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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1961-06-09

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Congratulations to All SU Lowans Receiving [)eg~ees!" "

A Complete List

Of Degree Candidate.

On Page 3

Eltabllabed in 1888

Way Paved To Recess Atom Talks

Republicans Demand Negotiations Deadline With Soviet Conferees By ROWLAND EVANS JR.

WASHINGTON (HTNS) . - A major campaign Is moving into high gear to pave the way for . re­cessing the atom test -ban talks in Geneva so that the United States can free itself from the unpoliced moratorium on .testing.

Republican Congressional lead­ers Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, m .. and Rep. Charles A. Halleck, Ind., issued a formal statement Thurs­day that brought the issue into sharp focus.

The formal stat.ment cam. .ft.r the RlpUbnc~n , .. de ... told PrKldtnt Kennedy prlv.tely th.t li?c, ttl. prospect of a Sovltt Iwlkh on It, dem.nds for • '1.to ov.r Inspections Is zero, the United States mUlt unlh.ckl. It-ulf. '

Thursday's statement said : "We insist that we can no longer

take the chance that the Soviet Union will perfect its nuclear wea­pons (by clandestine testing) while W~ foreg lmprp..:ip& ours. ~lIrjng Interminable meetings In Geneva.

"w. believe tbt United Sta", . hIS betn .xtrem.ly p.tlent In vl.w of the gr.vlty of ~ Is· sue 'and we respectfully IIrg. the P,'tsid.nt to lit a cI •• dll", on the n.gcrtlatlonl .nd 10 notify the 5o"I.t Union."

President Kennedy, speaking Thursday at a meeting of the edi­tors oC United Press International, voiced the implication that he and the Congressional leaders are go­ing down tbe same road.

The United States would continue to press Cor an international' in­spection system, Kennedy said, but he added significantly:

"If w. e.nnot ,tach an agrH' ment, w. want It eltar ttlat the United St.tes w.nt to ev.ry re· sponslble I.ngth to get such .n .,'lIm.nt_"

However, the President also told the editors that "Cor the present we I are, going to stay in Geneva, and stand by the draft treaty we have presented."

Kennedy said, "I think it is im­portapt that we continue" to try to arrive et a treaty with Rus­sia "even though our progress w~s not ~opeful at Vienna."


* * *


u.s. To Remain' At Laos Parley


WASHINGTON (HTNS) - President Kennedy said Thurs­day the United States will keep trying at Cenevil to reach agreement with the Communists on a truly neutral, independent Laos.

The President t·hus scotched re­ponls that the United states might

that an agreement on Laos seemed "imminent" after his weekl!l\d talks wwh Khrushcbe.v at Viema.

Nevertheless, American 10fCfcials said ,they stili e~pect to re~ch an accord on Laos, pnce the rf'dO.n~ incident has blown over. 11hey were not sure whether Khru~v ~ about the impending cease..fire vio­Lation when -he talked optlmlstically to Ke~edy, or whet~r K'hrusn­chev mi glK not be in full control of wilat the Laotian rebels do.

entirely abandon the 14-natiOll con­ference in disgust over the Commun­ist side's cynical disregard of lJIe cease-fire agree­ment. The Western boycott at Geneva remained in force, 'h 0 w ever. Wltil

S 0 vie t Foreign Mquster Andrei A. Gromyko clariCled sitlMtion.

Thursday, K,,,,"dv was m .... e.ulious allo~ L.OI than he '*'

the confused been on T""cf4V· H" told a ","*. in, of Unltetf Prll' In ' ern.tlol1llll editors .nd publishers:

American oflicials' were far (rom cheered by Gromyko's statement M he arrived in Geneva Thursday night that "My pockets are empty." They bad hoped that· he was bringing back word from Pre­mier Khrushchev .that the renewed Laotian figllting had been all a mistake.

"I ·l,hink we are going to stay at Ge neva and see If we can come to .a neutral and independent Laos . .. the important point now is that we are there in order to secure a neutral and independent Laos, and that is the posture in Which we are going .to CQnduct our . . . negotia­tions at present,"

The oll'l:bw-st of ,hostilities, in The P.resideot sidestepped two which the Government-held 9kong- questiOlli: whether ~ felt Khrush­hold of Padong fell to the Pathel chev . had re~~ed on bis promiSe Lao rebels, out the ground out from Ilt 'Vienna to settle the Laos .issue, under Pre·Ii:\Ant K,eJm~y's opij- jind ~ it was Ukelv American mism. K~rhad s~d tueSday t.rooi>s hlJgtit De ihl tltaoS. . ,

u.s. G~mmies Defy, Or.der T~ Reveai' Me~bersh;p:. .

NEW YORK (m - The American Communist party. trumpeting de­fiance of a Supreme Court man­date to make public its ,member­ship lists, says. it would not cqm· ply in atfy way .with ,tbe ruling, claiming it outlaws the party in the United States. .

Gus Hall, the party's general secretary, said the Supreme Court decision earlier this week "asks the Communist party to com~t suicide." .•

"W. an not goln, to cooptr· ate," he told a "'ws cOnferenc:. Thursday. uWe .n not ,01", to be Informer or ...... pI....,. .. .ny typo Or char.~.

"As omcera of ' tM . party, we would rather spend, too rest of our days in prison than betray the trust and cdnfidence oC one , mem­ber or of one supporter and there' by live in Creedom: ' ..

The defiance, If ,adhered to, could lelld to tlie second great federal prosecution of American Red leaders In the col(i war era since World War It.

leaders who also served time jn federal prisons under tbe Smith Act - National Chairman Eliza­beth GurLey Flynn and National Secretary Benjamin J. Davis.

Ever since t~e )950 passage of a Subversive Activities Control Law, Congress and varioW! govern­ment agencies have been trying to force the party to register as a tool of Moscow and surrender its membership lists. ,

The party lucceslfully IvolMd those requl ...... nts for more than a eleca., with a ..... ..­rllS of court battles. But last Monday tbt Supreme Court up. h.ld ttle law. It al.. uphalcl • aectlon of the ,,.. Smlttl Ad which makal It • crime to lie • Communist with awareM .. that the perty a.woe.... ovlt'threw of the Gov~",nwnt by force. Hall said th party will seek re­

versal of the latest Supreme Court decision. and 001l8J'e8sional action to change the law.

He outlined plana for "an all-out political and ~ucatlonal campaign

H.II, 60, .. rved six y •• " 'In to save the Bill of Rights under "'ral prison In the 1950. ... .the slogan 'The defense of free­violator of "'* Sm1th Act Inlunc" dom, like charity, begins at tlln .galnlt conlplrlM to ' teach home .. '" and advoC.t. ov.rthrow of the Hall said the party would Dot Government by forC.; H, w.. register, would continue to send namld heact of the pal"lY In .ttlli out material without a Communist country III 195', .ucc~lng the label on Its envelopes, and would I ... lutt'" Dennis, ' not provide a list of Its member-Standing beside Hall ~t the press ship, which he eatlmated at about

conference were two other party 10,000.

'Mississip~ Arrests 11 ' , After Rides

Nine Freedom Riders, NAACP Official, N.Y. Legislator Included

JAOKSON, Mi$!. III - Eleven travelers made further testa of Mi$8issippi's segregation laws Thursday. Like 81 others who pre­ceded them, they ehded In jail.

Too 11 included nine "Freedom Rlders" from New Orleans, La., a New York State usemblyman, and an official at the National As­sociation for the Advancement oC Colored People. - They ,"emptocf ......... tlon "'"" at • train ... Hon .net tIP _lrliMs tornWnat. Pollc. charged ell with breach of tho peace.

Their arrest brought the total of jailed riders to 92. Only one con­tinued a hunger strike. PoliQe said there were 275 more jail spaces still available here.

As has been the pattern here, there was lID violence.

Mark Lane, 33, • N_ Yoric state lawmaker from Manhattart, and Percy Sutton, 41, prosident of. Naw York City branch of tM NAACP, ww. .rrested _ after .... V got off • Delt. AlrllnH plane.

The reliJsed to leave tHe white ~.~mam...

'the two, woo were served wifb.. out incident at an earJ.iec' stop in Q Montgomery, Ala., buB tcnniDal restaurant, said they were merely curious tra~lers.

''W.'re not chell ...... any .... clal CVItDm$," SuHea saIcl In Montgomery. ''We're jUIt tr ... • en curious to 1M what tfto. ........ tlon i.," "I'm very concerned that some

of my c~ituents have been ar­rested in tOO South. and I'm look­ing into the situation," Lane said.

Later, nine riders from NeM' Or­leans - including four wbi.te girls - were arrested in the raiload terminal.

Police took ... four w ..... ,lrl. and • ,..".. tIri Into cuttory when they sat totafher In ... railroad waiting room. Pour NI9"O men. who took ..... ... f..t _.." were ........... wfMn tftey ,..,.,.... ...... mOve. In TalIabassee, Fla., three Ne­

groes were denied service at a white lunch COWW;er aC the Gtey· hound bus et,tllon WecmesdaY nI&fIt. They continued .t.hetr trip to Jack­sonville after the unsuecesaful &to. tempt.

SUI Coed 'Firied For False Alarm

Pamela Ann Curtis, A.1, Spring­field, III., bas been fined $96 after admitting she turned in a false aIaml at Currier Hall early Wed­nesday.

The 19-year-old CIM!d was also assessed .. court costs by Judge Jay H. Honahan.

Miss Curtis was arrested by srn pollce alter an inveatigetion Wed­nesday.

The Weather

, 'owan Partfy cloudy toda, with suttw.d .......,.. .. thundentorm. ill the e.trome ..... Wannor ... the southwest toAy, c ..... to ,.,.etr clMlly to­night. Highs ..... , from • lit .................. the mid .. In the ............ SaturdaY ..... ... : P artf, cleucly with UttIo chante III ...... per.ture. ..d tN People t1/ Iowa CUp

o at

Into the Future

--------------------------Friday. June t, 1961, Iowa Cit)'. Iowa

Ceremonies Will Begin


At 9:30. a~m. , ~ 1,170 SUlowans To Be Graduated; Morrill Will Talk


(List of Graduate .. : Poge 3)

"Pomp nnd Circumstance." that half-glad , half-sad song. will be play d thi morning for ] .170 SUlowans.

It means both good-bye and hello Good·bye to the gay , mad. under­grad collegiate whlrl ; Hello to the everyday. life of the world. It mean putUng what was learned from books inlo what can be done with life. It means .. Auld Lanlt' Syne" for Crlend who vowed they'd never part. and "Hail Fellow Well Met," to a t housand new face In the next few weeks.

At ,: JO ttli. _rnl", Com"*,· cemont OllOf'cl ... wtll betln. SUI President Vlrtll M. H.ncher will deliver the tracllttonal charge to the ,ractuates and will confer cIeg ...... James Morrfll, formt'r president

of the Unlver Ity of Minnesota , wUI speak on the "Challenge oC World AfCairs." MorrlIl it now I consult­ant to the Ford Foundation.

Pfocel slonal and receulonal marches and a lhort concert .t11 be played 'by the SUI Symphony Band under the direcUon of Frede­rick C. Ebbl. Robert Mldlubetl. director oC the SUI School of Re· Iigiorl, will serve u chaplin durl •• the exercises.

The graduation activities began Thursday night with medical and dental convocation Ceremonle •.

ThlrtHn medIc.1 .~ ,... celved .w.r. .t the medical con'loc.tlon_ The .eW ..... "s.m. Thought. on "'* Futuro" w •• given by TOIl McCarrol, ene. tlve dHft for .~ .....,Icot.

Charles H. ROllnb.um, D4, low. City, typic. I of 10 m.ny SUlowan, who will rac.iv. d.,r.es .... ay, looles Inti an unknown futur.. About

1,170 stud'nb will be ,redu.ted thl. m.mlng, to I .. v, "hind the coli ... lif •• nd face the werld.

-D.lly low.n Photo b,. L.rry R.poport

Dr. Norman B. Nelson, dean of the College of Medicine, admlnls· tered the Physicians Oath (a mod­ern adaptation of the Oath of Hlp.

BULLETIN ~ennedy Administration

Wins Housing Test

d d pocrates ) to the araduates and Coo , His District Rippe, Provost Harvey H. Davis ,ave greetinp from the UJliver.ity.

At the dental convocation, 211

Won~t Seek -Election Again s~~~~~ ~~~e!=:~::rtOU~: • Michaelsen, director of the SUI

WASHINGrol'l f.4'! - 'Probabli'l another office. There Were reports School of Relillon, and William J, WASHINGTON III - The K.n- eieeUpn 'year fr iction a "OOg Iowa thot .Coad was con idering a bid Simon, Dean of the Collece 01 Dea­~ Admlnl,tratloll won • dr.- Dcm<><:rats w~ . ease<l. Thursday for either the Serulte or the gov- .listry, were on the convocation matlc vlct.ry on the $6,090,000,- . program. a _slnl bill 11,1, tod.y bV ' .whenlRep. Mer'*in ColUI CD-Iowa ) ernorslup. Thun4a IIht ~ ph reverslllt an earlier d.cillon to said he will bot seek election to ' "~bere~ po problem - now," macy ..:... "wore ~ .. "....:: .lImln.te the moder.te Income any public ofr1'ce when his third Democrat ic State' Chairman Lex "aw'" for ec .... arthl" .... f.mily provision. 'term 'in Conir~ expjr $. Hawkins saJd in Des Mo~ .. "AI- trthlp, and ".,..alenal alilillry

After b.lng In lIulon more, ' though l'm not sure there would at the IMUII ,...,macy • ttI.n 13 hours, ttle Sen.te voted Coad, one or two Iowa Demo- !}ave been anyway." banliuot. 41-42 to put back Into ttlo bill. crats in Congress, represents the Coad gave no reason for his un- Speaker for the banquet was WO-.ubstltute for the provision which 6th District, whicb was carved up expected decision, which appar- lIam ArscoU of E. R. Squl~ &: hact been knoclced out lI'Ieral when t.he 1961 Iowa Legislature eolly had been known to Demo- Sons, New York. Deao Loula , C. hou" earll.r on a 4'-44 vote. reduced the oumber of districts cratic leaders ' for some time. Zopf, ColJe,e of Pbarmacy, also

11M substitute was. almost Hawkins said he had known that spoke. Identlc.1 with the orl,lnal pro- (rom eight to seven. the announcement was forthcom- Tod rt Army and oItht AI vision .xc.pt that. buyer taking Coad', home town of Boone ing F a

yit , Ofn Tr Iftl_~

advant.,. of the 4O.year mort- . orce eser'le cer a. 'UM6

, .. os under the new p .... r.m wos thrown Into .... Sttl DI.trlct, "1 cIidn't do anything" to tot Corps cadets wlll be conunlJaionecl would have to put up a small which Is "'Presented by Demo- him to quit, said Hawkins, who second- lieutenanll In ceremoniel down payment_ Uncler tbt SIC' cratic Rep. NHI Smith of AI- WI>I nMned at .... chairman lilt preceeding the Univer.ity's Com-tlon II flr.t drafted there would tNnI. winter aftw a citastTout o.m.. mencement at • a.m. have been nei down payment. 11here was considerable specula- cratlc -'-wIng In the 1961 10ft. A. W. MelIoh, dean of the CoUege

With ttll, concellion and a lot tion about what would happen in .rat "octions. The loss of the of Engineerin" will live the of .rgulng in tbt cloakrooms, tbe 1962 general election when govfl'1lOl"lhip.nd the defeat of a charle to the new officers. Moat Administr.tion .... " wore ab" Smilh and eoad would either have Democratic cofttressm.n was of the cadets will report for active to rev" .. the earlier vote. to run against each olh~r or seek blamed upon licit of cohnl... duty to ODe 0I1ix Army posta with-

among Dtmecratic: I ...... dur- In the next year. I", the umpaIgn.

Hawkins said he had 110 idea what Goad planned to do. Coad alIo did not disclose his I future pllIIII.

Asked jf <load's decision would affect the Democratic Party's choice for a candidate for the Sen­ate or the governorship. Hawldns replied "It does not. We 'haven't even started doing 8II)'1hing OIl !bat yet."

Set To Send 100 Tractors


NEW YORK (HTNS) - Presl· dent Kennedy Ila. the , epidemic low-back woe of mlddlea,e. One In four of his contemporaries over 40 sufferl from 10m. twllt or III of the Jolnt8, muacles or bonea of the lower back.

It has put him on crutches in private and sent him Dying Thurs.

f day for a t~ree-day reet at Palm BeaCh, Fla. He Walked, limping a little, to the plane, but without crutches.

follows the stab and then It aches and aches for 1l10nths and years.

And In a few, the pain deepens to the point of an operation as it did twice in the PresIdent', nfe, brln,ln, him once 80 close to the Point of death last rites of the Roman Catholic Cbureh were ad· mlniltered. Occllionally, the cues end in paralYlia or death.

vestlcial beginning of the tail. She said he "strained" it. The liga­ments and muscles stretch and tllhten. There is pain.

disk between two lumbar verter­brae. _

During World War ll, a Japanese destroyer struck his PT boat, slamming him to the deck and ag­gravating the disk and putting pressure on the nerves coming out of the spine. This tightened the back muscles severely. In 1944, doctors relieved the pressure by removing some of the disk mate­rial.

City Pool Will Open At 1 Today

DETROIT III - Tbe Tractors for Freedom Commit~ 'nIurllClay night advised Fidel CasU'o that. It il prepared to move with dIapateh and sbIp the lint l'ODIlpmeat of 100 tradorlln !ell GlaD two .....

The committee III Its ~. que to Castro reeommended u.. the IaterDatIonal R4cl ero.a-'be aated to handW tbeo detaiIJ ~. Inl to tile rell!8Ie 0( the 1, ........ onera In tile propoeeB trade "r~. tractors. •• I

The Presldeat \ can thank a tree­plantin, cerlmo", at Ottawa May 16 for his preleat mllery. The \

'pain purlll8d him to Parll abel til . his meedql with Premier Nlldta Khrulhchev In Vienna.

It'l part. of the penalty of being an uprl,ht mamal rather than one down 011 all fours. Anthropologists lay that after 800,Il00 year. of walking arourld on two lep, the human race baa not ,otten uled to It yet.

MOBt victilllll ,et over the pain quickly after' it catChel them. But for many, a dun perslsteet ,acb

- ~ ,

Where ia the President's trouble this time? Dr. Janet Travell, White Houle physician, located It at the joint , between two spinal bones: The lut of the five lumbar verterbrae and the ucrum, . the


But a neurologist consulted by this reporte\, commented that a lpecific diagnosis could not be made without extensive X-rays in­volvtq Injection of fluid in the iplne. No lucb procedure was an· 1IOUIICed.

In the Prelident's case, previous back troubles complicate the situ­ation_ They started with all old footlNlll iDJury, while at college, in wbleh be app¥enUy , ruptured a

Press Secretary Pierre Salinger said the current , Injury is not re­lated. to Kenned,y's 'Old back trou­

. btes.

The 1_ City swimming ..... at City P artc will "*' at 1 p.rn. today, ..... thM .......... .... tr......, MomIrill .,., oponing ......

Rolleti A. L ... city .......... superintendent, ..w • ....... cradt In the COlIC ........... ...

..,endflf ... ,.., .... .... I , lrod. Tho ,... wei .. ... ~,.

The repI)' to castro ......... by Eleanor Rooeevelt. Dr. MUtoII S. Eiaeftbawer. =- P. Reutbir and Joaepb K , e_ It· told tbe Cubail Iuder lUI ' .... "C!abIe daled June • dealt db poIl&Ical ....

'propqanda ...... ' NfIIiId die scope CII' ~ 01 ..... IDItIM 01 prmta ~ ..

~ I ..

A. Word or Two . It IS som'ewhat difficult for us - as undergraduates -

to sit here at the typewriter and try to put forth words of ~J'sdom to those who will be graduated today, particu­larly when their ~xperience is no doubt more far-reaching than ow; ~wn.

" ~ task is made even more difficult when we realize that' ~hro~ghout the country men of vast knowledge are speaking to graduates with more authority and depth than we can ·ever hope to muster. .

. Let it~suHice to say then, that those who will receive degrees- tOday now hold in their grasp a great deal of knowledge which they may use in whatever manner they choose . .

We wiillet this aoon)'l\1ous author. say the rest:

" I watched them tearing a bUilding down, A gang of men in a busy town, ' , With ~ <;beave" and a "00" and a mighty yell, Thh~ SWung the boom and a whole walt fell.

, , i asked the 10remaR, "Are these men skilled?

i .w auld yau hire .these, were you going to build?" -He laughed and said, "Oh, no indeed, V etV common labor is aU we need. We pan tpreck in a day or two

', What it took the builders years to do."

I asked this question as I walked away: "Which of these roles (Jm I to play? Am t a bllilder who works with care Measuring life w#h a rule and square? Or am I a wrecker who walks the town, Constandy, CJDfI3tantly, tearing things d,ownP".

j -1?hil Currie J,.

Earlier in the yeaF"wire service car-ried an .it~11!c £r~~~ " Whit~bgrQ, 'N. Y., describing the- burial .oqohn A.,'BYJlpe: 27, q,!c o~ three men killed in a nuclear mishap at the Idaho Radiatio,Q. ~esting Center. Mr. Byrnes was interred w~th the permiSSion of, and in accordance with the specifications of the Atomic Energy Commission.

The coffin was enclosed in a sealed steel , box, a lead­line vault ~ 12 inches of concrete. The vault was to be covered by not le~s than three feet of earth. AEC permis­slon must be obtained if for any reason disinterment should be nccess3l'y.

I ,

Men's vocations sometimes pursue them ~s far , as tpe grave. In the last century, when accidents iJl .. st~1 ~~ WCJ)EHll()rQ frequent than they are in t~~ IMe hut >: '"J', & ladle vf Dl(')lten metal was s()metimes~ d~ ~F-g \ I lllan. . I 'I ' ~!\ i . III

AIteI the igot solidified, it was b~rie. d" ) , mained of the man inside it. 1) 1 I . It

Bl.\t 'thase victims WPTP ontraAi"n<>...tive '.,. 1 1 I .,... ,,,. !.~.~":I ,,1,.,. "' l,.of l lJll ~f -.rl\tYlIr."n('\r·, ~

~ctiv\ty of Mr. :Symes was ,not mU(;:p of a prob~rn.~' AEC: any phy~icist could measure it and prlls~i¥ e shielding required. But in a big nuclear attack ~~e m!Ft be millions o{ such problem-corpses. , . " ." ,

Since govemm~nt policy does not exclude ~ 'lwlsi­bility of su~h an assault, .either by, us against the 'S yiet Union or vice versa, Conelrad, shelters, etc. should be sup­plelT,l\eJ.lte~.br preparations for large-scale handling of rad1~_Q,V( ~sitaHies by civil defense workers, so that the mor6~ii@h1t1d 'mourners, if any, will not be further ir­tad!ated at the obst;quies.

