Research Report Intracerebroventricular administration of Shiga toxin type 2 altered the expression levels of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and glial fibrillary acidic protein in rat brains Javier Boccoli a , C. Fabián Loidl b , Juan José Lopez-Costa b , Virginia Pistone Creydt a , Cristina Ibarra a , Jorge Goldstein a, a Laboratorio de Fisiopatogenia, Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Paraguay 2155 piso 7, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 1121, Argentina b Instituto de Biología Celular y Neurociencia Prof. E. De Robertis, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1121, Argentina ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article history: Accepted 8 July 2008 Available online 22 July 2008 Shiga toxin (Stx) from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (STEC) is the main cause of hemorrhagic colitis which may derive into Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) and acute encephalopathy, one of the major risk factors for infant death caused by the toxin. We have previously demonstrated that intracerebroventricular administration of Stx2 causes neuronal death and glial cell damage in rat brains. In the present work, we observed that the intracerebroventricular administration of Stx2 increased the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) leading to astrogliosis. Confocal microscopy showed reactive astrocytes in contact with Stx2-containing neurons. Immunocolocalization of increased GFAP and Stx2 in astrocytes was also observed. This insult in the brain was correlated with changes in the expression and activity of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) by using the NADPH-diaphorase histochemical technique (NADPH-d HT). A significant decrease in NOS/ NADPH-d-positive neurons and NOS/NADPH-d activity was observed in cerebral cortex and striatum, whereas an opposite effect was found in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. We concluded that the i.c.v. administration of Stx2 promotes a typical pattern of brain injury showing reactive astrocytes and an alteration in the number and activity of nNOS/NADPH-d. According to the functional state of nNOS/NADPH-d and to brain cell morphology data, it could be inferred that the i.c.v. administration of Stx2 leads to either a neurodegenerative or a neuroprotective mechanism in the affected brain areas. The present animal model resembles the encephalopathy developed in Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) patients by STEC intoxication. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Shiga toxin 2 Nitric oxide GFAP Brain injury Confocal immunofluorescence BRAIN RESEARCH 1230 (2008) 320 333 Corresponding author. Fax: +54 11 4 964 0503. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Goldstein). Abbreviations: i.c.v., Intracerebroventricular; Stx, Shiga toxin; NOS, Nitric oxide synthase; NADPH-d, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase; GFAP, Glial fibrillary acidic protein 0006-8993/$ see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.07.052 available at www.sciencedirect.com www.elsevier.com/locate/brainres

Intracerebroventricular administration of Shiga toxin type 2 altered the expression levels of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and glial fibrillary acidic protein in rat brains

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Research Report

Intracerebroventricular administration of Shiga toxin type 2altered the expression levels of neuronal nitric oxide synthaseand glial fibrillary acidic protein in rat brains

Javier Boccolia, C. Fabián Loidlb, Juan José Lopez-Costab, Virginia Pistone Creydta,Cristina Ibarraa, Jorge Goldsteina,⁎aLaboratorio de Fisiopatogenia, Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Paraguay 2155 piso 7,Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 1121, ArgentinabInstituto de Biología Celular y Neurociencia “Prof. E. De Robertis”, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires,Buenos Aires, 1121, Argentina


⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +54 11 4 964 050E-mail address: [email protected] (J. GoldAbbreviations: i.c.v., Intracerebroventricula

phosphate diaphorase; GFAP, Glial fibrillary

0006-8993/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevidoi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.07.052


Article history:Accepted 8 July 2008Available online 22 July 2008

Shiga toxin (Stx) from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (STEC) is the main cause ofhemorrhagic colitis which may derive into Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) and acuteencephalopathy, one of the major risk factors for infant death caused by the toxin. We havepreviously demonstrated that intracerebroventricular administration of Stx2 causesneuronal death and glial cell damage in rat brains. In the present work, we observed thatthe intracerebroventricular administration of Stx2 increased the expression of glial fibrillaryacidic protein (GFAP) leading to astrogliosis. Confocal microscopy showed reactiveastrocytes in contact with Stx2-containing neurons. Immunocolocalization of increasedGFAP and Stx2 in astrocytes was also observed. This insult in the brain was correlated withchanges in the expression and activity of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) by using theNADPH-diaphorase histochemical technique (NADPH-d HT). A significant decrease in NOS/NADPH-d-positive neurons and NOS/NADPH-d activity was observed in cerebral cortex andstriatum, whereas an opposite effect was found in the hypothalamic paraventricularnucleus. We concluded that the i.c.v. administration of Stx2 promotes a typical pattern ofbrain injury showing reactive astrocytes and an alteration in the number and activity ofnNOS/NADPH-d. According to the functional state of nNOS/NADPH-d and to brain cellmorphology data, it could be inferred that the i.c.v. administration of Stx2 leads to either aneurodegenerative or a neuroprotectivemechanism in the affected brain areas. The presentanimal model resembles the encephalopathy developed in Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome(HUS) patients by STEC intoxication.

© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Shiga toxin 2Nitric oxideGFAPBrain injuryConfocal immunofluorescence

3.stein).r; Stx, Shiga toxin; NOS, Nitric oxide synthase; NADPH-d, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotideacidic protein

er B.V. All rights reserved.

