March 2012 Vol 109, No 234 www.cmaa.asn.au Expo Rego might be ticket to paradise ‘CMDA Family’ welcomes new sponsors n Hamilton Island dream holidays n 2012 State of Origin tickets n ACER Iconia A500 32gb Tablet n Prize details inside ROSTERING ATTENDANCE AND PAYROLL

CMA Magazine March 2012

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l 109

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Expo Rego might beticket to paradise

‘CMDA Family’ welcomes new sponsors

n Hamilton Island dream holidaysn 2012 State of Origin ticketsn ACER Iconia A500 32gb Tabletn Prize details inside




Vice PresidentMICHAEL O'SULLIVAN, ACCMMilton Ulladulla Bowling Club

Federal SecretaryALLAN PETER, ACCM

Executive MembersSTEVE CONDRENSouthport Surf Lifesaving Club

IAN TODD, ACCMKingsgrove RSL Club

NSW State Executive MemberDAVID HISCOXDapto Leagues Club


Division A – City/Eastern SuburbsZone and Manly/Northern SuburbsZoneMario Machado, ACCMChief Executive OfficerHornsby RSL Club

Division B - St George/CronullaSutherland Zone and Inner West ZoneDouglas Kirkham, ACCMGeneral ManagerCanada Bay Club

Division C – Nepean ZoneMichael WiezelSecretary ManagerSt Marys RSL Club

Division D – Hunter Zone, CentralCoast Zone and Great Lakes ZoneStephen Byfield, ACCMChief Executive OfficerDiggers @ The Entrance

Division E – Far North Coast Zone,North West State Zone, Mid State Zoneand Mid North Coast ZonePhillip Mallon, ACCMGeneral Manager Casino RSM Club

Division F – Illawarra Shoalhaven Zoneand Far South Coast ZoneDavid Hiscox General ManagerDapto Leagues Club

Division G – Gold Coast Zone, BrisbaneZone, Ipswich Darling Downs Zone,Sunshine Coast Zone, and the Centraland Northern Queensland ZoneWayne MoffattGeneral ManagerPine Rivers Memorial Club

Division H – Victoria Zone, RiverinaMurray Zone and the ACT ZoneGrant Duffy, ACCMSecretary ManagerNumurkah Golf & Bowls Club


Executive OfficerRalph Kober, B.Ed.

Senior Industrial Relations AdvocatePeter Cooper

Marketing and Sponsorship ManagerShannon Donato

Industry Professional Development ManagerGeoff Meston

Training Course AdministratorsBrad Jones, CCMEstelle McDonald­Birch

Accounts OfficerPriscilla San Luis

Administration OfficerEvonne Bosnich

ReceptionistCarol Quirke

Events AdministratorTegan Cain

Qld Membership Liaison OfficerJustin McGurgan

Life MembersHarry Walker (decd.)Norm Robinson (decd.)Arthur Justice (decd.)Len Ewart (decd.)Lou O’Neill (decd.)Peter Cameron (decd.)Bob Harbutt (decd.)Keith Nolan (decd.)Fred Chubb, CCM (decd.)Alan McDougall, MBE (decd.)John Milne (decd.)Les EvennettGeorge Elliot, CCMPeter Strachan, ACCMHans Sarlemyn, ACCMJim Henry, OAM, CCMTerry Condon, CCMLew CooperBarry StevensonGreg Pickering, ACCMJohn Allan, ACCMAllan Peter, ACCMWayne Forrest, ACCMBill Clegg, ACCM

Publisher CMAAEditor: Peter Sharp 0412 381 733

Contributors:Henri Lach, Katie Cincotta.

Advertising: Judy Rayner

Advertising Bookings:(02) 9332 2363 & 9360 6177Fax (02) 9361 [email protected]

Printing and Design:Daily Press GroupPhone: (02) 9316 9366

Correspondence:The Editor, c/­ Club Managers’ Association Australia

Level 2, 1 Showground RoadSydney Olympic Park NSW 2127Locked Bag 4317 Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127Phone (02) 9746 4199Fax (02) 9746 5199

Please address all businesscorrespondence to the Federal Secretary

The Club Managers’ Association Australia isregistered as an industrial organisation ofemployees in the terms of the Fair Work Act2009, and The Club Managers’ Association isa registered Trade Union in the terms of theNew South Wales Industrial Relations Act1996. The CMAA is affiliated with theAustralian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).

Registered OfficeLevel 2, 1 Showground RoadSydney Olympic Park NSW 2127Phone (02) 9746 4199Fax (02) 9746 5199Locked Bag 4317 Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127Email ­ [email protected]

Office HoursMonday to Friday 9am to 5pmSeven­day telephone answering service inoperation.

“Club Management in Australia” is published monthly bythe Club Managers’ Association Australia. All material iscopyright and cannot be reproduced without the explicitpermission of the Publisher or Editor. Editorialcontributions relating to the club industry are welcome.Submitted copy should be typed and double spaced. Wedon’t accept any responsibility for keeping and returningunsolicited material. Photographs submitted must becaptioned. Those sent without prior arrangement cannotbe returned unless accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Views expressed in this magazine arenot necessarily those of the Club Managers’ AssociationAustralia. Although we do exercise the utmost caution, wedon’t accept responsibility for claims expressed inadvertisements appearing in our issues.

Subscription rate is $60 a year.ISSN 0045­7205


Club Managers’ Association AustraliaOffice Bearers

Bill Clegg ACCMFederal President

Michael O’Sullivan ACCMFederal Vice President

Allan Peter ACCMFederal Secretary

Ian Todd ACCMFederal Executive Member

David Hiscox ACCMNSW State Executive Member

Steve Condren Federal Executive Member

Club Managers’ Career Development Centre Sponsor





Cover 2 KONAMI








P 8 MERIDIAN CONSTRUCTIONS + President's Perspective

P 9 I G T

P 10 The Executive Officer's Desk


P 12 HOUSE OF TICKETS + The Business End

P 13 VOYAGER GAMING + CMAA 2012 Conference & Expo


P 15 JAMES CLIFFORD + Problem Gambling Self­Exclusion

P 16 CMDA SPONSOR UPDATE ­ Treasury Wine Estates

P 17 CARDFIX + ACT Clubs Take Pokies Trial


P 19 G L I






P 25 OUR MANAGERS – Ray Agostino



P 28 CMDA UPDATE – Big Dave Staughton 1




P 32 HARLEY RUSSELL DAY + ITZ ­ Manly Northern Suburbs Zone AGM


P 34 ITZ ­ Mid State Zone AGM & Dinner


P 36 ITZ ­ Hunter Zone Social Day


P 38 ITZ – Mid North Coast Zone Meeting



P 41 CMAA 2012 MEETINGS & EVENTS DIARY + Market Forces




Cover 3 2011 ACE AWARDS



RAY AGOSTINO is a humble man who says he owes anysuccess in his career to “a lot of good people”. It’s animpressive list of Club Industry “champions” you wouldwant on your side and Ray insists he’s lucky to have them inhis corner. The CMAA Manly Northern Suburbs ZonePresident chalked up a remarkable 30 years at his much­loved Asquith Leagues Club last year and, earlier thismonth, was re­elected to his 15th term as Zone President.

➢ Page 25

THE CMDA Board of Management Studies and the CMAA’sIndustry Professional Development Manager Geoff Mestonhave worked hard to develop many new education andprofessional development initiatives for professionalsacross levels of the hospitality industry – clubs, hotels,casinos and restaurants. BIG DAVE STAUGHTON is one ofthe most dynamic and popular presenters in the businessand his 2012 program offers something for every manager.

➢ Pages 28-29

IT’S FEBRUARY and the CMAA Zone Meeting “season” isback in full swing with Manly Northern Suburbs, Mid State,Mid North Coast, Hunter and Illawarra Shoalhaven zonesopening the batting. North West State and Central Coastmeet before the traditional break for the CMAA’s AGM,Conference & Hospitality Expo at Darling Harbour on March12­13. Stay in touch with what’s happening In The Zoneeach month in CMA Magazine.

➢ Pages 32-38


LIKE ANY other busy organisation, the CMAAis always adapting to change, whether it’s IRlaws, education and professional development,membership or staffing.

David Hiscox, one of the Association’s mostactive and enthusiastic members, has takenanother large step in his work for membersand the CMAA.

David, the CEO at the busy and successfulDapto Leagues Club in Wollongong, alreadyhold the roles of Illawarra Shoalhaven ZonePresident; CMAA Federal Councillor forDivision F – Illawarra Shoalhaven Zone and FarSouth Coast Zone; and is Chairman of theCMDA Board of Management Studies.

CMAA Executive Officer Ralph Koberannounced on February 15 that David hadaccepted the Federal Executive’s invitation tofill the role of NSW State Executive Member.

This role became vacant when Ian Toddmoved up to the Federal Member role with

Debbie Feening’s resignation in November. Thislatest appointment means that David has stooddown from the Board of Management Studies.

CMAA Federal President Bill Clegg, ACCM,said David Hiscox had played an integral role inthe Association in developing the relationshipwith the Chartered Secretaries Association.“David also represents the CMAA on theIndustry Panel considering future trainingneeds for the Club Industry and I’m confidenthe will make a valuable contribution as anExecutive Member,” Bill added.

Orange Ex­Services Club CEO CameronProvost stood down as CMAA Mid State ZonePresident at the Zone’s recent AGM at DubboRSL Club to take on the role of Board ofManagement Studies Chairman.

Ralph Kober also announced that Canada BayClub General Manager Douglas Kirkham hadbeen appointed CMAA Federal Councillor forDivision B ­ St George­Cronulla SutherlandZone and Inner West Zone.

Douglas also is the CMAA Inner West ZonePresident and the Division B role becamevacant when Ian Todd ­ also the St George­Cronulla Sutherland Zone President ­ wasappointed to the CMAA NSW State Executiverole, then to the Federal Executive. n

Familiar faces stepup to new roles




ARGUABLY, THE Club Industry isentering into a new, exciting era with thesoon­to­be­introduced compulsorytraining for Directors and Managers.While it is now a NSW issue, almostcertainly the training requirements willbe adopted by all jurisdictions

Your Executive sees this as a timewhen the CMAA can actively participatein the development of the courses wherecompetency will need to bedemonstrated. The CMAA has, for manyyears, lobbied successive Governmentsto introduce compulsory training formanagers. The IPART review indentifiedthe role the CMAA plays in professionaldevelopment.

Regardless of position and years ofexperience, the requirement for ongoingeducation in the Club Industry is neededto ensure capability for the changes andneed to adapt to the external pressuresfrom the community. There will alwaysbe higher expectation on corporategovernance through the concessions theindustry enjoys in providing gamblingand liquor services and products.

As with the most experienced clubmanagers, directors ­ possibly entireboards ­ will dismiss the notion thatthey need training. Club decision­makers who refuse to embrace the nexttranche of governance reforms will besetting their clubs up for failure.

In the February edition of CMAMagazine, CMAA Senior IndustrialRelations Advocate Peter Cooperexpressed his frustration whenproviding support to Associationmembers who have “cut corners” intheir governance ... only to be told thatthey are "too busy” to attend training.

Through experience I’ve seen a clubforced into amalgamation due to acircumstance involving a “manager”who had received many offers to attendtraining only to find he was always “toobusy” taking “short cuts”.

While as an Association we willalways support our members to ensurethey are provided with industrial,professional and personal support, theCMAA Executive remains concernedabout managers involved in matterssurrounding integrity and governance.

This new era will eventually see best­practice professionalism in managingevery club in Australia. Only then willwe have iron­clad security from theindustry’s detractors.

I’M PLEASED that the CMAA FederalExecutive has appointed Dapto LeaguesClub General Manager David Hiscox tothe vacant NSW State Executive position.

As Board of Management StudiesChairman, David has been integral in

developing the relationship with theChartered Secretaries Association andrepresents the CMAA on the IndustryPanel considering future training needsfor the industry.

I’m confident that David will make avaluable contribution as an ExecutiveMember.

The CMAA Federal Council also haswelcomed Douglas Kirkham, the GeneralManager at Canada Bay Club, as FederalCouncillor for Division B ­ St George­Cronulla Sutherland Zone and InnerWest Zone. This position became vacantwhen Ian Todd, also the St George­Cronulla Sutherland Zone President,was appointed to the CMAA NSW StateExecutive role, then to the FederalExecutive.

THE MANDATORY Pre­Commitmentdebate appears to have abated to a levelwhere the clearer minds of calmerparticipants will deliver an outcome theClub Industry was calling for all along.That is a worthwhile and constructivepolicy to help all problem gamblers –not just poker machine players.