-The Nation

~qlitics V~. Pr~gress . I


By MIKE PAULY Written for the 01

(Third In .. Sorlo. ) , Scholarships, loans and grants­

in-aid may be the hope of high­er education in the future.

After the Iowa Legislature ap· propriated only $41.3 million for the operation of Regents' in­stitutions, SUI · Presidenl Virgil M. Hancher said the . would 'i:m m '~ dijltely, begin i PD,?~*tt too pl\lgn : ior and "1'1J'U"'~P.Ull'i' , fo

Speculators Gain From

Goldwater Can Do Much ,; To· Bolster GOP's Fut~re"!'

T ilX Loopholes Daniel M. Friedenberg, a real

e8tate speculator, has written II scary article in "Harper's" call· ed "The Coming Bust in the Real Estale Boom" t~ WkieR I (!om­mend anyone who is interested in cities or the economy or jUst living.

WASHINGTON - The next Re­publican oemiDation mayor may not be within reacb of Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, but there Is one thing he can, do, above all else, to further his political fu· ture. If Goldwater, as chairman of

,the Senate Campaign Committee puts all of his abilities and ener­gies into the cri­tical Senate tests -less of the

"A successful real estate oper­ator reveals bow 'ui ' and, his fel­low speculators have uscd spe­cial tax loop-hol~s ,to Plck up mil· lions overaight," srlys the sub l~ad, "and in the process have bled their tenants; bllgbted bur cities. and puffed up the financial .: : r vic e bubble ~o ,the point of collapse." 'which he him­

Real estate speculation has al­ways attracted Slime of the big. self can 0 n 1 y ge&t scoundrels in the world. benefit. Rarely in the past have they Many Republicans see a good been given such tax incentive to possibility of taking eight Senate rip cities apart and make mU- seats from Democratic incumb­I¥>ns at it. "Now I have begun eots, But much will depend upon to observe a repetition of the dis- tbe breadth and vigor of the astrous over-building of the '208, campaign operation Goldwater an overbu ilding " will mount. which poses daft- The stakes are not just several gers to .the sta- more Senate seats. It is crucial bility of ,the na- for the party <to maintain the tion's economy." momentum it got from ,the presi·

All th4s awoke dential and congressional elect echoes. I dug tions last fall. The Republicans out tho chapter 11)ust continue to galn next )lear on limits of Ur- if they are to have a fair chance bim' , g row t h dI winning the Presidency in about' the decline 1964·. of &me from • Goldwater can contribute im-Lew i s Murn- C~OSBY 1!leaSl,lrllbly to this en~ if he is

I ford's ' "The 'City in History": )'eady to put together an organi· , . "rn ' the repeated dec~~ aM zation', capable' .of doing the job.

breakdown of , one cjvilization It seems to me . that these must ft th n d f 'l be his prior~ies :

a er ano er, 0 e may rea a1 - 1 _ , He ' will need ' to fl'nd the ure to reach an organized solu- , tion qf the problem of quantitY, . right, man ,to serve as associate Every overgrown megatopolis to- campaign chairman. His is more

, '. day, and every province that its tlian' a one-man job. 'The associ· education but would not be able have better than average schol- lile touches, exhibits the same ate chairman would need to be a to raise the necessary money. astie ability.and be a full time (12 symptoms of disorganization ac. good politician and a good Re-

In line with this thinking, the hours) student. Those who in- companied by no less pathologi- publican who would give added SUI StUdent Senate will launch tend to teach, as well as student!! cal symptoms of violence and de. political balance to the top com· a statewide drive in September in the sciences, engineering, moralization. mand - somebody like Sen. to encourage the establishment of mathematic,s and a modern for- "From the standpoint of both Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, him­scholarships. The program, set elgn langu~ge, are given prefer- politics and urbanism, Rome re- self a former national committee up by Senate President John ence for loans. mains a significant lesson of chairman. Niemeyer, is to be called AID One yecw after the student what ,to avoid : Wherever crowds 2 - Goldwater will need to - Assist Iowa Development. The lei\ves schoolJ payment on the gather in suffocating numbers, work unendingly with national program will be aimed at assist· II< I08ns begins in 10 equal install- whe(ever rents rise steeply and and state leaders of the party to ing students who have above ments, with thl'ee per cent in- housing conditions deteriorate. get bright, able, and personable

, . average S(;holastic ability ' but terest. Elementary and second- . h h d f Ro candidates to run Cor office and

Frank LtlUsche, Ohio; Edward Long, Missourlj Wayne Morse, Oregon; and Joseph Clark, PennsyIVllni'lI. '

None of these incumbeflts will be easily .defeated. Some arc strongly entrenched. It will ret quire just the right Republican nominee in each instance. I of· fer the tbllowing only as exam· pies. The newly elected Republi· can congressman rrom Scranton, Pa, Rep. William Scranton, would be a strong -opponont for Sen. , ~lark. Either Chal\Gelior " Ethan Shepley of WilshingtoD ;/ Unive,sity or ' the effGctiye con· ,. gressman from ,St. LouJs, Thomas , ; B. Curtis, could mak~ : a strong' race against Missouri's Sen.: Long. A John Bricker ; Couldn't deCeat Lausche but either th~ ex.' perienced Charles Taft, brother of the late Senator, or Rep. Wilt liam Ayres, who wins overwhelm­ingly in predominantly Democra­tic Akron, would have a good chance.

Getting strong and striking Re· publican candidates ought to chal­lenge Goldwater. He is one hi!l)­selL But a Goldwater can't win in Oregon or Pennsylvania or Missouri any more ,tban a Javits can win in Arizona. If Goldwater devotes himself to strengthening the whole Republican par.ty in the vital Senate race, be will not be hurting himself one Little bit. He will be helping himsel( br" helping his party. ,. "", te) J!'&I ~ New York H~Nlld Trlbun~ Iec!"

* .. * *., ;';. U . • 1'

1 k I d ' , 'nary school te'achers may hane as t ere t e prece ents 0 man help them. iC necessary, get 11omi­ac uri S. T building' almost automatically ra- ted H ha t' f' d ' ~ raise ' the mOney, the group _much as 50 ~r cent o~ the IQan viva' as they have com~ back Da . e must, not "'( sa IS le .

on' parents; businesS' or- :'lorgi~en.": In most l case~, ~h~re : ,todl:\Y," , to p;cs.eJlt the old party. hacks ,., ... f.,. I -, .. ',i;,: • jOi!lI~l'i;lUI!. 1 :lli ~ anc\' "individuals, as IS ayallable $~,qoo a 'Y.!jit .for 'Ive New York i a classic example, wqo ,enJoy the . honor of helDg de- . , ~. <t!;

I campus ' benefit years. "', :'. but tij~re ilrl\ others clear, a~ross • feated, ' . I SENATOR GOl.OWAtER ~ " . target is $10,000 There ar~ . schql~rshws a~all- ,the land , where perfe<;tly' good 3 --' He will need an .4Ixperl~nc- Can Help the GOP · " 1 [ !

, but bac~ers are abl~ , heyonJ; , men~bn. ,Perhaps ~ buildings at~ ' being torn down . ed, competent profess10nal ~taff i' , '.. : -::: thc fund Wilt . grow ,the saddest:' part . IS t~at. many and -perfectly awful ones put in ,,~bo. kn~w bow to run campalgQS . ' •• ' ~ .' It L

l1.tC~~nslidel:aplly ,be.yond that. , '" _~shjpS . io., .. l>e~gmg ~ach .'1 their lace Th ·. t I ·f v ',. WI !Wf~&ent .Ji~ 9.Mt Of .~h~~coun·'MH · ,9° f ,,." ,.,,- ... -fect of the lower appro~riation ' '. I loans and grants- . year because students do not 'ap- . destrll~tjon' 01 :x'~~/:iL~n~ try and who have stature 10 tooir mm -' IS rc OUf"!"'J;l mlg"t, .,bl> m.i.tig"ted.lsorri~.it."!".'l'll. ':.". ~Play a big part in ' ply. There ilr~ Student Aid spbol. , nd th co t Ii / n

l f e'W own right so that they can have and Smora' gd.on· ~ "

Al'I Y .. 'r. (.II:-:! • , present . students i n arshlJll>, MeFit lCbow-ships, Old a e \ ns r c ~o . 0 ~ ~nes access to major voting groups '" ~ .;: th°'dghd mcreased tuition · C ' It" i~ impOssible to esti., . G\lld Development fUll(\; ~hl)lar- du~ to tilJ' depre~labon gtmmlcks throtl~bout the nation _ labor, , <1

ex~~te t p'ri.t)g pi'e thr.ee '~ta e : the .number of students who shins, memorial scholars!;''''' and whlctl ,sound as If tbe real e&tate Negr""'s, international affairs Spelling contests , .at least' o,! ' , ul]iveIlsitles $1.2, milliOD addilioD- . .,. L .... u speculators wrote them personal "" , bave taken advantage of this .otherll too numerous 'to mention. - groups, c h u r C h organizations, a state an. d national leve.l ,are 110, , 'I al each' year, that'ts'till wilF~ot l ly be enou·gh. .So' the sYitem . of form of educational aid. There are scholarships in various ' .•. c:lvlc bodies, and academic cir- longer regarded by most ,educa. ,

.. But for the 1960·'61 school -chaols and 'departments. · The over-buildllli lD. the. cepter cles. It isn't enough to invite tors as contributing ~uch toward , scholarships and loans appears tp , .. of Man hat t a whl h seemed year, SUI participated in the Na- "1\ Th money for the schOlarships , . n c these people to vote for you. An increasing the spelling ability Of be the only answcr for many stu· tional Defense Loan program, J comes froll] tl1e Federal Gcvern. ~ho~oughly .0b~lous to everyone effective campaign organization students_ dents who qualify for a college using $250,000, the maximum aI- ment, indivJduals, non-profit or- I~ Just ~gmDlng t~ .bother the /llust have respected and respon- The reason why educators have


University Calendar

Frici«y, June , Alumni Registration - ,South

Lobby, Union

lowed by the Congress. Of this, ganizatiorls • Prlvate business and PIt! pla~JDg comrrusslon. Jos~h sive communication with the Itheir doubts about national spell­$50,000 was set aside that fresb- IIlumni. '. • . Lelper, ciJrect?r ,of transpor.tatton leaders of these groups long be- ing contests - Iowa no longer men might be helped financially. There is a ~ealth of untappet1 for ,the CO~!Bslon, has s8.ld t~e fore election day. enters these contests - should In addition to the $250,000 avail- money available ift this form. ~ldto:-vn dist~lct o£ Manhattan. IS 4 _ Goldwater must put the be obvious to anyone who read able in loans from the Federal SUI wasn't' the only S(;bool hit ~OV~?g toward the br~a~ng resources and skill of the Senate of the victory of an Oklaboma Government, there is about $100,· hard by lack of cooperation from potnt. Ho~, about the. buildmgs campaign organization equally boy in the 1961 spelling bee. 000 also available in short-term the Legisl&tllA. other schools Ithemselves? asks Fnedenburg. behind liberal moderate and The winner triumphed by spell· loans. ~hroughout the. country also had "The answer, unIortunately : conservative Republican 'candi- ing correctly disticbous and sma-

To apply for a National Defense this probk!m. That ill the next The cReapter the product, the dates ragdine. And if you don't know Loan, a student must show need, facet of ,tb~ r~rts. higher the return .. Build~rs have 5 ~ He ought to do his ll~st to the meaning of these words, we

, '. " .' . found formul~s to subsh~u~e till- adjourJl all intra-party rivalries give you tile samo advice we give

R" .,.... .. d ' n ' .1."/ ' " A ' s,el , lor: quahty. sq?oozmg out until after the 1962 election and Junio!; when he tosses one at us: rope· nn. n a ' 'Ii. ressU're ' re·. I. I e;verr, penny' ~f prorlt they ca,u. JlOOl the Ni.1con , Rockefeller, and Look them up in .the dictionary. I~' , , ~;-.:' ~ , ! ,I ,. " ~hf!51 the Pl1bl~c all:ows q.ue~ for ' poldwater forces. Drilling on spelling w()rds ~bi~h

Wba. can. we say about the reported departure of seven prqfessors from the University of IoWa except to re­flect that it follows closely a pattern established ever so long ago' by other people in public institutions in this

8 a.m. - ~TC Commissioning Ceremony - NQrth Gymnasium.

',. Fiel.'! HOIJSI!! '. ..... • .. ". 9:30 a.m. - University ct­

mencement - Field Bouse

." ' . , • :" .,- . • ..; .' prpfit to dommate . ~rcbl~ect"~M 'rhe Democratic seats which are in common use is valuable.'

~i :-...:..JS· t, D' ISa·rmamen·. , #&"· lmS·',. ,., raJuP,s al1d We muru~l.palmteres~ the Republicans are beginning to. But its carrying knowledge for

state? . , J . Wb~ people are dissatisfied and unhappy in their

work thet seek a change and a way out, But in Iowa this happens 'OQ frequ~ntly among the personnel in our social weHare agencies, in our institutions of public instruction - in shojt any place where the Iowa Legislature has its foot in ~.l

Too many good people leave Iowa. This is unfortunate. In many ways Iowa could be a drawing card. Some

years ago a learned man called it the "paradise of the world." ,

But \lotil Qur Iowa Legislature stops playing politicS with progress this regrettable exodus will never be halted.

-The Witness

P~I . • I~

fRIDAY; .)UME " "" I ... CItY, I .. t ....... \

~ubrr "UUAU 01'


QAlLY IOWAN aonoalAL .OP"". . Bdltor .... ................. Ph11 Cume

Kanacl'" .... tor ........ .. ... .Jlm Bed. Newa Ul ............ . . a...otd IlaWeld ............ ............ . Anne Stea.ma Cit, J:4ltor .. .............. . iIob IlIIIle IIporlll I'dl_ .............. lerry m-

f:el Photorrapher .... •. Joe Karploek let)' Editor ...... ••. IUAb HoI8chla.

at. Cit,. mdlt.or ........ Ian Koberl, at. Spo .... 1IdJtor •••• •• •• .JIIII Tucker

Nooi?' '- · tbll'tlge:'6f M.edi e Lawn Par~.;:r.< Medical Labs

2:30 p.ni. '" --, ..I'Guided bus ur - South Entrance, Union ...t

6:30 p.m, ~ E11)eritus Club Dinner, bonoring graduates of 1910 and earlier ..:-- South Dining Room, Burge Hall.

Saturday, Junl 10 Alumni Registration - South

Lobby, Union · 9 a.m. - College of Nursing

Coffee Hour - Westlawn Parlors. 10 a.m., 2:30 p.m. - Guided

bus tours - South Entrance, Union.

Noon - 45th ReUJIion of the 1916 . Law Class Luncheon -North Sun Porch, Union

12: 30 - All-Alumni Luncheon - Main 'Lounge, llnion.

6:30 . p.m. - ' "Golden · Jubilee , Diruler, . alL l1'aduat~ of. 1911 -South Dining Room, Burge Hall

", Monde.y, ·June 12 '

Orlent"i~!l-: , fo.r I new under­graduate students

Twsday, June 13 9 a.m. - Registration for eight-

week session. • W ..... y, . .tun. 14

7 a.m. - Opening ,of Classes.

Make-IOO<I ... rvlce on' rnI8II!d paper. » not POIIIIble, Ilut _.very effort wID

rna.t. to c:orreet eniln' wlUl 1M' ext laUe. •

EMU. ,.f TBI "S80CIATEb PUll. _ ~IOC:IaWld Pr_' ~ entitled eX­~Iwdvely 1.\1. the Ule tor republication ~ all the local new. printed III thl. neWlPllper .. well u all AP new. •• toh ...

qAILY IOWAN SUrE.VIIOU I'aOII 'CBOOL or IOUII.NALl8M ""CULTY "ublillher ... .. •.. .. •. John M. JlBrrIIon ~It.orlel •• .•. ••. Ar1Ihur M. llan4enon Advertlal"' .. ........ 1:. John ~tman Circulation. ..•. .. , .. . . Wilbur PeteNOn

,-- v___'___ Pl1BL1CATlOIfI. DKl. ~ ~,;. ........ " .... _1( ,TaU'Tnll, BOUO or STUblNT tIoD ........... W

h '·, Karen Braneon. M; PrM. Dale Bentz. D\4tf.41tl ~,., 'ri 1 Unlvenll)' Llbr'lry; Joh1) Henry. A,4; I

.1.__ do J~ _ lie "rot. lMUe O. Moelle,.. &hool of f!.1If_"'-" ~ .... '!r.. ,:. .. '1'tIe gournall8m: Mlc:baol Madull. A2' ~lkHsot.~' ~ ...... , Dr. Oeorle Dillion, CoJJ~ge of Dent: .

. .... n.to.pm ~~~ l.try;:by~~" ..... ''AtrJ)r.'" A. dq and .... i to 10 .~q. ' J:In'ii~ Ill ... ; ...

" .

~ , , "'" ,.",i.1 almost eo~p1eteo/, as ,it bas, eye are theS'1 now held by Sens . knowledge's sake too far ""hell . ," I , done 'It- is ~CeptiDg ' 4 P1onet~ry .l9~ , CarrQn" Colorac\9' Frank youngsters must lear\!. hoW tb ' , ~,.By .f. ' M •. , ROBERTS in ~ 1901ated',area of Alaska. · ~version w:Weh" seems b~yond Ch'QrcQ ldaho.; Ernest Gruening spell distichous and smaragdine.

1":"""Ia:1\II 1'._ ,~~ ... . ~raaJfc~: t~~~ \ ' .~emUle~-I ~~~~te, · he. ih~t.: 6,t~ny ~b6wn prevIous chi. ~Iasklf; Oren Long. Hawaii; -Des Moines R"It~ ' Despite , Premier Khrushchev's IIj4",S __ . n __ ",II"", canno zatlOf'l. " ;. .

unyielQ:ing ~sistence on a'bUilt.in rfford , pollt~~lIy, to ~esume I Mtreb of the ~arm has afteaCfY --'---:--:----'--:-----:---:-------:--------.:., vcfo ,against' all poliCing arrange. ~~sting. ." been done. Neighborhoods have- , ments under international aatee- " I The Seviet ,~u"estion for carry- !>eon wreck~d ~d a vast number G,ood Listen. ing-

'Today Or WSUI ments, the United States will Ing the. IBlIl~ I1Ito gelera) dls- E sleazy ~il~s. have gone up. send representatives to Geneva ,rmament discussions which she ut there s stili tune to prevent next month ,to make another start wlll deadlock lays the groUlld. ,urther eneroaehments. Ooe way on disarmament talks. , . work for a propaganda campaign to start is to plug seme ~f thQse'

h · edi' ill be the alleging tla.,t' the United States ' ax loopholes enjoyed by t~e real T e unm ate Issue w . L':~l h ild state speculator

makeup of a new conference un- dIsregards .IIVUl t e fears a. . der a resolution passed by the welfare , of p-eQp1e In general With ~c) 1881: N~ York H_Id Trlbune Inc.

last U.N. Genral Asseqlbly. The regar~ to fallout, and their hopes Russians keep pressing for rep- for dlsarm~rnent as well. . h resentation by a large number ot These C8ar~ and hopes among Or So T ey Say. nations, making for what the amalle.r, l1atJo~s r are behind tbe Western powers con~ider an un- :t<.remhn s d'eslr.e to enlar&e the wieldy group designed purely ~o ' dl$~mameql ., cJiIc~slons,. il ~he provide a background for propa- , belief tlIat .AICh nlttlOpa will bnng gandjl. . • pressures on the West for al1'8&-

, , .' ments at any, ,DO.. . Before a decision ill made OR r ~:1

And then there's the WOman who scribbled "atomic" in the file blank of her employment ap· plication.

-Nor. Sprln,. Adv,rtl .. r

that point, however, the United ---.--.,....----:'~,..,-....... ------------­States will )18'Ve .to decide whilt to do I about the unpoliud baa WI at<¥JIic testin~' wlUel\ the ~viet Union obtained threalb the mere tactic of 2~ 'years of talking. • ,.t ....... ., •• It.U. Beer • • ,.tI... .... .. n .. t..... .. n. D&II, .. " ..

..... , a._ .1. ~a ••• "&1 .... C .... r, 11, .... ., .... ":r lief.,. ,.1111. The SovietS' have completely re­fused a> treaty' whicJl does:DIt In­clude a veto en investigation of poeslble vioJationa ~lthln i1Gvi4.t territory. Now they ask that the

, ~ •• T~, .................... , 111 ....... 1 •••• .,.1_ ., 1M • 116&1 ..................... 1, ............... n ..... llIII It. -... .

test ban question be incorporated In the general disarmament dis­cussions .

In tile meantime, ' Pre8ident Kennedy i8 under pressllre for an end to the 'voluntary embargo In favor of production of small nu­clear weapons and for Peacernl eiperlmentation,

One experiment whlclt Is ~g held up Is an attempt to create a b!lrbor, throug~ atomic expi08iQIl.

I, • .. " •

STUbENTS: INTl;aJ:lT&D In play­Inl In the l.\nlveralty S~rnphony Or­che.lra. are atked 10 lnll"l .... ther a" tIM Muatc ' ~.I'traUo" Deok III u._ na" ¥o"R TuPday or at VIe )1.\1810 J:)epartmenl Ofllce (110 MUaIci Bulld­Inc., Vacanet.. exlol In i:Mrlna ~Uo". Orch .. tra, may be with or wIthout aeadamJc credit. hftlnala '1"111 be Mon"r.-Tu~JI ell '!'b_ clay eveniDP.)roIR 7:1. to ':16. Re­.... na .. will ~In .Jbne II. . ~

CBGaUIl TAl/OUTI for "" o"ra "The Mar'y WIVK 01 WlndlOl''' wUl be beld rr,elday eVeNDI In til, lIeIIih MUltc Rell.e ..... HaU. Rehearsal, .re ... Mon~, Tuelday and Th\1nde:r eWn~ ,t 71lJ. perf....te ..... ... lu 16iJ!'a -:, :"'. . ; T_na­,eopIe .... !_ ~rtle~.

~N~IU~ ' COOPla~'"1 O 'I "I ."Bf.ft"iiJi(o. .... UGl1l Ie In tile n y a ,., m. . . \ .. .,.. 01 M ... : IlIIrIIane Hili ftoIa

, . ~ ... , ... . J~l 7-7t1J1 fo~ • .,: = s:.is: :: :e: I ::-~:WlMacy Prolltt .t I~Uon. ............ aLII __ - ........ .... . " ... _. I.

Rei .... Ctvritr I Tool examination In Accountin. will - . , be liven in .. Vnlv.l'lltJ Hall ....

• .lnnl1ll{ .t 1 p.m. on Wedn....,.. June 14. Student. expec:tln. I<l \ake t.hls eX'8ll\ ,hollll\, nO~)/I the .ecretar:r. 2lJ University Hall. by June 1. '

Toql examination In Economtca wUJ be .Iven In 1M Unlver.lty HaU be­.tllhln. a' 1 p.m. on Thurada" ~~. 11. 8t\llle,,'" __ t .... to t.ke thIa exllllinatlol\ IIhoulci noUly the _n­"ry, 101 Unl.....,nl" Hau •. by . hne' I.

