Intracortical Myelination in Musicians With Absolute Pitch: Quantitative Morphometry Using 7-T MRI Seung-Goo Kim* and Thomas R. Knosche Research Group for MEG and EEG—Cortical Networks and Cognitive Functions, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany r r Abstract: Absolute pitch (AP) is known as the ability to recognize and label the pitch chroma of a given tone without external reference. Known brain structures and functions related to AP are mainly of macroscopic aspects. To shed light on the underlying neural mechanism of AP, we investigated the intracortical myeloarchitecture in musicians with and without AP using the quantitative mapping of the longitudinal relaxation rates with ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging at 7 T. We found greater intracortical myelination for AP musicians in the anterior region of the supratemporal plane, particularly the medial region of the right planum polare (PP). In the same region of the right PP, we also found a positive correlation with a behavioral index of AP performance. In addition, we found a positive correlation with a frequency discrimination threshold in the anterolateral Heschl’s gyrus in the right hemisphere, demonstrating distinctive neural processes of absolute recognition and relative discrimination of pitch. Regarding possible effects of local myelination in the cortex and the known importance of the anterior superior temporal gyrus/sulcus for the identification of auditory objects, we argue that pitch chroma may be processed as an identifiable object property in AP musicians. Hum Brain Mapp 37:3486–3501, 2016. V C 2016 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Key words: relaxometry; planum polare; myeloarchitecture; pitch chroma; frequency discrimination; ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging r r INTRODUCTION Behavioral Characteristics of AP Absolute pitch (AP) is known as the ability to recognize and label the pitch chroma of a given tone without exter- nal reference [Miyazaki, 2004a]. Behaviorally, AP is charac- terized by accuracy, rapidness, spontaneity, and uncontrollability. For accuracy, average hit rates were reported between 75% to 94% depending on the timbres and pitch classes of given tones, as well as on other factors such as ethnicity [Bermudez and Zatorre, 2009b; Miyazaki, 2004a]. For rapidness, some musicians with a high level of AP could recognize the pitch of a given tone and press its Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article. Contract grant sponsor: International Max Planck Research School on Neuroscience of Communication (IMPRS NeuroCom). *Correspondence to: Seung-Goo Kim, Stephanstraße 1A, 04103 Leipzig, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] Received for publication 8 January 2016; Revised 26 April 2016; Accepted 27 April 2016. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23254 Published online 10 May 2016 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonli- nelibrary.com). r Human Brain Mapping 37:3486–3501 (2016) r V C 2016 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Intracortical myelination in musicians with absolute Pitch: quantitative morphometry using 7-T MRI

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Intracortical Myelination in MusiciansWith Absolute Pitch: Quantitative

Morphometry Using 7-T MRI

Seung-Goo Kim* and Thomas R. Kn€osche

Research Group for MEG and EEG—Cortical Networks and Cognitive Functions,Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,

Leipzig, Germany

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Abstract: Absolute pitch (AP) is known as the ability to recognize and label the pitch chroma of agiven tone without external reference. Known brain structures and functions related to AP are mainlyof macroscopic aspects. To shed light on the underlying neural mechanism of AP, we investigated theintracortical myeloarchitecture in musicians with and without AP using the quantitative mapping ofthe longitudinal relaxation rates with ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging at 7 T. We foundgreater intracortical myelination for AP musicians in the anterior region of the supratemporal plane,particularly the medial region of the right planum polare (PP). In the same region of the right PP, wealso found a positive correlation with a behavioral index of AP performance. In addition, we found apositive correlation with a frequency discrimination threshold in the anterolateral Heschl’s gyrus inthe right hemisphere, demonstrating distinctive neural processes of absolute recognition and relativediscrimination of pitch. Regarding possible effects of local myelination in the cortex and the knownimportance of the anterior superior temporal gyrus/sulcus for the identification of auditory objects, weargue that pitch chroma may be processed as an identifiable object property in AP musicians. HumBrain Mapp 37:3486–3501, 2016. VC 2016 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: relaxometry; planum polare; myeloarchitecture; pitch chroma; frequency discrimination;ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging

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Behavioral Characteristics of AP

Absolute pitch (AP) is known as the ability to recognizeand label the pitch chroma of a given tone without exter-nal reference [Miyazaki, 2004a]. Behaviorally, AP is charac-terized by accuracy, rapidness, spontaneity, anduncontrollability. For accuracy, average hit rates werereported between 75% to 94% depending on the timbresand pitch classes of given tones, as well as on other factorssuch as ethnicity [Bermudez and Zatorre, 2009b; Miyazaki,2004a]. For rapidness, some musicians with a high level ofAP could recognize the pitch of a given tone and press its

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the onlineversion of this article.

Contract grant sponsor: International Max Planck Research Schoolon Neuroscience of Communication (IMPRS NeuroCom).

*Correspondence to: Seung-Goo Kim, Stephanstraße 1A, 04103Leipzig, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]

Received for publication 8 January 2016; Revised 26 April 2016;Accepted 27 April 2016.

DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23254Published online 10 May 2016 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonli-nelibrary.com).

r Human Brain Mapping 37:3486–3501 (2016) r

VC 2016 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

corresponding key on a digital piano within 0.6 secondson average [Miyazaki, 1990]. Another feature is that APdoes not require explicit cognitive efforts, thus, those withAP spontaneously and unintentionally recognize the pitchof non-musical ambient sounds such as the clicking soundof glasses [Miyazaki, 2004a]. The level of automaticity ofAP is very high, hence, it is usually difficult to control(although it is possible through training) as demonstratedby Stroop-like effects, namely slower and inaccurateresponses to incongruently labeled tones [Akiva-Kabiriand Henik, 2012; Itoh et al., 2005; Schulze et al., 2013].Apart from in musical composition and conducting, AP isnot generally regarded as being musically beneficial.Instead, it could even be disadvantageous for players orsingers because of the uncontrollability. For instance,musicians with AP may have difficulties recognizing trans-posed melodies [Miyazaki, 2004b].

Previously Found Neural Correlates of AP

From a cognitive perspective, AP perception may beassociated with two different processing steps: (1) an earlyperceptual categorization of pitch and (2) a late cognitivepitch labeling that involves verbal/motor association withthe pitch representation [Levitin and Rogers, 2005]. Ashinted by the rapid reaction time shown in behavioralexperiments [Miyazaki, 1990], both processing stepsappear to be very fast. In an electroencephalography(EEG) experiment [Itoh et al., 2005], an early event-relatedpotential (ERP) component called “AP negativity” (with alatency of about 150 ms from the left posterior temporalelectrode) was observed from AP musicians regardless oftasks (i.e., either passive listening, pitch-naming, or Strooptasks) compared to participants without AP. The Stroop-like effect (i.e., incongruent labeling of pitch) modulatedthe amplitude of the AP negativity, which was interpretedas evidence of an automatic process that associates pitchand pitch label [Itoh et al., 2005].

Throughout neuroimaging morphometric literature usingmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a leftward asymmetryof the planum temporale (PT) has been identified as a keyanatomical feature of AP. In early studies based on manualdelineation of the region-of-interest (ROI) [Keenan et al.,2001; Schlaug et al., 1995], the area of the right PT wasfound to be smaller in AP musicians compared to non-APmusicians, which increased the leftward asymmetry indexof the PT area in musicians with AP. A voxel-based mor-phometry (VBM) study [Luders et al., 2004] also reportedleftward asymmetry in local gray matter volume (GMV) inPT from a larger sample, although the authors did notreport whether the result was due to a smaller GMV in theright PT or a larger GMV in the left PT [Luders et al.,2004]. A more recent VBM study again demonstrated asmaller volume of the right PT in AP musicians [Wilsonet al., 2009]. These findings suggest that AP ability is associ-ated with a smaller PT in the right hemisphere.

On the functional side, greater activation in AP as com-pared to non-AP musicians has been consistently found inthe left posterior supra-temporal plane (STP) including PTfrom electrophysiological data [Itoh et al., 2005], functionalMRI (fMRI) [Ohnishi et al., 2001; Schulze et al., 2013], andpositron emission tomography (PET) evidence [Wilsonet al., 2009]. Moreover, greater activation in the left frontalcortex was found during passive listening [Ohnishi et al.,2001; Wengenroth et al., 2014], processing incongruentlylabeled tones [Schulze et al., 2013], and pitch naming [Wil-son et al., 2009; Zatorre et al., 1998]. From these functionalstudies it appears that AP-related processing does occur inthe left hemisphere, possibly in relation to language proc-esses such as verbal labeling.

Conversely, Wengenroth and colleagues reported greatervolume of the right Heschl’s gyrus (HG) in AP as com-pared to non-AP musicians [Wengenroth et al., 2014]. Inthat study, the posterior border of the right HG isextended posteriorly, possibly explaining the smaller area(or volume) of the right PT in previous morphometricstudies [Keenan et al., 2001; Schlaug et al., 1995; Wilsonet al., 2009]. Their finding of a larger right HG was accom-panied by a larger amplitude of a dipole model fitted tothe P2a component of the auditory evoked potential,where the dipole was located in the anterior PT of theright hemisphere [Wengenroth et al., 2014]. Moreover,BOLD activation during passive listening was correlatedwith the behavioral score of AP in the right PT, but not inthe left PT [Wengenroth et al., 2014].

