allowed. COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL~ \ .,.,JuJ..y .. 1Sth1 191g. The Board of Control metth1s morning at 10 c 'clook,;, present Deputy Mayor Godwin, Chair- man and Controllers Finlay, Hines Murphy and Taylor. LIST OF HEADLINES. Sewer lSl South Park Stre,et-J!rs.G.K.Hervey. Telephone Service Increase in Rates. Street :Railway Barrington Street. School Buildings Repairs . Fire Ale.:rm Boxes. Insurance of Firemen. Motor He.ck License Thomas A. Fraser. Water Bill J.F.. oraig 104 Maynard Street. City Medical Offioe:r-Applioation Dr.D.E.Rouae. Police Department-b'uperannua'tion Deputy Chief Clatenoe A. Northover. Robie Street-Street Sprinkling. Oiling of Streets. Creighton Street Dangerous Chimney•. water Bill - -e Estate Charles MoG1nn ff, we•t at. Wa.gweel tic Club Sewerage. Temperanoe Act-Enforcement-Storage of Liquor. Fire Protection City Buildings. Loan.a for various Purposes. Ro~ie Street Shop in Ree1dentie.l District. Almon Stre,et-Addi tion to Shop-Louie Oe.plowh1ch. Repairs to City Buildings. SEWER l& SOUTH PART STBEET -YRS. G,U.HJR1EY. In connection with her d!aill l&t-.70 for damages on account of sewerage backing into her basement at prope,rty lSl South Park Strett see Board of Control Minutes M:ay 21,t, June 6th and June 15th, 1918-Hrs. G. M.Rervey appears before~ and add.lesses the Board,reQuesting tha. u the me. tter be reopened and her claim Referred to the City Solicitor and City Engineef for further report. Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


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.,.,JuJ..y .. 1Sth1 191g. The Board of Control metth1s morning at

10 c 'clook,;, present Deputy Mayor Godwin, Chair­

man and Controllers Finlay, Hines Murphy and



Sewer lSl South Park Stre,et-J!rs.G.K.Hervey. Telephone Service Increase in Rates. Street :Railway Barrington Street. School Buildings Repairs •

. Fire Ale.:rm Boxes. Insurance of Firemen. Motor He.ck License Thomas A. Fraser. Water Bill J.F.. oraig 104 Maynard Street. City Medical Offioe:r-Applioation Dr.D.E.Rouae. Police Department-b'uperannua'tion Deputy

Chief Clatenoe A. Northover. Robie Street-Street Sprinkling. Oiling of Streets. Creighton Street Dangerous Chimney•. water Bill - -e Estate Charles MoG1nn ff, we•t at. Wa.gweel tic Club Sewerage. Temperanoe Act-Enforcement-Storage of Liquor. Fire Protection City Buildings. Loan.a for various Purposes. Ro~ie Street Shop in Ree1dentie.l District. Almon Stre,et-Addi tion to Shop-Louie Oe.plowh1ch. Repairs to City Buildings.


In connection with her d!aill l&t-.70 for

damages on account of sewerage backing into

her basement at prope,rty lSl South Park Strett

see Board of Control Minutes M:ay 21,t, June 6th

and June 15th, 1918-Hrs. G. M.Rervey appears

before~ and add.lesses the Board,reQuesting

tha. u the me. tter be reopened and her claim

Referred to the City Solicitor and City

Engineef for further report.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

JUly 15th, 191g.


The OitymClerk submits letters fr,om the

telephone Company requesting s1gnatures to

var1oua cont1·aota tor tele:ph.one service unaer

~he·1noreased scale or rates allowea by ~he

Boa.rd. or .Public ut1l1111es • "l'~e 01 uy vJ.erk 1a

1nstruc~e~ to sign ~he conuraots.


Read letter Nova Scotia Tramways and Power

Comp,a.n y Ltd., as followe:-

Hal1fax, N. s, July l 7'11 lS L. Fred. Monaghan, Esq.,,

01ty Clerk. CITY.

Dear Sir,:- I beg to acknowledge receipt of ex1Bots

fron1 the m mutes o:f a Meeting of the Board of Control, held on the 2nd da.y of July, referring to Tramway service on Barrington stree·t, Inreply to the inquiry raised. at this Meeting I beg_to e.dviee that at p.resent time the Barrington Street Line oper~tes as far North as the Bridge to the D:>ckya.rd, a.t which point our overhead trolly line ends. As soon as we are able to obtian poles it is our intention to reconstl'l.13t a trolley tine from that point at lest a.s far North as East Young street.

At the rjo11ent I am unable to give any assura.noe as to when this work will be commenced but beg to state that we shall do ~erything in our power to have the work oon1pleted at the earliest possible moment.

H.J. Mallison, :u:ana"ging Director.



Read letters Boarct of School Commissioners

and Deputy Provincial Seoretary, as follows: ..


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

JUly 18th, 1918.

Bo,ard of Sohool Oomm1ss1cners, July lSth, 191g.

L.rred. Monaghan Esq., iity Clerk.

Dear 1Sir:-

'fill you kindly bring to the notice of the Boa.rd of Control on lea.v1ng the joint meeting of the School Commissioners and your Board on or about June 2bth the School Boa.rd, in &ocordanoe with the agreement then made, filed its application with the Governor ... in- c,ounoil for the approval of contracts of s.1. Brookfield Ltd and W.T. Harris & Sons Ltd., for repairs in five schools and to request the City to iseue ite debentures for the amount required t> pay for two pa~table school buildings.

I have been verbably notii'ied that this hearing will take plac,e ,a.t, 12 o •clock noon today. s.a, Wilson,


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Halifax, 17th July l91S.

The City Clerk, Halifax.

Sir:- I am directed to inform you tba t the Boa.Ji

of Sohool Commissioners for the oi ty of Halit'eic has applied to the Governor in 6ounc1l to appxove of the tenders of Messrs. S. M. Brookfield Cb. Ltd. for extraordinary repairs to Bloomfield High and Koaeph Howe Wohools at a clear profit of 1,oi ove,r and above the coat of the work, and of t,he tender of Messrs. w.T. Harri• & Sons, Ltd for extraordinary repairs to 6hebucto 1 ~ford and St Patrick's Girls' High School at a oeear p:rofi t of 10~ over a.nd above the cost of the work. Aleo that application ha·a been made to tl:e Governor in Council for approval of the purchase by the Board of School Conrrnissioners of two portable schools at a total ooet of ,1307.50

I am to notify you-that the matter of the applications will be heard in the Executive Counc 11 room at 12 noon on 11hur so.a y, u1h, eight- e en th of July, next.

Arthurs. Barnsvead, Beputy Prov1nc1al 8eoreta.ry.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

City EJ.ec~r101an's Office Jully 15i;h, 191S,.

July 1sth, 191s. It 1a decided not to oppose i;11e appl1oa.t1on

the Board of School OOQmisaioners.


Read reports (2) Oity Electr101an re

1nspeot1on or .r1re Alarm Boxes, a.a follows:-

'to His w~reh1:p, i;h,e !Mayor and Board of Oont:ro .L.


l~e Following Fire Alarm BoxealB.ve been 1napeoted and found in good working con- dition. -

Nos. 34,35,3b,37,3g t' • .11.. OOlp 1 ,; ,; ,


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • City Eleotr1c1&in'• Off1oe,

July l 7th.191S.

To Hie wor!h 1p the Mayor and Board of control.

Uentleman:- xhe following Fire Alarm Boxes

have been inepeoted and found. in good working oond1t1on.

rtoe. 69,bl,29,,7,2b, and 21.

P .1t. uolp1 "Gli1 C1ty EJ.eo~r101a.n .


l.N SU HAN CE 0.Jf F ! .HEME1~ •

Read extract Minutes of 01iy uouncil

Meeting Ju:J.y 4tll?J as follo:1s:

•Read report Hoard ot ucntrol re 1nsura.noe OI .1.r1remen.

Moved by uonlixoller Finlay seoondecl by Ooni;roller Hines tha"G the same be aciopued.

Moved 1n amendment by Alderman Keily seconded by Alderman H, B. OJlWall that tre renort be ref erred baok to the Board o r ocn,. ~rol with the reoommandation that any 1n­ suremoe etr ecited on behalt of :t'1remen be :tr


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

&cc1dent 1neuranoe only. passed. ·

July ].Sth, 191B.

Am4ndmen t put and

Controller 11'inlay subm1 ta t· e folJ.OW ine

.Let'ters :r:rom the .Hal 1.way .t1aaaengere Asauranoe

uo. Halifax, July lO~h, l91S

Controller A. s, i'1nlay, Board of Oohtrol,


Slr:- to maKe the pos1t1on of the .lia1lwa.y

~asaengers Company clearer in regard to Aoo1- deni; nauranoe on Ha.11:t'ax 01 i;y F1remen and in order that there may be no miaunderstending in r·ega.rd to Police oondi tiona .J. may a-ca. te that we oan make the following offer.

We can g1ve a. l'OlioJ at five dollars per man on your !ul~ gr1gade of paid f1:re­ me·n for one thouaana. Aoc1dent !nsuranoe, w1 th­ out the we<:1kly 1nd.emn11;y.

'th1a po,11cywou.La. be a. mos't compt eue oover- 1ng insuring the firemen againe-r; ace 1d.ent both while on and off duty and 1nclud1ng aoctdenta.l. suffuoation and blood poisoning features.

Railway Pas,seDgers Aasurance 0~

W.A.,Halliaey, Agent.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Halifax, July 18th, 191.s.

Oont.rollar A. J. 1·1nle.y, Boa~d of control, City Hall.

l::31r:- rte terms er our tender on paid 01 ty 1''1rem.eq at five dollars per man for 11000. Accident msuranoe ,

l me.y say that any claim tha~ may be paid on the l1f,e of one or more :r1:remen ,voula. not preduj ace the claims of the others in any way or make any ohange in the 11ab1tity und.er the contract during any policy year.

In case of a fireman being di9charged and e. ne~ name aubst1~uted the new man would be a.utoma.t1ca.lly covered until the end 01· the current po11oy year. 'the Ra.11way Passengers Aaeura.noe co.

Per. ff.A. Hall1aey, Agent.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

f /

.,/ #;/ p

Jui y J.5th, .L 9~.

It is 4eo1ded to reoommend to Couno1l

the aooeptanoe er the foregoing ,offer.


Read app.L1oa1aon 'ihomaa A .• iTaser

Ior a. Mo~or Hack License. urante(l.

WA'J.'Ji-.:R B.t.LL A. E. CRAIB- lC>t MAYNARD M.

f<es.d latter A. E. Graig covering

a1er bill 10~ Maynard S~reet claimed to

be exce se rve , Referred to the 01ty En-

g1neer tor report.


Read a.ppl1ce.1i1on. Dr. Dana E. Rouse

Ban Antonio, Texas, u. s. A. for pos1t1on

or Oi ty Med1cal Offioer.

The City Clerk is instructed to wr1 te

Dr. Rouse 1nfors1ng him as to the qua11r1oa~1ons

necessary and the salary attaahed to the O!f1oe.


Head letter Olarenoe A• Northover re-

signing h1e position as Deputy Ghief ot

Pol1oe with application for superannuation

to take efi"eot from Augus'1i 15th prox.

lief erred to, the '.L'rus'1iees or 1.he roJ.ice

superannuation JUnd for report.


uontroller Finlay repor~ed com 1a1n~•

that ftobiRe Street above Jubilee Hoad 1a

not sprinkled by the Fire Department drivers

... 37 -

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

~ Julx l_~h, 19~8..!.. / as other streets 1 the looali ty are.

v· .rtererr,ed to Uontroller H1nes.


Controller l.i'1nlay urges early acm on in

regard to the OJ.ling of stree1ia. See m1nu'tes

/ Boa.rd o,f Control, JUly ll,;h, 1918 Pages 34J-J'T9e

~ .ttererrad to the 01ty Engineer for report

at Tueeda.y'e mee t rng ,


Controller Hines reporten th tthe Relier

Commission employees w1 thout 1101-1i-y1ng the

occupants removed the top OI a. oh imney below the

zcor on premises 9 to 11 Cr1egh t;on Street occu ....

pied by Augustus Hoganson whilst stoves in the

~ / prem1 see we.re still al1gnt and ~arks ,ver,e not1oetl

,Q ~ com mg through the ape~t'l.lre. The top of the ~ ohimney ha.a not been replaced and the occupants

are now without fires to do their cooking.

l~e complaint ie reterred to the .ttelief

Oomm1ss1on for attention.

WA'PER BILL ESTATE CHAHLES MJIGI.NN f 4 WE_§T fl!• - ~ Read wa.ter meter b1l.L eelialie Ohar1ea McGinn

f 4 West Street claimed to be excessive.

Referred to the City Engine~r for report.


Controller Murphy reported that notwi. ths'Gallcung

ct1rect eewera.ge out:rlow from the waegwo.L t1o Club

to the North West Arm has been diverted to the

interoepting seWer, sewerage oontinuea to i"low

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

JUly l.Sth, 1915._.

into ~he Arm creaiing a nu1aa.nce probably due

~ to a break 6B or a de~eot in_the drainage ay~

~ i.em, rl.eterred to the01ty Engineer for 1mme~1ate


J ~y> ~v ,,,Y provision for the storage of liquor se1zed

~~' under the provisions of the Nova Scotia rem- y


On reoommendat1on of OQn~roller Murphy

the Ch1e! of Pol1oe and '.Cemperanoe Aot In-

specter ·tracey are 1netruoteC1 to make proper

peranoe Aot and to remove therefmom all liquor

now s,tored in the off ioe of Inspector -rraoey

to some mor e suitable plaoe in which shall

also be tep'ti a.ll liquors in future ae1zee1 by

the Inspector.


OcntrollJ.er Hines ca.11ea. to the attenti<n

or the Board that although etei.ndpipes filled.­

by the 01ty wa.~er supply are provided in the

01 ty Hall no hose or other fire ext1ngu1sh1ng

equ1pnents are atta.ohed therewo.

On motion or Oontrol~er MurJhY, Controller

Hines and the Ohie! of the Fire Department are

requested to report w1 'th recommend.a.t1ons as,;e

:x·1re e~ii.. :$-u1ahing equ1pemtn and proteotion

for all City Buildings.


Read let1ier 01 ty ·1·rea.surar as follows:-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

I /

July 1Syh1 19J.8~- 0ft1oe of 01ty l~easurer,

July l8iih, 1918.

Dep. Mayor Ald. uodw1n, a.nd Boa rel of conuror ,


I beg to report th-ta Oert1r1cate of Approval has been reoe1ved for the third application made to the Department of Finanoe for the sum of 3225.000. to cover the balanoe on. 3500.000 authorized by Leg1elat1on 1918 "to defray losses and replacements ccoasaoned 'to 01ty property by explosion of 6th. Deo.191Pf eto.

Jamee J. Bopwell, Cit,y Treasurer.

Rererrerl to ·the City Council for its



rteact. repor,; Assiave.ni; Bu.1J.a.1ng lnspeouor

re app.L1cation E. IC. Borne for permission to

oonst:ruct a.n addition l0x22xl0 in rear of the

preseni; shop to be uaed to enlarge • shop

,a.s follows:...._ Oity Engineer1s Of!'ice,

July l7yh,l913.

His Worship the Mayor. Sir:•

l beg 'tio report that an application has be en ma.de - for an add1 t1on to a building on the west aide of Robie Street between Cedar andSn1rley Streets. Thia building ia in the reaident1e.l d1str1c~ and an appllcation had previously been made to r9pa1r and al~er this bu1ld.ing, which ,vas refulJea.. ·

W. J:{. 11'egan, Aast. Blidg. lnspecto;.

The OiT.Y Engineer is instructed to grant

the perm1 t appl.1ed for.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Juix 18th_, __ 1.2,u~.


Head report 01~y Engineer re app11oat1on

of Llluis Ce.plowhich :i,or pel"'lni salon to construct

on Almon street an addition to the s1d.e of

present shop to be used as a. ba.rber shop und.er

an agreement to remove the building on or befcr e

Feburary 2Sth, 1918. Approved.

REPAIRS ~o crTY BUILDINGsL .fle,a.d reporli 01 ty Eng111ee,r re tenders for

repairs to 01ty Bu11d1ngs, as ro11owe:-

Oity Engineer's Office, Halifax,July 18,l~

His Worship the Mayor. Sir:-

I beg to report on the tenders aubm1tted for :repairs to 01 ty Buildings damaged in the, explosion, i~e tenders received were-


n.u. 8tewa.rt, Dartmouth All bu1 .. d1ngs l2fo 11.1+50 s.A.:Ua.rshaJ.l & Son, City Incinerator 25, ,200

• • • n City Home 25% fee6 150 • • • n City Prison 25~ fl50

Holmes & McDonald. n Public Gardens l?~ (There is no memorandum on the tender of any cheque As! understand. that one oil the ten­ ders did not contain a cheque, it should no~ be oons1dere~

The tender of D.G. Stewa:ct for all buildi:tg1 is the lowest and I would reoommend 1ts aooep~ ance, provided sat1sl'a.otory oon'tract can be: made wi t:1 the;..

F. w. w. ooa.ne, Citf Engineer.

Ap pro iJ:ed.

The Board adjourned.

John E. Godwin. DEPUTY MAYOR.

t_~~ L.Frea Honagh&D

OtlJ CLERK. Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


The Board of Control met this morning at !la.yor

ll 01clook, Present ~puty/Godwin,Chairman,

and Controllers Murphy Hines and Finlay.


Horse :for 01 ty Home. City Hall Explosion Repairs and Police

Oourt Alteration,.


r .,,,-- Controller Hines recommended the purchase

~/--;;:r a horse :for the Oity Home at #200.00 frm i' of)"" . Robert Stanford at Oow Bay to replace a horse

which 1'.ad to be h1.Una.nely 6estroy1ed. Approved~


Read oertifioe.tes Assistant Building Iaepeo-­

tor that work had been clone in the 01 ty Hall

by Walter Lownd• entitling him to progress

pe.yments as follows:- - F.xr,lo sion Repe.ira ••.........•• $5g6. 61

Alterations Police Oourt ••.••• 545.22 It was explluined that the arrangement for

this work had been ma.de by His Worship the

Mayor and, er, the Acting City Eng1nee~ on

a cost plus 10% basis and that they are both

awe.y a. ttending the annual 100nvention of the

Union of Canadian Munioipali tiea.

The C'i ty Audi tor beir1g called said he

desired action by the Board of control and

the City Council in respect to such a oon­

traot before ma.king any further progress pal'Jllente in addition to those previously put


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

John E. Godwin.


t~~- L.rred Monaghm


MY 20th, 191g. j controller Murphy suggested that the ~ oertift.oates be honored so that Mr. Lownds £ and his employees be not kept out ff their

~~ 1 ~ money.

~~ Controller Finlay objected, Further conaiderition of the matter is


Tlle Board adjourned.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July 23rd., 191g.

The Boe.rd of Control met this morning a.t,

10 o1clock; present Deputy Mayor Godwin Ohail'm.e.n,

and Controllers Hines, Finlay and Murphy.

LI'ST OF HEADLINES. Oxford &hiiiE. school Building. Explosion Aooounts- City Home. Pionics tor Orphans. Ga.a Prices - Letter Public Utilities Board. Police Department-Application Charles Colyer

f'or Deputy Chief. Fire Department-Telephone Exhibition Fire stati,on. City Medical Officer-Register of Visits to Inati tu.tion1. OOa.l We1~.hers-Chargee of Reoeiving Money fzan - Ctal Deal eze , - Red Crose Fund - Oit,y1 a SUbacription. City Clerk• s Typewriter. Morr4a Street Boulevaxd-Moraah Property LeMaroha.nt Street. Liquor Storage - Report Chief of Police. City Home Tenders for SUpplies. Rubbish on Streets. Abattoir. Tower Road - Violation of Building Act -P. T.Shea. Market Building Refreah:aent Privileges. Argyle, Blowers and Grafton Streets Paving. C.oaJ. Tenders. 'l'uberaulosis Hospital Plans. Flynn P:ror,:erty Quinpool Road-Tuberculosis ]ll)spi tal. Ialesville street Extension-John H. Hunt. Explosion-Taxes 1072 Barrington St.-G.Wakefield. Explosion-Fire Department Hose neetroyed. Fire Department~ Hose. Beech, Chestnut ,and Quinpool Road Sewers. · Traoey Liquor Enquiry-Retaining of R.R.MurraJ X.C. Tower Road. Starr Street Extension. Market Slip. Gre.f ton Park. City Hall FUrn1ture.


John P. Quinn Cfhairme.n of the Board of

Sohool Commissioners addressed the Board, strongly

urging the pressing necessity of removing the

temperary Insulation Hospital from the lxford

School Building so that 11t 90uld by fumigated

repaired and utilized for sohool purposes by

August 2gth prox.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

1./ July 23rd. I l91Se

.~ Referred to the Advisory Camnittee to take r up today w1 th the Relief Oomm1es1on and to urge

them to speed up the completion of the new Iaplation

Hospi ta.l.


Read aocou.nte Silliker and Ma'Mann totalling

$15st&,.e13 for ,explosion repairs at the City Hape.

The Accounts are passed for payment.


Read the following Correspondence:-

. J The Mayor o:f Halifax, N. s, ~ Your Worship:- t L

I am d6sirous of gi vin,g a f picnic to the orphans of your City this yeu as I have done in St. J~ N, B. e.nd -........ other pllaoee :for many yea.rs,(fi.go and do;n tt f r know whether ther is a p_arJC inJt& olose to

-- the City that, oan be usea. tor that puxpose ii; and would 'be pl eased 1f you will inform me _ ~ and also give me the names of the different Orphanages in your City, I will give Picnics as usual at Sussex N. B. and at st. John N.a

..J2 --J:arly in August and expect to give one for tile orphans o~ Oharlottetown P.tI. and Halifax to­ warde the end of August.

I have arranged so that these pinnics ii;:::._ °o~o on for all time in several Cities both here and in the u. s. and canada. The Mayor of ea.oh City is always one of my trustees to aot in the matter after my death.I have added your City to the list and hopJ to give one there tll.is year. I will be here until Aug. 1st. and will 'be pleased to hear from you before leaving.

Hotel Ca.maguey ,· Camaguey, OU.ba.

July 13th, 191s.

You.rs, J .n, 01 Connell.

P.s. I am a mat1ve of SUseex Nl B. but spent most of my time here for the last yea:re b1tt I return each summer •

I have fifteen

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Western Union Telegram.

St. John •• B. Jul.y 22nd, 191g.

a. E. Godwin, Deputy Mayor Halifax, I. s.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 23rd., 1S1S. Mr. 01Connell has been giving picnics annuallly to the orphans in Saint Bohn for quite a number of yea.rs.Mr. O'Connell is very highly regarded in St. John for his interest in the children.

Robert T. Hayes, Mayor •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t •••••••••

J. D. O'Connell, Esq., Hotel Cam,agu er,

Oamaguey, OUba. S,ir:'""

Mayor's Office, City Hall, July 23rd., 191g.

I have :ifead with a great deal of pleaa­ uee your generous offer to tender a pionio to the children of the public orphanages of Hal­ ifax and will immedi tely forward copies of same to the Institutions we have here.

These institutions are: Proteatant Orphanage, Brookfield House,

Bartington street. Bt. Josephs Roman Cetholis O:rphanage,

Q\u.npool Road. ~excelled parks and other fao­ ititiee for the holding of such functions.

Th,e Mayor of Halifax would be glad to act as a trustee of any endow:nment fund you mie,it establish for such puspoae providing for the future. A suitable committee to cooperate with you to conduot the proposed picnio could very readily be formed.

It aay be a satisfaction to you to know that you are very highly regarded in St. John and other plaoes for your interest in the Child­ ren.

Yours truly, J.E. Godwin,


• • • ii •• ti ••••••••••••••••••••

llayor' a Office, 01 t,y Hall, July 23rd., 191g.

Dear Ya.dam:- I have the honor to enclose here-

with a copy of a letter from J.D.01Connell for­ merly of Bussex N.B. to me relating to picnics for Hal.ifax orphans, (Lcopy o.f a telegram fran the Mayor of st. Jonn, int! reply to an inquiry from me and aleo a oopy of my reply to Kr. 010on- nell.

Yours t:ruJ.y, J.E. Godwin,

DEPUTY MAYOR. The Mother Superiorers, st. Josephs Roman Ce.tholic Orphanage.

The Ma:flron, Protestant Orphanage.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

J /

July 23rd., l91S. lorwarded to City Council for its infor­


. .


Read letter Board of Public Utilities,

as follows:-

Boe.rd of Oommieaioners of Public Ut,111 ties He.life..x, N. B. July 22nd., isrs,

L. Fred Monaghan, Ci t,y Clerk,


Dear sir:- ~ I have"'acknowledge receipt of a copy

of extma.ct,s, from the minutes of a meeting of the Boa.:ro. of Control of the City Of Halifax, held on th,e 11th. inetan.t, instructing you to request me to furni.sh a copy of the petition., preeentid,QI to this Board by tbe Nova Sootie. Tram.we.ye & Power - Co. Ltd. for an order authori.zing e.n increase of~ for gas.

In reply I have to say that the pmtition is somewhat lengthy and 1twill be impossible for me to make a copy of the same for you. It is, of course open to you to eend some persO,n to copy such petition, if you desire to do ao.

In the meantime I have to say that the petition as.ks the Board to fix the following schedule of rates in lieu of the rates now :b force vix:-

For illuminating fuel and power gas :12.20 for 1,000 ft. 20% discount for payment on or before the 10th of the month. Net per month 1.00.

Yours truly., L.B.Taylor.,




Read application assistant Deteotive .._r:tes

H. Colyer for the position of Deputy Ohief of

the Police Depa.rtzp.ent. Referred to the Chief

of Polioe.


Read letter Relief Oommiaaion as follows:-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Gentlemen:- In reference to the regueat of the

Board of Control that registers be kept by the Bgard of Health at the different institutions uttder the control of the Board., visited by the 011 ty Medioal Officer so that he maw r,eoord the number of visi ta made, I am 1u•truvted to ea.y that euoh registers would not represent the work performed by the C.M.O. The off 1oer ia reLlUired at aJ.l__!!mea to give of his eervioe to the In-

.rt.. --!'ect1ous Diseases, o1 the small-pox Hospitals ~ oooasion that he recorded his name

-~ on a register would be. no indication that the ~ patients were given attention by him.

lfOUXS truly., J .H. Wat•ere, .

~ v Secretary, C.H.B.

~.. . v" The secretary 1• instruoted to write tle 0vr City Health Board that .7 kept in accordance with the resolution adopted


Halifax Relief 1Commissioh, Halifax, N. s, July 22nd,-lf~.

Esq., L. Fred Monaghan, 01 ty Clerk,

OITY. Dear Sir:,-

Your letter of the 16th instant re telephone at the Exhibition Fire station was considered at a reoent meeting of the Oommission, and I have been instructed to advise you that while the Oomnia,.a1on appreoiatea the convenience ff this 'phone, 1 t re;pudia.tea any reaponsibili ty in connection with the payment the:L"eof.

Yours truly;i Ralph P. Bell,




Read letter City Heal th Board as folloa:­

Off ioe of 01 ty Hea.1 th Boa.rd, Halifax, N. S. July 22-lS.

His worship the Mayor & members Board of Control.


a. short time ago.


Read letter Suion Ommnina supervisor of

Coal WeAghera oovex1ug protest by the Ooa.l 1r•ie;h­

ers against oarta.in statements as follows:-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 23:rd. z.. .1.2~a ... Halifax, N. s.

July 22nd, 191g.

To Hie Worship the Mayor and Members of Board of Control.

Gentlemen:- ! beg to submit herewith to your

Boa.rd a statement signed by six permanent, coal weigher a denying that they are reoei ving mon,ey from ti,_e Coal Dealers in ad.di tion to the w61i)l­ ing fees.,

I remain, Yours respeoteully, s. Cbmmins, supervisor of' Ooal. Weighera •

• • • • t I I e t • I • • • it • I • t • '1 • • • • • • • e • I e •

To. Mr. Simon Oumm ins Supervisor of Cl)a.l W,eighers.

Dea.r Sir;~ _We the undersigned permanent coal weighers

beg to info:rm you that a.11 statements or i11sin­ uatione to the effect that we are :receiving money f.rom the coal dealers in e.ddi tion to the coal we1gb.ing fees as oo~leoted by you are absolute- ly false and we deeply :feel the injustice of the statements or insinuations that have been made at meetings of the Board of Control, and we fur­ ther wish-to state that we hope that the same publici.ty will be e;i ven to this denial by our Daily papers as they gave to the false aeeus- ations ooncerning us,

R. w. OUllym.ore., A.s.navieon. John :S111g. Robert P. Brunt. Pa.trick Leahy J.P.O•Connor.

/./'Filed. V Mr. Commins 1 a requested to f,orwa.rd to~

,. the Board a list of all permanent and aupermun-

eray Coal weighers now on his staff of Weighera.

RED CROSS FUND - CITY IS 'SUBSCRIPTION. - - Read letter J. L. He•therington as follows:-

Nova Scotia 191g War Fund~ Halifax, July 20-191S.

Ria worahi . ~ Mayor Hawkins

01 ty H.e.J.l, 01 ty. Dear sir:-

The exeautive beg to acknowledge your


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

J /

contribution of Fire Thousand Dollars fe5000.oo) to the Red Croes War Fund.

It might be supposed that the etfect of a few large subeoriptions 'tVOtild be to diminish the effort a of the Com.mi ttee to cover the re t of the oommun1 ty. In this caae, however, there was always 1n mind the neoesaity of brinzing on another oe.mpaign, for $1010,000 for the British Red Croes Society later in the year, and the effect of reoeiving several of these large aubsoriptione \'fas to spur on the Committee in the h;ppe that two oampa1gns might be covered in one.

Since it is now hoped and believed that t,hia end has been achieved, i.t 1111 be recognixed. that the Committee has special reasons for congra.t­ ula ting you on the assistance that you have given,. and, further, that you will ha.ve a. speoial feeling ,of gratification that your help has tended to provent another Provino!~ w id,e campaign.

Witl1 this bution, I beg to

recognition reriain

Yours J.

of your contri-

very truly1 L. Hetherington,


Referred to the Oity Council for its



Read letter Soulia Typewriter Co. as


Soul is Type,1ri ter Co. Ltd., July 1gth, 191g

L.F.Monagha.n, Esq., Oity Clerk,

Halifax, N. s, Dear S1r:- Confi:cm1ng our conversation of evsi date I find upon looking over your t,ypewri ter that' same has been in very atrenuoua use for seven years and while repairs can be made, 1 t would be our recommendation to bu~ neW maol1ine. · iall Our late model machines are e~pec · Y

1 d t do heavy manifoldino· work ae re­ ~~1r~Xe1n ~our office and with other 1mprovem.ents make it the latest a.nd best typewroter on the

markeihe beat of Maohanioal experts tell ue that if a tynewriter has performed five yea.re of good service, it has served its usefulness and oous£.dei-11Ig the faot that yours has had

w39l ...

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



~~ y

July 2Jrd., 191th. eeven years of the hardest kind of wo:rk, it would ne to your adventage to trade ii for a new model, and-th i obtain a machine that will perform muoh better work, whioh is ao essential to your offioe.

We will allo,w you t30.oo for this old model in exchange for a new one, the price of which ia 3140.00

We are furtunate in having a few machir&3 in stock and can fill your requ1rementa at


H. R. 9:nith, Manager.

Appro?ed and the City Clerk authorized

to maae the exchange.


Read re11ort City f.ngineer, as follows: ...

Oity Engineerts Office, July 1$-1915-

the Mayor, His worship Sir:-

! beg to report on the a.ttaohed minute• of the Board of Control respecting the Morash land ooverad by the proposed extension of Morris Street boulevard. The a.seeseors value the land in question at 3111-oo. If Mrs. Marash has ha.a a genuine off er of $3000. fo:r the two lots, it would have a great influence on the arbitrators in fixing the value if ta.ken by the City. I should expect , however, either that the offer was me.die by persona who do not understand that the land oannot be built upon; or by persons who pro,pose to make the purchase for the pur­ pose of making a percentage of profit which the Oity would undoubtedly have to give in t,a.king. · Looking at it :from wither point of view, I do not ccne td er that 1 t should be us d as a lever to foroe the Oity to take the land now.

Respectfully submitted, F •• ff.Doane.,

Oity Engineer.

The City Engineer is instruoted to wri 1e

E. D. King Mrs. Moreaah'e Solicieor that if l

Yrs. Morea.sh had an offer of $3000.00 for tl'B

:bwo LeMaroha.nt Street lots it must have been

made by e person unaware of the faot that t1:e


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July 22r~u 1~¥_§ property cannot be built upon or by a

person attempting to apeculat,e at the cost

of the Oity.


Read report Chief of Police a.a follows~

Board of Oontrol. Gentlemen:-

I beg to acknowledge receipt of i! instructions from the Boe.rd of Control re storage of liquors seized under the provis- ~ ions of the Nova Scotia. Tempera.nee Act. In reply I wish to report that whatever proper1y is, handed over to me I will be only too glad to become responsible for under the Boards directions but I cannot be eXpeoted to share the responsibility with Inspector Tracey

r/ or any other Offioial.

You-rs truly, ./JV I Frank Hanrahan, ~ Chief of Police.

~G,j ~;JI" ,.,tC>"\. speotor Tracey to hand over to the Cb.i,ef of

~ Police for safe keeping a.ll liquor seized bjl

Off ice of Ohief of Polio4 July 19th, 191$.

The Seoreta.ry is di:reoted to inetruot In-

him under the Nova Scotia Temperanoe Aot.


In re~ponse to advextisement in the

newspapers, tenders for auppliee for the Ci V vi Home are reoei ved and opened as follows:-


t( Grooeries WBntsells Ltd. 13953• 64-

• Jo, n Tobin & Co. ll-033.$7 Flour, W:antzells Ltd. 70% and go% 12.25

Referred to the Superintendent of the

City Home for xeport.


Read report City Engineer a.a follows:-

City Engineer's Office, - July 23rd., 191g.

His worship the Yayor., Sir:- I desire to urge once more, as force- . ably as I oan, a. recommendation made on several

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July '12rd., 191!.

oc,oasione before. The reconstruction work being carried on, is causing the streets to be more littered with building refuse than usual. . Yeeterd.a.y morning the City worjs Bepartment olea.ned Argyle Street; la.st night at 5.50 I went through the street and noted the refua,e which had been deuosited on the street between the cleaning and thattime in the evening -

- 3 long lengths of iron pipe Hay. old lumber and a barrel hoop Pi,eoe of old lumber. An old boar Pile of olid. boards. An old board. Pieoe of old lumber. Hay and excelsior. Pile of old lumber and pile of old brick bats.

- Refuse from captenter work. Hay Building rubbish 3 pieoea of l'.\lmber. Shingles from shingling. An iron grating. Large brick-apparently dropped from load. Eaceleior. Plank.

opp. i/1=3 At. :/1=10


~ 35 50 ~~

Between 514.&56 g3 s5-7 §~

123 14-5

162 17s

None of thie refuse; a:e fai as I oan judge, is from reconstruction work.

About the same time I inspected Water Street opposite t~e Oaledonian Hotel, and found that builders who had completed the ehibgling of the roof of the hot,el, has left a lot of old broken shingles extenting over a considerable area on the pavement. All the rubbish., with tona of such material in other streets, is left for removal a. t the expense of the taxpayer by the Works De­ pa.r'bnent. Every pallnl of it should be removed by the property owner or the builder who is dir­ eotly responaible for its peesenoe on the Street. We oan never ovextake the street cleaning eer­ vioe by the cure method. The prevention method must be applied without fear or favour. We have plenty of law, but there seems to be a. mista.k,en impression that it is the duty of the City Works Department to cc- rry out the law. It is the duty of the orks Depa.rtment to construot the Streets a.nd maintain them, which includes cleaning or re­ moval of refuse. It is not the duty of the Works Depar1aent to oe.rry out the la.we whioh prohibit the property owners or builders from placing the refuse mentioned, on the street. No builder whould be permitted to make shavings on the street exoept behind a hoarding. It would le no great hardship on builders shingling or repairing shingles, to provide a pertable hoar(l... ing which oould be set up to prevent light ref~se ~ii.blowing about the street. If it is left

.. 394--" Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 23r<!_. 191g.

until night, to clean up, 1 t will be far away.

I wculd recomi-aend onoe more that the Polioe !i)ep!l'riment be instructed to oe.rry out the laws wi t.nout fear or favour, and to compel every builder to clean up the refuse frorn his wo,rk every night. If there is not sufficient law now to prevent them from making shavings on the ,et:i:eet., we should ge~ it right away. Tlis work can be done only by the Police Departrpent and 1 t can be aooomplie-hed only be presiatent a.otion on the part of same authority in or

~ver that Department. , :,V Respectfully submitted, .n i(' F. W. W. Doane, , 01 ty Engineer. ~/ . Ref errsd. to the Chief' of Police for imnBl-

.. ~ ~~)'/,,,' . v c)1"' / iate attention with inatruotions to striotly

,enf oroe the law.


Read repoxt 01 ty Engineer as f'ollow,H-

01 ty Engineer's Office, July 3~d, 191!.

His worship the Mayor, Sir:-

I beg to re~ort respecting the construction of the Abattoir., that the Assistant Building Inspeotor naa made an examination of the build­ ing a.nd reports tbat·no progress has been made sinoe the explosion. Reapeotfully submitted,

F. w. w. Doane, City Engineer.

The City Engineer is instructed to ld6k

up the terms of the oontraot as to time of

completion of the building, to take the mat­

ter up with the C'ontracto:ra and to report a.t

Thuraday•s meeting.


:rasact"":re~ert- ~1:li-, .., .... rSngttlear-::a.a.,.. !fo!Ipwlt::-

,,~ _ ~ · ~ City Engineer• s Office, July 19th, 191g.

Hia Worship t.~e Mayor, Sir:-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


::.-0?. ,/ ~~ .,,J'r Shea of the violation of the Building Adj;

.;;. ~_;.. by• him and to instruot him to apply to the

~~ City Engineer for a permit. ch

% have reoeived a number of com~laints res­ pecting the violation of the building :regulations by P. T.Shea at *283 Towe:r Roe.d. From the infor­ mation which I have obliained in my own office, and the complaints., I learn that Mr.· Shea app­ lied for a pe:rmit to ereot an outhouse on his property and received a permit for it. After ereoting the building, ke re-modeled it into a stable w1 thout permission, and ie using it ft now a,s a stable.

During the last two days I ha~e received further complaints that he is oonatrueting 111 manure pit and that he has eneted another building in hie yard and is proceeding to tlB erection of a. third., fo,r neither of which hlil ha.a obtained a pe:rmit. I have some reason to believe that one of the buil41ngs is to cover the manure pit, al though the evidence ie not p6sitive in that regard.

I am informed by .the 01 ty Solioi tor tha; this man has violated the law, end that the building can be removed by process of law. He is .snapping his fingers at ci vie au.thori tj&e and 1 a placing the City Government in an unen­ viable poai tion. Further, I cannot carry out . the b~ildimg regulations when people oan come into my office and tell me that Mr. Shea can do as he likea because the 01ty authorities will not interfere with him.

Under the cirmmistance·a I ask that the City Solicitor be inatruoted to talce legal proceedings against Mr. Shea to remove the buildings tlb.1oh he he.a erected illegally, and to prevent him from maintaining a stable for business puspoeea on the pr-operty. The building used as a stable ia within 20 feet if an e.dj,oining property, according to measure­ ments ma.de by ·Mr. W.J .DeWolfe 9f my staff.

Respeotfully eubmitted, F. W.W. DOane,

City Engineer.

The Seor4tary is instructed to notify


llra.. stead representing the Local Ooundil

of Women addredsed the Board stating that there ().-u­

urgent reque ata from the Market people for the

reestablishment of the Market restaurant. The

Wom~ns Oounoil ran it before the explosion but


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Jul/ 23rd:.,. 12,lS/

not ainoe and deft not desire to continue it.

She eugg,eated that the 01 ty call for bids

for the refreshment privileges. There is

very 11 ttle money to be made out of it and

she thought if some woman irho has a. daughter

who could hejlp her seoured the reetrauant s1II

might get enough out of it to pay her.

The City Engineer ie in•t1i.ioted to adver-­

tise for tenders for the Re:f'resbmen.t Privileges,

~ .. ~ filthy oondition

~ Referred to

Yrs. Stead also, oe.lled attention to tbe

of the toilet in the market.

the City Engineer to take up

with the Jani tor of the building •

. ARGYLE, BLOWERS AND GRAFTON STREET PAVJNG..t. v. °1) Read extra.ct minutes of City Coul)oil July

~ ~11th ref e,rring back to th1e Boa.rd 1 ta ri,port

~ ~'1) J<t on tenders for paving Argyle, Blow,era and Grafton yV\ • Streets with th~ recommendation that no pe:anan-

ent Street Paving be done this year.

