Cutting Vegetables :

Cutting Vegetables : Mirepoix

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Cutting Vegetables :


Mirepoix have two type :

1. White mirepoix ( 2:1:1 )

- (2: onion, 1: leek, 1: celery)

2. Red mirepoix ( 2:1:1:1 )

- ( 2: onion, 1: leek, 1: celery, 1: carrot )

Long x Width x High : 2mm x 2mm x 2mm

How to cut it :Cut onion, leek, celery and carrot into

diamond cutting or triangle shape.



Ingredients : 2 egg yolk

1 ½ teaspoons fresh lemon juice

½ teaspoon salt plus more to taste

½ teaspoon white papper

1 cup oil

Preparation :


1. Put egg yolk to bowl and whisk slowly.

2. Add salt,white pepper,lemon juice and continue stir.

3. Pour oil slowly and little by little, whisk until

mayonnaise is thick.

4. After that keep mayonnaise to chiller.

Tartar Sauce

Ingredients : Onion


Hard boiled egg

Tartar Sauce


Salt and pepper

Preparation :

1. Chopped hard boiled egg,garlic,and onion.

2. Add all the chopped ingredients with mayonnaise and




Ingredients :

1 cup Vinegar


½ chopped Onion

¾ garlic

Salt and pepper


1. Combine oil and vinegar.Then stir it.

2. Chopped onion and garlic.Then seasoning.

3. After that stir always and do not oil and vinegar


4. Keep and serve with salad that you like.

Nicoise Salad


1 tbsp Tuna chop

1 Egg boiled

Fresh bean / long bean boiled

Capcicum boiled


1 Potato boiled

Tomato cherry

Method :

1. Cook potatoes in a large saucepan of boiling water for

10 minutes or until just tender.

2. Transfer to a large bowl. Add beans to pan. Cook for 2

to 3 minutes or until bright green and just tender.

Drain. Refresh under cold water. Drain. Add beans to


3. Add tuna, tomato, lettuce,egg,and serve.

Nicoise Salad

Preparing Brown Stocks

(a) Roast the bones in a moderately hot oven until well


b) Place the bones in a stockpot and add the appropriate amount of water.

c) While the bones are beginning to simmer, brown the

mirepoix, using the same roastingpan set on top of the stove

or in the oven. Add the browned mirepoix to the stockpot.

(d) Deglaze the roasting pan with water. Add the liquid to the stockpot.

(e) This stock has simmered slowly for 8 hours. Note that

the sachet is tied to the

handle of the pot with twine for easy removal.

(f) Strain the stock through a china cap lined with cheesecloth.

White Stock Recipe :

No. White Stock Preparation



the bones in

a stock pot

and cover

with cold


1. Cut the bones into

pieces, 3 to 4

inches (8 to 10 cm)


2. This exposes more

surface area and

helps extraction.

A meat saw is used

to cut heavy veal

and beef

bones. Fish and chic

ken bones don’t need

to be cut, but whole

carcasses should be

chopped for more

convenient handling.

3. Place the bones in a

stockpot or steam-

jacketed kettle and

add cold water to

cover.Starting in

cold water speeds

extraction. Starting

in hot water delays

it because many



the scum from

the surface


1. Bring water to

a boil, and then

reduce to a simmer.

Skim the scum that

comes to the surface

,using a skimmeror

perforated spoon.

2. Skimming is

important for a

clear stock because

the scum (which is

fat and coagulated

protein)will cloud

the stock if it is

broken up and mixed

back into the



Add white

mirepoix to

the pot.

1. Add the chopped

mirepoix and the

herbs and spices.

Remember,the size to

which you cut

mirepoix depends on

how long it is

2. Do not let the stock

boil. Keep it at a

low simmer.

Boiling makes the

stock cloudy because

it breaks solids

into tiny particles

that get mixed into

the liquid.to be



Add a sachet


Tying the

sachet to

the pot handle

enables it to

be retrieved



1. Skim the surface as

often as necessary

during cooking.

2. Keep the water level

above the bones.Add

more water if the

stock reduces below

this level. Bones

cooked while exposed

to air will turn

dark and thus darken

or discolor the

stock. Also, they do

not release flavor

into the water if

the water doesn’t

touch them.