Andrew Wilkie’s “one­trick ponyroutine” of targeting poker machines,mainly in clubs, was destined for failureas it failed to address nothing inparticular. Problem gambling attachesitself to much more than pokermachines and a national policy forproblem gamblers should extend furtherthan gaming rooms in clubs andhotels. n

➢ BILL CLEGG, ACCM, is the CMAAFederal President, a CMAA LifeMember & General Manager atRandwick Labor Club

Compulsory training offersbrighter future for industryPresident’s Perspective with BILL CLEGG, ACCM


AS YOU read this magazine, odds arethat the CMAA AGM Conference andHospitality Expo on March 12 and 13 atthe Sydney Convention & ExhibitionCentre at Darling Harbour will be littlemore than a week away.

The Conference and Expo aresignificant events on the CMAA calendarand the Federal Executive appreciatesyour support in attending either event ­preferably both.

The 2012 Conference programpromises to be packed with relevantindustry information and tips forapplication in the workplace.

The quality of the Hospitality Expocontinues in the tradition of providingmanagers with an array of innovativeand cutting­edge products and services.

Many executives regard this event asthe most important on the Club Industrycalendar and it’s common knowledgethat almost all of the gaming machinemanufacturers plan years out for thelaunch and release of new products atthe show.

This year, registered CMAA Membersand trade exhibitors will be rewardedwith the chance to win some fabulousprizes by attending.

If you are coming to Darling Harbour,make sure you pick up your ‘SponsorsPassport’ when you collect yourregistration badge to go in the draw towin a trip to Hamilton Island ­ and more.

I hope to see you there and you stillhave time to register atwww.cmaa.asn.au

THE INDUSTRY Corporate GovernanceWorking Group, formed to assist in thedevelopment of the corporategovernance reforms contained in theClubs, Liquor and Gaming MachinesLegislation Amendment Act 2011, metin late January.

The group reviewed the legislationand evaluated the potential impact onthe Club Industry, particularly regardingthe proposed mandatory training fordirectors and managers.

The Group acknowledged that thisaspect of the legislation would be themost challenging in ensuring that thethousands of directors attend thetraining within the timeframe proposedover a phase­in period.

The “churn” of directors throughelections, resignations and the normalcourse of events make it an enormoustask to determine what will be the rightlength of time for a phase­in period andwhat can be realistically achieved byboards in meeting the legislationrequirements.

From the management trainingperspective, there will be a course ofinstruction that will have in­builtRecognition of Prior Learning andcurrent competency with the provisionfor a small mandatory component tosatisfy the legislation and the NSWGovernment that corporate governanceobjectives are fulfilled and ourmanagers well prepared.

Members will up­dated as moreinformation comes to hand.

THERE’S A BUZZ around the CMAAHead Office because there has been atremendous amount of work and effortput in to the year’s offering of educationevents and opportunities for CMAAmembers.

The CMAA’s Industry ProfessionalDevelopment Manager, Geoff Meston,and the CMDA Board of ManagementStudies ­ made up of training­focusedmembers ­ have developed an array ofnew courses and initiatives anticipatedto be relevant and meet the needs of themembership.

An Advanced Duty Managers’Program - building on the popular andhigh­impact Duty Manager Program thatthe CMDA has been running for morethan a decade and delivered to hundredsof duty managers ­ will be launched inthe coming months and will fill the gapbetween basic shift management andsenior management.

Other additions to the CMDA suite ofcourses is a nationally accredited

Diploma of Human ResourceManagement, targeting existing andaspiring HR professionals with a definiteclub flavour.

Add this to a range of Events, Salesand Marketing, Financial Managementand Facilities seminars, webinars andonline courses and you can see that theCMDA is serious about providingmembers with the best in professionaldevelopment opportunities.

Contact Geoff Meston to discuss howyou and your team can benefit fromengaging with the CMDA on 02 ­97464199 or E: [email protected]

I APPLAUD and support the ClubIndustry’s latest initiative for problemgamblers who don’t even have to enter alicensed club to exclude themselvesfrom a venue. The ClubsNSW venture isa NSW­wide system for people to banthemselves from multiple clubs onlinethrough a counsellor.

The system is the first of its type inAustralia and was rolled out onFebruary 8, on the NSW Far North Coastwith training for club staff and localgambling counsellors.

It was successfully tested on theCentral Coast and at Broken Hill.

The technology allows problemgamblers to complete a legally bindingself­exclusion document in the presenceof a gambling counsellor or a trainedfacilitator at their local club.

Previously, the individual had to visiteach club individually.

Additionally, the problem gamblernow can choose to ban themselves frommultiple clubs rather than the time­consuming process of visiting eachvenue and repeating the process.

Shows what can be achieved when theindustry is invited to participate. n

Expo tops positive news for industry, managersThe Executive Officer’s Desk with RALPH KOBER

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IN THIS second edition of CMAMagazine for 2012 and, on the eve ofour first major event of the year – theCMAA Conference & Hospitality Expo ­ Iwelcome three more Sponsors to theCMDA Sponsor Family ...

• Micropower ­ an Australian companythat makes, sells and supportsintegrated software solutions forclubs ­ has joined as a CareerDevelopment Sponsor for the nextthree years. See page 14.

• Treasury Wine Estates ­ producingsome of Australia’s favourite labels,including Australia’s most famous andcollectable wine, Penfolds Grange ­ isa wine industry­leading company. Seepage 16.

• ClockOn ­ offering cost­effectivemanagement tools for large and smallclubs ­ is an established IT companydelivering an advanced employmentsystem and range of payroll solutionsfor Australian clubs. See page 18.

We thank these new ­ and all ­ CMDASponsors for their support of theAssociation. As always, we ask ourmanagers to support those companieswho support us.

‘Sponsors Spotlight’

INTRODUCING OUR latest sponsorsprovides a great segue for me tointroduce a new feature to this column,

‘Sponsor Spotlight’, offering Membersand fellow CMDA Sponsor organisationsan insight into the people andpersonalities behind the brands andbusinesses who support the CMDA.

In our first ‘Sponsors Spotlight’, Iwill focus the spotlight on the CEO ofour newest Career DevelopmentSponsor company, Micropower ...

Name: Bill Owens

Company: Micropower.

Position: Chief Executive Officer.

First club client: It was 25 years ago...Horsham Golf Club. Since I joinedMicropower ... Southport Sharks.

Best thing about working in the ClubIndustry: Community feel.

Best piece of advice you can offer orreceived: What goes around, comesaround.

Worst piece of advice you received:That mandatory pre-commitment (atechnical solution) will affect problemgambling (a social problem).

I wish I had a dollar for every time ...I've been told in the past 12 months thatmandatory pre-commitment will solveproblem gambling.

When not at work you can find me ...Doing a DIY project.

Favourite sporting team: BrisbaneLions ... go Lions!

My local club is: Kedron Wavell ServicesClub

Best thing about my local club: Goodfood, good variety of entertainment andlots of parking!

Stay On Top Of Your Game

I CONCLUDE this month by remindingall Members about the 2012 AGM,Conference & Hospitality Expo atDarling Harbour on March 12 and 13.

As the first major event on our 2012Calendar, it provides an opportunity forall members to gain the latest industryinsights from our Federal Executive ­and the Conference Program is one ofthe best in many years.

The AGM & Conference is for all CMAAMembers interested in the issuesaffecting their careers and committed totheir professional development.

As a bonus, all CMAA MemberDelegates will receive a ‘SponsorsPassport’ that gives you theopportunity to win a Hamilton Islanddream holiday for two ­ including flightsand accommodation. By calling atparticipating Sponsor Stands at theExpo and having your ‘SponsorsPassport’ stamped by the sponsorrepresentative, you will go into thedraw to win the Hamilton Islandholiday for two and other great prizes ­tickets and corporate hospitality to theSydney State of Origin rugby leaguegame and an ACER Iconia A500 32GBTablet.

I hope to see you at the kick­off to the2012 CMAA season! n

➢ SHANNON DONATO is the CMAA’sSponsorship & Marketing Manager

Kicking off strong in a big year for the CMAAThe Business End with SHANNON DONATO


CONFERENCE DELEGATES and Expo visitors – even ExpoExhibitors ­ have the chance to go home with sample bagsoverflowing from the CMAA’s annual Conference andHospitality Expo at Darling Harbour on March 12­13.

The CMAA – with CMDA National Bursary Sponsorcompanies Robert Oatley Vineyards and CCM Travel – willmake sure a registered CMAA Member and an ExpoExhibitor go home dreaming about their holiday to HamiltonIsland. CCM Travel is providing the return airfares andRobert Oatley Vineyards is providing the luxuryaccommodation and Hamilton Island holiday experience.

• And each holiday prize is for two people ...

• staying five nights in a Coral Sea Room

• daily buffet breakfast for two

• a round of golf for two

• $150 worth of dining at Romano’s Restaurant

The CMAA members prize is conducted through the Expo‘Sponsors Passport’ program. Registered Members visit eachof the Expo Stands hosted by participating CMDA CareerDevelopment and CMDA National Bursary sponsorcompanies to have their ‘Sponsors Passport’ stamped – seeP33 for details.

The 2012 Expo VIP Bonus automatically covers all of theHospitality Expo exhibitor companies, with the winner drawnout of the hat – see Page 43 for details.

In case that’s not enough, everyone who registers to attendthe 2012 Hospitality Expo goes into the draw for twocorporate seats at the 2012 State of Origin rugby leagueseries game at ANZ Stadium on June 13. The packageincludes entry to a pre­game CMDA Sponsors event at SydneyOlympic Park.

The CMAA Conference is famous for providing world­classspeakers and tackling the most challenging issues facing theClub Industry. The 2012 Conference has stepped up to thechallenge with the ‘2020 VISION’ theme.

Some of the Club Industry’s most successful businessexecutives and presenters will be on stage on March 12 & 13to address the business strategy challenges facing clubs.

Their presentations are business “gold” and one luckyregistered Conference Delegate will walk away with all ofthese presentations loaded onto a new ACER Iconia A500 10”32Gb Tablet. The ACER Iconia A500 offers the combination ofpower from the dual­core NVIDIA Tegra2 CPU and HD­optimised graphics from the ultra­low power NVIDIA GeForceGPU with Flash 10.2 support delivers an entertainmentexperience that has to be seen to be believed.

You still have time to register for the CMAA’s 2012 AGM,Conference & Hospitality Expo.

REGISTER ONLINE today at www.cmaa.asn.au n

Sample bags overflowingwith great prizes at Expo



MICROPOWER has more than 25 yearsexperience in providing clubs with highlyintegrated software applications tomanage their business moreproductively.

As the leading software solutionsprovider to the Club Industry,Micropower CEO Bill Owens said thecompany had a proud record ofsupporting club Managers.

“We look forward to enhancing thisrelationship through our newpartnership with the CMAA as a CMDACareer Development Sponsor,” Bill added.

With a broad portfolio of offline andonline products and services ­ includingstock and POS, membership, financials,marketing and function bookingsapplications ­ Micropower provides thecomplete solution for the professionalclub manager.

Micropower’s end­to­end automationand integration saves the club managertime by eliminating duplication of tasks.

Reduced labour costs mean the clubsaves money and improves the bottomline.

Micropower’s Marketing Solutions,including Loyalty and e­marketing,deliver incremental revenue growth byenticing more members to visit the clubmore often.

The end result is an improved top­lineperformance.

An investment in Micropower’ssoftware solutions results in a return oninvestment of 12 to 18 months ­ withsome clubs achieving this in even lesstime.

Micropower’s solutions are alreadydeployed in many of the top golf, private,social and sporting clubs acrossAustralia.

Micropower’s first club client wasHorsham Golf Club in 1986.

Bills says the resolution to theMandatory Pre­Commitment debatewould offer clubs, boards and managersa clearer picture of what’s ahead for theindustry.

“I have always enjoyed working withclubs and club managers,” Bill added. “Ifound it hard to understand howmandatory pre­commitment, which is atechnical solution, could resolve problemgambling, which is a social problem.”

Club managers are hard markers onthe range of products and services thattheir community facilities offer tomembers and guests, but Micropowerhas long been proud of its reputationwithin the Club Industry.

Carina Leagues Club’s Finance andAdministration Manager Michelle Bestsaid the club had struggled withprocessing general ledger, reporting andpayroll in five working days. “WithMicropower’s applications and tightintegration we now do this in less than aday,” she said. “Our Board of Directors isblown away with the detail andtimeliness of reporting.”