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1. Introduction

Shiga toxin (Stx) from Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli(STEC) is the main cause of hemorrhagic colitis and subse-quent Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) (O'Brien and Kaper,1998), a triad of events that include: thrombocytopenia,microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and acute renal failure(Proulx et al., 2001). CNS dysfunctions caused by STEC is one ofthe most severe risk factors among infant mortality at theacute period of the illness (Exeni, 2001; Eriksson et al., 2001;Oakes et al., 2006).

Stx is a 71-kDa protein composed of a 32-kDa subunit A(StxA) and five 7.7-kDa subunits B (StxB). StxA bears N-glycanase activity, depurinates the rRNA 28S and conse-quently inhibits protein biosynthesis. To perform this task intarget cells, StxA must be transported to the cytosol by StxB(Johannes & Decaudin 2005; Sandvig & van Deurs 2005). On theother hand, the StxB is a doughnut-like homopentamer with acentral pore that binds with high affinity to the globotriao-sylceramide cell membrane Gb3; the Stx is then internalizedinto early/recycling endosomes towards the trans-Golgi net-work, avoiding the late endocytic pathway (Mallard et al.,1998). After bypassing the endoplasmic reticulum (Sandvig etal., 1992), the StxA is translocated to the cytosol and inhibitsribosomes (Lord et al., 2005).

Despite these observations, the direct involvement of Stx inCNS neurons has not been accurately established. In the lightof this need, we have recently published the effects of Stx2 inbrain cells in vivo. As a novel finding, we showed a detailedultrastructural study of the action of Stx2 when it was i.c.v.microinfused in the rat brain. By using transmission electronmicroscopy, apoptotic neurons were observed in associationwith Stx2 immunolabeling, together with pathological ultra-structural alterations of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes inaffected brain areas (Goldstein et al., 2007). All the datapresented clearly demonstrated the neurotoxic involvementof Stx2 in particular brain areas that seem to be involved in theCNS damages observed in children with HUS.

How the toxin acts inside the neuron remains to beelucidated. A fundamental issue we wanted to address waswhether the toxin was able to alter the neuronal metabolismof the neurotransmitter. One possibility to remark would bethe action of Stx2 in nitric oxide (NO) regulation on neuronalbrain populations, and the behavior of neighboring astrocytesfollowing the Stx2 insult.

NO is a signaling gaseous molecule with versatilephysiological implications involved in neuromodulation,reproductive function, immune response, and vasodilatation(Moncada and Higgs, 1991). Primarily identified as anendothelium-derived relaxing factor (Palmer et al., 1987),NO is produced by the three isoforms of NOS, identified asneuronal (nNOS), inducible (iNOS), and endothelial (eNOS)(Forstermann et al., 1991). Neuronal NOS and eNOS areexpressed constitutively (cNOS) and their activities arecalcium-dependent, allowing the binding of calcium–calmo-dulin to the enzyme (Ignarro et al., 1987; Palmer et al., 1987).The iNOS isoform is known to be synthesized followinginduction by endotoxin or pro-inflammatory cytokinesstimuli (Marletta et al., 1988) and its high affinity for the

calcium–calmodulin complex makes it calcium-independent.When NO is produced in excess it becomes noxious (Pacheret al., 2007), and if a cell is in a pro-oxidant state, NO canundergo redox reactions to form toxic reactive nitrogenspecies (RNS), which cause cellular damage (Guix et al.,2005). Particularly in the brain, NO and RNS have beeninvolved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders(Castegna et al., 2003).

Brain nNOS-positive neurons exhibit NADPH-diaphorasestaining (Hope et al., 1991), a specific histochemical labelingbased on NOS activity, which this enzyme retains despitefixation.

The changes in the expression and activity of nNOS bydifferent types of insults have been widely documented(Goldstein et al., 1997, Pacher et al., 2007, Guix et al., 2005).However, how Stx2 can alter the synthesis or the enzymaticactivity of nNOS is not known yet. “To our knowledge”, there isno information available regarding this issue and thusremains an open question.

On the other hand, astrocytes are the most numerous cellsin the CNS, and react in response to all types of CNS insults(Little and O'Callaghan, 2001), such as trauma, ischemia,neurodegenerative (Pekny et al., 2007) or infective diseases(Jacob et al., 2007), showing hypertrophy of astrocytic pro-cesses, a phenomenon termed reactive gliosis or astrogliosis.At this stage, the intermediate filament protein of thecytoskeleton, GFAP, is dramatically upregulated (Little andO'Callaghan, 2001), and can thus be considered a specificmarker for reactive astrocytes in response to any nervoustissue injury. The correlation between a response of astrocyteactivation and the alteration of the activity and expression ofthe enzyme NOS in different subsets of neurons following anykind of brain insults have beenwidely reported (Lei et al., 1996;Liu et al., 2006).

In the present paper, we describe for the first time thedirect effect of Stx2 by a previously validated model for i.c.v.administration technique (Goldstein et al., 2007) in NOS-expressing neurons together with changes in astrocytic GFAPexpression in different brain areas. Immunocolocalization ofStx2 in hippocampal neurons and in neighboring reactiveastrocytes accompanies the present results. The implicationsof these findings are discussed.