Preparing White Stock

1. Simmer for the recommended length of time:

- Beef bones—8 to 10 hours Chicken bones—3 to 4 hours

- Veal bones—6 to 8 hours Fish bones—30 to 45 minutes

2. Skim the surface and strain off the stock through a

china cap lined with several layers of cheesecloth.

Adding a little cold water to the stock before skimming

stops the cooking and brings more fat and impurities to

the surface.

3. Cool the stock as quickly as possible, as follows:

Set the pot in a sink with blocks, a rack, or some

other object under it. This is called venting.

4. It allows cold water to flow under the pot as well as

around it.

5. Run cold water into the sink, but not higher than the

level of the stock, or the pot will become unsteady. An

overflow pipe keeps the water level right and allows

for constant circulation of cold water

6. Stir the pot occasionally so all the stock cools

evenly. Hang a ladle in the pot so you can give it a

quick stir whenever you pass the sink without actually

taking extra time to do it. Cooling stock quickly and

properly is important. Improperly cooled stock can

spoil in 6 to 8 hours because it is a good breeding

ground for bacteria that cause food-borne disease and


7. Do not set the hot stock in the walk-in or, worse yet,

the reach-in. All that heat and steam

will overload the refrigerator and may damage other

perishables as well as the equipment.Refer to food

safety guidelines for cooling on page 30.

8. When cool, refrigerate the stock in covered containers.

Stock will keep 2 to 3 days if properly refrigerated.

Stock can also be frozen and will keep for several


Tom Yum Soup

2 tbsp. of chopped spring onion

1/2 tsp. salt

2 stems of fresh coriander

4 stems of fresh parsley

Method :

1. Put water in pot, heat until boiling

2. Add lemongrass, galangal, shrimp paste, shrimp heads and onion. Cook until fragrant.

3. Add tomatoes, shrimp meat and mushrooms until cooked.

4. Add fish sauce, salt, and sugar. Stir thoroughly.

5. Add lime juice, spring onion, parsley, coriander and limeleaves.

6. Stir through and serve immediately.

Oxtail Soup

Ingredients :

2 pounds oxtail, cut in 1 to 1-1/2-inch chunks and trimmed of excess fat

1/2 cup unsifted flour plus 2 tablespoons

2 Tablespoons beef drippings or cooking oil

2 medium-size yellow onions, peeled and minced

2 quarts water, or 6 cups water and 1 pint beef broth or bouillon

2 Tablespoons tomato paste

2 teaspoons salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

Oxtail Soup

1 bay leaf

1/2 teaspoon thyme

3 cloves

2 sprigs parsley

2 medium-size carrots, peeled and diced

1 stalk celery, diced

1/3 cup dry sherry or port wine (optional)


1. Dredge oxtails in 1/2 cup flour, then brown in drippings

in a large, heavy kettle over high heat; drain on paper


2. Turn heat to moderate and stir-fry onions 8 to 10 minutes

until golden; sprinkle in remaining flour, mix well, and

brown lightly.

3. Slowly add water, stir in tomato paste, salt, and pepper,

also bay leaf tied in cheesecloth with thyme, cloves, and

parsley. Return oxtail to kettle, cover, and simmer 3

hours until meat is fork tender; cool and skim off fat;

remove cheesecloth bag.

4. Separate meat from bones, cut in bite-size pieces, and

return to kettle along with carrots and celery. Cover and

simmer 10 to 15 minutes until carrots are tender. If you

like, mix in sherry or port wine.

5. Serve as is or strain kettle liquid, serve as a first

course, and follow with oxtail and vegetables.

Cream Of Mushroom Soup

Ingredients :

600 g mixed mushrooms


1 onion, peeled and chop

Cream Of MushroomSoup

3 cloves garlic, peeled and chop

1.5 litres chicken stock

Salt and pepper

75 ml single cream

Methods :

1. Peel off any tough outer skins of the mushroom caps and

throw them away, then slice the mushrooms finely.

2. Boiling chicken stock and mushroom.Then blend mushroom

with chicken stock.

3. Heat a pot and put butter.Then saute’ garlic and onion.

4. Put the ingredient was blend into pot then add some cream

and seasoning i

Potato :

So much of what goes into making the perfect French fries

has to do with ensuring that the center of the fries are

fully cooked before the outsides get too brown. The way we

achieve that is by cooking the fries twice. We'll describe

the technique below, but first let's talk about what kind of

potatoes to use.

