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District was told about· its potential tor embezzlement

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THE NEWPORT BEACH • Real E tate Guide inside • ·Today':-. Real btat Cu1dP. f atures hundred of listings tor nf>w and pre­v1ou,lv 1 wned homl' Of COMMUNITY


Weekend, Nov. 28-29, 1992 Winner of 51 journalism awards in 1992 25 cents

inside · I Newport lllrbor, rAIM ·Vlctarloul In Ci= football llllYOffl

· The Battle of the Bay II -Newport Harbo'r High's Sailors and the Corona del Mar Sea lCings - is et for next Friday night in the CIF Division IV football semifinals following Friday night's COJ)quests.

Harbor dropped previously unbeaten and No. 1-seeded Rubidoux, 28-14, behind the toring ellploits of Colin

Morris in the second half. Coro na del Mar, meanwhile, <ame from behind in the

Newport North Boulevard begins at PCH and ends at 17th Street in Costa Mesa.

District was told about· its potential tor embezzlement .,.. Beginning in 1980, independent auditors repeatedly warned off cials about the hazards of keeping sloppy books.

'Tis always -better to give than deceive

a-~--.\~vanin second~s~t~o~s~t~oQ._~~~l-~-l---.----:-'21'~=-~-:;:-,.;.;-:-~~~-range, 13-10, as

quarterback Matt Evans completed a 13-yard strike to tight end Chris Quinn with 42 econds remaining.

S:..s.; \', r D e.ir \tr \\Jg 1cr lh "' l> l.fc un 1he


Complete details in Sports.

A legend In his own time

Paul Palmer began his flrClfC':.)1Qn,1I hie during the Dcprt>ss1on b<.>fore eventually lwcom1ng on(• of e"' port At>.lCh ~ lc·,1din~ husine:.~ f1~ur ~ But ""hether h<> w,1s rt(' h or poor, om· thing was for ~lHl' clbout thl• m.yi th<'~ nick­ntlrnC'd Papp\ He .ilwa}':. \\Cnt ltr'I t Id''- Columntc;L Rnbc·rt (,,mtn1·r C'\pl,11 n~. p.l~l' A )

I community events • The Costa Mesa/Orange Coast Lions Club will hold a rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. today and Sunday at the Ora nge Coas,t College Swap Meet, located in the Adams Avenue parl.lng. lot.

More community event s can be found on page A4.

quote of the day . '

" \ \'c hJd no ide;i thJt there \\,IS t•mbt"'ZZIC'ment - \\.(? \\Cf(>

>U>picious of the mi>m.m.1gc­mcnt 0 1 funds We thought 1t

"J> 1usc sloppy booJ...J..ccping - D.rna BIJcl.., a Nev.port BNch real l'>t.1te agent who hJ) t\\O children attending Nl'\\ port-MC':i.l schoolc;, \\ho is among parent) saying the ~hoof d istrict hJd been

~ "arncd for yea~ of unsound accounting practices by outside

{. aud.tors (Al )

weather Partly cloudy and cooler today with highs in the low 60s,lows in the high 40s. A series


of weak storm systems passing far north of us have contributed the clouds, but no rain is forcast for our area.

For complete details 9n. weather, tides, surf and fishing, see page A2.

index Around Town ........................ A4 Auto Guide ........................... 812 Classified ............................... 87 Community Forum ........... ..A 1 S Cro~word . . .. .................... B 11 Entertainment.. .................... A 10 Horoscope ........................ 811 'legals ................................... BS Mo\lie listin~ .......... ............... Al Religion ............................... .A12 Society ................................. . Al 3 Sports .................................... 81

t number to call

TO SUBSCRIBE 6'42-4333




RETAIL ADS 6'42-4321

NEWSROOM 540-1224

NEWSROOM FAX 646-41 70

SPORTS 642·4330

C~sl Community News, Inc. Copyright 1992 ''int«d In pMt on r~d p.iptf.


O\\en Minnery, left, and Jerry Tuclcer are members of the Old Ne\\port Boulevard Ad Hoc Committee and are trying to revitalize the area.

By Tony Dodero SUIT Wlitef

OLD NEWPORT BOULEVARD - Just cast or the bu tling, traffic-snarled Newport Boulevard lies thi aged street chock l ull of eccentricity, character and history. It 's a throwback from a earlier era that's a bit worn around the edge .

But now, some o f those who tivc and work on Old Newport Boulevard, the relic or a highway that was once the only road into Newport Beach, want to sec the place pruccd up and brought in line with the rest of the city.

What Old Newport needs,

Boulevard of token themes

There's no rhyme or reason to the makeup of Old Newport Boulevard. That's something some people want to change

- and others don't. some ay, arc street repairs, new •

Commmee 10 come up ''11h the an~er .

" It's preuy worn down," i.J1d Brion Jeanneue, an arch11e1..1 und commiuec member ''ho ha~ an office on Old Ne"pon " \\'e \\ant to create a theme. Something that 1 more comfoitable than a racetr.u:k. Right now, it 'i. seedy."

But not all of the propert) O\r,.neri. on the boule,:irJ feel that wav.

"Some people might '>J) I'm eedy," aid Sid Sofl'cr. the

infamou Co-.ta M~a re iden1. ~ho 3long ~ 1th h1 wafc ha owned the former \\- h1,kt:) Blll'i. Bar and Grall and lssc, \ Re taurnnt on the boulc\an.I .

sidewalls and gutters, new parking and JUSt an O\/Crall tidying up. So to tackle the problem, the city formed the Old Newport Boulevard Ad Hoc

" It's not my bu inc to J)' wh:ll )OUr prupcrt' should look hke. I don't want 'OU coming and


:-.l:.\\ POR r ~IESA - lnd..:p .. n· Jent ;.iuJ1tor' \\,HneJ s~hool Jl\-1ric1 ol fici:il' m.irc than a Jc.: 1J.:

• (Jl!O that ... Jopr) ac~ounting pr ce­Jur.:~ cuulu lead w thc n\i ;ip· pr.1pnJlll>n ol h111J, - a n r:.e for "hich S11:phen \\ .tl!ncr \\,II ~c.: lo!· mall) ch.irg1:J :0-h nJ.1) ml rnrn~

Wagner . .:o. 1' , .. heJuled 1 r ar­raignment \ln c:h.1rce' v: 1~ .i ang SI'.? m1ll1on fmm the :"\.:''! rt· \k,.i l nllicJ Sd111 >I Di-tr11.t. .n amount that 1n't.''llgator' !.a~ n•J, \!f lW Ill more than s~ n11ll1on Be­cause ~Orne of the mOOc;\ ... ,unc fwm the Ji,1rict"' fcJcr;ilh.1und.:J chool lunch prngr.101. 1i1,c,11i.:=i·

1or-, 'J' 1ht.' 1:u1 hu' b~ omc m· \OheJ. .

A group ol ll\c p;m::ll'I "ho bcc.111 t:\.1111111111'1! 'chool d ,111 .. 1 buJgc1 Jo ... umenii. m f.ehruJr. '>J~ the 'chool d.,tn-t h3d b.co ,.,, 1rncd 1or \C3r' ol un ound J..­

couniing pr;.i~ticc., b~ ouh1Jc audi­tor~

• \\ 1. had no 1dc.1 11!.11 1h1: re.: "J' cm •c:l k111.:n1 .- 'c \\1:rc u~p1-ciou 01 thl' m1~m.1n:.l..:cm .. nt ol fund~." ':11d r:.irent D.11i:.i Ul:ick, .1

Ne\\ pull UcJdl re II estJt. Jg..-m "ho ha' t ' 0 ch1Ld1cn at11:nd1n_ ~c" port-.\1..:.:... .t.w. '. ... lhl'ught II \\J~ Ju't ..!opp~ h,x:.l;­kclping ..

..\' tar b;.ick 3, Jun •• p),IJ •• H1d1-tor' '"tit the \l .1.11. llurJrnJn :i ... -

coun111\g 1 irm "arncJ the '" h~)ol d1,1m.t 01 Ull\\)JllJ .1 i.'l.IUOtlllg pm· ceJu res lhJt ~· ul1J lead ll) ~m­bcukmcnt

"Check' H: ... v' 1. I in t 1. r I See AUDITS Al8

II', I'.! I I h: t u~ 1 l°m 'urc Ore d \ \l.IU re ,,c;,111;ae .t h1• tin.:d b 1thr be und the n:'t '' u·n.: spor1111~ 01J11ge c, :.till\ JJ I m .... urJ \dto' nJ 'haring .1 b~nt. \:nh a

Steve Marble

Managing Editor

gu~ \\Io

lthc.:'> to 't.:JI IJl.1u· pun~t from U\I\\ or omc 'u~h

~OU \l' ' l ~our e l one tmi: aaorne' 'llU nt r

hJ\C d n..- a lot I 1lh thin!,:' O\Cf the p:l\! . up: ~enr~. but \llu '1..rc harted 1hc corrnt cour'.: on ~kct ng kg.11 co.:n cl Pilu 1 \ •f 111t•11 St I \C ph' ,,

.. ;irJ th.it if I e'er get 1r.:o .i

p11.:ldc, 1.·.111 \(c~cr !Or me \ nJ I J £0l J I g \l U

r .nc him up ' un \Ou r · e1..>1nc to necJ the bc!it -

I Jlrn't J.\nl)\\ "'he1hcr ~l):.J ge1 t '·" .. p:ip ... rs 1;p


. Wagner was the guy who fixed the mistakes .,.. When auditors found deficiencies in district


accounting procedures. former budget director was told to make corrections.

By Russ Loar S•.1tt Wrllef

Nl:.WPORT-~ll ~...\ - In thi: 'ummcr ol 19'11. 11 en· ,hlX I d1,. tract budgc1 d1rc~h1r tcphtn \\'.1~­

ner \\Jrncd of ll'U!!h 11011.:' JhcaJ . for kx-al '>choo1' .

.. ,, c're not an tic ':imc ho3t orhc r d"trh:t-. arc 111 right nm'." \\ agnc r told the l).111) P1kll. "Uu1 11 "Ill be a lean ,c,1r'

Wagner\ pr1.J1cl1lln' -.:-Jme true 1n September lQQ I. "h..-n '"'h' "'

'The guy who ends up putting his hand in

your pocket is the same guy you've

assigned te>·take care · of your money. Until

you catch that person red-handed; you trust him. That's what 1t s all about - trust.•

- RJRllHl WERNfR school board president


Ji trkt ofhc1af, beg.in the nc" ""'h' I )t'31 b) 'Pl'ndin • al'l\ u1 1 m1lh~n to co, er a "ltnc-11cm crrllr'' in the pnM ,h°"'I )C.11', l'u,Jgct

t the time. ''hlX'I di,t rid t.l111'71a1' ard the crrnr ":i' c:iu cJ ll\ th onu 1i.>n of 'alanc-. ror a grnup lll ' h(X I J1,tr1d mplo' c from the budget Ocput) D 1,trict Atlllrn1.-y C:irl ll1gg' '~Id la~t \'~d.: &h • rror" ma) ha' e been manul:ldurcJ to \.O\CT up \\ :.igncr·, • llctc\J em· bcukment.

Although '.:hool d1,tnct :iud1h h;a\C \\ arncJ llf foult\ 3 rount1n' rm· ecJurc\ in the :'\c\\rxm-~tc'a '~h I dn.tr1 .. t lor ' ''· ,,h1.'\)I bo rd Pre idcnt l\lm.:..,t Werner 'aliJ thl.1rd mcml .:r!o. :rnd actnum,trut '' ho: lie' cJ '\)rrn II\ c .11.1 lllll " a' tnkc n


Area merchant says it all: 'I think ~e've turned the corner' By loMM Basheda SUftW11W

COSTA MESA - Santa Claus cam-o to town early this year for area merchant\ who declared Friday - the official M:irt of the Chn tmu shoppin& sea~>n - a smashing uccess.

"Things took a lot bcncr than they did la t )'Cir," s.ai,d David Roberts, a i'tant manaaer at Toy1 International. " I think Vtc've turncc;l the corner."

At Suuth Coa t PltLH, p3rking p cc ' were (cw and hoppcri were many.

" We're sccina a lot more bag in people' h~nd \hi yc:ir," :ud fan ' Roberts. poke wom:in for South Coa t Pl1.ta ''Merchant arc \/Cl) pica cd with the way thrn nrc goina. compared to last year."

Even valet parking wa~ "\IUm·packcJ " - \0 bu y. one cmpk>)cc noteJ. th:it an cclcbritie ""ho m11ht have toomcd in for '°me holiday thopp1ng at the posh plan "went unnoakcd."

In iJc, mobs of hopper ucezcJ r :uh throuah the crowd d mall rorrn.kll'"S,


forming :s m;,ize ol humJn hn.: .. - the b1~c t being l\lr a chance to '" on S:inta•s lap.

\ nd \\h, t do the k1t.IJ1c want from .mt:a thl' \C:tr? •

I our·)cnr·,,IJ hmtorhcr 'hyl) wh"pcrcd thut he intenJ cd tu all!\: for the t:snJ:irJ G.I. J1~ c;.rn1hn Imm car· tn e r.

S·yt r·olJ UrtiJ cite haJ her he. r1 cl on the n~fan It'd R\,llcrbl:uk lbtt • And Q. c1N,IJ M1 hcllc - \\ell, !t"hcllc: 'a1J ' he know heller 1hnn hl rount on , Id N.cl , h 'in ol\t'C rc:quc: tc:d b

A2 Saturday, November 28, 1992 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally P1

Locals Only Managing Editor Steve Marble ..• 642-43'

l ~

Streetwise -Merchants . rewal'd gener-osity toward other

Q: Tbere have been eight people lcllled during die past two weeka In high-speed polce chases. Most of them were bystanders. Do you feel there's an

JANE' A TIQUE IS OFFERJNG READERS 10 PERCENT OFF MERCJL.\ OISE 1hrough December in exchange fo r one small donation to

SOS chatity. Snnc.lra ~kNdll , owner of Jane's Antiques llaid that

people '"ho bnng 1n ~nc item - a can of food, a non-pcrillhablc item or a used toy - to be donated to SOS, c~1n rccci\c the JO-percent discount. Jane's Antli.JUCll i.elb <1n1iquc!>, collccrables and takes in 11ems for con~ignmcnl. J:lne's Antiques is located on

for our customers to do something positive and productive in the holiday spirit without ta.\ing their pocketbooks." Lin~Iie for Less is committed to helping the

homeless. and the newest recycling program is followed by a very i.uccessf ul program in April that presented the Mission with thousands of recych.:d brns, and a dom11ion of SJ ,000.

After you've brought in your clothes for charity. you' ll find that Lingerie for Less sells lingerie for women and men at 20 to 70 percent below retail. Lingerie for Less launches a new line of lingerie 1ha1 is 'designed to recreate the Hollywood's golden era of the 20's and 30's. The new fashions, "Hollywood Retro"- include a selection of gowns, '"~1ps, chemi-.cs

atternattve to the high-speed chase?

Uifayc11e in Cannery Vill:ige {673-5688).

VOL. 88, N0. 282

Readers' Hotline: 642-6086 • .,, 1)1'11""'"" •h<>.i' 111<> lu • P ~ ~ ~ IP" w•I bl' 'ffl>'dfO •ncl 8°'_.." d ·~ I (d '"' 't'lr 1ll·• m lnbdf'll r~ "'"'" ,. "°"' ...... f'n~11 Wl\'1Cf' ""'~ ~ IJV'd 10 •l"CC>td if'ttf'f1 I() ~ P<f "" "" ' "' ft>pt< (Of'lt bl.IOI' !(I ~ H<ICI n~ ~tw) "'•"I I) .,... thf> 1 fl)l'll"'f'nh pvt>! .Norl "'"'' f\t lutt~ 1tw , f'4'mt- < rv A"'ld pN'tr-fl flu""f'w"' •CJt

...-r1fi(41tllfil" fhl\ t\ 'f'OV' (o•mrnu" r. nf"'ii\>\f\.IPfJI' """' w.1nr vnu' nVl')IVf"!"'r'M'nl

Deliver)' euar.mtee! · II .,.,., ' " I \y~rit-r .eM dl1 no( t-i.,..,_., 't "''

JMP"' ll'! f) • m • • m nn '>otul'd•"' •n<l t>c>li d.IY'l , • II tll'fnt,. 10 • rft •M - 11 1!'1 •t 1t vou' t>i> """" Out ( in!(I""" ~"'"' P ( f'ntr1 ,,. 2 OJJ •• o,wn ''"'" 6 • m fll ~ p,,.. '¥1<~t lllfougt. f nd• y Mid • • m 10 I 0 • m on \It 11t ti.~ f(I •"',you ..,,h yn,,1 rurul4«o•• nH'tl•

To make a corrKtion II t 1 .... P1k>I , polo IO IW'O"'pt}, ' '"f'<l • ..

'°" oi w~nff To -.Pt>" '" - • r11~ .. tion P'f!- "" 6•1 4 1'1 t•t J6J Th.tn• .. •

,_,...,._ .... ~ ~ °""' <lwfJ-"'1MO" ~·

WllRMI ' UWtl (cfW Vo ..... ...,

.._,r_ Otui.«Jon °'"""°'

...... """'4 ,..._,.._.....,,...... llM \ 61\>fl ,.. .. ,,_~, ...

Robert Garber Seal Beach ·Lo'' -speed

d1.t--e... It\ re.Jll\ d

dtlemm,1 '

Stacey Osborn Westminster

l 1 >uldn t thl' p1 l 1 (' JU'l 1111111\\ them 111

t1 ht'licupll'rl'

Jody Chow \o ta Mes.l

I "' mµ,1th11l' \\ th I h<>,l' \\ h11 \\ l'rl' JU'I r 11>1 ·t I I> 1l .1 ..

l11n~.1-.t~ \\t'r1• 1r ... urt•d the\ -.hould ll'l 'U'f1l'Cl5 go.

I• .. nnt \\or th rhi..: \l.> or If' flt ll <.'Ill

! \ • ,, ndcr'

\u Bui ~anta AnJ

I,,.,. rht Jlt 1p L' 'ht Hild f!J'>l 11·,~\t' llH• p11!11 l'

d1•po1rtl1l!'I' .! '1n1 · .Let !l11·n1 dn th1•1r

t 1), "v,,1fl llt I

t HI 1-. ('\l'f


Su.,an Ambri1 lr"ine

I I (( !.. \ t..•

.1 • • , ·• 1lould Iii' I nl~I\ t•d rnm1 ·c 1.1tf'I\

durrnc .i high 'f>t·t•d p11r'>utl I m 'IHI' I \\l1Uld -..1\ l l'ltll \

1n'l•1 1•n· ' \ 1 ·~

0 BIUITA'S CAFE IS SELLING COLLECTOR'S PORCEL\lN DOLL AT HALF OFF for the holiday:.. The dolls will be on s:ile the fir!>t through 1he I01h of December. The hand-painied porcdJin dolls regularly sell for SlOO to S250. Britta's Cafe is located . on l\tain Street in Balboa

Best Buys



Angeles Mission Women's Outreach program. Lingerie f or l rss located in the Costa Mesa CllUrl) Jrtb on Ne\\ porl Boufc..,,:ird (645-4552), invites \Uu 10 bring in your used, (but in good condition) p.1J.1m.1, , go'"ll'· robe and nightshins.

In C\~hangc. tu"tomcrs will receive Sl off any purch..i-.c for c:ich item tr:iJed in (maximum five ltCnh) rhc garmcnb \\tit be; prufes:.ion .. llly cleaned anJ don..11cd .lO 1hc Lo' Angele .. ~fosion Womcn'i. Ouirca~h program.

l mgcnc for Le,., ., geared lO\\ ard making :in 1 npa,·t on the problem, facing our community. c'pcc1.1ll} \\Omen." :l}S Kc\.in ca .... idy, President and lln1nJcr ul Lingerie for Less. "With C\Cf)one 1ii;h1cning their belt'>. this progr:im is an opportunity

COMMUNITY EVENTS • Please send it in writing: To pl.:ice an e\enl, plt.>J~e "fill Community [wnh. Daily Pilot, 330 8 \\'. Bay St. (lht.1 Mesa. CA 92627

TODAY 8 am. Co,1a \iesaiOrange Coast Lions Club to 3 p.m Rummage sale, at Orange Coast Col·

lt-ge Sv • .ip Meet, locJtt'd Ill the Adams A\.enut> p.irking lot

11 30 a mCorona del Mar High-School reunion, at L1nLOln Element.dry School, 3101 Pa· ofn.: \1ew Drive A childten's carn1\.al, entt>rt.linment iood and be"erages are 1nclu1ft.tJ in the $5 odm1)s1on fee Th<be




and bustiers. · Lingerie for Less also carries an extensive line of

silk boxer shorts in vintage prints; cotton uni1ards; sietch lace, mesh and cotton bodysuits, and n:inncl pajamas. Stocldng-stuffers and holiday accessories include colorfu l hat boxes. aromatic potpourri and crystal heart kisses.

And just in time for the holidays, Le Pre' products are available. Le Pre' is a new environmenially friendly line or body products featuring bQdy lotions, bubble baths, bath snits and gels in four fragrance<;.

All four lines arc available in 4· or 8-ouncc biodegradnble boulcs, and are sold at Lingerie for Less' everyday low prices of $3.99 and $5.99. Three gift sets all under $18 arc available for the holtdays. Featuring a natural loofah or cloth mitt, candle, and two 4·9unce or 8·ounce bo11lcs. the gift sc1s arc pack:lged in decorative bo\cs with coordinating

.holiday ribbonll.

0 TUE SESAME STIU:l:.I GE!'\ERAL STORE OFFEK ' READERS EDUCATIONAL AND El'\TERTAIXl~G gift ideas The Se ame General Store, located in South Coa!>t Plaza (432·1900). \\Ould hJ..c to pru,11.le parents \\1th products that combine good qu;illt}. en· tertainment and educational \alue and pricing to fit a '\.aricty uf family budgets. For duldrcn three and up

......, _.., Mllr ....., 4 5 6 7

9 10 11 12 13 14

16 17 18 19 20 21

23 24 25 26 27


'"rh tdephont> number~ of .rn> cla~smate) from 1977 Jre encouraged to call 644·4242, e\l. 354.


6 ..i m. c , 10 tu 3

p m O!tlJ Mes..., range Coast Lions Club Rummage sale, at Or..inge Coa~t College 5,"JP Meet, located in tlw -\ bm; A\.enue parking lot.

J JO p.rn ' lfoliday for Strings, rree mus1ql in Community Room of Ne'"f>Ort Center L1hra~. 856 San Clt>ml•nre Or Nt'>\vporr-Bl'Jt'h rnr in1ormtffion, call (>~4-3181 or 644 31.35


b JU Pm Trl'e Lighting Ceremony, To\\n Central P,uk in C~.1 Mesa feJtunng All·AmerKan Bor.- Choru> Jnd S.mtJ Cl.ius


U Street: A p.1rking mi.: ta '1 .1~ UC: \lrn~cd \Omcllmc lictv.ecn Tuc~day .tlll1 Wctlncsda) 1n the B Street parl.1ng 101 at Ea\t Ocean rront I he. meter v.a'l 11ma~hcd w11h a rtX:k

L1'>t Bay AH~nuc: luggage and tool.,

"onh SJ ,100 were stolen from the garage of a house on the 100 bloc!. sometime during the l:m week. Po· hcc found no evidence of forced entry.

COSTA ME A South Coast Drht: Someone pried

open a Pepsi machine :11 l.'l QurntJ Inn in 1hc 1500 block Satuu.Jay :ind swlc several hun\lred dollars. Orangt Avtnut: A 9 mm handgun was 3mong the items stolen S:uur· day from. n home in the 200 blvd •. The burglar npp:lrcntly broke in b) prying open a window.

"• '•''"'Pl"' llr.t l\t 1~1.1 "''"" l>1 h Pio( I I') ' •4 800 I\ pYbl•~ Mo'"IJ•• INQUiii

s..• ... "d.J• •nd , .. ~ l•pli0"1 J ,. ••• ,•bl" rot ~ • ~Q Pf'' m<,,.,th I>• C.l'rlf'O tfl ~,...porl S.-1< h .ind Cosu M4'W Sft Sft flt" mnnth by ,.... 4ncf fut ~..,j othf'• •Oii!f') 11)" (~

LOCAL TEMPERATillES: Newport Beach 70,46 Balboa: 70 47 ~ (.:ommun " ... f'w\ '"' no "' 8.ty

.,, cosu ~ QI q26r ond<l.t po~ugr p.tod •I (~ ~ ( A tPr1C f'< 1n l..dt> • 1 •pplK 1~ \U!~ anc.I loc1I ll.\f\ I ~TM>.STfR Sf'nd 1dd·~• <h•~ 10 Tht> Pi!oc P 0 Bo• 15b0 I rl\LI ~ CA 'Ub26

Copy11gt,1 "-<> ,,.._ 110< f'\ 1llu\11.1t~>ll\ I'd•· r ,, • I ""•"t'' "' ~rt•Y'mf'l"lb ht'•t' n '"'•• bf> '"Pf1x1u<!"d ""''"°"' ..,, n f'n flf'tm·"""1 ol '>PV'' llht ,..,.,.,,,,.,

Jim Cr~tllngtt Pub1·v.,.

tllloc Sftt11, Jr Ch.11tman

How to reach us at The Pilot Circulation Orangeo rouniy b·12 ·4 113 Adv~rtisinJ: Clas 1f1ed 6'41·5&78 D·spl.ay 641·" 111

fditoriaf ~f>WS 540· 1 124 Sporb b-41-4330 Nf'W) \porb la' 64!> 41 70 Main Offte• Suw~ Offtrp Ml ·011 Ou in~' f.l'IC & 11 ·S1I02


Co ta Me.,a: 73 46 Coronel del Mar: 7214 7

TODAY: P.Jrtly cloudy .tnd <oolt'r tod•r ~ilh

high\ in tht low &Os,low in tht> high 40 A "'" ~ of "'nli lorm S)'~ lems f>"Hmg far nonh of U\ ht1\.'t' t0ntrtbuh d th• tloud ,

hut nc> r•1n i~ forc1HI for our arH.

FORECAST: Patll) dt>udt ;and "''"d~ on Sund•y. th(•

un will hru throuKh nn Monday Jnrl .,...,m lhtnjt' up a lfltlt ,,nd the doudt wlll he b.u Ii by T ut'\dcly

BOATING: No 10.l\l"I "'".ilhft .td\.>ISOrltt pu tf'd.

t 1"ht htrt.tblt' wind' thh morn lnlll bflommit ~oulh"'•'I lo ~'' ~-tO I.not thl\ •ftcrnoon. I foot •• ~Ith J (oot ~" lt'rlr \ M-11. P.tt11y cloud •

U/MOON: unMt' 6 4J • . m .1 unst'C ' 4 5l p.m.

0 WT OTR IKW 1ST m. ruu. ..., n Nov Z'4 o.c. t o.c t

Flip and Leurn ($14.95). A colorful gomc that featu res o board with flip-up lette1s and number' lO help children learn basics through simple picture u'sociations. t he Lfnrning Mochine ($9.95), a game that. tesls similar learning skills. is perfect for ttavcl.

Uong o Doll ($18.95). Thi~fun·!illed game teaches children the art of shape-sorting \\ith balls while creating action, noii.e and mo,cment.

Dig Bird's TullJng Dingo {SJ9.95). A new electronic addition to the Se!>amc Street 1oy collection. Brg Oinl' Talking Oingo allows children 1 play bingo and lc:irn the alphabet at the same lime

The Sesame Street AJl·Star Osnd ($39.99). A piano-imp1red kc)bOJrd hold~ the key ta learnmg ,-,uh th1' cntcn;irnmg l' lcc1ronic g:imc. By prcs!>1ng basic note :ind pic1ure kC)S. children cnn create their own songs or JOtn their fo,oritc Sesame Sireet characters in a musical band

Brio Figure Eight Set lS3'> 99). It's back to b:mc' "ith this cla-. 1c four-cnr train and trad. by Brio. Kid w11l lovc this kit. \\h1ch "the perfect start to nny On collection.

chool Dus f ope Rccordor (S5·t95). For kids on the go. the Sesame Strec1 School Bus push-along tJp recorder i\ an it.leal gif1. nllowing kids 10 play, recorll and sing along" ith cn!>settc 1:ipes.

upr r ;\nimntcd Talking Computer ($99.95). Thi\ new electronic game feature~ a 350-word vocabulal) authentic \ oices of "Sesame Street" characters Bert , Ernie and Dig Dird, and mllre than 250 pictures for l;irge screen llr)pl:iy. II helps children Je\.clop language Jnll memOI) )kill~.

For more gift idea\ from the sc .. ame S1rcet GcncrJI S1ore, llC\I \\ CC~ rll continue with gift fur infants :ind toJdler'


Dt• t Bu) app<·an J hundJ) !> Jnd aturd:i.t s. H lwtl1cr _lUU 're D mtrd1.Jnt ur :i ~hoppu, if )OU lvloo uf D guud bu_1. l 'cl loH• tu giu• _luu somt public'it_l. Call me DI 5.S0-111.S, fo\ me at 6./6-./170 or nritt le> me: Jfr t lJu.1 , UailJ l'i'l<1t, JJO U . Uay t., OH tu .\le~a. CJ/If. 91617.

DUI arrests The fl1//1111mt pt:l•pli: u i:rc :ur.-.1.·J th~ p;Ht 14 <'d. tin

)U)pi'1on o/ J111 mg unJN th~ 111flue11, c Th.·~c f''c.>plc h~1 c vnf.v b.'..-n :J11i:,1,·J un .u,r1•mn of .a ,;nme tinJ. lh 111th ;ill >u,h .11n:i:~. thc1 11rc mttt~nt until pru1cn gu1/1,1

NEWPORT BEACH a llJrH')' PJ1. ~t l.'z11oi1, 5 l. !>.tlt·m. 01~ a MJ11J 8cn.1• Alci..inder, 42, r-;e"pon Be.i .. h a Dd1.1 lhen..i ~uu>Jo, n. !'.:c,\port !k-Jih O M.111 \\'oh lb \\1 ,\ll('r

0 0.1mn \\',hfl~ Seal ~S {\bl;i \\e<,.J

C OJ,·id Al.In~ U.rm.N'I i4, ~c·wport Bf'ild't O Cw~ John lnttm'I, 30 !\Unna Del Rt') o \\ 1ll1Jm ll•hri llcl'IJl'fSOn, J::", (())tJ \~

0 Rob<•rt Lt•t• (Jrp('nlt•r, Ir, 4 ~ C<r>l.J ~\"1

O Tro~ W.ilh·r ~\\•\hc-r. lu. ~l'"llOll llr .il:h

COSTA MESA 0 Fernor.dn Cor!f'S 24, COllO t,•f'sO

r Jose froncis co·Rodr g~f'l 47 Cosio Meso o Charles Holdernon JI, Cosio Mesa

Alvaro V1llo 35, Cosio t.leso " l Juan l or.•s '17. Cosio ~.·eso 1 lomos Ponce 49, Casto t-.•rso ~Edward Po .. ers , ') 7, A. so\: •f' o o Jomts F1cquere, 31, Arlo CMc.hoel flee~•'·')'} Hc"'loso Beach o w,11 om Dor, 4 1, Nc ... pon Beocn O Saul Af.ort: , 6'1. Son•~ Ano

Q Ed ... 1n S.lo, 25, Sen Brrncrd no O EdNOrd Dtmo!!t, 46', Cos•o .Vt>so ~ Mon.n '°"'osogo•oy, 30, Coste t.'es.o

,._, 5/Demf ~- · .. · ·,· ..........,,:_ .. :.-.. ... -.. _ ... II:( ... ·.• ,..

Fantasy S Dr .w. mg held

r nd.l) No\' 27: 9, 1 "'. 18. 33. 35

Decc.o ¥ HttJrb ...... ...... . . . ........................ King ... Clu1') ........ ...... .. .. . ... . ................. l t Diamonds ... . .. .... . ...... .......... .......... ..... 9

j# • Sp.ldl~ .. . ....... . . . .............. ....... ............ .,

lOCArlON Sill SHAJ't Huntington 1-4 fair N-pon it.ot<'h 2·l f•lf COl'on.a ct.I M.Jr l ·l f.atr l•JIHI• kad\ I •) (~If S.n ~tt l·l f•lr O<eo&n Tctmpfta.tuni: • l

Tai: IOD.\t ~.,.,hip

""' low ~i'lld h1"h

~Of\d ""' ~UN04t

''"t """ f 1r.1 ..... ~Oftd h~h


u 2f> •m l 4 J1 a.m 2 I

10 0 pm i 4 ' 11 p'" 0 1

I l: am ) 7

' '""' 10 lll9.tm.tl : 0, p'" 0 •

• ..

I Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Saturday, November 28, 1992 A3 ~

~ Movie listings Newport Beach lDWA•os NIW'O•T ( INIMA 300 Newpo.1 Co o• (). .. 644 0160

I Drll(i. lo ~ I JO, 4 I~ 1, 9 30 '2 Alo d dln IG 12 '2 , 4, 6. 8 , 10 3 Hom• Alone 2 ll"GI 1'2, '2 30. S.

, 30 10

IDWAllOS IS~ND CINIMA fo•h-on l1lond Nt~,_, Ct•,., 640 111 8

I l odyvuord <• I I 30, 4 IS, 1, 9 4S '2 Mo lce lm X tl'G 13) ? 7 30 3 ' o n •nver S7 \1\1 I, 3 , S. 7. 9 4 l ody9 word It) I I 4S, '2 30, S IS '8.

1030 • S Tho l.enr 1t , 12 30 2 45 , S. 1 20,

'30 6 M~elmX "'G 13 1116 4 IS.I IS 1 A • Ivor l uns 11.reueh It i1'Gl l'2,

'2 30 ~ 1 30 10

LIDO CINIMA N ""°" ll·d ot ,_...,po11 " -· 61313 0

locemlnt ColoHo t I, 3 S. 7~ 9

' 0•T THl ATll 21f\IS f Coo11 H.gl<wor 613 6'2M "

In Tho Soup 1 9

Costa Mesa I OWAllDS CIN(MA ClNTU 2101 l"o­~.,,cj M '4)\o jt o •tr9 9 4141

I Aloddln IGi 11, I, 3. S, 7, 9 1 Homo Alone 2 11'G) l'2 '2 30 S 7 JO

10 l Aloddln •c; '1 '2. 4 6 8, 10

' 4 Home Alono 2 l'G) U I 30, 4 6 lO 9 IS

IDwA•Ds CINIMA tl0<bot &:<ld/AJo-.,

"" 46 310'2 Molcolm X II(; 13 12, 4 8

HAlllO• TWIN CINIMAS • bo)t I .:s IE W I "' ~· oo• 63 '~\)I

Jennlfo• l19ht a 2. 4,,.., 1 9 JJ " Tt.. Mith!)' O"clu PC 1'2 • S 3 I~,, Q4~

MUA ClN t MA :>Ot' t.d !'•~ loo ••6 JS

"'' . . ..... 11 - 3 ';' 6 '0 10 • ) Hore PC ll ' · " • C • I 30

U IANGU SQUAil 19'P ~ •'<>'tlQl 8.o H• 175

A • Ivor . .. ,.. Thto"th It (t'G 11 ~ • 0

1 Oroculo • I 30 4 I S 7 I~ ~ •) l lody9 .. 01d • I JO 1 • •S 1 ? • . ~ • Hom. Alone 2 tllG 11 30 '] • 30 7


) ,a .. •nt •• n ' 11 30 1 JO • 30 63:> Ill< ,,, •

o Droc .. lo ~ 1 J JO ~ I) 8 IO•$ Homo Alono 2 ' ' ' ~J J ~ )O 8

8 lod79 .. otd • • • • ~ o lO \I )

lOWN CtNlU CINl MAS - Coo•' w .....

Homo Alone 2 ..(; 11 7 lG. ' r 30

• Homo Alone 2 ,C, 0

.. .

X' • 0 l

Aloddln ., '' 1 • ~ 8 0 7 AJedd•ft l(i l I 3 ~ 7 9

Molcolm J( 'Ii'(. J '1 • 6

sourH COAST YtL~O•

• • c.,i.., o- •. 17 ·~ l $ ~

1 4 2 Ven Goth I? 30 I · ~ l 10

A ..... , l wn.1 fhf•"V" fl (l'G I 3~ • IS 9 .)\)

Irvine THI UNIVHSIT'f CINlMA 424$ '°"'""' C ·•IS• 8411

1 l odreuard ~ I .J\i • I) 1 9 4S 2 Molcoltn JI , I J I? • 8 l Jonnllor light ti I J • S 6 JO 9 IS • l edn .,ord t 11 •S 7 30, S IS. 8

•on S Molcelm X K. IJ 1 I JO 0 ,a .. ont• • .51 • I J~ J )0 530


WOOOHIOG I CI NtMAS •D"(o .. ..... '(' • . v .. ,~. i,,)(a

HomeAlone1 C 130 • 1>lC 0 I~

' H.,... A••ne 1 - l'2 30 3 S 3 I 10 :'()

) Aled<llln !C l~ '2 • o 8 10 • H•me Alone 2 P'O 11 1 30 S 1 JD

10 S Aladdin IC ' 1 I 'J 5 1 9


Open TH 8PM (714) 961-5131

Electrolysis ly Janene

Jockeying for social position, he was forced into horseplay P aul (Pappy) Palmer Y.a'> one

of the towering figures in the early busin~ v. orld oC

Newport Beach. More important, Paul was a tlloroughly charming, deligh tful man with a maf\clous 'iCnse of humor. Arid, as we will see, Paul Palmer al\vays went fir.,1 class.

Paul came here in 1935 .1~ the Lido Isle sales agent for the

• Grifith Compahy. which had acquired a bunch of lots on that barren stretch of sand. The next year, he started · ·1he Ne\\ port Balboa Federal Saving' and Lo.111 Association.

... _ ,, ...., \\hich numbered

The Verdict

among ih founders '>Ul'h gianh of Nc"purt lkach'., history as fol'

Beek, Theo Robins, Sam Maver,, Ralph Maskey and Lew Wall.u:c

From thi-, rather humble beginning, Paul Palmer bu1h .i

ub.,tunt ial tin.incial empire. Hov.c,cr, lire had not al\\U)S bi.:cn ca)y for P~ul. for im.tan,ec;

One dtl\, Paul invited me to lunch al the Arche~ 10 meet an old friend of his v.hose name 1 have long since forgollcn. I'll call him John Sm11h. With PJul'!> !>mlling approval, John Smith told me the folio'' ing story of an incident in the younger days of Paul's career.

11 seems that whe11 Paul and John started out in the real e~tatc hll'~incss in the Los Angeles/ Pasade na :irca, they "ere, to put i1 m1l<lly, dirt poor. fhe Depre•,.,1on wa~ 1n full "'\1ng and th~c '''U )Oung men II\ ed together in a· hand-to-moi h existence. 1 ortun.iteh he) had a tu\cdu 'even more· rtunately, they \H:re the :.imc ~1zc And so. a'.!> Mr !>m11h told the story \\llh Paul nodding agreement, the) woulJ 'crimp and "·"e their pennie' for :i month, then at the end of that month one uf them \\Ould don the tu\edo and \\ith 1he monc} they had s.t\ ed go ou t on the to\\ n '' ith 1he commendable ambi1ion of 111cctmg some alflucn t people ''ho

• nughf (XN.1hly he 'Of help tq them '" :1,p1rinii )"•ung rc:il e 11tc:

1lci.mcn. And :.o il h11ppcm:d th.11 \)l\c

tnonth it \\ ,1, Paul!> turn to go tiut on the town Attm:J 111 1hc commu nity tu\Cd<J ~111tl \\1th 1hcir month'-; ':ning'i in hi!> pod;d, P.wl \.Cllturcd lurth tu rub cll>U\\' "ith :1111.J hopdully rn.ikc p1oduc1i'c ontacl v.ith wc~1lth) po1c1111al

·clien t\, P:iul returned during the wee

hour~ and 1u111bh:d into bed alter t.".arcfully hang1n~ up the tu\cd0.

From here on I'll try ltl tell the \ .

WI') 1n the ltr t l'l<!r!>Oll a' John .Smith told 11

"lhe nnnnorning the U JOrocll \u th.: 11panmcnt 1.mg l \l\tnt to. du~ door,.lookcd :rround !>,1' 110

one. clo-.cd the d0<•r Agr1111. the door bell rung Ag.1111, I open~ll the Joor. lou~ed ~rounJ, s.m lh>

one ttnd "~., prep.inng tu du:.c t hi.' dour "hen a \Oicc Imm ..,omc\\here bclo" me ~aid, ·1., till'· Mr l'almcr\.:.rp.1r1 me11t?'

.. I looked down. II \\11 a 'e" '.!>mall m:rn At lni.t, I 1hough1 1i \\,.., :.r gnome I '>Jid. ' \\ 'Ii' .11e you?'

~ I he: !lmall m:in :111.J. ' I'm Peter Jonb {!\g111n,,. I m:i~' up !be n;imc:.)

"I ,ud, 'And jU)t "'! o urc: )OU,

Peter Joni.' ..,. · I he little man sail.I. ' I'm Peter

Jone~ 1'111 JO~kc} . l.a!>l n1gh1. ~tr. P 1lmcr lmed mt: 1() ride tht! hor~r.: in ht' l:tble • .' •

A!> I ~J).of'JUI Palmer .ilwa~~ \\Clll lust dJ''

Rubc•rt Gurdnt'r, :J ( <mm11 de I \tur r<~\idc·n t, i) a n:cir<'d iudgt• .111t1 a lu11gti1U<' obst'n tr uf lift ill \ <·11por1 lfrach.



At the Orange County Market Place, we still beheve in the Amencan Dream

t f.Jllnio; l rtlttprl'Tl<l<tl.; / ( r/""11''11/1

'"' Orim~t C1•unto1 , ,, r /<11 <1

Spaces are available for sellers with marketing skills and the ab1hty to create an atmosphere of appeal and 1mag1nat1on

Christmas Blend Coffee If you meet these qualifications, call 24 hours a day

{714) 723-0306 for recorded information on selling at the Orange County Market Place.

Available Only At Hickory Farms

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• Send A Gift By Phone 642-4302 •

~ James Reid, Ltd.

James Reid of Sante Fe . ...

.exclusively at

Carys & Co. • • •

Belts & Accessories

There are no sma victories in the f 1ght against heart disease

American Heart Association Fa hion I land • 1065 ewport Center Drive • Newport Beach • 714 759-1622

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ftJ · t4o~ ~i..ztMEN'f~ _...~ A.w'ff'IM£. ! ".

J.Q' J:.11&, ...... A f1~ 9J ~ '2,. 69t A+~,E;~ .. ~ .,. ·~YI> "' p£f :r u · ~VP

cfot....,..r~" VI.fit.A Pw~~ C,A~OiJL"'. t<IO 911tMf 1'(t<.i•E~ -s..wo. -r .. ,~'" /oft VY . "'o ta~" f ( i£"

~AJOM'f LvxllllY 'T' / . NO MA•f 'f

W( 1At<£ At..L 1'M£ ~~ 01Jf of ~Y'"'" CA~P! 'f': !f Yoo R( ~ ~f'~f1to, wt. ' QC 1'1.rf :,...f' ., .. £t:-

N11>1'1~"'"' ....,o cu.t> o~ D ~,:;(~r; .... c.£ 611111tA .. '1"Cf

• NO- f=°A UL.1'" 'PR.crre:c·not,,1 °fVI"" • • 15 - p,....., fQ.f.c RC9\.ACCM£.,;f' 6u~~11>owrH • • <> . "'10~ fou rt. Lo""£~ f>C1ct Pure' no-.; • 10 . 'l!l'oQ. 5'fA•N . 1=.4l>C I ..,.,.'f'!' (WP. "' N1'H • r "S ·'(f"'~ Wt"'Cl 6v~UIJ'f£E • '} o- 'fOQ.. Sf R'lllc.E I N C3JS1)<.j£S'> • WH1"1Mt ~eoa. .!..i~rAu.,,.1io..., 6J-.faAN'fH

5?(CJiSf'Cl(t> A ..iP l)o(IJM(Hftl> II.I wtlln~ Bv OvA. NA'fl0"'1-'1. ~(Al>~li,,, ~lb I~ >l£\ool 'lt>i:tl(.


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•·,.A· A .. ,. ... F .. u, ••• ... , ... s1." ttJ1"

SHOPPE (714) 574-7470

Bet h



A4 Saturday, November 28, 1992 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot

·Around iown · ..:!I.. •

Send r.our items to Pete Ryan, The OJ1/y Pilot, 330 ~V. Bay St., Cost.> Mesa, 91627.

Today COMHS reunion -

Club will hold a rummage SJle from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. today and Sund;i~· at the Orange Coast College Swap Meet, -located rn the Adams Av-enue pcl'Tking lot. Call 546·6565 for information.

Corona del M.ir High Sc hool's Class ! pl 1977 \\Ill hold its 1 Sth rt..>union I trom 11. 30 J m tu 2 p.m. J t

Sunday, Nov. 29

, Lincoln [lementMy ~chool, 3101 ! Pacit1c View Dn"t! '" Corona <lei : ,\.\Jr A children\ carn1\.JI, 1 t'nlerlJinmenl. food ,rnd be\.er,1ges : Jre included ir) thl' SS aJm1!;s1on ' tef..> Thu~e '"1th tdephone nurnbeT:> , ot Jny cla~srnJles trorn 197 7 Jre Lt'ncourJged to call 644-4:?42 ,

Holiday musical - The public is invited to " Holiday for Strings," a free mw.ical pcrformt1d by The Evergreen Ensemble, at 3:30 p.m. in the community Room of Newport Center Library (856 SJn Clemente Dr., Ne, .. port Beach).

I t:'\lt:'n)1on 354

The group features Mary Stuckert and Rebecca Quincey on violin, Dana Quincey on viola and Elizabeth Moulton on cello. For informatioo on the event, please call 644-3181 or 644-3135.

• ' Rummage sale The Co~t.l \1e...i OrJni;~ CoJ~t Lions

I ~ · >1 ;· JI



I •

FRE:E: L ,UNCH $ave your Money for the Holidays.

.. We invtte you and your guest to enjoy one Complimentary Lunch entree when a secx>nd lunch

entfee of equal or greater value is purcha>ed . I

i! Ma•g.iolt.MlL• !1 J.I • ,,... _ _ • I Jl'Jexla1/I \.AUlflnQ

!I 2332 W. Coast Hwy. • Newport Beach• 714.631.8220

• I

a• ~ Th5 ~ k> Seiver . Vaid Uni 4pm Mon-Mi. No( \Qid Ml Ant Ohr Oler I'- ------- __ Elp!!_~.1!·1~---- _____ _,

Monday, Nov. 30 Org_anizing Money for

the AUD - "Organizing M Onl>} Maller!> for the Attention D ficit Disorder (ADDI Adult." will be prc.-.ented b> Joanie HeinemJnn, R.N , from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at JoJn l'\ndrews' offices, 1151 Dove Street, Suite 105, Newport BeJch. A $5 donation 1s requested. For more information, call 476-0991.

Tree Lighting Ceremony - The s~ge1)trc.m family invites you to our traditional Tree lighting Ceremony at 6:30 p.m. at Town Center ParJ... Hear the caroling o( the All-American IJO~'S Chorus and hail the entrance of Santa Claus. Complimentary refr~hments.

._,,,......., UIQWTC'ollucM To 11« "'1 Or'hA MoRNllC & AFJ'EllNOON TfAs 't 'l'aA.DmoNAL LUNCHroNS 't' DAll.Y 1 lAPM, Closm ~ Y

'l' ....... -wa.a-'t' AT

fl Regina's ,,. dlina Crystal Sikc.·r

fooNrRv SIDE CiNrn 355 BRfilOL Sm.Erl Sum W

(nm MEs\ 1' 979.8711


-' -. • -

can~/' v 0 z

~ ~

0 :r , -•

. '/


\rl' I.id diet~ tJktn~ you for a ndc> l 1r that ~how<; you " hat m (.'Jt and" hen ro cJt th" " eek I )11\\n next month. Then up ic S<! th;u your mcraholi\m " "'k' tor \OU nut .1~.11n \\ 11h no c:nJ 1n 'il~h l. Well, no\\ a~.t10\t 'ft>U. • there' J hcttcr wa . \ wJ~ to IO\C Whu.h me Jn' the \\t.·i1tht ~ou t.ikc \\Clj!ht and more 1mportJncly fat . fr\ T J.J ~ 1\) x { on t:l)\ un. It \Ou'd hkc to find out 1 ,1lkd l'hrnk I .1j!h1. nd 1t\ J t;llC· • more ahout ho\\ \\C c.:an help )Oil get 111 rhe Jrt . 'l ic.:nufic.:Jll~ ha\cJ \\\lCOl • off the rollcrwJ'itcr. \.Ill m toda

RIEf a.11.TATllll with our counselor. Good throu1h

12·10.92. Call Today 966 1006

• ..., -


' JH.I. • .r.:·UCJ .LNOCJ • .J.ll!JJ'J )l'-lrl.J-:

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Most Beautiful Gift

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Pure flower ..and plant essences • Petr~em1cal-free • 100% pure pf ant arom<t ~ d1\crsc .ls they are original • The perfect complement to ;i ~ealthy.non·ptttrodlemrcal lifestyle

Offered Excfusively In Newpori Buch AVE~· ~ ~;::H;;·;,U«; .,,. t •• i-t.

MU \I\ \I Tiit "'"' ,,, .... ' '

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11,., t, ,r.- • '""'" l Ar• • t .. luur t\hm~too

2630 A von Street, Suite E, N e w o rt B each , CA 92663


Join The Newport Conservancy -You Could.Win a Family Pass!

O n Ja nuary 6, 1993, some lucky family will win a One-Year Family Pass· for four to Edwards Cinemas. It could be your family!

the Conserz1ancy, an organization dedicated to acquiring open land for recreational and wildlife resources.

Help us secure the fu ture of Upper Newport Bay for our ch1 /dre11 and tire generations to come. Join Tht! Nwport Conseniancy today!

All you ha tic to do to en ter the drawing is join The Newport Conser­vtrncy by December 31. Tltis is your lasl chance to become a Cl1arter Member of

....................................... .. .................................................................................................... _ ...................................................... _ ......... -... _. ........ _. DON7MISS



every Tues. 9:30 PM


MmJ 10 The Newport Con!>t.'rvancy, P 0 Box 5556, Balho.i l'lland, CA 92662-SS.56


0 S.'O f"Rll-.'\D

0 ssoo " c;soc1 "n-0 s1oo c,1.:rrpRJU 0 S250C0,1lll8U10R 0 Sl~ ro'~R 0 OTilfRS

Dr~dtlH : DK~onbu 31, 199i ~rt« '1ftnb.~l\lp C11t Cc:rtll•'-•t<~ 1\..all.ab~ lnform.u,•n - 146 4R 1431'


NEW P bRT i ~

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S 16 1cl 'HI 1"8 ,,.

11. cl. 111125fi't131 2cl ~11 ("8... 'b cl II ~&5 .._ _., 3cL ~ 711 ('ti ..-i 'h ct.11 '2U • , ..... 15')


!Jk~~~? . 10128 Adams at Brookhurst CIEHIND DENNY'S)

Huntington Beach (714) 964-4012

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot S~u~~.No~mber28, 1~2 A5 1 ---~------------------------------


Tuesday, Dec. 1 light up a memory - At

7 p m., the V1 ting Nur:.e Assoc_1,, t101' u~ OrJngl' Count} Hospice Prug1.1m \\ill holc.J its annuJI l rt-l' li~hting u~rcmun) in • memory of J lrienc.J ur lc\l'd one.

t E vel') one 1~ 1m ill•d to re~ern' .1

>hming light by m,1king J donJlton' to the_YNAOC I losp1cl.' Progr.im

IThe V1~1ting Nur)l' AssociJtiun ,., locJted .11 133 7 Uf.1Cft•n Court, OrJnge. ror more informJtion, c.,11 Ginee, Jt 288-46:38.

Classes at The Center - Adult Englt)h cl.me ... will begin ill 5 pm .. Jnd C•' A'n!lhtp tr.1ining clJ-.~ "111 begin .it .. p.m JI ti 1t• Ne\\ port ·Co:.t.i Mco;.1 YMCA 2 300 Unt\ l'r:.•l). "'l'\\ port Bt•.1t..h Fur -mon.: 11 iorm.11u n c.11 .. 5-1-11 ·l·I.

Newport Beach meeting fht• P.1rh Bl'"' tiu .. • 1nd R1.•1. rt•,,t on (om1n1,1un lor the· Cit\ ol "ll'\\ pm Bt'<Kh \\Ill mel't .11 7 p m .11 l.300 NC\\ port Boul1'\ .lfd , NC\\.f>ort lh.>.id1

Clo er Th a.n Ever The Wh11l1t•r Coll1.·~t· l lw,111.•r Art-. DepMtnwnt \\tll prc)1.•11t Clu~1.·r Th.111 EH•r .u Up ni .·Tul·,d.1\. through ~.1turd.w in tlw Sh,rnnon Cent1.•r lur the Pl'rlurming \rt-. 67-60 PJ11Hcr A\I.•. t\Cltlll,'>tOll "'55 I Qr T m•,dJ\·Thur d,1\ p1.•rlurnunn'>, S8 tor rrid.I\ .1 id ~.llllld.1\ )hm\' T1d..1.'1!> m.1\ l 1.• pwdi.l ed .ll thtc' Sh.innun Cl·ntt•r Box Olltlt' or b\ c.-il 1n~ tht.' 00\ OlltCt• ,1: ( 11 Ol 90i'-·1:!02

Watercolor!> "·''' \\ l''t \\ .llt'r<. ulur'!I '' I I I! lit pl,l\ ('<I m tht.' Cvmmun1t\ Rt)(11n l•I' ,. :-.:t,\po1t Cu tt.'r L1l>r ,11,, 8 ')(> ~ lt Clt•nwntt• Dr . :-..;c,, port Bt•. I l :inmns Tul'\d.1, throL1~h Dt'l1.•m!h·' '1 Tlw pulJI 1. •~ ,;,, 1tt•d to ,1 rt'll'pt1on tor t ~ Cu)1,1 ,\\t.':..1 Jrl1St on !>und l\. Dl'ccmbt•r b, trom S to q

p.m. r ur 1nlor111.H1011, l ,111 I.id. 1.• He.1dh ,1( ()4-1 ) 181 I r ( 11 i 1 ~ 5

Wednesday, Dec. 2 Potluck dinner meeting

- ~uuth (.u,,,t \lidul •ml '" I I 1, t' ,1 potlul !,,. d 111t r \ \ t Int ,cJ:J\ n1 •ht ,ll thl' Or.ll'~l' Luunt't ,\ \,1111it'

t1hltlllll' 1n D.111.1 Pu nt .it ti p m Dm1wr '' ; I t '1 >l'o,H•d IJ\ ·' :i.1 d.• \h• •\\ • l tfJH•I n~ Jnd hmhng 1n tlw <. rt'.ll L.11..t for rt• t'f\ .H101h

,1n J I irtlwr 1ntl}rm.1t1011 c •• 111 83 -tuo

Radi;il "L'r.ltotom J d I . " bl (. I. I ,\ , ,,

.,emul.H It 1 p:m 1c!e 1ntorrn.1t1un on tht; J.1tt 1dt.'\l'J1)pm~nt'111 ra k1I 1..1.'r .Hui m ' I 'l t•d,H\., rrom ti :o -p.m ,lt tht.' ~.ld fld>.H I\ ( \l' (t'lllt.'f

'23161 Moulton P.ui.\\,l\ 111 lJ~un.1 Hilb, For murt.> 1nlormJt1on J nd re:.er\Jt1om c,111 95 I H• 11 •

library lecture (Jnllunnl•ur J.tml, R l ,I\\ )Oil, \\ 111 tall.. .1bout tlw )11 , lul) of \..lr1ll0n, '>hO\\ )ltdl''> Jnd pl.1\ m ,J)tc.: or tlw bell:. 1n ' (J11ll111h .1nJ Ch1nw:i." .'\n 1llustrJl1.'d lt•durt• Jt ... p rn . 111 tlw V•llCl' Jor8t'lht'n (l'11tl1 r, 2005 00\l.'r Dr l'\l•\\(>Urt Ut'.llh Adm1,,1on r) lrt t. Fur 1n1t>r111,1:1on c.ill J.1C l..it• Hl',,dl\ at 6 14 · \ t 8 1 or 644 -3135

Financial st re s - " t to,, to M.1n.1gt• f n,11't JI ..,lrt Tluou~h the Holid,1):." 'rm111.1r "111 ht.' ht• d Jt ... p .m . Jt 2501 E. C h.1pm.in, Suite 100. FuHt•rton. For mort.' 1ntormJtton, CJll 5-14 tt880

Holiday brunch - A hol1tfay brunch run Ir l•~l·r, compll•te \\1th f.ulL\ food mu,1c Jncl ,1 trel' dt•lor.Ht·d b, d11ld:"'" from the Or.ingt• Cu.1st lntl'rf,11th Shelter \\ 111 bt• twlcl lrorn 11 J rn to 1 p m 111 Corun,1 clt•I ,\ \,lr Tlw event, held 111 .1 m.1~n1htt•nt Curon.1 def M ar l'!>lJll', \\ 111 Ul'rH.'llt thl' Shelter. \\ h1ch is the l.11 gt•'t 111 Or.rnge Countv helping homl'lt''" fom1l1c~ l>t'c-onw 't.>ll-~t1ppor1111g Tickets Jre S lO pt>r pt•r~in . for more informJt1on. call Lt•)ll•.1 M illt•r at 645 5055

Christmas decorating "Chrt>tmJs Ot•cor Jt"'S \\Ith Greens" \\ ill be th1.• ~uujl'd of .i


'..J-1 u./1 .. nc 9 .. .-t

tfu J./. ... ft._f,u11 SERVICES INCLUDE • Ac-Gt'cM • rctnOYC ' ~ ~

.,, CCMUft. lhaWcn. ftoon • k.(ok>r - «*tin! pJl (pctrNI~)

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·~ · -•Sr<M • a...n . pit ' c:cnmlc surfecc:s • Sul • protect ~ ' tk

.. .,, .......... et

..-... .....,, Md&, C-' -w1 MDIC>M PAVia

. "

\\orluhop at Jt 9:30 .1.m. at !he Sht!rman LibfJf}' and G.irdl'ns in Corona Cfel Mar All matL•riJI) will be supplied. Reg1strat1on is S25 .ind prereg1.,tr at ion is rt.'quirl•d. for ' inforrn,1tion. CJll the GJrden office .11 673-22G1.

Thursday, Dec. 3 Holiday symposium

The Women in Man,1gemcnt h,1\e put together ,, night of net\\Orking, dinner and l'\htb1t tJbles from 6 tu 9 p.m. Prices for tJoles Jre S2S for members, $50 ior non-member"' Dinner •~ nQt included in the t.1ble (?rtCes. Call Sue MJmer J t 955-7550 for inform,1tion about <:\ent and speci<ll ofter. i\\Jke checks pJyable to Women In \\anag~ment Jnd '>t•nd 10 Sue

M.1mer, 26785 ViJ Grande, Mis--Sion ' V1(•jo, 92691.

Marketing tips -• M,\rkettng a Home-BJ~e<l Bus1ne:.1>" is.the t1tle_:pf Newport Center L1l>rar) 's Brown Bag Lunch Serie) progrJm Jt noon. The irt.•e program will be offered 1n the Community Room oi the librJr\ .• ll 856 S;in Clemente Or .. r-.!ev.port Beach. ror 1nformat1on, call Jatk1l• Hcildl>' at 644-3181or6·14-3135 .

Selling secrets -·:Profess1onJI Selling Into the 21 )( Century" is the title of a free e-.,ening progr.1m offered at 7 p.m 1n the Community Room ot

Send your · packages through us.

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Can 1 get lo us?

~"'· Packaging Supplies

We'll come lo you! We'll pick up your packages at your

~xes and Padded Envelopes home or office.

Stamps NC\\ port Center Libra!), 856 San Clt?menle Or. For inform.J.tion. c.ill JJck1e HeJdl> \It 644-3181 or ~ · 6-14-3135. .