2. Results

In a previous study, we observed by transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) apoptotic neurons and Stx2 immunoelec-tron labeling, together with pathological ultrastructuralalterations of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in brainaffected areas when the Stx2 was i.c.v. microinfused in ratbrains. All these data clearly demonstrated the neurotoxicinvolvement of Stx2 (Goldstein et al., 2007) in these events.In the present work, we consequently wanted to determinethe participation of neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase andGFAP in astrocytes, mainly involved in the events of braininjury and repair in those affected areas previouslyobserved by TEM following the same method of Stx2 brainadministration. Therefore, in this paper we focused on the

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expressions of astrocytic GFAP by immunofluorescence andon nNOS by using the NADPH-d HT after i.c.v. administra-tion of Stx2.

The i.c.v. administration of Stx2 induced deep changesin the expression of astrocytic GFAP in different areas of therat brain.

1) The toxin caused a dose-dependent effect in the expressionof astrocytic GFAP in the striatum

We tested whether increasing amounts of i.c.v. Stx2administration changed the expression levels of striatalastrocytic GFAP (Figs. 1B–I) and, after eight days of treatment,we observed reactive astrocytes, a phenomenon that occursafter a broad variety of brain lesions. The i.c.v. administrationof the toxin caused an increase in the expression of GFAP inthe striatum in a dose-dependent manner (Figs. 1B, D–G). Atthe minimum dose of 6 pg of Stx2 per gram of animal weight(pg/g), the expression level of this protein was significantlyincreased as compared to controls (Figs. 1B, D–E), peaking at24 pg of Stx2 (Fig. 1G). Increasing concentrations of the toxin(40 and 60 pg/g) caused a decreased in GFAP expression,probably due to astrocyte damage and consequent GFAP loss,as revealed by immunofluorescence (Figs. 1H–I). These datawere confirmed by integrated optical density (IOD) measure-ments of GFAP expression levels (Fig. 1B). In addition, thenumber of positive GFAP astrocytes was maximum after 12and 24 pg/g of toxin administration as compared to controls(Figs. 1C, D, F–G), and reduced after increasing concentrationsof the toxin (Figs. 1C, H–I).

2) Stx2-immunopositive neurons detected in pyramidal andCA3 cell layers of the hippocampus were found in contactwith reactive astrocytes containing Stx2 with elevated GFAP

In addition, the i.c.v. administration of Stx2 caused anincrease in the expression of pyramidal and CA3 hippocam-pal astrocytic GFAP. This could be evidenced in fluorescentmicrophotographs at low magnification (Fig. 2C), which wascoincident with the Stx2 immunofluorescence localization inthe same area (Fig. 2F), and to a lesser extent in thecontralateral infusion side (Fig. 2G). To verify the presenceof these two proteins, merging images are shown (yellow)(Fig. 2I). These were not observed contralaterally to theinfusion side (Fig. 2J), nor in the vehicle infusion (Fig. 2H).Interestingly, GFAP expression in the contralateral sidesurrounded cells bearing the toxin, thus suggesting thatreactive astrocytes may protect the area, probably byavoiding the diffusion of the toxin to the periphery (Fig. 2J).No immunofluorescence for Stx2 was observed after thevehicle i.c.v. infusion (Fig. 2E).

Confocal microphotographs at higher resolution showed indetail reactive immunopositive GFAP astrocytes and Stx2-immunopositive neurons in the hippocampus (Figs. 3B and Erespectively). These Stx2-immunopositive neurons were tech-nically validated previously (Goldstein et al., 2007). In thepresent study, we observed that some reactive astrocytes (inyellow) also contained Stx2 in contact with immunopositiveStx2 neurons (Fig. 3H). This was not observed in the i.c.v.administration of vehicle (Fig. 3G). IOD analysis showed that

the number of immunopositive GFAP astrocytes in the i.c.v.Stx2 infusion side was higher than in the contralateral i.c.v.infusion side and than in the i.c.v. infusion of vehicle (Fig. 3J),thus validating that observed in the confocal images (Figs. 3A–C). In addition, the area per cell of immunopositive GFAPastrocytes (Fig. 3K) were significantly larger in the i.c.v. Stx2infusion side as compared with the vehicle or contralateralsides, thus suggesting that Stx2may be potentially involved inastrocyte hypertrophic development. According to theseresults, the expression levels of astrocytic GFAP measured byIOD were more elevated in about 90% of the astrocytepopulation in the i.c.v. Stx2 infusion side, whereas they werediminished in the contralateral side (see the shift to the left inthe figure) and minimum in the astrocytes treated with i.c.v.infusion of vehicle (Fig. 3L). Finally, image analysis showed ahigher amount of Stx2 incorporation in neurons in the i.c.v.infusion side than in the contralateral one, thus suggesting agradient of Stx2 diffusion from the i.c.v. infusion point to theperiphery (Fig. 3M).

3) The preceding results were validated by different controls

Controls showed that no immunofluorescence for Stx2was observed in an i.c.v. infusion of vehicle (3D). In anothertype of controls, binding of Stx2 was performed on fixedbrain tissue visualized with a monoclonal antibody againstStx2 (Figs. 4A–C). We observed that the Stx2 immunofluor-escence binding was lowered by decreasing toxin concentra-tions (Figs. 4 A–C). Also, preincubation of the toxin with asaturated concentration of an anti-Stx2B antibody preventedStx2 binding (Fig. 4E), and thus no immunofluorescence forStx2 was found in brains when omitting the primaryantibody (Fig. 4D).

