International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2015, PP 1-15 ISSN 2349-0357 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0365 (Online) www.arcjournals.org ©ARC Page | 1 Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep Waleid Mohamed El-Sayed Shakweer * Animal Production Dept. National Research Centre Dokki, Giza, Egypt [email protected] Yassein Mohamed Hafez Animal Production Dept. Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt [email protected] Marwa Naguib Mohamed Esmaail Sanad Genetic and Cytology Dept. National Research Centre Dokki, Giza, Egypt [email protected] Ashraf Abd El-Halim El-Sayed Animal Production Dept. Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University, Giza, Egypt [email protected] Ibrahim Mohamed Awadalla Animal Production Dept. National Research Centre Dokki, Giza, Egypt [email protected] Mamdouh Ibrahim Mohamed Animal Production Dept. National Research Centre Dokki, Giza, Egypt [email protected] Abstract: This study aims to investigate the compatibility between growth hormone (GH) cDNA sequence in Egyptian cows and sheep as an introduction to produce bovine GH-Transgenic sheep using sperm mediated gene transfer (SMGT) technique to improve their productivity. Our previous in vivo study indicates a significant increase in the concentration of GH mediator (IGF-1) in blood, and daily growth rate, when Egyptian rams were injected with bovine somatotropin. The GH gene of Egyptian Holstein crossbred (EH_GH) and Ossimi sheep breed (Os_GH) has been characterized in this study. The mRNA of pituitary gland has been isolated and then the cDNA was cloned into pTZ57R/T cloning vector. The complete coding domain sequences (CDSs) of EH_GH (AC: KP221576) AND Os_GH (Ac: KP221575) were detected and annotated comprehensively. The sequenced GH genes varied slightly at gene length; EH_GH was 740 bp instead of 690 bp in Os_GH, but with similar gene structure (5 exons and 4 introns). High homology (98%) in GH protein length and structure was observed; the predicted open reading frames (ORF) length was 217 aa and 216 aa of EG_GH and Os_GH, respectively, which included only four different amino acids in the predicted ORFs. A gene synteny was developed of the homologous bovine and ovine GH1 genes Ensemble annotated genome database. The results showed strong conserved structure and function, that indicated to GH gene of Egyptian Holstein crossbred and Ossimi breed are orthologous genes. We assume in this study that the novel genetic information about the bovine and ovine GH in Egyptian breeds can support; further success possibilities of producing the bovine GH-transgenic sheep to improve the growth and milk production performance. Keywords: Growth hormone (GH), Orthologous genes, Egyptian Holstein crossbred, Ossimi breed. 1. INTRODUCTION Sheep is one of the most important domestic animals reared in Egypt. There are almost 5.5 million head that contributed about 6% of the total red meet that produced in Egypt [1]. The cows' population in Egypt is estimated about 4.53 million heads that produced 2.90 and 0.41 million tons of milk and meat, respectively [2]. In the last three decades, Egyptian farms adopted crosses between the Holstein breed and the Egyptian Baladi breeds to improve their productivity by producing Egyptian Holstein crossbred adapted in the Egyptian environmental. Due to a shortage of animal production in the world, a lot of scientists have been turned on to gene transfer techniques as a quick tool to increase livestock production. This study aims to investigate the

Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep

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International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB)

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2015, PP 1-15

ISSN 2349-0357 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0365 (Online)


©ARC Page | 1

Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode

Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein Crossbred and Ossimi


Waleid Mohamed El-Sayed Shakweer*

Animal Production Dept. National Research Centre

Dokki, Giza, Egypt [email protected]

Yassein Mohamed Hafez

Animal Production Dept. Faculty of Agriculture,

Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

[email protected]

Marwa Naguib Mohamed Esmaail Sanad

Genetic and Cytology Dept.

National Research Centre Dokki, Giza, Egypt

[email protected]

Ashraf Abd El-Halim El-Sayed

Animal Production Dept.

Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

[email protected]

Ibrahim Mohamed Awadalla

Animal Production Dept.

National Research Centre

Dokki, Giza, Egypt [email protected]

Mamdouh Ibrahim Mohamed

Animal Production Dept.

