INDEX OF NAMES, TERMS AND TOPICS The given numbers refer to the numbering in the supplement. The index does not include completely those numbers in the supplement, which refer to the numbering of the bibliography published in 1999 and which mention reprints, republications, other editions or trans- lations or eventually give additional remarks (reviews etc.). For this reason, the user of the index published in 1999 should consult the bibliographical list of the supplement and check, whether the same number with additional information is included. We have added to this index the number of the bibliography published in 1999, with the addition “suppl.” only in those cases which include important new details. 'Abd al-Djabbàr – ethics – evilness of human and divine lies – equal before law 9005/1; Ibn Sìnà, encounter with ~ 2318/1; logic, semantics 7969/1.2; memory 1801/1. 'Abd Allàh Ibn al-Fal al-An†àkì Kitàb al-Manfa'a Arabic frag- ment on the composition of the heavens in John Philoponus, Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the world 7426/5; Neoplatonism, Christian and Islamic philosophy 7425/2.1. 'Abd al-La†ìf, Kamàl – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1. 'Abd al-La†ìf al-Baghdàdì Aristotle, Metaphysics XI – interpreta- tion 1557/1; Fì'ilm mà ba'd al-abì'a – Greek-Arabic version of Aristotle, Metaphysics 6061; 6061/2. Fußùl muntaza'a – extract from Alexander of Aphrodisias,Refutation of Xenokrates – edition, French translation 7426/4. 'Abd al-Qàhir al-Baghdàdì unbeliefers as apostates or “erring” people 3755/2. 'Abd al-Ràziq – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1. 'Abd al-Razzàq al-Qàshànì philosophical susm, treatises on ~ – edition 7263/1. -Abharì, Athìr al-Dìn – Frederick II, indirect contact with ~ 4029/3. al-Hidàya fì l-˙ikma, Physics – commentary by MullàÍadrà, with commentary by A˙mad Ibn Mu˙ammad Óusaynì al-Ardakànì edition 107; psychological section – edition, translation 4029/3; commentary by MullàÍadrà, inuence in Ottoman time 4952/4. Hans Daiber - 9789047411697 Downloaded from Brill.com02/16/2022 06:44:10AM via free access

INDEX OF NAMES, TERMS AND TOPICS The given numbers refer

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The given numbers refer to the numbering in the supplement. The

index does not include completely those numbers in the supplement,

which refer to the numbering of the bibliography published in 1999

and which mention reprints, republications, other editions or trans-

lations or eventually give additional remarks (reviews etc.). For this

reason, the user of the index published in 1999 should consult the

bibliographical list of the supplement and check, whether the same

number with additional information is included. We have added to

this index the number of the bibliography published in 1999, with

the addition “suppl.” only in those cases which include important

new details.

'Abd al-Djabbàr – ethics – evilness of human and divine lies –

equal before law 9005/1; Ibn Sìnà, encounter with ~ 2318/1;

logic, semantics 7969/1.2; memory 1801/1.

'Abd Allàh Ibn al-Fa∂l al-An†àkì – Kitàb al-Manfa'a – Arabic frag-

ment on the composition of the heavens in John Philoponus, Against

Aristotle on the Eternity of the world 7426/5; Neoplatonism, Christian

and Islamic philosophy 7425/2.1.

'Abd al-La†ìf, Kamàl – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

'Abd al-La†ìf al-Baghdàdì – Aristotle, Metaphysics XI – interpreta-

tion 1557/1; Fì 'ilm mà ba'd al-†abì'a – Greek-Arabic version

of Aristotle, Metaphysics 6061; 6061/2. Fußùl muntaza'a – extract

from Alexander of Aphrodisias,Refutation of Xenokrates – edition,

French translation 7426/4.

'Abd al-Qàhir al-Baghdàdì – unbeliefers as apostates or “erring”

people 3755/2.

'Abd al-Ràziq – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

'Abd al-Razzàq al-Qàshànì – philosophical sufism, treatises on

~ – edition 7263/1.

-Abharì, Athìr al-Dìn – Frederick II, indirect contact with ~ 4029/3.

al-Hidàya fì l-˙ikma, Physics – commentary by Mullà Íadrà, with

commentary by A˙mad Ibn Mu˙ammad Óusaynì al-Ardakànì –

edition 107; psychological section – edition, translation 4029/3;

commentary by Mullà Íadrà, influence in Ottoman time 4952/4.

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310 abharì ‒ abù bakr

Ìsàghùdjì – Óusàm al-Dìn Óasan al-Kàtì (died 760/1359), com-

mentator 110, suppl.; commentary (Shar˙) by Óusàm al-Dìn Óasan

al-Kàtì – edition 3301/2; not an adaptation of Porphyry’s “Eisa-

goge” 5586.10.

Abner of Burgos – Avicennism in Spain 9508/1.

Abraham Bar Óiyya – earth, inhabited and uninhabited parts 3116/1;

Hebrew-Latin transmission 7655/1; sources, Arabic 7675/1.

Abraham Ibn Daud 2142/2 (~ and Maimonides – concept of prophecy

and imagination); 3075/1 (dialoge of religions, tolerance).

Abramo de Balmes – Hebrew-Latin translator of Ibn Rushd, Ibn

Bàdjdja, Fàràbì 8519/1; Ibn Rushd, paraphrase of Aristotle, Poetics

– Hebrew-Latin translation and glosses by Abramo 8520/1; Hebrew-

Latin translator of Islamic philosophers, including Ibn Rushd,

Maqàlàt/Masà"il 8521/0; Hebrew-Latin translations 8521/0.1.

“absolute proposition” – al-mu†laqa al-'àmma – Ibn Sìnà, Naßìr al-Dìnal-ˇùsì 8366/1.

abstraction – Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus and the impact of

Ghazzàlì, Maqàßid 3075/14; concept of ~, Dominicus Gundis(s)ali-

nus 3075/15; Ibn Sìnà (intaza'a, djarrada, afraza) 4029/2; medieval(incl. Islamic) philosophy 2274/0.

Abù 'Abd al-Ra˙màn Ibn ˇàhir → Ibn ˇàhir.

Abù Bakr al-Ràzì – 8290/1 (monograph, Persian; 2004); ~ Aris-totelian, Neoplatonist or Platonist 3955/1; Aristotle, Problemata

physica – echo 7230/1; atoms 223/1; Galen – quotations from

~ in al-Shukùk 'alà Djàlìnùs 8379/2; ~ “freethinker” 8407/1;

8861/2; God, concept of 8408/4; hadhayàn – source of

Maimonides 8408/2; al-'Ilm al-ilàhì – quotations by Fakhr al-

Dìn al-Ràzì, al-Ma†àlib al-'àliya (French translation, analysis) 7425/2

Ismailiyya 3903/1; Kalàm 7425/2; Latin West, echos in the

~ 1694/2; → Petrus Alfonsi; Maimonides – hadhayàn – ~ source

of Maimonides 8408/2; ~ Neoplatonist, Platonist, Aristotelian

3955/1; ~ Platonist, Neoplatonist, Aristotelian 3955/1; PetrusAlfonsi, echo in ~ 1694/2; psychology 4708/1a al-Shukùk 'alàDjàlìnùs – Raimundus Martin 1694/2; quotations from Galen

8379/2; al-Sìra al-falsafiyya – Spanish translation 133; Turkish

translation 4987/1; view of Socrates 8379/3; tanàsukh (metempsy-

chosis) 396/2; al-ˇibb al-rù˙ànì – French translation, introduction

137/1; Spanish translation 137/2; edition (incl. facs. of a ms.),

studies 6358/1; time, concept of – comparison with Fakhr al-Dìnal-Ràzì 838/1; translation, selection 6800/1; → also single works.

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abù bishr ‒ abù qurra 311

Abù Bishr Mattà Ibn Yùnus – translation, theory of ~ 1828/2.

Abù Óanìfa – homonymy, sononymy, paronymy – Aristotle, Categories

7969/1; Mudjàdala li-a˙ad ad-dahriyìn (discussion with a

dahrite) – edition, German translation 2164/2.

Abù Hashim al-Djubbà"ì – ˙àl, pl. a˙wàl 339/1.

Abù Óàtim al-Ràzì – A'làm al-nubuwwa – part: al-MunàΩaràt baynaAbì Óàtim al-Ràzì wa-Abì Bakr al-Ràzì – translation [of ed. al-Sàwìpp. 3–27] and commentary 3708/1; al-Ißlà˙, edition 152a; view

of other religions – analogical pattern of thinking 6868/1; lan-guage, ideas on ~ 5434/1.

Abù Óayyàn al-Taw˙ìdì 26/1 (monograph, Arabic); 5353/2 (survey).

Abù l-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì 1122/1 (agnosticism; history of research);

8861/2 (scepticism).

Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì – Barhebraeus, source of ~, Mnàrathqudhshe = Candelabrum sanctuarii 8501/2; epistemology 9157/2; biog-

raphy, works 9157/3; Maimonides – “Maimonidean” contro-

versy – role of Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì 8408/3; philosophy– “critical side” in A.B.’s ~ 8569/3; philosophical orientation

8569/4; place, concept of ~ – Temistius’ classification: Boethius,

Ibn Rushd, Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì 4024/4; works, biogra-

phy 9157/3.

Abù l-Faradj Ibn al-ˇayyib – commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics

– fragments in Hebrew 9511/2.1

Abù l-Hudhayl – judgement, universality and necessity 7969/1.2;

occasionalism 6986/1; psychology 8662/1.

Abù l-Najà al-Farì∂, al-Khamsìn mas"ala fì kasr al-man†iq –

English translation of chapter 1 and 2, comparison with Ibn

Taymiyya, Kitàb al-Radd 'alà l-man†iqiyyìn 166 suppl.; analysis, trans-

lation (section on definition [˙add]) 5360/1.

Abù l-Qàsim Wà'iΩ al-Naysàbùrì/al-Nìshàbùrì, 'Uqalà" al-madjànìn –

concept of 'aql 7192/1.

Abù Manßùr Ißfahànì – mysticism 7192/6.

Abù Ma'shar – Kitàb al-milal wa-l-duwal – two Latin transla-

tions – terminology, method of translation 1709/1; Kitàb al-

Mudkhal al-kabìr – quotation from a compendium of Aristotle’s

logical works 1133/2; philosophy ( falsafa), concept of 5510/1.

Abù Mu˙ammad 'Abdallàh Mu˙ammad Ibn Rushd – Maqàla Hal

yattaßilu bi-l-'aql al-hayùlànì al-'aql al-fa''àl Latin version, edition

987/1; Latin transmission 5202/a.

Abù Qurra – biography, works 7868/1.

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312 abù sa'd ‒ akhbàrì

Abù Sa'd Mu˙ammad Ibn Ismà'ìl Ibn al-Fa∂l from Hamadàn (wezir

of Madjd al-Dawla) – addressed by Ibn Sìnà 6271/1.

Abù Sulaymàn al-Sidjistànì – Kindì: quotation from Kindì, Risàlafì l-falsafa al-ùlà, quoted in al-Mukhtàr min kalàm al-˙ukamà" al-arba'aal-akàbìr 2192/1; Risàla fì l-kamàl al-khàßß – ms. (cop. 596/1200)

7192/5; translation, selections 6800/1.

Abù Ya'qùb al-Sidjistànì – al-Maqàlìd – mentioned in Ibn Taymiyya


Abù Yùsuf – economic thought 3492/2.

Abù Zayd, Naßr Óàmid – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

acting/action, human 7969/2 (possibility and reality – early Islamic

theology); 8172/2 (Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì and his Ash'arite and

Mu'tazilite forerunners).

adab – falsafa 8865/2.

'adam – Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition,

French translation 6271/1.

'adam mu†laq – Ibn Sìnà, definition of evil 4685/1.

Adam of Buckfield – Averroism – Richard Rufus 9337/1.

Adonis/Adunis – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

aesthetics 1490/2; 2637/2; 4280/1 (medieval Islamic and Jewish phi-

losophy); 5454/2 (sufism, Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]);

5484/1 (monograph); 5608/1 and 6739/1 (Islamic aesthetics); →beauty.

Af∂al al-Dìn Kàshànì – 1890/1 (monograph); 1895/1 (philosophy).

Afghànì, Djamàl al-Dìn 2015/1 (~ and philosophy); 4082/1.1 (“dis-

course of the modern”); 8112/1 (ethics).

afterlife 2637/2.

Aganafat 2335.

agnosticism – Abù l-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì 1122/1.

A˙mad A˙sà"ì → al-A˙ßà"ì.A˙mad Ibn Yùsuf (author of Kitàb al-Thamara li-Ba†lamiyùs) – con-

cept of falsafa 5510/1.

A˙mad Ibn Zayn al-'Àbidìn al-'Alawì → Mìr Dàmàd, al-Qabasàt –commentary.

-A˙sà"ì, A˙mad Ibn Zayn al-Dìn – biography, works, doctrine,

sources, influence 2672/1; ~ and Mullà Íadrà 3490/1; 6961/1

(essence, existence).

akhbàrì legal method – Kàshànì, Mu˙sin Fay∂, Kalimàt-i maknùna –

analysis 5467/1.

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alanus ‒ alexander of aphrodisias 313

Alanus ab Insulis – impact of Liber de causis 3075/16; methods of

Regulae theologiae and Liber de causis 6853/1.

Alawites – Ismailiyya, Ikhwàn al-Íafà" – philosophy 3903/2.

Albertus Magnus – Averroism – time, eternity of human soul and

truth: duplex veritas 1501/1; Averroistic and Avicennian read-

ings of De anima 1336/1; causality, celestial 8798/2; De sensu

et sensato – ch. 3–14, text, English translation 304/8; emana-tion, emanative psychology – Arabic-Latin sources 1559/2; IbnRushd – intellectus agens – reception in A.M. 3312/1; Ibn Sìnà,

al-Shifà", preface 1432/00; A.M.’s Commentary on Metaphysics –

quotations from Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà", Ilàhiyàt 1432/0.1; 1432/6;

intellect – Ibn Sìnà and his impact on the Latin West (from

Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus to Albertus Magnus) 4029/4; Liber de

causis – esse primum creatum 8461/1; soul – emanative psychol-

ogy 1559/2; impact of Avicenna’s psychology 4029/0; truth: dou-

ble truth 8798/2; vision, theory of – sources 304/8.

Albo, Joseph – prophecy 5291/1.

alchemy – Greek philosophy; generation and corruption – Maslama

al-Madjrì†ì, Rutbat al-˙akìm: translation, analysis 1818/2; Ikhwànal-Íafà", Djàbir 6035/1; Plato (ps.), al-Rawàbì' 8633/0.

Alessandro Achillini – Averroism 4029/1.1.

Alexander of Aphrodisias 2335; abstraction, universals: Quaestiones

(Greek, Arabic) 2274/0; Arabic transmission, bibliography 6403

(suppl.); Aristotle, De generatione et corruptione – Arabic com-

mentaries 2584/0; commentary on Aristotle, De generatione et cor-

ruptione II 2: 3052/0; commentary quoted in Djàbir b. Óayyàn,

Kitàb al-Taßrìf 3301/3; commentary, concept of matter, elements

3301/5; Commentary, echo in Ibn Sìnà 7426/5.1; Aristotle,Physics (lost) – Commentary (lost), fragment of the Arabic trans-

lation (lost) in Ibn Rushd’s Long Commentary on Aristotle, Physics

(Hebrew version) 3573/2; De intellectu – origin of Fàràbì’s doc-

trine of four intellects 3444/3; authorship of the Latin translation

7526/1; De anima – Hebrew version, remarks 8312/1; De provi-

dentia (Arabic version) – comparison with Greek fragments in

Cyril of Alexandria, Contra Iulianum 3052/2; Arabic version, edition,

translation; reception in Arabic 3053/1; eternity of the world –

discussion with Levi 2134/1; Fàràbì 7969/1.2; Ibn Sìnà 7969/1.2;

Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà" – sources: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius,

John Philoponus 4844/2.1; mawdjùd 7426/3; Commentary on

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314 alexander of aphrodisias ‒ ammonius

Aristotle, De generatione et corruptione, echo in Ibn Sìnà 7426/5.1;

Islamic theology 7969/1.2; judgement, absolute, necessary,

possible – Theophrastus, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Fàràbì, Ibn

Sìnà, Islamic theology 7969/1.2; Levi → eternity of the world;

Maqàla fì mabàdi" al-kull – edition (of one Arabic translation),

commentary 2641/1; edition (of two Arabic translations), English

translation, commentary, comparison with the Syriac, glossary –

Arabic, Syriac 3431/1; mawdjùd – Ibn Sìnà 7426/3; Quaestio

I.11a – French translation of two Arabic versions 2274/0; Greek

text lost 7426/4; Xenocrates – refutation of X. – French trans-

lation 7426/4.

Alexander of Macedonia/A. the Great 2335; exchange of letters –

gnomologia 2482/1.

Alexandria, school – in Syriac-Arabic literature 7868/2; canon of

writings by Galen 8380/1.

Alf layla wa-layla → Thousand and One Night.

Alfred of Sareshel 1701/1; Arabic-Latin translations 9018.1.

Algiers – modern political thought 885/0.

'Alì Ibn Razìn al-Kàtib [6th c. hidjrì] – mirror of princes – edition


'Alìqulì Ibn Qara‘aghày Khàn (student of Mullà Radjab 'Alì Tabrìzì,11th/17th century), I˙yà"-i ˙ikmat edition 413/2.

Allamek – Bosniak logician 5587/1.

allegory – Islamic philosophy 4786/1; interpretation and allegory

(antiquity to the modern period) 9237/1; → hermeneutics.

Almohades – transmission of sciences to the Almohades (from Ibn

Bàdjdja to Ibn Rushd) 3121/2; Ibn Rushd – Almohade belief,

echo in Ibn R. 3444/1.

American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) library, Cairo – philo-

sophical manuscripts, photostats 7457/1.

-Àmidì, Sayf al-Dìn – philosophy and sharì 'a, definition 2348/1;

hermeneutics and logic – comparison with Ibn Sìnà 2650/1; logic

– quantification of predicate 7969/1.2.

-'Àmirì – sciences, division of and encyclopaedias 1458/3; al-Amad

'alà l-abad – doxography, Greek 2290/0; translation, selections

(including al-I'làm bi-manàqib al-islàm) 6800/1; philosophy (mono-

graph, Turkish) 8732/0.

'Ammàra – constructions of identity 4082/1.1.

Ammonius (ps.) – doxography 2290/0; doxography – Arabic trans-

mission, sources 7680/1; → presocratic philosophers/philosophy.

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amoli ‒ apodeixis 315

Amoli, Abdullah Javadi – view of Aristotle 614/1.

Amor Ruibal, Angel (1869–1930) – view of Ibn Rushd 7421/1.

amr – Naßìr al-dìn al-ˇùsì 5421/3.

Anaxagoras – Arabic transmission, survey (2003) 2335.

Anaximander – Arabic transmission, survey (2003) 2335.

Anaximenes – Arabic transmission, survey (2003) 2335.

Andalus – history of Islamic philosophy, survey (1999) 5626/1; com-

munities, sectarian movements 8857/1.

Andreas Alpago – Mu˙ammad Ibn Makkì, his mentor in Damascus


Andronikos of Rhodes 7426/4.

Anebo – Arabic transmission 491/1.

animal – “forms, universals and abstraction in animals”; transmi-

gration of souls between man and animal as justification of killing

animals as expiation for sins of a past incarnation 8276.

anniyya “being” 218/6 (Kindì); 2192/3.

anonymous – A˙wàl an-nafs ba'd al-mawt (al-Qawl fì ta'arruf ˙àlmà ba'd al-mawt) – ms. (cop. 596/1200) 7192/5; De anima et de

potenciis eius; De potenciis animae et obiectis – impact of

Avicenna 4029/0; Dubitationes circa animam – impact of

Avicenna 4029/0; Faßl fì lammiyyat ikhtißàß al-˙urùf bi-'adad

al-ma'rùf (fragment from a longer text) – ms. (cop. 596/1200)

7192/5; logic: untitled work on ~ (with some lacunae) – ms. (cop.

596/1200) 7192/5; Ma'àd – edition 3301/2; Miftà˙ al-˙ikma

– alchemy – concept of matter, generation and corruption 1818/2;

Nuktahà-yi Kitàb-i Djàvidàn Khirad – English translation, com-

parison with Miskawayh, Djàvìdàn Khirad 5927/2; Utrum beati-

tudo consistat in intellectu agente supposito, quod consistat

in intellectu – edition, notes referring to Aristotle, Alexander of

Aphrodisias, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd et al. 6380/2.

Anselm of Canterbury – Mullà Íadrà, necessity of God’s existence

8591/1; Descartes 9387/1; ontological proof of God – Fàràbì,Descartes 9387/1.

anthropology, theophanic – Ibn 'Arabì 2365/3.

anthropomorphism – Mu'tazila 8419/1.

anti-colonialism 4082/1.1.

Antioch – link between Arabic and Latin culture (12th/13th cen-

tury) 1692/2.

Antony of Tagrit 9162/2

apodeixis – Ghazzàlì 3755/3

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316 aporia ‒ aristotelianism

aporia – Ibn Rushd and the apories of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 1269/01.

apostasy and unbelief, concept of – Koran, Óadìth, fiqh, early Islam

until Ghazzàlì 3755/2.

a priori – awwalì – Ibn Sìnà, Kant 6576/1.

-Àqhißàrì al-Nawàbàdì, Ibràhìm Ibn Rama∂àn al-Bøsnawì – Bosniak

logician 5587/1.

'aqìda – taßawwuràt 1467/1.

'àqil – ma'qùl – Mullà Íadrà, Ibn Sìnà 1559/4.

'aql – aspects in early Islam 2029/7; -Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh

al-ishràq] 5927/3.1; ~ and soul: “limbs of the soul”, Manichaean

background – Dja'far al-Íàdiq, Tirmidhì, Dja'far Ibn al-Óasan

Manßùr al-Yaman 2029/8; concept of ~, monograph, Arabic

4730/1; concept of ~ in Abù l-Qàsim Wà'iΩ al-Naysàbùrì/al-

Nìshàbùrì, 'Uqalà" al-madjànìn; Ibn Sìnà, Ibn 'Arabì, Ibn Khaldùn

7192/1; ~ and women – Arabic-Islamic, European philosophy


Arabic language – as mediator and stimulator of scientific language

in medieval Europe – survey 5351/1.

Arabic learning – England 1701/1.

“Arabic philosophy” – “Arab philosophy” (H. Corbin, “Iranian Studies

and Philosophy”) 1997/1.

“Arabic” philosophy; historiography 3079/2.

Arabic stylistics 6000/1.

Archimedes – echo in Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1129/1; → Eudoxos.

-Ardakànì, A˙mad Ibn Mu˙ammad Óusaynì – Abharì, Athìr al-

Dìn, al-Hidàya fì l-˙ikma, Physics – commentary by Mullà Íadrà,with commentary by A˙mad Ibn Mu˙ammad Óusaynì al-Ardakànì– edition 107.

argumentation 4288/1 (Ibn Rushd, Great Commentary on Aristotle,

De caelo); 6005/1 (Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd – structures of argumen-

tation, rhetoric).

Aristotelianism, Aristotelians 1348/1; 4988/3 (Turkish monograph

on the role of Aristotle’s philosophy in early Islam); Arabic-Latin~, survey 5912/1; Arabic – Neoplatonic ~ 8112/1; Augustinian~, radical-eclectic 8984/1; Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus – science,

concept of 3075/15; Fàràbì – Aristotelianization of the Neoplatonic

scheme of the emanation of reality 6912/0; Greek, Arabic ~2185/1; Ibn Rushd, Thomas Aquinas – Aristotelianism 2756/0;

Latin ~: Plethon and Averroes 5600/1; Medieval Muslim,Jewish and Christian philosophy 4966/1; Neoplatonism and

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aristotelianism ‒ aristotle 317

~ – Kindì, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Gabirol,

Maimonides 8289/2; Siger of Brabant 8984/1 (radical


Aristotle – Abù l-Qàsim al-Kirmànì: misunderstood by ~, accord-

ing to Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition,

French translation 6271/1; Àdàb Aris†ù (ps.- Aristotle) – English

translation 3199/1; Amoli, Javadi ‘s view 614/1; Analytica priora

and posteriora – reception of An. post. in Fàràbì’s epistemology

1496/1; Ibn Óazm 1348/1; translations of Analytica posteriora –

Greek-Syriac 1637/1; Analytica posteriora – Ibn Sìnà, Dominicus

Gundis(s)alinus – science, concept of 3075/4; Analytica posteriora

book I – reception in Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus, concept of sci-

ence 3075/15; Analytica priora 1.27–31 – reception in Ibn Rushd

4025/0; Analytica posteriora – Ibn Sìnà – demonstration 6576/1;

Andalus 5626/1; apophantikos → “enunciation”; Arabic trans-mission – survey (2003) 2335; astrology, providence and celes-

tial influences on the sublunar world [Ibn Rushd – Ibn Falaquera

– Aristotle] 3175/1; biology – medieval astrologization 3173/1;

Bìrùnì’s criticism 8722/1; Categories – reception in Fàràbì1660/1; echo in Ibn Óazm 1348/1; commentary by Abù l-Faradj

Ibn al-Tayyib, method, structure, sources 3072/2; Ibn Rushd,

Middle commentary (Talkhìß) – Latin version, used by Bouyges

4129/1; Ibn Rushd, Talkhìß al-maqùlàt/qa†ìghùriyàs = Middle com-

mentary – Latin version – intermediary titles and the term “dixit”

4130/2; Long Commentary by Fàràbì (Hebrew fragments in Judah

Ha-Cohen, Supercommentary on Ibn Rushd, Middle Commentary on

the Categoriae, edition, English translation) 9494/0; commentaries,Greek and Arabic 2185/1; Greek and Arabic tradition – biblio-

graphical guide 8007/1; De anima 1336/1 (~ and commentaries,

Latin (13th century) – Averroistic readings); 3301/6 (reception in

Islam and Ibn Sìnà); Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà", al- abì 'iyyàt, al-Nafs –

Latin transmission 4029/0; Ibn Rushd, Middle/Long Commentary

on Aristotle, De anima in the translation of Is˙àq Ibn Óunayn

4764/1; (ps. Aristotle) 10 questions, in Hebrew 5592/1; book II.1

– interpretation by Thomas Aquinas; Ibn Rushd, Long Commentary;

Themistius 8252/1; echo in Kindì, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd 8625/1;

De animalibus 5315/1 (excerpts in Marwazì, abà"i' al-˙ayawàn);Ibn Qayyim al-Djawziyya, Miftà˙ dàr al-sa'àda wa-manshùr wilàyatal-'ilm wa-l-iràda, quotations 5584/1; Arabic, Hebrew tradition

9511/6; De caelo – Ibn Rushd, Great Commentary – logical

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318 aristotle

argumentation 4288/1; Ibn Rushd, Great/Long commentary –

remarks 4294/1; Ibn Rushd, Shar˙ Kitàb al-samà" wa-l-'àlam, Arabic

and Latin version edition 4523 (suppl.); De causis proprietatum

(et) elementorum → De elementis; De elementis 5202/a; De gene-

ratione et corruptione – commentaries by Alexander of Aphrodisias

and Arabic commentaries 2584/0; Middle commentary by Ibn

Rushd: Talkhìß al-kawn wa-l-fasàd, edition, introduction, commen-

tary 4537/1; Arabic-Latin and Arabic-Hebrew translation: Arist.

315b14f. 8019/1; Arabic-Hebrew translation 8021/2; Arabic-Latin

translation and Greek textual criticism 8023/1; De Interpretatione

– quotation in Abù Ma'shar, Kitàb al-Mudkhal al-kabìr 1133/2; echo

in Ibn Óazm 1348/1; Syriac-Arabic tradition 4290/1; early Islamic

theology 7969/1; introduction by Proba/Probus and Paulus Persa

8587/1; De mundo – source of Barhebraeus, Mnàrath qudhshe =Candelabrum sanctuarii – mineralogy, meteorology 8501/2; De parti-

bus animalium – quoted by Maimonides 3171/1; De proprie-

tatibus elementorum et planetarum → De elementis; De virtutibus

et vitiis – Syriac fragment 1630/1; Dominicus Gundis(s)ali-nus and “Aristoteles Arabus” 3075/8; Economy – reception in

Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of Ethics, Economy and Politics

(edition, translation) 4909/1; “enunciation” (apophantikos) – Fàràbì7558/1; ethics – reception in Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books

of Ethics, Economy and Politics (edition, translation) 4909/1; → Nico-

machean Ethics; Fàràbì 2746/1; Hebrew transmission → trans-

lations – Arabic-Hebrew; Ibn Bàdjdja, commentary on Aristotle’s

Meteorology – edition, analysis 5520/1; Ibn Falaquera – Arabic

translations source of Ibn Falaquera, De'ot ha-filosofim 3988/2; IbnRushd: interpretation by ~ 1608/2; Ibn Rushd – Thomas Aquinas

– Aristotelianism 2756/0; 7220/1; Ibn Sìnà – Mullà Íadrà –

soul, substantial movement, wudjùd 4834/2; Ibn Taymiyya, criticism

of Aristotelian logic 5485/1; Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1134/0 (concept

of nature – Aristotelian and Galenic tradition) Kindì, doxogra-

phy on the soul 218/9; logic – Ghazzàlì, al-Mustaßfà min 'ilm al-

ußùl – ußùl al-fiqh, combined with Aristotelian logic 1467/2; Ibn

Sìnà – comparison 3042/1; Syriac transmission – monograph

4290/1; Syriac transmission – survey 4298/1; criticism by Ibn

Taymiyya 5324/2, 5485/1; theology, early Islamic 7969/2; Fàràbì– commentaries – Latin, Hebrew fragments of lost commentaries

9494/1; → Paulus Persa; “Logica vetus” – Ibn Rushd, Middle

commentary on Isagoge, Categories, De Interpretatione – edition Venice

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aristotle 319

1489 and its dependence upon edition Venice (1483) 4125/1

Metaphysics – Ibn Rushd – fundamental – essential 1269/-1;

contribution and comparison of the Arabic translation with the

Greek mss. 1269/3; way of reading by Islamic philosophers from

Kindì to Fàràbì and reception in Ibn Sìnà 1432/0.3; Arabic trans-

lations 1432/1.1; book II – reception in Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà", al-

Ilàhiyyàt 1432/2; Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà", al-Ilàhiyàt 1432/4; book XI –

interpretations by Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sìnà, 'Abd al-La†ìf al-Baghdàdì1557/1; Arabic-Latin tradition (13th c.) 1594/1; book Lambda –

Arabic translation by As†àth (Geoffroy: Us†àΔ)/As†àt – comparison

with Greek 3444/2; Ibn Sìnà, Kitàb al-Inßàf 4844/1; Arabic trans-

mission and book A, ch. 1 – Arabic-Latin translation on the basis

of NaΩìf, Us†àdh or Is˙àq in Latin 6061; book Alpha elatton –

commentary by Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – comparison with Kindì 6061/1;

Arabic transmission and translators of book a – A 6061/2; book

V, 7 – Great/Long commentary by Ibn Rushd – Spanish trans-

lation, commentary 7388/2; Themistius – paraphrase, French trans-

lation with commentary of the Arabic-Hebrew version – echo in

Arabic and Hebrew – Hebrew-Arabic-Hebrew glossary 8605–8607;

Arabic translation, comparison with Greek – remarks 8633/1; Ibn

Rushd – Middle Commentary – Hebrew translation, problems of

transmission 9495/2; Ibn Rushd’s impact on its reception in Hebrew

9506/1; commentary by Abù l-Faradj Ibn al-ˇayyib and Ibn

Rushd, Hebrew tradition 9511/2.1; Meteorology – 'Abd al-Djabbar,

Ibn Sìnà 2318/1; earth, inhabited – uninhabited parts – Jewish,

Islamic authors 3116/1; reception in Hebrew scientific works of

the 13th c. 3119/3; Arabic transmission (monograph) 5520/1;

Greek-Arabic-Latin transmission – survey 7978/0; reception in

Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of Mineralogy and Meteo-

rology (edition, translation) 8501/1; Olympiodorus, Commentary

on Aristotle’s Meteorology – Syriac and Arabic version 8501/4;

motion, first mover – Mullà Íadrà 2177/2; mover, first –

Alexander of Aphrodisias, Maqàla fì mabàdi" al-kull 2641/1; MullàÍadrà, Ibn Sìnà – soul, substantial movement, wudjùd 4834/2;

Nicomachean Ethics – Arabic-Latin translation (= alia translatio)

by Hermannus Alemannus 304/4; book X – Arabic text, edition,

English translation 1018/1; Fàràbì, “political” philosophy 3811.01;

Ibn Rushd, Middle Commentary – echo of the Latin version in

the Middle Ages 5401/1; echo in Fàràbì 7397/1; → ethics; Organon

– reception by Ibn Óazm 1348/1; Ibn Rushd, short commentaries

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320 aristotle

– remarks 1740/1; Physics, Arabic version – Dominicus Gundis(s)a-

linus – De divisione philosophiae 3075/8; Ibn Rushd – continuity 3572/1;

Long Commentary by Ibn Rushd, Hebrew translation 3573/2;

John Philoponus – commentary on Aristotle’s Physics – impact

on Ibn Rushd’s commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics 3984/1; Ibn

Rushd, Great/Long commentary – remarks 4294/1; Ibn Qayyim

al-Djawziyya, Miftà˙ dàr al-sa'àda wa-manshùr wilàyat al-'ilm wa-l-

iràda, quotations 5584/1; Greek-Arabic tradition – contribution to

the Greek text 5911/1; book H, 1–3 Arabic-Latin transmission

5912/2; Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edi-

tion, French translation – Aristotle, Physics – impossibility of an

endless body 6271/1; book 7, 8 – commentary by Ibn Bàdjdja,

Spanish translation, analysis 7219/1; medieval transmission and

commentaries in the 12th century 7526/1; Great/Long Commentary

– Latin version, editio Iuntina – method of the editors – relation

to the Latin mss. 7957/1; Pietro D’Afeltro, Expositio Proemii

Averroys – method 1710/3; Poetics – translations – Greek-Syriac

1637/1; Greek text 1453 B 16–17 – contribution of the Syriac

and Arab versions 1649/1; Ibn Rushd, Middle Commentary –

medieval transmission, echo 5506/1; Problemata physica – echo

in Abù Bakr al-Ràzì, Jewish doctors; Arabic-Latin translation

7230/1; providence, astrology, and celestial influences on the

sublunar world [Ibn Rushd – Ibn Falaquera – Aristotle] 3175/1;

Rhetoric – Hermannus Alemannus – his Latin translations of

rhetorical works by Fàràbì and Ibn Rushd 1541/1; translations –

Greek-Syriac 1637/1; Ibn Rushd, Middle Commentary – concept of

ridiculous 2015/2; Arabic non-philosophical tradition 5447/1; poetic

quotations in the Arabic version 5670/1; reception in medieval

Hebrew literature 7655/2; reception in Barhebraeus, Butyrum sapien-

tiae, Book of Rhetoric – edition, translation, commentary 9162/1;

Secretum secretorum (ps. Aristotle) – English translation of the

Arabic 780; diffusion of the Latin-Castilian version in Castile, 13th

c. 1488/1; Hebrew version, English translation 3378/1; Philip of

Tripoli’s translation in the context of intellectual activity in the

Crusader Levant 9271/1; echo in Spain; Spanish translation (ed.

Badawì 65–72) 7412/00; Iranian characteristics, forged Greek attri-

butions, state of research, al-Siyàsa al-'àmmiyya 8941/1; sex unity– polarity – adoptions in Islamic, Jewish philosophy 423/1; Sirr

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aristotle ‒ as†àth 321

al-asràr → secretum secretorum; al-Siyàsa al-'àmmiyya 8941/1;

Sophistici Elenchi – translations – Greek-Syriac 1637/1; sub-stances, concept of – Ibn Rushd, Great Commentary 1269/-2;

Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] and his criticism of Ar.

9089/2; Syriac transmission (impact on the rise of “Syriac

scholasticism”) 1656/1; 2162/1; thaumaston – Ibn Sìnà 3861/1;

Theology (ps. Aristotle) philosophical study 218/4; Ibn Sìnà, al-Inßàf – soul’s relationship to body 218/7; commentary by Ibn Sìnà,al-Inßàf – non-discursive thought 218/8; 1348/1; “Greek Sage”,

Arabic Plotinus 2192/2; Arabic text 1 E 7, Italian translation,

commentary) – descent of the soul 2194/1; chapter I: structure,

composition 2194/3; 2195/1; Dieterici (1881) 2343/1; Plotinian

logos 3039/1; transmission in Europe, transmission in Arabic and

Hebrew 3945/1; transformation in the Middle Ages 4966/1; Long

version, Hebrew fragment 5430/2; comparison with Plotin, Enneads

7285/1; Fàràbì 8939/1; Thomas Aquinas: interpretation by ~

1608/2; Thomas Aquinas, Ibn Rushd – Aristotelianism 2756/0;

Timothy I – Islamic background (Mu'tazila, Aristotle) and his

theological letters 8425/1; Topica – translations – Greek-Syriac

1637/1; zoological writings → De animalibus.

Arkoun, Muhammad – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

arts – Averroistic motifs in Padua 3121/0.

'aßabiyya 3546/1 (“cooperativeness” – Ibn Khaldùn and modern sci-

ence on cooperativeness and empathy); 8352/1; 9056/2.

aßàlat al-wudjùd – Mullà Íadrà 4856/1; 6421/1; 8439/3; 8513/2;

8515/1; 9374/1; → aßàlat al-wudjùd, main entry.

Ash'arì/Ash'ariyya 1200/2 (atomism); 2177/1 (~ and Ghazzàlì);2637/2; 3755/1 (Ghazzàlìs concept of prophecy – Avicennian psy-

chology in Ash'arite theology); 3156/1 (concept of nonexistence

and possible); 4820/1 (ethics – Mu'tazilite objectivism and scrip-

tural Ash'arism, with reference to Ghazzàlì, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì,Shihàb al-Dìn al-Qaràfì); 5478/2 (~ and Ghazzàlì); 5974/1 (~

and Ghazzàlì); 6986/1 (occasionalism); 7969/2 (“ability to act”)

simultaneous with acting – Greek models); 8114/1 (causality);

8172/2 (influence on Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì , ethics); 8302/2 (impact

of Ash'arite theology on 'Abd al-Karìm al-Shahrastànì).As†àth/Us†àth – Arabic translation of Aristotle, Metaphysics, Lambda

– comparison with Greek 3444/2; Aristotle, Metaphysics – Arabic

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322 as†àth ‒ averroes

translation 1432/1.1; translation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, used

by Abù l-Faradj Ibn al-ˇayyib, commentary (fragment in Hebrew)


astrology – Aristotle, biology – medieval astrologization 3173/1; Abùl-Qàsim al-Kirmànì on astrology, refuted by Ibn Sìnà 6271/1.

astronomy – philosophy 2655/2; 7334/1.

atheism 2164/2; 8408/4 (medieval Islam).

atom/atomism 223/1 (Abù Bakr al-Ràzì); 1186/1 (Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì);1200/2 (Muslim ~, historical perspective); 2691/1 (history of

research since Shl. Pines); 3572/1 (Ibn Rushd’s theory of minima

naturalia as parts of continuum); 5523/1 (Ibn Sìnà); 7678/1 (rejec-

tion of Kalàm atomism – Jewish philosophy).

'A††àr – Mullà Íadrà – dispersion of light over being 270/2.

-Attas, Syed Mu˙ammad Naquib 979, suppl.

attributes, divine 35/1 (role of Islamic philosophy in the construc-

tion of knowledge); 218/3 (Kindì, Mu'tazila); 2184/1 (Arabic

Neoplatonism and Islamic Kalàm); 3148/1 (Mu'tazila); 6535/1

(God’s knowledge – harmony of philosophy and religion – Ibn

Sìnà); 7201/1 (Mu'tazila); 7652/2 (Ibn Sìnà); 9285/5 (~, eternity

of the world – Ibn Sìnà and sunnì kalàm).

“Augustinism, Avicennian” 2016/1 (Duns Scotus); 3075/9 (Dominicus

Gundis(s)alinus; 3562/1; 4029/0; 6405/1 (crisis of Augustinian

spirit in Averroistic polemics of the 13th c.); 8984/1.

authority – reason – medieval Islam 6353/1

autobiography – on his knowledge of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 1432/0.3

autodidact philosopher – origin and intention of the concept 8686/1

Avendauth – Arabic-Latin translations 9018.1

Averroes/Averroism 1336/2 (“first Averroism”); 2637/2; 3079/1 (~

and contemporary thinkers); 7026/1; 9424/1 (20th century);

Agostino Nifo and Marcantonio Zimara, editors of Aristotle in

Latin, with commentaries by Averroes 4130/1; AlessandroAchillini 4029/1.1; anonymous, Utrum beatitudo consistat in intel-

lectu agente supposito, quod consistat in intellectu – edition, notes referring

to Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd et al.

6380/2; Aristotle, Categories 218/2; Aristotle, De anima –

Averroistic readings, Latin commentaries 1336/1; “Averroista”,

concept of 1589/1; Baconthorpe → separate entry; being – sub-stance (Averroism, Avicennism) 3321/01; Burley, Walter – Aver-

roism 5854/1; Colliget – method and methodological discussion

7875/2; De tribus impostoribus – Averroistic impiety 6197/1;

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averroes 323

double truth – Pascal 6218/1; eternity of the world – Thomas

Aquinas 218/2; ethics – ethical Averroism – philosophical mys-

ticism/mysticism 2274/2; Fernandes or Ferrandus de Hispania9474/1; Frederick II 9119/1; Gaetano de Thiene 7894/1;

Henry Bate of Mechelen, Metaphysics 3792/1; Henry of Gent– essence, prime matter 7881/1; “imaginism” (imaginismo)

8301/1; impiety, Averroistic – De tribus impostoribus 6197/1; intel-lect, agent (Ibn Rushd) – “Verstand” (Kant) – parallels 7575/2;

Jewish ~ 1929/1 (survey, 1999); 4058/1; 7462; John of Jandun→ separate entry; John of Ripa 4904/1; John of Sècheville,

De principiis naturae 212/3; Kabbala versus Jewish Averroism 4058/1;

Latin Averroism – medieval foundations of Western intellectual

tradition 1921/1; Lorenzo de Medici (visione, amore) – Torquato

Tasso 3272/1; Luca Prassicio 4029/1.1; medieval Europe –

218/2 (Averroism in universities); 1559/2.1 (reception of Averroism

in scholastic thought); 3743/1; 9289/1 (influence of Averroism in

Latin medieval thought); 9424/1 (history of the reception of Aver-

roism – monograph); Moses of Narbonne 4058/1; motion/move-ment – Avicenna 218/2; Nicoletto Vernia 4029/1.1; Padua –

Paduan Averroism, immortality of the soul – Pietro Pomponazzi

3072/1; Averroistic motifs in arts 3121/0; scientific method –

school of Padua 7421/2; Gaetano de Thiene 7894/1; ~, Veneto

8711/1; → Peter of Abano; Pascal – double truth 6218/1; Paulof Venice → separate entry; Peter of Abano 3538/1; Picodella Mirandola 1779/1; Pietro Auriol – psychology 9231/1;

Platonism and ~, Italy (15th c.) 5143/1; Plethon, Georgios

Gemistos – Averroes’ impact on Latin Aristotelianism 5600/1;

Renan, Ernest 7462; 9424/1; Richard Rufus 9337/1; Siger ofBrabant 1336/1 (~, De anima, Averroistic readings); Spain – pop-

ular Averroism in ~ (15th c.) 989/1; substance – being (Averroism,

Avicennism) 3321/01; symbolism 8301/1; Thomas Aquinas– eternity of the world 218/2; ~ “Averroista” 1589/1; Scriptum

super libros Sententiarum, Book I, Distinction 8 (= commentary on

Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV Libris Distinctae, book I, Distinction

8 – sources, including Averroes, Avicenna, Liber de causis 5680/1;

De unitate intellectus contra Averroïstas 7026/1; 9424/1; Torquato Tasso– Lorenzo de Medici (visione, amore) 3272/1; truth → double

truth; Vanini, Giulio Cesare (1585–1619) 3129/1; Walter Burley5854/1; Zimara, Marcantonio and Agostino Nifo, editors of

Aristotle in Latin, with commentaries written by Averroes 4130/1.

