Mekelle University College of Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental Protection Soil Fertility Assessment under Trees, Agricultural Crops and Pasture Land Use Systems in Rainfed Environments in Central Ethiopia: Case Study at Tiyo District, Arsi, Ethiopia By: Dessalegn Lemi E-mail: [email protected] A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Tropical Land Resource Management Advisors: Fassil Kebede (PhD) Associate professor of soil science Charles Yamoah (PhD) Associate professor of soil science May, 2010 CoDANR

Mekelle University College of Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental Protection Soil Fertility Assessment under Trees, Agricultural

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Mekelle University

College of Dryland Agriculture

and Natural Resources

Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental


Soil Fertility Assessment under Trees, Agricultural Crops and Pasture Land Use

Systems in Rainfed Environments in Central Ethiopia:

Case Study at Tiyo District, Arsi, Ethiopia

By: Dessalegn Lemi

E-mail: [email protected]

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree

in Tropical Land Resource Management


Fassil Kebede (PhD)

Associate professor of soil science

Charles Yamoah (PhD)

Associate professor of soil science

May, 2010




This is to certify that this thesis entitled “soil fertility assessment under tree, agricultural crop and

pasture based land use systems in rainfed environments in central Ethiopia: A case study from

Tiyo district, Arsi, Ethiopia” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

the degree of M.Sc., in Tropical Land Resource Management to College of Dryland Agriculture

and Natural Resources, Mekelle University, through the Department of Land Resource

Management and Environmental Protection, done by Mr. Dessalegn Lemi, Id.No.

FDA/PS0037/00 is an authentic work carried out by him under our guidance. The matter

embodied in this project work has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma

to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Name of the student Dessalegn Lemi Signature & date ________________

Name of the advisors:

1. Fassil Kebede (Dr.) Signature & date_____________________

2. Charles Yamoah (Dr.) Signature & date_____________________


Table Contents

Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi

Acknowledgement-------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii

Acronyms----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii

List of Tables---------------------------------------------------------------------------------ix

List of Figures---------------------------------------------------------------------------------x

Chapter I. Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.1. Background --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

1.2. Statement of the Problem----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

1.3. Hypothesis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

1.4. Objectives----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.4.1. General Objective -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.4.2. Specific Objectives------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Chapter II. Literature Review ---------------------------------------------------------------5

2.1. Land Uses of Tiyo District ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

2.2. Soil Properties under Different Land Use---------------------------------------------------------- 5

2.2.1. Soil Physical Properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Bulk Density --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Soil texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

2.2.2. Soil Chemical Properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 Soil pH---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC)--------------------------------------------------------- 8 Soil Organic Carbon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

iv Available Phosphorous --------------------------------------------------------------------11

2.3. Visual Soil Assessment Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------12

Chapter III. Materials and Methods ------------------------------------------------------ 14

3.1. Description of the Study area -----------------------------------------------------------------------14

3.1.1. Location of the Study Site----------------------------------------------------------------------14

3.1.2. Topography---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

3.1.3. Climate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

3.1.4. Vegetation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

3.1.5. Geology and Soil --------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

3.1.6. Land Use------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

3.2. Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

3.2.1. Study site selection criteria --------------------------------------------------------------------16

3.2.2. Experimental Design and Layout -------------------------------------------------------------17

3.2.3. Soil Fertility Assessment Using VS Approach in the Field -------------------------------17

3.2.4. Soil sampling and sample preparation--------------------------------------------------------17

3.2.5. Determination of Soil Physico-Chemical Properties ---------------------------------------18

3.2.6. Statistical Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Chapter IV. Results and Discussions----------------------------------------------------- 19

4.1. Effect of Land Use on Soil Properties -------------------------------------------------------------19

4.2. Effect of Land Use on Soil physical properties.--------------------------------------------------19

4.2.1. Bulk Density -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

4.2.2. Soil texture ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20

4.3. Effect of Land Use Type on Soil Chemicals Properties-----------------------------------------21

4.3.1. Soil pH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21

4.3.2. Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC) -------------------------------------------------------------22

4.3.3. Soil Organic carbon -----------------------------------------------------------------------------22

4.3.4. Available Phosphorous -------------------------------------------------------------------------24


4.4. Relation of Soil Organic carbon and other soil properties of the different Land Uses and

Soil Fertility-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25

4.5. Soil Fertility Status in Different Land Uses Using VS Approach -----------------------------27

4.5.1. Soil Fertility Status in Agricultural Land ----------------------------------------------------28

4.5.2. Soil Fertility Status in Pasture Land ----------------------------------------------------------29

4.5.3. Soil Fertility Status in Eucalyptus Plantation -----------------------------------------------30

Chapter V. Conclusions and Recommendations---------------------------------------- 32

5.1. Conclusions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32

5.2. Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32

6. References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

7. Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

Appendix 1. Record format for results of soil laboratory analysis ---------------------------------40

Appendix 2. Soil Visual Assessment Score Card-----------------------------------------------------41

Appendix 3. Soil Visual Assessment Check List ----------------------------------------------------41

Appendix 4. Laboratory results of Soil Particle size distribution -----------------------------------45

Appendix 5. Standard values of some topsoil chemical properties --------Error! Bookmark not


Appendix 6. Results of Soil Laboratory Analysis ---------------- Error! Bookmark not defined.



The study was conducted at Tiyo District near Adama University, Asella School of Agriculture,

which is part of central Ethiopia on three different land uses, namely: pasture land eucalyptus

plantation and agricultural land. Soil fertility varies under different land use systems due to the

influence of the land use practices on soil nutrient differently. The research was conducted with

objectives to evaluate the effect of different land uses on soil properties and to assess the

influence of different land use on soil fertility. The three land use systems under rainfed

environment in central Ethiopia were considered as treatments for test of soil fertility by

considering some selected soil properties. Soil samples were collected from three different land

uses under each land use the soil samples were collected at 15 sampling points and two depths

(0-15 cm and15-30 cm) by taking 300m by 500m larger plot by using grid or systematic sampling

and a total of 90 soil samples were collected. Results indicated that in the selected soil

properties were significantly different (P<0.05). Soil bulk density of the land uses were

0.92g/cm3, 1.02g/cm

3 and1.04g/cm

3 for pasture land, eucalyptus plantation and agricultural

land, respectively at the surface soil, and 0.99g/cm3, 1.01g/cm

3 and 1.09g/cm

3 the subsoil. Soil

texture was almost similar for the three land uses and it was clayey. The result also revealed that

the soil chemical properties such as; soil pH were 5.09, 5.01 and 5.00 for pasture land,

eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land respectively for the surface soil and 5.03, 5.01 and

4.94 for sub soil. The EC5 of the soil were 19.2, 19.0 and 16.2µs/cm for the surface soil and 15.8,

18.1 and 13.7µs/cm for subsoil in pasture land eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land,

respectively. The soil organic carbon and available phosphorous were also significantly different

among the three land uses and depths. Soil OC (%) was 5.19, 4.76 and 2.78 on the surface soil

and 4.37, 3.81 and 2.02 in the subsoil for pasture land, eucalyptus plantation and agricultural

land respectively. Available phosphorous (ppm) was 14.2, 13.33 and 10.8 in surface soil and

11.73, 10.27 and 7.8 in subsoil for pasture land, eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land,

respectively. Generally, pasture land was better than the other land uses in terms of soil fertility

from these results.



