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J.R.Pedlar, Esq.B.Sc. LJ.Rawlins-Duquemin, Esq.Cert.Ed. M.P.Higgins, Esq. B.Sc. R.H.Surcombe, Esq. B.A.,L.T.C.L. R.D.Evans, Esq. B.A. P.L.Le Cocq., Esq. Cert Ed. J.M.Hudson, Esq. M.Sc. S.Rahman, Esq. M.A. T.H.Bell, Esq. M.A. B.W.Allen, Esq. Cert.Ed. I.F.C.Petch, Esq. B.A. G.Guilbert, Esq. B.Sc., ?vflBiol. J.R I-looker, Esq. B.A. R.J,W.James, Esq.B.A. C.&W.Cottarn, Esq. M.A. Dr.D.F.Raines, B.Sc., DPhil. M.E.Kinder, Esq. B.Ed. Dr. C.D.van Vlymen,B.Sc., PhD. B.E.H.Aplin, Esq. B.Sc. D.Wray, Esq. BEd.

D.A.Dale, Esq. Cert.Ed. A.M.Jewell, Esq. BEd. L.B.Grover, Esq. M.Sc. J.L.Romanillos, Esq. M.A. Mrs. E.M. Adams, DipID J.M.Hunter, Esq. MA. R.E.Pitt, Esq. Cert. Ed. C.A.Gillespie, Esq. B.A. D.R.L.Inderwick, Esq. M.A. M.S.Webb, Esq. BEd. E.C.Adams, Esq. B.A-L.A. McBratney, Esq. B.A., M.Phil. Mrs. N.J. Mann, M.A. G.S.Cousens, Esq. B.A. Miss J.C.Thornas B.Mus. M.P.Smith, Esq. BA. V.Chumley, Esq. B,Sc. Mrs. O.D.Langford M.A. Mrs. A.Thibeault M.A.

Director of Music: P.C.Harris, Esq. GRSM, ARCM Chaplain: The Reverend G.J.Barrett


BEECHWOOD HEADMASTER: D.A. HORN, ESQ. M.A., A.RC.M. J.A.Gavet, Esq. Cert.Ed. Miss S-J. Peters BEd. G.N.Jerorne, Esq.Cert.Ed. Miss N.J.Shaw BEd. J.R.Bisson, Esq. BEd. C.W.HaId, Esq. B.Sc. Mrs. 12\4. Richmond Cert.Ed. Mrs. A.Ede-Golightly BEd. J.F Beasley, Esq. Cert.Ed, Mrs. H.Foote B.A.


Mrs. A. Bodman B.Sc Mrs. A. Le Pelley Cert Ed Mrs. C. Hughes


CHAIRMAN: The Very Reverend Marc Tdckey, Dean of Guernsey.

Jurat D.M.Le Page Jurat DC.Lowe

Advocate J.M. Le Pelley S.Le Pelley, Esq. J.E.Hallam, Esq.

Mrs. L.C. Morgan J. Kitts, Esq.

Conseiller M.W Torode

Clerk to the Board of Directors and Bursar to the College K. V,Austin, Esq


Hockey Page 1

Hockey Presentations Page 11

Squash Presentations Page 11

Fencing Presentations Page 12

Rugby Presentations Page 12

Volleyball Page 12

Cross Country Page 13

Cross Country Presentations Page 14

Foil Championships Page 17

Fencing Page 18

C.C.F. Page 18

Lifesaving Championships Page 18

Choir Trip Page 19

Ski Club Page 19

Canoeing & Climbing Page 19

Music Page 19

Tennis Page 19

Squash Page 19

College Play Page 20

Lifesaving Awards Page 20


1997 Season's Record Played 23, Won 16, Drawn 5, Lost 2. Goals for 62, Goals against 27.

Mens League: v Independents Drew 3-3 vAurignyU.H.C. Won 3-1 v Veterans Won 5-0 v Beavers Won 4-2 v Veterans Drew 2-2 v Aurigny U.H.C. Won 3-I v Yobbos Lost 0-3

Others: v Under 16's Won 6-0 v O.E.'s Won 4-2 v Victoria College Won 3-1

Schools and Youth Cup, Divisional Finals v Millfleld School

Drew 2-2 v Dean Close

Won 2-0 Semi-final

v Dauntsey's

Won 7-6 (a.p.s.) Final

v Millfleld

Lost 0-3

With only four players remaining from last years squad their achievements over the last term have been nothing short of superb. They battled out some excellent results in the Men's League and produced a disciplined display against a very defensive Victoria College. In the Mens League they managed a good second half of the season beating the eventual Champions Beavers H.C. The Schools and Youth Cup proved to be a very enjoyable day. Qualifying as top of the group and winning the semi-final set up a final against Millfleld School with the winners progressing to the National Finals. Alas, we were well beaten by Millfleld 0-3 but confidence was high for the remaining tour to Dublin and Taunton. Two regular 1st XI players could not go on tour and mention must be given of their service. Mark Robins and Simon Cheng have both played their part in the forward line mainly on the right wind. Simon has a lot of pace and has always given 100% effort. Mark has been the more regular choice providing a little more control and scoring a useful number of goals over the season. My thanks to both players for their commitment. The team has been well led by the captain Mark Babbe and ably supported by three other 'Senior pros', Chris Coiclough, Chris Higgs, and George Prow. There have been many highlights this season which has come from the players willingness to train hard on a Thursday night and to listen to the advise being given. The excellent tour, winning the Taunton Tournament, reaching the West of England final and beating Victoria must rank as the most successful season in recent years. My congratulations to all boys who played their part and gave up so much of their time.

