* X Salem, Canton grads turn tl hei ir tassl les — 14a M Canton (©baerUer Volume 10 Number 93 Thursday. June 13, 1985 Canton. Michigan 70 Pages Low turnout mars election Swartzwelter, Artley are in By Emory Daniel* staff writer In one of the smallest voter turnouts in recent history, residents returned the two incumbents to the Plymouth- Canton Board of Education. David P. Artley of Canton nosed out challenger Stephen G. Harper of Plym- outh by some 66 votes for a four-year term on the board while Dean Swartzwelter of Plymouth swept all 14 precincts to easily win a two-year term on the school board. Voter turnout, which has been steadi- ly creeping downward in recent years, reached a low of 3.7 percent as only 1,719 residents voted Monday out of the district's 46,800 registered voters. Only 36 persons showed up to vote at Field during the 13 hours the polls were open, or one voter every 21 minutes. The pace was equally as slow at Er- icksson where only 49 persons voted for one every 21 minutes. The busiest pre- cinct at West saw only one voter every three minutes Districtwide the aver- age was one voter every six minutes. (For Schoolcraft College Board of Trustees election results see Page 2A) IN THE RACE for the four-year term, Artley collected 770 votes to 704 for Harper. The difference was that Artley garnered support from throughout the district while Harper drew most of his BILL BRESLER/«Mfl pho«ogr*p»iw Four-year-old Kanyon Bowsrmsn P~ k * booth curtain while his dad, Larry, votes in Monday s school elec Please turn to Page 5 Twenty-Five Cent? IWS lorper«Ua« *1J Klfku Raervd support from Plymouth precincts. All of the four precincts where Harper placed first are Plymouth poll- ing places Central, where Harper edged Artley 86-80, Isbister (74-58), West (147-83), and Bird (61-51). Artley, on the other hand, placed first in four Plymouth precincts and in five Canton precincts, and carried two which have a mixture of Plymouth- Canton residents. Artley placed first at Gallimore, Starkweather, Allen, Farrand, Fiegel, Miller, Hulsing, Eriksson, Field and Canton High. Richard W. Sumpter of Canton trailed in the field of three for the four- year term by collecting a total of 171 votes, running behind Harper in all 14 precincts. Sumpter also was a candi- please turn to Page 4 Incumbents ousted in Wayne- Westland Dispatching rule shocks firefighters By Diane Gala staff writer Canton's board of trustees passed proposals promoting a joint fire and police dispatch system and the immedi- ate hiring of civilians for the police de- partment at Tuesday's meeting. Board members passed a resolution formally stating their support for a "long-term objective of implementing combined police and fire dispatch." The action came as a surprise in light of last week's special board meet- ing where Canton Firefighters Local 2289 gave a lengthy presentation say- ing it believed lengthened response times will be a byproduct of the joint system. They stressed the need for trained firefighters to answer emer- gency calls and dispatch fire depart- ment equipment. By Ssndra Armbrueter staff writer Voters ousted three incumbents in Monday's election, as only 3,727 Wayne-Westland residents cast ballots. TRUSTEES indicated at that meet- ing the proposal would not be imple- mented, because the system was doomed to fail without the support of the fire department. "Last Wednesday at the board meet- ing we presented to the board our con- cerns about the safety of the people of Canton Township, and our (fire- fighters') safety and apparently the board didn't listen to a word we had to say," said Jim Davison, Canton fire- fighter and union president. Trustees Robert Padget, Loren Ben- nett, John Preniczky, Stephen Larson. Treasurer Gerald Brown and Supervi- sor James Poole favored the action. Clerk Linda Chuhran was opposed. The proposals were presented by the police committee, composed of Padget, Ben- nett and Poole, who have been working on changes in the police department EXPLAINING THE turn of events, Bennett said: "We (police committee members) were wondering if it was worth the fight, and some soul search- ing went on over the weekend and we decided, yes, it is worth the fight, be- cause it is the right thing to do. "A majority of the board wanted to go with central dispatch," Bennett said. "It is cost effective and it will put more firemen and policemen out on the road. "With the resolutions we came up with, the mechanics are heading toward central dispatch, but if it doesn't work that way, nothing we did last night will have to be reversed," he said. "At least now after some long, long years of looking at the issues, a policy statement has been made by the board on what direction we want to 8 °The board also approved the tauoe-f diate creation of five clerk /dispatdf positions in the police department to be paid an salary of $10,00&. Offi- cers who presently dispatch will be reassigned to other duties, like road pa- trol. Padget, Bennett, Preniczky, Lar- son, Brown and Poole voted in favor Please turn to Page 5 Construction company is awarded road paving bid By Diana Gala staff writer Asphalt is expected to be laid within next 2 weeks Holloway Construction Company could begin paving more than six miles of roads in Canton Township as soon as two weeks from now. Supervisor James Poole said he couldn't be sure about the start-up date or target the roads that will tackled first. "Which roads will come first, I don't know," Poole said. "But, from the logi- sitics of the area, starting on Palmer and moving down makes the most ! to roe logistically." HOLLOWAY, awarded the project by the township board Tuesday, will be paid 11,422,828 for laying the asphalt on the Wayne County roads The Can- ton board initially targeted $1.3 million for the project. Roads to be paved include Warren from Canton Center to Lilley, Palmer from Canton Center to Haggerty, Shel- don from Palmer to Cherbourg; Lilley from Cherry Hill to Castle; Warren from the Canton Township border to 282 feet west and Sheldon from Cherry Hill to Proctor. The board also authorized $125,000 to pave Warren Road from the railroad tracks to Lilley Road. Board members admitted the $125,000 figure is lower than the job will most likely cost, but they said it would be an indication to bidders of what they expect to pay. Poole previously targeted November for completion of the project. The esti- mated life of the asphalt paving is 15 years. SINCE THE PAVED roads will be easier to travel, more motorists are ex- pected to use them, cutting down on traffic volumes on other busy streets, especially Ford Road. •'It (Warren paving) will increase business for a couple of the shopping malls out there that aren't doing so well," Poole said Ongoing road paving delays blamed on the now-defunct Wayne County Road Commission, which was reorganized as the Wayne County Road Department. "When the Wayne County Charter was finally set in place, it made those people reasonable," Trustee Stephen Larson said. "The standards for the road paving were reduced. "Without the change in Wayne Coun- ty government, the community could never have afforded the paving," Lar- son said. "We would have been with dirt roads until 1990." Though the paving will be on Wayne County roads, the county will pay only for engineering and inspection costs, according to William Oakley, director 'of roads for the Wayne County Road Department. In order to get a better idea of how the paving timetable will run, Poole said a township employee will attend Wayne County pre-construction meet- ings. Sewer alters course whais ms i de rA\/iti0C . 7 By Oary M. Cataa staff writer A twist has been added to the contin- uing saga of massive sewer expansion projects proposed for western Wayne County. With the third such project on the table, the tradition of gathering local support before sending plans to the state for approval will be broken. "It just seems to make more sense to have the state approve this thing be- fore we take It to all the local commun- ities," said Plymouth Township Super- visor Maurice Breen In the past, two projects - Super- sewer and NHV/RV I (North Huron Valley/Rouge Valley) - were acted on by local governments and then turned down for federal funding. The state's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) acts as clearing ageot for" the U 5 Environmental Pro- tection Agency (EPA), which provides partial funding for such projects Although the DNR sets priorities and reviews projects, EPA certification is DCimteil before the $11® million NHV RV II receives up to SB percent federal fl At Breen s suggestion. Gov. James Blanchard has asked the DNR to re- view plans for NHV/RV H "The local units are now reviewing the fafl report and you will soon receive the formal rseotutions of adop- tion." Blanchard wrote recently to DNR Dtrictor Ronald Skoog. 'To help expedite this Important is- {restructure improvement, I am asking that your department conduct an im- mediate review. "If poesible, the DNR should com- plete its processing to allow for formal approval of the project, and certifica- tion to the EPA by July 1, 1985," Blanchard wrote. "I believe It is imperative that the local units be assured of the acceptabil- ity of the report as they make their de- cisions on implementation." BLANCHARD ALSO sent a similar letter to EPA headquarters in Chicago. "Because of the critical Importance of this project to our state, I would ap- preciate it If you would provide an expeditious handling of the project," the governor wrote in that letter. Blanchard's willingness to intervene is seen as s bright spot in an otherwise bleak prospect for NHV/RV IL Rising local costs and dwindling grant eligibil- ity has brought speculation the project can't be financed. Also, recent communications from the EPA Indicate the total coat could escalate to more than $270 million doe to perceived needs for another $1M million worth of wort. Barring Intervention from Blanchard or members of the Reagan Administra- tion, officials la Plymouth and Canton townships are predicting the demise of yet another sewer project they have been forced to participate In. The DNR has threatened sewer tap bam in both communities if they failed to ha part of Suparsewer, NHV/RV I NHV/RV IL Sort a ban would est A governor's task force decided in 1983 to split Supersewer into north and south projects. NHV/RV I was turned down for funding by the EPA last year because of possible pollution problems Both townships filed a lawsuit over the demise of Supersewer and were scheduled for a settlement conference in Wayne County Circuit Court yester- day IN A PRESS conference called Mon- day Canton Supervisor James Poole announced that both townships received repayment of their Super- sewer panning mooey — one of the items sought in the lawsuit By making the payment, $141,000 to Plymouth Township *nd $476,000 te rprft/wt communities involved with the south project (SHV) will be dropped as defendants in the lawsuit Both communities plan to return the mooey to their water and sewer funds where the planning mooey originally Brevities 7A Business 6C Cable TV 8 A Canton Chatter 2B Church 6-7B Clubs In Action 4B Creative Living 1 E Crossword 7E Entertainment 7-9C Excursions 3B FYl 10A Medical Briefs 10A Obituaries 2A Opinion 16A Outdoors 9A Readers Write 1 3A Classified .... Sec. C-D-E Board squashes Central rumors By Emory DanMs staff writer The administration and school board Tuesday night confirmed there are no present plans to close or change the use of Central Middle School- Superintendent John M. Hoben ad- mitted there was s bond committee discussion about closing Central, but no recommendation has come to adminis- tration and that rumors about the clos- ing are totally erroneous. Trustee EJ McClendoo said he had Yesterday'i court conference was suppose to provide the remaining de- fendants (Detroit, Wayne County and the state) a chance to respond to s pro- posed settlement The three units are accused of coo soiling to exclude the townships from Supersewer, as well as basing the deci- sion to split the project on factors out- side their purview The case will ha dropped If the three governments agree to three Items s of no sswar tap bane, a dsc- off all development. turn to Page 4 SPECIAL SECTION IN TODAY'S ISSU1 there would be a long enough payback period to warrant spending some $100,000 on window replacement at Central. Somehow. McClendon said, his remarks ware changed while being passed oo to others to suggest closing of Central was being considered. Adding fuel to the rumor was written remarks in a budget document asking whether the window replacement funds should ha spent until a decision was about whether Central would be renovated or replaced. ^ As if to confirm the Hofrdoalng" of Central, the hoard Taeedaynighivotad 7-0 to spend some $1M,«M to replace windows in the building I*. Hoben in- dicated the window ranlacament has a 10-year payback Central will coot A GROUP OF PARENTS surround ing Central Middle did address the board and presented petitions urging: 1) that Central continue in use as a school building; or that at least, J) that Central continue In use as a community recreation facility. The board also decided to expedite formation of a dtisens bond advisory committee, apparently to lessen ru- mors and relieve concerns about the statu* of buildings In the district The administration agreed to submit a list of committee members for con- firmation and a committee charge at the oext regular meeting on Juhe W That committee will include a repre- sentative from the Central area, repre- sentatives from Field, Hulsing and Eriksson elementartes (which are being considered for extensive renovations), and from other areas in an attempt to come up with a cross section repreaen- tabon of the district. Roland Thomas, board president, ar n e d It would be beneficial to *art ear ttar oa discussions of renovation of lnp»m««g« and alternatives while wait- ing till the start oi the school year for a of needs for 1 ' IN HK OPENING remarks that the school board and ad- for at turn to PaQe 4 • —

Canton (©baerUer

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Salem, Canton grads turn tl hei ir tassl les — 14a M

Canton (©baerUer Volume 10 Number 93

Thursday. June 13, 1985 Canton. Michigan 70 Pages

Low turnout mars election Swartzwelter, Artley are in By Emory Daniel* staff writer

In one of the smallest voter turnouts in recent history, residents returned the two incumbents to the Plymouth-Canton Board of Education.

David P. Artley of Canton nosed out challenger Stephen G. Harper of Plym-outh by some 66 votes for a four-year term on the board while Dean Swartzwelter of Plymouth swept all 14 precincts to easily win a two-year term on the school board.

Voter turnout, which has been steadi-ly creeping downward in recent years, reached a low of 3.7 percent as only 1,719 residents voted Monday out of the district's 46,800 registered voters.

Only 36 persons showed up to vote at Field during the 13 hours the polls were open, or one voter every 21 minutes. The pace was equally as slow at Er-icksson where only 49 persons voted for one every 21 minutes. The busiest pre-cinct at West saw only one voter every three minutes Districtwide the aver-age was one voter every six minutes.

(For Schoolcraft College Board of Trustees election results see Page 2A)

IN THE RACE for the four-year term, Artley collected 770 votes to 704 for Harper.

The difference was that Artley garnered support f rom throughout the district while Harper drew most of his

BILL BRESLER/«Mfl pho«ogr*p»iw

Four-year-old Kanyon Bowsrmsn P ~ k * booth curtain while his dad, Larry, votes in Monday s school elec

Please turn to Page 5

Twenty-Five Cent?

IWS lorper«Ua« *1J Klfku Raervd

support f rom Plymouth precincts. All of the four precincts where

Harper placed first are Plymouth poll-ing places — Central, where Harper edged Artley 86-80, Isbister (74-58), West (147-83), and Bird (61-51).

Artley, on the other hand, placed first in four Plymouth precincts and in five Canton precincts, and carried two which have a mixture of Plymouth-Canton residents.

Artley placed first a t Gallimore, Starkweather, Allen, Farrand, Fiegel, Miller, Hulsing, Eriksson, Field and Canton High.

Richard W. Sumpter of Canton trailed in the field of three for the four-year term by collecting a total of 171 votes, running behind Harper in all 14 precincts. Sumpter also was a candi-

please turn to Page 4

Incumbents ousted in Wayne-Westland

Dispatching rule shocks firefighters By Diane Gala staff writer

Canton's board of trustees passed proposals promoting a joint fire and police dispatch system and the immedi-ate hiring of civilians for the police de-partment at Tuesday's meeting.

Board members passed a resolution formally stating their support for a "long-term objective of implementing combined police and fire dispatch."

The action came as a surprise in light of last week's special board meet-ing where Canton Firefighters Local 2289 gave a lengthy presentation say-ing it believed lengthened response times will be a byproduct of the joint system. They stressed the need for trained firefighters to answer emer-gency calls and dispatch fire depart-ment equipment.

By S s n d r a Armbrueter staff writer

Voters ousted three incumbents in Monday's election, as only 3,727 Wayne-Westland residents cast ballots.

TRUSTEES indicated at that meet-ing the proposal would not be imple-mented, because the system was doomed to fail without the support of the fire department.

"Last Wednesday at the board meet-ing we presented to the board our con-cerns about the safety of the people of Canton Township, and our (fire-fighters') safety and apparently the board didn't listen to a word we had to say," said J im Davison, Canton fire-fighter and union president.

Trustees Robert Padget, Loren Ben-nett, John Preniczky, Stephen Larson.

Treasurer Gerald Brown and Supervi-sor James Poole favored the action. Clerk Linda Chuhran was opposed. The proposals were presented by the police committee, composed of Padget, Ben-nett and Poole, who have been working on changes in the police depar tment

EXPLAINING THE turn of events, Bennett said: "We (police committee members) were wondering if it was worth the fight, and some soul search-ing went on over the weekend and we decided, yes, it is worth the fight, be-cause it is the right thing to do.

