. 'The Ship ot Btalo ' la doe 13,

tor a two nlghta* engagement, JohD L, BoUlvan 17,

J. K. Emmet 18, "Sowlngtta wind" 39.

Dabaqne.—At tta Orand Optra lloase Jan. 9,A lUlliottd Ticket" has s large audience. Com-

log: U, Bandfw; !), Col. R. Q. IngersoU Attbe BIJon, Ue vandevlUe psrtormancaa are dnw-Ing Increasing audiences.

HaTabaliitftra.—At tha Cdeon "Flnnlgan'sBalPladoeJaiLM, Warde and James lo,Oorlnne31. "A Oonubry Clroos" had B. a O 7.

TENNESSEE.-[8ea Page 799.)

RaihTllle.—At tta Theatre Vendome "TheProdigal Father" come Jan, 7, aid was greeted bytta smallest andlenca ot tte aaaion. "A Bunch otKaya" was tte oitractlou 8-0, and on tte openingnight one hall ot tts small number that waa prea-eni left baton tte performance wu halt over.'The Block Crook" was the suracilon lOll, andlaoelved liberal aopport Jaa. J—Oarbett comes14-10, Cladia Wallla It-io,

Obamd drsBA BotJSB.—The boose was dark 7-0.

Nat 0. Oondwln came 10, and presented "In Miz-zouro," 10 a honse picked to tte door>, and peoplewan tnmei away despite tte ralo and snow. TheNaihvUla Amateur Dramatic Co. will play "Mnr-tttesboioln'02"l4, Powell, tte magician, le, 18,

"Paul Kanvar" 18, 10, <Toa Qalley Slave" 31-33,

The FanolngMastsr" 31-39.

Buoo.—Manager Kellaer Is making ttis houseone ot the moat popular reaorls In toe oliy, ss la

tastlded to by the large andlenoea that saw eachperforoonoe ot Alba Hewocd, la "EdgewoodPolks" 7-13.


LeBdwllle»-The Weston Opera Uoose reopenedWitt MUlon and Uollla Nobles Jan. 4, 8, to immanaabnaliMsa. "A Sew Boy" crowded ue honae 9.

ProL Uernnaoii Is dne is, Chas. Dickson 31.

OoLSSBira'i Mabcot opeasd week ot Jio, 7

wlU Boss Maiatia^s Unilesqna Co., Alte and AldlnaManila and Ethel Orey, Bualaets Is good.CoaiqiiB.-lllke Wbilen's Specialty Co. conlln-

nts to dnw wM,

PaebIo_At Ue Crand "The Oaixler" plartdto a fair hoosa Jan. 4. "The New Boy" 8, Chaa. Dick-son 9, Alex. BolvlDl I'J, Herrmann It.

CouwBiA—Commencing e, an adaptation ot thewell known drama * Ticket of Ltare Man" wasgiven onder the tills ot "The OobvIcl" Tbe newmanagement eeema to ba meeting with lucceai.^^Hanun's Btamdabd.—Fannie Ward and May

SmIU were the only new faces week ot 7-13. YenZola-Law Eddys (ilons. Ouldo) aod Billy Hart re-

main over. Obarlta NIemeysr, who a mouU agoopened a vondevllla Ueoixa In Trinidad, la nowlUga manager hare, taking the place ot UenryDames, who tor over eighteen months liid bcU tbepoMllos. Boslneas Is talr.

Norxs—WUllam MaoCkll, aloge manager ot tbeCrand Opeia Honae, hu Invented end bu hadpatented a nsslal device known u a stage brace

aa DIega.—At Flaher's Open lloase, Aleiander Balvlnl cama Dea si-Jan, 1 to big boalness,Mahaia'a Colored Minstrels 4 bad fair busloeas.

The house was dork hat week At the Oisloobualneaa continues good._,


•It LahaCllir,—Alexander Balvlnl had goodbnalneas al us Belt lake Theain Jan. 7-10. Prof.

BeiraiaaB la daa 17-1>, Warda and Joioea 3T-ai.

OaiND.—"All Ue Oomforu of Uoma" Is dnwleggood hoBsesL being ably pttatBled by lbs stocktomptaf.Faop. 0. IL Oliason, Us hons tuner, has bsen

diBWIig -->*— eiowds at tts OoiUbsbIoI Mar-kat, viu Ut IMBS tamlBf sxUUUaab

Ooaeanaad Ooa»drC«.-Tou<cUtlorud Um Bd^^JOB, pnpnol4rs; Nowtoa Oodd. naoAur; Taiulor. ohanttoraBd cbasm poTlomor; Jorrr l!rowlb*ra,blaekCtoaoonedlu: EdRtrtonSialan, urlAlliu; U«o.

Now rrwn Littlo Tasu ChBtUrud BdsortAB Blitan'ibatr


OmwibAn, Toetlmt; blit F*nolDt. antbor aad utor,Lottie liopai. iorio eoole: Ffuk Onwibora, maUealnoko. Onvlboie Brelhoro ooaeort bandud orehootnilablBltatii*. Wa haio booo ihowlBs thnoihTonulor OTtr ihive moBlbt, doingu Idbmbh bailoooa. W«•bowBBdora ooTaDlr toot looid top,wttlia roup lootBlddk plae*. We tr« biadod lor tho lodlu TorrllAir.unit tfuol BdsorioB, Uio litlli ibn* roar old duiburof Mar Bdaorton, U eaniiDS a oonut'oD ud nUlag abit iBbortklrtduca.Lcoar Biu. In ipudme tho Wiaur la Willi Potit,

Toa.TnaeniDifA:(BBOfl.aaa conp«np ulM forlhoWoit

Indioi OB Ju. It, soles am lo alDnloo, Jinitloi.J. J. McCiarnr. Uio onutr of BuiTaIo Bill'* Show, bu

baoB rooBngid Ib Uio rtao capacltrlorooilooAooB.Ho will aeeoiopur tli* fond ohow,tJaAiAia McBajoH bu i'sned wlUi iho Ballusor

Pamllr PaTllloB Bbow lor Boit taiMB u l«ador olonaoun,Notaa raoa OwiKa* Baad uJ Cosoort no. : lima. Lor-

WBA, bupUt, lolnid 01 Ju 4. M. Llihor, oonlralloilBtor. 10 OB ua Blok Hit Bnilnou conilnati to boocd. tho "8 B. O >* ilRo bolBi tnqaontlr dliplarod,0. F. AdaIu lilt tor Unnpo oa Ju. M in iwrah of

r^oak itioMam oovoltloa, lo Ibo loloirit or StoBO ASliAw. ofBoMoa. Mr. Adami oipools lo beiwarlnHotwo to fOBr Bioattk aad hai toatraclloai to iptro bo oi-

Eoaa In procotlog iho boil atmoUooi la Koropa, InilrUoo.MiK-iLLAHBora Suowa—Boitorel ihoOroivo lodlia

ModloiB* Compur. No.9: Or PrABk Orut, proptlalor;J. U FuLmaaiBtr: Or. Wb.to Wolf, * lodlu Hodliloo..V whUM««w«(, VI. null* wrvM. .uu,*,, Hwiia.u*Mu;" Wtllaco ud Piu), ffloAlcal oodiOImi; PonyEldOB. foaalo IniponooAter: "LItUo Dot Darllnf,'*obi:d porUnnor; Klu; AlloD. plaBIlt; Chlot HobbibiBIB, osntortloalit Bd SdiioiI dowd Ju ^ aod bwEoaa to bla boma ib St Lonti lo Ubo ear* of u ib<

ortluoo Ion him tip bti srudmolbor, who diod ro-

OMIlr Noloj from BbaVir Modloino Co.. No. B:Woan Idorlof Eioui (o iploodld builoon, wlib IbofoUowlBv Mop:o: T- 11 UaaoipoB, biuosk ; Dr. O.RATnood.fooluror; Dr. Hon. Panlr. Dr. J K. Mowlud,Dr. 0. V. CarpoBUr, arilltAB o; Prvd Muollor, naJIcoltarn: ItobL Donloe. couidiaB; Btlly NoTiokor, ooo-lonloBliL Prat Rood Jolood rocoBllr. bbO wo bow barotbo itTBOfau ibowi amoBB ibe Bbthon Nouiaod lotlor of tho Uohawk lodlu Modidno Co., No. 0:B. P. Lueu, muiBor and loclBror: I laodtBO Lnou,voOAllltaod dueor; Joo Etrl, itasouaoasorud coino-dlu; Ida Barl, TocBllit ; pibt. JacbWB.iluk wiiw por.lormarud aorobiL Tboy aro bow dImIbs NonJiwoitHluoon RMioroiUio Howard (^anll comodlut:Law Wallori, DoUa Walton. Joba Foja aod Ur UovardCenli. IVe will nalo qulto a bis Jomn irooi ibli iowb.niaoa.llo., loMlBDOooia Roilorof iho Darooponi'BloouloBolorUlolBS Co : J. 0. OATOBPort. iMturwr aadnuijor; Wm. BnrcuJ, oomodlaB uo duror; KtorohP.mllr, lOTobali ud TOOAlliUi; Mrl MprUo Dironporl,Elulu; Hro. Wm. RorsMooDd Popper Abol Builiooi

I roporlod u> be rorr good wlUi Uili rirtf, ud Iho*Bot1o nu" BOTor full lo oppoar OB Um& All iponla morrp .\*mu, ud rocaltod Mreiml proionU.


IadlaBai»lls,—Tbe star atinctlon of tho putwctkwu the engagement of UsgeLlicck'stnloed

animals at Eogllsb's. (lood sized aivMenccs werethe mie, and apoclal maMaeee were given for ibebeneoi ot the school cblldreu. Coming: "OlduioiT" Jas. I4-Ie, the American Eztnvaganza Co.In "Aladdia Jr.," 3t-2ii.

OBAND.—The Kaaign" called out good alzedcrowds desplio ibo cold weather il, 1'.:. Undor-lined: Thos. <). Bcabrnoke, In ''The Itis of Ohampagne." 10, 17; UelU Foi, In "Tlio LItile Tiooper,"18, lo; "Chai ley's Aunt" week of 31.

I'ABii.-Bopklns'Tnnt'UcoanloSpeclalty wutte recipient ot good builueea week of I. Bookings:"HoSnliy'i Vlil?' 14-18, "Tho Kid" IT-lv, Uhis. A.Loder, In "Oa the Oo," 31-33, • Toe Temptation ofMoney" 34-2e.

£iiriBls.-llarrT Wllllima' Specialty Co, played tofairly good buslneaa week ot 7. MancheHlor'eFrench Foliy Oo. 14 aad week.SoTBS.—Jamea Kdeo hu left lo Join Tim Uorphy,

In "Allmooy," as stage managor IndianapolisLodge, No. 31, T. H. A., lulolied the following oni-cers at ibeIr lut mcetlog: President, Harry Cur-aon; vica presldeni, Harry Udio; pielats, FntokWortI; doaoclal aacniary and treuuror, (AisrleaO. Burgan; marshal, Oliver Heed; irualees. CloudMartin, John Barter and Elmer Cookni; medicalciamlnor. Dr. U. O. Ueurgo; rcpresenlallve tuOrond Lodge, Obu. o. Borion; alternota xo OrondLodge, Uarry Canon.

Blvamvllle,— .11 tbe Onnd 'The Ensign" had0 modenio bailneaa Jan. 9. Thoa. (i. SeabrookewlU be here 18, "Oharley'a Annt" 17, Powell 3i,

"Lost In New York" 36, "In Old Kentucky" 38, CloyOlemeBts 80,

PsoPLB'H —"A Bunch of Keys" drew well 0, JnleWalten, In "Side Traded," 13; "The Black Crook"IT, Ooo. II. Emerlch, In MoNuIiy's Visit," 30,

VABiBrv rspoBjiAMOKa Ot tuo Theotn Uomlqneand Kornberger'a Qorden are doing talr buslnei)only.


UmBha.—At Boyd's Theatre Milton Nobles, In

The Heir at Law," appeara Jan, 18 for a benolLJ. E. Kmmet cornea 18, 17, Wardc and Jauea la, 19,

Yon Ycnaon" 20, Aloxandcr Balvlnl 31, 32, 38, Jo-

seph Harphy 31-21, Uorlnne 39, 30, 30. The homowta dark the lint three nlsbts of laat week owingtottooiucelia'Jon of Uie (Iriioer-Uivloi Co. ' TheCouatry Olrcus" did a good builneei 10-18.. EBriaB Tdbatkb.—Jobn u Bulilvan opened afour nithta' ensagement 13. "The lierby wiuuer"comes 30-23, •The Jovial JoMori" u, u, 30, ' Tiio

Qreen Uoods Men" 31-30. "The Hulp «f Biau"played to fair bulneai tte pist week.KoTB.—Evening ot 7 a deal wu closed between

Bon. OoyO. Barton and R.H. Crawford, wherebyMr. Orawtord aeoured o nlnety-Dine year lease ofthe ground, loo bv I3ltt., at the corner of 18U endDouglH Sireuts. for the erection ot a new iheotn,to cost 1100,000, Work will lie brgnoMarcb 16, anitte ttasue will ba opened Ang. 16. W, J. Ilurgesswill ba resident nanagcr.


AnoeiBALu Dociiuaa Ookdoh, tiio well knownlaywnght and Jouinallat.dled Jin.O, at his home in'on BIcomond, a. I,, N. r., irom llrlghi'i dieeaae.Tbe deceued waa bom Oct. II, I9I9, in Ceylon. Atan early age he displayed a remarkable opiltude luaci|Ulfiog knowledge, cipeclaliy a kuowlcdiaof langugcp, end at alx leore of ago he spokeOlsgoiese, Uiadastaol and several oUcr ludiandlaleclB,and before be waa twenty veon old ho hadaciinlrtd o good knowledge ol Ureex ond Latin, andduency In tfponlah, French, llallan and Oerman.Ue waa llnolly aeni to achool In Norwich, Bag-land, and while tten, at tho ago ot aliieen, ha be-gan hia newipaper work. Mr. Cordon completednis school studies In 1980, and came to this countrywhen he soon began newipaper work In CBIcogD,Two or Uree yoon later he came to ttIs cTiy

aod soon laado a favonoio name tor him-salt as a newipaper writer by his workon serorel of ue leading metropolitan dallies

Ue then look up play wrlilng, and wrote "Trlile"for Maggie HiiolieU, which proved prohtaiila torboU tte octrcfs and himself. He also wrote "TheUgly Dackimg" for Mra. Leslie Carter, "Is Mar.riage a Follnrer' for Stuart llobaon, and TliatClrl Irom Meiico" for Sidney Drew. Ilo waa ttaonttor ot "Heart aod Oruwn,'' snd he also made aijnDatliatlon of "Mansloo." Ue leaves a widow,two ilanghlera and one eon. Funcrolaervlcce wereheld II, at tte Church of tha Aaceoelon, WestDrlghtou, aod the followlog day Ibe reoaloswereplaord temporarily In a vault ni Ureenwood.USNitilM Louis I'AOL OODABo. tto composcr,

died Jon. II, at Uannea, France. Tbe deceasedwubom Aug. IS, 1840, In Pane. Ue itodlod ibo violinonder lUchird Uaniincr, ind became a pupil of ihoCootercatolre In iini. He compoiad melodlee oncloiilo poems, coocerlos, among whicli ibe "Con-ccito llomantlque" became tamou, and lympho-Blee, Ibe raoit remarkable uf which wu tho ' Sym-phobloOrleoiale," ezeculcd undor bis dIrecUon at

a Pudtloup concert In FebTnary,l88t. II liiudveparts, tbe ibemea cf which are poens uf Victoruo|0. fiooonte do Lli'.e ud ihe conpoeor himself.He auo wrolA aeveral cpcru, among which are:lju ClJoni lie Jeinnelte,'' which wu produced InMISatihe llenalaiance, Parla; "redrodeXaiauiea,"predncidlu I'M at ibe lliral Iheatre, Antwerp;'Jocslyo," prodoceil In itis at t^.e Theatre Ce la

Moanale, bmiseli, and **luiilc," a lyrical dramalo four acta, which wu produced In IBM at theOpera (^mlque, furls.Mat Davis (oie of tbe Mats), a vulety perform-

er, died Jas. 8 lo Toledo, u., from coosomptloo.unBOB 0. Fahbik, the song and dooce dwarf,

WM tonod dead, Jin. 10, In a oallwoy In Uia cliy.

Thadeoeaaed, who waeaoonilllty-sliyearsofage,wu bora In Uatt, Me., was well known loUeshowbuiUeasluUe latter days ol (he old Uoe circoa.Us was WlU ue liaraoo aad Konpaugh circnse,l

SBdiscslvsda large salary. Wheaueclrcnsboi-

SiunL w, FoBT, a wsD known monagsr, diedJon. II at his hams la Uia olty, fnm anutgementotUe liver. Tho dl eaased, who wos abont nity-one

Esanot ogs, was a boiIvs ot BalUmon, Md.,aBdagoB his cotsar wlU tts HoUonsI Steamship Com-

pany, U ua> el^. Be wis pioolncnt on ue ama.lenr aloga for aevtiBl years and OnoUy anterad Ueprofeasloatl ranks, la I88D ha baosma monsger ol(he Aoadany ol Moslo, Is Baltimore, and later as-copied tha maaagement otJohn W, Albangh'a tteo-atrea In that «tty and Waahlngion, D. U. It Is

oioload that hawu Ua ant manager to producecomlo opaio in Summar. Ba was o Put liialladRuler ot tte BsiUmon Lodge & P. 0. RIks, Bsleaves o widow ond two sons. KanemI senlceswen held Jan, 18 at his Iota residence,and NewYork Lodsa No. 1 B. P. 0. Kiks gave' the burialaenloeotlheKlka. The temalns were IntattodinWoodlawn Oemeleir.ness beoama dull he went upon tho concert hallBlase. For tte put few yean he had played Invodone muaenma, snd hut Summer appeared ot aConey island ooncert hall, lie wuahsovy drinker,ond nil (Icott Is oUrtbated to Uia bobit ond ex-posnra. Be wosonly tear tact In height. The bodywu renovad to tha moiiua.JOBK A. Hblsok, aotorand soog writer, died, Jan,

s, at Ue Pnspaet llolel, FhlladeTphla, Pa., aged II,

Us had been a msmlwr ot Ue u Irani Avenne StockOompaoy, 09d v

hiB moal popnUr

n., uwu uiv juuuHvu wi luo viduiuumiH. IL, ncanily, wu atnck by on ont-

In and Inataolly killed. The deceued wu

later wlU tte Uonlons. Oneotsongs waa, "I'm unto Ya,

O'Rollly." which ho wrote tor Maggie Cllne.Wb ABB In laeelpl of a letbir which stales that

Samuel H. Oonnon, while walling along tto c. U.A l>. K. H., near Ua JonoUon oT the ClnolnnailSoothern H "

going trainOS oclor, bavins been cooneclad witt the "UtileNugget" CO., J. U. Iloverly'a Mlnatrels,and OormonBrco.' MInairela. laalSummer be waa engaged ucarlnspeotorottteO. H. A D II.H. which posltlouhe held up to tte time ot his death. Mr. Connonmarried a alslerot Annie Onnphy.Ue well knownaloger, of cinclunaU, O. Ilia wlta and two chlldren sorvlve hln.


Want* of Mtnafsr* and Parformtrs, OpenDttst, ato,—S«* Atlvtrtlssmsnti.

OBAMA'nO.Attractions con book good time at Robinson's

Open Home, Olnolnnatl.J. L. Uoopei boa assumed tts monanmsht of the

Academy ot HubIol Roanoka, VoTAll oontnotsmn<t be niited bv him,"An American Hero" can bs booked ttionghaeo,

D. Deokley.0. J. Stevenson wonts dnmollo peopis tor stock

thestto, Lanalsg, Mich.DfaaaunpeoplaoanssonnongageniealswIU Mr.

and Mis. RomA Woyna.I» W, Leonard wiahu to sell oa Interest In "The

Arkintaw Traveler."Scrxea Usnlon, stags carpenter ond property

moo, who can double minorparts, con be enaaged.Andrew MoPhee wants an agent and 'n'om"

people.Too Oalety Theatre, Lawreioe, Mass., ran be

bought.Howard Wall'ii Ideals oan bs booked.Ummatlo people are wanted by Oeo. W. lAwt,

llrowa, Frank Bowe, K. K. Ilntler, Chailu Uarly,Uelvlll) A De row, (I.BUIhleIn, Moore A Lonu, I>.

W. Waahbome, H. J. Clutter, P. B. Wlllard, Uonr-Idge and llooghtoo.At Uberty: D. E. Porter, Allen Ds Mond,Amli

Hilton, II. H. Alherton, H. U Klnuy, Hauill"Phelps, VUlwin IL Whelan, Hldnoy Uayea, MadgeBonrand, Frank nillun, Annie Lysle, (iraon 11,

DauD,Ni'll Uloblleld, W. R. Todd, rioienco Camii-bell, Slynle Vinton, W. B. Fradeiloks.

UllaiCAL,Edith Undley's "Boomp-o-Dlddy Boom Uoom"

con be ssoared by singen."The Maid and the Baron" Is pnhllBbod by

Knmer A Co,

J. Aldrloh Ubbey's songs, "Eventide," The OldBioken Oate" and "Mollle's lbs Olrl for Ms," aawon u McOlennon's loteet saooesiea, "Oomrailoasilli." 'Take Her UtUe Uanda U Youra," "Bho'sIrlili Alius Time" and •Toa Old Mon's Story" orsIssued br J. A. Libber A Co."llouballa Brown.'' aald to poassu a catohy air,

la Best by It, B. Smith A Uo, to slsgera for tencents.Y. F. Irolll's Mosart Uoncart Orchssln and Band

can he engaged.Tbe Temple Unslo Oo. hova Istned the "Cadet"

Two Step, amnged tor orchestns."Papo'a UlUeMan" la pnbllsbed by Ibo "Up to

Dalo" Uuilo Co."LIndy, Uoea Yon Love Mel" Dave Reed Jr.'i

latest aaccess, la aupjplled by Brooks A lisulon Co,,also "My Augalloe'' and "The Oalety Olrls''landers."Kathleen," Helen Mon'a snocaaaful song, la

published by Oeorga Underbill,Moslclani ore wanted by Tnoo, Elllnwood,"VheDWe WenYonn(''promlaea loiiaanoiher

hit, published by tha Amertcao Moslo Publish-mg l'o,

nheChniimuDaU" sad "0, ItesUsM Heart,"oan be ordered from K. A. Warren.At llteriy: Annie l«nns, A. J. Show, (illo

Yasser, Piwlaie, LR. Andenon, (lenrude llayoes,Jos. Wymek, II, S, Borkst's Uond and Ornlitstio.•Vuii Oan Paws ThBB at Rohlnskr's" la a now

soDgpubllihed byMott KusseU,"It Came la irom Ue Ocean wlu Ua Tide" Is

piiiiliilied by Ua Mnnole Moslo Oo.'Keep a-lnookln' " aad "Mi Uld, Old Love," ore

the B, llnloord'a Bona Co,'s Istest publloailons.Chorlea Connolly, mnslcsl director, can be en-

(OltU,will Roaslter's foor latest songp, snilUed "A

Creel UIss," "Tattoo on ihs Arm," "I'm Touiili,Dead Tomb." and "On Us Uowsry Alter TenU'Uiock 01 Night," are icorlog buccssh whereversoBg. They are aspplled tor too csnu each."Bessis I'etllo" can be aeoured from 0. W, Flem<

Int.iico. o. Uobson's Victor banjos sra recommended

to the profession."Hit Forgets ond Bho Forgives" Is pakllshed ur

C. w. Held. The soog Is rendered by Mile. MselUt,with lea lllustisUons."Honey Moon Harobi" on ollrAcUve oompoililoD,

Is pulillsned by Jos. w. Siem A Co, This firm sisosnppliu a number ot popnlor sonn, at ten cent*each.

"Charlie" and luvaial other songs ran ba orderednam N. WelnsiBln.

''Little Tim," a song story. Is published by ttoPeUle Music Co."The Alnlgbty Hollar", and "Love's Dream" sra

two new sonp, lasned by the Bprlsglleld MosloCO,

VABIBTT ANO MINBTOBLa.Hyde A Behiuaa will hoTS Uree companies on

y^^j ^I and l.lo-

, Jem of tbeolBbest order la wanlad tor Usaesttiaolloni, whichwni ba Dooked In dmt clou hossu only.HUa, Flonla and Henri t^axnaa con BU dalea.

Uenrl Cazmao's Own Uo. la now lieing booked toroeztseaMn.Hpeolalilea are wonted for next Bummer ot the

EsposlUon Uenlnl Muilo Hall, Milwaukee, Wis.Alex, snd Bulla Davis, In "Mirthful Mystery,"

oan be esgoged,JeiTT and I/nlaa Oannlngbom publish sevoral

Uttering comoants from Us preu and manoiera.Minerva, the strong woman, who hu Issued a

alaudlng challenge, and 0, P. Blali, cannon bollOttoher, can lie engaged,Alburins and Bartron con alio few dates before

Feb. v..

He Mora and Toyos, equilibrist, tomlilere ondhand bslancen, can be engaged.-roe Four t^hons wUl doM wItt Ons WlllUms'

Co. Jan, 19, ond con be encaged.Bpecliltlea an wanted & Doc Flathera, J. U.

Davenpoit, Bobetl Frankfort, Ohaa. Allen, Hooa-ler. if, Curry, U. W. Wood, Dr. 0. iMy, (I. c, W.U. Von Dyke.Lanton Brothers, scnbola, can IJI doles.SpeculUeH sre wontad tor Ue Aodltorlum The-

sin.Clsvelond. 0,At Liberty: Colion ond Bnen, BsUsnlo.WheoUey and Lane's Imperial Huslo Ilall, Clava-

laad.o , will open Jan. 28. Speclaltlason wanted.O'Brien, Jennings sad O'Brien have open dates.lievcra and I,e tieir on at liberty.The World's Museum Theatre, Allegheny Oily,

Pa., Is onder Ue nanagcmsnt ot llatry Davis.Bpeclalilea ond onrlos oan book time.The four lloaalres, acrobais, wish sngagamsals

for dales aod tor next circus season.Uoogaa, Band and Tare cao ba booked.Boile and OnhaiB are playing daWaaocc«ssfally.Attractions are wonted tor tte Itoyol Fjialbih

Winter Clrcoi ood UoU's Csalno, Oblcogo.. UmmondSioley ond Reus Blrbeck,Ui their noveltnoiformatloB mnalcal oct, ore at llnerty.Buoh's Vaudavllle, beaded by F. W.suohAhe

well koowD dsmbbeU Ull«r,and Inclodlof naoy

ths roAd next sasson. They will be Hyde Allehmon's Co., Ospl. Sainm's Msjtsllcs and l.lo-

gard'a Hennaders. Ainmlcan Doveliy lolenl of tbe

ot tts bell specialty acts. Is belngbooked tnllrsi

class houses only, by Msnsger Ohorla H. Bay*stead. Plenty ot new prtnUot wUI ba ovsllabls.

Ths Oonrats ran be aaiogsa,Ueniy strongler, suosg boy, wishes lo hear fiohi


OoBvusndsost men.'drlvers, inlnmen, Dieehaa.ICS, porteia, eio.. In all depariraents are wonted torBunoio Blll'a Wiij Weal (oar. All appllcanta taaoddiais Uo heads of deporimenta.The ttico Xolu, aerlnllsls. Just nunsd don

South Amciloi, oan be aocnroil,Lieut, w, .Mien, veotrlloiinlBt and maglotOB, con

bocDgaged lur tho alileahow.Wolih Bfothers want cirona peopis la alt

branches.Barnoni ,t lUlle.r want prefcailooal mole aB4

female swlniniera, nod a Bonaaiiipiial aerial act.I.nlgt Uogllo's Iranpe of tmlnrd monkeys coa ba

enngediA nwglolan, leoiurer and freake ore wonted tf

Ncal Van Iiiwriuim,Col, K. D. Uooao waiita a parUor for bla animal

anna, ur ho can be eBgaged (or a hnt olaas com*pany,Clnns people are wonted tor Pawnee Dill's Will •

Weal.Oco. Pock wania to rent privileges.

MISUBLI.ANIQUIIII.Atimclbins nii< iranioiiriirlli>oie,Waukon,Iowal

Now Urlialn, ct.. Opera llonao: Open llnuse, IMon,S. V,; Unluo'a Open llnuae,01iiiiiin, N. Y.; Ball,SliBtpBVllle, Intl.; Oprra Uouw, liiillauolo, IIL)Open IliiniB, New Unilnn, Wis.; Ilijnu Thsoiia,Uaaleiua, Pa.

Ilsniy V. liuiTy, Ciins, Jamca sod Bert Maniawant In buy "pent chain.At libeitt: (leo. w. HIpley, agent; >:d, amy, ad-

vance; Will lluatle, agent..Mlliub Co.ulaiui lu he Ihe orlgloatora Of rooster

orcheaires, cat minsircla, etc.

llayden and Millard, who have been conaecledlor nutny ycara with Tucker liroibore of New York,furolahDratolAu aldeiihowpalailngs sndsosneiy.Ileorge Uulirr wauls ton fat ladtoa.For Bile: Hear, by uapt. NetUo MtleU: medlolBS

wagon, by II. B. Wiliaon; alair hells, eto,, by W. J.

Braddook;inU<a,liy Daonihln; not, by John lom-bori; iiiuteuin of anaiomy, by 0. iKinnlrt; aleighbelhi, by U. W, llrM: woolly hnrao, liy \V, W, HartA Oo,;acesery, iiy T. Uiirrey; magic, by W, U,J.Bhaw aod A, llotorbere.

nr. u. P. Spencer oiTrra to supply medlolne pao.pie with Miolilo srilulca.

Frank Myera furnlshos designs tor letter headerJoko Iwuki, 0(0.

IaIIoo, Iho doulile boilleil lioy, ran bo booked.Privllegea can be rented tor Fonpough's TioeUoa

Fkir. Atimollou ore wsnteil.Billy Yiiung wniiia » raaoairr lo InVQSl la a

Winter Ulrons ami Wairr Carnival.Harry UavIb nauia two (at men aad tcrtana

Ullera.ThiHiiu U. Ucoit wants engagemonU tor Ua

F.aqolmaux Village and Auittollaii UoomenotUrowers.Outdoor o'lrocUons csn liook time with tta ln<

ttrSialo Fair Assoolotloo, Corbondole, I'a.


"HiNHSL ANuaiiBrsL,"o (Hlry opera, muslo byUomourdlnuk, ihu llbtoilo louniled on obs olailiuiii's lairy ules, by Ailolhclrt Wotle, wu era-aouied (or tho hnt tliiiu loKiighud, Dec. 38, atDali'a 'nirairo, l,niiil»n,

"1,18 llupriAHa ns I'AniB." a drama In alxaotSLbr Haiirica lirack, wu atiicildir Iho list time, liao,

at the Amblgu Theaire, Paris,''IIBH KI.B1NH Mann," it fiiico In four acla, by R,

Karlwelis, wu prodiionl fur tto lint Unio, Dec, 23,at the New Theaire, Uerlln.

NEW PLAY&"Two Colonels,"

Tbeilomoillccomnir, liy H'lliiam lllohard flood-all, wu produced at ItHplry'a Academy ol Mualu,Waahlnslon, D. C, lli'i:. 31, 1801, under tbe super.Villon ol the sulhor. Tho comedy Is In four aclaandthrMBcooos. tho llrsi ami secnnd aols lielDglatil In Vflruioni, tho third In Now Vork CMy, anathefounh lo Virginia, 'rue plotlnvalvesaNorlhemand a Hoiithera oulonel.o Voinioot youlh, abd sVirginia malilen, o htmlioino widow, Iwii loveraand^k vlllalu, who dlupiitsra lu Ihe third acU Theplay opens at tho Whiiiaaor honieeicad In Veimont,where Col, Hloanr, a Huuihern colonel. Is vtslUngwith his daughler. John Whltlaker'a son, llalph,lsacouMd of nilaapiiroprlaiing lonila bolonglog tothe book, wlioro ho Is employed u essolar.For this otairgo he Is driven from homeby hli father, sinano remiinslntes withlljn talher and the two oolnDols qaoinli tbeHuulhorn giiesia leoving Iho lioiiiesleod Inanier, declarlag that ilioy will follow and pntoelIhe yuoog moo. Aftersometlmo Italph Whlltaksi'sInnooenre Is priivm, and It Is shown tbol lbscounty lianhor's son, Hiephon, who loves OloiaThornton for hor muony. Is iho thief, Ralph Whit,laker liei-omoi engaged lo l.'ol. Bloone's dsughttr,i.'lira Thorolan morilci lluliert Knowlloaand all emls happily. Tho caii: AsdnwHlijano, Frank Uordaiiol; John Wbluaker,David P. Hleeln; lialph Whiltaker, WoIUrTliomai; lliihcrt Kuowliun, Henry Hodden; BqulielienioD, Miaon Mown; siepheu llcniiin. Wank Hol.leaton; Hiram Hklnoer, (loorso K, iiaatoai Tke-ophlelus.Thninu K. Jackson; Bill iVklhs, ilbertAmiierg; Miilo ruon, Mocolu llarrUon; UlataTlioroUin, MlihCMno: charloltoBloane, (isorgUWelles: Nn. IVnliiaker, Jowplia Vrowoll; Mammy,Mn. Fanny Oonzales) Tlliliie, Uia Frooces Clark,

"The Victor,"

This romanllo drama, by John u. Ulxos, wuactod for the Oral nine at Iho .tmosbnry. Mass.,Opera lloase, Nnv. M, lut. Alma, who Is be.trothed tu Plerru Hu (leiirge, the vllhiln. Is prs-vented from marrying lilm liy his lawful wife, sndshe weds KonrI de ValuU, Hi, oeorgs's Inslauo-lloniigalnat Alma'i characlor oauio a duel ba«twaen film and ber hURlioud. Alma aseks to pro*teot bur husband, and by misiake ahoots film.Thinking ahe bu lulled him ahe (leea to a gynsyencsnipmont. Tho nest act showa Alma uafor*tune teller. Plerro aud Kiiolui wUli Iheir fortoncat'lld. llevolallons catiae P.unico to falat andI'lerre tries to alranelo Alma. Alma andI'lem liaro " iIohjIIj cnuounlcr on Ibacllir, In which the latter la killed. Aloaand her husband are tnsllr reuolud snd sUsnds hspplly. The cut: Alma. Maude Baoksi PleirsHt. Uoorge, John T. HHlone; Victor HI. (Icorie, NsUWarner; llcnri ds Valoli, John <l. lilaon: laonHongs, James Ibiymiiod; lleitar, William Lswls)Amolads I,ui:la, Carnllae lltau; llunica llcoudderi,Hirlho Ailiilnwn; /enom, May Itobaoo; Naoma,Catharlna Wilson; l,eua, llolen Walaon; M(Ue Alma,ViiiletHiuir; Honiiu'irency and (X)l, Haulier, HenriLynn,

"A Groan Goods Man,"The (lilt iierformanco of i iili ihreo act comedy oo*

nurrcd at Hemciilal Ilall, Nailunal Holdlrrs' Uoma,Dayton, 0., Dec. 2", TIni pleco la o wiire on thagreen K'X'dB ganio ond tho New York policamoihodi. In tho Brit act Herman liliit's lager

goods heai1i|iiarlniB, la tli'jwn. During the eightiiiunlhs whicn mo aunpoMd to elspse lietacen lhaOrat snd second acts IHiiz, who U a member otTainniany Ilall, liti lieon appiilnled a police Juitlco.In the last ad, llio aceoo ul which Is Iho Parkerllouis, Hntmn, the urpfn g'ods game Is played oaa victim, aod Immcnutilyati'rwaril the police cap-tain atnpa the Ju u>gothlathariir.fUn spoils, Thacut: Ibsor McUracken, Hen lllllnni Jsck Mo-OnijkeB, John Parr: ItvbL ,\. Till, Wood U.Uoodand Police Uaplaln, lloiii. Pirnon; Head Kuy,lurry Maxwell; Film FUin, K.U. Jobson; A (IreeoOoods Hiecrer, lii Hlinnir; It o Ulnch and H. E.Mark, Uyoun; Will B, Damn and Polirs Olllcer,

BelhyTOpilleld; Willie Ulwae and BwUI, klDo lllns.

inoio; Mrs. Iluoyodl >li:i;rackeo, Jennlo RIbentKielkoUlaiz, (.<ile Arnold ; Olive Dranoh and Mn.i.'owmon, Nome llawihoroc; UeiiDan BlaU, FoolDresser.

"A Droadsn Shiphsrdgsi."This Uree act pantomime, by Vsoce Thompson,

miiilo tiy Almo (.scbaume, wu produced at ttsMen Huiec, this city, lieo. 24 laat. The acilon Is

auppoaed to lake place to Ihe iMd of Dreams, Inlbs timsof liOoli XV. Titaolc la <lri.'smliigof Pier-rot. Pierrot la discovered aleoplngun tha illverorescent moon, Ilo mmtn down and Unpid makeahln (all la luvo with Hylvia, a ahepherdoH, who Is

made of Dreaden china. Hylrla aod I lerroi havosupper together. I'lermt lioaiia of hli conqoeat otUe Fairy (jneen, lleoirera Hylvia ihe fairy's Jew-els SBd ihrone. Pierrot x(U the qaeen's scepterand drives nor fiom the pilare, Hylvia loves CoUuand not rierroi, who ladrlveh owar by her, awayInto the Muenlsht, back again to Ue illver crts.cent moon. Tie can: PInrrol, Mile, Pllor-MorlniTllanlo aud Bylvlo, Mile. Bevefln; Colls, nstoherwiuiomi; Monslsnr Onpld, EdsMnd Mofla.

740 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaey 19.

'ACMIELHSS'or Vuar UoDiT. Juk. nitd Hare Too )-." Ii tliollipi-M ilnil m a'bit" Id NBV TORK »<! BROOXLVK.udcaaf

hr oar IILhT t>*c»>1o


OR "THE TAHOO ON THE ARi,"DOW IDOI hf til th« racoptDli»d dsierlpllto Inior* ol \f.t l oilid Hlite*. ind roMlviDB inoro D««iMMr naur*tbuur MDR now bilor* Ik* poLlic BAH NONE. Proff* coi lei IDcaotft. )'ubll»ht4 b> WILL R08BITBR,Tbo bualvftM bi«a kDovow "Tin Popular Hook Publlklivr ' khico ho »lArt«J lo ilia builoHs, likriLf orislaftleaand Biod tholloo k«ftlr*4«tntrii on «iTarrtlilD|t h«'a«*«r prioTtd. Tba liiiotppovi ItUmti on ororr ung }>oot,ud b«*« prloUd MTtrsI HltLiON lltppatro od til my mualo. mr auiloofrr, or wlodo*« ud idt one* door,br till lilonda (ud ho I M od« oriao) h«*a callod "Hur c Uoomir," "8od| UoilUr," "8odi Poibor," "Up lo QitMlooU." and m wo do not "riWIPE" hat* la & VKVt ONK:

WILL ROSSITER, "The Hot Corn Pybllshef," Chicago.






TflECLlPPEH ANNUAL forl895JTJUiT jt-isumiy.



MA.13IE BY8. B. TllOUP & CO.,

!|[> FIILTWW HT.. K. V.

At Liberty for *95.

LALLOO,The Double Bodied Boy.Tbo moat woBdvrfnl of «ll IIvIdk oarl>

Mlllaa ttnil the srvrnteit HrawiKH c»rd on«Bvth* Ili>ipoB«lbl« uiBiingrrs iiddr«ii


WAHTED,INDUIinEDICIIIEmRERSTbOMwbo »• Qom *• Ml tn maun tholr owaeom-

MBtac Write to OOL. f, A. HOWARDS, FroprlotorOftEaON IMDUH MBDiniMB 00.,Oorr7. Pi., for DropoelUoa oa wbtob tbir ua taakow Uio monar for (mid

•OENTEAL" TRUNKS,u^ M.oi; md.,iiuu: »D., «T.oi;aiD, tun; mo..UJO): inn., ilOJO; UoDpftnmui uul u«u1 booM, 91.

ElUurautriiDkiLlutwiaptau. Bill traDk^SiBilliuiit, tUD. Lllli xnaU, UMiBill lulilt, ilUt- 1 aXliUD CoUonn, KM ud 11.10. Hblpr


UDki, luooupltu. Bill uoDk^_ LIUi mnU, UMiBill lumt,

HtnH u4 iktlvtoD roUovcn, tlx ud 11.10. HblpMdoa nwpt ol $3.00, b«l. O. O. O., oioopt oTwaDOmflw,ihM nmlt whoU uiobou Moilokl lotlramoat, Uok#lud muoim* tnoki to ordir. IUsiao Bukt^ witbIrmT, llQlng, ooTor, ota, Oia., tiiM; Mio^ IIUO; tflD.

llUL BaIk<Uiblpp«l 00 raoalpt


[CALLI B«1U la mda «onl«lUihu, tAO par. a«t: U,

Iifrnd* vontatl Ughu, il;'

eotion,!!. Taroai,!), wlihGoMar btUaoo U.U.D. Ba&dl

ituap for 8D puo IUd» >mud oaUlo|ua 01 elraa,tbMlrloftl, bioydo, ij-iunft-

imiB ud aUiloU iPHfdB. _ .. „B. OALU BB MMa Htr— I. orlartold. Mm*.

For Artistic Photos.DONT PAIL TO VISIT


Four Dlflei-«Bl Vharavtvn Tak«B ontUe Hauae Negfttlve.

FWWBBRII. Mf I* w. rftanwplh fitr—L Waw York



UIIAWIMU ATTHAllTlUNHUd EUKOPBAN KdTRLTl EHOoHcuuotof Dir oorro^H>nd«aeob«lo| uwlarit Ml

liuwiu obllK* liT»'o.M*rioiiillMo*o pollunogul.o

SHOW CANVAS.Botu ui orOor on iliuri aouoOk WtIio for MitleaUn.lUumud wulono m*. J. ii. uu«9 * i)0


The New PhilharmonicTheatre Hail,

Now opu lor rUji. KuUni ooptoitj I.UX PllM rM.

'l w mlRK. M»B»o<'r. wioom. mm.


_. ,1 (b'

andWUoalWt.H. T.

HMALL KNUHAVlHUuI ur8«Dt) oopr (or eiUD

emeus OANVASMODd hud. In nod eoadlltoD; od« tOti, RooaJ Tdk

t tmO, OQO »i9A ODO flDilOO.

JAMKH MARTIN A 80H.oaa at, oa« I

ud Pr Rlehmnnd mraou Hoton. MaM.

Watson $t Du Pre.

Museum of AnatomyOampUU IQ oTorr HUiioular. I'UUa for an ir lour i4go««Ulo«a«,vo«llb IL I'AIVATB UlilPKN.AAHTI'RIVATB UlilPBNftARY,

HI viaa Mu*«i, niDolBpaU. n

WANTED, AT ONCE, SLEEPING CAR.m PUT OR 80 IN LBNUTll, WITH OR WITUOUTOlalai RouB. AUo BmioO Ol food laoiib,•QntpfEod (or Pwauaar aarvio* Rud (or tall daocripUoaud dlaffiaiD, vlih lovMioaah prl«*. WIU lauaoitBfBMmeOw. BU'B A O0t5lM.Kokott0i.Iadr





Dates open in February,March and April. None butresponsible attractions needanswer. JNQ. D. DAVIS, Manager.

Medicine People,Wbn art DOW maalog ibelr owo oooMsloavrlUma.ud gvt to bandllUK aonalbiDB tou oao do builoau iriib

uywboro; lo ihow jnu that 1 mtao boaioaaa aod anaatliOad you will baedU my noodt. wbon joa aas themand gat prieu, aaodODo. lor umpio Bloeirlo Brltaaudcaka or par* Uoooa Boap, and «lih your Oral ordor. roucan dadact tbli aoioaat, mablDR your aaupla rroaHamambar pou doD't bavo to bavo ' Oootor'' attacbad to

juur oama u> maka niooaj «Uh Uian; parlormara vlih~ ipaiiaoce la lb* modielDO buaiofu, «bo bave a rripaei-^sla appaaraDca aad «i)i follow mp laamieiloDi, cabwork for tbouaalraa, lo wbara thap piaase and makaKood monoj. II foo nava fUQO lo yoor pocket, atopworklu^ for ihtt tia 00 limit Addivaa

DIt B p. BPBNOfiR. U Paolflo ATa.,Ch(caK0.1ll.NUTB.—To iholo who bava wrlltaa 1 will aar li jour

untnteaava daiayad, faaTopatltDoa; I will aotooreadyto Bll urdBH lor at l»u' a waak ywt.

The Popular Players,

MU. aud MBS.


A Pirat niaM HiDglDg aod Ouolog COUEDIAK aodHUUBRBTrU. LaaDlDg HaaTi Mao. vonog Womu lor

JuTOOjlaa and Obanatari, A No^ 1 Ballad Slagar for

Juvaollaa and Llaht Comadf. Mm lar Old Meo andUbaraotan. Alio HUBIOAL UIBBOTOR (who ow ar-

raaga). Properly Mao miiU Rpoolalty ud othar uaeiulpaopio lor rvpartoir*. All uoit baTO guod waidroboaBrata full ptrtlenlui, atlarr. pbotoL ata. Id Ota laiur.Addrati, for two waAa, RUUBRT WAYNB, Muajor.

Park Tbaatie, D<ytoD. Oblu-Poiltitalypolhr— ormooayaJTanci>dioantoD»



Aildreio, rare IIAnolNQ'S MV8IO OF-KICB, M»U Um» «ry. N«w York.



"TUE OLD BROKEN mi"To prafeailoaala only at lUcU^ and the

great hit,

im TOE 61 FQfl IE."

Hdiib kudurehoilratloB lOcto. PabliibeUby J. ALDHIUII MUUKY di CO.,3U4 Weal FortyieY«alh gt. W. V. UUy.

THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER.Waotad, lo Hall lataratl ur Orgutia (itook Co. lor a

oaw dra act diaua aailtltO, "Tb» Aikaoaaw Traralar."Will batha graaiaii aiua«tloa ouL Pull ol paihoa, Ofcr>

lag ud eomadr Vor partloulara addraaaL W. LKUHARO. l.uOJWalBnl Bt. KaaaaJiClty. Mo.

SECOND WEEK OF THEM'arwick Theatre,

NKWFOllT NBWB. VA.lllg aurceaa. KIrai Claaa B|Mclal(lva, Nuvrllleit Hoag and Dance and Klivt PariLailtra waittrd at all tliitva.

UOUr. KHANKFOltD, Diia. M'tt^r.

Th« auecaaalul (Uilortd BBRPKNTINB DANCBR, oaa ba•Dgagad OD nr altar March Ift. Ititf Addr*aa

HKTIIKMA. 41 L»ic»«tar B.|uara. Loadtio. KBiland.


MILE, INaEMUB, 80URRBTTB.hiiKabt Hr. Jii» CT.. loOioowln Int.

''CALIOPES."lOt for tdnnl.iBi ToarboiiooM; radoood prieoo.

Tiioa J mcuot « uo- oiocIbomi. o.

HOUTt BOOR n^j.^^xrrxSV.lSiiV-,.


^BKKir V. DUfFt. W»»>on.low^

Watson tt Du Pre



lATERIAbN lor COSTUMES Uio PJUKEtiainjf •( LOWBH PRICER U>u ur olhor

uouw. WI08, BEARDS (Bp«cl>l Coulono), for

m«D,ltOUtadiSIO.t«i]|60BieaL D.fToi OOcDido 00oor promlio.. TIOIITM (our owo mtk» ood lo.

Kiud), lo rolloo U3r. Iradooad fnni (I.IOi: burr lolL

iblooad r.ollOD.VI.7a (vur boiur Uito 1100 wonlod>d> wor.ud. ti U; Silk. ia n ud ti n:Woe«rTT30ihtdftilDoi«liquo]ltTUd.U«

! itocb. ud moke tA urdor ID roordora- Pada.dtJ|bu(•iramMrlulal. i;(D. LEICHNKR'H liioportod)

GREASE PAINTS,POWOKHH aad BDnilTtMHH. (WaannlaaKOoulorlheU.B.). KHOOK'HKAUS, BNAKEH' IIEADM, eXi., loi uiolor.iluol>u. inoo»(pal«ol*i1iIlaIilnia'orla). rarlactlmlu.lion. SATIN SLIPPBRR, 13 71: SANDAUI,•IJ9,tl.7».t3IU:CLUUS,»in 010 8PANOI.E*,(I ID par B. DULLIuN FRINOKa fruo IKiadaaplUaa fard) lo lulo. daap. npaaaork La<aa. Uokl(llmpa. Hniila, Laca*. Uordi. Ballloo Kloaan. ata. S4 loah

SATINS la aT.rr Uuda, uo, eoo. udJliU a laidPloihaa. ValralaaoL TalToti. TINHRL RRO-

RIIIKI.U8, HEI/.—* — -* -titboat.^hrtlaai,

a'anaJBbBii.t ^la^'vann. vm.'ajBiD. NECK-LACES, KNIOHTS' CHAINS, ala.




"My Promiseil Bride"Br J. L. MEVLB. A BaauUfnl. PatbaUo Ballad, wilh

a aniqao Walti lurrala.

"Somelioijy's Dear

Lie Sweetheart."Br ROBT, A. KEl<iER. A dianolng otw WaltiSooi.

"Thy Heart."By IIENHV BKPI'r A Uoma Song ofdaeldad meritrroraaaioDal coplaa oa appllauoD. Orehattra partg

10 ceota each.


Nae York: PtalLa.:

0. U. DITSOK A CO. J. E. D1T80N A CO.

Wm^naoerIe owners.Wanted, to Hire or PurchasoiA NUMBER OP LARUE SIZED CAM-


A'idroaa ' K. L.." eara ol CLIPPER.

NOV READT. UlraciorroiTbak.incalTraduniaDiDallbruehai. AddrasaaaorTfMaulcai.Utrtaa. Tariaty ud HuaeoiD muaHara; datorlrliona ofoliiaaud towDa, poputatioo, rmllroada, boaloaaa Interaata, oMra hnuaaa. local uiaoagara. bill poatar^ vKpraaa-moD, lioeoaea; ponralu ud akatdhai ot piotDiaaotprulaMlooat*, etfl iteillMvayou tea Una* Ita coat Ida waak. Proluaalr IllDalntad ud bandaomaly boaod.SoDl, all charavupald. on racaipt ofONE DOLLAR, br


SPIDER BROS.ITba oDiy flrm naklDg Tlgbt^lMU; BhIrtA,

I $3 00. ID voralad eooda Id aoyoaalrtd color1 ud lo apaolal inaaaure t'ottoD ahlrta, |l 00:I oottoB tiBbti. gl.OJ lo blaoV, PiDb, wbila udaarj bio*. Kilk tlghu, Blew par aat: FrogaiiiU. $103 lo lll.vC; Knako anita. BldO) Ui|3).U0:Fuaip«,ncli.: Oallert.ll.Q0. Bud for

' ea'alogua ud aainplaa ol tlcita. Ettlmaiea. by mall HPIUBH BROB.,

MU HvargrooD Ara. . Brooklya. K. T.


WILL SUPPLY ALLPLAVB that lura baenpnoiad ta U. B. or Borope.at 16a ud Vo. aaeb: l*botAgrapba of Tbealrleal orother ealabrltlta, cabinetalia, SSc each; puaU tl-Uaach: Freoob ud EagllHhPbotographa at aradalralai. Fopular Booga: Aar

a giTODoa ib« Varlaty Blaga, bare or abrou,W&aaeh. All D«tokl ralauog to Haklo and Iba Diuia,anppllad at publlabar'a pricea. Heod caih with oidarNo HWHla aicliaagwl. LAWRKKOB NOTELTT AMD0UrPLY CO.. m and WCaotie UtraeU N»w York.

IHf|/\C GOOD WORK.wVIViO Write for


«H 8onih KiiTenth Btieat Pblladalpbia. Pa.

Ca Slilndhelm,>viu hakeh,171 OIlRYBTIb BTBEET. KEW TORE.

Wlgaoobud ud mailaio ordar. Clreaiaiu ^lgt$lap,Bald.OruvaodKegiu Uraaa Wl«atUU op, Dreat Wigati Boabratia ft hagro Wiga n eaata, rngtat IIJDI EndHu Bl ap. Heed aunp lor aaw pnna liata

NEW TRICKS Utest E«rop«u Nofeltlei.HagtcBacood bigbtand Anu-ripintaaJiim. Baadlaul/lor new (^InauoilU eaaU loroooipleuiuu: no pottaU

W. D.LBROY. 'COConrtBtraal. Boamo.llaM.

WH, AIUnSTHONU, Itt Eaat Lake . Ohloago,(U- Dunaiaoturar ofSHOW CIAIVVAJS

fallklDdat: aUA Ballboaa. Prieea raaaoaabU.

Olrcus GanvasesiiMti Ol All DescrlptleBi Miiufictini

H. B. EUBEBLT. m »onlb BUaal. Wa» Tort Ulo.

FucY Witches, Jeielr) iml SUianiin Suit-

ABLE rOB rAIRS, liKOUSEB ud QIVI AWAT rPB.rODER. Saod lor IlluaUalad calalorik BAUKTr AUHER. IM K. MatlUiD SI , llliioan. IlL

lUlTCIIBC auiDE-TaUi how u nan In .how boai-SBSILUnv oaai, polota 00 aalan and flrtl atiftaar-

aMa,ILalol mua(»»likaI{;uoaadroaraarTloaa,oopr01 lallar to muovan. ata. Br istIL poat aalO, B eta.

n. & ORI^PIH. AolTatD. N. T.


LlftlkVlAdrmwrnim Raeaialal lu bootlac ninenibrr HOWE UI'RRA IIOUSBHaat or .liara. Haat«llQD




loa Ban l«ih Siiaat. Haw Tork.

FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND.ato. CIreaUr* aad aampla^ tea oaau PUTORB COM-Tba boa aorallT lor olrcoMa« nitia*uiua, legartlamAlnaPAKT. n BaJt 11hlrt>ainh Hti*au H. T.

GLASS BLOWERS SEND FOR PRICE LIST OFHII tDKM. TUBINU. CAKE, ala Oanaial oO|>lla. for Bo-hamlan claaa bluaara. Bait atook, loaaat vneaa JOUHT. BACIIMAH. Bll Ito. Carollaa «L. Balllmira. Md.


JACKSONVILLE, ILL.ARar Ju. t7 will plaaw aflnwapoDil with fba saw


Circus GanvasesBAlmoalaaw; Ml. ud ML Ronad Tqpa; flDf. aad TOtt

RoaadTOMtWlth MIddlaa; Vun, Houad Top, w IlhUt,mUdra,10n.*alli. Allebaap. Addreaa

n. J.RlltRR.lUlW.ThlTdM&»at, CaoMaOlty. Ho.

Just Out-The Coming Popular Song.

ROSABELLA BROWN.Th« long that nallj HAS m baamdral, "csuh]," air. A piBBo eoff or (hi,

aong and oreh«atralloB, 10 parU, arraaged hf Prof. Adam Jacob, ar the ParkTheatre, Phlla., teal to |inileaalOk.ali on receliit of 10 ceati.

B. H. SSIIXH Sc CO., MuBlo FublisKors,a-M PreatoB Street, W. Philadelphia, Pa,



EUROPEAN ACTS(Some of which ore already eofcngcd, wUli others to fallow),

TO complictb:



LINGARD'S SERENADERS.Batlrelr New Printing, gcenerr, etc., for each Co, FIRST CLASS TIIBATUBS

ONLY, None bat the beat need apply. AddraaaHVOla & REIIHAN, Braohlyn, N. Y.




A L M O WANTmn,A FIII8T CLAS« BKNBATIONAL AKRIAL ACTT. A Oiaaiploa Troopaolthraaor moredMlrahla. ToMtlalactar; faiUaa th, beat aalailaa wUi be paid ud a uaaoo'a aDBaaaoiaot olTared

Call on or aildreaa J. A. BAILBY, lUO W. 37lh St., N. Y,


UY GEO. BCMLBIPFAHTH.Tba"OADEr* la by far ttaaiD4itaiua«UT«Duinbar to (baliatol muaio wriitan lor tbatpopuhr daaca Oraatly

admlrad and plarad br thaorcbaatraaortbalMdlag thaaireaibrouRhoutibo Uoltod Butaa. il.iW cpiaa ordaradlaoaaday. Uiaa Id aUalllatlaaoloeolcelea. Rmalinrehaatrk nlo« plMa'.Tlkia. Hallod forONE II iLPabo*a i-ric^a.

THB TEHPLE MUSIC CO., 769 Oaarbom Biraat. Oblcaso. Hi-


In their aubllme maelo aketoh entitled "IIIRTIIFUL aiVKTERY," from »0 to 00mlnntea clurntlon. AT LlBRliTY ror the balance or the a«a,on, Addr«u

KKLiL.li:R HOUHK. O-hlcngo, 111.


lod.. Dao a I*!.

TRB OUNMlNOHAUfllt.pt tba aodl.Doa In a eootlDuoaa roar or laoahtar —dBRALD, Muoola,Iaa, Dk.V.'M.TUB l^UNNIoailAlU are U.K. Kara bootMl tham lore relnni date,Fah. II. NICK KOBTON, Muatar rark

Thaaiia. lOilitani III.





MONO ANU CANCELBull br MAMIE rBEDBBlOE, BELLE OariMEN aad olbani. Mot uooa recalpl of loola udjmirarama br

NATIONAL U USIO CO., lit Wabaab Anooa, Cblcago, lU.

WEL^H BROS.' FAMOUS BIG CITY SHOWS.AD amoMmaot utarprlae Ibat ta loud«l npoa the rock ol merit with eaplul aod aiparlbooe Ita plUar,

WANTED POIt THE TBNTINU UEASON OP TI1I8 YEAB, WIIICU OrENB E«BLT AND nLOSEB LATE.Pint olAM Boraltr ud apaolalty parlonnara that can do quaouty or aeta-mon be ladlaa aod RaDt'aiDao ud atrlctlraobar Wut .paolallr three of ma beat downa lo aoierlca. Uara aid, abow, eudr .uod aod proiraamaprlTlluaa for Mia to raap^oalbl, partiM Oao Dalaaloa. Wia. Hobarta Ham lloroar ud Ed. Wertler. vaot to hearinmjonqalelL Addraaa WBLhll DRQi., HBADaVAHTBHS, LANCASTER. PA.

Coaeart aod ptlrllne raople addraaa 0. M. Nealoo, WllmlORtoii, Del.

WHO WANTS GEOa W. RIPLEY, THE UUSTLIN6 ADVANCE AGENT.IIAVINQ JUfiT REBIQNED MY POSITION WITU TUB BVA TAMQUAY COMPANY, AM AT UBEHTV. OlOM cod-tractor. Uaa ronta aod book. Not afnld of bniab. flaiaiT Tory raaaoaabla, or woold laMa opera boaaaIn aoy KDOd Iowa. Wrlta or wiro, BOMBB, N. Y.



BATTERY WORKERS I p'h-p'for-SrK''^?.BdoB,



Ba.pooalbla nanaa^ra wrila or wireZBRXBS HBHTON. Aodaraon. ladiua.


NotlM lar a«ay (ron QalDor 111. Uoiia* opaoa f^b 1.

ferioraiara aad Curloa LATHB AD lordataa.Adraaa DBaT HAUTIN,

Tba MoifO. et Joaaph. Mo.


A. J. SHAW, Gornettist.Beaaon 'Va>ll3-0t with Lear Dockatader'aMlaatrrla. Theatre ptvrerred. Addreaa

4,IKtH Penn Aveane, PltUbnrn, Pa,


Watson lit Du Pre.

AGENT WANTED.Mutt ba a good ftaoaral all rouad bsatlar. aod not

ainid to put unl papar. MUffT BB BrBIJTLY 80I1BHaad Rood contractor lor ona algttt auada, aod a gaoUa-maa. Wlataraud flaoimar aomaamani to rt||bi nao.Nofaacy aalarloinotieod. Mnatjoln oa racaipt of TELE-UBAH. A4dra«a ANDUBir Hcl*UEB.

' Proprietor "UacloTom'a Oabla" Co.,

DavU'a Laka. Hortb Dabola.Caa Dia Rood Tom People aad Colorad Qaaruu «bo

play braaa. Compaoy aow la ItaSlit weak, coming EaaL

AT LIBERTY, D. Ea PORTER.OwlDR to tba daatb of T A. FORD, maoafar ol *'Jodiaa

flimpblaa" Co , a, I am at liberty lor the raaalndar oftbU•aaaoa. Obaiaotars or Cooiadr. Old Uatd patuaip*ci^tr PajtHreaeaaoaaoialriURabltM tba Old Maid lo

"JoibuaBiuipkloa" Co. No rapartntroAddreaa D B faRTBH. CaUklll. W V

WANXEI) QUICK,FOR LOWE'S COMEDY CO.,Lady ff r Soubraite Leada, JuTaotl* Lady, all aroundOutaadlaa and ntbermafal panpla Hattjola uo receipt

orteleRram. Parea adTaocad. ThoM «ho haTe«rlU«a«rlie again. IneompetaDt peoote diactaaraed «lUiouiDotlee Addreaa OBO W. Lowra Bldorado. Eanm-

PERFOnBEKa ud MUSICIANfl In all llaea ol circa,boaioaaa laieapt rld*r«l Show opaoa Var I.

DOuVLtTIIERB. Whaitaiear, Iowa.


SL.IUIC XROMBONIHX.Sober and reliable. Addreea

OTTO ¥AEOBR, W»alerly,B.I.


Oor. 4Ui aad Oolaaibia mrMia. Jiewport, Kj



i. ('<c ^ '* ^'V OK ^ lol • d<n nr. Kmp ••Inmkin'. kttp ••Vnotkln': To». Jrt roll til do« e'ltJI Vt tlo<«l« » • wiy. K«p ••koodiiV. ken i-knockln': Doiil

MY OlD, OLD LOVE.Atrinfti ilMMlitx tl.SiWTr.a. Wwit and MutU ht Kotf Car** BratOf.

<i . I . I 'l I . 1 I

I sav a face In the sireel hsiniibt,Tliatbr«u6hllaek(hi

2. Lenfyeinihavepasse^uillut rev rt-jrtts Have liatereila*

JKi^ 'li!'J.'?.'PJl.5.'!£'!!Professionals m^t Cirf w Prima.


' MUiCHllUH tiuni


TbltweelCfProctor*!} Jan.aifPoiri;J«B.9a,Kftliti*B,Bo>toB|F«b.4.r«tartttoP«i(or*iThttbeftUopeBiBg •taowBallbollow. TliBBklB|| John F. Fields ibrthmt honor.

KRTHLEEN,Written, Gomposed and Sung by

Helene IVIoraPall pl»norort« copy of this mong ifliit to mnv addreii npoa racelpt Af price. HQ

cenU, by OBOnOE VNDEHHILL, 417 Eait tilth Street, New York VIlT.


UNDER THE MANAGEMENT of HARRY DAVIS.WANTKD—To h«sr Bt onco flrom BterllBg ComblBBtloaa, DramBtle CompBolvf,

JlllDilxel BBDdi, Opentlo OrgBQlEstlons and compaataa of merit,poKMHliiff good paper and plenty of lt«

Certainties Paid to the Right People.Minn HkHRY DAVIS, HARRY DAVtS' EDEN lUSEE, PIthburg, Ptnni.


I bare taken obarge «r Uie Academy of Hnslc Hanagen holding oonlrecta or

time write me at once. If 70s hare written write again. Address

J. L. HOOPEB, Manager, Look Box 189, Boanoke, Ta.

NOTICE, SIDE SHOW MANAGERS,LIEUT. W. ALLEN, Ventriloquist and Magician,0»B be eBflTKged for the tentlnf; lesaoa of 1(105, with three good Bote, VeDtrlloqalit,BlAglo BBdFaiioh and Jady, and! » good all day talker. Have been with the follow*IBK clteiiue, and nabhed the whole .eaion with them alli W. W.Cole, IHIIO, '«!<, '89,'HOl Cooner il Jaeknn, 1881, 'Utt Joha Hobiaeoa, lH83i Ohai, Aadrete, I887i the 4Paw Show, lH88.8t»-U0.llt-eia| World'! Fair, Clilcag,!, Ill,, IIIU3| the only 4Paw Bhow,ISM. Addreu 1,014 Whlttler Ht., St. Loola, Bo.


"^"^"iSFftSS&V"'''^'*'' $5,000 CHALLENGE.

I bare eli&)l«oji«l «TaTT eiiona Woman In ibe world iorUi»puttlirMre.ui4 loflerOosTboasud Dollira to urwoBuiibAtwlileqDtl ny Mblbluoa wiib bvftTT wai«bu. Cbtlleoiie ap«D to allcAmenrorODeTbooModD "-'«Ma. ud ItaeCbamnlon B«IL HINSaTA AND BLATT. la Ibcir «on<1nrrtil eihlblUoD vJtb domb bsllt. kmlBL4TT,p«nonnliKUiawoD^«rrairftatolcatoblDfl* Sift ttnnoQ ball flra<t from » laiRe euooD. Cub*eDKMifor tba MftKw of iGto. Wo will beftuaml to bMr from cinaa muagera, ud mantten of Bommar nfoiU waotli• flnt olaaa drmwlns aUraclloD.

'•pIUMd to baar from cinaa managara, aod manaten of Bommar nfoiU waotJagWHta nn lor omq tima.

MINBIRVA AND BLiATT, psnnaoant addrau, oara ol CLIPPER.



ALBURTUS AND BARTRAM,will olose season of 20 weeks with HYDITS COUDDIANB Jan. 10. SaU

forEnrope feb. 26. Address this week Hyde dc Behman'a, Brooklyn; Jan.91, Keith's BIJou, Boston; Jan. SS, BUon, Philadelphia.



wanllng » good Comptly Sketch and Leader of Orobeilra, addreiU3 ThInI ATenae^ New Verb Cl(}r, or care of Agi

nanagera addreu[enU*

Moxart Concert Orchestra and BandT. F. IROLLI, DIRECTOR AND HANAQER,

Will Famlib a Pint Clau OrganlBaUon of Any Ifnmber Deilrod tor BnmmerReaort, Concert HalU, elo.

Wa oairy our owoonoctrt pUaoas>1 lam raDertoiT of oUaalo asd modaranaifb WooM llkatnbaar fromoompaUDliDaDaitriODir. V. t. IROLLI. Magical Director. ParnaDiDCafdnH r, n. B01S7I, RIoemlDttoa, IIL


osntijv:mkn acrobats,Three bar* aad Conie DoilBg Act, hare Jatt flBl.hed.l9 week.' aacreetnil eagage*ment with Pablllonee' Cdea^ftaealre, llaTaaa, Vmhm. NOW AT MBBnTY to acrepteagagemeDt with a flnt claea comblBBtloa, Alto for tenting #a.oa IHWI. Addreaa

4 ROSAIRKH, care orvI.IPPBR.


B«|atdalo tb« oaxtSbtrlff ofWaitcbwtar Cflnoiyioiia it»od larvdaaarraaaaoihar. Papa, throw ma Id lb* rivar.


A PRETTT HOME BOHO.n«ad card aod 19 caou for eop7, "UP TO DATE" lOBIO CO.,

I TO Tbird ATaoaa, Haw Torb.

OLilN'TO, F*ORD*S Bcente Plar. ^ \N AMURICAPV UURO.'* j_ArWRrE<7rrrodBflUoalHHyiiaTm*pfeL Addia*a O. B. BaebHr.Mw.of.il WanlHaMliHt.niedaeau.O. |

CIRCUS CANVASES,• Poleaand Slakee, SEATS, Flag*, Bt«.

HIPP'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS.otonkim curia, nin, nc, na uu.

Colo's Eclipso^ Banjos


Imporial Mandolins.riT. MAT u, ini.

THE LUDfNe HI6H GRIDE INSTRUUENT^.Spoolal Inrtacenipataare marie to teaobenlobandle Ibeatt goode aa thvy are theirbeatftiende and are qvlok to apprfclafemerit. Sen«l for catalogue and terma. W.A^COLB, 17UTremon« 9t.,Doalon, Haaa




ELEGANT STREET AND EVENING DRESSESor all daieiipUoaa. T«a Oowai. Trmio Dr«tM« and 8«alaklnOoala, Id all varlaUaa Alto, aaaoarfalllloaor

GBIfT'S CLOnnNO.It will par iboaa playlofi Pblladalptala to call and aa*

(orUtamaalra*. OnrDanben,W4 and 9B BoaOi Hlraat. b«L tth and lOlh RU.. Phtia


RaTa DO equal lorolaar, brilliant, powartnl Iad* aad fluaflolih.

BBKD POR OATALOOUB.epoelal ratei to Daalara, Taachara aod Parfonaan.



11 cn ma,PRICE »S CEIVXH.


BALDWIN BROS..Lndlng Atronuti •! U» World.


V Alio manolaMann of all kisda ol BaUooa*(Oae or Bet Alri Bead for nloa list toBALDWIK BBOft. P. O. fet lU. qolBOr. HI. D. A A.

PATTERSON'Sa iDoh, lAO; 9 lo.b, $i.n: S mm, WJO. fgll lb..tarlwl tnj.Md Ul^tMnJQDJ>._Meti..T.rai., oeih IdMt1«1alnEM. C, PA'_

laa R. illath nireM,

MnJQDIe. 6U1). T.m., oeih li

LTTBRgqir & CO.W9M, PhUadelphla. Pa.

F««f~S]ttE CHEAP.Baggage or Scenery Car.

Fallr eqalppad, fiML looir, Millar pUUorv, Jeoola co oplloff, air brakaik A** klous of ataam beat oouplan, airvhiaUa, Woold loake a Rood ilaaparorprlvllato oarCan ba aaen at tnr uma br applYloi to

TOM BARRT. Oalatr Ttiaitra, Albaor. M. T.

LETTER HEADS1 tc r.r K.w


udou Bl| NBir BOOK of TbH'ilwl BHOBATIItail.

Wi Hike lis Best Portralls h tto World.

I. 0. CROSS ^gj'K.'iSo??. CHICAGO.



§.atlBK capacll|r or !l,oao, heated b|r•teaiBi lighted by SOO electric llghli lathree colore. Fine Heenery, lloa.ecea*trally allaaled on Ihe main .treet.naaagera or flrat clai. Attractloai ad

drue P. X. PBKItAVLT, ManagingDirector, HO St. Oenle HIreot, MoBtreaV,Canada,


TO TBB "PIlOPEflU," aod tba Can wida a atost Hob toroorebalo of fama. If roo boTo a ined portrait oatolrooreatr for aunooarr aod adrartlalof. Wa make tbatlfbt kind for Vl.tXL All kloda ol eoU for abow prlotiogatadUoooaL Write


Why?Do ONE TllfRn ol Iho FroloHion Uu

"TAYLOR TRUNKS."130 W.HadlaoB SI.,CblcaHO.

10:» B. 14tb NC, IVew Varh.

Attraotion Wanted.LBAO. BODTU D4I0TA.

Tba beat abov ton 10 iba Blaek llllla. Oparm BovaaaMttrOoCQU' Stated wliboMraehalrfl Litbralaetrleltrt od baatad bf ataam flaaU BD people. BWfOot borae-BboafaUairaad loll atock aoaoirr. Ilnoa* plarod lettta opaoloR «aak asd tbrea milea frrtn Doadeood.


Oh, Child of Mine.Higlcfl Appintit, Titcki

lllniNt, EtcIfav, faUr lUoftratad boob eauloraa, ararrtbiDf opto data, Ueta.

nrlor uioka eatalofoa irea.

ABTUflA A 00..MB tliib AttBOfc lfa« Torh

Watson ^ Du Pre.FOR SALE, MEDICINE WAGON.for panieoUra addraii R. H WILL80N, OreoDfiald.

Ct?gt epop applleatlop).

¥.S'b WALL TRUNKFor roofh haD(fllr>f aod email

dr««alo| rooma. Mod atanp forOatalDVDe^ 0« VfmCti

ilul^llUTE DATES.MIMtERS mi.








I^OT^SlIu A.RNO,HNIh Ht. and llroailwa)-, .New York Ully.


10 OXLOGK ATTbB Latest and Best "Bowery" Song ever written. Prof, copies 10 Cents.


WILL ROSSITER I "TI18 Hot Cfltn PubHsliar." Clilcaio.


Also Boo'is nnd Hiisic for tho lliinjo; Strings, etc. Send

for Price List nnd Famphlots <»f iiifornintion. Address

S. 8. STEWART, 221 nnd 223 Clmrcli St., IMilladcIpliln,

Pa., or, ypw York Offlco, 20 West, Utii Street.


MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUt GOODS.Oo\i and Mirer Hum, mopi, Bpuiilei, SUn, t—tlM, Browlei, nitu, Hblru, Pwldliin, UM, Win,Blioet tad Jeweln, Tbeautcal, EoaeelrUn ud AUUello Ooodi, Ooiiomen' tat Beilie Muen' Bappllta.

Flan ud Baiigen, Mllllarr ud Sooletr TMinalnp. Armoii o( all kindi U) order. Henil fur etUiutM.Tbe larteei •itoitniant tod bearlett naok of Iheee goodi to be (ouod uynliere. Ulrculin free.

•ento.D. D.


Tbio Four Richards.WItkO.B. JeO'erioB.KIawdiBrlaager'iarealProilurllaB, Palmer CWa-'Brawalee,"

at tba Foarteenlh NIreet Theatre, New Verb,Arieoii>iiioole>tloD.U l)H-K IIICIIAIIHW. .ho "I ULIffRH.

Forepaugh's Traction Fair.If you are not engsgeil and have a good feature write to us, ladlei pre-

ferred. If you want to work for yourself write for a PBIVILBOIS of anykind and get a prloe for tenting eeoaon of '60; spnoe selling last

WINTER aCARTERS. 13lh ud Oambrla 8t«„ PhlladelphU, Pa.W. A. aod a. H. POHRPAIiail, Wanegore.


<lood Specialty Artlila, alrong llrawlng Atlrartlone, aad Bniopean IVorellla.to open Jan. ^H. The belt MuoTo Hall In lha Hiate of Ohio, Seating caiiacllyTwo Thoa.and, fleeted liv oteam, UiMin all rear ronnd, A.ldreoe all malle VoV. J. WilieATI.KY, (leneraf Haaager, 177 to INU Uanh Nt.

tl. J. WIIEATIiBV and U. I.AIflC, Note Proprletora,

WANTKU, iron

Pawnee Bill's Wild West,A nallroad Conlraclor, a Car AgenI, lllll Pnalera aad Lllhographeni 4 aad 0llar.e Drlrera. Addre.e CHAM. PlilLl.llilllOKB. nun Samara HI., Phlladelphlai— ~ ' -fn

-(Jaarae Hen and Seat Hen. CHAM. IIIIL.I'M, liilll W. (lerlh Ml., Canton, Uhlo| Train

Phlledalphla. I>«i|iln waaird In (Addrni U, W. I.II.LIB, I.r4ger Jnl> OOlce, Philadelphia, Pa.

naa, P. IIBAHTWBIjI., nuit Saneom SI.,depannente,

HEH&T O. SflNER'B ENTERPRISES.Hm*7 O. Mfaur's IWk ATaao* Tbaatrs, N. T.

Hury O. Kiaa's People's Theatre, H. T.Heavy O. Hlsa'a Newark Theatre. Nraarh, N. i.

Haaiy O. Mlaar'e Bawery Theatre. N. T.Henry 0. Mlaar's Elshlh Ave. Tkaatra, N, T.

nokl*AMM, •una" AMnm tU Mnm.elMHne. I. IIKMRT f1. MilfMR. iU> ArMa.THoMn, «. T.


mv-lln llroadway, llroohlrn. It. V.

M am M ^^^^ ^^^^ TIIB OLD RELIABLB

VvIGSa<M.BucIi&Co^B ^B^P IM ffsrtk Iftalk M., Fklla.^^^^^^ ^^^^^ .mav.rvmnw AVfABemamn.•wiairarmnn afianavraan

MAOIG THICK JUGaUNa GOODS,raimiuMyUT asd judt nonan, swisnisa oluss. n»i a euu le muih «r w rtt— Seiie iilOil.hne. melefae CrrieftUeg Oeedi^ oleH TealrlloaalM u4 Pa.eli tad tm6t rlnreo Irm,

. CiOLUIISIl MAOIO TBIOS aro. (ft>.,RlSe«eiTi M.T.

742 THE N^EW YORK CLIPPER. Jaijdary 19.

STROM'S VAUDEVILLES,Introaiidniqr F. W. »XKOH, the Cliamplon Xjlffht Wolerlit Dumb Bell I^lfter or tlio World. '

Dm wbBt th« ORTROIT TIIIBUNE ot Jan, II wfd "OrdlBBry Damb Balls Are Oolv Peannt Bliacki to Mlm-Hc Lifto a ITa-Panad Bar Bell Abave HU Bead and lUllai »,300 Ponndi la Maraeu."


XHOMFtiioiv tiiKi BUNx:i:.r.,




HANAaERH OF VIRBT CLASH VAUDBVILLK AMD COMBINATION HOVIBB ONLY wlehlng to plav Ibia MCfHeat atlracllon, pleaie »Bd opaa lime and beat termi <oCHAS. H. MAYHTKAD, HaBaser, Hi Stale llreet, Detroit, Bllcb.

?6^»^%'ii!L.%:.'n°rM MunoeeriouR pruvtihig aiiI. new autd timEhty of it.H. BIJNNKLiLi, 143 S'oarth Avcnuo, Mew Yorlt Renreaantattve.

-A.THLETIO.Jutn iBMiiR, wbo for a nainMr of jenri mii

Ua bonirace ot (he qulia popglar Kmla lloiel IdMiujank, a aoburb ot riilladtlDhli, I'*., dleil atbli lealdeDoa id ibat oltr od Taeiaaj oroolDg, Jan.B,la»TlDga widoir and two cblldran. Ue ma anailTe ot Eodtnd, batlnR Iimd ijornatScontllead,Yorkatiln, od Not. i;, im. and ho came Ui tblaconDttT Id IKM letUlnRlD KonalniloD, I'a. IlowaapMiloolarlr weiikaowD Id local aporilDg clrolca aaa baokar of aprlot rnDOera and racing dogs.

TBI Bafvleir (I,. I.) AUiKilc Clou hold tboir aa-BOal oleclloDlaaCwMk, villi llie rnllovlng roaolt:rresldtnt, William J. Morgan; tIco prcaldont,Antaor M. Kane; roconlliig accreurr, tlenrr W.Ltraing: floanclal atoreiar;, rcterL. Iloaaej; cor-ratpoDillaB aeoretarj, Jamei W. Ullrer; captain,JotaphJ. O'Brloa; nontenant, Jamaa A. Urotacll.

Tsi niandale ([,. I.) Atbloiic Olub eircicd oniccrea fair daja ago, the onoaen mombora bclDs: I'rcil-

dODC, Jamoa w. Holrno*: vice prcaldont, iToDrr K.O'Brien; traaaiiror, William II. UrOiilrc; flnanolalecroiarj, John J. Uiruea; ouroipoudlia rtorolarr,llmrj J. WeDtworIb; captain, limiiard J, Walaon,

TBI new oiTliiora ot tnc B.hI Orange (N. Y)'0;olera arc: rrealdcnt, 0. K. W«llar.>; <lce prcil-daat,W. L. Ilooili; aecielaty, U. L. Iloilcy; imia-luer, 0, II. Follea.


Tbtro «ai a toung man bad a clieqne.lie dalllod wllb Fortonti ber bcqnoLed tilm stralgbt to ibo couraoWbera be boi on ft honnie,

And be got It rigbt mtun Id the D<i|ur,

. _ .—Truih,

KHciiieu u BUS IH Si'OKB—A Froncliman ot aomolltertiT dlailDciInD, after atadjlng Koglltb for ateir montba, wrolo to an Aiimrican Irlend, "Innull time I can Icamao manj EDgllthaalihiDtIirlllcomo to Aniorliu and go on the ecatrold toleototo."—.v;)r(ii(Mrtil umiiMc.

Hit nn a OUBurNirT.—"Woro ^on awnre tbalMoab undoralood all aliout elcctrlcli;t" "N<i;dldbet" "Moat awaredlr, lie luailu ihe aiu lltibtnnArarat.—WaoiiifiiaMii (ill.) kdv

AT LIBBRTV Poll ANV KINO OP Alit. thai par' uuii.i. cilAB. nimKiii.L ami nuBKLBON.Ooraalr HIeuli Tflkm: LRNA ULtNB, ChlM hODffaed Dinse Atllit UIIAH HRHKKLL Ooh Mialo uAHplrit OiblDii: loUofAoU; cbiofre work as nrira aidnlnd; all pUr ajjmi ciiah. ufiikkll,U»Qir*l b.Hmrr. l.lul. niwh. Ark


HINO«_P»U S.t I MBND xivAOOHetTK riRB KI1II (ll'tril. Ulraulr lor lai. vlUiOOHfLFFE IvaTHUirrluNS. Aor on. ctn learn Uiaa«t la a few d>ri R. nAllNBI.t,(i.

178 w.inh <:i»rk Bir««u Uliimo, in.

FOR BALK—llaodK>iiiDi«tol RlilT IKIK, cctanaod a half, cJirouiuo nichil pUlcil, iiiuudIcU on porta-ble iliir, MirrUDd mak*. co*t SBJ: alM BD.IiphSOQMRloa, 113; eoit tW. Ajilrtu W. J. UllAUUOi;!,o CI Flflh Atannft rtn>r*,in H.J.

, OPBHA IIOUBB BlANAOKHH.-llllDoli,IL, X»., Kan;. I. T, Ark , TiDQ, Miu, La, lllDii,ll D.,Ala^Tai. and Florida ifad Dp«D tlmo, lull pa-tloulan:vaatad,olroultn.u9 0p«raiioG»«i: iH<ok i.euinm olwteompkatii orar tuiion 'vi, M: Viuiproa'i OrnntUiUaadgoarioi*. H Foiiih leUihi. hl Lnui^ llo

IIARPBVILLB, INO.,>l>hl nilltaunUiol Koho-no and •lahimtlaaoorlh olTlploD.pnpuiaiinn TdULoevarbad a ragdUr ahov. Huaa aaiall lull niii boM aoabaatad and Iighicd witli aalural caa, piano eta. Beaallbnt good eoiDpanl'H ciailog ihiaway can ilo bualoaaa.

A-iilraa» K H nimiill.


'I,II publlaWC, Willi olcheaiBlloD. br

WM t, wllllHWmill MuHloalon. N. J.



T. A. BIIIIUKM. I&lirenlial A\enu>. Uovar, K. II.

RBAD THlti,—A bargain for Ihe riglit parHuD. TheUatair Tfaaatra, Lawrenc, Va«a. lor ule. No onr«.alUoai dolnia Aral ola*a buainesa. Raalon foraelllna,too Bneb eara for an aged latlr. Unljr ihoio with reaoreaabaddreaa Hiiil 1-. v. la HAHUilil,

4OT E>M a Hlifru Liw i.nce. Maaa.


I). M. llrHIIM, Urcalur. lail.

WANTBD (imCK FDIl UllABIATIO CO.,onaOeud badr for l,ea,l«, nee Y,mn|t Laoy lhatoao alogpad danoa, gcod J .renll. Mu. l.aill«B a«nil photo; aulalovaat aalarr in dra^ leltar. 1 p»y It. K. and hottl.

Good aaiataaraoao itrlie.

B. K RUTI.mi. Maoaaer. Mu nele. ind.

6MliaiO AHHANUBD ji^lll OIICIIB8TRA,AND OH BAiluuLlN OHUUKtrnA. Honia oonipopiM.alio pnt to worUaor arooiiipaolnipnl tna>l. lur malody.

Addreaa tlllAH. U t.KWIH. igi HV mh HI . Ulnclnnatj.J).

I.KAUBII tmciiicVTiiA.rilAH. I'. VKITf.ll.

t,a> Maralnn Himk fMlfcloliihla. Ta.




BLApk rAllB nillt'l'BW* MKDli HKHI. UTIIIon, PA


Morrlaonjtie Hliiea I'laeiilelil 1^0.. Ta.


meta. wntlan oriler anil rerlreO. Hiaiiin rurie'nie

HARRY lIKWIlHIliON. IK» fn.areaallt . IjinlaTllle. »>.

OUE^tl'lHti new: •aabr'a l^etiar," Ballad witit

Walla Belrato. Il4>ng eoil or.'liatlra l«rtJ to protea.

aloaale forlua. IIK.iK I'UH . i:o . Imllanapolla . l uJ.

AIN.-J FINB iiVf. riNIIHNAKEa,IKMt. tllllBH.m Welt H«raiitli lltr«at,_IMnolnnall. (I.

VOR liii.'UK->l>'»''\ Vliil'llkil, 9 MAIIIU LANTBRRB wVUi illdw, oto , Intporlad Hpirll Uablnel. AtrialBnapeaaloa. Oraaoa. Truuka. Miniature World'a Fair. %\*vt

l*alntlDaa.Teo&.ato. Heml ilanip lor lllla. I ALWAYSIIAVB UABU tu bur AnMliiiii u«ril in Ihr alio* 1,1a, II

dirt ebeap. Aitdreaa W. II. J. MIIAW, 191 AugaalaBtraai. Cbieaao. HI


"WXSTI£ir~"AT O.liCK, UllOb" ALI.-rouod laadloa lldF. ninat bo joun,: and alopla; aleo

good leadloahaaTy man: olhrr ROud i>attp1e.«nla Addivuwtlh loll paitleuU'Band lo.a*tiiatil liuieailarlee,

whlehareiur?, 1'. U Wll.LAllO. NewrurL fa^^^NTfiop. TicafT. iio. 7ii"»iii Hirn."wlTiiORWirilOUT MlUtil.K iMKi:K rl<l^ Uiihu^alo.. emailhooaeteol aod dining laiit; iiiuil 1i« In a,!!, 1 condlllon

and eliaaplnr oaih. A. T. (lu.uov.HallaTue O.

""hANiCV'H'AUT OK;m,\l\lM»l ANlHALji -

aiQ fAUKH rrloo. too. "Iliiw It, rra'n Anlinala." fli

liaiiaa. ill. frlca, toe. Kall'U. poalpaul. nu lacelhl ol

p'lSr^ '"!*<=. A <1|Ia«(IW P.ro. III.

KmrTBAFKHH KBrrl Kil. I«iai. I.iraal erlieai-

MTIIOa. OSlai OKNT KACII, ANk NTl'UBVOU WAHT. Wnd lor laiiifla,. llAhHV IXAHK,

ftll Hpriice H'lert. rhlladalplila, I'a.

aile c



IIOn6uHAI>II OOTKI r.—Fiiel rlau, loi

cheap" TIIOHItlOK, Hi Bimth Fillli BIroal, rnlla

Iphla Fa.

PHJNTINU —I page ouuriota utia only v> lor aiUJ:

lata gr lor e.QJ); pmpraiiia 411) gl.tv Ails %7 and litis

I lor lkCO> lola. vltit. ra|„r, oni, aide. A K. BTAF-OHP H RalUy Aie I'laiiai'u'a. *>. Y. _

NALItj~A" uiroir'.T.ilOiri!*rajaaj^j n tvi'ira* aaatPi'M-n. trrTOURU THIUK DOIIS and 1 pl.tlILK Arn.MI IHMIH.

Cheap. Bnoli>ae«titiir.^ I'lllIF MAY. llinoTar. Pa

"A^ytiu iraBVliibao 010 a IVouiinumal. Ill'ali Ki.-kar

Bkirt Oancar or Aorobttr II a,,, uae l.lNBKtt .M'l-'K

Frloegl. Wm. BelHin. IS FollonSl.. W,ii,>ailar, MaM"ffnOtTt't'iiANH xt^kffK.ii V " A'f ' niiuicil-AtR rRIOBn; A xKiimn HAND HRT. rllKAV.

M B. BLIHIM. I,«l l.'tinelna «t . N Y I'llv

"OltilATKIIT~t>LANTAT ftlNSMN« OUT. INvrVkb: • tuwx IK mil inrrim rim.li!> - Pioreaalsnali ion rtnia IlIRANH IIBADi^UAHTKRV. IMWeitTeaBlr-ihirtl mr»at, Y '

OMKUIKN, UIIU-amp for r.plr.


HltBTCHKI). HONim. I'OMKILBMUrlt trniTTKH 111 llAllKK Fll

Jt>8RPIIRRH1IIAW. IW Falriiiftiinl.


iULLBL T. MURRAY, ear* of OUrrBB.


The Best Professional Songs lu IbeMarket. 10c Each.

With Orohestra Partsa"Bask 10 Ilia Old Home Again." "She Left Ihe Man

WhoLorad Her lor Anolher," "The Bane Rveat BellaAio RIoaloa," "To Err li Unman, to Forglre, DlTloal"

ii:d Mao,** *'i~FonoTil!!

Diddi.^'")._ Man,** *! D» Lots Ton. or Mf DkarOUl'Hotbloi's TooOood for Uio ln«b," "P»u«y tod


'Ttt« WorkbODM Door," **Tbt Homo, B«eat Home'oO -DOKT BEAR AilT ILL rBKLINO TttoBKOLIBII

Prolwilooftli FRBR b«l«MD 1 ud i P. M. fakottb Ar«.Bl. B.tt *OdKOtolTtt»r»D>1ln RL


Noiloplftirkki. FlMootifor BaUaod Opon Boou.Mnii b«io Roed ooDdiUoD. Work Dleolr. OolrthOMiCAD do wMnoatpnoUe*. airom* AlltL wlih piloe*, udfull pwtlcuUrf. twror« I mo mo. Writo ot oocf.


FlorenceCampbell^IRmotlanal or lAomtdy).

Ajidreaa lU W. Htb Bl., New York Clly.



enetd AildraaaU. B BABKBB. Leader or<irohe>lra. FortEdward. N. ¥., unUIJaa «. then care of OLIPPBR.

"When Corltett and Fitzsluinions

Come Together,"ICoiijrIghud). A DErlDBD WINNER glJIPBBHUXUllBD. BIKdLKCOPlBdTBNUBirra_ Pehlibad by IbeAiiihnr, WILL J. HARDMAN, Bonir. Pandyaod BkeithWilier, « Beat Poorib Btreet. Hew York vnr "

., _0 WOULD


I Paoonma.BalUeof aeuyahor|,ll)i3>a,Bnaatpa{Ina In ealatanca: ItOlt Boond Top, 711. Bide Walt, iIng In ealatanca: lioit. Bonno Top, 7IL aioa wall. Dawand ooo*plau;tsWBo Band Unllomaatabanaln. Willahin any number warned en appnral, or will lead beadau orehaatra, (bmlabiDf nnlremia aad mnalo. eitheruarelin.orl''ule«. R. W. DAVBNroBT,UnlaTllle. ly, Jai. 9 and weak; alter thai home, at

BrldgaporL Ooon.

For Sale, on Easy Terms, WoiderfylFREAK or NATURB, Aoatrallan Woollr Hone, UALFBUBBP, HALF UOIUB. corered wllh baaty Coat ol

Wool, neither Maaa norTalL Merer been ihowa. Call

orwrlta rorpartlaolan, _W«. w. HTaBr « re, l Waet Tlilrd Bt, Haw Tork.

'i SEE A VISION FAIR."A BEAUTIFUL SDNO, JUAT OUT. PillCB Ck. Mailedu> prafaiBlnoa'a aendlng oaid or proiranme. na.

II. ED. fOWBLL. Pnbllabar, Olotara.llla H. T.

Museum of AnatomyBHALLOHRroBRALBiOIIBAP. Bin BAROAIM.0. HATFIELD. l.7l»0lltBtnut dtiaet. Banaaa Olty. Mo

S4 to $5 pif 100 Ctplis et Yoir Pkola, Citil-

nat BiBa, Rllt edge, fine flnlab. Oaah mnat aooompanyOlden. Fordlraetiaaa how u aend aagailrea addisaa

IIUllUBON BHOa.HarambrldaaATf.. JareeyOlly. H J.

Wuted, Joinllf ,Heii) Hn ui Soibrette. (or

llanertolie. BalaTTlow. UnatJolnoareclptoftelaiiraD.Farwi 10 partlaa known onlr. Maltllla a Da Few, Oiaiga,

Va., I7-1». Ohailnmarllle. Va, ll-a7. Jee H. Blaler wire.


TBI^tfft Baod ten oenla lor cauloanj andTKli/IWO IIET TEN NBAT OARD TKIOKBPBER AtldraaaJOlIN 0. B<lUBIDLBR.OIaTaland. U.

"AT LIBERTYe"iDd lOlli^lo. Addrou L. R. AHDEHSOS.

FroiDiPo Oily, low*.

WANTED, A FEW VORE 6000 ALL-AROUNDporlorioir* for lb* Hod. Bootoou: Ioor muod; p«7iar«kod MC«nltD|ild iho ilmoa AddivM

MANAOBR. Uwnhorrr. Vorh Oo > Po.

10 etou. wltb pftriieu*ftn trnw lo

•tArtlQ tho ihow buriDouftod loom All hlodiol lOU, to-

oihor Willi lllnitratod boob ofoliiroltbtBOv ooUAO'lrOM JO"N II. BOIIEIDLBH. OUwlind. Oblo.


11 R. ATIIBRTON, BlUbaell. 111.

D'BRIEN, JENNINGS and O'BRIENI'Ufod St Kow lltToa lutwook, not In Hooion. u hillod.

Jao. tl sod opoD Aildr»M I'oi o nrCLIPPKIt.

At Lllieriy, Experienced Clarionet Player.

R««iHtQilbU (voriloi ootr oddrooi JO!). rKVMKK. Mu^•loitD, Now nrlosai r. o_. «i£. Dol . LooiotiBs.

At LIBERTY, SfDNEY HAYES,L«ftd«, U«**lo« and CbsrMloto. Ro«poulbt« insufroonly othiroM laB Voo Pawn BiTo*t. <lh1cap*. Ill


CllARLM IIARTY. geatLU.iella. Indiana

AT LIBERTY, FRANK HARMS,l'IANI4T. Ial.nl Rohl A HId'll.lon'B, lUlHaRO, 111 AddrraalJIPAKI Br. llonaadBlr, Pa

FOR SALE.AS ITALIAN IIKMP NKT. \l\n, NKARLTNRW. FHI'-RIII J'lllN LAMBRRT. >» nean H'.. Phllajlalpbla "a

AT LIBERTY,KHANK, HILTON, Otoorsl BuilOHi. ANNik LVSLK,i'hMMior. BATtor OoDortl Boiidom- .

fffit T«r«D(r foQnb fUrool, h'i« YiiTh.

ILION OPERA HOUSE, lUON, NEW YOllK.P. 0. nLm, Fropriotor ud Mswnr PopoltMoo. \(I0.PuUDf rtpftcltr. LOCDi BtT* opoi Ubm IB PobnAtT»dl(tioh.-*U Oalr flwi sunollooi woifd

Freak Horse for Sale.H, OOBTTILi BM Waal Blh BL, New Talk.

B. F. Keltb's Amosenint Enterprises.

E.F. AIiBEE - - - ChuLHBV,a F. NEITtri NEW THEATRE, Boitoa, Oitt.}

THE BIJOU, PkllMtatpkla, Pi.;



OontinnouB Forformanoo.I(OOMTOIO.U. ROBTOr.


|Tho rtaoo tobrios wiTOi•od ftlDlllO*TONY PASTOR'S,

Kv'IngaflP. Bl. Mala, Tneadayaad Friday.TONY PASTOR AND FINB COMPANY.


MLLE. FUVGERE,il#llll.F anti Oreve, Nelaoa. Levailtoii and*jallrr.nii Urollltn NelMin,HlltyNolan. Monalien aedKlng.

H. W. UAMLET, Manaaer.I

Mr. Edward UarTlgan'a oew play,EMPBATIO '



NOTORIETY.fliB DOV loilii bf DAVB BRaiIaU.








In "A Run on the Bank."Then cornea >*Tllli !DI1I CENIURV QIRL."

PEOPLE'S ffBSYTifW-rEB, Piop'r.






HARLiEM MVSEVM,IIEtk Strael ind ThM Ave., N, T. CUr.

TBBNTON MtSEUM,North Broad Streol, Trwiton, N. J.

JOHN HANSON ProprletoiBOWAIID C. SMITH UanaaarWANTED AT ALL TIMER, Btnnr Faatorea, Cnrl'

OBttlaa and HoTalUea for Leotnre Hhlla: alio HighOUaa TaodaTllle Acta tor Tbeatraa. All applloatlooa lor

eagagamanu (bnlh honaea) maal be addreaaed to" EDWARD C. BMITU, Harlem Moaeon.

HUBEB'S s'i. MUSEUM.Opw All tbo rotf. WAKTBD. FOR THE OURIO OALLB,LlTloB OorloilUoi, Pt«Ak« or Notoro, Rftn ADd CurloniAalmaJi of OTory dooeilpUoD for oar oow UaD&corloDopATtmoat, ud At All Umei tbo Toiy boit YudoTlUoStAT* for Uio thoAtn. No loUrr too btjtb for Pint OIamMoTolUM. BDg»fem«nt< ttom 4 tollwoekitfulBslboMuon.

OLYMPIC130 St., and 3d Av*.WlhClmVaiHlovlllot,





Phor. MidlBOD Biioftre Oirdoo, .\aw Vork, J«d. al-lC^

NUTJi^E TO AQBHrS AND HANAOERB.UftvlDf forJuBltOkblo reuuoo eoDCOloi] oogAXomrotot

IhoClilotRO Ulrcoi voire Ireo Fob i AdJreu 13 KRIBHT . Combfldgoport.


Ponnueot oddna, oon ufCLIPPBB.

WANTED, PRIVILEGES.will Rent Prlkllostg wlih Wggon or R. R. Show,

Show, Concirt and Candy Sianda, or

will Managa Sana on Porcantago,

Yeara ol eipeilcnce. and thnrongh knowledge ol all

kraaahea ol olr«uB bu.lnaaa. Ceo aleo lumlah carllioronibly aqolppad Inr paaaenger aeiTlce. Vciild makeBMdBlaeperorprlTlIeKecar. Anawer, OEO.PBOK,Aortlanit, H. Y , week Jan. H. CBnandaigna. H. T.,

WMk Jan. II.

FOR SALE,Set of Olusieal Sleigh Bells,

II STRAPB. PROM n TO n AND P BllARP, wllb STANDnB<1nhT MaYLAND. In |verlaol lone rail or addre'a

nilAH. W. HELD aiuFal'onBlreel. Brooklio. W. V.


BlDgloit Ud DuclDRSonbrolUaJuvoattMorCtMimotora.

W. B. FREDERICKS,Jureolloo, ChuMton or Otoarol BuIqom (uoubtoa

Troinbooo Id br*M)K«ojMD»ibt« moooKort oddroas KovtlDB (IreoD, Oblo.

«0f« lloiol Urofin. r.H.—JoioJoinUroritpftrmUir.

WANTED, FOR THERejil VuidtTifle Ca and Famous Lnin{ Fictiiies,

LADIEBTUWURKIN PKTTUHK'. Boa' do .peelalUBBand ataa In on.nlDK open. Alio YARIETV ACIB OFKVKRV^R:irRIPTIDN Bond pbolo and lo.eal raUryfliai leller. Pholna relorupd Paepla mn.l hare gnmlwardrobe W. D VAN DYgK. Hlnahamlon, •>. V.



laraptwpar.d to aageilat. with maaaaarawlahlBg lo.n|aaatb.EBguillal'X TILLAQB aad Ihe AUBTBAUlAR BOOMBRIniI TIIROWBRR. Add eaa

TnOBAH n BnotT. WnnderlBBd. ItoeheBter, N. T.

Watson $( Du Pre.



The New March Sonsp"BOUMP-i-DIDDYBOOlBmiMPWrlU.D for UTTLB BTBBL LIKOLBT. aadnni by

B "Tba OarUwara** ^h.BPADLDIROAaR;

bertoulplo encore, alghtlr l« "The OaSawMa;onpyrllkc haa be- D aaslanBd to BPADLDIRO A OBAT, 11

Wool Tweoly.BaTenIb BIMbI, New York, who will hr-ol*ta coplee, with orchtairatTon, oo raoalpt of 10Be Bral in Um leld. "Ihe beat eomie eoai, with moKeal£h> Idraa, whelker aa regaida mnalo,aod effect, we bare heard for yMra.'*;


roROBR." "Variety peirormeia and aonbratlea will BodIfalaablclATealmut It la wbUUad on thealrMta/urmy llUle alrl ooca alnga If-HABRT LINOLIY.


lected 10 United Blalaa. England and Panada.



Strong Medicine Talkers,That are goon Tooib Bllraclor,. t^tek worker, pia-

lerred. BiauaaeaodloweBtaaUrYrorlongaaajoo. AJJo.

Versatile Performers,That can chaoge rpeelaliifla often,' wnrk m ada aad

lll'Og lo adrerl I.e. Poll pottioolere In flnt htlar.

Addwa OHAB. ALLEN. Roanoke, Va.

MR. AND MBSa MARSH,Eoalaid a dnalllBla, ealab the crowd at Paitor*B, aadwrite: "VeiT nnch pliaaid with IL WIU o>e ItlsaUeegagamenia*'

flaymoBd Bbaw'a Bacceaa,

"BESSIE PETITE."PlAio copl»* lio* OrehoiirA po-to, ton ContA.

O. W. PHOMIWO, ByWW, «. y.


WITH BPBJIALTIES for Roaih Boobrott* Work AodBay's parL ritylo, Pock'i Bod Boj. Abo Ai DolchComodlAa, wllb BpocitlUoa: Al Irlita Comodltn tbAt caddoablt block EKe,«ltb8MCloUi«s: ComodlAD TorOODOdTO'dMaQeADdUd/Pluftt. MuatboantolAispoopla,«itligood 8p««UUIoii Foil pArilooUro, lovMt ulorr« pbotokDd pToqrommei dm lotur. HooAioiiHttt poyi botrdAodkRiuo. Porilo* moitberotdjtoJoloonroMlptof telOBraii). >*o ttno lor conoipondooe*. BoUituwhen coiDPur uk« roid. Ho foroi tAwv^mA. AddiMl

O. BrBINLBlN.N T.ThootnCo,JofforMD.Toiu.

OPERA CHAIRS WANTED,BBIOND HAND, moat be low (100 or 2X1). or wlU boynew ooea 11 cheap. CIIAB JAMU. _

Ooion Opera Uonaa, Clinton, R. T.

A Bonanza, Sure.ONION'fl OPERA BOUBB ii loodr. BoaU KO Hov

ooii»rT,drMioirclo,blli boirdi. RoportoUe oompinrKod for tbrt* altbiA BboriDg or rant, fliln 3uiiruL tblrlooamlloolromBomo, Dioo Irooa UtlcA

WILUAH ONlOir, OllDloo, M. Y.P. 8—MipiirelorBoportolroOo fo oodlcACo.




BoORbyOUa BBUNO Jr. or "DbtiI'b Anatlon*'!^.FRONOONOBO by all a HOILO BEATER,

tet thla MDg while U la Ripe Price par oopr. Ilo.

Addrou MATT EUBELIt Setolt Wla




AUTUMN LEAVES.lOe to the pnleiBloo. Sa«. each toolhera, or IbaS for



Novell/ PloB* and Orgaa Sdeltt.

ALSO DIRECT AMD ABRANOE.Cftt«broT«rtoro moiilo opwltb the tlmo*. I'Anrmr

o«n Rnad CONOBRT (tmok) OBOAK, eonlAlDlacDrama, 0/mbAl^ TrUoilo, OrdhiitfA BoUt, oio A pool*KTODoroItj. Oolj Oitt o<uimUMOn Mlfol(«d. TiawlaToiMoro c). R RfqalTADOilokot to Join. AMrOMLairoO|[>.Toa. Joo U-A BmtiopM-M.

AJT LIBERTY,BlrglDf and DfoolDRBonbrtitA; Boji orlpfonaoL

"EDWIISr B. WJIELA.1V,»»BiDgloR nod DoQolof Comodltn Bir^Df ol'itlor inddoielOK mofiU ood donblo poolilUoo Muunn ofRoUftbio AUtACUoDO AddrtOi EOWXNR WBBLAJf.