The i.c.v. administration of Stx2 affected the number andenzymatic activity of NOS-positive neurons in different areasof the rat brain.

4) The number and activity of NOS/NADPH-d-positive neu-rons were significantly decreased after Stx2 treatment inthe striatum

As nNOS is involved in several neuronal functions as wellas in neurodegenerative or neuroprotective processes in theCNS, we were interested in studying the expression andactivity of this enzyme in neurons of different brain areas,including those affected by reactive astrocytes after i.c.v. Stx2administration. The correspondence between NOS andNADPH-d neurons was in agreement with previous topogra-phical descriptions of nNOS distribution in the rat brain(Rodrigo et al., 1994), and validated the NADPH-d HT to detectenzymatic activity of the NOS used by us in this paper. In thestriatum, the number of NOS/NADPH-d-positive neurons wassignificantly decreased after the treatment (Figs. 5 A–D) in adose–response manner. A dose of 24 pg Stx2 was enough tosignificantly decrease the number of NOS/NADPH-d neurons(Fig. 5E), as determined by image analysis. These resultssuggest neuronal loss (as observed in a previous paper byelectron microscopy technique), or at least enzymatic down-regulation. In addition, enzymatic NOS/NADPH-d activitymeasured in those neurons was significantly decreased

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(p<0.05) as compared to controls (Fig. 5F). A significant shift tothe left in IOD showed a decrease in the enzymatic activity ofneuronal NOS/NADPH-d in corpus striatum after 40 pg/g of i.

Fig. 1 – The area observed in this study is located in the rat coradministration changed the expression patterns of astrocytic GFmicrophotograph shows a control obtained from vehicle i.c.v. adm(E–G) yielded increasing reactive astrocytes in a dose-dependentloss by down-GFAP-regulation or fewer astrocytes could be infertoxin. IODmeasurements (B) confirmed that GFAP expression levtoxin administration, decreasing thereafter (*p<0.05).

c.v. Stx2 administration (Fig. 5F) in coincidence with thedecrease in GFAP expression. All these data point out analtered functional state in NOS/NADPH-d neurons.

pus striatum (A). Increasing amounts of i.c.v. Stx2AP in striatum (E–I). A confocal immunofluorescenceinistration (D); 6, 12 and 24 pg/g of Stx2 i.c.v. administration

manner, while microphotographs showing astrocytered from the administration of 40 pg/g (H) and 60 pg/g (I) ofel, together with astrocyte number, (C) peaked at 24 pg/g after

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5) The number and activity of NOS/NADPH-d-positive neu-rons were also significantly decreased after Stx2 treatmentin the cerebral cortex

The subsets of neurons found in layers II, III and IV of therat cortex included fusiform, pyramidal ormultipolar neurons.The number of NOS/NADPH-d-positive neurons in theselayers decreased significantly after i.c.v. Stx2 administration(Figs. 6 B–E) in a dose–response manner. These neurons werereduced in body size and fiber thickness after toxin treatmentas compared to controls (insets of Figs. 6B and C respectively).In this neuronal population, 40 pg/g of i.c.v. toxin administra-tion was enough to significantly decrease the number of NOS/NADPH-d neurons (Fig. 6F). In addition, the enzymatic NOS/NADPH-d activity measured in those neurons was signifi-cantly decreased (p<0.05) as compared to controls (Fig. 6G).About 70% of neurons treated with the toxin reduced NOS/NADPH-d activity.

6) The number and activity of NOS/NADPH-d-positive neu-rons were significantly increased after Stx2 treatment inthe hypothalamic paraventricular nucleusThe topographical distribution of NOS-containing neurons

in the PVNhas already been described (Rodrigo et al., 1994) andis in agreement with our results obtained using the NADPH-dHT. Strikingly, an opposite result to that observed in thestriatum and in the cortex was found in both magnocellularand parvocellular PVN; the number of NOS/NADPH-d-positiveneurons was significantly increased after i.c.v. Stx2 adminis-tration (Figs. 7 A–D) in a dose–response manner. NOS/NADPH-d-positive neurons treated with the toxin were equal in size.Image analysis revealed that 24 pg/g of i.c.v. Stx2 administra-tion was enough to significantly increase the number of NOS/NADPH-d neurons (Fig. 7E). In addition, enzymatic NOS/NADPH-d activity measured in those neurons was signifi-cantly increased (p<0.05) as compared to controls (Fig. 7F).This can be clearly observed in the right shift of the curvebelonging to the i.c.v. Stx2 administration (Fig. 7F).

All the preceding data indicate a differential functionalstate of the PVN hypothalamic neurons that express NOS ascompared to those of the striatum or cortex.

