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Invitations \

mailed for

Reception More than 2,000 1pecl1I lnvil••

Ilona hll't bten malled to mtm• btrs ol the Ameriun Hierarchy, clerey, Rell1lou1 and laity for the lorthcomln& l::ttltslutk1I Reception !or Coadjutor Arc1"' bishop G :or:e J. Dlskup. The reremonle, will be held In SS. Peter and Paul Calhtdnl al 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10.

ROME-Archbishop Jbhu F, Dearden or Detroit, 'Presidcint of the . National Conference' or C a t h o I I c Bishops, announced heri, .(~cpl. 28) that the bishops

) the United States have •fapproved the introduction

..-Jar the vernacular Canon of , the Mass on October 22.

Archbishop Dearden Is Rome !or the world ""od



Text ol the En1llsh Canon w11 almo,t unanimously approvtd

4 by the American bishops 111I ~u.ne and will be lnlrod~~rl ,Into the M 111 with the consent of the Holy Sec on I temporary buis, 11 the sot, permitted The uecullve committee of VOL, VIII, NO. 1

the Reception also announced --.-, ---. -------------------

this week that the mnl ,.,111 be. THREE CARDINALS optn ,lo the cenenl public.


NameCl to liead body . .

Oll eCOilOIIliC affairs

In making the 1nnouncement,L Archbishop Dearden explained that no new bookl or mlsula of ~ny kind will be nttded to put \h, eh1nge Into elfect. Altar ml111I Inserts containing the new text will be distributed for the use ol priests throughout the counlr)' bclore October 22. Later, three or· four 1lltrn1le

~ -r Archbishop Biskup will con• celeb:1te I Pontifical Mm 11

1h11 time ,..Ith Archbishop Srhultt, Mscr. Cornelius B. Sweent)', V,G., P.A., Bishop Leo A. Pursley ol Fort Wayne-South Bend, Bishop Andrew 0rulka of Gary, Bishop Paul Leibold of E1·1nsvillt, and Bishop Raymond J . G1ll1gher of Lafayette. . , texts will probably be Intro,

&ured. A IANQUl!T for members of ly MSGR, J , P. DONNILLY the entire Church for their ,olu- for the previous year and • }

the lllenrch)', clern, Rellelous tlon throu1h the Latin American bud1ct for the following yeJr to THE APPROVED translation and Invited lilly "'ill follow the VATICAN CITY - Pope Blshop1' Counell, (CELA~~). present !or the Pope's approval Is the work of the fotern1tlon1l Ecclesl11tlc1I Reception 11 the Paul VI has named a com- In hi• new JH5'I he replaces -coordlnatlna •1.1 Investment, Committee on English In the Sloulfer Inn. mission of three cardinals Cardinal Carlo Confalonlcrl who and Important undertaklnas of Uturgy, set up three years ago

Pro1·l1lons are beln& made to to head the Holy See's new- remains prefect of the Congrc, the Holy See and overseeing by 10 Engll1h-l1n'gu1ge hler,

MARKS 71TH BIRTHDAY-Pope Paul VI observed hl1 70th birthday on Tuesday,_ Sept, U . The Pontllf. h still recuperating from tho lllntu ti\~! •!ruck him thr11 w1tk1 •11•: His phy1lcl1n1 report that "conclusl••" • •ray eumln1llon1 glnn urller tliTs w11k lndlcat, that tho Pope Is mtkln1 notable progr111 under 1ntlblotlc therapy and that "lmmtdlate surgery" Is not lndl• catid. Ho plans to Ilk• part In the opening of the Bishops' synod today,

1110"' twe mm·ed seat, In the ly established prefecture or 1atlon for Bishops <former Con• th archles. 11 Is the result of .. ,o, Cathedral for lilly from every economic affairs. · slstorlal Con1re1at1on). · em, operation among theological, F d P. h t • d parish In the Archdiocese. Oen• h I l ISTAl[ISHMINT of • pre• · • E11mlnln1 and If necu, liturgical and literary experts irst syno sri'P O oig1st n·ame enl 1dm\11lon sull,wlll at,o be Presld~nl of I e comm u on, f•cture 'of •conomlc alfalrs wu~ ovcrseelnc ecnenl and de• • 1 1 • \., · • • 1v1111ble. which will come Into being as • • and has rcce 1·cd 1pprova from

of January I, II the former 1ub, announced lut Auiuil In 1 11 led bulldlne • nd rep~lr proj, nine ronlcrencrs of bishops. The program of 1pe1ken 1I 1tllute secretary for ordinary documerit ···~•tlna lone ex, eels._ of b1· shops b s . l 8 . .

elude: muter of crremonles- of State Cardinal ,. A n ·1 e Io Curia, the central or1anlutlon • lmposlne • lax I th t th II I s h d the Stoulfer's banquet will In• •flairs lo the Papal Secretariat peeled reform of the Roman to sust~ln Al the same time II WIS an, r OCla ·e· rv1~es Msgr. Raymond T. Boaler; repre, Dell'Acq~a. The other two 111l1Un1 the Pope In the aov• the ~postollc Ste's 1dmlnlstra• nou~cei , a e

O l' cc a

enflnc .the l11ty-Thom11 Mur, membtrs are Penn1yll'lnl1,bQrn ernment of the u n I v er • • I lion co1l1. . conhrmcd lhe u.s.• bishops' t d phy, representing the Slaters- Cardinal Francis Brennan, for• Church. 8'llon In approving English opens O ay The appointment of a lull,tlme ., )I th •1 Philip r-lb o s B, d f h s d R • Checking on and reportln1 translations ol all the ordin•• . r llnic1I psvchologlll for the ·• 0 er • •ry ;,,o • • • ·• mer ean ° I e acre oman The apostolic constitution, to the Pope concernln11 all proJ• lion scn·kes and the rite for ' representing the priests-Very Rota, ,hlah church court, and Realmlnl Ecclulae Unlversu, , ad . By ROIIRT A. GRAHAM, S.J, Catholic Social Services agency Re1·. Francis Tllohy;' repreaenl• Cardinal Maximilien de Fur• spelled out that the prefecture ec s lnvolvlna extraordinary • the ronstc~•llon of bishops. The VATICAN CITY-Up lo a few was annou~ced this week b>• Fa-ine the City of lndl1napolls- 11tnber1, former apostolic nun, " coordinates all administrations mlnlilratlon. full text will ~e printed •nd dis• days bclore the deadline Vall- thcr Donald L. Schmidlin, Mayor John· Barton{· , repJtstnt, do to Portu1al. of the Holy Ste', IOOd and Aside from the thrae-eardlnal ~ut~do •~ ~he bishop, by lbe can wo...,mcn w•rc still busUy agency director, In, lhe Stale• of ndlana-Lt. ' watches over them." Until now commission, the pre.lecture will O c O tr. ' " ' Gov. Robt~I Rock; Archbishop On the same day (Sept. ZI) there have been four aeparate eventually have I secreliry, an putting final touches on the Named was Robert II. Riegel, Schulle· 'and response from Cardinal Antonio Samore, until 1 1 d I hi Ith I LI ht p } a•sembly h1IL.whcrc,-beglMln11-.-natlvc- of- St:-blulrwhirtra•- _,...._,.. Archbls


b~ BlskUR re~,t.qtly secretar)l.ufoc,.._ei1t1~ rJan Ill ona on& .!_ 1 w aero ntant ien3ra ,JJ]! I J .. ., ~tora· today, nearly 200 bishop, art• doctoral candidate In psycho!• --...:.:=-=-=~-== ''-'-- ordinary church affaln, WIS ala nc compelencta. • r";oun~•~ls,...an 1

11body of,eler, a.:, gathering !or the historic. lint ogy at the Catholic Unll'cnll>'

MIANWHILI, It wu an, named president of the Ponllfl• The constitution lists the pre• ca an •Y consu on. synod ol Bishops. of America. lie ohtalned a . nounce~ that lloly Cr011 parish cal Commlulon for Latin Amer• lectures' dutlea u : As with most blah curial posts • d 1traduate degrrc from George In lndl1n1poll1 ..... preparlna lo lea. . henceforth, the three cardinals Issue on The arrhltects hll'C done lhrir Washington· University In Wash, receive the new Archbishop 11 • Aud1lln1 bud1els, of admln, have bten appointed · for five, best with what they wrrc given, parish administrator -, Unlll nuw Cardinal Samore lstratlon1 which "depend on the I hi h b but the hall Is already being lngton, D.C.

· nu been vlce,prtaldent of the Holy See 11ven thou1h they are year d e~m• w • 11m•r. " re• d ' - ·1 •eollcd b)' com mcntalou thr Riegel was lormeri)' lm·olved The services of two Sisters of 11me commlulon, tslabUshed to a certain extent or even fully n~:-:i• th ~I ~~•or~b ca y cease stu y p an "Church ol the Catacombs." with pcuonnrl administration at

•Pro1•ldence - Sister Catherine by Plus XII In 1958 for a unified autonomous." w e ea O e pope. 1 1 1 d Clare and Sister Mary Kevin- study of Latin American rell• , In lntroduclna the curia re• The decor els anything but Johns llopk ns Un,i·ers I)' on have bt,en secured for the houte• 1lou1 problems and to promote • Preparln1 1ener~I accounl• form document 10 the preu, An hlstorlr Joint pastoral let• 1rlum11halistlc. Instead ol the dfd field work ~nd internship In hold staff of Archbishop Biskup. ,coll1bonted elfort1 on part of ,ng of receipt, and expendlturts ~bar. Giovanni Pinna who was tcr lrom the Archbishops ol In• ~~g;~i:."dPef~~~OA~~~• s!-':;:,\~~~ ~l~~~~a~nd ~~:

1~~~!1\~n Uni~~: : ....:...:m:i.lill. ,., ,.;;, • < __.:.i;it....,__.._, . .:,..;&.1--....:::.=iw:.:::i.-..t, secretary of the commission ,llan•polls and Louls1·1Uc and , slly's Child Center.



ti6t Arc66i~op, r,/ie Clagy, ti~ Rtligious, and f;/it uity

of I&

Arcfuliocnt o! ~ia~lis

Cordially lnPift. !IOU lo 1M

&claiufial .Rtctp(ion of

Coadjutor Arcli6is6op Qeorge ~- Bisliup lo Ii, li,ld In

SS. Ptftr and Paul Cattitdnl' 9ndwupoli,,9ndiana

0eti&r 10, JN7 at 11.00 P.M. G.S.G.

~k&rating flit Holy Mu,;

~ ·PAMI C. Sc&uk,, D.D.

~ 0-,- ~.Mup,D.D. BiJiop t:.o A. Punlq, D.D. BiJiop Andra, {indb, D.D.

Moe.~,. Qalla;i,t, D.D. Mop Paa! :1. CdkU, p.D.

Mal,- Corn,lu B. s.-g, \1.Q.



Hit ~. AicliBiJiop Qtorg, ~-Bi.&p, DJ~. Mew, 11 a ,.._..•If !lit ~I lllwltatltll te the lcclttlutlcal ....,.._· fer Ctallllutw A,....., 0eertt J, 11111• te lie htW at II, ,tter llflll ,au1 Calhl4tal t11

Tllltlllar, Oct, 11.

which drew II -up, compared 1hr the Bishop 01 Evansl'illc will be 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111: prefeeture to the posl of auditor read at 111 Masses In the three aeneral and budaet mi'l!!tJcr In dioceses this Sunday, The letter Editor.Ill, P1g1 4 1ome 1overnment 1truclur'es, will outline plans lor the upcom, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 mg study, " Altcrn1t11·cs In ,

ALL FOUR cardinals named Catholic Educallon."' will rind· themsrll'rs In a base• to the new posts became mem• ment or the \'atlcan Palace for, bers of the college of cardinals The putoral letter by 1hr mcrly used !or .;taring unusable durlna the consistory held hera three ordinaries lj, the first to ort uhJccu-ln , hart. thc.k Int June, he Issued on a re~lonal basis, room.

A strengthened marria~c and lamll)' counseling pro~ram will result lrom Rlcgel's appoint• ment, accordlnR to Father Schmidlin. In addition to coun, scllng · rouplcs and whole f~m• Illes, the agency will oiler J ndl, vldual therapy for family mcm• hers and group therapy for mar, rled couples.


ltlcgel will also provide psy, chological e\'3luatlon' and test• Ing ol cl\lldren In the agenc>•'s raseload, lncludinG children to he 11larcd In foster homes, The cunsultatlon work with the agency done by other psycholo, gists and psychiatrists wll be coordinated by Riegel. The 13,year-old Cardinal Bren,

nan, a native ol Shenandoah, Pa., aerved for 19 yun as 1udl, tor or Judie of the Rota before btln& named Us dean In 1959.

Netherland~r' Cardinal de Fur-1lenber11 11 &9. Both 83-year-old Cardinal Dell'Acqua and Gl• year-old Cardinal Samore arc from northern Italy,

allhoui:h bishops or the lndlann <:athollc Conrcrcncr hal'e fo r, merly sponsored Joint stole• ment1. ~

THE SYNOD wa s conccil'cd as an expre ,Ion or sign ol the bishops' partlclpallon "'Ith the Pope In go1·rrnmcnt or the Uni, 1·rrul Church, "Altern1tlves In Cathnllc Edu,

cation" will be I cooperative project ol the Indianapolis anti II Is also a , mechanism hy Louisville Archdioceses ind the which th~ notional hierarchies Evansville diocese, It will in, can ha,·,, direct and Immediate

Twenty-one are named ,

l\1erit semi-finalists i•olve parents, clergy and Rell• accc» to '1hr pontllf. From the Twent>•-onc seniors In Arch, glous In I total re-appraisal of Pope's standpoint It is also a the Church's teaching mission, means ol sharln~ some or the diocesan Catholic high schools

Lutheran' pastors of which parochial schools arc awe,lns11lrln~ responslbillty lhal have been named scml-flnallsts only one facet. weighs on his shoulders in one In the National ~lcrlt Scholar•

or thr ~realest transformations hi p , d make a retreat

at Saint Meinrad

Parish dlscuulons, opinion• 'In Church history. s P . rogram, ii was announce nalru, an lnlormatlon program this week. They arc amonR ap, ullllzln~ all media, and research Rcsponslbllit>' also mean, proxlmatei)' 14,000 scml-linalist• 10 ldenllfy the ,tale of present blame, for nobody conlcmplat• In the nation, constituting len educational pro1r1ms and fl clll• Ing the turmoil ol the post-con• than one per cepl of hlEh 1chool

ST, MEINRAO, lnd,-Twenl)'· ties are • part ol the ln,dept1! cillar decade dares to uy that seniors. •

meter, Terence ~I. Porter and Timothy J . Sehr: Ladywood­)laurccn T . .Ellloll and ~lary C. Wheelr r: ltltter- Elalnc \Veth• lngton : Chatard - ~llchael A. Mahcrn: Our Lady of Provl, dcnce tClorks1•lllc)-Mlch,cl J. E1•c: Schulte (Terre ll1ute)­)lary A. U!iot. • Terre Haute area

has ~,784 pupHs five Lutheran pastors of south• study, lnlllal phases of the serious miscalculations arc not The studenu were the highest west Indiana participated In I effo rt will 1et underway before golnR to be made at top lci•el. scorers In their states on the one day retreat held yesterday Chrlatmu, with the entire 1tudy The 1ynqd wu also lhought of National Merli Scholarship at St. Jude'• ouut House here expected lo take at leut 1lx aa I\ rounterb1l1nce to the In: Qualllylng Test, gil•en last Feb, conducted by •~e Benedictine months. flucnce that the Homan Curia ruary lo 11:r.oo schools. The)' in grade schools monb of SI Melnrad Arch• has long had on the papal office. have now advanced lo the sec• abbe · ' Headquarters for the re11lonal This factor, however, has been ond step In competition for

'I , , education 1urvey will be the much dlmlnlshcd by the chan1es about 2,!100 Meflt Scholarshlp1, Father Colman a ir ab e rt, .Catholic School Office In Jndlan• now In the ollln& an!l announced valued at more than S8 million.

0,8,B., of the 'St. Me In rad apolll, by Paul VI. . School of TheoloCY faculty, I I I SIX SENIORS each fro,n the spoke Thursday moraine on Text of the Jo nl pastora et• Inevitably the natural Instinct Latin School of lndl1n1poll1 and "How I Catholic Views the Lu• ter will appear In next week'• 11 to think of the 1ynod of Bl1h• Brebeuf Preparatory School arc

• therao Reformation of the 18th Criterion. • ops In the ume terms. 11 Vall, National Merit aeml,finallall.

TERRE IIAUTE, lnd.-A total ol 1.784 pupils are enrolled, In elementary schools In the area, 1ccordln11 to fl1uru released by the Deanery Board of Edu• catwn. Schools and enrollments arc:

Centul'l' " · can II. But !here are many Winners In other lndlanapoli1 ' , An,..lican Catholic dllferences and not &Imply the Catholic hl1h school• are: G•· St. Patrlck'1-S31; SI. Mar-The Lutheran view of the ir:, ' 1m1ller number or members, thedral-3: Ladywood-2; Rlt• aarel Mary's-JOO: S • c red

ume Reformallon was deliv• h I • The new body Is only advisory ter-1 · Cbatard-1. Our Lady Heart-271: ·St. Benedlct's-lSS; tred Thursday afternoon by t eO ogaanS meet . and doe1 not have the council'• of p,;,vldence Hl&h School ,al St. Ann's-127; Annuncl1tl011, Rev, Harold Sc.bmldl, a Vin• le&11latlve powers, The number Clarklvllle hu one seml•flnal• Br1111-151; Sacred Heart, Clln·

, cennea pastor. NIJIIEOEN Netherland• - of question, on which 111 advice lat II does Schulte Hllh School, ton-110; St, Mary'• VIU•I-Seailarlullon'in the Church wu has been asked 11 limited, and Te~re Haute. 14; St. Leonard's, Weal Tent

Tbt partlclpatln& retreatant• studied here at a meetlna of these cover relatively practical llaute-73. rtprt1eoted three Lutheran Jur• ' An&llcan and Catholic theoloa• bread and butter matters. '!Ile seml-flnall1l1 are : Latin lsdlctlonl-·Am1rlcan Lutheran 'School-Stephen P. Fountain, Teacbln& 111111 Include 4' . Church, Lutheran Church or 1001 (Stpt. 23>. Thia la upeclally true of 1uch Thomu c. Orlaley, Michael A. Slater• of Providence, I lilttn America and the ll_)uoUrl Synod Tbe meeUn1 wu 111ended by aaenda Items II the llturalcal Madden, Frau II. Manalol, of St. Francia, 1 prlut1 and IT Lutheran Cbureb. about eo Calholle and .a An• chan111, the revlalon of canon John s. Nlcbola and Jamea R. lay teachers.

allcao prlnll. law •!Id the reform 01 aemlnary Watson. · Schulte m-i. School1be1111 Ila ,,._ •• ....... education. • ... Ith , --r \le• •• TIM meet1111 closed with an From Brtbeuf: Terry E. current achoo! 1ear w UT

WASHINGTON - The U.S. evenil1 aervlcta prealdtd over Some crucial recommend!· Doeler, Michael J. Lari•>'• Rob, atudtota and a faculty o1 U. !Ufbopa' Commit tit for Latin II)' Prof, s. Bonlln&. an ,An1Ucan Ilona may be reached OIi the erl E. McCabe; Jolin W. Peter• Rell Ion claaaes •for atudeota America -II II made a fl0,000 tbeolOlian who ttacha at the quutlon of n_i..!_aed marrl11e1. aon, John R. Stark and Hayden auen..fna public achoola 111 tlle araot to I coo~raUve In Sucre, C.lbolle Uolvenlt11 ol NIJme1en. On 1h11 maUer, If not unlfo~~- ll. Wetul. area are held ,1, Glmla Cottr Bolivia a, a dlltrlbutloo from The lfflllOII wu preached by II)', at 11111 conalstency la m..el\ , ~ Iha NaUooal Collectloa Fund for the Ill\', 'p, wllkir of Cam• dea!red for clrcum1t111ct1 var/ OTHIR WINNIRS Include: In St. Joaeph • parish foraMr Latia America. \ brld1t Unlvtnll)', ~&)and. (Contlnutd,011 p111 1) ~•llltdral - Jo11ph S. :•m• school b~lldln1. •

.-• • I


THI CltlT.lt,ION, SIP!lf"Hlt21 1"7

Catholic education: its changi11g needs only with all me~• open lo Ina '-center, the' rtsource cuter ~llferent or1anl11Uoo1 pla1111ln1 lorm11iol10 ~ealon and ha,,{ wlltn' and 11U.::,W. OIi I.be a~ alld __ ,, .. ,.,, '1'1• 1111......,. a ca.._. ~•

'-lllol th, prtss. complex and the lurnln1 cen, It. TbrM pt0ple Ill ch1r1t or 1h11 lnlorm1Uon translemd point of ~mt," lie addt tber DtDetD ,._. ltnlcfuN 1 ~ , • · Th, purpo•r or the symposium fet with library • factlillu and reli1lou1 educ•tlop pro1ram1 ·down to the dlouun Intl," , · ' ' •

1 • • .,,

ASIIII\G <;>:-. - The Is to rrrnlualr American Cath• , 1,u ronlcally planntd modern can be a wute," uy1 Fathtr 11y1 Father Dtnttn. · l'ATHl..,..KOOI favor, re• If l!'.tthlr Deneen•, •111111, Whether· you conaldtr' the I que 1,on Cath• olir etlurition alter Vallcan taurooms." . . Koob. 1urch which co111ldtn the mtnt la lrut, the NCEA l)'m• Church'• main work I IOC.lal

ol ratio toda)' and 10 tlr,·r lop possible c- OHi MAJ9l AIIIA . nttdia, cha~cin1 archltecturil clulan1 po,lum will dlacuu mahy of the action or mlulonary ,!7, Fa• concerns tht ~ h- lints lor thr luture. . l'alher ICMlt, acllva kr 19 A ntw rtli1leu1 e41Katlon m,1rch concerns the ellecll IJt education and the chanalna malltrt that parents eventually lhtr Koob you mi:.t a1J • 1

od1 the Chur~h should use \'Hr• In the l'hlladtlphla arch, 1trvcture mleht tl'Mrte "In- duired or Calbollc education concepl1 about tbt mlulon or may have to alve advice ,and • 7

more ' ellecti,·ely ser\'t all th•• THI NCIA 1< a oluntar)' dlH111n uhMI ay1t1m, would cluclln1 1clult etlucttlen, CCD and how thut can bt1t be ac, lht Cburrh. coa1,eat. " - · cohje down to I

compontat part pt0plt. aceordinR to thr two ? ll1J.l'a1 ion_ or Jnd duals and like 19 , .. auch • pr•l•ct and the Calhellc acMtl ay1)tm compllshed, 11y1 Father ~.!: ,;All 100 ortt11 WI have du 11. ' Toplca wlll probably Include: w ch lnvolvu ed_ucatlon. ' lop o!llclils ol the Satlonal on•t1tuhon ...... ntt"frstrd in Amrr- tried In • "downtawn pariah" tied taaethtr Int. - ,,., nttn. Thia lnvoll'ts dtltrminln1 caled the calhedril and lb~re • Whettie th • 1 r "Somewhere a,ona the line C~lhollc Eduratlon Auoclatlon kin Caihollr _t:ducalion,...,_ which 11 .... ,n, te pot." , '"'"!°' he note,. , ~hen Is lhe best ••• to ins!IU are a sood many v~plt who al'!' Catholic child e,na°!

0carb:,~~ you '" down to tuchlas people

(NCEA). At llll'lr \\ uhin~ton olllre. Other cxpcrlmenlal projects O 1 1 1

b, 1

thl 11lue Ndlmtnh, he 1111, and rncUna to ,thal'now," he sayt. achool h 11111 practical. . after you have fed thtm. You Father c . Albert Koob. O. Falhr rs Kooh a nd Drnrc·n ga1·e adl'Ocated Involve inner cily mo:e;en:•r, 0!1~• 0/ 1

111\ 11/ when II I per~on mature enouah "I believe It II quite slmpl• • What lo do for Catholl cet down to teachlna them how

Praem .. Exccullve Secretary nr • preliminary ree\'alu•tion re- education pro1rams under on, dlocuts say: F:Cher Dtaetr~ :~ accep'i/hr~tianlly wllh 111 ,to deslsn • bupdint now lhll children attendlna public achoo~ ~o ~~~ an~ wr~•- :: th

e)' 'f°t the !\CEA, and t'ather Ja'mrs It. rentir in • lengthy interview. ollicc. Cathollc' srhool supulllttndeni s comm men•· would stryt • mulU,purpou and Catbollc atlulla who netd In hw ore• .•a wr e, ,., a e Denee,n, usoclatc sreretary of Th,•)' a , ked l~r more cxpcrl., The two NCEA ollitlah ll\'or In Evansvlllt, Ind., from 1951110 Tht answen will belp us•de, openllon. It ua aerve for I be updated ab61al the chanallla ~.;;,ma ttep o/'J:"r11 ~ 111

!tJll!er, tho NCEA superintendents <le- men1a11on tnd rrsearrh on a research ' in the areas of !Inane- IW7. "Prrsonnel •ad financial lrrmln, lhe best -way to 1pead parl1h acl_lbol because · the Church. ,,1: FIOl~:r °Koo: '~A:d II t~y partment, stronRI)' aflirm that dlo.reun le rl. ing, school conslructlon, re- ruoureu are beloa reallocated lhe money needed to deVflop a schools lhemselve, ~•n have • Whether the Church thould kllOW ~at, you t~kt them •till slrueturrd Calholic education ls For inst•n~•· one projcet Fa- tralnina teachers and the trrcci, on the buia of a unile prosram structure, 11y, Father Koob, movable wan, and fluid areas. continue 11• school ·ayatem at the lurtlttr," · here 10 111>'· thrr Koob, "ould like Ill. sri:. Is dtilrcd from Catholic education. rather than two quite alien pro- The NCEA bud ls crlllca) of 'rlter., 11 "'! reason why th• Prttent pace, npand' lt or con- ------------

But lhry warn that the slrue- a Hi~h rise. apartm~nt which Father Deneen, who i~ed grams." the way many dloceau handle buildlaa can I be used for ••· centrate 111 main thrust on turr must be constanth· ehang, "011111 house an rnlore urban :'>CEA urlirr this ·earjo ex- Sociological chanau are also tducallonal flnancu, lit cllu sembly purpose, In lht evcnlnt. either the elementary, 1ec-in1 to mecl the needs ol the parl,h. • plains the call for ru! h nd causina shirt, and experiment, lht arbllrary lopplni-oll of •d,U\1 e~ueallon and ecumenical ondary or colleae level. timu. · " \'ou rould hO\'e rheaprr rxprrimentatlon · "The •:;m: or within th, pattern of Calholie 1rades lo 11ve money melhods afi! rj-1' 1 1 h 1 1

1 The 1ympo1lum participant• This two,pronRed concept wlll housin~ or low rrnt houslfi~ !or the game today 'in Calholic cdu- rducatlon, accordin1 lo Father of lnvellm,nt and ~slrucllon c

0 01 ca h cl !"'" n 1rura will hear four position papen:

probably be r1·ldrnt In · the 11rople who co~ldn' t al!ord any ration rertainly II change II Is Koob. lie riles inner city, par- pl1anln1. • ,are~~ are e ~ n1_ to osier Dr. llob•rt Havlahurst, Unlvtr• NCEA planned Washington Sym- brllcr-or shouldn'I ha.-e any lndls rnsable 11 11 lh iaw or lshts that are • now "reachin& ~ mu ,purpose

I ructures,

11>'1 •lty of Chlc• co education pro, poslum on c a1holie Education lar~rr ,•xprnses - llnt rate Ille .P · . e out to educate, In many c11u, 11 ls lbe poorut approach Falher Dene I n. "Catholic fuaor, on socloloay of' tduca• to be held November S-10 In the aparlrnrnts. a shoppln~ center · non-Calhollc1 simply because lhat I can lmaclne for ~.nyone sehools are 1oin1 10 have lo fol- lion; Dr. John I. Goodlad, dean nation'• capitol. The symposium in the J,urment and parking The goal 01 producing Chris- thue are the peoplt who Hvc 10 lop-olf a alven 1nde, ' 11>'1 low lht pallem of public schools of the UCLA araduate 1cbool will assemble about too Calholie rarilitlts." Sl)'S Father Kobh tlan men a n~ worn,?, Is Slill lhc the closest. This II quilt i dlr- Falher Koob. "When this ls in providln1'1acllitlu f~r the ' on new or11nlullonal struc'.

_ and non-Calhollc educators from who has bern with the !\CEA umr. he i9>1 • but we see the ferenl function · than th• parish done, ii 11, usually because 01 communlly .. lot a rather- lar&t rures in education; Dr. John . J , elemenlary lhrough college It>'· since 1961 and In his presrnl mrlhod O .ac~omplis~lng these achoo( was orl1in1lly built for." elemenlary bookktepia1. A dio- rural area. Mrng, execulh•e vice president eh7 educational publi1hrr1, post slnre F~bruary IG, 1967. !?:!5 in :~:>· vcr) dillerent Thia II a new funcllon with a cue knows, ,how many dollars Anolher llnanclal luue In- of Fordham Unlvenlly, on tbe journ1li1l1 and olhers ron- The middle lloors would be > 1 tod•> · dcllnlle purpose uy1 Falhtr it bas ' nd how much II can i•oh•es lhe lncrrucd hiring of role of lhe layman· and Father cern,d wllh rducatlon. the ehurrh center. he adds. ONE EXPlllMINT Father Koob. "In alm~st every cue uve by cut1fn1 °11 !Int ~,r•de lay teachers. But lhr main per- Ernest Bartell, C.S,C., Unlver,

Particlpallon Is by invitation " This could inelude the mret- Koob is in\'oh•ed wllh concerns • 1hl1 means the colored child or trachers acn,u tile board. sonnel prbblem lacl~g Catholic slly of Notre Dame economics a pilot • project for unlllng all the Puerto Rlun-lhe minority Ht 0,,.,.. two alltrnatlvttl ,r~ooh II &ell in• enou1h good profuaor, on llnanc~•-d ioceun religlou1 education group. So the purpose 11 educ a- ollmlnatlnt iradt, In an aca, leachen, •c.rordln1 lo the two • I h I edurators. . .. ml,1 all the talk ., chan11, proRrams, under one olllce. The tlon w I lhe· ?tc1ra!!9n upecl dtmlc unit/ mer1ln1 a wttk Becaust ltacher ahorla fl hewover, will lie the cenvlc• projrc_l Is b<!lng coo'r.dinattd by vrry much wo1tn In. 1chtoJ •ilh • 1lront1 &ehotl, also lace publi h I Iii I

11 ti-at. l1111 by NCIA tffl•

the NCEA,' the U.S. Catholic To krep lbreast of the chtDC• · c IC oo o c I

s, Conlcrrnce's Department of cs that arc needed In Calhollc " II you have to ncrilkc Father Deneen 1uue1l1 the re• t::ducatlon and the Conrralemlly education, Falhcr Koob advo- some 1radu, I would do It In training or q~~lllled persons to of Christian Doetrlnr. It wlll cate, research centers to la· an academic unit. Ellmlnale ' be teachrrs. This lnvo1V! 1 re­probably be, tried In San Fran- 1•estlgalt sperillc problems. The trades one throu1h lour and tralnin1 colle1e araduales or clsco. ' November symposium hope1 to bealn with a 1ood middle ithool lhoae nearly colieg, graduates

Th J Ill •Id I •1 " d · • who have been awa)' from hllh•

MADRID _ An Influential the temporal lnleruts of the e pro cct w alltmpl to pro, e some ol th I bralnslorm• or , ce-vern, • vlsu Fa\h•r er education for , ..