First of all, Glory is to Jesus the Christ-Justified, Examined, Sacrificed, and Utmost Savior-who

helped me at every moment of my life. First and foremost, my heart felt appreciation and

gratitude to my advisors Dr. Fassil Kebede and Dr. Charles Yamoah, for their enthusiastic effort,

invaluable and stimulating guidance, moral support, and unbounded constructive comments

starting from selection the title to final thesis reporting.

I would like to acknowledge Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center staff; specially the Soil and

Water Section; Mr. Kassu Tadese, Ms Rut Duga and Mr. Sidelil Asfaw for their material and

laboratory facility support and I would also like to thank the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

Development for funding the research and sponsoring the scholarship. And also, I would like to

extend my deepest appreciation to my dearly lovely wife Soreti Shiferaw and my father Lemi

Sori and my mother Tiru Hunda and my brothers; Fanta and Akuma Lemi and sisters; Gonfe,

Kisi and Desistu Lemi for their love, continual moral and material support, and encouragement. I

am also grateful to my friends Ashenafi Atomsa, and other my classmates. Finally, I would like

to extend my deepest appreciation to my friends at work place; Damtew Fufa, Abebe Terefe,

Birhanu Mamo, Mulugeta Dula, Mulugeta Kebede, Masfin Benti and his wife Hiwot Teshome,

for their moral support and encouragement.



AGL Agricultural land

C: N Carbon to Nitrogen ratio

C: P Carbon to Phosphorous ratio

C/Po Carbon to Organic Phosphorous ratio

EC Electrical Conductivity

EFAP Ethiopian Forest Action Plan

EUP Eucalyptus Plantation

FAO Food and Agricultural Organization

g cm-3

Gram per centimeter cube

g kg-1

Gram per kilogram

g m-2

Gram per meter square

GPS Geographic Positioning System

ha Hectare

KARC Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center

km Kilometer

m Meter

masl Meter above sea level

mm Millimeter

OC Organic Carbon

OM Organic Matter

P Phosphorous

Pi/Po Inorganic to organic phosphorous ratio

ρb Bulk density

PL Pasture land

SO Soil organic carbon

t ha-1

Ton per hectare

VS Visual Scoring

VSA Visual Scoring Approach


List of Tables

Table 1. The mean values of soil bulk density, pH and electrical conductivity. ........................... 19

Table 2. The mean values of soil ocarbon and available phosphorous ......................................... 22

Table 3. Soil visual assessment values of agricultural land .......................................................... 28

Table 4. Soil visual assessment values of pasture land ................................................................. 29

Table 5. Soil visual assessment value of eucalyptus plantation .................................................... 30


List of Figures

Figure 1.Location map of Tiyo...................................................................................................... 14

Figure 2. Experimental layout of the research site ........................................................................ 17

Figure 3. Correlation of available phosphorous with organic carbon of the different land uses... 25

Figure 4. Correlation of soil electrical conductivity with organic carbon of the different land uses

........................................................................................................................................ 26

Figure 5. The correlation relation of Soil pH with soil organic carbon of the different land use

system. ............................................................................................................................ 26

Figure 6. The correlation relation of soil bulk density with soil organic carbon of the different

land use system............................................................................................................... 27

Figure 7. Soil profile pit of agricultural land................................................................................. 28

Figure 8. Soil profile pit of pasture land........................................................................................ 29

Figure 9. soil profile pit of eucalyptus plantation......................................................................... 30


Chapter I. Introduction

1.1. Background

The increasing world population is now confronted with recurrent famine particularly in the third

world countries. Agricultural research through out the world which is supposed to increase yield

is beset with several constraints such as poor soil fertility inadequate fertilizers, lack of pests and

diseases control, as well as introduction of new varieties that are able to make good use of added

inputs. High productivity can only be achieved if the plants are properly fed. i.e. if the availability

of nutrients from the soil meets the demand of crop for its maximum growth (Sheleme and

Gashaw, 1994).

In this regard knowledge of the nature and properties of soils is vital in regions where soil

productivity is often limited by poor soil fertility and where the need for food production is large.

In addition to the low soil fertility, soil degradation is an increasing threat in many parts of

Ethiopia. There is an urgent need to understand the processes involved so that remedial actions

can be put in place with a view to achieving sustainable land management (Mitiku et al, 2006).

There is general agreement, that N-fertilizer application has had by far the most important

fertilizer in increasing crop production. Phosphorous is also very important since most arable

lands in Ethiopia are deficient in phosphorous (Sheleme and Gashaw, 1994).

In Ethiopia it is also a common practice to change natural forest and grazing lands to agricultural

practice and monoculture plantation. This may cause variability of different plant nutrients in the

soil and land degradation. To reduce land degradation, and satisfy the demand for timber and

non-timber products of the local population, extensive afforestation with fast-growing exotic tree

species has been carried out on degraded agricultural lands (Pohjonen and Pukkala, 1990);

Ashagrie (2003). Deforestation and cultivation of agricultural crops result in reduction in organic

C, total N and C:N ratios but no significant changes in total and available P levels (Hasmot et al,



Soil carbon content was highly affected by different land use and management practices,

particularly in the surface horizon. Considering the surface soil layers, the highest and the lowest

Organic Carbon contents were recorded on the virgin land and cultivated fields respectively

(Heluf and Wakene, 2006).

In agreement with organic carbon, the content of total nitrogen, and C: N ratio is also varied

markedly due to changes in land use and soil management practices especially in surface horizon.

Considering the surface soil layers, the highest total N and C: N was obtained land whereas the

lowest total N and C: N on cultivated research and farmers’ field (Heluf and Wakene, 2006).

Compared to forest soil mineralization of organic phosphorous was about four times as great as in

the agricultural soil, and the amount of phosphorous lost to stream was eight times as great

(Brady and Weil, 2002).

Unlike annual crops, pastureland continuously maintain a cover of vegetation on the soil, reduce

soil temperature, and sometimes have high productivity and turnover rates that add organic

matter, particularly from below ground, to the surface soil (Brown & Lugo, 1990) since

pastureland is generally not cultivated. The loss of carbon from pasture soil is usually less than

25% of the initial carbon contained in the top 100 cm under forest. But extensive grazing of the

pasture land causes deterioration of soil properties (Brown & Lugo, 1990).

Fast growing tree species such as Eucalyptus plantations are also sometimes influences the soil

nutrient status due to maximum utilization of nutrients as they are fast growing and adversely

affect the under story vegetations. Properties of the top 30 cm of soil under plantations of 1-yr to

8-yr old Eucalyptus and in adjacent natural mixed broad-leaved forest were compared in the sub-

tropical zone of the central Himalaya. Various soil-physical characteristics decreased with

increasing age; soil-chemical properties, notably organic carbon, total N, P and K decreased as a

result of reforestation with Eucalyptus and further decreased with increasing age of the plantation

(Bargali, 1993).


1.2. Statement of the Problem

Soil fertility matters on the productivity of the land and the management practices required.

Economic development, burgeoning cities and increasing rural populations, are driving

unprecedented land use changes. In turn, unsustainable land use is driving land degradation a

long-term loss in ecosystem function and productivity which requires progressively greater inputs

to recoup the situation. Its symptoms include soil erosion, nutrient depletion, salinity, water

scarcity, pollution, disruption of biological cycles, and loss of biodiversity. To understand and

revise the necessary solution for this devastating problem requires assessment and evaluation of

the fertility status of the soil and the land.