( \; / v' pt, .. ,,..noI11t81s unaminoualy decided to oonour in nthe ~ J = recommendation.

0 ~ / The City Treasurer ia tnetruot,ed to return

~ to the owners the cheques depoai ted with their

tender a.


The City Engineer ia instructed to advertise

_/ v for tender e for coal to be supplied in the same

G..,,rb way as was done prior to the eetabliehment of the

City ruel Yard.


The City Jngineer aubmi ts sketohea for

proposed Tuberoulosis Hospital drawn by H. E

-397- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 23rd., l?lg

Ga tea.

The Engineer stated he had taken the

sketche e up to Kentville and diaouased them

with Dr. Miller who approved of the general

disign of them and suggested several changea

Mr. Doane 1nfo:med the Bo,ard that llr. Gates

asked 100.00 for th,e sketches and he thougH;

they were well worth that price.

- P' It is decided to .auy the plans at the

/ ;,J-. 'o ./ figure named and tp pass them over t~ the

~Y Relief Commission for elaboration.


Controller Hines reported having had a.

conference with Mr. Wheaton of the Cook Con­

struction ce, as to the repairing' by them of

the building on the Flynn property which had

been uned as a. Tuberculosis Hppplilil the result

of whioh conversation Mr. Wheaton had p,romised

to, submit in writing,. Controller Hines ex-pects

to have the corumunioation for the ne.xt meetiq

of the Board. .


Raad letter John H. Hunt 2~2 Maynard Street

asking an eaxly settlement as to the prioe to

be paid him for property :/1=136 West Young Street

proposed to be taken from him for the exjension

of Ialesville Street.

The Deputy Mayor is requested to oonfer

with Mr. Hunt as to the prioe and report to the


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 2_.ird. a 191s Boa.rd.

controller Finlay reports that tle land

is a.sse4aed !or $200.00 and the house on it

a.t 11100.00.

As the house has been condemned a.a a. total

. ./ J loss tbrough th eaplos1on it was reported. that

_ , ~ the Rel1e:t COl!l!rieaion will reimburse w:, Hunt ~K :tor the loss o:t his Muse so that the City will

~ only he.ve to pay for the land.


Read letter Sta.ff Sergt. G. Wakefield a.eking

to be relieved from the payment of taxes in pro­

perty 1072 Barrington Street on the ground tha.t

the building was condemned after the explosio,n.

Referred-i to the Advisory committee to take

up with the Relief Commission.


...r On reo,onunenda.ti,on of controller Hines it J. I 1B decided to a<11rert1se for tendero ,:or the ;?. J .1500 feet o:t Fire Department hOse destroyed x· ;;/ 1n the a:,cplosion of December 6th, %:,.,- ~\


Controller Hines 1s requested to tall:e

v"' up with stairs son & Uorrow the matter of their

~ :ta.ilure to deli1rer the 1000 :teet of Fire Bose

v/- ordered from them some time· a.go and report to


The D~frea.suer is instructed to return

to the owners the chequ,es deposited with tenders

for trenching for the Beech $treet,Chestnut Street


h..Q.• -~oo-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



July 23., 191s. Read report Depu~y ayor Godwin as follo e:-

Halifax, N. S. July 23rd., 191s.

To The Members of the .Board of Control

and City oo~cil. Gentlemen:-

On fu.rtber consideration of having the matte.r of the Police Department investigated by a. County Court Judge., a.s passed by the coun­ oil, and feeling it very neoeeeary that we obtain the fullest information from same, it oocured to me that the onus of responsibility of being Chief In 1 1~ r should not rest 1th our City Solicitor but rather w1 th some per son not connected with Civic a.ff airs at all.

Thia rema:rk is not made w1 th any 1n tent of casting .reflection on the ohaxacter or abili-cy of our Solioitor, but rather to relieve him of the embarrassing position, and merely view- ing the si tua.tion clearly in the face, and wishing to obtain the beet results.

For tbe above reason I wish to recommend for your oonsiderc t1on that B. R. Hurray, K. c. be engaged by the City to conduct the inveet,ig­ ation with a county court Judge; he to notify witnesses and ask whate,zer questions a.re necess- e:ry., etc.

Respectfully subrni~ted, Jno. E. Godwin, DEPU'l'Y :MAYOR.

Approved anci ordered to be recommended to

council for concurrence in a.ocorda.noe with the

suggestion of Alderman Ha.rt at the meeting o,f

Council held July 15th, l9'lS.

TO ER ROAD. On motion of eon troller M\lrphy the City

c> Engineer is instructed to repair Tower Road

~ between Inglis Street and the bridge.


The City Engineer is requested at sugges-

tion of controller llurphy to repo,rt on the

proposed extension of Starr street diagonally

through to Barrington Street in order tba.t

the matter be finally disposed of before tbe


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July 23rd., 19is. building for which an eaoavation is now being

ma.de at the North est corner of Proctor and Ba­

rrington street is erected.


On recommendation of Controller Murphy the

City Engineer is instructed to fix up the Mar-

ket slip.


~ controller Ltu.l'phy reports that he had asked

~~ Superintendent Power of the Public Ga.rd.enf, to

~'- fix up Grafton Park. A_pproved.


controller Finlay recommends that Ur.

Leverman be employed to fix up and polish

the buffet in the Uayor•s office and a table

end other furniture in the Libra.ry at 75¢ per

hour, t?e buffet work being estimated to take

about two days and a half, controller uurphy suggested that any use-

less furniture in the Mayor Is or any other office,

should be disposed of toe the best advantage in­

stead of oo,stly repairs being incurred. The Deputy Mayor agrees tbat the work in

,. • ~ ./ v".;;he Mayor • a off ioe and the Library be arr an gad 7-~ for a.a suggested by controller Finlay, provided

~ that suoh is recommended in e, report to be firet

obtained by the Mayor from the City Engineer.

Tbe Boa%d adjourned.

J. E, Godwin. DEPUTY »:AYOR

i~ L. Fred :Mona.gh CITY CLERK.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July 25th, 1915. The Boa.rd of Control met this morning at 10

o1clook; present Depui;y Mayor Godwin, Chairman)

and Controllers Taylor, H11,ea, Finlay end Murphy.


Se e contra.et - Progress Payment. TrSDey Liquor Enquiry. Water Department runds. City Home Tenders for Supplies. Coal Weigllers. Polio Department - superannuation Deputy Chief. Water., Unlmrfully use of by Charles Brister. Flynn Property., Qu.inpool Roa.d-Tpberoulocia

Hospital. City Prison Underkeeper A.E.Laurilliard

Resigns. tion .. City Prison-Military Prisoners Maintenance. City Prison-Tenders for auppl1es. City Uedioal Otfioer. - City Eleotrioian.


Read oertifi,oa.te 01 ty Engineer re oontra.ot for

stone as follows: City Engineer1s Office,

Hal. .ifa.x, July 17th., 1918. ma Worship the i•ayor. B1r:- I beg to reoommend pa.yment to the Nova Sootia Supply Company of the sum of five hun­ dred and sixty dolls.rs and sixty-two oen ta -f ($560. 62) on a.ocount of their oontra.ot tor deliv- ery of stone - 730 bush. binding @ 14¢ $102. 20

354-2 • 1 • stone ,@ 14¢ 495• 88 790 W 2f I @ 13¢ lQ2.+0

1'700. 8 20111- retained i~.~ B~. reconID1ended $~

Rlspeotfully submitted, r.w.w.Doa.ne,

City Engineer.

The progress oertifioate is passed for



Read letter Hie Honor Judge Wallace a.s


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 25th, l;JJ.8. .t - -- - .,

Halifax, July 25th, 191S. ,..

L.F.Monaghan., Esq., City Clerk, City Hall-City.

Dea.r S1r:- I wish to ackno ledge receipt of a·

oopy of the resolu~ion of the City Council, in wh1oh a request is made the.t an enquiry by ins­ ti tu~ed by the Judge of the Coun•t Court, in rel~ a. t1on to the reoen,t thett of liquor from the ,tfioe of Inspector Tracey.

In a.ooeding to this request, I must point out tha.t 1n the preamble to the resolution it is a~ated that the theft, in the opinion of ~he Counoil, reflects upon the good Government of the 01 ty, .and that charges haDe been ma.de in the public press, rel'leoting upon the council and the officials of the City 1n conneo~1on w1tb the same.

It ould seem desitable, before entering upon such an investigati,on, in wh1oh Council may b engaged, that some pa.rt1oulars be furnished or some more precise stat:ement or oha.rge be for­ mulated •• eeae 11e!' that the soope of the en,quiry may be properly regulated, and a prolonged enquiry an,d considerable expense be avoided.

You.rs truly, w .B. Wallace., Judge of County Court.

Ordered to be f,"nazded to, the di ty council

for its information and consideration.


Read report City Treasurer as follows:­

Offioe of City Treasurer., July 25th, 191g.

His worship the Mayor and

Boa.rd of control.

Gentlemen:- rn the neg1nning of the civic year

1917-lS it was decided to make no loan for ater construotion but to drew as necessity

required upon the su;Jlus in the Water Maintenance a.ooount under Seo. 669 sub, sec. 2 City Charter whioh reads:-• The cost of such management., Supervision and maintenance, shall be defrayed out of the income der1v•d from the water supply, and any surplus of such income may from time to time, on the reoommend.ation of the Board of control, approved by the Council be-(&) Applied to improving or em:tending the water eupp,ly, or (b) invested 1n the genera; Sinking fund.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



I /

July 25th, 1918.

There is an apparent debit balance in the Water construction of $19173.87 and a credit balance of $22909.92 in the Water Mai.ntena.noe accounts. I would recommend- that a resolution be pass- ed ordering a transfer of $20,000 from main­ tenance to eonstruotion a.ooount and reported. !'or approval :io Couno1l.

Respecn;fully submi t1ied, James T. Hopewell,

Ci--c;y Tree.surer •



Read report Superintendent City Home re

tenders for supplies as follows:-

Offioe of Cha.rit1es Department, City Home,

July 241ih, 191s.

His worship tne Mayor. and Uembers of the Boa.rd ot control.

Gentlemen:- In re tenders for Groceries and four

for a. period of six months, -:,.August 1st, 191g to January 31st. 1919, viz:

GROCERIES. John Tobin & Co. Wentzells Ltd. Wentzel s Ltd. FLOUR

@ $Jf,048.j7 @ 3,953.64 @ 12.25 per Bbl.

I would recommend the aoceptanoe of the tenders

of an tzells Limited for both Gr,ooeries and Flour. - Respectfully sub;ti tted.,

J. H.Bucnenan, super 1n tend.ant,



Read applioation D. McDonald 17 l Goti;ingen Street for position of Coal Weigher. Filed.


Read report Trustees of the Pol1oe super-

annuation Fund a.e follows:- City Treasurer's Offioe,

July 2Jftb, 1918. Dep. Ma.yor. Ald.God.W1n.

and Board of control.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 25~h, 191s. Gentlem n:-

In re Superennua.tion of pep. Chief of Polioe Cla.renoe A, Northover ~he Boar~ of Trustees of the Polioe superannuation Fund beg to report. "Every memoer of the force who he.a served. for 25 yea.rs o:r more shall or resignation or on being rei1red. by le Boe.rd, be ent1 tled ~o receive a. sum equal to ts of the Salary he is then receiving, a.s e. pe 10n, to be paid to him 1n quarterly instalments 'Wltil his death. •see. 263 City Charter. He was appointed Deputy cntef arch 12th. 19-18 His Salary by the Aots of 191g

was flied. at $1500. 00 per year. so that he is entitled under i;h.a superannuation Aot to $.1071.*2 per yea.r.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of Trustees. James T. Ho~ewell1

City Treasurer.



Raad report City Engineerp. e.s follows:-

01 ty Engineer•e Offioe, July 25th, 191g.

H1e worship the Mayor. S1:r:-

The oondition of the water aervioe has made the Superintendent and myself auspicious that all the wa.ter p.pssing throuth the meters a.t the Lake w,a.s not being used leg1t.1majely.

We have cemmenved an 1nspeot1on to determine where the water is going. Yesterday our 1nspeotors disoover d that Mr. Brister at the Nort~ West Ar1f>. had oonnected a 3-inoh a.ter pljle to a. fire hydrant on his property, and one of the inspectors found #2 patrol boat taking ,1a.ter through the, pipe. He interviewed the chief ofl'ioef., who told. him tha.t there a.re sieven or eight boa.ta taking water, and tha.t they had been opera.ting for the last three ~onths. ur. Brister• a a.ct is a. serious one., and I hesitate to use the language whioh comes to my tongue. I would reoommend iha.t immediate a.otion be ta.ken to prevent the unlawful taking of water herever it can be detected, and that the @ity Sol~1tor be instructed to take immediate a.ot­ ion in ,;his case as an uamplf to prevent others from ta.king tne water unlawfully.

Respeotfully submitted, F.w.w.noane~

City Engineer.

Referred to the City 1.olioitor to take imm­

edta.te action.


Agreeably to promise made at last meeting,

controller Hines s~bmits the following oorreepondenoe

-405- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

~ Copies of the correspondence are ordered

-~ to be forwarded to ?ass, M.01ttull1n aeoreta.ry

~ . of the Hazelwood cottage H&spi tal committee for

""" ~


')..S-t't July 23!:n .. 1~18.

City Engineer's Oftice, June.20, 191a.

cotk construction co. Ltd. & Wheaton Brothers,

Hal.1:ta.x, N. s. Dear S1ra :-

I am instructed by the City Solicitor that a. perm1 t o,annot be issued to you• for repair­ ing the building on the Flynn property, to be used for h&spital purposes. Under the pro­ visions of Cha.p•er 11-6 of the Aota of 1915, any building sutuated within the residential dis­ tr1ot which at the time C! the coming into force of the Aot,. was not used for this purpose,, oould not be used afterwards.

Yours faithfully, (egd) H •• Johnston,

· e ting 01 ty Engineer.

. .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


JUly 23rd.., 1918. Mr. J, J. Hines,

Comptroller, 01 ty Bf Ha1. ifa.x.

Dear Sir:- Re: Ftjnn Property. Further to your conversation with the

wr1 ter tb1s morning., w1e enclose you herewith oopy of letter received from H.W,Jobnston, City Engineer, whiob explains the .reason who e 41d not go any further into the matter t tha.t time.

The Ha.vell house on the same property was leased by us from the Eastern Trust Co. and han­ ded. ba.ek to them when we were -chrough 111th 1 t.

Trusting that this information is satis­ factory, we reme.ln,


A. Wheaton,

tha information and oonaideratton of the Committee.

The seoreta.r, is also instructed to ~

Ha2, lwood cotta.ge~that applications

reoeived by the City for the rental

illform the

have been

of the buildings

on the property. -11o6-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

4 ,/ .F ))Yr yorrison one of ~..,~ of the property

The City Engineer is 1nstruot d to inform Kr.

the applioa.nte for the renta1

that the City is not a.t the !'


present time in a position to give him the use of

the building.


Read resignation A. E. La.urill1ard as an

underkeeper at the City Prison as }ollows :­

Ha.lifax, July 20th, l91S.

To 111s orahip the Mayor, Members of the Boa.rd of Control.

1Gentlemen:- I beg most respectfully to give in rpy

resignation as Un~erkeeper at the City Pr1son ishing tt to take place on August 15th, 191s.

My reasons for leaving are the hours a.re too long.

I am, yoUl' obedient servant, A. E. Laurill1a.rd,

The resignation is accepted and the City

Clerk instructed to advertise for applioations

to fill the waoanoy.


Rea.d report Govornor eitea• City Prison re cost

o,:f maintenance of military prisoners as :tollows:­ Ha.lifax, July 23rd. 1918.

His Worship the Mayor Members of tlie Boa.rd of control.

Gentlemen:- . I beg to report as per request of the

Boa.rd of control, re Prisoners oommitted for Breach of military regulations as follo s:-

Ad.mit~ed Date Sentenoe Maintenance. 1 Uaroh 4-18 9 months $123.35 1 ,April 6-18 9 months 123.25 l June 22-lS 9 months 123.25 l June 24-18 l yes.r 163. 75 1 July 5-1g 9 months 123.25

(sgd) George Grant.

consideration of the report is deferred

until the Go-ernor of the City Prison submits -4o7- the

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 25th, 1918.

~~etailed report aaJ.led for by resolution of

t\~.fr' this Board July 11th inat.


Read report Governor City Prison as follows:­

J:ial1ft.U., July 22nd, 1918.

I /

. .

Hie fllrship ~he Mayor Uembera of the Boa.rd or control.

Gentlemen:- . As requested by the Board of Con'tirol

in re Prison supplies. I ould report the:. tender of Wentzells

Ltd. for Groceries oeing $SS0.90, and that of • I. Hubley & co. being $913.60.

J. J. Scriven & son !or Bread@ &2/3 per lo.

Wentz lls Ltd~ for Bread@ 11¢ per 1 t lb. loa.f.

It is d.eoided to recommend to couno.11 the aco-

ptanoe of tne tender of entzells Ltd .... or gro­

ceries and of J. J. scriven & sons. for bread they

being the lowest.


Read letter Dr. w. a. Almon City Medical

Offioer as follows:- 35 Hollis Street, Ha.lifa.x,

July 20th, 1918, To H1s Wprship the Mayor

a.n~ Members of the Boa.rd of control. City HalJ., Ha.l1fax.

Sirs:- May I request the coutesy of a reply to

my letter of the 19th June. S1noe its date, I have received notification

that en~uir1es have been ma.de at the different Oity institutions with rega.114 to the number of visits I ha.ve paid t.here, and that 1n future you wish me1 to register a.t tb.eee plues •sch time I attend.

I beg to call y~l.ll:' attention to the ta.ct that these satis~ioe ill only give youa very small idea. ofthe wtrk that I do for the City of Ha11fax.

The hum'ber of "oi ty• telephone calls whioh I reoeive, oat necessitates the employment of so e one simply to take in these messages every d&y. Many of the oalls should be sent in the office of the Board 01 Health, but very ofter the person ringing up aoes not know that, or per­ haps i'ti is easier toge" me telephone than 1ihe office one, in any oa.se it neoessiaates tae sn-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 25th, 1918.

ewering of my telephone. Then, too, there are the - friends of those in the different City hospitals and nstitutions, rho 1sh to enwuire a.:tter the elfue of the patients and inmates. As a rule

I do not know the patients by name, which neoesa1tates a. seoon.d telephone call after I have bad a chance of enq~irinll about tne individual in question. Doubtl ils y6u are aware that professional. men, !aners and doctors change for telepha consul- ta.fione.

Besides a.tt nda.noes at the differ nt Oity tnstitutions, I have to make the following visits. l. Go fro one pa.rt of the town to the other to_visit firemen injured in ~e discharge of ~heir duties, or policemen absent from their beats, 1f tha Chief wishes me to reoort abouu taem. 2. In the present outbreak of smallpox, go to the different su peoted houses to deoid1 ,hether the oase is sm~lpox or not, or to vaooinate the inmates of a house, where they are too poor to RS.Y i'or having this done9 f.As a. Med.ioal Officer I ba.ve. J. To sign one or the oertif1oates for every ,insane person, who is to be sent to the N. s. Hoapi "Cal, 1n al most every oa.se a.t'tending at the house OI the person ,;o be c.er-cified to make the necessary exemine.t1on - sometimes they a.re d,e·ta.ined at the Police Station instead of in their own homed w.b.en the examination is ma.de there. 4, To sign sertificates for eohool ohildren from recently 1nteoted houses before they oan return to their olases. 5. To sign certificates for policemen who hwre been absent, from duty through illness during any month. b. To sign birtj and deatn certificates at the 01 ty Home and Hospitals. 7. To attend meetings of tue Boa:rd of Heal i;h, whether i;h re is anything for me to report upon or no1i.

The pre.sent salary for permanent of:fioial, was fixed a.t le st a.s early as lSS3. I do not know .the C11iy's growth in uh&& time, nut should vbink 1i had grown half as large a.ga.1.n, at lee.st.

I feel that you no,v ha.Ve all the 1nforma.liion necessary to enable you to let me .b.a.v~ a. rpply tG my letter ot th~ 19i;n zum,. itnout ±urther deplay an.cl a,lso to wa.rra.nu your returning to me the am~unt wb1oh I ha.ve paid. in-co the &-Uperannu­ ation Fund, a.sin the present oircumsta.noes of my employment I am no longer entitled 1,0 rec­ eivt a pension from the City.

I have the honour to be, S1r.

Youre obedient servant, w. Bruoe, Almon,

0n mo~ion of aoni;roller Kurphyiseconded by


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 2:,th, 191s.

Controller Hine 1~ is decided to recommend to

the City Council uhat Dr. Almon be requested

to continue to perform the duties of City

Medical ot:fioer a.t a. salary of $150.00 per

onth pending~ adjustment as to the office.


Oon troll er Finla:y ,again brings to the

attention o! the Board that the City Eleo­

tr1oianthough not giving his full time to

his civic duties 1s dl'awing the increased

pay intended for a full time official.

Controller Murphy stated that ur. Col­

p1tt is prepared to refund the difference 1n

amount ii the City recpires him to do so, but

that it. is expeo ted he will shortly be 1n a.

pos1~1on to make satisfadltory arrsnge~ente

as between himself and the City.

The meeting adjourned.

a. E. Godwin.

Deputy MAYOR

i_~~ L. Fred Monaghan,


-410- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July 26th, 191s.

The Board of Control met this morning

at ll 01olock1 present; His 4Worsh1p •he

Mayor Hmrkins, Chairman, and controllers

MU.rPhY, Hines and Finlay.


City Hall repairs e.nd Improvements Oiling ot Streets - Cogurg Road and Jlu npool Road. Paving of Streets - Argyle, Gratton and Blowers.


At suggestion of Hia Worship tbe Mayor H.

w. Johnston assistant City Engineer 1s requested

to submit to the Boa.rd at once a report upon

underta.k1ng 1 ts Walter Lownd.s for the repairs

and alterations to the City Hall now being



On motion of controller Finlay the City

Engineer is instruoted to at once prepare

Coburg Roa4 and QU.inpool Road f,or oiling.


Bis ~worshlp ~he ayor suggested ~hat the

Board oqnsider the ad.visibility of reopening

i;he ma.tter of the paving of Argyle Street and

portions of Grafton and Blowers streets,wbioh

it wa.s reoently determined to postpone for the

present, The Board adjourned.

i_~~~ L. Fred Monaghan

CITY CLfflK. A~ c. Hawkins,


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July 27th, 191s. The Boa.rd of Control met this morning at

11.l? o1olook, present; His Worship the Mayor

Chairman, controllers ~hy, Hines Finlay and


His orship the Ue.yor 1a called trom the

meeting, end tbe chair 1s taken by controller



Read pay sheet $103.25 for wages of Watoti,...