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324 avicenna ‒ bahmanyàr

Avicenna/Avicennism 3807/2 and 3809/1 (history of Av.); 4848/0.1

(heritage of Ibn S. in Islamic and Latin world); 4904/1 (~ 12–14th

c.); anonymous – Utrum beatitudo consistat in intellectu agente suppo-

sito, quod consistat in intellectu – edition, notes referring to Aristotle,

Alexander of Aphrodisias, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd et al. 6380/2;

Aristotle, Categories 218/2; Aristotle, De anima – Avicennian

Readings, Latin commentaries 1336/1; being – substance 3321/01;

epistemology 1335/1; esse – possibile esse et non esse – Thomas

Aquinas, Avicenna 7473/1; Jewish Avicennism – Jewish debate

(Spain, Provence, 14th c.) around philosophy and religion 9508/1;

Latin vocabulary – vocabulary of Avicenna Latinus, Prima

philosophia 4905/1; motion/movement 218/2; Siger of Brabant9284/01 (metaphysics – being as being or divine being – Ibn

Sìnà – Thomas Aquinas); substance – being 3321/01; ThomasAquinas – Islamic-Christian dialogue 674/1; Scriptum super libros

Sententiarum, Book I, Distinction 8 (= commentary on Peter Lombard,

Sententiae in IV Libris Distinctae, book I, Distinction 8 – sources,

including Averroes, Avicenna, Liber de causis 5680/1; 9284/01 (meta-

physics – being as being or divine being – Ibn Sìnà – Thomas

Aquinas); vocabulary of Avicenna Latinus, Prima philosophia 4905/1;

William of Auvergne 8593/1; → Ibn Sìnà.awwaliyàt – a priori (pl.) Ibn Sìnà – structural comparison with Kant


'Ayn al-Qu∂àt Hamadànì, Zubdat al-˙aqà"iq – ms. (cop. 596/1200)

7192/5; ~ Baraka Hamadànì 7192/6.

ays, aysàt “being” – Kindì 218/6.

-'AΩm, Íàdiq Djalàl – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

-Azmeh, Aziz – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

Bàb (Sayyid 'Alì Mu˙ammad Shìràzì) – biography, works, doctrine,

sources, influence 2672/1; edition with commentary of Ar-Risàlafì IΔbàt an-Nubùwa al-flàßßa 2672/1.

Baconthorpe – Averroism, psychology 9231/1.

Badawì, 'Abd al-Ra˙màn [1917–2002] – obituary 8732/4.

Bahà" al-Dìn Mu˙ammad Ibn Tàdj al-Dìn Óasan Ißfahànì → Fà∂il

Hindì.Bahbahànì, 'Alì Naqì Ibn A˙mad, 'Ayàr-i Dànish edition 1190/1.

bahìmiyùn – Fàràbì 2028/1.

Bahmanyàr Ibn Marzubàn – Ibn Sìnà’s faithful disciple? 4844/3;

Kitàb al-Ta˙ßìl – comparison with Ibn Sìnà, Kitàb al-Shifà" 4844/3;

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bahmanyàr ‒ being 325

translation of selections (including Kitàb al-Ta˙ßìl ) 6800/1; bio-

graphical portrait, philosophical correspondence with Ibn Sìnà7457/2.

ba˙thiyya – -Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 5927/3.1.

Ba˙ya Ibn Paquda – Kant 3699/2.

balàgha – scope and character of ~ 3887/1.

Balìnàs – Sirr al-khalìqa – God, description – doxography 7680/1.

Baltasar Gracián – Ibn ˇufayl 7400/1.

-Bàqillànì – concept of unbelief 3755/2.

Barhebraeus – biography, works, sources 8501/1; Butyrum

sapientiae, Book of Economy, ch. 1–2 edition, Italian translation

9497/2; Books of Ethics, Economy and Politics – edition, translation,

commentary 4909/1; Books of Mineralogy and Meteorology – edition,

translation, commentary 8501/1; Book of Rhetoric – edition, trans-

lation, commentary 9162/1; Ethicon – sources: Naßìr al-Dìn al-

ˇùsì, Ghazzàlì 8599/2; Ibn Sìnà – reception of ~ in Syriac:

Barhebraeus 8501/3; Mnàrath qudhshe = Candelabrum sanc-

tuarii – mineralogy, meteorology – Greek, Syriac, Arabic sources

8501/2; political philosophy 8599/2; psychology – Moses Bar

Kepha as source 7459/2; sources (survey) 8599.1; works – sur-

vey of philosophical works 8501/3.

Bar Shakkù 4035 (psychology: faculties of the soul).

basì† al-ashyà" kull al-ashyà" – Mullà Íadrà 9374/2.

Ba†alyawsì, Ibn al-Sìd – survey, biography; echo of al-Óadà"iq in

Ghazzàlì 2310/1; echo of al-Óadà"iq in Ghazzàlì 4980/1; 5626/1;

Samuel Ibn Motot, Commentary on Sefer Yesìra – use of Ba†alyawsì,al-Óadà"iq 6063/1; biography, Neoplatonic tradition 6940/1; 7399/2;

biography, works 8023/2; ~ and Ibn Bàdjdja 9367/1.

Bate → Henry Bate of Mechelen.

Bay∂àwì, awàli' al-Anwàr min Ma†àli' al-AnΩàr, along with Ma˙mùd

Ißfahànì’s commentary Ma†àli' al-AnΩàr, Shar˙ awàli' al-Anwàr –

English translation; edition 1785/1.

Bayhaqì, Abù l-Óasan – Ibn Sìnà, biography 7457/6.

bayt al-˙ikma – ‘school of Toledo’ – comparison 1700/1; 3808/1

(fiction and facts); fiction and facts 8951/2.

beauty – Ibn Óazm 3085/1; concept of ~ 5608/1; 6739/1.

beauty → aesthetics.

Bediuzzaman → Nursi.

being – Avicennism, Averroism ~ divinity 3321/01 339/1; Avi-

cenna, Thomas Aquinas – possibile esse et non esse 7473/1; essence –

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326 being ‒ bìrùnì

Thomas Aquinas, Siger of Brabant/ 7027/0; Ibn Rushd – spir-

itual being 8587/3; Ibn Sìnà, vocabulary of Avicenna Latinus,

Prima philosophia 4905/1; “intensification” of being – Ibn Sìnà,Mullà Íadrà 7553/1; criticism by 'Abd al-Karìm al-Shahrastànìand Ibn Rushd 8302/1; “intensification” of being – Ibn Sìnà,Mullà Íadrà 7553/1; knowing 3699/1; Michael Scot – hier-

archy of ~ 7027/1; Mullà Íadrà being and existence in MullàÍadrà and Heidegger 211/1; gradation of being 317/3; 1672/1;

1997/1; unity and multiplicity 2231/1; unity of ~; difference

between unity of being and pantheism 4927/3; primacy of being

4928/8; “intensification” of being – Ibn Sìnà, Mullà Íadrà 7553/1;

unity of being 8041/2; Mu'tazila – unity of being 339/1; mys-ticism – absolute being 7518/3; Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì 339/1;

-Qùnawì 339/1; shay", res as concomitant of being 2510/1;

Siger of Brabant – being and essence 7027/0; Thomas Aqui-nas – being and essence 7027/0; Thomas Aquinas, Avicenna –

possibile esse et non esse 7473/1; → wudjùd.belief – reason in Islam (survey) 3362/1; Ibn 'Arabì 1122/2; belief

and science – Ikhwàn al–Íafà" 1134/1; belief and reason – Ibn

Rushd 5435/1.

“Bewußtsein überhaupt” (Kant) – Averroism 7575/2.

Biagio Pelacani of Parma – influence of Ibn al-Haytham, theory of

vision 8282/1.

bibliography – (2000) 1441/1; (1927–1932) 4185/1; (1984) 6819/2;

survey and discussion of recent publications (1993–1999) 8861/1;

Aristotle – commentators – Arabic Greek and Arabic tradition

– bibliographical guide 8007/1; editions, translations (medievalLatin and modern) of Arabic philosophical texts (1994) 7975/2;

Ibn Bàdjdja (1992) 1030/0; Iqbal 8499/1; Iran 254/0; Naßìral-Dìn al-ˇùsì 9346/2; Nàßir-i Khusraw 701/1; Spain (1996)

2664/1; translations, Arabic-Latin – philosophy – survey, bib-

liographical handbook 7990/2; Turkey (theses) 683/1; westernlanguages, selected literature (2002) 879/1.

Bìdàbàdì → Mu˙ammad Bìdàbàdì.Biel, Gabriel – occasionalism 6986/1.

biology – astrologization of Aristotle’s biology 3173/1.

-Bìrùnì – survey (Persian) 177/1; (translation of selections) 6800/1;

Aristotle, criticism of ~ 8722/1; dream, explanation by Ghazanfar-i

Tabrìzì 6359/1; economic thought 3492/2; Gods, Greek 9089/2;

Greek-hellenistic thought 8722/1; Ibn Sìnà, correspondence

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bìrùnì ‒ causality 327

with Bìrùnì: al-As"ila wa-l-adjwiba – English translation (question

1–10) 1383/1; analysis 8376/2; 8722/1; 9347/1 (edition, together

with Adjiwba 'an 'ashr masà"il, monograph); “Neo-PlatonicAristotelian” 8112/1.

Bloch, Ernst – Averroism 8802/1

body – soul: Ibn Sìnà 2505/1; discussion in Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilàl-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation 6271/1;

Ibn Sìnà – Simplicius 8349/1; ~ and soul; unity, division, facul-

ties 8662/1; ~ as extension – Suhrawardì [al-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-

Ishràq] – Descartes, Leibniz 9089/0.

Boethius Severinus – Kindì, Risàla fì l-˙ìla li-daf ' al-a˙zàn – compari-

son with B. 2508/1; on sciences – impact on Dominicus Gundis(s)ali-

nus 3075/6; avicennizing Boethianism – Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus

3075/9; on sciences – impact on Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus 3075/14;

concept of place – Themistius’ classification and reception in B.,

Ibn Rushd, Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì 4024/4.

Bosnia – Arabic writing logicians 5586.11 (monograph); 5587/1


Brucker, Jacob – as historian of Islamic philosophy 4694/1.

Bucaille, Maurice – islamization of science 8315/1.

bu'd, ab'àd – discussion in Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-

Hamadhànì – edition, French translation 6271/1.

Buddha – reincarnation – Suhrawardì (-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq)


Buddhism – Indian, Buddhist impact on Kalàm 7094/1.

burhàn aß-ßiddìqìn – “proof of the sincere” 5504/1.

Burley, Walter → Averroes/Averroism.

-Bustì, Abù l-Qàsim – refutation of Ismailism 8326/1

Cajnicanin, Mu˙ammad – Bosniak logician 5587/1.

Casona, Alejandro – echo of Ibn ˇufayl 8680/1.

categories – use by Ibn 'Arabì 3774/0.

causa prima, esse – Liber de causis, Thomas Aquinas, Siger of Brabant


causa – causa prima est esse tantum – Liber de causis 2192/3.

causa sui – Neoplatonic theory in medieval philosophy 6380/1.

causality 254/0.1 (causation, induction, skepticism); 2637/2; 4966/1

(cause as explanation and necessitating factor – Greek-Islamic

thought); 8258/1 (Islamic thought); 9472/1 (Greek forerunners;

Kindì, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì, Ibn Rushd, mutakallimùn,

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328 causality ‒ contingency

European philosophers; monograph, Arabic); Albertus Magnus– celestial causality 8798/2; A“'arì 6986/1; determinism, free

will 8114/1; Ghazzàlì 2557/1; 3534 (causality, miracles, neces-

sary connection); 5586/2; 5862/1 and 7372/1 (Gh. and Ibn Rushd);

Gh. and Hume 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2; God: causality as substi-

tute for God in Islam 2164/2; Hume and Gh. 7330/1.1 +

7330/1.2; Ibn Rushd 5862/1 and 7372/1 (I.R. and Ghazzàlì);7575/1 (causal similarity [“a man begets a man”] – Greek, medieval

thought, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd); Ibn Sìnà 211/0.2 (co-existence

of cause and effect); 1432/0.2 (material and formal ~ Ibn Sìnà,al-Shifà" ); 2153/1; 5328/1 (causatedness – contingency); 7575/1

(causal similarity [“a man begets a man”] – Greek, medieval

thought, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd; 9285/3; 9285/4 (al-'illa al-ghà"iyya –

prior to al-'illa al-fà'iliyya); 9285/6 (immanent and transcendent

causes – Neoplatonic forerunners); Kindì 8698/1; Mu'tazilites6986/1; Mullà Íadrà 317/3; occasionalism and causality –

Ghazzàlì, Ibn Rushd 7372/. → 'illa, 'illiyya.certitude, theory of 1496/1 (Fàràbì); 9400/1 (Ghazzàlì – role of


“chance” ittifàq – Ibn Sìnà 1359/1.

change, substantial – Ibn Sìnà 6165/2.

China – Confucian philosophy and Islamic philosophy – similarities

and interactions 1887/1; propagation of Islamic books from Iran

in China (17th c.) 6307/1.

codification of philosophy – Fàràbì 8404/1.

cogitatio – Ibn Rushd 8559/3.1.

colour, light – aesthetics, Islamic 5608/1.

combination, method of – Ibn Sìnà, Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Ibràhìmal-Óalabì 7427/2.

commentary, Greek philosophical – Arabic transmission 4882/1;

philosophical and theological Arabic tradition – survey of texts


Comte, Auguste – Ghazzàlì 7330/1.1; 7330/1.2.

“condemnations” of Aristotle (1277) 8984/1.

Confucius – Confucian and Islamic philosophy – similarities and

interactions 1887/1.

conjunction (ittißàl ) – Ibn Rushd 1493/1.

consolation → Kindì – Risàla fì l-˙ìla li-daf ' al-a˙zàncontingency – Ghazzàlì 5328/3.

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continuum ‒ creation 329

continuum – Ibn Rushd 3572/1; Gersonides’ rejection of Ibn Rushd


contradictions – Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – Bertrand Russel(l) 3375/1.

Corbin, Henri 1997/1 (introduction to his thought [1970]); 5421/1;

7954/1 (correspondence with Vladimir Ivanow); 9089/2 (C.’s. study

of Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]).

corporeity – Ibn Sìnà – Simplicius 8349/1.

cosmology – role of Islamic philosophy in the construction of knowl-

edge 35/1; Arabic c. – survey 5428/1; Af∂al al-Dìn Kàshànì1895/1; Alexander of Aphrodisias, Maqàla fì mabàdi" al-kull –

influence 2641/1; 3431/1; Ghazzàlì, Ihyà" 'ulùm al-dìn, Kitàb al-

Ma˙abba, Kitàb al-Tafakkur, Kitàb ”ar˙ 'adjà"ib al-qalb – parts

on God’s creation, cosmological argument – text, French transla-

tion 1566/1; Ibn Rushd → Ibn Sìnà; Ibn Sìnà – criticism by

'Abd al-Karìm al-Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd 8302/1; MullàÍadrà – western, Darwinian c., Mullà Íadrà’s theocentrism and

trans-substantial motion 7298/1; Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm8302/2 (cosm. and creation). → creation; → generation.

creation – Christian philosophy, medieval 1714/1 (relation cre-

ation – creator); Djàbir, Ikhwàn al-Íafà", – alchemy and c. 6035/1;

evolution 1048/1; Fakhr Al-Dìn al-Ràzì 1840/1; Ghazzàlì,Ihyà" 'ulùm al-dìn, Kitàb al-Ma˙abba, Kitàb al-Tafakkur, Kitàb”ar˙ 'adjà"ib al-qalb – parts on God’s creation, cosmological argu-

ment – text, French translation 1566/1; 5328/3 (c. – contin-

gency); 5862/1 (Gh. and Ibn Rushd); Ibn 'Arabì – c. and monism

2365/3; Ibn Rushd 3321/00 (I.R., Thomas Aquinas); 5862/1

(I. R. and Ghazzàlì); 8302/1 (Gh.’s concept of creation, criticized

by 'Abd al-Karìm al-Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd); Ibn Sìnà211/0.2 (I.S., Thomas Aquinas); 4905/1 (vocabulary of Avicenna

Latinus, Prima philosophia); 8302/1 (criticism by 'Abd al-Karìm al-

Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd); Ikhwàn al-Íafà", Djàbir – c. and

alchemy 6035/1; Kindì, Mu'tazila 218/3; Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar

Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh 8497/1; Mìr Dàmàd and MullàÍadrà: a-temporal origination (˙udùth-i dahrì) 6377/1; Mullà Íadrà8513/2; 6377/1 (M.Í. and Mìr Damad: a-temporal origination

[˙udùth-i dahrì]); Mu'tazila, Kindì 218/3; Plato, Timaeus – model

for creation and providence 2198/1; Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm8302/2; 8302/1 (Gh.’s concept of creation, criticized by 'Abd al-

Karìm al-Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd). → eternity of the world.

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330 creed ‒ descartes

creed, Islamic – Islamic philosophy 337/1.

Crescas – prophecy 5291/1.

crusades – Philip of Tripoli – his translation of Aristotle, Sirr al-asràrin the context of intellectual activity in the Crusader Levant 9271/1.

Cyril of Alexandria, Contra Iulianum – Greek fragments of Alexander

of Aphrodisias, De providentia – comparison with the Arabic ver-

sion of De providentia 3052/2.

Dahriyya/Dahrites 2164/2.

dalìl – Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh 8497/1.

→ demonstration; → proof.

Dandamis – dispute with Alexander the Great – Syriac transmis-

sion, fragment and translation 1630/1.

Daniel of Morley – Arabic philosophical sources 1701/1.

Dante – Divina Comedia 918/1 (Islamic eschatology); 1508/1

(sources); (Islamic sources) 5531/1; Ibn Rushd – secularism 2759/1;

Islam 1837/1; 7562/1; 6088/1 (problem of Islamic influence);

Liber de Causis 7897/1.

Darwin – Darwinian cosmology – Mullà Íadrà’s theocentrism and

trans-substantial motion 7298/1.

Dashtakì, Ghiyàth al-Dìn – Maqàmàt al-'àrifìn – edition 4927/1;

Shifà" al-qulùb – edition 3301/2; Tadjawhar al-adjsàm – edi-

tion 3301/2

-Dawwànì, Mu˙ammad Ibn As'ad Djalàl al-Dìn – bibliography7192/3.1; philosophy and sharì'a, definition 2348/1; Risàlat al-

Zawrà" – edition 2268/1; Risàlat Ithbàt al-wàdjib al-djadìda

– edition 2268/2; Risàlat Ithbàt al-wàdjib al-qadìma – edi-

tion 2268/3; Shar˙ khu†bat al-zawrà" – edition 2268/4; Shar˙Risàlat al-zawrà" – edition 2268/5; Shawàkil l-˙ùr (al-nùr) –

edition, analysis 8432, suppl.; works, logic – survey 7258/2.

definition – Abù l-Najà al-Farì∂, Ibn Taymiyya 166 suppl.; Kindì,Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà 5022/2.

Democritus (fragment in Ibn al-Qif†ì) 487/1; Arabic transmission –

survey (2003) 2335.

de Molina, Luis – occasionalism 6986/1.

demonstration – Aristotle, Analytica posteriora – Ibn Sìnà 6576/1;

Aristotelian logic – Islamic philosophy 2654/1.

Descartes – Abù l-'Alà al-Ma'arrì 1122/1; epistemology – Ibn Sìnà4887/1; epoche “phenomenological reduction” in Husserl, Ibn Sìnà

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descartes ‒ djurdjànì 331

and Descartes; ~ and Ghazzàlì 6961/1; 'Umar Khayyàm, math-

ematics 7429/1, 7429/2; body as extension – D., Leibniz, Suhra-

wardì [al-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-Ishràq] 9089/0; ontological proof of

God – Fàràbì, Anselm of Canterbury 9387/1; → Ghazzàlì.destiny – Ibn 'Arabì 2365/1.

dhàt – Fàràbì 5434/1.

dhàtì – “essential” “divided” (logic) 8366/1.

dhawqiyya – -Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 5927/3.1.

dhikr → memory.

dictionary – philosophers 2326/1; 2637/2; 2637/3.

Dihdàr, Mu˙ammad Ibn Ma˙mùd [947–1016/1540–1607], Rasà"il –edition 2347/2.

Diogenes – sayings attributed to him – Greek-Arabic transmission –

analysis, translation 6934/2.

divinity – being and d., Ibn Sìnà 339/1; reality in Islamic thought


divisibility of physical bodies – Aristotle, Ibn Rushd 3572/1.

divisio entis – Henry of Ghent, Ibn Sìnà 2299/1.

Djàbir Ibn Óayyàn – source: Alexander of Aphrodisias, commen-

tary on Aristotle, De generatione et corruptione 3052/0; Kitàb al-Taßrìf –

Alexander of Aphrodisias, commentary on Aristotle, De Generatione

et corruptione – quoted by Dj. 3301/3; 3301/4.

Djabirì, Mu˙ammad – view of Ibn Khaldùn’s 'aßabiyya – Dhaouadi

2320/1; criticism of “Arabic reason” 4082/1.1.

djadal – meaning and influence of Syriac dàrøshà 7030/1; Maqdisì,Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh 8497/1.

Dja'far al-Íàdiq – soul – “limbs of the soul” – Manichaean back-

ground 2029/8.

Dja'far Ibn al-Óasan Manßùr al-Yaman – soul – “limbs of the soul” –

Manichaean background – 2029/8.

-Djà˙iΩ – theory of translation 1828/2; atheism 2164/2.

Djahm Ibn Íafwàn – Kalàm – Indian, Buddhist impact 7094/1.

djawhar 3251/1 (subsistence of ~, Mullà Íadrà); 5434/1 (Fàràbì).Djibràn, Khalìl – remarks on Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì, Ibn al-Farì∂, Abù

l-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì 5116/1.1.

djism †abì' ì and djism ta'lìmì, 'Umar Khayyàm – Ibn Sìnà 6771/2.

-Djubbà"ì, Abù Hàshim – Mullà Íadrà: wudjùd, fi'l 4669/1.

Djurdjànì, 'Abd al-Qàhir – metaphor 5996/2; Asràr al-balàgha

(Aristotelian influence) 6003/1.

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332 djurdjànì ‒ dream

Djurdjànì, 'Alì Ibn Mu˙ammad, as-Sayyid al-Sharìf – terminology

226/2; al-Risàla al-ßughrà fì l-man†iq (= al-Ußùl al-man†iqiyya) –

edition 3301/2.

Djurdjànì, Shams al-Dìn Sharìf [= as-Sayyid al-Sharìf Alì Ibn

Mu˙ammad al-Djurdjànì], al-Durra = Persian original of Djurdjànì('Alì Ibn Mu˙ammad, as-Sayyid al-Sharìf ), al-Risàla al-ßughrà fìl-man†iq (= al-Ußùl al-man†iqiyya) – edition 3301/2.

-Djuwaynì – epistemology – Mullà Íadrà 128/1.

Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus – 1124/1 (~ as philosophical writer);

1701/1 (knowledge of D.G. in Oxford); 3075/1 (tolerance and

dialoge of religions); 3075/2 (quotations from the Bible and func-

tion in philosophical writings); 3075/3; 3075/5 (Gundisalvus or

Dominicus Gundisalvi?); 3075/15 (concept of science; abstraction;

epistemology; works and Arabic-Latin translations); 7676/1 (confu-

sion between “Gundisalvus”, archdeacon of Talavera and philoso-

pher, and the contemporary “Dominicus Gundisalvi” archdeacon

of Cuéllar, translator [cf. Fidora/Bruna, “Gundisalvus ou Dominicus

Gundisalvi?”]); 9018.1 (Arabic-Latin translations); Aristotle, Arabic

3075/8; “Augustinisme Avicennisant” versus “Avicennizing

Boethianism 3075/9; Boethius Severinus, on sciences, impact

on D.G. 3075/6; 3075/14; De divisione philosophiae – Ibn

Sìnà – science, concept of 3075/4; – Aristotle, Physics, Arabic ver-

sion 3075/8; Ibn Sìnà 3075/9; Arabic sources, contribution to

medieval concept of science 3075/15; Thierry of Chartres,

Commentarius in Ciceronis De Inventione 3967/1; Latin transmission

5202/a; Hugo of Saint Victor, refuted by ~ 456/1; Ibn Dàwùdand D.G. as translators 1616/1; Ibn Sìnà and D.G., De divisione

philosophiae 3075/9; impact of Boethius Severinus and Ibn Sìnà,on sciences 3075/14; doctrine of the intellect, Ibn Sìnà and his

impact on the Latin West (from Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus to

Albertus Magnus) 4029/4; intellect – Ibn Sìnà and his impact

on the Latin West (from Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus to Albertus

Magnus) 4029/4; Isidor of Sevilla, use of 3075/13; Liber de

anima – Avicenna’s impact 4029/0; Liber de causis, source of

D.G. 3075/16.

doubt 1200/2; Ghazzàlì and Descartes 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2; Ghazzàlì7442/1.

dream – Ibn 'Arabì 2365/2; Bìrùnì – explanation by Ghazanfar-i

Tabrìzì 6359/1; Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà (dream, sleep) 8662/1; Suhrawardì[-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq], dream of Aristotle 9089/2.

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druzes ‒ encyclopedias 333

Druzes – doctrine (Sifr al-Takwìn al-falsafì ) 7765/1.

dualism – Iran – Zuranism 2286/1.

Duns Scotus – Ibn Sìnà’s influence 2016/1; proof for God’s exis-

tence – Ibn Sìnà’s influence 2504/0; criticism of Islamic concept

of cosmological necessity 4170/1.

earth, inhabited – uninhabited parts – Jewish authors and Islamic

sources 3116/1.

economics 3492/1.1 (medieval economic thought – monograph);

6917/1 (history of Islamic economic thought, sources); Abù Yùsuf3492/2; Bìrùnì 3492/2; Ghazzàlì 3492/1 (comparison with

Thomas Aquinas); 3492/2; Ibn Khaldùn 1467/0; 3858/1 (the-

ory of economic growth and development); 6391/1; Ibn Qayyimal-Djawziyya, al- uruq al-˙ukmiyya 3492/4; Ibn Taymiyya 3492/5;

ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 3492/2; → the following entry; → labor.

“economy of poverty” – Kitàb al-Kasb, attributed to Shaybànì 1561/1.

education 2226/1 (Ghazzàlì, survey, without references); 5353/1

(~ and philosophy of education – Ibn Sìnà).Einstein – motion – Mullà Íadrà 2414/1; theory of relativity – Mullà

Íadrà, substantial motion 8064/1.

Ejubovic, Mustafa – Bosniak logician 5587/1.

elements 3301/5 (Aristotle, De Generatione et corruptione – commentary

by Alexander of Aphrodisias – matter, elements); 8698/1 (Kindì).Elia Delmedigo – Averroism 4058/1.

emanation 2746/1 (~ versus creation – Fàràbì); 7427/2 (Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì); 8302/1 (Ibn Sìnà – criticism by 'Abd al-Karìm al-

Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd).

Empedocles – Porphyry – report by Shahrastànì, al-Milal wa-l-ni˙al491/2.

Empedocles – Arabic tradition (preliminary remarks), critical review

of Asín Palacios’ statement on the influence of the Arabic pseudo-

Empedocles on medieval Latin philosophy 2290/2; tradition in

Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] and in Islam 9089/2.

encyclopaedia → Bahbahànì, 'Alì Naqì Ibn A˙mad.

encyclopedias – Hebrew 2584/1 (Moses ben Judah Nogah, Ahavah

ba-Ta'anugim – A fourteenth-century encyclopedia of science and

theology – Arabic sources); 5904/1 (section on logic – Arabic

sources); 6168/1 (medieval Hebrew, Latin, Arabic e.); Ibn Kam-mùnà – al-Djadìd fì l-˙ikma – encyclopaedic character – compar-

ison with other encyclopedic works 5430/3; Islamic 1458/3

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334 encyclopedias ‒ esse

('Àmirì, Ibn Farìghùn, al-Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà,Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Óazm, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); 1741/1;

6168/1; Latin 365/1 (13th c.; Arabic sources); 6168/1.

encyclopedism, Arabic 8951/1.

Endress, Gerhard – bibliography (1966–2004) 9338/2.

“enlightenment” and Islam 4082/1.1.

ens necessarium – Raimundus Lullus, Ibn Sìnà 2164/1.

entelechy/entelecheia 2292/1; transmission in Islamic philosophy 9285/2.

Epicurus – Ibn Óazm, Epicurean elements 5997/1.

epistemology 337/1 (~ as essential part of Islamic philosophy); 1020/2;

2367/1 (Islamic philosophers monograph); 7051/1; 8001/1;

Albertus Magnus 8587/3 (impact of Ibn Rushd on ~, Thomas

Aquinas, Roger Bacon); Descartes 4887/1 (~, Ibn Sìnà); Fàràbì1496/1; 3171/0 (~ and Maimonides: biological limitations of man’s

intellectual perfection); Ghazzàlì 1912/1 (~, Ibn Sìnà); 7330/1.1;

7330/1.2; 7442/1; Ibn 'Arabì 2365/2; Ibn Rushd 8559.3 (crit-

icism by Thomas Aquinas); 8587/3 (impact on Thomas Aquinas,

Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon); 8802/0 (~, Ibn Sìnà); 9284/1;

Ibn Sìnà, 1912/1 (~, Ghazzàlì); 2153/1; 3810/1; 4887/1 (~,

Descartes); 5817/1 (imagination; monograph, Arabic); 6576/1 (~,

Kant); 8802/0 (~, Ibn Rushd); Iqbàl 4707/1 (~, Mullà Íadrà);Kalàm 7094/1 (Indian, Buddhist impact); Kant 6576/1 (~, Ibn

Sìnà); Maimonides 3171/0 (Fàràbì and ~: biological limitations

of man’s intellectual perfection); Mullà Íadrà 1345/2; 4067/1;

4707/1 (~, Iqbàl); 4928/8; 6511/2; Roger Bacon 8587/3 (impact

of Ibn Rushd on ~, Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus); Shi"ites,Sunnites 128/1; Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 9089/2;

Sunnites, 128/1; Thomas Aquinas 8587/3 (impact of Ibn Rushd

on ~, Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon); wahm 5817/1 (Ibn Sìnà;monograph, Arabic); 6408/1; Yazdì, Mu˙ammad Hà"irì 4927/7.

epoche “phenomenological reduction” in Husserl, Ibn Sìnà and Descartes


ermità (Raimundus Lullus) – Ibn Bàdjdja, concept of mutawa˙˙id –

difference 1652/1.

esoteric writing 8404/1.

esoterism – H. Corbin 1970 1997/1.

esse 1497/3 (~ in intellectu – Ibn Sìnà, Thomas Aquinas); 1714/1 (pri-

macy of ~, medieval Christian philosophy and Ibn Sìnà); 1716/1

(primacy of ~ / wudjùd – Mullà Íadrà, Thomas Aquinas); 2192/3

(causa prima est esse tantum – Liber de causis); 3321/00 (~, essentia –

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esse ‒ ethics 335

Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Thomas Aquinas); 7027/0 (Liber de causis –

Thomas Aquinas, Siger of Brabant); 7473/1 (possibile esse et non

esse – Thomas Aquinas, Avicenna); 8461/1 (esse primum creatum –

Liber de causis – Albertus Magnus); 8587/3 (esse spirituale, Albertus

Magnus) – echo of Ibn Rushd).

essence – Abù Hàshim al-Djubbà"ì 339/1 (divine essence equal

to other essences, criticized by Ibn Sìnà and Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì);Duns Scotus → Ibn Sìnà; existence 218/6 (essence – existence –

first beginnings of the Avicennian distinction in Kindì and difference);

339/1; 1829/1 (essence – existence – Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Thomas

Aquinas); 2164/1 (essence – existence – trinity – Raimundus Lullus,

Ibn Sìnà); 4067/1 (essence – existence – Mullà Íadrà); 6961/1

(essence – existence – Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd); 7553/2 (essence –

existence – Ibn Sìnà – Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-Ishràq]

and origin); 9086/1 (essence – existence – Mullà Íadrà, western

existentialism); 9285/4 (essence – existence in Ibn Sìnà paralleled

with mutakallimùn’s “things” and “existents”); 9285/2 (essence –

existence – Ibn Sìnà and forerunners in Fàràbì and Kalàm); Fàràbì→ existence; Ibn Rushd → existence; Ibn Sìnà 2016/1 (~, Duns

Scotus); 6961/1 (essence – existence – Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd);

9285/4; 9397/1 (essence, God’s attributes); → existence; → AbùHàshim al-Djubbà"ì; -Kindì → existence; Mullà Íadrà 5375/1

(denial by ~, affirmation of flux); → existence; prime matter7881/1 (Latin Averroes, Henry of Ghent); Raimundus Lullus→ existence; Suhrawardì → existence; Thomas Aquinas 7027/0

(~, being); → existence; -ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn → Abù Hàshim al-

Djubbà"ì; → existence; → “whatness” of God.

estimation 1495/1 (Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Albertus Magnus, Thomas

Aquinas); 4029/0 (Ibn Sìnà).eternal, necessity of – Ibn Rushd 5328/1.

eternity of the world 2134/1 (Alexander of Aphrodisias – discussion

with Levi); 4735/1 (Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì, Thomas Aquinas). →world.

ethics 2637/2; 4820/1 (Mu'tazilite objectivism and scriptural Ash'arism,

with reference to Ghazzàlì, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì, Shihàb al-Dìnal-Qaràfì); 7341/3 (philosophical ethics – basic issues); 7690 (“eti-

quette of the physician”); Averroism – Pietro Auriol 9231/1;

Fàràbì 2746/1; humanism 3699/1 (Islamic ethics and ~); IbnÓazm 7232/2; Koran, philosophical ethics, modern interpretations

8112/1; Liber de causis 8591/2; Maimonides, Shemonah Peraqim –

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336 ethics ‒ fakhr al-dìn

Arabic sources 1606/1; Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì, Tahdhìb al-akhlàq – analy-

sis 3756/2; → moral; → political philosophy.

Euclid 879/3 (phantasy, space and geometrical object in Proclus,

Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham); 1200/2 ('Umar Khayyàm: criticism of

Euclid’s theory of parallels).

Eudemus (Arabic Tradition) 3807/1.

Eudoxos – so-called “postulate of Eudoxos-Archimedes” 1186/1.

evil – Ibn 'Arabì 2365/1; Ibn Sìnà 1359/1 (providence – chance);

4685/1 (essential, accidental ~); 4685/1 (~, ignorance); 8299/0

(~ and Thomas Aquinas); Mullà Íadrà – ontological nature of

“perceptual evil” (sharr-i idràkì) – 7258/1.

evolution, biological – concept among Islamic philosophers 1048/1.

exemplar – Anti-averroistic 8301/1.

existence – essence 4966/1; Ghazzàlì 5010/1 (~ – truth – inter-

pretation); Ibn Rushd 8802/0 (~, Ibn Sìnà); → Mullà Íadrà; IbnSìnà 2510/1 (divine existence); 6993/1 (Proclean ‘remaining’;

“happening” (accident) to essence); 7403/1 (~, Mullà Íadrà); 8802/0

(~, Ibn Rushd); 9285/2 (necessary existence – in itself / through

another); Mullà Íadrà 211/1 (being and existence in Mullà Íadràand Heidegger); 337/1; 2155.1; 2351/1 (~, Mudarris ˇahrànì,Àqà 'Alì); 317/3 (principality of existence); 3490/1 (principality

of existence – Mullà Íadrà and his critics); 5489/1; 6321/3 (exis-

tence – essence – M. Í., Ibn Rushd); 7403/1 (~, Ibn Sìnà); 8439/3

(primacy of existence); Suhrawardì (-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-Ishràq)

– ontological character of existence 7553/2. → being; → essence.

existence, mental – wudjùd dhihnì 6961/1

existentialism – Iqbal 4995/1; western ~ – Mullà Íadrà: essence-

existence 9086/1.

Fà∂il Hindì (= Bahà" al-Dìn Mu˙ammad Ibn Tàdj al-Dìn Óasan

Ißfahànì, died 1718), Óikmat-i Khàqàniyya (on logic, physics, meta-

physics) edition 2723/1.

Fà∂il Hindì → Mu˙ammad Ibn Óasan Ibn Mu˙ammad Ißfahànì.faith 1122/2 (Ibn 'Arabì); 2637/2.

Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 852/1 (biography, philosopher, commentator

of the Koran); 7192/6 (Sufi teachers of F.); bibliography 1941

(recent publications, 1996); 8172/2 (2006); biography 8172/2;

ethics 4820/1 (Mu'tazilite objectivism and scriptural Ash'arism,

with reference to Ghazzàlì, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì, Shihàb al-Dìnal-Qaràfì); 8172/2 (monograph); existence 1843 (God, existence,

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fakhr al-dìn ‒ fàràbì 337

time, space); Farìd al-Dìn al-Ghaylànì – al-MunàΩara bayna Fakhr

al-Dìn al-Ràzì wa-Farìd al-Dìn al-Ghaylànì fì mas"alat Óudùth al-'àlam– edition 4446/1; Ghazzàlì 8172/1 (F. criticizing Ghazzàlì); God121/1 (knowability of God’s essence and attributes); 1843 (God,

existence, time, space); Ibn Sìnà – logic, criticism by F. 8367/9;

3755/1 (application of Ibn Sìnà’s psychology); 6148/1 (criticism

of Ibn Sìnà’s argument for the unity of God, Naßìr al-Dìn al-

ˇùsì’s defence); Koran (commentator) 852/1; Àyat al-Nùr 5813/1;

al-Mabà˙ith al-mashriqiyya 852/1 (analysis); 8501/2 (source of

Barhebraeus, Mnàrath qudhshe = Candelabrum sanctuarii ); al-Ma†àlib

al-'àliya 121/2 (visiting tombs – philosophical justification); 4735/1

(eternity of the world); MunàΩaràt fì bilàd mà warà" al-nahr

852/1 (analysis); philosophy 852/1; 875/1; prophecy 125/1

(proofs for ~); psychology 4708/1a; Qu†b al-Dìn al-Ràzì al-Ta˙tànì – al-Mu˙àkamàt bayna Shar˙ay [Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì and

Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì] al-Ishàràt. al-Ilàhiyàt [by Ibn Sìnà]- edition

7313/1; Risàlat Dhamm ladhdhàt al-dunyà 8172/2 (edition,

analysis); sciences, division of and encyclopaedias 1458/3; space1843 (God, existence, time, space); terminology 2518/1; theology,

tafsìr 1840/1; time, concept of 838/1; 1843 (God, existence, time,

space); al-ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 2983/1 (comparison, monograph,

Arabic); 6148/1 (criticism of Ibn Sìnà’s argument for the unity of

God, Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì’s defence); 7313/1 (Qu†b al-Dìn al-Ràzìal-Ta˙tànì: al-Mu˙àkamàt bayna Shar˙ay [Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì and

Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì] al-Ishàràt. al-Ilàhiyàt [by Ibn Sìnà]- edition);

works 8172/2 (chronology, short description).

falsafa 2637/2; 3085/1 (tradition and innovation in philosophy of

Andalus); 5510/1 (Abù Ma'shar al-Balkhì).-falsafa al-mashriqiyya → al-˙ikma al-mashriqiyya.

faqr-i wudjùdì “ontological poverty” – Mullà Íadrà 2231/1.