Spanish magazine would like to Chureh Involving ownership ~~~;io~!h~\l-~~11~!~ P1;:1ol;~i:;; ~~j 1~

1~~ou1h posiu::m:.;i•~~ Koob. Many diocm/

0a~: >ff:J~~I

Revision of papal nunciatures ·urged

see the Church take I new look and control. , 1

h II d f 1 1 d 1 1 1 A mercer ~ould be accom- these persons, esprclally amnna 11 the role of the llol)' See·s "We ran sec why the heavy w 1 1 un c ron nilea O 1 ~.en uu • plished "1eo1raphically byiclos- 1uburb1n women, and scttln& up repruentallvu to covcrnme11ts wel1h1 of the past . bears upon ha1•lnc thrce people and threo The pu st 11 10 provide In- Ina down one school and Irani , proerams, 11y1 Father Denrrn. and national hierarchies In the th, pruent cor\lluct of man)' • lerrln1 the pupils to the other," The lwo prluts are encour-

. - ll1lit of "'Orld and Church nuncios who feel themselves Ben ed,·c11·ne °'·a-·-bbots _he 11)'1, 11ed by the arowlng acceptanct rhanaea. . concerned with domestk Issues Falher, Koob and Deneen amona C1lhollc1 or the need for

Palabra published by mem- aDd polllics." • however uy 1h11 the b•sl ' chance In ..educational ilruc-ben of Opus Del, an apostolic ;he magazine •~Id that any problem' h not low flnanch, bui turu. Father Deneen traces

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·•uoclatlon of priests and lay- re, 11,1qn In the m111lon of the • • a h-l . bellec llnanclal proceduru and this lo Vatican II. men hu urced a redefinition of nunc atures • nd •P0s10lle dele- t t Jund raisins mtlhods y•'-1c•N II b

• cations should Ii<! made to con- 1nv1 e non- a o lC'" . · .. r .. roadencd the the functions of apostolic nun- . form " 'ilh the present eonrept • tJ 1he use or money lor con- buc or pollcy-maklne by l11• cl01 and apo1tollc dele11tu, of the Chutth'a aloof nus from , · slnacllon b especially critlclud. 1·olvin1•1h, ·llrman, he says. II

There are mw1 ltnefltt In a JUITUS A,artmlllt Heme MODIL OPIN' DAILY & •IUN, NOON.a l',M,

which, It said, are , out o!..)une political lni•olvement. 11 sue- ROME-The ,world I Benedl~ Comml11lon1 tlnce that Ume "There are \'try lew dioeues also uk,d Catholic educators with Chutth rene"•' and wllh seated amona other thine• that tine abbots ha>e voted lo lnvlt have been l!reparllls documents which have r 111 1 ti I d lo take on speclllc laskl which modem, realltltt concemln1 the papal 'envo>·• ahould be a~ccpt- representath•es of non-Catholle In line with the llrst seulon•, the problem ' 0 ,1 c~;,e1~:~,o~. had not bttn 1tron1ly empha­Church a temporal lntereats. able to national confcrenen of monastic 1roups to attend their dhC1f1Slon1. They will stl up 'I commillte 1i1td before. such II vocatlonal

The Palabra article wu pub- bishops II well as to the co1•• ~~n•;~~• .. 1.~rl~~/tit~~~~~=~lor~• The primary conslderallon or and find uctlleht archllect1 trtatnr, ;•x Instruction and llahed on the eve of the arrival ernment, . · n

1 • the second aeulon, 1ccordin1 lo but really they haven't looked ai e ucat on• or the mentally and

, ot the new apostolic nuncio to ewa · Abbot Daniel W. Kucera, O.S.B., their own needs," uys Father economically · deprived, add• ,__.lpaln, Atthblshop Lulcl Dadaa• THI! MA~AZINI complalacd The Invitation w11 one of the of{St. Procoplus Abbey In Usl!!I Koob , , Father Dtaeen. • "

IJo, who autcttdl Cardinal An- that In Spam •i>o•lolle nund0t lint . decl1l0111 made afler lbl! II ,, la the prJadple of aUbsldlt1~ "What th hli I I , I bl By brOl~enlna lhe policy lonlo Rlbtrl. have had an Influence far bt· abbots and Conventual prlort of lly II II pertains to the Conic . d 1 1 : arc 1 ecr h~i afrUa Y bast, Vatlctn II encouraged a

yond their diplomatic 1t1tu1. the Benedictine Confederation ,ration llatll to the vitlo ou I a I ou O I e I procus ol dlalo1ue within the l'ALA8lA •aid the main re•• ''Those dluentlne from the nun- began (Sept. II) the aeeond Its• consrecatlons' within the con, public ichool lbal ht built some- Church to determine the ch1n1:-

aon for a 'relorm ·ot papal dlplo- do'1 views han been considered sion or lhe conareu of abbot, federallon and to Individual ln1 needs of Catholic education. matlc deleaates Uu In conclllar to be undermlnlne the life and here. • monasteries W ' k' J "An rllertlve school 1y1tem decrtt1 on the_ putoraLof((u...unlty oLtbe Chutth," Palabra The two-week ae11lon bu . Or OB p aDS cannot today be' handed down of local bishop,. said, "and those follo"·ln1 hl1 brou1hl to1ether the laraest "WI All tryln1 to rellrrate from above. There are too

.1i·r: ·~n:!:~ ~!:·n::: c~: ~~:nha~~e~~~:l~ hl!~.'"t.dn7. ·~:em~~~.~!. at':':.~r:.nd s!:~0

:• 1~ ~~e,ut~~~~:~~;~~~~t~. p::::~~ for interfaith ' ~::.1,. ~::;~~t~''c~,h~~I~ p:~: tween the putoral action, of the ferred. vollna mcmbera are delibent• In our Confederation 1trur1urr," • ents to permit any kind of devel• blahopa and rultt that nuncio, Atthblshop Dad1cllo l1 the Ing on mailers • pertalnlna to he said. "The first seuion last Bible observance opment of policy wllhout their

'bave 1ouaht to Impose,'' the 15th papal envoy to Spain 1inee monullc renrwal, lllur1lul year atreued pluralism and the · m111llne ulct. Pope Alexander VI sent Arch- practlees and the organlulloJlll many facets dUlcrent benedlc- WASIIINGTON-C h 11

"Also, the ten1lon1 between blsho'p Fr1ncol1 des Prats to structure of the Conlcdcratllln tine communilles hl\'e In com• Prol 1 1 Ii d at kl c and

the Church and dvll aovem- Kina Ferdinand and Queen 111· llsell mon. This aecond ae11lon Is u an a en, wor nc un­ments experienced today item bella In the 161h century. Pope1 Th~ a1end1 continues the 1treulll11 the solution of prob- i:~h!n: ~'i~~::, ofC

th' 1¾.8.

from the fact that at one time Innocent X, Clement lX and work of the first aeulon 1111 lem, II much is possible ti lhe for Ecumenical and I orm 1f9 papal nunclahlffl were power- Benedict XV had been nunclOJ year In which pr~llmlll• I')' votes local level."

1 loui Attain and the i~~c•~

tul lnttrumenll tor det1Ddl111 lo Spain before btcomlna Pope. were taken 9fl#Jr aam, luut•• To facllltate dlscu11lon or the Bible Society, have becun malt, office of lbe abbot prlmale, bis Ina plans for the common ob-council and the aovemm,nt of •ervance of Bibi, Week 11tt llltematloaal Colle1e of S~ Althou1h too late t~ allow Anaelmo In Rome la relillon 111 lar1HC1le aharlaa la thll year', Ille principle of ,ubsldl•rlty, celebr1t1011· (Oct. 15 to 22), Abbot Daniel said, the conam• plans call tor continued effort

• ,oted to po1tpone election of the to Insure cooperetlon In ltle8. MW prlmata 1111tU the end or tbl lqterlm 1uuest1ons •ent lo Ill• -1011. Abbot Gabriel Bruo, dMdual dlomn Include pro­abbot pre1lde111 of tbe CODlr,· poula that: ptloa ol Subiaco, wu elected I J!!ac:lt parish hold a Bible to pretlde ID the Interim, vlail durlnc Bibi• WHk, with

TIit new abbot wW succeed ~ ~ nadlnp em-C.ntlnal Benno Gut, o.s.11., wbo I ~ 1111111, bteamt lllellalblt wltlt his • II• • Durinl tlte WNlt, I public cal eltvatloa to lb• coUeae of lteture bt stven In one or more canliula. Al Pope Paul VI', of • ~ •a educatlOIIII lnltl• nca-t, however, be COlltlaued tuUou bJ a competanl Satp­la office tons enou,ti to convt11t lure Kltoiar, and that tbe local die present •-Ion of tbe eon- bltbop attend tbe lecture. INU 111d waa lht principal • On Ille Stlllda)' precedlaa eelebranl II tbe openina mu• Bibi• WNII, all puton IN that

' tbe bomlU• al parish W­IX,•111.TI. ud HCrttarlu deal wltlt lht UturaJeal Ult• of

PAUii of aome Btntdlctlae Scrlptun. -.re11t1cw haYI bten atll ,aittld lo tbe HHIOIII II oll, See fff ltntn, IYIII tbouah tbe)' baYI 0j)eD8 0 ce 1111 ,ot1n1 prt,11t1u. Tbe 11end1 1a ecbtdultd 1o t1ta1 w1t1t the on urban aff-!--11n1c111n of tbe Dlvlal OUlct ll1l'B 11111' "a HIIIIUYI deflnltlon ol


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---UClam for tbe propoHtl IOLWAUDE-'l'bt IIUwau­n,laJoa ol the Code o1 Canoa al ~II Council OIi Law," Abbot Dultl 111d, •tu Urbu We bu opened a full ••11 u Ille aclaplalloa of moo, Ume oltlct ID the iDDtr di)' lo llllc practlcta and tradltlolll to latllldl a broad eltatk oo com­Pffltlll coadltlona." 1111111111 probJema lbrouaboul Iha

·No, I'm not a saY1n11 eli:pen, , eaa.... partldpuu n,11-~ '!:ice,, flnl ,ro, .. 1 iJ,OOi Btutllctlala la all jtcta will lit to won for PIi-

e:-co:'.r.C:-IJIOIIIWW:-~~ :'"_i:= ~ tlle AIMflcu CwlDat and tlte 1111 1 1111 bND tJie ~ =::~-~ motl o1 mil llrlft la llllwallbe and _..., btloar. dlTllloll...., Callaolla for lbe

put lfflrll mootlte. Mexican. to head NIM.: aeeatfYI •t11nctar

ol lbe ~ Aldlblallop WU. 1 11111 IL c-lu Wll1htlter Pat-Marlat Brothen . r1ct 11. .,... w11o Ill .-

. ... 1M .. llotlalnl •PIIOl'I aoD-ftl Marin lrotlten, llltl IUl 1111 "c1IJ aboultl. tab

....... la 11111r HIit illlffll dlfaorallladlmlJlll.,_1» cu,Ctrlllrl, elected u IIIDlrtor .,.., ........ ~

. llllitn1 a O-JUNl4 aadY, ti a-,Yllla .. lllNaleo. ............

Brtdllr halllo IMtla O•· \ii:wAUDI- Cathllc au, r.11.1., ., 1111 ..a•,. 11 .._ 1a 1111 lllhnllae lfdl-1uta AN.Nar .1u11oo, 11a1c1, .... ..,,..., dltllM Ill• ·di dlnct tlfl labon ti 1M UD, ....... , .... .._ 1111 ,-.


Bat .. •• the peop,, · Y-IA- ,_ Youwm""" TlltlOWIII,-YUM ... - Clopollltd -locludl"I

al Flrat Ftdlral are. Thi chart lhowl you how a

program of planned aavlnga maku your

earning• grow.

... .., .. llml"III will lie

• UI.IICIO .... H ,ou • 11,0IIO SI.• ....... jlQ 11,IIOII n.• ·-· a 11,IIOII ::•~._ IO t.OIIO ....

• Q,OIIO 101,la / 11,ou • • •• . 11.111 .... , ... • ·- 11.m ·- a ... •.aa


,,,,,u., ~,,_., ,~ .. . .. ... ,,l''' ,.,,,,._ ., '·"'-'· C. • . -- I - I 11ST . 0.ll.a,_,,...11.,131,5351 leatll•t•PIUl--.c.•i.•717•f2'1 M41WntW11Me&t11Str11t•20GI

_,. i. WT LI .... ,nPINI ...... Cealer•141,~4 latpll ..... Cl•lar ••SUI ~• ~._.,CNltf • ltMt11

., • •

In the uctnd pheteareph •be¥• 1hew1 the · un1derned 1lm• ,INNUAL l'ILOIIIMAOII HT-The ennuel Ochlter pll1rlm• ,,., to 1M _Jhrlne ol Our Ledy ol Monte Ce11lno wlll betln et 2 p,n,, fundey. Th• Sh';ln• 11 louted one mlle nerthtnt of St, Melnred Archebbey, on U.S. Hlghwey 460 ( lndl1n1 62). l'ether Otrord lll1perm1nn, o.s.a .. prolusor tf Orttk et St, M1lnred Coll11e, wlll .,.n the pllgrlr:11,, with • ur•

men en "A True Devotltn te Mery," lecll,.pll1rlm• .. -1l1ts of • , nr,lpturel rttdlnt, • Morlan hymn, Roury !nd Litany, 1M Pll1rlm'1 prayer, bl111ln1 and fin.al hymn. N1m1d alter tht l1m1u1 Btntdlctlne Abbey el Mont, Ce11lne, ltely, the Shrine la • lnorlte ol pll9rlm1 from lndl~!;"• llllnel1, Kentucky end Ohio, An Interior vl,w ti tho chtpel

1 pllclty which 11 m1lnt1lned ti ettrect ltvori ol Hlltudt, The, chapel 11 much as It eppeered when dedicated In 1170, Prluh, Brothen end 1tud1nta .•f Si. Mtlnred'1 •h1d fermerly ut up a crud, outdoor ,hrlne ti the Vlr1ln Mery, end later • more 1ub1tentlel 1hrlne which, hewevor, was ne mort then

I hut. DIICOYl,Y of 11nd1tene en the ,11. 100 YHrl ... m•• pe11lbl1 tho· trtctlon of tho prtunt 1hr1n1. Tho 1lmple ,,.,,. of Stculor Oblate Vlnunt O1bald i, shown In the third phet .. treph, Obl1t1 Vlnunt, who dltd In 1116, bullt • 111111 frame dw1llln1 100 f11t from tho ch1p1I end m1lnt1in1d the Shrine end chapel for almost 20 y11r1,

LOAN ,LAW REPUDIATED 111111u1111111ai111u1u1111111111111111111111111111111mm111


Textbook aid. unconstitutional, court in Rhode Island decides

PROVIDENCE. R.I. _; Rhode kind, frtm that In provldln1 JUDGI Perkins rejected the hl1nd'1 1963 fextbook loin law bua tr.1napertetlon, which wu arcument that textllbok aid, like hu been, declared unconatltu- uphold by .the .U.S. Supreme transportation, ,should be held

LIM~, Ptru - An elderly l1ptlst lady In I C1thollc homt fer old felk1 here h .. t. ting on quite ·w,11 d11plt1 the dlfftrtncta In the felths. "Sh• hu • ayaltm 111 of htr own," t1pl1ln1 Meryknoll F1thor John J1 O'Brien of Flushln1, N.Y. 'She lovu to 1tttnd Man, but whon- It com11 time fer the urmon, 1h1 turns off her h11rln1 aid," ·

tlonal by the state's superior Court In 1'47. constitutional u • benefit to the court, .. • , pupil rather than to the achoo!. u111111111111111111111n1111111111m11111111111111111111111111n

Judae Fred D. Perkins held He wrote, In part : " Indeed, what could be more that the law, which requires "Transportetlon lnvoh•es only In the nature of. 'child benefit' Father LaBauve' cities and towns to lend science, the gettlnl of the pupils to· the . • . than lumlahlng fund, mathematics and foreign Ian• place \\'here the , e!Jllcatlonal toward the construction of the • • 1ua1e 1extbooks to parochial process takes place, There la achoo! bulldln1 ltseU? Yet this leaving diocese; and private achoo! children, vlo• Involved nlety In transportation hu ·never been countenanced • , lain both the Finl Amendment of pupils on the public street on for rell1lou1 achoola." f l to the U.S. Constitution and the the wey to a place of educetlon, • "The court ta penueded," recep 100 Se freedom of rellalon guarantee helping to avoid h11ard1 of that Judie Perkins wrote, "that the of the Rhode Island constltutlon. tranaportatlon po11e11ed In com• line must In eny nae bi drawn Felber John L. LaBIP,uve,

Attorneys for live City of mon with that to• public school. at the entrance to the achoo! , .• S.V.D., on apeclal assignment In Cranston taxpayen who broilltlit f • !IJ!ut In the cue of lumlshlnl "It la the contribution to what the Archdiocese since 1962, bu Jhe textboOk aid cue to "{ll't'or tfxtbooka, the expenditure or takes place williln the rell1lous been named to a triple-threat 'alurts plan to '"~ ari' lnjun~- pubUc linoney dou not stop al . ,chool that 11 banned by the poat with the Southern Province lion a1alnsl the Cranston School the door of the achoo! but over• Finl Amendment." of the Divine Word Mlulonarlca Commlttee,Jn •n ellort to hilt nows into the achoo! Itself, and The ault I teat cue w11 and Is preparing to leave lndl•n• expenditures for the distribution 'takca care of part of the edu• brou1ht tn' February, 1965. It •pol_!" of textbooks. cation there taking place. Pub- held that In Cranston benellcl• The Negro priest will become

Abraham Gold1teln, an attor• lie funds arc th~re upended arles of the law Included pupils vocational dlrectpr pubUc rela• ney for the school committee, for the euentlal functioning of of live Cithollc schools, the lions director, and 'mtulon band aid, however, . 1h11 Judge- Per- the school illelf,.LacbooLunder_ chrlstlan Day- School of • St. ,director for the Southern Pro­

klns' decision probably wlll be religious auspices, the support Paul'• Evan1ellcal Lutheran vlnce of his Order In Day St appealed to the state Supreme of which Is bulcally banned by church 'end the Providence He• Louis Miu · Court. the First Amendment." brew Day School. Sln~e his · arrival In Jndlanap-• THI F I R S T Amendment Judge P1rkln1 nettd th1t Judie Perkins held lbe final olla at the Invitation of Arch• states that "Congreu ahall transportation lnvolvta net 111, hearln1 In the cue a year 1 1°, bishop Schulte five yean aao, make no law . respecting an but "only • cortaln number ef after which time •llorneya were he has been engaged In Inner• e1tabll1hment of religion or pro• chlldran golnt te non.publlc allowed lo file brlela. city mlulonary work, giving rt • hlbltln1 the Ire~ exercise there• schools since many wlll II•• \treata, 1upervlaln1 workshops of." within • dl,tanc, miking C6rsillo uroun end Instruction cluse,.'

Article 1, Section 3 of the state transportatltn unn1e111ary." o· · T The Knl1bt1 of St. Peter constitution ,tales In part: "No • Claver and Ladln Auxiliary are man shall be compel\ed to Ire• The lendln11 of tutbooka la fO move o//1Ce8 plannlnll I farewell reception quent or to support any reU• "far dlllere.ot," he nld. for Felber LaBauve on Sunday, alous worship, place or minis• , "Potentially 1h11 Involves fur- '()\ENO Nev The netl.onal Oct. 8, from 5 to 8 .p,m. In the try whatever, except In lulfllJ. nlahln1 texlboolta In the fOVered'1ecretarlat of ih; Cunlllo Move• St. Thom11 iqulnaa pariah audl• ment of his own voluntary con- subjects to all of the U,000 ment will be moved from Lani• torlum, 4810 N. llllnola St. The tract." pupils In parochial 1chool1 of Inc Mich to Reno by the flnt puhllc l1 Invited to attend.

the atate " , ·• Jud11 Parkins h,td thet H• "it lurthe'rriiore Involves cost of the year, Bishop Joseph

slstance 1lven church achool of handllns the books and mak• Green of Reno, advlaor to the chlldran under, the atat••• Ing them available to thoie movement. announced.

I I ddl I I Bishop Green eppolnted Wll• ttxtbook loen law Is dlffartnt pupils, ~!! a dist net Y a I ona · !tam Lull of Alexandria, La., to

_1_n_dt_1_r_tt_,_•_nd_· _pe_r_h_,_P_•_ln_e_x_p_e_n_le_. ________ replace William Sweeney of

cf Lan1lnc u executive 'director of

Raymon Katzenberger :~:n ~e~~~::;d 1;::e .::•:.lza~ pollcy-aettln11 body for the "short counea" In Chrlatlanlty

honored p~sthumously movement.

Gift of K of C Specialist 4 Raymond L. K•4· at Ft. Benjamin Harrison Sep­

enberaer, ' lnd1.-n1pol11, aon of ttmber 22. Hla• father accepted RaJ L. Katienber1er and the the awards for hla aon, who waa l•t• Mr•. Katzenber11er, wu killed Jn Vietnam April 15, 1967, posthumously a w a rd e d the white servlns with the 9th (h. Bronte Stir Medal for Heroism fantry Dlvlalon, (lat Oak Leal Cluster), the Spec. Katzenberser waa a Br0111e Star Medal and the Pur- member of St. Joan of Are par­pie Heart lledal In ceremonies lah the Knlchta of Columbua,

NOTRE DAME, lnd.-A slit of $500,000 to the Unlvenlty of Notre Dame ,from the camp111 council of the Knlchta of Colum• bu1 wu ennounced by Father Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C., ectlns unlvenlty ·president. Tbe sift wlll be Invested end the Income uaed to establilh I acholanhlp flllld, • end Kennln11ton Poat of the

Amerlcen Lesion. He wu sraduated from· Cathedttl HIib -------:.--------------,,---School and Xavier Udlverally. All avid 1porum1n, be wu oat of the orlsln•l 1Ddlanapoll1 bo11 partlclpetln1 ID IJtUe LeallU baseball when It wu first Intro­duced, ID colltst, be pleJtel

LIAVINO POI IOM._._. IMrlan 0- leallt, the 1M If Mr. allll Mn. Jack O, lane If Terrt Haute, will lten ..,..11111tr • ti lletln tllltlen atullln et 1H1e'1 Nertti A-rlce11 Cel..... A ..,..., roaWtllt If ,,...na,­ellt, leallt attlllllNI the Letlll ....... It, MelllrMI ll1111Mry Mith lcliNI 11111 WH lrldu­t!M led May frHI It, Meln­ra4 Celllle ef Lllllri1 Artt. . ')

vanll1 b11ebe1L Spec, Xatzeaberser enttnd

mWtaey Hrvlee ID Februar,, 1118, and bad been ID Vietnam alnct Novtmber, 1'11, Ht dll­tlnauilbed JilmHlf bJ valoroua action, while llrYIDS II a rifle, 111111 on a nconnaluuce patnll Mar All Nluit 1'lllt Vletaam,

ID addl'tloll to 1111 fatber, be It 111nlnd b)' a ,randmotber, Kn. I:tt RatlmDan, Clllduatl, and two 1llten, Mill M•17•Aa ll[a1Jlllber1er, Jnd1anapolla, and Mn. -X~ But Jawoa, BloomlD~ ..................

WASRJNOTOH - The IDdlaa pallltlqa of tatller Nlebolu Point, I.I., early mlulona17• ertllt ID Am1rlc1'1 nort.bwt1t, went oa public dllpla)' for UM flnl,,a Umt at UM lmlU\leDlan

.1n1u111t1oa•• MIIMIIIII of ib,to17 and Ttcluloleo oa ltptlmbtr n.

ANNUAL PAllllH CAllD';Alff-fte .._,, C-.. tf l11to _....._ Htlrt ef Mery Plrlllt. ,......,.,, wlll ......., lta 1111 -• Oc1INr C.N PerfF • PrWey, Oct, 11, et Chet•~ H1111 lcllNI, 'TIie ew .. wlll ....... et I ,,111, Mra. MldlHI DewMF, ....._ rflht, 11 ... ,,. .. ef the ,relect, ... Mn. ......... , ..... ,,._ •1-- ""'"" with ... ,-MlcltF en .. DlwMF, I/ ... leWIF ...... , ..

~-~rorpet 1oshionsi. • • ,- - ~ • • • ._. . • ~• I ' "~ ' • • _,. •9\ • •


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f;omnient 9

The .,1nlen1 ••11r•ntd In these •dlterlal ulumn, ,.,,.,..,, a Calhelic •lewpelnl-MI necuurllr THI!

.- , Cathelic vltwpelnl, They ere eflerh ef the tdilero le H"t public eplnl•n within tht Church and within the Nttlen.

Honie synod An historic "first" In the life of the Church opened

In Rome today.

. A synod of bishops-those envisioned by Vatican II as the good right arm of the papacy-is meeting to In­form nnd guide the Pope and to give further testimony and Impetus to the spirit of renewnl.

The purpose of the unprec_edented ~onvoc~tion is to give representnth·es 9£ the ep1scopnl l11ernrcl11es of the world an opportunity for collegial discussion on pro~-

• lems now before the Church. Or. ns the Pope snid m Apostolic• Solllciludo when he created ,the synod, '_'lo provide the bishops with n clenrcr nml more effective means· of shoring in our solicitude for the universnl Church."

Five specific topics arc on the actnrln : canon law, seminaries, liturgy, doctrinal qucs tlons -:ind mixed mar­riages . The Inst two arc expected to generate the !11051 contro,,ersy and debate. There wlll be pressure to finish close to the tnrget date of October 23 because of 'lhc Pope's Impending surgery.

For· this reason. there is some ·unofficial grousing that the most perplexing, most complicnt!;d topics have been placed Inst on the agenda and arc therefore more subject to 11uick and perhaps unwise compromise for the sake of a ·reasonable closing date. 1

Many of 'the do~trinal issues-arc nn QJ.Jlgrowth of the council nnd of new emphasis and fresh attitudes. Here again the liberal versus conscr\'alivc tugging may arise·. Pope Paul has expressed repeatedly his concern with extremists within . the Church-the adamant itland-

. patters and their opposites who have misconstrued re-bellion as renewal. ·

, There is some chagrin on this side of lh0

e Atlantic that the topic of mixed marriages is likely to gel shor_l shrift. It is a subject that United States churchmen have wanted to debate fully for many years. It is a prob­lem with which Catholics here have. had a long and In­timate acquaintance and the stance of the Church has b_een a source of friction in relations with other religions.

But one •can overlook life slightly pessimistic fore­casting. The synod Is In session and It Is at work de­veloping the determinations of a Vatican II and the per­sonal collegial persuasions of Pope Paul. , Following closely the Curia reformation, the synod is further proof that the Church Is reshaping it~elf to meet the ch!)llenges of a changing world and to adapt Its.elf lo the peculiar stresses or modern belief. , ·

B . J t 1, , Wlwnukec, that mean• open hou1hig. The fight for. an loaa that fog, the conaclence, the old myth• and hatred•

r ft Ve Pre 8 e open housing ordinance will ¥0 on, with Father Gropp! ' that stunt the 1plrlt,- ,'.nd he mu1t cope· with them while ~ 1 11 the ·brickbats tossed by Milwaukee's ·an'gr,: nnd his superior In ugreement that-anything short .or that at the aame Ume lnslsUna that right prevail. • o u , is unjust and hypocritical. · . ., I ., 1

• _,] wflites nrc aimed at Father James Gropp!. A large · · .. · • " We ·adn\l~ Father Gropp!'• un'relenUng rnarcalng, share of them hal'e found their way to Archbishop \Vil- F~ther Gropp! Is an lnlens~. sensitive man who, his tenacious, penlate~t ; Imprudent demands that Jus-liain E. • Cousins, who has refused to send the young fully a.nil slncerqly, feels the same Ignominy and frua- Uce be served. He has called the full anger of Jaw and cura te packing ' to .some quiet rural retreat where he I rnlion as his Negro parishioners. There Is no doubt bigotry down on his head. It la a hard, dangerou, road cannot "scandalize" Catholics. that their hurl is his hurt. With him, It ls a one-sided he follows. ..- ,

The archbishop has not expressed wholehearted ap- ?!fair. "' . " .. ~ We admire perhaps n-more the straight talk of prol'al of all tha t Fathet Groppl is doing. But he is un- , Archbishop Cousins, on the other hand, l•.-the spit;- Archbishop Cousins, w must dlacharge his dufy lo all swerr ingly drct_icn tcd to the same coal- the innate dig- iltml leader or all l\Ulwau_kee Catholics. His compassion his flock-even those s lrttual black iheep who will not uily and equality of e1·ery man whatel'er his color or mus t be exte!\ded not only to the denied but lo th,: recognize Christ In the r black brother, And we wonder condition ._ In practical terms at this precise time in ,lcnil!l'as well. He must recqgnize the {ear of econom.!S--whelher Father Gropp u~•t having the easier time of It.

, .. '•

•, .


Canadian bishops. ilre special breed

Ir DR, GARY ..MeclOIN thuslutkally in bpth formal arrangNI for them1by the Cina• To R o NT o _ "You know di1cu11ion1 and Informal ex• dlan Droadc111;11 Corporation."

whtl happened to me this morn• changes. "lan't it wonderful" to lne" Hid the priest from quote 115-ytar-old Bishop Gerald A comparison with the United Pe~naylvania. 1111 tone lndic.otNI Carter, "that bishops are talk• States 1ilu11ion wu Implicit In that he knew r wouldn't believe inc to theotoci1n1!" The bis• all this dl1cu11ion, and not In• him "I was in hops were excellent li1tenen frequently It became explicit. tine· in I cafe, and informed debaters. They al• "We are a newer people. We_ teria Juat down waya aeell)ed to have time to have less inerti,a to overcome. the street from fulfill any_ requut._ The chair-. W9 do not have t~e United the holel. Three man ,of the commluion for the States idolatry of Jaw. Such wu 0

th en dressed media, 42-year-old Diahop Rem I • typical comment. exactly like me, de Roo, particularly won the "Altbouah many of our bis• each with hia admiration °1 newamen. A daily hops were and are the lriah an• tray, were In participant In the press panel, cutcy, we never experienced the front of me at he never dodged • qucsti0n, 111• phenomenon bl lriah power, not

. the counter. At \. Is • rare combination of lntelli• e,•en in En1tl1b-1peakin1 Cana-•, . the ch c ~ k-out, \. I i:ence, lrank'tlcu ! nd charll), . dt," went' another. uwe·1Jway1 .

one invited me to Join tlltm. M The many Canadians with had and 11111 have a mutti-cul­we squeettd into • booth end whom r have talked both during tural Church. We have had the exchanged introductions, I dis• and ,Ince the Congreu are 11nan, advantages of pluralism not only covered I was breaklutini: with imous in agreeing that they have in our society, but within the three archbishops." 1 very special i:roup of bish'ops. Church itself."