So the knowledge quantitative and qualitative and up-to-date information about the fertility of the

soil under different land use is needed, to support policy development for sustainable land

management and security of economic, social and environmental issues. And the assessment of

soil fertility may serve as yardstick for the necessary management option to be taken for

sustainability of the different land uses.

Further more the purpose of this research was to assess the fertility of different land uses by

taking more samples at the same area rather than replicating at different site, which is not

commonly practiced in our country. This research tried to answer what soil fertility of the area

looks and can be a base for further studies since there are limited research activities in the area

specially on the farmers land which might be used for betterment of livelihood of the farming


1.3. Hypothesis

� There is no significant difference in soil fertility status under tree, crop and pasture land

use systems in rainfed environments.


1.4. Objectives

1.4.1. General Objective

� The general objective of the study is to assess the status of soil fertility under trees,

agricultural crops and pasture land use systems in rainfed environments in central


1.4.2. Specific Objectives

Specific objectives of the study are:

� To evaluate the effect of different land uses on soil properties and;

� To assess the influence of different land use on soil fertility.


Chapter II. Literature Review

2.1. Land Uses of Tiyo District

Arsi zone in generally have a total land area of 23,060ha from this 60.5% cultivated land 0.63%

grass land 17.6% forest land 0.16%wet land and 1.03% lakes and reservoirs (Bezuayehu et al

2002). The zone is characterized by diverse agro-climatic condtion. From this Tiyo district is

found in high altitude range. The district has a total area of 665km (3.09% of the Zone), out of

this 41.57%, 13.73%, 4.23%, 14.98%, 9.51% and 15.98% are covered with cultivated land,

pasture land, forestland, and bush and shrubs, construction and others (mountains ), respectively.

From the cultivated land, 82.86%,15.29% and 1.85% are covered with cereals, pulses and oil

crops, respectively (AZARDO,2008/09). The major cultivated crops in the order of area coverage

are wheat (11805 ha), barley (6311 ha), Faba bean (1677.5 ha), Teff (1502.9 ha), field pea (1330

ha), linseed (244.4) and rapeseed (193 ha) (AZARDO, 2008/9). The district is one of the potential

areas for livestock and crop production.

2.2. Soil Properties under Different Land Use

Soils have many variables, which have multiple types of characteristics that ultimately affect crop

production and land productivity. Therefore, in order to understand the similarities, dissimilarities

and relationships among different land uses, it is important to study the effects of land use on the

vital physical and chemical properties of soil Brady and Weil, (2002). Changes in land use and

soil management can have a marked effect on the soil organic matter (OM) stock. Several studies

in the past have shown that deforestation and cultivation of virgin tropical soils often lead to

depletion of nutrients (N, P, and S) present as part of complex organic polymers. Bernoux et al.

(1998), indicated that long practices of deforestation and/or replacement of natural forests by

crops and uncontrolled overgrazing have been the major causes for soil erosion and low quality

of soil.


2.2.1. Soil Physical Properties

The physical properties of soils determine their adaptability to cultivation and the level of

biological activity that can be supported by the soil. Soil physical properties also largely

determine the soil's water and air supplying capacity to plants. Many soil physical properties

change with changes in land use system and its management such as intensity of cultivation, the

instrument used and the nature of the land under cultivation, rendering the soil less permeable

and more susceptible to runoff and erosion losses (Sanchez, 1976). Bulk Density

Measurement of soil bulk density is required for the determination of compactness, as a measure

of soil structure, for calculating soil pore space and as indicator of aeration status and water

content (Barauah and Barthakulh, 1997). Bulk density also provides information on the

environment available to soil microorganisms. White (1997), stated that values of bulk density

ranges from < 1 g/cm3 for soils high in organic matter 1.0 to 1.46 g/cm3 for well- aggregated

loamy soils and 1.2 to 1.8g/cm3 for sands and compacted horizons in clay soils. Bulk density

normally decreases as mineral soils become finer in texture. Soils having low and high bulk

density exhibit favorable and poor physical conditions, respectively (White, 1997).

Bulk densities of soil horizons are inversely related to the amount of pore space and soil organic

matter (Brady and Weil, 2002; Gupta, 2004). Any factor that influences soil pore space will also

affect the bulk density. For instance, intensive cultivation increases bulk density resulting in

reduction of total porosity.

The study results of Mulugeta (2004), revealed that the bulk density of cultivated soils was higher

than the bulk density of forest soils. Soil bulk density increased in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers

relative to the length of time the soils were subjected to cultivation. Similarly, Ahmed (2002)

reported that soil bulk density under both cultivated and grazing lands increased with increasing

soil depth. On the other hand, Wakene (2001) reported that bulk density was higher at the surface

than the subsurface horizons in the abandoned and lands left fallow for twelve years. The changes


in the physical soil attributes on the farm fields can be attributed to the impacts of frequent tillage

and the decline in organic matter content of the soils. Soil texture

Soil texture is the most fundamental quantitative soil physical property controlling water,

nutrient, and oxygen exchange, retention, and uptake. It is a master soil property that influences

most other properties and processes. It has major effect on forest growth, but these effects are

indirect. Manifested through its effect on features such as water holding capacity, aeration and

organic matter retention (Fisher and Binkley, 2000).

Soil texture determines a number of physical and chemical properties of soils. It affects the

infiltration and retention of water, soil aeration, absorption of nutrients, microbial activities,

tillage and irrigation practices (Foth, 1990; Gupta, 2004). It is also an indicator of some other

related soil features such as type of parent material, homogeneity and heterogeneity within the

profile, migration of clay and intensity of weathering of soil material or age of soil (Miller and

Donahue, 1995; Lilienfein et al., 2000).

Soil texture is one of the inherent soil physical properties less affected by management. The rate

of increase in stickiness or ability to mould as the moisture content increases depend on the

content of silt and clay, the degree to which the clay particles are bound together into stable

granules and the OM content of the soil (White, 1997). Over a very long period of time,

pedogenic processes such as erosion, deposition, eluviations and weathering can change the

textures of various soil horizons (Foth, 1990; Brady and Weil, 2002).

2.2.2. Soil Chemical Properties Soil pH

Soil pH is generally referred to as a “master variable” because it regulates almost all biological

and chemical reactions in soil (Brady and Weil 1996). Distribution of soil pH may provide a

useful index of the weathering status, potential nutrient holding capacity and fertility of soil

types. Soil pH is mostly related to the nature of the parent material, climate, organic matter and


topographic situation (Tamirat, 1992). The soil in high altitude and those higher slopes had low

pH values, probably suggesting the washing out of solutes from these parts (Belay, 1996;

Abayneh, 2001; Mohammed et al., 2005).