"A majority of the board wanted to go with central dispatch," Bennett said. "It is cost effective and it will put more firemen and policemen out on the road.

"With the resolutions we came up with, the mechanics are heading toward central dispatch, but if it doesn't work that way, nothing we did last night will have to be reversed," he said. "At least now af te r some long, long years of looking at the issues, a policy statement has been made by the board on what direction we want to

8 °The board also approved the t a u o e - f diate creation of f ive clerk /dispatdf positions in the police department to be paid an salary of $10,00&. Offi-cers who presently dispatch will be reassigned to other duties, like road pa-

„ trol. Padget, Bennett, Preniczky, Lar-son, Brown and Poole voted in favor

Please tu rn to Page 5

Construct ion company is awarded road paving bid By Diana Gala staff writer

Asphalt is expected to be laid within next 2 weeks Holloway Construction Company

could begin paving more than six miles of roads in Canton Township as soon as two weeks from now.

Supervisor James Poole said he couldn't be sure about the s tar t-up date or target the roads that will tackled first.

"Which roads will come first, I don't know," Poole said. "But, f rom the logi-sitics of the area, starting on Palmer and moving down makes the most

! to roe logistically."

HOLLOWAY, awarded the project by the township board Tuesday, will be paid 11,422,828 for laying the asphalt on the Wayne County roads The Can-ton board initially targeted $1.3 million for the project.

Roads to be paved include Warren from Canton Center to Lilley, Palmer from Canton Center to Haggerty, Shel-don from Palmer to Cherbourg; Lilley from Cherry Hill to Castle; Warren from the Canton Township border to

282 feet west and Sheldon from Cherry Hill to Proctor.

The board also authorized $125,000 to pave Warren Road from the railroad tracks to Lilley Road.

Board m e m b e r s admi t t ed the $125,000 figure is lower than the job will most likely cost, but they said it would be an indication to bidders of what they expect to pay.

Poole previously targeted November for completion of the project. The esti-

mated life of the asphalt paving is 15 years.

SINCE THE PAVED roads will be easier to travel, more motorists are ex-pected to use them, cutting down on t raff ic volumes on other busy streets, especially Ford Road.

•'It (Warren paving) will increase business for a couple of the shopping malls out there that aren't doing so well," Poole said

Ongoing road paving delays blamed on the now-defunct Wayne County Road Commission, which was reorganized as the Wayne County Road Department.

"When the Wayne County Charter was finally set in place, it made those people reasonable," Trustee Stephen Larson said. "The standards for the road paving were reduced.

"Without the change in Wayne Coun-ty government, the community could

never have afforded the paving," Lar-son said. "We would have been with dirt roads until 1990."

Though the paving will be on Wayne County roads, the county will pay only for engineering and inspection costs, according to William Oakley, director

' o f roads for the Wayne County Road Department.

In order to get a better idea of how the paving timetable will run, Poole said a township employee will attend Wayne County pre-construction meet-ings.

Sewer alters course whais mside • rA\/iti0C . 7

By Oary M. Cataa staff writer

A twist has been added to the contin-uing saga of massive sewer expansion projects proposed for western Wayne County.

With the third such project on the table, the tradition of gathering local support before sending plans to the state for approval will be broken.

"It just seems to make more sense to have the state approve this thing be-fore we take It to all the local commun-ities," said Plymouth Township Super-visor Maurice Breen

In the past, two projects - Super-sewer and NHV/RV I (North Huron Valley/Rouge Valley) - were acted on by local governments and then turned down for federal funding.

The state's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) acts as clearing ageot for" the U 5 Environmental Pro-tection Agency (EPA), which provides partial funding for such projects

Although the DNR sets priorities and reviews projects, EPA certification is DCimteil before the $11® million NHV RV II receives up to SB percent federal


At Breen s suggestion. Gov. James Blanchard has asked the DNR to re-view plans for NHV/RV H

"The local units a re now reviewing the fafl report and you will soon receive the formal rseotutions of adop-tion." Blanchard wrote recently to DNR Dtrictor Ronald Skoog.

' T o help expedite this Important is-{restructure improvement, I am asking

that your department conduct an im-mediate review.

"If poesible, the DNR should com-plete its processing to allow for formal approval of the project, and certifica-tion to the EPA by July 1, 1985," Blanchard wrote.

"I believe It is imperative that the local units be assured of the acceptabil-ity of the report as they make their de-cisions on implementation."

BLANCHARD ALSO sent a similar letter to EPA headquarters in Chicago.

"Because of the critical Importance of this project to our state, I would ap-preciate it If you would provide an expeditious handling of the project," the governor wrote in that letter.

Blanchard's willingness to intervene is seen as s bright spot in an otherwise bleak prospect for NHV/RV IL Rising local costs and dwindling grant eligibil-ity has brought speculation the project can't be financed.

Also, recent communications f rom the EPA Indicate the total coat could escalate to more than $270 million — doe to perceived needs for another $1M million worth of wort .

Barring Intervention from Blanchard or members of the Reagan Administra-tion, officials la Plymouth and Canton townships are predicting the demise of yet another sewer project they have been forced to participate In.

The DNR has threatened sewer tap b a m in both communities if they failed to ha part of Suparsewer, NHV/RV I

NHV/RV IL Sort a ban would es t

A governor's task force decided in 1983 to split Supersewer into north and south projects. NHV/RV I was turned down for funding by the EPA last year because of possible pollution problems

Both townships filed a lawsuit over the demise of Supersewer and were scheduled for a settlement conference in Wayne County Circuit Court yester-day

IN A PRESS conference called Mon-day Canton Supervisor James Poole announced t h a t both townships received repayment of their Super-sewer pann ing mooey — one of the items sought in the lawsuit

By making the payment, $141,000 to Plymouth Township *nd $476,000 t e rprft/wt communities involved with the south project (SHV) will be dropped as defendants in the lawsuit

Both communities plan to return the mooey to their water and sewer funds — where the planning mooey originally

Brevit ies 7 A

Business 6C Cable TV 8 A

Canton Chatter 2B Church 6-7B Clubs In Act ion 4B Creative Living 1 E Crossword 7 E

Entertainment 7-9C Excursions 3B FYl 1 0 A

Medical Briefs 10A Obituaries 2 A

Opinion 1 6 A

Outdoors 9A Readers Write 1 3A Classified . . . . Sec. C-D-E

Board squashes Central rumors By Emory D a n M s staff writer

The administration and school board Tuesday night confirmed there are no present plans to close or change the use of Central Middle School-

Superintendent John M. Hoben ad-mitted there was s bond committee discussion about closing Central, but no recommendation has come to adminis-tration and that rumors about the clos-ing are totally erroneous.

Trustee E J McClendoo said he had

Yesterday'i court conference was suppose to provide the remaining de-fendants (Detroit, Wayne County and the state) a chance to respond to s pro-posed set t lement

The three units are accused of coo soiling to exclude the townships from Supersewer, as well as basing the deci-sion to split the project on factors out-side their purview

The case will ha dropped If the three governments agree to three Items s

of no sswar tap bane, a dsc-

off all development. turn to Page 4



there would be a long enough payback period to warrant spending some $100,000 on window replacement at Central. Somehow. McClendon said, his remarks ware changed while being passed oo to others to suggest closing of Central was being considered.

Adding fuel to the rumor was written remarks in a budget document asking whether the window replacement funds should ha spent until a decision was

about whether Central would be renovated or replaced. ^

As if to confirm the Hofrdoalng" of Central, the hoard Taeedaynighivotad 7-0 to spend some $1M,«M to replace windows in the building I* . Hoben in-dicated the window ranlacament has a 10-year payback Central will coot

A GROUP OF PARENTS surround ing Central Middle did address the board and presented petitions urging: 1) that Central continue in use as a school building; or that at least, J) that Central continue In use as a community recreation facility.

The board also decided to expedite formation of a d t i sens bond advisory committee, apparently to lessen ru-mors and relieve concerns about the statu* of buildings In the district

The administration agreed to submit a list of committee members for con-firmation and a committee charge a t the oext regular meeting on Juhe W That committee will include a repre-sentative from the Central area, repre-sentatives f rom Field, Hulsing and Eriksson elementartes (which are being considered for extensive renovations), and from other areas in an attempt to come up with a cross section repreaen-tabon of the district.

Roland Thomas, board president, ar n e d It would be beneficial to *art ear ttar oa discussions of renovation of lnp»m««g« and alternatives while wait-ing till the start oi the school year for a

of needs for1 '

IN HK OPENING remarks that the school board and ad-

for at turn to PaQe 4

• —

2A(P.C) OA£ T ^ u r x f y . Junw 13, 1965

Sarris, Burley win.in SC race By Tim Richard staff writer

Incumbents Sharon L. S a m s and Mi-chael W. Burley helped each other win re-election to the Schoolcraft College Board of Trustees, but northwestern Wayne County voters nevertheless showed an independent streak-

Board Chairman Burley won plurali-ties in the four small K-12 school dis-tricts — Clarenceville. Garden City, Northvil le and Plymouth-Canton. Sarris piled up her lead in Livonia.

.And in the tiny section of Novi which is part of the Schoolcraft District, chal-lenger Hussein (Hank) Karzun actually topped the incumbents, winning five votes to four for Sarris and three for Burley.

"Hank said, 'I didn't even know Novi was in the district, ' " Sarris said as she described Monday's quiet vote-counting scene in the Grote Administration Cen-ter on campus.

TOTAL VOTE was Sarris, 5,107; Burley, 4,883; and Karzun, 1,454. Sarris and Burley won six-year terms to the seven-member Schoolcraft board.

For Sarris, Livonia resident and Gen-eral Motors communications manager,

-it was the first full term after being appointed to a vacancy in 1982 and winning the two remaining years of the term in 1983.

For Burley, a Canton resident who teaches in the Northville district, it was his second full term.

Karzun, a Ford light truck engineer from Livonia, collected a fairly steady 25 percent of the winners' vote across the college district. Though a political unknown, the Palestine-born resident has w o r k e d f u n d - r a i s i n g in School-craft athletic programs.

He promised a fresh approach to the community college board but agreed with virtually every program and posi-tion of the incumbents. Karzun could be a contender for appointment to a va-cancy if two-term trustee Harry Greenleaf wins a Livonia City Council seat this fall.

HERE IS the unofficial breakdown by K-12 district:

Clarenceville (including portions of the cities of Livonia and Farmington Hills and Redford Township) — Burley, 221; Sarris, 203; Karzun, 61.

Gardes City — Burley, 1,149, Sarris, 979; Karzun, 331.

Livonia (including northern West-land) — Sarris, 2,690, Burley, 2,166; Karzun, 782.

Northville — Burley, 181; Sarris, 172; Karzun, 42.

Plymoatfc-Caaton — Burley, 1,163; Sarris, 1,059; Karzun, 213.

Burley admitted be "didn't touch Livonia" in his campaign and "rode Sharon's coattails. I had about 40 peo-ple working for me." Election day found him spending much of his time at Farmington Elementary School in Gar-den City.

Sarrts fielded 150 volunteers, raising enough to do a mailing to the most fre-quent voters. The former teacher cred-ited her length of residence in Livonia and contacts with her strong showing there. She personally worked the pre-cincts at Taylor Elementary in Livo-nia.

They exchanged each other's litera-ture at the polls.

W H I I . K THE administration of Pres-ident Richard McDowell has hinted broadly that the college should seek a property tax increase for capital im-provements next year, Burley points to another possibility — that Wayne-Westland, South Redford and/or Red-ford Union school districts might want to leave the Wayne County Community College District and join Schoolcraft.

"I've been contacted by many people in Redford and Wayne-Westland," Bur-ley said. "They may start a grounds-well of letter writing. It (a boundary change) would require an act of the Legislature."

Sarris says she will "stand back" from an annexation effort because "I'm not ready to raid other communi-ty college districts." But she called the idea "an interesting part of the mix."

Her own top priority is developing the college's marketing program to re-tain students and recruit new ones.

Walkathon to aid infant care program

The Wayne County Infant Health Promotion Coalition will bold a 6.2-mile walkathon on Belle Isle Sunday, June 16, to raiae funds for a promotion-al program.

Registration will begin at 6:30 a.m. and close at 9:30 a.m. The walk will begin at 8 a.m. Follow signs from the bridge.

' I f




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CHRIS DELLABADIA Plymouth Canton High School

C O N N I E BROOKS Plymouth Salem High School

M I C H E L L E R A Y M O N D Plymouth Salem High School

PATTY GUBACZ Plymouth Salem Higfc Vhuui

SEAN WOOD Plymouth Ontoo High School

SHELLY KINCAIDE BeMeville High School . .

JENNIFER KING Plymouth Canton J-hgh School

M A R K BURNS Plymouth Canton High School

D A V I D S A N D E L Plymouth Salem High School

MARK L Y N D R U P Plymouth Salem High Schoo!

KENT H U R L B U R T - Plymouth YitwLHigh SchooL

|OHN LIDDELL Bishop Borgess High School

TAMMY RICHARD Belleville High School

KATHY JOHNSON Plymouth Salem H»gh School

MEIJER. i Y O U D I D I T ! A N O W T M P t O O O !


Funeral services for Mr. Jimmerson, 76, of Church Street, Plymouth, were held recently in Schrader Funeral Home in Plymouth with burial at Riverside Cemetery, Plymouth. Officiating was the Rev. Thomas Pals. Memorial contributions may be made to the Crippled Children Association.

Mr. Jimmerson, who died June 8 in the City of Wayne, was born in Portage ville, Missouri, and moved to Plymouth in 1952 f rom Union City, Tenn. A butcher for some 40 years, he had retired in 1972 from Great Scott Supermarkets where he had been a butcher

Survivors include, son, James of Canton; daugh-ter, Betty Long of DeBary, Fla.; sisters, Beulah Bozer of Union City, Tenn., and Myrtle Frahm of St. Louis, Mo.; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.


Funeral services for Mrs. White, 62, of Walnut Ridge, Canton, were held recently in Vermeulen Memorial Funeral Home with the Rev Kenneth Gruebel officiating.

Mrs. White, who died June 2 in Ann Arbor, was born in Yugoslavia. She was a clerical worker for a chiropractic newspaper Survivors include: hus-band. John; son, Robert Schmittling of Canton; daughters, Mildred Miller of Canton, Janet Lager of Westland, Donna Evanoff of Westland; sister. Mary Landa of Westland; and four grandchildren.


Funeral services for Mrs. King, 42, of Westland were held recently in Risko-Ziomek Funeral Home in Livonia with burial at Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Mich. Officiating was the Rev Brenda Cisneros-Hunt. Memorial contributions may be made to the Leanne M. King Memorial Fund in care of William

»R. Bartlett, East Middle School. 1042 S. Mill Street. Plymouth MI 48170.


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Mrs. King, who died June 9, was a teaober at East Middle School of Plymouth-Canton Communi-ty Schools. A graduate of Wayne State University with a bachelor and master of science degrees, she taught algebra and chemistry at Northeastern High School, Detroit, before coming to East Middle School in 1977.

She taught at East until six weeks ago when she left for surgery. She had served on many district and school committees, and did intensive work on developing the student code of conduct at East Mid-dle School.

Survivors include: mother, Eleanor Jensen; step-father, James Jensen; grandfather, Carl Martin, sisters, Eileen Engleson-Stearns, Joan Byargeon. and Cheryl Staata; a nephew and a niece.


Funeral services for. Mrs. Bond, 85, of Plymouth were held recently in Schrader Funeral Home with burial at Riverside Cemetery. Officiating was the Rev. Alfred Gould. Memorial contributions may be made to the Michigan Cancer Society or to the Michigan Heart Association.

