Cell Injury, Repair, Aging and Apoptosis Carbon Monoxide Inhibits Hypoxia/Reoxygenation- Induced Apoptosis and Secondary Necrosis in Syncytiotrophoblast Shannon A. Bainbridge,* Louiza Belkacemi,* Michelle Dickinson,* Charles H. Graham,* and Graeme N. Smith* †‡ From the Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology,* Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Pre-eclampsia , a hypertensive disorder of preg- nancy, affects 5 to 7% of pregnancies. Oxidative stress-induced placental injury and subsequent re- lease of placental debris into the maternal circula- tion are key pathogenic events in the progression of pre-eclampsia. Women who smoke cigarettes throughout pregnancy are 33% less likely to de- velop this disorder than nonsmoking women. We postulated that elevated carbon monoxide concen- trations in serum of smoking women inhibits apo- ptosis and debris shedding of trophoblast cells exposed to ischemia-reperfusion injury because carbon monoxide has cytoprotective effects on en- dothelial and smooth muscle cells in culture. This may be responsible for the reduced risk of pre- eclampsia in smoking women. To assess the cyto- protective properties of carbon monoxide within placental tissue, carbon monoxide treatments were administered to in vitro hypoxia/reoxygenation-in- sulted villous explants cultured from term human placenta. Induction of apoptosis was assessed using molecular and morphological approaches. Placen- tal villous explants treated with carbon monoxide demonstrated 60% less hypoxia/reoxygenation-in- duced apoptosis in the differentiated syncytiotro- phoblast layer compared with untreated explants undergoing a similar insult. In addition, retention of intact syncytial membranes was observed in car- bon monoxide-treated explants. These observations indicate that carbon monoxide has potent anti- apoptotic properties within human placenta and may hold therapeutic potential in the treatment of pre-eclampsia. (Am J Pathol 2006, 169:774 –783; DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2006.060184) Pre-eclampsia (PE) affects 5 to 7% of all pregnancies and is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality world wide. 1,2 PE is clinically characterized by maternal hyperten- sion and proteinuria, typically presenting in the third trimes- ter. The pathological processes responsible for this disor- der are thought to originate early in gestation during placentation. 1–3 Trophoblast cells of the human placenta normally invade and remodel the maternal spiral arterioles at weeks 12 to 16 of gestation to expand vessel capacity and optimize nutrient and oxygen delivery to the developing fetus. In PE, the structural changes to the spiral arterioles are incomplete or absent. 1,4,5 The result is abnormally high vascular resistance with pulsatile blood flow to the placenta because the unaltered small diameter spiral arterioles re- main responsive to vasoactive compounds in the maternal circulation. 6,7 This sets up an environment for ischemia- reperfusion injury. Ischemia-reperfusion injury is the result of generated free radicals on reintroduction of molecular oxy- gen into ischemic tissues. The outcome is widespread lipid and protein oxidative modifications, mitochondrial injury, and tissue apoptosis and necrosis. 8,9 In the placenta, areas of oxidative stress generate reactive oxygen species and the release of proinflammatory cytokines. 3,10 The syncytiotrophoblast, a multinucleated tropho- blast layer, lines the intervillous spaces and is in direct contact with the maternal circulation. This syncytium readily undergoes apoptosis and necrosis under con- ditions of oxidative stress. 6,11 As a result, placental debris is shed into the maternal circulation along with the generated free radicals and cytokines, each con- Supported by the Strategic Training Initiative in Research in Reproductive Health Sciences (studentship to S.A.B.), the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (PG-030-0175-PE-NET), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FMI-63194). Accepted for publication May 30, 2006. Address reprint requests to Dr. Graeme Smith, Department of Obstet- rics and Gynaecology; Kingston General Hospital, 76 Stuart St., Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 2V7. E-mail: [email protected]. The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 169, No. 3, September 2006 Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2006.060184 774

Carbon Monoxide Inhibits Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Induced Apoptosis and Secondary Necrosis in Syncytiotrophoblast

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Cell Injury, Repair, Aging and Apoptosis

Carbon Monoxide Inhibits Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Induced Apoptosis and Secondary Necrosis inSyncytiotrophoblast

Shannon A. Bainbridge,* Louiza Belkacemi,*Michelle Dickinson,* Charles H. Graham,* andGraeme N. Smith*†‡

