Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152 Review MC1R and the response of melanocytes to ultraviolet radiation Francois Rouzaud a , Ana Luisa Kadekaro b , Zalfa A. Abdel-Malek b , Vincent J. Hearing a,a Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Building 37, Room 2132, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA b Department of Dermatology, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH 45267, USA Received 7 June 2004; received in revised form 5 September 2004; accepted 30 September 2004 Available online 26 January 2005 Abstract The constitutive color of our skin plays a dramatic role in our photoprotection from solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) that reaches the Earth and in minimizing DNA damage that gives rise to skin cancer. More than 120 genes have been identified and shown to regulate pigmentation, one of the key genes being melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) that encodes the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor expressed on the surface of melanocytes. Modulation of MC1R function regulates melanin synthesis by melanocytes qualitatively and quantitatively. The MC1R is regulated by the physiological agonists -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and antagonist agouti signaling protein (ASP). Activation of the MC1R by binding of an agonist stimulates the synthesis of eumelanin primarily via activation of adenylate cyclase. The significance of cutaneous pigmentation lies in the photoprotective effect of melanin, particularly eumelanin, against sun-induced carcinogenesis. Epidermal melanocytes and keratinocytes respond to UVR by increasing their expression of MSH and ACTH, which up-regulate the expression of MC1R, and consequently enhance the response of melanocytes to melanocortins. Constitutive skin pigmentation dramatically affects the incidence of skin cancer. The pigmentary phenotype characterized by red hair, fair complexion, inability to tan and tendency to freckle is an independent risk factor for all skin cancers, including melanoma. The MC1R gene is highly polymorphic in human populations, and allelic variation at this locus accounts, to a large extent, for the variation in pigmentary phenotypes and skin phototypes (SPT) in humans. Several allelic variants of the MC1R gene are associated with the red hair and fair skin (RHC) phenotype, and carrying one of these variants is thought to diminish the ability of the epidermis to respond to DNA damage elicited by UVR. The MC1R gene is considered a melanoma susceptibility gene, and its significance in determining the risk for skin cancer is of tremendous interest. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R); Ultraviolet radiation (UVR); MSH; Pigmentation; Melanocyte Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 301 496 1564; fax: +1 301 402 8787. E-mail address: [email protected] (V.J. Hearing). 0027-5107/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.mrfmmm.2004.09.014

MC1R and the response of melanocytes to ultraviolet radiation

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Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152


MC1R and the response of melanocytes to ultraviolet radiation

Francois Rouzauda, Ana Luisa Kadekarob, Zalfa A. Abdel-Malekb,Vincent J. Hearinga,∗

a Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,Building 37, Room 2132, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA

b Department of Dermatology, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine,Cincinnati, OH 45267, USA

Received 7 June 2004; received in revised form 5 September 2004; accepted 30 September 2004Available online 26 January 2005


The constitutive color of our skin plays a dramatic role in our photoprotection from solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) thatreaches the Earth and in minimizing DNA damage that gives rise to skin cancer. More than 120 genes have been identified andshown to regulate pigmentation, one of the key genes being melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) that encodes the melanocortin1 receptor (MC1R), a seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor expressed on the surface of melanocytes. Modulationof MC1R function regulates melanin synthesis by melanocytes qualitatively and quantitatively. The MC1R is regulated by thephysiological agonists�-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (�MSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and antagonist

rimarilymelanin,o UVR bynce thencer. The

ependentlelicin humans.one of

s interest.

agouti signaling protein (ASP). Activation of the MC1R by binding of an agonist stimulates the synthesis of eumelanin pvia activation of adenylate cyclase. The significance of cutaneous pigmentation lies in the photoprotective effect ofparticularly eumelanin, against sun-induced carcinogenesis. Epidermal melanocytes and keratinocytes respond tincreasing their expression of�MSH and ACTH, which up-regulate the expression of MC1R, and consequently enharesponse of melanocytes to melanocortins. Constitutive skin pigmentation dramatically affects the incidence of skin capigmentary phenotype characterized by red hair, fair complexion, inability to tan and tendency to freckle is an indrisk factor for all skin cancers, including melanoma. TheMC1Rgene is highly polymorphic in human populations, and alvariation at this locus accounts, to a large extent, for the variation in pigmentary phenotypes and skin phototypes (SPT)Several allelic variants of theMC1Rgene are associated with the red hair and fair skin (RHC) phenotype, and carryingthese variants is thought to diminish the ability of the epidermis to respond to DNA damage elicited by UVR. TheMC1Rgene isconsidered a melanoma susceptibility gene, and its significance in determining the risk for skin cancer is of tremendou© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R); Ultraviolet radiation (UVR);�MSH; Pigmentation; Melanocyte

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 301 496 1564; fax: +1 301 402 8787.E-mail address:[email protected] (V.J. Hearing).

0027-5107/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


134 F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152


1. Solar ultraviolet radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

2. Ozone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

3. Minimal erythemal dose (MED) and skin phototype. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

4. Photoprotective role of melanin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

5. The melanocortin receptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

6. Regulation of MC1R activity by its physiological agonists and antagonist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

7. Human MC1R allelic variants: link to sun sensitivity and/or melanoma susceptibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

8. Response of melanocytes to UVR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

9. Response of MC1R to UV/�MSH with respect to the various genotypes/phenotypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

10. Indirect effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

11. Melanocyte survival. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

12. UV-induced DNA damage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

13. UVR induces local and systemic immunosuppression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

14. Anti-inflammatory effect of�MSH, role of MC1R?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

15. Concluding remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

1. Solar ultraviolet radiation

The main etiological factor for skin cancer (basaland squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma) is sunexposure. Solar radiation that reaches the Earth is acomplex physical entity that consists of a continuousspectrum of electromagnetic radiation that can be di-vided into three major regions: infrared (700–2000 nm)and visible (400–700 nm), which contribute equally toabout 87% of total sunlight energy, and solar ultravi-olet radiation (UVR) (200–400 nm), which comprisesthe remaining 13%[1].