First Eleven Colours are re-awarded to MRR Babbe and C.Colclough and awarded to G.Prow, C.Higgs, N.Hodder and J.Chambers.

Second Eleven Colours are re-awarded to MN Robins and JA Barrett, and awarded to A.Shields, J.Beck, J.Adams, S.Cheng, S.Wilson, S.Perchard, M.Elliott and W. Lanoe.

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Matches in Ireland Tuesday 18th March: Wednesday 19th March: Champions)

Thursday 20th March:

Matches at Taunton School Friday 21st March: Saturday 22nd March:

Sunday 23rd March:

Elizabeth College 3 Elizabeth College 3

Elizabeth College 5 Elizabeth College 7

Elizabeth College 1 Elizabeth College 1 Elizabeth College I Elizabeth College 2 Elizabeth College I

Wesley College 2 Newpark School 1 (All-Ireland

Corinthians Hockey Club 3 X I Dublin High School 0

Warwick School 1 Royal Belfast Academical Institute 1 Calday Grange 0 Taunton School 0 King's School, Macclesfield 0


The Elizabeth College 1st XI Hockey Team have just completed a nine match tour taking in Dublin, Ireland and The Taunton School Biennial Hockey Tournament.

All four matches were won in Dublin, with the highlights being a 3-2 win against Wesley College, which was followed the next day by a 3-1 win against Newpark School, Winners of the All Ireland Championship. Although the Elizabeth College team were beginning to feel rather tired hopes were high for the next leg of the tour, 'The Taunton Tournament'. The opening match against Warwick was disappointing, despite dominating the match too many missed chances and a single defensive error saw the match end I -1. Saturday was going to be as much about strength of character as Hockey ability with three matches to play after already playing five games in the previous four days. A 1-1 draw with Belfast was not the ideal result, but it still left the Elizabeth College team with a chance of winning this prestigious tournament for the first time since its formation in 1977. The next match against Calday Grange from 'The Wirral' proved to be the key game of the whole tour. Caldey, so often 'North West' Champions of the Schools and Youth Cup and previous National Champions always produce good Hockey sides. Two years ago Elizabeth College missed a penalty flick against Calday which would have won the Tournament, they were not to be denied this year. Defensively the College side had been very tight all season. Chris Higgs and Nathan Hodder in the centre and George Prow at left back and Jamie Chambers at right back denied Calday many good opportunities to score. Stephen Perchard who came on at right back had an excellent tour, providing good cover for the defence. Jamie Adams in goal ably dealt with the few opportunities that Calday had. In midfield the effort from Captain, Mark Babbe, Jamie Barrett and Mark Elliott was outstanding particularly when you consider that they had already played six games of Hockey in the previous four days. In the forward line William Lanoe on the left wing had the ability to beat his opponent and Scott Wilson on the right wing put in some useful crosses for the centre forward Chris Colclough.

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It was Colctough who scored the all important goal in the Calday match thereby setting up an exciting finish for the College side. Two wins were going to be required if the College side had any chance of winning the Tournament for the first time. Although tired College dominated the third match of the day against a young but spirited Taunton side and ended the day with a 2-0 win. No one could have predicted the excitement of the final round of matches the following day. Elizabeth College had to win their final match against King's School Macclesfield, which they did with a William Lanoe special, a tip-in from a right wing cross. Jonathan Beck in goal was playing with great confidence and made a number of excellent runs and was unlucky not to have scored. A final scoreline of 1-0 was enough to put College 1st XI at the top of the table. R.B.A.I., however, still had one game left and a win would give them the trophy. In a nail biting match, the Belfast side had most of the play and many opportunities to score. With only ten minutes left they finally broker the deadlock to take a 1-0 lead. Their opponents, Warwick School never gave up and with just two minutes remaining drew level from a rebound off the far post. The remaining minutes seems to take hours. The score remained at 1-1 leaving Elizabeth College as overall Champions.

To win this trophy against some of the very best Hockey Schools, after already playing four matches in Dublin says something for not only the overall standard of this team but of the spirit and determination to work hard at vital times even when the outcome was far from certain. It has been my pleasure to have been coach to this side over the past six months. My thanks to all the squad who have played their part over the season and particularly Captain Mark Babbe, and three other upper sixth players, Christopher Colciough, Christopher Higgs and George Prow for their support.

Team: J.Beck, J.Adams, G.Prow, N.Hodder, C.Higgs, J.Chambers, S.Perchard, M.Elliott, M.Babbe, J.Barrett, S.Wilson, C.Colclough, W.Lanoe, A. Shields (Dublin only), D.Garland (Taunton only).



v G.H.C. Junior Vets Won 5-0 v AurignyU.H,C.2 Won 3-1 v Under 16's Lost 1-2 v Yobbos 2 Won 8-0 v Grizzles 2 Won 8-3 v Old Elizabethans 2 Won 4-3

Team J.N.Adams, J.R.Beck (Goalkeepers), M.S.De La Mare, S.DPerchard, J.P.Sebire, A.C.Falla, T.G. L.Pearson, J.A.Barrett (Captain), M.D.Ashman, iC. Seymour, S. W. K.Cheng, M.N.Robins, D.P.Jeffery, C.J.Colmer, E.T.R.Benfield, S.D.Wilson.

Once again the 2nd XI has been a successful team who have played enjoyable, open hockey. The majority have experience with the 1St XI and other first and second division teams.

