ALIGNANT brain tumors are among the most dead- ly cancers. Current treatment strategies, including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, only modestly improve patient survival. The limited success of these strategies is largely due to a high incidence of tumor recurrence following treatment. The results of studies con- ducted in the past several years suggest that a rare popula- tion of stem cell–like cells, known as brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs), may be responsible for the recurrence of brain tumors. Based on the expression of the plasma membrane protein CD133 by BTSCs and the ability of BTSCs to self- renew in neurosphere assays, several groups have been able to isolate these cells from human brain tumor sam- ples. 31,35,38,70,86 When orthotopically transplanted into immunodeficient mice, purified BTSCs gave rise to brain tumors that histologically resembled original tumors. 31,35, 70,86 Thus, targeting BTSCs may be an effective strategy to prevent brain tumor recurrence. The Relationship Between BTSCs and NPSCs The rational design of BTSC-based brain tumor thera- pies requires a thorough understanding of how BTSCs acquire and maintain their unusual ability to self-renew and infiltrate. Our knowledge in this field has been greatly en- hanced by studies of NPSCs, precursor cells that can self- renew and generate neurons and glia. Different types of NPSCs exist in the mammalian brain during different de- velopmental stages. 20,33,51 The earliest NPSCs are neuroep- ithelial cells, which appear prior to the onset of neurogene- sis during embryonic development. Neuroepithelial cells initially expand via symmetric cell division and then devel- op into more lineage-restricted NPSCs known as radial glia. Radial glia may give rise to neurons via asymmetric cell division or by generating intermediate neural pro- genitors, which then produce 2 daughter neurons via sym- metric cell division. During postnatal stages, radial glia transform into slowly dividing neurogenic astrocytes in 2 specific brain areas: the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal den- tate gyrus. Neurogenic astrocytes undergo asymmetric division to self-renew and generate transient amplifying cells, which rapidly divide to produce neuroblasts. The ability of NPSCs to self-renew and the persistence of neurogenesis in the adult brain have led to the hypothe- sis that NPSCs may give rise to BTSCs through genetic Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 24 / March/April 2008 Neurosurg Focus 24 (3&4):E24, 2008 Molecular and cell biology of brain tumor stem cells: lessons from neural progenitor/stem cells ZHIGANG XIE,PH.D., 1,2 AND LAWRENCE S. CHIN, M.D. 1 Departments of 1 Neurosurgery and 2 Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts The results of studies conducted in the past several years have suggested that malignant brain tumors may harbor a small fraction of tumor-initiating cells that are likely to cause tumor recurrence. These cells are known as brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs) because of their multilineage potential and their ability to self-renew in vitro and to recapitulate original tumors in vivo. The understanding of BTSCs has been greatly advanced by knowledge of neural progeni- tor/stem cells (NPSCs), which are multipotent and self-renewing precursor cells for neurons and glia. In this article, the authors summarize evidence that genetic mutations that deregulate asymmetric cell division by affecting cell polar- ity, spindle orientation, or cell fate determinants may result in the conversion of NPSCs to BTSCs. In addition, they review evidence that BTSCs and normal NPSCs may reside in similar vascularized microenvironments, where simi- lar evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways control their proliferation. Finally, they discuss preliminary evidence that mechanisms of BTSC-associated infiltrativeness may be similar to those underlying the migration of NPSCs and neurons. (DOI: 10.3171/FOC/2008/24/3-4/E24) KEY WORDS infiltration proliferation renewal tumor M 1 Abbreviations used in this paper: BMP = bone morphogenetic protein; BTSC = brain tumor stem cell; CNS = central nervous sys- tem; EGF = epidermal growth factor; EGFR = EGF receptor; FGF = fibroblast growth factor; MCPH = autosomal recessive primary microcephaly; NICD = Notch intracellular domain; NPSC = neural progenitor/stem cells; Shh = Sonic hedgehog; VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor.

Molecular and cell biology of brain tumor stem cells: lessons from neural progenitor/stem cells

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ALIGNANT brain tumors are among the most dead-ly cancers. Current treatment strategies, includingsurgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, only

modestly improve patient survival. The limited success ofthese strategies is largely due to a high incidence of tumorrecurrence following treatment. The results of studies con-ducted in the past several years suggest that a rare popula-tion of stem cell–like cells, known as brain tumor stem cells(BTSCs), may be responsible for the recurrence of braintumors. Based on the expression of the plasma membraneprotein CD133 by BTSCs and the ability of BTSCs to self-renew in neurosphere assays, several groups have been ableto isolate these cells from human brain tumor sam-ples.31,35,38,70,86 When orthotopically transplanted intoimmunodeficient mice, purified BTSCs gave rise to braintumors that histologically resembled original tumors.31,35,

70,86 Thus, targeting BTSCs may be an effective strategy toprevent brain tumor recurrence.