Tpol examJ.nation In Steu.uco will be' ,Iven In 104 Unlver.lly ,.all l:\a • .Innln. at 1 p.m. On Friday, ~ Ie. 8ludea.1II e. \'IICUIIII to IIIke W. -l\lIm­Ihltlon .lIould notll)' the eeoretary. 101 Unlwl'il\y Hall. by June ..

!lfTftJlI 80va' lor the U~venlt.J Llbr.,,:

lvne T-l'o - 1110 • . m. to I ~ ... 11M" closed ' on laturda:r.

l\lne 11 - COIled. ~ne 11 - TIIO •. m. to • p .... hnl II - 1:10; I.m. to ~, p ...

.......... n.kI apen .t I •. m. ~aa&al lIIt~ wlJl ,,,,

tIwIr boura. '"

.::~,..v::.-.-:~ 10110 p .m.; . I , IIId fie..., , ..... ....·IIIIdaIP"

COMMENCEMENT E X E R -qSES at SUI are a broadcast tra~ition at WSVl. Thi8 year's function wilL be beard at 9: 30 a.m. (The Bookshelf program has graciously relinquished its time in order that this Importan& broadcast ~ay be heard.) Pril1-cipat speaker for the occasion is to be the distlnqulshed former president of the University of Minnesota, James L. Morrill -now a consultant to the Ford Foundatla His topic, "The Role 0( the University In ' World Af­fairs," cOllid hardly be more timely.

IT IS WORLD AFFAIRS,' inost. Iy. taat the twlce·weekly Editor· ial Page proeram trea~ Fridays at 12:45 p.m. and ~onda,y. at 5:45. Since the most IWlportant world affair. at the moment is

Fri •• ,. i ... t. IMl 1:00 ),fornl", aha,..1 ,:11 New. 1,30 lotl"'lc .:» SUI COIIIftl.enccment

11:00 Music I l :" Oomjf'i Eyents n ISI Ne"", Cape\ile 12:00 iRhylhm Ramble. a l ii!) News Ii:. Ddlt.orlat p ....

I:OQ Mootl)' Muolc 3:'a11 New. t:. Tea Time ' &:OQ Prevlaw 8: I. lIDoHI' TIme &:30 New. I:" Canadl __ Pres. Review ':00 &Venin, Cohcert 8:" lIvenlllf. ., "" ()peIII ':411 N.w~ Inal 11:11& 8oor\e New.

10:00 alaN OfT

.w ... "''''''''.'''t.,. T:OO Fine Mu-Ie

10:00 81GM orr j . . ..

the Geneva·Laos pence talks, you may expect a substantial sample : of contemporary ncwspaper opip·' , ion on that subject on today's EP.

"AIDA" DIMLY SEEN througb "Church Windaws" is the musi­cal pictUre of things tonight be­ginning at 6 p.m , "Aida" you , may know (why haven't you ill­troduced us?); "Church Win· dows, " however , Is a less famil· lar opus from the pen of Ottorino Respighl. Both composers (kind., of a nlee touch here) are Italian. The Respighi will be heard a. ~. ' only selection on Evening Concert ':, prior to the Verdi opera at 8:80. " '

IF YOU OAN'T GO ANOnlER ': 1M Y. iIKlident.lly, without lIIar~ ing Ger.hwin's "Rhapsedy III • Blue." you ' won't baV8 to; 1~'.' ; scheduled today at 11:30 a.m. ' ( ,

CONFUSlON IS ' ,COMING thl. weekend when the Iowa City area ' . converts (for 80me rea.on or F~ . other) to Daylight Savin. time. Sometimes spoken of 8S "fait:" . (preflumably bccaul!e it allo ..... I more time lor making bay), DST comes later to U8 than it hal __ ready to 6thers while sUII otll~, will remain on "810w". t1ml1- It , . really quite simple; those of )'011 , who aie moving to nST, wll"~ ', all WSUI program. occuri ... 1& their regular times, thoil wbo 1"1 ...malning on CST wl11 filld &III acbl!duie hal been advan_ .. hour, and thoee who \lied ' to WI , on CST but ~hen went to pst be- ' ... lOWA,yCitl '(a~ W~UIl. ~ , verled to nsf - well, )'ou really ,ot trouble. '

GRADUAT Doctor oj

lUI:hard Htn ry J IerlJeniln kane Phl\iDDln'!l; lame. eM; iKl!. II!Nlrl~ ~rl"'t Arthur S. ittll/Ill, Archambo Mllin.: II Chou i r\Ia~ Corbin, Bron

DorW4 /'tewton lI!"l'.; BYron Fre, CW, Mo.: Roy En hili: • wU1lari1 D, III.; RObert EdwI 1&1..; W)'hOna 8n Pit1lilitl:

Mall Andrew 0 lti:: lor,. GU&I1' NIl!lIko keela, 1'e sttphen Jones. G Jlllene Kokjolm, '*"" Konk, [ iOOtil LatU. Iowa jAinbafllo, , HartlOI In!.)!ann, Carlerv 1I ·~nlheld. Jows ~1I, low. ~~~e.~ew Albin, ,u/At, chlCllIO. n

Dal" I,lherly P ~. ; Iblui Willie Eyf'rett Oustav f IA\lIa lack son Ra r.4I!lr Cecil Rpss )!lCh,; Ru_ll ftJ S.D;; 1_ Paul S<

Lowen AIlI .... t leh J'rederlc Lapn.uJ.r Minn.; Richard W. lbo; Joseph Chrlat bU/W, Va .; Gordon Ci11:

Clinton Herbert q:lI!n, WIi.; Rich


Waverly; John J Clt1; Ma ria ret : W .. I Latayell, I WlUIon, GalneavlUl rioUl' Yann.toe, I


Brant Wendell cli7:' Charles wn Ark.; Greta MUll. E\II.ne William WIS.; t~n Erwin 8,D. : cleoOfe Man" PhilippIne.; Dana pprt. Maln~; H. lobM1on City, 111

.JMIIt, South CharI< A.r1an4 8&t""h. J, bert JORph BJanet Dalo' Blayney. TI

Violet BeatrIce DeIUlI. Edwal'd 'Belty Jane Broy-I Howard Bryant, Dirryl CalhoUll. Ie Carr, Waterloo : ' u'uP, Prtntel<ln. Tldl. Ca,lculta. I, OrtI6tlaD!lOh, Bod.

Jamei David Itenneth Will aI'd ( mmo ' Sidney C

~Y. , Mwde.1 Slev

Corbln, N I Ebert lr .• Pole Ene"' . .toilet. m. ,n •. . Nol'Wlly; WI

G~t Fall.. Mon J:ilcj<Jon/ Dayton; Io.wa Ohy ; !1I.arry Cha'rl"" Fe ~JaruI ,"oraJ undo I

~ Fa)' paven

"J. . . ~J\depeJ1~e • ' :saqwc CIty . .11, Watl!rloo; Will be;Ino\ calli.; Loo .N.tlck. ' M8s.9. ; La lclciIy. Andover, !\

· Glendennlnc, CoIU,. Ira Jeln Goldstein Louanne Good, 0.

Ra)'lllond R. G

jlolile' Newton 01 RlclIard Dwayne ~Wat.erlo

. ' laiae; Hall. Brill • Jl'irrll. Thorn..,n, Cl

~~uhlcU, Mlnne NetlIalilel Hick... (

\~ Ro..enau Hlnr MlJi,on JJ"lmll'a.in.

Calk. Hone. Pusan. Gerald !! . Hom.

.ret Will iam Hou )OMpb .... 'Shennan 91y; wellborn 11 'fi>wa CIt)'; Willi .. · Sioux City; Mor •• 'laUnel Guae)' Ken kef,: ' Jalle !!leano 0Iil1l; Albert Wa

, · ~hster, N.J.; ~ CUnton ; John M. I

· llIe.; · ~th Ann · IlUli. Ill.: Franc

Traer; Gary Euge, ~, : Caroline von ~wa: E. Tho IoIi!L B.D.; Willi brtap, New H.om: YuP! Ll .... Taipei, IIdt Lord. Orim lJack.y, SIoux C1t~ Marcell. Lot An.e ,'*!!'._ MasIer8Dn,

"",hArd David I IIObert Oscar N

, 1t\4,; Judith. Colem Balilara AIIU Mu "!tiara Jean MUI'): <1ft Arnold Myran. Wilbur G. NaehUrl Alfred Nardini, lotnne Ney, Iowa rIeIt ~1IIe1l'. North .. ~rIan Edna Ols ._ Anthony O'M Nbt~la. Ja", .. Po

rt DIck PeM, M, ~m ... t. 88/l1li0)

! ten Purdy, Dell I Ieph Rappel, Mahll IIkIpoer Raamuasen J:1'YIn Relt. Kalon; Yo. lIaranjo. YIIID '1'(1 Roberta. Knox' ItoberirrM Jr.. DI Altred RU8II!ll . I 1-.. . DoIUlId M CIaIr*, w~, ;

, .. If. JNn Sha.whar "1011\1 B"-tJer, 'A

,L~ ... n SnYde, jan Solomon. Pu ~ IPrajcar, 0, -lion Stephen.. F

" ~r M~rUn. 8war i IIIant ,Brle"', lo' T_lIliler,

, , TIIoII'PIOn, I : lie .. "" VivIan 1'l ~~. : rran~ III ._ WeDdell " ~ David Wast ~. P. WIIU.utt

., .' MeItIr c '.'

· -'YRe Irvin , '~t .. Edwlrcl' Beo.

aTIlt, BHmlnk, ......... n. 1I0u

. ~, Red O. ~ Ov.I.nd,

,' ..... 10Mp/I Jll ..... Wallace Calr

~ Oord\ln Can

1 . XlUlllr Chait ; r:r Lulle. CI '1 ~-ShW1 Cltu

g;~n (:l~re)', B eyr. r", '. ron DerbYl"I~ , ~Lon low. ClrI t DoIJivlII'b I ~ loho uI N",. i&rwUl EI

tlilMu Irvin. Erlcl · n~r::' M~a::l la.; ~h AUI'

, ~, U.; Cha.l. . !I4<Iliull: IUubeUt , Lh CI!:rj ClJtford ~~"I Monte

' t~~~~I~-': . '~~. ~ ~~=l er Q"~n' L

I. LaUlh 'i ' ~Lc! . ihlh-jatnr I

~:yer. New n ~."

, jo -cr't.. MClrrl lam Rey Nlc:hol

, ~~~"", Motto


~ ... W, JIttoII,

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LIre . ,

io; . Edward IYI'\C Morse, cph Clark,

Imbents will Some arc It will reo Republican

,tance. I of. y as exam. ted Republi. m Scranton, I SCraritoh, ,pponont for Cha,,~eHor "

. Wl;Ishington ;.,' . :!ective Con. , luis, Thomas ,. ke ~ a stroJjg>" ourl's Sen,;., ~er ' couldn't ither the ex.' 'aft, brother lr Rep. Wi\'­overwhelm.

Iy Democia­ave a good

striking Re. ught to Chal. is one him­

:r can't win sylvania or lan a Javits If Goldwater trengthening an party in . he will not ne little bit. himsel( bY"

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~uch toward Ig ability of

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no longer - should

e who read I Oklahoma 19 bee. led by spell· IS and sJlUl· don't know words, we

lice we give i one at us; diction.ary.

N()rds whi\;b is' valuable . . ,wledge . fo~ , ·.fa ..... he~ . , r\l hoW to ;maragdine. .. R .... ~ ·


e talks, you llial sam~le, Ipaper OPIJI' today's EP. ' EN tbrougb I the mual· tonight be· 'Aida" you , ~n 't you ill' lUrch Win' less rami!' of Qttorlno

osers (kind .. are Itali .... : " leard a~ thti .. ing Concert .', , ~ra at 6}IO . .

ANOTilER .' .thout 11.ar, lapsedY ID. ve tOj : U" , :30 a.m. ' ,MlNG thia '8 City area; allon or prY , lvilli time· , at "fa~:'

I alloWII , : lilY), D!f. nit b ..... stili otb~ , tIme,. It. ~oae of yo!! , ,T will fIDeI , . )C~url'" .• , l1li wbO art 11l liad ... Ivanc«i ~ ulGCi ~ ... , to DSt be- ,



. ,I \ Heres

GRADUA.TE (OLUGE Doc:tw 01 Philosophy

. Jlk,lWd Hftnry Adamson Des Molnel; ~n/.in kaner .Dandlola. Manila. l'IIIfioIIlI)et; JalTU!l Wyatt Bawden, Iowa cilfi-,ruia I\eiItr1ce Benton. low. CIty ; C!W!1i! Arthur Jlerry. Moscow. Idaho; ~d. Archambo Cahn, Mlnne.polls, l1Unp.; It Chou Oh<>1. Mokpo. Korea; AlaJI Corbin. Bronx. N.Y.;

j)orIalcl, Newton bedmon. SI. Cloud,

ri"LByron Fredrick DeWitt,. Kalllll. C JIIIO.; Roy Emmet Eblen Jr .. Cedar '11 '; 'wUlIam Dean Eckert. Macomb. )U.I Robert I:4w8t'CI Evans, Ypsilanti, ~I W)'IlIIna Smulz O.rretson. MoUnt Pitalih~; ~" Andrew Gundersen . Drexel Hill,

~.' " J.oree Ouzman. Santl.lIO. ChJle ; l'Iamllro Ikeda, Tokyo. Japan; Wendal SttPben Jon .... O .... I.y. Colo.; 1000000h IUI.he Kokjobn. Davenport; Samuel a: KCI~k. Danver.. Mass. I !Iva · LallI, Iowa City; Robert MU:hael t.o \'lkI, lUrtford. Conn.; Leta Max-~ Mann, Carlervi11e JII. ; James Lew· II u..naiJeId, Iowa city;" Franklin Nick "!frtha~l low. City; Arnold John "oc!l'!I. New Albin; John Charlel Palm­e~t C/tlcallO. nt.; • Dlile' .\therly Penn),baker. 'r"mont. H~.; John Wi11lam Petro, low. City; EV_tt Guslav Pyle, Otthkosh. Wis.; ~\IiI Jack",n Ratll(f Jr.. low. City; J'4qr Cecil Rosa lr., Mount Pleasant, )!.ICh,; RuoseU RolS Rulon, Yankton. S.D:;

Jarnel Paul Sond·rock. low. City; LOwell AlljJust Bchoer. Lakefield, Minn.; l'n!clerlc LaIlt\u1r Sederholm. St. Paul. "Inn.; Richard Wallace Sheldon, Water· 100; loseph ChriaUan SloltzfUB. Blacks­bUrr. Va.; Gordon Emory stone. Sioux City;

cilnion Herbert Stronll. Prairie du Chien, WI •. ; RJchJIrd David Swensen, Waverly; John Arlen Thomas. Iowa Q11; Marl/a ret Madeline Thompson. WU~ Latayett. Ind.; Harold Amold W\L!IOn. Oalnesvme. Fla.; laT1)e8 Demlt­J'lQUI' Yannato&. New York. N.Y.;

the list of All ward Rltze. Iowa City; Ant.bony Ed· ward Rocca, Iowa City; Sylvia M. Rodriluez. Ponce. Purelo Rico; John Harper Sanner. Anamos.; Larry Dale Schlenker. Des Moines;

Jean Marie IIchmldt. W.terloo; Wll­lIam Bradfo"4 Snyder. Iowa City; Theodore Nlchob.. Sleflen. Hammond. Ind.; Jack Edward Sturd ivant. Iowa City; James, Rlcbard T.bor, Baldwin; Burdet", Carl Wheaton, Mankato. Minn.; Roruald Howard. Wilkison. Iowa City; Ronald John Wl.,.ender. Marin· ette. Wla.; John Loren Yoder. Iowa City ; Ro,erl Thomas Zlpoy. Minneapolis. Minn.;

MMt .. 01 Fine Arts

Staley Jon Bye. Deerfield. 111.; James A. Elsenlraler. Alvord; Vincent Cosl· mo Ga&1la'rdI, Brooklyn. N.Y,; Leo Francia Goeke, Klrkwl,Ue. Mo.; John Edwin Klncsbllry. Hamlllon. N.Y.; RAlph Koppel. FrU8hJ~. N.Y,; Mar. jOry Louise Martin. Dayton. Ohlo; Mar· .aret Rulih Polson. Ithaca. N.Y.; Mary Elale Robertson. CIurrleston. Ark .; War. ren A. Sle ... .,.er. Willehe''''r. M .... ; Alexander Soroka. South St. Paul. Minn.; Patricia Gay VivIan. San Pedro, Calif.; Marcia Neuman l Wetrman. Iowa City; •

,aret Harrison. Waukon; Charlet HUda Stuhr. Walcott: Rose Marie Sunl. Leonard HBrward. Bloomlle.ld; BurU.,.u,n ; Clara Lea Tapper. Monona;

Ondre Frank Huek. Cedar Rapld&; Veronlka Tum. Des Moines; J anet R<oe Jame. Jooepb Hass. Clear Lake; Ce~ T.ylor, ClnJlon; Thomas LoweU Tay· Clara Hazard. Iowli CIly; Robert WU_ lor. D.venport; Morton Tellelbaum. Uam Hebel , Chlce,o. Ill. ; Lola Fay JoUet. Ill.: Janet Lee Terwlsche. Mu ... Hebeler. C1lnlon; Ellen Marie Helmuth, c.llne; Donrua NaDyne Thomas. Iowa Iowa City; Nancy Sile Henduaon. St. City; Lynetle Marlon ThotnAl. Iowa Joe. Ark .; Robert Barth Kender-.. City; Wmlam Dale Thomas. W"sl Humboldt; D.vld Leo Hennessey. Water- Branch ; Sharon RAe Thornberry. Iowa 1001 Robert Clarence Hentles. Alaona; City; Patricia Ann Tlarks Councll Kay Carolyn Hewlett. Pomeroy; Car<>- BIIIIfs ; Iyn Crawford HIckman. Ainsworth ; Ralph Lawrence TIdrick. Iowa City; Gary Wayne Hickok, Iowa City; John Steen Tolte. Waverly; Linda Mae Too­William KUd. Chari ... City; Carol Jean I/ood. LaOranl/e. Ill.; Brun6 Robert HUl, Omaha. Neb.; Ho_rd Kent HWo. Torr .. , AVbea; Terry Dean navis. Det Mount Pleasant; John LeRoy Hipple. Moines; .Jooepl\ Loul. Tre Ilk. Ceda, Iowa City; Patricia Elaine Hobbs. Rapids; Jpnn Gates ITroyer;'! 'Mounl Glidden; " Vernon; Sharo'l Lee TI'umm, SIoux

Janet Palmqulst Kotley. Iowa City; Fall.; Paljl ~ore 1'iIlIw>PP; low. Margaret Lucllld Holt, Del Moines; Glly; Norman ltuc~ne V.orid~. Kami>. WUlIam Charle., Borne. Burlin(ljon ; Laurel; Sharon f,.ea Van ~n.· Mo. Jimmy LeRoy ,Houchins. Iowa City; line. m.; catharlhe G .... Van Riper, oeorle William H.ru... S4Iollr!ley; Beth ~81amazoo.i Mlch' ~lVlretnia 'ArdeU V...t. Olady • . Howar. Webeter City; o.ry Wood.blne; CarolyTt Ann wa~h. Cedar Allen Howard. Davenport; Douet"" Rapids; JUdith Jal)<! Walfo • wat"f' Catherine Huey,' 'Princeton. ·UI. ; David town. conl1.; Je4hne Ann Wal.\IIqe; Kent Hubble. .~Ormal. nl. ; Mary Davenport; I "

aker Hutchlns. Iowa City ; Carol Marie llam Leo iWe(lman. · , loWlj tYI VJr-Jackson. Storm Lake; ' Barbara Ann 'rinla MarllJ8ret~ Weidler. N Hamp-

,Allen Huff. Mason City; Edwin !.v· Marl/o Elv .. .J WaU~ • • Rod< JUoplds: ~tt HUlhel Jr .• s8a!ord. Del.: S"anne Karen An" -IlhlpuJ1l. ' CeP.r IJapl!J ; Ellzabelh HUlhe •• Lenox; Linda Too1h- ' Shirley Witt Wa"'tnwlnj W~rIY ; WlIe

Jacob, Mendota. 1II.; Robert MOIU'06 Ion; Jack IAIl.I> Welch, Moines;

Mastlr ~ BUll ..... Admlnlltrl"lon James. Postville ; Doro1hy Mae Welc~r. · ~w* City; ..... Dale Jerome Jansen. Manni.,.; An. Janyce JoYe Well'. Esthe I Ie; loAnn

nette Hal/ens Jennlnl/ •• Elmira. N.Y.; Dorot.b.y Wendel. Moville; Iph Bond Layne Arlen Jensen. Aberdeen, S.D. ; Wentzlen. Iowa City; ¥-arla~ Jo W.lt­Annette MarJe Johnson. Iowa Falls; by. Forest City; Nancy Attn Wenr,

Sidney Carlyle Skarr. Ledyard;

O ld - J h A Un UI Fort Dodce; Juaniia. Glenn '. WbpaUey. on. ~"mer 0 n....... UI v e; Hills; JoAnn WhJte. Fori Do!t:;:P.; Mlch-

Karen Jean Johnson. Gl'eene; BarbSra ael J_ Wiemer, Burllnllton; LoUise Jones. Iowa City; Carol Lyn ---, Jon .... Davenport ; J ames Austin Jones, Alvin Lee Wilcox. low. <;J.ty; Keith


Bachelor of Arts Mason City; Kathryn Louise Jones, Albert Wllhelm. Humboldt\ Marshal

David Williams Abbott. Goldsboro. Creston; Ralph Terry Jon .... Spencer; Frank Wlliio. Houslon. TeXt' Dennl. N.C.; Oene OOl'don Abel. low. City ; Michael Carl Kanan , Chillicothe. Mo.; Lee Wilson. MarsheUtowll; hn Mur­Donald LlOyd Allen. AllahUe; James Louise Karantlnol, Sioux City; Betty ray Wilson J r .• BrockportL N . . ; Judllh William AI.lp. Iowa City; Dean Wy. Yukle Karlmolo. HnIUmalk. HawaII; Ann Wlrner. New Sharor~; Iph Eu· mer Andersen, Iowa City ', BarbSra Dennis Edwin Kel'k. Fort Dod,e; Molly I/ene Wimmer. Des Moines; Jobin EI.