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Kobt•11l & 'l'a~lor l alon Sta1'b11't'ks (~olTee Con1p•in

\\'e trlilf Plaza: I lughe~ \ l<lflt1l ~(1Hlll. Crm\ 11 I lt1nh\ t1n•

\ppartl: rhampag1w. nr,1Jwr-.. & ll.mltm·, Pi1m hl't'ls. ~ri,lcn ·~ l.ingt'rit·

l 4'ood: l lir~rn'\ Flll'nN. ~.llit' \tr(;uin··~ Ohl t·\1shio1wd Pit' Shop1w. Pa°'l<lBl\ I\ o. St,irhur~" Cufft't' C~>lll~lt:lll\

cards. GIRH. Rooks: lmagl'' l lallmart Cm\\ n Books. 1 lu· (.re., Coost'


I i th Sfl'l'('( ai lnine.A\enut• - ~ewport Be-.ach ·

llralth & l·llnrss: Sht11..,·-l p \ c1

\\ 1>rnt c;n·,11 F.11 th \ itt1m1n'

Stn ift'S: \nl hun' " ""' 1r R''l\,11r ~ ltlil Bo\C". l'.h .. \\ t'"h 1111 < lt'tlllt't B.m~ nr \merl< cl . Irr Ft1<h'r.i l Htlll~ ~olwrt & I,,, lnr ~.tlnn . Shdl ( lil Dr. I .ou ~n~ Ehh'r ( lplt)mt•tn"t

Collin« SoOn: Europt\m <;,·m-.. & .h'\\t•ll'



A8 Saturday, November 28, 1992 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally P

MARBLE From A1 there, but let me tell \UU that )Ou're sudden!~ huue~ thJn Dill Clinton, Prince Andre\\ and Howard Stern jll mu,hcd 1ogether. I 1 ~ incredible R1.jll\ 1ncred1ble.

The paper!> SJ)' you Jllegcdl) stole SI 2 m1ll1on frnm the Ne,\pOrt-Me~;.i Un1f1cd Schull! Db1nc1 :ind 1hat the 101.il 111.1\ \Cl chmb to i.omc\\ here .m .. >unJ :J · million And thc \\OJJ " thJI \Ou enjoyed the good Ilk Roth R.oycc Do,er Shores. Mini. IU\eJo Preciou::. _geml>

Wow. Never M:en a r111nli. Ill\.

district's budget director and \Ou're driving to worli.. an a Roll~ • and going to distract functions an a mmk tux and li"ang in a SI-million how.c with mJ1d'l> quarter~

You\I think omebody arounJ 1hc: dil>lnct ''ould stop and put l>ne and one together Out I guc'' 1h~ll \\ ,,, \our department Pulling 0nc and one together, 1ha1 is. \ ccounting You know.

Dut I'm nol going 10 draw an) nmclus1om. Wouldn't be right. I 'pent the beuer part of l\\O year~ ~o' e ring the courts in Orange County Murder. Rape . Robbery

Sheer arrogance and greed? education thut students in the couple of storie . Nothin~ big, . A cry for help'! ls th:u wh:u as district an! rcccivina Laryer class mind you. Cemunly nothing as bag

\\a ? A cry for help? H so, wh) • s1R, Jack of maten,ls. It\ all as )Our story. the heck didn't you just pick up economics. Course, you know that One ;irticle was about o '~oman the phone and g1\'C somebody a :ilre:idy. who w:is giving ome of her c.all. So you'll have to excuse the governmenl subsidized food she

Oh well. What's done as done . anger that's boiling over out here. receives to charity, to pu1 food on In the me.iniimc, there :ire a Parents Jnd teachers JliJ..e seem JO the table for tho c who are

k" 1hing thlt Jre bothering me, feel that the dbtri t\ being tun by hungry. not that )OU should worry much 1 h · 1 1 Anotl'"r one " .. , about .a about \\h:u bothers me or Jnyonc peop e" 0 :ire samp Ya~ cep ;it .... .. dse 10 IO\\n the -.witch 1 hey think they've lo't " oman who has cancer but still

Uut here lhe} Jn.:: If thc\e • control. Ami 1hey want 11 buck. spends her d;.1ys set\1ng food 10 ac1.us:itions :ire iruc, it r:ll'\es the Delic'c me, they want it back. the poor. She's no1 rich or 4'pcc1er that )OU ma) b~ darcctl) llefore I sign off, 1here I'> unything Just generous in spiral rcl>ponsablc for tc~ichcr.. and :udcs something I \\anted to pas\ Jlong. • And'still another one concerned losing their jobs As )OU know, the I kno\\, kind of presumptive of a man "ho in retirement decided d1,trict shed ihelf of ~7 teacher'> me Bu1 that's 1he kin~ of person l to '>pend hi~ days fi hmg, in an and 57 classified employees this am An)"'ay, I was looking effort - a simple etfort - 10 reel year. Heck, you're probubly the through some back editions the in some food for those who gu) 1ha1 had to red·ltQe them right other day when I ran :'.lcro s a needed II. lie spent mo::.l of hb

own money al thi pur!luit. And died chasing it, too. He w3 a good m'an. A very good rnon .

J ju')I wanted you to 1.:now -ca e all these things I'm reading arc true - that for every persor out there \\ho steJls from the ki and the people we trust to help educ~11c 1hem, there are u buL1lli t1mls J') many who arc willing t spend their la'>t dime helping tho~e who arc even less Cot 1u11u1

I don't Ii.no\\ , maybe there' somethinf to mull over in ull th,1 Sound~ ltl.c )Ou'll ha\e the tun~

Sc.:e Sic

Stcu• Marble ll the manngi11g t'<litor. Ills colum11 appears C1;l'

Saturdu) Been 10 0 0\cr Shore,, 1hou~h Nice. Verv nice

It'!> !>Ori of lunn), \\hen }l>U th ink about i1. that nl1bod~ got • suspiciou:. earlicr un ) vu li.nll\11 "hat I mean'l Herc \llll .in: making S76,000 a )C.11 J~ lite

'I he bleak ::.tuff. But I never gn'e ip in thJt basic tenet that people

come 1n10 the l>ystem presumed 111noccn1, no mJllcr "ho says \\hat and how damning the c"idence ll1oli.~ . out of the books. .------------------------------

! thin).. }'OU can C\CO tal..C ii a f ..

Still, I hJ\e to admit, I'm sauang hae 111-e everyone else \\Ondcring "hjt \our e\planauon might be

A m1\1ali.c'? Go1 1 he '' rong guy?


'kP further Again, if the accus:uions are true it ad\ancc., the theory thJt you .ire directly re~pon~iblc for a les~enmg in the


'Everyday (jourmet Atwwsa Specialty Cookware, Foods, & Coffees s.0sr°'

FREE Cup c:l Al Y M ltorldoy gw:met idf ee Cool:ilg l

for you! &king N.is

• Turkey Plotters • Oven to table serving dishes • Napkins, Plocemots & Tablecloths • Jello Molds • Lorge Roosting Pons • Cookie Cutters ~j' • Springf orm Pons • Trident Cuttery !}

• Cookmg Classes to begil soon ·

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• ~~Gl~skns COME IN FOR YOUR FREE GIFT & REFRESHMENTS (We 914> Allywhettl Free delivery in Newport Beach &

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For over 90 year the worlds' aviator , explorers an<l adventurer~ have come to Willb & Geiger to fi ll their functiona l clothing need . ow the complete hnc of this function driven ·port5wear has come to "At-Ea e."

Sec our new shop with the large t collection of Willi~ & Geiger on the west coast.

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Grand Opening elebration • aturday, November 28th Meet Bert Avendon, President of Willi & Gieger,

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FASHION ISLAND r. -r Newport. Cc>t..1t.er Di-tJt. • Newport D .cl

( .. 14) ?5f)J/Q7 -

.... ·-

" .... 'The true {igftt of Christmas is in tfte eyes of cfti[drcn agfow

ulitli tliejoys of tfte nofitfuy season. I

'111itfi this in mind, t~i~ Segerstrom Jami/if inz1ite.s you mu{

your j£1mi~1 to our trcufitionaf 'Tree Lighting Ceremony at

'Ii.>um Center Part, on Monday, 'J{pvember 30tli at £~:30 p.m.

Come and ficar tfie caro(fing of tfit ):l{{ 5tmerican 'Boy .... l .. lzon1 • .; . ..

:~nlliai( tfie en trance of San ta Cfau.s on fiis merric .... t rc>u nd.

'flwrc ulill be 1oassaili1}q wit ft compfimen tan1 re fresfimi•11 t ..

mu{ much ju6ifation. 'But Jrwst o,f a[{, uic fiopc tfzcre u'l'fl 6c

you a1lt{ yourjamif#. ~na tlie figfzt in your eye .. -..

Happy 9-{ofidays 'llze ~egerstrom ~Family

Sou th Coa..'t 'l'[a.=a

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Friday ·Saturday ·Sunday _ Right now, you can take advantage of tremen~ous "

storewide markdowns on Orange County's largest selection of La-Z-Boy® furniture. But hurry, it all ends Sunday at 5 pm.


ANAHEIM 528 South State College

12 blocks South of Lincoln ) 991 7940

Choose trorn this area's largest selection "f ouallty La Z Bo.,, recliners. m St) 'es and fabrics tore er~ decor.

SWIVEL ROCKERS FROM s24s 8eaut1fullv ta lo•ed l,., Z Bo~ S\\ \el ro6t:rs ava11ab1e n a var ety o' Sh es •dbncs CJnd colors S a 1onar c ·1 •s 1so a;'a ab e


Choose trad1t1o"a :ontemporar\ or "'asua sofas and _?!eep

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choices. Matching IO\.eseats a so available.

LA·Z·BOY CLASSICS FROM s29s From Queen Anne to Ch ppendale. these Classics feature the e egance ano dist nct1\.e styling of a trad1t1onal chair


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lrom a \il' et~ o' s~' es and e~c1t ng :ie\' colors.

ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS FROM sggs Our video and entertainment center,, offer styl ish storage. Available m a wide variety of ~oods and finishes.

TABLES AND LAMPS FROM sgs Choose from Ou! v.1de selection of tables and lamps. The perfect accent to nv decor.


COSTA MESA 3115 .Harbor Blvd.

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Special Holiday· Hours: Monday thru Thursday 10 arn- 8 pm. Friday 9 am-8 pm, Saturday 9 am- 6 PrJl. Sunday 10 am 5 pm


90 DiYS .: "\ "'U l.1~11 :

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Newport Bcach/Cr.sta Mesa ::>aily Pilot . . . Saturday November 28, 1992 A9 .

Here Are Some Of The Grea Buys You'll Fin~!

• Desktop unit with answering machine, integrated fax and telephone

•One-touch Auto-Logic™ message playback •Recordable Outgoing Message Chip

(16 seconds) • 20 -station speed dialer



(Staples No 23 7974) Fax features auto phone fax switch copier function and 10·page document feeder. Phone answering systi>m has remote. 2·way and memo recording Model No KX·F155





(Staples No 237982 Fax has copier funct on auto paper cutte· 10-page docume t teeaer a1d 10 one· touch auto dial stations Answerer tias 2·way and memo recoroing Auto phone lax sw1tcnmg



•Desktop unit with ans.wering machine, integrated fax and telephone

•One-touch Auto-Logic™ message playback

• Recordable Outgoing Message Chip (16 seconds)

• 100-station speed dialer



(Staples No 261826) Fait has voice ttme.'day stamp 7 ·page memory, 16 step halftones. sequential broadcast Auto phone/fax sw11chino. auto paper cutter, 2 line x 20 character LCD readout , 10-page document feeder KX·F215,

BUSINESS LEASING AT STAPLES! Overcome the normal buctoetary restraints of making busmess purchases of over $1000 A flexible end-of lease option also gives you an easier way to upgrade as te,chnology changes 100°'• financing available with convenient monthly payments See in store for details. Priet ti.~ on monl!1. opto end & LN~ ifTillOtO bV nbnQ GrOllP Inc Currr!lli'y llOC •...U.blt llllOllQh cleMry

Stt D1t1ll1 In Store

FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY C1111 ·800·333·3330 for delivery on phone orders over $150.

(ExcW6ftt htnttturt t for Ne~ Day Oehvery call 8 ~m·Spm Monday Friday or lax your order to 1·818·913 04~5 Same c1.Jy 1n·store piekup available (Furniture delivery d.lys may vary by area )


BUSNSS Lf.U8G As low As

S70/montt1 • .

•Integrated answering machine. laser fax and telephone •Copier functi on • Laser technology prints on

cut-sheet pla in paper • 100-station speed dialer

PANASONIC PLAIN PAPER LASER FAX WITH PHONE AND ANSWERER (Staples No 273433) Fn features 250·sheet p1a1n paper tra\ LCD disp h 1 ev hal ones poll ng 20 page auto feeder Phone Answerer has 2·way memo recording call counter •01 sa~ r and monnor speaker Uses HP laser loner cartnd~s (included) .Model KX·FSOOO



. .

7777 Edinger 194 Huntington Center


A 10 Saturday November 28, 1992

\_..---" ~

Entertainment 'The 194Ds Radio ·aour' will appeal to old, new listeners R

C!Ulll \\llh lh lhh\ (11

ti! .. !!l'"''ll ,1.." 111 \ ' 'l 1.' I \ 1.' .11 . \\ h C ll

\ 1: '.I \,11,•J Ill \\II h '.C.11'> ,,,,,~,f 1 I II',·~._, - 1l1d

,11 \ thtll~ , I l t 1 " \dln \q111IJ

t..1\ll\\ I

I h. I .1:;.tl I l'l 1\ ,, .. ,,. " ..

pro~r.1m cope~

"ith 1he unc\pcctcd -~uch J!> '>htMng in J )Oung mah: ~rnger to fill in "ith an O!>tcn-.ihlc Jll·girl lno \\hen the

i..;;...;:;=;.__ _ _, third female

Tom T1tul

announce~ " ) Jon 't .. ing 11c.)l/J11:g cold.''

Theater Thi: \UCCC\~ ol

C 't' the production n IC Jcpc1Hh on the pcr .. onJlitics of

'" pcrformc1,, e'en more so than their mu\1C~1l talent\. At Laguna, J1rc..'LIM l\btf... Stc\\:m. ha-; ·"'cmbled .111 .11tracti"c and lively c11~cmbk "1th llllh .1 le'' le-.~ th.in .. m11h:1ng pcrhm11.1nce,, each uring on the \Ide of

O\er,lJtcmcnt The .. month, protcii-.1onal •

dcmc.1nor nt J0hn R1N~ Clark ;i..,

the ~ho''\ pr1>JUlCr .md ho~t -co01r,1'1lll1S \\llh hi, piCLl)UllC

01.11bur:>h "hen the ·on the •11r" light i' otf - '' the mo:>t !>lti~fying 1nJi\1dlwl eltort in the Laguna pr0Juc11011 Ste\ en Op~ch:1l, ,p;

h1' h:irm:J ,1.111011 m.magcr. possc-;sc' the rcqui\itc cncrgJ· but appear:> li11lc oJJi.;r than the

See T~TUS/A11 " The 1940 R.ldio Hour" l.ist.

r-------------------------~--, GRANI:) OPENING UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP

500/~o!ff • Alterations Available • Same Day Service

tn by 1 Oam, out by 4pm ) CLEANrNG ORDER•

Bl:~~BSl~~~Z!BPia~m~iilim:1 HARBOR CLEANERS ;,1he IJ,e-Ji 0/ ~ "

Specializing in Cusiom Design Christmas Decor For Your Home

Giftwear • Trees •Wreaths • Ornaments 4645 Silva St.

ROm DISPIAY Lakewood Center .._....~_.....,'"'.'"":'"""l.....,..~(310) ~34-48.61 . . .

~ody Sugaring Brows or Lips ~10

A•...,s Un~e· Arms or B1krn1 S20

_. 1 { -.:u 11fritL · Lower or • p.1rnless ancient Egyptian method UPP'" Leo $10 • c;a ' e & natura product

• no chemicals what-so ever

.\:\ \ PL R \ 1 \ \ l:. \ r ~ 1 \Kt:-l P C: LI!\ IC 722-356.t

\1.a rjoril' t lc:al) • Derma I cdrnolo~i ;, t

B.u. ~gn1ty1d: 'l R"l'\i(;.i-Jt.• <.' trolo~

2400 11 K West Pac1f1c Coast Hwy Newno~ Bench Next to Haagen Oazs)



"iJ CENTER t •


SpPr1al E\€<1 81rtt•dJV> Weddings ShoNers Anni~~' 1es Holiday Partres Announcements

W1'atewr )bur OJstom Pri' ng Needs Are . .. we can oo ttJ & & and much, much ~ ~ 1. morel/I

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of the Mediterranean FINE GREEK CUISINE

Cocktails • Hors d 'Oeuvres • Parties Dancing Waiters & B~lly Dancing Nightly


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et Spnnsdale Hunttngton ~ach • ~..,.._~ .... ~,.. .. '* lJ

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COME MEET: Diane Dalton - Executive Director

Barbizon Modelint • #1 for Over 60 Years

• TV Commercials • Photography • Fashion Shows

Interviews Wiii N H•ld at the · 11Huntlngton Beach Hollday Inn"

Sunday, O.cember 6 • 11 - 4pm


..;/Jl ake your holiday festivities unique by taking advantage of our beautiful Italian Dining Room for your holiday parties, banquets and get .. togethers.

We can a&sist you in creating your own personalized menu. We have a large 'Selection of delicious entrees also Antipasto, Pastas, Pizzas, Veal dishes, Cllicken, Seafood. • I talion De.sserts • Espre.sso • Cappucino, • soft drinks • ~ • mne' domestic & im/XJrted .


For m re infonnation & to make reservations call

549 .. 1511 or 549 .. 7072 ~000$ fur I~ (ll 65 ~

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Entertainment Editor Mntt Coker ... 642·4321, tllt. "

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im Wlot l lrl . cem IUA- SU·ll5'

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' '

'f~{.n -- .

(714) 650-5122 1726 SUperior Ave.

Costa Mesa

ewport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Saturday, November 28, 1992 A 11

Breakfast ith Santa'

erves fun COSTA Ml:SA - If }ou'rc

looking for something to do \\ ith )Our children lhis wed.end, check ou t Sunday's " Breakfas1 W11h San1a" 8:30 am. u1 Cl')st:il Court

Ocsides cnju, ing J delicious breakfast, I.ids ,,·111 :

• Have their p1c1urcs 1.1ke11 \\1th ::>anu1 Claus -

• See stories cumc 10 life lhanl..\ tu the "We Tell Swrics Troop "

• EnJOY a spec.1al 'ho"' b}' Jim Gamble Mariuneues.

• Color \\ith Fru:..l) the Sno"· 11 ~n.

• Create Or .1gami .irt • Panicipatc in the Uubblenn· 1 bubble sho" • R1Jc the S.:inw t\prcs, ch110· oo tram • EnJOY face painting, free h,d· >m and more . Admission i'i ·SI 5 for ch1>Jrcn

tn<l $20 for adults Proccc~h hrn· d it the Ped1Jtric Cancer Rese uch roundallOO, ' ' h1Ch r.1iscs 11\UOC\ lor cluldrcn innictcd '' 11j1 mali~­nant d"c'1"c

J:or murc 1nform.1t1on on tile -.. nt JI Cr~stJI lulHt, "h1c:h I) .11 u S1rec1 anJ Sunllo,,u A\cn uc

n \l..,ta t..k,,1, .. all '-'2·Sl1112

TITUS: Funny history lesson wide .. \lJ i.;dcr tPl :er l~cl":ml ·o:hlcr> \'ho 11lh m m lhe .. 1 rmorn t>ll\\1.:cn ::oflci.: run'

W,1rrcn "-c""' Drnp1.r h

pcrfc'°th ca-,1 ·" the hou:rn1g nsmi: ~tar \\ hu\ b.1s1 alh p

h 11111~ 111 tu~ perlormari..c bd 111:

rt11t111g h>r l foll)'\\Olld I It~ c l•c111r1c :..111tudc Ill~\ 1...dl h•

nunJ .111uthcr JC\C11.:d ~lu,1ncr r ~c:1111' fc :lluccJ tn J l \' bi grnph) .

' l\,o 'Ongbir d'!> "ho rc.1p the t11!a' iei.1 appl.iu"c .arc Urcc Uurgcl>'> and Adrienne ~1 . John\on Uurge ,,· JhlrlrJ).tl r d1.llCl> clJ)') Jnd :.accc ...... 1b1h1'. whale John\On l':ila111.c~ her l;clt1ng tjlc "1th a \,1'!>": pcr::.onuhl) I hat rgnah 'loo!.; Jnd Ii rcn, hut lon't

l'CI IUO clo\c," A parr of pcrlorman c' that

llC up CJ\Crdonc re lh C Of J..c \\ 111.;c a lhl.' \111'>\ hklnJc

gc1 and Tim De) h the ncr.ou~ lll•C. Wil l.;c~ u\crcmph:.t'>UC~ her

mus i.c~uJlit' until 'he orncs J canc~turc (though her

" Blues rn the Night" number 1 the h11 or the 'Ihm), "h1k O.:v j, uch .1 cr1ngin~. I lu11tL I f.all·t'Ypc

nc hii.h th;ll the putl'llt1.il p.ain lll hts c'cntu.il bctr.1\,11 1, dilu1cJ.

Paul Lc1ghm11 ..;;, ~co .m'ti ~!rchcle Shcc:l1' .irc .1t1rJCll\t but ' lr.rngcl) unc\d ling ,., the )'1u11~ ong .111d dJncc learn un the \\ ·~

up AnJy Hedden \al..c') un lhc ~l1'.l l..mJli.1ng )CCunt~ gu;ird rule. wnuen for a much vkkr aCll)r, nJ render a com 1nc1ng

JK rlra)al, "h1lc Uatl ~kllcn~ '' ,l lrcat u"> 1hc trumpe ter \\111,), ull IO join the bop mcr,ca, .

'l he fhc-piccc bund that b3ck' the a1..11on 1!1 quilc cflccli\C under rhc lcadc~hip of p1an1 t Terence \l:1r1c The qua rte t of Sue Cro , Alan Isley, ~fork Cuneo and Ron Romano on bJ'>'· trumpet, recd Jnd pcrCU'>)IOll. re pcCtl\CI> (ci.pecially I It~·) bra~h and bra''> tooting), doe' the"°').. of a full 0rchc\tra

Lori M .1rt1n °) 19-lO\·CrJ e:o,t ume> arc quite appealing -particularly when " orn br Ourgc!>!> ~nd Wilkes. Don Gruber · ~l i ttering studio citing downplay ~olh the usual crnmpcd confines •nd \ccdy otmo phe rc of pa!>\ r al production

'1 he 1 9~(}.. Rnd10 Hour" 1s a Ir :11 both for tho e old eno ugh to fcmembcr 1hal era (of"' h1ch there ti many in L:iguna ) and )'OUngc r

re nccs in carch of a hr tory I n Pcrform.1nccs continue Tucsda)') th rough Frida> tH 8 p.m ~ Saturday at 2 and 8 p m 11nd Sundu~ 111 2 nod 7 p.m. until Dec. 13 DI the pla)hOUSC, 606

una Canyon Road, Laguna ch. Cnll the box office ot ·8021 for ticl..et information.

Piano man

The Cedar Walton Trio is performing in its Orange County debut tonight and Sunday at Maxwell's By the Sea, 317 Pacific Coas t Highway, Huntington Beach. The highly praised jazz pi· anist " ilfbe joined by arummer Billy Higgins and .bass player Tony Dumas. Showtimes are 8:30 and 10:30 ton ight and 4 Jnd 6 p.m. Sunday. There is a SS admission charge and $7 minimum food/beverage charge. Phone 536-2555 fOr "'details.

CRITIER SITIERS Leave Your Pets at Home

For The Holidays Quality TLC For Your Pets

In Your Home SeMng Orlfl08 County Since 1981

8onded • Insured • Dependable • References

964-5884 • 434-9544


Anaheim Hills

Harding and band appear SA!'l:fA Al"A - John \\'cslc:y li;m.1111,1! , :m E11gh)h ~ingcr >tlllg·•.u11cr "ho

performs !>Orne of the mo)I rntcll1~cnt untl v.cll·cr111tcJ wn~ in contcmJ>Oraf) popular mu 1C', hl.'aJlrnes l<tn thm Cale SundJ) night

Harding made a le\\ v.a\C'> v.1th h1., l%1J dcbul. " licrc Come') l ite Groom," which wa~ 1 bra\h, ucou't!e sci vf uma1ingl) !\h.1Jc:d sung~. rem1111,ccnt of Dob 0) Ian anti early Elv1) Cosrcllu.

111, lu1e~1 record '\\ lw We Fi1d11," is hi~ d..rke,t. J>ut mor.t melod1 , ft:atunng the " ii, IO\ll'ht ·and de\ er worJ pb' lhal I n1arl..cd 111~ short profe\)1onal CJrecr

At heart, Harding;, J 1un, ... 1ngcr. 11 1) empha~•~ on v.orth a~ "ell a' h1\ energy and the f:.tct thal he h un amtantlv 111..Jl le pcrfo1mcr ... 1ioull.I \\or)..: )ph;mlidly in the Rhythm C11fc, '\luch upcned 0.:1 JI.

1 lc'll be performing with ,, \};ind Sunday. co1N\ting ul ,, mandolin .111t.1 pedal ~tee I play er, a drummer and bas)1!'.l

Ticket) urc \IVailable . The ''""" .tl~u tcature \Ian! \\'.mn111c.h 1m .md th1. Uarcnakcd l.adic\. For more inforrm11io11, c·all 55<1-S:SH - /JI ) 1Jtl JJun John Wesley Harding


---Dear Santa,---.. For Chri'1m11~ thrssear plelN:

bnng me an .4.nnaltt doll (maybe dn t..lf or a mou~e ). a Jan Hagara p/Jre. a Hummel fieurine ( I /rke Ride mro Chn tmasf a Precious Jfoments nacwm il Cherished Teddie {I /mc­tht:m :11/'J. a i'\femories of Ye terdBJ fJeunnc.' tor .tn 1r11amcnfJ._ a doll f>\ Lee \f iddleton. Pauline or usan .. HaJ..een (;1 Chn~cma\ Edrtron would ht: great!) tmd :i Clothtique anta /Jke the one pictured here ·

} ou 1..in find all of che~e ho/Jda~ trt ''un:~ Jnd more di

So~euPlt S1tiend~ Gifts & Collectibles

In Westchff Court J 2 Westchff Dr .~ B • t>50-'5_;5 .

Open Dall} Thru Chmtma'

Clolbtique's "l>t.ar Santa" (9"t ll" b~ l'tomao Rocbtll SlS.U5

. HOME ALONE !l -1


THE BODYGUARD .. .\nahcim Hills Fcsth'al Center• 91 Frccwa\' at \\'cir Can\'on Road I Santa .\na f ru1,·on Road at Fe ti\'al Drl\'c • .\nahcim Hill :

TMl IOOY&UAllll (I) IW.COUI X ('5·13) , ..... 57 (R) M IOIYIUMI (I) T1lf UIVO (I) MAlCOUI X (N-1S) AMB-~IT

3()..11 s '00 1\£5 milO

I00-300-500-il~915 t 1'H.»St5.Q-:030 lll0·2•S-500-'15-9.JO

1215-415·815 I Ql 20H.»500-7.» HX»

31 TRIANGLE SQUARE c~rA ~m'~ •;:u;:~

.... MESA .... ~, .... . ... St•UI ~ COSTA MESA • Mi S01!>

ol ... &LMl(PI) o1 ._ ALM 2 (11) • A&..--(81 ol - Al.a. 2 (!C) ·~ti)


.. x-. 00-300-500-700-~ 93£1

•c:i.l~~m~ . . ~



2& ANAHEIM HILLS ' ' ,....., ,., ..... : ....... ~Wtr .. •''f'\' 11. FESTIVAL 8 ANAHEIM • 111 5959

• ALADDll tcl >-·:o-mSllr ·oo-~ BUM n•urs DUQllA CR}· · ~:i m. ·~·~ BUM ST"•EJI S DMClU (II 100-34~-lil ~

• ALADDll IC) • • ·~ •

llW;li].'Zl \U1Jt71l.W§.l.1b!&UiMb1 .,, TMI WT Of TMI lllOHICAllS I'll • ·~ ~4~ s•s ·c:i • rASSE•R 57 (RI 'JO.l3iH.»'JO.~ .,, NOME Alo. 2 lf'Gl •30-200-4)(1- ·00.930 • UllllERSCKf. (R} ''l 'C5.t»-6'~·&33-·~

MAM ST•EJl'S DW:lU (" I 'J~J·~ ··~ 9-4~ BUM ST•EJl'S DRAC&U (RI • ).2~5·~ 61~ 11m

.,, NOME AL• 2 IPGI .. -..J00.-)3(). 1020 "" MOMEAl-2 (PC) • ro-·~'\.

IULC&M x (N·131 •....--(Cl ·~(II

MAL.Call X (PC·tSI ·~(81

T1lf •YIUAM (R) •...UICI) ·7~~3·~") 1:. ~ • AMll-~RjPS) I


A 12 Saturday November 28, 1992


t .l

Religion Editor Matt Coker ... 642-4311, At. 36

Special guests appeaP at Tlmple Isaiah Sabbat services1

T unpk 1'a1.1h .1 1..l111,1.. l\.1ll\ c '' n 1gu~uc 1n Ne" port Del! h, "111 l1<1ld 'Pl'd.il ~ 1bb.11 ''l>r,h1p '1..r\lcc' .ind ~1ndlc the Sabb.l1 l11.:h1, i.1gdhc1 "Ith thl.' \\'omrn\ Amcnc:.m ORT orgnoi.wtion :its p 111 I rid.I\ .11 1lw 11..mpk, ~..JU I II'\ inc A,c.

' H.1l'h ~l:ir1.. R ul,~·n,1c1n "ill ,1111.-ia11..· ·''"~tcJ b) one of the H igh Hll lJ "' ' ll'l'I''' lfo: t"'l.in1mun1t~ i' (l1rd1.1ll) 1m1tc<l. A pcal-.cr from th: )!{I 1a:.1111 t .11 1011 "di l•1..· th1..· gu1..·~t ,,n the pulpll'> .1nJ enlighten the c, lh, o -~ l 11l ll \\ llh ,1 l,1 I.. 11!11111 lhl nl.JO\ .11Xl>ll1phshlll~lll'> OI this 1•1 •.111. 1l1l•11 ,, ,11Jd11 i.!1. \ 'f' 1..·1..·1.tl rc1..·1..·pt1t1n fulltm ing the 'ICrvicc will be 11, ,i .-d "' th..- l.1.l1,, 111t i1.. llH I C. h.1ptn

>RI \ ll .. !I ~!.1 !1J, tur 01g.1111.!.1t1011 tur lkhJbilitJlio11 through • 1 i.: " •• , :. 1 J..-d 111 Ill' I .11 .d lt.1, !:Ill" n 10 bc.:ome one of the • .... : 11 d 1' '' .l11'.1m1.- " l1111,·11' l11!-! 1111t..1lil1m in the " orld, pro.,,iding

1ll•i.;t111 ' 1,11 JI.'" 1,11 1•1..·11pk ·" \\t:ll ·" 1cchn1c.tl "'''''once to 111,' 111 t\ l11c.1 \ ,1.1 .1 l I '\null) -\ml rit:.1

\Vorkshop explores spiritual concepts ~ F ·' I _\,d "'1 'u d ( 1, hl l'h hit thi: I .1 ... 1-P.KcJ Uu:.i nessm:rn, "

, p.1 •!!1.1111 11 1 mcn 11111\ 11 :'\n1port U1;11d1 Church of R~ligious

"'•llllll liq~'·' I hu1"I.'' , ' I L' • 11n .... ind 1'h1 , ,~l•p ' c~" I I '1.. l11gh ' lunJcmcJ anJ

11 , , .d1t1, c 'l.111111.11\ i.1111 11 d,·,.i;,mJ~ thc businc ... man ,f , C l' l lll~' •

,,, 1{1.-h.11.J \t .H·r the ''lirl-..,IHip hnell'> compares different '' .I ., '" ' ' .111d \111ni.·n i11 .J,,ck1p111g ~r1r i1 u.il technique,.

.. • •t:. .. d .:11.I , .111.1 .11L·,I 1h..:'l 1..\>nccph. almo ... 1 J.uly, for more

• !• :- : ' p 'm IJ~ , ; I 1 .1n,I Pat The Science o f Mind ..: '):1:,1 .., .. ,t,· 1 ... -. '''"IXlll Ue.11.:h Donat1un I'> SI:' pi:r

1. .111 \11..' 1..r J I S.'2-0193


St. Andre'W' 1s Presbyterian C hurch \\"I •r.h If IA ith u,, .mJ h<-:ir

r! '' AJ\ rr.' o .,._..,. .. .,. utlc.l


"un.h,. :-. .. ...,rm~ :!9, I 'NZ " ll'anJ t015 AM

(X \ ~ "r Andrn' ... RuaJ. ~l'" I'' 1rt Rt.--.i1. h. C.1litom1a ( 71 4 ) 631-2880 "r "' tr .. rn ~' "'1 • •I ' H ' .. r 111.:t ' '" ~ 'I r l~lllt ~ l"1th 1

e ' t \\Jr I rl1~\:cnr1 Ch~r~h ' •" r,.;, He 1.h

j n h rt, I ::.- ;_ 1..1'1 !: lull

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I I 1' 1•m ·' "'111 l•\plorl' Cod ... h1\ 1• tur f'• "•pl1• .ind ho~ 11" k>H' dra~" th1•m ant11 n•l.1tmn.,h1p with I l1m

"God's Love Affai r With People" \ I 1\..,.. \\'n ·I>. ~ ·ru""

t .. • • 11rn 111~ l \ t ~I

Christmas event is a real family affair

P rc\b) tcrian Church or the Co\ l'nant's unnual "Christmas family Alfair" takes pl.ice 5-8 p.m. S~11urcfay, Dec. 5.

l·ollo"ing hot dogs and hamburgers, children and their families "'II spend thc--c,·cning mJldng Chri.,lmJ~ ornamenb and decorations. OrgJnizer~ ~·') each \car the crafts gel better, and the event more popular. ,

.. Holid.1) Wreath ~l .1l-.111g Clai.-.," .1 new addition IQ the church'~ Holii.b) Schedule. ntlh 7-9 p.m. Dec. 8 in the Fellowship Hall. Co'>I is S 17 per penorrpcr \\fCalh and indudc-. materials and instruction.

Rc,ef'\Jllon-. arc rccommenJed The cltUrch i-. located at 2850 Fall'\ICW Road, co .. 1.1 Me .. J For information on either even t, call • 557.jJ-tO

0 Jfrn: · 11 /i;it ,, llJpp1:11mg .1t "''"'' l'lwrche.\ .ind religwu~

orgJmLJt 1t111~.

Costa M'esa Church of Religious Science

S unJ.l) Si:n ice!> highlighting the conccpl of "Spiritual Family" Cl>ntinuc 9-10.30 am 1hi.., Sunda\ \\1th ·· fhc Perfect G1f1.•·

1 he 1.hurdl 111 lo.:atcd at :? '50 t\Jc,,1 \ crJc Dmc E.ht, Suite ~I. Col.ta t\h ..... 1 Call 75-t-7399 for more in forma 11llO

South Coast Christian Church 'C hmt h Coming l o You" 1s the 111le of the first message in the series of Ad\·c nt rnc.,sagc Pastor James E. Piercy-\\ ill share "1th

\\ Or.,h1per.., 1t ~und:iy' I(): 15 a.m. \\ Of'•h1p sCf'\icc. I hi, ( \1,1,1 f\lc :.a church, \\h1ch h;.., met for the past 38 )Cars <II the

cornc1 o l \'1c1ori:J and l'laccntia. will prc~cn1 a sm:ill gift to each

Newport Church of Religious Science Dr. Juanella Evans, Pastor

Sunday, November 29 " InJlnite Blessings"

Service & Jr. Church 10:30 a .m . Mld ·Week Service

Every Wednesday at 10:30 a .m.

263-1261 Dial an lnspi.ratton 901 Dove St. #145

851 ·1231 Newport leach


FllST UNITfD "!ETllJlm CWRCH Of COSTA MESA 420 W 19'h St 548-7727

LAGUNA United Methodist Church

21632 Wesley Or. 8 •.,.m HJr001 a~ !rertpott

1 WMSltf AT 9:00 AM NIJ Ut30 AM CHURCH SCHOOL • All AGES • 9 00 AM

Nursery · Kmoergarten - 10 30 AM Youth Groups Sul'lday Evernngs

M1rusters· Ga al Gough, na Wt!dermu:!l

Laiuna Beach 499-3088

Su11day MorllltlQ Worship & Chnsban fducabon 1 O a m

M1nis1m David Seades & Virginia Wheeler Westey COU1sehng Cen!er

Ser.ices Available





CHURCH 9.oout .., 10.~t:wd. 'rou:i,. A4l.l

1701 laker Worship & Church School

1°:30 & 10:00 a .m. Sll>Oay School ~d '°' boCll WV!Cts Rev Robett Monty Rev , f aHbankS Or Wi., om E Sreel 979·823~


WE'RE GRO\VING \1 1\\ tl!\'rl .lr1 rl1r11 ''l'l'1 1fflllllfl1' (1• ·.:ro>\\ \\ :rl1 'I' .

.... ,lfl!r.1,1\ ,If h:\\\ l'.lll. ,1r "'1111.l.I\ ,If"': i,' ,\. J 1':,\' ,I I! '


.& A Pince To Grow

lHI Atn4il\ ,\,cnut·, ·011\' K·ll\) • lo<.1.1 \fr..,., CA 9U12ti • 1714) S40·1H8

.... ; ~

lll llflll I l'~l>.lk '~\ T Tll llltl'>'\o\l'l Allll\IRT


(Join Our Church :Jamily ~s '"We <:Prepare for Christ.mas THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

OF THE COVENANT r 2850 Falrvtew Road, Coeta MHa (714) 557-3340 Near Orange Coast CoUege, Fairview & Adama

... 8·45 a.m. Sunday School for afl ages

Rev. a Stec>l'len JttlU. 1 o·oo 1.m. Worship & Chltdntn'a Church PO$t()( -

' ,

wor'>hiper 10 remind people th:u "Jesus is the reason ~or the season." The church offers Bible classes 9 a.m. Sunday mornings for member

of the family. Dible Studies are o ffered throughou t th~ week . The study of the Book of Acts, which Pastor Piercy lead) at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, is illumated with slides he tool. in 01btc Lnn<ls.

Fo r more inform:uion, phone 548-3468.

Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church

A service of mu!.ic. readings ond poetry begin., ut 10:30 n.m. Sunday the church, 1259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. .

Tilc Irvine Trio, \\ hich includes Camille- Eric,011, 'iolinist, Virginia Mitchell, p ia nist, twd Elaine Armstrong, cello. "ill pl.1y Brahms, Mozart and Chopin.

Renders will include R1chanJ CJrter, L0:1 Ann Merrill McLc:in and Richard Scoby.

Child supel'\i'>1on \\Ill be prn' 1JeJ. For dclj1b, c:ill the church ot 646-4652.

Jewish Community Center of Orange County

R escrvat ;>nr. arc due Tuesday. Dec. I. for J Channu~ah Party JCC and Ne"port Je"ish SingleJ--tO-plus :ire hm11ng Satur<la)-. Dec. 12.

from 8· 10 p.m. at the center. 250 E. Baker St.. Cmta ~lesa . This year will feat ure the fi rst nnnual "Ln tl-.e Cool. Off ... All en trees

mu'>t register by Tuesday. Con1cstan1s will be judged b)' a p:rncl of Latk expcm (caters), and prizes will be given 10 the \\1nner),

Also included in the fun \\.ill be entertainment. games. 131!.cs. de!.'>ert and coffee. The co!.t for JCC members is SlO per pers1.l0, and for non -members SJ2 per person For information. c.111 the center :.it 75 1-0608.

Dr. Roger Teel Sunday


Chtld Care ProYlded Services. ~:45 a.m. 10 30 a.m. 5:30 pm

Member of ~ United Cllurtll ol Rel1flOUS Sctence 2205 MAIN STREET. SUITE 23



lhl' Chri,tian Scienn· Churches Of \e\\pt»rl lkarh \\'ekome You To Our Weeki~ Sen in·'·

Sunday, No\cmbcr 29, 1 99~. Sub1c:ct: Ancient and Modem Necromancy, alin<i Mcsmrri m and ll)pnoli m, Drnounced Golden TeM: l'.\,1/m~ 18;2 " ... 'fhc Lordi m) rocl..-a11d my forlre s, und m)' dtli•trrr; m.1 (;od, my trtn~th, in tthom I t+il/ lru.)t: mt budJtr. and tht horn of nt) ul.-ation, und my high IOt+tr~ ... "

Lido Corona del Mar F1r$I Church or Chml, Sc1cnt1~1 ScrnmJ Chur~h t'' Chr"'· &1Cllll\I Nc..,porl Beach, 3301 V1.1 L1Jo NC"-J>Otl Ik;11..h Church 10 a.m &. S pm 3100 Pac1fi.: View l>r . Curona lkl ~far SundJ) School 10 J m C'hu"h &. SunJ.1\ Sc:h1·1ol 10 am WcJn~ay E'cn111g Tc 11mon\ WcJnc~IJ) l \C11111g Tc'cu'~'"~ Mcc1111g 8 p.m Mcclang 7 'Cl pm. flh11nc 67J·6t~O Phone. o75-4b61

C/11/d Carr f'mwltd At 'Ill \m 11 n



! CHURCH (01sc1ples of Chnsl)

2401 Irvine at Santa Isabel Newport Beach64S-S781

Momioo Worship . 1 O A.M. Gene Swanson. Minister

CWJ~Cl4 u r h1 ....... -.a... ... .. ..... ... ...... .-...... ......

... ...... ,. • . ~..- 1•

ca..c..,,... . .... ,.