From the Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology,*

Pharmacology and Toxicology,† and Obstetrics and

Gynaecology,‡ Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University,

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Pre-eclampsia , a hypertensive disorder of preg-nancy, affects 5 to 7% of pregnancies. Oxidativestress-induced placental injury and subsequent re-lease of placental debris into the maternal circula-tion are key pathogenic events in the progression ofpre-eclampsia. Women who smoke cigarettesthroughout pregnancy are 33% less likely to de-velop this disorder than nonsmoking women. Wepostulated that elevated carbon monoxide concen-trations in serum of smoking women inhibits apo-ptosis and debris shedding of trophoblast cellsexposed to ischemia-reperfusion injury becausecarbon monoxide has cytoprotective effects on en-dothelial and smooth muscle cells in culture. Thismay be responsible for the reduced risk of pre-eclampsia in smoking women. To assess the cyto-protective properties of carbon monoxide withinplacental tissue, carbon monoxide treatments wereadministered to in vitro hypoxia/reoxygenation-in-sulted villous explants cultured from term humanplacenta. Induction of apoptosis was assessed usingmolecular and morphological approaches. Placen-tal villous explants treated with carbon monoxidedemonstrated 60% less hypoxia/reoxygenation-in-duced apoptosis in the differentiated syncytiotro-phoblast layer compared with untreated explantsundergoing a similar insult. In addition, retentionof intact syncytial membranes was observed in car-bon monoxide-treated explants. These observationsindicate that carbon monoxide has potent anti-apoptotic properties within human placenta andmay hold therapeutic potential in the treatment of

pre-eclampsia. (Am J Pathol 2006, 169:774–783; DOI:


Pre-eclampsia (PE) affects 5 to 7% of all pregnancies and isa leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide.1,2 PE is clinically characterized by maternal hyperten-sion and proteinuria, typically presenting in the third trimes-ter. The pathological processes responsible for this disor-der are thought to originate early in gestation duringplacentation.1–3 Trophoblast cells of the human placentanormally invade and remodel the maternal spiral arteriolesat weeks 12 to 16 of gestation to expand vessel capacityand optimize nutrient and oxygen delivery to the developingfetus. In PE, the structural changes to the spiral arteriolesare incomplete or absent.1,4,5 The result is abnormally highvascular resistance with pulsatile blood flow to the placentabecause the unaltered small diameter spiral arterioles re-main responsive to vasoactive compounds in the maternalcirculation.6,7 This sets up an environment for ischemia-reperfusion injury. Ischemia-reperfusion injury is the result ofgenerated free radicals on reintroduction of molecular oxy-gen into ischemic tissues. The outcome is widespread lipidand protein oxidative modifications, mitochondrial injury,and tissue apoptosis and necrosis.8,9 In the placenta, areasof oxidative stress generate reactive oxygen species andthe release of proinflammatory cytokines.3,10

The syncytiotrophoblast, a multinucleated tropho-blast layer, lines the intervillous spaces and is in directcontact with the maternal circulation. This syncytiumreadily undergoes apoptosis and necrosis under con-ditions of oxidative stress.6,11 As a result, placentaldebris is shed into the maternal circulation along withthe generated free radicals and cytokines, each con-

Supported by the Strategic Training Initiative in Research in ReproductiveHealth Sciences (studentship to S.A.B.), the Heart and Stroke Foundationof Ontario (PG-030-0175-PE-NET), and the Canadian Institutes of HealthResearch (FMI-63194).

Accepted for publication May 30, 2006.

Address reprint requests to Dr. Graeme Smith, Department of Obstet-rics and Gynaecology; Kingston General Hospital, 76 Stuart St., Kingston,Ontario, Canada, K7L 2V7. E-mail: [email protected].

The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 169, No. 3, September 2006

Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology

DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2006.060184


tributing to a heightened maternal systemic inflamma-tory response.3,12–15 Elevated shedding of debris ispostulated to be the pivotal step in the pathophysiol-ogy of PE because it transforms a placental disorderinto a systemic maternal disease. The release of placentaldebris into the maternal circulation elicits, along with theheightened maternal inflammatory response, endothelialdysfunction resulting in the clinical disease.3,16 At present,timely delivery is the only treatment for PE and is usuallyassociated with prematurity of the infant and increasedneonatal morbidity/mortality.

Several factors predispose women to develop PE includ-ing PE in a previous pregnancy, family history of PE, diabe-tes, and conception with a new sexual partner.17–19 In con-trast, a reduced risk for PE is found in women smokingcigarettes throughout pregnancy. The reduction in risk is33% compared to nonsmoking women.20 The mechanismthrough which smoking confers protection from PE is un-known. However women who use snuff, a form of smokelesstobacco, do not have a reduced risk for PE but rather anincreased incidence compared with controls.21 It is hypoth-esized that exposure to elevated concentrations of exoge-nous carbon monoxide (CO), one of the combustible by-products of cigarette smoke, mediates the observedprotective effects of smoking on PE.

