Braz J Med Biol Res 40(4) 2007 www.bjournal.com.br Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2007) 40: 535-543 ISSN 0100-879X Comparison of the diagnosis of malaria by microscopy, immunochromatography and PCR in endemic areas of Venezuela 1 Laboratorio de Genética Molecular, Departamento de Biomedicina, Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina y Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná, Venezuela 2 Banco de Sangre, Hospital J.G. Hernández, Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela 3 Gerencia de Saneamiento Ambiental y Malariología, Region XI, Carúpano, Venezuela 4 Instituto de Inmunología, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela H. Rodulfo 1 , M. De Donato 1 , R. Mora 2 , L. González 3 and C.E. Contreras 4 Abstract Whole blood samples (N = 295) were obtained from different loca- tions in Amazonas and Sucre States, in Venezuela. Malaria was diagnosed by microscopy, OptiMAL™ and polymerase chain reac- tion (PCR), with Plasmodium vivax, P. falciparum, and P. malariae being detected when possible. We identified 93 infections, 66 of which were caused by P. vivax, 26 by P. falciparum, and 1 was a mixed infection. No infection caused by P. malariae was detected. The sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic method were high: 95.7 and 97.9% for microscopy, 87.0 and 97.9% for OptiMAL, and 98.0 and 100% for PCR, respectively. Most samples (72.2%) showed more than 5000 parasites/μL blood. The sensitivity of the diagnosis by microscopy and OptiMAL decreased with lower parasitemia. All samples showing disagreement among the methods were reevaluated, but the first result was used for the calculations. Parasites were detected in the 6 false-negative samples by microscopy after the second examination. The mixed infection was only detected by PCR, while the other methods diagnosed it as P. falciparum (microscopy) or P. vivax (OptiMAL) infection. Most of the false results obtained with the OptiMAL strip were related to the P. falciparum-specific band, including 3 species misdiagnoses, which could be related to the test itself or to genetic variation of the Venezuelan strains. The use of the microscopic method for malaria detection is recommended for its low cost but is very difficult to implement in large scale, population-based studies; thus, we report here more efficient methods suitable for this purpose. Correspondence M. De Donato Departamento de Biomedicina Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina y Ciencias Aplicadas (IIBCA), Universidad de Oriente Cerro del Medio Cumanás 6101 Venezuela Fax: +58-293-452-1297 E-mail: [email protected] Research supported by the Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (FONACIT, No. PEM-2001001621). Received October 5, 2005 Accepted January 9, 2007 Key words Malaria Molecular diagnosis of malaria Microscopic diagnosis of malaria Polymerase chain reaction OptiMAL

Comparison of malaria diagnosis by microscopy, immunochromatography and PCR in endemic areas of Venezuela

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Braz J Med Biol Res 40(4) 2007

Diagnosis of malaria in endemic areas of Venezuela


Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2007) 40: 535-543ISSN 0100-879X

Comparison of the diagnosis of malariaby microscopy, immunochromatographyand PCR in endemic areas of Venezuela

1Laboratorio de Genética Molecular, Departamento de Biomedicina,Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina y Ciencias Aplicadas,Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná, Venezuela2Banco de Sangre, Hospital J.G. Hernández, Puerto Ayacucho,Venezuela3Gerencia de Saneamiento Ambiental y Malariología, Region XI, Carúpano,Venezuela4Instituto de Inmunología, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