The lnc:iden\, occurred durin& "It was no accident," one ob, English. apeaking Canadians the recent Corrlll'eu on the Theo- "!''ed, "th•1 our hierarchy was althouch quite conscious of th~ logy of Renewal held here under the lint anywhere (at its plen• problem, posed by • 11"·0-lane• the auspices of the hierafchy to ary meeting in April) 10 uree uage culture are grateful to the mark the centenary of Canadian th•1 l~e prcu be elven complete French for thia reault. "The fact Federation. I had no dilfi~ulty and accurate inlormalio~ on all of Quebec," they uy, ",tarted in bellevine my friend's story, discuasiona at the Synod of Bis• u on very djllerent cuituril r h i i I th C hopt, ao that the participant. s . 1 f -~ or I c partlc pat on o e ana• would have the benefit of the road from that o the Unit .... ~!~~ta~:h:~~li;~~~o: :~~rc~o!~ feed-back from all the people •of !~~te:;1:~1:!:•f~r~'/e

11 ~

10,'!,:~ - ment for the European and God. That 1• precis~ly how they were never tempted to cuillvate

Unite~ States participant.. themselves behave. a aell-sullicient llolationism.

God grnnl ii l~e wisdom O{ the ages lo meet the 11i1111U1nUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUQUUllllllllllllftllltlllllllUlnlUIUlnlNIIIIIUUIUllllllttllllnlllllilllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIII needs ·of tomorrow.

Although the bishops had The oj>enneu 10 dialogue was "The result has been to In• come from even the most di•• stressed by several \\'Ith whom I .,. i I C di Ii! th talked. "All Canadian cardinals rorpor~,e n ° ana an e c tant parts and were In fact and bishops are under 75, and positive values not only of the e,•erywherc, you had to search manv arc very youn•. 'The Ena. English and French, but aiao of to identify one. They shunned • " • the many other European peo• pl11rorm1, except for the ab• ,ish•s~eaking bishops art lamh• pies who have settled here. W~·: , oluie demand, of protocol. 'No iar wilh • pluraliSI ll<!(leJy •nd have l\'oidcd the ·metlin&-pot colored markings were dbplay• its requirement.. The t rsnch• approach' of the United State,, ed. Pectoral cross and· chain speaking, for 1heir part, arc leading td a, Dewey-type homo,

• ThelJN

Two years ago this comlng1Wednc1d11y, PO,P.C Paul VI made his unforgettable one'.dby appearance In New York City. It was highlighted by the Pontiff's eloquent plea for peace and brotherhood before the General As-


Why Mass stipend ... variation.?· • • I

ly MSGR. R. T. IOSLIII This practice led to abuses,1 rishioners could list special in-Q. Why when we have • Mau particularly ·1n the high Ml~die tentions for scheduled Mauc~.

Intention uld fer the ••d • A1u, when the belief wu Al the Ollcrtory of the Mus this sembly of the United Nallons. · · h S

U0 I

prevalent that the more Muses boor could be placed on the

II. - av• •• P•Y • n atmt uid for a deceued person lhe I · d II t t I

were. dl1crrcll1 concbatcd. •Tlic lon~ familiar with auch..uu.n!'e•~ t1hallon: We encourae~ our ring ,. ... lhc extremely simple as ConGar, Chenu, a Rd Teilhard. dillerences, ue proud . of the one distributed by Pope · Paul They ,live _in the electronic •ae. strengths they confer." at the end of the council. Just to i:1ve a small examp,e,

• more than twenty of them came Is that why Canada's bishops here to Toronoto Jut year for arc the wiy they are? II It la,

The bishops participated en• a special course In TV-speakini: I'm all for II. Although the United States many months ear er places tnd onlr Sl_.00 In others. sooner he .was released from • tar, an · no 00 many, n, ----had-uealated- the Vietnam..conOlcl Into a major wa~. Why can't wt lust make any puriatory. Theologians had tentlon, could be announced. ------------.----,-----·--------------

the Pope's visit kindled the hopes o{ men· o{ good will efferln1t There • I problems Justifying the pncllce • e JOHN ·COGLEY.'S VJEW everywhere that the UN Indeed might find a way to .,. '° m • n,: of Mus stipends. II the Mus o. In the Flrot . l!platlt of stop the' bloodshed In Vietnam as a prelude to an en- ::r"' weh w~ is I presenting anew o( the John' (2:211 a ataltment ,1, during world peace. , M ........ 1:.v·~ ~:~r~1t b~lnerW: b:rfi:iicS

0t~ mad• which , .. m, lo con,

Today, two years later, the \JN General Assembly don'I a I• a Y • a le~? They dlstln~uished be, clemn ell but Chrhtltna: "Ht '.. once again Is In session. The fires of hope lighted by hav: "': S2~00. t11een the 1ener1t and partlcu, who denlea tho Son cannot Paul VI on October 4 1965 hllve not altogether died Jar benefit, of the Mus. The have the Father." The Apes, out But they have been reduced lo embers. • Q, M. d. , n general bfnelill, or fruits II II• certainly must have ac, • · · · thoelesy depict• they callNI them, were for the

Intransigence on the part of the two superpowers I Otd •f ,ly• 1ood of the whole Church, and cepttd the penlblllty of at has been a major obstacle to' a UN solution. Russia, as not I venlefui these could not be limited for lull som• men •f 100d wlll


A journa.list' s life -has its liillitations

- .

always has been chiefly to blame. Last year the United God whe h appeutd 1,y M11111 they were the result of the 1rc11 not belnt convinced that JHua States urged the Security Council to call {or an Inter• ,. ltnen the dvratlon ., • ,.,. infinite ICI 01 ·adorano11 and ... Gtd, or even ,..,, by God.

· f b d th 1954 d 1962 Geneva ,on•, alay In 1111, 1,i.,y I find II thtnks1Mn1 ollered to God the he ..., national con erence ase on e . an . lmpenlblo 10

believe .,; lhla type Falher throuah Jesus Christ in I clen't '" w such a cal•• _ay JOHN COGLIY pie who feel _called upon to 11y evil, and speaks no evil of 1 ny-con{erence1. Russia said no. of benefit fer a Man and ltelllr every llau. The particular .. ,lul alatement can 1l

1and In Journaliim sometimes scents immediately alter . the ori&inal thi~onnected with his own

Now the United States has revived life 1966 proposal cC111ltrm thla prtltn.. Ytt It bfnelils were those that came th• fee• of Chrlotltnlty • con- Introduction: " I read you but I 1c t I thouaht lie finds no · __:,. from lhe special inlentloga 1he 1 ..,..,_ to be the moat 11tlslvin11· of d , 1 1 h' ,, · • while al the same Ume stepping up the war, Including refuse to eccept ,11,...._ Mt1111 celebrant made while the great ,tent to trenc• .,,- ✓- ranee caltings. The writer who sets on t • ways aeree wt ) 'OU •• virtue n the C01Jfervatlve'1 line the bombings of North Vietnam. Russia again has said uusu pandemonium In mMI I I hi I aa an Hcuu, down his thouahts and 1pprai1• A sense of ureency about in of th a~t no 1lren1th In the

{id I th UN perlshu Any 11,,,utiona? ac o won P wu 10 ne on. Iormina the columnist or edl, ' ,,

no-al lea·st tentatively. Con , ence n e as an • - . . A. Thi, ii · but one of many 1!1 according to a re ular toriallst that his rude rs have conaervative'a ar11ument1, Ev, • effective peace-seeking Instrument has hit a· new low. A. The second question comes h Wdhty bethe11 beitndehtsd hlor lbe,,c pauases from John's wrllinaa I clhde du I e II their own lde11, and that they erythinl comlne from that camp

from • priest who aerves in • a o m e an ow ex ra ca le upon to I • hi I i Certainly the conglomerate one-nation-one-vote Gen- pariah where Maasea are IIO intention, ml&ht decrease the (e.1., the Gospel 14:7-1; 17:811.) deal with the are not • w,y, •• •~em,_a • a automatically 1u1pect 'Ind

eral Assembly Is powerless to take the lnlllallve, as longer offered for the private Jn. bfnent, for the fin\ intentlpn· which 1treu the unique rel•· Immediate, the ways tooe present. on the lace of thine, deemed those who always have detested the whole UN Idea tenllo!!J of Individuals ollerin1 wu never adequately explained. tlonsbip between Jesus and the concrete, . I be This converutional 1ambit unworthy of aeriou, 11tentio11. anyway so gleefully point out. But, given O Russian yes I atlpend. Though 1 -iympatbiJe Neverthelm, the •practice , of Father: "To have see~ me ii to preulng a n d invariably turns me off. Usually The conservatives la th rather than a no the Security Council could tnltialu with him re1ardin1 the stipend 11111 stipends hu persisted tlP have seen the Father (14:9) the relevant. He I smile weakly and try to aet same same Wh P Y 81 ~

' abuse I wonder whether current our own limes. 11 ii • remnant • may bore oth• away II soon II pouible Yet h · en ma.,ca . ~egollaUon1. lhlnki~I behind the demand tor o_l the old le11ti1tlc and malhe, In these pungcs the Apostle en, but he rare, everythinl In me wanls j0 cry fls~~=~i !!ke .-;~he fil>~ral estab-

The Washington admlnlslrallon refuses lo make a Mau intention, ii based so matlcal approach 10 the Sacra• 11 not addreasin1 himaeU 10 thc ty finds be II out: "01 course, you don't al, lb h •1 nvoked, •11 b I th b bi 8 1 h th tio 1 " 1 menll -that -Is now 10 much in problem of the 11tv1lion of non, borinr himself ~ ay 11 Ith Wh teve ou1 I a supposed lo ceue.

unilateral• conceulon • Y ·stopp ng hede thorn ~gs. 1

u 1

~~cGo':i~, .: ~~ 11 n0: t~e ~:,".;; opposition lo the reform called Christiana. We would do him when he 1, in a :ad~ Y::~hink 1m:~pecte~ yo~ The mt ii mere inc1nt11ion, suppo1e an agreement were reac roug neu ra 1 1 b I Ilk God for by Vatican Council 11. To- an lnJusllce to make his- words poailion 10 aet down belleb and 1 , .. • rather like the zlu,boom,bah sources that bombings would be suspended If North 011 pract ca' us neu- e · day the Chiireh wan11 us to re• anawer • question he has not eonvictlon, about what is hap• o. introducine • foolball cheer. Vietnam would agree lo a cease-fire and a disengage- A brief rehash ol the history tum to the 1warene11 of the askNI. John'.• Gospel, however, venln1 an,und him. All of con, A celumnlst wwld hn• 19 The response la predictable. ment of ground forces. Would not Ru11la then find It of atlpends may make clear Mau u a community action, to does make It clear that Juu1 temporary reallly becomes his be en utter Idle! te thl,. thet .roumall,m the~ remain, • almost lmpoulbly awkward 'to veto a Security Council what I mean, In the early pray and offer the Hau to• Is nndin1 the spirit who wilt mudpie, to shape Into meaninlJ "'- he puta ferth en ltlea hla not bnly the ~o,t 11i1s1 ill but summons {or an inlernallonal peace conference? Church people had the custom ,elher, nol to pray 11 Mau; to 1uide the Chi:i'ch and lead her and conaequence. readera all dutifully fall Int. the most challensini of p~ofu,

. . . of brin&inl ollerin&• of bread, tblnk ol the M111 11 our M111, to the trut , One of these , 11-and they w~ld have te ,Iona The journ 11 1 t • d We think back once more lo the way Pope Paul wine, oil, candtu, etc., lo be not mY Mau. truths that the Church holds Is However, there are atao aerl•. be ldletlc te de ... prop~aandi t th I


lifted • h la a d. hopes two yeara ago thl1 used in the community Mauu that God' can lead men lo Him• ou1 limitation,.• Unlike the bil• di d'-

1 • or e pn>pa11n,

men I ear n ~ th The wealth ml&ht brin mane · It ii not 10 euy, however, to self wlthnut 1ivln1 them explicit torian, the Joumaliat has to This 11 bad enouah. But It la 11 oapised II a Joumalist, autumn, Any UN. move ~wa~d peace ·la worth e try. lo~ the ,up:Ort of the cl:rn 1J ellmlnate the practice of Mass faith In Jesus u the Cbrilt. meet deadlines, lie is not alven even woue when a certain i,owe~er, 1• a menace, corrupt,

• charltable purpoaes. These of, 1tipends. Many of our people Tbey are not held to be aaved the lime to aee how lhln11 have amount of exchan1e•expoae1 Iha n1 1 e civil ~•lo1ue, wlth his

• ferln I

mbollud tbe artlel· want to ~member their rel•• by their lanorance, but by the aetual!Y worked out; be la de- fact that the writer and Dear euy yeas an nays. With a,

IJ • d F d paUo~ of ~be people in ~ com• tlvu and friends with a Man faith they do have In God. DINI knowledl• of facta that Reader baslcally a,rte, and the re~tY•madj • 109:w1n1, au ch . n1te DD mon Eucharistic celebration. at time or deatb~And moat of ----------"'"I may not be known untU years writer learns that bis falllne I• ir t': dt ay e 11me with

. Seeminity ii never entered the our minlonal')' P ull both later but actually determined that hp did not •pell out the 0• e ce. Th 11th Wll United Fund campaign hai begun nllndt of these people that a born• and !orei1n m on, de, TL-:@c,.·~er1·on· the final outcome of any elven obvious, had to eliminate a di•• • . •

e ann hdl V i la f the M111 would be ollere°jtfar one pend upoa Man stipends for I 119 aet of event.. tfoction or akip a qualWcation To be sure, It 11 natural that throu&hout the Arc oceae. ar ous 1egmen O lvate non·, intentions II aupport. I have a suneation • be would actually be quite pre, 1 certain bias wilt 1 C9Jllfflunlly-lnd111try, b111lne11, employees, hou1ehold- ~ 11 ever':body's Mus· the ~ele to ,make thal mi1ht aolve the 0//lcllll Nnospapn of tllt 1The mtrsin/or,;rr~r, then, 1: pared to make, had be the space every columnist'• or a~r;~en" eh-will be asked lo give their fair 1bare lo the welfare brant sathered toseth~r all lb; dilemma. lt•could be done on • Areladioc,ae o/, lndlanapolla a ways n>a · °' seasone to do so. On such occulon,, lltor'a work Even with th~ of member organlzaUona and ta the community as a intt11tlons of those partlclpatln& dloceun,w\jle bull but would ~ur:;.-.li•u -r:re ~•lnfullfu aware one learns the limitation, of the best will in· the world Imme whole. . · · function best If. or11nbed by our 124 W, GNr1l1, P.O. a.. 174 ' ~ .. _1 'r·J ey .. !~m Cn>H joum11i11ic enterprlae. • dlate ,...decisions rind Judsmen~

Then came the development NaUonal Conference of Bi1bop1 IMlanaP.l'.!!•dn41

, 46216 ""'r a1era ""' ween every ' 1 be It ls a duty of cbar1ty and colllCiellC\ ,that cannot ol UM prhat, 11 .. ,. z,u, · NHN analyUc or pn>phe11in1 ,,en, One. way ot 1etllll1 around Uie ~a i:l: ad cut oU fn>m basic

be treated ll""U Indal maDGr boual bad 111 on Ralat the 11l1rlt1 of the e tt11ee, pn>blem II to !pore It blllhll1 ya I a penonal tempera,

. ... y. · cba lain aid and au rted to cleru, U DffffSII')', to replace ..._.. • - a. '-. • In favor ot nat pron1111Cl1m111lol, meat,, For that HUGD, It II One ,un bean an occasional cr1Ucllm aaalnit r/ for S:..e needs ":: intta: loas of ,Jnco111e fn>m 11ipend1, ..... It .... -· in the sure expectation of lbl loocl, for publication, to strike

"lump sum" .. 1,,j".. Th-:Jar;& wW llllilt hi prefer, ~ of tbl ownen. 11 Later on Let the Prop11aUon of the Faith ~· w. '!t' •~!!~I fnu!~~linn of the True Believer'• alleJlt, or of the aome1 kind ofrlbalance 1moa1 Ill ... ..... t ., to' or ,.__ 1•~u bad tllelr ' Olllce prepan and dialrlbutt to er • 11- rom ,...., preulln> opposition whole and complete rep ar cont butora. Tbey can ·

to live In a more perfO , ec wa., causu ,_ wu ..., on Pff• parlabt, a y111 , card with Edi RL R R ad T ot d11dll.al-meeUn1, Is the llm• from readen la the oppoalt~ correct each other. But It would lndfvlduail, rather than contribute lmpenonally to an T'' he clllJ:~ la tTi, 11,=: aomethlns Ute the followini oa 11o1I:: ~ 11 '!l':t I o'r: IIIUon on apace. Tbe writer 11 comer. This, thouah, Is the way be n111urln1, too, U tbo11 of u, oraanlzed drive. Such cr1Uc1 abould ium1ne recordl c urc ' • were . II• Jolla b. Acllelmlrej. Maus• required to com, to terma with of the pn>pa1andllt• I don't be, ill the trade wen not '° com, of put ~ to determine Just how faithfully they have poo~r

1111d:: • 111• :!~ ~er; · • 1111 Editor, ,Fred w. Frlli!, IL HI bu to aklp over dlaUnc- uev, It de,mea io be called fortably predictable .

... , ... ,.,. charity oa,thelr own. .,, ~ !!! w -~- ! .. "rtao In mtmol')' of .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Nna EdltorJ. Paul G. roa: tlou and b111111 qaallfle1Uont Joumallam. ___ .. _ r-•- . · 0"1L •-• m- ""' II an olf1rln1 bu Wei made Advertifilll a11111er, J•- that are pou1bla for tbl pbl1oso, • • '""' te1a,ta,-• te lie ••

1111 Uallld Fund and Ill Community Qeat prad• !°~ t:'.:J !:'• •s ~ ,bJ .......... .............. for T. Bradt,· plier, dMi blstoriua, or n111 tbl · · · ~~~ '~- ,,..,. After • ceuon W8l'I not Intended to p¢ an end lo penoaaUzed - muaa • lhe sueport of • mluioa,ry Price SUI • ,..r I004· clluroom u1cber. '1111a Ill lhl prop11udlat'1 world , ,... ... ,., -• .,._ wwtdlll

fv: A, IOClal welfare IMlidl ablfted became more lowN. ftus •ro11 11M custom prltat wbo wlll be aaked to • means tblt frtq111nll1 bl Is then 1n only 1ood 1u11 ud fw -• ti-, he crNtn -•

._:_.,..J .-.a ._ __ .... In coat, ... _, ---..a for com- ol 11M IDdlvldual itlpead, wblcb offer a llua for the dec11aed. ~'!"" .. ahe4WNk~~~~. IWJI lo be 111~1 leu, 111d bad pya, •ll•rlaht posltloDJ and taln tJqltd•"-1 111111 all IN ,,.._ - - - - • .;... one• accepted 111 • prlt1t ... .. ,.._......,, aom,u a mo- •~-- ~- ill• all,wroa1 1pp •- la. """ Ille wee " ilfl • te • mublty,wlde campalpa and bud&et P'•DDIDI ...,.~. obU11d him to otter • lfa11 for Let aacla eburcb 1Dd chapel tndld m . ••• ...... - noaa IMtn ,, •nrwht1111tna. ._

And,u the ~ of the annual campalp pw, worthy ' tlla ap•cill 1-lalloD ol till pro,ldt an lntenUoa book 1t·lhe ........ • ., . TIM l.lbtrll Pl'OPISIJldiat, for cellllle eut Ille clll•• ef • (Coatlmled Oil pate -Uf . ct.or. prllclpal tlllrlDCI where pa, ._ ______ ...;, _ __, I 1m c:out111U1 mNUnl peo, uampll, -• DO evil, bean 11G (ConUnutd- OIi PIii I)

. *

,, ..


~ ~ I





,ntentionally or :nOt.. ~-.- I • • ~

Long®and short of it ll' MSGlt: GIOltGI HIGGINS II a sccond-rale performance. not between Mlchel'1 relatlY(I

· For my own part, while nol pre- and certain bl10ted members or Rober! Lewis' new novel, 1endln1 to be anylbln1 more- the Church, but rather between

"Michel, 'Michel," (Simon and than the rankest 1ort or ama- Michel'• rel11lvt1 and the Cath• Schu11er, New York, $7.50) It teur In the (leld or literary crltl• ollc •Church anuch. Indeed Mr. almost II conlrovtnlal II Roll clim, J must uy that J enjoyed Lew11• · publisher h blatantly ll0chhuth'1 play, "The Deputy," the book very much, In spite ol 1dvertl1ln1 the book Ill precise-

ly RIV. JOHN DORAN belorr the courts any cue bl 1 10dety'1-rlcht1 sink btnuth the boy or girl who 11 bsrrrd lrom wa1•e ol el'cry lndlvldual'1

: It seems lhat the American school on the 1rore ol reluul to choice! 'Ch-II Liberties Union. 11 lcul romply with the srhool reeuls- School authorllln, chsreed In Phoenix, knows the lone and lion, about dreu ind haircut,. with the eduullon of the yolini, the short ol it. They have an- They are uylng In ellert 1h11 hne to make decision, 11 to nounccd that they are author- the 1chool1 hne ~o rl1ht lo what (ur1hcr1 that ·education

which stirred up 111 exceulve len1th and Ill IO<l ly thue term,. A recent ad-1uch a n a • t Y !rcquent use ol Improbable co- vert111ment In the New York squabble • cou- Jncldenc11 and other lilerary Tllnu uy1, !or example, that pie or years 110 props. J mu1t also admit that I Le w I 1' · "huae, m11nlllcent

, not only · 1n the found It to be a very 1oberln1 novel"· ii a alory about "the bat-author's native ana very ulutary reminder that lie between a Jewlah hmlly and Germany, bu I .,.,...-..,.._. anrl-Semlll1m, In lt1 many di•• the Catholic Church (sic) for

Illes on I h ~ make lhllt rr1ul1ll0n1, 1nd and ~·hat hinder. It. The •U· length ol boys that ·carh boy or girl hu the thorlllts will not always be hair and t h c riRhl lo Impose upon the school right, any 11\0re than parenl1 1 h Or I n e II ol whalever dreu or colllure 1hr are alway, right. but thry mull girls' drcnea, 'or ht w•nts to Impose. (I Jtait- relaln their aulhoril>· II the and arc willing rd to write he or 1hc abol'e. 1rho0I Is to arold.anarchy. to co to court and then rcmrmhrrrd thal In I( c1·cr1· boy or girl • is the

In many other bollcally subtle lorm1, Is 11111 po11e11lon or a child." coun,t r I e • 11 a tragic .reality even-and, I thou1ht at Cini that I mlaht well, . and not• 1omellm11, upeclally-ln pious be ructln1 too 11n1ltlvely to

lo prol'e it. Con• our changing .sorlely I had I~ unrhallengeablc Judge ol what ·grats to the Un• put It the olher wai• around.) ran be done or worn In school. Ion! I am gl•d • • • 1hen tl'cri· boy or ~irl Is more

ably here In the Chrl1tl1n circle•• Lewis' crllleism of the Church United Statu. • ·and that what I Interpreted 11 Lewi•' book ls a flctlonall1ed Jn all hontslY, however, It 0ulrl1ht anll-Cathollchm mi&ht version of the notorious Flnaly must be uld very bluntly that, be a C11ment of my own clerical case-the atory el a Jewish evrn thod&h l\lr. Lewil' book 11 lmaalnallon. But aller reading child, orphaned In France by aflecllonately dedlealed to hl.1 what Publlahen' Wetltty h•-d to Nari terror, rescued by a Catholic wile, It 11 almost uy about the book, I am con­French Catholic woman who hu patholoalcally anti-Catholic In fident that my !Int lmpreulon him baptized and raised II a 111 total Impact. Whether lnten- wu 1ub111nll11ly correct. Catholic. ·The story revolves tionally or not, Mr. Lewil man- • · around attempts by the boy's 1111 to create lhe lmprenlon Publishers' Weekly, which Jewish relatives to aaln custody that the Catholic Church Is the presumably has -l!O parliun re­lrom the Catholic foster-mother. vlllaln of the piece, ll1ious axe to grlnll:-,111 In 111

Some • profeulonal re,•lew~n ·The nerve-racklnr battle !or July 17 Issue that "lor fully 90-;;, have 1evorely criticized the the custody of Michel, the of the novel, with only a few book on technical literary young Jewish orphan, ll made minor excepllon1, nery Cattio­ground• ana have written It olf to appear to have liecn a battle lie the ruder meets, layman, ----------------·..;:-:;__-______ nun, prleat, Bishop or Cardinal, • b Is such a bl&oled rel11lou1 ra. T T. if. · 1 · t ·ce nauc. 1rcquent1y ant1-Sem1t1c, u n air ,a orpra. C .l . IQ wllllna lo lie, chul, connive

at any scheme lo forcibly · • . prosclytl1e Michel that lhe emo-•

h ·d b l tlonal tug of war one ml1ht n-c ar.ge rn_ ~'~. fi'00

u·· ~ta peel to feel ii dlulpated, the I U O \., alory 11 almply too 1l1nted one

way. Catholic readers will find d this part of lhe novel deeply of•·

!iAN ANTONIO-The San An• But the dlspule wu conluse tensive. Non-Catholics may tonlo archdloctic hu claimed by uveral events. Ule In 1966 well come away fro Jt • II

· the archdiocese con11nled to hi kl , h m r.a Y !hat a union complal11J. ol uni air permit the· union to orianile the t n n1 t at Catholics believe labor practices by tlie"archdi;;:--.cemelery employees. This oc- h~II .~e1u are condemned to

· Liturgy and Life ,,-

PRAYER BEFORE COMMUNION ... 0 l.ord, Ju 111 Clirl, t, let not the porlaking of 11our body, u-hich I . umcorlhy as I am, make bold lo rtctiue, turn against me lnlo a judg111cnt and condrmriallon, bur through uour Iovino k/ndncu /cl ii bt for mt a 1afeguard ancl litaling remedy boll< of 11,lnd and bod11 .•••

Oll( ~ IONS

that somebody I ~-as llstrnlng thr other ~ieht of on aulhority lhan are the know•. lo one o( the , pokesmrn from hired admlnlstrath·e per10nnrl

It would1dble h

1 ord to t

11t111nk 0

11 lhc ACI.U descrlhin~ how lhry or thr ch•rtr,I arhool board.

a more r cu ou1 po, on o will he lullillln~ surh a I ital \l'hy. one ml~hl ask7 hire I rain• take than the one which the Un- ·need In romlng 10 the aid ol lhr rd and capahlr pcrsonnrl to run Ion announced. Tlw,- an•, as I minl-sklrtrd and the maxi-hair• a school If each mini-skirted tart understand II, ollerinG to take rd or long-haired loon can sci the

Thry uld that no school ,tandards lor the 1cho01!

POAUplans to continue.

stamp fight

board or administration had the ! think and hopr that the rl~hl to pre-crnsor or pre-judge At:LU came a cropprr on 1h11 lhc rllrrt which dresses up lo ls1uc. and I h..-c mini-sympathy the na1·cl and hair down to It lor It.

• l . ( . H•,ford

would ha1·r upon the othrr slu• ;::::==========i dents in school. Tbey uld th al I ,,.,., i.,,,. the school aulhorilirs · would hal'r 10 wait unlli lhr>· round out Fieber & Reilly II thr olhcr students wcrr "~olh• Insurance Agency, Inc, rrrd .. hy ~iris 3pprarin~ In their hal1)' sl~lrr's drrssrs anll hors ··con,i.11t '"'mlot1•I s.,,lu" ~h•ln~. In clnn. lhclr huntlrrd 1_07 N. Delaware 636-2511.

WASlll:-.GTOX - l'rotcstants strokr1 "·l1h n hrusli to th1•ir and other Amcrit-nns United lor ~oldrn lrrssr~. :-.o•school. mind Sr pantlun of C:hurrh nnll State you. thr ACJ.U :in urcas us. rnuld 1',:~~~,~~n~" t~~~t•~~~1,';,~•t.~'.11• ( l'OAU) plans 10 continue its (lOS!ihly kno"· In a,h·ancti that 11 .. 111611., ,,. w,,!'!. •nd A11buu1

legal challen~c to lorce the U.S. 1hls ml~hl prol'c dlsruptil'e 10 Renner.'s Express, l'ost Orllcc Ue11:irlnll'nl to halt classes. • lhe Issuance of lhc s11ccial 1961 • Inc. Chru,tmas postat,;c s tamp. ' Hrllr.1 th all this nonsrmc .. ,1,,.u, t.4,,-1,nm, h4•r:·

The stamp has the •ame 11· whlrh lhe At:I.U. Is spoulinG. '-::U=S=,f=ll=l===tl=50=S=. =W=•=•t:::::St=.


cesc "complclcly misrepresent• curred, and a contract wu The I d 1 11 h

ed" the archdiocc11's position on drawn up. But the raise was I w nae Y O • 1 ii Is that negotl1tlon1 lor a· tabor conlracl 1ra_nled before lhe contract was t 111 probably tempt_ certain covering 32 employees ol the alened Catholics lo retallat_e In kind. Liked editorial

Juslon us the t:hrlstmas stamp and I nm rc11orlin~. lhcrr Is a -Issued last yt:'ii r, only sho11"lng consi~crable philosophical prob• -a larGcr version of lhe palntlnc. 1cm. · 11 h : docs the public good "~lodonn• and Child • With rome In for •.ny ronsldcrallon, Angels," by the 151h•rcntury or docs the wlum of ~•·c~y hlppi·

through "suggestion." Christ ari jst llans ~lcmllng. or hooligan take pnor1t)' 01·rr warned about Intellectual pride. Tl l'OA U complalm•d that the_ public sood~ Doc, lll'ing In Oplom1lrl1t

archdiocesan ccrol.llerles. . 'J'he · union- chareed that the I hop~ not, 01 courae, but hu• To the Editor: The dispute ii'roke lnlo the raise was-an Indication that the man ature beln1 what It ii, I .

... . WI C II di dal.ly •t 10 , • • society Impose obligations upon

1 never a en nc " ass hccause It dcpl_cts tiie1 nlado.~n the members o( socicl)' or do Is lelt up lo the whims ol even holding "• t:athollc 1111>u1, It ' Dr. Leonard Kcrnrl

Dr. lllsnchc Kerne! • . Kt1tln2

open recently when the ComlJIU· archdloceae wu · unwlllln1 to think we had better be prepared I wlah · to commend you and nlcatlons Workers ol America bargain. ' !or anolher nuty. aqqabble, thank you for your excellent edl•

the youngest 'child (and this Js a form of "proselytizing lor ;==========:::; being carried out In such a sud• the t:athollc t:hurch:· It con• den manner), lhcn·that ls t;M ng tends that Its printinG•inrnh·cs1 scandal In t~~--~l~hcst deGrce. the ,1,e.mllnc or public f/mds ln l

filed • complaint with the Na• alone the lines 01 the Hochhulh torlal, :·11ate-ln1," which •~· llonal Labor Relations Board FATH'-,R Charles Grahm•n~. controveray. This too, of courae, peared recently In The Crlter• charalng that the archdiocese director of cemelerles and see• will pan In-due time, but It may acted In bad faith when It &rant- retary to Archbishop Robert E. prove lo be rather unpluunt In Ion. I have already malled ed lhe employees • 3,;;. wage Lucey of San Anlonlo, replied the short run. As I see It, the copies of It lo • numlier ol our boost without b1r11inlna· with that the archdiocese had uked only thine th•t can ponlbJy alumnae and iome Mllwaukct the union for bar11lnln1 sculon1, but was keep It from 1ettln1 out of hand friends; and I am lociltln~ for.

· lold that the union preferred to would be a forthrl1ht repudJa. ward lo luture lnues of The THI ARCHDIOCISE replied wait until the contract wu lion of Lewis' apparent anti• Criterion.

thal the wa,ce boost was "auto- 1l1ned: Cathollclam by leadlne repre­matlc," accordlne to terms of But while they waited, ho scnlatlves · of the Jewish com• a previous waee scale set by aald, the time !or the automatic munlty - II, of courae, they the archdiocese In 196S. raise came, an~ It was 1r1:nted. 11ree that )!ubllshen' Weekly __________________ ..;... ___ ...;.._ has accuralely characterized

. Sister Marla Piela. C.S.C. St. Marv'• College

Notre Dame, Ind.