Fàràbì 177/1 (survey, in Persian); 405/1 (monograph); 430/1 (in-

fluence); 2637/2 (survey); 2746/1 (life, works, influence; monograph,

2002); 1929/1 (survey, 1999); 3085/1 (survey); 4923/1; 5774/1

(monograph: Mahdi; 2001); 5785/1; 8939/1 (history of research);

abstraction – Ibn Sìnà 4029/2; Aghràd mà ba'd al-†abì'a →Maqàla fì aghrà∂ mà ba'd al-†abì'a; Alexander of Aphrodisias-intellect 3444/3 (doctrine of four intellects – source: Alexander

of Aphrodisias); Alexandrians 8939/1 (Aristotle, Plato, Neoplaton-

ism and Alexandrians); al-AlfàΩ al-musta'mala fì l-man†iq –

Turkish translation 8732/3; analogy and poetic syllogism; analogy

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338 fàràbì

of being 8939/1; Aristotle 1926/2 (Aristotelian?); 8939/1 (Aristotle,

Plato, Neoplatonism and Alexandrians); 9494/1 (Latin, Hebrew

fragments of lost commentaries on Aristotelian logic 9494/1);

Aristotle, Categories 1660/1 (reception of Cat. in Fàràbì); 9497/1

[1999] (fragments of his Long Commentary in Judah Ha-Cohen’s

Supercommentary on Ibn Rushd’s Middle Commentary on the Categoriae);

9494/0 (Edition of the Hebrew fragments, English translation);

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 3811.01 (political philosophy);

7397/1 (impact of Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics); Aristotle, Organon –

Great commentary by Fàràbì, quoted in Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà" – al-

Man†iq – al-Qiyàs 8367/7; 8939/1 (~ as philosophical program of

Fàràbì); Aristotle (ps.), Theology 8939/1; Augustin 7652/3

(rhetoric, logic, moral philosophy – Roger Bacon, Augustin); Bàrìarmìniyàs ay al-'ibàra – Aristotelian “enunciation” 7558/1;

being – analogy of ~ 8939/1; biography 430/1; 7384/1; body –

soul – intellect 8662/1; commentaries – Hebrew fragments

9494/0; Latin, Hebrew fragments of lost commentaries on

Aristotelian logic 9494/1; constitution → perfect state; creation2746/1 (~ versus emanation); culture 3713/1 (theory of culture

and religion); curriculum, philosophical 1785/2; De ortu scien-

tiarum – Daniel of Morley 1701/1; 5202/a; De scientiis –

Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus 3075/14; definition 5022/2; Didascalia

in Rhetoricam Aristotelis ex glosa Alpharabii 719/3 (frag-

ments in Ibn Ri∂wàn from Fàràbì, Great commentary on Aristotle,

Rhetoric – Arabic texts, French translation); 5202/a; al-Djam'bayn ar-ra"yay al-˙akìmayn Aflà†ùn al-ilàhì wa-Aris†ù†àlìs1724/1 (English translation, notes); 2746/1; 7105/0 (political

thought); epistemology 1926/2; 2746/1; 3301/5.6 (~, language,

thought); 8939/1; 2142/2 (F. and Maimonides); 3171/0 (Fàràbì –

Maimonides: biological limitations of man’s intellectual perfection);

essence – existence – Ibn Sìnà 9285/2; ethics 2746/1; 7652/3

(rhetoric, logic, moral philosophy – Roger Bacon, Augustin); exis-tence → essence; Flos Alpharabii → 'Uyùn al-Masà"il (Latin ver-

sion); Fontes quaestionum → 'Uyùn al-masà"il (Latin version);

Fußùl al-madanì 1606/1 (quoted by Maimonides, Shemonah pera-

qim); 1724/1 (English translation, notes); grammar of the philoso-

pher 8939/1; Greek philosophy (“Breaking with Athens”) 1926/2;

3807/2; Hallevi 5590/1; happiness 1926/2; humanism 3699/1;

al-Óurùf 2839 (2nd part [ed. Mahdi 108–158] – Spanish trans-

lation); 3301/5.6 (“political” thought); 5022/2 (style, definition);

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fàràbì 339

5042/1 (English translation, part); 8732/2 (logic); 8939/1 (French

translation: §§ 37–39); Ibn Bàdjdja 2746/1 (echo in ~); 7219/2

(classification of sciences); 8939/1 (~ defending F.); Ibn Falaquera3983/1 (philosophy – religion); → separate entry; Ibn Rushd2746/1 (echo in ~); Ibn Sìnà 2746/1 (echo in ~); 3473/1 (~

and Fàràbì, main ideas; monograph, Arabic); 4029/2 (abstraction);

5862/1 (God – world relation); → political philosophy. 8367/7

(Aristotle, Organon – Great commentary by Fàràbì, quoted in Ibn

Sìnà, al-Shifà" – al-Man†iq – al-Qiyàs); 9285/2 (essence – existence);

I˙ßà" al-'ulùm 1724/1 (ch. on political science – English trans-

lation, notes); 5202/a (Latin transmission); Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1125/1

(comparison with Mabàdi" àrà" ahl al-madìna al-fà∂ila); 3685/1 (~,

Ep. XXII [animals versus man] – religion and politics); Imàm –

“Imamic” constitution and Ibn Rushd’s interpretation 2029/2;

imitation as political theory 8939/1; → mimesis; influence2746/1 (echo in the Latin West, summary); → Ibn Bàdjdja; →Ibn Rushd; → Ibn Sìnà; intellect 3444/3 (doctrine of four intel-

lects – source: Alexander of Aphrodisias); 7412/01 (practical rea-

son and active intellect); 8662/1 (soul – body – intellect);

judgement, absolute, necessary, possible – Theophrastus, Alexander

of Aphrodisias, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Islamic theology 7969/1.2; lan-guage 3301/5.6 (~, thought, epistemology);5434/1 (philosophy of

~); 8732/3 (~, logic); Latin translations 1541/1 (Hermannus

Alemannus, Latin translations of rhetorical works); Liber exerci-

tationis ad viam felicitatis 5202/a; logic 1926/2; 2746/1;

4281/1 (hypothetical logic); 4285/1 (~, Syriac); 7652/3 (rhetoric,

logic, moral philosophy – Roger Bacon, Augustin); 8732/2; 8732/3

(~, language); 9494/1 (commentaries – Latin, Hebrew fragments

of lost commentaries on Aristotelian logic); Mabàdi" àrà" ahl al-

madìna al-fà∂ila 1125/1 (comparison with Ikhwàn al-Íafà");2028/1 (perfect state and its opposite – analysis, Greek sources,

later echos, terminology); 6912/0 (Aristotelianization of the Neo-

platonic scheme of the emanation of reality); madanì, concept of

3811.0.1 al-Madìna al-fà∂ila → Mabàdi" àrà" ahl al-madìna al-

fà∂ila; Maimonides 2142/2 (concept of prophecy in F. and M.);

ma'nà 9284/1; Maqàla fì aghrà∂ al-˙akìm [= Aristotle] fìkull maqàla min al-kitàb al-mawsùm bi-l-˙urùf → Maqàlafì aghrà∂ mà ba'd al-†abì'a; Maqàla fì aghrà∂ mà ba'd al-†abì'a1432/0.2 (on Aristotle, Metaphysics – knowledge by Ibn Sìnà accord-

ing to his autobiography); 1432/3 (Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà", al-Ilàhiyyàt);

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340 fàràbì

Maqàla fì ma'ànì l-'aql 2920/1 (French translation); 3172/1

(medieval Hebrew translations); 5202/a (Latin transmission);

Maqùlàt – source of Ghazzàlì, Mi'yàr al-'ilm fì fann al-man†iq 4841/2;

mathematics 879/3 (~, phantasy, space and geometrical object

in Proclus, Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham); method, discourse on ~

1926/2; al-Millà al-fà∂ila 1724/1 (English translation, notes);

1926/1 (Machiavelli); mimesis 7972/1; → imitation; Miskawayh5928/1 (imagination); Mukhtaßar al-man†iq – Latin version

5202/a; Mullà Íadrà → political philosophy; Neoplatonism8939/1 (Aristotle, Plato, Neoplatonism and Alexandrians); Nota

ex logica Alpharabii quedam sumpta 5202/a; Perfect State

→ Mabàdi" àrà" ahl al-madìna al-fà∂ila; philosophy 477/2 (~, reli-

gion); 1926/2 (concept of ~); 5396/1 (~ and religion); 9162/2

(Synesius – religion, philosophy, rhetoric – comparison); Plato1926/2 (Platonist?); 2746/1 (Platonism); 3981/1 (Plato, Laws);

3983/1 (L. Strauss’ understanding); 8939/1 (Aristotle, Plato,

Neoplatonism and Alexandrians); “political” philosophy 2028/1

(~, religious level, Greek sources, later echo); 2746/1; 3811.0.1

(concept of ~); 4834/3 (Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì); 5996/1 (compari-

son with Ibn Sìnà); 6458/2 (Mullà Íadrà); 6884/2 (prophecy and

politics – Mullà Íadrà); 8939/1 (imitation as political theory);

prophecy 315/1 (~, Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì); 6884/2 (prophecy and

politics – Mullà Íadrà); 2142/2 (F. and Maimonides); psychol-ogy 4708/1a; 6961/1 (soul – ~, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Maimonides);

8662/1 (soul – body – intellect); Qawl fì l-tanàsub wa-l-ta"lìf719/11 (poetical syllogism as incorrect syllogism of the second

figure); al-Qiyàs al-ßaghìr – source of Ghazzàlì, Mi'yàr al-'ilm fìfann al-man†iq 4841/2; Qudàma Ibn Dja'far 4063/3; ra"ìs awwal,

concept of 8521/2; reason 477/2 (~, revelation); 7412/01 (prac-

tical reason and active intellect); religion 477/2 (~, philosophy);

3713/1 (theory of culture and religion); 5396/1 (~ and philoso-

phy); 7972/1 (~, poetic syllogism); 9112/1 (philosophy of r. – Ibn

Sìnà); 6912/1 (religion as imitation of philosophy – neoplatonic

background); 9162/2 (Synesius – religion, philosophy, rhetoric –

comparison); revelation 477/2 (~, reason); rhetoric, logic, moral

philosophy – Roger Bacon, Augustin 7652/3; 9162/2 (Synesius –

religion, philosophy, rhetoric – comparison); Risàla fì ism al-

falsafa wa-sabab Ωuhùrihà – analysis 7868/2; Risàla fì l-'aql

→ Maqàla fì ma'ànì l-'aql; [Risàla fì màhiyat al-nafs] 1607/1

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fàràbì ‒ frederick ii 341

(sources); 3175/2 (Hebrew text, translation, commentary); RogerBacon 7652/3 (rhetoric, logic, moral philosophy – Roger Bacon,

Augustin); sa'àda → happiness; science 2655/2 (science, demon-

strative); sciences 1458/3 (division of sc. and encyclopaedias);

2746/1 (classification of ~); 7219/2 (classification of sciences – Ibn

Bàdjdja); Shar˙ Risàlat Zìnùn al-kabìr al-yùnànì 5022/2.1

(text, English translation, study); Shar˙ ßadr al-maqàla al-ùlà[+ al-khàmisa] min Kitàb Uqlìdis – Arabic-Latin version (part:

5th and 6th book), edition and English translation 1694/3; shay"2510/1; al-Siyàsa al-madaniyya 3171/1 (quoted by Maimonides);

soul → psychology; Stoicism 8939/1; Strauss, Leo – interpre-

tation by ~ 8521/2; syllogism 719/11 (poetical syll. as incor-

rect syllogism of the second figure); 7972/1 (poetical syll. – religion);

8367/7 (Great commentary [lost] on Aristotle, Organon – quoted

in Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà" – al-Man†iq – al-Qiyàs); Synesius – religion,

philosophy, rhetoric – comparison 9162/2; Talkhìß nawàmìsAflà†ùn 3981/1 (mss. Leiden and Escorial derive from different

versions, based on a paraphrase, perhaps by Galen; quotation of

an unknown passage in Abner of Burgos [1330]); 8521/2 (Leo

Strauss); al-Tanbìh 'alà sabìl al-sa'àda – Spanish translation,

with notes and introduction 7388/0; al-Taw†i"a fì l-man†iq (first

part) – ms. (cop. 596/1200) 7192/5; teleology 1926/2; termi-nology 430/1 (lexicon);1724/1; 2425/2; 2425/5 (terminology of

humanities); ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn → political philosophy; theory –practice 1926/2; thought 3301/5.6 (~, language, epistemology);

translation, selections (including Kitàb al-Burhàn) 6800/1; 'Uyùn

al-Masà"il, Latin version 5202/a; wa˙y “revelation” – root of

Ibn 'Arabì, doctrine of imagination 2365/2; writings 430/1.

Faruqi, Raji – islamization of science 8315/1.

fay∂ 8302/2 (Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm); 7341/2 (Mullà Íadrà).fikr “discursive thought” – Ibn Sìnà 218/8.

fi'l, wudjùd, Abù Hàshim al-Djubbà"ì – Mullà Íadrà 4669/1.

fi†ra “natural disposition” – Ibn 'Arabì 1122/2.

forms 3792/1 (theory of ~ – Averroes and Henry Bate of Mechelen);

9089/1 (platonic ~ – Mullà Íadrà). → ideas.

Frederick II 4029/3 (Siràdj al-Dìn al-Urmawì – scientific contacts);

7978/1 (Arabic science); 8414/1 (Islamic philosophy, science –

Michael Scot, Ibn Sab'ìn, Magister Theodore); 9119/1 (Aristotle and

Ibn Rushd – F. as critic of Aristotle and sympathizer of Averroes).

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342 freedom ‒ gershom ben salomo

freedom 218/3 (Kindì, Mu'tazila); 1011/1 (Mu'tazila); 1713/1 (“cre-

ated” freedom – Ghazzàlì); 218/8.1 (Kindì); 2365/1 (Ibn 'Arabì);4170/1 (concept of ~ – Duns Scotus – criticism of Islamic con-

cept of cosmological necessity).

“freethinkers” of Islam 8407/1 (monograph); 8408/4 (religion of ~

– medieval Islam); 8861/2 (monograph).

friendship 2637/2; 3699/2 (Maimonides, Miskawayh, Ghazzàlì).Fu∂ùlì → Mu˙ammad Ibn Sulaymàn Fu∂ùlì.fußùß “essential parts” (Ibn Sìnà) 1432/0.2.

Gaetano de Thiene – Averroism, works 7894/1.

Galen, Hoti tais tou sòmatos krasesis hai tès psychès dynameis hepontai –

quoted by Maimonides 3171/1; Galen’s view of the Christians

(preserved in Arabic only) 5230/1; quotations from Galen in AbùBakr al-Ràzì, Kitàb al-Shukùk 'alà Djàlìnùs 8379/2; study of Galen’s

writings in Alexandria 8380/1; Peri apodeixeòs (Greek lost) – recon-

struction from Arabic 6508/2; Galen’s view of Jews and Christians

(Arabic sources) 9137/1; De affectuum dignotione 9502 (Arabic-Hebrew

transmission, Ibn Falaquera, Abù Bakr al-Ràzì); De protreptico

(Mukhtaßar maqàl fì l-˙athth 'alà ta'allum al-'ulùm wa-ß-ßinà'àt) 9502

(quoted by Abù Bakr ar-Ràzì, a†-ˇibb al-rù˙ànì and Ibn Falaquera);

Exhortatio ad medicina 9502 (quoted by Abù Bakr ar-Ràzì, a†-ˇibb

al-rù˙ànì and Ibn Falaquera); → Mukhtaßar maqàl fì l-˙athth 'alà ta'al-lum al-'ulùm wa-ß-ßinà'àt

gap → “great gap”-thesis.

generation 1818/2 (Maslama al-Madjrì†ì, Rutbat al-˙akìm, 3rd maqàla);3173/1 (Ibn Rushd); 5312/1 (Ibn Sìnà).

genus – anterior to eidos 7426/4.

geometry – mathematics – phantasy, space and geometrical object

in Proclus, Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham 879/3.

Gerard of Cremona, Vita, Commemoratio librorum, Eulogium – edition


Gerard of Cremona 4825/1 (Arabic-Latin translations – peculiari-

ties of the mss.); 6061 (style – Michael Scot); 7526/1 (life, work);

9018.1 (Arabic-Latin translations).

Gershom Ben Salomo of Arles 3116/1 (earth, inhabited – uninhab-

ited parts); 3119/3 (Sha'ar ha-Shamayim – meteorology, use of Ibn

Tibbon Hebrew version of Aristotle’s Meteorology); 7556/1 (Sha'arHa-Shamayim – sources).

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gersonides ‒ ghazzàlì 343

Gersonides (Levi Ben Gershom; Levi Ben Gerson) 2458/1 (com-

mentator of Ibn Rushd); 5291/1 (prophecy); 7678/1 (continuum –

rejects Ibn Rushd).

gharìb, ghurabà" – Ibn Bàdjdja 3077/1.

-Ghaylànì, Farìd al-Dìn → Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì; Farìd al-Dìn al-

Ghaylànì – al-MunàΩara bayna Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì wa-Farìd al-Dìnal-Ghaylànì fì mas"alat Óudùth al-'àlam.

Ghazzàlì, Abù Óàmid 337/1 (“meta-philosophy”, epistemology, meta-

physics); 7330/1.3 (outline: natural science and philosophy); 1785/2

(survey); 1929/1 (survey, 1999); 3881/1 (natural philosopher or

speculative theologian); 6396/1 (reception in medieval and con-

temporary Islam); 6396/1 (modern interpretation of Gh. as “exem-

plar”); 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2 (impact on medieval, modern western

thought); 7330/2 (natural sciences); 7733/1 (works and life, chronol-

ogy); 8480/2 (texts [copied in 721–3/1321–23]); aesthetics 6739/1;

apostasy, tolerance – philosophy, philosophers 3755/2; 'aql 211

suppl. (~ inferior to prophecy); Ash'arite/Ash'arism 2177/1 (Gh.

as Ash'arite); 5478/2 (Gh. and Ash'arites); 5974/1; Barhebraeus8599/2 (Gh. source of Barhebraeus, Ethicon); al-Ba†alyawsì 4980/1

(echo of al-Ba†alyawsì, al-Óadà"iq); Bà†iniyya 2177/1; biography210/1 (“spiritual crisis”); 211 suppl. (biography); 7733/1 (works

and life, chronology); causality 254/0.1 (causation, induction,

skepticism); 2557/1 (possibility of ~); 3713/1 (criticism of ~);

5586/2; 7372/1 (causality and occasionalism – Ibn Rushd); 8114/1;

certitude – logic 9400/1; Comte, Auguste 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2;

cosmology 3542/2 (~, mystical); Descartes 6961/1; 7330/1.1

+ 7330/1.2 (thought and echo in Descartes and Hume [mono-

graph]); doubt 1200/2; 7442/1 (method of doubt); economicthought 3492/1 (comparison with Thomas Aquinas); 3492/2;

3492/3; education (survey, without references) 2226/1; episte-mology 1912/1; 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2; 7442/1; 9512/1 (mono-

graph, Arabic); → knowledge; ethics 4820/1 (Mu'tazilite objectivism

and scriptural Ash'arism, with reference to Ghazzàlì, Fakhr al-Dìnal-Ràzì, Shihàb al-Dìn al-Qaràfì); Fa∂à"i˙ al-Bà†iniyya – con-

demnation of philosophers 3755/2; Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 8172/1

(criticism by Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); Fàràbì 2746/1 (attack of Gh.

on F. and I.S.); Fayßal al-tafriqa 3755/2 (concept of tolerance);

God 5328/3 (world, God); 6576/1 (concept of God – Gh.s view

of Ibn Sìnà); Hallevi 5235/1 (on philosophy, philosophers); 5590/1;

happiness, concept of – Ghazzàlì 6120/1. Hume – scepticism

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344 ghazzàlì

3881/1; 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2 (thought and echo in Descartes and

Hume [monograph]); Ibn Rushd 3755/2 (relation of Ibn Rushd

in his early writings to Gh.); 3755/2 (ta"wìl, adapted by Ibn Rushd

in his writings after 574/1178); 3755/2.1 (relationship Ghazzàlì –

Ibn Rushd); 3755/2.1 (commentary by Ibn Rushd on Gh., al-

Mustaßfà); 5862/1 (refutation by Ibn Rushd – analysis [mono-

graph]); 7372/1 (causality and occasionalism – Ibn Rushd); IbnSìnà 2746/1 (attack of Gh. on Fàràbì and I.S.); 4841/1 (~ as

source); 5974/1 (Avicennian background of Gh.); 6576/1 (concept

of God – Gh.s view of Ibn Sìnà); Ibn Taymiyya 6003/1 (impact

of Gh.’s qiyàs al-tamthìl on ~); Ibn ˇufayl 3755/2 (~, Óayy Ibn

YaqΩàn as reaction to Ghazzàlì’s criticism of philosophy); 7330/1.1

+ 7330/1.2; Ibn Tùmart 3107/1 (meeting with Gh. in Alexandria);

I˙yà" 'ulùm al-dìn 1566/1 (Kitàb al-Ma˙abba, Kitàb al-Tafakkur,

Kitàb ”ar˙ 'adjà"ib al-qalb – parts on God’s creation, cosmolog-

ical argument – text, French translation); 3107/1 (~ burned by

Almoravids); 3370/1 (French translation with notes [part]); 3542/2

(psychology, eschatology); 3978/3 (Book of Knowledge – source

of Maimonides); al-Iqtißàd fì l-i'tiqàd 912/1 (comparison with

Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra gentes); 3755/2 (condemnation of

philosophers); Ismailiyya/Ismaili 6353/1; kalàm 5974/1; 6353/1;

8172/1 (kalàm and philosophy); Kant 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2;

knowledge 211 suppl. (sources of ~); → epistemology; Latintransmission 5202/a; Lawkarì 3755/2 (L. follows Ibn Sìnà’sdoctrines and shares with Ghazzàlì Ash'arite criticisms of them);

Leibniz – logic 8732/1; logic 7684/2 (new evaluation); 7969/1.2

(quantification of predicate); 5010/1 (metaphor, logic); al-Ma∂nùn

bihì 'alà ghayr ahlihì – ms. (cop. 596/1200) 7192/5; Maqàßidal-falàsifa 3075/14 (Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus, concept of abstrac-

tion – impact of Ghazzàlì); 3075/15 (impact on Dominicus

Gundis(s)alinus, concept of abstraction); 3947/1 (impact on Thomas

Aquinas); 3989/1 (Hebrew transmission); 5904/1 (logic – as source

in Hebrew encyclopedia); 7518/1 (analysis and echo in the Middle

Ages); Masà"il al-ma∂nùn bihà 'alà ghayr ahlihà (on the

Hebrew version of this text → Malter [5869]) – ms. (cop. 596/1200)

7192/5; al-Masà"il al-ukhrawiyya (= al-Ma∂nùn al-ßaghìr) – ms.

(cop. 596/1200) 7192/5; metaphor, logic; truth – interpretation

– existence 5010/1; miracles 3534 (necessary connection); mir-ror for princes in Ghazzàlì, Kìmiyà"-ì sa'àdat 4106/10; Mishkàt

al-anwàr (uncomplete at the end) – ms. (cop. 596/1200) 7192/5;

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ghazzàlì ‒ giles of rome 345

Miskawayh – comparison of their ethics 3699/1; Mi'yàr al-'ilmfì fann al-man†iq 4841/2 (sources); al-Munqidh min a∂-∂alàl

– 2284/1 (French translation); 5042/1 (English translation [part]);

al-Mustaßfà min 'ilm al-ußùl – ußùl al-fiqh, combined with

Aristotelian logic 1467/2; 3755/2.1 (commentary by Ibn Rushd);

al-MustaΩhirì 6353/1 (content, style); occasionalism 6986/1;

7372/1 (causality and occasionalism – Ibn Rushd); Pascal 7330/1.1

+ 7330/1.2; perception 1674/0; personality, concept of 6120/1;

philosophy, philosophers 3755/2 (philosophy, apostasy – toler-

ance); 7729/1 (religion and philosophy – struggle); 8172/1 (kalàmand philosophy); “political-intellectual crisis” 3486/2; possi-bility, causality 2557/1; prophecy 211 suppl. (~ as source of

knowledge, higher than 'aql ); 315/1 (~, properties – Ibn Sìnà);3755/1 (Avicennian psychology in Ash'arite theology); psychol-ogy 1674/0; 4063/2; 4708/1a; → soul; qiyàs al-tamthìl 6003/1

(impact on Ibn Taymiyya); Ràghib al-Ißfahànì → separate entry;

Raimundus Lullus 8241/2; reason 1122/1 (position of ~ in

Gh. and Ma'arrì); 5328/2 (limits of reason); religion 7729/1 (reli-

gion and philosophy – struggle); resurrection 3881/1; al-Risàla

al-laduniyya 3542/2 (English translation [part]); Risàla fì 'ilmal-ladunì [= → -Risàla al-laduniyya] – ms. (cop. 596/1200) 7192/5;

scepticism – Hume 3881/1; soul as mirror (Gh., Ibn Sìnà,Ibn 'Arabì) 7013/1; → psychology; sufism 211 suppl.; Suhrawardì[-Maqtùl], influenced by Gh. 8289/1; Tahàfut al-falàsifa 3755/1

(strategy in the response [radd] to the falàsifa); 3755/2 (first con-

demnation of philosophers); 4109/2 (Tahàfut at-T., disc. I, proofs

1 and 2a); 4841/3 (~ not necessarily anti-Avicennian); 5328/3

(creation, contingency); taqlìd 3755/3 (~ of philosophers); ta"wìl,adapted by Ibn Rushd in his writings after 574 (1178) 3755/2;

terminology 226/1; thought (monograph, Arabic; 1998) 2412/1;

works 211 suppl. (analysis); 7733/1 (works and life, chronology);

world 2557/1 (refutation of the eternity); 4109/2 (eternity of the

world and divine immutability and timelessness); 5328/3 (world,

God); wudjùd 3755/1; Yùsuf Ibn Tàshufìn 3107/1 (fatwà on

the Almoravid ruler Yùsuf Ibn Tàshufìn).

Ghazzàlì, A˙mad – texts (copied in 721–3/1321–23) 8480/2.

Ghiyàth al-Dìn Khwàndamìr, Óabìb al-siyar fì akhbàr afràd al-bashar,extract: Dhikr-i shamma-i a˙wàl-i Abù 'Alì – biography of Ibn

Sìnà 4912/1.

Giles of Rome – criticism by Henry of Ghent 2299/1.

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346 giordano bruno ‒ “great gap”-thesis

Giordano Bruno 1797/1 (reader of Ibn Rushd); 8282/2 (De la causa,

principio et uno – quotation from Ibn Rushd).

gnomologia – Óunayn Ibn Is˙àq – Àdàb al-falàsifa – analysis, Greek

sources 6934/1.

gnomologia 1627/1 (Greek-Syriac, survey); 1718/1 (Greek-Arabic-

Hebrew; Ibn Gabirol); 2482/1 (Aristoteles-Alexander); 5768/1

(manuscipt, 14th and 15th c.); 7750/1 (Sabzawàrì, Mu˙ammad

Bàqir – Raw∂at al-anwàr-i 'abbàsì – edition); 8388/1 (task of research).

→ wisdom; → ˙ikma.

gnosis – 7192/2 (Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Awßàf al-ashràf); 7322/1 (ishràqìphilosophy).

God – Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 121/1 (on the knowability of God’s

essence and attributes); 1840/1 (God’s existence – divine attrib-

utes); Greek Gods – Arabic adaptations 9089/1.1; Ibn Rushd3321/0 (concept of God, impact on Thomas Aquinas); 6641/1 (~,

al-Kashf 'an manàhidj al-adilla); 6576/1 (Ibn Rushd – Ibn Sìnà –

Kant); Ibn Sìnà 211/0.2 (~, Thomas Aquinas – creation); 6148/1

(unity of God, defended by Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì against Fakhr al-

Dìn al-Ràzì); 6535/1 (God’s attribute of knowledge – harmony of

philosophy and religion); 6576/1 (Ibn Rushd – Ibn Sìnà – Kant);

8302/1 (criticism by 'Abd al-Karìm al-Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd);

Kant 6576/1 (Ibn Rushd – Ibn Sìnà – Kant); knowability ofGod as essence and existence 4966/1; Mullà Íadrà 1345/2

(knowledge of the Necessary Being); 7916/2 (knowledge of par-

ticulars); 8591/1 (existence – necessity of God’s existence); proofof God’s existence 35/1 (role of Islamic philosophy in the con-

struction of knowledge); 2504/0 (Ibn Sìnà’s Influence on Duns

Scotus); 5022/2.1 (Fàràbì [ps.], Shar˙ Risàlat Zìnùn al-kabìr al-

yùnànì – contingency, argument for God’s existence); 5504/1 (onto-

logical proof of God, from Fàràbì to Mullà Íadrà); 6148/2 (ontologi-

cal, cosmological proof – Ibn Sìnà); 9387/1 (ontological proof –

Fàràbì, Anselm of Canterbury, Descartes); ßifàt Allàh – Arabic

Neoplatonism and Islamic Kalàm 2184/1; vision of God 7194/1

(Islamic theology and mysticism); vision of God (Mu'tazila).good: ~ and evil – Ibn Sìnà 4685/1; Plato, Ibn Sìnà 6576/1; Islamic

Neo-confucianism 6961/1; Islamic philosophy 9078/1.

Graeco-Arabica → Greek-Arabic.

grammar – logic – exegesis of the Koran 7969/1.2.

Granada – traces of Ibn Bàdjdja 3121/2.

“great gap”-thesis 3492/2.

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greek-arabic ‒ heaven 347

Greek-Arabic 3818/1 (presence of Antiquity in the Sasanian and

early 'Abbàsid empire); 6508/1 (Greek heritage in Islam – Western

views since 19th century); 8387/1 (Greek philosophy – fragments

in Arabic sources); 8388/2 (Greek philosophers in Arabic authors);

Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 9089/2; → history of phi-

losophy/thought in Islam – Greek philosophy in Islamic thought.

Gregorius Thaumaturgus, Disputatio de anima – parallels 7459/2.

˙add 63/1; ˙add “definition” – Abù l-Nadjà al-Fàri∂, Kitàb al-Khamsìnmas"ala fì kasr al-man†iq – analysis; translation (section on definition

[˙add ]) 5360/1.

hadhayàn “ravings” – Maimonides and his Arabic source Abù Bakr

al-Ràzì 8408/2.

˙ads – Ibn Sìnà 752/1; Ibn Kammùna, comparison with Ibn Sìnà5430/3; → intuition.

˙akìm – Islamic philosophers and the myth of the sage as adviser of

the prince 7875/1.

˙àl, a˙wàl 339/1 (Abù Hàshim al-Djubbà"ì); 1927/1 (˙àl, ßifa –

Mu'tazila); 3148/1 (Mu'tazila); 7013/1 (Ash'arites).Óallàdj – A˙mad Ghazzàlì, Sawàni˙ 7192/6.

Hallevi 5235/1 (Ghazzàlì – on philosophy, philosophers); 5291/1

(prophecy); 5590/1 (Arabic philosophical sources (Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà,Ibn Bàdjdja, Ghazzàlì).

Óamìd al-Dìn al-Kirmànì → Kirmànì.Óamìd Muftì, Mu˙ammad Abù l-Fa∂l Mu˙ammad, Qàmùs al-ba˙rayn

edition 3916/1.

Óanafì, Óasan 3937/1 (view of Ibn Rushd as faqìh); 3939/1 (˙ikmàmuta'àliya [Mullà Íadrà] and ˙ikma mutadàniya); 4082/1.1 (theory

of culture and science); 4106/1 (“orientalism” and “occidental-

ism” – “heritage” and “renovation”).

happiness – Averroism 2274/2; Ibn Bàdjdja, Ibn Gabirol, Ibn Paqùdà5621/2l; Fàràbì, Leo Strauss 8521/2.

˙aqìqa – basì† al-˙aqìqa – Mullà Íadrà – Leibniz, monadology 2230/1.

˙aqq, divine – Ibn Sab'ìn and Aristotle’s “categories” 8284/1.

˙araka djawhariyya – Mullà Íadrà 337/1; 4927/6; 8513/2; 8515/1.

Óasan Óanafì → Óanafì, Óasan.

Óayy Ibn Yaqzàn – Ibn Sìnà, Ibn ˇufayl, Ibn Ezra 4280/1.

heaven – heavenly motions, Alexander of Aphrodisias 2641/1 and

3431/1; Ibn Rushd – celestial bodies; actions on the sublunar

world 3173/1; composition – John Philoponus, Against Aristotle on

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348 heaven ‒ ˙illì

the Eternity of the world – Arabic fragment in 'Abd Allàh Ibn al-

Fa∂l al-An†àkì, Kitàb al-Manfa'a 7426/5; self-moved heaven –

Albertus Magnus 8798/2; Ikhwàn al-Íafà", Ibn Rushd 8951/3.

Hegel – Islam 1359/2; Hegel’s discussion of Islamic philosophy

4694/1; ~ and Mullà Íadrà, motion and perfection 6819/1.

Heidegger – being and existence in Mullà Íadrà and Heidegger

211/1; ~ and Ibn Sìnà – comparison 2606/1.1; Mullà Íadrà –

ontology 6817/1; “Seinsphilosophie” – Mullà Íadrà, “falsafat al-wudjùd” 7285/2.

Henry Bate of Mechelen, Metaphysics – Averrroes 3792/1; agent

intellect – influence of Averroes, Thomas Aquinas 3792/2.

Henry of Ghent – Ibn Sìnà’s ontology of relation, criticism of Giles

of Rome 2299/1; Summa – Avicennian metaphysics 4847/1; Aver-

roes – essence – prime matter 7881/1.

Heraclitus, fr. 49 quoted in Maimonides (via Galen) 3171/1.

Hereafter, sa'àda, paradise – Islamic philosophy 8409/1

heretics – Shàfi'ì’s condemnation of zanàdiqa 3755/2.

heritage, cultural – modern Arabic-Islamic concept 4082/1.1.

Hermannus Alemannus – Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics – Arabic-Latin

translation (= alia translatio) 304/4; rhetorical works, translations

1541/1; Arabic-Latin translator 2270/2 and 9018/1; biography,

works 3687/1.

hermeneutics – Islamic philosophy (monograph, Arabic; 2005) 3042/1;

Ibn Sìnà, Ibn 'Arabì, Ibn Rushd 4061/1; Islamic and Christian

traditions 5637/1.

Hermes – Suhrawardì (-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq) 9092/3.

Heron of Alexandria 2335.

hidjà" [“articolazione delle lettere”] wa-madì˙ [versus midàd “inchios-

tro”] – Zera˙yà Ben Isaac Ben Shealtiel 8019/1.

hierarchy – Ismailiyya – inequality of human races 2289/01.

˙ifΩ → memory.

˙ikma 100/1 (Islamic-Malay world); 619/1 (˙ikma muta'àliya – MullàÍadrà); 2637/2; 3939/1 (˙ikma muta'àliya – ˙ikma mutadàniya – MullàÍadrà, Óasan Óanafì); 5510/1 (Abù Ma'shar al-Balkhì); 6271/1

(al-˙ikma al-mashriqiyya); 8490/2 (˙ikma mashriqiyya, Ibn Sìnà); 8513/2

(“˙ikma mashriqiyya” – Mullà Íadrà); 8599/2. → gnomologia; →wisdom.

˙ikmat-i khusrawànì → ishràq.-Óillì, al-Óasan Ibn Yùsuf Ibn al-Mu†ahhar – al-Asràr al-khafiyya fì

l-'ulùm al-'aqliyya: al- abì'iyàt – edition 4109/1.

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˙imsì ‒ history of philosophy 349

Óimsì, Ibn Nà'ima – Arabic adaptor of Plotin, Enneads 218/4; “edi-

tor” of 1. ch. of ps.-Aristotle, Theology 2194/3.

˙iss mushtarak – Ibn Sìnà 8001/2.

historiography – Arabic – on Greek philosophers 2290/0; “Arabic”philosophy 3079/2; 3823/1; Ibn Khaldùn 9492/1; Islamicphilosophy 2173/1; 4694/1; 4694/2 (historiography since 18th c.);

Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh 8497/1; time– Islamic notions of time 3169/1.

history of philosophy/thought in Islam 211/2 (framework for a his-

tory of Islamic philosophy); 337/1 (“essential ideas of Islamic phi-

losophy”; monograph 2006); 364/1 (survey); 1465/2 (2000, survey);

1764/1 (biographical studies); 1785/2 (Europe – survey; recent

trends (2005]; Jewish and Islamic philosophy – survey); 1793/1

(introduction – monograph, Italian; 2004); 1877/1 (survey of pub-

lications (1939]); 1921/1 (main tenets of Islamic ph. – medieval

foundations of Western intellectual tradition); 2077/1 (modern,

contemporary Islamic thought – survey, 1999); 2197/1 (mono-

graph, Italian 2005); 2507/1 (survey, selection of important works

on Islamic philosophy – 1999); 2509/1 (survey [2003]); 2637/2

(survey); 1929/1 (survey, 1999) 1929/1; 3637/1 (monograph [Portu-

guese]); 3774/1 (description, with short bibliography, of Islamic

philosophical works); 4082/1.0 (short monograph on mainstreams,

in German [2005]); 4988/1 (introduction [Turkish]); 4708/1b

(2000; monograph, Arabic); 4923/1 (contemporary Islamic phi-

losophy); 5107b; 5476/1 (brief introduction, with notes and short

bibliography; 1999); 5498/1 (until Mullà Íadrà; 2001); 5513/1

(2000; monograph, without notes); 5626/1 (Islamic West [Andalus]

– survey); 6368/1 (Safavids); 6391/1 (thought in Islam – survey,

1974); 6591/1 (main trends of philosophy and theology – survey,

monograph); 6839/1 (origins of Islamic ph.); 7330/2 (monograph,

2001); 7399/2 (Islamic and Jewish philosophy [2001]); 7411/1

(survey [1999]); 7425/1 (periodization [6 periods]); 7658/2 (from

the beginning to Ibn Sìnà – survey); 7683/1 (short monograph,

from the beginnings to the modern times); 8112/1 (philosophy

and ethics); 8193/2 (survey); 8257/1 (survey); 8317/1 (contemporary

Islamic thought – survey); 8317/2 (survey of some main streams,

selection of texts); 8659/1 (Islamic philosophy and its theological

prelude – Arabic monograph, 2002); Europe 337/1 (influence of

Islamic philosophy as task of historians of Islamic ph.); 1921/1

(main tenets of Islamic ph. – medieval foundations of Western

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350 history of philosophy ‒ huwiyya

intellectual tradition); 4016/1 (impact of Arabic-Latin translations

on medieval ph.); 7655/1 (Greek-Arabic ph., ph. of law in medieval

Jewish sources, Latin tradition); 7990/2 (Latin transmission – sur-

vey, bibliographical handbook); 9507/2 (“Hebrew-Arabic”; “Hebrew-

Latin” transmission); Greek philosophy in Islamic thought2646/2 (translation, transmission, integration of Greek ph. in Islam –

survey, without notes); 3807/2 (Greek ph. – Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà);4275/2 (survey); 5985/1 (Greek classical tradition); 6408/1 (Greek

background – survey); 7655/1 (Greek-Arabic ph., ph. of law in

medieval Jewish sources, Latin tradition); Ottoman empire: study

of Islamic philosophy in the 17th century 2615/0. → Greek-Arabic.

“homology”-argument (form-matter) – Ibn Sìnà 5586/3.

homonymy – Kalàm and Aristotle 7969/1.

˙udjdja – Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm 8302/2.

˙udùth-i dahrì – Mullà Íadrà, Mìr Dàmàd 6377/1.

˙udùth-i dhàtì – ˙udùth-i zamànì – Mullà Íadrà 3636/1.

˙udùth zamànì-dhàtì-djawharì – Mullà Íadrà 8513/2.

Hugo of Saint Victor – refuted by Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus 456/1.

humanism – “Islamic humanism” (monograph) 3699/1; Islamic philoso-

phers 6458/1; concept of “humanism” 7975/1.

Hume, David → Ghazzàlì.Óunayn 1828/2 (~ translator); 5202/a (Latin transmission); 7835/1

(report about working conditions during his time); 8388/3 (~ philol-

ogist); Àdàb al-falàsifa 6934/1 (analysis, Greek sources); 9410/1

(comparison with ms. Köprülü 1608 and the Persian tradition);

Djawàmi' tafsìr al-qudamà"al-yùnàniyìn li-Aris†ù†àlìs fìl-samà" wa-l-'àlam 1701/1 (Daniel of Morley); Kayfiyyat idràk

˙aqìqat al-diyàna – analysis 8861/2; Nawàdir al-falàsifa 7029/1

(lost passage in Ethiopian); Qißsat Salàmàn wa-Absàl (ps. Óunayn)

– Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 9089/2; Risàla ilà 'AlìIbn Ya˙yà fì dhikr mà turdjima min kutub Djàlìnùs bi-

'ilmihì wa-ba'∂ mà lam yutardjam 8380/1 (one correction of

the text).

Huntington, Samuel (“Clash of civilizations”) – Ibn Rushd, “anti-

Huntington”? 8513/1.

Husserl epoche “phenomenological reduction” in Husserl, Ibn Sìnàand Descartes; soul; intentionality – Ibn Sìnà 6961/1.

huwa – Ibn Rushd 3927/1.

huwiyya 218/6 (“being” – Kindì); 1432/4 (“existent” = mawdjùd –

Ibn Sìnà, Aristotle, Metaphysics); 2192/3; 7388/2 (Ibn Rushd).

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iamblichus ‒ ibn al-†ayyib 351

Iamblichus – commentary on ps.-Pythagoras, Carmina aurea – Arabic

version, analysis 2148/1.

ibdà' 2365/2 (“creativity” – Ibn 'Arabì); 8302/2 ('Abd al-Karìm al-

Shahrastànì).Ibn 'Abdrabbihì – adab and falsafa 8865/2.

Ibn 'Abdùn – warning against translation from Arabic into Latin

because of alienation of intellectual property 1710/2.

Ibn Abì Djumhùr al-A˙sà"ì – monograph 7955/2.

Ibn Abì Ußaybi'a – Óunayns report about working conditions dur-

ing his time – translation 7835/1.

Ibn al-'Arìf 5626/1.

Ibn al-Azraq, Badà"i' as-silk edition 4363/1.

Ibn al-Haytham 2655/2 (mathematics as demonstrative science, crit-

icism of Ptolemy); 3747/1 (concept of space, vacuum); 2606/2

(Optics – philosophical aspects); 8112/1 (~ as “Neo-Platonic

Aristotelian”); 8282/1 (theory of vision, influence on Biagio Pelacani

of Parma).

Ibn al-Khammàr (Abù l-Khayr Ibn Suwàr) – translator 1828/2.

Ibn al-Kha†ìb 5226/1 (survey [2000]); 5626/1.

Ibn al-Muqaffa' 1828/1 (Mu'àra∂at al-Qur"àn – fragments, collected;

moral and religious thought; his refutation by Qàsim Ibn Ibràhìm,

al-Radd 'alà z-zindìq al-la' ìn Ibn al-Muqaffa' ); 7969/1.2 (logic – doc-

trine of the judgement); 7969/1 (Aristotle – Kalàm); 8490/2 (~,

Kalìla wa-Dimna – source of Ibn Sìnà, Risàlat al- ayr); 8853/1

(demystification of religion); 8861/2 (~ as “freethinker”).

Ibn al-Nadìm, al-Fihrist – report on Mu'tazila 742/1; 3197/1; 3197/2

(edition); 4275/1.

Ibn al-Nafìs, Fà∂il Ibn Nà†iq → Ibn al-Nafìs, al-Risàla al-kàmila fì l-

sìra al-nabawiyya – edition 4060/1.

Ibn al-Qarràd/Quràd/Qudàd/Qaddàd – “freethinker”, Andalus


Ibn al-Ràwandì 3723/1 (~ in Islamic historiography); 5259/1 (list

of his works); 7544/1 (report by Ibn al-Djawzì); 7969/1.2

(quantification of predicate); 8407/1 (~ as “freethinker”); 8408/4;


Ibn al-Rùmì – Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 6024/1.

Ibn al-Íìd → Ba†alyawsì, Ibn al-Sìd.

Ibn al-ˇayyib, Abù l-Faradj – Great Commentary (al-Shar˙ al-kabìrli-maqùlàt Aris†ù) on Aristotle’s Categories 3072/2 (method, structure,

sources); 4380/1 (edition).

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352 ibn al-walìd ‒ ibn bàdjdja

Ibn al-Walìd, 'Alì Ibn Mu˙ammad 2289/00 (al-Risàla al-Mufìda fìì∂à˙ mul©az al-Qaßìda – Ibn Sìnà and post-fatimide Ismailism);

5696/1 (Ismaili interpretation of Ibn Sìnà, al-Qaßìda al-'Ayniyya fìl-nafs).

Ibn al-Walìd, al-Óusayn Ibn 'Alì Ibn Mu˙ammad – tree of knowl-

edge 2288/1.

Ibn 'Arabì 2637/2; 4927/2 (thought – no relation to a philosophi-

cal school); 5226/2 (survey [2000]); 5626/1; 7192/6 (divine tran-

scendence, anthropomorphism); aesthetics 5608/1; anthropology,

theophanic 2365/3; 'aql 7192/1; categories, use of 3774/0;

causality 8114/1; creation – monism 2365/3; destiny 2365/1;

epistemology, intellect – imagination 2365/2; evil 2365/1; fi†ra“natural disposition” 1122/2; freedom 2365/1; God 5504/1

(ontological proof of God – school of Ibn 'Arabì); Óaqìqat al-

˙aqà"iq – edition 3301/2; hermeneutics 4061/1; knowledge('ilm), concept of 752/2; kufr “disbelief ” 1122/2; Meister Eckhart425/1; Mullà Íadrà 1785/2; 4927/3 (unity of being); nafs 2365/3;

Raimundus Lullus 5598/1 (impact of Ibn 'Arabì on ~); reason,

revelation, prophetic law 1122/2; → 'aql; Risàla fì ma'rifat al-

nafs wa-l-rù˙ – authorship doubtful 2365/3; rù˙ 2365/3; Shadja-

rat al-kawn – authorship doubtful 2365/3; shar' “divine law”

1122/2; -Sha'rànì, 'Abd al-Wahhàb – transmission of Ibn 'Arabì’smystical philosophy 6165/3; soul 6961/1; soul as mirror (b.'A.,

Ghazzàlì, Ibn Sìnà) 7013/1; spirit (rù˙) 2365/3.