The Relationship Between BTSCs and NPSCs

The rational design of BTSC-based brain tumor thera-pies requires a thorough understanding of how BTSCsacquire and maintain their unusual ability to self-renew andinfiltrate. Our knowledge in this field has been greatly en-hanced by studies of NPSCs, precursor cells that can self-renew and generate neurons and glia. Different types ofNPSCs exist in the mammalian brain during different de-velopmental stages.20,33,51 The earliest NPSCs are neuroep-ithelial cells, which appear prior to the onset of neurogene-sis during embryonic development. Neuroepithelial cellsinitially expand via symmetric cell division and then devel-op into more lineage-restricted NPSCs known as radialglia. Radial glia may give rise to neurons via asymmetriccell division or by generating intermediate neural pro-genitors, which then produce 2 daughter neurons via sym-metric cell division. During postnatal stages, radial gliatransform into slowly dividing neurogenic astrocytes in 2specific brain areas: the subventricular zone of the lateralventricle and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal den-tate gyrus. Neurogenic astrocytes undergo asymmetricdivision to self-renew and generate transient amplifyingcells, which rapidly divide to produce neuroblasts.

The ability of NPSCs to self-renew and the persistenceof neurogenesis in the adult brain have led to the hypothe-sis that NPSCs may give rise to BTSCs through genetic

Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 24 / March/April 2008

Neurosurg Focus 24 (3&4):E24, 2008

Molecular and cell biology of brain tumor stem cells:lessons from neural progenitor/stem cells


Departments of 1Neurosurgery and 2Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts

PThe results of studies conducted in the past several years have suggested that malignant brain tumors may harbor asmall fraction of tumor-initiating cells that are likely to cause tumor recurrence. These cells are known as brain tumorstem cells (BTSCs) because of their multilineage potential and their ability to self-renew in vitro and to recapitulateoriginal tumors in vivo. The understanding of BTSCs has been greatly advanced by knowledge of neural progeni-tor/stem cells (NPSCs), which are multipotent and self-renewing precursor cells for neurons and glia. In this article,the authors summarize evidence that genetic mutations that deregulate asymmetric cell division by affecting cell polar-ity, spindle orientation, or cell fate determinants may result in the conversion of NPSCs to BTSCs. In addition, theyreview evidence that BTSCs and normal NPSCs may reside in similar vascularized microenvironments, where simi-lar evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways control their proliferation. Finally, they discuss preliminary evidencethat mechanisms of BTSC-associated infiltrativeness may be similar to those underlying the migration of NPSCs andneurons. (DOI: 10.3171/FOC/2008/24/3-4/E24)

KEY WORDS • infiltration • proliferation • renewal • tumor



Abbreviations used in this paper: BMP = bone morphogeneticprotein; BTSC = brain tumor stem cell; CNS = central nervous sys-tem; EGF = epidermal growth factor; EGFR = EGF receptor; FGF =fibroblast growth factor; MCPH = autosomal recessive primarymicrocephaly; NICD = Notch intracellular domain; NPSC = neuralprogenitor/stem cells; Shh = Sonic hedgehog; VEGF = vascularendothelial growth factor.

mutations.65,76 Several lines of evidence support this hy-pothesis. First, NPSCs and BTSCs share molecular mark-ers such as CD133 and nestin, and gene profiles of variousbrain tumors recapitulate that of NPSCs at different devel-opmental stages.57,75 Next, the proliferation of NPSCs andBTSCs is controlled by similar molecular pathways (dis-cussed later in this paper). Third, NPSCs and BTSCsbehave similarly in culture, forming neurospheres undergrowth factor–supplemented non-adherent conditions andgiving rise to a mixture of neurons, astrocytes, and oligo-dendrocytes when induced to differentiate.31,35,38,70,86 Lastly,analyses of mouse models have revealed that malignantbrain tumors may arise in regions containing NPSCs andthat genetic alterations in NPSCs can induce malignantbrain tumors.24,36,62,71,87 Together, the results of these studiessuggest that NPSCs are likely, although not necessarilyexclusive, sources of BTSCs.