Mrs. Bond, who died June 8 in Livonia, was born in Port Talbot, South Wales, and moved to Plym-outh from Highland Park in 1939. She was a mem-ber of Ward Presbyterian Church and assisted in telephone outreach to shut-ins of Ward Presbyteri-an Church-

Survivors include, daughter, Irene Nash of Mel-bourne, Fla.; son, Harold of Livonia; sister, Ethel Ritson of Whittier, Calif.; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Graveside services for Mrs. Fulton, 98, of Canton Township were held recenlty at Lakeside Cemetery in Marion Township, Mich., with arrangements made by Schrader Funeral Home.

Mrs. Fulton, who died June 4 in Farmington Hills, moved to the Plymouth area f rom Howell in 1961. She retired in 1954 as a secretary for the




Packard Motor Car Co. and was a member of the Plymouth Senior Citizens Survivors include daughter, Elizabeth Blair of Canton; four grand-children and five great-grandchildren

RUSSELL C. HARPER Funeral services for Mr. Harper, 62, of Plymouth

were held recently in the Church of the Savior, Re-formed Church in America, with the Rev. Gerald A. Dykstra officiating. Local arrangements w-re made by Schrader Funeral Home Memorial contri-butions may be made to the Church of the Savior.

Mr. Harper, who died June 7 in Ann Arbor, was born in Boyne City and moved to Plymouth from Livonia in 1973. He was retired from General Elec trie.

Survivors include: wife, Marian; son, John of Yp-silanti; daughters, Nancy Fulkerson of Boyne City and Mary Spiewak of Livonia; brothers. Rex of Sun City, Calif., and Lyle of Boyne City; seven grand-children and three great-grandchildren. 0 ,



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Canton Country Festival takes bull by horns If the Winkels backyard is full of

sunning cow chips, it must be Canton Country Festival time.

Cow Chip Fling Chairman Art and Shirley Winkel probably will be glad once Sunday's far-fetched event ar-rives. It hasn't been easy readying cow paddies, and it's been a long, hard search for the 1985 Cow Chip Queen. But they found her. Virginia Ann Grotjohn, who hails from a f a rm in De-fiance County, Ohio, was crowned at ceremonies Wednesday at the Canton Fire Station

Long before Grotjohn, now a Canton resident, received her rhinestone tiara, Shirley Winkel was scurrying.

"I've been painting the manure spreader (a 1908 model the queen will ride while reigning in Saturday's pa-rade) white with yellow trim, and mak-ing flowers til I'm ready to drop," she said.

Mrs. Winkel hopes to have honed her tractor-piloting skills in t ime to pull Grotjohn in the parade. "Tractor driv-ers ed" actually has been a nice escape for Winkel. Having cow chips drying all over the backyard, in the shed, on the haywagon and in boxes can send not-so-fragrant springtime breezes billowing through your kitchen curtains.

While Grotjohn confronted rough competition. Cow Chip Queen judges Aaron Machnick, Ray Shultz, Sandy Preblich and Winkel were taken with Grotjohn, who's entry said: "Cow chips don't frighten me. They dob't turn me off.

SCOT PEACOCK7«t»n photogr«pr»r

The proud owners of Cabbage Patch doll* will be among the festi-val's prime features, as competitors vie for honors In the Canton Cabbag* Pstch Kid Contest talent and fashion categories.

"In fact they bring back wonderful memories for me. Each summer at Canton Festival time, I happily recall the many hours I spent herding my fa-ther's cattle along a country road. The many mornings they were the first sounds I heard on the farm along with the chickens

"I wonder how many people in Can-ton ever knew what a cow chip was,'' added Grotjohn, who'll toss the first chip at Sunday's fling.

"I would like so much to represent Canton for this par t of its heritage. For you may be able to take me off the farm, but you won't be able to take the farm out of me."

Second runner-up was Mary Nalep-ka, who works with seniors in Canton High School's comi lunity education program.

Nalepka, who carri* d a "South Dako-ta lollipop," (a cow paddie on a stick), to her Cow Chip Queen interview, told judges, "As a chip of. the old cow, I have been flinging the bull in the Can-ton-Plymouth area f t - the past 17 years."

Second runner-up Jean Berry told judges, "Being an English country lady and an admirer of the loyal traditions and all that bull, I feel this is the clos-est I'll ever come to royalty."

The English-born Berry works for First Federal of Michigan in Canton.

If you didn't enter the queenly com-petition, don't worry about a thing. There's still t ime to enter the fling, set for 1 p.m. Sunday.

Shucking loads of c o m precedes the Canton Chamber of Commerce berbe-cue chicken dinner, to be served at $2-96 a plate Sunday. The Father's Day event also will feature the honoring of Can-ton's "Dad of the Year."

BILL BRESLER/«wn phtfoonphw

Canton Fire Marshall Cspt. Art Winkel loads up his shovel in preparation for the infamous Cow Chip Fling.

Canton's shindig promises fun There'll be something for everyone at this week-

end's Canton Country Festival. Food, music, spectator sports, entertainment,

arts and crafts displays, storytelling and helicopter rides for kids and more is in store for those visiting festival grounds a t Canton Center and Proctor roads behind Canton Township Hall, 1150 S. Canton Center Road

Even the homebound will be able to enjoy summertime fun. WSDP-FM 88.1 will be broadcast-

ing festival news Friday through Sunday Canton will be bustling with activities ranging

f rom "custom juggling for every place and any space," compliments of Craxee Richard the Madd Juggler, to donkey baseball battles, tugs-of-war, country western and big band music and arts and c ra f t s displays.

All Health-tex® is now at our everyday low prices.

For a complete rundown on the festival, turn to Sandy Preblich's column on Page 2B

No m o r e w a i t i n g for sales to c o m e a r o u n d w h i l e your kids g e t b i g g e r a n d b i g g e r Hudson's a n d Heal th- tex* h a v e j o i n e d forces to b r i n g y o u first-rate q u a l i t y kk js ' c l o t h e s a t t h e s a m e low P ^ c e s every d a y That's w h a t w e m e a n by V a l u e Plusl Heal th- tex c l o t h i n g is a v a i l a b l e in a l l size ranges for kids. You'l l f i n d a l a rge se lec t i on of styles a n d colore, f rom t h e bas ics t o t h e newest trends, i n Ch i ld ren ' s a n d Hudson's R a i n b o w stores.



*A(CJ Thur»d«y. June 13. 1965 T h u f d a y , Jun> 13, 1M5 0 4 E ' inm *

' __

Meager turnout elects Swartzwelter, Artley to school posts Board's reversal on dispatch shocks firefighters, police _ - r\ i I . raar ^hroA h/UirH mam I -Continued from Page 1

date in last June's annual school elec-tion.

IN THE RACE for the two-year term Swartrwelter collected 1.1 S9 votes to 326 for Reoee Veremeersch Casillas of

Canton and 1S3 for George Johnson of Plymouth.

Not only did Swartrwelter place first in all 14 precincts but in each he gath-ered more votes than the two chal-lengers combined.

Casillas, in her first bid for public

Twist for Supersewer Continued from Page 1

latory statement that the townships aren't required to send all sewage to the Detroit t reatment plant, and agreeing that NHV/RV II will be developed with fair and equi-

table local cost allocations. Poole said the townships are pre-

pared to proceed with the lawsuit, and that Wayne County Executive William Lucas is set to give a deposi-tion this week

office here, ran second place in all but one precinct (Starkweather)

For Schoolcraft Board of Trustees, Can tow te Michael W Burley led the Plymouth-Canton tally with 1.163 votes to 1,059 for Livonian Sharon L. Sarris (both incumbents) and 213 for challeng-er Hussein S. Karzun Districtwide Bur-ley and Sarris were the victors.

As a result of Monday's balloting, the Plymouth-Canton Board of Education now has two females and five males, two Cantonites and five Plymouthites. three persons with less than two years experience on the board, two with four years or less, and two with six years or more as a trustee.

The board for the coming year will

consist of Roland Thomas, Elaine Kir chgatter, Dr. E.J. McClendon. Les Walker Marilyn Schwinn, Artley and Swartzwelter

Artley was completing his first four-year t e rm on the board while Swartzwelter was appointed to the board a few months ago to fill the va-cancy left by Tom Yack's resignation

During the past year three board mem-bers have resigned as trustee or decid-ed against seeking re-election while a fourth was defeated in a bid for re-election.

Board quells Central rumors Continued f rom Page 1

C a l l in y o u r r e s u l t s : E c c e n t r i c - 6 4 4 - 1 1 0 1 O b s e r v e r - 5 9 1 - 2 3 1 2

relative to the designation of Central Middle School for anything other than a middle school for the 1985-86 school year, or for any other year in the fore-seeable future.

"Whatever confusion has arisen con-cerning a report that was submitted by a bond committee about the possible closing of that edifice is without foun-dation and is totally erroneous.

"News articles that have appeared containing remarks of the city mana-ger and the mayor are their personal opinions only and have been made without communication to the superin-

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tendent's office or at a public board meeting."

Hoben added that the intent of his s ta tement was "to dispel any rumor and indicate that any petition that is circulating to the contrary is without foundation in fact."

The superintendent also took excep-tion to remarks made by some Central Middle backers that they would not want tax dollars spent on a new school in Canton and that maybe the district should be split.

For years, Dr. Hoben said. Canton residents paid school taxes for many years to support school buildings which were located in Plymouth and Plym-outh Township. "The population has since shifted to Canton, but the respon-sibility to support our schools financial-ly still exists. The state simply will not allow the district to be split."

Thomas added that anything the board considers will first come f rom a citizens bond committee. That commit-tee, he stressed, will look at different facilities and consider various alterna-tives and at a range of minimum and mat imnm renovations. "That does not mean, though, that we are looking at replacing Central."

Hoben commented that the options now is to spend from | 1 million to $6 million to renovate Central. Also being considered is building a combination middle school/elementary building in southern Canton. Hoben also stressed last week that the renting of Lowell form Livonia is such a bargain that the district would be foolish not to continue the arrangement. (The total cost this year is $246,000 including rental pay-ments, custodian and maintenance ex-penses).

C a n t o n

© b s e r u e r


Published every Monday and Thursday by Observer & Eccentr ic Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraf t . Ltvonla. Ml 48150. Third-class postage paid at Livonia. Ml 48151. Address all mai l (subscript ion, change of address. Form 3569) to P.O Box 2428. Livonia, Ml 48151. Tele-phone 591-0500,

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A X H E R ' S DAY C A R D S A N D G I F T S .

Continued from Paoe 1

Chuhran was opposed

ANOTHER BOARD MOTION di-rected the township union negotiating team to bargain with the fire and po-lice unions for a joint dispatch system. Padget stressed this doesn't have to be

a goal for this year's negotiations, but could be negotiated "five years from now."

Larson, Brown and Chuhran voted against this proposal.

"The timing is terrible on this," Lar-son said. "The fire union said they don't want It and the board seemed to nod our heads on it, and now we a re putting

it on a pedestal, saluting it and we march right into a fight.

"I 'm not in favor, because I don't want the township to formally adopt a negotiating poeitoo to cast in concrete for labor unions to go out with a stand."

In a separate motion, the board ap-proved a resolution for township offi-

Challengers oust incumbents Continued from Page 1

The district includes part of Canton Township.

Leading the field of six candidates vying for three seats was Kenneth Barnhill, a Canton resident, with 2,172 votes. Finishing behind him were Syl-via Kozorosky with 1,911 ballots and Andrew Spisak with 1,786 votes. Both are Westland residents.

Barnhill and Spisak won four-year terms, defeating incumbents Fred Warmbier and David Moranty, who fin-ished last. The winners will take their seats at the first meeting in July.

Kozorosky won the remainder of a three-year term, replacing H. Rex Wil-hoite who was appointed* earlier this year to fill a vacancy. She was sworn in at Tuesday's board meeting.

THE WINNERS expressed surprise at their victories.

"I'd never been through this before, consequently, I had no way of reading the election when people asked how it was going," Bamhill said. "I told them I'd tell them at 9 p.m. Monday night.

"It went very well." Kozorosky said she had so prepared

herself for losing, that she could "hard-ly accept it when they said I won."

"I'm very happy with the outcome," Spisak said. "I guess I'm a pessimist. I was worried. Dave Moranty and Fred Warmbier were very hard workers They conducted a hard campaign."

BARNHILL RAN strong throughout the district. He carried 15 out of SO pre-cincts. Kozorosky carried seven, plus the counting board of absentee voters generally considered to be senior citi-zens.

Warmbier and Spisak each carried one precinct, and Barnhill tied with Wilhoite in precinct 24 at Walker School.

This was the first year that voters in the Cherry Hill portion of the district cast ballots, and Barnhill appeared to carry that area as well

Barnhill credited his supporters, a group of "10 individuals," with his strong showing. He added that a week before the election, he tabulated 57 dif-ferent school functions that he had at-tended during the campaign, including visiting each school building at least once.

Walking door-to-door also helped let

people know "I was interested in the community," he said.

"It was a good education and a good experience. I enjoyed it, and I'm glad its over."

KOZOROSKVS OPPONENT, Wil-hoite, also credited her win to hard work.

"Especially Sylvia worked harder than I did, or I'd still be up there," he told the audience at Monday's meeting.

Wilhoite publicly congratulated Ko-zorosky and said he was "firmly con-vinced that Wayne-Westland is one of the best districts in the state.

"I enjoyed my short tenure. I made a lot of friends, and who knows? Maybe someday I'll be back."

A crowd of senior citizens gathered at the board meeting for Kozorosky's swearing in by 18th District Court Judge Thomas Smith. After being sworn in, Kozorosky thanked her sup-porters and her family for a "chance to serve the community."

Earlier, Kozorosky said she was "looking forward to working with all the board members and making deci-sions based on the facts and on what's best for the students and taxpayers."

nia\* to gain information from the fire chief and fire union on what would be required to adequately train civilians for a joint dispatch. Chuhran's was the sole opposing vote.

"The Input we got all week was, Hey guys, I don't think you have anything to worry about , ' " Davison said. "I hope the board will accept the responsibility of the lives that will be lost because of the increased time."

Bennett said: "The firefighters have the most problem with the joint dispatch system, so we are asking, 'What do you think a person has to be taught to be competent at (joint dispatch)?'

"We have a group of professionals at the fire department "who may not be happy with this, but they certainly will be dedicated to their profession and the citizens of Canton Township to do ev-erything in their power to make the dispatch system work when we get to

that point," he said. If the township and fire union negoti-

ating teams are unable to come to an agreement on the joint dispatch issue, an arbitrator will be called for a deci-sion.

Canton acting police chief Lt. Larry Stewart also expressed surprise follow-ing Tuesday's meeting.

A STEERING COMMITTEE, made up of police officers also working for change In the department had request-ed the board hire community service officers (CSOs) for the police depart-ment dispatch. The civilian CSOs would have additional prison care responsibil-ities along with dispatch duties. Stew-ar t said he believes this option is still open.

"The CSOs would have more latitude and could aid in booking prisoners and feeding (prisoners) that a civilian dispatch would not be involved in,"

Stewart said. "So, we take a step back-wards, but by getting the civilian dispatch we take a step forward with the additional staff and more officers on the s t r e e t "

Dan Durack, township personnel di-rector, said the township will contact the police union and explain the board has agreed to establish the clerical / dispatch spots, and determine "what will be needed to implement these changes.

"Hopefully we can come to a mutual-ly satisfactory agreement, but if we can't and we reach an Impasse where there is no agreement, then we go be-fore an arbitrator," Durack said.

Police dispatch often is considered "light duty" and sometimes is per-formed by officers who a re injured Ways in which the civilian dispatch will affect this aspect of the depar tment is expected to be discussed by the town-ship and the union.