In 1801, Johann W. Ritter, a German physicist, in-spired by Herschel’s[2] prior discovery of infrared ra-diation, conducted experiments with silver salts and aprism[3]. He projected a beam of sunlight through theprism, which split the beam into the colors of the spec-

trum. He then exposed the salts to each color to see theoutcome. The red caused a small change while the deepviolet darkened the silver salts. Ritter placed salts inthe lightless area just beyond the violet and it darkenedwith smoke. This was evidence of another waveformjust barely higher than the violet of visible light. It isnow known as ultraviolet (from the latin word “ultra”meaning beyond) or UVR.

The region representing UVR, the most significantregion of sunlight with respect to skin cancer, lies inthe range of 200–400 nm, just above visible light at400–700 nm[4]. UVR can be further subdivided intoUVA (320–400 nm), UVB (290–320 nm with a peak at305 nm) and UVC (200–290 nm with a peak at 254 nm)[5–8]. The UVC contribution to the development ofskin cancers is considered negligible, since it is pre-vented from reaching the surface of the Earth by the

F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152 135

atmospheric ozone layer that blocks UVR below about300 nm. Unlike UVC, UVA and UVB both reach theEarth’s surface in amounts sufficient to cause harmfulbiological effects on the skin. It is estimated that 5% ofsolar UVR is UVB[9].

The spectral characteristics of solar radiations un-dergo shifts while traveling from the sun to the Earth’ssurface. Absorption in the spectral region below 85 nmis mainly due to O, O2, N and N2. The absorptionabove the stratosphere for the 85–200 nm is due to O2.When solar rays reach the stratospheric layer, ozone O3absorbs the remaining solar UVR in the 200–288 nmwavelength range. Thus, essentially solar UVR shorterthan 288 nm is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere[10].

UV exposure varies continuously with the time ofthe day, the season of the year, the zenith angle ofthe sun, the cloud cover and the changes in reflect-ing surfaces. These uncertainties make the assessmentof solar UVR impinging on human skin very difficult.For example, the total radiation reflected from grassis about 3%, 20–30% from sand, about 5% from wa-ter and up to 90% from snow[10]. As the sun fallslower in the sky, the path length of the sun’s UVrays through the atmosphere increases and as a conse-quence the intensity of UV reaching the Earth’s sur-face decreases at all wavelengths, particularly thoseshorter than 320 nm. The sun’s UV rays are strongestin the 4-h period around local noon when 50–60% ofa summer’s day UV is received. Exposure to the sunb endo UV[

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eret non-fl ce.

Over time, CFCs found uses as refrigerants, solvents,foam blowing agents, and in many other smaller ap-plications. Other chlorine-containing compounds in-clude methyl chloroform, a solvent, and carbon tetra-chloride, an industrial chemical. Halons, extremelyeffective fire-extinguishing agents, and methyl bro-mide, an effective produce and soil fumigant, con-tain bromine. All of these compounds have atmo-spheric lifetimes long enough to allow them to betransported by winds into the stratosphere[12]. Be-cause they release chlorine or bromine when they breakdown, they damage the protective ozone layer[13].The ozone layer, measured in Dobson Units, is formed100 km above the Earth’s surface: O2 + UVC = O + Oand then, in the stratosphere O2 + O = O3. But whenCFCs are exposed to UVR, the CFC molecules releaseatomic chlorine: CFCl3 (CFCs) + UV = 3 Cl. One chlo-rine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules.The net effect is to destroy ozone faster than it is natu-rally created Cl + O3 = ClO + O2 and ClO + O = Cl + O2(from US Environmental Protection Agencywww.epa.gov).

Recognition that CFCs are contributors to strato-spheric chlorine levels and that stratospheric ozonedepletion is a chlorine-catalyzed process[13] hasled international authorities to mandate the phase-outof CFCs in 1996. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hy-drofluorocarbons are being developed as substitutesfor CFCs. This results in a much smaller half-life andlower ozone depleting potential for these products inc ass dest ucho ned t theS

e ofU thep onel g oft usingi dia-t utt fil-tm cea ls andi

efore 11 a.m. and again after 3 p.m. until thef the day avoids most of the ambient available

11].Since pure water is a very weak absorber of U

louds, which are composed of either liquid orroplets, attenuate UV primarily by scattering. Cloeduce UV intensity, although not to the same extenfrared intensity. This is because water in cloudsenuates solar infrared much more than UV and soisk of overexposure is increased because the waensation of heat is diminished.

. Ozone

For over 50 years, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) whought of as miracle substances. They are stable,ammable, low in toxicity and inexpensive to produ

omparison with CFCs[14]. In addition, research hhown that ozone depletion occurs over the latituhat include North America, Europe, Asia, and mf Africa, Australia, and South America. Thus, ozoepletion is a global issue and not just a problem aouth Pole[15].UVC rays are the strongest, most dangerous typ

V. Little attention has been given to UVC rays inast since they are normally filtered out by the oz

ayer and do not reach the Earth. However, thinninhe ozone layer and holes in the ozone layer are cancreased concern about the potential for UVC raion exposure[16–20]. Concerns are also rising abohe biologically harmful effects of less UVB beingered by the depleted ozone layer[15,21,22]. Krishna-urthy, in 1997[23], showed that melanoma incidennd frequency increase with decreased ozone leve

ncreased UV light exposure.

136 F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152

3. Minimal erythemal dose (MED) and skinphototype

Careful studies of human skin[24] revealedno significant differences in the actual numberof melanocytes. Instead, ethnic differences in skincolor come mainly from differences in the rate atwhich melanosomes are produced and melanized inmelanocytes, and then distributed and transferred toneighboring keratinocytes[25].