Mechanisms of BTSC Self-Renewal

The investigation of the mechanisms that control BTSCproliferation has been guided by our knowledge of the mol-ecular and cellular basis of NPSC self-renewal. Neural pro-genitor/stem cells exhibit highly polarized cell morphologyand undergo asymmetric or symmetric divisions in specif-ic microenvironments, where a number of signaling path-ways maintain the balance between self-renewal and dif-ferentiation of the NPSCs.

Asymmetric Division of NPSCs

All primary NPSCs, including neuroepithelial cells, radi-al glia, and neurogenic astrocytes, exhibit highly polarizedcell morphology. Both neuroepithelial cells and radial gliaspan the entire cerebral wall by extending a thin basalprocess that contacts the basement membrane and a rela-tively thick apical process that contacts the ventricular sur-face. The basal process serves as a support for the migrationof newly generated neurons away from the proliferativezone, whereas the apical process forms intercellular adhe-sion structures at the tip to connect neighboring NPSCs.33

The plasma membrane of the tip of the apical process maycontain cell fate determinants. Whether these cell fate de-terminants are segregated into daughter cells symmetrical-ly or asymmetrically depends on the orientation of themitotic spindle during mitosis.12,33 Neurogenic astrocytes inthe adult brain also exhibit polarized morphology witheither an apical process or a basal process, although they donot span the entire cerebral wall.20

The establishment of cell polarity is necessary for un-equal distribution of cell fate determinants and, therefore,proper asymmetric cell division and the specification ofdaughter cell fates. For instance, conditional ablation of aRho GTPase cdc42 in the embryonic mouse telencephalonresulted in the retraction of the apical process from the ven-tricular surface and the loss of apical Par complex andadherens junctions in primary NPSCs.14 This disruption ofapical polarity in turn caused increased production of inter-mediate neural progenitors from primary NPSCs.14

In addition to cell polarity, the orientation of the mitoticspindle also controls the distribution of cell fate determi-nants by governing the cleavage plane.12,33,85 The criticalrole of spindle orientation in cell fate specification during

neurogenesis was initially discovered in the Drosophilanervous system.85 Recent studies suggest that spindle ori-entation also plays a key role in mammalian neurogenesis.For instance, loss of Aspm,28 Nde1,27 or Gbg signaling64 inprimary NPSCs of the developing neocortex results in al-tered spindle orientation, which may underlie a prematuredepletion of primary NPSCs.

Brain Tumor Stem Cells: Deregulation of AsymmetricDivision?

A tight control of asymmetric division ensures that thebalance between self-renewal and differentiation is main-tained in NPSCs. Since BTSCs are characterized by uncon-trolled proliferation or self-renewal, one possibility is thatNPSCs harboring mutations that impair asymmetric divi-sion may become BTSCs and thus promote tumorigenesis.In support of this possibility, genetic studies of DrosophilaCNS neurogenesis have revealed that mutations that affectcell polarity, spindle orientation, or cell fate determinantsmay induce NPSC overproliferation and brain tumors. Forinstance, overexpression of a membrane-targeted atypicalprotein kinase C, a highly conserved protein that controlsthe polarity of many different types of cells, induced neo-plastic overgrowth of neuroblasts,45 which are NPSCs inthe Drosophila CNS. Correspondingly, loss of atypical pro-tein kinase C caused reduced neuroblast proliferation.63

Loss of lethal giant larvae (lgl)45 or polo,78 which areimportant for polarized distribution of cell fate determi-nants,54,56,78 also led to neoplastic overgrowth of neuroblasts.In addition to deregulation of cell polarity, the misposi-tioning of a mitotic spindle resulting from loss of a NuMAhomolog, mud;11,59 a centrosomal protein, cnn;44 or a kinase,aurora,44,79 has also been linked to excess neuroblast self-renewal and brain tumor formation. Finally, mutations ingenes encoding cell fate determinants such as brain tumor(brat) and prospero (pros) caused increased self-renewal ofneuroblasts and brain tumor formation.6,8,15,46