High starch potatoes like Idaho potatoes (also called Russet

potatoes) are best because they're denser and have the least

amount of moisture in them. Waxy potatoes will actually

hollow out when you fry them, because they have more water

in them and the water evaporates while they cook.

As soon as you cut the fries, you're going to transfer them

to a bowl of cold water with a tablespoon of lemon juice

added. Cut potatoes will start to discolor if they're

exposed to oxygen for too long even if they're in water.

There's oxygen in water, after all.But a little bit of acid

in the water helps keep the potatoes nice and white.

French Fries



Salt and pepper

Cooking oil

Method ;

1. Peel the potatoes, and remove any eyes.

2. Cut each slab into ¼-inch strips. The fries should be

about 3 inches long. Transfer them to the cold water as

you go.

3. When the fries are cut, rinse them under cold water into

the bowl until the water turns clear. The idea is to

rinse off any excess starch.

4. Heat the cooking oil in a pot.

5. When oil are ready hot,deep fry the French fries.

6. Toast it,then seasoning with salt ang pepper.

French Fries

Mashed Potato

Ingredient :

9 to 12-ounces all-purpose potatoes,

Approximately 1/3 cup warm milk or cream

Approximately 1/4 cup unsalted butter

Salt and freshly ground pepper, preferably white

Method :

1.Boil the halved or chunked (but unpeeled) potatoes in a

large pan of lightly salted water.

2.When they are soft enough to mash, drain them thoroughly

then push the potato pieces through a ricer.

3.With a wooden spoon, beat in the warm milk or cream and

butter and season with salt and pepper.

Mashed Potato

4. Eat alone and straight from the bowl for quintessential

comfort food.

Pomme William/ Pear Shaped Potatoes

Ingredients :

1 lb Potatoes peeled

Salt and pepper

Fresh cracked pepper

2 egg yolk

1 tablespoon butter

Pomme William/Pear ShapedPotatoes

1 tablespoon sour cream

8 whole cloves

Cooking oil deep frying

Breading: Flour 3 nos eggs Bread crumbs


1. In a small pot add cooking oil and heat to 375’F

2. Cook potatoes in boiling, salted, water until fork


3. Strain potatoes, mash and add seasoning, nutmeg, sour

cream, butter and egg yolks. Blend well.

4. Prepare breading station.

5. Shape potatoes into pear shapes.

6. Gently roll into flour and pat excess flour off

7. Next add to beaten egg mixture, and finally add to


8. Spike a clove on the top of the pear shaped potatoes

9. Place gently in cooking oil until golden brown

10. Makes 8 pear shaped potatoes

Potato Chips

Potato Chips

Ingredients :

4 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced paper-thin

3 tablespoons salt

1 quart oil for deep frying

Method :

1. Place potato slices into a large bowl of cold water as

you slice. Drain,and rinse, then refill the bowl with water,

and add the salt.

2. Let the potatoes soak in the salty water for at least 30

minutes. Drain, then rinse and drain again.

3. Heat oil in a deep-fryer to 365 degrees F (185 degrees

Fry potato slices in small batches.

4. Once they start turning golden, remove and drain on paper

towels. Continue until all of the slices are fried. Season

with additional salt if desired.

Potato Croquettes


☻2 tablespoons milk

☻ Salt and pepper

☻1/2 teaspoon chopped green onion

☻2 egg yolks, beaten

☻3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

☻4 cups mashed potatoes

☻1 egg, beaten

☻Sifted dried bread crumbs

☻Peanut oil, enough to fill pan 1/2-inch

Method :

Potato Croquettes

1. Add milk, salt, pepper, chopped onion, beaten egg

yolks and flour to mashed potatoes.

2. Chill and then shape using an ice cream scoop. Dip in

the beaten egg, then roll through bread crumbs.

3. Fry each croquette in shallow oil until brown on all


4. Cook's Note: Cook in small batches, giving each

croquette at least 2 inches of space around it to not

overcrowd the pan. This prevents the croquettes from

crumbling while frying.

Jacket Potato

Ingredients :

large (220g) Sebago potatoes

Topping 1

420g can salt-reduced baked beans

1/3 cup grated tasty cheese

Topping 2

250g low-fat cottage cheese

1 small avocado, peeled, diced

1 tomato, deseeded, diced

Jacket Potato

Topping 3

3 rashers bacon, trimmed, finely chopped

1/2 cup light sour cream

1 tablespoon chopped chives

Method :

1.Preheat oven to 200°C. Scrub potatoes with a brush. Pat

dry with paper towels.