To summarize, so far there is evidence of an increasedleftward asymmetry for the posterior STP (i.e., PT) and anincreased rightward asymmetry for the HG, in terms ofgray matter volume and activation. The hemispheric spe-cialization of AP processing requires further investigation,possibly by employing different methods which are moresensitive to the fine structure of the neural tissue.

Towards a Computational Model of AP

The neuroimaging studies mentioned above indicateimportant candidates for the neural substrate of AP bydescribing macroscopic morphology and activations. How-ever, to understand how AP perception is implemented inthe neural circuitry, detailed structural information isessential. Recently, in vivo imaging of myeloarchitectureof the human cortex has drawn much attention in the neu-roimaging field [Blackmon et al., 2011; De Martino et al.,2014; Dick et al., 2012; Glasser and Van Essen, 2011;Hashim et al., 2015; Lutti et al., 2014; Shafee et al., 2015;Sigalovsky et al., 2006] due to its significant implication inthe working principles of the human cerebral cortex [Nieu-wenhuys, 2013]. Unlike conventional morphometric meth-ods that only use arbitrary image intensity of T1-weightedimages, such as VBM [Ashburner and Friston, 2000] orcortical thickness analysis [Chung et al., 2005], this noveltechnique can infer the myelin content in a voxel based on

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the inverse relationship between myelin content and quan-titative longitudinal relaxation time (qT1) [Marques et al.,2010]. Experiments that demonstrated the relevance ofintracortical myelin to brain function and behavior alreadyexist [Grydeland et al., 2013, 2015]. Moreover, applicationsof in vivo myelin mapping demonstrated that the separa-tion of the core and belt regions of the human auditorycortex is feasible by in vivo imaging [De Martino et al.,2014; Dick et al., 2012] based on the same myeloarchitec-tonic principles that are used in histological studies,namely, the core is defined by denser myelination[Wallace et al., 2002].

Intracortical myelination may be beneficial for neuralcircuits that enable AP, because cortical myelin provideselectric insulation that reduces ephaptic crosstalk betweennearby axons and thereby contributes to the specificity oftransmission. That is, cortical myelin may support higherprecision in categorization of pitch chroma. Moreover,cortical myelination development is known to suppressneuroplasticity after the “critical period” [McGee et al.,2005]. This fixation effect of cortical myelination is particu-larly interesting given the known importance of musicalexperience during the early stage of life (i.e., between theages of 4 and 7 years) in acquiring AP [Baharloo et al.,1998; Miyazaki, 2004a,]. Thus, greater cortical myelinationmay indicate that more information is preserved in neuralcircuits, which lasts throughout life.

Hence, the degree of axonal myelination could be animportant structural property of neural tissue with respectto AP ability, which goes beyond the mere size (area orvolume) of macroscopically delineated sections of the cor-tex. This hypothesis will be tested in the present study bycomparing cortical myelination between musicians withand without AP.

If the above hypothesis is confirmed and myelination isdiscriminative between AP and non-AP brains, we willalso be able to shed new light on the location of the APprocessor. Importantly, such a result is expected to directlypoint to the locations where increased or altered computa-

tional procedures associated to AP processing are carriedout. Because of the speed and accuracy of AP processingindicated by behavioral investigations [Miyazaki, 1990]and the short latency of the AP-specific ERP component[Itoh et al., 2005], it is highly likely that early auditoryprocessing is involved in chromatic categorization. Thus itis reasonable to expect greater myelination in regions ofthe auditory cortex (either primary or non-primary).

Finally, in light of cortical myelination, we will elucidatethe question whether chromatic processing in AP musi-cians is spatially distinct from mere frequency discrimina-tion, as suggested by previous behavioral evidence. In anearly study [Siegel, 1974], AP listeners showed better pitchdiscrimination performance than control listeners onlywhen the reference tone was tuned in to standard pitch(i.e., A4 5 440 Hz). This advantage of AP musicians wasabolished when the tones were deviantly tuned (i.e., A4 isnot exactly 440 Hz), implicating that pitch discriminationability is independent of AP acuity, as extensively dis-cussed in the literature [Deutsch and Henthorn, 2004;Miyazaki, 1988, 2004a; Takeuchi and Hulse, 1993]. Accord-ingly, we hypothesize that myeloarchitectonic featuresrelated to the frequency discrimination threshold (FDT)[Micheyl et al., 2006] would be found in auditory corticalregions that are spatially distinct from the myeloarchitec-tonic correlates of AP. More specifically, because pitch-selective neurons were found near the anterolateral borderof primary auditory cortex in marmoset monkeys [Bendorand Wang, 2005] and at the anterolateral end of HG inhumans [Penagos et al., 2004], we hypothesize that pitchdiscrimination precision may be related to myeloarchitec-ture in the lateral HG extending to superior temporalgyrus (STG).

To achieve these aims, we map quantitative longitudinalrelaxation rates (qR1 5 1/qT1) in the cortex using ultra-high-field (7T) MRI, which allows for submillimeter resolu-tion, and we investigate whether and where there is a rela-tionship between the concentration of myelin in the cortexon the one hand, and the AP and FDT abilities on the other.

TABLE I. Mean and standard deviation of demographic information

Non-AP (n 5 9) AP (n 5 8)

Variables Mean Std. Mean Std. t/z-statistic P

Sex ratio (women/all) 0.56 — 0.62 — 0.22 0.823Age (yr) 25.78 5.19 26.88 2.95 0.53 0.607Handedness (LQ) 90.56 11.54 92.63 10.60 0.87 0.399MET-melody hit rate (%) 82.26 11.12 91.11 10.02 1.71 0.107FDTa 2.41 0.23 2.73 0.68 21.34 0.199Ethnicity ratio (Asian/all) 0.00 — 0.38 — 2.91 0.004Musical training onset (yr) 8.00 2.96 5.00 1.51 22.88 0.012Musical training duration (yr) 16.9 7.83 23.00 3.34 2.04 0.059

aFDT is transformed in negative logarithm base to 10.LQ, laterality coefficient, from 2100 (exclusively left-handed) to 100 (exclusively right-handed) [Oldfield, 1971]; MET, Musical Ear Test[Wallentin et al., 2010]; FDT, frequency discrimination threshold [Micheyl et al., 2006]; Std., standard deviation.

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Eight AP musicians (five women) and nine non-APmusicians (five women) participated in MRI and behav-ioral experiments at the Max Planck Institute for HumanCognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. Partici-pants were recruited via the Institute’s participant data-base and flyers posted in the University of Music andTheatre “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig and theUniversity of Leipzig. Inclusion conditions comprised: agebetween 18 and 40 years, musical training of more than 10years, right-handedness (i.e., laterality coefficients of hand-edness [LQ]! 70 [Oldfield, 1971]), absence of any contrain-dication for MRI scanning, and absence of any history ofneurological disorders, psychiatric diseases, use of psychi-atric medications, head trauma, hearing loss, and tinnitus.An abbreviated audiometry, which was used to equalizestimuli presentation loudness across participants, con-firmed intact hearing of all musicians. Prior to recruitmentof musicians who identified themselves to have AP, aweb-based AP test was used to confirm it (!80% correctanswers). There was one case of self-reported absence ofAP, which was re-categorized into the AP group based onthat test. The local ethics committee approved the experi-mental protocol, and all participants submitted writteninformed consents prior to experiments.

Demographic information of AP and non-AP musiciansis listed in Table I. The musical aptitudes were estimatedby the “Musical Ear Test” [Wallentin et al., 2010]. Here,only the scores of the melodic tasks are reported, whilerhythmic tasks are left out. Frequency discriminationthreshold (FDT 5 F1/F0; F1 and F0 are the frequencies oftarget and reference, respectively) was measured using anabbreviated version of a protocol presented in Micheylet al. [2006]. Sex, age, handedness, musical aptitude, andlogarithmic FDT were matched between the groups (mini-mum P 5 0.107). The first musical instrument was for theAP musicians (n 5 9): piano (n 5 6), violin (n 5 1), guitar(n 5 1), and clarinet (n 5 1); for the non-AP musicians(n 5 8): piano (n 5 5), violin (n 5 2), and guitar (n 5 1).

There were mismatches between the AP and non-APgroups in terms of ethnicity. This imbalance is rooted inthe much higher incidence of AP in Asian as compared toEuropean musicians [Miyazaki et al., 2012], which makesit difficult to recruit balanced cohorts. Nonetheless, usinga simulation, we demonstrated that the reliability in esti-mating the effect size of AP under the current design (rela-tive error 5 20.09 6 13.16%) is still comparable to aperfectly balanced design (relative error5 0.05 6 9.41%)and much better than the worst case (relative error 520.39 6 21.39%). See Supporting Information for furtherdetails about this simulation. In an additional analysis,only with European participants (see Results below), wereplicated the main finding even from that small subset,which means that the result cannot be due to confounding

influence from ethnicity and therefore this speaks for therobustness of the findings.