H. Rodulfo1,M. De Donato1,

R. Mora2,L. González3

and C.E. Contreras4


Whole blood samples (N = 295) were obtained from different loca-tions in Amazonas and Sucre States, in Venezuela. Malaria wasdiagnosed by microscopy, OptiMAL™ and polymerase chain reac-tion (PCR), with Plasmodium vivax, P. falciparum, and P. malariaebeing detected when possible. We identified 93 infections, 66 ofwhich were caused by P. vivax, 26 by P. falciparum, and 1 was amixed infection. No infection caused by P. malariae was detected.The sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic method were high:95.7 and 97.9% for microscopy, 87.0 and 97.9% for OptiMAL, and98.0 and 100% for PCR, respectively. Most samples (72.2%) showedmore than 5000 parasites/µL blood. The sensitivity of the diagnosis bymicroscopy and OptiMAL decreased with lower parasitemia. Allsamples showing disagreement among the methods were reevaluated,but the first result was used for the calculations. Parasites weredetected in the 6 false-negative samples by microscopy after thesecond examination. The mixed infection was only detected by PCR,while the other methods diagnosed it as P. falciparum (microscopy) orP. vivax (OptiMAL) infection. Most of the false results obtained withthe OptiMAL strip were related to the P. falciparum-specific band,including 3 species misdiagnoses, which could be related to the testitself or to genetic variation of the Venezuelan strains. The use of themicroscopic method for malaria detection is recommended for its lowcost but is very difficult to implement in large scale, population-basedstudies; thus, we report here more efficient methods suitable for thispurpose.

CorrespondenceM. De Donato

Departamento de Biomedicina

Instituto de Investigaciones en

Biomedicina y Ciencias Aplicadas(IIBCA), Universidad de Oriente

Cerro del Medio

Cumanás 6101


Fax: +58-293-452-1297

E-mail: [email protected]

Research supported by the Fondo

Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología

e Innovación (FONACIT,No. PEM-2001001621).

Received October 5, 2005

Accepted January 9, 2007

Key words• Malaria• Molecular diagnosis of

malaria• Microscopic diagnosis

of malaria• Polymerase chain reaction• OptiMAL


Braz J Med Biol Res 40(4) 2007

H. Rodulfo et al.



Malaria is the most important humanparasitic disease throughout the tropical andsubtropical regions of the world due to ishigh prevalence and mortality rate. In Ven-ezuela, malaria is also a great concern, with46,244 cases being reported in 2004, mainlyfrom Sucre (10.26%), Bolivar (59.63%), andAmazonas (23.18%) States (1). Detailedknowledge of the incidence and transmis-sion dynamics of the Plasmodium species inour region is the key to design effectivemeasures for malaria control and the treat-ment schemes to be used. Medical and mi-croscopic diagnoses are universally used forthe collection of epidemiological data. Thestandard microscopic diagnosis of malariarequires a relatively short time when theparasites are present in high numbers (≥1000parasites/µL), but if parasitemia is very low,more than 10 min are needed to examineeach slide, which is often the case in en-demic areas for malaria or when drugs aretaken inappropriately (2).

On the other hand, the immunodiagnos-tic tests used for the detection of Plasmo-dium are easy to use and can produce fastresults, but they usually have lower sensitiv-ity and specificity than conventional micro-scopic examination. Many of them have beendesigned to specifically detect P. falciparumand some of them can detect the other ma-laria species non-specifically. Among themost common immunodiagnostic tests avail-able are the Parasight F-test (Becton-Dick-inson Advanced Diagnosis, Franklin Lakes,NJ, USA) which detects P. falciparum spe-cifically using an IgG1 monoclonal anti-body that recognizes the parasite histidine-rich protein 2 (3); the ICT Malaria Pf/Pv(AMRAD, Frenchs Forest, New SouthWales, Australia) and its new version NOWICT Malaria Pf/Pv (Binax, Inc., Portland,ME, USA), which work according to thesame principle but use an IgM monoclonalantibody specific for P. falciparum as well

as an antibody against the Plasmodium aldo-lase (4), and OptiMAL (DiaMed, under li-cense from Flow, Inc., Portland, OR, USA)which is based on the detection of the para-site lactate dehydrogenase, an enzyme pro-duced only by live parasites, and not a re-sidual metabolite such as parasite histidine-rich protein 2, which can thus detect activeinfection, being useful for the monitoring ofantimalarial drug therapies (5,6).