VI~lnJa K II VIU P kill J h lin Winter. Wapello; Dll)ah Elizabeth Jane Anderson. Aledo. JU.; Bruce AIlen~.. e y. a ar. .; 0 n Wolle. JacksonvllJe. III.; J anke EII.a. Anderson. Bismarck. N.D.; David Stan· Wayne Kempenaar, Oskaloosa; Lefltet bethbeth Woods. Cedar~' Ida! Will iam ley Anderson. Joice; Judith Kath.er. Earl Kewney. Iowa City; '~e Anderson, Vlnlon; Sondra Jean An- Arthur Steph,," K ibby. Iowa ClIy-. Paul Woodward. Dubuqu ; Njllda Anti U \ Worton. Iowa City; Do ~nn WO.· der.on. Gal""bur(/. 111.; Diane Sue Wlillam Ramon King. Des Moine.; 000. BaldwIn; Ronold Mathew' Wosoba. Artus. Waterloo; Adrienne Arline As· Clarlta SterUnl Kirkpa~rlck, Sheldon; Baldwin; Patricia ALtIl\(o Vo ... lmolo. tol1l. Yorklown Hel,ht. N.Y.; P.trlcla Judy Lee Klemesrud . Thom,1>SOn ; Mary Kualapuu. HawtlJll J anet .Kay Zimmer' Taylor AUI/U.tlne. Iowa Clly ; Miriam ' Dells KJl"bensteln. Gladbrook; "lvera man. Tlplon; Susan Marl.ret Zoeckler.

.Brfnt WendeU AbrahJIlMOn. Iowa Lynette Avey . Marsh.lltown; , Betp> Mae KUnt/ler. i>ohnel1son ~ Jean Ellen Davenport; CltT; Cllarles Willard Adams, Helena. Bllesener Ayr~, Cor.lvllle; Elarl Burt· Kosna~f C1utlerl lam<:l Lee Krambeck . .. A~k.; Orela Muriel Anderson . Hartley; on Bachelder. Clintonj.Vlrlinla <Ell ... Clinlon; ' Joan, t Su~ Krle"er. Brf?/'f, B~or 01 Fine Arts !life... William Arnett. Ma .... fleld. Back ..... Birmintlballl . MJ~hl; ,I N.Y. ; ,Ddrothy Ann Kuchel, 'GlenView. S WII'.; Lynn ErwIn Atwood. WeSSI"gbn, Dale Allan Badrlck pr~Io'n l Betty ' lll. · Itare" Jahll! Kuchel ,j)ovenport· . Luanne Harff. heboYlan. Wis. ; Betty ID ' ~L i( M B ba " ".. L 0 I' Willi ~ hn ,..~ nd M d: .Tean McBee W ..... ln ... ~· Jllth El"'n Phil IIPlne.; Dana F. Bamford. Bucks· Noel Ba,enllos/ Hblolelo: , ¢erol Fay, Nancy Ann Lar! • Tlpt<M. ' Marcellus y. Y'. !1~ . "l ""'" e al\laser acuncan. a • Lumberl/ Baen.l,er, Iowa" ty; RlchJIrd a e alii ,' e, .,.r~. oun I , S rera Iowa Cit· -ro-" h School'

pprt, Maine; Harold Gene Beaver, Bailey. Rock Islan<l. J II. ; KerdaU Clark Wayne LancheInH Ladllra .• Qhal)ll!ll WI'~ ~~~~~ ~al~!:n. ~"': ' l!~rl. !GT';lt: . ~obn.tton City. m.; Ceorlle Ellb Ben- Baker. Decorah; N'ancy RovlIJIl/ Bak .... ' llam Lanham. P f ulll"j' ; , lVIa,r!ly!' foon Wrl ht • O'Fallo 1111: , '"to '"1' ; MIt. South Charl""ton. W.Va.; Weld"" Decorah; Myrna' Mae' Balkl Unlverslly If" Pllmte. Sioux City. /l • n, Arland BetICh. Jamestown. N .D.; Ro· Cit M ,,- t All Bar J.,o' - M' I La - t ...... -"11 , .-1 JORp. Blanc" ''''', llIwa Ctty', Itelt.b y . 0 .; .. ",n/are ce n,el!. "" ar e l'8On. ·, or """1/"'; W • , Bachelor of Music .... ",_u Charleston. s.c.; Donn. ljOul., Bart( ltam ~bmham , Lasansk"1 19wa gty! Dale· Blayney. 'JIIpion; low, Des Mohles; Mary . Jeanette Bau. Sond.ra" K ay," 'I.:ludner. · JlockCord. ' Jane Ma'tsh Georlle. I~a; AnD

Vlol"t Beatrice 'JIoecker.~urUDflpn; man. El\iliervllle; Sarah , Lol. Beatty. CIurrlei r Oliver ' Ilel!. FbIrI. OaJt •• Calli.; Kelley Goul<!. lowq Ci.ty rcla Mae Dermis Edward Brown. ' Iowa · dty; S~oumey; Charles Edwin Bimutn. Lo. Karen ,Mal'S"" ~. Cbi<;<>lfQ. ~11. ; ~Iph., }ieosley. DO!!ntll8oni JJn lIerl 1 .... 'BettY Jane Broylel, Grinnell; Dallas Anlleles, Calif.; Shereen Ktay Benfer, ene Rae ·Lee. Mount Pleasant; Dwll\hl Win. low. dty; Carol Nelaon. Howard Bry.nt. Van Horne; Larry Iowa City; Barbara Joan Benhart. Park Avery Lel'llnweU. SelltUe. Wash'.; Eliza" McNabb. Ill .; David Lew. Shrader. IlIIT)'I Calhoun. Iowa City; Donald Lee Ridge. m.; , beth Emilie Lemke. Meservey; Fannie Ames; Sonja Rhea Wrl,ht. Mt, PlEa· carr. Walerloo; J:ame. Henry Cava· Donovan RJiy Benson . Falls Church. John LeMoine. ColunWus, Ga.; Dian"" sanl; naudt, Printeton, N.J . ; Vlpu~ Chatur· Va.; Ira S",phen Berck. Ames; Redge G. Len •• Waupun. WII . ; JoAnn Kay vOdl. Ca,lcutta, India; VI-1lI1 Jerome Olander Bel'l. Waterloo; Dennis Le. Lesch. o.are; David Sheldon Levin· Out.tIanoon. Bode; Berl/ren Red Oak ' Carol LouJse Bleb. son. Mason City; Marlta Louise Lewis.

Bachelor 01 Scienca in . Chemistry Lester Tyler Jone. Jr.. DIIo Moines ;

Theodore Frunk Nieman". Burlington; Gayl H. Wlel/and. Mar hallf<>wn; Don­ald Graydon Zehr. M .. ""heflier;

PeUa; Robert Roy Cameron. Waukon; John Malcolm Channer . Dubuque; Rich. ard Arthur ~ville. Lamont; Gerald YraneJs Con ...... y. Sioux City; Norman Lee Custer. Iowa City; Donald J_ Doulhman. s.u-y; nlU5 Carr Itvans J r .• Iowa CIty ;

DarreU EM'1n Flaher. MalOn City; Jack Lee Oenzhom. Maplelon; Jama Irvl.,. a.. rcJn~r. Fairfield ; Thoma. Dean Oartln, Del Moln ... ; 'lbomaa Mlcha,,1 Gary. Crescent ; Jon Reru-y A. Ga tel. M.rcus; Edith V IJ'linia Oehrl11C. EIIlin; Henry Wallace Gerber. KallU'1lr; Robert Joseph Goldberg. Iowa City; How,"" Lloyd Rambrecht. GaJeebU1'll. Ill,; LoIw"n Norman Harris. Iowa City ; Earl Cllbert RatTiaon, Slorm Lake; ~ Edward Ra ... lnrY. Iowa City; JOJIf!joh James Heller Jr.. Fort Dodee; JlI1Rri ·Y. Hendrie"" Jeffenon; John PhJU~ H"rman. Boone; John Franc;ia H .. a( FFI*y; Donald Harman B<>lder, W.w .. loo; t

, '01M' J;'aul Jacolw, ClInlon; Da1Jaa Ad­al1>a "Oh!'8Pn, Iowa hils; Warren AMon H; ........... y'. WoodaMIe. N.Y_; ~ lCtle,.... al'OOklyn, N.Y.; Robert car­ll' e 1.arson. Eldora; David Claire Lohr. Churdan.; Eldon Keith Low.ry. Bur. IIncton; AI~n LewI. Mark. ClarkwU~; ErQlyW ' Jenkw M"Auley, Charlot",. N ,C.f l B4bert Reynolds Mekemoon. Fort MadUon; Frank Edward MIUer. Roc:k I,18nd. nt.; Stanley MU."'ln. Iowa City; oeorJll! S . NaU"h Jr., low. City; · Jim Wal",r NellOn. Weot Liberty ; Edwin 'Newman. Davenport; Donald PauJ Nicho.,.,n, C11.nton; Denni. HowlU'd NUlent. Churdan ; Robert John. Otter­man. Dyel'lvJlle ; Geer,. Lyon Pauk. Iowa City; Wayne Emil Pete ... Deru.on; U,,\ Clarlc: Purcell. Hamplo n ; Paul Stahley Quinn. Versaille •• UI. ; W.rne Franklin RArl\§I!Y. Cedar RApids;

ComeUus Jam"" Rater. Ottumwa ; Lane Art.bur Reeves. Pleaunton; David Gerard R,ue, Gilbert ; Ronald Merlin RhaUpn. owa City; John Carlelon Robbin •• Emmetsbu'1l; William ClIl10rd Rosenfeld. Storm. Lake; Wayne Earl Rouse. TelTll; Thoma. Anthony Ryen. DLlbuqup; Burton Alan Sandok. Levit­town. N.Y.; AusUn Robert Sandloek, Fort MadllOn; Norval LeRoy Sal<lon, Cor.lville; Paul Nonnan ShJeld. Stan· Ion; Robert Roland Schulze. Coralville; Robert Roy Schwaeller. Dubuqu,,; John Forest Shaw, Britt;

Edwin Stanley Shulkin. Siowe City; Elmer Theodore Sonuoo Jr.. El<ira; Wlmam Henry Steinbeck. Jowa City; John James Stelnm.u. Jr., Fort Dodl/e; J ·amel Fle.ln, Smes. Weot DetI MPI~~Btu'art Ronald S~nc, Daven­P<!r\:1 1I'0rou Cory Strille, o.eeolal R~ ohn Swan, low. CtIYI DennJl Duane Thoen. Kensett; MarvUl Harlan Thomas. Iowa City; Charle. W .... lel' Tola"d, Spencer; Richard Allan Truax. Cro,~y. N.D.; Keith Dwaln Vanden srlnll IBayard; H .... old A. Van H~. Welen Sioux CI;Yr Russell R~fph Wid­ner. ManChester; paul DavId Willis lui De. Moine.; Curti_ Burnam Willon Jr .• Britt; Dennis Deun WII..,n. Jeffer. SCln; Richard Hurlburt Winter, Blowe City; Laverne Artilur Wln lenneyer, Iowa City; Arnold Benlon Wolle. DeJ Motnes; Daniel M.nninl/ Younl/blade.

DENTISTRY Doctor of o-nt., 5urtary

Jemet Davtd Coehrane. Larrabee; er. Mldiothlan. III .'; DiXie Ann Bleder. OsIllel Rut.b Marie lIewls. Fort Dod,.; Kenneth W1Il8t'CI CQok Jr .• Hny •• Kan.; mann, Osalle; Duane Alphonse Biever. EUzabelih Anne Lincoln. Misston. Tex. ; 1II\"f'Y Sidney Cooker. GloversvUIe. Allon; Mary Carol Birkbeck. Oalena, MIlfY Diane Llndllren. Stanton; Frank If.Y.' . Munel Slevlnl CQoper. Marlon; Ill .; Barbera Ann Bjornstad . Spencer; Anthony Lindsey, Port Byron, m.; Peg-

~ Corbin •. New York, N.Y.; Leo James Karl BliXt. Rockford. Ill.; Den· IIY Jones Linkln, Pal.tine. 111.; Terry a.chelor of ScllflCe k C A_

• Eberl Jr., Polo. 111.; Ronald Stuart nis Duan .• Blume. Sumner; Corinne Dennis Loeschen. Spencer; Mary Ann In P ..... lc.1 E.L._ ..... L Clair Richard Ad Ins. edar R.pl ..... : .... Joliet. m.; Karl Ek"nes. Dyp. Anne Boe, Sioux City; Sandra Lee Lo.,.. Mason City; .. , a ............. Roger Euaene Andersen, Spearfish. '111'. ,Nol'Wtly; WJlJlam Robert Elwood. Boeke. Des Moines; Joan . PeilJIY Boese, Betty Josephine Louis. Towa City; Harold Richard Gillaspie. P.ckwood; S .D .. Frederick Lynn Asher. Woodbine;

G~t Falls. Mont.; Marcaret Ursula Sterlln,. III.; Judith Anne Boldes. Des Carmen Florence Lowenberg. Donnell. Donald Wayne Hulf. Wot.r.\oo; WII. John William. Berry. Albia; Robert . '-' ,,- Da ton Ala J hn ~-h Moin C I -. Bondi D son WUII J h L ka 0 IU lIam Paul Mg,·ner. Iowa City'. Dean AI· EmmeLt CBhal.n. Harper. Ferry; Billy ..... c,.....n. y; n 0 &..... es; aro e A urtler • aven· ; am osep u. n. yersv e; I Lee D.I~. ~. Moines'. Vern Dodd Jr .• r CIty rt Bett Joa RaId i L d H od len Radtke. Iowa City; Rono d Robert ~. o,n ; po ; XU, YN.th~n Arth~ L~d' ) omeC~ty ' ROl/era, Iowa City ; ~hom ... Francl. ne. Mo nes; Thomas Crooby Francia, lI.arty Quid"" Folk. Davenport; David LeRoy Clayton Bopp. Solon; AUred F "ddl Lulha Cli t 'J owa B ; Schwall/ert. lawn City; New Orlean •• La.; Paul D.vld Fruler,

IrIaM Forslund. Rockford. m.; Jimmy Bousquet Jr .• San F.ranclsco. Calif.; re e ns. n on; ames etn· Chari .. City; David Georee Fry. Cedar .Ibm FQY\ pavenport;· Burton Dean Dorulld Max Brayton. Manchester; r~. LUcther, Ma~n City; lerry Wayno , Gr-...L'-&Io" H- I" L"'---al Art, <Rapids, RIChard Vlclor Oander. Lan-~keL_ · ll\depeJld",nce; Keith Harley Bruce Barlon Bremner Iowa Falls' u~" one.svllle, LU!'l'lJ foIIaa_n. Hnr- ..... - -.... .. -.- I 0 I Ed rd a.. I P k nNI h'I. _we City; John Thomluo qeary I.;oretta Marye Brldgeio~, Cedar . Rap:, Ian; Mary Jane Mod sen, Shelby; Rich· , Wilh ' Hlrh.,. Dbllae''''" .81\1;. e wa lTe I. ac w-,-_; .11' .• WaJl.Jloo ; WIWam Bernard Geol'le. Ids' Penn Is Alan Brll/I)I West Des ard Allen M • .....,tt. uMars; Cheryl RaYlllond Edward Cole Dennis p!an Donald M1lton Geer. Iowa City; J7e,Ino Calif,; Loul, Daniel Olannettl, Moines; Barbara ~.y B,,~wlj. Water '. ire.n ~ .. V'0' ~. M-\llnes ; Jack l?ale Cunntnthorr/; Th·om" Thoodo~e Ed. PaUl Edward Hal/enson, .Cllnton; Carl Hi tlek M La h G 100' Linda Ann I Brown . OSkaloosa' f\1areltl11. Grinnell, mondl! LFannl. IJClhn I LeMoine I Mary ,Jo!ll!ph Hem_1h, OlJllla". James Wll-

'~ •• And~~, ~:~ceM1.=t V! Dla'ne Elizabeth , Bryol1 •• . 10l"a , CIty; , Melinda Moravec MarshaU Fori' \J.ne , · j"fad,se.n. Janet I Lou~' , Masl' )la01 Hileman, Wayland ; Donald Olen GIendennb;tll. Columbus Juncti.on; Barb. Arthur Alien Buchwald. MarshaIlIoWn;, Wayne, In4.; 'fylel; Edward ManShall,r oeorle Solin MOC'oll, sandr .. Jean Ne _ >lohnson. Georle; .Thom .. Paul Johns· Ira Jean Goldstein. Iowa Ctty; Margaret James Allen Buckingham. Del Mol"",,;' \!\kron. Ohio; Pel/IY An" Lol,llse M~,," son, Albert Dean Otlo. Jon Rosa Pier- ton. Ma""n CIty, I\I~hurd Fredv!clr U>u Good Da rt Cherry Eula Bu!fJngwn, Mqunt Ple,,- tens. ' Bl.hnett; JIlnet ' Loune MDit. 'sol. ,:. l:l'nesUne I;'laY~fI , , Killebrew • . Des Molne~, William Fred-

anne • venpo; santi Sally Jo Bullock Holstein ' Ray. Wate"oo;, ROY Milton Mp~h.w, ' /W'Asl f ' 'WIth HI'II nlstlnetlod ,erick Lay. Du~uque. Jarnes .Harold Raymond R. Gould. Omaha. Neb.; mond Georl/e Burdick' Slow< dty· · Br.nch~ Glenq JUolllh Ma)'o. I"wa Clb;, A D4\!1~ wunl""., AbDott: SHlc'e Allert !;:",Ish, 11"'"Nrl19n• EmLoelt 111saMae cLI,nl. ~. Newton Gl'een. Sisseton, S.D.; •• • I;llzabemT Funke il.f.cCaU. IoWa CI'ty; I nderson. . Carol F.y .&alley, Bfrbara .... ew u. ; orman we c reary. Richard Dw.yne Oreen. Amu; Rose JanJa M.a.rilyn Burke. Bernard i By Geer,.. J~ M"CtlJI Iowa City' , Qavld ~nn Bjdrst.\;d. Becky Sue Cal'l)~'" 14l\r. Toledo. James loteph Mldlel, Iowa Zt~ Waterloo ; Frederlch Wllllam ron Thomas BurlitJ4l¥.M.' Ru~~; _~en ""nde McCusk"y. }.c\W/l CIt:f."~4r~ pJa KaWJ Felln.e!Jl.9, TharllS. <AIIn ~H. iiftJ /'CIty; Donald .J/lmet Moxr~.Q, .. ,West III , ~.'" ."'0.; ~ ther Burn.. Muscati~e, ·"",nna ~thfYli' ~ McDlfi1alif" NI{&.i fl~ ill ' Zhlka. How.rd Kent. Hilio. WnUam ~ Bend; . lllRet ' H,m. Brllrhlon; Fr.~'< """Ier ay Byan. Bettendor( . Rlcltard :lames 't BoUII18s McGUI.re\ , Co ned' '!Charles lfp~'l~ J '!f!y We>tn/l LlJt. Earl El~ert Mosel. Waterloo; Jame. IDfb, Thomoon. Ga .• Larry TOIIhlbuml DoUilas Ctlmeron •. Ceaa~. Rapids; pa",n, 'Bluffs; .. ,Barbara A'll" ~qinUJ'e, . /Pl: • • ~heryJ ICallahan Melby. JaM , WalTe~ Roler Muruy. ALl1'Ora; Carlyle F ...... • HfYI,Ih~. MlnneapoUa. Minn,; Leon Rae Caroon. Cteslon, Bectg Sue 14oine!; 'Barba'ra Jeanne McNeil. Wppel. Nadlifl Olsela SleJaft; Janet lIfte Taylor. rick NaeSiII/. Webaler. S.D.; WllIillm

. NatlIanlei Hicl ... Gainesville. Fl • . ; 110- Carnes, CH~lon; Judith Ann a""'n. 10; Jool1' f o.rol MC'Nell. l9\erling. Ill;' 'tlnd~ ~eI ToUllood , Oayl"H WI~and. Ed.ward ",elson. Clarinda; JalTU!l AUen ·\~ltosmilU Hinrichs. Ames: Leon.~ iI1!n, Clinton, Jo ..,nn , Carver. W"v~rW;, ElIzabetl> ,..nn McShane Qsl<aloo~' I" ,. WIUI Dlitln"tlon ~ Newsome. Iowa Cltyt Ronald AI~.

n Hdlmirain, Gordon. Neb.; ChoOn Judith Ann Ca\l(leU. SIoux Falls. S.D.!. ,Marl/aret ·Moe. Sterllnl. · DI,; cperyi I JudJ~ X jltheHhe J(nder~. ' Dlahli' ,Oathout. CoralvliJe; J ame. Floyd Ollen·

r 8~ 0.,. Pw.n Korea' Warren Kay Chadlma,. Cedar RalMds. Callaharu, ' M .. lby Tlplon' Ma'Uret!n ' 'Sue Artus ~lcrltaui L Noel .Bapnsto .. 1!url . Clear Lake; Ray Keith Oukrop. . • •• Doullal Kenrick ChalmeD, ,Iowa qty; a.ne Melvin clinton - Donald Joseph Ijlnda A~rUBrown R'IIIEir \4Jlan Col. Xlldeer. N.D. ; Harry Allen Palo. Iow~

a.rallf .S. Hom. Adrilln, Mich .; How- llteven Allen Chambers. Shenl\lldoa.h; l'4enster C.';".de ' ' . ll_n. Ma .... ~ref StebweO Dalley Lewl. Talis; William. Loyal P.rker, Moline, ~Will-l:';;r:m~~""'~..J!:~owi.ve~ Carol Louise CIur"bon. Tlmn;, Donald DI . ' 'Del '111 Ie ' v . E I Dee Drain. Vlrll"l~ Mary Qunn: K\lt.b ... i,;; Charles John Pinkerton. De. "'Iy'. WeUborn Ro~lon Hud"..n Ill. ltuaene Chrlsten~n. ..,.udubon; Alice MllleanaW lanl• ~M<;";:_. ,_~ac . roIIMe'JII I .ryn Elizabeth ElwIn. t<!ster Ty).er Ine. ; Robert Marlow ,RetE. Man· '"' ,~~ Marie Christianson. Thompson; Ro,er r, ay u . ~,au", aro et. Jane. Jr Dorothy Ann KlIChel Marl. eheotter;

:'~~y CiCityty;" WMlollrl.,man DaJOn1ohn rtJhon~,hruoMUnS: Kay Christianson, Iowa City; Susan Saocyrakcu""I' Nd·Y·; 1M 1 IchaeThl Jose~.~JIIer. Iyn Jean"La Plante RAlphl".'e Rae Lee CIurrles Herbert RosenbaU1l1. low. ....... ., ,. I;velyn Christner. Shenandoah; Mills n!::'~'1 I:; J o~ Mi'S~ Ruth Mar ie Lew!'. EII~8I>eth Ann~ City; Leoll8 rd Nyleo Rosenthal. Iowa

't!~~~a~~lile~~o~!;,~~~,:'~~,;, WlllIa", Albert Claerhout. Moline. Iowa' Cltr 0;:.. •• S~U1it ~~nt/lor:::ery· Lincoln. DavId Lande MCCaskey. Sue glty~ C~~~~ LIOY:h Shall~'rlW~~ 0Iii\,; Albert Warren Ke,errels Jr.. m .; Jan'" Marie Clark. omaha, Neb. ; Cedar JUoPids' Tho/lWls Youns Moore' Ann Nicoson. Sandra Solllr~r Novatny. .,.:: kl! °stJi.!n ~w, kl • It .