Continuous cultivation practices, excessive precipitation, steepness of the topography and

application of inorganic fertilizer could be attributed as same of the factors which are responsible

for the reduction of pH in the soil profiles at the middle and upper elevation zone (Mokwunye,


Descriptive terms commonly associated with certain ranges in pH are extremely acidic (pH <4.5),

very strongly acidic (pH 4.5-5.0), strongly acidic (pH 5.1-5.5), moderately acidic (pH5.6-6.0),

slightly acid (pH 6.1-6.5), neutral (pH 6.6-7.3), slightly alkaline (pH 7.4-7.8), moderately alkaline

(pH 7.9-8.4), strongly alkaline (pH 8.5-9.0), and very strongly alkaline (pH > 9.1) (Foth and

Ellis, 1997). The degree and nature of soil reaction influenced by different anthropogenic and

natural activities including leaching of exchangeable bases, acid rains, decomposition of organic

materials, application of commercial fertilizers and other farming practices (Brady and Weil,

2002). Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC)

The electrical conductivity indicates the amount of soluble (salt) ions in soil. In addition to

overcoming some of the ambiguities of total dissolved salts measurements, the EC measurement

is quicker and sufficiently accurate for most purposes (Bohn et al., 2001). Excessive

accumulation of soluble salts convert soils to salt affected soils and the process leading to

accumulation of salts are common in arid and semi arid regions where rainfall amount is

insufficient to leach soluble salts. Soil Organic Carbon

Soil organic matter (SOM) content is probably the most useful single indicator of the

sustainability of the soil resource. It is associated with key functions in both chemical and

physical aspects of a soil’s overall function. Chemically, it supplies nutrients and also mediates

their uptake by roots, as well as attenuating the impact of many toxic chemicals added to the soil.


Physically, it encourages a well-structured medium for root growth as well as easing tillage

operations. Of the main constituents that make up soil solids, SOM is most open to change, as it

is maintained by the balance of soil processes, which themselves are governed in part by land

management. Changes in SOM content, as indicated by soil Organic Carbon (SOC) content, can

therefore potentially be used as an indicator of changes in the ability of soils to maintain current

crop yields and other functions (King et al, 2005).

Agricultural soils may function as either a source or a sink of atmospheric CO2 (Al-Kaisi et al,

2005). Land misuse and soil mismanagement can cause depletion of soil Organic Carbon(SOC)

with an attendant emission of CO2 into the atmosphere (Lal, 2004), whereas, appropriate land-use

and soil management can lead to an increase in SOC, thereby potentially mitigating the current

increase in atmospheric CO2 (Paustian et al., 2000).

In most tropical environments, the conversion of forest vegetation to agricultural land results in a

decline of the soil OM content to a newer, lower equilibrium (Woldeamlak and Stroosnijder,

2003). Most cultivated soils of Ethiopia are poor in OM contents due to low amount of organic

materials applied to the soil and complete removal of the biomass from the field (Yihenew,

2002), and due to severe deforestation, steep relief condition, intensive cultivation and excessive

erosion hazards (Eylachew, 1999). Biological degradation is frequently equated with the

depletion of vegetation cover and OM in the soil, but also denotes the reduction of beneficial soil

organisms that is important indicator of soil fertility (Oldman, 1993).

Uncultivated soils have higher in soil Organic Carbon(both on surface and in soil) than those

soils cultivated years (Miller and Gardiner, 2001). In the forest, there is a continuous growth of

plants and additions to the three pools of organic carbon: standing crop, forest floor and soil. In

the grassland ecosystems, much more of the Organic Carbon is in the soil and much less occurs

in the standing plants and grassland floor. Although approximately 50% of the total organic

matter in the forest ecosystems may be in the soil, over 95% may be in the soil where grasses are

the dominant vegetation (Foth, 1990). This means land management practices, which reduce soil

fertility, will seriously decrease its chemical activity and also its ability to hold plant nutrients

(Assefa, 1978). Soluble and exchangeable aluminum in acid soils are substantially reduced by

organic amendments (Hoyt and Turner, 1975; Hue and Amien, 1989).


When forest is cleared to establish pasture, considerable aboveground C in vegetation is lost, but

is not necessary that there be declines in soil organic C (Post & Kwon 2000). Pasture established

following clearing of forest has greater potential soil organic c stock than it has following crop

and, in the long term, grass management systems have nearly equivalent potential to store soil

organic C as forest Franzluebbers et al. (2000). Stevenson (1982) indicated that the organic

matter content of grassland soils was substantially higher than for forest soils if other factors were

remains constant. Hence, soil carbon stocks could be higher under natural grasslands than under

natural forest. For example, Tate et al. (2000) reported that total soil profile C stock was 13% in

the grassland than in the forest as they studied (19.9 & 16.7 kg m-2

), respectively.

Sharma et al., (2009) stated Organic C (OC) was significantly influenced under different land-use

systems when compared with arable land. On a weighted-mean basis, its contents varied from

3.66 g kg-1

in arable land to 9.60 g kg-1

in an agroforestry system. Based on the weighted-mean

values of all the four profile layers, the enrichment of agrihorticultural, agroforestry, and pastoral

systems in OC content over the arable land was 2.19, 2.62, and 2.22 times greater, respectively.

This enrichment in OC content under tree-based systems could be due to several factors such as

contribution by litter fall, root biomass, and root exudates, whereas under a pasture system, it

could be through root biomass contribution and recycling of aboveground plant parts in a natural

process. Decrease in OC content was recorded with soil depths in almost all the land-use systems.

It has been well understood that the deep-rooted systems contained higher OC content than the

shallow-rooted systems. When root residues decompose, they supply nutrients as a result of

mineralization and also contribute C in the process of humification. It has been reported that the

oxidation loss of C and N during humification is less than that from decomposition of

aboveground litter.

Soil Organic Carbon and total nitrogen stocks in the top 20 cm varied widely with different land

use and different site Soil organic-C stocks ranged from 14.45 to 81.18 Mg ha–1

under plow

tillage, from 17.11 to 81.87 Mg ha–1

under reduced tillage, and from 30.03 to 106.37 Mg ha–1

under grass land, respectively. Soil organic-C stocks were significantly higher under grass land

than under plow tillage. Soils under reduced tillage had significantly higher soil Organic Carbon

stocks than under plow tillage. Trends in total nitrogen stocks were similar to those of the soil


Organic Carbon stocks. Grass lands had significantly higher soil Organic total nitrogen stocks

than plow tillage or reduced tillage (Chen et al 2009). Available Phosphorous

Phosphorus (P) is known as the master key to agriculture because lack of available P in the soils

limits the growth of both cultivated and uncultivated plants (Foth and Ellis, 1997). Following N,

P has more wide spread influence on both natural and agricultural ecosystems than any other

essential elements. In most natural ecosystems, such as forests and grasslands, P uptake by plants

is constrained by both the low total quantity of the element in the soil and by very low solubility

of the scarce quantity that is present (Brady and Weil, 2002). It is the most commonly plant

growth-limiting nutrient in the tropical soils next to water and N (Mesfin, 1996).

Variability of the level of available P is related to land use, altitude, slope position and other

characteristics, such as clay and calcium carbonate content (Mohammed et al., 2005). Many

study shown that soil devoted to crop production lost far more P to steams than do those covered

by relatively undisturbed forest or natural grass land (Brady and Weil, 2002).

The main sources of plant available P are the weathering of soil minerals, the decomposition and

mineralization of soil OM and commercial fertilizers. Most of the soils in Ethiopia particularly

Nitisols and other acid soils are known to have low P contents, not only due to the inherently low

available P content, but also due to the high P fixation capacity of the soils (Murphy, 1968;

Eylachew, 1987). Oxisols, Ultisols, Vertisols and Alfisols are generally low in total P while

Andosols are generally high in P content (Mesfin, 1996).