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Well captained by James Barrett in midfield the only blot on the season was losing to the Under 16's in the game to decide who played Victoria 2nd XI. I did not see the game but found it very difficult to believe they had not won.

Both James Adams and Jonathan Beck played First XI Hockey and were very good in the 2nd XI. Matthew Dc La Mare and Adam Falla defended solidly and were always looking to break forward and support the attack. John Sebire was very solid in the centre of defence with Stephen Perchard, who showed good skill and composure. James Barrett held the midfield well, worked hard, and come through to score several useful goals. Michael Ashman at left midfield was very solid in defence and was prepared to work hard to assist the attack. Thomas Pearson showed great energy and enthusiasm and although he occasionally forgot about other members of the team, was an asset to team spirit. Jonathan Seymour's pace troubled defences wherever he played in the front line. Mark Robins, Scott Wilson, and Simon Cheng all made valuable contributions in the forward line when they were not required by the First Eleven. Christopher Colmer, Edward Benfield, and Daniel Jeffery all contributed to the team when required.


This has been an exceptional season for the Under 16 side with the side finishing runners-up in the GMHA Division 2, the best ever position by a EC side, and capping the season by winning the GMHA Knock Out plate trophy against Beavers II. Indeed but for a run of 3 league defeats in January, the team might well have won the league title. The team also played a number of U16 school sides as well, and had notable wins on local soil against KCS Wimbledon, in Jersey against Victoria College II and on the mainland against Marlborough College. The side representing Guernsey lost out to Millfield in the semi-final stage of the HA Youth Cup.

This team was a very well balanced one, with a strong dependable defence and goal scoring capabilities up front, Daniel Slimm being the leading scorer with 28 goals, not just for this team but in the entire GMI-IA leagues. The team was led superbly throughout by Paul Groves, who was not only a most effective sweeper but a first rate example to his fellow team mates. The defence could always depend on the excellent keeping of Andrew Good, who throughout the season played consistently well and rarely put a foot wrong. He was a tower of strength when the team needed his services! In addition the performances of Mark Oliphant, Christian Hanna, Ed Prow and Stephen Queripel always ensured that no attackers would find the defence an easy one to crack. Tristan Cairns, Liam Roflley and Dale Garland held the midfield together and provided good support for the front strikers. When this trio played one or two touch hockey in midfield they were outstanding, but they weren't always consistent enough. The strikepower of Slimm was ably supported by Neil Williams, Ed Riley and the irrepressible Nick Cnspini, the latter's combination of power and unorthodoxy left many a left back in his wake! Adam Shields played well in the few games he played for the Under 16's notably against KCS, but his absence on 1st XI duty underlined the fact that there is no such thing as a one man team! The team spirit was always good, and the discipline with one or two exceptions was a strong factor underlying this sides great success in 1996/97. Well done to all who played including Dave Walder and Adam Kennedy who were needed on a couple of occasions not least the plate final!

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v Grizzles II 1-2 v Beavers II 0-2 v GHC Vets 11 34 v Aurigny II 3-2 v GHC Cub Vets 2-2 v Yobbos (plate Semi) 1-1 (4-3 on penalties) v Second XI 2-I v KCS Wimbledon 3-0 v Victoria 11 4-3 v Marlborough 1-0 v Canford 0-4 v Millfield 1-1 (lost 1-3 on penalties) v Independents 3-0 v Beaver II Plate Final 2-1


The Senior Colts played in the Third Division for the first time this year. They found it difficult to cope with the strength and speed of the opposition and although they defended well an unability to score goals made winning games difficult. They did make progress during the year and it proved to be a useful experience.

'A' Team C.J.Guille (Goalkeeper), P.J.L.Falla, A.1.Graham (Captain), M.P.B.Atkinson, J.K.Maides, N.J.Clarkson, G.Crispini, A.S.Heaume, N.P.R.Chambers, S.J.Birch, M.J.S. Betts, A.R.Hunter, C.J.Blackburn.

Results v Caterham vK.C.S. Wimbledon vR.G.S. Guildford v Victoria

Won 2-1 Lost 0-5 Won 8-I Lost 1-5

Christopher Guille played in goal in the school games, but shared the position with Sebastian Priaulx in the League, both were keen and made few mistakes. Christopher playing particularly well against the stronger opposition.

At right back Patrick Falla tackled soundly and had good stick work but lacked the pace and strength which he should gain as he matures. Andrew Graham at centre back led the side well, he showed good positional sense and tackled well although needs to improve his striking of the ball. Matthew Atkinson in central defence timed his tackles well and showed good judgement but lacked pace and struggled with distribution. Jonathan Maides showed strength and hit the ball very hard but unfortunately was injured for all the School games. Nicholas Clarkson played on the left side, looked balanced on the ball but was another member of the squad who still needs to become quicker and stronger.

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Christopher Blackburn had good attacking potential at right midfield, setting up most of the scoring opportunities with pace and skill down the right. Mark Betts was one of the stronger players with good skills but lacked consistency and when off form the side struggled. Alex Hunter struck the ball very clearly and had good distribution but lacked pace that would have made him very effective. Guiliano Crispini came into midfield late in the season to provide strength and stamina, but needs more stick work. Adam Heaume came into the side in midfield and made good progress but also lacked time to develop his stick work. Nicholas Chambers up front was probably the most skilful player but faded badly in games and often worked too much as an individual. Simon Birch was an excellent striker of a ball, outstanding in practice but struggled to have an effect in games being left very isolated up front.