'.!ocItnlnster. N.J . ; Keith DlLlne Ketelsen. Donna MarllUA!ri'" Cob~. Erie, Ill. ; Jo Rochester, Minn.; Terence John Moron: Ann Karen Oleson. Werl.ty su ... nh~ Ger~ld ~,all, [:';'a ctf:' ~ldu.el ~~ CUnion, lohn M. Kudlaty. South Bend, Ann Cochran. Newton , WUbur Paul River Forest. Ill .; Mar.!' Phyllis Morllan. Paxton. Bet.b Joan Power. Joan JUo.ch Till [nd ndenee' John Ja TImmer.

· lne.; CochNul Ill, Charllon; Frazier Lee Cof· Stanley; Larry William Moses, Burling. er. Sharon Kay Rietvelfl· Nedra Jean mans ln~ood ' rn:nk McDo~ld TUm. .,., ....... th Ann Lambert, Clarendon lie, Altoona; John CIurrles Coffman, ton; Michael Leroy Murray. Sioux City; Rolf •• Timothy Arrowsmith Roo .. Nan· er, it. Lauderetale. Fla.; J.m"" AUen - AI/ency; Gloria .uarch Cohen. De~ !,eon Kenne1h Mustard. Estherville; cy Ruth Stokes. Sharon Lel/ Van Ote· VerHelst. Mason City; Thoma. Reinhard ~; ~~~ ~~:. t..ur~:ln;ork:::;: Moines; Gary Unler Coh.en. Wa",rloo: Mervin Leroy Myers Jr .• Cedar Rapids; lIhen. Michael Jarne. WIemer. Weldemann, Waterloo ; Slanley Day. n... .., Caroline von Kr"'-n LeinhJIuser, Raymond Edward Cole. Des Moines. John Warren Nadil. De. Moines; LAW t ton Wise W.verly Raymond Ilean ....... ~'" Gerald James Collins. Dubuque; Roler C Woodh • PI ih !ltWmwa; Il. Thomas Lietzke. ~ Allan Colll_n. Keokuk ' Ralph Horace Joan LouJae NSI/el. eelar JUoplds; B-....I._.

or of 1:..':"', ouae. ymou_

/ori!L. S.D.; WUllam Leverett UIU· Conldon Cedar YaIJa' Kathleen Marl. Sandra Je.n Nelson Davenport; Sue <KIWI .. brt_. New Ham;pton ; Teenlan Tlon· Conlon 'Coralvllle ' Victoria Jane Con. Ann Nicoson. Rolle; John Francis or Juris DoctGt' PHARMACY )'lW\ LI.,.. T.lpeI. ChIna ; Charles Ro· roy Ottumwa ' • Niemeyer. Elkader; Deane Leroy Nob- Bachelor 01 ScIenc:. In -~~. WI Lord. Grinnell; John Emmett' . • lett, Creoeo; Nancy Ruth Noll, Clear '-'-'~J llJadt.y, Stoux City; Lawrehce Leluen. CIurrlea Edward Con.,..ay. Elma; Rich· Lake; John Clinlon Norris. Marcus; Richard R<o ymond Albf1'cl\1. Hartley; Larry Dale Albrecht, Hartley; Jackie lIaroeU. Loa An,elel!. c.J1l. ; Elizabeth ard Mark Con_y. MuscaUne; Brad' Sondra Santler Novatny. 10_ . ClIy; John GUg Ames. Nashua ; Leon Minor Unton Bau/lh. Bettendorf; John Richard I'bnees MalteJ'!JDn. MuscaUne; ley Jerome Coover, I~a ClW; Joap., Evelyn Marlon oakes. Qra~lnaer; Pat- Barnes. NorthW~; Verla Jean Bart· BlUer. Cedar Falls ; EmJlle Clalre Blume. lIJc~rd David McUnay, Iowa City; Mae Courter. I Waterloo; JudIth An'!) rlek Joseph O·Brlen. Iowa il Clty' John le;n Iowa Clt~Don Edward Beane, Sioux City; Charles Olin Castor, Fort

Robert O$car Meadors. PetertbuT'. Crisman. Central City; ,Jame9 Arthur Joseph, O'Conn~1I I Cedar Rapld~' Ion Jo a Cllrh ry ~w.a~ Be8(tty. DocIle; RObert Olen Dean. $IOOX (fJty; 1-" ludI'~ ---I M i Co I II Crook, Floyd; Nancy Jodl~~ Cullinane, Frankl'lh Olerlch' Rolfe' Ann Karon Cedar Rapt ... , Iff ",Ifil l seek. -Aber. Deanna Lou Dodds. Sioux City; Ronlld .. ... j WI ..., errum 11 er, ra vi e; Bettendorf; Den'rils Dean Cunninl/ham. OlelOn Elkader;' Maril";' KaY Olso"n ' deen, S .D.; Marvin Stuari' 'Seren.rle1n. EUle.,., Dorrlo. Davenport; Janice Lee _ra AILee MueU"r, Summit. N.J .; Norwalk; S.ndra Cunnln:llham. Iowa Ottumw!'.; Gerald ,Francis I'\~n. low .. Ames; John Arthur Brady. Tlplon; AI· Evan •• Claremore. Oilla . ; Kemr Mar­Ia""'ra Jean MUfl)h,v. Iowa City: Oun· City; Oilbert NeVius Cuplin, West Bend; City; :John Ellis Io,.tman. Qftte~,II' len Eue.ne Brennecke. Marshalllown; shall Gladlelder. MONvla; Jlobert c.J. fer"'~~OOId. NM,vaAhl'81ltllla·IIW. anaI_'wma IClnllOty •. , MJainmn.:.:, Marg"",t Diane Curl. Palm Beach. Fla,. ; Nancy han OStrander, lowli Cliy; .... I!o . Robert Getty Brld .... De .. .".lne&;,.¥-<, v~: Gr8l!r •• rowa City; lohn WIIliurt

.... w • ~ co Larry A Cur a Waterloo' , I)'IarS ..... , b k Herbert Buck. Bhodes, C .... Hdnrle'" Hnvener. Jdwa City ; Carl Lee HJchlren. Alrred Nardlnl. Bloomfield; J'byUls· U'D U r n·S La~' B .. bert ~n Otto. , Glad roo. i' , ,'I Bun • • Mannl"~; William ku'h .... CBr. boten, Cedar FaUJ.' 'CIU\DII Ney. Iowa Cltv·. Jom ... F....... Stedwe a ey. Ionn e; rel),.a Joyce Louise Pardee. D.II' Moines.,' ... " ,.~ Ann DaU...... Owaneco, L; Linda " '_ ' michael. Pocahontas; . Delbert Calvin Kel .. y. Oak~; Ken' .... Jfa.Jey. North Platte. Neb.; Ellzabe1h .Qameron. Cedar RApld&: MJc:hael .... Roy Pliuly. DUbuque; Wend~ William HenrY ChrlstilOn : nl, Moline, Rea La1Iln. Red Oak ; Marte Clair Link.

'. ){arJan I!:cIII& Olgon, Iowa City; Mau· Charlel Erne.t Dare. Iowa Oil,.; Jerr1 SUza",,~ P .. xlon" Oedar IWplds; Terry Ill.; J"rome Walter. Conwa;,. •. Mu.eatlne; Sibley; Marlyn DIedrich LIl..,ht. M .. on i1ce ,\nthony O·Me.ra, Albany. N.Y.; Robelll. Darrow. Iowa CIty'; Virldnioa ' David J;'e~ ~mlfn; Anq Peten!>n. Lake Edward Crookbarq. Oskaloo .. ; City; Donald Dean ' Morean. Colwnbua NIcboJa. Jame. Paulus, Rocklord ', Ro- Le Da ....... rt, • _._- f - , I HamJ)ton.; Dlene J .... ne' Pt!(erson. Park Do I J Ma CI City '. Robert Wayne "--'en, IBur"--. '.:htl't [)Iek Penn. Mount Vunon; SomarJ e v."..... ",_.~sa; 1 Ridlre, Ill.; Max Glhner Peterson Jr.. W.I"'r · Paul y e r .. , • IOn ty: ~-~. 1'IftNnrat, Banlkokr '11laUand, Aleth. Bette Ann DIWiI. Cot",r; a..ry Coralville; RonaIq Lee Petel'/lOn, Sw~o Oharl.,. Oary Gately. Jer:t,"",n; La"" !':;;La<t':~~~~~v:,~ve~ng:f:'::'::

" -.n I>.-~y . ..... - Moin.-. WIII'-m I~ Gearle Davia. Central City; MarIlO Clty-. ' Stephen Murlaulh Peterson, Charles Glpe. M.lvern; I II Redmot;'d .". Sh Co 1 III ..... _A • or ... " ...... WI v- Andrea Davis. OK Moines; MOlon K1nC Wa",rloo,' Janice ' . Catherine Phel1Jn. GIJdden. Musca tine; Edll.r Frank Han· .. n .. upne ever. ra v e; .. _. IOph Rappel, Manitowoc. Wis .; Herben Deets. Bettendorf; Jerry Blaine Dick. S"-nandoah'. Patricia Ka'''-'n Phll~tt. sell. Leon; Neil Eu,ene Harl. Numa; deus Wade Slevens, Stanwood; Donald ::rR::;'ItrtKa~:'; I~~ej~ty~Jt.~~~ Inion, Fairfield; PatrIcia Dodd, Weet- B'';UnIIon; Jon Ross i4.~:sol. ~s; Donald Ray Harris. Iowa. FaUJ; RoJiert ~~'::~. U4~~'on~aJ~ R;;= ~

a_ jo Y leld. N.l.; Judith Lee Donner, Younp- Dorothy CasUe Pixler. LaC-"-. Ill.'. Lewl. Heuen. Iowa City; lbIlph Hunt· Ye .... rave • Ulo . lavla; Teddie Rich· town. Ohio; Loren Elroy Doulhty. EJ.,. F. Emesline Player. Iowa CUy .... • Carol rees Henin,er. Davenpott; · Jumes Lyle Walerloo. David RotIer Work. Clinton . • I'd Roberti. Knoxville; Victor FArabee dora; John Robert Doyle, Grand Jun.c. Trope Plotkin, Peoria, Ill.; There.. HoHman Ir .. Leon ; AUCIl!rt' Frederick Graduation HOItOI'I In PhannKy ~~t;son Jr., Dalla.. Tex.; ChJlrlee tlon; James Alan Prahovzal. Cedar Antoinette Popelka. Cedar RApids; Honsell. Cedar RApids; R<lq.,rt WllUam WIUI HI, .. D ... I.oll •• "'"'" Ru.eU. Minn_poll.. Minn.; Rapid_; Lewis Dee Drain. Belleville. Jansen. Iowa City; Matlyn Soren Jen- lohn William Hav"ner I ...... , Donald MWTay )tu_II. · !£au Ill.; June 1D101se Drake, Glenwood; non. Ba1h Joan Power. Newton; .Tanet sen. Ced.r JUoplds; l'll: WIUo DI_od .. Claire, Wla.; na Mae Drees. De. Molnea; Sbaron Anne Prahl, Rock RAplcla; Kenneth Har- .Frank Bruce JoJuuton •• rprt Dodl/e; Robert calvin ONef, Carole Jean "H. Jean Bhawhan, Des Moine.; 'Ruth Lee Dull. Iowa City; CBtherine Rooe rlman Price. Sioux City; Robert Vem- James Loula Kelley. Aillopa; Henry Rembo. • .. aomt Shetler. Williar'ubur, ; Herdl. Dunlevy. Lansln,s; Vlr,lnla Mary Dunn. on Price, low8 City; Ruth Jean Puck. Martin Keyel, Cedar Rapills; Samuel ENGINEERING ~n SnYcler. Iowa City; Jerry Columbul .TuncUon; Davenport; Francea Katherine Pundt. P\!"'r Klnl. Holstein; David Edward I"I'U' Solomon. CtUllleotbe, Mo.; Loulae P k ...... '.1 Hqrnestetod; Myrna Jean Pushor. Clear Kinion, Dee Moines; Don KUeben· 8.chetor of Selence AIIIIe IPrajcar. Oakmont. Pa.; LouJ. atrtela Helen Dvor., ......... es\oII, Lake; David Georl/e Quinn. Cllnlon; stein. Gladbrook; J.mes Berllard Knoll. l(ixon Slepllanl. Ru .... U lIPrlntl •• Ky.; m.; Doris Ann Dyson. Spirit Lake; Joan RAsch.er, ClIn"'n.; Barbara ' Joan Indep.,nd""",,; Dorothy KaPalan u.Jtt. In Chemic" EngI .........

tfr Marlin Bwartz. York. Pa.; James Arthur Charlet Ech"'rnacht. Fon JUokllJle. Des Moin ... , James Joseph Bradford; James I!:van. Lloyd. Wash.. KiBhore Manmo'tuondh Alit, Bombey.

1 bianl .By(el'l. low. City; Rol Wll· Dodiei Thom.. Theodore Edmond.. Rau.ker. Eastlake. Ohl<>; Victoria Lee inllton; Huih Chari .. McMahon. Dd Jndla ; Wayne Donald KUler, William. T_1Il4ler. M'adlaon. S .D.; I. oruque;' Darien." Jandlce EJdIom, Rauker. East1ake. OhJ,,; SylVia Mara'aret Moines ; Pbilip Charle. MiU~. Winter' burs Bachelor of $d---Thompoon. Sioux City; Kemme; Georlilll! Eislan • lowl City; Reed. Belle. Mo.; Judith Mae Repass, ""t; Kenneth Lestt!r l\loss, Iowa City ; __

~IeJlO VivIan Turnbull. Mlnneapol". ~e~~n ~o%.onE=~~nes.!.~~ ~~ ::I~~':";NU~n~oa~IvlR1~D;,n~~ !: Y;:~:r,.l'zt'YNJ!~. Mlt~~; ~:; In Civil E""neert .. ~ W.~7III:~rrtn~~Ik~~w.Ka~~! Burr ItIlethoft. IowJl Cily; Clark Colo.; Benlla Lynn RIchardson, councU ~ O.kley. Iowa City; lohn Charle. Gerald Francis Bame., Dav""POrt; .-..ald David Washburn. Cedar Rapldsi ~~ J:llCI~_ CJi~tnl; ,~ILollle I Co~rd Bluffl; Sharon Kay RJetveld, Del O'Donnell, Clinton; Staphen ' Murtaulh John Peter Falb. ~n; Ru_U Jimmy land P WiII"-- Deerfl Id III -'"'L -:! ..... n; r. r c_ u Be • Moines; Peterson. Waterloo; I , Oc>ldennann. Davenport; Rlehard Bern·

< ta. ...._n. ".,; mann, lAMers; Kathryn Elizabeth Er- Ma Robe Lee~· W' ard KOn&en, Earlville', WUIb .... Qaarl .. " win. Cedar RJiplds.· David Martin Xaren lean lUx. nnlnJl; Sally Ber. rt AUOusch. atenoo; John ~ M..nr 01 Sden ~.becIt KJJnbelI Shl I J Jlv tine Roblnaon. ClInlon; LInda Koolbeck Thomas Roan. low. Clt~; Dennia Orrl.. De • • Molnea; Larry Mac Sears. ', ' c:e,.. n~ "uton ; An r Fey oanl - ~er •• Davenport; Carole Ann R<>ehm. CIurrles Ru_ll. hlrfleldl Howard WIl. Allerton; Per 1\01£ Spane. 0110. Nor-

a" ...... mer; .. nor n allIer. owa Peoria. m.; CaroJyn Kaye Ro,e .... Iowa Uam 8chmidt. Toledo; Nickolas Allen Wliy; Joteph Nell Steaeman, au-url I ''-,PDt Irvin Andenon. Keokuk; CIty; Sarah Mahan ".Ib. Newlon; City; Nedra Jean RolfS. Waukon; Shumansky. Sioux City; David lOhn VaUey ; Richard ~roy Wataon, Bearl--t I:cIw.rcl Becker. Keokuk; Ilane1l Marcia Kaye Fennema. Mount .\yr; Mary Anette R<>os. Davenport; . Joanne Sohr. Tlplon; Edward Clarenc" Stet. boro; John Mlehael Younprman, Fair·

IYna. BeenUnk. Maurice: John Em- Norman Arthur Flet, Waukon; Jl<>n- Brecher Rosenbel'l. Jowa City; Keith ~n. Boone; Donald Theodore S\eeire.' mont, Minll_

=:.r:1Ie .... -n. lIoux Cltl'; Dlc:k Alan al\I Lee TtnIIenon, Iowa City; Lou Dale R be BUllln.tA TI th S ... Robert ..... a ."Wl! l. N -~...:. 8-....L .- ......... _-, R .... Oak; Charlet Roland leanne Fitch, Clarinda; lacl< l\larow Arrovn':~~ i:ii .. ~ M;;i~;"; ::."t.e!t N:=:/;EdWard-W&'soo;; d.{c":~nt""'- ... -

· Ov .... I.nd. Mo.; :rIll. Kelbourne; ~rta DIane .Fleck. Georn Rowen. C1ihton; John WOllam Thoma.- Lowell Wlhe. ~1W'1iin; Chari"" In Elactrical I;!neinHrint ' -.... JOtlepl\ Byrne Dubuque; IA· Vlrrlnla , Minn .; Jolin Chari .. Flemlntl, Rowley. Burllnl/lon; WUlard Leo Sale. Robert Wolle. Sioux City. Tredricl< . EbaI ~cte:raon. Winfield; ,'line Wallace cain. sioux City i._RIch. W''''rioo; ZIther Louise Forbes, Iowa mJnk. Nichola; Cl>arlea Berlin S8ftlC>&On. ,. '''' Melvin cr.lre c.rlaon, SIoux City; 11 Gol'don Carroll, Ced.r ~pld.; City; James Forreet Fowlar. Atltanlci RadcUlfe;' Chlirlott.> AlIne Sc:hart. Iowa MEDICINE ,,' ChJlrl_ Robert Cnlllen, Jo",a Ctty; iQt .1(u,mar Cilatterlee. Kampur, In. Meradlt.b Loulle roxen. LeMan; Joeeph City; . T . · Robert AUen Hartwl& loWl! City; MAr· .. _j Mil( ry Lu""s Chrillentle

l n, SI. LovUI.

I, r"c'isrra~. ~quBre;...sarol t ntooe .Dorothy J.ne Scott. Cedar RApld-; Doctor 01 MecIc~ vln Francis Knox. Can\<ln. Minn .; John

-.; l-sbun' Chu. Tal.,. • ChIna; •• ,r~ . _ 11 nn nJ,; I "':,oa raJ'rnceled' Rl<>hard Paul !!collel. Charllon; Peter ""- MaeLaUlhlln. Davenport; Rc>ftald

&:,OIn CI.reyi.. Benlon, 111.; Ra)'t1IOIld r......... ey; oyaen.nna • Michael Serocc:a. New York. N.Y. ; lohn LaVerne Aeling. M .. on OIty; Lee McNally. LuanA; Marlon P'raru:Ut ... rt Cyr. Franklin, Neb.; 10hD l'IabMtn, Denilon; O ..... ory Lee OaUher. Olarence R<oberl Secrist. M"*,,,Une; John Richard Andel'9On. Waverly; Paul Moen. Indltmf)la; Kleth Tbo ..... P ..... • '1: ron DerbywhJ .... low. City; Roberl low. City; J.",. CharI" Oardna". La- Jam .. Roy Seda. Traer; Jo E1.len Sell •• Melvin Andenon. ManhJIlllown; RIch. IOn. Tort DocI,e; Donald La",_

-, ~It . Dlxonl low. CI\y; AJ'thll1' Mo- """"; Fort Dodle; Donald Georl/e Senneft ard Elli • .Datiber, CharI"" Ci~; WJllIam PIehn. Sioux City; Savo PrIce. WM\-'. ,,~DoI1 v"'b Dee Moln.s; Judith Ann Gardner. Waterloo; Philip Maaon City; Olaela Sielaff, Cedar Rap. Cilftord Baumann. Dui'anC; Arthur chester. Ill_; Malcolm o.orp Rialt. In. lIlY",. M;; ~lca:~nCed, I:~;Uf:ryll . ~"-vln. ~!'· M8anoln~tt;s .. T?!!~y.MarI._! dis; All.,. Mary SlUetto. Dell Moines; Abbe Decker. Brooklyn. N.Y.; Robert depl>tndew:nee; DonLeeald I:4w~_~'

U CI• "" ..... '"I _. .._. ROller David SImB, Mlnneapolla, Minn.; JOlleph Blealldell, Hol.toiln; John mon; ayne .. - ...... ~ .. ,;

no; Irvinl IricklOn Jr., lowl .yl Gellman. Bettorndor; Edwin CljIrlle Linda Kllhn Skinner. Iowa City; Pat. Th<ImtIa Bond. Independellcie; LoweU David Ralph Wauab. Reddl.,.; William • ~ In. M/le rtlapatrtck , R.ock.l,a,,"d. Oataahar, Kamtlural J.na Bamt oil· rlala Smith, Elmhurst. IU.; John Keith David Bond. Iowa City: ·Jerome. Irwin Ow .... WbI .... Davenport: Hoben IInr7

'~_., Btuca l'rIadrieh:, Cunlon: chllit. Denilorl ; M.rilyn .McCombe 011· smola. OUn: Dal. Edward Son .. , Bet. Bookin. Ottumwa; Robert l:tN &....,..... Wolter. MaqlJ<lketa . h AUIU.t Qerha~tl ~. mDl'e, Coralvljlei Olorla Ann GIrvan. I.ndorf; S.ndra Su" Sonner. Percival; 'liiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii".·ij;:Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii\ !tIt\', iI.; Ch.rl. WUlillm uooaf.h, · Odabolt; Dian. Merle Qoodwln. Mlnne· Delbert LeRoy ~r. Waohlncton; lanla r t-*1IIt; &Uaabeth PatlerlOll Mawttn. apolil. Minn.; Mar,. Clthertlf. CJoeeh, M41rill &Oppe. Oxtol'd JW\Otlon; Sh' a d ft Cl a

i:n'" eli,} Clifford Alv. HtmCll'Ika Ir., SI)'ldon; Heysa An.il OoeIelld. Wubln.- Olear Albert &orenaon Jr .. Fenton; Irts an :1iI_ ry eanlng .. , Monte JOhn~op ... r, Plain- ton; Larry IUteDa Oc>uld. Walarloo, Sblrley Elaine 9!1I1d", Northwood; Mar.