Ibn Bàdjdja 249/1 (philosophy, Arabic monograph); 1785/2 (survey);

3121/2 (biography – his traces in Granada); 5611/1 (biography,

thought, influence – monograph); 5626/1; 9367/1 (survey, Turkish;

biography; ~ as poet); aesthetics 5608/1; Aristotle 5520/1 (com-

mentary on Aristotle, Meteorology – edition, analysis); 7219/1 (com-

mentary on Aristotle’s Physics: Shurù˙àt as-samà' al-†abì' ì, book 7, 8

Spanish translation, analysis); → al-Kawn wa-l-fasàd; → Kitàb al-

Óayawàn; bibliography 1030/0 (1992); epistemology 972/1

(sources, influence); ethics, politics 5253/1; Fàràbì, 2746/1 (impact

on Ibn Bàdjdja); 7219/2 (Ta'àlìq 'alà Ìsàghùdjì li-l-Fàràbì- analysis);

→ Fì l-sa'àda al-madaniyya; Fì ittißàl al-'aql bi-l-insàn 5612/1

(Spanish translation); Fì l-ghàya al-insàniyya 5612/1 (Spanish

translation); Fì l-sa'àda al-madaniyya wa-l-sa'àda al-àkhariyya

aw difà' 'an Abì Naßr [al-Fàràbì] 5612/1 (Spanish translation);

ghurabà", nawàbit 3077/1; Hallevi 5590/1; happiness 5621/2;

Ibn Rushd 3085/1 (repercussion in b.R.); 9284/1 (intention); al-

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ibn bàdjdja ‒ ibn ˙azm 353

Kawn wa-l-fasàd 2584/0 (Ibn Rushd, Aristotle and Alexander

of Aphrodisias on Aristotle, De generatione et corruptione – compari-

son); Kitàb al-Óayawàn – edition 4402/1; ma'nà 9284/1; Min

kalàmihì fì l-umùr allatì yumkin bihà l-wuqùf 'alà l-'aql

al-fa''àl (5612/1 (Spanish translation); Mullà Íadrà 5620/1 (com-

parison); mutawa˙˙id 1652/1 (Raimundus Lullus, concept of

ermità – difference); nawàbit, ghurabà" 3077/1; philosophy 3755/2

(disappointment on role of philosophy in Islamic society); politics972/1 (sources, influence); → ethics; → Tadbìr al-mutawa˙˙id; psy-chology 4708/1a; Raimundus Lullus 1652/1 (concept of ermità

– mutawa˙˙id of Ibn Bàdjdja, difference); Risàlat al-wadà' 5612/1

(Spanish translation); sciences, classification – Fàràbì 7219/2;

space, vacuum 3747/1; Ta'àlìq 'alà Ìsàghùdjì li-l-Fàràbì →Fàràbì; Tadbìr al-mutawa˙˙id 1042/1 (political thought); vac-uum, space 3747/1.

Ibn Bahrìz – recension of Nicomachus of Gerasa, Arithmetic Intro-

duction 3178/1.

Ibn Ezra – Óayy Ben Meqitz 4280/1 (English translation); 8055/1

(Hebrew text, Arabic translation, role in the transmission of Arabic

scientific thought to Europe).

Ibn Falaquera 3116/1 (earth, inhabited – uninhabited parts); 3175/1

(providence, astrology, and celestial influences on the sublunar

world [Ibn Rushd – Ibn Falaquera – Aristotle]); 3983/1 (transla-

tor of Islamic philosophers); 5430/2 (translator of the lost Long

version of the ps.-Aristotelian Theology); 9511/6 (compendium of

Aristotle’s zoological writings – sources); De'ot ha-Filosofim 3119/3

(meteorology, use of Ibn Rushd and of the Hebrew version of

Aristotle’s Meteorology); 3988/2 (Arabic sources); 4784/1 (views on

the soul – Arabic sources); 9506/1 (place of Aristotle’s Metaphysics);

Fàràbì 3983/1 (“Judaization” of the Islamic falàsifa); Reshit

Hokhmah 3983/1.

Ibn Farìghùn – sciences: division of ~ and encyclopaedias 1458/3.

Ibn Funduq → -Bayhaqì, Abù l-Óasan.

Ibn Fùrak – terminology, theological-philosophical 63/1.

Ibn Gabirol 423/1 (sex unity – polarity); 1718/1 (gnomologia); 2459/1

(Ibn Íaddìq); 5621/2 (happiness).

Ibn Ghaylàn, 'Umar Ibn 'Alì – Óudùth al-'àlam – edition 4446/1.

Ibn Óazm 5626/1; 6918/1 (survey); aesthetics 3085/1 (beauty and

love); 5608/1; Aristotle 1348/1 (reception of Aristotle’s Orga-

non); beauty → aesthetics; Christians 1348/1 (polemics against

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354 ibn ˙azm ‒ ibn khaldùn

Christians, criticism of the gospel); 3310/1 (al-Radd 'alà Ibn Naghrìla– analysis); Epicurus 5997/1; Ibn Rushd 6922/1 (echo in ~);

language 1348/1 (philosophy of ~); love → aesthetics; al-Radd

'alà Ibn Naghrìla → Christians; al-Radd 'alà l-Kindì 5361/1

(analysis); scepticism 8861/2; sciences 1458/3 (division of ~

and encyclopaedias); al-Taqrìb li-˙add al-man†iq 1348/1 (analy-

sis); 7410/1 (logic, Greek tradition); taßawwuràt 1467/1 ˇawq

al-Óamàma 4459/1 (Spanish translation); 7223/1 (rational basis

of moral values); 7399/2.

Ibn Hindù – poetic fragments – edition 4461 (suppl.); Maqàla fì waßfal-ma'àd al-falsafì edition 4461/1; Miftà˙ al-†ibb – edition, study

4461 (suppl.).

Ibn Kamàl 477/1.1 (~, Risàla fì bayàn al-'aql, analysis).

Ibn Kammùna 7955/1 (works, manuscripts – survey); al-Djadìd fìl-˙ikma – encyclopaedic character – comparison with other ency-

clopaedic works 5430/3; Persian translation by Qu†b al-Dìn al-

Shìràzì in his Durrat al-tàdj 7194/2; Maqàla fì anna wudjùd

al-nafs abadì wa-baqà"ahà sarmadì – edition 6827 (suppl.); al-

Ma†àlib al-muhimma min 'ilm al-˙ikma edition 4462/0;

Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì – exchange of letters – edition 6686/1;

Qu†b al-Dìn al-Shìràzì’s source 7194/2 Shar˙ al-Talwì˙àt →al-Tanqì˙àt fì Shar˙ al-Talwì˙àt; soul 477/0 (monograph, Turkish);

Tanqìh al-ab˙àth li-l-milal al-thalàth – analysis, concept of

religion 8861/2 al-Tanqì˙àt fì shar˙ al-Talwì˙àt 4462/1 (com-

mentary on Suhrawardì (Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq), al-Talwì˙àt);4463 (suppl.) (edition [part II: Physics]).

Ibn Khaldùn 1794/1 (collection of studies on the Muqaddima – 2005);

317/1 (monograph, Arabic: thought, sciences); 358/1 (monograph,

Arabic); 2283/1 (short survey); 2637/2 (survey); 8241/1 (view on

~ by his contemporaries, influence, European and Arab reception);

'aql 1794/1 (pp. 129ff.); 4730/1 (concept of ~); 7192/1; 'aßabiyya

1794/1 (pp. 16ff.; 114ff.; 123ff.); 2320/1; 3546/1 (~ “coopera-

tiveness” – Ibn Khaldùn and modern science on cooperativeness

and empathy); 8241/1; biography → life; economic thought340/1; 1219/1 (comparison with Georgios Gemistos Plethon);

1467/0; 1794/1 (pp. 75ff.); 3858/1 (theory of economic growth

and development); 6391/1 (social, economic, political thought);

education 4989/1 (doctrine of ~, without references to texts –

comparison with modern doctrines); epistemology 270/1 (mono-

graph, 2003); 7733/2; historiography 1794/1 (pp. 181ff.: 20th c.);

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ibn khaldùn ‒ ibn rushd 355

history – concept of history 1794/1 (pp. 101ff.); 8241/1; 9056/2;

Ibn Rushd 9056/1 (echos of Ibn Rushd’s thought); al-Jabri (al-Djhàbirì), Mohammed 1794/1 (pp. 195ff.); khaldùniyya 885/0;

1794/1 (pp. 182ff.); khilàfa 1794/1 (pp. 112ff.); knowledge →epistemology; language and literature 270/1; Laroui, 'Abdallah1794/1 (pp. 191ff.); life, work 2148/2; 8241/1; literature and

language 270/1; Macchiavelli – comparison 8352/1; Marx, Karl

2320/1; Mirror of princes 1737/1; mulk 1794/1 (pp. 112ff.);

Muqaddima 1794/1 (studies – 2005); 1862/1 (Greek-Arabic philo-

sophical and scientific tradition; falsafa and ˙ikma); 5916/1 (historical

study); 6582/1 (thought); Ortega y Gasset 2077/1; philosophy1794/1 (pp. 145ff.: Ibn Khaldùn and ph.; pp. 188ff.); 270/1 (refu-

tation of ~); 1737/1 (shortcomings of ~); political thought 1794/1

(pp. 28ff.); religion and political thought 1794/1 (pp. 138ff.);

sciences 270/1 (division of ~); 317/1 (monograph, Arabic: thought,

sciences); 9056/3 (rational and traditional sciences); Smith, Adam1794/1 (pp. 75ff.); sociology 1737/1 (organization, human social);

2320/1; 8474/1 (sociological and political thought – monograph,

Persian); 6391/1 (social, economic, political thought); terminology226/2; 2425/5 (terminology of humanities); thought 317/1; 358/1;

879/4; 1737/1 (political thought); 1855/1 (political thought and

antecedents); 8474/1 (sociological and political thought – mono-

graph, Persian); 2712/1 (political philosophy (spiritual authority –

secular power]); 6391/1 (social, economic, political thought); 6582/1

(Muqaddima); 7903/1 (political philosophy – concept of the state

from Ibn Khaldùn and contemporary discussion); 'umràn 1794/1

(pp. 108ff.); 2320/1; 8241/1; 9056/2; urbanization 1840/2; work,

life 2148/2.

Ibn Masarra 5626/1; 7399/2.

Ibn Naghrìla – polemics by Ibn Óazm 3310/1.

Ibn Paqùdà – happiness 5621/2.

Ibn Qayyim al-Djawziyya – Fàràbì – connection of sharì'a and fal-

safa in Ibn Sìnà and Fàràbì 5584/1; Ibn Sìnà – connection of

sharì'a and falsafa in Ibn Sìnà and Fàràbì 5584/1; Miftà˙ dàr al-

sa'àda wa-manshùr wilàyat al-'ilm wa-l-iràda – quotations

from Aristotle, Physics and De animalibus 5584/1; psychology4708/1a; al-ˇuruq al-˙ukmiyya – on economic thought 3492/4.

Ibn Rushd 218/2 (~ and modern thought; ~ and German readers;

~ and Arabic studies today; ~, actuality of his thought); 1367/1

(monograph [2000]); 1785/2 (survey); 2001/1 (andalusian society

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356 ibn rushd

in the time of Ibn R.); 2033/1 (Islamic environment – against

Kalàm – critic of Ghazzàlì, Ibn Sìnà – theological hermeneutics –

concept of theology); 2380/1 (~ and dialogue of cultures); 2380/2

(life, thought – study, texts [1998, Arabic]); 2608/1 (view of German

and Arabic researchers); 2637/2 (survey); 2756/1 (life, works,

influence [monograph 2001]); 1929/1 (survey, 1999); 4562/1 (col-

lection of articles [1999, 2000; Arabic]); 4441/1 (monograph,

Turkish); 6882/1 (survey); 7219/3 (survey, 1999); 7220/2 (intro-

duction, monograph); 7220/2.1 (thought, philosophical, survey);

7419/1 (echo in his time, in medieval Jewish philosophy, in Latin

Europe); 7658/2 (survey); 7887/9 (monograph, Turkish; 2004);

8663/1 (monograph, Arabic; 1998); 8803/1 (papers, conference

Marrakesh 1998); allegory 4786/1; Almohade belief, echo in

Ibn R. 3444/1; aporia – apories of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 1269/01;

argumentation 6005/1 (Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd – structures of

argumentation, rhetoric); Aristotle, Aristotelian, Aristotelianism218/2; 1608/2 (Aristotle, interpreted by Thomas Aquinas, Ibn

Rushd); 1789/2 (socio-political background); 5479/1; 6581/1 (com-

mentary on ~, method and influence); 6806/1 (philosophy as com-

mentary on Aristotle); 7219/4 (survey); 7220/1 (commentaries on

Aristotle); 7231/1 (Ibn R. as commentator of Aristotle – works);

Aristotle, Analytica posteriora 987/1; Aristotle, Categoriae

218/2; 4129/1 (Middle commentary (Talkhìß) – Latin version, used

by Bouyges); 4130/2 (Talkhìß al-maqùlàt/qa†ìghùriyàs = Middle com-

mentary on Aristotle, Categoriae – Latin version – intermediary titles

and the term “dixit”); Aristotle, De anima – 218/2 (Great/Long

Commentary [Shar˙/Tafsìr] ); 987/1 (three commentaries); 4764/1

(Middle/Long Commentary on Aristotle, De anima in the transla-

tion of Is˙àq Ibn Óunayn); 5637/2; 6054/2 (Aristotle, De anima

429a10–13 – Great/Long Commentary [Latin], chapter on the

intellect – Spanish translation); 6054/3 (Great/Long commentary

– epistemology; Latin version, part, Spanish translation, part);

6059/1 (Great/Long commentary – epistemology); 8248/1 (Great/

Long Commentary – fragments of the Arabic original – edition,

French translation, comparison with the Latin version; chronology

of Ibn Rushd’s writings on De anima); 8562/1 (intellect, psychol-

ogy); 9284/1 (intention in commentaries on De anima); Aristotle,

De caelo 4288/1 (Great/Long Commentary – logical argumen-

tation, logical); 4294/1 (Great/Long commentary – remarks); 4523

(suppl.) (Shar˙ Kitàb al-samà" wa-l-'àlam – Great/Long commentary

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ibn rushd 357

– Arabic and Latin version, edition); Aristotle, De generatione

et corruptione 2584/0 (Middle commentary – comparison with

Alexander of Aphrodisias and other Arabic commentaries); Aristotle,De interpretatione 4549/1 (Talkhìß al-'Ibàra /Middle commen-

tary – French translation); Aristotle, “Logica vetus” [Middle

commentary on Isagoge, Categories, De Interpretatione] – edition

Venice 1489 and its dependence upon edition Venice (1483) 4125/1;

Aristotle, Metaphysics 218/2; 1269/-1 (fundamental – essential);

1269/-2 (Great/Long Commentary – substances); 1269/01 (apories

of Aristotle’s Metaphysics); 1557/1 (Metaphysics XI – interpretation);

1594/1 (Great/Long commentary, Prooemium – Latin transmis-

sion); 2615/1 (Tafsìr mà ba'd al-†abì'a = Great/Long Commentary

on Met. VI – French translation); 2756/0 (Tafsìr mà ba'd al-†abì'a,Great/Long commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics 1003b28–30;

1053b6–7 and 1054a13–19 – English translation); 3321/02 (Com-

mentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics IV,4 – substance – contradiction);

6061 (Great/Long commentary, Arabic and Latin version); 6061/2

(Ibn R.’s metaphysics and Ar. Metaphysics); 7233/1 (Aristotle, Meta-

physics VI – Middle Commentary – concept of substance); 7388/2

(Met. V, 7 – Tafsìr mà ba'd al-†abì'a = Great/Long commentary –

Spanish translation, commentary); 7558/0 (Aristotle, Metaphysics

V 4 – concept of essence); 8562/1 (intellect, psychology); 9495/2

(Middle Commentary – Hebrew translation, problems of trans-

mission); 9506/1 (Ibn R.’s impact on reception of Aristotle’s

Metaphysics in Hebrew); 9511/2.1 (Middle Commentary, Great

Commentary – Hebrew transmission); Aristotle, Nicomachean

Ethics 5401/1 (Middle Commentary, echo of the Latin version

in the Middle Ages); Aristotle, Organon 1740/1 (short commen-

taries – remarks); Aristotle, Physics 987/1 (Physics VIII – motion;

Great/Long Commentary – Latin translation, alia translatio);

1710/3 (Great/Long Commentary on Physics – proem, translated

by Theodore of Antioch); 4294/1 (Great/Long commentary –

remarks); 5911/1 (Greek-Arabic tradition); 7958/1 (Great Commen-

tary by I. R. – Urbanus Averroista’s use of Latin mss.); Aristotle,

Poetica 2015/2 (Talkhìß/Middle Commentary – concept of ridicu-

lous); 5506/1 (Middle Commentary – medieval transmission, echo);

8520/1 (Middle commentary (Talkhìß al-shi'r) – Hebrew-Latin

translation and glosses by Abramo de Balmes); Aristotle, Rhetoric

218/2 (method in his Short and Middle Commentary); 714/5

(Talkhìß al-khi†àba, edition, French translation); 987/1; 8054/1

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(Talkhìß al-khi†àba / Middle commentary – Hebrew translation,

method); astrology 3175/1 (providence, astrology, and celestial

influences on the sublunar world [Ibn Rushd – Ibn Falaquera –

Aristotle]); atom/atomism 3572/1 (Ibn Rushd’s theory of min-

ima naturalia as parts of continuum); “Averroist” (Ibn R. an

“Averroist”?) 1021/1; being 3699/1 (concept of ~); 6321/2 (being

and unity); belief and reason 5435/1; bibliography 3121/1

(medicine, astronomy); 4843/1 (1998–1999); 4907/1 (1998); Bidàya

218/2; causality 7372/1 (~ and occasionalism – Ghazzàlì); 7575/1

(causal similarity (“a man begets a man”) – Greek, medieval thought,

Ibn Sìnà); 8114/1; Christians, theologians and Ibn R. – com-

parison 5116/1; cogitatio 987/1; cogitatio, cogitativus, cogitare 8559/3.1;

commentary 2425/4 (method); 2591/1 (epitome, Middle com-

mentary – method); 7220/1 (commentaries on Aristotle); 7231/1

(Ibn R. as commentator of Aristotle – works); 9284/1 (intention

in commentaries on De anima); conjunction – Joseph Ibn Shemtob’s

commentary on Ibn Rushd’s greater treatise 8310/0 continuum

3572/1 (minima naturalia as parts of continuum); 7678/1 (rejection

by Gersonides); cosmology 3116/1 (earth, inhabited – uninhab-

ited parts); Îamìma 1731/1 (text, English translation, notes);

Dante 2759/1 (~, Marsilius of Padua); al-Îarùrì fì l-man†iq987/1; 4024/3 (structure); al-Îarùrì fì ßinà'at al-na˙w – analysis

8215/1; definition, demonstration 7013/1; dialectics 218/2;

[djàmi', djawàmi'] =epitome; → Aristotle; → commentary;

Djawàmi' al-Samà" wa-l-'àlam 2641/1 (source: Alexander of

Aphrodisias, Maqàla fì mabàdi" al-kull ); Djawàmi'/Talkhìß siyàsat

Aflà†ùn 218/2; 5475/1 (Plato’s Republic, combined with Aristotle’s

Nicomachean Ethics, as substitute of Aristotle’s Politics); 6859/1 (Ibn

Rushd’s reading of Plato); economic thought 8865/1; education218/2 (concept of ~); embryology 1146/b; “encyclopedist”1741/1 (Ibn R. as ~); epistemology 6054/3; 6059/1; 8559.3

(criticism by Thomas Aquinas); 8802/0; 9284/1; → identification,

cognitive; Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the

Active Intellect Turkish translation 3949 (suppl.); essence 6321/3

(essence – existence, Ibn R.- Mullà Íadrà); 6961/1 (essence and

existence – Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd); 7558/0 (Aristotle, Metaphysics

V 4 – concept of essence); eternity 5328/1; ethics 218/2; Europe2278/1 (survey); evil, problem of 3638/1; existence 1497/3 (Ibn

Sìnà’s concept of mental existence refuted); 8802/0; Fàràbì 2746/1

(impact of F.); → Min Kitàb al-Baràhìn . . .; Faßl al-maqàl wa-taqrìr

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ibn rushd 359

mà bayna l-sharì'a wa-l-˙ikma min al-ittißàl 1726/1 (editions,

translations, analysis; law, interpretation); 1731/1 (text, English

translation, notes); 1929/2 (English translation); 3444/0 (French

translation, part); 3481/2 (philosophical-religious syncretism); 3486/1

(title); 3755/2 (relation to Ghazzàlì); 4381/1 (double truth); 5637/1

(hermeneutics); 8569/2 (“truth does not contradict truth”); 8800/1

(English translation); Gauthier, Léon – Gauthier’s view of Ibn

R. 4907/2; generation of animate substances 3173/1; Gersonides2458/1 (Ibn R., commented by ~); Ghazzàlì 2033/1 (Islamic

environment of Ibn R., – against Kalàm – critic of Ghazzàlì, Ibn

Sìnà – theological hermeneutics – concept of theology); 3486/2;

3755/2 (relation of I.R. to Gh. in his early writings); 3755/2.1

(relationship); 3755/2.1 (commnentary by Ibn R. on Ghazzàlì, al-Mustaßfà); 7372/1 (causality and occasionalism); Giordano Bruno1797/1 (~ as reader of Ibn R.); God 1829/1 (proofs of God’s

existence); concept of 3321/0 (impact on Thomas Aquinas); gram-mar, logic 3927/1 (use, concepts); Hal yattaßil bi-l-'aql al-

hayùlànì al-'aql al-fa''àl wa-huwa multabis bi-l-djism –

edition of the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin version, English trans-

lation 1710/4; heaven 8951/3; Hebrew transmission 218/2;

3066/1; 3979/1; 8055/2; 9495/2 (Middle Commentary – Hebrew

translation, problems of transmission); 9506/1 (Ibn R.’s impact on

reception of Aristotle’s Metaphysics in Hebrew); Henry Bate 3792/2

(noetics); Hermannus Alemannus 1541/1 (Arabic-Latin trans-

lations of rhetorical works); hermeneutics 3734/1 (~ of sacred

texts); 4061/1; → ta"wìl; history → philosophy of history;

Huntington – Ibn R. “anti-Huntington”? 8513/1; Ibn Bàdjdja3085/1 (repercussion of b.B.); Ibn Falaquera 3988/2 (Ibn Rushd –

source of Ibn Falaquera, De'ot ha-filosofim); 4784/1 (Ibn Rushd –

source of Ibn Falaquera, on the soul); Ibn Shemtob, Joseph

8310/0 (commentary on Ibn Rushd’s greater treatise on con-

junction); Ibn Sìnà 987/1 (~ criticized by Ibn R.); 1497/3 (Ibn

Sìnà’s concept of mental existence refuted); 2033/1 (Islamic envi-

ronment – against Kalàm – critic of Ghazzàlì, Ibn Sìnà – theo-

logical hermeneutics – concept of theology); 7575/1 (causal similarity

[“a man begets a man”] – Greek, medieval thought, Ibn Sìnà);Ibn ˇàhir, Abù 'Abd al-Ra˙màn, remarks on his life, works and

relation to Ibn Rushd 7214/b; Ibn Taymiyya 5324/1; identifi-cation, cognitive [= identity of knower and known] 1493/1; intel-lect 218/2; 987/1; 6327/1 (Ibn R. – Mullà Íadrà); 9276/1

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(doctrine of ~); 7820/1 (~ and religion); 8569/1 (intellect, separate

material); intellectus agens 3312/1 (reception in Albertus Magnus);

8559.3 (agent intellect – possible – Ibn Rushd’s doctrine, Thomas

Aquinas’ criticism) al-'Iràqì, Mu˙ammad 'À†if 4710/1 (collection

of articles on Ibn R.); Jean Buridan 5328/0 (logic, natural the-

ology); Jewish thought – influence in Jewish philosophy of the

Middle Ages 8055/2; John Philoponus – commentary on Aristotle’s

Physics – impact on Ibn Rushd’s commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics

3984/1; Judah ha-Cohen, Midrash ha-hokhmah 3119/2 (Ibn

R. as source of ~); 5904/1 (logic, its source); jurisprudence218/2; 3937/1; → law; Kalàm 2033/1 (Islamic environment –

against Kalàm – critic of Ghazzàlì, Ibn Sìnà – theological hermeneu-

tics – concept of theology); Kant 218/2; al-Kashf 'an manàhidj

al-adilla 3444/0 (French translation, part); 3755/2 (relation to

Ghazzàlì); 4510/2 (edition); 6641/1 (English translation, notes);

Kitàb al-Baràhìn li-Abì Naßr [al-Fàràbì] → Min Kitàb al-Barà-hìn . . . al-Kulliyyàt fì l-†ibb 218/2; 7875/2; Latin transmis-sion 4132/1 (William de Luna’s philosophical vocabulary); 5202/a;

6158/2 (Robert Kilwardby); law 6806/1 (philosophy as interpre-

tation of revealed law); logic 218/2; 3927/1 (grammar, logic –

use, concepts); 4024/3 (summary of logic [al-Îarùrì fì l-man†iq],structure); Maimonides 8521/4 (exegesis of Holy scriptures and

Ibn Rushd, exegesis of the Koran); 5514/1 (Ibn R. and ~, com-

parison); Maqàlàt/Masà"il 2581.1 (modal logic); 5328/0 (8th ques-

tion); 8521/0 (Hebrew-Latin translation by Abramo de Balmes);

Marsilius of Padua 2759/1 (~, Dante); matter 5852/1 (Ibn

R., scholastic philosophy); 6980/2 (matter, substantiality); matter,celestial – Ibn Rushd, Maimonides, Judah ben Solomon ha-

Cohen, Gershom ben Salomo of Arles, Ibn Falaquera, Moses ben

Judah Nogah 3573/1; mawdjùd 3927/1; medicine 218/2; meta-physics 8559.2 (principles of ~); → Aristotle, Metaphysics; method-ology 5996/0 (method of research); Michael Scot 3571/1

(psychology); Min Kitàb al-Baràhìn li-Abì Naßr [al-Fàràbì] (ed.

'Alawì, Maqàlàt, 215–219) – translation 7013/1; minima natu-

ralia as parts of continuum 3572/1; motion 987/1; necessityand substance 3321/00 (Ibn R., Thomas Aquinas); ontology6321/2; Pascal 6218/1 (double truth); Petrarch 1706/1; phi-losophy 717.1 (“philosophy of history”); 6806/1 (concept of ~;

philosophy as commentary on Aristotle); 7729/1 (religion and phi-

losophy – struggle); place 4024/4 (Themistius’ classification:

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ibn rushd 361

Boethius, Ibn Rushd, Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì); Plato 6859/1;

plenitude, possibility 5328/2; Plethon 304/2 (echo of ~ in

Ibn R.); 304/3 (~ as critic of Ibn R.); 987/1; political philos-ophy 201/1; 218/2; 717/1; 1729/1 (law and political well-being);

1789/2 (political philosophy – Aristotelianism); possibility, plen-itude 5328/2; postmodernism 6321/1 (rationalism, ~); power,infinite – John Philoponus 5328/1; predestination 6371/1 (Ibn

R. – Thomas Aquinas); prophecy 218/2; proposition 8617/1

(assertoric ~); 8617/1 (undefined ~); providence, astrology, and

celestial influences on the sublunar world [Ibn Rushd – Ibn Fala-

quera – Aristotle] 3175/1; psychology 4708/1a; 5637/2; 6054/3;

6059/1; 6401/1 (observations); 6961/1 (Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn R.,

Maimonides); 8559.2; al-Qawl fì ˙add al-shakhß (ed. 'Alawì,Maqàlàt, 220–221) – translation 7013/1; al-Qawl fì ma˙mùlàt

al-baràhìn (ed. 'Alawì, Maqàlàt, 211–214) – translation 7013/1;

rationalism 112/1 (modern Arabic literature); 4880/1; 6321/1

(~, postmodernism); reason – revelation 3444/1 (echo of Almo-

hade theology in Ibn R.); religion and philosophy 7729/1

(struggle between 7729/1 ~); 7820/1; 8521/2 (Fàràbì, Ibn Rushd,

Spinoza, Leo Strauss); Renan, Ernest – Renan’s view of Ibn R.

4907/2; research, method of 5996/0; rhetoric 218/2; 1541/1

(Arabic-Latin translations of rhetorical works by Hermannus

Alemannus); 6005/1 (Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd – structures of argu-

mentation, rhetoric); → Aristotle, Rhetoric; Richard Rufus – De

anima, commentary 9338/1; Robert Kilwardby 6158/2 (natural

philosophy); sciences, division of ~ and encyclopaedias 1458/3;

sensation, senses 4174/1 (“external” senses, five – Latin tradi-

tion: Matteo da Gubbio); sex unity – polarity 423/1; soul →psychology; space, vacuum 3747/1; sperm, female 1146/b; sub-stance 1269/02 (Great/Long Commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics);

2615/1 (concept of ~); 3321/00 (necessity and substance, Ibn R.,

Thomas Aquinas); 6980/2 (matter, substantiality); 7233/1 (Aristotle,

Metaphysics VI – Middle Commentary – concept of substance);

sufism 218/2; tafsìr 7220/1; ˇaha Óusayn 414/1 (on Ibn

Rushd’s “misfortune” [nakba, mi˙na]); Tahàfut al-Tahàfut 218/2

(being and language); 3444/0 (French translation, part); 4130/1.1

(Latin version – first edition [1497]); 5042/1 (English translation,

part); 5328/3 (possible worlds); 5862/1 (analysis [monograph]);

5863/1 (eternity of the world); talkhìß 7220/1; → Aristotle; ta"wìl3755/2 (adaption from Ghazzàlì); terminology 226/3; 987/1

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362 ibn rushd ‒ ibn sìnà

(origin, development); terminology 8559/3.1 (cogitatio, cogitativus,

cogitare); Themistius 987/1 (Ibn R. quoting Themistius on Theo-

phrastus); theodicy 3638/1; theology 2033/1 (Islamic environ-

ment – against Kalàm – critic of Ghazzàlì, Ibn Sìnà – theological

hermeneutics – concept of theology); 5116/1 (Christian theology

and Ibn R.); 7887/1 (theological presuppositions); Theophrastus987/1 (Ibn R. quoting Themistius on Theophrastus); ThomasAquinas 1608/2 (Aristotle, interpreted by Thomas Aquinas, Ibn

Rushd); 1829/1 (~, Ibn Sìnà); 3123/1 (divine knowledge); 3321/0

(Ibn R.’s concept of God, impact on ~); 8559.3 (epistemology,

criticism by Thomas Aquinas); topic, analysis – reception of the

Aristotelian tradition 4025/0; Tractatus de beatitudine animae

– edition, study of two differing Latin versions, French translation

of the more complete version and of the Hebrew translation

3444/4; translations 2031/1 (Spanish, selection); truth 218/2

(double ~); 3482/1; 4381/1 (double ~); 8569/2 (“truth does not

contradict truth”); unity of being 6321/2; vacuum, space 3747/1;

vision of God 3272/1; works 218/2 (survey); 987/1 (biblio-

graphy); 7464/1 (manuscripts in Italian libraries); 8055/2 (Arabic,

Hebrew translators, manuscripts).

Ibn Sab'ìn 2637/2 (survey); 5598/1 (impact on Raimundus Lullus);

5626/1; 8284/1 (Aristotle’s “categories” – wa˙da mu†laqa – ˙aqq);8414/1 (Frederick II); 8867/1 (Christian themes).

Ibn Íaddìq – Ibn Gabirol, Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 2459/1.

Ibn Sahlàn al-Sàwì → 'Umar Ibn Sahlàn al-Sàwì.Ibn Sìnà 317/2 (monograph, Arabic); 413/1 (monograph, Tajik);

1020/1 (monograph, 2002); 1785/2 (survey); 2637/2 (survey);

1929/1 (survey, 1999); 3473/1 (Ibn S. and Fàràbì – main ideas;

monograph, Arabic); 3807/2 and 3809/1 (reactions on Ibn S. by

non-philosophers and philosophers); 3809/1 (contents and style of

Ibn S.’s philosophy; method; heritage of Ibn Sìnà [1000–ca. 1350]);

4848/0.1 (heritage of Ibn S. in Islamic and Latin world); 6005/1

(stylistics of Ibn S.’s philosophy; structures of argumentation,

rhetorics); 8376/1 (monograph, German; without notes); abstrac-tion 2274/0 (~, universals, essence); 4029/2 (Fàràbì); Abù Sa'ìdIbn Abì l-Khayr, Mukàtaba – 6271/1 (French translation [part]:

Óußùl 'ilm wa-˙ikma); Abù Sa'd Mu˙ammad Ibn Ismà'ìl Ibnal-Fa∂l from Hamadàn (wezir of Madjd al-Dawla) – addressed

by Ibn Sìnà 6271/1; 'adam 6271/1 (Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation); al-Adjwiba 'an al-masà"il

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ibn sìnà 363

al-'ishrìniyya 4583 (edition); Adjwiba 'an 'ashr masà"il 9347/1

(al-As"ila wa-l-adjwiba; Adjwiba 'an 'ashr masà"il; edition, monograph);

aesthetics 6739/1; al-'Ahd 7457/3 (study); Alexander ofAphrodisias 4844/2.1 (sources of Ibn S.: Alexander of Aphrodisias,

Themistius, John Philoponus); Alfred of Sarashel 8954/2 (Arabic-

Latin translations); allegory 4786/1; -Àmidì 2650/1 (hermeneutics

and logic – comparison); angle, concept of – Qu†b al-Dìn al-

Shìràzì 5667/1; 'aql 7192/1; argumentation 6005/1 (Ibn Sìnà,Ibn Rushd – structures of argumentation, rhetoric); Aristotle1065/1 (Ibn S. as “commentator” of A.); 3042/1 (Ibn S.’s logic,

comparison with Aristotle); Aristotle, De anima 3301/6 (recep-

tion in Islam and Ibn Sìnà); 3805/1 (Ibn S.’s glosses on Aristotle,

De anima and their Greek commentatorial tradition); Aristotle,

De generatione et corruptione and Alexander of Aphrodisias

2584/0; Aristotle, Metaphysics 1432/1.1 (Ibn S.’s Arabic trans-

lation of Aristotle, Metaphysics); 1557/1 (Met. XI – Ibn S.’s inter-

pretation); Aristotle, Physics 6271/1 (impossibility of an endless

body – Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French

translation); Aristotle, Analytica posteriora 6576/1 (demon-

stration); Aristotle, Rhetoric 5669/1 (comparison); Aristotle(ps.), Theology 218/8 (al-Inßàf, commentary on ~); Asbàb ˙udùth

al-˙urùf 7192/5 (ms. copied 596/1200); al-As"ila wa-l-adjwiba

1383/1 (English translation [question 1–10] of the correspondence

with Bìrùnì); 8376/2 (analysis); 9347/1 (al-As"ila wa-l-adjwiba;

Adjwiba 'an 'ashr masà"il; edition, monograph); atomism 5523/1;

attributes 7652/2 (divine ~); 9397/1 (essence – God’s attributes);

“Avicennian Boethianism” – Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus 3075/15;

Bahmanyar Ibn Marzubàn 4844/3 (~ a faithful disciple of

b.S.?); being, concept of 304/5 (comparison with Mullà Íadrà);714/0 (Meister Eckhart); 3699/1; 3713/1; 7553/1 (being, “intensifi-cation” – Ibn S., Mullà Íadrà); belief 8870/1 (Ibn S.’s ~ and

his view of the three monotheistic religions; monograph, Arabic);

biography 1432/0.2; 2097/1 (biography, autobiography – Spanish

translation); 4912/1 (Ghiyàth al-Dìn Khwàndamìr, Óabìb al-siyarfì akhbàr afràd al-bashar, extract: Dhikr-i shamma-i a˙wàl-i Abù 'Alì);7457/2 (life, works – tabular chronology); 7457/6 (historical sources);

8490/2; al-Birr wa-l-ithm 4952/2 (analysis); -Bìrùnì → al-as"ilawa-l-adjwiba; body 6271/1 (Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì –

edition, French translation); 8349/1; Boethius Severinus –

“Avicennian Boethianism” – Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus 3075/15;

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bu'd, ab'àd 6271/1 (Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edi-

tion, French translation); burhàn al-ßàdiqìn" 6148/2; causality5328/1 (causatedness – contingency); 7575/1 (causal similarity [“a

man begets a man”] – Greek, medieval thought, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn

Rushd); 9285/3; 9285/6 (immanent – transcendent causes –

Neoplatonic forerunners); chance, evil, providence 1359/1; chronol-ogy of works → works; cosmology 8302/1 (criticism by 'Abd

al-Karìm al-Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd); creation 3699/1; →God; Dànish-nàma"i 'Alà"ì 4841/2 (source of Ghazzàlì, Mi'yàral-'ilm fì fann al-man†iq); De anima → al-Shifà" – al- abì'iyàt – al-

nafs; demonstration 6576/1 (Aristotle, Analytica posteriora);

Descartes 6961/1 (soul; epoche “phenomenological reduction” in

Husserl, Ibn Sìnà and Descartes); Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus3075/4 (concept of science); 3075/9; 3075/14 (sciences, division

of – impact of Boethius Severinus and Ibn Sìnà); Duns Scotus2016/1; 4170/1 (criticism of Islamic concept of cosmological neces-

sity); 4904/1; “Eastern” philosophy 3804/2.1 (comparison with

al-Shifà" – not “mystical” or “illuminationist”); → al-falsafa al-

mashriqiyya; → al-Óikma al-mashriqiyya; → man†iq al-mashriqiyìn; edu-cation 2463/1 (philosophy of ~); 5353/1 (philosophy of ~); ens

necessarium 2164/1 (Raimundus Lullus); epistemology 1912/1;

2153/1; 3810/1; 4887/1 (Descartes); 8001/2; 8802/0; esse 1714/1

(primacy of esse – medieval Christian philosophy); 3586/1 (esse,

essentia – Thomas Aquinas – De ente et essentia – comparison with

Ibn Sìnà); essence 2164/1 (trinity – Raimundus Lullus); 2274/0

(abstraction, universals, essence); 2606/1 (~ existence); 3586/1 (esse,

essentia – Thomas Aquinas – De ente et essentia – comparison with

Ibn Sìnà); 3699/1 (~ existence); 9285/3 (essence – existence iden-

tical in God); 9397/1 (essence – God’s attributes); estimation4029/0; eternity 9285/5 (~ of the world – ~ of attributes

in Sunni kalàm); ethics 4952/3 (Ibn S., Risàla fì l-akhlàq – edi-

tion, French translation); evil 1359/1 (~, chance, providence);

8299/0 (Ibn S., Thomas Aquinas); existence 1497/3 (mental ~,

Thomas Aquinas); 3586/1 (Thomas Aquinas, De ente et essentia –

comparison with Ibn Sìnà); 6993/1 (Proclean ‘remaining’); 8802/0;

9285/3 (essence – existence identical in God); Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 838/1 (Ibn S.’s concept of time, criticized by ~); 3755/1

(impact of Avicennian psychology); 8367/9 (logic of Ibn S., criti-

cized by ~); al-falsafa al-mashriqiyya “eastern philosophy” →man†iq al-mashriqiyìn 3804/2.1; Fàràbì 2746/1 (Fàràbì’s impact on

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Ibn S.); 3473/1 (Ibn S. and Fàràbì – main ideas; monograph,

Arabic); 5862/1 (~ and Ibn S. on God- world relation); 6884/2

(political philosophy – Ibn S., Fàràbì, Mullà Íadrà); Faßl fì l-˙uzn

wa-asbàbihì 7192/5 (ms. copied 596/1200); fikr 218/8 (revela-

tion, vision [“non-discursive thought”] versus fikr “discursive thought”);

“flying man” 1642/1 (Thomas Aquinas); 4029/0 (Ibn Sìnà’s writ-

ings – echo in the Latin West); form 5586/3 (~, matter – “homol-

ogy”-argument); fußùß “essential parts” 1432/0.2; Galen 3885/1

(Galenic impact on concepts of intellect, soul body); Ghazzàlì4841/1 (~ source of Ibn S.); 4841/3 (Ibn S. not really refuted by

Ghazzàlì, Tahàfut al-falàsifa); 5974/1; God 211/0.1 (God’s knowl-

edge of particulars); 211/0.2 (God, creation – Thomas Aquinas);

477/1 (proof of his existence – influence of the mutakallimùn);

4685/1 (theodicy); 5504/1 (ontological proof of God); 5862/1

(Fàràbì and Ibn S. on God-world relation); 6576/1 (concept of ~

– demonstration); 7776/3 (model of God’s act); 9285/3 (essence

– existence identical in God); 9397/1 (essence – God’s attributes);

good 6576/1 (concept of ~ – Plato); ˙ads 5430/3 (Ibn Kammùna,

comparison); → main entry “intuition”; Hallevi 5590/1; Óayy

Ibn YaqΩàn 3129/2 (~ and Mi'ràdj nàma – Qushayrì, Kitàb al-Mi'ràdj ); 4060/1 (edition); 6979/1 (gnostic-hermetic background);

Hebrew transmission 9494/2 (medieval Jewish philosophy);

Heidegger 2606/1.1 (comparison); Henry of Ghent 4847/1 (~,

Summa – traces of Avicennian metaphysics); heritage of Ibn Sìnà(1000–ca.1350) 3807/2; hermeneutics 4061/1; al-Óikma al-

mashriqiyya 3804/2.1 (“Eastern philosophy” – contents, mss.);

6271/1; 8490/2; “homology”-argument 5586/3 (form, matter

– ~); al-Óudùd 4841/2 (source of Ghazzàlì, Mi'yàr al-'ilm fì fann

al-man†iq); 5022/2 (analysis, translation); al-Óukùma fì ˙udjadj

al-muthbitìna li-l-mà∂ì mabda"an zamàniyyan (= Risàla fìmàtaqarrara 'indahù min al-˙ukùma fì ˙udhjadj al-muthbitìna li-l-mà∂ì mabda"anzamàniyyan) – edition 4446/1; Husserl 6961/1 (soul; epoche “phe-

nomenological reduction” in Husserl, Ibn Sìnà and Descartes);

Óußùl 'ilm wa-˙ikma 6271/1 (study of the transmission); 7457/3

(recensions, study of the transmission); Ibn al-Muqaffa', Kalìlawa-Dimna 8490/2 (impact on Ibn S., Risàlat al- ayr); Ibn 'Arabì7013/1 (soul as mirror – b.S., Ghazzàlì, ~); Ibn Mas'ùd al-Mas'ùdì 8172/1 (Mu˙ammad Ibn Mas'ùd al-Mas'ùdì, al-Shukùkwa-l-shubah 'alà l-Ishàràt – critical comments on Ibn S., al-Ishàràt);Ibn Rushd 1829/1 (Thomas Aquinas); 7575/1 (causal similarity