Behavioral Tests

The AP performance of all musicians was measured bya behavioral test where the participants heard a randomsequence of pure and piano tones tuned to the 12-keyequal-tempered scale with A4 as 440.0 Hz and thenpressed the corresponding keys on a muted digital piano.The target tones spanned 3 octaves: C3 (130.81 Hz) to B5(987.77 Hz) for sine waves and E3 (164.81 Hz) to D#6(1,244.50 Hz) for piano timbre. The pure tones had alength of 1 s and were prepared with the sine function ofMATLAB (version 8.2; Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA) withlinear ramps of 10 ms at the beginning and the end. Thepiano tones were also 1 s long, created using music crea-tion software called GarageBand (version 10.1.0; AppleInc., Cupertino, CA) with a virtual musical instrumentnamed “Steinway Grand Piano.” Monochannel audio fileswere sampled at 44,100 Hz with a precision of 16 bits persample. Each target tone was presented once, resulting in72 trials (36 pure 1 36 piano tones). Stimuli were binau-rally delivered through headphones (HS-800; A4tech, Tai-pei, Taiwan) at the approximate intensity of 70 dB soundpressure level (SPL) to a participant sitting in front of an88-key digital piano (CLP-150; Yamaha, Hamamatsu, Shi-zuoka, Japan), which was linked to the experiment soft-ware package Presentation (version 14.9 build 20110719;Neurobehavioral Systems Inc., Berkeley, CA) on the Win-dows XP system (version 5.1.2600; Microsoft, Redmond,WA) via musical instrument digital interface (MIDI).

To differentiate interindividual variability in AP per-formance, we introduced a limited response time windowfrom the stimulus onset to 4 s after the onset. Participantswere instructed to respond as quickly as possible whilemaintaining accuracy within the given time window of 4seconds. They were warned about time-out after 4 s. Ashort training session was used to familiarize the partici-pants with the experimental procedure.

The absolute pitch performance was analyzed in termsof (1) absolute error (AE), (2) absolute octave-error-corrected error (ACE), (3) difference between mean AEand mean ACE, as a measure of octave error, (4) AP score(APS), (5) hit rate, and (6) reaction time (RT) for pure andpiano tones. “Octave-error” is defined by an answer withcorrect pitch chroma but incorrect pitch height, which isknown to be frequently observable in AP musicians [Miya-zaki, 1988, 2004a]. Octave error correction was achieved bydisregarding errors with respect to octaves: for example, ifthe target is “C4” and the participant’s answer is “C3,” theerror would be 12 semitones for AE, but 0 semitones forACE. Arithmetically, the pitch chroma in the 12-tone keyscale can be noted by a remainder after division of a natu-ral index of a pitch in the unit of semitone (e.g., MIDIcodes) by 12 as c 2 f0; 1; 2; " " " ; 11g. An octave-error

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corrected error E between two pitch chromas c1 and c2

(c1> c2) is given as:

E5c12c2 if c12c2 # 6

2fc22ðc1212Þg if c12c2 > 6:


A positive, scaled score of AP (APS) was computed fromACE as APSj512mj=mmax for the jth timbre, where m isthe mean ACE, and mmax is the maximum of possible cor-rected errors, which is 6 semitones. Thus the APS is con-fined between 0 and 1, positively coding the AP abilitywith the chance level of 0.5.

Image Acquisition and Processing

Magnetization-prepared two rapid gradient echo(MP2RAGE) [Marques et al., 2010] images at 0.7 mm iso-tropic resolution were acquired using a 7-T whole-bodyMR system (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with an eight-channel head coil system (RAPID MR International, OH).From the two inversion images, a T1-weighted (T1w)image and a qT1 image were derived [Marques and Gruet-ter, 2013]. The imaging parameters were: TR/TE/TI1/TI2 5 5,000/2.45/900/2,750 ms, FA1/FA2 5 5/3 degrees,FOV5 223 3 223 mm2, image matrix 5 320 3 320 3 240(TR, time of repetition; TE, time of echo, T1, time of thefirst inversion; T2, time of the second inversion; FA, flipangle; FOV, field of view).

The qT1 images were mapped onto cortical surfacesgenerated by FreeSurfer [Fischl, 2012] at various depths(i.e., 25, 50, and 75% of cortical thicknesses, measuredfrom the interface between gray and white matter). Subse-quently, the qR1 (5 1/qT1) values were computed fromthe surface-mapped qT1 values and bounded within arange between 0.25 and 10 s21, which corresponds to theqT1 range between 100 and 4,000 ms. Following this, theywere registered onto the template meshes. A detaileddescription of the image processing can be found in theSupporting Information.

Statistical Inference

Statistical tests were carried out using a general linearmodel (GLM) for each layer and each hemisphere with thenuisance covariates age, sex, and ethnicity. Multiple com-parison correction based on the Random Field Theory(RTF) was applied after surface-based smoothing with atwo-dimensional Gaussian kernel with the full-width ofhalf-maximum (FWHM) of approximately 8 mm (10 itera-tions on the mesh with a mean edge length of 0.77 mm)using the SurfStat Toolbox [Worsley et al., 2009] on MAT-LAB environment. Due to signal dropout in the inferiorregions of the brain in the original 7 T measurements, welimited the search region to accurately estimate the num-ber of resels, or resolution element in RTF [Worsley et al.,1992] by excluding ventral regions (i.e., temporal poles,fusiform gyri, entorhinal cortices, parahippocampal gyri,

Figure 1.Confusion matrices from the absolute pitch (AP) test for non-AP and AP groups. For eachmatrix, rows correspond to the target notes and columns correspond to the answers of the par-ticipants. For pure tones (upper row) and piano tones (lower row), the four matrices on the leftside show raw responses (“Pitch chroma & height”) and octave error corrected responses(“Pitch chroma only”). Gray scale codes the proportion of the trial numbers for a specific com-bination of target and answer notes over the total number of trials.

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and inferior temporal lobes) as well as the medial wall (acut section of the corpus callosum and subcortical struc-tures to separate hemispheres) using an automatic parcel-lation based on the “Desikan-Killiany-Atlas” [Desikanet al., 2006] from the FreeSurfer package. Because the sig-nal drop is dependent on the position in the head coil, sys-tematic bias due to gross morphology such as the inferior-to-superior length of a head could alter qR1 values andstatistical inference unless masked. In the current study,the family-wise error rate (FWER) was controlled to bebelow 0.05 at the cluster level with a cluster-definingthreshold of 0.001.


Behavioral Results

In our experiment we allowed responses only within 4 safter the stimulus onset, causing some of the trials to beleft unresponded. Additionally, in some cases, multiplekeys were pressed within the time window. If the firstresponse was given later than 100 ms after the stimulusonset, it was taken as a valid response; otherwise it wasregarded as a late response to the previous trial. The over-all percentage of valid responses was 93.7 6 8.1% (non-AP)and 94.4 6 1.0% (AP).

The group differences in the AP test are illustratedusing confusion matrices in Figure 1. The row of eachmatrix corresponds to the pitch of a presented tone. Thecolumn corresponds to the pitch of the answer: An ele-ment at the ith row (e.g. C4) and jth column (e.g., C3) rep-resents how often (on average) subjects reported the jthnote (e.g., C3) when the target was actually the ith note(e.g., C4). AP musicians showed distinctively sharp diago-nal elements (meaning correct answers) whereas non-APmusicians did not show such a pattern, but a very broadscatter over nearly one octave. As commonly reported in

the literature [Miyazaki, 1988; Takeuchi and Hulse, 1993],it was notable that AP musicians also made “octaveerrors,” which are defined as answers with correct pitchchroma but incorrect pitch height. In accordance with aprevious study [Miyazaki, 1989], AP musicians made moreoctave errors with pure tones (59.6 6 19.3% of total validanswers) than with piano tones (14.6 6 12.3% of total validanswers; P < 0.0001), which could be explained by the rel-ative unfamiliarity of the timbre of sine waves to musi-cians. There was no correlation between the frequency ofoctave errors and the APS (see Supporting Information).

Table II summarizes the statistics of AP performanceincluding “hit rates” (regarding errors up to one semitone as‘hit’) in order to enable comparisons to previous studies[Keenan et al., 2001; Schulze et al., 2013]. The mean values ofAE were smaller in AP only for piano tones (P 5 0.028) butnot for pure tones (P 5 0.777). In contrast, the mean values ofACE were smaller in AP both for pure and piano tones (P <1026). The indifference in AE for pure tones is possibly due tothe persistent octave errors in some musicians with AP (e.g.,in an extreme case, octave errors were found in 83% of validresponses). The hit rates were also significantly differentbetween APs and non-APs (P < 1025), consistently with theliterature [Keenan et al., 2001; Schulze et al., 2013]. The aver-age hit rates were slightly lower than in previous studies[Keenan et al., 2001; Schulze et al., 2013] because those studiesapplied a more stringent threshold (>90%) [Miyazaki, 1988].In our case, hit rates from two musicians were below 90%,thus those participants could be classified as “quasi-APs”[Wilson et al., 2009]. Because of this, we also did correlationanalysis with APS, which was measured for all musicians.