National Research Centre

Dokki, Giza, Egypt [email protected]

Abstract: This study aims to investigate the compatibility between growth hormone (GH) cDNA sequence

in Egyptian cows and sheep as an introduction to produce bovine GH-Transgenic sheep using sperm

mediated gene transfer (SMGT) technique to improve their productivity. Our previous in vivo study indicates a significant increase in the concentration of GH mediator (IGF-1) in blood, and daily growth

rate, when Egyptian rams were injected with bovine somatotropin. The GH gene of Egyptian Holstein

crossbred (EH_GH) and Ossimi sheep breed (Os_GH) has been characterized in this study. The mRNA of

pituitary gland has been isolated and then the cDNA was cloned into pTZ57R/T cloning vector. The

complete coding domain sequences (CDSs) of EH_GH (AC: KP221576) AND Os_GH (Ac: KP221575)

were detected and annotated comprehensively. The sequenced GH genes varied slightly at gene length;

EH_GH was 740 bp instead of 690 bp in Os_GH, but with similar gene structure (5 exons and 4 introns).

High homology (98%) in GH protein length and structure was observed; the predicted open reading frames

(ORF) length was 217 aa and 216 aa of EG_GH and Os_GH, respectively, which included only four

different amino acids in the predicted ORFs. A gene synteny was developed of the homologous bovine and

ovine GH1 genes Ensemble annotated genome database. The results showed strong conserved structure and function, that indicated to GH gene of Egyptian Holstein crossbred and Ossimi breed are orthologous

genes. We assume in this study that the novel genetic information about the bovine and ovine GH in

Egyptian breeds can support; further success possibilities of producing the bovine GH-transgenic sheep to

improve the growth and milk production performance.

Keywords: Growth hormone (GH), Orthologous genes, Egyptian Holstein crossbred, Ossimi breed.


Sheep is one of the most important domestic animals reared in Egypt. There are almost 5.5

million head that contributed about 6% of the total red meet that produced in Egypt [1]. The cows'

population in Egypt is estimated about 4.53 million heads that produced 2.90 and 0.41 million tons of milk and meat, respectively [2]. In the last three decades, Egyptian farms adopted crosses

between the Holstein breed and the Egyptian Baladi breeds to improve their productivity by

producing Egyptian Holstein crossbred adapted in the Egyptian environmental. Due to a shortage of animal production in the world, a lot of scientists have been turned on to gene transfer

techniques as a quick tool to increase livestock production. This study aims to investigate the

Waleid Mohamed El-Sayed Shakweer*

International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) Page | 2

compatibility between the growth hormone cDNA sequence in Egyptian cows and sheep as an

introduction to produce bovine GH-Transgenic sheep using sperm mediated gene transfer (SMGT) to improve their productivity. The candidate gene is growth hormone that spans

approximately 1.8 kilobases and consists of five exons interrupted by four introns [3]. Growth

Hormone gene is located at chromosome 19 in Bos taurus genome, while at chromosome 11 in

Ovis aries genome [4] and [5]. The growth hormone is a single-chain polypeptide synthesised and secreted by the pituitary gland under hypothalamic control and regulates the body growth, cell

reproduction and regeneration in cattle and sheep [6]. Growth hormone affects the partitioning of

nutrients among tissues in sheep and cattle, increasing bone growth and milk production and decreasing fatness [7]. It belongs to the same hormonal family as prolactin (PRL) and placental

lactogen (PL), all of them sharing certain biological, immunological and structural features; they

are considered to be derived from duplication of a single ancestral gene [8] and [9]. Plasma

concentration of GH is increased in cows genetically selected for high milk production [10] and in sheep selected for low levels of fatness [11], indicating that GH is genetically correlated with

these traits.

In our previous study, recombinant bovine somatotropin (100 mg rbST/14 days) has been injected in Egyptian Rahmani lambs. The average daily gain has been increased significantly (8.43%,

P<0.05) in rbST treated rams comparing with the control. The feed conversion did not differ

significantly in rbST treated rams compared to the control that may be gives us an indicator that the treated group utilizes the feed intake in a good way to increase the average daily gain [12].

Based on that aforementioned, our aim was cloning and characterization of growth hormone gene

in both Egyptian Holstein crossbred and Ossimi sheep breed. The functional bioinformatic

analysis can guide the research accurately to predict for the success possibilities to introduce and express bovine GH gene into transgenic sheep for enhancing their productivity.