The side made good progress during the season and I hope with a year's maturity will do well as Under 16's in the Second division.

Colours were awarded to: A.1-Graham, M.J.S.Betts, C.J.Blackburn.

'B' Team v Mare de Carteret

Won 2-1 v Grammar

Won 3-0

Team: S.M.Pnaulx (Goalkeeper, Captain), I.T.Chapman, C.H.Staples, C,P,Quigley, P.J.Falla, S.C.Hubbard, A.S.Elder, C.D.Long, A.C.Ogier, A.Karim.

'C' Team v Grammar

Lost 0-2 v Mare de Carteret Won 2-0 v Mare de Carteret Won 5-0

Team: T.J.Ellis (Goalkeeper), D.J.Bowen (Goalkeeper), J.R.Ferbrache, A.Pring, R.G.Brennan. T.J.Wheadon, D.J.R. De La Mare, H. Ephgrave, S.J.Henderson, A.D.Richards, A.P.R.Taylor, T.Paluck, N.Peters, C.Pratt.

Unfortunately there were few games available for B and C teams, but two nearly equal teams enjoyed their games and in a longer season several players would have gained 'A' Team places and may well have moved into the Under 16's next year.


Results: 'A' v Parkside School 'A' v Churchers College 'A' v Caterham 'A' v Bryanstone 'A' v Winchester H. C. 'A' v Gosport H. C.

Lost 1-2 Lost 1-2 Won 2-1 Lost 0-5 Lost 2-3 Won 5-I

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Schools and Youth Cup Divisional Finals 'A' v Cheltenham College Won 4-1 'A' v Prior Park Won 1-0 'A' v Exeter Drew 1-1

Semi Final V Biyanstone 'C' v La Mare de Carteret 'B' v Grammar 'C' v La Mare de Carteret 'B' v Felsted

Drew 1-1 Won 6-0 Lost 1-4 Lost 1-4

The Junior Colts have finished the season playing some good Hockey and achieved a string of good results in the West of England Divisional Finals. Training took place on Mondays after school and the boys worked hard, often in some atrocious conditions. It is always very difficult to find fixtures at this level, however, two schools did come over for the Under 16 Festival and both games proved very close. In goal Adam Le Pelley shows great potential. he has had some excellent performances in matches although he is learning all the time. His kicking is good and reaction saves excellent. He does have a lot of ability, however, it is a pity he cannot always channel it in a more positive fashion. In defence Matthew Palmer, Ben Gill, Julian Hurley and Charles Robertshaw have all made good progress both in their individual skills and in their awareness of their role in a team. Simon Geall has provided the strength in midfield and on tour proved equally at home in defence or midfield. Josh Sexton at right midfield has good individual control and has linked well with Michael Henning on the right wing. Michael has the ability to take players on and get behind defences, however, he will need to 'speed up' next year if he is to achieve the same results in the Mens League. William Wyatt has fitted in well to the team, either up front or in midfield. On tour his athletic ability proved valuable in midfield and I am sure with practice it could be a position where he could make a valuable contribution.

Robert Pickford was perhaps the most improved player this season, playing out on the left wing. He listens and learns quickly and on tour finished top goal scorer, helped by four goals in one game against Gosport Hockey Club. Jonathan Le Tocq played at centre forward and like many improved throughout the season. Unfortunately he was unwell and missed the tour. Ben Lamb took his place and showed considerable promise at centre forward. He has great pace and with another season could prove to be a good goal scorer. Oliver Horton has made a valuable contribution in midfield, showing a good understanding of the game, reasonable skills, although he needs to be a little 'stronger' when in possession of the ball. Zac Ferbrache also joined the team on tour and showed some good individual skills, although not always understanding how best to use them. With more experience next year Zac could be looking for a regular slot in the team. Matthew Ford in goal, Edward Blewett, Daniel Davies and Tom Martin have also attended training and played against the visiting sides and well on the 'B' team. Many thanks to all who attended training. Next season they will be playing in the Mens Division 3 and I hope they enjoy their regular fixtures and continue to progress as they have this year.

Colours are awarded to: A.Le Pelley, S.R.Geall, M.P.T.Palmer, B.C.Gill, R.J.Pickford, J.E.Sexton.

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Others to represent the team: J.P.Le Tocq, W. Wyatt, O.J.Horton, ZO.Ferbrache, M.RHenning, J.E.Hurley, C.J.Robertshaw.


The Junior Eleven had an extremely busy term and were well travelled as they played 16 eleven aside fixtures and competed in the Cranleigh Sixes and St.Michael's Indoor Tournament in Jersey. The statistics of played 16, won 13, drawn 2 and lost 1, clearly point to a most successful season, with some notable victories against KCS Wimbledon, Victoria and Churchers amongst the many successes. On the mainland tour the side had a 100% record in eleven aside hockey, and the only defeat was in the last match of the tour at Cranleigh in the quarter final of the tournament. The team even won the bowling cup against Churchers, a first ever win for EC! (This even before the opening of the new bowling centre at Victoria Avenue!)

The goal scoring of Matthew Watson, the goalkeeping of Alex Knowiden and the generally good composure of Neil Sandwith and captain Adrian Harbour, was the solid framework of the team around which the success of the side really depended. Defenders James Fox, Tom Dawson and Matthew Beeson grew in confidence with each game, and in midfield Tom Le Prevost, Ben Hunter, Luke Sheehan and Dominic Heaume were always hard working. David Pugh and Carl Blewett supported Watson in attack and became more effective players with the experience gained. Tom Chamberlain was the deputy keeper and a useful outfield player as well.