GIllloTbOAUe. AUMi Cttr, MliionrL

WANTED, PARTNER WITH SMAU CAPITAL.To loin mo In Ooniodf BpooUltyCo. VonnirBiaB pre-romd. Bnull coidpur ; t»oal|ht itAodi In sooll tovna.Wuud, lor nmo, good nil Aioond poopio doing tvo ormor* tnmA VorloiT OittDlit, MAoioputoB nflorpwooa,Miaielna. Bbotcb T«im, Skirt Ducor, oto. Buio rollMrtlenlnrt, Uotih of octA Ifyon donblo brmu. and Torylovott iaIktt- Loibort. klokoro nnd IneoDpttontA boonorr Ad. MoaoforOomcdr-epMlAllrCo., BoBSOnTlf. Y.


LEADING JUVENILE UOY,AND TUDER OH POOR ALL BOl'NO AOTORS WITHRHCBRrORYhXPBRlBMOB. AUo good FUr> on BEA8UKABLB RoiAlllo*. Addro«a PRANK KOVB, Bicho'tThoAtro, FoU Biior. Mm*. Jim CnmpboU, nond nddivA,lUre (mporitotlottorroryoo.

, or Traill iltkDiYouWuttoVtrloir llodlciooOo..SldoBhor»orOI[eni with iHgoodfor tb por *»ob. If oo got a tnord waUIdi ontflL Brorr.thing comploio, Uddor, iwordp, ind soorvThow to do thisaor, only tr : notblng to Ioats c ron enn do It at oneo : oelrAUlek. fti wllb onlcr,bAlanooC.O D. WJCRBUON.tor.. H rnlton Biwot. worcoour. Mn**.

WANTED, AT ONCE, A LADY FORTUNETELLER ALSO AN BXPBRIENCBD LADT to vorkUm fatoro v iio nod HnMrnnd, In nionor nafeoii I eaoofTor Aptounst,ponDnB«nt.nmnB*mliTo|>oolUon. Bondloll pATtlOoltfl lo HARLOW W. WOOD

Ornoml Dollfiir, N«w Bnoiwlok, N. J.

At Liberty, W. R. TODD,OEN£RAL BUS.



NEIL LITCHRELO,THEYANKEE GOME.DtAN. «tibonoo( tbo stroBtoot Tnnkoo BpoelolUoa Inthe hnoloow Addroon 417 ^OotOtl Bt .9%w Toifc, W. T.



CORNET o.^r!r?Kf,ifJrt25i'it.4S5Sii,^



By Ibe Anlbora ol "no ton ChUd,*




Uli lut Uioogbu ware ol you, hla wife, buown Bweet darling Jane.

And Uo baby girl ba knew In lire, ka'd acrar

Me again.

"Daar Ned.** Bald he, "wbea I'm at

tvi, re-sn home I Implore,

pntaot lb* oaea that I

lore baet. and leara

ibem nerar mora.

(Bl Bladlme de Fogariya School(Jee Flyaan'a ip-eal comic aoiaac),— • -"- • \<i I

(3) BoUifr*

(0) Periiai

drtg.aUabri.hapa-Wbe Knewa, (Wl... ...

Kox'a awiwteat batladi, artduie lamoua)t

(Will. H.

""IrlTTLE LOST OHILDJNOTBIlt—AorernUolibonbOT0fer«a aongo loot to

Erofoulooali finding progninm*, on rfcolptoflOoonu>r ntllleg. Orcbutntlou lor Any ofnbOTniongi 19


JOB. W. STERN tL CO.,8)1 Baet Fenrteanlb Buwt. K. Y. 0.


'Honey Moon March'(PwoBtop).

CoDpOMd by OEO. BOSBT (0. H; DoMBbATf\iDtrodoood wltb greot inecoao id Prlioroi* A Wtit'tBigHtoiiUcli In tbo gnod drill; Do Wolf BopporCo. ln'*Dr. 8tnlAi;"Gn*. Btil'o World ofHovoltloi: Ono. BIU'R How York Rton; "Bonlta Boforotbewtr'*ro ; Jllnco'i Otty Olob Oj.. nod nonyotborf. aIm ploTOd nod prognxmod ot eTorylo»dini Nov Tork TbOAtT*.NOrei-TfiU Moreh ! tnllnblo for DRILLS.

OKAND PIMALBB, nod for iDlro aetioo daringBpoolAlty Aou or orory dO'crlptloD, bolng nev,UTOlr aod cAtehy.A llnritod nanbor of c^mplcto Orcfao«tr»tloDi (10

pAm, 'coll'*, hoin^ ADd piano) will bo fumlibed onncototof 2^ cod<o In atuipa Addrwi

J03. W. SrBRK k rOw,3>H B. Ulb St.. N. T.aP. B.—Tbil Marrb vill b« pabllibod for BAod ; also

BaoJo (Broohi A Dontoa*! AriAogonieat). Dnonotfoowlll b« giTon.


HOWARD WAIL'S IDEAL$VoiinoitlooAbty tlio tqaol of any Reporiory Urganliv

tlon lo Amoilo*. Noit «faaon Ihooreoont oieollfD^o <«f

tago porrotmanco wi|i ) e folly Dalotatnod tvi a taporb

BAND AND ORCHESTRAadded llvo rapidly a ling.

FAIR DATES WANTEDiaOhlo,Ey and Ind. forn.it raU. Tmlyfoora,


Addiwaaarerr nl^or.ENTEBPRIBB BHOW FRIKT. Olereland. Ohio.

Wanted, Performersdoing slrong npeclBltlea for TandoTlllt*howBOWorganlxInge PJmy w«ekntanriiionly. Send fall portlCDlKrs **r art Bnttlowest soUrr, as MONEY 19 RVniO.

Address G< O., care of CLIPPBH>


Tbo boot »how town In tbo Biato ol Mo s'lo. HoqhDov, loaii on >oop]o. In $1(D open rbalrt. LtgUodwltb gu. itAgo Ui3^, complotA Ml or iconory, SftfL grid-

Iron, plODty room fAr sdmUI rcoDOTT drawloa popula-tion 4,00a Oood opon tlmo lut of Fob and baJaneo of

POAion NO FAKE WANTBD. For ««poo time addrtnB. M. HDLL. War . IndlaooU. HI.. • Tor. Pp."

10 FAT LADIES,For the BprlnUne Conteiil.

ApplyMDBER'g MUBEDM.BewYoriiClly


Uneioeptloaal ralaraoeaa to nromioent maaaeera.Addreaa oue of OBEAT WE3TBRM PRIBTINO CO., Ml

Market BL,.Bt Looia


Prof.John McCarthyInstructor.


FIARIBTB that ran not a UtiV AQRNT ibat hio<"son lomlory anrronnding Pltubarg. Harry Markbam.. K. WallA O Jr., Ooorie .N. Wlttoo. Harry Borryotoro'rito. Addnoo B J. OLUnSB, oaro Blllpootor. rm^

bnrg P*. Opon Fob 4

REPERTOIREWant FuU Go. to si


Jaat laaaed. Hammalh INK} BarfniiiSheet ol Over UOO Decided BarualBsla Haalcal ApparalBa, Beat Free,

I bof. eeil aad eiabange lellable aenod head apparalu..fiend Ida rorntalotna o. Ml a'aadard andaawitlci^naUoraddraaa A ROTBRBBRU'R. RellahleMaillcal Ko-poalMrT »R O'arkBttPUtti. ruiimao ill

AGENT LOOSE.Flint tlmo In gytan. R U looking 4 aeioch cootroctor-hot proM woner. oUfT saarvtt*e vorkor.a la ci-fu*

blUor! RaaUogorboohlDg. Wriionr vlroWII.LIHTLB earo nonpoiin A Co.. II W 8Ui fi' . ''totloiiati. ^'


Cianr.'ero and LlvbtlV^mody: ^lo«ipa HM>e<*Hy AJdrowHo R»HEPR*BgABTRBHr. tiicui * My. lovA


Watson tt Du Pre.

Jantjaey 19. THE N-EW YORK CLIPPER. 743


Earth: Xhroo Seoonds.


CONTORTION DANGER.Managers address DRUMOND 8TALEY, 121 East Twelfth 8treet,<tWew York.

Wafon Wheelt.Damp Carl,lloTf» BhMa

Rlectrlo AnvUi.


JERRY,Frinoipal features and "Hit" of the OrS WILLIAMS SHOW. Will close a season of 20 weeks

with that Co. Jan. 19. TIME ALL OPEN. Telegraph this weekHATLIN'S THEATRE, Cincinnati, O.


LENTON BROSOliinese Acrobatic ^irtitstt^,will leftTe for London, England, Iktler part of Unrcb, to falflll « two roonths* en>gngoment, snerword going to Anatnlln, nndor n alx montbk* contract, woaldlike to hear from llrit class managers prerloas to onr departure.

Address 333 BAST PUUnTCUNTIl HT., New York


Interstate Fair AssoclatloD, Anthracite Park, Carbondale, Penns|liania,PoroModiUi TweDij-flTeiarMi(n)«D«]oMd. Ps*ifitbsirmlle tnck Ln Nortbujtsn PmbijpItuU. P1b«Be*lilbitloo BalldlDfi. Dogbl«<)MS cnul tud. BI«oUlo light, witer, sli ooDTtDltnnt. Will rao stsdIoi itinoiloDiiibr«e(9) tlmtsptr ve«k.from U%7 Ant to NorsntMr Or*L R^ic^wl bf loar(4)tniQkIlaM; est«n to twocitlti sod •i|tbte«n tovBS, lltO.OOO people. AMtut MART SWIFT. Mtnsgtr, CsrboDdsla 8s««bftll

CsrboDdale, Care of Lack. Vsller B«pld Trtovlt Co.



FIRST CLASS SPECIALTY ACTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.Would sIm like lo biarfrompirtlMhsTloffap iod4te bgrle«naa« who tro upibleol prodoclDs tbt Hme

AddreMtllcommaotestlODS to JaHEB J. aAH(iON,MUM«r AndttorlDinTlisarre, Clavslud, 0.P.tJ.—VR. WBEATLYiino loDgeronDoeAied wiib (be sbefeouned tbestre.


WIDE-AWAKE MAN,With nionoy to lureflt in an en-

terprise same as Royal English

Winter Circus and German WaterGnrniral, Chicago.

llaring resigned position as Saper-Inteiiilent of the above, nnd beingcapable of prodnclostlie same, and hav-ing fall knowledge of cost, dimensionsand managemont of everfthlDg con-nected with OlRnsnod Water OarnWal.Tlile Is a chance to make nonef for anenlerprtslag nan* Addreu all mall li

care of my agent,

WALTER PLIIillER,Tliutilcal Hgint,

81 SHtb Clirk Sheet, Ckleigo.


P. 8>—Have no time for Informationseekers.




STAGE PICTURES.The beat H'Dtirsteil SONQ ACT OD reeord

1Saog to 4 encores nlghtly^, by


TEN DISTINCT ILLUHTRATIOMSIa9- nil*. LlHIls'. MeraopUo lliiilimUoii of Mnii-ro. U. RoUDr.lfi n.v iodk, "KIIBrOBQEni IKOBHB roBQIVEa." AoO llk«vli0 ibe our.llv* t«lUd, *'8001KTV," u 1h« ino.t RTtpblo ftod .triklofIiitarer prAluc« I lo aorhigh dUuvottrlftlnmenl-aOMDlYMBRi URY.THIS MBIT OBSCRIPTIVE EOKO wilt b* not U>

tb.pnfMiton rorlbli vMkoa rewlvt of 10 c«nuOlcJtiHlTft r.rt., IOr.DI8.Ktia _




At BIJOU THEATBE, IIAZLETON, PA.10,(0 to drs* from. Short lamp to Somotoo. Ps., sadBloffbtoitoa. K. V. Siiu-e oolr. Pricss lOi O ssa 93i

TwoBbowidslIr JtD. ai.ttopeD. AddreMJ. W. UARnrttarON. Usesgor,

WoBdsrtsiidTliestre, Wllkasbtrie. Ps.

FilvlUssi to let, Blue itsod sad oiben. st Wllkti-

bsrre sod Wirism'port.

OPENING ATTRACTIONFtf New LoBdon, wis,, III Week, Feb. 4 If 18.

LlnBRALnUARlKTEB. Addrtu ^ _,,J. E. WIILIAHB. lOn.ier. OMI. HoDW. Ortike Ji. WU.


Foar Ulhrr UEAUTIFUL NEW BONOSnailed to ProreiiioBsli FHBK OPCHAROB. Send Pragramin* or Cardaod Ac. In Stamps,

N. WEIN8TEIN,3U *V»it a3d Mlreot, Newf York.

WANTED,FlritCiissDruitlc People tor Rtpettoire Cob-

pu|. PeopleTlitDoalileliBrissPrefimd.ofthsTe O'ffUtvsrdrobe. sndpUotr ollL rtUorsd-dues BBQWN. Miwe«t Fiiim-Bih «> .N»» T^rs <'tty.

ALLEN DEiOND,Leads, Heavies, Character leads.


uanm m M>r>i«on tTBRRr. Brookim. h. y.

WAMTEO, ALL ROUND PERFORMERS ANDLOKQ B4IRBD IXDUira. CTBIDT WOU. W. nrMlwlaa l.otmMuata k*«p .nr. DLO. DAT.Kou-«tOnta In). 0... tStffi *f*, Mm.




DFU 'RIPnTB BOVU or TUB AOBProfMiloaAleoplH lOa. OreJiMtn ^It. 10c .lUa.

FEND ton IT.FBIDAY, HALL A CU , 170 Rtlph An.,

trooHTO, W. T.

DONT BE DECEIYED!Let Somebody Bemember That

ALLILAB & GO.Are lb* oDlfsod otlilosl Rooiler OrcbtiirseDdCsts'MiDitnL Musl«slllsaoB*.eta,fto. All sttrscU»s loUrprotectad br the Uv. Pirmls ibtmel P. H.-Tb«re is

odIt ods o)sd 10 lbs world wbn trUi to bortosr buii*

osM. YoD si 1 boor bim. Poor l«llo«, h* hssooilitoKIn tbe world, bst blSDHn*. ALLILAR A HO.,

M36 south lOtb »t. Pbllsdslpbls. Ps.


thai are

BIG and ACTIVEOD their feet. Aleo


Addree. HARRY DAVIS,Kdea Ma.ee, PltUbnrn, Pa^

Wuied, (or tke Hoore & Llilogstoee CospiaiIN BBPERTOIRB,

First Class Character and HeavirMan,Must bsT* food wsrdrobs. fltlsrr atire sTsr; wffk, botIt msat be lov. Addre*s MOORR A LUNO. Mtri , Mt.

PleauotlovA, I*-IO Csati»T»l». lo». ai.g.C



Adaw n <Mmu Ttt: BMIon HUhlAiHlfc M.m.


StelseR*s "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co,

A mso for DsiTls aod BLOUIr. AddrsM up«r note:

CsbU DoTST, Ohio. iso. 17,"'"}f*y'i?j|'J„ji£/iS^'"*

Magical Apparatus,ILLUSIONS, ETC.

Illiunud Book reulon*. Ue Li.u Iim.

f bAT. Miae woad.rfol bATKSlo. lo Or.) elAU ippe*

nui. K.v ll.t oat Ibta wMk. SMitlBBBt Addr»*.w. n. J BBAir. IH Aomm ai . riiinw. ill.

I mi. Litho. Stands.iMdlai DAtter tad fl lor Moipleor M AmtttaM

^le^t'iudMi: ioiiAod«,(Tru.J>;a.|iA "A.rioiliALtiT") ftT« R. »Ma»i


'.. lyiU.fmiA. r..

S OESN EIAMD ALL TBEATHIOAL OOODR BoeoeiT piloUdchHPlluidqaltkl.. AniUfon •OPPIIM _ . ^.^/ha* R mtoi i.w moodw. w.» Tart ntty.

Orckettn,d ne


Watson tt Du Pre.


Wsslodsed s tlnslrtonc to sppesr Joit st**ObrUlisft«ilme,"batw'csUatt«QiroD to ins lte( (list th* sopglao vrtiuoBJ to be Mptclsllr lolisble ihs Turnaod

Imply ft "ChrlMmii NomMr." Han '

ithIt IS br DO r -' -p-o'oiiioDsU ore silll msklog tbeir sruutt bit «i _

'tub OHRierjfa8 ball," sad will ibsrsfore ftstaisIt tb« satire tss»0G,io tsfS>sobsnl Uiun rromtbem.is prsdioted, "TUB CBaiBTMAB BALL" itrss pronlisorMlDgtbeDonpopnlsrvsKs mdi STsrvrltiso. Tbtu'.e* hsTA slrsedf beso •onnaous, «lib orOtrs silll

"pontlog'' Is {UftulAr, SOo ; to tbo proloiiloo, lOe,

E. A. tVARRBir, Author and Publisher,Btorgls, Mloh.

N ll.-"0 BESTLEB3 BBARr' Is misiroK v'th irsitfsTor.



'My Angeline/Proiefilooslooptsi fVee: orohis'rs pirt^luo . lopmrsc-

vlnosUONl Y SMdloi csrd or pmiroinin*. BROOKB ADENTON CO., Blitb Ato. sod SBlb A , N. V. Oity.

'Gaiet) Girl.'Lsoclenforpluo. bfOBlB. R PRATT, Ucsois

WANTED, IMMEDIATELYFall Dramatic Company for

STOCK THEATRE, LANSING, MICHHstvr Mso. BloglDf ud Dsocios Comsdlsw, Msn forOhi Hso snd Cbwsewrs, Mso for neasrst BoaioMsiodJotsdIIs Msb. Lsidlag WomsD, BlDflai sad OftDClonBoubr*it«,jDieail* Wonsa. People «ho do rpsclsltis*pnltrred All maRt usdtratuii] tbstr boiloMs sodhsTs Brst olsss vsrdrobe locompelssi psopls dli-

ohsrgsd vltbout ootlea. BsIspim malt Km lo sseplnvwllb tbe UDiti.sa THBV ABB PAID BVEBV WKKK.No Isres sdvencsd. Huufenect psrs bosrd. Hu'afall rsTtlcaUn I s firs t. loiter. AU eorxMpoadsDoe sd<drss^ ten J.ffTKTINBUN till SslanlST. If. AIMoo llo-

uLBfltierBttest, Port llama. lilch tsriertlisLHisrTbe*sirs. Lsnilaff. Hub. BTEVEK80H A HEADS. Msosffara.



By T. F. II0RR16SEY aad JOHN T. SCHILLER.A b»snlilul eooB. vlit s rstehr sir. Rov bslog inDg

wiib InmsoM saeoets hj W. H. OUITBNRON. oT 'lbsDmtsr'' OoBipear, sod oibsrs. ProisuioosI eoplst,«liborob»«irstioo. lOe.


Partner WHh $2,000


H»e fliit eigH el mtmili, wtrth ttn IhouMadtfolhirt. Alw Treupi el De|i. Tculi, iMtt, Elc.

all ready ler Iba raid, er will tike eniigemenl

wllk Mr flnl elite eempinf ler Ike teieen ol

'95. Addreei Immedlililir.

COL. E. DANIEL BOONE, Fori Werih. Texit.

•i«CDlTllllfIllll,F'<'DeAlcm In Jiixh Irl§talHnB«

Per. ad., car* ofCMPPKH.

Por so toiageBeet of irom (oar to tls mootbi, eooi'

Bi«aorD| ssrlf lo Ksr sell, etrsrsi teuot ol

[m Tiaii lan

AddiQM «Hh leeMtUm^ "A B"CArtof nLfrfBB.

Nviwn.iio'rWiii.ik'pr,ault.M. I r iii.n. .ntnin

nrililld; Al.i'ili lo...ly I De.

Mu.lo >liii|'l. .nJ "Otchr.


llKAOgUARIbRAtill r fl

t UltDg.Till 001 dOlDf


R«msmhsrllifMkriiih*'BKST"lD IhUllno. N R.-Hs1lls IWynour Is onw si '-|l)ds A lUtioifto .' hor* whst

IbsprrrnuiU: "Ualfos Hnrs. vlio «u billtd to Hot. via Aonooncidu aulUrloa irum s liMvy ft M, anil Nellie

Bfttmoor Kw-k htr plioo Bod csrrlMl ihs tudltOM bj a'oim. Her loot of Dim -To>is>i' r tl. lliKt wm]t tna llt)*«r]r

01 rl.* «SBfr«oied vilh hnvla of Bi>ptofSl rmm th* asllDrr. and allniaih* r MIh Hfjmnur RaTO'i' tK in>ic'> MUs.scltODSAtalia Mors ouuld lists slv«a"-BRU()tLY.f DAILY TIBKii. Jto. H isJl.


4 East 20th Street.CHICAGO, ILLS.,

4,627 Champlain Ave.

LITTLE TIMHweol sieloriv. Preltv tor)r. Hang by .11 tko liett nrllate. Mend •tnuiii ut onfrn

ro.for your roi.y.


"The Alniighty Dollar"br HDlloi 01 ONLY TEN OEKTB lor |-rol,illoo>l (KIT-

end 10 C'e.te for . Pnlkaelonal Copy.

THE BPRINaPIELD nVBIi; CU„ Rol I,n!in, Rprlngneld, IH.ie,

TO -WHOM IT MAY CONOKllN. , ^ ^,I CAO eh.errDllr rMOmm.od TUB COfrRkKSH oe. or Ih.r.rir itroDg.it ellitolloo. lO* bclure Ihe pabll,,

•Dd hAT. Iiook.d tb.oi In litoro for two *i.k. eoDim.DcIni r.b. II. .........AMDY IIUIIUrT, H.OAIoiofWIllarCileuTh Alee, Plillld.lplilk, 1*0.


MONARCHS OF MYSTERY.iDlrodD'tloe R«0Q*d RpMlsltl**, TIiooihtTrmomtaslooB, lUsh CIbm I^ouIo CopJurlOR ami arllallo fltiiiiail* Work.Woald llkslo baar rroin nrat cissi msDSgari. Addraaa 4»j Nurl-> Rljilitri Hi , I'lillsdnii-hls. I'*.

Royal EngllBh Oiroui and German Water Carnivalbukod by tvomtlllnodnlisrs. Cfiroar ol Wabuh Ar»ua sod llubbsril Tuart, Ohlcuo, III, PRANK llALU Mso-SRtr WANTBP. UETTHR AKTIHTS THAN KEITH (Mt KOHTRK A BIAL PMV. Afllais losll brsnr.liaadi eifODRsndstsiobaiiotM. Hott be AI, sod bsBtofdrsafsn, sod sllproptrtls* muat bs la kteptoi *iih Dioaurrousdloisof IbetMvs oitBbllahmcot. iriUls soawarlas this sd , dIssm lUts Iflhsr hkVf psrforotsd lo Ithlrag'). ind Ifan,At vhat pUcs or omaMtnsDi. Nooe bol Qrst olssa srtUts rtf|0lr«d. All IsUars addrsBaid lo H II flOIIICRILI/,

ttasitnsD DIrrclor, Roysl Xoslllb Olreus, WsfaUb Atsoo*, thirsn. Ill P. H —We rlioul<l ha pliRHd tn bssrIrom sttlBts vfaosreu |(M)d ai us Lsrs Larsaa Psialir,8eraras Husffar, Birtoldi, IIo*haw's Ltlipailsos, BrisioBroB .Bftdi Alfsrabi, JaiM Lsffi sod oibfrsoltbtlroUss. Balsrlss oo oblscL It's ona's ilrswinfjKie»r«*seoB*aldar. Thia oireuahMbseo ibsgnodHttacoeassTsrseeo Id Amsriei.sou far sicsUtlis EniUo-*, frsnessod Usr*Dsor prodaeilooa.

FRANK HALL'S CASINO, Wibiik AfiiH, Cblctjo. III., IWf.A^XS'w'&i-'fr.^^'VoVlDolof ibrse ilioss lbs builssu of tor rsrlelr thsslrs la (Inlceiu. sod ih» (iMPrkH enrraapondant tails ihapofltiT* Uulb vheo haatAtea our boBaea sre sroedsd to*be doeri. ll'a ihs *hov lliBt dcai ll ami ilioartlala llist

ptsr lor OB. Wadoo'lvaot Uts ''upprr tso " or tbeuwsr iridss, bslsrtlBlalhsl a ta rfflnad anil ilit sRnud sot esnslvsja Bod sn aoRSBBnaat slour iiooBe. II yen srsgoiog Esstor enmloff Wrat Bb>pfiir snil It'aolufi ctisooes oalol Un, wB CSD uas yuu Our ahov opsns BuMMS, tod ve rs'ioire do Ioor Ofillco. m » s Rmid ilinv sll lbsline. Wo play St popular Prieea soaws •tpeottofasra Uitsrllalsssma niodsralsaalarlra Tha aurf aaarul mBQ-Sfsrahsve bad lo rsdnee ibtlr prlrea lo kBap op tutns lltnas. sod Ihars laoo rsaano h? ilia artlitabouM uot doIII* sam*. Drop aaslloesnd rBCalraerrnmplrsply fruoi joutb rary liuly. Illl.f.V IlICF. KIsb* Hanagar.


Oslr iH jMrs of tie. ItsllluttDpooodB «lib ivo nocen. Breaks oobbis aiooas vlih hla bsrs Bat. Will pullESisat alt mBO wllh nia leetb. Rraatssiolld laslbsr b*U bp Iba oipsoBion ol blaclirat and «lll brrabsD ordlosryIX iDch spike ellh blalMlli. All ihsmslstlsl osed lu tb* sboTS sol la s/illd and aut'J*cl('i Inai^ollun lij inibodplo tbBsudlsooe. ILODOobsllMis tour boporhlBsie Ihstreo aceoDipllali bl« ftsla AilUraaa

PH«RI1 RATMAN. L>caoin Tliaairs, Oilrsgo. Illloola.


MONKEYS,PIsralrsdsDborsb'B Moaeusi, PhlUdalpbis, Jta.U lotf; plsya AollloAHloos's Hnsasn. Boaiuo. Hssa, Jsd.MtoPsbB PlsvslIsbofs.irawYarfc.Fsi.lltiiU ATLIBEBTT K«b. TA sad lor clrcaB asssoo of IBM HsvoiresDMen ol eiranaaa from baylOR raoehsyB for UtsirnsDM*n»- OrestuttroeM Issiiaieoee AddrsM


An Open for Specialty or Burlsiiiue,


Neir York City.


iriviTv ouirDino, ciiioauo.HUrssBppllsd, paopis aoiasad. Minpsolssreulsd.oto

Now la Its sliib tocoeaaiol ssssoo. Hsasfera waaiisRBreleUsspsopls will Bad ltli>ihalrsdrsalsfeteptuoo-


I). WILLIAMH seilSRMseafrBBS AUeoBtoo

FOR SALE. BUCK BEAR. 4 YEARS OLD,••lltnlDol; T.m,Dll«: hiadledbT Mf. MARE .BAlOrrBB. ifAIT. REITIRXirTBLh

M Boevs Areeit. CbloMO, III.

BANJO, tmif-fffm,.-TICTOB" BAMOU tOOU, millui BTO

TUB -ARrOI.>/'l,ai WiAuiUa Mnii, BwM, Mma


3*-4 W. 5Ulh Htreet. N. Y. City.

BOHKBACBCArry.Ril 'AVI WEAR I.'iNa IIAIRfliBa Ueff, Hd.«.erklll«d AO, bod, vb.o 1 ... oat W.aL

XT IITZ ,WorM Beecwasd no* Bftr Maolpelstor aod HowllsaHoly Terror efas PlelM;BfedHedietae;-'DsdTefjUe ^mr- Htnr thst fliU Ooob bes beea csptored. thers sre

eBlrerevefeileR. Bill ess sll rttbt bathe threw aphtsbeBds,«bidb u eeewthlDR I Bsrerdld aiesptlB npleidiBBSct.

BOAT SHOW AND OUTFIT FOR SALE,nilKAH, »!. ON TUB IK>LLAK. A P1.0ATINO HUOWBUaT, balHIsat AiisaiLflU bjr O, scotimmndsllOB 10 tollM(/pt«. t^rvkloi sod alfBplOR uuifli coDplste. wllhK tool H. T. Tent sod Ws'l. H(e|f . Heansry, LlRhts, Hesb,BTaryihioR In alispo tu aorfe wllh wifiioai so litredollar's •ipsoa*. Por prlcii SPd IotqIc* eompleia od*drsas U r. WINftLOW. Beu nisire. Wis.Bost row atS'.OsB>Tla»». Mo.

WANTED,A Good All Roond Comedian.Hslarr low bot auiA arary wtah. Tsootit use luabsil.Would llbetobupsaNLTaot,I.lsbta ala

J. O. DAVKHPOBT,MsosBsrRlMiirloHBliCo.Mi. (.'luud. Wis.




trt turn OVJ aaJ lit«

Blih f-vt atifM aaJ M4r««I•> •ill i#A..I ^M ikNUeallftl

I nr>ltl'f>lv.li.b br*'!'"** f*<rAoir.t>'ai>-4i. Tmi ries.ln* H AI

lher<| I PW/,*rv| ir|oq IhUkIt • b*f(,:s kif 4«r uinl'le |>iii.

*7 )t. II H\"mit. 11 b»»Kkll-ieMi, e^iitk'il an-l Im

mpf*U»*** ta a t**"'>* ftoB4l.»U Ilk. A fvirehlpA fi.t iteiii Bti^ bte-li/ul i-M {.laid

• heWi 4 tLin,. It.* erlib

f ai>b,x'il*l'>'Ier,thl«ii.ir1,1 1 n-fn tg*\-: ta*nik« ahtit.r'•1 Hakt (le* hf lealUt' Ml',


331 IlnTb«rsSl„Ckteico.IQ.

ZAMBESI DIAMONDS.•Ad iolrodac*) for lA. dr,t urn, ib AoMhcA At IheirOBLD'* TAIR, >b,n Ui.r eraAUd neb a Mi«fioooeAeeoaololtb.irbrlltlAO.7 ood flo* eat—lb, oeArMIpproMh la ih, MODlDe dlABoad Jti diieonnd, htr.loi ep aefre aod ftrlMAlla aolote .1 (be iMeiao.anoiAL nuol* to U. pioraaeloa, for taU poitlM.Ion pnoaa, eu , good, fkipoed o, o. D., ebuiw vfepdd,wllk pitnlefeol eiAoilaauoo,Addnaa

744 THE ITEW YORK CLIPPER. Januabt 19.


rOR 1895







Aquatic and Athletic Performances,

Baseball, Cricket, Bicycling, Rac-

ing and Trotting Records, Bil-

liards, etcn


Records of Fastest Time and Best Per-formances in all Depart-

ments of Sport.





EXPOsmoN ceNm nc ill,

Wc want the best YuudeTille and Mnsic Hall attrac-

tions to be secnred for the Snmmer Season.

ONJLTSr TUB BEST.Biggest and best paying Amnsement Hall In Amerioa.

Send terms at onoe toP. H. HARRIS. Manager. MUwankee, Via.


And Congress of Rough Riders of the




Vice President and Manager,Ki|ierl«nced, compvtent, reliable ftnd strictly solwr men are wanted for Ihe Tarloutlpparlmenfi, follow,


8ap«rlor camp and sleeping nccommodatloni. Liberal wagei will be pnld. Make•pplicatloD to ihe deparlment aperlatendent* dlrecs as lollowi DrlTcr* to Wm.w«<lCoo, Carvei-fvllle, lluoki Co., Pa.t Cauva* and Seat AlentoJohn llnnt, Leblgh4veBae and Kdgeiuoiit Htreet, Phlladelphlat Meelaanica to Dan Tavlor, LrhlabAveaae and Edg«moat Street, PlilladelpblMi Train Uen tn John HcLaaghlm,Lehigh Avenue and E<*geinont Street, Phlladelphlai Car Porter* to WlillamBaker, Lehigh Avenue and Edgemont Street, Philadelphia.


"m 1W YOIING."8011? with tremendong sncccsg bj Boston's most popnlar singer, MABI£

WARKEN, and naay other proretslonal faTorlt«8.

Send programme and teiicent« for dealer's copy. No more profeaslonal copies

irill be Issued. No attention paid to letters deTlatiog from the foregoing request.

AMERICAN MUSIC PUBLISHING CO.,No. 18 East Fifteenth Street, Mew Tork atj.


D nouUoDftl re«u of Hud BftUoolDi od i 8llr«r PedeiUl, Obatn, BoiM, BJooki ud Lods Hud LmdIiik on 4[Itib BUIrwM- Also the uoitDUtTsloaiDoatil* Dud Bsluce od & Pynmld of Obsln,BoE«as9dBloeke Atralr remftrksble perfonouee. TheSlroogeit Aot ol Uila Nstoro Id Bilstence. HaTO oloiod s sfttlirhotoir tbr««inoBUii*SDCsioniMitvlili LlilrOli^ColosMl GslotrCo. et the LrMom Tbestro, PhlUdolphliOlui ComblDAiion ud Rocogolsed fioaiM Oalr._,Ad(lr«H ,I>Bi,MORA, ' ~

IphlSiFa OMotoPlriraAITOTOYOV,

CweUBO. LTVAN AQENOT. MM E. PonrteeDlbBwU Ksv Tott Oltf. N. T.MiP. B.—I eoosldsr ibdsotibo T«rT bestoriu klod now bsfore Uis Ajnsrtesa public.—HABRT W. BBhiON.

Arrived Per S. S. Manitoba ft'om Rio Janeiro.


Aflera year^. engagemviit with tb« leading clron»a of Hoath America »Bd Brazil.


IlBTUniM ACT. Addreu P. n. ZOliA, 'M SaluBilall Avenae, New Haven, C«.P. B.—Wlllcon.(.leroffer» rorconilDg olrcna aeaaou.

NOW THEN, FOR LEHER HEADS.My pncM an taaohlowir, snd mrwork Is (sr hstter than that of aor home la Amerltt—baratt<e I owB mj oeo wiraTlaRaod pnotlDs pUnt, baTlog 9IOQ0D loTsstedId tba Latter Haul bosloan alona. Baad rour pbotoa aod oopjr, and I *IU flTsr u llpiirM that c«D't bthaat

I PUBLISH FUNNY BOOKS, TOOIBOOK or rnNNY poetrt avd uaob, iSo

TUB IIOTSTUF'Onox IXUB" (nr laUat Dll<.r book), IM.... .. J iionl -- - r--. - - MVl

ArllitudAnlbor, Offlce.,

- .JIT 11 , „—


HOOK or IHfORTllO AND AVEUIUAN LBnSR IIEAD DESYOMILI>lu>>rll..b.lcb» for 144111. uO.loil. .pMl.lllaL FRANK IIVBRS.^ ln»»llBTIIIli8B'l4't, N.Y. CUJ.


II cuni m&PRICE as CENTS.






"THE OLD MAN'S STORY."W4lU M.lolr .ad Ifanb R4frala br HARRT OABTUKO.

I^oxxdon Sits.PQbii.k.4 br J. ALORicn uaniT a co..

SI W4.t tribSt, N. T. CI'TCopl.. to pnirM.l0Dal., o.lr, at 10 ot«.

Musicians Wanted.riR^ TI0L1N It) DOUBT.B BARnOHB or TR*>MBOHB<mastWTao|I«>.CI.ARiOltBT PLATBR,COIUIBT. LoniaaaaoB. Bula iaU_pwiloaUt«. ln«sat aalarr. ata., m flra*latiar. Addrew TUOflL BLUKWOOD, vaako/jaa. 7,Port Jams. W. T.

Oh, Child of nine.


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FUTURE WIFE ^f^u-S'^liSnTLS:raoea 8t. Broofcif a. K T. Bamplai mailed anTwbere lOa.

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OPIUMnorpblne Habit Cored in 10to 20 dayt* No pajr till cnted.Dr. J. Btepheae^ Lebaaon, O*

New Britain Opera House,J. W. RINQROBE, Uiwe and Manigtr.

Open time Jan. ai to 31. Playing toprleea from 10to50centj,



WANTED, AT ONCE, VEN AND BOYSWbowantto luka moner^'on tfaa stda." Little limaaod DO capital raqmrad. Onr noTelir prodocaa moramirtb tban a rasuDaat of comadlsos wbao ooce smdIs saralp sold at ItDmaosa pioflt. Tan cents boys tbasecret, and twantr-flTe caoti, botb mrat and article.wUb InstracDoos bovto taUand ni«. Bemit In allrarto OBNTRALNOTELTTOOMPAJfT,

n* W. Mmiaon BtraaL Peoria, ni


Tarrant** Baxtract ofCabeba and Copaiba

la a aafa, eertaln and qnlck eara.and Is an old-time remedy, oom-bintng In a bijcblj oonoantitiedform tbe madioinal liitnai ofenbeba and oopaiba, Its poiubiashape, freedom from taate, andapeedr aotlon (onrlns In leatime uiaa aor other praparatiOD)make it THE MOST TALDABLBKNOWN BEMEDT. To proTentfraod, sea tbat aTorr paokaga baa« red strip aooas tJte face of !*•

bel, with tba slnatare of Tar-rant A Co., N. T., npOD It PBIOE,il.OD, Bold b7 all dniifflsta


Billiard and Pool TablesOf TBB WORLD


Ran4< and moA alanat jblaa, allb tbe U tMDALBSIIONABB ODBBIOIli, BUUud malnlaU, alsOi, Mil.QOH, .la., of our ova maoaiutai* aad ImpottaMoa.

TBi BBDireWiaK-BALD.0OLLKin>KB 00,nhioaao, niaelDaatL RLLoaia r ~ '


SB AHD 0 OKlfTBB BTBEBT, New York Cltir,Praotleeu all Iba Oonrta, otvU aiu OrlffllnaT Bpaoial

attaoUoDilTaBtoUw ooUettloD of olalffla and deraofall kloda, tJDa,prapanUoa ol agmmanti and other 1*|Lbnslneaa.

TAPE-WORMie-avllb baadTer no charm Biad |e. stamp torPanphlttPf. M. Nay Bmlth. Bp^dxllsl. lOU Olhe it, Bt LeoI>, Me.

r ur ffir*.uT«M Lr Mil ftf 1 1 «««ri3p itL CibiifMa«AMFWlp.WUdU.ra.<«.KmlUM,KBMm.Maj,Mk,a«AMlltoMlL lainw, aiia.R.HARBHiU*U«tf«1(lLl



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DentifricebeapedidlrlateDdcdtoiiMitnUMtfaeaddswhkh cauMdecayand to

picTcnt R-depoallaofiattaron Ute

teeth, ttttamta tbo bitath and

BukeaancleeanttoUetpicpaatloii. Fntap,In tnbc*. Mora coooomlcal than powder-

Watson $p Du Pre, t'i^'J'!!!^ri^is^sss^Js^


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I Priot 10 Ccntt.


vmiTTur roB rei tuw tobi ourrai,BT MBE KBBEDrra.

on, regent o( lUe mlmlo sbsw,

WIUoDttlirtlil dlTlne,

TbODgh Mton wander toud tro,

Tu bj tbj U|bt Uiej atlne I

Wltli pigmente tbu »re wlldlj ipreul

Upon Uie csnTU txMid,

Thon lattereat tlie gnnd tdeuWlihln Ihr noddle atored I

A Snmner (cene «tier« troplo bodaAnd loaea brlgbtlf glue,

A Winter Undicape, ooldud dratr,

Wbere ell la aadly tare;

AU'a one to Uiee, with nimble ikUl

Tb; oobre oomea In plar;

In tbat dim den sbore tbe fliea.

Tboo'rt tolling dar br dkj.

Te ab»re not in tbe pludlta lood

That greet tbe setor'a aklll,

And jet no nutter wb&t tbe plaj

TealmjatUtbeblU.0»7 In, d»r ont, tbe brnab jon wield

And paint towna red or green;

Altboagb jonr lite la qoletneaa

Eaob bonr }oa bare • acene I

Bo xeaia Blip by, and wben, M laat

Tbe oartalo 1* rong down;And like B aat rook walta tor joa

Tbe ir»n ao deep and brown;Ob, mar ;onr ejea awake to aee

Ton ttansfornutloa acene,*

Wbere paint and bmabea plaj no part.

And all la elamal green I



II waa aTenIng, an Antamn erenlog. Fog crept

oTer the awamp, and bong like dirt; patobea orer

tbe bnabea tbat loae here and there ont ot tbe black


TUrongh the awamp wonnd a narrow road, along

which a tan, tbln man, with a pack on hia back,

wended blawajwhlatllng In a llveljnianner, whichdid not bannonlze with hla penalve ejea or gloomjr


Bnt anddenly be cot abort bla wblatllng.

The gronnd aank a little, and the whole tow lying

ewamp landaeape apread itaeK before the ejea ot

the BolllarT traTCler, who looked toward a certain

point on tbe road.

There atood a low, bautunible down honw In tbe

middle ot the awamp,on one ot tbe UtUe lalanda to

be tcnnd there.

It waa a tavern, and It had, nctwltbatandlng Ita

onlkTonble exterior and Interior, a preitj good

nm ot coatoni, tor the road leading tbrongb the

awamp waa conalderablj tnveled, and tbe tarematood almeat eiaotlT la Uie middle ot It.

And onr trkTeler wia aciinatnted with It alao. Hehad apent manj an bonr ot tli cblldbood nnder Ita

root, and atao In more recent jeara bad reeled there

aomeUoea, as It waa bla intention todo again todaj.ItwaantUberfatlgnenor tbe tailing night tbat

prompted him now, aa to often before, to think

IcnglDglj at tbe taTem he waa approaobing once


He aoon alepped aeroaa the rotten threabold.

"Hej, la It joo, Panl r What brlDgi jon In Ibeae


With tbeae worda, wblob were meant to aonnd

fitendlj, and jet which the Inrhlng glancea of tbe

apeater belled, tbe taTem keeper greeted the late

gneet, and held ont bla bud to btm. Bnt Panl

Oramer, the pack peddler, did not aee tbla. Heplaoed hla pack npon the benob atanding agalnat

the waD, and wben be tnmed to the landlord again

the latter had alreadj let bla hand drop to lila aide,

and hla Inrktng look had become a dedant one.

At tbat moment a jonng woman entered the

gloomj barroom. Racognlilng the new comer, ahe

atopped at the threabold ; bnt be went to meet ber.

Did the taTem keeper bare an idea ot bow warmand arm and expreaalTe tbe bandabake waa with

wblob the peddler greeted hta wller

"Ood be pialeed, Uzzle I I haTcn't aeei jon Ihia

twelTemontb," aald Panl, In an agttated Tolce, and

adding atterapaoae: "Bnt yen baTcn't grown any

atrongerin the meanwhile I"

"And bowconid It" replied tbe prettj, pale wo-

man. "Do yon think tbe awamp air la healthier nowthantormeTljt"

The yonng woman amlled paiDtnllj, and paaaed

ber tbln band oTer ber ronh<ad.

"Well, It won't be long before ahe can IIto Uke

other folki," pot In tbe ttvera keeper. "I am alao

tired ot tbla frog bole, and baTe already tcnnd a

bnjer for it. Ot conne I mnat glre It np at a loaa,

for bnatneaa la good—bnt what won't one do for a

wife one loTCa?"

With tbeae laat worda the taTem keeper looked

mallolonaly at hla gneat, and aaw with delight tbat

the latter net bla teetb bard In hla onderllp, wblob

proTed to bim that he had not forgotten bow Ui-

Ble'a father bad once rejected bio u a aoltor with

aeon and derlalon, becanae he poeaeaMd nothing

bnt bla honeaty end atreng banda, while be,' Telt

Brenner, bad a pretty Utile anm to add to Llnle'a

marriage portlon,and, tberefore^ waiTcry welcometo the old mlaer, bla lather In law.

"Will jon drink a tankard fbeaddedtobUde-claralton, and aa Fanl sodded, Telt went to tetob

the wlae.

LliHe looked after him wllh a ahy glance, andalgbed. Fanl bad aeated himaelt bealde bla paok

behind the table.

'Ton probably haTei't become any happier

either aince we aw each other laat," be aald,


She gBTC a abort langh, and wiped ber ejea.

"Dont yon know what baa happenedt""What do jon meant""Patbci WM dp'wned.""Oood hearena I Wbenr WbeteP'"It happened a week ago, In the cioek behind the

hoBae. IWhrr rowed onl in tbe boat, aa tar aa the

mabea, to eatoh pike. There waa a heaTj fog. I

wu on By WSJ home trom ehorcb, and conld

acarcely aee my bud before my taoe. Wben I

reached home, It bad Jnitoecntred. Telt appeared

to be craay with fright, ran abont orjlng, and the

boat lay emptj by tbe toot bridge, where the tide

haddrlTen It."

"Ftlgbttnl I" mnmnred tbe peddler. "And waathe body fonndt"

LiBzle ahook her bead. "TbeyaearohedUie creek

—bnt to no pnrpoae. It anat bare happened ttont, and no one kaowa tbe apot."

"What are yon talking atMntf broke In Telt,

wbo entered the room wicb a pitcher of wine. Hewaa breathing bard, and yet he had not ollmbed

aoj Btepa, for tbeie waa no cellar In the awamptaTem; bealdea, be bad atood awhile at the door

father more Intenaaly than he had CTer thongbt ot

bIm before; ot bla longhneaa and atarioe; of bla

dogmatical and wnagUng dlipoaltlon and banta-

neaa, and of tbe faot that It wan wbUpered abont

tbat be wu In mnch eaaler cltcnfflataaoea than be

liked to acknowledge^lndeed, that, aotwlthatasd.

Ing hli mlaerable lite, he waa a rtob man. And the

peddler alao thongbt ol aometbing elae—tbat Telt

bad alwaja been oOTetona and wlly,and that be,

already aa a boy, had made nae ofmany bad eipedl.

enta In oaae be wia nnable to gratify a deelre with-

ont tbeir help.

At laat Panl tnmed toward tbe hcnae again, to

return to hla Utile room, wben be beard a bnbblinf

behind biffl. He had heard the aonnd a little whUe

To paaa hiD on the narrow footbridge wtUioni a

ralliai waa Impoaalble; to treat with the InnaUo

oonid lead to nothing. Then Panl oboae the alo-

pleat way to aroid an OTentoal danger. Ha gilded,

holding taalto the ilmberwork, aldewaya nnder thefootbridge. A moment later tbe UTora keeper'*

b<a*j feel already aiamped aboTe bim, and the neit

inatant the long boat hook whlaaed throogh the air

and atnck the mnddy, allmy water, which aplaabed

tu annnd. And again and again the heaTj atlok

whlaied down, and Telt eondnoted hinaelt Uke a

laTlng maalao. FreeenUj be atooped far orer.

Fanl conM tea bia taoe Ikrongh a crnok. It waadiatoited and gglter than afar, Tbe noon, again

darting trom behind the cloada, llght«d it np

and Uatenad, and stIU, atianga to aaj, be waabreathing Tety faat.

Bia wife paid no attenUoo to it; bat the peddler

did, for the landlord'a aeaicbing, rentleaa glance

had itrack hlnL

"We were talking abont joor father In law'a

death," aald Panl, and began at once to diaplaj the

oontenta ot bla paok iMtore the plajmate ot bla


Mot another word wu apoken wIUi regard to tbe

old man'a end.ao aotlielj didthe peddlarknowbow

to ooonpj tbe married oonple wlUi hla good*, and

wben be again atrapped together hla conaldeiablj

llgblaned paok, and prepared to depart, tbe cnckoo

clock atrack elghL

"DO laie alnadyi"ezoUUnedOnmer,aeeininglyanrprlaed, looking ont in tbe foggy night.

Well, yon can remain here. Father'a room la

Tacant," aald the UTara keeper, "and auoe tbe

dOTlllab aflair gneata are donbly wetoome to na, tor

li'a alwaja diamal enongb when—." He did not

Bnlib bla Uongbte, bnt tbe oUier two knew Teiy

well what be meant to aay—tbat waa eaay to aee by

the abndder thatabook the yonng woman, and bj

tbe peddler'a eameat, oonflmatlTe nod.

Fanl decided to remain, bnt the UTera keeper did

not take npon hlaaelt to abow him to the room,

which waa oppoalie to tbe one In which he blmaelt

alept, and wblcb waa a gloomj, aony Ultle hole.

Oramer bad need of Bleep, and *o oloee and damp

wu it in lb* nnaU apao^ that he conld eearcelj

breathe there. He longed tor tbe cool nlgbl air, In

wtlob be wonld feel betur, perbapa. Bnt he did

notwiabtodlatnrbanjbodj. Hetaokoirbtaaboea

aotlly, opened tbe door nolaelcaaly, and atepped

Into the paaaage way. Knowing ibe hcnae be wuaware tbat tbe heck door wu faatened only with a

bolt Tbl* bolt he abojed back oanllonaiy , and

atood la tbe open air, on Uie wooden gaUeiy that

tBB along tbla aM* of tbe bonae.

Tbe mooB wu already high In the aky, and whim

tbe acoddbig olonda did not hide It, tbe mottoslau

imter gUatanad Uke atlrer tbrongb the night

FaalOrBm«tboagbtofpa*ttlmea,BB4 Ui nr>

loandUif* eeniMMd hla to thlik et UnM

ago, but had paid no atlenUon to U. Tbla Ume,boweTor, ha turned round biTolnntatUy,and looked

OTer the oieek again. Now he knew whence tbe

bubbling proceeded. A aort ot narrow woodenfoot bridge led from the gaUery orer tbe manbjgronnd,u far u the creek. Tbe nlleiy and foot

bridge were aoUd pile work, nnder which thouiand*

of planta and water animate llTed. But tbe gnrg-

Uog and bubbling did not oome from them; thaDwere large bubbiM that roae ont of tbe deptha at

U>e end ot tbe foot bridgeand buret Mow, that the

moon ahone clearly, Ihej conld be dlatlnctly eeen.

Panl Ciamer atarcd at then awhUe. Then he nwaomeihuig elae, a pale glimmer, which wu TUUeu often u a babble bunt Tbe glimmer ahone

plainly through the fog, Paul atepped to the endof the foot bridge, and deacended tbe four atepa

leading to the water. Pulling up one of the rceda,

which alao grew here In tbe awamp, beairuek at

tbe bnbblee; bnt Uiey did not let themaalTa* he dla-

lurbed, one after another aptang np gnrgllag.

Now tbe peddler toned ronnd. Bomebodj wumoting In the hcnae. A form abowed lleelt Ui the

black 4uadmngli of the doorwaj. It wu Telt, wbobent hi* head forward, llatenUig.

Fanl recognlied bIm and hla aUltnde Tory die-

UnoUj, alUnngb tbe moon wu bidden again.

Now be ahook bla head. What wu Telt about to

dotUe took a few atepe forward, and ralaed hla arm

ibreatenloglj; Uien be alretohed out bla band attar

a long and beaTj pole that leaned agalnat Iba

bonae, and with tbla walked down Iba foot bridge,

mQUertag menacing word*.

Not unUI then did I', oocor to Fanl that Telt

might bare eeen him, for, alUwogb be auil atood

npon the bottom atep, bla bead nu alMTe the fool

btldge-abOTo tbla footbrldg*, before which death

awaited the ooe wbo loet hla tootlBg, and apoawhich a dmnkea man, it not a '»^'~". wu appieacblag.

Telt looked and anted like anch a ona. Whatwube geUig to do wlUi the heaey pola, wUeb b*awnnf tbiaaianlngly, u oalk adar aatt afraBftmsUfUpat

brtghUj. It wu aiamped wlUi tuy and terror.

"Wiu JOO lie atlll now, old man I lant the alowbeaTj enough for yon t" he whiapered, atarlog at

tbe water, at aome pbautom or other. Then be

atfaightened htmaaU again, and hurried back to

Ibe bonae. Now that bla fory wu apeni, and only

the tear remained, be Bed from what he had been

tgbUug jnat now, ao wnieleaaly qalok that be CTen

forgot to bolt the door.

Paol remained a while longer in bla nnoonfoit-

able pcalUon, then he tcUowed the UTem keeper

Into tha bonae. Now he knew what be had before

only ooojeotnred.

Panl Oramer, wbo wu genetaUy a gentle, qolet

man, felt a benndlu* wrath ilae In him agalnat Uie

murderer, aad wttb It a deep anxiety tor tba poor

helpleaB wife, wbo wu at Uia aurcj of the aooon-

dreL And in tbl* wiatb the peddler felt ulf be

mnataTeoge the dead.• ••••«•

Tbe next morning the ana ahrone down from the

bine aty, bet it eonld not make tbe awamp ud old

bouu more oomfortaMe; ao thongbt Fanl,u Llale

placed bla brcakfaet before blm.

"Did jon Bleep wellP' *h* uked, ejing him

eearcblngij. And he replied cheerfnllji

"OanalBlj I Are ;on anipitaed r"

"Batbar—(or I nerer alaep weU, partlosloarly

not Binoe—


"WeUt Bince—r"

•"Slaee the calamity happened; (or tUioe then

Telt la np BO ofiao nighta, becanae be la ao realleai.

He wu ap again laat nlBhl—I beard It"

"What did yon baarr"

wiUi tbeae word* and a while (aoe, leDeoilog amallgnaat Ul hnmor, Tetteatered the room.

"Tea were op Bftla," replied hla wUe, timidly.

"Fooll wbatdayrameaabyapalnl"hagrowM.•mt* bring* yea as iau to br*ak(aatr> broke

InFkaL"1 had la ael acD* Un*^" «u Iba raIMB aaawer.fui did Bol laaee tt* iBTam atonal Tall had

jdaaAum Ba al*o-4l had sot oeonnad to himBiaiUaBoiBlafl-kadaoBtUUBf loaMod to In

LIule teoiKlueil alone In tbe gloomy bovae.de-pretaeii and anilou*.

Theinynieu weulaiUctoh In illenoe; ihen Ihp

pcildler began:

"Telt I IICil, nhen t talil I ilepl well."

"Bo I" repllwl Veil, wlm a ibaip alile glance.

"Yea, (or atrange Iblnga happen at joiir placenlgbia."

"Dill jcnhearnnjihing)"

"And aaw bnlilral"

Tlie tarern keeper atarted vlolrnUj.

"Yon probAlilj aaw me. I ilraok loo much, andUie roomwu um warm for nic."

"I aaw another."

Veil Rrenner'a pale laco lamed IItIiI.

"IVIiol" he ehlapercil bcanelj.

'The one that Ilea nnder the foot bridge, lie loMnealll"

"Whair rooli"

"Allf repeatcil Paul Cramer, In a Ormer lone.

Tbe taTern keeper'a kncea knocked tngeUier, Andd, Btanted willow atood bj ihe ratd aide; tbe

coward uiik down at Ma (n«l,

"Yon don't (eel well," talil Pbu', In a cold, bardTOlCO.

Velt gupeil. The aweat atooil ont on hla (ore-


"Ami you-what are jou going lo do >" aUnigtedfrom hla Moodleaa, qnlTerIng llpa.

Then a utile pitj iiole Into ihe peddler'a heart,

and bo paaaed hla haml orer hla inolal (orehrad,

"What I muit—uDftTolitahlj meat—It JOU don't

make It aaperdoon*," he aald, alter a long panie.

"I mnat—Faul, what—what do jou eipett or

met""Noihlng-oraven I I aeo, lndee<l, tliat jou oan

be jonr own Juilge I"

Thereopon he turned awaj (ram the whimperingman, and wont alowlj, very ilnvlj, lowarda hla

nailTo Tillage.

"I.CI blm nee-he hu time eiinuth—unill I haredone mj dm;—until the law eniora hla houao. Noono oan pnnlah him warno than hla oonaelrnce,"thought P»\i\, u he walked on—rarj, Terj ilnwij


I/Ott alone, Mrjile eel aiiont her hmiaewoik with ahCBTj hurl, and when ahe had Onlabed It ahe aeat-

ed heneir on the bench before the houac, and lookedanxloaaly down the road by whlcli her huibandmuat rolnrn. Ilui aoon her eyea dlled with lean,and bnrjing her (aee In her handa, ahe wept bit-

terly, SbehadapreaenUmentlhateomeUilBg ler-

rlblo wu Uking place, butjuat whatltwu ahe did

not anapectu jetHnddeniT ab« fell a hud on her aboulder.

"Litale, dear Maalel" aald a genUe Tolce.

The nnhappT woman looked np, The friend or

her jcuUi atood before ber. Then ahe amllad, uda good part of the nameleaa dread Uial weighedJoat now npon her aoul left ber.

"Hu Velt relunMd t" uked Paul.

flhe ahook her hnd ud wuted to uk him aqueaUon, bat he did not let her nome to It

"ir joa hare anjlhtng jon hold dear In the honee,

Uien (etoh It," he aald, eameatlj,

"Whjr" breathed her pale llpa.

"Ueoanaa jon muat leare hen. Telt will niTercome hack, and-tbej are going to look (or jour(Blher. Thej will be beroaborUj. Ton mutinl behere when thej come. I will uke jou lo my mother.She expeei* you."

White, tottering, ehe roe*, tihe underatood newwhy her father no lunger llTCd.

"Dome, let ua go," aha aald, aolily.

Ska did not giTe her horrible home anotherglance, nor did ahe wlah lo lake anjUilngfrom It

with her—aha had nerer lOTed ujibing there,

(4ke onlldren, band In band, and wlUi poreheartB, tbe two tamed Iheir back oa Uie laram,and went down Uie road toward Oraoer'a naliraTillage. Not once did Ihej look back, but (romlime to Ume, thoj gaied Into one anather'a ejre,

and then It aeemed bi ihem u If then wa**, atter

all, a IttUe hit n( happlneaa left (or Ihem In Ihe


Koanwhile the offlcen of the Uiw had reachedthe Urern ud l)egnn their aearoh. Thej aooiht aoorpao; bnt, Inatead of one, thej found two, Thejdrew both roriMce (rom the water at onoe. The old

taTem keeper'a amu-a ariiel plaj of Ihe waToahad dcahUoaa brought II ahiiut—had thrown Ihem-Hirea aronod the Imdj n( the man who had mur-dered blm, and who, Indeed, had hecoiiie hii ownIndgo, _ _ ^ ^ _

KATHERINE FLORENCEWu lx>ra In Kniland. bnt haa apent nearlj all o(ber lite In thia cnonlrj, and liaa racelred here all ofberlralrlni fnr tha alaga. Hhe made bir prefra-

•Innal debut wllh Hra, (Mgtrj In F. U. Phllllpa'

dnm*. "JiB In a I/>akln(-flliBa,"anH>pl. tt, lUI,at the Pirth Aranne Ttimire, thIa cIIt. Wllhtbla rnmpanj aha alao plajed Lnar In "A IVire'a

Peril" MdUella In "Aa Yon l.lke II." llnrlogUie

follawlng Kaaon ahe toured wllh Mnatt Robaon,aaanmlng the role at Agnca, Berila'a aweelbeart, in

"The llFarlella." Upon leaTlni lhat company HlaaFlorence joinad Wllllain 11. rinne, with whom aheplajed Maliel Deoman In "The Henatar,"at Ihe Star

Theatre, In ihia r.lly. Hhe elan with Hr. Orann ap-

peared u Hariaret litld In "The Amerinn Hlnla-

tar" and Rererlj llale In "For Money," The eaaoattafore lut ahe wu nnder the mtnarement of

Obarlea Frohman, plarlng at tha RfnplreTbcatra,

lblscltj,ln"TbeOlrll Un lleblndHe." Bheba.•an her engniemeni at tha r.jceum Theatre, MewYork, laat aeaaofl u tadj Hllvia In "The Anafloanlincheia," and anbeeqnenilr plajed Tlrlan Grey In

"Tbe Oonnlrr Ooualna" and Lord nillj In "TbeAnuxona " Tlila aeaion aha won great eradit In

Iha role of Inrr (lordaa In Bardou'a nlaj, "A Wo.man'B Bllenre," Mlaa Florence hu muob leaeoa

to h* BaUtted with Iba (ace her mirror rrOeele; abe

la gnKe(al in rorm and In motion, and her Totc* la

of ptnalni noallij. Rbe ahowa lalelllgeoce aadndnement, and her atjle ti nnaflhcted and T*rj

ugaging;^ ^

Ma. Dkiok Old*,—"I naTergetrellgloai ageapl•1 twilight, when I hare lime to all before tha Ire

and aooke " Krt. (TMon Club-"! rappeaa UMIre and amok* make yon dweU npeo joat tattmi

746 THE I^TEW YORK CLIPPER. Jaiotaet 26.

UTEST BY TELEGRAPH.Koadar Ifiaht'a Opaalngs la all Ih*

Big Skow Towai.


Big BuiltiMi th« Rule In San Franelsco-

Th» Baldwin ThMtra li Dark.(0PMU1 INiptuli to fbt New Tork Olipper.)

Bah Fkixouoo, Jan. U.—At Ui« Calironla n»atn, Utmnun btgan ao engtgomtnt but nlitt,


TBI BAunriN Tbutri wm dark lait ertDlDg,

and wUI ttmalo n asUI Fet>. 4, «b(D ricdtrlck

Waide and Looli lamea WIU maka tutlr Joint ap-

pcannM la "Hanrj 1V.>>

SnoiviLL'g.—"Cad, the Tombo7" wm pot onlaiteTtoliit, Willi Florence Tliroop In Uie leanintrole.

OaaKD Orau noun.—"Scandal In niah Lift"latliliweek'atilll,Wiovav.—me Bis Poor, Zamora, arotis Uroj,

Amuid and OnnTHIe. Bato, Black and Hlitoc,Joaer Ii)laM, and Uie Uolji made Uuir tntappear-anee bere laat eTenlni.OarHiim.—ne Eddj Fanllr, UoAtot, aUco

Rarmond, Loliot'i Timlned Bioraa, Eogta, IMddand Flake;, Bogert and O'Brien, T. J. Qodfrar, andLrdia reamana-Tltni appeared lut week to bigbaalneu.^TlTOLi.-"IIUlla]ettj<>wu prodacedlait eren-

Slouiii.-"D and I" In tbe Mil at ttila tionM.Nona—Tbe wire or Jake Wellece, Uie old time

banjo plaier and well known tarlel/ and minatrel

Kijar, died here 7. Ttu deceaacd wat a eleler o(la Berion (Eddie For't wife) Urrr DoolCf,

JoaeplilDeHabell, Alice itannond, tne Uolglej Bfoil,Jobn Brace, Annand and QianTllle and Jndnnrwu-llamn are angand bj Umj Rlokard'aTlvoll Ttea-tie, Bjdne;. Mr. Doolor will tell for Anitnlla Feb.7 Ward and Lrnoli are at tne Winram"Tne Fonca of Dell'>lt tbentmeof ueexiiaTa-gantanowbelngprndncedaithtDellaUnloii. Frtdwlnana. Trlzeda, Edna McOollongta, Bob UoDonaldand Frank Fnlejt appeared In the olio Wm.Slukin aid Hagglo Horrell haTe Joined "A TnrkUbBatk" Oo., whion it maklnga I'MlOoootiit tonrwlinmuffing letnlla A diorama of the Jtpan-Oblna war tiaa been opened In a hall on MarketUlitet



The Usual Chingei of Bills Draw Big Audi-

encM. — Dliagreeabla Weather Somt<what Interfere* with Builnesi-Trans-

far of the Laaias of Three Chicago

Theatres.[Bptoitl Dlapelfihta to Tbo N«w Tork Ollpporl

FniLisiLrnii, Jan. 23.—There wat a good turn

ootatmcttof Uwtbcalrta laal nigbt, althoofb tht

waalber wta deoldedir diaagretablo. The only real

BOTtHj wta Ue Wolf Hopper, In "Dr. Bynux," at

the Ohettnnl Street Opera Uonat, and iTen tbla watnet to nacb of a nortllj, coneldoting Ihs mnojaoDreta from which tbo opcia It drawn. Theandl-

«nce wat both largo anil cnthoiluUo, and the

leferenoct to the Unlrorall; of Ponntylranla, which

were oleariT a bid for local popularll)-, atontod Uie

detlred feeling. Nobody paid muoh atlenUon to

tbo open, and lit thortcomlngt ta an opertUc oreven comlo operaUo atiracUon were lott tight of Intbtenthotlaamoror the alar. Jennie Ooldthwalteand Edna Walhue Hopper won alto recelTod wliufaror An eqoallf large nodlence areottd Ml-lien Rnatell, In 'Tbo Qiano Uiichett," at Uie Droid.Tbote who Imagine that Ulm llntiall hie loittliherher Toloe or her popnlarlty, ahonld baTe teenttie reoepUon wblob wm accorded her. TbeprodnoUon waa glren on a moat elahoiate toale.

Marie BnrTonght, In "The rnnigate," playedtoattlrhonaeatthe I'trk "OhirleT'i Aunt"bad a Bonvenlr nlgbtatuieuiietlnni,tboo<«uilonbeing Ibo toToaly-lirth performance. The houowu only feir "The Htrchant of Venice" waallTon at tbe Olmrd Arenne to n lirge anOlenco,wtoae entbntlaim waa toarccly wtrrented by tbepetformanoe 'The Planur'a Wire," at Fore-ptnah'a, drew two Itrge bootee Knie Ultxionand Mmc. JantiiNhek, In "The Two ornhani," hada tlln aodlenoe at the Grand Opera Ifonae"Oil tbe Dowery," at Uie NaUonel, plejed to biRbuilneet "Sport MoAllltior," at tbe Kmplre,wu Tociferoutly reoelied and iiatln«M wat (air.

Jtt tho Pconle>a"I>arkettRnaila" had a bighoiite Ullly liarn made a hUlo"ThollltlngOcneniUon" at tbe wtlnnt, butlneat being fAlr.

.The Aodlurlom waa flilod to tbedooia OarnoroM' Ktaatielt bad a bli honte attbe Eloventb Street Opera lloute There waatbe ntual MomUy crowd at the Ninth and ArchHaionm The Kenilogtonwaadllod, ihettlrac-lion belQg "DIaokllilod." .The Wntaon HUietaOcplayoa t« two fair houica at the Lyconn"UlUeTrixle, attliesiandtnl, ptoyed u> big botl-seta.. . . .' Tbe Ttr and the Ttriar" and ablK rande-Tllle bill lUed tbe DIJou all day long I.Ida Oard-ner'aOomjpany hadahardUmo at tne winter Olrooabeoanae the andlence didn't like tht thow. Thentnioeoient thould prtterre betlerorder Oum-Blook<i Ulnttrcle It (he lati comptny to (lltoand,

after a week at the Omnd Opera Uouo. Thejpl^ed with a guarantee, but wore bcarlly la debt.Buk aalarlea are dne union Abom, the come-dian at Uie BIJou, appcered yotterday arter an al>-

inoe of teyeial dayt owing to tlie death of blaobUd.

BosTOH, Jan. 13.—note Ooghlan'e tppeanuico atthe Uollle Siroet Theatre but night, in "IllnceaaWalanoir,*' waa tho tlgnal for a tpooianoout out-bent of asplante from tho Immtnto audiencepretent. Her conoepilon and rendlilon of theprinolpil role le a tplondid piece of htttilonlowork, and ahe well won tho plauiltia tbowercdupon ber durlns the progiota of tlio pbiy"Ilie Fleeing Snow" opened lin ODgagoment attheOolnmbtaTheairo to a good honte JowpblliworUi wat awnrded n nearly rccepUon at tneOuUe Square Thcatio, where ho appeuiNl Inthe ilUe role of "llamlou" lilt imporaonn-tlon dliren maierlally from toino Uamleitwe bare icon, but on the whole It

waa a rery oerltotlont piece of acting.It waa ne aaiprlae to tee tho Qtanil Opera ilonseJammed to the dnore. nor yet to lliton to the tumultol tpplante wblcli rilrly eliook tbo houte whenWard and Vokei made their iiagoemmnce In Uhta.R. Ulanoy'a farcical comedy, "A Itun on the Bank.'The pitco ttoina with merriment and oroinowtwith fon from lUrt to llnliih At the UowdolnSqnan Theatre Lewli Horrlion pretouted "Fautt,"and the honte wm an rxocpilannIlT One ote"nuah Olty" drew a big aodlouce to thi BottonTheatre, and It ptOTet to l>e k brlglit faice comedyIn every retpecl Tho conunucd attr.tciloni forttieweek arc: "A liltok Slicop" nl Uie I'aik, 'TheFlame" at the Ticinont and "Woetwanl IIo'> atthe liAtton Uuicum. Tlicy all ftrod Dnelyla the matter or peiiontm, the mun-un rapecl-ally being crowded lo lie fnlleei oapKlirTbe caitraUy arranged yeudovllle and tpeuMiy en-tertainment at Kelih'e Tiioaira drew In largothronat of fun lorero diiy and evening Man-ager Ilnnn'a Mlokel Ode<in expoilcucod tevonilorertlowa, pirtlcnlatly In ihn evrnlng At Man-ager Bttotieller'a l.TOonm TncMtre Uyde'a Oime*dTana opened to fair bUAliioia, and theio wm aelrong boom or tho tunc tlori nl Mutger Auitln'tPalace Theatre and Manager l.oUitnp't llowarilAthenwum and Orand Mumouiu, end tbo ruih at

AniUn A Blono'a Huionni diirluu Iho entire nfirr-

BOcnand ereiilng wm trcmondout UuiagorOeo. F. MantOeld.nt tlio (Imnd Operit Honte, hweoUiely recoTorcd from hit recent lovero lllneei.

OHtciuo, Jan. ax—Tho weather wu Incllneil to

be balmy .Sunday, and ouly ft<r nii liitormlllant

rainfall would htvo mtde thoir gulng h pieaiunlpMtloo. Tbe gonoial run of bUilnrM wat Rom^what better than ututi, huworer. Tlic tlionnometerfell during the ntghi, ami yctirnlAy hetan wlihhigb windtthit Dcr»dlnioabllr.iardof ilocldcdly

Tldont demean, whicli ivitunucil thronghoul theovenlog and hmnghi dttHiur i<> ourihcaitctBandow, at the Itarmerko', held ilio call no theSunday night tumouta, looking thtt huoto rh It

hH aeldou been ailod. Thotliowu]idealiit.thoJoi4aat' aerial act iwlng In etpeoUtI faior lltl-

lenaud Dart lUigeil "uicr Oo" at the Qrand be-

fonayery moasro tutmuit. . . ."nilrerTwlil,"atihoBehUler.and "The UlM'kUiook"atMcTlcker't,weieonly falrlr well pationiied "l««l" had the Co-lombia Oiled coniplotely at the bealuolug of lit tee-ond week 'Tht Two Sittera," at Ue Alham-

bia,ta4 xpawB Ticket no.'itx thaOlaik sutat,


"Hied lUily wen Orer at the Unoola goodJMa enjOTM •Thntama." AtBaytlnt "ne

DiBler"wuwtU patroDlied BUitandZeno,ail and La Deitt and Hona Nitalle were tbe newttatmea at the Boyal EogUah (Xrcnt, wheie bigbuilutt wu recorded May Bowaid'i Oom-paay elated a big week at the Olymple wim twoataodlng room Inmenta Bam T. Jack'sOpen Honae wu tiled whoo the ttook bur-letque company began a new week AtFrank nall't Oaalno Uie conUnuoue tbew keptthe hecie crowded day and night Ttoa.Mlaco't Olty Olnb wu tnfflolenUy popular toattract two orowted honaet to Bam T. Jaok't Em-pire Ju. n. Wallick rolled op oae of tbeAcatemy'e old lime Sunday recorot, paoktug tbehonte at boUi Mrformaucet of "IHe Bindlt King."

Ltttnlght John Drew began bit aecondweekat nooley't, before a rather light house Intpllh of uie terere weather, the Lyceum wu welltiled when Weber t Fields' Oo. beiin the week.Hclntyie and Ilrath were out of tbe Gill bpcante ofUe nnacoonnUble delay of Mr. neatb In Olncln-natl "A Oalety airl" wu only fairly wellpatnnlied at Um Chicago, where the tecond weekwttlntonnted JohnU. Hoptlot huleiaedUie Peopu't Theatre property, whinh hu lately

been conductedu tbe Gaiety, and will open ItuaconUnnont peitormaoce houte Feb. Z. A eiockcompany will be maintained for the preeeutaUon ordtamia, and will be aogmenled etch week by aline of mltty peiformert. A morning paper con-neeta bla name with thenew regime tttne Empire,butManagerSim T. Jack tayi Uitt Mr. Hopkintwill not be In any manner connected with the newmanagement. Toe Empire will be known u theUnited BUtea and the reoplt'a will donbUeta becalled John Bopklnt' Theatre Another inos-fer of theatre teiact hu Jut been an-nounced, O. F. Miller, the MHaankee amuse-ment funliher, htelug tecurtd the Stan-dard Theatre for a Ave year period. He will

reJUTenats tbe premlica and book comblnaUontopening with the neit regular teaton Han-tger Oomba closed the tonrof "Tbe Coast Ouard"with the Alhtmbn engagement and atoted theihov hen. Mr. >'errla and Mr. Uertlagt.ot thecompany, have departed tor Mlnnranolle, Minn., to

Join Oirrle Tumer'e Oompany Weber A Fletdt'Oompany will be teen at the Olympio neit week.

Wm. Calder hu assumed the management otOaiTleTDmet'i tour Buxlnest Manager Itham,of lUoeandBtrton'aVomedUuia, wu In toim yes-terday Manager U. It. Jtoobt It In town look-ing after hta local theattct The annonnoementIt made that an outdoor ainutement ntort will beetiabllihed neit Bummer at ATondale, a suburb o[

UiucUy. All torts o( amusements will be attempt-ed Including a proposed run of comlo open.Mii.WAUiss, Jan. n.—Large and delighted andl-

enoeaappreolaied "ATempemnee Town" Sundaymtunoe and night at the DaTldton Jamea J.

Corbettwu greeted byjimmed bootee Bouday at

tbe Bilen, andwu obund lo the echo when he ap-pearedM "Gentleman Jack." Ereu Uie aarere bllt-

sard of Monday erenlug did not keep the hontefrom being well dlled The Academy had fairlygoodtlEedanillenceiBuidaT, awell rendered pn-teutatlon of "Young Mn. wlnthrop"belngtbeblUlut nigbl, when the atlendauce wu fair In iplieot the weather "Ohartoy'a Aunt" bogtn a weekat the Davidson Usl erenlng to a good home.Tbe advance ale wu one of the beat ofthe totton, tbe bllznrd cauting many to

tiaj away Tbo Peoplt's hu Mme. Yuccaat the bead ol a bouse bill. Bundsywufilrly good, but tbe Monday buslneu tniTendu wlUi the otnen Tho Siadt Theatre BtockOompanr, In their forced temponry tuartem. theWest Sloe Turner Utll. on Bnnday tupported EmilVon Dor Otien u Lord Roohcuter, In ''Jane Eyre,"Olara Xahl appearing In the UUo role. An uusaualiylargo audience wu pretent Uerr Van dor Ot-t«n hu Bid farewell to Milwaukee for the season.Bla next engaaament being In St. Louis . . ."OliverTwist," with Ellta Proctor OUt and William Met-layer nomes to the Davtdton !», n, so TheI'reat Olub benelltt at the Academy wlib Uiepicture phky, "Mlaa Jerry,"and ratdlogs by Eugene

UiKoiNNiTi, Jan. 31.—For Monday night twonovelilet wore on the theatrical menu at the Grand.E. H. BoUiem preaented "A Way to Win a Woman"l« an audlenco of good proportlona "TheGnnd Vlalet" wu pietenled by Thomu (). Bea-brooke at the Walnut, and that new open pleatedable house Tbo Bnnday opetlnge wen large.'In the Tenderloin," at Ilavlln's,drew out an oldtime mall "Ou the Hlaalulppl," at neuok't,and "A Flag ot Truoe," at Itoblnion't, played toan audience of good tite BUly Pllmoer't Oom-pany Blled the I'eoiile's TbeJarbesuOimedy(Company revived "Starlight" at the Fountain, toaudlencea of goodly size.

WisniNOTOK, Jan. 12.—I'eier F. Uallay, In "AOonniry Bpori," had a honte teldom equalled aidnever turpasacdin the hltlory of Rtpley't Aeadeoyol Mutlo. The tklt It dlled with good BMOIaluet,and wu thoroughlr eojored Wm. 11. Omne'eFaltuir, In 'The Heiry Wlvet ot WIndtor," at-

tncted a Urge followlni to Raploy'a National The-atre '-CapL Paul" had a big opening at Alloo'a(irsnd Open Ilonto, It being the Int time here.

"Tbo Burglar" wu admlnUy put on at But-lor'tBllonThealre,ind lllled tbe house. Whal-len A MirteU's "South Before the Wsr" htd one ottbo Urgtstopenlugt ot (be acascn, turning peopleaway (rem Keman'a euly In the evening.

St, I.0UI8, Jan. 12.—The Fnnch Fully Oompanyplay opened to a full honte at thaSlaudaid Sundaynoun, and turned people away at night. The Japemadt a big hit .llnb FlUtlomoni' (kHublna-tlon draw S. R. o. u> Uavlln't twice SundayIlagenbeck't Anlnul Show drew a full house to theOlympio rope's Thetira iru crowded aftei^

noon and evening A large audience gatheitdat tho Grand to tee tbe Delia Fox Opem Company,but HIti Fos wat too hoarat to appear, and thenattont got their money back. She bad a goodnouac lut night and received a renting wtloome.

Fllulnmont will olote hu engagement hereSaturday night, and leave tor New York.

K1K81S Orrv, Jtn. X! laffotton, Klaw .t Er-tenger'a "Oonntry Olrous" opened at uo uoaletlut night lo a good honte At iheOnnd, yetter-dny, matinee llopkint' Tnns-AtluUos opened lo abiRouUneeand at night turned people awayFlu and Webater, In "A Breety Time," opened atthe Mntb Street yotterday to two big nonietThe Andllorinm nu luoked lltgenbeck'i and Uieomit Bam Jtck't Co. tor nut week.

LouinviLii, Jtn. £1 -"The lluttlcr" aitncted agoodcrewdai iheOnud Open HoiitoUit night.

"A Crasy Lot" opened loagood houte Sun-day tnd a big hnute last night The Bucking-ham wu ciowdod on the opening of Uarrj Wtl-HuuH' Own Oo Tht loven ol mualo attendedlu goodly numben at the Mnilo Hall to bear OvldoMntlu The Gem opened to afair boaae.


Hpakanr.—At tbe Auditorium the OalhounOpen Co. came to big biialneis Jan. It-ie, In "Am-orlia." lUckotft Troubfloun ».Pioi'i.i'8.-Week or it; Fnok BnUer, Klht Ball,

Hay Uort. Master Blutobor, Baker and nowtrd.Ella Gilbert, Dan Oroelan, Ida Storms, Uabol Uey-weid. Jntulla, AddU Slticre, Kit, llclau, EUa Leon,Adelle Stuart, Orlleilon ((oattel, and Uruna anaNlua.COHiqus—Rnwn and Diamond, BUiel liarees,

Any liothell, l.tbblo Itoat, Eva St. ouir, PrluoePaul, LUIlo llalnea, Jeaale Dnunlug, Unno tndUohca and Ando tod omne.I«i'vai.-I,llllin Wlllltmi, May Folleiton, Fred

Qatdnor, llenard Bitten, Arthur Redwood, Au-gutiA /.abol, Utud Ueror, Arbmet liclla Hey, Kd-mund sitlert, Mamie liuion, Jamoa Goodwin andLafayette and Ctirigan.

Nealllo.—At lluna't Sealllo Tbtatn SadieMantnot end Max FIgmao, In "Ttie raapwt," Jan.33, 'ja; "Tho Kow Boy" It, 'JO, Otlhonn Open Co.week of is.

CoBOBAY'ii TnsATHn.—n. E. tud Rva French andcominny upeurd 17, In "Honteauma," (or (ournighit. The SeatUe Athletio Olnb will produceO:io Oolllog't "Uldwlnur NIght't Dnm'<H-M.Uni. 1'. Horphr and Kitty Kuntle week oris.Fiom —l>uget sound Lodge, No. T. M. A, In-

atallodoillconi(orthteniulng yearlS.tnil gave abunqnet to tho vltlting nemben R. R. Frenohavumed tho potlllon o( mUdent manager torJohnF. Ooidmy at hit houte In ibUclly 11 Wm. H.Kuisle, Itio manager at Oordiay't, took Ibe l^heOpera Co. on tbe road, and will go Rui u far MCulrago. and Witter over the Northern PaolSe.

Tneoma.—At the Ttiom Theatre the FykeOpen Oompany pUyed to Immente botlnets/ao.7-10. Thit theatre It now leued to Uelllg A Ltttt^rwho alto muagt the Marqutm Qrand, FoiUandand the Olympio. They are alto doalng eomneti(or thtattee lu BriiUh (XlnmbU and tnrronndingolUea, and an preparing tor a large WUtiar andBpiing bnalaea.

TtoBtoB, JUaa.. Jan. S, Woteaatar

All RoutM Muit Raiah Us Not

Than MondaT<

IkanlreB'a Ulllo-Lewlaloi. Ha. Ju.n-a,Balh4A. TotaB9,Aonataan,BAafor81-r«b. IL

AUIatoa't. HuA-KuhvlUi, TeoD, Jan. si-a"Aenaa th« Potomao"—Oimod Beplda, Hl<b. Jib 11-11"AUSdIn Jr."-IoeiiDtpolla. iDd.TJta itm, Oatnlt,lllelL,B-aD.Bolbio,V.T.,r<b 1.1.

"A Cimir Lol"-boalnUlt, If- Olaalauttl,o.,iy-p«b.l

"AllBooy"—Cfaleaip.XIUJaB.S-Fab 1"ATur tht "— -->t->.

"Sut BriSnt"—Boblo. tf, T.. Jan. tl-at^ OohuDbai,O.. 2»«, lo^liinpolla. (Dd., 11-rab.l

"Asel StU{"-BBpoil>, Kta., Jan. S, Nawtoo U, Bntah.loMaB.WIahltea

"Amaaooa"—ProTldaaeo. a l.,Jao.n.ttByron'a, Ollraf^nopaboic, re , Ju. IL 14, Johns.

towD B, Altoone a. BaltlDoro, Ua., S-Tali. XBaraaa A Hamo'a Platan- Jaffanoe Olty, Mo.. Jta. ti-le, Mailoo O-Pab. 1

Bany'i, Wm —PbllaSalptalt, ra^ Jan. n-a, Albany, K.

Bofraniba', Hario-PhUadtlpbla, re, Jtn. Il-a, Oltre-Uml.ll.. b-Fab 1.

-< —Broooon'a. Jobn R~Nlanim Falla, K. T.. Jaa.SL Var-aaw 14, Caba a, Olaan a, JanastowD n, Union Olty,Pa^a.

Barratt'a, WllaoD—Brooklru.H. T., JaD.T1-a.Bavarlr'B, Paitar—Laairen, Pa., Jan. S.TuiaeuaM,UibaooyCllja. PraokTlllaa,Wtacli<nianka.

BoMi Comtdr-Halllai, K. I, Jan. Il-Fab. 1BaUwIo-Rotara Oonady—Aojnata, (la.. JaiLB-Pab. 1"BorRlai"-WaablDfftoo. D. a, Jan. ll-a,"Barrol o( Ifooay"—Aoiaotoe. Pa. Jan 9, RaadUisM-tt."Baaeh of Ceia"—Coluinbaa. Oa., Jao. a; Haooo 14,

JaabaonvlUa. Pla.. a, SaTanaab, na-iaAofuua^rbtfltaloo,a a. 9. AtlAola, Oa., S, U, Obattaaooga,Taoo., Feb. I, Kaontllal

"Rlaak Bhaap"—Roiloo, Maaa, Jao. n, ladaflotta.

Bladri.look." No. l-<lbica|o, IIL,Jao.ll-B, PlUnbiiii,Pa,lS-rab.l

i — --.

"Bliob Crook," No t-Colgmbaa, 0., Jan. B, MtaaflaMH Beraaloo, Pa , a. Altoooa tl."Rlaekllatwl"—RtDatogtoD. Pa , Jan. ll-a."Bait.gt ObMk'--Bn>obl>o, N. Ju. n-m."BrowoTai"~N. T. dtp JaoTn-Pab. 1''Rway Tlma"—Raoaaa Oitp«llo.. Jan. a-a'BlaaJaaor'-Wllllamabtn, N. T.. Ju- Il-a.|*toiblan*a. Roaa—Boaton, Sua., Jao. 11-9, Lyna a,^ LawraD«o99.Colller'a. WiUIa-PfOTidaoeo, B. I., Jan. tl-8, Lynn,Maaa, 9, Lavraaoa 91.

noankl'a, Hloilab-N. V. Clip Jao. ll-a.Clulon'n. Xalo-Phlladalpbia, rti, Jaa 11-9, EllitbaUi,

R.J.. F«1>.1.nraoa'a. W. H.—WafbloetoD. D. 0.. JaD. It-a.Olarho-Parkloion—EdvardBTllla, la, Jan. 11-9, BoBkar

niiiiii-rab.1Comarford'a J- B.—navirhlU. Maaa. Ju. 9, PlrBoatb9, MaDaSaM a. Haw Loadoil, OtJO.

CLoata-a. auUa-Homa III, Jan. B. BraldnodaiCorbttt'a Jamaa J.-lllwuka^ Wla, Jaa. B-a, BLFaoL Kino.. a-Pab 1.

"Rhaitaj-a Aunt." No. 1-Pblladalphla, Pa-, Jaa. Il-B"Cbarlw'a AaoL" No. S-lDdluapolla, lod., Jan. n-M,"Coaal aoaid"-ItMliaelaf, N. T., Jid. li<H"Oiitttr Jaok"-Wilkaabai», Pa., Jan. t«-B"GopparLlon"—WlnSaM. gaD.,JaB. fi,EBi«ka34,BB<

poria a. Fort Boott a. Colonbu a, ~JAnllD. Mo.


flaldC"OoitoD glas," No. T. Olty Jaa. IMtl Bnoklyn, N.

"OoboD glBi,"No.l-Nt> Haras, Cb,Jae.M«."Oroat noaSa ol Lift"—Datrolt, Hldi., Jan-S-Fab. t"Ctpt. Paol"-Waablnitoa,D.O.,Jaa.n-B"OaptBanaU.aA ''-Boehaaur, N. T.. Jaa. 11-9."CoontiT Clroiu"—KaoauOtty, Mo., Jan. 9-9."OharitT Biir-Birllairloa, fa, Ju. H"Coon Hollow"—Tnj. N. r., Jao. 9. 11Dnv'a John-^TbloafO, III, JaD.SI-8, OUolnnaU, 0.,

B-Fab, aDoonally A UlniS'a-BaltliDoi*. Md, Ju. U-a, Wll-mlDBton. Dat, a, Traotoo. N. J- SI.

Dallar'a, Paur P—WaahloiloafD.O^Jan.O-B.Phlla-dalpbla. ?».,ni-Pab.I -


Dap'a Wujon-Ballilra, 0.,Ju. 31-B.DIakaoD'a, OitR. a—Pott wajaa, led, Ju. 9^ OiaiidBaol ia,glcb., Fab.l.l. ^ - "" —

DownlDt'a. R L.-Ja<kaooTllla, Fl^Jan.B Braaawlck,

„. Ftuataqi a,a, Webb Olty SI, Anroia Fab. I, epnog.

Oa.. 14. BaTaoaab V. Aniuata MOhaTlanoa. a. n..Bamtar S. Wlbolapioo. N. 0., 9,

' ~' ~ton. Va, Pab. I. Norfolk I.

DobaoQ'a Playara-rottnilla, Pa, Ju. BB, Baaallona, a.

DoTaaport'a, Puny—N. T. Olty, Jan. II. loSaSnlta.D'Ormoad'a. Johc-OarllaTllla, III. Jao. 114.Dtvla*. Obit. L—R/oklasS, Ha.. Jan. n, Bath U^Bnua.wlok&Kaaboa,N. H .MLawnBc<,Ktaa,niVoraa.larnTritohbuniSOL COKOTd, N. bTsL HontpoUtr, tl,Feb. f, Borlloittan 3.

"Otialar"-Cblca|0, III , Jan. S-Fab. 1.

"Daraait Biiaaia"-Pblladalpb la. Pa .Jan. n-8."Dowo la Dlila"-M. Y. Oltr Jao. U-Fab. 1.

"Oarby Haacof-SL Lonia, Ho, Jan. B-rab.L"Oarbp WlQnar"-Omaba.Nab.LJan.ajCT«atoB.Ia.,14,MoDinoath. III. B, Aaiora BhrblaacoSr-Pab. 1

"OaTll'a Anouoa"—DuilllCVa, Jan. O, Noitblk 14,Hlcbmowl a, BL Pblladalphla. Fa, B-FabTl

"DUlrlct Attomai"—N. Y. Oily Ju ». loealolla,T<.Ualar'a Eila-N. Y. City Jan. 11-B, Biooklyn, N. Y.,a-* 18-Pab. aBllinwood'a Playan-BlDsbtintoa, K. T., Jan. ll-tt,Berulon, Pa, B-Pab. 1

Bmnatt'a, gatlo-Brookllo, N. Y, Ju. l|.a.Ellla'. Chai. T.-Nawark, H. J., Jan. ll-a, Hyraeoaa, N.Y , XMO. Roobaaiar 91-FaK t

Earla'a. Orahan-Valpttralao, Int., Jan. ll-a, MlUordB-Pab. a

"Koalsn '-CutoB. O, Ju. B, BaloB 11, Baaver FallaPa., a, Eaat Llvarpool, 0., ts, ritlabarg. Pa,

~Pab. 1

"Blpbt Balla"-Toledo. 0.. Jan. 11-lt, Lima a, Moaela,Ind .a, Lalayalia D, OmlonltvIlM Skltrra IlantaTfh. 1, Dacatar. 111,1.

"Rdaawood Polka," flarvood'a—findlay. 0., Jaa.B.Ijinilimu'a, Obat., BUok-N. Y. Oltr Jaa. II, Udt-

nniia.Flak'a, ROM. A.-An|nlloa,N.Y., Jan.U-lirarria' (Jooiadlua-Cantoo. Ho, Jaa. 3I-10, Kalioba &», HomphlaaiiJI.

Froit A Fuabawa'a-,Iaokfoavllla. 1(1, Ju B-S4."Fatal Ca-a"-N. Y. Oltr Jan. 31. ladatotla."PaalHalL" NorUiem—Barllo, OoL. Jan. XL BruUord14, BaiDiltonB,BLCaUiarlau9,Tor«nioS-Fab. t

"PaatHatL"Boouiara-Coi«loaDa, Tai., Ju. 14. Waooa, Tampla B. Taylor B, Baatrop 9, IM Onaio SO,BranbaaiSI.

"Pablo Rofflul"—RavaDoa. 0.,Ju-B, WooatarII,'Haa•tlllOBU.CuloataTlmnla,Foatalla a. VanWeitHLFort Wapat, la^.Trob I, Aan Arbor, Mleh., 1

Faataama"-rbkaio, III. Ju.xm"Paoat." HorrlaooA waaten—oabkoab, Wla. Jan. 11Applatoa H, Bttpbtn'a Point B, Baa OlalraB. WiDoaa,Mlon.,9lRadw1oiiSkauUaaura^Maakala 9l,8louFalla, ab.. Pab I.I.

"I<«1." RiM'a-CbloaiD, 111., Jaa. U, ludalolla."im^ Klaw A Erluiar'a-Orud BapMa. HIeb., Jao.

"Flag orTTooa"-OlBclnnatl, O., Jaa. BMek LoalarUla,Kp., l^Pab 1

**Fuat,"arlfllth'a—BruUoid,Ou,Jan.8, Woodatook14. Bt nomu B, Bt Calbariaea 2t, Maaark. N. J, ft-Pab. 1. .

"PInnlpu'a Ball"-Bloomla(too, IlL, Jan. IS, Oraw.lordarlUe, lod, 14, Kokomo S, Hoooia 9.

Goodwla'a, N, a—Haw Orlaua, La , Jan.B^ Atluta,aa,a?Obailaatoa.ao,9l.

^Oanaan LIllpulUna-Dattoa, 0 , Jan. B, Oolnabna 1^

It, NaabTlllo, TaDa.,B-a, HampbliSl-Pab. 1aillatU'a, Wm.-N. Y. Uily Jan. A, ladaealla.naylot'a.Bobby-rblladafphla, Pa. Jan. tl-n.Ollok, Comadr—DoOuca. O., Ju. l|.2t.aallaibrr'a Comadr-ToIoBtoan. Ot, Jao. tl-M.Oanuulalliaalre-N. Y.OIIy Jto 11, IndalaUo.(Iraporp'aJIao. L.~ PiOTldoaea. R. 1. Ju. tl.te.QordoB A ttalla'-JackaoB, u., Ju. 0-B,Por1BinoBtb».Feb.!

Qn^a^Ada-Datrolt, Hicb, Jaa. IMS, amid BapldaSl-

Olrl'l L<R BablBd Ha," No. l-4!bleaiD, lU, Job. B-Fab 1.

"Qlrl I UR RoblBd HV No. t-Raeboalar, N. T, Ju. BLAibanpia-a. , ,


"araaaQooda Hu"—0*fca]ooaa,Ia, Jao-B DaaHolnaa34. BL Joaapb. Ho., B, AioniaoB. Kan , 9, Omaba. Nob.,V-at, Falla CItr 91. Toptba. laa., Pab, !,Badalia, Ho,l

"nilboolya Abniail"-DacatBr. IlL, Ju a.Oalatr airU" No. l-cmoaao. 111, Ju. a>-Pab. 1

"Oallay BlaTa"-Haab<lUaYano.,JaB.a.HaTTiaaa'a. Bdvard-N. Y City Ju. II. iDdeSatlo.

nnhnu'a. Haada-uloTartTllla, H. V, Jaa. ll-B,PollooB-Fab.l.

Itoap'a Wm —DoatoB, Maaa, Ju. It-ML Provldanoa, aI., 19-90, Wonaalf r. MawTll. Fab. I, RoftoalaM I.

Uaawa-a, Badla-HoRoDcalltTiUa, 0.'

- - -ali.JaL B. Lotan 14.

NawlailoitOBtaNalaOBiillafi' ' —Ilallaa A UaA'a-cnlMto. Ill, Ju. B-Fab. Illanlltoa'B Idf al Th»u*—Blnlhon, O.. Ju. 11-BUaBDfaar.Loropla—0*oBlaoo. Tai, Ju. a, Oolsata, I.

T., 14-w, lahi|h n-a.lUvomrit Joaapb—BoatoB, Uaai, Jan. 11-16.llolnaa-Rlal-MinaraTllIa, Pa, Ju. BL Ml CarmalHRunbury B, HcKaaaport M, charUtol ft, firadJook 9,BiirtaualoWB 3DL

"llumplr Damply," BaUa Rioa'—Bowllof Oraan, Kr,Jao. tv Claaiow rt, KlliaboUi K L^buna O, DuTllla». Ilaiioilibiitii 90. KIrhoU'llla 91, Ml Sitrllat Fab. L

"ll^t TMiialaa"—Raadlop. Pa., Jaa. PotUTlUa II.Willlaotipotta. Hartitbaigia

"HuiUar'-LonUTlUa. Xp., Jaa. ll-B, Otaalaoatl, 0, n-

' lloniaoltj"-WooBaoekaL IL I . Ju. 9, II, Naw Bad-lonl, UUM.. IS.B. Liaa Pab. I. X

"lloaa ud Ilota"—Totaa Ha . Jan. S, Aniaata 14, Balhn, BuiorB

"llaDdaAcToM iboFw"—HoalpalUr. Yt. Jan n BairaII. SI Alhua B, Naapon sabL JohaibarT B, Wooda.Tlllaa. HtBobMlar. iril.9VFab.l,

IlllBolaCODadr aoil Concort-Owoaao, Hloh.. Ju. B-ldLimh Arlllt"-BulIalo. N. V., Jia. tl-B

"iBBomtr"—Wbal (;hoar. la., Jaa. B"I^OM l^iBinckr," No. l-Lawiaoaa, Maaa, Ju. CU,la UM Xaotuoky." No. l-Srraaaaa, N. Y, Ju, BWa(aiUiwal4.0i«aB<ila.t;oitlaBdle.

"In tba TaBdarlola*'-^lBolBBOI 0., Jaa. B-se' Iti Laal"-Tr«BloB. N J . Ju. IL"Irfii\ llomaataad* —HapBTllla Ky, Ju. B. Atblaad (4,PaUallabBrf B, Uaallaatoa. W va..B. Qalllpolta, 0.a. Foibi^pImkbl W Ta . 8, HIddlaporL 0.,% ni<a-01^ II. Partarabara. w. Va Ptb I, Blalamllla X

"la OM KoBtackT." No. l-DaUu, Tu- Jaa. xast,!la Bbiavapoi1,La, B, BrBBarlllaL lai., II, BaadaKy., BL^aaaaboro Si, Pianklott II, Pant FBb. I,

Ttnaaa'a KaiU-*ev OtIaaaa Ju.F-^-iV Jartau'aL Tereoaia-OlmnnnaB, 0, Ja^am"Jaak and JIlP'-BaeBa Tlata.CaL.Ju. U-IS"Jaaab" No. l-at Haiyt, O , Ju 14, Paytu IS.

"Jtat,''Ho.»-aalvaaloB,Tai.. Jan-B. _ _


ITaiidara Mr. and Hra^M. T. Oltr Jan. B-M, BoatoD,

Maaa,is.Fab.a _ _ .Xaaaaora n>yeia-Bad Baak, >. J, Jan. 11-91 FraaboldB-Fab.li

IasaadraUliaB-PortaoBih,N. B,Ju.aCiataiIa-B, Muabaatat B-IB, Naabna Bl-Pab. X

KlaaU'a Mailt (lallna. O.. Jan. B.laofk'a Thoa J^Tampa, Fla., Jaa. Mt,BL Feunboif

, . .Ntwmaa.in..Jan.a,HBmaJM?.'Kutneh"—Roebaatar. R.T., Jaa. a-Fab 1 _


Lpcoam Tbaana, Ffobmu'a-N. T. Oily Jan. 11, la-

dalalla.Uwla\^LUIlu-8L PanJ, MlBS., Jan. D-M, MinaMpolla

L«badla,'Bowall-Hoatpallar, lBd,Ju.B ConaannUaa, LabuoB Fab. 1. Nowaaallaa _

LaoTold'a OomaSlaQa-Port Haion, Mkh., Jao. 11-21LoBdoB,OaB., S-Fab L

, ,

Itiljt^i^JMr&-Bnioklpa, N. T., Ju- ll-a, BalUmoia,

Lodar'a Cbaa. A—ladUxaoolla, lad., Jaa. O, PaaUlB|i,O, S. BL HaiT'aa, Dolawato a, Booyiu tf. HuBdeidm, AUliad SI, AkfOB Pab. LYoupton 1, Eau LIrar.

BO014.Laraaa'B, 0«o. W—MtadTllla. Pa, Jan. tl-B, TIlBlvlUaB-aaMarcaril-Fab 1.

Lfoaam OiamaUa, Baadonon'a—Areola. IIL, Ju. 21,

TnaeoU M-W, BIOOBlttKtooMXLawla*, JaAaya-Loa Aogalaa, Oal., Ju. It-n.Lyeaom Ttawtra.BbaipIay'a-Okbana,Toi., Ju.n-B.1gfllabon>8-Fab.L

Lowo'a OAiDady—Darpor. Kan., Ju.19, Hadlolna LodiaB-M. Wiebltaft-Pab. X „ .

Laatar'a Hlanla-Boath Norwalk, OL, Jan. ll-H, Bumlord B-Fab. X

Lacr'a aBiiT-Brldteport,OL.Ju S,S).La PaUU Boaa-lBbp«mlBg,Hlcta.,JaiLa,lroB Hobo-tain 14, Baonbllo B. Champloa B, Ha»o«k a, Boogb-toBl>,a«IjBokatS,OalBm««9l. _

"Loat Faiadltt"-8auton, Pa, Jaa. S, M, FblltdalpbUSB-Fab. 1.

"Lud or lha HMalabt BaB"-Baadbi, Fa , Jan. U, New.ark,H.J.,9l-Pab.r

LonlBNawYoik"-BiirlBBnaM, IB., Ju.8. WaahlBi-toB, lod., B, BfaaavlUa n. Tarn Bute 8, IBdtaupo-Ualn-Pab. I.

"LltUa Chriatopbaf'-N. T. Oltr Jaa. II, lodaOalU."LltUaTilila''-Pblladalphla. tL, Ju.ll-a.MaiTlaoB-a Ltwta-BoatoB, Haaa, Jan. 11-8, V. T. Olty

»-rob7lHarlowt'a, jBlla-OamdaB, N. J, Ju. tl-BL Brooklyn, N.T,B-rab. 3.

HuiaU'l Robart-aalraatoB, Tai.. Ju. B, 14, BonatoaB. m. Now Orltua, La,, ir-Fab L

antStld'l. Blebard-Bu Aatoolo. Toi, Ju. B. Dallu8, a, Hanpbii, Tub.. S-9D, NBthviUa Sl-Pab. X

MartlBora.Badla-«aa<lla, Waab., Jbb.O.HcBeBiy'a, NalUo-Hlasoola, Hoa.,Ju.B, KBpokant,Waab, a, a, SaatUa B,p, TletorU, B. 0, SDLNuatnoSI. Tueonvar Pab. 1, X

Hubla'a Jaa. B.—Tranton, N. J., Ju. S, Waahbistao,0.a,8-Fab.X

Horrta', FtlU-DtlnIL Hlch., Jan. ll-N, PltUbnri, Pa.,

S-FoaxMolTllla'a Comedlut-DuTlUa, IIL, Ju. ll-B, Ttadaia-

tbBlg. lad., B-Fab. 3.

uoTa-klaaoB—Worcaatar, Haaa , Ju. 9.MBrpby*a, Joaapb-BL Joaoph, Ho.. Jan. a. Omaha Nab.,14-a, D«a Molata,U JB, nuamwa B. BnrllBfton 91.

Marka Broi '-OtUoa, Ku . Ju. ll-Fab XHatJulbye, Du -Albuy, N. Y., Ju. 11-9."Hu WltliOBtaOooBtrT''—Barlam, N. T , Ju. ll-B."Hma. Sana Oaoa"->N. T. CurJu. It, iBdaflnlla"HoNaHp'a Tialf'-DaytOB. 0 , Jaa. O, Piala City 14.

BprlBinlaldB,0lB0UBatll7-rab. X"HoPasdu't Bloptmut"—Janoy Ulty, N. J., Jan. '.t-

Pab.x"Hilk White FIas"-N. T. dtyJu II, ladaBnlte.

Noblaa*. HUtoa-MoamoaUi, IIL, Jaa.U, Oalaaburg 34,

Daaatar a, Obampaln 9, Fort Wayae, lad., 9,Daytoa. 0, SUBorlairSoln Fab. 1.

toaa'JellltKa-JalTaraan. " •—^. Mo..Ju.l4.0llatoBM.

Nalbaiaola'a. OIn-Troy, H. T, Jib. 23, UUca M,Cbleafo,lil.B^b.3.

"NomlaW'-Albanr. N. J.. Jaa. 31. a."Naw Boy." No. l-Baltlmoro. Hd^ Ju. ll-W"Naw Boy," No. 1—Portlaad, Or*.. Ju. 31, Tacoota,Waab, ILBtalUa B, B, Bolaav Hon., a, te, AoacoadaB,Bna* It-Fab. X

aifkM Jed ProBty-Albaay. N. Y.. Ju. B,V t-oid FanBor dopklu"—OooraatowB, Dal., Ju.a, Baaford u. BaHaburr Md, a. CilaBald M, Eaatooa. OrawbOToS. Port OapoiltlOLAaupoluai, LauraLFab. I, Alaiudrla, Va , l.

Ogl^Jaaapb—HoolKBl, Caa, Ju. ll-S^ Newark, M. J.,

"Old Bomaataad," Tbonpaoo'a—X. Y. City Ju. 11, la-daSolt*. .

"Obi aiory"-SL LOBla, Uo , Ju. B-ie."OIlTarTwUf'-Obican, III . Ju. 0-9.-Oiruw EarUi"-Barram, N.T., Ju. ll.ie,Colombiia,

'Oar Unola Sadlay"-Biogbaffltoa, N. Y, Ju. 13, Al.buyBA"Ob tM Bowtn"-Pbllailalpbia, Pa., Ju. ll-B, Bodi-aatar, N. Y,A », Albaay ['ab. 1, 1.

"Oa tba MlBaiailppl"-clBclBBatl, O., Ju. IMS, BbITiIo,N. T, a-Fab X

palmtr'a, A. H., Slook-Brooklio, N. Y., Jao. a.Fab. 3-a PayBoa'a,Cor>a-Foaloria,0, Ju.sl-tt.NawaiklS-Fab I.