2.1. cDNA Synthesis

Total RNA has been isolated from pituitary gland (50 mg) of Egyptian Holstein crossbred and

Ossimi breed using Booze reagent kit (Bioflux®). Total RNA was reverse transcribed with Oligo

dT18 using RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas, Canada). The EH_GH primer was designed using custom primers-OligoPerfect™ designer tool (https://tools. lifetechnologies.

com/content.cfm?pageid=9716&icid=fr-oligo-6?CID=fl-oligoperfect) based on NCBI database

(Ac: M27325.1, 783bp). The EH_GH primer sequence was EH_GH-F 5'-GAGCTCCAGGGTCCTGTGGACAGC-3' and EH_GH-R 5'-CCGCGGTGCGATGCAATTTCC

TCAT-3'. While, the Os_GH primer was published on NCBI (Ac: EU935861.1), Os_GH-F 5'-


2.2. Gene Cloning

The PCR reaction mixture (10µl) was prepared for each gene as follow; [1µl of 10X buffer

containing MgCl2 (25mM), 1µl of dNTBase mixture (200 µM), 1µl of F-primer, 1µl of R-primer,

0.2 µl of Taq polymerase (1U/µl), 1µl of both EH_GH/Os_GH cDNA and water nuclease-free up to 10µl) [13]. The amplification reaction was carried out in a Thermocycler PCT-100 (MJ

Research, USA). The PCR conditions of EH_GH-cDNA was denaturation for 1 min at 94ºC,

annealing for 2 min at 57ºC, and extension for 3 min at 72ºC for 29 cycles, and final extension at 72ºC for 7 min, while for Os_GH-cDNA, denaturation for 1 min at 94ºC, annealing for 2 min at

63ºC, and extension for 3 min at 72ºC for 29 cycles. A final extension was 72ºC for 7 min. The

PCR products were visualized on a 1% agarose gel stained with Ethidium bromide in 1x TAE

buffer at 100 v for 60 min with 10 Kb BioLabs ladder, (New England, UK). The image of the gel band was taken using Bio-Rad Gel Doc XR. The detected EH_GH and Os_GH amplicons were

extracted from the gel using GeneElute™ Gel Extraction Kit (Fermentas, USA), then cloned into

pTZ57R/T vector (Fig.1). The vector construction was designed according to the cloning kit procedure (Fermentas, USA) as follow; 3µl of pTZ57R/T vector, 2.5µl of both EH_GH/Os_GH

cDNA, 6µl of 10x ligase buffer, 1µl T4 DNA ligase and 17.5µl sterile water in total 30 µl reaction

mixture, incubated at 22°C/1h for ligation. The ligated product was transformed into DH5α cells (Fermentas, USA). The constructed plasmids (EH_GH and Os_GH-PTZ57R/T) were extracted

using GeneJET plasmid Miniprep kit, and sequenced. The efficiency of transformation was

determined using the polymerase chain reaction.

Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein

Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep

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Fig1. Map of the pTZ57R/T cloning vector.

2.3. Bioinformatics Analysis

The consensus sequence of cloned EH_GH and Os_GH cDNA were created using CodonCode

Aligner V4.2.7 software. The SNPs between EH_GH and Os_GH cDNA sequence have been

done using the pairwise alignment via EMBOSS Needle tool (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/psa/

emboss_needle/). The transcription promoter has been predicted using Neural Network Promoter Prediction via http://www.fruitfly.org/seq_tools/promoter.html [14]. The open reading frames

(ORF) of EH_GH and Os_GH cDNA sequences were predicted using http://web.expasy

.org/translate/ [15]. Predicted protein codons relative to the nucleotide sequence were done using translated tool via http://www.fr33.net/translator.php. The predicted cleavage site in signal

peptide sequence was done using SignalP 4.1 Server tool http://www.cbs.dtu.dk /services/SignalP/

[16]. The conserved domain of EH_GH and Os_GH cDNA sequences were detected using NCBI conserved domains tool via http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/cdd/wrpsb.cgi [17]. The motif

of EH_GH and Os_GH cDNA was predicted using search motif library tool at http://www.

genome.jp/tools/motif/. The cysteine state and disulfide bonds in the EH_GH and Os_GH protein

sequences were carried out using cysteine and disulfide bond prediction tool at http://clavius.bc. edu/~clotelab/DiANNA/ [18]. Pairwise alignment was done between EH_GH and Os_GH protein

sequences using EMBOSS Needle tool (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/psa/emboss_needle/). Also,

the multiple alignments of EH_GH and Os_GH protein sequences vs. NCBI protein database have been carried out using Bioedit 7.2.5 software [19]. Phylogenetic of EH_GH and Os_ GH protein

sequences was conducted using MEGA version 6 [20]. The synteny location of GH in ovine

chromosome (Chr11) vs. bovine chromosome (Chr19) has been achieved using annotation and

prediction tool available at http://www.ensembl.org.