man on guard at houses containing Small pox

oa.ses. On movion of controller Hines seoonded

by Controller Finlay the a.ocount is pa.seed

for payment. The Board adjourned.

~~~ t. Fred uona.gha.n.



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Jult 29th, 191a. The Boa.rd of control met this morning at

10. 30 01olock, present Bis o:ren1·p the Kayor

Oha.1rtnan, controller Hinea, Finlay, TS¥1or

and Jlu.rphy.


H:ydro Electric Power - Halifax Power Company. City Hall Repairs and Alterations. Police Department Improvement. Chiid.rens Protection Aot-Aooounts. F. c. er e.ig Aocoun ts-City Heal th Board • .Argyle,Blower's and Grafton streetsPa.ving. Explosion-School Buildings Repairs. Str et Lighting contra.at-Tramway co. Tolls. Willow Park Roundhouse Drainage-Chas. H. Korea.sh. Dilapidated Bu1ld1ng eunard street. Ex;plosion-Tempe.ranoe Hall. cornwa.1.J.is ii.Street. City Prison Und.er.iteepers. Flemihg Park Bathing Facilities. Motor Hack Lio nee-Charles Shaff. Relief co is 1on-R1lboish on streets. High servioe Water Supply illow Park. T,own Planning. war-Publio Resolutions on QUl'th .ADn1verstzy.


Read draft of proposed agreement 'between

the 01 ty mid the Ha.l.1fa.x power Company as :t'ollows :­

Memorandum o,f Agreement en tored in to in nup- l 1oa. te i:;nia ... : ~ day ol in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen.

BETWEEN the Halifax power company, Limited, a. body corporate f hereinaft,er called. the company) ot the First Part, and the Cl ty of Halifax, also a body corporate (hereinafter called the City) of 'the eeoona. pa.rt.

ITNESSE'l'H: 1. The Company bereby agrees to oomplete the development ,of its Hydro Electric Plant a.t the North Ea.st B.over :.saint Marga.rats Ba.y, including complete dame and stora.ge basin , and generating plant, and also h1gh tension transmission lines fro the generating plant to receiving s~a.tions 1n the city of Halifax, distribution system for street lighting, lamps and fixtures and all other neoeasa:ry for the proper construoti~n, install&cion and equipment of e. hydro e1eotf1o l1ght1?1g system and for the performance of the oontraot f'or street lighting entered in~o between the parties hereto dated lctb 11a,roh, 1916, and set out as a schedule 1iO Chapter 36 of tue Aota or 1~16.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29tih1 191.S.

2. The sai oonstruot1on, ineiallation and qeupment eha.ll in all reepeots ·oe sut>jeot to t~ee.-:.;approvaJ. of and to the satiefa.o-r;ion of tue Engineer of the City, and shal 1 be a.ooording to the plans and Specif1cat1ons ne:reto a.tta.oh,eo., and which shall be deemed eo be 1noludad in and form pa.rt of this Agreement. 3. The Company agrees to per:f orm cmd. oe.rry ou~ tne work a.greed to be done by it 1n e.ocord­ aace w1 th the said ,:1.ans and Spec1t'1oa.t1ons here­ to atta.ohed, and subject to -;be aa.t1sfaot1on and. under tne supervision o! the ea.id. Engineer> the saJ.a.ry en expenae of eucn Engineer to he paid by the C1 ty. ~. Upon the c:r>mpletion of the system the company agrees to demcnatrate to the aatis­ fa.otion of the Engineer of the City at any time during a period of three months by a. :iest ot plant and machinery that same ha.s been con­ e truo ted, 1no talled and equipped in accordance 1th the ea.id Plans and Speo1f 1.oations hereto

a.ttaohed. 5. up,on the City being satisfied be suoh demon- stration the City shall give to the company t4oo,ooo.oo/ 6. In exchange for the said oaeh or bonds the companJ agrees to give to the City.

(a.) A Jlortga.ge eEP1el an amount to the faoe value of the bonds given by the City to the company, or to the amount of the face velue o'! the bo,nde iaaued by the City to rel1se th said sum of 400,000.00 to be advanced. by the City to the Company; and

(b) 5100 aha.res of the common stook of the company. 7. The eaid. Mortgage shall be a. first mort-

gage upon a.11 the property and assets of tbe Company of every description, and shall include or be aocompanted by a chattel mortgage upon all the personal property of the Company. such securities shall be repa.yahle in twenty-five yeaI"s or a.t suoh earlier d.e.te in oase of defe.ul t by the COUJJWlY pt, :f ailureto comply with tbe con­ ditions thereof as a.re therein expressed, end sha.11 bear interest at the rate of six per oent per annum and shall also provide nor the pa:yment by the eonipany to the City of a. yearly amount whioh, together 1th any difference in interest between tbe amount payable by the City on any bonds issued. to provide tl:le sum of $4bO, 000.00 ::..oaned to the company and the 1n terest payable by the company to the City w~ll •hen compounded produce in twenty-f•ve years a sum e'iffloient to di oha.rge any liability incurred by the City in oonneott.on w1 th the ad,venoe to the company of oash or bonds. ~. If the City elects to take the bonds ot the company# euoh bonds to bear interest a.t six per oent, and shall be secured by a first mortgage upon all the real and personal porperty


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29th, 1918.

of the Company and suoh mortgage shall also contain provisions for the payment of the a.mounts req'?-ired to produce a. sinking fund ae set out in 'the next preceding pa.ra.grapll hereof. 9• The.company agrees that if the City elects to take the bonds of the Company the Company ill noe issue an~y other bond or security or drea.tee any lien or cha.rge upon the property of the Company having prd.Cr or equal rank with such bonds until such issue is speoia.l.ly authorized by the 01ty. 10. The Company a.greee that it will not issue a:n.y other stook of any 4esor1ption having voting power without the consent of the City ao that the con­ trol of the Company shall remain verted. in the City. 11. · Thie City agrees tba.t 1r 111 e.t any time release and oa.noel the said mortgage or bonds upon payment by the Company to the 01 i;y 01 the a.mount of prinoipa.l. loaned by the Ci 'tY to the Company or of the pe.r value of any bonds issued l;)y the City to the Company, together 1th all inter,est then due; and_ amount t~en standing 1n E1nk1ng fund to oe oredited as oa.sh ~aid to the City. 12. If any d1spu te ar1see as to the value of bonds of the City such dispute shall be settled by an arbi tra.tor to appointed by the parties, of of they al'e unable to ageee, to be appointed by the &overnor 1n Council. 13. The 01 ty agrees to assist the ,Company in every possible way to obtain statutory oonfir­ mat1on- of this Agreement from the Legisla~ure of Nova sootia, and to obtain, 1! necessary, ~be approve al of the water Power Comli11ss1o,n of Nova Scotia. to the said Plans and Speo1f1oations hereto atta.ohed, and also tne a.u~horiz&~ion of the Depar1Dllent of Finanve at Ottavra. for the issue of the oompanyts

. s our11iies for payment of the o,onstmiot1on, inst­ aJ.la.tion and equipment of its system.

After disoussion between members of the

Boa.rd and the 01 ty Engineer w1 th Rod. McColl

e~e1 e further oone1deration of the JJS.t1er 1 deferred until the Special committee, (The

City Engineer, City solioitor and City Eleotrioian)

appointed for the purpose, reports 1n writing.


Reed report Assistant City Engineer re repairs

and alterations to the City Hall a.a followa:- City Engineer's Office,

July 29th, 191g.

is forsh1f the Mayor. S1r:- -415-

+ Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

J /

July 22th, 191g. I beg to ieport on the aooompe.nying t:M1nute

of the Boa.rd of Co trol the. t, a.f ter the riot of May 25th, it · s deoided to made aJ.terations to the Police coort, and Mr. Lownds as engaged to do this work and repair the d.mnage ,done oy the :r1ot and eaplosio:n 1n the Poli,oe Depa.rt eat. aunoequently he was authorized to prooeed with the repa.trs to damage caasea by the esp,losion 'tihroughout the res,:; or the City Hall. Tr1is ma.t­ td.r was di·souesed at a meeting o:t the Board of control., but on reading over lihe :Minutes I can find no formal. resolu~ion. I have a dist1not re­ oolleot1on of the ma.t"t,er being brought forward a.t a. mee~1ng by His Worship the Mayor, whW stated inat arrangements had been ma.d.e for ur. Loends to do thN ork on a ba.s:i.s of oost plus 12~, and w was under 'Che impression that this had been agreed to by the Boa.rd, 'b~ e:ppa.ren1;ly no for- mal reeolution·was passed.

Hespeotfully submitted, H. w. Johnston,

Asst. City Engineer.

oved by oontro,llel' Murphy seconded by

t,ontroller Hines that the arrangement between

the City and 'Mr. Lownds referred to in !tr.

Johnston's report be recommended to the C1t,y

council for approval .• Motion passed controller Finlat iesen~ing.

POLICE DEP ARTYENT IMPROVEMENT. Read letter Depuiy Priwino1al Secretary as


. .

prov1no1a1 seoreta.ry1s Offio·e, 27th, July, 1918.

The City Clerk, nea.r Sir:- I ha.ve

1 our le'tter of July 22nd, eno;os-

ing copies of the report from the Boe.rd of con~rol and Chief of Police to the Ci t'J co.i~cil regarding expend1tu.ree for cert11n 1mprovemenws !or the Police Department. I a.m direoted oy tne Provincial secretary ~o say that he will use his best endeavours to seoure the legislation desired at the ensuing session ot the Legislature. yours truly,

Ari;nur s, Ba.rnstea.d.., neputy Pr•v1no1al seoretarJ•


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.





July 29th, 1'3 s, Referred to the 01 ty co, ,nail for i ,;e 1n:ror at ion.


Read l1et,;er Deputy Provinc1.a1 secretary

as toll :-

Prov1.no1aJ. Secretary• Offio, 27th, July, 1918.

The City Clerk, Halifax, N. S.

near S1r :- I heve your letter of July 22nd, enclosing

oopy of r port from the Boa.rd of Control to the City Couno1l_regard1ng payment of Child- rans protection t Accounts,

I , directed by tne Prov1nc1a.l. secretary to a.y tha.t he 111 use hie beet erde~vours to

seoure i ~lslation at the ensuing session of uhe La.gisl tu.re.

Yours truly,. Arthur s, Barnstead,

Deputy Prov1no1aJ. seoretary.

Referred to the City ~ounoil for its in-

f orma. t 1on,


Read lette~ Deputy Provincial seoretary as

foll s:-

Provincial seereta=y1s Office, 27th, July 191s.

The City Clerk, Halifax, N. a.

Dear Sir:- I have your lette~• of July 22nd,

enclosing oopy of report from the Board of control to the City cruno11~ regarding pa.y­ en t O!' F. C. C'ra.1.g Aoooun ta - 01 ty Heal th

Boa.rd. I am direoted by the Provinoial Secretary to say that be will use bis best endeavours to s cure the legislation desired at the ensuing session of tbe legisla.ttu,e,

Yours truly, .Arthux s. Bcmnstead, Deputy Provincial seoretary.

Referred to the City council for its infor-


The City Clerk is instructed not to f,orwa.rd


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29th, 1918. w

to -che C.ity Council the resolution passed

by the Boa.rd July 23rd inst, relating to

ps.v1ng of Argyle Str·eet and portione of

Blowers end Grafton Streets until further ·

inat:ruot•e and until the Boa.rd gives the

ma.tter f rther consideration.


Read letter Deputy Provincial seoreta.ry as !o,llows:-

Provincial seoreta.ry's Of l:'ioe, 25th, July, 191s.

His Worship the Mayor, Halifax, N. s.

Sir:- ! am directed by the Pro'linc1al seoreta.ry

to inf or you that the Board of School Commiss­ ioner,s for the City of Halifax has applied to the Governor in Council under section 901 of the Halifax City Charter for an order dir­ eoting the City to issue its Depontures or stook to the a.mount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, the same being rewu1red for the -pur­ pose of effeoting permenent repairs to oer­ tain sohool buildings damaged by the explosion in order to restore them to mormal oondiiion; for its issue of Debentures or ltook to the amount of One Hundred and seventy-five Thousand Dollars1 the same being required for repairs to the foll­ o ing named sohools-Bloomfie d High Sohool, Cheb­ uoto, Joseph Howe, Oxford and st. Patriok'a Gi:tts, High School, for 1te issue of Debantures or stock for Thirteen Hind.red a.nd seven Dollars end Fifty Cents for the puispha.ae of two port­ a.ble school bu1141ngs for the extra aocommoc:la.­ tion of children in the d.eva.sts.ted a.rea..

I am also to inform you that the aovernor 1n council hae appointed Saturday, the 27th 1nst, a.t ~leven o•clook a.u. in the Executive council Room, Provinoe Building, City of Halifas, as the time and plaoe at which the matter of euoh applioa.tion shall be heard, abd that the City ma.y a:ppea.r at the hearing.

I am, Your ,obedient servant., Arthur s. Ba.rnstea.d.1

Deputy Provincial seoreta.ry,

It is decided to inform the Provinoial

'Secretary that the City will not oppose the


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

r. July ?9th, 19is. ~~ applioat1on of the School Board and to

~ request the City Counoil #o approv~ of this



Ree. d letter Tramway Company as follows:-

Halifax, July 27th, 191g. City Treasurer,

City of Halifax, City Hall.

Dear S1r:- On the 31st instsnt th~re ill be

payable to the 01 ty of Hal if ax from this com­ pany the followihg sums as set forth 1n state­ ment previously rendered the City with a.ffida.vi t, att~hed viz: ·

lf.%on Receipt for Eleotrio light and Power-

Month of Noveab r 1917 - n I December 191J - 1 11 January 1'918 - 11 " February 1918 - 1 11 Ma.roh 19lS - I ff April 191! -

$1,310.00 1,020.72 1,3so.a3 1,068.34 1,4oo.33 1,462.02

2% on Receipt eor gas light Month of November 1917 -

ff ff neoember 1917 - 1 ff aanuarr 191s - • 11 Februa.ry 191g - n • March l9lS - • • April 191s -

Total ••• , •. , •• ,.

The 1!ollowing bills due us from the City of

Halifax on lighting a.ooounttt-a.re still unpaid end

ar ovclrdue - Month of Maroh - 191g,(per a.cot. rendered)

2,993.33 April - 1918 " 2,993.33

II Ua,y - 1918 I j,020.00 ff June - l9lf! II i,020.00

Total•••••• - $ l ,026,66 we shall be plee.sed "GO hand you our obequee

for $11,436.,1 in settlement of the aaount of peroentages, as stated above, in return tor a cheque from the Oity in settlement of~ 11gb ting charges now overdue.

Will you be good enough to advise us in writing if you are prepared ~o nave the respec­ tive aocounts settled in this yay or if we shall ored1t in out books, against your lighting aocoubts, tb.e amount of peroen tages uove.

An early reply will oblige, u we a.re desirous Qf having the ma.t"te.r adjuste befor,e tlle 21st insta.n t.

" "

-~19- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29th, 1918.


per. J.B. Blackett, Comptroller.

Hie WDmebip ~he Ma;yor being requested by

the Boa.rd to reply to the letter writes and

fo a;rds tbe following:+

Ua.yor•s Offioe, July 29th, 1918.

sers. N. S. Tramway & Power co. Ltd. , QITY.

Attention - J. R. BLACKETT, Esq., Com;e,troller.


tatement of position on above a.ocounta. There should be no oontusion of these different accounts. Tne peroenta.ge accounts in a mat lier that comes en­ tirely within the soope ot your act of incorporation.

V The Legislature h s la.id down certain provisions governing the payment of same, and has also pro­ vided for the action the City must take in the

v"' event of the terms hot being complied. with,

0 ./ Tt• non-payment of your accounts on street o>"' / . v· Lighting Contra.ct 1s en"tirely up to your oompa.ny. ~ r out Treasurer t·endered you a cheque for the sum

ot. ~,315.00, to oover the months of llaroh and • -~ II'\, APril. This amount is less "tae inorea.sed. pr,oes. cJY" wh1oh you notifi,ed us you wa.i ld charge for the

oontinuanoe of the lighting. Pending the a.dJust­ ment of same, the difference is with-held. The aocounts for the monlibs of :bay and June were apparently late being submitted, and ere there­ fore not passed by Council, We a.re arranging to have these put through at nexi meeting,

When your le~ter was received, notifying us of the proposed increase, same was submiuted to~ our Ciuy Eleotn1o1an for report. We wieh, however, i;o point out that we can see no gr ouada no just1:f'y your ,Company in e.sk1ng any 1no.rea.se in the !Bao~ o the service which is bw1ng supplied us under the con tra.ot.

we purpose at the earliest date to go !Ully into this matter, when we will take it up with you for rinal adjustment.

Yours truly, A. c. Hawkins,



Read oomplaint of Charles R. Moreash, Fair­

view, P. o. of sewerage from the Willow Bark

cana.dian Govarnmen,: Railway Round.tlouse injuring


' .

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29~n, 1913. . . .._/"iis property Kempt Road.,

Ref erred to, the City Engineer for report, ~e.4 DILAPIDATED BUILDING CUNARD STREET.

Read report 01~y Engineer as follows:-

His Worship the Mayor, Sir:-

The ssistant Building Inspeotor ha.s called my attention to t11e existence of a barn on ounard Street, belong1ng ro J. Ead in. tllle rear ox h1s Wind­ sor street proper'tiy, v:hicb. is an a bad sta.te of repair Mr. Fegan s,;a.tes that th6a 1s a. menace tiO th.e publ1o The Boa.rd of Control fixed the l~th of June as the t1me for the owner of the premises no a.ppea:r before the Board, but Mr, Fegan st ted that no action has been ta.ken.

Respectfully submitted, F. W, W; Doane, Ct;y Bngineer.

City Engineer•s Office, July 2btb, 1918.

v"' The Building Inspector 1s 1nstruoted to

~ oonfer whh the omer of the property end fur­ ther report.


controller Hinies called attention of the

/ Boa.rd to the dangerous oond1 t.ion of the roof


of the temperance Hal.lCornwalli,s Street einoe

th,e Explosion 01 December 6th.



Referred toit tbe City Engineer for attention.


Moved by controller Tey-lor seconded by con­

troller Hines that the Board recommend to the

City counoil that a:pplioations for two under­

keepers for the City Prison be advertised for.

Motion passed Controller Finlay dissenting

on the ground that there is no appropriation in

the estimates for tee- a fourth underkeeper. FLEMMING PARK BATHING FACILITIES.

on motion of controller T',;lor the City Engineer

-~21- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29th, 191s. is instructed to report as to the feasibility

,v and b,est plan for prowiding 1,todera.te bathing

~ :!'a.c1lit1 s at Flemming 'Bark out of the app­

ropriation for Public Baths or otherwise.



Read &pplioe.tion Charles Shaw, 64- A Maine Ave.

a Motor Haok License.

Referred to the Ch1e! of Police for report.


Controller Hines oomplalnte of Ruboisb depoe­

i ted on :the Stre,et at #7 Creighton street by the

Relief Commission e ployeea and left there for

days. Controller Finlay oa11ed attention to

.I' sim111a.r conditions in other parts of the City.

~ ~ The City Clerk is inatruoted to again

~ e&ll the attention of the Relief commission to

the matter and ~o request them to have the

oau e for complaint discontinued.


Controller Hines informed the Board tba.t

Charles s. Piold'ord informed his that there is again

a lack of water service at his residence Willow


The City Engineer is requested to report as to

the ateps taken to transfer the water supply for

the Victoria General Hospital ans the City Home

from the High servioe to the Low Service s•ste~.


Read. oom1,unioations from R. :M. Battie Seo­

reta.ry of the Tcr.vn Planning Board as followe:­ -422-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29th, 1918.

Halifax, July 29th, 1915.

Hie Worship -t&e Mayor,Ha.wkins, 01 ty Hall, ·

Halifax, N. s. Bear S1r:-

I enclose herew1tb a revised form of declarat1o,n for the 01 ty Solioi tor to examine. I think however tha.t it will be beoeseary for hi to do more then tlis to be sur tba.t e11ery­ thing in connection with the appl1oa..tion is in order. Perhaps you ould advise Mr. Bell that I will take the matter up with him abd that he ehauld advise us in riting *1th reepeot to the various steps in our proe11dure a.t this stage and prepare any documents that may be necessary.

Yours truly, R. Y. Hattie, Seoretary Town Planning Board •


AOT, 1915. AND




I, Robert M. Hattie, iSecretary of the Town Planning Board of ~he C4ty of Halifax, do solenmly deolare:

l, That the Authorities and Depa.rtments mention­ ed. in Exh1b1 t no II aocompanp1ng the Applioa.tion as transmitted on June 19th, 1918, were served with the notiae of which Exhibit 'D" w,as the form, in the following manner:

(A)- The Board of control and City Council of the City o! Halifax, by delivery personally at the office of the City 01 rk.

(b)- The Hs.11fax county couno1l, by delivery in person at the office of the county Clerk,

(o)- The Haifas Relief Comru1sa1on, by mail w1 th covering le.tter to T. Sherman Rogers., K. c. Chen:tman.

{d)- The Department, of Railways and. Canals, bu Ree;istered mail to Htn·. J. D.Reid, . Minister.

(e}- The Depa.rtment of Ma.rin,e and Fisheries and Nasal servioe, by registered mail to Htn. c. c. Ballantyne, Minister.

( f )- The Depa.r i;men t of Mil 1 t ia. and Defence by regist~red ma11 to Maj. Gen, ah4 Hon Sydney Mewburn Minister. _

(1)- The Department of Public works, by registered mail to Htn. E. B. Carvell, Minister.


' . .

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

& ly 29th, 191g. 2, Tb.at to the best of my knowledge and

belief the authorities and departments above mentioned. ,ue the only quthmri ties interested in the Area si fa:r as the Town Planning Soheme is concerned, and that at the time of the pass­ ing of the resolution to give notice of inten­ tion to apply for authority to preps.re a scheme ther was no o~her Town Planning Board having juriad1ot1on within the area.

3. That no objections to the boundaries of the area or to the inclusion of any epeoifio portions of the a.rea have been filed wi~h the To n Planning Boara..

4, That the advertisement giving notice of intention to apply for authority to prepare a scheme as shown in Exhibits "E" ahd •r11 appeared in-i tbe •Ma.il "ancl. •Eche11newspapera t ioe a. week for eour eeks as follows: Fir et week, arch 4 and 9; second •eek, Uaroh 12 and 16; third w•lt, Ya.roh 19 and 23; Iourtn week, March 26 and 30. Aleo tha.t I personally checked the appaar.anoe of the advertisement and saw it in above menvioned issues of tbe said papers.

5. That on the 20th day ox February, 191g, I deposi~ed at the office o! the City Engineer, City Hall, llail.1f'a.-., a map of the land fma.rked Mat, No. lJ to which 1t was proposed that the application should extend, on the scale of six (6) W'.l.Ohes to the mile., ~nis soale being by special pezmiss1on of the Comm­ issioner of Piablic Works a.nd Mines given by letter dated February 13th, 191g; and that Map .No. 1 and. 2 is the same ma.I) as lla.t, No. 1. being the or­ iginal may shown ror public eamination and used for the purpose of ap No. 2 as provided 1n ~he Procedure Regulations.

6. That E.xh1b1t "A• is a true copy of the Resolution of' thie Board ith reference to the present application and duly appears 1b t~e minutes of the Board eor the meeting of Tueaday, June ll!th, 19 a.

7. That a-«, a meeting of the Boa.rd held on Ma.rob 1st, 191s. Mr. Thomas Ade.ms was appointed Con­ sul tan t to the T n Plann~g Board.

And I make this solenm declaration conso1ent- 1ously delieving the same to be &rue and knowing it to be of the same valu.e and effect as if ma.de under oa.th by virtue of the Canad.a Evidence Act.

DECLARED before me at Ha.lita.x, in the County of Halifax, this

Day of

Referred to the City solioitor for report.


Read letter His Honor Liautenant Governor


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29th, 1916, :UC. c.1.~%8Ztt as follows:-

Government HouseJ ~uly 27th, 191s.

To H1s Worship the Mayor.

Sir:- I have received this year~ as on two for­

mer oocasionsJ a oonm:unioation from ur. w. Grey­ Wileon, Chairman of the Central committee for N ttonal Patriotic Organizations, of which the Prime M1niste~ of Great Britain is Honoura.ry President, suggesting that public meetings of a. patriotlbs nature should be held through- out the Empir~ on the 4th August next, the ann­ iversary of the deola.rat1on ot war against GenJanj.

Three times has this day been conseorated throughout the Empire in commun1cat1on of its entry into the great War in support of liberty and right, and three times has the enclosed resolution been paseed at meetings held in all parts. of the Erupire.

Onoe more is the appeal made to all in authority, to all Public Bodies, and to the citizens throughout the Empire, to pass ~he same Resolution and to make the commemoration of the ooming Fourth of August even more im­ pressive and invigorating ,;hen nhose tha.t have gone before,

The f'ollowing Resolut,ion is auggt\s,;ed by the Commiitee for submissio~ at all meetings.

•That, on th6s the fourth anniversary o:t: &h declaration of a righteous war, this meeting 01 the Citizens of •.•••••••••.• , reoo,rds its inflexible determ1na.t1on to oont1nue to a victorious end the suruggle

in ma.in~enanoe of those ideals of Liberty and Justioe whioh a.re tbe common and sacred cause or .tbe All1ee11

I would a.sk for your whole-ha.rted. support of this visable demonstration of the unchanged and deepen ng resolution of the Empire to aoh•eve its high and solemn purpose.

In view of the fact that the 4th of August oocurs on Sunday, it would be most titting that this renewal. ot consecration might w•ll form a pa.rt in tne religious exercises of the day. I

Cll.ld be obliged therefore if yOU!I wculd furnish me itn a oopy of the resolution passed a.nd a report

showing the nature of the exercises that have been held to commemorate the oocaseion

tours faithfully, Mo. c. Grant. Lieutenant Governor.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 29th, 191s.

The City Clerk is instructed to acknowledge

reoeipt 01· the comn.un1cat1on,-eto assure His Honor

of the hearty approval by ~ne City of Halifax

ox tne spirit and sentiment of the resolution contain­

~ ed therein and to intimate to him that they

~,r""a euem that doUbtlees, beoeuse of tne Ann1versa.ry

• ~ , e, oA falling this year on Sunday..-, be has taken the ,~~ '

V oppo,rtuni ty to bring the subject to tne attention

of th3 va.r1ous churches so that 1 t ma.y be

communicated from the pulpits to the various


Tne meeting &dj ourned.

i~~ t. Fred Monaghan, ' A. o. Bawk1nsJ



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July_ t.n,_1918.

The Boa.rd of Control met this evening at

7.10 01clook; Present, His Worship the Mayor

d Conbrollere Murphy, Hines1

Taylor and Finlay.


Read extract Mminutee of meeting of City

Counoil July 29th, re repairs and Alterations City

Hall as follows:-

n Read reports Boa.rd of control and Assistant

City Engineer Jopnston, re repa.11'e and Alterat­ ions City Hall.

Moved by Controller Taylor seconded by

Controller H'inee that the same be adop t ed.,

Moved in amendment by Alderman Kej)y

seoonded by Alderman H. s. Colwell that this

matter be referred ba.ok to the Board of Control

with 'the recornmend.s.ti,on that a. proper report be

prepared. be the Boa.rd and submitted to this

c1~t11 •.

A.mend.men t put and passed six voting for

the same and five against it as, follows:-

For the .Amendment. Against it.

controller Finlay control.lers Murphy Aldermen H. S, Colwell. Hines.

Furness Taylor. Kel-ly Aldermen Guildt<>rd. Ha.rt Godw in-5 Day - 6

A true extrao t, L. Fred. Monaghan,

City Clerk."

Moved by controller Murphy seoond.ed by

controller Taylor that the reports be stain


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

. . Julz 29th, 191s.

r ferred baok to the Council without change or

amendment. Motion passed, controller Finlay


The Board adjourned.

A. C. Ha.wk ins~

MIYOR L. Fred Monaghan.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


July 30th1 191s. The Boar~ of Control met thie morning at

10.15 o'clook; Present Hie Worship the ayor

Chairman, and Controllers Taylor, Hines, Finlay

and Murphy.


Fire /+Department Hose. Street Lighting Contra.at. Explosion-Sohool Buildings Repairs. Coal Tenders. Plumbing in DWelling Houses. A. R. Mccleave-Employment. Polioe Department-Deputy Chief of Police. Polioe Department-sergeant. Ex;p,losi,on-Emergenoy Relief Aocoun ts. City U:edioal ,Qf.1.ioer. 'Tower Road-Violation of Building .Aot.-P. T.She • T er Road-Captain Hicks. coa.l Weighers. Tend.ere for Printing, Stationery, Blank Books Etc. Policeman. Dangerous Chimney 19-11 cr,eighton Street. Rubbish on Streets. Union lova Sootis. Uunioipali ties c,onven tion. ater Bill 2i Upper Water Street-Silas Mora.sh.

Garbage Colleotion. e.ter Extensions. Inspector er Buildings Devaete.ted Area.


Controller Hines submits the following letter

from Sta.ire son & orro\T re the 1000 feet of Fire

Hose, purchased some time ago and whioh they

have failed to delivee owing to ina.bili ty to

obtain oouplingsi

Wm. stairs son & Yormow, Limited, July 26th, 191g.

Mr. John Hines, City. Dear Sir:-

With referenoe to Fire Hose for the City of Halifax we enolose seYeral letters in oonneotion with this matter.

You will note that the makers ha.ve promised shipment July 27th.

Kindly return letter when you are through ith same.

Yours trulyj Wm.Stairs son & Morrow Limited,

R. P. Forbes. -4-29-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 30th, 1918.

Controller Hinea is requested ~o have

. .

Stairs Son & Morrow telegraph a.gain in an

effort to hasten the delivery •


Read report C1ty Eleotrioian as f ollo s:-

His Wor ip the Mayor. S1r:-

Follo 1ng your instructions I beg to report that a.t the present ti.me ther~ are lf.23 7 .5-e.mp seri s a.ro lallq)s and 15 50-o.p. series incandes­ cent lamps supplied by the Tram. Co. for sti-eet 1gb.t1ng, The energy consumed by this type or arc

lamp ranges from 4:,0 to ~00 watts and a.t tbe present price or $62,50 per lamp, equals slightly under 3,. 5¢ per K.W .H., including the cost er trimming end renewals,

he proposed 1norea.ee to $80.00 amounts to one cent addi~iona.1 per X.W.H. and in view of the present additional cost of every1ih1ng entering into the service, 1t cannot in my judgment be oon41dered exoees111e.

If, however, Ille question is con,sidered f from a servioe standpoint, the p,rice is exoees1ve, e dueto the high cost of maintaining absolute 1


equipment. If the energy consumed in the pres­ entequip.man.t were used. in modern lighting uni -cs more than double the present useiul light would i..:e oota1ned.

Respectfully sub~itted, P.R. Colpi tt,

~ Electrician.

The City~ is requested to take

City Electrician's O:f'fioe:. July 30th, 191s.

< ,r ~ up wioh the '.l'l'am•ay Company the matter of

-~.,! improving the street lighting system by the

~ installation of inoandescent lights or other-

1se, or by the City purchasing and installing

new modern equipment of the type proposed to

be used by the Halifax Power Company or the

Tramre.y Company doing so and hiring same to

the City.


Read letter Boa.rd of School Commissioners

a.s follows:- -430-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



July 30th, 191g.

Board of Sohool Commissioners, July 30, 191s.

His Worship ~he Mayor the Boa.rd of Contr~l.

Gentlemen¥1- The Governor in Council, having

approved the proposed expenditure for eaplosion repairs on schools, by order o,f the Boa.rd of Soho,ol Comm1ss1oners I respectfully request an~vanoe or Fifty Thousand Dolle.rs($50,000.00)

- to meet expend1 tures coming due on August ls t. I am, Yours very truly, s. J. ileon,

Seoreta.ry. The Oity Clerk is instructed to requ••t

the Relief Commiaaion to loan the City the

$50,000.00 applied for, on the usual terms.


' .

In response to advertisement in the

ne spa.pers the only tender received fol>!!

supply of coal for the various Department

aa J:rom tne Buokley cod and con traoting to. George E. Boak & Son Ltd. wrote declining to

tender o ing to unsettled conditions.

'The Buckley Co. oft er to import and de-­

liv,e:a An'thrao1 te, Coal e.t coat plus 10'% and to furnish 1208 tons Reserve Run of mine at $9,00

at Cotton Fa.otory siding or Dominion Coal

co•s Wharf, $1.25 extra for oartage and labor. (L .. J. .... _..._._, -:c:. ~ ~~ ~ ~ - ·~-il,OMBING IN ]) ELLING HOUSES. .

Read report Ci -cy Engineer re plumbing

in dwelling houses under City Bea.1th Board

regulations as 1ollows:-

Ci~y Engineer's Office, July 29th, 191s.

His Worship tbe Mayor S1r:-

The attaohed tenders have been received for plumbing, namely-


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

J. T. rlagen - 'W • Ha.mm -

July 30th, 19.LB.

$~93,00 for plumbing at #12 Fern st. 257 .00 " n " #Sj Bilby St,

. .

The Plumbing Inspector considers the prioes

reasonable. I ould recommend unem for aooept- aaee , ~ww ~ ,

.. ~'~ Moved by Oon~roller Hines seconded by

L'/; Controller Taylor that t.he. report er the

~;~ City Engineer be adopted and the City

~ .- Engineer instructed to notify the tenderere

Ca"\ to prooeed with the ork, and that the ooat

thereof be colle~ted from the properties 1n

the manner directed by section S64 of the

City eha.rter. Motion passed.


Read. report Ci ty~g1neer as follo s :-

01 ty Engineerls Office, July 29th, 191e.

His Worship the Mayor. Sir:-

Mr. A. R. llcCleave, ,rho was appointed ~o the ebgineer1ng staff before the war broke out, ha.a been on military service until reoently. He reported at the office before my return. During the first few days after I returned, I noticed that Mr. McCl,ea.ve 1 s ser- vice to the Oi~y was not satisfactory. Subsequently I reoeived a oommunioat1on from h111 stating that improt8*t private mat1,ers demanded his attention and he had absented himself, and asked for leave. Ac~ing on the only evidence before me., I suspended him. S1noe tha.t time, I find that ur. Mccleave at the time of bis release from military aervioe, was examined by a. med1oa.l boa.rd which found him suf:t'er1ng from neurasthenia, pronounoed him unfit for ser111oe and gave the ccuse as hard work and irregula.T hours.

I have einoe had an interview with Mz. MoCleave and am oonvinoed that he is suffer­ ing from serious nervous trouble which unfits him for work on my staff, As his physical Opndition is due to his military work, as


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 30th, 1918.

shown by the reoord of the Medical Board which I have seen, I a.m referring the matter to your Board for suob aot1on as you may consider e.oviaable under the ooecumatienc es , Until Mr. Mccleave 1a restored to health he will be of no servioe :to me on my ' staff.

Respectfully submitted, F, • w. Doane,

City Engineer.

Referred to His Wor.ship the Mayor

ror action on consultation with the City Engineer.


Read a.pplioations for the position of

Deputy Chief of Police fro,m the following named

Police Off·iodrs: Seg:reant Herbert Meehan, Sergeant

Chas. H. Colyer, Of11cer William J. White;

Sergeant William E. PllmenJ Sergea.n t William

J. Spru1n.

In answer to a. quest ion the Chief of

Police reool'L.lC.ends Sergeant w. J. Spruin

for promotion to the office of Deputy Chief

of Polic,e.

The vote being t-ken controller l.hlrphy

asked to be exoused from voting. Controller ti

~ urphy is excused from v~ting, controller

~ JF1nla.y dissenting.

~ V The ta.king of the vote being resumed

~ controllers Finlay and H~es and His Worship

~ the Mayor voted for sergeant Palmer. Con­

troller Taylor voted for Sergeant Colyer.

His worship the Mayor declared William

E. Palmer appointed Deputy Chief of Police.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Read applioations for the position of

fergeant ot Police vioe Sergeant Palmer

promoted,a.re reoe1ved from the following

Policemen: Tho ·A-b G AIU roe r,e,y, aohn v.

Sipons, M. J. O'Halloram.

Cons1derat.1on of the applications is deferred,

. .


Read account $245.95 Silliker and o

Mann for ta.r paper furniohed last December

for s~tierers by the explosion. The account

is passed for payment.


Read pplioation Dr. J, Sinclair Tait for

the position of City Medical Officer as


Halifax, July 29th, 1918. L. Fred Monaghan, Esq.

CITY CLERK. tear Sir:- Having only today read your ad­

vert1semen t for-a "City Health Officer• I beg to make application for the same. I am a grad­ uate .in med1c1ne and surgery from the Univer­ s1 ty Of P,ennsylvania. ( 15S2), and. London, Edinburg e.bd Glasgow (1SS6) and (1901) .•

I hold the D.P.H.Diplome from Edinburgh and Glasgow (oonjointly) 1901. I have practiced my profession in St. John's Newfoundland, for over 30 yea.rs, and have also done considerable Publio Health work in the City of St. John's.

I ould refer you to Dr. Murdosk Chis- holm and His orship the Mayor for recommendation of character and ability, or s-uoh should. be required,

I am e.t present in the City, and will be at the Halifax Hotel for a few days.

Yours truly, J. Sinclair Tait,

Halifax Hotel.

Referred to His Worship the Mayor for


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 30th,1 1912;.


Mrs. Frame and her so,11oitor c. J. Burohell

. .

appeared before add.reseed the Board asking that

P. T. Shea be oompeJ:1•4 t o remove the barn on

,roperty Tower Road used by him in violation

of tb,e Building Act,

The City Solicitor informs the Boa.rd that

Mr. Shea's aot1on 1e elea.rly a. violation of

~the Restricted District Act.

~ The matter 1e referred to the C1uy

c.J.'\ Engineer for further investigation and to,

consult, Mr, Shea•e Solicitor and report.


Read repo,rt Su!B'v1sor of Coal VIeighers


Read letter Captain mohn Hicks & e,11111 m:zy

the oondi tion of Tower Road.

Referred to the City Engineer for


as follo s r- Hal.if ax, N. S. July 29th, 191e.

To His Worship the Mayor and.Members of Board of control.

Gentlemen:- complying with request of your Boa.rd I submit the follO\fing list of per­ manent and supernumerary weighers on the coal e1gh1ng eta.ff.

PERliENENT COAL WEIGBERS. Simon Cummins (Suparv&sor of Weighers) John, F. Selig. Danuel J. SUllivan. Arthur H, cullymore. Robert P. Burns, James p. o•connor. Dennis J. sampson ( on oversea.a serv ace) Pa.triok Leahy. Christopher s. Davison. Supernumerary coal ieighers. H. o. uorr!s, Jamee Coughlin. supernumerary 9oak Weigher.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 30th, 19 .S.

William Jamee,

Respectfully submitted, Simon Cummins,

Supervisor of Coa.l Weighers.

Moved by Cobtroller Murphy ee that Dou~

ald McDonald be appointed a coal Weigher.

Moved by Controller Hines that H. c • .)Jorrie be appointed a ooal wtigher.

~ At request of Controller S1nlay the matter

i deferred until Mr. Cumm ns reports as to

status of Jeznes O'Neil as a weigher.


Tenders tor printing, stationery, blank

books, newspaper Advertising& co. a:re xeoeived

and opened as followa:-

Adver-c1s1ng. Acadian Recorder 7S¢ pd.r 1noh 1st. insertion.

i+Q¢ n a ea.oh oon~inuanoe, · Pr1n~ing b1e1eot Voters.

Royal Print & Litho. 2¢, 2!¢ and 3¢ perBname. Stationery.

T. C, 'Allen & Co. Schedule Prices • .t:1lank Books.

A & w. Ma.oK1nlay Ltd.-Schedule Prieee Printin~ Annual Civio Report.

T. c. Allen & co. $2.00' per page. w1111am Ware 1.6~ n •

Printing Minutes or Council. - T. c. Allen & co. ~1.~ per page.

William ware 1.34 .. :per page .. : '- Printing Blank forms eic.

"'T.C, Allen & co. Schedule prices. William Wa.re1 tt •

Ifs The aenders are referred to the City Clerk

' - for report as to the lowest tender on each ~ •