• Ark.; JeIJI.. Ma K.llllarlch. Mervin William Orl\:e, a_n!i. !...ne th. Lol --Ill I City M rna Lea

~Ionl Oerald ~ K ,louUl .... • Grm"l. Eldclra l Rodier Jon unulth. ~e-;:' M!~n o;:Y' E<iw.:d Hanklt • • GooId'Jeld; William o.n ortlnV!. Oc>ld- Sproat Ir .. LaOra.,.. hrte. Jll.; lack IN IY

• ' I .. JlGbelt Kremenak Jr., lOW' fiald. MarUla Sutanne orocan. JlurJlIllr' K~h Steclohoulf!. Hampton; Annett. 9 I.m • OUT IY 4 p.m. 'i

rl 0Jat EtmW IAlllrland.l._low. C/t~i tOni Mar), Jllli'llbeth Oroebolllr, rv .. • Jihl10m Stathar, 8pt1nIfJeld. Ore.; He; an, lAr&UI, .,..tI, Indtlt; II'Hn Pat'k. IU.; Patricia Jean Slallard. y .... port. lll.;

, . IAUlhlln, Wetli Liberty; Mllfor4 Slanley Grome., Ihory OItyl Anne Comell S_ma. o..,e; Larry !:. Lettm, QII,.pI •• J!~; Ruth Carol auldnar. Oxford; 'Rlchard Alan Bte.ple •• OttU1l1wa; J.me. Freel· , - jRn, LIn, T.lIl.I, Oh .. -i Arlthur Gull. Jlurllllllon; Marpret Jean erick Stelk. Bettendorf; Joltllen Stem·

Ma,.r. New York, N,Y,; ThOlllru - Gurau p.!- "Din .. ; Howard Alvin Oua- "" .... ltIi11n. IU.; Dovid Douth Stew.rt, ...._0--" •. ' )Uar. Blue IIl11nd. '; ' "bon' la.nJa)'; ludy K.y Hawr, A1n1a, rll.; MArpm J:lalne Stockman.

" ... or..... carilonc\Ale, III.: w.tar1own. 8.D.: Bondr. Jane Hahn, ~.nport; Gary I:4wln 81oe"'n, De· '-til lit)' Nlcbolaa, Iowa Cit" Ct.r' c.u,. Raplcla' Jam" Rlc/lal'd Hale, t; Na",,1' Ruth Stoke.. J:lmhunt, LUvwn Horton. DubuqU.; MII&oJI towa r.llt: ~.Id LeRo)' HaU, AnI' II.; Donajd Andrew Stout.r, Cound.

.• ' l.w. Clbl . ~.. . Llndl J.an H.mllion, Oft Blul~i ... - I I eI' '§I~er •• "l'Itn, Del MOI~' ~-In' .. ' " N.ne, ' .... lIIIe KanIOII, Charo· WUuam ""yd ..... y 8. owa .y; , ... ...... ,.. Tuna' ROnald palll st..wn. Arllnlloll' 0.0 ....

''" . -,.: .... , Chlcato. .IU.; !II ii' RJcha\,l Lou¥, HIIIM .. I, ltarUII IftIanuel 8tromlleek. Kollne, lil.\c.~~ j' ~1and,."1.'~~~ I ' ' ~ ,==Idr~ liar- ItIl BeHl Btl/bbI, BIoIIII Ci&¥1 . _-IIok'. r".1 :.:

, . II

LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING --, ........ ....

.~ ...... ,......". • n ... .....

'"I DAILY IOWAN-few. City. ' •• -FrIeI.,. June '. 1H1-J1... ,

Re"c:eiving Degrees 8.war ", Sdeftce

... 1MchaI1k .. EllflnNri ..

William M8COC:IIr1Ion AdarNOD. Iowa City; Walter J"raDc:11 Aernl. Dav~; CUr'" DeruUa &endlxen. TerrU; Jade Lee 8err)o, Betavla ; BoneJd 1)_ C .... e. Cadu RApids; Leo...... J_ Deek ..... Davenport; W. John o.nJanaAn. Davenpol'l; RC>Oald Wlrren DunmIIe, Earlbam; lon Allen Fowler. 10 ... FaJIs; Thomu WIUiam J'relbW'llet. Dubu_; Lorrln Olen 0erarcJ. ilarentO; Donald Lewis GI'HIllH. Pr1mchar; o.po Wayne Houto, Des Mol ..... ; Lor.. patrick HullMs. c-de; James Jweph Hwt, low. City; Charte. W.yne 1taDmerIt, Oelwein;

Enill Adolf Udt, Paacb1n,. .w.tria; Dovid Gordon Matbem. ~ JlapIdI; lieU Francis O'Donl1eU, WDliIotntbur&; Richard KJnc RUey. Fort nodle; RD­bert lvan Rbley, Dav=~ wuUam Ic.epIt Rollnl. J:arly; ...,.., .... Ieott. Omaha. Neb.; 1Ucha.. LeRoy IIMU. Da~; ....... John SbAIll. Falrflll<i John Alan Tonltl ..... n. Mouru Ple ...... ; PhlUp Euiena Tcnr-.ci. Iowa CltTI Lee liven" TUcker, Bur­UDIIon; Phll1lao CalviA Tw:1t..... Betten­dorf; Chrte Paul Wa11acot . Wlnlenet; John MIchael Welch, Hale. Corned. WI .. ; Daryl MAx Wlt.on. Mount Ayr

WIUI .1' ..... DItIl •• II .. W. John Denkman

WIlli B~ DI ..... IIe. RJd\ard Tho .... Scott, John MJchael


W 11Il DI ..... II •• Char.... Dennis BendIXen. lameo

Joseph Hurt. Ronald Lee KcNally


...... A .... nIttr ......

Robert Carl AA:kermann. Bouth

Dean • ),Iurra,;

KIlMer. Iowa Ctty; William Harland Shlplon. Nancy Nelaon Weeden. )(YtrI. Plea .... nlvllle; Ronald Keith Prentice York


MyU, M."on City; Lance SlIaylor Nel· IOn, R<>c.kIord . Ill . ; TbotnaI Ed ward )IJolAn. Vinton ; Donald wIlliam Nor­bW'7 Jr .• lIomson. Ul; Thomas Edwm NordYke. Wa_loo; Dean Gordon 0akeJI. low. City ; Arvid Dee.n OU.er. Muon City ; Darrel Don Ozla • Kamrar; LInda Papritz, WIUJamsbura; Jerry DouIJaa Peek. Wyornin&; Duane WU­IIam PQn",nber,. MalOn City; lI<>beru Porter. Iowa City:

RIchard A1ien PotU BeJ.tendort; Don­ald Wayne Powers. Yonkers. N ."' .; Bo­bel11......, ~tt, Hyd" Pull, ...... ; 'l'bomM Deal Jleld. Tame; I"rome LtJcourl Robenon, Clinton; Larry Joe 1IoIMr1toon, O&ka.loo&a; o.nnJa Alberi Roene .. lolollOna; JUIa Rae Rosenbert­~rt Altoona; Norman Kreba Rune-e. GowrIe; Ronald &mat Ruaall, NOl'tIl. __ ; 'lbomaa Keir IIchlnllKk.... NAt­_; Devld Leo 8c1..tn.Jkl MeII'Olle; t..rr, David _tt, W_ Union; Donald Adrian 1Iecr-. Welt Branch; .Joan lrele BbaveJand. RoUe; Robert Clare ~r. o.eeola; Oran F ...... erlclt /Ib1pt<>n. Clermonl;

Dovld Lee Sneller. Davenport ; Thom­.. lIUllln Blt!mlar. Cedar w..pld.; Joel CUberi Btew.rt. Iowa City; Robert Hud...n Story. NAtion; WarerA Kay SuL· ton. lowo City; R<ocar Glen TJeI/. At· lantlc ; JIInn\JI Dola Te .... u, Elkader; David Gear,e Tnleadell. WUIllO. MJdl.; Glenn Alvin Vande Lune. OsIutt.oou; Wayne David Walterr. Dow City; Nln­cy ... 100 .. Weeden, CUnlon; John WJJ­lIam Weiuenborn. OI".n Ellyn. ill_; Geo,.,. Bert Wetsell. Davenport; R<>M Leon WJlley. Chariton; MarcellUl J.me. Wlnn. Walker; Melvin Bernard Wirtz. West Bend; Jerr1 "PrenUce York. CI ... e...,.;

Donald Glen Youn'. Tlplon; lIlarlln lt4ward ZI ..... ". Ceaar Rapids; Fran· ct. Hubert Z~. Ilumboldt; Chul ... Loul. Zlnk, LeMan; II<>bert John Zink. LaMan; CNrl.. Allan Zubltr. Fori Madllon; Ernest Vin~ .. nt Zuber J r .. Davenport

Gr_'.1ton H-. III 8vtinesa AchInfttr.tlon

W.... ."Il.st OIlU •• II ••

John David Bryant. ELmer Char-leo Deelldt.

WII. 81,.. DI.llno&l •• Robert ClU'I A.ckennarut. Duana Dean ~en. PhJllp WJIIlall> Montllomery ~ ---.. W'lb DIslh,eU ...


a.cheIor • Sdonce In N."... Bert>ara Ann BaueJ'. M .... n Clly;

Marilyn Lyon DeValc>la, Denison; Mary Showers Dutl<>n. K.lrltwooa . :\01.0. ; In ... ~ Haupert. low. CI~; • .Jan. IWubeth KallaUi. lUcbmond. ClarUI Pallak ~rlan. Belntt, ~. on; Del_ Marlon Kuebr1eh, T111Jn; l!:1inor Jane LoUMberry. Iowa City; Mary lean Shanahan. Calmar; Mary M'ar(/aret SoILld.y. [ow. CIty; M ..... · Jane VyverblOr,.. Dubuque

WlUo B"~ 0 ...... !1 •• Mary Showe... Dutton

WIUI OINl ...... J ane Elb.abeth K.Il..... Elinor 1..-

Loun~T I

,-.... "- ._L .......... • ;!JJ1fnJ.

~, ., ... --.......... ... .,.. "' .. .».a.c.

TODAY~ .. and .".ry


Full Bank.l"g Service Until ~:OO PA

Amana; Robert Dlune "Ilillon. Winter­set; Gordon Hana AnderlOn. kelloll; Duane Dean Beenken. Britt; J 'atne8 Oliver Be ..... El4ora; Idward Jay Berk· ",n. HI.hland Park. IU .; JUcIIArd J\ay BIlla, CoQdon; Martin Evans Bond. Bloomfield; Jame Tht!OClore Breuer. Mounl Pleuant , .John David BrYant. Iowa City; Donald Jamee Bundy. Ame.; Sherritt HutohinlOn &urcer. J..,enon; ~ 5kott Carson. CoraJvm.~ Larry

Duane Utn Chelf. ),fUIICatlne: Thom· at Joaeph Clark. Bancroft; Mlc"".1 Nell Cl"""""... ManihaUlown; Gary Flemlnl Dalley, SU)lm Lake; Elmel OhJIrlH Deataeh, indianola; Jero_ Arnc>ld Diamond. Tori DodCa; John Richard DI_lhorst. Burlin/Clonj Carol J .. n DohllJllek. CedV JUopkli. Larry Leon Dowell. Sperryj Robert Lee Dreckman. Iowa ClIy; Chari.... Louu Dunn. Cherokee; Donald Robert Ill. lion. low. City; Owen Jerome £riek· son. IWland; WWlam Lee Eva.,.. Clu· Ion; Gary E'dwin Ewoldt. Traerl John Otley Falb. Postville; Gary It. Fane. Wa$hJncton;

I""",. Tbeodore Breuer. Johp Wil ­liam Frank. Harvey l'n(ln Lebotrman. Larry .Toe Koberuon, OrA", r!lderlek

Another F~ and Exclu.ri~ S~

PRlE PAlKfNG . '"

DIln'tJl Dean Flacher, Mclnt.Jre; aer­old J . TIah. Sioux CI ty; Thomeo LeaUe FUck""er. Eldora; lohn WIlu.m Frank • Sioux City; Gary ...,u1 Oabrlelson. Stratl'ord; Roward Allen Oleiman, Rock Island. m.; James Ray QeUIJ\I. Hartle\Y; Robert nwmlon Glover. Steubenvllle; Jam.es Richard Grllfltb.a. SIat6 center; Arlen Loy Haines, Ha.un.»; Donald Louia Haruten. Cedar Falls; Robert Chari" Hawk . Cedar Rapids: Gary Dale Hetrnendl.,.er, Ch.pin; Richard B • Hetrnencli~er, Britt;

rverett Jay Hershbe .... er. Kalon.; H, Elaine HochJrtelJ.er. Kalon.; Byrorl JOhn Row. A"oca~ PhllUp Mat1hew Huber, Davehport; Jame. Edw.rd HU"lnlel, 910ul( City; Thoma.t Charleo Hyde. M.enaaha. W .... ; Kalld Haaaan r ..... m. Cedar RapId1t..J&ckllO Oene Jac,k.lCln, Burllnl/lon; "Tanlt Munger J.me •• Grinnell ; Frederick Raymond lohnaon. Aurora; Ronald L. Kennedy. o.kaloOtill; t(olli. Edwal'd Kerr, Cantril: OIarlet Murra;r Kta1e. Othl ...... ; DoNUd Mh· ard KIJ'Char. ,J.lQ.w.a CIty: Joaeph Jobn Klein, low. Cliy; Ivan Ic.eph KrlJan, F ...... erlcQllur.;

Jerry Lee Kuehl. MaNon: Harve, irvin Leberman. Muon City; Richard Evan Lewis. Chlca,o. lll. ; Joel Cor· nellu. Lleb. Spirit Lake; :ICoInn JUlla Lind. Clinlon; Donald .Ja,. Lol')'. JIocI<. well City; Ben Eui .. ne MarlJ!n", Perry; Robert Ilean Marshall. W_IIo ; Ronald Meral Mattble_n, M.ontle<lllo; James Allen McAneUy. C~ntervllle; JefTY Lee McIntyre. iJ'ort Dodce; Dovid Otto Mel ... Amana ; Donald H"~ )\fer,.. Walnut ; nwma. J_h Meyer, Dubuque; J.mel Arnc>1d Miller. Waler· 100; Ph1llp WJIIlam. M<>nttomel'Y'. Cedar Rapldsi JUchard Alan Morton, Perry;

FranK AIl"n Mundt, Id. Grove; Jam ... J'rancls Murphy. Knoxville ; Jerry Burr




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Want Ads can do almoat anythln. for 'you, Buy, hll, Rent, Tracie, th.re's lust no-limit , • . lUll look at the litany d~olll unclet which your ael can ... plicecl. 'And Want Ads get ...,Its, we're constantly ,.. mlndecl of ...... fl ... resuftJ by our many consistent .... ,. of the want ad columns. So If you have a lob to ....... , som .. thin. to buy, ..0, rent or tracie, or what- ' ever It may ... , .... the Want Atk, the ,.. ' suits are ...... and the COlt II low ••• a 16 word ael win run 3 thn .. for only- $2.40 or 6 tl ..... for $3.04. Try the Want A. and ,. See.


'" . ... - .. -, -. "- -.. -~. --- ..

Tigers Dykes Gripes tn 2nd Game

DETROIT (AP) - Th e Cleveland Indians and the De­troit Tigers, locked in a battle for first place, in the American League divided a pair of great pitching battles, the first-place Indians winning the opener 1-0 PI" '4-THE DAILY IOWAN-lowl City, 11.-FridIY, ",unl 9, .961 and the Tigers taking the much ,-' _________________________ _ disputed nightcap 2-1. ~orm Cash's 13th home run and

a pair of fielding lapses by the Cleveland infield helped Frank Lary to his ninth triumph in the second game, played under pro­test by Indian Manager Jimmie Dykes after a wild rhuparb in the eighth in!jing.

Twins Stop 'O"io/es 3-1i' . • I

~nd Loss Stre~k at ,13 BALTIMORE (/PI - Chuck Stobbs loaded in the ninth Inning Thurs­

retired Jim Busby with the bases lIay night to preserve a 3-1 vic­Jim 'Perry and reliever Frank FUlik combined for thc (irst game ' whitewash, scattering 10 ~iger ~Iumping Giants safeties.

The first victory was Cleve- ose to Phils 5-2 land's 10th straight and the In-

tory over the Baltimore Orioles ~nd snap a 13-game losing streak b~ the Minnesota Twins.

Baltimore loaded the bases on two - out

dian's 22nd in 26 games. SAN FRANCISCO I!I'! . - Phila-The Tigers, who pad' scored only delphia ripped veteran Sam Jones

one run In three games: cut' Cleve- (or three runs in the first!nning land's first place margin back to Thursday en route to a 5-2 'victory a half game witli The nightcap vic- over the slumping San Frandlco

by 'BiCk "11I,'aU'l>, Jerry Adair pinch hitter Marv Thorneberry be-

torY; Giants. tore BUBby hit first pitch to ter fielder Tuttle. '

The CQntroversial play that re! , Right -handel' John Buzhardt suited in Dykes' ' protest · came notched his second pitching tri­when pinc.h hitter Bob HaJe umph with a four-hitter as the last­bounced into a for~ play. First place Phillies captured . the series baile umpire Larry Napp ruled three games to one. Jones sought Hale safe at first, and Tiger Man- his sixth victory but took his fiflil ag~r . Bo~ Scheffing bolted onto loss before a batter was out in the

. Stobbs~_was of tlJree pltclleJ;'I' in the eighth ning when Balti­more rallied for its only run on a double by pinch hitter Dave Phil­ley, a walk and a single by Jackie Brandt.

the playing field . second inning. Ifale made a little dash for sec- Philadelphia actually won in the

ond base while the argument was opening frame, Tony Taylor walk­going on ' around the first base ed. Charley Smith bunted and both bag and was tagged out by catch· were safe when catcher Ed Bailey er Mike Roarke. . threw wild to second. Ken Walters

( Minnesota scored two runs in the tbird inning off loser Jack Fisher. After winning pitcher Jim Kaat led off with a single, Billy Martin homered.

Dykes, the Cleveland players forced Smith and Taylor was trap­and coaches ,argued for about 16 ped off third when a squeeze bunt minutes with all four of the um- failed. Pancho Herrera then double pir~s , cOfn)llaining that Hale could home one run, Don Demeter dou­not be tagged out since Scheffing bled in a second and Bobby Del

The other Minnesota run scored in the eighth when Bob Allison hit a bases-loaded sacrifice fly. was on the field. Greco singled In the third. , I

, FIRST tlAME Phl"~oJp/lI . .... .. ' . .. SIO 000 I*- 5 10 .. Cleveland . . . . ... . -100 000 COO- 1. 70S ... ,,",nel.oo .. ; ... 010 100 9*- '= • 3 Jlln" • • • t. , .. _ .. i ' . OO~. - lIlo,,- 3 _7 1 D.lroll 00t OQ(I OOD- '1U' B b d' d D 1 I J D t B.Ull\1ore .. .. .... ;m oot 01_ 1. 10' 0 ......... ... u •• r •• n a rymp.; on •• , u - t va' •• , • -e '8).', 'o' b" , (8< ,A.n. ' D_.

P erry, Funk (8) and Rom.no; Moal. (alo (t), O' DolI (8) and &Uoy. " W _ "'. ~, D I,.. --Fox (8), A,ulrre (8) and Brown. W - , •• hh.rdl (%-$). L ~ .JoD •• (G-51 . .. ' , .oy ; ~I~bor, Wllbelm (9) .nd trlan.ol. Pen, (4-4). L - MOIII (6-1). , Homo ran. _ San Fr.nwco. MAy. W - KaM (%-0). L - Fllher (2-1,.

,_8.ECOND GAME (II). MeCovey Ho". "'n - Mlano'.ta, ' 11:. Clevoland .......... . tOO otl 000 1 .. :i ~'------'--....:...---__:~-'--"-'-'~-------:.....:...-....... 'I Oelrlol .. . : . . .... , • • 014) 016 0tlI- % '! 0

If",wkln •• 1.&tma'l (6). Funk (8) .d Romano ; 1.&ry' and K •• rk •• W '- IAr, 10-1\). L - - Hi-wkln. (O'S). H.~! ran - Dott.lt, ca.... <l,f),,:,

Outstanding At'hletes- Cit~d

BILL BUCK Gymnlst.Scholar

IOWA CITY I!I'! - Two SUI atb­lets have received awards for ex· cellence in scholarship and atn­letics, SW Athletic Director For­est Evasijevski announced Thurs-day. ,

Evashevski said the Big 'Ten medal for achievement was given ,to William Buck of Glencoe, Ill., former SUI champion gymnast, and tennis. player John Nadig of Des 'Moines was voted the Hawk-eye .{thlEjtic Qoard C~p. '

Both Buck end Nadig' will re­ceive · the"- degrees , at SUI com· mencemeDt exercises today. ' .\

Buck, who had a 2.98 grade "av. erage: through Rchool olit of a pos­sible 'Cour points, WOIJ ,the national side hour .. ,title in 1958. ,He tWu .. member of , the U.S:·~~· . menfgymnastics team ,whteh 'tour­ed ,the M~dle EIIt' reeeoli:.. '

Na«Vg, -110 will gradl!at,e wltb a gradli-: polDt. average.. of~.52 . 'Yon tennis'lett4!rs in t\lSiI,cl • .• i\d. 1lIII0.

. He was a member of the 1958 towa tenni~ te~ ,t1~ wQn the Big/ l'en cham~ion.hIP. •

NEW YORK IA'\ -, The ever-expanding college basketball sean­dal Thursday resulted in the indicu;nent of {our former players on charges of conspiracy and bribery in point-shaving attempts. All four had been named previously as co·conspirators,

Two new names were involvl!<\ In tbe' announcement by Frank Hogan, district attorney of Ne..y York County, who said the inves­tigations would I!ontinue untillall.

Another former Connecticut player and a former North Caro­lina player were the new men. Hogan said Jack Rose, 23, of South Windsor, Conn., had accepted $1 ,000 to hold down the score in a Cinnecticut-Niagara game, JaR. 16 • . )tI(l dt ,Niagara Falls. N.Y. He said the former Connecticut captain's team was to have lost by seven points under the agreement. It lost by 33 points - Niagara 112; 'Corfnecticut 79.

1H0gan also claimed Raymond Stanley o~ ChalMl\.~ill, N.C., for­me Norltl Carolina player, had rejected a "blanket ofrer" Of $1,000 to shave points , but failed to r~port the Ihcident. • "

The new d~velopme\lts raieed the totat,!to B1 players froIn 17 schools from coast to coast who have been involved in the '-est scandal. , The first break in the cur ent scandal . came March{17.

The new indictments cov.ered Dave Bndln, 28, 'fotmer Brp(lklyn Cclllege captain; Jerry Vog,l , 24, and DpDiel ~uindazzi, 24, .both former AJabama players; aqd Lou Brown, 22, former North G:aro-lina player. .

Most of the counts involving the four clen in the new charges paraUeled similar counts in two previo\ll !indictments April 11 of Aaron Wagman. 28, convict!!d football f~er J~om New ¥.ork, and May 24 of Joseph Hacken, " another New Yorker.