3.1. Gene Cloning of GH

The cDNA and translated protein sequences of EH_GH and Os_GH have been published at

Genebank-NCBI database with accession number KP221576 and KP221575, respectively. The

electrophoresed band of EH_GH was 740 bp and was 690 bp for Os_GH (Fig. 2). In Fig. 3, five

uncut plasmid forms were showed on one sample of EH_GH-TZ57R/T, whereas the Os_GH-TZ57R/T had three to four forms. About five forms of uncut plasmid on the electrophoretic gel

based on its form and molecular weight; 1) Nicked open-circular 2) Relaxed circular 3) Linear, 4)

Supercoiled, 5) Supercoiled denature [21]. The electrophoresis results of EH_GH-TZ57R/T and Os_GH-TZ57R/T are shown in Fig. 4.

Waleid Mohamed El-Sayed Shakweer*

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Fig2. Gel electrophoresis of cDNA band of EH_GH and O_GH.

Fig3. Photograph of Holstein and Ossimi GH-TZ57R/T uncut plasmid electrophoresis.

Fig4. Photograph of EH_GH-TZ57R/T and Os_GH-TZ57R/T PCR plasmid electrophoresis.

Fig5. Photograph of EH and Os_GH-TZ57R/T cut plasmid.

Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein

Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep

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3.2. Growth Hormone cDNA SNPs

The pairwise alignment (Fig. 8) has been shown that there are ten nonsynonymous alleles

substitutions (small letter) which yield a new codon that encodes a different amino acids in EH_GH cDNA sequence vs. Os_GH cDNA sequence (Table 1); gct for Alanine (Ala) at 34,35

and 36, ccc for Proline (Pro) at 43, 44 and 45, Cgc for Arginine (Arg) at 650 and 651, gcc for

Alanine (Ala) at 688, 689 and 690, atC for Isoleucine (Ile) at 691 and 692, tGt for cysteine (Cys) at 694 and 696, tgT for Cysteine (Cys) at 697 and 698, Ttg for Leucine (Leu) at 701 and 702, ccc

for Proline (Pro) at 703, 704 and 705 and ccc for Proline (Pro) at 709, 710 and 711in EH_GH

cDNA sequence vs. aag for Lysine (Lys) at 12, 13 and 14, aCC for Threonine (Thr) at 21, Cag for Glutamine (Glu) at 628 and 629, aaa for Lysine (Lys) at 666, 667 and 668, cgC for Arginine

(Arg) at 669 and 670, cGg for Arginine (Arg) at 772 and 774, ctT for leucine (Leu) at 675 and

676, Tgc for Cysteine (Cys) at 780, tgg for Tryptophan (Trp) at 681, 682 and 683 and ggg for

Glycine (Gly) at 687, 688 and 689 in Os_GH cDNA sequence.

Fig6. The growth hormone cDNA sequence and the encoded amino acid residues in Egyptian Holstein

crossbred. 1Signal protein sequence (Red, 1…27 aa), 2Conserved domain of predicted residues sequence

(Yellow: 36…215 aa), 3First motif Somatotropin_1 (Green: 79…112, 192 related sequences and 22 related

structures). 4Second motif Somatotropin_2 (Green: 190...207, 194 related sequences and 22 related

structures). 5Predicted promoter (Purple, start 603 bp....end 653 bp and score 0.85). The conserved

Cysteine residues are illustrated by boxes.

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Fig7. The growth hormone cDNA sequence, predicted amino acids sequences and protein features in

Ossimi breed. 1

Signal protein sequence (Red, 1…26 aa), 2

Conserved domin of predicted residues sequence

(Yellow: 35…214 aa), 3

First motif Somatotropin_1 (Green: 78...111, 192 related sequences and 22 related

structures). 4

Second motif Somatotropin_2 (Green: 189…206, 194 related sequences and 22 related

structures). 5

Predicted promoter (Purple, start 581bp... end 631bp and score 0.85). The conserved Cysteine

residues are illustrated by boxes.

Fig8. The pair wise alignment of EH and Os_GH cDNA sequences.

On the other hand, there are five synonymous allele’s substitutions (small letter) which yield a

new codon that encodes the same amino acids TGt for Cysteine (Cys) at 672, TTc for

Phenylalanine (Phe) at 678, TAg Stop codon at 681, CCa for Proline (Pro) at 687 and cTc Leucine (Leu) at 706 and 708, in EH_GH cDNA sequence vs. TGc for Cysteine (Cys) at 650, TTt

for Phenylalanine (Phe) at 656, TAa Stop codon at 659, CCc for Proline (Pro) at 665 and tTg

Leucine (Leu) at 684 and 686 in Os_GH cDNA sequence. That single nucleotide polymorphism can be used to develop SNPs markers for each breed.