Unexpectedly, no significant difference in the RT wasfound between non-AP and AP musicians (min P 50.179), although the participants were instructed torespond as quickly as possible while maintaining the accu-racy of responses within the 4-s time window. The meanRTs in the current study (1.97 s in non-AP; 1.64 s in AP)

TABLE II. Behavioral measures for absolute pitch performance

Non-AP (n 5 9) AP (n 5 8)

Measure Timbre Mean Std. Mean Std. dis t-statistic P

AE (semitones) Pure tone 11.44 6.90 10.81 4.52 0.22 0.831Piano tone 8.59 5.05 3.69 2.14 2.54 0.023

ACE (semitones) Pure tone 2.89 0.26 0.36 0.51 13.18 <1028

Piano tone 2.99 0.43 0.53 0.57 10.11 <1026

APS Pure tone 0.52 0.04 0.94 0.08 213.18 <1028

Piano tone 0.50 0.07 0.91 0.10 210.12 <1027

Hit ratea Pure tone 0.27 0.07 0.87 0.21 8.31 <1025

Piano tone 0.29 0.09 0.89 0.17 9.02 <1025

RT (s) Pure tone 2.02 0.64 1.59 0.65 1.36 0.194Piano tone 1.92 0.48 1.69 0.74 0.79 0.441

Significantly different measures are marked with a bold type (P < 0.05).aAn error with a semitone was considered as a correct response as in some of previous literature [Keenan et al., 2001; Micheyl et al.,2006; Oldfield, 1971; Schulze et al., 2013].AE, absolute error; ACE, absolute corrected error; APS, absolute pitch score; RT, reaction time; Std., standard deviation.

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Figure 2.Surface-mapped quantitative longitudinal relaxation rate (qR1) values of a single subject (left) andthe average over all subjects (right, n 5 17). qR1 values were sampled at the 50% projectionlevel of cortical thickness from the white matter surface. Masks excluding ventral regions areindicated by green contours (see Methods, Statistical Inference). Note that the values of the sin-gle subject were minimally smoothed for visualization (FWHM 5 1 mm) whereas the groupmean values were not smoothed. Isocurvature contours (black) at zero level are overlaid to aidlocalization of landmarks of the inflated cortical surfaces. [Color figure can be viewed in theonline issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 3.Effects of absolute pitch (AP) and AP score (APS) in quantitative longitudinal relaxation rate (qR1). T-statistic maps for group differences are shown on inflated cortical surfaces. T-statistic maps for APSeffect are not shown because they are very similar to those of AP effect. The degree of freedom isnoted in parentheses above the color bar. Regression plots for AP effect (A) and APS effect (B) aregiven. The expected APS by chance (0.5) is marked by a gray vertical line in the plot (B). Note that theqR1 values in scatterplots are adjusted for the nuisance variables in the GLM [Eq. (2)]. [Color figurecan be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

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were much smaller than in a previous study that allowedself-paced timing (7.6 s in non-AP; 3.3 s in AP) [Bermudezand Zatorre, 2009a]. Because of the fixed response win-dow, the non-AP participants could not take longer thanAP participants as in the previous study [Bermudez andZatorre, 2009a], which presumably is the reason for theobserved lack of difference in RTs.

Intracortical Myelination and Absolute Pitch

Examples of surface-mapped qR1 values of a single sub-ject and the total mean (n 5 17) are shown in Figure 2. Inhigh accordance with previous in vivo myelination studies[De Martino et al., 2014; Glasser and Van Essen, 2011; Sha-fee et al., 2015], high qR1 values (indicating high myelina-tion) were observed in primary motor/somatosensorycortices (the pre/postcentral gyri), primary auditory cortex(the medial region of Heschl’s gyrus), and primary visualcortex (the occipital poles and the precuneus).

In order to find myeloarchitectonic correlates of the APability, it is desirable to control for confounding factors.Age [Good et al., 2001b; Thambisetty et al., 2010], sex[Good et al., 2001a; Gur et al., 1999], and ethnicity [Cheeet al., 2011] are known to correlate with macroscopic mor-phology such as local gray matter volume and corticalthickness. Moreover, age effects of cortical myelinationhave been reported [Grydeland et al. 2013; Shafee et al.2015]. In particular, as the demographic variables signifi-cantly affected qR1 values in our current dataset (see Sup-porting Information for effects of demographic variables),we tested the effect of AP while controlling for possibleconfounding effects of these variables using a GLM as:

qR15b01age " b11sex " b21ethnicity " b31AP " b41e; (2)

where qR1 is a column vector with one value per vertex; age,sex, ethnicity, and AP are column vectors coding age (years),sex (male or female), ethnicity (Asian or European) of

Figure 4.Axial slices showing significant cluster voxels (red) in native volumes of individuals. NAP, nonab-solute pitch musician; AP, absolute pitch musician; qR1, quantitative longitudinal relaxation rate.[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

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musicians, and AP level (non-AP or AP); bi is the ithunknown coefficient to estimate; e is zero-mean Gaussiannoise.

We found greater qR1 values in the AP group comparedto the non-AP group in the right planum polare (PP) (maxT(12) 5 6.60, P 5 0.012, area 5 40 mm2 at 50% projectionlevel, peak MNI305-coordinate 5 [46, 28, 212] mm) asshown in Figure 3A.

Furthermore, we analyzed the correlation between qR1values and APS. Because APSs for pure tones and pianotones were very similar (r 5 0.96, P < 1028), the APSs forthe two timbres were averaged for the correlational analy-sis. We used the same GLM [Eq. (2)] replacing the binaryvariable of AP group membership with a continuousbehavioral variable of APS. We found a significant positivecorrelation in the right PP in the same position as for theAP (max T(12) 5 6.45, P 5 0.035, area 5 23 mm2 at 50% pro-jection level, peak MNI305-coordinate 5 [46, 25, 212] mm)as shown in Figure 3B.

In order to show anatomical landmarks around the sig-nificant clusters with AP-related higher myelination, thesignificant clusters for the AP contrast in Eq. (2) weretransformed back into the native volumes of participantsas shown in Figure 4. The cluster voxels are aligned alongthe medial part of the PP in the right hemisphere.

Ruling Out Confounds From Ethnicity: Effect ofAP With Europeans Only

Although ethnicity was included in the previous analysisas a nuisance variable, one may still be concerned about therisk of confound. In order to demonstrate that the AP effectin the right PP cannot be due to the mismatch in ethnicity,we replicated the same analysis with only the Europeanmusicians (i.e., three AP Europeans vs. nine non-AP Euro-peans). Because there was no Asian musician included inthis subset, the ethnicity term was discarded as:

qR15b01age " b11sex " b21AP " b31e: (3)

Please note that, due to the small number of samples inone group (i.e., three APs), the sensitivity of the analysis isreduced. However, if it does yield a significant result, itcannot be confounded by ethnicity. The result is shown inFigure 5. At the same level in the same location, we repro-duced the AP effect (max T(8) 5 10.68, P 5 0.005, area537 mm2 at the 50% projection level, peak MNI305-coor-dinate 5 [45, 29, 211] mm). The effect size of AP at thepeak in the right PP was 0.0171 s21, which is very close tothe effect size of AP estimated with the whole dataset(0.0169 s21; relative error 5 1.18%). If the current finding of

Figure 5.Effect of absolute pitch (AP) within only European musicians in quantitative longitudinal relaxa-tion rate (qR1). T-statistic maps are shown at the deep (25% of thickness) and the middle (50%of thickness) projection levels from the white matter surfaces. Medial views are omitted becauseno significant differences were found there. Note that the qR1 values in scatterplots are adjustedfor nuisance variables. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]

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greater myelin in the right PP had been due to confound-ing effect from the mismatch of ethnicity in experimentdesign, there should not be such a cluster without theAsian musicians. Therefore we can rule out the possibilityof an ethnicity confound in the results presented in Figure3. See Supporting Information for a simulation demon-strating the reliability of the estimation under the currentdesign.

An additional cluster in the left precentral gyrus wasfound (max T(8) 5 8.84, P 5 0.029, area 5 52 mm2 at the 25%projection level, peak MNI305-coordinate 5 [256, 6, 15]mm). However, the estimated effect size (0.0344 s21) wasmuch larger than that of the whole dataset (0.0118 s21; rela-tive error 5 192.3%). Thus, the AP effect in the left precentralgyrus might be because of certain characteristics that arespecific to the three European AP musicians, which werecancelled out by the Asian musicians when the GLM [Eq.(2)] was fitted to the full dataset. Hence, any further inter-pretation of this finding based on the current data is diffi-cult. A dedicated study explicitly targeting the ethnicityeffect would be needed here.

Intracortical Myelination and FrequencyDiscrimination Threshold

Finally, to differentiate the observed neuronal correlateof AP from the sensitivity to mere pitch discriminationpower (i.e., the relative pitch ability), we tested a GLM as:

qR15b01age " b11sex " b21ethnicity " b31AP" b41ð2log 10FDTÞ " b51e; (4)

where FDT 5 F1/F0 is the frequency discrimination thresh-old (see Methods section). Note that FDT was not signifi-cantly different between AP and non-AP groups (seeabove). Strikingly, a localized positive correlation of corti-cal myelin with FDT was found in the lateral HG, extend-ing into lateral STG, in the right hemisphere (maxT(11) 5 6.26, P 5 0.021, area 5 56 mm2 at the 50% projectionlevel, peak MNI305-coordinate 5 [60, 21, 22] mm) asshown in Figure 6. We also found other regions in addi-tion to HG (i.e., inferior frontal gyrus and intraparietal sul-cus) in the superficial layer (see Supporting Informationfor scatterplots of all clusters). It is noteworthy that thesignificant cluster of the AP group effect in the anterome-dial part of STP (Figure 8, inset, green) did not overlapwith the effect of FDT in the anterolateral part of STG(Figure 8, inset, red). This clearly demonstrates the distinc-tiveness of the AP-related temporal myeloarchitecture (forpitch chroma recognition) and the FDT-related one (for rel-ative comparison of two successive tones).