The concept of “sun reactive” skin typing was cre-ated in 1975 for a specific need: to be able to classifypersons with “lightly pigmented skin” in order to selectthe initial correct doses of UVA for the application ofthe newly developed technique to treat psoriasis usingpsoralen and UVA[26,27]. A simple classification withonly four skin types was initially proposed based on thepatient response to an initial sun exposure of 3 MEDs.Later, a complete classification with six skin types wasestablished[27].

In phototesting, a number of skin sites (usually1 cm2) of normal skin are exposed to increasing dosesof UVR and are visually examined for erythema 24 hlater[28] to determine the amount or dose of simulatedsunlight that they can receive before their skin begins toturn slightly red (Fig. 1). This is called their MED. TheMED varies from person to person depending on theirskin type. Fairer people tend to go red more quickly

F VBi thnicg n, S5A fol-l 2,5 420,5 120,5S

than darker people who have more pigment in theirskin. An MED is defined as the lowest exposure thatproduces a minimally perceptible redness[29]. The as-sessment of MED is to have an objective determinationof the sensitivity of the skin to UV.

The ability to adjust melanization of epidermalcells after sunlight exposure reflects the individual’smelanogenic potential, which led to the concept of fac-ultative and constitutive skin color[30]. Constitutiveskin color designates a genetically determined level ofcutaneous melanin, in the absence of acquired exoge-nous or endogenous influences. Facultative pigmenta-tion, on the other hand, designates an induced level ofincreased epidermal melanin content as a result of so-lar radiation, hormones or other environmental factors.This provides clear separation of two groups of skinphototypes (SPT): sun-sensitive (SPTs I–III who burnand tan with difficulty or not at all) and sun-tolerant(SPTs IV–VI who tan easily and do not burn). In mostcases, phototypes show a strong correlation with MEDs[31], except for studies on Korean brown skin[32].

It was recommended that the SPT should be in themedical records of children and adults and that sun-sensitive subjects should be told about their SPT andgiven advice regarding lifelong sun protection to avoiddermatoheliosis and skin cancer[33].

4. Photoprotective role of melanin

ainstt in-v hu-m andm asala er inCa

s ofm ca-t er-i

ans hU arlyi to-ws at are

ig. 1. Skin erythema and pigmentation at day 8 after UVB/Urradiation at various doses. Back skin of one subject for each eroup studied for MED determination is shown: S19 Caucasiasian, S27 African–American. Numbers 1–7 correspond to the

owing UV doses (in J/m2): S19, 1 = 197, 2 = 380, 3 = 498, 4 = 55= 789, 6 = 1104, 7 = 1577; S5, 1 = 150, 2 = 210, 3 = 300, 4 == 600, 6 = 840, 7 = 1200; S27, 1 = 406, 2 = 565, 3 = 809, 4 = 1= 16326 = 2311, 7 = 3323. MEDs were determined as 295 J/m2 for19, 200 J/m2 for S5 and 765 J/m2 for S27.

Melanin serves as a photoprotective agent aghe damaging effects of UVR, as evidenced by anerse correlation between the melanin content ofan skin and the incidence of skin carcinomaselanomas induced by UVR. In the US, rates of bnd squamous cell carcinomas are 50 times highaucasians than in African–Americans[34], who show13-fold lower incidence of melanoma[35].The exact chemical structures of the two type

elanin are still unknown, probably due to compliions of copolymerization and numerous postpolymzation modifications[36,37].

The photoprotective properties of melanin in humkin have been well documented[37]. It absorbs botV and visible light. The absorption increases line

n the range of 720–620 nm and then exponentiallyard shorter wavelengths (300–600 nm)[38]. Ultra-tructural studies revealed that eumelanosomes th

F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152 137

generally produced in dark skin remain intact in theepidermis after UV exposure whereas in fair skin, nointact melanosomes can be detected there[39,40].

5. The melanocortin receptors

One way to control skin pigmentation was eluci-dated at the beginning of the 1990s with the molecu-lar characterization of the melanocyte-stimulating hor-mone receptor (MSHR) now named melanocortin 1-receptor (MC1R) and its antagonist agouti signal pro-tein (ASP)[41,42]. It has been known for many yearsthat two loci,extensionandagouti, were involved inthe qualitative (eu- and phaeomelanin) and quantita-tive regulation of mammalian pigmentation[43,44].ASP was known to be produced in hair follicles andto act on follicular melanocytes to inhibit eumelaninsynthesis[45,46].

Prior to cloning, two melanocortin receptors, MSHRand the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) recep-tor, were known from classical physiological and phar-macological studies. The melanocortin system con-sists of the melanocortin peptides and various forms ofmelanocyte-stimulating hormone (�-, �- and�-MSH)and ACTH, a family of 5 seven-transmembrane Gprotein-coupled melanocortin receptors, and the en-dogenous melanocortin antagonists ASP and agouti-related protein. In addition, two ancillary proteins, ma-hogany and syndecan-3, have been found that mod-uT itu-i rtin( vedi calf -gsa n[ fmw ti-g

n-t 1R,c R,Mr has

also been shown to function through phospholipase C-mediated hydrolysis of phosphoinositides[77]. MC1Ris predominantly expressed in melanocytes, where itis known for its classic role in regulating skin and hairpigmentation in many species. MC1R has also been re-ported to be expressed in other tissues and cells, suchas the pituitary and leukocytes[78], mast cells[79] andpro-monocytes[80], indicating putative physiologicalroles yet to be unveiled. Several groups have inves-tigated the role of MC1R in inflammation[81–83].MC3R and MC4R are found in the central nervoussystem but are notably absent from melanocytes[84];both are highly expressed in the hypothalamus, wherethey are involved in energy homeostasis. ACTHR is ex-pressed in the adrenal cortex and MC5R in peripheralcells such as adipocytes[85].

�MSH is a physiologic agent that controls pigmen-tation in mammals by inducing melanocyte differenti-ation and melanin production[86,87]. The first step of�MSH action is its binding to the MC1R on the plasmamembrane of the melanocyte[88,89].