3.3. The Prediction of Growth Hormone Promoter

The promoter is the most important regulatory region that regulates the very first step of gene

expression [22]. The promoter sequence of EH_GH cDNA was AAGGACCTGCATAAGACGG AGACGTACCTGAGGGTCATGAAGTGCCGCC (50bp), contains start codon (ATG) and

spanning between 603bp and 653bp with prediction score 0.85 (Fig. 6). Whereas the promoter of

Os_GH was GAAGGCATCCTGGCCCTGATGCGGGAGCTGGAAGATGG (38bp), contains start codon (ATG) and spanned between 581bp to 631bp with 0.85 prediction score (Fig. 7). The

identity score between both promoters was 57.89 considering length differences.

3.4. Protein Structure

3.4.1. Signal Peptide Sequence

The signal peptide of EH_GH sequence ranged from 1 to 27 residues and from 1 to 26 residues in

Os_GH cDNA (Fig. 6 and 7, respectively). The predicted cleavage site was located between 26

and 27 amino acids in EH_GH protein and between 25 and 26 amino acids in Os_GH protein (Fig. 9). The signal peptide has been defined as a sequence generally found at the N-terminal end

of most secreted and cell-surface protein precursors [23]. The signal sequence that bound at the

amino terminus of the emerging protein “flag”, which transport the mechanism of the cell to prompt them as to where the emerging protein should go. The flags recognize by signal

recognition particle (SRP) locate freely in the cytoplasm or attached to the ribosome, the SPR

Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein

Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep

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interacts with the signal sequence and leads to the transient arrest of translation. That may indicate

that the isolated GH cDNA of both breed could be expressed in transfected cell [24].

Table1. The modified nucleotides (SNPs) and encoded amino acids in EH_GH cDNA vs. Os_GH cDNA sequences.

EH_GH cDNA sequence Os_GH cDNA sequence

Nucleotides Location Residue Nucleotides Location Residue *gct 34, 35 and 36 Alanine aag 12, 13 and 14 Lysine

ccc 43, 44 and 45 Proline aCC 21 Threonine

Cgc 650 and 651 Arginine Cag 628 and 629 Glutamine

TGt 672 **Cysteine TGc 650 **Cysteine

TTc 678 **Phenylalanine TTt 656 **Phenylalanine

TAg 681 **Stop TAa 659 **Stop

CCa 687 **Proline CCc 665 **Proline

gcc 688, 689 and 690 Alanine aaa 666, 667 and 668 Lysine

atC 691 and 692 Isoleucine cgC 669 and 670 Arginine

tGt 694 and 696 Cysteine cGg 672 and 674 Arginine

tgT 697 and 698 Cysteine ctT 675 and 676 Leucine

Ttg 701 and 702 Leucine tgc 679 and 680 Cysteine

ccc 703, 7024 and 705 Proline tgg 681, 682 and 683 Tryptophan

cTc 706 and 708 **Leucine tTg 684 and 686 **Leucine

ccc 709, 710 and 711 Proline ggg 687, 688 and 689 Glycine

C……..C 1 to 22 Q……. P No complement nucleotide

G………A 713 to 740 R…… C No complement nucleotide

* Lower case letters have been indicated for SNPs, ** The same amino acids with different encoding


3.4.2. Conserved Domain and Motifs

Fig9. The predicted cleavage site of signal peptide in Egyptian Holstein crossbred (A) and Ossimi breed

(B). C-score: Signal peptide cleavage sites. S-score: Signal peptide positions within signal peptides from positions in the mature part of the proteins and from proteins without signal peptides. Y-score: Better

cleavage site prediction than the raw C-score alone. Mean S: The average S-score of the possible reticulum

the SRP detaches and this leads to the continuation of protein translation, and eventually to the signal

peptide (from position 1 to the position immediately before the maximal Y-score). D-score: Discriminate

signal peptides from non-signal peptides. For non-secretory proteins all the scores represented in the

SignalP output should ideally be very low (close to the negative target value of 0.1) [15].