Finally, the use of molecular biology forthe diagnosis of malaria has proved to behighly sensitive for the detection of the dis-ease, but the equipment required is not widelyavailable in many of the endemic areas andthe protocol is more complex and needsbetter trained technicians. The use of thepolymerase chain reaction (PCR), however,is extremely useful for decision making indisease control and treatment, for example,for the detection of mixed infections whichplay a modulatory role in the severity of thesymptoms (2,7,8). The greatest advantage,however, is the ability of PCR to detectinfections with parasitemia as low as 5 para-sites/µL blood (9,10). However, there aresome problems with false-negative resultswhen the DNA isolation protocol is not ap-propriate (5,11); for example, not remov-ing the inhibitors from the sample and notpreventing the action of enzymes that de-grade DNA.

Due to the increase of malaria cases inthe last years in the regions of Venezuelawhere malaria is endemic, we decided tocarry out a study to evaluate three differentdiagnostic methods applied to individualsfrom Sucre and Amazonas States, whichrepresent the extremes of the Southeasternendemic region of the country, with the high-est prevalence values in Venezuela, afterBolivar State.

Material and Methods

We evaluated three diagnostic methodsfor the detection of malaria infections. A


Braz J Med Biol Res 40(4) 2007

Diagnosis of malaria in endemic areas of Venezuela


total of 295 samples were analyzed, 14 ofwhich came from Cumaná, 41 from Yagua-raparo, 100 from Cangua in Sucre State, a P.vivax endemic area, 17 from PuertoAyacucho, 110 from San Fernando deAtabapo, and 13 from Santa Barbara inAmazonas State, a P. vivax/P. falciparumendemic area (Figure 1). Samples fromCangua, San Fernando de Atabapo, and SantaBarbara were taken at random from indi-viduals living in those communities; the restof the samples were obtained by activesearches for positive samples at differentplaces, except for the samples from Cumaná,which were from blood bank donors knownto be free of malaria infection and were usedas negative controls. Blood samples weretaken intravenously from symptomatic andasymptomatic individuals of both gendersand different age groups, who agreed toparticipate in this study by signing a consentform, and who received an immediate diag-nostic result (both microscopic and OptiMALtests) and the corresponding treatment.Samples to be used for PCR were storedfrozen with EDTA at -20ºC until use. Twodrops of blood were also taken from the earto prepare thick and thin smears for micro-scopic diagnosis after standard Giemsa stain-ing, by analyzing the slides under a 100Xobjective. Samples with no visible parasitesafter scoring 100 fields were considered tobe negative for this test. Parasitemia (para-sites/µL) was determined by counting thenumber of parasites present in the thick bloodsmear in relation to 500 white blood cellsand using 8000 white cells per µL of blood(5) as a reference.

Additionally, an immunochromatograph-ic diagnosis was carried out using theOptiMAL® strip (Flow Inc., Portland, OR,USA) according to manufacturer instruc-tions. This test is based on a membranecoated with monoclonal antibodies specificfor parasite lactate dehydrogenase, an en-zyme produced by metabolizing malariaparasites. Briefly, a drop of blood is added to

Figure 1. Localization of the populations of Sucre and Amazonas States, Venezuela, wherethe samples were obtained.

a well of a microtiter plate previously hy-drated with buffer. A nitrocellulose strip isplaced in the well, and the blood is drawn upby capillary action. After the blood is takenup completely (about 10 min), the strip istransferred to the next well with buffer andallowed to clear. The test contains a positive


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control line that should be present at the topof the strip to demonstrate that it is func-tional. A second line, adjacent to the positivecontrol line, indicates the presence of a Plas-modium parasite (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P.ovalae, or P. malariae). A third line indi-cates a positive infection with P. falciparum,containing specific antigens.

Finally, molecular biology diagnosis wascarried out using the amplification of the18S rRNA genes with primers specific for P.falciparum, P. vivax, and P. malariae (2).For this, total genomic DNA was extractedfrom blood samples using the Wizard Ge-nomic DNA extraction kit (Promega Corp.,Madison, WI, USA) according to manufac-turer instructions. Briefly, 150 µL of bloodwas mixed with 450 µL of cell lysis solutionand incubated for 10 min at room tempera-ture. The white blood cells and parasiteswere isolated by centrifugation and thenmixed with 150 µL nucleus lysis solution.Fifty microliters of protein precipitation so-lution was added and vortexed for 20 s. Theprotein pellet was eliminated by centrifuga-tion and the DNA was precipitated withisopropanol, washed with 70% ethanol andthen dried and hydrated with Tris-EDTAbuffer. We used a DNA sample from a pa-tient from Yaguaraparo as the PCR-positivecontrol for the amplification of the P. vivaxfragment, as well as DNA from the culturedstrain FCB (Instituto de Inmunología, Uni-versidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas,Venezuela) of P. falciparum as the PCR-positive control for the amplification of thisspecies fragment.