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366 ibn sìnà

[“a man begets a man”] – Greek, medieval thought, Ibn Sìnà,Ibn Rushd); 8302/1 (Ibn S.’s cosmology – criticism by 'Abd al-

Karìm al-Shahrastànì and Ibn Rushd); Ibn ˇufayl 7399/1 (phi-

losophy and mysticism); Ibn Zayla 6271/1; imagination 4913/1;

5817/1 (monograph, Arabic); 6271/1 (Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'dal-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation); → khayàl; infinity6271/1 (Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French

translation); al-Inßàf 218/7 (soul’s relationship to body); 218/8

(commentary on the ps.-Aristotelian Theology); 4844/1 (analysis,

source-analysis); intellect 211/0 (active intellect – Plotin); 2292/1

( John Philoponus); 3885/1 (~, soul, body – Aristotelian, Neo-

platonic, Galenic sources); 4029/0 (Arabic writings – Latin recep-

tion); 4029/4 (Ibn Sìnà and his impact on the Latin West, from

Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus to Albertus Magnus); 6271/1 (Risàla ilàl-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation); 7013/1

(theoretical – practical ~); intuition 3810/1; → main entry “intu-

ition”; al-Ishàràt wa-l-tanbìhàt 4841/2 (source of Ghazzàlì, Mi'yàral-'ilm fì fann al-man†iq); 4913/1 (contemplative vision – “oriental

philosophy”); 7313/1 (Qu†b al-Dìn al-Ràzì al-Ta˙tànì: al-Mu˙àkamàtbayna Shar˙ay [Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì and Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì] al-Ishàràt. al-Ilàhiyàt [by Ibn Sìnà] – edition); 8172/1 (criticism by

Mu˙ammad Ibn Mas'ùd al-Mas'ùdì, al-Shukùk wa-l-shubah 'alàl-Ishàràt); 8490/2 (comparison with Ibn S., Risàlat al- ayr); 8617/1

(rhetoric premises); Ismà'ìl Ibn Mu˙ammad Rìzì, Óayàt al-nufùs– resurrection 5927/4; Ismailiyya 2289/00; 2289/02; Jewishphilosophy → Hebrew transmission; John Blund 9230/1 (self-

reflectivity of inner senses from Aristotle to Ibn Sìnà); JohnPhiloponus 2292/1 (intellect); 4844/2.1 (sources of Ibn S.: Alexan-

der of Aphrodisias, Themistius, John Philoponus); 7426/5 ( John

Philoponus, Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the world – on the com-

position of the heavens – echo in Ibn Sìnà); judgement, absolute,

necessary, possible – Theophrastus, Alexander of Aphrodisias,

Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Islamic theology 7969/1.2; Kalàm 3811.0 (~

– logic); Kant 6576/1 (knowledge as concept and assent – struc-

tural comparison; metaphysics); khayàl 2365/2 (doctrine of~ –

root of Ibn 'Arabì, doctrine of imagination); → imagination; al-Kirmànì, Abù l-Qàsim → main entry; Kitàb → s. the word fol-

lowing Kitàb; knowledge 6535/1 (harmony of philosophy and

religion – divine attribute of knowledge); 6576/1 (~ as concept

and assent – Kant, structural comparison); → epistemology; Koran

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ibn sìnà 367

4843/2 (exegesis – survey); → tafsìr; Latin transmission 3075/1

(project of Latin translation as dialoge of religions); 4029/0 (De

anima [= al-Shifà", al- abì'iyyàt – al-Nafs] – index locorum); 4848/0.1

(heritage of Ibn S. in Islamic and Latin world); 4905/1 (being,

creation – vocabulary of Avicenna Latinus, Prima philosophia); 5202/a;

8954/2 (Alfred of Sarashel – Arabic-Latin translations); → Avicenna/

Avicennism; Leibniz 7426/5.1 (Ibn S., theodicy and relative incom-

mensurability of celestial periods – impact on Western Christianity

(14th c.) and Leibniz); life → biography; logic 3811.0 (~ – Kalàm);

3042/1 (comparison with Aristotle); 6576/1 (structural compari-

son with Kant, modern concepts of logic); 7969/1.2 (quantification

of predicate; quantification of conditional premises); 8366/1 (Ibn

S. and Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì – contradiction and conversion of the

absolute proposition); 8367/9 (criticism by Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì);8368/1 (syllogistic after Ibn Sìnà); → propositions; → syllogism;

al-Mabda" wa-l-ma'àd 2641/1 (source: Alexander of Aphrodisias,

Maqàla fì mabàdi" al-kull ); Maimonides 2153/1 (epistemology);

2458/2; ma'nà 4029/0 (ma'ànì ‘intentions’); 9284/1; Man†iq al-

mashriqiyìn 3804/2.1; manuscripts 7457/1 (photostats of manu-

scripts in American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) library,

Cairo); 8480/2 (texts copied in 721–3/1321–23); → also single

titles; al-Masà"il al-gharìba al-'ishrìniyya – edition 4583; math-ematics 2655/2; 7427/2 (~ and philosophy); 7428/1 (~ and

metaphysics); matter 5586/3 (form, matter – “homology”-argu-

ment); medicine 3811/1 (medical theory, scientific method in the

age of Ibn Sìnà); Meister Eckhart 714/0 (being – comparison

with Ibn S.); metaphysics 1432/5 (antecedents and comparison

of different works by Ibn Sìnà); 2041/1 (concept of metaphysics);

6576/1 (Kant); 7428/1 (mathematics and ~); 9284/01 (Thomas

Aquinas – Siger of Brabant – subject of metaphysics); 9285/2

(metaphysics in context); → al-Shifà", Ilàhiyàt; Michael Scot3571/1 (psychology); mi'ràdj 6884/1 (~, Yoga); Mi'ràdj nàma

3129/2 (Qushayrì, Kitàb al-Mi'ràdj ); 6884/1 (analysis); 8490/2 (com-

parison with Risàlat al- ayr); monotheism 3955/1 (“neoplatonized

monotheism”); motion 4021/0; 7807/1 (Ibn S., Mullà Íadrà);Mubà˙athàt 4923/1; 7457/2 (transmission, contents, structure);

al-Mùdjaz fì l-˙ikma al-'amaliyya 6525/1 (edition); MullàÍadrà 4834/2 (Aristotle – soul, substantial movement, wudjùd );

4851/1 (~’s use of I.S.’s Ta'lìqàt); 6884/2 (political philosophy –

Ibn S., Fàràbì, Mullà Íadrà); 7553/1 (Mullà Íadrà – being,

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368 ibn sìnà

“intensification”); 8076/1 (psychology – comparison of Ibn S. with

Mullà Íadrà); muttaßil 6271/1 (Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-

Hamadhànì – edition, French translation); al-Nadjàt 4841/2 (source

of Ghazzàlì, Mi'yàr al-'ilm fì fann al-man†iq); 5042/1 (English transla-

tion, part); nature 6302/1 (concept of nature as servant – criticized

by William of Auvergne); “neoplatonized monotheism” 3955/1;

ontology 1065/1; “oriental” philosophy 3804/2.1; paradise8409/1; philosophy 477/2 (~ and religion); 2348/1 (~ and sharì'a– definition); → “eastern philosophy”; → “oriental philosophy”;

6005/1 (stylistics of his philosophy); 6535/1 (harmony of philoso-

phy and religion – divine attribute of knowledge); 7427/2 (math-

ematics and ~); place 8802 (concept of ~); Plethon 304/2(indirect

influence by Ibn S.); 304/3 (~ as critic of Ibn S.); Plotinus 218/7

(soul’s relationship to body); political philosophy 1750/1; 5996/1

(comparison with Fàràbì); 6525/1 (monograph, Arabic; 1999);

6884/2 (Fàràbì, Mullà Íadrà); prophecy 315/1 (properties – Ibn

S., al-Ghazzàlì); 3804/2; 4029/0 (Arabic writings and Latin recep-

tion); 6884/1; 8302/2 (echo in 'Abd al-Karìm al-Shahrastànì);propositions 8368/1 (Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, al-Qazwìnì al-Kàtibì,Shirwànì); providence, evil, chance 1359/1; pseudo-Avicenniancorpus → works; psychology 4733/1 (monograph, Arabic);

4870/1 (mystical psychology – impact on Sanà"ì, Abù l-Madjd

Madjdùd: Sayr al-'ibàd ilà l-ma'àd ); 6884/1; 6961/1 (Fàràbì, Ibn

Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Maimonides, Husserl, Aristotle); 7013/1; 8001/1;

8076/1 (comparison with Mullà Íadrà); 8662/1; → soul; al-Qaßìda

al-'ayniyya fì l-nafs 1813/1 (with a commentary attributed to

an unknown scholar [“'Abd al-Ra˙màn al-Íùfì”] – edition); 2289/00

(edition, French translation; commentary by Ibn al-Walìd, al-Risàlaal-Mufìda fì ì∂à˙ mul©az al-Qaßìda); 5116/1.1 (reception in KhalìlDjibràn); 5696/1 (Ismaili interpretation by 'Alì Ibn Mu˙ammad

Ibn al-Walìd); quiddity 1065/1 (universal ~, threefold distinction

– background in Aristotle and commentators); -Qushayrì, Kitàbal-Mi'ràdj 3129/2 (Ibn S., Mi'ràdj nàma); Qu†b al-Dìn al-Shìràzì– angle, concept of 5667/1; Raimundus Lullus 2164/1 (com-

parison); reason – revelation 477/2; religion 477/2 (~ and phi-

losophy); 6535/1 (harmony of philosophy and religion – divine

attribute of knowledge); 9112/1 (philosophy of ~ – Fàràbì); rev-elation, vision (“non-discursive thought”) versus fikr “discursive

thought” 218/8; rhetoric 6005/1 (Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd – struc-

tures of argumentation, rhetoric); al-Risàla al-a∂˙awiyya fì amr

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ibn sìnà 369

al-ma'àd 4829/1 (bodies, souls and resurrection); 6273/1 (com-

mentary by Ibn Taymiyya, Dar" al-ta'àru∂ – translation); 7192/5

(ms. copied 596/1200); Risàla fì aqsàm al-'ulùm al-'aqliyya

3811/1 (division of sciences); Risàla fì daf' al-ghamm min al-

mawt → Faßl fì l-˙uzn wa-asbàbihì; Risàla fì daf' al-˙uzn → Faßlfì l-˙uzn wa-asbàbihì; Risàla fì ib†àl a˙kàm al-nudjùm 6271/1;

Risàla fì l-akhlàq 4952/2 (analysis, sources); 4952/3 (edition,

French translation); Risàla fì l-'ishq 4685/1 (love for the good);

Risàla fì l-kalàm 'alà l-nafs al-nà†iqa 272 (edition), 288 (Risàlafì l-kalàm 'alà l-nafs al-nà†iqa – edition, analysis, Arabic), 8085 (Risàlafì l-kalàm 'alà l-nafs al-nà†iqa – edition); Risàla fì l-nafs wa-baqà"ihàwa-ma'àdihà 3301/2 (Persian translation – edition); Risàla fìl-sa'àda wa-l-˙udjadj 7192/5 (ms. copied in 596/1200); Risàla

fì l-siyàsa 9406/1 (analysis, comparison with Plato, Republic and

Laws, in Malay); Risàla fìmà taqarrara 'indahù min al-˙ukùma

fì ˙udhjadj al-muthbitìna li-l-mà∂ì mabda"an zamàniyyan

→ al-Óukùma fì ˙udjadj al-muthbitìna li-l-mà∂ì mabda"an zamàniyyan;Risàla fì màhiyat/sirr al-ßalàt 5897/1 (Persian translation, com-

mentary); Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì 6271/1

(edition, French translation); Risàlat al-Maghribàn 6525/1(edi-

tion); Risàlat al-qa∂à" 6271/1 (edition, French translation); Risàlat

al-ˇayr 8490/2 (edition, English and modern Persian translation,

analysis); ~ influenced by Ibn al-Muqaffa', Kalìla wa-Dimna);

Risàlat ba'∂ al-afà∂ìl ilà 'ulamà" madìnat al-salàm [= Risàlailà 'ulamà" Baghdàd yas"aluhum al-inßàf baynahù wa-bayna radjul Hamadhànìyudda' ì l-˙ikma) 6271/1 (analysis); sababiyya “causality” 9285/4;

Sanà"ì, Abù l-Madjd Madjdùd 4870/1 (mystical psychology –

impact on Sanà"ì, Sayr al-'ibàd ilà l-ma'àd ); sciences 1458/3 (divi-

sion of ~ and encyclopaedias); 3811/1 (division of sciences); 6712/1

(Ibn S.’s contributions); senses 3079/3 (inner~); 9230/1 (self-

reflectivity of inner senses from Aristotle to Ibn Sìnà and John

Blund); sex unity – polarity 423/1; al-Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm 4877/1 (Ibn S. criticized by ~); 8302/1 (Ibn S.’s cos-

mology – criticism by ~ and Ibn Rushd); 8302/2 (Ibn S.’s impact

on ~); sharì'a 2348/1 (philosophy and sharì 'a – definition);

shay"iyya (‘thingness”) 9285/4; shellfish and nerves 4029/0

(Ibn Sìnà’s writings, Latin reception); Shi'a 6360/1; al-Shifà"1432/0.2 (material, formal causality); 1432/00 (preface, Latin trans-

mission); 4841/2 (source of Ghazzàlì, Mi'yàr al-'ilm fì fann al-man†iq);4844/2.1 (sources: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius, John

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370 ibn sìnà

Philoponus); al-Shifà", al-Ilà§iyàΔ 1432/0.2 (Alexander, Fì mabàdi"al-kull and Themistius, paraphrase of Aristotle, Metaphysics, Lambda);

1432/2 (reception of Aristotle, Metaphysics II); 1432/3 (Aristotle,

Metaphysics book III); 1432/4 (Aristotle, Metaphysics); 1432/5 (struc-

ture of metaphysical science and antecedents); 1432/0.1 and 1432/6

(Philosophia prima, quoted by Albertus Magnus, Commentary on

Metaphysics); 2183/2 (Kalàm fì ma˙∂ al-khayr as source); 2274/0 (I,5

ed. Anawati/Zàyid pp. 29–34; V,1+2 pp. 195–206; 207–212 –

French translation); 2510/1 (shay"); 4274/1 (axioms); 4905/1 (being,

creation – vocabulary of Avicenna Latinus, Prima philosophia); 5139/3

(Óàshiya by Djamal al-Dìn al-Khwansàrì – edition); 5586/4 (al-

Ilàhiyàt III,2–3 – concept of One – Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – compari-

son); 5586/5 (edition, Latin version, Italian transl.); al-Man†iq –

al-K§a†àba – 9162/1 (reception in Barhebraeus – Butyrum sapien-

tiae, Book of Rhetoric (edition, translation, commentary); al-Man†iq –

al-MaqùlàΔ 1065/1 (Aristotle, Categories); al-Man†iq – al-Qiyàs 8367/7

(Fàràbì’s lost Great Commentary as source); al-Man†iq – al-s§i'r3861/1 (thaumaston); al- abì'iyàΔ 1359/1 (ittifàq “chance”); 6165/2

(substantial change); 5139/2 (al- abì'iyàΔ, al-maqàla al-ùlà [Fì l-asbàbwa-l-mabàdi" li-l-†abì'iyàt] wa-l-thàniya [Fì l-˙araka wa-mà yadjrì mad-

jràhà]- Óàshiya by Djamàl al-Dìn al-Khwansàrì – edition); al-

abì'iyàΔ, al-Maqàla al-thàlitha fì l-umùr allatì li-l-†abì'iyàt min djihat

mà lahà kamm, 5523/1 (ch. 3–5 – English translation); al- abì'iyàΔ– al-Óayawàn 5312/1 (analysis: Aristotle and Galen); 5315/1

(excerpts in Marwazì, abà"i' al-˙ayawàn); 9018.1 (Latin translation

[= Abbreviatio Avicennae] – manuscripts, editions); al- abì'iyyàΔ –

al-Ma'àdin wa-l-àΔ§àr al-'ulwiyya 3119/3 ( Judah ha-Cohen, Midrash

ha-Óokhmah – Meteorology, use of Ibn Rushd, Middle commen-

tary and Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà"); al- abì'iyàΔ – al-nafs 3075/15 (impact

on Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus, concept of abstraction); 3804/2 (al-

Nafs V 6 – German translation, commentary); 4029/0 (Latin trans-

mission); al- abì'iyyàΔ – al-Samà' al-†àbì'ì 4020/0 (survey of chapters,

first comparison with Aristotle, Physics); 4021/0 (definition of move-

ment; French translation of book II, ch. I [pp. 81–87, 4]); 4024/2

(structure, contents); 4844/2 (Latin translation – particularities);

6165/1 (translation and commentary of section “The Now”, ed.

Said Zayed [160–165]); Siger of Brabant 9284/01 (Thomas

Aquinas – Siger of Brabant – subject of metaphysics); soul 218/7

(soul’s relationship to body); 1020/2; 2505/1 (~ and body); 3301/6

(doctrine and Aristotelian background); 3885/1 (~, body, intellect

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ibn sìnà 371

– Aristotelian, Neoplatonic, Galenic sources); 5022/4 (human soul);

7013/1 (~ as mirror – b.S., Ghazzàlì, Ibn 'Arabì); 8662/1 (exis-

tence); space, vacuum 3747/1; 6165/2.1 (space, dimensionality

and interpenetration in Ibn Sìnà); subject (concept of ) 1020/2;

sufism 714/1; 4870/1 (mystical psychology – impact on Sanà"ì,Abù l-Madjd Madjdùd: Sayr al-'ibàd ilà l-ma'àd ); 6414/2 (mono-

graph); syllogism 270/3 (Aristotelian ~); 8368/1 (syllogistic after

Ibn Sìnà); Syriac transmission 8501/3 (Syriac translations by

Barhebraeus); Tafsìr al-A'là [Sura 87] 8439/1 (Tajik translation);

Tafsìr al-falaq [Sure 113] 2559/2 (study); 8439/1 (Tajik trans-

lation); Tafsìr al-Ikhlàß [Sura 112] 2559/1 (study); 8439/1 (Tajik

translation); Tafsìr al-Nàs [Sura 114] – 8439/1 (Tajik transla-

tion); Tafsìr al-Nùr [Sura 24] 5813/1 (study); 8439/1 (Tajik

translation); Tafsìr “Thumma istawà ilà l-samà" wa-hya

dukhàn 8439/1 (Tajik translation); → Koran; takhßìß “particu-

larization” 477/1; Ta'lìqàt 4851/1 (used by Mullà Íadrà); tashkìk2673/2; → tashkìk, main entry; terminology 2425/3; 2425/5 (~

of humanities); Themistius 4844/2.1 (sources of Ibn S.: Alexander

of Aphrodisias, Themistius, John Philoponus); theodicy 4685/1;

7426/5.1 (theodicy and relative incommensurability of celestial

periods – impact on Western Christianity (14th c.) and Leibniz);

theology 3811.0 (concept of ~ – logic); Thomas Aquinas 1829/1

(Ibn Rushd); 1921; 4904/1; 5497; 7652/1 (“whatness” of God –

Ibn S., Thomas Aquinas, William of Auvergne); 8299/0 (Ibn S.,

Thomas Aquinas on evil); 9282; 9283; 9284/01 (Thomas Aquinas

– Siger of Brabant – subject of metaphysics); time 838/1 (con-

cept of ~, criticized by Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); translation 6800/1

(selections); ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 8366/1 (Ibn Sìnà and~ – logic:

contradiction and conversion of the absolute proposition); Twelver-Shì'ì reception 7341/1; universals 2274/0 (abstraction, uni-

versals, essence); 'Uyùn al-masà"il 6576/1 (German translation);

vision 4029/0 (Latin reception); wàdjib al-wudjùd 6884/1;

“whatness” of God 7652/1 (Ibn S., Thomas Aquinas, William

of Auvergne); William of Auvergne 6302/1 (concept of nature

as servant – criticized by ~); 7652/1 (“whatness” of God – Ibn

S., Thomas Aquinas, William of Auvergne); woman, concept of

7950/1; works 2074/1 (systematic arrangement, chronology);

7457/2 (life, works – tabular chronology); 7457/5 (pseudo-Avicennian

corpus, methodological considerations); 8379/1 (problem of works

ascribed to him); 8480/2 (texts copied in 721–3/1321–23); wudjùb/

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372 ibn sìnà ‒ ibn zayla

wudjùd mu†laq 2164/1 (Raimundus Lullus); wudjùd 2164/1

(~ mu†laq – Raimundus Lullus); 3955/1 (~ – màhiya). → Avicenna.

Ibn Suwàr – “Meteorological Phenomena” – edition, translation


Ibn ˇàhir, Abù 'Abd al-Ra˙màn – Ibn Rushd’s friend, remarks on

his life and works 7214/b.

Ibn Taymiyya 7330/2; Aristotle → logic; Dar" al-ta'àru∂ 6273/1

(translation [part]: Ibn Sìnà, Risàla a∂˙awiyya – commentary by

Ibn Taymiyya); 6283/1 (~ ed. Sàlim I 156,5–170: French trans-

lation – against contradictions of the rationalists); economics3492/5; -Ghazzàlì 5111/1 (~ criticized by Ibn T.); Ibn Rushd5324/1 (~ criticized by Ibn T.); logic 5324/2 (criticism of

Aristotelian logic); 5485/1 (criticism of Aristotelian logic); 6000/1;

6003/1; Naq∂ al-man†iq edition 4632/1; psychology 4708/1a;

al-Radd 'alà l-man†iqiyìn 5111/1; 5324/2 (structure, sources);

5360/1 (comparison with Abù l-Najà al-Farì∂, Kitàb al-Khamsìnmas"ala fì kasr al-man†iq).

Ibn ˇufayl 1785/2 (survey); 1916/1 (survey); 3698/1 (survey, 2000);

5626/1; 8482/1 (life, works, thought, influence – surveys); BaltasarGracián 7400/1; Casona, Alejandro – echo of Ibn ˇ. 8680/1;

Ghazzàlì 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2; Óayy Ibn YaqΩàn 1929/2

(English translation); 3755/2 (~ as reaction to Ghazzàlì’s criticismof philosophy); 4057/1 (Hebrew commentary by Moses of Narbonne

– edition); 4060/1 (edition); 4280/1 (imagination and aesthetics);

4786/1 (allegory); 5042/1 (English translation, part); 5889/1 (A(b)sàland Joseph – symbols and narration); 7990/1 (parallels with

Buddhism, Bhagawad Gita and Vedanta); 8800/1 (English trans-

lation); Ibn Sìnà 3804/2.1 (Ibn Sìnà, al-Falsafa al-mashriqiyya – as

seen by Ibn ˇ); 7399/1 (philosophy and mysticism); philosophy8686/1 (autodidact philosopher); → religion; religion 9112/1 (phi-

losophy of ~); 3482/0 (harmony of ~ and philosophy).

Ibn Tùmart – Ghazzàlì’s meeting with him in Alexandria 3107/1.

Ibn ˇumlùs, al-Madkhal ilà ßinà'at al-man†iq 719/01 (Kitàb al-Kha†àba– sources: Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sìnà, al-Fàràbì); 719/02 (Kitàb al-Shi'r– sources; syllogism).

Ibn Umayl al-Tamìmì – al-Mà" al-waraqì wa-l-ar∂ al-nadjmiyya 1818/1

(Greek sources); 1818/2 (generation and corruption, embryologie).

Ibn Yùsuf al-Bøsnawì, Mu˙ammad – Bosniak logician 5587/1.

Ibn Zayla – biographical portrait, philosophical correspondence with

Ibn Sìnà 7457/2; → Ibn Sìnà.

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ibn zùlàq ‒ ikhwàn al-ßafà" 373

Ibn Zùlàq, Fa∂à"il Mißr – chapter on scholars in Egypt in pre-Islamic

time, including philosophers as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kindì2142/1.

Ibràhìm al-Óalabì – mathematics – philosophy 7427/2.

idealism,transcendental (Kant) – Averroism 7575/2.

ideas 6570/1 (Mullà Íadrà’s view); → form 9089/1.

identification, cognitive [= identity of knower and known] – Ibn

Rushd 1493/1.

identity, concept of – modern philosophy 4082/1.1.

idjtihàd – modern Arabic-Islamic thought 4082/1.1.

i∂†iràr – Kindì 218/8.1.

ikhtiyàr 218/8.1 (Kindì – Plotin – Stoa); 7969/2 (early Islamic the-

ology – Greek models).

Ikhwàn al-Íafà" wa-khulàn al-wafà" 2637/2 (survey); 3906/1 (date: late

9th century); 3910/1 (historical study); 6882/1 (survey); 8310/1+

8310/2 (survey, remarks by Steinschneider); Alawites 3903/2

(philosophy); alchemy 6035/1; → Djàbir; Archimedes 1129/1

(~s’ echo in Ikhwàn al-Íafà"); 2257/1 (survey, 1898); astrology1782/1 (“On the revolutions and the cycles of the spheres” and

its forerunners); 2293/0 (sun as king of heavens); Djàbir 6035/1

(alchemy – composition of bodies); → alchemy; embryology →generation and corruption; ethics 333/1; Fàràbì 1125/1 (com-

parison with Fàràbì’s concept of the perfect state); 3685/1 (Ep.

XXII: animals versus man – religion and politics); generationand corruption, embryology 1818/2; heaven 8951/3; Ibn al-Rùmì 6024/1; Ibn Íaddìq 2459/1; Ibn Sìnà 8490/2 (influence

on ~, Risàlat al- ayr); iktisàb 7128/1 (Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – ~);

imàm, king 1177/1; Ismailiyya 3903/1; Jewish philosophy9502/1 (impact on ~); Liber introductorius in artem logicae

demonstrationis – 5202/a (remarks); measuring 256/1 (art of

~); meteorology 4082/1; nature 1134/0 (concept of ~, com-

parison with Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì); 3920/1 (concept of ~); perfectstate 1125/1 (comparison with Fàràbì); philosophy 2348/1 (~

and sharì 'a, definition); 6096/1 (philosophy of I.Í. monograph,

Arabic); Plato 1146/1 (parallels; comparison of Greek and Arabic

texts); political philosophy 1146/c (Plato, Aristotle); 1177/1;

psychology 4708/1a; “regal policy” – temporal and religious

connotations 1177/1; religion, piety 1137/1 (~, piety); 3685/1

(Ep. XXII: animals versus man – religion and politics, comparison

with Fàràbì); resurrection 1133/1; Risàlat Djàmi'at al-djàmi'a

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374 ikhwàn al-ßafà" ‒ imàma

1183/1 (Greek sources); Sabians 3903/3 (monograph, Arabic);

science 1134/1 (concept of ~); 1458/3 (division of sciences and

encyclopaedias); 4014/1 (natural sciences); sharì'a → philosophy;

sufism 5116/2 (Ep. 46: †arìq, Sufi way – partial French trans-

lation, with text); †arìq 5116/2 (Ep. 46: †arìq, Sufi way – partial

French translation, with text); time 203/1 (concept of ~); toler-ance 6048/2 (concept of ~).

iktisàb → Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì.il˙àd 8408/4.

ilhàm – concept of “autodidact philosopher” 8686/1.

'illa 8114/1 (Ghazzàlì, Ibn Rushd, Ibn 'Arabì); 8497/1 (Maqdisì,Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh); 9285/4 (al-'illa al-ghà"iyya– prior to al-'illa al-fà'iliyya: Ibn Sìnà).

illumination 2637/2 (illuminationist philosophy – survey); 3037/1

(doctrine of ~ – light and being); 7322/1 (doctrine of ~ – gno-

sis, sufism, Zoroastrians – comparison); 9089/2 (doctrine of ~ –

Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]).

'ilm 100/1 (concept of ~ – Islamic-Malay world); 1496/1 (Fàràbì);4067/1 (concept of ~ – Mullà Íadrà); 6538/1 (concept of ~ –

Malay world); 6441/1 (~, 'ulamà" – Mullà Íadrà’s concept); 8497/1

(Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh); 8705/1

(Mu'tazilite view in ms. Brit. Mus. Or. 8613, edition of section

on 'ilm); → epistemology; → knowledge.

'ilm al-˙u∂ùrì – Ibn Sìnà 6961/1.

ilzàm “consequence” 5996/2.

imagination 2637/2 (imaginal realism); 1495/1 (Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd,

Albertus Magnus Thomas Aquinas); Averroism 8301/1; 8301/1

(”imaginism” [imaginismo]); Ibn 'Arabì 2365/2; Ibn Rushd9276/1 (imaginative faculty as missing link between individual soul

and material intellect); Ibn Sìnà 4913/1; 6271/1 (~, Risàla ilàl-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation); Ibnˇufayl, Óayy Ibn YaqΩàn 4280/1 (imagination – aesthetics); Miska-wayh 5927/3.0; Mullà Íadrà 5489/1 (objectivity of imagina-

tion). → wahm; → khayàl; → phantasy.

imago Dei – Iranian mysticism 7192/6.

Imàm 2029/2 (Fàràbì, “Imamic” constitution); 9110/1 (Ismaili writ-

ings, Greek elements).

imàma 8172/2 (concept of ~ – “socio-political pessimism” of Fakhr

al-Dìn al-Ràzì – contrast of F.’s “Hobbesian” political theory with

Fàràbì’s “utopian optimism”); 8302/2 (Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm).

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ìmàn ‒ intellectus 375

ìmàn – concept of ~ and definition as determination of the general


imitation – Fàràbì, Ibn Rushd 5996/0.

immortality of the soul – Paduan Averroism – Pietro Pomponazzi

3072/1; → soul.

India 2077/1 (India, 16th and 17th c. – Islamic philosophy – sur-

vey [1999]); 7330/2 (rational sciences in medieval India).

individuality → personality.

individuation 2505/1 (Ibn Sìnà); 2584/2 (Mullà Íadrà); 3321/00

(Ibn Rushd, Thomas Aquinas); 8001/1; 9337/1 (Averroism –

Richard Rufus).

indivisibles → atom/atomism.

infinity – Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition,

French translation 6271/1

inniyya 339/1 (“being” – divinity – Ibn Sìnà); 7341/2.1 (Islamic phi-

losophy, Shì'a, Óadìth).

intellect 2637/2 (active ~); 4966/1 (~, intellection and intelligibles);

5022/3 (human ~ – Aristotle, the Greek commentators, Kindì,Abù Bakr al-Ràzì, al-Fàràbì, Miskawayh, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Bàdjdja,

Ibn ˇufayl, Ibn Rushd, Thomas Aquinas); 6064/1 (from Aristotle

to Ibn Khaldùn – monograph, Arabic); 8001/1; 8662/1 (~, knowl-

edge); Alessandro Achillini → Averroes; Luca Prassicio; Aver-roism 4029/1.1 (“unicity” of the material intellect – Averroism

– Nicoletto Vernia, Alessandro Achillini, Luca Prassicio); → Ibn

Rushd; Fàràbì 3444/3 (Alexander of Aphrodisias, De intellectu as

source of Fàràbì’s doctrine of four intellects); Ibn 'Arabì 2365/2;

Ibn Rushd 2458/1 (conjunction of material and active intellect

– ~, Gersonides); 3173/1 (active int. 3792/2 (potential and agent

int. – Ibn Rushd, Henry Bate); 7575/2 (intellect, agent [Ibn Rushd]

– “Verstand” [Kant] – parallels); 9338/1 (~, Richard Rufus, De

anima, commentary); Ibn Sìnà 211/0 (active int. ~, Plotin); 4029/0

(~, Arabic writings – Latin reception); 4029/4 (~ and his impact

on the Latin West [from Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus to Albertus

Magnus]); Kant 7575/2 (intellect, agent [Ibn Rushd] – “Verstand”

[Kant] – parallels); Luca Prassicio → Averroes; Mullà Íadrà1070/1 (intellect – religion); Nicoletto Vernia → Averroes;

Richard Rufus 9338/1 (Ibn Rushd, Richard Rufus, De anima,

commentary); → anonymous – Utrum beatitudo consistat; → intellectus.

intellectus 1336/2 (doctrine of intellectus agens, 13th c. – secondary attri-

bution to Averroes); 3312/1 (intellectus agens – Ibn Rushd – reception

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376 intellectus ‒ isfizàrì

in Albertus Magnus); 3075/6 (~, intelligentia – in the translations

of Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus); 3075/15 (~, intelligentia – Dominicus

Gundis(s)alinus, Arabic sources); 8559/3.1 (~ agens – Ibn Rushd);

8559/3.1 (~ materialis – Ibn Rushd); 8559/3.1 (~ in habitu – Ibn


intentio prima – secunda – Raimundus Lullus 5598/1.

intention 4029/0 (Ibn Sìnà); 9284/1 (Ibn Rushd, commentaries on

De anima); → ma'nà.intentionality – Ibn Sìnà, Husserl 6961/1.

interpenetration 6165/2.1 (space, dimensionality and ~ in Ibn Sìnà).interpretation 5010/1 (truth – existence – Ghazzàlì); 9237/1 (~ and

allegory, antiquity to the modern period); → hermeneutics.

introduction – key to understanding trends in Islamic philosophy:

Ibn ˇufayl, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd 3979/2.

intuition 752/1; 3804/2 and 3810/1 (Ibn Sìnà); 7764/1 (MullàÍadrà); → ˙ads.

Iohannes Hispanus 1701/2 (~, John of Seville and John of Spain,

problem of identity); 1704/1 (identity and references in cartularies

of Toledo Cathedral); 9018.1 (Arabic-Latin translations).

Iqbal, Mu˙ammad 1664/1 (thought – monograph, Arabic); 2637/2

(survey); 3774/2 (biography, thought – monograph); 4082/1.1 (“dis-

course of the modern”); 4707/1 (epistemology – Mullà Íadrà);4995/1 (existentialism); 7330/2 (sources of his thought); 8112/1

(ethics); 8499/1 (descriptive bibliography).

i'ràb – Ibn Rushd, al-Îarùrì fì ßinà'at al-na˙w 8215/1.

Iran 1997/1 (philosophy in Iran – Corbin); 2077/1 (Islamic philos-

ophy in ~ – survey [1999]); 2286/1 (Zuravanism, rationalism);

6307/1 (propagation of Islamic books from Iran in China, 17th

c.); 6944/1 (influence of Greek in Pehlewi culture and literature).

Ìrànshahrì, Abù l-'Abbàs Mu˙ammad – translation, selections 6800/1.

-'Iràqì, Fakhr al-Dìn – Lama'àt – wa˙dat al-wudjùd 6072/1.

'irfàn 5467/1 (Mu˙sin Fay∂ Kàshànì – Kalimàt-i maknùna – analysis);

8686/1 (concept of ~ – “autodidact philosopher”).

'Ìsà Ibn Zur'a – Aristotle, Metaphysics – Arabic translation 1432/1.1.

Isaac Israeli – medieval Hebrew-Latin transmission 7655/1.

Ißfahàn – manuscripts – one-volume collections of philosophical texts


Isfizàrì, Abù Óàmid – Kitàb fì masà"il al-umùr al-ilàhiyya – passage of

Plato, Res publica VI 506d3–509b10 – edition, translation 7457/4.

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is˙àq ibn ˙unayn ‒ ivanow 377

Is˙àq Ibn Óunayn 4764/1 (~, translator of Aristotle, De anima –

used by Ibn Rushd – Middle/Long Commentary); 1432/1.1 (Arabic

translation of Aristotle, Metaphysics).

ishàra 2153/1 (Ibn Sìnà); 2365/2 (Ibn 'Arabì).ishràq 5421/3 (Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì – Ismailiyya); 5928/1 (semiotic

analysis by I. Netton); 7322/1 (gnosis, sufism – comparison).

Isidor of Sevilla – impact on Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus 3075/13.

Islam 1200/2 (~ and modern science); 2637/2 (revival of ~); 4082/1.1

(~ and “enlightenment”); 4952/1 (~, influence in the West, trans-

lations – monograph, Turkish).

“Islamism” as cultural authenticity in the Modern 4082/1.1.

“islamization” 4082/1.1 (~ of the “discourse”); 8315/1 (islamization

of science).

ism – waßf – Islamic theology 7969/1.2.

Ismà'ìl Ibn Mu˙ammad Rìzì [fl. ca. 679/1280], Óayàt al-nufùs – re-

surrection, Avicennian background; influenced by Suhrawardì(-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq) 5927/4.

Ismaili/Ismailiyya 1785/2 (thought – survey); 2029/1 (political thought);

2119/1 (intellectual life – overwiew); 2121/1 (thought – survey);

2637/2 (thought – survey); Alawites 3903/2; Ibn Sìnà 2289/00

(Ibn Sìnà and post-fatimide Ismailism according to Ibn al-Walìd,

al-Risàla al-Mufìda fì ì∂à˙ mul©az al-Qaßìda); 2289/02; Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 3903/1; Imamate 9110/1 (Greek elements in Ismaili writ-

ings on the Imamate); inequality of human races 2289/01;

knowledge, tree of 2288/1 (ˇayyibite Ismailiyya); Neoplatonism3903/1 (monograph, Arabic); perfectio prima/secunda 2292/1

(Thomas Aquinas, ˇayyibite Ismailites – common source; John

Philoponus); Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm 8302/2 (impact of

Ism. on~); -Tùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 2121/2 (Alamùt period); 5421/3

(Ishràqì philosophy).

istikmàl 2292/1.

istinbà† – Ibn Sìnà 4029/2.

isti†à'a 218/8.1 (Kindì); 7969/2 (“ability to act” – early Islamic theo-

logy – Greek models).

istithnà" – logic, Islamic theology 7969/1.2.

ittifàq “chance” – Ibn Sìnà 1359/1.

itti˙àd – 'àqil – ma'qùl – Ibn Sìnà, Mullà Íadrà 1559/4.

ittißàl – Ibn Rushd 1493/1.

Ivanow, Vladimir – Corbin, Henri – correspondence 7954/1.

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378 iwannis of dàrà ‒ judah ha-cohen

Iwannis of Dàrà – treatise on the soul – analysis, comparison with

Moses Bar Kepha 7459/2.

Jean Buridan – Ibn Rushd – logic, natural theology 5328/0.

Jean de la Rochelle – impact of Avienna’s psychology 4029/0.

Jewish Kalàm – falsafa 1921/1.

Jewish philosophy 3989/1 (Ghazzàlì, Maqàßid al-falàsifa as source for

Avicennian natural sciences); 8055/2 (Arabic-Islamic sources);

8257/1 (survey); 8701/1 (debate between Muslim and Jew); 9502/1

(impact of Islamic thought – survey).

John Baconthorpe → Baconthorpe.

John Blund 1701/1 (Arabic philosophical sources); 4029/0 (impact

of Avicenna); 9230/1 (self-reflectivity of memoria in Tractatus de


John of Jandun – Averroism – psychology 9231/1.

John of Ripa – Averroism 4904/1.

John of Sècheville, De principiis naturae – Averroes’ impact 212/3.

John Philoponus – 'Abdallàh Ibn al-Fa∂l al-An†àkì 7426/5 ( John

Philoponus, Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the world – Arabic frag-

ment on the composition of the heavens – 'Abd Allàh Ibn al-Fa∂l

al-An†àkì, Kitàb al-Manfa'a – echo in Ibn Sìnà); Bìrùnì 3541/1

( John Philoponus, De aeternitate mundi contra Proclum – quotations in

al-Bìrùnì, India); Ibn Rushd 3984/1 ( J.Ph., commentary on Aris-

totle’s Physics – impact on Ibn Rushd’s commentaries on Aristotle’s

Physics); 5328/1 ( John Philoponus – infinite power – impact on

Ibn Rushd); Ibn Sìnà 4844/2.1 (Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà" – sources:

Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius, John Philoponus); 7426/5

( John Philoponus, Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the world – Arabic

fragment on the composition of the heavens – 'Abd Allàh Ibn al-

Fa∂l al-An†àkì, Kitàb al-Manfa'a – echo in Ibn Sìnà); Kindì 218/3

(creation); perfectio prima/secunda – 2292/1 ( J.Ph. as common

source of Thomas Aquinas, ˇayyibite Ismailites).

Joseph Ibn Caspi – Sharshot ha-kesef – Aristotelianism 946/1.

Joseph Ibn Shemtob – commentary on Ibn Rushd’s greater treatise

on conjunction 8310/0.

Judah ha-Cohen 3116/1 (inhabited earth – uninhabited parts);

Midrash ha-˙okhmah 3119/2 (Arabic sources); 3119/3 (Meteo-

rology, use of Ibn Rushd, Middle commentary and Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà"); 5904/1 (logic – Arabic sources); 9506/1 (Aristotle’s Metaphysics).

→ Fàràbì – Aristotle, Categories.

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judah messer leon ‒ khafarì 379

Judah Messer Leon (15th c.) – Hebrew commentator and his Latin

sources 9509/1.

“Judaization” of the Islamic falàsifa → Ibn Falaquera – Fàràbì.judgement – absolute, necessary, possible ~ – Theophrastus, Alexander

of Aphrodisias, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Islamic theology; universality and

necessity of ~ – Abù l-Hudhayl, al-NaΩΩàm 7969/1.2.

justice – Miskawayh – Ràghib al-Ißfahànì 6372/2.

Kalàm 7030/1 (kalàm and mutakallim in Christian context); 7094/1

(Indian, Buddhist impact on ~); 7969/1 (Aristotle, De interpretatione

– early Islamic theology); 8439/2 (philosophy and theology); 8659/1

(Islamic philosophy and its theological prelude; monograph, Arabic;

2002); Aristotle 7969/2 (logic); Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 8172/1

(falsafa, logic); Ghazzàlì 912/1 (Ghazzàlì, al-Iqtißàd fì l-i'tiqàd –

comparison with Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra gentes); 5974/1;

6353/1; Ibn Sìnà 9285/5 (impact on Ibn Sìnà – distinction of

essence and existence); Jewish kalàm – falsafa 1921/1; ßifàt

Allàh – Arabic Neoplatonism and Islamic Kalàm 2184/1.

Kalàm fì ma˙∂ al-khayr → Liber de causis.

kalima wudjùdiyya = hyparktikon rhèma – Fàràbì 7558/1.

kamàl 2292/1; 4685/1 (Ibn Sìnà).Kamàl al-Dìn Ibn Yùnus – indirect contact with Frederick II 4029/3.

Kant 1122/1 (Abù l-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì); 6511/1 (Mullà Íadrà – capac-

ity of reason in solving metaphysical problems); 6576/1 (Ibn Sìnà– epistemology, metaphysics, God); 7330/1.1 and 7330/1.2

(Ghazzàlì).kasb – Kitàb al-Kasb, attributed to Shaybànì 1561/1.

-Kàshànì, Mu˙ammad Ibn Mu˙ammad Zamàn 4956/2 (Mir"àt al-azmàn, monograph on the concept of time, – edition); 4928/0

(concept of walàya – perfect man, prophethood, sainthood); 4923/1;

5467/1 (Kalimàt-i maknùna – analysis).

Kashmir – sufism 7330/2.

-Kàtì (Óusàm al-Dìn Óasan), Shar˙ al-Ìsàghùdjì commentary on Athìral-Dìn al-Abharì, Kitàb al-Ìsàghùdjì – edition 3301/2.

-Kàtibì – al-Risàla al-shamsiyya – comparison with Ibn Sìnà, syllo-

gism 8367/9.

kawn, akwàn – Mu'tazila 3148/1.

kawn → generation.