Christ w&rned thal we must an uncons11tu1ional manner. apcak out against evil. We be• .The Post Ol(lcc Ueparlmcnt llevc "'c arc entitled to an an• had already produced mdrc than 1wer os lo why the salvation ol 650 million of tbc stamps, hair our children Is to be experiment• _t,he urd,•r due for release No• cd with. • . . vembcr 6, when l'OAU filed an

injunction In U.S. District Court Disturbed parent here to stop Issuance .

The Justice Department In Its

Cathedral plans the book, 11 I, !or one, lhlnk It hu. · · Mass for ,pupils alumni •dinner •

dismissal 11111 said that II an In• Junction were i:ranll'd. lhc stalnp wouhl not be ready lor the ~hristmas season c1·en II the co1·ernment el'cn1uall1• won

It will not be eaay !or Jewish T6 the Editor: 0 'b 5 · 1 1pokeamen to call the tum on Even In this ultra-mndern ue. on clo er l t Mr. Lewla, for the Flnaly ..FJ~ Jt Is next to Impossible to be• -i· -on which "Michel, Michel' 1 lleve that "consecrated" souls INDIANAPOLIS - Archbish•

.I !.,11111','Jl

HDME' the case. ·

-=-=- • . ? : .. "."::..ti ~ • 9• '4-"' "• •· ·~--- - - - ;;.

Asphalt Driveways • Parking Lois

Concreto-Sul Coatln11 SCHAFER

CONSTRUCTION CO . . fl 6.f7M: fl MIU: fL 7-UII

h l f tllMtd 19'6


Dr. l'aul II. Kernel Dr. _Jules Tinder

Contact Len1es Fitted

I HOURS: I. A.M.-5 P.M. Cloud ,Wed. Afternoon,



.: ME 5-lSU



CH~IBTMAS obviously bued-11 still ve would even think, much !rss op Schulte will be iionored at fresh In their minds as another put Into practice, 1uch un-Chrlst•, the Jrtl annual dln;cr ol the ~~lfi:~•mple 01 Chrlsllari anti- like decision as we. and our chll• Calhcdral lligh School Alumni

In a 20-page derision (Scpl. 14) Judge Alexander lloltzoll dismissed the l'OAU suit, railing the suggcslion that the stamp would be a form ol --proselytiz• Inc" lor an>· church "so rcmo1e l~======================= and larlctched as to he entitled to but scant consideration." . N rib I lb I dren have had lorced on us In Association scheduled Thursday

to ~~te i "!i-rec~Y ·111 w~nt our parish durln11 this PHI week. Oct. 5, 11 the lndjanapolls Ath'. antl-C1thollcf1m la Yno~ e~te .~~ The Idea of waterlne-down the letlc Club. A reception al 0:30 awer to antl-Semlllsm I am Importance of dally •!lendance p.m. will preoede Lhc dlpner to not 1ayln1 In Id t 1·1 lb t at M111 belore attendance at be served at 7:30 p.m. .

• C en I Y, I 1chool hu sickened UI lo the Mr. Lewis thinks that It ii. All very depth of our heart,. One ~ Guest speaker lor the occa• I am 11yln1 ii, that, whel~er could hardly believe I decision. 1ion will ~ Father James P . lnlentlonally or not, he Hu even I iuuestlon like this lllgglns, director ol the JU clearly left that Jmpreulon and would come rrom th~ Holy Splr• Calhollc Cenler at Bloomlnglon. has. thereby apoiled what could ill How subtle utan ii, how Robert Ohley.cr will be the tout• have been a very effective anti- cunning, and how succeuful In muter. dole lo Christian antl-Semltl1m. attacklne the II o I I Perfect c. Lawrence Sexton, dinner

•Prafer-the 111111 chairman, has announced thal

The Post Office has more I han a billion stamps on hand for the coming Chrislmas s,•ason. POAU has 30 days to appeal In the U.S. Circult_Court ol AP· peals.


$200 GETS




We shudder when we see them on TV, the fam• Illes I~ India who - have never lived Indoors, They live In the 1treet1, painfully, sleep huddled t011ether on m1ttln1 on the 1ldew1lk1. The pennies they earn buy scraps of (ood and n11, •.• In Calcutta alone they number 100,000. They are not drunkards or tramps, th111 faml• Hf•· Ali they need 11 • chance. , , • "For onl)' $100 (for materl1l1), we can 11lv1 a family a home by Chrl1tm11;" wrlt11 Archbishop Jo11ph Parecattll from ~rn1kulam. "We'll provide the 1upervl1ion, our min will J1.o the work free-of• c~trae, and the famll)' will own It outrl1ht once they prove they can !Ike car, of It them11lve1, We'll 1llrt the work when Ifie rain stops later on this month. Can you lm11lne th1 h1pplne11 a "hom1 of their own" will brln11 • , , Here'• your chance to thank God for your famll)', your ' home, your warm bed. Archblahop Parecattll will writ• you penonally to Sly thanks.

Diocese to have

senate of nuns MIAlll -- A senate or nuna

who wlll advise the bishops on matters concernln& the apoa• tolale ol Shiers 11 belni or11n• Ired In the Miami diocese.

In thl• hl1hly have-all-the-an• ~layor Barlon will attend. Sex• awera ace, (but Jn many In• ton's co-chalrms').are C. Barlon stances l1ckln1 Jn the all-lmpor• Grlflln and Bernard McGlnty. tant common sense), we would Dinner reservations should be like a 11tl1!1ctory answer to the sent •to Cathedral llilh School quutlon ol how a child, regard• before October 1. leu of a1e, 1utom1tlc1lly knows The Alumni Auoclatlon olll­wh1t kind of decl1lon1 to make cera are Kevin D. Brosner, for his own cood? Isn't It Just' -presldent: Jack Redmond and 11 true today, e1•en more 10. William K. McSh1ne, vlce-pre1l• that one hu 1tlll to be taught denta; Thomu McShane, sccre• what la rl1ht and what Is wrong? lary, and Edward Raelhz, trea•


~,Jt® • Slnnng Stuk • Hal Baled Potalo • Mi11d Grttn Salad • FT11h Bahd Roll




c, 0 In Kottayfm, south India, Sister Brld11t needs $12.50 • month for the nut two years ($150 a year, $300 altdaether) to complete her tr1inln11. She )¥111 writ• to you, pray for you, and you may writ, to her. You'll share In tha excitement of all the 1ood she does, like to have her as "your" nunl • Th• 'miracle' dru1 for leproay l1 D1pson1, and it'• very lnexpen1lv1. $8.50 buya 10,000 tablets, enou1h. for 43 lepers for • year, , , • Cure lipersl • $8.50 • month ($100 • year, $600 for the entire six-year course) will ttaln • n1IIY1 prlett. He will write you, and you may write ' to him, • $5,000 will 1Jve our native S111111 • mobile medlcal·dl1pen11ry ("ho•pltal-on•whNII") rot vl1it1n1 far•fluna vlll1111, • $10,000 will build • compl1t1 "parish planr• (church, school, convent. rectory) In m\mory of your loved on11. Name It for your ravorll• Sllnt.

• --ca-Dur lNCLOUO.l'LtAa,E FINO$ ________ _ \lonallftor Nolin: ,o.._ ______________ _

P1UII NAU,_ _____________ _

return coupon with your IT~UT--------------­

offerln1 CtTY------ITATI--ZIP CODE-


NEAREABT MIBBIDNB P'ltANCII CARDINAL ll'EU.MAN, ,,_.nt MSGR, JOHN 0. NOi.AN, National llcretary Wrlta: CATHCM.tC NEAi E.uT WEUAII Aaaoc. 330 Madlaon AV1nu1 • New York, N,Y, 10017 T11t~e: 212/YUllan 6-11140

Another question we would surer, have the "enllchtened" answer

Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, In a letter to all rellelou1 or• den of .• women in the diocese, uld the purpose of the proposed senale "would be to provide a voice that mlahl ofler aunes• ls where t~~Y got the..Jdea that 110111 and recommend11ion1 to we of the dark ages were al• the bishop II to the manner In waya forctd lo do the riGht which s1,1erio mlaht make I thins? Such 11, belne "forced" 1ruter contrl6utlon to the work to 1° to Mau on Sunday and of peraonal unctlflcatlon II well durln1 the,, week, beca~.se the 11 the ,arictlflcatlon of others." thou1ht of being forced never

, entered our mlnda. We went be•



"All 11111, are buritd In p,ac,, a11d 111, memorv of 111,m 111111 on and on."

-Sir . .rll11, J4

's.temlNr JO, 1"7 ~ flathtr ldw1rd ,i-rty

11,temller JO, 1MS -llathtr J1m11 1h11

Octeller 1, 1''7 -

cause we u,anred to. Just be• CIUIC I lew "timid" souls fell forced to eo to Mus, to fast durlna Lent, to 1b1laln, 10 keep the Commandments, lo go to conreulon reeularly I and this In a dark, scary box!) doea not mean •ueh thouehl1 e1·en enter• ed the mlnda of the more •olld.­the m1Jorlty of Cathollca.

The Rell1lou1, of all pt'ople, should know that one hu to be . t1u1ht to ,tart doln& lirlfe thine• out of "love !or God"; that you do not automatically do this

flathtr Demi• McMullan OcteNr 1, 1.,.-

flathtr Jthn W, latk Ochltlr 1, 11a- 2313 W. Wasl St. ME. 2-93S2

ln, AlhlN•lua Tacht,p, 0,1,1,

OcteNr 2. 1M9 -flalhlr l1r111;;;:. lelllert

Ocw.2.1117-,, ..... , lemard lchMfer

0cte11wa,1N1-ln. WIii• flalltr, I.J,

~4,1,._ •"• Lub Orvw, 0.1 •••

~l,1tff-fl1lhlr 0-.. lchlWllr,

~lllllrl,US6-lllY, Jlllflll ~. 0,1.1,

Ocw. 1, 1n1-... ........ , 1wtiart,

·0.1.1. .

Odlller •• 1m -fl1lhlr lldllrd HNilll

-USH.EI Funeral lf ome, ~Inc.

Anna C. Ueher Wm. A. Ueher

Prenlc I, Johna

Ho Tlppln9-Com1 A1 Yo• Arel



_PA_O.::,J_1_1x _ __.:__.:...!:,._ __ ..;;...._,...-~ ' ___ ..:...;:.;:;.;;i.~~~~~~~~·-:-· T"'l"'~~•-· C~lt~IT•l~~!!!!!il~ tl~TIM~ ll.lt. 0 ~N7 .

· _-Key games. set thiS Sunday in · cyo· grid loopS

In Cadet CVO •·~ball League play this Sunday atveral top-ranked tum, will I r~ off for their third werk of 11mu.. '

Division I compc tlon will see Holy Name (2•01 Jace SI. Lawrence (1•11 at ~hgr. Downey•CYO Field ·No. 2, 1:30 p.m. Sl. Plus X (2-0) wlll play Little Flower (0-2) at Chatard . lf.S.,

~ ..... ___ .;;;..._ , ___ ,;_ _________ ;... ____ _,;:;~

Rriest~', ijenaites· ~een .. . . . . \ ~ i , .

ess.e~tial f on dialogu~;'. , .. ,VAYNi. NJ..-Pr111ta' lffl- wtabt 10 offer from ,oar min•

, lt9t ffl -tlal for belier COTII• llln," ' ' anmlealloll betWffll tba bllhop - , • ' 111d prtm,,of • di-: Bllhop ~bins th• IJl)I of co, r..wrtDN B. cu., .of Pattnon openllon he lntelldl to &Ive tb1 told Uta lint' mtellDI of tba M1lat1, Bllhop CUI)' •aid that

, l'elmon Prlata' Senate at Neu• the "ccm,u)tall•e" nalure~of,•en­lUIUI Pnpiralory Seminary ala doea nol mean tha1 their ·1iare 1 • ''ncomm1ndaUom. reachecl u a

' · , ttaull of much •ludy and debate; Tbt dlalo111e tittded amon1 are ,lo be conatd,~ by the,blth•

• tba. cltr0, th .. blahop •alcl, II op a• plo111 dliortallou. - "fl'ff of a conde•c1ndln1 • pat11111llam on the part of the "1' do n'o( bellen it meana," . older clera or a C)'lllcal icono- he •aid, "that lhe bishop lhould clum on·tbi pert of th, rounaer arbitrarily acnpt• or nJect lhe eltr11 . ·, , We need dlalosue, •ound propo•all o the •enate.

2 p.m., while St. Michael'• U-0) meets Holy Spirit (I-II at CYO No. I, 3:U p.m .

The top game In Division II

l C t Is the match between St. Chrla•

Father and Son

licit ,111011olo111e," • • "I believe Iha he •~lement The •uCHN of a •enate In prJ, 'conaullatl'ft I nature mea111

Yld1n1 1uch dlaloaue, he con• lhal lht dell allolll of lht •en,;--.. -Ullued, depend& upon both the ate will be an ffectlve meana of bishop •~ the prlnta of the renewal and form In the dlo-dlOHM. re•e. annua amp~~ topher'a (2-01 and Christ tbf

King (1-01, to be played at Ea1l1 slated Oct. 14-15 Creek; 2 p.m.

, IN DIVISION 111, undefeated The fifth annual Father and St. Catherine's Is Idle. St. Pal•

Son week-end rampout will be rlck'a, also undefeated with two held October 14-15 at• McCorm• wins, will meet St. Matthew'•

, (0-11 at ~her. Downey.CYO lck I Creek State Park. •·leld No. 2, 2:~ p.m.

This event, 1pon1ored by Doy. St. Malachy's (2-0) will play S.-out Troop 488. SI. Simon's St. Barnabas (o-t) at CYO No. parish, lndlanapoll1, under the I, I: 15 .-, .. In Division IV pTay. supen·hlon of the Adult Com, Holy Trlnlty, (1-01 1quaile1 off

a1aln11 St. Luke's (0•ll at Max mltteemen, Is open lo all boya Bahr, 2 p.m. St. Dernadette'1, bet11•een the 110 of eight and also undefeated, Is Idle. 13, and their fathers. Men who Division V action wlll Involve have no son• In this aae croup four undefealed turns Our are Invited to "adopt" a boy for Lady of Greenwood (1-0.1'1 plays the ·e,·ent. . St. Jamea (0-0·1) al St. James,

Week-end acijyltlea will begin 2:30 p.m. SJ, Thomu Aquinas . with lunch al nlllin on Saturday. (l•O·ll will meet St. Joaeph'a The tr,dltlonal Rosary Trail, ltd (1-1) ,at CYO No. 2, l:IS· p.m.; by Father Camlllus Ellspcr• ldllle Holy Ansel• (0·0·I I faces

· mann, O.S.B., of St. Melnraa-st. Ann•• (0-21 at CYO No. 2, Archabbey, will be followed by 2:30 p.m. St. Rll1 '1 (0·0·2) Is

; dinner and a conference. Idle.

Included In s·unday'• ached• M I A N W H I L I In 100-lb. ule are._ Mui at the amphlthe• Leacue play ddendlnc lu1ue aler, a pancake breakfast and a champions st: Mlchatl's (2-01 conference. The Fare we 11 will meet Immaculate Heart of Lunch, al 12 noon, will cloae the Mar)' (2-0) at ' Broad Ripple

J,, actlvlllea. Brother VI n cent, lf.S., 2 p.m. Both a~ In Dlvl· ,.~f:.S.C .. of Cathedral Hl&h School, ,Ion 1. . •

will attend II a special euut. over In ,Division II, SI. An• ~ Coat of the Fellowship Week• drew'1 (2-0) will play Holy

end II S4 per peraon. lnforma• Spirit U•MI al St. Andre'!'•, lion can be obtained by contact• 1:30 p.m. •

• Four Cathedral atvdenta UH MW "IHrnlng center'' facllltlH,

Cathedral opens A "learning cen·ter" has arisen at Cathedral High

School In the wake of the old library. The carpeted, .wood•f anelled ·center was a~leved by knocking down a wal In the library, replacln~ 14 wooden frame win­dow• with block gla11, Install g new book cases, new celling and lighting systems s, well as 368 yards of carpeUng and the paneling. '

The reaull ls a quiet center· where 15 per cent of the students can assemble at any given time to do outside reading or prepare tor claases. Roll Is not · taken and 1tudent, are free to come and go u they

°' I '/l I t "·

please. . A free period Is now available for Cathedral stu­

dents at 8:30 .a .m : when they may use the learning · center, the language lab, or confer with teachers. Classes do not begin unUI 9:10 a .m . and students arc not obliged to report until then. · .

Other Innovations at, the Inner-city prep school Include the conversion of rooms' in the faculty real• dcnce for department offices of faculty members. Resqurce materials ar11 now kept In these offices along with personal reference material.


Bowl!ng tourney

HIT'I ~ two-way •tree I," Blah• "I believe that , the propo•all op CUey told the Patenon of the •enate,.when lhey are lhi prletta. "I promise you my · co- fruit of •ound •tudy, when they operation and •hall work alon1 are practical and c•n be lmple• with you lo make II 1ucceuful. mented effectively; when they It'• your •enalt. I hope you like are accordln1 to the accepted Ill Ktive part 111d nol leave the teachln& of, the Church~ conall• work to a few. Each of you hu tute a ·maildite· which would be 10metbln1 to contribute, •om, dUflcult for nie lo lcnore."

-GrinJteiner Funeral ·Homi latabllahed 1154

.. OIOltOI N. Hl~JT• INH HAROLD D, UNOH MIi,... l.a74 HII la•t New Yerll II,

-~Helpful. Hint• . . fer >'•- ea.,..t•• llea• t,'


For Spot, end Stain• CIWlftl IUIMl1 If tht su,ftct tf •YoUt tttptl tt '"' h 11,~tk • lly <httrtd, urtfvlly cllp tff

tf!= :~d. ti'' t1~n:=i'u~ ~~11

111ti!~' ,:L: = :i:~:•>b,S~•: !";:tn:r:~!1 'i:'"rr::r,

"""" , . .. 11n1t • ....... Tic, ,

(A W,clcJ11 Smrltt lo Crilmot1 RtCMUl'I) . CARPIT l'AIHlONS INC,

, 2742 Macllstn A'flnue • i,U Llfay1tte Read . lnallen1pell1, lnall,.,._ ln1 lln. J~me• Lewis, 8313 En• In Division m ; s1. Catherine'•

clewood Drive (IH&-'1!1118). A (2-0) meeta Sacred Heart (2-0) •elf-addtta•ed, atamped enve• al Kennedy Memorial H.S., IOIMI ,.. •••AT tCT 1 lope 1hould be Included In 111 12:30 p.m., while ' Holy Name tenlML iiiii(u . '

The annual JUt1lor cvo.11, Phlllp Nari lawllnt Tourney wlll take place 1h11 wtolc•nd en the It, Philip parish lan11. All hlah 1chNI 1tucllnt1 are tlltlltlt ... 1t1lor, R11l1tratlen ••clllne wu y11l1nlay, ltul, arra11111n1t1l1 can 11111 be maclt loclay with Mra, Lott,1 R" (Qtffll) for parish INUPI lo bewl al - time.

re•ervallon orders. Deadline for (2·0) play• St. Philip Neri (0-2) ' lklolN 1o li""'i..!T.-, ., 11 Mo ruervatlona I• Tueaday, Oct. 10. at Brookalde 'No. 1, noon. ...,, " 11. ,.;;;,.., 1,<J •ji.,... ·1,. · i..w-

'tM.t '1, Mltr NtMt 1t Mltr. 0.-.r Mt,

.Booth T1rklngtpi;, Civic Theatre- Player• . . prettntl

, "Ihe. Rain Maker" - . COM.DY,.: . 1 .,_ .. ,w'liy' THI DAUGHTHI 01' 'IIAHLL.A


l1lnt I llubeth'1 Ham1 lullcllna l'uncl

Sunday Oct. 8 at 2:30 P .M. .leclal Haur h:11 P.M, '

100TH TARKINGTON CIVIC THIA.TRI, 1147 N, Alaltlm• Tick1la•C1II m.sm a, JS6.ff4f •

IL I o,O ,._,.., $1. Mkl\ff) " • Holy i,l!H ti hO Ho. 1,.1,d "'",:·' I t, ""' X "· llttlo f ... tt It 1.111l11t1 HI kMt,, 2 II-"'-