Results (All t,J13 matches unless stated):

v Parkside 2-1 v Caterham U14 0-3 v Churchers Ul4 1-1 v Victoria College 4-0 v Stroud 5-0 v Bromsgrove 3-0 v KCS Wimbledon 2-0 v Dunston 1-0 vChurchers 4-I v Haslemere 1-0 v Barrow Hills 3-0 v Churchers 2-0 v Amesbury 2-0 v Durlston Court 1-2 v Felsted 0-0

The A Six lost in the Quarter finals of the Cranleigh Sixes to Bishop Strotford, the eventual winners.

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The Squad: A.Harbour (Captain), A.Knowlden, M.Watson, N.Sandwith, D.Heaume, J.Fox, M.Beeson, T.Dawson, T.Le Prevost, L. Sheehan, B.Hunter, C.Blewett, D.Pugh, T.Chamberlain.

Junior Eleven Colours: A.Harbour, M. Watson, A. Knowiden, N. Sandwith, M.Beeson, D.Heaume.



v Cheltenham College Won 2-0 v St Michaels Won 5-0 v KCS Wimbledon Lost 1-2 v Stroud Lost 0-I v Bromsgrove Lost 1-2 v Dulwich Won 2-0


v Beechwood Drew 2-2 v Beechwood Drew 4-2

'A'Squad: T.B.Chapman, M.N.Heaume, MAChick, A.Cox, L.J.Gallienne, W.J.Henry, B.C.Betts, M.T.Birch, Mingle, S.L.Ferbrache, B.G.Martin, A.J.Mauger, R.J.Tucker, G.Clinton-Tarestad, L.Crispini, D.W,Good, T.D.Horn.

Colours were awarded to: A.Cox, B.C.Betts, D.W.Good, T.D.Horn.

'B' Squad: T.BChapman, M.N.Heaume, M.A.Chick, L.H.Jager, A.J.Mauger, A.D.Bishop, L.J.Gallienne, B.B.Franklin, L.M.Thibeault, J-P.F.Bourgaize, N.T.McMeiken, S.J.Leslie, T.E.Ogier, A.J.Gill, T.F.C.Falla, S.C.T.Perkins.

This was a difficult squad to blend together with several boys having minimal experience of hockey. It is the credit of the boys that they practised hard and formed a good team spirit. This was to carry them through difficult games against older opposition in Stroud, Bromsgrove and Dulwich. In these three games the team got stronger and stronger, losing only by the odd goal. Against boys of the same age the team proved to be very strong. With a positive attitude and a lot of practice there is great hope for the future.

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Guernsey were well represented in this years West of England finals of the National Schools and Youth Hockey Cup on Sunday 9th March. Playing against the Country Champions from each of the Western Countries the Guernsey team produced some excellent results.

In the Under IS section Elizabeth College played some outstanding Hockey to reach the final for the second time in three years. sadly the College team Millfield School once again proved too strong and they now go through to the National Finals. Millfield, national winners in 1995, and runners-up in 1996, must once again have a good chance of winning this competition. Earlier in the day, however, Millfield did not have it all their own way. In the opening pool matches College drew 2-2 with Millfield with goals from Jamie Chambers and William Lanoe. This excellent result was followed by a 2-0 victory over Dean Close. Goals from Mark Elliott and Mark Robins meant that College topped the group and had to play Dauntseys School from Wiltshire, runners-up in the other pool in the semi-final. Although College dominated much of the play a defensive error gave Dauntsey's the lead. James Adams in goal then made a couple of superb saves to keep College in the game. In the second half the Elizabeth College side applied good pressure and were rewarded with a penalty flick, which captain Mark Babbe coolly put away. With scores tied at 1-1 the semi-final was decided on penalty flicks. At 3-3 after the first five, the competition went to sudden death. Jamie Chambers, William Lanoe and Mark Babbe all scored their efforts before James Adams save the third Dauntsey's penalty to put College in the final. Millfield, National Champions in 1995 and Runner-Up in 1996, proved to strong and eventually ran out 3-0 winners. The Elizabeth College team, however, can be very pleased to have reached the final.

Team: J.Adams, G.Prow, N.Hodder, C.Higgs, J.Chambers, S,Perchard, M.Elliott, M.Babbe (Capt), A.Shields, W.Lanoe, M.Robins, S.Cheng, S.Wilson.

In the Under 16 section, Guernsey Schools started very well in their pool matches with a 1-0 win over Marlborough College. The goal by Nick Crispini meant a semi-final place, even though the side went down 4-0 to Canford. In the semi-final against Millfield, the Guernsey side fought back from being 2-0 down to make it 2-2 at full time with goals from Tristan Cairns and Daniel Slimm. In the penalty shoot Out, however the Guernsey side went out 3-I.

In the Under 14 section Elizabeth College also made it through to the semi-final only to go out due to a couple of missed penalties in the match. In the opening pool matches a 4-1 win against Cheltenham College, a 1-0 win against Prior Park, and a 1-1 draw with Exeter School left College as group winners. In the semi-final two missed penalty flicks during the match were to prove very costly as their opponents Bryanstone School scored with only seconds left. Again, however the team can be pleased to have made it so far in the competition.

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YEAR I HOUSE TOURNAMENT. 'Roger Self Cup' TOWN Captain: T.D.Horn ELEVEN XI COLOURS. B.C. Betts, D.W.Wood, T.D.Horn and A.Cox.