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your e n t i r e p u r c h a s e T h u r s d a y t h r u S u n d a y

6A(P,C) OA£ Thursday, Jur>e 13, 1985

P r i n c i p a l n a m e d f o r C a n t o n H i g h

Thursday, June 13. 1966 0 * £ £ C £ A

The yearlong search for a principal for Plymouth Canton High ended Tuesday mght with the hiring of »D educator from Norfolk, Ohio.

Thomas Tattan was recommended by ad-ministration as the new Canton principal and was approved by a 7-0 vote of the school board

Before the final vote was taken. Superin-tendent John M Hoben gave a status report on other administrative vacancies in the district

The vacancy created by Earl Gibson's re-tirement won't be filled now, said Hoben There will be a shifting of elementary princi-pals with the Tanger principal going to Far-rand and an assistant principal f rom some-where in the district moving to Tanger for a year.

One of the present administrative interns would then be named an assistant principal, he added (These steps are being taken be-cause Tanger will be converted from an ele-mentary to a preschool center in two years

and the district will have one less principal's slot

The vacancy caused by the retirement of Gus Gorure as East Middle School principal will be filled, added Hoben. hopefully in July-John Sandmann's replacement as athletic di-rector, he added likely will be decided upon in August

THE SEARCH got a Canton High principal started last fall when John Telford resigned as executive director for secondary education and Canton Principal Kent Buikema replaced Telford.

Some 30 candidates applied for the job which was offered to a principal in a neigh-boring school district, explained Hoben That candidate, however, turned down the job

The position was re posted and some 70 can-didates applied After a screening committee narrowed the choices down to three, said Hoben. the finalists were interviewed two or three times and a group of Plymouth-Canton administrators visited the home towns of each

to ask questions of administrators, teachers, students and residents about the candidate.

Out of the process, Tattan emerged as the top choice.

TATTAN, 56. lives in Huron. Ohio, and has been principal of Norfolk High School since 1979 He expects to be on the job here in July

Before 1979, he was a social studies teacher and wrestling coach at a middle school in Huron, Ohio, and at a Catholic High School In Elyria, Ohio, where he also coached football Earlier he was a social stuides teacher, foot-ball and basketball coach for Sandusky High School.

Tattan has a bachelor of science degree in education from Bowling Green in 1972. He has attended Bowling Green for all his graduate work, including a master's degree in educa-tional administration in 1975. a specialist in education degree, and work on a Ph.D in edu-cational administration with a minor in gui-dance and counseling.

He has served on the management negotia-

tions team, was named to the advisory board of Fire lands College, and was a member of Kiwanis and Knights of Columbus in Norwalk

IN A WRITTEN statement. Tattan said educators must take the lead in generating support for public education.

"The new reform movement should be uti-lized to generate networks of strong support for the public schools from industry and other social service organizations.

"The schools of the future must be planned for, reflect a sense of purpose, serve to foster creativity and community growth, and estab-lish standards that expect and programs that provide for excellence.

"The educational administrator must set the tone for the staff and then ensure that oth-ers are stimulated to meet the needs of the students, the schools, and the community."

In a concluding statement. Tatton wrote: "The only way to provide strong leadership is to be and act like a strong leader ."

F e s t i v a l ' s n o b l a r n e y

I r i s h F e i s t o f e a t u r e f a m i l y f u n By M.S. Dillon Ward staff writer

If a summer getaway to Dublin. Ireland, sounds dandy but you just can't spare the cash, keep your chin up.

Murphy. McKinney, McCanham and Maguire, O'Halloran. O'Kennedy, Quinn and McGlinchey will be on hand to put the lilt of Irish laughter in your heart at Michigan's largest display of Irish culture Friday through Sunday at Livonia's Ford Field in County Wayne.

Rest up now for the 23rd Annual Detroit Interna-tional Feis, a family-oriented spectacle featuring musicians, singers, dancers, actors and athletes at Lyndon and Farmington roads, one-half mile north of the Jef f r ies Freeway.

"Nowhere else in the state of Michigan will you see so many performers in one place at the same time," said Irish-bom Dan O'Kennedy, festival chairman.

"It is the purest form of Irish traditional music, song and dance. It is the next best thing to being in Ireland."

Highlighting the Feis will be 700 costumed com-petitors (musicians and dancers) f rom the United States. Canada and England; the North American Solo Dance Championship; $500 scholarship awards, and the Statue of Liberty Centennial Medallion Design competition.

Food, drinks and souvenirs as well as games for children will be available throughout the entertain-ment-studded weekend

Kicking off Friday's main events at 8:30 p.m. will be musicians Charlie Taylor, Mike Hume and Mike Stypula, followed at 8:30 p.m. by the Fanore Tradi-tional Music Group and Adult Ceili Dance Competi-tion at 9:30 p.m.

A "seisun" of music, singing and dancing will wind up the evening.

SPECTATORS AT Saturday's 23rd annual Feis

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— the "centerpiece" of the three-day event — will be treated to hundreds of dance competitions begin-ning at 9 a.m.

Staged at 6 p.m. will be the North American Jun-ior and Senior Ceili Band Championship Competi-tion sponsored by Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann (As-sociation of Irish Musicians).

A 7 p.m. Mass will precede Saturday's "main fea-ture" — the "Celts" Ceili Band from Ireland head-lined by all-Ireland fiddler Martin Hayes An 8 p.m. Fanore concert will follow

Next, Brian Bonner and Henry McCanham are sure to bring dancers to their feet. At 10:30 p.m., musicians f rom Akron, Cleveland, Chicago, Montre-al. Toronto, London and Dublin will play for Ceili and set dancers

IRISH SPORTS enthusiasts will be treated at 2 p.m. Sunday to a "Father 's Day Special" Gaelic football tournament. At 3 p.m., drama lovers may take in scenes f rom Brian Friel 's "Translations" performed by actors from the Attic Theater and Performance Network.

.Also participating in the entertainment extrava-ganza will be stellar musicians Terry Murphy, Brendan McNulty. Terence McKinney, Tom O'Hal-loran, Eld McGlinchey, Ray Maguire, Pete Quinn and others.

Sunday's 11 p.m. "Grand Finale" will see a mul-titude of musicians storm the stage, with the rest of the folks kicking up their heels performing reels, jigs and sets

So dig out your dancing shoes and postpone your troubles. To feel the spirit of Ireland you need go no further than Livonia town

More Feis information is available from Ken Kuhns. 281-6809, and festival information f rom Dan O'Kennedy. 464-4119

Friday, Oct. 18, will mark metropolitan Detroit's next major Irish event, as the 14th Annual Comhal-tas Ceoltoiri Concert will be staged at Orchestra Hall in Detroit.

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brevities • B R E V I T I E S D E A D L I N E S

Announcements for Brevities should be submitted by noon Mon-day for the Thursday issue and by noon Thursday for the Monday is-sue. Bring in or mail announce-ments to the Observer at 489 S. Main.

• P L Y M O U T H B O N A N Z A S O C C E R T R Y O U T S

Friday, June 14 — Plymouth Soccer Clttb will have tryouts from 6 to 8:50 p jn . for boys born In 1972 at Lowell Middle School, Hix south of Joy. For information, call Tony Derhake at 459-7057 or Bob Sheppard at 455-1561.

• Y M C A S U M M E R C L A 8 8 E S Friday, June 14 — Enrollment is

being taken for the YMCA summer ses-sion of classes at various locations throughout the Plymouth-Canton com-munity. Classes begin the week of June 17. Enrollment is under way for YMCA members and non-members may enroll through June 14. For information, phone 453-2904.

• R O T A R Y P A N C A K E B R E A K F A S T

Saturday, June 15 — Canton Rotary will sponsor a Pancake Breakfast at the Canton Country Festival f rom 7 a.m. to noon to benefit substance abuse intervention. The breakfast will be served at the Canton Recreational complex behind the library at Proctor and Canton Center Road.

• C A R W A S H Saturday, June 15 — Divine Savior

Youth Group will be having a car wash form 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the church parking lot at 39375 Joy Road, east of 1-275 in Westland. The cost will be a donation to go towards supporting youth group activities.

• C A B B A G E P A T C H C O N T E 8 T Saturday, June 15 — A contest to

choose the Canton Cabbage Patch Kid of 1985 will be held 2-3 p.m. at the Can-ton Country Festival at the entertain-ment tent. Canton Center Road and Proctor- All entrants must be preregia-tered and the deadline to register is Saturday, June 8. Application forms may be picked up and returned to Can-ton Public Library or Lorraine's Dolls in Old Village, Plymouth. There will be two divisions, fashion and talent.

• C O M P U T E R P I X Monday, June 17 — The Computer

Pix Program for young adulta will be held again this summer at the Dunning-Hough Library in Plymouth begining June 17. By filling out a questionnaire, the participant will receive a compu-terized book list which matches his/her interests. Call the library at 453-0750 for more information.

• T O D D L E R 8 T O R Y T I M E Monday, June 17 — Dunning-Hough

Library in Plymouth will be presenting two storytimea this summer. The tod-dler storytime for children age 2 to SVfe with a parent will be held at 10:30 a.m. Mondays beginning June 24. Registra-tion will be at 10 a.m. in person or 10:30 a.m. by phone (453-0750) on June 17.

The preschool storytime for children 3 ^ to 5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays begining June 26. Regis-tration will be at 10 a.m. in person or 10:30 a.m. by phone on June 19.

• A M A T E U R R A D I O Tuesday, June 18 — The Stu

Rockafellow Amateur Radio Society will have as its guest Larry Korn, at-torney f rom the WXYT talk-radio show, and attorney Larry Pepper. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the

commission chambers on the second floor of Plymouth City Hall, 201 S. Main, Plymouth. Anyone is invited to attend.

• PRO-LIFE C A U C U 8 Tuesday, June 18 — The Republican

Pro-Life Caucus will bold its first meeting at 7.30 p.m. in Bailey Recre-ation Center behind Westland City Hall, 36651 Ford Road in Westland. The film "Silent Scream'' will be shown. The meeting is open to any resident of the U.S. Congressional 15th District which includes Canton. For information, call John Barile at 427-1056.

• Y M C A R U N Sunday, June 23 — The Plymouth

Community Family YMCA will sponsor its sixth annual run with the One Mile Run beginning at 8 a.m., the 5K and 10K runs at 8:30 a.m. Guest celebrity for this year's event will be Doug Kurtis, Michigan Runner of the Year. Check-in and late registration will be 7-7:30 a.m. the day of the race on Main between Penniman Avenue and Ann Arbor Trail. Entry fees (include T-shirts) are is $4 for the One Mile Fun Run and $6 for the 5K and 10K Road Runs until the day of the race when they are $5 and $7. Entry forms are available at the YMCA office at 248 Union. For information, call 453-2904.

A prerace clinic will be at 7 p.m.

Wednesday, June 19, in the Commission Chambers upstairs at Plymouth City Hall, Church at Main. The clinic will be conducted by Bruce Kaczander, sports medicine podiatrist All ages welcome

• S U M M E R R E A D I N G P R O G R A M

Monday, June 24 — The theme for this year's summer reading program at Dunning-Hough Library, 223 S. Main, Plymouth, will be "Buccaneers and Books." The program runs few six weeks starting June 24 and with the fi-nal awards party on Aug- 3. Special programs will be held on at 2 p.m. Tuesdays. A Pirate Day, a Treasure Hunt, and a fencing demonstration plus movies are scheduled- Registration is under way. Call 455-0750 or stop in the library for more information.

• O L D V I L L A G E O P E N Tuesday, July 16 — The fourth annu-

al Old Village Open will be held at Fox Hills Country Club, 8768 N. Territorial, Plymouth. Entry fee of $45 per person includes golf, cart, prime rib dinner, refreshments and prizes. Format will be four-man scrambles. Proceeds will go to the Plymouth Community Family YMCA. For information on the fourth annual Old Village Open, call the Old Village office at 455-7011 or Station 885 at 459-8802.

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C H A N N E L 8

T H U R S D A Y ( June 13) 5 pan. Cinematique — Johnny

Midnight and Ace Hunter review films to be shown on Family Home Theater's classic collection: "San-ta Fe Trai l ," My Favorite Brunette." and "God Is My Part-ner "

5:30 p.m. Canton BPW Presents — BPW member Pat Gresock wel-comes Judy McDonald, adminis-trator at Frist Step, a resource center for helping victims of do-mestic violence, to speak on spouse abuse

6:36 p.m. . . . Investment Times — Hosts Jim Lanzi and Brian Davis welcome guest Pa t McCourt

7 p.m. Beyond the Moon — Host Mike Best amd guest Larry Sab-bath. planetarium director at Oak Park High School, discusses the Hubble Space Telescope. In The Night Sky: Corona Borealis. Bootes & Canes Venatici.

7:30 p.m. The Oasis — Mr Rab-bit, MIA, Fincer Folks Factory Town. Domino, and Key Hunt all featured this week.

8 p.m. . . . The Food Chain — Host Debi Silverman discusses the af-

fect of food allergies and treating for food allergies.

8:30 p.m. . Economic Club of De-troit — Guest speaker J. Peter Grace of the Grace Company talks about the problems of big govern-ment

9:30 p.m. Single Touch — J .P McCarthy talks with metro area singles.

F R I D A Y (June 14) 5 p.m. . . Game of the Week — Last

contest of Canton Soccer Tourna-ment is a girls game featuring the Pacesetter vs. Medina Strides. Followed by a gymnastics contest

— between Plymouth Salem and Plymouth Canton high schools.

7 p.m. . . Chef Bui-Carb. 7:30 p.m. . . The Governor's Report

— Patrick Babcock, director of the Department of Mental Health, talks about the incident at North-ville State Hospital and other is-sues.

8 p.m Polish Muslims at Hart Plaza

9 p.m. . . Hollywood Hotline — Kathleen Mueller and Johnny Mid-night review "A View to Kill" and "Goonies."

<fc30 p.m Omnicom Video tunes

Jobless rate dips 0.1 % Michigan's labor market re-

mained fairly stable in May as the state's seasonally adjusted jobless rate slipped by a 10th of a percent-age point to 10.1 percent, according to Richard Simmons Jr., director of the Michigan Employment Security Commission (MESC).

The number of unemployed work-ers in Michigan fell by 11,000 to 435,000 during May

In April, the ra te was 10.2 per-cent. A year ago, in May 1984, Mich-

igan's unemployment rate was 11.6 percent with 506.000 jobless.

Simmons said some adjustments occurred in the labor market as the state's civilian labor force and total employment levels both declined during the month The labor force dropped by 67,000 to 4.309.000.

"Much of the employment drop occurred among the self-employed and those with part-time and tempo-rary jobs," Simmons added.

— Omnicom local video produc-tions. Videos by Flashahan. The Untouchables, The Blueberry Jam. Doc-Z. and Domino

SATURDAY (June 15) 5 p.m. Game of the Week 7 p.m.. Chef Bui-Carb. 7:30 p.m. . . Legislative Floor De-

bate — State Sen. Robert Geake R-Northville, talks about current state issues.

8 p j n . Polish Muslims at Hart Plaza.

9 p.m. Hollywood Hotline 9:30 p.m Omnicom Videotunes

C H A N N E L 15

THURSDAY (June 13) Noon Beat of the City. 12:30 p.m. . Canton Update — Jim

Poole brings you up-to-date on Canton activities.

T"p.m. Shopper Comparision — This week's grocery prices from area supermarkets.

1:30 p.m. . . Human Images — A special look by high school stu-dents at stereotypes, what is and what isn't.

2 p.m. . . . "A New Attitude" Fashion Show — Teen fashion show at Cen-tral Middle School.

2:30 p.m. . Replay of Call-In With the Salvation Army — Lt. Larry Manzella, administrator of the Plymouth Salvation Army, and guest Jeff Beechum, community center director for the corps in Plymouth, talk about new commu-

nity program and a Baskets Filled With Love update

3:30 p.m. JA Project Business Economics — Students tell what they want to be when they grow up. Part I of nature of economics and a Project Business video

4:30 p.m. . . . Youth View — Inter-views and music videos with Steve Taylor and Sheila Walsh and a vis-it with Dr. James Hitchcock of St Louis University.