Read applications John A. McGillivary and.

.Archibald MoNevin for the position of Policemen.

Archibald MoNevin is pppOinted. temporarily

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

• / July 30th, 191s. • ~)r-> to the otfioe of Polioe aubjeot to the approval

~v'o of the Chief of Police.


Read letter Re1lie! Commission a.s follows:­

Halifax Relief commission. July 25th, 191e.

L. Fred Monaghan, Ea q, 01 t.y Clerk.

Halifax. Dear Sir:-

Replying to yours re dangerous chimney at N?s• 9 and 11 Creighton street, this matter nae oeen attended and there is no oause for further alarm. It wa.a absolutely neoessa.ry vhat the ohimney oe tron daJn in order to rebuild it safely, and. we re~et tna.t apparent­ ly the occupants were nor notified in advence.

Yours truly, R. P. Bell, SECRETARY.


Filed., (.tN'

RUBBISH 'bi' STREETS 2 e controller Hines again urged that the

Relie Commission a.t onoe remove the rubbish

desopi~ed oy Reconstruotion gangs on the

Streets throughout the City.


Read letter President W. w. Ferguson or the

Union 01 Nova Scotia Mun1cipalir-1es as follows:­

July 29th, 1918. Mayor A. c. Hawkins,

Ci liY Hall, Halifax, N. S,

Dear Sir: .... The Union of the Nova Scotia Munioip- e.lities meets in Liverpool this year on the 28th of August. I ha.ve not as yet seen a copy of the programe, but Mr. Roberts,, the lecre'tiary, prepares this and they , ill be d1s'trit>,uted in a snort tiine. It ie customary 'T.iO have e.daresses of wel­ coae from the :Mayor of the T n and the Warden ,of the Kun1oipali 1iY, and also re have delegates represenliing dtfferent pa.rte or the Provinoe to re:ply to -chese e.ddressed er welcome. I wri ,:;e to ascertain iL ili is your intention to attend '&hie convention, and ii so *" you will be good

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

July 30th, 191!.

enough vo be one to reply to the address of

I welcome. If ii; 1s not your intention to att­ end, a.nd. if :r,our Deputy ie attending I

/ would. be pleased to have aeply in you~ stead,


bu'ti I i;ru.at that you 111 be able to a.tiiend yourself.

Yours truly, • W. Ferguson,

Pres. u.N.s,:u.. Referred to• the City Council for action,


Read. water bill Silas Mo,rash 2lJ. Upper Water

.. .»: v' St%eet sla.imed to be exoess1ve.

~· Referred to the City _fp.gineer for report,


./ On motion er O·on tr,oller Murphy the City

Engin er is instructed to add Juble1e Road

and Roeebank Avenue to the ..9arbage collecting



On motion OI controller Finlay the City

Engineer is re·quested to report ae to the

order 1n whioh water extensions in Sherwood

Street., McDonald Street and the Westmount

d1str1oo; a.ppes.r on tbe order book .•


controller Hines asks if the Building Inspeo­

tor inspeots all the reoonstruotion wtrk going

on the Devastated .Area.

The City Engineer informs the Boar~ that

it is a physical 1mpossinili ty tor the Build­

ing Inspector to dO so and tha.t it is not


The Board adjourned. L~~

L. Fred :Monaghan CITY CLi.RK. A. C. HOkinB

MAYOR _43g.. Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


August, lot1 1915.

The Boa.rd of Control met this m:>rning

at 10 ,01clock; present His worship the Mayor

Chairman, and Controllers Finlay,Hines,

lluxphy and Taylor.


Tuberculoile Ho,spi tal. North West Arm Pollution by Sewerage at

Waegwol ti Club. Tower Road-Violation of Building Regulations-

P. T. Shea. . F. c. Craig Salary-City Health Boa.rd, Small Pox Cases Night Watchmen's Pay. Fire Department-Telephone Exhibition Colony,

Fire Station. Str~et Railway Car in Dangerous State of

RepG..ir. City Fuel Ya.rd.-Demur:r:a.ge on Coal Care. Trinity Church Cogswell Street Repairs. Police Sergeant Daniel Mcisaao. Police sergeant John G. aol)naton. Explosion-Repairs Police Station. ater nlleters~

Purity of Water Supply-Piggery Chain Lakes. Abattoir. Water Smrv1oe jipes West Street- A. P. Healy. Motor Ha.ck Lioe.nse-John Y. Tanner. Fire · Ala.rm Boxes, ;,~- Explosion Accounts. Water Bill Furness, Withy co. Ltd, Up. Water St. City Home Laundryman Explosion-School Buildings Repairs-Order in

council. Prince Street-E. Everett Shatford Claim. Quin:pool .Road Water Exjension. Explosion Oxford Sabeel-Iaolat1on Hospital. E.xplosion-Taxs.tion of Propert1en in

Deva.stated Area. Sewer 181 South Park street-Mxa. G. M. Hervey. Union of Nova Scotia Yun1cipa.11ties Annual

Convention. City Prison Underkeeper Timothy s. Burns. Ber 1ck Camp Meeting-Applioation :for Hal 1fa.x

Policeman. · Plumbing Examiners Board •enumeration. Explosion-Na.val Patrols Aocommoda.tion at

Police Station. Mulgrave Park-Bed.ford construction Co.-Ship-

building Plant. water Bill-9 suii1van s.treet, Mrs. Muldowney.


The clerk of Works appeared tieeore the Board

6 ta.ting that 110 funds axe a.t present provided

-4-39- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 1st, 1918.

for the pa.yment of small accoun ta due and

a.ocruting due a.ha..rgea.ble against the pro-

Referred to His Worah1p the Mayor to

confer 1th the City Auditor and Ct;gy Treas-

urer a.nd report.


Jonn J. Power K. o. Addressed the Boa.rd

oompl.a..1ning of the pollut1.on of the waters of

line Borth West Arm by the emptying of aew\\a.ge

at the foot of Coburg Road into the Waegwoltio

Club s imt1\~ng pool,

The City Engineer stated that the 6oburg

Roads er haa been deaconnected from the


sedimentation tank into hich it ;as inten-

ded to emptJ and thatnow the w \\a.ge flows directly into the Arm without even being screened.

His orship the Mayor said the sedimen­

tation tank did not pervent ihe contamination

ot the Arm and that the ater was not f1 t

~o batne in whether the tank was operated or

not. The City Engineer a.greed that practioally

the only difterenoe the tank ma.de was to the

eye. He expeoted the Trunk sewer would ,shortly

be compl,eted, but the contra.ct for the outfal

for 1 t hae not yet 'been let. :He was not sure

that the plane for the outlet have been f 1n1shed.

Th,e matter 1s left with the 01 ty Engineer

to ap~ly bhe best remedy possible under the



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lat, 1915.


Read report 01 ty Engineer, a.s follo•,;s : ....

City Engineer's Office. July 30th, 191s ..

. .

' His Worship the Mayor, Sir:-

I visited Mr. P.T.Sheaz•s property on Tower Road and Kertified as fa:r as poosible the information given to me. Mr. Shea ma.de an application for a workshop to be erected on hie property. He ,elected the building in accordance 1th the permit granted. After .:;he had erected it I em informed, and from 1nspect- 1on of the ouilding believe; that he altered 1 t so di.hat he could keep a horse in it, and that he is keeping a horse to-day for use in his business.

The Building, I believe, is within 20 feet of adjoining property, but I find there is rOO$ on h.is property for him to mcse th;:;. building slightly, to that it will bet be within twenty feet of the property adjoining. He was keeping hens on the property, whetb.er by license or not I am not awe.re, but he moved the location of the hen house and ya.rd end erected a new building ithout a permit. Since doing this, he has app lied for a permit for this building.

There is no dr amage from the s tabxe , and 1 t cannot be conaecred to the house drain ae tbere 1s not enough fall fror:, the stable to the house, the grade of the ground being the other y. Mr~ Shea has violated the law respecting residential districts, which prohibits the maintenance of the stable for business purposes, and he, could not be given a. perm1 t for this purpose,

As the la.w stands, there is only one ceuze e open to me, namely to report that the construction of the buildings on hie property is, according to me information, a violation of the law, and I cannot defend t e conditions on hie property hen others a ply for similar provileges.

Respectfully subn11 tted, F. w. w. Doane,


Also read. report City Engineer dated

July 19th, and submitted at meeting July

23rd .. The Board is addressed by E .. F., Doyle

solicitor for SeE:iei P. T. Shea and by C. J.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

. . August lat, 191S,

Burchell Solicitor for Samuel R and

Mr's, Frame both of whom are present.

On motion of Controller Murphy secon­

ded by ~ontroller Finlay the Solicitor is t/

~ ~requested to submit in writing his opion

- ;;:r as to the points raised by the opposing

~ Counsel uncitir Sub. Sec. 4 Of Sec. lS of J+fo Che,p. oi the Aote of 1915,


Read EU3count $300,00 F. c. Craig for

"Chree months Salary as Inspector for the

City Heal th Board.

'oved by Controller Murphy •hat the

account be paid.

His orsh1p the Mayor declines to put

the mot1'on on the tl''OUnd that the City cannot

r: ~ Jla.wfully pay the bill. ·

~~ The City Solioitor agrees withihe ruling

.~ of the Chair. The Solicitor is requested to c.J"\ eubmi t hie opin1,0n in writing.


Read accoun t $24-. 00 for pay of night a tchmen

on residences of small pox patients. The

ocount 1s passed fol' payment.


Read report Chief of Fire Depa.rtmant

a.a follows:- Office of Chief of Fire Dept.

July 31-1g.

Hie worship the Mayor, and Boa.rd of Control. Gentlemen:-


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lat, 191s. I beg to xepor t that the telephone con­

tra.ct for early in July has not yet been install,ed,

I have communicated 1th the 'aritime Telephone and Telephone Co. on several occasions and have beenftlinally infornied yesterday that there are no fa.oilities for a one party line there.

The fa.ct of not having this telephone install­ ed in the Exhibition Fire Station might handicap the Department greatly 1n the event of a fire and possibly be the cause of unnecess- ary lose of life and property.

Respectfully submitted, J. Yi'. Churchill, CHIEF H.F. D.

-~ m At suggestion of His Worship the Mayor ~ .. Jlv

. ~ Controller Hines and the Chief of P~4ee

~:.,., Fire Department are advised to make the

~ bes,t arrangement they can for hitching

up the fire Station with the leaet used

telephone in the neighborhoq_d available 1 •

or now on the Exhibition Grounds.


Alderman Kelly informed the Boa.rd that

Captain Major complained to hi• th&t an

evening or to ago be was on. board~, Tram

Car No. 37, the roof of which was so wobby

that he thou~ht it would shake off and tak,e

the head off the motorman in falling.

Being asked, the City Soliootor

thousht the City has no authorit'!. to

order the Tramaa.y c~; to make the cfµ' safe, The City 1ngineer said the Tramway service

must be operated under the 'Mayor and City

Engineer. The City solicitor did not agree 1th

thl Engineer and is a.eked to, submit hie opin­

ion in writing.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lstJ 1916;


The matter of 41sputed account for about

~ ~ $4oO. 00 charged the City by the Canadian

~ · Government Railway for demur rage on coal

~ Ca:s is refe2red to Controller Murphy for


. .


Ald4rman Parker and Rev. L. J. Donaldson

appeared before the Boa.rd stating that the

City Engineer had refysed to grant a permit for

the repair of Trinity Church Goge ell and Brunswick

Streets on the ground that he is :prohibited

by the law. They contended that the appli~

oation coveered by granted under th.e la.w.

Referred to the City Engineer to confer

itb Rev. Mr. Donaldson and Alderman Parker

and report.


Read application Tempera.ry Police ser-

gean t Daniel Mc Isaac for appointment :perman­ v

1 :..-> en tly to tbe posi t1on of Sergeant1 Vioe Ser-

~~ v . ~~ ~ / gean t Palmer promd>ted.

~:ty'6 on motion of Controller Taylot, Mcisaao is rv'"


appointed to the permanent staff of Police


Read applioations Police ien James Eisen­

haver, Jod•8?1 J. Conrad, John G. Johnston, and

John w. Miller (see Minutes Board of control

July 30th) for position of Sergeant of Polioe.

Moved by Controller Taylor;...lthat Police­

man John G. Johnston be teropora.r.K ap1oin'ted

to the office of Sergeant of Police.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

~us;uet 1st, 191g,

v Controller Finlay nomfna tea John w. ~~ ~ller for promfltion.

~~,~~ The vite being taken Controllers Taylor

~ Hines and Mur~hy vote for Johnston and Con-

~ troll er Finlay for Miller.

His Worship the Mayor declared Johnston



Read aocoun t $91. g6 Jam.es Eisenhaver being

the diffenenoe between meoha..~ioe pay and

Police pay for servioes as a oa;ppenter ren-

red by him for Explosion repairs to the

Police Bta.tion immediately follo ing the

disaster. The aooount is passed for pay-



Read report City Engineer as follows:­

City Engineer•a Office, July 30th, 191..:.

Hie orehip the Mayor. S1r:-

There ha.s been consideTable loss 1n meters in the devastated district., and the Superinten­ dent of the Water Department and metwr repair foreman have given a report of renewals required. I beg to report that the follo ing a.re required 1m~ediat~ly for new buildings and pro peotive n buildinga- ,oo - 5/ S fl meters.

150 .. 3/4 " 75 - 1 It 11

25 - lf It " 25 - 2 " a 50-3• " 6 _ i+ n ti

2 - 6 " " I ,,oulCl re£ftff~dd:rt; i~e~ssW~f;~ RS !Hit

tained wtitho~fasupulyin~ water by memer measure~ -che s ye em ~ u


. .

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August let, 191s. ment, may bot be interrupted,

Respectfully submitted, F. W. W. Doane,


On motion of Controller Murphy the report

is deferred until the City Engineer suornits a

detailed. statement of the loss of meters 1n

the Explosion showing the sizes and the est-

1ma. ted values.


The 01 ty Solio1 tor in:formed. the Boara.

that he is takine proceeding for en injunction

to restrain Albert Purcell from opening a large

piggery on the watershed o! the City's water

r ./ supply Cha.in Lakes. Approved, 4.7 / The C1t,y Engineer is requested to eubm:tt

~ a report, with recommendations as to the

s.cquiei.tion by the 01 ty of properties in the

water sheds of the City's ater supplies.


Read report City Engineer as follows:­

Ci ty Engineer' a Of Iice, July 30th, 191s.

His Worship the Mayor. Sir:- Since reporting on July 22nd, the Assistant Building Inspector reports to ~e that Meesrs. Falconer & MoDonald, the contractors for the abattoir, have resumed work on the building. I oa.nnot report at present whether they are making sufficiently satisfactory progress, or not, but eha.11 be in a, position, later. Reepeotfully submitted,

F· w. w. Doane, CITY ENGL~EER.

J Filed, The City Engineer is instructed. to e.elniew~

advertise for tenders for the equipment required

for the Abattoir. -446-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lat• 191g.


Rea.d report City Engineer as follows:-

His Worship the lda.yor, Sir:-

! beg to report on the attached Minute of the Board of Control respecting service pipes at #74-00 West Street.

Ur. A. P. Healy who· owns the property, asks .it;a~ the City to instaJ. four new service pipes to re)­ Laee the old onea1 o that he will be better able to prevent the aate of ater. It has been the custom of the water Department to require the property oner to make ony such ohanges at his own expenaea. I think the custom has been a good business arrangement in aooord.ance with the prinBePle. on wh1oh the a. ter Depa.rt men t should/ managed., but 1 t is the aim of the Water Department not only to pay expenses but to save water whenever possible, so th t the be.st service can be given to every CQD.su.mer.

With that end in view, I think tt would be ise to encourage property owners where they

propose to make a. change solely f crr the nur­ pose of preventing the waste of water~ by off­ exing to c,ontTibute one-half the cost. I am fully aware that adv an tage would be t aken of sucn a. policy by property owners who desir,e to make a change wolely in their own inter­ est a.ud not solely in the interest of the · ater fJ pa.rtment ss in his own, and for that reason I desire to su'bmi t to the Board of Control the advisability of offering to contribute one-half the eost if h• will contribute the other half and put in four ne1N aervioe pipes in a new location, which not only Mr. Healy but the Superintendent of the ater Department, believes ould be like­ ly to decrease the waste of water through the inter.

City Engineer's Office, July 30th, 1918.

Respectfully ei'bmi tted, F, w. w. Doane,


~-- Read applioation John M. Tanner, J4

~ff I/ Pavilion Barracks for a Motor Hack License.

The License is ordered to be granted

~~ su:Jject to the approval of the Chief of




Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lst.t 191S.

Read reports (2) City Eleotric1a.n

a.s follo s:-

City Electrician •a Of"':'ice,

To His h July 24th, 191g.

ors ip the Mayor And Bo~·d of control:

Gentleme·n:- . 'The follow1ug Fire Alarm Boses ~ave been inspected, and found in good working condf tion.

Mo, 5, 51, 5s., 7,2, and 65. Respeotfully submitted,

P. R. Colp1t,t, CITY ELECTRICIP.N • . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

City Electrioian's Office, July 31st, 1918.

t.e Mayor. Hia orship Sir:-

The follmr1ng Street Fire Ala.rm Boxes h ve bean examined and. found in good condition.

Nos. 1,23, 24, 23, 25, 2S, 214, 32, 4-, 51, 42, 52, 62.

Respectfully submi tt- d, P. R. Colp1tt,



Read report City Auditor covering list

of Eaplo,aion accoun ts recently approved

a.s follo s~- Off1oe of City Auditor,

July 31at; 1918. L. Fred !!ona.gban, Eaq.,

City Clerk, Dea.r Sir:- ! send. attached bills payable by the Halifax Relief commission, totalling e1,97g.4s:- w alter LowtldS ••••.••.• $117. 70

S1lliker & Uclio.nn Dec. 1917 •• , 24-5 • 95

Silliker & McMann Feb. - Yay •• 1~~4.8i

TOTAL •••..• $1, 8,4 Yours truly.,

li. W. Foster, CITY AUDITOR.

Ordered to be filed by the City Audi tor

with the lists p1'eviously eubmitted by hil;l.


. .

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lat, 1918.

Read report «ontroller Murphy as follo

. . a:-

Halifws, July JJs~, 1918/ His orship the .Mayor, and. Board of Con t:rol.

Gentlemen:- RE EXPLOSION AOCOUNTS. At out meeting o{ the 16th., writer

was asked to take up with the City auditor reagrding the keeping of aocounts covering the expenaitures ma.de necessary on all oivio property, through the explosion.

I find a.t present an entry is being made of these expenditures in the back of the General Ledger, and feet that a change should be made,

In a matter 1miolttng so large an amount, an entirely separate ledger -hould be opened and the espendi rures ch/3.l'geable to eace depart­ ment posted to that clepartment. There is no question whin the time to di1acuss the adjust­ ment of the City's losses a.Trives, it is going to be a. very complicated claim, and this is ,ge ije the time to have the C1ty1a end of it in such ohape as to be readily explained, It is just possible that those who a.re closely &nformed on the details of these expenditures will not be available rnen :tgis adjustment comas up.

For thees reasons I beg to recommend that instructions. be issued for the opening of a set of accounts and a proper segregation of all expendituxes involved.

Respectfully submitted, John Murphy, CONTROLLER.

A copy of the report is ordered to be

forwarded no the City Audi tor and Con troll er

Murphy i.s mqutsted to confer with him in

respect to it. In the meantime consideration

of the report is deferred until meeting August


Read report City Engineer as follows:­

. City Engineer's Office, July 30th., 1918.

Hio Worship the Mayor. S1r:- I beg to report on the attached comniun1- oation from Furness Withy co. Ltd., asking ,.0,. a reduction in the amount chare;ed for i.vater during the period f;ron1 Aug. 6th 1917 to Ma.r. 30, 1918. The statement made in their letter that a large leak develpped on


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



August 1st, 191g. . . their property du·i th . and I have also to ng e inter, is correct, statement that th ~cept as correct their soon as possible.a eak was attenaed to as

custo~n~b~ i~e c~!!c~~~anoes 1 t. has been the a.ter escaping Ag th e lproperty omer for the

until tfl@ int; 8 e eak did not develop ea that part ofrt~d the period covered inolud-

. · e year from /J:uf!}J.st 6th it ie vert difI icult, to estimate \ti th the leg1 ~i t quantity of water uaed, would be. ma e

In view of the meter readings in Au st Sept, and OV~ober and the faot that the ~a.ntit oonoumed in the seven mtnths previous toqthQ y pe1·1od in question as 5,874,000 gallons 1'"' think that a. charge for 5.,000,000 a.llon~ for the period from Aug. 6th, 1917 to ~ch JO 191e ould be reasona.ble. "

Respectfully submitted, F. w. w. noa.ne,




Reed a.:pplioation J. w. Walsh 51 Duke st.reet

for position of Laundryman at the City Home,



Read. letter Deputy Provincial Secretary, ee9

covering copy of order in a~~ncil as f9llows:-

Provincial secretary's o:t1·1oe, Kuly jlet, 191S.

The City Clerk, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Dear sir:- ! am di.reoted to enclose herewith certified copy or an Order 1n council of this date, ordering and directing the City of Hal­ ifax, under Section 901 of the Halifax Ci~y Charter, to issue its Deben~ures or at&ok to raise the amounts of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, the same being for thJ purpose of ef ecting permanent repairs to certain school buildings am ged oy the explosion in order to resotre them to normal condition; and of ne Hund.rej an:i seventy-!'ive Thousand Dollars. the same b*tlng for repairs to the follO\Ving named sohoola, Bloomiield HighJ Chebuo~o Joseph HoJe, Oxford and St. Patricks Girls High Soboola; and o r Thirteen Hundred and seven DOlla.ts and fifty cents, the ea.me being req~Ired for the p\U'BRa.,e pf tap portable


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



Auguat 1st, 19 8.

school buildings for the extra accownodation

of the child.l'en in the devastated district. I am,

Your obedient servant, Ar thu.r s . Barnstead,

Deputy Provine 1al Secretary

Recommended to the City Council for


' .


Read letter Ycinnes, Jenks & Co. as follows:-

The Boa.rd of Control, City HaJ. 1.,

City. Dee.r S1r:-

Our client, Mr. E. Everett Shatford of Indian Harbor,, Halifax County, has inRtructed us to ask for payment from the City of Halifax of the encl9sed aocount paid by h~m ~o the Auto Bue Co., amounting to $24.50.

'1he Account is for repairs to our client's automobile, shioh was injured by coming in con­ ta.ot 1th a p~pe ptojruding from the eufface of Prince street. The driverwae coming down Prince Street on the 13th inet, driving with care, w1 th the car struck the obstruction re­ ferred to, and the axle was broken. The driver a ma.de eomplaint to the authorities at the City Hall who afterwards provided against the reourranoe of the same c.ocident by filling in around the pipe.

Ad the addident was due to a.n obstruction placed in the street by the City, and as the oar was

~ being carefully driven, and the charges are for the neoeesary work ot repair, we truet you

/ v v;ill aee your way to paying this small bill. ~v Yours truly,

~ Mo Innes, Jenks & Co.

~~ Refeered to the City Engineer and City ~ ..

Jttly 30,th, 191s.

soltcitor for report.


Read petition Geo. T, Murray for water

extension from Chebuct~ Road to his premises

Quinpool Road. Referred to the eity Engineer


HOSPITAi. Read letter School Board as followo:~


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Hie hi . Halifax, August lat, 1918.

ora p the Mayor a.nd Board of Control. Gentlemen:-

! am directed oy the Chairman of~ the Board of School Con~iaaioners to call your attention to the fact that, to date, this Board has not received notice that the Board of Heal th has vacated Oxt<brd School.

As the time for fumigation and reoairs to the building., in order to make 1 t flt for the housing of school children, ia very short, this Board req~este Jou to urge the Board of Health to vacate the building at once.

I am, Yours very truly,

S. J. Wilson, SECRETARY.

. .

The Secretary is instructed to forward

a copy o.f the letter of the City Health

Bo.-:..rd with the request that that body will

endeavor to meet the wishes of the School

Board at as early a date aa possible.


Read extraot minutes of City Council

July ~th., referring back to this Boa.Td

for further con41dera.tion, is report'84

dated July 16th in •hich it was Eecorunended

that the City Assessor be instructed to

issue tax bills on properties in the devas­

tated area when they are a.4ked for, but

otherwise to w1thhld them until instructed

by the Board of Control.

It ia decided to recommend to Council

tha.t all tu bills be at once sent out by

the Assessor.

rt is also decided to recommend that in

all oases affected 'by the Explell&on in hioh

property owners appeared before the collector ....... t in order to to promptly pay them~ axes

-4-52- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 1st, 191s. ~ take s.dvanta.f;e of the discount but were unable

,,,v to do so becsuae th bill e · s had not been sent cu t ,

the Collector be au~horized to allow the



The City Clerk informed the Boe.rd that

Mre G.M.Hervey had by te}ephone urged an early

reply to her -petition for recompe.nse for lose

sustained at her property 181 South Park

Street through sewerage backing into her

ba.sement:(see minutes July l!th, p.373)

The 01 ty Engineer ,states he will

endeavor to have a report at meeting Aug.6th.


Read. letter Arthur Roberts secretary

Union 0£ Nova Scotia Municipalities aa


UNION OF NOVA SCOTIA WNICIPALITIES. Br iggewater, N. s. July 29th, 1918.

L• Fred Monaghan., Eeq .• , City Clerk.

City Hall, Hal if ax, N. S.

M.y Dear Sir:- The thirteenth annual convention of

the above Union will be hald at Liverpool N. s.· on August 28-2~-30. We shall have in a.ttendenoe some of the leading men in public life in Noita. Scotia and others will known from outside the Province. . A timely program of much interest has been prepared end ,all prospects point to a largely attended, profitable and peaasurable meeting.

Will you please bring these facts before your council and ask that your delegates, as many .:J.S you think fit, be a."pointed to attend he convention, Please acknowl,edge receipt and at an early date rwport to me the names of your delegates. Trusting that your City ill be well represented. Yours faithfully,

Arthur Roberts, secretary-Treasurer.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Au~st lat, 191s. Referred to theCity Council for c.otion.


Read application Timothy E. Burns 76

. .

Cornwallis Street for position ce UnderkeJper /at the City Prison.

~ ,.,/' At suggestion of His Wo shipile Mayor W it is unamiously decided to recommend to

r~ Oou\1011 the appointment of Mr. Burne.


Rea.d application Berwick Camp for the

services of a Halifax Policeman dur1ne their

annual meeting. Referred to the Chief of

Police to comply with if he can do so.


Read. aecoW'lt Amos N. Johnston $50,00

and G. A. Perrior $45,00 for remunera~1on at

~5. 00 per da.y for s,ervices as members ~f the

Bou.rd of Plumbing Examiners.

It 1s decided to recommend that the account



Read letter Admiral Superintendent

story, H. u, c. Dockyard as fol1ows:-

H. M. c. Dockyard, Halifax, July 30th, 191s.

Hie orship the uayor, Hal if ax, M. s.

near Sir:- _, p t 1 With reference to the Nav~ a ro s f H 'M and H u C Ships, I will be much

0~~~ged if you wi11°inform me if a room at the City Hall may be turned oaer for their use.

' Yours truly, w. o. story., Admiral Superintendent.

The City clerk is instructed to wtt•e


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lat, 191g.

Admiral Stary that the repairs now ?:;Oing

on at the City Hall are causing a great

deal of inconvenience and curtailing

the apaoe xequired for Police activities

but it is hoped that in a short time the

work will have so far progressed that it

will be P aeible to assign one room ~or

the officers and another for the men of

the naval P trola


Read application Bedfor Construction Co.

as £ollcws :-

!EDFORD CONST.RUCTION CO. LTD. Halifax, July 30-1g.

His W~rship A. C. Ha kins, Mayor of Halifax,

CITY. Dear Sir:-

In connection with the construction of the new Shipb~ilding plant in this City, it becomes neoeaea.:ry to irr:mediately prmvide housing accommodation for fro, l,000 to 11500 men, Halifax 1s alre.ady over-crowded and under-housed and no aocommdation is avail­ able for this number of men. I have been directed, therefore, to apply to you for p81'miss1on to use for one uear from August 1st, 191g a portion of the lan• known as Mulgrave Park and delineated on the a.ocom­ oanying plan. If permission is gran~ed for r. the use pf thie property, I will undertake -

1. That 1t shall be uaed only en a temporary hous 1ng, for employees of the shipbuilding Company, or its contraoto~s.

2. That any buildings or erections necessary to be put on it of a tempo~a.ry nature for this purpose wibl be removed at tne end of one year, without cost to the City.

3. The premieea will ne kept in a clean and heal th state and that the pro­ perty will be restored to i~e present shape.

I beg to ask for your facora.ble and early conside£ation to the above request, in order that the work of constructing the. Shipbuilding plant -shall proceed with the graatest expenditure.

Yours ver, !ruly, V. J. Ca.viochi.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August lat, 191$.

It is decided to reoorr~,nd to the City

~ ~ ~ouncil that the permieaion aeked for be

~~given subject to the Bedford Conetruotion

~:Y,%.. Company entering into such an agreement v~. with the City as wull meet with the approval

of the City Engineer,


/ Read ater metertl:)111 Mrs. Muldowney 9 ~ Sullivan Street claimed to be excessive,

Referred to the City Engineer for report.

The meeting a.djourned.


l ~ ~ "'""'-'--,,..,.-p-V""-- L. Fred Mona.gh


A. C. Ha'! kins.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


August__ frth, 19lel.

The Board of Co •• trol met this morning at

10 o1olook; present His Worship the Mayor and

Controllers Hines, Mu hy and Finlay.


Morris Street Boulevard-Moreash lote LeMa.rchant st. Stre~t Lighting Oont r ac t , Explosion-School Buildinbs Repairs-Loan 50,000.00 Tow~r Road-Violation of Building Act-P. T. Shea.. Rubo~sh on Streeta. 'l'uberoulosis Hoapi. tal Accounta. Policeman C har Les Morrill Bou 1;:i.).~er: Isola.tiou osp; tal Morris Street-Oxtord Sci1ool. Cunard Street Dilapidated Building. Cha.irman. Gasoline Tanj and Pu~p in City Store Yard. Engineer1e Staff-A.R, McLeave. coal Weighers. High Ser~ice Water supply. F'.C, Craig Account-City Health Board-Illegal

Exp,endi tur ea, Explosion- Ci1.y Hall Furn ture. Explosion-City Hall Painting and Ref:i..nishing. Chairman. Wa.i;er Pipes. Coal Tenders. Syd.neyLocke. Explosion-Fire tepa.rtment Engineer William

Wells. - r. Fire Ale.:rm System...-~ ~ Junk Store License Edward B. Batson. Junk s~ore License Eli Aloft. City Prison M0n t:ily Report-Mai. ntenance

Naval and ll1li tary Prisoners. TUberculosis Hospital Site. Bill Boards. Exp}.oaion-Infeoi;ious Diseases Hospi "ta.1 Junk. Tenders-Printing, Stationery,Blank Books, Etc. Oxford street-E. Pa Allison Wall, Accounts, UO IS STRrET BOUTJEV ARD-MUREASH LO'l'S LE UAR.­


Mrs, Morea.sh e..ppeal'ed before the Board de-

e iring to know promptly wha. t. ao1i1vn the Ci liy pro­

poses to take with respeat to her two lots of land

on L,e:Marche.nt Street proposed to be acquired by the

City for the exuension of Morrie Street Bouleva.rd


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 9th1 1.,18.

~hrough to Dalhousie College •

.Moved by Controller Finlay a econded by Con-

1;roller Hines that the Ci r;y Engineer and City

Solio1 tor be i:rnt!lnotecl to i:,reri~e a. forreal resolutions necessary and to prepare any other

preliminary steps re~uired for the expropriatiop

of the two lots referred to and that the City

Counoil be: recoamended to expropriate the land.

Motion paoeed.


Read report City Electrician covering letter

from the ?l. s. Tre.m a.ys and Power ce,: as fallows:­

!Ci ty Electrician's Offioe, August 5th, 1918/

HiG orship the Mayor. Dear Sir: ....

I beg to eno'l.oee herewi tl:llp a oommuni,ca.tion from the N. s. Tran. & Bower co. re short term lighting oontra.ct, f,or yOUI' oonsiderati,on.

P. R. Colpitt, City Electrician.

• • • • • • • • • • •

Hal 1fax, N. s. July 31st, 191g.

Mr. P.R. Colpitt, City Ebeottioian.


Dear Sir:- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your

favor· of the 30th instant 1n which you request that I submit you some sort of a proposal for a two year contract for Street lighting on the be.sis of the City later purchasing the entire Street lighting equipment.

I shall be pleased to have a pr cpoaal. made up at the earliest possible moment and sub­ mi t same to you. In the meanti..rne would you kindly ad.vise., first., whet:1er or not_ 1 t ia your idea. that a separate pole line for this Street lighting be ereoted a.nd «- oirouits ·strung., and, second, if you desire ornamental iron Standarda to oa.rry the line on the principal t.oroughfa.res, or 1f you prefer the ordi.a.ry wooden street pole.

H.R • M.ailieon,. Manag~ng Director.

-45S- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 6th, 1~18~

Referred to the City Engineer for report.


Read letter School Board as follows:-

Board of School C,ommiss ione:ra, Halifax, August 5, 191$.

HiR Worship the Mayor and Board of control. Gen tla.men:-

I am directed by the Board of School CommiaW)nero to thank you for your c iur t eey in so promplty advancing the amount of Fifty Thousand Doll.a.ra($50>000.00) on explosion repair a.ocounts. It w~s 1th regreat that so bort notice of the required amount was given

the City. In futul'e the Board ill endeavor to make its request so as to cause as little in­ convenience ns possible.

s. J. Wilson, Secret.;..ry.



Read report City Engineer and City Solicit,o~

as follo s:

City Engine:ar1s Of ice, August 2, 1913. ·

His worship the Y~y:.or. Sir:-

! cannot add anytning to reports I have already ma e in this ma.t,:;o.r, except that Mr. Sheats aoliditor has made applicatio for the permits for the two buildinga. The permit for the stable can ot be granted under the City Cha.rter.

F. W. w. Doane, City Engineer.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • t • •

Office of City Solicitor. Aug. 2, 1';118.

secretary Boaxd of Control. Dea.r Sir:-

! a.m of the opinion that upon the faots stated in the report of the Engineer the maintenance by Mr. Shea of his stable, for pur­ poses other than those connected with his house is a viol~t1on'\--of seotion 18 of Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1915. F.H. Bell,

City Solie 1 tor. -4-59-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

. .

August 6th, 1918.

Moved by Controller Murphy that the copies

of the reports be for arded to Mr. Shea and that

le be advised to govern himself aoool'd.i.ngly or

that Mr Sheats Solicitor be so notified.

The Boaz d is addressed by E. F. Doyle, Mr.

Shea's Soliditor and Mr.

City Solicitor.

Frame and the

The mat er ie deferred for discussion by the

Board after Mr. Shea's Sol&clitor retiree.

(Upo,n the retirement of the intereated parties the mat·cer ia further deferred~)

RiJBBISH on STREETS. Read letter Relief Commission as follo s:-

Halifax, N. s. Aug. J. 1918.

City Clerk, Board ot Control,

Halifax, N. s, Dear S1r!-

We acknoi ledge with thanks extract a from llinutes of rLeet:ng sof the Board of Co1. trol., July 2jth., and 30th, in regard to rubbish on streets.

v;e have instructed our Reconstruction Department to give t.neae matters their immediate attention,

Ralph P. Bell, SECRETARY.



The matter having been?eferred to him for

report His Wmrsh1p the Mayor recommends that under

section 13 of Chapter 69 Aots 1913 certain small

accounts oha.rgeable to Tuberculosis Hospital Fund

be pa.id out of the Fuljjd thereby created s.nd. that

the Audi tor and Treasurer be authorized to open

such account in their ledgers,


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


/ Reia.d applicati n s Charles Morrill Boutilier

for position of Policemen.

On racommendation O! the Clnef of Police Boutil­

ier is tempord~11y -- appom ted a. mettiber of the

Police Force,


Read oor:respondenoe 01 ty Heal th Boa.rd re

Isolation Ho ,pi tal~ as foll.ows:-

Office of City Heal th Board, Halifax, N. S. July 25th, 191S.

Dr. N. E, Ma.oKay. Chairman City Heal th Board.

Sir:- As ret1ueated I v1sited the new Infectious

Diseases Hoepi tal on the Morris Street site today in reference to ventilation. I went carefully over the building, I find there ia pract1oally no ven­ t1lat1on. The windows are quire a height from the flo,or to the sill and do not open. Th~re is a fan light over tbe windows 1n the ma.in rooms hich is entirely too high to allow a freah supply of air around and through the lo~er part of rooms. The air that WOJ.ld come through tne fan lighl s ,,ould pa.as up t.hrough duct in ceiling and out through the louvers in the top of the buildi g. The lava­ tories hich require a t.horough system of ventila:i:;1on and supply of fresh air, at all times, have no-e fan ligh'tS an no ducta and the windows do not open. ADY local odour which 1a certain to emenate from the fixtures being uses will permena.te t.e air tf th,e surrounding rooma aa it has no way of passing ~o the outer air. This is a very serious matter. There ~PW should be some system installed where pure air should be taken in at the lmter pa.rt of the rooms, from the outer e.tmo,ephere and rising -would force out the vitiated air of the room whihc . whoulo naturally be of a higher temperature. Through proper openings in top ofroom this could and should be done. Patients admitted nose fitality h~e bean lowered by disease, subjected to poor breat1ng spa.oe would prove a serious m~tter and before eri..y pa.tie;ts are adtb1 tted I would recommend tb.at a. proper system of ventilation aa stated aoove be installed 1n the building. Until this is done the building ia not suitable for.hospital P1:ll"poses and should not be ta.ken over until tne ventilation system 1s earries out to perfection in efery detail,

F.O. Craig, Inspeotor •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 6~h, 191S.

Office of City Health Boa.rd Halifax, July 26th, 11is.

Dr. N. E, YacKay, Chairman Cijy Health Board,

Dear Sir:- As req,uested I viai ted the new Infectious

Dise se Hospital on the Morris Street site and T

must say that I amy very disappointed in the building s the a.rds a re badly out up and there 1s vGry 11 t1;le room for any private patients Yfhioh might have proved a source of revenue for the Hoapi ta.l Ho ever there 1s on~ point in particular, na.roely, the ventilai;ion or rather the lact of ventilation hioh in my dip­ inion makes the building entirely unsuitable for patients 1th infectious diseases and hich I th~nk should be remedied before ·the Boa.rd of Heaith takes the building over.

Your inspector. Ur. Cr!it has rna.d.e an exhaustive r epcr t on this subject of ven,;ilatio. hich i~h I am in perfect agreement. I think,ntoo