6. Regulation of MC1R activity by itsphysiological agonists and antagonist

The significance of human cutaneous pigmenta-tion lies in its protective role against sun-inducedDNA damage and photocarcinogenesis[90,91]. Totalmelanin content and the relative amounts of eumelanina l andf s ofso esa is ofp mayc rad-i di aye ilityo

s orwi cul-t -c reasei ofP lack

late the activity of the melanocortin peptides[47].hose peptides are primarily produced in the p

tary from the cleavage of the pro-opiomelanocoPOMC) polypeptide. The melanocortins are involn an extraordinarily diverse number of physiologiunctions, including pigmentation[48–52], steroidoenesis[53,54], energy homeostasis[55–57], exocrineecretion[58,59], stress[60], sexual function[61,62],nalgesia[63], inflammation[64,65], thermoregulatio

66], and cardiovascular regulation[67,68]. The role oelanocortin peptides in food intake[69–72]and bodyeight control[73–76] has also been widely invesated.

The MCR pathway includes five known differeially expressed G protein-coupled receptors: MCorticotropin receptor (ACTHR) also named MC2C3R, MC4R and MC5R[41]. Although all five

eceptors are known to be Gs-coupled, MC3R

nd pheomelanin synthesized by human epidermaollicular melanocytes are important determinantkin and hair color, respectively[92,93]. Stimulationf MC1R by�MSH and other POMC peptides inducn increase in intracellular cAMP and the syntheshotoprotective eumelanin. Phaeomelanin, whichontribute to skin carcinogenesis by producing freecals in response to UVR[94], is predominantly founn individuals with red hair and fair skin, which mxplain the sun sensitivity and the poor tanning abf these individuals[95].

Injections of human subjects with melanocortinith an�MSH synthetic analog[96,97] resulted in an

ncrease of cutaneous pigmentation. Treatment ofured human melanocytes by�MSH resulted in the inrease of melanogenic proteins as well as an incn cAMP [92,98,99]. Disruption of the expressionOMC peptides results in red hair because of the

138 F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152

of eumelanin, as well as adrenal insufficiency and obe-sity [100].

In mice, as in many other mammals, the wild-typepigmentation pattern of the fur is called agouti. Indi-vidual hairs of an agouti coat are black, with a narrowband of pheomelanin in individual hairs. Conversely,in dominant mutations of MC1R, the agouti ring ofyellow pigment just below the tip is not found; this al-ternative synthesis of pheomelanin versus eumelaninis regulated in a paracrine manner by the agouti locusin mice [101]. A short pulse of agouti expression atdays 3–5 during the hair-growth cycle[101] leads toa controlled wave of agouti protein secretion from thedermal papillae, which results in a temporary switch tophaeomelanin synthesis[102,103].

Several studies have shown that ASP, the 131 aminoacid protein encoded by theagoutigene, acts as a com-petitive antagonist of the MC1R and blocks its acti-vation by�MSH [42,104,105]. Therefore, the switchbetween eumelanogenesis and pheomelanogenesis in-volves the opposing effects of ASP and�MSH as lig-ands for that receptor. As previously reported, pheome-lanogenesis can be stimulated further by in vitro treat-ment with purified recombinant ASP[106]. After treat-ment with ASP, the expression of genes encoding ty-rosinase and other melanogenic proteins is suppressedin melanocytes, which also exhibit other physiologicfeatures characteristic of pheomelanogenesis in vivo. Innormal human melanocytes (NHM), where the numberof MC1R expressed is relatively low[107], ASP com-pm ock-i


120g lyp iderM aindA u-m C1Rv therm s

been found to be highly polymorphic in Caucasianpopulations and specificMC1Rgene variants such asR142H, R151C, R160W and D294H have been asso-ciated with red hair, fair skin and freckling as well assun sensitivity in Northern European and Australianpopulations[115–120]. In addition, recent studies haveshown a significant association between the MC1Rgenotype and both familial and sporadic melanoma[121–123]as well as non-melanoma skin cancer[124].

Fair skin and red hair are also associated with an in-creased risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma[125].Increased risks of malignant melanoma have beenshown in subjects carrying differentMC1Rgene vari-ant alleles[121,126,127]. Carriers of the D84E variantallele were found to have an increased risk of malig-nant melanoma in a study reported by Valverde andco-workers[126] and by Kennedy et al.[123], but laterstudies by the same research group[127] and by otherresearch groups[121,128] were not able to confirmthis association. More recently, the R151C, R160Wand D294H variant alleles were reported to be asso-ciated with an increased risk of malignant melanoma[121]. The association between MC1R variants and ma-lignant melanoma suggests that theMC1Rgene is asusceptibility gene for this type of skin malignancy[122]. The role ofMC1R gene variants in modulat-ing the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer, however, islargely unknown. In a small group of British patientswith non-melanoma skin cancer, an overrepresentationof the D294H variant allele was found[116]. Such ano d ina

encef3 h 9h vari-a T,R un-a thew[ ratea i-a eens skin( db esisa kinc n-

letely abrogates the stimulatory effects of�MSH onelanocyte proliferation and melanogenesis by bl

ng the binding of�MSH to the MC1R[99].