5 p.m. Ethnic Horizons. 5:30 p.m. . St. Florian Close Up. 6 p.m. Psychic Sciences — Elie

welcomes Bob Thibodeau, astrolo-ger and owner of Mayflower Book Store.

6:30 p.m. . Amerman Elementary International Musical.

8 p.m. Omnicom Game of the Week — Canton Soccer Tourna-ment

F R I D A Y ( J u n e 14) noon Crime Prevention Symposi-

um — Hamtramck Chamber of Commerce sponsors a program providing tips on cr ime preven-tion.

1:30 p.m. . . Broken Promises — Focus HOPE tape on elderly in our society and how Focus HOPE tries to help them cope with problems.

2 p.m. . . . Wayne County: A New Perspective — News of Wayne County from Executive William Lucas.

2:30 p.m. American Atheist News Forum

3 p.m. Issues For a Nuclear Age.

FRESH CATCH EXPRESS "The Fresh Seafood Market on Wheels!"

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3:30 p.m. Lifestyles — Talk show hosted by Diana Martina

4 p.m. . . . TNT True Adventure Trails — Uncle Ernie talks about family and God.

4:30 p.m . Summit Lighthouse -Religious series

5:30 p.m Words of Hope — Re-ligious series

6 p .m. . . . Yugoslavian Variety Hour — Ethnic programming

7 p.m. . . . Sound Trax — Current music and musical groups.

8 p.m. . . Shores of Your Mind — A psychic awareness program deal-ing with astrology, numerology, etc.

8:30 p.m. . . . Divine Plan — Relig-ious aeries.

9 p.m. . . . Health Talks — Health in-formation from Henry Ford Hospi-tal.

9:30 p.m. . This Is The Life — Re-ligious series from the Lutheran Church.

S A T U R D A Y (June 15) noon Crime Prevention Symposi

um. 1:30 p.m.. . . Broken Promises. 2 p.m. . . If I Were In Charge of the

World — Second graders from Barb Overhold's class at Fiegel El-ementary perform.

3 p.m. . . Hansel & Gretel — A play performed by kindergarteners at Birdl Elementary School.

3:30 p.m. Amerman Elementary International Musical.

5 p.m. "A New Attitude" Fashion Show

5:30 p.m. Tell a Tall Tale — A Tail Tale Contest with members of the Oral Majority Toastmasters Club

6 p.m. South Side Talent Show — Taped at Belleville High School.

6:30 p.m. . . . Brownie B-Day — Re-peat by request. Girl Scouts of Plymouth, Canton, Northville do aerobics, mime, trail laying.

7 p.m. . . . Hamtramck High School Bilingual Awards.

7:40 p.m. . . . Come Ride With Us — Special opportunity for viewers to see what the rides at the Canton Country Festival will be like and invite them to come down on Sat-urday evening

8 p.m. . . Dickinson Bilingual Awards

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Lake Erie now yielding keeper walleyes By Lom outdoors writer

IAKE ERIE seems to be coming back as a walleye producer,

j Last year anglers were catching a lot of undersized

walleyes, but the reports this season are more cheerful. Many excellent catches of 14-18 inch walleyes are com-ing from Lake Erie, the Department of Natural Resources reports.

Favored lures are the nightcrawler harness. Barneys and Hot-n-Tots.

This Saturday the Four Seasons Fish-ing Club will check out the story with a walleye tournament based at Sterling State Park, Monroe. The Four Seasons, a family-oriented club, meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church, 36075 Seven Mile, Livonia. These fami-lies know their business — two boats of members picked up 14 walleyes in a May 18 Lake St. Clair outing.

Lake St. Clair and Anchor Bay are producing many 15-18 inch walleyes.

o u t d o o r s

Belleville Lake in western Wayne County is producing good crappie catches on shiners and nightcrawlers.

Smallmouth and largemouth bass are being taken on the lower Huron River from Belleville to New Boston.

On Oakland County's inland lakes, good largemouth and smallmouth bass catches, along with panfish, are report-ed from Lakeville, Graham and Trout lakes and Lake 16.

FISH THINNING projects work, says Ron Spitler. He's the district fish-eries biologist, operating out of Ponti-ac, for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

"Lake Orion fish populations are big-

ger and fat ter ," Spitler reported re-cently, a year after tens of thousands of small panfish were removed chemical-ly

"It seems apparent tht neither the pike nor bass were harmed by the t reatment , as expected. Instead they may well have benefitted through in-creased growth and survival, which we also anticipated. Anglers already are commenting about better fishing than before the treatment."

Here is a breakdown by species of what DNR found in a 1985 netting sur-vey compared to 1982, the year before the thinning project:

• Blue gills - Of 1,600 bluegills in 1982, only one was seven inches or larger, average was 5.2 inches. In 1985, of 763 'gills netted, 79 were larger than seven inches; average was 6.0 inches.

• Crappie* — The 1982 averaged 7.8 inches; only five were in the 10-inch range. The '85 fish averaged 8.7 inches with 28 in the 10-inch range.

• Northern pike — In 1982 only 12 were netted, averaging 24.4 inches. In

1985 the survey showed 47, averaging found 46 largemouths, averaging 13.3 in the days ahead. 25.9 inches. inches (12 Inches is legal keeping size). There is a $2 vehicle admission

• LargemoaU black basa — In charge at the gate of each metropark, 1982, only nine were handled, averag- HURON-CLINTON Metroparks have and it's a good deal to buy a | 7 ing nine inches In 1985, the survey a host of nature and family programs pass, good at all 13 metroparks.






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Sota m Salt OML Y 584 W. ANN ARBOR TRAIL between Lilley & Main

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t w i n * a . p c . F u l l M . p c . r e c » 2 9 9 . . . N O W ' 1 1 9 . 8 * 1 Q M W M I r e $ . ' 6 9 9 . . . N O W ' 2 9 9 . 8 8 1 K i n g M t r e g . »999 - N O W ' 3 9 9 . 8 8 |

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94® 7 9 9 9 '

Blazon 4-LEG SWING SET Includes 2 swings, two-passenger air glider and 5'6" slide. 6'6" legs. 6"8" top bar Tube: 2" top bar, 1 s/«" legs


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General Foam 6'X14" POLY POOL

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R O S E V t L L E (Acroaa from M a e o n * MaM)

M O N D A Y - S A T U R D A Y 9 : 3 0 A M

MaM) • S T E R L I N G H E I G H T S <Ma*t 10

• S O U T H F t I L D (South o t I feMS Maff)

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10A{P.C QA£ TT>ufday, Jun« 13. l»S6

foi your information • W A l K D - b a c k y a r d p o o l s

pools are needed in Plymouth, Canton A d Northville by the Plymouth r i n in i i lK Family YMCA for its backyard swim p l * a m . If you have a pool and would l i K o donate its use for one to two hours a <&[for a two-week period, call the Y at for more information, includ-ing information on how pool donation can benefit y^Bchi ldren . The pools are needed for the t l H f f e e k periods of July 8-19, July 22 to Au^Bfcnd Aug. 2-17

R O T M r SEEKS HOSTS Canton^Btary is seeking volunteer fami-

lies to h o ^ L u i s Ivan Escobedo Delado, 17, m excha^Ks tuden t from Mexico who will be a r n v i ^ f t i August. While living in Can-ton, the s t ^ f t t will be staying with three or four host ^ f c i l i e s . To volunteer as a host family, o^B) obtain more information on the exchJ^Hs tuden t program, call Chuck Bares, Rotary International youth

-2577 or 981-4400

e m p l W m e n t d y n a m i c s bt for the Employment Dy-

i is under way with applica-fftccepted through May. Purpose

i is to help unemployed young "improve their Jofrseeking skills and

I permanent employment Participants must be ages 17-21 and live

. western Wayne County. Part icipants _1 Ust meet income guidelines. The program Is sponsored by Growth Works Inc., Plym-outh. Interested persons may contact Lissa Spitz at 455-4093

Employment Dynamics is a federally funded program which provides young adults with job search skills training, paid on-the-job work experience and job place-ment assistance

• ART IN PARK Art in the Park, held the past three years

in conjunction with the Mayflower Hot Air Balloon Festival, is a juried show which will be held in Kellogg Park July 6, 7. For fur-ther information or for an entry applica-tion, contact Show Director Diane Quinn at 453-0001 or the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce at 453-1540.

W S D P / 8 8 . 1

• FOURTH OF JULY Plans are being made for the 1985 Fourth

of July celebration in Plymouth featuring a parade and fireworks sponsored by the Plymouth Jaycees. Last year, the parade attracted some 4,500 spectators and the fireworks some 25,500 persons, according to Fred Eagle, parade co-chairman. The pa-rade will begin at 10 a j n . Thursday, July 4. Parade entry forms soon will be available at Plymouth City Hall or Plymouth Town-ship Hall or by calling Eagle at 464-8797 The parade also needs donations from busi-nesses to cover the expenses of the parade Send donations to: Plymouth Jaycees, c / o 1985 Fourth of July Parade. 14728 Ronnie Lane, Livonia MI 48154


Fairy lamps, sailing ships, perfume bot-tles and still banks all are being exhibited in Plymouth Historical Museum now through Sept 8. Candle-burning fair lamps were made from the 1840s to the 1860s and used as night lights; an unusual three-sided lamp with figures of a cat, dog and owl is includ-ed in this rare collection. Among the sailing ships exhibited are such models as the Rob-ert E. Lee, the Mayflower and the Titanic The museum, 155 S. Main, Plymouth, is open to the public 1-4 p.m. Thursday. Satur-day, and Sunday. Admission.

• YMCA GUIDE RECRUITMENT Anyone interested in joining the YMCA

Indian Guide program, which promotes meaningful relationships between parent and child, may sign up f rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays at the Plymouth Community Family YMCA on Union Street in Plym-outh.

The Guide programs include: Indian Guides for fathers and sons ages 5-9; Trail Blazers, fathers and sons age 10 and older. Braves, mothers and sons age 5 and older. Princesses, fathers and daughters, age 5-9; Trail Mates, fathers and daughters, age 9 and older, Maidens, mothers and daughters, age 5-8; and Trailettes, for mothers and their daughters, age 9 and older


Canton Historical Society at 7:30 p.m. meets the second Thursday of each month in the Canton Historical Society Museum on Canton Center Road at Proctor

• MINOR HOME REPAIRS The Conference of Western Wayne Minor

Home Repair Program has been funded through Senior Alliance Inc for fiscal year 1985. The program assists homeowners 60 and older with minor home repair tasks For information, call 525-8690.

• COMPUTERS IN LIBRARY Four Apple II computers are available

for public use in the Dunning-Hough Li-brary, 223 S. Main, Plymouth. Children younger than age 14 will be required to at-tend a training workshop or pass a users test. Children younger than age 8 must be accompanied by a parent while using the computer. All patrons must have a library card and must sign a responsibility card also signed by a parent or guardian. Once the responsibility card is on file at the li-brary. patrons may reserve computer t ime and software. Rules and instructions for us-ing the computers, the responsibility card, and a list of software are available at the library. For more information, call 453-0750."


looking for new members for emergency radio communication (no experience neces-sary) and other community programs. All residents f rom Plymouth, Canton, North-ville and surrounding areas are invited. The group meets at 8 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at Plymouth Township Hall, Mill at Ann Arbor Road. For more informa-tion, call 455-9609 or 453-7641

• 'RIDE WITH US' Plymouth Area Citizen's Team (PACT) is

looking for new members. Take a ride with a PACT member and see how the team of volunteers works. For more information, call 455-7054.

Please turn to Page 1 3

I t h £

C H A N N E L 8

THURSDAY (June 13) 5 p.m. . . . Cinematique — Johnny Mid-

night and Ace Hunter review fi lms to be shown on Family Home Theater 's classic collection: "Santa Fe Trail," "My Favorite Brunette." and "God Is My Partner." -

5:34) p.m. , . . Canton BPW Presents — BPW member Pat Gresock welcomes Judy McDonald, administrator at Frist Step, a resource center for helping vic-tims of domestic violence, to speak on spouse abuse.

8:30 p.m. . . . Investment Times — Hosts J im i-anri and Brian Davis welcome guest Pat McCourt.

7 p j n . . . . Beyond the Moon — Host Mike Best amd guest Larry Sabbath, plane-tarium director at Oak Park High School, discusses the Hubble Space Telescope. In The Night Sky: Corona Borealis, Bootes & Canes Venatici.

7:30 p.m. . . . The Oasis — Mr. Rabbit, MIA, Fincer Folks Factory Town, Domino, and Key Hunt all featured this week.

r i

8 p.m. . . The Food Chain - Host Debi Silverman discusses the affect of food allergies and t reat ing for food aller-gies.

8:30 p.m. . . Economic Club of Detroit — Guest speaker J. Pe te r Grace of the Grace Company talks about the prob-lems of big government.

9:30 p j n . . . . Single Touch — J.P. McCar-thy with metro area singles

F R I D A Y (June 14) 5 p.m.. . . Game of the Week — Last con-

test of Canton Soccer Tournament is a girls game featuring the Pacesetter vs. Medina Strides. Followed by a gymnas-tics contest between Plymouth Salem and Plymouth Canton high schools.

7 p.m.. . • Chef Bui-Carb 7:30 p jn. . • The Governor's Report —

Patrick Babcock, director of the De-

partment of Mental Health, talks about the incident at Northville State Hospi-tal and other issues.

8 p.m.. . . Polish Muslims at Hart Plaza. 9 p.m.. . . Hollywood Hotline - Kathleen

Mueller and Johnny Midnight review "A View to Kill" and "Goonies."

9:30 p.m. . . . Omnicom Videotunes — Omnicom local video productions. Vi-deos by Flashahan, The Untouchables. The Blueberry Jam, Doc-Z, and Domi-no.

SATURDAY (June 15) 5 p.m.. . . Game of the Week. 7 p.m.. . . Chef Bui-Carb. 7:30 p .m. . . Legislative Floor Debate —

State Sen. Robert Geake, R-Northvllle, talks about current state issues.

8 p.m.. . . Polish Muslims at Hart Plaza. 9 p.m.. . . Hollywood Hotline. 9:30 p.m.. . . Omnicom Videotunes.

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Increased hotel, motel room tax passes House ^ By Maria Cheatrwy staff writer

Suburban hotel and motel managers who unanimously call "unfair" and "un-reasonable" legislation to raiae taxes on rooms in the tncounty area hope to win an "equitable compromise" in the state Seriate. . Opponents of a bill to help finance a 1200-million expansion of Cobo Hall in

downtown Detroit by increasing the room tax in Wayne, Oakland and Ma-comb counties expected the bill would pass the House easily this week, as it did Tuesday. The vote was 58-44, with Rep. Lynn Bankes, R-Livonia, voting against it (see story Page 7 A ) .

"There are more reasonable people in the Senate," said J. Dennis Bums, a Lansing lobbyist representing the Michigan Lodging Association "There

State extends Runkel's contract

The State Board of Education has given Phillip E. Runkel high marks for his performance as Michigan's superin-tendent of public instruction. The eight-member elected board voted to extend the contract of the top public school of-ficial to October 1988.

Norman 0 . Stockmeyer Sr. of West-land, president of the State Board of Education, said that board members gave Runkel "good" to "excellent" rat-ings in their annual evaluation of the state school superintendent.

"All of the areas that were reviewed by State Board of Education members indicate a very satisfactory rating for the superintendent," Stockmeyer said.

"Perhaps the outstanding area in the board members' view was the ability to establish communication linkages with various groups in the state. The board members also felt that his personal at-tributes were at an extreme high level."

THE ONE-YEAR contract renewal was approved by a 6-0 vote. Board members Annetta Miller of Huntington Woods and Edmund F. Vandette of Houghton were absent but had con-

curred in the overall evaluation of the superintendent, according to Stock-meyer.