YEAR II A.J. WHITE CUP. Junior Inter-House Competition: North House Captain: N.R.Sandwith JUNIOR XI COLOURSA. S.Harbour, M.J.Watson, A.J.Knowelden, N.R.Sandwith, M.F.H.Beeson, D.Heaume.

YEAR III JUNIOR COLT COLOURS A.R.Le Pelley, S.R.Geall, M.P.T.Palmer, B.C.Gill, J.Pickford, J.E. Sexton.

YEAR IV WEBBER SHIELD. - Middle Inter-House Competition: SOUTH Captain: C.J.Blackburn SENIOR COLTS COLOURS. A.I.Graham, M.J.S.Betts and C.J.Blackburn.

Hockey Stick in memory of Nicholas Lame for the 'Most Promising Colt' A.1.Graham.

UNDER 16 COLOURS A.J.Good, T.A.Cairns, N.A.Crispini, D.M.P.Garland, P.A.Groves, C.D.N.Hanna, M.J.Oliphant, E.J.Prow, S.P.Queripel, E.N.Riley, L.C.Roffey, D.Slimm, N.M.Williams.

2ND XI COLOURS Reawarded to M.N.Robins, J.A.Barrett and T.G.L.Pearson. Awarded to M.D.Ashman, J.C.Seymour, A.C.Falla, M.S.De La Mare, A.D.Shields, J.R.Beck, J.N.Adanis, S.W.K. Cheng, S.D.Wilson, M.J-P.Elliott and W.P.Lanoe.

1ST XI COLOURS Reawarded to M.R.R.Babbe and C.J.Colclough. Awarded to G.W.Prow, C.D.Higgs, N.Hodder and J.W.B.Chambers.

CAREY CUP: Senior Inter-House Competition: SOUTH Captain: M.R.R.Babbe

ALISTAIR MITCHELL CUP: Top Goalscorer in 1st XI Hockey: C.J.Colclough.

OGILVY TROPHY: for outstanding contributions to College Hockey. M.R.R.Babbe.


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Individual Junior Champion. D.A.Pugh. Individual Middle School Champion. R.J.Curgenven. Individual Senior School Champion. A.D.Shields. Junior Inter-House Championship NEW Capt. M.T.Birch Middle School Champion NEW Capt. S.J.Birch


Senior School Championship SOUTH Capt. A.D.Shields COLOURS: Reawarded to A.D.Shields. Awarded to R.J.Curgenven.


WHEADON CUP: Junior Foil Championship C.MG.Morris. SARNIA SWORD: Senior Foil Championship D.R.Eagles.


NEWBOULD SHIELD: (most improved player) I.R.W.Clark. WILLIAMS CUP: (for outstanding service to Rugby) B.R.LeHuray. COLOURS: N.R.P.Babbe, D.Crosland, J.R.Elliott, B.R.Le Huray, M.J.C.McKeary, J.D.Whalley.


Year Town

North 1 Year 2 North 2

School I

Middle School South 2

North I Senior School South 3

Town I


A successful term. The College team have won every game played this year and have recently sealed the Adult League Division 2 title. Results were as follows:

Division 2 matches: v Kings Church v Dynamos v Pepsi v Datalink v Trainspotters v Kings Church

Won 15-8; 15-5 Won 15-5; l2-15;l5-1O Won 15-5; 15-2 Won 15-5; 15-1I Won 15-51 15-7 Won 15-4; 15-6

Friendly v Da Nellos (top Division One team) Won 15-I l;9-l57-15;l5-IO;16-l4


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Colours awarded to: JJ.Kelley, BR. Le Huray, G.Cuzik, and reawarded to J.Shek and P.G.Zadori, who was once again picked to represent Guernsey in the Inter-Islander B' team match. Other team members: C.Wilkes-Green, A.Bushby.



16 Boys

1st P.Girard 31st A.Graham 2nd T.Paluch 33rd P.Eyre 6th T.Le Lacheur 34th J.Stow 8th A.Heaume 35th A.Le Pelley 10th D.Batiste 42nd G Crispini 20th N.Chambers 43rd A.Moen 27th J.Ferbrache 44th E.Blewett 30th A.Pring

Team Results 1 Elizabeth College A 43 2 Grammar School A 92 3 La Mare de Carteret 95 4 St. Peter Port A 120 5 Elizabeth College B 175 6 Grammar School B 202 7 St. Peter Port B 267

Under 14 Boys

1St Matthew Beeson 9th Alex Knowelden 3rd Carl Blewett 21St Daniel Wilmot 4th Ross Tucker 24th Michael Hutchison 5th Andrew Mauger 26th Tim Jeffery 6th Matthew Castle 27th Geoffrey Sloan 7th Thomas Le Prevost 29th Dominic Heaume 8th Adam Cox

Team Results I Elizabeth College A 26 2 La Mare de Carteret 108 3 Elizabeth College B 115 4 St Peter Port A 172 5 Grammar School A 201 6 StSampsonsA 163 7 Les Beauchamps 246 8 St Peter Port B 381 9 Grammar School B 272 10 St Sampsons B 348 Ii Grammar School C 370 12 Grammar School D 474

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Victoria Match Age Group:Senior