3. Discussion

In a previous characterization of the effect of Stx2 in the brain,we found that the toxin bypassed the blood brain barrier after

Fig. 2 – The area observed in this study is located in anterior rashown together with the expression of astrocytic GFAP in pyramtoxin. Confocal microphotographs in low magnification at ipsilatelevated GFAP immunofluorescence in red (C). Contralaterally toformer one (D). A basal pattern of GFAP expression is observed in(B). Together with these results, the distribution of Stx2 was alsoto the topographical pattern of Stx2 immunofluorescence (F), whimmunofluorescence for Stx2 is observed after vehicle i.c.v. infurepresented by yellow in a delimited area (I), being negative for thcell layer of the hippocampus; CA3: field CA3 of the hippocampu

intraperitoneal toxin administration in a rat model (Goldsteinet al., 2007). This event has also been described by otherauthors (Fujii et al., 1996), thus suggesting a neuropathologicalcondition originated by the cascade effect of the toxin leadingto systemic sepsis. Many pathologic factors, such as theproduction of the systemic pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-αand/or IL-1β (Paton and Paton, 1998), may be involved in braininsult under these events. All these data are in accordancewith those found by other authors in which the systemicadministration of Stx2 causes brain damage in differentanimal models (Fujii et al., 1996; Mizuguchi et al., 2001) oranimals infected with STEC (Kita et al., 2000). Themechanisticaction of this toxin, in which neuronal and glial cells derive toa degenerative condition, is still a matter to study.

Moreover, when we i.c.v. microinfused the toxin, we founddeep ultrastructure alterations in brain neurons and astro-cytes, including degenerative neurons, hypertrophic astro-cytes, and demyelinated fibers, which led to neuronalapoptosis and glial cell damage. All the preceding data clearlyshow the direct neurotoxic involvement of Stx2 in particularbrain areas after the i.c.v. administration of the toxin (Gold-stein et al., 2007). By contrast, in the previous ultrastructuralcharacterization we did not succeed in detecting the toxin orfinding any ultrastructural change in brain vascular endothe-lial cells. The absence of the Gb3 receptor in rat endothelialcells may account for this observation (Ren et al. 1999).However, at electron microscope level we observed cytoplas-mic edema in end feet of several perivascular astrocytes thatform the BBB (Goldstein et al., 2007). Perivascular astrocytesunder this condition might change the BBB permeability;therefore, an alteration of the endothelial tight junctionfunctionality by the toxin cannot be discarded.

In the present paper, we moved forward to understand thetoxic role of Stx2 in rat brains by studying the expression ofnNOS and GFAP, molecular markers involved in events ofbrain injury and repair during brain damage. We found strongevidence supporting the hypothesis that Stx2 is directlyinvolved in brain damage by affecting neuronal and glialfunctional states. I.c.v. administration of Stx2 caused anincrease in GFAP expression that led to reactive astrocytes;these were detected by confocal immunofluorescence andchanged the number and enzymatic activity of NOS-contain-ing neurons by using the NADPH-d HT in different brain areas.

After eight days of i.c.v. Stx2 microinfusion the toxin wasdetected in neurons and astrocytes of the hippocampus byconfocal immunofluorescence. The i.c.v. technique used inthis paper allowed us to microinfuse the toxin in a specific

t hippocampus (A). The topographic distribution of Stx2 isidal and CA3 hippocampus after i.c.v. administration of theeral hippocampus show a reactive astrocyte region withit, astrocytosis is less pronounced as compared to thethe ipsilateral hippocampus after vehicle i.c.v. administrationanalyzed. A glowed green hippocampus correspondsich diminishes in the contralateral side (G). Nosion (E). Merge images show a correspondence of both colorse vehicle control (H) or the contralateral side (J). Py: pyramidals.

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brain area of interest by using a stereotaxic frame. We placedthe cannula in the lateral ventricle to avoid mechanical tissuedamage. The technique used to observe Stx2-immunopositiveneurons was validated from a previous paper from us (Gold-stein et al., 2007), and by different controls performed in thispaper: a) a negative immunofluorescence was obtained whenvehicle was used as control, b) a concentration-dependentpost-Stx2 binding in fixed brain tissue, c) preincubating thetoxinwith a saturated concentration of an anti-Stx2B antibodyprevented the toxin from binding brain tissue, and d) omittingthe primary antibody.

The concentrations of toxin used in this work werebetween 6 and 60 pg/g, based on previous studied amountsof toxin from different STEC animal models of disease thatresulted in strong toxic effects measured during the disease inthe CNS fluids that caused brain damage (Mizuguchi et al.,1996, Fujii et al., 1998). In addition, the amounts of toxin usedin our previous characterization of Stx2 that bypassed theblood brain barrier (Goldstein et al., 2007) were similar to Stx2systemic administration used in different animal models ofdisease (Fujii et al., 1996, 1998).

Different concentrations of i.c.v. Stx2 changed the expres-sion levels of striatal astrocytic GFAP in a dose–responseeffect. Indeed, 6 pg/g of toxin was enough to upregulate GFAPexpression in these cells, and the phenomenon observed wasdose–dependent. On the other hand, 24 pg/g had themaximum response of GFAP from reactive astrocytes. Theseresults were in agreement with previous findings by us andother groups that found cell damage in the CNS with similarStx2 concentrations (Mizuguchi et al., 1996). Loss of affectedneurons was accompanied with reactive glial cells. Increasingconcentrations of the toxin caused a decreased in GFAPexpression, probably due to astrocyte damage and consequentGFAP loss. This argument was accepted by other authors thatfound a very selective loss of astrocyte brain GFAP immunor-eactivity in an animal model of traumatic brain injury,resulting in astrocyte damage and degeneration, which ledto subsequent reactive astrocyte responses from the sur-rounding tissue (Zhao et al., 2003). Confocal images confirmedthat Stx2-immunopositive neurons in pyramidal and CA3 celllayers of the hippocampus were found in contact withhypertrophic reactive astrocytes with elevated GFAP thatalso contained Stx2. To our knowledge, this is the first reportshowing reactive astrocytes and increased GFAP expressionfollowing the i.c.v. Stx2 treatment. Similar results have beenrecently reported in the hippocampus of an animal model of