The agreement calls for an annual evaluation of the superintendent prior to June 1 of each year.

The contract states that: "If the evaluation of the superintend-

ent is satisfactory, the State Board of Education shall extend the contract for one year maintaining a maximum of three years under contract commenc-ing with Oct. 1 of that year."

RUNKEL, 57, recently observed his fifth anniversary at the helm of the Michigan Department of Education.

Runkel has been superintendent of the American Community Schools in Athens, Greece, for two years; superin-tendent of the Grand Rapids Public Schools for eight years, and superin-tendent of the Utica Public Schools for six years.

He is the 35th person either appoint-ed or elected state superintendent of public instruction in Michigan since the office was established in 1836. Michi-gan was the first state in the U.S. to have a state school superintendent.

is room for more compromise, and more of a willingness in the Senate to listen."

To bring the room tax "closer to re-ality," Burns predicted the Senate would further chip away at the pro-posed tax increase, taking it from its present high of 5 percent to something "more equitable."

The bill which passed the House Tuesday adds a room tax of up to 5 percent onto the current 5 percent tax on all rooms in the three counties. A hotel's or motel 's tax would be based on the number of rooms.

Hotels and motels in the tri-county area with fewer than 36 rooms would not be taxed under the bill. Those with 36 to 80 rooms would be charged 1 per-cent per room, per night; 81- to 160-room hotels would be charged 3 per-cent; and hotels with more than 160 rooms, 5 percent.

SUBURBAN hotel and motel mana-gers surveyed, however, opposed any room tax whatsoever to finance the ex-pansion of Cobo Hall. That's the same stand taken by the lodging association, which supports tax money going for promotional purposes but not for "brick and mortar ," Burns said.

"We don't support this but we have to compromise," he added.

John Kuhn, general manager of the Plymouth Hilton, wanted to know, "Why tax customers who will never see the inside of Cobo Hall? It's unfair."

Victor Martin, general manager of the Sterling Inn in Sterling Heights, is the name most often mentioned by

managers when asked who is leading the fight against the legislation. Under the House bill, Martin s 122-unit inn would see a 3-percent tax increase per room.

"We're not opposing the amount, but the principle of the thing," Martin said. "Hotel taxes shouldn't have to pay for brick and mortar."

Up till Tuesday, the room tax had been the most controversial of two tax-increase bills being pushed by Detroit officials to help pay for a 350,000 square-foot expansion to Cobo Hall.

All along, the second bill, which would increase the tax on liquor to 15.5 percent, had been less of a problem to lawmakers. Not so on Tuesday, when the state House rejected, by a 47-58 vote, boosting the liquor tax to 15.5 percent. The House, however, Wednes-day approved the increase, 57-48. Bankes voted against the hike both times.

Currently, the tax is 8 percent on li-quor by the glass and 9.85 percent on liquor by the bottle.

MARTIN said it was unreasonable for hotels and motels in Oakland and Macomb counties to pay the room tax because most of their customers didn't attend Cobo Hall functions. Kuhn said the same thing of customers who stayed at the Plymouth Hilton, in west-ern Wayne County. And James Geddes III said the same of customers who stay at four suburban Hilton Hotels, in-cluding the Northfield, Troy and South-field Hiltons and the Michigan Inn in Southfield.

Scott Lorenz. general manager of

Plymouth's Mayflower Hotel, said De-troit officials had the "right idea" to ex-pand Cobo Hall, but those who attend conventions there don't make the 50-minute drive into the suburbs to stay at a hotel.

Jotin Anhut, president of the Farm-ington Hills Botsford Inn, said some of his customers did attend functions a t Cobo. However, Anhut said be still op-posed the room tax.

"We're not the same as the Pontchar-train or the Westin — we're not in the shadow of Cobo Hall," Anhut said. "If the (Cobo Hall) addition is so great , it

should be able to pay for itself." --Burns said a compromise offered

the lodging association to base tbe_ on a hotel 's nearness to...CotK> rather than on the number g^ tp ixoa has "went nowhere." • —-—

THE MANAGERS surveyed was unfair to make hotels and pay a tax on the extra business Hall's expansion would crea te many other businesses will also. Tbey gave as examples lots, restaurants, clothing stores, concession stands and soft drink panies.

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Thursday. June 13. 0 * £ J £ £ U »

from our readers for your Information

" «

r West students want sunlight To the editor:

(An open letter from 29 n in th graders a t West Middle School).

.We have recently been informed of the Board of Education's decision to board up the outside of the windows of our school. Even though we are not going to be here next year, we are very concerned about the effect it will have on students here at West. •

Students need an educational envi-ronment. A pleasant atmosphere en-courages learning. No sunlight brings on fatigue and low self-esteem. Stu-dents feel they cannot do work to their full capabilities in a closed setting. Therefore, we believe that no windows will disrupt our education and affect the generations to come.

Life is a lot more than saving dollars and cents. By blocking out windows you are taking something away that we get free: nature and sunlight. We don't get much in life free.

The confinement of the rooms would be prison-like. They'd restrict our im-agination, might make us uncontroll-able, and would undoubtedly arouse our curiousity. It, in our own words, would be "closing off the world."

Another thing that came to mind when discussing this issue is the fact that it was kept a secret from those

that would be directly affected, Le. the students, teachers and taxpayers. The idea leaves us auspicious.

Can you imagine if your home was 20 x 20 with only a few small windows? Not a very pleasant thought Is It? Being in a room that size at school with SO some people can cause some kids to feel somewhat claustrophobic or even become depressed. It's normal and healthy for people, especially children, to need and enjoy sunlight. Our schools should be able to provide a healthy and normal atmosphere.

Concerning the biological views tak-en in thi* dispute, it is well known that various requirments are necessary for the continuation of life. Light from the outside is needed to conduct life sci-ence experiments. If the light in these rooms was reduced more it would be disastrous to the learning capacity of these classes.

In Kent Buikema's speech to the West National Junior Honor Society, be quoted from Sidney Harris' book, Winner* and Losers: "Winners a re peo-ple who say there must be a better way . . . " We believe we have elected some winners to our school board. We hope these winners will come up with an al-ternate to this solution.

We hope that t ime and careful con-sideration have been taken for this de-cision and that future generations will not have to pay for a hasty resolution.

Signed by 29 West 9th graders

Continued from Page 10

• WEATHER SPOTTERS Plymouth Township's Office of Emergency Pre-

pardeness Is looking (or volunteers to be trained in «mi« that will be used during a township emergen-cy or disaster. Training includes damage assess-ment, shelter management, f irst aid and severe weather apnfting Training meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of each month f rom 9 a.m. to noon a t the Plymouth Township Hall a t the corner of Mill Street and Ann Arbor Road. Township residen-cy not required.


Area Vietnam era and disabled veterans should be aware of recent changes affecting the Veterans Readjustment Appointments (VRA) program. VRA is a federal hiring program providing special, non-competitive hiring of these veterans. Originally scheduled to expire Sept SO, 1984, the program has been extended through S e p t SO, 1986, through pas-sage of the Veterans Benefits Improvement Act (PL 98-543). It Is not expected that the VRA pro-gram will be extended beyond that date.

In addition to extending the program, PL 98-543 raised the entry grade level maximum from GS/ WG-7 to GS/WG-9 and also provided limited appeal right* during the first year of appointment. A Viet-nam era or disabled veteran who has completed no more than 14 years of education may qualify for a VRA. (This restriction may be waived for disabled veterans). For further information, interested vet-erans may call the local American Legion hotline at 45S-9494 and leave a message regarding Infor-mation desired.

• TUESDAY A.M. AEROBICS Ladies Day Oat aerobics will be a t 10 a.m. every

Tuesday at the Salvation Army Community Center, 9451 S. Main one-half block sooth of Ann Arbor Road in Plymouth. Bring a friend or neighbor and get acquainted with your Plymouth-Canton neigh-bors in a game of volleyball f rom 11 a j n . to 12:30 p.m. each Tuesday. Baby-sitting will be provided for children 2 years and older at $1 per child per hour. For more information, call 453-5484.

• AEROBIC FITNE8S Aerobic Fitness dance and exercise classes are

held In St. John Episcopal Church on Sheldon Road near Ann Arbor Trail in Plymouth. Registrations

now are being accepted for 9 ajn. Tuesday/Tharv day beginner classes and 9;5« ajn. Tuesday/Friday intermediate classes. Child care available. Dance . «wd exercise to mask; for fun and fitness. For infor-mation, call 459-9229.

• DANCE S U M N A S T I C S Dance invites residents to a series of

aerobic dance classes to begin the week of Jane 17. The sessions will run for six weeks in the mornings or for four weeks in the evenings. For information on c lan times and locations in Plymouth, call Jan-ice at 420-2893.



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I "A(P.C) CAE Thursday. Jon* 13. 1&65

Graduation images The Class of 1985

• rt pi i

tnu limt, Si-lwnl"

On th* stag* during the processtonal wete: (from Hoben, Band Director left) Roland Thomas, Superintendent John M. and E J . McClandon.

i Staff photos by Bill Brestor

A vary happy Mike Lucas ahakas hands with board mombar Eiaina Klrchgattar. Lucas was a Plymouth Canton graduate. Senior Pi t Phillip* blows soma bubblas whila Jeanne Dillon and Joann Bran nan watch. It

wasn't long until tha othar girls )oined In tha fun.

Plymouth Salem graduata Thomas Boltlk proudly displays his high school dlploms to tha sudlance Sunday at Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor

Plymouth Salem senior Qlyris Binguit holds tha frashenad up befora the graduation procession mirror for fallow senior Ksthy Frigerio ss tha two al.

P l y m o u t h C a n t o n senior Jeff Wilson compoead an unti-tled song for tha graduation axercises. Wi laon (st r ight ) takas a moment to practice befora tha c a r a m o n i a a . Tha Centennial Educa-tional Psrk (CEP) awing ensemble sang the song while Wil-aon accompanied


Robin Rolling and Joe Baine, both from Plymouth Salem, share very special graduation kiss. A car full of Plymouth Canton graduates (above) themselves upon the completion of their high

races off from Hill Auditorium into -their future, school education. Plymouth Canton'e Class of 'S5 (at right) cheer


<£lje C a n t o n ©bseruer Thursday. Juw 13. 1966 Q*£ ^W-iaA.W.O-iaA>*17A

Opinion 489 S. Ma in /P lymouth , Ml 48170

Philip Power chairman of the board

Richard Aglnlan president

Dick laham general manager

Dan Chovanec advertising director

Frad Wright circulation director

Marybeth Dillon Ward editor/459-2700

O i i E Thursday. June 13, 1985


Enhancing education ONCE AGAIN. Plymouth-Canton

Community Schools gave an election and no one came. Well, a paltry 3.7 percent of voters did.

Why? School board members spend the biggest chunk of our property tax dollars. School board members decide issues that mold our children's minds. Schools play a major role in shaping students' self imag-es, expectations and goals. Educational institutions often give pupils their only contact with organized society until it's time to take steps that will structure their adult lives.

The polls aren't the only place where apathy is apparent. With isolated excep-tions, * school board meetings are poorly attended. Sadly, so are legislative sessions in Plymouth and Canton. In Canton, the fate of the Canton Country Festival Cow Chip Fling precipitates more opinions than do public hearings on budgets or land use

HOW DO you analyze it? There are those who say we're a nation

of non-thinkers and that schools make us that way. William Karp, whose article "Why Johnny can't think" appeared in Harper's magazine, says "schools practice with remorseless proficiency the preven-tion of citizenship and the stifling of self-government. No more important finding has emerged from inquiries . . . than that the American high school pupil is all too often docile, compliant and without initia-tive."

In discussing schools' "hidden curricu-lum" of passivity, a Carnegie report asks, "How can the relatively docile roles of students prepare them to participate as informed, active and questioning citi-zens?"

SEVERAL WEEKS ago, Paul Wellin in an open letter explained why he's resign-ing his teaching job at Pioneer Middle School.

"I chose to become an educator . . . be-cause of some deeply held convictions that education is the backbone of a democra-cy," said Wellin.

"Only an intelligent, aware and inquisi-tive people can make wise decisions af-fecting their lives and the lives of all those around them.

"Although I see pockets of these quali-ties . . . generally they are not a part of the district 's current philosophy. I can no longer remain a part of this school district as it becomes more 'efficient' and less humane; more concerned with the 'physi-cal plant' and less concerned with the whole (physical, emotional, cultural, aca-

demic) education of those we are entrust-ed to serve — the students."

Wellin raises questions about decision-making. He calls the whimsical changing of educational programs a "dishonest practice that is being used to control dis-sent, not encourage it.

-"A very high priority in this school dis-trict is to make things run smoothly,'' says Wellin. "If a student sits passively at his/ her spot for six hours each day, then ev-erything is fine. If there is no labor strike in the district this year, then everyone must be happy. We strive for calmness and efficiency, but this leads to brain death. Education must embody the ideals we strive for: cooperation, pursuit of ex-cellence and a respect for differences."

SUPERINTENDENT JOHN Hoben finds "no parallel" between Wellin's as-sessments and reality. Nor has he noticed any "outpouring of support" for them. He says 99 percent of teachers do care about students. He doesn't see passivity among Plymouth-Canton students; in fact, he no-tices "quite the contrary.''

Hoben describes Wellin as "an angry young man, a former strike leader and maybe he is. But either way, Wellin's observations merit attention.

Five of six school board candidates in Monday's election clamored for reduced class size. Granted, as Hoben points out, it's a costly problem the board has ad-dressed. Still, decreasing the district av-erage of 28 students per classroom could do much to improve education.

We could be doing more to encourage qualified persons to become teachers. Better collegiate programs and continuing education could assist those already in the field.

Persons affected by district decisions should be involved from grass-roots levels upward. More pupils could be benefitting from health, language and music classes. We could be doing a better job of prepar-ing students, college bound or not, for life.



V ^

^ a. _


Here comes new generation

In Karp's view, "only ordinary citizens can rescue the schools from their stifling corruption, for nobody else wants ordi-nary children to become questioning citi-zens at all. If we wait for the mighty to teach America's youth what secures or endangers their freedom, we will wait un-til the crack of doom."

Hoben says Karp is "throwing everyone into the same teacup." The Observer would like to hear your thoughts. Letters to the editor can be sent to 489 S. Main, Plymouth, Mich., 48170.

— M.B. Dillon Ward

Bracing fora'boomlet' AS SOMERSET MAUGHAM said In his

book, "Of Human Bondage," life goes in cycles.

Now, schools in Oakland and Wayne seem to be ending one cycle and about to

J start another. First, there was the great "baby boom"

of the years immediately after World War ! II. Students poured into schools and

sparked a huge school expansion and de-mand for teachers. Then came the late '60s and '70s, bringing enrollment dec-lines, school closings and teacher layoffs.

Garden City closed one of two high schools and three of four junior highs Livonia alone closed 21 schools over 10 years. All over the metro area, numerous elementary schools shut their doors.

Bat now, the "boomers" are adults and I rearing families of their own.

A "baby boomlet" appears in the offing, along with a new demand for teachers and school facilities. But it woot be the same as in the era of the "boomers," says Bill Keane, superintendent of the Oakland In-termediate School District

ITS SCALE will be much smaller, Keane says. For one thing, the "boomers" are marrying and rearing families at a much later age, in the 2S-32 bracket, than their moms and dads , .

For another, they're having families of 1-2 children compared to the families of j-4 of their moms and dads. - Keane believes that the coming "booro-let" will stabilize school enrollments for the next decade and create a new demand for teachers and buildings

Enrollments hit their peak in Oakland County in 1H7-M before going into a -tailspin, finally reaching a low in 1W1

Starting la l H t , there were stunning drops In Gardsn City at enrollment fell t r o m l M M t o * —> "? the number plummeted from M.M0 la i f71 to the current17>t0. Tha 21.W0 stu-dents would be enough to make a siseabie system if they were all la one dMrict


students than they were taking in each year.