. Human MC1R allelic variants: link to sunensitivity and/or melanoma susceptibility

Human pigmentation is regulated by more thanenes[108], and among them, the MC1R is higholymorphic, suggesting its significance in the wange of human pigmentation patterns[40]. Today,C1Ris the only gene in which variations can explifferences in normal pigmentation in humans[109].n effect of theMC1Rgene on the variation in han pigmentation has been hypothesized since M

ariants causing coat color changes are known in oammalian species[110–114]. TheMC1Rgene ha

verrepresentation, however, could not be confirmestudy of patients with basal cell carcinoma[128].Melanocytes that express the consensus sequ

or MC1R have dark pigmentation[129]. More than0 MC1R variants have been described, of whicave been demonstrated to be loss of functionnts[130,131]. Some of these variants (V60L, I40142H, R151C, R162P, R160W, and D294H) areble to stimulate cAMP production as strongly asild-type receptor in response to�MSH stimulation

132–135]whereas others (e.g., V122M) demonstdecreased�MSH binding affinity. Three MC1R varnts alleles (R151C, R160W and D294H) have bhown to be associated with the red hair and fairRHC) phenotype[136], a condition that is causey the predominant level of phaeomelanin synthnd that can place individuals at higher risks of sancer[137]. RHC is characterized by fair pigme

F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152 139

tation (fair skin, red hair and freckles), and by sunsensitivity (poor tanning response and solar lentig-ines) [116–120,123]. In addition, seven other alleles(V60L, 86insA, D84E, R142H, I155T, 537insC andH260P) may be statistically considered full or partialRHC causing alleles, as shown by genetic associationsin populations or through inheritance of phenotype infamilies [137]. Furthermore, MC1R variants appearto increase the penetrance of p16INK4A mutations inmelanoma prone families[122,138].

8. Response of melanocytes to UVR

We previously reported that exposure of culturedprimary melanocytes to UVR induced a significant re-duction in MC1R mRNA level[93]. This effect disap-peared within 24 h after UV irradiation at relatively lowdoses, but persisted in NHM irradiated with a cytotoxicdose of UVR. The reversal of the effects of low or mod-erate doses of UVR might be attributed to stimulationof �MSH and ACTH production in NHM[139,140],which is expected to up-regulate MC1R expression ina paracrine fashion. We proposed a model for the UVRinduced melanogenesis in NHM. UVR affects NHMdirectly by damaging the DNA, as well as indirectlyby stimulating the synthesis of a variety of epider-mal factors, such as�MSH, ACTH, bFGF and ET-1[139–144]. Many of those factors act as paracrine reg-ulators that mediate the effects of UVR on melanogen-e tes.A ath-w 1Rm ind eas-i ncett pro-p omac

-l -d a se-r t tob dst ne-s ri-m lian

Fig. 2. Summary of the effects of UV in human skin melanocytes andkeratinocytes. Exposure of human skin to UV results in the releaseof a variety of factors by keratinocytes, among which ACTH andMSH will bind to the MC1R and activate the cAMP/ PKA pathway.Formation of DNA photoproducts will lead to an activation of the p53pathway, resulting in apoptosis, G1 arrest and DNA repair. Few hoursafter UV exposure, accumulation of p53 in response to DNA damageand reduction in Bcl2 level are observed. UV activates Akt, which inturn phosphorylates and inhibits the apoptotic effect of Bad. UponUVR stimulation, activated CREB is expected to activate Mitf thatincreases melanogenesis and promotes the survival of melanocytes.

melanocytes. This has been demonstrated in mouse fol-licular melanocytes decades ago, and more recently inhuman epidermal melanocytes[93,148,149].

G protein-coupled receptors owe their name to theirextensively studied interaction with heterotrimeric Gproteins (composed of an�-, �- and�-subunit), whichundergo conformational changes that lead to the ex-change of GDP for GTP bound to the�-subunit fol-lowing receptor activation[150]. Consequently, theG subunits stimulate effector molecules, which in-clude adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases, phosphodi-esterases, phospholipase A2, phospholipase C andphosphoinositide 3-kinases, thereby activating or in-

sis, proliferation, as well as survival of melanocylthough these factors activate different signaling pays, they converge on the up-regulation of MCRNA level, suggesting a central role of MC1Retermining human cutaneous pigmentation. Incr

ng the level of MC1R mRNA is expected to enhahe response of melanocytes to�MSH and ACTH ando mediate the pigmentary response to UVR, asosed previously in studies using mouse melanells[145–147].

Binding of �MSH and ACTH to MC1R stimuates the synthesis of cAMP (Fig. 2), activates cAMPependent protein kinase A, and subsequentlyies of downstream targets, many of which are yee identified[99,147]. This cascade of events lea

o the stimulation of proliferation and melanogeis of NHM [98]. The MC1R functions as a pary regulator of eumelanin synthesis in mamma

140 F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152

hibiting the production of a variety of second mes-sengers such as cAMP, cGMP, diacylglycerol, inos-itol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP3), phosphatidyl inosi-tol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PIP3), arachidonic acid andphosphatidic acid, in addition to increasing the intracel-lular concentration of calcium and opening or closinga variety of ion channels.

When the MC1R is activated upon ligand binding,the G-protein activates adenylyl cyclase resulting ina significant increase of intracellular cAMP. In cul-tured human melanocytes and in mouse melanomacells, �MSH and ACTH up-regulate melanogenesisand dendricity[98,151]. These effects can be mim-icked by pharmacological cAMP elevating agents suchas forskolin, cholera toxin or isobutylmethylxanthine[152].

9. Response of MC1R to UV/�MSH withrespect to the various genotypes/phenotypes

More than 30 allelic variants of the human MC1Rhave been identified, mainly in Northern European pop-ulations and in Australia[115,116,120,153]. As notedabove, among the variants so far reported, R142H,R151C, R160W and D294H are the mutations mostlyassociated with red hair phenotype and reduced tanningability [116,118,120,154]. These four MC1R variantsare common in melanoma patients, and increase therisk of melanoma by more than two-fold[121]. Ho-m 1Rg ever,t i arei ro et-e to bes oth-e he-n

logi-c un-c andR zy-g wis toU -t res-

sion systems[132,133]. The significance of the MC1Rin cutaneous responses to UVR is emphasized by theexaggerated sensitivity to UVR of melanocytes withloss-of-function MC1R compared to melanocytes withfunctional MC1R and comparable levels of melanin[93].