Amplification was done in a 25-µL vol-ume using Taq polymerase buffer (10 mMTris-HCl, pH 9.0, 50 mM KCl, 0.1% Triton X-100), 200 µM of each dNTP, 0.75 U Taqpolymerase (Promega Corp.), either 1 mMMgCl2 (for P. vivax) or 3 mM MgCl2 (for P.falciparum and P. malariae) and 2 µL ofdiluted DNA (about 100 ng). PCR was per-formed individually for each species using thepreviously published oligonucleotides at a

concentration of 175 nM. The program usedfor the amplification included a modificationof the original program (2), with the first 10cycles containing one step of denaturation at94ºC for 1 min, one step of annealing at 54ºCfor 2 min and one step of polymerization at72ºC for 2 min. Next, 35 cycles were used withdenaturation at 94ºC for 45 s, annealing at56ºC for 90 s and polymerization at 72ºC for 1min. A final extension at 72ºC for 10 min wasthen carried out. This modification improvedthe intensity of the signal while decreasing thebackground noise of the amplification.

Because no method was used as a goldstandard, the sensitivity and specificity ofeach test were estimated indirectly usingmaximum likelihood calculations, obtainedby Newton-Raphson and Expectation-Maxi-mization algorithms available in the Web-based software TAGS (http:/www.epi.ucdavis.edu/diagnostictests/tags.html), which was de-signed for the evaluation of test accuracy inthe absence of a gold standard (12). To runthis program, the total number of individualswas divided into three populations: indi-viduals with unknown infection status (Can-gua, San Fernando de Atabapo, and SantaBarbara), those known to be infected andthose known to be uninfected. The estimatesof the prevalences used for input in the soft-ware were those calculated with the actualdata and the estimates of the sensitivities andspecificities of each method were the diag-nostic agreements calculated as sensitivitiesand specificities using the true-positive andnegative results. True results were identifiedby the agreement of all three methods, sincethe false-negative and positive results werefound to be in agreement with the other twodiagnostic tests after a second test/examina-tion of all three methods. Mixed infectionswere scored as two separate infections tofacilitate the calculations, and the misdiag-noses were considered to be false-negativeresults since treatment for the wrong specieswill not eliminate the infection due to thedifferences in parasite resistance (13).


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Diagnosis of malaria in endemic areas of Venezuela



We detected 93 cases of true malariainfection among the 295 samples evaluated,66 of which were caused by P. vivax, 26 byP. falciparum and one was caused by bothspecies. In the population-based study car-ried out in Sucre, there was a prevalence of2% for P. vivax infection and no cases of P.falciparum or P. malariae, as expected fromprevious reports. In the population-basedstudy carried out in Amazonas, the preva-lences of 12.2% for P. vivax and 15.4% forP. falciparum infection were detected. Noinfection caused by P. malariae was de-tected by PCR or microscopy.

The microscopic diagnosis for malariashowed a high sensitivity (95.7%) but some-what lower than for PCR (98.0%), and bothhigher than for OptiMAL (87.0%), with thesedifferences being statistically significant(Table 1). Specificity values were high(≥98%) for all methods either for species-specific or nonspecific diagnosis.