Fig. 3 – Confocal microphotographs in higher magnification shohippocampus. Detailed immunofluorescence of GFAP in red is obadministration of Stx2 (B). The expression of astrocytic GFAP in tformer one (B). Vehicle administration shows a basal pattern of iby IOD analysis in which the number (J), the area size per astrocyside and diminished to the contralateral side. Confocal microphoipsilateral hippocampus after the i.c.v. treatment (E), which decreawas analyzed by IOD (M) validating the data observed by confocaafter i.c.v. administration of vehicle (D). Merged images (H) showimmunofluorescence (green) co-localizing with GFAP immunofluneurons viewed in green (*). This was not found in the vehicle co

septic encephalopathy following LPS administration (Jacob etal., 2007). Astrocytes carry out several functions that areessential for normal neuronal activity, including glutamateuptake, glutamate release, K+ and H+ buffering, and watertransport (Chen and Swanson 2003). As observed in ourmodel,the i.c.v. Stx2 administration caused reactive astrocytes (Fig.1), which in turn might participate in the intracellularabsorption of toxic extracellular K+ elevations (Walz andHertz, 1983), after neuronal or glial insults as a result ofneuronal swelling or high levels of glutamate release. Also,under this situation, astrocytes might actively sequester H+ toreduce acidification of the extracellular space after neuronalrelease of lactic acid (Deitmer and Rose, 1996). Therefore, anelectrolyte imbalance might be produced after Stx2 entrancein neurons or glial cells, and may be reflected in situations ofCNS dysfunction by HUS.

The i.c.v. administration of Stx2 also affected the numberand the enzymatic activity of NOS-positive neurons indifferent brain areas. The striatum is an area that primarilyregulates the initiation of movement. It is mainly involved inHUS patients that suffered from hemiparesis, seizures, coma,altered mental state or tremor (Steinborn et al., 2004; Barnettet al., 1995). Damage to NOS striatum neurons observed in ourmodel could contribute to hypokinesia, a manifestation ofmotor dysfunction found in experimental parkinsonismmodels (Bolam et al., 2000). In the cortex and striatum NOSneuron number and activity were diminished probably due toa neurodegeneration condition. This was concomitantlyaccompanied with a decrease in the expression of astrocyteGFAP levels and astrocyte number, in doses higher than 24 pg/g of i.c.v. Stx2. Hypertrophic astrocytes observed at low-middoses of toxin might account for a possible neuroprotectoreffect in the striatum, while at higher doses astrocytes andNOS neurons were probably lost in a dose-dependent fashion.Similar results were obtained by other authors performed inan animal model of brain lesion that caused severe neuronaldamage and a marked increase in reactive astrocytes in thestriatum, suggesting a supportive effect on neuronal survival(Sakuma et al., 2008). Another models of brain insults alsoshowed a rapid loss of NOS neurons in the lesion centeraccompanied by astrogliosis in hippocampus, cortex andstriatum following local injection of kainic acid (Lei et al.,1996) or manganism (Liu et al., 2006).

The mechanism of protein inhibition and cell death byentrance of Stx (Lord et al., 2005) could be one of theresponsible ones for neuron or glial cell death in our case of

w the co-distribution of Stx2 and GFAP at the cell level in theserved in reactive astrocytes ipsilaterally to the i.c.v.he contralateral side was decreased (C) as compared with themmunofluorescence (A). All these data were confirmedte (K) and GFAP expression levels (L) peaked at the ipsilateraltographs also show the cell distribution of Stx2 (green) insed in the contralateral side (F). The cell incorporation of Stx2l microphotographs (D–F). A negative image was obtained, in yellow, the chromatic combination between Stx2orescence (red) in astrocytes, in contact with Stx2-positiventrol (G) or the contralateral side (I) (p<0.05).

Fig. 4 – Technical controls visualized in confocal microphotographs at low magnification show the immunofluorescencebinding of Stx2 in untreated fixed brains. The binding of 1 ηg/μl Stx2 was enough to observe binding in brain cells (A) andlower concentrations of the toxin at 0.1 (B) and 0.01 ηg/μl decreased brain binding (C). A negative control was carried out byomitting the toxin (D). Preincubation of 1 ηg/μl of Stx2 with a saturated amount of monoclonal anti-Stx2B antibody preventedStx2 binding (E).

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CNS dysfunction. This phenomenon is in agreement withprevious observations with electron microscopy: apoptoticneurons with several electrodense ribosome-like particles,suggesting for a compensatory effect after the toxin insult(Goldstein et al., 2007), or observed by the tunel assay forapoptotic neuronal cell death (Kita et al., 2000).

In contrast in the hypothalamic PVN, an area much distantfrom the i.c.v. toxin administration, an opposite effect wasfound by activating the neuroprotective pathway mediated byNO, in agreementwith other observations of NADPH-d activityincrease at remote areas of a lesion (Lei et al., 1996). This eventmight have happened in NADPH-diaphorase neurons from thehypothalamic PVN, as an adaptive response to the Stx2 brainlesion. An alternative explanation could be a selectivepreference of the toxin for certain subsets of brain cellpopulations under this pathological condition. There are notyet available reports about the effect of Stx2 in brain nNOS.