South Coast Christian Church Or. Jemes E Pimy. "'51cr

Sund.ly Sct.>ol 9 00 <111 Woislll p t 0 t 5 am et.ldc~e An1l.Jblt

Bible Stl)cjy Wednesd~. 6'30 pm 714.-541-MQ

792 VICll>tla Street I• Pl:lc«m). CosU Meu

. ,. ~ -°W( A~ A ~TY Ot ATEO

To Lav ~ SL"\'1""' Ju~ CH'l T A~ LOA? A ... o s .. ~-


Trad1t1onal 7 30 a m Contemporary 9 a m Church School 9 a m

Chansma1ic t O 45 a m Wednesday 6 30 a m Fr David C. Anderson

Rector 3209 V111 Lido, Newport Beach 71 41675 0210

You don't have to go out on a spiritual limb... rrv


~~~,~ Nntport 1Iatbor LatlJeran CliiiCJJ 5'nDy Wonhip 800 &. t<>JOMn {\d.tl_r So.dy 9: l Sam &.diy School 9: lSam CA&a 3 duu HS) N'""Y Q.ic 7~ ID t 2 nocJ\ P.un: IWI and&..i K&rfen-Hadcut



• Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot Sa\urday, November 28, 1992 A 13

~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~D SocietY~ , Society Editor Vldi Dean ... 642·4321

Guests lunch at the 'castle' for UCl's Brain lmagi11g Center A five-candle birthday cake •

was erved Sunday to the 130 guests at "lunch at the

castle" in Snn Juan Capistrano. The guests were major donors

to the UCI College of Medicine Brain Imaging Center, and hosting the event in the magnificent SJC home of Margie and Aram Keith were member!. of the DIC Commiuce. (Margie is DIC volunteer director.)

From left, par1y hosts Aram and Margie Keith with Coy Mirl<in and attorney Tom Guinn.

BIC founding president Jean Liechty, left , \\ilh Seniz and Dr. Orhan Nalcioglu at celebration.

The birlhday Society luncheon bega n

----- with an al fresco meal on the

multi-tiered patio that O\ erlooks the Oipistrano Valley and a sparkling sea.

Afterwnrd, BIC Committee President Peggy Goldwater Clay :isscmbled the group in the spacious Keith living room and presented the Keirhs v. ith a ho-. t gift - a basket of Goldwater's salsa. "A little advertising ne,er hurts," Clay commented.

Orhers gett ing thanks for the ent irely undcrnritten pJrty Y.erc Terry Dunn, \\ho did '"' itatmn'

\\ 1th a drawing of the home, Marjorie anti Eldon Lockhart, "ho underwrote printing of invitations, Joanne Stewart for the limoul>1ne transport:Hion up the hill , Sandra Brodie for Ooral decorations, Betty and Dick Kasper and Barbara and Tom Noyes for music, and Connie Morthland for wine.

Clay told the major donon. that e'ery dollar given to the BIC 1s used to funtl center activit ies Since fo rmatioo of the committee fi,e yeJrl> ago, more than Sl.5 million in ca~h and equipment ha-. been donJted. Clay then ga' c a chccl for S35.000 to Cente r



tay u' er at the ~10TEL free & convenient parking

SA~TA CUl'S E'e r\ weekend . Noon · 4 P.M \Jo\ · 2. thru Dec W

THE Tt' 'IE · aroling NO V 2Q · 1P.M.-4P.M DFC. 6 · 1 P.M. 4P.M


EVA HOLME authentic German Caroling Dec. 13 • Noon-4P.M.

All Hearts Come Home

for Christmas




THE GREY GOOSE, INC We tdtff Pl1ud • 1012 Irvine Avenue '11 17th St reet

Newport Be h 92660 • t7141 642·780)

Hol1d1~ ~iOIAr$ 10 to 6. Sunday 12 to 5 Thursday open until 8


director Dr. William E. 8unney. Or. Richard Haieilt talked about

rel>earch in schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and mental rc tarJJtion. Or. Ahmad told of new drugs thnt ha\'C recently been developed and useful in ncuropsychiatrici lls.

Jean Liechty. who with Athalie Clarke, Blynn Bunney and Anita Zicbc founded the committee and "a\ the founding president, shJrcd her c\pcricnccs \\Ith the illness of her son and told of the need for ~uppon or brain research

PROTECT YOURSELF! 'lol•n! er 'Ties ego ns1 ~en hoppe"I oil(. Tf'7 o~(Whm 00~1 SE A VICT'Y Corry o~ 80.000 Voll



Bl fl\', fLOCK SHOP ' .ii,.-• Rt •tou11on • Rtpatr•

\ Fam1h Bu•inr • Smrl' I !{II! ...

63 1 -1~1i

THI PIZZA BAKER\' Piua • alaci • Pa..ia

Cla ic • \'r~rt.irian c California S I} It

631-l (>6

fll.\RLES ff. B.\RR .. Jnrlftt"§

Gtniolomt• • Cu tom Oto IPI' Offinal Roln \~tnt,


1\[ TCUff FLOOI A 1'1,001'' CO\ lll~G ~ ooJ • C:arJlf lUl~ • i ool

\tarblr • Rhnd • \ rta Ru~ .. \lclo l.uon~o Striop-aph


Sharing the affair of lun and information \\ere Tom Birch, Carol and Jeff Bro\<\-n, Jam•! and John foss~m, Dr. Jennife r Hagman Hazell and Don Ha.tell. Betty and Dr. Richard Kasper, Annette HUl'\\ ilz, Bonnie Shershow, Dr. Paul Reardon, Barbara and Bob Kleist, Doug Liechty, Bob Clay, G:irnett Riley, Sandy anti y ary Riley, Gcrrv mJ Wally SchrO'Cder, Janel .md Ra)' Sn)dN, Shari anJ. Harr)' h a)'iJn Janet Curci Walsh Jnd Annelle and Dr. Charles \Vil)on. Vice Ch.uu.:cllo r \\ alter Henn \\ ilh Pegg) Gold\\ aler Cla at C\Cnt



17l S We~cliff De Newport Beoch 712-0721 Oo.!y & hf!Wlf fw 1lw Kolidoyi

\ 'M.\REE'. t mt \\ nm· n \ l lutlw ...

\l oncla' • " .11 tu r1ll\ JO.() o~~- U~3 .

l'.\.~RIO~ I\' RlCll I Cu~t11m r ... u:n <.: loth1n

f in \ hrration• (1:;11.11 ; ;

\PPOl"UtE'l'S Of' \\PORT

n11n.1 . ( r\•t.il . ' tha fir .. I 1 • • l.1fr· • ! .ml·


f.XfllSlfl R I ul111lt•U• • ur•

( l11l•t.1n.l1n"' \ alut ,\ '1''1rr h, .,. i4b

II \Fl E f. \KES lb~rn

r •pr. ••II Rn • ( 1f r lluh1lo\ Pr-. rt• • Rrt'.i<I"

ol2- H U

.f'ORt\T.R Fllf.\D. 'ift, A ( eUttfi~Mi"

\ nnil1 <' • ll11ll. • Hummtl ll ttl11f ,, f tta•UN'.~

FASHION A'Moret's • Chodes 8cJt JtwtWrs • Eidusifuls • FWlion by~ FOOD Houte Cokes • The Pluo Bakery lRS1Yll ~ttMts d Newport• luck's (lock Si9 • lhi Chldren's ~ • EO(iy Yeot5 ~ • Fcnv. frie<lds

•Jo li'9 & Co• wall RcMw C~ SEIWlS • (OOCJPtS --V~ • The Dem C""' • ~ess Pos10l of ~ • FmNon FOIWd.• ltn ...... • Jtlnes At.t Sdon • L ~ Oripd ~


A14 Saturday, November 28, 1992

BOULEVARD From A1 ll'll1ng llll' '' h.11\ thl' bl'~I thtng tor m~ prop1.•rt) ."

S,>fl l' r ~.tid hl' h.1~ nu 1ntl'nl •lll ul 111,,J1htn).! c.:i1hl.'r ,111.: 1'1 111, p1up1.·rt11.',.~ anJ hl' Lh1ni.., thl' 1>,1uln.1rJ 1:> JU't l111c thl' ".1~ 11 ' ' But he :..11J if thl' 01lwr' 011 l >Id /\,.,,port Bouk,.11J \\ 11 L 10 .:-k•111 11 thl'1r p1,1p.:111,·,, 11i11, tine \\1th him

1,, b.: ~ n1.:. 1h-.rc j, no rh,1111: ,,r '" .h•lll h' the m 11-c:up uf OIJ :'\1.\\pl 11 !h111k\ , rd, \\hll .. h \\11\d' up 11,111h lrom ! he Ard1c:' lfr,1.1 u1.1111 10 I "th Street

A l.'\),l ll !Ill...' ... htip .• I 111Llll'I .• I

rt1ctaph~ '''·" hL>iJJ.. ''°' l': 111:111111..' 'uppJtc,, 11. 1.1ur:1111' JnJ C.1pl.1 ...,,, l'Jt• J.: n'on ' \I 1ru111i.: I 1,1.•n,l' Prep Sd1,>11I Jr,· u't ,,,1111.· ol n11.:rd1.1n1, 1h.11 dlll lh1' .11111\IUJlLJ !>lfl'd

\ nJ ,,,1111.· P'-'L'Pk l'\ en m.1!..1.• lh.:11 h1.1,11\.' I l'll

) ,, 11lh1 11..1 l\ 'urc \\h,1t

~ '' •' 111,ld.· "'. I. 1.1( 1hi:'l' bull,lang,, · ,,1 ,1 O" .:n ~llnnc~. " !.'' i.1,iJ.. .1 r.:u:nt llHJrllllH! '''''II

• do\\n the \'uuh:,ard along \\t th bu:.111c"m.rn Jerry Tucl..e r and k<1nncttc.:.

~linnc) .• 1 landO\\ nc r who h .l \

been ''ml.;ing on re furb ishing the :.trl'ct lur 'cvera l ) Car , tried un!luccc"full) to get the council to .:ipprn'c a .tone cha nge on h1' \\'e,tport M.1r111e proper ty J

couple ot )C-"' ago. He hope ... t\) one J;\) build a

condominium and office .:omplc.>. on the 101 th.H b now ltucrcu "11h l~d boat pam.

\ 11nnc), Jcunneu e and Tul'l..c r .1r1..· .tit P•U l of the ad hoc c0mrn1111.:e th.it i!I headed h)' Council members Evef\ n Hart and John I lcdg,cs. T-he· com011ttcc hl'PC' to pa-.s their 'iugges11un' on to city official'> anJ get \t.lrtcd ~ changes to the boulc' J rd

Alben l f\\1n, 7~ . was born and ra1:.cd 111 Ne" port Dcach. I le .ind ht) wife, Lois, own the propc1 ty "hcrl.! the Boulevard

tad .ct "" and ha~ :.al since 1935

The m~rl..d. \\htch ' ' a:. orig1nall) a !! '':.talion on

A 6-Part Series Addressing Weight Concerns


Fad Diets lhl'rl' .ir.- 111,rc.1,c 111.111111l'\l.1 Jnd hulu111.1111

H lf I Ir•' I r I J ,• t lh l 111 I u I \ 11 l'' 11 \ 1.' I I h l' I ,1, I \I' ' 1•1 1 .1.I \l.°.11'

.. 'lh 11, r.. u I .1:1 dwl' cf1u11 ~·"n'1\kr th•· \\ h11k , r .. ·11,,' p. ,,111 l1' 11111..:111an1 in Jn~ \\\'1µh1

''-.I 11\ j'Jrh•r' '''" i'l11t.:r.1111 "' p.1~ .11tcnt111n 11111t,· . I' .i It• ,1 Ir Ii 111.lfl 11111.il , wll rlll,l)!l'. 1ttl l.1hnl11.

:11.·, lh't' I.ill rt1\'l<..il l11111 1.11wn ' .ind 11( 11u1nt111u.al 1111.11-l· Cnn,1dlr.11111n 111

th .. · "h1•k l'l'l'llll u1ntr1bUl•'' 111

·r,·.1tt•r 'll"l" 111 th,· It'll,!! ruu 1r I ,, f' ' '"" ... , f'.t(\,_ ii ~till ,Ill' \fl lfh Ill 11J11rt' 11\lf

"t•r;:ht .•• ill lhl' prolt "llHJ.tl IL'.1111 l••I .1 lrc't', 1111,1111.1111111 •• ind lllPrl'

llll • •llll.tlll 111

\, •1111 ''' 1

1 ' '' ._.·r , r11.1 .t/Hh.' I•• ,111\t•t! ' ' l i.f drd' Ill.Ill\ "' lf11, Ji IL .111 [l 1 \ ,•,1111.: .1.11._•,, I ,1 ll\!111

"11'1•1 I 1 •\\ It '"I II

I, I I\ \till


.11 "I I , •1 1 1il 1! ! I" .1 l.t11!•

I )pj \.I I ( Ill ti\\l.I\.

1 - 1~ 1 'NS S \llS


ePTFA.ST -- />t''"'"

Michael D. Myers, M.D. Inc.


Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot

Balboa l land before 11 v.as moved up to Old Ncv.pon, is one of a few lmtoraclll building, on the street, Another i:. I cy':. Re:.tauranr, u former beach pavilion that ''as moved from McFadden Square around 1930, '"'in said.

(rv. in, ''ho called his father, William. the fir t rcahor in Nev.port Beach, said Old Newport Boulevard originally stretched .lll the wny from the beach lo Santa Ana and v.as one of the busiest ro:ids in Orange County .

"The traffic 1nmmed up going off the pcnin!lula and going on," lovfo ~id. "It was jusnr stop sign there . lt was really bad."

And Irwin said he likes the idea of clc:ming up the historic road.

" l would lil..e to see it beautified," he said. " l would like to sec the curbs and the sidewalks go in. It 's a good little · business district. If we can bt:autify it and upgrade it, l'm sure the bus1 ne:.s \\ Ould pick up."

Woman critical­arter leaping from structure

NEWPORT BEACI I -A 7l·)C.l r·old rount:un ' V·11lcy ''oman apparently attcmpteJ :.u1cide Frid.1) morning by leJping off a th e-story park1ngfstructurc a1 l loag M1.:morial Ho:.pital, according 10 Ne\\port lleach police

1 he \\ Oman. !>aid to be dc'lpondent over h~r illncs\, \\ ClS airlifted to -the. trauma center al UCI Medical

- Center where :.he wa' liMcd in critical condition.Friday c-.ening.

A v. itnes!>-saw the \\ Oman sitting on 1he edge of the parking structure at about 10 a.m. Friday .md then noticed \he was gone. Newport Beach police and paramedics re~pondcd to the \CCnC

- D.• tlle Dail.1 Pi/ut


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RELlE'FI from IUIO ICddents, sports in~ low beck pain. t!.rplg am and ltgt, hM<llchel, and many othtr hNlth prol:ilen.

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fa.la\ 1h1• rul ti.~r chanl:l'd .~b..ird tht'f all ~hip. of \\'1 nd111mmer !Urt'fc••l ( ru ... l'\ plnn• lh(' r .. mbbt>ao lo mmfllrl aod I\ le_

f!t..,1 11( Jll \ 11U am -.1'1 \uur u\\ n ll<ltl' 11lci 1b1• bt'lm. h11 .,, a 'dtl or put wur ft'l·l on thr rail and lrl our ere" do the \\Orl

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You Can Do Something Special This Holiday!


Each year during the holiday season, Realtors throughout the community collect canned goods to donate to local charities.

In light of this effort to fight hunger, Ralphs is offering this special coupon savings on a va·riety of Ralphs Brand canned goods.

* This Year all proceeds will benefit the

• Salvati:: ~;:to~1::n5g;~;:;::~ .. season and share your good

fortune with others. Contact a local Realtor for details on

how to participate.


Join the Newport-Mesa Association of REALTORS for its third annual Santa

Photo Day at ~alphs market on Friday, December 4 from 9:00 a.m. to I :00 p.m. CanTree fund raiser benefiting The Salvation Army of Orange County , ..

'Ralphs 380 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa. Bring 5 (16 oz) cans of food or $5.00, and take home a keepsake photo of

your child and the knowledge that you have helped make Christmas brighter for needy Orange County families .

........ '"1../E:1Jlrt) ....... ~ny Five ,16 oz. Canned Vegetables • h A• °''tJ vark11 OFF~m:~on' IJmlt On. Item'"" 011 c.'ouvon l't r { u•lmn.-r Cou n Elf..:tlveNovf'f!'ltJ4:1 24. lhrnl)f'c~ml..,r 30 19':>2





Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot I '

Saturday November 28, 1992 A15 ~

Community Forum b

\\rill' to: P1lut ll'lkr), JJO W. BJ~ St., Co)tJ Mesa, CA 92627 fa" l<.>tters to. 646 -41 70

Reader) ' Hotline ... 6.i2-608G Editor William lobdell...642-4321, ed. 351

aguna park goes happily to the dogs

· T he park, \~:ls awash in dogs running around with no leashes.

Their tongues Oyang lii...e pani... bJnnen., the critters gl~fully chased one :i nother, chased sticks a"nd telrn1s b:ill-. and Fmbccs. The O\\nCr\ didn't g1'c J hoot \\ hcther animal-control officer \\ere hiding belund a tree, read) to pounce and rnte a dozen tici...ets for lea">h-law \1ola1ions

Nobody cared, bec.1use th1-. \\.1-. the inly place 1n Or.ingc Count} Y.hcre J ogs

On the Coast

can legally run free: L:lguna's ne" Oog Park.

l\e been carting our h\U gu)S duY.n there a couple times l'.1ch \\ CC k

since the plac.e opened b 'it munlh , am! i1 's fun for all three of u'I.

Fur dogs on their firs1 fir,t. the place '' .1 puulcmcnt, Mam of them ha'e ne, cr been ofl a le:l\h, nc' cr e\pcticnccd the jO) ol running free Once through the double g;1tcs

'I "''" the b.ild cagh! h:id not been chosen the rcprc,cnt.11ivc of our cuun tf) ... 1 he 1ur!,.ey b. :.i much

more rc,pcctal>le b1rJ, a true origin:il nJtl\c ol AmcncJ"

Th i-. 'IC\\ from UcnJ:11nin l· r,1ni...1tn did not prc,J1l, nf couf\c, .tnd \\Ith the p~h,Jgc uf time, turkc)~ hJ'e been m:ihgncJ fo r their alleged l.ick of m1cllil!clll'C, nunuf.1cwrcJ like car p:.irt, am.I m:.irkctcJ a~ a pOl>r nun·, tecf.

For lhe l.1~1 24 huur" ot 1hc1r li'C'~. tht: turkl·~, 1JrC 'l:.irH:d 'v :i" tu rcdu..:C' 1hc qu.1ntll) of to\:C '' :i"IC'!> pr Juel' 1h:.11 11111.r.tll\ \\OUIJ be 111 their '>\!>l l!m al :hi: wnc ol · buch:er. ·

I th1~ thl'-l..1nd ttf I hank~l!1,1n2 ur Chn 111ul't dinner 1h:it "e v.ant 10 foe.! i..> uur 1.1miiic'> :ind lrit.'n;.b'

of the si\ -f\kll chain hn i... l~lll..C, 1110\l ol the llC\\ CrlllC r) \CC \\h:.11·~ •otn~ on and lud .. at their tm ncr' a\ 1( to

'.i) ... He), bu''· docs thi'> me:in I can .1ctually talc.c otf and h.1,c fun "''h"lUI

\\'h:.11 \\:.I\ once .i .. r1:!ipcc.tJblc brrJ··"' nu'" a p111tul appcndJge to :igribu"nl)S 1cchnl)lug}. 1 hrough caging. Jumcs11ca11on and ar11hcial 1n cmination. the moJcrn turkc\· h.i' been reduced 10 ,1 clum'). depen<len't, a-.e,ual h10-m.1chinc.~

\\hile human.., are bu y fi~hting fo r )p.tu!.., in upcrm.irJ..l't parl..ing lot) to prepare for holida~ dinnl'rs, turJ..l'H .lrl' fightin i.; .1bu - tor '>Ur\I\ .ii.

In the true '-pint ul the hllhda~ ~ea n \\~· -.houlJ con .. 1Jcr tht: rc:il rl!:i.,on "h· 'C' re Ill t c :.itin~ eagle' vn lh1' 'P~ .. 1.."l

d.I\ 't uu ~ce, 1.:th!lc' :ire not J'

n .~111gcahk a' ttfrkc)'· the~ (kin't p!. .• n p er ,, \\di anJ ~hC) Jon'i breed "cll

h.11 damned lc:llhcr \tr.1p'!" ·1 he am\\t:r, :i-. It i\ ,,, dkn \\1th

.. hlldrc n. i' .i 4u.il1t1cd. " '\ n, but Oun·1 '\' 1ntu 1hc p;.impa' ~r J''" \ 1111..:k \\;,i ll I}(

the plume) \lull )Cl'1:" .1, .1 b.trncr on 1hc tln lc111:cJ '11Je ul lhc gr.1")· l\\ll·.11..·re

In con tr•hl ll1 1he)c ma.;s produ.:cd birJ~. the few rc11wn1ng \\1IJ turi...c)) Jrc (\.lkirtul, 'treamhncJ ~ind ph\ \!Call) aJcpt ;in1m.1l, ·1 he~ c..1n ll) .dong .11 55 1111lc) per h\1ur. run IS mile~ per huur .1nJ talc.c 4·1oot 'tr1Je, Wild turh:\~ h:hc i...ccn c\'c...i~ht :111J .ire Jblc tl> l;idc \\ell in \he fore,!, ollen ll\ing 15 )CJr' or mmc

Flight to plight '>m • ..: 1hc\ :ire icrr turi:il.

t\-tu.111~. a .. free i:ntcrpmc ' ' 01.dJ l .1\~ 11 ''..: om ho" 'cllu:J un thc tur>....:) It all .. ·ame atiuut th.ii '..:tond }e:.ir :iftcr th~ b11J11 ..: \ uu we ·1 hJni...:.gi' mg .,. .1 corJ1·h! tu lw.1un rCJI' lhe .. ckllr.1t1~1n ot lree


cn1erp.ri:.c. p.11 ~

'I he rule' 01111111..>mh note "Be .m;.in: ih.11 lhe p.1rl.. i' not f~lly cndv~cJ lt >.i,i.;, up to htll,iJc t'Pt'n ,p.11:e \\hcrc hlll·1..hmlc\IH;~1tcd ~1nim.1b, )n.1kcs. etc 11.1\ 11\C" •

The irn.1i;e of n big. plump. roJ:1tcd turkey wming out of the o\en to feel! .1 roomful ol l.1ugh1ng reb thc., around the

The once-respected wild turkey, having been reduced to a clumsy, dependent bio-machine,

should be reconsidered as our entree of choice

(j,1 1.rn )f U,•rru''· 1hc lc.1Jer .it 1h1' Jllotl .. ) dC'\\ l'I entrcpren..:ur!I rc.:..1!.Lc.I ·,h.He .1nJ .. hJrc :.iltl..c' JU:.! d1Jn t \\ Ot11.

t lC\ JIOIO'I 't:.tl'\1.d 1h:.i1 tir:.I \ear 't \;u·re on 'our O\\n·\,ul.:d. Jnd lO

1. I r;.i:e 1hc.pl..:n11ful 'econd·)CJr Anh>ng tht>~c lltln·Jt1111c)11catcd critter'

ire.- ~ll\Ute) , .111d OllC J.1) when \\e \\ere 1hc1c. :J liulc J ,1d.; nu"cll 1cmc!r lcJrn.:J hat tie !ltgn \\ ,,, Ill> 1Jk ".1rnang

J:i<.k Ru e11., .uc .1 .. 1ubtx1rn and

1 hank"ci,ing table con1.c:if., 1he rcJI 1ru1h ab,lut 1he turk<.'-. in America tt>JJ,.

\\ h11c human' :ire bu') fi;:-hung ll)r • p.1c~s tn -.upcrmarkct p.iri...1ng loh to prep.ire for

.. ____ .....u;:;wtu:u.JLC.1.:J.L-LJW:..JUJ~w..;:ul.UQ.~~~:1---t--Hlrttit~~· ift!,--srt.I { hrinm~ d 1 nnc r,, the 1 u rke~ !I a re ~the guy. in the bar "ho ~houi' fightin!! al'l, - tor 'ul'\1,al

' le. :in) m;.in 111 the hou)c!" rite) :m: h~h11n~ JU)l ll>r ~pJcc tu 'tanJ :.inJ brc.11h.: JJ\71.;o \\J 'i the terrier' n nc. and he J m,n on the la tor\ larm The -.tench j., 'u b;,id th,11 l\.. off for the "1lJcrnc" ·u-1n, the the fa(tol) farmer ha' Ill \\C,1r a ma'k

l:H h 'ounJ) 111 J cnttc r 11i..l 1 1.Jmc ·r here arc J'i m.in) a' ~ll.000 bin.I-. in c.1.:!1 :1hcd !'he ~

hncJ..:ing du\\ ll (rum the h1lh1Jc. Cl)nd111on IS \0 ClO\\dCJ that the buJ:1' le~' \:llll'h IO

·1 hen ,.icnce faclw\ O''nc r!I tncJ to 1he cro,,J, 'lippmg into their ll\\n lccc' • ct up the hill hu t th ~· grllv.lh ''a' to.1 All in all, ~ti() 1111l11un turke\' Jrc ,lau~htcrcd 1n the h1 .. t.. hen1u.1ll). unc ul them d1J m.1kc L1111tcd S1.i1c' c:.id1 )CJr and l~ fc c\pc..: t .~1.-) ol lhe'c . and after HI minute,, .llllt' l'>.1.:k.


Compiled by Richard Holmes

art1l1d.dl) in ... emin.1tcJ 111."'·l'rudu1.cJ birJ, .irc- 11.irn I~ ll' ~.i \\t.'ck,, m,k.11.l ~ f thur n;.ia.r.11 hi .. 'i. n cl .it kJ'I I I )C'ar~

\ ·1,,,1:: (.li•c.1 c hu' bi:cn r.1mp<rnl tn the." mi:r· .. ri HI ti .. •1hl 1 on' .1r.u the t 1r.1' .ire ollt.'n .11il1..: .. d \\flt mlmi:rou' .11lmcnt,, \\f11 .. h \\•lllld nl.li...i: them unmark~·1.1hk. the 111rkc)' .u .. • lllJ,t.lcd \\llh

!;,1U\\ lh·p1omo11ng .1n1ih10\\,, t.1l1 I ..... 1r,,! lh. d1,i:.1'1: .111,I ,11111 I.it .. r.1p1J ~r· ,q \ 1 J 1,1 m1mm1z..: thi:tr d '11u,11;11i 111on1)1\C .111111 • 11 11 cu .. r.h-.lcd 1:11nd1t1\111-. 1h .. 11 b1:.1k'. h>1.' .w,I ,\int!' .1r.: :.sit .. lipp .. d

h.11'\ .. ,t, lli)t l.H: lli! able! h.> e:uJh find :in cack. 1he\ 'u ,!i~lut.:J a ""d t~rkc\ :rnJ I rZ .. ceded, ;,ill 50 uf them. to h.:n e ~ "1.J ti :c.:·dJ) part)' \\Ith 1hc 300 or'

lnd1.1n' ''ho th ~ h:iJ lall,.cd 101 helping 1hen1 11 JI \\a~ th.: I r't ·1 h;,inbg1\in~ -\t 1 me hJ!>

l r g "'~d :he :.irL~ it3!1 b .. ,or .. the. cntr~~ I h for :i \,lfl~I\ of hohd;.i\,, ,u,h :I\ C~ r"...•m.i:.

'\ o.1r I 11:1nbg1 in~ 0

1erl\ .. ~ ma~ J1re;.i .. h hJ\e been 't:nt:d I IO\\.:\cr. a~ \\C hc..1J tl ,, ,nJ Chri!ltm:l), pk '.: !!"C 'l)nlC 1.1>n,1Jer.1t11..>n tor 11 c pligh t 01 thb poor bm.I .mJ m.1le J 1c,po11,1l>le d1u1 e l1ur the m:un cour-..:

Ju'! .1 collc .. 11, not thoughh on the ~t.i te ol 1h n 1\1\>n t H' I , ltJ.1, '1..l'l n

Nid1.J rcl /fo/mn h ./.\ u1port lkarh bu!lineu uontr.

vllll\\Cd b) a b:111cr1..•d .1nJ tilllOJ~ htllc d11c Somcbod' .l\l ed, " Wo'"· I \\lllldc1

t.Jl the rnwic lool' 11\...c " 1 he Oog P.1r~ 1n l .1gun.1 ., .1 1cmt1c

pl.ice. but one \~ 111 ,,11\ 1uu'I) Jo \\ di 10 11be~ the fc,, hou ... c rule' Other) incluJc: ~u aggre,:11,e J ug-.. no fcn1.1 lc' m hc.11. "urrcnt ul)g Ji. .. ·cmc\ JllJ, lllU\I lnlJXlft.Jnl

Shooting down the myths of life • In 'paradise'

: all, PIC J... LP AFl LR 't OL R DOG 1

'fo f.1r J\ l \c 'ccn. people obc~ the ru .. , quite \\ Cll [ here are l;.ir fe,,cr pile-. of Jog nui :Jncc, .. .1 count) and cit) ordnJncc arc lonJ of CJlling it, th:in oni: hod' 111 JO) neighht>rhooJ

I ,u,pcc1 1h:.i1 ·, hccau e the people \\ho go to the trouble of talc.ing the ir pup~ to th(.., P ogg1e Dl\llC\ l:inJ arc 1hc more re~rxin,1ble owner",. I hey are ~u t.leiighted l\> haH: a pt.ice "here their pch can ruo1p .inJ dl, \\hJI dog.., arc \uppo-.cd to do. 1111.·y i...e:cp )h:ttp C)C~ 0111 for peo ple '~ho might no t be '" 'crupulou's.

l hc D\lg. Pu.11. l!I on L:tgunJ Cin)On R<l . JU't ~uth of the Animal Shelter and the General Telephone foc1hty. It "a' put llt!Cthcr by the ~uy . G l E and RUFF· Re-.rnrng Un,, Jntc-d I urry l-r1cnd' - J -uppurt group fo r 1hc '>helter fhe p.1rk •~ open d:l\\n to du-.lc. Jlld there I!> no hJrgc. Out I c.1n'1 101Jgtne u 1ng it .inJ

no1 \ending :i check to RUFI". P 0 . Uo' 1140, Laguna UcJd1 ~:?652 .

lrt•d Mortin' column runs eu·ry fut d.i) , Thursda) and aturduJ .

.. PRE JOE~T Gturat Bu h. (R), The \\'lute llou\c, 1600 PennS) h Jn1.1 A' c • \\',1,h1n11on, U C 10500

\'ICE PR£ IUI- NT Oon Qu11) lt, (R). Senate Office llu1IJi11g, \V;i\hingtc>n, D.C. :!05 10

GOVERNOR f'Nt Wll on. (R). StJU: Capitol. S.icwncnto. 95814. (9 1fl)4i5·:.!~W

U. ·• ENA'lOtt Ion Cranston, (0). 5757 W Century Din.I •

Suite s ls. LO\ All •cle • 90().i s. (.213)2 1 S·l l~. l>hrnnc fclnsttln , ( R)

.S. llOU E o•· RU'R£SENTATf\ ES ('hrl Co, , (R). 4llth Di t .. 4000 MacArthur Ul\J . La t I uwer. Z'ewporl Dcac:h. 9.?660. 756·224-l. (C\ ta Me ;a and Newport Dc:ach.)

S,ATE SE Al llarian Bt'lf oa, (R). J7th 01 1, 140

Newport Center Ori' e, Suite 120, Newport Uc:ai,;h. 92660. 640-1137 (Rcpre~nl

T he 1l1u .. ion thJt " m:t'ltcr-pl:rnncd" a11J "">qucai...y-dcJn" In tne i..

immune to 1hc 1.lrgcr \Q\:1etal nialJJic:1 fcrmcnt1n~ .ill around u:1 "J' 'haucrcd on r\\)\ 19 "hen 1ccn-.1gcr'

Mark Petracca

Liberal Politics

"ere imoh~d in a parling-lot shooting tnc1dcn1 \Cf\ near 10 one uf the local hil!h

1.h1.'11.>h . ~ • UnfortunJtelv. local

leader' - in the 'chU1.1I '> '>tcm .• 11 Cu~ II.ill ;ind among the cit) 's poli111.al cli1c - are not hkclv ll> be 'en though tful in their· reaction lo \\hat tran pircd on Nov 19. You .,cc, shootingll aren't suppo!>ed tu happen tn "p~1r:1d1 e:·

bu1 then again neilhcr 1 homclc snc.,., nor ethnic rac1:ll ten!l1on. Shootings happen in " les de:.irable" nc1ghbo1hncxh. not in cities "'•th "ell·manrcurcd grcenhelt~. night-lit sports ficllh, or .. , 11l.1ge-le\el" planning.

l\1lk .1hiu1 Jclu'>l\lO' 1.il l '" p11u11.1h,m1 Tl C' lf1,1 Jrll) h~·t\\ .:cn th~

pr1.1 ._)')lOn.111~ Cr~ll.:J 101 I!!.:" 01 lf\ 11\C ' .ind \\ h,11 h.1pp.:nlJ llUl\hl.: .1 !., .. ti p1llCrlJ cou!Jn I po"1b1hl~ be fl~JICI \ , a ..:llll,clpcnce 10\:al k.1JC"r' .ire

m1.lfc Ii le.cl~ II..> r~ .1, 1 w the '~ 111Jlll)ll1' nt the 'h1.i.. trn~ r.111 er 1h.1n the' :ire hl 11' root cau'1.' T he llr:11 rc~pur1'c '''II bl.1mc the .l- ~ 1"'01ing llO l1u1 .. 1,lc inntrcnct''· '111.:c

Ir\ 1111. .:h1ldrt•n ct111IJn •t pui)rbl) be cap.1blc of 'tt4.h 'illlcrh.·c. 1\ 'CCl1nJ rcac11un \\Ill 11111.: ~.Ill~ .ldl\11\ "nh pJrt1 .. ·ut.1 r grl'"P' 'Of 1~cuplc. :11-u 111 .lll

effort 10 bl~1mc lllhcr' for 1h1' ·'"·wit llll ln111c \ pri)llnc reputation A thud rci.ponsc ''ill c1.,mmc11<l 111.:1 c .1 ... mg I he pO\H:r of gLncrnmcnt tu .. utk the )tnptom<; ol gJng ~Ktl\lt) II no1hmg

cl,c, thi' :.hl'Uting IH,ukl le.1d1 the C1I\ Council th.11 out l.1\\lng m 11king pen' 1' pwbJbl~ not much lll a rc'pl1n-.1. 10 1hi: city's nJl>ccnt gang pwblc 111 ·

Though p1 ob;ibl)' 11hl1ndual .• Ill three re pon C!. are "nmg arhl counterproJulliH' '\ lHlC 'pc .ii... ll\ the cJu'e of a protikm Jlll1c11ng near!)

C'-'• lll\ In 01.uu:~ C1unt,, 1111,,1 :h ... ll 111 II \\ h.it d, .. <!

I "' II ti 1 1l., l JI k.1'1 h>.1r 1..1 1-;f '• .11l1 111.·ucl 11.·1.! ·

• 1'.11c11t, \\h,1 'p.:r:,J Ill\.! mu .. h t1n11.· I I\ 1 .: 1 I c In rne llrc:im, ..... th..: d.:h I r .:r' h;..,: Ill pi.: II, and lllll t'lhlU_;h

1101.: .• 11.:mhnl! II' 11tc 1111.:rl''" and need, I lht:ll d11,ti.11 • A ,,1i, l I ,,,. ~ 11 i.11 lJr•' more

.1bou1 1h JH r.1_, ..., \ I '''lr,•, 1lt.1n 11 du ... lib ul 1\htl. ... u .a..'W,111~ ,lu.:a1c ' :tll \ll 11' 'I u,k ni...

• \ ,11\ l.!ll)l\llh! l\l1l l.1,l fl'I lh 'll_.1,il .ind 111111;.-,~11 .1h1li·t~ h• h:111dl.: the p.1..:c l'' J .. \\:ll1r n.:-111. \\1th mu,h m11fc g11mth ll• ,,1111c. Uulldm~ up' 1ir \IUI thl' 1.11\ i' 1111 'ull,titulc tor lm1!Ji11.: .1 .:1>mmun1t' \\ t il1111. .. . • •

e \ J,111,1t '1h.1t l r\11\C h.1, J,,,·.:ph 11i. ll: I '1111\;1 ~1 .. ·.11 p1,1l,lc111'. I roinc.,tcd b\ lhllW \\ilh thC 11\\h\ ll' ~.\Ill h 11i.11!,.d1ng l l'\lllC :l' "pJl.1 jl,1.' •• •

In .1J1ht1\)ll 111 the m." n 1.J1 ,·, p 1r11,1~:.il ''' , .. ,kn1c anJ k 11111~ •'' llJ,l11l.lr) ll1..'llf \:l1(C,, .lll h'UI \)! thC'C \ lu-.. r·t11·l11111 ... t..Jll'c' mu't h..- 1.11..cn 'c:r1ou'I~ 1n rJ1:1 h> ,,,he the r1l1ll

.:.1u'c' ol \lolcn .. e on Cit\ :>trcet I , -.p,· .. 1;,il eh~nt 10 °J sp.: .ii pl:.i ......

1hc ~b,t.:r Pl;.inneJ commun.t' "l In. in ," rcqum:\ .. ,,,me cJrnc;t ,,,ul· e.1r1.h1111:."' hut ,4.1me de.:- .. 1,e cornmunit) h:llJ1ng a' \\Cll The pu1' ·r, 1h.11 h:: in lf'in ... ha\.: ~rent thc p;i)t ~O \C,1r' huilJanc the material fuu11.:1Jll1.)n" ~11 :.i 1.lt). 'o 11·~ 11me ".: turned :h mu .. h aucnlll.'" tu bu11Jmg a ,\,mmun '' Go\ern111c1ll. lll.l mat1cr ho" cu1.'1.l\C, CJnnl'l wTI\tr~[ .:'Onlnl n11~

G OH'rnmcnt can hi!lp. but uhun:u~ I\ the rc,1Jcnt' I lr\ ine mu,1

lllllc..ihcl~ pull their he.ids out or ,,111J .inJ Cllnle l\l ~"P' \\llh the d1 ffi.:-uh .:h.illcngc tlf lOmmunit) -build ing 1 h.11 he.., :.ihc:iJ.

In the mc;.i1111mc. ll" tne's lc.ider\ \\Ill

'".ill prob.1b1hl\ l'CJll. JnJ\bC C\en ll\Crrc:.ict. Ill lhc.: "\ l)\ IQ )hl)\)1111~ l \ll 1hc ,,,kc lll "'' t\111 .:hi1J1en. l l'llh hl1p~ 1he1r rcactu.m J1>..:' 111..11 precluJc J l\lllllllllmcnt Ill thc unJcr,1:.inJ '~ nccc"al') to rcmcJ~ " h;,it .111, "' • II

\/;Jrl\ P. p, tr.lt'l<l i -' s1>datt l'ruft· or of l'tJlitk:d l'U oct :1t l Cl.

How to contact your legislators :'\,'\\ t B, ,, h, - <10·.',:1111 \ r~·11111c:nlle111· Jvhn \\ ''\' II B,, 1r .. I \\ ,. ti, ' l'orn;'I \\umr. prnid1.nt; J im dl Uoom. lfoJ \1.11.\\illi;lll, Jud) rr.IOHI, ~hH~ N~~port Oeach unJ Co IJ Mc J)

STATE A ' ' EMBLY Gllbtrt 1-'trgu on, {R). 70lh 01 I . 4667 MacArthur Ul\'J., Suite :!01, Nc\\port Dc.11.h. 9~6<>0. 750-0665. (Nc\\p<>rl OcJch and C:\\\IJ ~IC '\;1.)

CALffOllNlA COA~IAL COMMI ' lON SJn FrJnc1sco {415)904-5200 (South roa!>t re •ion CO\ er age plit between Urfice in l ong lk•lch (21') S'i!0-~07 1 . 1nJ S.1n D1C_iO Conuni~ loner Don Mclnnl : (b19)12'·92N>

CO n)' HOARD Of UPl'R\ "l OR. 11311 or Adn11n1,tr11ion, JO C1\ 1 .. Center Plan, !)anla An;r, 92701 lliarritlt 1\1. \\ I d r 2nd Dist. Costa Mesa, ~-3220

ThomH ••• RJlty Sth 01 l (NC\\potl Buch, ;anll An.1 Ue11hh) 8:\4-)SSU

OUI"-,~ DOARO OF f l>LC'ATI01' '2t(I Ktlmu~ Orne, Co 11 Mt,,1 P 0 Oo'C

Q0.50, IJ~6~S-90·o. l,lt\0-'lXXJ. Ellt:ib<!ch O. P11ra..er. mc:ml'\'r, Tru't~l \r1..1 5 (Co,t:.i Mc"·'· Nc\\ r)\m llc.ld1 .)

l'OA!)T C0\1\lll~l I"\ l'Ol l l'CI' Dl I RlCT 13"'0 J\Janb A'c (u,1.1 Mc". Q~t1:ti. 4 32.~0 1~

Ch.in..:ellor Alfred P. l-' trnJndu, Phd : l'n idC'nt: N nry A. Pollnrd; BoanJ MtmbC'n: ~ht·rl") D11um, Paul G. Dt·r , r. W•lttr G. llo\\ ,lld, Arm.int.lo N. ltuu: ' t.udent lru,tct: l\lr ten tl, G11n.,,.kl

OR..\Ma; C0\.1' l) J \Ut 1\0 \\U> r.ur Or . ( \l IJ Ml\J 7~ 1 f \IR

Prc·uJcnt l>on \\ lllll \ 1~ l'rc'llknt, lt:.11\\h mlth: 01rnt\lr I om 1 ht>lll\un. I rt) ·

Arnold, John run. tlu(\.: Jl.lhM, R11"h mlth, DcHtly Liao ,1un Jim Und ,..: Gu')


l"'\ POkT·M SU n:o S HOOL otSTRJCT, J(i{ll 16th t ..


I t>0n)\1urro,•. l:d l>t1. l..a. \l arthu 11uur.

\II ~ \ <:O,~Ol.ltHll n" \Tl.R tw-, 1 Rtc 1 1%' r1. ... i:11111 , (\,,<, 'k'·'· fl' I l~()l,l n \.IJ 11 ~lcm ier- l'ruJ\ Ohh11. H;u1'- t'.uu.111. \t .u 1u lh1 r.111 l~. J.id .. HJll, • I t>m ' t hon

tO IA \Ir~\ "II \IH l>l\IRICT Pl) U,l\ \:I I, (.,1,t.1 \k,,1 \l~t '' lZtlO, 7'.1-~0-. \ lk1 J \ k111l'(r.. J 1n1:-' \\'ohnt'r, J:i1".:' I ctt\1\l m, Hiury 11cc:n , ~ate l{c .. ,!e

nd \ rt l'ell\ ,

An Independent c'~ PJP\.1 r

Published b) Co.t'l Commun1t\ N~ , I~

Cl hot Stein, Jr. ch.mman

Jim Cressinger publisher

Tom John on ~ ~1atc publisher

William S. Lobdell cdrtor & \:ice pr ident

S~e ~rblc mJnaging editor

WMtU Burroughs 1901 ·1989

foo~1ng publt~

A 18 Saturday, November 28, 1992


'hould be re:.ir1ctM~ I) endor~ed '"'hen the mail 1, opened . . the ched.) !lhould be logged in "hen received," state!I n school district audit rcpo1 t dated June 30. 1980. "These procedures v.ill help prc\ent the nmappropn:uion or loss ul t: hcckl> re cc I\ ed."

\n auuit report dated June 30, 1987, con­ducteu b) the Pe:rt Marw1cJ.. accounting firm, L'r 1t1d£ed the 'chool u1~trkt for mi~rnanage· mcn t of the health tund account - the same .1u:ount from '' h1ch \V;igner allegedly em· bL'/Lleu tunJ,.

.. J'hc d1-.tnc1 JLCllunting office d1J not pre· p.irc proper rcconc11sa tiom of their records to the bani.. ~ta tcments for their health plan ac-

count," the audit report state . "The listing of outstonding checks were neither complete nor accurate."

~The s:uve audit report also criticized sloppy acvounting procedures used in a log book used to record daily cash receipts for the heahh fund. "Additionally, the log book is prepared in pencil, not ink," the report states. warning that records could be erased or changed.

The report goc~ on to warn of the op­portunity for "defalcation," an accounting term for embezzlement. "A proper system of inter· nal control over cash receipts provides for an effective, though not absolute, deterrent to de· fa lcation."

Auditors in 1987 al o criticized the school district for not separating the duties of endors­ing checks and reconciling accounts. School district officials say the reason Wagner's al·

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot

leged embezzlement went undetected for so long wos because he both endorsed checks and reconciled all accounts.

In June, I990. the accounting firm of Lemke & McOade warne(I school district officials thot reimbursement checks from the district 's "caf· eteria" employee benefits fund were "mistak· enly deposited" into the health fund account. The rcpon said cashier's checks issued to cor· rect the mistnke were not issued until about four months nfter the error was first disco-.­ered. "These errors would not have occurred if the health plan revolving fund bank accounts were reconciled on a mon thly basis," the report states. •

"We saw a lot of things -we didn't think "'ere proper but they were glazed over and we were told, 'Don' t worry,'" Black said. '' l don't have any trust left for our current staff."

WAGNER Superintendent Tom Godtey, who district funds. And SI million has tie chance for the reco,ery of O\'er!lecs the school district budget, yet to be accounted for. missing funds. Wagner owes $4 was moved to the school district 's "They've gone back to I988 and million, according to federal bank· From A1

"The gu) "hu ends up putting h1' hanJ Ill \L>Ur pocket is the ,,1me guy )OU\e :bsigncJ to take c.11e of )Our monc)," \\erncr sJ1d. 'L lllil )OU c.111.·h th.i t pcrl>OO rcd-

fisca l services office after the SI · 1987 and it's still dirty." Werner ruptcy records, including $2.4 mil-million "error" was discovered. said, explaining that district audi- lion in back truces claimed by the

"Wagner was beginning to get a t9 rs will not know the full extent Internal Revenue Service. little nervous," Werner said. ''He of the alleged embezzlement until Meyer could not be reached for was coming up with things that they recover missing bank records. comment. couldn't be explained away. We Although Wagner's attorney, " With the size of the IRS lien,

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Coastal 1• Puppy Training (714) 835-8538 h.1ndcd. )uu lrU'>t him. That\'' h.lt

11\ all about - uust. " \\hen uut,1JL auJ1tor'> ll1und

Jc.: fic1e nc1cs 1r1 chol1I J1stnl.I .ic­counting procedures, it "a' \\ ag· Ill' r " ho v. a' rc .. pons1bk for cur­rc.:c t111g tho~c dcl1cknc1es.

were putting the heat on Steve Paul Meyer, said in published re~ unless the bankruptcy court de-

(Wagnc~ at that p~nt.'' .Jpo~r~~~th~a~t~W~aig~ne~r~w~il~l~aitt~c~m~ptt;t~o~jc~re~e~s;o;t~h~e~~~1~·s~e,~I~s~ec~u~s:a~j~u~U~Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l3ut no criminal wrongdoing was make restitution, Werner sees lit- • sp~tator," Werner said. discO\ercd and Godley returned to

"No school district COl11Cl> out ... quc.:al..y dc.:.in on these auJ1h," \\ c.:rnc.:r sa1u " \\ e kit 11!..e there ''ere 'omc 1r1cgulan11es. but \\C.:

l·oulJn·t put our fingL·r on 11. \\ c h.1J the " rnng gu) g1qng us the dtllurnc: ntation"

.-\lthough \;c\\pllrt- \k s.1 $upc.:r­ntc.:nJcnt John ='- 1..:l1ll '' .I" llr-.t nu­

t1!1d on Od 13 b\ the OrJn~c Count \ D1~tr1L1 All~HllC.:\ 0

!> Ot11~c nt \\':.igncr\ .illcgc.:J embculc· 111c.:nt. ~chuol Jl\trid llll1c1.il!> l:lc.:g.111 lol1!..m~ 11110 t 1n.1nc1al ir·

rq:u1.1r111~-. llhHL' tl:Jn :.i \c:.ir be­l\HC.:.

In ~cptc.:·mna. 191./J, A''''t.inl

his office at school district head-quarters about four months later. School district administrators and board members believed the prob· lcms were corrected.

"An)bod) '>'ho is in a position of trust and "'ho has the knowl· edge of the system and how to v. ork the system can exploit that S)'>tem over a period of time," Codie) said. "No matter what \Our !l)~tem 1s, it happens."

Although Wagner has been charged with embezzling $1.2 mil­lion on C\.idence da ting back to 1989, school district officials say S2.:! million '>'cnt through an old health insurance account Wagner u~ed for the diversion of school

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Sports Saturday November 28. 1992

The N.ewport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson .••. 6.i2-4330 ~\t.387



Section B Cherie Nagy-bowlinW-84 Class1t1ed '87 Automotive/812

COMING' DEC. 4: THE LE-Of· THE-BAY II Morris' two TD dashes bury . .

Rubidoux in second hall, 28-14 ~ Sailors' ace-In-the-hole shocks No. 1 seed; sets up collision with CdM. -

• • inJ I J...ne~ 1! I -gut on the tidd. I w:i" JU;)L !!Ulllg .iU l!.U Jor lL . ~!Om\ gut hill chuncc: un tilth pl.J) uf

th~· !>:.11! f\ 'c.:contl po<.:-1::-s1un altc:r the.: 1merm1~~h.>n. Spdlmg I.OOIJ.) ~rd ru.,her \\',iJt: I 11t, ~tom ... bruke a counter pl:t}

By Barry Faulkner tl'l the lctt -.1de, cut oil a critH.:al dm,n-SPorts W~r 11.:ld bluck from rcce1\cr Sk} H.1m\,

N E W P Q RT ~~Ti;;q~ and r..iceJ untuuched to break a 1~-1~ --uEACH - ~Ne" port tfi-, m \\1th 5:4 tidr nntre1hird pcnod.

Harbor ll igh running l'l: · ~toms :iJJ.:d the idng on the c:.i~e back Colin Morris (• \'1th ;.i J~-~.1rtl S\\ecp 10 p:i)dirt \\l!h knew he had to make \:s; .JI ~.1~ lt:ft m the game. H1' !>cconJ tou1.:h· every earn.· count Fn· ._.... l'-1 · J mn, ju~t h.)~ third ol the

• 'J \l f1 '27 da) night. "'~-~~ ·c. 11eU in th.. S.J1hm. f

The 5-foot-', 170-pounJ \cn1or d1,i "'e~onJ llltt .1.:cpt on ju)t that, brcJi...ing t\\O of h1' three ot tL.: n1g .t. re· nl'ihing :u1empb for -..econd-h .. ilf luucr.- · t.1rn.d . l(l '..:rd~ to

J 1hc f..il.:on,.. LI b do" n~ of 53 and 12 ) .Jrd~ to help k:.i the Sailor' b.Jd from a l-t -0 dd1;.:1t to a Cl 11' Ed.,;:irtl' •

· ~ t \H r 1 ) LI 1 J J 2b-l-1 up,ct \KtOI) aga;n,t top-... ceLll'd and pre' 1ou,l\'·unbeatc.:n Ruh1J1w' in the Clf Di' 1'1on IV quanerf1n;il pme. bdl>rc -t.~UO .it -...:e"port H 1rh0r. ·

~ 1orm .. "ho totaled I\) ' .irJ, un -l 1 carriel> thruul!.h the first 11 '~1.:1..·I--. 11f the sc.1son. Jc.1\~" Monda~ to rc.:prde1i1 USA Kar.11e ~n .1n tnll:rn:1\llHUI 10\.lrnJ· ment in l)ud;ipe~t. Hungal} ne\t \\Cd·

end Hi:; going :.i"a> pre,cnl. ho\\1:\Cr. '>Ct up a Nc,1,p0rt remat"h v. 11h U.Jd;

· OJ\ rival CoronJ de! ~br in Frida\\ sen1ifinab. mo-.t llJ..cl> to be he!J at Or-ange Coa-.'t Colkge. •

fh~ Sea K:ing~ h;inJ.!d f\c'' p1>rt \JO. ~) its '"orst defeat of the )C.1r. J 1--o , ·crdic!. Oct. 9 at Nc,.,port

g1~Jt )Ob, ' i'\ev.port Harb(tr CoJ..:h Jeff fJnnkk\ '>aid of the unlike!~ hero, v .. t10 h.id pient} of com· pan: 111 thc "inner-.· meml'lriou:. 'e"1cc department

I h1' 'ho"~ )OU J lo t ;.ibout the ..I.Jr· actcr nf our player:<.. Brinklc~ -.:uJ 01

the: comeback. "hich ar,pc:ircd 1uo ... 1 unhkch a tier Rt1b1dou\ ( 11-1 f bt.::lt :i

l.!-0 c~'h1on on lb f1r't t\\O po",:,. \1011'>

Io he d \\O l.:!-U to the '' I t.:Jm in CU. and \u h;;nl! lll th.:rc. -.lu.:>''" the kind of t-.1n. 1hb h~, be n ...

Newport Harbor's Doug Kimble (68) Leros in Rubidoux quarterback Donnie Edwards in S.lifors' 28-1 -' lriurnph.

··t was 'o fired up. I tripped on m~ fir~t run," s;ud Mom~ .• 1 nauono.it ch:.1111· pi<>n in Kata. ··nut l J..cpt nl) cucrg~ up.

'.'\c,,pon, "h1ch hld :illo,,eJJu~t t\\0 ru,hinl! toochJown, all .. ea~on. '' 3,

burncJ on 1 D ru .. ~ of 11.. ~:ird) b) l), ,\·


CdM pulls 'it out, 13~10! ~ Evans goes to Quinn from 13 yards out with 0:42 left for the victory. By Roge/ Carlson Sl>OIU CO.tor

COSTA ~11: '1.\ - It .11· '

\hl)S \\Orkcd 111 pr.11.1 icc. but ~- "'' only l\\ ice during the i:our:.t~ of the camp.11gn h.1d Cornna ~~ tlcl r>.far\ Sea 1'.1np g11ne 111 ~ their ace -in·t hc- lwk .• 1 ~j~ dclJ)·l)pC p.J~'> l~I tight \::110 ·1111t~ Chris Quinn dll\\#1 the.: miJJk.

Friday night the~ tncJ it .1g.1in. "1th .e )econd' left .rnd du" n h\ .1 IO-., niunl. And Corona dcl ~tar 1..amc up a "111ncr a~ quartcrb3ck Matt EvJn~ t.1dc.:J h.1ck. looked one ''av anJ then f1rcJ 13 \;mh downfield to Quinn. ·

The burly rcce1,cr reached up and hauled the pa in ai. he "a' lca"ing the end zone. The referee .11 the back of i.he end zone ran up to the ~pol. then lifted his urms to sign.ii 11 \\JS J touchdown, 1g· niting the Corona del Mar sideline, al. they captured the 13-10 \Crdicl O\er Orange before )Orne :?,000 nt Orange Coast Col· lege.

ing a shot at the Cl f' Division lV ch;:111p1· onship a \\eek later.

"It \\JS a t" in-right, zip<~6 po~'er pa '·" sJid the happy quarterback. "Quinn did a ~ great job. it \\as a heads up play."

"l\latt 1us1 laid it in there," said Quinn. " I \\as just trying to get my feet dO\\n. I d1Jn'1 kno\\ , I "as ''aiting for the ref, 100. ll "a' so clo:.e."

The unbclie,abJe finish mad all C<ll\t\ earlier frustrations moot - 1ncluJ1ng 130 ~..inh of penalties on 12 nag again:.1 the Sea K111gs.. thro\\n by an amb111ou:, re" uf ref).

··w e teach defcn'>1'e pursuit," C\pl.1ined Corona del Mar Coach Dave Holl.ind. \\hose victory Friday night i his 99th o'er JQ years n f coaching at CdM.

"We've ne,cr had that happen to u~ be· fore:·

Orange running back Jamie Worthem. de mbed as a " hammer" by Holb.nd be· fore the game stnrtcd, was indeed a tough individual to b ring do" n. Time and again after' the Sea Kin~wc re finally able to "'rest le him to the ground. l tre"" referees \\Ould signal n 'late hit '_

It looked grim for CdM in the fourth quarter as Orange drove 56 yards in 12 plays to set the ball up at the CdM 2.i. Six penalties in that dri\y. kept Corona dcl Mar's emotions on a roller coaster scale, but Micnh Knorr 's 41 -yard fielJ goal fi. nally broke the 7· 7 ice and the Panthers had the lead, regardless of nags.

Corona couldn' t move the ball on three

The triumph, combined \\Ith Ne,,port Harbor's 28-14 \ictory O\er top-l.ecc..kd and previously-unbeaten Ruhidou\, \Ct' up the rematch - a first in the long ~c1 ies be· tween the l"-O rivah, 'With the 'Wtnnt:r earn- See COM/82 Corona dcl Mar's defense, led by Mi~e De Revere (78) puts the crunc. h on Orange tailb.KI.. J.lmic \Vorthcm Frida) .

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82 Saturday, November 28, 1992

-1Cab..1A ~ ...-1)1 r

ld\\' Tum Hn, 1.!'J l l11uk .. iur .• 111 opening; J.R. \\,1lz (H ) bulls for !.Orne of his 15 1 yards of rushing in Friday's victory over Orange, setting up a CIF semifinals colli~ion with arch-rival Newport Harbor.

COM: From 81

I , t, I

I~, 1 l., _..

..... I u II 11.' .... . j • ti,,, ( h1 l'

l.1\ • . ,! .1 t .. '',: 1 l, -''l Ju;

I t~j 1~ i l ){ 1 : ! ! ~i ibicttzj CdM 13, Orange 10

Score by Quarters J-

6- ' 3 Second Quarter . ~ ' .. .. .:

Fourth Quarter ·- , ..


, 1, Ta.




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1,,:,1.·J a 1h1rJ-Ju" n pa'' ;.inJ ll.1rJc"' l".tllll' up \\1th a cri11c;.il 111crl1.'J'llllfl ''1th ~·OS left.

I lJt 'i:t thi: 't.1gl' tor 1lw "m-111111.! J11\C. L,.111' \\Cllt to Jdl \\'c­•,1 ~d 11•1 ..1 21 ~.1rJ gJ111. thi:n tu I{ 1n.h 1111 •m .... ,in h1r "" '.irJ, .111J .i l1r-1 d111,n .i t 1hc JJ -

l '·'"' "•'Ill h.1cl. Ill p;t" 1g.1111 ..-11ul,1n ·1 t 111J .imnnc .rnJ lumhcrcJ d111111 thl.' ,1J1.:linl.' ,111J uut of b11unJ, .11 the 19 to top thi..: clod.

I · ~-lhOll ·~~'!tllOll • Repd .. o.'llgll (lflwl ~) I · r.oeci l!ydrdt IYlllm (l!IOIS us , lot'9'1 cni • ~ lnnO ' ,,.., lddOolW pn' -•111101COll

De... "°' apply lO - d&tc brdtl

Dr • ..,.r.ncc1 ........ UCI AssiSWll Wol1d T l'ildl

PTolesscw. E«*r, CoUnllSI CoUn!lll

Jt I 15 J.R. Wall, J "nr"-.hur~c all night,

c.1rm:J 6 )JrJ ... 10 the 13 tO )Cl up thi: \\tnncr. fhc "mn1ng PJ') '):t) a-13·).trdcr. but in rc.ilit}. it wa) 29-).trJ, dci:p. re ...... Jn inch, a b.111' \\Cnt 7 \.1rd' bJd. and Qu111n 11cn1 9 >;.i;d, deep 1ntu the crrJ 111nc

J"hc t\\O had battled to a 7-7 'tanJoff 1n the fir)t half

O range !.truck fir)\ "1th a 49-

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) ard, penalt}-J'""lcJ march, h1gh­ligh1ed by a 19-)JrJ hmil.up from quartcrbacl. AnJ) L1ur1J,cn to Aaron Ta\l.'rn1cr.

Oria n I logan nuJc .1 rD ,,l\ing tackle at the I. hut I\\\> pl·"' btcr \\'orthcrn punched 11 '" ..:' lrurn the left "i!Je

Stung b) a 7-0 dct1c1t. (\>runJ rc)ponded "11 h •lll SJ-} .1 rd mJ rch on 10 pla)S. not once in the '>Cric' ":l there )0 much ;i, a th rd-Jo" n )ttuation


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- fWl9'I 9112 91'2 1121 f>/1 4 13114 -G~- 5/\2 10/1• ~

- ........ 81'2 \ 4 71'4 12114 ~ 1 i2 SI' -T_.e~ 9/' ~ ~ 5/\ 4 4/\4 ,..... 12 SJ\ 4

- ire 9/\2 81 7/\4 '"'4

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- ,._ 9"2 41\4 7/'4 -~ _ _, ,, ,,4

-;; .. ~.. 911? 60! . .:..;...--- f;,14 8/ \4 \ Plr ......... - - - 2 , o,, 4 re ,

- ..... 5/12 ~ 8114 . 5,,. • .. ~ - 7/\4

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\ 91'• \ - ,.,._. 8/\2 7/\ ·~ \ 31\4 .~ -- ~J L SJ'4

1- ll- I 7" 2 5/\2 -tl .... -





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Congrat.ulations ·_ Sterling BMW "Last Week's Pick the Pro's Winner"

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot

NEWPORT: From 81 nell Wilcou and 6-i )an.ls b) fas· per Williams in th~ fir~t 7:27 of the game

The ~;ulors \\Crc .11'.o '1illcd •>I· fensivel}. punting after tltree dO\\OS on their first l\\O J'lO 'CS·

i.mns Rubidoux. howc,er, brnul!hl the

home cro...,d, and the rars·"" p1rih alive. by muffing lhl ~t:cond punt. Sailor \cnior Greg Rone) 11.:co\· cred al the Fakons' 21 and cnior qua rterback Greg \\ illunh loflcJ a 20-ynrd scoring !>tnl..e tu Chad La Bas'> t\\O pla)S Inter, I 1h'ing • the deficit ' ilh 54 second~ lcl t 111 the firM quarter.

The Newport dden,e, \\)11ch had a streak of eight str:11gh1 scurclcss quarter-; bu,ted b> the v1,i tors' early c\plO"\ e nc<,s. took 1us1 one play 10 bring the home cro,\d to a frenz>

Junior cornerbacl.. Ur..:tt Hli!>t:1 leapt high to snag h1'i fifth inter· ccption of the yeJr on the fiN Rubidou' sn:ip follO\\tng th~ 1 D. returning it -7 yards, before 1 clip· pang penalt) s\:l up fir:-.t dn'An :.it the Rub1dou' 36.

A 9-)arJ pa'>'> lrom \\ 1lli::inh to L:i Ba!>-. .ind l\\O Tift run' tor l~ yards mo' cd !'\ C\\ port to the 13. and \\'1ll1 am' r• lkJ right to hit tight l!nd ~take h..:1.m.10. \\ho ran

Saturday, November 28, 1992 83 ~ ., Clf scores

Division IV Newpor1 Harbor 2 8 ~lt c , 1c C9rona d el Mu 13 Jra~e 10 f ' JS Sa• !1 I.' 1

/ J 18

1·. • • £1 t.'oee· 'l

pla~ .1 tc.1m lor the firi.I ttn c • ''"c· r1.: ,1hlc to foul 1l1em " 11h nttr ball·h.1ndhnl! Uut C\\pOJt fie· ured u~ Olli allcr the hr l qu;ir tcr."

1 he I ari.' d.:fen \:, I d bv a lront four 111 Be all H;Jlph'i 1'1111

.11lcr u~. und lll:n tm.t p.1 ~u i • ) ::ird pl.) ·a .. tion guiner on the :>e • ond pl.11 or 1hc :um.: ) 1 >Ok some team out of u ," Urfnt.le1 ;.i1d

''Uut 1h1 tc::im re II) \\Jnled 10

bre :i ~ 1hiou h to the c."m1t1n;ils, and II lJ)Cd 10 U)Cd."

It "a~ the fir t qu:m rfin.il \ 1C·

llH) Hl l !H lnps fo r the: Bnnl;Ie) · let Sailor "ho h I) ad.;i ced paM

the hr t roun~i in foe 1 th I 1i.1

d r r p. dOd

JI trip

Olm,imbcrg. Doug Kimble .. nd . -tar,'' '>Jld l{ I Craig Conkc. :h "ell as hnt:b d;· · er.s kit ::;;nm 1. Steve G1 11'2ak Nath.in I ump k1n und Just r Ketcham. )tcldcd JU:.I -1 ).irJ~ in

101:.il olkn c the final three cp .•• 11.

• ter,, after the Falc011 m'-'')c::d 144 in the opening period.,_

···1 he\ c.1mc right out and g 11

Newport HarlJmLRabldomc lla1lsllcs New port Harbor 28, Rubldo.ux 14

Score bv Quarters ff ~ ~~ ..... l.Cil'°'1- Ha.~

, , J

First Quarter lb1J - l.:!Ct.:' :l r.~ ~" • II-.~ - i. ams tJ r .,r • .~ , • •,H-..._a BJ--· 20 '

r • .. Second Quarter

t.n - •,•on ' ~f 1 " •

Fourth Quarter



. through :i Rub1dou'< t.icl..ler at the four for the 1 D "1th 11 12 ld1 rc­lore h.ilf11mc Ouug ~~ull..c~ addcJ the e\lra puirll, anJ the dclcrhc •tt •• • !>

nuJc...,ur~ Ruhitluu' ~"old nm-+-..--t---(. - - - • • -:-- -<i- --

ht ard I rum agarn.

Ne'"porl tight end Mil..<.' f rccm.ln rumble) for }ar<fage behind the blocl..ing of jo)h l e' y (65).

"The) ha'c the mo!)t Ji,.:1-phncJ, ph)!>llJI ddcn">c "c \ t

't:cn," Rubie.Jou\ Cu:ich \\ J)tH .. Cochr.in i.a1d "~ormall). \\h1.n \\C

Higb school girls volleyball state playoHs

CdM, NeWport Harbor at home tonight :-..umber One 'iced~ ClH\IO:l <lei ~l:Jr (Oi,i'lion I)

anJ Ne.,..port 11.trbur (D1\1'10n Ill) return 10 .llllOn tonight in the "iuu1h1. rn Rq~iunab 'cmifinal, of the 't.ilc lngh 1.ho)I gu ~ \ollc)hall plj)\llh.

At h l>'clulk 'e\' port 11.ubur\ Satlur' (I<>·-') ho~t At.b1. 1Juo ( 12-h), .rnd at 7 o\:lolk (\ rllll.I Jcl \l.1r"' Sc.1 " 1n1•, ho,t TurrJncc {2::! I)