Environmental pollution and cigarette smoking are ma-jor exogenous sources of CO exposure. Carbon monox-ide is also endogenously produced throughout the bodywith important physiological functions including plateletaggregation, anti-inflammatory actions, and smooth mus-cle relaxation.22–24 Heme oxygenase, the key enzymeinvolved in CO generation, is widely distributed through-out tissues and organs, including the placenta.25,26 Thereis increasing evidence that CO is required for normalplacental development and function; endogenous COproduction may regulate trophoblast migration and orga-nization1,25,26 and play a hemodynamic role.27 Further,women who have PE have significantly decreased COconcentrations in their exhaled breath compared withhealthy pregnant women,28,29 suggesting an endoge-nous regulatory role of this gaseous compound in themaintenance of healthy pregnancies.

Carbon monoxide is of considerable interest in trans-plant research.30 In animal models, transplanted organsthat are either genetically modified to up-regulate endog-enous CO production or harvested under high concen-trations of CO before transplantation have significantlyimproved survival.31–34 In addition, if the recipient of theallograft is exposed to relatively low doses of exogenousCO, via inhalation or treatment with the CO-releasingcompound methylene chloride, both organ and recipientsurvival rates are improved.34,35 Organs transplanted inthe CO treatment group had fewer surrounding inflam-matory cells, increased perfusion of the allograft, andfewer apoptotic cells.34–37 The cytoprotective effects ofCO have also been described in endothelial and smoothmuscle cells in culture.38,39

It is hypothesized that the increased CO concentrationin the serum of smoking women inhibits the apoptosisand debris shedding of the syncytiotrophoblast into thematernal circulation after an ischemia-reperfusion injury,

thus reducing the development of PE. The objective ofthe current study was to determine whether CO hadanti-apoptotic properties in syncytiotrophoblast of termhuman placenta after a hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R)insult.

Materials and Methods

This research study and use of human placental tissueswas approved by the Queen’s University (Kingston, ON,Canada) research ethics board before initiation.

Reagents and Solutions

Villous explant culture medium contained 2.2 mg/mlNaHCO3, 100 �g/ml streptomycin sulfate, 100 IU/ml pen-icillin G, 1 �g/ml insulin, and 2 �g/ml L-glutamine inCMRL-1066 (Invitrogen, Burlington, ON, Canada) sup-plemented with 5% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum.40 Allreagents, unless otherwise indicated, were purchasedfrom Sigma-Aldrich Ltd. (Oakville, ON, Canada).

CO-saturated culture medium was prepared on theday of experiment by bubbling CO gas (99.5%; Praxair,Toronto, ON, Canada) through 30 ml of normal culturemedium for 30 minutes. Three serial dilutions of the CO-saturated medium in normal medium were prepared andstored in air-tight sealed bottles. CO concentrations in allsolutions were measured using gas-solid chromatogra-phy as described previously.27

Tissue Collection and Culture

Term human placentas (n � 13) were collected immedi-ately after elective cesarean section from nonlaboring,nonsmoking, low-risk women at the Kingston GeneralHospital (Kingston, ON, Canada). Cubes of 2.5 cm ofplacenta, devoid of calcifications or tears, were dis-sected from 7 to 10 random sites across each placenta.The chorionic plate and basal plate were removed fromeach piece of tissue. The tissue was transferred to thelaboratory in a sealed bottle containing ice-cold phos-phate-buffered saline (PBS).6

Chorionic villous explants (5 to 10 mg each) weredissected on ice from the placental tissue cubes andrinsed 2� with ice-cold PBS and 3� with explant cul-ture medium. Five explants were cultured in individualCostar Netwell supports (15-mm diameter, 74 �mmesh; Cole-Parmer, Anjou, QC, Canada) in 1.2 ml ofculture medium11 and exposed H/R as previously de-scribed6 (Figure 1). Initially, explants were culturedunder hypoxic conditions (pO2 in medium � 12 to 16mmHg6) for 3 hours then oxygenation for 3 hours usinggas phase 21% O2/5% CO2/balance N2 (pO2 in me-dium � 133 to 152 mmHg). A subset of villous explants(n � 6 placentas, 30 explants) were subjected to arepeat of this gaseous cycle. The untreated group (n �13 placentas, 65 explants) was bathed with normalculture medium and the CO-treated group (n � 13placentas, 65 explants) was bathed in the CO-infusedculture medium. Both treated and untreated explant