In the search for the myeloarchitectonic correlate of AP,we found greater myelination in AP musicians compared

Figure 6.Effect of frequency discrimination threshold (FDT) in quantitative longitudinal relaxation rate (qR1).T-statistic map only at the middle level (50% of thickness) is shown. A regression plot at the peakvertex is given with an inset showing locations of the significant clusters (P< 0.05) for AP effect(green) and FDT effect (red). For FDT effect, the cluster is a union of all clusters across layers.[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

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to non-AP musicians in the right PP. This is, to our bestknowledge, the first in vivo finding of myeloarchitecturethat correlates with absolute recognition of pitch chroma.As hypothesized, the group effect of AP and the correla-tion effect of APS were located in the STP. In addition, wefound a positive correlation with the frequency discrimina-tion threshold in the lateral Heschl’s gyrus demonstratingspatially distinct neural processes of absolute recognitionof pitch chroma and relative frequency resolution.

While our findings associate the AP ability with themyeloarchitecture of the right anterior STP that is part ofthe ventral auditory pathway, some previous studies havefound heightened leftward specialization in the posteriorSTP (i.e., the area, volume, GMV as well as the functionalactivation of the PT) in AP musicians compared to non-APmusicians [Keenan et al., 2001; Luders et al., 2004; Schlauget al., 1995]. In addition, a recent diffusion tensor imagingstudy reported greater fractional anisotropy (FA) in theleft superior longitudinal fascicle (i.e., the dorsal auditorypathway) [Oechslin et al., 2009]. Although this might seemsurprising at first glance, it is not necessarily a contradic-tion, because we analyzed a different aspect of anatomy,namely cortical myelination as opposed to cortical thick-ness [Dohn et al., 2015], area size [Keenan et al., 2001;Schlaug et al., 1995], or diffusion anisotropy in the whitematter [Oechslin et al., 2009] in previous studies. Theseaspects do not need to be correlated. For example, anincrease or decrease of GMV at the border of the cortexwould affect the image intensity gradient, thus changingthe apparent cortical thickness. However, in the presentstudy, we found an increase in myelination in the middledepth of the cortex, which is less likely to affect the corti-cal surface reconstruction [Dale et al., 1999]. As previouslydiscussed in the Introduction, the notion of leftward asym-metry of AP processing [Keenan et al., 2001; Schlaug et al.,1995] is not uncontended, because recent studies reportedAP effects also in the right STP [Bermudez et al., 2009;Dohn et al., 2015; Wengenroth et al., 2014]. In particular, apositive correlation between the right HG volume and APproficiency suggests that AP processing is not strictly lefthemispheric (possibly bilaterally in parallel) [Wengenrothet al., 2014]. Moreover, because AP mainly involves proc-essing spectral aspects of the auditory input, the idea ofhemispheric differences in temporal integration time win-dows [Poeppel, 2003] and the hemispheric specializationtheory [Zatorre and Zarate, 2012] support a prominentrole of the right hemisphere. Here, we discuss the biologi-cal implications of intracortical myelination, particularly inthe context of the role of the anterior STP in pitch chromaprocessing.

Implication of the IntracorticalMyelination for AP

Myelination in the cortex, and alterations thereof, can inprinciple be due to myelination of intracortical fibers or

due to long-range axonal connections that start from orend in the cortical region. In our study, myelination effectswere found in the right STP at middle depth (i.e., 50% ofcortical thickness) and not in deeper or more superficialcortical layers. Moreover, we did not find a group differ-ence in qR1 values in the subcortical white matter under-neath the right STP (see Supporting Information).Although the subcortical white matter needs to be furtherinvestigated using imaging techniques that are more sensi-tive to white matter microstructures, such as magnetiza-tion transfer imaging or diffusion-weighted imaging, theabsence of strong differences in the subcortical white mat-ter, along with the restriction of the cortical findings to themiddle layer, suggests that the myelination effect in theanterior STP is indeed mainly related to local connections.

Ephaptic crosstalk between two adjacent axons dependson the electric resistance between a node of Ranvier in oneaxon and the nearest, myelinated part of the other axon[Binczak et al., 2001]. By means of electrical insulation,myelination of local neural circuitries could reduce ephap-tic coupling between nearby axons, therefore, increasingspecificity of information transfer. Extraction of pitchchroma based on the long-term templates of 12 tones inthe Western scale would require precise processing ofpitch information, which is already a cortical representa-tion based on acoustic inputs [Griffiths and Hall, 2012]. Ifsuch neural operations occur in the non-primary auditorycortex, greater local myelination might support processingwith heightened specificity. It is known from postmorteminvestigations that nonprimary auditory cortex in thehuman brain has more widespread tangential intracorticalconnections compared to primary auditory cortex [Tardifand Clarke, 2001]. The current myeloarchitectonic findingsmight be interpreted as an alteration of the tangential con-nections in the nonprimary auditory cortex, which contrib-ute to the computation of pitch chroma.

Moreover, intracortical myelination can restrictexperience-driven neuroplasticity. In a mouse model[McGee et al., 2005], an abrupt increase of gray mattermyelination was found in normal mice after the criticalperiod, which precluded further reorganization of oculardominancy. The importance of cortical myelin in suppres-sion of neuroplasticity in adult mice was also demon-strated by the observation that focal demyelinationenabled recovery from amblyopia [Bavelier et al., 2010]. Arecent intriguing human study found that administrationof volproic acid, which is known to cause hypomyelina-tion of the corpus callosum in developing mice [Shenet al., 2005], can enable human adults to acquire an AP-like long-term memory for a limited number of tones [Ger-vain et al., 2013]. Given that the acquisition of AP is asso-ciated with an early onset of musical training/experience,typically between age 4 and 7 years [Baharloo et al., 1998;Miyazaki and Ogawa, 2006], the greater myelination in theAP musicians may imply that AP requires a prohibitorymechanism of neuroplasticity, which preserves the

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spectro-temporal templates obtained during the criticalperiod in children with predispositions for AP [Baharlooet al., 2000].

Functional Role of the Anterior STP in AP

We found heavier cortical myelination in the anteriorSTP in the AP musicians. Specifically, the myelin differ-ence was localized on the medial part of the PP, whichcorresponds to anterior auditory (AA) region as definedbased on cyto-/receptor architecture [Rivier and Clarke,1997]. The AA region, which is a part of the ‘belt’ region,was characterized by strong (but weaker than primaryauditory area; AI) densities of soma and fibers of pyrami-dal cells in layer III [Rivier and Clarke, 1997]. A tracingstudy found that the intrinsic connectivity of area TG (inPP) is mainly of longer range (greater than 4 mm and upto 7 mm) compared to that of HG (less than 2.5 mm) andanisotropic: the connections spread more posteriorlytowards HG [Tardif and Clarke, 2001]. Based on the inter-mediate cytoarchitectonic properties (i.e., cell densitygreater than lateral STG but smaller than AI) AA has beenconsidered as an early non-primary auditory cortex [Rivierand Clarke, 1997] and also a part of the ventral pathwaybased on neuroimaging studies that demonstrated selectiv-ity of AA to sound recognition rather than sound localiza-tion [Clarke and Morosan, 2012].

The functional and structural dissociation of the spatialand non-spatial information, being separately processed inparallel in non-human primates [Kusmierek and Rau-schecker, 2009; Rauschecker, 2015; Tian et al., 2001] andhumans [Arnott et al., 2004; Warren and Griffiths, 2003],has been theorized as ‘dual-auditory-pathways’. From anumber of human neuroimaging studies [Altmann et al.,2007; Arnott et al., 2004; Barrett and Hall, 2006; Hart et al.,2004], the spatial information was found to be processedin the dorsal auditory pathway whereas the nonspatialinformation was found to be in the ventral auditory path-way. Particularly, the ventral auditory pathway, includingthe right anterior region of STP and superior temporal sul-cus (STS), has been believed to play a distinctive role inidentifying auditory object properties [Griffiths and War-ren, 2004], such as voice identity [Belin et al., 2000] andacoustic properties of vocal tracts [von Kriegstein et al.,2006]. This further demonstrated that the right anteriorSTS is sensitive to the change of the sound-source identityusing environmental sounds, of which distinctiveness wasparametrically manipulated.

The differential processing of pitch chroma and pitchheight has often been suggested based on the occurrenceof octave errors in AP musicians [Deutsch, 2013; Deutschand Henthorn, 2004; Miyazaki, 1988; Takeuchi and Hulse,1993]. The dissociated recognition ability of AP musicianson pitch chroma and pitch height implies that the APmusicians are especially sensitive to the pitch chroma, notto the pitch height. A neuroimaging study that independ-

ently manipulated pitch chroma and pitch height revealedthat the anterior STP is more sensitive to change in pitchchroma than the posterior STP [Warren and Griffiths,2003], supporting the notion that recurring representationof pitch chroma is handled in a pathway that is distinctfrom the one that processes the pitch height. Thus, wespeculate that the AP-related myelination increase in theanterior STP found in our data might be related to the par-allel processing of pitch chroma and pitch height. Morespecifically, for AP musicians, pitch chroma may be anidentifiable property of an auditory object, while pitchheight is processed as a relative position on a linear con-tinuum, similarly to the non-AP population. As discussedin the previous section, local myelination may increasespecificity of the tone representations and hinder neuro-plasticity [Bavelier et al., 2010], thus enabling precisematching between the spectrotemporal images [Griffithsand Warren, 2004] of online inputs and of the templates inlong-term memory.