In the sub-humid highlands of southern Ethiopia, clear-cutting of the indigenous forests and their

conversion into agricultural fields or plantations significantly reduced (P<0.05) the amount of

total P. Total soil P declined by 31% at the Wushwush and 39% at the Munesa sites due to

clearing and long-term cultivation. Compared to the continuously cropped fields, smaller losses

of total soil P were found in the tea (21%) and Cupressus (22%) plantations (Solomon, et al,



Stewart and Tiessen (1987) state that under temperate regimes, the decline in total soil organic

matter level will be accompanied by a smaller decline in organic P compared to C. However,

under tropical conditions where organic matter and associated materials are frequently stabilized

in biomass and recent dead materials, the breakdown of this organic matter will cause C, N and P

losses in equal proportions). The depletion of organic P (49% and 55%) as a result of cultivation

was, however, smaller than the losses of organic C (55% and 63%) and N (52% and 60%) at the

Wushwush and Munesa sites (Solomon, et al, 2002).

Sharma, et al. (2009) reported Total P content varied from 473.5 mg kg-1

in arable land to

880.0 mg kg-1

in the pastoral system. As soil depth increased, P content tended to decrease. In the

pasture system, the buildup in total P in the surface soil layer could be attributed to accumulation

and recycling of higher biomass. In agroforestry and agrihorticultural systems, the greater P

content could be due to recycling of P through mining by the tree species and subsequently

recycling by way of surface litter fall.

The greater loss of organic P observed in the continuously cropped fields compared to the

plantations may be attributed to the increase in mineralization of organic P following forest

clearing and continuous cropping and to the export of P along with crop or animal products. On

the contrary, lower depletion of organic P in surface soils of the plantations may be ascribed to

the active biocycling of P due to the presence of a perennial plant cover with deeper-reaching

plant roots and to the better crop residue management through the use of pruned tea plant parts as

a mulch and to surface litter accumulation after senescence observed in the Cupressus

plantations. The C/Po and Pi/Po ratios in the bulk soils were also influenced by changes in

management practices The average C/Po ratio of these soils decreased in the order: natural forests

(160 and 169)>plantations (141 and 153)>cultivated fields (138 and 140), while the average

Pi/Po ratio increased in the order: natural forest (1.4 and 1.3)<plantations (2.4 and 1.5)<cultivated

fields (2.6 and 2.2) at the Wushwush and Munesa sites, respectively (Solomon, et al, 2002).

2.3. Visual Soil Assessment Techniques

Visual Soil Assessment is based on the visual assessment of key soil “state” of soil quality,

presented on a score card. Soil quality is ranked by assessment of the soil indicators alone. Plant


indicators require knowledge of crop growing history in a given farm. The knowledge of this

information will facilitate the satisfactory completion of the plant indicator score card (Shepherd,


VSA is based on evaluation of soil properties and soil quality indicators, mainly morphological,

physical, biological and partly chemical which are visible or possible to distinguish without

laboratory analyses. VSA can be used as support tool in: Soil survey, Soil quality assessment;

and Soil conditions evaluation. Plant cover, single plants and their stand are supporting

indicators- plant indicators for soil conditions and quality evaluation (Houšková, 2005).

Each indicator is given a visual score (VS) of 0 (poor), 1 (moderate), or 2 (good), based on the

soil quality observed when comparing the soil sample with in the field guide manual. The scoring

is flexible, so if the sample you are assessing does not clearly align with any one of guides but

sits between two, a score in between can be given. Because some soil factors or indicators are

relatively more important for soil quality than others, VSA provides a weighting factor of 1, 2,

and 3. The total of the VS rankings gives the overall ranking score for the sample you are

evaluating. Compare this with the score ranges at the bottom of the page to determine whether

your soil has good, moderate, or poor quality. Placing the soil and plant indicator scores of soil

quality side by side at the bottom of the plant indicator, score card should prompt you to look for

reasons if there is a significant discrepancy between the soil and plant indicators (Shepherd,



Chapter III. Materials and Methods

3.1. Description of the Study area

3.1.1. Location of the Study Site

This research was conducted around Asella located in Oromia National Regional State, Arsi

Administrative Zone, Tiyo district, Ethiopia. It is at about 175Km south of Addis Ababa. The

Addis Ababa – Asella all-weather road provide the primary access to the area. Geographically

Tiyo district is approximately found between 70 45' 55'' and 8

0 02' 02'' N latitude and 38

o 56' 42''

to 39o 18' 31”E longitude. It is located just on the top of the eastern edge of the Ethiopian Rift

Valley (Fig. 1).

Figure 1.Location map of Tiyo


3.1.2. Topography

The topography of the area is part of the Arsi- Bale Mountains chain in general and the Chilalo-

Galama Mountains in particular with the altitude of around 2400masl. The area is also

characterized by flat to very steeply topographic features (personal observation).

3.1.3. Climate

The site has a bimodal rainfall pattern with a mean annual precipitation of about 787 mm

(KARC, 2008). The main rainy season extends from June to September with a maximum rainfall

in August, while the short rainy season is between February to April. The mean minimum and

maximum temperatures of the experimental site were 8.28oC and 23.3

oC, respectively (KARC,


Generally, the study area experiences temperate type major agro ecology and warm temperate

pre-humid sub agro-ecology with warm summer and dry winter season KARC (2005).

3.1.4. Vegetation

The vegetations of the area are high altitude natural forest including trees such as: Podocarpus

falcatus, Hagenia abyssinica, Juniperus procera, Ficus species Acacia abissinica ,Mesea

lensolata Vernonea species, and other broad leaved trees and shrubs. However, a large part of the

original natural vegetation has been cleared for agriculture, construction and fire wood purposes.

As a result, old remnant trees were found only as scattered trees on farm lands, small patch of

forests and in the very high altitude parts where cultivation expansion is limited (personal


The most common plantations are different species of eucalyptus with dominant of Eucalyptus

globulus, E. grandis and E. camandulesis, Pinus patula, cupperesus lustanica and some acacia

species (Personal observation).


3.1.5. Geology and Soil

In the Arsi highlands, rocks of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic era are identified. Most of the

volcanic rocks in the Arsi were formed during the Cenozoic era of the tertiary period because of

the wide spread volcanism induced by extensive fracturing and subsequent faulting. During this

period, the outpouring of lava along fissures covered the present highland parts of Arsi. This has

created thick lava basalt rocks of the trap series Mohr (1971).The soil type of the area is Nitisols

(KARC, 2005).

3.1.6. Land Use

The land use system of the area is mixed farming characterized as crop-livestock production.

Cattle are important in the agricultural production system as they provide inexpensive and easily

accessible inputs required for crop production and power for plowing and threshing. In turn, crop

production supplies crop residue as feed supplement to the livestock. The district has a total area

of 665km2 out of this 41.57%, 13.73%, 4.23%, 14.98%, 9.51% and 15.98% are covered with

cultivated land, pasture land, forestland, and bush and shrubs, construction and others

(mountains), respectively. From the cultivated land, 82.86%,15.29% and 1.85% are covered with

cereals, pulses and oil crops, respectively(AZARDO,2008/09).

3.2. Methods

3.2.1. Study site selection criteria

To carry out the research from three different land uses systems namely; pasture land Eucalyptus

plantation, and Agricultural land were systematically selected. All the three land use systems

were chosen in such away that all are under rainfed practice. The representative land uses were

selected systematically, by considering similarity in topography and proximity to each other.