Prlaila'a JobB-Bpaarteld. B D.. Ju. ll-B.Pouor^Ballaw—WilllamapprL Pa., Ju.l9,Lucutar24,BaadlBfB Allaatowa IS. Btltlnoia, Hd, »-Pab I.

omam'a Katlo-PBlloiaB, Waab.^u. 23. Walla Walla,Wu.^ 14, PudlaloB, Ore, B, Bakar Clip B BolaaCity. /da., _

Falti Bms tteoady—AnDla*Do, Ala., Ju B, Blrnilog.ham tL AWaBlA. Oil. B. B, Haooan AthaoB B An.gBita S. Oolombia, B.cll.OraaaTlUa Fab. I, Aab*.TiUa, N. O, X laoivlUa, TaBB.,a

"Pan] KUTat**—Bampbia, Taan.. Ju. 31"PaaalnsBbov," No. I—Boaua, Haaa, Ju. 1I-7S."Paaalng Show." No. 1-Hampbl^TsoB., Ju ll-ie."Prodlnl Paihor"—Naw Orlaau, 1a, Ju.B-B, Hampbia. Tub., 0-9.

"Fowar or Uw Proia"-Pluibnn[. Pa, Jaa II-IC, N. Y.Cltyl8-Fab.X

"Pawn TIekat No. llll"-nblcago, IIL. Ju. KLK. Oiao.)Baplda, Hicb, a-90,La Balla, IU,9I, Btitttor Fab. I.

HoBooathX"Follot Patrol"—Pataraon, N. J„ Jaa-lt-B, Brooklia. N.Y. B-Fab. X


'Prodigal DaaghtaTj;;- Uarllord, Ot, Ju. a, Naw Havu

"PollBo^o, HuAf a Tab. 3L

iMlaapaout"—\TrUaabana,Pa,JaB 2UD. . jk'a BU Boy,'* EuUro-CMBtOB, Ha«#., Ju. 11,Pouam, 0L,_]4, DulalaooTllla B, Naw Loadoo it,PioTlduea. B. I , »-Fab. 1

"Palrol KIda"—Mampbla, Tun, JaB.I4-2C-paaaaU'a, Bol BmlU-Naw Orlwta,La. Ju. ll-M. Uo-"> blla, AU, a, HontgnmarrU. Haoon, Oa, slblABiiiSlBa, tU. 91, JaSaoaTlUi Fab. I, X

Blokatt'aTroobadouia—Bpokua, Waab.. Ju.a.BobaoB'a, Suurt—LoBlarllla, Kr, Ju. B. II, Nath?Ilia,

BoMfa, Bolaad-Baslaaw, Hlob., Ju. 3J, Oiaiid Raplda

Rlca'a, Fuey—Woreoator, Maaa., Ju. O.Badmoad DramaUe-Blna Saitb Oitr, HIna, Jan. 31-n,FalroMot B-Fab 1.

Roblaaoo'a Bob J.-Woodlud, Pa., Jao. 0, 14, Olaar.nald a. U, CarmaaxlUe a. a

Bhu'a—Fort Worth, Tax, Jaa. S,Bbarmao 14, DwilooB. Paria B, Hot Bprfnaa Ark.. IS. Liule Bock n,ualana 9Dl att«Btlll^ Mlaa

,gi, vickabnrg Fab. i.

NatatauXRlra'a Qiud Opera Uooaa Btoek-Ooalda, N. Y., Ju. 1|.

a, noraaUavlUa SS-Ftb. IBhoadaa', Kluy—Plualon, Pa., Ju. 11-n, Pcaalud 28-Pab.a

"BoBbClty"-Boatoo, Maaa , Ju. 31-B, Neabnrg. N. Y.,Fab. 1.

"Rory oruia BlU-'-N. Y. Olty Jan. 2S-Fab. a,

"Rip Vu WlBkU," BMoaV-HadlMB, Wla., Ju. a,bIbIb, lU.II, DUTlUaFab.X

"Railroad TKaal' -MlBBaapolla. MIon , Ju. B-B, Obi.eaao, IlL,ir-Fab.l

golbani'a^1|^ U.-doeloaatl. O , Ju. ll-'t, Oaliolt,

Bawud'f,'' MIOBla-lluorrr, Pa, Ju. ll-B, CarlialaB-3D.

BalTloi'a, Alai -Ooiab% Nab.. Jan. n. Et Joaapb, Ho,14, Qulooy, IlL, lt.SL LoBia, Ho . n-Fab. X

Bbaa'i, not. B.^Boaatowo, N. Y, Jan. Il-sa,0d0lty,Pa,lS.Fab.X "

BaUlraa'a John L.—Topaka. Ku . Ju. B. Lawraoca 11,OUawa B. LMTtBWonb ft. Kaoaaa cur. Ho , 17-Pab l!Rutard'B, Waller. fitook-Mootiaal. ru., Ju. 11-9.Balli'a, Daa-Jtrtay Oliy. N. J , Jan. ll-U.Baioa Slataia'—Jolla*. lU , Ju. ll-B.BawlaUa DiuiaUo-Mu^atUr, N. H., Ju. ll-n. rip-

IBontb. Haaa, IB-Fab 3BklBaai^ OUa-BalUmora, Hd , Jan. n-B Wublaitoo,D. 0, B-Fab.X

Bwartwood DramaUo—Macomb, III, Jan. ll-B, DampPolatst-Fab. X

BarDoor-BtrattoB Comedy—vbftolXTilIa. Pa.. Jan. tl-a.™Ho'„B'*>«'i-F««Port, III, Jan.a Kocklord 34. EltloBFoUmu B,Oblcapon-Pae. I. Hllwaataa, Wia.ae

"SUU Alam"-aiorolaBd, 0 , Ju. A Oatnlt Hicb , »;,Olooloaail, 0,B-Pab.l."B^ oI^LW'—Lttvaowoith, gaB.,JaLl4,IuauCliy,

'Bllrar IlBa<''-Bachaatar. N T., Ju. B-(0.BomlalOanTerT"-Alioona, Pa., Jin. a.

"Bida Tnakad." Jula Walan'-Dalrolt Mich., Jan. nVBPort Hbioo a. FIIBt n. Aaa Arbor la Bandaakp, 0,11HlVatBoaPali.l. HayavlllaX


"RpMtraad Ply"—DactUr. IIL JaB.B."S?'J"li'9 ''•• Ju- ll-B.Harlam,n. -, v-Pao. I

"lUioro Aoiaa," No I—47olombaB, 0 . Jao. B Dailoo 118. BUobaa?ill* B. Obleaio, lU , B. ladaOQlio '


"Sbora Acraa," No. 1—lobaalowo. Pa. Jao a. MoKaa-

Kf X*"""•""S- Wa. T. B, Masphla, Tonn, 91-

"g»ud^oU"-PlltabBni, Pa., Ju. Il-ls, rbUadelpb'a

"^«^o-j"-H. Y. City Ju. 31-Ji Pblbdalpbia, Pa.

"^wawaj'-BiMkUB, N Y., Jao. n-a, Brldiaport,

"^lj«ajj-Bn)ObljB,N.Y.Ju ll-a.rblla<lelpbla,Fa,

'Poolo'a.'jobBB-Jauaua.Pa. Ju. B. UirohaH In...f^SeJ^ Jobaatowa a Paauatawoaj 11 Calwaaa.vlUeS.nnilaM 90, PbUUpaborm, UBal|o|lon Pu!I, Boqrorox

Tackar'a, LIUIu-Buior, Ma, Ju. IL iBOaOailaTarear'a, Cania-IaokBk. la., lan.lt, Kaaru Cilr, Mo,»-Fab. 1

O Jg||^j7~<'<"'<'°l*ei, lad.. Jaa. tl-n, Daluco,

Tna'a Boartnbm-N Y. Clip Ju. 8, ladaloito.

^'tS.ff'l'^ion'" f-Hl«tbirg. Pt.JaB.ll-K,N.T.CIII IB-Fab I.Trip to C^lulowB," No. l-Lantatlar, Pa.. Ju a.Traatoa. a. J,B

l^hat Clrat Olrf-Itatiaitoa, Fa, Jaa. B-Ftb. 1Tama ateat--iattm, iTjZ Ju. BL BtaMh KWUBlnftt^I>tl,lCi'aaUa«ba,D.Cu£FSa7 ^

Toitiata Balb"—LotABitlaaCaL, JaB.a,iba Naadlu

"TaOow aaadla''-ntadald,IU,Jaa.a,Beardtiown uaLBaAntUBS. ""Toraado," Nortbor«—Naw Bedford. Haaa, Ju ILFan BlrarB a, Naw_Londoa, Ot, 8, BaiUord 8*71?Umutlaie,HariSun. '


Tonado." BoBtbtrB-Canharga, H T , Ju. Sl Oorar.atBrM,Otuwa.CaB,a.3Xlfootiaaia.Pab.lL

'TetDfleruea Town"—HlaaaapoUa, Miaa., Ju. ]|-nBtruiir-yab.L

TwMOatta Outaty OlrT'-N. T. Olty Ju B tadatalta^iaa'-HLTaiaoB.To!,Ju. B, ll.Balpbsr RViiot,s.8 Woll Olip a, a, wklteriibc 10,91, Vu Alinjoa

"Two Blitora'-Chleapo, III, Jaa. B-B, Darnporl IIa, Soboqoi :•, Bockloid, lU , S>, Aaroia 91, BIooDloa.'loaPab.l.OaleibnTsX •

•TamptaUoa or Monoy '-lodiBBiMlla, lad., Jan. U-K'TwoJobBa"-Dtla^ N T., Ju 8"Tnialrlrh Baana'*—Pbiladalpbia, Fa, Jaa-IB-Pob IfiTToola Toni'a tUblo." HoPliaa'a—lanmoit, N. D, JaoU n.FarkIUrorl4,I.U|doBB. ' "'' Uaela Tom'a rabla,'' Bbaa'a-Leota. Hlai., Jaa. 2LHararavlUaHWIctibarg,9l,Dalu.ATk,9l. ^

"Uaela TOn'i CablB.** Btatooa'a-ChlUl^lhr, O , Jaa nPortaaoBibla, Buttnitoo, W. Ta, B, Irooton, o„ ;c'AablaadtS

WaiBtrCoDady—Oharokea. (a., Jaa. ll-n.rr Wb'taaideB' Walkar-ETuavlllo, ImL, Jan. u.PadoeU Kr.,a. ^

Walla Comair, Butan—Holyoke, Maaa., Ju. ]t-;eWalarbaiT. OL. ffl-Fab «.

Walla romadr. Waaiaia—Altoona, Pa, Jan. 11.20 LockHaiaats-PaVl '


Ward A Volaa'—Boaton. Maaa, Jan. 11-8, ProrMcocaB.t. a-Fab X

Wani»Jamai-DaBrar. Col, Ju. ll-B, Bah Lake Cilr

WarrtB'a, Eoma-Naw IbarIa, La . Ju 11-8Walawrltbt'a Uatia—Savuoab, Oa . Jan. XJ, Aatoi aIL Oiarloroa, a 0 , B.» Atlut a. Oa . a, IP, Roma Jo!

Wallick aJ.B.-Obieago. 111.. Jan.y-B"

Walla', Boward,Idaala-OlrardTllle,Pa, JaB.34-:c Raid.iBtftrabl

"WbltaBquadroB"—BalUmore. Hd , Ju. 31-8."Work ud Wasaa"—WUkaabana. Pa.Ju BToura, Jamaa—Bavaana, O., Ju. a, Akroa 31. Eaat

8, warru 8 Yonotatown a. 9."YOQop Mra. WlBthrop"—Mllwaniaa, Wla, Jaa. AJuanlUa B, Bockloid, la, 8, LobIotiu*, Ey., »:Fab X

"Yob TOBaoB"-Cbleago, IIL, Ju. B-Feb. X

snisioAiuAbbay A Orao't GrudOpara-N. Y.CIty JaB.3l,loCcS.alto.

BoaloBiu Opara-OlaTaland, 0., Ju. n-B, BoffalaNY.,a-ll.Bacbe>tarFab. I,X ^ '

Conooe-Cadar Bipida fa., Jan. a. Manballtova 34Daa Holata B, Blooi Oltya, Omaba. Rib, 8-11 Lla^ooln II. Alahlaoa, Ku, Fab. I.TopokaX

CalboBuOptra-BattUa waab., Jaa. a-Fob.aCamUla D'Arrllle Open-Flttabnrt, Pa., Jan. 11-9, Cbl.caio.IU.,8-Feb.{.

Dalla Foi 0»ara-BL LonIa Ho.. Ju. 11-8.Fraoch npara—Monlraal, Cu , Jao. 3L ladiflolto.Fraach Opera—New Orlrua La, Jao, 31, iBdaflalta.* Faaclap Naalar"—Padocab, Kv, Jaa. n, NaihTlIla,TaBB . 14-8. BowliBB Oiaao, Ry, 37. LavlBClOB 8,Fruklortn, LobIbtIII* M 31, Kruanlla, lad.. Fab.T,Tarra Haato *J

Hopper'a OaWoir-Phlladalphla. Fa, Jan II. ladldBlta.Ilaira, Paunae-Sl Loala, Ho, Ju. 8-Fob. XJonaa', BlaalaroUa-AilaBia, Oa, Ju. it.

LoTrJoy'a Batollila Opeia-Wllllmutis, OL, Jan. B,HfaUoU Naw Londu8,BiuCort It, Bilalol S,Ab.

Lllllu Xiiiull Opara-PblladelpbiB, Fa, Ju. 31-Fab.XHillar Opara—Rouoba, Ta , Jan. Zl, Buoalca 14, 21Cbarlotta>nilaa-aD.

Naabtllla etBdaoia-BtBtliarl, Ark, Ju. 23, PlatBluS14, Hope 31.

"Priocaaa Sonnla"-Roohaator, K. T, Jao.3i4S,BgllaloB-Frb. X

Paiia Blatan' Coneert-Harkia, Ind., Ju.8 34, Wabub8"PriBco Pro Tarn"—Lowell Haaa.Ju. a. BaTarblll 34,

Ponlaad, Uo., 19, a, Lawlaloa 21, Rock land It, Balh .1,

AmaabuiT, Haaa, 91, Balam Fab. I, Gloacaator X Bpiloc.flaldl

Bobia llood Opara—Auborn, N. Y, Ju. B,OtvagQ34,BrracBMB 8 Torooto, Caa. 18-Fab. 3.

'Hob Roy"-N. Y. Oily Jaa. It-Fab. XRauu'a —pallidalpbia Pa., Ju. B,Biabrooka'i, Tboa Q.-Clocliuali, 0.OaldB. naytoBlt.

Jaa.ll-tO, bprlDK.

Tarary Upara-Hu Aotooto, Tax., Ju. SB-Fob. 9.

*'Vala of ATOoa"—WaablBBtoo, D. 0. , Jaa . tB-Feb.3.Wilbur Opara-Bildjiiport, Cl. Ju. ll-a.Wllaoa'a,Pranela-BDtalo, N.Y., Ju. Il-B. Plltabuii,Pa.,2S-Ftb.x

"Wtatoanl Uo"—Boatao, Haaa, Jia. II, lodeflalta.

"ffaot"—St. Paul, HlBU., Jan. D-B, Mlnaupolla H-Pob. X


VARIETY.CbiyloB'B, Ida—Ulaaoala. Moo,, Jan. II, Maryarllla 14,

Towoaaod B. Boiomu8City tpona—Naw Uaraa. ot .Jan. A Woroaater, Mua


ILB, Fnvlilanco, R I., B-Pab. I.

OUT lllob-Cblcaco, IIL, Ju 31-8, Wllkeibarra, Pa,11-Pab. 1

CaalBoOlila* Borlatooa-Now Britain, CL, Jaa.33.Ciaolaa Jaok'a-.WIIkaBbarro,

'— '

BalTalo, N. Y., IB-Fab. XPa, Ju. 19. RaadiBp

DlioD'a Qao.-CalombuaO .Jan. 34.8Darara'^ Bin-Wllllamabnrf, N. Y., Ju. 31-8, N. V.City S-Fab. 9.

Eoiplra City Htaro—Brialol. OL, Ju. 21 Bartford 24.

NewBrluUB8,8Fay Foaut-Baiumora, Hd, Ju. 11-:t,N. Y.OIty B-rab. 1.

Fiaoeb Potly—BL Louia, Mo., Jaa. 11-8, LuolaTllio, Ey.,17-Fab. X

FlitalmnKna', Bob-St. LonIa Mo., Jan. 20-8, Dacator,IIL. 10.

FMld'a JtbB F.-Boaton, Haaa., Ju. 31-8, Pforldanca,R. 1.. a-rab. X

Oranlar'i Lyeaom Tbaaira—Pay too. O ^an. 21-8Howard Albaaeinm, N. Y. Oily Jan 11-31UUl'a Ooi. NOTOlUaa-BalUoora, Hd., Ju. 31-n, Waali-loatoo. D. 0, rab. X

liwfa BraB*.-0laTaUBil, 0, Ju. lt.3S, OInelonatI 1^Fab. 3.

Lilly Olay-BoatoB, Hau , Jan. 31-ICLaadoo Oalety Olrla-AlbaBp.N. Y,Ju,31JILTioy n-rab.x

Lad lea- Ohib-Troy. N. Y.. Ju. 21-IC.

Maria Suiar— Baadlnit. Pa , Jaa. 21Hav Uowarxl-Pltubnrg, Pa, Ju. n-SS. Toroolo, Cu.,a-Fab t

Habar'p, Pater-N. Y. Clly Ju. BUFab. 3, Barlao, N. Y.,

2B-Fab. 1.

New York Btan-Prorldaace. IL I., Ju. II-IC.FlImnar'L BlUy—Oloeloaau. O,. Ju.RaBlaBiDUay-Biooklpo.N, Y , Ju. 11-8, Pbiladalpbia,Pa,J8-rab.l

Boao Hill-BoaloB, Hau, Jaa. 11-8. Albuy, H.Y.,B.Fab.X

BIca A BartoB'a Comedlaaa-Batt'e Craak, Mich , Ju.21 Mllai M, Mlclili;u Ulty B, Hllwaakaa, Wla., It-

Fab. 1,Boaiail Broa'-N. T. CityJu ll-lf, Plllabari, Pa, 8-Pab.l.

Ilaovaa A Paloiar'a-Bt. Loala Mo, Ju. IT-Fab. 1.

Blally A Wnod'a-Bolfalo, N. T., Ju ll-SL Newark, N.J,lB-Fab.X

BartoB'a-Plluborg, Pa.Ju S.Feb. 1.Bkermu A Horla>y'r-N. Y. Oily Ju. 31-8Baadow'a Bogooa-Obleaiio, 111. Jan. 3)-B, Claralud.O.B-Plb.X

^"BooUi Bolor* UioWai*'-WaabtBBtoo, D. 0., Ju. ll-2iRalUmoro, Hd., a.Pob 1

Trua Ocaulta-Caoaaa Olty, Ho., Jaa. 10-8.Tirao'a—BooatoD, Tel., Ju.», Oalraatoa 8, Laredo M,MoBUrar. Hai.. <1 Saiuilo a,l!u LbU Paloal a, Ca-lara SI. Horalll Fab, I, Ihlnoa 1

William^, tjarrr. OHB-LoBlaville, Ky., Ju. ll-B.WaiioB SIKara'-Pblladalpbla Pa, Ju. 31-n, N. Y. Clly3S-Pab.X

Wllllamr. aariy, llaleom-Newark, N, J , Jaa. 31-8BiookliB. N. T , n-Fab X

Willlami', U. W —Toronio, Caa, Jaa. 11-8, OlOTelaad,O., ra-Fib 1

Wa^r A FlaMa'-OMraio. Ill . Jaa. 20-rab. 2.Wrw DoraBd-ratkikin. N. V, Ju. 8, Hatlaawu 21.

Poualilcaule 39, to, Uisblaad :8, Harlboro 8, Na».boritanil.

"Wbila Crook"-Brooklyo, N. T., Ju. ll-a, BlIdgaporLCt, Fab. 1,3

tniiBTnBLS.Boyd'a—PrauonL 0., Jaa. 19, Norwalk 93, Maaillloa 31,

Cioton Fab. I, HarUB'a FarryXrom^lock'a—Haadlor, Pa. Ju.24.Oamlag'a-Alli.Br, Pa, Ju. 31. Wararly, K. v., K KI-

mlrais CoralpBlu.Doekatadar'a—yiudtay, 0., Jan. 34. Clnaloaall 3r-Fab I.

Piald'a ALU —llanaaraoa, Ky.,Ju O. Hempbla, Taoo,14-8. Bandlu, Hlu. B, Taaealooaa, Ala, 8, BlnnlB|.bam 90, Honttomary 31.

aortoa'l-Orludo, Fla, Jan. 34, Tampa tt.Ill Uaoiy a-Naw Baroa N. C, Ju. 23, Wllmlottoo Hnicbmmd.Vca. UampUB 8. Norfolk », lulTott 31.

I'a'aribniii Fib. 1

PrIoroH A Waat'a-Claralaod.O, Ju. 11-8, SL Louli.

Ha.r-Fab 1 , ,

Tbateoar A Joboaoa'a—WllmlnitoB, Dal., Jaa. 91.

OIROVSEB.OarmttOB A Booa'-Huilla, P. I , Jao. It-Fab. II.

Ball'a Praok-Oblcapo, IIL, Ju. 91. InilaSBlla.Nelaoo'a Jobo-Bogoia a. A, Ju. IL ladelBlta

BagCiCl.LAIIBU(JB.BaldalB'a, Hr. ud Hia-Hoai r«al, I'aa . Ju. 11-8Baraatd'a, Jnnlua -Wiadaor Looba. Ot, Ju. Il-:l ^BaBarbw'aUlaaablowera-OroDdTCaBlra la.Ju. 11-^'

Briuori, U. M, Fnolaea-Hoatclair, N. J . Jw- B, 8Copla'a UaWDD-Moblla Ala. Jaa il, iBdiSallaCaipealar a Prof.-Waihlneu>o, P. 0., Ju. 31-8.DaCaaio A Uranll aai'i-OrlalB. Oa, Jin 31-KD Bila'a llarrr-Ialaail of Jaioalca W. I , Jiu. 11. i"

dadolia.Driyooa-, Prot.-Naw Orlaua La, Jaa 33-I^nowala'a, Doaalil-NowOrlraaaLa, Jul HMS-RdDB Wood—£n roui< ihioBBh tonlfa Anerlca . ,

Bll Parlioa-llodaaaTlIlp, itp Jaa. S. Nobloarllla led


31, Himard, 0., 11 DaaMar tULPoKOB A IlfodprvoB'a-Norlpli, Ta, Ju.HFoBtaaa-Oloay, IIL. Ju. ll-iaHarrmaaa-Ru Fruo'aeo, ral.. Jaa. 11-31BaaaBbark'a-RI. Loulp, Ha. Jan. IKS. Ctleaiio. 111.

R-Fab 9llalDi'a Prol.—Alt^na Wla.. Ju. W-B.tlogo ABoldar'a—PaUika. Pla. Jaa. II, Pulord 14-8HlmlHoB'a Cliu K.—BieramaBlo, r.aL. Fab. 4-9.

Habla'i HBBi^Naw Orloaaa La, Ju. Sl-Fab 37Joaaa'.J. ABSuaila-Cbarlaatoa. B C, Jaa. 31-Pib t.

KanaiwwiUalbam. Pa, Jan. HTlanion, N, J.. :9Jiertla'aProL-I>oouota, IIL, Jaa. B-BNortU Braa' Bentaaa OaSblk, Ta, Jan. S, NoNorftHa

Janttaet 26. THE ]SnErW YORK CLIPPER. 747FoTtU-DMOr, iiu juu a, FortwvMk id4-. aaIIM>-Mw>>um>>l« I*., Ju. 11, OUn U, Oitold Juo-tloaO, Wjomlatm

Pmllh't, W. U.-nnb, OsL. Ju. ll-M.HlMl'l. 0«ou B-Cuibrt4n, lfu«, Jtn. M, BnetKa

]«, PortJwO, M• . S>r«b. CllulnA8iiillh'«-rAr«il4 tbnaih AoitnllLRbtraV*—MlaBMpalli, HlDo., Ju. tl-axMttvm'a. rapt—nqiu, O.. Jan. Il-a.Vaniki-lloalfDmarr, Alt., Jan. tl-Mt AUaata, Qa^is-Fib. 1.

ir**tla%a'a K«v Orleaoa HaMuin—BlobmODiL Va., Jao.ll.lodallDlla^

ITaUi' Vooamaad—Tampa, FU., Jaa. tl-M.


BsatoB.—TImtrlu) boilDeuWH Teij comroit-

•blt (t oor Twloiu hosaM lut wc«k, u4, from Id

foimtUoa u Uw box oOlus ot Uie Mrtikl Uieilrea

datlDgUia UlurpiirtotUiewMk.Uio onllookfor

uio pmcnt week promUea Ten encoonglDglj,StiartST erenlOK fo\a Varlowe-Aber cloaed herptenomuull; laccaatul tontgeineiit u ilw llolll<

Street Tlieatre in "loroiur" to an todieoce thatpacked Uie koon to aairacstlon. Bko laencceededtkU week bT Ro«« Cogblao, wbo will pat on "PrlD'cat W*luoir> Ifontey, Tseailaj and Friday eren-iDgi and Wedieiday matuee, "UjplonuoT"WedsMdar "reolDit and Sainiday matinee, and"Fonet Me Not" TbnradaT and Saiurdar eTenlaaa.Trincen WalanoiP' Is "Tt> Nemeals" rooaned.Next week, ' Tbe aiil I LcftBehlna Uo."OisTLX S<)OtiB Tniani.—Joaeph UaworUi be-

HiuHnenngtment il. Tka oallajtor tbe weekwill be"Banilet" Uonday aadTtiDradar eTenlnni"ROKdale" Toeaday, Wcdnenlarand Saturday even-iDnandWedoeadtyaodSatnrdayniallseeiiandonFnday erenlng he win make bia flrat appeaianceon any auge aa ilie Uardlnal la "UlobtUoa." TbeLoataa Beaadet Open Doollb Oo. otoeed le a Terrrtlr engagement, preaenuog for tbe paat two weeka"Tke magooD's CaDglitcr." Tbe company la nowbeing ran on tbe commoawealibplan. kTw. Dnon11 oanatlng tbe airaira and be will probablyarrange for llllng dales In Uie principal ctllea. Mr.Wbltnoy gave tne company two weeka' notice afortnlgotago,altbongb uelr engagement bad Joatbenn. Hue Beaadet came to Ibe rescue,OoLCiiBu TBBirBBv—'Tlie New Woman" did not

draw tbe patronage It rtallydderree at ibo l%lam-bla laat week, aid for week ot 21 "Tbe PoaalngSbow."aBiND OriBA BoDBl.—"Tbe Han Wllboat a

OonntryxgioMdagoodwaekU. Tbia week. Wardand Tokea, in "A Hon on tbe Bank."BowDow sqoARE IB liTBS.—"Tlie Wages ot Sin"

tDlsbed a week o[ really good paying business it,and la followed for a week by Lewis Momson, In"FknaL" Nen week, "Tbe Prodigal Dangbier."BoeroK MDBBCB.-'-Westward lio'' Is drawing

crowded bouses eontlunously. Oa u, alierooonand evenlog, two ot tbe largeat bouses ever notedIn the blatory ot tbe moaeuffl wrre In alleadtuce,and In ibe eyenlug standing room waa not obtain-able at 8.80 o'clooi.PiBi TBBiTBB.—Tbe IfUetb performance, begin.

nlog tbe aerenib conseoouve week, of "A BlackSbeep," oceura 91, at tbe Fark.wbere It baa aleadllydtawnsencceaaionoCblgbouaea. It will ran nnlllRirtber ordois.TrbhoxtTbutrb.—mil Hoey,ln '-TbeFlama,"

drew (airly good patronage laat week.aud will cou-tinue aa Ibe aitnctlon for tne present week. Nextweek, tbe Kendala, In "lady Olauctrt;."BOSTON Tbbatsi.—Buslneaa duilni Ibe eugagC'

ment of Jas. A. Ucrno, In "Sboie Aores." mlabtkaye been better tbsn It was. Ue ckued 19 and Isfollosed by "Ruib City."NicxBL OoiON.—Maoager Frank V. Doun bas

been compelled to cbange bla opening Imormm noon to ID o'clock a. u. Tbla week, In bistwo cnito kalis, can be aceu a troape ot yoaogwomen in a potato nee, refereed by Frof. Ki-

derd; also Uniardi In "black art; ' Mardo (rec-tnioqnlai), Wblie Kigle Bill, tbe ulck mnleHayes, Salaoa (ltd, Hons. Delksno (human Vale in),

Frof. Dudley (trloi pianist), and Doyle Williams,wiin bis np to date Poicb and Judy. Un tbe stage:Tbe Frty Bros,, Cora Annjirong, James Derine,Dora Miicbell, KlUle Oallagher, LeeUe Palmer, tbeBatea Bros.. Ullly De Forest, Dairy Egan, HlonlewilUams, Hay Brane, Oeitie Browo, Uaraey Uc-Pball, Jennie rrasler and a female mlnatrela.Kiim'8 Net TnuTiiB.-UaDager Kellb con-

tinnes (o receire patronage of tbe moat natienogoatnre at bis new house of raiiderllle. For tuepresent week be aonooncoa Amelia Olover, Fllaonand Krrol, A. 0. Dnncan, Adele Furrle Oorl, ILird-

log and Ab Bid, Alburlus and Berlram, Dainiltonand Uhnn, UalbKbet and West, lUxtord Broa.,Cbu. Diamond, OllbertSsrouey, O'Brien and Ked-dlog, Cbas.0. Se.imour, Mule May Uimer, HaurlceDrew and Hllllo Olive.AusriH t BroxB'B UcsBuii.—The borse Uarqols

la suil a reigning aimcuon ID Ibe leotoie ball bore,aod In coDjunoiloo with ElectiU, the Hirambaband, and Oambo Jr., drawa In crowds dally. Onthe stage: Williams anil Btrton. BarclliI Bmtbers,Hawson and June, tbe Worden Slaters, Briant andUonnora, Billy Burke. Veneita and Finn, Urlir Wil-liams, Bobble and KItile Emmeit, I,coDa Lewis,Bartell and Horrls. Kate Dennlson, Oracle andReynolds, Blllle and Annie Williams, tbe RoUandeTroupa and Harry Worden.HowiBD ATBBN/Biiic.—Tba Lilly Olay Oe, appear

at the UoTard this week. In the olio: Lillian Wil-liams, Oatmebelbt aod Lncllle, Agues Eians andNellls Unirman, Leslie and lUobards, Harle Carr,Toereaau Harr, 'nm Cronia, Helrllie, tbe KIraIfyBalletTnnpe, and tbe Howard Co., In the extrara-ganza, "Don Jose."LvoBDu TsBiTRB.—Manager Qeo. B. Batobeller

|9 making a attcceaa ot tbla pretty bonse. Uls Hueof amuaamenia appear to meet ibe popular demand(or ligbt, obeery amnafmoots and ibe result Is veryliberal patronage afternoon aod efenlng. Tblaweek be bUls Hyde's Hpeclaliy Co. (Drat time at tblahouse).

PALioB Tbiatrb.—Rice Ic Barton's Roee milFolUy OO. begin a week here 21 and dnrlng ibeirstay wlU present 'Tbe Ftklr'a Danghier," "His.Plum's Boaidlug Donte" and 'Tne SisgefitiuckUdy Boarders." lu the compaoy are tne l^aab-bomSleters, Orace Miluum, Pete Carr, Ciswfordand HatmlDg, Horton and Eoxboff, Olaia Lawrence,Frank Emeraon and a Freecb ballet company.Obamo Hvsbuu.—At bis sonlh end tkealre tbla

week Manager Loibrop offom a atroog bill. Tbemain atlraoilon Is the four act comedy diama,"Meg's Honey," In which Ida Russell wlu mtkeberBist appearance at this honae,and wbo will baretbe aupporl ot Lothrop-a stock Company. Tbevariety snow Is one of a more tban usually allrao-tlre obaiaoter, led by Dairy La Mirr.

Woreaater.—At tke Worcester Theatre WilliamCollier, In "A Hack Nnmber," »me to fair boalnetsJan. 14, li. "Ruab Uiiy" did a good buslneaa la.

LiUlan Roaaell crowded the theatre at advAocedprices and drew the largeet receipts In tbe historyot tbe honee 11. "Prluce Fro Tem" liad a bighome M. Fannie Rice 23, Dan Daly, In "Ader theBall," 14, 26, tbe Manohi'Uason vo., In "FriendFrlB," 2«.

FaoHT Btbbxt OriBA UooBB.-Anstln's Olgaa-teans drew sood bouses lost week. Tne LyceumTheatre BpccUliy vo. 21-23. Ulty Sports 21-20, Uon-tague's imperial Borleique 2S-Feb. 2.

LOToaors Opbra Ha[rac.-''reck's Bad Boy"crowded tbo bouse all laat week and played to inelAriest receipts ot tbe season. Kihel Tucker andH. Percy Htl<lon Jan. 2t-2S, Honon A Revelle's Itc-

nned VaadeviUes 2»-FeD. 2,

Noria.—Manager Wilton, of Lothiop'a OperaHouse, entrnalned about six linndred newsooyawbo attended ue performauce ot "Peek's BadBoy," at bla Inviiailon, Jan. li Ethel Tuckerand U. Percy Meldon, in honor of their recent mar-rlage wiu receivn their friends atisr the matineeKrtormanwat Lnibrop'a Opera Uonae2i, and oaob

ly atieodlng will be preaented wlih aonrenlraand portraits of EUial Tucker Haldon ThomasE. Shea oloaea May «, id Reiullug, Pa TheWorcester E>ka gave their flnt ladles' night IT, andUe TialilDg theairlcal compaolea id tne i:iiy at-leudcd Mackle aud Walker have purcbasedof Prot. w. u. Auatln nia company known as "Aoa-tlD'a Qlguteana." Tbe compaoy will hereafterbe known aa tbe Hankie A Walker All Siar Com-blDAUon, opening at North Idama 21 BlancheFemandes, of Atistin's Olganteaus, who made ahit at the From street Opera Uouae laat week Idber sonc, "Ltule Wiilic," waa forbidden. dorlDgthe last ol the week, by tue po'lce, to alog the aougagain Henry T. Walt, ulck viollDiat, JoloedAustin's OlgsDttana hero it.

I'TBB—At the Lyun Theatre "Haab City" cameJan. u to asuU bualueas. Charlai L. Uavla ap-peared It, after ao aoaence of two yean. In "AlrlDJpalln," and waa greeted with a big bouse. "TbeTonudo"dldatidr bailnesBli, ]». UomlogiHoaeCosblanSS, Willie Coj|l«r2«, "Uomanlty > Feb. 1, 2.

Muaio Uau Haocheaier'a NIgbl Owls did agood boalnoM Jau. 14-10, Ibe bouae twlng packedII, amatear night. Tbo aiiraoUoD ibis week ts IbeBlekeua' Owe Oompany, which Inclndea Williamand Minnie Blotett, the DoreU Twu Broihen,Ultgtna and Leslie, Perry and EUaworlh, BinesaaaKsDlBtton, Kuta Bod th* Bowta.

rhT17Ii!£.*'7i*V" ?»•'» OelebraledCase." prodnoed by local amalann. Uled the honaefu-,l«- ;'HyAnn(Brld«l"ptau;)dBg<SdteS!la.

, Uomlng: 23, 24, "In Old Kentnoky;'*S8. "AlnnJobIId;" a, Rose Oogblao: 31, WlUlo fiinierPabi.—Tbla hODio contlnDes to Unprore. Open-

IDIS 21: Tbea. B. Ulyiu, Orvllle, Bam Krans. Oadli.nairy BamllloD, Prank Edirards, Fanny Blwood!Emily Bamllton and LotUeBorgcu.Oaibty.—BnsiDeas la good. Openings 21: Hack

and Uoulier, ibe Waileja, John S. Stewart, SailorOraham and Eaay Oiabam. Oba^ Wtalon ha* aeV'end bla coDnceiloa with this house and the maU'agement la conducted by the proprietor, Mrs. P. T,Ia March, with John S. Blewart as Mage manager,

l<owell_At tbe Opera Bonse "Tbs CottonKiDg" played to one solid week of psckea honua,closlog Jan. 18. "Prtbce Pro Tem" returns 23. S."lnOldKeDlnoky"2i,2S.HV8I0 RiLU-' Nobody's Clslm," presented by

the stock company, pleased large audiences weekeodlDg 18, Jeonle birlfi and Bogh Ford Joined thesuck company 14. • East Lynne" will be aiaged21-23, •O'Day Ibo Alderman" 24-28. Oeo. w. Wat-son, of HdsIo llall, Is sick at bis borne In Brooklyn, N. Y,

Taanton—At tbe New Theaire "My AuntBridget," Jan. 14, had fhir business. Wiuiam Col-ter, In "A Back Nnmber," lo, drew fair remrns.'Hoas and Uoaa," 18, bad a lop heavy houae.ComlDi: "The Tomadn"22, Dan My, In "Aftertbe Ball," 23 Ben OilnueU lobied "My AuntBridget" Co. bor» 14.


WnahlBgtoB.—"Bowleg the Wind'' was pn-aented tar the aiet lime to Waskligtsn aodlenceeatRapley'iKaUoulTbealieto Immense businessand gave tlie ntracet aatlatacilon. Mrs. Langtrr

Bresented a doable bill, "Bather Bandiai" and "Aappy Pair," during the Btst halt ot lut week and

"A wife's Peru" during tbe laat halt, attractinglarge andlences to Alton's Grand Opera Honae.The nastier" bail a good week at Raplej'a Academy of Mostc "True Irish Hearta" drew well atBauer's Bijoa Theatre. Prince Ttnymlle, a re>marfcablysinaU mldgei,wu an addiuonal ailrae-llon, drawing and pleaslag tbe little folks Im-msnstly. Irwin Brouera' Big Show was a magnetwhich drew to Kersan'a Lyceum Theatre packedhouses all Ibe week.Ratlby's Natiohal Tobatrb.—W. o. Orine, In

repertory, Jan. 21-26. "A Texaa Steer" 2»-Feb. 2.ALiBH's QSAKD OPBRA UousB.—Captain Paul"

Jan. 9l-2«, Oils BklDuer, In -"UU Once de Oram-moot" and "The Klug's Jester" 2S-Feb, XRaplit's AciDSBir OP Mroio -Peter F. Dalley,

In "A Uounir, Spori," Jau. 2l-2«, Cbarlei U. Hop-per, to 'The Vale ot Avoca" (tftal lime on anyeuge), :8-Feh. 2.

Bdtlib's Bijou Thia'Tbb.— Barglat'Wan.21-2S, James B. Haclle, lu "The Side Show," 28-Feb.2,Ksbhan'8 LTOBtm TBBATRB.—YFhallen t Mar-

ten's "South Before the War" Jan, 21-28, Qua UIU'bWorldo(Novemea2»-Feb.2-HxrxBBOTr's Hutiic Balu—Fmck 0. Oaipenter'a

lUusiratedAttatto Talks, Japan, China and Oorca,Jan. 21-38.

Ono FBLiows' Hall —Prof. Carpenter'a hypno-tism :i-30.

NoTia—John Pblillp Bourn's Band gave a Son-day erenlDg concert 20, at Allen's Orand OperaOpera Douse. The organlzAtion wu assisted byMjriha French, soprano, and uuirle Duke, vlolln-lar. The auditorium was crowded Tbe "TrneIrish lleaiti" Cu-, asalttid by Prince TInymltegave a aeroad Sand ay evening oonoeri for ohaniy,at Butler's Bijou Theatre, which ne'.led a saaisum W. u. Ciane produces, tor the tlret timeon soy stage, Martha Morton's new comedy, "HlaWife'a Faiber,"at Rapley'a NallODallteatre M, andnextwaek (Hiarles U. Hopper prodnoea "The Vale ofAvoca," another new piay, at lUptej's Academy ofHnalc. CberleaA. Btaaw and Walter Bradford aremakbig preparations for their Summer ComedyCompsuy, which will open lis season early In May.Frederic Bood will be their principal comedian,whose aupport will be drat cUst. It will be a per-manent onanlzallon, aa Shaw A Bradford havealready booked II for tee season of 1894-8, In all

the aiBicIasa theaiits, starring Mr. BKnd. . . .nuMsJ. O'Neill, Ike preuagentof Frobaian's "Bowing theWlud," hsa purobaaed a bouae here, and laat wsakhad a bouse warming, which waa attended by blatilsnds, icclndlng loe cast ot tbe "Bowing theWind" Co. Mr. 0 Nelil waa formerly the oily editorof 7/ie yyattiltigtan Pou and T/ie Bmint News.

William l>ou|herlj (Will Doponi), of the EmKeudail Co., whloh bas Just closed lu aeaaon la

Chicago, renmed to hie home In this city last

week Frank Mccormick, late with "A Ride torLife" Co., has Joined Vemona Jarbeas'a "Btar-llghi" Co Manager Edward B. Allen baadropped tke name ot Albangb from the front of tbeONud Upeia Houae, and the name will hereafter bethe Allen arand upeia Houae. Mr. Allen was mademember of the Mew York Colombia Atbleilo Club

laat week The old Blalue BosnsloD hss beencompletely demolished to make way for Joha IT.

Albangb'a Now Ufayelte Bquare Opera Hoaae.Seme ot tbe Interior decorailona, mantels, etc.,

were saved, and will be made tbe nnolens for aBlaine coUecilon In the new struotuie,ln a roomwbloh wUI be specially devoted to that purpom,


BaUlmore.—At Batrls' Academy Donnelly andGIrard preaented "The llalnmskeia" to a well nUedbouse Jan. 21. "Oir the Earth'' proved a winnerw*ek ending 10. The Polier-Bellew Oo. 28.

FoBD's Opbiu Bousb.—"The New Boy" Intro-

duced James T. Poweis In a new and amusing role21. The audience waa of Una proportions and anutuslasuc Franola Wilson drew full houses 14-10

Delia Fox brings "The Utile Trooper" 28.

ALBAUon'a Lrasim TnBAVBX.-Otls Skinnergave an ebjoyabla perl, nnance of "His Once de.lammont" 21. "The Klni's Jeaier" wlU be

heard 2«, 2S. "Uapt. Paul" did a eonatantly la-

oreaalng buslneaa, oloalng it. The houae will bedark next week.HOLUDAY STBBBrTBBATRB-—'The While Bi|uad-

ron" opened with a crowded matinee 21, andpiomlacs to repeat the aacceaa of Its tenner ea-lagemeni. J.J. DowUui bad a week with "Capt.Ilene" 14-10. Oliver Byron comea 28.HowABD Athbn.«uu.—Tbe Fay Foetar Co.,

atreogibi'Ded by Sevenie Behatrer, draw well ateach performauce 21. Wllllaoa' Meieoii did fairly

week eadlng u. The May namrd Borlesiius Oo.38.


World otNovelUee cametu a toll houae2l. RoaaellBroe.' UomedlADS oloaad a big week 10. 'TheBeuih Before tbe Wai"2)i.CisriHB'a Odboh Tbbatbb—New'21: Welch and

Gold, Millie Cerlto, Maode Myerlng, Lizsle Bill andDelcrno.Pauob Mcsbch.—New la carlo hall 31: Pojol

BioUieri' perlormlni bears. Thealorlnm—JennioHtadeana Carmen Stnart.Fkoht Btbist TuiATBB.-Tbls Well kuown old

place ot amnaemeat reopened 'jl, under the mas-agemeol of H. Btnart ftalclgb. Tbe New YorkAmaiemont Oo. are lesaees, and tbe exeouUvo auifla: H. Btuart Raleigh, reeldent manager; F. N.Llneweaver, press sgent; Obas. 0. Lee, ueaaorer;U. V. Lee, aasistaoi ueaaorer: Prot. U. E. 0. Kant-man, musical director; John Stokss, stage carpen-ter; Oeo. Peters, Uthognpkcr. "Btavery Days"waa tbe opening atiraotioa, and a good alzed aadl-eoce was in attendance. Frank onshman's Mln-atrela come 28, aud a good lioe of auraetlooatollow. The bouao Is belDg tbonughly reuorated.Mrsio Uaix—Soosa'a Band comes 23. The

lUydus will give their secobd concert of Ibe aeaaon24.


Allantn,—At the Oraod "Friends'' Jsn. 21, '.I.

The Derii'a AoclloD" was preoeated to bouaes of

good proporilODa 14, Ki. Tbe eiTortB ot Maria Jan-aeo It, II were reaarded with good houaes. RobertIiowuiDg did well 18, 10. Bvoked: RIaaleretta Jooea24,aia<lysWallU U, 2S, Harle Walawrlgbt 38, NatOoodwiD 20, "A Buucb of Keye" 30, 81, Bloart Hob-aoa Feb, 1, 3.

Db Oitb'8 OrBBA UoirsB.—The Baldwin-Rogers'Uo. olaaed a anccetarol week Jan. 10.

WoBK on Ibenew Lyceum la progretalng rapidly,

Bavannab.—"Tbe Pivdlgal Father" wu here,

Jan. 18, and ptayed twu perforoanota to good bosl-

Eess. Katie Emmeit followed, u, to a fair boose.Frlsnds," IS 10, bad a Urge advance sale. Com-

ing: Harle Janaen 21, Marie Walawrlgbt 'ja, 'a,

Robeit DownlDg 0. A.Bell, wbo wm con-nected with a muaeom at New Baven, Conn., bosbeen Id this oily for eoma 1 1 me. BstalluiBgopaBhow for the road and U havlag his wagons balll

bare. Ba will probably atari oat early la Fab-maiT.

R.B.TRACBT, DIttnot Depnty of Wbeellng, W,Va., Lodge, No. -ja, D. P. 0. Blks, aaalated by mem-ben of No. 28, and Uoundavllls, W. Ta., 283, In-

stalled a lodge at I'alrmoont, W.Va., on Taesday,Jan. 18, oonmenclbg with* memberablp of twaniy-Ive, and headed by Dr. Charles Tttrrence Nesbli,R. R. and Bmcat MoCoy, aecKtary. The llllle

lodge aurta oil with two of Ihe oldeat peitoimenId nunslraliy; namely W. n. and Geo. Guy Jr., otOoy Bros.' Ulnslnls. They were scoompanlta bytheir faiher, who Is one of tbe eldest living KIks,and who, In epllo of his dd age, a'l'l takespride In taking pan at eveiy perforreance.

ARer the oloaloi ot tbo lodge liv Ihe new E, It.

with a nest addrtss, the memben marched tu theHotel Colnmbta when ibey were met by the GuyBros.' Oaart aadsennaded with the airs of "Ant


lAigSyna." Tbe dinlug mom harlug been pre-pared with a bonateoas spread, Ibo pany was aooaseated. BfO.Traor waa matter ot ocretuoaleaandaxecated bis daUes to Ihe delight and pleasure ofall preaeni, and after giving the eleven o'clocklout remarks were made by Dro. Gay ot New YorkLodge No. 1; Bro. Toblu of Mnondavllle, W. Vs.,No. 282: Bio. eissey of No. II. Plltaburg, and Uro.w, II. Quy of tbs new lodge. Tne analr waa cloecilwllb Bonn by the Ouy Bros. (Inartet.Swain Bhod.' NnTU.-Our No. 2 Company, Bwaln

Broe.' nigh ciBsi Vaudevilles, will not open until

and flay only tbe big one and two night anilsisnds. Oar"UanlvAlotFan"Oo. ladolngaprollt-abla buslneu In spite ol the hard timet, we canyfoarteen people. Including band and orcbtatim.Santom and Morton Joined Jan. 21. Mr. aud Mrs.Al, Oollloa dose Jan. 31, being replaced br I'rot.

Reno aod bla troape of trained ponies and goats.We an atlll In Wlocouln. Rrcrybody la In goodhealth.TnBBB IB a scheme on fcot among the weekly

and cemto paper lllitainlora ot ihu cliy to torn akind of bigb olau vaodevllle company to make atour of the principal clllea ot the Halted SUiee.Pnnklla Hurley le the prime mover ot tbs enler-mae. Among tbosa who have already ainlledheir wllllngnefa to loin tbe company are CbatiraBoward Johason and R. F. Outcanlt. Thoae Inter-ested Bay that Ibey hope to begin the tour la abouta month. The prosramme to be given will includeohilk lalka. monologuea and vocal and Inatrumental noalr,Gboboia Iiban BrAt-niKii and F. II. Kbkt have

been specUlly engaged tor a long auy InChicago, beginning Feb. 3,

Barbt M. Boimniii and Jpi.ks Van Cook aredoing ikelr now Cblnesa naalcal act, euililed"Oarmoay Id a Wuh Factory," with tbo i:iile


WBllB aong, "ffedneaday Night," and faa madean esacilve mark with it.

NBLLia TvBOM. afur nlaving aaveni long enlagemantaln Chicago, III., nai gone to ber uomen tfsbraaka for a resLF. W. BTBon's VAUDBViLiKHtake Ihe rosn Jan. 2.1,

opening at Clnolunatl, 0. Hr. Sirob will have aWagner private oar at his dispoaal, and will carrywlln bim a aelcct daas ot eutertalhem.TBB WBiriNus canceled their cngagomeDltbls

weak at D. F. Keith's BiJou Theatre, owing to thelllDiu ot May Whiting, who bus In grlpve. UughWhiting Is also naable to work, owing to an ab-«as on bla Buger.NOTBSPROU PRIUROSB A WaeT'H HlKSTHBLa—J.

Garland baa become buslneiu manager of the company, taking tbe place of Ur. Harris, wbo has goneahead to fill the vacancy caused by ttio resIgoatloaof John W, Vogel, Ben Davia Joined us laat weekId Chicago, 111., and bas gone abead as press agouLOor btuloeaa conilauea to bo good. On Jau. o, at

the matinee ptrformaoco, we preaonted every ladywith a pretty balrpin of pearl and enamel, Oliver

mounted.Ilatmn ok tub Fjipirr City Starr.—Joaeph K,

Kelly, Alice 8U Ctaire, llilly Htantonl, Jennie .Stan

ford, James and Cora Neeblit, llllly Coogaa, lloae

Bacoo, Gotham Cl'.y Quartet (Oaidaer. Hnnliall,Parkerand Barrla),Amy HuUer, Ai;neaUllca,Uhas.Faoy aod Id* Hanly. Rolieit Qrlllla Hurrls, roKU-

aget; II. 0. Van N'orlden, iniilnean manager; Wm.80*001. Ireasnrer; rrof, Victor Do Itege, leader;

Joe K. Kelly, stage manager.TBixtB nABaTOH, soDg and dance performer,

wbo Isappeariag tbla week at theTheairetJomiiion.Rlchmoad, Va„ wlabea as to state that shn la nntthe paity of tbat name wbo met with a severe acci-

dent In Baltimore, Ud„ receally.Wblch and Wblcd, kuockauoul comedlnna. In-

form us that they bavepurclinsedaaaloonatoieao,", Y.,sad have retired mm ihe profauloa.Rna DkBTOMii waa tnkoo Boddenir ill whilem

route (nm llulTalo to Cblcogo, III,, ana waa obligedto postpone ber opening performance attbe WinterClrcoa outll Jan. 20. Aaahe had been heavily ail-

vertlRSd Ihe doctor's certidcite BH to her Inalilllty

to work WBH read lu tbo nag at every tHjrformacra.ULABxG. llAiL hu Joined Prof. s. ». lialdwin's

Co.ODiB. I,. Wii.i.ta, leader, has writtea iievoral

soDgs to ba publlibcd by tbe Petri Music Co.

Obado, the marvel, ta at preseat playing a serlea

ot aacceaefal engagemcuin In Oermany. He Is nowat the Winter Qardon. Betllo, wliero be la Joat com-pletlngatwoDoniba'angagcmenu llewlllthenoa[0 to uombariU's Concert Garden, Qamburg. wbtrele will ptay all of Febraary wllb tho privilege o(nmamiDg another montb. DiirlDg Anrii he will

appear at Kits' Ooltaeom Theatre, Uonlcb, aad tor

ue nootb ot May ta booked at the ItelobBhalla The-atre, Oologoe, and WUI thca play a retiim engage-ment of six monUw at tbe wfoter Gardco, BcMn.Mabion and Pbarl Joined the Billy Pllmmer Co.

atOlselonail, 0.LABTBANniLmalo prima doDDa, la la bin fourth

monib In tbe Sonth.Wit.L II. For'ataUBt ballad, "Don't l.eavo tbe

Old Homo, Mamie," Is being featured by manyleading alnieis.JodnnibOarholi. bas added Joe Flynn'a comic

aong, '-Madame De Fogany'a Danolog School," to


Ambbioa bao gone to pieces, aad tbo ucceuarylegal papen to dissolve ib« corponiion are iielog

prepared. A new assoctatlon, operating on sume-Bhat similar lines, bu been organlud. It la alimited oompeny, and no Inlllaiion fee win beasseued. and no stock will be sold to maoagera ofvandevllla Ibealroa. The American VaudevilleAaaootaUon. aa Ibe now venture haa been Iismod,

III have offlces la ihiB ouy. J. M. HclMuongb Is

prcaldcot; Jalcs Uurtlg, vice presldeot; II. J.Hea-mas, Ireasarer, sod Felix llelcli, secretary. TneDOW aaanclatloD expcoti to coulrol four circuits

from New York to Chicago aud a Weateru olronit,

embracing Knaias City, IMnver, Hsa Franctaco,Loe Angeuia and Portland.AU.BN Hay la taking several calls with Prim-

rose A Weal's HlDBirers alDglog "Toe Llltio (.cat

Onild."Mattii: LOCBrrra, aonbrelte, liaa been aucceaa-

ful playing dates dolog her "Dance Ilea Violet."

Uabkv Gohdoh Axn Dan I.acy havn Joinedhands tu do a now sketch, entitled "An Irlah Moll-

dav."CnniB 8IIAYNB AUD MiB WuBnBN Bro pUylDK the

vaodevllle iDeairca here la the Kut. Tnelr act la

proving a auccrai.TUB MiaiON HCHIO PlIHLtBlliHU Co, bavo Beciiiod

Ibe aervlcea ot J. H. MIcbaeliH, a well known iiiiiiil-

oUn, aa acllag manager. Among Ihe atlimctivecatcuy aonga taaaed hy thia houHe are "Onu (tin lathe world for He," "Btop That Nolae," Oh, TheraAre OthciB," "Ma Clara" "Luva He (lace Again,"Telegram," aud "Yon Keep Voar PromiHe, Jark,'II KeepMlae."kooRllvoa.—Al lh« TiTbll Thkaira. .'law Or'f^ai:

Aool* lUlvaTd^ LllliAQ Jqruina. H » nnr and Hilton.AIIIM CItrk. llama l.riDi. KiilJ Wlliiiii. K-flltIt III*,

Mod 0« Irr, Vraici tH Ivy. Lotiu UoiRlr. Annia Mllir n,Clrrtt Fuhvr, Biriha Tkoro. Par Urliiiir VA\\b HmiliiEgrpuaii dtBClOB Kir'a). AOalv, H^llo Ktttnia. PrwdiL

I HorRS 1>« Vara Hlaolb Oa ITP, Ma TItiiinliMO. Vcrol'tdara and I.tlrio rirabaai Alll>ii lltil. H:rtttTlies.

,r«, MUDCJa. tod : ToO'Karnan>J Nniiia. HM.ia MurloD.I arrr aad Pjoma anllli. Kd. H ll&ittD.Hailm Miiiao,Muioo, Dollla Dlmpla, l.ifiia Auitlo. I'aii.ex wiUonandLllllaa PariT At tii« Parlor Ttiratr^. Bprinii'.tU,Maaa: Allllab's Booatar OrelialirA. Pr«nk K*niN<)j,Tint* Hojaell. ParrlaaodClifh, Poiirllal'Hnilih Minora,Jobo aod Rata H«oOorii At tlm HiJ.u Tb«itr«,llaultOD, Pa : Caci 'Iro Wliinlor lltrry M,Pric*. Oalir Wade, Hon.. 'it-ifarri* Aika B^rvkt,tjlo IfalMtoa, Janica Moniuo. ao-l Prut Harm*.

At Bani>a'BThaalr«. Navport Ka^A v't.: lliaL^ooara Jbka aod Haul* karl. L>in ruilio* KIMI.1 Uill«r,;raUla llaDro*. Uarrr AloiMp, Al»a f:llilbn. Hwlia M.

Saada- Prot. Balmoot, Aoola ClltioD.CUfk aad Wood-ilnv, VerBi< Ajbloo, Eiiar Caoltitr, r.ta lloia 'lllj McFaddao and Bmina ward Ai t^« PtrkVii«alra, ilretl

PalU. Moat: V«rgia P"ll«r, Mario U^yla, Uqi Ha.illla, Ada Voana. Toica, Uo«o aad Lanjaa aad (:ba#.

Boeklar. At llollibdA winiar UaidoD, Port Wnrtb."aa.: Iba Btf1olpli«f. Loolo roi, ilrai-.* Pliiior. /..ita

Vara, Orae* OonloD. llia Kaivlck Riatarl. tbo UulchBandtll, Ulllo Uopa. Vonoa aod Wloaaa and Will H.ataalay AllhoPala«*Tbaeu«, Uoatuw. T«l ; Wll.mm aad Caopar. oiawod fltiton. Ton Ball/, llA:4ari>>a,AdawaadllaUaadn»williaaBa,


>T_tt» p«rm iMmMd abosU b« ftna, la omr topnTMt nutakM.NonL-FiofMouli %aA otk«n ibovld bMr la and

ttoijkU iMUf^ la tmuli b«t««*a tb« u£u^>MCMud>>MM »i Fff fl> ftttfttwlM ib«r anad fo^

LADIES* LIST.ArllnitM, Aim'^AniM.OrlMitAliion. HfttolirdtU. OIlraitaB

innour, AiilkN.Aaor, D«llft

BdH, llMlMSnrl. NrttI*

B«nT.Oftth»rla»Buraa, Ljili*BUTTDOlb^ MroMBf Bnvit, lAitrmBNOttuv. raollo*BartODaCUnB«lr«, nil*.Ittllont, KltaaBooUi*, frucMBOPD* LvODftBurie«.Mil«BcTtrlr. MaaOB*noUro,—BUtr, HtttODBMia, Oiftn I.

BoDn«L li«ouRiijdvl. MnBothelL CftnniaBtrouO. Hn. M.BMOb. LllliinoulUnl, Mrr.U» \K Kruki* 7.BuchuKo, Jsnali

Mn ChtLfl.Han. NaliieB4lll«lD, H«lMBkt«b«lt«r.

BaIiI*/, HatCUtroDl, Mn*.

<laietl, IDOKCB*Coiioo, H«fla»CbivalUr. LillltoCrusu. Biuch*Cik]w«\l.Mra.jMCuaoB. BotabltOUrk. AUUCli«rl«a,KlitrV«jCb»rr/Hiit*n<*odd*1Iv,Sm]|»rliftrroo, JuuUC«CllOltOD. Rllft

nulT.atitrudtCtetr*. DotUiMHitUtB.CbuubtrUlD,

CtrrlDltOD. MODKOnnir. 0«llftCook* inilniooCI*ytOD. /.iiuroDo*i'r, (UdiBChtHiplOll, HUDl*Colfloao.

K*lh«rio»CUtIc*. L* H«ll*Ci>r<Ull*« UmIhd*Chrtiil*. utady*DOQDtU), If*

l>»T»r«, LllltinD« Lurii, Loot**Ouwoi«L Ad»Uiera, IfatttiIhtpiuui, U*ui*Dav la. K)t»1>« Boll, rior*Daobar. Ruty)aDO, Vmnia)aM. CaotlltaOailloi. H«ll*taMnciod, UhiDl*laimonil, II*I*bDo llaf*D, MlDDl*UumooL

Mr*. FnDk0* V«t*, L«ODa)tt V*r«, J*OQl*UftTl*. B»Ml*En*jl, U*irft

RuUlie. -Ellli. KlureDMUalOR, Bit*hnut, Heni«EaioD, Uatwi H.

Tnbnaaa SUUn:ro«)*r, H***lron atlll*P1*UtOf« Mailt*rruklA. Mini*rriBoKLaar* A.Pl*b«r,H*n/Inhaa. Baal**'«ilb*fi, cam*nniioD, Im(loalrlen. M*B)i*illaaror. MUia(lamp*ru, Bta W.(inr. Ada11 1 Imor*. AllMUi**o*,Mra.ll*rf7tlllb*tt, B**>l*il*|lor. Utt. Maroi*a*oii. M*d*UMUrimo. Vi tici

flllDom. AllMcinj, JdII*riordoB, B««ii*aa;Iur Mn Hobi

•n. Aaol*JarLUoMi*

UavklD*. Oarrl*llaivlok MamI*lladlfr, Mn r. B.ll*D**o, Man*llanilion LIIU*M*ckJr,Mn.L.UaaaoB. AlloaHart, Blaoab*llavihorB*,t'arrl*lloaur. MinL.lltBri. Mti ft D.lltruui), JoliaHovam, Madf*Uoloi, Amyll*I*D*, VieHolt. L«o*•'all. K«rJaolaoD, MatU*JoiM*rhiHmiA

JoiliDTlltrri*!JofanaoD. OaUyJohDIlOD, Llllt*Jaiiao.Hr«rr«dle

Maro, BdllhNatowlbL

Sa|«al*Itomll*. SldoaN«*biti. Mn JaiNooB. D*)iaK*TaoB. N*ni* KNIobola. MatU*Normaa, Qatlnid*/Vbora*. Mm*^*H*IL Ntllt*0'Bn*B,MnTbot.

„ Prior,TsUll*Nura,Mn L, V.Porur. Alio*frDoior.KluUB.rianoB. Jinoi*nc<)Mit4k Mrni*r*liii*r, MildrM

t^RoSifjoB*Robartton. Bain*RaaHil, Amr

KBapp, VirplBiaKirD*,Maioi*B

Haat'aB. HoiKiTk, Uai*lKloitl**. KdoaII*1&, MlBOl*,aB*,Lllll*'L*oB, Cora


Lorlofl A L.)1 A Pai* BiaUnUwl*, BftrB*iuUooard, r IonLyaa. B*ll*U«li,a*or|l*rf*. HiBBi*aaarol. LIII7Llliord, JtaaaaiuL*ola.-LiTlu|[iloo.Haad*Uwl a. XminXLyl*. J**tt*Lyuoti*, Kmnaabadi*. May Ueooard, Vlora

l.»r. faoltD*,\|}rlu|i,M*udU^MoHl l*o, till*

Kolasd, Bt*U_Rookoton, ton~^}DOMt,

flormd*Ramll, PloJRooB*y. Maui*Klool. faia H.Rloa^tanuK.Hu***U, rioi*ae*Hlo* a UalTtriRlebardaon,

R»B*, MayMia]ia,Mi*aHajmoBd, VmxXluah. Bi*aaorRlirht,KIUI*Rupp«l, JbII*8award. Mlaoi*At Ulatr, Bra

Bmtih, IdaHmllai KiBttnillo*B.(iarr<*RoatO, T«ul* T.RunMy, Mabalriuotronl. rioraHiiUmaa,LtlllaBMu»bard, HabyHinuoDa, A I IdaBvlBbgni*. MlMBioelair, BmmtHoou, Baitot*

HaratOD.uraoaviUonl, MaudVonfaoni,

jfalll* M.oBtffomarjr.RubyoIUdt). K*III*

Mftivvlf. Htijorl*HoLoao.Mra W-BVaitcatt*,VlDaB.HcUoff, J*BDl*HooiOk FloraHot-oy BliuraHaokty.JulUUc(llb*oy.MiMMValoom, BaaalaVae*. Bird I*llarl*,M*iDl*Bar. U*iir|l*Mutlar.HauadaMoue, ViolotbHaloolm, RayMllloB, Lala

BylraaUr.AbbI* Bi

Bouoo, XaillaaHt JobB, rraoklaHaoibMi, PloMi*"Hay lor, Looim—Tabor, IiulaToaoD. Htlll*rhoratoB, B*rllaThornloB.V*i)*rTilLMrt. L~~mau* Hiiun

a< _

Vtddar Hiit*riVatlaly. MayVao (Joritaad, IdaVoo Bl*g, NaUl*araldoo, Ftaooaa*T Wfllt.lliulfad*, DaUyWard EllaWyoo, MoBaWiliaid, AlmaW*Bi*ll.MayWaia*. AmyWooda. Ma»Wlillami, LolU*«*il, kdoaWauiB* Ualayw*rd, HuihWaahboro, Mra. LW.

Wriiht, UtU*ffooda, (Irae*«la*,Mlu L.

Vooda A irrloRWriibt Hiaura

Y»rk, L>da

Z«r»*ili,l>*B0*llaZaiuora, Joal*

A UoFb JohB B.''AiOBaoD, H.AaliUy. WarraaAodarroB. P. A.Aboro, HarffBtMtMmf, W.W.Allau.ll. O.Adama, (Ito L.Arrjior. UarryAltiuiiav—AIMB a mlmalBaADdflTMP, A. J.Arf loo, u*o.Adamr. U*o II.

ArUiur, J. 7Aroold, AftborArmairoBi, HarryAnoolello BillyAlboii, V. LamaoD. LodolaAbb*r* U T.U >'ChAlgoio, —Aahby, J. II.

Aodtraoo, Richard


BallOB. W. JBrova.H.1

Baldirln, Hamaykioka. Y. H.sia*. 11. M.Hum, 8i|irl*dBraatk Ami.kuabTl T.

HurookDi, O. D.Bo>d, Vsli)

Burl, HamBaaeo, Tbo*Bifiior, W. vr.

li*rryBioro, HarryBanc***, HatiriiwUW. U.iBulea, (lao.Biovo, Jaa. a.Buroloy, VrrouoBryaat, A. K.Buekl«y, JoeBriglit Broa.Brvoka, J»l T.IrocDoialt. A W.farrr. FrankBirot), JotaD P.BryaBCmi. W.J.Hurgaaa, Wni.

iB&er, M.Hull. A)i«flurko, FraokBaiD*a. B«rtBaioa, Ikii

iBCkoy, Dr. B. U


Oadr, P. w.Ualdar. Wm.UiirTuM, Oraon1010, uCO aUlarfc, BhyUrawiord. Bobt.cioiioD A Br**nUiiODOV. u.CuBBio|bam,u»o.LbaUavay, J. W,Cfaciromoko*, L.

farkotl, i:baa.laobahlB Ji*Bfamard, Chaa.loard. J. V.KarBani, JuoloaHamum, Joa,BKbl*r, <i*u. R.Hiruuad, B. II.

Brv«B, W. U.Hroao, JackB*era. John P,

Jar bar, E- B.jamalla lloM*BlaooviL A. M.ifwua*, JobD A.Bur:li. U. W.Ikroard. HarryBortoo, K. u.Hosaa Hro*Iflatiop, U A.0*11. /. W.

»7.A. F.

BruvB, HaiBroobr, If II.

Ball*;, £d»ardBalnaiB, Prof.b*o All, i<aMUlBo«ia, J*ekti»roi, MaiBailinall, M.hurtuo. ManorHrbwo, HarryHajll). K.Hisyor L M.Uur*lly. A J.

Urue* O. c.

urlffQ a It'AlfflO

auay, i:i>*a.

Harrt. l:d J.•,\p, lino.

Hariio* ciiU-HiaMara a. E.Harriii|U(D,C. B. .

blMi, ¥. It

b*:lord A HowardBarruURbB,

i.Laa A N.C<aiil/>D. Hal B'C«ib*tr. Ju. J.

'aadald, WioUkMMiD, UffoOl)IB», JnhB J.

'orbat% Billr B.Olark « Wiiriairta<;iair, CarlC'ollloaA M*dali _

'%aa*,Cbaa. W. |Pvi, Ral^blaapbfli Aiib*rp rr«Deb,L'api;oati«r. Micba*j


CBBBIBBbaiP.AI.UClark, / T.

Olalr, Prof. CarlOobutD, J A.UoBiollo, Daa|!arT, Tlina. U.Col*uanAHayd«nthirliaNadCtialOo. W. H,UaiDpboll a BraoanraiR, MarabCuBDiDiban.W.ODoowij, U.OuabBUD, fraakUllflorda.Tb*Charloe, ramiCoBway. P.J.CampbalL UuaUlayCM). FrmakCott, JubBCuaoor, la. B.Calbon. FrankUolby, 0. B.Colby, Ad.Ulark. U. M.OoDbllo, Bdvard()l*m*ot, Clay

. Wm.

lao. lUorllaa. Das


tbrlill* P.M.Cody, TomCooroy, PaUytJroai, K barli*i;urri*r, F u.Uary, U. H.

OouB*r, EdmoBd~ luproa, W R.liilloB, B.T.

UartBport, H. W.DampbiBh UllUoid

UOD. U. t.UlamoBd, MkUUavla, J*MU*TiB*, Jaa.UutlOB, Wu.Iiiiaow. II. J,Uolmu, Dotl>f run. Wu.Itail, llariyUarnii, »r*dUuraBd, BurlDobdaro, B.L.Dayor, £11

Do v'*n.T. A.UuDOaoa, Tb*Dupr*«, Jnil>0|I*a YtrBBIUavai Oa, u>*UlaoioBd, Cba*.[>*V*r* T A.Don*. W. J.

Uovoa a Po«l*yUawaon, N*alD*M*iio, uarrr[»0B«t, Hobl.I)*f IBOD. A M.[>«rar*. BillyU*lujoato —


IMTlj. JCMD* BoU, Ubd. JDUluB, llarri fa.Iiowoi*. Aodravl>tBB*y, W. p.

Bdwaidi, Jca

RTaoa, Bddl* &Udridt*. HullBlr«noo, BanBvaoa, llfo.

ceiiilu, J. T.^moiaoB. H- A.KflROB*. Harry£'lB*rda,C'.Bidndi*, Pr*uMaoa. W.C.B'ldra. FourKuiUoAda, Chaa.f'.iii«r»op,Kddi* (J,

^di>a.(J II.

hllinaood, Tbo*.Eiaaa. rradlcoL)BdvanlaJL U.Moiatt.W U.KiBlvood. Cbaa,BrcBa. T. B.farnll, harry

Floa. Joha P.Flddmtr. W. B.Foi*pau|b, AdaioFuy, Da* aFraocb, Cbu K,roat*Ba.t'. (f.

roid ijiioL

rr«Deb,CapiW.J'oawr, W, II,

FrotBUB, L*vFlyBB a WaikarF4BU,A.D./oyai LoaU

Parnaoo, R. V.Fowbr, L. F.

Flonao*, PraakPnooa, ahlrloy U.FiBkl*. UarrrPamiC Pruk P.ForrI*. WiUPiiai*ra)d, UairyFiBo*y,J.Plaiebvr, 0.Pialda.JohB P.PtiB.K B.Parrail. MarryFlood Broa.Proon, C'aoll

Piiapaitiok. Joa.Paiaa, BaraayrUBBABbindaaFraabUo, MoriFata-. J. Ukaa.Foy a VoraoaPuy. Blobt*PMIda. L. U.PoaialL Al B~alB*a,R.i.Urabam, & A.

rlfflo, uaraldOray, JaaUala,Ton PaUoir. Wmtlrr*o*, lianrUraai»,(l*o.fiormaa, W, B.Hur. W7ll.Ualatt, W. II

Cloy, ArtborOniory.U J.OalriB. H.T.Ulibort, Uol.(iro«B*, L I*.

Uikliy, J.A Idaulb«»o.J II

iloloo, VioiorUl(b*rt Hauldray, Wn,Urui, AUUII/*Ui*r, D.U*d*o, UarlaodUiU*Ua, Woodla(laioDUB, BuriilrMcor, iJ*o L.iirabam-("AB*r-iea"€oj

Uoidaa, Praak(iiiioit, Praak E.Uibba, DooUray, frof. P. A.urady, TotoUraat, Ulirr. W*•«, B*o U(lao«*ll*r, (lao,(iloaaoD, M»Uoodvlo. B. P.(IIU*tt, JohaHarrow. J. f.(luy Broa(JllBao, Jaa. O.(loddaid, U, BUalU|b«r, H. J.(lurdoo, iMPoraatilalpiD. W. A.i*iH*r,ILW.Ulaaaoo. L*vUrlUlD, 0. P.Uardnar, MamriamiMr, JebB(i«rUcb, UbarlayUortuB, UtwUvedraalL KapliUuMllBf, Harry(llaoQaCl. fJao B.Hnma, Haoi

Ilor.aitiaitlluiotalaa. B. P.ii*arT,HirllyalC baallarray. W. U.Ilaioaa PIddllaxwocd, HarryilarvauitAJ W,IIUBllOB. BubLllollaarj. W.Illakla.11arryilovatdtJofanHoiiaad, Jo*MaywnMli Wffl.Howard, BroDBOo-«ayaa«, Qao.Hi|by, WaltarJ.llairigaA,—

iHekay. d.IIOOB, J. A.lioUaod.PrBBkHaooy, MaaurllaDOoek.O. P.dafflilica. Or. W.UaalacD^ J. U,

Belk»d,B.rUa5aU;BuoUBovard, i. B.

HolUad. rraaiHniba*^. A.

Baldon, Th*111110*0. A.UftlL UowaraMobla, P. B.UoBdlBla. Tb*Ualpia, David 3,Bala**, Cbkuoe«iUIA*y,W.llily, -Hai|h\D,W.naoiloa, Kibt,HaaM, n. D.Uodi**, D H.

UntoblDaoo. H. iJ.

Uaodonoe. L B.Ta«obo, W. II.

*^Jttrtaya. J.-

JoD**, Aruu

Hyd*,lL6.Hamilioa. WIlayIlaU. aiiuIfayac Bida*/llolliBd. BlUyilaiB', W. J.lUmploa, O. M.BoTfy, Jobn P.Uoiaocd. D*w*rUarlr.Cbaa.HOW*, Pr*4H*al«y. JobaUlaU% Tb*Uali«,Cb*a(«rBoaaid, W,i,


JohaaoD, It. A.J*M,JobD W.JOB**, J. U.JOD**, J. A.Jan**,TajlorJullao. PradJaobaoB, BillyJoboatoD*. rr*dJobaaoo,/**Job**, PnakJaromaa. MantayJohBa,Pnl. A.Jollao, Pr«l It.

Jarratl, O. W.Jubaup, CanoHJoo**, OaurJaivia, TootJohoaoD. J. r.

U inbalX Bart,a^noavay, UaoKaaaka, K.Kid, JinK*bo*,t:hlooaa*, B. II.

K*oa*dy,W.K.Maonard Broa.MiBS Praak J.K*oo<af.J.P,Mioi, AlphoaaaM*iii*. A.U.EaoBCdy,

ManphlaKamiBahi. V. P.Hatt, Ja^^J.Hally. a II.

KiBa*y, B, L.EurUl,U U.KaUay, Tom P.ally. llirrTK*tly, JabQT.KcBoa. Ubaa.Kaotnoky. FraokKrumar. DoalaoBMiy. TooyKoodalL I'rwioBKIraly, Job.K*B»ay,UBO W.Kioir. u P.KIraJiir, AraoMKaowfuo, Balllamroarar, Uaaryll*rB«il. JobolariB, JobaKaiB*, 0*u.I Jiila, Ui«k^^BUr, (l*o.La*.May a May*lUoafc^ltB.LitUtflBiBr, M«iorL*Tlun. DolpbLobdlUdao. &Uavltt, M. B.LybOB* Wm.Lord, Tbo*|A.LtBham, J, H.l.**^ WM.LMBlDiar, L. A II

i4RBa,ciafU>DIiOrweaatalo,ubuLaoputd, HarryLitwraii, Hig.Uwla,lf|ia

lay, PradUBk« II. W.L* Biraof*, iiarryLa Mor*, Uao.U I). W.LaTBodar.TomJr.LiDdoB, ParoyL« Husli. B*aLlak. BillyUntil, Wm,UdoliaAlTartsU*, J W.Laag, Kd A.Look*, KrtdLuolor, Frad U.Loaia. J. ().

LortDiaA LatlaLaallB^aBuL*aoii, Jolio U.U Fair*, W II.

L*ao. Pn>l. Kd.Laoatll, HarryUooi a KvoraitLauioBt, John V.LiBdtay, IiarryLawr*uo«, J'j*l4wi*oo^ Pr«dJ

MoorfoiBncMonro*, A, a.

Martla, Wn.MaddanaJoaHoTtU, 0. M.HoCab*. D. W.eCaiUiya

WllllanMany, RobtrtMaya*, J. W.HonabaBjUnrMarrlokrw. N.Haak, O.J.Uaob, llBRhMoraa, Jaa.Moriao, Jaa. V.Maob, W. o.MdHliieudiiy.W.BMeLaaa A HaUHIIWL PadiiyMorlaily. \/ A,H*lrDa«,Eddi*Hilobolt. a P.Moor*, nuiao*MoDtKOBiary,

DaraVorrlu«y,DaT*JMoar, M. J.MalB.UattK.M*T*c«*r, yi. J.

^"NalaoD.BatnalAW1*. Will, MW

Mla.rfaa BlauHcUalfr«r, Unw.HdUaubioB,HaniHiruaaul Bro«.Inobar.J. P.

Hawo, dillHaranaau. J.BoUaljuBi Barilajllaak,UBBbMaaaioB, aanoo

aialAi,UliaA Uo.aAJpioa a Poalai

fftlua, W. Koliaf.Uao. W.

HaoBlllAa.U. A.HoDouiaib,tlarriHeUonDiea, PraokoaiAla.Blllrluma, PraakJoira, Uao. VP.

ell ura, Daa

ovia.lL KMaao, UaaM.rrllt, PraokMaMD, Cbaa.Mulu a llarUDBDMoiknlip Jr.,Tl.oaMai:Anbp. u. u.Malattfa.T. B,orrlauB, JaaHaak.BolHaaia a HorgaaMlllar,UaoMaibla, Prad IT.Marii,AI.ar.rror.HorrliSA/, 0 J,MooiaL Kaaaa.aiaalo. W,Hostlo, LulBlaik, ilarr/Maaua, UlaraoeaMaruaa,Tbaaeb a CollarMorrlJoo, 1.. P.

NiohalA La'Haakaillli


Naweomb,Naplar, P.Notloo, Al.Iff lion, ManloKallar a WtuiamaNawua, Al.

a NabI'Brl.b, *.uii'ulaa, Ulllr

O'Ruarta ABaaoaii

Uaaoa, PranelaU'U.II,lUalauppaDbaini.r, J.U'uiDDall, Kd.Uklahoma JIullll,<lw. A,OlooiL I'baaBMPilaia, U. air(s>Boor, BdwanlUlan, Chaa.O'BriaaBJaBDinB*u'Brlta, r. B.ud,ll,Loula~ laiwiQ,-O.A.

rloa. BradlarPaibar, W. U.rollworiti, lianrPaul, W. a.I'airr.tlao.Parr, Joba W,Fot, Prail W.I'lealo, ll,u.

Peadf, Jobat'lab.llarrrOaUiiau. L.rarkor, Il K.PaiiuD, AdrianPanto, ai,


Parqaatla, WojPauil Broa.Tartar. Praokrrall, 0. M.Paubloa, TbaPIBk, uarrrrarktr, II 0.'PntataHacratary'

Parktr, Dr. L.Pallaoi. M.I'.arl, Blllprurnllt aColllBBI'lloea, KParrlaAUIarbPoaara, lluvaniEBjauldA II. U

IIiiAiall, llubortHuud, A.IUnkiQ,M. K,Hlaloa, W. H.

Illaltp, Nad U.Kulilauo, Jui.Iluaall, II.J.rilo.. uau. W,Homlrw PourllubariMo, Praokiiica A HArtdaHoi, K. k.Illoa, Uau. T.UuballA, Juaaiiliirdi,TliaHiordaa, JolioKayinoBd, RJcliardKuuaa, J. K.Hiabp, ArtbarKileiil. a hllohleHaaualJ, PourHI lop, TomlUoiura, KAbl.Hadlaal, Jo.Hui.r, ArchtaHimli., P. (I.

Iliiialr., W.meli,ll K.Kouga, Wm.Hahj, PtaaBKaitu, MaaltrHa), Joba J.


1. Iliillp

jira, Bublt«BO,ThrMHm., Praak I.

labuoli, Jacklliu,HlllrHouall,EU H.HtAli. Uou. II.

Ito*, W. H.Hap, VIoH.utail, milirBiii|arB,ll. ft.

Haiiiuu.UbaAHaodoluli, llMifiarHMlaia, II. J.MuD>ui], UauHicJiMUrA Prloalalltrti, II. W.Mufeall UruAitMraa, Al.Kub.ru, J. V,ubaiidaa. PrankOa,mmli, PtodilL uaurga. llarrprian Kaoio, Plot.anilUi, ArlliarU.Ntuar^ Jobaaayitiiiar, 11. II.

iioiii.ir.ri llallripvldaa. HaniiMiuerout, JoboMds'ick.T. 11.

Hnill, r. II.

aii.lby. Low (J,

HLUiair, II. A.rftlokn.r, lU'bl.ilpauUllOB, Willncull, W, 11.

H'.>uUiaTj, J. I.

ibiullitri, P.iJ«loillila., Praaolaai-auo, Hjfriia

Bubujur, ilau. H.-ufluuion, Piaddvaobop. pfiir.

-tcaaliia.J W.rtbitih, riall

aiuuo,ll. II.

Blataoo^anyBpaurl, w, P.

flahvAfIA Fiadsiavart, Jnba O.•lalib, WladFsaadar. B. t.Hltaaa, 0. P.nbaridtB.HobbHiAnlap, JoatikiBaar,OtlaOo.rtkaMioi. nao,rtlavan, Johaillauoo,lt B.saylaa, Dockitprana, K 0.LjobD.AIIaaitaftoB, HarryitADioa, n. A.Hbadnao Bnia.itymuBda, J. II.

Hlaalon, Al. P.dballuek, JaknHuinniari^ 0. E.HllrkaZaBOrtanba.r. Ham A.HohaaltarA lAmoatrip.lbiiaa, JohaHulloo, Piaakiiuilib, Arlbur a.dhirp, Ubu.HlPartlaa'iCo.

iltaDtoo, r. J.dcaoioo a siaraaaDbarp a PlanBDillb B HajtiaHbal.r, Praukripaika, JohB II.

Hclinwd.r, JohaHlll.li.1, c. II.

-latiriiM, J B.ittiauoB, Tfaoa.iuiian * lllllaaHloail, w. II.

BODdaU, BiMiaitraif. llarrprilutondA. Tmdebroil.r Broa><.'haf tar A NaaliHlAoua. Wlllaiil-laillh, llani P.iaaniaa, P. w.aolljr, Juha J.ileuu, (lao.

.^lo«a, JithB F.Haoltay, Kubbbo.-Itoiia, Harry A..-tparha, Joa F.Mundara, (IhAlKHbalar, F. U.Mitilbilaal. J. D.SmU.— llToa UBD)'IkKua, KirkATuurjM, UaarraadaalL II. B.IbatMy, Unaartialehar, J, W,rurobnlL Jobo W,Tral.ar. JoboDlafaylur, llarxrniumpaoB, wu.Hiuuiaa, Prad A.rurkar. Willraoaar, UamapTliut, 0. F,Tasnar, AlTuraor, UobLryltr, J BTuthlll, IiarryTarlatuo, Braaa,Ibaicliar, BarttbnniiiNn. B. U.Tr Hilla,tb.ThoraOlark H.Taylor, U. A.TayUr, AlbarlTlirmJaalLChaaTi>lloli.ll,O.L.^alqu.i4uul*l

ania, UIIITonlValdis, Jua

Vlsuiralla, llanrVano., II II.

Vaady, W T.Varnuii,JaokWuul.ilraat

Wuod. PraakWaot, Kuuan.Wioliita. JaokWuribiaguio, JaaaWilliaiita, Jo.Wall, uliaa.Waikar, VhiA B.Wu.iD/, uanpWlilui.r, H. 11.

W*•^ WallyWllllaua, D. It.

Waalau DrawWllla, Prauk H.Wlaauiaa, II. ¥,Waal, liairyu.willuoa, PtaiTWilBlibi, TboW.aiiua, W. I).

Wa.libora, L. W.Ward, Jua p..

Wuudaanl, Woi.WibUT, BaakB«allaoli, II. J.WIBI, ADdia*Wllta, lluliortWood, Uao il.

WalniB, BlllpWallaii, W.kWard, Ifasb J,Walla, UaiiluaWalth, HpolWaliaur, U, l£WaldruB, ij, U.Wail, A II.

Aaiob. UiobWlgotiuali, AllanW«o|ar, JoaWaiiiiiBiii, ArlburWala, (7 W.Wolll, Al.Wan), ilbarllaWood, A.J.Wurlli, LouWM>tl.tlullSlo.Wa»>, Uau.Wllilaaia l>. J.Wblluian, Uao.WuroiBuud, V. 1*.

Wuud, llarrayWblla, P. U.Kaau Jaa T.aalura, I..WWllllaiiiKB, II. K.Wuiidi, M. H.Wiiuill A. P.Wbllt.Tj.K.WriBlil, UlllyWaliuu Irv.Waiu, II. II,

WlUuu. tt J.Williaoii, llabrrWhippia, WahtuallliaJiiJ, WllayWait. WillWflki, LuoWalbia, HallYalluwiluB. Tlo

Vouii, w, U,Zarru.j.W.

/.hI|«, II. M,'/aaubl.J ir.

'/.iiyarro, Bd./.atiiiiia.J, J.

/.Aniura Pomlly/..la.Ui, h K/.alaaia * MuBra'/.aulrollii. Lao


Nan Antanlu,—At tha tiranil iiiwra llogaaI'aulliia Hall droar an apiinmlailro Imuau Jau. Ill,

"la (lid Ksataoty" pUyeil lu H. IL o, II, n, yj, tol-

lowed II Ham T. Jack'a KairavagaDia Oo,Hliaa 10, 17 waa apprtglatod. I^iiuiliiii: H, "Hho;"IS, »i. Ilolicrt Haoicll; zi, ll|i:liard Haoalloldi -.u-

Foli. It, llio Tavarr Opvni On.I'Bui'bS H TimATHa.—Mrs. ), I'. Viirrao, Alloao

Houuijiiy, AluOH VIVA, hltrlda llarlior, Viulu Uumj,tidward Uuriau, T. J. Uwla, W. I.. Uarrick aod K.U, Klo/d.WiHiiiNin'oH TiiBiTHB.—Uuni^ilct and i.'rolly,

Hoooajr and Forroslor, Klyno and l,oo, Oliorll llroa.,

Ibo H<Hl(ilpliot, Ilia MtredlUi, Htavo IVrauos abd J,UVWCD.

IlBllaB.—Al llm Uiiera lluiiso Nnt UoodwIame Jau, 14, li and inatlnea, Ui larito Iioumib al

advBBOod iirloea. Ilobt. Hactuil, In, 17, tliraa par-turmaocaa. Bad fair ami appruclniiro audlouvaa.'Tlieraal stall" m, lu, Itlii;* wmca il.n. "la Olil

Kaoiookf " a, il, iiivliard Mauani:iil u-i, in,Job Hii.l'h. — UarllocB Kamlly, Wliaua aod

Oooper, '/ula Vara, Hkltaarii and U-o, ItuBo Hitctull,Frank Ulblmni, ulara Uwreou, llllly .Mllta, l.llllo

On/, aod Vfllllaina and Whilo.

Oalraalaar— II ilwHraDd liiwralloaaa Panlln*Uall pieasnwd 'lHirc.B"tiia wml miod bnuao, Jau,*. Owlair to feij culd weathur and adraacadrloca BLB lia.1 a very aliro aUcndanco H, Arthur',. Mllltr naa bibuucu ib« rolo ol l/ird HoaBrrgaril,Icmporaillr, rlu- J. AlUrlcb Llhti;. "In Iild1(ea.taztj" Bad sbiiidloB mum uoly o, ami a lopUntflioiiae 10. "liidy iviiidermeib's Faa" drow llgbcailaadaoca 1 1, 1'J. TbH conipanr diiaod here, goiogdlKclU>|ouruil7. l>0(i: 2H, "Jane;-' 20,9), ueor-«la Hlaauals At llaullo'a MaMut 'Tliaatrstislneu, alDco tlm upealuf uoilor tlib now toaa-mient, tiaa IMCO laiK«,wiili motoiluwlng pcupletTaokla wmiouniii, W. K. I,«wls, tinUDgilunTt:.H . llramaf«, BlBbcb HistBoo, MliloHDaidOD, B«iiiaFax, Victoria Tomer, Ulck Tomer, K. Canoll andOka*. Oatea y, MIcheltDa tennr, Julned thePaalloe llall Opera Oonipaor here 7, to mi J. AUdhcb Lliibe/'a iiiaca H. P. Hiierwoodandwlli),lata asaoaisrof ue Maaoot TOeatie, IDls clij, left

(or llooi«raT> Mtilco, le, wliaia ue/ wilt rasulB(OrSOBM lUM.

748 THE ]SrEW YORK CLIPPER. January 26.

— NoltifroDllitMlDnle BcwtrdCo.: NIhB«w-•rd liu Joal ODlebcd • aneuMtal irtck at lb« 8«D'llDtl Open lloow, Ctrllile, p*/, tacr opcDlgg Dlgbt

bclDK Ibo lirnest or •nj npetlorr compu; lb*t

tntflijta tbe clij. Mr. Bcwtrd eipecii lo puttbe new piece be U wrIUni forHlaa Seward IdIortbnrMi next ireek. and wteti iblDRii are eipccUdor IL uor new lliboinpblo pnmlDi li compleied,and we all late pride In ibe factibai onrala tbebaDdaomtat billed repcnotj abow on ibe read.— And; Anaon, naoaitr o( "A Cleao Sweep'Co.. Inrorma ni lb«t be baa cloud llie loor of bitcompaor for ibree weclm, wbcn be will rnune tberoad, plajlnn rclum daica.— HIIL O. Morm baa cngascd Cbarlea O. Wlllard,

wbo giarred ibt pa<it aeaion In Wllklnaon'a najcn,In iheSoulbweat. lo aisr nndcr lila managcnieni In

a rcpeitor; nr cooedlca. acme of wblch bare beenwriflee capcclall; for Mr. Wlllard. Ilia paper willbe all apeclal. lie will Oral leer Noithem Now York,arier whicb Ibe compan; wiilKoinioronnifivtiila.Tnej will chrrjr conslderahto scenrrjr.— Ma l.con, nabr Itcx and W, F. Kobraan were

banqnelcd ai L'a;abom Kalla, 0.. bj Wood Canip,No. ie, a. or v.. Jan. 14. Uab; Hei waa ibe reclplcm or a bcauillul allvcr cup. Tbe ball waa btaoilrullj dccoraied. and an elegant auppcr waa eerTCd.Ibo nccHilon bilnga oencoi ip>llcn nproribo Orderbj Mr. Kobman. Mlat l.>on ami Dabr n«a lolnedAda nr>;'a "Rant l.jnnc" Co. at Toledo. It. wblloMr. Knhman baa a oember or hencOla on band,— Kd. llQicblua and wire bavo Joined 8. A, Bi

C.rr'B company ai advance aitonl and planbit. Mr.Bt. Oir repcrii oxccllont iiuilncaa.— jamea Vloccni and Ubaa. Frow bare compleieda now rouraci melbdrama. entitled "Tbe I'bsriace,"wblch (bcj expect to produce aborllr.— W. H. Rom wriica ihai he baa arrived aarcl; aLnio de Janeiro. Drdcll. but don't ibink bo will ararloair. aa ibe ibeairlcal bnalacaa la rrr; bad and Iboweather la rci; warn.— Tbi KIcbola HlMcra. lalo or "A Bummer nilz

card." Join Hurray i Mack'a "flnnlRan'a Uall'' Co,Jan. 30. at Davenport, Iowa,— Tbomaa IJ. Healirooke'a new two aclopenllc

burlPtquc, "Tbe Urand Vltlrr." Iij Kdmr Bmllband Fred llaicl. waa aunn ror the nrst time at Pow,eiB' Upois llouae. Uerator, III., Jan. «.— E. Surdii Mwrence and lilancbo BeiDiourcloacd their aeaun wllh Uaron Loula WclibolTaCo. atTncj, Hinu. Tbey are now rcailng In Mm-neapolla.— Madge L'Siranie baa cloaed her aoaaon wlib

I'bllllpa' Amerlcau I'lajera. Bbe la now ntklogbcr borne In Tracj. Hinn.— \v. J. liuileranil Frank E. Uakcr. maoagenof"TbeBblp ol Slate" Companv, denj Ibat the com-any II In bad abape lu Chlcigo. Tbrj aiaiothai Ibe compaDr l» uieellng wlib tuceeaa, and tbejbave 1.0 Idea or cloning.— Lena Urucc inlorma ua ibal Felix Angled doesnot go In advance or bcr conipan;, but will be rea-tured witb Cbarlea Hnrra}.— Lollle Raymond baa been engaged lo play Ibeaoubretio roleg and do ber gaiety girl apeclaliywItb IVrlgbt'a (k>medy Company.— T. U. Alexander Joined I'elo Oaker'a Co.itoIt, at Detroit, to play tbe leading beavy In "Ubileand Una."— Kd. II. Onnalanllne baa doled vllb Ficd P.

Wllaon'a "Peck'a Had Uoy" Co.— Carrie Biroug liia been traotrerrcd Irom 'TheLout Poradlu" Co. to "Tbe Komlnee" Co. to playIbo part or Mia. Van Uarclay.— Frank Kent, Iriab comedian, bai undergone •aurglcal operailon, and la doing well at IbeI'roebTlctlan IIOKpllil.— Frank La'ona aoil Annio Wbltoey bare Joined

Muttarand Mack's "Pinnlgao'a Hall" Co., renlaC'lug lllllr Link and Jennie Plait.— Arthur T. Ilonrcblcr bia coolraelcd wllh Qro,

T. Krauaa, to produce bis cemedt, "Tbe Two Fairlea," 10 oonnccllon with Waller I). Uotio. wbo willmanage tbe tour, during ibo Bummer Fcaaon, beginning In June,— Ucsalo Morton, aoubreite, baa rotlred from

Curllta k Hughs' "HiBvIng the World" Co. Illncaila given as Ibo cause.— The next oxblliltlon by the aiudentaor Ibe Em'piro Tbcaire liramaile Hcbod, ibta city, will takefilace on Jan. M, In tbe Rmpiro Theatre. The to]-

owlDgorlglnol niayawlll be pieauniod: "An AU'Bil'sBIn," by Alex. II. Uldlaw Jr.; 'Tbe Three

lea Biddies." by Alice Yates lirani and EdwinBtar Uelknap, and "Pbllopena," by Edwin BtarUolknap.— A. L. lilodgeit, general agent oC F. D.

Strafllna' Uatea llros.' "Ilumniy Dumpty" Co.,oloaed wllh that organleailon at Drandon, vt., andwill lake Ibe read aborilv aa pilot or Luclcr'aUln-amis, ror ibeir Bpiing and Bummer season.— nus BoMao cloaed wllh "The Kid" Co., andJoined luce's "l«M" In Chicago, as ballot maater,and 10 dOB specially.— Tb* lucmbera el the "HoKnlly'a Visit" Co.

were rnajy oulcnnlned during tbe recent ouiage-menl or Itat coniiiuny at Indianapolis, by StellaUeano iHrt. Ulllo Mack), at bcr bomo In that oily."MoNuliy'a VIsli," "Flnnlgan's Ball" and iHohostess, woio tonsled lo a nnlsb aner tbe eveningperrormance Jan. It. It waa an occasion that willlong bo renicuibcrert liy tbe imniclpants.—Jamea II.AIIlierbsarotltcdrroni Ibe manage-

ment o( Hamciie WceiiiB.—Tbe Adama t Lee's Comedy Ce. are laying olT

In llamlllon, Ont,,ror a row weeks, bin wlll.n lalikely, resume Ibo road aborily. The roster: LomeLoe, anie propneircMi Hall Herman, bualnessmanager; Chaa. Uuaey, aiage manager; UlllyWeaver. Maaier Charllo, llco. Bavllle. Flora llasT-lugs. Finny Tbaleher and Frank Stoddard.—The 'Toxas" Oo. wore eDiertaloed on New

\eat>a Hay, In Eonis, Tex., U; lbs local order ofEIke, and at nigbl, we an Inrormeil, played to thelargeat rccelpta In tbe bisiory uT the Knnls OpoiaHouse.-The Nichols ainlern, Matlle and Alice, have

Joined "Flnolgsn's Ibill ' Co. ror the reiiialndcr ottblseeaaon.— Uoo. W, Uarlow and Ohas. Whalon have been

onganed rortbe "Bide Tracked" Co.— Arthur Letonl Inrorma ua that be waa married

to lew Watson, Is rblladolphia, uu August 'Ji. 18M.— Thealitb annual euicrialnmcni. In aid or tbeTreaaurera' Club or America, will lake place at tbeDroailway Theatre, tlila city, ncxi Sunday ovenlDg,Jan. 'it. Tbo cnicrtnlnmcul to be given la now be-ing ariangod by tbu euicrtalnineni committeewhich ciinslaia this year or Max lllivcb, ireasiireror tbe Nolropolllsn Opera lluiisc; J. II. Bouillontieaaumr or ibe Bur I'bratre; auil ilea. K. Andletreaaurer ot tbe Liccuiii Tlicaiie.—Mules Irom Sbca'o "U. T. C." Co.: We are ex-

norlcneliig vcrr cold wcaiber on ihs Mississippi,Old Hank Buydcr, uur band leader, caught a '>Jlbeainab the oincr day, ami leels highly elated.Dyerly and Jobosnu. wlih Iheir duublo barrel abotguna, keen tbo table supplied wlib wild goose andducks, and. altbough we are baring bad weaihor,tbe boya aio having a good lime, h Is ban) tor uatogct uur CLirrins, except at the big towns.— W, U. KlUey, treasurer or tbe Uowango Mo-

hawk 00., wrilea Irom Brighten, Eng., isgatdlngtne pivaeolaUon, noently, or a medaJtoOowongoUobawk; a atatsuent thai appeared Ibat the medalwaa mauled by the eoupaiv, Mr. Kiiley siatea.«u iDooiraot, aa tbe doners were U. W. ooarleaaidblmaelt. aoodbualneaslaisperied.— (inalave II. Kline la with the Patu Rom Oo.-Notes nvm tbe Preaton Wblie Oomedr: We

aie tunrlng Texaa, Arkaoaas, Mlsaonrl and Illinois,and are everwbers m-ellng witb nobonnded ano-oesL Toe foster: Lee Preston, proprietor and maa-aaer; J, WHIsrd Bayley, leads and at«g« maoager:Malven Kean, A, M. Downle, W, F. Noiman. oT RQUI, and Jue Bates, proprietor; Willla Blaineleadlnn Udv; Bdlth^ra3g,>sarl 'ArmatroniTBiMantoll, leader or oroheatra; U. P-Uoedy.adnnoe.— Edward Uanlgan Intenda to go b London.Bog., ID the Spring with aome ot the prlnolpalntsmbeti or hia company, and praseat asvemfotUapbays,-Joseph A. Wheelook and Dam Uawk have

beep SBfagsd ror lbs prodoolloii ot "Hoir or ihsUill'> atUn Academy ol Mnsle, Ibis oily, Jut. sa.

DlSsWoJ'jiiJ^lr'*"""^""^"""'^"', — BurrHclotosb baa been engaged by Hanagsr

•Trtlby""*' " f^^^i*_— Leo Olinord haa slgnsd wlUi the JarbsanOemedv Uo. i, In "SiaiUghl," to plaj the Dntcbcomedy psn.— RenJ. D. {„ . Btsrsna, maoager ot the De Woir Uop-per Oo., who hu been aertonsly lu in uua ellv for™> PMilbteo weeks, la on tbe iMd to leoorery,altboogh bs la allll very tu.— U, U. WhIiUer bsa been engaftd lo doUie


— Uiarapcs Fleming haa reslgaed kis soalUoa aamanusr lur Ross Oogblan to aoespt a sQnIlar ooswuOeerbohfflTrsslanng Us ooalM^Mtlaaa

— JUMa 01 Iks BeyBonr-BtiallaB doneily Oo.Tbei. Stuttoii, LltHs Seyiaonr, LUUs EndiwBiiiiiiaWhlitte,PaollDsTkiTler, J. P. Olaik. R. iZTVIraie, Msd Osrtls, 1. 0. Oenas, Jea. U Roe,Geo. E. Lent. Arlhor Kslly, 0. Ibwasend, PetsrAgao, Ohss. Bapat, Joe Bboeotell, B. R. Williams,win. Teny, Bbawserd Balsh. A. Oweit, llanjBiownblU, B. B. flanle, Oon Hoe, In advaDoe,aadO.J. W. Roe. hntlbees manager.— Anols Oakley sends newspaper acooonia or

her opening engagrmnt la rontypndil. BombWalsa. In Ibe drama, "MUsRoift" Tbehousswaacrowded and the atar and play were entirely anacsssfol. Hiss oaier will retnm to Ibis oonotry Intime to Join Buffalo Bill's Wild WcaL— A note from the Marie KInsle Oo Inrorma n*

or tbe marriage of James Valla and lleleiia Brad-ley, on Jan. II, at Roekrord, 0. The contractingpartlM are members ot tbe Marie KluleOo., and,wearelnrorraed.li u Ibe third event oT luklnd10 oooiir ts that company In one year.— Lew Basbsr. W. 0. Brown and Ada Weekea

tiavejolned the Oltck Oomedy Oo.— Hoeler of the Jamea IL Adama "A Crazy

Lot," now In Ita tweoiy-llrst week, nnder the managsment ef Janes 0. Uavu: Oeorce Mglllo, Edward O'Dell, E. F. Otllltan, F, W. Besmtn, JamesF. Bnrke, O. L. MaybmT, Janes 0. Davis. JameaJ. Allcoate, Jamea R. Adama, Ed. o. Ooomie,Bertta wild, Mvnoe Steil, Beckey Taylor, HayYonog, Oentia, Walker Morgan, and John Alleoate.— J. B. Negrouo has aaanmed the inanagem>nt or

Myers' Opera ilosse, Uetance, 0., and Intends toran It sa a stock sod repertory eombloation bonas.Be Infonna na Ibat the booae will open with OUekUOomedy Oo.— Stags Manager Frank Edwards reonesta na to

deny the atalemeot that 'The Ontcaat" Oorapanyhad olossd. Jaa. T. West and Klur 0. Vanolaopened with tbe c impany Jan. K, to do a speciallyand ^aj pans.— Reports ot good bnalness come from tbe Naab-

Tllle Bladenta Concert Oo. They inil tour the Indian TsmtoiT, Texaa and Ooloiado.— Tbe male members ot Ibe Nellie MoHenry Co.

were made members ot the Ksngaroe OInb whileon atialntelngtoJamestown.Norlb Dakota. Oeo.Wilton Is no longer oonssoted intb ibsoompaoyaamanager.-Roater ot Tllas k Evans' Btar Oomedy Oo.:

Leonard and Oardosr, Morn and HIebe, J. W.Smith, Kay Tall, LIbble and Morris, Evana audMaok, BnenoerBbrters, K. F.Titos, manager; OeorgeLeonard, sisgs mansger, snd Wm. . Osriey, ad-vaniie luent. The company opens ror tbree nightsat the Drairlog RoomThaatie, Weal FblladelpbU,Jan. 38.— Fianola KIngdon raalgned from J. K, Bmraeu's

Oo. Jan. e to accept an sngagsmeot to play heavieswith Oostavs Frobman*a oumpany pUylog "TheObailty Ban" and "Men and Women."_— RoaUr ot Ibe New York Stock Oo.: RichardBondon, Fred W. Kenall, Obas. O'Bara, HarnLeighlon Jr., Fred M. nuish, F. Webb Ohamberlln,FianoU Mnrray, Olartoe Montslle, Adele MorrisonMamie Oaitler, Fay TSmple, Emma Wallls anilEdnaOarlfsle..— Wesrelnrormed that Wm. Andenoo's "JollyOld Obatis" 00. have closed their seavin.— IrwlB T. Uosh bu aoTered bli oonnsotlen withAndy Amani's "A Clean Bweep" Co.— Oeo.U. RlcksUasnd wits (Martha Oonwayi,

John 'n'f*''^"'

* "''I""'" ^'

— n^llb'ar' M. nee elosed with Reno A WllUms'The Oleraeneeaa Oaa«" Oo. Jan. u and lolnedtbe Uowird Stock Oo. 91.