Exposure of NHM to UV results in the imme-diate formation of hydrogen peroxide and a dose-dependent generation of DNA photoproducts, whichlead to the arrest of melanocytes in the G1 phaseof the cell cycle and then to apoptosis. Treatment ofmelanocytes with melanocortins or ET-1 partially res-cues them from the UV-induced G1 arrest[155]. Thelevels of cyclobutane dimers formed immediately fol-lowing UVB was similar in melanocytes homozygousfor R160W mutation in MC1R and in melanocytes withcomparable melanin content and functional MC1R.The increased apoptosis observed in melanocytes withloss of function MC1R is due to the accumulationof DNA lesions and inefficient repair of UV-inducedDNA damage.�MSH and ET-1 inhibit the apoptosisof melanocytes following UV exposure. Importantly,�MSH enhances the survival of melanocytes carryingfunctional MC1R, but not melanocytes expressing loss-of-function mutations in theMC1Rgene (unpublisheddata). Comparison of functional and non-functionalMC1R melanocytes suggests that a functional MC1Ris necessary to cope with the DNA damage inducedby UVR.


MCp -t MCpm ari-o em tionuc thee s andim fer-e enicf eenr in

ozygote or compound heterozygote variant MCenotype carriers are generally red-haired, how

he existence of exceptions indicate that other locnvolved in the phenotype expression[120]. Red haiccurs in a significant proportion of compound hrozygote variants, and some alleles are showntronger (D84E, R151C, R160W and D294H) thanrs (V60L, V92M and R63Q) in determining the potype[154].

The consequences of these variants on physioal function of the MC1R have just begun to beovered. It is known that R160W homozygote151C/D294H, R160W/D294H compound heteroote NHM, fail to couple to cAMP activation, sho

mpaired tyrosinase activation in response to�MSHtimulation and display a pronounced sensitivityVR [93]. Similar failures in activating cAMP forma

ion were also demonstrated in heterologous exp

0. Indirect effects

Interestingly, UV has been shown to increase POroduction by keratinocytes[156]. It should be men

ioned that in human epidermis the major POeptide seems to be ACTH[144], which is actuallyore efficient at activating MC1R than are the vus forms of�MSH. Additionally, studies on murinelanoma cells have demonstrated that UVB radiap-regulates the expression of MC1R[157]. Very re-ently, it has been shown that UV down-regulatesxpression of neprilysine, a peptidase that cleave

nactivates�MSH and ACTH[158]. Thus, UVR canodulate POMC action in the epidermis in three difnt ways that converge to reinforce their melanog

unctions. Effects of cAMP on melanocytes have becently reviewed[159]. Melanocytes cultivated

F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152 141

keratinocyte-conditioned media respond by increas-ing their growth, melanogenesis and dendricity[160].These effects are enhanced by keratinocytes exposedto UVR, strongly suggesting that keratinocytes se-crete specific factors responsible for melanocyte ac-tivation. Therefore, keratinocytes seem to be a keycellular component in the physiological tanning re-sponse[161]. Keratinocyte-secreted factors, whichinduce melanocyte activation, include prostaglandinPGE2[162], �MSH and ACTH[156,163], endothelin-1 [164,165] and NO [160]. �MSH, ACTH andPGE2 activate the cAMP pathway in melanocytes,while NO activates the cGMP-dependent signalingevents.

11. Melanocyte survival

In vitro, melanocytes respond to UV with dose-dependent growth arrest and reduction in survival[143,155,166]. Melanocytes have low proliferation ca-pacity and it is reasonable to assume that due to theirsignificance in photoprotection of the skin, mecha-nisms were selected insuring melanocyte survival. Infact, melanocytes are thought to resist apoptosis byconstitutive expression of the anti-apoptotic proteinBcl2.

Many of the effects of UV on human skin areindirectly mediated by up-regulating the synthesisof various growth factors and cytokines, some ofw torso re� ouse ica h arei e ofm sf de-s ivale e-p andt h-w KB[

ivalp , fi-b ffectso th

factor, nerve growth factor, platelet-derived growth fac-tor, mast cell growth factor, epidermal growth factorand hepatocyte growth factor[169–174]. Activation ofIP3 kinase results in increased levels of PIP3 and inos-itol 3,4-biphosphate, which ultimately lead to the ac-tivation of the serine–threonine kinase Akt/PKB. Ac-tivated Akt inhibits apoptosis, particularly the intrin-sic apoptotic pathway, by phosphorylating and inac-tivating the pro-apoptotic proteins Bad and caspase9, and additionally, Akt phosphorylates I�B, result-ing in the activation of NF�B that inhibits apoptosis[175].

The cAMP dependent pathway, the main signalingpathway activated by�MSH through the MC1R, alsostimulates Akt/PKB activity in an IP3K-independentmechanism[176]. Activation of the MAP kinasesERK1/2, and subsequently the transcription factorCREB, results in the phosphorylation and activation ofMitf in melanocytes, as demonstrated in melanocytestreated with stem cell factor, the c-kit ligand[177].Treatment of human melanocytes with ET-1 activatesthe same MAP kinase pathway and phosphorylatesCREB on serine 133; these effects are enhanced in theconcomitant presence of�MSH [178,147]. Irradiationof human melanocytes with UV leads to the phosphory-lation, and hence the activation, of Mitf which is down-stream from CREB. ET-1 or�MSH also stimulate thephosphorylation of Mitf, and this effect might be reg-ulated indirectly by Akt. While UV inhibits the levelof Bcl2, treatment with ET-1 or�MSH markedly ab-r

ithe nti-a Ar esisa


arep ardsa as afi thee r ofU lipidpA ex-

hich function as paracrine or autocrine regulaf melanocytes[140,167]. Among those factors aMSH and endothelin-1 (ET-1), synthesized by varipidermal cell types.�MSH and ET-1 are mitogennd melanogenic to human melanocytes, and bot

mportant participants in the melanogenic responselanocytes to UV[155,166,168]. Recently, new role

or �MSH and ET-1 as pro-survival agents werecribed for UV-irradiated melanocytes. The survffects of�MSH and ET-1 were shown to be indendent of their melanogenic or mitogenic effects

o involve the activation of a critical survival patay involving IP3 kinase and its substrate Akt/P

40].The IP3 kinase pathway is an important surv

athway in many types of cells, such as neuronsroblasts and keratinocytes, and mediates the ef various survival factors, such as insulin-like grow

ogated this effect.Since UV-induced apoptosis occurs in cells w

xtensive DNA damage, it is plausible that the apoptotic effect of�MSH is due to enhanced DNepair, which would reduce UV induced mutagennd carcinogenesis.