3.2.2. Experimental Design and Layout

By taking a rectangular plot of 300m by 500m from the three land uses, within each land use15

samples were taken at 0-15cm and 15-30cm depth each sample 100m distant from one another.

Systematic or grid sampling was used in each land uses independently in sample collection.

Agricultural land Pasture land Eucalyptus plantation

X is the sampling point and 100m from one another

Figure 2. Experimental layout of the research site

3.2.3. Soil Fertility Assessment Using VS Approach in the Field

The soil condition assessment was made using visual soil field assessment approach. VSA was

based on evaluation of soil properties and soil indicators, mainly morphological, physical, and

biological. VSA was based on the visual assessment of key soil “state” of soil fertility, presented

on a score card. Soil fertility was ranked by assessment of the soil physical and biological

indicators alone (Appendix 2). Each soil fertility indicator was given a visual score (VS) of 0

(poor), 1 (moderate), or 2 (good), based on the soil quality observed when comparing the soil

sample with in the field guide manual (Appendix 3).

3.2.4. Soil sampling and sample preparation

Within each representative site of the three land uses systems area of 300m by 500m 15samples

were taken at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depth each. Once the samples are collected at the two

depths, the debris were removed, the soil samples were air-dried, ground and passed through a 2




















mm sieve and taken to Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center soil laboratory for chemical

analysis of organic carbon, available phosphorous, pH and EC

3.2.5. Determination of Soil Physico-Chemical Properties

Soil Organic Carbon was determined by Walkley and Black method (1934). Phosphorous was

determined by Mehlich No.3 Extraction method (Mehlich 1984) Soil pH was measured in soil

and water solution at ratio of 1:2 by electrode pH meter as described by Rhoades (1982). EC of

the soil was measured in 1:5 soil and water solution using EC meter. Bulk density of soil under

trees/forests, pasture land and agricultural field were determined by core method as described by

Gupta (2004). Particle size distributions was determined by pipette method according to Gupta


3.2.6. Statistical Analysis

The SAS statistical package institute output software JMP 5 Statistical Package was used for the

data analysis. The significance of changes in soil physicochemical properties between different

land use types was tested by one-way ANOVA. Significance of differences between means of

soil physicochemical properties under each land use and depths was compared by using LSD

comparison method at 0.05 significance level. The correlation analysis was made by taking soil

organic carbon as independent variable and the other properties as dependent variable the

correlation analysis was made for determining the relation of some selected soil properties with

organic carbon of the three land use systems.


Chapter IV. Results and Discussions

4.1. Effect of Land Use on Soil Properties

Results of some physical and chemical soil properties under the three land uses; namely

Eucalyptus plantation(EUP), Agricultural land (AGL) and Pasture land (PL) are presented and

discussed here under.

4.2. Effect of Land Use on Soil physical properties.

4.2.1. Bulk Density

The soil bulk density of the three land uses were statistically significantly different (P<0.0001).

Table 1. The mean values of soil bulk density, pH and Electrical conductivity.

Land uses Property Depth


0-15 0.92c 1.02b 1.04ab Bulk density

15-30 0.99b 1.01b 1.09a

0-15 5.09a 5.01ab 5.00ab pH

15-30 5.03ab 5.01ab 4.94b

0-15 19.24a 18.99a 16.17ab EC

15-30 15.80ab 18.10a 13.73b

PL= pasture land, EUP = Eucalyptus plantation, AGL= agricultural land

Means followed by different letters are significantly different

The change in the mean value of soil bulk density in Eucalyptus plantation and Agricultural land

was positive as compared to pasture land. The mean Bulk density was also significantly different

at two different depths (P<0.01) (Table 1).


Comparing the three land use systems, pasture land had lower bulk density than eucalyptus

plantation and agricultural land, because in the pasture land plenty of grasses are available as

surface cover, which are easily decomposable to enrich the soil organic carbon pool that increase

the soil pore space. This is in comply the study results of Mulugeta (2004), which revealed that

the bulk density of cultivated soils was higher than that of forest soils. Soil bulk density increased

in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers in relation to the length of time the soils were subjected to


Similarly the bulk density of soil with increasing depth of soil; the bulk density of the sub soil

was higher than surface soil. In the same way, Ahmed (2002) reported that soil bulk density

under both cultivated and grazing lands increased with increasing soil depth. This is may be more

soil organic matter usually found in the upper surface than the lower soil layer due to

decomposition of the surface cover on surface soil than the sub soil (Table 1).

The reason for the increasing of soil bulk density in agricultural land may be the compaction of

soil surface during agricultural practices. In most cases agricultural land contain low organic

matter than pasture land and eucalyptus plantation. And also the reason why bulk density of soil

of eucalyptus plantation was higher than pasture land is the plantation is near to Asella town and

the society frequently collects the litter from eucalyptus for fuel purposes and no much litter left

for decomposition (personal observation). Wakene (2001) stated the changes in the physical soil

characteristics on the farm lands could be attributed to the excessive tillage and deterioration of


4.2.2. Soil texture

Soil textures of study site had no as such variation. The result of textural analysis showed that the

soil particle size distribution was clay in the three land use systems (Appendix 4). As stated by

White (1997), soil texture is one of the inherent soil physical properties less affected by



4.3. Effect of Land Use Type on Soil Chemicals Properties

4.3.1. Soil pH

The mean soil pH value the three land use systems (Pasture land, Eucalyptus plantation

Agricultural land) is not statistically different (P<0.05) (Table 1). In all cases the soils are acidic.

From the observed mean value it indicated decreasing trend in pH as the land use is converted

from pasture land to Eucalyptus plantation and Agricultural land. Comparing depth with of the

three land uses the lower pH was found at the subsoil.

The lower pH value of the agricultural land may be due continuous cultivation, high annual

rainfall and application of commercial fertilizers because the agricultural land is under

continuous cultivation for more than 10 years (personal interview). As Mokwunye, (1978) stated

continuous cultivation practices, excessive precipitation, steepness of the topography and

application of inorganic fertilizer could be attributed as some of the factors which are responsible

for the reduction of pH in the soil profiles at the middle and upper elevation zone.

Sharma, et al (2009), showed significant influence of different land-use systems on soil pH in all

the soil profile layers. On the basis of weighted means, pH varied from 5.4 in agrihorticulture

system to 7.5 in agroforestry system. More or less, the pH values in most of the land-use systems

tended to decrease with soil depth. Interestingly, except for the agrihorticulture system, all the

land-use systems showed greater pH than the arable land. The greater pH values in different land-

use systems could be attributed to the release of bases and their deposition over a long period of

tree growth. Earlier results also revealed that trees continuous grass cover have the capacity to

moderate the effects of leaching by way of contribution of bases to the soil. The greater pH level

in some of the tree-based land-use systems could also be due to humic matters released as a result

of tree and grass root exudates that complex the aluminum (Al+3

) and consequently result in

greater soil pH.


4.3.2. Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC)

The mean soil electrical conductivity (EC) values among the three land uses were statistically

different (P<0.05). The laboratory analysis of soil EC showed the mean value of EC of

Eucalyptus land was significantly different from Agricultural land but there was no significant

difference between pasture land and Eucalyptus land and between Pasture land and agricultural

land (Table 1).