l l.1rh11r. runner-up Ill Cd:..t 1n the Se.1 \'1c" League:, l'I tt:d lur its liJ\ll 01' 1'1on 111 \IJtU,, be· tomin~ the r-.o I 'ccd.

Curun:.i dd ~far, the ll p-ratcd team in the n:iuon, ltnth it,clf hcang ch.1llen!!eJ b) a Torrance tc:im "h 1ch opted ta mo' c up to th1.: D1' 1,1, n I cl.1,~1fi -ll\)n to gd a ,:h.in~c to 1.k1hronc (d~f

U~1kcr~f11:ld aho 1110\CJ up in dJ\~1f1c:.lllon Ill gel a .. hut .11 CJ~1. tiut 11 "cd 11 \\hen l'orr.1nce S\\ept 1n 11.c 111,1 wund tu elunrn:.itc B:.il..cht'1..:IJ .

In .1 01\l'•lllll \ ' 'ecnJ round match, Cahaf\ Chapel (1<>· 2) 1~ JI Urcnt" oJ (~~~)at-.

The Region.ti Final, Jf\; I uc"l.1~ night

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84 Saturday, November 28, 1992

Ch11r up coach, Matt 11111 Chr/1 wll com1 to 1111 l'llt:UI

Corona dcl Mar High football coach Dave Holland wasn't fee ling te rribly upbeat at some points of Friday night's Clf footbal pla~off game, but a last-minute touchdown p~ss from quarterback Matt h .ans to tight end Chris Quinn saved the day, 13-1 O.

How big were the numbers? ...,. Costa Mesa's Mark Baker ran off 11 in a row, averaged 237 over six games, yet still finished second to Bowman.

A 11.)l o l bo\\lcrs \\Cre gi,ing th:rnks to the great g1.>1..I of bO\\ ling this past wee. Scores at Co ... 1a \1e ... a's Kon;i Lanes "ere as s\\ect

' 1..111J1cJ ).Im' jnJ a~ pkn11ful a:. lefto\er tur­"s:'

Pr1 k"1lln.d Ul1'' lcr~ A'>'>11c1..1t1on member. and Kon.1 ·, huu,1.· pw \t.1rk I3aJ..c r put 11 big X\ tu· gcther JnJ th1.11 kll J IO·p1n on IJne 25 fur a 299 1,1 l.1,1 ) unll.1, '~UJllh 6-gamer.

l!.1kn who rc:,1.'nth ret urned to the tour after rc".ir..:r.11111i; twm h.1~k \urger) . haJ a free '"cck­c11J .111.t J~.1dnl 11> g1\t: the 6-gamcr a If) . The (11't.1 ~h:,,1 rl,1dcn t rolled ~99 in the tl11•J !! 1ml.' .111J 1.Jptun:d the fin,1 J-game hl11, k ''11h ~4~ He then rolled 674 for 1h1.· 1111.il thru: anJ fin1o;hcd second over­.dJ ·,,11h 1422 (237 J\crage) for $175.

I 1•11~ Uu'' m.1n haJ tw o big 267 games , n h,, " a) 111 winning the tournament .111!1 a 1-lJll. The 239.84 average puts $~:-. 1 111 1 11~ poclo;et

Perfecto popper., were Kcndnll Ray, Fernando Mercado, M) lcs Sh.m. Maynard ClarJ..~on, Troy UIJckmon and ZcJ..c l orok. Torok, a Costa Mc a kcgter, al o Cjpturcd the 3-6-9 for $250.

• Torok hJs hJd a bo" ling ''ed. to remember "ith his 3·6-9 ''in and h1 "111 "ith Sharrie Ca· "anaugh in the Pot ·o Gold la~t Sjturda). The duo "on the inaugural e'ent "ith 14.tS for S50. Torok abo wa., the 1nd1,1dual ~tar of the night as he won the 3·6·9 and no-tap s1depots ''1th gJmes or 268 anJ 30V and \\ On the S50 300 pot for game four.

• T\\as the night before Thanksgi,ing and "here \\Crc the turkc)~ ') On and ore the lanes at Kona.

The Konn l cJguc llo\\ lcr., Only No-Tap rolled on lhanksgl\rng l,e. The "inner.. in the men's and women\ d1\l-.1ons rccc1,ed cash and the cham pion'> abo rccel\cd 20-pound l3utterball tur'­

k1:!yi. One ul the CMPD'~ fi nest, Aaron

Thom.is, took home the turkey in the men\ d1vi.,1on "ith a big 859 3-game set'"' including handicap. I le abo rece ived S50 ca.,h. He was followed by Andre Yung, 1n second "'1th 17 fo r $40; Lorenio Facio, third, 7 7. $30; Steve Stephenson, fourth, 7b2, $'.!O. Frank Fuqua, firth, 770, S 13 ..50; and Brad Porter, sixth, 777 for SIO.

~ln ... t 1mpro, ed bowler for the night haJ to be Ernesto Avila. Avil:i struggled \\llh h1" fir,t three games. rolling a high ol I \Js anJ a lo"' o r 180. He suddenl)' fuunJ the hne 111 game fou r and reeled ol l ~ume• t f 266, :56 :ind"234 to take the 'Cu•nJ 3·g.1mc block \\llh '156 - a 252


Terri Tombrello \\a'> the top female \\ ith 7<.J • for t40. Jo,ce McAllister wa!> ccund \\ tttT 'i'-ttforS~ "Fonya Faci<>­

roundcd out the cash list "1th 722 for SIS

.n1:r J\!C.

Otl~c r m.11n C\ent casher~ were Rick Barbaria in 1h1rJ with J-l 16 fo r SUO; CurtC. Henderson. l\lurth 13"'0. $7Ci. jOd Chm Zunig:i. 1337, $50.

lhc :>outhl..ind' f1 nc-.t scratch bowlers will be com·erging on the Co,ta f\lesa center this Sunday .it X 10 '' IK·n S 1.000 " Ii i be on the hne for fir<.t pl.ic.c r here l'o 11\l C.hjrge to spectators for thi-. ABC \\ 1 IK ,,1nc11oncJ C\.ent.

• A mc1c 16 pin' wpara1cJ the fourth and llr ~t pl.u:e l1nl\hcr' 1n 1. .... 1 ~unday's -l -gamc No-Tap at 1\.011.1

(l>-.t.1 r-.1 n.1., Maynard Clarkson wa~ this week' t11p -.hooter. but 11 "'asn 't easy. He rolled 1121 and h.1tl Joe Guc,ara right on his tall \\1th 1120. Cbrk­'un\ rew :.ird for the one·pin "'" Y.a~ Sl25 v.hile Guc\ara \clllell for S75 as the run ner-up.

I h1rJ plJcc 1n this horse race "'ent to I ro} Ul.11.kmon \I.1th 1115 fur S55 .10d the recenth rc-rated Kendal R.1v \C ttlcd for S30 in fourth · ,

) 1:1>rc' 1.1. cre out of '>lght in this C\ent llc'ldc' 1hc tight finl\h 1n the main event, there '"ere \L'<

JOO game., rolled - three of them in game l\\ O.

• O'er S 1.600 was raised last Sund:iy in the Dt1Jn.i Johan!tcn Ncr Tap BO\\l-a:'fhon. Or­ganiLers Tonya Ucrg. Mal) Mundi and Elizabeth Moore wanted to th;10k a ll of the participants and all the mcrdiant\ who so gr.1c1ously donau;d to help make th1-; event 3 ucccss. .

BnJna Johjnsen 1., the live-year-old dJughter of Holiday Vcgu\ league bo"ler. Chmtina Johansen. Unana, " ho live., 1n I luntmgton Ocach, ha) been d1agno\cd with acute lymphatic leukemia.

I lcrc jre the "'inner'> of the ,, .. o.game tourna­ment :

Men\ 01\lsmn I U1ll Mart in. Santa Ana, 53J; 2. I om I lcin, Fullerton, 494; 3. Randy Hein, New­port Beach, 4S9: 4 Michael Mcgken, Huntington Ucjch, 469

Women\ 01V1'11on 1 Donna Macey, El Toro, .i 15, 2. V1cJ..1 Waterman, Co ta Mc a, 402; 3. Kell)' I rinJ..I. Huntington Beach. 364. 4 Hope Robinwn, E:I Toro. 36 1

Cherie NnllJ, "ho e bo .. ling column Bpptnrs In t/1t Doily 1'1/01 t • Cf) tJ turduJ, i the CenerDI \tanager of K ona l..Dne In Costn .'\lesa.

Weekend television-radio


College Pootball 9 am - Flonda-florida SI., Ch •7. 9 30 am - TeMessee-Vandert>ln. PT 11 30 a m Grambling Southem Ch 4 1 pm - Georgia Tech·Geo1g1a. ESPN 4 30 p m - M1amt·San Diego St . ESPN 5 p m - Notre Dame-USC. Ch 7

Pro Hocker 5 pm - Kings-Toronto, PT

Women'• Volleybell 5.30 p m - Alabama-Florida. SC 9:30 p m -Wyomino·Hawa11. PT Midnight - Bio 8 champ1onsh1p, PT

RADIO Coll•I• Footb•ll

9 am -Floricn·ftorlcla St. KMPC (710) 4 30 pm - MlillV-San Diego SI . XlRA (690) S pm - Notre Damt·USC, t<NX (1070) • 5 pm -CS Fu non-UNtV, KORG (1190)

Coll•I• 8Hkttbell

College BHketb•ll 10 am - Purdue Connecticut ESPN 9 p m - Aluu Shootout llNI. ESPN

Skiing Noon- Women • slalom. ESPN

Golf 12 30 pm -SW Game, Ch 7

Flgur• lk.etlng

1 pm - New Zeal llO·USC, KNX (1070) Pro Hock•w

---.. 30 ll m -!&Os-Leafs. XTRA (690) ~Pro Baaketball

1 30 p m - Pro Am CNl!enge Ch 2 6 50 p m - Stars on let, TBS

Pro BHk•tball 4 35 p m - ~ ;l(T'l·Altm , TBS 6 p m - C ppers ·Denver Ch 13


6 pm - C~ppers·Oenvtf. KMPC (710)

SUNDAY T•'-llYlllON Hone Racing

3 p In - Matt11reh Sta es ESPN ..

3 pm - Cthlomia Cup, PT Pro Foolb•ll

10 am -Ooll>htns·SalntS, Ch 4 1 p m - Eag!es-49ers, Ch 2 3 pm - Grey Cup, SC 5 O m - Raiders-San Diego, Ch 9. ESPN.

College Footb•ll 10 1 m - Rice-Houston. PT 4 30 pm - Noire Dame-USC. Pl.

Bowtlng 11 30 a m - Women s Ooul>les. ESPN.

Tennie 1 pm -Evett !Oumey, ESPN.

Golf -. 3 30 pm -SklllS Game. Ch 7.

Pro Baaketball 7 30 pm - Mavencks-La s, PT

MDIO Pro football

1 pm - Eagte1·49ers, KNX (1070) 1 pm - Vlkilgs Rams. kMPC (710) 5 p m - Ra.oers-Criaroen Kfl (6"0)

Pro B•aketb•ll 7 30 pm - Mavs·Ll • Kl.AC (570)

Newport Beach/Co1ta Mesa Dally Pilot

------ - -

Eisenhower gains revenge by toppi!Jg Monarchs, 19-3 ~ Mater Dei loses Sualua on first series, manages just first-quarter field goal. By Dennis Brosterhous SPollJ Wllter

SANTA ANA Eisenhower

High's football team extracted a measure of re· ve nge Friday night. sending ClF Division 1 defending· cham· pion Mater Dei reeling wich a 19-3 victory at 1he Santa Ana Bowl.

The game was a rematch or last year's championship game with Mater Dei coming away with a 35· 14 victory in that one.

The tone or Friday's game took a quick downturn for the Mon­archs (9-2-1) on the fourth play from scrimmage when Nicky Su­alua, who had scored six touch­downs in Mater Dei's victory the previous week, re-aggravated an ankle injury.

With Sualua out for 1he remain­der of the game, Monarchs Coach Bruce Rollinson admitted that it "'as tough for his squad to over­come.

" Nicky goes ror 5 yards on the first carry, and then we lose him,'' said Rollinson. ''That's tough. We knew going in that if we lose either (starJing quarterbacJ.. John) Fl) nn or icky, we'd be in trouble. .

''But NicJ..y showed a lot or heart being out there. He \\3S in pain the wllo.le. ~ ..

' CIF scores Dlvt .. on I

Bishop Amat 28, Long Beach wuson 7 ElsenhoWer 19, Meter Del 3 Loyola 39, Redlands 8 FOIUna 8, Long BelCh Poly 6

up empty on the first drive.

Mater Dei moved the t>all once again on jts next possession which started on its own 44 following a 21-yard punt return by Barajas.

From the Eisenhower 43, B:ira· jas gained 9 yards on an end around, and following a 2-yard gain by Hall, Barajas gained 2 on another run to put the ball at the 30. On fourth down, place-kicker Brandon Smallwood booted a 47-yard field goal, and Mater Dei was on top 3-0 with 1:32 remaining in the first quarter.

Arter an exchange or punts, Eisenhower (10- 1-1) put together what was to be its best march or the evening. The Eagles started at their own 41 and convCTted a fou rth-and-two from the 49 as quarterback Aaron Okayama dove into the pile for the first down.

Helped along by a focemask penalty, Eisenho"er reached the 9-yard line for a fou rt h-and-three. Lining up to apparently kick the tying field goal, holder Damond Wilkin took the snap, rolled out on the fake looking to pass, then found some open real estate, elud-

ed a tackle at the S and went in.

Despite a botched conversion. the Eagles had taken a 6-3 lead.

" H we score a touchdown on that first possession, then t:ike the ball back down and score again, 1t cou ld hnve been a different game," said Rollinson. "The)' (Eisenhower) made some adjust­ments in the second half, nnd we were beat up a li ttle bit up front. "

The Eagles dominated the sec ond half, scoring on a pair or big plays to put the game aw~y. On third-and-two from their own 22 early in the third quarter, Marlon Farlow broke through the Mon· archs' defensive line and outran three defenders the length or the field.

Late in the fourth quarter on >i similar run up the middle, Julius McChristian shed a tackle at the line of scrimmage, was quickly in the secondary and wasn't tripped up until he had reached the end zone to complete the 43-yard scor· ing run.

Meanwhile, the Mater Dei of­fense generated only four fin.t downs the entire second half. in­

cluding t\\O on its la t posses~1on when the Eagles' defense "a' playing ~oft.

"They (the Eagles) didn't turn it over and that didn't help us," Jld Rollinson, \\ho wa then ph1lo sophical about the second-round defeat. " I've now lost in the fir t round, econd round and thm.1 round and ha .. e \\ On a chJmr11· onship."

Mater Dei's most sustained drive of the night came on it first posse sion. right after the opening Mater Dei-Eisenhower statisUcs kickoff. • '

Taking it at their own 20 after a touchback on the kickoff, the Monarchs mixed it up with Brian !fall doing most of 1hc running and Flynn connecting with wide receiver Robe rt ~Jolina twice and Urian Barajas another time for key completion to keep the dmc alive.

Elaenhower 19, Mater Del 3 _ .. Scor• by Quarter• MO-Flynn. 11·32-1 144, t.ioW\a, 0.1-1

E1senh0wer O S 6 7-19 INDIVIDUAL RECEIVING t.Uter o.. 3 . o o o - 3 Eis - tlooe

Flret Quart•r t.~0-Mo!IN, 7.52 Bn,u 6-74 H.il 1-6 t.IO-SIN!lwood 47 FG, I 32 RlWh 1-5, ~O~. 1 5 (11$'cy 1 4

IKond Oual1er VISQlltl. 1-0 Ers-W JJ/\S 9 l'\#'t (bid SN:>. PISS IJ !t d}, CAME STATISTICS s 48

The Mon:i rchs got :is close as the 4·)'3rd line before the Eisen­hower defense stiffened. A 4-yard lo . an illegal procedure penalty and an l l·yard loss on a sack put the ball back on the 24.

From there, a 41->·ard field goal s:ulc:d "'jde, and de.,pite holding the ball for nearly half the first quarter, the Monarchs had come

Third Qual1•r Eis-Flt1oW 71 run (run la.'ed), 6 04

I Four1h Quart•r Eis-Mc~ 43 1\1'1 1ftet1Nn l.d.).

206 Al:tnc!Rt 1.500 (tsl:IN!ed)

INDIVIDUAL RUSHINO Els-fai1o-# 15·'37, McChltstian. IHI.

Wlluns, 5-20, Obyaml. 9-1 MO-Hal. 11·79 8Qas 3-20. H SU&W,

1·5, YU(JJtl. 1·3, Rounm. 1·2. JJdson, l ·IOt..fl'WU 9. fl'tM. 4·1or-mntS 31


Ela MD First OOW!1S 11 12 R..11'fl·YM~t 4().259 25·100 Pus.no~ 0 144 PISWIO O·S-0 11·33-2 Ht! re1Urn yar~· 24 33 Slclt.J.~ \)~13 . 4-mn-31 Hll y~ 270 i46 P11U &-33 2 •·31 a hmb!ts-Mnblts IOSI 0-0 1-1

Rigs-nee yw~e MO 8'71 Time of PoSWUIOll - 25 U 22 16 'M mrns l!Utceo:ion.s r~ mums

In The Christmas Spirit H ere at your newspaper, )( we are very aware of how Santa•s bag gets lighter as he head5 for some neighbor-__ hoods. You read about it frequently in the Pilot

For many families, the r #f*

struggle through these hard times is more keeiily felt when the holidays are here. But there is hope.

When you donate an .,,1

unwrapped toy worth $5 or more, you make Christmas morning a little brighter for a child who really needs some sunshine.

Gifts & toys, espedally for the older children (sports equipment, games, etc) are needed more than ever.

Toys for Tots is brought to you by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Volt Temporary 7b · 1:, Services, and the Pilot. ~

• • ~your toys off at the Pilot lobby, at 330 w. Bay ~ c.osta Mesa between

· &30am-5:30pm MOIL -FrL




Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot 85 ~·


Deep sea fishing starting to take a big dive south T he salr W<1tcr fl',hing \t:C.:11c

down i.h1ftetl thi~ pa'>l wed. a' mitl ·channd w;11c1'

turned over and iJmppcll m the low 60s.

l ~>ekcr wuh mo\t sportfishcrs heading uul for shallow w~1lcr IOd• It\ hill~ I rjp\ With plc1tty Of angling roon•' •t lhc rai l.

J\ few rnako :,harks arc stiU h.rnging out around the high 'IHlh in 1he d1;111nd \\ilh ( I CUU·

pie of fi'h hcing hooked on the J4 Mile Uank thi.;; pa\t weekend. l'·fakl" l.'ovkl Mick around 1il the cnu ol l111' month 111 our d1anncl hut 1111:11 they ~hould he hc.1ding \\)\II h .1lu11g w11h those l.chools of 1u11a a111.J yclluwt11il t hal movcll 0~11 .1 ft.;w wecl,, baLk

ported by angler~ fo.hj11~ live bnit from <,k1fl.;;

.irn11r1<..I the co;"1 ~uurd dock anl.l 111-.1Jc the Jel· tic).

ro11nagc of !ruul 'hnuld prllllllt~ c\1.:clh:nt 11,h· 111~ fl>r .111gler' pl.lflllllll', on ti ... hmg I rvine durin!:: the llJ>l'u111ing hulul.1)'·

of hc.1c.Jmg tu C'alh• h•r inc \\ 1111cr lll\11tllls 11h\1uld hi! h.1ppv \I\ h1;a1

1h.1t 1 h1:v \\Ill h' ru11nin~ right th11111ch "11k llfh:n II l11ng l11r HI· k1\\l111 11111.1 d 1r.1d11, \\,1hv\• .111d

h1l1t1~h "" •h~•r trap \Outh. \c, lll pre"' 11111". l: 11 ... h r Cf>< •rh I rum lh1,.· l1111g r.111c.c' lkct 1tHl1!: 11c th 11 ch\: warcr' .111111ml the Um:k .S.Hn B.1111\ arid 1111 ~1.1!! H.. 11i: tall~· I \\ 1tl1 -~i;huob ot htg g. in1e.i 11,h

... ,m re 11)c11' 111: t S,11111d,1" ( IJ l

~IC..\ ll\;n\ 'Ullfllll llH llC\\l'i .1t•

11\< d llr •I tc, l\I 1111rut111g dude, she ulJ r , .. red M:.rltcr ·unncr llt:Jdt11 ' C!UI 10 1>11111,k

Dean Plant. m;magcr ur 1\11 gler's Center in Newport Oea1:h. rcporl thut there 1s a prelly good bite- on bonito at the oil n~s ulf 1 l unrington Beach a<, both "POrl· fi~hers running out of luc;1f I.ind· ings <lllU private bOtltCI\ an: gel•

1 rv111c La~c wall be kicking off 1t ' I IOU· DAY TAGGED H~ll BONANZA • thi' week· end with lots of pri1c-. <.and ca'h to be uw.anlcd to angler' <..arching taggcJ !rout during thi" .;pccial pmmotio11 run· ning thru Jan 3.

Jn 'Niemiec

C.1rl "h anJ b.1" .arc al\u ~1tt1vc .11 I rv111c a11J

the hllc ~houkl rLm;.iin !>tCjdy unul culd nights clrnp the l<.akc '" \~;lier

• ten1pcr.1t11rc .1 kw 1nori:


I 1 •h •\f du~ k and h1111~ l t" llL"

1 qu•rt1; d lh ld1ng 111 l',1rd11 B . 111

.1!1ll tl11.: p•111t1' ,1t(IU111I lhc ~<tll\•ll

~1.' 1 1n.· tilkd v.1th pudtlh: due~ \\hrk 1hc '~·• Ii 1-. bcl:n .1 gtK•d (r,:.,111' JllJl h>I tit\ lfl I U\l~ ~'

lmg on the action. ' '\ J hi'> p:i't wcd;cni.J, J\.t1kc ;anti "iu-...Jn \\ c 1·

dcrm,m cit ( u-.t.1-i'vkl\.l

Cil \1ght l111llh Ill l.1rgl'•

I hc t tlllt•i•t.; 1, h•r 1111 .. h1lc 11

1.:1111111\111; h> Jlllllhl C: lit~ '11111'

l..11hl 111 11,)11111-: th.11 tool. pl.11.:c •II \tt11llt1·ru H.q.1 l.1q ·' mh.:r T ir an 11pd.1tc 1111 th1..,. la~lllttl! • 'II· • ill \111 ks' C{'l1tc1 :.1( 1,..1,: . ,, 1,,:!

I• 1 I l111ntct .1rid I rid v. .11C h

Plant also said that .1 wint<..r bitc on calico ba.,., 1" dcvclnp111g south of Abolonc l'tiint \~1th rh~· hc:.1 .fo.,hing tuking pla<..-c 111 -.1n11g­er kelp olf L.1gu11.1.

Outdoors I 1,. n <,\,Hl lllJklllg di11I 11 jt

11u1 1 • " \\ 11t 11,· h 1cl> h 1\ t•• c1.: ' . More th a n 50,000

puunll'> ( 25 t\1n' ) \11'

r ~~' I··~~ lit t)ud;, 111 it :.u 11

'nay fi,l11p~ 1:. JU'>l fmr w11h very · l11tk fi,hiug prc<liur\! hcing re·

ported 111 Nc'>'porl bay. Spoltcd h • .,, .111<1 "'lwn" h.)labut arc m.ik· 111g up lhc bulk of the ca tch re-

mouth h'"" at 111\ n\: \duh: 11,hinc with grulh oll cht: "hump" 11c~1 lo Trout 1'l,111d

\It h11d' .11~ 111 r1d1 "Ill er •

Loatls arc very ligh t out ,it Newport L,nding anti Oavcv•.,

Softball Costa Mesa

MODIFIED COED C 1 ' Gn3l Hiii, 115 00"11S l Wo C~o Iii 3 Od

COU?les. 12 ~ White fHJt1' 10 5 f~., (KIJI 'li.h Ril4Cler.s llllle Rascal). 12 P.C\ 8 8 8• l;,J ,ldl 5

MODIFIED COED 0-1 1 'MJCI M;x 14 pc>•lllS, 2 ftll I 8J IJ J

Te-Cu4·Va's. 12. 4 I. Oaml'I Bi•11, 10 5 Spoi~t>.ll)e Pom. 6. 6 Clo ~ 11. 4

MODIFIED COED 0-2 I ' 8tlc.hcorr(ll'rs. 18 l>OdS 2 Vt'1d • .., 13 :I

. RHel R~IS, 12 4 (toe) 4 w s. line 011.e, • I 0 6 R11"t Cr~w. 8. 7 11"1 lltt~m r U'll s S•ltll:I l'o:r 1 ~A Sl>o!•s 4

COEDC 1 (~ti Tull N I~"' IJ~•'l It.is~ l.l tt. tu •l(llrt

l \toe) &.11wi11. 8tll0 BJO ,llls, f,,. w • .,.~ e Ii ~. >

COED 0.1 1 ' De ;. & '"' .r.e 18 vr..rns 2 w11o·s on Fll\t

ll J OrrJ'll Tc ., JI 4 WllO ~ 1't•t 10. s lo (n IJ Hll01.lll 7 ti Sllll\OC .t 0 ·

COED 0.2 I s.• .. ,, 81.1 .. ·~· 18 POil~~ 1 !It: I 01 S~w· Iii

l "'"?llfl W.ivC!.:• 12 4 Wt>tern 8.l/11\. 8. S llo.ll Hoc•r• • 6 lf~·1ven 0

WOMEN'S MAJOR I 1\.1(~ ~ l'llH I& po.ll~ 2 $(ra~1\ 11 l

~"I S.1 1.~I lut>itS 8 S 1,,,,e1n T.ul~. 7 6 h ~OK lo ~,,I 4

WOMEN'S MINOA 1 llAfT~ 111 ·it 16 poo<1t1 1 u .. 1 a. •ie ~,~r.,, 011t

8, OM I) I ..ll Iris 10 !I rtttl CllJ t•r Ho~~l.il Jlt(l b. l B JI & Re '(O• 0

MEN'S 8-2 ti") IJJ Go.it I> nooo Ooc;s. 16 P\ll'dS 3 Go.II

No rthern Culifurn1.1 r.Jinhow

tmul arc due to bi: \I01..kt.:<.I in the

lake prior lo Occcml'lc1 25. I 111, Private y.u:IH ll\\ n..:r-. pl.11111i11g

Recreation sports standings tilll Ocrt.CkS, 9. 4 tl<ibo 8199111>. 7 ) .TJ>O>el Ii b SPOllSPJ'il~ 0

MEN 'S 8-3 I Toros 20 poon!S. 2 CHI. ll 3 [;P s B•t & Cl1al

9 t BWlno Buu;wos 7, s bl 8dlts 6 6 Shool<ts s

MEN'S C-1 1 It"') ROJ011111lli!fs, Te. '" 11. 1ulltf 11 p.>illl:> 3

Mx·s RJ.eus, ll. 4 Clull Hoag 9 5 8l.i<k So• I) 6 Aij Madden T e41n. 4

MEN'S C·2 I Se.if C0t1V1-.JNCilllOllS. I 8 l)04l'IS 2 t •) Enc

fll'tllOlllCS fully loJ<ltd 12 4 11•'1 ti.ii H .. Jd~ PlfOt'llll, 7 6 Wa.flll<'fe!S 2

MEN'S C-3 1 II"!) B~p.il\ llOO~n J J s 11 11111111'. 3 C~m~

10. 4 tt•e) Banblr:let BIK~ l'J'i!jht, 6 f, :;.,rt I 'I ll•a(PfS, ~

MEN'S 0-1 1 WJI Holl 16 pu.nl~ ' tM) 8..1 PJ,. !'111.1 lo<:•l

Bro.n Sr n•t ilo'I~ 8 ) \ht• .8o.Jt,.,.i.n ~ lr<"i:f

MEWS D·2. I p 16 pi "' 7 I•') I • I~ 3 B1 ~" ltf

10 I 1hc) ~<N • 11 r lo h'l. '•Q• • • ti l.!J, MEN'S D·3

I ~ • .. ,,. 1 ii" ~ P1,;m-T<)8e ti ..,l ut• f l Ii I.ill' ~ I ,');o\ I

MEN' S 0-4

1 Ru, 1 1. 1 II l• ,V Lim~ (•\.lllC' a' l 1 v• •I l

MEN'S D·5 . I (l •t fltill

t YIM!ll (M;t~c

l,'Jl[ leJ r Jr r '" ,..,~ O(lll~ h i! ;. 1 •

fllf a L.t loO< t 1,-ir J ''' ... , tr,, .. ~~ ( ' I • ~111 •

l }ltl J.. "I! ,,,111 \\ill l\:11 11!1 ...

Coed vollevhall

Costa 'Mesa A



w l O plus

0-mlnus w l



,,..,lj Ar. Reservauon ot Ea~ments PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE C3t.t 9zF; .·1 M...n 5trc ·t tor Cenlerpo1nte recOfdcd Robert w Ash1n l't:l S"a '-~' 1 "" ·01 December 13. 1977 rn S UPERIOR COURT Fictitious wonU 011~e. New, 0•1 Tn ~ bus.res• s £Joo OF CALIFORNIA, Business Name Be.Jch C.:1111 9Zt>IJO due,<• J by ~ gener:i

RIVED fAOM ANY OF' THE NEED AN EXPLANATION k 12490. Page 113-i ot COUNTY OF O~NGE St atement Hvgt, Mobley, 171()1 O" n"rsno;> FS.52063 STATEMENT OF FOREGOING, THAT MAY OF THE NATURE OF THE OHlc1al Records ol said Or· fne Following p<?rsons Corc1e Hunt.ngton BM~h Tl>~' 1eg1str:\'\t(•\ com rublis.!•PCI Nev. :Or' s.,1c•


ABANDONMENT OF DE WITHIN OR UNOCR PROCEEDING AGlllNST onge County 3 4 f The City Drive, arc do>ng bus1noss as Ca I 9"M7 m•"'1C#d to "ansacl tliJ lJ. Co t M .sa 0 ,: Pout Ni> USE OF FICTITIOUS THE LANO fOGETHER YOU, YOU SHOULD CON- Tho s,trec1 address or P.O. Bo• 14f71 SEABREEZE STABLE ,-1 , Tn15 bu·•ncss is con "•!S~ undN Ill<• F' :•ou , "S O ~ !><' 5

BUSINESS NAME r.'ITH THE PERPETUAL TACT A LAWYER other common desognauon Orange, California 3201 Minnesola Avenue. dueted Dy a gentl•.tl p1-t ~~v':ie~~ t~lme s) ~er"~~· 19~2 ocem ' The tollowinq persons RIGHT OF ORILLINC.. MIN· DATED: November or s;bd property IS pvr· 92613-f57 t Cosl.l Mesa CA 92626 l!etShtp

have at>andOM<I the use ot INC EXPLORINC ANO OP '1 1 1992 ported to be 19712, 1972.2 In the Matter of the 0 'LUCILE BUU.ARO 1221 The ref115ltl"lt(s) com- JJ.,. Cordel Hurtoll the F1c1111ous • Bus1n~ss ER • Ci EAEfO 0 ' & 19732 M A h B ii Petition to Change the Oult•gQe< Orrve CorOl'la del mcnce~ to tn..,sac: bu!>• I ran• P lHrb Hl) Name: INSURE VIDEO ATIN TH RAN FIR S T AMERICAN nc rt ur Ole- Name or CONSTANTIN MJr Cahlom I 9:!t>26 tO • ne~s r"der the F1c!1UOU5 •4ed p Re y 1~14 Adams Ave. • 32b STORING IN ANO REMOV TITLE INS U RANCE vard. Irvine. CA SARPE ON BEHALF OF, m1e;1?~t Bu~i.ne~ N'lMctst l1>t9d Th s Ml!Pm nt w '1 ·1 " Hun11ng1on Beacn Cahl INGTHESAMlfAOMTHE COMPANY,aCaHrornia S.1d sale will be made CRISTIAN TI BERIU JOHN A BULL.ARO JR ,lboveon NA , wan tho ~I, C,,.. 92646 LANO OR ANY OTHER Corporation By: Pat w11flout covenant or war· SARPE A MINOR 2822 Slromboli Ro"d PRonald O Holle~ . GPn. Ora.,qe Co.,fll} ti-n N • m The F1c1111ous Business LANO INCLUDING THE Sindt • Authoriied Of. ronty, e•press or 1mpl,ed, , - Co'>l.1 M es3 c 7lftlornoa a"ncf be< 20 L992

Name rererrod to abo~e RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK OR f leer as 10 t•Ue, possession. or CASE HO. 4166726 926_.6 10,,,. ina~res: • Thi~ sta:e<rwnl wn l~l'd was hied on Orange Counry DIRECTIONAt.LY .DRILL 1 14 Ea t Fifth St t eneumb<ances. to sausty ORDER TO SHOW THO'AAS BULLARD 3t;J2 w1111 tne County C er" ot Publ1!hed t<o)"'P~1 Bt> 'I on July t4 19n File • ree • CAUSE FOR CHANCE v .a cor.n;i Oceans.de C.:t!• Or:>"9e CO\Jnly on Novem Costa Mes3 D.11 v pot N


Bu.,ln9$S Name St11tl!'mel"t

No F5J81S5 • AND MINE FROM I.ANOS Santa Ana, Callfomla the unpaid balance due on OF NAME ilorn• J 7.S, iri:e•est . o~r 5 l<N:? vernber 28. Oec, :-er S Robert p Oullv, 1717 OTHER THAN THOSE 92701 (714) 558-0778 the nole or noles secured PETlflONER!SI CON JIMMIE FOSTINIS. 27JJ F550255 12 t9 1932 ~· ,

"~. Ci i'nn.J Gl'<aro

L ieo..r.s fl'11s .ta1cmcn1 .. l t •

w t1l \11~ Coon•y C ,.. · Orange County o N ·.-·~ QCt ~ 1992

FSS2059' Bm:h .St ·E IOt Bre.1. CJhl CONllt YEO H(H(l"Y. OIL e•t . 2 t 3 4 . by said Deed ol TNS.1. lo ST ANTIN SAR PE ON BE· 1.;tricastN Road thyw trd R"v II Les '""'tz 32"J ' c;~ '"' Pi'~ gy s e ficrr ng•on 92621 OR GAS \'/ELLS,'TUNNELS Publoslled Newpofl W1f S2 587.068 92. plus lllll HALF OF CRISTIAN TIS£- CahlO•rn:i 9<1~12 111 ,-5'!;,; in. 8· \:01 '.1•et'! Su•te ~Ct'1 t>

1 C;i .,,. !ln Co ona Put>l1$tled N""'P .rt & J •

Co'>l.11 Mesa :>a \ P .-• « P;oJ .. h""l!><!< ;?8 De<:-'IT'::it'!

W1ll1am 0 Oulty, 1913;.> ANO SHAFTS INTO, Reach-C-osu Mes:i OJ•IY t,Ollowinq estimated costs AIU SARPE, MINOR h.:is 1tve ... 1 co , Me~., C.l 1 92&Z6 PUBLIC NOTICE d• '.I r c J,i.:.'S Magnoloa St B 23, Hvmmg THAOUG11 OA ACHOSS p,,.,1 November 14 ..,, 28 e• penses and advances al have Med a petit•on tor an VINCENT R Ht.NOY 47':11 p •t> '""d N""":>O·t Sclc·i ton8e11ch Calif 92ti-16 THE SU'BSURFACE Of 1!>'J, • • · · UHi 1.mo ot lhe •Mr.JI pubh ordl!f' to cllange narnu Mendocmo Fremont C1I- , F1ct1t1ous Th•s buSJllC!S~ WJS con· THE lA!'.0 ANO TO eor. < ". callon ol lhlS NOl!Ce ot lrom CRISTIAN TISE.AIU 1tom•a 94555 16 75... Ill Co ... l Me>J D.l v. p, Ot N::> Business Name '' dueled by co P·"tners .,..756 SARPE to CHRISTIAN 1eres1 vember u ~1 . 28 Decem Statement c;p 1-----'-------

C I 1::, l~ 11;1~

Th1s slatemMt w1s f•ll."d T0'-1 SUCti Y..tilPSfOCK Sale S~0·2T451C60E TO TIBERIUS SHARPE JULIE A PERTAIN.\\ 3;>01 ber 5. rqn T f PUBLIC NOTICE wiin tile County C:e•k ot 0 R 0 IRE. CT I 0 NJ\ L l Y PUBLIC NOTICE " 1 .. .. ,.. •• A C . .t Ni ' "" 1 Pllll ,...,IV\e c-·nty -~ N OH''" ORILLEO \', (LLS lUN PROPERTY OWNER I >S .. ereby Oldl.l•e ... ,.,.,, .. ,inn I! 30'' ~e OSIJ .,, ~' a•c ,J;, r t 1• ~· Flct1t10•·5 ..,.,u .. .,, ""' ..... TS•t6407 • • all per,ons 1n:cri·>led 1n "lt'S.' C1•l<>rna ll?S'lo •~ INtJOJAil\;( OISP.,A T t .. rer.st•A'1 si ,.., -ber20.1992 NELS AtJO .HAI TS NOTICE OF 'l'OU ARE IN DEFAULT th•s m,1ter appear belor11 tt•rest PUBLIC NOTICE FAEIHICArOAS t7905 menc,•.J 10 t•.i!':..at'I ti.JS Busmen Name Pub4'She<I Nt'wport Bench- UNOl R ANO BE.NE'ATH OR SA UNDER A OEEO Of lh•S court 1n Department NANCY PROBERT STAR S-vp:irk Circ•e Unit A h noss under L.,e f"~ llot..s Statement Costa Mes.-. Polol Novt'm BC'YONO THE £"T£RIOR TRUST EE' S LE TRUST. DATED 1 '9 86. UN· No 703 of lhe Orange ROUT. ANNAPOLIS CAL Flcti t lous 11 ne C 1.r "1271~ ~~ Bus ,..,,,.5 N

1 ..... e sl 1s·c.:i ~ll ro1io.. ,1f'.'1~or •

l>ef 28. Oecerno.er 5· 12 LIMITS THEREOf . ANO TO On December 21 • LESS YOU TAKE ACTION Coun1y Superior COt.lrt at IFOANIA ~5412 r2 5•. 1n Business Name ~ ch.i•d JOM'l!On, 4Sa• a:>o~e tin Oc1o:ie· 1 arc 0 l ~ .. ~ ............ IS 19• 1992 SJ Mg RE ORI LL, IH:TUNNEL 1992 at 11:00 a.m . TO PROTECT YOUR PROP· ltie address shown above terest Statement w,1•,.,er A•l'° • •05 Hun t99:' .'VES:SIC'C: PROPrn· CS

EQUIP MAINTAIN RE Fl..-t American Tltle In- ERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT on JJnuary 11 t99J . .ll MARK A VANOERGRIFF The Fo11ow1ng persons i.ng:on BeJ.::t1 Ci I 9Z649 ~'l'9q., S Herr ngton 2030 M ., St <;u,r~ ·~ PUBLIC NOTICE · aurance Company, • • IC 2 00 o'clock pm. and U'lt'n J14 t Morning W 1y L1 are do,nq 1>us1ness as • Lovce Jonnsron. 4581 Ju e How,.d lrVoM C:1 rl 2•14

PAIR OEE:F'ENANOOP£R California corporat ion A PUBL SALE. IF YOU and lhere Show cause.,, JOiia. CJltlorma 920J110\o HORTON BARBARO ll W.imer Avt' • !05, HJri Tn1s srate.,..Cfll wn '·NI 0;JVld c Gr " STATEMENT OF ATE ANY SUCH WELLS OR 81 Trustee of that cer· NEED AN EXPLANATION any lhe'I have. wtiy the pe- intt"'l'SI REILLY, 200 North M ~ n t•" ~ll:in D<>Jcn C.1 I !l~~ "t'" l"ll Cou"''~ C ,.,. or :l>u1r;. Ni!.,.~ ,..

ABANDONMENT OF MIN[S WITHOUT, HOW- t I D d ' f T • t OF TliE NATURE OF THE tit1on 10< change ol n~mc1 Th•'> bus1nhS is con· St1eel S31'lt.t An.i C.111 c"' s:opnr.r p f\e 1 ,~;> 5 Oraf\l)e Coi.'1' "'""'"~ Ca f v.6ti0 USE OF FICTITIOUS EVER THE RIGHT TO an - o ru• e•· PROCEEDING AGAINST should nol bO granted dueted oy· o g11neral part· 9Z~OI M1ta91 Or. 01"'a Po•nl. b!J<' J, 1 ~:JZ C'n"J Ge0<9,• •

DRILL MINE STORE EX ocut ed by M ac Jam YOU. YOU SHOULD CON· 11 is lurtner orderl\'CI t/>Jt a nersl'l•p Jay Cor.;ell Horton Inc.. C.11,1 92t>W F549895 ~ll"lWIC:k, Nl'wPOrt BUSINESS NAME PlORE OR OPCRATE Umlted Partnership,• TACTALAWVEA C<1pyot1h1sorder1osnow Tne rl?QISll31'11s com- Cat.torn" 200 No"h M \n it1 s ::iusness 1 ~ con f'ul>IY.O<IN~""-,. fh;J1.I .;1 ! 9;!560

The lollowinq person<, THROUGH THf SURf~CE California Limited Pa rt · DATED· November causo be published on menccJ h.J tr.1risMI bus. Sarect SJf11 I Af1.l C.iLl CluCl~l lly co-p.innets Co,· •• J Mf'S' OJ • P ... No- Br an Po 1o. ~"0'"" s hl111e eb.indonect Ille Ui>ll or ner11hlp and recorded • Daly Pilot. a newspaper or ne:.s und"r tne Fo1.M1ous 92701 · · Tl\e reg stnn11s1 com ~ • , 81" Stre<'1 Mu1'1nt at the F•Cht•ous Busonl'u Oil THE UPPER 500 rECT ''24188 •• lnstn.iment 25, f992 gener:>I circulation pub- 6Jsoness N,1me(~I l•!.ll'd Frani.. fl BJJb31'o Inc. mt>nC('ll 1o 1nn~.1c: t>uS•· ve '!ll>ef Z1, ~8 DN..,mt>e Seacn Ca • !JO~ Name LAGUNA NIGUEL OF THE SUBSURrACE OF No S6-032 t&4 and as• F IRST AMERI C AN hshed 1n lh•s county, at above on 8·3092 Cat•lorn1.1, 200 l'\ll)rlh M.> fl ness under tne Foct.110115 5 12 '99<' T"'' bus "ts~ s MORTGAGE. 29692 Ana THE LANO. AS RESERVED • TITLE INSURANCE least once a week tor lour Jut.e A Pelnn.1 S1ree1. Santa Ana Calf 6u<.ne'>> Nl'Tli.'t!.I 1sted Sa·&. ctucll'<! Dy .iii>? Pra M:lr~ Ln . Laguna t4oguel tN THE O(f;D RECORD[O •lgnment 01 the benefl· COMPANY, • Callfi>mla consecuhve w('l'k5 pnor lo Th•s sl.ih:mcnl was hied 92701 aDqvl' 011 N.lvemr:ic 6 nNShop Caltl 92677 Af'RIL 4 1990 AS INSTRU clary Int erest to the Corporation the di'ly of tne neanng ""'lh the Countv C1ertc of Ned P Re •y Inc Calol.:>r 199;? PUBLIC NOTICE The '"" •t· rn: s.1 or.-The F1C11t1ous Business MENT NO *'~f.S4;.> OF M utu•I Ute Insurance By: Pat Sindt . Autho- TULLY H. S EYMOUR, Orange Co~nty on Novem· n•;i zoo North M:t·~ Slrt't!I Loyce Jonns:on menct'd tc • 1ris1 1 bu~ Nnme roll.'ffecl to ,,bove OfrtCIAL RECORDS Company of He w York, rl ~ed Officer t 14 East J u D G E /C o M M I s. ' bt>r 2~. I )~1.. SanlJ An.1 Ca1ol 9,101 J., , s: 1tem1 nl WJ'i f•'Nl Flctitoou~ ne$$ under 1~e F,. • 1 Clv' wilsAhle<I in 0r23ange990couFnt1y ALSO EXCCPT •NY ANO a New York Corpor• Fifth Stre~t Santa SIONER OF THE SUPE· F5524.34 This ovsone!.~ 1s con w 1h the Covntv \:•e<11 o• Bu~lness Name 8us1neu Na"'e st lts«•o on ugust • I H? " ti t t As • p bt 11 d N po<1 e ach ducted by a gene<al p.ltt On"(}e Co n•v on Novem Statement al)()..- on 19;~ No F467•91 All WATER RIGHTS OR on, pur.uan o an • Ana, California 92701 RIOR COURT u •S e ew e . ner$h1p t>e' 6 199z"' The Fo. ~"" "9 t'ef"°'1S OaV'ld C Granl Jolin A Haggard, 29692 INTERESTS niER£1N, NO slgnment of Deed of (714) 558.0778 ••t. DATE: NOV 24, ' 992 Cosa.:i Mc.,s:i Daily Pilot No- The reg .itrant(s) com· t · F 550514 are doing bus•nt.>:.S. .:i~ n"s st.iteonenl w.» • l'O Ana Marra ln Laguna MATTER HOW ACQUIRED Trust and Other Loan 2134 CONSTANTIN SARPE vember .. e. OPCember 5 me"Ce<I 10 t•anS3ct bu~· REGENCY LANE CON w •l."I tne COul\IY C:.et" o.! Nrguef. Clait 9Z6h BY CRA N TOR ANO Documents, dated De- Published Nowporl FOR CRISTIAN TIBE· l2. 19 l9'J2 ne~s undN 1•1e FocM•ous Put>< shtl'd Ntl'wpo<t Beactl· SlR~CTION COMPANY. Oranqe County on No•-m This business was con- OWNED OA US.ED 6V cember 30, 1987, •nd 6e3Ch Costa Mesa Daily AIU SAAPE, 530 WEST sa605 Bus1ness Namels) lrSli!d Cost.i Mesa OJ .,Y Pilot ~C> 4AOO M.l cAranur Blvd Iler ~'Q 199~

ducted by an ond1V1du:11 recorded JanuafY 18, WILSON STREET APT .lbove on NA vemb~' 14 21, ~a Ol'Ccm· Su•le 9JO. New.>0rt 6each F552072 This s1atement w ilS filed GRANTOR IN CONNEC 1989 •• ln11trument P1101 Novemt>er 28, De- • PUBLIC NOTICE J;iy Coroell Hor1on, l·1c. orr 5 I ~2 C:i '°'"'" 9Lt»-'

with tho County Cltwk ot TION WITH OR WlrH Rf: N 09-029994 of Of· cemt>erS,12,1992 •7, COSTA MESA, CA SUPERIORCOUfU. Jay C0<dell H0r1on Pres•· S:'l749 .EW_t>OBT..._fAQflCCO!i Pub11She<!Nt'w1><>• Be1.,\:l'l..---Or~ County on Novem Sf>ECT TO THE LANO, TO o . • - 5,i1o8/:U 9~6.2.7 lm\T STRUCTION CORP c.)I eomt"#t."STtr. :!'q-1'". ~"20.1~ Wfllf"TRE RIC 0101 .A.c:o0tds-ot -Of' Pub lish ed Newport OF CAllFORNlA, Fr.ink p l!.irb l ro inc, PUBLIC NOTICE torn11 4400 MacArthur vern~ Z8 Dece,,..t-e< ~ Put>11st'lt'd Newoort Beach- AN O POWER TO EX eng• County, Callror- PUBLIC NOTICE Beach-Cosl.i Mesa Da 'Y COUNTY OF ORANGE Fr.ink r 8Jrb.iro. PreSJ Blvd. s.nlP 000. Newoo-i 12 19 1992

Cosut Mesa P1IOI NOYem- PLORE DRILL. REORILL nla, and pur11uant to SUPERIOR COURT Pilot Novembef 28. Oecem 341 The City Drive, denl Fictitious ac.1ch, Ca•,!om a 91660 bef 28. December 5. 12 REMOVE AND STORE THl that certain Notice ot OF CALIFORNIA, t>cr 5, 12. 19, 1992 P,.D. Bo• 14171 Ned P Re-.l''r' Inc. Nt'd P, Business Name This bus1,,en is• con· 19. T992 SAME FROM THE LANO Def•ult the,.under re- SaSOJ O,..,ge, Callfomla Reily, Presldenl Statement ducted ova corP<YJbon PUBLlC NOTICE

Sa-800 OR TO DIVERT OR OTtl· corded 8125192 as In- COUNTY OF OR.ANGE 926 t 3·1571 Th•s s1a1ement wJs l•'ed The Fot """"Ill persons Tiie re91slf~•1l1s) com Flctltlous ----------• a t, u • t N 9 2 · 341 TIM City Drive, PUBLIC NOTfeE t th w1U'I the County c.erk ot are <101nq business .u menced 10 irari~,; bu'>i.

PUBLIC NOTICE ERWISE UTILIZE SUCH "' n °• P.O. Box 14171 In the Matter 0 e Orallge County on Novem PALMYRA SENIORS ness undec tile ltthous. Bu.ineu Name ----------•wATER, RIGHTS OR IN 563577 of Offl cla l Orange, Callfofnla Fictitious Petition to Change the Der 20 1992 APARTMENrS "C:Mom1a bus1nt'ss n.1mtt1sl lls1eo Statement

TS• t lS1St 7 TERESTS ON ANY OTHER R eco rd• of aaJd 92613· 1571 B1.&slneas Name Name of CONSTANTIN F552055 gl'nMal p.irtne<s'119, t30.l above on na • The F01ow no p.rsons NOTICE OF PROPEHTY OWNED OA County, wm under and lrt the Matter of tlM Statement SARPE. Publtshed Newport Beach Avocaao Avenue, Su•te Newporl Pac l1c Co~ ,,. dOl"Q bu'<<>t'•s a\

TAUSTEE~S4 ~'~ LEASEO BY GRANTOR, pursuant to uld Deed Petition to Change tlM The Following persons CASE NO. A168728 Cos1a Mesa Daily Pilot Ne>- 225. N ..... pon BeJCh Ca I struchon Corp :RE~so:~N:~N N:~o;, On Fo.ce;:be '

811t1 ~ WHETHER SUCH WATER of Truat sell at publlc Name of CONSTANTIN are do•n,31business 85 ORDER TO S HOW vt>moor ZS Oe!eemt>er 5. 9~~aid J ti:tsbrouc\\ p~~~~\ Slep,,ens. \lice MlNStON tN\IESlMENt 11

m . itstC mencan 1 C ~ RIGHTS SHA.LL BE RIPAR auction tor cash, law- SARPE ON BEHALF OF WOME OF SUBSTANCE. CAUSE FOR CHANGE 12 19 1992 1303 A11ocado .lhenuu ... Is sratftm•'"'· ~ 1• t _ _. PROPERTIES 3090 B"stol

surance ompany. 11 3 tul mone11 or the United • 2500 MonJco Onve, WI OF NAME "' · ' ~ ' "" c lornla corpora11on as IAN. OVERLYI NG , AP· State of Am lea a PATRICIA SORINA gvnaBeach.Calil 9:!651 PETITIONER~S) CON· S:t784 Suite 225 New;>o<t lle1ch, wlh thl' C.ouity Cre>1 t.. ol Sl<ffl Su•le 1 1LIQ o,sla Trustee. or Su~essor PROPRIATIVE, LlnORAL, s , er ' SAAPE, A MINOA. Pamela G Gilmour 32 Caltl 92&b0 O(ange CounlV a< Oclobet Mes.a. ~.1 9~~ Trustee or Subsllluled PER CO LA TINO. PRE· cashier 1 c h eck pay· CASE NO. A188727 AU. Grand Valle. Ne.;,.port ~.~~IN 11~~~~or ~~s:,~: PUBLIC NOTICE R1Chard A Sro.1dwav 131 4'8, 1992 Ntow 0tmens1on ~ot>Min TrustH, ol lho cor1a1n SCRIPT I VE, A DJUOI able to aald Trus tee ORDER TO SHOW Beach. Calol 92660 to eh.rn'()e names l rom Flctit loua North Tuston A.v.onvc. Su1le FS49398 Inc, Ca11tomoa »IV~"°' Deed ol Tr\Jsl eal'CUled br CATEO STATUTORY OA drawn on a atate or n• CAUSE FOR CHANGE Paltf BethtU, 1731 Pon CONSTANTIN SARPE lo Business Name 106. Tustin, CJ '' 9.lf.SO Pub41ahed New('Ot'I Bnc" ~;:~ c~';2'6~1:3 Ccsta ~~~~r1~::: t:,l'; CONTRACTUAL, OUT t lonal b ank, 8 chec k OF NAM E Hemley C1tcle. Newport CONSTANTINE SHARPE. St at ement J~~i.~bb~s~e~!n~~I ~~.Costa Me-.1 O.i ry Plot N~ Th•s bus•neu ~ con PartMrst11 lllld recorded WllHOUT. HOWEVER. A~ dfawn by • state or PETITIONER(S) CON· Beach, Call! 92660 11 IS hereby 0tdere<1 lllal Th F I ne• ,h,p ""'"t>t>r 21 :B. Oe<:embe CJIKtll(I by a COtl)O<ltl""' c/4'90 .," lnslf\Jment No RIGHT TO l:NTl:R UPON federal credit union, 0 ' STANTIN SAAPE, ON BE· Rhl'na Duey, 418 V•5li 1M ?CfSOOS Interested in 11,e d~•nl'l~i:~% ~rsons the re91stranl(s) ct'lm· 5 12 1992 The r•O•"••nll•l com 90·1 76544 ot Oll1clel THE SURFACE OF THE 8 check drawn by a HALF OF PATRICIA SO· ~oma • .,~wpon Beach, lhas maller appe;ir bcf0te I.A PERLE 1.ANE HOME "'enced to t•ill\$aC'I bus . u~"'6 morocod to 11;mue1 busi Records ol Orange County, I.ANO IN . TH£ ()(EACISE •t•t• or federal .. ~ AINA SARf>E, MINOR hast s~::r!; J nsen 1012 this COU<t in Department OWNERS. 379 L.1 Ptme ness unoer the f•C1'1JOU5 ness undet .,,. fl(I t>~11 Cllltlornia, and pursuant 10 OF SUCH AICiHTS OR Ing• and loan auocl• have lllod a petitJon for an Noningham ~d. Newport No. 703 or lhe C Orangu Lalle CoslJ Mesa. C:thl Business N.1me(sl listed PUBLIC NOTICE Bus nus N.,mots) r s'od \hat c:er1a1n No11ce ol 0.- t lon , or aavln~ bank Ofder to ch~ l'ames Bu h C.lhl 92660 County Supe"or ou11 at 92627 atk>Ye Oii J.11'u.uy 1 1~1 1aoove on N -. fault ther9U1'der rl!COfdod CAUSE ANY DAMAGE TO specified In section from PATRICIA SORINA Joac • T 1800 P !he addtess shown above P~mela Alan4 (Pres Home Roc:h.ard J H.nt>to..ci. Aotlt lous New 0.mM••on Plo~1t-; 814192 as tnsttumenl No IMPROVEMENTS ON THE 5 102 of the Flnanclal SARPE 10 PATRICIA SO- Ch~ or~"w.vvo ae.::: on Ja.nuary 12, 1993. al o~ers Assoc). 319 La Th•s stalemtonl w\s l iled Buslneu Name Inc, O.bor h L wa.:. VI~~ 92-0520559 o l Olliclal REAL PROPERTY. AS RE· RINA SHARPE. es, • .,.,.. ' 2:00 o clock Pm · and then Per•• La"e Costa Mesa 11t•th the County Clerlo 01 Statement F' 1 Jtto\ AICOfd& of uld Counl'(. SERVED IN THE DEED RE· Code and •uthorlaed to It 1.s hereby «~Ofed th111 ~al·~~;z::11., 122 Harbor and there snow c.'luse, II ca111 9Z627 Or.inge Counrv on No'\11'm ; he Foilow·~ ~so"s 'nJ;s watemefll .,.,as t l•.:S wlll under and pur5uill'lt 10 CORDED APRIL 4 1990 AS do bY•ln•H In this all persons lnleres1ed in t'Sl:Od Or NMp<111 Beach any they h11ve. wtly the pe- Mts Mthy Renolds, 373 tK'f S 1992 •r• c.10.nq bl.ls•ne•~ 1u "' I" tl'le Coun·~ C>tri. Cl1 said OH<I ol Trusl 14!11 at INSTRUMENT NO 90- a\ate at the main • rt- this mattcr oppear before Cal 1 9266Q ' liUon tor change ol n.lme La Per1e LMc Costa MPSa F550421 l•llN0€l( PLU... (b\AH-, OtOfl<>• Coumv O" ~trit>N publlc auction tor cash. 176542 OF OFFICIAL tr•nce to First Ameri. lh111 court .in O.pa11men1 Pa:,; Murzy 1918 Pon shouldnot 't>egran~d CJjf 92SZ7 Published Newport &oc.n bA M E'RICAN HO~E· JO 199i !:awful money of the Untied RECORDS can Tftl• ln•ur•nc• c No 70JS ~ t.h• COrange M rgale N..;.port 8oach ~ts ~t1~0f' :~: 10 ~~!.,! Thrs busmeu 11 con- CoSla Me~ Dally Pilol No- • .'!'


l1 R ~•uArss1 .. _?..C

11A r


u Nd). ......, .... .......!!:'!"° Siaies ot Amefica, a cosh· Company located at ounly ur""'°' ourt 11 Calif 9266<> • c PY •S T .. ducted by an unmcorpo 1iemb<'! 21 .,8 ~..-nt>tr 1 .. "" ...... • .. r..,.,..,~ ..... ·--~· ..... v..: •· iet•s chock payable 10 s.id Name and oddres1 ol tho 114 £ast Fifth St,.•t \he &<!dress shown above M Lo Pich 2500 cause bt pubhshed In riled assocoatton other .. Su•le No • ·I• El T1>11> , Co•IA Mt'.H 0 rv Polo\ No Trustee drawn on a 1L1I• or benol1ci ry at whose f~ • on Januo'lry 12, 1993. 111 ary \.a 1 er.Be Daily P1lo1. a nowsp;1per Of lh..\n a p,v1nerah•P 5, 12. 1991 CJ ,1 9<?6JO ., OK nahonal bank, 1 check que1t \he saje 11 being In the city of S•nta 2 00 o clocll P.M. and \hon ~~~a~~6sl guna ach. general cl rculauon pub- The reg1s11an1(st com ~ 76!; w 1t1cwd1t1n w V•nct, llM'D« H , ~ 1 ~• em drawn bys state Of federal conducted. The lrvlne Ana, Callfomra alJ tha t find there show cause, if Kl . Sandland 20C9 Port h5'le<I In this county, t me~ec.1 to tmns,cl bur.1 PUBLIC NOTICE 2•:ls.1 WOOdw~ le 84 £1 bttf S, 1992 c1~11 union or 1 chock Company p 0 Bo• 1 rl9ht, till• and lntereat any lhey have, why tho pe. Bti!tol Ne Port Beach least one. a wM!I for lour ness undM tne FIC\.\IO'Js Toro. c \.t 9z6JO 5.l 7U drawn by a ttat• or fec:loral Newpon Beach CA 9265&'. COf'"J•d to •nd f'OW tiuon for change of name Colil 9266<> w ' ~~ecu~veh "":ks pr!OI' IO Businou Nmne(s) lrsteo , Fict i tious O. • v MorrL\on, 1QS2 511111ng1 and loin nssoci.i 8904 Attn' Jolt,.., J WM- hekl bw It under Nkl ahould not, be granted;.. Geraldine SchhJtz ' 15.34 T :Jyl .. IH• ,•~OUR 11bove on Novomt>er 10 8ualne11 Name w~. 1' Ad a TOM> llOn or Q'<lltigS bank $f)ecl • . ·-· ' o .. d of Tn.t•t In th• 11 IS l\Jrtl\er ordentd ma\. A Ii U8 W1y Newport UL • • ... - • 1992 ' Ci rt 9;>G..'\O hed. In ffcilon 5 102 ol 1ne lace Direeuons 10 th• ro •rt iltuate d In copy ot thtS order to show kic~ c i.r 9266o JUD 0 r IC OM MI S- Pam1113 Al.>n1. Ptts u S' atem•nt r,,,, t1u11ne1• 1 FlMnclal Code a.nd ou1ho- at>Ove PfOpe11y may be ob- :..: c.!nty •nd Stele c1111se bo published lrl Lynda Stiea 8 Be con SIONER OF THE SUPE· P•"• Ho<ntowl\4'.'rs Anoe T'he F e>otowl'ng pers¢t1t due1'-'" I.') a o~ r1red 10 do buslneu in tl'lls l/IJ,,.d by ft'q\lUltng .... mo D:1~y PllOI, • MWlp.11p« ol Ba New • S.~h Calif RIOR COURT Thi t\.llllfTll~nt was l~e<I ••• OOlr'l!J buS•l"t1S n Nn1'•P • • MAllOtt LA• stal• Al the m<1in entrance 1n wnttng lrom tho benell· described H : EXHIBIT O•ntr81 clrculat1on put> 92J6o port ' DATE• NOV 24 tH2 ¥r•lh th• COYnty CIN\ ol !\EN ALEXANOCR ACCE~ Tne reg1s1r,ril\t) com •

10 Aral ~orican Tl,: 1~ cc.,., w1lh1n 10 days tron1 Pll'~ A:·:~rceis 1 and l:!'s~ ~. ~1!.:.°";';'•10: This bu1tnesa ts co~ Put>il sh•d Hew poll ~~i• ,t;2"'Y on Novlll'I ~~"HIE~:Noco~l~ .. :: =~; 1~u/,!:t1=• ~ =.v !~'fi':•E11sfF~YS11ee~. In tho first ~bloea1i0n of th11 7 •• thown on " map lale<I cons:ecut111e week• prior to ~ t>y· • gen.rat p;111- 8•.tch Co.ta ~eu D ly F550899 C..LI 911\l& 9 nf'~• Na.me(t} 11\led • er...., lh• city or Santa~. C 11. notle• in bootl 107, P<iQH 10 _,,1;1 lh• d•y ol lh• heanng. The regls\!lntt•> com- Prlol Hoven_:iw .. a. Oecem- J'ut>ltshlld N~ Gnch Laura Nortnlngton. 694 abo,,.. on H" Vt\'"-' ..tll fait!u ·• lomi;s all right, lrllt and In ~d s.tlt Wtll be made 11 ot Patcet Maps. In the TULLY H; SEYMOUR, monc.ed to trnns.aet bus#< Iler 5, i2. 19, 1992 Cost MC' 0 ·IY Prlol No t:<! .. ('~~~;o, C<m.i M sa. Wo . e "W ll~nc• 1925 Glalet lorell conveyed "lo and w1\h00t COYon.lnl Of w r· Office C>I the County R• J U D Q I! JC 0 • M t a. nus IA'ldor the Flctniou• SaSOI Vf!m~r "'8 ~ernt>ttt ' 11.rtSl !1 .. £llla~tn NOtm Tll•a """' t woa1 t t'd Cotta M ... now hOld by it und r " r11.n1y. •~Pr•n ut \n\ph.U, corder ot OrMQ• Coul'lly &tON£R OF THI! SUPI!· BusintlS Nam•(•) l l1trd PUBLIC NOTICE 12 19 iiu , ton 6'~ Jo.'lnn S. ':8 "" ,,, the Counly Ot'!I. of ~ ..... ; i•;•;•=•:. • .J OH<I Of Tru&t in theCprop at lo tille, PoSSeu1on or Cll lomia ' ' IUOR COURT 11>0ve on May 1~7 • • S.?80 Co ta MeM. 1 1eill · °'11j/,' County OI\ NoYOm II MY 11twiled In l&ld ounty encumMnc111 10 satisfy ' DAT'e: NOV 2., tff2 Pem.,a 0 O.lmour FktlUoua Ale anoar SICNf'f' Norm be! • • 1 1

and Sil.It• d .. ct1o.d ta tho unpllld balance dt,. on Paftel ll RetlPfQCal, non CONSTANTIN IARPI This tlttemen1 Wl'I hied BYalM•• Name PUBLIC NOflCE tngton 61M Joann St •0 1S5<tOIM ,~ Nw EXHIBIT " A " PARCH the l"Olf Ot Ml" it<ur9d ••clua<ve ea •tntnl for ac FOR PATRICIA SOAINA Wllh the County Clllf'k of Statement CO Lt Me t ~1 P\ib Joh•d N t:)Ol1 flota<.n •llONAL PAM

3. AS SHOWN ON A MAP by Ntd Deed of Tru$1 to Ct'S. ll'QrtU. nd eQr•st SA11tPI! S30 WEST Oraogo County OI\ ~ The foO "ii ~'On• Acttllou.a Tl,,, bus non 11 eon 0 Nclt No c;.m.,«l' • ~ f'llED IN 8001< 243, wot $2.8(i6,343 03, ptu111he OWf the common a19as ot WILION' STREET, APT. bet). 11nl are <I0."9 l>uM,,.H ,., 81.&alne .. Name do.JC~ by • ~.,. I pa11 ~ $ CtltOll e ~lory PA0£S 5 TO S INClUSIV~ follow l'I .,timMe<I C4><lts, Parco!s 2, 3, 4, S. Ind Gas #7 COST ME•.a CA ,IH0013 SU._.Mlf I UNDING. a Colt $\at•ment nt"fttlrp l* r.t.iflc V..,_ 1>1¥1 OF PARCEL MAPS. IN tH( upen.!s Ind llvln"' ~I thuwn OI\ M.1p ftlfd in 92i 27 _.., Pub11'1'ttd N-port 0o i,.. lOrllt.l Q~ 1 PaMertM p Tho f .,. nQ ~lM Tho ,e lllr mt(1l c:ont .......,,, ~ Or'f1C£ OF TH COUNfV of in 11 ~k 107, ~19 s 10 and It Coil;a Meta D-1 f'!19t No 0011 Ivy t;t1nn O.wt ~re doing bus!f>C'n , ml!!l\:llll to t ••1 C\ bu&~ ...._ Ateof\O(R Of ORANG£ lhe llf'l\e I ·~· ~1

I put ir ol Parttlt M,1p In lhe 01 Published tf•wporl 11tmbet 14. 21, ~8. ()e(.em- Suite 106, l.81)un1 Higu_.: OOU~. ~ NOl1., M tn :a "°"d<-< I'll• f;.ctJIJOUI n~=~~~~=~~ COUNTY CALI ORNIA CllliOn o 1 1 olice o flee of U1e Coonty A• Bo ch Cosl.i M•~a O...ty bet 5 ion C.. I Q. 17 S11•.-i. S n1 1 Al'\.1 C I &11 N ll"e{s) {i1r~ ----------

[ WCCPT THEAErROM $Al• sri ~41 24 c:onltr or°'~ County Polut Nowmbtr 28, ~em " $.a 744 R1no111 ~ OltlCl'll '' 91701 tbo\i• O"I NA NOTICI! TO TH8 C ' ' ' ~ $ 12 11 1092 Sentrf H 1 u un N gu .J 'I Caoa Ulura NQm\on1""

ALL OU .. OIL RIOHfS, MIN PROPERTY OWNER 'IOlr•,l , ~ ad •4'•• ' . ' Cal.I t~'trT North SllfC!I Ef'IALS. MtNCML RIGHrS. 'l'OU ARI; tN Off AULT "'•nts ~'' s 1 '011~ • .,, .,,. IAl!Ol TRADE AoMh1 D · Hon~. lS tin Ana, C.1 f 01101 NATURAL QAS RIGHTS. UNOCR A DUD Of tuhcl! •nhll~d Cu• 3 LiMs ... 3 O.tys.. •• ~ dell. UQuna N'Que!. c,, t Ir nk p o.trb.iiro ioo AND OTH(R HYDROCAR· TRUST DAftO .. '2 ')() UN menls or that cM.W!tl Oec Ooll,\fll .. M•tc:hMdl.. lhrougtt Cl.l!Slrt d 9~" N "' ,.. in • II ma (IONS DY WtiATSOt.VtR ll$S YOU fAK~ ACTION '"' tloo ol C~lrll\, cl,)f\ 11n~r 1500 &42~878 . WolkMI fl fl'M'\10(\ l s.n AM Q\IJI 701 NAME ~NOWN. GlOlH R Cl•tlOl'I , fl \!t1ct.ont, rlcJ 4M2·5878 lry Hill, luJun.a , N191..i, f:4t'O P Acnlly,

S.1 • •


86 Saturday November 28, 1992 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot


PUBLIC NOTICE P.UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTIC! -..ueuc NOTICE H111 ouarnen it -<On- a... Olto ~ 151 lee&, 0-P1, Ce11t. tm' d"'ted bv. an Ind~ L Wllol1 I, ea.a.a ...... Tt'tl• bua1neu 11 con-

Flctltloua Fic titious FlcUUou1 Fictitious Flcllllou• Fictitious '1ct1U.. The registrant commeileed Celt tza7 dUded by 911 il'ldMduat DualneH N•me BwalneH Name 8u1lneH Nam• 8ualne .. Nama Bualn.M Name auaJn ... Name hMNU NtNtta to ltlnMel businna wndef Thi• bullMll I I ~ Tt!e teglslranl(t) com

the Flctrttout Bu11ne11 ~ by· en lndMclUlll maneed to lrenuct bull· Statement Statement Statement S ta temen t l tat•tnel'lt llJltamant lt .. •mant Ha ( ) II ed 4boW , The 1 glil,.nl (a) com- neu under 1n. Fic:titlOus