2.Using a fork, pierce potatoes in about 6 places. Place

directly on oven rack in the centre of oven. Bake for 50 to

60 minutes or until tender when a skewer is inserted into

the centre.

3.Cut a deep cross in top of each potato. Using a clean tea

towel to hold potato, squeeze base gently to open up top.

Add your choice of topping and serve.

4.Topping one: Place baked beans in a small saucepan over

medium heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until heated

through. Spoon over potatoes and top with cheese.

5.Topping two: Combine cheese, avocado and tomato in a bowl.

Spoon over potatoes.

6.Topping three: Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium

heat. Add bacon and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3

minutes or until crisp. Transfer to a plate lined with paper

towel. Spoon sour cream over potatoes. Sprinkle with bacon

and chives.

Egg product

1. Hard boiledegg

2. Poached egg

3. Sunny sideup

4. Overeasy

5. Baked egg


6. Omelet

Ingredients :

2 eggs2 tbsp

(30 mL)water

Pinch salt

Pinch pepper

Filling ingredients

Method :

1. Whisk eggs, water, salt and pepper.

2. Spray 8-inch (20 cm) non-stick skillet with with cooking

spray. Heat over medium-high heat. Pour in egg mixture.

As eggs set around edge of skillet, with spatula, gently

push cooked portions toward centre of skillet. Tilt and

rotate skillet to allow uncooked egg to flow into empty



3. When eggs are almost set on surface but still look moist,

cover half of omelette with filling. Slip spatula under

unfilled side; fold over onto filled half.

4. Cook for a minute, then slide omelette onto plate.

Baked Egg

Ingredients :

40g unsalted butter

50g parmesan, finely grated

500g spinach

Extra-virgin olive oil

4 tbsp single cream

Freshly grated nutmeg

Baked Egg

200g undyed smoked haddock

4 large free-range eggs

Methods :

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4.

2. Butter 4 ramekins or ovenproof tea cups and coat with the

grated parmesan.

3. Cook the spinach in a little butter and extra-virgin

olive oil over a medium heat for 2–3 minutes.

4. When wilted, spoon into a colander and press out any


5. Finely chop, then mix in a bowl with the cream, a good

grating of nutmeg, salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Mix in the haddock.

6. Divide the spinach between the ramekins, then crack an

egg into each, and pour around a little of the extra


7. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper, then bake on a tray

for about 20 minutes, until the whites are set and yolks

are done to your liking.

8. Serve with buttered soda-bread toast.

Chicken Chop

Chicken Chop

Ingredients :

Boneless chicken legs.

Black pepper


Methods :

1. Debone the chicken legs.

2. Marinated chicken with black pepper and paprika.

3. Cook with hot oil.

4. When the chicken is ready, place it onto clean plate

5. Pour sauce over the chicken just before serving.

Fish And Chips With Tartar Sauce

Fish And Chip Tartar Sauce

Ingredients :

Olive oil





Slice of fish



Method :

1. First mix some paprika, pepper and salt into the

slices of fish and marinate it in few minute.

2. Break the egg and beat until it fluffy.

3. Heat the pan and put some olive oil and butter until

the butter had melt.

4. Take the marinate fish and dip into the egg.

5. Then stir it into the flour and make sure that all the

surface of fish was flat.

6. Fry the fish until it turn into golden brown. Fry skin

surface first, do not always turn it upside down and

press the fish.

7. After it turn to golden brown lift and put it into the


8. Then fry French fries until it turn into golden brown.

Lift it and put into the plate that had napkin so the

extra oil will diffuses.

Beef Steak

Ingredients :

1/2 lb. beef.

Olive oil


Black pepper


Methods :

1. Bring the steaks to room temperature. Rub the steaks with

1/4 teaspoon oil per side and generously season with salt

and pepper.

2. Cook the steak

Beef Steak

3. Use a meat thermometer to test for doneness:

Rare -- 125 degrees F (52 degrees C)

Medium Rare -- 130 degrees F (54 degrees C)

Medium -- 140 degrees F (60 degrees C)

Medium Well -- 150 degrees F (65 degrees C)

Well done -- 160 degrees F (70 degrees C)

4. When steak is ready, serve the steaks whole or slice

thin and fan onto individual serving plates. Pour the

sauce over the steaks just before serving.