BudIn, who had been in,olved in an alleged fix attempt of a Michigan-Oregon football ga~e last fall, W81 indieted on one QIlunt of conspiracy and 27 coun~ of bribery, with Hackert ~ ~ co- ' conspirator. It was charged ~he deals involved poiht shaving in 15 games involving live playeIJ from three' colle ... including &eton Hall, New York University aDd St. John's, as rpre"iou~ IIIJnoUJIced in .the indictment of Hacken , .

Vogel and Quindazzi were indicted on one count of eonspitacy IlI}d o!le of bri~ry, duplica\ing a ~ib'l'Y '~Dt ~IDst Wagman invokrlng Peter Kelly, for~r Connecticut ,captal,n. , I •.

I Hoian ch~ged the conspiracy of Vogel and Quindazii involved Wagman ,and a missin~ aSSCfiate of wagmaD'I, aOMpIl Green. He claimed they,met trogel anel Quiadazli and arrangad for the two former Alabama players to act as go-betweens 'for Il, met;tilll of Wagman aM Green with William Mtnneriy, former . Cunnec.icut football captain; who ' was to line up the b8lket~all players.

The indictment charged Vogel and QlWldaazi .paid RGSe $J,OOO lor point 8¥Vin& In the Nia.ra game~ .

IIogan said Wagman and (;reen gaveVotel a.d QUindeni $1,500 for payment to COnnecticut Cllayers of which JCeJIy • . ~in~rly each 'gOt '$750 anit Vog~1 an<\ Quindazzl ~Ilt the reJTIPining $4000.

t • I(J

NEW YORK (II - Jim Archer, a stubby southpaw rookie, weathered Ii five-run second inning apq choked .off New york's home run streak at 17 games Thursday night as Kansas City bounced back for a ; 9-6 victory in the second game of a tWl-night I.loubleheader.

The Yankees hap won their six· th in a row. their longest streak of the season, with a 6-1 decision in the opener.

The A's crushed the Yankees in the nightcap with a five-run inning of their own, in the third , and then put it away with three runs in the fifth . A double by Hank Bauer and three consecutive trip­les by Leo Posada. Norm Siebern and Joe Pigna~ano brought in the ~hird-inning runs .

Bauer. who had three of the A's 11 hits , and Sillbern, both ex-Yanks, singled for runs in the fifth.

Archer, now 3-1, wfls tagged for 11 hits and walked three. But he breezed I].ome for a 3-1 record . Lefty Danny McDevitt i -2, first of five Yank pitchers. was the Joser . leaving in the third inning.

FIRST GAME Ku .... CU, .. . . " .000 001 0001- 1 II ~ New 1'.rll ...... .. 321 001 021- a 3

Baa, Kunkel (II) and P',natano; Statl.rd .nd BI.nchard. W - St."ord (S-2). L - u. .. (4-3). I If ... e run - New York, Skowron (11) 1

SECOND GAME Kanl.. City .. .... 016 130 000- 9 II 0 New york .. . .... . . 0110 GOD 01~ 6 Jl 1

Archer and PI,o.tano ; McDevitt., Dlt.­mar (S), Renllt (5), Cleven,e. (1), Sheldon (9) .. nd H ..... rd . W - Arober (S- I). L - McDevitt (1-2).

Ifome run - Kan ... City, Snlllvan m.

W. L. Pet. 18 .654 19 .642 2() .600 26 .509 2S .490 25 .48\) 28 .462 29 .IIW 32 .366 32 .353

. THURSDAY'S RESULTS lean .... City 1-9, Ne.w York 6-6 Los Angeles 6-11, Boston 6-4 Cle...,land 1.1, Detroit 0-2 Minnesoia 3, Baltimore 1 Chi~ago al W08h/ngton. rain

TODAV'S PROBABLE STAMERS ,Clevelend (Locke 1-0) at Detroh

(Itegan 5-21-n!cht Kansas City <Herbert 3-5) at New

York (Coates 6-2)-nlght Chicago (McLlsh 2-6 and Shaw 3-4) al

Washington (DanIels 3-3 and Hobaullh 3-J)-lwl-nlllht

Minnesota (Pascual 4-6) at Baltimore ~Barber ?-3) - nltrht j Los 'Angeles (Fowler 0-1) at Boston ,MuIfett 1-5) - nighl


W. L., Pot. " ..... ... 30 20 ,600

.. ... . 31 31 .~96 Fra:nds'M ...... .. 28 22 .~

........ :14 22 .522 ........ .... 23 24 .489

mll'WDU:KCC .. ... .... .. 22 25 .fC8 .,. ..... .. .. .. It 30 ,388 pm. ,

THURSDAY'S RESULd MilYfaukee 6. Cincinnati 10 Philade~hta 5. San Francisco 3 Pltlsbur,h 4. Los An geles 2 ~ly gaPte" scheduled


2 4 GIl • 6Y.


TODAV'8 PB.08ABLE STARTEKS Phlladelp!tla (Su lliva n 2-61 at Los

Anreles ' (DrySdale lI-3)-ntrbt PlllsbuIa'h tf\addix 4-1) at SIIn Fran­

cheo (Marlchal 2-3)-nl,ht I..GlnclnnaU (O'Toole 5-6) at St, Louis

(u lbson 2-9)-n!cht Mliwaukee (Buhl 3-4) at Chicago

(CarOweU 5-2)

~ullback Mosley $igns ContraCt , . , I Gene Mosley of 'Ea$t st. LQuis,

111" speedy 190-pound, fullback with the 10wa,,Hawkeyes la~t year, ;gned by the, St. q~ the Nat i 0 n­~ F,ootball League Jhursday 811 a free agent. 1M 0 S ley was

1'0 w a'l! number . t~o fullback last

~ason. He played · most half

t me. lFor the J.960

he carried the ball ~ l imes and ~ned a ,net yardage of 171 for a 53 average per carry.

Iowa coaches have described him as extremely quick, with the

to bit the hole before it has

" .1 I ,

f •

• • • but 'it wasn't enough . '

These four Milwaukee Braves set a mljor league mark today slul­ging four- homers in succession. Eddie Mathlws (right center) start· ed the hom~ run parlde in the seventh Inning 'lnd Hank ~aron (left center. folJowed - both off starter Jim MalonlV. Relieller Mar!"''' ,

CINCINNATI I!I'! - The Milwaukee Braves set a major league record Thursday as four players hit home runs in succession in the seventh inning, but it was wasted effort as the Cincinnati Reds took a 10-8 victory.

The Reds were coasting along with a 10-2 lead when the Braves exploded for the four homers, good for five r\lns. Eddie Mathews and Hank Aaron hit circuit blows off

game. Mathews got two for the Braves and starting and losing pitcher Warren Spahn had one for the Milwaukeeans. Gene Freese

starter and winner Jim Maloney, and Gordon Coleman homered for 'I1hen Joe ;Adcock and Frank Thom- Cincinnati. as did the same off reliever Mar-shall Bridges. The Reds pecked away at

Eight homers were hit in the Spahn (or single runs in the sec­------------ ond and thitd but the Braves

Red Sox Defeat scored twice in the third on Spahn's homer and a single by


L A I 6 S Lee Maye, a double by Mathews, OS tlge es - and intentionaL walk and a {orc~­

I BOSTON (JPj - The EO$ton Red out.

Sox gainEl4 ' a. 6-5 ' victory in the Spahn's time began running ollt opener of Ii twi-nigh~ dpuble-header in the {our~ as the Reds scored with the "L6 AnlSJet' Anlets mea Uitl.is , 'I'm RMs glk ~ Thursday night and tHen the two, in .the tilth before Spahn boweO out Clubs batHcd to El 4-4 tie, cal.led at {or a i»nch p.~ ~r. 1.15 a.m. E~T after 11 innings Cincinnati teed orf on Moe Dra-because of ram. bowsky in the sixth for four runs

The victory was Boston's third ""ith Freese driving in three of in as many games, the first time them with his homer. the club has won that many in Then came the Braves' big ex-succession tbis season. plosion in the seventh.

/'. two-run homer by Vic Wertz in the s~~th Jnning, 'provided the tying and winning runs.

Mllwaukeo ... .. .. 00: 000 ~I_ 8 13 ~

Olnolnnoll ........ 011 3U .eox-IO 14 0 Spahn, Drabowlkl (6), Brund (7)

and Torre; Maloney, Bl'ldre~ ('2) . lIenry (8), B.osnan (8) ... d Zimmer­man. W - Maloney U-2). L - S.abn (O-~).

Lol An,elea .~ ..... OIM) 410 000- 5 11 , B .. lon ..... ';"" .. 001 003 ~Ox- 6 1 1

Kline, Dure,,:' ((I). noman (8) and Sadow.k/; IhIft'1:k. Will. (6) and p",­lIaron l. W ' "':··WIII. (:-2). L - Duren 11-6). ; . ,

Home runs - Milwaukee, Spabn "), Mathews, 2 (II), Aaron (10), Adoook (01. Tb.ma. (8). ClnclnnaU, i ' r ... e ( U) , Coleman (tn).

lIomt!i ru Los A.nleles, Warner (I). Bo,lon (7).

, ,

, In the three month period from June to ' : September. you can eQrn $3000. If you , are tempororily discontinuing your edu­:~~ation until September, we have openintJs :~aiJable in our Davenport Branch Office ;i-ohich will enable you to earn approxi ­:O.,...ately $175 per week and qualify you :'For our Scholarship Award if you can ': ~eet these requirements:

1. Age 19 to 28

2. At least 1 year of college

3. Neat appearance

4. Above average aggressiveness

$100 per week Itslaly "lUI Incentive and profit Iharing plan can be youl'Ill

Branch personnel manage"wlll conduct 'I . in,erviews in Davenport on Monday, June , 12/ at 12:00 noon. Apply at 9-42 Mlu­'I ~ , q~ette Street. Applicarts must be avail·

able at company expense . for 3 day trainin~ progr'C!m.

Bridges took over and Joe Adcock (left) and Frank Thoman (!'''IIt) , followed with their big hits. Mattiews also hit another honte~ hit next try, but the big effort was not enough; Cincinnati t~ I I,. -victory_ ·-AP Wir .... :.-


, f ' f · .fI .. :

Iowa High School Baseba" Championship at Waterloo I . ~ , ,

" Final .• 'I' • .f ~ I

, I C;edar Rapids Jefferson 1, West Waterloo • ' . t I '

• • .. •

~ .@ ~ @


@ . ,




•••••• • • • • e • • WHERE • •

• WERE you ON ,


A'PRIL 7Tl'?

Opening a can or SQhl!tz beer. And on Apr!l l4T Schlitz again. At the sophomore hop. And-let Ile guess-on AprIl l5? Ditto. Big tr~ternlty house party. Schlitz keeps you bright- ' eyed and busy, ehf

l' t

Nope I Men who know bee r ,)0 (

~eep Sohli ~z buBy. MeJt-1nc (,~ ;-. ; I r ' beer. Very Ispecial bee!'. ,( . '~

What's so " r;, ~'

~!ttarent &bOut. , ~ Schlitz? ' 1 I. Deep, 0001'1 klss-ot-the-bops tlavor. You can taste the ditferenoe! BroWD, iDdlcted 011 one count of conlplracy and two of bribery,

played for North 'CarClUna ~ 1958-59, Pi fiw .pmealthls '),ast MalOn. The obarg. allainat BroWn JIIIrallelid the ,~r~iO\lI iDflict­n\ent of 'Waiman invJ,llvin. brlbi!ty of P'rankMajewskl or st.

Seit.··~e. Starts Today Joseph's of Philadelphia and Ed Bowler~ LidlaU. of Phllacleli\hia, +-~~tO=cl~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .® I

Let's tI7 itl , I

I thought you'd never ask. announced April 27. '. . , l' .' , ,

OMAH~ ('" - The NCAA College Hogan alllO charged Brown had made a blanket offer of $,,000 World " ~rles of baseball, cil*Ml • glllU! to Stanley who turned it down but did not report th In-here tonljilht, has three 'former cldent. . ~h~iO~ . . t' ......

That a the Un~vercty of Tex- . as a~j:I uthern CaHforna, two Sa urday of four t$lms that have won the series - twice. The others are the University. of Ca1Ueraia aad Mia- The liM amwal COAteIt ~ ~". the event may be ob­nesota: neither in the eight team sponsored by the Iowa City Junior talned from any Jaycee member, field ~ig year. Chamber of Commerce wUI be held or may be purchased at the' late

ThE! nrst roUnd will be complet- laturday a.... $un.y JIIM 101h of Uae 4-H Jfounds. The ~barge -Is eel Sa\urdar WIth tIIrae ,.mII. 'l'he rn ' · $1.00 fot Idultt, '.nd · $.10 feft' chil­lCb~e ... Colorado .St. -"a anilltb at the 4-H crOll", .1Ib dr,n from 6-ltI are ' o~ Children Syradu.e .. _.,.,m.; .ea_ 1IIIch: 1he Iowa CIt)' .pert. "On Sat- 1ItIder a wmbe ' admitted free. l8an.;9C! ~st~n CoUe~e at ~ p .. m.; urday, two pmfQnnances wUl be Jay-CUI ill.~Qf Jile. rodPo an! eX8iI ; 'VL SouUM-n Cal:,. • riven: at 2 p.m. 'and- ' p.m. The 8tl-eI iUm Evalt.r, 1)Ohlllcf t'o1klns. ' p. - ".- - _ . Sunday show wlll begin at 2 p.m. and Rox Hill. ' ,

~ Pick me up. le'll bav. a grand openingl

Jev.. Rre.

" i. " By ROBE~

JERUSALEM • tbree judg~s. whe» Eichmann vlewec31. of atrocities in camps tor an 11<:1 utes in a dar--"': Thursday. •

As the macabr~ rolled on' ~B scr,e~

casion~{~ Il;IOkcd ~ was .ff ft.lJng tt.. E!! spotlitl &priSO~E

1 When the III ... •

on ~"", • . Yltlh .. slttinql with ~15> h..-d ~'(lainst hi ~ res"air! hi. tea..-.lI h~ to his

BIBLE ~ The ]nterdenoXY

Study group will <

j weeki summer :s thr,ollih Aug. 8. more information Halverson, 7-3588 <:J






The Work Of Stock CG

Filmed Cl

Spot •

, 1======= - DOORS.OPI

am NOW,


-...-L..-:­~.rw .. FLY"-

At H EDISON, PAll ;:n:tCEt-jT PRICE· Hi'll

Roffo anc



SAIIf~I, t 1-11 YOu I.O».D AFT.~~oqN

I .": "


. " : . I ,

• • I_

J~wi~11 Judges See Filrn$ ~fon" '(i~rman Death Camps


JERUSALEM (HTNS) - The three judges who are trying Adol£ $ichmann viewed motion pictures 01 atrocities in the Nazi death camps tor an hour and 20 min· utes In a darkened. courtroom

. Thursday.

I As the macabre scenes were un· roUed on' a screen the judges oc­casiii' . y looked at EiehmaD\l who was , fljing the films from his IPOU \ prisoner's dock.


When the IIthts wert turned on "\',4~. Y itzhak R anh was slftlnijl with ~is h.nds pr.sled hard .tainst his ev.s tryln, to r .. trau. his tears. H. rose and hutlilld to his chamb.rs. '

BIBLE SESSION The Interdenominational Bible

Study group will conduct an eight weeki summer session June 13 thrpugh Aug. 8. Those desiring more information may call Joanne Halverson, 7-3588 or Betty Oathout,






The World Series Of Stock Car Racing

Filmed on the Spot

1l .... ~ ... ! T'_ Take love

&~ake trouble

I =="L=O=tJ=IS=IA=N=A==H=U=SS=Y=":=::::::

- DOORS OPEN 1:15-

Cifttm NOW "ENDS



F:LY~~ c: ... _~


l'residing Judge Moshe Landau ~ooked grim and stricken, and Judge Benjamin Halcvi had a far· away gaze. They got up and filed ut silently. Eichmann, impassive through.

out, watched the horror films with full l!ttention. He turned his head slightly now and then from the t>rojection aparatus to the screen. He Was tiUted back in his chair, with chin up and tigltlt, masked ex­pression on hi, face. His mouth occasionally tWitched in character­istic manlier,

He had viewed the.. same fl.,.,. pri¥l"I~ with his attorney last Monday nlgllt, and was fully able Thursday to maintain his posture of the cold, unmoved of. flc.r. • But the scenes were horrible.

Summer Theater Plans 4 Plays

Summer Repertory Theatre will be presented in Iowa City July 5-22. The players will present "Mac­beth,~' a tragedy by William Shakespeare; "School for Scan­dal," a comedy by Richard Sheri­dan ; "The Doctor's Dilemma," a satire by George Bern~rd Shaw; and "The Skin of Our Teeth," a comedy by Thornton Wilder.

"Macbeth" will be ' presented July 5, 10, 14, and 19; "School for Scandal" on July 6, 11, 15, aDd 20; "The Docto. 's Dilemma" on July 7, 12, 16, and 21; and "Tlte Skin of Our Teeth" on July 8, 13, 17, and 22.

Tickets for the season may be obtained at the Ticket Reservation Desk in the Iowa Memorial Union for $4.00. Mail orders will be ac· cepted. Checks should be made payable to the University Theatre.

- DOORS OPEN 12:45 -

ttJ1fttD NOW


- 3 SHOWS DAILY 1:00 - 4:30 - 8:00


. KIDDIES - 25c









Some of the films were captured German documentaries and the others were filmed by Allied units

Satellite, Orbit Attempt 'Fails

VANDENBERG A I R FORCE BASE, Calif. Ill'! - A Discoverer satellite r08reQ aloft in beautiful style Thursday, . I but failed to achieve orbit. The Air Force said it wasn't sure what went wrong.

The rocket, No. 24 in the series, had two missions - one a capsule recovery try, the other sec ret.

Telemetry signals failed shortly after the first and second stages sepa rated, and the Air Force said it CQuld not tell whether the second stage ignited, or ignited and be· haved improperly. Both stages probably fell into the Pacific.


which liberated the camps. They uncovered a wide range

of the extermination procedures and barbarities in the camps mak· ing pictorially vivid the gruesome accounts given by survivors in the testimony at this trial.

Also viewing the films were the official observers at the trial, a few research experts and.the Inter­national Press Corps. which is covering the trial.

..... Friday __ .. _ "Best Western Swi.\!l"


THE RAVENS Adm. $1.111

--e S.turday e-, SUMMER DANCE "AllY "TOP 40" Recording Stll,.

r • B BUMBLE & THE STINGERS "Bumble Boogie"

e TONY ORLANDO "Halfway to ParllCll .. " • "

• CATHY JEAN ' , !. "Please Lov, Me For,ver"

• THE ROOMMAT&S , "Glory of Love" :~

• RAL DONNER -'" "Girl of MV B •• t Friend"

Adm. $1.50

ENDS "THE 8ELLS ARE RINGING" with JudV Hellidav -I I TONITEI , & "A BREATH OF SCANDAL" with Sophia Loren

[ [-3 '!' I ~~ FINE ARTS THEATRE

Starts TOMORROW! 2 First Run Hitsl

1 ,


! IXl\.UM81A PlCTIM£S prestnls



" ,J . ,./'::1 " 1# '/ ~~ :

, SGHE~l· ROBfRTSON · I ,\,I I t

willi , CAMERON MITCHELL , W.!~~E!i:r~lEl'~~riN ... ~~ .. SZOKOll f'ROOtX:TJaf

I Sec_If br JEFfREY DElL AND ~ ElStltGER :::"..:.~..;:..- . PLUS • • I'rockuI by CAR1. SZOKru. • oreeled by IQlST HAECHLER ' •

11::;! t =.n.::~HILL. Fromoopo to kin ..... , A I . relR:



" 1

By ]olmfty Hart


f '.

~--~----------------~ .. ---------------.... .-, ---~~---~--... --- ----------------'r ----V'5/ ~E! MIN 5UI ~ \.A.Y IN THe GAAS5 W~ILE TH..,. ~j(1P1




Advertising Rates Three Day •.... .. I~ • Word Six Day. . ......... . Word Ten Days . ...... ,. IU • Word ODe Month ... ... '. W a Word

(Minimum Ad, 8 Worda)

PHONE 7-4191

Deadline 12:. p .... CLASSI'IID DIS'LAY ADS One Insertion a Month .1 .. e

Five Insertions a Month $1' Ten InaertiOhs a Month .,. e Rates for Eaeb Coluqm Iadl

Phone 7-4191

P....n. e."', Ie 4:30 p."" An Ex~rlenced ~ Taker .... Hel, You With Your Ai.


THI DAILY IOWAN-I ... 'CIty, , • .-..,.." JulIe " HI'~ j

A Linl. ~d Reaches A Lit of Peoplel

',([ASSIFIEDS Mile. For Sal. 11 ApartnMftts For ...., I' &m. FOr Rent 16 ----------------------BICYOLES. tam and window flo .... Golf stHQL£ room. Graduate Ilrl. ~.

t.L1a, club.. l_p, trublr.. foo& I-ROOM lurnlohed apt. Gnduata mea taJ'7 or _lJItant. a_ In. '-4'J06,. ... n Iod<era, .wnmer lUll&, ~ aU only. Available June 10. 1-nDa ... IT .iUs. Dial 7-46311.... JIO<*S for _n. SIUII!IlCr and faU.

I'urnUhed a~n' for btll. ONd..... m N. LiBD. 1-6161 . 6-M B Oat trumpel. _ceneot .JOO4IUon. ItUdent. Patltln& and tauD4r7. DIal

Clean. DIal "'7110. ..I. 1-l1li4 ~ CliOiCS f'OOlM - _mer I'll ........... OooI<1n. II deaJred. '11 It. J'llrdIM .

FOR BALlI - UM .... 110. ~ TWO...ROOII lu_ ~~l _ 1·'... ..13 7..a7G1. "11RO -.pq or ,",ouate women . ... peta,

no cblldran, Dial 1-411~, .... IJ IID'!'S Udelll roonu rM 81.111'VMr KbooI. C1~ to eamptll. 11. E. Da~

12 CLIlAN. 3-room fumWied apl. ~ enport. 7-582. .... 1ft. Ava.labIe -June 150l. Dial "'24110. House. for Sa"

- ------------- Alter, p .Jft. and wetit etwU. ...... APPROVJ:D und ,.raduata bo~ ,..., IXC:1!lLL'I!MT I bed.room hollte In Coral- .rIrl& Surruner 7-"03. • "''' . ~11e with ..... e a nd !b\~ .... - APPROVE!) aJ)llrtmenls f:w lIIen. Avail· .

men'- Low conlract pa.vmen\a, low able June 7\11. 8·563'7 after 5 p.rn. taxeo, low uUl1!1ci caRs. I-~. ...14 ...

APPROVED f'OOfnII lor und~rlf8duate I!Ilrla. 'a II , cloUol rooms. · I alWl~

tlonal Ioun&~ and wle klkhV\. $,lO.

MObl ........... la, APARTMENTS or room _tea. I J 8-41M:J.

DtaI , 1-3'103. .." ~ .. U ,

I ROOMS. MaJe ltudfonla. 4P II. Dod .... ... n .