When comparing the microscopic andPCR methods, there was agreement in thediagnosis of 85 positive and 199 negativesamples (Table 2). Two samples were posi-tive for P. vivax by microscopy and negativeby PCR. Of these, one was a true-positive formicroscopy undetected by PCR, and onewas a false-positive for microscopy. Simi-larly, three samples were positive for P.falciparum by microscopy and negative byPCR. Of these, 1 was a true-positive formicroscopy which went undetected by PCR,and 2 were false-positives for microscopy.The 2 false-negative results obtained by PCRwere reanalyzed (new DNA extraction andamplification) and found to be positive. Thefalse-positive and -negative results obtainedby microscopy were rescored by a highlytrained microscopist (Malaria ReferenceCenter) who found either parasites or nosign of infection, agreeing with both the firstand second PCR analysis, as well as with theOptiMAL test. Additionally, one sample

Table 1. Characteristics of the diagnostic methods for malaria in 295 blood samples.

Method Positive results Negative results Sensitivity Specificity

MalariaMicroscopy 91 205 95.7 97.9OptiMAL 83 213 87.0 97.9PCR 92 204 98.0 100

Plasmodium vivaxMicroscopy 65 230 97.1 99.1OptiMAL 64 231 85.4 98.2PCR 66 229 98.7 100

Plasmodium falciparumMicroscopy 27 268 97.0 99.1OptiMAL 23 272 88.2 98.2PCR 26 269 98.7 100

Sensitivity and specificity were calculated according to the criteria stated in theMaterial and Methods section.

Table 3. Comparison between the OptiMAL and PCR diagnosis in the 295 bloodsamples from this study.

PCR Total

Plasmodium Plasmodium Mixed NegativeOptiMAL vivax falciparum infection results

Plasmodium vivax 59 3 1 1 64Plasmodium falciparum 1 18 0 4 23Mixed infection 0 0 0 0 0Negative results 5 4 0 199 208Total 65 25 1 204 295

All PCR results were true results except for 1 false-negative result for Plasmodiumvivax and 1 for P. falciparum.

Table 2. Comparison between the microscopic and PCR diagnosis in the 295 bloodsamples tested in the present study.

PCR Total

Plasmodium Plasmodium Mixed NegativeMicroscopy vivax falciparum infection results

Plasmodium vivax 62 1 0 2 65Plasmodium falciparum 0 23 1 3 27Mixed infection 0 0 0 0 0Negative results 3 1 0 199 203Total 65 25 1 204 295

All PCR results were true results except for 1 false-negative result for Plasmodiumvivax and 1 for P. falciparum.


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which was originally scored as positive forP. vivax by microscopy was rescored aspositive for P. falciparum (species misdiag-nosis), agreeing with the PCR and OptiMALresult. Finally, 3 samples infected with P.vivax and one with P. falciparum were diag-nosed as negative by microscopy. Rescoringof these samples agreed with the PCR andOptiMAL results.

When comparing the OptiMAL and PCRmethods (Table 3), we found agreement inthe diagnosis of 77 positive and 199 nega-tive samples. One sample positive for P.vivax by OptiMAL and negative by PCR

was shown to be a P. vivax false-negativeresult by PCR. Similarly, four samples foundto be positive for P. falciparum by OptiMAL,failed to be diagnosed by PCR. Three ofthese were found to be negative when re-tested by PCR and OptiMAL, and one wasthe true-positive not detected by PCR dis-cussed above. Additionally, three sampleswhich originally tested positive for P. vivaxand one that tested positive for P. falciparumwere retested by OptiMAL and PCR andfound to be positive for P. falciparum and P.vivax, respectively (species misdiagnosis),agreeing with the original PCR and micro-scopic results. Finally, 5 samples infectedwith P. vivax and 4 with P. falciparum werediagnosed as negative by OptiMAL. Retest-ing of these samples agreed with the originalPCR and microscopic results. Mixed infec-tion with P. vivax/P. falciparum was de-tected as a P. vivax infection by OptiMALand as a P. falciparum infection by micros-copy. The results for the 28 (9.5%) sampleswith disagreement in the diagnosis by anymethod were concordant after retesting.