th t before this buildirg ia occupied by patients scm means of fire e scapes should be erected as e.t present t~e bui~ding ia a perfect fire trap.

August ls~, 191B.

W. Bruce Almon, Acting c.u. o.

• • t e e • I t e e t • I J t • • I e I e • • I I

Halifa~Re ief Commission,

Hal1:fax Relief comm1s,e1on, City.

near Sir i- I have been asked by Con1iroller Finlay who is a member of tle School Boar_ to take over the Infectious Diaeaees Hospital for the reception of patieants, he at tne erune time assuring me that the Advisory Committee of .~he Ci~Y council had a.r­ rang d matters satisfactorily with the Relief com­ mission that the wiring of the building was to begin on the 2:"Jth inst. and would in all p roba.bili 1iY be f nished ea:rly this week tha~ the iring of the oui dine; was 4: not installed was the building a.a being put up euprised me very much, This is difficult to understand 1:f a. proper inspection was made of the building a't reg0L r times, when it us be~g erected by competent inspectors. Ho an arc i~ect could overlook this necessary work is hard to under- stand, I have care:tully inapccte tne new Infectious Diseases Hos pi 1ial anc I find t11at 1 ii is en tiraly free from any sy::.tem er fentilation. This is an ~nfortunate oond1tion aa without good ventilation ifiTe- 1t is not fit for the aiok to occupy. Good air is esseniial for tb~btyreaa.tme~~ i!et~~1!a~~g is and tlliS oannot be posai 1 ho. I.ii<



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 6th, 191 •

just now• I . find the windo11rs a-e moA/ ~f one pieo with small 11;anaom over each, for ventila'tion, I presume, wh1cb 1s insufticieat in my judgment. In th~ lavator,1es there ar e no transoms over the indo~e and the win1.ows are of one piece and there is no possible way for fresh air to enter these lavatories or for foul air to leave them and theae lavatories conneot with the a.rds direct. The internal arrangements of the building ie very unsatisfactory, The steps at the ma:n door are not finished yet. I regre,e.t

As the bui:ding is just no tI oa.nnot take it over :from you.. In doing thJ.S I am acting in the best interests of the sick, I am enalosing Dr. Almon•s report on the building and also Mr, Graig• e.

N. E. MaoKay, Chair1an City Health Board.

. ' . . ' . . . . . . . . . Halifo..x, August 21ld/lS

His Worship Mayor Hawkins, & Members Board of Control. Genlemtne :-

The C airman of tre City Health Boa.rd, Dr. N. E. MacKay baa instructed me to for a.rd all reports and letters bearing on the nes in­ fectious diseases hospital on the Morris Street site. Reports an.dlett.ers are herevli th atte..ched for your informatic.n. J. w. Watters,

Seoreta.ry C.H. B •

• • ' • Ill ••••••••••

Halifax, August 5th, 1918.

City Engineer Doane. S1r:- The City Health Board is very anxious to meet with the wished. of the School Board to v aoa.te the Oxford Street Sohool Building which has bee 1 used since shortly after the explosion as an hospital for the treatment of infectious diseases. M hoapi tal was bui1 t on Morris street for the treatment of infectious diseases. The City Medical Officer and .tr. F. C• Cra.ig, an inspector, in ad.di tion to rne Chail'man of the Boa.rd, Dr. N. E. MaoKay have aubtitted reports whowine that the Hospital on Morris Street ig not suitable to admit patients, the serious objection to it being tack of 11entilat1on although the City Medical Officer condenme the building from another point, namely, a. mens.nee in case of fire.

At a. meet5ng of the Board afHealth held th:s day I w a.e instruct4d to 'Rirte and ask you to take immediate steps to provide proper ventilation arrangements in tne building. Upon the completion



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 6th..1 1211:S,

of this work the Health Boerd will at once undertake the removal of the :patients from the School Buildi ig. It ie urgent that the ork of making ~rovision 1n the ne hospital o ilding be eta.rued at once,

J. W. Watters, Secretary c. H.B.

t •••• ' .

Off ice ,of City Heal th Board, August 6th, 1918.

His orahip the Mayor Hawkins, & Ue1t.bera Eo::1rd of control. Gentlemen:- Attaohed for your information o.nd ha.t action is considered neoeaaoxy to expedite the matter, 1B a copy of a letter fo.r,1arded thj s ~orning to the oity eng1neer with reference to a :resolution of the Boa.rd of Health inapructed the City Engineer to take immediate steps to provide proper van tilis.t1on in the new inf ecti ous diseases hospital on Morris Street. The letter to the city engineer and the oorrespondence on thi.s matter sent ot the oi ty clerk several days a.go, ia self expla.na.to,ry. It i urgent that the request of the Board o! Health be complied with at once, H. w. Watters,

Seoreta:ry c. H.B. The Assistant City Engineer i a · natructed

to have the conditions of the specif1caticn and

contra.at for the completion of tle Iaola.iion

Hos.pi tel :Morrie Street oarr1~ out at the earliest

possible date, and the building made suitable

for occupancy a.s an isolation nosp1tal by the

City Heal th Boa.rd, tte complain ta as to the

~entila,tion corrected and the bui ding taken

over from the contractors under special agreement

or o~herwise so tbat the He.a.1th Boa.rd may uee

it and oe in position ~o relinquish the Oxford

school. -4-64-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Au_gust 6th, 191S.


Read report City Engire er as follows:­

Ci ty Engineer's Office, Aug. 2nd l.1 8.

His Worship the Mayor. Sir: ...

Referring to Mr. Ea.d-1s barn on Cunard street, Mr. Ea.d stated at a meeting of' the Boar of control this week that he had not been notified to appear before the Board and tne.t he was en­ d4avoring to obtain a steelemtn with the Halifax Relief Commis~i on, after 1 hioh he would be p.repared to take immediate action as to the disposal of the building. Under the circums tancee, 1 t would seem ad.vi sable to wa.i t ,a reasonable time for Mr. Ead too tain settlement if possible, but I ouild suggest u~ that a time be fised aa the

building is dangerous,

• l

F.W •.• Doane, City Engineer.

The report is approved a.ad the Ci~y

Engileer instructed to give Mr. Ead thirty

days notice to comply with the provisions of

the law.

CHAIRMAN. His worship the Mayor is celled from the

meeting to attend another public meet~ng.

controller Murphy is appointed to the chair.


Read report City Engineer as followa:-

City Eng1tteer1s Oftice, Halifax, July 30th, 191S.

His worship the Ua.yor. Sir:- Sdlnoe tbe transportation department of the Halifax Relief Comruission have been using the C1 ty Ya.rd we have been obtaining our gasoline and oil fro;n their tank, they charging us wi tb the same. From the experience gained :irom this, t aer e is no question as to the advisability of storing and measuring the gasoline and oil in thi a mannez , The tElllk -as la:id underground outside the building and the pump waa also installed outside, con4equently no gaaol me or oil waa taken in to the bui. ding~ thus lessening the fire risk sud also giving an


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.




Au.gust 6th, ~18 ..

accurate check of the gasoline used by the different cars. ·

The tank and pump used by the Relief commission ere much larger than requ1red by uo, other ise,

arrangements might h~ve been made to leave it for our use a..~d purchase another for them. TheJ have no·iv tfl.ken the equipment away.

A 3,5 gallon gasoline t k would su~t our requ rements for eorne time to comei and a small 54 gallon motor oil tank. The cost of the former made of 14- gauge galvanized open hearth steel, rivetted and welded with a fast llon stroke 1¥..~7', ~ curb pupp completeJ is • o, b Toron c, e tr · pr tee of the 54 gallon motor oil tank with meas- ur ang pump lock and tr" Mfer 4e pump is $72.04 This equipment is ma.de by the B er Company of Toronto, It is standard equrpmen t and approved by th underwriters and in use in the differAnt garages in Hal ifa.x.J ould ucon.mend the purcnase L.--._ of the above. 'l~~ M-'-\/ ~ ~-s--r~·----

Apprcved. F.w.w. noene, City Engineer.



Read repor Si~o. Cumrr1ins Supervisor of

Coal We1ghere, as follows:-

Hali:f'Ux, N. S. Aug. 5th, l9lS

To Hie Worship the Mayor., and Members of Board of Cuntrol.

Gentlemen:- In ref er ence to the inquiry of your

Board as to the etatua of James O'Neill as a Supernumerary coal Weigher I beg to inform your Boari that I had an interview with Mr. O'Neill and he i :termed ma that he has a better position.

s. Summins, Supermision of Coa.l Weighers.

Defer.red. SERVICE


Read report Ci~y Engineer, as follows:­

City Engine~r's Of ice, July 30th, 191s.

His Worship the Mayor.

Sir:-I compliance with the attached Minute of n · o}. I beg to report respecting

the Board of ro~t!ater supply that apparently there the High sefv- oe and illegitimate use of water, has been a a.rg te.d under the ex- whichd~er~aPg0~!!t!8ni0eifi1!ng. · traor 1n,a..,,y -~66-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



August 6thi 1918.

An_e~fort is being made to control the consumption i thin more re aona.ble lim1 ts.

I cannot submit a comprehensive report today.,. but I am tn a. poai tion to report that progress i e being made; and as a. prodf that there is im­ provemen t, the Superin~endent of the Watei De­ partment reports to me that while 5 inches inoreaae in the depth of water in the re1aervoir in one night had been the maximum since the explos1on of Dec. 6th.,. 1917, last night the lncrease ob taaned in the depth of water in the reservoir as l foot g incnes. Thie, of itself, sho s

-&hat the condition of the system 1s improving. Condit.ions are eatra.ordinary as every reaeona.ble person admits, and we are making a strenoue effort to restore tLe :Jystem to its normal con­ dition. I am hopeful that there will be less cause for compla~nt i then fu.inn,,e.

F.W. W. Doane, City Engi;ieer.



Rec.d. opiiitn Ci'ty Solicitor as follows:­

Oftice of C1-cy- Solicitor, August 2nd, 1-; HS.

Secretary Board of Control. Dear Sir:-

Upon consideration I have come to the coue Ius Lcn that the Mayor is not only justified., but bound, to decline, as Chairman of the Board of Control, to put a motion~ to tne Boa.rd in­ volving a.n unau~horized expend tu.re. A recommen­ dation of the Board of control is virvually a request to· the council to act, a.nd as Chairman of the Board I think it is the dU'tY O! the Mayor to decline to put to vote a q~e.e.;,4~a motion that the Boaxd. recommends 1;l:e Council to do any illegal act. F,H. Bell,

City Solicitor.

Deferred until H1a worship the Meyor is in atten­

dance at the Boa.rd. EXPLOSION - CITY HALL FuRN~TORE.

The City Engtneer euomi ts an aocoun t $35, 4-5 from c. A. Leverman for fixing up a.nd polishing

furnituretdn the Uayor•s Offioe and states that

he nae been unable to ce.rti:t"y same, nor, being

-%7- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



.lugust 6th, 191e. aware of the arrangement 6ntered into or how

long tbe ork is to continue (see Minutes July

23rd, Page Ll-01)

The acccun t is ret erred back to the City

Engineer to aecer naan the conditione of the

a.rran*1nent, and to certify if found correct. Fur­

ther work on City Hall furniture is referred to

the City Engineer for recommendation.


Th,e C.L ,;y Enginee~ submits draft specifioa.tiona

for painting1 refinishing a.nd eto City Hall

necessitated by the Explosion. The City En-

gineer is instructed to call for tenders for the

work, on motion of Controller Hines seconded by

Controller Finlay.

OHAffil AN. Hie orship the Mayor returns from a Meeting

t the Boa.rd of Trade room and r eaumea the chair,.


The City Engineer verbally recommends the

pui,chaae of one mile of," Cast Iron ~ater

pipes frr.m J. p Edwards (Londenderry Iron Works)

at $SO.CO per ton, the City now being without

any such pipe and oonatruction being held up for want of 1 t. On motion of Controller Murphy seconded bJ

controlle~ Hines the recommendation is approved.


Read report City Engineer aa follows:­

City Engineer's Office, Aug. 3rd, 191e.

Mayor. Hie worship the Sir: t th h The decision with reference o e pure aae

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 6th, 191$.

of coal is really a matterof police, which must ~est w1 th the Board of Control The only dealer tendering is the Buckley coal co,pany, and the only alternati~e 1e to purohaee the coal at such pri­ ces as tt oan be obtained for in the open market. If we <Duld buy the ooal from the dealers at the retail prioee today., ffe vt'61:i should save 50¢ a ton on the soft coal; on the other band , the largest coal dealer tali me yesterday that we might have to pay as high as 12.00 a ton, hile Mr. Buckley's tender, on the same baaia ~a the dealer had in mind, would be $10.00

It is difficult to get ony information from the deal~ers for twio reasons, one, they do not desire to interfere with lh', Buckley's interests and second, they are reluctant to give information hich they consider pr iva.te.

Respeot1ng hard coal, ten peroent seems to b a pretty aubeta.nt1al profit, a.1 thou th I am not familiar with that the dealers are aocus tomed to make.

The difficulty with hard coal is that it is almost i~possiole to obtain it, EIDd if a con trl::\C t is to be made i th Mr. Buckley for ha.rd coal, 1 t should be under strict provisions co· di tioi1al upon Mr. Buckley being able to suppl-y thd whole quantity required,. Under the oircumetances, I a.m reluctant to advise in the matter.

The old ha.rd coal furnaces in the basement of the City Hall a.re reported to be in bad con­ dition and may poseibl1 give out during the vtinter. If we were to make a onangem it would. be to soft coal furnaces. We have one already installed, and it has been in us.e for several yetus. At a guess estimate given to me by sn expert, it would ooat about $2990., to make the change, It is pretty ce atn that 1 t will have to be made next yee..r, end it ould be wise to consider the advisibality of making the ohange n<M, ~h~oh, if made, would make a difference of lOO tons in the re4uirements for hard coal.

F. W. W. ll)oa.ne, City Engineer.

on motion of Controller Hines second~d by

contro,ller Finlay 1 t is decided tor eoommend

to oounoil the aoceptanoe of the tElnder of the

Buckley coal and Contracting Company for Coal.

SYDNEY LOCKE • . Raad letter from Sydney Locke re taxes and

on various matters. Referred to the City Collector for report.

-469- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 6th1 1918.


illiarn Wells ex-Enginee1· of the Motor Fire

Engine, Pstricia, injured in the Explosion appears

b fore and submits the following letter:

Halifax, N s. July 8th, 1918.

Mr. illia, ells, #79, Block 21, a1ne Avenue,

CTI.TY. Dear Mr. Welle:-

I am instructed to inform you that a Disability Allowance of f37.oo per month for t vo men the beginning A:t.1gust 1st, has been a ard­ ed to you. Please return at the end of two months for examination.

George B. Cutten, Director of Rehabilit~tion Dept.

Mr. ells explains that he ~eceived nothing ~~

from either the Fire Department or the ~for the

1 month of July.

~ r Referred to the A vioory Committee to take

~~ ~ p ,1th the Relief Commiesicm,

tel~./,..... It is unanimously decided to give Mr. Welle / .Y / Iv ,,/ /. pl( full Fire Department pa.y for the month of July

?{,r'"" d for the month of August and in future the

~~ v /~r ~ until another adjustment ia made.


Moved by Controller Hines sec~nded by

controller Finlay that a Ford Motor car 1th

vxpieee body be puroh eed at $685.00 from Fire

Department ~mds for the conveyenoe of Fire

Department Electric Wiremen· and their equip rment

~nd materials. Motion passed.


Read a,pplica.tion E:dward B. B&tson for a. -4-70-

differenoe between $37.00 to be pa.id by the

Relief Commission and his Fire Department pay

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Na.me of Prisoner Occupation. Offence or Texm Date of Crime of Sentence. Admi sin

Sylv1an A ela.ide Eleotrician Stealing a~ 20 days Ju y 3 Sylvian Adelaide t,+.Electric1.an bicyo:l:e

Found drunk 10 n July 3

Sylvian A ela1 e Jlectrician Resist the Polioe 4o daya. July 3

Smith Marshall Doug- Soldier Stealing Pub- 61jh las goods. 9 mon the. July

Simons Lloyd Harry Sailor D1se:rtion 90 dJ.ys. July 6th

Rooney James La.borer Found d:runk 10 dyas July St 1.

Berrigan Thoo. La~orer Fo.Jnd drunk 10 days Ju1y 8th Ber;-igan Thos. :z\~ttall~-i Assault 30 days July s,h

-471- •

junk store license,

Police for report.


Referred to the Chief of

Read application Eli Aleff for a junk atore

license. Ref erred to the Chief of Police for



Read report Governor City Prison for July

as fol lo ·wra :-

City Prison, Aug. 6th, 191:S

To Hia orship the llayor 5nd embers of Boar of Control.,

and City Council.


Gentlemen:- ! beg to submit tha Report of City

Prison for mon th ending July 31st~ A. 0.191s as follows number of Prisoners ad.mi tted during the month, t elve males and to females. Discharged during the mo t six me.lea. In custody July 31st, A. n. 191! thirty male and tnree female prisoners.

Average health of prisoners is good. In oases of sickness City }edical officer in attend­ ance. I would report through the recommenda.tio n of the City Medical Officer that goggles be purch­ ased 1n order to protect the eyea of the prisoners bre:j,,king auone ,

The hay orop is being harvested with light returns.

The follo,vi g Eie is a detalied schedule as per motion 01 Controller Murp\rY

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Pettipas Chae. McDonald Fred.

Sasso Laura

Martin Edward

Martin Edward

Reilly Robert

Reilly Robert.

Kane L1xzie Niel ols Wn. White Albei't

Laborer Laborer

Au Stealing e •

Ati;;empt i;o break and enter in the night time.

Domeatio Keep and main- t am a common oaady bouse,

Attempt to break and enter in th night time,

Unlruvfully es-) caped from cus­ tody t'he City Prison.

'l'eamster Unla: fully drink} intoxicating li­ quor in puolic ) place.

Te.mster Viola. e Sec. 73 or or d.mance .i "'. 4 01: said. C ty or Hal· fax.

Domestic •rh,eft Laborer Found drunk

Wm. Sailor Dissertion (Naval Prisoner)


mos. July 10th 3 mos, July 15vh

6 mos. July 16~h.

l year. July 16th

3 mos. July 29th

20 d~ys. July 29th

10 days. July 29th

6 mono. July 2:)th 10 dyas , July 29th 90 dyaa. July 29th

( cuar ge 50¢ per day vo naval au thori -ciee)

Goerge Grant.

The Auditor ia 4n~ requested to su~mit

a r epor ii sho. _ng the revenue rece ved ,~~ - by

the City from the City Prison from all sources

f,or t ... e past twelve mon cna giv ng in detail the

amounts received e oh mon til and the sour o ee de-

rived from.

In answer to Ccntroller Murphy the City

Solicitor informs the Board he is andeavori g

to secure a satisfactory title to the Geizer

proper~y recently selected as the site for the

propo.sed Tuberculosis Hosp1 tal, and explains

the dif'fioul ties enccun tared in obtaining same.

The soliditor is instructed to obtain an auto-

mobile from the Ci-cy Engineer or otherwise and 1th the view of getting

he may have that visit the present owner poestssion of such papers as

diti the transfer. will assist i11 expe ng 1,-,.. - l~- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Read application E. L. Ruddy for permit .ike

:f,or Bill Boards as follows:-

Halifax, N. S. August 5th, 1918

Messrs. Bo~-~d of Cot. trol

City r H lif ax, N. s,

Gen.tlemen :- _We,. THE E. L. RUDDY COMP.ANY, beg to

~pply for perJ1ssion to build bill board on the North East Corner of George and B~unswick Streets on old buildine, o~ns1sting of 50 feet, '

Also on vacant lot on Marker Street, West side, south of Nol 4o Market consisting of 50 feet. '

E. 1 RUDDY CO.:!PA{Y, LTD? A, ?,Ryan,



Referred to the City Engimer for report.


Controller Hines recommended that the old

junk and other material at the Infectious Disease

Hoepttal Rooknaad , reaul ting fl)om the e,q,loaion

be dispo ed of by the City Engineer to the best

advantage. Approved.


Read report City Clerk as f ollowa :-

He.lifax, N. s. August 3rd, 1918.

Boa.rd of Cortrol. Gentlemen:- The various tenders for printing, Station- ery Bl k Books, etc., reoe ved in response to ad­ vertise ,enta in the newspapers and opened by the Board at meet g July 30th having been referred to me I beg to report and redommend a.s follows:-

NewsI?_a_IJer Advertisi,pg. -Tfie only tender received was from the Acad1an Recorder, 75¢ per inch for ls~· insertion a.~d 4o¢ per inch for each subsequent insertion. Reoom ended for acceptance.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 6th, 1915._

valihe1Proprietor of the Heiald and Mail ver­ City1o ~~!;~fe~e that ha pa~ers would do the $1 25 1 a ng at their m1nin:.um rate of

• h per nch for Ls t , insertion and 12 ¢ for eac subsequent insertion as in recent yea.rs to :~e:~r yer s t· e practice of tte City wa~

se none ~orning and one evening P per, al.wars aocep~ibg the Recorder as its evenine medium fo; announcements and the Heaald and Chronicle in alternate years for morning paper a.dvert 14g1ng. Shortly after the Board cf con,:;rol was established, this ~as changed and. ever since the City haa advertised in the three ~vening papers- the Recorder, Mail and Echol The additional ooat amounts of course to one i;h1rd more, but I have heard less critioia,. in regard to persons not seeing the adverttse111ents unde the present system thou under the old As City advertisements aro for the information· of a.11 the Citizens. I would recommend the o on­ tinuan.a.ecof the present practice.

Printing L~st of Votere. The only tender received N~ from

tle Royal Print and Litho Ltd. 2¢, ~¢ and 3¢ per name. Recommended. for acceptance. The reoen~ legislation extending the Franchise ~o omen io likely to add v~ry materially to the oost of prepa.rirg and print:ng the lists of voters and n a.y result in the adopt1 :;n for the whole list of the 3¢ rate quoted, w~ich I ,111 a.void as far ae possible, if found legal or pra-0tioable.

BlankfBooks. The only tender received was from A & w.

M~Kinlay. Prioes have advanced in this 11ne but I have no reason to dou ;t that the quotations made by this reliable f 1rm who have done the City's work for may Jee.rs and have a thorough. ~cnowledge of it, ar e reason: ble. I recommend ,:;he acoentanae of the tender.

Station,~. . The only tender received was from

T. C• Allen & co. There are a number of items, particularly tn supplies for the City Engine er s d.ra.ftlng depart~e t, increased in prices.

I have no reason to doubt that the fig­ ures given by this reliable f1rm who ha~e held the contract for may years, and have a ~horough knowledge at the City's requirements should be accepted by the Ctty. Under present circumstances the quotations appear· reasonable accorili8g to the market, and I recommend the acceptance of tle tender. ·

!rint·ng Annual Civic Reports.

T O Allen & co .•....... $2.00 per page • • 1 '4 11 " l m ware. t • • • I • I t I • • • • • • t t 0

The tender of William ware is tcelow~st, and I would recommend tlls acceptance aJcording to the terms of the specification~


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



A,u_gust 6th, 19 ~~· Printing M nutes of C 1ncil

T. C. Allen & Co .•..... ,' .1.50 per page illian WRJ:e ••••••••••. , .• 1.3 " .,

The tender of William Ware is the lo est and I would recommend tis acceptance according to the t~rms of the epeoitication.

Prin irg Blank Forms & eto.

T. c. Allen & Co. Schedule prices. ,m. '{a.re ••••• , • • • • • • • • " ""

The tender of T. c. Allen is the lowest and I recommend its acceptance according to the ~erms or the specif1oation. There is some advance 1n ccaf but the tender of· T.C.Allen & co. is muon lower ,:;hali tha.t of \iilliam Ware.

L, Fi·ed. Monagahnn City Olillrk,



The City Clerk is instructed to ,Trite E, P,

~ ~ All1eon referring him to the City solicitor and

£t {' City Engineer for any information he may desire

from the City in respect to the atone wall Ox- ford Street a.n Coburg Road •


The follo ing named accounts are passed for

,01 ty Pri on._ J. J. Scriven & Sons. R. N. cDo.ald

'H. L. Williston Robt. McLeod J. & ll. Murphy Robert Taylor Stroud & Eveleigh Lon. Rubber co. Irwin & Sons. Hal 1 ax Herald Mar. Tel & Tel. Co. Nova Scotia Tram. Co. Halifax s._.ed Store. Hillis & Son s , G. c. Hartlen & Con Arthur Dean Neil Fox Frank Fraser

Bread. $64.58 G:rod.eries 92,4/.J. Beef 44. 36 Oxheads 10,20 Drygoods 25.40 l:SOOtS 13.5'J renair a 2e. 00

st~os 3,75 Drugs 9, 00 AdvGrtis g 6.27 Rental 6. ,5 Light 2,53 Lime 6.50 Hardwai·e 5.10 Beef 3.00 Plants 7.00 Haxness 1.$5 Feed ~4.co $374- gg



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Polio1e Account.

T. C. Jllen Stationery n, . .McF· ,tridge Se.rvices Hfx. Auto Co. 1ieptira Office Specialty Co Bala.nee T. J. helan Caps & Covers H!x. Vul. Co. Supplies Nova Motor co. l cpevrolet car.

Feed l horse Supplies Chamois Drugs Repairs

Acct. Ren n "

Nova llotor Co,, Ne·i.l Fox G. A. Burbidge South End G9.Eage E ensee Dr. ,MoFa.tridge

• B. Willis.ms

,.oo 10.30

247.95 3,90

275.70 36.70

935.00 16.16 50. 20 1.25

• 46 65.~ 1.00 2.55

104.50 $ 1755,91


Read report City Engineer aa follows:­

City Engineer's Office, Aug. 2Ild, 1918,

Hie Worship the Mayor. Sir:-

I beg to submit herewith a letter received today from A. R. Mccleave of my staff. Mr. MoCleave desires to ma.ke an effort to recover his health and strength, and pending the re­ sults of hie effort, he submits his reaigna.tion to take effect the 31st of August 1918. I ould r eccma.ead that under the regrettable

cirourestanoee, Mr, McCleave•s request be o.Jmplied with.

F. W.W. Doane, City Engineer.


The Board adjourned,




Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


August 5th 1Ql$

The Boe~d of Control met thia morning at

10 o•olook, present His worship the Mayorband.

Co1 trollers Finlay, HinesJ Murphy and Taylor.


Garage-1n residential Diet1·1ct. Explosion-Fire Department Repairs "P· tr1o1a" Explosion-Fire Depaxt;nen t-Relief Fire Engine. Fire Chiefs Convention Report Chief Churchill, fire Chiefs Convention Toronto. Fire Alarl71 Bo.ices. sewerage Overflow-lJl south Pa.rk Street-u.rs.G.},Hervey. Assistant Bu11dine; Inspeotor-W.R .. Eegan-Sduy. Heber Hartlen-Pill's.- Cash 0taterue t cf ty Treasurer. North eat Arm Intercepting s-.wer-Second eeotion. High Service ra:r;er Supply-Victor 1a General Hosp1 tal. City Engin er•s Staff-Thomas f, L nch. ate:r Bi 1 Estate Catherine ConnollyT23S Maynard St.

Explosio =Loana from Relief C,.mirnisa1on. Kline Street (so, th) Electric Light. T xes-.Asseaamen ts cl.919-1920, City Home epaDt for July. Bill Boards. Ha.rd Coal. ater Supply.

Water Extension. Sewer Contnuction. street Paving. Al'gyle,Blowere, Grafton street Paving. co ..... l Weighere. City Home Tenders for Ce opy. Tower Road-Violation of Building Aot-P. T. Shea.. Citadel Hill Foot Paths. Accou.n,te.


Read x,port A3sistant City Engineer as followa:­

City Engineer's Office, August Jth, ljlg,

His ,orship the }lJyor. Sir:- e to submit horm1i th an a:pplicatl. on from

I b g rrnission to erect e, re-Jnforoed E. M.e.xwellfor .pe. l his roperty on. Cedar Street be- ooncr at e garag~ ~~bie s~reete. The proposed build·ng tweet i Henri tr the Building Act as fa:r as the COI!-- 0 mp ea 1'1, 0 cerned bu t its looa:tion is in -che struct1on a c , residential district.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

I ~



August ~thz l9lt>.

i· 1 I understand t 1at a number of eoply residing u tie hfouaee sur ·ounding the pr opaed gar age are

owners o car s and propose to keep t' e ~ same 1b this garage inetea.d of having individ 1 ror their own. ua garages

H. oJohnst n, Asst. City Eng~neer.

The report is re erred to, the City Engineer

1.0 have the o.pplicatior advertised in the ne'\V

papers in the ucual way.


Read a.ocount $6000, American LaFranoe Fire

Ebg~ne 001 pany for repairs and freight on Motor

pumping Fire da.r "PBtric1a" damaged 1n the explosion

of Deomeber 6th, 1917,

The account ia passed for payment.


Head aco.unt A.merdca.n LaFranoe Fire Engine

Company 714.oo for hire and fl!!eight on steam fire

engine loaned to the City ax by the said co:grpany

because of the lo s of the motor fire engine "Patricia"

in the explos1oo..

Te City Cler ia instructed to submit to the

Board the correspondence be~veen the City d the

American LaFra.nce Fire Engine~ Co in respect to the

agr eemen't for the h re of the engine.


Read report Chief of Fire Dep0.J."tment re his

attendance a.t the co ve tion of the ~ari time Fire

Chiefs convention at Fredericton, N. s. As follows:­

Halife.x, N.S. tugu.at S/18

His orship the Mayor, And Boa.rd of Control.

Gentlemen:- b +o oubmit to you the following report I eg u+ the Convention of the Maritime

of my ttendanoe a~

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.




Fire Chief Ausociat1on held at Fredricton, N.B. June 26~h and at h1ch I was elected. Pre ident for the ensuing yee.r.

The Conve tio was at tended by fi:re chiefs representing both cities and towns of the provin­ ce. There were also present expertein bus nesses and :prof esai ona haveng to do more or less i th matters ,11ru closelj: connected - i th fire cause and preveniiion anc the manurae ture of fire a.paratus.

The papers read covered a wide field of fire f1gh1.ii g work b11t the key note of the Convention ae on fire preven'tiion, the,re was a.1•0 much dis­

cussion or round table talk on the, value and eff,eo~ivenesa or the rcotor driven apparatus.

I 'ti ia not my intention to make any lengt.y report I m __ ght say that this Convention was in- ereat1ng 6D somewhat instructive but on the

whole there is very li ttla knowledge to be obtained at a Maritime Convention for a fire c:1ef representing a ci'tiy such as ors.

In conclusion prem1t me to say, Gentlemen that l thank you fo:r the 'Privilege of attend.ing the Convention.


a.r..Ohurchill, Chiet· H.El.D.

Referred to the City 1Council for its in-


f to


? to



on motion of Cun~roller Hines it is decided

recommend to t~e City council that the Chief

the Fire Departrr.ent be appointed a delegate

represent ti-.e City of Halifax at the Dominion

Fire Chiefs cor~vention to be held at Toronto

August 27th 28ih and 29th,


Read report City Electrioia.n1 as follows:

August 7th, 191$.

Hie ,orship tbe Mayor .And Members of Boa.rd. of contxol. Gentlemen:- he follfling :fire alarm 'b?xes have

Tt d n~d found in good ~orking con been inepec e '""u dition: No. ~.~l,~2,5~,?3,a.nd 7.

P.R. colpttt, City Electrician.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 8th, 1918.


SEWERAGE OVERFLOW-l!l G. • :~i~Y:ARK ~TREET- ms. Read report Asst c1· • ty Engineer as follo

Auguet Sth, 1918.


H~s wo,r.ahip thd Mayo Sir:- r.

I beg to report on th of the Boar o, of Control e aoco!11panying Minute the matter of the overfi tha~ I nave investigated Hervey•a premises l~l ~ o. of sewerage at Mrs. b en unable to obtain wout~ Park Street and hag,e stated in my report of~~ ~r~her facts than those .,th June.

H. Yi • Johm ton Asst. City1Engineer.

lixis.xtauui The correspondence, reports

ar d rn.,nutee ~ of the B- . caza of Control relating

to the eu'bJect, are read.

It is dee aded to r ecome.end to the City counoil

that r s , He vey be offered 40. Q without prejudice

i! s ttlement of the oladlm submitted by her.


Ree.d report City Eng eer , as fm'JllO'N& r= .Augu t 8th, 191g.

Hie r;orohi1; tne Mayor. Sir: .... r. W.R. Fegan, Assistant Bu1ldin~ Inspector ba.s received a. very a.t:b.ractive21offer from a large oontract1.ng firm whicn is 66 3 per oent in- creaRe of his present salary of $1500. I have disc aaed the ma.1i 1ier thoroughly '1'i·r.h him, my obJeot being if possible to retain for the City the aerVices of suoh a well qualified roan, In work ao important es building work it ia eaoentia.l t at e, ma.n anell have apeoia.l qualifications, 1)1'\d I think tt 10 decidedly in the City's lnoerests to keeP J.!r, Fee;an. if it can be aocoll!Pliehed 1th reasonable axPenditure, I tnink it will be generally admitted th t he i.e under-paid and he has a.greed ta remain wi~h the City if hie salary is raised to $1S00.

per yea:r. I strongly recommend that he be given the 1nore~se, as in my opinion he is a valuable

-4&:>- ..

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.





August 8th, 121~~-

to the Ci -cy as to t. e Co11traoting firm who made him the offer.

F. , • W. Doane, City Engineer.

Moved by Controller Finlay seconded by

Co,it:roller H1nea the.t this Board recommend to the

City Council an increase of $300.00 in the sa.le.ry

of Assistant Building Inspector W.R. Fegan and

·that legisl t1on be sought to a.ut or1ze the

p ent of said increase, Motion passed.


Heber Haxtlen appe.a.red be~ore the Board com-

plaining that 3 men with sticks killed 3 lit~le pigs and badly beat a sow at his p1ggerybKempt

Road and threatened to beat an employee of his,

Referred to tne Chief of Pol 1oe for attention.


Read cahs statement City Treasurer for the

month 01 July. Referred to the City council for its information.


Read oe:rtifioate Aaaista.nt City Engineer as


His Sir:

orship the ayor,

I beg to recommend payment to the cook d Whee. ton ~ of the sum If

const:ruo,tion co. 0 ~undred and eiihty two dollars and

five thousand ti1 (~ 2~2 32) on account of their thirty two oents ' ,w5 ~i~gi the second aeotion of the contra.at ftor.A con!nett:~~epting sewer from Oakland North Wes r;i. Road to Chain ~~~~m;ted value of work done $135,203.25

Lesa lO~bretained 13,520.~3

=-t~I.682.92 116.4oo.bo

5,2e2 32 Paid on certificates l ~o 10

Bul• rfcommanded. H. w .Johna ton, AastsCity Engineer.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


The account is passed for payment.


The City Engineer is instructed to notify the

Yiotoria Geaeral Hospital that on the 17th of

4uguet inst. the water supply to the Hosni ta.1

from the high service system will be cut off

and that frow that date they will be supplied

only from the low service system,


Read application Tnomas • J. Lynch for position

as asiiatant in the City Engineer's office.

Referred to the City Engineer for report •


Read water bill estate Cat erine C~nnolly

23s Maynard street claimed to be excessive.

Referred to the City Engi1eer for report.


Read ~etter ReJ.ief commssion re loaJ1s in

onn eotion with e losion dame.gee., as foll owe: Halifax, 1.s. August 5thml918.

City Treasurer, City Hall.

nea.r Sir:- Referring to our discusaion of today, we would inform you that our advanoea to the City of H lifax, on account of the School Board Com­ mission, amount ot $100~000.JO and our loans to the city iiself- 35,000.00. Over and above this we have exnend.ed. 65,000.00 on repair a to aohools and Ci~y property, making a total of $200,000.00

e shall therefore be glad if you ~111 arrS.I ge to let us have bonds or s took cert if ice. tas for the sum of $200.000.00 as collateral security a.gains t the abOV'S advances and e xpend1 tures. We ar e prepared. to oooept stock oertificates, pro- videdththey canb~ee~cr~~gfgarf%r~eiltirti~x~s~iter, that ey can ° A • •

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

as follows:-


August 8th, 191.

if we so require. H.T.Glass,


The City Clerk is instructed to ,rite the

Releif Commission asking for an explanation of

~he item $65,000.00


The City Engineer is requ~sted to report on the

in tallation of .o..n eleotrio light on nouth Kline

Street bet een Oak and qutnpool Road.

TAXES - ASJESSMENT 1919- 19g_Q_ Read report Con txoller Murphy as follows:­

Halifax, N.S. August Sth,1918.


His orahip the ayor and Boa.:t·d of Control.


The Aeoeasor1s Depextment -will soon be staring on their e..nn.u~ rounds of the City, mn so :fax an the nei ays t em is concerned, evorything is still in the air, 31th noihing definite to eay whether 1 t is to be brought into effect or not during the coming year. It is not good enough to~ allow thia j atter to stand as it has during the past ~ao years., and be told that there 1s not aufflkcient time to do anything on it, as some deoi ion should, undoubtedly be reached.

I would therefore recommend an early oonf,erenoe ,ti th the Chief Assessor, for the purpose of dieouasing the situation fully and deoideing just ha.t is to be done.

John Mur hy., CONTROLLER.

Moved by controller Murphy sec mded by

Controller Hines that the report be re:f'err~d to ~~---~ ~ the City solicitor with i~ctructions ~inetitut~ '!

uotion pa.need. ~proposed ne, system of aaseesment.


Read report City Home for t e reonth of July

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



A:ugust gthm 191g.

Hal if~, M, s, Autguat 8th, 19· 8. His Worsh1p the Mayor,

Members of Boaxd of Control and City Council.

Gentlemen:­ I beg to sucm; t the following report of

Charities Department for the month o July 1918. The S~,uperintondeJJts report shows that

during the month t~ere were 15 persons admitted to the City Home, 23 discharged and 2 dies. Of the number a.d.l-ni tted 6 1er chargeable to the Province and i7 to the City.

The total number of inmates July 31st as 2831 ma.de up of 150 men o;nd 121 women and 12

children. On the same date last year there were 150 men, 120 omen and 11 children, a total of 2$1

There were 4 persons adm·tted into the Nova Scotia Hosptial d.uring the month (whose m .. intenanoe ia ohal'geable to the City of Halifax) and 3 p~rsons rer e discharged.

Attached hereto you will find report on Boiler inspect~on.


Referred to the 01ty council for its information.


It is decided to recommend to the City Council

that permission be given the E.L.Ruddy Company to

erect bill boards at the following locations:

On buL:..ding o-e!' North ea.st corner George and Bruns ick Street.

on bui•dLng Market Street West side south of Prince street.

On buildj_ng Marth West dorner of ounard and Gottingen Street.

controller Yurp y dissents.

HL.'1:tD COAL.

ead report controller Murphy t,.,9 follows:­ Halifax, N.S. Aug. 6th,l9lS.

His orsh1P the Mayor d Board of Control.

Gentlemen:- 1 d. tea fterious Reports obtainable n ica ~ i tuation ,11th regaxd to obttrl. ning a supply o,f hard

~oal for t_ e coming winter. Apparently one of the difficulties is transportation.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.





August Sth, 1~1g. If o.n th.. i · ·

situation, it~~ul~n~ ·~ to be done to relieve thia recommend tbat a e one at once, and I would ernment at Ottaw peti:ion be forearded to the Bov­ place immediately'a~s .. ngd~ at steps be ta.Jr.en to suon tcnna~e a.a · ~ne iaposal of the Province of wha. tevei suppi~ ~;o:ssry falor the tra.n~por~ tion I

1 a.r co can be ob t a med.,

fOUdl n v ew of the exceptional condi~ions it seem ~eaeonable to ask that a o~arge for'

~ransportation be made mased on t e actual cost nourred.. I rou l.d If this suggestion meets w1 th your a.pproaa.l. .;-afted reoonuuend that a suitable P3 t1t1on e i..u.- end for a.rded at once.

John Murphy~ COlfTROLLER.

The report 1s ~ef~~~ea-~ - is orderai to be

for~a.rded to the City Co1ncil for approaal.


Read report Controller Murphy as follows:­

Halifax, N. s. Aug. 8th, • 918.