."7 GREA'1' LAJCl'lB 0' x 8' AJr-con-dllioned . New draPetl, eJCeell n~ condi­

tion. DIal 11-2439 afltor 5 week days. anyUme week enda. 6-24

It5iI PRAlllB Schooner: 311' x 8'. Excel-lent condition, 2-bedJ'OOll\. 7-lI028 6-218

Itoom. For Rent I' ROOMS for men. SUmmer AAd taU. 221 ' ---------_____ N. Llnn. 7-4161. I_III , ROO'" lor .",dua~ elrl 313 N. Llnll. COOL pl<!a .. nl room. .... n. W .. t .....

7.59'1. 6-16 ~~ I-M .·11 nOOM lor marrlPd <'Ollpl.. kltch~n ttOQ'>l3. II1fll. Dial 7· 7.".

.058 UBERTY. I.' x 8' - 2-b'-"dJ'OOon. ~rh'Il~.<... Abo .1 ~.le rQOllIC. DI. I F\I.U oIae t.th. Coatact Donald Mor- , . ,. .- PARTl.Y fUrnbhed Pllelou~ rooll'll loi ~n, hlen&ion 11.108d, Collela 01 1·71l7f1. 6- 11 llnoduate men. IUrnm~r. 2 ddlUona! ""'nU.try. ...10 Ftl'RNlSlfED dOl'ble room. tudcnt lounl;e. nnd Iarlle kllcl\et'l. $ZII. '·3'/OJ.

U' mobile home. 10' x Ie' finished 100m. 00)'11 c>r working mell . 8 IISIIt. ... n Many extru. Excellent c:oncUUon. -- ---

tl-. '-1046. 6-M

1_ fUloTON, 4\' x 10', tw .... bedroom. ""rpe\ed. air-conditioned, a .. mln" .

Plume 8-20158. H lnlOp. "'8

IBM CO)IMOj>()ft.! w " S'. Two lH>d·

APPROV ED l'()()fN for unducradual. ' and ,radII alto m n. Parkin. f cWU_:

Cl In. II~ E. ~!al kel.. 8-llHI. '-10

SlNGL.E morn approvf'd unde ... ~r S[NCld and double rooml for men, ,Irl. Cooklne prlvll<'8el. DIAl 1-:1447. Slimmer. Show. . 7-1573. ... 1.


rooma, ... w,: 8' x lO' 1IlIoula\ed wl1'('d ~ Automallo "'Mil r, YIlUDI town IUtchen. I..-*' carpeted UV~j room. ,...,.,.. ... fIt. ~tecl I'orejt View. 'ildUBLl'l an d olnRle room for .... mmer ROOM' lor .... duete men. 8~r UId Make olf.r. '1-2IIOIi.- I 1-10 .. Ion. '-4411 Il'IOrnIDIIs. 8-8 J aft r- leU. S· " alter • p .rn. ...

noon. 6-10 NI<;:£ room. "'2J1I. 7-10

THE RIGHT TO ,EJECT NIl HOUi;,.. ..... ADVERTIStNO COPY • . 14 for mal. ,tudenLt. Wo--... ....

8-IS _ ~' . ~~~~----~--~~ --------------------~

LOWER cost movlne. c.n Hawkeye Tranl!er. 6-5107 arlytime. '-I

DELICIOUS ~Il' baked. home·made pasterl.,. 10 oeder. P\so,.. 1-31117,

noons. I-3OR

HAGBN'S n . 0uIIreaaad ~ aervldn. ~ eert\tled ~D.

Anytime 11-1089 or 1I-3lIu' 1-11B

:m. S-bedroom d*lC. Dial 8-47011. ... IS

." AlTRACTlvttN well fumbhed lint

floer ..... rtment: bedroom, IIvtll, 1'00'". modem klu,hen, prlva~ "1.h. Shown by appointment. Phone 8-8111'1

... 17

WELL furnllh"d apartment,. Very close In. Summer ratel. Dial 7-4913. 7.'

AT'l'RACTlV£ npJ)",ved room. for IlrI. • (or IUml11 r . One Iln"l., end onn W"'I'I'TW~ Mill 'nduate .tudent 10

do ubi.,. I13J CoII .. ,c, Mr.. Verden b.re 'Df\rtmenl. Mun "no car. Call 7-~. • 0-1:1 8-8012 or 1-1411. 6-~~

OOMJ'ORTABt.~'TOoIn!l · for mal I!tiId U: WA:1IT 10 buy Qernpn Iln,lTlI e 'tee· .te .tud~nt& Cook f-ellllles. 820 Iowa ohi •. DIIIl 8-8773. '-10

Ave. 11-10 WANTS>. roosnmate to aIuIr •• paw menl 'or wmmer 10 CIe.n.

ROOMS for "",Ie tudenta. Dial "1389. cook Ina: Ihow I'll: parkin .. PI~ ...... _____________ 7-_0 afu.r 5 p.m. 8.10

ROOM on flJ'lt Ooor for ."dua wo- TUD£NT Il\ 1l1li tie d maD or workln« .rIri. Cookln. lacili. momlne:;"''', w.u~ 10 •• Jon",

ties. Close In. 7-'3110 after 3 p.m. 8· 17 Will "xcMnle bab'y a1lUn. with 1IlOo

TWO rpOm partl,Y IUnllahed .part- FREI'!' room and boanl for aid in ""- ther who need. afternoons Cree. Call 844-37)7. ...10 ment. Ulll1tles Included. W . I1to N. chan,e for work. Summer. 7-S~ 10. 7-'

Dubuque. 7.~ or 11-8180. 1-7 WA~- 10 .... - ... -~ ..... -r I 4 CHOICE roomo tor IIraduale mon. N at n, .....,........ lIOwer .... w ..... yp ng A.PPROVED IpGrhn.Dt. ~ bedroorna, lJv- 10 ClnlPUI. Dlol 8-lK5T. '-J 8-3'llI1. 6-13 ~~------------ In, rOOm. bath ..... v.llable fot • IDoI!n r ....... nTY' U d-' to _ .... FAST, efficient typln.. DIal 11-8110. students. Burrunec .... Ion. 1-3245. 8·1' ROOMs lor m"n (or .ummer. 115 E. W:-"threc.~~m ~~bh';;"ho'~

• I-18R LARO- l'1I I,..,h lid. DIal 8-+459. 1-13 Dr _rtmen'. June 1 or .... ul'Ut 15. EXPItRlENCED typlnl. Theola and .. apartment lor ,roup. 8-4843. 7·7 LARGE IInllo' l'OOCD, male .tudent. !'ermanen l. Adults only. WrJte M. P.

term papers. ~a""nable. ' .51". I-IIR J'URNlSH.\!lt) apartment. utlJlUes In. SlInuner and faft . 1018 E. C,llee~ . l1ecI.u, ~uOl J:ncllab. 1-10 eluded . • 10 . ..,"1 8~ lIIomln~ be- "'~3. 1-11

TYPINO. [BM tYpe1Vrlter. '-261& '-1112 [ore 8,".m . 7-11 + TWO p'aduate male .tudents deoJra , , . , 0 SlNOL': reom,,,. APl>1'<Iv,," lor .,a<tu. olf_mpua hou.lnI 'or bill MmU\tO{ ••

TYPING. Phon '.267'. '.'TR S ROOMS .ail<\ l¥lh:. furnl h .... Sum"ler , , .~ .II-to for .u"",",r. ' ·S!'DS. 7.2 Dealre landlOnl 14 IM!rve '''n1nC OIul.

TJU:SUI. .._ 'pl l mlaI ea. c~~:",~a~~ ~J~tCl';I'~ ~w~df:~ 3 SINGU: __ . for aumnlw ."d BIclenalon ~17 or .:105. ... • • perte- JaIC1:r\O ~ ..... • ' ... 1" .'" 8-13 f_lI . Mala ~ts. Linen fW'nl.ihed, H •• p Wonted 19

I-l5:R • I, , .1 ~~l&e .... tor . .otal ,~. • 6-10 -..,.--------.....,..,..,...or-- !CONOr.rn" Pll'f'tment. CI_ In . .. du I. EL&C'l'1UC tn>ewrlter. F&It. ' accUrate, Phone 8-8107. 6-20 t..AnG! )!ale ItUdento. Ofal

experienced. Dona Sv-. 1411. I I-.m. 7·' 1-0 ONE

mon 'm'PING, ~ IIW'U'tftd. l;)lal , . IHIM. , " \-_

GllIL for work .\III1mer home. Lako OkoboJI. Live In Jnodern conven.

lence' l deu,hUlr 15. ~uol nllm, havo drlvor I lie...... 1'hQn! Arnolde Parle

'1E~t3UaF.fCi_~~~~ 3:112. Mrs. G<tor,. WIUlamo, Rt. 2. Mil. ,. iatl~l'JIii'\;titii1~~~f;fi«~ .tord, 10...... 6-, WAN'l' exHrlenced .ppllanc:! .... ~n.

=-=-:'----:--.-....-----;~-ItU-:--. Apply In per n. Lllre. 01. • 1-.

~~~~~~~Hr<H~~~~~~~~--~--~--~--15 Wo~WamMd ~ wo-

--:-__ '--______ .,....,, _ _ '-1 RroULAB dayUme boby .ltU~, Dial:. SINGLE TOOua for men o'le~ IS. .I 7·wr4. ... ..

FREE tank Df ,as wl\.h. JlurehalW! ,,1 19113 Studebaker. Be.1 otIer over .190 .

N . Gilbert. DIal &-OOllI. 7-l iliIM or II .... Wantetl . B kOOMS (or .unvner .. ilion , Me", 313

7-&656 . 6-\4 1st flool' larle furnished apertmellt

1857 ISElTA town-type car. kuet aelI euJtable fot 3 ..... .. NO including before June 100l. DelalIs '1-8113. 6-8 utilities. Laundry £Ic1lJU... C~ In.

Home Fumlshlngs 11-2817. 7-t

10 2-RooMS and bath furnJ hed apt. CIo_ In. Av.Jl.ble now. One Sir!. Dial

No. Dubuque. ...,

SINGLe and double roo"," [or m~. WANTED - Ride 10 COllMC~ut Of"···

vlclnity, Bob. 8-53l0. • ,1-10,',

SJ!lCTION'AL. de k, chairs. crib, book 7-8881. '1-8 shelve.. collee table. 8-3825. ..."

AIR.-CONDITIONED 3-rQOm fUml$hed apt. $110. ClDoe In. 8...,. or 7-0MII. 7·3

SUmmer and JalL J1~ N. Clinton. 8-8338. 8-.

ROOMS lor m.n. AJr-ooadltJoned, kl leh~n, 18unrlry prlvlle. AVllj,tble

N OWl ..... • -. JI'.: ~":\ . .. 12-CUBIC (oot chest freezer, f8II. Colu""

bla stereo bl-t!. ,90. 11-3311. s-u ADMIRAL hl-n, blonde, Low Boy, ,

SPeakers. 25 walt .mpUllar. LJk~

AVAlLA.BLI!! Jllne 16 to Sept I, .. room and bath furnished apartment.

Juna Ilnh. DJgI 7-2741 . ...

GRADU A T1!! men rOOIl\l 10r lummer and fall. Cookln., .,.bowel'l. 530 N.

you can order the . . 3:" 96 page ::

new. 8·1630. 11-. ClIntol\. 7·5848. ....ap C~ In . ,75. Dial 7-1139. 6-13

ONE-ROOM apotl.ment, lurnlobed. Call AIR-CONDITIONER. La .... 7100 BTU's. 7-2825 alter 8 p.m. "'16

Uoed 2 llealOno. 1I-1WI3O. .... TWO bedroom duplex. Wtst .Ide. $80

MJ.c. For Sal. per month plus. ut.lllll ... IlJaJ 7·23111.

11 ~I

GOOD Ullllly traller JI' x S' box .• ,,. 11-53115. 8-17

m.n .tereo /JYotem - like neW. Dyne-kit stereo 7D amplWcr, U5. Lafayelte

KTIlOO stereo pre·amp.. $150. BoPn FMfiJ FM tuner, $75. !Ico AMIIO AM tuner, $311. Glaser 5te!:r. .Ie~o "",DI­er. .75. K_ . tereo ear phones, $20. Two SJ)eaker sYltems. $25. .ptlr~ sys­tem, f325. 1016 J'lnkblne Park. 8-14

USED 13 & L microscope, ,100. Excel. lent condlUon .. Phone ".' 8-10

Om: wheel bol< tl'a!l.cr with b_r atlaohmenl ela_. lII." Un. f8O,

8-2911. 1-'

MONEY LOANID OIemond., Ca ..... ,

Typewri ..... , Wetches, Ir"' .... , ...... , Musical In.truInMtI

MALE .lu.den~, yOur j fUmj1l81' bOII!IC II ready: air ""ndltl'd~, leleOhone.

kitehcn. 'JW . f't!CW'I, II"",. ~ llete-ry aDd shower.. c.J1 1-18118 after I p.",., Sill. and Sund..". r 7-1

I, and 'J roOnl "'rnloded apartments. 01,1 7 -~~ or ' .15091 . 1101

3 • .ROriM and ,beth IfllrtI ..... ed _rime'll\' Prlval4 cnlru.ce. H~ aIM! •• ater

furnIshed . 7j~. ' , . ...13

APAllTMtNn for 'gr~~at'. men. CI.,.., ' , In. 7--" o. ,... .... ,,, ' ... 30

D&8IJIwUIlJI dow_n fwnIah"" ap­a..-nlf P>r 2, 3, or 4 adl&lla. 11\­/I...... .IUII Way 8uHr Ihrke I. ...30

FINE pOliY-_1Inr.. , 3 Prints ffW $2.50 ..,..oul I'Uq I'Iet1IreI

.-lB ·1

, "

. loa, W.,. T. 0,., Yeu, WANT ADSI

II 1. PHONE IN ,,..,,, 2. COME IN

CornnwnlC4ltlonl Center

3. MAIL IN The Dall, low ...

Univenity Edition of

The Daily Iowan .

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S 'OClETY Janel MONrIy, AmIIcmI

Pate ~THE DAILY IOWAN-low. City, l •• -Frid.y, Jvne " 1961

. ,- ..


AEPi Elects Schweiloch

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald King, 410

Finkbine Park, are the parents of As President a. boy, born Wednesday, May 10, at University Hospital. He wei,hed six pounds, fourteen o'unce., and has been named Scott Ray.

STOLINE Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stolln., 522

E. Burlington St., are the parents of a girl, Anne Marie, born Mon· day, Mijy 22, at University Hos· pital. She weighed seven pounds.

MONTGOMERY Mr. and Mrs. James A. Monl·

gomery, 717 Kirkwood Ave., are the parents of a girl, born Friday, May 26, at University Hospital. She weighed six pounds, ten oonces.

""I WALLACE . Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wallace,

2026 Muscatine Ave., are the par· e~t. ilf a &irl, Beth Ann, born Wed· n~lIday, May 31 , at Mercy Hos· pital. She weighed eight pounds, thirteen ounces.


Alpha Epsilon Fl social Crater· nity has elected Les Schwei/och, A4, Long Island, N. Y., as its new

MORGAN president} ,Mr. and Mrs. ' Donald Morgan, IA!SO faking office next fall will

731 Rungell St. , are the parents be: Woody Wallace, A4, Chicago, of a girl, 'born Thursday, June I, vice president and pledge lrainer; at Mercy Hospital. Sbe weighed Harry Gri~er, A2: Des Moines, seven pounds, seven and a half secretary; Bruce Levin, A2, Rock ounces. Island, 111. treas~rer.

I .

MAHER ' Jetry Weiner, A2, Rock Island, . h Ill., and Sob Wynn, A2, Des Moines,

Mr. ~nd Mrs. DaVid Ma er, 516 members.at.large· EJ' t Ab GrandView, are the parents of an ' 10 rons: eight.pound, twelve.ounce boy, AI, Norfolk, Va., house manager , born at Mercy Hospital Saturday, Bob Worno.n, AI, ~rooklyn, N. y., June 3 correspondmg Scribe; Bob Rubll'l ,

. A2, Highland Park, m., assistant LETZ treasurer; Barry Kipnes, AI , Chel·

Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Letz, sea, Mass., sentinel· hi~torjan ; Forest View Trailer Park are the Hersh Katz, E3, Cedar Rapids, and parents of a girl, Stacy R~ne, born J.e~ry Le.venthal, A2, Des Moines, Saturday, June S, at University rush cb81rmen. Hospital. -----

SNYDER , Mr. and Mrs. Gllry Snyder,

1110 Finkbine, 'are the parents of a girl, /lOrn ,Sunday, .. une 4, at Mercy Hospital. She weigh~ sev· en pounds, ten and a half ounces.

C~ttons Span Seasons --- Now

Throu'gh Fan Nursing Alumnae Tile "new frontiers" of Cashion

To Be E n te rta -I ned bave \ g,nerateiJ n~eir own excite­ment with a season-spanning coI-

I lection of cottons to be worn now At. Coffee Hou r pod thtoughout , the autumn.

. . • A windfa.ll or shapes appear in . The sur College of Nursing and anticipation of cool breezes" and

~Igma The~a Ta~, bonor~ nurs· the most exciting is the newly-10g fraternity, Will entertam alum· interpreted fiare shape. Skimming nae, their families, and friends of the body to the hipline, or to just the college at a corree hour Satur- above ~he knee before widening day from 9-11 a.m. in the West· out Into a swirling fiared skirt, lawn parlors, this silhouette is often ~chieved by

Miss JeUie Stahl, Iowa City, means of a bias cut. The waist class of 1911, will be an honored drops low this season, or is by· guest. passed with only a slight indenta·

Classes organizing reunions this tlon. to suggest its existence. The weekend Include those of 1t/16 total lbok is one oC easy motion 1936, 1946, and 1951. ' and uncluttered lines.

Arraneements are being made Summer i~~ fall cottons ba.ve for alwrmae vi~or~ to tour the a ! cO~Iq'-unhmlted outlook With College of Nursing offices and Uni- brlg~t, warm blues an~ magentas, versity H"spitals. . hunting greens and glDger, burn-

, • ished gold and the soft dove colors . , ~ ", of grey ' ,Blld beige being shown in . Unl'v' ersl'ty Hosp,'t.r:al JlarmollWl ,that are prophetic ot

, ," , ...., fall. .' Shadow plaids, jaunty hunt·

T L:1 I ' , In, chec~ lind ~right solid colors .0 nost nterns, are seen In ricb suithlgs, tweeds,

cotton knits lind homespun weaves Residents at Dance - all focusing attention on inter·

esting surface treatments. . University Hospital interns and ' The theme' for this forward, resIdents will be entertained at a looking season is "Cashion times dinner-dance at the Mayflower Inn two" with many dresses accom· Saturday, June 10. . panied by their own coats or

A cocktail hour will begin at 6 jackets, thus continuing fashion 's p.m., followed by a 7:30 dinner. G. current trend to dress and jacket 'Ogden Frasier and hll band will costumes. Coats, often flared or play for dancing uDtn 1 a.m. . cape·shaped, bring sleeves back

Mrs. Ernest Johnson, 71'1263, Is to the fashion iront as well as pro· In charge of reservations for the vide protection against the oncom-Hospital·sponsored eVllnt. Ing cool breezes of autumn.

Be Careful When You Decorate:-:-~

Color Scheme Reveals the Real You, Says Decorator . If you're decorating a honey· fashion, " he says. "If you are the

moon home this month, ' you're regal, authoritative type you can probably engrossed inc lot h live with it.

when you see a room in which one color predominates, you can teU a lot about the occuoanls. Here's the way he tabs them:

adaptable people. ORANGE - Vibrant types who

set a hectic pace.

Black, white and grey ate main­ly used for accents, he says. They are not used alone in large enough areas to dominate a room .

decision lo go along with a decora. tor's recommendations. A home. maker in an industrial community , might choose 'dirty' green to keep the cleaning bills down."

swatches, paint samples, and color "It is a good color for a couple TAN - People who are seeming. ly calm - but watch it, says Wal· lack, "tan is really orange·red , dulled with grey."

schemes. if the man likes blue and the wom RED - Excitement·loving, ener­getic, Impulsive types.

U's the "dirty green" decorator look lhat puzzles WaUack . He says it may not be an expression oC personality.

Furniture designer Sanford Wal· an red because it is a mixture of lack has a theory that a living both. YELLOW - Those who are

sunny, cheerful and inlerested in the world around them.

It's a good idea to mix colors he points out. '

room color scheme can provide "Periwinkle, hyacinth, amethyst, clues about the people \ in the damson, heliotrope or violet are house, their personalities, how they different graduations of this same get along, and even who rules the color."

BLUE - Coo I and detached types, also the direct opposite -keyed-up people who enjoy the soothing effect.

AQUA - A cross between lhe green and blue type& ; cool, re· laxed individuals or those looking for cool relaxation.

"Scientifically speaking, a pref­erence (or muddy colors is a tip­oC( oC an illogical, disorganized and somewhat selfish personality.

"Red not only expresses excite. ment, it creates it. It could lead to a turbulent home me. Too mUch blue leads to brooding. An Over_ dose of a color can introduce a new shade oi meaning."

roost. Different personality types, Wal- PINK - Sociable types who en­joy life and like to be in the midst of everything.

"Purple and lavender are new la'ck has found, have definite and color trends in decorating and I,'CilllI8lsltent color ,prefllrences, GREEN - Relaxed, easy-~oing,

"But social and cultural forces are apt to be major factol's in the

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1,1 Morril Of Sp Respo

'Surviva On Pion President

at Commen the Iowa Fie

The Univ so issued the to the graduat eel the 103rd eranted degr

James L. M dent of the U . whp addressed sed that a m tlo~, our own as the educati the be~ hope lenge of world

"All of cltfzens .. before, .Inee the Second W ~I"" ,'HV ,try .,.cl.1 pertunitl.. • Merrill .. Id. Morrill, now

lhe Ford F traveled ill and East Afri

QaotIrIg the mittee on Fo rill continued: of demands fo economic adv bundreds of have now little ICe education their quest for At the center tiona! demand American Unlv

The schools country are j educational c tlnued.

It I. the sv .Ide the W.s "utu,.. .nd k our yount problems dlvicled _ IhnKI,h Mue the e.pKltf •• where for r. tnII'nerIt .nd tIYe .ncI ,. Morrlll ask

portIon of our on education. of the illiterst to understand doctrine of d "For democra erate popula

"Investment vestment in IOUrcell of hum "Ience and h economic devel Itabllity."

P,..,ldent V I" hi. tracll .rHv .... , v _cu!tlv. .. th.t h •• m IIICI ,...pected Following

addresa, Hanc by wealth nor leneration dlc Your aUies or of International

"For many d rnay be called world which y crealy alter. Ipint and the Ille. can you h t.nulent dec .... eyour.

Hancher aaJd Itand. (or t been precioul lion durin, ttl centuries: Iearnlnl ; the dJatlnctlon bet the deed; the of the mind; irna,ination ; human spirit; an Idea.