The trend reversed itself in 1981 in Oakland. The schools were still graduat-ing more, but the numbers coming in be-gan to grow.

Countywide enrollments last fall tell the story: There were 10,400 third graders (reflecting the low of 1981), 10,817 second graders, 11,611 first graders and 12,742 kindergartners.

The number of kindergarteners in-creased every year from 1981-84.

We're still moving out more kids than we're bringing in, but in another few years, that will stabilize," says Keane "Then as far as the shrinkage factor is concerned, we could have another one within 10 years after we move the hordes through."

What Keane forsees is a period of en-rollment stabilization and a new demand for teachers

BUT DON'T look for a repeat of the '50s boom, Keane warns.

"You were dealing with a vast bunch, then," he says. Today you're dealing with a much smaller population (school age) and a much smaller number of young per-sons who want to be teachers

Why? Look at the Job market, says Keane From the standpoint of attracting peo-

ple into the t^*>tng profession fresh out of college, the teacher glut and layoffs of the 1970s are compounded by the greater number of career options, better pay in other fields and more attractive career paths, says Keane.

Aa engineer can start at $25,000 com-pared to about $14,000 for a teacher In th*_ areas of math and sciences, where Keane foresees "acute problems" la at-tracting qualified teachers, a physics ma-jor can make $22,000 right out of college

So another cycle has come around: "The problem Is finding enoagh qualified people who want to be teachers."

My friend was perturbed the other day by a group of young people. " Look at em," he said, "all with dyed hair, playing that garbage on their radios. They can't make out what they're hearing, they're just entertaining themselves with the vi-brations of the radio."

The group affected a style of dress and hair coloring explained to me as punk -

I refused to be excited, either by loud radios, present-day music, or bizarre hair colorings or style of adornment.

I can remember various times when "adults" expressed grave concern over the styles of dress and hair chosen by young people to thumb their noses at the estab-lishment, or authority, or their parents. The people building tax shelters today were the outcasts who were wearing dirty long hair, dirty jeans and no shoes a dec-ade ago.

THE FIREBRANDS who said don't trust anyone over 30 are over 40 and have changed their tune. Abby Hoffman is making it on the college lecture circuit and Jerry Rubin is dealing in stocks. All the concern about where they and their ilk would lead the country has disappeared.

There is always concern about the young and there are always experts wor-rying about how the new generation's members will handle the variety of prob-lems that face them as they grow up and merge into the real world.

Bob Wisler

Less is said about the concern the young might have about the real world they are inheriting. Want to hear something disconcerting? Listen to a young person 18 or so complain about the state of the plan-et. Listen to them charge that you and your kind gave them a sorry mess — war and the threat of war, toxic wastes and poisoned water supplies, the possibility of deformed children, the distinct possibility of nuclear extinction.

THE YOUNG people in school today are inheriting a world like no other and the mounting pressures are tremendous. The fear of drug addiction has waned but alcoholism is hitting more and more in high schct ' j . Cocaine could be the next big threat to teen-agers as the supplies be-come more prevalent and the price goes down. Sex is still not understood.

Education is an absolute necessity to-day as entire industries disappear or meld into worldwide conglomerations which need no U.S. labor. And yet the costs of a quality education are such that for hiany it is not affordable.

Still, life goes on and the young of today will have to meet the challenges it faces just as did the generations who preceded this one. For every punk rocker who dis-turbs us because of a bizarre look or out-look there are dozens of young people concerned only about trying to be the best person they can be in a world they didn't make.

The best evidence is that they are at least as capable as the preceding genera-tions and probably more so.

JUST AS an example are two high school seniors chosen for awards by the Western Wayne County Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW).

Kristin Gudan, 18, a Livonia Bentley High School senior, and Yen Luu, 19, a Vietnamese refugee and Plymouth Salem High School senior. Gudan's mother was a refuge from Finland who went to college to be a teacher over the objections of her father. Gudan intends to study chemical engineering, a field her mother couldn t even consider entering.

Luu arrived in the U.S. five years ago after a week on a boat and 15 months in a refuge camp in Indonesia. An outstanding student, she will study medicine. They are just two of the many overcoming the problems faced by all the young and working to be the best that they can.

With people like these, what do we have to worry about the younger generation?

Lessons from handwriting book

THE HIGH schools far more

BACK IN what we now call the old days, penmanship was taught in a most unusual way in the public schools.

Each student was given a copy book the size of a tablet. Across the top of each page was a remark in Spencerian writing. We were supposed to copy this and try as best we could to match the line at the top

One of these sentences is now called to mind as The Tigers are waging a real struggle to remain among the leaders in the race for the American League Pen-nant:

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."

There is no denying at the moment that the Tigers are uneasy in defending the world championship they woa in 1004.

FROM THE F I R * day of the current season. It was noticeable that the feeling was a bit uneasy down at the stadium I/h* before the game started, Jimmy Campbell, president of tha baseball com-pany, remarked, "1 hope tha fans dont ex-pect too much."

He was tanking of their start a year ago whan they won S5 of their first 40

t h e s t ro l ler

w.w. Edgar

games. And he figured that the fans would expect much the same this year.

Even manager Sparky Anderson, who had been through the mill before, confided be was fearful of the crowds in the bleachers.

c~-"It is going to be tough," he said before

the first ball was thrown. "But If we are 20-20 in our first 40 games, we l l be in the f i g h t "

WeU, while the season has just passed the first quarter of the race, the Tigers are havti* a bad time of It trying to pot together a winning team. And they have been down as far as third place.

It haa been a strange change after what they did last season. Even the bleachers had to be closed because of the carrying on as a protest to the team's showing.

So while all of this Is going on, it is proof of the old remark in the penmanship

book that "Uneasy lies the bead that wears a crown."

THERE WAS another one in the book that The Stroller calls to mind:

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

Our teacher was an elderly woman. In those days, she was called an old maid.

When she passed out the practice books, she stopped at each desk and crossed out this line, saying that she didn't believe in that advice. In its place the wrote:

"If at first you don't succeed, quit. You might be wasting your time."

1 8 ' So as the years have psssed, the pen-

manship lesson that we laughed aC as school children has proven to be filled with wisdom that have helped pave the way to success In our lives.

There Is no denying that the teacher was right In erasing the line from our book and replacing it with her own. There Is no denying that the Tigers are proving in the words of Shakespeare's King Henry IV, that "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."

rollcall report

rejects minimum tax on corporations Here's bow area members of the U.S. Congress

were recorded on major roll call votes in the days before the Memorial Day


CORPORATE TAX — By a vote of 141 for and 283 against, the House rejected an amendment in hchttif of a minimum tax on corporations. The re-sulting revenue was to be used to lower tax rates or trim the deficit.

The unsuccessful amendment was offered to the 1986-88 budget resolution (H Con Res 152), which was passed and sent to conference with the Senate,

.'it lacked teeth in that it only directed the tax-writ-ing Ways and Means Committee to report mini-umurn-tax legislation to the floor.

Some members who favor such a tax voted against the amendment on grounds it was out of place as part of the budget resolution.

Sponsor Mary Rose Oakar, D-Ohio, said members should vote for the amendment "if you believe that it Is wrong for a person who makes $12,000 a year to pay more taxes between 1981-83 than General Electric, which earned 6.5 billion in profits and received $283 million in refunds . . . "

Opponent Bill Frenzel, R-Minn., said: "This amendment is actually pernicious. I doubt the au-thors understand it, but they are calling for a new tax of about $250 billion . . . and would call for a tripling of the corporate income tax in the next cal-endar year."

Members voting yes favored the amendment

Natural gas costs dip

For the third month in a row, natural gas costs for Consumers Power Co, for June are lower than expected, resulting in a slight reduction in custom-ers' bills.

The company is lowering its gas cost recovery factor for June from the $4 charged in May to $3.80 per thousand cubic feet (MCF), the company said.

In April and May, the utility also experienced lower-than-expected gas coats and reduced its re-covery factors. The company's gas cost recovery factors for all of 1985 were filed with the Michigan Public Service Commission In September 1984.

Approximately 80 percent of the utility's gas sup-ply has been frozen or cut In cost this year due to company efforts to reduce pipeline costs and dere-gulation in the natural gas industry.

Consumers Power serves 1.1 million gas custom-ers, many in the western Wayne and Oakland Coun-ty suburbs

Voting yes: William Ford, D-Taylor, Sander Levin, D-Southfield

Voting DO: Carl Psrsell, R-Plymouth, Denis Her-tel, D-Harper Woods, William BroomfkeM, R-Bir-mingham


USS WISCONSIN - By a vote of 30 for and 68 against, the Senate rejected an amendment to strip next year's defense bill of $53.5 million to be spent on reactivating the USS Wisconsin, a World War II-vintage battleship.

At issue was the Regan Administration's ongoing modernization of four aged battleships a part of its rearmanent program. Upgrading the Wisconsin is expected to ultimately cost more than $400 million.

The amendment called for diverting the 1986 Wisconsin money to naval munitions. The vote oc-curred during debate on the fiscal 1986 military authorization bill (S 1160), which remained under debate.

Supporter Dale Bumpers, D-Ark., said: "This ship is exactly like the B-l Bomber and the MX missle Everything takes on a life of its own around here, and it becomes just like Rasputin - you cannot kill i t "

Opponent William Cohen, R-Maine, said: "In the age of satellites and some might question whether we still need more guns In the fleet Do not be misled. Naval gunfire remains very Important.

Senators voting yes were opposed to modernizing the USS Wisconsin. Michigan Democrats Carl Levin and Donald Riegle voted yes.

PENSIONS - By a vote of 85 for and 9 against the Senate tabled (killed) an amendment to block proposed cuts in retirement outlays for future armed services personnel. This occurred during consideration of the 1986 defense budget (above).

The vote left intact a proposal to cut $1.8 billion from a planned $18 billion taxpayer contribution In fiscal 1986 to the Defense Military Retirement Fund. The cut would not affect those now serving or in retirement

Pete Wilson, R-Calif., who voted to kill the amendment said the cut is in keeping with Penta-gon economy goals mandated by the congressional budget resolution.

John Glenn, D-Ohio, who sponsored the amend-ment, said the cut "shows that we are not really

serious about keeping faith with our military. . ." Levta and Riegle voted to kill the amendment

REVOLVING DOOR - The Senate rejected, 22 for and 67 against an amendment requiring de-parting Pentagon officials to wait at least three years before going to work for a defense contrctor wbom they supervised while In the government

The amendment, which also sought to bring about more competitive bidding oo defense coo-tracts, was offered to the 1986 defense authorisa-tion bill (above).

Its "revolving door" language addressed the fact that 3,000 Defense Department employes last year left the Pentagon to work for defense contractors.

Defeat of the language cleared the way for ap-proval, on a ooo-con tested vote, of softer language that would prohibit Pentagon officials from su-pervising defense contractors with whom they have discussed possible future empkryement

Supporter William Proxmire, D-Wis., asked: "How can the public not become cynical when it bears about generals and admirals taking lucrative positions with defense contractors?"

Opponent Carl Levin, D-Mich., said the bill al-ready proposed adequate sanctions to police the re-volving door between the Pentagon and defense contractors.

Senators voting yes favored the amendment Voting no were Levin and Riegle.

Sponaor Mary Oakar, D-OMo, a person who mad* $12,000 a yaar paid mora taxaa batwaan 1901-93 than Qanara/EJactric, with SOJf bUUon kt proOta and $303 mlttion In rotunda.


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Ultie ©bseruer N e w s p a p e r s

ve Livi classified real estate and homes S a n d r a A r m b r u s t e r ed ior 5 9 - 2 3 0 0

Thursday. June 13. 1985 O&E P C . W . G i l E

Tiger art Painter captures champs in pastels


Thursday, June 13 — Recitals by students enrolled in the college's pi-ano preparatory program will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. 3 p.m Satur-day and 4 p.m. Sunday in the Liberal Arts Theater at the college, on Hag-gerty in Livonia. Admission is free. The performers have a wide range of abilities. For more information, call Donald Morelock, piano department director, at 591-6400, Ext. 517

• WESTLAND CENTER Through Sunday, June 16 — An ex-

hibit of pastel portraits of the 1984 Detroit Tigers, by 69-year-old Rinal-do "Ray" Minervini, is on display in the central court. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday (Two former Tigers will be at the mall this week for autographs and in-stant photos with fans. Outfielder J im Northrop will be there 4-6 p.m. Fri-day, and designated hitter and batting coach Gates Brown 1-3 p.m. Satur-day). Westland Center is at Wayne and Warren roads in Westland. Phone 425-5001.

LIVONIA CITY HALL Through Xriday, June 28 — The

spring art show of the Visual Art As-sociation of Livonia is on display in the lobby, Five Mile arid Farmington roads. Call 421-2000.


Through Saturday, June 29 — A traveling exhibit of ar twork by Michi-gan artists is pausing at 1801 W. St. Andrews in Midland. Call (517) 631-5930

• BIRMINGHAM BLOOMFIELD ART ASSOCIATION _ Through Saturday, June 29 — The Palette and Brush Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a juried show, "The Golden Year," 1516 S. Cranbrook, Evergreen and 14 Mile roads in Birmingham. Audrey DiMar-co of Livonia placed second. Club membership is composed of more than 100 artists, representing 24 met-ropolitan Detroit communities Phone 644-0866.


Through Monday, July 1 — Works by Shaye, Risak, Lencioni, Nani and Loos are exhibited, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, 430 W. Lamed in Detroit. Call 963-2350.

• DETROIT ARTISTS MARKET Friday, June 14 — Opening recep-

tion for Auto Suggestions, the final exhibit of the season at the Detroit Artists Market, will be held 5-7:30 p.m., 1452 Randolph in Detroit. The show, which will continue through July 19, has been organized tq run concurrent with the Detroit Institute of Arts salute to the automobile and its impact on American culture. Reg-ular hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues-day-Saturday. Phone 962-0337.

• ARTRAIN Friday-Sunday, June 21-23 — Ar-

train, the naUon's only traveling art museum housed in railcars, will pres-ent its 1985 exhibiUon, "The Music of Art," 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the former SEMTA train depot a t Franklin and St. Antcjje, east of the Renaissance Center in Detroi t It will feature ar-tistically designed musical instru-ments, illustrating a wide range of ar t styles, as well as authentic repro-ductions of instruments used during the Baroque period of 300 years ago. Included will be an audio-visual pres-entation highlighting the musical and artistic styles of the Baroque era; large color transparency photographs of Baroque architecture, ornamenta-tion and the environments in which the music was performed; paintings, sculptures and other media forms en-compassing a broad spectrum of styles, illustrating the subtle and di-

»ts. and live ar t demonstrations by local and staff artists

• RUBINER GALLERY Thursday, June IS — Woodcuts by

Carol Summers wi l l be on display through July 10. Summers, an Inter-nationally known printmaker, will give a demonstration of his woodcut process during the opening reception 1-9 pjn. Thursday. Hoars are 10 a.m. to ft:SO p.ta. Tuesday-Friday, until ft pm. Saturday. 7001 Orchard Lake, West Bloomfield

• HILL GALLERY Friday, June 14 - Sculpture by

wi l l be oo display r i July J. Reception for the art ' p jn . Friday Laax is a vsry In-

novative artist who studied and at Cranbrook Academy of

Art, Its'

By Mary Klemic s ta f f w r i t e r

The Detroit Tigers put themselves in the record books in that world cham-pionship season last year

And they found themselves on the canvasses of 69-year-old Rinaldo "Ray Minervini

Commissioned by a baseball card company, the East Detroit resident painted all 35 players, coaches and trainers of the team The pastel por-traits will be on display through Sun-day at Westland Center, at Wayne and Warren roads in Westland

"They were real nice fellows, very-sociable." Minerv ini said of the Tigers

"It was the first time I ever met em They were down-to-earth fellows, real nice, real sociable."