Anti-Apoptotic Action of CO in Human Placenta 775AJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3

culture controls were kept under normoxic conditionsthroughout the entire 6-hour experimental period. Anormoxic environment was established using a 5%O2/90% N2/5% CO2 gas mixture resulting in pO2 of 45to 62 mmHg6 in the culture medium, a concentrationthat is similar to the oxygen tension measured withinthe intervillous space of term placenta.41,42 All explantswere incubated at 37°C throughout the experiment. Attime 0, 3, 6, and 12 hours (in the subset of repeatedH/R insult experiments) explants were collected fromall experimental groups and either flash-frozen for mo-lecular analysis or fixed in paraformaldehyde for histo-logical analysis.

Terminal dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL)Assay and Apoptotic Index

Explants collected at 0, 3, 6, and 12 hours were fixedusing 4% paraformaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, andcut into serial sections. To assess apoptosis of the syn-cytiotrophoblast layer, an immunofluorescence TUNELassay was performed according to the manufacturer’sinstructions (In Situ Cell Death Detection kit; Roche Mo-lecular Biochemicals, Laval, QC, Canada). Negative con-trols were sections incubated without terminal deoxynu-cleotidyl transferase (TdT). All sections were mountedwith an aqueous medium containing 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (Vectashield Mounting Medium;Vector Laboratories, Burlington, ON, Canada).

All sections were observed by a blinded third partyusing a Leica inverted microscope (Leica Microsystems,Richmond Hill, ON, Canada) at a magnification of �20.Digital images of the TUNEL (green) and DAPI (blue)staining were captured at three randomly selected fields,providing a minimum of 900 syncytiotrophoblast nucleiper slide. Digital images were captured and decon-volved using Slidebook 4.1 software (Intelligent Imag-ing Innovations, Inc., Denver, CO). TUNEL-positive nu-clei (apoptotic nuclei) and DAPI-stained nuclei (totalnuclei) were counted in the syncytiotrophoblast cell

layer using Image-Pro Plus 5.1 software (Media Cyber-netics Inc., Silver Spring, MD). The apoptotic index ineach section was calculated as the percentage of syn-cytiotrophoblast nuclei stained TUNEL-positive dividedby the total number of DAPI-stained nuclei found withinthe syncytiotrophoblast.

Immunohistochemical Staining for the p85Fragment of Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase(PARP)

Paraffin-embedded placental sections were randomlyselected and deparaffinized by heating them at 40°Cfor 20 minutes followed by sequential incubations inHemo-D and decreasing ethanol baths (each for 2 � 3minutes). Endogenous peroxidase activity wasquenched using 3% hydrogen peroxide and nonspe-cific binding was limited using 5% normal goat serum.The sections were reacted with a rabbit polyclonalanti-PARP p85 fragment antibody (1:500; Promega,Nepean, ON, Canada) for 4 hours at room temperature.A secondary anti-rabbit horseradish peroxidase conju-gate (1:200; Vector Laboratories) was then added tothe sections. Additional processing of the sections forthe detection of the p85 fragment of PARP was per-formed according to the instructions provided with theVectashield Elite ABC kit (Vector Laboratories). Color-imetric detection was achieved using diaminobenzi-dine as the peroxidase substrate. Quantification of thep85-fragmented PARP staining was performed usingImage-Pro Plus 5.1 software. Western blot analysis(n � 6) of protein extracts from flash-frozen was usedto confirm immunohistochemical staining for frag-mented PARP. The membranes were probed with theanti-PARP p85 fragment antibody (1:250), stripped,and sequentially probed with anti-�-actin monoclonalantibody (1:10,000; Bio-Rad, Mississauga, ON, Can-ada). The p85 PARP fragment band densities werequantified using densitometric analysis (Image-Pro

Figure 1. Experimental culturing protocol for the 6-hourH/R (A, solid lines), the repeated 12-hour H/R (A, hashedlines), and normoxic controls (B) for both the untreated andCO-treated explants. Black arrows indicate collection ofcultured explants (flash-frozen or placed in paraformalde-hyde) for apoptotic analysis.

776 Bainbridge et alAJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3

Plus 5.1 software) and normalized to their correspond-ing �-actin band densities.