-Manager L. A. 0. Bboair, ot tbe Pario, III.,

Opera Benae. Intenda to eieot a new tbeairo at thatplioe In tbe Spring.— Jenale Sobnmaa wrilea na that, ibrongh her

coonael, OoL J. F. Mllllken.ahe aeonred aaecondatuobment aninat Fied P. Wilson, proprlelor el"Peck'a Bad Boy" Oo,, at Oolnmbus, aa.,and re-covered the baUnoe ot back aalary doe her,smoontlngtollMt,— Allen Uemond writes no as tolloirB: "I bave

been re engaged to play tbe part or Sir John Wood-mere In WaJter Banrord's 'Prodtnl Dsngbler'Oomnany, and began again at Oolambnt Theatre,New Yoik Oily, Jan. K. I'vs had a nnmber or let-ten In reTerenoe to my little 'ad.' in laat week'sOurrn, and among tbem are several very goodoilers."— Bam J. Ryan bu oloaed with "Viiry's Blnn-

dsn."— Notes from lbs Ltbtdle-Rowell Co.: E. Oayle

RIgg Jobied the oompany at Richmond, lod., andAlphonso FbllUps rsplacsd Wllbor UIgby. Ml*Rowsll has recovered from ber Ibroat Irooble. andIs again playing ber old roles.

,jr MJnio«r,»rtles os Ibat on aocount or

wlthlhe W. U. Power "Ivy LesT' Co. week ol Jan.It at NIblo'a Theatre, Ihla oily. Mr. Soynonr haanow recovered and hu rejoined Ihs oompany.— The following people bave been engaged forIhemnslaaltarce oomedy "A Young Dover*' SamDiane, Alex. Wrakoop, Joe MoQrolf Wm.Marpby,Jessie Ooode, Maode Wllllanis, Ullls Wallaoe andMtn I)lx. Sam Diane, ittgs manager; Ohas.Bonaer,maalcaldlnotor.—Managers. E. Rloe has deiemlned thu here-

arter no variety nor taroe oomedy aotor ahall be ad-mitted tree to Ibe pectormanoesorsny of bis bur-lestnea, Bs states tbst, slnoe "MM" suned on listonr.all the original songs and Jokes have beendiaoonnted by people wbo were granted ooarfslesduring the New York ron or the burlesase a'jd thatlbs best tblngs In Utue Obrlstopher" bare alsobeen aelied upon,— Jennie Orelgbton writes ns reiardlog Meaais.

Reed, Clarke A Bnb'a olala la the ownerahlp of"The Copper Uon." She aaya: "1 wish to aay thatIt la not thelrproperiy. It ta aUll owned by BerihaOrelgbton, the anther." Bbe tortber stsKa Ibat

!?^! ".I'** Jw'Sluon'a seoend play, ber ant, "ibaBell of Oaadslonpe," having been prodoMil lutSpring In Kansu City, Mo.— Onannoer Oloou wm reoentlr obliged to oaose

theanealot two yonng women in Newark, N. J.,wbo persistently annoysd him at the ibeaiie.— It ta annonnced that Ellla Proctor Otla andCharles Boirard Johnson, the well known artist,are to be married In tbe Spring.— Ills reported that Mme. Selene von Doenhoir,

Ibeooniialio of the TkvaryOiand Opera Co., anaWUllam Warren Bhaw. tonneriy • member ot tbeoboma In the same company, are b> be manled intbe Spring,— K. Sobnlia Edwarda bu brought suit In this

olty tor absolnte divorce rnn neleno MortimerEdwards.— Rsporu from Texas state Ibal Nsi 0. Ooodwlnbu rsoently been Indulging In his familiar m-

oreaUons, with lbs effect ef lujnilng his bnslnus.whioh may resall In his oompany oiabaBdlng,

-r".!'"!^.^! severed hla oenDectlon wliS 'TheProdleal Oanghler" Oo. on Jan ig.— II Is annonnced Ibat a bill will abortljbe In-tndneed Into ibe Mlsaonrl LeiUlatnra regnlaUog"le ,eUo of bau lo be worn In tbeatrea and otherpnblloplaeea when the value received ror one'amoney dependa on an nnobamiDted view ot Ibestage.— Oiaee Oampbell bu biooght a anit for divorce

In tbo San Ftanolseo, Oal., ooorls aialoat EnilooUamnobello, the weU known baaso prornndo.— Robert MeRee, leaaee and manager ot tbeoaalno. New Roobelle, N. Y.. writes na eoaplalnlugof onproreaalonal litatmeni at tbe banda of AbeBplla. proprietor ot the "Slavery Oaya"0o.— Notes and roaUr from "Old Farmer Uopklu"Co.: Ws havB been playing lbs oosl eonnuy otPennaylvanla. Ohio, West VirgloUand Marylajod toezeellsnt bnslnen, Ue "8. R 0." tigs oomlog rra--oently Into UM. We ate now la Delaware and an

_ . . , tnaaaser.—Mme. Angellque Ravel, the only aurvlvor or

the tamoua Havel ramlly ol pantomlmlata, la venIII In Ihla cliT at tbe home ot ber son In law, Uaii-ager M. W. Uaoley.— Jaa. R. Adams will pot on a new pantomime

nsilseaeon._ '


OharlMtaB,—At Owsia' Aoademj ot Mnslo*We Prodigal Father" bad a good bonss Jan. 11.

"Friends" did modsntaly weU it. Kails Bmoett,l>, drew hsrosoa) good boose. Marie Jensen madeher Ont appMtance here la "Uelmonloo'a at Six"and "Mies Dyoamlte" lo good bualneaa 19 andmalloee. Coming: Marie WaUiwrighl 91, a. HobulK)wnlng 11, "A Bonah ot Kara" », Nat OoodwlnSI Lllile Engatrnm, late of the • Itn" Co., whobaa been lu with lypbold rever at ue RlvenldeInaraan, Isoonvalesobig. She bu received tbebest of attention,


*>•*»)•—At the Mobile nsaue Harts Waln-

I5!''iii';.l'i «»ve three Mitoraaaoee anddidagood bnsueea. Miss Taw le sane to aa Im-msnse andleneeu advaBeed piHu,

Nons moN llAHRT D'EsrA'a Avebioan Panto-mime Company, n 'W playing si Kingston, Jsraalca.

—ivc are mere than pleased with builnnis. Wehad Intended sailing lor New York Jan. but hare

cbaeged our plana, and will tour Ibo Island. Weremain two and tbree nights In place or one, whereIt la possible lo slay over, sod we iMok relum dales

wherever It pays. Elpram and Hoorc'a conlorllon

act la a strong aiiractlon. Mr.* RIpran la praclleing a new act, balancing basket or oiangeaonhis htsd while bending. Tbe Roma. Oeo. and

Crace. arc also dolog well. D'Eiia'a Marloneiieeaic catching ilie nallvea. as are also the moslcalcats. L. Hal D'Ksta la tbe recipient or four andAve encores nighily. Airred li'Esia, Ibo clown, Is

meeting wlib succesa. and hla pantomimes areconsidered tbe moat aocccefel pioanced here Inyears. Frank Bmllb Is treasurer. Harry D'Esiamanager, and Louis Morrelles advance. We areplaying balls, and traveling In two wagons.(iRACie Axo IturKOLba sppisrcd at ihe Manbaiian

Club. Ibis city, last week.ALICB TovriiKS. late or Badle West's Rig Bhow,

baa been III and was not able to show ror over aweek. Diancb ilurk played ber part and did verywell.

Tux laiest edillon or Charlea Floyd UcCliiie'asong. "When Violets are There." displays on Ihetitle page a portrait or Deasle Uoncblll, who made atenure ot the song In "Playmaiea." This song Is

also In Julia Harkey'a repertory.NoHUAN. Ihe rrog man, waa al Moore's Wonder-

land, Toronto. Can., last neck.Adxi.b Puhtis Orri closed wllh "Tbe Kid" Co-

Jan. 12. She plaved an eniascmcni al ibe Vaude.vine Club. New York. Jan. l».

Lew Barer has not accepted Ihe stage roansge-mentor Koglea'PAVlllon, Chicago, 111. lie receul.ly played an engagement there and dliecled iheperrormance during that lime.Lew 11. Carroli. baa closed a snccoerol live

weeks' engagement wilb nilly Rice's Minstrels at

Prank Mali's Qiaino. Chicago. 111. Bam T.Jack hasengased lilm tor two wecka. In coujuncilon withPrank Wesson, playing the Empire Theatre and theMadlton Squats: Opera Hoose.AU.EK ANO IIBLHAIN are iiaveling nn Ihe Davis

Circuit. Their latest comcdt sketch, "The Unhap-py Pslr." Is «ald In lie a laughing bit.

Oeoroe OHAtiAU cloacd with Hopkins' Trans-Occanlca. at loillanapolle, lad. Jan, liThe llrBi.inr linos, send us their good wishes

Irom Romo. Halv. Their success lo ihat city,

and aino In Milan. Turin end Florence, appears tohave been very flattering to them.Hart. B. (liuinnB and Mile. Dolores Fernandcr.

were given a reception by some Doslon rrlcndeevenlniarjan.il.UiLLT FiKLD!! bss Joined hands wlib Chaa. W.

Han. rormerlr or llnri and Marline, and they aredoing a Pulcb kuockabont act.Ur9. ULI.IB NoMn-, or rnx Nolris. tiapeze pcr-

formcrs. preacoied ber hoiband. Jan. 14. with a babytwy. Mother and rbllJ aie gelling along well.Notes man Ti.tso's KunorEAX Novsmia and

Living Pictures —Wo are lourtog Mexico, and lodl-cstlons point to a succcssrnt tour. tV'o travel In ourown sneclal car. and will play the Clly or Mexicountil Feb. 4. al the Allien Thcaiie. The companyconRln:s or srvemeen people, under tbo personaldirect Inn el Signer Tlsso and Henry L. Keaoo.CnAiii.EsCABET, rormerly orcaseyand Leslle.and

Ciiaey and Hack, has Joined baoils wllh May Wil-son,

Hadie IlATRti. we are Inrorned, basjnsl sccuivd aronune tbrougb ibo death or an noclo In Scollsnd.She la the only living heir.McCaob and EnmbttJoined Leon A Everett'sLadles' Club" Co. at watcrbury, CI.. Jan. >, ror

Ibree weeks, to do their acrobatic speclsll r.

TiiK HotiiiiKts played the Musee In Wllkcsbarre,Pa., last week.TnR nRKNIKnTONR. fiD. AND UOLI.IR. WCrc CLIP-

rr.n callers on Jan. 17. Tbey have Just closed withMarsh's Plavcra.ano have gone to Chicago.KnriE CusiiiKo has been very III wlibia crrippe.Tub IIewi.bttrs are hooked solid, thrylnrormus.

to Nay n.Ton Waters Jx. In being rcainred with Scanlan

A Durkln's Imperiale. lie celebnied a birthdayanniversary Jsn. 14. at Shenandoah, Pa., and re-ceived a number or prasente.Mu.1. RiALTA, tbe aenaallonal dancer, wbo bu

won recent favor at Roster A RIal'a. and who wuengaged u a special reaton ror the Fay FosterBories<)ae Show at Providence, It. I., Jsn. 1, re-joined that company la Reading, Pa., 17, ror threeadditional weeba, playing Baltlmon and Ibia cl^.Ton Haoi ckned a roar weeks' engagement at

Pope's Theatra, 81. Loots, aid has Joined Uopklns'Tnus-Oceanio Co.RoSBLii, rXHAia ivrERSoxATOR, hu reUred

rmm tbe stage snd intsnds going Into bnelneu InClnelnnstl.BoNNtg Loms Is aiming tbe aong, "Sidewalks

or New York," al lbs Imperial Mualo nail, Cleve-land 0.

Matt Dxgsenda notice ot hla marrlaie to nazalSt. Clair, at Bienbenvllle, O., on Jan 17'

MsMAOia SxnoN, or the Serton Opera andVaudeville Oo., wntea that he hu canceled hla twoweeks ot one nlgbt stands,u bis oompsnv la toolarge lbs way times sre. Marona Kale, ot Kale andWilson, will be auge manager. The Oe VereSisters open In Phlbtdelpbla Feb. i.alaoIM Bolaand Wllaon.TBI Oapfit Bros.. Ilgbtntog drill experU, an

a apeclal realuie wllh ibe Minnie Us'jirOo., in anew apeclaliy with swords.Hue. Natta, ot tbe Hay Hosrard Oo„ bu en-

tirely raccveted from her spell or slokness and bunrilned tbe oompany.YoRX Amdbrson, late or the Rcllpie Qoanei and

stage manaasr or "Slavery Days" Co., bu Joinedbands with Ulily Miller, late ot tbe "Oli Bonth" Co.-nd Dijiw Minatrels.Starlet and 8oahi.on, novelty nosloal team,

have Jnat olosed a auocesstol week st Hall's Ossino,Chicago. HI,


TBE Wilvot Dtto, doable 'orollata, aebleved amarked ancoeu week or Jan. 14, at Keith's Union8<|iara Theatre, this city. This week ibey an dil->°( an enngement at Wadlion Bqnare Oarden u aaprolal reainreor the NaUonal 'Cycle RxblblUon.The Udnbars, aeriaiiiia, are tiling a tour weeks'

ongagemeni at tbe winter Oarden, Su Louis, Mo.Tbey expect to sail for Cuba week ot Feb. 11, rorten weeks. '

UATBistr, Juggler, bu lost ohwed a ronr weeks'eniasementat the Park Tneatre, cnicago, III.

THE DixoN BEoe., Who closed Jau. 14 atier oneperrormaace at Keith a Union Hquare Theatre, Ihlacity, state that their actionwu voluoiary and thatthey wen not closed by tbe nanagement,u wassported.JUNtE E. OAMrnxLi iroimeriv or tbe Bbeppard

Sltiera) and Oeo. u. Poor laon proreaalonali weremarried Jan. It, al Boa'on Haas.We aee mroimed ihat Jennie Pearl, ot Jennie

Peariand Utile Alma, Is very III In Boston, Hwi.AROiiis AND Rose Rotbr are oiling a twelve

wMka' engagemeni at Eegcll'a Opera Pavilion,coioago. 111.

Jiuas U. BtMMEBswHlea ns that be buratlredmm the varieiy proteaslon aad hu accepted apeeliloaat tbe Aldlae Hotel, Philadelphia, ubookkeeper. ^ '

.I*^"-* monbob, ot tbe Monroe Bisten, bu n-

'"bed home arter playing the Midway Fairs.

Ir»'„S^"K'^.l*'''v<"' 'UhMaof LacyMonroe, bni tbey hope to bo able to start to workinaahontlme.

?''S"** lo"""' F'Jbh's Oslely Olrla Co.at the Otlety Tneairo, Albany, N. Y., Jan. ai.

bi^Yo'.;s%\ib°r?A"s-a'° '•""""•'

pJ?."" DiSrifJiS."'""""^

KLiiiEKT, gun Juggler, bu been nnnlngabrokenhand Ibe put two montha, and wlU lay off tillApril 1,

AoNES OLATTON, late Of tbo Clayion suien, andS. Ueijry Wlob (aon prorrukinal) were married.

i'S-J*'S. ^'.7 U» Bev. LndmgPBetnu offlclaung. Mra. Wirih wUl nUre trointhestage.

San Bbrnabd amd Dan M'atot are makingaellvo preparaUons to plaoe on tbe road a Bratetau vandevtlle oompany, under tbe Uile r.r the QUIEdge Enterialnere. Uesldes Liaale B. R«mond.Sam Bernard and McAvoy and May, tbe pron^mewi ll Inclode a number or other popular per/onnera.Uab Orat la Bid to be meeungwUh auccen•^,01 n* reine'a Uieat aong, "I Am iLamaVLmieatiT.'' She will aboniy pal ou a pni'y tiaairwm^uon daoce, with elecirto. oalclninlud atenopUm^effeei. ror which abe bu ten weeU booked in lbsbeator booses.




OlBclssaaSI,—When the onrialis tell at Bavlln'

and Robinson's, Jsn. IP, they narked the last per-

formances ot "April FOol" and "Feck's Had Boy,"

respectively. Both eoDpanle* olosed their season

here, Ons Williams ntninlsg to Now York to opsn

at Tony Pastor's, aad ths tnsjoilty or tbe membenof both agtregatlona Joomeylng to tbe mstiopollsveiy few ot tbem with sngagaments In view. Bnal-

ness Manusr Oeorge w. neatb takes bis companyto New York and then ibsy part. Bs aald: "WsUiongbt lutyar wu bid, but 'reek's Bad Bey'played tony.two week' by one company and twentyby another. Last week, at KoblnMn'a, vru Iheeighth naylng week we've bad this year In Iweniy-one.. Tbe oliles are not so bad. Dot on tbe onenight stands It Is awful." Tne dlabaodlngnt the Atklnaon Oomedy Company leta ontFred WesESl, J. Benry Haeke, Lynn Welober,Zeph Ooodreanlt, Ella Obanler, Janea E. Bntler. Rath Nelson, Abble M. BsaUi, Frankle St.

John and Dot Eanoll. Baslnea Manager L. 0.

nalle, ot Ooa Williama' Oompany, declared "tbeywerebeblsd lut year's bnslnces, snd thatwu rar

from good." The action of tbe Oerman comediancloslog, effects Al. McLean, Ibe agent; Oeorge M.Cohan, Jerry Cohan, E. wideoan. Josephine Fentoo, Lorena Darov, Joste and Nellie F. Cohan,OMrgeBrTanandJullaOhacc.Oraed OrgBi UoPBg.—E. K. Sotben gave an In-

terpretation of "A Way to Win a Waman"3t, forthe flral time hen. All bis other playa nnderllnedhave bean seen hen berore. viz : ''Lord Ohnmley,"' Tbe Blgneat Bidder." "Capi. L^tterblalr'' and"Ihe Malsteror Woodbarrow." Laat week StoertRebson wuseen In "Leap Year," a Jolly absnrdiiy,hot tbe retom or "The Denrietia" iru a welcomeone. Hewu seen once u Tosy Lnmpkln In "SheSloops to Oonqaer" Bnslneas wsa good. JohnDrew a.WAUiDTSrEEgrTagATBE.—Thomuli.Sesbrooko

Introdoced "Tbe Onnd Vizier," a new open,here 91. Tbe return engaoement of "A Paas-Ing Show" wu rslriy proOtable. It wu whla-percdthat John B Reasnaw and MayTenBrosokwould retire from tbe compsny at lbs end ot nextweek, but the goealp met wltb an Immediate denialfrom headqnartcra.PixE OrBRA Hodsb —The Cincinnati Synphon


Orcbesln'a Inauguml concert, 17, called ont a bril-

liant orowd representing the wealth, rublon andmnsleil onliore of the uatea City of the West.There an only seren ImiMrtatlons In the wholeoicbeatra, all tbe lest being "home mads." Thes'ries proved an artlstle aid dnsiclsl snccesa. Tbesoloists wen Ulllan Blauvell,Jnlls L WymanandB. A- MuDowell.Foontain Tbbitsb.—Tbe Jarbesn Comedy Com-

pany, which opened the s*aaon In Pennsylvaniabat week under the raanageiiient ot Jeff Bernstein,prtfenied "Starilgbt" 90. The Ooroao Brolherefound "The QUhooisy'a Abroad" a pretty gooddrawing card. "HoNnltv'a Vlalt" 27.

Bavun's TDEATXE.-"In the Teiderioln" wueietented 90, with Frederic Brylon In the CULnsWIIUams'fanwallpsrronnanceeor"AprllFool"

were witnessed by kindly sndlences or fair alie,Dookatader'a Minstrels 17.

Bbcox's OrxRA BocsE.—"On the HIsalaalppI,"whIoh played at the Oiand a few weeks ago, ro-tamed 90. The Brotbera Byrne did a fair boalnesswllh "Eight Bells." "Thellnstlsr"97.Robinson's Opera UnmE —"A Flag ot Truce"wu run up 90 l>r Harry Boner's company. "Peck'sDad Doy" did a nnslness that payed, but 11 did notInterfere irith tbe deterffllnation orMsnager FredP. Wilson to close. James R Adams, In "A CrazyLot," 97.

PxoriB'a THEATRB—Arenid ths boxers, Billyrilmmsr and Joe McQntb. were natherea 20 acompany selected by, ths Tandeviile Msnsgere'Asaoclatlon or America. Among the people wereRyan and Rlchdeld. tbe Judge Rrotbera, Obsrieaand Corinne Carter, Marlon and Pearl, Lottie WeatSimmons, Bernard Dyllyn and the Bug Qnariet.Weber A Flelda' Oim Company did a good bnal-ness. la tbe absence or the former Joe Wallea-sleln and Morris Arnbslm, clever local amatenre.gave their Oerman ekelch. Joseph Weber arrivedrnm Pittabnrg 17, and wu well enoogh 10 resumekis place ig. Irwin Bretbern' Oo. 27.Kohl A MinniETON's Hcsee TnianE.-Tbe

vandevllie people engaged tor tbe cootlnuonsshows 91 ani week wen the Oomstnoks, L. Chase,Oracle Leonard, Dsn Barrett, Lain Harden, Berthand Fleming, Barry Bndwenh, tbe Joycea andLewis Brothers. In onrio hall were Woodirard'spsrroimlng seala and Carr'n mined beara. Dual,neu hu been splendid ever slnoe Ihe adoption o(the conilnnnna performance plan.OnxoN—E. Burton Holmes Is giving a series ot

leotares nn tnvels In Japan and tbe Barbery Siatea,to appreciative andlencea.Oossir.-Marie Dacca waa reengaged as the solo-

ist at the "Pop" 90 Theie wuamlldiensauonIn Iheatilcal poUUcal circles tasi week. ManagerJamu E. Fannessy, one or tbe old wheel borsea olDemooraoT, wltbdtew fram the Dackwortb Olaband Joined Ihtt repreaenisUve of stalwart Repni).llcanlaro, the Yonng Men's Blaine Clnb LaonMillard, 'Ua atld, wants to secan "Tbe Isle utObampagne" for ateliar pnrpoacs next season wllhJohn Coleman A new operatic combination la

:Msalble next aeuon by Teraona Jarbeau and FayPempleton James J Corbett spent a day herem route Irom Looiavllle to SpringOeld, He Is en-tertaining sn unwelcome visitor, a boU on bio neok.

Manager W. E. Walker, or Wilson Bsrralt Co.,was called homo lul week by tbe death ot blavenerable mother. Mis. Samael Wslker Thenwill be no sequel to the projeottoinm tbe PikeInto a contlauons psrfonnaice house, and the Idnhu been abandoned. It wsa dlsuiteral lo PowelCroaley, who owes ths thestre Tbe Bellaledt-UAllenuerg Onheatn will s>nd a mnstool deiall toAsbvllle, N. 0 Msuie Sagsmon, the amateuraoiRss, wu married lul week to Ell Qnggenhela,or areeuQ'ld, 0 Sjdnev Worth Is hereJamea Ledenr, or "in tbe Tenderloin" wu a Iran-Bienl lean Baker, tbe chler naber ol tbe Wal-unt Stree^ la seriously III Ohariea B. Stronk, ofIhe Oned'a staff, hu been near death's door wltbtyphoid fever The BWge Employee' Dnlon lato give a masque ball Feb. 7 The OinolnnailOpera Clab ta to bring ont "Tbe Mikado" at tbePike Jan. tl and Feb. I. ander the direotloa ofFrederick Umpe Hairy RalnrorUi'a niutlff,nniar, took a bias ribbou at tbe bench abow ...Lndwig niener is here, and may locale permau.ently. Re wu heard In a violin radial at the Con-servatory or Mnslo Leu BIcka, a Clnclnnougymnaai, la now wlib the Bntneii Byrne, ons ottbe "Three Kodaa." The Clio Dramatio Clubhaa organized and promises a seuon ot amaleirtheatriiails al Knabe Uall Manager OhariesHarkinson Is busy p'anoing lor the preaentatloa ot"Olsopatn" at tbe Campos, next Jone. There la tobe a novel oblldren'a ballet, and nbearaals com-mence In Febrnsry. Over 100 people arem bs sm-Bloyed In the gorgeous Interpretation, wblch will0 prefaced by a big paiade, alter the order or Oln-

olnnatl pageania or pail jrars Mabel Fenloo(On. Chariea J. Roes), la In the city enjoying a visit10 ber husband. Next aoison, the old theatricalccmt>lne or Rouand Fenton will be runmed.

DajrtoB.—Al tbe Orand Opera Hoaae Delia Foxappeared Jan. 16, In '-The Llule Trooper," beron alarge aodlenoe. Althongb anfferiog tromaaevarecold Hlsa Fox Oiled tbe role very accepubly undertbe clionmatancea. A marn date la poulble. "Thewitob of Eonor" ocoopled tbe house 11-10. oaderIhe auspices ot the Knigbie and Ladlea of llunor.Patronage wu poor, althongb the ptodoetlon waswell pat on. The advance uia tor the Llllpnuana»-xilndicateagoodbnslne«, "Siore Acres'' comes

a^iK'S'."""" *Pari TnBATBB.-The London Bellee Co. dis-

played the ft. R. 0. sign It-U. "The Temptation otMoner" enjoyed good pauonage 17-ll». Orenlei'sLyceum Theatre Vandevllles week or -ji.

BOLPIERB' Horn TBEATBE.-'The Flag ofTnice"appeared IS to good busloets. Due: ''HoNulir'sVtalfai, Milton Nobles 91.

aionuiiy s

ASSOCIATION UAU.-A<lele Os Der Obe, pUnlst.SftS*SL":.'""'°'">°"*>'lMS orttaeMoBut Clnb^B.1I. Brtgbam lectures 28, Harvard Qnartei Fob. llNorgs.-qns Williams and company bid off hsn

11, lor one day, en nm« 10 Lebanon, 0 OlaaBnmws. wbo wu hen wlUi "Wang." wu IbegoeelofTils brother. Oil Barrows, inuanroT the

this e ty, will probably produce tne opera, "Marl.una," ahonly A corailuee hu oSenippiSted to get up an amateur nunauel ahow by the Dsr-ton Lodge or Elks.

ClaTeland—The nsnal reaction after the boll-nays bu stepped to, and our nunsgen all suffeiedIn conseqnenoe. There la nothing new or atarUInconibetheeptanhoriBOaMobnnlole.


LTCBpif tBEATRE.-"A Oalety Oirt" wu Ihs atUioUon Jan. lt-l». Wblls the performance wugood, 11 wu hardly np to what one wu led to

""^J 0' elo^ *ork will

2!2'J«a «« the ronxh edge*. Pnmross AWsEVs Minimis ai-aa, tbe aandoV ftoaSenOow

EtKiuD Avgwim Oma Botms.—«a ran .Ohlsatown" enuvened thlnn week ol 14, bai 60^neu WIS only fair. The Boitonlans will be iblprime aitiaoilon in this cliy week ot 21. -n!advance sale la one ot ths largest In thehlstorvMUie house. Marie Biitroogbs ireek of 2a.SrABTngATRi.—Sam Jack's Creoles did well it.

1», giving an noosaally excellaal p-rfnrroaouThe living plotorts latrodnerd by them are won^of ravonbie msnilon. Tns Irwio Bros.' Bla gbivi2I-2S, 0. W. Wliilairs' Onmedlans 21 and week

U. R. Jacobs' Tbeatie.—"The Two SIsten" 11

16, 16, and "In Ibe Tenderioln" 17, la, it, nlaii!(ralrengagementa. Tbe maUneu attbla houe J:alwayaespesIsllyweUatUaded. "The BUU Alarm'21,22.93.Cubs.-The wire or Fred Ooan, treasnnr or

Euclid Open Boute, Is Improving, and ber tborongh convalescence Is merely a matter ot timL

Mme. Jnlla RlreKtng. planlti, plavs at Aaa&^elation Usil 24 Tbe F. IL Hosdef Enieru?.ment Company, In ooncert, perform at Arnv aiaNavy Uall 24. Ohas. B. Bnrehain Is honie,Bfittasererel mooibs' studr In New York ingnnd opoil

Tbe Art Loan Association anf NapoleonirExhibition will vie with the regular purreyoia ofamnaemenis for pairosage during the next twoweeks.

UaDtoB.—At the Onnd Open Boom Stetson's"Dnole Tom's Cabin" bad a big bouae Jan. 0 '-tii*

Two SIslera" did fair 18. Dne: Mr. and Mrs. Btron21, "The Enslgn"28, "Fable Romanl"and tbo llrleapictures 9«, Ihs Oratorio 2t, Robert HlUlard ai n.torn date.


TBEATRi Comqci Week of 21: Onsaaod Rom.ens. New Orleans Female MInairela, NaMo Ucldeaand Billy Cross, Bera'd and Oeorge Petere, BIrdvThomtos, IiUln Webber, Lessle MoAvoy. DaiiTWard and Sam Mnrria.


BALSgB'sMosio Ball —Week or 21: HamleUa.coin. Funic Putnam.

CoIaaabaa.— At Ihe BIgh Street Tbealte"Shore Acres" opened a three night eogigementJan. 21. ''The Temptation of MoDey" hod rsirbuslneu 14-16. Delia Fox naeked ihe hoose 11The Brownies In Falrylaoa > (local) did well 11'

10. Oenrge Dlxson's Bpeolalty Co. cornea 94-93!followed by RJdIe Fov's Amerloaa Travesty Co. la"Off lbs Esrth," 2»-30.

Orans Opiba Uorag.-"nie Black Crook"opened 21, to conUnoe three nights. ' Shensn-doah" did not receive the pauoosge deservedweek ending M. The Llllpntlans come 24-M.'My Anal Btidget" 98-80.

SteabenTllle.—At tbe Olty Opera Bonie'Jane" had good baslnea Jan. 14. iiadle Baasoncomes 91, "abore Acres" 98.

London Tbbatrb.—Week ot 21: Marie De Woir,Smith snd Myen, Uaz'e St. Olaln, MaU Dee, Ana-tin SIsten, Oortlaod Slaters, Tommy Oonnell udVaKOUIstie. Mstt, Dee snd Brzio BU claln weremarried 17, When Mlu BL Vlaire mtde ber ap-peaianee that night the ninale ot ber soog soddeolychanged to that or a wedding march, and she wuCeeted wllh a ahower ot rice and llowen. When

r. Deemade his bow later he wu kept busy dodg.Ing old shoes and more rice.

St. Haars,—SItson's "Colonel" Oo. came Jan.17 to rair buslaeaa. Wilber's Entertainment Co. ishad big crowds atiemoon and evening. Booked:"Jan^>24,0. A. Loder, In "On Ihe Oo,"96Sweetser'a Opera Honae, Marion, Ind., ol wblcb W.A. Uvermore, manager or the Park Theatre, this

place, Is manager, burned to tbe ground evening or16. The Wllber Eaiertalnment Company were occq.pylng Ihe honu at the time and leal considerable oruelr pioprity The Onnd Opera Bonee Co. baibeen incorporated with a caplial atock or t40,oooand will bnlldalhreeatory brick bnlldlngwiln bwe-meni. The third noor will be devoted to two largelodge rooms, the second s'«it to oflloM and a dancehautsidin , and the Drat noor to holiness roomsand tbe open houoe. The malo bonding will bosaxioon.; alage. 68x8irt.; foyer (main), 96xlirL;height ot stage, tllL; proscenlnm aieb, UtSiti,wito a dnproot curtain; seating capacity, 1,100,

with four large boxes ud balcony. AU dressingrooms, baggage room, prepenr room, blU room,orchestra and green rooms, and beaten and closeta,will be onderneath tbe stage. The new hoose trill

be ready tor tbe opening about next September.Tbe name ot the manager hu not ret been madepnblla

BprlDsfleld.—At the Orand Opera HouseWalker Whiteside, In "Hamlet," Jan 16, had tairbaslness. Jamu J. Crbett, In "OenUemsu Jack,"18, crowded tbe house. Coming: Ite OormanBros., In "The Ollbooleya Abroad," 31; Anna EnFay, isctnrea on apritnallam and theosophy, 90:"Ben Hnr" 92, 93, 24, by local talent; Thos- Q. Seabrooke 98 At Buck's Opera Boom "The Temp-Ullon ol Mooey" wUl be presented 91.

naBsfleld,—At the Memorial Open UonssSadie Baason, In "A Kentucky Olri.V played to ssmall hoase Jan. 16. Jamea R. Adams' "A CrazyLot" gave a good enterulnment to a fair alzedhonae 10. "fne Ensign" comes 22, "Ths BlackOrook,"No.2,24.

FlDdlB7..-At Ihs Marvin Open Bonae "TheNew Domhiioa" played to a talr andlenee Ju. 17,

on account ot advanced prices. Jas. R- Adama, la

AOnzyLot'iplayedioapoorbonwU. Oomlng:Dockstader's MTustrels zi. Alba Heywood 93.

ZBBuvUle.—AtSeholts's Open Honse,Jan.ll,"Jane" attracted a large and weU pleased audi.ence. James O'NelU 22 At Memorial Ball, 1),

Sieuoa'a "Dncle TOm'S Oabln," maniM and even-ing, at popuUr prices, drew large andlences.


Uempbla.—At the New Lyceum neain "TheOalley Slave" wu moderately patronized Jan. 14-16.

The FendngMuter" opened II (or Uiree nights to

a fair Bleed bonss, Nat. Ooodwln olosed a snccess-

rul engagement ot two nights anil a maltnee 13^

having presented "In MIXBonra," "AOIIded Fool,"

"Lend Me Five Shiillon" and "Dsrid Oairick."Due: "Paul Kanvar • 21-93, Al. 0. Fteld'a MIoatrels94-96, Rlcnard Mauslleld 9S-io, "Shore Aoiea" 31-Feb. 1

Oband Opeba Bom.-Oladys Wallls dnwsmsllsized andlences Ju. 14-16, Bel Smith Rasaellopened for two nighta, 11, In "Tbe Beir at Uw," to

talr patrenage,jifcaenUng "A Poor RelaUoa" 11,and ''Peacetnl Valley" maUnee is. "A Bunch olKeys" did a light business lO-U. Oomlng: "^bePaulogSbow" 22, 2a, "A Pair or Elds" 24-26. "TbeProdigal Father" 98, 3», Ihs LUIpnitau Feb. 81-9.

AuniTOBtDii.—Pror. John B. Ue Molte Jan, 81.

ChaManoega.—At the New Open BonisJames J. Corbeu wu received by a good andlenee,Dec. 11. 19. Marie Jaa>en, In "Delmoiilco'a atSlx,''did a rsIr boaloou 16.


'The Oladlator"Robeit Downing played

to a well pleased audience li.

SisalereitaJoaeswu greeted hr a packed upperhouse, 17, at rsdnoed prices. Fnlnia attnctloui:"BI Plunkard" 98, Stuart Rebson 2P, Marie Waln-wrigbt 31, "A Bonch ot Keya".Feb. 1.


PortlaBd.~The Marquam hu been dark sloee

Jan. 4. Tbomu W. Eeene opened 14 In "BamleL"CM>RDBAT'8 TaBATan.-The OharlH RIggs Dia-

matle Company presented "That Freclons Daby"and "The Olemencean Cau'' week or 7. Bualneaawulairlygood. Tbe l^ke Opera Company begana return engagemeat li, preaentlng "The Tar andtheTareu-."MoascRo's New Tbutbb Oomotn:—Hand Rose,

Parker aud Barteno, Marco and Kellog, Ollle CSVman, Frankle ovenon, Walter Ford, Mabel Steele,

Hand Raymond, Harrr Brown, Lnla TVtmple, MayWllkaoa, May Shandley, Lottie AlonBO, Nellie

Clayion, Frankle Ward, BalUe Hoover, UatlleChtrk, Hay Wallace, Will Delmon and Mabel Del-

more,_ANBEtnEB.-aoldle Beach, Olan Edwards, Osd.Wilson and Wm. Merry,LoirraE.—RebagUad'B Bpanlah Btadents.



Bait Lake oil^^Al the Salt Lake TheainPioL Bemnann Jan, 18, it. Wards ant James 28 at,

OXAMD—This new boose la now popular la more

mys thao In the price alone. "AU Uie Oomroru or

Hooe" had aplendid sacceu week of 7, "Bsmer-alda" week of It proved a atniag dnwUig card.Ltobuh, turmer^ Wonderland, Is abonito snter

the theatrical tela again, this Ume nnder a newname, Ihe Olympla a. B Mumy hu usumed tbe

management and will give light opera at popularprices.at.iASOH, the horse lamer, had nod snccesa dnr-

uithut,ra wseU' engagement, Duslneu Uicisas-

lncio:bjsid,when,oaane or tw« •Ighta, peoplr'~t«i.4»wa^.

Januaby 26. THE ISTEW YORK Or.IPPER. 749

PENNSYLVANIA. nt Ofplwain NnTtllf Co. •ppcw In Ui* Umm,Urn tadltiKctm mt nit.

not wt«» U » nol»bl« «B», both la tbe leld of onlr one piloaot tdmlwloa itau mt. Bbov >fo.

•nod opaim kod Um ll|hur form of comlo oper*. i u NowtoD tttm In "Lnitla London." Bbor No.

aibfl Budenon mitea btr PliUadelobik debst In > onnlalt of upecWtln bj Knu Romlne, Hllet

ud loTOi Of oomlo open will enjor Llllinn u,, pnroinKn beloi Wilicn, NIok Qlga/IUilloHumU ind Da Wolf Hopprr. TDm wh t lIlUo UwKioaiinuo.mndBnleen.oooedr of eifon J»n. It (tltboofh ponlbl; Abbaj , * "n* Come Ori»i.-Jotepb 0. Biell, » well

rXTn 111 HnwTort ud Mr nnhnna^ nf piiii^ Known tenor Tootlbi uil cbolr lender of ibli olij,toru, 01 BOW lore, ua ar. wDreni, or ruiin- biiconipo«»l»i»wconilooper»,o»lled"TboT»n'iielpbin, mnj not bo nble to Ke tbe oomed;), wblob minr Bacbcm " Wim me nteliiuoe of bli wife,

rtoderad lopoulblo the porfomuDCO of "Rlgolet- 1 Herr KejlT. ODO^of_onr beat local MpMnon. be

Jolocd "Uiddln Jr.," a) Pnak Juaea, tb*onllnv, bu decided to tccepi Mr. HInco'a oner udiUr nextMuon Inn dnm* lo bo written tor him.IntbemeuiilmebeliMllntnidoorleeper tt tbaBitndud Tbnire Tno Crrilnl Men proieiverr utrtcUro In tbe Udlte. Tno klneleeropetand talk lot macblaea bin be«n pluod In front

...Col.I. D. Ilopklu left for Oblnio l>, wbtrewill open a new Uieatio.

10," wUob wu (0 baTa bean nmg at tba Acad-

eo>r of Maelo. Word wia laoalvad lo tba mom-mi tbat botb Holba aid BcalobI w«r« 111,

ud wonM b« nnabla to appear. Mina. VanCanimn wia anbaUtatad for Melba and De VIgoafor Boilobl. Tben Haorel, bearlof of tbia, re

toted to Bini, nad aailed for Kaw Ynik. Uo DloKdbla tiiln, biit nil talet wii mora forinoato, or nn-foitonata, aad took all tbe barllone'acoetoniea wiibblm. Maoiee attarnrda coDiented toaloiltbiawardrobe waa torlbromlOB. Bat m It did notrwob Pblladalptla nnlll < 16 p. m. tbeta wu notb-

UK to do bnt giro op tbe performance.loiDnTOr Mmia—"Don Olorani,'' l>, brombt

oot iba largeatindlenca of tbe aetaoD, and R'Rolei-

10," IT, wonld bave beea eqnillr well patiooUed bad

are a prlTaia performuica of It bofora Bamabeeand Biaolej. oftbo Boatoolana, ooe daj laat weak,be p!a;lDC laa mnalo on ue piano, and bli wifetlDglog tba iolo paria.BHOitTLiTC.—)«mea O'Neill waaealled bofora ibe

coruin alter tba fooiib not ol "Virglbloa" nigbt ofIt, and praaenttd wlitaa loral boraeiboa An(oaioa nioi la rxpeoted bare tbit week, on a rltlt10 bla "Power of tbe Prca" Co.

Wlllt«abarra.-Wlirie4 Olarte, In "A Wldo<Hunt" Jan. l«, bad fair atiendanca. "0 Neill,

WaaolniloD, D. 0.," It, li. bail good bnalnera. "OnIlia Bnwerj'' ud a fair booae. 'Tba Wniio Siioad-roo*> IB wai well recolved iir a fair lined nndlenca.

lu, I... ,Conro; and Fox, In -flol Tkraalea," M, bad llgbt

It not bean fortbaerenta wblcb couplred aaalnat I baaloeea. Toooma: Hra. Potter and Kiria Bellew,

tbe patrormaDoe. Ptonllar Intersil will ba at- la "Cbarlotia Uordar," U, "Und of tba Midnighttaobed to Iba perfonnanoea o( "Maoon," n and I Bon"M, KeUar24."The Bognenota" 24, Inaamncb aa tbOT will aerra I Hosic UiLi—'-Tiie Boelb Betoie Iba War" 10, 11,

10 Inirodaco Sibil Sandrraon lo tbe Pbllndelpbla I II, l>a<l B. R. 0. for Hra pertonnancea and morcdpobllo. Yaaje III give an allcmooa recital 3t,and I ibeorcbeanaoutba atua at tbraa ptitoraiancea

ionan'a Bud will nire two conoarta St.

OBisniDT SruiT Ornu noDBi.—William U.Oiana plaied lo two weeka of good boalnria, "Tbapaello Hall" laat week drawing fallr aa well aa"Tbe Hetr; Wirea of windaor." l)e Wolf Hopper(rirci "Or. B.tnlax" Ita dialPblladalpbla prodacUon(bli week. It wlil probablf run tor tbreo or tourwaeka. TbaadnncoaaletabeaTj.BIOID Stbiit Tbiithi.—Jnit wbat quUtlea

"Pnooeia Bonnie" baa to pltaia Pbiiidelplilini It

ladlfflonltio delermme, bnttba fact rtmalnatbatIt doei pleaaa tbam mlsbtllj, aa waa demooatnttdbj tbe crowded booaea all lut week. Lillian Rnaaellbegtna a two weeka' eagagemanttbla week, in '*The

Orand Dnobaaa." It lan't otiaa tbit PblUdelpbIabaa two anob atara aa Roiaell and Hopper In townat tbe aama Um«, and the competition betweenHlion A Zlmmerman'a two bonaea will donbtleaabekean.FiBi Tbiatu.—Bamabee A UoDonaM'a Opera

OoDpanr did (alrlr well last week wlib 'Tbe Knlck-erbookera" and "Robin Bood," altboogb tba attend-anoa waanoteqoal to tbatof tba Boftonlana. MarieBomnibi telnma tbla weak with Too ProHlgat*,"and "Bnenandoab" U onderllned tor two weekitollowlnt.FourauoB'B THiinn.—At no popnlar price

borne here bu there been a liner prodariloD, takingeverrtblng Into couldenlion, than that of "Menand women " wblob wii giren b; tbe atook com

Uefion'i Vindevllla Oo. u, 1^ ig bad light bnalneaa."LitUeTtlita" 17, IB, It bad lair attendance. Ti>

come: Bim T. Jack'a OrMlea II, a, a, "A (^ker.Jack" u. a, 20, "Tiio Police Inipeoior" 38,3g,3otbe CUT Ulob 11, Feb. 1, 2.

WONDIRLiMD TBIiTBl AMD MUln.—"MlZOpoa"and John aod Nellie Hail, Ibe Dewlitf, the Bon-dlnla and Iba Webalen week ol 14, drew goodboalneti.Norm.-DantelL. Haile la nnderconimcl to write

a plaj for Btoart RobaoB, lo be produced neit aea-

on Bamnel Bpeok, who married Beaie Norrlf,of ibli oil;, la to go open tba nad to manage blawire, piottaalonallr known aa Bciale HItohelL

AllaonB,—AttbeElerantb ATenneOpira llooae"Oo tbo Bowery' drew a top beavr booae Jan. 10.

Peter Haber bad a good bonae ir. Oen. John U.

Ooidon leolared on "The Laat Uiia of tbe Uonled.enci" tor tbe beneOt ot Poat Mo. 02. 0. A. R., to agood elztd andltnce 19. Cbaa- T. Eilla pleaaed aUrgaandlenoa U. Oe«. UUoo 21, "Bhora Acraa"23, Ollnr Diron 20, "Special IMlTetr" 29, "TbeBlack Orook" SI.

Btst Side TnuTU.-Tbli weak, Walta'a ComedrOompinT.HiBUY Diris' Bdik Hdui bad good drawlog

attraouoDa wtek of 21, and Ibe booaa waa wenUlad at nob perlonuuice. TbIa week. Mona

KanaaaCllir.—AtOoatea' Opera ncnaa JoaaphMorphr oama laat week in "Bbann Rhue," "TheDooagb" and "Kerrj Oow," and walie bnalnnawia abore the areiMe, it waa not op to Mr. Mnr----'i oigii week. Tba andleacra were top beeij.

I week JeOttaoD. Klaw A Krlangai'a Toe Uonn-try oircoB," tor Ibe Oiat time here. Oame Tnmerooinea2aroraweel.Quits OriBi Uovu.—laat weak "Yon Yonion"

did a nod bnalneaa. The Thnndar matinee tentltdlea In the gallaij. tlopklni' Tnua-Oceanlcaarewlib na tbia week. "Tba Spaa of Life ' neil week.NiHTn STun TuiiTRi.—Frohman'a Oompanj

lot on "Hen aad Women" tor the liat time heralat weak and big raoelpia rtinlled. People wereturned awar at two seitormancea. Uiia week, Flla

and wabaltr In "A Urataj Time." John L. Snilinnnext week.TniATOi CoiiiQi;a.-"The Yoong Sandow" ra-

maina ar«r. Tba ivmaloder of tbe bill la made opof Tom For, Wallace (Uittti, Baker and Randall,Tbnrraa and Ora, Edith Ounll, Once Danlud,Bberldan and Kerrigan, Dick and Louie Onmmlogaand Prof. Ilart'a Dog Cirona.NoTBiTT TniATitn.—Thia bonae now piawnia an

attracure appearance. Tbe freacoing la all On-lahed, and ao rleoitlol elgn on tbe comer of tbetieaira llata'a np the atreet for a block. Tbiaweek'aptogranme la madeop of Phelpa A Wbalu'iOonwd; and VandeTllle Oombloiuoo, In "K Yan-kee Hero," aaalated br tbe followlDg ape IiUt peo-ple: Vinlat St. Oialr. lien llowleu and Bon. Oilfford

and WlliUmi, Do;le and Youog and Bbaihr andDerere. BoilDeaa la on tbe inrreaae.

OLtrriHiNos.—Tbe Ktnaaa DniTenllr Olee Cloblara a concert at tbe Audilorlnm Feb. 0 UnjdirowB baa been appointed a>alaUot tmaorar of

the Uoatea Al. BUode, tormerlr adrertialaia>ent foriba Ninth Slreet Tbeaue, will go cat wlui"Tne Ellilrof Life" aa bnalneaa manager PopUbM. (.hitiiF laalok In the Oltj llotpltal betaSadie Oonnallr, ot tbe "Yon Yonaon" Vompany,left bare Tbaigdaferenlng In ruponie lo a tele,

gnm anionnolng the aerlooa lllueaa of her alaicr

•t Newark, N. i. Uer part waa plajad bj J. 0.


81. Joieph —At TooUe'a Theatre "A CounlrrOlroai" Jan. IS. it, with maUnee, Hemeojl Ood-certco- comee 29.

OBtwrono'a TaiiTii-—J. K. Romet 14, bad afair booae. timing: John L. Balllnn 11, Joe. Mor-pbT 2), Alex. BalTlnl 24.


— .. Deno, with bla lion Wallaok, Uameotia, BherlOanpanrtaat week. "The FluKriWlfe'>li on tbia and Vomu, Jnlia FranU, Ibe Fremonu, Uulawa», and next_week Mr. Forepaogb baa arranged

| ueimore. Mile. Anniala Weal, and Uealy and Teed,wlib Dnncai B. Diirlion for the prodndlon ofThe Paimaatar," with Mr. Barrlion In the lltle

role, anpported br the alock cnnpany.OinABO ATiMDi TBUTBi.—Tbe anrago week of

good bnalneaa reanlled fnm the prodncUon of W.8. Ollben'n "aralcb«n,'> and tbn week OreatonClarke giTea '-Toe Merchant of Venice" and "Tbeladr of Ljoni." Next week, "Rlchelleo" and"DiTld Oanrlck."CBitTHUT Bnxir Thutxi.—"Ohatler'a Annt"

oelebisted her eeTentr-flitb perfurmanco here 21,

with another aonrenlr night. Btulneaa ahowa aalight talllDg off, and Ibe mn will probablf not laat

mnob longar.

EnriBi Taii'TBi.—"Doirj'a Blnndeie," wblobplaced to good bnalneaa laat week, giree war to

another Inib onmedjr tola week In "Sport McAl<Hater," with Bobbr Oaylor In tbe title role. Wll.

Ilam koiTla cornea next week, withA Loat Para-dlae."

OuNS OrxBA HOD8i.-Cometaok'e MIoatrels badlarge andleaoaa laat we*k, and put on a good, old

time mlnitial ahow. "The Two Orpbana" la theconant attraction, with Kate Ulaxuin, Mme.Jaoanacbek, Faonr QUlette aod Arthur Forreai loibeoait.NinoKAL Tbbitbi.—Tbe popnlarlty of "Bine

Jeane" duci not aeam to wane, and It did a drat

olaa hualDeaalaitweek. "On tbe Bowery," w:iiob

hia been oonaldetably toncbed np eince It openedtba eeaion here, lathe corrent attnouon. ''Bbalt

No. 2." neit week.Piont'aTBBATBi.—"Ibe Trolley Byatem" aetall

Keulngion on a broad grin laat week, for, Jndgingfrom tne >lze of the andlencta. all Eanalngtonmoat bave lean It. Tbli week "Darkeat Roaala" la

OD^nd nait weak Hanloni' "Soperba" la proralaed.

WALNOT SiBur TBBiTBi.-Donnelly aod Olrardplaied to good bnalnena mat week with The Raln-maieii," IniiodnolDi a number of new apeolalilea.

Wiuiam Barry, in 'The Rlalog Oenetailon," la tbeonneni aitnoiloD, ud next week Pete Dalleycornea with "A Oonnlry Sport."Buou Tbe nana! bualneaa pienlled all lut

week. "Tbe Tar aod the Tartar" la the currentopentlo atlnollon, wlUi the toll»wlng vandeTllle

Edbh Htnii did He full eban of bnalneaalilt week. Ben Harilo, owner aod manager of ibia

oooM, la making amngemenia lu open a muaee at

tlolooy, and will In future book atimcilooa for boihpiacea.


HarrlabHTg.—At tbe Opera Bonae bnalneaa It

gn^nxllr Increailog. '-Dnole Tom'a Cabin" (Da-ila').Jan.l4. did well. Oamlile D'Arrllle'a OperaOo. bad a big booae IS. "Shore Aorta" 19 badgood builncia. "A Trip lo Chinatown" It draw afair boiue. Uoma'ock'a Mlnatrsla cornea 21.

Edsn Hiisnk—Waekof2l: Aoitrlan Urcbeatm,Barn Pink, Allen and Oalmalo, Elitle Pink, O'Brienud Conine, Doilla E. Howe, Ulxon and Ling andSig. and Mme. Tiaielle.

NoriB^Liat week wai inaugnrallon week, andtbe maoj einngen In tbe oily to aea Ceo. U. U.llaatlon loaugonted Ooiernor of Penoailnnlahelped bualneaa coneldeisbly Eugene Uaneybaa MTored bla conoeoUon ai ag<nt tor DaiU''Uncle Tom a Cabin" Company OowardBaker eloaed with tbe company at Kenalngton,Philadelphia, 19^

Reading,—"The White Saoadron" had a largo

hnnae at the Academy ot Miialo Jan. 14. WllliedClarke, In "A Widow Uunt," c«me to ratbar light

bualnea IT. The Leblgb UnlTonlty Clee andBanjo aob canceled 18. "On tbe Bowen" did alariu bniloeea 19. Coming: Kellar 31, Kew YorkPhilbarmuDlo Ulub 21. "Ilot Mmalee" 33. ComeUKk'aMlnitrele 24, Ura Poller and Kyrle Bellow20. "Land of tbe UldolgbtSiin" 30.

Qbavd OriHA Hocai-—HIaco'a American Pantomtme Ocmpuy plaied to good bualneaa week of

14 "A Barrel of Moaay" 24-39.

BUOD TBiATBL—The Fly Footer Bnrleatineaompasy Old a large botluas week of 14 Too HatleBanger BoileKue Oo. 21-23, Bam T. Jack'a Creole

C0.24-M.Tui OiRHiH VoLDNTEii" CO. dlabsoded here

12. Tbe eiar or the company, IV. 1). Saphar, entered

tbe Rfading Uoepllal fur irtatment 14.


81. Lowla,—Bnilneai waa good at Ibe leading

vyiriauu •.inu.iuu. w,u, m.. ..mu,.,... ,bouaealiat wcok. At tbe Olympic Theatre E. U.

talent: Imro Fox, Leafr and wnilama, LIule and Bothem did a big boalneaa- Uagenbeck'e Trainedvinle Daly, Manbatian Qnattet, Barrli ind Wallara, i

the Oordlen, Olenroy Brothers, Laura Bennett andtbeWhitlogi.AUDrroumi. — Tte International Tandeilllu,


laat weak, played to tbe capacity of the honae, andtbia week Manager Ollmore baa the Berbaoki, Ibe

Olympla duartal, Nellie Maguire, Fletcher Trio.

Fauenon BtuUien, Moatoi and Doyle, Wbeaiman,Al, RooDO, Meebao and Raymond, John Le Olalr

and Fanif La Olalr. Next week, "The DeiU'iAncUon."LToitiK Tbbatbx.—Fliit daai bnalneaa greeted

Bam DeToial company laat week, and Ibti week'aumctloo la tbe watnon Slatar'a ExiraTagania andBnrleaqne Company. Next week, the Beuiz Baniley

Bnrteaqne (Mmoany.ELirBKTH BrauT OraiA Booai. — Manager

OamoroM bii a now borleeque tbia weak, oalled

"The Next Mayor, or Our Folore City," In addi-

tion tu Iha regular dnt part and ouo featorea.

Bualneaa contlnoea good.BriMDiBD TaiiTBi. — "A Barrel of Money'

played to big boalneaa laat week. Tbia week. MaySmith Bobbin), in "Uttle Trixle," ud next week"True Iiuh Baini."EiNBiKOiOK TBiAiu.—Tbera were tair recelpta

laat week from tbe eongement ot "Two Old

Oionlea," and tbia week Manager Bart baa "BlaokUjted." Next week, "That Olrcoi Olrl."

NiKTO AMD AnoB Musimf.—JiTrow (ationg

boy) oonilnuea to be tbe main featnre, with Borleno'i educated monkeyi ud tbe Peralu ateamman. In tbe theatre ate llTliig plctnrea by Iba tat

women, Parker and Retardo, Hypnoia, Noble Bay-

wood nad otben.Noraa.—"A Milk While Flag"ud "Ibe Amazona'

hiTe been booked for tbe Obeatnnt, to follow

"Oharley'a Aoot." Tbe park Theatre orobeatra

Anlmala and Zooloilcal cirooa tbigwetk. Alex-

ander BalrlnlJan. 31.

(iBiND UriRA Uoun.—"Aladdin Jr." draw good

booata all lul week. Delia Fox'a Opera Compuytola week, and tbeidnnceialei an neaiy. Paulino

Ball's Opera Co. 27.

Uatliii'8 TBBAT».-llob Flizalmmona' Specialty

Ocmpuy tbia week. "Lose In NewYork"dldalop heavy buslneig laat week. 'The Derbycot'* ff.

Haoan TaxATBi.—Bopklna' Trana-Oceanlca did

a big boalneaa laat week. "Old cmry," for Ibe dntUme In St. Loula, tbia weak. Frlmroae A Weat'a

MinsinU 2T.

UorxiNB' PorB's Toiatbi—Bualneu waa big

Uatwaek. Thu week; Tne UanaonlBlaieii (female

Sampaona), Urea Comalla Bn)e.(K>rol«Ia).McNuliy

Slataia (pedeaial dinoera), Jamea £. Buck (legieir

wonder), Eaielle Comalla (eqolllbrlai), Barry WIniloao (animal and bird Imltatoi), Emma Qallea (serlo

cofflic) and Janes iTalbrook. 'rhe pecformuce will

cloie with Oliver Byrcn'iieniatlonal drama, ' Sen-

tenced to Dou-"BTiNDAnn TBBATBl.—Uairy W. WUllama' Own

Compuy drew mil lo crowded bonaea laat week.

The French Folly Cumpuj tbia week, Ileavea APAlnir'a Cotmopultani 'il.

LONDON Hosio IUiJ.-BUIy Madden, MlUle Mor-

tell, Ueorge Alleo, Minnie Palmer, Adele Detu-coait. Haggle Uanelon, L. S. Walla, Roaa Monro,

BlllI Dinnun, Oeorga Lenal, Emma Weatoo, Flur-

ence Cheater, Ada Clllloo, Maul Lo'a, Ada LaPeatle, Belle Sbuton, Osrtle Boiden, Itoale Hart,

Nome La Olede, Frank Jooea ud J. V. Fay.

New Wohdebuhd Moseoii.—a. F. Jacobi udWm. Adams took obargo of Ibe late McOlnley'a

Moseom. IB,ud aunonuoa tne tullowlng companyfor ihia week: Fuber'a. Big Specialty OotDpaoy,ihla week la playing a tugne In B major, composed ..

by John E. Kellerd, ot M<ne Butrongba' Company, uatter Freeman, Wm- Block, A. IL Baser ami bia- — — "' give artclialatthe

I Bnooie, and Ftol. A. F. Jicoba' JuvenileE. Cholneley-Jbnea Will

Mew Oentnry Urawlng Room Feb. 19 Anugementa wen completed laat week for tbe early pro

Orobeatia., , vwrxit Oabbem.—Joale Diamond, Emma Rad-

duouon at Forepaogh'a by ibe etock comiwny or I moDtl, Wm. Dray, Lanra Butler, Ed. Fox, Ed.

"Ltd* Wlndennen'a Fan" ud "The New South." I Mukey, Alex. Kirk, LoUle ud Jamea Snlllvu,

'julli Katlowe-Taber ud her company aia at uaoei Onbam, Wm. UUl, Addle Lawrence andthe Temple Theatre, Camden, tbli week. In reper- 1 LagnBniler.lory Alice Oale Ueniler, ot the Qlnrd Avenue BuoDTOEiraB.—Ed. K. De Vem, minager, udstock company, will give a mualcal ud dramatic d,, following compuy: Uotile Dimple, Belle Pat-

eniartalnmeotat tbe New Centua Drawing Room I ignco, J. A. Letiley, Blllle Brawater, (leorgle IIUI-

32 William R. aoodall wai In town liat week, I .„ Annie Reed, Miu Kline, Daiel Kircb, Jennie

tnlngto book "The Two ColoneU." E.N.8I0- ([grgaa, Jennie IMmey, and John udKlttieCllua.cum, emge managar at Oamcroaa' Eleventh Street gguai's pilic Tiieitib.—Umoda Kljik, DeOpera Bouie,hia bcenontbeaick Hat for a coople ilaiion, Tiilio UoUlna, Lealer Evaoa,

ofweeki, hU puoe being taken by Clailon Frje. p, viei. Annie Comil, Oscar ud Ballle

Mr. Piye and hia wife wUI celebnta tbe loorteaoib Koeru, Violet Saber, Lottie Thome, Era Hows- ^'

' Prank L.Oay, Larry ConnonudV. R. Bradley.

BiTAMT'a TBiATHL-Ha BMbo, Jeinnelie Cher

— . Piye'indb'tawlte wulcelebntatbe foorteaoin i Koeros, Violet Saber, Lottie Thome, Era Howard,annlniaiT ot their mirrlaga Feb. 4 "?»«,'' prankL. Oay, Urry Connora ud 0. R. Bradley.

N. Btepbeni, who wai warmly welcomed by bli old ToianE OOMiQCi.—Tne Oralg Family («), Annienampuer tnenda laat week, aaya be Is working on fy.aodotie, Ed. Uarloy, Pearl andrawa, J. J. Mur-two new melodnmaa Almar W. Cooper, u Maude loman, Annie BllUofS, Mamie Burrowieznawepaper mu of Pnlladolpbia, will be mar- 1 MdMlonle llulitaard. ^ . ^ried to laaballa IveiBon 21. qu Tuiatbe—Jack Uaniay, Dick Bmlib, John

Oobnrn, Ullly ud Oracle Milla.LUlr Wbiie,John

PMUb..,.-8trengattmoUoniat onr theatre. I ISS'St'.'^^a^,"^'cfcde. Diamond

laat weak drfw good Miendanca. I WblUock and Cbaa. arid|.

Dd^dbsmb TBiAriB.—"A Trip .

thla weak. James O'NelU cloeed a good week19. FiancUWliaoB2S. ^ ^ ,

£.-S«^'"-^ I

&"L?Vri.-i^'.rl«ni;'i-o'i:AxviM TBBATBX.-aafflllIe D'ArvlUo'a Oomlo

Open Oo. at. Tba Boaunlana cloaed a giaat weekU. Felix Menu !>.

OBAiin OrBBA BonB.-'Bhanudoah" SI udweak. Prlmnie A W'Bt'aMiustnlidldexcallenUynpiolt. "file Buck Wook" 19.

HABBT WtLUtBB' AOiSBBT OF MOEIO.—MayBowiid'i Big Borleaane Uo. uli weak. John F.

FieM'i DiailBg Otrdi draw crowded bonm np to

1*. BaisellBna.'OooMdlaaa3S.BiBBT Datu' Edbb MnxB.—Tba eqaeatrlu

peacock, rrmca, tod Ike mined seln are tba

psSiffi new caidi la itia Onrlo Ball ibli weak.

"jan. ba,Armorlua.Uadiadae,peor|lana,J. JJerbert,

AMw Alklnion, Ida Walilog, Maggie Oordon, Dot

i"2l. flaber.BUIf Hat, Dave McWird, Adolpb Ooniilea.' Binwn ud Mack, NeUle Roiemu, Loille DaTnne, U Rule Bros., Beatrice carmen ud Qua

^CBaT.-MiaagerWlllB.Jonei,ot Havlln'iThea-

tre takealila annoal banadt Feb. 4, wbaa "The

Umlted Mall" wiU ba piaaenied..... .Walter A.

Oiaat"id bu been beie orguising a brucb of the

Acton' ProtecUvo Colon. Tbe Bu Louis Aciore'

fioiactlie Union baa be«i orguiEoa wlih twenty,

aavtn ehanaroambeis, ud twelve more Joined 19.

I.I. Moirar Is nreaioent, oacar

enstdaai; Frank L. Oay, tniannr; U. U. FraBklin,

S^un: JohB Uagu, aerg««it al anna, lalp!iZnaMrg^de:.....Fio Wlliuma, who has

baaabaator aU weeks vlilllng her mcihar, ra-

PnvldeBea.-At Keith's Opera House, Ju. li

, "UaDuliy" proved all that was claimed tor It

before It came, and bad acme of tbe largeat bonaea

of tbe season. This week, Willie Collier for Ibe

Orat time here. In "A Back Number." Next week.

Ward and Vokea, In "A Run on the Buk."WllmilNBtBE TUEATRB.-iJU. 14-11 IbC ROM Illll

Co. mado ita aecond vltlt of ibe seaaoo, ud did

lullyu largo a week'a busslnesi aa on Hi formervisit wblob wu early lu September. Tbia week,Oui Hill's New York Stan. Next week, Flynn ABbeildan'i Olti Sports.LoruROPB OrsBA Boo8E.-List week Jos. D.

OliCion ud June Agnoit, lu "Ruch King" and"Llbby Priian." Bou plecea drew large bualnoia

and lave i bo beat of Htlaractlon. Hila week, Oeo.

L. Oregnry'e pantomime troupe lo "Unmpty Dump-r." Peok'a Bad Uoy" next week.Sqoibs.—The following people appeared at Ibe

third urabim Ooocert, at Keiih'a upeia Uoose,Jan. a>: Kittle Bloghun, Dudley Ptesoott. MayLino, LllVe Marlon, Alice Uodgdon, Obia. V. Sea-

moM, Carrie Tnteln, Billy I'arier, LIule Baymood,onus. Lov'bbcrg, and Colllnauu (Mllna DorIng tbe paat week aeveial Urge theatre parlies at-

tended the production of "Humanity," at Kellira

Opera Honae Laura Joice waa in lawn tbe paat

week Prop.Thouua Trowbridge, of Lotbrop'a

Open Uooaa, became a member ot Provldeuce

Lodge of KIki 10, ud wu preaented with a gold

emblem ot the order by John N. POIIHpa, the mu-ager Ilanv Browo, of Brown and IlarrliflD,

has been In town for a week on acconui of bla

muiber'a lilnesa l,flihrop'aOMm llouaalaaoon

tn bo known u Trowbrldge'a Star Theatre.

Tbia house la proaperlug under Ibe new pro.

priotor Tne tourteeotii annual benedt ol the

>tovldence Lodge of Elka will take place

at Kelth'a Opera Uonae ifternoon of Jan. 2daDdaloDg and varied programme baa been arruged un-

der Ibe personal eifoila of Archie Stalker

Uarry VIoker. of "Peck'a Bad Boy" Co., waa In

tnwnlt Tbe attraction billed at Batcheller'a

Fiout Street Theatre, Worceaier, laat weejt waaFiynn A Sherldu'a CItv Sports ud among Ibe peo-

ple were Ibe Nelson sisters, acrobata. They use aIthcgrmpb something alter the al|le or a olrcoa

lllbognpb ud not objectionable In comparleontonoma or thoae used ny bnrletque compulea, but

tbe Oliy Fatben look CEcepUon to thla patUoular

ooe and a'opped them from being put np,u they

•aid they were not Ot for Worceaier people to gaxe

al, but Manager Uatcheller thought ha wutsd to

advertlae the sirongeat act in tne ahow, so he out

out some plecea of cloth In Iha shAse ot puia-looos ud puled them on tbe shapely Umoiudbong np the llihoau If nothing bad happened.

Pavrlaciiat.—At Loibrop's Otud UpeiBBoose, Ju. T-13, Eibel Tucker and i company of

lotlmp's playen. In "A Fair Rebel," enjoyed goodbualneaa- Thla week the houaa will undergo atrusfnrmallon, ud a splelkartenfest will beheld,

arrugad ud conducted by Marnret Eager, of

New Yoik, In aid of tbe Associated Otaarlilea udDay Nniaery ol Fawincket.


Oetiall.—At tbe Lyceum David UenUenoo'i

"Aladdin Jr." oomea Ju. 3»-30, Laat week Ibe

LHIpntlus, In "Unmpty Dumpty," were favored

with fair attendance at every perlormuce,

DiTBOiT OriHA Uoi'BB.-Fellx Morrla oomes

M-2«, In repertory. Laat week RIca'a Surprise

Party, In "im," had good alied turnouts. E. U.

Bothem 28-30. _.Wai'mar'a Ubano OrsBA Uodse.—Thla wiek,

Jule Wallera' ' BloelrMked." Laat week "TbeDuller" plaied to good bualneai. Nait weak,

Edmond Oolher. In "The Cruia Roada of Lire."

OAUraBi.L's EMPIM TUEiTBE—This week, AdaOral In "Kail Lynne." Liat week HIellr A WoodsVaudeiUlea did not do beuer thu fair bnalneaa.

Next week, "The Still Alarm."WOKOBlLANO TBBATIB AMD MDSEL-CurlO

Ball-Prof. Deveux, Col. Qilbertud wire, tbe baby

elepbut ud the lullu Oypay Urcbratia, Thea-

trt-U MoDU, Lcntu. J. II. Oullen, PbelU andUaln and Piuoli Bryant.

Oraad Haplds.—At Poaera' Orand OpenBonae Tim Murphy, Ju. 10, 17, p'ajed to email

boBaea,aadldTony FartelllB, It. Coming: HdandReed 34, "1492'- 29, a, Chas. DIokaon, In ' luoog,

^Obud OriBA OossB^Week of Ju. 14 lUca

Barton's Oomedliaa played to crowded booaea.

Oamlsg,week of 2l,''Acroas the Potomac;" 29-!>,

"Pawn Ticket 210.". . _^ . „ „

Sairs'gOrxu uosBi.—Weekof 21:ThaTr.Bells.

Oallagbar ud Uriniu, John Marx, llarrlaou udwniie, Mona. and Mme. Ballbig, Harmon ud Mart,

ud tba stock.

jackuoB.—At Ulbbard's "Ibe Fast Mall," Ju.10, had taIr bnalneia. Tony Fansll, 17, draw a light

bouM. 'I4n"24 At Wonderland, week 0121:

In Curio ball—Texas Ben ud Ann bold over, wlih

uoean Eslher (clairvoyant), addlUooal. TheaUe-Thomson ud Bnuoell, Uoid ud Burke, ud BnUyud Hovre, Boalneaa la drat

Baglaaw,—At tbe Academy of Moalo TimMunhy ud Gene UuOeld, In "Alimony," Jan. 19,

bad lood boalntaa. "ttn" comas 21, RoundReadriB "The PullUclin,"23. E. B.Bolbera 2t

At Bordwell'a OperaBooaa, tne Bmliu, Violet

Earle, Wataon ud JenU, Lea Uvute, Martha

Smith and the alock.

KalaaiBaaa.—At tbe Academy of Hnslo "AHBony," -Ian. It.drewa good oonse. Booksd:"UUvaiTwhV' It, "14»3" 2>, Bice A BanoB'aOomedlaaa H.

At Iha unad Noma tn*.' qalu hsidoxII, UeaiBaiaatair


Last Week'a vsaU.-The paalwsek added

mocb more lo the tmout record than did the one

bleb Immediately preceded II. One new play wupicechled and two othoti wero ecen In tbia clly

Iho dm ilmc. A monologae enleitalner

made hera bcr debut In this country, and a tamouaoperailo elngcr' hnught back her laurels to Ibo

land of her birth, and made bor American operailo

dcbuL Two ct tlirK evenia had been eageily, al-

moat fcvorlibly, ullclpaied, and were eoclal and

dranallo bappenlnga of gre.tl moment, and ot

Ibo leinalnlog two one at leaat waa fraught

with ran enjoyment, and rich In promise ot

aperdy itlumpb. With a niurn of pleasant wea-

ther, and with now ailracllons lo tbo fore, there

wu a great Increuo In iho bulk for bualnesa,

which wu. however, nncvtnly dirldod. The con-

luued peiloimancca tirr iho weekcndlogJan.lt.

were: Orand open at Iho MKraorat-iTiN Oranalloi'BK, "Koii llfly" at Iho Hbhald BouanE, TheMaaqucndera" al Iho KnriRB, ' The Case of Rc-

belllouaHuun 'al the LYCiUB. 'The Vllal Card" a|PiLHER'a, "UlHiucnda" at the Fivru Avrkub, Mr,

aod Hra. Kenital lu 'A White Ue" al ABBET'a, ' UI.

Christoiiher" allbo Oaedbn, "A Milk While Flag',

Horr's, "Too Much Johnaou"al tbo Standabp,aimer Cox'a "llrawoica" at Ibo FuuetebwtuamaEr, tbo Siock Co. at Dilt's, "Tbe Old Home,Flood'' at the Btam, "Nolorloiy" at Habrkian'h

The Cotton KIcg" at ibo Aoadsby of Mimiu. andWllwii llarrell at tbo Ahebioan, the one last namodcloalug upon Ihat date The one week alanda

closing Jan. It wen: Elllo4illslcr at ihc PKorLK'«,

Tbo World Agaloai ltd" at Jacoeb' TuinuAVBNUB, "Bnperba'' at the Urind OriRA Hoi'SK,

A Uun on Iho Hank" al Iho nuou, "The Ivy UaP'NtuLO's, Olga Ni'tbciaole at the IIableh OrERA

lloi'HE, and "The Prodigal Daughter" at Iho Coiuabus Variety cnlerislnmonl wu furulsbed at

TOHv I'AKToR'a. KosTER A UiAi.'s, iho Union

.Square, rRovroR's, the Oi.yhi-ii,', and Miner's

UOWBRT and Kiuimt Avrnun Pcrformancea

Inilemiaii wen given al ibe InviNu Place and

EHUAMIA. and performances in Hebrew al Ibo


wayTiinatrb, on Jan. 14, waa prcaonti'd. for Ibe

Orrt lima In tbia clly, "HaUanie Hans dene," a

comedy. In a prologue aud Ibrco acta, by VIctorlen

Sardouand KulloMoroan. Theplay wu aatlalsclor-

lir penornied liyKathryn Kidder and her companyunder the inanagemeut ot Aiiguntua Piton. II mot

with Inaiant favor At DalVb Theatre tboto

naa pieaeoicd Jan. IB, for ihc drat lime upon any

aiago, "Heart of lluby." a play In Ave acia, adaiiied

Inio Kngllah verao by Jtsiln Hunlley Mcl^arlhy Intn

Iho French play, "fjt Uarcbaml do Uurtres," by

Judlili Osiiilcr, wblcb had Ha Oral producilon al Iho

Uleou, ParU, on April 31, IBSS. Ha alary la aa fol

lows: Ysmalo Is a rich nobleman In aonio pari of

tbe Empire of Japan. Although he la married lo

Ibo prelly Uyama, aud baa an Infant bod, Ivuhlla,

bo dcklo YaniAlo aucouiuba lo tbe ainlles of Heart

or Huljy, wblcb aha aclla to blm with anch doailly

cgi;ci that hu concelvee tho project of liilroducing

her lulu bla liouacbold lu Ibe iiuillty of accond wltv

Tola he baa tbo legal right lo do, or, ao ho cbilma,

when pour Oiiiaya kueola to blm, Imploring blm lu

sparo bcr Ibis ludlgnliy, weeping, suppHcallDg, andholding up Iho litllu Ivaahlla, Her prayen

an ot 110 avail. Mean of Ruby la Inalalloil

Yamaiu'a dwelllug, ami Omaya, In deapalr.

aod DO laiigcr caring to auppoit a life ot

neglect, dies or a broken heart, nut wlUinul tml

bavlug conllded In nor son tho laak ul avcnnlug her

rate. TblH lojvos Heart or Ruby solo mlalreis of Iho

di'Id. There la only one drawback to her complete

bapplueas—her hiuliaud I Bbo Is madly In luve with

Prince Sluulara, wliuHipovenylaonlyei|uallwl liy

hi'rowo pnivlouatobcr encounter with Vamalo. Tho

sinllc vender HCtri bcr busband'a niuotlun on Ore, andcomiiibalons Himaban lo rid her ot Yamaio. This

bo msnBgei by Oluglug Ibo unforiuualo In the

river, snd Hrarl or Ituby Ocea wHb Blioalara, car-

rylngoirtau strong bo-X of Iho laie Yamaio. Hie

little Ivasblts, thus led peunllcas audu orpbu, lie

walla bla hard lut In coiupany wHh a faithful nurao,

known as TIka, and who plays an Important rulo lo

tho drama. Tho Prioco Magda, happening lo puns,

bears Ibo sad lalo, and adopts Iho youugatcr,

upuu conilliluu that Ibo ourae leavaa blm aod

never Bceks lo see her roster child sgalii,

Ton or twolvo yean an supposed lu elapse liO'

twcoo Ibo proluguo and thu point wbcro Iho

heanrendlugblaiuryuflraablisbi again Uken up,

Ivublta baa grown from a child Into a handauwe

youth, who bu liecn deaperaiely lu lovo with a IH

Ho maiden called Reed Uloeaom avoralnce kg aaw

her face redccted lu the rliulet, and who luvea bliu

In rciura. Prince Magda U deposed lo luok wllh

favor upon Iho youog peopla'a lovo, but hg aud

dcniy nppcan lo remember Iho fate of Ivaahila'i

father and mother. Ho lella Ibo alory to the youlh,

udruiomooa blm to carry oot the adjuration of

bla molhor, and lo avenge Ibe murder of bla latber.

Ivasbll/, suiuewhat dlsconaobilu, but fuU of glial

piety, suns off to took forsome trace ot his parents,

whoso name the I'rinco baa quite forgotten. He

comes to Ibo conclusion that thu Orat Iblog lo do

IH 10 discover Iho wbercalnnta ot bla old nunc,

TIka. He places Mrasclf In tbe hands of obsoce

aud wandcn about capriciously, uuUI bo arrtvun

al Yeddu, hoping lo dud tho olijoct of bli i|ae>l.

Foriuuo ravors Ivaahlla more thin raaaunlug

would have doue. At Ycddo bo oucounhiia an uld

woman aiuglng a much older aong, by means of

wblcb tlie jouih knows that ibe alngorlaTlko.hla

furiocr uurae, Tbcio la a aceno of recognlllon and

u old luan asking alma happening lopaaaTlba

doea her now found nurallug a good turn by rtcog.

nizing Itao mendicant u Yamito, Irwblta'a faiher,

whn baa been lUbed out ot tbo river and baa aup-

polled hlmtcir on the alma given him by cbarllable

pisKrs liy ever aloce. The yoong man commuolcales tho news of bla good furiune lo I'rincs Magdiand innuuncea bU ipecdy return lu ibe palace

bU adopted father. Tbo priucu wlabea lo give

plcaaani surprise lo Ivuhlla and praparei a felu

welcome blm back. To IbU fele he Invltci Heed

UIWMioi and her mother, who live In the oelgbtwr-

bood, and all look forward to a bappy reunion,

Yauiato,bUsoo, and TIka Onally arrive aod era mot

by Ihu prince, Ivuhiia'a ducae and her mother.

The aild mulher la promptly racognlied byTlka

s none other than Ibu cruel, abaconding Heart

Ituby I All are ihundorsiruck by Ibe encounter.

TIka lakea matten luio bor vigorous bsods. and de,

dounceathe wicked Heart of Uuby. WHblnmlilIng

voice abe calls upon oulngcd Heaven lu punlab Ibo

bearileaa cmlure. aud vehemently orgta liaablta

to hurry lu lleaven'a aid, wllh a huge dagger, Tbe

youlh besltaies. While he la dellberiung, Ibo amlla

vender experieucea a change of hearL Overcoino

wllh remorae ibo sostcbes up Iha dagger and

plungea II lulo ber boaom. Hho dies, leaving the

sItuaUon materially Improved, aod her stepson In

Uw tree from embarrasamgnl and aelf reproach.

The play waa thua cial: Tbe Voice of the Poet, Ada

Rehin; Prince of Maeda, Oeorgo (narke; Lord

Yamaio, BIdney Herbert; BImabara, John Umlg;

Iraibiu. Alfred Ulckmin; Viyagami,aerald Max.

well; Baboun, WlllUm Blawiit; Ogonra, Uvlnga.

toD HorM; Keeper of Ibe Inn, WliUamaos Hampun;

A Boatman, Tboa.Btldglaod; Utile IvMblla, Mlnnls

Uns (limer; Uei'tut Bnby,Mulne Elliot; Omayi.

SyMI CkrlUle; Cbrysutbemom, P. Baswsll; AUend.

ut, Eogenla Opbim; Uodlady, May Bylvtai ABlng-

IngWomu, Floranee OoDnB;Tlka, Ids Moisaworih.

The aloryutold above bu bean sllghilyallsrad In

I ul

D to

ibia Kagllsb version, and Hsatt ot Ruby Instead of

oommHlIng suicide Is sent Into exile lo ponder

upon her slii. Ada Hrhsn recited only the pro.

loine, epilogue and Inddenlsl verses, and bad nopan In tbe action of tbe play, Maxino Kllloli made

Ibo tlilo role hrr Ont appeannce u a memberthla company. Tbo andlence refused to accept

tho play sariounly. lis extremely metodiamaile

obancior caused snrpruo ami evident rilB.utlBlac-

KOD, while memorlea nf "Tho HIkado" played ludi-

crous bsvoo wllh Ibe sentiment of Iho pUy.

Owing to Ibo public lark of Inlercst In the

play It bas alicady iiren withdrawn

NclHo Caalhony, Kogland'a colebratnl sncloiy

ea(oiialner,mado bor drat apiKamncoln iho United

Mlatra at a mallnro at HUYT's Tiikatrr nn Jan. It.

Ulai (lanlbony la a Blender, gracrful young ltdj,

Hh a very plcaalng voles, a prelti and lulercat-

Ing face, ehaniilng manuerii, and gical veras-

illHy. Her nnt sketch, which waa cntlilcd "For

Bwecl Charity a Bake," wna dcmrlpilvo ol Ibo

colUpaoota church urgan, Ihe despair of ihe or-

ganist snd Iho cntiris lo grt up a fair, under Ibo

auspices ol Iho vIcar, 10 raise rumU for the repair

of tho damaied luitrumenl. In addlilou to IhU

UlM llantbony pn-sriilrd two other sketches, Mrs.Ouihaway's t;hlldnn^' aud ' The Tall nt tbo I'n-

grammr," and In each auccectllng cllbring dis.

played somo now charm which won Iho hrarta of

hcrsuillonco and rrsuliod In hrr signal Iriumpb-

Wlilioulcbaiigo of costume, ami entirely unasslil.

ed, ahc enicrialnod her aiuHeiico lor au hour and a

half, proving hoiwlf an Inliiilialilo mimlo, and

nnnvluelng a moat pi'leot anil oullunil audience

Ihat her tamo Abroad la not only well deacirod, but

that In her lino ur wuik she need rear no rival

On Ihoafiertiooii uf Jan. 17 (irrroiniancra were given

Bimullsncninly at ibo Acauruy or MUMiii and Ibo

ORA.^D Di'KUA HiiinK for iho lienolH nf llio fanilllsa

of Chief John J. Ilnwiiaii and Aoslslant Foreman

John L lloi)ney,of Ibo FIro Depariinnnt, who were

recently killed In Ihn prifnrnianco of lhrlri:uly.

Ilolh bouses were rruinlcil In ovcrilnwlng, and

Ihero was also a bONi of yuluiilnrtH uiwii each uf

tho alagra, bcalili's iillu'ra wliii ibrniigcd Iho lobtilos

aelling nowcni anil suiivoiilr iirngremnies. Tno on-

terlalnnicnt oflV'rcd at each houic conslitcd of Vo-

cal and Irsliunicutal niiialc rccHailons, dancing

and spcclallloa of vailuus kinds. Mcinbenot Ibo

draniallo pintrsalon tH'stowcd their MrvlcoR In Ibe

moatlllieral raablon, ami icpreaeiitallvea from tl-

moatevory Ibcairo In tbo city were among Iho en-

toilalnen, but unroMiinately. lark ut aunicleni

apacoprcventa ibo puliltcallini ut Ihu list ot honor.

It Is siBieil that Iho lulal n ci lpta added to moneys

from other niiircoa will lUafcK np a fund uf a'uut

117,000 Ward and Vnkrs prcw nlcriun Jan. 14,

al Ibo HunuTiiKATHH, for Iho nnt llnio In Ibis eliy,

ibeir farcical play, "A lliin nn tho Hank," writicn Inr

Ihcin by Ubarlca K. Hlanuy. Thulr visit al tbia llino

waH unrxpertnt, and waa llnilled lo nno week

The IIKRESLEV LYi'miM waa tho acene of a wuful

tragedy on Jan. II, when thcto waa pio<lnccd by

sonic very queer jicnplc n innat gruranniu and un-

healthy tiircu act play, "Tlia Dpiiiin Kaicr," wrilieii

by Cliariia llauiian. lis alnry IcMs ol a young

man, llogliialil Aroiylagv, who bna llvcil for innn

yuun Inihcllrioiit.anil who baa relumed, a victim

lo Ibo upturn hiliH. Ho brings with hini a Malay

arrvsut. who Is also gnllly nf Ibu fuiil Imlulgrnco.

AniiKagc gives suniu nf Kio drug tn his iKinNhoil.

KIslo Ayrton. sa a cun^ Inr lirailache. Hbn aim bo-

coinea a vlcllin. After rililbliiug lliroiigbnut

two acta thu varluus ills, conviilalons and olber

borriblo egucls nf Ibo drug. Ibe iilay la liruiiglit lo a

cloBOli; awilcaul liarrowlugik'nitna. Tbo Ualsy

kills KU:o, lloginald nuiriliia ib'u Malay, and menuuds hi* own lolscralilu llfu liy inua.iaur hia famll'

ar foe. Wo regret Ihat wo arc nlillged lo refrr In

auyniauiirrtu a public cxhtiillluo an disguiting

ami wo gladly ilisinlsH lliu siibjcrt wlib the

pmentallon of Ibu casi, which la by no inesiis

roll ol hiinuri llrglnald AriiiyUgr, Courieniy

Thorpe; Jamea Hlvrrs, Kvcri Jaiiscn Wcnilell; Ul.

Inn. Joaupb Adi'lman; Tho Ualay. Frank Bhorl; KI-

slo A;rtu<i, Maud liaiika; Uiira Ayrluii, C'arulyn

Kenyon; Harah, Ina Hainnior Frrlda Hluion-

Non, a nino year old riorinan pint lat, ami Juanll"

Msiii'U, a Hiamlali vlullnht, alpii of toiiiUr years,

madotboir American dobuts Jan. II at Carhkuib

MuHiu llAi.l WMson llarrell cinnpli'lol bla on-

gigemeiit it lliu Ahehiuan TiiKATniJan. II. HoptesenUd 'Tlio Hllvur King" during bla closing

week at every perlurminru cucapilng Ibal nf 1).

when ho wbh soiin as Utlirlln Al llio Hnitu.

rvLiTAN OriKA lluuHEIhe ulnlh work <il Ibu sea-

son ot gland open began Jan. 14 with a double

bill, consisting of a purtlnn of "l.ncia ill launier-

uoor," followed by "Cavalleria lliiatlcana," as

raenlloned In uiir Issi isane. On Jan. 19 Bliiyl Ban-

dcraon uadu ber upuratic dobut In llila cuuniry In

Manon," in opera, move BcU.liy Maaaonel. Tbe '

open wu given In Krcnrb. HIsaHandersun was

found to be as lieaulllul In (aco and form aa rumor

bad declarod. but ber alogliig provcil soniewbit

dUippolHilng, eapcclaUy lo thnie wliii oiKCbid

u In Ihrllled by that iiulo uf phuiininuoal alil-

ludo, tbo tamo of which baa beoumu world wide, II

wu mil 111 ovldoncu, and while II la idnillkd that

Nibs Haiidcisun la a singer wuriliyor renown, Iho

quality of her vulcu pruvcd iiul>|iilig sailifactory,

ud Iho uunceusus ul opinion was Ibat hor singing

was lacking In warmth and eiuuilunal quillly, Ibal

kor middle reglaier Is guod, but her hliib noloa

sorouwbat thin aud atrldonl. Tbe oaal was aa fol.

Iowa: Hauun U'scaut. HHiyl Haudonun; lluaetlo,

Ullo. Ho Vlgnc; I'uusaciiu, UUe. UaueriueliU'r; Ja-

volle, Hme. Van Caulcrun; l,escaiit, Nig. Ancuna;

1,0 Comic Des iltluus, U. I'lsiicun; llulllut, H. Csa.

Ilcmary; Hu llreHgnr.Hlg. ilrcmuiibl; Im tbevaller

Has llrious, Jraii do lloaske, "Manuu" wu drat

prwlnccd In |IW4 at lliu Uiiura Cuiiilquo, Paris.

II was presented In liallan at tho Academy

uf Music, lo thla clly, by tno Maplosun Oinra Co.

on IMC. 'A IBM, with UliiiMo Hauk In Ibo illlo rule.

II was dune lo French In NcwUflcana onJaa, 4,

1*94. owing lu llliK'aa of Uiuo. .Nunllca "li'Alri-

calue ' was not given is, as had litcii InUbdcd, but

"William Tell" waa aubatliuted with Lucille Hill,

Mile. ItaiuermelHler. Edunsrd de llcszko. Big. Ta-

magoo, HIg. Ancouu aud H. I'lancou lu the cast

'Faust'' wss preaenledul Ibo inallntu l>, wllh Mme.

Karnes, Joan de lUsiko, Kdiiuard do lieiika and

Big. Campanarl In tbo caat, and at Iho evening per.

formuco'^lllgoletlo" was given, Willi Mine. Molba,

Hme. Hcalcbl, M. Mauiol aud Nig. lluultino u'lts


PAENr UAVBNroET hu bsgiiD naiotutluni by

which she hopes to aecnre tbe Casino, wolcnbouae.

If she aaeoeeda, will tie run under her direction,

She olotu ber engagement at Ihe Fifth AvenueTbaiaraFeb, n. Wol U, Crane will open at that

honas Fab. 39.

ABorr 11,000 wu raised by the anlertalnmsnt at

Boatar A UUI'a, on the afUraoon ot Ju. 10, tor Iba

bentoi of the Udlea' Benevolent BoeWiy.

U. U. CURE, manager for Koaltr A Illsl, badanODarailon pattonned, Ju. IB, fur Iba removal of a

place of bu Jaw bone and a looih. ^ ^ ^BPEDAT EMTEkTAINBlHTEODjSO. nlnolndedlbe

BloUl grand pupnlar concert at lbs MairepoHlan

ODsra Uonsa, Uenmu Tbompson'sBoDn IbusUM-edud lllnmlulad st mo Btar Tbgalie, ud Ibe

bensot entertainment of New YorE Lodge, No. I,

B. P, o. Elks, at tbe Henbi Square Theatre.

DoBts' MuEiuB —Tho ooriu ball atlractlans for

(bU week are: P. U. King, paper king; tbe Oypay

Foriuna Tolling Oamp, Bol Buna, llgpiaing oa-cnla.

tor: Moita. ud Mine. Laroy, mysuoal cabUai; Fug.

Id's Pouch aod Judy, J. W. Uoffsi, sbelsloa""iboosa I


dnds; ud Uerila PIsll, ilulass.

auonnoe tba minlage oTihg latter coople, to Ukanisca on Ju. 24, la lie onrlo ball.

*' '~

Thecoot ,


I bins

Hiiby UaiTliigU apManng a« jimmay Fuos^,la "Inab Uaans and Irlah llOBUi

750 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Jaotaey 26

BiriRAL futn 110 Theodore Hou commeoceilBQ Rcilon anlDn Kamno Tsmpkiiu to reconit'U.MO, *• Hainaim (or Mr. TOddUu' IMan tokcop hu coniraci with Mr. Hou lo prodoce "Tb<Bouitan" at Iho Hlar TbMlrc rorsnin of (oorwcelu.Whoa the contract (oriho Biar Thaalre was nitdo"Tho Uotidaa" hut nottxcn prodaccrt In anj ihoaireIn tbl8 couDtrj. Thorcalier It bccatna a laocem atMr. Tninplilnn' Ihcatro Id Roiilou, and, tiellevloii

ibcD that It would be Impracllcable lo prodaco IboplB7 at the Biar Theatre, he noilOed Mr. Hoaa a fewmonihii ahctd ot llie lino lo RCt tome olber alliac-ilon, Mr. Mom liavlnfi done ibia, anit waa broniihtfor Ibe dimrcnce between IhoanountrcallUidrinmtbo other alirncllonn and what weald hare hceniheamount reail7.ed from "Tbo Hondan" If cverj aeat)iad been aold. The cate came on for trial Fob. 3t,

IIIU, before Judge rallcmiD.orihe HopiemoConrt,HDd a liiry. Jiidso UMIonlioetcr appearlDR (or Mr.Tompklna and Hicphen II. Ullo for 'rheodore Hoaa.on ifio irlal Mr. Uosii endeavored to ahow that "TheHoudan" wa.i a huccciu Id Beaton and In nibortheauea In iho United Hiaica, and alao onileaTorcdto prove what wa> realized at iho BtarThcatre fromfither anrccKaful plava that had been producedihoro. TblR waa for tiio purpene of larlDK tho fouh'dailon for a HodlnK that ff produced at tho Blai

Thcatro '"The Houdun" woakl bavo boon aa auc-rcaaful aa It wao In noalon. and wonid have madeaa much rnoncj an (he olber ptajH that lllled thoHtarTliealro. Judfto Dltlenboofcr, on bebalf of Mr.Tompklna, oblecicd to ibia entire lino of evidence,on ibe Kround tbai li hs> oflen bappcDCd that pla;sthat were aiicceaua In Jloaton were dlamal fallnrea

tu New York, and that ibo proponed oTidence waano aafe liaala for iho llndlnit of a verdlcL Jodatrallemon auRlalucd the olijccllon, and on Mr. Inl-

tcohoofer'M moilnn directed a verdict for nominalilamaROa, hIx conia. From tblaJtidgnoDtan appealwaa taken to Ibo Uoneral Term of Iho Hupenori;oart. conilalInK of Juilgea Van llrunt. Ilarrelt andOMIrlen, whoro ibo Judgment waa altlrmed. An.olber apjicnl wan taken to Iho Conn of Appcala,wblch, on Jan. 16, handed down a declalon nuataln-

Ing the concliuilon of tbo other courta. Tbla decl*

Hlon la drial.and eKlabllHhea a nrlDClple that la

Hwecplngand far rcaclilnffi It will be dldlcult. If

not ImpoMlblo, under Ibo law aa laid down, to rO'

cover uamagea In any ciu*e of ibe violation or a conmet made with an aumeilon on oharing loroia.

The onljr way ui overcome ihal duneully would lie,

according lo Judge liliionboeror'aoplnlon, lo InaenIk claune In tho contract renulrlng Iho payment of aHiim of money aa ll(|iildat<d dainagca on lla viola'


MnsRa. DiNiiL iND UaaBLm FBOBHiX taavt

airangod a liberal proiramma of novelUeafor toe annual beneOt for the Aolort' Fond,which la to take place at the EmpUe Thea-tre. The programme being nearly four honnIn longih, the performance will begin at

one o'clock. The ilot of performera wlU Taolademillam Ulllelie, Mra. Kendal, laabel Irvlof, Katha-rine Florence, Beaale Tyre*, Ilboda Cameron, KandeVenner, Ida Anbry and Buphen Omttan, Olair Flii-

Serald, Wllgon liarreti and his compaor, llandeelfrlea, Uenry Miller, Viola Allen and Hobert Ede-

on, J. E. Dodaon, Nelllo Oaotbonv, llerbert Kelcey,John WilaoD, Boruia Waring and amo. rilar-Morln.UtBBiuui'a TniATai.—The nightly altondance

at tnia honae cauaea the face of Manager Uanley towear an ozpreaalon nf amlllng content. Ur. liar.

Tigan'a Uloat play, "Notoriety," with Ita ohaiaoterliilo ploiurea of lowly life fo the metropolis, andthe eatcby aonga of Have Braham, tiTorda an enter-tainment that has no counterpart kpeng enrrentaitiaetlooa. 1 1 began on Jan. si iHlMventh weekot Its run. Kmma roliook wu pitrinted by aiek

noaa from appearing daring a portion of last week,and her role was aotamod by (Son Marah. Mr.llarrlgno, also la III, anil waa unable to apptar 21.

Ilia role waa taken br Jnaeiih Bparks. It Is an.

nonneed that "The Major" will be tovlved Fob. 4.

BBOin\rAr TiiBiTai.—"Madams Sana Qeno"entered npoii tho aecood week oCItt ilin on Jan. 21,

linrlng sll of lut week tlio play w«s enthealastleally received. It Is (nil ot ihs atinbliooe of

real llfo, and la Interesting (tool beginning lo end.Its elegant coatamta, and the rich (uolahingt o( thestage are o( themselves itrong attracUone.JSMrias TnkiTRa,—Henry Atthnr Jonea' veiy

popular play, 'The Mawioetadsra," haa evidontlytaken peaacsslen of thia houae for a very Isngthyatay. Alihonah thore llaa been a falling off In at.

tendance at all pinoos of amusement since tM lltai

ot the year, this play Is noelving mora than theavsrage share ot patronage. The reanit ot lla ronwill compaio (avorably with that o( other ssooesi.

ful plays at this hmise. On Jan 24 the seoond snnl-versary or the opening o' Ibe boaie will be oom-memoratad by Iho dlitrlboUin of soavSDlrs.

IIOYT'A TiiiATKR,-"A Milk Whtu Flag" con-Unuea lis evenly proipetons career at thli house.The foara entertalued at Oral that lla theme miflbtmilitate against lla ohtnces ot sneeess bsvc loogago been proven to have been groundleaa, and theabundant humor ot the play, lla handsome seulnisand lis clever potfomiance, have camed It trlnmpo-antly along. It onterod ou Jan. 21 upon Its six-

teenth weok.Firrn avsndi TnikTHi.—StodODla and loven ot

the drama have long been Indebted lo Fanny Daven-porttor a serloaot virile plavssumptnously mountedand exeelleutly performed, but nolblng she budone haa enUtled her to mora credit than haa herprsaent production of "aiamonda." It la a grmtSlay, maiinllloentiy mounted and admirably acted.Uaa Davenport, although Bumptnonsly arrayed, hu

prodigally procured new raiment (or herself, andwore It to toe delight ot the Hudleuoe on Jan. 21,

when the play started on the aeventh week of lla

ran,AUBiT'a TiiiaTRt,—Mr, and Mrs. Kendal began

on Jan, 21 the OfUi and dual week of their eogan-menu "A Wblie Lie" waa Ihoir ooorlng upon tbai

date, and la annonnoed for further preeeniatlon 12,

'23, 14. Uoglnning 2ii. "The Ironnaaier" will be

Sven at tho hut three performaneea. On Jan. 38erbobm Tree will begin an engagement at tlla

bonaa, preaonilngaa his nrat bill "Tue Bad Lamp,''preooood by "The UalhtdnoDger."Bran Tiiutri.—Ilenmaa Thompson, In "ne

Old Uomesiead," began, Jag. 21, his (onrth week atthIa houae. Hr.ThonipBOn alvea the nos Inier-

aatlng portrayal o( Joshua Whiicomb aa o( old, andthe pVeeo seems to have as light a grip upon the(inDlle'a lieattattlnga and pockelboola as It had aswyoaraago. Mr. Toiiiupion wm unable to ap-pear dorlni a porimn ot laal week, and hia ivle waanfakyetl by Odoll Williams,UanniN Tiiiithb,—"UiUn Ohrtstophtr" bu

apparently lost ntino ot its drawing power.Tue msny meilu Inlieront In tbo revised work, Its

ontorlalDing apeolalilee and lis ever popular Kll-

any'a pleiures, combine lo tender llverv atttaoUve.The Dneenlh week of lla run began on Jan. ai,

Toi TiiiRTr-aaooKn annual beoeotof Mew YorkI.odge. No. 1. U. P. 0. Kiki, took plao* Jan. 20 In

the Herald Bqnaro Theatre. The houae wworowdsd and the ledge will be richer by abontII,200. Among ihoperformorawboappearodwero:Joaeph P. 0 irey, Tliooai Casey, Anne O'Halley, J.

W, Meiers, Kdwaril Flood, Nolhe Braggin, KaymonMoor*. Polly llolntKn, Smith and Campbell, Fran-oeaca iledding and Hugh Rlanlon.PiLHU'n TuitTU.—"The ratal Oard'' bu met

with well deaerved anocesa at ilila boose. II Is amelodrama of remarkably good oonalmollon, andat llleiary merit rare within Its elaa. It began onJan. 21 the fourth week ot lla ran.and thus far canshow an excellent record. The eioellsotaetlngotW. U. Thompaou baa doubUeu oontflbuted larfely10 II* saooeas.IiToiuM TiiiATRi.—"The oaae ot nebelllens

Susan" li liaaking In proapenty at this heose. Al-tliongh In the nsture ot an experiment on the putol lis anthur, Uenry Arthur Jones, It It amosa theutoat enierlalDlnK ot bis playa. lla hnmorTs de-lightful, and lla oharactcr drawing mastarly. It

began on Jan. 31 tho rourih weok of lie run.Uuoi' TaiATaa.—This houae wu closed Jan, 21,

and It wu annouuced that It would thos remainnntll a, to allow ot float preparauona tor the pro-duotlon ot "Tho Twentieth ueninry iilil'' upon matdate,ARRixasiiiKre (ur tbo pertermanoe In aid of the

family ot AKhlbald P. Qordou are being pushed bythe oommlUee of bis frlonds who have toe muterIn ohsrge. The beneOt will lake niaoe at the RljoaTheatre, Bnnday evening, Jan. 37. Among ihoaewho have volunieeted are many well known per-formera and slniera. Tickets tor the bensll anDOW on Bale at tno Oljou Theatre.Aotoxuror Hvsit.—"The Oollon Ring" began

Jan, 31 tie eighth and Uat week of Ita proaperunacarter at thIa house. During Its stay Uds pi^ huwon many admlrera aud bu drawn many new pa-trons to the house, "Itory of the lllll," James 0.Roach'a Irish play, will follow Jnu. 33.Btandahii 'iniATRi.—"Too Muoh Johnson" be-

gan Jan. 31 lie ninth week. ThIa play Is likely tobe the laugh maker at thla boose for aome time to

come.I\)PBTBBKTU STRBtr TOlATu.—Palmer Oez's

"Ilrownles" entered Jan. 21 upon lis elevsnttiweek and cloelog forinigbl at this bonae, with een-Unoed good busmesa. The "BrownlM'< will laachIta one nundredth perforoaoee Jan. ao, and ttengHIt hu been with us ao long, Ita qnalnbiea la aanew and Iniereatlog to lis aodlenoea u Uwsi atIbe earlier pettormanoea.

AMiBioaNTBiATil.—"The District Attorney," a

play,lntonraoK,by Ohanea Klein and Uanlaon

any Flake, had at ihla honae, on Jan, n, lla drat

pndnsUen open any atage. The ilory Is ufol-

lowi: John Blntlon, a yooog lawyer of bigh ropn-

latloD, la about to marry Oraoe, the daughter ot

Matthew BralBeid,a wealthy con{netor and cor-

rapt pollllcal boas. Thmngb ths Influence of

Bnlnerd, Btntlon la elected to the omce ot DliMct

Attorney, the former hoping to And him a pliant

tooL BhortJy after the election the marrUge take*

place, but the hopea ot the nng, bued upon tbia

alllanee, an doomed to dlaappolntmeuL lunttonwill not be guided by them, but reaoluiely iwoceedato do his duty snd ndsem the pledges made hetere

the election, nets called upon to Invsailgats the

case ot a young man. Prank Plenon, serving asenlance ot llfieen Tears for forgery. This

young man, although fonooeni o( the crime (or

which ho had been Indlelsd, had pleaded guilty In

the hope o( getting off wllh alight aenieoce andracelnug a reward ot |U,«W from the reslcrlml-

nala, ohlet among whom la Braluerd. Uls hopes,

however, were 111 founded, for he received the

heavy sentenco above mentioned and had already

aerved three yean ot his iloe. Tne Dlslrlet At-

torney lakea thla caae under conalderatlon, and at

the same time an Inveatlgailcn of the cue la begunby a committee ot the State Heoate, ot which Geo.

Ro(glea,a Journalist, la the chairman. Btratton

flnna that to proceed upon the line of hla doty wouldreanit In bringing punlahnont upon hla father In

law. Honor and lldellty to a pablfo trust, however,trlomph,aod hedeoounoeaBninerd. butannonuceabiB Inlsnilon ot realgnlog his onico (bat he may de-

fend hlo In the trUTwhlch la luevllable. The play

rroved to be ot remarkably good constncuon.la character dnwing wu exceedingly good.

Truth and virility were lis dlitlDgulsbtng oharac-

terlatlea, and many ot lu aceoea were models ot

stage crafu It wu greeted by a large audience,

and not only proved eniettalolng, but verytnter-

eailug to all, tne reault being a moat nneqolvocalendorsement of Ita merlta. It wu well cut, and.

In the main, well pUyed. The cut: John Btratton,

WUton Laekaya; Matthew Bralnerd, Frank Mor-daunt; Qeneral Rusgle*, Qeorae Fawceti; Daniel

MoOrath. Odell Williams; Wellington OrlOley,

Oharln a Abbe; Frank rierson, Rdward J. Mor-gan; Wllllama. Uwnnce Eddlnger; Vemon Holt,

W.B.Bmlth: Maxwell, Uarry E. Onaao; Jamlaon,Alfred Blakdeyj Oorrtgan, J. E, Ooyne: ffataon.T.