The EC of eucalyptus land was higher than the other land uses. The depth wise comparison of the

mean EC value was significantly different between the two depths (p<0.001); (Table 1). In this

study there was higher electrical conductivity of the soil under eucalyptus plantation and pasture

land than agricultural land which confirms the study of Sharma, et al (2009), that states electrical

conductivity in soil was significantly greater under the agroforestry system (110µS cm-1

) and

pastoral system (70µS cm-1

) than under arable land and agrihorticultural systems (40µS cm-1


However, with soil depth, no consistent trend was observed. But from this study the electrical

conductivity of the soil decreases with depth.

4.3.3. Soil Organic carbon

The mean Soil OC (%) contents of the soils under pasture land Eucalyptus plantation and

agricultural land were significantly different (P< 0.05). Pasture land had the highest organic

carbon content.

Table 2. The mean values of soil Organic carbon and Available phosphorous

Land uses Property Depth


0-15 5.19a 4.76ab 2.78d Organic carbon (%)

15-30 4.37b 3.81c 2.02e

0-15 14.2a 13.33ab 10.8c Available Phosphorous

(ppm) 15-30 11.73bc 10.27c 7.8d

PL= pasture land, EUP = Eucalyptus plantation, AGL= agricultural land

Means followed by different letters are significantly different


The OC content of the soil was also statically different at depths 0-15cm and 15-30cm (p<0.001).

The results showed that the pasture land contains more OC than both eucalyptus plantation and

agricultural land and soil of eucalyptus plantation contains more OC than agricultural land.

Similarly, the higher soil OC content was in the upper soil depth than in the subsoil.

The less organic carbon content of the agricultural land may be the effect of continuous farming

and utilization of the crop residue for different domestic purposes and disturbance of the naturally

existing vegetation. As stated by Woldeamlak and Stroosnijder (2003), in most tropical

environments, the conversion of natural vegetation to agricultural land results in a decline of the

soil organic matter content to a newer, lower equilibrium.

In this study PL was more fertile than eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land in terms of its

organic matter content. And agricultural land was the least fertile among the tree land uses. King

et al, (2005) also reported changes in SOM content, as indicated by soil organic carbon (SOC)

content, can therefore potentially be used as an indicator of changes in the ability of soils to

maintain current crop yields and other functions.

Similarly in the study of Yihenew, (2002), most cultivated soils of Ethiopia are poor in organic

matter contents due to low amount of organic materials applied to the soil and complete removal

of crop residue from the field. Moreover, Eylachew, (1999) alleged that low soil carbon in

Ethiopian soils may be due to severe deforestation, steep relief condition, intensive cultivation

and excessive erosion hazards. Biological degradation is frequently equated with the depletion of

vegetation cover and OM in the soil, but also denotes the reduction of beneficial soil organisms

that is important indicator of soil fertility (Oldman, 1993).

This result is also similar to the study of Sharma, et al, (2009), which states organic carbon was

significantly influenced under different land-use systems when compared with arable land. On a

weighted-mean basis, its contents varied from 3.66 g kg-1

in arable land to 9.60 g kg-1

under tree

based land use system. This enrichment in OC content under pasture and tree based systems

could be due to several factors such as contribution by surface cover and litter fall, root biomass,

and root exudates, whereas under a pasture system, it could be through root biomass contribution

and recycling of aboveground plant parts in a natural process. Decrease in OC content was


recorded with soil depths in almost all the land use systems because most of the surface cover

decomposes on the surface soil.

4.3.4. Available Phosphorous

Soil available phosphorous content (ppm) varied significantly (P < 0.01) among the three land

use systems. Pasture land had the highest and agricultural land the lowest amount of available P.

The soil available phosphorous content is significant between pasture land and agricultural land

and between eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land but there was no significant difference

between pasture land and eucalyptus plantation (Table2).

Depth-wise, comparison of soil available phosphorous content was also significantly different;

higher available Phosphorous in 0-15cm depth than 15-30cm depth.

Sharma, et al. (2009) reported that total P content varied from 473.5 mg kg-1

in arable land to

880.0 mg kg-1

in the pastoral system. As soil depth increased, P content tended to decrease. In the

pasture system, the buildup in total P in the surface soil layer could be attributed to accumulation

and recycling of higher biomass. In agroforestry and agrihorticultural systems, the greater P

content could be due to recycling of P through mining by the tree species and subsequently

recycling by way of surface litter fall.

With the confirmation to this in the study area pasture land had better surface cover than

Eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land. Even if the Eucalyptus land was covered with

plantation there was no as such surface cover under the plantation which may be the probable

cause for low phosphorous content than the pasture land. Stewart and Tiessen (1987), stated that

under temperate regimes, the decline in total soil organic matter level will be accompanied by a

smaller decline in organic P compared to C. However, under tropical conditions where organic

matter and associated materials are frequently stabilized in biomass and recent dead materials, the

breakdown of this organic matter will cause C, N and P losses in equal proportions.


4.4. Relation of Soil Organic carbon and other soil properties of the different

Land Uses and Soil Fertility

The results from correlation analysis of soil properties in relation to organic carbon except the

bulk density of the soil showed that, positive relation with the carbon content of the soil. But in

all cases almost the R-square is low. This may shows that the relationship of organic carbon and

other selected soil properties may not be linear.

The correlation of available phosphorous with Organic carbon was positive with as shown in this

equation: Av. P (ppm) = 5.8865 + 1.2174 OC (%) and R2















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 3. Correlation of available phosphorous with organic carbon of the different land uses

In the same way soil Electrical Conductivity and pH was also positively correlated with Organic

carbon. Figure 5 show there was a slight increase of soil pH as the Organic carbon content of the

soil increases.











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 4 Correlation of Soil Electrical Conductivity with organic carbon of the different land












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 5. The correlation relation of Soil pH with Soil organic carbon of the different land use


Bulk density with organic carbon showed the negative relation (Figure 6)


pb (g/cm3) = 1.1350.028 OC(%), R2 = 0.24.











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Figure 6. The correlation relation of soil Bulk density with Soil organic carbon of the different

land use system

From Figure 5 it is clear that soil with high organic carbon had low bulk density that means more

porous and less compactness.

In general from the correlation analysis of selected soil properties with organic carbon indicates

soil/ land use with high organic matter content is also better in other soil properties. And from the

result above the organic carbon content of pasture land was higher than the other land uses so,

pasture land under this study can be considered as better in soil fertility than the other land uses.

According to Gete, (2000) classification (appendix 5) the soil of the study area under the three

land uses, pasture land had medium organic carbon, high available phosphorous and low pH.

Eucalyptus plantation had medium organic carbon, medium available phosphorous and low pH.

Agricultural land had low organic carbon medium available phosphorous and low pH.

4.5. Soil Fertility Status in Different Land Uses Using VS Approach

The soil quality by using soil visual assessment (SVA) method is presented as the following for

the three land uses. The sum of scoring < 10 poor, 10-25 moderate and > 25 good (Appendix 2.)