- l o It.•-•" • Out lHY ti l= 11, 111-,c, I • -"'~ It. Otlo-1.. .. ~·,/111,i 11

1~~ .... •-r.·11,\:i •~ "':,'kit~l'lllllo Hot! " • -

~~~11t~k~"':l°'h~•~ .";,·•,,~ ~:..:··..:~"r ,~., ·~ ... ~·Tr" c::i!'.t:

~ 41 l~flfl Keltt WI, """ Mtlrl It K.-, _11,, 2 ...... Holy

lr."'U-.,~,"w~•t:. ~.,'!'.: .. •-::· cio'~ I, 1,11· ..... , ••. •ff-flt, ....

- •• 'I· .... ., ... ••· no-t " CTOIM, t,,l•Sf'"'·••••--:..= ~1. ~W : ·,,: l~~t1o~ ... , ,,. llfl, ~·• I ✓

"IW'~ ....._ lo It. ,_ et Ate " · It, Clwlo­

:.'1:••t 1:r,1t Coetk, 12 _, It, -Lu

n. Mi~~::. •,:..::..:i:r.1·.1:.~:·: t-:i ·tot'~·- ·

Will My Child Play? ~ RENT .


WjllllllJ~~~ '

CYO Week plans ,. are announced

lln,der New Owner

Parkwa1 Pizza

II 011•t1"'"f;:1•W::.1~1'\\,~ s;:::"'1~ '!MM ¥1, II, Mttthtw 1t It , Mttthtw

.,~ J.""r:., "r:So ~~-, ".:11~~ = ~! ICOUTI PL.AN l'IIH l'RY-lceut Treep 462 If Nall~lty pa_l.lllt; lncllan1pell1, will sponMr • l'lsh Pry at the parish,

· aia~noo leuthtulern A¥1t1111, 1t1rtln1 at S p,m, l'rl• cl1r, Sept, 2t, lhewn 1beva cllacunlnt the tnfll ere, fr•m left:- Dr, J , Tim BohMrl, a11l1lant scllllma•ter, K1vlt1 Phelps, BoW,y Hammett, JN Lehrman and Dr, Rtclney Phelp 1, Hllllmtlltr, PrlClffl wlll be ultcl lo '"""" •the MW treep clurlnt the r11r.

The CYO Office thl• week re• millded parish unll1 lhal Na• tlonal Youth Week will be ob• 1arved In the Archdloce•e ,tart• 1111 Sunday, Oct. 29, with the lradltlonal Communion Break• fut. The 1lle ha• yet to be de• lermlned.

Other scheduled eventa durlnc the ·week will Include: Junior CYO Halloween Dance (Oct. 31) at M•cr. Downey Council, Kni&hta of Columbu•; Cadet CYO Hobby Sbow (Nov. 1) at Utile Flower parish; Junior CYO A•ard1 Banquet (Nov. 2) II Sececl.na Memorial Hlah School; and the Junior CYO Balllna Cantell (Nov. 5) al an Ulldetermlned alle.

NO OBLIGATION TO IUY - HNT 'POR 1.U MONTHI TN W TM ,_ II f)e I .... N TN hcW. 11 kr All ,._.. .a,,i,

""'-"'' CttNI t t CYO .... 1, 11 ,_,., St, CALL NOW OR STOP IN Af le;: ~it. C1t"-'1At wt, ltut4 ... .,, .. _, -•·•· ""° r~ •·· -n·.=..~ ::...~':",.~ .~. :, Q2442-' I 5114 I, Mlchl9an St.

357~15.86 Tue•:t• Wtcl,, Thun., lult, 4 It 1l P,M,

rrl, and lat, 4 P,M, It 2 A.M..-

Everybocfy Welcome

tr.= t.!i' .:' .. ~-=-· .:'l. ir-00:: ffl c.un NOTUU -----------------------'-

- ~ ::i,•-:;: ~-.r , ... ., Ate o, It. Mk .. 11 14 It. ~, .. 0• 11, [l::'11 ,.:;.:1;,_.._ o. Holy s.i,11 u,

lltlolN l o I•. '"" I, It. I- 01 11, ~l.t--::'1~~ ,~t. 'i:'r' ,, 11• ------------------------1 •kW.. 11 It, ,,,:..r',, It, l'loj~ t:i

....,.......;~------------...;.;;:;...._;;.... ___ 01 I• . .... II, -• c.,-, O• 11, C.""

Night School For Day. Workers . . . New Classes Forming Monday, Oct. 2

s1,no1raphlc, Secrttarlal, Accounlilll, 1114 Bu•illett Machill• Couue•• lndMdual•proareu method of t11chln1 In lhe major 1ubjeet1, For per•onal coUDJeliDI, eontacl ' Mr. C. it Gani, Re1l1tr1r. Pbo~~-

"'"' «>, 11 . ....._,!I. 11. -a. • - •• ••· ""1I' ,. t-1tte W:'r1,~7. T~~I\., z..,-=:. "::r ti.

i-.;;Jl:· 11 ~ 14 It. ="­I?.' :;;..:.~ ... ·H!~ ~~- •~"• •

........ 1o ,, .. ,..:: r 24, ""' -141 It, /ll~j;O;_ I•. '-- ••II .... ~ lil~ ~-w, II, -II ~.

11i. (1,,11•..:!·14, ••• -14. °""' ,.._ , ... 14• 1,; - ••• , ::.u:z." LM• l•I • II. M.- W1 It

. BOY SCOUT BRR-B-0 OCT 7 4-~PM !fRb°~Bs-

OUHN 50e . . • IDLTS·'I"' · f r(fi) ~ r.~lf•~ l.-1

, · ·•hil A .• - lo It. P1trkt 141 It, C.-

24~ "'"'- Hott l•t• 11, lldl 1u.!:f

CENTRAL BUSINESS COliLEGE ~0-~ ':; t:::·:4"'"7. ..... PLAN .ICOUT 91Nl,tT-IMwn ... with • 1111 ... nt -IIIIUw IUIIM11 Cel .... lulWlni ~l.t,.w(::1o1..::.!:1.t~:~ -Int the Tenth Annu1I lar-1.Que IPIIIMl'N lay Haly

m N Mt ~ It IMI ,ell 1 ~ >w, Name ley lclllt T,-.., N1, IOI, are 11ft .. rlahfl Rlch1nt KW. • ' n '"' '"' a 11. ,._..

11-0-1, 11, ~.!:.,-;:f, 1t\; well, Mr, Jamt1 Leu1111, chairman. JN M1tl1 anal Mike

C, T, Bula (CPA), Prtl, I, L. BueJ (CPA), PriA. ~'°tJ.' 11• J..:;i. 1•11 •~ 1"' o-o-i, • Leu-. The r,iflt wlll be hthl frem 4 I• t p.m, laturclay,



' ,

__,.....,....,, .. ~0.,-.1 ...... , •••

M•w MTUU' Oct, 7, at Hair Name, Klclwell, M1tla and Leunn ,,. ttir,e -'T ,r ~• ::fi.-.:..., '•"" If the m1ny ICIUII peclclllnt ti cull,

!lr. O, lllfoll, it. ~ 11. 11, f- -,,,---------------------0, It, -t 11,_l•~tc ...... It J• llofy Afttlli O 1f1tltllll l•~<twtc•....,, ..... o.,, lHY • t Laor4ft 11, It, llhlllo ""' 111 -Utllf.1 !t_t!• 5al 0. lhWie 11 It,"'-' 22 Hely c,.., rt, It, IIMNI 22, 11, ,,tNII IOt 11, llWfMU ,_ ... ,,: i:::: c-•-;,_ t; ·= c~ ..... , .. It, •1. "'"" 21, lllllt .,, II, lite 111 Uttle ·- u , Holy c ... I It ~ II, •• rt,,• JI b1 it Me• ',IT, 21.,. , •• i-.... 21, ....,_ 21, 111 11 ............. ~··

loltl• 0, iii, 11 _.,; .,_: ' • ,... 12• 11· AN,,., ""9. , - ti......., s.,t, U . ... c. ..... i.: ·,. "·e"' ........ I• ,1. llcll 2, ,1. ··••lclo O - .. , •• ~ .,_ ••• """'h• It, - 7 I• - 1j iolr 11.,ltlt)t II, Met• It, Net" Mtt1I 5• 111 _11. Gllolllt 21, Helf AMII• 121 lilly

I .... _ i.•,y II l.-;;;. 71 - II, Cl_ ... I , I•. ,_ 01 11111,lty 11, frlftl•Y AS, II, /tltolt 121 i•. AM '7, II,

1; 9t, •....itt D. l'f.' - t, II, lltMNI II, ••· l"41 l:::,""t •S• It •• t1v11•.,.• 11. It, Iott•

....... -~ ... ··- - . -···--·--.. -'ote 41 11, D1W1o4 1;1, - h I•. MkloNl 441 I•. Meltd>I , , Clvlol ""' 11111 27 IL Plvt I 121 I•. • ti Alt , , ...... W, It, 241 II, - J.lj It. ,_ et Ate l •.I• - .. JI, Ill ,_ ii::• 1•~-

~~l r.? a:!,. ,•~1~2, i:. t:..~"11 ~: ff:~ .. - I I , .. ...

H I••~·-· ~u. .. ~ .. H, ...,, ,.,,,... w. It. L1o1111 - •• It;.=.~ .... " '"'°rt ,._, 1 Ow I .. llN ~J: ...., 11~11 Gt l Mel, - a.

t.a, ... H •lt , ll!.'J.llo" 11 ltely lfi,lt 441 llttlt lltw.' 11:. "'°'"'° •~• - ~. If, Petrkt a: • ":YI Clwll• tllo l"'9 4-1• ""'"° 1-lt •• ~· 11 II S- 14

MC-loo' 14, ·ri:r ,. nitt, .... , , .,, .11, i-..,..rJ-2• ••• If, ....... ~I ,. ,.~. 1i, 11 • ..,.:. Hi Hi 11, ll•dt ·It 1-11 It, ""' I 1,2, It. ,.,..,. al" It p -ll• o., w, ti Ir W, 1-1, · • ffl_ 1 • •• , .... 1\, Q.4~c,.,. 0-S. 14 •- I II ....,_. H,

...... · ... - • I 11',1: 1-1; II, - • ,.'/; i:.";': . . fl ' ait•• '9<: . • • ~ .,, J•go,I - 1-1. 11. - 1-1, , ..... ~ . , t M,' •-a1 11, P••kl G-41 11, ,_ tlltlolN It I•. Dir"'-' ::4J:• _,.,

~ --:~ .. Na';; = t,~·:J;t'lr. W · 1-11 It, i!: tptl711f, a,v. • --~ ~ . D w1.~14111,-..,t41Holy

THE WuRtiizER co. iH NO, PINN,

Alie About Ovr Band lt11lrt11t1flll Rf11141 Pla11

Happy, WeH Cared-for ••• Thanks To Your United Fund Dollars

• If the United Fun~ of Greater lndl1'!.•poll1 reaches Its 9011, the following· alloc1tlon1 will be made to Catholic agencies:.

Catholic Soc:111 Services $168,051.00 ·

St. Ellubeth'• HDme $45,452.00

Catholic Y ~t~ Organization · $4~77.00 • '

St .. Mary's Chlld Center $14,135.00

.;;' :. , , ; ,,_, ✓' ...

ThaH tittle onea were amont1 tho 1U 'bablel cared for la,t yNr In St. Ellubeth'1 Home awaltlnt adoption by Catholic couple• In tho lndlanap-0111, ArchdlocHe and Lafayette Dlo-

St, lllubeth'1 Home 11 - of four Catholic qencles recelvl111 •~ from tho United Pund.

In caH rou wondered, thaH bablH • .,. affiC!11911' placed la•t yNr with happy _adoptive coupln by Catholic Social hrvlcn.

~~'.:i I r- i' --:-....:, .r·•·

Jr,..,, ~ ~.J:J'• = Ir It. Mllldty ..... ,!1.11 - ~II,~ :Z."•~ ,,,ff'-~ a:.! H~ ••:~ t:JI· ~1~•&~i .i.o-~ik-1::

._~, !I· !~A-"'/.' lllla'b,"it.~ f~ I!~,_,• Ti.= ti, 't'l.:= U• ,.rour fair lhare to the United Pund of . . , ii a.'t.:i. 'f 11. - t1 ..,. 21, , .. r.· "CJ~-'•!:i ~ ~...'~ OrNtor lndlenapolr, and put on a

t .. ,-1


I •

~,~,...; !•i ' 'a. a. 11, - ,; "· _.,: IMI ~-::-'11oog";t t<1i • 1

You can help rMCh that INl-ttledte ~~••"",tJ'''r

.... a. ... "':' 11: - G. II, Collwtoe 4

' 4t --~• II, a.... ":.o~, ~ -··--• ... ~,;,,::-, ..... n .,._....,....,,_ I.\:~=• ... 11, - 11, 11. - ~ .. t.'M. , lllfl M.i.!: T..,__. .. , ) mMl'I =iiiii'i"' .. ·~·.•-- "· - t.!!..! 'l.wlltlltj.;;.;: .. ~~-:-.,: ::J:::',t .;;Ji. I lliiliit, A 11., .. ___ "!'-~---at!----------111!"'---"·1 . ______ .,



St. Joan .¢ Arc plans ~dult le~ture series


4717 I, W11h. It, PL 7-7Ut


·,-. Of Indianapolis c. T. , .. w,rttir Ct., hlC. I,. Mtrtln

' Jerry .(1•rm1n P•nl H•r,r A, lhll'JI C1. H1tf11W Mettra, Inc. l11tw1r Ptnl Paul H1rv1y ,.,,. l1le1 lm•rt. & Pt•IY, Inc.

Now J Loc•Tlon1 To S.rva'You

IPUIWAT-tll- AIU .,1, __ ...,.. .. _..ICII NIYI All& --·"· -TIIIIN All&

lltl N. P-,t.ooll It. AU Phenea US-DII

117.JO 01y"'11 Nllt

JAMES H •. DREW Corporation .

With Gene lwlndell, Radio St•tlon WHU -Andel'IOl'I, Ind.

~-~ '517. 50 ,., ""°"

LNvet Nov, 2nd - Rlfvml Nov. 16th. ...... , ROlllld TriP J1I Air ran, BollL Alrpon•Holt l Trllllftn1.Flonr Lei Orff11D1; Luau, Pearl Harbor Cnli11, Tip, udnqa.

Coln Travel --.:=-", ....... ...... • ,~•1111

PALL Uffllll ... ,...., ..... MIM, 1111, .... .., ., Hair Alllll• ,.rWi. ... Dr, ............... ,,..,. , ... .t •• ,... Celete, ......... wlll .,..11 Octllltr 4 ., ._ ..... _,,._ PaU Ltctwt ltrlN In Illa Marlaa Cel .... ....... AltlYl1IN Cllllw .....,__ "Mwlc ..... the Wvrff" wll lie P•-- Al•ala't •t•ct •t 71N ,--. Dr, 11111111 1• 11,w .. ...- ,, 1,11 , ... .. '!....,,, ,.,.,,1111 fw I lci.tlflt ,.._., .. _ Hebb •rw ,.,.u.w. fer the ..... ,., ........ . ..,. ......... ,it ·thl ' cel ..... , .... .

W. T. RAY REALTY° CO. W1lktr Bldt, , US•ffl2

~AISY R. ' Ll:.OYD Spcclallzlna In Residential Proputy

Call 632-4691 (24 Hour An1warln1 ltrvlc•l

• j

.,_..,.. liy an 7 Cwlla In Marlen c.unty with an pl"OCMcla toln• lo local charltlN,

$15.00 Per Couple - For R ... rvatlon1 244-8804; 241-7011; 255-1120 .

Manufacturen Bldg.- State Fairground, • ·

• • Open t,. tlie Puhlie •

·-THE _CRITIRION, SEPTE_MBIR2t, 1967 _ ....,;:_ ____________ ---=~-+------_;__,-- -----.....-------=-----__: ________ _


Visit to Bethlehe,;; was. memorable one

Drar Friend•

Thus rar I h;I\ c- "\:t'n man) ,1!01 in thl, hlr•,-ed J3nd tho:

nlh<'r rt' \ rn•nl Jr\, J to (l rl)'.

.\I} pra~t•r w3 ~ th:at .1nt i-Scml-11u 11 "mild ht• t·rad1C':tll•d.

arc dur lo Chrhllan, and olhrr SIGNI F ICANTL, 1hr road lo •ilrs r hen,hrd hy Jr" • and 1hr 1,·fl of u , rhrl's lomb lrd Christiani. l.1•1 'mt• ch• .. rrilw onr 1hrc•l'II) tu Hrthh•hrm whrrr hll le erun11,n1ca l p1l~nm•R•· l"hn,1 "•• horn, llrthlrhem that J hl\l' had 1t,,, ""' ,I,•~· or \\h1rh mran, "<II)" or Bread." maklni:. Cln Thur .. t ! J\' , J ul\ 20. Enrnult• "'' ,:iw ol1\r i: r o\'C'S, in rompany " ' ilh .lt:aO Sm1ih . .1 \ int•) 1nh :1ntl thr Sht.•phrrd1' l'rotrit:anl, and 1"3) Illa kt•, 3 Firlit \\ hrrr ant:C'I.. rom munl­J l'"l'~\-hoth Am1•ru·:an r11111·n . r.11 ,·il .._ th,· m1•h:tJ!t• of tht! and \rltlow,. h<,lh :allrn«linc ltw clo r11111, f1nt C' hra,tm;h tla\.\'O. Jfehrew l'n1\t' r )1h :and ll\1nt: 1n ) lurt•m ,•r in Ohl Tt•-.umrnl 1hr 1111m,· 41orm11i;n \\ 1th uu.•-1 11rnn ' ht·n · \\a, 1h1· fll'ld of wt•nt lo Ut•thh•lu·m · lluoz \\ht·n• Huth ::lrnnrcl whr1I

Ouhu.h.• th,· tu"n of llrthh•• - Huth :rnnlht•r Jnrt•;ior of hem pn,p1•r- l'1l)' ul fJ311d 111 ("hml I lluth · 2 3nd J I. 1h• J ,," ,-"c. -iu11r11•t1 31 II>• From fln r lll'I', tomh 10 llr th• chrl'~, tomh, f c;,,n,,,., JS IG W t h•h••m "11 , a lon1: ur, hill rlimb, T_hr I 3lnorrh ~ar.~h 3n,t f13 rh!'I .111,1 3 r,r ,tnpprd ,n Chrl,1,an his "'1fc \\ ,·re t·nn111t1· 10 lh•1hll'• ur J,," ' "" h l'hari t) and inc1udrd h!•m nhl'n llar ht•I ll1t•1I Cl\ am: ttw lhn•r of '·" From 1hr \' I n• hirth 111 fh•ni•min J ,rol, huncd ••~,· point of 11,·thlrhrm's hei~hl hh ,, 1(t.· :ancl t·rrtt1•1I n m,•rnun:aU!lwl.' · i-,un t' \l' tl th,· l;and round­on~r lll'r cr3,·r Uo\\'n 1hrouuh :at.out "11;,,r ua, itl ,: r:urct his the rt•nturir .. till' ,11r hi, hN•11 ,ht••·r• and "ht•re S:amuel r :ame marked. Toda) • , 111311 hulld,n~ 10 ,no,nt 1>a, 1tl 35 l<ln" of Js. , urmuuntcd t,y 3 lionll• com• r3e1, 1 I liin~s li : IJ nnd 11 m1•m 11r:1te l ht• v,rnl. Jacob Kini.:~ 2:-a , and llorhl'I ~ ••rt•, of ronr t·, an- The 11)13n1,ne Churrh at thr TOO MANY COOKS WON'T SPOIL THE llltOTH-Gl1nt Hup cauldron, and 1tlrrJn1 ·•d•u r r,lor, of lllrisl. Jean. and I F:a,h•rn ,·nil of 1hr town was 11 big II canoe p1ddlt1-11 will 11 wllllng workon-1r1 among tho n1c1111ry lngr1dlenl1 enlert•d lhc nhllrc wilh f I)' and ert•rlt'd OH'r the 1ra1hl lonal sllr when hundred, of g1llon1 of turtl1 1oup mu1I bo prop1rod, Gelling ro1dy for th1 October 6


111n1m111u1111nlNIIIIIIIIIIIIJIL FARMER'S VIEW 1111N1..,.111u111111n] Loni bu1lnt11mt n are match•

S If 'Ii._ ) 1

Ina fund• from out1ldo; p1rllel­e •fte p esson panb uperl the entire project will bf 1tll-1upporlln1 by 11170.

111n11111m1111un1111111n1mntNIIIIUlll1Nl1U111t11111m111111111111111111111 .. 1at111a111111nn1mu1 . II And II •!I beaan wllShhl Calho­. r woman I concern. e w11n't ly DANA C, JINNINOS ph1n1. They built I clink and huncrr, llut 1he btt1mc con•

A c atholic nnrhcr's wllr due I weli lor II. They are build- rerned for.those who ue. three years ago w11 concerned lne • ilum rommunlly renler , nough about th• po,·erty •hr with their o~·n ,brkk-m1kln1

machine, Thry ,·e 111rled lurn­u w •II about her In A! aguarl, lne lllllt ra tu Into ruden and • ·utern Mln11 Geri!,. Drull. to wrlltn. do something about It . The project h11 bren largely

First, ihc got her neighbors 1ell-1upporllng, rereh·lng only 1ome Food for Pure and 1

eonr rrnrd. Then she got them " ·000 grant from tht Unllrd ln\'oh·r d. Thry lormrd I com- S11lt1. When more lund1 bf. munil)' Group go,·ernrd by h.-o come available, the aewlne pro­Protu tants. two Calholiu, two Jtrl will develop Into • rlothln1 Splrlt111s and two municipal larlory, 10,'i'rnmcnt mcmbrrs. -

Clarksville c11t ., sueU,u,. MO.¥.U lrll - IWoll ~ ( IIAGI

Dorothea M. Hottell 1m mm 110111

WH 4-6714

'l;hry cleared • roll•• pl1nl1• lion or O\'rrRrowth; enrolled •25 " 'Omen in sewing proJorts; 1l1rt• ed trurk firm•; planted 1n cx­pcrlmrnlal farm with corn, plne-1pplr. manioc Ind wheat. Anothor farm rarca for 40 or-

New Albany

C~uple lo mark

golden wedding NEW ALBANY. Ind. - Mr.

and Mrs: Adolph F. Srharl, Sr., mcmbr rs or lloly Trlnil)' pariah hrrr, will rclebratr thri r golden weddln, annh·crsar)' °Qn Sunda)' Ort: 29, Thry wrrr n1-rrled ·oc­tobcr 181 10•7 11 SI. Mary-ol-thr• Knobs Church, Flo)'ds Knobs.

=--.:; ~

. . 1:i ri,I 1-'t•tlrr.i I S.n i nc•s , . \,4 I• ~ I ~ t • I \ \ 0 ( • I I , 0 • ~

I • ... , I , •, a , , • o

•.:.,r • ' I/ 1/1

s,,ihtrn lndfona, Olde,1 !lraltr



AUTO CO., INC. Sl7 51111 St. Ph, '45"674

• II-

e Lumbar

• Mlllwtrk

of 1hr ra, r that harbored 1he Turtlo Soup Dfnn1r •I SI. Nlcholu p1rl1h, locatod flvo• mllu ouh lde Sunman, 1,0 Mr. ind lloly Fo mlly that Christ mas eve Mri. Roman Foddorlo, Mr. ·•nd Mn. John Klnk~ -~ •nd Mu, Cornollu1 Eck1t1ln, ind tho A renrwal or wrddln~ ,·ow, mor.•- 1han nlnelrt•n rrnturlrs puto , Fithor- Wllllim Buhmtfor, will br re pralcd al 11111)' Trlnilyl •~o. ll'e f'nl..rcd and durrndcd _______________________ ___________ Churr h at 0:30 a.111 , Ori. 20. A

-- - Thompson's- Visit Us ln- Our·-'--=---======-=­!Sth I Shelby St, WH 4-601


. ,

auali•v. "Ch1kd" ICE CREAM .

ind D•lr~· ProductN

C1n1d1 Dry l•tt•lnt Ce. l1tuvlll1, Intl. .

sll•ps lo 1hr ~rollo and mo,·cd reception for lril-ndi :incl rel•• Inward an 31l a r prcsuma bl)' on apprarcd, I heard •II or this, Cogley.. Drotlac•rhoc,cl \l'c-c-k th·rs will 'I" la• ld 31 lhe A111al1•·1 lhe spot "hrre Chrlll " 'as born. hut I rouldn't br so mo,·rd mah•d fl ui illng from 2 tu 4 11.m. A sih·t•r •iv/ marks thr lora, • Rain, :-.Ell' YOllli - Jackie Hobin, on Urloher 29. :-.o im·ilalions lion and the in,criptlon rca,b : l11•1urnln11 lo 1hr Sew City or {Continued from pa• r 4) , on, firs t :-.c~rq to hrt•ak the ha,·e been Issued. . I "Ill• •' ,·1 n ' •t I J J r ruu lem-lhr lsr ••ll S""l1'on • I I I J I I II I ' ue r~inr ., ar • csus "' " ltlllgtnct t ruth ind ,. , . ., or !arr r r in ma or J3se ,a The Scharr. .,,, lhc• parents O• Chrh tus Jl:•!us Esl." ;~~:fsh,'~!~;~~an\h~~~ c?;.~~o~f~ charity. • • tn "''h 1hc old Urookl) n f)9d11c rs, Mrs. James E. {Martha) fluldcn,

KNEELING thrrr for limr lru will probably a lwa)'s r hr r ish For that rrason, 1 lhlnk we and now business cx,•rut h·e and of ClorkS\"ille; )l rs. Sr) mou, seconds, limr transrondcd an,I this our li lllr rrumrnlcal pil- rnlcrrarlal justice a,h·orotc. has t llch•n ) Bern Irk, of N,·w Al• suspended, was an unlorgeltablc grimage togrther . ought lo band logrthrr and dr - hren appolntrd rhairman or ban)'; .II•• · fl . \'. ffrann•s f )lar-rxpr rlcnre. God Is lo,•r, llr be• From my dorm itory window rlarr oprnly lhat we are tul• llrolhrrhood Wrck of 1hc 1'• · tin, of f,oulwillc, Ky.; Adolph came lnurn11c 10 bring 1hr 1ha1 r vr nlng • gu ed oul on 1hr tors, llkr l>· In 1hr long run to br tlonol Conlrrr nrc or Christians t'. Schorr J r .. or r.ew Alhan)', re1llty or 1h11~•e to i ll men. hills - no.Dr thlrhr m was not disloyal to • • I m os I rver)' and Jc" s. Thr week, obsrr\'cd and Edward W. Scharr . . or Sra.

Other holy s abound In .within my range. I reeallr d thr "eause." We si mply cannot br nationwide from February 18 to lord, Dr lawarr . Thrrc arr 16 lhc umr • ru , ere wu the man)' Chtlslmas cards • had depended upon and arc likr ly tu, 25, will mark the 40th annl\fer• ,irandchlldrrn i nd nlnr great, place whero Christ l1y In the seen. Thr onrs dr plcllng a hill- helra)' t~r lmmr dlale lntcresls sary relrbrat lon of the NCCJ . grandchlldrr n. m• nRer, Over )'onder wu sldr with twlnklinR IIRhls falnlly or any pa r ty or faction wllh ;:;;:.=====================;:;:II where thr Wisc Men probabl)· Rlowln~ srrmrd most 1uthr nllr which wr milthl brrome ldrnll-1

topogr1phlr1lly. The shepherds lh•d, We ouRhl lo say frankly

Greensburg doubllcu earrlrd lanterns 1ha1 11131 In 1hc final analysis no one night. Christ Is 1hr Light ol the c3n rel11 on us , Al any mo, World !Pd D• lhlthtm 11 on IOJl mont, II WC arc dolnR our Joh. or a high hill. " Whrn the nlRhl we nu ~ht find Rood In 1hr WII In the m idst or its roursr. " r nem)•," WI ·s d O m In 1hr Thy Almighty Word lr apl down " wron~" posllion, and orca• from huvcn," (Wisdom 18:18). sionail)' unadullrratrd nonsen,c • Chrlat 11 the l;lght or the In the posll lon or pcoplr who Wor•d. and that Light shonr but haH romr 10 rr ly on us as thrlr

Lawrenceburg For Complet1 PONT.AC, BUICK; G.M,C, TlltUCK

S.lu ind Servlc1 UNION BANK

"& TRUST CO. 1f Gr1en1bur1

Cl1rk1burg Wut,..rt '-' •m~, ol f tdt r, 1 D, p011t ,,.., ,.,,. ,~ rm,,1 an,,.,


U1 N. Franklin Ph. UUS7J

J. H. Porter & Son's f"urnl1urr S1orc

Catholic Owned and Oprraled 2Hlour Ambulone"~ ,Service

Ith~ H .,,m, 1~Cffll\ hrt•1 19(tl,td , orlH

Gannon's· Jewelry Stores


allpaper Paint & Suppll11


JII S, lut St, Ph. 6'2-4041

SHEL SMITH lltlALTOllt u2.uss


The Fas61on Shop Women• .. & Children',

Appar•! k . 11,e ef ... .,,


II •

Shirk', Tree City .

Supply, Inc.

Minneapolis l\lollnc Tucfors and lmplemepts

lntcrn1llon1l Harvester Trucks ·and lmplemont1 DeLaval, Fox

1 Kewanee,

C:Jay Equ pmcnt H2 N. Lincoln UUUS

Keillor Drive In Restaurant

St1t1 Road J North Gr11n1bur1, lndl1n1- -

Fabulous Broaated Chicken

ou1 a,man,

Welt'otne To GreeN1lmr1'•

L.,,u, ,,,,d Mou c°'"-1,,, Wo,ne"'' ' "' Ch,ldftt1'1 App.,,1 Store - Ho• O,t"

The Golder, Rule, Inc.

tntll lldt h u 1t

Smith Monument Works·

Monuments ·_ Marken Cemof1,y L1tt1rln1

Olt,u Shep • l'ld 01111lt 'f, V, MIit N. tf

I C,t, U,n ih on N, l10.d••,- Cu ,n1bu19

Tax Consultant .... I . ~;.~'s:i~) ltJfHtal,11,, Ill I , lrt•4••r . .. , 1 M1•St21 SIi W. ,,.,1, l•teoUlt, 9J~l1

ABRELL Bill's Furniture

Photo Service , Store ,,. ..,,. ,, ... u.

• CANDID WEDD•scs The Store Where a Dollar Color or D11rk and While • Buy1 a Dollar'• Worth

,.._., MU1M .... 1'4t ... .,. Ph. "2·"'4 llOI lut Main



MEAOO~ GOLD Sales and Service Far H.m1 Delivery

Call '62-6401 220 W. Main "3.7SSJ

A• Llnu If •n1ur1nce Dick's T.V. Service

Maurice Moeller T.V. - Radio - HI Fl

In Home and Shop Insurance Agency · Service

't'tut h u • ,.,I Set•k• A""I U c.hard W, 01111- 0ne, a,wl D,tf1ttf

112 I, Pllttl St. Ph. "3..wt ..... S--Ne ....... P ... a

------ Patron&~ -~- Our · ROBERT BARCLAY

1u1.-. - • Ml·- •-II


nlnetee.n rrnturlu ago on the spokesman, hilltop or Dothlehom, Earth has neve r been really dark since then.

Siste r Mary Jean



dl1n1pol11 South D11n1ry Council •• C1th1llc Women wlll hold 111 ucond quarterly dunery m11tln1 on W1dnt1• d1y, Oct, II, In St, lltoch'1 p1r-· l1h hill, S, Mtrldl1n ind Sum• ner. Th• mtttln1 be1ln1 1t 7:JO p,m.


P•rentN to meet •ND.ANAPOLIS - The SI.

A~nes Acadrm)' Parrots' Club will mrrl a l 8 p,m, Tuesday, Oct. 3, In the school auditor ium. 1'hc gurst speaker, Ally. Llo)'d L . DcWe11cr, Jr., will speak on the 1ubjrc1, " Why fie lnvol,•rd In l'ollllr1?

CONTRIBUTORS , ... UITIIION • Ill " " ' • nu ,, ,., 1,11 .. , .. ,,.1un, .. 1 ...... ,..,,.. ,.,

tlllt11 .tie .,.. ttttrtt4 • ••• hr tll• H Utaf IU••• tllt f t llf•l•t ,., ... , .... • lttt4 11,-, ftt t ll lt •tt~.

=~?, ~t!:11~::.,.•t,\1.'·s.':f:';_;~~


JOE CHRISMAN ,. -Clothler-

Au•o11tA, •ND.ANA

,Savage Appliances You• Genera•

24 Hr, Ambul1nceLS1rvlc1 We Scr~c All Fal1h1

Stier & Williams Funeral Home

JIO Fourth St, Tel1. II

Go To Ullrlth'1 for Strvlte

Ullrich Drug Store Eleclrie Dealer ZENITH Hcarlac Aids

21' Main It, Ph, "6 JOI 2nd Strttt Ph, 27


t he Sttft t hat ( Vll"""'I Ttll The~ fflt ftft ANul

Your Famll11 silo, Store

Ne/f's a.ad S2 ffl.J041

WI 6111v11 Hllf-&11 UI ..... no, ........ """- .. .. o.tfl , ,1110 l ftd S.tti,,.,, •111 9 ,.M. ' MVlN PU"III''


flr•1ldalr1 ••••• .. r•ten 111 .. fllJf


24J N, Main Sf. Ph, n2-3Sll

,r "For Tho,e Who Care"

Dusing Cleaners freo Plrk-Up-freo Delivery

12' W. Jrd St, Ph. '22.JOU

,.., All LI~ ;! ln1ur1nce, 122 ACRE RUSH CO, Llf-H.t,,ltallaatl_,.,r, I k I - '"' - -Aute-Pa,111 and Hem• ;_• " "' ,t,;,,,. .,,.~ . ..._ •c;,., hot

Owner• ~""~· Oft (Oft(ffft , O-n• t WHIII C.01111 •

Schroeder Insurance ~-;;M MATTOX, RHltor Agency m .,..,. m ,usa

- N W. ii., I fll-1111 IU I , fin•

' Patronize Our




RHltor, '"'-"-i m--

. ,,

Fitch Brothers. • Funeral Home . s ..

1-14 Wot High st• Phone 5' Jeffress Motors Inc. 2~ //our Ambula,.cc Service

Lei Ur Be Of Service To Y ou

Home Furniture & Applia_nce Co. Inc.

20 E. C1nftr St, Phone 610

W e Trade Anu1hln17 Ea1u Termi-Bank Financing

Blue Skies Mobile Home Sal11 & Service

It. SI lttt hwtHUNft-~• tU II. IJ Wtll I.Mtlffe-Nl, UI-UII

ftt•,···· '4.J

Art•C1rv1d Dl1mtnd1 Longlnt1•Wlltn1uer W1tcht1 ' 1 "Robert L Lows

Jeweler llMrt, nut, , lllf. t77W

Kaiser Motors, Inc. FINE USED CAlltS

U.S. SO Phon1 6IO '"N~lllf" U IIII

"Buu From "W/,ltef' And Don't Bt Blut''.




224 I . Main St, , 2'S•SSJl



For Deller Orycle1nlna

U11 Our Coln Laundry Ph. 27J.21U ' Hwy, 7

CHAMPION -Fuel Olis~


.S/1111/S s11 one soon. before they All



Ill WH• II,

Plaza Shop i.v1htt1' lndlt t1t '1 L"ttll ltdl" W

Chlldlt n'1 t,tcl111, ""' TRI-POINT OIL CO. Clifty Pim Sheppln, Conte•

Ph. W.ffll M1dl11n, •11111.

Lichlyter Building Supply

Cemp•ete lulldlnt s,.,1111 Conlroclln" Compan11

lffl W, S.cend Ph, :w.oJI

Patronize -Our,


Tell City ._. The EQII' Studio TELL CITY

NATIONAL BANK •p~ra1u - w,d4J11111•

nYMaln 1t. "D•ln••n 11,.lnt ltnlce"

P'-' K• 7.wt ,.•• PAIICIN0

•You• Val111 c,,11ff" FISCHER'S

D1uby'1 Dept. Store flum•tv11 111111 A,pll_, •r,jgldafr, ad "°"°'

I lleck1 Off Mall! Dlmll>tllOI"' Iii Tell City ...

flt Mall!,,: Jct 7.urt

New Home

STEIN'S Shoe-Store


(formerly Stars)

HUI NIW MUSTANG " $2177.57

'P1k n 1Mlw4' All Stufod l 111i1lP!N'rt All New Cua In 51ock 1ro lqually Re11on1bly Priced

II. \t'. fll,\IG Wl'lttt l' tu Snt All Wa,, •• Al•a ,, -, I , M11hl I• Nt• AIMflt tU.ffll

'44-4795 '· • .J a s MARIN• "'' f "IUtH I .. Rl71CI \.

Ult I , 11IT,


I UNCH - 11U CPL,rftllhA Id


Diamonds Hamlllon • Elgin , Btnru1

Grutn W•f~hts • , . Jewelry and Gifts " ltit $10,, lcr l r.dn '

A\l AtCM.11 O\rr ftnc°"l'lt P1ic.u

C • P. SALES CO. ,u.,ro.c 411 111ft SI,

~,,,,, ""'"'NI u fer hu

JtANDY'S s,urru: snor