Localization of the long-term memory traces of pitchchroma in AP musicians remains unclear. Dohn et al.[2015] suggested an involvement of the right hippocampusbased on their finding of a correlation between the FA ofthe white matter in the ventral pathway and cortical thick-ness in the parahippocampal gyrus. However, it wasshown that the hippocampus is selectively involved in theretrieval of recollection-like context-based episodic mem-ory, but not in familiarity-based recognition [Eldridgeet al., 2000; Fortin et al., 2004]. Strikingly, two very rarecases of epileptic patients with AP [Suriadi et al., 2015;Zatorre, 1989] demonstrated that the musical abilities andAP recognition remained intact after temporal lobectomy.In one case [Zatorre, 1989], the patient underwent an ante-rior temporal lobectomy in the left hemisphere thatremoved the amygdala and a sizable portion of hippocam-pal structures. In another case [Suriadi et al., 2015], thepatient underwent a selective amygdalohippocampectomyin the right hemisphere to minimize damages in othertemporal structures. The unimpaired AP listening after theoperation implies that the hippocampus might not be nec-essary in retaining AP.

We suggest that the right anterior STP plays a key rolein the pitch chroma extraction process, which correspondsto the early perceptual component of AP and should be aunique process only in the AP musicians but not in thenon-AP musicians. For further clarification, functionalmeasurements (e.g., through fMRI) might be useful. Ifthere exists a separate cortical module in the right PP thatextracts pitch chroma, the region would be selectively sen-sitive to pitch chroma but not to pitch height. In otherwords, when an AP musician hears two tones an octaveapart (e.g., C4 and C5), in the primary auditory cortex theactivation peaks for the two tones should be distant alongthe tonotopic gradient [Moerel et al., 2012], whereas in theright PP the two peaks should be at the same positionbecause of the identical pitch chromas of the two tones.

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Alternatively, instead of a geometrical (preferably geo-desic) distance between brain sites, one could measure ahigh dimensional distance in a functional space as com-monly utilized in multivariate pattern analysis methodssuch as a searchlight method [Haxby, 2012]. Under thesame assumption, the functional distance amongst thelocal multivariate patterns in the right PP responding tothe two tones with the same pitch chroma is expected tobe closer than that in the primary auditory cortex. Suchanalyses will help to localize the AP template in thefuture.

Intracortical Myelination and FDT

Further to some recent studies reporting in vivo meas-urements of myelin concentration and tonotopic organiza-tion in human auditory cortex [De Martino et al., 2014;Dick et al., 2012], we found a correlation between in vivomapping of intracortical myelination in the right anterolat-eral HG extending to the lateral STG, which correspondsto Te3 in non-primary auditory cortex [Morosan et al.,2001], and the frequency resolution in auditory perceptionof musicians for the first time. In the following paragraphswe briefly discuss how this finding relates to previousresearch.

The importance of the right lateral HG in pitch percep-tion has been established in a number of functional andlesion studies in human and non-human primate subjects[Bendor and Wang, 2005; Norman-Haignere et al., 2013;Patterson et al., 2002; Penagos et al., 2004]. In marmosetmonkeys, pitch-selective neurons were found near theanterolateral border of the primary auditory cortex[Bendor and Wang, 2005]. In humans, pitch-sensitiveregions were also localized in the anterolateral part of theprimary auditory cortex [Norman-Haignere et al., 2013;Patterson et al., 2002]. Another human fMRI study, inwhich pitch salience was manipulated while controllingfor temporal regularity of auditory stimuli, found a corre-late of pitch salience at the anterolateral end of HG [Pena-gos et al., 2004]. Moreover, microelectrode recordings frombilateral HG in epileptic patients showed that responses ofsingle neurons are selectively tuned with a very fine fre-quency resolution (frequency ratio of about 3%), whichcorresponds to the just-noticeable difference in theuntrained normal population [Bitterman et al., 2008].

In addition, greater involvement of the right hemi-sphere, compared to the left hemisphere, in pitch percep-tion [Zatorre, 1998] has been further demonstrated inhuman studies using magnetoencephalography (MEG)[Patel and Balaban, 2001; Schneider et al., 2002], positronemission tomography (PET) [Zatorre, 1998], and fMRI[Zatorre and Belin, 2001]. Even more strikingly, humanlesion studies showed that resection of the right HGgreatly worsened the pitch discrimination ability, whereasit remained intact when only the left HG was removed[Johnsrude et al., 2000; Russell and Golfinos, 2003]. More

recently, Coffey et al. demonstrated that the frequency-locked auditory response (estimated from MEG sourcereconstruction) in the right auditory cortex was inverselycorrelated with a frequency discrimination thresholdacross individuals whereas such a relationship was notfound in the left auditory cortex [Coffey et al., 2016]. Thereare also some morphological findings supporting the roleof the right HG in pitch discrimination. Schneider et al.reported increased grey matter volume related to pitchdiscrimination performance [Schneider et al., 2002], albeitat a much coarser frequency resolution (>1 semitone) com-pared to the present study. In this context, our finding ofa correlation between the cortical myelination in the rightlateral HG and FDT supports the crucial role of the rightlateral HG in pitch extraction and may provide an insightinto the neural implementation of this process.

The separate locations of pitch chroma identificationand fine pitch frequency discrimination in the right audi-tory cortex, which is specialized to spectral as opposed totemporal processing according to some theories [Poeppel,2003], in terms of local cortical myelination (which mightreflect local processing capabilities) highlights the distinct-ness of the underlying mechanisms of both faculties.


In the current dataset, there was a mismatch betweenthe AP and non-AP groups in terms of ethnicity (moreAsian musicians than European musicians in the APgroup), which was rooted in recruiting difficulties. How-ever, we did demonstrate that the current findings withrespect to AP could not be due to confounding influenceof ethnicity.

The question remains as to whether there are some spe-cific differences in cortical myelination that could be attrib-uted to the ethnic background of the subjects. Althoughup to now no study has reported ethnic differences incortical myelination, differences in cortical thickness andGM local volume were found in various areas of the cor-tex; (frontal, parietal, median temporal, and polymodalassociation cortices [Chee et al., 2011]. However, as dis-cussed earlier, cortical thickness and myelination withinthe cortex may not be necessarily related. Although wedid find effect of ethnicity in our current data (see Sup-porting Information for the effects of demographic varia-bles), a large-scale study is needed to elucidate the effectsof ethnicity and any possible interaction with AP.


We found greater intracortical myelination in an areawithin the right PP in AP musicians compared to non-APmusicians, which was spatially distinct from another areain the anterolateral HG that correlated with FDT. Weargue that heavier myelination of local wiring may be ben-eficial to the preservation of precise representations of

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pitch chroma after the acquisition of AP. Because it isknown that the identity of an auditory object is processedalong the ventral auditory pathway including the anteriorSTP, we suggest that the pitch chroma may be processedas an identifiable object property in AP musicians. Ourfindings indicate that the extraction of pitch chroma mightoccur in the anterior STP; however, further studies basedon structural and functional brain imaging are needed toclarify whether and to what extent that region is merely apart of a wider network. Moreover, the localization of dis-tinct cortical myelination related to pitch chroma identifi-cation and frequency discrimination in the righthemisphere is in favor of theories that postulate specializa-tion of the left and right hemispheres in temporal andspectral processing, respectively.


The authors thank Angela D. Friederici and DanielaSammler for insightful discussions and helpful commentson an earlier version of this article. The authors are grate-ful to the anonymous reviewers, who provided valuableand constructive suggestions that helped us improve thepaper substantially.


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Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

Supporting information Title: Intracortical myelination in musicians with absolute pitch: quantitative morphometry

using 7-T MRI Authors: Seung-Goo Kim, Thomas R. Knösche Affiliation: Max-Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany Corresponding author: Seung-Goo Kim Postal address: Stephanstraße 1A, 04103 Leipzig, Germany Phone: +49 341 9940 2618 Facsimile: +49 341 9940 2624 Email: [email protected]

Detailed description of image processing

Skull-stripping of MP2RAGE image.