Khafàdjì – metaphor 5996/2.

Khafarì → Khafrì.

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380 khafrì ‒ kindì

Khafrì, Shams al-Dìn Mu˙ammad 5139/1 (Óàshiya [part] on Naßìral-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Tadjrìd al-'aqà"id, with gloss by -Khwànsàrì, calledal-Ìràdàt 'alà l-˙udùth al-dahrì – edition); 7258/3 (liar paradox).

khalà" 6271/1 (discussion in Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation). → vacuum; → void.

Khaldunism/Ibn Khaldun – “reason and knowledge”; “nature and

man”; “history as science”; “legitimacy” 9492/1; → khaldùniyya.khaldùniyya 885/0; 4111/1 (philosophy of history).

khalq – Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm; → creation.

Khan, Syed Ahmad – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

kha†àba and Greek heritage 3887/1.

khayàl – Ibn 'Arabì 2365/2; → imagination.

Khòdjazàda 880 (Tahàfut al-falàsifa, commentary (˙àshiya) by KamàlPàshà-Zàda [s. suppl. ad vol. II, p. 426]); 7729/1 (religion and

philosophy – struggle).

Khomeini 5097/1 (concept of nature – Mullà Íadrà).Khwàdjù"ì al-Ißfahànì, Mullà Ismà'ìl – Risàlat Ib†àl al-zamàn al-mawhùm

5139/0 (edition).

Khwànsàrì, Djamàl al-Dìn 5139/0 (al-Ìràdàt 'alà l-˙udùth al-dahrì. Qism

l-Óàshiyatihì 'alà Óàshiyat al-Khafarì – criticized by Khwàdjù"ì al-

Ißfahànì, Mullà Ismà'ìl – Risàlat Ib†àl al-zamàn al-mawhùm – edi-

tion); 5139/1 (gloss [al-Ìràdàt 'alà l-˙udùth al-dahrì] on -Khafrì,Óàshiya/Ta'lìqàt on Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Tadjrìd al-'aqà"id [part] –

edition); 5139/2 (Óàshiya 'alà al-Shifà", al- abì'iyàt, al-maqàla al-ùlàwa-l-thàniya [by Ibn Sìnà] – edition); 5139/3 (Óàshiya 'alà al-Shifà",al-Ilàhiyàt [by Ibn Sìnà] – edition).

-Khwàrizmì – sciences, division of and encyclopaedias 1458/3.

Kindì 4923/1; 4988/4 (life, list of works, works in Turkish transla-

tion, thought – monograph, Turkish); 6839/1 (life, main ideas);

8480/1 (monograph, Arabic); being, concept of 218/6; causal-ity 8698/1; comets → On Comets; creation 218/3 ( John

Philoponus); De intellectu 7526/1 (authorship of the Latin trans-

lation); De mutatione temporum – Latin fragment (edition, trans-

lation) 1692/1; De quinque essentiis → Risàla fì l-djawàhir al-khamsa;

De radiis, De aspectibus, De medicinarum compositarum

gradibus – study 8698/1; epistemology 2183/1 (Aristotelian

and Neoplatonic Elements); Euclid 879/3 (phantasy, space and

geometrical object in Proclus, Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham and Kindì);

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kindì 381

→ geometry; geometry 3808.0.0 (~ and rebirth of philosophy);

→ Euclid; Greek philosophy 1785/2 (reception of ~); Óikam

(preserved in Abù Sulaymàn al-Sidjistànì, Mun†akhab Íiwàn al-˙ikma

ed. Dunlop 114–122) 4988/4 Turkish translation); Ibn Óazm5361/1 (K. criticized by Ibn Óazm); Kalàm li-l-Kindì fì l-nafs

mukhtaßar wadjìz 4988/4 (Turkish translation); Latin trans-mission 5202/a; mathematics – Platonic tradition of number

2655/2; method 4747/0 (monograph, Arabic); Mu'tazila 218/3;

Nicomachus of Gerasa 3178/1 (Arithmetic Introduction, Arabic

recension, Hebrew translation by Qalonymos Ben Qalonymos);

On Comets – fragment of the German and Latin version (edition,

translation) 1692/1; Philoponus, John 218/3 (creation); philos-ophy – religion 477/2; Plotinus 218/4 (soul and Arabic Plotinus);

psychology 4708/1a; 8662/1; → soul; reason – revelation477/2; Renaissance 1692/1 (traces of K. in the ~); Risàla fìannahù [tùdjadu] djawàhir là adjsàm 4988/4 (Turkish trans-

lation); Risàla fì ˙udùd al-ashyà" wa-rusùmihà 4988/4 (Turkish

translation); 5022/1 (19th century ms. with preamble and epilogue

as later fabrication); 5022/2 (analysis); Risàla fì ì∂à˙ tanàhìdjirm al-'àlam 4988/4 (Turkish translation); Risàla fì kam-

miyyat kutub Aris†à†àlìs 4988/4 (Turkish translation); Risàla

fì l-'aql 4988/4 (Turkish translation); 9157/1 (edition, Malay trans-

lation); → De intellectu; Risàla fì l-djawàhir al-khamsa 4988/4

(Turkish translation); Risàla fì l-fà'il al-˙aqq al-awwal 4988/4

(Turkish translation); Risàla fì l-falsafa al-ùlà 2192/1 (quota-

tion in → al-Mukhtàr min kalàm al-˙ukamà" al-arba'a al-akàbìr); 4988/4

(Turkish translation); 6061/1 (Aristotle, Metaphysics, Alpha elat-

ton – commentary by Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – comparison with Kindì);6061/2 (Aristotle, Metaphysics); Risàla fì l-˙ìla li-daf ' al-a˙zàn

2508/1 (Boethius – comparison); 4988/4 (Turkish translation);

Risàla fì l-ibàna 'an al-'illa al-fà'ila 4988/4 (Turkish transla-

tion); Risàla fì l-ibàna 'an sudjùd al-djirm al-aqßà 4988/4

(Turkish translation); Risàla fì l-qawl fì l-nafs al-mukhtaßar

min Aris†ù wa-Falà†ùn wa-sà"ir al-falàsifa 218/4 (Arabic

Plotinus); 218/9 (English translation); 4988/4 (Turkish translation);

Risàla fì màhiyyat al-nawm wa-l-ru"yà 4988/4 (Turkish trans-

lation); Risàla fì mà"iyyat mà là yumkin an yakùna là nihà-yata 4988/4 (Turkish translation); Risàla fì wa˙dàniyyat Allàh

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382 kindì ‒ làhìdjì

wa-tanàhì djirm al-'àlam 3301/2 (edition); 4988/4 (Turkish

translation); soul 218/4 (Arabic Plotin); 218/9 (doxography on

soul – “Theology of Aristotle”); → psychology; terminology 2425/2;

Theology of Aristotle → soul; time, concept of 2443/1; works8698/1 (mss., editions, translations, studies; 1999).

-Kirmànì, Abù l-Qàsim 6271/1 (Risàla fì ußùl al-a˙kàm [= a˙kàmal-nudjùm], refuted by Ibn Sìnà. – Aristotle, misunderstood – Ibn

Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French

translation); 7426/3 (dispute with Ibn Sìnà about wudjùd ); 7457/2

(biographical portrait, philosophical correspondence with Ibn Sìnà).Kirmànì, Óamìd al-Dìn 2293/0 (demiurge – Proclus); 4317/1 (con-

cept of knowledge); 6366/1 (philosophical position); 9110/1 (al-

Maßàbì˙ fì ithbàt al-imàma – concept of Imam, Greek sources).

knowledge 1801/2 (transmission of ~ in medieval Islam); 3699/1

(value of ~); 4063/1 (divisions of ~; acquisition and transmission

of ~; historical overview of achievements); Averroism 9337/1

(divine knowledge of particulars – ~, Richard Rufus); Ghazzàlì211 suppl. (concept of ~); Ibn Rushd, Thomas of Aquinas 3123/1

(divine ~); Ibn Sìnà 6576/1 (concept and assent of ~, ~ and

Kant – structural comparison); Kindì 2183/1 (concept of ~,

Aristotelian and Neoplatonic Elements); Kirmànì, Óamìd al-Dìn 4317/1 (concept of ~); Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir –

al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh 8497/1 (theory of ~); Mu'tazila 8705/1 (con-

cept of ~); Plotinus, Arabic 218/7.1 (forms of ~); ˇùsì, Naßìral-dìn 5421/3 (~ of God).

Koran – ethics 8112/1; Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì, Ibn Sìnà 5813/1

(Àyat al-Nùr – interpretation by ~); language 5434/1; logic7969/1.2 (~ and grammar); Mullà Íadrà 1716/2 (impact on

transcendent philosophy of ~); 4928/3 (principles of interpreta-

tion – Sùrat al-Zalzala).

kufr “disbelief ” – Ibn 'Arabì 1122/2.

labor, division of – Smith, Adam – roots in medieval Persia 4233/0.

→ economics.

-Làhìdjì, Óasan Ibn 'Abd al-Razzàq [1045–1121/1635–1709]: À'ìna-i˙ikmat; Ußùl-i dìn yà ußùl-i khamsa; Tazkiyat al-ßu˙ba yà ta"lìf al-

ma˙abba; Durr-i maknùn; Sirr-i makhzùn yà Ithbàt al-radj'a; Hidàyat al-musàfir – edition 5394/1.

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làhìdjì ‒ liber de causis 383

-Làhìdjì, Qu†b al-Dìn al-Ishkawàrì: Ma˙bùb al-qulùb. al-Maqàla al-ùlà: Fì a˙wàl al-˙ukamà" wa-aqwàlihim min Àdam ilà bidàyat al-islàm – edition 5394/2.

language 2637/2 (philosophy of ~); 2654/1 (language of demon-

stration, formation of terminology); 5434/1 (Arabic philosophical

language – formation); 8252/1 (~ as instrument); Fàràbì 5434/1

(philosophy of ~; philosophical ~); Ibn Óazm 1348/1 (philoso-

phy of ~); Malay Islam 6538/1 (knowledge and language).

law and philosophy 8521/2 (Leo Strauss).

-Lawkarì 3755/2 (works, remarks); 4923/1; 7341/1 (~ and Ibn Sìnà).Leibniz 2230/1 (~’s monadology – Mullà Íadrà, basì† al-˙aqìqa);

7426/5.1 (theodicy and reflections on the Great Year – Ibn Sìnà);8732/1 (Ghazzàlì – logic); 9089/0 (~ and Descartes – body as

extension – Suhrawardì [al-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-Ishràq]).

liar paradox – al-Khafrì 7258/3.

Liber de causis [Arabic original: Kalàm fì ma˙∂ al-khayr ] 2184/1 (ßifàtAllàh – Arabic Neoplatonism and Islamic Kalàm); 2192/4 (struc-

ture, sources, history of transmission); 254/2 (metaphysics of the

13th c.); 8591/2 (anthropology, ethics); Alanus ab Insulis 3075/16;

6853/1 (methods of ~, Regulae theologiae and Liber de causis); AlbertusMagnus 6976/1; 8461/1 (esse primum creatum); anniyya 2192/3;

causa prima, esse 7027/0 (L. de c. – Thomas Aquinas, Siger of

Brabant); causa sui 6380/1 (L. de c. and medieval commentaries);

Dante 7897/1; Duns Scotus 2016/1; esse → causa prima; huwiyya

2192/3; Ibn Sìnà 2183/2 (source of ~, al-Shifà", al-Ilàhiyyàt); Sigerof Brabant 7027/0 (L. de c. – causa prima, esse); Thomas Aquinas5680/1 (~, Scriptum super libros Sententiarum, Book I, Distinction 8

[= commentary on Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV Libris Distinctae,

book I, Distinction 8] – sources, including Averroes, Avicenna, L.

de c.); 8559/1 (comparison of the source of L. de c., the Plotiniana

arabica – with Thomas Aquinas); translations/transmission254/3 (edition of the Latin version, Spanish translation); 3075/16

(edition of the Latin version, German translation, commentary;

transmission in the Middle Ages, 12th, 13th c.); 3735/1 (German

translation); 3946/1 (Arabic, Hebrew, Latin transmission, Proclus

as source [Haneberg 1863]); 4966/1 (Arabic-Latin transmission);

7526/1 (medieval transmission); 8310/3 (Hebrew transmission).

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384 liber de causis ‒ madjd al-dìn djìlì

Liber de causis primis et secundis – analysis 7526/1.

Liber de expositione bonitatis pure → Liber de causis 7526/1.

Liber XXIV philosophorum – edition, introduction 5562/1.

light 3037/1 (~ and being – Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq],

Mullà Íadrà); 3743/2 (transcendent principle in Mullà Íadrà);5608/1 (~, colour – Islamic aesthetics); 9092/3 (~, darkness –

Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]).

“limbs of the soul” 2029/8 (Manichaean background – Dja'far al-Íàdiq, Tirmidhì, Dja'far Ibn al-Óasan Manßùr al-Yaman); → soul.

logic 1497/0 (Islamic philosophy – survey); 1785/2 (survey); 2637/2;

5586.11 (Arabic writing logicians in Bosnia, monograph); 5587/1

(Arabic writing logicians in Bosnia, survey); 6003/1 (legal reason-

ing [al-qiyàs al-shar' ì] and categorical syllogism [al-qiyàs al-iqtirànì]);7969/2 (Aristotelian ~ – early Islamic theology); Fàràbì 719/11

(poetical syllogism – in Fàràbì incorrect syllogism of the second

figure); Ghazzàlì 9400/1 (role in Ghazzàlì’s theory of certitude);

grammar 2654/1; 7969/1.2 (exegesis of the Koran); Ibn Rushd2581.1 (modal logic – Ibn Rushd, Maqàlàt/Masà"il ); 6005/1; IbnSìnà 6005/1; Koran → grammar; syllogism 8368/1 (after Ibn

Sìnà); Syriac 4285/1; → Paulus Persa; → -Tùlàwì, al-Àb Bu†rus

(Pietro Oliva Tulense) – al-Ìsàghùdjì aw al-Mudkhal ilà l-man†iq– edition.

logos, Plotinian – Aristotle, Theology (ps.-Aristotle) 3039/1.

Lorenzo de’ Medici (visione, amore) – Averroism 3272/1.

love 2270/3 (courtly ~ – Raimundus Lullus, Libre de Amic e Amat –

analysis, language, comparison with sufism, courtly ~); 3085/1

(Ibn Óazm); 7396/1 (~ as trend towards wisdom – Thousand and

One Night, story of Tawaddud).

Luca Prassicio – Averroism 4029/1.1.

ma'àd → resurrection

ma'ànì → ma'nà.-Ma'arrì → Abù l-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì.Machiavelli – Ibn Khaldùn – comparison 8352/1.

macrocosm – microcosm – Ràghib al-Ißfahànì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà",Ghazzàlì 6372/1.

madanì – Fàràbì 3811.0.1.

madìna 6859/1 (Ibn Rushd’s reading of Plato); → Fàràbì.Madjd al-Dìn Djìlì, Kitàb al-làmi' fì l-shakl al-ràbi' 7192/5 (ms., copied


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ma'dùm ‒ maimonides 385

ma'dùm – Asharites 3156/1.

mafhùm al-wudjùd – ˙aqìqat al-wudjùd – Mullà Íadrà 6421/1.

Magister Theodore 8414/1 (~ and Frederick II); 8456; 8722/2.

Mahdì, Asghar 5768/1 (manuscript, 14th and 15th c. – gnomologia).

Mahdi, Muhsin – “neo-conservative constructions of identity” 4082/1.1.

màhiya – Ibn Sìnà 2606/1; 3955/1 (~ – wudjùd ); 9285/4; MullàÍadrà 6421/1 (~ – wudjùd); 7518/2 (“correspondence” between

mental and external quiddities).

Ma˙mùd, Zakì Nadjìb – turàth and “discourse of the modern”


Maimonides 2069/1 (thought – survey, bibliography, 1999); 5488/1

(thought – development in an Islamic structure); 8408/1.0 (politico-

religious context); Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì 8408/3

(“Maimonidean” controversy – role of ~); allegory 3990/1; cre-ation 3699/2 (M. – Islamic philosophers); Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn3171/1 (sources); 3938/1 (M. criticism of the mutakallimùn in his

Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn); 3978/3 (source: Ghazzàlì, I˙yà" 'ulùm al-dìn, Book

of Knowledge); epistemology 2142/2/ (M. – Fàràbì); 3171/0

(biological limitations of man’s intellectual perfection – M. and

Fàràbì); Fàràbì 2142/2 (concept of prophecy); 3171/0 (F. and

M.: biological limitations of man’s intellectual perfection); friend-ship 3699/2 (M. – Islamic philosophers); Ghazzàlì 3978/3 (source

of M., Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn: Ghazzàlì, I˙yà" 'ulùm al-dìn, Book of

Knowledge); hadhayàn – Arabic source: Abù Bakr al-Ràzì 8408/2;

Ibn Rushd 5514/1 (comparison of M. and Ibn R.); 8521/4 (M.,

exegesis of Holy scriptures and Ibn R. exegesis of the Koran); IbnSìnà 2153/1 (epistemology); 2458/2 (M.’s reticence towards Ibn

S.); 9503/0 (M.’ knowledge of I.S. 9503/0/Ibn Sìnà – M. knowl-

edge of Ibn S.); imagination 2142/2 (concept of ~ – Fàràbì,M., Abraham Ibn Daud); Kalàm, mutakallimùn 3938/1 (crit-

icism of the mutakallimùn in his Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn); “Maimonidean”

controversy – role of Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì 8408/3; al-

Muqaddimàt al-khams wa-l-'ishrùn fì ithbàt wudjùd Allàh

→ Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn (Tabrìzì’s commentary on 25 principles in the

Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn) 8481 (also suppl.); occasionalism 6986/1; par-adise 8409/1; prophecy 1521/1 (concept of Mu˙ammad’s ~);

2142/2 (concept of prophecy – M. and Fàràbì); 5291/1; 6859/0

(~ of Mohammed and Moses); sex unity – polarity 423/1;

Shemonah Peraqim – Arabic text, French translation, notes and

introduction 1606/1; soul 6961/1 (Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd,

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386 maimonides ‒ mathematics

M.); terminology 2572/1 (Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn); Thamàniya fußùl

→ Shemonah Peraqim; theophany 3699/2 (M. – Islamic philoso-

phers); transmission 7655/1 (medieval Hebrew-Latin transmission).

Malebranche – Islamic occasionalism 6986/1.

Ma"mùn’s dream 1348/1.

man 2107/1 (concept of ~ – Mullà Íadrà, Ibn Bàbawayh); 2637/2

(concept of perfect ~); 7316/1 (concept of perfect ~ – Ya˙yà Ibn

'Adì, Tahdhìb al-Akhlàq).ma'nà 2274/0 (Ibn Sìnà); 4029/0 (ma'ànì ‘intentions’ – Ibn Sìnà);

9284/1 (“intention” – Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Bàdjdja, Ibn Rushd).

Mann, Thomas – Abù Bakr al-Ràzì, echo (myth of the soul) 8680/1.

Man†iq al-mashriqiyìn 3804/2.1.

manuscripts 879/2 (one-volume collections of philosophical texts in

Íafawid Iran); 2655/3 (one-volume collections of philosophical texts

in Ißfahàn).

manzila bayn al-manzilatain – distinction between asmà" and awßàf7969/1.2.

-Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh – analysis 8497/1.

maqdùr – Ash'arite teaching 3156/1.

maqùlàt, concept of – Islamic-Malay world 100/1.

ma'rifa 4067/1 (Mullà Íadrà); 5510/1 (Abù Ma'shar al-Balkhì); 8802/0

(Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd); 9512/1 (Ghazzàlì – monograph, Arabic);

→ epistemology; → knowledge.

Marsiglio Ficino 5143/1 (Averroism); 8301/1 (Averroism – “imag-

inism” [imaginismo]).

Marsilius of Padua – Ibn Rushd – Dante 2759/1.

Marx, Karl – Ibn Khaldùn 2320/1.

mashriqì – Mullà Íadrà 8513/2.

Maslama al-Madjrì†ì – Rutbat al-˙akìm, 3rd maqàla – generation and

corruption – translation, analysis 1818/2.

-Mas'ùdì, Mu˙ammad Ibn Mas'ùd – al-Shukùk wa-l-shubah 'alà l-Ishàràt(by Ibn Sìnà) 8172/1.

materialism 8349/1 (Ibn Sìnà – Simplicius); 9388/1 (Islamic thought,

general survey).

materiality – versus corporeity – Ibn Sìnà, Simplicius 8349/1.

mathematics 879/3 (phantasy, space and geometrical object in Proclus,

Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham); 1186/1 (early Arabic tradition); 2655/2

(~ and philosophy); 7427/2 (~ and philosophy – Ibn Sìnà, Naßìral-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Ibràhìm al-Óalabì).

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matteo da gubbio ‒ metempsychosis 387

Matteo da Gubbio – five external senses – Averroism 4174/1.

matter 1818/2 (alchemy); 2164/2 (eternity of ~); 6980/1 (from Avi-

cenna to Franciscan school); Alexander of Aphrodisias 3301/5

(Aristotle, De Generatione et corruptione – commentary by Al. of A. –

matter, elements); Averroes → Ibn Rushd; Avicenna → Ibn Sìnà;Ibn Rushd 3321/00 (matter – form: Ibn R., Thomas Aquinas);

3573/1 (celestial matter – Ibn R., Maimonides, Judah ben Solo-

mon ha-Cohen, Gershom ben Salomo of Arles, Ibn Falaquera,

Moses ben Judah Nogah); 5852/1 (~ and scholastic philosophy);

6980/2 (substantiality of matter); 7881/1 (prime matter – Latin

Averroes, Henry of Ghent); 8282/2 (potentiality of matter –

Giordano Bruno, De la causa, principio et uno – quotation from Ibn

Rushd); Ibn Sìnà 6980/1 (from Avicenna to Franciscan school);

8349/1 (~ – Simplicius).

Màturìdì – “ability (to act)” – Greek model 7969/2.

mawdjùd – Fàràbì 2510/1; 5434/1; Ibn Rushd 3927/1; Ibn Sìnà4913/1; 7426/3 (mawdjùd khàßß); Mullà Íadrà 304/5;

Mawdùdì, Abù l-'Alà" – political theory of “Islamism” 4082/1.1.

medicine – philosophy of Islamic ~ 1200/2; ~ – soul – body – spirit

– phenomenology of ~ 6961/1.

Mehmet, Özay – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

Meister Eckhart 425/1 (~ and Ibn 'Arabì); 714/0 (concept of being:

~ – Ibn Sìnà).memory 1801/1 (Ibn al-Muqaffa' (ps.), al-Adab al-ßaghìr; 'Abd al-

Djabbàr, ps. Djàbir); 9230/1 (~ and self-reflectivity – John Blund,

Tractatus de anima).

Mernissi, Fatima – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

“meta-philosophy” – Ghazzàlì 337/1.

metaphor 4280/1 (Ibn ˇufayl, Óayy Ibn YaqΩàn); 5010/1 (Ghazzàlì);5996/2 (Aristotle, Arabic literary criticism, Islamic philosophers);

6000/1 (Greek, Latin, Arabic); 6003/1 (-Djurdjànì, 'Abd al-Qàhir,

Asràr al-balàgha – Aristotelian influence).

metaphysics 35/1 (role of Islamic philosophy in the construction of

knowledge); 1785/2 (survey); 7051/1 (limits of ~ – Fàràbì, Ibn

Bàdjdja, Maimonides – Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius);

7428/1 (~ and mathematics – Ibn Sìnà); 9284/01 (being as being

or divine being – Ibn Sìnà – Thomas Aquinas – Siger of Brabant).

metempsychosis 396/2 (Abù Bakr al-Ràzì); 1716/2 (Mullà Íadrà);2505/1 (transmigration of souls – refutation by Ibn Sìnà); 4829/1

(Ibn Sìnà’s refutation); 7954/2 (Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh

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388 metempsychosis ‒ miskawayh

al-ishràq], Óikmat al-ishràq; Shahrazùrì, al-Shajara al-ilàhiyya and Ibn

Abì Djumhùr al-A˙sà"ì, Kitàb al-Mudjlì; Ibn Kammùna, Qu†b al-

Dìn al-Shìràzì); 7955/2 (~ among illuminationists).

method 1710/3 (Aristotle, Ibn Rushd); 7421/2 (scientific method –

school of Padua).

Michael Bàdhòqà – writings, problem of authenticity – collection of

definitions not by ~ 125/2.

Michael Scot 1692/0; 8643/1 (monograph); angels 7027/1; Avicenna4029/0 (impact of ~); Frederick II 8414/1; psychology 3571/1

(sources, including Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sìnà); style 6061 (~ – Gerard

of Cremona); translator 8954/1 (Arabic-Latin Translation of

Aristotle, De animalibus – remarks); 9018.1 (Arabic-Latin translator

in Toledo); 9119/1 (Arabic-Latin translator for Frederick II).

minima → atom/atomism.

Mìr Abù l-Qàsim Findiriski 4923/1.

Mìr Dàmàd 2348/1 (philosophy and sharì 'a, definition); 3301/2

(Khalq al-a'màl – edition); 6313, suppl. (al-Qabasàt – Commentary

by A˙mad Ibn Zayn al-'Àbidìn al-'Alawì [17th c.]: Shar˙-i Kitàbal-Qabasàt edition); 6314/1 (Taqwìm al-ìmàn – with commentary by

A˙mad Ibn Zayn al-'Àbidìn al-'Alawì Kashf al-˙aqà"iq); 6368/1;

6377/1 (a-temporal origination and trans-substantial motion –

Mullà Íadrà).Mìr Qawàm al-Dìn Mu˙ammad Ràzì Tahrànì 6314/2 ('Ayn al-˙ikma

– edition); 7281/1 ('Ayn al-˙ikma, Ta'lìqàt – edition).

mi'ràdj – Ibn Sìnà 6884/1.

mirror of princes 398/1 ('Alì Ibn Razìn al-Kàtib [6th c. hidjrì], Àdàbal-mulùk – edition); 2029/1 (political thought); 4063/3 (Qudàma

Ibn Dja'far, Kitàb al-Kharàdj wa-ßinà'at al-kitàba); 7750/1 (Sabzawàrì,Mu˙ammad Bàqir – Raw∂at al-anwàr-i 'abbàsì – edition).

Miskawayh – ethics 9411/1 (monograph, Turkish); → Ghazzàlì; al-Fawz al-asghar 5927/3.0 (imagination, revelation); Ghazzàlì3699/1 (~ Gh. and M., comparison of their ethics); al-Óikma al-

khàlida 5927/2 (comparison with anonymous Persian Nuktahà-yiKitàb-i Djàvidàn Khirad ); 6800/1 (translation, selections); 8232/1

(analysis); humanism, courtly 3699/1; imagination, revelation

5927/3.0; psychology 4708/1a; Ràghib al-Ißfahànì 6372/2

(concept of justice); → Ràghib al-Ißfahànì, main entry; revela-tion, imagination 5927/3.0; Tahdhìb al-akhlàq 1470/1 (attitude

towards Greek sources – direct use of Greek texts [!]); 6351, suppl.

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miskawayh ‒ mudarris †ahrànì 389

(Persian translation); Tartìb al-Sa'àdàt wa-manàzil al-'ulùm

3301/2 (edition); time, concept of 3169/1.

mixtio – Ibn Rushd and scholastic philosophy 5852/1.

modalities (logic) 5328/3 (Ghazzàlì); 7969/1.2 (Greek, Arabic – mono-

graph); 8368/1 (after Ibn Sìnà).“(the) modern” – turàth 4082/1.1.

modus considerandi – Averroes, Aquinas, Jacopo Zabarella, and Cornelius

Martini on Reduplication 7196/1.

monism – mysticism 6420/1.

monopsychism of Ibn Rushd – discussion of Thomas of Aquinas


moral 6391/1 (moral thought in Islam – survey); 8172/2 (“moral

pessimism” in Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); → ethics.

Moses Bar Kepha – On the Soul – sources 7459/2.

Moses ben Judah Nogah, Ahavah ba-Ta'anugim – a fourteenth-century

encyclopedia of science and theology – Arabic sources 2584/1.

Moses of Narbonne 4057/1 (Hebrew commentary on Ibn ˇufayl,

Óayy Ibn YaqΩàn); 4058/1 (Averroism).

Mosul, 13th century – contacts with Frederick II 4029/3.

motion – Alexander of Aphrodisias 2641/1 and 3431/1 (celes-

tial ~); Einstein 2414/1 (Mullà Íadrà,~); Hegel 6819/1 (motion

– perfection – Mullà Íadrà, Hegel); Ibn Kammùna, al-Djadìd fìl-˙ikma 5430/3; Mìr Dàmàd 6377/1 (trans-substantial motion –

Mullà Íadrà and Mìr Dàmàd) Mullà Íadrà 304/7 trans-sub-

stantial ~); 2177/2 (first mover – Aristotle); 2414/1 (~, Einstein);

3251/1 (trans-substantial ~); 3490/1 (trans-substantial ~ and M.Í.’s

critics); 3490/2 (trans-substantial ~); 3636/1 (trans-substantial ~);

4927/5; 6377/1 (trans-substantial ~ – Mullà Íadrà and MìrDàmàd); 6440/1 (trans-substantial ~); 6819/1 (~ – perfection –

Mullà Íadrà, Hegel); 7298/1 (trans-substantial ~ – Mullà Íadrà– criticism of Western cosmologies); 7807/1 (trans-substantial ~);

Plato 6942/1 (trans-substantial ~); trans-substantial motion→ this entry, Mullà Íadrà, Plato.

motivation – free will – Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 8172/2.

movement → motion.

mover, prime – Alexander of Aphrodisias, Aristotle 2641/1.

Mozarabs, Portuguese – Arabic-Latin translations 8193/1.

Mudarris ˇahrànì, Àqà 'Alì – ontology 2351/1.

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390 mufìd ‒ mullà ßadrà

-Mufìd 2348/1; 4923/1.

mu˙àkàt – Fàràbì 8939/1. → Fàràbì; → imitation.

Mu˙ammad 'Abduh 4082/1.1 (“discourse of the modern”); 4730/1

(concept of 'aql ); 8112/1 (ethics).

Mu˙ammad Bìdàbàdì (12/18th c.) – “reviver” of Mullà Íadrà’s tran-

scendent theosophy 4733/2.

Mu˙ammad Óusayn al-Ißfahànì [1257–1320 h.sh./1878–1941],Tu˙fatal-˙akìm – with commentary by Mahdì al-Óà"irì al-Yazdì – edi-

tion 3867/1.

Mu˙ammad Ibn Óasan Ibn Mu˙ammad Ißfahànì [known as Fà∂il

Hindì] – Óikmat-i ˙àqàniyya – edition 6463/1.

Mu˙ammad Ibn Mas'ùd al-Mas'ùdì → -Mas'ùdì.Mu˙ammad Ibn Sulaymàn Fu∂ùlì, Óusn u-'ishq – edition 3301/2.

mukàfi", mutakàfi" “homologous” in existence – Ibn Sìnà 5586/3.

-Mukhtàr min kalàm al-˙ukamà" al-arba'a al-akàbìr – quotation from

Kindì, Risàla fì l-falsafa al-ùlà 2192/1.

mul˙id 8408/4.

Mullà 'Alì Nùrì, Pusish u-pàsukhhà-i ˙ikmì – edition 3301/2.

Mullà Íadrà 212/1 (M. Í. philosophy as model of Islamic philoso-

phy); 619/1 (intellectual development); 714/2 (survey of main ideas);

1442/1 (man, universe); 1466/1 (reflexions on “certain illumina-

tions of M. Í.”); 1647/1 (school of ~); 1716/2 (transcendent phi-

losophy – impact of the Koran); 2178/1 (school – main streams);

2267/1 (biography); 2637/2 (survey); 2727/1 (historical and social

milieu of Safawids); 2728/1 (survey); 3490/1 (critics of M. Í.);

3577/1 (school of M. Í.); 4708/0 (M. Í. in modern Persian and

non-Persian sources); 4733/2 (members of his “school”); 4750/1

(main ideas); 4923/1; 4928/8 (primacy of being; ontology; epis-

temology); 5063/1 (M. Í. and his school – survey); 5063/3 (life,

works, school, thought – monograph, not annotated; 2004); 5107b

(collection of articles 1999); 5467/1 (school of Óikmat-i ilàhì);6449/1 (thought, survey – M. Í. as “sage and gnostic”); 6491/1

(2nd World Congress (2004) – abstracts of articles); 6503/1 (con-

ference papers, 1999); 6503/2 (conference papers, 1999); 6848/1

(views of Western scholars); 7377/1 (principles of his philosophy);

7425/1 (M. Í.’s contribution to philosophy); 7843/1 (main ideas);

8041/1 (M. Í.’s world-view); 8100/1 (M. Í. as “innovator”); 8515/1

(new philosophical principles); Abharì 107 (~, al-Hidàya fì l-˙ikma,

Physics – commentary by M. Í., with commentary by A˙mad Ibn

Mu˙ammad Óusaynì al-Ardakànì – edition); ability, will 7776/1;

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mullà ßadrà 391

aesthetics 6739/1; Anselm of Canterbury 8591/1 (necessity

of God’s existence – M. Í., Anselm of Canterbury); Aristotle4834/2 (~, Ibn Sìnà , M. Í. – soul, substantial movement, wud-

jùd ); aßàlat al-wudjùd 337/1; 6421/1 (“primacy of existence”

against Suhrawardì’s aßàlat al-màhiya); 9374/1; al-Asfàr al-'aqliyya

al-arba'a 2155.1 (part: Risàla fì l-˙udùth – analysis); 2671/1 (sufis,

philosophers quoted); 8513/2 (part: Risàla fì l-˙udùth – German

translation, commentary; edition with Persian translation); 8534/1

(title and structure); basì† al-˙aqìqa 2230/1 (Leibniz, monadol-

ogy); 9374/2 (basì† al-ashyà" kull al-ashyà"); being 211/1 (~ and

existence in Mullà Íadrà and Heidegger); 1672/1; → God (Necessary

Being); 1716/1 (M. Í. and Thomas Aquinas – primacy of being

esse/wudjùd ); 1997/1; 2231/1 (unity and multiplicity of being);

3037/1 (light, being – M. Í., Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-

ishràq]); 4927/3 (unity of ~ – demonstrability); 4927/6; 7553/1

(“intensification” of being – Mullà Íadrà, Ibn Sìnà); 8041/2 (unity

of being); 9374/2 (unity of being); → ontology; biography 8513/2

(biography, works); body → soul; causality 317/3; China 6307/1

(M. Í.’s influence in China, 16th/17th c.); Corbin, Henri 5421/2

(H. C.’s understanding of M. Í.); cosmology → creation; cre-ation 2155.1; 4928/3 (earthquake as process of incessant dynamic

transformation); 3037/2 (problem of beginning – Mullà Íadrà and

modern cosmology); 3636/1 (origination [˙udùth] of the world);

5030/1 (origination of the many from the one – Illuminationists);

6440/1 (trans-substantial motion – origination of the world); 7776/2

(relation of God to the created world); Djawàb al-áu˙aqqiq al-

Dawwànì 'an shubhat al-djidhr al-aßamm – edition 6496a;

Einstein 8064/1 (M. Í., substantial motion – Einstein, theory of

relativity); epistemology 128/1; 3743/2; 4067/1; 4707/1 (M. Í.,

Iqbàl); 6511/2; → 'ilm; → ma'rifa; esse → being; essence 4067/1

(~ – existence); 5375/1 (denial of essence, affirmation of flux);

6321/3 (essence – existence – M. Í., Ibn Rushd); 7553/2 (essence

– existence; wudjùd/màhiyya “essence”); 9397/1 (M. Í., Ibn Sìnà– essence – God’s attributes – comparison); evil 7258/1 (onto-

logical nature of “perceptual evil” [sharr-i idràkì]); exegesis →Koran; existence 317/3 principality of ~); 2155.1; 5489/1 (doc-

trine of~); 8439/3 (primacy of ~); → essence; Fàràbì 6458/2

(political philosophy – Fàràbì); 6884/2 (prophecy and political phi-

losophy – M. Í., F.); fay∂ 7341/2; Fì bayàn al-tarkìb bayn

al-màdda wa-l-ßùra wa-rtibà†ihà bi-qà'idat baßì† al-˙aqìqa

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392 mullà ßadrà

– edition 6496a; Fì dhayl àyat al-amàna – edition 6496a; Fìl-mawàdd al-thalàth – edition 6496a; flux 5375/1 (denial of

essence, affirmation of flux); form 9089/1 (platonic “forms”); God1345/2 (knowledge of the Necessary Being); 2155.1 (concept of

God – Kindì as source of Mullà Íadrà); 5504/1 (ontological proof

of God); 7776/2 (relation to the created world); 7916/2 (God’s

knowledge of particulars); 8591/1 (necessity of God’s existence –

Anselm of Canterbury); 9397/1 (M. Í., Ibn Sìnà – essence – God’s

attributes – comparison); Greek philosophers 2155.1; Óall shub-

hat al-djidhr al-aßamm – edition 6496a; ˙aqìqa → basì† al-

˙aqìqa; Hegel 6819/1 (motion and perfection -M. Í., Hegel);

al-Óikma al-muta'àliya → al-Asfàr al-'aqliyya al-arba'a; Ibn 'Arabì1785/2; Ibn Bàbawayh 2107/1 (concept of man); Ibn Bàdjdja5620/1 (~ and M. Í. – comparison); Ibn Rushd 6321/3 (essence –

existence – M. Í., Ibn Rushd); Ibn Sìnà 4834/2 (Aristotle, ~,

M. Í. – soul, substantial movement, wudjùd ); 7553/1 (Mullà Íadrà,Ibn Sìnà – “intensification” of being); 8076/1 (soul-body problem

– comparison with Ibn Sìnà); 9397/1 (M. Í., Ibn Sìnà – essence

– God’s attributes – comparison); 'ilm, ma'rifa 4067/1; 6441/1

(concept of 'ilm, 'ulamà"); → epistemology; individuation 2584/2;

intellect 1070/1 (~ – religion); “intensification” of being7553/1 (Mullà Íadrà, Ibn Sìnà); interpretation → Koran; intu-ition 7764/1; 9293/1 (intellectual ~ – German Idealist philoso-

phy); ÌqàΩ al-nà"imìn 5095/1 (mysticism); Iqbàl → epistemology;

Kayfiyyat ma'iyyat al-wàdjib (ps. Mullà Íadrà) 3301/2 (edi-

tion); Kindì 2155.1 (Mullà Íadrà’s concept of God – Kindì as

source); Koran 1716/2 (transcendent philosophy – impact of the

Koran); 4928/3 (Surat al-Zalzala – interpretation); 7548/1 (inter-

pretation of the Koran – thesis of “ideas”); 7548/2 (interpretation

of the Koran – thesis of “intellects”); al-Lammiyya fì ikhtißàß al-

falak bi-maw∂i' mu'ayyan – edition 6496a; light 270/2 (dis-

persion of ~ over being – 'A††àr); 3037/1 (light, being – M. Í.,

Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]); màhiyya 7553/2 (essence

– existence; wudjùd/màhiyya “essence”); ma'rifa, 'ilm 4067/1; →epistemology; al-Mashà'ir (6496/0 (edition, English translation);

mawdjùd, wudjùd 304/5; al-Mizàdj – edition 6496a; motion304/7 (trans-substantial m.); 2177/2 (first mover – Aristotle); 2414/1

(Einstein); 3251/1 (trans-substantial motion); 3490/2 (trans-sub-

stantial motion, ishtidàdì “intensive”); 4834/2 (Aristotle, Ibn Sìnà,M. Í. – soul, substantial motion, wudjùd ); 4927/5; 4927/6; 6377/1

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mullà ßadrà 393

(trans-substantial ~); 6440/1 (trans-substantial motion – origina-

tion of the world); 6819/1 (~ and perfection – M. Í., Hegel);

4856/0 (substantial motion); 7298/1 (theocentrism and trans-sub-

stantial motion – criticism of Western cosmologies); 7807/1 (trans-

substantial ~); 7843/1 (essential~); 8064/1 (substantial~ – Einstein,

theory of relativity); Mudarris ˇahrànì, Àqà 'Alì 2351/1 (ontol-

ogy); Mu˙ammad Bìdàbàdì (12/18th c.) 4733/2 (~ as “reviver”

of Mullà Íadrà’s theosophy); nature 4927/6; Neoplatonism2155.1 (~, emanationism); “Neo-Sadrian discourse” 7425/1;

ontology 6817/1 (comparison with Heidegger); 8419/2 (school

of M. Í.); → being; origination → creation; philosophy 2348/1

(~ and sharì'a, definition); 2671/1 (sufism and philosophy); Plato,platonic ideas 6430/1; 6570/1; 9089/1 (Platonic “forms”); poetry6497/1 (edition); political philosophy 6458/2 (~ – M. Í., Fàràbì);6884/2 (prophecy and political philosophy – M. Í., Fàràbì); pri-macy of existence → aßàlat al-wudjùd; prophecy 6884/2 (~ and

political philosophy – M. Í., Fàràbì); psychology 6961/1 (phe-

nomenology of the soul); 8076/1 (M. Í., comparison with Ibn

Sìnà); → soul; Qayßarì → time; quiddity 4856/1 (principality

of ~); 7518/2 (“correspondence” between mental and external

quiddities); al-Radd 'alà djawàb al-mu˙aqqiq al-Dawwànì –

edition 6496a; Radd al-mu˙aqqiq al-Dawwànì 'alà Íadr al-

Dìn al-Dashtakì fì ˙all al-shubuhat – edition 6496a; Radd al-

shubuhàt al-iblìsiyya 6496a (edition); resurrection 1070/1;

revelation 4834/1 (philosophy of ~); Risàla fì l-˙udùth → al-

Afàr al-arba'a; rù˙ “spirit”, concept of 5063/2; Shahrastànì 2155.1

(source of Mullà Íadrà); Shar˙ ˙adìth: kuntu kanzan makhfiyyan

6496a (edition); Shar˙ Hidàyat al-˙ikma (commentary on Abharì,Hidàyat al-˙ikma) 4952/4 (influence in Ottoman time); sharì'a2348/1 (philosophy and ~, definition); sharr-i idràkì 7258/1

(ontological nature of “perceptual evil” [sharr-i idràkì]); soul 4834/2

(Aristotle, Ibn Sìnà, M. Í. – soul, substantial movement, wudjùd );

8076/1 (soul-body problem – comparison with Ibn Sìnà); → psy-

chology; subject 3251/1 (subsistence of subject); substance 9293/2

(transformation of ~ – Whitehead); sufism 2671/1 (sufism and

philosophy); Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] identified

by M. Í. as Stoic 9089/2; Tafsìr sùrat al-taw˙ìd – edition

6496a; → Koran; al-Tanqì˙ fì l-man†iq 6490/1 (edition); tashkìk1559/3 (“modulation”); 2673/2; taw˙ìd 5024/1; ta"wìl 595/1;

terminology 7774/1; theocentrism 7298/1 (theocentrism and

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394 mullà ßadrà ‒ mu'tazila

trans-substantial motion – criticism of Western cosmologies); time304/6 (ontological explanation); 685/1 (concept of ~); 6568/1

(concept of ~ – comparison with Qayßarì); 8515/1; truth 2155.1

(M. Í.’s concept of God – Kindì as source); vision 5454/1 (the-

ory of ~); Whitehead 9293/2 (transformation of substance –

Whitehead); will, ability 7776/1; works 8513/2 (biography,

works); wudjùd 168/0; 304/5; 1716/1 (M. Í. and Thomas Aquinas

– primacy of being esse/wudjùd ); 4669/1 (~, fi'l – M. Í., AbùHàshim al-Djubbà"ì); 4834/2 (Aristotle, Ibn Sìnà, M. Í. – soul,

substantial movement, wudjùd ); 6421/1 (aßàlat al-wudjùd “primacy

of existence” against Suhrawardì’s aßàlat al-màhiya); 6511/2 (wudjùddhihnì); 7285/2 (~ – Heidegger, “Seinsphilosophie”); 7553/2 (essence

– existence; wudjùd/màhiyya “essence”); → being; Risàlat al-wud-

jùd – edition 6496a.

muqaddima mu†laqa = absolute premise 8617/1.

muqaddima wudjùdiyya = assertoric premise 8617/1.

muradjdji˙ “preponderator” – mukhaßßiß (God) 477/1.