Urcurs and Sporls Wear 206 Purl '4S.,441



70I I , IPlltlNO Slnc1115' NEW ALBANY, IND.

Jeffersonville , <;A\'E TIIIE SAFELY The Clerk County

Dial BUtler 3-6688 State Bink "''" ..... , ....... ..

1100 TAXI, Inc, m ,.,, .. 11. • 11 .... , 111c

US w: C111rt An.

J1lf1raonvllle, Ind:

Over 3il Yuu CoqllouolB Strvlct


Paul ·'Speth ·

Insurance Agency Aulo, Fire, llomeownr u ,

LIie, llo11, ~\rrldenl i nd lleallh ."' , .... ,


J"ff erson-ville •••


t0Nm~~ , •. -'••·••>''• ...

Altar kclaty Cud l'u•y, September 2t, l 1N p,m,

It, .t• fU11• e'• , • , ACCW wlll centluct a wtrklhep on lh ffVI

new cammlnlon1, Thuratl1y, Oct, S, Pit, .. IM1 lltatreat H.1111, lll<ll1n1,-li1.

laerM Beart , , , R•litltn C!11111 nary lunday, Pr1-Schoei

1t t i l'ubllc kheel Children, I thru a, 1t ,. ..... .. Prevl•••ee , , ,

·Prevl4tnce Oulltl MHllnt, Wtdnead1y, S.,t\ 27. •

llltte .._... .... , • .,, ..... IUU1M1 • \lfilet,I <Mitt le t:r. PM ..,., llttN • .._... IU 24'tt- tl 1 .. 11 ••• _;Nb ....... .. " ..... '"' -

We Paye e • 41/2% e e e , , , 0. All Ctttlflult~ If !>t,ealt , •• , , , A c..,ltle llllklftt ltnlca •••

"A Cltlnn 11 N11r You" 4 LOCATIONS1 • DtW11••••....S.,1nt It, a YIUllf1M11 Ctnltr • C!arksvlll-•111tm

11,111. • O,- Tree lanklnt

Ctnttr Ml11111tr ,o•c





Woillan • 1S obsessed

with guilt feelings ly JOHN J. KAMI, Ph.D. priests ,rems to Indicate that lark It. It ,..IS pc,rfertly elur

I ""' 1 lv,yHrold girl who1t this Is Impossible 10 Ion: IS her that 1hr had by no muns re• 1l1tor hu I problem. Sht mor, · husband·, first ..-lie continues Jrcled th, Church oxrcpt on 1 rltd ouhld1 tho Clwrch 1Mcou1t to li,·e. s .. ·rrthrl,u. I ..-ould purrl)' •·t rbal level. Sh, " 'IS hor husband wu dlHrcod Sht recommend that another effort quite worried about the f~t l that IHI. to church 111d rur~ htr be made to disruu the entire •ht had vlolat, d the Church·• ch 11 d r on II matter ..-It h one ol the parish low. Sh, too \l'U obscssrd with C1thellcs bu t priests to make certain that this this frrllrlc of guilt, and she ,ho 1, '., 0 , -, Is the final an,wer. trl•d to rationalize it by prt • frl1hlono,I 1bollf But slnrt this •>~ of aolutlon trndlng that the Church WIS d y In I outalde docs not acrm likely, th,re are ,.,one and sh, wu right.

· tho Church. Sh4 rerlaln steps that ought to be Thi• points up the old pro,·• rtfusu lo ride taken. Your ,lstrr·s rxc;rnl\·c r rb. "marry In h11tr. repent at In a co,, 1I, frar of death outsid• the Church leisure." At the time of h.r mar-theu.;h tho It a and her refusal to dri.-, or ride rla:r, your sister ,. . ., apparently 1Hd d r I "• r, In a car arc rath,r rlear lndl· ..-lllln~ ' to rrJrct the Churrh's Thia fHr I, naw rations of what you H )', that she tdrhlng or at least 10 she obsHaln. Can hu brrornc obscul.-, about the thought. Young pcrsons ,\l·ho are anytl,1111 be dona? problem. She Is sullrrlnc from derply In lo••• • or believe they

• a ,rnac of guilt and apparently arr . will rarely listen to sound The almplcst thing to do h.re d..-clling_more and more on the ad,·lrc about stlcrllon of a part­

would be to resolve the bask possibility of \\•hat would hap- ncr, and neither will they listen problem: the validation of her pen lo her alter death. to any ad,·lre about running marrlaee. Apparrnll)·, arrord• All of this point, up to the counter to the Churrh'a teach• Ing lo othtr remarks mad, In !art that one cannot lightly re• ing, on marriage. your letler, consultation with Jort the oblig1tlon1 of a religion lluiully, one must arrept lhe

In which one d~, have I ainrrrr teaching, of the Church In thcac belief. I hnc known •••·•ral areas; u woll II In others, and i>,uons ln,•olvod In exaolly 1h11 by arropllng lhom I mfan live type of 1ltuallon. Thty atlempl by thom before such situation, to re,oh·e It by urioua drYirH:-11110. This Is " 'hy I hne re-


Pep1l Pours It Onl

One woman, whom I kn,w, pealedly advbrd youn1 mon and ..-ho had marrlod oullide the "'omen lo avoid dating peraon, Church. wu rpn1l1nlly allack• who are ·dlvorred or who for Ing the Catholic Church for 111 1ome olhor re11on would prob, kinds of reasons. She uld sh• ably make poor husband• or didn't bollovc In It. lhat It ,. . ., wivu. This kind of advice gen• unlrue, etc. nut 11111 1hr round •rally works only before the ii necessary lo ronllnuc lo 11• person "!alb in love."

• I Youna people loll you aQaln

Four Flae Lot'atloa11 To Ser,·e You

and again th1l despite all of the dlfflculllos that seem to be In• ,·oh·cd In an impending mar• riaac, that lo,·e will onrcome 111. II docsn·1 nlaller lhat the intcnd~d. hu,.band Is either a polonllal or a real 1lrohollr. It doesn't mailer that ·one of the parl101 has been married and dh·orrcd and ,tllat the Catholic party· rannol marr)' within the Church. A, a mailer of fact, there Is pracllrall)' nothing that will stand In their way. One parl • Greenfield • • Crawfordsville

• Bedford • Greensburg Open 24 'llourii A Day, 7 D.• YII ,\ \l'eek

"W1'r! Alwara Htr1 Whan Yau Notd U1"



Acr11 of P1rkln1 Columbu1 Center & Stele & Mapleton

Vette,'s UU C1ntral

H1m1 Enltrl1lnm1nt Ctnltr


Dalton & Payne Inc.

The Storr for Jin Dtwnltwn '76.Jllt Eulbrook Ctnltr '7f.tt0

O.K. 'TIRE cp-. 2JS 2nd St. Jn-4606

of lhc romanllc io,•e complex is that the more hurdlrs placed In lhe path of such a marriage, the more hurdles lhc couple will Jump.,

licre is a reason wh>• I be• line t~t education for mar• riage and family life is ,·cry Im• portant. Some of lhis ml)' be gh·cn lormally In college or high school, but a great deal of ii ,hould be gi,·on within the home because by high school It may already be too lato.

THI ci,IT~ltlON, IIPTEMHR2t. 1"7

Pastoral treats. pJi.ght of the divorced woma . . .

PAll(S - Till' aeneral ae~e- ser,•r rl, oltrn rompl1ln of lndlf, lariat ol · , \frt nch Bishops ferrnre. or of reJecllon. Conforrr .. c hu 1,ubllshod a

, "putoral" staltmcnl cxpreu. THr STATl!MINT ronclud• •11u,ou1 &au Ina ronrorn o,·cr the plight of td : " ~hny separated wl\'ts do ...,., 1,1tth1N dh•orcrd women. nol understand why It 11 nol

,::: :·:::l~~:0'.' .. ::::::::::::i:; Pub h Jhrd in tht Paris arth• pouiblr ror thtm to rrmarry:

1,00 • ... - 0 .... 1,0•1 " ...... .. ... 1111 dloceun bullolin, La Scmalnc lhls prohlblllon of the Church , ,n • ,,/'t:::,'1 '~;:, ,,.,., '" ... .. 111 ReliRit•1u(•. the statement n:,trd ii a harrier tor them. Th~y do

.,.,., 1,,.. cs~1. tG I th•t man)· dirnrrrd nat unlltrstand whr they ha\'l' rr rrh·rd a s;iirramr nl. wh:>s:­:;~ : : _!.:!.,': d,1 "c' ,~,GNt- ::~: : : :: iii womrn who clo not rrmarry !rel 1nran,ng and lm oortanrt had 11

91lJ Pffl.-( . thell( "'°"' · · · ·· ·· · · · WIii thl' fTlt:t•ht•~ oul rastJ fro m sod• the lime In nrra, mruurr f'J •1 1010 , .m.- HOI., of 11. ,,.~h .. .. WflM ety. 11 also noted that thr ,.

" 1"• .,,,. lall)", unllerst• ndlng ol lhc raped them. had not r 1·rn been 6,00 • m - S.u t d ..... , .... .... .. WIMS Ch h r d I h f well rxplalncd lo thrm.

•1• AIIINT UIA ur~. I CQ.!11 use ))' t • art '""'' ' 1,1.,1,1" th11 some pTh•sls RO so lar to " This lncomprehrn11on ol thr

11 ,:,0 , m - llwo11,...,, ........... WAVl optnly ad1 orate remarriage." Church's poslllon I, hrlghl•n•d !:~ ::::i:!:;'~"r0°"'~, .. ,·;,;·::::::1 La Sem:ainr Rr lhtiruse pointed atill mort' by 1hr lihrrty of ix•

,..,,, "'" oul tloot there is one dl,·orrc (or proulon ol certain priests who , ,u • m.- Hour af 11. ,,.r.c.h ••.• voao every 10 n•liJ;:ious marrlagrs in go as far 1 1 oprnl)· ld\'o:-alln;: ::11 :: : l:!::l :,',',',' ~,·::: ::::~~ rranrr. and that " thrre out or remarrla,:r. ' It thr Churrh's ,ii, • m.-1...,, C• thehc v,,110, ... vous e\'try four dh·ortt procrrdin1:s doctrinr must rhanJ:l' o n tt11, 1'.: ::·:l:!~~,c "~, ~' .. ::::::~: arc in11uu1rtl with 1 ,·lew to P<' r• point.' a s:roup of u-p:1ratrll

~ "•"4•• ,.,, ,.,,.,,, milling al least one spouse lo wh·r s said rrrenllr .. ,.,,. would 10,0 , "'·- ' """'"' 1., '°"'' .... wow contract another rivll mar• like lo be warned ol ii In order , ,o ,.m- a,,.,, "°"' ........ .. wu, ri•~r." lo a,·old ronlradlcllon and In•

"'" , ,. - 110,,1 'i::':1 N••• .... WHAi Separated wh·cs, the wrrkl)' ;Ju;;;;·s;;;;l;;;;ic;;;;c;;;;s.;;;;' ;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=i 1 ll<NMONa AIIA repom•d, foopcratcd in the 1

61U • .m.- Ha~~••::•r, .•~~~h ~, •. WOY ..... ,. 11U • ffl.- h u t d Hurl •••. •• . • •• WllY 71JO • ·"' - S.u t d Hull .. . ....... WllY 71)0 p m.- t h, ( hf11lcphtr ,,agt t J'ft "-UY

10 .)0 D.m.- A .. ,,..,,. How, ••••••• WCilM

• UUM HU h•l•r l,41t

9. JO • m - Ho.wt of I t . t,. nc.r. , .. . WUM INILIT'IIUI HU ... ,., ·••'-

l211S ' ·"'•-M~ ti $t, f,.nc.,t --r.-, . WSY\

1111 c1n •111 D111, hilt

6 .00 PJl'l,- Tht Rautr . .......... . WTCJ hlt4H ·••'-

7 .00 · ·"' - S..c,fd Hun • • •• . .• , • • • WIU. 1, 1i • ·"' - 1h, Ch1i"oe>h' '' • ••• • ••• • wnz 11IS • .m. - l he Ctlmte11h1n • • • • • • • WtHI 1, )0 • m.- Hour a l tht (11,1c1l1td •• wnz t 1l0 t .m.-A, t ~ ,I, Hf'M.lr •••••• • • WIii lldS 1.m. -Ho\lt of I t, l t •nc,, ., • ,WIU

11111 NAUU UH hN•r hlol1'-•

9 ,JQ • m. - ( hl.lrth 11'1 tht Modtrl'I War ld , , •• , . WIHl •lY

composition ol the bishops' sl•tement.

ITS ,FIRST PART Is .dc,·olrd lo " thi- situat ion and to • study of the mind ol 1rp1ratca wh·cs.''

" Th1• fo r t ur separation. ollcn brul•I." the statemcnl said, " crushes those who do not wl1i1 lo - rcmarr)·:-thry- f1nd- 1hcm­sch·cs lmnn•diatcly · ronrronted wilh r ru•hlnc lin•nelal, ma• lcrial and ps)·choloµlrol proh• lcnu. Th,•sc Include the s1••rrh for "·ork and housm~ oml urious ltµa l prohlems.''

The s1,1,•men1 •Uo examined the P•rrholoµleo l ,ltuatlon or the ,rparat ed wife and dis, ruu,•tl the " Great moral surlcr• lngs." ') .

9:30 • m.-h~•~=~a 1~;,:u• ..... ,1101 ,.o •m.-1,11,10,. .. ....... .. ... "-IHI " ,\ lmos t always," h said, <ONNUIYIUI uu ·1

t11o~l· who r r fusr 111:1rrin~c s..,., 1111• wilhdrnw Into a s hl'II. into • a 1Jt00 p.m,- S.tn d Hull ••.••••.• WH(f sollludc lh:u i ,:reat{'r l':lth

n••1v1111 1111 day. Tht)· no lon~rr dare lo i.~, ltln it l.. ,· cxpn• .. , th<'mst•h'cs: lhl'). hur)'

11,)0 • .m. - (h1,,1po P111t • •••••• • •••• •• 11 I I II I I .. ,., •• , l 1CIU$t• \' ('S B t IC' m~r(.' JC•

• •U II ffl,-Crtdo ............ . ..... Cl • t caus,•, In rnndcrn ~or1L'l )', 3 .. .,,, •••i. woman who docs no! ha\'e :a :,~ ! :::·:~, ~~";,."~~:~;.· ·:::.:l:! husttanc.l ur :1 IW)' fril•nd u th" Ii?') p.m.- C.ottt,c Ho\ir ... . .. ... WGlf crcdth•d anti sulirih'tl. Some o! ) 100 p.m.- loul •c~i~:t~ , ,001•m .WClf them J:O as r3r 3 S nrr\'fms de•

"aut110N uu pn•:i ion: .s ome• su1rh.Jrs arc ,..,,, 1,1,. al,11 not<•J . Ulhcr; prefer re•

7d S • m.- Hou, at Sf. ""'"' •••• ~ OU ma rriat:r. which. ,:i\'an,.: the m NOUN vu•o• uu th,· h3lunri• ol lhe rouplr, shel•

h•••r ••II• h•rs lhrm frtlm hnanrlal r 3rc•, 11 ,JO • ffl,-1,1,, ,ou, N,flt , .... . .. . woett' ncl n•lntr J,:r.:ill• lh1•rn into the 11,0 p m.-lu1td Hull ...... .. . . WO\ 1ifl1oof 5JriCt)'. ,.

Set new 1•r~grum

lo replace CCD

."T rn• "3n• untlouhtrdlr di• \ u rr t·cl rwr.-.oni "ho kt'I llll'm• srh·,·• ' lih1•r31c1I.' hut then• on· 01:,,,,, r., r \\'hom 1ih orci• i, n \ ~r:n ~· urr1,horu. 1 ,Jlllll:h.r fu 1,1,w t 1111 1 .. lUJ ,1 Ul!lkl• u,..,: I

Df:TROIT- Six O,·troit par, , lshes ha\'e ciimlnotl'll thrir Con• 1 THE STATEMENT ol,11 ,k:il: I frat ernlt )' Of Chrlsllon 11n,1r1111• II. i1 1,1! rhlhlrrn', . llllll,J rl. h iuh • l'i1ool 1ir11~rnnu and n · "S11111c rl11lt1~,•11." It ,altl, plarcd them wilh • unified pro• · ft,•I pru!ountll)' 1hr , hul'k ol Jrrt ufftoring 50 optional ruu .u •, the ronlllct• that prerrt11•d th,• in thcoloi;y. philosophy, P•>. "•11a ro11on or 1hr sudden oh• rhofog)' pnd mu. Ir. >l'ntc or o fa1l11·r. .\I on) n r,·

. 1cm~rrn111enla llr 1lls111rb1•1I." The parishes ho•·• ronsolldnl•, "One ennnot." Iii!' r c;iort con

rd their r esources In order 111 unucd. "•trcn 100 much the '3ct gel lhc best teachers a,·allohlt•. !hat ti,c womch must be the and to offer the broedest•ron~e head ol 1he f•mil)·. cmbndyinA of courses lo lhe 1,000 student, at the ,amc ilmr the oulhorily lm•olved. 11 ( tho (other and the 1endernr,s

Called the Religious Edura• of tho mother. Ghen the ' cir, lion Pro,ram, the new plan ha, r umstanrc. of 111<-, few arc scheduled two-hour courses un r •t••blc ol It. \\'uuid it be 110s, Sunday mornings, Monda)' aft er• ,1ble lor lhc Church tu ll~htcn noon, and e\'cnlngs throughout lhelr burden hy asking rurtaln the week. Each student choose. ellorl1 on lhe port of parish his own courstt from the so ol• rummunitles, ror example tak, fered, mg charge or their r hlldren,

rounsclln~ the mother ? "



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Franklin, Ind: 4'1ll

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More To Stt on CABLE TV

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We require all sorts of lcsls and llrcn,o for various things such u driving a car, boromlni: • hairdresser, ,4!raclicing mcdi• cine and whal nol. But for one of lhe mosl important lask1 for most of us., I hat ii becoming a husband or wife, father or moth• tr, wo require praclkally no In• dirallon of ablllly or knowledQc II all. Recently, a 11rca1 deal has been done through lhc Pre• Cana conferences and similar pre•marital inslrucllons. llul fr~ucnlly these are alven to couples who are already enaai:• ed. Those who are golnc to en• lcr inlo a marrl1ac ,oulslde the Church ,..Ill probably avoid them ontircly. Arlually, 'such edura• lion for marriaae a nd family IMna shount come lone before the lndMdual•bcromes engaged. Greet delegat,e As a mailer of fact, II would

The second port uf the state• mcnt lrcalrd the manner In which "Christians rcrd,·c scp,, arotcd wh'r1."

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Columbus National Rd,

We .,, ftt• CtlUfl\tiwl'a h llnt tte• •"f f H lit llCt .. , 1t1- Thf UUf'lt ' 0., PrkN

A,, lt•tt-Ott hnlct ltttff


1n1 :r:"1o'1~,~ . .... " "W,.m1

._ .. .,, Lehman's Insurance

Agency ,

Downtowrt-lutbrotk Pi111


In Columbus • • , he

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Indiana · 21~, '

The Whit• House Det11rfllltt1t Sten

Ill Calufflbut Soulhtm Jlldlana'a 1Aadin11

N,rd(niorlc D1porlmtnl Needlepoint - Embnildny . KAIIIIDI

.Gene's Bakery and O.llcat11sen

41' Wuh, St, (DIWIIIIWIII Aha Uth II, lhttl,lnt Cantor

mt 2Jth Street

OLYMPIA DAIRY Dlalriblllor for MaDltlunt

-..rial eou, ., rcutrff• "Grad• A" Dain' Prodacta w,.. Home JltUYIOO Ill W1thlntten 'St, m4m #hlne'WMW 11'1 11th st. m.au, na ,..,. 11. c,t,lllbut, 1-.

be most wise lbal aome of II be NEW YORK - Archbishop given before they even begin to Luigi llaimondl, newly appoint• d t I th' h I cd ~postollc delogote In lhe ,;l~k r ltn w1i'1'. ::,~:• lo •:~•!h;;, United States. wu rcreh•ed al within lhe home. a lil,urgirai ,rcremony (Sept. 2111 1

So far as your sister·, pres, al St. l'atrark·a Cathedral. Till' ent probl•m is co~ned, I l.eremony wu attended by fn•c would suggest that she see her uf the United States cardinals f~mlly physician and u k him and some 70 bishops and arch• whether or nol ahe should srck bishops. psycholoelral or psychiatric rounsellng.


Campus Beauty Salon

Whether any roal mouure of hnprovcment ran be obtained unlll the problom of her mar• rlaae outside the Church la set• llod, I am uncertain. Bui any, thin& lhat may allevlate this ex• lreme feellna of cuill which 11 now bealnnlnc to Interfere with Crouioion Shoppln11 Ccnln her Ille, la worthwhile lnvea, llae111lnete,1 - PII. UU7'6 llcallnc.


Nobbe Motor Sales Chevnilet - Oldamoblle

Compiele' S1lu I, Service

Hewy, 46 lut ffl-,102


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...... 11 ... l""l•n• l~rH c .. 112) ffl.2M7 ~.::' .. ':7.a

l'2J Gr1nd Ava, Ph. IU,9271 Separah•ll .wh·r s, the note uh,



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ltlf lwltlt ,

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Chock Wilt. Us For

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,~~r~,~~,:~.n:~. ~~~.~::1 l~hores :..__s DIIAl'tl'I~

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1000 Main St, Ph. H6·21S2


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Aluminum Center 34 S. 5th St.

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0111CI OPI H "' I ln111r,nu - Rul E1t111 I 00 PM.

. 3S N. Eighth St. 'Ph. ,u.osn


Dislrlbut~r of Srhlltz

.. l'arllnJ( lll• rk l .abc-1 - l"al11tafl

Red Cap Ale

Brazil Sav II \Viti& FLOWERS


Brazil Greenhouses U N. Walnut -'- Phone 2J14


The Stanger Co.

Mtn 111d Young Mon' s ..:LOTHING and SHOES

114 W. N1l'I Avt. Ph 26076

Terre Haute

Smith's Discount D~pt. Store

Lo1u Dlsr~u11t l'rirrs on C:lotl1lnu f or. E111irc Familvr

401 )Yabuh Ava., 232,!424

"Serrh1u T rrre l/a111c O1•rr 40 Yrar.'"


Complrte Sales and Service ~ Plyfflouth - Valiant

Barracuda - Chry,lor


"° CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH 1'00 '4 , , . 1J1•UJI

Helen Thompson's Pancake House ·

1 0,.- A Wul I •"' fl 1 )!) ~'"

CO~l l'l.f:Tf: ~I F:su Bltt: AlffAST - I. l\'.CII sn:AK$ & SF:,WOOU

232-ttU 71S W1buh

Eldred Van & S_\9rage Co., Inc.

147 N. Uth SI.


=•=.r:: ""'"°''-' ,.,.,,,, ~ "- ,,., '8'-Unlted Van Un••

For Con,pl•t• Building Materla.1 Nttds See . ..

Powell-Stephenson Lumber_

1723 So, 7th St, 23s.,m

BERKOWITZ Fine LHiher Goods

•• h11ut Mui l•t ltlutl .. I• th "''"" Y•ll• t - AII hl•••- AII Strlu­AII , ,iu t•

113 Wabuh Av-, 232-6137

, .,,,. .'1rrt 11,c i\ ·1ct'$I l'ro11lc Ou 11 1/011110

S•lc1 - Srr .. ir~ - l'orts

Hills Motorcycle Uf W. Nall. Ava, SlJ,1340 '

Wut Terrt Houle

The Peaqut Stores Inc. -.

S27 Wabosh An. 2JS-tll0 !'>1111.- S.•ed1, Carmel Corn



Hahn Shoes ~ INC,

"Follci. Tnul U1"

21 • U f,\Hdewa Cantor

Patron~~ .. . ' ....... . . Our


• Pabst Blue Ribbon • • Carling Black Label e

DlatrlllutN lty


J .


t Rem~mber them in your prayers

IOl&N&POllt "'"'' " •"' 111d Mmh• A h ll: , 1,11, t i t MTITII , . ll(NNII, n . Nol, "'''"" l1lpfl ,..,,

(hvrth, s.,,, 21. (1t,1,, ( t ffl t lt r ,

¥otfltr of •1111 A. ltth"" • ' ' ' '" of 11,, O•tft h illy.

t (\lr,OU I Pltllt, 7S, h tttd Mott (flwr(fl, \tot )6. C,fu r y (...,,.,,, , ""11

bt "4 el Id• J , " '"'-" ., ( 1,llo,. ,.,,,,. (, o,,,,,, 1r,1..,, 11t1 tlld 11.11 l d•t•d ¥

f MAUii IAIPII, 11, MOl f lh!'N ( ~ ,cl'!, r.11, 111" S,pt. JI . ... , , C•ou c,,..,,.,, Yotht•

ti • • ~'' tup11, J,,..., U cC.1.1••• · .11,, 9.,,1 Moffm, ,., , ,,,1,, ol ( ""'''· l ouot , ,.d 1 11, Mltcht O t l\d "''' ' Wood~dwu

t OU'II l . llNN&M&N, 11, \ • \,-e." 1 , ~ ''"'· StP' :n c,,.,,. , ,_ ,,,, So"

of ll r 1n d 1Jr1 J l ,,.,.,,.., 11 , L•O'"' ' ~ \ltphtll, J,,, •. Dtbf t r.d \I,,. , , ,_,,,,,., . .. , l'l"d\Of'! of f1on ,, . ... .,, , .. o .. , ,., ' '""''

'"" 1 DONA\O J . MUNIO, 91 , O"' t,d , t f

lovf dt1 ( hurtta, \tp l 1) ( , h t • , ,.,,,.

t JOleN J o•Utfl. \a, 0,.r h iS, cil l ou1du O.wt<tl, Steil JJ "401 , (110

<....,,,,,, l •o!l'1t r • ' l••1t"-tt O rult JI , ..c, ,.,., , w,u,..,.,

fill c,n t Ml.IT ,w .. l1) l<WWJl11, 10, \t 1ii1,,,.,

( h1,1ttfl , \fp t Jl ("'v•tPI ( t ,.-fl t ti MO!fl ,

~: fl:1 ~t•\l::::,,~•~,"•,,:! ~io :•"':!J

IJ t •t,11 \ 1"'••' ''• \:olfl OI fttl (,1, , t ,tltt ol '-'n ~,,,urtllt M,ipf lltlil t l\d tltif"l•I\ '"'"'0"'"'• t,t,!h tf TtU (1 lr

,.,, H,.nb, rtd ol \O'll•t ( • • , .. , " ~· h roaL, lt(NMO•• I , a11d • ot u1 0 ,.,v,.•o. t.10,,.,, d "•1t" f NlllN 1un 1111, n , \ 1 Al"dr1,.·1 1Jt1r,,nu1 (h"•t.,, \t" I Jl (~tlfl (..,..,,,,, W,h

1 NOIA 1 (UNNINSNAM, 69. MOi t Nt"'t (~!Choi h til 1) \f IIIH P" ( t "'tt l flr w,,. ol (1, r t n(t J : "'(ll h f t c l " """ to ,

• o~n 'N ,,,a Cl••111u '"'""''"'""' " '""· ,., , , c. •· w,1in, ,,.a ,.,,, o,,,a ,,,,,, t HJNUI J UIII, H \ • rtt d H u r l

(f'lwtth, h til lJ \ I JOHt" (t""tlt11 t,11'1• 1 ol ,lnt,_o,, , . ,l,,th\l •, JO.," , ,,d J, r,,u t,- • , , , on cl c.,,1,ua• t•••'· t1101t t• of I ,titll, l , t llo11d, 1 , , ..,.0,.d l "d ,lr,thO,. , lt••-:' Dt lOhl N1 ,o, ri1n, 1 t f"d C.t•flvdt l o• . -t UJNIIINI STtllf. 11. S\ h1,, , ,.4

' " ;I l • l l'ltdtt l. h pt 1J l , t., , . h lM " ' ' s,,,., ol 10h11, l d •ttd • 'Id hlo, $•i t ,! , ,-, , , ( It o A"'<tt ttori. M11 .A" " ' l ,ri4 , u,.. Id• Ut Dvff. ,-,,, C,c ,1,t Bo11 1111 ,..,a l ot1tt • s,,.,, t WUTII N JA,,, 11. St JO•" cil A1(

( 'i..,tth, \t p l 1 ) ( . 1 • ., , ( HT'~lff; H\11•

t:,"a ot Y,01, r' ; " ' "'' ' ol 0 . 1, J 1 • PP ,,.a No,...,, o 1,,, ,., t 101,.,., of I••" "" .,.o c., , .,, ,,, l•rP, •'•'"'~" l ,,hop, flo, , t,!1,.,1 • "d ltllh,t \ lt ,r.tw10 .,

ol , • • ,, • • l"IQ!Plt, . , ,.,,, ,., 1, .. tall , oP (.r,,,.f,t ld, Ct o111 11,1, ol 1,,.., , 0 1 l •"'"'' ' "'· of (otumb,,,1, O I w,11,,15 1,,, . ol O,,,o.,. 0 ; ti,ot"" ol 1,1p-. "''""' " t fld v ,, t ,,,., ,o t,,1,,. tio11'1 ol t ,c11ono11ct

f M.IUUIJ UN IUIGlU, 71 , titalr ft "'· , , , (h111cP'I, \nt ll SI ,.,, , , ·, (t!Tlt

1, , , S,, 11• of I Cl •t•d,. Ov,~r,,, cl ·-.,1. 1,,,.,,N•i fl•~~ Ow,1111, ol . ,,hfflofld, r. ~:•;, N~,!~•1~ •• ~ . l~fld••"O (M, Jot-fl Ou•I ·

nuusoNvnu f NIUN ; lOUIII IIUtll, t t , St. Au9111•

,,•/~,.. !~'':1 !~~ 111 ! ,~;'~ jo~~'''i:

1, ... u 1 111 Jtlt11 \0fl, 1ilt , Nti 0011, " •1b,, \fi", ol Nt • a 1ti, 11, j dtt,1f°'lltt cl "'" ( l1nt r hntt, cl ,.,. Att , 11, 1 '°"'' ,,otht ll • nd '"' " , ,,,. ,, • ho 11,rhut

f JI.MU ll( N.IU IVHIJJ, ~9, \I " "'' "''' •"'· ( ..... ,,,-, St pl , :n \I, Afllh.o,,1,

C•"'' '" ' le" ol Mo Ahu f/001• , cit Jttt,,,c,..,u, t fAIU f NIUIIHN, 71, 0\11 ltd, o f -.1w .llUNf

I 0\.•1311 (hvrtt!, h pt H C, 1,,, ,, Ctmt t MUHi l , ICN•I NHI, SJ. 01.ir h dr ... ,.,,. ,Yo thu of l M'n• I w ' "d h mn J. cif , • 1pt l\lf l Ht1t ( hutt h , hol. '1. Holr


Civic Theatre benefit slated

JJl;OIA!IIAPOLIS - A btntllt pulormanrt oi "Tht Rain­maker" wlll bt gl.-rn b)' lhe llooth Tarklnglon Cl\'lr Thnlrt l'la,-,:s al 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Ort. 8. Sponsorrd b,- lht Daughltrs ol lubella. lht Htnl will bt prrredrd bi• a sorlal hour open to 1hr publir al 1:30 p.m.


Workshop set · INDIANAPOLIS - "NCCW

C•mmlu I • n Prwtr11111nhlt" wlll be the !epic fer 1llacu111tn at the werkahtp fer the In• dltntptllt N • rt h Deanery Ceuncll ,of, 'Cathtllc Wemen tchtdultd from t 1,0 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thuradey, Oct. S. at Fttlmt RtlrHt Hou••• SUJ I. ~5'1h St. All deanery and p1rlsh chelrmen, del191tu tnd pruldtnh ere uree,1 to alltnd . .

Abbey Art Studios. will ofter courses

l'rorreds from 1hr ptrform- lllffllllllllllllllll!!!,UIUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIII anre ,..ill aid the building lund

ST. MEINRAD. Ind. - The Abbey Ari Sludlo1 ol St. Mein• rad Archabbey hu announced the opening ol cl111t1 In Ctr• amles. wood and metal 1cuJp. turr ; palntln1 and drawln1; and wcnlng. . 1plnnln1 and rua• hooking. to beeln Friday, ~pt. 29.

The classes are sponsored by the Spencer County Unit ol the Lincoln Hills Ari,- ind Crall Auoclalion. This marks the fourlh year lhat such ctusu hl\'c been held at lht Abbey Art Studios.

at SI. [llrabeth·s Home for Un• CDA planning "•d )lottirrs. )In . Alire rarrcll and Mrs. Mary MrKentlc arc CO· for installation chairmen. Tirktl rhalrm•n Is Miss Allrr Lipps. 632-5228.

' " " ''' (to,i1l11, W,lt ol Albtrl; fflOt,.,, ol w,11,,"' \th•tndtr, ot , ,11\t1\119h 1•o btOll'lt 11 f 'ld l•O ,,,,.,, • ho 1u111,t

llltl MAUii Word t,u t:,,,. lt(t,,tct ol lht euth ol

WIUI.IM , NOUCI, 7.S, lo,mt rl, t f Ttnt " ' "'' ' fl , ...,,,. lt"4, lfld, ~ lbtl'ld e l 11,u , t.fl'IJ f•lhtl cl , ,, hOV(. , cl SO\llh ltnd: t11co1,, el Jou t,h ' Hot.Id,, ol lnd••"•POM. \ tt, ,u , t>t td ti St ,,.,,, • • , C,1t,.1dttl '" 50.,1 1'1 lt'ld 011 S,ptimttt, JJ. 1 111111 • ' c,1,.,, c,m.,1t,, '" h o, H•\I'•·


(hwrch, h pt. 10. (hw1th (tn,ttt,,. Hui• ti,l'ld ol i u, ,,,, h thtt ol fiord, ltloy, MIO,, h t tt t l'ld M11, lrt l'lt S111,,1,'I0111. •11 of f.ltflh Vu11ofl1 , ....,1 M.ntfl,no, ol h w,1t1tlt ; Art~ , Mt1th11'10, ti hJfflOVt 1 -.i11. AtnH l wttr, of Cok.tffl.tMIC, •"'4 Shiu ,\l,n,tt, tf hll (11, , '