When comparing the OptiMAL and mi-croscopic methods (Table 4), there was agree-ment in the diagnosis of 80 positive and 199negative samples. Two samples were foundto be positive for P. vivax by OptiMAL andnegative by microscopy. Similarly, one sam-ple found to be positive for P. falciparum byOptiMAL was diagnosed as P. vivax bymicroscopy; all three samples were speciesmisdiagnoses by OptiMAL. Additionally, of4 samples that were negative by microscopy2 tested positive for P. vivax and 2 for P.falciparum, while of the 9 negative samplesthat tested negative by OptiMAL 4 testedpositive for P. vivax and 5 for P. falciparum.

Most of the samples (72.2%) containedmore than 5000 parasites/µL blood, while20.2% were between 500-5000 parasites/µLand 7.4% showed 50-500 parasites/µL andnone was found showing fewer than 50 para-sites/µL (Table 5). The diagnostic agree-ment of the microscopic examination and

Table 5. Sensitivity of each diagnostic method according to parasitemia.

Parasitemia True- False- Total Diagnosticpositive negative agreement

Microscopy>5000 parasites/µL 68 0 68 100500-5000 parasites/µL 17 2 19 89.550-500 parasites/µL 3 4 7 42.9

OptiMAL>5000 parasites/µL 63 5 68 92.7500-5000 parasites/µL 14 5 19 73.750-500 parasites/µL 3 4 7 42.9

PCR>5000 parasites/µL 67 1 68 98.5500-5000 parasites/µL 18 1 19 94.750-500 parasites/µL 7 0 7 100

These values were calculated according to the criteria stated in the Material andMethods section.

Table 4. Comparisons between the OptiMAL and microscopic diagnosis in the 295blood samples tested in the present study.

Microscopy Total

Plasmodium Plasmodium Mixed NegativeOptiMAL vivax falciparum infection results

Plasmodium vivax 60 2 0 2 64Plasmodium falciparum 1 20 0 2 23Mixed infection 0 0 0 0 0Negative results 4 5 0 199 208Total 65 27 0 203 295


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Diagnosis of malaria in endemic areas of Venezuela


OptiMAL test decreased with lower parasi-temia, but the PCR test showed the highestdiagnostic agreement when samples had 50-500 parasites/µL. The mixed infectionshowed a high number of P. vivax parasites(higher than 5000 parasites/µL) but a lownumber of P. falciparum parasites (less than500 parasites/µL).


Even though conventional microscopy isthe reference method and the one most usedfor the diagnosis of Plasmodium spp, itssensitivity and specificity are limited to thenumber of tests that can be analyzed permicroscopist and his/her training, especiallyfor low-parasite densities, when more timeis needed for an accurate diagnosis (2,14).These limitations could explain the falseresults obtained in the microscopic diagno-sis of the endemic populations of Sucre andAmazonas.

Zaman et al. (15) suggested that the great-est disadvantage of the microscopic diagno-sis is the possibility of misdiagnosis of Plas-modium species, particularly for low parasi-temia, mixed infections and when only ringforms are seen. Postigo et al. (16) reportedthat false-negative results by microscopy forP. vivax are probably due to very low parasi-temia which is very difficult to detect byroutine microscopic methods. This agreeswith the present study, where most of thefalse-negative results were obtained for para-sitemia lower than 500 parasites/µL.

The significantly lower sensitivity of theOptiMAL test agrees with many reports fromAfghanistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Honduras, andPeru (17-21) in which the test showed sensi-tivities ranging from 79.3 to 94% but speci-ficities ranging from 97 to 100%. Other stud-ies from Thailand, USA, Honduras and Co-lombia (22-25) have shown sensitivities andspecificities close to 100%, while one studyfrom Canada (26) showed a sensitivity of29.1 but a specificity of 95.6%.

In addition, the lower sensitivity foundfor P. falciparum antigens detected by theantibodies used on the OptiMAL strips, inthis study, agrees with previous reports (17,18,20,24) with 6-57% differences in sensi-tivity but with specificities similar to thosefound in our study. Moody (4), in a largestudy with 636 patients with malaria symp-toms from Sub-Saharan Africa, showed sen-sitivities for the OptiMAL test of 96, 95.3,57 and 47% for P. vivax, P. falciparum, P.ovale, and P. malariae, respectively, andspecificities of 100% for P. falciparum and94% for the other species, when comparedwith the microscopic diagnosis. They sug-gested that the lower sensitivity of the testsfor P. falciparum infections were due to thefact that only gametocytes at low densitieswere present.