Mùsà Ibn al-Làwì – Avicennism in Spain 9508/1.

mushàhada – -Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 5927/3.1.

Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir al-Maqdisì → -Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir.

mutakallim – kalàm – Christian context 7030/1.

mutakhayyila – Ibn Sìnà 8001/2.

mutawa˙˙id – Ibn Bàdjdja, concept of mutawa˙˙id – Raimundus Lullus,

concept of ermità – difference 1652/1.

Mu'tazila 218/3 (Kindì); 218/4 (Arabic Plotinus, Arabic adaptor);

742/1 (report of Ibn al-Nadìm, al-Fihrist); 1011/1 (free will); 1927/1

(ßifa, ˙àl ); 2637/2 (survey); 3148/1 (Basrian M. – beings, attrib-

utes, ˙àl ); 3167/1 (10th century: Yùsuf al-Baßìr); 3197/1 and

4275/1 (report by Ibn al-Nadìm, al-Fihrist); 4820/1 (ethics –

Mu'tazilite objectivism and scriptural Ash'arism, with reference to

Ghazzàlì, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì, Shihàb al-Dìn al-Qaràfì); 6839/1

(philosophy); 6882/1 (survey); 7425/2 (Abù Bakr al-Ràzì, al-'Ilmal-ilàhì – quotations by Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì, al-Ma†àlib al-'àliya:French translation, analysis); 7969/2 (qudra – Greek models); 8172/2

(ethics of Mu'tazila – critical echo in Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); 8418/1

(vision of God); 8419/1 (God: relation to time and space); 8497/1

(Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir al-Maqdisì); 8599/2; 8662/1 (psychology);

8705/1 (ms. Brit. Mus. Or. 8613 – description, edition of section

on 'ilm); 8834/1 (Mu'tazila, Baghdad 813–861 A.D. – monograph,


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mu†laqa 'àmma ‒ nature 395

mu†laqa 'àmma – “general absolute”, absolute proposition – Ibn Sìnà,Nasìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì 8366/1.

muttaßil – Ibn Sìnà, Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edi-

tion, French translation 6271/1.

mysticism/sufism, philosophical 2637/2; 1929/1 (survey, 1999); 6420/1

(monistic mysticism – theistic mysticism); 7192/6 (Persian ~);

7394/1 (mysticism – philosophy); 7518/3 (absolute being); 9089/2

(mysticism and decline of science in Islam: Walbridge); 'Abd al-Razzàq al-Qàshànì 7263/1 (edition of his treatises); Averroism2274/2 (ethical ~); Ibn Bàdjdja 5620/1 (mysticism – reason –

~, Mullà Íadrà); Ibn Sìnà 7399/1 (philosophy and sufism – Ibn

Sìnà and Ibn ˇufayl); 8490/2 (Risàlat al- ayr); Ibn ˇufayl 7399/1

(philosophy and sufism – Ibn Sìnà and ~); 8686/1 (concept of

“autodidact philosopher”); Mullà Íadrà 5095/1 (ÌqàΩ al-nà"imìn);5620/1 (mysticism – reason – Ibn Bàdjdja, ~); -ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 5704/1; 7192/2.

nàbit, pl. nawàbit 2028/1 (Fàràbì); 3077/1 (Ibn Bàdjdja); 5234/1

(nawàbit “weeds” – Fàràbì, Ibn Bàdjdja, Ibn ˇufayl – Platonic


-Nadjdjàr – “ability (to act)” 7969/2.

Nadjm al-Dìn Kubrà 396/3 (intuition, inspiration – echo in Djàmì,Nafa˙àt al-uns); 3301/2 (Naßà"i˙ – edition).

nafs 2365/3 (Ibn 'Arabì); 8515/1 (Mullà Íadrà); 8599/2 (~ – rù˙).Naràqì, Qurrat al-'Ayn – criticism of Mullà Íadrà – Ashtiyànì’s

response 9374/2.

Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì → ˇùsì.Nàßir-i Khusraw 396/2 (metempsychosis – Abù Bakr al-Ràzì); 701/1

(bibliography); 4316/1 (survey); 4317 (N.-I Kh. as poet, traveller

and philosopher – monograph).

Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 5488/1 (Islamic religon, art and science);

6771/1 (“Intellectual Autobiography of Seyyed Hossen Nasr”; his

philosophy; bibliography of his writings); 8315/1 (islamization of


natura naturans – Michael Scot 7027/1.

nature 1200/2 (medieval Christian conceptions of nature – influence

of Islamic science); 2164/2; Ash'arites 1200/2 (atomistic con-

ception); Ibn Khaldùn 2320/1 (human nature); Ibn Sìnà 6302/1

(William of Auvergne – concept of nature – Ibn Sìnà); Ikhwàn

al-Íafà" 1134/0 (concept of ~, comparison with Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì);

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396 nature ‒ nicolaus damascenus

3920/1 (concept of ~); Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad"wa-l-ta"rìkh 8497/1 (philosophy of ~); Mullà Íadrà, Imàm al-Khumaynì 5097/1. → †abì'a.

-Naysabùrì, A˙mad Ibn Ibràhìm, Ithbàt al-imàma 9110/1 (concept of


naz'a insàniyya “humanism” – Islamic philosophers 6458/1.

naΩar – Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir, al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh 8497/1.

NaΩìf Ibn Yumn – Arabic translator of Aristotle, Metaphysics 1432/1.1.

NaΩΩàm 7969/1.2 ( judgement – universality and necessity); 8662/1


necessary, necessity 3321/00 (~ substance – Ibn Rushd, Thomas

Aquinas); 4170/1 (Duns Scotus – criticism of Avicennian concept

of cosmological necessity); 5361/2 (necessary being – Ibn Sìnà).Nemesius of Emesa 1801/1 (~, De natura hominis – on memory –

echo in Islamic time); 7459/2 (source of Moses Bar Kepha, On

the Soul ).

Neo-confucianism, Islamic 6961/1.

Neoplatonism 8289/2 (Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism – Kindì,Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Gabirol, Maimonides);

Ba†alyawsì, Ibn al-Sìd 6940/1; Fàràbì 2746/1; 6912/0 (F.’s

perfect state as Aristotelianization of the Neoplatonic scheme of

the emanation of reality); Islamic Neoplatonism 1785/2 (Arabic

transmssion); 2678/1 (Islamic theology – survey); 1929/1 ( Jewish

and early Islamic ~); 3903/1 (influence of ~ in Islam, monograph,

Arabic); Jewish Neoplatonism 1929/1 ( Jewish and early Islamic

~); Kalàm → Islamic Neoplatonism Mullà Íadrà 2155.1; 2184/1

(ßifàt Allàh – Arabic Neoplatonism and Islamic Kalàm); theology,Islamic → Islamic Neoplatonism.

“Neo-Sadrian school” 7425/1; → Mullà Íadrà.Nequam, Alexander – Arabic philosophical sources 1701/1.

Netton, I. – structure of semiosis 5927/1.

Newton – concept of time – Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 838/1.

Nicolaus Autrecourt – Islamic occasionalism 6986/1.

Nicolaus Damascenus 4952/2 (Maqàla fì l-Mudkhal ilà 'ilm al-akhlàq– source of Ibn Sìnà, Risàla fì l-akhlàq); 7010/1 (~, De plantis –

commentary by Petrus de Alvernia: Sententia super Librum De vege-

tabilibus et plantis – edition); 8501/2 (source of Barhebraeus, Mnàrathqudhshe = Candelabrum sanctuarii – mineralogy, meteorology); 8501/4

(Compendium of Aristotelian philosophy – fragments of his meteo-

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nicolaus damascenus ‒ paradise 397

rology, mineralogy); 9495/1 (Compendium of Aristotle’s philoso-

phy – Syriac tradition, survey).

Nicoletto Vernia – Averroism 4029/1.1.

Nicomachus of Gerasa, Arithmetic Introduction, Arabic recension –

prologue, introduction of the Hebrew translation by Qalonymos

Ben Qalonymos – edition, translation; echo in Ibn Bahrìz, Kindì3178/1.

Nifo, Agostino 4130/1 (editor of Aristotle in Latin, with commen-

taries by Averroes); 4130/1.1 (Expositio to Ibn Rushd – Tahàfut al-Tahàfut, Latin version, first edition in 1497); 9231/1 (Averroism).

Nìshàpùrì → Ya˙yà Saybak Nìshàpùrì.nomos – sharì'a – Leo Strauss 8521/2.

nonexistence/nonexisting 2274/0 (Mu'tazila, Ibn Sìnà); 3156/1

(Ash'arite teaching).

number – philosophical tradition of Plato in Islam 2655/2.

Nursi 1551/1 (view of Islamic philosophy); 2637/2.

occasionalism 2637/2; 5586/2 (Ghazzàlì); 6986/1 (~ – Islamic and

European thought, monograph); 7372/1 (~ and causality – Ghazzàlì,Ibn Rushd); → causality.

Olympiodorus, Commentary on Aristotle’s Meteorology – Syriac and

Arabic version 8501/4.

One, concept of – Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – comparison with Ibn Sìnà (al-

Shifà", al-Ilàhiyàt III, 2–3) 5586/4.

ontology 339/1 (Abù Hàshim al-Djubbà"ì); 2351/1 (Mullà Íadrà –

Mudarris ˇahrànì, Àqà 'Alì); 4928/8 (Mullà Íadrà); 5504/1 (onto-

logical proof of God); 6148/2 (Ibn Sìnà’s ontological proof of

God); → being; → wudjùd.organum – Aristotle, De anima II.1 – interpretation by Thomas Aquinas;

Ibn Rushd, Long Commentary; Themistius 8252/1.

“oriental philosophy” 4913/1 (Ibn Sìnà, al-Ishàràt – contemplative

vision and ~).

Orientalism, criticism of 4082/1.1.

Ortega y Gasset – Ibn Khaldùn 2077/1.

Ottoman Empire – study of Islamic philosophy in the 17th century


Padua → Averroes/Averroism – Padua.

paradise, hereafter, sa'àda – Islamic philosophy 8409/1.

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398 pascal ‒ philosophy

Pascal 6218/1 (double truth and Averroes); 7330/1.1 + 7330/1.2

(~ and Ghazzàlì).Paul of Venice – Averroism (psychology) 9231/1.

Paulus Persa 4285/1 (logic – Fàràbì); 4301/1 (logic – analysis);

8587/1 (introduction to Aristotle, De interpretatione); 8587/2 (logic,

partial translation, analysis).

perception 1674/0 (Ghazzàlì); 8001/1.

perfectio prima/secunda – Thomas Aquinas, ˇayyibite Ismailites – com-

mon source: John Philoponus 2292/1.

perfection 6819/1 (~ and motion – Mullà Íadrà, Hegel); 8172/2

(human ~ – Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì ethics); 9285/2 (Ibn Sìnà and


Persian – language of philosophical works 7193/1.

person→ self.

Peter of Abano – Averroism 3538/1.

Petrarch – Ibn Rushd 1706/1.

Petrus Alfonsi, Dialogue against the Jews – echo of Abù Bakr al-Ràzì,doctrine of five principles 1694/2.

Petrus de Alvernia – Sententia super Librum De vegetabilibus et plantis, edi-

tion 7010/1.

Petrus Hispanus 1336/1 (~, De anima – Avicennian, Averroistic read-

ings); 4029/0 (impact of Avicenna’s psychology).

phantasy 879/3 (phantasy, space and geometrical object in Proclus,

Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham); → imagination; → khayàl; → wahm.

phenomenology – occidental~ and Islamic philosophy 6961/1.

Philip of Tripoli – his translation of Aristotle, Sirr al-asràr in the con-

text of intellectual activity in the Crusader Levant 9271/1.

philosophia naturalis 1785/2 (survey).

philosophy, comparative 1887/1 (Confucian philosophy – similarities

and interactions).

philosophy – concept, conditions, place/role of philosophers/philos-

ophy in Islam 35/1 (role of Islamic ~ in the construction of knowl-

edge: metaphysics, theology, divine attributes, proof of God’s

existence, cosmology); 212/1 (Mullà Íadrà’s ~ as model); 212/2

(Islamic concept of ~ as response to “modernists”); 337/1 (~ and

religion; task of ~); 879/1(Arabic or Islamic ~); 1190/2 (theolog-

ical aspect of ~; 1921/1 (main tenets of Islamic ~ – medieval

foundations of Western intellectual tradition); 2173/1 (concept of

Islamic/Arabic ~); 2262/1 (position of Islamic ~ – view of Dàwarì);2655/2 (~ and mathematics); 3079/2 (concept of “Islamic” ~);

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philosophy ‒ pisa 399

3713/1 (three enduring achievements of Islamic ~); 3755/2 (apos-

tasy: condemnation of philosophers as “Djahmites” and “apos-

tates”; role of ~ in theology – North Africa and Andalus, beginning

of the 6th/12th c.); 3807/2 + 3809/1 + 3823/1 (~, Arabic or

Islamic?); 3955/1 (concept of ~: “Greek”-“Islamic”); 4082/1.1 (~

– “discourse of the modern”); 5101/1 (concept of ~); 7013/1

(“Arabic philosophy” “philosophy of commentary”?); 7334/1 (~

and astronomy); 7394/1 (~ and mysticism); 8408/1 (place of ~

in Islamic society); 8439/2 (~ and theology); 8599/2 (~ and Islamic

theology); 8659/1 (Islamic ~ and its theological prelude – Arabic

monograph, 2002); Avicenna, Avicennism 9508/1 ( Jewish debate

around philosophy and religion); Fàràbì 477/2 (relation of phi-

losophy and religion according to Kindì, ~, Ibn Sìnà); 8404/1

(codification of ph.); 8521/2 (political ph. – Leo Strauss, ~);

Ghazzàlì 5235/1 (concept of ~ in ~, Hallevi); Hallevi 5235/1

(concept of ph. in Ghazzàlì, ~); Ibn Rushd 3482/0 (harmony of

philosophy and religion – Ibn ˇufayl, ~); 5862/1 (philosophy and

religion); Ibn Sìnà 477/2 (relation of philosophy and religion

according to Kindì, Fàràbì, ~); 2348/1 (definition of philosophy

and sharì'a); 6535/1 (harmony of philosophy and religion); Ibnˇufayl 3482/0 (harmony of philosophy and religion – ~, Ibn

Rushd); Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1134/1 (relation of philosophy and reli-

gion according to Ikhwàn al-Íafà"); Jewish philosophy 9508/1

(Avicenna, Avicennism and the Jewish debate around philosophy

and religion); Kindì 477/2 (relation of philosophy and religion

according to ~, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà); Mullà Íadrà 212/1 (~’s phi-

losophy as model); Strauss, Leo 8521/2 (philosophy and law);

8521/2 (exoteric-esoteric ph.; political ph. – ~, Fàràbì); 'UmarKhayyàm 6378/1 (philosophy – religion – ~, Rubà'iyàt); → his-

tory of philosophy/thought in Islam.

philosophy – study of Islamic philosophy in the 17th century 2615/0;

teaching of Islamic philosophy in Islamic countries 8482/1.

Pico della Mirandola 1779/1 (works, thought, Averroism); 8301/1


Pietro Auriol – Averroism (psychology, ethics) 9231/1.

Pietro D’Afeltro, Expositio Proemii Averroys [to Ibn Rushd’s Great

Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics] – edition, translation 1710/3.

Pietro Pomponazzi 3072/1 (immortality of the soul – Paduan Aver-

roism); 9231/1 (Averroism).

Pisa (12th c.) – as centre of Arabic-Latin translations 1692/2.

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400 place ‒ plotin

place – Themistius’ classification: Boethius, Ibn Rushd, Abù l-Barakàtal-Baghdàdì 4024/4.

Plato/Platonism 2655/1 (Platonic theology and Neoplatonic para-

digm – Arabic tradition); 8521/3 (political thought in Arabic ps.-

Platonic writings); 8633/0 (list of texts, transmitted in Arabic, 2005);

9089/2 (Platonic tradition in Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-

ishràq] and in Islam); Averroes/Averroism 5143/1 (~ in Italy,

15th c.); Fàràbì 2746/1; 6912/0 (Fàràbì’s concept of the perfect

state as Aristotelianization of the Neoplatonic scheme of the ema-

nation of reality); Fiqar ultuqi†at wa-djumi'at 'an Aflà†ùn fìtaqwìm al-siyàsa al-mulùkiyya wa-l-akhlàq al-iktiyàriyya

8521/3 (analysis); Ibn Sìnà 6576/1 (concept of the good – ~);

Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1146/1 (fragments in I. Í. – texts and Greek

parallels); Maqàla fì l-siyàsa = Risàla fì ma'nà l-falsafa 8521/3

(analysis); Mullà Íadrà 6430/1 (Platonic ideas); 6570/1; 6942/1

(~’s concept of trans-substantial motion); Muthul Aflà†ùn 7322/1

(Suhrawardì); al-Nawàmìs 8521/2 (Ibn Sìnà and L. Strauss; analy-

sis of the text); 8521/3 (analysis, summary of the contents); Phaedo

6048/1 (traces in Ikhwàn al-Íafà"); al-Rawàbì' 8633/0 (alchemy

– analysis, index of Arabic-Latin terms, comparison with the Latin

version); Res publica – 7457/4 (Arabic transmission); Risàla fìma'nà l-falsafa → Maqàla fì l-siyàsa; Strauss, Leo 8521/2;

-Suhrawardì (-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq) 7322/1 (Muthul Aflà†ùn);9089/2 (Platonic tradition in Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-

ishràq] and in Islam); 9092/3 (“Platonic Orientalism” of Suhrawardì[-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]); Timaeus 2198/1 (model for cre-

ation and providence); Waßiyyat Aflà†ùn al-˙akìm (ed. Badawì,Platon, p. 244), translation 7417/1; → forms; → ideas; → rù˙ –

Mullà Íadrà.plenitude – world of becoming – Ibn Rushd 5328/1.

Plethon, Georgios Gemistos 304/2 (Ibn Sìnà; Liber de causis; Ibn

Rushd); 304/3 (critic of Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd); 1219/1 (~ and Ibn

Khaldùn – economic thought – comparison); 5600/1 (~ and

Averroes’ impact on Latin Aristotelianism).

Plotin, Arabic 218/4 (Arabic adaptor, influenced by Mu'tazila); 218/7

(forms of knowledge); 2184/1 (ßifàt Allàh – Arabic Neoplatonism

and Islamic Kalàm); 3903/1 (Arabic transmission and influence –

monograph, Arabic); 5950/1 (Arabic transmission); Aristotle (ps.),Theology 218/4; 2192/2 (“Greek Sage”); 2194/1 (Plotin, Enneads

IV 8 [6] – Greek text, Italian translation, commentary – descent

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plotin ‒ pre-existence 401

of the soul); 3039/1 (Plotin, Enneads – Plotinian logos); 7285/1

(comparison with Plotin, Enneads); 8628/1 (comparison with Plo-

tinus, Enneads IV 4 [28] 39, 21); Porphyry 2194/2 (universal

soul); Ibn Sìnà 211/0 (~, active intellect); 218/7 (~, al-Inßàf –

soul’s relationship to body); 8559/1 (impact on ~ and Thomas


poetics – Qudàma Ibn Dja'far – question of Greek influence 1559/1.

point 879/3 (mathematics – phantasy, space and geometrical object

in Proclus, Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham).

political philosophy 885/0 (modern ~); 1488/1 (Castile, 13th c., –

impact of ps.-Aristotle, Secretum secretorum); 1490/1 (monograph);

1785/2 (survey); 2029/1 (Persian, Greek tradition, Ismailis, Sunnis);

7875/1 (Islamic philosophers and the myth of the sage as adviser

of the prince); Fàràbì 2746/1; 3811.0.1 (concept of “political”);

6458/2 (~, Mullà Íadrà); Ibn Khaldùn 2712/1 (spiritual author-

ity – secular power); 6391/1 (survey); Ibn Sìnà 6525/1 (mono-

graph, Arabic; 1999); Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1146/c (Plato, Aristotle);

Mullà Íadrà 6458/2 (~, Fàràbì); 6884/2; Qudàma Ibn Dja'far,Kitàb al-Kharàdj wa-ßinà'at al-kitàba 4063/3; Syriac 9164/1 (Syriac

as mediator of Greek pol. ph.); 4287/1 (Syriac philosophical lit-

erature); -ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 4834/3; → nàbit – nawàbit.Porphyry – Arabic transmission 491/1; 3903/1; Isagoge 1348/1

(echo in Ibn Óazm); Maqàla fì l-nafs 218/4 (~ and ps.-Aristotle,

Theology); Shahrastànì 491/2 (report on Empedocles in ~, al-

Milal wa-l-ni˙al ); Soul 2194/2 (universal ~, Arabic Plotinus).

possibilitas /possibility 2557/1 (Ghazzàlì); 3156/1 (concept of nonex-

istence and possible in Ash'arism); 5328/3 (~ and plenitude – Ibn

Rushd, Tahàfut al-Tahàfut; Ghazzàlì); 7969/1.2 (concept of possi-

bility in Islamic theology); 7969/2 (possibility of human acting –

reality – early Islamic theology).

postmodern criticism – secularization, reason 4082/1.1.

potentiality – Ghazzàlì 2557/1.

poverty – “economy of poverty” – Kitàb al-Kasb, attributed to Shaybànì1561/1.

power, infinite – Ibn Rushd, John Philoponus 5328/1.

predestination 1840/1 (~, free will – Fakhr Al-Dìn al-Ràzì); 6371/1

(Ibn Rushd – Thomas Aquinas).

predicate – quantification and modality – early Islamic theology


pre-existence – Aristotle, Neoplatonism, Ibn Sìnà 6993/1.

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402 presocratic philosophers/philosophy ‒ psychology

presocratic philosophers/philosophy – Arabic sources 7680/1; →Ammonius (ps.).

Proba/Probus 8587/1 (introduction to Aristotle, De interpretatione);

8617/1 (logic: theory of proposition).

Proclus – Arabic transmission 2655/1 (~ of Institutio theologica);

3903/1; 7425/2.1; De aeternitate mundi 3541/1 ( John Philoponus,

De aeternitate mundi contra Proclum – quotations in al-Bìrùnì’s India);Kirmànì, Óamìd al-Dìn 2293/0 (concept of the demiurge).

proof 1348/1 (Ibn Óazm, Aristotle); → dalìl.prophecy/prophetology 1020/2; 1997/1 (“prophetic philosophy”);

2672/1 (~ – shaykhiyya); 4269/1; Albo 5291/1; Crescas 5291/1;

Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 125/1 and 8172/2 (proofs); 1840/1; Fàràbì315/1 (properties of prophethood – Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì);5291/1 (Fàràbì, Maimonides); Gersonides 5291/1; Ghazzàlì315/1 (properties of prophethood – Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì);3755/1; Hallevi 5291/1; Ibn Sìnà 315/1 (properties of prophet-

hood – Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Ghazzàlì); 3804/2; 4029/0 (~, Arabic

writings and Latin reception); 8302/2 ('Abd al-Karìm al-Shahrastànìand ~); Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1134/1 (prophecy – sciences); Koranicdoctrine 4269/1; Maimonides 5291/1 (Fàràbì, Maimonides);

Miskawayh 5928/1; Saadia Gaon 5291/1; Shahrastànì, 'Abd

al-Karìm 8302/2 (~ and Ibn Sìnà); Shaykhiyya 2672/1; Spinoza5291/1; Strauss, Leo 8521/2.

propositions – Ibn Sìnà, Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, al-Qazwìnì al-Kàtibì,Shirwànì 8368/1.

providence 2198/1 (Plato, Timaeus as model for creation and prov-

idence); 3175/1 (Ibn Rushd – Ibn Falaquera – Aristotle).

Pru“cak, Hasan Kàfì – Bosniak logician 5587/1.

psychology 1020/2; 1785/2 (survey); 3960.1 (contributions of early

Muslim scholars – survey); Averroism 9231/1 (~ – Pietro Auriol);

Fàràbì 5928/1 (~, Miskawayh); 8662/1 (Mu'tazila, Qus†à Ibn

Lùqà, -Kindì, ~, Ibn Sìnà); Ghazzàlì 1674/0; 3542/2; 4063/2;

5862/1 (~, Ibn Rushd); Ibn Rushd 5862/1 (Ghazzàlì, ~); IbnSìnà 3571/1 (Michael Scot, ~); 4029/0 (~, al-Shifà", al- abì'iyyàt– al-Nafs – Latin transmission); 6271/1 (~, Risàla ilà l-wazìr AbìSa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation); 8662/1 (Mu'tazila,Qus†à Ibn Lùqà, -Kindì, Fàràbì, ~); Kindì 8662/1 (Mu'tazila,Qus†à Ibn Lùqà, ~, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà); Michael Scot 3571/1 (~,

Ibn Sìnà); Miskawayh 5928/1 (Fàràbì, ~); Mu'tazila 8662/1

(~, Qus†à Ibn Lùqà, -Kindì, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà); Qus†à Ibn Lùqà

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psychology ‒ qushdjì 403

8662/1 (Mu'tazila, ~, -Kindì, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà); → -Abharì; →nafs; → Siràdj al-Dìn al-Urmawì.

Ptolemy 2655/2 (astronomy – Ibn Rushd); 5510/1 (A˙mad Ibn

Yùsuf: Kitàb al-Thamara li-Ba†lamiyùs).Pythagoras/Pythagoreanism 7029/2 (Ethiopian transmission and

Arabic sources – parallels in Kitàb al-Bustan wa-qà'idat al-˙ukamà",with Aqwàl al-˙ukamà" and in Fàràbì, Risàla fì àrà" ahl al-madìna al-fà∂ila); 8112/1 (Pythagorean philosophy in Islam); 9089/2 (Pytha-

gorean tradition in Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]); 9092/3.

-Qà∂ì al-Nu'màn 8041/3 (concept of bà†in).Qà∂ì Sa'ìd Qummì 4923/1.

-Qàdir, caliph – condemnation of apostasy 3755/2.

qalb – Ghazzàlì 3542/2.

-Qaràfì, Shihàb al-Dìn – ethics – Mu'tazilite objectivism and scrip-

tural Ash'arism, with reference to Ghazzàlì, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì,Shihàb al-Dìn al-Qaràfì 4820/1.

-Qàsim Ibn Ibràhìm, al-Radd 'alà l-zindìq al-la' ìn Ibn al-Muqaffa' 1828/1.

Qawàm al-Dìn Ràzì → Mìr Qawàm al-Dìn Mu˙ammad Ràzì Tahrànì.Qayßarì, Sharaf al-Dìn (Dàwùd Ibn Ma˙mùd) – time, concept of –

comparison with Mullà Íadrà 6568/1.

-Qazwìnì al-Kàtibì – propositions – Ibn Sìnà, Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì,Shirwànì 8368/1.

Qiwàm al-Dìn → Mìr Qawàm al-Dìn Mu˙ammad Ràzì Tahrànì.qiyàs 6003/1 (legal reasoning al-qiyàs al-shar' ì and categorical syllogism

al-qiyàs al-iqtirànì; qiyàs al-shumùl and qiyàs al-tamthìl: Ibn Taymiyya;

qiyàs al-ghà"ib 'alà l-shàhid = qiyàs al-tamthìl: Ghazzàlì, Ibn Taymiyya);

8497/1 (Maqdisì, Mu†ahhar Ibn ˇàhir – al-Bad" wa-l-ta"rìkh).qualification, logical theories – Averroes, Aquinas, Jacopo Zabarella,

and Cornelius Martini on reduplication 7196/1.

Qudàma Ibn Dja'far 1559/1 (poetics – question of Greek influence);

4063/3 (~, Kitàb al-Kharàdj wa-ßinà'at al-kitàba – analysis, political

thought; ~ and Fàràbì – political thought).

qudra “ability (to act)” early Islamic theology – Greek models 7969/2.

quiddity 3490/1 (principality of ~ – Mullà Íadrà and his critics);

4856/1 (principality of ~ – Mullà Íadrà); → “whatness”.

-Qushayrì, Kitàb al-Mi'ràdj 3129/2 (Ibn Sìnà, Mi'ràdj nàma and Óayy

Ibn YaqΩàn).-Qushdjì, 'Alì 7334/1 (supposed dependence of astronomy upon


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404 qus†à ‒ raimundus lullus

Qus†à Ibn Lùqà – psychology 8662/1; Risàla fì l-farq bayna

l-nafs wa-l-rù˙ 1694/2 (echo in Petrus Alfonsi); 5202/a (Latin

transmission); 9261/1 (impact on medieval considerations of the

internal senses).

Qu†b al-Dìn al-Ràzì al-Ta˙tànì 7313/1 (al-Mu˙àkamàt bayna Shar˙ay[Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì and Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì] al-Ishàràt. al-

Ilàhiyàt [by Ibn Sìnà] – edition).

Qu†b al-Dìn al-Shìràzì 5667/1 (concept of the angle – Ibn Sìnà);6312/1 (monograph, Persian); 7194/2 (Durrat al-tàdj – sources).

quwwa “ability (to act)” – early Islamic theology – Greek models


Rabbi Moses ben Judah Nogah → Moses ben Judah Nogah.

Ràghib al-Ißfahànì 6372/2 (concept of justice – Miskawayh); 6372/3

(educational ethics – comparison with Ghazzàlì); 6375/1 (~, al-

Dharì'a ilà makàrim al-sharì'a – treatment of sorrow, fear, anger –

comparison with Ghazzàlì, Miskawayh).

Rahman, Fazlur – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

Raimundus Lullus 2164/1 (knowledge of Islam and Arabic; Islamic

doctrine of divine attributes); 3075/11 (philosophy of religion);

3075/12 (philosophy of religion); 5598/1 (degrees of knowledge);

5606/1 (philosophy, recent literature – 2001); 7887/2 (philosophical

vocabulary, in Catalan); 8241/2 (~ and Islam); 8301/1 (“Imagi-

nismo e Lulliano”); 8349/2 (life, mission, tolerance – Libre de Amic

e Amat – Book of the Beasts); 8699/1 (Arabic and Islam in ~’s works

– survey [1995]; 8861/2 (reason of faith); Additiones theologiae

5598/1 (Arabic background); Arbor scientiae 3075/7 (Catalan

version preceeding the Latin); Ars Luliana 3075/11 (Lullian art

as basis for interreligious dialogue); 3114/1 (influence of Muslim

and Christian traditions); Book of the Beasts 8349/2 (life, mis-

sion, tolerance – Libre de Amic e Amat – ~); Compendium Logicae

Algazelis 7675; Ibn 'Arabì 5598/1; Ibn Bàdjdja 1652/1 (R.L.’

concept of ermità – ~, concept of mutawa˙˙id – difference); IbnSìnà 2164/1 (~ and ~ – comparison); Liber chaos 5598/1 (Arabic

background); Liber disputationis Raimundi Christiani et

Homeri Saraceni 2164/1 (analysis, Arabic sources); Libre de

Amic e Amat 2270/3 (analysis, language, comparison with sufism,

courtly love); 8349/2 (life, mission, tolerance – Libre de Amic e Amat

– Book of the Beasts).

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raimundus martin ‒ religion 405

Raimundus Martin 1694/2 (quotes Abù Bakr al-Ràzì, al-Shukùk 'alàDjàlìnùs).

Rashìd Ri∂à" – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

-Rashtì, Sayyid KàΩim Ibn Qàsim – biography, works, doctrine,

sources, influence 2672/1.

rational, rationalism 2286/1 (Iran – Zurvanism, dualism); 6283/1

(Ibn Taymiyya – against contradictions of rationalists); 2786/1

(Islamic thought).

rays – Kindì 8698/1.

Ràzì Tahrànì → Mìr Qawàm al-Dìn Mu˙ammad Ràzì Tahrànì.reality and divinity in Islamic thought 7232/1.

reason 4082/1.1 (secularization – postmodern criticism); 4694/2 (rea-

son – revelation-dichotomy in European historiography of philos-

ophy); 5435/1 (reason – belief ); 6353/1 (~ and authority in

medieval Islam); Abù l-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì 1122/1 (position of r.

in ~ and Ghazzàlì); Fàràbì 477/2 (r. and revelation – Kindì, ~,

Ibn Sìnà); Ghazzàlì 1122/1 (position of r. in al-Ma'arrì and ~);

Ibn 'Arabì 1122/2 (reason, revelation, prophetic law); Ibn Bàdjdja5620/1 (r. and mysticism – Mullà Íadrà, ~); Ibn Rushd 3444/1;

Ibn Sìnà 477/2 (~ and revelation – Kindì, Fàràbì, ~); Kant –Mullà Íadrà; Kindì 477/2 (r. and revelation – ~, Fàràbì, Ibn

Sìnà); Mullà Íadrà 5620/1 (r. and mysticism – ~, Ibn Bàdjdja);

6511/1 (capacity of r. in solving metaphysical problems – MullàÍadrà, Kant); -Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]) 5927/3.1.

recluse 2637/2.

reduplication, cognitive implications – Jacopo Zabarella, his sources

and influence 7196/1.

reincarnation – Suhrawardì (-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq) 9092/3.

relation, ontology of – Ibn Sìnà as inspiring source of Henry of

Ghent 2299/1.

religion 337/1 (~ and philosophy; task of philosophy); 1926/1 (univer-

sal religion – natural law); 7413/1 (view of Andalusian philoso-

phers); Abraham Ibn Daud 3075/1 (tolerance and dialoge of

religions – Abraham Ibn Daud, Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus); Abùl-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì 1122/1 (religious duties – doubted by ~);

Avicenna/Avicennism 9508/1 (rel. and philosophy – Avicenna

– Jewish debate around philosophy and religion); DominicusGundis(s)alinus 3075/1 (tolerance and dialoge of religions –

Abraham Ibn Daud, Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus); Fàràbì 1926/1

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406 religion ‒ revelation

(rel. and philosophy – prudence of founders – ~, Machiavelli);

8521/2 (rel. and philosophy – ~, Ibn Rushd, Spinoza, Leo Strauss);

9112/1 (philosophy of rel. – ~, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn ˇufayl); Ghazzàlì7729/1 (struggle between religion and philosophy – ~, Ibn Rushd,

Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Khòdjazàda); Ibn al-Muqaffa' 8853/1

(demystification of rel. in Ibn al-Muqaffa'); Ibn Rushd 3482/0

(harmony of philosophy and religion – Ibn ˇufayl, ~); 7729/1

(struggle between religion and philosophy – Ghazzàlì, ~, Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Khòdjazàda); 8521/2 (rel. and philosophy – Fàràbì,~, Spinoza, Leo Strauss); Ibn Sìnà 9112/1 (philosophy of rel. –

Fàràbì,~, Ibn ˇufayl); Ibn ˇufayl 3482/0 (harmony of philoso-

phy and religion – ~, Ibn Rushd); 9112/1 (philosophy of rel. –

Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, ~); Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1134/1 (rel. – philoso-

phy); Jewish philosophy 9508/1 (rel. and philosophy – Avicennism

– Jewish debate around philosophy and religion); Khòdjazàda7729/1 (struggle between religion and philosophy – Ghazzàlì, Ibn

Rushd, Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì,~); Machiavelli 1926/1 (rel. and

philosophy – prudence of founders – Fàràbì, ~); Mullà Íadrà1070/1 (rel. – intellect); Spinoza 8521/2 (rel. and philosophy –

Fàràbì, Ibn Rushd, ~, Leo Strauss); Strauss, Leo 8521/2 (rel.

and philosophy – Fàràbì, Ibn Rushd, Spinoza,~); ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 7729/1 (struggle between religion and philosophy – Ghazzàlì,Ibn Rushd, ~, Khòdjazàda); 'Umar Khayyàm 6378/1 (~, Rubà'iyàt– religion and philosophy).

Renaissance – second revelation of Arabic philosophy and science


“renaissance” of Islam 4082/1.1.

Renan, Ernest – Averroism 8802/1.

Rescher, Nicholas – notes on his studies on Arabic modal logic


resurrection 1840/1 (Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); 4829/1 (Ibn Sìnà); 5927/4

(Ismà'ìl Ibn Mu˙ammad Rìzì, Óayàt al-nufùs – Avicennan back-


return, eternal – medieval philosophy, Avicenna 9479/1.

revelation 2365/2 (Ibn 'Arabì); 3444/1 (Ibn Rushd); 4834/1 (phi-

losophy of ~ – Mullà Íadrà); 5927/3.0 (Miskawayh); 9258/1 (~

and history – Mu˙ammad 'Abduh, Mu˙ammad Rashìd Ri∂à, 'Alì'Abd al-Ràziq, 'Abbàs Ma˙mùd al-'Aqqàd, Malek Bennabi,

Mu˙ammad A˙mad Khalafallàh); → reason.

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rhetoric ‒ ßà"in al-dìn 407

rhetoric 719/11 (~ and poetics – part of logic as poetical syllogism);

1498/1 (Arabic and medieval Latin tradition); 3887/1 (Arabic ~

– scope, character); 6005/1 (Ibn Rushd – Ibn Sìnà – structures

of argumentation, rhetoric).

Richard Rufus 9337/1 (Averroism); 9338/1 (~, De anima – com-


Ri∂à Íadr 7776/4 (Sabzawàrì, Shar˙-i Ghurar al-Farà"id or Shar˙-iManΩùma, part I (Ilàhiyàt) – commentary by R.Í.).

Rìzì → Ismà'ìl Ibn Mu˙ammad Rìzì.Robert Kilwardby – De ortu scientiarum; Sentences – Ibn Rushd 6158/2.

Roger Bacon 6876/1 (Saracens); 7652/3 (Fàràbì – rhetoric, logic,

moral philosophy).

Roger Marston – intellect 2239.

rù˙ 2365/3 (Ibn 'Arabì); 5063/2 (Mullà Íadrà); 8599/2 (~ – nafs).

-Ruhàwì, Is˙àq Ibn 'Alì – Adab al- abìb edition 7690.

Russel(l), Bertrand – Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – contradictions 3375/1.

sa'àda 7341/3; 8409/1 (~, hereafter, paradise – Islamic philosophy).

Saadia 3830/1 (philosophy, monograph; analysis of al-Amànàt wa-l-

i'tiqàdàt [Hebrew version]); 5291/1 (prophecy); 5896/1 (life, works,

influence, monograph).

sabab 7969/2 (early Islamic theology – Greek models).

sababiyya – Ibn Sìnà 9285/2; 9285/4.

Sabians – Suhrawardì (-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq) 9092/3.

Sabzawàrì, Mu˙ammad Bàqir 4923/1; 7750/1 (~, Raw∂at al-anwàr-i'abbàsì – edition); 7776/4 (~, Shar˙-i Ghurar al-Farà"id or Shar˙-iManΩùma, part I [Ilàhiyàt] – commentary by Ri∂à Íadr).

Saçaqli-zàda – life, works, analysis of Tartìb al-'ulùm 7453/1.

Sa'd al-Dìn Óamawì, La†à"if al-taw˙ìd fì gharà"ib al-tafrìd – edition


-Íafadì – theory of translation 1828/2.

Íafawids – manuscripts – one-volume collections of philosophical

texts 879/2.

sage – Islamic philosophers and the myth of the sage as adviser of

the prince 7875/1.

Sahlàn al-Sàwì (Persian commentary on Ibn Sìnà, Risàlat al-ˇayr)


Íà'id al-Andalusì – abaqàt al-umam – structure 7821/1.

Íà"in al-Dìn – Kitàb al-Manàhidj fì l-man†iq edition 7809/1.

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408 saint bonaventure ‒ science(s)

Saint Bonaventure – Augustinian Aristotelianism 8984/1

sakìna 7192/4.

-Sakkàkì – metaphor 5996/2.

Sanà"ì, Abù l-Madjd Madjdùd – Sayr al-'ibàd ilà l-ma'àd – mystical

psychology – Avicennian source 4870/1.

Sardar, Ziauddin – islamization of science 8315/1.

-Sàwì → 'Umar Ibn Sahlàn al-Sàwì.Sayyid Qu†b 480/1 (S.Q. “as an Illuminationist and Existentialist

Rather Than a ‘Fundamentalist’”); 4082/1.1 (discourse of the

“modern”); 6928/1 (~ – Mawdùdì – Rahman, Fazlur – main

ideas, comparison).

scepticism 1122/1 (Abù l-'Alà" al-Ma'arrì; as method of finding the

truth); 8408/4; 3755/2 (impact on Ghazzàlì); 8172/2 (Fakhr al-

Dìn al-Ràzì). → epistemology.

science(s) 1200/2 (methodology; modern science and Islam); 1616/1

(Arabic-Latin translations – importance for European history of

sciences); 1741/1 (Islamic sciences – encyclopedias); 2637/2; 4016/1

(revival of sc. in the 12th century, impact of Arabic-Latin trans-

lations); 6508/1 (Arabic sc. – mediator of Greek tradition in the

European Middle Ages); 8315/1 (islamization of sc.); 9056/3 (ratio-

nal and traditional sc.s – classification and role in development

civilizations); 9089/2 (mysticism and the decline of science in Islam

[Walbridge]); 'Àmirì 1458/3 (division of sc.s – ~, Ibn Farìghùn,

al-Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd,

Ibn Óazm, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); Aristotle 5600/1 (concept of

sc. – ~, Averroes, Plethon); Averroes 5600/1 (concept of sc. –

Aristotle, ~, Plethon); Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus 3075/9 (divi-

sion of sc.s); 3075/14 (division of sc.s – ~, impact of Boethius

Severinus and Ibn Sìnà); 3075/15 (concept of sc. – ~); Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 1458/3 (division of sc.s – 'Àmirì, Ibn Farìghùn, al-

Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Ibn

Óazm, ~); Fàràbì 1458/3 (division of sc.s – 'Àmirì, Ibn Farìghùn,

al-Khwàrizmì, ~, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Óazm,

Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); 2746/1 (classification of sc.s); 7219/2

(classification of sc.s – Ibn Bàdjdja, ~); Ibn Bàdjdja 7219/2

(classification of sc.s – ~, Fàràbì); Ibn Farìghùn 1458/3 (division

of sc.s – 'Àmirì, ~, al-Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, Ibn

Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Óazm, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); Ibn Óazm1458/3 (division of sc.s – 'Àmirì, Ibn Farìghùn, al-Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, ~, Fakhr al-Dìn al-

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science(s) ‒ shar' 409

Ràzì); Ibn Khaldùn 9056/3 (~, rational – traditional – classificationand role in development of civilizations); Ibn Rushd 1134/1 (con-

cept of ~); 1458/3 (division of sc.s – 'Àmirì, Ibn Farìghùn, al-

Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, Ibn Sìnà, ~, Ibn Óazm,

Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); → Averroes; Ibn Sìnà 3811/1 (division of

sc.s); 1134/1 (concept of ~); 1458/3 (division of sc.s – 'Àmirì, Ibn

Farìghùn, al-Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, ~, Ibn Rushd,

Ibn Óazm, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); Ikhwàn al-Íafà" 1134/1 (con-

cept of ~); 1458/3 (division of sc.s – 'Àmirì, Ibn Farìghùn, al-

Khwàrizmì, al-Fàràbì, ~, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Óazm, Fakhr

al-Dìn al-Ràzì); Khwàrizmì 1458/3 (division of sc.s – 'Àmirì,Ibn Farìghùn, ~, al-Fàràbì, Ikhwàn al-Íafà, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd,

Ibn Óazm, Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); Plethon 5600/1 (concept of

sc. – Aristotle, Averroes, ~).

secularism – Dante, Ibn Rushd 2759/1.

secularization – reason – postmodern criticism 4082/1.1.