E, Richmond; drace Bralnerd, Annie Irish; Ilelen

Knight, Effle Bhannon; Madge Bralnerd, AdeleBltenle; Ellse, Emma Bievens.

Tout PagTOCa Tnuni.—The return ot Qns.

Wllllama to the vaudeville stage, Jan. 31, wu the

principal new feature this week atthe above boose.

Many ot those In front ismembeied Mr. Wllllama

In his palmy days u a Oerman dialect comedian

and they gave him a warm welcome. Ur. WlUlsffla

Introdoced several op lo date aonga, together with

hie old time piano act, which went very well anddauaed many laughs. IttyUunsndldsoms excellentshooling while standing en a awlngtug wire. TheBlaten Fortesque, tn their daeis,Svnga and danceamet wltb their uanal auootaa. The I.i Rose Brothen,In paaalng aometsanlta and aerebaUcs, were veryolever.anarecelvedronndsofapplaoaa. IlalneaandPeuingUI, In "Bcenu In a I'oclrocD," wereu funnyu over. Lew Randall, In aonga aerohatio buckand wing dancing, showed that he wu posttfscdot a pair ot well Trained feel, and wu applauded,Maud Raymond, In oharactcr aoQia, wupleuing,The Bamtts, olub awlngen and Jogglori, did aomeolev>r work. The Rogers Bros., Datch comcdisni,met With their usual ancctai. Tony Pastor, In blalaklngaongs, wu loudly spplanded, aauaual. MmeOullnl'a trained animal* closed theahow In good,ahape. Mme. (;arllnl Iniiodaced her pertormloibear tor the flnt time, 21, and he did hla work well.

. DiaALO BqaABiTiilATaK.—"Rob Roy" atlU holdsa premlneui place among current atinctlona Al-though It la now lo the thirteenth week ot lla runat thla houae. It la atlll playing to good bnslneaa.This, however, la not surprulug, tor It Is a work ofreal merit, and entrusted to s ooopany ot rare bis-

trleslo and mualcal abfllty. It will not only com-mand patronage lo the end of lU present mn, hotwill be ootdlally weloomsd when Itmums again.Jacobs' Tiiiatri.—This house preaenia a airong

bill thla week In the shape ot the Russell Braa.'(Jomedlana Thecompany Inoludea, bealde JohnandJamsa Ruaaell, llastlnga and Marlon. Bonnie Thorn-ton, U'Brten and Uavel, Whiting and Shepard anda number of other well known pertormen.KosrxB k Dial'*.—Olssls Loftna made ber llrat

American appearance In her Imllatluns Jan. 21, at

thla reaort, and achieved a nsuerlng aoeees i. Thehouse iru literally picked, andihe applause whichwu given to the debutante (or her work hu sel-

dom baon eaualed on the vandevllle stage In this

city. There wu a genolneneu abont Ha ring that

la alwaya pleaalng to the performer, but by nomeana alwaya dlatingulthablc. In appearance HistLotma la pleaalng. She I* girlish, slender andgraceful, and poaseaaea an logenuouaneas of man-ner which Is lefreshiug. Bhe wu plainly oervouaupon her Int appearance, bnt ihla aeon wore off,

and after her drat Imitation her eonSdence bad re-

turned. Her Imitations wen tor the most part ofLondon oouoert hall ccleiirltlea, and, while a largeBorllou ot the audience ooold not nave vouchedlor their aoonraoy, he wu bold. Indeed,who would have denied the cloveroeaa ot thecharming Utile Imitator. Mlas Lotioa' Inillatlooa o(Banh liornbanlt and May Yoho wen botb e-xcel'

lent, and wen thoroogbly appreciated by her an-dienee, who wen loath to lei her leave tne stage.Othere on the bill were Paul Olnquevalll, king o(Jugglen (ilxth week); the Roasow lltoa., llllpulianatnielu (twelfth week); Julei Levy, comeltlat;Eugenie Fetieaeo, eouiortlonlat (eighth weekjiMona. BlalnvlUo, oharaoter Imllatlooa (seoondweok);Joaephlne Babel, okanteuae lotesoailoual;Lea MsTOs, eooeniric ekalem (fonrtli week); IvauTBebernoffand his trained dogs (iwenlletb week),aud Lea Four Dles'a quartet copurclilo (fourinweek), who all added their (uU aharea to the even-iLg'a entertainment. The programme closed withthe ever popular living plolutes.London Tiiiatrb.—The FoUrMtherCo.ls play-

ing a return dale this week, opeulog togood houseson Jan. 21. The KeegaD^ altnoogh on thebni,dtdnot appear, owing to the lllnem ot Lulu Kecgan,Lew U. MelUer, Oonley nod Madden, Oolllna andOolllns, Annie Darling, OanplMll and Beard, mns-leel oomedlass, maklog thsir sooosastul Uowerydebni, Jessie Ralph, the Howard Slilen aud iheLeoton Brothora, acrobat*, tonlih a good Mat otap'clalilei. "McOnoken's lleceptlon," a tunnyariorpleoe, Inttodnces Peter Haher lu a abort andmUd bout wllh Uilly Uenneuy. BrlghUv Daytonla bnslnoa manager ot the ahow ana John T.

Keegan stage manager. Ne-tt week, the WataonBliten Oo.MiNiB'a BowiRv ToiATRB.—The UoKon Howard

Aihenaiam Bpeclalty Oo,, Jamea J. Atmatroog'a ex-cellent atiraellon, opened to good buslncu ou Jan.01, The programme lucludee Kalkaas, cqolllbnst;MoBrlde and Ooodtloh, singen and ducei s: PItrot,

racial lmllav>r; Oonnoi* and Sialey, musics! arttata

and oomedlana; Roiualo Brothen, acrobats andhead bslaui'en; Bmlth and Campbell, wlking oome-dlana; rollle lloiniea, Irish vccsllst, woo iruobliged to respond to repeated eneotes; SUnsonand Melton, In acomedy akelrh,aud Preu EldrKtie,who iru alao very tucoeaaful. Tho Uola Uoladineen oonelnded the performance. Next week,the Fay Foater Butloique Oo.HtNBR'B Eionrn Aybni<b Tubatri.—Shoiman^A

Horlaey's Gomedlana opoDOd tue week to a largeaudience here on Jan. 21, The organlrjiilon bubeen augmcmed by the engagement ot severalprominent momben of ibe vaudeville profeislonslues ItUst sppeaied In this city, and will coapire(svorably witn any almllar compaoy now on theroad. Toe programme eodawlih a ahli.enilUed,^Toe Jay Clrooa," In which nearly tho whole com<pany la esgued, and la eitraiiiow lodlcroua. Sher.man and MotUHV give their woU known burlesqueiTAiieM act, ana the wteaillug poor doea hla iitrt

wen. The comiimy now lucludee Eocry aud .Mar-

low, Mae Rbea, Tnoinpsonand Collluf, Junn Fatten,Mile. Uelmore, Ibe Four Eiuperon ot Muilc, theFunchlnellaa, Annie Oart, aud Meara. Hhernunand Morlaey. Next week, Bam Devcre's Co,UUBiR'a Palacb Mvaiuu.—Manager Uubor Is

well satlafled wllh the amount o( buslueuhls houseIs doing, and «ell be might lie. (or crewds an in

ooiutant attsndance. The bill tor this week: Onrlohalla—Prof. Blanton (bypootlii). Mile. Kcgcnla (lar-

nui asid her trained birds, Big. Maiiy'a perfomingmonkeis. the Uoodlneoe ^Yonder Workera, I'no

anake charmer), (leo. Williams (lonle boy), t^rllehula «t(ooi mu), SIg. Albunla liiiht wire),

Unite (wblle Moor) and Uoonl Ivao OrToff (Inns-parent oaalfled man) Binge—The Toolcyk, UarrrMoon. Bobliy and Louie Dally, lut Uavenporl,Roberts and How, J.J. Bhcehan andlheJapaaeaaliving picture*.

It DAB been decided to ilvs Ihe benefll tor Paul-In* Markham at the QnadOpem Uouae, Inatead oftb* BUoa,u wu oitgtaaUy Intended.

Kstrn'H UNION BqnABi TDiiTBB.-Desplt* Ihe

diasgrteabic weather on Jan. 31 Ihl* house wucrowded both afternoon and evening, and even

Btandlug room wu hard to obtain. The bill la up

10 tbe uanal atandard and Iitroduces some excel-

lent turu. Among them nay be mentioned ihe

Munrny Bros., muslcsl trio. In an act fully up to

any In lu line. Their performance on the musical

bottles, wllh piano accompaniment, carried the

houu, and their Imiuuon o( negn boyawuveryclever. Anntbor act which needa mon than

paalng notice la NeUle B. Ohaudler'a while or-

cheatta, composed of ten young ladles, all dttsaed

lu long while coatamei. They present a very

reltj picture and rendered some good mualc.

.'hoy accompanied Raymon Moore In his songs,

which hrongbt Uiataweet alugerout In greatahap*.

Othenontho bill wen Jaroea Thornton, WlUla P.

Bweaioam, monologolst; John and Uarry DUlon,

Ines M'curter, Meaaud and Marba, the NelaouTrlo,

three Sisters Uelstos, Kugilsh top boot dsncen:Sllbor, gun drlUlst; Qortiuds Fort, Collins andParley, U. 0. Stanley and AI. Waltz.PBOri.B'8 TBBATaB.—"Shaft No. 2," a melo-

drams, by Fnnk L. Bliby, began a week'a en-

gagement here on Jan. 31. Frank Losee agaUiappeared u Jim Halhborn, the leading chaiaoier,

and Marlon Blnorewu asen u Judr O'Rourke.

The rest of the cut sre capable, and the sensa-

Houal scenes, especlsUy those In which eleotrleliy

played a prominent port, were loudy applauded by(be large audience. Next week, Ang. PIton'a

"Power ot the Preu."NIBLO'B TDBATRB.—"Doim In Dlxlo" Btartcd B

two weeka' engagement here on Jan. 31. A large

audience wu pleaaantly entertained with the dif-

ferent phaaea of negro eharacterliaUoD, cspeclaUv

the nnalcal spec'alUra, whloli were well rendered.

The drama hu ikcu seen In thcattt* In adjacent

oltles, and generally with aood flnandal results.

MiTBoroLiTAN OrBRA UouBx.—Ths tenth weekot the seuon of grand opera began Jan. 21, with

a performance of "The Uugnesois," wiui the sameIloe cut that hu already maile It the moat pnlae-wortby feature of the seaaon's reperton. Furtherannouncemenia (or the week Include "Lohengrin"23, "Ronlul's "Bemlramlde" St. "Manon" matinee20 and "Rigoletto" evening of 2S,

DscAB Davhbrstbin's sult tn compsl Koster tBlal to render an aceountlnfr of Hie affalra ot the

partneiihlp ivm begtu Jan, 31.

WoRTn'8 MDsanw.—This houu preaerve* the

even tenor ot lla way, with no change In the style

ol the eoterulnment tarnished to lu numerouspitronsge. The Colored MinstreU atlU hold fourth

lu the theaire, andthe muuum dcpartmenu areweu lllled with UiUreaUng atlncUona In their way.

Harlem,—At the Opera Honae the American

Tnvcaty Oo. mado tbelr Oiat New York appearance

on Monday, Jan. 21, to a good alzed audience,

considering the weather, In "Off the Earth." The

Elay la by IauIs BarHson and John D. Ollbert, andI an operatic uaveaty, wllh aneolaoular andhumoroua features, and dealawlih such dlverae

subjecU u hipnotlam, physical culture and love.

It opena In a big department atore. In which every-

thing may be bought from a diamond lo a ton ot

coal. Tne proprietor hu made a tailors ot everytrade and profeaslon hs bu attempted, but bycombining them ill togilber he meets with sue-

ceaa. When the heroine loses ths tsmlly Jewelsbo hypnoUzes her and aha locatea them.Llna, (}aeen ot the Moon, tnnaporu everybodyto her home, where Cluattr, played by EddieFoy, lisenisnced lo Imprisonment lor one hundredfears (or klllloi tho Sacred While Buffalo. He es-

cape* by siealing the (]aeen>s diadem, and pro-claims himself tbe man In ths moon. Several newdances are Introduced from time to time. Themoilo la bright and catchy aud the costume* andacsnery are of the llneat. Eddie Foy aang several

new aonga- The cut inoloded some New Yorkfavorl'es, sll giving sstlstacilon. Badio McDonaldworked bard toward the sncceu of tbe piece, andla deserving of credit. Next week, ' Bowing theWind."COLUuni.'B.—"The Prodigal Daughter" could And

no fault wllh Uarlem,u they did a big businessduring the past week. Business hu been so goodthat Manager Harry Uammerateln hu poaud a no-tics at tne Dox omce ibat he wiu Issue passes onMondsy and Tuesday evenlnge and Satarday mall-nee only. Oym Ncnnan'R "The Man Witoont aCountry" began a week'a engagement 21, lo a goodhouse. Next week, "A Triple Chinatown."OLTurio.—Buslnes! was poor at thla houu the

put week. The Night Owls Burlesque Co. begantbelr second engagement here this season 2|, to agood houae and gave salljfaeUon. Next week, Pe-ter Maher'aSpeolsUy Co.ATuBN.«ux.—The msosger hu decided to run a

continuous show and play the heatattraoUona only.

His lutentlona are to slier and Improve the place.

Thla week: Brousliau and Forreat, Harry Lyons,Ross, Carrie Fredcrlcka, Chwpelle SUlen, Hanlaand Fields, Russell. Ds Bar, Floldaand Reno, Wel-land, Fhyleli. Fj] Phillies snd J. Johnson,

llABLBii Uu8Buu,-Mausger Bmlth reports thathe will startle Harlem In a tow weeka wAh sttrae-

tlona that he has engaged. Ourlohall: Billy Welle,Frank Burt, Kmenon aud Oibora, John T. Billle

and Addli'a onrlo ezhlbliB. Suge: Johnand LydiaBheerao, Rokart, Jacob and Walley Broim, LuluWcntworth, W. and Beaale Tentinl and EddieO'NelU.


nrooklyn.—The local playhouse* wen sert-

onaly affected, fluanolally, lut week, by the attike

ot the employes ot the different street nllroadcompsntes. All the hoaies hsd booked strong at-

traction*, and had expected big atundancea, andthen la little doubt that Ibey woold have been lib-

erally rewarded bad the etrtae not ukeo place. AsIt wu, however, the elevated train* ana the run-ning ot can on aeveralot the trolley llnoe enabledmoat ot the managera to oomeontevon, and. In oneor two Insuncea, a amall prodt vru credited to thehouaea. Our managen aoi admit that their bnsl-neu hu been aerlonaly sffocud, and then Is notelling what the reault will be It a aettlement U notaeon reached. Some ot the managen an ot thoopinion tbntlt would t>eagoodldea to oloseup untila decision haa been reached. TtiU week Ihepublic will bavo a choice lot ot bllla from whichto niike their selectloo. Each manager olabna a(rood (eaat (or hla patnna, and Ihe matter la le(t toue public to decide which la the most aUtaoUveprogramme. One c( the coming evenu In theopoivic world la the appearance here of SibylSandenon. at tho Academy ot Mualc, lo "Manon"Jan. 38. There will be some rehearaala amongthe leading amateur drematlc sooleiles, butprabahiT no bllla will be given before next week,atthoagu tbero la aotne talk ot running off one ortvo the lauer part ot thla week.Chamd Oi-bra Uoubb.—Haoager UcOatohoon hu

tor his attrActlon thla week "A Biggaae Check,'' afarce comedy that greatly pleaaeo us audiencethat gathotcJ here Jan. 21. The play Is a satire onthe ateamr laundry buslneas, and the second actahowa the Interior c( a laundry, with sevoni prettygirts and all tho muhlnety and appliances nsed Insn up to dale caubllatmeut. Hera the aonga anddances which makes Ihe piece popular are given.The company Is a good one, and Includes MarkSalUvan, James B Oeutry, Edward Uagee, Jamea0. Ooerry, Uharlea v. Uorton, Dan Bnlilvaa, Mlae E.II. Tuaaaend, Silvcsler Oomlsb, Edith Wan),Madie Yoike, Llizle Melroae, Nellie Bcchley, Clainilesborbe, Nellie Parts aud Nancy Ulake. Uatweek. I.OUIS Aldrlch, In "My Partner," wu here,snie Eililer, In "lioris^" ',e.

Park.—An audience ot miKoldcent proportlonaatundcd thla hcuio night ot 'it to welcome WilsonBarrett. Mr. Bamu's repertory tor the week U:Houday, Tneeday and wodneaday nighu andWedccitfay matinee, 'The Manxman;" Thursdayevening and Saturday matinee, "Ben-My-Obree;"Friday nlaht, "Uamlrt," Saturday night, "The Sil-

ver Ring." ou* Skinner was seen In two nlayaUstweek. Julia Marlowe-Ttber 28,

VOLVBuiA.—Maoager Knowles made a ten etrlkewhen be booked Ure. Laugiiy, who la a big draw-ing card In ihla city. The advance aale ot suubegan early last week, and nearly every one In thehouae wu bought up long before tbe end of thewc'k. Therefore, a Urge audience greeted htr 31.She pioiented a airong play in "Esther Sandru,'' aFieuch dmma, teen bore tor the lint time, whichwas tallowed by "A Uappy Pair." Tbeae two pUyawill flu Iho llni halt ot ihe week. Ths remaindernfthe week will he devoted to "A Wife's Peill."Mrs. lAoglry will bo supported by a strong com-pany, wnlcn Includes Frank n. Fenton, W. T.Lovell, James W. PIgoil, lloUod Atwood, OscarAilje, Ivan Watson, A. H. Steele, Tbomu WUIIam-bod, Wllllim Tapper, and the Mlsse* FlorenceLeclcrcq, Kihel Dope, and Beatrice Selwyn. RolandReed, In "The rollilclan," wu hen lut'Tae New Woman" a.


Bijotr.-Manager II. C. Kennedy hu supplied hlapatrons wtUi plenty et tun thi* week, his atlrHiloabeing llanlona' "Buperba," and a full, honu wupieseni u. The haadaomo iceaerF, uilklBf m*-

ohanlcaleffeeuand novel brtcks pleued tb'Antil™^Tlidienoe,*adbld fldr lo

not (or the remainder ot the week. The company

ln"tMlli Ui sSJode Broiben, t»* F"jlpP>T<jn»'

Charlea Onyer, Jnlla Maokey, Bonnie Opodwln,

Belle Manl, Jean Mawaon. Hcauor Oariiy, Louie

Peun, Joseph Dirretl and many olber*. A ajeoUl

chlhlnn'a matinee wu given afiemoon of 22, aud

the aeailng capacity of tne house wu tested by tbe

little onu, glnng the theatn mon the appearance

of a big school room then a place ot amusement.

Ust week ' Darkest Rosala'' wu the altncUcn.

"Tb* Cotton King" 28. ...Stab.—This house has presented many Intercat-

Ing hUl* to lU patrons teu aeaaon, and iho one

•elected tor thU week Is saoond to none that tf*been seen here. Alsrge and appnouUve audi-

enoewu pieaent 31, when the ourtain wu ralaMl

on Kad* Emmeu in "ElUsraey." Lut week "ThePosrer ot Oold" held the boards "The Police

Patrol" 28. ...Utdi & BiBMAN'B.-PreaperttT ooullnnu to

amUe on thI* popular place ot enlertalnment, audthe eiplanallon la almple enough when one glance*

at the amy of talent whose nsroes an on the long

Engnmme. The RenH-Bantley Novelty Companyithe attnotlon, opening wllh two performanoeaSi,

twton crowded houau. Last wsefc. Hyde's Oome-dlana. TheMeteon28.BDBBB le aiBBABEfS OABINO.—AD evehlf bll'

anced vandevUle perfomsnoe la famshed thUweek. The blU Inoludea Oeorgla Dean Bpanlding,

Bsalaled by F. H. Kent, Eva Bwlnbnme and Alice

Howard, Minnie Bchult, Oeorgte Flaher, May Walahand others. The imng plctnree era a feature that

add* additional charm to the entertainment,Anpsioii.—"Bine Jeans" began a week'a engase-

Dsnt 21, bnt oivlng to the exlsilng railroad dim-calile* the attendance was llibL Light house* last

week. Mr*. I^gtry come* 28.

OATsrv.—Sam Devsre'* Company are here this

week. The people: The Ousler oily Qurtet,Evana and Vldccq, U'a Hayden, Uie Donovans, Lu-lls Western, Rowe and Renlz, Bomledand Qayer,Joe Oayden and Queen BeUierton. Tbe openinghonu wu only fair/ Fair hnslness lut week.Week 0(38, Msggts Olloe snd a strons company.EMriu.—"Toe Stowaway" opened here 31 lo a

lighthouse. Onlytilr Doalneu laat week. Oom-\Bt 38, "Ths Wage* ot Bin."UNiqOB.—A fairly good alzed aodlence welcomed

Ruah'B ' White Oroci" Company 31. Despite the

suike and Its consequent Inconveniences HsnsserCarr will doubtless mske a good week ot lb DickUtile's Marie Sanger a». week of 28.

LroBoif.—The PfUllpe' Stock Company this weskpresent "The SIreeu ot .Vew York." Emma Uell

and Cant WUbur bead the company.Lbb atbni'b ACAOBur.—This uonse nhangcd

hands again Ust week. Itns sold by a local real

estate broker aollug for J. 8. Berger. The pricegiven for Uie theatre la said lo be t43 3oo. Jostwhothe pnrehaaen are cannot he deOnliely learned,

though It le npoited tbat it hu become the prap-eily of the aame men who have been trying to re-

otin posscsalcn of sevsral places In this city for ths

purpoae ot opening a mnslc hall.

Norn.—"Carmen" wu the open given night ot

17 at the Academy o( Muolc by the Abbey * Onutympany, and It wu conceded to be the t)est ot

snyot the opetu given here this scsaon. A large

audience wu present and Emma Eamu wucheered and appUnded lustllv from the time ahemade her llntappearance until Uie corlaln iraa rundoimontheUatact. She wu In excellent voiceand soored an unqualllled hit. Zelle De Luaaanwu greeted with fervor and pnv*d worthy the ap-

SreclaUon shoim A donble blU wu pteuntedy Ihe Amaranth at the Academy ot Music night ot

17, whiob wu received with muoh approbation bytbe large crowd ot trhnde, who had assembled thereInantlclpatlcnof witnealnga good pertormsnoe.The bill, began with a cue act curtain raiser, "Be-hind the Ourtalu," wrluen by Prank M. Averv.amember ot the Amanoth, and It wu foUowed by'The Berlons Family," a very quaint and humorouacomedy "A Sorep ot Paper" iru given by thememben ot Ihe Florence Dramatic Society at theCriurlon night ot 17, beton an audience that IlUedtbehonsa.

AlbBBr—Tbe put iru HnctlceaUy *noce*s(nlweek, and all attraoilona drew welL TheLelandOpen BouM opened with Ellla Proctor Otis, In"OUverTwlat," Jan. 14, li, and (nil honaes wereseen both night*. The Oapllal Olty Athletic Clubgave lU annual boxtng tournament 18, and theUraitn wu packed to the door*. Jan. IT, 18, IBMarie Bnmugba, tn "The Frolllgate." drew largeaudlencea. Booied: 31, 22, Olga Ketbenole, Tn"OamUle" and "The Kanagiessor:" 23, Rlohardolden, in "Old Jed Pnntr?' 21, 28, 2«, <The Qlrl

I Lert Behind Me;" 28, 38. SO, retnra engagemento( "Our Uncle Dudley:" 31, wm. Barry In "TheRUIng QenenUcn;" Feb. 1, 3, Sure Brodle In"On the Bowery."Habuands BLnoiBBHALLWuopenltfor one

performance of "Dr. Syntax" by tbe De Wolf Hop-per Open Co. Standing room only could ho ob-ulned at the rise at Die eortaln. The hall wudark tbe nmaluder ot Ihe week. Coming: 24, 28,

2*, Dan McCarthy In npertoiy; 28, l>, Robt. 011-

llsrd, In "Tne Nominee;'' 30, the Boston FestivalOraheam In oonceiLTon OAinr TBBatbb the past week had tho UUy

Olay Burlesque Company. The bense wu packedesen night. Coming: 21-28, the London OaletyOlrls; 28-Feb.3,lheKese Hill Borlesque Oompany.

Tfor.—AttheOrlswold Open Bouse "The TwoJohns'' drew weu Jan. 14, 18. Ellta Piootor Otis, InOliver Twist," had a big honae 18. "Hand* Across

the Sea" dnw weU 18, It. nsny Laoy, lu "TheMan From the Weat," came 21, 29; Olia iletheraole.

In "TheTranegTe(*or," 23; "Coon HoUow" 2S, sg.

RAnn'g OrBBA Hoobb.—Mane Bomugns, In"The Pienigate," did weU 18, 18; Richard Oolden,In "OM Jed Pronty," had a good hanu IT. Thehouae Is dark thU week.OAiitr TBBATBB—The Ltdlea' Cluh Burleeqne

Company come 31 tor the week. The Watson SIs-

len Barlesque Oompany dnw big houses Ust week.

BnOlalo.—At Ihe Star Theatn Franda WUsonoomes Jan. 21 (or one week; the Bostonlans 28-ai,"AUddIn Jr." Feb. 1. 3. "In Old Kentaeky" drewfair sited houses.AoADstiT or Mtmic-Channcey Oloott began 21

for one week ;"Prlncas Bonnie" next week. "TheNew Boy" plessed ezcellentgatherlog*. Mlaa Ben-nett did not appear with "tit Anauns" hen, onaoconnt ot the recent death ot her triend, EinilyWood, In Buffalo.

LvoBUM Tubatbi.—"My Aunt Bridget" came 21,andher BOJournlntobeaweek.uuauaL "On theMlasUalppi" next week. "The Power ot the Preu"dnw mil. '

OonBT Sraur TaiATBB.—Rellly t Wood's Co.came 31 tor a week. Next week, Ham T. Juk'sOreolee. C. W. wuilams' Oo. met with fair patron-age.SBBA'a HDSto HALL-Lew Hawkins, Jennings

and O'Brien, Smith Bra*., Fred MoOlellsn, Delaatoa,HUl and Bill, Moaler Dan, LUlle UrkaUe, LeUaTrimple and Omene.Noraa—LUIlan BUnvslt t* to be the Tocal

Beclety'B aoloUt at Music Hall 28, and Adele AusderOheoouMS for the Symphony Concert 31The MettopoUtan Open Oo. wUl doubUeu vUltBuOklo.

nacheater.—At Ihe Lyceum Theal re "Tbe QlrlI Lett Behind Me" wu Uie attncUon Jan. 31, re-malnlns for the thne lint nlgbls.when "PnucesiBonnie" foUows for the remainder ot the WMk.De Well Hopper left 18, atUBcUng good andlencee.Coming: a, 3), "On Ue Bowery;" Feb. 1-2, Uie Boa-tonlana.Cook OrxBA Hoima.—A local allnellou, for the

heneflt ot the Humane Society, wiu have poases-slon the llrst hsU of Uie week. "TheCcutouard"wlU be given ter the last hslt ot Uie week. '-TheCrou Rosds ot LUe" left le, having fair torn ooisdoling their stay. Due: 98-3), "The BUvtrKIng"(Carl fluwin): si, Feb. 1, 9, Cbas. T. Ellla.Tbb AOAnBHr or Mtraio pteunted Joupta Dowl-

Ing, tn "Oapt. Derua U. 8. A," 31, to remain torthe week. lohn E. Biennan depaited It, dnwingfair Bleed audiences. "Keituok" oomes 38 andweek.TBB WoNniBLtND MD81I THtATBi presenitd the

following Mil 31: Vnrlo hsUs-Slgnor Ooddreui(stnng man). Mile. MUmie and mined dog andProf. 1. 0. Boheldler (maBlclao). Tbeatre-Oynne,Lucy Daley, MsJ. James D. Uoyle, Bparks and Daleand the Patrol Ituartek

BlB(baBitoB.--AlBtoBe'aOpen Houa« Dook-stBdet'e Mlnstnls had a Ulrly good attendanceJan. II. Oonny andFoi,ln'<Bot'Ainale*,"pleaaeda fair audience 18. "lit neelua^" prodnccd bylocal laleat, did a nod bnahiea II, la. "Land otUie Midnight Snn'> caow It, two pettonnaace*, tonod attandaace. Bookings: n. 93, RobiD HoodOpen Co. In "RoMb Hood" and "The Kalck-•rbookan;" B, "Our Uoole Dudley." At theBijon Theatn "BtteUlsted" draw a large auand-*ao* 14-18, Aithnr Dainla|> MlnBtnla had loodbulB(alT-U. Dot: a-K)SlUnwood't FlkTtn.

Vtlcs.—At the VUcaOnen Bouse Hsne Bar.roughs, In "The riafll(ate."Jau. 14, dnwasmsll notappncltUve sudlence. De Welf Hopper, In "i)rSynlax," 10, pUyed to S. a 0. "Oliver Twiai'lwudeaerving of a larger houae ir. Dated: BbdioandOnllarooooert (local) 31, Oiga Ketheraole, in"He TtaMgrrator," 34; '-The Two Jolins" 28,. .


At tho Wonderland: Carlo hall—Delano FrlitJames Thnmnson and Alfred Tonog. BUgs-Alex'WlUon. WhIppU and Ploketl, Murphy and Boid'Thoi. F. Henry and Azar (Juggler).

Newbaro^At the Academy of Woslo "RothOlty" comesTeb. 1. The Maude Hlllmau Co. pniup a good show here lut week st popoUr prices,aad She tested the capacity ot thla house at eicniperformance, not even excepting the aeverel niaii-

nees. ^ILLINOIS.

Ohlca«o.—The moat Important event In local

amuument drclea Ust week wu tbe trantfer of the

Empin by Mansger Sam T.Jack to aayndlcaieol

Eistem theatrical men, who will take pOB.oi9ion

at once and begin a aerie* ot continuous perform-

ancu. Including a play by a alook company, roe

new ventnn wlU be pntoly experlmenui, seii, ii

Boccen follows, other stock companies may bu ex-

pected In two or three other locsl resorti. ThepUn dosB not aeem parUcularly amactlve lo oor

managen, bnt they may And a trial convincing,

and poulbly irltli anoUier sesson thore will be at

leaat three resorts ot the cootlnnoas sort giving

play* by stook companloa as a part ot Ue pro-

gramme It the present rentore prove* a compieic

success. Tho comnt days sre enUrely Uckiog lu

novelty, not one new pUy balog presented for onr

smusemenC Buslneu lemalnsatadlasppoluiini

avenge, and there setms no very good reasnu roi

so early boom In Ue attendance at our pUy bcuitaWhere the offering le eapeclaUr attractive the >^tendance Is np to a Kood atandard, however.OnioAoo OraBA Housb.—Oec, Edwarde'a Com-

pany began ihe seoond week's preseniailcn of

"The Qslsty Girl" Jan. 31, wllh a tortalght remain-Ing unconsumed. Our theairegoers had been led

to expeei much from this new vehicle, bnt tbe ms-urUllzatlou ot the long announced farce hubrought the moat utter dluppolotmeoL The audi,encea seem to be made np ot a eciuerlng elemeoi,whose Sim Is to force ths appUnse; another ama'.tering ot people U "faddlah" enough to accept tbepisybscanse ot lu origin, but the main body ot ibe

turnouta dnd keen dluppolnunent lu the deniehumor and llaggUig movement* ot Ihe offerlgg.

The preunUog company la numerically airong, bntsadly Ucking In talent ot the sort our people andcompetent to eompletely entertain. Cbu. Ryler,

FredEaye, W. L. Bnafleld, Arthur Rope, LadtnBantock, Harry Monkhonae, iMn Kearney, Mis.

Edmund Phelps, Mand Uobson, Once Ptaloua soi-

taln the ohlel poaiUcn* on tho siage, and lu the

talntllnesot Uie plotObano OrtBA Bouse.—Fred Ballen and Joaept

Bart began a week'a preaenuilon ot "Later Os"20, then luaognratlng iheir lut, but one, local eih

gagement u alars. Next week Tim Murphy sndEugene I3an field wui Introduce themselves to oa as

ttara In "AUmoiiy," Ihe comedy being then locally

Jitoduced. "A Temperance Town" conrluded aour weeka' eogageinent, having met fair patronigeduring the latter daya ot tbe period, but averegloga goodly pnOt on ihe whole. Manager Barry LHamlin Houenlly llnds his praBls good wheneverHoTilsn tsrce Is on hUsiage.HooLBT'sTBEA'rBi.—Jonu Drewenuredupon hla

second andflusl week3l, "Ibe Bauble.''hop"liavlngthus fsr nerved to (111 Usnager Uarry Power's verypopnUr resort at nearly all poifonnanceB. Hlacom-pany U ot exceUent talent, and Includu C.U Allen,

Arthur Byron, 0. J. Berreu, Uarry Harwood.Thad-dsus Shine, Lewis Bsksr, Jss. Padgett, llobt. Hoi-

Und, Adolpb Keauber, Fnnk E. Ltmb, Agnes Mil-

ler, Anna Adams, Ethel Baitymore and MaudeAdama. Next week Olga NeUnranle will make ber

ant Chicago appearance, piesenUng "Frou-Froo"and Camine"aQrlng the flrst haUot ner fortnight's

engagement.COLtmsiA Theatbb.—Rice's Surprise Party have

began their alx weeks' engagement moot auapld.onaly, the auendance lut week having been on ibe

capacliy order continually. The advance henldloghu catued us to expect much mora than we hsvareoelved, hut the big bnrlesquo Is never the insntreshlngand thoroughly welcome. TheeompiovU competent In all partlonlar*, the tavorlies luclna-

Ing Walter Jones, E. H. Favor, Richard Barlow,Theresa Taughsn, Msble Cbrk and the Slaters

Hengler.SoaiLLiB Tbia'tre.-"Oliver Twist" will be

SIven a sumpinoua revival thla wsek by a compaoyInoted by W. A. MeaUyer, lu which Ellla Proctor

Otis, Chss. Coou, Fnnk J. Keenan and Chaa. Bar-

ron are prominent. CamUle D'Arvllle ntnna for

two weeia 37, presentuig "Madeline, or the MsglcKlis," which scored a slgoal nuocen at the honaeleu than a month agone. Ohai^ Diokaon aud Ula

excellent compsny ireuiitid "loccg" Ust week to

fair business. On Weduealay alurnoon souvenirswen distributed, martlug the one Ihousandlh pr^sentatlon of the rollicking comedy.MoVioxiB's TnBATBB. — Eugeuo Tbmpklns'

"Buck Crook" enda tie tbree weeka' euBagement2s, and wUl be fallowed by Jaa. A. Beanie's "SboieAcre*," lint soted on this I'tge. Basloeas with the

"Black Orcok" lut wi^ek wu only (air. and onemay Judge by Ha tr>queni presentation daring the

put two yean, tbat It his almost exhausted lis

welcome.Batuabxbt Tiibatbb.—Eugene Bandow's Tro.

cadero Vsudovllies will be seen UU week tor tbe

Ilret time here, being followed, 3T, by 'Toe Derbywmner." Jacob UW» presentation ot 'TheEulgn" wu aooorded tslr patronage UsI week.LiNOOLH TBBATBB.—Bsnlon Bro*.' "Faniums"

wUI be given this week for thodntumeon UeNorth Bide, giving way 27 to Florrle West, 'TbeDazzler" befog tlien Introduced tor Ibe drat umoIn the Oerman NUIement, Bnslneu wu tslr last

week when Oliver and Kate Byron gave 'The I'ps

and Downs ot Life," with the astlaiance ot Fred

Wamo, SpolUawood Altkea, R. F. Ruaaell, Loilu

Howard, J. L. Maaon, Uhas/Y'ouug, Itoyco Alloc,

Aubrey Albro, Florence Stone and Allae wamo-ALDAunBA TDBATRB.—This Week's maguet la

-Two SUten," wtUi "Yon Yonaon" blUed to follow.

"The Ooui Uuard" u given Uat week satuiled fair

homes made np ot those fond ot tnesenBllonsldnma.Batli.s'sTdbatre —Florrle Westbeads Cotgrove

i Qrant's Comedlau In thla week'a preaenlaiion of

The Dazzler," the nnderllne being "The Ship of

Bute." Lut week good sized tumoni* enjoyedthe pieseniatlon of 'I'antaama" by Uanlon ilroa.'

torcea.AoADBUY OY Husio -^u. H. Walllok begins hla

annual tour ot Manager Jacoba' local circuit thla

week, preacntluK "The Dandlt Ring." The next at-

traction lB"A Rallrosd Tlcksfweek of 98. "rawuTicket 210" wu given a splendid presentallon laat

WMk by Amy Lee and a clever company, bualntas

being very good.CLARK ^irRBIT TUbatbe.-The magnet thla week

will be Amy Lee lu "Pawn Ticket 210," the attrac-

tion foUowIng being Ju. U. WalUck In "The Bandit

King." Lut week fair bulneu resulted Irom

presenUUon* ot "AoroiB the Potomac" by an ac-

cepUble company, Indodlng Arthur K.Sprafioe,

Fnnk Walcoii, John II. Mack, Fnnk J. Blnkhuist,

Rose AnthOD, Kste Medlngor, Malt Sieveu, Julia

West, Edgar Foreman and others.Sam T. Jaoi'8 Oi'iBA U0U8B-—For this wcei'i

entertainment Msntger Jsck preunU his aioct

. company, under Uio capUon ot "London Haste Haii

Burleeqaers." The amusement Uat week con-

prised a burlesque "Hazeppa," with Almee McKlu-Ble featured; an opening ttlt,"Tne Stage siruck

Helms," with Emma Ward u tbe chief memi>er,

and an olio engaging Billy and Louise St Oiaire,

the Three OtldeiUa. berUe Emeet, Annie MUn andEUa Watkln*. the Conway Bros, and Doiph and so-

sle Levlno. The burlesque forcM Included Charley

Banks, Roberta Do Forrest, Annie Mearle andothen.Royal Ekolisb Circde.—Uat weok'j busUiesa

avstaged well, the house daring tbe uuer dsya oi

the week being ot excellent proporUon*. EvsOer-toldl rtappesredloesOlysfier a long absence aod

aurprlaedas by tbe marked Improvement her anhu undergone. The pertormsnoe Introduced t in'

ma Bilckney.Obss. W. Flah, Robt SUokney, Selim

Nessar'B Arabs, J. Oaban,the DetoielU Bnthtri,

FtancUand Ida McNnliy, Roalo Meets, Akamlin a

Japs, Wm. De Mou, and tbe FabUian Quartet Tbe

mtsr carnival, which hu become Ihe teatare oi

the performance hu been beautUled by Ihe foribcr

IntrodscUon ot many beanlltul floau and the bant


Juat preceding the water carnival, hu been biougni

to Ihe point or almost perfect training. ,

Fbank Ball's OasiNo.-Ust vresk wu one oi

the moat financially ancceraful perloda In the tij-

torr of the bouae, due largely to the eapeelal merit

ot the blU and ths large aupply ot adveitulngaiiandantnpon Uie InmduoUon ot WUIO. Fenia

la meonerlcexhlblla. Be I* ntalned (or another

w*ek,toan(manl tbe hUl ot oonunoon* nneiyi

January 26. THE ISHErW YORK CLIPPEB. 751

wtileli win esno Ohu. u4 Jan>r BMwut, tlit

MniuilaTi.tk« rlT« Pudoes, ud ihMr blorolloi

Hdl»t«u Kgpb.UM HMlu. Will Wlilte.H>Ml«nriulu >Bd Butt Thonie, V*l 7lno tod BruitaMtt»,l09tu>l>tVA»aiVmA Donto.owre siu-|«T ABdJ Moitli ud Ben F. Qoodwlo, Ualcom indTaeotokiAndT Bur, and Flonno« Eruiud Bontu.LTOiraTsuTii—Muugtf Orenler bu aecored

Webtwr A Fltlda' csmpnf h tho ntiracUoa tbli

week, tnil Ui« ontlook polnta to lood boilnm In

iDlie of atioDf nppoaltton. Jobs HotrlnnT's Ore-

nler'a Lranm TbeMro Compiinr met ntber Iliht

nktrnzuRO lut uttt, eltboggli tlie perfonnnncemieTenlnoonairactlon and tbo perfonneni well

Mieoud. Tbe priimtnime wai tanlibed bj Al.

DanaeT ud Bid illrn, L«Tm«ti, lUlnh Pout udViolet BL CUIre, Wlllla Oiirk, Annie Wbllner,

Cluk end WIIIItmB, Fnak Lktona, Edwins udjobn MonlaMT.8iK T. JkOTB EHrrei.—Hinitger Juk einellim

tilt oonolndlnK week In poaaeeelen of lale bonrn brDieMntlaf Tbo*. Hlico'a Oil; CInb Bgrlefnae Oom-int. Lut week'* perrormuco enitied LisloSlewmrt In tbe oblet nlea ot ibe botleeqae, "Llllle

DQke," bMked bj Uuitger Jick's bnrleeqne atook.

Tbe iDMleitj featnrea wen Intiodaoed hj Wm.O'Ronrke and Allcit Banietle, Lew Ckrroll aodFraek Wearan, tbo Kennard Bmtbeta, Blokej andOoir, and All'n and Ilnrnelt, Wlitalbe termlnallnn

ot Ibe C\tf oinb'e eDgaRomcnt, 2e. the booee will

pasa from tCaoaier Jack'a control and will Mopened aa a conUonoiu p'rfonouce bonae Feb. 3,

br paitlo wboae IdanUtT la nit at pment dla-

cloaad. "Tbe Ticket ot Leave Han" will b* tba

dnt plaT tba atock will ata(«, tbe bill bflnvcbuiM waoklr. PrecedlDK tbe dtama and fol-

lovlnt ea«b mallnec performance epaolalilea will

be iQlradaoed,making tbe perfnrmanoa conilnaoosfrom ena o'clock ever; atlaraooD nntll nrwlr mid-nlgtat Geo. W, Hlddleton baa been cnnied uataffo manaier and prodncer, end It la aald tbat tbo

aiook oompaar will be carcfnllr aeleded.OLTMno TnaiTBi.—Hanagtr Otatle baa eccnied

Jobnaon. Blano and Bentle; to bead tbia week'abonae bill, wblob be refera to aa "Oaail«'a Celcb-

nilea." Bnalneaa wllb Utj noward'a BorleeeaeCompany laat week reaobed a nark not eicaededbj ur companJ witblo a year, aod tbe tboroogbly

ezoaliant perfoimanco gara naqoallded aatlatao-

Uon. Tbe opening bnrletla. "Olaarettea," ud tba

bnrleHoe, "One uoaa Olroaa," enaaged KayHoward In tbe oblet nl*, bioked by fliaoa Ung-loy, OaiUe Keltb, Alloa Saoaom, Anna Yale udoture.tb* olio being fomlabed by Jane Daly, Rdlatsll. AL Bellmu, Obi*. Danieyand Tom Jarrla,

and D»e Oonroy and PbllWoFarland.PABi THiaTRi Huaoer Nlok Norton le t«klng

adrantaga of erery point tending to adnnco tbe

bnaUeaa attbia mort, maintaining a Mllof mnobexeellenoa at all time*. Bnrton and Clyde Btularpgt on tba artcrplec«, "Nana, tba Blonde Venus."and Muager Norton gtTe*"Blgb Priced Klea<e''to

open tbe bill, tbe olio being fnmlabed by Ja*. andIda Ollday, Al. Deraiey ud Bid Allen, Pan 0. andIda Vanning, Obaa. 0. Oehorna, Hadge Hack, Mayaid Jobn Powell, Scbaeimr and HonU, Hoiania,

Bartonud Clyde Btuley, PansLaPetieud Htttte

Benard.BuoiL's Opim PiTii.iOK.—Baalneea at tbIa re-

aortmalntalna u areraga of fair proepertiy udtba bllla are verr attraotlTo. Laatweek the amnae-meit wia provided by tbe Nelaon Famllr, Stdle

Clubinu and Herbert Holcomb, Cora Rontt, LaSlnnaandNlDa, Arcble and Roae Roye>', LUUuBMir, Vamla Cartler and T,ew Baker.LOKnoK DmHusn.—Tbe onrlo Met for tba week

iDOlade* Jennie Bowman, witb peiformlog doga;

Tnt. Hottdon, a maglolu; Amy Talletu, a apoited

girl, and tba Aifonsoa. Ore eaten. Tbe alage ebowwlllbe coollned to midway frolics.

EOBL i UinoLiTON's QioBi Ucsis.—The Brat-

Ilea, vIrlaectlooiBta; Balbroma, a magician; Leali,

a gluteal in ilgbta; Olga, a Clrcoaslu, ud Lu-

oole, an Albino, ate the ciirlo featarta. tbe atsge

being given ovr to Palsy aod Sadie Bnnnlgan.iril^HoRoble, Wilson and Bawlcy, Ceo. SuoudFloreno* miler. _^KOBL t HiDDLvnncs Oi,iBK BtRiiT.—Tbe onrlo

floor will be devnted thia week to a colored mnunwtlbloDghalr, Ha], Speck wItb trained goalaandatraaootWdway people. On tbe atsge perform-

ance* tvlU be tivan by Frank Deorma, the KoabnraOblldren, Tyieoe, Barrlgan ud Beach and Howardand Horfon.AmuiaTB,—Saveial memban at 'The Eld"

oompony were In town all laat week, tbe companybaring gone to plecaa at the close ot >belr engage-

ratnt at HavUn'a, It. Ot the airuded monbeiaQos Soblka has Joined "1492," UoMIe Kent goes

wltb Ja*. B. Hackle, Alt. Uamptnn baa gone with

"Uttle Obrlatopher Oolomboa," ud Fdna Weatloins "A Baagaga Obeok." stm Boulter la nowlatlng nokeu at Kobl k Hlddlomn's Olobe Hoaee.

..Looal Union No. 8, Actors' FmtccUve Union,

bas been organized, wllb Allan A. Hampton, pteal-

dtat ud manager; Andy Adama, vlcn proldent,

ud Obil*. Qreene, seoratarv Jock Ollna baa

written * faiti* comedy, "A Youog Widow," wblcbwill aoon ba tried by looal araalenrv.. . . .11. 0. Cook,

ot Andy Amun'a "A Oleu Bwoep" Co.. la In town,

tbs oomvany having oloaed at Waopakoneta, 0., 14,

Iwcaoaa ot Internal dlaaenilona In tbe oompaoy^ .


Tbe two bnndredtb perrcrmanco at tbe lloyal Rog-

liab Olrenswaa mtlngly observed 20 OarUndOaydeo'a "A Yonng American" la laying oir here

tor re-orguliatloD, Tba star, I«nra Loralne, la

III. aodu soon as ebe rscovere tba tonr will na re-

mined. Lonia Kolbleld U bnalnrsa musger ot

tba organization Jobn Conrt, or Portlud, Om.,WM In town laat week, and arranged to take the

llooney Oomedy Oompuy tor a toor ot tbeNortn-

weat. NellFIoreare will do tbo adviui«......0.

U. Wbltfflier, ot Uonio, N. T., and B. P. Howell, of

devaland, 0., wbo controls tbe bill pnaUng prlvt-

legea In tboae clUea, were here last week, conanlt.

log with Bon Bohbloa ud Ool, Bob Campbell.

..'....Manager Fmnk Hill, ot tbo noyal

Bogllab Oltona and the Ouloo. baa Intiodaced

u Bogllsb coach drawn by toor matchedboraea, u a atreetadvertlaement for hia resort. . .


Tba Boolety CIrons," an opeiaUc concert, by Oeo,

Soblleflartb.wlU be given for the Onit lime at Bat-

tery "D." wltb Sophia Bartb In tbe prinolialrole.

. . . .The Chicago Frees CInb's anniiil heneotwlll

take plana at the Colombia attemoon otsi, UonyprofeaalODala have volonleered tbeir aervlcts..-. --

IQ jQdga Winda'a ooort, 12, Fraooea McNolly, of the

l(nNnltrBI>tani.waa granted a divorce from Bl ly

HoCartby Muager A. H. Palm>rud E. R. Rice

wen hen Uat week to wlineaa Uie Inanaural ot

"un." . ..Hanager Uarrv HonlswUlcloaalbo toor

ot tbe Hay Howard Big Barletqoo Company Harcb

it to perinltHlsa Howard to begin rchearaala tor

Omni maenfi "Tbe MImlo Wotld."ln which

aba will asanme a prominent part. . ... . H. J. p Nelll

wlUgo to Barsboo, WIS., Ihla week, to aaalat the

RlogUog BrotbetB In getting ont their paper tor

tba oomilng ciroos aeaoon.

awlnoy.—At tbo Empire "Solder and Fly"

played to nod bnalneaa Jan. It. Fliz and WehaUr,

rn"ABr««rTlme," did f'lrly weU 16. "A Oreen

Goods Kan" It had a fair bouae. Bob Fllzslm-

mona' Bpeolally Oo- drew alarge crowd I8. ... ..Bert

Martin, manager ot tba Musta, St. Joseph, Ho., la

In Ibe city making arrangements to open an omoas-

meot hall ud moaeum bere. The csrpeotars are

now at work remodeling the Interior,ud tbe bonae

will be completed and opened Feb. 4.

Decstar.—At tbe Powera Grand "Uii In NewYork," Jan. la. did a


had a goo 1 bouae 1!. Coming: "Spider ond

Flr"S, Hlltooud Onllle SoMea ti, Powell, nw-

clclu, 2S, Bob FItulmmooa' Specialty Co. 9S,

Qonou Bro*. to..


Hot Bprlnga,—At tbo Opeta llooae the Fatll

Ron Oomedy CO., with Gladys Wallls u lbs aiu

pieaentlng "A Glrl'a Way," had a light hooae JuIt, the weaiber being very had. Tbe Whitney

Opera Oo, bad a well dlled home 14 at adnnced

pttoe*. "Alabama" draw a fair honao 15. Booked:

Ban Jaok'* Co. Jl, nobL Ullllard 24, Hbea 2S.

Little Rock^At tbe Capital Theatre Ei-qov.

B»b Taylor leotnted on "Vlalona ud Drcama" Jan.

14,lo»erow«edbonae. Tbe WhineyOpem Oom-puy, M, bad big boiloeaa with "The Kenclng

hHier. '8ol8mHfiBna»ellcamel0,ln"rbe Helral

L»w," to blf bnilnesi. Duo: S»m T- Jack

tnvacansaOo.u. Robert Dlllltrd, In 'TbeNoml-Bee,"^, RIobud HansBeld a, Rhea 19.


Tepeka.—The Oiaod, alter being dark eons

ttffie,opeii*d Ju. 18 with "Tbe Daulsr,"toUowed

by Joseph llarpby,«i,ln "Sbann Rbne." Tbe

Blon eoBttanee to good bnslnea*, "U Belle Horle"

btiit lb* bin tbi* week Tbe Ctawfotd Is daik.

iMTSBinTtli^At Cimwtord'a Oiud Opat*

Besa* Kay Vokea' Oomady Oo^. week oC Jon. 7, bad

Sliiliiaa Oontwloe Knpby tl, "^e QintBtUBdKfBT^'n* Bi*a ol I^M.iabBlOlnaM.

— The J. E. Comerfoid Ca, preeentlng "FromSire toBoo," will resome tbtir lour at Plymoolb,

Haas.. Jan, 24, nnder tbe monagemeat or NonnuCampbell. Uony Lew Palmer (lata ot OMiender'tHloalrela), bualgned u boalneaa npnsentaUva.NotwlthaundUit the eaTett bnalneaa depreaalon,tbta compuy, wo an Informed, baa aooceeded Indoing a good bnolotaa In tbe New lioilud State*.— Harry S. Sargent, ot tbe "Aunt Solly" Oom-

•nv, bad u nnpleasut experience on Ju. la.

lefellasleep In tbe emokingcu while m rouMtosedalio. Mo., ud was carried tbitty milea beyond.He wu nnable to get back In time to appeu ontbat evening, bis pott belog played by ImaoterQeo. E. Cooper.— RoMtr ot Horry Llndley'a "Oaatawaya" Co.:

Uarry Llndiey, Joah M. chapman, Wm. Hanh,Evareit King, Jaa. K. HtUa, 1>. 0. Secord. Wm.Boehmer, Lnella Beok, Ida Fuker, Clara Matbea,laabell logics, EUel Llndiey. Herbert WUey, J. 0.Welch, wllb Ed, u, Bamsteu Jr., bnslnass maia-gtr.— w. 0. Hall, father ot Jeaale MooHall, ot tbeBarrel of Honey" Co., died Ju. 14,1a BL Loola,

— Ion Carroll will join Ool. 0. H. lUmllton'a"RobloaoD Cmaoe" Oo. at Pnlaakl City, Va,Ju, 24,

tor the remainder ot tbe aeaaon. Next aeaooa hewUl pot ont bla Lyceom TbcMre Co., wllb bud or-

cbeaita ud atnel parade. Tbe npertoiy will In-

olodo bla new aenaatlonal drama, In tonr act*, en-

tlUed "A Shadow ot Sing Sing."— J. 8. Sutoid hu aaninad tbe maoagtmeot ot

the Frothlngham Thutn, Bcnaton, Pa.— Uogb J. Ward ntlnd fnm "Boaaud Boa"

Ju. 19.— llauie Bnaaell has Rjolned Roae Uoghlu'a Oo.

for a tew weeks.— Oenld OtllllD bsi nllted from "A Trip to

Chinatown," No. a.— Fred Lotto ntlred from "Tbe New Boy>' Co.at Walla Walla, and bis place la HUed by BomerGranville.— Lorraloe Dreoi bu joined Roae Oogblu'* Oo.— Hn. W. O. Jonee has to nure from "Bhatt No.2" In oooaeqnence ot being laid np wltb pneomo-

— "Tbe Prodigal Danghtar" close* luthree weeks,— Edward Gerson, the Karopeu agent, la Intreaty wltb Tony Denier tor bim to appeuu theopening auiaotlon ot tbe ExpoalUon at Bordeuz,Ffaooe, In Harcb, to play ibe clown In "HomplyDumply." A aeaaon at tbe London ud Pula moalohalla U now being booked by Mr. aeiMB (orTonyand "Unmpty Dnnpiy."— Five membera ot tbe Eva Tangnay Oo. (P. N.

Lawnnoe, Olayton Legge, WUIIe CUlion, J. A. Tu-gnay ud ilanr Bhannoo) wen Initialed Into the

new theaHlcsl order ot D. T. 4 by Herbert Bella, onJan. 20, In Boonvllle. N. Y. Mr. Beita waa recently

made a member by Oeo. Hoekyn, the originator ot

the aoolety. In Unalngbnrg, N. Y., while con-

neoled wltb Ciue'a Playeia. Tbe aoolety la ax-

cloalvely a theatrical one, and la npldly growing.— W. H. Whltiler writes ns a letter. In wblcb be

clBlmatbatbe waanotgolliyotuynnpreteaalonaluteaunontto memben ot Boyd'a Hloatiels while bswu agent for tbtt company. He says tbat on the

contrary he slvrsys worked lo their Inlereslsudstock to then to tbe lost, and thataab»ylanowdne blm.— Chw. PImeniol, orchealia leader wltb Batea

Broa.' "Damply Uumpty," Mo. i, baa doaed with

tbat compel^ on accoont ot the lllncu ot hIa

mother. Clint Raven hu ancceeded blm as lesder

ot the company.— "On the Go," by Frank DtoneU, wu acted tor

the lint time at Bowimg Green, Ky.,Ju. 7, by C. A.

Lodti'a Company.— "The Copper Lion," by Bertha Cnlghtoo, re-

ceived Its Initial preeentation at JmoUon Olty,

Kas.,Ju. le.

-J. Fruk Macanlay bu doted with tbe Ex<

celalcr Comedy Oo. ud Joined tbe Edmrd WamnOo-forjorenllea.

. .— U. W. Famherton la playing beavie* wllb tbe

Henrietta WeeoaOo. _ ,„„— Notea from Du McOarihy'a Own Co.: "Wehave j oat closed two weeks ot one night studs In

New England lo good botlness anl^ on now In

Canada. Kr. McCarthy ud Lon Riploy an great

tavorlles hen sad wereaocorded a royal recepaon.

Mr. McCtrtby presented HaUe Kins with a gold

nedsl lut week. Horry J. OombeU Is managingthe comoany and Introdnclnt his eleclilo aceolo

elfect, "The Qoardlu Angel," In "The Pride ot

Mayo." Artbnr Beiby Joined Ju. 4, at Walerbory,

Ct., ud la doing tbe advance work."- George Beue U laid npwitb gulrltoa. He

wu anabla to appear In "A Milk While Flag"

afterJu. IS. . ,— Harkoa's "C. T. 0." Oo. nport good bnalnea*

tbroogb Pauailvanli,— Richard Golden ud Katberlne KltUeman,

leading ladr o( his compuy, wen married JaiL iv,

alCohoea,N. Y. ^ ....— MrrEdlth Frankohu bronght anil tnrdlvorce

Rgalnat Nahu Fruko, tbe well known vloUnlot— IiabeUe Evesson ud Almrr Wilder Cooper

(aon profcaalooal) wen married Ju.,2l In tbta

oily, a civu oenmony being performed by Mayorsuong, which wu toUowedlomedlately by a rellf


tone ceramony. In wblob the Rev. Obat. II. Eaton



New Havea,—At the Hyperion Itcae Oogblu

came to fair ntnms Ju. 14,u did WllUam Barry

17. Lllllu llasaeU caoe to "». lU 0." 19. "Tbe

Prodigal Daogbler" comes. M, aod tbe nmalnderot tbo week la given op to Yalo fMUvlUes.

Gump Ofibo Uovbb.—The New York Blati

came to big boslneas l4-ie,aa did "The Bontb Ba-

ton tbe War" IT-IO. Coming: Tbe Olty Bporia

Dnrleaqne Company 21-23, "Tbe Cotton King'


POLfa WoKbiaLiND TDiiTBi.—Boalneaa here

conilnues big. TtU week: Bark pen AcbmetTronpe, the Dlzon Brotbera, Hartloetil llm*.. MayWentworib, Boyle ud Graham, the Zarroa, Uwlaanl Mulick, ud Olckud Alice HoAvoy.

BrIdEeport.—At the P-irk Oily Tbeain 'The

RIaing Ueneiauon," Ju. 16, did a good bnolneu.

•-The Uocior ot Aloutam," by borne talent, wlUoocnpy the hnnae 24, 26, 28. „ .

AUDiTOBinM—Anole Abbott, tboOeorglaHognet,

did a dne hnalseaa 14, li. u did "McFodJen a

Elopement" U. The Empire Bian did a fair boal-

jSTiru did "Tbe Hide Show" 19. The W bur

Opera Ao. la hen this week, "Tbe Stowowaj" »,

'Pbo Mu from tbe Weal'' 29, M, "The Wblte

Crook" Feb. 1,2. ^

NoTia non EovARD Smrr's rrrKBsai'so, Ilu,

Mid Winter CItcos.—Wo are now Inonrtoimh weekud boelntu bos been good tloce the opening, Ucc.

22. Wlllloffl Adair, ot Webb and Adair, wumarried91, to llallle Ladwig. a non profesalonol. After thocenmonylbe cooinony enloyeil a binquci at thohome ot Manager Shipp. Tbcao performcn wid-tettng ben: Julia Lowandc. Cecil Lowaodc, Wn.O'UaTe. Uanlciu Corrlea, Morale Kline, Geo. W.Kline, Webbond Adolr, Three Comolla Brna.. Kalclla

Oomalla. Alex. Lowande, Joe. Paraon, llairrLam-klo, Clarlnda Paraon, Sam llonnett, John Corrtco,Jamca Weat, Billy Uo aod L. W. HIshop.aioiu* BUBTCil's New SciUMTiON will bobraod

new from aiako to centre polo, and whon coniplcirdwill, It la nponed, bo one ot the neaicei lliilo wagonabowa In tbo bnalneaa. Tbe convoa will lie a onebondivd feet round lop, and ihlriy-Svo borwa aodOtieen wagons will convoy Ibe ouuii. The rotior

will be made up of some well known and Icodlogllsbta of the anna. J.T. llobtnMu haa tnllr re-

covered from bli aunsinko ot Iwi Summer, and baasigned 10 lake charge ot the advance. Wa got tubOurrna loatTboreday night, ond occompanrtng It

como olxty-two lotion lo onawer lo ray cord in iho

aofflelfsuc.NoTis rsoM Tnt WaeiiouBH Biiow,—Will Donks

boo been re-engaged u general agent, onU HarryOTcrton u manager ot oar No. 1. Major KIbbtowill nmoln w commander ot the ticket wagou.Already the bnllden, npainn and palnlera on otwork, and tbo can, aleepcr*, cages, band wagiina.seals, polea, etc., an uodcrgdag overhaul lug, andIt la ute 10 predict that too show will aiortoutlooking u Blick andu clean u a new penny. Hr.Woshbnm baa one or two eurprlaca In idoro tor ihopobllcAKNA West la mocling wllb aucccaa over ihc

Pcnnaylvania clrcnlL Hho hu algned wlih lllog-

llng Bros.' Circus for noxi acuon.Fboh Till LiKOLT Shows.—Tho ahowanlvcil In

Oalveaton. Tex., laat week, and opened lu goodbnalneaa on tbe East aide ot Iho equan. T. U«arCoogan, lecturer and director, joined tho i>bowhen, coming from New Orlcooa, l.a. Wo arc all

well, and tbo ahow to doing a good bnaloca^. Thoman Id while walks every Sunday morning.ToSY llAMIi,TO.s hu bought anolhcr horvo, sod

the old once an doing nicely. Millie lloralliuii la

eillDg along OH well aa coulil bo o.X|Kcleil. Tbulamllion Bioihcra oic gelling up a a.raog act lor

next aeaton.E. F. Johbs, toba player, ud Fruk Trcodway,

aude trombone player, an engaged wllb the FredLook OInna for next season.Funx B. HiLLiB AMD wiri, eqnesuians. have

signed tor next season wllb Walter L. Halo's Show,mUlng their aecond aeaaon with thu abnw.But Vibkoh hu algned with Ohas. Lee's Lon-

don Show.jAiin J. SwuHiT hu signed with iba Baker k

Eatnbart'a Show tor next Summer, to do hisapeclallle* ud play aoan dnm In the bud.NoTis raoH nil Waltxb I,. Maim Bio Snows.—

A apeolal force of scene palnten ud glklera aj'

rived from Cloolnnau, 0., ud an botlly en|'

Hartrard.—At Proctor* Open Hooae "The

aucceaatcl week'a engageinent -. - r,.^, .

aignwMOUi at every perloimuoe. TbjButfordL?dge. B. P. 0. E., NoTlO, tudeted Ibe WllbnrUpetaCo.aaoclallsatltaclrlodgeiooau. Bloglog

and recratlona wen nndered by tbe company, le-

treabmenl* were eerred ud a good time was en-


PENNSYLVANIA.-18ee Page 749.1

SoraatoD.—At Ibe Academy of Hotic A. T.

Peoiaon'a "Lud ot Iba Midnight Son" Ju. 21,

HiiNPouerud Kyrle Bellow 22. Peation'a 'The

White Badodron," 19, wu well reoelved. Sieve

BTOdrt. in "On the Bowery," 18, had a l«»»e.

•TTTe LIuleTotton," by local talent, 24, KeHuM.nSjIoTKOBAH-Obu. B. Colloban'* "Oooii Hoi.

low" 00. come II, 10, to fair bouae*. T»e We*

York Phllharmonlo Club, for the benedt of Ibe Y.

U 0 A SuProhoiu'* "Lott Paiadlae" comea

li 2S, for ihe beneQtot Green Ridge, Wbeelmen.

bATia' ToiiTU.-B- D. Stain' "A Barrel ot

konev' 21, Srarbemlog'a Hlutiela and "Black-

ifit"" plijS £ lb* cap^lty *« uw "<>«»• «• V»week.


Brio—I.ectnreaud local entenaljmontoeOT

DiS Meoenbolr HaU Ihe past week. Ooinlag:

F^UlTw Dockei-ler'a loSM^tor^ bjnj

Si'S'Tb^eWii-?«SSftm ta«Seaa during P"' 'S^^,JhSd iWtSiToM'a living picinre* u4 Ibe Wondsrknd stock

SlrbMirOn -oubooley'a TronM*s»MdKing of tbo Plains." „_.„..l,aaeBa««r,-At lb* Follon GpenBonae Hell*^

ocnsioek^t KH*nl* a. Hi*, rtfm uA TJMB«|]*w Hi "A TitpW OUMten" M.

RdecoiaUng, painting ud gliding tbe lahleaax,

bud ohariov, cage* and dens. Toe aldea of thebig daoa will present u sppearuoe which will

DO doubt prove a welcome lonovaUon to the oldatile lettering. An eOlolenl corpa ot arllala havetaken the ooniraot to palot thereon nproductlouot famoos palntlogs of noted bletorlcal erenia aodbappeolnga, among the number being ooe ot theworld'a gieaieat naval baiUea, and muy othernomerons happinlnga of notional Interest. LloneuBoae gaveblrtb ti foaroubi, which, Incoojnncilonwith the other two cnbs, will moke o very pniiycollection, and the lion family bu now ten mem-bera. Genenl Agent W. B. Ftuklln la ea route to

Chicago and BniTalo on a bnalneu trip. Agent J.

P. Fagupaldnsanylog vlaliJon. 18. Tliecuvuhu been ordered,ud will be larger lo sImud en-

unly new fnm piarqne to the big top.


engaged with tbe Gital Wallace CInna.Hill and Kiltih Inform na tbat they havegned wltb the Baraum i BoUey Show, and sollib Big. Stulelle'a Bbow, u wu elated recently.

NoTBS rROX F.W. Fou's New SoDrasBN Snows.—We closed a socceasfol aeuon ot nine weeka wlib-

ont u accident ot any Imporunoe. Wo carried

twenty-one people, twenty bead ct atook, a loit,

top, wllb a 30tk aldOle, ud made a record In

Texu tbat uy show would be prood of. TheLehmana, knockabont dowoa; the tour BorasBro*., tnmblera; Edwards aod Braggmao, on the

bars; the Del lltloe, tropeataia. We ore In Winterqnanen. Mr. Ford la srruglogudgeuios readyfor next aeason, wblcb opcna April 2. We onhaving two new wagon aleepen built, ud every-

thing la belbg nptlnled. Mr. Ford nye Winter

Inartan will lie obugcd next aiaaon lo Buntoolo, Texaa.TBI HBHBDiTaH, acrialUl*, have algned wllli W.

J. Uarrla' New Nickle Plate Ulrcoa for the comingaeaoon, making It ihe third aeiaon with the abow.

They open In Jockaonvllle, Flo.

Roann or Bid. Uabbis' Woblu i:Hmii Bdowhnow touring Texaa.—sig. lloirla, proprietor andmuager; Prof. l>a Witt, John Bwor, Sonoy Orr.

ProfTAmog, Chatlea Oiloe, Berite Corrigu andMamie St. Olalr. We carry a 7StL lop, wllb mi.middle piece ud a juvenile bud ot a<x piece*, un.

der tbe leodenhip ot Haaier John Buma, a twelve

year old motloal prodigy.

Tag paiiiRoaE (tUABTxr, (lua Jroklna, Jo*. Stan-

ley, Loots George ud John Hart, open at lloll'o

EOBlltb Circus Ju.2a fur a two wceka' engage-


tcmlme Co. tuove ntumed Inm Havana, cmia.

ofier a ancceaaful engagement wiili rublionea'

Olnoa.AmaiT BTLVtiirgB hat algned with Ue'a Loodon

Olnoa for the cmlog aeaaon, making bla foonbaeaNb wlih that allow.

TBI Tube* ittHoa, Wlliloni, Fred aod George,

have algned with Waller L. Main'* Circus, tor Iho


Olrso*.—The aeaaon ot llv} will Im oironger ibso

ever. We will hove one ot the dnest kindi «t ten

pieces on the ro*d. We are algning flis', clutpeople. ThIa Is a one Hog ahow, wltb riding acts,

ponlee, dots, eta ^. ^ , . ..„.,.A. C. BAincaBR ud wife bore oltned with the

Onilmor Bma.> Circus, moklog their secoDd eeaton

wllb that abow. _ . . , „Tut Eabl BitrtM opened wlih Crrln'a Crcua

Ju. 18 for tbe aeaaon, and made a hit lo their

Porlalu cnnloriloD duoe. Annie Uan opened at

iBsclronaJu. 16. ^ . ...Fbame 0. BoSTDCX ataie* that baton leavlog for

Eorope he will dUpoaent hit aeveral abowa, ant.

mala, etc., at pablle anotloo. The oale will loke

Eloce March 9, at NcwOileans at l«e Circle, whenle exblblUono ore now located. In the Hat an Ibe

1103 Wallace, the boxing kugaroo. Bit Fnuk,Prince, the wreoHlog Hon, tbe utiooeil Albino

bnffole, a group otiMiDarda, the exblbliloo knownu Nou'a Aik, ud Wombweirs Heoagerle,


Lealaarllle.— At Mog*nJe|o< Tbttin HagtB-

bea't Tnlned Aolioal and Zodogletl Olrena

did exceedingly well lut w*«k. KoUnte* wengiven dally, comiDtndng Jos. II. This bones will

be duk week 0(31,

TtMrLB.—Tbe only attnotlon at Ibia taooss laat

week wu James J. Oorbeti, lo "Oenuemu Jook,"I7,toahoaaejamniad to Ihe doors. lAdlco aloodIntbeaiaiea. Cnmlni: A. 0. Field's Mlnslnls tl,

Stuart Riba-iR 33-'ie.

GRAKDUriaA Horn-—"The Burglar" oltrooted

a good honee at every pettotmupe lost weok.0"mln>: HIaalenUa Jooea, Sunday 30; week ot Jl,

'Th* BnaUer."ArEiii'*.-Alba lloywood. In "Rdgewood Folka,"

aiiraoled good ataed andleocee lut week, JamteH. Adama, In "A MMy Lot," week ot -jl.

Bi;c(i!(nDAii.-RMvea A Paloer'a Bpeolally Oo.

played lo on'dod bonae* week ending 19. UarryWlUloma' Own Company week ot 11.

OBii TniATBi.-'ne aame people booked lutireek hold unr Ihla week, wltb the addition ot JoeHortlo. DualnaM Is good.NoTiK.—Od. Wm.Heneit,t>tunterot the Tem-

ple, la conlned to hi* bouae so 111 that be will beunable to reanme his plooe In tba box offloe lor

several days Ovide Huain udbia oonoert com-pany give 0 concert ll, at Huato noil Mel-

ville D. Undon (Ell Pe klna) will loctonatubrarrBall 14 Tbe Loolavllle lAdgoot Rika have ro.

aemd all the boiee at the Temple Thaom ror Al.

0. Flald'a Hloalnla,£!,udwlll oiund In a body,wearing full evening drcos. Alter tho performaocea B'ag aoclol will be held lo Elko' Hall, lor membenud rielttng brolhrr^when refreebmeota will beaerved Iiulel U. Gilmu, peilcairiu. Is en.

gaged ot Xobel A Hohoefer'a Kualo lloll, to walkICO mllM In 600 cooaecnUve hnun, tor a pune ot

1110. Ur. Gllmtn exprcla to complete hia walk by24. Hr. Gllmu complelad a l,oix) mllaa walk lo

I,000 houa Deo, ti.

Ifaahvllle.—At the Theaue Vendome Ju. J.

Oorheii, In "OenilenwD Jock," wu tbe attnc-tlnn Jon. l4-lt, and dnw large andlenote. Mr.

Uorheu oo It mode bla maiden eltort on tbe leoiun

Blottorm, when he dellvend a leclun on "Phyalcal

ulion" baton the atodeni* ot the VuderblltudTenoeaaee Hedlcal Onllegoa. Olailya Wolllo, lup-

ported by the PotU Itoaa Company, In "A tllri'o

Way," drew andltnoet ot fair proportlona 18, 19.

"The Potalog Saow" comei 31-19, the LlUpotians

3l-Feb.3.OSAND OrBRA aobSB.—Rogeoe riwoll, the

magichui, came Ju. 14-lt ud drew fair alie

anifltBoet. "Put Kaover" oocopled the boardi li-

lt ud dnw fairly wcM. Bookinn: "The Qalley

SkTa" 31-13, "Tbe Fencing Moaier" i4-3S,sio*ri

Itobaon 2S. Hlohord Muadeid Bl-Feb. 3.

Duoo.—This hooaewu dork week of Jan. 14, bocanae the attraolloD booked wu not up to tbe

otudud which Huoger Kellner wlobed to ploy.

AHtntuaxT Uau.—Slaalenlta Jones gavo a con-

cert 14 to a fair audience.Thb host Imponut aobloot now In theatrical

cirtlea In tbia city la who u to lie msnogerand lessee ot the Tbeatre Veoitomo for Ihe next

Suub, JeiTersoo, Klaw ,t Krlugor'a leaie

Moras noa ratscn a '«anATio«a"-Tbe Moo. oo*

'aod two ahowa an iloiai taod boaleaaa la tealolaoo, uanoL Pifty-tbrw paopla or* ooiloua to oaenn TaaOurraa aaoli weak, aod look to it u iba B«aa'*aad

•adlatjoonal or lie tlod. IHva lleadlay, Ibe aanoonts

Dr- HalaoD'a ootdl, and LavIa' Boot Rhov era all ban.Mllb. EuotRA •tllaa Uiol aome od« la lotrtaglDi

npon bar till*, wlih lotaot to do har aa lajary profaa-

alODOlly. Mlla. Blaelrt la Totblog al Aoalln A Itona'aMnaaQin, Boatoo, Uaaa.Taa otiDDBN-NouR f^oaaiKAviOR la la Hlanaapollo

bc»klBM.atioQthwaal*ra tonr.. , .

P. II KiLA intorma ua that ha haa purebaoad a lot Oxlion, aait a two alAir honae, at Nav llaTao. vt., vhlohha boa pfoiaDlad lA hta lalhar and uiothar.

UiaoaLusaora Rnowa—Roaiaror thaOraioQ lodlooHaiMolBa r-o.. Mo. II. do' Iniillna MlDoaanla: AltMttLlord. iiiaDaaaT; Or. Oao. l^itlte Jr, apoolallit laaturarlOdoi ' '

ooDaullIng ithraloloa; Prof Albart, planlat, boliodand mntin alDRor aod Duleh oomadlaD; will ll«a|btfiii,

mvaloolparioniiaT, nia«I«,itiffal nartonaUaa, Irlu oodb aek laoa eomadlaB: Dall WllUtn. eonlarUonlai etioir

balAoear, talah. Daloli and black fOM comadloo; J. B.Uuolar, Japanaaa Jaaalar. Ilahl aod haavv baknoar,Tvaah Irlih aoog ood ilonear ood hnmao brldto; John-Dla Hjon. Italian and ttiih ImparaADOtor, r«>wv aloiaroadaoltaboailanear; RodoIbi Daar Hlaah taoka oadTsnJuiDpa. Wa ara Id oar ulrlr-alith waak and ttovanarar ulaaad a aoUnr day Koaur n( tba Oragonodion Madloloa Co., No. II: Dr. Obaa. It. (loll,

acurar oad inaaagar; Un. Oaa. u. Call, Ploaala Ooll,*nil RoljoL nualooldiraator; Joho a. raullood Alaa.Paall, mQilAol taaui and oomadlaoa; Hoaa Taylor, eoa-tnrlloDlal aod luvalar; BartHaodan, block ortond mafto.

WaoratourlOH Olilo In aon] builnaao MouartonibaOr. cauin RlHiilo Bait AdaartlalotCo : WaapaoadNov, lt,al Whiullload. Xoo., lumplog oat ol IhatHtoulolA Iowa, ood hova baandolag onleabualoaM alloloo*.Jao II waa UoouarWall MclWiaold'a birllidor, oad hooatffbratad tba oocoalon by alTloa tba coittaonr a ban-quaL Tbara waa •aouah oorha aumt Ibat alabt toblaok 0 doaao iMd alia niloalral eonpaalao. ^0aMiipoar prvaanlad Hooaear MfDoBOH wlln adIanioDd collar bultAa, Our oonipaar ta qottalar'O r.tr Ihla hind of 0 aaoaoo. ont wa onnakloi A anceau. Tlia natar: Hr. oad Hn Walt J.HoDonaM, Hnalar (laorav, l!haa- -Inhoaon, Will Dor, ArtWbllo, JitboDr HlaOTCBA Oliaa. I'arkar, Jini Oorla; Rd.Banaa, Horry Da I.on and a band and orchaaln of alabtriaoaa, undar lha laadarahlp ol Pmr Phil Hvooir.loatarofUmaulk H>llcloai)o..So. ta: Dr. tknIIWIIaon(Whit* Baila). tai^lnrar and roanooar; Wm. iUyaran,atoga nooagar; Kddla HAjorolt, lllllr Pafrall, JarrlawiUoa, Ubial Daar ood nira. Louia DMr and i:ora Bator,Dr. Oao Pordy oloaad Jon. 0. Tba conipa''r ore allhapor. barouao Ibair did not sat oor ilianiftoda or soldwotrbaa for Xoiaa Iloaur or the Mohovh Hadlelaano. No.tl; Ureloanllharlla, ntanaoar ood loolb ailrno-Uir;(lritgaand Kalea. Ann. llackoay.tbaDoylonfllaUn,Uaotn Hall llMaf RaaTnioud ond Hounulo Itowt,nyaloBaflbarlla (Dr. obaa. Honar) la boiy giltlns raodyfor Uia Rpflng. Ila will oorry alahlaan paopla wlih aIbraa hnodrad (not alda wall, an alavatad atnga, oInnaaaola, alfht haad of boraaa and waonna... Hnalar orthanoWonlloHadleiDaCu andOoneart(Jo.,No.4l; Dr. flop.

Wait, maoagar and laolonr; Unhllanla,aUBamoDor -

and saaarol o»madlaa; Rifilanl la uiablBoahlt wllb I


Loo Angolae.—Sadie Marilnol preaeoied "The

Faaap'.rt" to fair boalntti ot lha l«e Angela*

Ttoain, Ju. 8-12 At Ihe Borbuk Theatre

"La Belle Rosae," wltb JelTioja Lewis In tho lead-

ing role, proved a dmwing card t-lt "ForgetmoBol" 13-10 TheOrpheom ladolog a fair liool

neu. New people 14: Bnait Blalera. Ibe lloailoys,

Oeorglu Iiadlgo, Homiaud Arno, John ud Nellie

McOoithv.udConaUntlDeaod Lyooa. llolaoven:

The Honlloa and George F.rona Al tlie NewVluna llooat the people an: .Soogreac'D udLome, Reia Gongh, Kiile Adama ud the Berth

Family Onbettta.*. . . .The TkalU Concert Halt lillla

the following: Juno (frog man). Gerlle Raven, Bert

Hoxlr.Oeneva Uueluw. Billy Morton aod Bertha

Oniola niageraMHorphy look Ihe road hei*,

12, In advur* of Sadie Kanlnot.

Ban Diego—Al FUber'a Open Bonne Maria

Heatb, iD'ATnikiah Baib,"Ju. II, "BhlD* Tlut

r!mia th* Night" B The Ooolno bad mtUrgent bntlnea* of Iba aeuon Uat week.


Harfalfc,—it the Academy ot Kualo aunUTaRovelUe* played to a top heavy honae Ju. 14. Kit.

PotUTtad K|ri«Bellewopeaed Ibelr en(og«meot

17 naentlDg ' Ohorioue Cordoy" to ont of Ibt

bfirSSleneei ot the t««*oo. "FraaclUon" dt-

Uibtad equallyu large u andlmoe it. OomlDi:

Sr. U. Orue a. HI Honn'i HlBatttU 30, Kal Oopd-

wln Fab. 1. Bobt liownlog 3 Al tbe Bllon

TbMln,OMBlBg 31: Ida EvulBIs BoMO-lltyMTDOUlt.linw Etcher, HIat Pllllea,Haagle Boea-

ESImjS^itfe Davit,ud BobMsmy. Bntfooi

la lor the term ot Uiree yean, with the prtvlleio ot

two yean longer. The three yeora expin wlih the

cloae ot the preaeot aeaaon, ud It can be aald wllb

a degree of cenoloty that at the end ol tbia aeaaon

their oonneotlon with the Vendome mouagementwill oeoor, unleu then laooondeeoeoalnnon the

part ot the Vendome alockholden. The tnulilo

between the leeseea ud Ibe aiockholdera u tbe froo

box eluao In the contnoL The Vendome la ownedby eight alockholden, and over amco lbs enc-'.Ion ot the honae, nine yean ago, It hu been

Uia agreement wltb the leaaee* that tbe dlrectora

abonid have free odmloalon lo ibeir boxra. Thenon alxleen privole boiee oliogotber, ud eight ot

ibeae en oontrnliod by ibe auokboldera, wttu dmrtree admtaalona toeouo box to eocli perlnrniouoo,

thiriy-two tree admlaalooaln oil lo each ood every

pierformuce during the aouoo. Tbia ilio leaaecii

object to, wllb tho high nio of nniol, ud letoae in

coulract tor another aeaaon unlou the frep boxc'auae la ellmloaled In the coninoi. Thit ih»itook-

bolden nluso to do, u tbey uy Ibo theatn wubolli tor Ibelr pleuuremon thou lor tno proot, anduy belon they win ellmlooto that clooie tbey wniran tho iheotre ibemielvea or doae It op for the

oexi a'oson. Then woa a mmor alloai that

Oorry <t Boyle, raonagen ot the Grud 0|uira

ilooso, would (afco oborie ol tbe Vendome. Mr.

Boyle when approached nid there hod been o con-

tereoce between the aiockhoMors, Oapt. Uuny aodbimieir. bnt tbey couH not oellle on any terms, uthe aicctholdeis IniinUd iliu looy shoulil have Ihe

boxes free. Tho free box oraiem hu been aaourcool complaint from nearly eveiy company iliii luavo

p'.ajod tbo house olDce It opened and tlinonly oxcepllOD when tbe boxea won nild waa when I'aU

oing lien a year ago. la the ineuilnio then lo

Bomo tolk nt building anew Ibeatre by local uopl-

ullaia, ood It la lariber rumored that Curry Jl Boyla

will be the mtoagert.a«*aa -


Dee Moluei.—At the lirud Opera Honio, Jon.

10, 11, 12. Joraea A. nollly. In "A Herman Holdler,''

come to fair biulneu. Uurny and Hack, lo "Fin-

nlgan'a Hill," pocked the hooN 14, 16. Haj Vukea

JOB. 28 ond week.

Kiin'BH'H Opiiia iliiiiAB.-unoriea lilckaou drewwell 11. Holder and Fly'i romo In good liualnoaa

14. 'The Couoirr Clrnua 'io. IT, oon molloce, had

lorga hnnioi. Joe Murphy comag 24. "Oharioy'a

Aunt" M, "The Girt I Ull Behind Mo"ni.WOMIIEHLIND Ul'HtUH AHII TUBATEt —Week Of

21: Uclora ball-Wood uwiog cooltit betweenleu remol'a llljuu aiaga-Oorardy rnmpany. The-

otorinm-New York All sur Specialty Show. Husl-

oeos contiunes good.World's Pair HuakUH anii Family TiitATRt.—

iMt weoi'spe«plu sro reulned la oil depaiimenls-

llo'Hl liutlneas pravolla.

Norts.-ThiiOallfornlaOper* Company oloaod ot

Woidtrlond 19, Uklng tho rood for t»o weeto,

otter wblob a mooin'a ntagemrnl will be Oiled ot

UrrlMartln'a Now Hoseum. (|alncv. III UIIIT

Uok has left "Flonlian't Ball" compuy ud will

remain bon a few daya,

t'oaiiell Bln>r<—Al Dohani'a Thealre "TheHhip or Stole" drew alim liouara Jao- 13. it, JuhnL. Hulilvao ilnw a lone oiidloocp, cnmxaed ol

noal enUrely of men, II. J. K. Kinmat had fair

flbancea tiir la Tne nouae wi'l proliibly remaindork week ot il. "Howlng the tviod" Uaooonocrdlor29, '-TheUIri 1 UflBahlndMe"»i Mherly

lloll oaem* toted to nmaln dork.and Indlooilnna onlhatltwiHHidom bentedforoiber tban amateurpertormucet,Dabaqo—At Ihe Orud llpen llouae Sudow

BuUtOeTrocodero VaudevlllnCo., Job. It, goveadoeportormance lo onn of tbo lor«ral oudlenrea ever In

the honae. Uol. II (J. loreraoli leciiired on "TheBible" to a good liouae la. Oinlov: la, lo, "TheUruatnf Socreti; 2J,' The Ship ot Htaia." AlIho Bijou vottely la drawing good booau...Beach A Ilowen' Hlnitrels nport good boslneu.

Durllngloii.—At Ihe Onnd '-Tlio Ctrl I l«lt

Uahlod Hr," Jon. 12. drew fair patronate- lljb

Ullllard, 14. pleaaedagond andmnoe. • HpldrroBd

Fly" came it "A Green ilooda Moo" didn't bova anatieilog noUook tor I'j. Uorrlo Turner ii, 'TheCbarliy Boll" 34.

Maraballlown.—At Ibe Clcon Corlaoe coinea

Jan. 14 Words aid Jtmta bad a good bouM 16. -


W. L. I'tumore. formerly manager of the Udeon,

la vliliingfrlenda In our city.

Keokuk,—At the Keokuk Opam lliioae Iioli

FliKlmmoni' Specialty Co. rame Jon. II li> fairly

Rood bnalBraa. "A Ureen (looda Hu" bod a big

ooaa la. "Tbe Cruet ot Society" oontt 34, "UodeJoehBproceby"'2t.

Cedar llapldtr-Bondow ud thb TrocadenVaudetllleaKormy andOreen doodtAnnl"».

ir llapldtr-Bondow ud thb Itocaderelllv dellgnicd a foil house Jan. II. Bonked


and Mock, In "KIdbIeu'* Ball," lo. "AGoods Hu" 31, Corinas »i, ''Uhsrley's


UuBha,—At Brad's Tbeatfs Alexudtr Balvlal

opeoaatbrw nlghu'eotateraent JaD.JI. Joteph

Hnipliy comet 34-3r, playlig maUoce ii tot tbe

buell of the dnnlb tofftren of tbe Slate. Oer-

Inne 38, 29, 80. Hilton Roblea did goodhntlneu t(.

J. K. Emmet, lo "Frilz In a Htdhoote,'* played to

good bonae* in. it. The Waide-Jamea Oo. badgood houttt 11, It. "Yon Yunaon" did good bntl-

DCM 20-

RHPIBB TBiATiL—"The lierbv Winner" oacntdafonrnlgbu'enpgemeotao. "IbeJovial Staler*,

booked fori*, 3>, 3«, have caootled. PUI Urttur,

la "A Orcea Ooodt' Mu," oobm* 3T and week.

J«ka U SoniTta played 10 good boi**i U-tt.

Mtuy^X/ -mill

WaaL maoasaraad laelonr; Unh llanKausamooogarand saaarol cioiadlaa; Rifilael la uiablBoahlt wlih blaraocT rtta abiMtlni and adncalad dnoa; ara Cap. VaaLaoeallN ond alack wira walhar: Itorria and Horiihr,knoakabflut Irlah taam. Waalancorry faur Upa. Hual.naw raporlad good Uitaoab Hoiyland Roataror Dr.n J. Poit#r a lloniadr ('-».. now Inunn* Hoolborn Toaaato rarortad good bnalnau, nndar lha maoaaanianl ofDr. O, J. PiMlar: Jd« onil Lonro RarnnUa, Irllbakalcb laam; Ran.Tannar, Hlonia Riirton, aarlo oomia;uauy Niebulla. ilaok wire; Hma. Foatar, maEoalto lody;Pror. l)a Camln, inaalalan and meaitiarUt; jna Karaar,Duloh Minadlan; Pml, HcNully and woodea baada>1ranilly; Hlllr Harlow Htirlon. black roe* rowiadlan;llarrr Buab. Ilia man o( maorlacaa; dlrda. Ila'hawar,mualeal parrarniara; Virlln, olnwo. Wa uaa on mt. top,

BUaa. aeanarp. alo- Kd Holand tola caavaa nan. Tboman InwhIUwalka ofary Hundar liitiratna KoalarWbltaRpaar HadiainalM.: Dr. Jim Long, moaasar oadconauUint phrilolan: Hra. Mamla Lona. planial; JooT.Wlllonl. lioleliwmMllui; (larl Praaalr, Iria), and blaeklore eomaOlan; VIolor Lnnaon, Iropata ud Hpoolalirinra; Prof. H. II Anlan. moaielto ontl trnna; Pator Hun luatlar and wira wolhar. Dr.ni lAnii ood wlla Jii.t raliirned rroni a villi

n Phl'adalnhiA, I'a.. whcra lliay vara TlillloB Dr.l.<ina'a raiiilly. Thi, niiiiiianr laid ulf o wnak lo PortDmlK*. la , and raauiiiad work at P,aila (Irufa, la. Waopanad lo o bla builnaaa Hnodav. Waaraitondlna Ibaniupnnabdbara: wa lock tba diHira al H o'oluok aborp;wa ora hODOklOff Uiam o twlatar. Tinii Alharlon ond wflaaraalilKnxlha roin|.ao)r, and lha ntnnayaallarcollanaollupavarrHuadaralBA. H Il.ulnr of ll,a UrvgonIwllin Hadklaaro.. Nii. 4: Dr. P. llrinL aolaownar^r.' W. Laa, lacluror, mnnaaar and llalitnlng Uiolboalrador: J. J. Vanbnn*an, Ilanr Hiallnnl. Ji«klloliiiaa. Prad Holmno, Aila Tamplainn, Nra. Vanhnv;,o,Hra Unlaa Ua. Vanlbn W. Lm. I.Milal Hiondlng llMr.B<B llcraa, LiulaTliundarand lluonlna Drer KOdy Poaand wira oloaed Jan. It, aa did olan y. Dteaniao Dr.llronl'M amIllaR Ihoa'a Iraqnaollr aaan oatona ui. Boal-naaa la O. K„ cAnaaqiianllr 'ha man In whila alwora ap.i,oraHnnday tnarnioy, maklns avaiy ona happrlaaUrol UiaTnarigaUadielna llo.: UapLrotl, prnprla-liir: Dr. U. II Lannoi. I.niurar; Janai Darar, atoaamanacar; Dampliall and Wllbar. akaloh laun ; P.a*aarond Womla, hinak fv.* hnnakabouu; Pror. Parguion,raaolelan aod laaHlar: l.lilla Prancalinn. aarlo oonioand MOAoil alaliL Tita eoiiipoor 1" loarloa Maaaorbniailatu anfrl liualDpaa RnaUr i.r Klnwa HadlclDa To., Ho,11: Dr. Duk Dliitiil, HiiiiUla Wllatin, maaaatr. Tnfallahand camaillan: Jaa. Alllann. lOaek tofa nnd muaicolmiika; llarrvHI, niRlr, ptanlal. vnaallat and Irlthnania.dian. Wa rioaaj tan waaka' aosaaamaoL Woriau.villa ui lolliiw.


lniManu|Miiia —At the llraod Wlllier'a Kaler-

tolnrra occupied iho linorda Jon. 14. Tlioa. !(. Hea-

brnoke. In 'The (Iraml VIrler" and "Tho tale nt

Cliompigor," plcoaed good al/.od Hudleocea III, 17.

Tho evoot iif Ihn WMk woa tho nrat appeoruce of

liillo Fox lo a aiclUr mlo In thla city. 'The IJlUe

Tro'iprr" called fnrib loron andlencm, who greetod114 it'or Willi miirh ontliiivlnatn. Ihioknd: "Obor.Iny'a Aunt" week ot 21; "Jane" 2<-au, "Frioodo" :il-

Kaii. 1Kaiii.iHii'M.-"(Kil GInry" virno In fair liualDOa

JAOM-In. Coinlog: Thi< Amerlf-aii KxirovogunUn. In "Ala'ldiii,Jr..''';ii-'i'i, "In the TODilerlolb"'Jii-n. 'Tno \\'rv:k Crnoh" :il-Keii. 'j

Pahb.— .MuNully'a VlaK"nDemui lhaweek tu lhanouol heavy bunlneaa. 'Tlio Kid " hooked fiir Joo,17-111, woa replaced by the l.'indon Hellea' Voudo-vllln (,'n, i:nil<!rilnfld: ciiu. A Lndnr In "UnthaGo" 21 'The Teniplniton nt Hnner" 'i4-2>i, "iMtIn Now roili" 21-3>i, "Mr Annt llrldgel" ^it-feb.'i.

Khi'Ihr —llindieater'a Fronoh Follv llorlaaqueCo. rncnlvpd fairly good pitronige week nt Ju- 14.

rnir.log: VIcl'ir'a Vondevlllca week ot 21, KmpliaSpfi'-laliy (III. 2n aod week.

NirroH —Ulokaon A Taliioit, monaiara ol lha(Irud, I'aik and Kngllih'a, hove iinilor ooolnutthe erection nt a bandaoma nrcado cnnoeollng twoot Ihe principal alreaia. Tbe building la In a'rnaglyrracmrile lomo or ibe Wnrid'a Fair liiilldlagt Inarohl'ectore, ud li in be cnmpieted lit Sept. 1. InIt will lie IncoU-d a combined box nilico tor theirthree tho^lree, Tbe orcaile. oo yet, iieora no nonw,aod tho pnjA^lora have nnvrrd aprlu of a aeiann'nilokol to each i t their three honae* to the perannwho will auggeiltbe nana which aboil anally b«Mlec'td for It,

Harlan.—Tne iipera llouai wu miad lo lhadonrt Jan. II, to hear W, II, Hiierwoud. The WIHierliromallo Oi. ployrd lo o H. II. II. honae 16. Iiurtng(heir mnllott pertormance. In, the conntor weightlolbe drnp cnrioln toll ihrnngh to Ihe Inuement,breaking Id lladeacent two Urge gu pipes. Thedrroalog moma hcnro'b Iho aiaae Krame Iliadwllb gu, which Ignlicd from Iho Jets, and u ».ploalon reaoKed. which li'ew out tbe entin rearffoll. Tbe liouae tlian took lln and woe dealroyed.Tho Wlliier Co. lost iho anoier port ol their word-rriia. The houw will Iw reliolll Immeoiotely afteraobdjuilineotwllb the Ineufuca cnmptnlesKilwin ItarlKiur'n new place, "One of Mie Uoya,"waacompi-lted to oloaa hero 6, nod Ihe corppaDyrelumed to Chicago, They will reorgODlin omiopen ot the Macilo, Clili-ogo, Fob. 12 RilwinUudoir will ptubohly alar noil aeaoon nndir thedirection ot hla broiiitr, W, II. ilnrdner. Negolla.

Hods are now pending, (loeot Mr. UirMui'a ployawill probably be teleclod.

Fnrt Wayas —Al Moannlc Temple TOos, J,

Healirooko'a '-The Grand Vixirr" como 18, lo goodpatrooflge. "rhe Two HIatera," lu, Ind a amallhnote. Hooked: 'Tne KiiMgn" 31, cur Uleirent ti,

Itnbert Hllliord24 i;hu. Ulckaon 30, HllioB Noble*a, l'owa:i, magiclu, to.


Wheeling.—At tbs Open Hooae Al. G. Flald'a

Hloalrtia oppuied to a large bouae Jan, 14.

"Jane" followed 16, It, lo ftlr huilocM, Coolsf


Jome* O'Neill, In "Home CrIalo," 31, "ShonArrea'i Vi.

(IHaMD OPBBA notiat.-Ohaile* T. Mil* gav*"Ciaper, Ihe Yodler, ' u> big liulneu Jas. li-li

Tne Jorlteaa Comedy Compuy Blled em Ihe nmolnder n( the week, 17-lu, to good bnalnaat.Booked: Bariholomtw'i Eqolnct 38-30, "ThaBmng.glen"ll-Feti,-2.Riirta.-llony Bhnnk Ml Ibt Al, 0. FMd (how

at YoBhEtlown, 0., 13, bla plu* being Blled brCharley lloyd Percy Klogtle* will racetad Ed*win Bethel la the "htavie*" wllb Ohst. T, KUli ttNtwork, J., 21.

ooMTuggD OH rAoa lU,

752 THE' NEW YORK CLIPPER. Jandabt 26.


THE FMIM QUEEN lilBLUHINa Ca (UmnK),noramou.




' t«Bt7MU PWUu,MtU IJP* BtMl* ! IPW* 0(«MIMh (Ui <uk IMsdni. Ad«dM>lo*«(Ilp«r«atlitUntd OD tdraitlMiMnli wb«a ptU let IkiM BMtbila tinam, tat oo UnitiaMau m«nilii US UM•r m*

BUBSOBimOV.OMrMr.lB tlTUM,M;dI m«9lkl,ll; UuMDMIbl,

IL rcraJiipoiunnBk. (U|to«ovtM,UMU<Mb.00£ nun IBB OUH.

TUB OUFPBl If Imad mif W«da«adu mmurfb< mLUIb ud Mill (•InrUilai) p4na 00 TO riBnOX loRDAT. tat IM luh, mS SI olhw ft— «tDtlOAT,

Th*Ponna Oloalac Promptly at4PJC.PIMM mlt br MiiiMi noMj OTtf«, «hMk, r. 0. or*

4«f or ncuteiid ktur, u4ADDRUa ALL OOMMUNIOATION*

For Uu BdltaHml or tb* BulBWDcpkttaiml to

THE NEW YORK CLIPPER,r. o. Boi a,R3«, or uurrxB BuiLsiMa,

H Ud n Ooam Siwi, Mow Tork.

Jo BoiUod^ni ourni ooa bo obuuid, wboUw looo4 rowUol oorifi "


ouUoSlnol, atfloCBU 01 oor UMIA Smllh, AluUo * Oo, Ro*-

lo fruo*—Til oupro u on Mlo ot BrMtoao'f Bonttpol, IT Aroiio do rOpon, rorlt.

•rTIIB HBW YOBK OMPPICa pab-lUhMMlroBoodltleB, •(! tlut lidktedmm Now York.^

THE CLIPPER ANNUAL.me laM ot UiU TklDtMe compendium for IMS li

now for Mlo, iad lu oppewuco tiu been ilpitl-

iKi by Ite onstomtrr demind bj aD opprecltllTe

pablle torooplci Ihereot. fornusj }un Uw book

bu iMtD reiirdod M tbo nosl relUble, u It It ibe

nod oofflpr«b*nilT«, jatrlj pobllotUon doToud to

tb« Inlerttu ot tbe tbettrlul protewlon ud lb«

world ot ipott. Ill cbronologlM of OTonu tt«n»

plrlof ibtrolndnnog tb« pMtywr InolndeoTeiT

ooontTonoa ot uj Imporluco, lu Ubies ot lb«

wtoDtn of obimploublp ud otbor erent* In

•(bleUo, •qutlc, tnd olbtr clrolM ue Mknowl-edged to be ecoarete ud complete, ud Iti uioie-

nent neorology oontalu tbe nuies ot ell mtmbeno{ Ibe pieteulon wbo bne died la kll pene of tbe

olTlllied world daring tbe puijeer. An Importutftetore ot Ton Anndii. bualweje been Terr exieo-

lire reoorde ot futeit lime, beit pertormuoee »nd

temirkable ereaii, opon tbe rtrlilonot wblob eecb

jeu tbe treelcit cere li oierolaed, ud wblob will

be fonod to embrue til tbe muj new reoordimoompllibed In ten on the torf, the 'orollng mad

pedeelrlu piUu, bj ooeen aleemeti, on Ice, ud, lo

ftol, la ererj depuiment ot ipon, lotddiuon toall

former recorde tbAt biTe not been Improved opon.

la tbli ipeolel llae Ibere la no otber work In eilal-

enoe tbtt prelenda to compete wllti Tai Annval,and It tberefore atudi alone uu aniborttj—a tact

Ibat la to well ud nnlTenallr known tbat It cunoibe regarded ai telf pralta tor na to menlloo It bere.

Tbe dlObrenl fealnrti ot tbe book are annoallj com-

piled and prtpirad bj men ot ripe eipetlenoe, wboeierclte tbe nunoet care In tbe pertomiuoo ot

tbelr labon, wblob are br no meina llgbt, udat tbej bafe tbe necetwr faoUlllea at com-

mud, combined wllb tbe reijiiltlie application,

tbe lellablllif of Ibe retalit obtained ua;be depended opon. Tbe aUiacUreneu and Taloa

, ot Toi Amhdal It onbuced bjr tbe nnnbor of ad-

mliablj execnlcd porlralla ot piomlnent nembenof tbe Uieatrtoal proletiloa, leading llgbtt ot

tbe tponlng world, clo., witb wblob It It embel-

Utbed, ladadlDg the group plotoreaof Ibe mtmbenot tbe UilUmoit and Kow York buabtll tcami,ud a

capital picture of tbe famou qoeeo of the IraiUng

turf, tbe beanlllnllj formed Allx, which, daring Uie

pailteaioOidelbronedMuoj llukB,udatlonltbed

tbe tportlDg world b; reducing tbe mile record to

tiMX. Itbaaofcrbeentbepurpoaootlbepabllih.en of TBI AMHUAL to each jear add lo Ita aitraoUr-

nett, and to far tbej bava not failed In t^elr object,

tbe preeent luni tarpatalng all tboee preiloniljr

tuned,u mar be Intotred from tbe following com-

pllmenlarr newtpaMr noUcci alretdj reocWed:

More Indlipenubie Thon Ever.

>Vofii the Brooklifn Kagte.

Tub Nbw Yori OMrria Amncil tor iroi la OTenmore lidlapeoableuu nauil. Raob jear tect tblt

Taloable compendium more compleie ibao tbe pre-

float Uauea. The preaent Tnlume contalna ibe-

airlcalud aponlug cbronologlea, a llat ot dtatbaIn tbe amaiemeni profetalona, aqoatlc and albltuopertoimuoea, rulag ud irolilog tecorda, bate-Ml, ortoket, Ulllatda, etc, rtocrdt ot taalnl Umeud beat perforauucet In aU dtpartmenta ot apoit.

Tee bait lone llluiiniloDt are, aa uiual, eiceuent,and Ibe tubjecia tuDlolentli alienlOed to lUil til

latin. Allx, 3:03V; Uaude Adaou, E. V. Oarler,

New York A. U., Uella fox, ud Uu New York udUalilmore bateball Kama being acme at ibe aub-Jeota.

Should Be Kept In Every Library.

>yoni ttif lhvo\'ti/H Timrs,

TBI UurriK Amhual, wblcb lajuatonl, la, at Informer lean, a uiott atitaollTe book of rcterenco,oontalting all Ibe theatrical and tpoitlni cbioaol-vgloa of luiporlaaoe for ISM, bcaidH all tie aquatloud albleilo pcrtormuccii itcluBUd trolling reo-

ordi; In fact, recoMt of all tbe oeit perfomanoeaIn even department of aport. li It u Indiaptn-atble work, ud ibould be kepi In ever} llortrx.

Among the prominent tealurea are Uie budaomelllaatrailoaa of utora ud aotieiaoa, Ibe leadingalbleiM ud hortea.

An Indlipenubie Book of Referenee.from ne K. r. .i<lmimr.

THe appeaiance ot the Miv Yoai OurraR AH-Muai. la regarded aau ereni In tbe iporUDi jear.In the 110 ptgea of reading matier ooopritsd InibeTclame lituobamaat ot laiereitlngatuliilctud tecorda u bu nerer beea pantleled. Newreoorda b/ ibe tbouiud bave been made withinthe liat twelve montba, ud are all fallbfully le-

cordad. It Itu Indlipennble buok of reteruoe.

It le Proluiely llluitrated.

t'lvm Tht K. r. Ilrmld.

Tui New Voii OLirriM Ai<Hiiai.ot liw bu beenluaed. It oonuina tbe thMirloal and iporilngobronoloftea lor itM, a llii of dcalht Id the ainuae-meol proreitlon, aquaticud aihlcilo nerlonnucea,lacing ud tniling leoordi, bueball, cricket, blll-

laKU, eio., recordt ot fuim lima ud tbe bni pe^tonnucaa In all doparunenit ut tporL It la pro-fateli llluairated, ud la Intaluable to tboee lata^eilM In iponiog ud tbealrloal matter*.