Highly conserved domain of predicted growth hormone protein has been detected in EH_GH and

Os_GH (Fig. 10). Detecting the significant conserved protein domains is often required for basic cellular function, stability or reproduction. Conservation of protein structures is indicated by the

presence of functionally equivalent, though not necessarily identical, amino acid residues and

structures between analogous parts of proteins [25]. The predicted conserved domain hit

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somatotropin like hormone and specific family with growth hormone like superfamily; Interval 35

to 214 aa, 1.40e-104 E-value for Os_GH protein and Interval 36 to 215 aa, 5.30e-106 E-value for EH_GH protein. Protein motifs are signatures of protein families and can often be used as tools

for the prediction of protein function [26]. We detected two common motifs in both EH_GH and

Os_GH cDNA but with different spanning (Fig. 6 and 7); Somatotropin_1 (CFSETIPAPTGKNE

AQQKSDLELLRISLLLIQSW) from 79 to 112 aa for EH_GH cDNA and from 78 to 111 aa for Os_GH cDNA. Somatotropin_2 (CFRKDLHKTETYL RVM KC) from 190 to 207 aa for EH_GH

cDNA and from 189 to 206 aa for Os_GH cDNA which reflects same function and

characteristics. A comprehensive summary of EH_GH and Os_GH annotation has been covered in Table (2).

Fig10. Conserved domain of EH_GH and Os_GH protein sequences.

Table2. Comprehensive summary of EH_GH and Os_GH sequences annotation.

Parameters EH_GH cDNA Os_GH cDNA

Chromosome location 19 11

Exon number 5 5 Exon protein position 1..31..150..175..205 1..30..149..175..204

Intron number 4 4

Length of mRNA 740 bp 690 bp

Predicted promoter Start 603, End 653, Score 0.85 Start 581, End 631, Score 0.85


Somatotropin_1 From 79 to112 From 78 to 111

Somatotropin_2 From 190 to 207 From 189 to 206

Molecular weight 24558 Da 24460 Da

Number of residues 217 216

Disulfide bonds 79 - 190 78 - 189

207 - 215 206 - 214

Cysteine position

18 17

79 78

190 189

207 206

215 214

Physical characteristics of growth hormone protein

Length of protein 217 aa 216 aa

Chain peptide 27-217 (190 aa) 26-216 (190 aa)

Open reading frame 1-217 1-216

Signal peptide 1-27 1-26

Conserved domain

n 36-215 35-214

Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein

Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep

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3.4.3. Cysteine Bridge and Disulfide Bounds

Five conserved cysteine (Cys) are founded in both EH_GH and Os_GH protein sequence at the

following positions; (Cys18

, Cys79

, Cys190

, Cys207

and Cys215

) and (Cys17

, Cys78

, Cys189

, Cys206

and Cys

204), respectively residues (Fig 6 and 7). Two sulfide bounds are predicted between 79 and 190

aa (99%) and between 207 and 215 aa (98%) in EH_GH protein and between at 78 and 189 aa

(99%) and between 206 and 214 aa (93%) in Os_GH protein. The disulfide bonds play an important role in the folding and stability of some proteins, usually proteins secreted to the

extracellular medium [27]. Four cysteine residues from five have been participated in the

formation of two disulfide bonds between the thiol groups of cysteine residues by the process of oxidative folding. The disulfide bond stabilizes the folded form of a protein in several ways; 1) It

holds two portions of the protein together, biasing the protein towards the folded topology. 2) The

disulfide bond may form the nucleus of a hydrophobic core of the folded protein [28]. One

possible role of this fifth Cysteine residue might be the formation of oligomeric complexes, which might affects the appropriate re-folding of growth hormone protein [29]. In the intracellular

environment cysteines can still play a key structural role. Their sulphydryl side chain is excellent

for binding to metals, such as zinc, meaning that cysteines are very common in metal binding motifs such as zinc fingers [30].

3.4.4. Pair wise alignment of Open Reading Farm

The pairwise alignment of EH_GH protein vs. Os_GH protein (Fig. 11) has been indicated that the protein sequences in both breeds are highly identical residues (98%) except in four positions

(Table 3). The EH_GH protein sequence was started with two start codon (MM), while the

Os_GH protein sequence was started with unusual single start codon (M). The modified residues

of EH_GH protein sequence were Ala3, Pro

6 (signal peptide) and Arg

208 vs. Lys

2, Thr

5 (signal

peptide) and Gln207

in Os_GH protein sequence. The differences in residues substitution in signal

peptide did not affect translocation efficiency and cleavage site position and this conclusion is

confirmed based on the results of highly values of C, Y, S and D in signalP chart (Fig. 9). But the difference in the N-terminus Methionine can be higher growth hormone transcription in EH_GH,

and lower expression in Os_GH, refer to the active and inactive forms of GH [31].