Spaghetti Beef Bolognese


Ingredients :

Dried spaghetti Olive oil

Methods :

1. First fill the saucepot with water and heat it.

2. Add some olive oil and salt to the water so that

spaghetti not stick together.

3. After that, put the dried spaghetti into the saucepot

and let it boiled 12 to 15 minute.

4. Test a strand of spaghetti to make sure it is the

center are soft and cooked.

5. Drain the spaghetti in the sink using large strainer.

6. Finally transfer the spaghetti to a plate.

Spaghetti Beef Bolognese

Bolognese Sauce

Ingredients :

Minced beef

Chopped onion,garlic,carrot and celery

Fresh thyme

Fresh oregano


Chopped tomato with seed

Olive oil


Lemon juice

Beef stock

Salt for taste

Tomato puree

Method :

1. Heat the saucepan and add some olive oil.

2. Put the chopped onion and chopped garlic into the

saucepan and stir it until it wilt.

3. Put together the chopped carrot and celery and keep

stir it.

4. Then put also fresh thyme, fresh oregano and chopped


5. After that, put chopped tomato with it seed and keep

stir it.

6. After it boiling, put the minced beef and let it cook.

7. Put the tomato puree, beef stock, tomato sauce and

chili sauce and stir until it boiled.

8. Lastly put some paprika, salt and lemon juice for the

taste and stir it until it boiled.

9. Ready to serve the spaghetti chicken Bolognese.



1 pound sweet Italian sausage

3/4 pound lean ground beef


1/2 cup minced onion

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes

2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste

2 (6.5 ounce) cans canned tomato sauce

1/2 cup water

2 tablespoons white sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves

1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

1 tablespoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

12 lasagna noodles

16 ounces ricotta cheese

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 pound mozzarella cheese, sliced

3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese


1. In a Dutch oven, cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and

garlic over medium heat until well browned. Stir in

crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, and water.

Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, Italian

seasoning, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons

parsley. Simmer, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring


2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook

lasagna noodles in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes.

Drain noodles, and rinse with cold water. In a mixing

bowl, combine ricotta cheese with egg, remaining parsley,

and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

4. To assemble, spread 1 1/2 cups of meat sauce in the

bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Arrange 6 noodles

lengthwise over meat sauce. Spread with one half of the

ricotta cheese mixture. Top with a third of mozzarella

cheese slices. Spoon 1 1/2 cups meat sauce over

mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese.

Repeat layers, and top with remaining mozzarella and

Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil: to prevent sticking,

either spray foil with cooking spray, or make sure the

foil does not touch the cheese.

5. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil, and

bake an additional 25 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before


Deboning Whole Chicken

Fish Filleting

Fish Market Forms

Beef Cutting Forms

Beef Market Forms

Chicken Market Forms

Nasi Lemak

Ingredients :

4cups rice (I mix Jasmine rice and local rice)

150ml coconut milk

550ml water

5pcs pandan leaves (screwpine leaves)

1 and 1/2 tsp salt or to taste

3 slices ginger, shredded

Chili paste:

Nasi Lemak

20g dried chili, cut into two, boiled in hot water for


1 big onion

3 cloves garlic

1tsp belacan (shrimp paste)

2 slices blue ginger or ginger

Sambal chili paste :

1 onion, sliced

30g tamarind paste, add 125ml water, remove seeds, to

become tamarind water

30g ikan bilis (anchovies), deep fry and ground to fine


200ml water

¾ tsp salt or taste

1.5 tbsp sugar or taste


Nasi lemak:

1. Place washed rice, salt and knotted pandan leaves in an

electric rice cooker.

2. Pour coconut milk, water, ginger and salt over the rice

and leave to soak for 30mins (make it more fluffy).

3. Cook rice. Once “cooking” button auto switched to “keep

warm” button.

4. Then fluff the rice with a fork or chopsticks. Leave it

warm in the rice cooker before serve.

5. Chili paste :

1. Blend all ingredients in electric blender to form a chili


2. Sambal chili paste:

3. Heat oil in a wok, add in blended chili paste from

previous step.

4. Stir-fry over low medium heat till fragrant and oil

separated, take about 20mins.

5. Add ikan bilis powder, tamarind water and water, keep


6. Season with salt and sugar, add onion slices last.

7. Cook to mix well for 1-2mins.