2. UV-induced DNA damage

The most drastic effects of UV exposurehotoaging and photocarcinogenesis. Melanin gugainst the photodamaging effects of UV by actinglter that limits the penetration of UV rays throughpidermis[90,91]. Melanin also acts as a scavengeV-induced reactive oxygen species that causeeroxidation and damage proteins and DNA[179].cute exposure of the skin to solar UV results in

142 F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152

tensive DNA damage, leading to apoptosis, which isbest evidenced by the appearance of sunburn cells, i.e.,apoptotic keratinocytes, in the epidermis[180]. UVB isthe most cytotoxic and mutagenic waveband of solar ra-diation. UVB irradiation of mammalian cells producesdamage at the level of proteins, lipids and DNA, ac-cording to the wavelengths that reach the cells. Manyof the deleterious effects of UVB will occur in theDNA, since DNA bases directly absorb incident pho-tons within this narrow wavelength range. UVB andUVC irradiation can generate pyrimidine dimer photo-products, particularly cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers(CPD) and 6,4-photoproducts (64PP) (Fig. 3), at a ra-

tio that varies from 4:1 to 10:1[181,182]. The presenceof these DNA lesions can potentially induce mutationsand eventually lead to the development of skin cancer.The phototoxic effect of UVA radiation is much lowerthan UVB, since DNA is not a chromophore for thelong UVA wavelengths[183]. However, UVA can pro-duce DNA damage indirectly through the generationof oxidative stress.

Electron transfer or singlet molecular oxygen pro-duced by UVB and UVA radiation targets the DNAbase guanine, giving rise to 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine(8-OHdG) in the DNA strand[184]. 8-OHdG is a mis-coding lesion caused by G to T transversion that is

F roducts i detectedb cence hown. Therih(Ad

ig. 3. (a) Immunohistochemical detection of CPD DNA photopy PI (red, central column) in UV-irradiated skin. Typical fluores

ight column shows the merged images, and colocalization of DNA orradiation and row 2 shows skin 7 min after UV exposure. Modified fuman skin differing in racial/ethnic origin. Taken from ref.[182]. (b) Effeas CPD) was measured before 1 MED UV irradiation and various tisian, AA: African–American) and by SPT. Results are reported as mamage and melanin content in human skin differing in racial/ethnic o

. DNA damage detected by FITC (green, left column) and nucleimage from one subject (S26, a Caucasian male, SPT 4.5) is s

ver the nuclei is seen as the yellow color. Row 1 shows skin before UVrom Tadokoro et al., UV-induced DNA damage and melanin content incts of different skin characteristics on DNA damage. DNA damagemes thereafter. The data are grouped by ethnic origin (C: Caucasian, A:

eans of each group and the error bars reflect the SE. UV-induced DNArigin. Adapted in part from ref.[182].

F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152 143

known to be a ubiquitous marker of oxidative stress,since it can be generated under various agents suchas peroxynitrite, OH radical and singlet oxygen[185].Recently, it was demonstrated that UVA also inducesDNA photoproducts[186].

UV-induced CPD and 64PP generate abnormali-ties in DNA structure that can be recognized and cor-rected by the highly conserved nucleotide excision re-pair (NER) system[187]. These bulky DNA lesionsinhibit RNA polymerase II giving rise to a signal thatresults in a preferential repair of lesions located on tran-scribed strands. During the course of repair a 26–30base oligonucleotide containing the lesion, the gap isfilled by unscheduled DNA synthesis carried out byDNA polymerase in the presence of PCNA and variousreplication factors. This transcription-coupled repair isvital for cell survival after UV exposure. Its impairmentgives rise to serious DNA repair deficiencies that arewell documented by the high incidence of skin can-cer on sun-exposed areas in xeroderma pigmentosumpatients[188].

Base changes, such as 8-OHdG, that representonly a minor fraction of UV-induced mutations[185]are repaired by the base excision repair system[187]. NER is the main mechanism for repairingUVB-induced DNA damage in mammalian cells. Re-cently, the immunomodulatory mediator IL-12 hasbeen shown to protect cells from apoptosis inducedby DNA damaging UVB radiation, through the en-hancement of NER activity[189]. A similar find-i fac-t andbT un-c ofN

eu-m tionM ic-i nsti-t ofm sem re-s 1Rm ellsh thei -l

13. UVR induces local and systemicimmunosuppression

UVB radiation is among the most ubiquitous agentsin the environment, and humans are invariably exposedto it. UVR not only initiates and promotes the transfor-mation of normal epidermal cells to cancer cells viadysregulation of intracellular signaling pathways andvia its mutagenic effects on cellular DNA, but also byaltering the host immunity by reducing its capabilityfor surveillance against tumor or viral antigens. SinceUVB radiation is almost completely absorbed withinthe epidermis, epidermal cells are considered to be thetargets for UV effects. Dendritic Langerhans cells re-side in the suprabasal layer of the epidermis and theyplay an essential role in immune responses initiated inthe skin. Their function is to pick up antigens or haptenswithin the epidermal layer and then to migrate to drain-ing lymph nodes where antigen presentation to spe-cific T cells occurs[191]. In vitro exposure to a narrowband of UVB radiation (312 nm) induces a potent in-hibition of human Langerhans cells antigen presentingfunction[192]. Both local and systemic UVB-inducedimmunosuppression have been related to deleteriouseffects of this radiation on epidermal cells. Based onstudies performed mainly in the murine system, im-munosuppression has been shown to result both fromdirect effects of UVB radiation on Langerhans cellsantigen-presenting function[193]and from indirect ef-fects mediated through keratinocyte-derived suppres-s