The Followtng person• The f oltow1ng peBuna The F01tow1ng peBona Th• Following persons Th• Following persona The FoUOWWig pet10n1 Th• Following persona NI:- 1 11 on rnet'tCed • 10 ttanMCt bUll l u-"neH Nam•(•I lilltd are doing busmess as ire do111<,1 buH1ness IS ant d0<119 bu!>lnHs H 1r1 Cl<>ong busmoss es we doing t>Y11ne11 as are dO<nQ bualr,.u u : 111 OOinQ Min.la u: Palticll A Loh.an ness IM'der the ~ abOYa Oft : ~Uf/ffY ~. t092 AMERICA MACHINE COM IA)C WI (B) QUALITY CUSTOM OO>C & CRATE EURO CONTRACTORS, LAGUNA NIGUEL MORT· (a)CALIF-ORNIA CHEMI MOE RAMll.L ASSOCI· This ltale~nt wH l'iled Bu.inett Natnt(I) lllled Chr11 O 8ueno

PANY. 6882 Los Amigo- JAGUAR , 6.i4 Term1n11 COMPANY 3723 e.tctt Sl 815 E B.it>oa Bl~d New· GAGE, 29692 Ma M.tn.:a CAL OF ORANGE COUNTY Al ES, 881 ~ Dr 111. wl h n. Cou Clottct Of bOW NIA Thlt t:t ttmetll was i ltd Ave Hunungton Beach. Way Costa Meu, CA -24, Newpon Beach, Cal1t pon Beach, Cai.t. 92661 Lane, Llguna Niguel, Cl!il (blPEUCAN POOL & SPA Newport Beach, c111t o,'.~ Count;~ Novem enan.:"o Ct1det1 wllh the County Cl•ril OI C hi. 92647 92627 92660 Stuart \Wll:vn TUMlS, lf5 926n CARE, 1533 051t1Ch Clftle, 92663 ber 20. I092. Thi ll&IM11t11t was llled Oranoe Councy on Novem· Ted N1edwick, 6882 Los Bn91ne Bonton. 2185 Rural Barnnson Homes Inc , A E. B•lbo.t 8M1 . Newport 1..a9Una o.v.lopment, Inc , Fountain Valley. C1ltf Robert S. Hanull, 2300 Prl· ' FSS

20lO wtth the County Clet1< ot ber 10, f 992

Amigos Av• Huntington Place, Coi;ia Mes.a. CA Calilorma Corp , 3723 Birch Beach. Cai.r 92661 Cahlomla, 29692 Ana Mana 92708 vate Rd , Ntwpof'l B..ich, O<onge County on Novem F550845 Beach Ca11r 92547 92627 St f24. Newpo'1 Beach, Andrew Dumn, ~2~ Biii· Lane, lagul\A Niguel, CaM William l Mana. 8533 Os Caf1I. 9'660 Published N-pon Bead't· b«

3 Hf.12 blilhed New 8each

Dennis Allyn N1edw1ck Michael Bontolt. 2185 CJl•f 92btJO bo.\ Blvd . Newport Bt ch, 926n Inch Clfcle, Fountain Vlll This buatness Is con- Cost;i Mesa Daily Pilot No ' FMeao2 CP\i t M4ts 0 ~ilOI No-

27086 Lost Coll Dove. U · RU<al Pl ct, Cosia Mesa, Mailltl Me<l11W, 10956 Tel · C.~I . 9266t This buslneH Is con- ley, Calif. 92708 ducted by: 1111 ind111tdual '(embe< 21 , 28, December OS a • a . , guna H•h Cdl1I 92653 CA 92627 la.r Ave Pacooma C.IJ Thi• bu11nus rs con· ducted by a corpo1111on This bu1tn111 11 con- The 1egl1tran1(s) com- 5 11 19l>2 Pubhshed Newport Beaen v9"1ber :!I , 2&, C>ec:embtif "ln1s Dusinns 1s con This bus1nen is con- 9t331 ducted by co-pNtnets The reg11tranl(s) com· ducted by an 1nd1llldual menced to lransact but!· ' • HnJ Costa Mu.a Daly f>1lo1 N~ 5, 12, f992 ducted bV a general pan· dueled Dy lluaban<l and Thts bus111t S1 Is con· Th• 11g11tr1nl(s) tom menc:ed to tt11nsat1 bUsl· The regl llran1(s) com- ness under tho Fictitious vemb« ?1 , :;>81 December S.768 ner:.h1p wlle dueled by general part· metlCed to transact busl ness under Ille Flctttlous mence<I to tra~ct bull"t- Businest N me(s) bled PUB UC NOTICE 5, f 2, 1992 , __ P_U_B_L-IC_ N_O_T_l_C_E __ The reg1str.1nt{s) com The reg1s1ran1(s) com· net"Shtp ness under lhe F1t11uou1 Business Name(s) l isted ness under the F"ict.thout above on. NIA Sa·759 ----------

mcnced to tran:wct bus• menced 10 lfJ11sact buSJ· The reg1strent(s) com Business N1me(s) listed above on No11arn~ 18, Business Name(s) listed Robarl S Ham1U Flct ltlou1 ----------ness under 1ne F1c111tou1 ness uno11t lhe Fictitious meneed 10 transact bvsi· above on November 20. 1992 above on: October I, 1992 1This statement was filed Business H artt• PUBLIC NOTICE BuSJness Ndtn•lsl listed Business N.lm"(s) f.sted nns under the Fict111ous 1992 Laguna Dev Inc . Presi· William T Maua With the COlltlty Cleflt o1 Stat em ent

FlcUU6u a 8ualn•H llMm•

Actllloua St.tem ent BuslnH• N•m• The f ollOWlng ~rson'

abo¥e on Octob~r 15, above on 11 .;H12 Business Name(s) lfsred Stuan Timms dtn1 This statement was flied Or~ge County on Octot>et The following penons 1992 BnQ•tte Bon1011 al>Ove on NIA This st.'temem was flied ThtS sto1emoo1 was ltlttd with tho Countv Cfertc or 30, 1992 lft doing business as· Ted N1edw1ck nus stat11m1tnl was rited Gone Ba1row, President wilh the Counly Ctet'lt of with the County Clerk or Orill'lga County on Novem- F549e82 DORSON , COMPANY, This Slltl'ml'nt w.1'> llted with ine Coun1v Clerll ol nus statement wn flted Orange County on Novem· CK1nge County on Novf!m· ber 3, t992 Published NtwJ>Of1 e..cn 5065 f•lrvlew dlrclt

Statement 111 dolnQ busineu as Tiie FollQWlll(J ~' AAAcargo Muter. 101

w11h 1n., Co• nlv c1._.,,. ot OrcJnge County on Novom with the County Clerll of bet 24. 19')2 bl'!f 20. 1992 F54990.1 Costa Mesa Daily PilOI No BoMa Park. c 1,1. 90621 Ora119e Cwnty on Novvn D<11 l ;~n Orange Counly on October F5524 2 1 F5520 75 Published N-pot'I Be~h- vombcr 14 2 t 26 Oeeem David Mora•e'l, 5065 ra r

as• d<>ing blJSlno·ss , Dov« Dove. Ste 208, New· so. CAL s~rooD co. port ~act>, Caht 92663

b•H J. 199.:' F549994 !I l99.:> Publtshed Ne...pon Boacf\. Publlshed Newport Bea.:h· Costa Mesa DaJly Pilot No- ber 5 199i ' · view Circle, Bueo.:i P.irll. FS49893 Publ1 s11eJ Ncwpon Beilcn· FS47282 Costa Ml'1'<1 Dally Pilot NO· Co$1a Mesa Daily P1101 No- 11emt>er 21 28, Docembt-r ' sa.740 Ca~f 90621

11 Canyon l'111nd Or . Nrw H1tom1 Matau1an1, 2829 pot'I Beach. Clllif 'J2660 lemon Sir et. Costa Me:s.l , R1cho.rd Allon H.immen, 41 C.l ltl 92626 • PuDhsned Newpof1 Beach Cos1a Ml'~a Oa ly P1101 No- Pub11sl'tt'd Newport Beath- vembcr 28, December 5, vembe.r 28, December s, 5, , 2, 199'2 This business Is con

Costa Mes.i DJ1ly P1lo1 No- vembet .;>1, is Oeccmbe< Cosla Mesa Daily P1I01 N~ l2, 19, l992 12, t9, t992 53•758 PUBLIC NOTICE dUtled by- an lndtvldulll Canyon Island Or , NewpOtl This business Is con. vember 21 .2tl Dt'ct>•nDc• 5 1:! t99~ vember 7, M 2t, 28, 1992 Sa 781 Sil·79S The reg1strant(s) com s. 12. 199.:> sA11s Sa-737 UBLIC N C PUBLIC NOTICE Fict itious ~enc~~ ·~safctiWi

Be3Ch. Calif 92660 ducted by· an lnd1llldual This bu11nes'l Is con· The r •gt5tr1nt(s) con1-

duclotd by an i"'liv111uit menced 10 llanuct bus•· The rt!)l!ltr""t(s) com nest under the flc11110U1 menceJ io trJnsact buiM• Ou:>ines~ N~me(s) hatau n~ss unJrr thll F1cllltO<J\ tbo.,. on N'.t

SJ t"' PUBLIC NOTICE P OTI E BualneH Hem e s 1 --------- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Flctltlous statement Business N:ime(s> 11stect

PUBLIC NOTICE Flctltloua Flctltlou a Bualnoas N amo Tho following persona a~ve on: ~ovemb+.>< t :J, Fictitious F ictitious Buslneaa N ame Buslnesa Na m e St lement art dolnq l>us•noss as· "'"2

Ficti t ious Business Name

Statement T f'le fOllow•ng per:.on$

art' do1n9 bUs1n~'>s as C"HVSTAL S NAIL ANO HAIR 20lJ H,11Dor Blvd , ll11•t C Co~IJ Mt•,3 C 1.11 9.'.'t>27 T 'lU3n Thi Pn 1 1.:: ·s: f,.,n SI , G.1'dt!n G•o~e C• t1I 9:.'641 t..1n Minn Clhi '8b6 7 S 1"

A 11on10 St Fo11nt.11n V ll 1.-v Ca ,1 ~-' "Od Tn·~ Dus1ncss , con

uuc:cd Dy co plnne15 Tn. reg stranl(~l com no•,c;e<l to 1r.tn!>,1ct llu>1 nes~ un<l<" the F1c1t1tou~ Bu!. nes~ N 1n1el ,;) flstPJ .:ibnve .,,, (lctober 10 1q~.'.'

Th I '"• Pti , , lt>' sl;ia· ncn1 ""~ " r (?IJ

w1t'1 tne (;o.,111v Cu ' t Or.lnqe Cou:-itv r.n Oct,,b,., JO I :N.:'

P .o s.'lei1 Nl'wpo'1 Be 1 t'l

CostJ Ml'!> l 0.11 y P •or N ven•t:>er I J : I :'8 Deel'.,, bN 5 199:


PUBLIC NOTICE Fic t itious

Buslneu Name Statement

Bus•nhs Name(s) IWf'd H1toml M11wt.1n1 1bove on. N A nu Sl.l?en:erit .,.,as t11w Rich.ltd A Hammett wllh U1e County Clettc of This statemont was filed O<anqe Counly on Octob41r

Bualnesa Name Bualnesa Name Statement Statem ent The Following persons SPECTRUM CATERING & David Mor.llH Statement Statement The F011o>111ng pe<M>t'ls The following persons ate are ooong bu:.ioess as SPECIAL EVENTS, 253t5 This Statement was filed

The Fo• "wing persons The Fooow1n9 persoos are doong b\h•f\CS~ as doon9 busofless as AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Vista HermoSil l..lke FOf· ~,t_!',,,.,~ecce:::n~ ~~.~I <1•e tJ.,.nq b\. ne!.i. as are d0•"9 bU~ineu .u. l<IMBEALEE FINANCIAL. (A)STARTING POINT, (8) OF PARALEGAL TECHNI• tsl, Calif 92630 -.,. Y v W1th the Couf't1Y CltlfX of 27. 1992

Ofange Countv on Novem be< 3. t092

PS COMPANY, 1027 Con SOLID CORE INSTALLA 30100 Town Center Dr, NEWPORT HARBOR HOS CIANS, 20101 SW. Birch Jason Caller, 25315 V1st.1 bW t9, 1992 cord St Co~IJ Mesa. Cahl TIONS. 3tSJ Limerick Ln., Sii Q..194, UlguM Niguel, PITAL, 350 Wost Bay St , Street. Ste. 240, Sanm Ana Hermosa , Lake Forest, F551951 "'·blished Ne~::!!. \12u.!ti · Costa Mesa. Cahl 92626 Calif. 926n CoSla Mesa, CA 92627 Heights. Calif 92707 calil. 92630 PubllshtKI Newpon Beach ,..., ~ ..... • $h1riev J1.•.1 • • 027 Con ~obert Chni Grondanl Laguna Development. Inc: N-po'1 Point Inc, • Ot .l· Bill Andrtt#S 20101 S w Thts bus.neu 1s eon CMta -..Ina Da4y P\101 ~~o F549897 Cos" Mosa D 11 P1J01 No

core St Cosl.l M~:..i Ca1 t Jr~ UmolfKI\ Ln Costa C11lomoa Corp 296n Ana were Corporation , ,150 Birch S1rte1, Ste 260, dlJClcd by 1n 11'1d!Y1d".U' lltlmb« 26, Decein~f 5, Published N!!Wpon 0-.1.n· vemt>or 1 14 21 . 2B. 1992 'l~ti-'t> M lls.1 Ca 11 92626 Milf\a Lane Uiguna Niguel West Bay Street, Co5ta Sama Ana Ht11ghts. Cal.I The regH>lrll)t(s) com 12, 19 I 992 Cosu M P.Sol Oa ty p...,, Ne>o S~ n r P.iul J• "· tt\.1 ~ord M.i·cia Joye• Gtondahl, Cahl 926n MK& Cal.lomla 92627 827-01 m~ ,,, •transact bu1t- S.l 719 vvmoor? , t!, DR'UT'l"lbllfl--------o...;;......_

Sr Costa Meu C.ilil JISJ Umenck Ln. Costa lhls business 1s con This business IS c on- This bu1lntss IS con- ness undtlr the F1c1111ous ---------- 15 ·12 1992 PUBLIC NOTICE •l~6:?6 Mc>a. Cati! 92b26 ducted by· a corporal•on dueled bV a corss<>ratlon ducted by; an lndhndual Duslnoss Name(sJ 1tsted PUBLIC NOTICE ' ' Sa 763 rl'l •'i t>u~ nr'S~ ·~ con 1 h•"> bus1nos.s 1s con- Tne reg stranl(s) tom The regislrant(s) com- The reglslront(s) com above on October 7, 1992 - - --------

duCtt' :i o., hu~:1.1ri~ o1nd oucted by an 1nd 0v•dual menctd to trans.act l>ust meneed 10 iransact bust menced 10 transaC1 buSI• Jason C.1rtcr Fictitious PUBLIC NOTICE Flctllloua

Business Name St.lament .. •.., ThB reg1stra11t(sl com. ness undCf the F1ct ti oos f'l'SS uoder the F1C1•llous ness under lhe Flc1111ous Thts s1Jtcmen1 w'ls Meo Business Nam•

The regs•• 1rtl\'> com l'T'enced to 1rans.1ct bi.J'-1· Business N:imc(s) l•Sted Business NJmo(s) t s1tld Business Nnme(~} listed v. l.ll the County Cier1l ol SlJltament rnco~~ w :rw1s.J1.t busi ness un<tl'f th• F1C11hout aoove on November 10 above on October 15, at>ove on· Octobr 78, 19!)2 Qr.,nge Counly on Novom The Followinq peftnnS "e~-. vnoti< Int• f-•clll•O<J~ Business NJmo(s) l1sled t992 1 ~:12 Bill Anelrews ber 5, t992 11re dOlng busioess M U.is1nes, N,tmt!\~) l1steCJ ah.:>ve on November 3, LagunaDrv tnc,JohnA Ncwpor1 Point Inc. V1ct Thts statemonf wa~ fifed F550239 STEADY f: NTERTAIN· .1bovo on 01'.'(t.omt>er 7, 1 ~2 H'lggard. Prts1d~'fll PreStdef\I v.11tl the County OOf'k ol Pubrshtd Newpott Be.ich· MENT, 7934 MacDon11'1 1~13 • Chns Gron..1a111 Tn.s s1.1temen1 was 1 .. 00 lh1s stJtemeni was l1•od Orange County on Novcm Cosia MeSJ 0 ,,Jy p,10t No- 11A. Huntington Oeacn Snn .. vJcn This sl.iltt'("c~t v.as li1ed w•th the Count)' Clettt ot will! t"e Coun11 Oerk of ber l. f992 v()(T'ber 14• :'I .

28. Oocem c t 92&47

Th s $!1!i'rnC"11 "'lS , l&d .... 111 lh<> County c1en. or 0fangf! Cpunty on Nov .,, Orlll1qe CO<Jntv or Novem- F550028 bcr 5 19•!2 Mark Reed Steadman .,. 'l ,,.. Co,,,., Cle k ol Orange Coun•v nn lllovem l><lf .20, 1'~2 bcr 2·1 1:3\1? Published Newpotl Buch · 7!lJ4 MacDon.1ld lfA Hun· Or •'1<10 1.;.lunl~ or N JVem Der J. 199.:> • F5520fSO F552432 Cosla Mc~a O;i ly Pilot No- 1 ________ s_.•_7_~_6 11n91on Be3c:h, Cal1I 9;!b41 tll'r lJ. 1\JJ. F5499e2 Published Nowpo'1 Beach PuD11slled Nl'Wpo<r 8 81ch- vl'lmber 21, 28, .._Dec~be< PUBLIC NOTICE This business I\ con

F551323 Published Ncv.pon Beach Costa Me:.., D:i y p Ol No co~t.l Me:.1 0.1. y p 10 1 Ni> S, 12, 1992 ' • dueled by an md•v•dual P1;tl sl'lc\l N, "PQC! 8.;ac"' ' O'lt.l MuS..l Oa i., p, ot No- vomber 28, Ol'cef'l1ber S, "ember ~s. Oecdmt>er 5 , S:> 76S Fict itious ff>e <eg '"Dnl(t) com

Cos:a ,, ...... , D.i v Pot N<>- vcmber 1.i ~1. ~a. Decem- t 2 •9 n.~2 12 9 t""'2 1---------- .... alnea• Name menceo to I Ills.act bu~· ''-'"'™'' 28 Dc.:eiT'Of .. 12, ber 5, I 39;! • ' . 1..,, S.i· 782 1 ' .,. sa804 PUBLIC NOTICE ..... S t ate;;.en t "Ms undet ll'le fic:tiliOOs

' 1~9~ Sa-743•---------- ----------•·---------- Tho Following persons Busoness N.ime(sJ llS!Od

---___ s_.i_n_a ··--P-U_B_L-IC- ... -

0-T-IC_E __ , ___ P_U_B_ll_C_N_O_T_l_C_E_ PUBLIC NOTICE Fictitious are do.nlbuJll'lass as· abo11e on April' · 1992

- " • Busfneu Name ... M "' Staaelm;in PUBLIC NOTICE Flc tltloua Actltlous Statement 7L1A, 0PE tdrcs ACMBIAN :.S This s~toment wu 1.1.u

Flctltl~·s N ~11 1 • orOl'IJ "" -,,.. ''"e ,..._, r1"' Ct•... ol - Business Name Business ame The F011owin9 pe.sons Mar Ca'1f !>262!> ;:.."' "' C....,.. " ~· "' Buslneu Name Statement S1atement ''l' d"'"9 bus.ness as Laur.t Gen1ev.l Oavalr"· '"" 3~ ounty on Nove '

State ment The Fonow•nq t>e<~s The Foilow.r'g perso"s CREATIVE CONCEPTS 717 Orchid St, Ccrona dol t»r20, l!>92 The follow•nq ~on!> .1,.1 001ng bu~me~'l as: are do1n9 bu.ineu as LANDSCAPING, J848 C.lm Mar Cahl 92625 F552080


Fictitious The . Foll0101ronq .,_t'llOl'I, Bualneu Neme are doing bus.lno$S as

Stlltement MARIE'S ORCHIO GAR The Follow "'l p.ir .001 OEN 12 e'\ Ternce D•.,,

atrt 00«1') bulll•W''-S .'!. Pt•111I, C i i 1il~J THE RE.Al WOOD SIGN M:sr>e Coven 12 St.) lf!I CO. !NJ o i;-1. Co r _ llnn POil\t, c.a111 Mos.i Ca 11 :l~•.'l g;>62'J K<irl n_,~ l\og et, !J'!lJ 0.1' This bu•1tian 1\ . COl'I SI , Co'i.l Mn 1, C.1 11 <luCll'd ov w• tl'ld1V>dui:li 92627 J"e •egl ~trant(sl co Tnts ousiness ,., con- n>•:r>e~ to v1•1s.11et l><.tsi

ouc!ed by .Jn in.11v11J1>.1I s und.w t,..e Fict1t1ow.. The reglstran t(SI com Bu"•nou t#lmocs) l•5teJ

menced to 1r.1~C1 bu ,r>ov., on ,.. A ness under 'th• F1c1111ov1 I.I 1flt Co-11 I Bus.nil$~ N IT'f(S) ltstcd llll.s SU\CfT'C!f\t WIS tit~ a1>011e °" 9!711 w m i:-11 Coumy Clet11 ot !\Ari KO!llt!r Or::inga Count¥ on Oclo:>er This 1arftfTlont w:u n oo ·u ! O 2

w th the Cou'!ty OoO< ol F$49043 Onsnqo c,..,nty on NO\lltffi Pul>l llt>eCI ~wp<;<t Beaeh bet 20. 19!12 ~~tA Mor;\ Daily Pilot N L>-

F552081 vem~ 7. 1 •. ~1. 28. 1992 T•111 fo vw• ~ pe1~1>ns 1

arc doing bus1nrss .is ULTIMAlE IMAGE WEST, METROPlllAN TRUSTEE JXJS 011ve, Sutll 220. New This business 1s con- Published Ntwpo'1 Bc1th POINT OF lll(W ~15 24')5 E Omngclh(l(J)e Ave SE.RVICES. 2110 G..vin~I pot1 Bc.ich, Colt.I 9266l'l duciod t>v an IMIV•du.11 Costll MIU Da'y P,1ot No

Re<lhl 1 Ave S1.1 Ft06 , 1 o t . F1Jllt1tofl. Cati I , D11ve Costa M,. ia, Cal I Carol Ann End1eon, 4l9t T11e rl'g• tro1nt(s) com· 119mbllf ?8 December 5 P\lbl1sn.d NlfWl)Ol't Boactlo S ' 710

.re cJ ''" l 1 "' . ~ 1~ Tl'iRE.Si-tOLD GRAPl'<tCS

I i905 S•vP ,., C rc.1e Un• A lfV'ne C,1' 9:114 n c t'dr<J Jortn5tv'l

Vv 1rner AVl' ,, ,O'"J Hu•• • "C11on Be.l. !'I Chi ~.:'C...t 1 LOyCC J ,,,.,ton 4~1H

\•• " ' f!r A.,,. • •os. Hun 1°11qton Bl',,Cf C 1 ' '1."~!t Tti s bus r'l~S IS con

ducted o, hu~b.lnel an•J ""tc l11 e •c.:i s11.1n1 st :: m mcnceo ro ''an:..ict nus

t' ~ unJ~r tne r c· t.~> ~ 0 .s 'lQ >-S NI nc SIC ' •b\1Vl' on l~J:

vt t Jon,,~· n ... ,.. :,, ~~J11•n~1~ t w t S t t 1

w t'1 •tic Cou •1 Ctt.>t'I< ot ' 1"' C ur ',


Cosu ..,e,.a Cahl. 92626 92\i31 926.26 Ptrs1m,,..on Ln , lrvlnl', menced to transact buSI 12 19 f992 Liz Hanot M chi, 672 N R S D Promotions •nc., W1111am J Oo0l ll1e, 29'*7 Cal I. 927t5 lloss undet the F'tet.r•out Sol 7.18 lemon Hill Tra I, Or3nge, Catilomt.l Corp., 2495 E B;ittest~os, Tu.-.11n, Caf1I Tnts bus1nus ts con· Bus1nes.5 Nlme(s) ~511d ----------C.1llt 926n'J OrangelhOrpl! Ave • 102. 92680 ducted Dy, M tnd1111dual ilbo•e on N'1vemw1 2, PUBLIC NOTICE Jet en a Keodrlck, 6302 Fu1tenon C.ihl 9:!63t Thomas R Wh~ ev. 2710 Tne reg1str.int(') com· t99l Turnbcf")' Cr Hunl1'lgton This bu11"11u Is con C~nnet Otlv11, Cost..J Mu~. menct'd to trlll9act busi· l.lum G o~vaos Fic titious Oe.lc:ti, Ca'' 12648 duttN bV' a c0tpo<a1ton Ca.Joi 9~ ness u'ldtr Ul• Fie1t1.oos This sWl4!!mON wu I 11:0 Business Name This businen is con· The registr n11s) com This 011s1ness is con- 8v11ness N'me(sl l1sred .,., <n w Counr1 C1c-<11 ol St•tement

d1.11;1t.-d D'f a gen4"r;il 1><1'1· mencc.J 10 11anS'1ct bust ductc-d by cc>p.lrtl'("rs above on Novemb< 1 11;, O• ngo Coun1y on Novem The Foilo .. ng pen:.ons nersh1p f'CSS und« tne F1cti1Jous The reg•'>tnnr(s) com· 199? bt'f 3, 1992 art d0<nt;1 ~ln;•ss ,15 Tho -.eg1st11n11s) com· Bus1ne~~ N.1m•(I) l1stoo mt'ncod 10 tran&Jet bu~1· C.urol Ann Endicott F549898 ENVIROSCAPE '2SJIS

menced to tr:i11uc1 bu~· above on Novl!rnber .S "'"" under ll'le Fteti11ous Tb1s 11 .i1cm~1 wu f td Pu1>1<1.h«I N<'wpo.t ~3c ,., Eleen 11 0. Com MolMJ nus under '"• F1cti11ous t992 Bu~ness Name(s) l«itoo with the Cour11y Clerk ol Cos\:1 Mes.a D.il; Pilot~ ea 1 92~7 Bu~1ness Nam~fs) hsted RSD Promo\~-.; Inc. R.11 aoo11e on Ociol>t'r 25, Or:ino• Courtly on Novetn Beoiamln Cnflo, '2fiJ5 ilOOVeon NA. S Detll, Prcsioen1 1992 t>e•20, t992 vemt>e.>r 21 . 28 C>ec:Wl\bar Elden # 0 Co•us M.,u Jf' e"13 Kefldf\< [( Th•s Sl31ement W.1$ l1led Thom.l:. R Wtlll t!y ,552098 5. 12 1~'l2 Cahl 9~627 This st.Jternont w~s hl.O witn tl'le Coun1y Cterl< ot T/'11~ s1a1emen1 wn ftted Pubh!.hl!d Newport 9,.3ch Sa 764 r n11 bus•n•n ts con

wilh 1he Coun1y Clet11 ol Omnqe County on Novcm w•lh the Coun11 c1._.,k or Coi.ta Mon Daily Pilol t'<> PUBLIC NOTICE ducteo ny '" lnd1111dual Or,)nge Counlv on Novcm bf'< 20, t99;! Oo119e Cout'llv on Octobt'f The rog111r1n11s) eom bcr 5 t992 F552058 27 t992 vemt>e< 28• December 5• ____ F_lc._t_ll_l _oua ____ meocad 10 tt.iriUd bu$l

F550237 Put>lt tred N pof'l Be h F549044 12• f , , I lJllZ ness undet the net llOU'° Publ•sf'lecl NPwl)Ol't Beach Cosu

5 Mesa ;:a.,. P1t01 a~o Pvo1tsned Newpon Beach- 1 ________ s_a_ 7_u au~,~~=~=:~ Kut ness N ~m•(•I lt\ll"t1

Co~t.t Mn a 0. 1 '¥ Pll t N<>­VWllbOt :a. De<omi.r s 12, f9, 1~.:!

5.l 7'11


Bu'lln••• N ame Sl•t•m•"t

Th• l('lllow1nq Pf'•SCll'lt a.• dOint;j bUWlC!t.' IU: COtJS r RUCTION SULfAHJS WESt 'Z777G Trn1 "'" M SS>On \ ('j\I C .1


r1nt,, 9?64.f~ T,,1, nut neu ' ' con o~ ~ l>t an d .. ou.1


Ct•stJ Me!Kl Daly P 101 N > vi-mt>e< ;!8 [)(.oennDer 5 Co~ta Mes 1 DJ 1.,. P•IOI No" PUBLIC NOTICE fh F 0 bO~• on N11vom1.1N t Z F5505' 1 I> 11>1 ~•1n1j N,.wpo "' Bc.ic.h vrmber 14 21 , 28, Decem 12 19 199~ vcmbcf 1. 14,pl 28. 199.' .I de ~ ow•r'O ~ion-. I 1

L.!J ~h.-O N1'"'P·•'' l·t> • 1 •'' Mesi 0.1 t P1to1 No- bf!r s '992 -----"'---~-J-7.!_t _________ S;_~_-7_2_& Fictitious re oing 1t.1•ineu 6C!f'1.lm•n C..ttlO

Tne r•o 1111r~n11 tom montf"d to Vl!flt,;lel bu l "4t5li 1Jntl1" 1'10 '1Cl1' OU~ bu' •"•~s itl.'lll'• OOv• (Ir> L..lw ltfl<C P. lett

, 1 .. D", p , "A .,8 D "~ " Bu•lnea• Name WAfCHMAN , 2501 (I Tl'll,. ••·•·~1,.1 w ~ 111.,. ,,. ,.,,e•.i u v "" vt'"'t>v' • 111.1111..,..,. '" S.174; • • Carru'lO Re;,I ,t317, San ........... • "' Ch.'Ce<r. • ~ 1 • • ~l. --------- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE statement et.menle Ca' 1 92672 ., th tne Counry Ctftfk 01

Thi• &l.lll!n'tml W.H I willl lht' ~"'11y 0et 91 Oi nf)<t County on NOY• • PUBLIC NOTICE Th F Cln1nge COW\ly "" Uo• rr

-________ s._~_r_e_9 ---------- 11 Fictitious u 0110 ..... ng ~t"M>ns Wdllarn C MoC'ltl1n, 2!>01 .. _ -., 1'""2 Flct I ous MG dO<nq busmen as U Cltm no RC! ii " JI 7, ~n ..,.... 'v '"'

PUBLIC NOTICE Fictitious Bualna•• Name Bu1ln•H N•me BONDED CREDIT REPAIR Clemll'lte. c. til 92612 F552074 bet' t :\ 1~2

flJt)t:Sllf<! Ntl""PQf1 UOJKh ~ Mc:!SOI D ~'I' PllOI No­"111-n t>..r 7' ,.. 21 ' '2.1 '9'l ~


Bustne~• Name Stat~ment

Fictitious Bustl'leaa Name

State m ent Tht' ro. o .... "!! persons

8rr 001n9 ous.r.11ss as (Ai.j o\M GLASS & MIR "UH lJS6~ lloQ Sur Dana POl"I Cai1I 9:.,29 Men~~ Francis Macien

z3· n n 33562 819 Sur Dan.a Poi111 Ca •I 9.2~9 S't'P""" M c!'lael Edwards.

, !Ir" «t :'JI • r~ l'I Calle Alc.lla M1sSton !JltPPI N"wO r• ""''° Calif 92691

t• 1 n L •'' l:.'f •, 1 Ttt s business IS con 1 h s :ius ""~~ '' c n- duC:l'd Dy I gll'Oral pall 11Jr•eo D1 11u:.o.i ..i c ..,..,,., p w '•• T'le '"9 ~1rar>1( s ) com· lnr '"'-' ~1• 1 01 sl cO•'l •n><ced to trJf\!Mlct buS>­

.,,,.,,, e I to "'"'-1c1 t>u~• nes1 under lhe FicllUO<JS 'lf!~S 1.ltlelt•r ttu• F ci I ou:; Uu$•'1t'SS Ni!mG(S) listed IJUl> nr SS ,~ • "•O(S) I ~IC<.! lllOvl' on NA • 1... or "40 .. ·rr•t>.-• S M Cchali F "bclennan

1 '·' !:•P:>l'Pn M Ea .. :1rds Ro ::>,.• an MrK n~1r/ 'Tll !I stJtement was fled T• s Slll•-<11tJnl .,. I Ille<! with lne County Cler1< of "tn tt•e Co11.,1v C11>1\I o! 0tJ"90 Counly on Novem· )rJnqo Cr>U"IV un No11em Der 20 t99.2

::>t·r 6 ~~:- F552 0 71

S...'7ill Buslnah Name Statement Statement SERVICES 1114 w 0cl'.an This b•""'"' is cq"· Pvb••.hed N~potl Delld't

Statement Tho Fo •wtnl) perl>Ql1s Tne F0110w<nq pe~on1 Front. N•wport Beach , dtJC:IOid Dy ari 1n.JiV1dual Co5ta Meu DaJy PIM No The Follow•09 Pf"SOn\ are ooong 1>u ne:.s as· Bre dOon<J bu\•ne-.• as ~ I ~261,J Tne r•g•slro"!(s) com wm~ 28 O«embf 5 n


are 0'>"9 !>...""1th as \.t)BESf MOVING SER SCOTT'I' S FISH FRY. 2110 J.11 IS Cr•w;1l, 1998t menctd to tra ~I l>ll5i· t 9. , 992 Flc lttloous ORANGE COAST VILLA VICE (O)POOR MANS W Oceanlroot. f\18wJ><lrl fl.'ICflll Ln, Hunt ngton nt"H under the Fict t>OUS Sl

7 Jl Buail'leu N ame

2619 Orange Ave Cosl.l MOVER 615 w. K.lle!la Aea<;h, CAJ1I 9;!b6J B«t.lch Ca••• 9:?646 Businl.'u t~ itme(s) h$1•d ----------i----------~i St•t•m•nt McSJ Calif 9~627 Or.lnge. Ca'' 'l.'6&9 f(On<J E.ap, 21>4-1 Spaulding Tl'lts ' bus1nru is con· 11bove 011 O\;tober 28 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE lN! r Of · 'Q iwr ()(II Lellc1;i Chl\mersi.y 15t05 Us Houst-hOld Movt'<s In St . long Bo.lc;n C,lf,f , due.red bV 1111n<11vtdual 1~2 ' tl01n11 c.. · .. ••

Calume1 Ct. R1vers1de oorporatt'd, C '•lorM! 615 !K/804 The reg·strant(sl com w m c M.:Canll Fict itious Actltlou• lilfS & PllCt .. ttAUl.1 C3t I 92506 W \ l\a•ell t A.vc , Oroln(Jt Keng Eap, 26'<1 Spaulding IT'enc.d 10 1tansact bull ThlS stattml'nt was 1111<1 BusJneH Name B u.a1neu Name C0MPAt4Y I I J8 Coeu Victor Olo.mt'tsky, 159()!; C111I 92fb:l S1 , Long Beach, Ca f , ness \lf'ld..,. the Fic:t.tiOu• w•tn lhl' County CJorll 01 Stat ..,,•nt St•l•mont S 1 Ill AN Ca!it 921'07

Catume1 Ct . R1v•rs1de, This buslntu •~ con· 90804 O.is.ness NJme(s) l•sll'd Orange County on Novem nie Following persons Tne Foik>wino 0«s.ltt "'" 1n ArH.lre..., M 1tcner' CaJ•I 92506 ductl<l by .a co•po<allon Jn1S bu$1neu ·~on- e on. Novembot 6, bor 10 19?2 .,. Oolnq bu'l•nun 0 art doing blJ~""'n ,. 1 IOO .t.q_.t<111 ..,,,. , Cosl.t This Dus1ness Is con Tne registrant(~) com· d~ted by co partners 1992 F550844 All SfONC: RESTOAA MASJEA DELIVE:IW "Cl'I M U C 1 ;.>f;"6 ducted Dy husband iltld rnj\nced 10 trans.let buSl The reg1slrant(sl com· J.,9 hhw;ir Stngh G1ew1~ P\iblosned Newpoo Beieh TION J:)4 t s Bnstol Sl VICE. nn Meoio 8 SI 1 his bu• n u • COl'!o wile non unoet "'" F•ct•llous meN:ed to transact b<.ts•· Th s s1Jtl!f11t'1f wu I led , E7•. ~nu Atvi. c 1 Buena p.,,., ,1 .,1 d~od D) .. 1111111 Tl'la reg .strant(s) com· Bus•"ess N1vne(s) l1s1ec1 ness under the Fiet.llous W•lt'I ine CO<Jflty Clerti ol Coi.t.J Mesa D Y Piiot No- 92704 Sovanq, Inc , c,11 lomlA, T"e reo11tran1(sl com

menced to tr11nwct busl nba•e on 1987 Bus.mess NJml(SI l•Med Orange Coont1 on Novtm· vembcr 21, 28, Deeembet SSM Unlim!ll'd Inc., Call· 7212 MelroMt ~, Eh.,,,. meoco.:I Ii) 11-oct buM MSS under tne F1t1111ous US Househo•d Movers at>ove oo NA ber 20. 1992 5, t2. 1~2 lom1.s, ~1 s Onsiot St . Park, Cal.I ?Otl2t l'IU.$ under th• Fic111io1n Business Namf'(s) listed Inc. Mark E Lynl'I Vice Kong Eap F55207 3 Sa 769 Sama Ana. c81,1 92104 Ttl!s bu1tn•u IP. con Ouioinen N 1me(sl 11\le<l above on NIA Pros1<Jenl This s1a1emon1 was ltlod p bl_ ... d New""" B ach 1---------- Thi• buslne•s is co" ducted by • c~...,...,·t '"'n ebovw 0t1 NA. let.tcia Charnetsky Th•s stat,.mer>t was t.led W>lh the County Cltt ll o l IJ


9 ,........ • PUBLIC NOTICE due1~ by 8 C~""' tlon The regtttr~t(sl'' ·~om i<.!" A M !Ch

ThtS statement was ln&d ~th i,'"e c~·nty Cl ..... ol Ofa!VIA Count" on October Cosu Me2sa D ly Pilot No- .-~ T'- ··-~ I __. ~ II ~ .. ~ .. ,...,~ r a Dec bet 5 Flclltl'"'s Th• ttsi111ran1(s) com menced to l'41'1S.lCI busr '"1 -·L~nt!fl' w:ae ...

with the County C ltfll ol Orange Coonty on Novem 29. 1992 ~ember • ,.m • ~-4" tr nuo ll&dl flt'U "r 0,.., Fiet.t.o.i& Wi':'I 1h" CQUnTy O«'t ol Ora~ C~n!Y on NovPfll bel 20, 2 - 1'54955& 12 19• 1~2 IJ\a..Jneu Mame neu undOf th• Foe:t•IJOUI Bus1ne11 No1•l'•ftl 111.tod .,Govrttr .,. Ge: beo bi< :i. 1§92 F5520&4 Publtshed Newport Beach Sa 796 Stat em e nt Bu!Wness Namet-1 lisrec1 above ori Oclober <!II. '27, 1!1?. -

F549894 PuDhshod Newpon Beach Cos1;i Mose Daily Pilot No- PUBLIC NOTICE The Following person• abnve on ~101>er 22, 1992 ·· F!S490t7 Pubhstlecl Newport Beach Costa Mesa Daily Pilot No- vember 21. 28, D&eembN ar• dolrllJ buitnoss as 19'l2 SlllVe Sow"!il, PrcSi<!tm l"ubit$h.O Ne""pon S.ach

Coslll Mesa Daily Pilot No- vembet 28, Decemt>et 5, 5, 12. t 992 Fictitious JN CONSULTING CO 127 &tel Morgan Pres.dent This l.llll!fl'ltlnl • U fJeid CoSUt Mf'U Da f Pilo4 No-

F550493 P1,t> sned lllt'.'Wpott Beac" O~I ,) Mesa D.11 y p IQt No-

11'1'1bor 21 28 DocemDcr 12 11:12

vember 2t 28. Oecemt>er 12. t9, t9'J2 . ~-757 BuaJneu N ame NOflh Hidden Canyon Dr ' Th11 51.)temetrt .,..., r.ieu ... ttt lh• C<>untt Cieri. ol .... nbar 7, 1.4 ~1 . 21, I 2 PubhSlled Newport Beacn 5 12 1992 .,._ s•-tement ar.ng., Calif 92669 With \he eou-. Clerk ot ~ Coun1v on Oclo'"'- .,. 9'A

' _..792 PILOT CLASSIFIE D "" John Jacob N<ChotlS, t27 ~Coun ... , Oc _ ... _ 27 2 ""' ~ ,_ Cosl.l Mesa Da.ly Pilot No- Sa-761 Th• Following persons NOflh Hidden ~on Dr ' ly on 1.,.,...1 't

S:-1 767

Buy II Sf!ll II Find II Ct.:io;!.1l1<>d

vemt>er 28, December 5 •----------- The Piiot Claul· H's the aOluUon you're are d<W"' bu5iness as· OrftAn., C•'if. ,.266 27, 1 F M 9018 12 19. 1992 The Pilo t Clasel· fled tearchlng for • whoth "• -··- ... • F54~ n..bl _ ...... N " -fled la) TYJ AS SOCIATES This bus1n111 ta con- ,..., '"""" ewpon ..... ach-

Whether you ro buying or selhng Ci.:1">S1l1ed covers all your need<1t

The most comprehon or you'ro sooktng a lb)TY J SECURITY SCR dUCled by an lndiYl<IU31 Published H-port Beach Costa Met~ O.•ily Pilot No-The most comprehen a1ve and cvrront dttec home. an apartme<tt, VICES. 2705 BaySho<e Dr., The reglstrant(s) com- Co$ta MeH Da.ty Pllol No- vember 7, 14. 21 . 28, t9'J2 ••ve and current dtrec tOf)' of goods and ser· a now occupation or Newport Bitc h, Caltt ~ l o tranuct butil- vember 7, 14, 21, 28. 1992 Sa 13J tOf)' o f goods and sor vices .,oundl even a array pet. 92663 ness under the Flct•IJOus 51.729 -......,"".""."'-"".""' ____ _ vices 4roundl Gec>fge Waller Btok8le, Business Name(•) 5sled . PUBLIC NOTICE

2705 B11yshore Dr , Ntw· at>ove on Fet>tuary 15, PUBLIC NOTICE po11 Beach, C11111 92663 1992 This bUllll}IH IS eon- John J Nicholas

Flctlt lou a F lct l tlou. Buslneu Heme

STARTING A NEW BUSINESS?? Clucted by an 1ndt111dual Th•• statement was flied Tho reg1str1nl(s) com w11h lht County Cle(!( oC menced 10 111n1>act bust Orange County on Novcm· nns under lhe Fictihous ber 10, 19'.12

Bu.tneH N•m• Statement Ste tement • The Follow1nq penont

Tho Following persons are do.no bu11neu n

No matter what you 're doing, your hometown newspaper

The lllJPllL fits in. Business Nomo(s) llsced F550850

~~;9 on October 20, Publ•Shed N<!wpotf S..ch G~ w Brolulle Costa Mesa Da.iy Pilot No­Th•s statement was ltled v.mber 21, 28, December

a,. doong bus1neu os· BUtNO OISTRIBUTION. AMBASSADOR VIDEO 31815 Camino Capt,lrllnO,

CREATIONS, 151 E Wlltot1 C i i 9267S ---------' 9 Costa Mesa Cal1I 92627 CMs D BlleOO. 33811 Ma

The Legal Department at the Piiot Is pleased to announce a new seN1ce now available to new businesses.

We w ill now SEARCH the name for you at no eX1ra charge, and save you the time and the trip to the Court House In Santa Ana. Then, of course, after the search Is completed we will file your fictitious bualneu name statement with the County Clerk, publlsh once a week for tour week1 aa required by law and then file your proof of publlcatlon with County Clerk.

I I > • ~ · \I W V

"'.. ~ ~ f !i . -r• . • ... ,..i~ • • ,. c.itf ...

• I

1 • . . J .:.

J. . • ,.:•..,,1

• \I f' ' .


Please sto p by to file your f ictitious business statement at the Pilot Legal Department, 330 West Bay, Cost1 Mesa, Callfomla. It you can not stop by, plHse call us at (71 4) 642-4321 , Extension 315 or 316 and we wlll make arrangements for you to handle this procedure by mall.

If you should have any further questions, p lease call us and we will be more than glad to aaalst you. Good Luck In your new bualnessll

. .. "' ".


. ..

with I.he County Cieri< ol 5, 12, 1992 Orange County on October 20, 1~92 ---------

F5482 B2 PUBLIC NOTlCE Pul>ll sned ~port Bnch·

CoSla Mtta D .. I~ Ptlot No Vtmbef 7, f4 , 21 , 28, 1992



A c tltloua Bu.,l'leu Name

Statement Th• Following per1on1

are dOCng buStnOH H . AS YOU Lll<E IT, 45

F letltloua Huntet, l!Wle, C.~I 92720 Bual,,. .. N•m• Meta ROM H~. 45

lt.atemant Hunter, IMnt, C.ltt 92720 T~• Followlng peraont MWla Guadalupe M"t ...

• ,. doing bvSIMU as 213 Hunlet. IMne. Calif M INUTEM AN PRESS. 92120

COSTA MtSA 2lllO B Hat· Thia Dutlneu 11 co~ Co. dUded by: CO-p&rtner'I

bor Bfvd • st.a Mau The reglltr•n•(•) com-Clllil 92627 menc.d to 11anaact bYll· Dentel Fitzl)ltncil Inc.. • nus undw !he f1Ct1Uou1

Collfornla Corporation, Ouafneu N•me(t) .,,ltd 2180 0 Harb« Bllld • Ce»l.a •bova Of'I NIA ~ .. C111f 92627 Meta A HUIM'lel T/'111 bu1lnese 11 co"' This si.tement wn filed du~td l)y • COfpotlliOI'\ •th l"8 c Clot1I _, The teg111rant(1) com· "' ounty "'

mtnC*I to lrtn .. ct bull · Ofange Couf\IY on Novem nes. UtlOer the FtetlhOUt ber lO, 1992

Dvllnesa N1mt(1) l1t1ed .... . ''~~ above on June 1$, tt92 .-ut:ll•t.hed ~...pon .......,'"' (l!Ubllitl r1tzpt&nck, PretJ Cc»ta M M o.itr Piiot No­dent .,.,,,~ 'I , 71l, Otl\:..-nber This ~.aletntflt was Nlld S, '2, 1~2 ""th the Coonty Cf•"' ol S~· n I Omng• COunty on 0'100«1---------21, Tt1l2 PUBLIC NOTICE

FM90te 1---------PvbClll'led N •j)il(1 Offch 'lcUO~I Co.a ...... 0.uty Not No h~.:u NelM ~enlbtr 7. 14, 2t. n. 1992 The ,.Ollu.::;-;!r.on ti

~7l1 dOfnO bV"nc as i--------- SHA ... ROCIC MA.A TINO u , ..


COMPAHY, 2t7J H1rbor DIV\I . I 282. Coeta Mna CAA:l'lio::>&..:Jilll• 1'1lnd1 A lohM, t&Q luwa Sl'"l. eo-i. ....... c~ 12121

BUCKS Merch8ndiM Under $300 • Pnvet.e P1rty Only


.,_..""°' ....... .,. ...... _. ... ...,. .... _-.a.--· .. ·-.. • I



330 Wes~ Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA, 92827


11111 -










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ADpointment Only LAGUNA




llIDfl SERVICE 11:1 DIRECTORY 3408-3939




7011-9090 I

GENERAL POLICY .......... ..._ - ......... ...,. ~ - fte ,..wia ... ,__ U. r1rlll IO-·~ . ...W or,....., el...-Aod"'" ... Pnl ,..._ ,.,... LIQ' - cw ..., be la JOGr ~ ... ,,....,......,, n. 09JIJ f'lld • n. ..... h n1 ..... DO llall&ltl7 tor

..., ..... la .. ~lwlll fol • hid • ..., bo .........- •ZOllll' "" l"9 - ol Ille ..... MllAll:r -lqllAld bJ Lile.,..,, Crodll t&J> ooolr be al·

... Ille lltet - laL .

How To P~ce A Classifted Ad By Phone ..................... 642-~678

8:00a.m - 5 :30pm Monday thru Frtp.ay

By Visiting .. ..... 330 West Bay Street (corner of Newport JllvcL & Bay St.)

8 :30am - 5:30pm Monday thru Friday

Or By Mail ........ ...... 330 West Bay St: Costa Mesa. CA. 92627

Deadlines ........... ... ~:a·opm daily for

next day's publication. 3:30pm Wednesday for

the lnde;>uu~~at

R ental• Available! 1-sBR s 8oo-s 5ooo M o N o tee charged Agt, &42·7121

Walk To Beach! 1 BR 1 BA. pool. sec. $750 Agt, 854-5609


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gated lg cu11om OS· Spanish Cottago on SPYGLASS BEST - N- Uatlngt Spy BEACH 1048 0 H w glass Special N ew er •-====== PEN OUSE EEKEND ~ri-:; ~1v~ ~~~r:::::c:~:7,_~: ~:'~;~;!~~Ra~~; ---------------------~--------------------------amenily Incl elevato r, Barb 875-5.511 w Incred i ble 180 ' hbtary pool, s~ • ' Ocean. Bay & City ---------------------------.;_-------------------------------------...-;.al' \uTff AJ>Pt ------_....;=~ hghts Voewst Terms

only thru Patrick T• NEWPORT Trade o.,.n S•t & nore 780-8702 Agt BEACH 1069 Sun 1 · 5

Attention Owne r/ lktllden 30 " R 1 lot 1n 200 btk )ust o n Ocean Blvd M o dest ocean v iew toar d own hOuSe, below comp s at S 550.0 0 0-aetlllng eat ate ·Subm l t Agt 644·72t t

JASMINE CREEK Plan 6 , :>DR 2 1, 0A.

Motlvotodl '5~.500 &44·91 65 Owner/ Dkr

LENDER Demands Sale

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Slashed from $1 ,4i.51<

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E11ecut1ve townnms 5 th Fairway view :lBR 2BA. Pit gar

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Aakl ng $4 79, 000 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I E' lynn Kemp 720-117 4 or

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Lovely Eugene NOW $945,000 ------

Ad) a cent to 4 t h OREGON

Great &dloo's, o~ a~c.s. 1dnt housing 3BR/2BA. gd toe from S90K. ~ St 20K & Up. Ree a pr iced bua :>ppty Also! Call for r1fo t D ick Olnnold

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For Ad Action Call a

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642-5678 Lo-------' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 1600

A •"'P from et; Con LOTS 10TS rona & China Cove t>eachHI R 2 view k>t. JIOI SALi ·1400 JIOI SALi 50•1 t8' older 3BRI••••••••• 1400

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PILOT CUSSll'IED It • lhe reaource you can count on to ••" " myrllld o l m• rchan dlM lleml, t)ecAUM OUf cotumn• com~I quallfl•d t)uyu• to C4'111 •


OTTA SELL FAST! s Acre Ranches. Near 4 beautiful lakes. 2 hrs from gambling. Great investment opportunity. Owner will carry. $2,990. $500 down, $75/mo.


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2 BEDROOMS 25 Odyuey Court. Newp<>rt Crest

673-7300 S239,000 Sunday 1_.c l7

3BEDROOMS e 208 Oahlla, COJona Oel M81

&73-tMIM 5865,000 Sunday 12_.

3 BA plus FAM AM or DEN ** • 231 Via Lido Soud, Udo 11 ... NB

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' e 301 Viet• Bay• CllCI•, E'•ld• Coala M•N t>.al-6375" 1339.500 Sa Sun 1-&

4BEDROOMS • &Oe Vie lido Nofd, UCIO tile. N8

,, 3177 lt .7'".000 &.\/Sun 1-4 -

4 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • • .,...31 Rue Fontambteu B ig Canyon, NB

760-8702 $ 1,195.000 Sat Sun 1-5

5 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • • 30 Polnl Loma. Spyglass. CdM

780-8702 S 1. 195 .000 SaVSun t ·5

6 BR. plus FAM RM or DEN • 1948 Port Oynle1gh, Newport Beach

729-7•04 $874,500 S u n 121.4

7 BR plus FAM AM or DEN * • • e 1740 E Oceanfronl Newpol1 Beach

573.3717 $ 4 200,000 Sunday 1·5


I' l

. .


2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • • • .,...87 Jasmine Creek Dr CdM

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• * 11 Seascaoo Soaw1nd Newport B~utch 760-5000 $119 000 Sunday 1·5

3 BEDROOMS 11 14 Escapade, Newport Crest NB

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"f!xperierice'the N0 H.assleApproach" . . .

Tutf le-Cli(;k Nissan 540-6410 28~5 Harbor Blvd., Costa ·Mesa

TI1e :LJltirnate in · O t1sto111er


Si •

:er\11c.e ... '.

The Best Selection, !I

the 1Best Service . and our price·

. ' will convince you1.


I .

'Clt1ptf$ Beaeh ·G STEJILIN~, NOTORS, LTD,

The Ultimate in Customer Service 1'4'. J. 11t1!->n~ RJ 'r"'J'•r\~• .t,JJ• 'f•I I• f-.. ,h, .n 1.1 .. r,J ('•'"!'"' ( <~'«

oOO --6444


The #1 · Dealer in the Natio·n in Range Rover's Annual Review! ' . ' . . ..

•' . Visit Us and See_ Why!

B·AU E R fl©'ITlliJ@ 2001 So. Manchester Ave.

Anaheim, Ca 92812 .. 971-2002

~ l'2f\ l~~l~O£ ! f l~0£80£. / fl. A0£80£ -<-"\ . I ' / ' I \ '· ~· - L~-/---.cl_lif -k••1--..c~~---/ -~1. -A-f -J- .1 ~.l &J J-- I ..t.i 4'! -~· -1 .C: !;, j •

RAY FLADEBOl!mmm~mm •c.=nMttllO'<>t






Odown~~ $199 -~n; >!.Z':iil..:.l!i::: $149 mOfeE • mo. -•O•Al or Pl ...,lNlS 11101 .. l)Mlll( •


0~'> S'.li' • • 0 .. APPllO\llO C"Eon

Irvine Auto Center 830· 7300 Irvine Auto Center 830· 7800 - RAV FLADEBOE - ... ~·- RAY FLADMOE -

fl'®LIN~Ol·~ 11 MEP.CIJ~~ ' -~ ~1~~s~~us 19 92 MERCURY SABLE GS OR LS ··· · -· Mfo M109 "-I s1o • oo

HO.ul a AHO *AOOllll Ray F1aoeti09 0.tco..'111 S1. 811 00

a~ _ 1NcLuou .,. coN0tnoNJNo , C I I ?o:~'" ~ SAVE vg $ 5 ,0 0 0 OFF . 'si~999 AK '9 ~. ~~'" - <llttt ..... .,. I , . .

111¥' llE'OllE 01a c;ou1n ' WITH 1160 fACTOllY llDATI • FUDlllO£ OllCOUWT} . ~r,.-

19q2 M ERCURY GRANO !4*.!_'.' . . !j 992\ RODEOS ~·


MAROUISGSORLS e a--c 4d .... SAVE $5,bOO O FF Al 1 "'ro I OFF t- t '•V• D•~COI.•"' w 'H ~>l"'O'IVl'dATl l ~ .. 11,995. . 3500 ~ 1- n -. . ...... ..... ~

. •. - •336941 ,340721

1 110 CllEOIT 011 1 • 0000 CllEOIT • I llll'D EllCH I AT l lEAST 11 ~Of AQI!

Irvine ·Auto. Center 830· 7000 Irvine Auto Center 830-7000




s2oo OFF!I 11.ASTSID• ·----- I 210t -----------------~ Lg 2BR 1\1\BA town· 8•ok ••If eVeerllf 18R HIA w/ HOUDAVMOVl·IN • · 0-'8 MeM Mai. • ••OO II' l:sao/mo, l•••••••••I • hou••· lndry ' "'· d/w, 2 BR 1BA. gat wehr/ ::ir :::a,....,'!'''G;5d. ll~IC&Al. .. ff n/llmk. iar ••• hH , •v mo utll1 Incl. 1300 CONDOM

pa tio, 1785/ mo dryr hku p1, e m a il 3132



d w/d , frplo. a.HO+l171 811 11100/mo IH · . ;J. ao7a Tt".trln b a ckya rd No peta Of' ~:,~~wn~~:::~., dep. Mike ..... eoo~ Newport 81101'1. nr v•NDINQ ROUTI

CENTAUR MQMT 1 725/mo 848· 1831 • ltoo ••LAND. beacl'I . l'ltn••e Lrg M .. t., BR W/ pvt water. Ample perktnv. •tel Profit•• 142·22U or 722·8012 ind·of·Y••r Move-In 3br/2ba, trpt;gar room , tap pool , BA. ll'romontory Apta, A ir, lcltol'len , new Call Am•rio.n

8peol•I . Allract lve X1 l.NT(e~08C) 7181!_~ Y!lv gated front yard. No n/e mkr/1)4tll1 m)f, avall decor. Aak for Jey: O.fender 24

1300 Of'P' MOV• · INI 1er. pvt pa tio, grH I •• ' _.,... pet1. p l ..... 150 11/at, 97S.3IOO Day• ...... o hre. 1.aoo.uwa» 2:~~:.~a."::f.'d. a rea. s.46-9081 •28DAM 1750• .. la centla (off Su1>9- Lu•ury Bavtront Condo 'ei~ir:: l.OCAL PAY PHONE

2HM PlaC41nUa·C $69 M~~:.·,c:t&V::c~AL I •18DRM $100• rlor), 1895. 549•6389 ~:~;~~2:.r::l. ~I= EX•C offtc ... 4770 :~'tlSACt~N Mm~ ' $895 Mo~ You lnl 2 BR 1 \.'lBa townllouse Frig , dthW*hr, • love Udo lat• very d " lr· parking, lndry, $650 Yon t<arm•nn (.JW S ELL 1-800-22&-9999 . 2BR 2BA, b lhn,, $ 795 w lenced yard, $725 ' Incl No pets S45-4S55 ablo I BA Apt. Close + ulll 5'48·6460 Airport , N B) From l.OCAL S NACK/SODA

Cat OKI Agt, Pam mo 546 908 1 •Aaf( About Our to sho ps Garage NJ NB Female to a hare w/ SJSO/mo. Pvt wo rk ROUTE $1 ,200 WKl.Y PERSONALS 546-5880 or 979 3848 Love ly 18R Courtyard Mov•ln Spectalt 2 a m"' $800. 673-51 48 aame, b right upstairs, a t atlo"• $1 5 0 (mo . PRICED FOR QUICK ••••••••ml

.... E.S1e1e Hao 2BR lBA sett ing Gatod. pool Ye.,• Newt. 2BR, tam u"lu m. 2b r/2ba o ffice. Froe p rkn g , tum, r•· SALE 1·800-741-1186 EMPLOYMENT Food Servers fenc ed yard no dogs. A e k Ab o ut Sp• llv comple)(. Average Take Your Pickl steps to beach , wa/dr, cept, coffee, conf rm VENDING ROUTE

Unit a $850 &;'5. 1020 - ~ mo lse. 85().8310 2DR 1BA $975/mo r,._ • 8a3·9550 Al Ovlnlan rce ight • o as VW 2636 S•n ta A-a Avo. clel•'· .... 2 .5a•n rent $637 50/mo w/a 6 2BR 2BA $1 050/ mo · p vt.b ,.__ 631 7128 FA)( soc, copier 1~ P I d R P Lt'ne /",..',,.~S $7·11/hr)

T 1 BA 1 BA $775/mo Npt Bch share 28 r $850 Wkly Income . • EMPLOYMENT p ep Coo 1'shwashers

• S485 MOVES \IOU IN NEWPOR •NPT Hght• 2Br 1Ba All Step• To Beach 2~Ba, $475 ulll Incl. 800-33().9995 5530 r • 2BR 1 ·~ BA Twnhm BEACH 2 669 apt w;tll fireplac e , ga· VIP Prop 875-2232 Non/smkr. Avpll now. COMMERCIAL Vending Rout•: Front De k ($7-9/hr) • $785 mo S 100 soc rage w/remote control. 760-8309 for sale., Earn a

• • Nu Clecor, crpt, pall • 6J 1444 2 • Nwpt Bch (MJJ;STER BR PROPERTY 2778 aleady cash '"'-Ome. • Ba bysitter "eeded, Cashier Counter ($7-9/hr

606 Joann, 548·!>802 THE GRAHVllLE APT tor one 1 block APARTMENTS pvt BA) 2 Blks to b c h, 1-800-955-0354 fem pre f,' fo r • yr old d •EAS TSIDE• NOW LEASING 's' 4oootm mboe~cdhe,p.w~, FOR RENT fr p l , w /d, n /s mkr , Re tail fo r Lease girl, In my h ome, will Barten ers

• ~..- $420/mo 67s-3 158 E•c lus Lido Shops 11vuOUN"r.MrVTS wrl< with hrs 642·3438 B /(J 1 BR S650 2BR $74 Ele g.1nt community on 32nCI St 675-7428 3426 Va L d o NB n.&~n \JO a;n & USSer. eanerS • $400 sec d e p Gas, Ne wport Country Club OCEANFRONT Np! a .Kah: 8~ t7oo •Extra l,;tcome• ·

water pd, g a r No pol '> ad1.1ccnt to Fa 'i ll1on Bavtron t be s t view, pvt •--------- Bc h , s hare 3br/2t)a Earn S2,000-S5.000/ 232J E ICl~n 548-7854 ISl.JnCI Spact0us 2 & bch IBA I den, 530 ROOMS 2706 hse. w/d , lrpl , q ulol ---·--·••ILOST a mo b y lnvit•"{J people Start1'ng DEC ') apply Tues Sat s q ft Yr 15e, ullls pd to our free presenla · • .. • • ·

•FAMILY S IZE JBdrms apt llomes w -~S8~9~5'f!./m~o~._27~2~3-~4~5!6!_7Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - .... s .... sso........,.y,...rl...,.'1_6_3_1-,...7_89_7 _ _ BUSINESS & FOUND 2925 •-- No Ill WI 7 120 C O Cl•'" we t bar, ws h rt =p OFF •• h l=Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1""''s so ng.

11 } }am- pm, ewnnrt enter r. lg ::? BR 1 "1BA To wn Furn Nwpt Creet pool, R / rvo to s are new FINANCE 1• tratn. 831·2313 " t"'

h dryer ltook·ups. lt ro- EASTBLUFF. Ltg 2 0 ht/ N u h --------- S ' ?4) (B h' d GI d f B nk) ouse pvt patto g ar ~ t e nnis. s pa, beac h bng airy pt n g IS ·····-·--•IF o u n d . Be a c fl •LIQUOR CLERK• Utte #. e JO en a e a ' lndry S810 4 72 .?069 p t.ico car garage, 2Ba. lrp lc , $1025. lB 1 s e 8 35 + on/ twn hm, w/d , gar, frplc Crufaer In Newport -

pool & p.i So rry. No 1 Ba . lrplc , 1-cor gar, c o k . Sg55ro 645-6003n & more. A111 now. Beach Area 673-n78 PfT 2_. n igh ts/wk Newport Beach •MOVE-IN S PECIAL!

Lg cloan 2br 1 ba g.ir . nu cpt. 0 W, s toraq o $ 750 No Pl'l 640 24'l5

Pets S850 7 2 1· 1160 sm r. $550 ; dep J t11722-7360 BUSINESS a s k for Richie Costa Mesa. Ca ll FROM $ 2 ,000 Stevo 548-3883 8a·3P '-----------------.....

Av,11l;iblo lmrnedlatoly HB 2 roo ms. own BA w/ Prof/s tudent. shr nice OPPORTUNITY FOUND: Black Lab P.' , pvt enL $4SO. Over 1700 sq It E S ide C M

4 ( al > ap 2 A .. pralser Trainee

SO n o /smk r/drug s/ 3BR 2BA hse. w/ 1 per· 290 m e' p rox yrs ~come a lic ensed

*MUST SEE* Call 644-5189 d nnkers. 2 b lks from son S490


9906 o ld, on Nov. 9 nt Mag· .,.

p 1 M B bc h 968-4020 · ""' nolla & Talbert Has Ros. appraiser. Earn Bl' lutolul 2BR 1•. BA ro q mc Y Wobsc o - --- - ---- Promontor" Pt . collar but no tags . $250 por re port. Prof to wnhome DW. lnClry NEWPORT MasterBRw1thBA. per· Sha r e 2 BR 28A . AVENDINQ P lease call 963-2121 train ing. 1m. patio, $825 mo

2669 B'C 11 CH

2669 feet tor fom o r c ouple Ocean vu. a ll a me n SS BUSINESS SS days: 964·7691 eves 1 ·Boo-423-1.389

2 36 Avoc a do ~ $550 ulll & telopllone $700. 673·6605 Handling Na me Brand ,LOST DOG CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTAUR MGMT ~~~~~~~~~bi~~~~~===~I incl . 962·2283 Food P rodutts such .

64::' .2.288 o r n:> !101.2 r: 1--------- S hr HB LuJC condo, b lk as HE~SHEY'S " PRINCE " Mod s ize ORDER DESK

Th B Add • 'Ji NB Room & Batll , no n/ to bch. view, Bale, W/ HORMEL, ETC. blond male , parl 2BR 1' 18A 1o wnhuust.• e est fess f0 QWO smkr, neat male/fem , D, pool, spa, avl now NO SELLING IN G olden R e t r iever ,

stylo. gauge p.ii.o t d \I I' V // S / w d, kit pnv. $400 $550 (3 10) 840-4449 VOLVEOI Service wlllskers s inged In re p ool S700 N o rwts •1111''1llq Aini~ · w lll ll/lllf I ti· lye 646·3687 a ccounts s e t up by tent hro. Last seen at ~1~AT:z. Qr~~ \1i:f11/1'dt1 rf 14 ttlr Drc111111lll Ou'l/ll V/1'14' Y~~~~:m,::!:b.:~ ~~~: proless1onal locators Ral p h ' s , t 7 t h S t ., "'"'" '"'~"'" on Lido w/s ame $400 Natl census figure s Co s ta Mesa. Femlllf

$825 . s 1 oo movo "' l.J\x,lo;, £.. 'l ::ip;;-. • Ht•t1lth ~pa HOTELS mo 723 -0901 show 0110 gross earn Heartbroken! C a ll a ll<J w 1 11 rth Sc ~ri·eu Ti:·"'' lulif1' . On t;ne Tenn.:. Pro & MOTELS 2718 mg s o f S3,400/mo 548·5371 o r 63 1·3392 f>.lt .t400 Reg . 8 hrs fwk. Min

48R AT BEACH Ft1 IT me .\c.ti\ltle' D1r1.Xtor STORAGE 2742 Invest. $ 5,936 Call l 't'"Cll r!! Ri.:x m • ~ Jffil<iht: • L01'.XJr,1tt· '.:!Ui!l.., Costa Mesa Moto r Inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 .00().332~0045

$ 1 100 S I 00 move "' Lo w Oly Wkly S 1 IO & Now for Broe 1 1 I J 'th St &lt> 4.tOO °:'II" I R1·•1'n,1/ l.i '" 1,..,, ~ up Top loc, Ne Kt to • 600 sf, personal stor-

goll course 645-4840 ago, ott Ne wport Blvd , •--------- ----- ----ALA MOANA APTS /!

0'") Promomor y l:>oini c M. 109 Monte Vista - - - - ----

s200 OFF!! ~,, ·" '••l'o'1 Uu•~ S250 (3101 597-4935 HEALTH & HEALTH & 1 .., WH d ,., 1., .. -. 11 RENTALS TO RV a Boat Stor11ge FITNESS 3000 FITNESS Pt .. , fl"'" '°' SHARE 2 724 Eas y beach a cce s s. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii




tllen we have a grnal opportu,,1ty for you 1n o u r IRVINE/ EL TO RO are a 0 1l1cot warehouse. We are a long es t a b lis h ed , high ly s uccessful East Coa s t bas ed manulec · lu nng firm with a full time posll!o n requiring good oll1c e skills , pleasa n t p hone per· sonahty, a s well as customer ser v ice

J~ ~w--

RETAIL Join Our Team

os a retail clerk in lhe Soµth Coast Plato Moll Q uolif.ed arid1dotes must hove o minim m of 1 yr retail experi ence ~ 11- gre o• cvslom e r

relo11ons Full or Pon time ovo1loble Apply" 1n person

The Coffee Bean & Teo leaf 3333 Bristol # 182

South Coast Plaza Mall lni.Jry 111 Clu"•' ICl ------------------ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii locate d In Costa Me s a ------------------... "''OP" ,111<J bu!i•'S $50 & Up 842·5858 Bun1· ons .....

5~ S•~50 M O DOMINGO • Share 4BR 20A • ------- -, ·, o w WILSON hse,Near Hunting·

e ·:~~~01~.:·~r;;.~ ~-·~1~1 APARTMENTS t:::, .H$~7~o~~r~28 ~~~~i~ Foot Pain? bac kground ~-----------------__. The successful cand1- ------------------d1ato Wiii perform CUS· p u' t a few WO rd s tomer s e rv1co rep d u