Portrtitt of Aotort and Aotraitet.Pmm Tfif HtvoK'tt/n StatutanS-Unwn,

The Curria Annval for muhujuoi been li-

aoed. Uealdrt tbe cnaiomarj well compiled recordtableau ooauina a lull dlg«at of all aauailc ud_.^..-77 .

J ^rta,wrualta otpopu- ige porlralla C

I Timnle Onp

aUiello pertonnuoet, noing aad Inbaieball, orlokit, blllltrdi,eia,portlar acton and uIrmoi, aud riiil mI run nage porlralla of

. J ot the Timnle Onp,aad Ibe Balumcte team, cbamplona of the nationaltbe Hew York team, wlnnen (


A Connpendlum of Useful Knowledge.From T7t# /tiip/ioitiroM Ueralit.

ITie ffeniM la In reoelpt cf a copy ot Ton OurriaAMNUAL for IBM- It u a compleie compudlum ototeful Informiuon conoeming tbe ttage, traok anddiamond. The upogisphlcal appearuoe of tbe

An Invaluable Culda.

fWm J?u N. r. BaorOtr,

There la one publlcatioB which loreiB of aport

alwaya await wllb great Intenat—Tbb OLtrraaAmeii. It bujoit bean laaned for tbla year, andItu Inralutbie (aide to tboee lateretted In appit-

lug aad ibeaincu matlen. Among tbe many uma-iiailoni are iplendid gionp plotorca of tbe NewYorkud Brooklyn baaeballplaytie. TBBAHinriLcontalna the theatiical ud aportlog cbronoIoglMfor im, a lilt of deaiha In tbe amnaement protta-

tloni, aqaatlo ud aibletto parfonnusea, racingand trctilng Rcorda, baaeball, cricket, bUllarda,

etc., lecorda of ftateal Uma and beat pertoraiuoMIn all depailmenla ot aporta.

Conttlni Information of Muoh Value.

From The ;>AHadr(ph(a Call.

TiiiULirria Ahnoil for 18t6 la ouL It la ap-

proprliiely llloatriled la all departnenu, ud con-ulno Intormailon that la of much value. Tbe aob-

ecia with wblob It deala laexlanao aie tbe hanpen-

Kin tbe tbeatrtcal profeaaton. aquallo ud ath-

perfomtncea. radng, tntling ud bicycle

recordi, baaeball, cricketud Millard atatliUca andIn fact.recordi or the ttaieat Umeud beat pertorm-ancea lo all departmenu of iport It la Invaluabletoamu wbo detlrea to be weU polled In aponlugand theatrical mattaii.

It li Handaomaly IHuitrated.

From The N. Y. VeUnram,

The OLiPTii AMNOiL of IMt hu begn ttined. It

conialu the theairtcal ud apoituig cbronologleafor ISM, a lilt of deathaln Uie amuaement piotea-

ilon, tquaUe ud aUiltUc peitormuoea, racingand noitlng recordt, boaeball, cricket, bllllarda,

etc, lecorda of taataat lime and belt pertormuceaIn all departmenu of aport It li profoiely lllu-

tratad, and It Invaluable to tboee Intareaied In

ipctrtlog ud ibealrlcal matlara.

Compiled With Perfect Care,

From Tht !f. r. World.

The UupriR ANHOii for int hu Jntt been la-

aued by Uie Fruk ^ueen PublUbIng Oompasy, udla a oemplete obronolugy of all aporUng ud iheat-

rical eventa. Tbe record tablei are compiled wllbtbe ume perfect can which hu alwaya marked tbepobllcaUon of tbia Invalaable work,

An Invaluable PuMleatlon.

>Vom TTia Phttatttlphla Suntav Timet,

TBI CLirriR ANBITIL Of IMt baa beu tuned. It

contalna the tbeattlcal and aporUog cbronologleafor int, a llat of deathaln the ammement protea-

alon, iqoaUc aud atbleUc perfcrmuoei, racingudtrotUDg record!, btieball, cricket, blillardi, etcrecordi of ftiuit timeud tbe beit performueeiIn all deparunenta of aport It la beuUfnUy lUaa-

trated,and u Inviluible to thoie inlereited la iport-Ingud Iheatrlcil malten.

Should Ba In the Handi of AIL

From The tr. T, Sun.

TuiOLirriR bu ImedluunnalAMNOiL, wblobihonid be ptocared by all inlanited In iponintmauen. It contaloi compleie recordi In aUbrtncbeiot iportud It profoiely Uloatnted.

The Biet Compendium Yet luued.>Vani The H'oaMn^ton Fott,

Tne ANNUiL for 18U, which la luit luaed. It tbebMtoompgDdlnm of iporunaud tbealrleia eventiwhich hu ever been prtnted by the OUrria Oom-pany. It oontalni a compleie llti ot aquaUc udaUileUc performueei, racing and tnuiug recordt,all Ibe InieieeUng polnti connected wiui bueball,cricket, bllUardt, etc., ud recordt of fuictt Umeud but performueei In all depirtmult ot iport

Contilni all the AuthentIo Record!.From the rhilaielphia leager,

TBI OurriB AmiDiL for im hu Jut beenInned. It It a oMtuI compendium of the happen-Inga In the theatrical profeatlon, ud contalna all

tbe tuUienUo noordt ud beat performucM Inaqoauct, tthleUca, rulug, Inuing, bicycling,biaeball, criokel, blulirda, and, In fut,ihe beat onrecord In all brucbea ot aport

llluairated by Half Tonaa of Celebritlei.

From The wathlntUm Timet.

Tub OurriB Akhdal tcr INt li ont agaUi In 111

brlllhuit dieit, ud with Iti valuible compendiumof luformaUon lo the theatrical udiportlng world.It comptltu 110 pagu of Inlerettbig reading mat-ter onue leadlngetenia In tbe amatement,aqDallo,atbleUc, buebiJl, bllllardt, etc., profeuloni,ud,beildei,li Ulutlrated by half tonei of Uie celebtt-tlu of the Held, torf ud tiage.wlth biographicalakeichea.

A Recognlied Authority on Sporti.

Frotn The ii'iu/i(n(r(aii ifeiu.

The Held covered by Tai Ourru Amndai, la Ita

own. It Ita reoognleed aolboniy on all anbjeotaof aporli, ud tbe volume for itM folly lottalot anpalallon of worldwide oelibrliy.

An Authority on Matter* Theatrical,

From The tf. r. ivoria.

Tux OurriR Amnuai. for 1N6 It now for etia ontbe newt iiuda. It It a moit valuable aaUorltyon matlen iheaitlcal, Ut leeordt of prodncUentand eventa In the dramauo world are moat oompie-henilve and aconrate. A number of eioelleoi po^tialli of acton aid actreaaea grace Ita 188 ptgea.

A Book In Demand.fVoui The Barrltiurg Morning Call.

No bock publlihed bu nob a demud u TaiUuri'XR Amnuai. Aa ngolaily u the monihimove aroud Tbi axndal makei Ita appeuuoe InJuuaryof euhyear. Like the Ourru Itielf, thebock It the bett publlcauon In lit line pobUihed.Toi ANNUAL Itu authority for reftiuoe conoem-ing theatrical ud tooning evuli, reoordi udrecord breakcn; In (act, It contalna tbe heat In-

formaUon on any and all aobjecte la Ihecrv ofamuaemeata- Each year the book tmpiovea. TaiAHHUALfor I8l» la noexcepUon. It hu Jott beenUtued from the preaiLua la now on lale. It It

highly lUuttnted, ud ocnuUoi tbeaiiloil andaponlug cbronologlea tor 1(M, a llat ot deaiha lotoe amuaement proteatlona, aquiUo ud alhleUoKrtormuoai, ruing ud Iroulag noordt, bau

II, cricket, bUUarda, etc., recordi ot faMatt umaud bett perfurmucat In aU depanmuta otaport


AotBMBUOBWIOt aooa uoou wane loOAUOvTUBUUrrEBPaavowigL AtiLiwBnwiu.uAsvmawaaawtax om. u tu aootw oi anniAviMua awAar a aaoair. aana ve oca lar orlonu 01 laotau raea inatiaoiaBiaonia ai

TIIBATaiOAIi.B. T., FhUtdelpbla.—The open "Don <)alzola"

wu produced by the Bcetonlua In 1880, openingat the BoetoD Tbuue Mot. 18, The work waa bySaillta ud Ue KOTon.Ui. C.-8adla Bcanlu atatied In "BUy" and

"MomHacbne."0. D. W., Obloaga—Twenly-flvadollan par week.HcaABONDiOloolnnaU.—Thepreeulwheieabouu

ot tbe tarty la nokno—

oiroof TBI Ourrii.I noknowa to na. Addnu lettar la

book la very neat, ud the ponralia ot well knowsuun and prominent amnaement otealon an Inthe hlgheai atyla of the phstar'a art Tbb Amnualta a naefol book

L. K„ Brooklyn.—1. Twenty doUan perweek. a.

Fony doUan. 8. Addian Flask Balding, 2IB Bow-en, New York Olty.

I. H. Q.-Addreu Bud Leader, Navy Yard,Otooklyn.A. L. H., Haunt UoUy.-Ooe handled ud fifty

dollan per week ud upward.U. W., Brooklyn,—We advlae yon lo abudoa

yonr pnipcae.W. r. O., Watertowa.-Additii L, W. Seavey,

Oua lluudied and TbIrty-elgbUi Sueai ud HMiAvune,New York Oily.

O. O. A. F., Ikat Uverpool.-Yoa an uttiely tooyoug to go upon tbe tiage.NoN TUBATUOAL, Rocheiier.-LicklBg expeit-

eaoe you have tcaicely a cbanca of gtuing any lorlol a poiiuon wlUi a theaincal oompasy.

I).V. Olyde—tre do not know Uie party. Ad-dreu letter Ui our can and we will advenlM ItT. K , Bonnlon.—Additu the pany In can ot

TniOurrn.J. A. B., Unjhtos,—Addreu Beadqnaitan Fore-

pangh Show, rhiladelphia, l>a.

II, K-, Baliunore.—wbembouta aaknowa to aa.Addreu latter In can of Tbb Ourrxa.

II. H. E.—Addreu Aithor 0. MonlaDd, la can otTBiOtirrav

J. ii..nunoa.-Addf«is Pilmioaa a wan,u perearioalelittO.B.—Tbcaa oompcatng lhaoK(laBl*<BItFDU"

wen BDllh, WaMrae.Laaiat aad Xlia.W. B., BL Lonla.-Advcillae la Tbb Ouma.

See ntu at beid ot Ikla eolamn.

L. D. 0. ABO J. W. B.—1. Forty doUan par week,a. Janua J. Annationg, 10 Union Bqnare. New Torfe


L. M. W., BprtngOeld^Twenty doUara par week.L.P.,Topeka^--Tlineantbree ol Ibat nana ta

the bnalneaa. It yon refer to H. B. Leavin, prepit.

eurofBplder ud Fly," addreu htm In car care.

0. B. R-, Chicago.-1. Be did. 8. In Mate. Mod-Jtika'aOo.R. T. T., RookvlUe.-The abow wu on the road

forty yuia ago, but la no longer In exialanoe.|

J. IfoO.-lln. 0. 0. Boward.J. H. McL, Orud Raplda.—Fat Roooey died In

New York Oily, March 24, 18M. _BiLTBB Kino, Filnoeton.—Addreu Ohaa. Buwu,

ujger onr route llat

Taiou, Phlladalphia ^You an yet loo young to

begm a profculosal caner. _^a. O.—We know ot no one who lotandt inuring

In Uie play. We do not rememtm the Item, but youmight obiain IntoimaUou by addreulug either o(

the parllN yoo menUon, In car can.OLABAiiL, wuilamiport.—We regntthat we an

obliged 10 uy we cu nelUier place your dimms,ncrtecnnyoaan enisoement

F. A. B., Hanneue.—we have no corraapoudestaUiFruce.

F. J. J., Mlnnupclla-Addieu ihe LawmceNovelty Oompuy, 88 ud eo Centra Street, NewYork Olty. „

L. O.-Seek Ibe advice ef acme adult friend In

wboHjndgmentud honeaiyycn have faith. Wecunot advlae yoo while Ignoiut of yoor tchemeand 111 mirtta.

N, Y. 0.—We do not know Ihe long. AddreuFrAUk ntrdlng. 39 Bowery, New York Olty.- W. 8. L. T., ForUud.-Tbere U a piny In tbe

Wnt, wbcee name we cunot recall, who breediBbetlud ponlei. Ton can pnbebiy Icam cf htmby addraotng Belli Brot.,Oolnmbni, Ohio.

W. R., PbfladelpblaL.-ne proper word la gea-

tuiea, Wblcb, however, yon have tpeUed erroneoutly.

U. 8. D., Bedills.—The venea you dealra yonwUl and In the work, "Ont ot the Bnrly Burly,"

written by Oharlea Heber Clarke (Max Adlei).

0. T. MoO„ Dtllaa.—Maty Anderaos wu oom In

Btcnmenio, Cel., but when tbe wu bnt a fewmcntbt old her parenti nmoved to LcnltvlUe, Ky.BruDiHT, Lltchdeld.-The BccUi ventoni ot tbe

I can DO obtained from the Lawnnca Noveliy

.... 18 ud W Oenln Street, "MacbeUi" at Sftetnceuta ud the oUier two at twesly-Sve eenta e»h.N. O -UuiT Miller hu played In every perform-

ance ot "The Muquenden" given at the BmpiraTheatre, Uila city.

J. 0. U., Lucutar.—We have no record of tbe

feat to which yen allude. Sevenl olrooa perform-en now linag claim to have anccentnUy aceom-

C'ihPdUiatfeat At leaatoniot them, John Wor-d, aahmltled evidence tending lo conobontt

hit clalro. We have never teen Ihe teat acbteTcd,

however. Several penoni havi killed themielvuIn auempii to do It

J. ). £., CbllilooUie.—Twenty dollan per weekwlthcQt board.

J. D. W., Pblladelpbla.—1. Bend the wcidi udtbe muilc Tbe coat will be one dollar, t. The ad-veniMinent would cntt three dollan.Kia. E. R, New Oilaana.-Yon might iddreu

£onr leuer In can cf The Bra, 48 WelllngtanIreel, Sirud,W. o.J«ndon, Bog.J. F. B., Norfolk.—Watch onr rcntellat We never

tnmlab private addreiMaofpnIeaalcnala.ABO, BalUmoie.—I. Not alwaya. a. Notnecee-

urUy. I. Either irUI aniwer.li. W. 0.—Be bu retired from the bnalneu, bnt

bu been ancoeaded by Ibe lawnnce Novelty Co.,

St ud 80 oenuo Street, New York Olty.

0. B., Plllatcn —Addnn Kate Claxion la can ot

TBI OLirriR.J. li. P., Boeton.-We think yon an wrong, for

we cu find no record of bla apneanDM In theplay. Write to the pirty blmaelf, In can or thenumber two "Cotton King" Co., u per car routeIltt

J. J. B„ Hemphti.—Addnat Uie party In can ofTBI Currxa.Li DiASLB.—There U a moderate demud, and

lalary would probably be irom thirty to fony dol-

tanperweek-O. B. B.—I. The llat wUl be publlthed about Aog-

nai In Tbi ourrxa. 3. We do not know ot uypaser ot the kind.

J. L., Brooklyn.—The lettar hu been claimed. Wean nnable to aiaie when abe la.

R. A., KudaUvllle.-Addreu A. Bchneckenbarg-er^l Eaat FUty-Kocnd Sutet, Mew York Cliy.

W. T. Y., Monmouth.—We do notknow thepnaentwhenaboula of tbe compuy. Watch onr ronleliat

P. P. a 0. Co.—We have had no Istelllgenoe fromtbe company tor Mveral weeka.

OAROa.B. A. W,, Fort Wayne.—The elder hud In a four

hudad lame la the mu next to the left ol thedealer. IncaMofaileforgamelnMvenup, whereonly two wen playing, the opponent of Uie de^rwould be enUtlcd to aeon the pointW. M. R., Aablud.—Tbe piopotldon to bunch

the carda abouid come after the beg, ud tbe cardabad been ma, the new tramp not proving aaUtfac-lory to either of the plaian; ud then Ibey ou bebnucbed only by mntoal i

TORT.W. B. P« Flltabnig.—Tea. The hone Victoria,

SrBock and Rye-F»mlne. lyre., betonglBg tg lje

amboldl ataue; VIctorlont tin, by >mp- Bapt-

ne-LaoB W, Um piopeBy rf «»• Inqiiola Stafle,

udTidcrloui, a™., by T»n?» *>"ale Tic , b^longing toJlE. aeapani,iiced repeatedly during

Ihe leuonof 1881.

BILLIABOfl, FOOL,, BTO,W. S., Toronto.-Jacoh Bcbaefer'i hlihett igrud

avaraie In match or tournament, at 14 Inch balk

una, wu made In ll«3, In New York Cttf. In atournament which begu on Dec- 11 and ended

Dec. II. of thai ynr, Schaefer wu Uie victor, with

Ivu ud Blouon u the otber eonuanuta.

Bchaefer'a grud average wu 37.41-82. Bla bett

one night'a avenge (MO polntalwu 100.^

B. q'l., St Johnabary.—1. It ta a coast 2. It

li noiaaciatch. .„„._,„AtiVATIO.0. J. L., New York.-The ichooner yacht Hobawk

caiiiied during a atoaU la New York Bay, off

BUpielon,S. I.,onJoly«»,18M,Mr.and Mra.W. T.

Qamer, Mlu Adele Buniar, Front Thorn ud CabinBoySolUvubeluadnwned.B. E. B., New Ycrk.-Tbe tyndlcate who have

agreed u> bnlld a defender tor the America Cupaxalnat the npnaentatlve laobt of Lord DnnnTenUla year la compoaed of W. K. TuderbUt, 0. E.

laelln and Conunodcie Morgan, ol the New YorkYacht Club. Toe beat wlU probably be bum by Ibe

Meaata. Uerreahcir, at Brlitol, IL I.

BINO.0. D. A., Yonkera.—That la a qnaUcn Uial cu be

aaiufactorlly decided only by conteet between ueparUea menUoned, or by comparlacn after euh huappeared before anoUier anltaUe uugoslat6 h., Waiertowi—Jack Dempiey and Oeorge

La Blucbe wen opponentt In the nog twice. Tnetint Ume Uiey met at Ijirchnoni, N. i., with ikla

Ughl glovei, March 14, 18M, Dempuy winning la

thirteen nandi, Utung t2m. The aecond umethey came ugelher at San Frucltco, Aug. 28, lue,

when Blanche won In thirty-two nanda.F. W. F., Ohlcago-—Sam Bittle defeated Barry

Ollmon for |l,00o ud uie lightweight chafflplon-

ihlp ot Uasada at Btrien't luaDd, In tbe 8t ulair

Hiver, near Detroit, Mich., May 38, 1888. ^ ^ ^ToBT, Birmingham According to publlihed,

ud pretnmably oonect, meaaarementiof the men,JamNJ.Oorhetfertachli SSMUI., ud Bob Fltz-

iluusont' lOXIn. It would hardly be advlnble to

bet Ibat then Ogtuti are abtolaialy cortectJ. B. F., St Locla.—Yon neglected to forward

the enure arUde, u yoa evidently Intended to do;

conaeqnently we cannot antwer year query imder-

itudlngly. See auwer to "T. A."B. S. Q-, BnrleyvilIe.-See aniwer to "Toby,"T. A., St LODli.—Jim Mace and BlU OUrk iparred

atlhehenelltioadeiedEd.Jamea u Central BaU,on Uie BoweiT. thit city, on the evening ot Feb. i),

ma. Mice ud John 0. Beenu wen on a ts»t-

itngtour ud had appeared at Tammany Ball, Uila

city,udm WUUamiburg, L. I., Uie aame day.

aUSOBUiliAIIBOUB.A. :-.. Easui Olty.—According to tbe cenioi of

iseo tLd abiolute wealth ol the nnlted SUtei It

|U,ooo,ooo,ooo, or tLOOO per capita, it wu |ii4

percaplulnigao.iiBOptr oapiu in leio, and |8I0

peroapllain 1890.

W. T, 0,, T1plon.-It cue Ihe elecUon ehonid beconiealed the bet would depud on the remit cf

Ihe dedaton of the cooaUlnied ulhoriUes.W. H., Ohaoncey. -curna'f Oonie Breeder, pab-

Uabad at Toledo, 0., wlU probably aniwer yonrpnipoM.CoNRAMT RiAjiiB, Whitehall.—Wo woold advlu

yoo to write to Stale Flih Oommltaloner Fred.Mather, at Cold Spnsg, L- 1., N. Y., who cu Im-part the deilied mformailon.W. 8. 0., Ohiotgo.-l- Yon will hndtbe detlred

Infcrmauon In Ue Currxa Annual for 18M, un-der the head ot "Ulacellaneuae," among the recordlablei. 1. We an without the dale neoetaary to

reply conecily.E. 0., Newburi--We are not aware ol tbe exiat-

enoe of auchu utuiatlon.Hiss B. C, Miwburg.-Addren tbe 8cou Coin

and Stamp Co., 18 But Twenty-third Street, NewYork.

J. 0., onpple Oreek.—Yon can obtain ttiat intor-

aUcn by applying at uy banking bouae, or to the

dlieolor of toe Dulled Statu Mint at 8u Fnn-cUco, Cal.

0. a. E., Cbeyehue.-Tax ourraaAnnual It nowon tale.

W. A. L.—Prior to UiKh 2a, 1881, It wu In Uielarge form eight pegca, nncut

B. W. P., BamllioiL-Addreu Bngbion Broi., as(kmbrldge Avenue, Jeney Olty, N. J.

U agreementB.—In draw poker, In cue aL- B. V. B., Ooxaukle, _

card la axpoaed by the dealer Is the dnw, Ibeplayer to wbcm Itwu dealt la not pemined to ac-cept It, but muat be helped to the next card fromthe top of the pick, ud before any player to hlileft hu been auuted.

J. J. fl-, Memphla.-In draw poker a "eiraddle" la

atmply a doable "bllod " For Initanoe, B, theplayer holding tbe age, utu one chip. 0 canatnddle B'l ute by patllag In the pool two cblpi,Snvlded be douM before the cardi ite cat tcr theeal.

A. F. B., Philadelphia.—The two partlet wbo eachwon flfteen gamu eimer play oir or cat for choiceof the prliee, the loeer taklug tecnnd priu.T. B. H., Wtablnglon.—B la wrong. Any atralght

noah conaUtutea a '^nyal" dnab.E. UoQ., Whltmu.—A went ont on low, which

counted before game.RaAoaa, BnnUord.—0 ud D, who had bnt two

poUita to make, woo wllb high ud jMk, whichtake precedence ot ntht and left pedro.oiANx, Netvark.—There la no diaennoe what

ever between a unlght aiuhud whatacme playeredenominate a "royal'' noah.u. 0. N., Beecbwood.—No; at caaainc a player

wbo hu made a bnUd,ud hli opponeut decllouto build It higher, cannot alter hla bolld, but muattake It wlUi a cardol the ume denonUniUon.

J. C. L., Bvaualon.—B la oorTecl In olalmlug thatthree >'a andu ace count twelve, alx ot which anhyflfteena.

J. J. B., Cherokee.-1. D la uUUed to a ran oftour for the Uai card In 1,8, 6,2ud 4. 2.Rhuaran of Ave for the tut card In 7, 8, 8, 3, t ud I. s.

The carda being plwed T, 8, t, 3, 4, 1 ud e, D bu aran ol aevra tor tne ual card.

J. E. R., Natonea.—In playug twuty point caa-ainc no one card taku precedence otudher. Toeplayer who Bnt acond Uie requlilte nomber ofpolniaud claimed the game won.F. R. U., Baddam.—I. In pbkying aeven up the

jack, when toned np tor tramp, couuta for Uiedialer Immediaiely. You are nght 2. Write toDick a Fluureiald, 18 Ann Street, New Tork.T. U. B-, waahlnglon.—1. Any atnlgbt flnih la a

nyal auto In drew poker. 2. No one tnit taketpracadence over another.L. B., New Baven.—Slate your qnciUon more

explIclUy, ud we will antwer. Did uy oihan uveUieopenerofthepotudUieDiu who ntlied himud had a foul hud aiay to,ud wu any callmadatHiNNaAroua.—1. Atdnw poker, I f a player, In hla

regular tun. tiet or laue tne bet u amount notexceeding tne agreed Umlt, hla advemriu mattelUier go better, call hun, or reUre from tbe gunefor that hud. X No; at cuaino, when a playermaku a buUd, hie opponent cunot employ anycard on the board to Inoieue Umt build, bnt cuonly do ao with a card from bla hud.0. W. It., matn.—There are no pnbllihed nilu

for Ihe game, ud Ihe roltt that your club appearto have made for It mutt pnvall In gamee playedby lu membeie.0. B. P., MonlalUi-—Be Ictu Istereti In Uie pot,

uu molt itud out of the game for that hand.


a B. B., Philadelphia.—The pnleatlunal clabaikat Bnt competed for Uie ohamplonablp. In latl,ladaded Uie AUUiUc, ol Philadelphia; BcaloLChicago, Forut Olly.ot Olevelud; FOrtatOltyTofRooktord: Baymaken, of Troy: Kekloiga, ot ronWayne; Mutual, of New York Cliy, ud OUoyplo. otWaablunon.F. P. H. Biooklia.—Thaatrlker ol Ue "ao hall"

wu oat, having oeu na out ud a ran beingadded lor ihe ^nobaU," Uie tU» that wu In wonwtu a wicket to tpartiT. D., New Bavta.-Toe New Tork OInb woa the

ehamptonahlp ol the National Laagne Is 1888 aad1888.

OIOB, OOMMOBB, CTO.1. L., ra—i-T'" aad B. threw cit for okolea

etthe pitne, the wlsaerlaklag amend the loiarteooadpitaa, B hadao claim oaaaoondpda.


rmARK B. BlVUKB-—BiT* VTltUO JOO.0 J Maau.~Iieu«rr»wlr*(l,udniftU«rfttun4«lto.0. A. BLiKDi)r,~Do TOD |«t U venlArlitB r. OffTSAVDii.—UD? Uiukilor RUDM. UopathAt

jOD WlU b« «DCOMt(al Id tb« oUi*rmuiarBRO. BHUICUL—HAV* VTltUD tO Ul« puUfI 1060*

Uonad tbonl the outek.

Il«wi ol ihe OBmaeObu rrmnoU U pfttlwtlr ftwaitlof • reply to bli «b«l-

Udk« w the vorbL It U to b« boped tbet •oma od* o(oorbnthnD od tho otbor IdtvUivlU ODd It ooaTODl>•otto roplr to tb« doA iDiaob kmunoru to roralt Idft Butob. Mr JordAD. ol Bdlobargb, bu eipruMd ft

doalr* to plftT Bfttkerfor £U)D a iide, and allow bla £30lorftipooMi. If ibooo pluon ftod cbockerodnonwbobiTOM nach Iftllb ID FftrTlo, ftDd wbo Biumpt to I'jtallMblf eUlm to tb* world'! cbaoiplonablp UUo, ftro tloooro,It woold bo ftB our Biftuor for tbem to ruie fOU, umlonror lottlo tb* enunploaiblp n»ttar utltlMtonlr toorotT OBO. Bat tb« cbaocoi aro that tboj will dm ftU

•odoaron to bold od to tboir mooor aod qoibblo oat ofIt Wt romonbor wboD oooao promlooot pUjora uid•dlton dlMlalntd Yatw' ngbt to tbo UUo ftftor bobid woo It lUrl7 fteroftt tbo boatd irom Vylllo. Tbomoot Botabla oroot oooDoetod wllb tbat porlod waa iboboDoaty duplaiod br Roboit MortlDi, who carao oatepoDlj and iftld thai Yoioo wai tbo obuoploo of tboworld, aad tbit bo wodU obalUnn him (or tbo tltlo.

Forrlo ba* dow o ttXt oD«r, onl li bo doa't aocapt It it

wUt Dot (okTO bim aor ohanoa at ill for bio claim to tbotlUa Bo woald Dot oom* to tbli eonDtir, aad lO Bark«rUwllUoB to |o to BeotlOBd. Wbat oajo Fotrlo orblirrieodoT The 0)1010' laji tbat "ibo poopio ot Beolloadbold a ooUd optDtoD of Jonlaa, and DOibloc wonM plotaothorn botttr tun ft outcb twtwooD Bftrk*r ftod Itlffl."

U tbftt U tna, tbta it la od msj mai lor lo lalto ftaotborXIOOloo *i to nuke tbo ctakotfCIOaoide- Tbftt U allthat li Dooauairto do to eonplrwltb tho obftUftoio.

Mo**ra Hatdoob aod HoNalr nooatly pUrod thlr^nmee lor the chftmplooiblp of North Cftioliaa, r**alt101 lo tbo (oUoolOK seor*: Hordocb, 8; Monatr. l;drawD, 10 Wo tudoniaad that Bro. J. T. Woab log-too bfto obaDgod hli raildoDco irom Brookljo to NowTork. ir trao, thi« lo a boftrr blow to tho pUron olBrooUjD, fto utof Toliod OD bUD to laod tbon bla proo-UHO ftDd plar io tho oomlna iDtoroltj loaguo pUrB. J. Blmpwo, OB* of Brookirn't ntlDf roaog piajon,bu bote at bom* lor thro* wootiolob, bntDOwbftpDllrli OD tho mood. ftDd boMooooD toboftrooDd Bro.Oloooor li onloiutnlDK (bo Jonor Cicy T. H. 0. k. plar.*ra QQlt* otCHLOod basoxtoodod aoiBTltatloDtoonBlaiwoo, or Kowtrb, to brlof a toam orar to plaj thomombari lom* Taoodajr •TonlDg.

lBtev«€lt7 Cheoker LugaeeTbo Ont CUM pUiod br two of tbo laaou wu at tb*

room* of tlMWoot Bfdo OoMkor Olab, Nbiih ivooaa,oor. TblrtT-foonh fitroot, Now York, t>otwaon th* bom*loan aod a toam from N*wart. btBd*d br 0. 1. Btaodla,wbewu badly bftDdleappod 6rth« dob aopoaraDoo elihroo BtroDB plijon, ili. J. F. Mnnar, B w. HrnosftDd J F. RooToa Bolow an Ibo oomot of tbo pUtanftOd thoir Boono:

Naw Tou. Wbn. Nivaas. Wan. -ihvwhOolgao 0 HoonlDitOD 0 iMaxwftU 1 MaldooiB. 0 8Ooboo I LIUrbrldgt 1 1Bagbi B Ootwro 0 1Brown 1 Mooolar 1 i

Vavloir 8 LftToliotto. o iBobulor S Blaadlo 0 2Swwart 0 BoDgiay a l

MoBotoo 3 LlDoauD 0 1

Ooitoo a Btarkor I o

TotaU-Now Tork..1B Kowark ~T UTbo Nowark toon ftBdvUltoraworo alooly onitrtalBod

br th* Mow TorhoraaBd arrmaioBiODUwora oonplotodfwgBidlog th* BoUalorMoBotoo motob. A. J. Do Fmitwoj ooloetod aa Ooal otokoboldor, aod tba olghu ol plarware alao d*cM*d qpob; Jbd. IBaod Wat tbo nwmaoltboWooiBldoClob^aatlHaadSaitta* roomaol ihoMowaik Olab. Sir Brood fliroot Tbo pUco for pUrlDBroofclfD wiaoot i*l dwidod omd, aa t£o amagamoBtiwaiwloltto ProL FllDt to klDdlr arraaga, botia b*buBido ao offort la tbo nuttor daOolto d«uuia aro not i*toonplolad,


Oftaa Re. 47,V*1. ftU.

WBILTBB.Flarod ID Kow Toifc roeaatlf botWMOMaun. Oouaador

OBd Bwalo la thoIr naUb. Mr. OttiaDdor Bond OntII u II II u BB OB mma tf B S4<«) T B B M U II7 II II BU #10 UUtilB(«)Mfl fiU U« MUUB IT BU at Mr

i« Bli liB mu UHt u(b) u H I i« BD fli mmUU MB a wr n It usu u 7 u H tk mm o uMU(c)fl[S DM uu DnwB,• I BI4 Ua uu

. m_m B T MB • u

KRl ^.'B^ijJSns.Ti.'^ss? ass? i-WhUter la •UDpUltlbe auaa. tlvti tbtaXiilild^tiranlar." ™


m nil U nnvlftaallra "WlUo'the WUp,x u roi

It Un It

la aB 18

(c) Borne reera ifo. the late John OeoipeUrvu cAntMtied one ol the i^Dieet plavtn la Jlev Tork t^Hu Dr. flebtattrwu eomlar op lalo the fnol ruk. .meleb wu aTTund betweeo ihtn- at the tne ol itZtlitentta nme, wllb ttar Hoi«,Dr.Sehaeierr,D«aifw.r0,dnwo a,lfr. DorapiurrMln*<- Tbo (olkwloi ultwo ol Ue laoMt playwl in Ihat matoh. Dr- Bdiur.;pl»«d vblle.

"I t » mt) » it 8 1 17n a IT 10 u 8 81 a u ma It It H IS It 1 10la a B • ir o i> u n iIt » IS IT t 11 11 II 10 ITII IT a it o 18 18 II miudi,

(di aitho move pnrtoQi laitolDwuao Idqqtuiobof Dr Bobiafoi'altawBiod 10 panlo John, la Plulan^Chttker rtav€r,pa1itlibod tone ftaia prevloei, ii.i.ibenwnpUiMin^oUtnloil Frank nem uCW'sSDompatir thoocfal bo boa aboaatUol temo ud uioj hDompour thoocfal I

aftln WlUa 7 M l» 11 H a IJ t tIT II a u It 10 le It J 10le lata lu us eiitr u e II 18 10 II 11 10 II18 B ItU 818 88 us

Wkite wlna(O Tbo loUowlBf vao ptiyed botweeo MoMra. SontQiri

and wiuiomi:aa ni8 itm ua ee8 II It HI 18 I II U IIU 8 B U II U IT li 18 III II 18 U 18 MM ig Zla 18 91 IT II IT 11 a IIII 8 7 10 a 18 8 lo an


aelntloB »t FoaltloB Ho. M, Vai, «»,BV WU-TU lILtIV, PBILiSBLraiA, M.

END OAME.8laek 1 I 8 10 U 11 II IIwbius a B a a 91 IT II

Black t« plav one win.It a aa irsi nu ana II 8 It 18 II us 10 7B M 18 II 31 B T 9 I) II

a II 14 n II T a a euckmu.u M a 18 It 18 11 n

PoalUoB Ro,47, Vol. all.

WblU O 2r 91 a 18 It K 9Wfaito u pur uC blux to are*.

Tlili poilUon If ipvea lo Tht DmugU World mm Whtuto pUr iLd win. bee JanoaiT nnniber, pogo H9, brJu L«a

OHESB.To Corr«ip«nd«nUe

B. F.L MrBii, 87doDbaai.~Tbftok yoo for tbo papor ; vaor* graaUr Borpriiod that tbo ebau 1* not In "anlrtrulnotation."J. A. Oiaaov.—Oorraett aa alwaji ; tbo rorlaod problts

10 a wook or two.BBO. aftLiBUTB.-8paea falli do to oiprou oar thaaki

ben; tbo flntdata ihoold bo 1(04. Inatoad of 'SL

Camntfl.Tbo tolegiai^n ot tho WeoUra Daloo aod tbo ob»u

pUrlnjcpnatoraof TA<5imarobaTlDg a Diatch aod ro*

lorn. Bro ob a oldo. Tbo flnt roniid roanlted In foror of

tbo prtnton, BtoL 8onooo«buiaag**lod thiLibooibtb* loloffrapbora can bondloUghutng porbapi Smwill bo too naob for thom It hodu to beottUtdtbat tbo cable match Manbftttaa To. BilUobO.O. will bofoaabtby toasioof ton utda, proloulooaU barrod. TIomlimit, twenty moTU an boor: commoooo at U a. M.. N.

y. timo: 00 ftoalrol*. ooDioltatioo, oi«. Aftor thruboon* pUr. tbirtr nlootoa tdlonnment; ador ili

boon' ftotnalpUyroffumo. aollDiibod nme* to bo od-

Jndloatod by Uorr B. Lubor, wbo lo an Hon. mombor ol

Mtb olabo. Tbo 0«nnftD eablo ootatloD io to bo nwd.aod tbo tropbr la to b* of tbe latrlnalo Tftlao of at lout•IOOl Bom* ol tbo Bogllah cbou pnia. It aooma. banbooooarlUing. oraonMuiiog.aboatibla Dftteh, or aoBOof Ito aapoou; bat fin. Uoffor {Chm M<mlMi} raeon-maoda tboa oot to worry about It, for: "Tho nuteblo to bo a tnondlr oooteit botwooo tbo two oiobo;

tbo baft moo will win, and no oibor MotropoliiaoOlab will b* alToctad br tho ranIL" A low poiotayet ramalo to bo wtuod If aa anparuUlod•arlM ol Tloonu lo ftn Indlcatloa, Mr. Plaakbornbu folly nooTorod bla boahh, and eroo mon tbuhli foimor aklll at blindfold aod alntnltaaooao plarHo noTorbefonbftd oo auceaaafola lonrofthoprovioMaa on tbla pnaoot *oaaoo Tin Chat JVonillr

opona tbo New Toar wllb a portrait and blognobr ol ib«

emlnaot onatoar, Mr. J U. Blaok. Tbe B«itwilll>othoJOBiLia¥iAO ot tbe alorlouaold 5cAdcAwl-tuii0;u thoMo, tMfonna otooo* ftafor^Bloibroluai*.

La Smufte for DoaolL, olotu lta28ib ruru<lanb Vol Tbia luae la way op abore the OTovft«« ol

nomber aad Intorwt In Ita gamea Of Ita eoBtinood oi-

oollooco there can bo do doabt. Ifuota SIrlifd

drffUAoocAlbu Ulan aomowbu behind, bat onmlHito make ap. and bopu to opon tbo yoarwttbbrlgbtarprofpecta-wbteh wo oaraeaily with lor onr pitiw)eontonporary. Bomobow wo Conor tho manftnnAnd It dlifloult to k«ep otaadllr np to ttaolr blab nkark In

I prooeot ILnanelalombftmuffleBtalln Itftly.APuMlriuiu« magftnne bu an ablor dinetor tbao 8l|oor

Carlo Balf loll Tbo aoconi match. Flab TaNamoar.for tbo ohftinpiooiblpol tb* Ottawa (Can.) n. o., rualiot)In a Tloterr lo Mr. Hamway, with a acore ol I lo 9

Tbe BoebMUr 0. 0. duireo tho next N. T. auto Aaaoeia-

tloo'o mid Esmmer oouog tOBmor In that oily. Nor*ol tbli, vltb tho reaMMia therofor Icom oar ooriupood-ontOan Cootdoo. ooit wook Horr AJblo wHbetblarcoan<Aao(Mr. Sbowaltor lo a maub for gMOaiid*;would Ilk* to play lo April noit. aod, In com Hr.HL la

wUllog, wiahoa to dnw up and aunnit doialla of lanoLUorr A. laalata tbat all nocotlatlona ahall b* dlrootlj be-

tween lb* priBolpali, with 00 lotorraotlonor aocoodaHe alao olaima tb* nght to name coodlUooi tbla ilinfl^

aa Mr. Bbowftll«r**lnpoaod ooarlyall tbo condltlooi of

tbo flrtt fflotob." J. w. Bbowaltor lo reply lo Uoir Al-

blo'a lotior hu eipronod bluMlfaa not boloa avorw to

to pUflog tbe latter a retoro matoh lor $600 a aide, andat tbo time meoUoDod by Uorr Alblo. Mr. Bbowaltar,lartboraajatbatbe u opoo to raeolro Alblo'a propoal-tioaa aa lo tbo ralea and coodlUooa of ibe now maicb.UotakaaoicepUoD.bowoTor.to Uorr Alblo'a oaaonloothat bo (BbowMuri, oamod all the oondlUona ol tbo flrat

mateb. aod un tbat, eicopuna Iho time limit olaoM,oTory pansnpb ol ibe rulei and nguLatioBO lor ihoir

flnt mateb wu aaggaated aod loalalad upon by llorr Al-

blo TboTanbenbaoa-VaMinoi mateb atHftTankhuboon woo by H Taoboobaoa wItb tbo aooro atandlDt:Taabonbaiia,4; Vutiqei, l: dnwo,l Aceoidlog to th*

regoUtloBB ol too match, however, ten nmoa mnti bo

played, and tbo ninth game wu piarod Jon. IL

andeodod loadnw Id tbe Jaoowakl-HleaMmaieb,loFarta, Uorr Mleaaa baa takoo tho load Irom faia ad-

Tonaiy aod the aeon now aiaoda: Hloooa. i; Jaoovatl.8;dnwD,l J. W. Bhowalierand J.M. Hanham, altar

playlBftwodnwa In tbo play off of tbelr tie lor drat

priao Id Ihe MftDbattan bftadleep toomomoDt. ftar«*d udivide tbo ftnt and aocood prlata, Cnrtroo Bardola-

boD. the eolobratod Qomao oboaa playar, haa acoopudiheuiTltatlonol tbe HuUoga(Bng.)i'bo0 Olab to pUra oiBtab with J. U. Blaokbom. the Brlllah ebamploa.Tbo natch will be played for a pane ol IIU. tfaaaiao

who flrat aooru Arenmu to b* the wloner. Tboiamaawin be played at Uullnga either at tb* and e/ noit

month or In the oarlr part ol March.

Snlgma Ifo* 3^W9»From Moaon'a aiaatorly "PrlnolplM ol Obeaa."

"The Blabop fftDorajly drawa va a B—einpt to caiea

anob aa (oUow, when th* K I* drlv*n to tbo aide of ib«

board, aod eanoot nacb tbo comer aqaan oncommaiw-odbytbeK"

« 1atblil, QT-

* 1« i tatqa, QT, QBt

•tboo., ai alQai^, QKloq.Wblla U) pliv and win- ,

ObTloHlrwbwt Iho Blaok K u at B le, wllb B Inur-

poood Immidlatolj aoit him. tbia war or wlnnuf ti 001

PMOIblo, UcanM ot italoouu. aad iho atmo 11 dn«a-Wllh Iho bolp or a r, bonorei, Iho Book (u above, rut11) wini va Uo Bubp p.

Ib lAoklBBlor lomolhlDt atonee brief, brlllltnt and 01 eonfommvoatllalo btaalj, wo Ind la Un Janoan Chtu JTonMlp I"foUottltf "funo la albln'i bapplon itvlo."

Birr Loraz tta OAiiaa.Albln.

"D-a.Balnl.l-.PtaKIl-.I KI-B8i-KB-iial-.IB-BIa.-nanloii..T-qi- -cftxp

...iUiVlo.-Brii at

Plo IIgii-BjF-QB8KIt-B8KItxrp-gitiat V IIIEII-BIKtX IBQB-EII«-I8

D. a Balid.U..aitlaBI Qlii8.-d-ita(« f-i

A. Jllblo-



it..<]-itKa) xa-'»>ii-axitPto a 5-"'it.-O-Ra-f la-boni>..tB-Klq KBX/-I-B-.I-BiOII-.qx Br' II-EI

Li It 9

tiia-f,andWbltanelnain DMlMii lt.-IllaB8KtToaanoToniaBe._ , ...

(f) Brea tov U-.Q x q. B P x Q: ll-Q B to I a ><><'

l»odbrrtoBa.orl,laa<»blniotllloaovoDtiDo.(ki irta.-q x ii p,oa>uoi,iouo««i br ato 11 h<

11 u..qtoB«.eoaaiir --|f*babta_Bolhia(^bettor

ta la U' I, a la Ba Oodm<o»<;I lhaa 18..Q ID It I, q X q; >'^^I..B P X P, P-B 1; to I


I B X 8; 18.. B P X -- -, k..tad ethtll ninlth an Inlailarpoiiuon: Mi>

lelMiaalattaoaalaalfiBa. a » n-„qBxB,i Biaatl!ia7.qiaHT.f.qxq,

januaet 26. THE NEW YORK CUPPER. 753

1I..Q B X Q.BxP-f;S..KtoB fOtUd BUA oux

lf!> tft B ILOX P: V..B to B a, Q X kt Bl r:«a<l BUmKftlna two r> «h«id»ud Q forBud oot mloor pl«cc

Tb» HeUrepolttAB lj«a(««.TbcdMd'ABd profTMi ofthti iDDortut onultti...

u*JutMw appannoat In all tb* alaliaud cbMteoitriH.jad|p04 br tbt flnt forMut of tb« eocDoiouU, ib«SntMi Iilud and Hitropollun eoald b&rdlr b«eipwMto b« a1tfrff«ib*r Id it vllb the oUi«r loor. Bat tb* tbrwlUtabM plAjad yield a Karmir nSdaat tndaz fromwblcb to glTo an oploloa. n« Siatan Itlaodait an Ufttobanltu bMt tbtj mar vitbont th«lr lobllw, U. aChamploD BodgM, who capialDi tha HaDbaiuaa, batwho cU Dot l«ad bit forew lo tbali leiUal ud loiJaftaattla. NoTlittelrnudflftld DanbalattbabaadothliHatroMlltana, TIL, Birr AdolfAlbin, who la oaaMarrlaitonr BoDlb and Wart.

PrabUm ITo. l.OHCI.

A$ boron anaonnottd, thli pnblnn eloHi thU iplendidwnmbaUoB of the aQthor

WBITB.Vblta to play aa4 flTo nuto in •lihUon idotm.

Osm* Mo. U0H8.Tba twntf'flftb aod o>oalDg lana of iho nov boitorioal

maU±, Albln va. Bbowaltar.nSMTBS OAMBIT

WhlU, BUek.A. AlMo. J.W.BbovalUr1..FIOE4 PtoX«I..F-Q4«Mid/ KPXPI..QXQMP QKt-BS


»..'"•• ^U..P-QBSII..KI>X am P-EB9a..ti43 BPxPM..IBXKt KrxFC)a.-EBXP-fCOExEB..QB-aa QII-K4

D..I-BIUI P-QIItSIii..aR-K7 r-4B<

S..r-IKt<«) 8-KtSH..llt-bUl-|- K-RS-..r-IB« QE-Ki«

A. XliEt. J.T. gbowaluiIS..KBtaKK| gRXB

J Kt-Bai


P-QIE 8 X Et + S. .E-boiD.

9..E-tl.lIU..P-I Etlil..E-4]a<i..p-EEteU..P-KB<H..P-K KillU..E-bliSM..E-g9i7..B-Be +iS..EBxr4<9..B-4JEt8U..B-It7 +


Ktx BP1 S 5 •<"E-RIB-R7I9Et-BI-QB<



Wblu rwJned th. gtm. ud lb. mmch: which,uDdtratud, wti for h tuh. ol lUO ft Id., ud ft pan.01 HOD

()) Condran. him t« criftlB loUrlorlty.[II Bra- B.itiilD'1 DotM .n not tmt TOlunlDOnl, w.

TsDtan to truakt. ft coopl. ot TftilftlloDi fiom TluBaadbiuh, 7lh .d., 62Bt..PtoKlt EKtlohUI<..Q-IKI| F-Q97..r-IBJI EEtxEPS..P-EB< QEt^e

t..gtaEi PtoQBtl(I..BPxEt p-qtll..()-EBt ErxBP-l-wllhlh.b.iur

<l) B. mlibt tiT ftt oneeQcoEl, wbu Ftogiu Ih.ropip, ud BUok com., off op.rlor.Jiow for lbs "eorreot" vorlftUoD:..QBtogil Pug E19 I B..EBU>S..3lt-Ba EB-B4 |S..qB-RT..Q-Et9 I'uUu IO..QB-a

-~tt>qjnto 6«foIiBro.B •.j.A..Qatoqto bU9 —Eo. c'Llprift ]

EBtoKI EBuqS~B-R« Kl-Elq

9, .Mogul..flowKl dal7 bp Q B

.1) 7bla nplr appMr. ft ioaod ooTOltf(« UP.. .lAw Et x P: io..Etti>qBS (lie,

MfthMd^tb.r.. DoM b. mMoq EttoQ&rj,QDOTM;r Et X P: IO..Etti>qBS IilcbatQEt

, DoM b. mMoq EttoQirLQDOTM;ll..PUltB4l..to.

(ft) DMpIt* th. Ion 01 ft tompo tbnogb Q P -f, «•ibould bftT. pnltind U..E X B.

Ill lui tbi. I. blibli tielUDi; BUok for obolMl(<),I7..E Blaq9,B PXB;18..BPxP,EBUB7 + i

l>..Et lo E 4. Pu> E B 9, woald b*T. I.liwbll. .tm««n. both lo lore, ud poollloo ibu tb. t.it mor.

(d) (V. rapplj ft dUBTftm ptmrlOQi to tbu moTftBLtaEmr.Pbowftlur).

WUITBlHorrAlom).Mot. nad.~fl..P to K Et 1) T.rr log.oioiii.. bat'Ualtj, If ODlr 00 ftocouatof tb. poworralpMoM PthU'ptDdocd for BUok. Ntlanllr, UBUok O..BX Et P;i4..Ctl.blii+.aod29..Plo EB<,.lc.: ud irs..FxPm paw ; M..B p x P, dl« -f, .ta. Wblu now npldlpdilna lotn ft lott poaitioD.

(4) jrurwhlth, tb. d.lag.; bat lb. udlog u p1.p4dwiln gnftt aplrit ud log.aaltj, on bolb .IdM^ aod wlUw.ll npftr pftniftl,

(t) IBwoneOBdsnilDg, tb. b.glDB.Tm.iid gftBHVIUdo v.U 10 look ft llul.lato tbH. dMlualoD. to x B.-lll>o>


BA8EBA.L.L.Soathcni AaaoclalloB,

Tbe Boullieni Auoclallog ma orggoucd at mmeetlog held )ul 14, at Cballanoogft, Tebo. J. U.

NIckllD.wbo via preildenl lial /car, itaa nude pral-

dent agtio. iDmedlatelT arier FrealdenI Kicklln

called Ibe mecUng ha nadihedeclaloa or CbalrnunN, G. Young, ot ihe Nallonal Board, ahoirlngtliat

BroteciloD hid beon gnnted Ailaota. New Orleana.oniKomerr, Charletiou, Bavannab, Uacoo, Uohtle

and Oaatlanwga, A mil call ahowed Ailania pres-ent, New Orleana prtaent hi Ucnir PoirtrB, llont-

gsmcrj pteaenCbr Berrj Uoltand Mr. Jonea. andbaitanooga bj Piealdenl KIckln. Ueorge Bull-

Inga. ot the Naabillle Clab, a member ot the pro-poaed Cantial League; William BUIMona, ot Evnoa-vlUe, oC Ibo aame league, and A. B. Hill, prealdeotot Ihe coDtemplftled organUalloa, «rer« prtaent aak-Ing for admlaalon. PmldentNlcklln auuedlhal behad aecnred iDalracllonR trom Chairman Young, to

Inclnde Naahvlilo In tbe nrolecUon. Savannah,Hacon, Cbarleaton and UoDlle not being preaent,were dropped trom iho mcmbcrablp ot the aasocla-ton. Qeorga Bulllnga preaanud proxlea from Uem-phia and UlUe Koci, and aakcd tor membemlilp.wiUlam SUIIIngs naked tor a ftanchlae tor Gvina-Tllle. Ttie teqneaia were granicd, and ibe new aa-

aocUllon waa enrolled aa followe: AUania, NewOrleana, Honlgoracrr, Ohalianooga, NaahTllle,ETinavlile, Mempbia, Utile Rock. A guaranieefund ot (1,000 waa Toted, and alio an aaaeaamcoi of1100 per month on each dob. A alnklog fund ofthree per cenL waa declared neceaaarj. and ihameeting voted It. A new ofllcer waa created, to beknown la commUaloner ot ibe gnaranteo fund.The election of oincera teaulled: Prealdcnl, J. B.NIcklln. ol Cbattanooga; vice prealdent, A. U. Hill,

ot Naabvilie; commlsaloner ot tbe aloklng fund,Uenr/ Powera, of Mew Orleana. An attempt waamade to change the name ot the aaaoclatlon to IbeOenlnl aonlhcrn Aaaoclatlon, but It woold not go.New Orleana, AlUnta and NaahTllle wei« appointedcummluee on acheduie. Urnrj Powem haa taken

the Chattanooga tranchlae, and will put In cinbthere-


Praadmaa Said to Have • CJoBlroUlBgtatonat IB Ik* Haw York Clab,

The aenauioB In baaeball elroKi dutagUie |M««ek la aald lobathaoomplaUonola deal whenbjAodraw rntmao, ax-raoelrer ot the dafnnet Haa-taauan Alhlatlo OInb, aeoond a oonttoUlBg lattnitIs (ha Raw Totk CInb. For aome aae past B. B.Taleott, tiwauiii ot the elob, baa auwsBoad hlalatanHoa ot fatlrlag tiom the iiiaBi«aual ot theelab>B aAln, baoaoa hli yuntt iitiilnni waaMat aadlr as^astad, bat as oo*^ ooMda iha

Uenil Fonrsler, whoae ponnlt la heiewtui pre-

aeated, allhooib at preaent belnt wituont notice-

able ncoid tor pertonnancea aocompUahed, haa In

piaotlca developed anoh gpeed, and In racea In

whloh he haa competed haa abom laoh exoallentform, that he la now regarded aa the oomlng atariQ the 'oyollng armament of Franoe; ao that It

mar be raaaonablj expeotad that dating the aea-aou ot KM he wui take drat rank among Ihe msojr

apeedr wheelmen ol Faria, and that, ahonld the

promUe ot hla brief caieer lut jear be rcallted,

that he will aoon reaoh the Tttj lop ot tbe heap,

UU tutore carter will be watched with mnoh Inter-eai br all thoaa intereated in the aport. We beg toacknowledge the ooorlearot neAmtrican iKfurl-

nion In loaning Taa Uurpaa the photogiaph tromwblcb the above engiavlng waa made, and whlohla an eacellent llkeneaa.

atockholden, dreamed that he waa aegoilallng adeal whereb/ taa and other prominent alockholderawonld be vutnallj retired. All the anaagemeniaIn Iha deal are aald lo be practloall; oloaed, andthat the caah pajment and legal iranafer ot auokla all lhat remalna to be done to complete the dtal.The capital atock of the oinb la Izsa.OW. em-

braced In 2,990 aharca ot $100 each. Mr. FrecdoanwUl aecnre i.ltl eharaa ot aioc^. He wonld not boian/otltnnleuhe conid aeoue theconuol. Tal-

eott and HoAlpIn were anxlooa to get oot on pnnljpcnonal groondi, and It waa onlj by the favor otihelT warm trienda among the atockholdert lhatenongh ot the atock waa aecnred to make np thenectaarf amonnL Frank Bobloaon cartd little

one way or the other, and Tan CoU, Ward andSpalding didn't care to part with their Intereata,

bat would not remain u Taleott withdraw andagreed not to block Iha aale. Everr large atock-holder, however, waa given Ihe opporuiliy to con-tribnte hla ahare In making np the l.ialeharea.The ont ot loim holdeia rernaed to aeu—aamelT.Hodeo, ot Beaton: Braah, ot IndtananoUa; Abell, otthe Brooklvn OInb; Boacb, of FhUadclphla, andAnaon, ot Onlcaao.The large taoldera ot the cinb'a alook, ao ntarlf

aa can be leaned, owned anbatantlallj the follow-ing proportion: E. A. HoAlpin, 88i aharea; E, B.

TaToott, 370: A, H. Bodes, iat; J. T. Bmah, m; J. W.Spalding, 229; J. B. Oav, 176: F. Roblnacn, ItO; A-0. Anaon, loo; O. Van Colt, 80; F. A. Abell, OJ; A.J. Beach, 82, and J. H. Ward, 10. There are alio annmber ot anuUer holdera ot atock. Mr. Freed-man wUI lake hold ot the dab with an onuundlngdebt ot aboat 118,000, namelj, one-halt of Ihebonda whloh were aold to pav oir the loaaea otformer jean. The other halt of the bonda wlU beredeemed from the prolla ot laat aeaaon, after

which a email amonni ot oaab will be lelt In theoInb ireaanrv tor Spring txpenaea. Tbe bonda areaa foUowa: fioden, t«.4M: MoAlpln, Taleott, Spald-log, Da; and Bmah, |8,oo0 each, and Wheeler andBell, 11,800 apiece.Mr. Freedman haa elated that he wUI apare no ez-

penae to keep tbe New York team np to their pre-aent high itandard, and If money wUl do It he In-

lenda to make them the greateat team ever aaen ona ball Held, He la parUoolailj aniloua to win theohamplonahip thU jear. He la alto determined to

aeoue a nomoer ot young puyera ot promlae, and,II neceaaatr, keen them on the pay roll wiihoniplaying them on the nine while they are being de-velopM. Many Imptovenunu will be made at thegnnnda. One of hii diet eObrta will be lo aacurea reapeouMe entrance to the grand ataad forladlee who go to the gronnd by cnvaieconveianoe.He wUI alao aee to it that One Hnndred and Fltiy-

aeveoib Street la Improved and paved trom ElahiaAvenue to the gisna aund entnuce. EverylhintIhatoan be done to attraot ladieaand Ike beat elanofpeople to the game, and provide for their oom-tortand aadafaouon atiar Ibey are there, wUl bedone at once.Mr, Frtedman needa no InlrodacUon to New York-

era. Bla recent prominence aa receiver ot the de-fonct Manhattan Athlello Olub btonght him IntoaiaoolaUona whloh Impreaaed him with the Ideathat the Hew York OInb waa a good thing If oneman had contnl, and mnld give to Ita aOkln all

bla attenitoo. Mr. Freedman la recognlaad aa aman ot Cue bnalneaa abUIUea, liberal In hia Ideaa,and petionally papular. Tbe general opinion la

that he will make a oontlnued aucceaa ot tbe olub,

and that the team, onder hu management, wulgrow In popnlarlty and proweaa. Ue will be huown bnalneaa manager, aided by U, B. DonneU,who haa toryeara been hlaconldtntui man. ArthurBell, who haa been aupertnttndent ot the PoloQronnda alnoe the olub exiated, wul be retained,and will have charge ot the bnalncaaof the team oninpa. TO Captain Davla will be lelt Ihe entiremanagement ot the team. Be la to have abaeloleconaoL

PeaBftjlvanla Blate Leagae Afeeilng*

A apeclal meeting ot Ihe Pennaylvaala Btale

Leagae wai held Jan. It, at FotavUle, Pa. John J.

Hanlon, prealdent ot Ihe laagne, occupied the chair.

The olhen In attendance were; William Bharalg,

repttaentlig Baileton; John MUUgaa, AUenlown;

William Abbott Wlioao, Raadlsg; WlUUim S.

Brennan, Sbenandcah: MaiUn Birlll, Oarbondale;John F, Smith and Edward A. Meyer, Foiurllle;andJafflcaBmllh, Aahland. There were do repra-aeniauvea preaent from Barrlabnrg, Eaalon andlancaalar, ont the reapeotlve managert ot theteamBottlicaeclUea, Meaan. E.K.Meyen, W. B.Parkaand A. T. Bentuy, aent their proxlea.

The trat bualntaa conaldered waa that of Iha pay-ment ot Ihe guaiinteea for next aeaaoD, Underthe new mlea adopted at the lut meeting ol thUleagna each dob will be compelled to depoatt |M0aaabondlhatltwumnUhont theuaaoii. otthUfinaraniee money the repitaentailvea ot each dubn the clnnlt paid ten pet cent, or KO, 10 TrtaaarerUanlon. The balance ot tbe money u to be paidover before ApiU I. Each dub waa then called

upon to pay over (38 for national protection aod(M aa an Inliutlon fee Into the bagna. Bornetune waa apant attar Ihia money had beenpaid over, oonalderlng other (nanoial mat-tare ot .the leagna ,ot a prlvaie^chaiicterOne of the moat healed dlaeuaalona ot the

Beating waa lhat over the matter of ttaerva-

UoD of playeiB. A great deal ol "kleklar' wudona by the nanagera of other leama In the leagueOB aeoonat ot Maoager Bailih having glgnad aaamberot playenttom ihe-varlnnateaDaot laat

yeai'a leafae, whoae manageta alleged they hadiheilght u> leaerve for thU aeaaon. Ban Zerr,of

Baadua, appeared before the meMlng alia a ne-

oSoaalfned by apme 1,000 peiaeaa, aaklng that

habeglvSnthafiBaehUe tor that cllr haldtaw.A. Wltoaa, hat the leacna deelded t» a«iad by

The league alto decided to enter the "0'' cl

for reaetvatlon ot playera. The leagae rteolvedilaelf,attera aharp aght,lnta eight dnba.aatol.Iowa: Fottavllle, Alleniown, Reading, UaaleloD,Datrlaburg, Bbenandoah, Oarbondale and LancaaUr. Eaalon and Aahland ware dropped. It waadedded to admit Eaaton In caae a vacancy Mcurf,and W. R. Parka la lo have the tranchlae. The lat-

ur vraa elected an honorary member of Ihe league.A committee, <»naUilog ol John F. Smith, ol

Fottavllle; John Milllian. of Alleniown; wiillao8hamlg,of Haeleton, and W. A. Wltman, ol Read-log, waa aelecied to Bz up a achednle of aamea lorIhe coming aeaaon. The tollowlog Board olUlreclora waa eleoled: E. E. Meyera, or Harrlahorg;UtrUn Bwifi, ot Oarbondale; Wllium Bharalg, ofUaaleion, and William Brennan, ol Shenandoah.There waa a Oerce war ot worda waged over

the reaervailon of playera' qnealloo, wblcb ter-

minated In the leagne deciding to allow the in-

dividual doba to aetiie their own dlirereacea aa tothe playera already algned tor next aeaaon. Man-ager wltman aunendered Qeorge Fox, ol Reading,to PottavlUe.The matter ol Ihe pennant lor the ohamnloDahIp

ol laat aeaaon ww brought up, t ut waa bid overuntil the next meeting, aa it waa deemed onfair lo

award It wiihoot a Uatnaburg repreaeniallve beingfireaeni at the meeting. The preponderance ot feel-

eg In the matter la In favor ot Pottavlllr. Thenext meeting will be held at Allentown, onMarch 8.


Lataat Bajringa and Dolaga of Ik. Baae-ball FraterallF.

"After all Ibe talk Cleveland la unre ibnn liable

to loae the aervlcea ot Pitcher Frank Wilson, ol

Fottavllle. Ue baa algned with Uoaton, and lhou|h

Cleveland will make a Ogbi tor htm iKtom Ihe Natlotal Board, II lookaaa though, Ibrough apleccot

cartleaaneaa, one ot tbe pllching doda ol ibo aeawin

will be loot lo Ihe city," raja The cuwlam irorld,

and continue, aa lollowe: "it la cUlmed liy tbe

cleveUnd olllclala that they negotiated with WlUonalong laat Augual Ibrvugb HcAlcer. and wlih theconvent, of the Potiavllle Club. Thuy claim, too.

that Wllaon agreed on terma wlib Cleveland, andlor thai rcaaou, though he hu algned with lioaiau,

he will be awarded lo Cleveland. But the trouble la

that a talal mlalake ncema to have been made ID thedicker for the pitcher. Under the couailluiton of IheLeague It doea not aufflco tor a club lo deal with aplayer directly, and hla acccplanco ol tenoa doeanot oblige him to algn with tbe club whoae tvrtna

he baa accepted. One ot the neccaaary aiepa l« lolay claim (or a player with the accielary of tbe Na.Ilonal Board, who faappena lo lie .1. |j. Young. Nowtbe queattoo la tbla: Did Cleveland noilty Mr.Young that It waa negotiating with WlUon and atthe aame lima cUiu bla aervlceal II Ibe local clubdid not do ao, nu mailer whether lenna wereagreed upon,Bnd It Uoalon did (o notify Ur. Young,lloaton will get ihemao. lldocanotaeem proliablethat Manager Selee, of Uoalon. will 111(0 Ihe man un-leaa be haa compiled with the rulea ot tbe League.Thla la not the Dril man that CleveUnd hu loat

ihruugb her own careleaanc.ri. Tbe coae ol JamtaSUITurd, who U now with New York, will t>e re-

menilwred, u It la exactly a parallel caae wllh that

ot WUaou. Cleveland ncgotlaieU with Blallbrd d|.

recti/, aod that pUter accepted our terma. Hear-ing that HaDaROr Tebeau waa alter the man. JohnWard luimcuialcly began moving hlmaelt, ant] aoonbad bim algoed. Then Cleveland cUlmed theman tor the reaaon that he had drat agreed onleoua to come here. Ucloto Ibo National HoardNew York proved lhat Ibat cloli waa ibe nnt lo

legally claim the ouiaetUer, and couuodtd that un-der the rulea be belonged loNew York. That con-tention waa held lo ue good by the board, andNew York kept the man. All at which abowatbatexperlenco doea out alwaya teach. Through an-other kind ot careleaaneaa Cleveland boa loat tbeaervlcea ot Pitcher Will Daman, who U likely lo

turn out a good man. Tbe Clevtlaad Clutj olhclaUwere told about tbla man at the cicae ol the aeaaonof IIM, but allowed tbe graila to grow under Ibeirfeel, until dnallv Toledo Jumped In and algoed tbeman. Uowever, Cleveland will hardly be In a badway tor plicbera next bubjuicr. II the pitcher Uput back wbeie ho ua«d lo bo betore he wu movedback to amy leel, young Urimtb will be a goodman. Wallace, wbo pitched a few gauea lail aea-aon la a good man wllbool a doubtProbalily one ol Ibe beat movea the i'ommlllcc on

Hulca could make would Ito lo place the pitcherback In hla old Ijox. There are aeveral reaaoua lolavor ol auch a atcp. namely: It would Incrtaaehaac ronulng. one ol the grrafi-at tralurea In aCame ot bail, and would <lu away with tbe heavyailing, long drawn out and unlntcrtnlng conteata

that were vitueaacd laat aeaMO. Uceldea the brainyplkher uf former daya would be given anotherchance to dlaplay hU ability In Ibe aclence ot thegame.At a Bieeling rtoenilyhaldaiUelokaiaaB'aBchaol

la Bilituore, Md., J. Uany WUlina waa aleeledoaaafar, aad E. Uoy, captain. The maaagerwouldlike to hear trom ajl collcg* nlnaa la Iha viduty otBaliliBora lo atiange gamaa.Manager Bchmelx, of the Waahlngton Olgb. haa

algned Cataher D.j. Mihoner.of Ual ycag'a Fott-land 01ab,of the New Englaad Lrttne, and ajonsgpllchtr aaaud lltary

Arlle Latham haa aet all douMa at real aa to whereho wonld pUy during Ihe coming aciaon by alga-lug a Cincinnati Club conlracL

Ulaoacock, the veieian abort atop, baa htea appointed captain of next aeaaon'a LonlavlUe laam byiaaatetMeOloakay.

II baa at laat been decided that thtplavara ot IhePliiaburg team will go Souih to do lhair Iralnlnalor Ihe coming champlonahlp ataaon, PrealdentRerr, ot that dob. In apeaklag about Ihe malUr,uld: "Alter thinking Ihe matlerovar fully, I am ol

the opinion ihala Bouthem l:lp will do the pUyeragool. Then are acne objocilona to a Spring trip

aontb,auch aalbo greitcbanga ol climate, but thereare many good polnta In lavor ot the Itlp. Theplayera when Souib can gel (ood, hard ptactlce onthe beH (eld; tbey can play ganica,and two orIhrte weeka ot that kind of practice doea a vulamount of good. It gtta all of them Into good

elying form to open In. aeaaon. Thla U the chiefneOi ol a aouibcra trip. Ul coorao aome ot Ibo

playera ate lUble to citcb cohl when coming fromhe South to the North, bui the daoier from luoh athing will be conaldaraMr leaaened II all the play-

era take the beat caiv ot ibcmaelvca. it they comefrom the South aound and well, and Ihoroughlyimined. and take care ot Ihenaclvea, thcro wtunulbo much tear ol their catchtug cold. And I want10 Bay that weexpcot every man wo have algnedtolaketho beat earn of bImMlt. Thla trip U not to

be a plonlo; It la a coatly undertaking, and U adctyto try and give ibe generooa baaeball pairona ollltiaburg a winning Icam. I have great lillh In

our team II the boya all get Into good condition,

and the club hu rraolvedio give them i ohaoce ao

ibatir they fall lo be wloueti. It will be no tault ot

the proprtctora of ibe club, Tbe eiacl dale of the

icaiu'a aepannie fur tbu South haa not been decidedjci, bum will bo noma llmoluuarob."

In Ihe annual report ol rrtaldent IMuckytotbealockhddera ol the LouUvlllo Clnb he Uya eapeclal

rlrtu upon the fart lhat Uaoagvr Uarnle hu beencutlrtly loyal to the Loutavllle club, dear up lo the

expiration ot bia contract, and In tatlring (ram ihe

iiiaiiagcmeni ol ibo team ho carried with bini their

cordial good will and ealeem. lurulo'a aiatemonlItiui he had (one to Prealdent Btucky In Beiitemlier

and told hlni or Iho propoaed new aaaodollon, aUobu action In the u rim matter, ore fully conobor-aled lit Prealdent H'ueky. Funberuoro, Iho oreal'

dent ol tbe Loulavlllo Club la ptonounceil In hla ox-

preaalona ot conlilance In Hamle, and dealrcall

iiuderatood lhat UnUvllle waa an Involuntary party

to tbe auapenalou ot Uamle, Buckcnbergcr andI'feiTer. Nor dii the; lulend lo all Idly by and aee

Pfeoer diabairtd, which la now the apparont In.

trnttcn. atnce Iha embargo wu not ralaed by Ueo,

SI, tbe time auud. It la uld an eamaat effort will

be made on Iho pan of the Loutavllle Club lo haveIho auapenalon removed and I'leirer rtiumcd to

that city. Not tor keepa, however, aa It Unci Ihe

liiientlon u keep hlui there. The manaatmcniiloos not underraie hla ball pUyIng ablltty.liut be-

lioveatbat In Ihe luiereat of harmonv It would be

bcller 10 permit him lo play with wnio otbcr club.

P. T. Powera, piealdenl ot Ihe Kaitem Uagua,aald: "My object In promulgating cUIni llal aa connilentUI, and not lor publloallon, la the laet that

there are more cluba cotnuetlng tor plavera todayman In former yeara. lae nlayera at lut year'a

PonDBvlvanla mate League, Naw England Leagueand VlrglnU l.eague ate not under rtaervatlon,

and Iho publication ot the Kaalom League claloia

llalaerveatoplacatheolubaorihoabavoastoclailaiiaon their guard agaiuat Eailein Leaguaa cluba algn-

Ing their laat yeai'a playera. and tbe conaequeueula Ibey at ouce take aiepa to re-engage Ibair men, uIn Iha caae of I'ltcbar Klobedanx, racently claimedby Snrloglleld. and now lepoiud ai having beenrc-cngagcd by Fall lllver. I have not turnUhcUany paper with the claini llaia Ibr 1108, but notice

the prcaa at Hpttniineld, Uulfalo, Hyraciua and llo-

chrater have pubiiahtd the aame. Would advlae

Bccrecy inthla matter toryouroan prvteotlon,"

CapUIn Kwlog, ol tbe Cincinnati team, doean'l

lirlleve In ludcor work lurgctilngplajetalncuti.illilon lor a chamiilouablp aeaaon. llo uia: "Handball la all right u a (ICHb reducer, bul II a manplayed band ball all Winter and then went Iniu aregiiUr game or baaoball, he'd Hod hlmaelt alllTand

ore Ibo next day. (Ince In Naw York wo tiled

to get Into trim uu niter akatca. We Hiouiibt the

auaio muBclea wo uned In akating were the oiiea

that wore brought Into play In baaeball, but Ibo

ilnit ganto knocked our theory out and are were all

lluiplng around ucxi raoroing like a crowd with

the gout. Tlieru U only one way In which Iho value

ot a ball pUyer can be dolerulned. II la Inipoaal-

ble 10 get a Hoc ouaplayerlnpraollca. Iluinarbandio hliiiaelt all right at that lime, but when II

cornea duwn lu itto real article he may bo loundwauling."

The New En(land AnucUIIod completed Ha workat an aOJourncU meeting held Jan. la, at lloaton.

Maao. A Bilary lluillollMO waa adopted. It waavoted thai no player could bo Bold during IhopUy-Ing aeaaon wlrbout the conaent ot tbe prraltlent;

that Ibe pUylug aeawu begin Ibe Ual Saturday In

April andcooiluue till tbe tint week lu November:that the uuioberol complimentary tickcia lie llnilud

10 Iweuty-llve lureacb club, except by apeclal agree-

ineot between tbe managetaof Ibe coupellngclubaJ. 0. Morao wu olcctrU pioaldent, accr.tary andtrruurer tor the turui ol threoyeara. Tbe ScheduleCommittee will uieel lu Uoalon, Match t1. Tbenaniea ol acme ot Ibo mauagera, who will boIdcntiacd wllh Ihe New England Aaacclallon, aroWaller W. Uurnliaui, Mancbcater; Johu Irwin,

Haverhill; Fred Doe, I,uwell; Loula llacio, Uw-renco; Frank Uonanl, Baleu, and lU E. I'errin,


Tbe BalttmoroClub'a grand aund. at Unlou Park,

in lhat clly, waa lolalTy dchtroycd by ore on the

night ot Jan. 14. Tbu lUmea wem dlacoveted at II

o'clock, and wttblo an hour Iha alruclure waa re-

duced to ubea. Tbe (remen aavid tbe free aeaia

and Ibe ticket oHlce un Huntington Avenue. Thelot. la al/oui (10,000, which l> covered br luaur.

ance. The deatroyed alructure waa built three

yeaia ago, when the club moved Irom tbe old Yorkiload lie. The aland bad a aeatlog Cftpaoliy ot8.000. and a row ot private boxea aormounleil li.

The Ore ta believed lo have been cauaed by tramps,wbo Bougbtabellerloibe building.

The people ot Hyraciiae are aniloua to aee their

team wlnihlaycarapcDnaul ollba Eulern Uague,aod a movement la on loot In lhat clly to offer In*

duceiuenta to Ibo playem that will make them exertthemaelvea Irom the alart to the llnlah to win It.

In tact, a number ul cllliena have algnlfled their

willlngneaa lo auiawrlbe liberally lowaid a poracto be divided atuuug ihe pUyera, provided iheyaucceed lo caplurlnglbo cbamplonahlp.

Tho annual meetlog ol ihe Now KoiUnd Leaguewaa held Jan. 18, at Uoetou, Uaaa., wllb reprcKuu-Uvea preaent Irom PorlUnd, Lowltlon, Uangor,Fall Hivtr and Pawluckcl. T. II. Moroane waa re-

elected prealdeni, and Ihe cbauiiilonahip for the

aeaeou of IBB4 waa awarded to tbe Fall Hlver Club.A circuit cuuuilitee.compoaed cl Poniand, Uwl.-ton and Fait River rapttaentaiivea, waa appointedlo coualder tbe application or other clllea uealrouaor enlerlog tbla league, and a achedulo comwiliee,cootlailog bt a repieaeuutivo ot each ot the live

duba, waaauwilnlcd lo prepare a aobcdulo to bepreaenttd at loe April meeting ol Ibe league. Theregular Mew England LeB(uc aeaaon will openApril 11. The election ul a aecretary and board ol

dlrecloiB waa deferred. Hielleacb ball waaadoplcdlor next aeaaon. Ao appeal wilt be made to Ibe

nallonal board lo aacerlala tbe exacl extent ol Ibo

Now England Lugue territory.

K. B. Talcolt, trruurer ot Ihe New York Ulub,made many Irienda while the executive head of

that urganliatlon, and they will be very aorry to ace

him retire from Ibo management ot lu affalra. It

will be aome Hue lielon baaeball llBda another perBon wllb u genial and genllenunlya dlapoatilon u

ot Mr. tatcotl. Hla Irteoda are legion. Thlathat (

la partlcuUny BO among Ihe newapeper men, withwhom he la very popuUr.

Manager Maddock la meeting wllh Eaoy dlaap-

polnltnenu lu bla efforta to aecure a Ural cUaa Irani

10 reprcaent Turonio In the Eutem League. HecUlmed Ibe aervlcea ol Ullllgan, Blaiey, Maaae/and Ulrlcb, but each of tboae pUyera had algoedelMwbere when Maoager Maddock came to dobualncu wllh Ihcm,

Managtr Varnle uya that he waula to algn an-oiber pitcher or two. a catcher, a aecood baaeniao,a ahorl alop, and probably two ouKeldera lielore

bbt Hcraulon team, of the Eaalero League, will becomplelcd. He U negotiating wllh Mveral goodmen.

W. W. Kent, ol Jackaonvllle, whu waa elected lo

ancceed Uavld K. Howe, prealdeot ot tbe WratemAaaocuiloo, IB geueral paaseoger agaol ot theJackaonvllle and Boulhera Hallway.

W. c. Amour, who wu aevcrely Injured laat

year white coaallog at Uomeatead, Fa., haa beenalgned by Hanagar BUIIInga for next aeaaon'BNubvlUa team, of the Honihern Aaaoolatlon.

Edward Bllch, who played a brief enngemeni afew yeara ago with the Brooklyn Uluh, and wualao connected with the Atlanta, Mover, Milwau-kee and other teana, died at hla home in BL Loula,Mo., on Jan, 18.

A deal hu been rompleled between the PiUaborgand St. LonU lluba wherabr Ebrel, ot the lormer,bu been exchanged to llawley, ot ina lailer, Boihplayria art ptlchert.

Boger Conner haa algaed wllh Ihe Bt. LooU Clnb,and dnriag the earning aeaaon will acala be lernOBliBtbaBelaUalaaa.

Pieildent Young bu deelded lhat Haalon, of theOaltlDora Cluii, and not Roblaoo, ol the Cleveland,la chairman of Iho Cannlltce on Rulea. PrteldeolRoblaon waa aoked bow ihe tangle In rrtertnce loIbe ebalimanahip ol the Comniliteo on Dulea crig-mated, and be uld: "In the art pUce I want it

dtatlncily ondentood that It doea not make theallghtcBKlld^rvnce whether I am rhatmanornotot the Conimtlieo oo llnlea. Tbopoaltloncarrlea00 honor wiib It aa tar aa I can we. At the Fallmecitug at Naw York the Hulca Comniliteo wu ap-polntcil, wllh KdwaM Hanlon aa chalrmao andJaroca A. nan and myMir. Artor the meetingMart, In the lobliy of the Kltth Avenue llolel, aog.gtttcd to Hanlon anil niyaell that I. being Iniercat.rd lu other bualuna Iban baaeball, wonld dud It

hard to gel away to alienil the mcrting ol ibe com-muter. I agreed wiili hint. Then no auggetiedthai I aclucbalnnan ot iho oomiulttea in callingthe meeting, and lhat he and Hanlon would beglad 10 coma to Cleveland. Hanlon al once fell Inwith Iho pmpo.iitlon, and the matter wu thendropped, Iho three ol lu underataniling pcrlecllywell that t waa to act aa chairman at the comnillleeanil call the niccling al CioveUnd. That la all morela 10 Iho luiltcr. Hanlon wu appointed chairman,and II bo luilata on lorgotling Iho aimugemoniwith nto be bu lhat right.''

Captilu Kwlug, ol tho (nncluuati team. In it-oenily apeaklng about l>aul llactronl, aald: "It PaulllaOlonl could onlr hit there la no man I'd ratherace out In right (eld thao ho. I ihlok Hadford Uone ol tho ntoat lucky little telloita wbo over playedball. Aa a llDldcr no ouo I could llnd roulu brathira inthetlng In tly twlla out there In tbeaun. HohaaBlwavabernlonunato at hat. Nuver rankingaaa bard blitcr. wh^n bo cuinca up to tho nlaloilicio la iiinro than an even rtiaiico that It heaoeau'tgi'la hit thut thcro will bo au error madeur aomu lulahap ibat will aavo bla Hit*. 1 trniambcrOlio gaiuu panioularly at Waatilngioii. Nuw Yorkhadilio WwhIiigtoiiN vlriiiallr beairnby -ito I, Theninth Inning coninicnced. 'Two inrii were out, twomen on Imm' anil lUdlurd at bai. Hiwld got twoairlkra on lUitlntd auil then llniwii got mixed oniboalgna. Hualoputin a lutliall, lUUturd atruokand uilaacd It. bul Ibo ball got away (roin llrown,liolh baae runiiera acored unil wit wr re lieatan outa to 1 I novrr loat a gauio In iny Ilia lhat waa aabordlo loan aa thai I"

The managtra ot tbe llarvanl and Yale Unlver-alty olnea have decided thla year >« picvent a repe-tiiloh of the •quabblia over ine Brraogrment ol theannual aerlra ul gamtt which have occurred leailylor aeveral aeaaona. They hare already ainngedibelrganealor llBi. TbelUtu aooordlog to theuiaal arraogamenta, the drat (atne taking pUce at0unbrld(e un llartard'a clau day, the aceond atNaw Uavan on ainmui day and the deolalve game,II one IB neceaaary, at tiew Vork the anoceedingBaturdav, The datca are: Al Cambildge, Jane tO;al Naw fiftven, u; at Naw York,

The Beaton management would not caooti dateawith the Waahlngton Olub lor the Buutham oihlbl.Hod trip,and Manager Bchmela hu been compelledb> again ohange bU protrmome. Inalead ol lo-oalnlng In Oharleiion nnUI time to upon thecham-plonablp ataaon the toam will oukeaulpaiHIIur-InerSonihand pUyihe rdluwing tioollnaa: Wllh(oalon-lD Uharleaion, March 91, i-j and 18; In Ba-vannab, IB, le and 17; In Columbia, la, iBandM.Wllh PliUburg-ln Uharleaion, Apill 1, 1 and 8: InSavannah, 4. 8 and 0. With KlolimDnd— In HIch-moBd, It. From lliuhmond the Uam will come toWubluBloD and real np a tewdaya baloie Iha open-Ingot ina major lea(nB aeaaon.

Vunin Welch, tlio ouiro lainoiia uulllolder, bualgned lornuxi witaou with tlio Hyiacuae Ulub, ottho Kaalem l.ragiiii.

Catoher John llyau liu alined (or Iho comingKUDU wllb the Uoalon Club.


Qaorga Ulion aad Yoaug UrilTa fightAaulher llallllBg Uuoil Draw—JaekOanapaey Paila lo Make a laaiiAgaiaal Tatauyr Hyaa—A Uood PlgktBettveea Ulaie aad Marabal—TheUaialval a guccaaa.

Tbe Hcaalilc Aiblello Club'a Carnival, Jan, II, IB

proved (|UllB a aiioceaa, tlnaiiclally. A big ciowilol apoitlog man and loveti of boilog tiulchea aftended bolb olgbia' exbtblilona, I'eopio camefrom all pane ol Iho country to wllneaa Ihe muchtalked of battle between Jack liciii|iaey and Tomovyllyau, but the ex-Nonparull wu aluply outdkaaad,In tad, lleiupaoy made a mlaeralilo exhibition ofhtmaell. Tbe Chicago lioy, who u a wonilerfullyBclenliac iwier aud very clever In all bla movo-mouU, could rutty havo put Deinpaeyoul In IbeUral ruunil liaii lio tell lu dtapoacd In itu lo. Hyaumade many (rlunda (or hlmaell by Iho conaldera-Hon ho ahowed a virtual worn out flghtcr. llo

could bavu puulaliod llenipaey lo almoal any BX-tenl, but It waa plainly evident to every one preaentthat he apared bla oppunenl. anil hll bliu really onlyone bard blow during Hm lialtle, Tbe liattle wubrought lu an abrupt cloev In Ihe third round,and when tbe aunnnnceuicnt ww mado lhal Ihoroloreo had atoiiped the flgbt, and givon Ityao Ihadeclalon, Iha rclerco'a action waa applauded on aUililoa. II la now geneially liclleved Ibal Ibla will

end llenipaer'a career In the ling, aa bla axhIbltlODagalnat Ityan waa really pitlalilu, lie did not makeany aon ol a ataud agalnat Htan. In hla Ighlagalnat Flluluinuua, al Nuw (lileana, liempary,who then laceil a ifloiit. abowed auch geoeralahipand gamonru ibatlila Irienda were aallailed, eventbouib ho wua badly beaten, aud tell that many a{ao<rngbl waa loll In hliii. Ilyan aaya had henowD UtioiMcy'a actual condlllon there would

have been no couleit at all.

TIIF. FIIIHT NIUIirH HIlOW,In the prelluilnary imuih Frank I'atleraon waa

victorloua over Hainmy (;aniplicll, 4nil Jimmy Uinebeat Jerry Marahall lu urn round*. Tbe ihuw

Frank Patleraun, Iwlh ot wboiu ara urttly wallknown lu the Fjuderu Ulatrlcl ul Urooklrn. Al Ihuoutocl Hauinjy did not dUpU; a remarkable amountat ablll, and I'altcraoo eaidly carried off Ihe boncmIn tbe Oral round. Huring tbu accund and thirdrounda CanptKll made a very poor ahuwlng, be-cauitt bu waa uuablj (o gel out ul Ihe way of bla op-ponent'B lelt hand, Fmiu Ibia tune un tu the tlulabol Ibu eighth ruuiid Pallunon bait appatcnlly avery eaay thing ol It, and It wu uo aurprbe whenIherelcreegavu hliu IhudccUInn,

In Ihe aecuud liuul Jciry tiaraball, the coloredAueiialUn Imxerand JImiuy llluicot Aniaterdam,wen Ibo partlclpanla, Wbeu Ibo Oral round endedMarahall lad a marked adranlaae, lilue redeemedhlmaelt aouicwhal lu the occuno round, and did all

Ibo leading and nearly all the landing In the thirdround, bul It did oot appear Ibat bla bkiwa waioparttcuUrly powerful. Id Ibe tuutib and hllbrounda, bowovor, he got lu aooio ellbctlve poulab-meol. Maraliall'a ahowlug in Ibo tilth and aev-cnlh rouuda waa rather ao Imtiniveinenl over hUprevloua (urin. but It waa eviilent lo every onepreieut that he had nu ihow whatever to win. Mar-ahall waa tbe aggrcnur In Iho eighth rouod, andKunued Ibo aame uctica lu ibu ninth. Dime cutwae In Iho coududlnji ruuud, wblcb wu alto-

Eether a Oerce uoe. lie iiaed hla lelt and rightanda to good advantage, and hU awtogu did tho

negro no good. It waa clearly llluie a conlral, andIbadecUhiool Ilereiea lluralln bU lavor wuvc^cllerouBli applauded.

II wu 10.48 o'clock lielorn Itran eutereil the ring.Job Cboynikl, Harry I'lgeon, lliko Dunn and Ueo.Bbldona louked alter hTa waota. A lew nilnuttaUlet Demptey'a party made ibeIr appearauce, anda Ireuenduua cueer waa given, and the appuuaecontinued aeveral minutev. In Ueinpaey'a cornerware Orooklyn Jimmy Canon, Harlin UempteyandFlank I'alieraon. Iirmpaey aald Ibat be weighedll'JIb. Ilyan admliled he waa Ibrce pouuda more,but Ihey both luokcd heavier.KoUNii 1.—They aparred llablly. Ilyan put hla

., „ _.I,

^ _lelt on Uempaey'a neck weakly, llo waa quick aaa Oaab, and played all around Iho ox-cbamptuo.Ufmpaot amiled aa bB mlaacd a leH, and then AyaoJabbed ltd and right on Ibo bead. IMmpaey wuBO alow and apparvniiy belpleaa that there werecrlea ol "Take blui uir," Tbe rouod wu a larce.

Sicuiib lUiuNU.—The ciowd began to leava thebBlldlog aa the men came np. Hyao look thlngaeuy tor a aecond or two and then punched JackUgblly In Ihe lace. Vtnpaejr rallied and irKd loawing, but Hyan only cliacbed and UugLed, Byanon Ihe btrak bit Jack hard on the atcE and Mmj^Bay louered. Hyan kept iway Irom hla man out ofmercy, and then, aa the crowd blaacd, Hyao JabbedIhe poor old Nonpareil lo Ihe law aod be fall to Ihedoor. Jack got op. bat the bell wved bIm.TBIBO B0i;No.-RyBa JOBl playad with Utnpaey

BB aeaiwanldloy wlthanouae. Ua daaeedajig

754 THE IsriEW YOBK CLIPPEB. Januaet 26.

In front of bin, >D<I poDCbM bio llihllr when udwben be pluaet). Jick Irted lo nlij, but blaoffotti wore pilntul. Orlee oC'>Btop Itl" on all iildeii

soon ceuMd ilie rtferee lo pnl tn end lo Ibo f«rcebj dccldlOK In ftror of Rjtn.

TOE BEOOND Niaiirs snow.Ttae lliHo 01 ttat nigbt beloro wu not ninioleQt

to keep tlM pnUlo nk^from lb< «iUn«lDmentnlfbt of It, when atu\j tn tboiuMul ptranojMnmbled to wimeM tbe boot between OeorioDixon end Albert Orinmia, better knownu YoaogOrliro, tbe Auiinllen boxer, ne loiera of glore

oonteite know tlutt Ibej woold not be dluppolntcdon tbli occulon, u Uie repnIaUon o( botli menwu inob u to wtrrsnl tbia belter. Tola wueapeoUllf ao of Dixon, for whom tbe aponlng ele-

ment woald wllllnilj bnTeall aorta of dlacom-foita to ate Dgbt, feeling aora tbat be woold appeartn the ring In tbe beat condition, and. If beiicd, il

wonid onlj be after deapeiate Ogbilog. QrliTooadkboitofadmlreraoreaant, liatoanr of Ibeo badtlielr douiita aboin him being able to atand op be(ore 01x00 for iwentj Ure ronnda. Tbe weatherwu raw and cold and iho bonding nnbeaied, mak-ing lop coata and onrthota very comfortablethlngi tor tbe big crowd, which wu Terr orderiTId capitally handled br Oaptain Ola;ion aad btimen. inapeotor HcKelrej wu not proaent, andthe whole reaponalbllllr reeled npon oaptain Olay-ton, wbu need every precaailun to prevent toelaw from bolog Tlolaled tif placing bla men to gooddraottgc on aTerr aide nf the ring. The booi be-tween Ulxon and Qrliro wu genenllr conceded tobe b; far tbe beat glove conuit ever aeen In thli

Tlolnllr. It wu annonnccd before ibe llgbt thaithe winner woold take aeTonty and tbe loeer Ihirt;

per cent of the groaa recelpta, bot ibe cooteat wudecided a draw br Referee TImollif Uurac, lo tbeuilatacUon of eTerrbodj preaenL The men wereTerr ereolr matched, aniTo being remarfcabir qnickon nla feet u well u In hia pnnobing, but liixon,

eren thoogh bit blowa landed anjtnlng bot fre-

(IQentlr. wu tbe agiretaor almoat all through tbeoonteal. The vonderlal cleTemeaa dlaplajed byoniTo In araldlng mthea, whioh none of Ulxon'tother npponenta have been able to do,wu tbe chiefcanto that preventtd the latter from getuog the de<oltlon. aniToohJaoiedto itefereeUoratiliatdnaUywaived that point, wben he fonnd that the oinowoold mUe no ohange, u OrlSo wu nnable tomake any apeollo chargu agaioat DoiaLThe eoiettalDOent opened with a boot between

Hick Dun. of Anatralla, and Fred Woodt, of Phila-

delphia. Both looked in aplendldoondiuon. Fromthe very onlaei It wu apparent that Uonn wu tlie

aopertorof the two. wooda landed toTeraliwIng-log blown on Dnnn, bnt mlaaed wben be tried tofollow them np. Dann had the adianlage throngh-ODt, and at tbe end of the alxth ronad the rafcroe

awarded tbe bout to Uonn, the deolalon helog wellreceived except by Wooda' Phlladeiplila frlenda.

The next boot waa tlx toonda between JackMadden and Eddie Vanghn. They were matohedto box at 10(lh and both looked lo be at that

weight. Doilog tbe drat three roundt Uaddeo ap-

peared to have toe beat of It. Uurlog ttae tonrlhronad the lighting vru fut and fonont, and It

looked u thongb the police would Inlerfete. in thenext roQhd Uadden fooiht detperately, and be wu4liially awarded tbo verdict. The bout wu a veryeven thing, and there wu tome dlaniutaollon atthe reanll.' TOO next boutwu the ptlnolpal one of the oven-lug, between Ulxon and Urllfo. The former wuthe Irat to make hit appearance In the ring, andbe had Tom U'ltourke, Horace Kelly and JacklUvllaiidlnhIa oomer. It wu folly len mlnutealaior before QriiTo appeared, and bla aeconda wereHlok UuDD, Benny Hurpiy and Paddy Oormao. Uwu nearly Ion o'clock when tbe ptinclpala abookhtoda ana prepared for

TUR FiailT.

lUiDMD 1. The run Oddlod for a moment. Dixonled wim bla lofi agalnat Orltro'a bead. Ulxonawong with bla left, but Orlira atapped it with Mtright, OrliTo Unded bla left ou Ulxon't face. Hetrred again for the alomaoh and mlwed. Ue wumet wlih a light lelt on the face, anira landed bit

lettfoilonurxon anoaewliboat an effort, Ulxonplayed for ttae body, and Uriffo elopped the blowiwith bit rlxht. DIxon'aeyewu awollen. Orliolanded on ine body with nla left, Dixon awongwildly, and ihe round ended with botbin acllnoh.

2, Both were auilllog, but there wu a look of

deteniilnallon on Ulxun'e face. Qrlirj led for

llixon'a face, but tbe colored boy iluppod It withhlarlgbu nrino landed a good body punch withhla left. (Irlffo landed a apleodid awing on Ulxon'tnolo. The men wen tghtlog at dote quartora,

Ulxon having ellghtly the boat of lu Olxoo tried

again (or the face, but went far from the mark.UrliTo led wiih bit left, bin Dixon elopped bim.UrliTo led again, bnt before he landed Ulxon oono-teied on the (aco. Ulxon ruibed, blUlog right andlelk but OrlKo nimbly itepped away from harm ueaen blow came and wound op the round by duck-ing (rora a left hand awing.

J. Boih tpartod, Ulxon landed a body blow,

Uriifb oonnurlngon Ibe race. Ulxon tried to forte

the alretdy hot pace, but Qrlffo held him off e>illy.

Dixon wu not Oghllng ube had fongnt at other

Umet, and wu evidently aniprlted at not beingable to lanil hla violona hlowt. The men ollnobeo,

Dlion toting wildly and Urlllb keeping dgbtlng onthe loiiu, uilng the alralght left axdnalvely.

Dixon landed a tiralght left on tbe body, then tried

to follow It op on the body, bnttllpped. Qrlffo

atapped away, glvlog Ulxon a chance to regain hie

fooinold. Ulxon awung wlld',y, and before ho conldrecover QrliTi) landed on hla face with hla rapid

left. The men were In a hot rally when the ronndended.

4. Qrlffu led, hnl wu ronnlered with a left,

aniro landed lullon the eye. Dixon tried hla right

tor the body and landed, lie etoapod from Oilifo'i

right and awung hla tight and landed. Defers

anno coold get out of barm'a way he received an-

othor blow on the rlibt tide of the (toe. Qrlffo

landed a right awing (ull on llixon'a face. Ulxonkept playing for the body, Boib men awung andlanded. Ulxon awung again, bnt mlated. OtlffO

kept Ulxon hick with bit left, to the colored boywu nnable to land any erTMilve blow. The menwen cllnohed In Ulxon'a oomer when Ihe gongrang.

e. orlito landed on the body, lllionconnteredonthe body. OrlllO'a blowa were light, hot he landedoften and kept Ulxon In hla own corner. Orlffo

landed wllb hu Iction the body and followed II npwith bit left on the nook, which ainioit look the

oolored boy off hla feet, lllxonreaortedtotluggingtaotlot ana made vain efforia lo land. UrIffo baduo tnnhio In atopping Ulxon'a blowe. Ulionlanded on (irlffo'a face twice, which made arllb'a

bead go back. Ulxon wu lighting aa he never(ought before. Not a aecond wu Icet In iparrlng.

Orlffo looked very tired wben the ronnd ended.(I. Tiioy llddlod foreeveral momonu. when Dixon

nihed Orlffo 10 the ropet, bnt did not land. Ulxonnlaaod another lead. (Irlffo led with hit left, bnt

Uixun warded the blowa off. Dixon wu forcing

the BghUngand mihed QrlffD about the ring. Doth

ledand nilticl. Oilffo landed bin right on Ulxon'a

head. Ulxon led and rallied. Qilffo landed a goodleft on the nock. Orliiu remarked: "AH riRht,

Tommy, o'.d fellow," to 0'Hanrke,ai he aent in aatralght lead, which wu oounlered. It wu aapleodid flghil and honora were even.

7. (11100 led, but wu tlopped. Ulxon landedlightly on arino'B oio. Ulxon led again, bnt wuBtoppodwlthaainlghtlefi. Ilerepeaieotheblowwim lome effOok Ulxon landed on the body wllbhla left twice. Ulxon felnied with bla right, andlanded a awlnging left on Qrlffo't ear. tirlffo

lahbed Ulxon on Iho note twice. Dixon mibed,but Qrlffo eully ducked away. They cxohaniedblowt In ttaecenire of the ring, onffii o«ntlnntily

had hla leR on Ulxon'a face, but hla blowa worelight and did little damage,

u. Qrlffo led and landed on Ulxon'a xuue. uiionwuDg hit htt, bni bcfon ho landed QrlffO tappedmm on the noae. Ulxon landed bit left on the riba,

luvlag a red epot. Uo followed It up with iho left,

landlog on the right tide. In the mcanilmo Orlffo

kept up a tattoo on Ulxon'H face. Iilion plaicd

for the body again, and Orlffo landed right and left

on the face. aiMo forced Ulxoo to tbe corner and

filanted tbne b'.owt In rapid tnoceatlon on Ulxon't

ace. Ulxon awung hla left, landloi on Orlffo'i

taoe. Onilo thereupon mahtd hit right aniUoft,

nnncbing out ttnlgbt and landing un the oolortd

boy't (aco.p. QrlSD led, bntwu elopped. (irlKD landed on

the body, bnt Dixon paid him b»ek wllb hit lelt onthe taoe. Olxon retreated tn the ronat, wbera the;

ollnohed. Both teemed tired, and Ulxon lookedworried. Both led and mltiea. Ulxon kept play-

ing for Ibe body, while onffo reaoned to left handlaba. Ulxon feinted with bla right and landed wllb

jlelefi. Qrlffo got In a airalgni left on the face.

Ulxon mthed and Qrlffo dncied, almott aeadligDixon over hla back.10.—Doth exchanged iMdy b'.owt. Dlion landed

a hard left awing on the body, with no relnm.tie tiled It again, out wu elopped. Doth led andmimtd. onno landed on Ihe taiee, almoat eplnnlnglilioQ around. Both were llcbting deeperalely.))lxonled,bnt mitnd, Qium Mopped naa; hard

Inngea eully. Ulxon iwnng wllta hla left foronSo't neck, bnt the latter threw hit head torwtidtalloirinf ttae blow to paaa haraleuly.

11. Dixon led for the face, bnt mitted. Both ex-ohanged body blowi. Dixon led vlclooaly tarertltimu, bnt failed to land. Orlffo tiled to ueak In ahlow, bnt Dixon met him wltta bla left on the (ace.They again exchanged body blowa. DIxoncllnchedto avoid pnntahment Dixon landed a left bandupper cut on Orlffo't note u he hrted todock avny.Tib wu the beat blow Ulxon had Unded ao far.

12. Orlffo landed on the body wlih hla right, bntwu conntered on the nock. Ulxon roiateo with aawing and then landed on (bo neck. De landed agood blow on the riba. Orlffo ducked away from awicked left, bnt before be conld itrmlgblen npUlxon (einUd wllta hit le(l end landed bU right onOrinb'a big ear. Orlffb mthed, landing bit rightonthe forehead. Orlffo wu now on the defenalve.Jut u the bell rang Dixon landed bit led onQrlffo'a ]aw.

19. QnffO looked ilred. Both led for tbe bodvand landed. Olxon'a left eyewu aUnott cloaed,while Orlffo wat only llaahed. Dixon made fooraucmpla In tcccenlon with bit right and left, bntdid not land. Dixon led and landed on ttae iMdy.Iloledfortheiioniacb,aaid OilOO huded hla left

ou Ulxon'a face. Tblawu the lameet ronnd aofar. Both were tired (rem tbe hot work they hadbeen doing.

14. Orlffo landed wllta bit left and wu connteredon the brrut wllta DIxon't left. Qrlffo then almoatatoved Ulxon off hla feet wllta kla left. RaferteUniat cautioned bim to atop. Orlffo again Undedhla left on Ulxon't eye. The colored man thentried for ttae body and wm met wlih hla opponent'tleft. Dixon mtned, twinging tab ngbt and left.

bnt failed to land, u OrUTo oocUy iienped baok anddocked. The men were In a hot lallyucalled, hot no apparent damage wu done.

II. Both men came np alow. Ulxon opened bytwinging bU left on Onffotneok. Qrlffo got backwllb hit lelt on Ulxon'e right eye. Bota thenfought at oloM qnartera for a moment and thenlirokeaway. Ulxon niibed and a oUnoh reanlled.(in the breakaway Ulxon Undid hU left on Orlffo'tiiody and hU right on the AnatraLllan'a face. Dixonled anln, tint t>efoie he coold land Orlflb ahot outhU len on Dlxon'a noae. Ulxon awnng and mlaaed-Ue awung again, bnt Qilffo ttepped uldo andUnded on Ulxon'a face.

le. Orlffo led wlita a blow on DIxon't (aoe^ bntwu conntered on tbe body. DIxcn tried hit taoonalelt band twlng, hot he (tiled to Und,u Orlffottopped ttae blow. Ulxon tried ttae blew over againwlin more tnoceat, landing on Orlffo't atomaoh.Qrlffo returned with hU left on the tace. Dixoncllnohed and Orlffo bit ont atralght wltta bothhandt, landing three good bloiva befora the refereecould upaiale them. Ttae men were apatring whentime wu called.

17. DIxon't left eye iru doting and ttaengtatwuIn mourning. Orlffo landed a good ttialgbi left onUlxon't tace. Orlffo than got In a itlnglng rightbody punob and ototted on DIxon't monio inthonta return. Olxon Unded a good right band pnnohon Orlffo't eye. Ulxon rnttaed and landed threeblowi in tnoceaalon and bad Qrlffo agalnat ttae

ropet, landing a right hand twlng. Qruro foughtbaok, landlog npon bU onponent'a body and face.Qrlffo'a aeconda tpokalo Urn, anduhe tamed bUbead Dlxontentln a atralght left, catohlng Qtlffolull In the tace.

M. Botb led and landid lightly. Dixon mahedand mliaed. Ulxon mahed again and landed ontbe body Uahtly. Ulxon timng on tbe head. Helanded on Orlffo'a breut and toUowed It op on theface wlih the left, Orlffo landed on Ibe fao« wltta

hla left. Olxon clinched. In the breakaway Dixongot In on the (ace.

10. Orlffo led, bnt iru ttopped. They clinched,onffo landed twice without a relnm. Dixon wuordored by U'Ronike to force the llgbt, bnt Oriffowu with him at every ttage. Dixon landed bitleft very hard on Orlffo'a e;u and tried It overagain, bnt wu oounlered on the note. Ulxontwnng twice wltta bU nght, both blowa gomg overonffo a bead. Oilffo kept jabbing with taU lelt

and landed on the laoe, while Dixon awnng wildly.Ulxon wu now Dihllng wildly and wu naing lit-

tle JodgmenL onffo kept nght at him and got bUleft on the lace. There wu now mncb exoltement,u ttae Ogtatwu (att coming to a oloae.

a>. Oiiffo had a great knack of naIng hU elbow,and did more effective work wltta it than hedowwith the gloved band. Oriffbtrled wllta bit lettandmltied, bnt retched DIxon't tace with the right.liixoD irted a left hand awing, hot muted and fol-

lowed It np by landing bit nght on the bee. UlxonUnded hla left twice on onio'i face, bnt the utterretreated, and ttae blowi were tpent on ItaaehUlyair.