ylis Worship the Mayor and Boar of Control.

Gentlemen:- Mr. Doa.n1s r~-curn to his regular work

• i tl1 the City should ma.ks poasible our giving some serious consideration to our water supply. un­ doubtedly we will be confronted with the sarne sit­ uation during the coming winter as we have exper­ ien,oad for a number of years, and if any remed.y oo..n beapplied, it eeA is absolutely necessary that 1 t be take up a.t once, if we hope to ~rive MY benef'1 t from ti during the coming winter.

I :10uld i;hexefore recommend that the City Engineer be asked to make the earlies,:; peesible investigation, and submit for the consideration of the Board and council any :recommendations w~ ich would tend to •ffeam1 e.B! the improvements required.

John Murphy, CONTROLLER.

Referred to the City Engineer for report.

WATER EX·rE.ISIOd. (In mo~ion o! controller Finlay the City Enginee.

is inst:ruo'ried to eubmi t a repo:r t sho,., .,_ng the number'

of wa.ter extensions ordered and the order in which

they appear on the orde~ book. -\¥~

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Auguat $th, 1918.


On motion o Controller Finl. y the City Engineer

is trm'tructed to submit a report whowing tne number of ·:11, er construotio s ordered and t e order in

which they appear in the order book.


Road report Controller Murphy as follows:­

Halifax, N.s., Aug. 6th,1918.

His worship tle Mayor d Board of Cor.trJ..

Gentlemen:-- Cofadit1ona on a number of streets at

reset make ~eoeaaary that, in the interest of puolio safety, immedi te steps be taken to repair t em. Ti is particularly applies to a number of

ls, which, due to the recent heavy raina, are no rw in a very bad shape.

ri ner , accompem.ed by City Engineer, look- d over a. portion. of conn al lie stre(:}t, bat·«een

Water and Brunswick streets, foll'Jwing tlle rain OI Saturday last, and found it in such a condition a.s to make heavy tra.fiic uilterly impossible. The portion bet en Bruns 1iok and Barrington s_txeets is ao gouged out ae to be very dangerous for e:ny kind of traffic.

1'he question of putting this street in shape bas been up on a m;rmber of occas rone > but no sulution has ever been offered. Tbe City contin­ ues to expend money, !01101 ing every rain to replace the p:r:otion o:f same wn1cb has been waahed out. It would seem adv sa. le that we at leaat experiment on a port1 on of t.11 s hill, with some class of per a.newt pavement, if eometh · ng eua ta.ble for the very heavy traffio oarried on there could be obtain able. I :rould recommend that the c:ty Engineer b inetruoted t~-1f\e to try out eote type of block paverr1ent on a portion betnennWater a.nd Bar­ rington streets. If successful, we could oa.rry the work through to completion.

•, ,



Tne reDort io referred to the City Engineer

for report, The

01 t.y Engineer is requested. to prepare and

subm1 t a ooniprehensive report on the paving of


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

- . tr'i





August Sth, 12_1.S_,_ all streets in t'ne }.city w. ich 1 ~ 1e recommends for

paving cover· ng estimated cos t and recommendations

as to the different coverihgs he ould suggest for

horoughfares and for by-otreets.

The Assistant City Engineer 1c requested to

re ,ort s to informe.tion obtained by him during

hia recent visit to .e~tern Cities on the ~ethod

of financing expenditures for street paving


The City Engineer is instructed to subnu t

eetin!r .... te of the cost of laying a concrete pa.se

for tr:.e paving of Argyle Street and pODtions of

Blo, ere and Grafton Streets without asphaltio


oved by Co troller Hines 84oonded by Controller

Taylor that 6 .e. Morrison be appo In ned a

auvernumary coal ueigher.

:roved by Cont o ller furphy that Dou~ald McDo ald


be appointed a oupernurnary. The matter is

eferred until the next meeting of the Boar,


Tenders are received and opene~ for installation

of a ne,1 cunopy ~ver the kitchen boilers in the

City Home, as follo st-

Hillis & Sons. Ltd. Jas. Donohue

• 235.00 150.00

It is decided to recommend to council the

a.ooeptanoe of the tender of James Donohue.


on motion of Controller Murphy the City Clerk

-~g7- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Auguat 8th 1918.

is instructed to write PT ~h 1 __..Jo. . , • 0 ea c irectinll" him to --v-· ,.. ....

dieoontinue t..:i use the buildi ~, ,~ ng at Tower Rpad for

the s tabling of a norae,


The City Engineer is on notion of Controller

Hines requested, to repair the foot pe .. tha acczcse

citadel hill.


Aocounts chargeable to various services are

paased for paymen t, a a follows:--

Ungs..r a Laundry John Moinnes Chae. Brister & Son Blackada.r Bros, Halifax Herald Blaoka.de.r Bros. Halifax Herald Chronicle Pub,1co. m. Regan

Chronicle Pub.co. Kelvin & co. Hfx. Vul. co. Chroni~le Pub.Co. Halifax Vol, co. Coates Electro Plating Burne & Kelleher A.H. Lamphier R. N. UoDonald. Jolm Starr J. HI Churchill R. N. oDona.ld Ha.1 if ax Vul. v, or ks Burns & Kelleher N.S.Tram & Po,ve.r co. N.S.TrDlll & Power co. Jae.Simmonds

ell' s Ltd. a. o. Marriott H. D. McKer zie National Drug


T. o. Allen & co. Neil FOX Burns & Kelleher " ff H. McFa.tridga H,D,McKenzie Mar.Tel. & Tel.Co.

$ 22. 94- 4-4-. 26

car1900.oo 1+. 65 6. 27 4.65

n 6.27 " 6.27 Harness etc. } • 63 .!ldvertis.ing 6. 27 Hurdware 1.40 Vulcanizjng 12.0, Advertising 7.32 Vul. 11. 25 Electro Plat. S.oo Repairs 15,1~5 ff 22.75 Stores 26.65 Eleo. Sup. 1.00 Ex~ensea 3~.35 stores 1e.75 Vul. 24.65 Repairs

5 •• 906

Light 4 n 2.70

Hardware 2. 59 Clothing 47.00 Hor shoeing s.oo Coal 14,50 stores 3.50

" 10.50 sta;tionery 5. 95 Harness &.25 Repairs ~0.97

n 10. 09 vet.services 21.25 Fuel :29.00 Phone 36.00

L~tmd.ry Lumber Chief's Advert. Advert.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August th1 191s. _

Fire Depa.rtn.ent Continued,

Canadian 011 Com, Imperial Oil co, Cra.gg Bros, Bruns & Kelleher m, Regan Chas. Brister T,C,Allen H, McFa.tridge Chas. Brister J.elvin & co. City Home John Davison Jas. S1mmo ds North rn Eleo. co. Robert Horne~ John Starr & Son. Burns &Kelleher Frank Fr a.eel' Stroud & ·Eveleigh Buckley ·Coal Corr.Co, Fen ick Nurseries

City .orks Department.

Ci,;y Property !Internal Heal th , arket Revenue Flemi g Pa.:rk City Hall Lighijng Cleaning Paved Streets Streets Sewerage Abo.ttdli1.· Baths Town Clook Maintenn.noe Fu ... 1 City Hall Stree"t Lighting Tub=3rculosia Hospital Teams & Stables water Maintenance q.ter Construct ion

CITY Home Accounts.

Wentzell9 L · d, H,L.Williston Davis & Fr er A. Wilson & s.on Smith & ProctQr F, '" Ked.dy

.Y.Kennedy The Fleieo man co. F. w. Fra,ser H. oFauridge N. s. Tram. co. M~c1lg1A/1~ttR0•

Stores 6.40 Easoline 64.39 Supplies 3 .s5 Repairs to 11ach. 9.53 ... Harness e tc, 10.75 Supplies 6.25 St3.t1onery 4-. 00 Vet.Services 20. 63 SupplieF-1 53.55 H3.Xd:ilare

, 1.62 V

liood 2.50 Lun:ber 5.85 Hard, a.re 6.20 Eleo. supplies 14.10 Hor shoeing 20.~o Eleo. Supplies 12. l repairs to macn ,2.11 Feed 6S8.33 Car. Repair a 7.60 coal 7.50 ,ree.ta. 10.00

$ 3,4~5. 37

Groceries Mea-ts Yeas Pork Freah fish Butter l ilk dry goods Yeast F'eed vet.services Light 8lti!!

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

T,C.Allen Bc.ld.win & co. Jae. Simmonds A/ J •. !oNutt Geo.E.Boa.ri & Son mperia.l Oil co. Brookfield Bros. Walsh Bros. John Tobin & co. JohnF. Outhit Chronicle Pub • .6o. Blaokad r Bros. Halif Herald Ltd Hillis & sons ' J .H.Buohanan S Lar t.es Robt. Stanford Nova Scotia Hospital

Stationery Crockery ware Hard.ware Rep/ re ,1agons Coal floor oil Lumber Pain[IEing Potatoes ,, Advertising fl

r, 25 7.20 5.36 3.75

12. 25 i+.75

)4-.69 s5.o: 147. ss 84-.oo 8.36 4.65

.36 Sundries .SO cash e.pended 59e.49 Pay sheet July 1120. 66 Horse 200,00 Yatntenance 24~s.6o

Ch J" 7335. I a.rgeable to 1917-191S accounts

J, T.Dorey Stairs Son & Morrow Hillis & Sons


Eleo.repairs Plumber a S p. Plumb·ng

24-.00 257.95 q4.o~

Ohargeab~ebto construction aocount 1917 & 191g.

Hillia & Sons Ltd.

N. blio Gardens.

Morton & Thompson S,C.Tnompson

General. Accounts.

MoL ean Pub, C •

Halifax Herald Bla.oke.d.ar Bros. Ohr n1cle Pub.Co.

Ex, 12.00 4-.oo 4.00

:Or. Finn Medical p..MoBride J.E.Fergueon Jos. Barry E, u, vei th s-e~ R.c.ounn T.C • .Allen & co.

City Assesaors ff ff


n n

Colleotor Treasurer Clerk Mc ... yor

Blumbing $1061.00

Ro.kee Fodder

Subscription F1.nanc ial Post

Advertising ft


Certificates of A., Lochart a.oo s. Me a.gt.er I+. 00

Ma.le unkonwn4.00 services Duns rec!ord stationary

Office 3. 00 " • 60

31.95 1.50

139. 10 25.00


32.00 10,00 40.oo

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

A• • Maokinlcy Blanc. Booka City Asaesso~ 4.50

Ton Planring Board Co~~:~tor51.90 Chronicle Pub.co. Sub. for 1918

City Collector 6.oo n Clerk 6~00 12 00

Sub. to Heaald . - · • City Clerk 6.00

Colleoto:r 6. 00 Cords T. V .. Ribbons

56.4o 3.75


Offioe Specialty co. A.Milne Fraser Supe rintentent of

N egledted. Children two mcn ths main Halifax Indut.itrial School •

mainten anoe 3 truants 3 mos. to Aug. lat.

do deltnqueuta st. P1triok•s Home

maintenance of t·ruu~t 3 ...... s r,.oa. Aug. lat. do delinquents

12.00 .45


City Health Board.~

June ith.,Dept. Pub.Health Vaoou1e 2,00 May 7th,to July 31. T.C.Allen Supplies 18,90 July 26th,Na.t1onal Drug co. Tongue Dep. 3. 75 :Uay 20th.A • .c!ilne li'raser Type Ribbon l,00 tay 3rd, A.E.Co.r ell Rep. AmbulAnce .50 ! ay 21Ld.Redorder Advertising 2.30 Mc.y & June Seotie. Pure Milk co. Milk 6. 34 June 1th.Farquhar Bros. Elec. Lamps 2.64 U~yv& July John Starr & s~n. Supplies 9.os May mune & Ju:y o.c.warner, Milk 17s.s4 Uo.roh, April., Home· Good Shept1erd Landd.ry 14. 60 May 2nd,Chronicle Puc.Co, Aivertising 2,30 Aug. 1917 to Feb.1918 Max.Tel & Te.CQ 142.54

, ay, June July, Mortono& Thomson. Bat cer ies 5. 75 June 19 & Ju y 18, G.M. Smith Cheesecolth ~,2~ $ 39 .2

City Hea!~66Board Explosion accounts.

:Mor'tion & Thomson. R.N. cDonald Robt. McLeod Ho"'.'v u.rd Quinn Stairs son & Morrow

sundrietr G:rocer Les meats on ambulance Disenfec t mg pump

diahee blinds Con,reyanoe r:aslling Pot Sore ens shee-ca etc. coal

17.95 S26. si 6J5. s7 100.00

Bald 1n & co. N. S, Furn. co. King Edward Stables G.R.Marshall Hillis & sons. .T.Fra.ncis

J & M.Uurphy s. cunard & co.

9.00 27. ')5 16.20

2"3.50 23. 25 1.75 7.35

25.25 289. 75

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 8th, 191~.

Natim o.l Drug & Chemical Farquhar Bros. Kinley ts Ltd. Berringer Bros. J. A. Kaiser

Co. Drugs Sund.r · ea Drugs Groceries Fish

19.50 7.00

4$4-. 7 1s9. 6 50.15

T e Boaxd adj ourned,

• i

MAYOR. i 'Y-~



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


AU~~th, 12,lS.

Tl:e Board of Control met this evening at

10.35 01olook , present His Worship the ayor and

Controllers Hjnea., Murphy ad Finlay.

LIST OF HEADLINES. - City Hall Repairs and Alterations. War-Knights er Columbus-$100. 000.00 A:rmy Hu1is Oo.n1-

pa.1 • Explosion-Furni tur e Repairs 01 ty Ha.11.


His Worship tne Mayor reported the Board


tha~ the City Council had at th10 evening1a aesaion

referred back to tln.s Bo~.r14 for immediate attention

its report of July 29th re Repairs a.nd Alterations

to the City Hall with the recommendation that all

interior ork in the City Hall n going on be stopped

on the ,fternoon of August 9th. a.nd. that all bills

contractJd up to that time in connection therewith

be passed for payment,

On. motion ft of Controller Murphy seconded by

Controller Finlay it is decided to ooncur in

the recommendation of the Council,

uoved by Con,:;roller Hines seconded by Con­

troller Murnhy that tee Board recommend to Council

that Walter Lownda be employed on the basio of

cost plus 12* per cent to carry out any further

\!ork in the City Hall wlich in the opinion of

the City Engineer is a.baolutely ncoeseary. Motion

passed, Controller Finlay dieaenting.


A to Council that in It is decided to reoammenu

-493- •

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.




AuRUst Sth3 _l~lg. conn otion w1 th their campaign to ra1ae the sum

of $100,000,00 for wa:r work ond'in connection with

the construction of Army Huts in the wa.r zones

that the Kniehte of ~Columbus be given permi sston

to erect model huts each g feet long by 6 feet wide,

at the following named locations:

Robie Street and Spring Garde _ Road. st, Paul' a Hill . W111o. Tree


Read a.coou t C.A,1everman $35.~5 for repairs

to furniture damaged 4tt through the explsion in

tb-e C'ity Hall,


The account is passed for

The Board adjourned.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Mayc)r Ba.wk • s, and Board of C , .~ tr ol.

Gentlem~D:- • As it is necess ry \;a-funds


J\uguat 15 t_ ,

'I'he Board of Co.1trol met this orning a

10 o'clock, pr,.,scnt His Worship t11d :M/,.yc.r and

C - tr oller B F1 ay, Hines, lluro: y and Taylor.


Lo s for Va~ious Purooses. Trustees of ~inking Funds; Fire Departemtn Blidds for Engine Housea. Fire Al m Boxes. S ~7e ag OVe ·flo, --1 1 South P · k stre t-Mr~. G.M.Hervey. axwe111a Gar·go 33+ Robie Street.

Payment of U aut orized accounts. Navigable ia.t3rs-Protection Aot, Wac er Bill L. Kesheu et al-Cun . ·cl, Almon and Cogowell Sta. Plumb ng in Ci y Hall. Pxi t1u o Annual City Repor,:;. coal e i g .. er s Fees. ater Bupply 41 3 Brunswick Len e,

Water Sunply #221 -v. eu t Youne Stre,.., t. Davis & 1;Fraser ov mg H GO on Barr1r1g-con St:r e ·• Isolation Hospi~al, Para.de Fence. ueorg Street Sidewalk. C arge-e - . - for Wa1.,ert g Steamships. Wooden Freight Shed Upper ~ater Str~et. ierket Buildi!g Ren~al. Pur ~y OI .ater SupplJ. Motor Ha.ck License Ch!'U'Les Shaw. Hydro-Electric Power- Halif x Po er Company. Shop in Residential District-Ben Moir. H.H. Blois vs The City. Poultry Show 1n City Market. Coal Weighere Mouthly Report. Painting City Hall. . Tramway co pany stor1ne ot Cara on Stree~. Exploe1on-Eeiima.te 01 Citj1s Losses •. Explosion- Fire Departme. t Relief Eng1ne. City Pri son R ~ _i cs , JIIIIIJ11l f IiI~ l


Red repo~t City Treasurer coveri1g letter from

the Royal Bank, ac follows:-

Of ;ice of City Trvaourer, August 12th 1918.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 13th., 191 •

roenp~ovidedd I r spectfully eubmt t t ae -Pollo., g

.., • 1 er can 6 .A t ... 1'

.. h s bean au 1 ri;ed.,,, to c. 13 l~l~ the City of Hr1..1 · f x the schadulJ hereto foro~fra the euma s9t cut jn f r oacn amoun t and _-ie purposes specI 'ied of the Halif~1 Co 90f~c.~~ ~r. BY. th~ pr ov i e Lon amendmentie ther t -: Fun:l Act. 1905 and of tbat fun1 a.., f, t~ .... sa.i sum sha.l.l, form part en ur,s in ~ :da .• e &e?ured by stock or deb- ,.. .""'"'?0""' ance J.t."l 1in:1t Act shall cav ~.1; ··!Vo or an ter~B t not exceed: ng 5/1;" and thep - a: ~lb~ d.htich the Bame shall be ~~de payable

• e rm1ned by the Council . Y s.ec c Cap. ffJ Acts. 1918 the r~1ie of in- 'ter~n t ae ah , ;;,,e to read not exceed mg 6·1~.

Sc1 e ule. ,. 'l'ube1·0 lofda HoEL,i .al ;a. Curbs nd Guttera u5000. se~ er Cons tr o tf.or s fro, time to me 2n6ogg6 M_t.rket Building Completion n~t exceedlng~2500 ~ Public Abatt ir n

1 11 11 10000:

Lo~ es & r _ Laceme ts by ex-~1loeion 500000. Af" r a coi f er ence i th AC ti r g Ci tv Enginear Johnson "the elimination ( under au th.or i ty p · vious Act ) of·

' I

10000. 44700. 2500. ia

Per ent Si eaalks 11 Pava:11 ts

l..,. Building Co pee tion s gg~sted., and t at tha neces ary .revision be ma.de as to rate of i :i.t'3reot d. . uration of bonds for the foll 1ng i terns ..

Tuberculosis ·os i al Widen~ ng Streetw Wat V xtens icna Public .Abattoir L ... t .... ru.l se.vers


I oula. l' .... a:pcc ful y cmggent th:!..t the necessary steps be taken to determine •1hether to borror from the Royal Bank a.a per letter ad·· essed to Co11.troller Firiluy e,nd hereto attached or to test t e m ""~et by celling f'or 1:ende:rs in tl e usual w y o.nd include last ye~r1u sum of 133.5e~. Th loan of $500000. for losses and. r · place1 ents is be1 g dealt ith by the Relief Commission. In di tion "GO tl1 .... f regoing am.,unts., .y Cap. 60 Acta 191S t 1e follo;;vi g Emma are to be borrowed uno I ho.rt ta1·m debentures a..TJ.d it is sug~este that they be referred to theBoa.rd of Trustees of the Sink_ng Funds for an offer.

otor Police Patrol e~icle ~2000. Ci .y Home Improvement 6000. Fire Dep tmeu t EQuipmen t 6000. City As'seaernen t Plan for completion -=2~~-0_0..;..~- Total. $ lohOO.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



August l} ch, 191$.

'r i i:1: ref crence to ~he pa.. men t ~or pur chaae of t~ e net fire ent:-;.i.ne t.ner e see s to be a 1iff er ence oz P ... inion u_s to he tner tl.3 Halifax R.,lief Oommi e ion shou'lr not finance -1: 1• · ·t • 1~00"' · '- -'- e d f 1 • I., J. 0 1 em '.] I.) an s 1. a. o su n · ~~ chor t t 'rm Bo. d.,

Jameu J. Hopewell1

City Treasurer.

:.L . HaJ if - , U. fl.May 13th/lg

A. J. F .i.n Lay , Esq., Chairman, Th Finance Comrni ttee,

City of Halifax, Halifas, N.S. Dear ~ir:­

,i th refer ce to our c nv ... r sat ror of t oday , I beg to adv i se you t1·'. t this bank is 111 ng to make t.JrupOriJ.Xy advancee to the Ci tv to

the e tent of ,1276.,000 ag tns t t1 e hypothoc::1ti.o of dabentures a.t tr ... e cppr oxtma.te m;:;.r e price1

a.ft or. J .. g a r eaao iab l e mar gm ; sucl aiv icen to b mede from ~ime to t:.me by ~ay of ov er-dr af t a 1 t11 in ner e t e .. t 5} per ce 1 !:) .r en. um, T_ e

amounf is m nt to 1 o iude tne $132,500 v .ic was arranged for 1 .. t ye , but not ::..v _ · 1e . 0..1.· until recently when $:iO, 000 ~as borro ed.

It is under tuod that the C ty il: have the :privilege of disposing of all or any pori:ion of the deDentures hypo~hecated, provided &he procacdo ara applie~ ~o the reduc~ion of ~he aivances.

F, K. H .r::is, Manager.

The er's r•po·t ~a ordered to be re­

d. he is requented ta prepare and. sub i.t ceived

a draft resoluti'.Jnto be presented to the Coun~il

1n accept .ce o the Be,nl"s t o:rrer.

The Truete of tie Sinking Funds is :teq ested.

to report s to loa.~in~ the Ciwy Gneamoun~ required

on Elh rt ,:;erm debe •. tu~as.


Th.., qtLGtio of the O.'"'yc::i.ntment of e. memb3l'

C on rc·l ~s one of the Trustees of of the Boar .... o... c..

the E~n1 ing Ftmds is diac111Jsed,

The mat er is raPer ed to the c1~y Solicitor

-497- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


August l3t~2 191,B..: for his opinion as to 7~ ether Controller li':inle.y

is a member of the Board of Trustees.

FIRE DEPART BLITn~ FOR • .. 'I '· . L E.;GINF, H')US s. Re· · report Ch ,ief of Fire Deoar trcer t , as

follo~ e;7 ooveri1g list of blinds requ rad for

the various £ire Btatloaa :-

His .orahip u.re Ma.yo· 1 and Board or Con cr c'l ,

G ntlemen:- I beg t ,po~· i _ ord~ to observe the

"Lig its Out" la thc ... t our e11'"~.,na houses will have to be fur ··she wi · bl ~r de c once , I har ev .i h pr eae t e, detailed st~ t eme 1i :.; .. same requt r ed

f O"!: t1 e a.· ffereni-6 engrne nousea, I · ght say tha1:i ~ust pr t.oua tc December 6th, in coaerv i ng the "Light Out" o dine.no our e_gine hous~s rare fully fi tt d up j_ th blinds t rL1.ch. re loat by consequence of he F.: • Lca t on and rnich I consider t ie R ~-.ief Ocmmi.s ion hou.ld r ep Lace

_ ec Ia ly du i .g t he announcement; of the present "Lights Ou" 11 ordinaLce.

J, 1, Churchill, Chief H.F.D.

Irhe Secreliary is ins ruetied to a:-v~rt:i.se

~or t .... nder s for t e b.:.inds r,Jquired.


Rea report City Elec~rioian us follows:

Halifa~, N.S. Augus~ 13/18

His V1 or in nne May r and Merrbers Bo rd o Cort=ol.

Ge t Lemen :- r • The follow·ng fir- al r~ b?xes nave b en .... nspeoteo a? found i go wo .... kin 'J>. o d r:

Jo, 21?,3:J, 7 ., 72, 73, 75,9,95,57• P.J. .. Colpi ii"C.,

City Eleciiriciru •

Filed. 1 S0u 1E PAhl'K ~T .-MHS.

R ad letter Oler s- a l er ks a.s follo11rn :­

•• Jrq $- .,

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



AUt!,USt 131;h, l; le.l.

Ha1Lax, N.S.Au st 12th.,1Jl8.

His ~oroh'p the M· yor, n Bour o Co .ti· ol.

G..., Leme :- 'I'he C ... ty Cl rk advises u t.1;.:t your

Bo ·· J. has dee rded to nay s, G • Herv ey the sum. or for~y (~ 4-0.no) ioll· aa a settlement of ner ola or over r ow of aewer age , On consul ! 1g t.ne C~ y Au i nor he aclv-:i ae that he cannot .Leg 11 y pay the emcunt.,

T' e documer e in connection .t:..'tn £-> me · " ne.e ~i~ ~

A.F.Mess..,rvey, Cl ,Xk or s ,

Refei,i, to His .ors\1p he ayor ~o take . I

up with the Ci y Au., Lt or ,

Th Ci~y Solici'or 1~ ie ueste to su it

.:1.ia opi..lio 11 ri i" g as to t'13 vali i y o the

ac ti n of the Co.i c il. in or dar ·.ng payment of a

por on o '.".ire. Herv "':! • s claim.

·1..0... LL 1 S GP:. AG~ - 33 · ROBIE <:TRE • Red l.,ti.er ac Tl.r e i.uh & · :.rm~:r~e Soliaitor1s

f r D. .,. • Ken eiy protea t:i.n aga u en; ti e er co ion

of a ga •age by Edward Maxwell on his 11roper ty

33 Robie Stre~t.

Referred tote Ci y Eng11vbr to notify

a Ilr i h & ·rr&~ e bna opportu _t will

e g:i. eu for ne h""ijr .... 1g of t e prates t. , da.tl;;;

to be a v- ,rt sad by ~. Jaxwell.


Tho City All i tor ms rgquestcd. 0 s ll 't

a reno- s t all acco ·n ts pai b] him f ram

a,y 1916 to d.a.~e for 'l iol1 t' ere •;as 11c le:~;al

· 0, 1,r -t:ho amou.?l ts and t 1e a.pnrop iation au t or 1 y, tw · - o w -


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

~ugus t 13th, 1, 1s.

Read t e following advcrttaemeni; p.Jlh isned in newspapers

R. G' .C. Chap te:r 115

Notice i ereby give 1 that pur suan t to Chapter 115 evisedr•Stf.M uaes of Caned , 1906, Halifax Ship­

y~de. X & Limited has deposited with the 11n;ater o~_Publio .orks at Otta a, an 1n the office of ~ne Re~istrar of Deeds at Hal1iax, av Bco t i a, a descr "J ion of the 1:: 1 te and plane of proposed okl:.l in Halifax H· r ur ,

And further tij.k ct i ce , that • fter t e exp Lr a't Lon of one month fro the date of t he first pµblica.tion of tr.J. a notice, f 1 ··fa Shipyards Lin ... ted rill anply under section 7 of said Act to the 1{inie-c;er of' ub l ro .orks r or -PPXOl 1 of s id sits and plans.

D .... ted. at O 1, ta.,a thL3 19th day of July A. 1 .19ll5 ?RING~E & GUTlffiIE,

Solici-c;ors ;_t Ot a:, a for II L .... ax S .:pyarcls .uiro ... t.ed,

. I

Refe:rred to th C · ty 1!~ gmeer and tne City

olici~or (Or report.

1 T'ER BILL- • KE"HE ET AL-CUJII.RQ., ~.!!...JON P fD _ COGQ ]:l), SffiEETS..!-

ReA' wa er bills L.Keahen at nl, 65-67 Duna.rd·

Street, 93 Alme? 8tre.t, 33,+7 Cogswe_l Street.,

claim d to b~ xcesa1ve.

Referred to the City J?n·?ineer f'or r .... port.



Rea Extract .Uinu-ces o!' City Council, August

th, as fal:o.s:-

Alderman Kelly s ·brn:. ts tie followi g que s ion:-

" l en wae lihv co .. t:rao e;;;ar e fol' plumb g work no, b e i ng done in tu C:. ty H 11, if any corrcr o t , wh n as the o r k or ded a by horn?."

Referred to the Ci y Engineer for report.

JA.. IT" .-,1, PORT. PRINT .1. Jg ANH 11 J. w:,

Read r~oolu,iun of City Co


c~l referr~ng back

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

T t re Bo· .1· c .(.' c ;.i: ont ... ·ot for _£,113• be 1. Dr co,n aereti0n

its ~eport re t~nders for the pr:ntl.g of the

Acnual Civic Repor- .

The City Cl sr k :i. s r eo .. uestedto if not y the officiale

ffubmi thejr annual reports liltt _ .... as early a date

possible;che reports when received to be con-

aider ,cl by the Board in con~, no ii on with Ald. r­

man Kelly rho was appointed for that ~o.


Re .... d r epcr t Ccnt1·oll r Murphy a follo:a:­

Hc.J. ifa;", f • s., Aug. 13th, 191g.

Hie .iorshin the Mayor and Boara of Co trol.

Gen Len en!- So ,e time .fl. • e received a pet t::..o 1

:o. the coal ttSig~ er s for i... crease in the sa: e or cna ·g s at pr eae t in eff c t , Refere.1.ce to nhe r~ports of this department for the pabt tree year will assist in the conoider ti0n of tuis :pplication. The returns oho, the following:-



101~-16 12862+ 6¢ 7717.4-7 8 .,, ,,

1916-17 129600 6¢ 777~- 61 7 1917-lG 1327+4 6¢ ,796 ,63 g

It 1oul'l! seem:ffrom the above that & total tonna ,e of ~pprox·m· teJy 130,000 is aoout an aver­ age to work frorr. At tta pi· v t: il 1~ rate of 6¢ per ton, each of the pe.rrnc:lnent .·eighers rec ived a net arocunt of $829.38 last year. I1; is just .,ossible that t.ue total requirements of coal may not be available for the coming seanon; if so

e groso income sou ... d be p:r:oport io .. ately ·educed A 11; ie o, pro90:;ed to i er case +he number of perma en.t weig ... er s fret,,~ to 9, it ;ill therefore be necessury to cpporti0n the tota amou~t into

i st .... ad of S p ts, as at present. T king into c ~sideration '"'11 th~ co _1di ti ha

I fe ... l t1 e reques li ma.de by ... e pa ·nll nen t weighers for a 2¢ per ton weighi _g char~e. inor ·s.ee i~ re1:1sonable as they cannot, under corid1 t1ona obt· i .1ng· today, get along on the pxese .• ~ scale.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


huguo t 13 l.> 1918.

,,I ould r ecommend tbat c · aw weighi r1 r a t e of 8¢ per ton be put into eff ct a t once, c:

J')hn :Uur r.y, CO~TROLLT:R.

Approved id oraered to be fur arded to the

City Solicjtor to pr(::p,.re . ordi1wic0 accordingl;i;.

On motion o. Controller 1 urphy, Dougald }(dDonald

is appo m sed to th .... permanent staff of coal 1eighers

an J.C. Morrieo. as ;::. Aupernumary eie:her.

! ATE .flUPPLY if 3 J3RU1!SWICI LA •. K.

A c ..1mplaint as to stoppage of ne: er by eela

i:c. tu.e pipe a 13 Bruns 1ick Lane if; ref erred "'GO the

Ci y Eng n~ r tor atte.ti r,


Ac mplaint of stoppage o· water supp y at

,t221 est Young Street is referred to t1 e Ci y

Engi icer for attention.


Davis & Fraeer ver·o,..J.ly Lpplie for p.,..:m:...s. i cm

o move a house on Bar~ingtcn Street frcm one lee-

n.tion o another to rem in on t e nai location

for the neriod of 6 months, unly.

It is decided to gr n t the request on n v i e nni

Fraser si ing -ti'- agreemen to t ,e eatisfc1.ction a

of the Cit.y E aineer.


The ¢1 y Engine .r :i a requ;:;sted o report as to

the ventilation of the Isolat1cn .{ospi tal a t Thurs-

cuy s meeting.

p AP ADU: Ii"r. .NCE, -- The City Engi ... er 1s instructc

... 502-

to at o:ice

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

. ..

ens ·ges for watering ateeinshjps, '.li th . I

r.por August . .D!!lL-l-.9 ;.8~

n relaticn to t he Par;:tde Fe! ce dan ged

some time ago by an auto goi !g t r ough i .


The c_ty Engineer is requectsd to rcuort

on tLe ccnd t 10n of si e; -m.k George stree SJ ip •

..1.u-ket t:L-:1::!: • ~n "" near

:~¥ ~- he sc!.!.le o

The City Fngineer is r eque t ed to report on

r econ menda t ions.


The c~~Y Eng~neer is! ,queste" to repor~ on

/ the ioln.tion or the but ld1ng act by the Domi.m on

Government in erect1 n g a wooded fre gh'lj abed, Upper

. at er Str et and as to w11eiher the shed encroaches


on the Street.


The C ty En Lneer i" r eque st ed to report j s to the r en al of a per ion o t~.:.e hl ir ke t

Buil ... ii g by Frank Reardon.

Tne City olic t or r epor a thee he had obtained

~,,/ an injunc•ion to pr event tha poLution of the City• a

wa:ter supply · y J ae s Purcell.

. " · ~Y" R adp pplic~tiJ. n ~Ch ·les ff~. , 64 A Mai e

~.,_.J,- Avenue for /.. rrotor rack license,

~c,J-, ati1ued if appr oved by the Chief of Pol ice.


Ordered to be


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

• UP:, •• H>t 13t11:Ji 18. BYDR().;; LECTRIC P ITER-HALIF'AX PO .Ef-< CffW NY

Read. teleer~m from Kendall, Contractor and

F';i,ne; cier as follows:-

"Toronto, Ont. Aug, 12./lg Tr asu~er, C5ty of Hali , N.S,

I have en ... ened i.to en reemcnt Lt h the H· 11f .. Po ,er Co, Ltd. t build their "Olant and on completion to accept your bo .... "s as po:r- your agree­ Lent w th thel?l ou Ld you h· ve any co j ec t i.ona no selli1 met ese bonds now at 1 ket p-ioe the proce ds to be el i truot ~t my b k I wo'.11 prot~c~ y u ~,ainst any less of 1nt•reav int e ean ime I iotice that. you are also making appli­

c a t i.o t Ls ue a fur her five hundred thousand for sci oola e c e cer I w.,uld be orepa:r to m ke you "tihe bes t of o ~- er s f r -chis a.J.SO ire me and I ill c-mc to Hal~fax co c:o~e.

Kcnd 11, Goodyear Bldg.Toxonto."

Rod cColl represe xng the Halif· x Po .• "" Com-

p . y adc..r esaen the Board. Th, tUegram :is

f~ 1 a.


Ben 'cir ve.eba'l ly app'l i.e a for ... ermi.:)sion to

pl~oe o. g aop front in a house in r'uinpo.::;J. Ro1;3,d. in

Ordered to be gr e, teri.


Re .d let-cer Henry,Rogers,Htirr..i.s & S"'CeN"a.rt

as follo s t= Ha:i~ax, N.S.Aug, lOth/lS

Tho Bo ·d o O • :..rol, Halifax.

Dear Sire:- i d , If H Blois We have been reta n oy i;::. • ·• '.

. to comma ce an acci,.,n agaiL.Bt tz:ie of Cl .,y, t» • darna . s for br eao ct the1 City o Ha1:lfa...~ 1 ,, · .,5~ rease """' in r cspec t to statu ory duty· l .... ·o·1mi •0 th;",·,est en.de of J is evi tion ~ rr h_s ai.1. J.

L gar

cb ee same was c

e·ar ins rue ed that our client.pur- r! A f om Max t a Hurschman id -chat ~ e v;;; to him by deed dated th 14· u y of

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Aupust 13th. 1918. June 1917 recorded 6,- H 1. . . _. ... et eeq, :r tha Hurse ''. a .i. ax in Bo ok i.+7' page 6"+5 under the will or . h uian ha~ ob .aa ned this land l om the land was t e. ~~te ~eorge Hur achman , to the 30th Jul l at tnat t~me ;urneesed, and on f'or a eta tem!n t9~r~ a,{~ ~pplie~ to the Ci ;Y Collector said property. es IGrm_ng a lien on the

C 1f0 r ply we.received a stateaent from the Ci~y

o eito4 for the fol owing t·.i.Zeo:- 91 taxes. • . . c1J. 7 16 191~ ff I t I O t t o I • I I I t 'IP I i

1916 " • • . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • 9.36 1 s 17 fl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 • l~,

r • • ' • • • • , • • • • • • • • • 9 • 11 Stateme t 01 tuxes • 25

o th Q3. J.3?,)3 ~ ~ .a~ rd Novemger 1917, we paid t~ese truces ~u. oo 1.ained rece;pts. On December 2Sth 1917. the 01 ty Asa~ssor agaan assessed this land to George H, ~urscnma.n and on June 2,tu, 1~1e our client pa.10. the taxes amounn ing to, ,;9.53

Under d~te of June 2~tn,1918 our cliani; received a at ateiuen t or t ~ t~es for the year 191 / en' mg 1st May 191! which rr.c luded the following:

Sewerage rates 99 ft •••••• $123.7, Interest •••••...•..••.....•.. 2,.ro

$!5 • 5 - . ~ few_d.e.ys later Mr. Blois was informed by ~te

Ci 'ti}' Collector that his land had been sold !"'·-:r taxes r· ... ) 1..,:7 tc A,W,Jonas, but sha.ted that the d ed had not been delivered and that he would ho:J.d it up as some mistake ha.d been made.

It has no\v co e to our client1a knowlede;e, ~hat the tax deed ·1as recor~ed a few days ago, and that be is evicted from h~s land.

T'"1S Tax Deed appears to be based on a sale for non-p ayment of taxes aaueased against the land in tl1e name. of Jame a Jack a fo1' ier ovner , Ii; appears b~ said deed that the last registered deed (9r will) iodated· 7 the 15th Oc~ober 1~96 s.nd registered in Book 317 page 443 et seq. from :-:m. ~r, Vei ·th and 7life to James .tack, But he said land r as o onveyed by two uubaequent conveyances, ttamely the deed from Je..mea Jack and ,vife to George Hnrschman d...,ted July 21 1906 d reeistered in Book 3S0 page 993 et ae. and tne~ v. ill of George E, Hu.rschme.n conveying the land to M.u ,:;ha Hursohman,probt ted !:.,ii Halifax on Anr 11 25th, 1916.

T,e r sul~ bas been the.t our client as evicted from his land ~-ti befor·e he had any notice of the sewe~ rates, and af ·er he had veen told there !1ere no ee e:r rates. our client instruota us th t evic::;ion ~as brought about by t e breacn of the Ci1:y'e statutory duty and their misfeasance. ie are writing v11thout preju~ioe to our ol1ent•s in · .... :rests , i "tih a v1ew to giving you an opportunity ... o eettle' the darr.agea wi thou 1; su.:. t; if you so wish. Our client has sold the land to the Halifex Relief comrniaaion for $900 .. beforJ he was ma.de O.Yare of the


•, .

, ..

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Tc..~e~~e~ • 1~ ~nde_•sta.4 ch .t the Cornrn· "''· i en do not - ... . . a c a m d mSLgeo from our c l.i e: ... t for c)feach of m s ~grr.::;eme t with hem. l+' our c l.e ; _i:;' s damar-e a ar e dt.qQ - such is t e o ae , ~' q I lecS the$ uer~~a r s.te s namely r.71+6. ?? ' '' -c

, 0 If tihe damages er unsettle'] a the a d of ten

uay s from date , we are Lns t ruc t ed to "'T t'o .... 1· ·1 •} , c-.1.L Ive OUr o 1. "n,:; !! r 1g 1 B by 1 egaJ pr oceedf.ngs ,

Henr ,Ro e ... s.,Hai:r.Ls & Gte7ar-r,, oy G.O •

R ~ ferr·3d to th Cj ty Solioi tor and City

POJLTH'(_ SHOW .• P~.-9ITY · RKET. Re r application Poultry Association for

ermissi .n no hold Poul i.,ry Sho,v i t 1e Ci y ''

Uerket Building, ae fol~oJe:-

Hllli f'"' x, n, 8. Augua"t 12th.,/ 1S To HiQ ·or ship t. e :~,,y er :,i.1.l tho Boari of Control. Ge!tlem .n:-

The Halifax Poul try a .• id Pet Stock As0oc1a- t i.o ~ reepo,o'tfully ask for the use of the City ~a.rket Bu- di g L shich to hold. the i,r annual .;'lhow. rrnis snow will J.ikely be held d.ui·ing "Gr.a firnt .eak in Deceicb31' • n .vill JOseL,1y be for four days, onday, co 'l' 1ursday i .c us.i..4ve, i .1. -cead of t11ree c.ays as J s the c~se l t yeax.

As 1111 p. ·ep 1•ation~ for tbe show e.r-3 d"!pen ent upon tne pl!:.oe of i ta being helrl, :r9 :vould be deeply rate:''ul :for early ac · n :re ou::c request. Eu.ecene t.Cote1

The perria~ioD ask for 1s Tented.


R ai :rep rt coal Weigi1ers for J 1ly s.:o

-ch maJ to haV'e rece.:_ ved $6 • 3tt. Filed.

PAJ!NTI:NG cm_&~LL._ Read telder aleh Bros 4,995. for p~int:.g

City Hall, Refe:crad to th City En :,ir .. e :r for re1 ort ri th

recommendo.tiv. 8 as to ;vha.t ortio 1s of 'the pafunting

can be deferred.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Rea - application of the T).·amway Company for . ~ er 1 .:.E'H,iO .... to ,tore a number of cars on the oingle

tru.c t at t. e e :treme sou th e d of Holl is Street during

the progress of ror k go In on.

The permission a.skid for is f:rented suo~ect

to the snt1efaoiion of the Ctty En0ineer.


On motion of Controller ~ur hy tr e City Engineer .J

, _/, is ills true te'i to subm; t ::. r :11 l sed es tima t e n f t'ie City ' n

~ loase t rough the e xp l.oo Lon , aside from the proper y I•

o:f t .. ae schools.



Agreeably to resoluvion of August tth the

City Clerk aubm! vs c cr r ecp nde ... c be twaen the City

nd the Ji.m ~r1oan LaFr nee Fire Rngine Company in

resp3ct to the ~~reement for the hiro of the relief

eno;ine. Referre to His' orship the Ma or.


On motion of Co.1.trolle:c Taylor the Ci r.y .Electrician

is ~o report o the Electric Li~h ing of the City Prison

and the City Engine r on the aths and wash basins and

to eubn it tenders for the work recommended to be d:me.

he Boe~d adjourned.



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

conncn, CHA ffiER, Cil '{ HALL,

AUfW:at l~th~ q18,

Tl1e BOB.l'd. of con trol met this norn f.ng at 10

o 1 clock; "::>resell t His V'i or ah:!. the l.1ayor, and Co. troll er a

Finlay, Hines, Jurphy nd Ta Lor ,


~i~l Pos~ers Licensa-G •• woodill. renders for dve:rtiCJincr pt Gun Prao ·c;ioe. Loans for vatious purposes. Sh p ul: rave Park. Motor Truct License- aoKay Bros. Lo.tor · ruck Ordinance. Argyle Street Sidewalk. Purity o at r Supp yf Officials -co attend Boe.1::i Meati gs. Refuso on Stre ta. S dney Locke. Dang r o a Stove ?rp . P in ting Fire $ ta t1o ts. Trustees of Sinking Funds. \'.e ter c.•upply :ft3 Brunswick Lena. Soft Coal .. Brunswick Streer. Ex::1:ention-Robii1son 1s Ltd. Loans for v9..rious puxpoae~.

, ..


Re!j.d. epplicati011 G. A. - co 111 for a bill

pce cer a license to is 1iribute a .. V.:-;rtiaing imt ter.


Read te. der from tne Even • g Mail to do the

City s adveriis ng at 70 ovnta per inch. Addepted.


Read ,et ·er Mil tary Authorities, s follows:-

Hal fax, .• s.14th Atu;,.u;t/18

To His .,orship 1jhe f~yor Ci r Hall,

Hal · fax, N. S. Dear s1i~: - Will you 1{." ndly arr· nge for "Ciiie inha.bditan tis to be informed thQ.t there will be a c cns Ld r ab'Le

-5 g...

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

'~"t,L Aumist ~ 191 •

;rro~nt ~f firir g from the for-cs on the night of i!e1 y ywh:116 h 1nst ·i~a,d that th.y eed no~ . t axn •• T his "'' o cour sa, in addi·i:;iou to. e l' .,gula:r day-light pr ctice wh. ch is cur r Led out almo~t daily.

W .E .La ng., Colonel, G.s.

The C1 y Clerk 1· • instructed to a dv rtise a

c aut i on 1 .i. t e newspapers.


The C1~y Treasurer submjt the following resolution~

IHEREAS the City o· Halifax has authority u dor vs ious ao t e of th~ Legis atu a o Nova sco t t a to ..., o~rro. o :~t j,.1n sums of mcney for c ·,rtain purp oaes thsre­ i. ... s~eci.t red, . an 1 have oo tai ned permissio trom the F_1ance Dan ~ment a~ O~v~ a for~ bond 1csue to cover ~te rollow ig items:-

in este.blishiag Ga tuber cu losi Hospital $35 00.00

ere 75000.00

To courp re ce l :IT et uild1ng, not exceeding 25 .oo


To a

For ~urtner e .,eni:,i, n i:J: lateral a

To complete Abattoir> u Under C ap ner 63, Actsl91S ..


For i_ nincr s reets., net excoedi g in any year 500).00

Under Chapter 77, Acts 1914. For purposes of I at er supply extension

20000.00 U er Chapter S6, Ao a i917.

For t e laying o permanent sidewalks 10000.00 Uni~r Chapter 4r, cs 1915.

For the layin · of perm:ment ~avements i+4700,00 Unda7 C~aptex 70, Acts 1913.

AJJD WEEHEAS it is n t desirablo nor exped1ent to sell the h?nds, stock er. ab ntures o the City a~ the nr~son~ iime;

... Al D 1"\iE.J.EAS the C1 i;y has authorj r,y unde.r Re-,1,lon ;;5 o... Chapter ,6 of t,i ~ Ac ns o 1 16 to pled e or hypothecate its at oc k or de e rtur eu for e.r1y purpose 'or 11_0. 1~ 1s a:.1 hor i zed to morrow money and secure

the srune by an i--sue or stock or debentures. THEREF0.1.E RESt LVED tria the City do nor r ow from

t ne 1 oyo.l Ben" o ... Canada ..... eum not. to e cee 01 e I undl~ed a.rd forty-:i:'ive housan Dollars. an to i oue to ~be sai B~K as seourity for t~e said lo its s:;tock or d.evor.tur..,s .,.'01· tie sume of £157 .100 on bas::.G of )Jo - )"t yefil'a.

. .

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Tne Resolut1 n ia a opT. ~. fl" ~ d + b .. - ......... o. .Jr e ... o e

foria:r d to the City Council for approval.


Read app icavi'.Ju Gar1'ield Bowser, aa f o LOW.;:-

Hal if ax, N.u, Au" e li+th,191 •

Corporatio. of Hal i.f ax, Ha .i a: .. ., 1 • t.. Deal' Sir b: PT!_IT Fii? .Jr. t:cnur.en, Ci ty_flerk.

I be ro ·~ ...... ply for permi sd cn to e recf a, temporary build.:. .. g o i the ~o.;th end or Mulrrrave Fark facsi ng Barr ig ton Street.

T e size of tihe ouild.:ng rnuld be ab ou t 10 ft. by 15 ft. ::..nd rould be used aB a store cexryirg orkine men's supplies such as bootG, overalls etc.

an' also some lines of confec'tiona.i..·y. The builrline •totLd be a te:rr.pora.:ry s true tu.re

uc h as tb.e cam ... s now buildi n • on the gr ound., Trusting to receive the neces s ry per-

mission at your earl i .,a co.·1venience, I am, Garfield G. BOil"rnl',

It is decided to refuse t"l'.le reo'tiest and .. e

Cl~rk 1s inatruc ed to write ~he Re-ief Commission

re .,uesti .g them thc.t if any sili,ilar applic~tion 13

made to them , 1;h1J..t ~hiA Boar be consulted.