Dale Garland

7th Richard Kowenicki 2nd

Jamie Chambers

11th Michael Ashman 3rd

Mark McKeaiy

13th Piers Clinton-Tarestad 6th

Jamie Whalley

Team Results


Total 1 Elizabeth College 1,2,3,6,7,11


2 Victoria 4,5,8,9,10,12


Victoria Match Age Group:Middle


Peter Girard

12th Adam Heaume 3rd

Douglas Rouxel

13th Tim Paluch 8th

Matthew Beeson

14th Toby Le Lacheur 9th

Carl Blewett

15th Simon Henderson

Team Results


Total I Elizabeth College


34 2 Victoria

1,3,8,9, 12, 13



Island Schools' Championship Medals Junior Winner

Matthew Beeson 3rd

Carl Blewett

Winning Team (& Junior Colours)

Colts Winner 2nd

Winning Team

Matthew Beeson Carl Blewett Ross Tucker Andrew Mauger Matthew Castle Thomas Le Prevost

Peter Girard Tim Paluch

Peter Girard Tim Paluch Tobias Le Lacheur Adam Heaume Darren Batiste Simon Henderson

Page 14

College Championships Middle School Champion Peter Girard (Brock Cup) 1st IlIrd Former Tobias Le Lacheur (Eldridge UI 5 Cross-Country Cup) Winning House 6th School 209

5th Town 157 4th Country 132 3rd South 116 2nd New 75

!t North 64 (Arthur Crowe Cup)

Douglas Rouxel Darren Batiste Adam Heaume Phillip Eyre Jody Ferbrache William Wyatt

Senior School Champion Dale Garland (New Vth Form Record) (John Carey Cup) 1st Girl Catherine Taylor (New Record) Winning House 6th School 316

5th Country 215 4th North 151 3rd Town 111 2nd New 88 1st South 51 (Frank Carey Cup)

Dale Garland Piers Clinton-Tarestad Jamie Whalley Chris Colclough Philip Le Pelley Adam Shields

Victoria Match Colts Race was won by Peter Girard in a new Course Record Victoria won the team race 34 points to Elizabeth's 46

Colts' Colours are awarded to

Douglas Rouxel and reawarded to

Peter Girard

Senior Race was won by Dale Garland and Jamie Chambers who finished 1St equal

Elizabeth won the team race 30 points to Victoria's 48 (Save & Prosper Shield)

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Colours are awarded to

and reawarded to

Dale Garland

Mark McKeary Jamie Whalley

Richard Kowenicki Jamie Chambers

Senior School Cross Country

1st Garland S 17.26 6th Ashman N .34

2nd Taylor T .27 7th Kowenicki T .39

3rd Chambers T .27 8th Whalley S .43

4th McKeary, M. No 18.47 9th Colclough S .52 5th Clinton-Tarestad S 19.04 10th Lanoe C 20.00

House Results South 51 New 88

Town 111

North 151

Country 215 School 316

Middle School Cross Country

1st Girard N 12.50 6th Batiste No 14.13

2nd Rouxel No 13.32 7th Henderson T 14.35

3rd Paluch C 14.09 8th Elder S 14.43

4th Heaume No 14.12 9th Hurley N 14.45

5th Le Lacheur T 14.12 10th Ephgrave N 14.58

Team Results

North 64 New 75 South 118

Country 132

Town 157

School 209

Junior School Cross Country

1st Beeson S 7.09 6th Birch N 7.48

2nd Blewett H 7.23 7th Le Prevost No 7.49

3rd Knowelden C 7.32 8th Orme No 7.55

4th Mauger No 7.33 9th Heaume No 7.57

5th Tucker No 7.39 10th Castle H 8.01

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Team Results Scorers Total I North 4,5,7,8,9,15 48 2 Country 3,11,13,17,19,23 86 3 School 2,10,14,30,33,42 131 4 South 1,16,22,26,29,44 138 5 New 6,18,20,24,35,40 143 6 Town 12,21,25,34,36,37 165


Junior: First year fencers G. Sloan, R.Lean and M.Naylor competed together with second year fencers C.Morris and O.Tostevin for the Wheadon Cup. The pool was for the best of 9 hits and Sloan got off to a good start winning his first two fights against Lean and Naylor, losing only to Morris, who won all his fights. In the whole competition Morris received only 2 hits, a remarkable achievement. Naylor, fencing with great determination and skill, was unlucky to loss to Tostevin by 1 hit.

The final results were:

Wins Places C.Moms 4 1 G.Sloan 3 2 O.Tostevin 2 3 R.Lean 1 4 M.Naylor 0 5

Senior A.Tostevin, D.Eagles, D.Walder, C.Taylor, A.Nightingale, A.Bushby, and S.Lean competed for the Sarnia Sword. The preliminary pool results showed Bushby in first place with Nightingales and Eagles all on form with 5 wins each. In the quarter-finals Bushby had a bye, with Tostevin beating Lean 15-10. In the semi-finals the Bushby against Tostevin bout had to be stopped due to Bushby spraining his ankle, which allowed Tostevin an easy 9-6 victory. In a long bout Eagles beat Nightingale 14-10. The final between Eagles and Tostevin was evenly matched with Tostevin catching up 10- 11 after 6 minutes but Eagles emerged the winner by 15-I1 with some nice parry-ripostes.


D.Eagles, C.Wilkes-Green, A.Tostevin, C.Taylor and A.Nightingale were the College competitors. A.Bushby was unfortunate to sprain his ankle in the College Foil Championships the day before we left for Crystal Palace.