91. OrlBb landed a Tery dean lelt on Dlxon'amontb, whIoh woke him up. Tha colored boy thenmahea, bnt mltttd two leh hand twlnga, and wumet wlih a Jab In the mcuita. The men were Bgbt-Ing detperately. Orlffo landed a olean left on Dlx-on'a face, and the tooid of the blow wu beardthroughout the hooae. onffo landed bU left on ttae

(ace, and followed It np on ttae body. Both menwen apanlng when the gong rug.a. DIxon't right eye wu allgntly cnb Orlffo

opened by planting on the ton opuc. Ulxonruthed, bnt onffo got ont of barm'a way by tideniepplng. Orlffo Unded a clean left on the eyeagain. iHxon tried twloe to land hU left on tneface, bnt Qriffb ducked.

£1. onoo came np looking oonlldent and fntta.

Dixon ttarted to rnth matton and worked like apiece of maohlnery, bnt ho conld notUnd one ofthota wicked bloin that have made many a goodone bile the dntt. Orino Unded again. Dixon gothUloftondrlffo'tbody. Ulxon raahed and laaoedbU left on the lace. He tried It again, bntwu r«-

pnlaed.21. Ulxon landed lightly on ttae tcrebead. Be

again landed lightlyon Ihe taoe, andwu connuredby Qrlffo'a left on the eye. Ulxon lande<kon ttae

body with right, and miaaed a very hard awhig.Ulxon tried hla left for the body. Qrlffo docked,oalohlngltfalllnttaefaoe. Orlllb cloaed ttae roundby landrng hie left on Dlxon'a eye.

2). Ulxon mihed, bntwu ttopped. Orlffo landidhit lelt cn Ulxon'a faoe. Dixon wu Ighilng dea-perately, hot, no matter how hard he tiled to undagood blow, the AnttiBllan met it wittioat receivingany Injury. Orlffo landed hard on the eye andOlxon reiallated wlih a mth, which proved harm-leu. Orlffb led with hit left, which Dixon elopped,but m an Inttant OrlOO came baok wltta greatqulokneti and landed on Ihe face. The men wereaptrrlng when Ue ronad ended.The referee oeoUrtd ttae Bgbt a draw, which

pleaaed the tpecialon.

Kllialuiaoua ladlcletl.

A dUpatoh from Byraonae, N. Y., on Jan. IVi

uja: "Itobert Fllzalmmoni, the pnglllM, vruIndicted today by the Orand Jniy for mantUngbler

In ttae mat degree. At a performance at Jaooha'

Opera Uonl^ In thU city, on Nor. IS, im, Oonlliordan, hla iparrlng pariner, wu knocked ont byPliailmmona, and died after lying In an nncon.BOlonattate(orteveral honiB.Hnenff Aoiiln at once telegraphed to Fltxtlm.

montai8LU>nit,Uo.,lliat be bad been Indicted

and commanded him lo appear forthwith for ai^

nignment on itae charge. BoDdaman Uolllnn hadand commanded him lo appear forthwith for ai^

nignment on itae charge. BoDdaman Uolllnn hadhad an arrangement witta tbe DUtdot AUomeywben KlUilmmone wu nleaaed on ball that thelaUer would anawer to any rtqueat which Ihe lawmade. BherlffAntuatayanadoeenotlhlnkltwUlbe neooeaaaiT to aend an oinoer to Mlaaoort. Ttae

Hhenff will, tnerefon, permit Fllulmmona to oc

hero and aurrcnder hlmtolf.Wben Informed of tbe action taken by tbe Byiv

coae anihorlUea he e.xpreeaed great tnrprlie, ta bebad not expeded lu Uo nlo, however, Ihit hewu a Uw abiding olUxen, and, of oonrae, wuwilling 10 relnm to that dly,orio fnraUhbonda,u the aoitaonuca might direct. Uo went to Belle-

ville wlih hU comblnallon ttae aamo Dlghkmil

A DKici oy oiATi riann) took puce at;a reaonnear Unoklyn, N. Y., on Saurday night, Jan. lo.

which were wlineaaed by a pntty Urge crowd ofnng gocn. The Int oonteal wat between JimUlark, a (Juiker City Ud, and llairy Horgan, amember of ttae Brooklyn AtMellc Vlub, and theyhad agreed to do batUe at l'£ilb. marke vru mncnthe cleveiw lad of tbi twain, and tao had an «uyvictory, knocking taU antannui oat In the elev-

enth round, a trick he could nave performed muchooner had he ao dealied. The next pair lo cometogether wen Joe Ualy,of the Ridgiwood A. 0.,

and Joiry U' Brian, of ue City of unnrehea. whofongbl at I40lb, and ibia luUd nino nnndt, ruull-Ing In a victory for Daly.

Tan Buproii Atdlitio Club, of Beaton, Mata.,will hold tbo teoond of a urlea ot boxing tonma.menu which they have atranged to take plaoe un-der their auiplcea during ttae Winter ataaon. Tnefollowing proteealonalt are programmed to cnudaddiea on the oocMlon: Eddie Ocnnelly, of 81John, N. U., and Blllr Wdch, of Brooklyn, N. Y.:

Johnny Brlggt, of Wilttaam, and Pale Hannloc, otHonth Beaton; Johnny McNamarK of Beaton, andTom MnUen, of Waliham; Fitnk BMle, o( Beaton,and Jot nattily, ot Idwtll.

OreadoB Ha* a 8aA Jab.There wu a glove contuttaUeied to be tor a

pnru ot $2,000, at Otlveitoii,Texit,Jan. it, be-

tween Dan Onedon and Heman Bemaao, whouyiclaim to being ttae heavywelihtctaamplos ot ttae

Lnna Bur Slate. Tlie UUer wu contldeiably thebifger and ptrhapa ttronger man. bat th« rnpenoraclentlllo knowledge of the InatralUn boxer en-abled him to eaally overcome thoee advul<gca,andhe won In three ()oeenabniy ronnda.

Jaoi PuTXBaad DennyBheafonxhtwIttaglovea,for a atake of |1W, lu the Eaat End of London,Bog., evening of Jan. a, the battle being Umlted totwenty ronnda, at calchwelgbk Shea proved to beCar from a match for puyer, however, and ihe lat-

ter won wltta greatett etw In eleven ronnda, andmight have ahortaned the oonleat maltrlally hadhe not been dealrona of giving the tpeclaton a fair

ahoirlng for their money.

Diox Buxox and Tom wiuiama met at Itae arenaof ttae National BporUng Olnb, In London, on theevening ot Jan. 21, and contended for a ttake ofl30OaBde,all40Ib. It had been expecled that thebatUe would prove a very determined and pro-tiacUd contoft, bnt to ttae aoiprlM ot all Bargedone hU opponent in ttatce ronnot.



Tke If«w York Atkl«llo 01ab*i ReipoBMto tht IjoadoB A« 0**i AeceptADM

DclowweprcMDttbo foil teit oflbeleuerfrom

the 0ecr«i«r7 of tbe New York AttaleUc Clob lo an-

Bwcr to ibat of tbe London A, 0., from wblcblt will

beobnrrcd ibat tbe Board ot OoTemore of ibe

American organluUon aie loclined to be aa iten*

erooa and liberal aa could be reasooablr expected,

aDdlilBlobe bopcd ibat ibe Eogllab represcnta-

dree will accept (be coaceaalooe and propoeliloBe

mado lo tbe proper Bplrlt, In vbicb event a bigblj

ime nallog IntemaUonal compeililon will be as-

anred:Miv TOIEAC Ju. U 16M.

u. E. Boufiv. Honoaiar BBaiariHT lohdoi a. 0^SiAMroiD BiiDoa, LoiDOV, B. W.—Ceor Sir: I amln to

•iprM lo too tbe tnutkauoD vlib wbiob loar Iftier orJu. & lat wu r«M)Ttd by tbla dab, wltb lu oai41«)u-eipUfioe of tbo InntAUoo osUDiStil bj u to th» LoodoaA O. to MDd • (Mm to iblB oftontn to attend » frlwdlfeoDUitbtlvMDibodiibi. OartibUlloeommlUoe motibli dJT ui4 aathomwl ne lo wnte to }oau lollowi:

Toaeblng tbo time for boldloi tbo oootAoplitod pnunftmd to Id yon loUor, 1 dwlr* to tkj ibat tb» mlddto01 tb« BODlh ol Mftr, raaiMttd by yoo. (• a periodntbor urir Id tbe Meaop fieT«,«bere oor Bpriogi ar*Iftla, aod wboro oor ttbleui, tbenfora, do doi preparelor early lamei. AiJaaetJaly ud Anroatue mooiba«blobai%DDfalt«d toyoo for the piopoied meellof, caroommoD fTOQDd of aimeoiBat a* to data would teem to

be eooaotd to BepUmbor, wbleb really le tbe moet eitree-able aod atlifaeutr mooib Id tbn i aar for tbo povpote,wboa the veatber U apt lo bo well uttltd, aod ibe moneolallortbeeeeMD. irit woaM be aoeepuble to yooreomntttoe we woold lodloale tbe flat of Replember aatbo moat coQTeDleat aod tQllable data (or tbe porKrao otboIdiDg tbe Raoaf, wbldi wa wonld propoee abonid tabeplaoe ID or Dear tbeOilr of Mew YcikneeTealato be decided opOD.aa cnrgeated by joar

.otDmlttoe, woold be aatlilaotoir wllb tbo fonowlofallgbtebiniaaaodooDdlUooa: Aftra mile mo iDatoadof ft ibree mile no wooM be aa eTeat more lauifaotoiTto oor aibletei, beoaoie It la a diataoea proTlded for bytba rulea of onr owD aiMMUUoo, and oae to wbtobtbeyaottid tMmorelaatllu: bat wear* oot atreoaooaaa loBob ebaoge aboold yon. opod lortbar oonilderatloD,adbere to yoor oiiglaal aaWtloo.•Tbe addlUoD ol a ro yarda daab. and makioi Ibe "ahotud bunner," iDitaad of ' ahot or bamner,'' a" a panof tbe programne, would aObid oor owo moD. aa wall asIboTlalliog team.DD addliloaal opponoDliy todtaplaytbelrqaaimuaDdauoDglbtD the latofeallotbeanUreaerleaofeToota. Ourowo diamploublp gameilDolDdeaeveotMo otoou, aod oor people wodU ooDaider Dloaereota ralber loo few for oar roeellDg. WebopetbatfioawlUaeQBleaeela oordealre loadd tbeaa OToata to

lollat Aaaagie»t«d by yoDlo regard to tbe compoal-Uooofyour taaffl,or ooaree oor own, la like miDoer,will be coofloed to memban lolaly ol tba New York A. 0.

It may bo aanmed tbat tbo amatODT qaaliaoaUona ofihaaompeUtorewUl be deunnlnad bytbe raletof tbeSogllab A. A. A. and oor Amateor AtblaUe Dnloo,vbiob.u I'DDdanlaod It, are aobataatlally alik^ Do*lallJ of tbe etenta would aatofally eoiae ander tbemlee of oor NaUooal Aaaotlatloo bar*. iDanaacb as tbaeastoms ot tba two oooouleadtfTarlnaoDaDiatteraoldotall; sad as It la deaiiable tliat yoor eommlttee aboaUbo lotoraed of tbeee Tarltboaa lo adiaoea. ao u to beadTlaedof eoodlUoDa wbieb goTom oompetlUooaben^It may be as well to direot yoor aUeatlen lo tbe follow*logaetiLBDtdle racas are mo on apatb of olay and oloden

railed, and tbobardleaaraDotlo iMftiad lotbegroand.In other words, It la OTor obataolea wblota are not flied

faattotbegiODDd. All neea are run with Ihe left basdtotbooorb.Tbenoyardalaraaoatba same path aa'aboTe,aiid U

w Itb a corre In Uoea for tbe aereni competitor* so ar-

..lbolaopa,tbopaihlsHTello take offTbeee few remarka wni,parbspa, Ladleato tbe dllfsr-

eneelnthe details, wbleb ai« not roally fsasatial, aodmar •ofltaat loqalri«s mm joa aa to oibtr mattsiswhich atue prtatat tine do not ocoor to my mind-Beeorriogiotbe ume atwblch the ercau are to come

off It mightM well to say iarlbar tbatoor Immadtata la-

landed programme not ooty would looladetbeiDtara^UoDSJ DAtob OD BepL II, bat also oor anaaal open Falllanes. wbleh take place Sept. &, and probably roeetlnaIQ Bofton or Pbitadelpbia, or bolb, sbenld yoor taam beacreoablaallartbeeTaniaol Sept. 11 and S. Itlscoa-toraptated ibat from Ibo data of tbe laam's arrival laNew X9ik nnUl attar ihe laat of theae UUcroTents ofBoPLll an4 0tbe vliltore wUl bo eotartalned as tboguests ol tbla dab. Natuiallywowoiitd opeetlhemioTtttrmln from oompetlUea lo olhar camas sats Ihooe dO'der oor arraagamentor aaipkoabat It would also beoipeetsd tbatulormaororitaataun would noulDaJiarIhetwonmea ladlcatsd sboTs, should tbey cooalder It

adTlaabio to do ao. with tbe ol4««t of oompetlag id otbarathletic OTeotstaklogptaeeaboot tbe aame'tune la tblaooQDtry and OaaadkTbe qoesilon oreipeoaea, ofcouno, laqolte a material

Item, and. In view of your irreater eipartenoa on tboother aldck we bad anUeipataid aome dednltosugiestioofrom you Id thai respeet lo itew of tbe slight prospectot your olub, aa you aiaia. t>elog able to aeleot a team to"tyltaownaipeusaaiandtbaorab baTlnguo arollablejDd lor such outlay. It would baTO ooeurred to ua that a

aubMTlptlon for euchparpoea, droolated among irlendoofathlotioaportain Eogland Intereatsd la an InternailooaleTeotaaeh asthia promlsas to be, would have metWllb such saoooasastobaTO ptovldad Inada topaypait,ir not all, tbo aeooaaaiy eipendlture.Tbla la tpeeolatlTe od my pert, u I am not, ol eoDroo,

aa (kmlllar with tbe sItnaUon ou the olber side as you ara.I will DBdartabe lo aaj, howaiar, abonid yoa be onabiato solTo tbo qusatlOD 10 any oibarway,ibal tbla olnb wlUrelieve yon .ol any dUDoulty so fbr u tbat quesUoo laeooeenedbragjeatDgtopraTlde (or ibeeiMnHs ol ataimand abauiuleajiioi lo eicsed lllieea In nontber,(Von London to New Tork City, and return, the eiponaoato IsolDdo railroad fstea from London to slaaner, Qniolaaa passage on Btaaraer.boaid and Htdaingfiom arrivaluntil four days aAor the games, but this penod not toeioeed Ibruewtela

I eaoloae two copies of the ralea of our presaot ovUoaal aasoolatlon. the Amateor Aibletlc Union, tbe N.A. A. A. ol tbe Uolted Stales baTlog dlaeoUed somaBfoyean ago, and oorelnb ooDBtltotioD. bylaws andnlaa. I woold aik yoo In ralom to aeod ms (wo copiesof tba rales ot Ibe Bnglisk A. A. A. aod ofyoirdDb. wesbooM be Torr glad to knew ibe names ol yoor isan aasoon aa coBTsaronL somellttle Una befor* tbe meeilDg,eoaatoeonplete ODTprogramme ID good eesion. Etad-lylet us kDow, aaearlv aa poaalblo, whether Ibe abovearrangemeau are aailslaatory to yoo. Ve^ alaoettlylOBTi, Joair 0. QDUOK, Beeraiaiy.

Id (he VootbBll Field.AnomboroC rooiball ooaieita look place in tbii

Tlolnlty Jan. 20, inolndlDf tbe eooond ronnd of

gamea In ibe obamplonablp noe of tbe Long Island

Babnrban AiaooUllos. engaging Uio Daontleo,

OlraplOgOtendalo, WoodBldei AUanilo and Uamll-ton teama. Tte reaolla %n iier«wlUi ibowo: Attbe Rldgewood groondg tbe Oljwiplcs defeated ibeBayViewi b; a aoon of 4 to 3: at tbe Bay Viewffionnde tbe woodaldea beat ibe reerleas Olob. 4 toa: attbofroDndtotiheoiendaleAUileUo OlabibeOlendalei dctcated tbe Newtown Atbletlo Olablearn, A to 3; at Rldgevood tbe DaunUeai AtbletloOlQbpoliBbedof tbe Bmplro Atbletlo Olob, 3 to 1;tbe Atlanilo AtbleUo Olab eleven Tinqnlabed tbaBoibwlok Clnb. 4 to 3: tbe Rldgcwood AlbMtoOtob team ioObred deleai at ibe banda and feet oftbe Oamllton Atbletlo Clob, by tbe cloae aoore ot ft

to 4; tbe Brooklyn Wandeion wbllewubed ibeAmeilona Olub team, tbe icor« standing T to o; andat Klliabelbpoit, N. J., tbe Kmerald P. 0. beftl tbeWeat side Rangen, 0 to 4.

Pmd noTiT AMD E. D. WuKH, ohAfflpKm, metIntbeopenloff matob of tbe indoor lennlaseMoaat Newton, Mas., on Tboriday eTenlnr Jan. it.The Datoh wu played at Oraj'a UaQ, HewtonOentr«, tinder tbe ueploes of tbe Newton Win*ter Tennla Clnb, In prtnnoe of aboat 200 aooletypeople. Tbe pUy by botb eiperti wa« brllllaBt,bnt BoT«y waa inrer In bla net play tban blaopponent, wbom be ontpotntad, wtnnlnf in twoatnigbtBeta by a aoore of e-l AnerwardaUoTu and Book nwt Wnnn and Oodmoa ladonbMi,UM tormar pairwlBnlBi b/BUt*a«ito

The •tloaal Bteeplachua AasoclaUon

Met at tbe rooma of tbe Jockey Olob, tble cKy, on

TbunKby evening, Jan. 17, elected ofliccre for tbe

year emniog. aod annoonced ball a dozen now

atakce. Tboeeprcaeot were Fred. Oebbard, AagiutItelmonL J. L. Qreen aod 8. & Bowtand, aod tbe

election resulted In tbe cbolce of ibe followins

aeoUemeo: Prealdeat. AognsiDelmoDt; tIcc preel-

3ent. H. De Coorcey Forbee; trensnrer and eecre-

Ury, B. tt. Howland. Tbe following Blewards

were elected to act for three years: For one year, A.

BelmonL F. n. Prince (oC 6oflion)and J. 0. Polane-

bee; for two yean. Foxball Kene.A. J.CaeMli andS. B. Uowland; for tbree jearB. F. Oebbard, J. 0.

Oreen and 11- I)e Conrcy PorbeA The following

Committee on Rolea for Biecplecbaae and HuntRacing was appointed: A. J, CaaBait, 6. B. Howlaodand H. De Conrcy Forbes. New membera weroelected aa follow: J. 0. Dooner, F. aray Qrlswold,

Oeoroe Work, W. O'B. Hacdonoogb, H. J. Uorria

aod S. J. RnnL H. U. Crlckmoie waa appointedeecrctary and lostncied to annoooce and open (beloUowlngfltakes, to dose Uarcb 1.18M:National Aasoclftilon Bprlng Stsepleehaaa Baodlcapa,

by ubocnptlon ofgTI aacb enuy tor tbo ibieo bandl-MML CoDdlUODS:NewToit Btaeplecbasa Handicap: 'guaraotoed eadi,

Tslue •4eoto the flr«l. glD to tba oeooDd. IIOQ to Ihothird, ISO to tbefoortb; about two miles aod a half; nn

raauu BMplMbua Easilloap; iaaiu*M4 oibTtiot aasis th. tm. tn) to Uw —mi. lis to matbli4,tntolhalbutli; atontthiM mllaa: naMarl.anai Intanullooil BtvplMliua Budleap; iisann.KM cull TtlQt ti,«0 to Ita. ant, 1901 to the taoMd;tan la itat ibliO, aatf (UD to Hi* Mutli: almt fgoinllta: ran Mar 11-

Mtiuatl auociiUOB Sprloi HardU Haadieapi, brnbaoilpuoD of tu nth utir lor th« thrM baa4itapaCoodltlou:

BK. Rloholai HbiOU Haadlcap: (oaraDtMd eatli valaa•laotslba gi«t,«ilOt«tlMaa«iiid.Sia)u Ua tblie.,tOto tbt rooftta; Blla ana a kalL oftr iU boniM: ranMut.WMtchMUr Hordla Batdlcap; naiutaad eath TiJaa

Sgototbtlnt IUOIaUi,iMoa4,$l09totbtthlM.«aiu• foortli; iBll«aBdlhr«taaul,ra.onT aaraBhanllaa.lDl«k«rb«ck«r nnjOla Htodlcap; gnaiutaed caah

Tilo. tun to Ue mt, tito u tba Hoonn, twu to tbathlid.a90to tba foulb; two eillu aad a qoaxtar, oierIne boidlaa.


RaelBf Bt tho Cnaceat Oily.Jul U—pint rua-Elnaaalitteatbiol tmUa-llUi

Lillr. ire. Thoipa, .ru, wen: BmiI. NleboUi lU, u.JobMn, i u 1. HMOdTbcU Out, lU HeOni, ( (o I,tblfd. Time, 1:11 tacood raoi Btm forloDfa—Olara Btiar, 101. i. Olajloo,! Is 1. too; Mollla BiTlOt.OmiIo, trao, iMond; ObarI,7 B, UM, J. SDltb, 30 to 1,

tbifd. Tlni«.l:3fiK...'.ThMiaca—riTaftiTloofa,budl.eao, tbfta |ur oMi-Corla. lit. Leigli. Bto 1; wi.ii: FMU-Til, 111. HoDD. 1 10 1, iKMd ; Mirtba arillli, llO. cialD.Itol.tbltd. Tin,, l:(rr Ponitb laoa-Oot mils, ull-iDi-BonaU'i Billil,m HcDontld, « lo 1, won: Hinel,UK a. 01*7100,4 to aiannd: L« aiaadt, US, J Bmltb,a to 1. tbiid. tint. 1:10 rmb itea-Oao mil*, lall-lof-Ioeommode, 1(B. R. JoiiM, lA ta L woo: Bxeaulor,IK J. oDoailiL 10 to 1, MooDd; Foouuoo.r, in, J.Scou, 10 >o 1. Iblrl. Tim, lAJu. ll—nranca-nra aad a bair ratlog|»-rtMd.

Jan. 10^ Lallb, B to 1. won: Dr. Baod, lOO, XtwooD. t to1. Mcond; Eia L.. UB, B. Jooai, a> to I. Iblrd. Tloia,

.RocoDd 7ie*-0B, nilla. toUloa-Ob Ko, 109Lijlon,

<JO 1. woo: But ITp, lOr, Paon. 7 to I.

ood; 3«i McDoff, m. Thoip*. S to iTtoI'd. TImo.nt*-Blx latlooia iaIlloi-WIUow-H) IS l,woa; Vandua. M, j; aaidoar.

Hut llAuaui.,the WeaKm paoloi man• record ot iMK. died on Jan. le, at neepoiiipo". 111..

pan, IdL Lallb, B to 1. won: Dr. Baod, lOO, XtwooD;, t tol,i#c0od; BTa L., UB, B. Jooaa, " '

l:l8Wi Btcoid tlo-Os, mila. CKflon, 4tol.woo:Ba«t1Tp,ond; ^Hi McDi- •-'

Iblidbroot, 98. CaulQ, 10 u I, woo; Vanclaja. M. aardnr,» lo l,Heond; On Andiain, OS, BboitlD, i to 1. tbiid.Ttot, I jeii Foaitbimea Bufotloaia.wUui|r-MIM

lt,llD,Cu<la,9laLwoa: Ilndora,^OS,J.aTll,( uond: BaUoM. KB, Full. 10 u> I, tblidTVuia,rilib it«-rilu*ii.ilauenlbi ol a mlla, aoUliig-

Uton Onltr, V9, Bmia. 7 to 1. won; Obanoctr. lot J.WMilLu to l,i«<ood; AUbl,ia,7bon>a,> u Xtbltd.Tina. I'Myi.

if- ".-.TV'S nf-rin forban nUlDi-Blid.uuhor. 101,1. Olanoa.7to>,woDi anna McNtlij, H.UoueiMMlol, laooid; OoUlna, IM. Ctiiln. 0 to 1,tbin).. Tlm.,l«t. Brand itoe. itTOD lorlonfi. Mil-Ini-aalalhia,m Caitla. < lo I. won: Boial Prlnoa, 107.L bodoo, 4 to 1, ucond; Oblaw IW J. Bill, a to 1, Iblrd.Tim* I:<IU..... TUid raca-Sii larlonn^ nllloi-Laaiaada.llAJ.IjllLeiol,won: BrUnman lOI, Tborpa.1 to 1, M<»Dd; Mtrtal, IIU A. Oltrun, 7 to », Ibiid!Tima.lSK .roarlb noa-rira torlogce. bindlcip

tS"?* "W- I*onw,< tot.won: Imo. TroTilian,;u,PMn tol,ioeon<: idab llloj, Cualo, 8 lo 1tblid-^Tfoifc fllibrtM-^i ruloaai, wUlai-Jobnr.,II7.HeCna,9lol,won; ASMnla. llfirMabaiTT.

a " lA«>"a, Kn. I^lo, W to 1, ibltd.TUB*.

naclng mt Aleisader laland.Jan. 11-nnt raaa-Fira InrloDn, Mlliac-Basluiln,

l».Par«i;t,UtoI,«rt»; BjooifA BmTond: Di^loi Obarllo, llr. Ilonia, |9 lo I. Iblid. lima.IaV Baeood raoa-Fonraad a balf lorloaia. uuioi-Timmtar Hall, 110. llorTii.7 to X But; Un Poitor,

•bird Tlni«,l:o» Tbudrtoe-Fonr udabaUlar-topB, laUloi-JoSnar. Wi, HaiiT. 8 10 i. Int; roian,

l'^SS"S.''*'?i,'«»!!: •••iB'da.Iti, llnrpbr,* lohllilrd. Tlni<,IK)l Foaitbra<a-Bli udaonaitarlorlonia, ialllnB-Irtoo. ',0, OlMaoD, a lo L Bnt: uluiie.

t,lblid. TImo, IKS nnb nca-«U tod a qwrtor


Ju.le-FlntTUa-Flretarunn-CbarlltB.,lKI,Coi,¥N '•">;••> lU). Ban, rto 1, Mcoad; UproaraUF,l^Bunmatlo l. ibUd. na>, l:n ..BraadV!St::1l*n"fl'°«^r<*»i"* ""«'• ""o. dm;Joltat 8S, 0. DonnoUr, 40 lo 1 atooad; Bobolink. 111.Ham. t to 1. tbinl. rime, lffl«.TTlKlid nS-Voarmabllllorlon»-Bolna,ieB,lIam,Ila 1. Bnt; Nlu,

I,tblrd. ^ma, 13n^....Ponnb noa-Foir and a balltarlonia-Bon, 111 .Ham, t tol BnljBTdo, IQB. Moipbr,

fJSi •«»>»d:Vb..lo.il. Ill, Trlb* i to irtbifd. Tfrnt

lor,«lol.anl;l(uk,Ua. Btndor, 8 tot moniiilUtUtOban,l(B,Uin,ltol, iblnl. TimMlBK^'''.'X~'l>*>'*o>—'oorand onobali l^rlonii-Oon.

lalao, lOLIiBrpbr, 8 lo I, am: Oatpair. lot. Bam, 8 to a•»t<>nd-*oodobopp«JO», DoiSfTto 1, IblrtT Tlm^1 :0I. . . ..BMond laeo-FlTo InrkinaL •oUlot-jobnor. t£KouT, > to 1. ent; Obuaaa, 107. YtuiV.flo 1. irand=Dwtlrtb.l0I.Don«r.ttoi;iblid. TuSr \Sl..rmSi7SSrJ!U.'!,','°S«* •«',l'?«r'"«°''- tW. FiiMlnmoM,

Bbb Frantlaco Jooker Olnb.jin )0-piri: nfo Baron fnrlooia—Bmw Bcot IUr.oaire 10 a,won: (Join, IOt,n«aiSJ 1 to iTirand'••anl. lot, T. BmiiiT-o to 1, liitd. Tim, "c.'.TrSSi'.jnd laaa-Flra and a b^tatlonn,aoUini-«l« Bilb.

ljl).^..Tblri iie*-IlT« ud a halt tarlooia. nUlniPMar par. tai Oocbiu, i to 1, woo ; ObtaulblT. B. im>d8 10 a, aaoond; Mob? chiJ \in'niiSlr1r'!!.',:!yiTint,

J war, tB, uoeoiu, t to I woo; Obinaok.^1, B. Imho.

-Jia. I:BU......Fonjtb noa-FIn aad a bair rorloBp•fUlu.-l/SUlo Ilni, U7, F. Carr. { tot. to; Ollria, fl?

jonii«.lKj«iiJotl5r^^Ttn. m. Oban. 10 u 1 itcnnd; Don rnltBO, ist Bad.

vaayvfe waaou^—HBJVVno, in, Obora, It 10 I. atcnndfloM.eui, tbiid. Tina. IJD,>i.

,•'•0; 18—FInt naa-Plio lurloan— Bar MeCarlbrlOa SkanJ to I. won; AnndoL nf P. Ctn.

'uaM^o. iMiiD, J 101. uuu. Tiaie,l:l1.— Bii iorloDM. sollLsg— Ooadalape,Oboni._l to I.wm; Psryear D.. Kn.'r. cKo to<

i.nRosbaklbiol,iblid7 Tine, 1:30.../.TbllS"Od; rroo.D^ nmB«,iuioj inm. Tina, iaD....Tblnrua-Baron foihoia-QiiIrt^ m, coehrS ] to I, won"folal'a, ». a liOB.e 10 CtKmi ; ZobalrT iS, Wore,

isrSa'cri-ifj? '•'•"^

A*"AJ7!r''"'.!»c*T'iT« and one ballfarloDta, sell-, •""A.*i:r""'.2«T~''^« MO OBS ball forloDta. sell

ISSa^VTit i£.i'd°-'ft-*i?...BooolTlmo,IS.. Booondraet-nrttad ogAiall loilooaa

£, 'Iv'tt "a""- '2f; Obaoott- 81,8. loom, itol.tolid. Tlmt,l:llM Tblid n«»-FlTaand abalt

JPV^^ "IU' •na-Plnaoda

TUB JociBT CUB held ihclr aooul bnalneeaiDCcUng In inoir Donia at ibe Cumborlaod. iblaclij, on Iho evonloi olJan.lT, ihe follawing mem.bore belnjt In aiieadasce: A. p. Walcoli, Angntt

viL ^^Sf^'i-B*?". Aogott olaaoD, J. 0. Bonner,

bdwardKollj, Frederick Oobhanl.j. 0. Oieeo.s!

H"?'*"," *'i ^itff. Alter the reportoC Iho tnialcci waa read ami approved, Ibe (ollowlniMowardt wero cltcied: For two jcan. 0. LeeKnapp (ie<lccied), t;ol. w. p. ThompeonrA. J. Ca*.

K.lf *",'',.'• 9: 'ddi named nnUeoianf.'".?*..'!'''?''

I'doler'a unexplnd term of ont jcar.II. t . Uljdc. of I'hlladolphla, waa eltoleU a memberor hcJocterClub. TteMowaidawliaeetcnnahad

"u'gStWmoTu'' "«

« S!f fJ* ^* irolilnn tlaiuon Aile,

'/it.*' filJ? "*'• ""i *«»1M!<»» Belle, brAdrian Wlltea. ton ot deorge Wllkee, died otleok-)" at VerttlUea, S». Jan? 18. Hrwitie jointpropettx »f BottelljUei and A. O. Bmce.

ot loDB leTer. She waa nlned bj her owner'ur"ton B. Mollenr^ at more than Ito.ooo, an am'onnithat waa olftred tor her thonlr before her deaihShe waa if BUlj WUket, ont of Bennle BoTder hVMambrtnoAbdallah.



Jan. ai ir-Bkttliii neaa, obimploniblp of BgrooaBoda.failb. BnniarT.


Jan. B--Obamploublp fliuw tkatlna oompauuoBi8oatbOnaaa,ll.J.Jan,SO-.Jnoloraad iraan BaiuaakallaaoomDaUtloiiL

llontrta],Oao. ^Fab. S—Oaaidltn Anataor BhatlAi AfaoeiaUon tnoul

flbamplooibip ooupautlooa, Mootrta] Ota.


A Very UBeatlateetory lleatlBg, Uarreilbjr AJJegad Fonla Bad llBaportamaii-Ilke FroeaedlBga—Radd Won TwoKwaBta, JohaaoB Oae, Bad DawldtonOne.

The inoDal iioea ot the Matlooal Bkollng Atto-datlon, tor the imalenr ohanplonahip ol Anetlra,came on at Onnga Lake, near Kewbnrr, V. Y., oqSatnTd*rattaraoon,Jan.lB. newetlherwatrerToold, and the Om loa had to bo twept In onlcr to

prepare a proper oerrlce for Ihe titok, which waahalt a mile In ItDgth, with tharp tuna, and waaorlginallx Ihlrt/Hfe feet wtde, bnt wurepaledl;encroaohed npon bj the tn or alx thontand per-

aoni woo lined It, alaidlng In anew tereml Incbta

deep. The managen were nnable lo prerent ihli,

and the conieqaence waa that the atatara were con-tlderablj hampeied at tlmea,whlle the crowd wotjti} nnrnlj, Johnaon either fell or wu Intention,ally thrown twloe, and ai n reanlt there wu moi bquanelllng between the oonleatanla and ueirmanagen, the Donoghoe brothen beltg, apparenil t,

malnljreapontlble therefor. Tboncee were lohivobeen ttarted at 11 i. u., bnt ihote hartog oharge olaifaln tailed to hare tne track in eonaiUon uniii

three honre later. It being after 3 r. m. before thelint neewu called, doring whlcn time the iptcia-ton wen obliged to aland aronnd and kick loelr

heelt togetherlo keep from fiteilDg. The oDIclalawere; Releree, Wiribim B. Unrtlt; ladfea atnnltb,aoa Walton, 0. L. Wanng and Uharlea F.Jane;OeU jndgea, John D. WUlla, Tnomu U. Keir. A. a.Jordan and John F. Tnoker; ume keepen, RomtiBiolL F. a. Wood, n. a Ulgglnaoo, Dr. Wlllet KIddand wendeU Baker; ataiter, James B. Ta;lor; clerk

ot conne, Oeorge D. Fhllllne, ot the New York Ath-letic Olnb, aatlsted by wll;lam J. Leghorn andCharica A. Olxon; manna), R. Oonnne, hla at-

tiBlanit being Emanael FarroU, Ohlef ot roUoe of

Newbnrg; Oeorge U. Taggait,Ubarlea O. Dohaghoeand J. U. Uemmatt,Toe Dm race < v the qnarter mile daah, decided

In three heaie aud a anal. Tnere wet« three ea-trlea in each heat, bnt oolj two ttarted. Vintheat: Startem-John S. Johoaon, ot Mlnneapoiia,and Jamee A. Donoghoe, ol Newborg. Thla watwon eaallj bj Johnaon, In tBi, ten feet ahead.Second heat: 8lanen-01aitBndd,of Hlnneapolu,and Uarlej Davldtoo, ot Toronto, Uivldton wonIn ioyit. TUlrd heat: Btariera—Joteph F. Dono-ghno, ot Kewborg, and Bemtrd UoPartlan, ol Ver-planok^a. Uonogone wonlnSTXe. Final beat: Joouonoghoe, Johnaon and UavldaonBiatted. Johnaonled at Ihe blatt, Donohne eecond, DafIdton Ihlrd.

Johnaon took ihe right ot the conno, and aa Uoh-ogbne ciept np on hla left aide then wat a collltloo

between ine two, Jotueon landing In a enow bankat the tide ot the cooite. Alihoogh Donoghoe loei

hla tttoke, he managed to keep hla balance, andtoon fell baok Into a eUady galL Bj thla time,howerer, Darldaoa had gained the lead. Ue.Onlahed flltaen feet ahead. In VlHt. Tom E«k,Johnaon'a manager, claimed a tool, bnt did notdemand the referee'a decltton. On acooont ot thoton! no teoond plaoe wu allowed.

IntheflTO mile race the ttartets were Johnaon,Rndd, Olarenoe Ulark, R. Walter Olatk, DarMeon,HoFartlao, Joeeph F. Donoghoe, Jamee A. Dono-

S'lne, B. F. PhUlipa and Edward A. Thomao. Ate aiart Joe Donoghne took the lead with a mn.

Aa toon, howerer, aa the akaien teuled down to aalaadj atroke Joe Donoghne and Jotnaon fell be-hind the teat. At Untlt wu thonght they wentaring themoelTea for a tpiut, bnt It toon appearedthat tnaj were harlog a race ot their owil At thelint half mile ther were Otiy feet behind Ihe Held,and at thne mUea ihey wtra a toll lap, or half amile behind, which dliretenca thej mafnIaliKd nn-1 II tbe end ot Ihe race. At three and a haltmllaJim Donoghoe had the lead, bnt kept it only afew aeconda, Bodd then forging ahead. Rnddnnlahed tar In adnnce ot all the othen, In ITm.IXt-; OtTldion aecond, twenty ynrda behind. Toeouen were bnnohed a qnarter lap behind Darld-BOO, ekcept Joe Oonoghue and Johoaon, who cameIn halt a mile behind, Donoghne flnlahlng an arm'slength ahead of Johnaon.In the one mile noe Johnaon, Rodd, Obuence

Olark, Darldaonand Joo and Jim Donoghne elarted.Johnaon took the lead, whloh he held paot theqnarter. Then he tell, and Joe Donoghne patted lo

toe front. In the eecond halt what tomepenonaprononnced the only real akatlngot the day wuaeen. Dandaon won the race in im. dtKt. John-ton came In aoloee aecond, having given a One ex-hibition olakatlngproweee, not only byregalnlDgloat lime, bnt by pasting tne other akaiart. Boddwu acloaethlrd,andjoe Donoghne came In fontth,

while the othen ilnlahed tar behind.In the ten-mile race the only alarter wu Olal

Rodd. The othen who bad entered alaycd out,being dlaaalltled wlih the prooednre dnrlng thedav. Rndd Uniabedmaom. 381.Johnion and Hanager Eek came to New York

after the ncea, and appeared at Uadlaon BqnaroGarden on Monday afternoon, where^ In the cooneof an Interview with a nporter of The Sun, Bck do-elated hlmaeltutolloirt:

Thit afternoon I will pott tlOO with ne Spiritnfltvt Tlmea, to go toward a pnze ot tome tort, andI will chaueage Joo Uonognno to akate Johnaonany dlitance from one to Bvs mllet anywhen, bar-ring Orange Lake. I ahall atlpniate tnatthe menBlart from oppoalie ildca o( the track ao that thencan be no laterference. Futhermore, I will per-

gonally bet 11,000 or any omonnt, ihat johnoon wiuwin. nod Uank la a good place, bnt I wonld like

to aee tne eveni come off on Field, II thetrack conld be noooed. Onnge Lake, however. It

ont ot theqneBUoD,u we conld not expect (air

treatment then after the rlolooa behavior ot Oooo-ghne'e frlenda on Salorday."Eck and Johnaon aabaeqnenlly called at ne

Sptnt of Itie Ttma ooce and offared to depoaittlOO lo go toward tbe porohau ol a trophy. Theynada long Inlenlew with the N. A. B. A. prcaldeni.In the cooree ot which Eck expretttd a pretenncefor the tonr tlandard dlatanoea ot tbe IntemaUoaaiBkadng Aaaoclatloa-M», l,uo, 8,000 and lo.ooo

metrea. The Eck naiiy left ihe aame evening tor

Montreal, where Jonoaon and Rodd an engaged Inthe Oaoadlao chaDplonablp lacu. In ngard lothe tronhle that occnmd m oneot thtkeveait thealarter gave ont iho following for pabllcotlon,which may lend to throw Bomellghtnpon the mat-ter In dlqinia:"Oonalaerabladlodotalonhuarlaen overtho Inlih

In the final heat ot the quarter mile nee at Onngelake on Baluiday, ihe ftih luiant, Aa atarier 1

8laced the men, Johoaoa on the extnme eul,Ivldionlnthe cealie, and Joe Donoghoe on the

extnme weat, Tha men tiarlod In theae potlUou.Johnaon, alter golog tome dlaiance, croeaed be-hind Davldton and Donoghne, and then attemptedtopaaby Donogbee on the eilnmeweatof thetrack, when the men cane together la Donoghoe'rtpath. Jams B.TiTi.oa, Starter."And here la a alaloment acondited to the nferee,

wbolaagenUemanoi long experltnce, qnlok per-oepUon, cloee obeervoUon, and long noted for hlalove ot fair play and hatred of lie oppoallcandwho iborDnghly ludenlandt Ihe mlw, the viola-lauon 01 which lie will not permit when he huoonlrol:'Joe Donoghoe dnwnumber one poalUon, on the

eut tide or aide neit to the thore. Davldnondnw the centn, ud Johnton Ihe right, Oonog.hne't biother told him tha ice In the eenin wubett, and that ho woold be ater then from loltr-fetenceu thecrowd emahed forward. Douldjoeconld eaally ahake off Davldton, ud then take themiddle track. Davldton held hit own, howerer,nntil Donoghne gndnally bored him over on John*ton. The iBtler eaaed np lo avoid being hemmedIn, and then camo attem ol Donoghne toihe cooruVBcatad by the Nowbnrg onck. Donoghoe thentook a tharp eaotera tack, and collided wlih John-aon, who vru horled In among tho apeotatoro. neforce ot the bomp npaet Donoghne'a balance for amoiBant, and baton he oosld gel np need againthe deolMd Davldton Iiad a wlnmng lud."Wehav* raoelvada leuartiom Tim Doooghne,

tha taUMT ot tte Doooghne bovLand hlmoalt aakalarotnaBTTaan' expertaBoi|,aad wteUolin


oonverant wtlta iportlnf nlM u4 law gmmllj.Id Uit ooDim ot tilt l<tl«r Im njt:

••I to Dot tliUik Unt Ur. Curu* woild bsve oudeiDe deoltlOD ho did tud be ant lyinaolUMl wlib Hr.TtTlor, tho auttcr. He eTidenllj thongbt UiujoboMD sorted on the wtn aide of tb« eonne. OniccOQDt ot ilie coafulon Itwu about iwentf idId-

nits tticr ibe race before tbo lefeiee aaw ibourttr, and lb«n bo declined to alier bia declalon.

I wu sear wbote tbe fool occntred, ud I plalnljaair JobDioa mb Joe and tbraw bln> ont otma atrlde, whion allowed Ui?ldeon to wId. It

bardlf needa any argameni to aliow that InBinlgblawaj racea, wbolber rowint, running or•uUDg, Boir conletlant wbo laTc* bla cooraedoea ao at lila porll, ud tboold be beldreapontlble tor couei|ocnl fonla. Yon, ot ooane,DDdentand Ibe adraouge to be obtained b/ Uall'

ln|. WbenJoefonndJobnaonbobInd bim In tbeqoMter, be eaaMI np a bit In order to make bincome ont alongside, but Jobnson came ont od tbewrong Bide. In tbo Htc mile race Joe tiklled Jebn-on ud beu blm In. Torn Eck told tbe re-ponora kftcr tbe nee tbat bo woold maicb JobntonagsUut Joefor $1,000 aalde. Now, It TusourruwUlaot ajatskebolder, I will make two niatcbea,one for a qoarler mile, airalgbiawaj, ud one forlire miles, on t bait mile pau, ibe akatera to tiarttcom oppoalle sides at tbe tnok In tbe latter event;eteb race to be lor tMO salde, and to be akated ongood, oleu Ice. We will akate at anj convenientpl-Wfc"Van thit eacb partr baa made bla propotllloi,

let them gat logeiber and come !o acme agiwmentfor a matcb, wnlon both Joe Donogbue ud JohnnyJobnaon abonld be eager for alter what baa oo-cnrred. Tbe qneauon ot relative anpetlortir baabeen in dlipnto between tbe two for a long time,ud It la Ume tiiat It abonld be settled bf amu lomtn oinuac, or series or oonteats, wblob Is tbeonly way In which to arrive at a dennlte teanlt,Snch a matcb would be balled with ]oj by tbe pnb-Uo wbo are Interested In ibe taacloaung paatlme otskating, and the reanli tbereol wonld be a matterformncnapecDlatlon among those wbo are aooaa-tomed to back tbelroplsion wiih cash.

CRICKET.Aaatralla Defeats England.

Tbe tblrd game between teprcaeatatlve elevena

ot Bsgludud Ansitalla was played Ju. II, 13, 14

ud U, at Adelaide, South Anatialla, and a cable-

gram on tbe last mentioned date aimonnced that

tbe Auatiallans won by 332 runs, it being their Irst

victory In the contemplaud series ot Ave Interna-

tional contests. Tbe latest Kogllah mall gives tb«

leaultonlyot ibetlrsltwa daya' play, from wUoti11 appears that the vlallors presented tbe sameeleven u In tbe preceding contest, (lay ud Hum.phreys bslng again lelt out, whUe the borne teamsobsUtnled (Galloway, A. Tiolt. narry ud WorrellInstead ot Ltohi, ConloRbam, Tomerud Tmmble,who had played at Melbourne. (Mloway, ot NewBouth Walea. and A. Troti, ot Victoria, nolther otwhom bad previously appeared for Australia, madsa floe s!ud tor tbe but wicket on tbe nrst day, sndtbelr snooess crested a great deal ot entbualasm.For tbe third time In aucceaalon Analnlla wontbe toss, and Oaptaln allien conaeiiuenUy decidedto bat drat, sending Bruce ud H. Troti totb« wlokels, while Hlcbardaon and Peel started thebowling. Toe weather waa hot, ud tbe atienducerenarktbly large, Increaalng every hour during tbeday. The wloket was In sdmlnblecondltlon, play-ing very fasL anfeu, who went In nrst, wicketdown, was the highest scoter, having nine partnersud making 6S runs In line form. B. Troitand A.Trott also batted very well, tor tbelr respectivecontribuilons otM ud 38, not nut, and the toial ot tbeHist Inning amounted tom Tbe attendance continned very large on tbe aeoond day (Satoidty),when the Eoglisb team stored only IM, theirhigbeat acorers being Brown, with 39, not out, andF.T.Ford, with 91. At the oloae of tbe eecondday's play, tbe bnmo team had made IM tor tbeloss ot four wickets. We will give further detailsand score In out next Issue. InthebatUngaveragcsot the English teats, A. E. Stoddart, the captainthereof, ruki Brst, wlih a total ot eS8 roDs in tanInnings. Ten other batameb of the team have IMI-Ung averages ot over 20 nms to an Inning.

TBI AVNUIL IMTIBCOLOMllt, OaiHPIOIISair COM-nsr between Victoria ud South Aostialla tookplace Not. 30, Deo. 1 ud 3, at Adelaide, and re-

sulted In favor of tbe latter, with ten wickets tospare. Tbe rcapectlve totals were: Victoria, 2i2

and IM; South Australia, 368ud U with no wicketsdovm. The winners now hold the Ans>nllucham-plonshlp. Tbelr highest acorera were Dyar with102 tons and 0. aioen with M runs, not ont, thelatter, who captalned the eleven, bowling twelvewlokela. aiiren at one period captured nvo wlokelsat the cost ot only 3 runs. Tbe SngUsb team, nowIn Anstnlla, are of the opinion that Ouren li thebest general player ot the uy.Tna Bit. Thoiiis D. Fniuirs, now residing st

Ohlcago, lU., ud who celebrated last Septemberhis flnieth consecntlvo season aa u active onok-eter. Isnow bnsUy engaged in preparing his remln.Iscenees for publication. For muy yean he wasthe KadlDs Ignre In Canadlu crloket, csplalnlogseveral otila reptesonlailve teams In theunutl In-

temauonal oonteats with tbe Doited Stales. It

woold bedinicultto name any Oanadlu orlokeler,

whoae career has been so umtemipiedly success-fnl,ud his oonnecUon with Ohlcago ortckct dnrlngthe past few seaaona baa also been marked by tre-

quentenoceascs in the Held.

W, W, FODLiaoD Jr., besda the batting aversgtaot the Oakland Clalt, of rhlladelpDla, A., with arecord ot M3 runs In twenty-elgnt Innlogs. Win-terboltom lends in bowling, captnrlng no fewerthu one bondred wickets at the coat ot only (.Mruns each.

TBI RUiiBi.iDLi rSAT Ot clcu bowllog all of theten wickets In u Inning has only been aocom-pusbsd ODce In Oaoadlu crlokot. Halor Morrla, ottbe Frederloton (N. B.) Club, Is im, thos reilrlog astieng mllllary team, and capturing six morswlokels In the second inning.

J. P. HOMiH vlitnally leads the batting averagesof the UelOeld Club, ot rbUadelphIa, with 330 ruesIn ten Innings.

TBI St. David's Clod, ot Pbllidelphia, did not doao well In IBM as in the preceding aeaaon. Tbeflatting and bowling ot Lue ud nail. Its two pro-teaalonals, were the most noteworthy featoree.

ATUMotEogllib amateurs, csptalDCd by R. S.

Lucas, laltsoutnampion. Eng., Ju. ie,onaTlilt to

the West Indlee. Toe llrsc stop wUI be made atBarbados, after which the team will visit the Lee-wardud Windward Isluds, TrlnldU and Ueme-lara, ud Inlshlng with tiro weeks at Jamaca.

Two well known English professionals are nownsgotlating with ths management ot tbe RosedaleOlsb ot Toronto, Ont, ud the latter will aoon ucertain which one ibey cu aecort, both tor coachingud bowling tholrmemben next

All the anugementa have been completed tor a

Bonlhsm trip by the DalUmon team. ManagerHanlon has secured the baU grounds at NswOrleans for a week, Tbe players will be orderedto rapott In Baltimore no later thu March 11. sndthey wUl leave tor Macon, Oa., on tbe llih. Theyinu arrive there on theisthud begin preliminarywork on the Kib. No regular games will beplayed for savsral daia, bnt the men will be givenplenty of work to limber np. Uacou will be ibeseat of action ot the cbamolona notll March 31,whu the bova will likely leave for Athena, Oa.,

where the (lolvenlty of Georgia Is illnalsd.Manager Uanloo la trying to arrange a gamethere for the to, bnt tbia data has not beenoloeed. Prom Athens the party will go to Now Or-leans, atrlvlnt there on the ultb, ud playing agame every day nntll the sist. Tne remainder oftoe trip will be made In abort Jumna, and tbe fol-

lowinggamea have been arranged: Aorlll, Atluta;3, OhailoMo; 3, llalelgb; i, DuvlUe; i, Rouoke; n,

Lyaebbufg; a, Petersburg; », Foriamouth; to, Nor-folk, ud 11 ud li, Hlcbmond. The exhibition

. ^ will open at Union Park, Baltimore, on 13,

when the Princeton College team will probably b«the Baltimore's opponenia. Princeton may playtwo gamesud Vafe will play on ths


exhibition games ars being arranged.

F. P. Pbial, editor or T/ie ntiul. Is hetewlih ten-dered thethuksof Tai Ourrsnfor lavorlniojwith tbe pbouonphs from which the eioellentportraits of 0. Buret, the lOO kilometres championof Prance, ud M. Ilonben, the Ualglu, wb? de-feated the American champion, Aruur /Immer-a^ were engraved tor Tai Ourrn Aimnii.It always affords us plesanre to ackoowlcdts thecontesy o( our esteemed contempotsitte, u It willto rsotpioeate In kind shonld the opportonliy olMr.

THEATRICALooxToinxD nioM rioi in.


JacksoBTllIe—At Ibe Park Thsatre Katie Em.melt, Is "KlUarney," wu accorded a good houseJu. IS. "The Prodigal Father" was well paironlaed

IT. Reined andlencss greeted Marie Walnwright,In "Daoshlen ot Eve" ud "An Unequal Haub,"18, n. Oomlai: Marls Jansu 2t RobL Downing23. "The Carnival of Indnsltles," by local lalsni,was presented u.


New Orleans.—it the French Open nonas,the capacity has been greatly taxed lo accommo-date the large udlences that have sooght enjoy,

ment and recreation within Its walls. Last week,"Le Bol D'Ts" wai most allraodvely sung. Ths(sst contained Boon u Myllo, Sonm u Eamao,Mmea. Darglsaons ud Monnirteir, as Margaretud Rosen. Sunday matinee "Robert" waa well

reoelTcd by a large audience. Tbe evenlng'a bill

Included "lA Femme a Papa" and "lUgoleua""La Femme a Papa" la one ot the auccesics ot tbe

Biar, snd "BIgoMtto" was very pleasuUy aung.orlng Ibis week, "Richard the III" ud "Lis

BURoenots" will be sung.Obimd Ornu Hotm.—RIohsrd MantSeldwu ac-

corded a hearty weloome by bis frtenda ud ad-mIrenottheOreaoentOltT. Nat Qoodwin cornea so.

Aoionir OP Mosio.—'The PassingShow" playedto nne audiences dnrlng Its ugagemont Jan. ID,

Bol Smith RuaaeU.St. OBamuia.—'A Bunch ot Keys" proved qnlteu attnoUon here last irsSir. bavins delliBled

large andlucta each nlgbL ThePvodlgslFaibv"20. ^


DsBTer.—At the Tabor Oiud Opera Hooseweek ot Ju, U Alexuder Salvlnl, In repertory,

played to packed houses. Week ot 31 Wards udJames.

BBOiDtTATTHiATBX.—Weekof 14 Olfren A NclU's

Stock Co. la *rhe Onv'nor"ud the living pictnresdid a big business.OintTiB BraiiT Thxitri.—Renttrow's Onme

dlana, In "Ilelaw Zen." did weU last week. Weekot 2l''8L Valentine's Dav."OiMTBaL Thiatbi.—Week ot 1« bualneas was

lance.TniATBicAL STAOi BANDS endeavored to aeuie

tbelr claims with the Tabor Open nonse, butlaUed.

Paeblo,—At tbe Otud Alex, BalvlDl played loa large aadlence Ju. 12. nerrmun came it. BlindTOm 18.

OoLimBii—Week commencing 19, "Risen" wlDbe lbs attnotton. nis house continues to gainfavor.Hamlin's Btahdabd m Bontbsm quartet,and

Ross and SIlby were new 14. The remainder otthe programme Is filled by May Smith, Fred Stoneud the old stock. Mr. nsnlln Is hsvlog the bonasovertaanled, repainted and generally freshened np.Business Is fair.


Montreal,—At the Aoademy of Hualo, week of

Ju. 31, Walter Ssutord's "The Wagra ot Sin."

QttUM's Thpatri.—Week of 14: Lewis Vorrlson. In "Faust," played lo packed honses. Bookedfor week of 31, Samri S. and Mrs. Baldwin.Tbsatsi TtoTAi—Week otI4 Dad McCartydId

a good bntlneaa. In "The Pride ot Mayo"ud "TheRambler from Olare." Booked tor week of 31, JoeOtt. In "Tbe Star Gazer."OrxBA FoAKOAis.—Isrie business week ot 14

with "Faust," "Uam'zelle." "Nltonche," "L'AbbeCoDstanUn." "Fine dn Regiment" and "Le Bonrd."Announced for week nt 21 : "Lei Irols Ohspeaux,""Les deux Sonrds." "Lt mis dn Regiment." "Lesdenx Timldea," "Mlgnon," "RIplUp," "SlJ'ebUsRol," "Le Soppllce d'un Homme'' and "Mme.L'Archldaa"National IIali.—The Tableanz Vlvrats, It,

worea snceeas^

HamlltOB.—At tbe Gnnd Mr. snd Mra Bald-win closed a big week's bualneas Ju. ». "TheFaat Mall" comes 3ii, Ibe London Gaiety Girls 38.

Star Thiatrb.—I.ut week's buslnsss wu good,Jan. 31 udweek: Prior ud Gates. Sckyler sndNash, Li Drew and Wast, Jennie Roby and MayHeey.TuBATSB noYAL.—Several additions are belnc

made to the stock company. "Nip and Tuck" will

be presented 21-23, "East Lynne" 24-2S.

Owelplt.—The Royal Open nonae waa darkfrom Jan. I nniu 11, wbu amateur theatrtcala. Inaid ot the hoopllala were pot on, under tho mu-agement ot O. N. Daly, Amerl<!an Oonaul. on laDavid ObrlatleMnmyleotnred to a small audience.John Grimth's "Fanst" 21.


Newark.—At Miner's ChannceyOlcoit scored a

big snccris hsra last wesk socially u well u nnU'cUUy, being entertained by several soolsty people

during tbe week. Els udlsnce were nnltormly

large ud enthnslsaUo. Tbe drat preaentaUon In

Newark of "Sowing the Wind," this week, wUl be

ot general Interest, ud should attract good au-

diences. Tbelr Initial bow, Jan. 21, waa made to agenerona houae for a rainy olgtat OrilDth'a'Faust" weekot3S.Jacobs'.—Ths buslnesa of Isst wesk wu about

equally divided between "The Bull Harm" and"The PoUce Panel," each being fairly patronized.Ohu. T. Ellis nanally receives (lolte substantialsupport here, ud his slay tbla week will probablybeu pleasut u tbe preceding ones. "The StarOazer"38,3>,3a, "Land of ihellldDlgbt Sun" 31,

Jan. 1.3.Waldvamn's.—There la no tailing off lo nnmbera

at this house, ud the buslnsss ot tns Rsua.8antleyCo. last weakwu right In line. The Meteors this

week presut strongIndncemonts, and tlio patronswill no doabt glvs them good aiteatloo. A toll

boose greeted them 31. Rellly A Wood's Oo. weekot 28.

Star.—May Ramnm, Eugenie Pollard, Ullls Mor-tonud J. w.Ctosi>v.GLOBB—Edlth Majo, Llllle Haher.MlonleEarie,

Belle wnito and Fruk North.OAiBrr.-HaT Madison, Haggle Daly, MlUle Uar-

tlnl and Prof. Bacbmann.CASINO.—Once Ttompson. Rreln HUKr, Nellie

Woods, Joale Evans and Jennie Bernard.NiwB.—Muager Waldmun hu been Indisposed

for a day or two with grip Newark Lodge, T.

U. A, held their fourth unnal ball Id the Audhtorium IT, and Itwaaaoimplaie sncceia. The ballwu handsooely decorated with Oowen and pluts.The T. H. A. orchestra furnlahed promeoade motlc.A number ot delegsUous were present trom NewYork, Urooklyn, Jersey Cliy, Bllstbetti and Fater-ann. Treuorsr Dany C. iiennia ud wife, otMiner's Theatre, led the march.

Jeneir City.—The Academy patrons gaveDan'l Builjr a cordial reception In bla laieat crea-tion, "O'Nell, WublngtoD. U. c." Uuriog week of21 he will alao preaut "Tbe Social Mon." Nextweek, John Kemell, In "MoFadden's BopemenL"Pe'cr P. DaUcv clcaed a rkir week le.

BoN Ton.—Manager DInklna hu arrangedu ex-cellent bill tor week ot 31. The Mszlcu ZamonFamily, Fruk Bell, the Daltona, Nellla Lawrence,Umwee, the Wenta, Dave Regan, Fisher udCroweU, the lieagons, Etta Albion, Shaplar udPlynn, Whiimu and Iiavls ud the Baaalcya. Agood alzed hoose iru at the opening ud test

week's bualnesi waa vary largs.

J. 1. 0.-Freda Vu Norilen, Sadie Bargtis, UUIaneed, Uco. Kuey.John Lynch and rraf, llaymond.Bualneas la good.MonB.-l<ose Beaumont, who was oot this aea-

aon with Bessie Doneblll's "Playmatea," and onone occasion asauned her place, baa Joined liudawlib her aliter, ud will devote their talent to thevaudeville. Tnoy do a amng dudsgactMynle Aritoxton, a bright little aoubteue, will Hi annaber of clob dates for Ibe next three weeks.Robert and Maggie Dewletl lelt this city at mld-nl^t ls,toSU a two weeU'daie at ifall'a Oastoo,Ohlcago, III The sew cvenore played byLaadsr Oso. A. Orut at ths Bon Tou, last

week, la enUtled 'Tfii OongnBloaal Tola."

Leader Wagner, of the Academy, also badBomeihlng new In a comtt aol« by J. Borger, andSoua's latest inarch, "The Dltectotile."Freda Deniw, of "The Oonnity Spori," rtcrtredaome noni remlndin tram her admlrem lut week,

Haohlnlat Jobn Uagaboe, ot the .Vcadomr, la

the poaaesaor ot an elegant tomoui. a present tiomIbe Shaker (k>inmnnliy Mario Wniioo, late or"A Trip to Torkey"ud "Alter the Ball," nude herappearance u a vaudovrlls performer at a irlal

performance at the Bon Ton 13. She Inteuils to doa black face act.

Biiaaboth.—Aiibo Lyoeum Ttieairo iho MinnieLester tympany played week of Ju. 11. with fourmailneea. In ropenory, lo tho larEeat week's busl-aess In the blatory ot toe honso at popular pricee.(Jomlng: "The Ivy LoaF' 33, "Tbo (.cat rammaa"33, "A Baggage Obeck" 2S. "liot TMnalca" Feb. i,

Qeo. Thatcherud Carroll Joboaon'a Ulnatttia Fob.i, "Itie New Boy" o.

DBAii Opbra Bodbb.—'The SHU Alarm" cameJu. into atandlng room only. Tbe aodleoco wuthe laritat In the niatory of the bnaao. Hlremenfrom aTi the liltle towns adjacent were present intinironn. Theolghtprovedtobeagnlaono. WroM. lirUe, tbe new manater, h>a proved to be ahaatlerin advenutog. lie la ablyaailsud by Aa-alataut Muaaer wil'Um Fonnuu. Coming: J. b.

Mackle, In '-The Side Show," 31, "A Texas flieor"

34. RoberiQaylor'JO, KateCiaxtonudUmo. Jiioaua.

check Feb. 1.

Tips.- E. S. Morly, comodiu, and Mr. Shea,Juvenile, have Joined tbo Minnie Leaier CnThe Otonal Theatre, located on Kiut Jersey Street,

with a oaaaolty of OOO, opene l to a full bona) 31.

Amoni the people were Bimoumo, lluib, theIrviDK,aodJulleD Fnllner Music Hall, Vlr.t

Street, baa opened under ibe mauaiemeoc of thoWUaon lltothers, with a variety bill Itiurio'a

Qem Ttiestre. on Front street, opened with a iirnogmdevllle compuy, ud promise a chaugs or pro-

gramme each week.

Trenton.—"Down In lilxle" cane to THylor'sOpen llonse Ju. 14. "HoKaddea's Klopemeni"It did well. "Shore Acrea" It had good bntlneas."Itie Sim Alarm" IS did well. Unoklnia: '-The

Lost randlse" 21, "Tbe Side Show" 33. "nie IvyLeaf" 34, Kellar 33, "A Trip to Chinatown" a,Donnellrandainn131.TRBKTOK MUSiOH.-Bualneas lait week was big.

Tbe amateur nights at tbis house havecaogtilon Insood atrls. The prlie lut week wai teooreil hvWalter ODgbea, a coniortlonlat. Atinotlona lor 31

ud week: Curio Uall—He and Ulm, Jos. Uiirral.

lewla' Unrio Kxblbli, ud Allen'* I'unch and Judy,Theatre—Fny and Kvua, Frank lilonty snd Katilo

Ohuman, will K. NankevlUe, Fruk (Jarltoo, Will

Bolmea ud Katue Waidon.Nora- Patrick HoDermott, admloliiralor for

James UcHemiott, wbo wu killed by an einployn or

the Baraum t Bailey Show during a row whichtook puce the lut time ihoy hIiowpiI here, hrongbtaultagalnat Bamnin i Bailf) tor f3.'i,noo damages.W. S. nager nprtsenled the abow people. JudgeReed, In bla charge to the Jury, ahowed there wasno cauio tor aoUou and the auli was loal.

Hoboken.—"Uncle Tom'a Cabin," nndcr Kd.

F. Ilavis' muagement, holda the week at tbe Ho-boken. "Down In Dlile" turned people away Jan.

IT-IB. "A Barrel ot money" 38-30, Robert Ullllaid

«1-Fcb. 2.

GBBBANtA.—Tbla week: Howe ami Mainour,Vera, Willlama and Howard, Carroll ud lArklne,

Mona Wynne, Devol ud Tikjlor,and Raill Uuilcr.

IMPSSUU—Belle Uooahaw, Nellie Mordannt,Rffle SL Olair, Carl Oearilg, Harry llenneli, ManyOampbell and Pnl Sindera. lloaiocsa la largo.

Nons.—Mra. Angiiat DIolricb. mother of llHrry

Utriell, died at her homo on liolon Hill, Jsn. \!>.

leader Geo. Dol logcr,af theUoliokon,|>lHvrd

one of his latest compoeliloua Invt week, a medley,entitled "Warctnga" Nellie Mordauni liu

again aaanmed tho matrlDoolal yoke.

Pnlerson,—Opera llonae Imotlnsa: "The Ivy

l4ar'Jan.31, "ATeiu Steer" 3-.' 33, "Tho Pollen

Patrol" 34-36. nobby (Isylor, In "Sport McAlllaier,"

28, Lud ot the Midnight Sun" 3D. .10, Couroy andFOX 31, Donually ud GIrard Fet>. 1.3. "C'oon Hol-

low" hU poor houaaa Ju. 14-10. "Tbo Loot Pan-dhie" attracted fairly goad houaes ll-iv.

Bijon ToiATRB.-JclfDraon'a Aihleilc and Spe-clalCTOompaoy bad fairly good bouiea 14 and woek.Dookloga: Original Reorgia MIntirela 31-33, Flelda

A nanson's Specially (X>mpuy 34-311.

Edin MiiBsa.—Dosluess wu only fair at ilils

house week ot 14. Anlvali tor 21 and week : nrcu-

n<n and Wbeeler, Llllle Weston, Tanner and lien-

nat, Ixiulse Dempsey, Ilussell sod Pearl, Kitty

Claylon. the Montanu In Eiectromuta. Will D.Uau, lbs Ashley Trio and Harry ud l.nlo Itotilnaou.


BlUwsnkee,-At tho Davlilaon Tbeatro "ATemperance Toim" was presented mstlneo and

night Ju. 30. "Ohariey'a Annt" commenced a

week's engagement 31. ' The Glri 1 l.ttt Iiehind

Me" drew lucrative pattonago last week. Sandowud the Trocadero Vaudevilles 2T. Eddie Foy, In

"Off the KtrUi," 31. Feb. 1, 2, 3.

Buot; Oi'BBA B0C8B.—Jamea J. OerlMIt iiorlnya

"Gentleman Jack" at this boose week ofJan. 30.

The No. 3 Morrison IMinpuy, In "Fanst," waa ralriy

appreciated, Banlon Droiben' "Fantajma" 3T sndweek.AOADBHr or Mtiaio.—"Young Mrs. wintbrnp"

30, 31, 23, 33. "A Bommer Bllzzird" had fair

bosses 13, 14, le, 11. Tho local charity ball, whichwaa to be given atthoHtadlTbealro, It. Iho day of

the dre, ww given at thta hnuae very nucccHarully

IT, ud npon 18 the Biadt Theaue Compuy, anp-porting llerr Von der Usten, preien'ed Alexanderlinnua' "Kean" before a honso complolely lUed.nation ud Bart, In "r.ater On," 3T ud week.PBorLB's TnKimB.—For 30 and week Manager

John B. Raynor ban selected Mme. Yucca and ihetoUoiring bill: Lord and Keating, Peari Alexander,W.B. Mack and Ma Elliott, Abl Htange. Wondvllleud MeeUn, ud Obarlea Mnreluil an Minnie HayTbompaon. Mlaco'a Oily Club bad good aticud-ance last week. HIce A liarton's itosa Hill Com-puy 00ms '.2Tud week.Stadt TnBATBB FiRB.—At eleveu thlrtyo'clock

A. B. 11 dre from a live electric wirewu dlacov.

end over tbe atage ot the Sladt Theatre, formerlvknown u the Unnd opera Uooae, and In lens thantbreohonn tbe Ueaire proper wua toial loai. Tbetheatre wu built In I8TI by the Nouuemanbereaiato,udwas opened Sept. IT, lail. by the I'bll-

harmonic Boclety In "Martha." HcKee liinklo.

In "Cuts," wsH the fltsi dramallo parformucoBepLSI, 1)71. lalKil lh« Iheairewaareliulltudlevered 10 the ground door, being reonencd ih be-

fore by MoKce llankin. In "Casic." During tboMyeanltwu managed at dllTerent limes by Jacobud nennu Nunnemacher, Harry Doakln, 11. T.-

Marah, E. T. Rudolph ud Hnorman Brown. 10 ItSI

tbe property waa purchaaod by tbo Pabst BrawluuCompany, tbe house was again remodeled andomned u a high claaa Ueman stock Ibcntie, iind

Haoagen Weld A Wacbaner gave It one ot the heatGermfe atock enmpantes In Ihla country. Thelooses were: Pabat Brewing compuy upon thebonding, tM,ooo; Managers WelH A Wuhsner,HO 000, eacb f- ' —ihnwsslllllnaiji.oooworthoriuoe. Tbeoihermembenoribocomiunyplacethelrlouat 11.000. is aoonu poialble the theatre will

be rebuilt upon a larger acaleihu micro, and will

again be ooudncted u a German atock theatre.

nrUisremalttdgrof Ihla aeaaon tlie compiny will

give tlieir regolar weekly aoliacrlpllon perroriii-

uce at the Academy elilier each Tnursdav or Fri-

day, and Hie regular Sunday perrormaDcswill begiven St the West Hide Turner Uall.

WoNhBRLtsDMuasuH.—Doe2l and week: Curl'i

hall—Prof. Krieae ud Ills dugs. Tlicntro—i;hu. I'.

Rich, Roycc, Moore and llayc, Oiu. K. Iiavdle andArcaria ud Sliier.

Cot^rOKS.-Bert Daabcr, In advuco "A Temperuce Town," was hare iMi week torihe Bnt time10 many yean Moat of the valuable mualcalInstmmuls belonging in Bach's IKnd, which weresupposed to be lostln the Btadt tre, were recover-

ed Boeo LelghloD, Annie Meyera, Henry Ilal-

lam ud narry Brown are among ibo roropanrengaged for Bebllis Park, for Maoaier Ullier'a

opsn season next Snnimer IK»alo McLaren,of Ihe Morrlton "Pauat" Uo., was well Ukon careor by bla frtebds test week Ctipiain CbsrleaKing, of this city, hu written a mllllary play, en-

UUed "Fort Fnyne." llinll Von der oatenmade blilaatappearance here this season. In "TheWalt otLowood," aopporud l>y Clara /.ihl Sleraud the Btadt Htook Compuy, at Weal Hide TurnerUall 20.

Hakaobb DoaBAH. of thn Davldion UoUl, whereMlas Bairymore, of John Draw's Co., wu allegedto have narrowly escaped death byasphyilailonIt, states that Mlas Batvymore did accidentally tornon the gas^ bat that she tnffnid 10 aenoni effect


110 too, eacb fully Insured. F.nill Von dor UtieUcwhii was milnBsstsrengsgsmentsith* house, loses

11,000 worthofcostnmesudsceoery, with no Inaur


Mlnaeaiiolla.—At Ihe (Itud Opsn Douse "ATomperuco Town" oomes Jan. 31 tor the week,

"Wang" week commencing K. llallen and Uatt

wen well received K, it, in. Kmlly Uucker, in"iinr Fiat," hU fair alted audlenoea ms rsnaloderof the week.

Oijoii OrsRA DoiniB —"A llallread Tlokat" la ex-lenau-elj billed for 30 ud week, Lllllu Lewla la

anoonucod to follow 3;. Oorinne had ihe name bigbnalncti that she altraia hu 19-lt.

TnBiTHBCoBtqttx.—KorJl and week: Terry andElmer, S'ellle Ouelta, Tom While. MoOanhy udWllliania, Clan Adaius, Rdna Moniello ud J. II.


Koni A MioDi.BTas's PALii's Ht'SBt'it—Com-mencing 31: i:urlo Hall—Weluor (Albino), Hiiio.

Wamo, Hugby (cant arilai). Shearer, and /.nio

SaniaoD. Siages—Qcnnu Itoee, l^ggeud Daniel,the Ryaas, Emma Wooila, Wcalud i'owier.udtko'Oroliua i»mcdy Co. Bualneas oonilnnea fair.

NOTis.—4;anle Turner, at the Lyoeum, 14, li, andAus dor Ohe, IS, did only fair business TheLvlica' Thursday Mnalcals entertained the Uohn.bert inuk, of St. Pagl, a similar orguliatlon. It.

(.tpt. w.W. Unwn, manager ot tbo Vomlqno,will have n houcOt 34. Many voTunteen will aaalat.

J. Rnab Bronsoo, msnager of tho "Biru fremSweden" (Jo., Is vrry much exonlaed by the treat-ment recotved trom ibo mothor ud grandfathor orlittle Mule HoKeefcr, a rhild utnu of this oily.

Mr. BnnsoD had bla piece booked tor twuiyweeks, and engaged i,lulo for a three weeks' tour.He sisrted 10, ud on 13 I.ltils's nudfathsrreported to the Oblef of 1*01100 here that Hr.Bronten, having saresd to ntnrn the childIn ihieo weeks, bad failed to do so; when-opuu Ihe UMef wired the anlhontlea at Water-loo, town, 10 gel the child and aud her home,which WHS done, bnt It caused Mr. Bnuaon lo oloaefor a week of good atands, and all tho conn>rypapers of Iowa bare tuen It up lo Mr. Brouaon'adeirlnient. Hr. Dronaou determined not to let tbomauer go uneiplalned, and came to Mluoapollaand reiiDlnd u oxplanailon. The only explaoa-Hon gritnted by Uih. McKeoferwu tlut ahe wulonetomo without iha child, who had been awayfrom home only ihron days. She wuted Mr. Brenaon to wke iiack tbo child, but he declinedTbo Temple (jusriot, 11. S. Woodruff ud HIgnoriiino I.. I'erura, ot this city, form the Uonoert Cnm-iny that will open the now Opera ilouie at Honivldoo, Minn. , 33.

HI. Paul.—At the MslrepollUn Kmlly nanrkor.In "(lor Klai," played to good hutlbeuJsn. i.i, u,It, 10. Hallen snd Hart, in "UlsrOa," had goodiiuiinen 11, is, m. "Wang" conioa 31 tor one week,loilowod br "A Tempcruce Town" '.t an<1 week.Col: Hoberl 0. Ingenull, in bis lecture uo tho"UIMe," bad a bigandlonco 13.

Gbanii.-Business waa good week of 13 wlibFreeman's "A llallroad Tiokot." I.llllu I.ewla,uCleopatra, iupporled by William Uumpbrles, cumes30 and week, nllowed byJamoa J. Corbett, In "iienUonianJuk," 37 ud week.

Ikii'BiiA.-New pooplu week ot 20: ilojnolda andHack aud Ueanio Phillips. Holding orsr: Nipponlloyal Troupe ot Japuose. Uiiilnoss oontlnu'Svery gaud. Henry Moorr, proprietor, retarne4lfruinnnexlonded visit to the ttoutti, li, much im-prerrd In hcaltli.

ULYMi'iu—Tills houae will oloae with thia week,owlog lu aomo dliili-iilty intween the proprietorsand the foimer lotseei, whum Cnasion A Uo., tbepresent pronrtstora, tiioceedod,aliout oon paymcntotrcnu While builness hu not been very goodunder the new management, It <nu hoped timi hygiving goud attniMiona tber could lire down thodliuiora wbloh had atteudcil Hie houae of into andeHUbllHh good bualneas. Tho proaent loaaeeH claimibat they nave nothing to do with the diapute u tonon-pHynient u t rout

Oulnllt.—Tho Lyceum had" roe County Fair"Jan. 10, 11 lu a good alr.ed audlonco. Col. It. 11. 1 q.seraoll hail a fall house 13. Kmlly liucker In "OnrFht," comea 21 Tbe Temple Upora liouu ladark. _


Wliinlngtoni-At the Omnd Upon llonae

"Shore Anna" drew a large udlenoo Jan. 14,

"Badalelue, or the Magic Klaa," dellghiod a bighouae it. "Down In llllle" did well IS. Mrs. Pot-ter ud Kyrls llcllew aiipeared IB to good Iniilnese.Coming: "A Tciaa Steer" 211. "The Ralnmaketa"34, Geo. Thatcher ud Carroll Johnson's Minstrels31.

WONIIBHLANU MUSBB.—BUSlhCSS IB gOOd. PeopISfor 31 ud week: Lecture hall-Capialn i>. H. t'er-kins. Kll Bowenand liaiUcanake Ralfaion. TKeaira-GoldleHt. (Jlalr,0ua Huks, Kddle Ullls and lialayllaymond, Phil ud Bessie ilaher, IlstUo Stewartsod Tommy allien.


WiLLuM . Daly (lloe), the well known stagsmanagur, died Jan. 30, st Ihe I'rcsbytertsn llosplui,'oiladolplila, I'a., from Brighl's dlsoau of Ihe kid-neys. Hie deceuod, who wu about sixty years ofS(P, began bis nrofesslonal career u call hoy at IhoWHioutStnel theatre, Philadelphia, In Ibe early'Ws ho wsH at Ihe Arch BtreelTneaue, thatclty,whore ho played bla nnt park Ho early abowed acapsoliy for siago dlreoUoo, to which branoh ot thibnslooss bs Ooally devoted hlmaeir. Ula Brat poetlion u BUge manuer wu with K. L. DavonnnrtlAter, when Meatra (lemmlll A Scott aaanmed tbeloanageineni ot the Uboalnnt strut Theatre, I'hila-delpbls, Mr. Daly wuugafedinaalmllarcapaolly,and such pcrformera ss Wm. K. Hheridu, Llllle(iiover, Hn. K. J. Phillips, Francis Wilson, KmeatBariram, Ida l.ewls,0bsH,Sbtnle7,P, A. Anderaonud W.J.Ferguson were In Ihe slock, udsubjsctlebla direction. Ithsn iheTempleTheairewuopenodIn that city Mr. Daly wsh engaged u stage mu.agor, apoalUun he beld opto ibe time tlie houiiewsHiioroeil. Blocii that time he had found utlvoani.ploymentin aiaglng |i:ays for ooobloat Ions, andneat 01 Uie theauoa In this oily, rhiladelpbia andUoKlonhave had iilays given their diHlpriHlnollununder his direction. Dls Isier work wsh nt tlio

spectaottlar cisss, having lieen connected withtcreralot David ilenderaan'ii uurprlMs. Tho re-mains will IM burled i>y the Actors' Fund.TuoxAS A. I.UIID, a woll known variety par

fonner, died Jan. lu, at bis home in Ureokfyo, N.Y., aged thlity-four yeare. The deceased made blaUrst appearance wnen seven yuan old, at Fox'sTheatre, Philadelphia, Pa. Uo anerwarda Joinedhands with Jamea Van Leer, with whom he wuHssocuted tor several yesre. Later, hs becamethe partner or William Mason, formlog the teamMaviu and l/ird, Thia team olalmeiTlo be Iheuriglnatoni of the burleaque trapeu. Hr. LordwaHftmcioberor tbe tirat "IMvllv Auotton" Co.,hclog the oilglhai ucuooeor In that tpeclacle.He then Joined hands with James Smith,ud tbla team traveled with Hyde A Behnian'sroad show ror a numiisr ot ssssons. Mr.Lord had also l>oen a roemiMir of The Night OwlsCo. and of llio French Folly Co. He then appearedwith bis wife, Haggis Hasoo, playlngdatM, nls lastengagement fieing at TOuv Patior's. Mr. liord wua memiier of lbs K. of I' , B. P. 0 Kika, No. a, ofNewark, anil ot the Aoton' I'rotectlve Union, No. I,

of New York. The funeral waa conducted tudertbo auspices ot tbe A. 1*. U., No. I, ud the Inler-usnt was In Bvsrgtesns Wioeieiri Brooklyn, In tbe

ind plot, A large noraber ot floral pieceswere Knt hy ftlehdi and relatives.

OuiA Pbiubosb died Ju. T. at her home In thisoily, aged tmny-thiee years. The funsnl wuunder tne anaplces ot the Aoton' Fnnd.ROYOB OinLXTOK, a mereher of K. 8. WUIsrd's

OOm died Ju. 10, Id Rnglud, The deceased wuan wtor nt ability In eccentric comedy parts, udIs well remembered hen for his iraperaonaUon otthe BootUih peasania In "The I'refenor'a LovoBtory,"

ili'iiit Jino, toimorlv prei>erly man for WallerBantord'H atock Co., died Jan. 10, st Brooklyn,N. Y., from consnmptlon.Joun Downir, nianagtr, died Ju. a, at lAnes-

bciongh. Fa., tnni larynglila. Tne deceuod, whowaalorty thnoyeara ot age, had lieen In tho varietyud dnmstio professions for tho put twentyfoan. During this timo hs waa conoooted wlUi


euley, Downle A Fiiigenid's Co., McUleat Bros.Co., Is. O. nogeis' Oj., the Peok A FnnmanOo.,Woihenl 1 Dond's Co., and Andrew Hd'hee'e Oo.Forthepaat three aeasons hewu minagerot theAbbey Urematlo Co. He loavea a widow and threealttors. The remains were interred at Hochetter,N. T.Uastbr Oarby (John Welcbj, n variety per.

former, dioit Hoc. 31, at his home In inu city, agedtwenty-all years. The deosaaed waa formerly apartner of Oeo. I^rer. He had played In iBUy otlbs principal vaodovlllit honsrs In the UnitedSiateaand Oaoada Tho remains were Interred InOalvary Uemotery.


WanU of Mana|r«rt and PcrformarSi OpanDatai, etOe^Sta Advartlsemanti.

JA)itiiTiuiii,ftwell known actor, dte4 Ju. 18,Bt tbe Mctropoliuo IfotpltAi, tbui cltj, rroraBrlotji'f dl«eM«. The iieoeMed wu (una Inliosldng Mu., HepL 'H, 1U7. Ho CMnownccd bUtbeairlcAl oreer lo Hu FrsoclKo.Cal., to wblobpiftOQ tio emlffnt«dwlih bU ffttber In tbe nrlrtl.xlieie lJU Uiherwu B proDOIncQt Uwjer.kDdbUo b couDiy jadK«. Mr. TIgbe CBme yj^imiibTliofflM Keene. tbe l/efeOlan. lie bad alao broaconnecred virh ibe followlog oompsnlei: "IterAtoneinoat," "Wblle HIbto," ^'Orcu Mstropolle"and "Her ltai)i»nd," bit Uiit onnnment belniwith (be "Wickluw POHtman." Mr. Tl|bo baa l)««ncufTflrlDB for eome lime, but did not enter tbe bf«-filial until Jmn.H. HefvlofM were beld at tbeHt.JDO Cburcb. onder tho dlrectl&n or tbe Adorn*Fond, lo whoee plot lo Kverfreeo C«m«terT thedeceeaed li Interred, lie leaves a widow, no-feetlonBily known m iniDio Briibi.usojujia L. Da Alvin, b vsrltij perforner, died

Jbh. Id, at I<«baouD, Kf., froia heart Mlare. TbedeccBMd. wbo wu iblrtr-ooo jntn ot s^e, wutyiro 10 TmIi, FiBOce. (Hie wu well known uponIho Taodefllle flare u a boy Impereonator, and«l#ororewioglog lofllen Ore clobe, of wblcfa ibeclaimed to be tbe orltlnklor. She wu et one lineA pirincr of Uerrle k. Kloe, and bed plajed wltbmaof of the leading rendeTllle compulee lo tkticoontryand In Eoflaod. Bhe wu toe wife of o.K. nice, barltooe ilofer, wbo vu at ooa Haw wellknown In the profeeeloo. Tbe rnBuUna were•ent 10 Htfi Frandeco, Oel., for IntermesLMas, K. ijouia Oooooiar died Jaa. ai loror*^

OHAMATIU.UpABditaioMt be iIIImI Bl HoblDMD'i Open lloui*,

Oinolnnail.fl«M(«4t'i Optra lloui*. Mirlon, ImU I>«Idk dtitrojad

br nr«. lUtM oBa bt iraniff rred tu Hl Mtrr'B. U.. br W.Jl. LiTtrmort.B«tyil'iTbtBtra Oni«h» Ntb.. It now undtr Iba mtB'

titDitQtnfl). w. llarDc*. vboid all cummuBlealloiiahnuld btulilrtMod.Bar^e tnil (!oD«t¥ waol 'Tnm" ponplt.Hmitk, Uub>*«rtl A t'Hi. waat tttrtotloni for lb* Lav*

rtncaOMFt 11dut«, Wintlit»i«r, IIIOnniblDaUoQi can Imor Umt ai ibt HIJou TbaaUa,

BlnibanUm. ind Davli' Thtair*. Horaaluo.J.ll. Blaachinl noiintt W. K. Purioo (hki hit data at

ItQloQ (-Hr, 1^ , la eaoeallMl.DnmtUo itwrlii attwaotaU brfUt. K. Rautll, Bar-

ton, nt<iraa a^mUII. ilrihint Kaila, M. J Bojia, rr»dHotibtai, HnoinDj A KlQ|t«Uff, Hammlni^r A t)o., W.lIovaM. Maoaiar. MtirtitiiA Aliaru, 0. 0. VauibLAtLlhtrtr: limit Utymonil, n«rw. Henit, ^. O. B.

I)«D llova. Artbar II. Batbe. I*. Ruiaca Haaat. MtllLirahrtiM.MalllalHMhalla and rhtrUii I.. Wltlli irt at Hbartr.

nUrHICAL."BMtballa Brown" liaotw topf ppbilihad bj It. II,

HinlUi A (To.

J. AMrkh Libbar A Co. ha* tiittail ili new and no*eoMlal MDK pubKcaitoBi.

i!arl niair wanta laantr builart for Ilia Banam MBalUr Rhow."JattWhiraloOraw iha I.lna" la a naw lona paU<

"Whto Wa War« Vnung" md ba ordtrad flom IboAmarieaD Huito rublltbinatru."Pia frtooek Hiridn" RtvoUa la rfroinmiDdtd to

daaeeri. orebtiira lH*Itri and dancloi totalitra, byutiBTo II. Kllnt.Tha OIlMr niuon Co. havo luunl "Hina Mt a Sool ol

llAma"and ''BHaao Atib'ire."*>fio«lpij.*' vliioh ! biitaa luefaMAillr raadsrad br

Mlla. Mialta. It publKhitl \>y Krlilar. Ifalf A (^n."DnUr llalnDa''oto baiMurvd rrom K J. DliOD.•H»b, rnilldorillnal" \n luntd br Iht UoRar MoiloOo."Tbao'rfl Ftrin Utll" can hs nrOand front J. K. Vanca.' kiadr. noH Vnu Uvn Ha,"aDil ' Mr Anirllae"ara

pab|l»had br Iba Bronki A D«nliia ITo.

Muiloiaat aro wantwl hr Malila Ihiaalt, fl. (I, Vaaea*Bart MarilD. U. W. Jonas, flioi. Klliovoril. Klea, dao. B,MHMitll.Ai Libartv: llaot V Llnd, ItanrI Kllnjc, riora ntrdl*

otr Rlloir, IlonttnIo Korli, (iliauorav lUlntt, JotapbTally. Is !>. U.O II K..J W Wllbi>r. llirrfJicnbtonr

p. I>. HItnniOAlil liu luuail ' BuinT Mtn Will Hot nalYou," wbloh ! btlOK luiiiibr InttwieuiliBr.ailtD MOlato tlitpror*uluo.H KHravart'a bagju and Iwoju luiibllaflBfa In anU

Tar«al uia"B»Mla Pallta" In luppllad h\ (I. VT. KlamlBR."LIlUa Tim" I* luiied bt llio I'alrlt Htaro Uo,,aBdam upon raealpi of tump, Ui iirufMiionalp."Wtdoatdar Nlabi*' Itpobltthid br W. W. Ilaliotr-KrunarADowirnKbaTB publlilitd "fie Oalr l>id llli

Duir."Iloaiar, llavlland A Co. bava publfthad four diw

Moaa"A Mattaiorrum ltonia"caQ ba orUtrtd from Bnlle

Ooalon.J w, litro A Co. Iiara Ututd aiiaDilrrrofaatelir hdi*,

wliloh Ibtr'npplr 'or t«n (onla. Tlio "lloaar MuoB''marcb can ba obialotd from Uilt Ann coinpUlo wlib or>aliaatiatlitni for iwanir lira ctola.TdoRoillihHonii rublltblO|Otf. htff aartral ettaliv

OtWtOBgt.**l[o|dTourlTtiil l/p, l*alHr Hoa«riA"aad "Tha lUi*

BOD I fiova Uf llooar." aia puiillthtd br UiuiorBrolkara,Tht MarloQ Muilo Fubllililnc Vo. alll topply loma

Btw tod tueeaMlul aoBBi to nmlMalentlt.Tbt Wldiiitr-MlRlar Hiiilo (to. hu touia ntw toBRa.

VAUllATY AND niNBTUBLS.BDIrUbata (W. II.), tloglni tad danoini contdian

with atronff apaoiallrs eta ba aBaand.W. B Wataoo and ifao. 0 BaillllaD will dlttolTt parl^

ntr^hlpatUia and at tbla taajon. Mr. Walton will b*Man In larca eninady ntii laaaon, wiiiia Ur. Itauiflaowill niiitioua wlUt Uia Wataon Hlatari i:it.

J. KiiiBbaok, nilti«at mailolan, otu ba aDiaaad.PBiTr and HaMflupoit a laeetatrul Hontfiarn loar.MItoriall BvarM naoh fica mooutoMHi, eaa ba aa-

ou rad.Tht f. fl. ThttUa, VMutta, (ormarl* Iha Rmplfa.

wiilnpan with roniiounui ptrlamiineaa rab.k. Botaitraotaara waaiai); alto ilramatlo aitra and atookptopla,brHulBavBuion.&r«d wacial, Dutch eoretdian, laat Mbartr.

lla. Hlaluoan be eoiagtil to do bar altotrlcU Aredaoea.Ilarrlaand Walttrtoan midttaa. Thtlraot bu bean

a lilt with lljda'atkimBdlana.T. Htlaon wanta an aorobat u a ptrloar.Tbe four Oobant baia oloBtd vlih tht Uqt WlUlaaii*

Oo.,and are atllbartr.O'Brltaaod llBTolhava r<Jolowd ihaBuatallBrgtbara*

Oo.Miartn Mto All'a troupaof Araba can he anraitd,Tha Two Xidda rtpitriaaocapa In ihalr naw aoLAiirtfltlona ara wintad br Frank Nail lor Iha Cbleuo

WlolarOireaa.Ilrda a Bahniao want to bwik drrt eltaa eanbloailoaa.(Uruoa vaudrilla acta ara wan lad by It. Uruoallt.Cora Backwiih, UiBBwimniar, can ba aaeurtil br man*

taara of walerlOR raa^ila. alio amuiamaat lialla, ate.Eddtt Hhtrne aad Moruaa ara dolafa new attcaattle

eoBwdr BQU Thtr aaa be boobtd,Tha Roulert, Irtih ctiinrdlana. who report a iBceaMfal

Han Franeltoo eDitKamaaf, Infitt oiTara for naxtfaaaoa*HMcialtitaarawantad lor'Tba JaTdlrow,**Uaahlnaioo and Barrr can tfa aBitsed,AI. (J. Fitid waoU Uirea itner alnitra.AiiraoHonican boob Unit at Uia KanalBitoDTbtetra.


A aall la laiatd for Uia nantbtm oT F. W, Buoli'aVtndtrDltt.i(pa«tailiaB ara wanted br Dr. ii. J, Foiur. Dr. J. O, K,

Allen, K.m. Bark, UtDil Bad. tV, Dr. F. HoDtiomarrsW. t. l>ockatadtr.At Libartf : 1*. J. Jonta.flua Banka, r|«iD. ArUmne

Ward Jr . Baud (lllbart, W. If. MoUTlian. M. A Acker.W. n. OlaTBlBod wanu Ui bair rmm whita bloatral

Btare. male and Itmala Japi, colored mloitral peopleand Mvorlib Badonio Arabi fur hia Muaira MluiralBbowa,

lllraant. lan laeiltr and aplnner, can ba aoaaaad.BoAror and M«r nra at libarlr.Cole, aoniDrilonlat and wire ptrformer can ba aa*

eaied.iTorltiqaacocnpanlaifandlldatuat Ibe BUoaTliaa<

ira. BaadloB I'a.

Jnbn w. World, eoraadlto, la dolea well with tba IrwloBroa.'Mbo*. ,

Lew U. UarroU aan ba engaKad.

oiiicua.L. H, Buutt wanta to boy a wagon thow oaldLJ. T. Ollrer wlalit* to teeura a itni, al«.Tboe. fa UarlawantJolrooa people" .Wurallt- —.sz-*:. ..

-loilaioriAlNlarao Lowinde and wira,»|uBatrlana, can ba aa<

U. J, Murall ftaa a perlornlai tiepbant, alao Are aacatof anloilaiorttla.


Aitraetlonf eao book lima at HiraUord, oaLt FarkTbaatra, Marlon, Ind : Fiuitiaa'a Naw Opart Uonaa,ritUbareh, Kf.AtUberlr: will A. Hlllar. neat, eta.; n. J. Allan,

[Mtnrar; Waliaca L. (loodwia, aRtot; (I. M. BelmiaU.laetarar.Tba Oalatr Bad BIJou Theaut, Fall Blrer, ua ba

fJtn. 0. W. Btiler waoia bd adraaoa aRtai.Taiteoina Ink and loitraciioaa can be oblaload from

W. If NolC- iwnf -

Fraab A. lObblaa waaia lu uor a lent, ate.Forialo: (Jaiap outni, br Hai Vet. Co.; pbonoirapbHorda br fl A. Booner.liarlbt and Irtabt are wtottd br F. J. IlaJntr,Friflltieaeao beiMufad for the Fortpiuah Traatlaa

Fair.Tba Food Eipotllloa wlllopea al tbeRlnb, la Albaors

Beit monih. Home ipaeaa and pil* llegta eaa be tacareo.A iinilar aihlbltloe will ba held at Maditoa BqoaraOardao, Haw loik, nail OeUiber,a]Bo nndar U. r. VmUaroto'a masBcantot.Tba (iraat Antrleao Boiravtaa and Frfalloff Qo .offew Yorb, pnbUtb a nombtr of hlahlr coDBiaadatorTattart ttom uiaoaitra aalnw Ibtir prIallnB. Tba dmoppliai flrit cUu work wTlh unvarltd pionplaeu.

Ilampij Dtmptr" and ihtairlcsl.la Block, at cheap rataat eian.

*orb eairafed to order eaa tte obtaiatd at tken aotlee.

Ulreaa, mlnatral.papert which ther farrr 1

A eataloane eaa be aaeorad for a two aant tftap.Fraok t). Boatoak wiu diapoae of bta aninial aiinetlou

ai pQblie aietlon, wUhont raierra. March P,at)rawOr-aaaa,ta. wallaoe. BtKFraok. Haea'i eroDM olJlMB.'rlDce, Rlcaardo'a LaopardB, Iba A)t)fon Bonl^NoU'eArk, and WoabwaU'a Baaagtrlt. will all so Taev mnbeaaaa at Lee 01nla,Bew OrMaa,ep to dete et laa


WANTBD—MtNAOHIIS Ith tl.On, to Ofn hm»«MdoflaovfttoBM,o*a book Nbraary U4 HAreh IdoponboaiM tBdnwookiVDdoroADTfta, RioektiflnteW will (Iro hall lotenii AMrtu Pior. OI'AI.ROLblB. Bono Ibn* III E. Lw^o III . miiilotu. M n.

.DHftH&TIV, Min >THKL AMD VABIlClT^PUn, kkotofaoL^ota. vniuo ua raiUMd. Bos>owft«mp.haMthiikoiiiwO'i. i nanoDno bl, Looiniiu. K>.

MnUiviiiMH.—rAmit rLowBEM (lu riviooBlMtjio Ptoki ua.. Boo Boo Boiw Tflo. por dot , WMCOOd hud HOflcol Triohl ot hoir rrioa. 8Md fOr DVMv IIM Jut ow Z. BABNILLO, in N. Oluk BtnoliTkieuo. Ill


A toiAll midget, a olevar mttglelsii,woald like to arrmniia wllli « ffcml r*«poBalble olreai forcomlai leAtoB. I am31 ymra of atRBd m lutu or«r 3 re*t•nd welflb ifo poanda. I am p»rr«ct In(brm aad reatnr«| One wardrobe andstage flttlag. Travel all br mrself* Ad-dreu J. HIIINBAOK, 731ft etoadway, Baf-



•'MOLLIE'S THE 9IBL FOB BE."Uopv and ercheomiod parlo, 10 eta., toprenoaloBalo onl|r« Pabilihoil b|r

J. AliDHICH LIBBBV A CO.,aOS Wolt 4Tlh »t.. Now Yerit CUy.

"JUST WHERE TO DRAW THE LINL"Ntw Teploil lono, /uit Rutfy (or lh« Profttston.

rproiruaiM ud lOa OnbttirmtjoulOe•itn. Wootd b* jilM««d to Mad bolb ORATIH to rtoofBud oud or

titn. Wootd IwpU^ .

BtMd profiuloaui, trat


Addr—• Q. RB lBNNBPr.PoblHhT.Kowporl.Tt

FN REPERTORY, OLD HiM, JUV&ILEMAK.L&DTrOBaBNltRiL BDfl. AKD OLD WOMBN(ODowltb ft child prororndi AOBKT, ooisMUot lowlon»ort«o |ood pvu: VALBPIiNIST, u»t eu doblawbltalfoooowarr. nuno Tiry |o««ii unu la AntMUr. BohMiuliMiilD Pob. 1 A4dr*uOBOROB KBNDALL MB fftbMh At» . OhtCMO. 'U-

GOOD DRAMATICPEOPLErOI RBrBBTOIBB. LOW BUT fiUBBBALABIBS. Ad-drw qolob. UR&U&ll BARLB.OoabM, iDdliOft. wMk Ju. SI, MItford, lodlua,

weok Ju. »


CorBABLOWBROa.' MINnBELS. OUllr Mloitfol fonptawrito. Win» por roalo. B. M. BURC, Hoouor.Book liliid, III.. B: PootU, III., M; BlomlDiuw. KL,*.r.a—Bon Norm, Joo Morgu mad Barry Mtyrlok

TTllo qolok.

Al KNOCKABOUT TEAMTbtt do Datob, Irlib. BUakfao* ud obuft iloffolibUr,lor WMk •una! Odo mait plav tIoHd. Oond ikUrf.tad wTf Blahi If yon wutU Hoit Jola on reooipt ofleliinm. Win tdvaoMd to pooplo I haov.


ONLY VOCALISTSor HnABLIUUBD BBrUTATinN WHO WIIH TOlaTBOUUDK AND WILL BOOM A MBW Bjlla OBTWO, MKNTIMBNTAL. "BAgV." TOPIOAU ETO.. ONPAIR TERMS roraoDiaio. Porlrali, TIUo. BU. WrItooipllolUTI no oaik booai: BO borry; bard Ubm: nonidlolAO mtn, lorotoitnk laklra or aninlU'>ui Jayi noodapUr Addcaw BOI M. Boooo Plale. f. Q . i^pida


LECTURER of AbUlly and Eiperience.OorfMthftblU. Nob* nthor BMd «itplr. Pormiilloiii*eo OBthon»a4. AddiMiOAON 01IBHI04L no, lukblU. BUUiBluTwul«d.ii(UidaHrlpUoalD fall. AImMod ph'^toariph-

"The Old Reliable,"

BENNEH'S THEATRICAL EXCHAN6E,Kow oo«apylB|ODt tDlIra floor. Huinniud Foopio

•ODd Ib Toar vBott. Booklnjt hoa««a % spoolUir- AddtoHB 0 BKKfON. MiDwr. Wl Do«r>oru Be. Ohioua. lU

Tin Foflfliest d Finest Phono|npli Rcconb en Earthy

iBltAtlOBI Ol Bird! ud AdIbIBIi BBd BMP P* BtlHtlOB*.l^oBofTEph Ubb, C«1I Bad MB mo or wriU. Moaoynatt BconmpiaT oidor || #«oh.

0 A BONWBY.BUB'Bbth AT>BB>.W. T ruy.

WANTED, AT ONCE,6000 GROUID ACROUI OR 61HMSTihkt MB do Btf tad CoDtdr (work Bbwd) ObU or vrlioT. WKL^Otf. No 61 BMt IMlh Hl. bw ll>dHoa At.. W T.


I.U» nraot KIroat, NflnaUa. Wlo


RnftBOI.OIO. HomolB, HIdl , Uhlotfo HI

AT LinRRTV.P. EUGENE 8WEET,Olianwiaro aod Lliht IIobimI*. Caodeaalroatipaolu.- iwm —ly. Ad'lK 14 LB' KT., rawloek.l. K 1

CLOGS. TUOS. SPENCEll,TUB UB10INAL TUBATRIOAL CLOO HAIBR mmaa(uiQior in kll 1l« hnnAh*« Bt W. lArb RtrMt H. T.

WANTED, QUICK.Al BBAll BiBiiBK BoubTBito, LMdiOE Mbd fot Q*B«rmlBiB, Udr for JuvibiIm and I'batmeion. Good anatwrit*. mu 1. HUBUBLU WoobtBTUlo. ObVo


Wutal, Fif 6nI Al Rml Pirfoniirs lor

MEDICINE BllbINB34 auu wb»t yoB ou and aill

do. AddrMO DH B. P. HOKTaOHERY. Naary, BlairUo.. Pa. P. ».-Wallar Wo«t »ril>


J. T. OLIVBR. 379Mortb PtTUIoB. BafMo. W T.


'. U.BLAltOHARD.It oBBOtM lor Pob. IIUBlotttUtyafB.

WiiM,lMi<tatil|, FInt Cliu GlirliHiitlIttfor BABd Bsd UrahMtrft oov invollaf »Ub b woU koovBeompBBf tllro r*ior«BM lo dnt IMtBr. BBrBrr 1)0AddfM O. U, VAHOB Ot Pf»t%BMi At». rBlOfBOB. W. J

EXPERIENCED CLARIONEHIST ATLIBBBTT, Roal or BlalloBary; lalUr proftriad. Ad>draoi L P B.llmlolaii. BolW tllowlaBd.O.

MB. O. OO.aBTANTINil'a Aoadomr, W. nit

STAGE DAJTOINOWllhgilckawbodi. rBBoy Dbbombp todBle.



NEW.Two bWBlIfal ami* br L«dboi tad BL(JbbbUb. th* fiBBiBoflub foot Writer*.

'« HE 1 SONG


B loitjMk that BBTor grows old.

^mm kmmrA pnuylilib balUd. with valla foftala, Ibat

DO aod I.O00 can raalatProlMalooal eoplos aaol Iraa oa appUoa-

Uon. OrAhanim parta. 10o.DlJatabOLIVER OITIOIf COHPAB Y,

*ia-*e3 WaahlBSISB ataoal, Bm-tan*

Now York, I'bllad.lphla.0. B . EITIIOR A 00. J. B. DITBON A 00.






THECUPPERMMill for 1895







lindv, Does You Love Me?'Oloiw IhBlrat BOt "COUNTRT BPOBr* CO. PUd* pftrtflM, OrBhBBtTB PBTU IDO. To prOlOitlOBBlj ONLT.


Tba applauio b»oa btforo wa raaebod Ui. oboraa.**—STILL ALARR qU«BTBr. Plaao part lYoa. SandlOororOrttaoalrapatil BBOOU A ORHTON CO..

««bATo.aad»>b Bt. N. T.

WANTEDWANTED, BlBulBf BBd DbboIbi BosbrMtB lo pUp

BBiBll pan BBd BOI M BadorBtodp, tlio do Bpooluty;L«dy lo plBp old DiBld ; OootUmu to pUr lotdi BBd oo«todohBBTiM; 0B« rorROOBnlbaBlBOM; flmelualrlibUOBMdtBB BBd HBD lo pUr OblnBmU. If Bll OAB dO•pMlBltr OBB BM ihOU. ObIt OOBMlODt pOOpU d*Bind. MoBt hATB flrit elBM wuiIroM on BOd off thoBtBin. AflritQtBMMIIlurrBABdoriOploow. Hiutb*op iBoatBhpmoilo iBBOd oot of onthwttB. iMdorolBBOd. Mait bo eomotUBt to BnmDn all onhMtra ma*•lo aad bMD It ap (o th* Uzdm a flrttalaiB Biaf* Bbb-a|ir to pat OB BOW play wrlto out parti, latrodao* eowboBlooM BBd moAhaoleal offootB. Btag* Carpoour toaot as ProptrtT Hbb alio, a IWt.bBf|BMCBrwaatod.BoBd photogiapbB aad fall doMilpttoB. AdraBoo AffoatdMlrod. NohtHBdraoood UompaajpaTB limBtporta-tlOB. BoaMDopoooBtOolortdoSpTioiBin PobraBiy.