Read Q,pplicatlon HacK1:1y Bros, Dartrrout·_ for


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

frvn of Bro ms Bl· .c

a "fotor Truck Licenne,

It is dee dsd to •ar~t th lice .ee provided

iacKay Br G pay . '""O. 00 for the privilege.

,i()'T'OR_ TRfJ.Q!. 0 DLJ !u: CE.

The Ci y ?ol1ci or is ir s tr-uo ted to prepare

a - su bni 1 t n or - · ina ca ~roviding for the license

fee of ,050,00 per yea:i' f or 11otor Trucks •


On mo Lo ,·,1_· C -.·r 11 H • " " o ar ~ .es tde City Engine ~r

is ir truoted to repcii· the c cncr e te si:ie a.lk in

Shop ~n ie eas~ side

of Ar, yle Street.


Al er ma !' .,J ly in orms tb.e Bo -d of state .. en ts

m~de-· ¥ hln. by - Cl~rgyms.rJ. as to sources of 01J.u1:ion

of the City Is wat .... r supp l y e iatin;., on t~ e ater shed,

and asks that the mat er be invest1 ganed, Referi·ed

to the City Engi e er for repor •


4 / Tha Ci y Cl~:k is i~structed to d1~ect the

~ / C ,y So:j.icitor and , e City Engineer or h • Assie­

~ tant to attend all meeting of the Board.

Rti.FUSE on STRE'li'T:3. --· Alderman Kelly complained of the co i t Lon

of s tr e e te caused by contrac-cors depositing ·uebish

aken fro 11 1 ngc dur rng r .... pair • He augge a ted

h t t l' contr"'•'°'ltors be cori1oelled. to mak .... a deposit - a .. .. .. ~

ore a permit ls gr ted for re.pairs, th. deposit

0 be forf ited u less the mate~ials depos t t ed on

t ,e at ee-c;s are no remuved therefrom i ,:;.ii a


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

re scna.ble time .. Aum.iF.. t '5th 12J.~-

R ef erred to the Ci Y Engineer.

Read letter Sydney Locke The ledJter ie he...nded to Controller ur_ hy.

C,; trollar Hines cotq:>lai ed of a dan er ous

stov ipe int e bui:c· g occupied by Bet McDonald

on Bar r i ngt on Str·eet hi h h c e has fail.d to remove

uppn requeat.

Beferr d to t:e Ch:ef of the Fire Depct.l"~rne~t

to bring act on in the Po'l i.ce Court if ll!r. ·10Dcrnald

f~ils tor move the danger.


Read letter Chlieli:r of Fire Dep r tmen t , as

f llo·is:-

HnlL.a c, N. 8. Augu t 15th/ 18

Ii.., :\orship the L'iayor and Boar of Control.

en t Len en:- I here ii th 'beg to submt t to . ou ~01· you ...

appr ovaf the aoc ompuny Ing specificati ns fo.r: pa: n t i ng in the differer:t engine houses cauced by t ie '": losic,n of Dec Ai.oar the 6t •

'I'lri.s na.in .. ing as also the windo glinds referre to · n my report of Augus t the 12tl ... , ar e me r e pectiv .... ly GO the December Dies.eter and c, not, be paid for frum the F·rc Department• ap ropriation as there ar e not ouffiotent funds available.

J. f. Churchill, Cnief H.F.D.

Re erred to the Cnief of , Lr e Depa.rt ien t and

the Ci·iiy Engi ie er to ..:.o over spec Lf Lc ..... tions of the

var Loua fire etatio a 9.0.d :report on t e work naoee a:ry

ro be done w1 's recon.me ~dat ans as to t e p:toportion

charge ble to the explosion or to ord_nary account.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Au , st 15th, 191g.

'l1RU.§_!fil:s .QF SINKING FUNDS.

• His Wax Bhi ~ the Hay or asks the Boar a. to non inate

a member of' the Board

Sink i g Funds.

e one o the Truateee o~ the

On ttotion of Co .troller Hines secon ed by Controller

Ta, Lo r , Controller Finlay is appointed a. memb r of

the Bo~rd of T1•uutees f .xxsx of the Stnking Funds.

ATF~ EUPPLY =# 3BRuNS .'ICK LANE. . - Read report Ci~y Eng_neer as follo s:-

H~lif-x, N.S. Aug. 15/lS

His 1orsh n the Mayor. Si ... :-

I beg to report on the ~t sc~ed memorandum e~ fron tl.e Asni~itb.!l Secretal'y of the City H al th Board. o C ,.trol1 er 1.'1.urphy, r espec mg the 1i7a~er supply a.t

No. 3 Brun wicl: Lane. I find that th statemer.t made that the piipe

as dug up at Ho. 3 Brunswick .ane is n t correct, as no excava t i on h .s been made there ti1is ae aeou , con­ sequently it ccuLd 10 be covered up again leavinfl it in an unaatisf act cry state,

There has been t ouble in the main pipe on Brunswick Lane wh,ich the De,. ar tmen t have been re­ pairing as expeditiously 1.10 possibie, ar d the s ,rvice on Brunswick Lane is new a:9pa.re11tly satisfactory.

F. • W .Doane, Ci cy Engin er.



Read report Controller Murp y as followo:-

Ho.li:tt,.x, N. s~ Aug .. 15th, 1913. His tor ship the .Ma. or 1 and Boe.rd of Cor1trol. ~Gen~lemen:- . . Information~ present obtainaole ind1- o tes a s er i ou eitua-cion co.,.f~~· t3..-. ·· citizens de- ~ pendA t on soft 0orl fuel for -c .e o omang :v-inter1i an u: :less steps ar e taken to rem.tidy th3 same, t one rho are leAst able will suffer mos t ,

~ Apptu·ently the ~ues .on of transportation is the obetaole. A it is imppeeible to tranaport suffio:.ent coal by rail to meet the demand!n those v1ho cori trol wa ~r shipmen,:;, barp:e£;, ~tc. aeem __ gly h -:ve the situation entirely at tl.eir mercy.


, ..

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

or Pr eaen t 001 1 tione !t. 03 2. 25 par ?long ton. -

It would seem ab olutely neoese ,.,. · o look to ater tr sportation for a part at laaa~ of the City's

re ui£e~cnts, The Fuel Oo.troller has fixed a price fo:!' Do 1inion co 1 at m: e of $1J.. 90 , 'rr1cir pr ice elivered .here is $:z:i!ax~S.50 by ws.ter , gainst a

price of $6.90 by rail.There is only one solut1o:r. of tn·s problem a.nd that ia for the GovernmJnt to ti:l.ke over r:..ny wa· ";:l' transpori.ation ava1le.ble, :.,t least u i til sue i e as a ai.1fficient quani;i T,y is brought here to me~t local r~qu:re~ents.

I oulo. recornm· nd that the ri,att~r be placed b e f'or e the Gov ernemt .... -el-f3~!i c..t ot·ca a 1i th a r 1-­ qu et that vhatavar e t eps ar e necesarv to meef the si tualiion be t~ ken ~t once, o : .. h rwiee, from pr eae t indicati d, se arc oi ·:. to be up agai st a very se ious ahoru~-c, du:r:i.;."".J the doming mt er ,

A:tlt~ot l2th, 1918,

The cor 1paris n of the trd.nsnor tation rates both rail and water is very iateieating:-

Boat Rate. F.ail Rate. Normal, Co -111; io o per sen u "

$. 90 3,60

1.5~ peT long tDn 2.00 .r short 11

Jobn u hy, CO '.1.'ROLLER ..

The Bo rd i 10 tr oted bhe City Clerk to wri te1:l..

Prime Minister Sir •. R.1,Bord.en , and the fol lo nng ~ tele:.., arr, and letter ar e fort ith H"-ltteTJ:1-

. AuguBt 16th, 191$ •

. ight Hon. Sir. R.L.Borden,P.C. Prime Ei ister,

OTTAWA .. £1r:- ~ h 1f Tod~y r nad th~ honor to xorrar vou on be a. Of th Ci· of Halifax: nigh-le1iG rgram as follovs:-.

"Ht,lif x, N.S. ugust l6th/1S Right Hon s r.R.L.Borden,P,C,

Prime M..!.n1ster, O tawa.

Sir:- Th~ Ci r,y Council of t 1e C. ty o Hali!' x f~ r~ng h t in the Supply 16or the approachuig :i.nt ,4

~f s bo:h age hraci te at1 ..... "oi tum. nous coals a.s ivell 1" nor a.so L CO flt partly OU C> tiO

a~ f ~~~!~~a::~y profi teer_ng in r spect to oarryiug

~h~~~a. respfecct!u1all~ ~~;;rgr;e~\~Y t. ~P~!:; a;~h t ~t on Governemtn o w M es . s i thin its power' under ~he ,a.~ ea.Bur . as lie . 1 ot 1er o·u-i-hor:i. tv. us 5.i:; ha.s to effeotavely Ac or sue <;- "' · • reliev~ th~ situation,

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

AUfu'USt 1. th, 191~.

It has been eugg.stel that shjppi.g eeeeary for co vey rng coals to Hal;f~x be taken ov ,r b:,r the CovJrnment 30 thn 1.ih Citizens of th J Citv ~o m.1ffere so much last ~int .r throun-h the e;reat exp~osio~ .;, December 6th., will no·~ 'uring the ';o 1ng Tl. ter be placed at t: e mercy of those an c.il"Gl'Ol of tho col " t the m·nes or ae carriers.

L, Fr d :.kmagha.n., C TY C.LF.RK.n

I'he ·e is lyi g in t.ne Harbour of Hal if x today (Nor th West - rm) a be=ut ful full rigged iron ship h Lc h .. a, c e i zed in the Port of HaL · rax ~or ar

!"~a.sons i the upr i g of 1917 and is still 1 o ar ge of tht: Sheriff acti ,, for the Local Prize Ccur t , T i is a Sweed1s.h vessel t.ue "Svi1.ir1iod11 of 1s76 net tonnage, 209z. grpas to:t ne.ge., built in 1se1 and o l.as ed A 1 at Lloy e, The Furn ie s .ri thy Co. Lt:. ar e or 1=J e agents for t ie shi .•

The City ..,ounctl and Ci .. Lzens of Ila l If ax believe that this vessel en Juld forthv1i th be put to some uaeful serv: ce and aug· eat t!,at ahe be inu- e'iie.'tiely used for carrying coalo to Halifax.

Under directio I '.! ... 101o~e copies of r ej or ta submitted by Controller Lurphy o. thiR matter, in vhic' are citizo a ar~ so kaeily inte eeted.

t.Frai :W:onagahn., CI':'Y CT El=tK.

On motion of c OJ1troller lurphy it is decided

to recomr,end th~~ Robinsois 11 ited oe paid £1000.

for the land taken r om t' en for Brunsw Lck Street

Extension through o een street f r on; the s.p~ ropr iutinn

i r tre,.. t :ideni g.


t arc r ~quesT.ed to.report The Boa.rd. of Tr s ees · -

C -.J.ty va.ri 'US wr.oun ts on short term a,s to loaning the

deb en turee. adj urned., ~

1.._ ~~ITY G ,ER{.

T: e Boar




Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

J ,; orks.

' .


AuRUst 17th1 1918,

Th:3 Board. of Control ?)et this morn· .. g at

11.30 o'clock presd.nt His V.orAhip the ·!ayo-r and

Co t:rolle'.!:s Taylor and ru.rphy.

~IST 0~ HE.DL, !F.S.

Speci · 1 Conetablee-HaJ ifs.x lShipy r's Ltd,

Read application lal.I fax Shipyards Limited for

the ppo i.rrtmerrt of George A, James, Richard H ~tnett

and Willium Lowner an ,;;eaie.l constables .... t th ir ''


'lhe Bo rd .. ./ j ourned,


-rlAY(R. ,.

t'a-~ C!TY CLERK,

-516- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


\ugust 20t ,_..:,1:91s.

Th~ Board of Co ti·ol met this morning at

10 o I cloe,lt, r esen t His Wore h ir the Ja.yr r d

Controllers T .ylor, Hines nd urnhy.


Hal if Shi:Jyards Ltdoc-::ewers. · Barr~ g~on Street-Floo::Hr-g of Cell'lr-llorton & T:ia sor • . torr ls Street s_ rinkling-Syd.ney Locke. ·:at ... r Extension-H .... ber H rtlen P ·orerty-Robie stree1,, .f t 1· D p ·t1.e .. t Hor Be, Shop ~-ulgrave P ""'k-G _ ield c. Bo'7ser. Ge.rage in Resi e ti al Distr'ic t- dvrar1. Maxwell. Ci y Prison-M3,i1n;enance r f !ili tc:::y Prh>on r s , o ·or HP...ck Lice a ... s ,

C ian Gov rm errt Railrrn.ys Fre g11t She • a~er Exteneic s. sewers. Tower Road Le cer Capt. Hicks, Sep xation Al1owanceG for dependentB o Soldiers. 'xploaion-Re~ief Stamer • .American Ln.Fra ce Fire Engin~e Conpat~y C -r.i. ~ribution. •u 150 s~~eet Rail'ay-Repcrt City colicitor. street Railniy-car #15. s ex age Ove.rflo~;-l~li-Sou-cl r k st. .ir s , G,Ji. e vey. Ci t.y Home ar Is,;:aiion Hos i t9l Drains. Ieolatio Hospital Yo~ris strset. City u.edioal Of 'icer. Coal EL or-tage. Ciuy Engin~er1s staff, Loan 16 · o.oo for various Pu ·poses. Fire Depar men e Ho~e Loan ,.1700. Sergean't Spl'llin-fiilliLJm Buckley •. Loa. $133.50~ from Royal Barik of ca..n a. Felice D rnar tme: t Ulsu·.rs. Deputy c iei f police. Ci TN Prison and Ci r,y Ba H,...a 1ng • Ci -cy Ho ie ]'urni ure. coal eigi1er E. c. orriA, Ci y Home Illneas of nu!se l • Nazer.


Read letters(~) Halifax Shi 1 ards Limltad

as follo,s:-

H s \ rehip tA~C.Hawkins, M~yor of F l1fa.x, and, _ ~ Ch irma of Boar of G)n~rul. H .1.L IF AX , N • S. Dear Sir:- -517-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Au9 et 20th, 19l.2.:_

i ;~n ~~~tp~~~f8 d work t e rna.y u • consc rous Ly con , " u Jome of y th "unicipal im noveme ita

i. juri.1g S ne , cauai ng your 01 ·y and OU S'!llV 8 much _nconvenie ca. c w

~If you 10 1 be so kind s to ha~e your Eng_n-er lo~a e me for ~H, you ill much o lige.


Cht ef Er.gin ier •

. . . • . • . H lifax M. s, Au~s

r hi.IC lay or A. C. Hrovki .a, ll&.lifa. , a a. of Bo r of Co.1 rel.

1 th, 1 as, ·.

r osed rk comprise an e - tension o H"' v r te oul what a

size 0

HALI A, qrlFYA DS L .1·1 D, D.E.01i3ri.;:n,

· Chief K.. gan !X.

Referred to t_e City Eugine~ to take wnat ever


Rewl letter Horton & Thomson cov :.c:.ng cl!l:ir!l

for 5 G. 00 for damage to goods by flo .... i.n of

their eell r B, ~: gton street.

Referr u o tna Ctty Engi . r for rvpor~.



Sy cy Looke appe e.i befor ... n.n addressee -che

B · t noxris street be sprinkled. o ,ra. ur - g a a

His or ip the r:.e;y or i f orrns :tr. Locke t at

he ill h1;i.ve the iate:ring car t e go ~ye there today

an cc Ju::..nue O O 60,


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Augµs t 20th~ l;'lS,

Re a. r b or t C E · Y ng: ne ... r s foll owe;-

Hai , N.S. Aug. i9th, 1~18,

Hia :or ·1 i the Mayor. Sir:-

·t:o I _be to. r epcr ... r~f er er ce · o Mr. Heber Har cl ·n 1 s cc .. t.e 0 .. 1 tho.1.. 'the CJ. i; :t.a 1njux~ ng the ell o :..s PI oper ty by allo ing , a+er to run into it fro Rob.''? Str ce t , and al O 0-C a pr opoaa no ext .... nd t ie 'f[1G l' a rrv z.o e co 1.-:3 properljy.

Fixaii, resp -'8, g the fO'J .inp- o .. l:is 1 ell ... there ,as a pos ::ibili ty in the ye :r 19f4 that 1..1.t r r inn ng frou t e ground ight f L d it E: ay to ... • H· tlen • o ll!. all~ an ef ort =· n n rLd,e 1i0 r emov en.y such

po e1bil1ty, .:.ltnough no admisai n was made that tue C ty Mus ir y y liable. The oondi tionG of l,.,li~ _a 1 e c a ed. to exist, a id. oday any at r h i.cn lo-v:s in-co . H ·tl~ •a property follo.rn i .,. · a cu., 1

co · e ce t in ~o f _r aL it might be diverte by ttera on L~ 0o.r o .d.. I do not t 1ig the C y

oa.b. be eld liable fo surface or un .:;.:grou d ,ate:r nioh is n t iv rte~ to 1Ir. Hartlen1s property

aruifici lly, id ue Ci y solici or, «ho h B looked ove t 7r ~ d itu fue, has give1 ue th~~ o_ inion. I think, ther fore>t t t.e to questio s ~haul be kept sopa.r te istinc1; and tha.t ther oul -ue o justit'icution or t-~e City d,ecidi.ug on any e.vec 1al

police ith ref re oe to .,H:~tlen•a prop rty in J.iscussi 1g th.., question of at r ext naion. .

The a.ter pipe ill be ex r.ended to the e 'I Aba.t toir ~ t' e Supe inter de t of e ":ater Department estirr.atee

tha·· it 111 cost $72C.55 :o extend the p pe to ~obie Street , 1th e. half ino11 pi_ e to the street line of

, H tlen' s r operty. TLe do tailed cost is estinm.ted as follows- 16 ft. o~ 6" pipe ~2g9,go

ooe 6x6x6x6 special 20.40 Lad gaol et a.i.,d pa·nt 5.00 One connec~ion ! 1 ad nipe35.oo 161 • o c ,.,v. ion $ ~~:~~


I would r cocwend that the water be extanded o e su l contli ior: namely thft Mr• Her tlen sign" a bond to po.y not

I leos li~an 07;; on lhe ~a tin ated

coat of the extension, or a m1nimum of~ a year. 'f~ 7/

F.~.i Doane, · Cl y Enginee1·.

A oopy of the report is ordered to be forv1arded

to Mr. Hartlen -519-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 20th, 1918.


Read report City Engine r s follows:­

if~, N.S,A gust 19th,1918

His r.ors ip the 1·a.yor. S1r:-

I beg to xep~rt th~ the h rse rive by llr • IlcClee.n, Superintendent o: he \7ater D part men 'Ti • d .:£ daye age, d it will b ece s sary to

provide team or l·s without d-lay, either by purch oing a hor ce or ot .. 1erw1se.

In my cbpinioJ:1 u:. McLean th ould have. a. oar. He is indi farent hiu s lf, but I think a oar ou'Ld be at: even gr o :r dv arrtage to hi t·

to so e of the ot1sr Dopa.rtmewts, especi liy inc se of fir • • cLe m could kee the o at his o m ' ous , takL.g it to the suop r(. never ieces sary, He ~culd tum be a le to go a.t o .. ce i o ae of fire., es eci ... lly .,..ur:i.- 6 the night, and I need uot rem:'.. d you ta it is v~ry n cess ry that Mr. UcLeun should e ch u fir p1·0 ly. I ve done n ' i g iu the n~tt r yet1 bet prompt acti~a is uecesG £y.

F .w. ? .ncc • ne , City Eng1ne"r.

Cot oller H. e ie r ue ted to repo~~ as to

et· er t'rie Fire Depru.-tment can loan a. hoz ae to : e

a.tor Depart «e t u 1til the motor Police pa.tr l ~~ ar ·ives ~hen the Police Patrol h0ra~ a be sold

to the W tor Departme t.


Qg_:rfield G.Bo·,":i·eer appears before tl...e Bo .. ..., ask .g for the Boar, to rec0. sider its decision

nc t to pern it nim to erect a temporary shop in

Uulgr ve P rk. Tµe B,oa.rl deelines to o.l ter i ,;s dec!sio11.

t t'.ue permission asked for. '1D.Ot to gr


Ed. a.rd ua.xwell appearo before the Board a.nking

~ .a.0 :pplioation for a per .it for a decisio ... a..; uo · Iii -


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

J Y.. qj

:w "' D

Jl:,guet 20th, 19~ .• to build a gar ge i1 the reeideDtial di triot.

• ~axwell is inf or ed that the Board · .. ill

give a. ear a 0 t e mat~er next Tue-day mor ing

d Le 01 ty Cl rk is i t:ruoted. otify

Macilre1t and Tremaine for D.i.Ke nedy d e.lGO

C.R.Hoben th o jectora to Ur. Maxwell's n~licatio .•


Rea~ lett r Captain E,J. lloon~y, Aaat. Provost

M er aha.l r e charges for main ce c.. we of Mi 1 · i; -y

Priaoi. ere t the c.:.ty Prisa , a • .., follows:-

R.A. Po.rk, Halifrx, N.S. A gust 15/18

To L. Fr d onagn , Esq., Ci y Clexk.,

H :J. if~ , 1l • 8 •

l o.l0602Z4 P e •• ill"'LJJ, 3lo , 24-6 h R serve Batt. c.E.F.

neu.r s ·­ . Re your le 1.,i::r ot Aug. 6th, oohcurn~n.g bill for k ep "' marg.:. 1ally oted I at C y P isoi: on tb.is 1c:tte nae bear take u_ wit t~e P )"Illaster, H/D 6 but o .. 1g to rul'ing from Otte;dl tne Paymast3r refuses to ~ay t.1.is bill. Her at~~cled is a oopy of the ruling from ot .va, for y 1 f c .1ation, please,

E.J.Uooney.,l~ptain. D.A.P.M •• D.No. 6

Co11e1derai;io .. deferred until 29t:t inst.

OTOR RAO. LICE .SES. appl1ca.tiori.s ~

Rea..d/ Tbom s Chambers 61+! West Street and W. E. Macltie

32 t sout. Clifton Str'eet for motor hack licenses.

The liceneea e gr ted sub·ect to being

recommended 'by tbe c: ief of Police. CANADIAN GOVERlHJEiiT RAIL' 'AY FR ~IGHT SHED.

Read r port c~ty Engineer as follows:-

Hr.~.ifax:, N. S.Aug.19/1! ayor, H1a orehiP the

Sir: I beg to repo1:t + e Canad. en Government

• 1i "


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



6.6ugust 20lth1 1918.

!0~th ;~ ~:-: ~rect~d a new woodea f rei ht shed C l

O brick fre1g· t shed betw·een orn a 11s d 'Pro t C<t has be n ere t d. ~ or ~J ree .... s , 1'his buil z.ng

e crOtlC . thout a permit from this of~ice S'"'t side of .. es over t e ,f _ ici 1 li e on tbe side 20 te the b~1lding 55 feet an~ on the sou~h

et. It ,:1._so. e cr oachea a few inches be­ yong the old line of t'_e street. .•

F. • 1 .Doane, City Engineer.

Refe:rr d to t'.e City Solicitor to take

any steps neoeasexy to ht~e the encroachment


Re~- report City Engi eer as foll s:­

Halif x N.S.Aug. 19/lS

His worship the llayor. Sir,

I beg to report i oompliW'loe with the request of t' e Board of Control that the co istruc"Gian of tl.1.e follo ing at r extenions is registered on our Order Book-

Connolly Stree· Olive Street Quinn. Strc.t Rector Street Albert Street near south- est darner of

Riohmond Stree • She.rood Street Patricia. street Livarpool Street east of Oxford ~tre .t.

F.W •• Doane, City Engineer.

The City Engin.,er is instructe-~ to call for

tenders fr trenchi~g a.nd backfilling for such

of the water e~·tensio .. s amed s can be construe bed

t' is aeanon-

s .... ERS. Red rQport City Engireer, s follows:­

Hc::lif· x, U.S. Aug, 19/lS

His wor h · _ he MB,"or, Sir: .... I beg to r o ·t ir1 c rtrPli ce i th th ... r.,.queet


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Agricola Street. P.reston St .. Union St. .Albert Riobmond Campbell Rd, Chest ut St,

of the Bo d of a follo.:1.o.~ eener s ~rnrol that the construction v:f the 9 regiatereu on our Order Book-

Duffus to Cabot. ~ att St. SOU\ihnardly J30 ft. Hanover to Young

8 to Richmond Union to Cd.r11pbell Rd. Richmond ~o Roome Ced.n.l' to Shirley.

F. .s. Doane, · City En{r.ine ~r.


'10 ER ROfD LF,T'tt:-:R CJPT. HICKS.

Road r port City Engineer as followe:­

Hali..::: ax, ii. e, Aug:. 19/ lg

His orship the M.:...vor. Sir,

I beg to report on letter of Capt. Hicks in reference to the oo dition of To er Ro4~, tha in­ etructiona hiwe already been g1ven to have tl ia road r~naired, an i3=1 the mean t1rue., the clean~ ng suggen ve by Ca.pt .. Hioks 111 be oarried out.

F.W.W.Doane, 01'tY Engineer.

A copy of the report iB ordered to be forwarded

to Capt. Hicks.

Read let~er City of Vancouver, B.C. covering

resolution passed by lihat body re aep~a.t1on allow ...

snoee for dependent& of soldiers, as follo e:­

Vana.ouver, B. c, July 24-/13

The City Clerk, Halifax,

Nova Scotia. De&r Sir:- I herew1 tl1 ei.1.olose copy of the res,._,lution paased by the co ,noil of the City of V: couver on July 1et11, 19 $ for the consideration of y ux Council. '\1m. Mc Ql1.een,

City Clei,k. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

REIOLVED THAT HEREAS en tlle of'fio1al statement of the Depari;ment of Labour of tllo Dorn1n1o 1 elGovern-


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Au_, Gt 20th, 19~1$.

~ent_tbe cost of ;1v· ng h .. ~a incrsa.sed in Canada f1•om v7•3? in 1914 to ;12.77 in 1918·

AND WHERE~ it is the duty of the Domini on of canade, to ma_nt.,...ir.i. tl1.e elpande ts of the sol Ler s and aailo. a ho •e fighting in the mies • ne.vy of the British Em ire 5ainat the Eneffiiee oft e Ki g:

AliD !'H;;· ,EAS ir1. View 0.1.: the s t s t er t of the Depar bmer t O! k· bour ~erebefo:-e mentioned., 1 t is considered by t~is Coun?il that tle sum allowe~ as separ~tio_ p.y ~o the dependerrts of the soldiars and sailors of His M: Ha.jes ty Is foI'ces enlisted in C!-na!fa is l\.nadequate to

.eet tne demana upon them occasio1ed by t_e ·ncre1sed coat of living.

AND 1BEREAS it 1a likely that tre cost of liv ng will c n~inue to increase.

BE IT 'rHERE ORE R....,SOLVED that this Council petition the Honourable t1le Prime .!inister of Canada. to enact le0islation inor ~sing the se9ar ~ion allo~ai~oes for such d ..... pende ts who are 1, w en t I tle-i to such allowances to an amount oommeneur te wi t'h the increased coat of living and that such al.Lonanoaa be auparate and s1 all not affect any allo~a.nces made to dependents by the Conarlian P triot.io Funi or by pay aesigne by the ooldiers · d sailor to their relatives,

A..~D B, IT FURTHER R, SOLVED that copy of this p ti tion be sent to the Honourable t e ?'.rime Uinistar

d to th Premiel' of the v r i ous Province of the Domini_ 1. of Oanada, rid the ""a.yors "" d City C0Lt ~il of the Pri cinal Citie of Canada eking t eir en­ dorsation _ our Pdt1tio ••

Wm. McQi.1eflr11 City Clerk.

The Board. u,.o imously oond.ure in the resolution

of the v c uver City Cou11oil and ~uthc,rizes the

Uaywr ad the City Clerk to forwa.rd a eimiliax

petition fro~ this City to the Prime M:.nister.


The Account $714.oo mnerioan L~ Fronce Eire

E g:. e company fo:r nire and freight of st~amer rer1ted

by the City fro. the Courpany sh or tly o..fter the ex-

plosion ie again rerul.

IIis Fors ip the Mayor L .. forms th.a Board that

1 t·11e pe;yment of the bill if he he will not au tnor ze -

C h lp it. ti~ referred to His Worship the The a.ocoun. "'

it. b.:nd to inform the American La.Fr oe May or to deal ¥1 11

- 524- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

.August 20th, 1918. Fire Engine C ~ Y of his roa ona _, for refusing to

pay it.

AMERIC,AN LA FRA lCE FI~E El ~1ifE CO ;-o NiY C )N- TRIBUTIOJ .-$1500. 00: - ~ -

The matter of the offer of the American La.Fra.noe

Fire Engine Comp Y to donate $1500. towards the

fund for the famili a of fir me . killed in the

eX];)loaion is referred to ~is ~orship th Mayor and

Co.-:i.troller Hi es for .report.


Hali''ax, N.S.Aug. 16/lg

Secret y Boa.rd of Co trol. Si:c :-

It is not e~sy to bive a definite an~~er to the e 1quiry of t e Board as to the rights of the City in respect to the oper t1o:a. of the street :ru.ilway. It epends 1 pon t e la.1guage of t ie original Act of

i cor_ or t1on of t11.e Halif x Electric Tra.mna.y co. · e.e~ 4 {1e95 Cap. 107) which bas been

co solidated with the pr es er t company. T .,t Act is by no ens an ea.ay one to interpret. It is almost deati tu te o any 1 c:ical order or ar renge e t, and much of the Language ie ao vague d verbose as to be almost incapable of n.ny accurate inte pretation. If the enquiry of the Boa.Xd wae irected to a.ny opecifio point I cold bet~er deal ·ith it.

Certain obligations of the Company o.nd rights of the C ty a.re def~nitoly oet out, suon ns the ri~1t to regulate the schedu'l e of whic' o e are to be run, the axtent to ln.ch tl:e Company ia to ... cs e t ae streets., the re oval of snos ar j the ri:ht of the Ci tiY i;o aupervioe d ap9rove all ,rork o the streets. There are also in ~e Act and the so edule w ich forms part of t: e Act a number of directions as to tue ma.inte.. co, e uipme. t an · op ..... ·a on of lihe -er ::ay, i th sueo1fic ne al ties for non-oomplianoe by t ie Co Y• Reapectine" t1ere t).1e:J is lit .. le d;f_' Cu.l,:;y.

In addition to these dof1ni te rig1 ts and. obli­ gi....tio._8 there are bowevar c rts.in vague st ,. emc6 ts, ·(110 we mu ·t suppose were in tended to have norne e:ff eot e.nd meonj,ng, though vf1a.t oun. o ~lY be gu.es.aea. Seo 35 provides that t: e C ii.pany s' Hll opers.te,, keep nd• L ta.in its electric tru.nri .. ,y ,in a constu.:nt

stat~ of repair and efficiency, an- it is failo to dos~ r violates ny p t of t:is Act theOity of' th; ordinance .... ut:.orized to oe made. under the Act t. e City may apply 110 the Supreme C mrli or a judge for a tn~damue to compel the Co~1P ny to fulI15'.lllani keep tu tarms O! ]he ,,{tO~I Oa.:J OfftiU~t0!eilasfst~ t auol:1 or. r or otn-...;.. ... tj ... -


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Aucrust 20th 1 l ·•

aaon b Le , and for f l: ther non-d.omplianoe an applioatioi may be made o cancel !e Ch~ tr.

I additi n to t :c r ,: 13 of tl1e ac hedu e prov:l.dea :-

"The City sh .11 i- ave • ow r to o t'r!er " 'lllea 1d r egu l a.t rona as rtay iI it•· judgme t ba H neces ·e.,;xy fort .e safety and oonfort of 1·s oi - 11 ize lS1 and · c ilipoae such per al ty for tht? breach " thereof r ... a 1 t may dee proper. u

Aa I have lre y said it 1 impossibl~ to do more tt e s t t the mean mg and ::orce of these vague :po11re1·s. Co a trued 1 t::.ei.r \, ideut sense they oul vixtually tuke ,;11e mru · ~-emen11 of the Compa~ y

otl.t of tbe hands of i ·~ directors at. ti vest it jointly in the City and the Su. r eme Court; a· cone t uotion ,.1ich I ar 1 wlined to believe, a. cotrt woul be very r~luota.nt to adopt. Section 35 could eaoily oo construed us c0iferring only _ po.er of e forcmng · e rights and obligatio_e apeoifically mentioned in the char ner , In the same ay it would probably be eld tl~t the Ci 'ty' s po.1er under th~ f iliar idem e;enus p incipl , and conf ina ' to mak:ng r.ules of' tL.e same nature as those set au in the sch dule if ~Y sue ale.as can be ascertained.

But a court ould certainly decline to give any ger r·al i ter r e t ion of theue cla.uees but would only deal • · t' a a.tlecific case r eaer te o ·i for a judice.tio •


Consideration of the report i def rre~.

STREET RAIL1:-AY CAR UO. 15 On motion of c· troller ~ur~hy the City

Clerk is i!!str-c.cted to .1r: te the Mova Sc tia.

& po·.1.;;r C'Jmpa.rq requesting t2em to

eorap street cur No. 15 which is no longer

fit for service.


C,_· ty Solioi tor, , o follows:­ Re d opini n Hali-a..~, N.S.tug. 15/18

secret;;;..ry Bos.rd o! control. De Sir, 1 to the question~ the Boar~ as

In rep Y 1 justipied 1 refusing ~o ihether the A?~itor e!t of the $40.00 ta to c ... rtify for t .. 1 .... 1/4~~ by ·t 1e Board of co 1trol l[rs. Hervey rbeco:c/'c::.tv COU!LCil, I beg to s y and appro~e~ Y • as follows:-

-526- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Aumst 20tt., 191g.

, .: The tn.:d·n ice reg,.1l"'ti g t· 'ut· a of the A~d"" tor !'~scribes that "no arr · t for th paymen b 0.1. oney s all be oertif:.sd by hi u.nl as t.ue payn1;nt is aut orized by la1:r "• The opi ion

1 i I gave -1;0 tie BO!:J.I'd of COu"t;l'Ol 1n t:-,.is matter 1 s h~t i ~se.ce of any e~1d nee, hat­ ever of egligenoe tt e C~ ty io • ct 1able for damw~es oocasio!ed by, s ,er ovcrflo~ That be;_ g so t:.i pay 101- i ia in my opinion,· vrhich I think th Audi tor is bound to f ollo a pay- ment un thorized by lu11, and . hich t.c,~refo a * e i ot o ly ju ti ied out bound to refuse to ocrtify.

In oucn c~ses s this I am awa:re tha.t rny o 1n1cn m, y ul tima ely be found o b in­ accur af I but that I think is risk :hich the Ci ,;y rm.1st run, b eo use the a.l tcrn .... tive to it is that the Council can nirect payments to be ~ eat it~ pleasui·e qutte irrea ect1ve of whet:_er in t:.e upin.io of the City Is advisor the City i legall1 _1 ound for t iem or not, , i th 'he result th~t in e~tirely similai.· cases one cl it.'' t ,o l' b uc.id an· .:;th r 1 e nct , In 't:1 -S particular 01:..s." of oases I am unable to see o. the City could justify its aoticn in absolutely

r fuei g to pay Mr. ~ ebs·ter1s claim . d co 1tasting it to a suoesaful finish, a.a hen pay es for oi ila.r ole.i ll to r1rs. Hervey. If in ·· a.nJ uc o .se t e "n: · euit reporte- to t...e y facts

aver upon wh;;..oh I could see a :fiml::ng of eglig ce could be sup or~ I wou~ very readily recoIIllLeni a set'tlement; but in th~ a.bsa •• ce of y ouc f ~ts it a ems to w.e tne ls.11 1.0 clear and th t the Audi tor as taken the only course co siotent it his duty.

F.H.Bell, City Solicitor.

A copy of the report is ordered to be

f or-ffard.ed to llrs. Hervey.

CI1Y HO:IE Alm I"OLA'rF"-·

- H 1th Bo · as .follows:-­ Read let~er Ci~y e~

Ha.lif ax, N. s. Aug/ 16/lS

Hia worel i iJayor ne..wkina, & !.iemb ra Boe.!'- of Control,, Ge.tlemen:- tJor is· Sub1 i tted. for your i- a ormu - J. .J.

f report file~ by o e of our i~spect?rs copy o' a th ~i tv Hollie e.utl t:he nel'l inf eciaous re draJ-n at 6 v ~ ·e oxt follows:.- ~ iae sea hospital, rn: ~e by Contrell r Hi1es,

non oorop ..!..l1 • ard to I visl ted tbe oi ty home in :r~g . . . s i'M -i-'ue drain f om t.10 naw open1ng -- u


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 20th, 191S.

11nfec't1 ;us d:..soases hoap i t ,1 I .Dind tu t nsid he O t- - f ""' • .L _ .., e an , ol .: Y ome ence large or ic ~ ~ : J ~~ ui cover· ~ o i~ t e fi ld o~ t .... e ., out i s l. e o he • i . . Those plac s sbo, 1~ 1 v . pon, r v.out a cov r 1

. :.1. I.A. nave p ... op ~r iron o cv rs P. ac ~ ~ ~v :c th top at one e , as huri1an f il t o .. ui oe Ree in the holes an t',.!:. ill . d geroua h n ... A· L a t oe t i

=> uiJ., ... mg c on adna · ... f ea ·· cus P 011'tS ff• '

·r~e He ... lt Boo.rd deal.res tr.at t 'ese covers be rovJ.de~ at ~h~ e liesitypos imle date.

J.Wa.t1.ers, Seeretary C.H .. B •

Referred to the c.:. y Fngineer for a.ttent1· n ,


T.e City E gi eer ia r~ uested to r~port at

Thui·ad~y's meet: g a to hen the Isolation

HOS)ital ill be rea~y for ooaupancy and as to

het. r the V itila ion has geen corrected.


Hie !orahip the ·ayor submits or6d&ntials

of Dr.J.S.T it from the Roy·l I1stivute of Public

He h, London England, Tte D.P.H, Exa.rr,.inatiJns

Of Tri:pl alifioatio Boar d , Edinburgh, and

Medioal Register of le foundland, etc.,

C nsiderat1c. deferred.

COAL SHORTAGE .. The city Clerk sublli:ts th following corres-

ponde cer- Otta; a, Ont, 17-ch.,Aup.:ust/lS

L.Fred Monaghan, sq., C · ty Clerk, Hal fax N. S. De 'Sir:- In the absence of .e Prime llinister, I be to aok owleAge your te legr~ on t~e 16th instant in ref renoe to tne supply ot a.n~~..r. cite and bit­ uminous coals for the approaching winter.

Upon sir Robert Borden's.return youx ,

0 01 illlU! ication 1:ill be brought to his at-r.ention.

}.. Walker, for Privo.te seer ., tn.ry.

-52 Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


hurr,ust 20tha 1918.

Ha2.ifa.x, n. s. Aug/ 19/18 To • 1 alter,

for rime i.istera Private Secretary O©T A. 1

. Your letter eeve teentL r Ot:ived.. coal s tuation H· li...a.x too pres L _:.; t,o arr,,. it etur of Sir: Robert. Ple se place Ln hand for imn:ediate atte t1.?n and ~ire .• at adtion tak,- • Lette mailed ~o Premier sixteenth.

L.Fred 10 aghan, City Clerk Filed.


Read report City Eng1 eer as follows:­

Halifax, Aug. b9/1S Hi ~orship the uayor, Sir, .

I beg to r epor t on the applicat1 - of Mr. T •• J.Lynch for poe1t1on as- esieta.nt on my staff •

• Mccleave Is X1;;:signation oes not create ~ vacuncy, s th engineers e gaged to ca:rry on our ark hile he was ru ay, have not been dispensed ith. I do not require rui additional assist t

at preset. F ••.• Doane,

City Eni::..neer ..

A copy oft e report is ordered to be forwarded

to . Lynch.

LO.AN t,16,.,pOO oo __ . ~ OR VARIOUS PURPOSES._

Re d report Trustees of tl.e Sil king Funds re

loan ./16.l'~oo.oo £'or various purposes covering

reaoluti n, as follows:-

Hz:.11:fax, n, s. Aug. 16th,/l8

His =:"or ship the ~ayor, an Bo d of co.trol. Gentlemen:-

On belalt of the Trustees of the Sinking Funds I instructed to offer to loan the c·ty und~r u~ or1ty or Chapter 60, Acts 191€1, - th~ sum cf $1~, 500. 00 for the urpcsea b below rec1 tea.:-

For the purc~ase o a motor patrol veh'cle $2., ooo.oo


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.



Aun;ust 20th"' 12_1 •

For the purcluu10 of ~ di t. 1 fire eoui t - 1ona

For the" 1mpp~;n ,no~ '8xoe;7ding. • • $6,000.00 H

ve .ezrt of tL,e C!. i;y o e,not aLoeedi g 6 For the cornuletin ~···········•· ,000.00 ~ g O.L ror k in

c~~ect~on with the City Aeseso- nt Pan..... 2~ ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l~vO. 00 ~ 16, oo.uo

The ea.id lo to be r,paya.ble 1 ual installme· ta, to be~~ inuerest ~t ;~;er!i~a;fa.nn- 6% per annum, anJ. the pries uo be .9e of par.

His Worsh P l- :yor H~1kina dis ..:e1i t:i. g. nc La 1.ng is sh ld be t par. '

Jame.a J. Hopewell, Cl'l'Y TREASURER. .


WHERE.AB the City of Ha. ifux hae authority under he 3rd So e ule of C apter fr Actis l 1~ of the

Legiala-r;ure of" Nova Scotia, to' borrow or. ~J.-ort - term debentures c er tai.1 sums of money for certain p~poses there1n spec1fier:., c1..."ld. has obtained p r­ m saion fro the F nance Department Ottawa: ...

For t he purchase of a mouor police pa~rol ve icle ••••• !••••••••••••• $2,00G.OO

For the inpfovement of the City Home not exceed'tug •••••. , • , . • • • • • • • • • • 6,000.00

For the purcbase of e.dd1 t10_ al fire equ · »neat , not exceed~n; ••.•••.•.. 6~000 .. 00

FO!' 01 11::9le"Gi) · · l'k l.,. ,::;~,, .ec·cJ.~t"!. with City ssessme11t Plan •••• •• ... g1~0.00 $ 1 m::, o .·--o..,,_o _

AND HERE AS the ·rrue teee of the SL ki g Funds hs.ve offered to purchase Ci -r,y s<tCmk to an cmount euff&o ent to p~oduce the said sum of $16m500.00 at the nrioa of , 9g of pa:r, with · nterest at the :£. t of 6% per an um;

AllD .HEREAS the Bo u-d of Control have recommended to the City Cou1cil the accept:::noe of the s-id offer of the irustees of the Sinki1~ F~nds, .hich reoom­ mend.a.tion has been adopted by the City Qo;1ncil;

JO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said sum of 16,500,00 be borro~ed ~or. the purposes in the s id resolution reoi teo. a.no. tnat tne said offer of the Trustees of the Sinking Funds be aocepted and that the st,ok be deliverad to t1e Trustees of t.1e Si). kine F\.t ds to oover said loan.

AND ALSO that the City Treasurer be and he is h reby uutborize. to issue to the said Trustees of the Silking FJnds debent res of the city of Halifax to oov~r said sum lo ed.

Consiieration deferred.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

AU>;Uat 20 t11.1 19H~.

FIRJ;_ DEPARTJ{ENT HOSE LOAN $1ZOO. 00 Read r e ort Trustees of the Sinking Funda re

Loan of ~l700.0 fo: fire hose, as follows:­

Halifax, -·N. s, Aug. 19/1g •

His Worsuip Mayor H. kins, d.

Boe.rd of Co,trol. Gentlem n•

At meeti1g of the Trustees of the Sinking Funds held this day it as on znotion

oid d to r -o...ffi:rm the price of .9s of pay asked in e loan of $17 O. for the ~ ircbase of :fire hose. His !or hip 1 yor Hawkins diaseatin~ and clai i g the price should be t par. ""

Jamee J.Hop~well, Sec. Tree.surer.

Co aider ti deferred,


William P. Buckley appear ed before the Board.

conplaingi g of frequent molestation by Police

ser gean Spruin and of Sergeant Spruin frequently

stopping his au.tho ad today reporting him for

not having his oar registered.

He intim~ted th~t persono had made stateme ts Ir

irn leadi g him to 00naidex Sergeant Suruin to

be pi • Hia worship the M~y r ~dvises Mr. Buckley

to put hie onarges in riting~ which Mx. Buckley

sayc he 111 do.

LOPJ $133,500.00 FRO 1 RO'I.IL BAUK OF CA-'l'{ADA.

Read report City Tre~uurer re second loan f-9il

of 1,3,500.00 fro the Royal Bank of Canad.a covering

.resolution., fo:!.lOffS :-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

n "

Halifa_, N.S.Augu.at 20th,l~l8.

His 'Ol'S i... Mayor HaJIVki 1s, and

Bo rd of Control. Gentlemeni-

Ond·r date July 1 t 1 ~7 e tock certificate fa.,. ·i.'.)16 e~o' .1.. collatextl.l City Tre surer und ~4 rl~ •.v as insued by the Council July 10th ~~9tu7t~ortihty of a resolution of C· o.da. for ' 0 e Boyul Bank of $200000. to be r!omp~r~y:loan to thee.tent of at the rate -f .-JP yab'l.e .... one year' ith interest (

. u ?2 per cent ·er annum. Subsequently see M1nutes of CoJncil July 2~th 1917) the S"...llll

nu.med 200000. ias reduced to i133 ~00 1 ?l the coat of ~1 e M. W.Arm Sewer b~r~g f~n:~e~quenoe i;hr~'-:gh

1the C->ltractors cook c on. co. & lffi canon,

It 1 · cc asary o retire tr at ce tificate and I ou Ld r ecommen 1 after consul t~tion with . he ~vya~~Bank, t~au th7 9ity Treaeurer be au h~;ized

1.10 ieo~e a .. hi certlflOl te for $144. 5C0 ccver t, g t e 133.5;0 aa per 'in, of Council July 25th 1917

u on tne s e terms aa that for the sum of $~14,5.000 now, before your ac rd.


Jo.mes J,Hop ell, City Tre surer •

• • I t • f I I t I 4 I t • I I o I

WHEREAS the City ·'! Ha ifa.x has autho:rity under the Acts of the LegislatUl'e of Nova Scotia to borrow ?ert~i e1 ms of money for oertia.n purposes as specified s.n ::.nut a of Council July 10th 1?17 the a d inutes being further amended under date July 25th., 1917 to re :

Pe~m -ent Sid 1alks Csp,47 Acts 1915 Movor Fire Engine n '" " n Public Abattoir(20000) 86 " 1917 L ~eral Se era n n n n 1st.Sec. North West Arm

$15000. 12500. 10000. 26000.

Se er a ff


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

I /


Augµst 2;th1 191$.

at t· e r~t Di 5!% payblb half yearly on thJ first day w . o Jn.nu ... .., '"·1d. July a to I arm part of the CoJ!sol:ldB,tei Fun 1905 of the City· all mateers pert ini,g to a.bove to be i accordmce with the 1 tt r from tne R91 l B,an~'" of Can d.a. under date ay 13-11., 191s.

FURrHER RESOLVED that the City T...?ea.surer be an io hereby u.u t· er 1.zed upon deliv wry to -che B· ~ of ~he ubove stock for tl44.500 to have oa.noelle o behalf of the City t ~e s eek certif · c ..... te orig ... ~lly issued for '1·216. SOO 1 to execute ell such ooumen ts d to do end pe: forn. all such ma.ttere ar things, as shall be reasonably re uired by the said Royal Bank of Can d· in c ec ti on with the renfflal ot the said loan d the hvno~heca~iou or t e said ancck, "' ·


On r eco ndat i.on of Co:_troller Taylor it ie

dee id d to adv er t i ae for t ... nder s for police depaxt nen t



On reoommendation o= Hi Worsl11p t:1e :r:Ja.yor

the Chef of Police is instruct~d to detail the

Deputy c:_ief of Polio :for duty m: the St:reets

and to make p:rovL,ion to reliev ng him fror olf!rical



or c ntrollex T yo~, C J.tr llex Hines On mo

an the City En-incer are i ~~;tructed to sub, it a

to t~ e ·neat:. 1g of t! e City Prison m: 1 t'ten re ort as .

01-ty H ... 11 and to cons rder t:i.e suggestiu.n and the e;µ 1,,1/-C•

b 11 .at -r:~1e City Prison be l~emove that t.e l ~ge · 0 er~ y