The Senior Epee proved to be our best weapon with Catherine Taylor pulling out all the stops to finish a magnificent 5th out of an entry of 30 in the Girls' event. Adrian Nightingale, in his first year at senior level, achieved a remarkable 12th place and was unfortunate to meet the eventual winner. Darren Eagles and Alex Tostevin both managed very creditable results being placed 18th and 23rd respectively out of an entry of 107,

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Eagles was again on form in the Senior Foil event, achieving 26th place, with Nightingale not far behind in 44th place out of any entry of 140.

Sabre is not our strongest weapon, but Wilkes-Green and Eagles both reached the first round of the Direct Eli,mination coming 29th and 30th respectively and helped to improve the total points scored in all weapons to 22, an increase of 5 on the previous year.


Public Schools Fencing Championships at Crystal Palace Sports Centre.

All the College fencers did well and in particular Catherine Taylor, who was 5th in the Girls' Senior Epee event. Catherine was presented with Fencing Colours during Assembly in St James on 19th March.


A group of CCF cadets completed an expedition training weekend on 15th-16th March. They were S.Lean, M.Harbour, P.Raines, l.Carre, C.Williams, T.Paluch, T.Wheadon, T.Oswald, R.Sweet and A.Pring.

CCF Adventure Training was blessed with fine weather so that the lull range of activities - climbing, canoeing, walking, conservation work, expedition work, caving, etc. - went ahead unhindered. The group was based at Okehampton Camp and also visited the Commando Training Centre, Royal Marines. Several cadets used the expedition phase to complete their Duke of Edinburgh Award Silver or Bronze qualifjing expeditions.

Dorset Challen&e '97 held at Bovington on 23 February. Nineteen teams participated in this March, Shoot, Assault Course Competition. The Elizabeth College Team was placed 3rd. This was the first time that the College CCF had entered a team. The team was fourth in the march section, and won the shooting section with a score of 150 points out of a possible 160. The team consisted of: E.Benfield, C.Coltner, C.Wilkes-Green, J'Ede-Golightty, A.Barclay, D.Eagles, M.Harbour, A.Le Page.

Shooting The Elizabeth College 'A' Team was placed third in Division I of the British Schools Small-bore Rifle Association Autumn League. The 'B' Team won Division 2 of the league. During assembly on Wednesday 15 January, badges were presented to the 'B' team members: Christopher Colmer, Aidan le Page, Simon Quarrington, Robin Vernieux and Christopher Wilkes-Green. The highest average in the 'A' Team was 98/100, scored by Darren Eagles. The highest 'B' Team, average was Robin Vernieux '97/100.


A College team entered the Guernsey Open Lifesaving Championships on 16th March. The team was: M.Ashman, P.Le Pettey, J.Rowland, D.Smyth and J.McGowan (Ladies College). They were placed 10th.

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Members of the College Choir paid their annual visit to St Maio between April 1 lth-14th. They sand at the churches of Notre-Dame des Greves, Rocabey and at the parish church of St Maio. On the Sunday afternoon they visited Saint-Suliac and Dnan with their hosts from Chateau Maio.


The twentieth trip ventured out to Killington, Vermont, U.S.A. Twenty three skiers were led by Mr J. Hooker and Mr T.Bell. The Ash Beginners Shield was won by R.Burgess. The Best Intermediate Skier was David Wilson and The Rosebowl for the slalom race was won by Mark Elliott.


Junior canoeing recommenced this term on a windy and cold Havelet Bay. Climbing took place in the warmth of the Sports Hall.


The following received music certificates during Assembly on Wednesday 23rd April: P.Raines (Grade 5 Violin), A.Greenfield (Grade 5 Violin), J.Humphries (Grade 5 Violin), B.Kirby (Grade 7 Piano & Grade 8 Violin) and O.Bartlett (Grade 8 Violin & Grade 6 Piano).

Chamber Music Evening held on Wednesday 26 February. Solos were performed by M.Jewell (violin), C.Quigley (trumpet), N.Peters (trombone), O.Bartlett (violin), N.Venn (French horn), J.Surcombe (piano) and B.Kirby (violin). There were also renditions by the String Quartet - Die Musik (B.Kirby, C.Robertshaw, D.Lihou, J.Surcombe), the Baroque Trio (O.Bartlett, J.Surcombe and P.Harris) a Violin Duo (O.Bartlett and J.Thomas) and a Brass Sextet (S. Rodger, C.Quigley, A.Falla, M.Ashman, J.Mclnnes, N.Peters). The Chamber Orchestra performed two items.


The Elizabeth College 13 and under Tennis Team won the Beau Sejour Trophy at the Annual Sports Council Awards. Presentations were made during College assembly on Wednesday 26 February. The team consisted of B.Gill, M.Watson, J.Le Tocq, M.Greentield and J.Sexton.


A. Shields reached the final of the Men's Island Squash Championship. Under 19: A.Shields beast S.Birch. Under 16: R.Curgenven beat S.Birch. Plate Winner: D Pugh. Under 14: R Curgenven beat D.Pugh. Plate Winner: G.Clinton-Tarestad. Under 12 winner: M.Birch.

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This year's College Drama production. Translations by Brian Friel, was presented in The College Hall on the evenings of 13th, 14th and 15th March. Audiences were small but appreciative, and the production was very successful.


Have been presented to the following:

Royal Lifesaving Society, Distinction Award - the highest level of lifesaving:

David Crosland Nicholas Babbe Michael Ashman

Award of Merit:

Catherine Taylor Huw Lewis-Jones Melvyn Harbour Christopher Guille Adam Greenfield Daniel Bishop Ben Le Huray

Bronze Medallion:

Matthew Atkinson Ian Carre Peter Falla Robert Guilbert Craig Williams

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