Much less is known about how asymmetric division maycontribute to brain tumorigenesis in mammals. Nonethe-less, several lines of evidence suggest that the underlyingmechanisms may be at least partially conserved betweenDrosophila and mammals. First, in mice lacking the polar-ity gene Lgl1, the homolog of Drosophila lgl, cortical neu-roepithelial cells exhibited increased self-renewal andformed rosette-like structures similar to those found inhuman primitive neuroectodermal tumors.40 Second, mam-malian polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1), a homolog of Drosophilapolo, has been implicated in various human cancers includ-ing gliomas,74 the most common type of primary brain tu-mors. Third, mammalian Aurora A kinase, a homolog ofDrosophila aurora, is also a key regulator of the mitoticspindle.4 While the function of Aurora A kinase in NPSCself-renewal and brain tumorigenesis remains to be deter-mined, the expression of Aurora A kinase has been foundto be elevated in several types of human cancers.4 Fourth,one of the causative genes for human MCPH, CDK5RAP2,is a homolog of Drosophila cnn and also encodes a centro-somal protein.10 Since MCPH is a brain development dis-order characterized by reduced size of both the brain andthe NPSC pool,22 it is likely that, similar to the productof cnn, the protein product of CDK5RAP2 also regulatesNPSC self-renewal via mitotic spindle–dependent mecha-

Z. Xie and L. S. Chin

2 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 24 / March/April 2008

nisms. Lastly, studies of another causative gene for MCPH,ASPM,9 have provided a more direct link between asym-metric division and brain tumorigenesis in mammals. In thedeveloping mouse brain, the Aspm protein has been shownto promote NPSC self-renewal by maintaining the mitoticspindle in an orientation that favors symmetric division.28

In a gene profiling analysis of glioblastomas, the most com-mon and malignant human primary brain tumors, ASPMwas identified as an overexpressed gene.37 Furthermore,RNA interference–mediated silencing of ASPM inhibitedthe proliferation of cultured glioblastoma cells.37 Thus, theAspm protein may support the expansion of both NPSCsand brain tumor cells by inhibiting asymmetric division.

While these findings are consistent with the possibilitythat NPSCs with dysregulated asymmetric division maybecome BTSCs, solid evidence is lacking. To further testthis possibility, it will be necessary to analyze asymmetricdivision directly on BTSCs and to determine whether ge-netic manipulations that target asymmetric division will besufficient to convert mammalian NPSCs to BTSCs.

A Vascular Niche for NPSCs and BTSCs

The microenvironment plays a critical role in howNPSCs divide. In the adult mammalian brain, NPSCs (thatis, neurogenic astrocytes) reside in niches enriched withcapillaries.20 In the embryonic mammalian brain, NPSCsare also closely associated with the vasculature.7,77 Neuralprogenitor/stem cells and blood vessels may communicatebidirectionally. On one hand, NPSCs may induce endothe-lial cells to form vascular tubes by secreting VEGF andbrain-derived neurotrophic factor.48 On the other hand, en-dothelial cells may support the self-renewal of NPSCs bysecreting trophic factors such as VEGF and pigment ep-ithelium-derived factor.43,61,67

A recent study using 3D reconstruction of immuno-stained brain tumors revealed that, similar to NPSCs,BTSCs also establish close relationships with blood ves-sels.13 Both in culture and when transplanted into the mousebrain, the self-renewal of BTSCs was enhanced by thepresence of endothelial cells.13 Furthermore, depletion ofthe tumor vasculature eradicated BTSCs and inhibited thegrowth of tumor xenografts in the mouse brain.13 Thesedata suggest that BTSCs reside in a vascular niche whereendothelium-derived trophic factors support BTSC self-renewal. Within this vascular niche, BTSCs may also pro-mote angiogenesis by secreting VEGF.2,55 Therefore, theexcessive vascularization typical of malignant brain tumorsmay result from positive feedback between BTSCs andblood vessels.

Control of BTSC Proliferation by DevelopmentalSignaling Pathways

In addition to being governed by vasculature-related tro-phic factors, the proliferation of BTSCs is also governed byother signaling pathways within the niche, such as BMPs,Notch, and Shh.18,72 These pathways are known to play keyroles in several aspects of neural development, includingthe self-renewal and differentiation of NPSCs.