Meantime, Victoria Golf Club GeneralManager Peter Stackpole said his clubwas a long­standing Micropower clientwith all of the club’s software integratedand fully functional. “It is of great benefitin the management of our club,” Peteradded. “The back­up and support offeredby Micropower is first­rate. Althoughrare, any issues or problems that we haveare resolved in a very timely andthorough manner. I can comprehensivelyendorse this software and Micropower toany club considering their software.”

Club Events is Micropower’s new, web­based events registration solution.

With Club Events, members will beable to login and register for any club­based events from the comfort of home.

Club Events enhances the memberexperience by providing addedconvenience.

It also helps the club’s event staffmanage club functions with easy­to­usetemplates, reports and waitlistfacilities. n

Micropower’sapplicationsdeliver bestsolutions forclub industry

n Micropower CEO BILL OWENS

➢ For more information, contactMicropower at ...P: 1800 443 654E: [email protected]: www.micropower.com.auMicropower’s head office is located atP.O. Box 683, Paddington,Queensland 4064. ‘

“An investment inMicropower’s softwaresolutions results in a return oninvestment of 12 to 18 months- with some clubs achievingthis in even less time.”


PROBLEM GAMBLERS won’t have toenter a licensed club before excludingthemselves from a venue.

The Club Industry has initiated a NSW­wide system for people to banthemselves from multiple clubs onlinethrough a counsellor.

The system is the first of its type inAustralia and was rolled out on February8, on the NSW Far North Coast withtraining for club staff and local gamblingcounsellors. It was successfully tested onthe Central Coast and at Broken Hill.

NSW Gaming and Racing MinisterGeorge Souris and the Office of LiquorGaming and Racing (OLGR) wereupdated regularly on progress of themulti­venue self­exclusion trial.

Training in the use of the technologyfor the State’s almost 250 Government­funded gambling counsellors will becompleted as the program is introducedin the various regions.

The technology allows problemgamblers to complete a legally bindingself­exclusion document in the presenceof a gambling counsellor or a trainedfacilitator at their local club.

Previously, the individual had to visiteach club individually.

Additionally, the problem gambler nowcan choose to ban themselves frommultiple clubs rather than the time­consuming process of visiting each venueand repeating the process.

Problem gamblers are provided withthe following self­exclusion options ...

• banning from the club

• banning from any area of the club withpoker machines

• banning from any area of the clubwhere gambling takes place such aspoker machines, Keno and ClubTAB.

Development of the multi­venue self­

exclusion system will be expanded acrossNSW over the next 12 months and comesafter 18 months development byClubsNSW.

The roll­out of the program follows asix­month trial of the online system in 51clubs in Broken Hill and the CentralCoast.

Counsellors employed by Lifeline andUnitingCare Unifam oversaw the trials.

The online system – the first of its kindin Australia – will be provided free toNSW clubs and gambling counsellors toassist clients.

ClubsNSW CEO Anthony Ball said self­exclusion in combination withcounselling is the best way of helpingproblem gamblers beat their addiction.

“During the six­month trial, 136problem gamblers chose to banthemselves from a combined 569 clubs inBroken Hill and the Central Coast,” MrBall added. “Under the previous system,it could have taken weeks ­ even months ­for a problem gambler to visit each ofthose clubs and inform the staff theywanted to be banned from gambling.” n

Clubs offeronline supportfor problemgamblers



TREASURY WINE ESTATES (TWE) isproud to be one of the newest membersof the CMAA’s family of CMDA Sponsors.

TWE is the latest CMDA NationalBursary Program Sponsor and its linkwith trade associations, such as theCMAA, ensures that TWE keeps abreastof industry trends and changes, workingtogether to nurture the growth of thewine industry.

In 2012, TWE will continue to workwith its trade partners to ensure theTWE brands provide increased value forthe wine drinker and our trade partners,alike.

It has been a time of transition forTreasury Wine Estates, beginning in2011 as part of Foster’s Australia,emerging in May 2011 as a proud,ambitious stand­alone wine company ­the largest publicly listed wine companyin the world.

As a stand­alone business, TWE has thefreedom to do things differently, tofundamentally change the way itoperates and work on aspects of thebusiness that need to be improved.

Achieving this brave ambition willinvolve a raft of initiatives and take timeto perfect ... much like a good wine.

TWE’s mission to continue buildingvalue into its range of great brands issupported by a portfolio containing someof Australia’s most­awarded wines.

TWE wines have been awarded 21trophies and more than 100 gold medalsin the past year, alone.

It’s this excellence in quality that willensure consumers continue to seek theirfavourite TWE brands.

In 2011, TWE achieved an overallmedal success rate of 61%, against anindustry average of 40%.

Brands are the lifeblood of thepremium wine category and winedrinkers often will look to trusted brandsto help navigate through what can be acomplex and intimidating category.

Wine brands are important to thehealth and sustainability of the winecategory.

From TWE’s foundation brands ...Penfolds, Lindeman’s, Wolf Blass,Rosemount and Yellowglen to itsboutique brands; Coldstream Hills,T’Gallant, Seppelt, Devil’s Lair and Matua

Valley ... TWE understands its enormousresponsibility to nurture and grow thesebrands.

In its first 12 months as TWE, thecompany has worked to invest heavily inthe development of its people so they arebetter placed to add value to each taskthey undertake.

TWE’s “vintrepreneurial” spirit hasseen employees make decisions with“one foot in the vineyard and one foot inthe boardroom”, while being winemerchants to the world.

Every employee is a “vintrepreneur”,ensuring TWE brings the fun and theatreback into the wine business, as well asworking to make incredible wines anddelivering on TWE’s commitment tocustomers and shareholders alike.

These include milestone wine eventsthat are all critical to driving value andinterest growth into the total winecategory ...

• Penfolds Bins Release in February;

• Penfolds Luxury Wine Release in May;

• Wynnsday in August;

• Wolf Blass Luxury Wine Release inSeptember.

With more than 11,000 hectares ofvineyards, sales totalling more than 33 million cases of wine annually, andrevenues of $A1.8 billion, TWE employsmore than 4,000 winemakers,viticulturists, sales, distribution andsupport staff across 12 countries.

The TWE portfolio includes iconicbrands such as Beringer, Chateau St Jean,Lindeman’s, Wolf Blass, Penfolds,Rosemount, Wynns Coonawarra Estate,Stags’ Leap Winery, Matua Valley, Etude,Castello di Gabbiano, Seppelt, ColdstreamHills, and Devil’s Lair.

For TWE, 2012 is gearing up to be anexciting and challenging year and theteam is looking forward to strengtheningrelationships with its partners, bringingTWE’s remarkable wines to customersacross the Club Industry and to wineconsumers around the world. n

Treasury WineEstates growsfrom its ownrich heritage

➢ For more information, contactTreasury Wine Estates ...P: 1800 443 654or 03 - 9685 8000W: www.tweglobal.comTreasury Wine Estates headoffice is located at77 Southbank Boulevard,Southbank, Victoria. ‘

“TWE wines have beenawarded 21 trophies and morethan 100 gold medals in thepast year, alone.”


CANBERRA CLUBS have agreed to trialthe Federal Government's mandatorypre­commitment technology for pokermachine, but remain unclear about fulldetails of the process.

The technology requires gamblers toset limits on the amount of money theyare willing to lose on high­bettingmachines which can chew through anaverage $1200 an hour.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard walkedaway from a deal with TasmanianIndependent MP Andrew Wilkie to rollout the technology by 2014.

Instead, Ms Gillard moved to a triallimited in the ACT from January 2013and offered $37.1 million incompensation for the clubs involved.

ClubsACT met on February 16 to

decide whether to trial the technologyand CEO Jeff House announced thatmembers had given “in­principleagreement, subject to the further andsuccessful negotiation of a range ofmatters”.

But Mr House said he doesn't knowprecisely what the agreement involves,how it will impact revenue or if thecompensation offered will be adequate.

“We don't know exactly what we'll betrialling beyond it being pre­commitment,” Mr House said. “We don'tknow what exactly will be trialled. Wedon't know the assessmentmethodology. The purpose of this in­principle agreement is to set theconversation with the FederalGovernment on a more formal footing sowe can identify those outstandingmatters and hopefully reach agreement.”

Mr House said until the trial isconducted clubs won't know what thefinancial impact is or if thecompensation is sufficient. “If peoplestop walking through the door of clubsand don't come back once the trial iscompleted, how do clubs deal with that

revenue fall­off?” Mr House asked. “Solong as the Commonwealth agrees withthe principle ­ and I believe they have ­that no club be financiallydisadvantaged through theirparticipation in the trial, we'll besatisfied.”

Minister for Families and CommunityServices Jenny Macklin welcomed theClubsACT decision. “The Governmentwants to ensure that a staged, evidence­based approach is taken to implementchanges in poker machine venues,” shesaid.

Draft legislation was expected to bereleased on February 24.

“This is the first time in Australia'shistory that a CommonwealthGovernment has taken national action totackle problem gambling,” Ms Macklinadded.

The Federal Government's revisedproblem gambling reform packageincludes an ACT trial of mandatory pre­commitment, dynamic warnings onmachines and the introduction of a $250daily limit on ATM withdrawal. n

ACT clubs signon for Fed Govttrial on pokies



THE CMAA is pleased to announce itslatest National Bursary Program Sponsor,ClockOn Pty Ltd, a research anddevelopment IT company based on theNSW Central Coast.

ClockOn is an established IT companydelivering an advanced employmentsystem and a selection of payrollsolutions for Australian business.

It offers cost­effective managementtools for large and small employers andis configurable to a wide range ofindustries.

In 2000, ClockOn Pty Ltd wasestablished with the help of a FederalGovernment Start Grant, when itcommenced research and developmenton an advanced payroll and HR systemaffordable to small business.

Specialising in role and employee­based rostering, integrated labour costmanagement, award and EBAmanagement, biometric devices forcontrol of time and attendance, payrollprocessing and audited record keeping,ClockOn version 4 is a state­of­the­artrostering, time and attendance and

payroll product setting a newbenchmark for the Club Industry.

Progressively developed over aperiod of 10 years, ClockOn v4 iscurrently deployed Australia­widein a diverse range of industries,including clubs, hotels, motels andIGA stores.

The latest release ­ ClockOnv4.1 ­ centres on the rostering

function, with a focus on the particularrequirements of clubs.

Managing Director Graham Mylnebelieves Australians deserve the bestemployment system available and , after12 years of development, ClockOn v4.1has met the original objective of theFederal Government grant to deliver thatsystem.

Roster templates allow for variabletrading conditions and special events.

Graphics­based roster constructionoperates with payroll rules in thebackground, enabling precision labourcost control and forecasting.

The use of biometric terminals enablesaccurate timekeeping and is integratedseamlessly with the software,simultaneously eliminating the use ofpaper timesheets and identity theft.

Enrolling employees on the high­endSagem finger scanners is a speedy andsimple function, built into the payrollsoftware.

Selected security roles can be assignedto individual users, limiting access tospecific functions and reports.

All records are fully audited andpayrolls and payslips can be recreatedfor any individual over any time range.

Employees can access their timesheets,rosters and payslips using any webbrowser, including their smart phones,achieving a large time and cost saving inHuman Resources management.

ClockOn is endorsed by a range ofindustry associations, including thePharmacy Guild of Australia, theAustralian Dental Association, theAustralian Association of PracticeManagers and Master Grocers Australiaand is operational in organisations withup to 700 employees.

Benefits to managers include improvedbusiness visibility, the opportunity forcompliance with awards and substantialsavings in time and cost.

The combined elements of the product,including payroll, leave management andan array of departmental andconsolidated reports, are integratedunder one roof, permanently eliminatingthe need for dealing with disparateproducts and disconnected supportservices.

The product is supported by atelephone help desk, training videos, acurrent user manual and interactivegroup­based web training and refreshersessions.

It’s been a long time coming, but webelieve it’s been worth the wait for thismature product.

Despite having just joined the CMDA“Sponsor Family”, ClockOn will feature atStand 114 at the CMAA’s 2012Hospitality Expo at Darling Harbour onMarch 12­13. n

ClockOn forClubs a longtime coming,worth the wait

➢ For more information aboutthe ClockOn range of productsand services,P: 02 - 4344 9444E: [email protected]: www.clockon.com.auClockOn Pty Ltd’s head officeis located at 441A Ocean Beach Road,Umina Beach. NSW 2257.

n ClockOn Managing DirectorGRAHAM MYLNE

20 ACE AWARDS 2011

MARCH IS a big month for the Club Industry. The CMAA Zonesand ClubsNSW Regional meeting schedules are in full swing.

The CMAA’s annual Conference and Hospitality Expo atDarling Harbour is one of the highlights of the industry’s eventscalendar. If you have time for an international escape, there’sthe 85th World Conference on Club Management in Orlando,Florida.