4.5.1. Soil Fertility Status in Agricultural Land

Land Use: Agricultural Land

Site location Name: Tulu Kuche Kebele

Date: 12/01/2010

Soil Type: Nitosols

Textural Qualifier: Clayey

Moisture Conditions: Moist

Seasonal Weather Conditions: Average

Table 3. Soil visual assessment values of agricultural land

Visual indicator of Soil


Visual Score (VS)

Weighting VS Ranking

structure and consistence 1 X 3 3

Soil porosity 1 X 2 2

Soil color 2 X 2 4

No. and color of soil mottles 2 X 1 2

Earthworm counts 0 X 2 0

Tillage pan 0 X 1 0

Soil cover 1 X 3 3

Soil depth 2 X 2 4

RANKING SCORE (Sum of VS Ranking) 18

NB: 0 = Poor, 1 = Moderate, 2 = Good condition

Figure 7. Soil profile pit of Agricultural land


4.5.2. Soil Fertility Status in Pasture Land

Land Use: Pasture Land

Site location Name: AME Dairy Farm

Date: 12/01/2010

Soil Type: Nitosols

Textural Qualifier: Clayey

Moisture Conditions: Moist

Seasonal Weather Condition: Average

Table 4. Soil visual assessment values of pasture land

Visual indicator of Soil


Visual Score (VS)

Weighting VS Ranking

Structure and consistence 2 x 3 6

Soil porosity 2 x 2 4

Soil color 2 x 2 4

No. and color of soil mottles 2 x 2 4

Earthworm counts 1 X2 2

Tillage pan 2 x 1 2

Soil cover 2 x 3 6

Soil depth 2 x2 4

RANKING SCORE (Sum of VS Ranking) 32

Figure 8. Soil profile pit of pasture land


4.5.3. Soil Fertility Status in Eucalyptus Plantation

Land Use: Eucalyptus Plantation

Site location Name: SIDA Plantation

Date: 12/01/2010

Soil Type: Nitisols

Textural Qualifier: Clayey

Moisture Conditions: Moist

Seasonal Weather Conditions: Average

Table 5. Soil visual assessment value of eucalyptus plantation

Visual indicator of Soil


Visual Score (VS)

Weighting VS Ranking

Structure and consistence 2 x 3 6

Soil porosity 2 x 2 4

Soil color 2 x 2 4

No. and color of soil mottles 2 x 1 2

Earthworm counts 0 x 2 0

Tillage pan 1 x 1 1

Soil cover 0 x 3 0

Soil depth 2 x 2 4

RANKING SCORE (Sum of VS Ranking) 21

NB: 0 = Poor, 1 = Moderate, 2 = Good conditions

Figure 9. soil profile pit of eucalyptus plantation


The results of VS soil fertility assessment (Tables 3, 4 & 5), revealed that pasture land was

better in soil fertility than Eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land. Under each land use

except for pasture land the earth worm count was zero. This was might be because of agricultural

land is poor in moisture status and surface cover, under eucalyptus plantation the acidic nature of

the soil might not be conducive for earth warms. The structure and consistence of the

agricultural land was poor due to the reason that continuous cultivation and cultivating wet soil

might be distorted the structural properties of the soil. The visual assessment also supports the

laboratory analytical data. From the results the soils of the study site were good in most soil

physical properties but the biological properties such as the presence of earth worm were poor.

Under this study eucalyptus plantation and agricultural land were grouped under moderate

conditions and pasture land was grouped under good condition according to Shepherd (2000)

visual soil assessment field guide.


Chapter V. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1. Conclusions

This study revealed that soil fertility varies among the three land use systems. Under this

condition pasture land was more fertile than the two land use systems both in physical and

chemical soil properties. Soil bulk density was lower on pasture land than eucalyptus plantation

and agricultural land. Agricultural land had the highest bulk density from the three land uses.

The pH and soil particle distribution were almost similar in the three land uses, which were

acidic and clayey, respectively. Electrical conductivity was higher for eucalyptus plantation than

the two land use systems.

Soil organic carbon and available phosphorous were higher under pasture land than the two land

uses systems. Furthermore, as expected, surface soil was more fertile than subsurface under the

three land uses. With the exception of bulk density, other soil properties correlated positively

with organic carbon.

From the result of VS soil fertility assessment pasture land was good but eucalyptus plantation

and agricultural land were moderate in fertility. Under agricultural land and eucalyptus

plantation, earthworm as biological soil fertility indicators of the soil was found to be poor. This

might be due to low soil pH and poor surface cover. Generally the VS soil fertility assessment

supported the results of laboratory analysis.

5.2. Recommendations

In light of this study, the following recommendations have been made.

� The high rate of variability in soil fertility was mainly due to the agricultural practice and

proper management of the agricultural land is important for wellbeing of the society.

� To appropriately use the fertility potential of pasture land, it is better to introduce

improved grasses and manage the grassing method of the area.


� Since the area has great agricultural potential improved soil fertility management system

is recommended so as to avoid further fertility deterioration.

� In order to understand the effect of different land use practices in the zone, this study

recommends upscaling of similar research activities so that more geographical coverage

is addressed which eventually will serve for creating/enriching the regional database for

policy making and proper utilization of land use systems.


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7. Appendices

Appendix 1. Record format for results of soil laboratory analysis

Name of Laboratory: Kulumsa Agricultural Research center Soil Laboratory

Soil properties

Geo. Position

Land use



e No







Av. P











Appendix 2. Soil Visual Assessment Score Card

Visual indicator of Soil Quality Visual Score (VS) 0 = Poor,1 = Moderate,2 =


Weighting VS Ranking

Soil structure and consistence x 3

Soil porosity x 2

Soil color x 2

Number and color of soil mottles x 1

Earthworm counts x 2

Tillage pan x 1

Soil cover x 3

Soil depth x 2

RANKING SCORE (Sum of VS Ranking)

Fertility rating

Soil Quality Assessment Ranking score

Poor <10

Moderate 10-25

Good >25

Source: (Shepherd, 2000)

Appendix 3. Soil Visual Assessment Check List

(Source: Shepherd, 2000)

Soil Structure and Consistence


Good distribution of friable finer aggregates with

no significant clouding


Soil contains significant proportions of both

coarse firm clods and friable, fine aggregates



Soil dominated by extremely coarse, very firm clods with very few finer aggregates

Soil Porosity


Soils have many macro pores between and within

aggregates associated with readily apparent good

soil structure


Soil macro pores between and within aggregates

have declined significantly but are present on close

examination of clods showing a moderate amount

of consolidation



No soil macro pores are visually apparent within compact, massive structureless clods. The clod surface is

smooth with few cracks or holes, and can have sharp angles

Earthworm Counts

Visual score(VS) Earthworm counts (per 20 cm cube of soil)

2 > 8

1 4 – 8

0 < 4

Number and Color of Soil mottles

Visual score(VS) Earthworm counts (per 20 cm cube of soil)

2 Mottles are generally absent

1 Soil has common (10-25%) fine and medium

orange and grey mottles

0 > 50% medium and coarse orange and

particularly grey mottles




No tillage pan with a friable, clearly

apparent structure and soil pores throughout

the topsoil

MODERATE CONDITION VS: 1 Firm, moderately developed tillage pan in

the lower topsoil showing clear zones of

consolidation but including areas with

weakly developed structure, cracks, fissures

and a few macro pore


Very firm to hard, well-developed tillage pan in the lower topsoil, showing severe consolidation

with no structure, no macro pores and few or no cracks




Soil surface totally covered by plant residues


Soil surface partially covered (30 to 50%)

by plant residues


Soil surface with completely absence of residue


Visual score (VS) Soil depth

2 > 60 cm

1 30 – 60

0 < 30

Source: (Shepherd, 2000)