Bone morphogenetic proteins belong to the transforminggrowth factor–b superfamily of secreted ligands.66 Bybinding to cell-surface receptors (BMP receptors), BMPsactivate transcription factors (SMADs), which then translo-

cate into the nucleus to regulate gene expression. Orig-inally identified as bone-inducing factors, BMPs were laterfound to also have important functions in neurogenesis.Interestingly, the role of BMPs in neurogenesis is compli-cated and may even appear paradoxical.16 Under certainconditions BMPs may specify the dorsal identity of theneural tube and promote the proliferation of NPSCs, where-as under other conditions BMPs may induce apoptosis,mitotic arrest, and differentiation of NPSCs. The results ofa recent study using mice transplanted with human gli-oblastoma cells suggest that the activation of BMP signal-ing may inhibit the proliferation and promote the differen-tiation of BTSCs, thereby reducing the ability of BTSCs toinitiate tumors.58 Analysis of a medulloblastoma xenograftmodel suggests that BMPs may also inhibit brain tumori-genesis by inducing apoptosis;34 however, it is unclearwhether BTSCs undergo apoptosis in this model.

Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathwaythat mediates the interaction between neighboring cells.49

The core components of this pathway include the ligandsdelta and serrate; the receptor Notch; a g-secretase complexthat cleaves the receptor Notch to produce NICD; NICD-associated nuclear effectors Su(H) and MAM; and Notchtarget genes, such as HES, HES-related, and BLBP. Notchsignaling has pleiotropic functions in neural development,such as maintaining NPSC proliferation, inducing glialfate, and promoting neurite elaboration.49 The activation ofthe Notch pathway has been linked to many human can-cers,69 including malignant brain tumors.23,39,57,60 Two recentstudies suggest that the role of Notch signaling in brain tu-morigenesis may involve BTSCs. In the first study, Shihand Holland68 showed that Notch signaling enhanced theexpression of nestin, a marker for BTSCs, in glioblastomatissues. Furthermore, when combined with K-ras, activa-tion of Notch in nestin-expressing cells induced progenitor-like brain lesions. In the second study, Fan et al.26 blockedNotch signaling in medulloblastoma cells by using a spe-cific inhibitor of g-secretase, which is required for thecleavage of Notch receptor to the activated form NICD.This inhibitor effectively ablated the BTSC population,possibly by inducing apoptosis, and markedly impairedmedulloblastoma growth both in vitro and in a xenograftmouse model. Together, these 2 studies suggest that Notchsignaling may promote brain tumorigenesis by stimulatingthe proliferation and blocking the apoptosis of BTSCs.

Sonic hedgehog is a secreted protein that belongs to thehedgehog family, members of which are best known asmorphogens important for the development of Drosophilaand vertebrates.30 Sonic hedgehog signaling is initiatedby the binding of Shh to a 12-pass membrane receptor“patched” (PTC1). This binding relieves the repression of a7-pass G-protein–coupled receptor “Smoothened” (SMO)by PTC1. The activation of SMO leads to a series of sig-naling cascades that result in nuclear translocation of GLItranscription factors, which then regulate the expression oftarget genes. Sonic hedgehog signaling plays multifacetedroles during CNS development, including ventral pattern-ing, oligodendrocyte specification, the proliferation andsurvival of NPSCs, and axon guidance.30 Genetic analysesof human brain tumor tissues and mouse models haverevealed that increased activity of the Shh pathway is in-volved in the development of both medulloblastoma andglioblastoma.18 The contribution of Shh to brain tumori-

Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 24 / March/April 2008

Molecular and cell biology of brain tumor stem cells


genesis may be at least partially through BTSCs. In humanglioma samples, BTSCs may exhibit elevated Shh activi-ty.3,19,25 Importantly, pharmacological inhibition or RNAinterference–mediated silencing of Shh signaling decreasedthe self-renewal of BTSCs derived from these tumor sam-ples and impaired the ability of these BTSCs to initiatetumors in a xenograft mouse model.3,19 Thus, Shh signalingmay promote brain tumorigenesis by maintaining the ca-pacity of BTSCs to self-renew.

The proliferation of BTSCs is likely to also be controlledby other signaling pathways, such as those involving Wnt,EGF, and FGF. A conserved pathway important for thedevelopment of various systems, Wnt signaling has beenshown to promote NPSC proliferation and has been linkedto multiple cancers, including brain tumors.17,18 IncreasedEGF signaling resulting from gain-of-function mutationsof its receptor EGFR or loss-of-function mutations of itsdownstream regulator PTEN is typical of primary glioblas-

Z. Xie and L. S. Chin

4 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 24 / March/April 2008

FIG. 1. A tentative model for the origin of BTSCs from NPSCs. The NPSCs exhibit polarized distribution of cell fatedeterminants, which are segregated unequally into the 2 daughter cells during asymmetric division. A tight control of thepolarized distribution of the cell fate determinants and the orientation of the mitotic spindle ensures that a balancebetween asymmetric division and symmetric division is maintained. This balance is shifted toward symmetric divisionin NPSCs harboring genetic mutations that disrupt cell polarity, alter spindle orientation, or inactivate cell fate determi-nants important for non–stem-cell specification. The increased symmetric division results in uncontrolled self-renewal, ahallmark of BTSCs.

tomas.53 The FGFs promote NPSC proliferation50 and havealso been implicated in brain tumorigenesis.29,82,83 BothEGF and FGF2 are key supplements used for maintainingBTSCs in neurosphere culture assays.47 Nevertheless, thereis no direct evidence that Wnt, EGF, or FGF signaling reg-ulates BTSC self-renewal in vivo.