INDIANAPOLIS- lti1tallatlon ol new olllrers ol Chartrand Classes will be lor two hours

• every Friday. runnlnJ from I to Courl. IUD. Catholic Oauehlcr> 3 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.n\. ol America. wlll be held at 7:30 Fees lor the ctusts are one dol• p.m .. Wednciday. Sept. 27. at . tar per lesson. Suppllts are the t:ssex House. Mrs. William cxlra. Morgan. and Mrs. Thomas Beck Brother Zachary de e·ernardl are lhc new grand iegent encl o .S.11 .. will conducl the· cl111t~ vlre regenl. respecllvely. In ceramics. wood and metal

Among the olhers olrlcers sculpture. II• hu been very ore: Mrs. Daniel Laurence. pro- acth'e ' In the Lincoln 111111 Aris phctess; Mrs. Ceelll• Eschen- and Crall Assoelalion for the barh. llnanclal secretary; Mrs. pasl lour )'ears and hu strved Roger Albright. historian; and as sceretary•treasurer and 11 Miss Margaret Corcoran, treas• president ol the Auoclatlon. urer. • t'alhcr Donald W • I po I e.

O.S. B., wlll conducl cl usu In palnlin1 and drawinJ. He b , member ol lht !acuity ol St. Melnrad Seminary Coll•I••

The clauu In wu\'ln1. spin• nln1 and ru1•llookln1 wlll be conducted by Brother Kim Mal• Joy •. o.s.B.

Prelates named to par/iam_ent

MADRID, SPAIN-Archbllhop Caslmll'(\. Morclllo Gonulu of Madrid ls among the 25 new members ol parliament dull• natcd by Francisco Franco, Spanish chit! ol alltc. The archbishop la vlet•pruldent or the Spanish Bhhop1• Conference. Abo appolnltd wu Archbishop Pedro Cantero Cuadrado ol Zara1ou.

Karl F. Joh,nsoil named chairman r or ND ca~paign .

INOIANAPOLIS - "arl F. Johnson h_u bttn namtd lo di• re<t lndlanapolls ellorta In the Unlvenlty or Notre Danie "Sllm• ma" pro1ram. • $52 mllllon rund-rabln1 provam termed the 1choo1•1 "1reate1t chal•





INOIANAPOLJI · - The Dau,hMr1 af lsaltella, OW Lady af lnryday Circle, wlll 1 held Ila annual l'rlfflllahljl TH fro11i 2 .to 4 p.m. hnlla,, Oct. 1, In the Natt.net lank tf GroenweH audlttrlum, ,00 I . Madllet'I ....... In o,._..,i. An tl!Planatt.11 tf the wwtc tf the D tf I wllt be -,rnn iurtne--•-­tbt lH.

lence." Co-chairman lor tht m1u1w1mmn111mtU11tnlllttllRIIUllllllltlltllt• massive dlort la R. V. Welch.

Deny breviaries

to jailed priests

Indianapolis ·Is one ol 21 -ma• Jor U.S. clllta which will ln•u• euralt the lund-rallln1 cam• pal1n. A tum or campus not• ablu. headed by Noire Dame·, president, Very R~v. 'l'heodore M. llubursh. will bt In the city BONN. ~rmany-Ouplle II•

on Odober 17 lor • klckoll din• surancu reportedly 1tven by ner. Hungary•• communist re1lme to

Commltltt hud1 named by a Catholic bishop. prints In Mr. Johnson Include:

Alumni chairman: Jphn C. llun1arlan prisons have not o·connor; Friends chairman: bttn allowed to receive bre• Or. Paul f·. Muller; Parents vlarlu senl to them. The chairman: Edcsr C. llcNamara; brevlarlu have been returned. Publlc Relallona ch• Irma n: Frank J . Wemholl. and Dinner Bishop Pal Brtunoczy. apoa• chairman: James L. Sheerin. tollc administrator or E1er and

President ol lhe Notre Dame secretary ol the llun1ulan Club or lndlanapolls ls Wllllam bishops• conference. vlslled"lm• -A. MrGowan •. Jr., vice president prisoned prluts at Euterllme. ol T. A. Moynahan Properties. It wu reported lhll durln1 hh

Mr. Johnaon 11ld that the In• vl1ll1 ht told the prluh that dlan1pol11 quota In the $52 mil• the 1overnment olllce on rell• lion campal&n had not bten re• glous allalrs had 1ranted per• vealtd and would await the Oc• mission ror them to receive. tober 17 dinner. brevlulu.

11 .. :... ·11· . .. . . . . I . . . . ... . .... . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . ... .

The balance will ht elected by vote lrom trade union, pro• leulonal and buslneu or1anlu• lion,, and by municipal and pro• vlnclal councils. unlverslliu, and repruentatlvu ol "head, or family" and married w9men.

An lnupenslv• Went Ad Dou e Big Job CALL 635-4531

Ask for l\lrs. Turpen or Mrs. Derry


2• KOUI f UINA( l ll'Allt ( 111, U . Clu "• 111,,0, 10 Yun u p• 11t N 1 , 6U,191'1.


IIUN. OIL INI UIVII h•'-t Mtclrll•~: ... :n- ... o_.. IUI

toorn,o, CUTUIINI •• , IIP.IIIS NOT ,u,u,a, IOOU-IVHII


1111111 WIIII <Odlll0NII f 11111 a IIIYKI

Compltlt .... , ol ,.,.. . ~ r,bt,ill •• ,.,

~;:~"''• :~t.•"'· Jmlu ,., Ntl 7U•0Ot Mll c .. 1• •

rv Ulll Ill IIIYICI A I M•h\ h111l1t d h1 YM Hornt

, Colo, 1V1, Sltrt O, HI fl Mot,, Wnhm ,

,itr.~·: u.:::.! ,c:,~:::~ •'"•'::,\. ct!:. 11;~: ;::====1•=••=N•=•=1="'='===::; &.tNt -.,1,-,at ttt $16.M . l•t•tt4, MMI• ... , o .. ,. C.ult ••k .. o, ,.._,ao,.

MOYlllf- WI (NUCI un '°' ..,k.. dtPtftd, blt 1 1Mlt dH urvlu . Ctll McMllltt Movlnq ond lttMle, , lt•fl ond CO\lflftJ •utpttd. ~J,ltl I .

ILICIIIC 111¥1<1- tld •nd nt• -., • • 1'11f ttUIMltl, h lnboll llttlrlc Ct. lll•2111.

W. ·, . CIAnoN - lt111hl~ . nflflbhlnt l vrnlh110, U ,uu ••Pt"'"''• Arif ttlOI

'"•"" tr COl'\'llllttt ttl0"9t, ,k,wp. dtlltt,, .,,.:ion. HAV( 'tOUI Utchtn ublftt l bi.1111 by CUI •

IOffl Ubiftfl •~. Sp«ltlt 6 It, 1lni. .... ublfltt "'· Coll Hv(r,IJ ., ~s-7JlZ Of l'91+7lH lo, t htt 11llmf lo en , ou, • llcl\tl\ probltml .

IIIHG ~~••,~1t:ri~~"10 US Wil1' lht lttWtMt lhol It •Ill It ,111N1 ••1uc.llf H WrlllN"

TOT TENDERS A&,11 l•b• Safm

v, u 11e11 11\d "''''"''' St1rh , 1

, ,.\., ;. H0Ul- 0 AY-W(ll



IIICJION OUl l'l(IAlt'f'

Auu Codt 111 6JH11l

o S...llt l

1101 N. P•r\ ""• lnd1,n,ooli1, 1,J,


ltU (OIYAtl MONU- hh •''" p,rmtl'ltl, "''" • , .ffi., ,u.mi. ..

... '·'!i"·ooo mat , , l1i1II ,..,,. l,c. fOfr .. ulltflll Upd1ft011, tltlo,. bklt boo•. ll l7.

WI IUY J1i1n'- Cm • lld t ,vch

5 ... lOll

(Offlflttt Nt111'

P1lnt end Body Shop IIN (lflffiotN- W1tt\t1 StfllU


"low "'""'' Offt llffi Dtolt1" 7MI P~tttH ,.._o MM111

-----------.. KELLY SALES CO.

1110..... ..,.,.,,

'6S (o, .. lt MOftU .... (' : •• ••• '1195 UO H , ., l bd, Tttfll ,. c t.-M,, Sl'lorp

'6 ) I OMt~II, (pt . .......... 1119.5 , , ... , Sttffl"1, llfhl, 0,i\ l tvo

f 1t1ittt wJth Wllllt Trlffl

. ., , ... , ......... "' .., -llfo TliM w,111t11r Ntw Aull•blt

YM Awthefluct Sojr. OHIO Wt .,., <o-,lttt VW ltnlco ,_. Partt

Conllnent1I lmportl · 22JJ 1. Wash, s,. uu,oa


HouHkHper - C~k For C,hurch · Rectory

!.,~~~ o~!.ri:~,:u\. S.lary o,tn. 1111

Cell 546-1571 SI. Ao4'tw Cl, ....


n'! Very Be• t Jl\ltfflOtt O, f W0tl

CALL MON. thru FRI. t A.M. to J .P.M.

I Ul•IMrthtut IM4'n South: 717 .ffll Wut: 241-ta6

-O.-nto•11-J SI N. Doi•••! • 6J9-4SU


.. ~,--"t1i,,f,:~,, 1--::S1P' Ov, cltfflOtlltUIOU

o•ttOtt ..,., 111.00 ~ Ptf ••tflln9. (oll ,C: ,.. •


1111 MAIi-UP HMOISIIUIONS II TOut NOMI Clll 111-1117

Nolll OJH!f'l



hrly Sephmber thru Thanks1lvlnt

7'300 N. COLLEGE IW"I oil (tlltttl ·


TUTOIING- Hlth uhool ottct t•Ht 1thotl t1i1bitm. h ffitd1• I ,udlnt, hPtflonud

luttltt, lSS- lt,2,

PIANO UUONS- hcollt fllt ltKhiflt IMlhOd, Tut.htt 9ttdw•lt d lfl GtftNl'\W, GtOllf

ltuon ,_,,., prlu , 2tl,79.J6. •

JHnl Dence Acedemy Nt1 • · ui..i. u "*'

U WINO oM ALlllATIOlfS- Cu,rfnlttcf r te• ~ P • rwl :;~iih If HKHUlf

FOR SA L E h i t ••••••• )6.$'110 Whlltslh ll 769-6331 l nll rvctC.' , . 111 ••u- P, .. uMol c1,un

r------------.1hirmou"I , 9,11,56$9 C,utnl ,t ld , '61•1376 f l'ld .A Ow, nuj t,p, h lltl , Jui, klwlh ••• • • 711•7ll6 lltlvn0n4 . 966-•912 • ,O I. H,11110. Hl-9'61. ti no , n1•t; ,


(0111 ,oa l&ll- 014 tolfll tttntt4. htt •w•iut. l"-IJM.

!~f! :~t."~\:!,. ·~ .~~092~,g,,;. ANJIOU( cv111td tlm u blnt f. l ~bOud,

hblt, S bO,ouh, 40tl'lf Mtl, '* '-'• llilht1, pl•tle,m 10<\tt, 111,tr, 11'11111. ,.,,.,, '31·

( AKO M WALl WASHING ud POlf Cito"• Wt.

.,.)~~. ~~•;:::t -;sr.:~•:;.";t.. i'm. ••II• -.,-,-U-1-. -.. -•. -,-,,-1,-.-,-,1.-1-..,-,-.. -..,..- ,-.-,-.,.

nu Pl(a.v,

Jerry's Profe11lonal Poodle Grooming

OOf1 All Sltt1 C,11 fo, A,ooi"lmtl'II


·"'-.. B "(i) See a ug ...


ROACHIS, RATS. MIC• ''" ln1peclltf'

LI 5-1275 24 Hr. S.nlct

4aJ Mllltravlllt Rd.

H PI, lmh tlft,, 10ft, Doll, Ont fflllt tOII et ,un,, Oldt11.1Mirt on Sttlt hfd 2?9.


Cen Good• and Usable Men'• Clothes 1lw1y1 welcome 1t T e I b o t Houst, 1424 Centr1I, rh. 635-11'2.




~•ii GRAN1'51 0pt,t till t p.m. fft Thurtd•"• dt1td S.Mdtrt.• Wt t•tt~\11 t NI o pol, f ll OwlOll'lfllC • ~ ,, ..... ,ct ln11o"lo i0fll.l •"4 ch,1lthtt , SOlillh 11-. tf INd 67, 7•U I • .UNI Sltttl, C.11 $47,UOO.



11.lltl III MltlL Htll4" I'" Int

t990 PtNilltttf'I Pllo. I IJll,-41,0 11.ffl,

• <Jlllllll&I II IOMINII ltOlf u 111"'9 ChfhlNt NtMI~ ..,..., :-,,ti!:llw:t\~"',i,=~• ~r•J),.,•MUlt .;.:.. ________________ .;....._ ______ ,,o, ,u10ANCI , lftlf 4lMWfl1 ,.,,, .....

"- llldltflt lrllflfli ..,._.,,01..-1 ,..,


CRITERION CLASSIFIED AD! a Lian - I Tl•e Fer O• I)' tl,H (Jlc ,.; Heh aMltlenal llne - S WINI Heh IIMI /

l~H~~~~;~:.---~--~-~-----------1 Cl11"""11 .Unrthlne 114 w. o.,., •• ,., t~tana,-111, 1114. 4QtS

l i. ... lluert ill your CLASSIFIED th• rollowlD l ·LIDe Ad ~ wont,) to 1'1111 1 time for oal1 11.00. (lltUI ~ ncelved

by TlltadlJ - pnctdllll 1'rldl7 pubUcaUoa datt.) t t ········:···'·················································

····················· ········································ ...... , .......... , ...................... ., ..... , .............. . O,AIII ... . ... ...•..... . . . ...... .. . ......... . ... . . ..... .....

ADDlllll . .. ..... ...... .............. , ....... ... ......... : '

CITY ......... : ... .• . . '. ... : ................ , .............. ..

PHONS ..... ... . . . . ..... ........ . .... . a ~ a Cull


hut l,O.U Oft fflftlftf t., (htkllMI, Wt Nllwt1; ctflHI. Mt "-•"'"""' 11 u,e\!:

~"':~,= =::: i;:.~~t"tt;:;h.

rEMPORARY WORK Re1lsttr DOW ror lnttrts!IDI and-1·arled tempoury omc, aul1nm1ats. No ret. 1111• mediate o"nlnas for all oUlct skills If JOU blYI tll• perlenct.


Call I to • For Appt. W111 ................... ..... DoWlltowll ................ .

Or Come II ror llt.mlew r· ,~~~~ Cl :-n7!.'. :::r.::rr-::1 J .,!.5T !'•

P1o•klt MO , l ,l7•56~Al'ldtnon .. &,,t-11~ 7 .. •I0H

THE TOY CHESIJ' POPUUI PIANO ftt tl,IU. • Akt .. lie Udf fer c•IUo•, I tt 1'. 1U.Ult.

Cashiers · We qiay have a run or 'part time oprnln1 n e • r your

II) al Drui:

horn~. Why not stop your nearest Hook's Slore and see? ·

We will .1raln you at our e.xpense lor 1ruter sell•con• lldence on U.e job. In addl • Uon, enjoy U.e aecurlty or study employment, paid vt• talion. 1enerou1 merchandise dlscounta. hospltallutlon and Ille lnaurance • . paid rellre• ment program, and opporlu• nlty to advance Into mer• (htndl1ln1 or cos'metlc1.

Applicants muat be 21 yura ol •ye and be able to work an • tematln1 ahlfl. II lull time employl!\ent ls de• sired.

Dependebl• Druts nod lnterprlao

(Ju1t Wul or Franklin Rd. OD 30U. SI.)

'w"w f I J O I N r. ~ (. ,~ V I : E


I IIIOAl GOWNS mm::10. I DIUIII =:.~i;o1,:i,: .. ,-,... 711-

-.1mnar.~ !!!!:~.._- .......... :..;,.-,; ~:=r- •

Contract· Bridge LHsons lUtfl ti \'tu Play-lSl•S.&lt


Joen of Arc Perish Vlclnlly t f lStlt tftd Ptt1n. 4

I. 2, t M l l .. eo,n Aptt,

Pllco RHlty Co. 1>4 • • DIii••• 6Jl.11M

ST. JUDE'S IIU ,,. """'

H .. IHkk -bit. 2 btdttoffl, lfl hool.

:::~ ,:!:~':;,,f,~t,. ';;~ ~t~hll•

W. N. Wellermlre .,. • ., ID-1111-Ul.tl"

C /I n D O F T t1 /I N K 5

HIJU-Wt • 1th te tNM -,, UM ttla-11•"• ,.......,. 1M ,,_. ftt """ ... I l•I flftetl, ,-,,tUleN tf ,,....tt.,~H tffttl,., ,,-rltMI ._...fl 1M r ethtt uu,tn&et ••lfMH •• ~ .,, , ... .. ., ____ .

- uttlll nana. •• -i.11, "" •• tt,a,,k tloa cla,ff ti 11. ,_ Aeoloal lhwcl>1.1_!1• _ _!_

( . ........ "" '-"~ _,....., ... fNI, ,_, .. ,.1c • • lho lllfl• .... ,_,It hrolllto

, . . - Slllctft ,-. •• - '1••· ,_..11 .................. -, .. --- ., s.-""' .... u ......... llual -,.; _ ,,..1.1-n ..., tlloal -•ltl~I It .. Ill 1M -lot al - ~•a, UIIL . • .. -.. -··· .... -~ .... (Mplatro. ··- (lat• =, __,o.,.., 11;.l =- :::..:.~ _...,_._

·, Patronize· Om


CASH ,.,. Mou1• 1 & Do\lbln wndt1 110,000,

J. F. Sullivan 7~1N


Hfwt ~.,rttt ftt doublt1 oftd lf'ICOfflrt ,,o,etU••· LUTZ

n '-14'1 n s.1w

~1 MAllt'E W

6010 OAKLAND J lt,e: NduN., !wk\. 1tnc.h. l•ttt ~~ti~ Gl::,,~ir.r.. tlllthN .., ....

Howard Fenter, RHllor Mt-17· ·

VAC~NT •O• ( . 461h SI, Spocl"-11 l btdrtoffl lttft• tftd ltNk~ tfll(fl, 2~ NIN, Ii.I~ toom wilh flttpl.ct, ·•l'llftt INM, \!Uh•

r,~'::1.ki'~~~:!~•,:,~"t~•,:t. •::~r. -:~1w~!0r10.t,ocr.~ftctr:~::!·. '21·'°°· Sue T. ShHrer, RHltor


IILYAN •UUlU-WIINlltlON TWP. School trto, ""91 tun fttm Nth111'1 O• l'I ""'bf't llf OVtl th it , '°'"If 1111\t Co'-"ltl, • lctrms,. I dOWfl. 2 IIIH bolhl, 17.&lO Cor,-ttd llw. , ,,., w/

:.!',t~ ,'!f.''·b~~·,,iflll~~·"::C. "','!~ -:1::!~~;.J:'.~!'•YJtt:.'.'lc -~ . ~!' Howerd Christen• Co.,

RHltors 121 ,,. ...... ,. '"· 111-1111

ALL OF THIS • ...... fttfNI dinlttt ""·• IV, .. , ... OIIKNd 2 U f ~ftt, t.....,_U, I• .. pMI. I ltrN nlCflic au,. lf"1tVf tN9 St. Meftk ~ Sthetlt, lvllt _,. ltl ti Jtl,lt chtlc• ltt tlt,l,O, (ltt W:"'414)



S l JUD[

LOT 90xffl W<IU"t , 1,,,.., to ChtnrlM 1M II, MIOt kNal. Ul!IO. C,h ahtt ...l.

71M07' •

l A ( ( • ) f ( 1 f( I f t 4 -/y _l v ~

Owner Trenaftrnd • -- tU ,o.,.. - • r1to1 t!ltt• !rot, 0,., ....... - ltl. 0,,. --

:":.:!,!-::!.'::a~'::::..~ Lat1t I u, ....... Wt!!•- I Ctl• r, .. ·~~,1=-:,:,~ ....., ...,-.-, ...

C.lonl1I RNlty C.. "'44!'

We Hive Buyers W1lllngl

Wo .... lhlloot la ,_ p.,1 .. 1


1•11 lthy I . llorl. 111-1



Try Our

One Heu, Sonic•

Ol'lt u lt to °"' t lflu • 111 bf lnt lftt

tf "'' c°""'"' htewllnt to YOVI htllM wlthlfl O"o Hou,.


RHlty Inc. 293:~3


5179 N. DELAWARE l <1torr Mic._ . Co10ftl• I. Yep ft011h11dt 1oc1!1on, • T.-lfl lltdroomt. ntw urptU, d,.,N, ""'" h•II, fwll bHtmtflf, tlou It IIN'l\l(vlflt HtoU, School ••• , ,1u mid 20't , Ch,rlo flt JMClol" 2U•l967. ,

Bleke l YOU'ii Rllr. IM7•1W

S T J OA N Of AR.;

• BY OWNER • ltdtOOfflt, fwll N1tl'l'ltf\t, IV, Nlht, t lltd \.ltdltf'I ,M IMlth. IWft Porth, f k't• hhad tflk . del,blo lot, dl1Poul, IA"I'• 04 l11octai,,. Nu, " .hool 70.

F.H.A. -$11,500 ltt tllh 1,011,11 2 UOfy- l ltt. btdfmt., I\.', Ntht. f 0tm, di" , rm• UP,,.1t r..\hl. rm, ltdt<tt. ht M"II"• $46• ..... Amerlc1n EstetH Co.

IMlt • • ltllttt . Ill-

~ 1 MARK

ldHI FDf. Young Coupl1 or Retired Couple

In Edgewood 2 ltdrtMt tllffit wltlrl 2 ,., .,,.,, tfl tMJUI •J 10 tf I" tc.lf i.1,

Murphy RHI Estete ....... WALK TO CHURCH .

2 , .. ,. .... k~._ 1.,.11, , ,.,. 11r.,Iect t!1 •I• ,.,,.,.,,. lfl llwl:, '"'·• , .. ~. ~r-~~· .. ~~ :~rif "r.:·~ rr:!. ~~T'''*• w I PftlWir

C. W. G1lvan Rlty., Inc. 111.tlNI

l I l L f f L' , _ .. ( t,.

1n5 N. RITilll

!ft<- • - lorkk - • -us,oao. a, _.._,. •• ""'"· -Chas. I. Ca,nplNII, Rltr,


9290 N. COLLEGE 111.S00- 5 rOOffl. 2 btclroom, bit lot. 2 ur t•ttft. IV, bolht , A tHI bvy,

LUTZ n s.1w n '-'W

51 PIUi X

7465 Avelon Trell, Rd. ~~ •. s ,'~•t;;h:."'" bfttmtftt, 2 full

Cell Mr. Doty, · Bullder end RHllor



. ' !SY OWNER IIVI ~ 11011-ltt<h Grovt, C•H Cod u , 1, , 2 c1orlu . 3 lltd,oom,. lwll bUt•

::~:{v,1~,!~!• .';"<=t«t!'~r:!'dih:;: r. lnt Ul'lltt, (QU!lf , 1111 •uu~ IIOft tf ow lnltfttl uro mor,.,, •.


BEECHCREST 2600 S. Sherm1n Dr. .,

U.f() dOWO fHA, Prk t llS,700. l " ltd-100ffll, lwll b•Hme111, h, ,,..,oo, lloon,

~:!,,:.-•~• l~::,.'~:i'11 .. :'!i1171~~. Holr 011,J~OII _ & IIIAN<I. hllln

L. Ward RHltora 1ti..-11J.t11t• • l&Htl-7-

o,ln 2 •• o.,, o,n,

,-.O LY 5P IRI1

LOT IOO N,\\11thntr, l bl«h to d~rch. ,~.

LUTZ n .,, ... rL '-1'61

3761 N. Wll_lfleld St. All brick. l i.l"I f"'• Ual7, Utcbtft• lomlly '"'·• com""'" Oft 1•t27, I ~ ::!t: ~:;,.~YJ !!' llf!I'• COvtrt

1354 No. Mltchner Ave. $25,000

l ltdtmt., I Vt '411hl ,MIit. '"'•• 2

~::.CJ"~~~d. 'S.,'°;.f,J.•"~· """"'· Frenklln RHlty, Rltr.

UII N, ,, ... Ila U . 147-4111

51 SI M O N

· WARREN OUTSIDE .e .. eomt. fMtlly tlOl'III, I Y, CffM1c tilt N th. 2 ,., .. ,... with ,ewtd .,, ... St'-' M 11 door. Let uo.110. lett ef t1lrn. •

Wllllam C. Chembers RHlty -t

Vacant-$7IO Dewn 1107 N, ,toe. l ... 1, lorkt - Wtl, e.• ~~ft. 't'.,':• .:,I.I .. IN

Mrs. McCullltln1 ,..,_

I ....... ;,, ~ ..;,.,toe. ...... .\\\\llllilll/////~ Lot• 1lh2AI ,_ 1ro "'-!II, llh .., ..,_ ~ ~

w1111 .,,.,, ~100 111 • - .., ft':'~· ,,...., t! utr-. ~ NATIONAL ~ ..._., . ......., -"~ RNl'f.,•111 ::§ ~

Hana' To lello'to = •iilllliiiiiimii E§ ........ 1o1,, ..... .,tit- - ~ WRRK .~ wllll f..Ur ""'-' c,1 _,.. ... ---•v,•'A,•C,j•••.tff-•-----..I~. llft.N•OCT.1 .1::; ... Ill - - -• It, ... • 1 ~,. ~ ~.:."" " '"·r __, MOYI RIGHT IN WHYRENI'-~ =-= .::-r-""\,fr.. ti:· -• ......... llNlty tD110 U ** -11 ' 111.i11 LUTZ . --

"••• ""' ... {


t (I

.. . .,


~ VIEWING WITH ARNOLD In their frlald 1Jol1tlon. • The point 11 ·a simple one­

that ,Jlale-of,1oul determines

r.Two for the Road' has unique style • whether' an experience brln11 ,Joy or lndltt•renet-bul I\. II made with eJttravaaant fllmlc lklll. Thia ucltln1 break In th~

,Ult qf the flashback may blllle audltncu more accustomed to Dorla Day than Runall or



' "Two tot the Road" may be described as, a cinematic and 1wln1ln1 \'enlon of "The Four­poster" (Itself recently trans, formed Jnto the Broadway mu,

couple (t\udre·y Hepburn, Albert e1tln1 than the confenl, but here ne1lect of her In favor of 1e1Un1 like Shakupure. Godard (the French New Wave Finney) who are on the verse that· fault Is lar1ely writer •head In bu1lneu) seem pat The film's style 11 111 major l1 clearly an lnOuence here), of divorce as \hey drive. throu1h Raphael'i. • and relatively childish. The triumph, an ·experiment . In but once ) 'OU catch on, It's • fun France on a buslneu trip. (The Althou1h the Hepburn-Finney average 1uy has more troublu story-telling throush edltlns 11me to play, Donen, working ,klnny beauty wean aomet!Jj.Pg couple are attractive and like• than that belot, breakfast. that maku some Dersman with hls auperli "Arabuque" by every coutourler wut of able as gay, olte/1 comically The movie couple flnl over, films seem II conventional II cameraman Chris Ch1l111, ,pro, Conalantlnople). They arc blunderln1 human beln11- react to their dllllcultlu, resort• "Camille." Usina little explana- vldu visual clues to each time haunted by memories of pre- Donen 1how1 them that way· In Ina to bitter an1er and lnlldellty, tory narration, Donen cuts In- period, and the auoclatlonal \

0 lou1 .trlpa, some romantically Image alter ,dellght!ul lm11e- and then recpnclle apparently 1t1ntly between the present and editing eventually be c •me' kooky and happy, othen lore they arc too 1h1llow to win only bec1u1e at a moment of various episodes durln& jour- clear to anyone who can follow sh1dowln1 and·4xplalnln1 their more than casual Interest. Their crisis Finney ,tumbles provl• neys at five dlllerenl tlmu In I TV Alk1-~ltrer commercl1l. preunt hang-up. Finally they problems C Finney Is Irked by dentl11ly Into a 1wlmmln1 pool. the pai t, ,ometlmu for long • -are able to 10 on, II not In bllu, the Intrusion ol a child I!! 'their No doubt some people are like stretches, 1ometlmu tor mere For those non-McLuh1nlles at least In acceptance ol t~ marriage and Audrey by his that, but It doesn't 1rab you seconds. The film hops caprl, who abhor \'lsual trickery,

• PAOI IL_,,.N ,

~nd quamn, pop1lcln mapJu1t -eran, llllllllecHIMWe ter not ,be clatmaUe. (latllfi1 A-2~Uulta,I I·

Greenwood !f'lnkln• ef ,a...,.t,hrln•?

Call Don Pulley 881-4884


Commiskey' s Comer Drug Store · Inc.

Smith .Pha_rmacy F'ru Prtscrfprlon DtllVt'I/

GrHnwood; Ind. Ul,fl7l no s. Meridian Ul-'"9


alcal "I Do! I Do!"). It la the history of a marrlaa., told In term, • of auto trip, r a I her than a bed, room, althou1h the boudoir sell Ill fair share of 1tientlon, and It Is more brash than aentlment1I.

complexltlu of m,rrled love. clously about In time and 1p1ce Donen otlen hi• usual \'lvld • U •t d F d with the ume nutty !ogle as the color repertoire ol , lruh, utter-11_.,_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_-:_"'_•_-:_!"_•_•_•_':,_•_•_•_•:..•_•_•_•_-:_•_•_•-'•:..•-•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_"" ' The movie Is dlrecteo by Stan- DI e on ~ . human memory. ly c1ptlv1tlng Incidents, explalt-ley Donen, ,a stylish ge~lus , · , • • Ing particularly Flnney's gllt lr----------------..i..-....,...; .... __ __

An orl1lnal Idea by Frederic Raphael, the 01car-wlnnln1 screenwriter ol " D a r 11 n I," :·Road" la about a wealthy

whose fllm1·from ''Singln' In the (Continued from page 4) Thus . the couple, 11 hitch, for rascally comedy, Thr Rain", to " Arabesque" have i 11 - r th C I 11 d hiking young,ters who have )'oung,lovc scenes glow wllh been filled with experiments organ za ons-muny O cm at 1° C·S onsore -were . Juat met, stand by the road. and good nature and allertlon. and upertlse, charm and Joie included . . . ai a car flashes by, Finney re• whether the lead, arc sloshin~ de vlvre. Predlcta~ly !•~ The F und Is tailored to put an. end lo hit-and-miss mar~, t_ha~ when he gets a car about In the surl. urging_ along Donen, the lor111 ,ls more Int r ofieratlon or member groups and lo consolidate the he wall ne1er pus a hitch-hiker. a recalcitrant MG. or tr) lng to

- Suddenly · we are Inside that. kiss while covered with palnlul

Brownsburg c forts or Cund-raisers and Cu!ld-glvers. Members are ume car, wl)h Finney and ,unburn. Despite the "rlous recognized as groups making substantial contributions Audrey In the preunt, oblivious theme, there are explosi\'c sight to the>wetcore or a whole city or town. As such they ,to the hikers In the dust behind gag, e1•er)"'other minute. should be s upported by all those Cinanciaily able lo them. · Raphael perhap1 01·erdr1w1 do so. • Or ~gain, on a RM era beach, the American couple, who man,

, CULLIGAN · Water Co11dltlonlng

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f • "''"· 2"-.Auth Green ISUU4

No Job Too Big For

Lby's Ready Mix Concrete Corp.


BROWNSBURG HARDWARE AND APPLIANCE-co-. -l9lM H4 11'41,.• ,,111t1 ., ........ ,.,, .... ..

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TV•R• dlo Servlee Di\LE'S TV

ti , . ...... . ,. .. ,w, ltpt lr AU Mt\tt & Nodtlt TV

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CALL 152-217' TODAY

No good _ citizen can Ignore his civic responsibility or-his nelghbpr~s- need.

Martinsville Hayes· Pharmacy,

Inc. · Gent llauu Johr. Thoine11

"Pratcrlptlon Specl1lhh" Marll111vllle Mooraavllle

Phelps Drug Store No. Sid• of Square

"Your Prucriptlon Stor•"

DI 2-3321

the youngsters, lull ol the appe, age to 1ymbollze practically tile for Ille, drum of ,being every !law In the modern lam• able lo clap for a menu. Miu lly (one wonderful running g111, Hepburn <lap,, and we- are In has the lather-emptying and the allluent present. A waiter spraying the domineering child's' appears, and the couple !ndll- chamber poll. nut the script Is f•rently send him away, lntcrullng and ln1·enllvc, e\'tn

Donen and Raphael use this whe~ It borrows lrom Bergman. technique repeatedly · to under- E.g., Finney, admiring I n111t­llne changes In character and dral and the hct lhat 11, arll­illltudes-e.g., what h1ppe~• at sans . never cared to mark I• a plush ch1tcau or at the t;uch with their names observes that when the couple arc penniless " today we build names not you.~g !oven, or young marrieds things." ' tra.ellng with a atully Amerl, There arc se\' t ral pre-marital can couple and their brat ol a bedroom scenes par for 1h1• progrcssh•ely raised daughter, course these day~ and doubtless or later wllh their own child, or another example ol lorm o\'er

"===~======~==================~==============~==========================~~======~:-:-=:::=;~fl~n~•~ll~y;•~•:;o;td;';r;m;;a~rrl~t;d'.,'.s;, ;g~r:,:lm, content. nut can't m O \' 1 e

Ut-6571 - Plainfield ,. , .. ,. .... ,.,. ... ,



Bryant-Roth Co., Inc. 11:AlPH IOIH

Ru~s - Carpets - Linoleum Furniture - Curlalnf

Drapes - Venetian Blinds hr. fruUl11 I N1ol1t• ltl . Jtl-7116