Fig11. The pairwise alignment between EH_GH and Os_GH protein sequences

The Ala and Lys can substitute together because both belong to the same amino acid group (small) as well as Arg vs. Gln both are polar residues. Although, the Pro is a small residue and Thr is a polar residue, in addition to a common role of Pro and Thr in facilitating the intracellular signal transduction but they can substitute without negative effect on protein function [15], [32] and [33]. It may worth to look into the unique residue in Os_GH (Lys) in exon2, which was associated with a mutation (AAG) vs. (Ala, GCT), which is a common codon among all the aligned proteins, and see if the mutation effected on the receptor efficiency especially with the missing initial Met in Ossimi. In respect to the important role of Lys in structure and locate on the outside of the protein, while Ala rarely involved in protein function directly but can play a role in substrate recognition or specificity [33]. There is about 97.5% homology in the coding regions between bovine GH and ovine GH genes [34]. The GH homology can supports and explain the assumption the expression possibility of bovine growth hormone in injected sheep breed as mentioned previously in rams [12], [35], [36], [37] and [38].

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3.4.5. Multiple Alignment

Gene families arise by gene duplication and natural selection [39]. The multiple alignments are an

essential study to understand the evolution between the bovine and ovine growth hormone

precursors. The multiple alignment of EH_GH and Os_GH against other GH complete CDS

(Genebank- NCBI database), and the main published GH1 of bovine and ovine (Ensemble

genomes database) were shown in Fig. 12. There are three pakistanian ovine breeds (Latti, Lohi

and Afghani) and four bovine breeds (Indian Zeubo, Iranian cattle, Pakistani Sahiwal cattle and

Table3. Substituted residues of growth hormone protein of Egyptian Holstein crossbred and Ossimi breed

vs. investigated NCBI breeds.

Studied breeds Modified residues

Investigated breeds Residue Position Residue Position


Ossimi breed

Glycine 34 Serine 35 Afghani breed, Pakistan

Leucine 106 Proline 107 Dhanni cattle, Pakistan

Glutamine 109 Arginine 110

Phenylalanine 122 Leucine 123 Lezhi Black breed Capra

hircus, China

Glutamic acid 152 Glycine 153 Tibetan ovine breed, China

Glycine 155 Valine 156 All tested breeds except

Afghani ovine breed

Tyrosine 167 Histamine 168 Latti ovine breed, Pakistan

Glutamine 207 Arginine 208 All tested breeds database




Leucine 107 Proline 107 Dhanni cattle, Pakistan

Glutamine 110 Arginine 110

Glycine 156 Valine, 156 Kamori cattle, Pakistan

Leucine 189 Phenylalanine 189 Irani cattle




Methionine 1 - 1

Egyptian Ossimi breed Alanine 3 Lysine 2

Proline 6 Thrionine 5

Arginine 208 Glutamine 207

Chinese cattle) have partial sequences (four exons) while in Zebu cattle contains five exons but

the first exon is very short contains only four residues. In most mammals, GH sequence is

strongly conserved, but differences in the biological and receptor-binding properties due to the

species-specificity of receptor-binding [40]. Interestingly, the results of multiple alignment have

been illustrated that there is a distinct mutation in growth hormone protein sequence where the

conserved Gly156

has been substituted with Val156

in following breeds; Ovis aries ref synteny,

Pakistani Kamori cattle, Pakistani Latti ovine, Chines Tibetan ovine, Pakistani lohi ovine, Chines

Kazakh ovine, Swiss Saanen goat, Portugal Serra da Estrela ovine, Chines Lezhi Black goat,

Chines Tibet goat and Chines ovine compared to the other breeds (Table 3). Normally, if the

conserved Glycine has been changed to any other amino acid, this change could have a drastic

impact on protein function [33]. Therefore, it could be concluded that it is possible to substitute

conserved Gly and get a functional growth hormone protein, this mutation may be considered as a

specific genetic marker related to specific breed in specific region especially in China and

Pakistan based on the investigated breeds. The Ossimi breed contains distinct modified residues;