Secundus – Syriac transmission, fragment and translation/Themistius,

De virtute – Syriac fragment 1630/1.

selfhood/personhood – Islamic philosophy 9091/1.

semantics – Ibn Rushd – al-Îarùrì fì ßinà'at al-na˙w 8215/1.

semiosis – Netton 5927/1.

sex unity – polarity – Islamic (Avicenna, Averroes), Jewish (Avicebron,

Maimonides) philosophy 423/1.

Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm 1432/1.1 (Aristotle, Metaphysics – Arabic

translation); 2155.1 (Mullà Íadrà); 4877/1 (Ibn Sìnà, criticized by

Sh.; Íh., Mußàra'at al-falàsifa – criticism by Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì,Maßàri' al-musàri' ); 8302/0 (thought and sources; contribution to

Islamic thought); 8302/2 (life, works and their chronology, philo-

sophical and theological thought – monograph).

Shahrazùrì, Shams al-Dìn 2015/3 (Nuzhat al-arwà˙ wa-raw∂at al-afrà˙,chapter on philosophers – manuscripts); 5927/3 (~, Shar˙ Óikmat

al-ishràq, commentary on Suhrawardì, al-Maqtùl, Óikmat al-ishràq);6067/1 (biography); 7194/3 (notes on Rasà"il al-Shadjara al-ilàhiyya,edition [→ 8063/1]; chronology of Sh.’s works); 7204/1 (works,

typology); 7955/2 (~, al-Shadjara al-ilàhiyya – excerpts in Ibn AbìDjumhùr, Mudjlì mir"àt al-mundjì); 8063/1 (Rasà"il al-Shadjara al-

ilàhiyya fì 'ulùm al-˙aqà"iq al-rabbàniyya, edition).

Shahrùr, Ma˙mùd – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

Shamlì – Arabic translator of Aristotle, Metaphysics 1432/1.1.

shar' “divine law” – Ibn 'Arabì 1122/2.

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410 sharaf al-dìn ‒ skepticism

Sharaf al-Dìn Mu˙ammad Mas'ùdì Ghaznawì, Risàla fì l-qiyàsàt al-˙amliyya – ms. (cop. 596/1200) 7192/5.

Sha'rànì, 'Abd al-Wahhàb – transmitter of Ibn 'Arabì’s Mystical phi-

losophy 6165/3.

sharì'a – nomos – Leo Strauss 8521/2.

sharr-idràkì “perceptual evil” – ontological nature in Mullà Íadrà and

others 7258/1.

shay" – Ash'ariyya 3156/1; Ibn Sìnà 2274/0 (Mu'tazilite concept

and ~); 2510/1; 6576/1; 9285/2.

-Shaybànì (ps.), Kitàb al-Kasb – economical ideas 1561/1.

shay"iyya “thingness” as link of mutakallimùn’s shay" and Avicennian

màhiyya 9285/4

Shaykhiyya – prophecy 2672/1.

Shì'a/Shiites – 128/1 (epistemology); 5063/1 (philosophy – survey).

Shiblì Nu'mànì – life, work; survey on 'Umar Khayyàm 1436/1.

Shiblì Shumayyil → Shumayyil, Shiblì.Shìràz, school of 5063/1.

Shirwànì – propositions – Ibn Sìnà, Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì, al-Qazwìnìal-Kàtibì 8368/1.

Shumayyil, Shiblì 4082/1.1 (“discourse of the modern”); 9462/1

(monograph, thesis).

Sìbawayh – logic of grammar 7969/1.2.

ßifa 1927/1 (~, ˙àl – Mu'tazila); 3148/1 (Mu'tazila); 2184/1 (ßifàtAllàh – Arabic Neoplatonism and Islamic Kalàm).

Siger of Brabant 1336/1 (~, De anima, Averroistic readings; Latin

commentaries on De anima); 7027/0 (Liber de causis – causa prima,

esse); 8984/1 (radical Aristotelianism); 9284/01 (metaphysics – being

as being or divine being – Ibn Sìnà – Thomas Aquinas).

similarity, concept of 5996/0 (Ibn Rushd, Fàràbì); 6000/1 (Ibn

Taymiyya, Fàràbì); → metaphor 6000/1.

Simplicius – corporeity – Ibn Sìnà 8349/1.

Sinàn Ibn Thàbit – Siyàsat al-nufùs – edition 8243/1.

Siràdj al-Dìn al-Urmawì 4029/3 (~ and Frederick II – scientific con-

tacts); 4029/3 (~, Ma†àli' al-anwàr, psychological section – edition,


Sirhindì – Naqshbandì Mudjaddidì order – spread in Central Asia


siyàsa 3811.0.1 (~ madaniyya “governance of the city”); 8521/2 (Islamic


skepticism → scepticism.

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smith ‒ space 411

Smith, Adam – division of labor – roots in medieval Persia 4233/0.

→ economics.

socialism, social – Islam, Ibn Khaldùn 6391/1.

Socrates 6048/1 (~ and Plato, Phaedo – traces in Ikhwàn al-Íafà").Sorùsh, 'Abd al-Karìm 4082/1.1.

soul 2029/8 (“limbs of the soul” – Manichaean background – Dja'faral-Íàdiq, Tirmidhì, Dja'far Ibn al-Óasan Manßùr al-Yaman); 4966/1

(soul – intellect, intellection and intelligibles); 7526/1 (ascent and

descent – Latin Middle Ages, 12th c.); 8001/1; Albertus Magnus1501/1 (eternity of the soul – ~, Averroism); 8798/2 (celestial

soul); Aristotle 218/4 and 218/9 (ps.-Aristotle, Theology and Kindì);218/5 (~, Arabic Plotin); 2194/1 (ps.-Aristotle, Theology); 4834/2

(Mullà Íadrà, Aristotle – soul, substantial movement, wudjùd );

Averroism 1501/1 (eternity of the soul – Albertus Magnus, ~);

Ghazzàlì 3542/2; 7013/1 (soul as mirror – ~, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn

'Arabì); 7916/1 (~, Ibn Sìnà – monograph, Arabic); Ibn 'Arabì7013/1 (soul as mirror – Ghazzàlì, Ibn Sìnà, Ibn 'Arabì); IbnRushd 8559.3 (human rational soul – Ibn Rushd’s doctrine –

Thomas Aquinas’ criticism); 9276/1 (individual soul – intellect,

material – imaginative faculty as link in Ibn Rushd); Ibn Sìnà211/0 (Plotin, Ibn Sìnà); 211/0 (Plotin, ~); 2289/02 (Ibn Sìnà,Ismailiyya); 2505/1; 4029/0 (~, al-Shifà", al- abì 'iyyàt, al-Nafs

– Latin transmission); 4829/1 (body, soul, resurrection – Ibn Sìnà,al-Risàla al-a∂˙awiyya fì amr al-ma'àd ); 6271/1 (~, Risàla ilà l-wazìrAbì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edition, French translation); 7013/1 (soul

as mirror – Ghazzàlì, ~, Ibn 'Arabì); 7916/1 (Ghazzàlì, ~ – mono-

graph, Arabic); 9285/2 (perfection of the soul); Ismailiyya 2289/02

(Ibn Sìnà, Ismailiyya); Jewish philosophy 4784/1 (views on the

soul – Hebrew encyclopedias); Kindì 218/4 and 218/9 (Aristotle

(ps.), Theology and ~); medicine 6961/1 (soul – body – spirit –

phenomenology of ~); Mullà Íadrà 4834/2 (Mullà Íadrà, Aristotle

– soul, substantial movement, wudjùd ); 6961/1 (phenomenology of

the soul); Plotin 211/0 (~, Ibn Sìnà); 218/5 (Aristotle, Arabic ~);

2194/2 (universal soul – Porphyry, Arabic Plotin); Porphyry 2194/2

(universal soul – ~, Arabic Plotin); Thomas Aquinas 8559.3 (human

rational soul – Ibn Rushd’s doctrine – Thomas Aquinas’ criticism).

space 879/3 (phantasy, space and geometrical object in Proclus,

Fàràbì, Ibn al-Haytham); 2637/2 (~ and time); 3747/1; 6165/2.1

(~, dimensionality and interpenetration in Ibn Sìnà); 9089/0

(Suhrawardì [al-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-Ishràq]).

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412 spinoza ‒ suhrawardì

Spinoza 5291/1 (prophecy); 8521/2 (religion and philosophy – Fàràbì,Ibn Rushd, Spinoza, Leo Strauss).

spirit → rù˙.Steinschneider, Moritz: Die hebraeischen Übersetzungern des Mittelalters –

annotated English translation 5905/1.

Stephen of Pisa – Arabic-Latin translator 1692/2.

Stoa 218/8.1 (concept of freedom – Kindì – Plotin); 9089/2

(Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] classified as Stoic by

Mullà Íadrà).Stöckl, Albert 4694/1 (as historian of Islamic philosophy); 4694/2

(view of Islamic philosophy).

Stomathalassa – wise sayings, directed to Theon – Syriac transmis-

sion, fragment and translation 1630/1.

Strauss, Leo 3983/1 (Strauss’ understanding of Fàràbì’s Plato); 8521/2

(~ on Spinoza – Averroes – Fàràbì – contemporary crisis).

Suárez, Francisco – occasionalism 6986/1.

subjectivity – Avicennian model 1020/2.

substance 1020/2; Averroism → this entry, Ibn Rushd; Avicennism3321/01 (sub. – being – Avicennism, Averroism); Ibn Rushd1269/-2 (~, Great Commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics); 3321/00

(sub. – necessity – Ibn Rushd, Thomas Aquinas); 3321/01 (sub.

– being – Avicennism, Averroism); 3321/02 (sub. – contradiction

– Ibn Rushd, Commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics IV,4); 5852/1

(Ibn Rushd and scholastic philosophy); 7233/1 (concept of sub.);

8252/1 (natural substances, artifacts – Aristotle, De anima II.1 –

interpetation by Thomas Aquinas; Ibn Rushd, Long Commentary;

Themistius); Mullà Íadrà 9293/2 (transformation of s. – ~,

Whitehead); Themistius → this entry, Ibn Rushd; ThomasAquinas → this entry, Ibn Rushd; Whitehead → this entry,

Mullà Íadrà.sufism → mysticism/sufism.

Suhrawardì, Abù Óafß 'Umar, 'Awàrif al-ma'àrif 4278/2 (concept of

taßawwuf, prayer, àdàb, patience, poverty).

-Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 1785/2; 2637/2; 592/1

(research in the West); 7192/3 (monograph on single writings and

topics, Persian); 9089/2 (life, works; heritage of the Greeks); aes-thetics 6739/1; epistemology 5927/3.1; 5927/3.1 (reason, direct

intuition); essence – existence 7553/2; al-Ghurba al-gharìba

[lege: al-Gharbiyya] → Qißßat al-Ghurba al-gharbiyya; God 5504/1

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suhrawardì ‒ system 413

(ontological proof of God); Hermetism 9092/3; Óikmat al-

ishràq 1814/1 (analysis); 5927/3 (commentary by Shahrazùrì –

internal senses, peripatetic and Suhrawardian position); 8433/1

(edition, translations); Ismà'ìl Ibn Mu˙ammad Rìzì 5927/4 (~,

Óayàt al-nufùs, influenced by S.); Mullà Íadrà 3037/1 (light –

being – Mullà Íadrà); 6421/1 (S.’s aßàlat al-màhiya – against MullàÍadrà’s aßàlat al-wudjùd ); 9089/1 (doctrine of forms – ~); philos-ophy 8289/1 (according to the works of his youth); → sufism;

Pythagoras 9092/3 (S. as Pythagorean); Qißßat al-Ghurba al-

gharbiyya 4060/1; 5454/2 (French translation); sakìna 7192/4;

sufism 7218/1 (harmony of philosophy and sufism); -ˇabà†abà"ì4923/1; al-Talwì˙àt 4462/1 (commentary by Ibn Kammùnà –

edition, analysis); → Ibn Kammùnà, Shar˙ al-Talwì˙àt; tashkìk al-

nùr 2673/2; terminology 3458/1 (technical terms in his works,

with explanation in Persian); works 8480/2 (texts, copied in


Summa Alexandrinorum 4952/2 (source of Ibn Sìnà, Risàla fì l-akhlàq);7868/2 (Arabic reports).

Summa fratris Alexandri – impact of Avicenna’s psychology 4029/0.

sun – king of heavens – Ikhwàn al-Íafà" – Theon of Smyrna 2293/0.

ßùra – ma'nà – Ibn Sìnà 8001/2.

syncretism, “philosophical-religious” – Ibn Rushd, Faßl al-maqàl and

forerunners 3481/2.

syllogism 270/3 (modal ~ – Aristotle, Ibn Sìnà); 719/11 (poetical ~

– in Fàràbì incorrect syllogism of the second figure); 7969/1.2

(Islamic theology); 7972/1 (poetic ~ – Fàràbì); 6003/1 (Ibn

Taymiyya); 6005/1 (poetic ~ – Ibn Sìnà, Ibn Rushd).

symbolism – Averroism 8301/1.

Synesius – Fàràbì – religion, philosophy, rhetoric – comparison 9162/2.

Syria – secular, scientific culture of Christians in Syria after Arab

conquest 1935/1.

Syriac 1656/1 (Aristotle and the rise of “Syriac scholasticism”); 1935/1

(secular, scientific culture of Christians in Syria after Arab con-

quest); 4285/1 (logic); 4287/1 (Syriac philosophical literature: ethics,

politics, description of ms. British Library, Add. 14658); 4298/1

(Syriac philosophical literature – Aristotle – logic – Syriac trans-

mission – survey); 9386/1 and 9386/2 (Syriac philosophical liter-

ature – monograph [bibliographically incomplete]).

system – ˙ikma muta'àliya of Mullà Íadrà 212/1.

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414 †abì'a ‒ terminology

†abì'a 2164/2; 4927/6 (Mullà Íadrà); 7969/2 (early Islamic theology

– Greek models). → nature.

Tabrìzì, Abù l-Madjd Mu˙ammad Ibn Mas'ùd – Safìna-i Tabrìz, edi-

tion 8480/2.

tadbìr al-manzil – “economy of poverty” 1561/1.

tafsìr – Islamic hermeneutic traditions, compared with Christian/Ibn

Rushd – hermeneutics 5637/1; → hermeneutics; → interpretation.

Taftàzànì – philosophical works – survey, analysis 5695/1.

takaththur – Mullà Íadrà 9374/2.

takdhìb – Ghazzàlì 3755/2.

takhßìß “particularization” – Ibn Sìnà, mutakallimùn 477/1.

tamàm 2292/1.

tanàsukh – Abù Bakr al-Ràzì 3903/1.

taqlìd 3755/3 (Ghazzàlì on ~ of philosophers).

ˇaràbìshì, George – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

tardjì˙ – Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì (theory of action) 8172/2.

taßawwur 987/1 (Ibn Rushd); 1467/1 (taßawwuràt – Ibn Óazm); 6576/1

(taßawwur – taßdìq – Ibn Sìnà, Kant – structural comparison).

taßdìq 987/1 (Ibn Rushd); 3755/2 (Ghazzàlì); 6576/1 (taßawwur-taßdìq– Ibn Sìnà, Kant – structural comparison).

tashakhkhuß “individuation” – Mullà Íadrà 2584/2.

tashkìk 211/0.2 (Ibn Sìnà); 317/3(tashkìk al-wudjùd “gradation of being”

– Mullà Íadrà); 1559/3 (“modulation” – Mullà Íadrà); 2153/1

(Ibn Sìnà); 2231/1 (Mullà Íadrà); 2673/2 (Ibn Sìnà, Mullà Íadrà,Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq]); 3037/1 (“analyticity” of

light – Suhrawardì [-Maqtùl]); 7652/2 (Ibn Sìnà); 9086/1 (MullàÍadrà).

Tawaddud → Thousand and One Night.

tawallud – early Islamic theology – Greek models 7969/2.

taw˙ìd 3903/2 (Alawites); 5024/1 (Mullà Íadrà).ta"wìl 1997/1 (H. Corbin 1970); 3042/1 and 2 (theory of ~ – Islamic

philosophy); 4786/1 (Islamic philosophy).

ta"yìs “bringing-to-be” – Kindì 218/6.

ayr – Ibn Sìnà, Risàlat al- ayr 8490/2

teleiotes – transmission in Islamic philosophy 9285/2.

terminology 63/1 (theological-philosophical ~); 1668/1 (~, philo-

sophical – problems of translation); 1877/1; 2425/1; 5487/1 (key

concepts); Arabic-Greek-Arabic 1018/1; Djurdjànì, 'Alì Ibn

Mu˙ammad 226/2 Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 2518/1; Fàràbì 430/1

(lexicon); 2425/2; 5022/2 (Kindì, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà); Ghazzàlì

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terminology ‒ thomas aquinas 415

226/1; Greek-Syriac-Arabic 4909/1; 8501/1; 9162/1; Hebrew-Arabic 3119/4; Hebrew-Arabic-Hebrew 8605–8607 (Themistius);

Hebrew-Latin 9507/1; Hebrew-Latin-Arabic-Greek 4517

(suppl.); Ibn Khaldùn 226/2; Ibn Rushd 226/3; Ibn Sìnà2425/3; 5022/2 (Kindì, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà); 6576/1; Kindì 2425/2;

5022/2 (Kindì, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà); logic – syllogistic 8368/1;

Maimonides, Dalàlat al-˙à"irìn 2572/1; Mullà Íadrà 8513/2 (~,

Risàla fì l-˙udùth); Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm 8302/2; Suhrawardì[-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq] 3458/1 (technical terms in his works,

with explanation in Persian).

Tha'àlibì, 'Abdal-'azìz – Kalàm and philosophy 8599/2.

thaumaston – Ibn Sìnà and Aristotle 3861/1.

“theistic” theory of mysticism – monistic mysticism 6420/1.

Themistius 4844/2.1 (Ibn Sìnà, al-Shifà" – sources: Alexander of

Aphrodisias, Themistius, John Philoponus); 6912/0 (Risàla ilà Yùliyànal-malik fì l-siyàsa – neoplatonic political philosophy); 8605–8607

(Aristotle, Metaphysics – paraphrase, French translation with com-

mentary of the Arabic-Hebrew version – echo in Arabic and

Hebrew – Hebrew-Arabic-Hebrew glossary); 9511/6 (paraphrase

of Aristotle’s zoological writings).

theodicy 2365/1 (Ibn 'Arabì); 4685/1 (Ibn Sìnà and forerunners:

Aristotle, Plotinus/Ibn Sìnà – theodicy); 7426/5.1 (Ibn Sìnà).theology 35/1 (role of Islamic philosophy in the construction of

knowledge); 8599/2 (Islamic theology – philosophy).

Theon – Ikhwàn al-Íafà", astrology 2293/0.

Theophrastus 4278/1 (~, De sensibus – Arabic evidence); 7969/1.2

( judgement, absolute, necessary, possible – Theophrastus, Alexander

of Aphrodisias, Fàràbì, Ibn Sìnà, Islamic theology); 8501/4 (~,

Meteorology, Mineralogy – Syriac fragments).

theosophy – Mullà Íadrà 619/1.

Thierry of Chartres, Commentarius in Ciceronis De Inventione – Dominicus

Gundis(s)alinus/Gundisalvi, De divisione philosophiae 3967/1.

Thomas Aquinas 571/1 (Islamic influence, survey); Averroes → Ibn

Rushd; Avicenna → Ibn Sìnà; Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì 4735/1

(eternity of the world – comparison with Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì);Ghazzàlì 912/1 (Th., Summa contra gentes – comparison with

Ghazzàlì, al-Iqtißàd fì l-i'tiqàd ); 3947/1 (use of Ghazzàlì, Maqàßidal-falàsifa); Ibn Rushd 1608/2 (Aristotle – interpreted by Ibn Rushd,

Thomas Aquinas); 1829/1; 2756/0 (Ibn Rushd – Aristotelianism);

3123/1 (divine knowledge); 3321/0 (concept of God – impact of

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416 thomas aquinas ‒ time, concept

Ibn Rushd); 3321/00 (substance and necessity); 5680/1 (Thomas

Aquinas Scriptum super libros Sententiarum, Book I, Distinction 8 (=

commentary on Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV Libris Distinctae,

book I, Distinction 8 – sources, including Averroes, Avicenna, Liber

de causis); 8559.3 (criticism of Ibn Rushd’s epistemology and doc-

trine of human rational soul); → below Pietro Auriol; Ibn Sìnà211/0.2 (God, creation); 674/1 (Avicenna – Islamic-Christian dia-

logue); 1642/1 (“flying man”); 2606/1 (essence – existence); 3586/1

(~, De ente et essentia – comparison with Ibn Sìnà); 4029/0 (impact

of Avicenna’s psychology); 5680/1 (Thomas Aquinas Scriptum super

libros Sententiarum, Book I, Distinction 8 (= commentary on Peter

Lombard, Sententiae in IV Libris Distinctae, book I, Distinction 8 –

sources, including Averroes, Avicenna, Liber de causis); 7473/1 (being,

necessary – possible); 7652/1 (whatness of God – Ibn Sìnà, William

of Auvergne); 8299/0 (evil); 9284/01 (metaphysics – being as being

or divine being – Ibn Sìnà – Siger of Brabant); Liber de causis

5680/1 (Thomas Aquinas Scriptum super libros Sententiarum, Book I,

Distinction 8 (= commentary on Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV

Libris Distinctae, book I, Distinction 8 – sources, including Averroes,

Avicenna, Liber de causis); 7027/0 (causa prima, esse); Mullà Íadrà1716/1 (primacy of esse/wudjùd ); occasionalism, Islamic 6986/1;

Pietro Auriol 9231/1 (Averroism – ethics); William of Auvergne7652/1 (whatness of God – Ibn Sìnà, William of Auvergne).

Thomas Bradwardine – Averroism 9035/1.

thought → history of philosophy/thought in Islam.

Thousand and One Night – story of Tawaddud – analysis, com-

parison with Greek philosophical traditions of love as trend towards

wisdom 7396/1.

time, concept of 1600/1 (concept of ~ in Islam); 2633 (vol. XI, art.

zamàn I. In philosophy); 2637/2 (~ and space); 3169/1 (notions

of time in Islamic historiography); Averroism 1501/1 (Albertus

Magnus, ~); Ibn Kammùna, al-Djadìd fì l-˙ikma 5430/3; IbnSìnà 37/1 (concept of time, Greek sources); Ikhwàn al-Íafà"203/1; Jewish philosophy 7678/1 (~ and Greek tradition);

Kàshànì, Mu˙ammad Ibn Mu˙ammad Zamàn 4956/2 (mono-

graph, Arabic – edition); Kindì 2443/1; Mullà Íadrà 304/6

(ontological explanation); 685/1 (time “fourth dimension”); 6568/1

(~ and Sharaf al-Dìn Dàwùd Ibn Ma˙mùd al-Qayßarì); 8515/1;

Qayßarì, Sharaf al-Dìn Dàwùd Ibn Ma˙mùd 6568/1 (Mullà Íadràand ~); → zamàn.

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timothy i ‒ translations 417

Timothy I 1637/1 (translations – Greek-Syriac – Aristotle, Topica,

Sophistici Elenchi, Rhetorica, Poetica and Analytica posteriora); 8425/1

(Islamic background (Mu'tazila, Aristotle) and his theological


Tirmidhì 2029/8 (“limbs of the soul” – Manichaean background).

Tizini – constructions of identity 4082/1.1.

Todros Todrosi – Avicennism in Provence (14th c.) Judah Natan –

Avicennism in Provence (14th c.) 9508/1.

Toledo, school of Arabic-Latin translators 1694/1 (translation pro-

gram); 1700/1 (institutional context: ‘school of Toledo’); 1709/1

(strategy of revision); 2673/1 (bibliography); 3301/1; 7777/1 (con-

tribution of Jewish scholars); 7874/1 (Arabic-Latin translations,

12–13th c.); 9018.1 (role in history of ideas, monograph); 9051/1;

→ translations – Arabic-Latin.

tolerance – Ghazzàlì 3755/2.

tombs, visiting of – philosophical justification – Fakhr al-Dìn Al-

Ràzì, al-Ma†àlib al-'àliya 121/2.

topic analysis – Islamic philosophers 4025/0.

Torquato Tasso – Averroism 3272/1.

tragedy – Zera˙yà Ben Isaac Ben Shealtiel 8019/1.

translations – Arabic-Hebrew 3979/1; 8055/2; 8519/2 (Aristotle);

9503/1 (Arabic-Hebrew; Latin-Hebrew – method); 9511/5 (philo-

sophical texts); Arabic-Latin 1616/1 (importance for European

history of sciences – cooperators of translators – central themes

of scientific texts); 1692/2 (Pisa, 12th c.); 1709/1 (strategy of revi-

sion); 1710/1 (method); 1710/2 (12th/13th c. – case of alienation

of intellectual property); 2126/1 (Latin translations – from Greek,

Arabic, Hebrew); 2270/2 (Hermannus Alemannus); 3075/15

(Dominicus Gundis(s)alinus); 3261/1 (survey, 1977); 4016/1; 4904/1

(survey); 4952/1 (influence in the West, – monograph, Turkish);

7990/2 (philosophy – survey, bibliographical handbook); 8193/1

(Mozarabs, Portuguese); 9037/1 (Greek-Arabic, Arabic-Latin –

schools, methods – survey); 9346/1 (Wüstenfeld; 1877); → Toledo;

Arabic-Turkish (modern) 4988/2; Djà˙iΩ 1828/2 (theory of

translation); Greek-Arabic 1458/2 (aims, methods); 1828/2 (back-

ground and history, monograph); 9037/1 (Greek-Arabic, Arabic-

Latin – schools, methods – survey); Greek-Arabic-Pehlevi-Latin7812/1 (survey); Greek-Latin 2126/1 (Latin translations – from

Greek, Arabic, Hebrew); Greek-Syriac 1627/1 (“popular philos-

ophy” – survey); 1637/1 (Timothy on Greek-Syriac translations

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418 translations ‒ al-†ùsì

of Aristotle, Topica, Sophistici Elenchi, Rhetorica, Poetica and Analytica

posteriora); 4290/1 (Aristotle’s books on logic, monograph); Greek-Syriac-Arabic 4290/1 (Aristotle’s books on logic – monograph);

4300/1; Hebrew-Latin 2126/1 (Latin translations – from Greek,

Arabic, Hebrew); 8055/2; 8519/1 (→ Abramo de Balmes); 8521/0.1

(Abramo de Balmes); 9507/1; Óunayn Ibn Ißhàq 7835/1 (report

about working conditions during his time); Is˙àq Ibn Óunayn1458/2 (method, comparison of ~ with Ustàth); Latin-Hebrew9503/1 (Arabic-Hebrew; Latin-Hebrew – method); Ustàth 1458/2

(method, comparison of ~ with Is˙àq Ibn Óunayn).

transmigration → metempsychosis.

transmission of philosophy – Fàràbì, Abù l-Barakàt al-Baghdàdì,Maimonides 8404/1.

tree of knowledge – Ismailiyya, ˇayyibite 2288/1.

trinity – essence – existence – Raimundus Lullus, Ibn Sìnà 2164/1.

truth, concept of 8262/1 (truth – Islamic thought – survey); AlbertusMagnus 8798/2 (“double” truth); Ghazzàlì 5010/1 (truth – inter-

pretation – existence); 9400/1 (truth – knowledge – certitude); IbnRushd 3482/1 (double truth); 4381/1 (double truth – ~, Faßl al-maqàl ); 8569/2 (~, Faßl al-maqàl – “truth does not contradict truth”;

“double” truth – not found in Ibn R.); Malay Islam 6538/1;

Mullà Íadrà 2155.1.

-Tùlàwì, al-Àb Bu†rus (Pietro Oliva Tulense) – al-Ìsàghùdjì aw al-

Mudkhal ilà l-man†iq – edition; biography, works 8723/1.

Tulense, Pietro Oliva → -Tùlàwì, al-Àb Bu†rus.

turàth – modern 4082/1.1.

al-ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn 2172/1 (thought, survey; bibliography – 2000);

2348/1; 396/1 (bibliography, 2000); 889/1 (bibliography, Persian;

2000); 8480/2 (texts, copied in 721–3/1321–23); 8693/1 (biblio-

graphy, Russian; 2000); 9346/2 (bibliography); Akhlàq-i Nàßirì3184/1 (study, 1819); 9269/1 (extracts); Awßàf al-ashràf 6689/1

(edition); 7192/2 (gnosis, sufism); Barhebraeus 8599/2 (source of

Barhebraeus, Ethicon); economics 3492/2; epistemology 128/1

(ˇ. and Mullà Íadrà); 5421/3 (knowledge of God); Fakhr al-Dìnal-Ràzì 2983/1 (comparison with ˇ. – monograph, Arabic); 6148/1

(Ibn Sìnà’s argument for the unity of God, defended by ˇùsìagainst Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); Ibn Kammùna 6686/1 (exchange

of letters – edition); Ibn Sìnà 254/1 (“meta-mysticism” of Ibn

Sìnà); 6148/1 (Ibn Sìnà’s argument for the unity of God, defended

by ˇùsì against Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì); 7341/1; 8366/1 (contradiction

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al-†ùsì ‒ 'umar khayyàm 419

and conversion of the absolute proposition); 8368/1 (propositions

– Ibn Sìnà, al-Qazwìnì al-Kàtibì, Shirwànì); Ismailiyya 2121/2;

5421/3 (Ismà'ìlism and Ishràqì philosophy); logic 8366/1 (Ibn

Íìnà – contradiction and conversion of the absolute proposition);

mathematics 7427/2 (~ – philosophy); Mullà Íadrà 128/1

(epistemology – ˇ. and ~); Muràsalàt bayna Íadr al-Dìn al-

Qùnawì wa-Naßìr al-Dìn 5704/1 (sufism); political thought4834/3; -Qazwìnì al-Kàtibì 8368/1 (propositions – Ibn Sìnà,al-Qazwìnì al-Kàtibì, Shirwànì); -Qùnawì 339/1 (being); Qu†bal-Dìn al-Ràzì al-Ta˙tànì 7313/1 (al-Mu˙àkamàt bayna Shar˙ay[Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì and Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì] al-Ishàràt. al-

Ilàhiyàt [by Ibn Sìnà] – edition); religion 7729/1 (struggle of ~

and philosophy); Risàla-i I'tiqàdì 3301/2 (edition); -Shirwànì8368/1 (propositions – Ibn Sìnà, al-Qazwìnì al-Kàtibì, Shirwànì);sufism 5704/1; Tadjrìd al-'aqà"id/al-kalàm 65/1 (edition, study);

5139/1 (-Khwànsàrì, gloss on -Khafrì, Óàshiya/Ta'lìqàt on Naßìral-Dìn al-ˇùsì, Tadjrìd al-'aqà"id [part] – edition); 8798/1 (com-

mentaries, glosses).

'Umar Ibn Sahlàn al-Sàwì, al-Risàla al-musammàt bi-l-taw†i"a; Risàla fìta˙qìq naqì∂ al-wudjùd – ms. (cop. 596/1200) 7192/5.

'Umar Khayyàm 593/1 (biography, poetry, philosophy – monograph,

2005); 1436/1 (poetry, philosophy – survey by Maulana ShiblìNu'mànì, English); 4317/1.1 (history of research; view of modern

interpretations); 6771/2 (philosophical treatises – short analysis);

6800/1 (translation, selections); Îarùrat al-ta∂àdd fì l-'àlam

wa-l-djabr wa-l-baqà" 593/1 (English translation); Descartes7429/1; 7429/1 and 7429/2 (mathematics and philosophy); al-

Îiyà" al-'aqlì fì maw∂ù' al-'ilm al-kullì 593/1 (English trans-

lation); 8826/1 (edition and Persian translation); Djawàb 'an

thalàth masà"il i'tiqàdiyya 8826/1 (edition and Persian trans-

lation); Euclid 1200/2 (criticism of Euclid’s theory of parallels);

Ibn Sìnà 6771/2 (distinction of djism †abì' ì and djism ta'lìmì ); math-ematics 7429/1 and 7429/2 (~ and philosophy; Descartes); phi-losophy 7429/1 and 7429/2 (mathematics and ~); Risàla

djawàban 'an thalàth masà"il 593/1 (English translation); Risàla

fì kulliyàt al-wudjùd (Persian) 593/1 (English translation); Risàla

fì l-wudjùd 593/1 (English translation); Risàlat al-kawn wa-l-

taklìf 593/1 (English translation); Risàlat al-Tamdjìd 2234 (edi-

tion); Rubà'iyàt 6378/1 (philosophy and religion).

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420 'umràn ‒ wah∂at al-wudjùd

'umràn 1840/2 (“urbanization” – Ibn Khaldùn); 1862/1 ('ilm al-'umrànand anthropology); 2320/1; 9056/2.

unbelief, concept of 3755/2 (Bàqillànì; unbelief = apostasy: Ghazzàlì).unity – multiplicity – Mullà Íadrà 2231/1; 7341/2; 9374/2.

universals 2274/0 (medieval and Islamic philosophy); 2510/1 (Ibn

Sìnà); 4966/1 (universals and predicables – Greek and Islamic


unum 3173/1 (Ibn Rushd: many things arise from one); 5030/1 (MullàÍadrà – origination of the many from the One); 5421/3 (ex uno

non fit nisi unum – ˇùsì, Naßìr al-Dìn); 7427/2 (mathematics – phi-

losophy – Naßìr al-Dìn al-ˇùsì); → unity – multiplicity.

urbanization – Ibn Khaldùn 1840/2.

Urbanus Averroista – use of Latin mss. of Ibn Rushd, Great Com-

mentary on Aristotle’s Physics 7958/1.

'urfì – al-mu†laqa al-'urfiyya “conventional absolute” – Ibn Sìnà, Naßìral-Dìn al-ˇùsì 8366/1.

-Urmawì → Siràdj al-Dìn al-Urmawì.utopia, left 4082/1.1.

Uzicanin, Fà∂il – Bosniak logician 5587/1.

vacuum 3747/1. → void.

Vanini, Giulio Cesare (1585–1619) – Averroism 3129/1.

Veneto – Averroism 8711/1.

Vincent of Beauvais – sources: Aristotle, Jewish and Arabic sources


virtue – Fakhr al-Dìn al-Ràzì “perfectionist theory of virtue” 8172/2.

virtus cogitativa – Ibn Rushd 8559/3.1.

vision, theory of 4029/0 (Ibn Sìnà and his Latin reception); 5454/1

(Mullà Íadrà).vision of God 7194/1 (Islamic theology and mysticism); 8418/1

(Mu'tazila).void – Ibn Sìnà , Risàla ilà l-wazìr Abì Sa'd al-Hamadhànì – edi-

tion, French translation 6271/1; → khalà"; vacuum; void.

wàdjib al-wudjùd 2606/1 (~ bi-dhàtihì – Ibn Sìnà); 6884/1 (Ibn Sìnà);8302/2 (Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm); 9387/1 (Fàràbì – Anselm

of Canterbury and Descartes – ontological proof of God). → wudjùb.wah∂at al-wudjùd 8114/1 (causality – Ibn 'Arabì); 9374/2 (Mullà

Íadrà); → wudjùd.

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wahm ‒ wudjùd 421

wahm 4029/0 (‘estimation’ – Ibn Sìnà); 6408/1 (epistemology); 6961/1

(Ibn Sìnà). → imagination.

walàya, concept of – Kàshànì, Mu˙sin Fay∂ 4928/0.

-Warràq, Abù 'Ìsà – “freethinker” 8861/2.

waßfiyya – “qualitative”, “composite” (logic) 8366/1.

“whatness” of God – Ibn Sìnà, William of Auvergne, Thomas Aquinas

7652/1; → quidditas.

Whitehead 9293/2 (~ and Mullà Íadrà, transformation of substance).

William de Luna 4125/2 (double translations); 4132/1 (philosophi-

cal vocabulary in his translations of Ibn Rushd).

William of Auvergne 4029/0 (impact of Avicenna’s psychology);

6302/1 (concept of nature – Ibn Sìnà); 7652/1 (“whatness” of

God – Ibn Sìnà, Thomas Aquinas); 8593/1 (Avicennism).

wisdom – Thousand and One Night – story of Tawaddud – analy-

sis, comparison with Greek philosophical traditions of love as trend

towards wisdom 7396/1. → gnomologia; → ˙ikma.

woman 6859/1 (position of w. in state – Ibn Rushd); 7950/1 (~ –

man – Arabic-Islamic, European philosophy).

world 162 suppl. (Alexander of Aphrodisias and Levi – discussion

about the eternity of the world); 2107/1 (material world – MullàÍadrà, Ibn Bàbawayh); 2557/1 (eternity of the world – refutation

by Ghazzàlì); 3175/1 (providence, astrology, and celestial influences

on the sublunar world [Ibn Rushd – Ibn Falaquera – Aristotle]);

3636/1 (˙udùth) of the world – Mullà Íadrà); 5328/3 (Ibn Rushd,

possible world – Ghazzàlì); 6440/1 (origination of the world –

trans-substantial motion); → eternity of the world.

“world-view”, “Islamic” 212/1.

wudjùb mu†laq – Ibn Sìnà, Raimundus Lullus 2164/1; → wàdjib al-wudjùd.

wudjùd – Abù Hàshim al-Djubbà"ì 4669/1 (wudjùd, fi'l – ~, MullàÍadrà); Fàràbì 7558/1 (kalima wudjùdiyya = hyparktikon rhèma);

Ghazzàlì 3755/1 (stages in being); Ibn 'Arabì 5504/1 (school

of ~: wa˙dat al-wudjùd, al-wudjùd al-mu†laq); Ibn Rushd 8802/0

(Ibn Sìnà, ~); Ibn Sìnà 2164/1 (wudjùd mu†laq – ~, Raimundus

Lullus); 3955/1(~ – màhiya); 6576/1; 7403/1 (~, Mullà Íadrà);8802/0 (~, Ibn Rushd); -'Iràqì, Fakhr al-Dìn 6072/1 (wa˙datal-wudjùd ); Mullà Íadrà 304/5; 1672/1; 1716/1 (primacy of wud-

jùd, esse – ~, Thomas Aquinas); 4669/1 (wudjùd, fi'l – Abù Hàshim

al-Djubbà"ì, ~); 6511/2 (wudjùd dhihnì); 7403/1 (Ibn Sìnà, ~);

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422 wudjùd ‒ zamàn

8515/1; Raimundus Lullus 2164/1 (wudjud mu†laq – Ibn Sìnà,~); Shahrastànì, 'Abd al-Karìm 8302/2; Thomas Aquinas1716/1 (primacy of wudjùd, esse – Mullà Íadrà, ~); → wàdjib; →wa˙dat al-wudjùd.

wudjùd dhihnì “mental existence” – Islamic philosophy 6961/1.

wudjùdiyya “existential”, later adopted as usual term for the proposi-

tion 8366/1.

Xenocrates 7426/4 (refutation; genus anterior to eidos).

Ya˙yà al-Na˙wì – Arabic transmission 3903/1.

Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – Aristotle 1432/1.1 (~, Metaphysics – Arabic trans-

lation); 6061/1 (~, Metaphysics – Alpha elatton – commentary by

Ya˙yà Ibn 'Adì – comparison with Kindì); atomism 1186/1;

Ibn Sìnà 7426/3 (mawdjùd ); iktisàb 7128/1; 7129/1; Kindì6061/1 (~, Metaphysics – Alpha elatton – commentary by Ya˙yàIbn 'Adì – comparison with Kindì); Maqàla fì l-mawdjùdàt

7129/1 (concept of creator); 7420/1 (Spanish translation, with

notes and introduction); Maqàla fì l-taw˙ìd 5586/4 (analysis);

Maqàla fì tabyìn wudjùd al-umùr al-'àmmiyya (etc.) 7426/3

(French translation); Naq∂ ˙udjadj al-qà"ilìn bi-anna l-af'àl

khalq Allàh wa-ktisàb li-l-'abd = Nuskhat mà kataba Ya˙yà Ibn

'Adì Ibn Óumayd Ibn Zakariyà ilà Abì 'Umar Sa'd Ibn [Sa' ìd] az-Zaynabìfì naq∂ al-˙udjdjadj allatì anfadhahà ilayhi fì nußrat qawl al-qà"ilìn innal-af 'àl khalq li-llàh wa-ktisàb li-l-'ibàd 7129/1 (analysis; concept of

God’s “synergism”); nature 1134/0 (comparison with Ikhwàn al-Íafà"); One 1667/1 (concept of “one” and “unity”); Russel,Bertrand 3375/1 (contradictions); Tahdhìb al-akhlàq 3756/2

(analysis); 3757/1 (text, English translation, analysis); 7316/1 (con-

cept of perfect man); unity One 1667/1 (concept of “one” and


Ya˙yà Saybak Nìshàpùrì, Óusn u-dil – edition 3301/2.

yaqìn → certitude.

Yazdì, Mu˙ammad Óà"irì: “The Principles of Epistemology in Islamic

Philosophy” 4927/7.

Yoga – mi'ràdj – Ibn Sìnà 6884/1.

Yùsuf al-Baßìr – as Mu'tazilite 3167/1.

Zakariyyà", Fu"àd – “discourse of the modern” 4082/1.1.

zamàn → time.

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zaragoza ‒ zoroastrians 423

Zaragoza – continuity of the philosophical school 3121/2.

zàwiya “angle” – Ibn Sìnà, Qu†b al-Dìn al-Shìràzì 5667/1.

Zenon of Elea – argument from bisection (Ibn Rushd, Long Com-

mentary on Aristotle, Physics 3573/2.

Zera˙yà Ben Isaac Ben Shealtiel – Arabic-Hebrew translator of

Aristotle, De generatione et corruptione 8019/1; 8021/2; 9511/4 (~ and

other works by Aristotle).

Zimara, Marcantonio – editor of Aristotle in Latin, with commen-

taries by Averroes 4130/1.

zindìq 8408/4.

Zoroaster – Suhrawardì (-Maqtùl; Shaykh al-ishràq), India, Western

Europe, Iranian Nationalism 9092/3.

Zoroastrians – ishràqì philosophy, gnosis, sufism – comparison 7322/1.

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