Huesman', Garage GENERAL AUTO


, llue Ridge Rd. l!X 1-4212

Harold Ash Dodge Sales

Complrle Salu and Strvlct

32' E. Broadway 3n-214)

Tippecanoe Stationers

wfltt lc:do t,, Yt\tr Fl([ CCP 't ., 11, , ( ( Ah('NS

ltth, Glffl, Ofllu hHIIH, htlHn Mtc• l•n

22J s. Harrison - 3n.34so

( Hoosier Plumbing & Heating Co.

Wa ter Suste11il Phunbi~g lnuullarions

lJ~ E. Jackson • •EX 2·2' 6 , ,,_,.,I~di;;p~li;':':P~~~i~h'Sh~PP.i~g""Li;-·""l ::;;.;~~,i.:,~:.·~:~~

.11111n111~1n1111n1~1111;11~~m11; ~,u1111n;nrmn1111li1111n1111•1111•mmn11111n11111111hllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:ftt11IIIIIIIIIIHllllll~IUlllllllllllllllllllllRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIUIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIII_UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllll;ITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRllllntj • ---" -·---1-[Ulm , ... /'I-UICI~ I ~ IMPROVE YIUR lflME THIS VIAR ~~~ • ASSUMPTION

Br-n's 'Sarvlce Station .

Ille S, UIII .. IT, . UJ-

• 1tHkt, AHtn"1tf, Ctr



'641 I . W11hln9ttf, St, 35!-1195 . ,




ROSS· PHARMACY 3809 Engllih Ave,




Joa Lepper'• : HASSE'S BAKERY Peta & Suppllu n•• •· "'" sl.- Ml •-•

Supplltt '"' All htt, , l,.,k •I flth, • : -~~::~ tt::: : NM , ... .:~d•,.::c- ,..,,olH .,.._,. ! t NOT IO-Nffl l 1N P.M.

IAYf•W•"t (tt'IIM) t °"" Miff, lf'IN ht. ICl"N hft,)

I , • ' -~•,•· ,liJn";,.' I I 7 Lffl, to 10 p.rn. ~ Ot'tl • Wnk. ., Ty~wrlt1r1, • :

1 '1tbj~elf,1PU)R~C\> 1 ST MARKS

' ~ APPLES Cold Swut Cider

VERA'S REGAL MARKET . 2106· E, 10th St;

tAI lh•lht• I


.... ,-, IMSN, P-l,..• .... , ••~~ ~ . STOREY'S FOOD SHOPS

htrt4t"t tl'ld h k"" , ...

111 4-tul••tt! hul"t Prk t1MI 1-tUI




Mlf~ hpert lubtk 1rt.,.\ e tlt1

11\d l11ttt't Stnk t Ctr ... ,.


Heu, the Int ,., ln•·• ., Richards Market Basket

' HSI I , 12o4 11, et lt,ttot 111,t1U

Elson'• Qu•llty, Foods U.S. ( ho'<• ':\lllom Cut Mull HUH ,1u1u l fld Vt CUAlll~

, Mtl 11tr1• C.llet• UHJtl

K1y1tona MHt M~rket 7 IIII :n:11~'1f

1:= WHOlllJU ~MIii (HOICI 1a1111a MIAII Sldn Cul 1nd Wr,ppt4

l k k CltlftY Jtrl'f h•rtr




Adding Machines . • ••w ... uu,. Nllto'~•~•r:::i:1'f't:1Yt(I

4446 I , 1111> "6-INI

LA GROTTE'S Vllleg• Super Market

" Wt Otil"t Cul USDA Cholu Ot Prlmt Mttll"

2001 N. &,ll-:91 .. AH,

DELBO DRUGS 1521 N. Emerson


'""""'' ,111 ..

JACK MATHEWS & SON * M, HIit, 11-,1 a llllll IIIYICI * w, l•o '"' Dtllan 11 h1tw tMI l•ttM

WYk t * UIIO IIIUTCIII * ¥,,..111, I.T. l.A, IL "-'111 ••• I. te,i, n ""1

Bruno TV Sales & Service I .C.A, - IIN IIN

lfffltUll•t H hu II .. FL 7-3114 - FL 7,7565



"'Stnl~ the leil.lthtJ4f Sine• HOO .. ' Terr•c• at M•dlaon Av,.

TEETER'S South Side Pharmacy


~1 S, lalt St. . ~4W '-11M W, - It, WA MMI * Fine MHtl * '-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: O.,llty frvllt ... v ... , .....


T.XACO FUEL OIL '"l,tni,lt "" '""* ,. «>-• ,.,,, '"".. •

lrvlngton Ice & Fuel Co. - I, lllt• A,o. n MIii

01 : YCLES


Kelly Furniture Gallery lftltrllf Otd t f'II h

sfN ,~•~ ::;,11

NSID •f'ld lrtM~~


)VAL TER'S PHARMACY c.,, ...... ,1 ·-­Cil .....

• ,3,:W~lcfi~~J..,'1, •

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WALSH PHARMACY "JIii PIIIUIPIIIN HLIYlll" .,.., ....... , ., ....

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Merldl•n MHt Market Bl0 Rll1 Foods


Woodcroft Ph•rmacy PAlatCl M~alAlfY, 0.-



Bayh'1 Cffrlage HouH 1..::•..,Mtf~n~~ ',:'.;.

. - u.--, ..... . ... ,lc,__ltft ... Tell

'''" ...... -.. , .... U.I , II I- ot lltt I

May Ron ENCO Service auh ,:ur='t,.:i::• l_,lc, . ....,,,., ... ''"'" ...... MHI l•ltac•-, AU ......

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11,,IIS I 1------------ffl lltlt Ult IW,, "'- Ul-411J


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HII I . Mk.it•• Ill HIM

• Prtmio tlori, , •

Wolfe Shell Service St•llon

IMS I , MICNIUN hp. l 1i1~. - llr•ltllery , t,,,,, - ~.•t h - Simtnlat

* SIIYICI ULU * ... ,...,,

JO.BOAN Funeral Home

" tMfflt tf ,tfltntl Strwkt " '

Ida 1, . 1111> II,

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SCHMIDT PHARMACY lffl I , - It, Cl l ,Jtlt



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r,1. ~ kt, '1111 J ~ -MARVIN'S Third B•H

Liquor Store ASSOCIATED HlVICI 0..,. leek Preduch .,., ~ . n.-


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PAUL'S SHOE REPAIR OIINPIIIC -· A 111cwn Ge.I.,.,. .. .; ,. s.11,,,

0,tfl 7 1.M, ft 1 , "'· ,awl l!Mttft rtae I , ...,.,._ lll-6ffl

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WI 11\IYII U6-11N ,....,..1

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S T f~ 0;: •i

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Str• iu-J• Hr, h ,wlu -frtt ht, l 1u.,,r-d , nri lor:c, o- AII 'ork. G,,.. , M,t-d f r u h li11UIH -ln11.1rt d Wor'-mt n M1ow111 u •c CHAIGI u • -10ts u • -ons Gray & Taylor

JU.SIH A•tU•e 14 Hr, ( ffltr9tn r Str-. :u , I 6Jl,HOI 2,,...,47

Brick, Stone and Block Electrical Wiring RENT and SAVEi . w,,., 11,~:o,:::. 111!!~: olMJnt • All "!YP91 ~ HttO A SPtti• l f~I fer A Sot<l•I JClb'

fUc"isT,.:fflr- NMt'-ltw .... -,.,n, Ar Co~~·;.,!.~~"~a:,r ~~!~"s;f:~."'•1101, Mt1 IJr It v:~~n u~!" -~::, ~ ow It At ~•"1" 1

~1.' l'ilWn~~• 01

"'"' A lo Z Rental Center CARPET

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ll1., fut h r, 717-&,U JJ o4 hit lu4 Hl-76lJ ktnh lut wH4 Sa.,,,1., Ct•ttf

A. J . !.akur ard Sons

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h t trler h lfllt lrtt l• tHLtf Ouentl• t

6007 UHN ,, . ... u


JIM G11(1i,, ,.,or, ~27 Man. Ave, 636-0666

1ndu,trlt l, crwii~·~t.:i~1r':'''' Wh,n

91 _T_O_W_N_S_E_N_D_P_L_U_M,__B_I_N_G_ , e , YoJ,1H:!,t1~~i~.!fJ,~~ Mt dt

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NIW l OOfl- GUIIIII l ottdtd t l'ld IMurtd



h•n Mo• lnt , rolll~ . r•~ln9, ltttlll1lng Mo·-,, t nd l fHIOt .. p, lr Stn ,u

JMI •utfltl4 ltd. 2SJ,St0t

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MIHOU- Nt• t ttd ltUl'll1ht d

l Anr 'l"J1,~''JL.~S"'.c•d 17H W, MOIIII <N • • 11•


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Llunud - l oneltd - 1n,1,1rtd 711•22U

6J6.1UI A\l wp,\t~~: l~~NtHC SU,ltJI ---H-,_-.,-Cl-,.-,1-, ,-D-l,t-,l-,o-,I-.-

Hoffman Electric Service I !tl,,~i.!~'tf;•t"~~1.1s'tC1~:.i~,ic •• ,. ovu 20 Y£'-'5 ( >,:• tur •ia r1e~, c ~--=? s~t!:!!·-,~~;c:~~J. Wun,,

1Je~!!!!'1t;J., '" s,!:.:!~1 .)~;~,.lo:;:;~,., 92~ 1492 C..1llt1t , S o1t,1tttu , f 1.11o 1n . t tt,

24 Nor IMu1uc, ho:u USl 'f'OUlll U t.JC. ( HAIQ( (,\•O


, ,., l 1IMMl11t 041 ltM1, l111

lot tb':~·~ics'r~~:c1t.1,~t" "9

M1, .. ,o B,ul. c.,a, .«,:cu•,1. C11 y W1dt h u ,u IM ru., h t

.J (i.r n11 ;1!10f'l1 lrlt1 ,UI I $t 01ct

h•11••• fin,1,u wu •


Post Ten Hardware I!. 101h & Post Rd. 35'-4"4

Optn l t>O I 0, 11, , 10·4 Swnd• "r

Star Hardware E. 21st & Riller 356-1501

OP•" 1·6 0, ,11, CJ. 1 Svno,, Paint, Giu s. Tools, Supplies,

Water, Soltener Salt

Un AIHI en,,,. Ctrtl Ne,t•-wa MHI hu-fL t -1111 s .. ,a.-n 7,KM •n• CJI 1,,w

lni wrtd

Mr. Books Story's Painting Service

s~~'•tt'.!1'1':.,l".'rS~GJ:1,.~ill18' :~1-~

1"' o,,, JS Yu 11 l,p, , lt nu

F1,1hy 11111,rr-d Ct U 924-l llO

', It HOUI IIIIIGINCl SUYICI 7 o,,. • .,.. .. ~ - ,

(c-t•!,, 1, ,,,,Ck,uu, 1, Sto\.t fl, OIi l v,n.tn, C,o Ji.,,,,cu-·•s~,c. Clu ni119 ltbt •ll•.91" Interstate HHling Service )U N, At nrttl fne ltl. 6M-7Ut~

PAINTING BY RAV ,.,..... - 1111111111

1t114rtltl - c.....-cltt , , pr, t t10 CffPt ll Clu ntd

frtt h h m.tlH IU10f\t ~lt

na.,022 Aflar 4 P .M.

PIVEY Construction, Inc.

Ul I, TllOY AVI,

Attlee Flnl1bed New·Room1 Added G~tten - PlumbiDI Geraau - Fumacu

Complete .lob

1£1 ~t. M337

ST. 4-IM2 -.


Open I A.M. tot P,M, Men,,Frl.-Sat. Opetf'a A.M, le S P.M, Plut•rboard, w: 4'd' with receued edau ...... Ea. I UI zx4;. I ' Stud,, kiln dried fir ........ .... .... ..... Ea. .42 Cellln& Tile, W ' IZ" XIZ" white ........ , , .. . .. , .• Hd. UO a Johnson and Son

y · Shall S.rvlc~ • lrAN'S '

Shell Service

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P~IIIO 11"1 . , ... ~J ........ , ....

B Quality Pood• ,.. HIATINO &


Pourln1 Wool ln1ulallon, covera1e 24' per sack. ... . .15 Gara1e Door .. Hardware, 4 section 1'111' • ••• . . • • Ea. '4.IS Aluminum Comb. Door .. Hardware 32"d0" . . • . Ea. 15.15

Wt a,.lallu lA "''II PrNYCtl

• "" '"'1 ''"

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NII I, -.W ~ i:1~: ~,.,.-WI .- lftlOII 11 10 - ~ ... lloo _, a,,,, ..,..._ • flC1, T~I. INI ~I -.....,,_ ........... -- . .....

'., I fll llNh [l l TT[ ~-~IT64NI

HEA'l'H'S . SUPER MMkET _, ,~ 'n''t:'ls com • 4"1 Madison Av,.


•,T M 'I NI C A ----• r t, •.4 ,. •,

"Jl!PL CP. laAft" PAT UOLLIN'i

t~ -nr-.= -::.-==. '= ~ .,.Uty, 4N7 N, PIM. WA W50t

Wt~-=-• ... Al t> 14 Belll' llerwlee

Holland Product• lnternatlonal Product• 1• •. Herth St. 6M.ffl6

41'7 N.. Cel.... flS.ffll .. 1..., 7IMM6


Re1Dlorcln1 Wire, l"d" xlO, 750 sq. h. roll .. . .. .. Ea. 15.00 Panellna, Pre,FIDlshed 4'111' Eldorado Sand .... .. Ea. l.78 Panelln1, Pre-Flnilhed 4'111' Eldorado Coral .... .. Ea, I.Tl Paaelln1, Pre,FIDlthed 4'x7' EldorJdo N111wood ••• Ea. UI Paaelln'&, Pre-Finllbed 4'd' Crandon Pecan .. .. .. Ea. ••

· Sutherlan~ lumber Co. ts• KlllhKII, Awe, . at.-s

~ )

PAOI !WIL\111 , ,,,,.


Asks Chri.rch to alter\ birth control ·stand

1'EW YOllK- The editors of the '"F "fl' h) "" ,. "h1ehrst The rditors then " detail other tht' J esuit w·cekly ma,:az1m.• prinri1~ · to n•1rarc-h on rrr,ro• ,·icws: Amrrica hne r•lled on thr duC!lon \\ hirh '1111 "<•n3 hlr "1 tu " It Is lmpouihlr lor many or Churrh to rhange Its tca rh1n~ ront rol frn ,ht)' •In "'') • more thrm to , re the srnse of abso• on contraception. con•nnont '11th a " 1111111 lntt•r• lute ·natural I•"'· prohlbltlon1·

In an edllorial appearin~ in person• ! " rdd,·cf rela tionship on partirular physlral trch• the ma~u,ne's Srptemhcr 30 th•n ' "'".~ rurrent contracrptll·e niques. S-0 Ion~ as the technique Issue. the rditors detail the rnrtllocfs. · Is not harmful to ani·one else \'lews ol "Catholic doctors who llut the rd110" nam,e no mrlh· and un be genuinrly useful for ,ee positi.-e as well • • nc~all\'C od, . nor do th 'l' dlu,nguhh be• thr rllenl's bodll)' and psychic human "•lues in the use of ron, twrrn th' probable mor•htr 01 hulth ho"' con nature lorbld tracrptlon In crrt•ln situotloni ." earh, lnst••d. th'l' . summarize II i Contracrptlon. u dlstin•

I r the \'lcws .or a growin~ number • h d f b 1, d , t Then th•y add: " In ,. rw o ol Catholic doctors. and quote guu r rom a or 10n, oc. no th• dt \'tlopmcnt of Catholic dor- onr unnamed "distinguished kill anybody, •~d II can pro\'ldo trlno It Is ob,·lously too early lo C•thollc phi·slclan : substantial relief for couples determine 11·hcthrr 1he doctors who h1,·c s,rlous mcdlc•I rea• who hold thur ~lews will pr•• " 'Without nll1nce on con• sons lor tcmpori rily or pcrman• ,·ail on the rest ol the Church. tractptlon In certain 1llu1, ently l\'oldlng a pregnancy."


Christit;,,nity is .. seen as . diluted to 'the ·Amer,~can~ way· of life'

~ . ., .

Judrment of God for what w1 • have done ••••

"And when we reco111l1t . the thick l1yer1 of 1tU•11tla!1ct100 In our rhetoric and our 1eertt love or ounelvu, w• ltDow, with Martin Luther, that we hen need of an Immense and ovtr• whelmlna mercy."

:-F.W YORK-The main luk It)', "The danger II." he uld. 11,·e. Conscquentli·. there Is a of a nr·.v Rrlorm•llon In the " that so few American Chris • gra,-e danger ol H en • ,·lolcnt Cnltrd S!Ates todar would br. llari, recJgnizc the SO\'crrlgnty rc\'olutlon. F•mllles will break 10 " nnll up a set of lheses co~ ol God abo\'c our nation that up. and !he unlversltlc1 will set demnlnR thr dilution of Cttrl1• ) hany will be un•blc to compre- further troubles."

The article wu prepared for the followln1 m1111lnu: To• gether (Methodlall, 1'he Chris• tl•n , ( Dlsclplu of Chrt1tl. Chureh and Home (El1n1ellcal United Brtlhrtnl. The Epilro• tlanlty intn ·the American way \1end the protest of Christianity

of Ille.' " a lay Catholic thcolo• agalhst America. ilan has declared. " Did not Cardinal Spellman

llieharl No\'ak. professor or recently reduce Christian mo­phllMophr and thcolo~)' al Stan- rallty lo nationalism by saying, ford Unl\'erslty. speculated on •~ty country, right or wrong? ' what • 1007 Reformation would " Do not !he coln•Jof our ria­be like In an article •PP•.arlng lions have st•mped upon them, In nine P rotestant magazines. 'In God We Tn111•7

The author-lecturer predicted " The belts of Gtrm•n SS that " within • decade or two" troopers hail stamped upon, • ~real clcl\'•~~ will appear In them something quite slmllar: U.S. Christianity. "The clta\'• Got mil uri1 (God with u1)." age will surely Increase u more Christians dlsrov,r tho need for a new n e form • t Ion," he claimed, "while others rem•ln content-like 16th Century Calh, 'ollcs-to go· on pretty much as before."

NOVAK SAID lhtre Is •n ln• croulng •mount of dluen1lon In Amerlc•. particularly, with

THI NEW Reformation. ••· p•ll•n (Epl1rop11), The Luther• cording to Novak. " will h.• • •n (Luthoran Church In Amer• judgment '!pon 'th• American Jeal. Pl-e1byttrl•n Life (United way_ of Ille, lor lhat Is not now Presbyt,rl1n). Pruby t tr 11 n • Ctirlstlan "'"Y of life, nor w,11 . Survey ( Presbyterian. U.S.) lt ever be. United Church Herald (United

" Justification, Martin Luther Church of Christ). and TIit Uni• t•ueht ua 450 yous 110. comes ted Church Observ,r (United by faith. We all st•nd under the Church of C1n1da).

o~toher Speeial! • 1-

Holy Rosary Month

" 111 our ju d g m c n l . thrr ti•••• II It not poulble for And again: "With regard to " should... moll couplu lo achleo the the arhlC\'Cmenl of authcntlcall)'

The rdllorlal Is titled "Contra• veluu proctalmed by the Christian famlly ,·alues, what c,ptlon •nd the Synod or Bish• Church II pert of the merltil grcat,r boon could medicine ops." The bishops rnd it by 1tatt. · gh·c Catholic couples than the noting that "u the bishops meet .. ·The Churrh will h&1•• to real, elfectl\'o capacity to be In Rome to discuss the probl~ft\• change her dortrine either on responsible In the use of sex and of the Church, there arc few contraception or on marriage. Its rrproductl\'C pow,rs?

TO II CANONIZID-lllened Brother lenlldvt of tho lrolh• er, of the Chrhll•n lchool1, who died In 1162, wlll bo tin• onl11d In St. Poter•,, October 29. lom Pierre Rom•ncen •I Thurel, Frence, on June 14, 1105, Brother entered the no• vitiate of the lnstlluto of the I rot h • r s of the Christian Schools •t Clermon•F•rr•ncl

In 1120. Aller •. t,aehln1 •I various ln1tllutlen1, ho WH

,Hnl In 1141 to dlroct • com•

The article was wrlllen for the m1gulnes In connection with the 450th annl,·ei-ury of the ProteJtant Rdorm•tlon. •

regards to the Vlelnamese war •nd the Bl•ck Revolution. Many of tho young people In the coun• try "h•vc rome to reco1nl1e 1h11. despite ourselve1, we live ln a racist country. They see Vi•t, despite ourselves. we •re militarists.'.'

"How can couplu 11•• munlty •nd open • school ,11

NOVAK quoted •nother young The New Rdorm•tlon, he 11• C•thollc thcologl•n <J•m•• Fln• aerted. will be a "human revo, neg•n> In clalmlne th•t "the lutlon," conc,rned not 10 much

1hereslu th•t corrupt Chrlstl•n• with "doln1" but with "belna." questions u . urgent as those It i• no longer possible lor th• surrounding th• use 01 rontrA· Church to mltlntain them both.' "

__ cep1io1Lfot.1~•-••bic,:cmcnt ol he- 1 quoted ls uylng:--truly Christian marriage." . THIS VIEW, the editors uy,

thtm11IY11_·1o 11ch...other_ •nd_ S1111u,,_ l1L H•ule•Lolre. "• to their children In. the un11lf• spent the r11t of hla llfo there,

lty nowaday1 are not exproued The question of "hoW." he I~ theoloalcal l•n1u•1•; they noted, ' "Judi lnuonbly to • ---­are exproutd In the 1lo1an1 of' power •nd !ln•lly to military


Fine, sparkling Un-cut Aurora Borealis crystal beads on sturdy rhodium-plated chain In ·

- gm box._. .. .$S.9S


. THIY ALSO ASK that Cotho• ls-being t>kcn with "lncre~sing lie unl\'tnllles, foundations and frr'lucncy h)' Catholic doct3rs."

Ma.rian students in Peace Corps

Ith traditions of Chrhtlen love dying ·on August U, 1162. He when •nolhor pre1•ncy In lb,e WH bo•llfltd 'Aprll 1, 1~. femlly h • con1tent-•ncl lu•• 111116-worry?"

white Chrlstl•n culture." power. The question or 'who' "America be11n II a aplrltual Inda to Jove and. perhaps, to

Ideal." he u )d. " Tod•y, tho nower power."

C h• ff •ta] common meuure of loyalty ii . US Ing OSpl not •il•&i•nce to tho1e Ideals The key words of youth, ho

but rather 1upport of the status . ob.11rved ,•r• love, hono1ty,


FOR MEN-Sturdy Round Black Bead Rosary on hand-twisted unbreakable Sterling silver.

But the• edltou •dded that doctors who hold theso view, "are not rh•llenaln1 the teach•

Puce Corps 111lgnmcnt1 In ,was preceded by a 12-wc.ks· ing •uthorlty of th• Church.'' Colombia •hd Ghana hl\'t been training program 11 California Jnstud. they arr trylna "to con• elven to two Marlin College Slate College In Los Angeles. tribute to the theolo1lc•I dis• endu•tu. John Riggle. • 1964 graduate, cussion the d•ta they are pa,.

Plunned in Israel quo. The Chrlst11n church. Lu, •ricl .. c1.1 •ncl polltleal, con• lhtr fell. h•d !llle.n )n uactly sclouanou, In that orcltr. ':Tho

BOSTON _ A h b I h th• I way.'• work ethic, •ncl bu1ln111 ethic,

chain, 18" long .......... .. _. ............. .. $5.!5 Rosaries for children and others ...... : ..... Uc · up

re I o P th• othlc of how to, la lo1ln1 Georcu Hakim or Acre. Israel, "Amerlc• wH to hnt been 11, •ppo•I I

IJ one of 57 new ,·oluntrrrs who tlrularly qualified · to observe: Miu Carol K•wsky. a 100; will teach In secondary 1thools Jh• pbyilc•I •nd p1ychlc Im•

1radu•te. Is working with i hc In Ghana. A hls!PrY major •t p•cl of contracoptlon u1cd, not Puce Corps .educ•tlon•I tel•· Marian. Jllgglc recel\'td his for idf,cenlertd pleasure but vision project In Colombl•. master's degrc• from Duller for the creation •nd con;erva, While at Marian, she t•ughl University and taught at Dre, lion of Christian f•mlly v1\uu. Enallsh to Colombian ucha11gc beuf Preparatory School. lie

and Cardinal Richard Cu1hlng •the new world,! " ht contln• • • • • In • two-hour meetjn1 here di•· ued: "Why then, ted•Y• doe• "Thia chine• In rund•ment•I

Mall Ordtra Promptly FIiied

cuuod pl•n• for con1tructlon of II look ao much 11kt tho old . v•luu Is profound and dlsrup­• $3•mllllon medical center In world? Once, lrltlah • aoldlen Israel. - on 1h11 contlnont •ncl on every New m• gaa:lae .

To be known II the Cardln•I cenllnont m•lnt•lnod • be·

(Add 2~ Indiana State S1lu Tu) "W• lpocl1llae In lervlco"

KRIEG BROS.· E.1tabll1hed 1892 1tudent1 •nd spent one 111mmcr 1p,nt II weeks this summer •t "They •re hopeful that they In Colombl• on the Students for Tuchcrs College. Columbia can anlst the blonrchy In see• Underatandlna exch•nae pro, University, preparlnl for hi• lna tho comp•llblllty-and even sr1m. Her cllrffnt aulpmtnt Puce Corps 11&.11nment. necessity-or some use of con•

Richard Cu1hln1 Jlfemorl1l Cen• nevolent empire,• Now II Ii VIENNA, Au1trla.,.-A perlodl, ter, the facility · wlU have 70 Amtrlc•n aoldltrt whe at•ncl eel hu been founded by the beda. Con1tructlon will beeln on hery conllnont of tho Paulu1 Socloty. International early next yar. It w11 dlaclo1ed world, ,nomlt1 of n•llvo revo- Catholic eroup dedicated to tho th•t Sl.5-- mllllon wlll be "raised lullon, , ,. promotion or dialogue betwoon

C•Cllelle S•ppl11 Beue f,a_e. (\\ llock South ef Ayrea) •

~ i l)t S. Meridian .631-341' 631-3417

· tracepllon In the life or the In thl1 area •nd the other $1.6 • • • • . Chrlatlana and 1>1~1111. , The million by lllstradut, laraell n•• Novak rapped Am'erlcans who new monthly, Noun · rorni, pub• tlon•I health and labor ora•nlra• worship th• "crou and na1" liahed here, bu 1n Initial cir•

11111111111 - lndlanapoll1


Ii Centrally

JRD ANNUAL IANQUIT Located For All C•thtdr•I High Schaol

ParlshH Alumnl Thund~y, Oct, S

6 P.M. •I Wa, I , IOUNRII C•II lndl1n•poll1 Athletic Club

It. Jtt1 tf A,c 923-3331 ltfCNt, U,

Feeney-Kirby Mortuary



i\r-=='-"U, SCHOOLS AND' ~IIIANIZA11O_1!!_

CARD PART"t'. Sunday, Qct. 1-7:30 P.M.

.Jpon1ortd by Alhltllc loud of St . ....,,,, Scheel School H•II - ~I McClure llritt "ANNUAL CARD PARTY"

. ltntlll Schol•uhlp l'und Friday, Oct. 6 -1 P.M.

lrtbeuf Prepar•tory lcti.11- UGI Wut 16th llrttl lponsond by lnf•nt J11us of Pratuo K ef C C-cll SS'2

DNr Prine - bfroahmenll hi Annual Knit~!• of C1lumllu1

CHARITY BALL Saturday, Oct. 14-Optional Dre11

M•nufulurtn lulldll!t - lndl•n• lt•te l'•lr1rtund1 Music lty Tho W•ltr Kint •ncl Hla Orche1tr1 Tlckeh Now Awall•ltl• II Your Councll Office

BEEF BAR-8.QUE Holy N•m• Boy lceut Troop IOI

Saturday, Oct; 7 - 4 P.M. to t P .. M. . Holy Name lchoel - INch Grew•

, .... -•-ts Ill nil- ol- 1111111, II .... JW -· usi.. - fl Ina& 1M 111kt ts 1M llorllllJ II lout I _._


1enulnely .C•thollc family," uld • ~ - ·- -- i Ibo editorial. ·

AMERICA, edited by Father Thurston D•vls. S.J ., II tht pub, licilion of the Juulll In the United Statu and Canada. It bu • circulation or nearly 90,· 000.

lion. , • rather than "aenulne Cbrl1tlan• cul1tlon of ,.ooo.

Pope Paul VI withdrew the dlscuulon or birth control from the Vatican council 1od put Ill atudy In \he h•ndJ of a commll• slon comprised of docton, theo• lo1lan1, bishops and Vatican olflclals.

But the Pope hu yet to spe•k, and this 1ummtr, reiterated the position or Pope Plus XII that all mothod1 of birth control, other th•n th• " rhythm method" are Illicit for Catholics, •t lust until Pope Paul hlmaeU rules on the luue.

Th• topic ii not on the i 1enda for the synod of bishops which convenu In.Rome September 27.

Eye plan for joint

school .of theology WASIIINOTON, .D.C. - Lead•

era of m1Jor Catholic minion• sendln1 rell1iou1 ordtn of men h•ve formed an ad hoc commit• tee to atudy the poulblllty of 01tabll1hlp1 • Joint achoo! .of theoloay to train mlulonlriu.

The •nnouncement wu made 11 membtn of the committee •ttended the 18th 1nnu•I meet• ln1 of the Minion Secrt lat, a clelrin1 houae tor lnfUfillll!'.!ll'W-ltl •nd atrvlca to aid U.S. !onl1n mllalon work.

Convinced that the spirit of V•llcan 11 and contemporary de­velopment, In the CJiurch call tor • poolln1 of J>Fnonnel and resou~n, the commlttff mem• btn Intend to uplon the poul• bWty of aettlnr up the center and recruJUn1 • faculty •

In addition to tralnln1 future mlulonarln, t"- ·faculty would of!or mlulon orientation to dlo­ces•rl cleray, ret11I0111 Brothen •nd Slaten, and la)' mlulon• arlea, the coirunlttH 1tated.

Plan to speed up

school integration LANSING, Mleh.-Tbe board

of directors of the Mlchl11n Catbollc Cont,nnce IIIIIOWlced • plan to accelerate racial lnlt• si1Uon of C1tbolle scboola In tbl 1t1te.

Enrollmlnt In the • C1tbolle aclloola In Dtltolt'1 Inner city II Dow 20fe Nesro, but •ti!• MCC board ur•ed llllt flart!ler eUortl bf mad, to aeblen racial bll• aDCI Ill pan,cblal dusnioma tbrollstiout1 tlle state.





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[ J HOlpl!altutlaa [ J Lite 1-[ J l'IIIIIJJ Plu [Jhmll,1Plu [ J llldhldaal • [ J JndlYldul [J Z-Pn4tctlla [J J.....U.

"- .............. ...... ... .... ,. ................... Ap ......... .

~ ................................ , ... ,.... .............. .

TIit board'• poller 1tatem111t, dlatrlbulld to edueatloaal au• tborlU.. 1n,w1ebl1an's fln dkl­mea, po1Dted out llllt aCtbollc aebooll UH ID obU1atloll to lab Cltbolle clllldml u a Int prlorll.1. Tltt statt-t m•tel 11111 wlilffl'tr niom allll, It be made anllablt to otber cllJI. dna, wWiaut dlatlaclloa u to race, color, n1J11111 • aatloaal -,-----~-----------~----..----Drl,ta. .,_ __ ..,;;. ____ •--!'_~--..... ----~--------------------

a-, ..................................... Plrtlll ........ ...... .