~~~: b~ ~~:;~i ,, ... ~.~~~: • Fabulous Back Bay View 2 s;~m~ot~v~~1$4~?,' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rtl s 7 •'> J~ '" • .' ao1: • Exclusive Newport Beach Gar, k1tc11, waJdr 648· BUSINESS OFFICE

ties along with some 1yp11ig o,,d f1111n g o f o r· to.work for you. dors We offer a com·

L S1t.J1 • 'Y•' : stry 2ilR L 2?0113 10 833·75oa ' FOR RENT 2769 I ' ti;\ p.~i.o. et'I a v1•I, OCatlOn BalbOa Island: Ms tr BR iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Laser Surgery Hi Tech Foot


peullvc ~art1n9 s alary

and lr1nqo benefits II ~ 5678 inte reste d, ple ase ca ll • •

;~~rtv 1

~d ·~1S~i.. ~~ • Private Pat10 or Balcony ;~~~~w k 1~c"he~ 0~~~: •New Ofc Space• .SSC per s q . It 1 100 to 4400 sq It Av11 11 now• Jim o r Ho ward

J OHN o r :iond resume to

lnco y I SHOO 2441'! $650 Ulll 67s-8 t 88 E10, .. • .J • sJ.:-s 1 Bedroom from $855 (714) 727·3232


L S•U•' hjt' .?IJH l UA ) BR'• 2BA lrtlevol apt , o.al encl 1.p1, Qu•ol {714 640-1364 fem p rof. $600/mo + aClu•! S 750 rnn 120 E 112 ut il 640-0986

75 1·278 7 JO Comm'I 646-1619 15281 Banance Pt1 t11way Irvine , CA 927111

21.lt" St 7.:'.! u 80·1

LOANS & PAINTING 3858 ROOFING 3910 WALL 3 7 58 REAL ESTATE 3816 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii COVERINGS 3932

AC.-..OUNTlNG CAREERS 3509 CHILD CARE 3536 COMPUTERS 3555 HANDY MAN 3710 HOME BOOKKEEPING 3 406 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii REP AIRS

J ohn Henry' s C1rt11ted liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

T ired o f t~e h •••le ? Pers>" t>UCll)et. D.111 ~ l1.a1.e ~· L\•P\ ._.,_ .l 0. t

.1""1.ts ~:>ti~ 582·2260

Tra ve l Agts/AJrlines F , '>•I< Ct'SS th rough A T I ~ well known edu· C111on:11 flr09rnms & unsurpassf'd l·follme e mp•oymPnt SNV•ces For a ppt 384-2264

lndlvldu•I Attention Coat Effective PC '• small group, s tones. Ha rd ware & Softwa re a rt. !lQ.!!leS, 1n 1ov~oor baroboAOS 10 lull boat pfay- 722·8689 · 1oco1 prompL559-4088

Nanny' • llv • hvout s 100 I week, babysmers l ' CONSTRUCTION p'\ c.11 Ole people With t • ~ttne.e l.rsl 121J1sn1549 BUILDING 3560

Roofing rerool/repalrs Peperha1'1alng 15 yra local buS1ness European Craft sman He'd Re is 548-e2 t 3 30 yrs exp he'd Cont·

Re Roots a Repairs rae10t 964.a872 Local Refs, 16 Vrs WeUpaper & PafnUne Gre a ler Pacllic Rig Removal o f wallpaper

838-1988 * 621368 lnsvred1Re fenanc"

..... ...-REPAJRS Hom• t liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ll'20 Yrs of OualitJ Won Rental PROPERl'IES • AS Home Repair• Uvingston Realty & A.chard sonar uc 2'064• Pa1nt·Carpcn1ry-etc · Do ors.dry rot reprs . Rel• ... ).3.209 ,,,.., i..... Drywall Gaty645-5277 houH leaks. plumb & Finance

In the Bus. s ince ·591 I' ll prep It, paint It, C arpentry , p a int in g, ._m_0<_o_1 _24_tirs_. 64_6-009 __ 7_ vou' ll love It! Mnn u .- Rates from 4"•"'-·7 \~' ,, ,

plumbing , masonry, CYStom C-ttn.ctlon For OuolcslNo Obhq re lore nces, 12 yrs and a ll re pairs call IOI 11 your CUSIOm needs. r• Gordon 847•2822 e•p. 548-578&

Tim 723· 1 305 pa•fr~addlllOns P elnll"g bit Pete r Handlf M a n for Hire __ Lie_ i b_1_344884 __ 986-_ _ 2363__ lnt/Eirt. clean end last,

Eur o Contractor• Palnl/wa lerblasl/haul· Wo do 11 a lllPaint• MASONRY j828 free e s t . Ouollty wor" .

ACOUSTIC REMODEUN G 3408 CARPE NTRY 3 510 Na,,ny/Houaekeeper iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii E • perience re ha ble

s . O . S . Roofing All Fernando 531·5938 types roof119",.p.w 40 r s WE Oats S/ld H&o; TogellW u pfRool dtstreu? Call Total lntef~ Ramod­S o s1 ~11t164629I ohng S e nt Advice To War man• W•ll Te11ure1

Or~ wa 1 ac ,1 c t ce i "'9 ~ re,... e o ... a

Frt'e f.' \ t d 1.: l085

Fr.:i m1m,.1 orywall to• dependable From curr doors t11m w 1n $ 100 week 647-5510 dows rence s dl'cks, 1 _ _______ _

co11crf! ll''. plumt::>1ng , <;hf'IVl'S, Ille 479 981 3 CLEANING


Tho Crazy. 63.1·71 12

Custom d ecorating & ing/c loa n up/repa ir s wallpaper.,.emovat• • • 96().2888 * • 1n1 /e 111 remodeling with Charllo 722·73 74 ti • marbleemuonry. C uatom br ic k/bloc k PERFECTeONIST Europeiln na r 673-3820 1--------- te•t·~e C"~ll oor•nn• ~llsJ ~t s/ d Sh1p s napo Ha ndyman - - -·,, w.. p .. 10 room a All phases of pa m11ng

P a lnl/d rywall /repatra rooling~rpet.,ronwotk dltJ()(IS 15 yrs exp, & sta1n1no lntenora/ h auling bond in s free *292'9358* he 'd 642·9518 Eo:1e11ors and cabtnot esL 548-57&e Watertalls/pool remodel r f1n1sh1n g. Uc/ In s




3548 DRYWALL f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SERVI CE 3584 _T_h_•_ Ori_ g-ln- .-1- H- •n_ d_ tf"_ JEWELRY 3784 b rlcl</rock/block/tlle Call R teh 581}.0702

...-Hou .. c leanlft9V' Ille way yCMJ hko Ill ~1,llen & bath ont(I 04!1

bnl riles"' 1own1150-3286

men Ex.pr••• Can ' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii concrete Uc/ bonded RAINBOW Clrc.le Malnt . 11 GR Cons l. Since 1977 lt!l.Ut House/

Toby Drywall Service do anY1h•ng. No 1o b Quallty .Jewelry and * 63J..9744 * P~

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CLEANlN G Mettculou• MCN1on' a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Mo bil• screen aervlc• , ce..., GI••• Man no m ln .-oo aervlc e for dirty windows

Ken' s Cuslom Carpentry Fr;tM nq• O.-'(Wa • oo•

Tnm ~t> t'lvc~ Sm.ill J•iu a SpecrJ"Y 53 1-0353

Ouallty Contrac lfng Remoelt'I T ~" ,,,. •mr• ~·""',..,..

a.-.,, Allbll c.i-trJ 'lKllf ".N>~7' ~ W rtd C:...

'<IS ~ ~ prortrig dW'l c:aDt ->ets r!C 650-2372

CARPET 35 1 4

• Lori ' • Cleaning• Oeut"'d h<>\IWdeal\ing. SUI> pltt-i lucn ,.i, ~ndM>lt

iehlblt Lone 122·1374

Ropa1rs $50-$150, an tH· too s mall SAme day Watc h Repair, Antique Apl Oual jOb FrM est tvres. knOckdown acous- seN ICt' 479-9813 - -------- SL 1< • 569897 63t>-1758

•lie .& repa•rs 521 ·7895 je w elry . Bu y/ S e l V Trade. 3116 Newport TOP QUALJTY

cn rg l.owes1 P rlcea, (714) 847-4333 umy 642-8595 1·,.-... - •• -., ...... nctow- - c- te_an_lft9-

MOVING 3834 Witthoeft Drywa ll HAUllNG

3720 Blvd 873-038~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii very compollllve

Prot resuas. .. ~ Ho Poor Man'• Mo-r 1 tnt./Ht. ltc1 648228 SPJUNJa.E.R fOb too small1 30 r s t•P iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •·LAN--D- S_CAP __ E_&_ __ hr m in Guar 1o-s1 65()..5066/ 650-335 9 REPAIRS 3921

11Ve 1 llOtY '30, 2 •tory $40: ac'""' & allla tree

• 840-8907 •

res e1·.'!~~ds:.~·olf1ce k 14000lO &J•1447 Ill BEST l!l HauLng, LAWN CARE 3808 rates , lie # 108002 ----- ---- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii''w_ o_ JU> ____ __ _ Demolition Remode11ng? ' Insur 714/633 9925 pcosONAL

•Carpet Low low pricn ap"lrtmenlS so local rels •--------- • Walls econcro10• 1reo• ' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii &d\ Sprlnkl•r• are my PROCESSIN'" Lie d•I,...~ 'd• F ., ·'* f" ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

20 yr 5 l'• P 890-6509 892-6427 E" l::CTRICAL 3610 7 8- 825 11 PUBLIC NOTICE SE.0 VJCES 3867 only business Repairs v 3938 vonyl 111~ 1tpa rs cf• ~"'"9 •---- - ---- ~ • trash , a le 4 1 *Lawns mow- front "'

' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii """ Th• Cahf. Public Ullll· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil & In at a II at Ion• · liiiii~iii~iiiiiiiiiiiii lie J •·~ Ht ~ quotH Applctree Mamtonance11 & bac k $1 1 50, cloon· tfos Commission RE· Charles 722·7824 •Full Secretarial

HoV' , n S.863) We cle1m m1n1 bhnd / vExpert Electrlcv HEALTH BEAUTY ups & compl s«-rv elso Companion c-• E.11p iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil d nd OUIRES 1hal nll used rnumn 1et1wa lviln" Ste.1m C 1e an1ng nuoway ""'' ows car· res/comm/20 yrs 011p • avail, 831· 8809 Soc ly/boOkkp r Dtrv9, --------- ' '

R•,~lll..VCom,,,..,~1 59 9' pel brtcle 9SJ 8&42 11u -~1 resQOl!Se "" & FITNESS 3740 All American Tr•• ~C:,~!~.h opl~intgot~~l~ errand a , p repare TILE 3928 e:,:i:: :',,~~!~t..


Acl Of\ "1obo e M e<. .... 11'\•CS

$Lo we s t R• tea!S W l• com,. 10 Vt. " name or 0 1

tM'• room'S13he.vy111nic G lori.1 s Housecleon1ng H l llc: I Jl'.1229 •M-2229 SerYlce Removal, PUC Cel T number meals 873-41805 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .lackJe 831-.3802 Uphol & flOOds 631-8470 Alwa ys Availablol •D & R Electr•c• AC HIEVE HIGH LEVEL Trim, S enior Dlac limo s and chautfeura ----- ---- Tiie Work Done Cheap •RESUMES, lhHU,

reliable d e pendable quick seNtce1ow pr;cu . FITNESS & HCALTH Freo os l 531 -8415 p rint their T C P num PET Uc1548878/Bonded term paper• and meo. coll fo r oat 541 ·3437 voubletShoot s~u1l·~t Increas e Alhleuc por· Coastll"• L.endacape bor In all odvertlse Jim 842-8558 teal 1r a ,,1c r tblng ,

ICP 2 41 · 1957



3 490 CONCRETE 3526 Hou••~r• re~• comm 552-8578 lormance, energy & O.S.gn and Install. sprin- ments If yov have a SERVICES 3870 E•p'd KrlSl.l'I ~5

cle n1ng ond s e rvice - -------- endurance. A now ad It q uesuon about lhe .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

Schnnll Cabinetry C' 1b1 nfl'I mi\k1nq lll•IOrl'O co yow neeos k11CllPn<; baths e n terta1nmen1 cen1111s lie • 65-4282 Brian 49l·8A66



Don t Repl.1c e R.-1,1ce1 oak lo rm 1c a molc1•n9 Repairs & refm1'1r11ng

• Lie d 581 · 7 3 0 2

i>on t Repli\C<I , Anli•'-OI • oak lorm1ca moldin g

Repairs & ref1ni,ll1ng u c·d 581· 7302

i acl or y d r ec;.t. c~• .. !men.In c"btMt.. r1tl,1 ,.

car pet s . w ind o w s . Funk'• Electric Addi· vance nutrtllon 1ys11m i.:!i:::.:;·:g;._:;::;irv g ahly o r a mover, llmo ... ,.,.....~ _"r'D_ e_ e ______ _ par1y help a ny aorvic o Ilo na trovbleshooung & health enlloncetnent 1~-------- o r chaulleu r, c a ll• • lO'l 09c:ounl!l • ~

Driv t"wavs -pet ios needed for yCMJr home Ha rd work faiF&rlCe p rogram a ls o p ro- Green Scene Landscpng Publlc U11Htlef PtnOnlu.dClrt loryuur SERVICES ~~;~ ,.!!~. ~.CM~ rnc l d ally e rranda lie / rollable 751 · HK "'Otes body lat rodvc· & Irrigation, Trimming CommlsaK>n pen Loma IST~


bond 1ns S!>OOk uon. chote~terOI con & Rom ovels, C le.in- 714 -558-415 1 Mickey 377-9895 723-eoe4 trot & anti eglng Coll ups & Ma1nt. S t. Uc. '--5-.-v- O_n_ M_o_v_l_ng__ Hollday Special •:,y, Mlk" Tr .. Ser-

T.J . P e lle Cone. Conet •·H-0- u -. -. -c-le_a_n_ e _r -, -. -t -,

8- 1 FE&

0NCES (7 14)753 35 94 • 599025, 432·8804 Lowest, Storen e , p rof. Greatfu l Pett bOard/ c• Tree tr1m,

C B .. Bl k •. E"VS 3615 • d aycar1 ,1ratn,..,room removal, cleanup, one n c .. oc ...,c s 11t11-4 s icnr-3. $1 Shr 2 liiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ----- - --- Re•ldntl. Gardening XLNT rep t ht mlft Ins wnll lovel 754-'1oaa lawn HfV. 451-8848

1 277J29 H'9ne..i Oua• .. d 1 RellnblO & Oval work T1117659 V/MC 731·2958 Low Pres (71 4)962 7093 ..,acure,rea V 0 work IMPROVEMENTS

Jackie Smith M2-4a99 •FENCES GATES at reasonable rate Cd Starvtng c.11 ... WHKS CONCRETE SUV New~'pest,..,i.:. HOME 3756 Bartett . !M~7 1 Student• Moving PLUMBING 3890 TUTOJUHG

ConcrPte co1t1ng 1ack House\;leaner Rolllll>le ~_. llc.d •--------- Co t124430. l-.a tll•l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil hnmmor '.l' Bobcat Flo .11 d i!y• . refa own Jim Wh"'• . .. 2· 7208 • TREES • ' ltMN1 ftOtfQ, ~t17t 11

48 7559 831•28 ,o lran'I low rntea ~•II 1 • .,... One Call Doee It AH Melarue 5AO-a~~2 8utldln11JRepelr ffrvlc• P1...,rool.l*'"lb'ga16eniriQ Tell!ledl"• "'o•• lnt111 ,


Houaec1e.in1ng S30/d;iy, Keoepers 1" t.KJt S 1 00 w" k, e•PIL'f & rehab le cllll l.1 II 2 13 8 72 1540

Ovtr 30 ~Hfl Up/red '~0;:1o:;e:c, "" ~ 761-3478 WOOd ced r,Frte Ht fr•nk e3o-o812


·---------3528 lfftal Job• to C.....,._te LEG.Al

,_.._..... SERVICES 3 812 liiiii..,,iiliiANiio-iiiiviiociii·iii .• f. raming Ele<:\. P lumb , 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... -Drywall, Ooota, Trim, 1• Pa 11y Entertainment R•lt.ab lel eeo-1e_1.. $100.Slarb Actlonl Coll A~k OaQby

~~ 714 .... .e702 Viction7 e nd morel

HLE ln st , fled Repaorttd Hou••cle enlng Spcl FLOOR INSTALL Pl'M'llC CourltOUS SeMu I o cal Moms Re fs . f tH E~t & RolertflC:H Atfo1dabl11 15 yrJ ey> REPAIRS 3620 ~ i.- Stt ~r. 116 CaWJune. 675 :> 1.n

• • 0 1scoun1 * • ~~"4illlnq/LC

no jOb IOO MNI, dllc IO el 111 fut It IHt!tll

uc/bond lns. 137· t122

• No Gimmick• lit r1umb1heating1d ra1ns II I low rfttes. Ir•• e at he bondflns &4&-3538

GOOD ORAOESI Prof In-home tutorlnQ 1 all ~t>Jects/Ms, c an I Caml>fldge 4!>4·7018

PoorGreclea? I 1 to 1 TutOflng I

C~lah end reading CA IHchlnQ crltd I


- I ' •"•"nq All ttyt•• ov.i• _C_H_ l_L_D_ "_ 11 -0 c _ _ 3_5_3_6 • low••I p ""'I IS " ' P ~, ~

M atd Service r hablo h o nea l OUM woft(

relt •va11 C111abetl'I "6-2;J64 IVe m.,s

Wood Ftoorfng Cu•· BOUSE Atf0tdabl• Non· POOL tom Work, N~ price , STT'T'IU'" 37ao Attomev 9o1Ut10n1I •"PiiAliiiiNTiiii1NiiGiiiiiiii3ii8iiillll5ii~ SEevicr. 20 yr in Bustne s iii'iii' &iii•niiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiivii 800.248-legl 1• " ~ 3894

Abr h m 05 .. 7983 •-------- •W.P. YOUNOOUllT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PJOP M"1199f °"1ring LOANS • / ftalntlnt Contractor Ceol Water Poelo Video Clew For Hl,.I

rtl s 3 1 ()..594-02 0 3 Ell1ra Special C111e


Fii 3509

'"" ••1Cl•"1 music. a I 1- - ------ - 1---------,; 1""'\ .-. • sna.:h rtbi.c COMPUTERS 3555 HANDY MAN 3710

Ctnr1y 14f-o' 1t 1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Take advantage ol our LOW MONTHLY RATE! Advertise vour business or service for onlY-~

. •

long letm "8\lte 11111n Ov p '"""9 b~ protl1 wkly pc>ol c lng. chem Faal/••~r/Pfof. Wed • care 1•k•no po1111on1 REAL ESTATE 3816 ue1go~ ina 1n1e, e qv1p tef)lltr, Ir- d1nv• 1200, °'~•?1 ~ ,...-, M.l-4000 r,.. " ' 6.t!> lOS •Ht, '77S·1122 avail nowl 4'S Ml514

4 Lines Per Dav

For more intonnauon Call 6112-5678 x 31 o



The Piiot Cle .. e. , .... The rno11t compr hen· a1v1 and current d tre<:· lory Of QOOd• O!ld it~ · VIC•• 8roundl

------~--~-=-=---saturday November 28, 1992 811






6049 5530 liliii&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii M JSC. 60 1 S ANI MA.LS ANT IQ U I! 3 ·P 1 e c • F •ne decor a tor lumlture, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil--• I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

wtck-.. ••I: couch, couch••· Bit dinner chair, rocker. Call 673- taible, chairs, anti~• 4073 and more Plaza La

Beau\ilul, quahty, pecan Fayette 13011 New· dining rm table, 2 port Ave eu1te 104 tus. lea'lleS, 4 uphol chrs tin Sat·Sun 12 3pm $275 Hottman lg con-

1 __ 67_3_·_9_364 ______ _

sole ater90 & recQrd FUU. SIZE BED Mat · player $95. 1573-3600 tress, 8• Springs.

SELL your used vehicle through classified


frame sso 00 ot>o Must sell ASAP Call 549.9591

Call Classified

Today! 642·5678


Peachbloom. Amphora

C•ble T.V. l!qulp. convel'! rs & accei. •ottet1 11 m ~oG £ modi•' tor lreoe cata loq 800-200·9983

Queen Of King P611ms, 8 feot tall. S20 ea, Herb plants 135 kinds s 1 each, Lll;ic G 1'I 9·1:"2

Shade. Pino, Cyprf'ss tree.... 15 q~llon, S20 1-q.lllOn pl.mis, $1 W1-.tcna $10 &74·942:>

TANNING BED lor salo S 1'200 (co:.t $2000) Montugo 0.sy Woll! System, Cryst.11

* Flcr51 n Kitten • lop qu 1.S./, pvU•grno Lo v109, Cooa Home

53G·t892. Sl AUD.AllO 1•001.llo

r•upp10&. .AKC reg· IC?rod with shots 2 t.I c.k malos available 8 w ltlo.t> old. Comp 1o .. c1y pricca 1

Call 96:? 2883 Stend•rd Poodles RI ck, 12 wks, ma1e1 tom :.how qu:tltty, chi\IT'lfl p;uents, 1-.lnl temp111,1me111, home ra1-.od 53J 8 1J7J

24 Suns. Only 22 1 _________ _ hours of u :.nqo on bed 1 \A 6!>2·!>35!1

COLllCTlRlES 6017


t.1<.(.>)y Surlbo:tro G'S ng-o w1nq S2 5 t. 6'2 ' Tri Fin $195 1r1 I


S AT 8 ·2 I, o cobmot ~tc1 o & comp ... 1 r

QW.P & OU.~.S Jt.O\.ISO holo II ms eo 1 Cl ft


BMW 9030

' 78 320., white, xlnt cones low miles , orig o ... ner S3000 75~ 083t> or 675·7975

-!. C-I 1 Mn.. BOATS ::.1 '·" r SUN 11 Ou • 701 1 CADnIAC 9040

Moving Sale! Everv lllrJ mu'it go• SAT t987 KAWASAKI 8·3 t8!i4 rs""" JarLory 550 JET SKI. Tons ',1 ~~' ·.I V<!IUfl ol <!)(11'1 Ru••I <:jfCi\I

MO"VtNG. Loi<> or hmi Look · gr at Plu can M.11i.o "" o tt season de 11 and s.11101 $:'500 O!lO C II -M•loiO (714) 811~!>00 ~S':"

bUlli' >Cd W d mtC.10 w .. 11.,s bo1>1<s o•c rm $AT a.:i,"~481 :; 111 Mar ~o Ctr S~ O·t26

'89 Eldo B 181n'fta 1 t K m l, Maroon w/ gold trlfn., ltM Int chrm wh-1• w/ white walls, A.BS bral(es, $19,500 Tho CarburetOf' Shop 642-8288


20 FT Pttnn Yan f1be• · gt si\ roundabout , 1 o 8 2 1 u 5 HP C ru I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Early morning motor routes available. Deliver Monday thru Saturday.

LMTD EDITION, 6!> 350, John Wayne charcoal L1\ho by Vao1ane, 18 X 22" 731 ·8!>4'.l B 0

leashe:. & Prollt• ~ bo'lrd bn']s Gl3 3 f><>O I • MOVING Furn11u1" l.

• I I "'l'lt Sill Sun

II I f\PPfO& 4QQ hr$ h•O•o dt!µ111f'l'rioer b I IQnll., 6/'I !Tl ~!cp

Ove•haule<S new ttres shoc1's, etc Looks & runs OOod S 1,500.: ObO 756-1663


Must have dependable transportation

and liability insurance.


FREE FIREWOOD Wood cut for f•r<' pl 'CC YOlJ h.lul Call 67:. 602·1

CAlt-642·4333 - Vase -of Kang Hsi;


of the penod. authentic NIEN HAOS. per1ect rose pink glaze with pale graen splashes and russel spots. upgtazed 1oot and recessed marks Current appraisal available.

Call 714 684·9518


M.iture Fem.11@ Com· p 111100 LJ\le •n Mon· d.1y thru Friday. week ends oll , roleience~ required, lnQhnh, non c;moker & c ~r 1equ1~d PIO;>!IO call 12-4pm. 7 t4-548·9753 C.<11 S.b• To much of tht' world. S•• •nguur •1~n . h•"'" much •tr• nitlh .H\'

-----------1 a.. b.t • Mt •vHf ·uld lod.,n m\' oc, 1.f .rc.at1vt' mu~1c.il but ,., .. , ,;an br R.E. ASSISTANT Tt'\t'rt'd H th rt'1nc•~t'ltln of put h•Utch ""•rr•u ·~ 1n rl\IUf\'

MF II nt h• ncomr m••lt~ '>31 S.b .1 holdi "'.1ud1tn«"S.. stTIRPIO ttXt 2'\ . ~,1.,, ~I ) \\NJ, • Cltrcer po· •I on In

Nowport S lary ~ throuKhout lht' vHr •lltndt'd by No<uml" \i•\H .1lhM-vrrt>.al "' " rillt'n bonuses Assist 16 P""'°"' from •II n•tton~ Thi 1p1ntu - Rllm.aot1< mv 11lvt'mt<nl s1.ar1 .... 1th yoar, woll ".l;)bhshed .a l 11uru rt'rorttdlv ~rforms m1raclH, t-hnd d •It' "' ch~n•t' n• .... unir; l un.or Top P' o du c • r . 1nclud1n8 matt'rt • llu11on of v1bhu · MUST t,10 lJcensod. hn • "'h1<h his follow"~ clum nt' know WP and be 'l •ptrttu•I ucr~ uhrt. s .. 6.ab• 11 •

f'"''"'n 111 .. ·nt' 1nr• • 1\11, m1'".tK<'

lrum '"''"''' ( ... """' r'•" '""' SAGITTARIUS <'"" 22 llt.' :'11 g1or.<it1tu To send re ~ 11 th s \. 1 1 N l'l

sume. call Patncl\ •JI •nao wi • t'Vno t' • ·0 " ' Atttnll1•11 r .. v.1lvt'\ .ar1•1JnJ mu.,,. 72a--8433 1ou1 wlml'i It'll~ thl' 'tor'll of ht~

-----------l wntldw1dl' loflutn<I' \.\-h•I neoAt~ Rcotall n+·Cl't.ft•(I lmmt'tJ, AIUtC, Mi>flh ~I Arr I I'll II \:011

~hn-.tm.ls trf'e tllm mN11 and S.lll)i ht"lp , ,, I,, ~ .... ,. ~'"' " t • IJ <•pt•Vt' 1h1•

h11m" h..rm .. nv "'r'"~'"'"' 111 1 •• ~ .. ',,u u•ulJ hd"• t:.. ,1 ••I t-.11h "orl.h It

nJnH •nJ '""'''""' ' .. u II ll><.&lt· nll"· 1nl( :irt1dt \•"'II lt'\l tTwn• t·m"t"'" 111~

~pply 1 Soulll Co.1 .1 •<'I\~ u•ni.hirr.~ tho· J~, 1•1 \••Ur frtt · Pl'· l r.p'c·· 181"' ,t.•m "1•1ritu~I ,,., .. 1~ 11.:>n J11m1n•h'' "4'\ ur .. or";;~u 66.?''r,:;,O " ~· """' 'ou '" ;cr.int1-d I'< rrttl\•1<•n" C'APRl(.O RN tl><'' l2· 1•n 1., \

I < , .. m n• ' . r ' rt' I\> rf\'JJINt' l.llt nt t.t. ... •n "" ~ lt'.a\ I"> \•'II r •1ftn-mr.1n • _e_..-_P_L_O_""_ ·_ENT _____ I TAURl., '"rril ;:() \I~\ ~0) Th.- lllTlt' ro•unn· 1tn •>rr-•rtun11\ lur Ir• h

"°"•' liYl ""'" u"''"1'"'''ut ... ,ltt-Olv1.• rY<!IM: · \Urt 1n ntwJtr\'\lt<•n Ch« !. l"C'.111 1.llt' SERVICES 5533 ..,. tmph.uL• ,,,, P''"t'r •u•twnh rro· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilt• I "''" "'" J 1 rf'< ll(\n ' l."r it J 1•1.11 nu• «• m

-•-•• a11.1nH"' ' '" rtl•tt'S tu un1qu" Ploase bo aware lhl\I pul>hntt••n Tr•'rl '"' 11.at1••n .. dut' h• · tne ltSllngs .,, tf11S CHI " ~hi

egory m.iy r~ulre you (.l:.Ml'I M•' ~I lunt- 20! Ot>t.11n to c.111 900 '1\Jmt>e1 Ill wl'llCh trier e Is n • I I Mm ... flF' ,,, .. , ... ~.. Brl'd I In'

ch IQ8 ~r minute In."\ '"'"It f'r\1f'051hOn from 1nJ1v1J • -Ba--rt-en-'-_,d_,e_r_T_r_a_f_nee-..,

5- 1u•h """'' ('c>o,1.antlv crt11cirr A n .. w

~ind t•I ''''" ,, on honwn Harr"' NeOded, earn up \ O _, J $160 d ,.1y, Slll.itry • rn-v1.•u•h Jrn•ru •~ lltrt ;in nu" 11ps, tun or poart lwTUI C:A,..CLR llun.. 21 luh 2~ 1 M.~ .. 2 wk tralnonq w omen, ln"lh •I.art ~11do. tu ~.,ur own •h If' J••n t

mon 21 or OHi r Call loll~" L'4hr,... lt1 th«'ITI l••llu" H>\I I•• · 800-532·9222 it•I •&rf'C'mt'nl "t'l'•1wJ "' '"ur •Jv.in

-----------• '•~t' l'uhhc 1m"g'" 1mrr•"H mu1to1I •IAIU\ u•nllnuh tu br IC'.llW'N

llO 1 lulv :n Au~ 22 1 f-Am1 h IT'«'ml"C'r &<I~'" unu•u.11 m"nn~r <I.aim

iiiiiiiiiiiiltliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I 1 "' '" N- • h,, n · ch• n itl.'d R 1" "b." .. Companion Care JV'h tollt>n-nu"' M•~ .. intelh(l.t'nt Cl'ft ·

t AP • Soc t Y t. "'" 1~.o w11h,1ut wo1tt"nng •h•wo princ1 •


Bookkpr Onve, er rands. prepare me.ils r1...,. A-1u.r1.an 1n111htr l"'' 1n\'11lvt'<l NO re~d 67.l 660~ VIRCO IAU(l. ;n St-pt 221 ~t'\ I>

J" • ""'' ''"'"'" '•'U "" Nt-n <'<'J¥Tntr.ll • Curopean Wom•n l!i "'It ''" """ .nro, 1 ,,, .. ubjKt 1h .. 1 Jr ·

yrs ocp in homo car• for olUNly, )(LNT tel , .-f'lll'' "'r<lt-t ;1•n•1Jl'r.i1tnn Rom•"H' hvo on or out 7$0,..124 111' lu.h'J IOl!M.•n it- .. r. 1n' f •><u• •l~"·n

DOMESTICS 5540 l'\pl,•r•tu•n ph\'"'' .attrKI"'"

LIBRA 1'-t'pl 21 · 0\t 22 1 lh•"'" "1\.1 tli••wll;ht \'OU "l'l'I' 1mrt.a(ll<•l will 1 .. .in .a much · nt'nit'J ,..,_,.," ' ou '" •n

.tJ\.C'rl"•'ml"nt .. Ot'l1n1· 1.-rm• ,.,, ... m

hor pn"l1.oJu~ r1-."' l l ji:U~ pn•OH • nl'nth

AQ AIU UC, l•n W ht- I I \1.111" ••rr-•rtun I\ " •r horrh•n-u•ulJ In dud\' 1~11n.-r)h•1' lt'it•I •i.:rt·l'rN nt lunJ1nK ll r un1qur rn'f"'I ,.;,.\ '' or •

1t•n11at1un f'l't'J'U•hPn ltn1n~ up Jll r ..... nnrl (. ntt'r n.alt\.l' r"" t~ h .. I rlul

PISCES <f-«'b I q • t.tJn h !O 1 <. "" \. AquM1u~ mn...i~" l ""K· r.111111• rn•,.-ct ~-.,m~ cn,111 ch.tr 't•U II h•" r t'n · h tu J•• 1n "'"'"'"~ m.•nhunJ •UJ"'<h Mt'mbtr (II "PP'"'•ll' <>('\ ,..,,. '"u Mt' ""n<1lll• hM"' n~ .... ,\1 l't "f'"h\1"

If N ()Vf MBER 28 I 'OUR BIRTllOA' '••u•rt'1nJ•ro·nJ .. n1 '" .at1"" •tul-1:>.>rn Mt•mt:..•r• 111 "rr"'"''t' •t'• 1n•l't ~t•u .Ht' .>t1rc1c ll"<' but J1'o "f""l..J r,>11\'n l~• Aqu .. nu~ fl"""-'"'

pl-'\ n•lt' 1n \<!Ur hit' ( Ulft'OI Oclt'

h111hli~h1' •"·'"ft'°" in J••1T1t•1t11. hit' rh.u <"ulJ induJ~ wh'""" v••u ""'' Jt• .. •r• · 11un , .. m(..Jrltn~ m.inul •lillU' 'tuu ~u~1"..J er"" orlv chi' m11nth Ounn~ °"'••ml"C'r 1 vu tr•• t'I ~"'" .aJJt'\.I rt'< •>it"ll"'" .. nJ ,,,u m1fthl t:..- ~.n lnft \I 1,.,, I h.11rt' h•unJ trur I•'"<'' I •nu.ti'\ O..tot:..·r mrmor•hl<' tn ,.,..,

\I .,, 11.1, l1n111c.J I•" 11 <. lf'.I• I /I /1lf' , h,1ng.: \\ ltl•IJ

•• 1p.1. JI\ • n Cf''11< 11111:.I, \ 1/'.1 /\ Ill /1 1!11 •h '<; ,,,,, ,,,,,,

Ir \ , l rc•loi:• .,.l rl 111 IH• H•m c:mrcd to r>"nt~ lunt l, tml1n -.ould be an ·· 1 t1ll..1·1" ••. "'Id, "1th a (cd11110t or hl'lni; 0111 "' \Ofltritl I \pHI thr lHll \IJHlld ,1n<I nut 111\h h \!OIOI.: ol\ < lll'dllllo! tit

11l,1t1 \II ~1· U H l llll!lr11I " h11.,. \H

1h al .,.>th d t'l.n '· upH '' nn11 "H 11ri'l''· \\ l " "' luui.:h und In lu a;:.o \\t lh lht nu\\ . hu t •h~u·, ..... 111..d _, . \\hul '" ltl..t'h nrt 1<·1111"' t11ntrunh, h 111>1nlo! tu hnna.: h1u'I.. th1 tl''ult' ,.. "11111 I h11t ', 11111

lt&..eh lo h,11lpt'n t•1th1 r ''·""• '""r mothtr 1nl1t '"" lhtn· """ltl ht tlu•' like th" .I odu' ' " " I""' t l•oth \Our m otlwr 11n1I ll'trul111o1• r, na.;h1' \0'1 t'' ti ..\m l '1arth 20-\pnl I ll

' ., 1111 • d1.1nl ' r m1n1I .m "'uc 1h.11 h" .11t .... 1., been

~11:ncd . 'C 1kd .ind do:l1, cu:d 'I'< u Ill 1\ 11 \I l•d!C\.t." I\ lt•U,1\ l•UI \011 m.1<k the rii;ltt ,h.,1 e ht:'lnr~. an.I ' •u'" t. 1' h th 1' .1 I rll'I '" If'• I I >1un1' I I U on• \pnl 10· '1 ·" 20

' o rt .i, 1 ·~ up it • 1hk, 111 '" .r 1.1. 111clm1m1' I'• ••Pl• .1ml lh11tg" II' 'CC' Aft 1t \<>U .c "11rd .ind lo,t , .ind h"" \nu " Ill\ to • p u" Cl0 J hum here· • lie • ire I ul """"' nrn l..n.:. •• 11 IUlll lC ,,. •''"'II~ t>.,., ..i <•n the I ·"'· 1 t ,,,, .1J '

"'"'" l·"''' C.t•m10i ( I 1 h111k 1 " ·" 1 1 ' &tU If'- \ I 1 '' f t ~

le ,,, .... 1 th .. ·k•""'" r.1ttr1L' ' ,, l•Hlllcn1111.: ' PU II• ,1 I •

•• ·"- hc\••nJ the ht.·rc 111.I n• " to• ', '1•1»11 ,, .i, .. , 1111 h1lllf• < ln• •'

th 11 d•cam '' '"t1.1hn·•I "••11'11 lo.1 d\\ lht lnllll«h.1h ""'' 11 II

d I t < 111 «I• l •lilt"< r t I l-cl'l 1 Jun~ .! I Juh .!!

''' 't kr h' .,, \h\. I ''' 1t\

I .I I. , •' ll \ t. ' I • I, I h , 1• ltlJlll'1lll'L ''1\lt

'"''" r c:'t' l-'4.:'H:~'--· \\t\1 1 ~Uhl hclr111I t. • ·"I.: lo •r

'''"" · •r1n11111 I en (I Comm.ind 1 Jul• !.\· \UR· .! !

f >lh<'I" let "'u tnkt· .. I.!(.' ~i.un' ~

Ill"'"'' ' "" • Hann~ Fff 1n my CM

hme lt tise cle n•ng, 2 sml children, En qh h apkQ Reis roq d 857·3~ Lv Msq Sunday, November 29, 1992


ParS Time, Mature le· male companion. $pm-&am, -konds. references required , Enghsh, non smoker & car requ11ed please c.11 12-4pm. 5'18·9753

I b.i:.+-Jmi.: ill l.ik .ts. nt..U ~1 nw.:11 "' h<llJJlll! J ~oc>J h.1mJ, " f'/10 mg 1 f't'<•r h.oml \\c.ll "

n.ICllUlll~ ••"'If ~ppnk .... <n-1--ll .. 11111>-irt 1111 t • l(l;• b~ n••ltl c;urt •C'C'

'"""' 11• ''"" "h 1'c; rr: 1lh t>u~tth. I

Ooublt' T"W1ns tt.vt' .n affinity for u ch otht'r M"t rettnt. MtioUI tludy

MERCHANDISE of cwiru too~ pJatt •I UninNity of ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMlnnnot•. Mort tw l"' app•rtnlly •rt' ANTIQUES 6010 t>orn 11ndu Ct'mh•l lht' Twin.s.. Ct'mlnl

i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil tt a"f()Cbtt'd with tlw arau, hands. Mort' lrfl · h•nd~ ~l'fON •rt twina

A11Uque1 " U, European - lrft · h andl"d ,..t'llON m•kf UM of & Amorican Anuquos. r-ruinituro. Clilnwe:ir lhlr rigJll h-ndt •Ort llO lh•n right · Jewelry, t S do 'lors • h.1nd~ ~rt0nt DU.IL« uM of thtlr ltfl Con11gnment , Spa lunch. Tiit Dtonaf Q\&lnlupltta, .. c1al1 everyd y, 10001 9'ighl M op«tfCI. art Ct'mini.a. Or ol C h flstm • gift Oafc>«, who dt'llvt'ft'd thf q11\Jl1upleUi. Ideas, Moodav • Sat· 1'J a <Amini .utttMltnl Ufday lOam • 6Pm. AlllES (Matth21· /\pnllCI ) Whatat Sunday 12-6pm, 312 Newpof\ Btvd, N•w hrtt •P~~n 1mpr..ct1cal will •ctu;ally pott O.ach 54Mt23 P'°"' uttful Ab1hty to win fnl"nd . In ·

nurn~ ~rlt t'n~n<'fll Sttnuw fff ·

8 npUANrES 60 l l turtt .tudhnr. production ch•nct to 6U" " htt hnan<~1 ,_.,pot W•eher/Dryet'. Wherl

pool Imperial SerMts bfand now, ~ht. s c $750 000 844 8875

Whlrtpool refri9, P.'le gray, 3-door, lfeo1et on boltom, 4, yrs now S325 'obo 673-4073

No room left In th• garage

for the carf A caHto

cla111fled can help.

TAUaUS t Apnl 20 MA) 20) N t'w J""' h•r "ou 1n ronn«tt0n with C•l"ft'r. t'mpluymt'nt bus.&..- lffdff\t11r t-11· tu• II'<> un ron"~· C'f'Hhvlrv. d1tt1n<t J'O' 1b1h1y of nrw rMhut1Ull'l lovr ~l""'••I nut Avoid hnvy hfllng1

CfMINI ( M•y :ZI fun«' 20) E.lllpha• tilt' 1ndfJ'C'ndl'n~, crt•11v11y. ttylr, w1lhn1nna t • p.trh("l~tt' 1n p10nHnng pro~1 Wl'l.tt appNl"N co \wo • I<* will t-.>omt'r1n1 1n """ ' foor You gft pro· vrft>e&I H'<'OnJ ch.all<'t

CANC'elt tluM 11 July 22) lntu1 tlon provn .t«U_.!lllf' ~ut on 2 " unor· 1tll'J1" flt'ml"nl11 o t1m1n111 , turpt1'1l" r1n1n 1•1 tall.It l)f UIW who "lt'ft with • 001 nt.,.,l"f' .. will ti. ft"llHIC'd Aqua.nus, an.>thrr C.aJ\<ft NII"" tn""'"td

UO (July 2J·A~ U) Thi "-unJ•y fHll•rn fun froh<. .-,p~m1un1at1un ,

ll'Hl\'f •wlr.'RfW ol f"t11U<'hl\' Attf'n lM•n al-.> ,...,, I"" araunJ lq•I •ll•1r- , r"'""" 1ma .. ••ntal 11.tlus ~mini, ~11t11nu ,-""'"' ~ntN

v taCO (AuA 2J • pc U l ~ "'" ' ucul u• 1n fOmpatlnA "'-'" ttg11la• tk>N Y~ II ~ft wntttn Mhtt tt\<lt ""'lollrft IC1\lllny, ~for ....dtn, Wt•'"' ltllft a .. m furnltuN 1ft r'.d °" Mffl'y hu.a• Stvrptit tnv l\>fld

t tHA (~ n (\rt 22) Aqu.tnH M • t11ih11gh P"rt1etl eltra<tton,

1 Ir s-•Mf' d1,Ct•u r.>I

10ul malt <At thou~htJ on P"J't'' Trv your h•nd .at ("lffTY Meombt't orr-~1tl" w-- dKl•t'f'S You •ff bHu11 lul1 ·

SCORPIO ICKI 2' Nuv 21 l Ml.us on mu•ic C'olor coc.>rdtnatton dl'~1gn

dttmon rrlaltnfl t(l Ult' o r purch.i.w llf homf proprny hm1h mt'mbrr Jt•t~ I fttl cl(M('(f 1n I must mal.r • th.lngt•"

l 1br• is in p1ctu~

SACnTAlllUS (Nov U · Drl 21) F1n.tnnaJ p1ctul't'. at hnt 001 of fows. bftmnn m t~I ' '"u Burotn u hhfod .u r-nult You II "now whr~ you stand, wh•I tu do •bout 11 Roman11c 1nvolvt' • mtnt will provt~ apitt

CAPat CORN (°"< l2 · Jan 111 1 'our ""art'ntw of tlmf hm11•1ton rt'

1pon 1b1hh , pl~ you 1hnd of rom prc1tors fOC'W on ~ m•n~ callK11t•n• 1b1hty to loutr nttdt'J m•tC'nal prr • tO'\'lntl Anocht'r C'•pnrom plays rult'

AQUARIUS ()an 20· frb Ill ) lud3 · ft\C'nt \l\tUlhOI\ \11\ t&rgt't - -l:IU\O

ft'ltul'ft hCttt'mt'nl , rom•n ~hv1

ty frnh •tart In d1lf•ren1 d1rH1iOn Nou<T l'ttt'i¥~ (ro

1m d1Jt•n<T J>C*ibly

tl¥t'l'WU tNt m1t•n1I 1t lloCttf'fC'd Pl · • ( tfb \~ ·March 20) Thow

who 1hou"h1 you "''l't' 1011& gof!t will b4o .iunnf'd 'tou mah H'nMhOn•I comtbkk. you tmpnnl sfyk. YO\! lffd o.""' to pt'Oll\i.d t.nd • Spntltfht on <~l\Jtt11n• arttl\g•mtnt, l"ur of he.pi • tat

IF NOV£MHR 29 I YOU-llllTHOAY· YN art unonl'laJm, In Yfnh"I'· cl'\'• ll\>f ind you ' dur 10 dflHlll • itt'ltllOIUhlp Wtlh motMr Wat

11 timt• b1u'~ Carnn•rn , C1n<rr, AqlUnU• P""""' r1.tv 1gn1hun1 l'\>I• in """' hf\' '(w •f'4P f"'1nattd by J'M• A""91n tN'lwn>tnh ••1&11on, tl-C' -n· 11<' •tt &l\J 1f~fl 1ncluJIR1 Mtn.>&o

I ~~ th.at Nd "'°"" d 111\Ant will t-r tt•1"t'J 1n ()loombtr lt1l11t o htp ,.,Ith ~ll\lnl P"'"°" will \Ir rtn•""td

,..tml'l'r will bt yt>Ur _.,.. lft~•fl·

t-1• f'" .... U<tlW llM'nlh Of '"~

JI I I · ' 1~ foday i<i full o r \Urprt 'IC'' or nil

l) P'""· lnclutl ina tht' 1tood. thC' bllcl, ~nd the Uj?I) . Our t endcn••\ "111 bC' 10 nt:ht the \.hangC'$ and up,t.·1<1 -rlndlni ~om.-thlnjt ~ron1t 1n t'H'~ thlntt. \ \ (' .. ant .. omcthlnf( rH'-.. to hBppt'n, hut ~C' ~·int to hf tht' o nl) one to lno,tl14atc It. '-u m f ,,n,• ha• to Jht' In lor '" II '"""' '-). ll h\'111Jt ~\""'""'" ••nd tlt>C'O to chan~c-. )OU can aho -. 1r1

ollwr' O\C'r 10 nc«pl )ll\lt llJ2t·nrt" (11,. t 11 '1n~ 1 h e re"' time fnr

' ,

··~ ts~ vJrt li0f1lo10 lu Broolcnur 1 PCH)


J nmr Sporting qood S4'mptos Ju t

f • 1 •:l2 nc..,. 61mlru & c •was engine tune up yard nautout $1! 000 XI(' ' cond

I , \

WA N T E D • Fi we r · upper e le c •rtc b oat . '-'d 1 Ort<tn a• ( 1!.30

00' Luxury Sloop u 111 Bus Opty

t>r1cf! O'fcr "" ltl ~, I M •nt ~ Crc"

tlc•u Yts 673..'8il1tl


8? Bronco II 4 X 4 , 5 spd, a; c. cass, tow pkg, XLNT cond ~J~ obo 631 ·2353

Bt.i TEMPO Fully loadeQ, a•I po-r. irtra ctean, drives 1ooks good S•650 821-8718 ~Mustang GT CONV,

4 7K mt, garaged . :tuJO rPCQ(ds poWet.-

0 l•ICS, $9200 241.()780


1 roe 1 r ~t11 11n.1$ !: POii b 1g , bJCk

p.1ck i., coolers, MARINE SUPS

'84 4Runner. Low m l, lllnt cond, AC. PS, A•.1 FM, nu tires. plush tnl S6,900 ~03·7431

• th ct c ~10011~ • DOCKS 7022 VOLKSWAGEN 9235

n a v I ou ••hold l\i'nl'i nd clolh•llCJ

2 i 1 I Bamboo t E t u .. t•, $ at 7·t2

r1.' curce ~ OU

c c t on 10 sc 1

myro.act or mcrco 1• d &O tt!Jms bCC3U our col 1mns cornp

StOO mo

to 25 <;, r c• ,., Classic

Ne wport Beach loc 631·8480 -IY• l , s

o RABBIT GTI. red st c ~ sunrl, mags l"' P1>ds cosmehcs s, )SQ ,,t)() 839-01«

qu ;ih!1cd buyo1 to c.;1 •


St1p t o 50· Chiss1c N~wport Beach loc J• .s1b .. :>Oilfd ... . s 6 3 1-8480

PILOT C LASSIAED 1• :. ""'e resource you ca'"' c.<Jnt on to sell a myriad ol merchan­d .e nems because our columns compel qu ed buyers to Cll




\\ t. t. t\l. ) BRll>Cf. \~l°IZ

l f3 I

• ,Jt; i~ K\,l 1076M? +~ I artm' r u(wn;, tht' b1ddini: ·• 11h nt• rl1 m nu \\ h1u do 'nu rt ~ro•md"


\At4'7 + \.J~ dmi;: " 1th

11 d \ \ •

I Q :l-~.11h .. t •uln1 rab •' § .... 1uth ,, I h Id • \iti:l l\.Ji5 ~!\ + .\ Jt4 I b1ddm~ rui~ 11: K'e -drd ' >rlh t:a,,1 S outh ~ ""l I l'a."loi l f'B.l'

Pa.-.:. '! \ IU \nci n11•A"

' fl\lth, ' 1lnrr \1 I

• ·lr\7tH 10 Jl062 +J9 Pannt:'r µen 1 ~t idding with two ri trump 1.~1 __ point 1 \\'hat ac· I 1< n Cl 'uU t.<lkt;>"

~ ;;-.\ I

"- , h, \"Ulnerable you

. , 01d \~ll2

I h• ' 1J imi: ha' !:'OUlh We!>t t + Piv-.. . \\ hlil d \

Q6-\ ' .rh

Q76 + AQl0-432 pr .:ffii~ :\ortb Eut l • Pua

\'Ulnerable \'OU

+\ otd \~952 J6 + AQl0-432 ,\ J 1 ' u r r"" nro~ bid"

k • r """~'"" n \i mda\'

I-or information about t.be Chari...., Goren newsleUer for hrtdl{e pla~ ent. write Gotta Hr1dge l.etter. P .0 Bos 4426. Orlando, Fla . 32802·4426.


na"'• \9 Al\i<.O ~Pa \l f'l"k ~2 Punc::Ms 23 '> ale•

W!• G•'<l foul ZS bo I t!llC 28 Ad' MIS 32 'Ir Gte&nl! 33 ~l.tlt!d group 3, H 11C> Oil f\d 35 CQmpe5l11on

'"' '""" 6 Goa unotlf 37 "" • 11wa•

A l llt'OU&ge wu ..

39 P m PIOdllC' 40 GOil &!'lei • 1 f • m 0 l&tn(l!<'t 1 44 ~OiSl'IOO

·~ Sl<wlng

~S Ul'e<l "' \l'I etto11 "ar Pl , I

57 Ctl!p '" 58 Sign Ol ll'lf

tut11r• 59 ()(onta 60 Rtlytt\tl't

aro.cs DOWN

11 M I '1 M~a ...+n J In a !tale

r er.em b ht"Q • Irr llble 5 ~ .... ,l"Q

1mpiemllll\I ti" n Pen ; Re .. ard.CS e M0m0t•bd•• il fr l'l$p0(1S1f\.)(I

Or>\Dl'!h 10 fkxl..J t! N lal N ,. 1 Di I h<!fn 13 CIN' 'ZI 0o ~'UO .2 81 A I 2• Spas .5 T1• • P•O•ll~I' ~· M.,.. ;>! '""~~ 29 ra•v 30 .At 31 f It

33 Moogotla.r'I 6 C1oci. oa•t•

3 • Algonq..,._n, ~9 Turn&~ •0 511MS;um root

• 2 s-1"' .. "' 4'3 SOINttntnQ

t!\al atll ts· ' l • 411 • • ot1

4; S11eam • • >i~OOge

• II Nol• -~Bog boot.


52 ADanment co.I


12 13

.. 812 Saturday November 28, 1992

Building the 1 993 Saturn \\ h.H )[,HI.!> out w11h an uncanny

re:.cmblJnce to a foJm co((ce cup b1..·1,;omt~ one ut tour major components ''hKh m,1.,_c up S.:iturn') power module ,1..·ng1ne Jnd 1r.in)ml))1on).

Nl'H'r bl'lore h,1) the revolutionary lo~t 10.1m prmL')) bt•t•n u:.ed )0 cxten:.1.,,cl> tor 111,1.;s produLt1on of large cJstings in ..iuton1l>b ,IL• m.inuf.lc luring. The • 1th .1nt.1gl':. o t u)ing lu)t foam o"cr trJd1t1un.1l L.hting method) Jre numt'l\>tl'. l th t luJm ,1110,,:. for gre.llN p1l'1..h1un 111 L.ht1ng., m.1te r1.il ).wings.

ll \1 1111n.il to11I \\l'M .rnd ll'dUC\.'d

• nJd1111111~ 1lw .iurl1t\ to genl'' Jte -.unipll' \ p.irb ,tj1.lt .h od .rnd cool.lnt l1n1.."> .• 1nJ ~rt·.Hu tk•' bd1t~ - enJbling a ti gh dt'~• l'L' 111 l 'l11Pl nent tntl!gr at1un. t )\l'r,111, tllL• .i..!1ng flfULL~) rc:.ult:. in ll'\\ 1..•r p.Hh .inc.J J rt•dud1on in mJ~'-111.1 h n111~ ,md ,h,t'mbh upu .lt1on)

In .111 ll .ir l.1rg1..' unnpvm•nt p.:irb Jre 1·1.ll!l' :hr11u~h lo'c loJm c .. ht1ng) tur ::>.it t rn ' 1 n~ 111 .. •, .1ml tr Jn>ITil>)ions l'll~ , I> l> ·i... l' lindl'r hl'J<.b. u.mbhJtts .111cf c! r:l rl'n: .. 11 tr,m .. m1~s1on ca~es The

ht t 'u p.11 ::. .111..• c.bt 111 aluminum, the Jltt•r l\H• 1n dulltk rrun.