Throw in the world­class entertainment at the 2011Australian Club Entertainment (ACE) Awards and the diary isjust about full.

With Prime Minister Julia Gillard walking away from themandatory pre­commitment deal with Andrew Wilkie, there’s abuzz of anticipation and action around clubs that good thingsare happening.

That sense of excitement will be a reason to celebrate at the14th awards dinner – at The Juniors @ Kingsford onWednesday, March 21. It’s an event that’s a highlight for talentedand hard­working entertainers when their contribution to theClub Industry is acknowledged.

It’s the first time the black­tie event has moved away fromCanterbury Hurlstone Park RSL Club, but The Juniorsmanagement and events organising team, led by CEO Geoff

Knight and Marketing & Entertainment Manager Brad Stanfordare putting the finishing touches on the show and the event.

Nominations in the 24 categories closed on December 31 andthe judging panel has almost finalised who takes away theprestigious awards on the night.

The ACE Awards dinner, traditionally, is a sell­out show and alimited number of tickets are still available. Go to The Juniors @Kingsford website – www.thejuniors.com.au – or P: 02- 9349 7555 for individual or table bookings.

The entertainment program for the night is finalised butremains a secret until awards night.

The CMAA and ClubsNSW have teamed up with the ACEAwards Committee to co­ordinate the 2012 event with majorsponsor Lion heading the list of category sponsors.

CMAA Marketing & Sponsorship Manager Shannon Donato,who is also working with the organising group, said thatalthough most award categories had been filled, there was stillopportunity for sponsor companies and clubs to be part of theevent. n

➢ For information on ACE Awards 2011 SponsorshipPackages, contact Shannon Donato (CMAA) P: 02 - 97464199 (W); 0434 185 414 (M); E: [email protected] Maria Pena (ClubsNSW) P: 02 - 9268 3010 (W); E: [email protected]

ACE Awards highlightan entertaining March

what will your club’s

business model look like in a decade?

CMAA Hospitality Expo

Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th of March - 2012Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre

Darling Harbour


Conference Sponsor





President’s MessageOn behalf of the Federal Executive,Federal Council and the Board ofManagement Studies, I welcomeCMAA Members and eligible delegatesto the CMAA’s 2012 Conference andHospitality Expo. This event

continues to be aspectacular successwith moreconferencedelegates andTrade Expo visitorsattending than everbefore. Yourparticipation isgreatly appreciated.

Thanks to our Conference SponsorAristocrat and wonderful tradesuppliers who, again, will provide animpressive array of innovative andexciting products and services formanagement to review.

Bill Clegg, ACCM CMAA Federal President

2012 Members AGM9-10:15am Monday, March 12 Level 1, Parkside Ballroom.

ACCM Activity PointsCMAA Members receive 10 activitypoints for attending and signing theRegister at the AGM. A further 20activity points will be awarded forattendance at the Conference & Expowith an additional 10 activity pointsgiven for those Members travellingmore than 100km from their club toattend the event.

CMAA National Bursary2012 Winners Luncheon12:30-2:30pm Monday, March 12Level 1, Parkside Ballroom.

CMAA Cocktail Party4-6pm Monday, March 12Level 1, Parkside Ballroom.

Day 1: Monday, March 12, 20128am Conference Registration ­ Ground Floor Registration Desk

8:30am Doors Open for CMAA Members’ AGM ­ CMAA Members onlyLevel 1, Parkside Ballroom

9am CMAA Annual General Meeting Welcome ­ Conference Sponsor, AristocratACCM, 21­Year & 30­Year Service Awards

10:15am Morning Tea ­ Foyer

10:30-4pm CMAA Hospitality Expo ­ Hall 5

10:30-11:30 Peter Ritchie, AO Corporate Strategy and the Business LifecycleLevel 1, Parkside Ballroom

Peter Ritchie trained as an accountant before being approached in1970 to join McDonald’s and train in the United States. Peter wasthe first employee of McDonald’s Australia and the first employeeof the McDonald’s system outside North America.

During the ‘70s and ‘80s he played a major role in every aspect ofthe company’s development, from establishing raw productsuppliers to the construction of new stores and the development of trainingprograms. McDonald’s Australia grew to more than 500 stores and 50,000 employeesduring his time as CEO. In 1983 and 1991 he was a member of the Board of the U.S.parent company, McDonald’s Corporation, and helped establish McDonald’s in mostof the countries in Asia and the Pacific including Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia,Indonesia and New Zealand. He was a founding Board Member of McDonald’s HongKong, Malaysia and New Zealand. In December 1995, Peter announced his retirementfrom an executive role at McDonald’s Australia after 25 years with the company.Peter was non­executive Chairman of the Board from 1995 until his resignation inDecember 2001. Peter is Chairman of Mortgage Choice Australia Limited, Chairman ofReverse Corp Limited, Chairman of Culligan Australia Pty Limited and DeputyChairman of the Seven Network Limited.

Peter will share with us his thoughts on corporate strategy, including:

➢ Some insights into the background of the McDonald’s business model success fromthe 1970s to now.

➢ His thoughts on what brought about the recognition of the need for their change instrategy in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and at what point was the formaldecision made to change.

➢ The indicators of the needed for change, and how the new strategy wasdetermined.

➢ How the major stakeholders were won over.

11:30-12:15 Paul LyonsOrganisational Psychologist: Developing the Mindset forEmbracing Possible Change

“A person who buries his head in the sand offers an engaging target.” ­ Mabel A Keenan

One of the hardest things to do when operating a business is to say: “this doesn’t workanymore, we need to change or we may not be around much longer”. Paul lends hisexpertise to the problem of dealing with our own internal change demons.

12:30-2:30 CMAA National Bursary 2012 Winners LuncheonLevel 1, Parkside Ballroom

4pm Hospitality Expo Closes

The Conference Program: 2020 VISION - what will your club’s business"Neither a wise person nor a brave person lies down on the tracks of history

Register: www.cmaa.asn.au


Conference & Expo Overview

Conference Investment CMAA reserves the right to restrictadmission to the Conference

$250pp (incl GST) for Staff, Managementand Directors of: Clubs, Hotels,Casinos, Restaurants and Caterers.

Hospitality Expo Visitor Policy Admission to the Expo is free foraccredited persons as listed below

Visitors to the CMAA HospitalityTrade Expo and associated functionswill be restricted to the followingaccredited persons:➢ CMAA Members➢ Management, Directors and Staff of

Registered Clubs & Hotels➢ Trade Exhibitors & Staff➢ Accredited Trade Representatives

Trade Representatives not exhibitingwill be required to pay an entrancefee of $1000 plus GST.

Non-accredited TradeRepresentatives will be denied accessto the Trade Expo and removed iffound to be in the Trade Show.

Conference SessionsConference sessions both days will beheld on Level 1, Parkside Ballroom.

* Speakers may change due to unforseencircumstances.

Day 1: Monday, March 12, 2012 (continued)

4-6pm CMAA Hall of Fame Cocktail Party with Exhibitors & Delegates Level 1, Parkside Ballroom

All accredited Conference Delegates and Expo Exhibitors are welcome to mingle,network and relax post Day 1 of the Conference. There will be inductions to the CMAAHall of Fame and presentation of the 2012 Peter Cameron Award.

Day 2: Tuesday, March 13, 2012Level 1, Parkside Ballroom

9-10:30am In the Face of Inexorable Change, Five Industry Experts Consider the Club Industry in 2020

➢ The Customer: David Halliday ­ General Manager of Sales (Licensed) for Coca-Cola ­ shares some research into the profile of the 2020 customer. What will they want? What will attract them? What entertainment will they like?

➢ The Number Cruncher: Greg Russell ­ Director, Russell Corporate Advisory. In theface of reducing margins and possible negative community perceptions, Greg talksabout how to review core business strategy and competitive positioning.

➢ The Banker: Sidney Lin ­ Senior Relationship Manager (Hospitality), St GeorgeBank ­ discusses how banks determine lending risk profiles for the industry. Do banks look at the business, the strategy, or the Board and Management? Whereis the weak link?

➢ The Lawyer: Brett Boon ­ Partner, Thomsons Lawyers ­ looks at the legal issuesarising from strategic diversification matters.

➢ The Builder: Lindsay Verdon ­ Head of Hospitality & Entertainment Venues,Paynter Dixon ­ discusses the question: “If a club burned down tomorrow, whatwould you build in its place to meet the market needs of 2020?”Take this opportunity to ask every question you have about strategy.

10:30am Morning Tea ­ Foyer

10:30-4pm CMAA Hospitality Expo ­ Hall 5

10:45-11:35 Workshop 1 - The Management ConsultantThe Mechanics of Strategic Choice and the Primary Reasons for Strategic Failure

Greg Bell ­ from PKF ­ discusses the scenario “My club is earning about 20%­25%EDITDA currently but I expect we will not be able to sustain that in the long termbecause of demographic change in my area, margin reductions due to competitionand effects of pre­commitment gaming. Who do I call for professional help andadvice? What do I ask? Where do I start? What is the general process for strategyreview? Where do I find new ideas? Should I get a quote from these professionals?How will I know if I can afford the changes that I might envisage?”

11:40-12:30 Workshop 2 - The Change ManagerChange the Strategy and the Bricks and Mortar, but What About theConstituents?

Ron McLean ­ from Creating Synergy ­ discusses the most often neglected assets andaspects of business strategy ­ PEOPLE. Ron will look at the planning, processes andtools required to transform a workforce to support and enhance a new businessmodel.

4pm Hospitality Expo Closes

model look like in a decade?to wait for the train of the future to run over them." ­ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Conference Sponsor

Register: www.cmaa.asn.au


Add an extra day to get more value from your stay …Wednesday, March 14 at CMDA Career Development CentreSydney Olympic ParkWorkshop Investment: $500(incl GST)

“A man who misses his opportunity, and monkey who misses his branch, cannot be saved.” ­ Hindu proverb

Day 3: Wednesday, March 14, 20129am-12:30 Chartered Secretaries Australia & CMDA presents …

Not-for-Profit Officers, Directors & the BoardStrategic change is best ushered in by Officers and Boards who have a fullunderstanding of their duties, obligations, and rights under Commonwealth and Statelaws. This is a great opportunity to kick­start your Certificate in Governance for Not­for­Profits proudly offered by the CMDA and our partner, Chartered SecretariesAustralia.

1:15-2:45pm PKFStrategic Steps (No. 1) *

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ­ Lao Tzu

A practical examination of the processes required to assess your current businessmodel. Run the financial and operational ruler over your current strategy beforelooking for new ones. There may be lots of scope for change with what you alreadyhave. PKF will give a practical insight into reviewing your business systems, processesand procedures to measure their effectiveness and efficiency within yourenvironment. Look at strengths and weaknesses before starting to make decisions.

3-4pm Russell Corporate Advisory Diversifying Your Business? Let’s Talk Feasibility Studies *

It is estimated that only 1 in 50 business ideas are commercially viable. Therefore, abusiness feasibility study is an effective way to safeguard against wasting furtherinvestment and resources.(http://bestentrepreneur.murdoch.edu.au/Business_Feasibility_Study_Outline.pdf)

* These are practical courses involving group work, discussions and you will be provided with resourcesyou can implement immediately back at your venue.

Register: www.cmaa.asn.au













‘Strategic Workforce


Jupiters, Gold Coast

July 4 - 6

AGE 2012 + HMDACONFERENCE‘Reviewing The StrategicGaming Model’Darling HarbourAugust 21 – 23





May 22 & 23



July 25





September19 & 20





RAY AGOSTINO is a humble man who says he owes any successin his career to “a lot of good people”.

People such as Cindy Bunyan, his loyal deputy at AsquithLeagues Club, his predecessor John Cook, former CMAAExecutive Officer Terry Condon, Leagues Clubs Australia bossPeter Turnbull and ClubsNSW “heavyweights” David Costello,Peter Newell and, more recently, Anthony Ball. It’s an impressivelist of Club Industry “champions” you would want on your sideand Ray insists he’s lucky to have them in his corner.

The CMAA Manly Northern Suburbs Zone President chalkedup a remarkable 30 years at his much­loved Asquith LeaguesClub last year and, earlier this month, was re­elected to his 15thterm as Zone President. So, while he might generously offer hisgratitude to others, there are a lot of people who believe in 57­year­old Ray Agostino and how he does business.

“The CMAA has been a big part of my life and my career,” Raysays of his more than 35 years in the Club Industry. “I’ve workedwith and met good people and they have helped me maintain mylove of the industry and of my club.”