In ultra-high (≥ 7T) static magnetic fields, T1-weighted (T1w) imaging is highly affected by inhomogeneities in the

transmit field. To minimize such biases, the T1w image in the MP2RAGE sequence is created by combining two

inversion images (Marques et al., 2010). This results in uniform tissue contrast over the whole brain, but it also

amplifies noise outside the head and in areas adjacent to the brain, which somewhat hampers the use of common

image processing tools that are optimized for conventional T1w images at lower field strength (≤3T) MRIs. Thus,

we performed brain extraction in two steps: (1) Brain Extraction Tool (BET) in FMRIB Software Library (FSL;

http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/) (Jenkinson et al., 2012) was applied to the second inversion image, which has a

similar contrast to proton density images, with a liberal fractional intensity threshold of 0.1, in order to create a

rough brain mask that discards background noise outside the head. However, the noise in the dura mater still

remains after BET. (2) We fed the brain mask to the Voxel-Based Morphometry Toolbox 8 (VBM8;

http://www.neuro.uni-jena.de/vbm/) on Statistic Parametric Mapping (SPM; http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/)

(Ashburner, 2012) to obtain tissue segmentations of gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid. Finally, the

skull-stripped T1w image was created by masking the unbiased T1w image with the union of the three

segmentations from VBM8. Extracted brain images were visually inspected and manually corrected if necessary.

Cortical surface construction and qR1 resampling

Cortical surfaces were reconstructed using FreeSurfer (http://freesurfer.net/) (Fischl, 2012) from the skull-stripped

T1w image that was down-sampled to 1-mm isotropic resolution. The average number of vertices was about

140,000 per hemisphere, and the average lengths of edges were 0.99 ± 0.41 mm (‘pial’ surface, interface between

the gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid) and 0.88 ± 0.25 mm (‘white’ surface, interface between the gray and white

matter). Three layers between the pial and white surfaces were modeled by displacing vertices of the white surface

along the outward normal vectors by the 25, 50, and 75% of cortical thicknesses. Subsequently, the qT1 image at

0.7-mm isovoxel resolution was directly sampled at the vertices of these 3 individual cortical surfaces using nearest

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

neighbor interpolation. The individual qT1 maps on native surfaces were then registered to a template mesh

contained in FreeSurfer (called ‘fsaverage’ in MNI305 space) using spherical mapping that aligns local curvature.

Finally, qR1 (= 1/qT1) values were computed from the surface-mapped qT1 values and bounded within a range

between 0.25 and 10 s-1, which corresponds to the qT1 range between 100 and 4000 msec.

Correlation between local curvature and cortical myelin

Spurious correlations between cortical myelin density, cortical thickness, and local curvature were reported from

histological samples (Annese et al., 2004) and a large-scale in-vivo MRI dataset (Shafee et al., 2015). Those

relationships are known to be negative (greater myelination in a thinner or more convex region of the cortex)

(Shafee et al., 2015). To construct a grid system free of such a bias, Waehnert et al. (2014) implemented a novel

layering method that preserves local volume so that the modeled layers mimic the physical bending process of

cortical sheets. Although such layer modeling is highly attractive and worked better in ex-vivo images at 0.14-mm

isotropic resolution, as shown in Waehnert et al. (2014), the result of the isovolumetric model was very similar to

that of other methods, such as an isopotential model using the Laplacian or an equidistant model, suggesting that

the benefit of the novel layering method would be limited in our dataset at 0.7-mm isotropic resolution. Thus, we

used an equidistant model (i.e., equal thickness of ‘layers’ at each point) by fixed proportion of cortical thickness.

In the present data, we indeed found a negative correlation of qR1 values with curvature and thickness as

previously reported in the literature (Dick et al., 2012; Lutti et al., 2014; Sereno et al., 2013). However, the effect

sizes were very small and negligible (correlation between qR1 and curvature was -0.0058 ± 0.0026; correlation

between qR1 and thickness was -0.0757 ± 0.0083). The significance level was very high (p< 10-16), but this was

mainly due to the very large number of measures (more than 140,000 vertices for each hemisphere). This also

explains why the ‘de-curved/de-thickened’ qR1 values were very similar to the demeaned qR1 values in those

studies (Dick et al., 2012; Sereno et al., 2013). Consequently, we did not use the geometrical covariates in our

statistical analysis.

Effects of demographic variables

To determine whether covarying demographic variables is necessary, we tested effects of age, sex, and ethnicity

using a very simple model as:

qR1 = β0 +Dβ1 + ε . (Eq. S1)

where D is either age, sex, or ethnicity. We found significant effects over extensive areas including right inferior

frontal gyrus, right anterior cingulate gyrus, and right superior temporal gyrus (age effect; Figure S1, upper row),

right superior temporal sulcus (sex effect; Figure S1, middle row), and left planum temporale and supra marginal

gyrus (ethnicity effect; Figure S1, lower row). Given the significant effects of demographic variables, we

incorporated them as covariate terms in order to control possible confounding.

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

Figure S1. The effect of demographic variables (age, sex, and ethnicity) on quantitative

longitudinal relaxation rate (qR1). T-statistic maps are given for each projection level.

See Table S-I for details of significant clusters.

Table S-I. Significant clusters for the effect of demographic variables

Side Level* Structurename T(15) p-value+ Area(mm2) MNI-305(x,y,zmm)


A Right 25% Rightanteriorcingulatecortex 6.15 0.0037 308.8 1.6 42.6 9.2

B Right 25% Righttriangularpartoftheinteriorfrontalgyrus 5.18 0.0111 108.2 51.1 26.3 -0.5

C Right 25% Rightmiddlefrontalsulcus 4.99 0.0188 314.0 23.7 44.2 19.6

D Right 25% Rightorbitalgyri 6.24 0.0184 72.0 37.2 25.7 -22.4

E Right 25% Rightfronto-marginalgyrus/sulcus 4.99 0.0055 241.9 24.1 50.7 2.0

F Right 50% Rightorbitalpartoftheinteriorfrontalgyrus 5.93 0.0092 81.4 53.0 30.3 -2.6

G Right 75% Rightsuperiortemporalsulcus 6.26 0.0047 109.1 65.3 -11.1 -2.5


A Right 50% Rightsuperiortemporalsulcus 4.71 0.0434 46.4 44.3 -38.8 -0.9

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch


A Left 25% Leftmid-postcingulatecortex 5.26 0.0064 123.4 -20.8 -53.2 -1.4

B Left 25% Leftsupramarginalgyrus 5.50 0.0069 185.7 -64.9 -34.1 36.2

C Left 25% Leftplanumtemporale 6.06 0.0001 426.9 -64.6 -52.5 18.3

D Right 25% Rightopercularpartoftheinteriorfrontalgyrus 4.78 0.0356 85.8 55.1 14.2 13.9

E Right 25% Rightparahippocampalgyrus 5.48 0.0088 86.6 6.1 -45.0 1.0

F Left 50% Leftorbitalpartoftheinteriorfrontalgyrus 4.95 0.0249 46.6 -50.5 32.3 -11.3

G Left 50% Leftsupramarginalgyrus 4.94 0.0436 103.8 -64.9 -34.5 35.6

H Left 50% Leftplanumtemporale 10.14 0.0001 308.4 -64.6 -52.5 18.3

I Right 50% Rightplanumpolare 4.68 0.0460 57.1 46.5 -14.0 3.7

J Left 75% Lefttemporalpole 7.80 0.0375 68.2 -45.8 18.8 -30.5

K Left 75% Leftsuperiortemporalsulcus 5.29 0.0296 145.3 -53.9 -13.3 -16.7

L Left 75% Leftplanumtemporale 6.46 0.0069 83.8 -60.5 -43.8 28.1

M Left 75% Leftplanumtemporale 7.17 0.0072 48.1 -63.7 -53.8 15.5

* Projection level indicates its sampling point from gray matter and white matter interface along an outward

normal vector by 25 % (deep), 50 % (middle), or 75 % (superficial) of cortical thickness. + P-values are corrected

for multiple comparison correction at cluster level.

Controlling for the effect of ethnicity

Due to the imbalanced design of the current study in terms of ethnicity (i.e., 8 musicians with absolute pitch [AP]

= 5 Asian musicians + 3 European musicians; 9 musicians without AP = 9 European musicians), one might

wonder if it is possible to separate the effect of ethnicity from that of absolute pitch. To compare the bias in the

current sample with that of an ideal scenario, a numerical simulation was carried out. As stated in the main text,

the group effect was estimated using the model (Eq. S2):

qR1 = β0 +ageβ1 + sexβ2 + ethnicityβ3 + APβ4 + ε . (Eq. S2)

From the peak vertex at the middle depth (50% of cortical thickness) in the right planum polare, estimated

coefficients were 0.4437 (interceptor), 0.0004 (age), 0.0040 (sex), -0.0093 (ethnicity), and 0.0169 (AP) s-1. The

standard deviation of the residuals was 0.0033 and the mean was 10-14 s-1. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test did not

reject the null hypothesis that the distribution of residuals is normal (p = 0.845). Therefore, we used normal

distribution to generate noise with the observed mean and standard deviation. Assuming the model (Eq.2) as well

as effect size and noise level estimated from the current dataset as “ground truth”, simulated datasets (k = 10,000)

were generated for different design matrices varying the number of European AP musicians. Because the number

of European AP musicians controls the separation between the ethnicity and AP variables, its change varies the

collinearity between ethnicity and AP. The procedure of simulation is as follows:

1. Change the original design matrix X to make it more or less balanced by changing the ethnicity vector x’e while

leaving other vectors x-e constant:

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

X← x−e x'e⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

1.1. Generate data with assumed ‘true’ parameters of the effect size b= [β0 ,β1 ,!,βn] , mean µ, and standard

deviation σ of a normal distribution N:

y←Xb +N(µ ,σ 2)

1.2. Least-square-estimation (LSE) fitting where superscripted T means transposition and + means


b←(XTX)+ +XT y

1.3. Compute and store the relative error of estimation for the i-th regressor of interest:

erel ←(βi −βi )/βi

1.4. Repeat (1.1) to (1.4) for 10,000 times.

2. Repeat 1 for all possible design matrices.

Boxplots of relative errors of estimated effect sizes of AP over the correlation between ethnicity and AP are

given in Figure S2. Because the generated noise was unbiased, the median of estimated βi was very close to the

true βi in all cases. However, as the design becomes more imbalanced (i.e., greater correlation), the reliability of

estimation decreases (i.e., more distant range between outliers and quantiles), and vice versa.