Morphological Assessment of Villous TissueUsing Semi-Thin and Ultra-Structural Sectioning

Initial morphological assessments were completed usingtoluidine blue-stained semithin sections (1 �m) at a mag-nification of �40. Explants collected for electron micro-scope (EM) analysis were processed as previously de-scribed.43 Briefly, these explants were fixed in 2%paraformaldehyde/0.5% glutaraldehyde and embeddedin epoxy resin. Ultra-thin sections (70 nm) were cut andcounterstained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Mor-phological visualization of the explants was performedusing transmission EM (Hitachi 7000; Hitachi, Pleasan-ton, CA) at magnifications between �3500 to �15,000.Morphological analyses were focused on the syncytiumas a whole. Specific attention was paid to the integrity ofthe syncytial membrane, chromatin condensation, andvacuole formation.

To assess the resemblance of ultrastructural syncytialdamage caused through the in vitro H/R insult used in thisstudy to that observed in vivo within PE placental tissue,villous explants were additionally dissected from termplacentas of women diagnosed with PE (maternal hyper-tension, blood pressure �140/90; proteinuria, �0.3 g ofurine protein/24 hours), as previously described. Theseexplants were immediately fixed for semithin sectioningand EM analysis and subjected to similar morphologicalanalysis detailed above.

Villous Tissue Integrity Assessment

Villous tissue integrity was analyzed by measuring therelease of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) into the culturemedium after 6 hours of explant incubation. LDH concen-tration was assessed at the Kingston General Hospitalcore laboratory using a commercially available kit (L-lactate enzymatic colorimetric kit; Roche Diagnostics, In-dianapolis, IN) that measures the reduction of NAD toNADH, a reaction that couples the conversion of L-lactateto pyruvate in the presence of LDH. The rate of NADHformation is directly proportional to the catalytic LDHactivity and is determined by measuring the increase inabsorbance at 340 nm.

Statistical Analysis

All data sets were analyzed for Gaussian distributionusing the D’Agostinon and Pearson omnibus normalitytest. All data are presented as means � SEM. Statisticalanalysis was performed using two-way analysis of vari-ance with a Bonferroni posttest; treatment (untreated ver-sus CO treated) and culture time (3 hours versus 6 hoursversus 12 hours) were identified as possible interactingvariables. In the instance of only one experimental timepoint (ie, LDH analysis), differences between the twotreatment groups were examined using a paired Stu-

dent’s t-test. Statistical significance was set at P � 0.05for all tests performed.


CO Concentrations

Baseline CO concentration in normal culture mediummeasured 3.9 �mol/L (�1.6), whereas that in CO-satu-rated culture medium was 244 � 5.8 �mol/L. CO in thethree serial dilutions of the saturated medium were 181�mol/L (�16.9), 145 �mol/L (�20.57), and 116 �mol/L(�25.3). After 3 hours of explant culture, CO remaining inthe culture medium was 15.9 �mol/L (�1.9), 12 �mol/L(�2.2), 10.2 �mol/L (�1.8), and 3.7 �mol/L (�1.4), re-spectively. The first dilution of the saturated medium (181�mol/L) had a CO concentration similar to that measuredin the umbilical cord blood of smoking women.44 There-fore this CO dilution was used for all subsequent testing.

CO Treatment Decreased H/R-InducedApoptosis of Syncytiotrophoblast Cells

Explants fixed immediately after dissection, without cul-ture, exhibited minimal levels of syncytiotrophoblastapoptosis (1.1 � 0.4%). After the 3-hour hypoxic portionof the 6-hour H/R insult, both the untreated and CO-treated explants exhibited similar increases in their apo-ptotic index (11.8 � 1.8% versus 8.4 � 1.5%). After thesubsequent 3 hours of reoxygenation with 21% O2, theuntreated explants demonstrated a twofold increase insyncytial apoptosis. The CO-treated explants, however,demonstrated no further increases in TUNEL-positivestaining, indicating no further increases in apoptosis (Fig-ures 2 and 3A). In the subset of placental explants sub-jected to a second 6-hour H/R insult, the protective ef-fects of CO were maintained with 18.9 � 3.5% and27.4 � 2.7% apoptosis seen in the CO-treated and un-treated syncytiotrophoblast, respectively (P � 0.05). Theuntreated and treated controls kept under normoxic (5%O2) conditions throughout the experimental incubationexhibited minimal levels of apoptosis at all time pointstested (5.1 � 1.4% versus 3.3 � 1.2% at 6 hours; Figure3B).