Ray says he was encouraged early on in his career by his boss,Asquith Leagues Club General Manager John Cook to undertakehis Active Certified Club Manager (ACCM) studies. “I actuallymissed it the first time, but John insisted I continue,” Ray added.

It was one of the proudest days of his career when he acceptedhis ACCM Award with 21 other managers at the Albury SS&AClub in 1988. “It was a big occasion in those days and wetravelled from our clubs to Albury to receive our awards ... it wasa very big achievement for me and a big occasion in my career.”

John Cook was instrumental in Ray’s move from the club floor

to management and ultimately the role of CEO when John movedon in 1991. “John was a visionary leader and, with men like PeterSaez, Peter Strachan and Hans Sarlemyn, was instrumental in theremarkable work that the CMDA was able to achieve for clubmanagers across the Association,” Ray added.

John Cook came to Asquith from the Rich River Golf Club andhad the courage to identify that Asquith was in troublefinancially, initiating the club’s management by Ferrier Hodgsonfrom 1984 to ’89 when it was able to again trade successfully. “Itwas a big call and a brave call by John, but it saved the club andallowed us to grow again,” Ray recalls.

Ray also clearly remember being “terrified” the day he walkedinto the club as CEO, talking over from John and realising the“buck stopped with him” when it came to managing the club.

It all started in 1979 when Ray started working part­time atWilloughby Legion Club while doing his Diploma in ClubManagement at Ryde TAFE along with CMAA Life Member andMounties CEO Greg Pickering and North Ryde RSL Club GeneralManager Chris Jones. “It was a good group of people who wenton to successful careers so, very early on, it underlined theimportance of continuing to upgrade my professionaldevelopment status.”

There was change and growth at Asquith Leagues Club and thecellarman at Willoughby had moved on and suggested he couldarrange an interview for Ray for a casual bar job. The interviewwent well. Ray moved from casual to permanent, then intomanagement training. Soon he was in a Supervisor role and,under John Cook’s mentoring, was appointed Assistant GeneralManager. “All along, education and professional developmentwith the CMAA and the CMDA have played a pivotal role in myprogress,” Ray added.

The club celebrated Ray’s 30 years with events last November,including a gathering with family, directors, colleagues and withletters of congratulations from CMAA Executive Officer RalphKober, Clubs Australia President Peter Newell and testimonialspeeches from Club Chairman Phil Murray and others. “It wasquite an emotional and humbling experience,” Ray added.

There was also a presentation to Ray at the Zone ChristmasLunch where Ralph spoke about Ray’s dedication to AsquithLeagues Club and the Club Industry.

Ray cites his time as Manly Northern Suburbs Zone President,winning the CMAA’s prestigious Peter Cameron Award, AsquithLeagues Club being named ClubsNSW Club of the Year in 2000and being honoured for his 30 years of service at his club as thehighlights of a dedicated and impressive career. “The trip to LasVegas and New York with IGT for winning the Peter CameronAward was a major landmark in my career,” Ray said. “I was ableto take my wife along for the trip of a lifetime. I knew PeterCameron personally, so winning the award that honours hismemory added to the entire experience.”

From what he describes fondly as the “old tin shed” that washis first encounter at Asquith Leagues Club to a modern,successful business, Ray has witnessed the struggles andtriumphs that the Club Industry has faced during his career. “Justwhen it seems that we have faced and survived one majorchallenge, another arrives on the horizon,” he says. “But this is anindustry led by strong, capable people at the CMAA, ClubsNSW,Leagues Clubs Association, RSL & Service Clubs Association andour supporters and when you take on the clubs you better beready for a fight.” n

n Asquith Leagues Club CEO Ray Agostino, with HansSarlemyn (left) and Terry Condon, recently celebrated 30years with the club and 15 years as CMAA NorthernSuburbs Zone President.

Ray always proud to be part of animpressive team



38 A B Note Australia 36 Abacus Cash Systems4 Ainsworth Game Technology19 Allpride Signs & Marketing94 Aristocrat107 Aruze113 Australian Interior

Landscapes15 Bally Australia63 Banktech 80 Barringtons97 BEPOZ Retail Solutions111 Bingo 2135 Bite Size Coffee Treats41 Boden Projects96 Caltex Starcash 67 Capital Design Works53 Cardfix44A CCM Travel61 Chain & Associates1 Circle Solutions114 ClockOn52 Club & Hotel Joinery64 Club Data Online84 Club Plus Superannuation55 CMAA83 Coca­Cola Amatil68 Community First Credit

Union90 Customers ATM

72 Daily Press Group45 enableHR/Time Target89 Europa International46 Fabsmart50 Flexicast98 Global Coffee Solutions103 Global Gaming Industries31 Gopher Graphics46A GSL112 IGT69 Independent Gaming66 Infoprint Solutions25 J Tech Australia54 & 54A James Richardson

Corporation49 Jensen Data Systems60A Kappalyn Technology

Solutions70 Karo Australia78 Konami73 LRS (Long Range Systems

Australia)33 Mailezy30 Maxgaming108 MEI99 Methodical Services79 Micropower115 Nufurn21 & 23 Paltronics93 Paynter Dixon Constructions

86 Pernod­Ricard Australia47 Phatsourcing34 PKF 27 Plantscaping Solutions39 Premier Hospitality PB 8 Quantum Technical Services

(QTS)44 Rawsuga Loyalty91 Retail Systems Australia 28 Ricmar Commercial

Furniture42 Robert Oatley Vineyards82 Rohrig Hospitality40 Russell Corporate Advisory88 Sanyo Pos/ICU Security

Cameras8 Shuffle Master Australasia65 Sprintquip71 Sunblest Cleaning Services52A Sustainability by Butler's92 TechnoPROM110 Thorn Equipment Finance95 TJS Services/FM Solutions32 Tricorp Gaming / Paladin

Bases12 Voyager Gaming48 Whitcon62 www.come2ourclub.com.au 59 & 109 GO GREEN




CMAA 2012 National Bursary Program SponsorsSupport the companies that support YOUR Association



WITH THE sun coming out after a verywet end to January, there has been aflurry of activity from QueenslandMembers and Zones. Members reportedmixed results, depending on theirlocation, however many generallysuggested their figures were up on lastyear, with the final week’s rain drivingtheir customers indoors for a good finalresult. Due to this, the mood has becomemore positive as they shake off some ofthe early concerns regarding the Wilkie­Gillard mandatory pre­commitmentdeal. General optimism seems to bereturning and it’s refreshing to betalking to managers about theirrefurbishment and upgrade plans.Interestingly, those clubs whoconfidently went ahead with majorbuilding works during the recentuncertain political period are reapingthe benefits now with clubs such asCaboolture Sports Club and NambourRSL Club looking great and performingbetter. This is reward for theirconfidence, optimism, and belief in theirproduct and people.

New Qld Major Sponsor

AS MEMBERS would know, CMAA Qldhas a new Major Sponsor in Mailezy, alocal design, print and mail companyrun by Nathan and Kim Koina. Kim hasworked in clubs marketingmanagement roles – ParramattaLeagues Club, Mingara Recreation Club,Merrylands RSL Club, and CMPMarketing (consulting to clubs). Mailezyis your one­stop shop to communicatewith members and prospectivemembers. Owned and operated on theSunshine Coast, Mailezy specialises ingraphic design, printing and bulkmailing, Whether it is a What’s Onbrochure/magazine, member’s birthdayletters, membership renewals,promotional letters, or simply generalprinting, Mailezy has it covered. Havingworked with many clubs throughoutQueensland for a number of years andwith extensive club­based experience on

staff, Mailezy has the knowledge andunderstanding of club marketing goalsand reporting systems so they can assistwith your next design, print and/or mailjob. Mailezy is qualified as a Bulk MailPartner of Australia Post so your job isbeing handled by the best.

Nathan and Mailezy are very popularon the Sunshine Coast where Nathanand I recently toured the region overtwo days, visiting 10 CMAA membervenues. We met with the managers and Ihope to return and catch up with thosewe missed this trip. Thanks to themanagers who provided input on issuessuch as access to professionaldevelopment opportunities and events,networking through regular local ZoneMeetings, Active Certified Club Manager(ACCM) recognition and providingopportunities for the next generation ofclub managers. For those of us,including me, whose career wassupported and nurtured by the CMAAnetwork, now is an ideal time for you toprovide the same support to others.More senior managers attending andsharing Zone Meetings and activitieswill mean more junior managersattending and the industry’s nextleadership group will grow inconfidence. Consider joining your ZoneCommittee and giving back a little toassist the next generation.

Gold Coast Zone Study Tour 2012

CONGRATULATIONS TO the Gold CoastZone, especially Education Officer BryanJones from Coolangatta SLSC, for puttingtogether an impressive initiative for GoldCoast Zone Members. Bryan has put

together a three­day tour to the 2012CMAA AGM, Conference & HospitalityExpo at Darling Harbour on March 12­13. This enjoyable and educational StudyTour includes a hosted tour of some ofSydney’s best clubs on Sunday, March 11,followed by dinner that evening.Conference registration, flights, twin­share accommodation, and tour costs onSunday, including lunch and dinner aresubsidised by the Gold Coast Zone forthe first 15 members to book. This StudyTour is subsidised and sponsored by theGold Coast Zone, offering more than$900 value for only $500 thanks to Zone.For those seeking or continuing theirACCM status, Study Tour participantsreceive 40 ACCM points for attending allevents listed. Considering that to attainand/or maintain ACCM active status aminimum of 50 Industry Activity Pointsis required in each two­year period, this40 potential points looks too good toresist.

This impressive initiative is a greatway of continuing manager professionaldevelopment in your Zone and Iwelcome the opportunity to assist anyQueensland Zone with ideas andsuggestions for similar initiatives. n

* Justin McGurgan, CCMCMAA Queensland Membership Liaison OfficerM: 0417 632 311E: [email protected]

Queensland‘Connection’growing withopportunities

n The Mailezy team - CMAA Queensland Major Sponsor

CMAA Members AGM

• 21­Year & 30­Year

Service Awards

• ACCM Awards

CMDA NationalBursaryPresentationLunch

CMDA 2-dayConference

• world­class speakers• innovative topics &


• unrivalled facilities

CMAA Hospitality Expo

• the Club Industry’s premier trade


• more than 100 of the Industry’s

top companies

• CMAA Delegates ‘Sponsors

Passport’ Prize to Hamilton Island

• Conference Delegates

ACER Tablet Prize

• Expo Exhibitor Bonus Prize to

Hamilton Island

Club Industry & Expo

Exhibitor Cocktail Party

• CMAA 2012 Hall of Fame


• 2012 Peter Cameron Award

• The Club Industry’s biggest

networking event

Conference Sponsor

You still have time to register for the CMAA’s 2012 AGM, Conference & Hospitality Expo

March 12 & 13 @ Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour

Delegates & Exhibitors can register online today atwww.cmaa.asn.au


MANLY NORTHERN Suburbs Zone has re­elected President RayAgostino for his 15th term at the helm of the successfulnorthern Sydney group.

In fact, the entire Zone Committee was re­elected unopposedat the Zone AGM at Asquith Leagues Club on February 7.

CMAA Executive Officer Ralph Kober attended to present theHead Office Report and conduct the election of office bearers for2012.

The Manly Northern Suburbs Zone Committee is …

• President: Ray Agostino – Asquith Leagues Club

• Vice Presidents: Chris McCarthy ­ Ryde Eastwood Leagues Paul Crowley ­ Pittwater RSL Club

• Secretary: Brad Browne ­ Ryde Services Club

• Treasurer: Cindy Bunyan ­ Asquith Leagues Club

• Education Officer: Carl Pozzatto ­ Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club

• Publicity Officer: Steve Rigney ­ Hornsby RSL Club

In his Head Office Report, Ralph congratulated Ray and theCommittee on its good work for members and its support of theCMAA and CMDA.

Ralph spoke about regional an country Zones providing costincentives for members to attend the Darling Harbour andJupiters conferences. There was also questions and debate onthe Corporate Governance changes to the Act and the right ofprivacy for clubs, Directors and Managers.

In his President’s Report, Ray spoke about the success of theBursary Golf Day at Mona Vale Golf Club, along with the Mid­Year & Christmas meetings at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club andThe Epping Club where more than 180 members, guests andindustry trade representatives attended. Ray thanked bothclubs and their CEOs, Chris McCarthy and Peter Saez for hostingthe Zone events.

Ray advised that 2012 events included …

• Zone Bursary Golf Day on at Bayview Golf Club on March 30

• Mid Year Meeting and Lunch on July 19 with the venue yet tobe decided

• Christmas Meeting and Lunch at Hornsby RSL Club onDecember 6

Members unanimously supported Ray’s proposal that theZone AGM be incorporated into the Mid Year Meeting andLunch.