~~1rro~'l'mtR ......... •,... o• ................ ._Aul~ Ct!A et...,._," C llfHl:wMe

Check wheel alignment if sieering is off-center

Qut•,trun • • 1..·r ':•'l'r n:.:: o' Ill\ 1 .i• ll•t'd lo

I· :.:: • 1 'u·r n~ b.1(1\ M tlw 1..1..·1 !\:r, bul ,\ • ' ' 1.. r :. r \ 11 ..! 1

t I' ll r t lL!tH I 11,hl' to \t.r' ti l' ~:t•1..•r n~ \\ h1.: L'l b..ick tu •

·I 1.. l • , \\ h.i: u .1 d IJ1..· c.w-..n:.:: :11 ...


' , • 11 ·1iri11 •n 1 JU'l'' I If :i ptlOr

It t .. ·'1' LL , ., r '>'1..Cl l~ 1nd1.1d1•

• : , ., 'l 1..'11 i..: \\ h1, r ,ibb 11~ .1g.1 n .. t ' l' •(L '~ l 1.lllll fl ,h'nl!

• • -,• • 1 r :11i:e•1 ... 11, r 'lL! ... !i.rn hl•.H1ngs H ll.1, I ' ._•

• ... :l 1 • '~ ~· .11 ,1d1.1,t11wnb uul ul

\1. ti:' 'i~' ' • ~1l on' • "I 1 p1..•r 'r• : •'I ,I .ii ~nmvnt • ,, ,l. '"'"''\\l'1..1..•lb1•,1rins' • ~ · "' l 11r ! 1..•111 p1 \H•r 'll'l'rrng

I !\''"''''' ' 11 l' • l 'd" 111.! p1i.\l'I ':l'1•11nB pump

The·• t, p1..' 1 • rl.'p.w-. Jrl' corn pk•' Jnd lJl'('ll 11•q.J II' •p1 Lf,J IC11Jb. The> ..\.l!O

l .11..> 11.. uwu wnd~ '1 u tJl..l' 'u~r CJr to J

l .. 1 • 1•d r1._ I ,1·1 c •n h.l\ L' tlw probk•m l . ..... • l j l l j fl p.i IL I

Qul''>hun ... • 11.11 .incl r 1.. '- L':.,.H\ to h,1\ l' tlw

br.llo.l· r t. r:. ,rncl cir •ll'S rl':>UllJLl'd \\hen r \ ' ~ l l•'.11.;l· )'>b d1 rw lln m\ 1.. Jr?

An!>\o\l'r Br.,•. r 1t1ii.. .111d drum' !>hotdd be

r\' L.;r 1 ,1 , d (!,11 .n~ ,1 br.tkL 11 b ,1 lnrd1n~

tu Ill• t r11.111.1.1 R1.. 'LJ1l,1ung u t•Jl<:' .1n ,.,,.n 1h·d,1w, .. 1111 t!w 1..•11t11t• )Url.1L£' ol ll'L' rn:1 r' .1'l l d ur1i.. l h1 .. prc\c•nl:. the ' r .11--L"• tr "1 f>L· .1n-: tu urll' ''dl' ,1lk1\\ ~ L".i''l ,\t'.lr ,l'lcJ prc>l1 lf I,• till' l1fl~ UI thl br.1• • p 1lb , fl I 'huL·~ Hlu h.h L' 1n:.t.1 llt'd '1 ,.; I u j ~ l 'l' .I)~!)' (,1111 1J'"' tn brJl\tngl P• r: 1rm.rnu• 11 \U 1 dun I hJ''-' rot or:. Jn;I 1 r ~ ..ir! l 1•d

Qu1..·,t1on l ,1 rl.!l>u1: \ ·8 1..· 11~ n1..• put into

\ 1 .- ,, Cl i.:. ro 1..'l L.1pric.:> llw .11 0 f>fl'':.Url' g.JU~l' I 1n:otJ llL't.f

h >\'• .. •I L' to~ r t• ., runnm~ ;lt .1bout lO ,, ) 1 po 111<!, pl'r ... q,i.1re inch). Th• ,hop • ,1• 1 ~" ··cl :lw L'l1~•n l' '>J•d n 1rmal rnl ~ ll.'!>>ur1..• rur thl• l'l1~.nt•, 1-. lw1, ... ee>n JO ... 1d J - p ' 1 (),' I ric-C"d to blt·L·d tlw ~.1u~1· ti> t:ll t \l1 rL'Jd higher or ,., m" ri~tnt• I.tu t\ I

An:.\o\t..' r Th•, 'I", 1111 .i11un ~hct.•b '"e reJd 'hm'

111• J'1- 1J U 1•\\ \ ·U t•ngint'!> should h,l\l' N' '' r 1111 ·,.,ur1· 111 45 p s 1 f.11..e thl' L.1r

' 1• k 1. t1 t• ri11·t h.111.l thJt 1n-,t.1 llc•d tht• • 11g1111• t• •I""'' the 011 prl'!>.,llfl' read b\ J

• I .ii Ir• l: IUl,:f' II th.lt ~,1ugC" rnd1c lit'" tlw -..111w 11 prl':>.,lll l' \'·our gJuge ind cJl<.'), llw l'll!-:llll' h.b poor 011 pr~surL' ~ IJH'

:I l• nwt:h.1nit rt'p.1 r the problt•m unt.ler ,\,Hl,\rll\' ,

II lh1• Ill('( h,tnl( s ~Juge 1nd1cJtC'!. 4 5 p , 1 • 11,.pl.Ke \ ·t 1l1r wl prl.')~ure gJuge

II \olir mt'ch.m1c u.,<'d Jn c.:irl1er rn1>dt•I t•nguw, \\h1ch hJs an oil pr<.'s5ure ... pl'ut1t,1t1on ol H 40 p s 1. check tu m.1~C' ~u rt• 1t 1 11nltirrn!> to CJl1forn1J .11r pollution bw ... <.urrt•nl law requires that whC'n ,1n rngm<' 1-; r<'placed, the n•pl.11 t'rllL'll l <."ngirw muo;t have thC' ~rnl'i)IOll'> < ontmls th.it mJtch thC' yeilr uf th<> ( ,H

TIP OF THC WEEK If ~ ou wr1't' you r veh1clC' <'ng1m•

pt.>rfnrm.lllt <' is de< rl1.Nng, the Auto ( lub suggc'>b you hJ\C the fuel tilter thet.kl•d The f ul'I (1ltt•r tr.lf)'> dirt Jnd rust p.irt1Cle

th.11 t 11ml' f11m' tlw fuel tank or lorm < 11nt,m1mJll'cl luc>I. If the f1lwr 1s filled '" th l ont.1m1n .. 1l1on and dirt , fuel .,upply ... ,111 dm1in1sh .rnd <.'n~mt• pt' rformJncc \\ 111 dt•crt'.lS<' Af.-,.o, r('rnc•ml><'r to purch.1 t' \ our fuel from QlMlity rt•taill•h tn t•n ure rnrn1m,1I fuel contamination.

American Heart ~·a Assockltion V

In lo:.t toJm Ci'.l':>t1ng, pre-expanded pol):.t) n.~rw bcacb are luse<l together into single p.mern -.lice), \\ hich Jre then glued together to form complc' patterns 1n the shJpe ol the p.lrt to be ( J St. After being co.ired '' ith a re>frJ(tory \\ JSh to hold the required part' '> -,h,1pe through the molten metal sag, th~ complex pJtlt'rn) .:ire '>U~p1.mclC"d 111s1de a metJI box .

The bo>. 1~ tilled \\ ith drv. unbonded s.:ind to '><.XurL' thl p.lttL'rt). in plilce, JncI tlwn molten nwtal is poured onto the e'poscd <;prue.

· \ \ e see OlH::ot•h l') .h \ b1onJnes m the ;iutomobile induslr)." !>..l\s P.irk0r A Strwrn bu:.tnl\'>s ll'.rni'"lt•adc.>r tor lost loam ca--t111~ • CertJ nf\ the· IC'1..hnology h;:i:. e"stt'd f<)r ... e,erJI \t'Jr'> Jnd other!> hJ\ e u>t'd re succcs~I ult\', but none has 1al...en on the Jmb1t1ous scope or comm1tmcnt to the proce:.!> that \vC ha\C. To other mJnuiacturcr:., lost foJm is

mcrcl\ Jn ,1ltNnJti\e process. To us, rt is the IO£tCJI c\olution in CJ'>ting prodm ti on ;md J nr" plJtcau m mJl\ing ,J ''orkl clJ..,~ automobile in quJlil)' .rnd cost."

, A CURA HUHTIHGTOH BEACH .ACIJRA OcMn Bteeztt & F rtstl 0..111

19131 BNctt Bl . So ol Gatllllld IOOo96-ACURA "2~

NORM REEVES COASTAi.. ACURA &4»r Pnc9I 51.cier s.i.tlcn

Haw 81\.od ~.OS Fwy COSll Mesi 179-1500


s r ..... ayO Ja.onbo'M 11...at-9900

ALFA ROMEO ~ BEACH IMPORTS 30 l""1o Clnllr Onw. l 1.S111 CA~

71..W-1282 "Mow located In !tit T•ln ~ Cen1M'


TllTTl£ CUCK AUOI 40 Al.Ao Cln1tr ~ lrvll'll


CAEVIEAIUW rcellre Mllaon ol ,.... & CMJtlty ~ BMW's•'-'~ ,, llDck

s.-. s.iw:e. I.II~ Edinger 11 SS FrwWIY Safl&I Anl A.Ao A.U113S.J171



STERUHG lllOTORS lTO. E~ BMW DEALER Sella · SeMil • l .. ~

IS.0 J&IT'ColM ~ 8eacn. ~


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Service Parts

IRVINE AUJO CENJER 1 ·800·831 ·3377 714·380· 1200


Sties • l MSllQ • S.Na 2'00 twbor 9hd c.ou .... 71~S..t100

AU30N IUIClt co. IOI No Giard Avt S.ru Ml



flt'l~Couy • s.i Diego F """''et '-'f l.agiN Np 512..-0 ~ C.A09UAC ITEJU«J

Sra l l38 T~AlaC...11~7'Jt.O.

MAIEM CA.Oll.lliCJIUU Stlll •s.Mw·~

2'00 HMlof 9hld c.ou ..... 714-~9100


ALL.Of KAH( CHIE'YfW)U'T .... ,~ 1900 ......... I bbca w.. of llllctl 8hd ~

caNU CHV'AOUT s.111 • StrAot • ~ • Plltl

2929 ~Bhd. ec.. .... 541-1200

ORA.LO CMEVAOUT • QlO ()aMy S.. 6 SeNa "Thi Hce9 P9opll 11 TOWTI'

1811 I a.ch 8hd , Hl.nllglOll a.ctl 9'7-tot7

GUWHT'f CHIMQ.EfJG(O 111 E 111\SI SlrtlANtn-1111

"°' llACPHIJllON CMmQET 11 ldo c... Dr Wr-. JM.ml




~ Bodp ~"" SIMil SIM ~ Plfl9 C\:>11! t 0.,. 21ir1 HMot M Colla .....

3 S tfS.. 0..f,., .. H.wearM•ttM

IUO'ltaTON ~- fl\.'AIOUTH

' •

I 1 a.ii 8llild ~ Belldl I llllcN Se ti .at FlflY tQ.eQ I

UHTAMl~ 14(15 Al.to Mii °' . .,. Ne M l .... 71


· u


TI/TTL.£ cuac DOOGE 40 AilO c.n.r Of . ltw'll SJ0.3•


165SS 8'ldl 81\rd • Hll'ftqon 8'ldl 1!21111 sooflolh405 Fwy11...-MSIS

TUTTlE CUCtC TUSTIN DOOG£ 40 AljQ C..t 01M. TlaMI no..4'00


621 1 BNcll BMI , Buel-. Pai\ 521-3110

J0£ MACPHERSON FOAO. 2 AIAO Ctnitf Orrve, 1 lall'l


TVTTlE CUCK FORD 43 AIAo c..Mlr Onw. 1rvrw •n·5200

THEOOOAE AOtllNS FOAO 2060 li&ltlor 9hd Colli M9IA 142.0010

TERflY 'I~ FORD Sales • S.Mee • l N11f'41 • Pw • Body Re!>1 t 182S58Ndl9hd lilft~Ol\BMdl M2-M11

Serving Orange County for Over 70 Years


Service Parts

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Daily Rentals

Theodore Robins~ 2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa



Sall Oilgo F wty II IWty l.agiN "9'11 112.oeoo


l UR!ll ""° c:.. 7'1~7'JI ..

UNvtRSITY OMCJOU)SIP(JflU 2.ao Halbor BM! Cou..... 7'1 .. 540 ...


2&81 HlltlOt BM! ColU ..... 11'2 rnlitS ot40SF'wy 71 ... 24\.1300



POISKE HONOA Salll • Str.oe • leasl~

13750 a.en 8hd . WISlmRMr 71 ~7·1TT7

RAY Fl.ADEi()( HONOA Sella· SIMC:t • ~ • Pw • 8odr,.,,

n... """"c... 714G0-1'IOO AOGlR llUDI HONDA S.... . StrYU~

191» 8llcfl 8llld • Hlmlglon 8eldt .U.1•• MOCASMTA~

2114E r .. ~ S.ruN9 M7,JS5S

COSTA MESA HONOA 11'2 MlE snmt Cf Tt£ 4Cl6

2111 Hllbotllhd. CGlll ........

HYUNDAI nmu cuac H'Nl>M

40 A1110 c..t OM. ~ •n.1• MUNllmOM lbat HY\MM

1731t BMcll BMI • Hnngloll Blldl 14N11 I


""' RADl8Cll .. s..... StMoe. ~. Pw. Body"""' w..-..c.. 1'1~,.

THEODOM ... .UZU 20IO HeltlOf 8"4. c... .... ...,.

'°'1TN cowm llUtU /" v..,.. Aodlo OIMr USA l'Jl71 t._,.IM , ~e-JI --JAGUAR

IMllJI MCWt\111 l'001 SNll ~ M , lit-.


NIWPmf~ aooo w c....., -..-, a.cJI . ......

Newport Be_ach/Costa Mesa Daily eil --===-=


HUNT1HOTOH JEEP £.AGU 16751 8NcJI BM! ~a.en 141-ltN

OfUNGE COAST JEEP EAGLE 2524 ~ 9hd Colli Mesa S4M02)

JEEP EAGlI f:# SAHTUNA 56fwy ~E~71~56MIOO

TVTTt.E CUCtC JEEP EAGtE 40 Al.Ao c.n1tr () ltw'll m 7400


LEXUS Of WES111NSTEA Ill .. H4lllt of ()angt Courcy·~ tor~-0.Mlyl

'Q fwty .. Seidl 8Mf 11~"9Cll; 21).516-..

TUSML.EJUS WoMs F nl N'd l.al'\)llSI Ola <' Tl&lf\ """° Clnllr 71 ~~


*GREAT SELECTION* * Immediate Delivery * i.s 400 • ES 300 SC 400 • SC 300

C-100 is now available in Ferrari Red !

Your flesl Buy is in 1be heart of Orange Cou111y.I

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7 l 4/8i9 2-6906


IEACH LINCOlM•AeuftY 16800 Bllth BMS . Hll'lflOIOll Buch

3 BloO.s SNh o1 1i. San oiego r wy w. m• JOINlOH & 90H LJCOUMi!EACURY

S.lts s.w:e' lN~ 2&21 HattlOt Biid . Cou .... 11 ~

RAY FUDOO£ UHCOUMEICORY s.i.. S.111ice ·LMU"G. Pw• BodyAlcilir 114G0-1'000

SAHTAAHA-UNCOtJ!I~ In ChllQll Couny Sll(:9 . ..

8 A1Ao c.r.< () Tt.11lfl. S f wy 0 JintKlrM ~31 11


IEACHMA?DA I 7Xll BMdl BM! , ~ 8eidl 2 1111 IOIAh ol 405 Fwy •7l 4-142.wl

CMIPBRLMAZl>A 1425 w Blktr, Colla ..... SU.»34

OAVIOJ. PMWPS'MAZDA Ouaity laml>f wtic:ie Mu I 1168 • S.ln. SeMil

S Fwy@~- UQure Hill *37-2«>0

IAVINE MAZDA l..atglll Ou.It( WI ll'e Nation Sai. • SeMil

lrw'le AljQ Clnllr MJ.9900 MAZOAIVW Of 8UOU PARK

&700~1wt. But111 Pill 7'Ml00


FJWl('I MOroACAllS 231&3 IWl•ld. El T°'°


Ue2 ...,.._ M •a.-. p.,J 12i.mo

FUTQP JONES WTOACAAI 1301 ~ si... Nt'lllPOft 8Mdl .... MITSUBISHI

"°°"' llll.LDI ll'l'1UMM 1~ e..dl&hd , ~a..dl ~, ........

rum.r c:uac llJ"*Slf "'4111>C.. DIM..,.,..



CAMNa&.~OMloct4 ltd 8-11 IM...~ Beec.11

•'2·1'791; f4M4'2 TUTTLE CUQ( MlllNt Jctfl LOQlf\ n.. 119

2146 Hlllor M , C... .._ .....,. 1'\1111f~

"TM1111T.-·Ni1Mn 30'-C.-Or. ltllllfl..,.C..W

tlNm llWWbl .... M!IM.

40 A.lie ~Or. IM!t • 1·"11


San()lego F...-~at A-r ~HP 512<0800

IEACH OlDSMOU E I 7331 a-di N 1Vti'90'l BNdl

2 "" Wot 40H.y 7lwe2.aa ,

J0£ MA~ OlOSWOaU n46 N Glllld A~ 511'111 N9


\NV'ERSITY OlOSMCl8U & GMC TAUat 2850 Hllbot Bllcl • Cou .... ~


Oua•"f tamly MrVU UQ 'a68. Sa-. SeMil l lQl.fll Hila SFwy @Akm


80I LONGPRE PONT\AC I 3600 0u:n BM! w.a~

11 Ulll2~1

lltClEAH flONTl~ • GMC TIIUCIC TUDll,.._C...

'Tl '-n1..o


MS E COlll Hwy , -.port BNdl m.-

KACH MIOlm I "Nair llatad WI .. T ~Al.Ill C...-30 ,_ c.r.. OIM. T~ CA '2680



1350'-.IO .... () • SwM ~ 152-&132



IOI l.ONGPM 9U'ZUIU ~~MllAodllt11W..~

I 3MlO a-ti lhd 112.SI

TUm.E euctt9 TUSTW SUZUIU 40 Ao.co C..t Of T 1.9111



1966 Helbor 9hd ColU ..... m ,:zooo

J0£ MACMASON TOYOTA 441""1oClnwr Clf Tl9!11132-l111

llU. MAXEY roroT A PlllS.., ~3 Slllldly

18881 6Mcf\ 8¥1 · IVcfl(!lon 8llcfl .. ,~ n'iloAf TOroT A

How S... • • I Se•• StMc. · Pam • lMUIO 1~ 9Mct\. W..mNMt .... un

LF# Mii NMNE: TOYOTA 30 Al.to c..r Onvt. M'e 1INlll


s.111 l -io. s.-. Pllll • 8odr R9pW hw. ldo C..1t4GO-nl0


11711 a-119hd. ~e..dltQ·2000

2-t~• -®:m South County

Volkswagen/Isuzu i


saw a AND ""'1t OP£H ..., 1 A.M.·1P JI.


81'2·2000 VOLVO

, Saturday November 28, 1992- B 13

1993 Probe GT ·Ford's top-of-the-line sports coupe

T he Bis Three .iuto mal..ers in Detroit ha\e been SJ)lng for }C'Jr) that the) ' re ma\..ing great stncJ~ in

upgrading their product quJl1t~ and \\inning bJcl.. the coni1dcncc or consumer).

Con~iderin~ rclJt1\el\ nc" products I l..e lhl' Ford E plorer Jnd General

Tony COx

Auto Review

Motor) S.llurn line. I suspc(tcd that the\ 're corrc<.t Alter dm ing the 1993 Ford Probe GT. the top·of ·the·line \('r)1on oi Ford's total!} rcd(')1gned sport coupe, I'm convinced that ar least one of the Big Thrc<.• 1s on the right track.

PcrhJp!) not coincidt•ntallv, m.mv of the ire,h new Anwncan car), !nduding the Probe. \\ere joint·\ enture

deH~lo~mcnts "i1h quJlit\ -leading ,1uto maker) in Japan. But rt•gardlc~s 01 ho'' it c,1mt· Jboul, it's encourJging to 'l'C cars· J) good Js the Probe coming out oi

Detroit. Introduced this spring. the new Probe

\\as de\clopcd in partnership ''ith MJzcfo. \\ hich calls its s1m1l.u model the M'\·6. The pre\IOUS incarnations of the Probe and 1hc MX·6, which debuted four ~cJr) ago, \\Cre ia1rly good products But af tcr lhl\ ins the opportun1t) to dri\c both rcdc•::-ignt•d models, it's cle.ir to me that Ford .rntl M,udJ ha' e become much more formidable players 1n the cro\.,,ded -.port·coupe ~gment.

The Probl' GT 1s powered by a 2.5-liter, 24-\,llve V6 with duJl·O\erhead cam)hJfts, producing 164 horsepower and 156 pound::.-fcct of torque. At a curb weight of about 2, 700 pounds, the Probe Gt has mure th.in enough po'' er, though I don' t thin~ .in enthusiJst '"ould.bc satisfied \'1th the base Probe's 11 5 horscpo\H'r, four·cylindcr po\\N phnt , Thc Prob<.• Cl's V6 seem!> a little louder and 1ump1er thJn the >v1rtuJlly 1denticJI l.'ngine in M,12da'::. MX·G LS. Coupled \\ 1th a manual fi\e·spccd transmission, the GT s cn~1ne -.eem) happic t \\hen 1t\ pu)hctl to 1h pcnormJncc limits.

Lease a 1992 Rodeo ~ron~ .$21'6 ~e;,


The car gets about 21 mile's pl'r gJllon tn city driving and 26 rn1lcs per g:illon on the high\\ay - re)pect.1bll' number::., !Jut not cxactlv economical

The Probe GT handlt•., e\tn:?rnel, \\Cll. Equipped with an 1n&pcnden1 ::.trut suspension \\ ith front and rl'Jr stJb ltlcr bars, four·wheel d1)c brake» and 1( ·inch performance radials. the Probe GT :. a competent performer \\hcther )OU need to hug a cu~e at high !>pCl'U or ktd: bad; and enjoy a smooth ride home after J long day. On the ncg<H1\C ::.iclc. anii-lock bral-.es Jrc not standJrd equipment.

On the out5ide, the Prub<.1 CT h,h sleek. modern lines, accented b} front and r~ar air dams and sporty alur))inum '"heels. The redesign included J widening of the car. and a IL~ngtht•ning of 11.) \\hceTbase, as \\ell JS a l.1rgl'r. more ~ranted windshield. Thl1 Probe CT ~ ,1bu Jerol.h n.1mic, with J re)pl'dablt• 1.i coc111c1en1 of drag

On the inside, the Probe GT 1::. .mractl\CI) designed, but it's not J:.

comfortable as it !>houlcf be The culprit-. Jre the front seats, \\hich '!>ll up too high. tJl..e up too much b.1d;. eJt le~ room .ind ju::.t don't feel right. The other


is on the 'rig ht track' dr.l\\b,1cl.. j., the <.,1r':. l.1vu:.tt ,_, ... u .~ ..... ), l'~Pl'CiJll\ thOSl' on the: )lt.•reo a) :hP\ require the dri~er w lool- .m.1\ 11un th · ro.1d 1or too lone,.

:\n opt10.'1JI pre:em.:d l qu pml nt pacbgl.' i, a goorl \,11..:t• at S3 8'18 J> t includt:':. remmc C'ltr\. po,·. c·r \", n ! ·'~· locl..) Jnd r.l1rror'='; ~It \\hec· cru ~(· control; rear \\ indO\\ \\lpCr deaos: r

and \\J!>ht:r, ant1·fock br.1M.::., a r cond1t1on1ng; comt:nicnCl' I ~t · illum'nJtC?d entf\, ifl._.m nJ:Cd ,) I(\

mirror::., and iJdc·oii domL· ,ind mJp lights. :\ dm er':.·'>1dc Jirl.>a~ :. star fJrcl equipment

Other options on the Pwbe Cl I tested for this art di: induck·d .in: ti l'fl ::.y~tem (Jn C\trJ 52001 p11,\C'f dr \Lf'!i

seat ($3051 ster\.. '~"•th CD pbwr 1$501); po"L'r Jnll•nn.1 Sr •• ma gr.iphic eguJliZl'r S 1 Jq

l hO>t! option> l•ou~h: 1he totJl pric · of the Ford I te)tl·d to S l CJ 595 Th.1t ma\ seem like a lot o: moll'\. bu: con:.ide,,ng the pr e .. o: c n pc: n • CJr .. - like the TO\l·tJ (l" .• mc11he Hond.1


Ford Probe CT

Thl' \\; hidl:. c

Lease a 1992 Trooper foronly $299 per


$246.93 per month plus lax for 42 mos. closed end lease. Total to start $875 total of payments $10,332 plus tax. Residual payment $7033.94 Lease

based on 15,000 miles per year on approved credit. #N4306148

NO TURKEYS IN THIS GROUP $299 per month plus tAx lor 4? mos closed end lea<e Tola I to start$ 1044

total of payments $12,588 plus tax Aesldual payment $17.873 4c3 lease


PRE-OWNED· CLEARANCE SALE based on 15,000 miles per year on approvod cred I •~ os..SJJ



·~ 'llllO. ..c:. QIA-11.& ""°' ..c:. o.tMI • ICCIOK.tl. IOlll llU • aw • .., __., UC t -

$5, 795 $6/495 92 FORD ESCORT




S-10 1991



~lo<.-. CAa, llillCll\ t:o# , Nl '* t - 4IUID. ..C:. ICIOI '10t11- l'IAl '°""" afl COQ. ~CWW.U. a...,._ '"-l ~"" COCl ,. ~· t.te ¥1 .._ lCI ~"•"'• a..,., a.IM'tNIU•- -•" ' '"'o.J#l:"IMll ~.,u ...,.. .., 11 ••-

Sa-:595 sa:e·es .s9"ii5 S9Si5 s1·0,~gg5 s10.99s sii 595 •CHEnASTRO



over 71 :ears Of service To The . community

I "'







' f fOf dellils:


-B 14 Saturday November 28, 1992 . ' , •

' I f


Toyota Tl 00 pickup_trucks

· r Bui It to last '\ l t.. I " t t' v " 1. "l' r ... • '' ,.' L; l .1rg I lJ1•d ,Hi::l'

,111. ,I .. , .. Ill( P·ll l.' 1111 tht• I • , -:.ind.11cl p.h' ,,,1


... 1 .1 1· 11\ _\\D ,1f\d 4\\D ' • \\'.ll (fli t\ k'\l b

' ·" •I .1 V ,l! d.1•,J .1,,,.,:, \ D1"1't•111 rill'

orw- ton Olll'" .1 2. S 50-lb m.rximurn p.l\ k .1c1 ''1th t 1tl11.'r 111.1nu.1I or ,1utom.1l1C tr.11bm•~>I >lb, .imJ rl•pl.KL'S I.bl \ l .11 !>

lllrl • ,,1 t l u~11t.1 1.Hll'·t<>n f >iCl.:l1p

·\I -l\\ D nl\idd., rcJ turl' To)Ot.i' 1. ll' , , 111l·nt -l -\ \ hl~cl Dl'rn.1nd ~' -.11 m \\ h,Lh u't'> :lw TO\ nt.1 ·\uto l)"c nn1.·ctin~ D.l1t•rt•nt1.1I \l)tJ to h.1nb1.' JrOlll 2\ \ D to ~\ \ () .1: 'i Hb up

tu 50 mph b\ ~·mp!~ ,h11: ng the \1,1n 1-..:r c .1 c.c:> lt>\-..:r

In .1cld1t1l• 1 t1.1 l ll' ~t..i n~J.ud ... muoth-)h11t1 it, ii\ C·'PL'1.'<I 11M• 1u:il trJrNnb~1011, 2\\ D mod ·b arc .1,J1l.1! le \\Ith .t IOUf·)pL'L'd clc<.trnnic.iih--controlleJ O\ crdm l' Jutnmatic HECT) thJt 1ntl•r,l(h '"th th1· 1.•ngin<' compulL'r lor ~n uoth gt!.11

chJllSL'=> . H.111-ton (O\\lll~ CJpJClt\ l ~::>,000 llh Ill

2\\ D and 4 500 in 4\\'D Gro '\ch clG \\'t>1ght R;it 1ng CV\\ R) h. r; 000 llh tor ~\\l) h.1IHon rnodds. 5',500 • 1r 4\\D. On1.:-lon lO\\ mg c.ip.1c1t\ 1::. 5.000 !b, ''1th .1 G\ \ \ R oi G,UOO llJ .

1 he ru~cd Tl 00 chJ..,..,i-. .... tunl'd to lwf p prO\ 1cll' .1 ~t.1ble, contrulll·d .rnd cornll)t t.11.Jll?, c Jr-11 1..t.> rid· 1 lw 2\\ D

front ~uspl•n:.ion is independent double " i:.hbo1w construction "i!h tor:.ion b,lr,, h\drJufic .. hocl..) .111d J stJbilizcr. The .n\ D tront ... u~pc1h1on feJturcs To~otJ's I Ir Trac indepL•nclt>nt design, which pl.1tc:... tlw tor..,1on b.w .. Jbmc the upper ~ arm:. tor improved prolL~ltOn and groci11d l ll•.u,mn'. It ,,1..,0 include.') c,.h ... hoc~~ .rnd a ~t.1bilizer bar All TI oo.., h.'Jturc ,1 It\ l? rear .1 xfl! with leaf spring..,.

Tl 00 le.Hur~ r,1d .• 1nd-pm on )tL>c>r1n~ on 2\\ 0 rnodl'b. All 4\\0 TlOO modd., ML' 1.?quippL•d \\ th J hl?J\')'·duty tl'l irrul:i ting balf .pm\.l'r steenng !>\.~tern .

Br Jl-.cs Jrt po"'c>r..1)..,i~ted 'cntil .. ucd lront d1)C ,ind r('Jr drum "ith J reJr f0Jd·SL'n.,1ng proportioning vJhc for b.1IJnCL'd br.iki1.1g under varying load). Tlw Onl~-Ton b equipped \\1th heJ\')·dUt) front .rnd rear br.:i\..e..,.

The nc'' T 1 0 rnl•Jsurcs 209 1 inchl'., in O\ er all length, ''1th a 121 .6-inch \\ hcelb.1,c, and 75.2 inche) in merJll \\kith. O\crall height ior tht.> 2\\'D 1s tiG. - 1nche:., -o 1 inch1.•-. for 4 WO models. FrontlrcJr tr<.•ad for the 2\\ 0 I)

61.6/63 7 inchc) and 63.1/63.6 for the -l\\D

The pickup bed mcJsurc) 97 .8 mchcs in length, 49.2 in?hes bet\\een the wheel "Llls, and b 1.,4 in cargo bed width .

Aclcl1t1onJI carrying c.1pJc1t; 1) provided b)' m )lJke poc~cts, and duJl· ticr L.1p.1b1hty For C\tr,1 com erncnce ;is m•1:d1..•d or for adding a camper, the t "l~.lt\? c.rn be removed \\lthout uw of l<Kll,_

Tl oo·) interior hc.1droom mc.hures 39.b inc:l1c), legroom 41 .3, .1nd >houlder room u2 .t .

•The nc\\ TIOO, like .111 ToyotJ true-ks, I) hu1lt to IJ)t. Through the us~ of high terhrlc wcngth ,tccl shcL'b for the door>. fondNs, hood, and reclr verticJI corners 01 lhC' CJb, J highl)• rigid ) Cl light\\C1ght c.1b )tructure w.h achic,cd without <.omprom1sing st) ling Superior ru!>l pml<.'ction i) pro,1dcd through the u,e of E cl'11tc II ..,tccl in the doors and door Cramc), icnders, hood. outer CJrSO bed Jnd tJifg,ite.

1 he TIOO prc)cnt.s il d1)t1nctP.c new ,tyle. The bold look is Jcrodynam1c for better fuel efficiency and low wind noise.

ToyotJ's 36-momh/36,000-m1lc basic n<.>w \.C'hicle limited wclrranty .1ppl1c, to

all comPonents other 1han normal wear clnd maintenance items Additional 60-month l imited '"arranties cover powertrain for 60,000 miles and corrosion pcrf oration " ith no mileage limitation.

Standard equipment for the hall-ton TIQO Standard 2WO include:. the J.O-l1ter V6 Erl engine, rcspon>1\.e power rack-and-p1n1on steering, dual black outer mirror,, front and re.Jr mudguJrd) .:ind P215/75 RIS tire> with full ''hcl'I covers.

In add1t1on. the ooe-ton offers a heavy duty su~pens1on and P235/75RIS tires. Tl 00 4WD Standard adds styled steel \\heels, 4-Whecl Demand for instant change into 4WO mode belo'' 50 mph, and recirculating bJll pO\\Cr !>teenng. A front tow h0<Jk and protccti\.e )teel sk id plates under the front suspcm1on, transfer case and fuel tank arc standard. as are a5)1St grips mounted on the inside -. .. mdsh1eld pillars

A full line of additional options are availJblc for T100, including rear-step bumper~ towing hitches, OOdliner, floormats, anti ·tlleft alarm, engine block he,;iter and a front end mask


Announcing the Introduction of the 1993 Models. Now Here & Ready for Immediate Delivery! 1992 MODEL CLOSl~-OlJT CC)NTIN l JES


'92 COfJPE DE Vl/J,,E ...... · ........... , ........................ 5,500 DISCOUNT I I 0 C:l IOOSF FHO\I

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'92 E fJ)OR.1 \1)0 ........................................................ J,OOO DISCOUNT '\ IOC:ll<X~I I UO\I

'92 SEVIJJ,,E TS ..................................................... 7,500 DISCOUNT I H>CI kX~I· Hto\I

'92 E/J)O/lJll JO TOlJ[?/N (l COUPE ........... 5,500 DISCOUNT 6 'I OCJ IOOSF l·H0\1 •All <li<icounts fmm manufacturers u~cst.cd n:toil price rostcd on each

Hhiclc. An)' denier oddcd ocecc orici. cxlro co .. 1 if ony.

BUICK@" The New SymbOI For Quality ID America

Skylark • Century •Regal• usabre •Park Ave. •Riviera


$17,849 EQUIPMENT INCLUDF.8: 142130 Air ConditioninJ, XS6 Tourinc Pec:k-ce, Tilt-eruiee, Power Window., And Locke. Leather Interior, t6• Whed1 And Tire .. Keylc,. Entry Sy1tcm, hf Pkc. Plu• Much More.



AUTO lWT CIJ.O va tJJTO tv'C. am wn> 2 ~ • RllY Ul>'aO AUTO. ~IJ.8 4X4, AUTO. 0.6T PAM, XTR4 ClEAH. e:xKMCAl ~. Al.llO, )Q.Nf RJI ICDi 4QI( Ml.ES. a llLE. LEAMJI NT, TAH~ . DRXF' crro TRA~ CAR CAA l ill311 LO~ Q.6T ~lS OXJ.NT Ml.6'T fl.El & F£UA8LE. 15C8311 ~ CAlllCXl.9 14111>, ~CXN) EXTM~ ~NH 1506351 15())581 CXM) 150258, 1504701 119741 118872 142~

<· . 51 ,988 52,188 s3,988 94,488 ' S,48JI •s,988 •s,988 19,988 •10,988 911 ,988


.!Anf:R l\UY l.OlaO. Pt OWfi 'MfTE W/PIONNl ~W/tlUM~~ #f1tl..(R aEU. I - IWWMCDDW~ ~ 8W. l"°"· \JE~lD~ BllCFtM NOC VMTE/TNO.~ 0..6T 1/.4-f!l.S ll-8JX 0.6T PAM. 37.CXD l.£.ATI<R 3 7 CXXl MUS 11'.aW/T~l~. TUCJUEffe' l!ATKR A.A BAG. OORA lEAMJl MJ:Hw.~ UWlD, IH.Y 1U IOR'=1.ffl'J 35K Ml.ES, CXl.l.ICTI1' WJl'CD'll MUS~~Ml..6T ~0119211 AUU1S Ml.6T &D FfMt4.J (Bt4. CF rlO \WQ NCE 14241 aJGil.6 CtU 27.QXI Ml.ES ODH 119191 ~ ..... ,. CUl.JTYMno t'"2'39i lR1 t5CI>931 ·~, ht!S ~ !1£. ftlll81

$11,988 $11,988 813,988 813,988 114, 88 ~ .

118,988 . 119,988 '20,988 121,988 124,988





DailJPillL Cover Home Presented By Pia D'Auria THE DALEBOUT ASSOCIAT ION S•• Pai- 16 Fw M..-. /'41.,...tin

A Special Advertising Supplement Vol.16, No.43 Nov. 28, 1992

PAGE 2 I SATURDAY, November 28, 1992

Cover, The Dalebout Association 02. Map 03. Coast Newport 0 4 . Prudential Newport 05. Bill Feeney 06. Waterfront Homes Inc, Realtors 07 Waterfront Homes Inc, Realtors 08. Waterfront, Lee/Axton 09. Grubb & Ellis 10. Prudential California 11 . Prudential California 1 2. Prudential California, Berbara Amstadtcr 13. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach



14. The Dale bout Association 15. Ta~ll 16. Cover Home

Rick Langevin EDrT

17. Metro Realty Mortgage Rotes

18. PN<kntial ~Doyne Pdtit Longs of~ EDIT

19. Showcases 20. Valentine ~rties, Inc

Laguna Beach



·Happy . - ~h~a n-~s g i v i n-g

, ro m Coast Newport

Pro pe rtie.s· · · . .



PAGE 4 I SATURDAY, November 28, 1992

2661 Creetvlsw Dr.• Bap•or•• PHYWS HAYDEN

l.HARMING BAYSHORES COTIAGE N"""- 99ur m, • kllcht'n h\·1ng room wnh raised hearth fireploce K bt'd!Tlo:>d, c .. 1hng Room.,, ma)ler. 3BR 1 \•BA Bnght cheerful small family home Room 10 e><pand frontrecu p.?lhos Offered a1 $659 ,900.

R.E.O'S/LIQUIDATIONS DUPLEX REPO NEAR THE SAND ....... $219.000 Steps 10 the sand' fn11es1 or move an Lender ov.:ner may ~any fmanong Submit al offers MUST SELL NOwt .................................. $259.900 CM"n..:1 may C41"1)1 th~ Pian , _. m °'"'"''J>Or1 Cr.:st Retreat off master. 3BR zr~BA P1an1,1•1. •n shutters & Berber rarpetmg make this one m move-in cond111on1

GATED COMMUNITV PENTHOUSE ••... $355,500 Penthouse l.\.11h ocean views from all rooms Skylights. high ce1hngs & man\ upgrades Marble firepla.ce & mir­rored u.alls QI\<' a modem touch 2BR. 2BA

C ORPORATE LIQUIDAJION .•..••..•. $399.000 °""'1ler nas bel'n transferre & thrsa u_nique view La-guna home must be sold' 3BR. 2BA. marble balhs shower<; New solid pane French doors Gorgeous canvon & mountain v1ev.'S Extended view deck

HBR RIDGE PRE·FORECLOSUREI $449,000 A d··~111n~·r , shov:place with earthquake insurance' i • ·• 1ro>• 11gh1 hard1.cl0d Ooor> LUStom Verdi?. coper 1 l •• ding \: "'-'h:~n ... v1(.'V.·s Make offer Loan Bal I\ -.j/.!lle)(

STUNNING OCN VUS-ABANDONED $54 1,500 r rpn1,1r. 'J\~ ned ri ,i ·m hom•' features incredible ,, • .11 • ,.,, ~ Imm ,.,.,"' ru\>m ~BR. 21 . BA. 2 fire·

; '' ' h11 .1kft1'>I nonk & -;und• h.

LIDO ISLE - OWNt:R MUST SELLI. .. $795 ,000 ·\•t 1 1 • 111' ,ud tcntnr ll lBR 3 BA tncludrng 2 ·n.i-11•1 ., 1 '" C::..•<.urir, •1, '>!l!m fantastic kitchen Hard-

' f w'ir h i or' ,\J.,n ''" a1lable for lell\l

RENT PAYS THE LOAN!.. ............. $1.095 ,000 "-• " ' r.· "" \,•11 d dupl"" v. llh $90K J>'?r yt><H income' \Bh . !..\ 'Pl • · u1111 211R I RA lower unit J '1ded

, 1 • 1 II'\'-' &1.dlcnt on·Sllt> P<lfkmg large a~um· ,1• · <•V "11bm11 offer.. rrad('~ t>IC Seller \.l.·ants zict1on'

OCEANFRONT BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME HERE. $895,000 I. 1, mR l ot1ag1 u 1th 1 BR apartment off double !]a·

'•'!.1•' R.•"'chtrorit patio 30xl02 5 lot Build single (am· I. h<1m, plus unit m dupl.-.x or 2 condos Rent out

I Ill VOU bu11ci

128 l<Jap ce •Newport Beac •

KAREN RF.lEK I ABl'l nu .... ()Cf.AN RA\' crrv LIGHTS VIEW51

.!Im H~A home IOl..dlPd on 11n oversi2~d 101 &ou 11h1tlv IM1d~"pe<I F11m11\ room den, Kol pond + R \' ,,, • . ,, r1w11 .. 1 \ <'r. molJvatl'd 11nd w11lm9 10

'"'''' '' n fft-" Pnc -d to •II ot $749,000

-~--·------------ ·----.


2144 E. Oc.aa Blwd. • Balboa DAYNA PETTIT

IARGE 60 LOT ON THE PENINSULA Rcmodclcd & enlarged 38R, 3BA home w'large yard patio, deck Separate guest house Debghrful latd.er\1>rukf•ut area n.- aDPltances & SuliZero Just bnng \/()Yr too1hbrush1 O'!feted 11t $729,000

NEWPORT CREST CREST - PRICED TO SELL •..•• , •.•••.. $259.000 3BR/2"'1BA Plan # 3 State-of-the-art kitchen with eal· rng area. all new appliances & cus1om cabinetry Ex· cellent communttv amenities · oool. soa & tl!nnis CREST • STROLL TO Bf.ACH •.••• : ....... $269.000 3BR. 21tJBA Plan #3 with mirrored dining room & eat· ma area in kitchen Living room faces "woodsv"area CREST · PLAN #3 ....•.•..••...•.......•....•.• $269,000 3BR. 21tlBA with fireplbce , pabo and deck. located )USt steps lo tennis courts Association pool 2-<ar garage Owner will consider carrymg

CREST - NEW LISTING! .................. ........ SZ79,SOO MOVE-IN CONDmON. llus 3BR. 2viBA Plan 13 is ready for you ' Clean & sharp, fonMI d1n1ng eating area ih krtchen + bu19lar alarm system Near the poOI & tennis CREST · ·OCEAN VIEW, VIEW, VIEWl ••••••• $355,000 Spectarular Plan #2 with ocean views from !Nery room. Up­grllded carpebng, unique sta11led glass window 1n execuuve kitchen Block glass work. custom fireplace

LIDO ISLE UDO - NEAR TENNIS COURT ..... ••. ~595,000 3BR._ 3 "'18!\ home Qn pne of tSland's wi est streets Spao9us kitchen with d9uble oven, 1Slaf)4 work sUi· tion & JennAtre stove 3 woocl -bummg fireplaces tn· dudina master suite

UDO - ENJOY ENTERTAINING? .... $765.000 SBR spaclOUs fzimJy hom~ on extTn large 45' lot U,rge family room with u-e1 bar Gorgeous StJnny patlO Very open Ooorplan Walk to Lido V~lage

UDO · BAY VIEwS-LARGE LOT •••• $1.185 000 Exquisite upgrades & enormous rooms make IJ;1s a one-of-a-kind home 3 BR. 5 "'1BA. Elegant temmo entry hall lends to formal dining room. enormous livmg room & family room.

NEWPORT BEACH PENTHOUSE PRESTIGE!.. .............. $195.000 Just listed .Sunny com'=r 2BR, 2BA penthouse \n gated community Beautil\Jlly appgtnled mlenor loveiy views of the \lees .& f01,1ntam Fireplace in h~ rm shutters, upgraded tile & foctures

WALK TO BEACH - OCEAN VIEWt ... $199,000 Coted community. Marble entry & fireplace Pa~deck with automatic drip & ocean view What a bargain!


UNDAY, No\•~mber 29th

# 14 E.saipade Court $259,(XJO 1-5 3BR. 2'"zBA townhome

#25 Odyssey Court sz:.W,000 1-4 2br. 2ha TOWNHOME

NEWPORT BfACH 4BR VIEW HOME ONLY ................. $319,500 2BR and BA up, 2BR and BA down AttractJVe land· sc.aping with flower-lined courtyard entren« BAVFRONT LMNG FOR ONLY •• ..•• $375,000 Marble fntrY plush airpeltng. aown m9ldm9 new k1tchcr & bathroom pluS oversized spa tub ate )u~t a few o the extras FABULOUS N£JGHBORHD • 488 ••• $395,000 Ideal family home in great area • near school & $hop­ping 4BR. bonus room, family room. 2 f1~1. pool.sized landsalped yard PRICED TO SELL OOCEDIATEl.\'l •. $529.000 Outstanding 3 BR. 21,tSA home ~unoundmg Its ()1.1.1'1 pnvate pool & spa Upgraded kitchen, fonnal d1n1ng room. family room plus more IDEAL OWN£R OR INCOME ••••.••• •• $550.000 Prime property for the investor or owner occupied 3BR. 2BA up. 2BR. l BA down Close to b3i. and beach SPACE It LUXURY ......................... $565.000 Townhome in prestlgl~ gatc-gu41'ded oommun11y Country kitchen with nook, Jenrv\lre cooktop. cu~tom cabinetry Central A/C & vac. secunty system & mor 1

STEPS TO SAND DUPLEX ............. SS,5.000 Spacious \x>ac:h duplex Very large townhonH?·>l\;lc back to back units on ovcmz.cd 30'x l04' lot Each unit has 4BR21?8A, fireplace & pauo

STYLISH DOVER SHORES ••••••.•••••• $519.000 En)Oy Back Bay mountain viN.:$ from lht:. nzidiuon remodel 3BR 2 l',BA wtth family room hum on quiet tree-hnl>d SITeet Generous 1.1>4? of used bnd. ul and carpeting

PENINSUl.A POJNT ........ ..... ............ $725.000 Outstanding home with b.y and ocea.n W?WI 3BR. 3BA family room nrt'pl&ce '" IMng room/dining room l.Jve al the beach for half 1ne pnc~'

WATflUlUn W/DOCl( f08 S 80A1S. $119.000 Duplex with 82 feet of ~er.fronbge 2BRl2BA \U\ll up, lBR. 2BA unit down Could ~ converted lo single fem· 1ly resldenc.e. Dock holds 3 boats and 13 zoned for ad· dibonal boat dock.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS Free Sa7 color plaoto wtt• Saata Come by oor office Sunday, Dccembc 6ch from 11 00 am • 4 00 pm Bnng the kids Of the f'amlly Pd to oor office & reg1$ta for YQUr compllm nlruy photo

PTofes.slonaJ Photography by Pro Photo & Studio

Narne~------------------------­Phone # ----------­

Address -----------CJty, St. Zlp





675-1058 • 631-2100

6.ll- -l400 - - •

. '

~ - - _ , ____ ..._

OPEN HOUSES From ont to five p.m.

lido Luge Comer Lot 828 v~ Lido Soud

Open Sunday $825,000

Linda Isle T~tio.W 3BR. 4 c~ y dock

Lagoon locat' o~, .. rd pool . co $2.,695,000

Six kdroom Bayfront 6BR. 5.SBA Udo home w I dock RL'durod $650,00>, exch. down


Udo ltJ" ugain JOit 2BA, rr · ~ IJ,(XX)

C>Yenlzed lot -0~ Y.s patio 'd $5'9,000

Udo Is~ "'-anner 38R. 38A, Fm . ...... y ·f petio

St. to st. ~o v~. :::=

. .

Linda Isle Estate 6BR. 65BA + large dock Dramatic home w/il' on the bay $3,995,000

Lido Bayfroat Barpin 4BR. 3.S BA conctmp. w I dock South orientation- lici&t bayfront value! $1,795,000

Udo Isle Tnditional SBR. SBA, Fm Rm.,. custom home Reduoed $200,000, will exch. down '995,000

Lido Contemporary Bayfront 3BR. 48A, Fm. lUn., w/ large dock Turning bisin views, tum-key home $2.,195,000

Custom View Estate SBR. 458A new family home Great ~y views, JX!rfection! $1,.595,000

Lido Isle Double Lot 6BR. SBA, Fm. Rm .. family home Will exch. down for Udo $995,000

Oiff Hum-Remodeled 3BR. 38A, Fm. rm., remodel Best value m CliffM~ ! "9,000

. ................... .

_ _L . \




. ............ el

Exclusive Orange County Affiliate of Sotheby's International Realty ~~~AE~

EASTSIOE COSTA MESA Charromg 1bd home. w " ,,t rr"' lrom lovel'Y park :,pa olf m<hter bd. ' \: n, ' hardscap..>, landscaping, & spnnklers

i' ·• 1:1'11>1 hl>"•·r• frt?nth door-; & m·\~ bath fixrurcs ': I lt 1' $287.000

HUNTINGTON BEACH Bike to ocean from nea1 & 11d1,. ongmal Huntmg1on Contanental 2 bd tO\A.lnhome l ommun1ry pool. >Pa and clubhouse h ll 1400 $) 01' 500

COSTA MESA'S \'..:ridom" complt•i.. v. comm pool l .iJx> Cod srvle 2 st). J bd M.nhm, lrplc m llvmg room, \)dllO & gar.:~ge 1R45 Anaheim # 12 a bJJ.J400 . . . $100.000

IRVJNE'S DEERAELD complex w pool, spa & ten ni~ Pinewood model. 2 stv wl2 masters & 21 ~ baths lrplc. paho & dble garage 631-1400 $171 ,000

WESTCLIFF PLAZA zirea lmmaculate 2 bd lower levd , ondo. frpk ceramic 1111:' Ors. shutters & mirror~ Mo t1vt'lted ~·llt>r ma\ carrv1

ld I 1100 $172,000

FOUNTAIN VALLE\' duplex m Los Caballeros ..,pnrh \'Jq,· l>.~1wr ma~ (c'\1'1). w 15'\ down Top Or .!h·I .:b,, '\. lhd . lhc1 h1ghh, upgraded units (• ll 1400 $189.000

NEWPORT SHORES 2 sri, 3 bd home w large deck •1.1·1 9.11o'ly \dult.-d ceilings frplc m la\itng rm Comm

J){.OI & tcnni~ LH , h H 1400 $189,500

COSTA MESA Charming 2bd, 2ba townhouse m l"I• "' 1 compl'-''< Bnght end unit w vaulted ceilings & f\, ·! •'r .... 1rpt IHI']

"\ l l l(JO $199,000

EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Freshty painted 2bd r ·"'ii >A. trplc & patio Quiet end in 8 umt complex ,'.1 m11,11~d wUer puced BELOW COMPS1 fdl I l OO $199,900

NEWPORT RMERA updated 3 bd comer twnhm ·' I. ha dmrng fam ily rm. frplc , yard & dble gamge l 1 >'l n J,. K•I "P<I & tennis Rf.DUCED' Id J i •\1)1) $205.000

C EAN VIEW P£NTHOUSE Truly beautifuJ white !'it hr 1hr 2M w 'den & OCl'an. harbor & nrte lite views r rn N1'ry room & 2 declu. largest unit w1skyltghts, .~ . 1 h.u dmm., & fnm1lv rms, comrn pool & spo d I I HM $359.000

NEWPORT SHORES smgle story, 2bd & den, frplc in liviJ'lg rm w/vaulted ceilings Comm. pool & tennis EXTREMELY MOTIVATED SELLER. (LH) 631-1400 . ..... .. $234,900

NEWPORT SHORES 3bd home near tennis & pool Used brick entry, 2nd Or gallery & living rm w/ high vaulted ceiling & frplc. (LH) 631 1400 $239,000

BAYVIEW COURT Bright airy upper 2 bd condo, VtlUht!d ce1llng, frplc in ltving rm, balcony overiookmg comm pool & spa & 2 garages. 631-1400 . . . $268,000

I NEXT TO NEWPORT Well maintained ov.T1er oc-cup11•J duplex m Costa Mesa Heig~ts. Each unit v. 2bd garage & yard R-4 lot. REDUCED' 63\.1400 $295.000

OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY ONLY 257 Brentwood. ~e loslls Mesa 3BR Hoose ~i Carlson $287,CXX>

307 C~-pms. &!boa 2BR T<M'Tlhome us Otscti $339,CXX>

542 Fulerton, NN•port Higha 2BR Hoose Marlene Hassel ~.~

215 Via Nice, Udo Isle 2BR Hoose Lorrame Famngton $469 ,CXX>

600 Orchid, Cocona Del Mat 3 t 2BR [)Jplex Us Olsen $54 9 ,CXX>

4520 Cortland, Cameo Hrlnds, CdM 4BR House Margo Stucitt $629,CXX>

OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY ONLY 33\ 62NO 5Tect (Ui}, NfWJlOl1 Shotts 3BR Hoose

Kennie Jo Razo $189.500 2210 Canyon Dt, f .2, .Mesa Bluffs JSR Townhome

Lots Zrmmmnan Sl99,00> 1947 Flamingo Dr, Mesa Verde 4BR Hoose

Jeanmne Stzike S.319, 900 2193 Bayfield l.Ane. Costa Mesa 4BR Hou'4!