CO Treatment Decreased ImmunohistochemicalStaining of Fragmented PARP after H/R Insult

Explants fixed immediately after delivery exhibited lowlevels of fragmented PARP. Reactivity was predominantlylocated in the syncytiotrophoblast. After 6 hours of H/Rinsult CO-treated explants had less staining for frag-mented PARP in both the syncytiotrophoblast and stromacompared with untreated explants (P � 0.05, Figure 4).Explants maintained under normoxic conditions through-out (both untreated and CO-treated), demonstrated min-imal staining for fragmented PARP. Substitution of theprimary antibody with a nonimmune rabbit IgG resulted in

Anti-Apoptotic Action of CO in Human Placenta 777AJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3

Figure 2. Immunofluorescent labeling for DAPI-positive (blue) and TUNEL-positive (green) nuclei of villous explants sampled immediately after delivery (A, B),untreated explants after 3 hours of hypoxia (C, D), untreated explants after 6 hours of H/R (E, F), CO-treated explants after 3 hours of hypoxia (G, H), andCO-treated explants after 6 hours of H/R (I, J). CO-treated explants demonstrated fewer TUNEL-positive syncytiotrophoblast nuclei compared with untreatedexplants after a 6-hour H/R insult. Scale bar � 50 �m.

778 Bainbridge et alAJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3

the absence of staining. These results were confirmedusing Western blot analysis (Figure 4F).

Morphological Assessment of Untreated andCO-Treated Explants

Morphological assessment of tissue integrity was per-formed using semithin sectioning and transmission EM.Light microscopy of semithin sections revealed a typicalnuclear distribution within the syncytiotrophoblast, nor-mal distribution of chromatin within the nuclei, minimalcytoplasmic vacuolization, and intact syncytial mem-branes in explants collected immediately after delivery(Figure 5A). After the H/R insult the CO-treated explantsexhibited similar morphological traits (Figure 5B). Theuntreated explants however, demonstrated several mor-phological hallmarks of apoptosis (Figure 5C). A numberof nuclei demonstrated peripheral chromatin condensa-tion, and the majority of nuclei were clumped togetherinto syncytial knots. Large vacuoles were present withinthe syncytiotrophoblast and, in localized regions, the syn-cytium appeared to be separating from the underlying

stroma. These alterations were also seen by ultrastruc-tural analysis (Figure 5, E–G). In addition, the EM studydemonstrated fresh explants had an intact membranewith clearly visible microvilli (Figure 5M). In explantstreated with CO throughout the H/R insult, this membranewas still intact but had reduced numbers of shortenedmicrovilli (Figure 5N). The syncytiotrophoblast membraneand its microvilli were generally absent in the untreatedexplants after H/R (Figure 5O).

Ultrastructural similarities were observed betweenfresh placental explants collected from PE placentas anduntreated explants exposed to a 6-hour H/R insult (Figure5, D, H, L, and P). The PE placental explants also dem-onstrated several hallmark features of syncytial apoptosisincluding pronounced peripheral chromatin condensa-tion, microvilli clubbing with partial loss of syncytial mem-brane integrity, along with several syncytial knots.

Villous Tissue Integrity

Released cytoplasmic LDH was measured in culture me-dium bathing the explants. Medium bathing the explants

Figure 3. Percentage of TUNEL-positive nuclei in untreated versus CO-treated villous explants throughout time during a 6-hour H/R insult (A) andin untreated and treated controls incubated under normoxic conditions (5%O2) for 6 hours (B). CO treatment significantly inhibited development ofH/R-induced apoptosis in the syncytiotrophoblast. Minimal levels of apopto-sis were apparent in the syncytiotrophoblast of both the untreated andCO-treated control groups. Data are presented as means � SEM for 13placentas (A) and 5 placentas (B). Group mean values with different lettersare statistically different from each other using analysis of variance (P �0.05). *P � 0.05 between two groups using paired Student’s t-test.

Figure 4. Immunohistochemical staining for the p85 fragment of PARP invillous explants immediately after delivery (B), in untreated (C) and CO-treated (D) explants after a 6-hour H/R insult, and in the negative control (A).Densitometric analysis of the immunohistochemical staining (E) demon-strates heightened presence of fragmented PARP within the syncytium ofuntreated explants after H/R insult compared to matched explants treatedwith CO for six placentas. *P � 0.05, paired Student’s t-test. Confirmation ofimmunohistochemical staining results was obtained using Western blot anal-ysis, representative image shown (F). Scale bar � 50 �m.