Ray thanked his Zone Committee members and industrytrade companies for their support of Zone events. He also paidtribute to Zone Treasurer Cindy Bunyan for her tireless work toensure Zone events are a success.

In his Education Report, Carl Pozzatto requested support forthe three Zone Bursaries to the Mid Year Executive LeadershipConference at Jupiters Gold Coast – July 4­6; encouragedmembers to support the CMAA 2012 Conference at DarlingHarbour – March 12­13; and indicated that the Zone plans toconduct a CMDA training events at a reduced rate for itsmembers. n



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Ray back at the helm for15th term as President

n TOP: (from left) Jan Svendy, Carl Pozzatto, Ray Agostino,Tony Snowsill, Angus Rimmer, Paul Crowley and MorganStewart at the Manly Northern Suburbs Zone AGM lastmonth.

n MIDDLE: Steve Rigney with Carl Pozzatto.


It’s important in this busy business world to make time to keeppace with the Club Industry’s latest products and services.

That’s why you will be at the CMAA 2012 Conference &Hospitality Expo at Darling Harbour on March 12 & 13.

But, when the work is over ... don’t you deserve the holiday of a lifetime?

How about 5 SUPERB DAYS on HAMILTON ISLAND with airfares included?


REGISTER ONLINE at www.cmaa.asn.au• ONLY CMAA Members who register for the 2012 Hospitality Expo are eligible for the Hamilton Island ‘Passport To Paradise’ prize.

• EVERYONE who registers to attend the 2012 Hospitality Expo is eligible for the State of Origin ‘Footy Fever’ prize.• Terms & Conditions of Entry and prize usage are detailed in the 'Sponsors Passport'.

The CMAA – with CMDA NationalBursary Program SponsorsRobert Oatley Vineyards andCCM Travel – are offering CMAA Members who attend the2012 Expo the chance to enjoy thedelights of Hamilton Island withflights from CCM Travel.

And EVERYONE who registers forthe Expo could have the best seatin the house for the 2012 State ofOrigin series in Sydney.

All you have to do to be in the running for these prizes is ...

• Collect your ‘Sponsors Passport’ at the Registration Desk when youcomplete your CMAA Expo Registration on the day

• Visit each of the Expo Stands hosted by CMDA Career Developmentand CMDA National Bursary Program sponsor companies listed onthe ‘Sponsors Passport’

• Have each of the ‘Sponsors Passport’ spots stamped by theparticipating Sponsor’s company representative

• Drop your stamped ‘Sponsors Passport’ in the Entry Box at the CMAA Stand – No.55 (beside the Expo Cafe)





A NEW crew is steering the ship in the CMAA’s Mid State Zone.

The AGM at Dubbo RSL Club on February saw the previousCommittee – President Cameron Provost, Secretary­TreasurerGuy Chapman and Education Officer Geoffrey Holland ­ standaside for new leadership.

Cameron, the CEO at Orange Ex­Services Club, has taken overfrom newly­elected CMAA NSW State Executive Member DavidHiscox as Chairman of the CMDA Board of Management Studies.

Oberon RSL Club General Manager Rachel Sharp took up thechallenge and accepted the nomination to become President.

Former Zone President Chris Chapman has returned to theCommittee as Secretary­Treasurer.

CMAA Industry Professional Development Manager GeoffMeston travelled to Dubbo to present the Head Office Reportand conduct the Election of Office Bearers.

The Mid State Zone Committee is …

• President: Rachel Sharp – Oberon RSL Club

• Vice President: Natalie Thurston – Coonamble Bowling Club

• Secretary­Treasurer: Chris Chapman – Gilgandra ServicesClub

• Education Officer: Dean Cafe – Young Services Club

“Everyone in the Zone appreciates the work that the outgoingCommittee has done but the new group is keen to give it a goand, hopefully, make some changes that will encourage moremanagers in our region to join the Association and participatein Zone events,” Rachel said. “It was a good meeting, with strongconversation about issues affecting clubs and managers. Ourworkshop with Jason Drew also was very good.”

Rachel said Forbes Ex­Services Club General Manager DavidFitzgerald had agreed to an informal role of assisting theCommittee with any social events and activities.

Geoff Meston’s focus during his Head Office Report was on theCMAA’s upcoming Conference and Hospitality Expo at DarlingHarbour, the Mid Year Conference at Jupiters, Gold Coast in Julyand the exciting new education and career developmentopportunities being offered through the CMDA. Geoffunderlined the greater opportunities for managers in regionaland country areas being able to maintain their educationthrough the online program of courses.

Because the Zone conducts a subsidy program through itseducation funds, Dean Café raised the option of Mid StateMembers taking a study tour to the 2012 Mid Year Conferenceas Great Lakes Zone members did last year.

Following the Meeting, CMDA National Bursary ProgramSponsor company Managing Director Jason Drew provided aninteresting Education Workshop on the important topic, “WhatEvery Club Manager Should Know About IT”.

Zone Meetings will continue to be held at Dubbo RSL Club asper the 2012 diary, with the next meeting re­scheduled to June 13. n

Rachel heads new team‘giving it a go’ out west

n TOP: Mid State Zone members participated in anEducation Workshop with CMDA National BursaryProgram Sponsor company executive Jason Drew atDubbo RSL Club for the Zone AGM.

n BOTTOM: CMAA Industry Professional DevelopmentManager Geoff Meston (right) with members of the MidState Zone Committee (from left) Dean Cafe, RachelSharp, Natalie Thurston and Chris Chapman.

Casella’s 2012 Vintage smooth sailingAUSTRALIA’S WINE producers are at Mother Nature’smercy and, fortunately for most, she has been kind sofar, and the 2012 grape harvest is off to a crackingstart. CMDA National Bursary Program sponsorcompany Casella Wines, known for its famous [yellowtail] label, is one of the largest wine producers in thecountry, sourcing fruit from 30 different GI regionsacross South Eastern Australia. The weather conditionshave been good and the fruit is ripe for the picking. Acool start to spring eased the vines out of winter andinto a bout of warm weather that kick-started budburstthen flowering. December saw a shift back to coolerconditions for much of the east coast - December beingthe third-coolest on record - which slowed ripeningand allowed for steady flavour development and lowdisease pressure. Despite reports of abundant rain inthe north, south-eastern Australia has been spared.Casella Wines Managing Director John Casella saidrain had come at the right time for optimum ripeningand fruit development.


The CMAA’s annual Conference isfamous for providing world­classspeakers and tackling the mostchallenging issues facing the ClubIndustry.

The 2012 Conference has steppedup to the mark with the ‘2020VISION’ theme, dealing with theissue, ‘what your club’sbusiness model will look likein a decade’.

PETER RITCHIE, OA, is theKeynote Speaker and willoffer an insight into the corporate strategythat has built the McDonald’s Restaurantsempire. Peter Ritchie helped to make that success possible.

Some of the Club Industry’s most successful business executives and presenters will be on stage on March 12 & 13 to address the business strategy issues facing clubs.

Their presentations are business “gold” and one lucky Conference Delegate will walk away with all of these presentations loaded onto a new ACER Iconia A500 10” 32Gb Tablet.The ACER Iconia A500 offers the combination of power from the dual­core NVIDIA Tegra2 CPU and HD­optimised graphics from the ultra­low power NVIDIA GeForce GPU with Flash 10.2 support delivers an entertainment experience that has to be seen to be believed.

REGISTER ONLINE at www.cmaa.asn.au• ONLY Delegates who register for the 2012 CMAA Conference are eligible for the ACER Iconia A500 10” 32Gb Tablet prize.

Key Features ...

• 10.1" multi­touch screen

• NVIDIA T250 processor Android Honeycomb full touch

• NVIDIA® GeForce GPU with Flash 10.2 support

• 32GB built­in storage

• 5MP rear & 2MP front camera with HD recording

• Wi­Fi & Bluetooth


The winner of this great prize ­ with theConference presentations pre­loaded ­ willbe announced at the end of the final sessionon March 13.



IT WAS a day to be on deck, on time and with your wits aboutyou when the CMAA Hunter Zone shaped up and shipped out tothe Singleton Army Barracks.

Stalwart CMAA member Gerard McMillan had been planningthis event for some time and was proud to host 50 managers andindustry trade representatives who had bussed in from aroundthe Hunter for the day on February 15.

Gerard hosted this same CMAA Hunter Zone event more than20 years ago and his Singleton Diggers Club is closely involvedwith the Singleton base.

The bus pick­up scheduled started at spot on 0800 hours fromToronto Workers Club with stops at Cardiff Panthers (0815),Wallsend Diggers (0830), Beresfield Bowling Club (0850) andMaitland City Bowls, Sports & Recreation Club (0915), arrivingat the Singleton Army Barracks at 1000hrs.

Zone members and industry trade representatives required aphoto I.D. to enter the barracks and, following a brief militarywelcome, the group was divided and sent on their way. “Alpha”Group headed off on a bus tour of the facility, while “Bravo”Group took aim on the camp’s rifle range. The groups switchedduties and hour later.

At noon, Alpha and Bravo groups “fell in” for a tour of the newSmall Arms Museum, which will be open to the general public bythe end of 2012, where they met up with Infantry MuseumCurator John Land and Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) DarrenMurch.

Following the interesting and informative tour, the hungryrecruits were back on the bus and headed for the Sergeants Messfor lunch at 1300hrs and tall tales of marksmanship with thebase’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Lowe.

RSM Murch farewelled his band of temporary, if notenthusiastic, recruits at 1500hrs when they made the returnjourney to Toronto Workers Club.

Zone President Paul Cousins described the day as a greatsuccess and a privilege to vsiti the museum and get an insightinto the culture of the armed forces.

“It was remarkable and quite inspiring to see close­up whatour military are involved in,” Paul added. “Gerard McMillan ispassionate about the relationship with the Singleton barracksand I think everyone came away with a healthy respect for ourmilitary personnel. The museum is an amazing experience andthe equal of anything I have seen.”

Hunter Zone’s next event will be their Annual General Meetingand Lunch at Windale­Gateshead Bowling Club on Wednesday,May 30, at 1100hrs. n

Hunter recruits hit trailfor Singleton experience

n 1: The Vietnam War exhibit at the Infantry Museum atSingleton Army Barracks which will soon be open to thegeneral public.

n 2: Infantry Museum Curator John Land and RegimentalSergeant Major Darren Murch with Singleton Diggers CEOGerard McMillan.

n 3: Craig McLoughlin from Club Plus Super with MitchReece from Toronto Workers Club, Arthur Kyreakou fromCardiff/Newcastle Panthers and Steve Shaw from EBet enjoya chat at the Sergeant’s Mess at the Lone Pine Barracks.

n 4: Karen Stout, Liisa Eloranta and Katrina Jones fromSingleton Diggers Club.

n 5: Regimental Sergeant Major Darren Murch with CMAAHunter Zone President Paul Cousins from CessnockSupporters Club.