In summary, the i.c.v. administration of Stx2 led to either aneurodegenerative or a neuroprotective mechanism in theaffected brain areas. The toxin induced changes in the numberand activity of NOS neurons in different brain areas associatedwith neuronal loss. Reactive astrocytes induced by the toxin

might have protected the affected areas to a certain extent.Increasing amounts of toxin resulted in astrocyte andneuronal loss in a dose-dependent manner. The resultsobtained in this animal model may reproduce the effect ofthe toxin in encephalopathies observed in patients that sufferfromHUS. However, so far there are no available techniques toconfirm our findings.

4. Experimental procedures

4.1. Stx2 protein purification

Stx2 was purified by affinity chromatography under nativeconditions. The Stx2 purification and activity procedures werepreviously described (Goldstein et al., 2007). Briefly, recombi-nant E. coli DH5α containing pStx2 were cultured in LBsupplemented with 100 μg/ml ampicillin. The bacterial pelletobtained was resuspended in a lysis buffer and incubated onice. The suspension was then sonicated and centrifuged, andthe supernatant was precipitated with a saturated solution of

Fig. 5 – Low-magnification microphotographs show the changes in the number and activity of NADPH-d/NOS neuronsin the striatum (A–D). Light microphotographs of a control striatum treated with the i.c.v. of a vehicle (A), or with 24, 40 and60 pg/g (B, C and D respectively) of Stx2 are shown. A gradual dose–response disappearance of neuronal NADPH-d/NOS activityis observed. These data were confirmed by IOD measurements: the toxin treatment significantly decreased the numberand activity of NADPH-d/NOS neurons (E and F respectively) (*p<0.05).

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SO4 (NH4)2 following precipitation at 12,000 rpm at 4 °C for20 min. The pellet containing the Stx2 was resuspended in thepreceded lysis buffer and dialyzed to remove SO4 (NH4)2 to besubsequently washed and eluted for affinity chromatographyin an agarose–galabiose resin (Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA). Aneluted fraction without Stx2 was used as vehicle. The amountof Stx2 purification was determined by the Bradford method.This purification procedure resulted in approximately 1 ng/μlStx2. Finally Stx2 cytotoxic capacity was assessed in Vero cellsby neutral red assay. For the neutralization assay Stx2 eluted

fractions were mixed with different concentrations of amonoclonal Stx2B antibody (Slt-2B, Biodesign International,Saco, ME, USA), and incubated with the Vero cell culture for24 h. Neutralization controls were carried out by omittingeither Stx2, the antibody anti-Stx2, or both.

4.2. Animals

Male Sprague–Dawley rats (250–300 g) were housed in an air-conditioned and light-controlled (lights between 06:00 and

Fig. 6 – The area observed in this study is illustrated (inset of A). Low-magnification microphotographs show the changes inthe number and activity of NADPH-d/NOS neurons in the cortex (A–E). Light microphotographs of a negative control cortexomitting β-NADPH in the NADPH-d reactive mix solution (A), treated with i.c.v. administration of a vehicle (B), or with 24,40 and 60 pg/g of Stx2 (C, D and E respectively). A gradual dose–response disappearance of nNOS/NADPH-d activity is observed.Light microphotographs in higher magnification showed detailed representative NOS/NADPH-d neurons in the cortex aftervehicle or toxin treatments (insets of panels B and C respectively). All these data were confirmed by IOD measurements: thetoxin treatment significantly decreased the number and activity of NOS/NADPH-d neurons (F and G respectively) (*p<0.05).

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18:00 h) animal facility. Rats were provided with food andwater ad libitum. After eight days of i.c.v. Stx2 or vehicleinfusions, the rats were sacrificed for immunofluorescenceand light microscopy studies. Rats were anesthetized withChloral hydrate (350 mg/kg) and perfused transcardially with0.9% NaCl solution followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 Mphosphate buffer solution (PB) [fixative per animal weight (ml/

g)]. Brains were removed from skull, post-fixed in the samefixative solution for 2 h. Brain sections were cut on an Oxfordvibratome. Serial 40-μm-thick coronal sections were obtainedand collected in 0.1M PB. Brain floating sections obtainedwereprocessed either for GFAP immunofluorescence or for theNADPH-diaphorase histochemical technique to detect NOSactivity by light microscopy. The experimental protocols and

Fig. 7 – The area observed in this study is illustrated (inset of A). Light microphotographs in higher magnification showedthe changes in the number and activity of NOS/NADPH-d neurons in hypothalamic magnocellular or parvocellular subnuclei(A, B and C, D respectively) following i.c.v. treatment with Stx2. A control vehicle (A, C), and 24 pg/g of toxin (B, D) are shown.A significant increase in neuronal NOS/NADPH-d activity is observed. All these data were confirmed by IOD measurements:the toxin treatment significantly increased the number and activity of paraventricular NOS/NADPH-d neurons (E and Frespectively) (*p<0.05).

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euthanasia procedures were reviewed and approved by theInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Buenos AiresUniversity, School of Medicine.