Anti-Apoptotic Action of CO in Human Placenta 779AJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3

treated with CO throughout the H/R insult had signifi-cantly lower levels of LDH compared with medium fromuntreated explants (59.11 � 7.6 U LDH/mg total proteinversus 76.91 � 9.6 U LDH/mg total protein; P � 0.05).


Smoking throughout pregnancy is associated with a 33%reduced risk for PE.20 Mechanisms through which smok-

Figure 5. Representative semithin sections of villous explants immediately after delivery (A), CO-treated explants after a 6-hour H/R insult (B), and untreated explantsafter a 6-hour H/R insult (C). Formation of cytoplasmic vacuolization (red arrow), nuclear apoptotic changes (yellow arrow), and localized separation of thesyncytiotrophoblast layer from the underlying stroma (black arrow) were observed in the untreated explants. These morphological changes associated with apoptosiswere also seen in fresh explants collected from PE placentas (D), with several areas of syncytial knots (green arrow). By contrast, explants treated with CO maintainedmorphology similar to that seen in fresh placental tissue. Additional morphological analysis using representative electron micrographs of healthy villous explant syncytiumimmediately after delivery (E, I, M), CO-treated villous explant syncytium after a 6-hour H/R insult (F, J, N), untreated villous explant syncytium after a 6-hour H/R insult(G, K, O), and explants collected from PE placenta (H, L, P). Abundant euchromatin is distributed in the syncytial nuclei of fresh villous explants (I) and is preservedin the syncytial nuclei of the CO-treated villous explants (J). An intact syncytial membrane with abundant microvilli was apparent on the apical surface of the fresh villousexplants (M). The syncytial membrane of CO-treated explants also remained intact; however, slight clubbing of the microvilli became apparent (N). In the untreatedexplants the syncytial nuclei (K) were often small and round with peripheral chromatin condensation. Untreated explants also demonstrated an increase in cytoplasmicvacuolization and a complete loss of syncytial membrane integrity (O). These morphological changes closely mimicked those observed within the syncytium of PEplacentas. Scale bars � 25 �m (A–D); 2 �m (E–H); 1.5 �m (I, J, L); 1 �m (K); 0.5 �m (M–P).

780 Bainbridge et alAJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3

ing confers protection from this disorder are unclear.Oxidative stress induced placental injury and subse-quent shedding of placental debris into the maternalcirculation have been identified as key pathogenic eventsin the progression of PE.1,3 A previous in vitro model ofischemia-reperfusion-induced injury to human placentaltissues was established by exposing cultured placentalexplants to H/R, resulting in increased markers of oxida-tive stress, syncytial apoptosis, and loss of syncytialmembrane integrity.6,11 The current study applied thismodel to understand potential mechanisms throughwhich cigarette smoke reduces the risk of PE. We havedemonstrated that in vitro exposure to fluctuating oxygentensions results in syncytiotrophoblast cell death andshedding of the apical microvillous border, tissue injurythat was shown to closely resemble that observed in freshPE placental explants. In addition, these processes wereshown to be effectively attenuated in the presence of CO.

Carbon monoxide, a major combustible product ofcigarette smoke, is elevated in maternal and feto-placen-tal serum of smoking women. Umbilical cord arterialblood has a threefold higher CO concentration (149 � 6�mol/L versus 46 � 5 �mol/L) in smokers compared withnonsmokers as measured by solid-gas chromatography(G.N. Smith and S.A. Bainbridge, unpublished data). Asimilar concentration of exogenous CO is capable ofsignificant decreases in placental perfusion pressure27

(ie, placental vascular resistance) indicating CO found inthe serum of smokers is capable of hemodynamic controlwithin the placenta. Therefore, elevated CO in smokersmay be capable of maintaining spiral arterioles and pla-cental blood vessels in a dilated state, thus preventing orlimiting placental oxidative stress associated with pulsa-tile blood flow. In addition, the results of the current studydemonstrate that exogenous CO treatment attenuatesH/R-induced apoptosis in human placental trophoblastcells. Because markers of apoptosis are increased in theplacentas of women with PE (Figure 5),45,46 the elevatedCO in the serum of smoking women may also reduce theirrisk of developing PE by attenuating ischemia-reperfu-sion-induced apoptotic cascades in the placenta.