Miller et al. (27), evaluating the treat-ment of malaria by OptiMAL and conven-tional microscopy in 12 patients from Thai-land infected with P. falciparum withoutclinical complications, found that the colorintensity in the reactive strips for theOptiMAL test decreased with the levels ofparasitemia, also showing that sensitivitywas 88% when the density of gametes was≥100/µL and 35% for densities of <100/µL.This agrees with our results regarding para-sitemia and the sensitivity of OptiMAL.However, even at high parasitemia (>5000parasites/µL), 5 false-negative results werereported for this test, which showed lowersensitivities than the other two methods atany parasitemia level.

The OptiMAL test shows sensitivity simi-lar to those reported for other dipsticks, suchas ParaSight and ICT Malaria Pf/Pv, whichranged from 86-100 and 58-96%, respec-tively (3,20,28-33). Iqbal et al. (20) com-pared the OptiMAL and ICT Malaria Pf/Pvtests, showing that OptiMAL had a highersensitivity for the diagnosis of P. vivax (79%)and P. falciparum (87%), than ICT MalariaPf/Pv (58 and 81% respectively), but withboth tests showing specificities higher than


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97%. On the other hand, Grobusch et al.(34), comparing the ParaSight, ICT MalariaPf/Pv and OptiMAL tests, found similarlyhigh sensitivities for the first two (95.1 and95.7%, respectively) and significantly lowersensitivity for OptiMAL (76.2%), althoughall tests showed again specificities higherthan 97%.

Coleman et al. (35) evaluated the effi-cacy of the ICT Malaria Pf/Pv in a largestudy of 559 asymptomatic patients from anendemic area of Thailand using conventionalmicroscopy as the reference method, andfound that the sensitivity for P. falciparumdropped from 100 to 23.3% when the parasi-temia was below 500 trophozoites/µL. ForP. vivax infections, the sensitivity droppedfrom 66.7% to 0 at parasitemia below 500trophozoites/µL. In our case, diagnosticagreement for OptiMAL, was similar forboth species but also dropped drastically insamples with <500 parasites/µL.

Our results allow us to recommend theuse of both microscopy and PCR for thecharacterization of any diagnostic test, sinceby using both techniques we can obtain 100%certainty of the results. It is especially im-portant to use PCR for the species-specificdiagnosis to evaluate the treatment of ma-laria, since resistance to the drugs used isspecies-specific, so that the treatment of onetype of malaria will probably not cure theother (14).

We recommend the use of PCR for theaccurate diagnosis of infections in popula-

tion-based studies that will allow the estab-lishment of better relationships among theepidemiological factors that can affect theendemicity of malaria. In addition, the use ofPCR-based techniques is most valuable forthe evaluation of drug treatments as well asfor diagnosing the emergence of drug resis-tance in specific areas. Thus, we recommendthe incorporation of the PCR technique intothe Reference Centers of government insti-tutions responsible for malaria control, theevaluation of diagnostic tests, the verifica-tion of the quality of the microscopic diag-nosis at each diagnostic center, as well as themonitoring of the emergence of resistantstrains of Plasmodium parasites.


The authors wish to acknowledge toGerencia de Saneamiento Ambiental y Ma-lariología, Region XI, Carupano, Venezuelawho donated the OptiMAL kits, as well asIsaurea Quijada (IIBCA, Universidad deOriente, Cumana, Venezuela) and MelceniaMoreno (Instituto de Biomedicina, Ministeriode Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion, Cara-cas, Venezuela) who helped at various stagesin the research. We also wish to thank Dr.Frances Osborn for revising and correctingthe English text. Finally, we wish to thankElier Diaz (IIBCA, Universidad de Oriente,Cumana, Venezuela), who has been of greatassistance in this study, working beyond thecall of duty in order to complete the mission.


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Diagnosis of malaria in endemic areas of Venezuela


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