Brain Tumor Invasion and BTSCs

Malignant tumors are characterized by both uncontrolledproliferation and the ability to infiltrate. While much hasbeen learned about the molecular and cellular basis ofBTSC proliferation since the discovery of BTSCs severalyears ago, mechanisms underlying BTSC-associated in-filtrativeness remain poorly understood. Previous studiesusing non-BTSC brain tumor cells have identified manycell migration pathways that regulate cell–cell adhesion,cell–ECM adhesion, or cell motility.52 While these path-ways are probably important to brain tumor invasion, it isalso necessary to perform studies using purified BTSCs,which may give rise to tumors with enhanced ability to in-filtrate.31,35,47,70,86

In xenograft mouse models, brain tumor cells derivedfrom purified BTSCs migrate from the ventral forebraintoward the olfactory bulb and along axon tracts to the dor-sal cortex,31,47 recapitulating the paths of neuroblasts de-rived from neurogenic astrocytes in the adult SVZ and in-terneurons derived from NPSCs in the embryonic ventralforebrain.1 This observation suggests that similar mecha-nisms may underlie the migration of BTSCs (or their prog-eny) and the migration of NPSCs and neurons. Consistentwith this, preliminary evidence suggests that genes impor-tant for neuronal migration, such as Slit2 and Lis1, mayalso be involved in the migration of medulloblastoma orglioma cells.73,80 In addition, transforming acid coiled-coilproteins (TACCs), which promote nuclear migration inembryonic NPSCs,81 have been implicated in many humancancers, including glioma.21,32,41,42 Finally, the ability oftransplanted NPSCs to track down brain tumor cells thathave migrated away from the tumor bulk in the rodentbrain84 suggests that NPSCs and BTSCs (or their progeny)may migrate through the same extracellular environment.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Since the identification of BTSCs several years ago,these cells have become promising targets for treating brain

tumors. The study of BTSCs has benefited tremendouslyfrom our knowledge of NPSCs, which may give rise toBTSCs through genetic mutations that deregulate asym-metric cell division (Fig. 1). Brain tumor stem cells andNPSCs reside in similar microenvironments enriched incapillaries, respond to similar signaling pathways, and giverise to daughter cells that migrate along similar paths(Table 1).

While great progress has been made in the field of mo-lecular and cell biology of BTSCs, many questions remainunanswered. First, although the findings of a number ofstudies are consistent with the possibility that deregulationof asymmetric division may convert NPSCs to BTSCs,convincing evidence is lacking. Next, how can we distin-guish BTSCs from normal NPSCs in BTSC-based braintumor therapies? Since similar molecular pathways maygovern the proliferation of BTSCs and normal NPSCs, tar-geting these pathways may not only inhibit brain tumori-genesis, but also impair endogenous neurogenesis, whichplays important physiological functions. Third, molecularmechanisms underlying the migration of BTSCs and theirprogeny remain largely unknown. Lastly, in most of thestudies of BTSCs, investigators have assumed that thesecells express a cell surface marker CD133 and grow nonad-herently in vitro. A recent study suggests, however, that asubset of BTSCs derived from glioblastomas grow ad-herently and may not express CD133.5 The significance ofthis subtype of BTSCs in brain tumorigenesis needs to befurther clarified.


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Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 24 / March/April 2008

Molecular and cell biology of brain tumor stem cells


TABLE 1Comparison of NPSCs and BTSCs

Feature NPSCs BTSCs

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Manuscript submitted December 15, 2007.Accepted January 3, 2008.Address correspondence to: Zhigang Xie, Ph.D., Department of

Neurosurgery, Boston University School of Medicine, 720 HarrisonAvenue, Suite 7600, Boston, Massachusetts 02118. email:[email protected].

Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 24 / March/April 2008

Molecular and cell biology of brain tumor stem cells