Carbon monoxide may inhibit both the apoptotic andapo-necrotic pathways in trophoblast cells. Apo-ne-crotic injury is described as depletion of cellular en-ergy stores after an overwhelming insult, with subse-quent conversion of tightly organized deconstruction ofa cell into unregulated cell death.47 Leakage of cyto-plasmic LDH into the culture medium, along with mor-phological analysis demonstrating loss of syncytialmembrane integrity in untreated explants, suggests theapoptotic-inducing insult used may have been so greatas to induce an apo-necrotic cascade. This insult ispostulated to be involved in the pathophysiology ofPE.3,11 Ultrastructural analysis of fresh placental ex-plants collected from PE placentas in this study sup-ports the presence of apo-necrotic cascades in PEplacenta because syncytial membrane integrity wascompromised in localized regions. The syncytiotropho-blast acts as the endothelium of the intervillous space,as such is in direct contact with the maternal circula-tion. Loss of apical membrane integrity in this cellular

layer would contribute to shedding of syncytiotropho-blast microfragments along with other fetal productssuch as DNA and asymmetric dimethylarginines intothe maternal compartment; these products are mea-sured at increased concentrations in the serum of PEwomen.14,48 Treatment of explants with exogenous CO,at concentrations similar to those measured in serum ofsmoking women, limited leakage of LDH into the sur-rounding culture medium and resulted in retention ofintact syncytial membranes. Microvilli of these explantsdemonstrated slight clubbing in localized regions;however, the morphological differences observed be-tween the untreated and CO-treated explants clearlydemonstrate a cytoprotective effect of CO in the syn-cytium after an overwhelming oxidative stress insult.CO may limit shedding of placental debris into thematernal circulation, suggesting a potential mecha-nism through which smoking women have a reduced riskof developing PE. Nonetheless, it must be noted that thisstudy, and hence the conclusions drawn from this study,pertain specifically to an in vitro model of ischemia/reperfu-sion injury in term human placenta. Ongoing observationalstudies comparing syncytiotrophoblast microfragmentshedding in nonsmoking versus smoking women through-out pregnancy will help solidify whether the results of thecurrent study do in fact hold true in vivo.

An overall goal of the study was to understand mech-anisms that limit the progression of placental damageleading to PE. Carbon monoxide has been identified as acytoprotective compound in placental tissues and maycontribute to the decreased risk of PE in smoking women.It may be possible to use CO, or its mechanisms ofaction, in the prevention or treatment of nonsmokingwomen identified at high risk of developing PE.

Several groups have examined the therapeutic poten-tial of CO in organ transplant research through up-regu-lation of endogenous CO production and/or treatmentwith exogenous CO sources (eg, inhalation, pharmaco-logical agents). Carbon monoxide increases viability andsurvival of transplanted organs by inhibiting inflammatoryand apoptotic cascades.34–37 Similarities have previ-ously been drawn between PE placentas and allograft-rejected organs.1 Inadequate perfusion, oxidative stress,and the presence of activated macrophages secretingproinflammatory and proapoptotic compounds are well-documented insults in both instances. This study is thefirst to demonstrate a similar therapeutic potential of COin the prevention and treatment of PE.

An approach to elevate local CO as a treatment of PEmay be through increased expression of the enzymeheme oxygenase, particularly in placental tissue where itis widely distributed.26 In addition to increasing endoge-nous CO, this approach would increase production ofbilirubin and biliverdin, both potent anti-oxidants.49 Ther-apeutic heme oxygenase/CO up-regulation has beenfound to be effective at increasing the success of organtransplantation.30,33,37 An alternative approach would bethe use CO mimetics or compounds acting through sec-ond messenger pathways directly involved in CO’s cyto-protective effects. Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC)39,50

and p38 MAP kinase38 have been identified as potential

Anti-Apoptotic Action of CO in Human Placenta 781AJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3

mediators of CO’s anti-apoptotic action in smooth muscleand endothelial cell preparations. In-depth mechanisticstudies are currently underway to pinpoint specific mes-senger systems underlying the cytoprotection offered byCO within placental tissue.

The negative outcomes associated with cigarettesmoking throughout pregnancy outweigh the potentialbenefits gained through a reduced risk for PE. By exam-ining mechanisms through which cigarette smoke con-fers protection from PE we can identify compounds, suchas CO, that are capable of attenuating pathological pro-cesses linked to the development of PE. Gained from thisknowledge will be the ability to design novel therapeuticsfor women at high risk of developing this disorder.


We thank Mr. John Dacosta (Queen’s University) for histechnical assistance with the EM and Dr. Graham Burton(University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK) for his guid-ance in the use of the H/R model used in this study.


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