4 5


Program Date(s) Location Price Type Amount

Lead & Manage People 6/03/2012 - 7/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $660.00

Non Member $725.00

RSA 6/03/2012 - 6/03/2012 Bass Hill RSL Club Member $135.00

Non Member $140.00

2020 Vision Conference 2012 Day 3 Workshops 14/03/2012 - 14/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) One price $500.00

RSA 15/03/2012 - 15/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $135.00

Non Member $140.00

RCG 16/03/2012 - 16/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $95.00

Non Member $100.00

Duty Manager Development Program 19/03/2012 - 4/04/2012 North Haven Bowling Club Member

Contact ZEO (Great Lakes ) Non Member

RCG 19/03/2012 - 19/03/2012 Bass Hill RSL Club Member $95.00

Non Member $100.00

RCG 20/03/2012 - 20/03/2012 Bass Hill RSL Club Member $95.00

Non Member $100.00

Monitor Work Operations 20/03/2012 - 27/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $270.00

Non Member $350.00

Supervisor Boot Camp 20/03/2012 - 17/04/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $750.00

Non Member $950.00

Monitor Work Operations 20/03/2012 - 27/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $270.00

Non Member $350.00

Interpret Financial Information 21/03/2012 - 22/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP)

RSA 26/03/2012 - 26/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $135.00

RSA 26/03/2012 - 26/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Non Member $140.00

RSA 26/03/2012 - 26/03/2012 Merimbula RSL (contact Far South Coast ZEO) Zone

RCG 27/03/2012 - 27/03/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $95.00

Non Member $100.00

RCG 27/03/2012 - 27/03/2012 Merimbula RSL (contact Far South Coast ZEO) Zone

Coaching Skills 3/04/2012 - 3/04/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $220.00

Non Member $240.00

RSA 3/04/2012 - 3/04/2012 Woolgoolga (contact mid north coast ZEO) Zone

RCG 4/04/2012 - 4/04/2012 Woolgoolga (contact mid north coast ZEO) Zone

RCG 4/04/2012 - 4/04/2012 Bass Hill RSL Club Member $95.00

Non Member $100.00

Plan & Establish Systems & Procedures 17/04/2012 - 17/04/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $240.00

Non Member $290.00

Recruit & Select Staff 23/04/2012 - 24/04/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $480.00

Non Member $580.00

RSA 30/04/2012 - 30/04/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $135.00

Non Member $140.00

RCG 1/05/2012 - 1/05/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $95.00

Non Member $100.00

Prepare & Monitor Budgets 14/05/2012 - 15/05/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $330.00

Non Member $380.00

Financial Management 14/05/2012 - 6/06/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $1,000.00

Non Member $1,100.00

Duty Manager Development Program 21/05/2012 - 5/06/2012 Wollongong Golf Club Member $1,560.00

Non Member $1,690.00

Roster Staff 22/05/2012 - 22/05/2012 Wollongong Golf Club Member $330.00

Non Member $365.00

Clubs+: Weddings & Events Mgt Summit 22/05/2012 - 23/05/2012 The Epping Club TBA

RSA 28/05/2012 - 28/05/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $135.00

Non Member $140.00

Manage Quality Customer Service 28/05/2012 - 28/05/2012 Wollongong Golf Club Member $330.00

Non Member $365.00

RCG 29/05/2012 - 29/05/2012 CMDA - Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) Member $95.00

Non Member $100.00


IT WAS an impressive combination of business, education andpleasure when CMAA Mid North Coast hosted its first ZoneMeeting and Lunch for 2012 at Nambucca Heads RSL Club onFebruary 14.

Zone President Glenn Buckley welcomed 25 members formorning tea when Ainsworth Game Technology Northern NSWManager Glen Coleman took on the controversial topic of themanufacturer’s perspective on the recent mandatory pre­commitment debate with the Federal Government, thenspoke about gaming machine room design and what’shappening in the market place.

Craig McHatton from TJS Services – like Ainsworth, a CMDACareer Development Sponsor company – followed Glen with anIntroduction to the range of from TJS Facilities Managementproducts and services.

CMAA Executive Officer Ralph Kober, who travelled north forthe Meeting and lunch also was able to introduce members to anew CMDA Career Development Sponsor company, Micropower.

CEO Bill Owens and Craig Frew spoke about Micropower’srange of products and services for the Club Industry.

In his Head Office Report, Ralph responded to some of GlenColeman’s comments on mandatory pre­commitmen.

Ralph then discussed the 2012 Conference and HospitalityExpo on March 12­13, with 10 Zone Members indicating theywould be at Darling Harbour.

Ralph also encouraged the Zone to consider travel incentivesto attend the Mid Year Conference at Jupiters Gold Coast (July 4­6).

In General Business, President Glenn Buckley said he waskeen to reprise the Zone Study Tour to the 2012 Conference andExpo in Sydney.

“It’s been a while since we did it and I’m hoping Members willtake the opportunity to attend the Conference and Expo with afew club visits thrown in,” Glenn added.

Mid North Coast has arranged with CMAA IndustryProfessional Development Manager Geoff Meston for the Zoneto sponsor an RSA and RCG training day for financial membersat Coffs Harbour on April 2 and 3.

The Zone Golf Day will be at Woolgoolga Diggers Golf Club onThursday, May 10.

The Zone also is discussing the idea of a combined meetingand dinner with far North Coast Zone to coincide with theirmajor Zone event in September. “It will be an interestingopportunity for members in both zones to network and perhapshelp each other with common problems and ideas,” Glennadded.

The Mid North Coast AGM will be at Club Coffs on June 12.

Following the meeting, 40 members, Directors and ClubIndustry trade representatives enjoyed lunch as the sun shonethrough. n

Mid North Coast Zonekicks off ‘season’ with impressive combination

n TOP: Ainsworth Game Technology Northern NSWManager Glen Coleman with Mid North Coast ZonePresident Glenn Buckley.

n MIDDLE: Glenn Buckley with CEO Bill Owens and CraigFrew from Micropower and Zone Secretary-TreasurerDaphne Parker.

n MIDDLE: Glen Coleman from Ainsworth conducted afree education workshop at the Mid North Coast Zonemeeting last month.


ACTLisa Pozzato Canberra Labor ClubP.O. Box 167 BELCONNEN ACT 2616P: (02) 6251 5522 F: (02) 6253 1059

NSWCENTRAL COASTJosh CollinsWoy Woy District RLF ClubP.O. Box 818 WOY WOY NSW 2256P: (02) 4342 3366 F: (02) 4344 3259

CITY EASTERN SUBURBSGraeme TonksPaddington­Woollahra RSL ClubP.O. Box 176 PADDINGTON NSW 2021P: (02) 9331 1203 F: (02) 9332 3973

FAR NORTH COASTSharon ShanklandMaclean Services Club36­38 River Street MACLEAN NSW 2463P: 02 ­ 6645 2946

FAR SOUTH COASTDarryl BozicevicMilton Ulladulla Ex­Services ClubP.O. Box 126 ULLADULLA NSW 2539P: (02) 4455 1444 F: (02) 4454 0038

INNER WESTMichelle DenningtonWest Suburbs Leagues ClubP.O. Box 877 ASHFIELD NSW 2131P: (02) 8752 2067 F: (02) 9799 3696

HUNTERCatherine HandcockToronto RSL ClubP.O. Box 190 TORONTO NSW 2283P: (02) 4959 2411 F: (02) 4950 4878

ILLAWARRA SHOALHAVENDavid RenehanCollegians RLFC3A Charlotte Street WOLLONGONG 2500P: (02) 4229 7711 F: (02) 4229 1523

MANLY NORTHERN SUBURBSCarl Pozzato, ACCMRyde­Eastwood Leagues ClubP.O. Box 163 West Ryde NSW 2114P: (02) 9807 2444 F: (02) 9809 7462

MID NORTH COASTWendy MillsNambucca Heads RSL ClubPO Box 45 NAMBUCCA HEADS NSW 2448P: (02) 6568 6132 F: (02) 6568 7154

MID STATENatalie ThurstonCoonamble Bowling ClubP.O. Box 141 COONAMBLE NSW 2829P: (02) 6822 1144 F: (02) 6822 2497

NEPEANJoseph Bayssari, ACCM Seven Hills Toongabbie RSL ClubP.O. Box 67 SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147 P: (02) 9622 2800 F: (02) 9621 8121

NORTH WEST STATEPatrick Crick, ACCMArmidale City Bowling ClubP.O. Box 251 ARMIDALE NSW 2350P: (02) 6772 5666 F: (02) 6772 3811

RIVERINA MURRAYKarren HoweBarrier Social Democratic Club218 Argent Street. BROKEN HILL NSW 2880P: 08 8088 4477 F: 08 8088 2652

SOUTHERN RIVERINACraig MuirCoomealla Memorial ClubP.O. Box 42 DARETON NSW 2717P: (03) 5027 4505 F: (03) 5027 4350

ST GEORGE CRONULLATracey Lentell, ACCMMoorebank Sports ClubP.O. Box 30 MOOREBANK NSW 2170P: (02) 9825 3300 F: (02) 9825 3311

THE GREAT LAKESPeter NegusNorth Haven Bowling & Recreation Club1 Woodford Road NORTH HAVEN NSW 2443P: (02)6559 9150 F: (02)6559 7286


BRISBANEWendy VarleyLogan Diggers Club42­48 Blackwood Road WOODRIDGE 4114P: (07) 3387 3111 F: (07) 3209 5410

GOLD COASTBryan JonesCoolangatta Surf Lifesaving Supporters ClubP.O. Box 826 COOLANGATTA QLD 4225P: (07) 5536 4648 F: (07) 5536 1322

SUNSHINE COASTKym Nunan­Squier, ACCMMaroochydore RSL ClubMemorial Avenue MAROOCHYDORE 4558P: (07) 5443 2211 F: (07) 5443 8105

ROCKHAMPTON GLADSTONEWill Schroeder, ACCMYaralla Sports ClubP.O. Box 8008 SOUTH GLADSTONE 4680P: (07) 4972 2244 F: (07) 4972 6355

BUNDABERGMichael HughesRSL (QLD Branch) Maryborough Club165 Lennox StreetMARYBOROUGH QLD 4650P: (07) 4122 2321 F: (07) 4121 2571

VICTORIAStephen Hodge, ACCMMorwell Italian Australian ClubP.O. Box 505MORWELL VICTORIA 3840P: (03) 5134 3541 F: (03) 5134 6042

CMAA Zone Education Officers CMDA Board OfManagement StudiesCHAIRMANCameron Provost, ACCMOrange Ex­Services ClubP: (02) 6362 2666F: (02) 6361 3916E: [email protected]

MEMBERSTony Lycakis, ACCMSt George Rowing ClubP: (02) 9567 1489F: (02) 9567 4857E: [email protected]

Michelle DenningtonWests Ashfield Leagues ClubP: (02) 8752 2067F: (02) 9799 3696E:[email protected]

Carl Pozzato, ACCMRyde­Eastwood Leagues ClubP: (02)9807 2444F: (02)9809 7462E: [email protected]

Shay O’Connor Pittwater RSL Club82 Mona Vale RoadMONA VALE NSW 2103 P: (02) 9997 3833F: (02) 9999 3535E: [email protected]

David KimSeven Hills Toongabbie RSL ClubP.O. Box 67SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147P: (02) 9622 2800F: (02) 9621 8121 E: [email protected]

Chris PlanerSt George Masonic Club86 Roberts AvenueMORTDALE NSW 2223P: (02) 9579 6277F: (02) 9579 6038E: [email protected]

CMAA Mid Year Conference@ Jupiters, Gold Coast - July 4-6

Registrations open April -www.cmaa.asn.au

Gold Coast-Brisbane Zones Race Day@ Gold Coast Turf Club - July 7


CCM TRAVEL celebrated 15 years in thebusiness with an entertaining night offun at Drummoyne Sailing Club lastmonth.

Managing Director Catherine Mancusoand her staff entertained more than 100guests at the club’s Echo eatery withfinger food and beverages supplied byDoug May from Lion and CampbellMcLeod from Robert Oatley Vineyards –both CMDA Sponsor companies.

“It was a wonderful way to celebrate15 years in the business with the peoplewho have made it all possible, ourclients who are our friends,” Catherinesaid. “We had a lot of fun and laughs andsent a few people home very happy withsome great prizes. Rather than apromotion around Christmas, wedecided on the party and it was a greatsuccess.”

There was a business aspect to theevent with Catherine promoting CCMTravel’s three main tours for 2012 ...

• G2E Asia at Macau in May

• The National Restaurant Association(NRA) Show at Chicago in May

• G2E 2012 at Las Vegas in November

“These are always successful andvaluable trips for the industryprofessionals and our 2012 tours arealready selling very well,” Catherineadded.

Retired CMAA Executive Officer TerryCondon handled the MC duties andthere was a huge roar when CMAMagazine Advertising Manager JudyRayner was announced as the mainwinner of the business card draw. Judywon airfares and four nights staying atThe Venetian in Hong Kong andLangham Place in Macau.

Other winners included ...