4.3. I.c.v. infusion of Stx2

Anesthetized rats (ketamine 50 mg/kg–diazepam 0.35 mg/ kg,i.p.) were stereotaxically implanted into the lateral ventriclewith a stainless steel guide cannula (Plastic One, Roanoke,VA). The placement coordinates were anteroposterior:−1.80 mm; lateral: 2.4 mm and vertical: 3.2 mm (Paxinos and

Watson, 2005). To reach the ventricle area and minimize thedamage of tissue, a 21-gauge guide cannula was implanted atthis point. Then, a 30-gauge needle extending 0.5 mm belowthe guide cannula was used for the injections. Correctplacement of the ventricle cannulae was verified at the endof the experiment, followed by postmortem brain fixation andcut on an Oxford vibratome; data obtained from improperlyimplanted animals were excluded from the analyses. Cannu-lae were fixed to the skull surface with three screws anddental acrylic cement and temporarily occluded with dummycannulae. After surgery, animals were caged individually. Rats

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were randomly assigned to different experimental groups andeach rat was used only once. One week after the experiment,freely moving animals were i.c.v. injected through a 30-gaugeneedle connected by polyethylene tubing to a 20-μl Hamiltonsyringe. The needle was left in place for 30 s to prevent back-flow of the injected solution. The rats were i.c.v. injected witheither vehicle or 6, 12, 24, 40 or 60 pg of Stx2 per gram of animalweight. After eight days, the rats were sacrificed either forimmunofluorescence or light microscopy studies.

4.4. Visualization of Stx2 and GFAP

Brain floating sectionswere incubatedwithBSA1%+monoclonalanti-Stx2B antibody (1/50, Biodesign International, Saco, ME,USA) at 4 °C for 48 h, following incubation for 1 h with goat IgGanti-mouse/FITC (1:100) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) in PBS andincubated with 1% BSA for 1 h; a polyclonal rabbit antibodyagainst GFAP (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) (1:500) was diluted in10mM PBS+0.2% TX-100, incubated at 4 °C for 48 h. After that, asecondary goat IgG anti-rabbit Cy3 (Zymed Laboratories Inc, SanFrancisco, CA, USA) (1:100) was incubated for 1 h in 10 mM PBS.After several washes with PBS, the floating sections weremounted on glass slides and cover-slipped in fluorescencemounting solution. Controls were carried out using the sameprocedure but omitting the primary antibody for GFAP or Stx2immunofluorescences, or by binding different amounts of thetoxin on fixed untreated brains. For visualization of the i.c.v.microinfusion of Stx2, a green fluorescence filter was used, andfor GFAP the filter was shifted to red. Confocal colocalizationimages were carried out by gray-scale images (12 bit), acquiredwith an Olympus FV300 confocal microscope using the greenhelium–neon laser (543 nm) and argon laser (488 nm). Imageswere capturedwith FluoViewapplication software. Serial opticalsectionswere performedwith Simple 32 C-imaging computer. Z-series sections were collected at 1 μm with an Uplan Apo 40×.Images were taken with a scan zoom of ×1. Adobe Photoshopsoftware was used to assemble the images and obtain mergedimages.

4.5. Visualization of nNOS/NADPH-d

Vibratome floating sections from brains (40 μm) were pro-cessed by the NADPH-diaphorase histochemical technique(NADPH-d HT) (Vincent and Kimura, 1992). Briefly, brainsections were incubated simultaneously for 1 h at 37 °C in0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB) containing 0.1% β-NADPH and0.02% nitroblue tetrazolium with 0.3% Triton X-100 (allreagents from Sigma). Control sections were performed byomitting either β-NADPH or nitroblue tetrazolium in the samereaction solution and conditions. For visualization of nNOSactivity a microscope Nikon Eclipse 2000 was used.

4.6. IOD frequency analysis of nNOS/NADPH-d activityand GFAP expression levels

NOS/NADPH-d-positive neurons and GFAP-immunopositiveastrocytes were visualized using ×10 and ×40 objective lenses.All analyses were carried out in comparable areas under thesame optical and light conditions. Images were digitized on aNikon Coolpix 4300 digital camera in the case of nNOS/

NADPH-d and confocal images of GFAP-immunopositiveastrocytes were performed on an Olympus FV300 microscope.The colorimetric NADPH-d HT or confocal GFAP immuno-fluorescence intensities inside each cell body perimeter weremeasured using the SCION IMAGE software (Scion, Frederick,MD). The IODmeasurement for each cell was themean gray ofthe pixels inside the perimeter of the cell body, with a 256 grayscale as a reference (Simonini et al., 2006). The IOD backgroundof each section was subtracted from the IOD measurement ofeach cell. To graphically represent the cell colorimetric orfluorescence intensity distributions in each section, the IODvalues included between 0 and 256 gray scale were divided inten- or in twenty-unit categories. Finally, for each brain regionstudied, the IOD categories were plotted against the percen-tage of cells (frequency) that fell into a specific category.

4.7. Statistical analysis

Five brain sections from six animals for each condition werestatistically analyzed for quantitative NADPH-d HT or immu-nofluorescence studies. Results are expressedas themean±SE.Student's t test, one-way ANOVA followed by the Student–Newman–Keuls multiple comparison test, or two-wayrepeated measures ANOVA followed by multiple comparisonwere used. The criterion for significance was p<0.05.


These studies were supported by grant PIP 5588 from CONICETto JG, and by grants PIP 5587 from CONICET, PICT 26224 fromANPCYT and MO38 from UBA to C. I.


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