Addreea HBIBIIIIGBR d( CO.,Blaaagert «*COLOBAP0," Victor, Colo.

ADVANCE A6ENT OR MANASeR.IbBTOllTOBOTOrr.aOO iMtOfM OB OBlOB 1b tbolutBI.VM'B Uaf« kiDdiorBptoial)ltlH)|itpbi,po<uia otcOwB tho boot oollMUoo ol OblBBM oorloaltiM Bad lb«Oawt ooltomM Ib ADtrlea 1 waat a oub oaptblo ofmaklBgooBirBOlBwllhchnithuaiid iBotuBoommtttoBB,aoddoui hiB OWB bllltag. Maat boaaobarmaBBBdaViBUontn. Totbo rl|bi bbbb I wlU alv* bb IstaiBitnUatoBM. OBN'LO. W. BAILBT,

TaakB—. Notada. Iowa.


Stntfortf, Ontirie. HBroh IB, 1B96,

Uodw Iba aufploM ol tb< A. 0. B. Woold Ilk* to bear^ron Toaj Parral aad Dbb MoOmhr- Aoiwar qolok, to

M.B. PONOTAN. Boi4M»trBif..rd.OTBiario.

IFTOnN]Win ot writ*. Pint bUbb BbbIbmb MasafBr or .

TBBOBAlBBt (PiVOpaara BuilBOM MBBBffWFAIUU'B*>rioaB», La.) I doB*^rABlBd" hnltAB ABMI

Tbaairo, Vtw (Moana, Ia.) I doa'tBMktla, ' Qlri Waatod" baitoa. oroam a «i

r Blona. t«d. - - aftlBBBtle'

Bobor aod rtilabla.. ."WUXi A. BULUBR.CaraOpom Uqbm, Braiil. iBotaaB



Ja.t romodalod aad paiatad: alaan baaud: ooriobal-allaabod. BBBT LOOiTlON IN THE CITT. Inqaliaor

WORDELL A VoaUIRE,<l and a PlaaiaoHlml. Pall Rlror, Maaa.

Juvenile Tenor Wanted^Per thB "UtUa Trlila" Oa HuU baTaatroBfTBROBrole* and do flnl oIbm bIbiIo taro Light oomodf pat^Binotl; aobar aad rallabl*. lBoeB)Mtaau Blowd flnttahMTiaL Addrou qaUk PiBD BuBBINB, MaaafarUtUs TrUla" 00., Btaadart Tbeatr*. rhUadalpbla,^

Jaa. il BBd wtoh.

The FoodUxpositlon,A.L.BA.NY. N. Y.,

Hm I Fn Von SpKNm PriTllitu Ltit to

Soil. ApfllltORClto J.E.6ILHAN,THE miNB, ALBANT, N. T.

SADIE RAYiOND CO.,A r.w aM4 MVBIOIANR (br Mmmt mm*UrakHlra. Aelsra whD <«Bbl. wait*.HAYHOMO & KINUBLaY, naaaaon,

Pmrlmw Bl«r,Tia.




AtdiM* 0. W. JilNMk «,«»l>ala> ObioMO. IlL






Dates open in FebruarypMarch ana April. None butresponsible attractions needanswer. JNQ. D. DAVIS, Manager.



'I iMD OF m:Prof. eoplM HBt ftm oolr opoo roMtpt ot roal* and

GrogTBmDMoreard. Wo offor llboral torms lor MlUog1* MBf. BBNO POB IT AT OKrB


WANTED,PODB n* PITB OLD TIHB 0B4PTEBS TO TBATBLWITH MT WUtTB OITTPIT. I «aat m«B that canpall a pwb BBd hold thon «b the BirMt. aod dojoar booslBf aod maiblog wiUboat lattlog too pabllo

Ki nnt to It 1 do Dot wBBt kffiBUora or rtai bIoo

f. IhaToaQfltaotowaBUpaMloBDowpooploUi thobailBOM You OO 7oor work: I par foar aalair. I

have fotiUklodf ofmoaor. aadkaow how lo oh goodpooplB. Colorod poopi* laToyoarftaiDpt. Addraw

DB 0. W. WtflTE. Molioj BotoL Conleana. Toaaa


m tupnii iiNiiu.



aORA 6ARDINER.KLIN6,Piaiiist.Up Ib Dramatis BaitBO*iL AddrMi

UBNRI KL1N0. MoaBtTarDOP.lBdlaoa.

TO MENAGERIE 0WNEB8.Wanted, to Hire or Purchase,A NDBBEB OF LABtll! SIZED CAB.


Addraa. "E.L.."oai*ol CLIPPER.

SPICERBROS.Ttaa OBlj Onn niahlag Tlibt^BLO; Shirty•100. IB worttod good! lo aB7 dMlrod coloraad to BOMlal meaaora. nottoo ^Irta, Bl 00;eottOD UibtiL ILOD lo blaab^uik. vbito aadBBTT bloa. HiU tIghtL $1600 por iai: ProgBuiU. trSD to RllUO; Baak* fnlia. BI6.OO to

•XUD:PBBip<i,Oota.: aatuiBiBlm Boad foreatatocaa Bfid lamplu oljU^btt. BBtlnataB

rBBlu^ %ll.Op,to

by mat) BPIOEB BBOB..' 639 KTBTCraoB Ato.. Brooklyn. K. T.

COL DAN VcCLURE IS NOT AN ITALIAN,BUT IB AM AMBBIOAir CITIZEN roady to TOto for tbaBBRT HAN aad hw thoH ME0E88ART QDALTPIOA-TI0N8 Am BuklBg Rootur BaodB ai fBSt aa maohlatiyBBB turn tbam obi. IT IS a ' PAKBL" but ib tba but8ldO BbOW BttfBoUoD tOdB/lB tbo UsItOd SlBlOB. I BtOtba OBly man Uiat oaa romlBh ibom ebaw.

COL. DAITMOPOLURB.T» Boyal BtTMt Now Ortoaoa. La.

WANTED TO PURCHASEHand organ, aid* thow cadtu, enrles-

IUm, iMtrlfled woman, irax flgnreg, eto.

FBANK l. BOBBINS,Manatoo Home. - fJorfolk, Via.

GRIFFIN'S GUIDE?.'.?.V.:r.;ft::!:iBlBBa,|.n, Bill Fctan^rvrkBAOB, Uot.1K.«p«n, Thoatrioal Tradnm.D, ALLUBB IT. PRIOB. tl.OP. BBNT BT BX>FBBaR.CO.O. WSPAVALLCHAROBS.


Wanted, for Borton's

BBlarrnaat bo tow. Potltlraly oo (brM adranoad topoopla oot koowB to BB Oaa Die a eloTor Obtld. Oo,hu twOB OBt BlBM AofaBt AddrMB MOHTIOPLLO. la

P. R.—Waat good Pair Daiae for Bast Btaaon. nilB»Bd BBd Orab—tiB.


V. L. DOOK8TADER, MBsaiar. PlaaMd to baar rmmfocogBbad pBHonaof* (with anlabl* dlBpoaliloBB) at allUmM AlBolTarloHOIBBUrtalBon. (I bara ror Misa eompUlo Llrlog Piolare Oatflt; oUgaat iron giltIrama drop. PaaoBum aad OTaryihlBBoomplaU)

VIOLINIST,FIBHT CLASS TU£ATBE IBABEB,DBmBBRPOairiONorwoBldlooaUwbora Ibaralsalaldlor taoahlagboaidMorebawia work. Would iravol. PiaaTIoUb aad Maartolia Botolrt. Would b« bb attraoUoawlU> laportolroeempaoy. who also oariy plaoltt. LowaUry. Ulib oIbm aotoaaBHclBltr

CM. B.. TiollBlBt oatBolOLlPPBR.


Oaa ba •ajtcod lor ihtBlrai, balla. lyMami aad priratapartita. fBtmaoBBtaddraBBcara olOLlPrBB.

SERPENTINE DANCERS.-I HAVE SEVERALbaDdaomobind palatod ooBiumaL Roaa, Pkaiy, BnlUr-By, Baiobow. oio , lor lala, at gaaalBo barnlo.

MPRTIIA.61 Bcbsnn»rtom Bt. BrooklyB. H. T.

AT LIBERTY, ECCENTRIC COHEOY, COMEDYOldHao Obaraetara, TaokM Oumsdyor BtroagBtaTy,BMalalilM aad Boooad Alto. Wlra or wriu oar* BUOUTIIBiTRB,Daba«aa.Iowa DBH BOWB.



AddW O. rORMIiai. BanD Iboaaaad.


PIHMAN'S NEW OPERA HOUSE,prmBuaan, kbhtcckt.

O. W. PITMAII. Raaaaar.


NEIL UTCNFIELD, Yiikii Coiiiliiaad Paatal Artltt Poar otbar dlsUaet Aaruiar BPsaUl>MMllBMBwary. AddroBa <P W. Pd Bt., Wow Tori. W r


DSAD!"SOCIETY" ainl daid, tut Ihi pe«pl«

who art sol ilRglnf H ara "dtad" slow.

Ma USEnE knswi wtitn itw hu t good

Iblng. Ska li maklnp His kH ol h«r Ilia

with U, A big hand aftap saeh vans.

8ha hu lha flsaii Hsrsaplleen pleturea In

Ihs scuntry loda)r, takan etpselally tor this

sang. Capiat Is lk« Protaitltn, IOs.~

OrcMitra Part. IDs. axtra.


170 Rslpk Ave,, Brooklifn, N. Y.

20 First Class Buglers, 20For tbt TmilUig Snuw of tin

Barnum Ac SaileyOREimr SHOW on earth.

Addrota OARL OIjAIB,ZHrMtor Bbtbiub A Ballty OrehsBtraB,

106 WoBt Tttlr^ MTaoib Btraot. Wow TorkCily.

OPEN TIMEPor OoDblBatloDi 01 AU EUida,at BiJoiTbMtr«.BIog-banpton, N and DbvIb* Tboatro Soraaton. Pa- AtDaT(B'Tbaatra,wMkorp*b.4: alaoPBb.lL 12.13: 0.28.17, BBdlatBrdataB. AtBUDaTbBair«.Pab. a. March I a:4,4l;14,]6,16:]a.lP.V:ud taurdatao. ThoM boosMaraafflOBB tho Boroat wlanoTa la tb* ooBBirylB Umbo

laa. worafortoooaiblBallooitbaibavoplayadlbBm.U01L_ -



"THE OLDFARM BELL"BhorlngifDlba raliala aad the gUlorT U wlih yoo

Bftar lha aoeood Tsno. AppaaUdiroeUy to olBBty alnBoat of OTBry band rod.WhatthrM eompoMn oftalta aald oo baarluglt:*OAMT BB A PROBT.'* '•AN BLEOANTHONO."

•*W1LL BABE TOOB POBTUNB."PubllBbadJaa. U.l(SB. OfforadBSCDODrorltlB.jE^Topror«MlOBBlBB«odlagprofrBnm«,rraal J. P.aRoB, Authoraad PablUta«r.aiiWabajb Ar&.Chloago.


For Artistic Photos.OONT PAIL TO TialT


Foot DUTerant Cbaractora Tak.a obthe Rama RobbUt..

PRINBEBa. No. It w. Pooitaaotb Htnat. Raw Toik.



Add. BOI U, JOBUnOWM, PA., or OLIPPBR.lamtbaoriatoMorol tbadUBnjtfaatorbalaaolasoD

OB. ilbov 00 oaoa ol dialr. Alao do all bladi ol oo.battd atamla and olbow bal.nna.

FOR LEASE,Performing Elephant and

Five Gages of Animals.WbbIwI, Side Show PriTll.g., etc.

Oag.. Ib Hb. coBdIUon for aeaaon 1895.Adinaa at one. O. J. STUHOI8,OlijBBd aioMIUBB St., ClaelBBBtl, O.

Mr. and Mrs. Marsh,Tho Ikaoui BNOUBB DDBTriBTS. wrlto: Happy toatata Ibat wa at* ataklag a proBonooBd ioocoM wito

"Bessie Peiite."Thara an olhon too. Piaao eoplM traa. OrohattiB-

UoB aod Bpoolal ohorai, 10&Q- W. PLBWKQ. ayiaouBa. W. T.



DRAWDia ATTBAOnONBand BUBOPBiNNOTBLTIEBOb aeooBotor my oorratpoBdooeabalag toolarga art

IBU will obllga by QOBtldirlBg allaoos a poUU aoKatlte

IHfIOC WORK.YwlVsV Write for


BM BOBlh Elwoatb BtiBt Phlladolpbia. Pa.

BB OBgagaowBt of irom loor to aU moBtha, oom-maaoiBgaariy lo May ooit MTaraltaana ol

BepbkAddiMa. wilt lowMt Unaa, "A. a"eai.of oLlPPER.

Ijfi, Traiiial \im

Co Shlndhelm, wig baser,_ in OBBTBTIB SIUBT, RBW TOBE.Win on baad idA aad. to otdar. oliaaaaiaa

00, laid, Orar aad NaftaDna Wlia sua op, OiwasTBoabniUM. MMio Wi(b > omb. PncSt su; bSRaaSllp. Saaauapl>>rw»»tl«»llil.


n. R. OHtrriN. RoffBiB V T,

Fuci WiklHt, Jswhi utf Sllnnnn Silt-ABU POR PAlBa.aiBODBIS ud OITB AWATPpB.POSER Bud lor Uiaiualod eatatoaoa BASmT APHER. ms. Madlaoo at, Obnaao, nf

"»"iT a

lUiTFIinS' 0UIOB-T.IIB bow to ilait Is tfiov boal-MBHIbVlltf aoaa,polaBon aalair aad lint aooMi-aa«kllnor maaaian litMr tDoaad^joataarrtoMkeopVol lanar to aaeiitra, .l& Br malL aald,mS^

g E. Ollppia. Kfan. N. T.

FUTURE WIFE AND HUSIANO.aba CInalan aad unrlM. lu outB rDTITBE OOM-To. oom DOToltr for olroaaa^ BoaaaaA laaardamala.PANT. 1» Ea« TElrtaaBIb »S5t.K^T^ "faraaniau.


JACKSONVILLE, ILL.Alur Ju. 17 alU alMaa eorrannad .lib iba a.w


agieal IppmtnB, lllosioiiB, Ete..ILLCgTRATSD BOOK flATALOOIIB. Ida. LI8I8

W H. J. IWAW. m Aorwu Btmt. Cbleaao. lU

Oivous GanvaBosBAtmMa.*: sn^ud Bit. loaad Topa: CX. aad imtRjudTOnaJIb an. aiddlaa; mit. £{mt T^mS

ntt,vlddU,Uft.aall£ AUabwp. Ad"w,™

.Olty. Mo.

BATTERY WORIEBSl R.TS'K'lSii'E";?tana, H; Samplaa, Ua; Battutaa. sfpiSu.V;EdS:

JOB P^ ^^^ ^y



n UI0 in itDisi

Omaha, ]Ve1>.,

Has reeently changed management,and all eorrespondenee relating to

the booking of attractlonB, or to

basiness connrcted mtb the Thea-

tre, Bhoald be addressed to

D.W.HAYNES,Maoager.HOTB—nma for tho ooaaoB of iflOUB la bolog nnidi*

takBB asd naBBgan of Brat elaaa aitrBotloBa uuadiB*bookiBg with na tho coming atiooa ataoold maho unUe^tloB aarly. Tba aatoa libonl aad apnitat polin- ibTtmada Boyd'aTbeatr* to popular with thaB'rieal oeobhtBBdortbooM maaagaiDaatwlil bocootiBuad uadorUMD*w. Bx-OOT. Jam's B. Boyd atill rotalaa tho propnaio/ablpof Boyd'aTbaatTB.


WANTED,nNimiiEDnLEmmThoBo vbo ara com^ rat tn B>aDaso thair ovo com.

eanlao. Wrilo to OOU T. A. BDWABDB, Proprlotor

B>aaAso t

, - _ BDWABL-, ..™..,»rbREOON UTDIAN HBDlHiNB OO..OonT7FW, tSr nw.oalUoB OB wblota thor oaa mobaaUthoiaoBoyforibanr

"CENTRAL" TBUNES,aiB., BAOD; SlB., HB80; BUa, B7iD; 8Sb- l&a); gna^CtD; lXa..,BiaJO; OomnutnBBt tran, Deulboaiid, |ilUoimatnnkiLlBJBoomplBU. BUI trvaki,RMBiU"*- "TL Lltno t

— —

BBd BiaaagarB' mohB to ordar. Battaa R«-i'riA wiUitiay, UBlag, eoTar, ma^ BIUD; ttm^ BlUO: Mb.lUJU. Baikota iblpped oo roeolpt of prioa.BtBOHB A OO., OBNTBAL TROBE PAOTOBT,

Batab. IBSL 6MB North 7th Btrooi. PblladolpblB.

Bijou Thsatre.A Isw gosd choles dales IsHlor good burlMqusor llvsly eomedy comoHnlet win nooil Daotr.

A Isw sosd choles dales IsHlsr i

or llvslir eomedir compHSles win good paper.

Three days or week ilsnd. Wire quick lor time,

a. w. B]:ii>i>i:,x:xoN,BIJOU THEATRE, READINQ. PA.

PARTY WITH $4,000-$5.000To tabt half latoroBt la bb amaaomBBC ootarprtBo-Booth AmorloB aad BrulL Bfl^OOO to bo nad« la oa*yoar. I haro tba nuoloaB ot a big ahow, aod lota ofpoolal lltbo ataoda aod amall work. BboIom atamp lorroply. AddroBJ P. M. ZOLA.

S SaltOBBtall Atobqo, Kow Bbtoo, OtP.a.—Wo bBTB a lltllo Umo opon forour big Mrlai aoti

CALLfBoUa lat grado wontadtIgbtB, IAS par: aat; Idgrado worttod Ugbta, M;

' oottoB.$l TormBr|U«thoidor balAQOo 0. 0. D. Saad

felrou^Id. Btamp for flD pan Ilia*traiod caialogue ofel

thoAtrlcal, bloyolo, _ _

BiDB and Btbloto goodt.ra. CALL,m Mala PtiwaU BorlartaH Maaa.


Por tbo paat aoTia yaara of Popo'a ThBatToOreboBtn.Caa alio doublo oo ooroot. Addrooa

jlQlBaBtOB Atbouo. BL Loola, Mo.

Bjwhore. Umn foror DImlott Chanicter

Comedy* Wife fiir BlnglDg and DmaologBoabroit«t. Botlt do '



join FOB anywhore.Loads, Heawloa - •

afrona dancingapoclaltfofd Bobor and rollaole* Ward-robeflratclaai. Wrlto or wlro, J, G. B.,

CofilB Btraot TboBtra. fooTor. Col.


Addrooa care ofCLIPPBR.


WagonShowOUTPITCORPLETE. Biatoalu ofootlt, lowwtoalb

prioa, ud loll panleulan lolliatlouor.Addr'^L B BA8gETr.Wor»ltb,N. T.

EDSXTMX7SSE,Quincy, 111.,


Want One Pianist forCorio HallBoBtatorad. fordBlai. Addroia

BBRT M*BTm. BL Joo. Mo

A LADT BIPBBIBKOED IN LBADB, WBO OAN DOBOMB OHARAOTBRB; OOOD WABbROBB INDIS-PBN8ABLB; TO BIMO. ALSO BIKOINO AND DANOINQOOMBDIAH AND LADT PIUtlBT. Balanu low bat•ua Saod ^toL nforaooBo aod lull partloolan to H.J. BOTLB. Prapriotor Borlo'B FlBTora, Wlarloo, Oot,Jan 11-18. Cbaalay Jbo. Sf-Pob. L nih«rrapertoTTMOpl*^plr. ParmaBOBt addra>a Boi OIB. Oooo Bobbo. Qbl

BRASS BANDInammcota, Dnims, UDifomii. Equip*DKott for Bandi and Drum Gtrps. Low-est pncEs ever quoted. Fine Caialos. 400Illu«trBtio0B,orai7rif/w; il give* Da™Muakft laairuaionafor Amateur BBOoa


SHOW CANVAS.Bollt 10 OTdai oa Oort BoUoa Writ, tor partloalan.uiainatMaaiilocD«bM. j.n.Qoaekoo,, ^

IB AtwaurSt. D.tn>IL Mlob.

The New PhilharmonicTheatre Hall,

Now OMB lor playa Baatlag eapatity IJOO: Prioa roa.

aooabla. Por panicoUr* oddrMoJ w LAnnn. MiOBtwr. wibowb. miuq.


[AWRENCE LEHER HEADS, (5 UP.Band I ooBt stamp lor HBplaa


SMALL BMOBATINO of bbt daaonp-Uon. Boad eopr Ibr sotlmata

BlBBd WCoanoBt. N. T.

FOR SALE.COyPLnE CAVP OUTFIT FORMBDimNE eiintr,Cbaap. CIrooaaod loldloi aMU. .Ida

waiu lamea. offleo taoL ato ; Dwilr oa*. AddrauNATIONAL TBTBglNAHY MEOH INll CO. Od.boK I*-

(4 to $5 pirll)OCgplisofYiiarFbote,Cibl-oal aUa. •Ill adn. Boo Oalib. daab moR aooooDuroidaia Pordlraotioo. bov to a.od oaaa'ltaa aodn.*nOOBBON BBna.BBrambrldm At... JalMTOItr. N J.

lUOl OPERA HOUSE, lUON, NEW YORK.p. 0. BLOR, Proprltlor aad llaoanr Popolalloo. ^ao.Miaioapulir. I.OO). UaTaooutlBOl. PabraarpaMManb. Oalrflmeliai atllHIIoaa waatod.

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS.AddrMawllkituaik J. W, OBIDLAin). _

Oor. <tk aod OolubiA BButi, llOTIMt.v

Januabt 26. THE ISTErW YORK CLIPPER. 7S7mi



R. H. SMITH & CO.. 836 Prestop St , W. PMMilpMi, Pi



A 6EH FOR STAGE DANcTnG. "vEr'y CATCHY AND EASY.10 Pali*MHt on KMlpt orasc.by QllgTAVS H. KUHB, LtOa Park At^-CDIcuo.m-lMim ol OreliMUm lod Dmelpii TMclnii bonld Kid Ihn plM»lo« a»ell* to Ibtir llbimtr.


MUe.Eivex'y wliere.WUEBE ABE TUE OTUEBSt

Tks Beaotiral and Hlali Salaried 'roator or ipactacslar dancM. U •till la holds.m.nd, aad. POSlTAriiS AND UI««UAUPIk'o HIT wl.«.w a?p."rlig 5^^waitdand woBderraldieamyanddangeraniolectrical plt(nr», Ihe


Alwairi itraagtllenlnii ihovri a> a •pecUl and HptnilTo reatnre, bat aood maa.

W), at fllner'i Bowarf Thoatra. Permancat addrMi ^RIAITA, 61 Botermwhora Bt, Brooldya. If. T.




S. 8. STEWART, Btp)o MaBuliclurtr, Noi. 221 uid K3 Chwet 8t, Pkllidalphti, Pi.



CIROU8 OANVASE8,> Pol— and Stakw, 8BAT8, Flag*, Bt«.



THE CLIPPER ANNUALCaatalBlag Raeardi tm All UapartaiaBU ef Rport. Incladlaa Ohraaoloalu lor

I«M, Aqaattt, Athlolla, lla«lB( aad Tfalliag BToati, Baiibali, Criokot, BITIIaidi,•to. RoeordjofPattMl Tim* aad All BMt PorltorataBMa, Illatiralod.



Cola's Eollpsa BanjosTHE SWEETESuduDfbNT0BANJ01llAtl£ VV Ml MH^ ^^ ^ '

j^;!^i!"i<>«''*' U>S.TheatrePo<lo> ladacamaaUara nada to toaohonSpoaial wmuMrv nvnaioieooaonto handle tkae* (oode aa ther are theirBOM nlOBda and are >|alcli (o approolato

•5'«S!'«»««'o«aoaBd«eriBa. W,A. COLS, UOTromoBt 8t„Bo>toB, Mbh.





It «IU HTilioMplaTlDi niutilphlolaoall tat eaa

W4 lad Bt 8oolh Btml. tul. »ilmd IMh Su. rhlU




SIDNEY EUSON. Repreicntative.


MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS.oold u4 sum Uoet, rrtnit*, apuiMi, san, TUmu, BrootdM, Tlibti, Sbirto, Ptddmn, llota, Win8ko«a and Jtmu^, nwaical, Eoaatuian and lUileUo Ooodi, Ooatonen' and Ba4f« MakeiFtagi and Baiinon, HIIIUUT and Boclclj Tttmmlift. Inaon or all klndj to

Tta larMttfiiliiienf "— —" """ """ —— ' -

10. 0.0.aantc

and dadfo I>Am*' atippllia.

lUUT and Soclclj Tnmmliit. Innon or all klndj to etder. Sand for atUiuUi.and liaiTlHt luwk ot tlHao gooda lo ba tonsd anjwbare. (Jlroulan tne.


Hne DO aqiul loralwr, brtUiani, powirtol toee ud lieBoUb.

SBXD rOR OATALOaDB.8?Mltl imtea to OMian, Tuebtn u4 rerloinen.



HIE CUFFEI llllllljlll


The Four Rlcbards.with O. B. JororaoB, Klawdi Brlaaaev'a Great Pradaotloa, Palmer Voi't"Bnwaloo,"

at the PoartoeaTlk atreot Thoatro, New Vorh.All eommoBlMllool ui DirK niCIIAHPa, ol (ItlrrER.


to til dttoi or JolD roid «o., TADdeTilte or MIniirel. .

tbiDgJPIne, wnallilQi roooT, caa wcore ibllOrlilotl E|>Mlilr7. vim till. iUddUHoo: A OoOQloatloV.ltf'asdBare ail.orHo>«lMT- FatmueDtadorati, XEBR AVE., WXBT END, rimBDSO, PA.

.n"..../ ~iuOolj flnt daaa Huagen wbo daalre umelhlDr Na*.' '—'' • -•




In their new camedT sketob, "HOW TO ACT." En rooto wlU Frenoh'a Newaanaatlcn, No. 2. Permanent address oare CLIFPEB.


Interstate Fair Association, Antbracllo Park, Carbondale, PennsylYanIa,PoraosDtfstM. Tw*atr-aT« som (Sxioloiwl. Fk>iuih«lf mils tnek Id NorthsvUrn NnnirlTUlk flat Bi-bIblUoD BqIMIdib. DonbU dwi traad itAod. KlMttlo llibt, wai«r, til eoDTcalaflOM. Will ran«f«DlDg»lUM-iloos tbn* 19) tiDtM p*i wMk. from Maj Qnl lo MoTanbar flm. Raa«hwl by loar (4) inak llaai; eaUn lo i«ootilii aiul atRiitatB lo«aa, 110,000 p*op1a. AdtfiaM MART BWirT. HsDsgtr, narboDdal* flMhall <'|t^

CirboDdaU, P*. t'ara ol Laob. Villay Rapid Traoall Co.


BALDWIN BROS.Lmi^ Airaimals olUa WerM.


Alio Baoolaotorera ef all klodt of Ballooai(Ilea or Hot Alri Bead fn Mae llillo


EMM., r. 0. Boi 1

NOW THEN, FOR LEHER HEADS.Uj prie#i ara nuoh Io««r, aad ray vork li Tar h«tiar ibio Aai ol anr Naom Ib Jimarla^b*ean*«ton mr ovo •DiraTloi ftort pnatiDf plaat. hBdat liOQD idtmuiIId iba Laiur llatd baiioau alooa. Paod your pfioiot aad copy, aad 1 aUI ilvar«D fl|iira« thai a«n'* ba b«al

I PUBLISH FUNNY BOOKS, TOOlBOUK ur rirNNY piirtrt ahu iiiiih, tia

'THB HOT RTUPP i:OON (ILUB" (nir UtoM niMar boob), tta.

BOOC or IBPORTID AND AKERIIIAN LRTrBR IIKAII nKaVflNK. HelalMPrlualauhrargrUamieedBlti.M apMlallleiL PHARK MVBHa,

AiUataadAalbor,Offlcoa.maodinTIIIIRlrU'f,(< Y Oltf.

BALDWIIfl ., r.O.Bol 111. Qo liar. IIL. 0. R. A.


atrloal tnr, and all oibanL MBn. «aeh. Tama, aaab laMl UI ouarOOsiB. aaen. Tama, aaaa la

laa If.

BiBB, OpoB with STHOH'S VAVOBVILLBNotice, Ml •

ao weeha with HTDB'8 COnSDIANSCO. Jan. 2». Baiif. Notice, ifyde <b Behman'a.

"HARRIS AND WALTBItS who made OB* of the dIetlBct hitj of the perfbrm'aaee In a ikelch that wai fall orraB."-BROOKl.vn CITIZEN. Jan. IS.JAN. SI, UKITH'S. PHIL.A..



Jaat cloiad 4 montht' enaagementwltbCOlliaTOOK'M MinSTRELB. Open fOrFarce Oomed^, Barleiquo, Bllaalrela or datea. 340 Eaet IDtta Street, Near York Citv,

P. a—Wonid lite Clrcoa lor eomlPr aeajoo. Talking aod fllo.loBOIawo, CoDcartaod good AaoeBOMBieBta.

TSEZ MECUSKmi,The Great Amerlean Cantatrlce, "late of Boata'a Band," at KoltJt'a Valoa Hoaare


"BOGEY MAN WILL NOT GET YOU.".« •waetof waHxot for plaoo by DKLLA. O. AMIS:. PiareailoBal coplea,10«. each. Pobllahed by P. D. ULOUMPIBLD, ua Weit Swaa atroat, BuTale, (I. V.

The Anstrlan Marvel, World's Lightning 6ud Juggler and Spinner,AT I.IBERT7 AFTER APRUi 1. FOR TENTING SEASON, AND






WANTED, A FIRST OLASS MINSTREL CDsrAtvSSgcrop's°Aass?B*7;??.\7.;°rr.-"7aVJt-"*

^SMITH, HUBBARD & CO.. Managers. Wlnchtster. IIL

Abelardo Lowande and Wife,KQUKSTKIAIVH WITH STOCK,

tovvtib Oortida'a Clrau (loinli aeaioo), lo Ooba. Woold Ilka lo anasie with reayoatlbu Buaiara Ibr aaoioaor lan for tbair prloclpai tola aad too bora* cam laa aet AJdrau

Care orMANlfBL tWMEE, gewaderea. B, Maraaa, Caba.


la Elea'a Blaftnia at Fnak Ball'a Caaleo, Cbleuo. tlL. appoala aad to Mr. Blllr BIco aad a bl( hll la bla A I alB|r-

V%f!7'!!!j!.t!'f .fi'U:i*'i AioodntogaaonnrDiuiaiaiatbeeaildtr. Wbowaotaawr Addroa BAB T.JAOK a orBBA Homl. I aia Ttreallia aod iralf leata, LEW B. OARBOLU

"DOLLY MALONE," By Richard R. Hanch.u.y5?J!AHS'Agy^*^ » 'ooMoaT mtt, eoac atad oHbanntloa, a* I r

Vboi 111 atap aad pw. to B. f. pnow, anh analfca l>a,«^ Baaaofla. MI«»aa»eUa, 1a«.

Band Be. for RowBAIFLBS PAGE


Wi Mike Ibi But Portnlts In tka World.

M. 0. CB088 'Sy.ag.^.- CHICAGO.

HENRT O. KZXnBB'S ENTERPRISES.H8BI7 0. Mlur'a Fifth AvaaB* TWtn, N. T.

WUmir 0. Miaw'a Paopb'a ThMtra, N. Y.Humrj O. Kiaar'a Navart Tlwatr*, Ntiwark, N. i.

Haarr 0. HlMar'a Bowary Tkaatra. N, T.Hamrj O. Mlaar'i Elcktk At*. TkMttra, N. T.

neble Addiaaa BItka." AddrMa all aaanaBHatloaa lo IIKNRV n. WIIIER. tlb Araoaa TbMtra. T.



WART FBOPLB IR BVBHV BRAIIflll p9 TIIH UUIIHBM,_ldalbo« tBdOoDaaitPaoplaaddraaaOliAH. P. TAVUm. igs roarin Afaans, Na» Yotk im* i Hovielaaiaddrtu

At* U. tWtmt, Daaavllla, N. T.: BUI rcatart addraaa OdlL li. WALDRUN, Maaaitar Hara T. Jaal'i Rnltfpria% asmUUin>B|b llaileo,rniii« la OLIPrBR;CaoiaiMf a, Oroam*,4,taDil a lloriaDrlTara,Walrh Mtn.l'roparlp M».•la, loJOUn IBNT. fnaebuvo.F. J.; allothantoHCRIBNKR * MITM. waak of Jaa tl. Baiibioahan Tbaau*,LMiifllla. I^.i 9mm oWaa. Lfaaam Tbaatr*, Obleaio, 111.; vaaborftb. 4, Olpnplo Tbiaira, (Ibteato, IIL"YOUR FACE

IS FAMILIAR"! FOBEFAUGH*S TRACTION FAIBTO TBB -PEOFBaa," aad tb< taal Ktda a atoit Uak to WANT A TBOVPB OP PONIBB.HAN to ruacaok hoaie, and a CllANURI.IBR HAH,rearcbalo of fame, If roo bare a rood portrait ealof


joanalf for autjoaan aad adrartlilar. ire maka tberight Uad for lim ill klodaol eaiayorabowarlatlaaatadlaeeaaL WrIU



Why?Do ONS TBIBD ol tha Proftaaioa Vm

"TAYLOR TRUNKSa"!130 W. HadlaoB atH CbloaBo.

103 E. Mth St.. Naw Varb.

CaBd|r ataada, Raaale Daiale, aiatloaarf Bleyrlea, Htrlhinf Bfaehlne, acalea, LaaaTeator, PoBf Track. Blot BlacblBei, Card Writer, Plionograpta, Klnetoeeope, aaa

ara. OlaaraiaB taralataed oa apullealloa,W. n. A O. H. FOHEPAUOII, MaBiaere,

WlBUr 4Barter*, Thlrteeatli aad Vambrla NIa., IMiiladalphla, Pa,

Owing to Sweetser*8T

Opera HouseBalng daatroyad by tit Jan. 16, '6S, ALL DATB8 ARB HXBBBT OAH-OBLBD. Will ohanga oontraota ftrom Uarlon to Bt Marya, 0,, if daalraiL

Wlia or WTlto, W. A LIVBUHORB, Manager, Marion, Ind.

Attraotion Wanted.LEAD, SnUTU OA IOTA.

^.^fS^*"?'!' ibo Bleak UIIIa Opera Hoaeanxinacni. Sealed wllb opera abaln. Lit br aleeirlallt l

< ad baated br auam Raaia TO people. BUiaat boraa-bMBBUairaDd loll alock aeaoerr. Unoae plarad to I

ilat weak tod Ibree mileo from iWwood.•liBDopeau• 'idraaeBTEETABBIB.

Mifleil Appmtn, Trtcki'

lltatlMi, Etc. fill; lUoitiMod book a

lona, erarrtklDi ap (odala. UelAParlor irlata eetalogae free.

aAlTlllIA i 00.,aa Blalh A.aaoe. Iter Toit

Owing to cletlag of Ui» Atklaaon Omm^^f Vou Ihe faaaUil of Dalch ComedlBM,


rorBretaoJeaj pUjIeB MAX. BUIU'LTI. THE (inu<IBRrMAK, la Iba orliloal raralon ol "nUIK'B BAD BOT."I lake plaaaare la rfeoncaeodtag PBBD WBNZBL to ear mtoaier a* ar.rr fuonjr winiMlita and itroOB apeatal-laL-4IEU W. OBATU, Baa. Hp "reak'a Bed lofiUi. Addr«i«HE«HT riPTII HTHKKf, Rae rorb lIMp, K T.

emeus CANVAS8a«Md haod, IB aood ooadltioa; aaa Ot looad tbp, I

ooa niLy OM 9600, ooa MA oaa tOxlO. Wrila lor—m, JAMnaAmu A ton.

9 aad ft lUhmoDd Buaat Bcatea. Mtm,



WAIfTBp. fall east of good all ronad "T>'in" p*npia. Tbnaa 9hn eaa wnrk lo cooetrt prafarrad, Alao no** ~ * lor baad^aid orabaiir^ Faopu «bo hara bvao vlih ihli abov ila j>Um* vrl'a.

Ad'rfM BUMKB A COMWAT, auaeaawrlo UIEORUR BURTnif. IVapaaia.) ak


etiierLietJTolin "VST. "VSTorldL,Tb« aoBcaMlgl Cororad SBSniirTINB DAKOEB. «ao bo f

' ' * 'aofarnd OB or aliar Hareb Ik. IM Addraaa

•BTIIB""OBJIIA. U Laic—'ar Bqaara. Utftdaa, Bngtapd.

''CALIOPES."radrertliiaf poarbeneaaa; redaead prleae.

TBol. I. mouOL A 00. Cladaaall, O.

COMEDIAN, aiNOBR, ACROIIDABOBR la Aaterlca. Aaaof /iBfthe

aad tb* beat AIITiaTIU aad ECCBNTRIO

NEW TRNXS, Utitt EwifMi NmlttM. I

lira rii-a1~i'ltfill •aintinnallMa Baadtteatrmaloe-ii.jr i.alffn ran niilala 11,1a 'liiiilalaW.D.TJIOT. HtCoertBtreat. Baale«,1laaa

ESHOW' people for flrteea mlnalea, withIRWIN IIKOM,- —mo MHOW.


smanil SCENERY.

PAINTINGHAYDEN & MILURD, f^Tu'.'i'ero't'Si^.

100-110 llroadwar. Ilroolaira, N. If.




B ^ H ^^^^ ^^^^ TUB OLD HBLIABLB

VvIGSa.M.BucIi&Co.,^^^^^ ^^^^ VAfwrna mwtmm Awmmemwt

OtrouBTntiif Al DuotptlMt HMtacim

B. a BPMBLT, m Beetb Bbeet, Bee Terk Ollp.•Awiifaamna •nanaantan

For mfb haiHlUnt and nail|

diaadoB fniMa tfesd ^ ~draadaa rn iMa tiesd atmlor I TBnaiMQgiaT AXr )um naOBBa annRaii>a OLOaa. Bead SeeaU ta alaBM (n « vefti Bafle m.Otialotoa.JAHU 9. LTMH I

Oaa latiierTTaalaaii «>r«ifia*B BeS, otaba, TaasnntM aa} raeeb aad tiRyimumtmr •

—1 ii-'ina-rBMBMif oowaauaAaioTBicEBra, ()o.,aaB«w«tf, i,T.


To Zoological Gordons, Circus Propriotors, Monagorio OwnersAlVD OTHERS.

Important business In Europe demanding my full attention, compels me to OFFEB POB BALE the follo'wing Shows, Animals, Properties, etc., at

l_sBEI Oinoi^E, N'e-w Orleans, SAtxur<a.Ay, Marola. 0 (IMCAircaJ. <3-3ras 'weeis.)FIRariiV. The fDllovrlDR well hnown nimal •peclBldei, tU.i •Wallare," llii- unlainBlile lion: DlR Frank, almBt orlHlBal boxlnfc kanfaroot nile. Paollne "•>>>'• ";*«?;'•" ''•>'• B»owii llrpnoiiF

LIOBi and liloBaiiex Prince, llie areat tVre>lllB|| LIobi RICCAHUO'H UIIOIIH OP IIKAUTIPUI, LEUP/UtOS, aniT tbe Crowalnn FeBtaie, tbo Wonderrol TaUooed Sacred AlblBS BaValo. SICCOSDLV. vi,,•llhll' "BCceHful paired Auimal Kxhiltlllon knowB a> NOAII'H AUK, a coiniilelr «liiiw throualiout and a verltmble raoaer colaer-SeTeB CarrU|lee of Trained •£»R"""^B»»I"»„J»»'y."; Kengarooi, rir.nBiniaceBtly rarveil and Rilrtnl Pront Batranee, lagDlhrr \Tl(h auperb Military Ursan (eqaalllBa band of U plecei). TMIRDLV. The famou WUHBWELl. nUNAaBllIE, with lU SVPEHB COLLKUTIUN ortrained liloai, Tlgera, Beare,^ea|iardi, aad KlephanYi, Kangarena, etr, TliU innanlllcent exhibition le complete In ever/ detail—10 Hoatter Carriage! of Anlmalt, over JU Ijloni eiall agee. trained and uu.dergolag training, folly accllntallzed,:ni(d to traveling, AI<L PKItFECTi llalTuIoa, Zebrai, ttnaaga, Zebae. Wild Bean, great collecUoa of HoBkeye, Deen, Antelopee, Fellcane, Hyeaae, Jagaan, Pninit"''L?**"'^*^'"*! "vlli, etc, etc. HaulTo Glided Krant KntranCH, Hand Wagoni, Ticket OOlce, llonei, Panlee, Bngglel, etc. _

The above will be oVored for aale hy pnbllc ancllon (wllhant reierve), Flratly, a> going conceraa, when It not ao|d, will be dlapened In uparate loU to init parchaiere. Tcrnu of fair, CashBBt to reajMBalble prraona. wllb reliable gnaranKe, part coold aland over. Prom now np to day of aale, locatrd at Lee Circle, New Orleani, where aBlmall, perrormancea, etc., mar be aeen. Cliret!hipping facilltlel from Bow Orltane lo all parti. Forcatalogae and rarther parllcninra, addreai FBANM: O. BOSTOOK, i>» nbovc.

AQUA.TIO.The America Cap.

Tbare li notmof sew Id connernun wlita me ne-

goUtUou ror t race for Iho tropby won by Uie oUkMl lolioonrr Amerlct Id EoglUD walen, neirlr

rottj-fonr jc*n (ro, oxupt tbtt a iijndlctle hubttD formed Id iIiIb cUt for Uio potiioM ollinlDgtdereoder Uiereot coutruclcd In cue Uio til|D cod'

tncling piirUea, the Ametlon Cap Oomraltuo milttu) Roytl Yicht Hi)Qt4roD, BaMf agrco doOnlulron termi for tbo propoied races. The ajrndlcalr Uconpoeed of lucb well known gentlemen aa \VI|.

Hun K. Vendorbllt, Oliver K. iHcTln (oeAd nnd rronio( Ibe VlgllaDiajndlcitta in IH93) and UnmmndoreKonoD, of the Mew York Ytchtoiob, who hare atep-pad into ttie liroaoh and may be depended apon fo

apare noexpeuaelnbavlngbulltthe beatand faaieaibeat Uitt tbe Meaara. Ilerreiboir are able to inm onior tlHjIr worka. The annoancemant of tbia ftol baiglTeo tbe ntmoimilaraotlon to faobtamen, aa wellu all ordloarr land iDbbera Intareaied In ilie mat-ter, and Ibo lurlbor annonocemcnt that the nego-tlatloDa In progrcaa hare reanltcd In the maklnir ofa match l< more eagorlj awaited than over. Themnertl publlo inanlfrai an abiding Intcreat In tbetelaternatfonal coiiteata, hu Intcreat tiorn of laudablepatrloUo reeling, and tliey are clierix ilpe for bD'otner battle in deep wa'cr for tbe prize wo liave aelong well gnarded. (leorge Uunld (onerouairUTercd to pay onc foorili of toe expenae of prodnc-log a new cup dtfender, but this offer watnot accepted, proaumaiiiy for tbe reaion tbttthe meniueis "f tno ajndlcato had alraad;agmd npoD the Onancuil part of tbe mat-ter, and to accept It might dlaarraugo pbina. Not'wilbitandlng thia, Hr. Uonid patrloilcally offeredto bring tbe centroboarder. Vigilant, which so gal*

laoUy repellud the eiroria or tbe Valkyrie to captaratbe uophy, from the oiber aide, wd lit ber ont la

readlneaa for ihe races. Tola oirer was promptlyaooODted, andthe cbalrmtn of the OapOommltieeDouled Hr. Qould of the acuon taken m tbe letter

wblch rollowa:Uian Bill—Since my laiorTlew with you I hare

?r«aented joar generous propoaal to bring theIgllant from Kogland to America, an( have bar

dtied for the trial racaa aa a cup defender In UeAntomn uontoat of im-'i, at rour ezponae, 11 l>elogyonr requvil that the New York Vaclit CIlub abonklselect a oommliteo ul ono or ilirte, aa they mayelect, to take rhargo uf her In the trial ncea, aodIn tbe match, If neceaaao' to defend tho cap.OnbehaUofmycomuilttco I haro to adrlae yon

It was accepted with great pleasure. I will addthat Vico Oiimraodore lirowii and oibor leadingofHolalH of the club have curuaed tbemaolves lo

me aa bigblr apprealatlng joar oiTcr, and that theywill bo glad lo know tluii your Intonllona In this

reapeotmay boconaommatod.1 encloae to you ihe citcokr of the America Uop

Oommlttoo, which liaa Juat been Istueil.

I reouin, vary truly yours. JAkts 1>. SuiTiI.

THE nKAUTTPUl, lUNO ("UARRT Till!OIBLYOUtoVK"), la Dutllahid, •lUiorcliaalaUnn by

WMuaimnwobu. Buiiipanio. K.

MllalU AltKANOtcii iruit OHCIIEHTHA,BANI> OK MA.IUULIN OHUUKSfBA. Bonia COMloanl.HufN pal ineordanra/'.MiiiMolraaat mada for mtlodr.AlUw CIIAB. L. I.RWIH.19I ff.tlliHt. Ulnclorati.O

HUnttTMIIlt/ ase:''*i)'abr aWuar,''' Baltvi'wtihWalu RafralD. Hoof aod orfria^tra paru Ut prufaa-tlonila forlOj ME it PUB. CU. Inillinatolla. InJ.

WHO WAISTH A uuuu niicoicin'KLF.CTUHBHr— Plral cla^a Id avarr particular; bockIdreaier, atrooa mtca aail sood dallrarr : ut>ar aad ra-

llablaaod ahoalter; RAr^oltlceeorkerjelll arTaaK**llhraipoDllbIa parly. AJtlra** n . J. ALl.HX.RabiDa.ohti>

THE TRIGGER.Trap Shooting In Canada.

A shooilog tournament WA.^ha:il at Uarollton,

Unt, last week, at which a nnmber of crack aliole

from tho Biatea appeared, ibo tonrney being open

to all. The principal event of tho affair proper waa

aa Intaroallonal live bird ahoot fur 1700 in gold,

divided, wlilob waa concluded on Jan. 17, Iho roauli

being aa tullowa: II. Uaioa. llldgolown, Usu, mblrda, tl2ii K. l>. rolford, Ultra, N. Y., 10 blrda,

tW, J. A. lU Klllott, Kauiaa UHr, Ho., 10 bims,tl2i; John Htroud, Hamilton, uot.: (!apt. J. L.

Urewer. Iloohester, nnd Mayor S. I'airbiim, Hlnne-doaa, Uabltolia, 10 hlriln. ttm each; naorKoHarBtus, llamiUon; u. Miller, Woudatock, Usl;II.oHorohle, Syraouae; T. w. Horfr, I'aieraon, N.

J.; F. V. VandTke, New York; II. R. bHreney,Al.bany; R. u. lleillea Davton, ().; H. 1>. (Mmpbelt,Oabawa, OnL; H. Mayliew, Uiloa; Ur. Biackall,

Clinton, (I3L, and Uliarlea Foniytho, Alderabolt,Uht., la blrdt, tU.IiO each.Tbe tonrnamont waa oronght to a close on Ihe

following day, wbenanamhcror matcbea betweoaexperts took place. The first uiatcb waa beiweesU. U. BmiUi and J. a. KIrkwood, who shot attwonty llto hirda each for $U a aide, the Ultrrocmlug oir victor by a aooro n( £\ tu 11. IL C.Uoltea, U.kytnn, 0., and T. W. Hoify, rtteriou.N.}.. ahot at lllti live blrda, fur $10 a side. Uelicskilled twenij-lwu blrda atmlaht. lie missed tbatwoniy-thlid, and In tlio nounil bait of lila shoot homlaaed nve, two or which fell dead Just out of

boands. Uorfy won tho iimtoh, 4T to 44.

OapL Urowor, of Itocliciitor, aud Oriarlcs Cook*bnrn, Toroalo, ahot at Any blnla, for 960 a aide, un*der (he old liiuiilnlun rules, which uall fur onebarrel and gun IidIuw the elliow. Tho two woroDover raoro than ono iilnl apart. Coekborn aoorcd44andlltower4.^ Oockburu nroteatod, elulmlnttthat Browor was ualng loo rnnon aliot. ilia oliaroe

waa weighed and found to be !>, uunces. Thorales make 1 u ounces tho limit. Heferee JamenBoll reserved nlsilcclalun, and tho aukeholder re-

tained tho monrv.K. U. FuKuril, Imca, N. V-, Iniat .s. Kalrbnrn, Ula-

nodosa, Manltnu-t, Iwnniy-nvo Ulida, for aroro,

XI toll. Mnrfy.of I'atcrsou. and John .siroud, ofHamilton, aliot lu a tilindlDg anuw ntonn, twenty-Bvo blrda, tor tin a aide, Horty winning liy loin m.


M lKHItALIi.aTWanan A ra.. Boaloa

N4IVHI„ CATciii7 H "naaC otiloreil amunj' Noboni ilaftlaua; im Itnloh work. Hauti ennlina aod B'.

It.Whaollna, OaoviUo. 1)1. KaloroDca, Houhoar Broa*.

Mil Hoonlo Hhow.

AT LlllKlt rV, Hai.i^or. Ajrahco or Treaiuiar.Oooo aiiMAfa ica. u(«t tlroiior, plaaainc aildtaaa; naileduOAtol ;

aii|iarlor C4irraait.inilaat : aOlnirlal aapariaDEo;vlOa art)iulalaaca; uae iialtliar liquor «ir toUtoco; It*.

dollrloui. eoflaolootloiia. pvlnitaklD i. Baecraalul r«-oon). Aan. 4U AIM nir ol'o au aoooniplUhad CON.UBRT PlANHTK aoil •«« nl.aolat; vnll up m a-l,i work.oue nulla, arraotlnr 010. l)iiw aiuall |4r(a AtlraellraTooAllat; win^niiia aiaia uro'onco; aaa. !e: hreiaark'eirarlanoa. Will anaa<a J'^lnUf or ao|>afatal)r wllli r«.

rOHH.vLKl.'IIK^i'. Maiiio iiiaf iiinattrB aoil roolT'lo-

aalal Qauraa. rrul. rha«. |{ Matiraltoa traolrtlfHiultti,

iotoQlR. Jairaraon Cu , Kaoana llaaardalii all filaoOaletlh roooer). _ _

IDlAA1« <:"roirp K'r V- Wati a VirM "iJi'aM I'oTI -nurraAetato Ivaltira, trou|.a itl .Idkp. «|n, Aorm am. HuMralArtlit 10 ilJuMfl barluiiip MiMtolai,« i,» omplaia llan.i,

U'fitt Cornel 10 iliiultl^ KiiM' V oliitanil l",,l. luuil l araDluaia,flaronil AMo.,li>iil) nHromil Vixllii H llAinarii'ii,.u

doablo K flat, H ilalK; Ja Tniiul<i>UN t-MlalTiiVa. tnun t«nulak alBlit raiilari anil Una folnuta If not nnt riauiloQ't nrlia. Oiata all you can ilo an.l aalary ilrai l,«nar.

l,esitlinala prlnlvilrM lor aala. TIIOH I. IIAVIH

_ _ _ Hot lit. Malropoha lll._

DO Ytiil WASiVTti T»«AVti;i.'\VITII AMfnatral ronirdy. Varlniv. I'lii-o^ Hldrahnv. .Mo'^iiui

Madlelna On .or rlar ilali-^r II ri-. all joo-iirM ilo la in

sataBaorO walaliiifOuliliatiJ atari al una. KvarvUilneeoBPlala. LaJilaraii.lavioi0^nO'laacrMl)ii>i> l.tiloilna

aelthr. No aiiMiriaura nantail. Ynu can ilo II al t aca.asvltltotilar lalaeraO. II h.WM. NHI.JON. Man '. . 13 Kiilioti H. w..rfa>if r. Baia.

. Jl'IOK. WITH .MkCHRT llitWtolMeoina a fytDloTltobi4t, B'i i>ar Nulla.

WM. NKLB ll.'). n Kolliiu Mrol, Wnira'lar. Ma«a.

IiITIld!). MlilK «KI»'I',A1V KTVEkI AIJMi'-TUM'' Paper »knd »n\ »i>HSAMi'i.ii!>.IIAHRV WLAIIK.m Hprura S- r«>lJ'hlliilejplilv Pa.

T. H. WINNKITrCllA.ilA'ril^niKllt'iNtiABD ROUTIKII AHKNT. Sluct <^v

Tor tbaalraa ami i^uniniar ra*ori'.iipanlra lulutalip,!

Mnnaarra lappliatlllhpaopla. antarlatnntanimnrni^lia.t lort>anaIlt» ttlaya

booght, I4t;0, on myaliy. vttlion lo iirilar. Tnaairaa rapiaaanled; daa% room lor irnt tj vi anihHL. N. V "ily.

'lAfP'Tifr MAuiCAl, AI'PARATI'a ANDTABLKJ FOR SALB OIIKAP Null aenil 1 aumia lorlllU. BHHOKR. Bo»«W Altaoy. N. T.



WANTED, POR TUB BUINEUOLD UUNUBHTUALL. B1 Hooroo Ara.. Dalroll. Micli. RKKTCHTBtBa BONU AND DANOR PEOPLB. AND ANV ACTBUITABLK roH BSALLBTAOR. Write al anca loropen time. MoDayaDra. Write at odco.

WANTBl>, PuR UH U. J. PUKTBH'H (lUVBOYCO.. Parrormara In all braDehaa of tbe MadloloaBaal.Daaa. Alio Prifllaaaa to t.aL Will lour Boulliara aooWealani Totaa. Bnov vorta year round. Adilraaa atcoca. D r. o. J. POaTEB'S COMBOT CO., Book Dala. Tai.

CVCliUHB CIIAIIlillC WaoiauBuyTlirrallun.dr«d Kaat 01 RHia Wall aod CireaaWaaooi for MohawkHeillalDA and BtR hpaclalty Co. and Parlor Cireor. Wantto lirar from aniall ramla and ipeelaltv baopla lhal playbraai, and loDB Iiftlrad Indiaoa. Addraaa

UtCLOSr. nilARtlB. Plana Rlly. MoiiUW TO TELL. VUHTUAIM HV c:AltDS

OR I'Al.UIBrRV; alto to lolarpretilraamr, roll Inatruo-UODi, Bl. Portonai told by Ibeooly llrlna flybll, pimdlc-IngoDyebomaooy. Hana la tenia lor paniealara

LOOKBOX I.OOJ, Baarar Daoi. Wla.

WANTED, YOUmi liAUr VDUALIKT. ASATKUHOR PHOPESBIONAL, K loin Reolgman of aaubllabadrapQtalloD, lo vocal and draoiatlo akalebaa. Alio pre-fariad tlood voice, Sitare and wardrobe aaaaoUaLWoBid taaok olavar amateur Ilia profaaaloD. Addraaa


OlUdlOl, ftaaiial, o.tba bail wasted. IKbT


Maalbeatrldly Oratdaaa. Beat rafaraoeaa.SOU Rorr oR orovr. ohiaiKo.

MAUD UlbBUHT KNULIHII, SKKIOCUMIO, naa vceba or Jao. n, Kao. 4, 11 and la opan.Addiaaaat oncem WERT NIWETP.EHTH BTBRET. City.

WANTCD-tlood Varlaly Plaao I'layar. Salan willi

Uia UDiaa Urandall i Olark'a Comtdlaoa. Cantral \alley,W Y . Jao. M. Mlibliad MiUa ta. Monroa M Cliaalar a.

WANT, ATTBAI^flUKa, uae mailt alanili; bouaolaaf aW; tMKTop. AJdraMO.tff-TREMAIII.ltolH. la

AT IjIBEHTV,W. 11. HcHIIjI/AN, Albino Moalcal Wondar, aodrainllyofthrae, all parrDnnam. Would tMplouudtoar.raoie with aonia aood oonpaDV playlOR In Taxai. Ad-trm W. U. HoBILLAK. Lo. llmamoe Co . Toiia

lllll|iIOAl< TEAM FtlH MEDICINE CO.Mult ba Rood BiDRara and able lo pat on anai|ilaoaa.Lone aDRaRaniant HIala vary lovait lalary Oral letter.

Mnjtbalow. No R. R. ilchat advanced.Dr J. 0. B. Al.tBW. Morahaad Oily. W. 0

UUS UANRH, BUIULOUlsr, PLaVBD UAVWMuaei-Thaatre. Alloona, Pa . laat waak, Dot World'a Hu-aeniD, Allafanr,aa billed by mtataka. Thlaweak Woo.dailand Mniaa, wIlmlnRloo, Dal Jan. n, Pob. I, opao.Addraaa aa aboTa.orearo ot OJ.tPPBR.


LUAN $300, can lecura long aoRagamant, aood aalary,

ant olau oompaoy, two vaaia' lour lo ftalllorota I'ro-

duetloo compllta- Bpeclal ivper aod acaoary- Mooitynaadad lor looldantal aapenaa*. ralorned to lonr waaha.Add raaa a IBB A. LBIOIt. lU Hpiucam . Pblladalplila. Pa.

Olve them a TrlaL Read the Verses.



AdMonpUTeAnDi, vlth n bMuUfbl w&lta ralHIo, »Ulor* lo be hfi. Bdor witU trvuieoOout suoiam \>j


AoO «o raler jon to Mr. &dO Mn. Tllai If fou wUtat« know mor« uf thli iodr.


WHO ROAMED."A T«rr prflUr «Dd duorlpllT« iitiDit, vllh teiutirul w«lu

rtTmu. Uk»D ironi lb* oK) aoriery rbiioend loDof builDBM




I LOVE THEE."Thfl U*onbl« oAiiiinsnta ol MTarkl emlocDt touUiU on

thli iMiuillul li»T« fonir. iDOuc»d u« m |iobii»h

It Id rret«r«De« to All olhtr MBfi.

To iTnrMilonAlf, lUfi ftOd |»roiraiitni9, KAOH, luclihl-

lD| urebcimiloo, or cU rflrtookllr-


131 WEST 42d ST., NEW YORK.

.<«Dtl f>ir onr lOMWCftUloioio.vlilcli •an\y codUIdiMHiHlM n gjnyon r .1 in».





TRUNKS."llliAi.a)f,tl$l StJ, Y.

WHO WAHTS ME FOH 'd57Lilt oiKtor ul JiDi Kltl*« Wild iCvik

»e M. IKKIMSELLCan l« aniaaail al l.BOTl'RRR. DOOR TAI KBR and

OUMlIlK MAN.IVrmananl a.Mlaa. llnlwl Si llao ra*. rrnrldanoe R^l.

WANTKll, I'Mplo for Hiiwanl'.sIINIM.K TUH" CU. RalalT nuat ta law. N,> (arw

adriDoad. KM ItOBARV.7t« Hacond Arena*. Plllibnra- I a.



GUS WILLIAMS,ItoBura nroa,, Ilalnea and Pettinalll.MAini RAYHi'.N'U, CARLIKI'S HOKKEVB, LA KO)EHKIH, LEW RAHbALL. RAY BUBTCN. TUE BAR-RBItJ, tony PA8T0R MatlaaeToaaday and Priday. !1



£flward llarTlgBn*a Local Flay.







Closed for Finiil Rehearsals.OFRMI FItlUAV EVE,, JAN. M,


"THE 20tli CENTURY GIRL."Paala now on rata al boa olBca.


a EV/r^lUC O iiKNKY 0. ai'EB. Profr-

Shaft No. 2.|gS„.B, F. Keith's Amusement Enterprises.

&r. AI.BEE - - - 0«i.HbV.B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, B«ltOB, Mus.;

THE BIJOU, Phllidtlplili, Pe;

B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, Provld«iici, R.I.,ANU


ContmuouB Ferformanoe.NOON TO 1U.U- KO STOP.






HABLiEHl MUSEUM,llSlh 8tr««t and Third Ave., N. T. CHr.

TBESTTON JUllSEUM,North Broad SIrmI, Tnnton, N. J.

JUHN IIA.VBU.V PropaietsrEDWARD V, BIIITII lllana|[erWANTED AT ALL TIUEB, Slnng. Poaluraa, Unrl.

oalUaa and NoralUaa for Leotura Balla: alao RlabOlaaa Vaudarllla Aola for Tbaatrea. All applleatloaa loraegaaoinaDta (tMlb boana) muit ba addreiiad to

EDWARD 6. BBITII. Harlan Unaaain.

HUBEll'S a. MUSEUM.UpenftUUiBrMT. WAJfTED.FORTHR OUBIOHALLB,LivlBg Conuiililwi. KTMkB oi NftUiro, RAro and CartouADloikU of ororr tleicrlnUon for our ntw ltoiU|[er1»l>oi)arUn*Dt,anO al ftll Unit* Ute rtry twt Vtaile*lU«Bum Tor tbe UtMtro. Mo atdhij loo blftb (or Firel OluiNorolUe*. BDRsgomeou item i toll weeka dahonUi*

OLYMPIC13U St, and 3d Ava.High Class VautitvlllM.


_JA,!). OONAUlliOlf JR., Pro]


THE WILMOT DUO,LKAUI.VU DOUBLE '0VCLI9TA OP TUB WORLD.Kollh'H IIdIdd 8Jinftr«, Ntw Vorlr, Jao 14-19. '(^ole

Rbo*r. UaJiPUD Rnutr* Otnlia. Now Totk, Ju. 21-7C.Kallh'ii Hilou. PbiUdHphIk JftD.nJ-rob.l

notic:b to aobmk and UANAOERSllMvloc lor JuiUtlftbU retHDmcaacolod MgaitemBiit tt

thoOlnMRO UlreuHweare fr»« Ftb i AddrOMSKBIB


PermtooniMJdrw. woof OLIPPBa.




RAY BURTONWuh an ()rlf[iuftl. VTuotl-rful. ArttUlo kod Ulittair

I niqriaiDhitr Nv>r«li> NorMof od aarth liko iLAnJ ihv |<fttiau« Still: Ttm tiat*X \h4y orar law.


1)0()R TALKKR WANTED,PtIH HTORB HMOV. n»*r N V. Cllr Mait b« »oUrRinl r^llabIl^ iiii<l#ra'«Dil lna hli Oihftr* DMd not.inpBtr. Klft>» )utir |itn«<t •Uit. Adil[«M

_ NKAli VAN nnOHNUM. fam of ClIPPKR

(3ENiLK,HAN OKLADYWANTEDTo tiar*) Roaih Ptbratry ftod Marcfc, plarlOR foeUtjbaapAiL Ma»t bn ccottal, rafiotd. rtllabla. eapabla olRlfiDR atiracilr* aniaruiDmaot. aaiMad bj pUolu*OT«ltj pr«UrT«d Utt eu dImm artilokl andittea aalira

9/nalag. riDL B. BBID, III WwtC»lBt,mw Torka



Rejoined Weber & Fields' BiisscllBrothers Comedians, Jana 31,FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEAisSOIV,W AITTED,

doed Comedy Artlata preferred. Bend your open tine mnd loweat aalary loII. BRUNBIiLB, BHUNBLIiB'B VAUDEVILLE EXCIIAHOB,

143 Foarth Ave., KelT York Cltj',

FLAYIEINTIEOlDLOyARIA beantlful deiorlptlTe loag, remlnlaceBt ofchlldhood*! dayf, and a big fMvorlte

with the raauea. No tlngar ahoold be wllhont a copy, Profeailonal codIm onappUcutloii. OrctaeitrA p»rti lU cenia extra.

WIOAHflR-STIGLER MUSIC PUB. CO., 131 West Forty-secoad Street, New YorkaS«nd for oor I8M-1(96 Oatalogae, which tunir coduior loraeihiDic lo roar Hntt.


WEff COOW aoxa. B»ai card aaj 10 caoU lor copy anil orclaairmtlop. ORVOBR BROS.aiT. aUiSmat,S. Y.


Tlie Best Profcgsional Songs In theH&rl(et. lOe. Eacu.

With Orchestra Parts."Back lo ili« Old Homo ApalD." "Sbo Loft ihe Mm

Wbo LoTcd U*r lor ADolb«r,"**Tbe f<«me B«Mt BellaAioRioglov," "To Err It nDiiuD, to PorglTa, OlTloei'*"PudiitO.u Han,'* "I Do LoT« Ton, or Mr DoarOUDftddr, * "NotblOB'fTooUoodfortbelrith," 'FaueraodIho BonfHtaoe." *T1ie KICK-UP-A ROW BBIOAbB,""Tbe Worhhouta Door." **TTi» Kiw Hone, Rveat Unm»"kDd "OOKT BEAR ANT ILL FBBLINO.*' TbeBNOLISHHOMO PUB. 0>i..MN. Moore at, M. T. 8oDn UoBbC toProrMilODilt PRBRbelv««D3aDd4 r. M. TakeOlC At*.El. R. R and wtofTil >ran>Ho 3t.


Bead lor rraa Janoair Meamoth Bargain fltaaat othoDdrada of Bla Barmlaa Id Haalcml Apparmloa. I BUr,SELL AHD BXOlUllaR rallabla (aeoad lUDd Inoka.Juat r«ealr*d. aplaDdId NIctle Platad Canire Table,

coat lai. tIB: Ooe Nictle Flsiad Bida TablaA can HIeach, nan: t«o floa Naala of Boaea, BIO eadi, worth•loobla; Hair Rlrloa aarlal SnaMoaloD (compMe), BS;Jap Box. Al Rlea ead Onoita Trick, ate, ad loflmcoai.Bute jovT waala. Catalona ol orer tfO ear andataodaid Trioka. 10 ceata. i^ddreaa or call A. BOTEB-BERQ'B RELIABLE MAOIOAL RBroDITOXT. » N.Ulait HL cr^st Tvciilcaio. Ill Waoled, obeap loroaib.JOOD OAMBRA OBBCURA.

Wanted, Immediately,

A B.FLAT CORNET PUYER, must be asohlst;

a firtt class FLUn airf PIGCOLO PLAYER, aad

atlistclissTUBA PLAYER, Nust be a soloist,



CLARIONET PLAYER,For Band and Orchealra.

SlAta loweat amlarr. fall parlleaUraUral teller. THOS. BLLINMTOoO,

Dlnglieinton, W. Y.. weeliefJ«u. !>I.

WANTED,Flite to Dogble Soh Alto, Clailoiet (or

Bam! and Oichestra, Uselol Actor to

, DonbletflBandgwdTBins.)Waak atuda. OEO. E. MITOIIBLL,

Mlnale Laitar fo. Bo. Noraalk. Ct

VV^^^HH RklD In IffDuaa and

MB^^r A(n«rleuUookeya,Ag llflW WJfm^ ouiui,l\)rCTplnMLAr. I

aadoumtrouoiberHmall ABlmalii at a lao-V I |riflce. MacawiLoook-a-UMiiantl ptrrotaand' V

imidlltoit, AnlaadoumtrouoiberHmall ABlmalii at a lao-Lriflce. Macaw*. oook-a-UMH ant) ptrrotaaadT ' VoUiarkloUiorblrda U. UOILRitfOrandBL. BnoUraS. D., N. Y. * J <

I Wl Lb RUV. RBLU RENT on I.BA«K ALL KINDH OP8II0W rUOI'£RTV ON cMiLL COMMIKaiON. PirtlMliaTlDi; pfO|>«rlrror*al«or«lftblDK to buTorraatramelet rae hrar from yoa. All ordete erompilr attended toN. B—iTlll eit«od ptraoDiUr toul couimlulooilB Bu'ropeafur Jitrcbao. Aildren R. BAVLI8, AueoL

Ottawa. QouCaotdaa


WANTED, FOR THE LILLIAN TUCKER CO.AN E.NPERIRNCRD ACTOR FnR LEADS. Bead foU parllculaia aad lowaataelarj IQ Oral laitar. Addraaa

nilARLTO P. TlliOnN. Baoior. Ma.


HOHKRT IIOOBIIdVb.M Beat T»ib Bt . Ha- yirk:'

WU Q WtTTC DRAIIAB,BURI.HIQDBI).akalehaa,nil. n. nRllll i«"R> »"•' avirv Tone ol gUfi

NoteItT wriiiiin lociidor.»W Naaa.ii Siraet EffKiklPD. N. Y.



Al. G. Field's Minstrels.


m mm, nnu.,LonflT Hatred Ladles,

Fat Ladles, Albinos.Addrem F. J. HAFNER,Maoaiar bur Tbcalre, B<Bbth Sliaat. Phlladalpbla.

Baed ptiole aod lowaat aaTarrflnt taller. Fptcaa torant for plaaa blowar. Japanaaa illk worker and olbaitradaalo the Curio Hall.

CALL.All Ladies and GentleoiBn Engaged

WILL AKaKVBLE OS «TAOF AT WDITlTRrfl TUtATBE, nRTROir, HIGH.. Ti;B<DAY. JAN. ». AT11 A H. rieua aoknawladita ihia call toUllAH. II.

UtTBTEAD. Meoaaar. 81 Bute Btraet. DaUolt. Midi.




A NoTcItj anil a Beoord Breokcr t

Now and for tbe put two jaara tha priDCipal featufo acd•IrawlDK card ora alaDdard conpanr, will do wall (oaB-avor Ibla ad. No aUeallon will ba paid loaof bat racox-

nlud maoaaora wltb caplul,wlio are aol afraid lo lo*

veat Id a aoou tbloa- Fur foil partlculara addraaa „X T Z. all W Nonb Ataeue. Obleaco. Ml .

WANXKO AX ONOK.Heavy Man, Singing and Dancing

Comedian and General Actor.EiPerUTice iDd Wardrobe iDdwpeouble. Wlre;tlo3t«r(ie. No time lor correipondence.

MAHAOBIl. Oarllilf.J>L-

LEADER AT LIBERTY. UP IN ALL BRANCHESOF THE VARIBTV AND DRAMATin BUalSf-'XiViollni. Pamiananlorroad. Addraaa HAP" JAlUB-BON. No mBnmptarsueat. Brooklfp.)!. V.

SONGSaod eoj kind oi muaio anaofod ao<l

oonpeaed. Small aODfa at raaKO'

elilaiBlea. Orl|tloalaoDga,elc,<rli-t«a TUaedown. Bouaa lAOilbl

A. RBINERT. JJT K. lOui Kl^l.

AoralrlaNaiiroWla.aotu.: rrlplilBlaok WIJ.JI;"'"-aclirWIg (oelaral bair) $111. Baod bat alia lor m.*'-

tr.mtol uoooaaonco. O. D. awl liot 14 loapactlop.

n STUART. ],Dla Medium Araaua.t ilf ,

FOR SALE, the Hot Springs Medicine COi

OR WILL TAIK PARTNER. Ooe capable of loaaain i

compu/. For rarlicolara addraaa „ _„DR LEON SylTH. LaliaaoD. Faon _



AddraaaJ W. WILBER. IIBP ti.l.i~l HH'blcato. '"

KIDD'S PATENT TENT LIGHTSleiDmrad aid ledieed. Fend tot alrtaUr.

OEO. TAYLOR, moaed tenvliBHBeat. New \or».

Bole Kaaalastaier aad Afoa I.

Januabt 26. THE ]SnEW YORK CLIPPER. 759







(Woald Pnfer Coapls al th« 8mBll«r Colonit Co.'t OrfBBlicd, and Almaily on Toar.)




15 MOORISH-BEDOUIN ARABS, SS: ^T'''''''in," Ko "Fill IQI," Ha •'Soakl." Ifo ••Klhilllll." Ho ><DlUKr<><> nasd annlr. Aildmu .11 K. >.Ho "Back Llntn," Ko "Fill loi," Ho "Soaki." Ifo ••NIbllUU," So "DIUBrdt" need applf . Addreu all commanlcatloae, bj mill or (eleRraph, lo

W. 8. OLEVELAIID. 8ol» Mmgar. WIRE Mattoon. lit, Jan. 24 1 Pari.. III.. 85 1 Bra»U. Ind.. 86. Permaneot addrwi, 1 .088 Elmwood Atc. Biigalo. W. T.. P. B. A.






Now being successfully Introduced by lots of goodpeople. Send stamp for your copy.


4 East 20th Street. 4,627 Champlain Ave.

NOW READY. NOW READY. NOW READY.If Ton Want flood Songs, We are the People to FamUb Ton with them.

Xhe SoiiK of the Diiy.

"OneGirlintheWorldforMe."By tbe author or "Her ES^ee Don't Rhine Like Olamoadi." BeanllrnI mBalc, beaa-liral etorr. Call In and tee ue. Weare ploaied to meetyon at anr time. A ulan-lit mlwmya on hand to teach yon the onse.

The Oreatelt Song alnce the dare or "Down Went McOlntr."



"TELEGRAM,""You Keep Your Promise, Jack, I'll Keep Mine."

FOUR BEAUTIFUL SONGS.Watch oar ad. ueitwcck. We hare some positive blU. Composerj are reipecl-

fuMy r«<iaeit«d to labmlt new iongi (o ns.

MARION PUBLISHIIie^COMPAHY, 1,162 Broadiii. Nei York





GS-enuiiie A.ra.l>ian ^tliletets.LA TROVPK AKABE.

Lm ArabM. dnol on » pn adiii(r«r, Io4 tours (rrodtKlaoE d« fore*U d'htbllelt, unt OftUfs 69 U Bubftikk tolnTripoli fit l« Dwn d* BfthsTK f0 Amqae. Mi mqc MkbomiUaii at dMc«o4«Qt d'limMt, flli d'Abribin «t d'Ajnr.Ce MDt lei pramtfrB Anbei de o«tt» fuDlIU aol oot rMit l»moiM3«ebr«Uea. •tODietaameoom Amsriqa* pu* flu-•u-B«o All, dtt lA mems irlbu.pour TOlr rBipoaltlOD dtChles|o,onlUoDtiiioDtT«lear«uiaDuU kIwc* ae-robatiqa*.

Tbta U tbb Orlitla&l Troopo ol Eisvea Rul Arabi, whoM Buratoiu fMtt of tDmbllDir, b»td and bud baUaciDr,llTlogpjrBiiiidi, oonturtloD. aim tvliliDff. iword oi«rcls«, •to.. w«r« a ionro* of voadormoDt to tba haBdrodi oriboiuudi who vltlitd DUFFALO OMLVB WILl* WEST BiblbliloD at BooUi Park. BrookWo. Bloe*Hot. S. jam. tbi* Uoapo E«s no»D ihs HT\R ATTftlUTION virh C. B. JEFFERSON. KLiW A BBLaNOEB'S^XOUtfTRY CIRCVH." Tfaalr wonderral porfonnanca noTar ralla ttt eroata a FURORE, and Ibair plctoraaqoaeoiiamai a 'd ooTolty 10 ihs aUractloo. Tbii i roup* mmc oot ba UDfoandtd with tbt lortrior OrganJiattooB pukf-int dataiatmawaDU tbroDibontlbo ih« roanirr. Therw li bntOaa Baol Zona-Zoo* Troopo.

AT LIBltRTV about April 15 For tanni. ata. addrtaa SIDI HASSAN BEN ALI, eara ABMBTROKa, 10 Unionfiqaaia, or ELAW A ERLANOER, S9 W. »ib B'real, New York CHf.




THBR0e8LBV8aietb«b«ellriibCoiaedlui lhat bATe ippeend od (hi Orpbiom tu|e.-TBK DAILT HE-FORT, Jul.

AmoDK the new ecu ol IblR week Ihet ol the Rouleie wei reulred bciL Tbe rloh broni of theie lea mekmOftToieevenUiiPv tbe, do In the eioilDs ud leJkloi lfoe,eDd Uitr duietag would nrnce Tim FlnDtiu'e wEi.—DAILT BULLETIN, Ju. S.

OleTOrpeoplt oq thii wMk'eblU At IbeOrTbeDmdelerTlogoripeetel meatloo ere the Ronteri. Ibe, ereeTtr,olerer UAin ol Ineb Cooiedlu. eod here elreid, itleed pnoODDCcd popoUrllr—TUB FOHT, Jeo. s

The RoMley. proved Ibe brlgbteolerlelnera bf Irlib HIOfloK lod OtaelogComealeu.—TdE EXAJflNSR, jAil.a.

OFinjffiRH INVITED irOB NBXX HBASON.Xddren, up lo F«b. 4, ORPHEUM, Sat Fruiclico. Mlir Uiit c.r« of CLIPPER.


BV FHANK DUUONT, AVTHOROF <*nAIIV BTAKERH."People to plar parts and Deable l» Brass* Alao Noveltr Actie Matt be flrat cleaa,

Addresi JOS. L* nUNZECB, Manager, .tllner*! Hth ATeimo Theatre, New Yot lt Cltyt


( Message from MotherWords nnd Music by WIILARD Vf. GREGG.

Complete coplea or thU eoiig will he lent to proreeelonaU eeniilBg 'A cent elampand encloelug card or prsgramine 10 ESIILB CUULWH. Pnhllehcr. Utiawa, III.



LATH J OASBIKOTON BBO< LATB BABBT ADD .PAOK._ Odo of the etioos..t Rc«.Dtt1o AcrobUie eed ftoah DueJfli Boeg lod J vee AeU belore the pablla. WhIU orBleohFioe F. ft—WONDBBLAHO, JA0K8ON, HIllII., setU In ».

"HOLD TOUR BEAD UP PATSET MoOAHK."New Irihh Character tomg, by TBLIX HeOLBIINO.V. New helBg San| with

Ineoienee BncceM bf

CTEB IBKH DOOHBV-) like wilua: -It U eerUla]/ M at mr BOOBI Bin.or preanu^ Ua., lor eopF d enheenitloa.

eaOimM bos,,w w-t Twtyeerd

nww TmU.

CORABECKWITHChampion Lady Swimmer of the World.

Huju^ wcceiilully Bcoempllihid, ! Frank Hill'i Caiino, Chltigo, III., Ihe UNPARALLELEDFEAT of

FLOATING THIRTY CONSECUTIVE DAYS IN WATER.M.ugart of WATERINO REI0HT8 ind pito.i of Indoor .mttHment cin iiour. Ih« lorvlcM otMISS BECKWITH for



''"k''„*d''o*K"<' By CHAS. & OEO. EDWARDS.


"".S^'i'^^iSr^" By J. P. SKELLY.



''.*n";;'i>';;!,?u°.':' By waiter p. keen.


S^Th'sn^pS*;?^;!;; By chas . & geo. edwards.

IPiano Coplss to tho Profession, '7';!v,^;.:v.'..' lOo. oaoh.

Orchestra parts are 10 Cents oilra lor each Song.

HENRY J. WEHMAN,130 & 132 Park Row, New York, 125 W. Madlion SI., Chicago.

N. B.-Wilch (Of our new Wlniw., b, CHAS. ORAHAJI. FRANK ADDIS KENT,

W. B. OAVIS, CHAS. t OEO. EOWAHDS . Mi olherl.



For I^irst OlaNM OoiiiUiimrioiiM,

April 22, 29, and May 6 and 13.Aidr—. HTPE ft BEHMAlf , Broeklya. K. Y.



SOKOS ON THK OAr.EIVI>AU.rrteb rrou the "toDg reoiorr'* ot.d, Irum ih. nrolld. peo of ihtt laaDliil

of .11 oomlo eoap wrlUra. UKO.y HoUAIir


~1.L1E PKiPiiaU'



iiKurbixiiii'ii CO.PBtPnouK, .liir ( . _ .

A.!:OV.BI'.V..]r.>.>Kl^,0*' WOHK."'InCaeeora Dlsappeinlment.Uon*! Forget lo Call on Ne.*'


A rollleklog dit7. foil el iiDi.r, wiili emtiodr co "ftuvdr Do.drBofe"ord«r. irruawajBte'JiIt,)'MaditAiitp roreoy oriheeboToeoaiit^i


tEeitTw.nlletbHtjeet (tietveeo broedeej end Pinh Atwoi), K. V, inif.






VBICAI. DiaiCCTOIl (PIANIHTI.at Ho. HIdUi HireeL Bcoobl/o, K.e Tom.

rnmtrlr with Ledirer*. "D eod L" Bobbp OeTlor. "FollM Fetml." M.rk Mgrplir. elo.

Royal English Circus and German Water Carnival,HUBBA.RU COURT A.NJL> A.VKNUK,

FBAITK HAI.L, Manager.JuDuy fl wuoar xmb p«rfom*ae«. Tblibssu til r*«ordi trcr koovs la Um (.'Ircu* loclotH laAnoriea.

telsrlMAr* dioNmL Ws •hill U pl«SMd tobMrfram tscta artliti m Kok lUrtoMi, Ui* Lv* Ltrivo FuiiUr,Bro*. BrM'i RtdrAllAfsM. iHlurtllllirM, Ramos's Jlld|«u.O'Bri«a Hroo., Utdlio. Illlrli sad 7.«do. Joloa Ltwr,t«T*nu kbs0M>. sod otiurM Ifaii elsoieruUtU «bokkTt pUiftd h«rs All •riim tpplflos lor timo mail bo laLbo rroatrsDkud iboboitol drosoirm. KootbHSvlllbscouldorad.

AddfSMslI eonBSOlcallootto IL II. IK)nKBILL. B^aMirlto Dlr^rtAr


TBE TWO HIDDSJas( clossd • s«cc«ssf«l saaaflsmsat of ! wcshs «t tta» Inperlat Nmslc Hall,

N. Br-BMat^ tA "Tks Two iCaAAs/* tisoras mm* Paalla^Paallas and Osora^Har asiH^-Ms aad Hai^sd Ms •4 Ms Vlf*.


"OArHirK." A Bid HIT with l.ollln niliiiii ftnil lino.DUTIiornbia. "IIIH l.AHrTrKiOllllTH WKItK OK VtlU "

A Bid llir with Hinole Kliuh. MHK. I)K mHAIlTrHIIANUIhd HUlUHII.." A Bid MIT l.lfilo II KftjinoDilsnil JohnDV Carroll.HRKT " A Bid HIT vlUi llio llunlan Hilton.

[ftili _ .

•M iiirrhiiKNr riiuM tiik-- - - llift lIuMon Hilton.NOTK.!! AIhit* olTor la ii|»ta (» rrvroulnuili only on-

cioilOK e«ril ur rrnirftiiinid and ID eonio ffr iiiilHnK. Or*chtatratiotio (Miniiilotp) lir Iho limnui irraniar, d. H.MfiMDUnrtf. IUcnDbiou-li*Blia. Aililrvia JdM. W. HIBIIMA i:(>.,aui K. rourUondiMl .Nov Vurb (lll>-I i:(>.,aui K. rourioonthHl .Nov Vurb (lil>-.

W. B.—Wg iln erUpublUh Tmninr A'klni" ^


"HONEYMOON"MAflGHInleoilareil hy IIK WOl.l-' lilli'PMIIIn "IIK. NV^TAX," MII.IIIKIhP. AWKHT'B IIIINH'I'|IkI.i« In "TIIH(>UAIill>l>IIIM,."Null>lilKriir I'lnalre.Marrh.*., ilrlll. mill for InlmilMcllaiiIn Mi'HCIAl.TV ACTN uf «very ilpirrlp-clen. l*roiinonreil liy I.Billnif ma*ilrlane the boil Itlerrh aHil Two Htepof (he aeaanntNOrBII—Meail lllo. In •tempe Iter

flano Nnln.urllfTr. riirrorapleleorrheo*trellon, III iiarte anil iilann.

Jo4. W. HTUllN A CO..:iue Rnil Konrieenlli Ml,, N. V. i'Uy,N. Il.-lriiuh uul for "IIONRV MIMI.V"

.tiarcli fur lienjo (Uniulii At llenloa^iarraiigenteul.)


MUSIC Br WM. OOWLINO.Tli.ir lorn.r Miiipoil|lon..p.Bb i. tilth, in.riiol llil.

00.. >Tl. liiilf A ir.ftt J.Krlpttvo foD|, .III, K ohnrulthel II bfiuDtl to celcU tho miill.nrf,


KRAMERt OOWLINO. Publllhen. Pinsvllle. H.Y.

FAJiriLiY TIlKilTBU,l*HlL.A1)1CLiI*U I A.

Un arcount of nty ranrrlllng ohow*w*«tk of Jan, la Dpnn nnil A|*rllbandtn far Oral rlais ftenillx ntf rarlinn onix*Adilreos JtMIW W, IIAliT,

Ownur mmt Managsr*

llin Wslli Hung,


PfbloMloott coploa, ff*m, tnr Hhwt: Wuh ()rdi*atrslloalOiwPia WW. W. IIKI.AHKr IW l>rk f"* Vork'

WANTKI) OUICK,For hi'oni-lloalx (fninray Co., KIralClaisLisadlng Man, CmniirfUn Who Hlaga,

and Uoriil Uieftil Wunian.All maal lt% tsll. Ki|>«rl«nc«4l •ottfrlo oaljr. LowmIoolsrj; o^oipioyMfa Iwonl Joto oa ivflolpluf u]»grua; »tok aluJi. MdRTUN A ALVARIK.

Loak Boi in, WsJbloitun, Nortb (larollas.


BoiofSO gjgars,

IBk GOLD FINISHEdIl«h,niurais<.-l<Jliy|H.|

<alTbltA4wrlle*>B*a||OvI aii-lMnJil Uaaatllil)i-er smI fl4(*t«l«>i'i >iii ui.i i« BMir

tit-ttU t:t «i)ir.rn<.|

ll-4ir.llB.ftklvatifa ,J.||

l.-ia.i.. I- i-.iH r l'm

•Ir'j.... V.-i,,*»i.,|,„"

Ikdll •! IL. •([lll« vdV*I'.-: If IBtleft.l.^^ r*T It.' ••hi f/,»X Ikrllh.y I'e ^-rwi Ihkliaai^I" it tBll-.elr't I

>>^6..ll-.«r.h>|«>l«III i

I • »-rill'i.«'h I fivro *r-A.n^tl Ulaj.rb,. Th«t'li'l. I« U):l/ an4• -I.I eel Ids rtlall

>l1«l''l.«l*lri*r>|MW«r.f ti.f<i(«it


i 'f.lt.'t t<^. ^linlKAln/Mrklbfwtflbif )'! wxBl gefi,*' cf lt4M

,(h anH *rN« l<. Jar *• |LU «iM i."! •piitt iiaU. A-HrMNATIONAL MFC. A IMPORTlNO OqZl< Psorborn Birast. Chtoaao. Ill,

4JANT DKrV.irr m*i/ iimmMti UMudM« fr*N ral ahMil*. HamtltrA.t TfiV. Lm KM mM u VmM^ r«:rW litt» U/*l Oat ^tk: •>^ kutL W* 4n*MluHf bmIb ttMW«4

t|MUl|riM«. HmIL' (I. b, r*<T*M fe«l4alMlW fjiilil4rf«w,ta*.l«tofHll«aal«nC0LimBoNal«Tm|i^nihw






g"7 BeelurLCtrL Street,NEW YORK.



BUU.wH.lLI»«Tort.DM.«^»}_GEO. J. MILLIfa, M»B»|«r OreU Aid«i)«m rtnuoi

I SlrtS S?Sfiyi,Toa do prtS'i'f^pAjS'JC

N IillTuiS7o" b». b«.. 'V-ITg5|{/J°o'^B„.

liliiffofwort,»l»looOprti«worti, iiip«r»n« idi,

k>r Om onl.r for pwtr 1du> »»" ^"'VI?"b>T« G«t« mud nt » noill* oeaiioD. I »l«»jii»lr

I owa > «re»t dwl ofmy^i^Et blpnienU, meani oTeiyUilBf to

'foadMJmSirhuirtJMitbuki IlodlrwuptUxin,•Dl nuliemr Tin buoiibu for U» proapirllr Ttu


u noblr 4~.rT.. To.nmU^^ DAVIDBOH.

. T. FBABBOrB ^JBraiflEl^

IUrwt Amorleu B<l^'lo!,u<lJWiilloi_Co.

rOR I89S1 OENTLUIBM: Art«r bHiDi iMd joar work forlbo

putno THf*. It iffoiili n» ptunir* to ujr, It bubm1 II 1 1 If afh rput two JMfP. 11 UIOIM OlOpi~™™ lo ••jr. "

IB rmmm«Bdta( aamo IilglUy.

nwtrlal niMinn and lb« bniuMa pflbllo i[eD«nll7|

•III, I aai lara, •ppfaolMe_Uia food •laoatloD aod

I.«mvi alUPtloB wblJ y^'yfJ'bJiJ»5,'H,'ri&8.

Proprltur of.

'Laad ol ibi HldolfbtSni," "Tbi Folleo Patn>L"

*nia Wblla BqaadlDD," ''T

"Mia," '

na DIUrlot Fair,"

- B. epulis* » mvi.•Tbo HMeltbl Alana,"*>A Tbroalb PalMDfer,''TbaDnbrlliKat."

I M<vTort,OM.>,UM.010. J. FBILIiIFS, Maiuiar Omt Amfrloan BmraT.

' DB&RBIB;TbapnoUoproBaf«ranllblaRni«lipioataioallont, aad iba prkaa Tary raaaOBBbl*.. I

•n naiai tSa ImpraMlon ibat It u al>o a mi.1 k_ala»a tiBB laanKBl^ AIMfKmiUtV a



I Tonr prompt •talpmenu u4 comet ooont

TH E3 .A.T I


"fooll Varj'tralr, " DATU A AOAim,AjIuds' Naw "A Ciaa; Lot" fo.

DBA! SIB: Aialaw oona Io tbawl»J op ol anolbtr

MLKD I taBT* BO cempUlat wbalavar uE!K la ?.SJa to iK «j />i b«"j;"<2,2r •JJslor Dilotioi: OTMTT erdoT wan piuica w«u

JohoF. Flald.' Dim-lblC-*!^„ j^,,

*'DEAB^E7'Tba Oiwl AamloM ^yStSlSIBSIbMdoDo tba aioiailt. PKoUai for WItB6E ortBiroMPAMT Ibr aarcBtooB raan aod wiu co»-llBua ID do aame fbr Boxt aaveBlaoB jaan,"bopa Caoluimota «oatrafl)o«ihJlj,laopa.

t wilbarOpaia Oo.

Toroato, Oa4, Oao a, law.

HT DBAS MB. PBIIUFS: I amTtnmaeli pluud

raoomnaod kOB,

TPHE SECRET OP BEAUTY of the^ complexion, hands, and hair, in thou-

sands of instances, is found in the perfect

action of the PORES produced by CUTI-OURA SOAP.gold IhmuboBl Iho worid. Britbh dtpeti F. Bit.

•laT » Boai, I, mat Einri-a^ if9°">;, JnriaPaco » OaaM. Coar.i Bola Plapa. Bauo, V. S. A.


Afl B.'WBiriE, Bar. "Allea Patrol" Oo.Bobolea, W. J , Dao 4. 18M.

^OBO J. FBILUre, B«l., Hp. OiaU Am. Bog. aad

MT DEAB US: In an Iba thaaoleal antorprlaal I

bata rapraaaaud danof mr Ibaatneal araar, it ainima pliaaora Io laltllrloi to iba raparlor qnBUlrBd Iba hoBoaty of tba work, dooa bj Uia

b.«. abid. ,0. "'f-fW^ff^Sggirt.Maaaaar OormaslaTbaatia, Bobokon, N. J,

OBO. J. PBILUP8. Mtoaaor., ^

FRIEND OEOBOB: Wa lira J«»t cIOMd "ijSb'JJSteaufal aaiaoa wlih tba MOTELTIBa aod NBW TOBKBTARB ImoiteoDpltmaol 700 for Iba aar 700 baraOllod all m7 oidtri, Bot OBa iblpmoBt bau« bo-blBd dBxlBg »• eBtln aaaaOB. PraparOoorall to ooomtTea «oik on mj oaai uawo'i oooliut

Toor« aa evar, OOB HILL, Bola Prop, and Mgr.

Ooi Hlll'a HoTalllH and Haw York 8l»ra.

Kaw Tork 0117, Dae, a, ISI,

OBO. I. FniLLIPB. , , ,DFAB BIB: Toar ihlpmaati of paoar raoalrad

pnmptir ob flina at bU atsBda BBd bI-Waya IB food abapa, aod aU maoaura wa doboalDMi wIUTapatk of it & Uu blMMt lama

TouriaipocthllT. jftlLBMITB^For B. W, WlUlaoi' Dm Co.

OBO. :. PBILLira, Vaoagar Otaat Amarlcao EofiaTlogaod PnoUof Oo,

, ^ ^ ,

DBAB BIB: I am paifaotlr (atliAad vltb tha prloUonIbidfromFODlaatMaaoo- AUoidan ware print-edweU BBd ahlpped prompUF, lhaialoA I glraTOO tba eonuaa again loT tbia fiaaoo Toon raipaot.

InU7, O, J, FBBanSON,Oaoartl Managar, Adtn Forapaoab Olrooa

OBO. J, FHILUPg, Iftnagar Oraat Amarloan Bngiailogaod PrloUagOo.

DBAB SIB: WoBldBOtglweBByoUira'pilBt-ermir work aaloog aarAdo It ai laiululorujaa70Q Ura dootlt Io Uiomat Toon tmlr,

FBANK W MASON, Sola Maoafar,Balaa Broi ' **BoBPt7 Domptr" Co.

OEO.J. PBILLIP8, HaDlgar Oiaat imattcaa PrIoUogGo.

MT DEAB FBILLIPS: Draw ma op a eoobraet formfoait aaaMO'f prlotlng. Too bava fbrolabad oa wluprintlog forl^a paat loar KMcooi, and 1 can chea^tally asr Ibat eweiylblBiB haa baea veryaatUfbcurwy to ne. and yon are OBtllled totbe coBtnet agalB. TonfiM «ar,


FBBD D. BTBAFFIN, Maoanr. Saawn tmm.Blngbimton, K, T., Dm T, lOt.

OEO.J. PBILLIP8. Eat,DBAB BIB: Toor pr^oUnt If emallaat. aad am

peaftetly aatlalled wllb <be aame. «III alao

.uta tbat for promplaua tha Oraat Amanean leadatbe world. Toon toit taipaatfoUF,

A, L. BLODOEfT, Bataa Bioa' "BomptT DamptrT Co.UBO J PHILLlrB,Eli|.,HgT.aiaatAm.Eog.aadPllnt



NEW YORK.,nompI«a« Bt««kof GOLD AIID Rib-

UaI^IUALS for COSTUaiES a'l Iba PRolSsifiB

boo.,ms^ss^if^^--^''^B.B,|3l)Danaloor pramliaa

(0, ladlMSiao, oagra. SOCnmid. ooTIOHTh (oor own mak. aod la-— .(tadneKrladL Io Cotton 9So. (tadnead from (I.IO): buif lilL

ibloowl Colton, il.TB (wwr batter uao S3 00 worvlMU.bt),°^«iadi Wor.^, WW: 81lk,|l«0 a»l gtlO:

b<atBhk,l7<a W<urrTa.b.da.loouliqoallRudiluIn .look, aod mako to ord.r to roar davA. Padded Uibu

SBBSb FAINTS. POWD«fifi ud BtiWWOHK7 (naar.iu .a|.nutortkaa,B.), FHOOg'IflMSk SNAKES' HBADH, ettg lor coDior.

tlonUULUi naw (paleotMHIlabt maieilal. PorfMl Inlia.


tIJ. to



. avi'i'iuN FninoKa from luu.a 7aid) to lOln, daap. Openwork Lacaa dold

ainipaBtalda. I^ca., Oordi, Bnlllon Flowwa, ato, u locb

BATin In araiT .bad.. «a, 01:,"^Jl,*l ' IJ"',FloAw TelrMaaoa Talrau, TIHIIRL BhO-riouaa,.

•j;i"^„HOIiar8HUCLD», IIEL-wonDS,DAOOJUi^

^.Bfian. »• loi

~U0>: OLiOOg. al'la ate gPANOLE.,


blADEBR^ CRoWlfa, QIROIiBS, RECK-,^J,g^JjJ.,




Ad4TMf 3,011 Tbomu Bt, BL Looli. Mo.

MISCELLANEOUS.WONDERFDLI'^*'^BOften.Mmu^ aadw whatyoa wlU |6l


PI»M6 fOtt lora. WABfBL. Photogrtobar. C4dH 0.

A. GOODRICH, UWYER.:^'Sri£:-S;:Lf.Silaaal and onlla. BianiJiM and IMillllaa In olb.r BUlai.



It Is not all doUsrs and o«nts that we are in baslnesa for. There mnst beI pleunre In It too. If yon are not exactly pleased with your printer try as.

Cheap and nasty prlntlnjr arriving next day after show leaves town, is notquite so deairable as clean and neat printing always on tima



IA PEW ITew BlockswlU be SpeoisUyEngraved to Order, and PaperFamish-

ed from Same In LABOB QVAKTITIES at 4a per sheet. In 5 colors.

It will coat bat !1 centa to obtala oar prlcea, and perbape will tawe yoaaany dollara.





McAvoy and May,oomoAL onss. saue as huh.


SUtlllia-HoipMne Habit Oared la 10

llHlllH to aOdaya. No pay till oared,Wi IWIW Pr. J, SlepheB.. LebBB0B,0.

1. B. HILLES, LAWYEB,TBBA^^SA^tf-M'iSfiirfMilSf.^CONF,.


ZAMBESI DIAIIII0ND8,rrr;&^£d Intndnad for tba Siat Uma A Amanea at tt.

WOBLD'8 FAlB,«bare Ibap oaatad nob a MoallooonaeeonntoftbairbrUlUnor and Sna mt-Uia nauMIwptoaob to tbe laDOln. diamond 7at duooraied, bar.

Ini an tbe Ore and prtimaue ooloia ol tba ganolna.

bAoIAL FBIOBB to U« ptofMalon. For fnll paitln.

bunTptlMa, .10., lood. aispad 0. O. Aargaa prapaU.wlthprlTUafaoraiafflleaaoD..ddtau

'fc. a EODKIMB > Daarbora Bt, Obleaio.

YOU CAN TATTOOIf 700 know bow, aod Itjoo want to know bowwnd II OO

and wa will mm 700 a oompl.ta oiiUlt, loolodlot a Mtol One MMdlt. I. Budlu, one BUck ol Blaok Ink aod

OnaPaakanol Bad, made aipn..l7rorUllaolag (nil.

10k gaannlaad le canM 00 KiaoM. and oar.r Ma)Alao nmplala lailraoUon. for daalfolog and tattoolii|,

Ala) lecrat for ramorlok Ultooioa of 007 klod. Pia.

pared b7 .»p.rlioo«l irtiooara A«ra«yV. H- -NO Ljlj,_

10 E. Columbia Bt. FL Wa7M, lod.


Billiard a&d Pool Tables


Aquatic and Athletic Performances,

Baseball, Cricket, Bicycling, Rac-

ing and Trotting Records, Bil-

liards, etcn


Records of Fastest Time and Best Per-|

formanoes in all Depart-

ments of Sporte



145 W. leiH ST- N. Tap. .—IB acllre preparallOB. •THE OILT BDOB ENTBRTAIHSnS.'*

SAH BERIIAIID it DAN McAVOY, Jdaaagera and Prapa.



ImiUUoD li ih* moil ptoDonnMd fl4U«t7 tbat cm b* bMiovod apon muklod. tbanfon wo ooo binllr oom-iililo ol oor DontiOQO ImltotoiL Of Mono o parrot or mookoy cu imit&to, bat k» woald not pUco Ihow «boiioTobooo boDtfiled byibt produot of oor braloi opoo that IotoL bot wowlUaai (or tfa«b«Boat of tboM pfgnrbninKt ponou wbo caint to our drouloi room Id a Woilom oltj uodcr avomad naffloi, and altompted hj itrsta-torn to SM oar AUT from tho«lovi,*BpMtlo| toao*anbaalmaitlaarrB*oroL«h1ch Id thetr poMoaaloo wooM•oabl* tboro to perform Mm* or oor inoki, ifIhoM lODtloman vlU oa*l ftialo.knowiiif tholr Idaottly. wo vill|[1adlrt«aobtLrntbat«hicb tbay doalre to learn, raUior tban ib» tboold ooatlaao lo batchar oar offoiu oforlKtoallijIniboihaiiioIolinaoofrtbtTdid attaorttimoaaoin Ba(Iato.N.T. ToBro,«lo..



Baag with tremeadoao aacoe.a by BoatOB^a moat popalsr olager, UARIBWARRBl, aad maay otber piofeaaloaal IBwovltea.S9- Bead proaramme aad tea oeata for dealera* copy. (To laore profeaalOBal copleawill be laaoed. No attoBlloB paid lo lellen dewlatlBB tnm tbe foresolBB reqaeaCAtlBRICAII MOBIO PVBLISHINO CO., No, ID Baal Plneaatb atreetrNew Tork City,

To -i4l11 Whom it IMay Concern.Altar tba pioMot .atMn, b7 motaa] agra.m.Dt, tba Bnn of



wlU dlBolre parmanbip, Oao. Clark lUmllllan b.rIng p.rahuad all riahu ud UUa ol Uia abota eompanr and«ni oooUoo. lor ooniog aaaion of laM^ 17. B, WalHn baring laoncbed Into tb. FaToa00D.d7 l.ld^ar"


iltalF n.w ptMa, aotiUad





I<awu<u< mart alMait miM, U-S^^^MOMABB OUBBIOMi, BUUaid ll>»«»Il»»^ SJSJ""oaaa,ata of oorows manalaatafoud tmpomdoa.

TB BBDMBWICB-BALIB-OOLlBiroBBOOjOhiaaiQh OlaelnnaU, BLLoala, fcoFraooiao



0._I..JM>WD'B HBAI/TH EUCBROISBB.A. For OanUMn.o. LadiM, TooU* ub-

lau or loTalld. Oomplala gFmoul.m


takMSIn.alOoor room : new, acMollOft

doiabla ebup. lodoiMd b7 10>R>pbyUolana lawrara, Ol.rg7inao, edij;

or* ud olbon oow ouog IL IJIM-

tmlid alreoiar, 10 aograTloga Ina,

Addtaa. D. L. PtWD, BoimHBo fbin.al and Total Onllor>» B: Uib Bt,l'.T,


a AKD n OZMTBB BTBEETj Now York Cllji

Praaaeeu all IbeOouta, Clrll and OrlmUuT Bpwuuatantloa giro to tbe ooltoeHon of alalm. and datt. o>

aU biada, oiajiepenlloa ol wnemaati and oU.r Ufa.


nCaina obain. Srad tt. nmp (or,r>npi<nliggaiib.Bain.lia. loii Ollw Bt Uoi'.





TEE TBJM QUEEN PU6LISHIN0 COe, Limited, cohiiet

tllD ALL THBATBIOAL OOODS. Boanmr pelnladiplraad oaleklr. AualoBta nppll.d.CRAa, B. MILIS, l.«a Broadwar. Maw Tork Oltr MAGIC LANTERNS

Banplo paiu. (Baad Minek.O N.A UO .HI m. JaD««fi<

Jnetont. Pr«o.. Meatroal, Cu.

VICTOR >?p'S?TT*^c'i%5^-


•to oimUrt &«•.-jarori," IISI Waab-Btnot, BNioa, iHi.

AND STEREOPTICONSMwd Ik. artud fbapM B«. .loliM UMblu •*

OoUwM, S*k».lk udB.adar *«n.^„<'" Tanaral It «lm,iriM>ul.i Aar, Sauc H*"*^

" r» .iwaeA»..aaa<t.m Pari.r EoUrUlawat. m,,,u%l>(,°J*tmt* M luwaMK m tmilSi. CTOkaiek Katertal.m.ala. rakU, EiklM-»u .a P*e- m %^ aaeaaa a a^AMrvmu.M.MiM*'/*'a, "--^oAY ELL.^r2Hsr-5s

irii. UrmM a knot& a bgAg'S5Jt??


Scanned from the microfilm collection of

Q. David Bowers

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and

Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley

Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight

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