Mazier.I? Hasstl $499 00) 17fl> Miramar, PtnlnSU!a Pl . NB 3BR House

MAiy Azvi Nttherrutt $499 ,CXX> 1821 Kings Road Qifiha\'el\ NB 3BR House

Esther Fine $895,(XX)

OPEN SATIJRDAY & SUNDAY 2101 15rh St (Siena). Nf...1.-port He'!iUs 3BR TCMlllhomt

Ann Pem $2.89,(XX) 621 Ins. Corona de Mas 2BR Hcut

Jana Hyrr $458,axl

EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Recently remodeled 1 sty, 3bd m family neighborhood w/park Parquet, glass b1ock & whitewashed woods 673-6900 . .. . . .... .. . . .............. $319,000

MESA VERDE lovely, bright 4bd tri-level home, fam­ily rm w/frplc & office Custom wood windows, tile roof & large yard w/pool 631-1 400 ............... $319,900

NEWPORT SHOR.ES Completely remodeled 4bd (or 3 & den) New roof, Cllrpet & kitchen Steps to ocean, community pool & tennis REDUCED. 031 -1400 . . . .. ....... $355,000

COSTA MESA Remodeled & expanded 4bd home. High ceilings, hrdwd flrs, Fr doors & 2 frplces Oc:an, city light & tlllnyon ws 63 }. 1400 . .. ' .. $359 .000

PENINSULA POINT Highly desirable comer lot acr0>s fro m park. st~s to_ bay & ocean Suitable Cot large family home REDUCED' 63 I 1400 . $425,000

HAR HOMES Bright & tx>auttfuDv 111 •

mod lro 3 bd \41th drn1ng & fM'llly room$ f.r don•'. plant.lbon shutters new 111 ' 1n kitchen & bat~ Su perb Jandc;cap1ng, b&dc l/llrd hcl5 1,1.aterloll & (j~h pond 6 73 6900 . . . . . M%.500

WESTCLIFF )Ingle story Jbd home v. Sl'l)anttc SU• ~1 ~1ud10 & easy care yard & pabo A httJe ll.C & you U have a real winner. 673-6900 .•..• $445,000

CHEJlllY l,.AKE Newport's "scaet" neighborhood freshly painted & carpe1ed 3bd home w1frplc.es tn h"mg & family rms Big pool & yard 631-1400 .. . .. $445.000

CORONA DEL MAR Cheerful 2bd house. Veulted celllngs, skyltght, Fr doors, frpk, patio & deck Lots of used bnck. 631-1400 . . • .. .. ...... .. . . $458,800

OLD CORONA DEL MAR chamnng duplc'k o n lovely street Front 2bd. I vJb.i cottage w se~rah.> 9'-_lest q rtrs + u PJ)('r r#/u 2bd apt 631 -1400 $460,000

UDO ISLE Adorable, tot.ally remodeled 2bd hom~. new kitchen & baths ~. frplc in hving rm. 2 sunny patlOS & 2 CM garage 631-1400 . ' $475.000

WEST NEWPORT duple>. steps to beach & shops Great income w/4bd up & 3bd down Va ulted C#JI~ up, fTpk:es in both units 631 -1400 . $479,Vliv 631 -1400 $479,000

UDO SANDS Tasteful 3bd home w/l bd granni,. unit, wood beamed vaulted ceWng. lots of glass & ~p.i in yard S teps to oceAt'I 631-1400 $486,000

llAYFJEU> IAND 3 years new. DramaUc 4bd eus· tom home w/gou:rmet katchm, d1nmg & fam.iJy mu, 3

~~~~y~w/~ . . $499.000

BUJFf'S fWmodeled Trina con~ to 2bd wlhuge m~1 (can return to 3), &de Bay & aty llght ws Smootn c:e.illngs & Fr. doors. 631-1400 .. ···-···-· .. ................................. $499.000

Specializing in properties for sale or kase ... on the waJer. .. near the waler. .. and with a vuw of the waJer ...



..... .. ... .... .. . .... , ,,. ..... , , ., ....... .




Exclusive Orange County Affiliate of Sotheby's International Realty

CAM£0 HIGHLANDS Classic California style 1 sty, 4bd hom~ with famtly room & dining area w;oo11t ins Bnght & open w'hrdwd Ors. vaulted ceilings, 3 pnvate yards & SJ>ll Att.ess to park & community beach 631 -1400 ... $629,000

C080NA DEL NAJI Temllc remodcJed duple>l, 3bd owner's unit w1hpk & patlol plus 2bd vaulted ceiling rent~ VERY motiv&ted1

631 -1400 ........... ..... $549,000

CORONA DEL MAR duplex enehanting counlly Engl15h 4bd home wlbeamed cedings, hrdwd floors & frpl(; + l bd unit. 631 -1400 .. ..... . . . .. . $549.000

OLD CORONA DEL MAR Spacious duplex on quiet street, 3bd. 2bas each unit. refurb1Shed in '89 Close to tennis & town 631-140(> . $575,000

HARBOR VIEW HONES 2 sty 5bd (lbd down) w f dm1ng & family rms Piuk hke locat1on wtcomm pool, ~ & tennis 673-6900 . $585,000

PENINSULA POINT old world charm abounds from the Cape Cod style 3bd home with family room open· 1n9 to roor top deck w ocean V\J 631 -1400 . . . . . $610,000

HA.R.808 VIEW HILLS 1 sty 4bd home w/eat-m kitchen & large family room Extra large lot. room for expansion, setting sun ws 631-1400 ... $625,000

916 CANYON TotaJJy remodeled, gorgeous 2bd twnhm, designer decor & lush landscapmg. Her­nngbone brick. Fr. doors. aown mok:hng 631-1400 .... -··- .. • .$649.950

BALBOA ISLAND Darling 5 YT o&d 3bd, 2ba house w'loft Living rm w 1vaulted ceil1ng. skylight m master & l bd apt . 673-6900 .... $650,000

CANNERY VILLAGE Contemponuy designer 2bd condo w/den, 3ba, 2 pabos & fabulous bay views.

f3i~t~'8oav~l~~kt ....................... ...... ........... $659,000

UDO l9U Bright & ~n dramalie Mediterranean 5bd horTMt, family room & large sunny bnck patio on large comer lot at quiet end of l$IAnd lmmuulate & perlect for entertaining Close to club. beach & tennis. 631-1400 $825.000

BALBOA ISLAND Dup_lex or single family m sunny comer location House w13bds. office & family nn + 1 .bd apt (or 4bd home). 673-6900 ... ... . .. .. . .. $679,000

IRVINE TERRACE Exquisite contemporary 2bd w dining nn, den & pool Gourmet kitchen, large mstr "'-10' ce1l~n9s & walk-in closets 63 1-1400 . . . ........ $69Q.000

BALBOA Contemporary tr1-level 4bd "'"ood & gla~ home on comer lot. 1 house 10 bai,1ront "'"great \'Us Solar spa on covered patio · 631 -1400 . $699,000

HARBOR RIDGE CREST Gorgeous rare 3bd Casa­blanca w/dinmg & family nns & sophisticated library. atnum & pnvate counyard w spa 631-1400 . . $725,000

PENINSULA POINT w panoramic ocean vu. Charm~ 4bd Cape Cod home w1wrap-a-round w deck on large comer lot l house from sand 631-1400 . ._. $795.000

RITZ COVE large ocean view lot in exclusive Dana Pt gated community architect rendenngs. soil reports

~T.f1~ pla:" Include~: ......................... $795.000

.... NEWPORT Custom estate on huge lot Beautiful 5bd home, appro11. 6000 sq ft "' 'library, formal d1nmg & family nns & den. master suite w siltlng rm Guest house. ~tios. lawn. pool, spa & tnple garage 631-1400 . ... . . . . .$995.000 llAUIOA ISLAND Charrmng freshly painted English Tudor duplex w n~ carpet. Front w 4bds. 3ba & dm· 1ng rm + rear lbd unit 673-6900 . $815.000

UDO PAllK DRIVE Spectacular views of ocean, bay & oty lights from this beautifully decorated 7th Or 2bd condo secunty bldg 631-1400 ..... . . ... . ............ $865,000

8£LCOllllT 2 sty. 2bd, 3ba in the town collection Elegently upgraded w 'marble floors. granite frplc. land· sc.aped pabo w,spa 631 -1400 . . . . . $899,000

BALBOA . ISLAND Bayfront duplex w/4bd & 3bd units Oversized units cannot be dupUcatecl today. great bay views 673-6900 . ..... .. ........ $975,000

BA.L.BOA ISLAND completely remodd~ property wl3bd house & 1 txl apt High ce1hn~. Fr doors & custom oak kitchen 673-6900 . ... •. . . $985.000

DOVEll SHORES Spac1ou . recently remodeled 4bd home w1dinsng & fmly rms & ocean vu from IMng rm Pool & deck overlook bay 631-1400 $1 ,072.000

HAllBOR RIDGE £STATES v. fabulous bay, ocean & aty light ws Lorgest model w 4bds. farnily nn bonus nn w frplc & wet bar 631-1400 ........................................... $1 ,195,000

BALBOA ISLAND new exciting 3bd MedJtemmean bayfront \A. dock for 2 boats and view roof deck. Glass block entJy. wood sliding doors. granite counter tops & M1SS1on tile roof Intercom & secunty svstems. 631-1400 $1.295.000

C ORONA DEL MAR SpectlX:Ular. beautifuDy deco­rated designer's 4bd home w d ining & farruJy mu & roof deck wlspa & ocean view 631-1400 .. . . $1.295.000

PROMONTORY BA'VFRONT 89' waler frontage & large dock. "uke new" 3 bd home w den. dming & family rms. Motivated seller. SUBMIT' 631-1400 .. . ... $1.495.000

NORnt LAGUNA Totally remodeled 6bd w d ining rm & art studio on pnmc comer Spectacular white water. beach & e<inyon vittws 631-1400 Sl.595 000

OCEANFRONT Vmtag~ 8dlboa home w 5bds on 2 beachfront lots Dining rm sunrooms. beamed ce1lmq .. & bnck pauo + studio &pt · 631-1400 . Sl 600.ooo LIDO ISLE fabulous bm. views from all Irving <"lr.?a' of this custom contemporary 3bd {easily com.ert"'d ro 4) "'large boat dock 631-1400 $2.795.000

COLUNS ISLAND Wonderful 3bd ba1,.ftont homl' w den, dock 190' or bay frontage Spedacular loca­tion. pnvacy & Pf'CStJgc1

673-6900 • .OQS.000

HARBOR RJDGE Former design house. 6bd superb . quality "' fabulous ocean Views Stone extt>nor " den library, gym & media room 631-1400 $3575 000

LINDA ISLE w1arge boat dock Bcgant remodded 6bd, each w bC1 & balcony, hvmg, dmmg & enti'r1.l n­ment rms. Huge rcduc11on1 631-1400 . . . ....... $.3,995.000

SOU111 LAGUNA Magnificent 9bd oceanfront villa, guest howc, staff qrtrs & garage for 6 cars Stam. to beach. REDUCED' 631 -1400 .... SQ,000,000

PENINSULA POINT bayfront. pnme double comer lot, w'dock foe &arge boats & easy access to the channel & open 1A.ater Pnvate beach w 'protected swim area & palK> to watch \he bay's actMN REDUCED' 631-1400

Specialidng in proJHrtits for sau or kase ... on the waler. .. near tht waJti: .. and wilh a .,;.,., of the waler ...






Jeff Axton 722-9128

Back Ba Townhome

Former model in elegant North Bay ownhomes. Lovely back bay view. Spacious master suite with flreplace, mirrored wardrobe doors and jacuzzi in Master bath. 2 bedrooms downstairs, Master and living areas up to taXe advantage of views. Fully air conditioned.

$310,000 .

Bright & Spacious Home located in private gated Community with access to the Beck Bay, Equestrian Trails. Wild Life PreseNe. Bike Paths, Pant and Walking/Jogging Trails Comm Pool & Spa, lush landscaping and Greenbelts running throughout. 2 Bedrooms & 2 Baths. l.Jke new condition. $265,000

Los Caballeros Sports VIiiage

Excellent Investment PotentlallLll Ouptex In Fabulous Los Caballeros Sports Village with Full use Club Facilities. Two Highly Upgraded Top-Floor units, 2 Bedrooms / 2 Baths and 1 Bedroom I 1 Bath. Owner May Carry w/10% Down, NO POINTS!!! $189,900

'3iom' Vicki Lee 673-6573

Peninsula Point

Charming 2 story panoram ocean on large comer lot. One house to beach. Cape Cod styte with 4 bedrooms and family room. Spacious IMng room with soaring celllng and huge vSew deck.



Balboa Home + Income

Specializing in properties for sale or lease ... on the water ... near the water ... and with a view of the water ...




\.. I


SOUTH CO.UT V.LLU Highly upgra_ded, 3BR, 28.A. condomlnl\lm. Light and bright 11 you want the beat, call today ..... tH • ....,..,.,. &."919tf 1134,50()

MYCll•ST COUltT J M ~teB built 2BR, 2BA. Try leue option or owner may carry Clolt to Wildlife PrN«W COfW'llle .. tton IZtU,500

#llltl'OlfT ,_IOllTS.cOSTA •.U Potential pluel Focx BR 2\~8~ on large lot Opportunity for guHt or mother-ln-law quar1era R-2 Dolt,...,_.,. IZtJll,000

I. s 644-6200

Newport Beach

$495,000 . $650,000 $689,000 . $945,000

JAS•#E Clf&IC COii ~HWY Small OCeln view. Expanded and remodeled. Walk to beaches a.nd "viewpoint" Three BR Skytlghts throughout, courtyard entry with private plus guest quart~rs. View from 'tront deck: •pL Extra wide lot. Ann h,.,. or Suun,,. Situ,_, llflll,000 Holly T•lt M•rlme ltJllfl,000

R•TCLI" OOV211 SHORff AR/EA Custom home on extra large cul de sac: lot. Large family home, 48R, 4YIBA, maids room. U~ and 1'1'1CW9-ln ready. Walk to shops. m.ster bedroom overlooks pool. Many library. · custom upgr.:1es h,_..,,...,, $525,~ .,.,,... Gould l•H,000

COii • OCUll 8LW COllOICA DEL llAR Fabuiout views. 1BR, 2BA. condominium In South of Hwy Unobs1rUC'ted vlewa of bay, Qated c:ornroonfty. Whtie wat•. ocean and bay hatbor and jetty. Corona del Mat charmer, Views.. 5BR, 2BA. Hoa, TMI ••'*- $$41,000 LI""- 0.flt or Lo'-J~ 1726,000

8MW ,.LA#O llAYSHORES Hewet duplex. 28R, 2BA. front ~· wltb Classic 388. on extra ~ Jot. ~ IO IMng room, kitchen wtth eating area. 2BR. biiChes and marina. large IMng room wfth 2BA. reat unit fireplace. AJ#>e .,..,,,,,.,, IHIS,000 Don PNrson , 760,000

&.100 ISU LITTLE 8ALBOA ISLAND Overslzed lot, deslra.bl4t east end location Four BR, 2l•BA, home wrth family room . Great expansion potential for 2nd story Thrff Private patio, apL Could be 3BR , 2l•BA plus

$1, 150,000 . $3,500,000 MAJKA/ Custom remodeled 28R. 2BA. oo \fie v.~er ¥o :h spectacuoar views of l>iy. channel, iettv ii/lei oce~ Don S,,.rldan If, 150,000

THRE~ ARCH BAY Four BR, family home, panoramic views from every room, French doors, !i°°I and spa Ann P•t•,.. A Suz•nM ;:,hul•r


SPYGLASS HILL Better w "do~n coast views' Remodeied S•flOle level 4BR. wrtfl unpanelled Views to Catalina Ann P•t•,.. or Suun,,. Shul•r


OCEAN 81.VD • COii White water view lot ovel1oobnQ ietty elllTanee ano Newport Hasbol Steps to Corona de' Mas beaches Lind• O.th or Loi • Jecoln $1,:Z95,

OCl!All BL VD Whrte wat8f, sunset views. A rare find Duple• Of atngi. family home. To1al ot 8BR ~sA Excellent lot for remodel. Conni• S.tton 11,390,

EllERALD SAY · V1EW large SBA family home on large flat cornl'r cul de s.ac location Pneed to sen Guard gated prtvate community Rod O•l•y or N•ncy D•l•Y 1$1, 350,000

BR 2BA. 1 BR, 1 BA duplex. K.nl llc#IHlflhtOll ISllfl,000 Allu BroWMll l 7e ,ooo SAii JUAJI CAPISTRANO

~Ml#~ "MIC Sl!Arrtl#O SP~CTACUl.AR Uncompromblng quality, fabulous lifeslVle for Guard ~ltd community In the heart of HAllW 11100• Unique and fabulous custom SBA home full v'~~lecaysr buff or equestrian. views of hills and COfONl (ht Mar two BR, tome view, waJtt to Corporate OWMdl Must be 90ktl Bring onetl f warmth and tr-"'ltl M ntaln cs ,...., IU

village City and moum.lns vt.w. Cu"9nt.ly lowest ~. ...., on. ou an -·1 Ann P.t•,. o r •~ Situ,., Ann,,.,.,. or • ...,.,..,,,,.,,., •~••,OOCl priced In the Ettatn. Ann ht.,. or SuanM 81tuw $9111,000 lt,3114,000 Ann~°' • ..,,,...,...,

um.wn1tRAC• Slngle famlly detached home In gated community. Prt111ne condition, two muter autte ftOOf p\an. AIM ~ « S..Uue .,,_,.,_


1..-,000 810 CANYO# ....... - ..,._HO'-• Expanded Oeauvllle, extra Wide lot, 4BR, den. ,_........,, •••• - Gott course view from dining and lfvlng room. ~ and remodeled Someraet, 4BR, Spa rub In mut.r. 38,\.Jo doH,.to tchool RQOl and g-.nt>elt. ,..,. -..n.rt la6,000 U#* a.th l6H,OOO COllOIU Ofi llM HAlfflOlf 11100. Spectac:ulat views of twbor, ocean, llgh~ Aek>calon OWMd motMltion plus Mlr1mat and aunMtt from almost an rooms. nv. ltA, modet. View of hiu; tind Cfly lights. Two BR. 21hBA. Remodeled. 21hBA &.M ~ INll,000 Alttt ,..,.,.. • ....,.,,. .,..,,., ..,,.,000

M~T ~ IMngl TU1efully upgrllCMd 4BR. ~ tind spa. Fr.nch doots, decocator

UIMll a.. 1.n,000

,....,,. lflOOa Slnate le¥el one *'Y toealy ~ by a ... "' .,.... and IMllUr9'e wldemeea. ou.d aMld community. AM ....... •..,,,_ -..W ,._,000

~•ERALD8AY Across from beach, brWld new 48R, 3'~8~ supe­rior constructlOn. Guard gated com~ ltod ~Md #MCJ o.t.f $2,5",

#ORTH LAGUNA Spect1eular oceanfront designed by Mortis Skendanan R.cons!Nc:ted 7 years ego. Four BA ·~BA. "*' ,,.,., U,5'10,

THE Ft•ST ADDRESS II COM $1.950,000 ~n you want a prope<ty that resJSts the vaganes of a down malMt this is a must see. Pltrtd1 ..... ,.rt


COROllA DEL MAR • OCEAll VIEW $890,000 Magnificent 160 degree views d the ocean. bay, Calalina' Ex­panded & remodeled -48R, 3BA Harbor View Hl lls home on Quiet rul-de-sac . ....,. "'" 121-mo

Ill CAIYOI FAIULOUS IUY $171,• -48R, 2.5BA. 2 fireplaces, formal dining room. spedaeular baci yard Large pool & spa Owr­sized corner lot 3-ar garage. Submit al l oners ,_"""

IEITPllCED , .... COSTA 1UA S1n .ooo OMw has mowd to HlwaH, must sell 2SR. 1.58A. end l#lil In nall private canplex, 2-ar garage, 2 ·story, shows well.

"""'"' 11t-m•

•ACIOUS FAllLY HOIE $81.000 Extra large lot 58R, 38A. Sunny courtyard 1n front, central A/C. bay & Freocti windows galore . .llfce .. ., 721-7217


/ • t , • ,

, , , ~ . ' ,,,

YACllTIMAl'S COVI IAYFIOIT 11.711.• Enioy bayfront Irving al ltS fin­esd 60 Met of d<Xlt In tlLS ranily m table e,..;law of 12 homes Completely refur­b&shed A u Ill (JJe property .......... 721-7211

.UTPllCl•--SZM.• °"'* ~ngl Pncld tor last

Mii 48R. 2&\ EtOSS pert & pool, SM big ~ doing COS· mltic fixlngn ....... 711-nM

. .

. ~ , .. (

CllTIM E• ml• um ... fxpindld E plan OWJf 2.300 sq .. w/111 bll kiltan tnd blt\s 38R.2.58A,2 car girage in Pf'SOglOUS Nlwpoft a.ch.

___ .................. ·- 711-JIO


HARBOR VIEW HOMES CUSTOM $729.000 This is h home you''t'e wailed for! Nearly 4000 SQ ft 58R.lg fmly rm,hbrary/den,3-(ar ga­rage, lg lot , ... , .. ~ 721-7221

llTMEHEARTOF llEWPORT $2590000 Close to tie beach model per­fect home. prestigious gated community wilh pools spas, lenms coorts Ulm Pre*tlls 721-72•

.. um•t•n.u UI IOA $221,000 Witlout a dcd>t. tus is Ile bast priced OC811n View end unit in h complex. Ideal tor equity N 1ng 2 mas~ su118s.huge closets.large deck. ...,. Matt 721-1211





• < ), n l : J,rc cstJtc:' prupert) • \" irJ .... innani: pool & )P' • 'HI\. ; ~B \ '-or ~uJ.;c • I '.i1>ur.J "i; 1rop1c1I l.1.nJh.1pm~



...... ... . . . . . .• ·,;A. •;.: -- ... . . . ,

. "' ,. !J , .. ;::: •

3 03 KINGS ROAD • N<'.,,. htlmc undt'r connrucuon • !>weeping '1ews of h.ubor • \1J\tt'r 1u11c 10 die for • Bu\ & hdp ~cltn finishing touches

S l ,650,000

• p, r I ~ lcrc \It'"' 101 • H1~hrn mct't in Huhor \'1<'.,,. Hills • C:.pmC>us enclosed yard • '\cp.i.ra1c ~c\\ quutrrs lr<'m houst'

Sl , 125.000

• • ' ' ·~ .:• 1• ·cnu .1.1'1luv e : J rJ·~1n~ ~arJ~C t \ •• n ~ • ""Ith hrt'plac<'~ e I 1,,.1.t r !l'\.I.\ tlrf\'

S6J 5,000


16989 EDGEWAT ER LAN £ • Masttt bedroom witb 2 stp.itate baths • Elevitor to all thrtt floors • Family room w/ wct bu and f11epla« • Wine cdlu, .l-ar page, boat doclt


# 1 C ROWLEY LANE • Ichho lw no recmion • Mooey M.tpDat rues Md:al 11 f« irtmcn • s xra •/runmg M8ll t 2 nodtd l:akn • Loc:ated ow Brundage Ski RCJC>n



1 t C HAT H A M COURT • Chsur ticpllU • D«omi~e accent pool • Two BR/Dtn/i~•BA • Gourmet IUu:hen • formal cfuung

$885 000


11575 ARBO LAOA WAY • Cuttom home on cul-dc-uc • Lot \l ippcownatcl7 10,900 sq ft • Double garage with opcnm • Guanntttd moncaic plan




Ul1aUff 2227 Alolkl Joyce Ot8on

MM90tt llDOI 27C.••"'r [).-Ad Pr1flC9

SUWIND 2306 Pt Ccmbte Judy Strauu

SP'YOtASS 12~.,

Don Otaon





-='P£ •, ... Ou SE S~NOAV , .: PM

CUff MVl~ NACM HH '°"98 Id. $1,471,000 KrJln te.nd&/Oeve Wong

IAS19Wff 2227 Arofto Joyce Olson

NV MOflal

"" " ldword DaYld PMce

Ol.DI CottOMA Oil MoU IHC.1don Kay Patt<tt

.,.,..,.... .... 12 ....... Don oi.or,




Feel Great. Pop ly WltthA Gift

COLDWeLL BANl(eR (] G} ---­lfJW1Wh

~ICtn y Ille hObdlyS' Al ~$1Js9~ done French doorS. Paitit. SOOtters. great !>ackYanl wrtn spa. WOOdertul lillllly nelQhbothood No llll\I ll'alf IC. large pnce redoct1011


SATURDAY, November 28, 1992 I PAGE 13


Enjoy lhe 'Nllrmltl hS 3 bd custOITllZed home has to ofter Wllh 2 fireplaces Well malt'lta-oea wrtn vaulted ceilings, French dOOIS & updated kitchen Beauti1ully landscaped with • bock entry Easy to

see Mottvated seltefSI UM -

WIOA ISUNO $935,000 On the water f0< under $1 m1U1on. 5 bd, 5 ba could be c~ to duplex wrtn dock ~ 2 18' be ups Completely remodeled, 1otC ~ bOOhl. ready 1D move~-

PENMUlA POINT (Ma) $1, 1 "·000 Built before you were born Updated since then' Pnced at land value 3 bd. den 3' "l ba baytront homo sltuated on a S.OOV bay beach Wllh dock lh3l ~tit accorrwnoda1e a large yactw Views of mm chamel, Fashion ISiand & rvght loOf1tS kJNG$ ~ HAYIH . $f;175;000 Front row bay and ocean mws on. pres!JOIOUS Kings ROid In Newpor1 Beach Gofg!'ous custom total remodeL 5 bd 4 ba country frtnefl estate lJmestone. marble. SkyllglltS thr009h<>ul top-of.lne • line appliances and quatrty matenats Gazebo wll!l terraced lawns accent 1t11s designer perfect home

PIOMONTOIY BAY $1 ,575,000 Casual eieoance beglll$ \I. llesl you wa "' and h Slln1lnO biy views capture you LIO'll & uy v.lltl plenty of wtOC!ows 10 enhance ttie VIC>twS 3 bf! up & 1 down Is perfect 10< nanny or house guests Goumlet lalttlen IS a coolt's cream v.llll al Ole ex­tu urge OOCk for 3 bOa1S

UT1U IALIOA ISUHD $2,995,000 Exqulslle quality constructJon on llllle BalbOa lslnl bayfronl Overslzed lot with Views of main bay chamel Wld hart>ol eteranee This 5 bd, 5~ ba Mediterranean home tullres flt newest & finest quality ctlftsmnhlp, tatve dock.

CORONA DEL MAR 1NE ftltACIS $437,000 Ught & ~ )b new. $f10le levef home located n h Terraces. ~ decor. Close to COCTinUlitY pool & spa Lowest pnce tor Ille largest model Views ol ocun. COIOMA 00. MAR $4",000 Ocean. bay & city lights Y1eW !Tom this llgt1t & bngl1I 2 SIO<y Medileminean IO~ pefChed on Con:JN de! MM l'lll!Oc> Lots ol use 01 mirror tht\1-out One block to Ocean. Quiet locallOn

OLDE COM $4H,OOO Single ~'Y home w 5 bd. 3 ba and large 2 cat garage French wlflCIOws w lg bay window llgtt & a-AY. 8efbef c~ & 5kytlghb complelety ne• etec1ncal heating system. pl\mlbing. 1111.eOOf and extenof plastef/SIUCCO wort COM $515,000 Sou!1C alter Soul\ ot h Hwy locatm 3 bd, 2 ba. 2bd, 2 1>a dtlPlo close to Plf'l winano ~tne '> beXl1 and shopC)lnO. ~ YU Hew C¥j)lt & pan,

Thrs 1s a very specia propery srtua:eo on Cle ' 1.:· green 01 lhe Pelican Poiot GoN Course Panoram. Views of the ocean. hills .ind fairway ma._e tfllS a " one of a kind" opporturuty to create a persoriJI estate SOtllh 01 PCH to nval cosmetic toocnes 10· residentS All offers sut>iect to lender al>P"Q\'a

lruBI I ·~ 8"'C

CORONA DEL MAI $535,000 South ot PCH duplex adiacent 10 Bayside pall( Re· modeled 2 bd 2 ba and 1 bd. 1 ba 2 car garage off street pa/ting, walking distance !O beach shops and reS1auratlts

OLD CORONA DEL MAI $565,000 Whal Value" 2 lots labutoos bay view large re­modeled hOuse & separate guest unit soutn o• PCH & profeSSIOllally rtmodeleO 3 bd Jamir, room. borus room master bd has largt s. rig _ room One ofeofona del Mar s best vatuesn

CAMEO HIGHLANDS $595,000 Wa1 1& It\; areas 3 pn~ate t>eacheS or too1 )O •

0""'1 pool ano spa m a IO\'ely garcen set:mQ TM SP3CIOUS ltgnt and bOgllt 3 !><I, 5 ba ~en S•ngk story hOO\C has it a111

HARBOR V1fW HIW $625,000 V1ev- 1 V..ew \liew 01 bay ocean ano ";"~ F-e:;", dec<Haled 4 bO sl)iC;oos smg1e le-wt!• home l\l "' e~· pnced "1 ttie area

llVM THRACE $629,900 WonOerM custom bull! 3 bd 2 ba tiir rv hor>"ie 0'1 Comef lot Wl1tt IOO'NI dioog room tamuy room bmkt&$l nook. h¥dWood floors. new carpet and pan Pnce REDUCED'

SPYGWS Nil ,. $669 ,000 Beaubf\Jlly upgraded • bd & 2\': ba home ~ :a glass French YMdows lrld doM Bl~ched haro· wood floofs. 3 c'ar garage. modem lt.:tchen, fam1" room pnv1te spa IOCa'ed outside lhe mastet su • ~ LUstl lanc!Scaoog 11 bOl1 ltont and baet. yarO

OLDE COIOMA Dfl MAI $ 765,000 The most chal'TTllllQ hOme 111 Corona clel Mar "' " Ytews of the ocean. canyon & hl'lS Ea~ m arc11 tecturt .., Contemll0'11Y open a11V leelt.ig tro or French ooors. harC:WOOO lloors soaring bf' .: ce tllg$. SDX•OUS l()rTNf dlflinO room oebg ,JI garden room 4 t>d Large botldat!le IOI You ~t see tt11s chdrmer

cotONA DU MU $1 ,•9S,000 Drutlca recocec1• FabulOuS ocean. bay allC ~ llgt1ts views !Tom IM piime IOCltlOll on Pfl!:.toglOUS Ocean Siva 2 bd The ma11 house is 2 s!M­boaS1'lQ a v~ ~roe IYTll'Y room o~ertoolt.ing ~ •tew 2 l.lrgt bedroom ~tes . SpM:ll)US onng IOOITt1nd Irving room ., high cell!ngs and 1o~cr firtplaee The guest house has CM' llfc;>J3'e a.icl ocean vie• too•

PAGE 14 I SATURDAY, November 28, 1992

LINDA ISLE ••• Serene elegance On 1he bayfront Greal floor plan Five bedrooms Four and one-hall baths Living room has 24 foot celhngs View Christmas boat parade Dock will accommodate a large yacht. Land Is also avall· able tor purchase Reduced lo . $1 ,490,000LH

LINDA ISLE •• .An exqu1sJte ttadltlonal residence on Linda Isle Seventy feet on lhe bay1ront. Room lo dock several yachts up to eighty feet Beautifully designed A f\Jnctlonal 11oor plan Five bedrooms. Five and one-hall baths Formal d ining room. Three f1replaces Pnced 10 sell quickly $2.195,000FEE

BELCOURT ••• This home ts superbly located w1th1n a gated community renowned for tts dlstlne­hve properties This splendid property was lovingly put tpgether by an owner/bollder with top quallty material and appointments Consider the tasteful amenities that abound Inside and outside

$1 ,750,000

INDIAN WELLS ..• Thls Tenace condominium Is located in the prestigious Vintage Country Club In Indian Wells This spectaculat property Is located on the penthouse level over1ooklng the golf course, pool and mounlalns Featu1lng expansive use ol marble. granl1e oak and top qualtty hatdware Se­currty system S 1,399,000

COVER HOME ••• There Is, quite almpty, no other residence on the market today wtikh offers the thoughtful environment of this authet'ltlc Engllsh Cottage Three bedrooms. Three and on•half balhs There s a view lo be savored. an lmp1esslve pool and a separate gues1 cot1age S 1,395,000

HARBOR VIEW HILLS ••• Contemporary Dra­matic An astounding range of views Views ot the ocean bay Catalina and night lights Located on the highest stree1 in the area. Laroe comer lot. Two story fhree bedrooms Three baths Don•t mlu see1rig mis one St ,300.000

LONG BEACH •.• Rare opportunity to buy so much square lootage tn the exclusive Bixby Knolls area Two story Six bedrooms Four and on.half baths This custom home s unique mul11-purpose design allows ror maid's quarters wl1h a separate entry Immaculate inside and out St 199,000

BlftANYON ... Motrvated??? Is thts selle< really mohvated??? Just consider this. Original llsted P"Ce was $ 1 295,000 lJS1 price has been dropped to S950,000 Seller wants to see an o tfer l Popular Plan One Three wings Master wing Chlldren's wing Maid s quarters A great opportunity to ,.., model $950 000

NEWPORT BEACH ••• lncome propertf Fan­tastic view of the bay Two story Two upper units. two lower unlls White sandy beach Is a favorite launching spot tor wind surfers. kayakers and the like Centrally and convenlen11y located GOOCI sohd income Easy to rent untls . $875,000

LEMON HEIGHTS ••• e.aut11u1 custom home One-h111f acre Park like aettlng. Views from every room Four or hve bedroom1 Three baths. Huge ramify room with fueptace Two air conditioners. Two f\Jrnacas l.a1ge family kitchen Neighborhood ol 'Tlut:h more expensive homes Priced to aelll



BAYCRl!ST ••• P""9 reduc.ctt Lovely tamlty oriented neighborhood. Four ~ bed­rooms. Three baths. This home Includes an~ graded kitchen whlci'I 0~1 onto a beautlfUI patio and pool Private muter suite complete wtth courtyard and spa Lushly land~. S. curlty gated entry ................................ $589,000

DOVER .SHORU ••• Every once In a whlle~an elltfaorolnary property comes on the mattcet. 1 nla Is such a property. Magnllk:ent atrium entry. SlngJe story. Four bedrooms. Three baths. This home hu views that '1r9tch as tar as 'fOU' lmaglnatJon. This Is a treasure .................................................. $725,000

WESTCLIFF ••• Pnee reduced! lmpreul\oe ~ located on • vwy Important street T'h!a !hlee bed­room, three bath proper1y wrrounds a huge 1• curlty fenced pool and ent911alnment area. Large IMng room with nreplace. Open dlnl~ room. Po-

=1:' ... ~~ ... ~~~: ... ~·1 ... :~~ .. ~ ...... ~ Wl!ST NewPORT ••• Thia duptex ta steps away from the ocean. Large comer units with OY9f9fzed patios. These units have been exttemely well main­tained Upper unh Is four bedrooma, two batha

~ .u~~ .. ~~. ~. ~r~ms, .~• ~ =.:;; HARBOR HIGHLANDS ••• This horM 11 eml· nently pr11ctlcal. Ave bedrooma FOUf baths Ap­proJrimately 3100 square feet Extra large lot New khchen appliances. Refinished kitchen cabinets. Near new ftoor coverings. Two fireplaces Two forced air tumaca. New roof Very well pr1eedl ······ .......................... . .. ......................... $575.000

8AYCREST ••• 1t takes only a gtanc:e to realize this la a home of exceptional quamy. A hlgNy pr.­f8n'ed location. Large manicured Jot. SlnQle level Four bedroom•. Secluded master aulte. l'Wo and on-half batha. Conan kitchen. Alf-conditioning and more ........................................ ' ............. - .... 1549,000 0...,. ·~ 1..e ....... 2021 ........... Lw

LAGUNA 811ACH ••• Mal<>J price r9ductiont A ro­mantic hldeewey. Thet9'e a HnM of romance end an edge of exdtement to everything t... Thia home reaonat" with chatm, ch&ract9r and warmth. Two bedroom.. Two and on.-half t>.ths._P~

~ ~~"::::~~~ ... ~~ .. ~.:&~ BAYCREST •• • Rec.salon retardant. Thia metk:u­loua tour bedroom ~ ha been ~ ,. duoed In priee. And ... Just acclaimed u the ' best buy" In th• area. Three bathe. Den. Famllv room. Dining room. Huge yard. Thi. one lnYll•• the moat ._. crltlcal acruUny ....... .. . . .. .. ... ....... .. .. '535.000

BAYCREST ••• ExcepUonally wetl altuated. Burst· Ing with posalblUtlea. A sensible price, Exc:.llent ftOOf plan. Four bedrooms. Two and' one-half baths Generousty proportioned rooms. BeaU1ifuf COUr1· vard. Ouallty you can see. Comfort you can feel

. .. ....... .... .. 1485,000

Pl!NINSULA. •• Price reduced! Cu.tom duplex Steps from the beach with an ocean View from the roof top deck. Built In 1985, this home showa beaUllfolly . C&thechl C-'llngs Large patio. cio.e to

~o:~~:.~.'~ .. ~~ .. ~~ .. ~.~~.~ .~-.~~~

Tiie 81.Uf'FS ••• Great t>uyl Expanded Plan Z. Prtvate end unit Sup9rt> toe.lion. Four bed­rooms. ThrM batha. Remc>deted ldtchen with top of the line appll•noea, Lwge wrap around patk>. Great f0t entena)nlng. Clote to acN>ota and ahopp4ng •. . ..... ..... . •. $399,000

BAVCR!ST ••• ~ pne. reduction! An unparal­~ opportunity f0t an lnVMtment. ~ altu­.nd on • large lot. All fftablll"-d family nelghbOf· hOod. One levef. Five bedfooma. Two and one-halt

~.:e.J': .~ .. ~ .. ~~~ Opet\ ht .. un 1.e ........ 2045 Shlpwat Ufte

BAVCRl:ST ••• TNe home compflmenu its natu­ral aurroundlngs. foor bedrooma. Two and on.half balha. New paint. New CMpett throughout Scnped <*lings. Two nr.ptacee. LArge pfl~ lot. Owf"llz~ two car ~age ...... _,_ . $435,000

Wl!STCLIFF ••• Come and ... thla ca.we Stur· tevw1t home. original ~. WOOd beamed celt­lngs In the IMng and family t00m1 Double fir• ~e.P~c u:tta wide lot~~.

r::a1~~ ... ~'-.. ~ '~ ........ ~~e1on. t-:~.~ Open Sunder 1-4 .... 1t2t Mott.......,. Aoed .

NllWPORT BUCH ... An affofdab4e home GfMt toc:atlofl, In NtWi><>rt Beach. ThrH bedroom.. TWo and on.l'l.n bath townhome Private park-Ilk• Mftlng. S14tpa 10 the PoOI Low ueoddon ~ and • r9tlllltle priee Anxloua OwMf ......... Szot.500 o..n Sunday 1-4 ............... ua ....,. w., COSTA Ml!SA. •• w~ W~led Condominium In VIiiage ~. Two atory. One bedroom ptut ~ den Of two bedroom. One and th~ bathe. One of._. ,... '°' c.donl In the comp4ea. ................ -·-· .. S189,IOOl.H



Voco•on · 1n • • '"" boc• ro J Beh nd ,.,t' P•nl01e ~ o lush trol)o(q tlOrod se o..c •s you• e,.,o,men• Con'<>'" ocr.gned pOOl OP~" IQ Ovt'r. .. nlo •he ocean Co•o no sun st'' ,. ,.orct .. nn na •loo• pion '2 bed•oorns 2 bo'l'l> '11\os'e• su11e "'"" •e•1eo1 onJ f11eplo.:e lorgt f0tmo' d·n nd room S4 69 000 Coll Ge11 Boler S13·2428

n emente Pres•igoous Med.tem>'*!n hl0'9 w- oceon, horbo< and Clly t.ght "'t'W'S 4 bedrooms, 3 bo•hs 3 rose motble f,repioc es hQ111s •e ~mel \. IC~n Mcn•e• '"''- wilh re!f901 ond french doon Oe>e"'ng to view dee\. lo•t of !lol.on t • llooMo ldeol 10< en1erto1n· •no S729,000 Coll Bob llvon. S88-3439

•le Canyon frecut •e showplace tn the Big Canton Covntry Club commun ty 4 bedrooms, 31h bo•hs Fomoly room w th lodge l.'11: e l0reploce Frend~ doors Spettoculor pool ond spo on l11sh yard Goll co11rse end Cl'r light •H!ws Redu<:ed fo1 fo11 sole Sl,180,000 Coll Tom & Shoron (Vogt) All ·nson 673-8728 Of 720-0611

San Clemente Top of the world SpeC1oculor new custom 1enn1s esiore 5 bedrooms 5 i,., baths oppro1 6 300 ~ feel Dromotoc domed loier Impress ve lobrory, lotge gome room, oo bor ond 11\ree l1replcxes Gourmet ~ ,tchen Poneromic oceon end mounto•n ~ ..., 6 cor go~ SI 295.000 CoD 720-0611

Sea Island El egant 2 bedroom , 2 \') both lowl'lhoine Bock to Ne .. pon Beoch Covnll) Club golf COVl'M Tremendous flow f()f enlerto•n•ng Fomofy room, donong room, wel bor Mony t•tros ond upgrades S695,000 Coll 720 061 I.

Newport Beoch Groc10us lrv1no. 2 bedroom. 2th bo1h WUh boy ood c•ty l.ght Y141WS . Custom lutchen ... th European des.gn. Marble in entry, l1Achen ond boltls Mover SUI~ wirh spo t11b Oesogner woD c~s 24 hOu< secur•ty comple. "''th commun.ty pool ond spo S687,500 Coll n0-0611

Corona del Mar Best buy 1n rhe oreo Oki time chorm. :; bedroom, 2 both remodeled, updoted ond 11pgroded New lut•hen, bolhs. ood corpeb A m11st see S.99.SOO Coll 71()..0611

Costa Mesa Beo11•,lul College Po-\. ~ · t looded "' In 11pgrodes 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Otning 01eo, !WO f,reptoces G1.a1 lo. · ~he" "' •h ool.. cob-~ts lo•elr yord "' th mony lru1! frees S2,43,000 Coll 720-061 1

·costa Mesa Best YOlue 1n the oreo J ~~room, I h baths Cozy I reploce P .. vole bo,l yatd ""'h pot.a Altoched 2 co• gorooe T emftC price of fust S21 4 000 Co'l 720 0611

SATURDAY, November 28, 1992 / PAGE 15

.... Seo Island

For tile b...rer who woflts o yeor rov"d vocotoon J tx!d•ooms 3 bo1n w •'i

oOS zed I oorplon or over 1 .300 SQ feet 3rd Wroom could ~ deri locored on N-pol'I beoc: Cou"'"' c:I b golf cot:rse PMo'e POOi onr! spo S6 I~ 000 Coll 770-0oll

Newport Beach Open Sunda y 12-4. 217 Lo Jolla Dr. Professoonolly remodeled, contemporoty townhome 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. custom l .tchen, ornate f1reploce, beo1.11.ful bor New po•ot, carpets end hoidwood floors Goted courtyard enlry Des.roble end of cvl de soc location. 2 cor oorooe S279,000 Co 720-06 ll

Newpor1 Beach Ope" S11n 1-S 11 Co•fl'0'0"1 Best lo< O' Of' woth SptC>OI ~·ew o l lne bod, boy and norure prese"'e lrom rhos home rn gored communoty Complete wolh 3 bedrooms 2\l'z baths donong room, fam ily room end ftreploce S58S,OOO Co• 720-06 \ l

Costa Mesa 8eout1f11ll Must Mel 3 bedroom JV, both, totally remodeled. Vaulted ceilings lhtovgho.Jt All new \..i"'-'· fonnol d>n1ng room plus fom•lt room Proleujonofty landscaped -1+1 met rod< ond streom Sporld1ng pool $253,500 Coll 720-0611

Costa Meso Completefy rwrnodeled 3 bedroom, 2 both on qu.411 '''"' Fobulovs mosier suite. New carpets ond opplionces. Lovely courtyard entry PoN> 1n ee>JY mo1ntenonce yord 3 cor goroge Wtlh Wof\shop RV porlung $335.000. Coll 720-0611

Newport Beach Super 2 bedroom, 21/i both " e..ce eflt cond<loOl'I Surlen Irv ng room, wet bor, f.reploce Wol to beach ond shopp ng Comrnuo•lt pool. spo end tennis S249,000 Cort 720-0611 .

• Newport Beach For the d1scnm1nolio\1 buyer 3 bedroom, 3 both Cope Cod showpiece Soaring ce.1.ngs, plontohon sn11t1ers T roclo• l.gn1ong Mosler su•le wi1h h"99 wolk '" cloMt Lorge ~ l'OOl'l'I Sunny polio SJ00,000. Coll 7~0.0611

Newport Beach Behind o p•·•Ole ""'° I'~ o "' • Hie o home on opp•o• 1 ') o o .:i 't ~ t".:! rooms 31/: boll's o .. !'I cou d be 5 • ., ce.; room l~ 1 reploces G ei.• ... ng S~

· •:icu o• ;ord ... th DOC 1:>0 Ot'd • • • ees S498 500 Co ""20 O~ 1

Newpor1 Beach Re""Ode'ed ond e•ponded 6 1:-todroom 31, boil! on Qu•e• '"' de soc .\op•o• 3,000 sq feet Greol for ~e lo tge lom•ly Updot•d lo. tche" 2 bo"us rooms Ool coboners bor>r11sters O!'IO floon lo•ely pott0 S87J,500 Co I 720-061 1 l

Costa Mesa Derting Eost-s.de Coste Meso hor!-e lfl P<

hne cond1to()n 3 bedrooms. don no orto Vety lorve. deep lot .... tt> e"Ofte plcnts stone BBQ ond pond Room for RV ''"'· oge S279,000 Co lodoy 720..061 '

Newport Beach S.011tolu i emodeled Newpon He iollts cc• toge 2 bedroom Ol'I gr•ot comer lo.:o• \in hord..ood floors bciy w ndo~ tllroughol.11 lop cl t e lme opp1t0nces loght ond boght loo s I,. r e.. S369 000 Co 720.()611

Costa Mesa 51xmous 1 oed >VI"' '1 lots I home IOf ~ m... ~, .M .... uuof, p ed ldeol lo• "'• 101 1.rne b.l ,e r~ 2 car go o~ Don t m n out S216 OOCl Co I •o..io; 720·0611

Newport Beach We I \cepl 3 bedroom 2 1 both ' '""'"tiOtnc on g•eenbeh Remvdei.d 1- '-' en ne .. cob1ne1t o"d oppl1oncu To11tlul , de.coroled end 11pg~ed lo~ PO'lO ~ car oot099 $249,000 Co no-061 l

I ( 01po1clfl' Pl.11.1 -:.2()-()h 11 '-.t·\\pc1rl lh'.Hh


PAGE 16 I SATURDAY, November 28, 1992


• Gated Community • Approx 1800 _sq. ft. • 3 Bedroom. 3 Bath

• Fireplacf:!

• 2 car cJttached garage

• Central Air conditioning • Security system • Built in stereo speaker • Wood floors in entry & kitchen • Custom closet in master • Quiet location, very near pool & spa

Priced to sell NOW at

$295,00~ Presented by:



• Panorama view home

Located in 1-'iarbor Vit."'' 1 ltlls Broadmoor development, this uniquely situated home has 270 degree views of the Pacific Ocean, Catalina, Newport Bay, Fashion Island and the city lights of Corona dcl Mar. Elevated on a corner lot at the end of the strecr. the home affords beaut1f ul sunsets and privacy from neighbors

A new exp.rnSl\<C CU!ttnm1zcd l1v1ng room and d1n1ng room hJ\<<' ''onderful '1cw. and plC'n!Y of room tor entertaining Thi· fJm1ly room 1s open to ,, rcmodC'led kitchen .inn Y.C'll -located in the center 01 th<' hou-.<.' Thl' fln<l)tcr bedroom h.is 1u nwn t1repl.Kc and is separated from the other three bedrooms on the other side of the house.'Thcre is an addit1onJI office or maid's room off the thr~·<..ar garage

The home has a front courtyord <'Ind a wond ~rf ul entertaining patio Of\ the vicv. side with a Jacuzzi and numerous flower planters.

Other .imcnittes of this communit} include a gr~nbclt and swimming pool Loc.:itcd near SJn M1gl;t•I .1n<l \·"'port ccntt•rs, r~tc1uran~ and <>rn pping c1rl'

w1th1n w.ilkmg distance . Thi" \ll'" home JI 1501 l 1~h1rn1u'><'

Lane In C.oronJ dcl Mar IS ofrerl'd Jt S875.000 by Marty and M ~lmd,t Jonl' of Prudenl1,1l California RNlty 1n Newport Beach For further 1nforma11on please c..111 (7141 729-7252

€OVER-HOME Here is a property that has inspired near reverence among real

estate experts and neighbors alike. SITTING ... Regarded as one of the premier sites in the important Cliffhaven community. VIEW .. Crackling good with magnificent VlStas of the bay and the · ocean. POOL ARfA ... This is not just an "area " Rather it's an enwonment conducive to leisure living. KITCHEN ... Charming. Sun filled. Extensively equipped with top of the line appliances, custom c.abineb'y, panby and fam~ dining area with bay windows and spectacular views. LMNG ROOM ... Beautifullv done with parquet floors, used brick fireplace, high beamed ceiling, French doors and windov.rs. Step up living room .provides a sense of warmth and hospitality MASTER SUITE. All the chann of yesteryear. BuiJt in bookcases. Parquet floors. Pitched beamed ceiling. Sumptuous master bath

We can go on and on oting amenities, appointments and special features. All of them will impress you, which is as it should be. Bu\, the only way to be truty, truly impressed by a home like this authentic English classic is to see it for yourself. Call for all the superb details. ·



DALEBOUT Office: 759-6700 Residence: 650-1139



SATURDAY. November 28. 1992 I PAGE 17

M ET RO presents ... 720-942·2

) Corona de/ Mar Elegant Duplex

lhls CO'()"() del Mor d ex rx:s ii o 111

Size. locotrn ord ;nos· fl1roi 11 peel Many su·pises . . ' JSI see o belle,ver

•.. $535,000

. Metro Realty's


Metro has beerr contacted to sell a mojor California lender's

bank owned property. EASY FINANCING AVAllABLE!




corrAGE Premium North of Highway locotton

.. "419,800 $399,000 OWNO WILl CMIY fNtlT TRUST OHO

"lNe ~" "°'In h ........ Udnt a.Mee-

24 Salzburg Harbor Ridge

Unbelievably priced reno~rr:e r oo.::. Luxurious ~ , )(1rtle fros r· ei'\ ·


... $537,000 .

Cc ·~x~·;o::· • Ne'vvport Beach 720-9422


Amencan Home loans R (714) ~3633 Appfoved Mortgage R (800) ~91 Cal COUS~al R (7 14) 494-2005 Cefttnll & Loan K (71 4) 833-8394

Certlied F~ Corp. __ R _ _£1 4) 3'8-8700

Chase~n.an -~--e- (714)_?60-2671 CMS Svcs. o (714) _!30-7049

~~est MOOgage K (714) 588-2698 Count~ Fundng K (714) 255-9600

First Pacific flnancwal K (71 "l 863-1 1 11 FronhMOftgage K (800) 843-7846

Gefrinl Mort R (714) 963-1520 Glendale Fedenll Barn< - S (310) 781-6800

Houlehold Bank e (714 > 261-1818 lndepefldellt Moftgltge. Co. A (800) ~79 ~Mortgege R (714)241-1178

Newpoft Fklanc:W Gtoup K (714) 151.()202

Oceemtiew AnlincW A (714) ~08S5 P Mortgage A (714) 253-41 SS SheatlOn Lehman Mtg. K (800) 624-31&5 TLC Financial Svea. R (714) 38&-5862 V.P. ~-- R (800) 400-144!_

Weet Cout Group A (714) 248-2233 W...cal F'inanaal R 14) 720-8440

W..-n L1>er1y Meg. K (714) 369-0250






8000'. 7 75()"1(.


8125"-8 375'9



8 250"-

8375% 8 125'9 8250% 8 ()()()'9

8 125% 8 ()()()"I.


30.year fixed 'I' POINTS LOCK·

OWN {!) IH

10 1.250 12

5 1 250 12 10 1 500 21

10 I 500 21 10 3 375 21 25 1 000 30 10 1 000 21 ---20 0.125 12 5 1.750 45

10 1 000 2 1

5 1.500 30 10 0.000 12 5 1 750 30

5 2000 30 - --10 0.625 21 10 1 500 10 1 500 10 1 500

10 0.000 & 250% 10 1 250


45 21 12

15 21 2 1


21 21

----8.125% 10 1 000 8 ()()()% 10 2.250

8.500% 10 0.000

8 000% 10 1 500

8000% 10 1 875


8 17 8 17

820 820

8.15 903



8 22 8.27 8 45


860 838


820 8.32

8.20 829

8 42 8 27

8 28 8.54

8.20 8 .24

30.year adjustable INTEREST '!It POINTS MAX. MARGIN ADJ


4.500% 10 1 125 6.13 202.300 2 125 L6M 6M 4 25()'1(. 10 2 375 6 00 202,300 2 125 6CO 6M 4 500% 10 1 250 6 14 202.300 2 125 L6M 6M 4]00-.. 10 1 500 6 16 202.300 2 125 L6M 6M

4 450% 20 1 000 6 71 750,000 2 750 L6M 6M 5.75()'11(. 25 0 000 6 44 1.000.000 2 750 1TS 1Y

4 SOC>"- 10 1.500 S.93 202,300 2 125 6CO 6M --- -~~-4. 75()'1(. 20 0 000 7.32 202,300 2 500 110 . 1M

4.500% 10 2.250 6 65 202.300 2 875 1TS 1Y 4125% 10 1 000 6 22 202 300 2.500 6CO 6M 5.875% 20 1 S25 6 &4 500.000 2 750 L6M 6M

4.750% 10 0 375 6 07 202.300 2 125 L6M 6M 4.950% 10 1 000 65" 202,300 2750 1TS 6M 5 375'lr. 20 2.000 6 60 500.000 2 750 1TS 1Y 5.500% 10 1 250 6 19 202,300 2.375 6CO 6M 4.875'lr. 10 1 125 6.159 202,300 3 000 1TS 1Y

5.2SO'l!t 20 2 000 6.47 202.300 2 625 1TS 1Y 4 625'- 10 1 000 6 12 --202- .-300--2- 1-25""'"· - L6M 6M

5.500% 10 o ooo 5.83 202.300 2 ns &eo &M 5,625% 10 1 375 6.21 202.300 2 375 6CO 6M 4.750% 10 1 125 6.57 · 202.300 2 875 1TS tV

4.500% 20 0 500 6.48 202,300 2 875 1 TS 1 V 8.625% 20 0 000 6.72 500,000 2.750 L6M 6M

_ 4_.lso-r. ___ 2_s~_1 soo s .s 1.000.000 2 750 _n _s __ 1 v~ 4 .750% 10 .. 1 750 6 63 202.300 2 875 1TS \Y

9oltl._,& .... ltlle~t11W3Qt30cxirw.-lllclll9i~ Type of ler4ef\I.: B• ~ K• mcw1glgl~ R ·~tMoMr. S• aWlQll& IC*\ ~~_,~.,.ac.nwsoythe Ca"°'1'llll ~,.,_,. al,._~•..._ 1 bft*IW ot OOIPOflllbt. fOf ~ Cll c.11 ORE .. (918) 738-375& .,..... "-lor ldp•18bAM II If\ lnllOCM:tory,... tor lhl llrM ~..,_. l*IOct Do-.~.,....,. • M10Ul'C al c:aSll ("II.al N* pnce) - ., ..... ortot., ~ ......... OCd9l:ll. ......... ,. ol IDen tJelllU '*'., ..... al llme ol loel'I CIOeing Loc.lf.M ... ,.,,,., of~..,., p,.,...,.. pnot., ~ A.'·"· ii h llh.9! ~ ,... wNcll .. In .... II 11 ...... GOii d .. IOln IO .. bof'lo-.f. M A..P R.I .,. cMUltld by ~ News Co bned on I $20:P.300 IOln wnounc. "'po11111.,_ .,.., S700 le*!... The A p R.• 119 ltldudlO In .... c:Nll1 tor con.-neon '"" ~~lorl 1o9n, f_,.T~lllw ...... .._.IO~lnA P.R. ~90eectlloenoftet 't I,_._ ll .. ~.__ .. ~¥"""'Qllll9"*"" ,.,._,,_~ Plevel mulnVft ol lllll.3DO. ......... ~ ........ ~ ~ • lndlll • ............ .,.........,.. ......... b llftr4el\.. I ft:lw ... ~ • ..,.,.. ........ , '\0 • 111\ Ollll Oclll cl runca. \TS . 1·YW Tt'MaKy Bil. l.IM•l-4llCWlllLJIOA. IT8•~T,_.,yM, 9CO•t-monfl11W19g1°"*8eeol.,._ A:ft SCRIM,... IPlCJ ll .. l*lod~--- 1M• 1-Monf\8M• ...... 1·Y .. • \ y.., M,.._~IOcNfVI V--. .... .,....,.. ,_.~ear w IDM. M...,.,. ~ 1awr11 wfl\-..,,.,... .,_, """'lof --.,.1a9n wnoura. The II~•..,..... le"'°' 1n ol'llf 10,..... a Illa fOf • CC!nMMf gll!Oe on"°" IO lflCliP b ........ . ......... Cll** ...... to ............. Co.. tal. 11'119t . 91*2t1.S...IW., CAllV01 (714)..,..1117 {" ~C\"2~--Co


PAGE 18 I SATURDAY, November 28, 1992

HUGE LOT 2 Bedrooms & Den ·- upgraded, Most desirable comer Jot --almost 10,000sq ft Verybuildable . Plans tor 1800 sq ft . addition on same level $539,000

MOVE RIGHT IN Carmel (3 BR) Model wrth view o! city lights. Large lo! , with at­tractive curb appeal. $539,000.

IMPRESS THE LADY Another 3 Bedroom Model -- Ex­quisitely decorated & remodeled. Close to school and playground. Move right in. $469,000.

4 BR, 2.5 BATHS- Good starter family home· or income prop­erty in the Bluffs Twocarattached garage .. and new carpet & paint. on the greenbelt $295,000

If you are k>okfng for a famfly oriented flfestyle, Harbor View Homes - the Port Streets - is the best value In all of Newport Beach. Call us, we have repre­sented over 150 buyers or sell­ers while selfing over 120 homes In the neighborhood.

Ucen..c:! r•I "t.ata broic.,..., California Dept of ANI Estat..

ATTENTION INVESTORS.: COM duplex with great income and a motivated seller. Always leased. Convenient to beach · & CdM shop­ping. Reduced to $449,000. . . TWO COM DUPLEXES Side by side. Large income on each duplex. Both well-mai,..ained by long­time owner. Newer roofs, many other i"l>f'ovements. Lots could accomodate 4 new townhomes. $419,000 each.

We can also assist you In the re~ nanclng of your home. We have refinanced numerous Newport Beach area homes In rec•nt months. call for references.


"t=.IONGS OF NEWPORT ~~ GERRY AND CHRISTA - 640-LONG / 640-5664 NewportBRch, C..,92660

"A time to he thankful And a time to say thanks."

1424 Santiago Drive A Santiago Dnve ''best buy list" tlus lovely, upc}'aded 3BR 3BA home surrounds 11S own year old sparkling pool and spa, with formal dining room and living room a very desirable tum-key property give rt to someone you love for only $529,000


Grubb I Ellis, Newport open house

Party celebrates new offices The new home of Grubb & Ellis, Newport Beach Residential office

was proudly presented to fellow Realtors at a November Sth Open House. In attendance from left to right are: Ron Massano - District Manager and Senior Vice President, Pacific Southwest Region; Jan Mazzano; Milt Naylor - Executive Vice President, hd(te Southwest Region; and Tom Golden - President GEMS.

Grubb & Ellis is the nation's largest ful/-sen4ce company and h~ an area alliance with Better Homes and Gardens in Central and Southern California. The ofr1ee is at 23 Corporate Pla.za, Suite 190, Newport Beach, (714) 644-6200.

Bayn3-Pettit---Res. (714) 673-3899

210 Lille Lane #117 A truly rernarbble c.ondo in gated oommunity ol Seafairt with custom wall and window coverings and generous USC of marble on lloor and fireplact this one bedroom .unil boasts a pa~deck with mm1 oetan ww • ~i-ap up this package for just Sl99,000

ThP. Prudentral .• ;, · ~ ... vpcJr: H, .. 111, · ... _ t



,REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE New Lido Island Bayfront House Priced For A Quick Sale!

Million.$ View Just Reduced .$49,900

Wide Jo t , 3BR, 3lhBA, 3 car garage, dock for large yachts. $2,695,000 . Will consider trade-in .

231 Via Lido Soud Ask for Russ Fluter

673-3777 c__, ,,.. llntty, , __

Prime Investment Opportunity j5M;eOO $525,000 10.34' Below Appraisal

Julie Schmiesing 759-3746 . Coaat Newport Propertlea

. ·

G:,':89:?; l~S ~~~~ l hi~ ~~!~~belt : ~t~nside & out

Q:Jmmadat ~ * Ceilings scraped & feplastered * Extenor wood siding 4000 MocArthur Blvd - - . For S•owt•• or Fart•er laformatloa, Pleaae Call:

Newport Beach, CA 92660 __ ---.---------... ()SAN. SARA - 759-3717 714-833-2900 Jl.264 r* Pro •--*•••

::e ie 214 CRYSTAL


* uttle Island -Roof Deck

Bay View *


SINCE 1965

60' of water frontaie. Doclc for two large boats and side ties. Wading pool and ;pa in courtyard. Family rm, formal dining rm. 4~ BA PRICED TO SEU.! (Well below their purchase price.)

Tum key prope'.11y, fu~ fum & deanted ui '92 3BR 21.-,BA $895,000

Ran Sp.vush 3BR. 3BA. large bonus room $639,000

Aleo Offen••: .



Little Island, Cottage, Best Price .... . ... . ... . . . .. .... .. . . ... ·1575,000 &Jboa Island custom home. 3BR. den, 2~BA. fam rm, ~tio. roof deck .. . 895,000 Best Buy, !$land Duplex, 2BR home + lBR ept. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .... . 545.eeo Balboa Island, custom garden home, quiet loc. .... .. ... . . .. . .................. $MS.OM

22') M·\RINr /\VL (,7;; . 1s22 I\.\ I HO·\ I 't I .\'\I>

If You Mow it, Trim it, Fix it, Build it, Move it, or Clean it. Advertise it in the Pilot Classifieds. ,

• Call 642·5678 To ~ace your ad today! •




PAGE 20 I SATURDAY, No·1ember 28, 1992

BELCOURT $1,895,000 Belcoun - Custom Home - 5 BR. Pnvate POOi & spa

POPPY CORONA DEL MAR $698,000 Custom 3BR l\Ome ~st steps to Lime COM beach - Poppy Avt.

BIG CANYON $775,000 O~auvrrre ~<lei 3BR + den - Prwate yard+ Bay mw


LINDA ISLE $4,999,000 4BR, 4 'hBA • a true masterpiece • Prime Baytront.

BIG CANYON $1,195,000 Custom home - 4BR + den & family room - Golf COUf'Se view.

BIG CANYON $1,195,000 Dearville With buull1ul golf course views • Private pool + more

... ur• 1-4:11. I• ~y BIG CANYON $895 000 Bay V1eW ·pool & spa· 3BR + den. Totally~ .... ,~!·---BIG CANYON $895 000 Broadmofe home on 14,000 + sq ti lol - room tor J,;r -CDS street

BIG CANYON $795,000 Expanded & remodeled Dover - 3BR - Guest quarters • Pool & Spa.

BALBOA ISLAND $695,000 CNrming 3BR + · pnvate bricked & lllice patio wlUI spa.

BIG CANYON $639,000 aept 2BR townhouse - Guard ga!e<I, 2 flreplaces.

HARBOR RIDGE $525,000 Renaissance Model w/3BR & S11Jdy - LlQhl & cheerluf • Vlewt

TUmN RANCH $509,900 SBR Medlten'anun style, famlly room. den & 3 car gnge.

PENINSULA POINT $450,000 3BR with Bay Vlewt l A $1,000,000. Nelghbortlood! Walk 10 bay & Ocean.

IAYllDGE • Reduced $295,000 Largest model • 38R In gated cOITllTU1lly • Allached garage

lAKE ELSINORE $119,000 Wat.er View • 38R, 28A • Mol!Yaled Seier - Greaf locat.JOn

SOUTH COAST PLAZA $108 000 2BR. 1 BA • llQl'll & bngte • Commumy pool & spa • Walt! 10 shOps

FOR LEASE BELCOURT SBR+ Pool & Spa $7,500 mo

BELCOURT 2BR + Guard Gated $4,200 mo BIG CANYON 5br Pool & Spa S6.400 mo

HARBOR ROO.E 4BR View S2.500 mo

BEACON BAY JSR Baytront $3.500 mo

NEWPORT 3BR Blyfrore S4.000 mo

LIOO PARK OR 2BR PooVBaylrorl s2.aso mo

UDO PARK DR 2BR ~ s2.aoo. mo

CDt.t 48R Wiil U> Beach iuoo mo COM 48R Walk IO Beach '2.895. mo COM JBR North of PCH $1 ,275 mo

COM 2BR 3 Utlils S1,035 mo

BAYRDGE 2BR Gated St,400. mo

IRVH 2BR Townhoml St,250. mo


COIONA Dll MAit ,000 ~ family home on R-2 tot • 38R • w-.1• & rtf ~

Eatbide ....,.. • 38R W/"1 cond • • Allldled gnoa.

'Wiihing jou ;d, !JOWi {ami4 a df-aff!J ' and ~a{e Cfhank19iuing <Wah.end