• City of Sydney RSL Club executiveDennis O’Dwyer, who won a weekendto Singapore staying at Marina BaySands Resort;

• Di Thornett, the partner of prominentSydney Hotelier Jack Daly, who won aweekend in New Zealand staying atThe Langham;

• Ian Cox from ING Bank, who won aGold Coast weekend staying at theSheraton Mirage;

• Club Merrylands CEO Neil Watts, whowon a three­day accommodationpackage at the Sheraton Waikiki inHonolulu;

• CMAA Marketing & SponsorshipManager Shannon Donato, who won aweekend accommodation package forAloft in Bangkok. n

CCM Travelcelebrates 15years in style

➢ For more information on CCMTravel’s international and domesticpackages to club and hospitalityindustry events, contact CatherineMancuso P: 02 - 9439 5100; E: [email protected] go to www.ccmtravel.com.au




Thursday 01/03/2012 VICTORIA - The Local Taphouse - St Kilda Clubs + How to Create a Great Beer VenueThurs - Sun 01-04/03/2012 Melbourne Clubs + Melbourne Food and Wine Bursary TourTuesday 06­07/03/2012 09:00 Inverell RSM Club North West State Zone Dinner & Meeting

Wednesday 07/03/2012 08:00 Gosford RSL Club Central Coast Zone Breakfast Meeting

Sun – Tues 11-13/03/2012 Brisbane Fine Food BrisbaneSunday 11/03/2012 18:00 Darling Harbour CMAA Fed Executive & Fed Council MeetingsMonday 12/03/2012 09:00 Darling Harbour CMAA Annual Conference & Trade ExpoMonday 12/03/2012 09:00 Darling Harbour CMAA Annual General MeetingMonday 12/03/2012 16:00 Darling Harbour CMAA Cocktail Party & Hall of Fame Awards

Monday 12/03/2012 (Vic) Labour Day Public Holiday (Vic) Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 13/03/2012 09:00 Darling Harbour CMAA Annual Conference & Trade Expo

Wednesday 14/03/2012 10:00 Woodgate Bowls Club Bundaberg Zone Meeting

Thurs ­ Fri 15­16/03/2012 09:00 Barrier Social & Democratic Club, Broken Hill Riverina Murray Zone Dinner & AGM

Wednesday 21/03/2012 10:00 Redcliffe Leagues Club Brisbane Zone AGM, Workshop & Lunch

Wednesday 21/03/2012 18:30 The Juniors @ Kingsford 2011 ACE Awards Dinner

Monday 26/03/2012 07:00 Campsie RSL Club Inner West Zone Breakfast Meeting

Tuesday 27/03/2012 09:30 Moorebank Sports Club St George Cronulla Zone Breakfast Meeting

Tuesday 27/03/2012 11:00 Paddington RSL Club City/East Suburbs & Inner West Zone Meeting & Lunch

Tues ­ Wed 27­28/03/2012 09:00 Eden Fishermen’s Club Far South Coast Zone Dinner & Meeting

Wednesday 28/03/2012 10:00 Port City Bowling Club Great Lakes Zone Meeting & Lunch

Wednesday 28/03/2012 11:00 Kingscliff TAFE Far North Coast Zone AGM & Lunch

Thursday 29/03/2012 11:00 St Johns Park Bowling Club Nepean Zone AGM & Lunch

Thursday 29/03/2012 09:30 Sydney Olympic Park CMAA Federal Executive MeetingFriday 30/03/2012 07:00 TBA Manly Northern Suburbs Zone Golf Day

APRILMonday TBA 07:00 Concord Golf Club Inner West Zone Golf Day

Wed - Fri 18-20/04/2012 Singapore Expo Asian Club Managers’ Conference & FHA ExpoWednesday 25/04/2012 ANZAC DAY ANZAC DAYThursday 26/04/2012 09:30 Sydney Olympic Park CMAA Federal Executive Meeting

MAXGAMING AND Shuffle Master Australasia recently made abig splash in NSW clubs with Maximillions Gold. Thisswashbuckling adventure combines state­wide Linked Jackpotswith quality base games, including currently available titles“Clover All Over”, “Monkey Power” and “Hey Presto”.

Many clubs already are reporting performance at more thantwice their floor average with Maximillions Gold, the new No.1linked jackpot product in NSW. Maximillions Gold hit the groundrunning with a string of success stories in clubs.

In its first weeks, Maximillions Goldappeared in the Top 25 new games reporton Maxmobile and hit the No.1, No.2 andNo.3 spots in Week 51 of 2011 for gameswith at least five EGMs in the market.

Daniel Grady, from WestsCampbelltown, said: “Maximillions Gold isperforming at 165% of floor average overthe first three weeks”.

Stewart Graham, from St Mary’sLeagues Club, said: “So far, in the first 20days, the product has performed

extremely well at 2.5 times the floor average.”

Paul Miller, from Club Rivers RSL, said: “Our customers havebeen very happy with the new product. This has been shown bya very high occupancy rate on our three machines sinceinstallation.”

With colourful and engaging state­of­the­art graphics andthunderous sound, Maximillions Gold is a high­seas jackpotproduct sure to leave a lasting impact and keep the gaming floorbuzzing. With the power of two SAP jackpots and two SWLjackpot levels, this pirate­themed product allows players to winmultiple jackpot prizes during the explosive jackpot feature, asblasting cannons explode symbols on the reels to reveal coinsthat correspond with the jackpot prize levels.

Maximillions Gold made its debut at the AGE 2011 expo andleft a lasting impression on manyinnovative club managers who installedMaximillions Gold in their venues. Theirvision has paid off as many of the earlyadopters are now seeing just howsuccessful this contemporary product hasbecome on their floor.

Maximillions Gold is available to NSWclubs.

For more information, visit Stand 30 atthe CMAA’s 2012 Hospitality Expo, go towww.maxgaming.com.au or contactyour Maxgaming Account Manager. n

Shuffle Master strikesgold with Maxmillions


IGT HAS appointed Col Bentley as State Sales Manager forNSW & ACT. Cameron Louis has been appointed Sales Manager(ANZ) – Strategic System Solutions, a new position focusing onsystems and emerging technologies, and encompassingstrategic partnerships with key industry associations in ANZ.

IGT’s Sales Director ANZ Andrew Neagle, said Col takes overfrom Cameron who, in the past four years, was instrumental inguiding IGT to a leadership position in NSW and ACT.“Cameron’s depth of knowledge of the industry, customers andtheir business imperatives is unrivalled, so he was the obvious

choice for the new position of Sales Manager (ANZ) – StrategicSystem Solutions,” Mr Neagle said. “He will continue to have asignificant impact in further growing IGT’s systems customerbase and harnessing IGT’s global expertise in emergingtechnologies and working with key partners in the ANZmarket.”

As NSW & ACT State Sales Manager, Col Bentley will growIGT’s long­term customer relationships and increase IGT’spresence at the forefront of the gaming industry in casinos,clubs and hotels. Formerly the Metropolitan Sydney SalesManager, Col has been at IGT for 10 years. Col joined IGT fromLion Nathan where he was NSW Business DevelopmentManager and held brand management roles. “Col starts hisnew role at an exciting time as we continue to invest heavily inthe Australian market,” Mr Neagle added. n

IGT announces newroles for top executives

The Club Industry’s Premier Hospitality Expo

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All companies at the CMAA 2012 Expo go into the draw for the Expo ExhibitorVIP Bonus Package – drawn at the CMAA Expo Cocktail Party on March 12.

➢The Expo Exhibitor VIP Bonus Package includes …

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To book a 2012 Expo Stand go to www.cmaa.asn.au or contactJUDY RAYNER at Rayner Sales & Marketing 02 – 9360 6177 or 02 – 9332 2363



AINSWORTH IS committed to delivering innovative andentertaining gaming content to meet the demands of operatorsand players. Ainsworth’s latest line­up of link packages fromits “World of Jackpots”, followed by an array of unique brandsand games from the “GamePlus” range, will be unveiled at theCMAA’s 2012 Hospitality Expo.

“World of Jackpots” is the first of its kind in the industry,offering different game titles and players many differentoverall jackpot themes. The extensive “World of Jackpots”product library provides super­store quantities of linkedprogressive­centric brands, with three themes – “Year of theDragon”, “Rio Grande Rapids” and “Jackpot Zone”. More newprogressive brands will be released during 2012.

Ainsworth’s will present its four­level SAP, “Quad Shot”range, featuring “Hotter Than Hot”, “Moon Money”, “PawsGalore”, “Electric Nights” and “Starfire”. Incorporating a strong50­line math model, “Quad Shot” is an exciting innovation.

Also making a statement at CMAA 2012 is Ainsworth’s newthree­level stand­alone progressive, “Thunder Dragon” withanother market­first concept as scatter combinations triggerthe free games feature and create a double excitement hit bysimultaneously revealing any one of three potential stand­alone progressive levels. Bonus prizes can be won and, duringthe free games, the appearance of scatters ramp up as they hitrapidly, continuing to triggering more free games and moreprogressives all at the same time.

Mega Top, Ainsworth’s newest A560 cabinet, reaches for thestars is the stylish new 32” LCD top box with event­driven LED

lighting. Standing more than two metres with six levels ofprogressives, the Mega Top range offers an imposingcentrepiece for any gaming floor. Mega Top launches with thenew progressive brand, “Players Paradise Platinum” ­ the nextextension in Ainsworth’s successful “Players Paradise” jackpotseries.Ainsworth is set to expand its successful “GamePlus” rangewith new stand­alone games, including two­level and three­level stand ­alone progressive brands – “Double Shot”, “Play50Lines” / “Play 100Lines”, “Mega Multiplay”, “Multiplay BigTime”, “Hot Reel” and “Triple Shot” – along with a new high­denomination game range.

Inspect Ainsworth’s portfolio of products at Stand 4 atDarling Harbour on March 12 and 13. For more information,contact Ainsworth National Sales Manager Peter Black P: 02 - 9739 8000, E: peter. [email protected] go to www.ainsworth.com.au n

A Galaxy of Options withAinsworth @ CMAA 2012

THE 2012 CMAA Hospitality Expo againwill be the launch pad for IGT’s latestgames and systems innovations.

IGT has 29 games planned for itsstand – No.112 ­ including a new themebank game for the IGT bluechip NeoTower Top cabinet – “Ancient Secrets” ­and a new systems application, ServiceWindow. “Ancient Secrets” featuresinventive game­play, striking graphicsand a stylised common bonus featurewhere the “Ancient Secret” amuletsunlock the doors to reveal a mix ofjackpots and bonuses, including “MAXI”and “MINI” jackpots with free games orbonus prizes. The winning prize isselected when a search flashlight stopson the win. Each “Ancient Secrets” basegame has its own game­play feature andtakes players to different destinations,with the first two ports of call beingChina and Egypt.

Other highlights will be an additional11 new games covering alldenominations and a multitude of game­

play styles, including IGT’s latest themebank addition, “Eastern Gems”, whichfollows on from the success of “GoldFever”, featuring an interactive bonusfeature, proven math formula and twogames ­ with more to follow. The stormtwins – “Siberian Storm” and “SumatranStorm” ­ join the line­up. “SiberianStorm” has been topping theperformance charts and providing somevenues with figures not seen before.

IGT also will preview the latestaddition to its Advantage Club system.Cameron Louis, IGT Sales Manager(ANZ) – Strategic System Solutions, saidthat Service Window provides aselection of service options convenientlyavailable to players at the gamingmachine. “The menu opens up as awindow on the game screen andprovides a consistent player interface todeliver promotional messaging, foodand beverage options and custom­designed applications across the gamingfloor,” Cameron added. n

IGT lifts lid on‘Ancient Secrets’games at Expo





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CMDA Proudly presents: The 2012 Paul Lyons Workshop Series Paul Lyons is an organisational psychologist who works with many large companies including Qantas. He also delivers high value, real life and

practical knowledge and skills workshop packages to the club industry. Developing Leaders By the end of this course participants should be able to: explain the Managers role as leader and how it

impacts on team performance

explain the concept of leadership and its importance to effective business performance

adapt their leadership style to suit individual team member needs and working preferences

improve overall workforce commitment from their team members

build a culture that promotes trust, integrity, high performance

Difficult Conversations By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

Understand the importance of dialogue and staying in dialogue

Be aware and focused of what you and others really want

feelings and behaviours

Establish a safe environment and identify when safety is at risk

Actively listen and speak persuasively Turn conversations into actions and results.

Managing Change By the end of the program you will be able to:

Define change at your Club

Recognise the reasons for change

Identify the factors that create successful change

Respond and act on the role they play in change

Apply the elements of the change framework to change initiatives

High Performance Teams By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

Learn more about yourself and your colleagues

Develop Profiles and discuss implications

Review and fine tune how we work

Understand the factors that make up a high performance teams

Mentoring By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

What is Mentoring?


conceptual overview

Developing a Mentoring Program

Mentoring, leadership, & profitability

Dealing with Difficult People By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

Types of Difficult People

Exploring the basis of power at work

Dealing with difficult customers

Dealing with difficult colleagues

Emotional Intelligence By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

What is EQ? (The conceptual framework)

Business case for EQ: Why would you or your organization care about EQ?

EQ Toolkits

4 steps of a high EQ event

15 EQ skills

6 EQ based leadership styles

Exercise: use EQ to solve your leadership and organizational problems

Anti-Discrimination, harassment and bullying By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

Better understand the definitions of Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying

The Laws

Rights and Responsibilities

Dealing with the Issues arising from these

Counselling Skills By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

The five basic human needs

Towards competence

Giving feedback

Interviewing and Selection Skills By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

Developing clear selection criteria

Other forms of assessment

Behavioural Interviewing

Probity and Reference Checks

Full day courses: $200 + GST pp. See our website for dates. 3.5 hour introductory workshops can be scheduled. Please contact Geoff Meston on 02 9746 4199 or at [email protected].