The result indicates that the reliability of estimating the effect size of AP under the current design (relative

error= -0.09 ± 13.16 %; the blue squared boxplot in Figure S2) is still comparable to a perfectly balanced design

(relative error= 0.05 ± 9.41 %, the leftmost boxplot in Figure S2) and much better than the worst case (relative

error= -0.39 ± 21.39 %; the rightmost boxplot in Figure S2). Additionally, in terms of the minima and maxima of

relative errors from 10,000 randomizations, the current design shows reasonable bounds ([-46.16, 49.06] %) with

respect to the ideal one ([-38.01, 35.51] %) and certainly narrower than the worst one ([-79.38, 91.16] %).

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

Figure S2. Relative errors in estimating effect size of absolute pitch over correlation

between ethnicity and AP. The blue rectangle indicates the correlation between the two

variables under the current design.

Effect of frequency discrimination threshold

We tested a GLM (Eq. 3 in the main text) as:

qR1 = β0 +ageβ1 + sexβ2 + ethnicityβ3 + APβ4 +(− logFDT )β5 + ε , (Eq. S3)

where FDT=F1/F0, F1 is the minimal frequency of a target that one can discriminate, and F0 is the frequency of a

reference. See Micheyl et al. (2006) for further details of the behavioral experiment. The results are given in Figure

S3 and Table S-II. The effect of frequency discrimination threshold (FDT) in the lateral region of the right

Heschl’s gyrus (HG) extending to the lateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) was found across all layers (Figure S3,

A, B, C). Differences in other regions were found only in the superficial layer (75% of thickness from the white

matter surface): i.e., in the opercular part of the right inferior frontal gyrus (Figure S3, E) and in the right lateral

superior transverse gyrus of the parietal lobe (Figure S3, D).

Figure S3. The effect of frequency discrimination threshold (FDT) on quantitative

longitudinal relaxation rate (qR1). T-statistic maps are given for each projection level.

See Table S-II for details of significant clusters.

Table S-II. Significant clusters for the effect of frequency discrimination threshold (FDT)

Side Level* Structurename T(11) p-value+ Area(mm2) MNI-305(x,y,zmm)

A Right 25% RighttransversegyrusofHeschl 6.51 0.0331 46.8 59.9 -2.6 -0.8

B Right 50% RighttransversegyrusofHeschl 6.26 0.0208 61.8 60.0 -1.4 -1.7

C Right 75% Rightlateralsuperiortransversegyrus 5.48 0.0240 37.3 60.1 2.6 -7.9

D Right 75% Rightintra-/trans-parietalsulci 6.01 0.0480 37.6 20.6 -59.1 51.2

E Right 75% Rightopercularpartoftheinferiorfrontalgyrus 5.78 0.0088 70.7 54.5 -5.5 6.4

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

* Projection level indicates its sampling point from gray matter and white matter interface along an outward

normal vector by 25 % (deep), 50 % (middle), or 75 % (superficial) of cortical thickness. + P-values are corrected

for multiple comparison correction at cluster level.

Subcortical white matter myelination

The main findings of altered cortical myelination in the anterior part of the right supratemporal plane (STP) that

related to absolute pitch (AP) performance could either be due to long-range connections from/to the anterior STP

or due to intracortical connections within that region. If increased myelination was also found in the white matter

underneath the anterior STP, the additional cortical myelin in the AP musicians could be interpreted as part of a

long-range connection. However, qR1 mapping is not an optimal choice to investigate white matter myelination

compared to magnetization transfer imaging or diffusion-weighted imaging. Here, we only explored such a

possibility from qR1 data, but it should be further examined using white matter myelin imaging in a future study.

We sampled qR1 values from subcortical white matter at 25, 50, and 75 % of cortical thickness along the inward

normal vectors pointing to the white matter. All sampling points were visually inspected (see Figure S4 for an

example) and computationally confirmed that coordinates of all sampling points are confined in the white matter

mask in 3-D volume.

Figure S4. Subcortical white matter sampling points overlaid on the qT1 (=1/qR1)

image of a single subject. Purple, green, and orange pixels indicate sampling position in

white matter which are shifted inward by the 25%, 50%, and 75% of cortical thickness

from the gray and white matter interface, respectively. The sampling points are positioned

within the white matter, which appears in dark in the qT1 image.

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

Using a general linear model (GLM) (Eq. S2) that was used to test AP effect in intracortical myelination, we

found an AP effect in the right angular gyrus (AG) (max T(12) = 6.29, p = 0.018, area =25 mm2 at the -75 %

projection level, peak MNI305-coordinate = [35, -75, 42] mm) as seen in Figure S5 (upper row).

However, we did not find any differences in subcortical white matter near the right anterior STP, suggesting

that the greater cortical myelination in the AP musicians might reflect horizontal, local connections within the

cortex rather than vertical, long-range connections.

In addition, we investigated FDT effect in qR1 values in the subcortical white matter using a GLM (Eq. S3)

because intersubject variability in FDT might be related to variability in myelination of acoustic radiation (i.e.,

thalamic projection into primary auditory cortex (PAC). However, we only found a positive correlation between

FDT and subcortical myelin in the left orbital sulci (max T(12) = 9.40, p = 0.0002, area = 254 mm2 at the -25 %

projection; max T(12) = 8.41, p = 0.0158, area = 48 mm2 at the -50% projection) as shown in Figure S5 (lower row)

but no effect of FDT in qR1 values beneath the PAC. Significant clusters for the effects of AP and FDT are listed in

Table S-III. However, as mentioned earlier, more evidence from other imaging techniques that are better at

localizing alteration of white matter myelination is needed.

Figure S5. The effect of absolute pitch (AP) and frequency discrimination threshold

(FDT) on quantitative longitudinal relaxation rate (qR1) in subcortical white matter. T-

statistic maps are given for each projection level. See Table S-III for details of significant


Table S-III. Significant clusters for the effect of absolute pitch (AP) and frequency discrimination threshold

(FDT) in subcortical white matter qR1 values.

Side Level* Structurename T(11) p-value+ Area(mm2) MNI-305(x,y,zmm)

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

APeffectA Right -75% Rightangulargyrus 6.29 0.0323 29.55 34.6 -75.4 42.4FDTeffectB Left -50% Leftorbitalsulci 8.41 0.0158 47.5 -40.5 31.2 -16.4C Left -25% Leftorbitalsulci 6.01 0.0480 37.6 20.6 -59.1 51.2

* Projection level indicates its sampling point within the subcortical white matter at an inward projection by -75 %

(deep), -50 % (middle), or -25 % (superficial) of cortical thickness. + P-values are corrected for multiple

comparison correction at cluster level.

Intersubject variability of octave errors

Octave errors are defined as answers with correct pitch chroma, but incorrect pitch height. Because non-

absolute pitch (AP) musicians did not give a sufficient number of answers with correct pitch chroma (by

definition), we only analyzed octave errors of AP musicians (n=8). We computed the octave error rate (OER),

which is a ratio of the number of octave errors to the number of answers with correct pitch chroma, for pure tones

and piano tones separately.

As discussed in the Behavioral results subsection in the main text, AP musicians made more octave errors for

pure tones compared to piano tones (T(7) = 5.68, p = 0.0007). The OERs for pure tones were greater than 50% for

all AP musicians whereas the OER for piano tones were less than 50% as shown in Figure S6 A. In accordance with

known dissociation between the acuities in pitch chroma and pitch height (Deutsch, 2013), we did not find any

correlation between the OER and the absolute pitch score (APS) (p = 0.48, pure tone; p = 0.56, piano tone) as in

Figure S6 B, C. Moreover, no significant correlation between the octave errors and fine-grained relative pitch

perception (i.e., FDT) was found (p = 0.5 for pure tones; p = 0.92 for piano tones) as in Figure S6 D, E.

Because the number of AP musicians in the current dataset is limited (n=8), it was difficult to fit a GLM with

demographic covariates reasonably (i.e., degrees of freedom = 3). Because age, sex, and ethnicity were still

influential also within the AP musicians, we believe controlling the demographic variables is necessary. Further

investigation on the octave errors would be possible with a greater dataset of AP musicians in the future.

Figure S6. Octave error rate (OER) and its relationship with mean absolute corrected

errors (mACE) and frequency discrimination threshold (FDT). Histogram for for OERs

for pure and piano tones (A); scatterplots of mACE over OER for pure tones (B) and OER

for piano tones (C); scatterplots of FDT over OER for pure tones (D) and OER for piano

tones (E) are given.

Supporting information for: Kim and Knösche, Intracortical myelination and absolute pitch

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