Lys2 and Thr5 vs. Ala

3 and Pro

6 in all investigated breeds, respectively (Table 3). The substitution

of Pro6 to Thr

6 and Ala

3 to Lys

2 are located out open reading frame therefore did not affect the

protein function [32], [33] and [41]. In the present study, the Gly35

residue was presented in all

investigated breeds vs. Ser35

residue in Afghani sheep breed. Because the both Gly and Ser are

tiny and small residues and the Gly is not in the conserved domain sequence; therefore the

substitution is functional [32]. The substitution of Phe123, 217

and Leu188

in all tested breeds with

Leu123, 217

and Phe188

in Lezhi Black goat, Dhanni x Friesian cattle crossbred and Iranian cattle

breed, respectively are acceptable and may use this substitution as a distinct genetic marker in

Lezhi Black goats and in Iranian cattle breed. In the present study, the Glu154

residue is presence

in all breeds vs. Gly154

in Pakistani Afghani ovine breed. This mutation may causes reduction in

growth hormone function in this breed resulting in the differences between them in physio-

chemical properties. The Tyr168

residue is presence in all tested breeds vs. His168

residue in

Pakistani Latti ovine breed. Because the both histidine and tyrosine are polar amino acids

(neutral), therefore Tyr can substitute with His residue [32].

Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein

Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep

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110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|






























Egyptian_Holstein_croosbred YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Egyptian_Ossimi_breed_oGH_prot YLRVMKCQRFGEASCAF

Bos_taurus_ref_synety_somatotr YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Ovis aries_ref_synety_somatotr YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF


Chinese_cattle_bGH_|EF470979.1 YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Sahiwal_breed_bGH1_Pakistan YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF




Kamori_breed_bGH_Pakistan YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Dhanni_breed_bGH_Pakistan YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

DhannixFriesian_crossbred_bGH YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAL

Red_Sindhi_breed_bGH_Pakistan YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Thari_breed_bGH_Pakistan YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Mongolian_breed_bGH_China YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Kenana_breed_bGH_Sudanese YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Butana_breed_bGH_Sudanese YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Latti_breed_oGH_precursor_Paki YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Afghani_breed_oGH_Pakistan YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF


lohi_breed_oGH_Pakistani YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF


Saanen_strain_Capra hircus_GH_ YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Serra_da_Estrela_breed_oGH_Por YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Lezhi_Black_breed_Capra_hircus YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF

Tibet_breed_Capra_hircus_China YLRVMKCRRFGEASCAF


Fig12. Multiple alignments of the encoded proteins of Egyptian Holstein crossbred and Ossimi breed vs.

tested NCBI database breeds.

3.4.6. Phylogeny Tree and Synteny

The phylogenetic tree of EH_GH and Os_GH protein sequences vs. investigated breeds has been shown in Fig. 13. The predicted synteny location between Egyptian Holstein crossbred (Chr 19)

and Ossimi breed (Chr 11) is shown in Fig. 14. Comparisons of mammalian gene maps show

large regions of conserved synteny where the same genes map to equivalent regions in different species [4], [5], [42], [43] and [44].

Waleid Mohamed El-Sayed Shakweer*

International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) Page | 12

Fig13. Phylogenetic tree of Egyptian Holstein crossbred and Ossimi breed growth hormone protein

sequences vs. tested NCBI breeds.

From phylogenetic tree and synteny results have been illustrated that EH_GH gene at

chromosome 19 is an orthologous gene to the Os_GH gene at chromosome 11, as expected from their close evolutionary relationship [45]. The results support our assumptions and our previous

work [12], and can induce a clue for further studies to produce transgenic sheep carry an

expressed copy of bovine growth hormone gene using Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer (SMGT) technique as mentioned previously in different mammalian systems [46], [47] and [48] in mice;

[49] in rabbits; [50] in pigs; [51] and [52] in Goat; [53] and [54] in sheep and [55] in cattle.

Fig14. The predicted synteny location of growth hormone protein sequences between Egyptian Holstein

crossbred (Chr 19) and Ossimi breed (Chr 11).


It could be concluded that GH sequence of Egyptian Holstein crossbred and Ossimi breed are orthologous genes (98%). We assume in this study that the novel genetic information about the

bovine and ovine GH in Egyptian breeds can support further success possibilities of producing

GH-transgenic sheep, using sperm mediated gene transfer (SMGT) technique to enhance their

growth performance.


Many Thanks to Dr. Mamdouh Sharaf El-Deen, Professor of Poultry Production, Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, for his financial support of this


Cloning and Characterisation of Orthologous Genes Encode Growth Hormone in Egyptian Holstein

Crossbred and Ossimi Sheep

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