d t:-t 2 amaller boilers be

pure: a ed for t'.c c:.ty ?risou. CITY HOME FURf lTu:-~T.I:.

S·u_ erintendent of the City Hor .. e Rea.d. :repoxt


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

In acccr ce ,1ith yo request I beg to repor t~ t·· 111 l 11 ne~., Night Nurse ai; this in- oti ut10· is o 111 inc :pao1 t,.'{.ted, T .. 1e sa.id I illiam Ne.zer has fille· this positiotl s i ce Oc o er 6-th., 1902

d h ... e beai a moe t f ivhful and trust.:orvhy enmloyee. E :rly i Ju1e l et », ,j._czer strai11e h ... mself in

1 _1 lift:.. · sick p .. ti.., .. t , f:roru .llioh stra:..n he __ as r I " not r cov red. He as b e i , able to perf or his

· ~ d.utiea ei ce June 16th.

~v ~~ v


:re !ugust 20th: l ~

d ~ 910.

en e o for furtit·re , as fol:ows:-

Of:1ce of Ch · rr 1 ~ t es Depar men t., E

u· lf ax 0• A l sq. 1

' • v• U • 9t:, 191g, roller.,

x, N, S.


Dear As re uestecl I • ieceasur Y furniture to f" ~ave se::t.i.re. price for tue

cau..u-ter wh' ch I beg to : . u~ uhe lur e Sleepi g Move. sect ta Furn"',., 1 ... u m:.i.. t as fallows:- Gord~ & X~ith ~on n Co; Lt·. 0254.65 Bre.!l er & orris 248.95 333.0

J.H.Buoh J SU inta d 1t.

It is deci d t aoceotanoe e o r eco s,mend t:ie 9 --te

of the tender of Gorion & K~it".-- -- it bei g the louest.


Res..d. applioa-;;ion H,C. 1 i ·· errs su,ernum:;;,ry

coal .. ieig ier for appoin tme t to the position of a

perma.ne t coal ~e~ Aer.

0 reco J.e da.tio .. o~ ~:.s or ship the 1:.3.y · r Im':::' A

is e.ppo.:nted a. pe .• :rr8.! e 1t coal w i.:her.

CI11Y H01~ILT,}lE:::" OF lH.i'RSE !AZER.

Read report Supt. City Home, as follO'l"Ts:­

Hali:::"ax, N.S.Aug 19th/lS John J.H~nes> Es., City controller1

Halift , N.S, :De Sir:C

J •. d.Buchwe.n, Su eti:Ytende~1t,

The su~erL. tend.:.:::.et of tho ci -r,y oma is .:.nstru.cted

to c ,.tinue ID: ... razer's pay for


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 2uth, 191$.

_ to employ a. euestit rte du ~1 ~ h_s ..... baence ,

Coitrollcr .• 1ne& is r~queated ta report

on the at .,er in ;.,i,. • nth her .. o •

Tl e Boar adj u ned. f

AYOR. t~



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Au~at 22ndJ 151$.

The Bo of Oo~trol mot this morn1 g., at l o• clock Present !:Tis Worohip the ·~ayor and Co • · roller Hir l 1 · es, 0.1.!iO o1clook

r tves , 11 .. 05 o•clock_Co1.ti•oller


ket Bu 1 Lng R ... fres ient Privileges Fi1·e Hose Te~ der s, • Pol;oe ran P1·inoe F. Breakapear -Resign.,tio-r, Pol:i.ce ian, • • · ,.., -~· W~-c·- - Supply i.a Devas tat d Area. • G:;i..,,;y Wat':'r -. pea in the s i __ Ya.rd. orris S1;reet s rinkling. !sol tio. Hospi to.l-!.{orris Street. St. Jo Ambul c e Bri e fie d ue.rters t Dfspensru.·y. Grafton Stre,t Sidewalk. Qu e Hotel- xoavating Hollis Street, Cr .1troller F.:. .Llp.y. Coal Shortage. 80.1 th Clifton Street Side Lk, Sidew lks Gerris ~ i Brunswick 8traets. Fire Alarm Boxes. Co.u.s~ v· tio of Life, ·- U. P. C. Gr t. Buri n.g o S dutlt o 1 Oonmor a. · otor Truck ~ Sprir kl er ,

Con troll er Finlay

1urp1: y arriv'ee.


Read ap 11oatio:n St.J hns Ambulance Brigadd.

for the priv LLege of co iduo tang a restaurant in the

Ci y arke t Build.· ie.

llro. Cla:ra B. Bli ,h addressed the BO&r~ on

beh· lf of the pplioe_tic-l , and e icplains · t haf tr1e

Looul Council of Women who conducted the :restaurant

1 the past made very little profit., d tuat the

st. Jo s .Ambula.nca B~igade were not prepared to

of· er 1ything for the privilege, but desired th t

any pro 1 ts go in to th ir :funds. The Brigade \Vould

give firut aid inc oe of aoci e.ta.

It is decided to grant t e privilege asked



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

. · .lJ! Aup:uGt 22nd, 19u~. i?,~·

o,>"",~t.// ,.J j .0r1 lllltil April 30th, i;l9, The St.Johns· Ambulance

;: ....c,.,. \)l~· Br gade to make monthp reports to the City Clerk

?"'\l o! their rec jpts and exp~ndi tur ea,


Tenders for 1500 feet of 2t inoh fire fioae

are received and opened for the :following;-

• J J m •. Stairs, So & Morro , -_.,_;, , Canu Lan Rubber Cot. :my

~ _\,): Gut" P"'rche. & Rubber Co. ~/ .. ~ Dunla.p Tire & Rubber co. /1-rr"

~ The tenders a.re referred


Austin Bros. Goodye~ T~ro & Rubber Co. Lawrence Hardware Co. Ltd.

to Cortroller Hines and

the Cni.ef of the Fire Dep 'X rr.e -c for report.


Read reaignation Prince F. Bra~kspear to ~oke

effect September 1st. The resignation is accepted.


The City Clerk ia L1ntruoted to a ·v xtise :for

fifteen policemen,


Alderm Gillis appeared ~efore the Board and

stated that he had been informed that the C!ty1s

.atsr supply in the devastat d urea contains about .not

4-0 .. ; o iolids due U() d:)ubt to tl .. e pj es/having been I

used since tbe explosion,, he suggested that the

pi.pea be flut3hed.

Re!err cl to th., City Eng_. near,


cor:.troller Hi es re ueste:i t.cat the C:. ty En­

.- ... eer take up wi i;h tl-_e Hal if ax Shipyards Lim ted

d t_e Bed.ford ·co struction Compant the matter of

ev-oosure of wa ter pipes in t:ie shipyards and the tLe ,4



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

AUguHt 22nd, 19~8. shifting Of ouch pipes as rr,,ay be necessary 1.,. order

to facilitate the Cvnstruc ion ork.


/' The City Engin er is inst-ucted to ee that

~ Morris St.re t e itof Hollis Streedl is pr opez Ly sprinkle ,


Read repo:rt Ac t f ng city Engineer as follows:-

Hal i!ax., N. s, Aug. 22ndl91g.

His .orshi the vayor., S1r:-

I beg to report OL the v::ntilation of the new Ioolation Hospital on orris Stre~t, that abcut half trie t.r ans o e over tte wludows have been fitted ·,i °t 1 lift so ,;·~ at t::.ey i-;.y be opened an closed. T .... e :1 ,cloi; s in t ...... e b t ir ocms have bee hinged to open. A proportior. oft.a i1dowa should be double hung so t ltl.t t ey can bt;-_pened from the top or bot tom., but "t. is will take son.e time to do. In tl;.e meantime, ith the transoms opening there 1s su!ficie t ventilation to use a por ti of the r coms ~ bile tl e .1ork on the •. i do 1s is be int:; none in tha otters.

The plumcin6 ana te .... t.:..n6 work has been completed a.nd the electric ans are orki g 1 the bui ding. ~As fa:r as oa.:o be jtdged, it ,ill be the .1 dle of end of next week before they ill be through with the ork.

1.W.Johnaton, Asst. City Engineer.

copie~ of the aeport are ordered to be forwarded

to tue Ciiy Healt Board and the Q ~ School Bo rd.

The r pore is filed.


• Read letter St. Jo s Arrioulance Brigade., as foll0Y1s:

Ha'l i, ax, N.S.Aug 19/19

Ki~dly note tha tte St.John Ambul~ ce Brigade 1· s eatablished Headqu ters at "Hali:f Dispensaryn Bruns ick st wh~re calls for the serv2ces of V.A.D

. e b ez s 111' be received. Of .... a.c er hours from 9 Al'il. -to 5 P.ll. Poe Sack,-31~3.

After office hours call t e :t'ollo~ .:ng names in succescicn.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Mrs. rt.rs. .Mrs• Miss Miso

Au. ·st 22nd, .19li~. Bligh CLU'ry Sn i tl1 s,·veet Hutt

S ... t , Div. "B" lst.Nur~·ng Of!icer 3rd " n

As~. Ce t al secy. Div. Secy

Sa.ck,- 314-3. "A" D v. Sack.2717J "B" "Lore 1294 R.

" 787 L "B" 11 Har. -68,

Clsra B. Bligh., Lady n.:.vi<Ji~nal Supt ".B" D v,#4-7



Read petition Moira Limited., as follo?a:­

Halifax., N. s. Aug. 21st/ls To His JOl'ship the Ma.yor

and The Board of Co11trol of the i ty o: Ha.LLf'ax ,

Gentlemen:- .~ We ereby make applic?tion to the City of

Hali! ax, to ha e laid in front of our Paper Bo:! Fao tor y , on he eas t aide of Grn.fto Strvet betYreen George an Prince Streets, a coucr ene s idew lk, \Ti th 01trb, the -:rork to be done under n::e usual cond1 tione ae to paymen t of cost between the City and 07rner, re would like, if pcaa Ib'l.e , to hav e the ork done tLis sumaber , as the ne adJ.i tion which e have ma.de to this factory is about cokpleted.

UOIRS LHHTED, Bh a, V. Mo '=> an,


The Bo dis ad' essed. by c.v. Monagha.n who

asks that the Nork be done tbis summber mf possible

and suggests that if it cannot be done by the City tJ...--

that Moirs L · wi ted will ou t the sidewalk under the . I\

supervision of tl.e city Eng neer and finanoe the

work until GO e fut re time or un til the sidewalk

oul reach its turn in due oourse.

Referxed to the City Eng rre er for report.


Red petition Queen Hotel, ae follows:-

Halifax1 N. s. Aug 22nd; 1~ Board of Co trol city of Halifax. Gentlemen:- . .

we respectfully solicit your grH 1t1ng us pem:iission to excava te Hollis Street opposite th· s hotel

-~30- - .,,

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Mayor Ha-;;k1na, Halifax, a.s.

Aup;us t 22nd, 191 s. to a depth of tbree f t 1 ru a steam line · to ~e n order to enable us to Th s steam line w0u~u.l,. b Annex for 1:ea.ting purposes. re.11. p rpe for tr.·e te e cased an a six incri tile

make 1·t 1 pro ec t ro.. of same also a::.. to unneceas"'..,."tr to exc \. t 1 ' · '" repairs. ;....;.1 \Ja1111a. e aga n in case of By complyin~

fe:rr i ... g favor .vi ~h t he above, you rou Ld be hicL would be appreciated ..

Wm. M mbi,urguette, Mgr.


Referred to the City Enginer for report.


Co~troller F:nlay is excused from further

atten ice at the ffi ting to take part in the KJi. ghte

of Coibumbus Collecting Campaien,.


The f llowing commun i.ca ti on s ar e read:-

Ottawa, Ont, 19th August 191s

L.Fred Monaghan, Esq., City Clerk, Ha 1 1 fax, N .s. Dear Sir:-

In the absence of the Prime Minister, I beg to ackncm-ledge y-ur letter of e 16th instant, and also your talegran. of t1 is date, 1 n i·eferenoe to the supply of oo·l for Halifax during the iuter to coffie.

I am today commending yc,ur communications to your repreaen-cative, the Fon. A. K. M.cLen.n. M. P,, who no doubt 111 give them his in..medi~te consideration.

H.C.Borden, for Private Secret8.l"Y•


•••••••••• Telegram.

Ottawa, ant, Aug~ 21st 191g

If y .,ul' dealers can get hard coal from Century1iCoal and Coke co. ay all 1esns have them do so it will necessitate some arrangement i~h Customs to show "iihat coal has not remaL ed iri ei "&her Ontario-ear

ebec atop nmet be some misu derstanding as to rny h: .. ving objected. C.A.Magrath,

Fuel Co1troller.

Filed .. -51t0-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Ausust 22nd, 191g.


Read .: eti tion for a. permanent side alk on

Soith Clifton Street from Chr·rles Street to Cunaxd


Referred to theCity Engixmer for report.


The C1 ty Engi eer is requested to report aa

to the laying down this season of conore te stdewall,i:s

on Gerrish Street from Brun ick Street to Gott1ngen

Stzeet and on Bruns ioh Street e ..... t r;··.a.e fro ,1 G:,rr .:.i:f

St:teet to Uni..:.cke E tre "t;,


Read report city Electrician, ae follows:­

Halifax, N.S.Aug. 20th/1$

His rorship the tayor., and Board of' Co trol .•

Ge tle. en:- The follo~ ing Fire Alarlli Boxes have been

inspected d found in tood working condition. NO. 9.,62,67,61,63.,and 65.

P.R. Colpi tt., City Electrician.

File •


Read letter arid Res-lution City Council

of Saskatoon re conservation of Hwnan Life and. He .... l th

a.s follor1s: - S ska.toon, Sask., August twelfth 191s.

Tho City Clerk, Halifax., N,S, near 01r·- 1 ti d b-&y u • 1 enclose, aeoopy of a r e so u on pas se . . tl e council of this Oi tj of the 5th inst. suggesting the u iliza.tion of informatio secured by t'he mili!ls.9.ry


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Au;;ust 22n~. 1918.

a.utho:ri ties in r egar 1;0 phylhical def errt o of men e:c.-un;n d under the llil'tary $ervice Act. The Council 00101dars t.hs.t pe.r'JJns found to be su:f'feri g from dura.bl defects shoulcl. be properly advised and tree.tad ad it is with t'1is ob+ect in v i er I received instructions to forward a coy of the resol­ ution to rou ,1th the request that it be brought to the at bentLon of yo"U.1! council,

If your Cu noil pproves of the r0solution, perhaps you . ould oe goo,d enouzh to fortrard advice to this eff~ct to the Pr ier,0Right Roi.Sir Robert L. Borden, aa well as to the Pramiers of the vattous Provinces, to e acl of horn a co-::iy of t he resolution has been for:varded by me, -

oA. Leslie,, City Clerk •

.. • • .. • .. • • ti ••

IHEREAS during these times of i11 tense otruggle o .. g nation for supr en.c cy , it iH necessa,1y not

only to conserve human life (but also to maar ta.in health an, human efficiency) in order that the ~ax may be nroaecuted more vigorougly, food pro"uced i greater bun1c ce and tne_businese of the country in general be curried on more i:.;uccessfully ; and

•;:iEREAS parent s , defeative 1Lentally d physicaJ.li may produce rnej a.u1 defective children and thus . e ke 1 the human zace an cause national ieterio:ration, an

YtHEREA.S '.vi th the e f r cen errt of the llili ta.:ry serv rce Act, it would appe: i;l .. at of the total si .1.g].e en .e1ioally exami.r ed between the &.ges of 20 end. 34 tl ere are p obably ·_et, ee.n 3Cfo and 40;1. put L class E., as p ysics.lly unfit for military service, and

lHEREAS a oo~plete reoori is kept on file in .the Registration Office for reora~ts 1 each ltilital"y District of all men -placed 1n Category E. and what phya1oal defect has caused this lmv claso- if icatio 1 of ea.ch; and

,,EP..EAS the 1nfor1.,ation recorded in the Reg- it3tra.tion Office of each Mi li vary District re­ garding t=:e phyaica.l defects and r eaao: s for . rejection. for ruili t y service, ii.stead. of be i.ng an asset to t:e cou.try, would bo absolutely 1usted,

d., WHEREAS it is poanible to prevent sickness by proper p1i1blio neal th education,, to ~elieve ,-; and., . ~n eome instr .ces, cure persona by medical an,,_,, sur :.;io 1 t:re tment and thua extend the mnmmber of years of useful life; and ·

~HEREAS persona thu~ physically defective fre- quently o not oonsult physicians ~ntil they a.re suffering pain inconvenience or discomfort, and. then i-: is too' late top rovide relief and p:rolong life and usefulness;

THEREFCRE BE I! RESOLVED . TH.AT the no1 inion n.d provincial Governments

be r

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Ausiuat 22nd., 191a. be requtisd,4d. to avail ti.rnmselves of the 1 f orma.tion ~~lr~:~ in the R~?-· ~ t~ation Office o r each

Y ~istri~t 1egaraing persons medically ~~:mt~~ftand ;eJe~ted under ~he authority of

~ e.:ry uervice Act and oo org ize that ... uch per ecns wil receive proper med1oal ~vice and treatment.

Referred to tb.e C'i ty Heal h Board f 01 report.


Read letter Daily Echo terr to do th~ cityts

adver ti sing at a. flat rate of 70¢ per i ioh, for

e ach 1.n.sertiou. Accepted.


Read letter union Protection Co1flp y I as follo·.n: Hali s.x, N. a, August 19th; 1918.

J. J H nea, Es ...... , Chairman; He.liffax Fire Depa.rtnont1 D1ty. Bear Sir:-

Wa beg to notify ycu that .vhen t ne ne t City estimates are made up, we ant to a,k for a t houaand dollars ad.di t Lon 1 grant for the above Company, to mee t our Lor eased expendi t·1res for t·1e paat year and a h lf. v:e : ill re uf.r e tl1is add l tional e;rs.n t in f'litur~.

8 we have llre ady informed you, to keep our equipment in tood ordcr , an up to date.

T: e increased cost of wagea, feed, rep.airs., coal, taxes, eto, etc., Me are compelled to ask for this adda tio_ al grant, otherwise we .dll nat be able to carry 9u our p~rt ~1th tue Halifa Fire Department.

We sre of course, doing our best to keep down expenaes •

Kindly bri~g this matter before the controllero before the estimates are made up, and lrrpresi:, upon -r;hem un Las a we .:,et this ad, itional gr an t , we cannot c ntinuo to od.Xry this y;or long.

H.F.Burton, Capt. U.P.C. 176g,

c His -or~hio the Mayor au gested that 1aatea.d. of

i1croas11g the annual grant tote U. P.a. that t e

d 1t ,J."l n .otor salvage Ci.:U' inste~~ City prov e ~ em .... - Cl,V.

of the prasent horse-drawn vehicle.

Referred. to CoL1troller Hines o t e up 1 t:p the ,rotecti on 0vl1lpany •


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 22n4..,_ 12,1 •

C 1r troller Hines called a.u tent t or to the

bur nf g of a ua t on the common to the d.iscomfort ~

of the residents of"- Park Stree1., an tl e danger to

surz·oungin_ buil -i..fag3.

The City Clerk 1 ina·t.r'..tcted to notify the

Bate1Mc ahon Cvmpany to i1llied1ately dieoo~t·nu

the practice.


B Hie Toralip the ~ayor informed the Board that

he understood the motor truck which the COOK Cow­

struction Oomps.o.y had offwred to seel the City for

:5000, is still in the City and can be ~ecured.

Te Engi~ ~r•e o inion being sled stated

that 1 is absolutely necessary tba t t .. 1e City obtain

m chi:o.ery to do any ,vork hat aohiL_..ery can preform.

The City Engineer is instructed to inspect the

truck at once o.nd report as to its fitness a.n.d the

ce sst ty of obtaining 1 t.

The City1Clexk is instxuctea. to call a me atIng

of the Council· for 4 o•clook p.m. oft. e 27th inst.

if the City Engi ear r epor t s in favor of the pur ohs.s e

of the ·truck,

The Board adjour ed.


s...~~ CITY CLERK.

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


August 26th,. 191~.

The Bcar d of Co. trol met this r.01·r ing at 1 • 30 • Pr aaen t His or ship the Mu.yor and Controller Hines

ai d Ta, lor,


Motor Truck and s·,..,rinkl. r L ~ r ~ • cans rnom Relief commission.

Yo~g Street Exter.siori through Hennenoey Fi ::11 • Polioe Department. · .,atc1• Pipe Cartage. Geo::ge Street Sidemalk. , u.rket Building Rental. Hire of Steam Fi:re Engine. Fuel Commiosioner, Hyiro Eledtric Porter Company-Ho.lifax P er Corrpany.


Read reports Acting City Engin er June 10th~ a!d

June 18th recommending purchase of a. 11Rep11blio u 3}

-con. 'truck from 1,he Cook Co is trruc t Lon Conpany a.t ~··5000.,

together i th extract :from m; utes of City Com1cil

July l+th efe:rring t he eame back to t~is Board for

The City Engineer repo:rts that he has e ami n ..... d.

this txuck 1

and that it is bsolutely neces~ -y

thA-t the City obtain machf, ery to co e11y work ti.1at

hinery c ~ 1 perform and r commends the pur chane

of the truck at t5 oo, less 5~~ discount for cash

pay e t which the cook co. a truot ion company now a;.:,ree

to take.

Moved by co troller Hinea aecondei by controller

Taylor that the purchase of this truck ~'G the ,rice

a.bove mentior1ed. be a_):...in r-eccmmer ded to the City

Council. Motion passed.



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Au uet E6th l 1~ o.

LOANS FROH RELIEF coisnss IOU. Read letter Relief Co .• ,i"si,· . . ... ., asnro l l owe :-

Halifax, Relief Co .isa1011 Halif , N.S.August 24th; 1918.

City Clerk, CITY HALL,

De .r Sir:- nas b _Your lstter to our Secret-r,:. of Aumst 19th

.1., en re ed ove'l" 0 · · ., ' .... ' - - t e .ri ter for reply and I O~lld L1form you th t our letter of Auoi,,..t 5't'n . ., 'Ir., ~-e ll""f . . t:>-.., J. •• ,;:,

..,_ .i. _" ..., ?re an J. .teriiew '!7hioh took place be- u reen t_ .. e C~ ty Audi tor, an llr. Rogers, our enair- m • At this meeti it s dee i ed to .e av e th -~ea L n of the exper ·1itur.1 1 ade by us i con iec td on "-:- tl School an City property, u il a la t ..... s: da 1.1 "', f'or c ns1:ierati n,

Thia answers your leDter of Au6~ot 19th, for the t::.me be r: g.

T,B, G a.381


A coy o tie letter is ord red to be for~.;;..rded

to the Ci y Trea.~urer for report ..


Read let ~r ·er neQ, Je.~s & L~vett, as follo~ :-

Hal· i .x, f .s. 23rd, August 191

The Bos.rd of Co1 tro • Halifax, N. s.

Dea~r Sirs:- oul y u be good enough to advise us 1hy

t ae urc iaae of tee part of he He~ ie ssey Field fa nhe x e sio o Eat young ntreet d t e aki.g of park

e.djace t tl:...,reto has ~ ot bee. domp L · ted. Your lasi; letter st-te~ hat t1e matter would b~ carried through as soon aa · he m ney as bor:ro ed by the City e undarst d the money v,3,13 :procul'ed some t,..me ago and that th re is no aoeas,~ ty for a.YJ.y further delay. In any eve1 t, wo ld you kindly a :v-ise us . e11 you expect t e mat er to ba oo pleted.

Mcinnes, Je~ka, 8·nLovett.

Referred ~o the City soliditor for report.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Aug;ust 26th, 1918.


Re copy o: adv 3rtisement calling f:or a plica.tiono

for 15- e,~ee. ~t '%.,.; po s ; io S as vi bera O" t police

force J id e.1.vartisemont to be pub I ..... shed int e

t e even.mg n 11spapera , ~ro insertio s e ch week

till forb • Approved •

A't suggestion of His Wars ip the Hay1 ... r the

City Clerk is ir s truc t · to :r ·i-r.e to the onor ab Le

H. A. McLean in Ieapect to the Hal fax Police

Dep t e t and. the follov,i g let ... e is fort .. i th

1ri tten. and for\"ta.rded t the Ho1 or _ble ur , ycLe an

10w at the H, fax Ho'tel-

Office of·City Clerk, Halifax, N. S,AuFrust 26th, 1910

Hon. • • oL ,2n,1J. P. Halifax, Hotel,


C!ir ~- The i por tar cc of the Ci y of Hul f x e.s a

n tio ·l ort justifies t e City in re r ae1ting to t e Domi ion Aut oritiea the urge~t, eed of adequate ~oli r ot.ec e · o for trie GovJrnir...:.,1t Works and !-1rope:r"ty .in­ cludir ~ a ippL.12;,, war supplies an k:.. ,,:ired values as ell s priv te roperty of inestimuble .. ecessity at the

prea'31t time.

From tir.e t ti ,e s L; ce t ie out'JJ:eak of the ar OUI you e;est d most energetic Policemar~ hav e

e i t her e listed voluntarily or hav e been taken under the ili ta.ry serv · ce Ac-r. for ove:r aeas s e rv a ce agafns t t e unavaili g prote t of the Police adlnin·stratio. to the tilito.ry Au~h r1tiea.

The general fe~ling of. rest due to ar JO 1.d.i tio1 s has bee ... overrrhalrr.ingly ace .,n tuated by the :result of the gr at catn.s troJ;l e of Dece.·ber 6th, and. sori sly increaeJd. y t 1e riot of llay 25th n·· ch ni.s brou\ ht ab our t rough t e dioe tisf::..ed epi_ it of some retur ed sol le~s•

we ba.1/e bean u. able to ma.in t"""in our force up to


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Au~s t 26thL 1sns. 1 ts normal s tre1igtt. not i hsta.n · 1 ig our efforts to pr ov r e i icreas i ti ' f . ~·~ umo r o me .. 1.

Under t ese c i.rc: ms t noes it occurs to the Boe..x of Corn 1 thali is may be pos.;iole to make some arrange­ . 0.l ts 1th the Dominio-:ln Aut:ljori ties h:rerby a.bvuli

t I!1 n Oi exuployed as Dominion Police, under t ie :::.l _ ts..ry Se1·vice Act 11 igut be place a. t the dia"osal of tle Chief of Police some in Police uni- for1 a i ~ so .e in plain clothes fo:r uty unt l such time s coidltiono impDove.

If th s ri er e possible questions of detail as "CO p y and e tc , , could. ba gor e into and. mu: ually a.greed upon.

Th Bo r of c · !tr 1 .10uld b pleased o have y l.tr e r est cons i.dar tio of t 1 · e suggas1:ion anc e ar z.y unswcr itt any r cccm endatioc y u may be :pleased to make.

L. Fr ad Mo .aghm CI'ri CLFff ••


The Ci 1,y Ensir.1.eer in:form ... d the Board $hat he

rad c lle for bid.a for truckL.g the one mile of

6 i. o !&.tor p1ipe recently purchased. for the City and

ad received te 1ders from Robir a ins Bros, ar d. fro

McTGrath and A 1.1.S boch s.t ta s_...'lle price, namely

~2. O per ton. Ii is deoid d to reco end to Co ncil that the

t'dnders b acoepted and that the work be divided. be-

t,veen the t; o firmc:;.


Read report Ci~y Engineer1 as follows:-

H lif:1A, 1J. s. Augus 2 4t , 19"' S.

Hi Yore ... ip the M-Y )r, Si ·- • I bf. to report on the atvached Mi1ute rasnec~L,g the co1.1 itio of tLdew·alk ol?- south s11de off ~oor@e str ... ,.,. at the City Slip. There is port on o t' · s · side lk abo· t 35 feet in length, that has no-p ~~ covered ~i h perm e t materi ,.1. Thexe s 1ould be

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

ape man~n covcr1. g on 0::U 1;·c;ex • o her ~ ··e 1 · The e i ... ., ' " - unszg tly an a t .me d'riiy. I would :e~~ C06~ o ; co ietruct_ng a. side.re. k is • 225.00 and m.Jt t er b i~, that a cor.c~e·~e sidevalk, wi1il1 curb ett . ..,;, • e c oae truc te. o 1. aout a:1 e o ... Geor,.e

th:e;~ f:i:on. the Ci 1,y slip to tl,e end 'of the .ur b ~d.er ~ - u r...a.ient e Ldewal k Act 19 6. , '

F. , \ • Doan .... , c .. r.y Engin .... er.



R e,d r port Ci~y Engineer as ollora:-

Hali ·ax, N.S.Aug. 23, 1. 18.

Hi W rshi~ ube llJyv~, Sir,

On i.Vestigc:.t;io I fi d. th.a ... T. Fra.J.J.k Rea.rdo 1 paid. the past ·,:.wme t of ;;ilSO. r e, ' 1 f r a portio of t·-ie a ket Building on u~ru~t 9th., an that he hae pr id h·s r~nt up tO he 31LJG Cf July, since hich time he has cea.r{ed to occupy any por ion of the bu ldi g,

F. fl. v· • Doane, City Enginee •



Re· a. aacoun t .-~714. ;merica.:n. La Fr mc e Fire

Engine Comp y .for hire and. freight of tho Clapp

and Jones ate fire engine for service following the

Explo~ion, s e. result of tne motor fire e .. gine

np, .tricia." hn.vi .,_ been da naged ,

.Moved. by co.1.trolle1· Hines aecon d by co ~l'ol er

T ..... 1 r hat the o.ccoun t be reccmrr.enied to the City

council for payment.


r.1otion pu.s ed.

ors ip the Mayor inf' rn.ed~i~et(~r that ne

lle.d reoe ... tly be a\1ai ted. upon by R. n. J~a:4,11 Fuel Hi

-5 9-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

/ re .. -, ... esen ting tr.a necessity for the City so · L_g

~ Vun •1· exioti s co, dit' a a,

~ Moved by Co troller Hi ies ~Y° 4._oYt ~ t · C ... , 1 · ' v'" D ,- ia 0 • .1. _,r ... 2:... ~u.:r ny ~r,rr


Aui!'U. t 26th 1 1 •

Adn::.nistr~,tor for MOV':3. scot ta, ho urg d th e e.:_:po'ntment

· f a local fuel comm· s .. ione1· :for the cl ty o r Halifux ,

e ecc ·deo.. by con troller

be a pointed 1 c 1

'ue L corn ii us i o er fo1· the Ci ·y o Eli X, Motio 1 _ .. as sed,


' Rod rick . ..ioColl · id l!essrs C mLson and • on all

of Toru ... to., ski .1. D' -c;h1;1, . .., the

c· ty hand over to t .e Hal if ax Po er Co ipany sla{fioient

City bon s fo produce the sum of ijJ.V O., 00"'. o ,

Po ding leg:;w. op Ln Lon to be given y tl'.o 3ol-

1c i tora of the Corr, any the uatt r is d.efe!? ea,

The Boa.. i ad.j o :r ie •


s._ '?J-~~~ C I'l'Y CLERK •



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


COUlHHL C~iA1ill3F,F< I CI y II.ALL,

August 26 · , 1 1 ,

'l'h Boar f .... o Oon nr c l met this afternoo~ a.t 1+ o r o'Lock;

pr eaer Hie i"orshi' the :1ayor and Cont:collere H .. s ,

Fi lay an :urp y.


Lo· $5 00 0.00 From R~li,f Commission.

LOAF .£2002000.00 FRO' RE",IEF CJ lr1$SION.

The Ci r,y Treasurer eubmi, tLl t he follo 1 .g dr :ft

fol'r, of r so.lu tion-

r FiERE~S the City of Halif·1x has r:1.uthor'i ty under Cap oj Acts 1/16 of the Legisl ture of Nova Scovia to bonro 1 11 to defray losses or r ep'l.ac emen ts occasioned to · City Pro::-erty by e ,. losion of 6th nece .ber 1917, such sums as rn.iy be required, to be borrowed fron ti 1,e to time l:Ul-d in sue amounts as are required for that pur­ pose ot exceedf.r g #,5ou. 00.00 Tbe sums to be bcr ro ed s.all form part of t~e Halif x Ooneo11date Fund 1905

, sh:111 be s cured by tock or debe!.1tures to be. issued in conf orrm ty ~1th the T>rovisio e of that Act ..... t » .... te of int ·,rest t exceeding 5% per an um and the dates on which the i~~ ~e~~-ae~-e~eee in '5i.- -artnl:UII.- s·u e shall be made payub.Le , a .all be determined by the Cou oil,

~m 1.HEH.EAS by Gee. 41' Ca.p. 60 Acts 1910 aut1.ori y:, as obtai ed to mcret.se the rate or :.nterest from

5~ to not exceed:.hg 6~ r ov Lded t}?-at t n.s amendm nt sh 1 only apply to loans e o.rtr ac ted after the oa e rng of i;his c t.

A..T\!D '}IEFEAS t e City of H lifax has bcr r o red fro H lifax Relief Corn .ission the sum of '*'25,000 o~

1 by agreement the rate of intercs t. shu~l be 5io per u.n ... um an t. e sum o. J110.ooo. bea.r:i..n ..... x:.terest t 61f, per a .. num and :will furth?r require ~rom ti,ne to

time' 365.000. the b lance of ~he loon au~horized = t a r ..... tc · ot exceed1 g 61o p ... r ar.1.num and t.'\J said. com~isuicn. ill ~cept our stock ce~tificates for t ose amou tl3 at pa •

RE ORE R r•QLVED that the offer of t·,e. H difa 'IHE... F · · 'to f .:nance the amounts rer: n.red u 1de1·

Relief corrIDissio sec. 63 Aots 191 as aobve rwcited be aocepte •

F~ir&"" ·rt RE- OLVED -c;ha. t the City 'r;l'easurer be end is ~J,' t e i.d deltver u to the Hal if ax

hereby ,utLorize O ex~cu stoc certificates made Re2.ief commissiou .... 11 sue

... 551-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

Moved by Co. t oller Fi1 ... Lay sec ... e~d by

t e reolution be auo tad

Au~uat 26th, 1.,.1 ,. _

,oessary by yri e ts received rr om time to ,:;i e and gs .. z ally 'o a. e .... cr m all audh eta and things as may be ease tial i order to c rry ti Resolutio i. o ef ect.

Coitroller Hines t

f rwarded to t.e City Couno1l for co fir1 a~io1.

o n passed.

1MA l)')R ~~~



Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

I /




August 2 tr, 191 \

The Boar~ of oo~trol ~et hi at 11 o'clock, prese1 D eputy ti ¥Or J.E.Godwi,, and

Co troll ra Fi llLJ,y an ru Phy.


Te .orary Policeman-v_ctor TucLeod. Loan.f1~5,00. 8 For Various Purposes. S1 or" Torni. Loans. Pri ct Sttee -E.Everett Shatfoil Claim. Street ... aihrn .. y. Ci1;y Prioon-MF.d. rt e 1 TIOe of Mili ta:ry Prisoners. Fire Alarm Boxes. Market Building-M ..• Keefe Co!lstructio Company-Contra.~ t. Charles C. Weaver-ll.1-5 Almon Street, !a ter Bill. Water Bill Art03 oodiJorth-13C North Str ut. Se er-74 .. ioto:r ia Road-Hrs .. James JacksoH. Fire Department E. _ 1;1.1 itu.iDe and Rev urue , Tuxes. Picnic for OrphUB.s.

MCLEOD. TE....1"'POR.6.RY POL ICEM.A_ --- - - Read a; plication Viclior M{oLea.d. for pos i t i on

as tempora:ry police;.ian.

'l'he ap _.licatio is approved. by t:i9 Cuief of

Polioe a · ir • McLeod is ·1 o re to the r,ositi n

of temporary police~;;u1.

LO.i"a ··$l1.t5itOOO.OO FOR VARIOUci PJRPJfES.

R.... e. tract meeti g of C:.. y Co inc i ~ Au111.1.st 26't

referrirg back to thio Board their ~eJort re loc\ll

of $145,ouo.oo for various ~1rposes,

Moved by Co. trolle1' uuxphy secvnd~d by Co ~t:roller

Fir.lay that tine report lesa the i nem }~-4 700. 00 be

feterred b ck to the Ci y Council fo.r tis u: ... proval.

otion pas ... ed.

SHORT TER LOAIS. on motio. of c _ tr·oll ... r Uur _ y ieco . ed by the

1 Y 11_.ee.aaurer is r e uestQd 'tO o ..... nfer Depu~y yor ihe C

C a&a to awk if they 11,k ,ii th the Royal Bank o

dva.nce the Ci -r,y the mo ey requ re


for short term loans.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


"":ead report· Ci i;y Eng necr a, d City Solioi or

s fol lo s :-

Ci y Enginee""'s Of ce . . ~ ~... , Halifax,N.S, Aug. 19, 1 i s,

His 'forship he Mt y ... ~. ., ~ ... ' ... , r, I beg to report on the at· c ied co imu icati:J.11

fror, e aar s , c nn a, Jenks & co., cl ,:br:ing r emunar .. tion for do a e caused to a.:n automobile o~ Pri ,ce .street

I under s tnad that the adcide t occur r ed as stated i 1 tne letter, and tha it as cause by tl:e car striking against a rojectj1g a-can pipe on Prince Street. L e quiry , I am r.n fo -med that the 'Jutqr Department hf.l! out the tar maca, um pav emen t en lai a pupe into the old YL.~.C A Bui~ding on Pri.ce Street, a d that t. e br eak .ad o eer filled in but b. not been re-covered wi t1 th ..... same mater it::.l as

e rest of the surface of the stroe~. I did not see t ie condi c i.ons n.yself, bu 'believe that the road material was below t e top of the cap .1. our of five h1ches · t least.

Under the circum;,:,t.J cea.. I am submi ttli:r g t 1is report o ~he Ci.;,y Solicitor for an opinion.

F.W.W.Doane, Ci .;,y Eng.;.ne~1 •

• . Halifax., J S • .Aug. 26, 191 • .

Sacre ta.:ry Boarv of co ., ol., De ar c; i:r: •

... The City is no t liable for ace idents ocourri gin connection, ith the stre~te 1 ill ca.re has been taken i t e cc ~atruction and maintenance of the street; but it is liabl~ if the cause oft e accident vas nne f· ilur "oto exce.roiae such oare ..

Upon the facts as stated by the E gileer I am of the opinion th t o.. act ion could be m in ta.in ed agaL,st t'_e Ci y. As 1 understand liitn the standpipe hich caused the acc:.dent could have been so covered as not to be a ca.use of dangax J but .,as not, ,and· I am therefore of opinio. th· t this is a claim properly recogi iz ble by theci ty. -,~1e1;her ~~ e amount cle.:med ~ s :p:rope:rly due is :;1, ues ticn of f · c , to be adjusted.

F.H.Bell1 Ci y so11oitor.

AP roved. -554-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


, :ugust 29th, 191~,


Aga:. d r ea O:l:"Cy Solio1 tor's opi. io re the

City's powers in respect the the Street Ra.il~1ay.

T:ie r por t is i ef'er red.,


Read :e tract fror:. Qteeting of rio ... of Co11 t ol

Augi.rnt 2 t ~, re ~aintenance of Military Prisor1era

at tue City Prison.

The · d copies of the r ..,po:::t t ter in d f - _ .., e .. rr... ,

are ordered to be or1.r<arded to tho membe r s of the

Bor- od Con~rol,

FIRE ALAR' BOXES' • Read report city Elec't:ric i.;Ul, 'J,s follows:-

Ci ty ~lecttician1s Offic~, Hali!'" x , ll. s. Au;;. 27th, 191'.

His ~orship the I!ayvr, and Boar cl. of Co _ ere 1. Gentlen.en:-

The follow1.1g Fire Alarm scxec have been i .1.sp oted w d "ouna. in good working oondi ti n,

No. lc:,13,14-,15,l&,17,23,l23,2t1 and 65. P.R .. COlpitt, Ci"Cy Elect·ician.

Fi ed ..

MARKET BUI ~D!lifG-ll ..... K:-'EFE C0..:18'."RUCTION cm ANY CO. _Rr.0'£.

Read xeport Gi~y Engi1 er as fol or.s:-

Halifax., N. S. Aug. 22, 191~.

His .orship the u~y r,

Si!',- I beg to re ort on t~~e aocompany I g Le t ter and account :from the M..E. Ke..- e co. s ruction Comp y Lin,i ted. En .. · iring in to the status of this matter, I find that a.t the meet:..ng of the Q0unc 1 h Ld on the 20th December 1917 a report f:rom t .... e Boar::. of Control was ad.opted., Which sho s th~~ the Cvmpany made a claim for corupe11sa1;io for dama.ged. in connection vi uh the contract. In a reement with t e contractor, it was allowed. to stand unt.i.1 my re-cui•n.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.

August 29th, 19"" 8,

I have revie ,ed. carefully and thoroughly the corrtr ec t and the eorrespondenoe and re-corts in connection with this b ter , and h ve also razed my memory for everything in connection ·,rith thin · ~tT 1: Whjr;" I o an I'6..J 11. tr. Dumar asq, the ar:Jh:ltect, .in his letter dated ku~. 8,1917 st1:1.tes that the Keefe construction co ,pany are not entitled to the amoun t of 'thelr cla.i for d magea, Mr, Johnston, the Act1n~ City En,ineer i bi report dated Au~. 14--tn,.1917 · con e: to the same cbnclusion., e.n.1 Mr,. J nnabon I e st t smen t of the facts is in accordance 1th my O'; n r coll c ion and my intraprotta.tion of the

co.tract. I h·ve a very distinct rvocllection of the copf er enc es •11. th lihe c:..rchi teat in ref er e ... c e nc o er t a.tn clauses of the epeoification, inclu ing a clauve "hich r fers to the rem val "'f stove. It was included in t e speciification at my request, e s we desired the ·-rivilege of taki g so muc n o r t ... e s t one as we re- qu i.r ed or could. take car e of, for use in _ e cons truo­ t t on of concrete s a -ewulks. At the same t tme , .re did o t desire to h ve any b m _ng obli ,ation or 1...1 .• e City to t kp any of the a tor ... e. Lt w s 1· alized., in frarn~n.g t,e clause, that tae bidder wouli allo for a saving in truckae;e to , e .u 1 to the am un t that the City s 3 1.t in removi lg the stone, Tne bidders , .sk d be Eefore ten eri. g., what tne irospecte were, and I ~~vet en~ d4 idea of ~hat we sbouli do: th; tis, that we sh-ou­ take all the stone t~~t e could, even to the extent of storing~ portion 0£ 1, but that we ehouli no~ be able to use tne . h.ole o:' it,

I :vas asked bv members of the Keefe Construction c ;y to remove thv etone on one or r,,ore ooca. ions ,~! .. we wa.i.e 1c-c ~?rking1 and . e did r~~ove a.,/~~o1 iaal of it, but at no 1;1 'le an in no 001-:!.versati?n _i. ... I ver admit that the CivY was under a:ny obl1.g.-1tion to ; .ove a L gla lo ' o.f it.

I ot -ware tu t the Ci ijy hae embarrased o: 1 .- -d the 001 tractor L.1 any -rray L connection

inco ven e.10~ . b ld be very t•orry •:Ji t i vhe exou.v9.ted s one., wid I s _ou '",. - - , if any act or ne~licence o: myself or .~ of oy

~t' e no ~actor to suffer eny un- s ta.ff had ca.use

1 :1 ~ "'. ;._: ,. i te s.e; mu·::;h of' t: e stone

neoeeas.ry loss. tv.~ rT11·~;:dw;~8 ti es 7hen ive di not as I l:.ad eeti a .• t1 aq the oori'-tr:.ic tors e:1.:0-vated it, take t • B'tO e B S - . t mh re " ...... th· · r own remedv in -cha c ... se. .1


bUii they. ~ ~:i.. . _ 1t tholtt from removing it if they was nothio~ -co J.r~~~r d t~"" say vh t I believe it 1.ras s~y fit, ud bI ·:use Tobey were co vinoed tha~ if ~hey not rernove eca; "' · t

d 1 _ _ ouc:·h 16 would remove 1 • , ai te cug · 6 ,

i m~~M~c~n I cannot see .here the U d ~11a ~ rcu "'u=, "'' ... ., n 6.L "'h .... Ve ••1"1y ·ust cls.iru e.gai st the Ci .y.

company can .>,W ........ ..i

F. ;, • W .Doa.1.e, City Engineer.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


0v 7

/ 1 /~

Au~~st 2;th, 19 ~•

On motion o Go.troller L!urphy secor.:ded by

Controller F1 lay th. c1·t" E 1 d tb ct - J 1ng nc~r an e 1 i Solicitor are :esque :ue to make ec e.aaar y reply

t o t, e oorr:n.unica.tion of tr':' M.E. Keefe Conetruction

cor peny ,



Read watvr bill Ch~rl~s D. Veave~, 145 Almon

Strest clai e to be exce~eive.

Raferrei to ~\3 City ~ng·nesr ~or repo~t.


Rea· 11ater· bill Altes voodworth, l 30 t:or1;h

street claimed to be excc9sive.

Referred to ihe City Enginee= for rcpo~t.

SEv:ER 74 VICTORIA ROAn-·.ms. J A::ES J ACKS0~~.

Co.·1trolL,.r F~.:;l y inforrr,ed ti o Doar :i that 'Ure

Ja.ckso 1 71~ 1310 toria. Road, had c omp'l.al ed to h i.n of

the insani -r,r,:ry condi t i o o,.A he r pr op er ty in r egar d

Refe1·1·~:i to t ae c:.ty Enr;incer for r opo.r t as to

tria aupp Ly i r g o.f ricc euu u:y sewerage facilities.


The Deputy Hayo.r r eque ta the City Aw itor

to prepare a d e ta.t Led et t emcn t showing "the e. per di uur e

of revenue cf tho M'ire D ... s.r tmen t r e on Hay Ls t , o

.August 310 t , and. also a. compar u -ci ve nta t emar 1j of

expenditures a;s aga.L: nt the various purpoe e a as pro-

vided in the eilt:~~tes.


The -epucy li~yur auks that ,:;he City Collector

uubn.I t reply io his requJst of l!u.y 2nd, 191s at

t!Le next nce t i lf: of t' C Bon.rd, or an ex Lana tn.on 0.B to

why the oame haq nut been ~reperec.

-557- Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives.

Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


• • ':c.i:.• - ....

P :t_mrnc FOR ORP _I Alf S.

Rea. ' letter J."D.O'Con ell, as follows:-

Richmoud, V,A. Aug. 26th, 19:S. r. P. Good in,

M yor of Halifax.

Your t:orship: I receive your letLer of the 23rd, u~t

hioh was forwarded from c~ba, and as I am ~ust leu~ing for .7abh'!lgton, Baltimore, Philadelphia end Ue 1 Yor:: on my flay to Je, BrunB rick and run travel.ihg by aut.n obile 1 t ill be later t han I expec red when I give the picnic for or ha1s o~ Halifax, but I ill

. g iv e one there for sure be tween the n1iddle and the end of September, will write you f'r m St. John N.B.

J, D. O'Connell.


The Board ad jourried

J. F:. God. in.

I\\·~~ . • Lan ~'d.on.

DEPUTY MAYffi . Act.:..ng C1 er k ,

. -55b-

Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.


Digital copy of Halifax Board of Control minutes (102-2A) provided by Halifax Municipal Archives. Request reports, correspondence mentioned in minutes: archives[at]halifax.ca.