0st edi s, al-t ceda wae ntse ns,w vig-o ani theo thatU el-op icee ro-l ntedt row

ng was demonstrated by the hepatocyte growthor/scatter factor enhancing the repair of DNA strreaks in cell lines carrying p53 mutations[190].hese are very significant findings since theyover the possible role of cytokines in modulationER.The observation that melanocytes with high

elanin to pheomelanin ratios and loss-of-funcC1R, are more sensitive to UVR-induced cytotox

ty than are wild-type melanocytes regardless of coutive pigmentation[93], suggests that the inabilityelanocytes to respond to�MSH reduces their defenechanisms against UVR genotoxicity. Preliminary

ults comparing functional and non-functional MCelanocytes show that the non-functional MC1R cave a very slow rate of CPD removal, suggesting

mportance of MC1R/�MSH in DNA repair (unpubished results).

ive factors[194].Elmets et al.[195] demonstrated in the early 198

hat low doses of UVB radiation to the skin inhibitts response to haptens painted on irradiated sitehough haptens painted on unirradiated skin indu

strong contact hypersensitivity (CHS). Yoshikat al. [196] showed that most skin cancer patiexposed to UVB failed to develop CHS to haptehereas about 60% of healthy subjects developedrous CHS. These subjects who failed to induce

mmune reaction were called UV-susceptible andthers were called UV-resistant. It was postulatedV-susceptibility might be a risk factor for the devpment of skin cancer. Fisher and Kripke[197] re-orted that skin tumors that developed in adult mxposed to high doses of UVB radiation for p

onged periods of time were rejected when transplao syngeneic healthy mice, but continued to g

144 F. Rouzaud et al. / Mutation Research 571 (2005) 133–152

when transplanted to mouse skin pre-exposed to UVBradiation.

UVR induces keratinocytes to release IL-10, whichalters antigen presenting cell function by preferen-tially activating Th2 suppressor cells. Th2 cells me-diate their suppressive effects by releasing cytokinessuch as IL-4 and IL-10[198,199]. The effects of IL-10 on the immune response are counteracted by IL-12, which blocks the suppression of delayed-type hy-persensitivity reactions observed in UV-induced sup-pressor T cells, has the ability to stimulate Th1 cells[197] and blocks the differentiation of Th2 cells[200].

14. Anti-inflammatory effect of �MSH, role ofMC1R?

�MSH is one mediator capable of counteracting in-flammation. MC1R, first demonstrated in melanomatumor cell lines[201], is present on immunologicallyimportant cells such as macrophages, monocytes, den-dritic cells and neutrophils[202–205].

MC1R expression has been shown to be up-regulated not only in melanocytes, but also in mono-cytes in response to external stimuli such as UVB-radiation and retinoic acid[206]. Support for the anti-inflammatory effects of�MSH is found in studies usinga mouse model of CHS and the induction of hapten-specific tolerance in mice[206]. The immunomodula-t rya sh ro-it ofa

tingb nsi re-s neu-r iousa ltiples gen-e teC tideimi tely

understood, but it seems that the induced effect is ex-tremely rapid.

15. Concluding remarks

Cancer of the skin is the most common of all can-cers. Melanoma accounts for about 4% of skin cancercases, but it causes about 79% of skin cancer deaths.The number of new cases of melanoma in the UnitedStates is on the rise. The American Cancer Society es-timates that in 2004 there will be 64,200 new cases ofmelanoma in this country and that about 8600 peoplewill die of this disease. Australia, Northern Europeanand other countries are also paying a huge price to skincancer. There is an urgency to bring together an ap-propriate scientific task force to fight against what to-morrow could be a tremendous public health tragedy.We focus our efforts on characterizing the regulationof mammalian pigmentation, with the ultimate goal ofoptimizing skin pigmentation and photoprotection, andin developing novel approaches for targeting malignantmelanoma. The importance of skin pigmentation, par-ticularly with respect to photoprotection against skincancers (including malignant melanoma), has under-scored the importance of such research. The alarmingincrease in incidence of all types of skin cancers inrecent decades has also been a major stimulus.

In this paper, we have reviewed advances of the roleo VR.M nins s thek VR.G ingt re-v n ac-t ists.T ata itha s andw



ory action of�MSH includes both immunostimulatond immunosuppressive effects[207]. Several studieave shown that�MSH antagonizes the effects of p

nflammatory cytokines such as IL-1�, IL-1�, IL-6 andumor necrosis factor-�, and induces the productionnti-inflammatory cytokines[208,209].

Besides its presence in the skin and in circulalood,�MSH is widely distributed in various regio

n the brain. Inflammation, known as a localizedponse to tissue injury, can also be observed inological disorders that are associated with infectgents as well as in other disorders such as muclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and neuroderative disorders.�MSH is also known to modulaNS inflammation. It was shown that the neuropep

nhibits the production of tumor necrosis factor-� inurine brain[210]. The mechanism by which�MSH

nduces the anti-inflammatory effects is not comple

f the MC1R and the responses of melanocytes to UC1R functions as a primary regulator of eumela

ynthesis in human melanocytes, and therefore iey control point of melanocyte responses to Uiven the significance of the MC1R in determin

he risk for skin cancer, particularly melanoma, pentative strategies should be developed based oivating the receptor by potent melanocortin agonhis would be of particular benefit to individuals thre heterozygous for one allelic variant of MC1R, wreduced response to endogenous melanocortinith a high risk for melanoma.


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