22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:2 God the Alien

Father, Son, and God the Alien

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22 The light of the body is the eye:

if therefore thine eye be single,

thy whole body shall be full of light.

Matthew 6:2

God the Alien

Stolen Thunder

1. Roots

The Philosophers


Just like Myles Monroe, most people fall into the error of

thinking that the Creator of the earth is one and the same with

the Maker of Eden, so they spend eternity trying to defend and

justify every contradiction spotlighted with their apologetics

aka The Ways of God to Man

In their misconception, Emerson, for one, wrote that Man was made

for conflict, not for rest. In action is his power; not in his goals

but in his transitions man is great. Instantly he is dwarfed by self-

indulgence. The truest state of mind rested in becomes false.1

That is, with due regard to the misbegotten fact that the God

suddenly changed from all-benevolent Creator, to a malicious

malevolent demanding God. Believing Creator, having taken a day


Nietzsche also followed that line: — it was God himself who at the end of

his great work, coiled himself up in the form of a serpent at the foot of the tree of

knowledge. It was thus that he recovered from being a God. ... He had made everything

too beautiful. . . . The devil is simply God's moment of idleness, on that seventh day.2.

Consciously or unconsciously, Nietzsche's inspired by the author

of the Ecclesiastes.

The ecclesiast happened to discover the evil work fashioning the

destiny of mankind, so he wrote that God hath made every thing beautiful

in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the

work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

1 (“Natural History of Intellect,” Natural History, p. 60)2 Ecce homo : Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm,

But weirdly, he went on further to write “I know that there is no

good in them”3.

Come to think of it, “beautiful” and “no good” is oxymoronic, to a

deranged level.

All these is because he and those others after him thought that

whoever it was that continued to work on earth, in the name of

‘God’, after that Seventh Day Rest, is one and the same with the

One who created all things from the start.

The Creator’s Rest

3 Ecclesiastes 3:11, 12

2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the

seventh day from all his work which he had made.

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all

his work which God created and made (Genesis 2:1-3)

From the Highlighted Words you could tell the contextual

meaning of REST in the context: FINISHED; ENDED; ALL HIS WORKS

He rested from ALL his work; not from some of His works. That is, it is

not the same as say He paused, so He could continue another day,

as blue-collar job workers do.

Verse two said “God ended …”

And that does it.

He didn’t do another thing on the earth till date, and never


You can’t call Him out of retirement like Paul Scholes.

He retired because His work is “finished”.

“Ended” is the word; nothing more.

So if anybody is working on the earth, in the name of God, that

person is clearly not the One that has created, and made the heaven

and earth and ended His works.

Not the One that’s done, whose work is, in ALL RAMIFICATIONS,


It’s enough the Hebrew bible gave the Entity that ensued

after the Creator a different identity - Elohim. Not like the

English bible that identified Him as the ‘LORD God’, while the

precedent is identified as just “God”.

And because “Lord” is often mistaken to mean the same as “God”

you can hardly tell it refers to two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT Beings.

In fact, all Christians, with very few exceptions, take them as

One and the same Person.

The Exceptions

Before the exception, there's this faction of non-religious

Jewish scholars that talks of the Creator quite alright, as

distinct from Elohim. And even go as far as say the Creator is

not worthy of worship. That it is the latter to whom the worship

is due.

I don’t have problem with these, because the Creator did not at

any time ask to be worshipped. That is not even the argument or

the misconception.

The exceptions are some Christian ministers, like the one I

overheard on the TV; a popular Nigerian, Pastor Chris Okotie,

saying it was that same God whose Creation activities began the

bible that is actually the creator of nothing.

In other words, He merely said those words of creation, but nothing

actually happened. That He is, in fact, the dreaming-god. In other

words, He's merely saying those words and VISUALIZING them coming

to pass, in some distant future.

This is however, the worst assessment of the Creator ever. Worse

off, coming from a Christian religious minister

He believes the One that seemed rather to work with His

hands in bringing things to pass, like the farmer, planting of

trees of Eden; things not accomplished by words of the mouth or

command, but rather manually accomplished, just as the fashioning

of man from dust like a human sculptor,

Even though there's no place that LORD God is said to make any

other thing beside Eden, which in itself was fashioned out of the

existing earth. His claims are rather self contradictory

My question is how is it that this preacher did not realize

that denying that the world was ever created with the word of the

mouth is tantamount to saying that Jesus did no single miracle

in His life time? This is because everything amazing Jesus was

said to do was done with the power of His words; HIS WORD IS WITH

POWER, so they speak of it.

So this preacher is saying Jesus didn’t order a cripple out of

clutches merely by words of mouth to walk, or that the disciples

after Him, at the beautiful gate didn’t do likewise? 4

No wonder this pastor is famed for speaking against faith healers

all over the state as fraudsters.

But this is not to deviate from the actual theme of this

work, that the Creator that rested on the seventh day is not the

same being that thereafter erected the Garden of Eden.

Time Factor

Benny Hinn, suspecting the earth might not actually be six-

thousand years old, as the calendar from Christ to Adam relates,

but very likely as old as the science world claim, did make

4 Acts 3

citations from the book of Job about monsters (behemoth,

leviathan, etc)5 never mentioned in the bible since creation but

were said to have walked this earth.

To him, there is no telling what time it was that they walked the

earth. In his words: it may be billion-billion years ago, I cannot tell.

At least, that billion-billion years thing means he's conceding to

scientific postulation on the actual age of the earth over that

of the religious, but that nevertheless, it is to prove that the

scientists were not the first to have published that fact,

instead, it has been in the same Holy Writ since time immemorial.

He chose rather a crude incident to prove his case.

Generational Factor:

Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were

created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens. 2:5 And every

plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew:

for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to

till the ground

5 Job 40:15–24. Job 41

Speaking of the generations of the heavens and of the earth, the

ecclesiast wrote: One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh:

but the earth abideth for ever6.

The generations Genesis speaks of are generations after the

Creator grooved the earth. And the present is marked by the era

other God bearer LORDED man. And that is by no means the eight

day, but unaccounted generations after.

We are speaking of another generation because it seems the LORD

of Eden had to make His own man, plants and animals after the

loss all life forms on the earth.

So it seems

The real question, however, should not be whether Eden was

made on the eight or first day, nor whether it took a billion

years. Neither should it be: who's the actual creator of man out

of the two God bearers?

The real question is: these two, who share the same identity (or

almost), are they on the same side?

6 Ecclesiastes 1:4

That is, when the Creator said “let us make man in our own image …” is

the Eden Lord part of that “Us”?

2. Playing God

......................................That was just chapter One of my publisher-seeking-book. Any information on any free eBook publisher please contact me: +2347038130120 or [email protected]