MINERVINI WORKED on the por-traits f rom around June 30 to Sept 1 The first step was to pose the Tigers

"This gentleman who hired me to do the paintings and drawings contacted the Tigers." the artist-Tec a lied "We went down and spoke to Sparky Ander-son."

A photographer took pictures of the team members individually as Miner-vini posed each one About 700 photos were taken, out of which the artist se-lected two of each person He painted the portrait from the better photo of the two.

'Willie Hernandez was rather nice," Minervini said. "He came running in from the field (for his photograph) and had sort of a light beard on his face He said, "Give me about two minutes' and ran to the dugout. He shaved and had his hair all combed. He came out with a big smile Beautiful."

The original 20-by-24-inch paintings were reduced to 4-by-5-inch custom collector trading cards,

The exhibit is in the Central Court of Westland Center, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.

MINERVINI HAS been painting for seven years, since he retired from his construction and masonry business But his interest in ar t goes back much far-ther, before his high school yearbook called him "a budding Michelangelo" 50 years ago in Massachusetts After graduation, he received a one-year scholarship to an art school in Boston

Without money to continue in the school. Minervini had to leave to find a job. He moved to Detroit in 1938 (three years af ter he graduated from high school), got married the following year and raised a family.

"I let the art idle." Minervini said "I worked at the Ford Motor Co During the war, we did defense work "

THE DELAY didn't hurt Minervinis artistic talent He joined the Scarab Club in Detroit His works have won many awards. Many of his works are in private collections

"I decided to pick up where I left off." he said "Surprisingly, it all came back to me."

The artist has done oil portraits and "more than 100" pastels, he says

"1 like characters "

ONCE, MINERVINI met Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman elected to both the U.S. House of Representa-tives and Senate, in Bloomfield Hills. He photographed her, found her "a nice person to talk to" and asked if he could paint her portrait She gave her per-

\\ RICK S M I T H / S t a f f D^otograprws-

Rinaldo Minerv in i and his g randdaugh te r , Carr ie Chambers , stand before Minerv in i s port ra i t of

Tiger manager Sparky Anderson .

mission, and Minervini s work now is on public display at Smith's library in Skowhegan. Maine

"She was such a lovely person." he said

Minervini always has been a Tiger fan

"More so now," he said "They'll come back (this year). They have a good team.''

The exhibit is in the Central Court of the mall, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m daily and noon to 5 p.m Sunday

(Two former Tigers will be on hand at Westland Center this week for auto-graphs and instant photos with fans Outfielder Jim Northrop will be there 4-6 p.m. Friday, and designated hitter and batting coach Gates Brown wili bo there 1-3 p.m. Saturday)

Art and design not educational frills By Cor inne Abatt s ta f f w r i t e r

In the American school curriculum, the arts have traditionally been last to show, first to go,

When the budget slumped, arts were dumped The "frills" rationale for this action was the rallying cry of macho, no-nonsense types who touted the im-portance of the three "Rs" as vital to the student's and nation's future above all else.

How could we compete in space with the Russians if our kids couldn't pass Story Problems III or read instructions on how to put a K mart bookcase to-gether? How could we meet and solve problems in the future wihout the three "Rs?"

I don't intend to question that, even though I am an algebra II drop-out. What I do want to point out here is the

elemental importance of art in our Lives, starting in kindergarten or be-fore. and continuing on ad infinitum.

Art, in the hands of good teachers,^ is problem solving, decision making, awareness and option building that car-ries over into every facet of adult life The child learns quickly that there is no one way to solve a problem, no strict right or wrong.

IN ART classes, opinions are encour-aged. a child can express his feelings through his work and about it. He can say, "I like this, but I don't like that" without fear of recrimination That kind of security serves well as he comes to grips with the temptations of life later on.

A tree can be green or blue or pink or orange A car doesn't always have four wheels, a plane can be shaped like a gull, a kite, a bee or a piece of flying

debris. A chair can take a myriad of forms. Houses can be built in cliffs, un-der the sea, on deserts and in outer space.

And with this kind of early training, we nurture our creative thinkers — product designers in fields as diverse as furniture and textiles to automo-biles, aerospace and toothpaste con-tainers.

Sculptors, architects, composers, writers and inventors all solve puzzles with an unknown number of pieces to make a picture that has never been seen before

Art fosters the awareness and appli-cation of knowledge from one disci-pline to another Mathematics is an in-tegral part of the weaver's art and chemistry relates closely to ceramics and photography Product designers need a broad understanding of wide va-riety of technical skills

Nationally and locally the champions of art education in the schools are growing stronger

A national conference convened by the Alliance of Independent Colleges of Art in cooperation with the President's Committee for the Arts and the Humanities was held at the Aspen In-stitute Wye Plantation, Md. last No-vember with sculptor Louise Nevelson as honorary chairman

CENTER for Creauve Studies - Col-lege of Art and Design held a satellite conference in support of visual arts ed-ucation earlier this month.

As one of the speakers in the tight, well-organized series of presentations, industrial designer Walter B Ford spoke of the demand for industrial de-signers which is far greater than the supply Ford is also chairman of the board of Center for Creative Studies

and chairman chief executive officer, Ford and Earl Design,

Colin Clipson. director. Architecture and Planning, Research Laboratory, Univerity of Michigan, said. "Arts of designing is all about translating the needs of society info visual things," and sharing a -favorite quote said, "The de-signer shapes the planet for better or worse "

Jerome Grove, CCS president, said the effort in Michigan to establish a statewide, arts advocacy program, will continue with this meeting as the first in a project called BASIC (Basic Arts Support In the Curriculum),

The arts are our mental and physical survival — whether applied to how to serve an attractive budget meal, make a painting or a sculpture, plant a gar-den. decorate a room with no money build a tool shed or design space cap-sule to circle Mars

Watch for landmarks in studying anatomy This is another lesson on ar t and

drawing by special columnist David Messing He has taught for ten years and oper-a t e s an a r t store. Art Store and More. 16338 M i d d l e b e l t .

L i v o n i a . 522-6311. 265 N M a m W Plymouth, 455-1222 Messing en-courages questions and comments from readers You may write him at his store or c /o Observer Newspa-pers, 23352 Farmington Road. Farm-ington, MI 48024


By Osvid k tou ing special writer

turn to Page 2

Without a thought or pang of con-science, I as an 8-year-old hurriedly threw all the folded and sorted clothes out of my bottom drawer and onto the bedroom floor, but It was all right

Why? Because my older brother, Dan. was doing the same thing to hia bottom drawer Besides we put all the clothes back in the drawer after we found what we were looking for Of course, they didn't look quite the same when we were done

Anyway, we were digging to find our goggles and flippers because

Mom and Dad were taking us to Kens-ington Lake

THE FIRST mile of the journey went fast as Dan and I argued over who owned the goggles with the scratched lens and the flippers that had a tear in the bottom.

For the second mile. I would sit and mope with the scratched goggles and torn flippers that my brother clearly remembers were mine

By the third mile, boredom pos-sessed me Then, by the fourth mile, my enthusiasm overrode my better sense, and I would ask. "Are we al-most there yet"*"

Then the lightning would flash and the thunder would roll, Dad was the lightning. "Are you kidding*" We just got in the car" and Mom was the thunder. "You kids just sit down and stop asking when we are going to get there " (

So I learned to use land marks For example. I would never ask "the question before the bam on Seven Mile Road (which is now the Livonia Mall), but If I waited unttl the pave-ment ended and we were on a dirt road, it was about half the way. and it was safe to ask. "How far*"

WHEN THE road curved and the

bam with the big sign was in sight, I knew we were almost there.

Then I felt it safe to ask "How far"1

Are we almost there?". . . • "I have to go to the bathroom.

I'm thirsty and Dan's got my gog-g les"

So early on, I learned to use land-marks to break up the journey and find familiarity in strange places

Drawing the human body can be like a long journey on an unfamiliar road.

SO TODAY. I would like to point out some landmarks to look for the next time you make the attempt Ac-tually, I will be merely copying from my notes as our first in the series of anatomy classes is entitled, "Land-marks "

The first eight weeks of my anato-my and life drawing classes are very concentrated on muscle and bone re-lationships. proportions and the cor-rect representation of the human form

I do not want my students to draw a bump on the arm. thigh or torso just because it's there I want them to know what the bump" is. why it is there, where it starts and where it ends

SINCE THE rest of this article will seem "note-like" and probably end abruptly. I would like to precede It with my thoughts about anatomy In general

The human anatomy beauty seems more beautiful, grace more graceful and strength much stronger as one begins to understand the inner work-ing of the human anatomy

So the appreciation of the body in-creases proportionately to the under-standing of it. With the increase of the mental awareness of physical charac-teristics, one cannot help but spiritu-ally ask. "Who wonderfully fashioned me SOO-

THE PHYSICAL structure, there-fore, challenges the mind for under standing and the spirit for its origin How fitting that a clearer view with-out may begin with a closer look within

• Forehead — female, bulging smooth, no brow ridge Male, f l a t su-perciliary crest or brow ridge

• Neck — steroo cleido mas totdius. shapes the neck Female slender and long flattened thyroid cartilage, full thyroid gland Male, sharp thyroid cartilage (adams apple) depressed thyroid gland, neck ap-pears shorter and angular

• Clavic le (col lar bone) Female, curved or angled upwards towards sternum Male, straight

• Carrying angle of lower arm Female, increase angle to allow for larger hips Male, decreased angle

• Navel - Female, verticle Male, horizontal, located in the llnea alba approximately at the 1 eighth of the iliac crest (hip bone).

• Anterior superior iliac spine frontal landmark of hip

• Inguinal ligament, dividing line between lower trunk and upper leg

• Ilian dimples, posterior land-mark of iliac spine

• Pubictubercles, origin of stom-ach muscles Female, midline slightly higher Male, midline

• Great trochanter — female broadest point in hips just below Male, broadest point of hips

• Spine (backbone) seven cervicle ending at vertibrata prominence, 12 thoracic vertibrae. five lumbar verti-brae, sacrum

• Upper leg. vastus lateralis, high point outside leg Vastus medialis low point inside ie* Sartorial, leg shaper

• Quadncepts tendon, engulfs pa-tella iknee cap) forms patellar liga-ment and attaches to tibia tuberosity

• Lower leg. peroneus longus. highpomt outside gastrocnemius, low point inside

JUST A reminder Our summer classes will be starting the week of June 24 Those of you who are inter-ested in art clasees through the sum-mer give us a call, in Livonia 522-6311 or in Plymouth 455-1222

We are also taking names on a waiting list for fall During the sum mer. we have day classes for children iages 5-9) and youth (ages 10-11) and also adults (ages 16 and up).


2 E * O & E Thursday, June 13, 1965

exhibitions Continued from Page 1

• DETROIT ARTISTS MARKET Friday. June 14 — "Auto Sugges-

tions" runs concurrently with the big Detroit style show at the Detroit Insti-tute of Arts This one looks at auto cul-ture f rom a different perspective Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p m Tuesday-Saturday 1452 Randolph. Detroit • DETOIT FOCUS GALLERY

"Auto Efflivia. The Culture and Arti-facts of Cars," is another of the shows honoring the great god. Car This one too may be deliciouslv sacreligious Opening reception noon to 9 30 p.m to-day Hours are noon to 6 p.m. Wednes-day-Saurday. 743 Beaubien, Detroit • HABATAT GALLERIES

Saturday. June 15 - Works in glass by Ricky Bernstein. John Littleton and Kate Vogel are on the upper level and a show of glass by Jon Wolfe is on the lower level Reception to meet all of the artists 8 p.m Saturday. Hours are 10 a m to 6 p.m Tuesday-Saturday, un-til 9 p.m Friday. 28235 Southfield. Lathrup Village • YAW GALLERY

Furniture by Wendy Maruyama is on display through July 9. Hours are 11 a m to 5 p.m Tuesday-Saturday, 55o North Woodward, Birmingham • DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS

"Automobile and Culture — Detroit Style" continues through Sept 8 as the premiere exhibit of the museum s Cen-tennial year While it nearly runs away with all the attention, there is the first major exhibit of prints by Edouard Manet in the Schwartz Graphic Arts Galleries through July 21 Hours are 9 30 a m. to 5:30 p.m Tuesday-Sunday

• PONTIAC ART CENTER Banners and sculptures, "Domestic

Phenomena" by Susan Moran and sculpture and drawings, "Gateway." by Lincoln Eddy, continue through July 6 Moran. who has her masters in fine arts from U-M, teaches at Tyler School of Art. Philadelphia Eddy is head of the woodworking department at Cran-brook Academy of Art Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Tuesday-Saturday, 47 Williams, Pontiac • SHOWCASE DUGLASS

"Ceremonia Graven Images" titles this unusual; sampling of masks and art objects from Indonesia, India, Malaysia. China, Japan and Mexico. All loaned by an area traveler collector. To make luncheon and dinner reserva-tions. call 424-9244. Restaurant Du-glass, 29269 Southfield Road. South-field. • WHITE DWARF

— New gallery will combine clothing by contemporary designers with art by Michigan artists The opening exhibit features work by Jill Farber of West Bloomfield who' does charming soft sculpture cats and other things, along with works by Dennis Metea, Bill Davis and Steve Myran. Hours are 11 a m to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday, noon to 5 p.m Saturday, 216 S. Main. Royal Oak


"P.M Voyage," exhibit of handmade paper wall sculptures by B.J. Bennett, and prints by Valentina Dubasky and Ida Kohlmever continue through July 6 Hours are 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m Tuesday-Saturday. 107 Townsend. Bir-mingham. • UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN

Intaglios of the "Ten-Chi" Suite by

Takeshi Takahara are on display through July 28 Hours are 11 a m to 4 p m Tuesday-Friday, 1-5 p.m Satur day and Sunday, State Street at South Universityt, Ann Arbor • PAINT CREEK CENTER FOR THE ARTS

"Art and the Automobile," continues through Aug 3 Features cars of to-morrow by the GM design staff and car-related works by area artists as well as auto renderings by students in the Center's auto design class Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Tuesdav-Satur-dav. 407 Pine, Rochester • XOCHIPILLI GALLERY

"Urban Realism," oil and acrylic paintings and charcoal drawings by-Don Jacot continue through July 6. 568 N Woodward. Birmingham • BIRMINGHAM BLOOMFIELD ART ASSOCIATION

Palette and Brush Club have their 50th anniversary juried show at the Art Association through June 29. David Sharpe of EMU juried the show. 1516 S Cranbrook, Birmingham • CANTOR LEMBERG GALLERY

New paintings by William Antonow continue through June 29 The artist, who has an M A. from Wayne, and was affiliated with Willis Gallery; now lives and works in New York Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 30 p.m Tuesday-Saturday, 538 N. Woodward, Birmingham

• BLOOMFIELD FINE ARTS Watercolors of Michigan. Maine and

Key West by John Wesley Cook will be on display through June 15 He's a Michigan artist whose oils and water colors show his delight in marine sub-jects. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tues-day-Saturday, until 8 p.m. Thursday

and Fiday. 280 N Woodward {lower mall) Birmingham • CRANBROOK ACADEMY OF ART

Exhibition of graduate student work from the Academy's nine departments continues through Sept 18 This is an excellent chance to spot trends in con-temporary art. Hours are 1-5 p m Tuesday-Sunday. 500 Lone Pine, Bloomfield Hills Admission charge • CADE GALLERIES

The gallery is now at two locations, one in Detroit and a new one in Royal Oak At the Royal Oak site through June are paintings by Dallas artist, Gregory Horndeski, 214 W. Sixth Street, Royal Oak Hours are 10:30 a m to 7 p.m Mondav-Saturday. • DETROIT GALLERY OF CONTEMPORARY CRAFTS

New clay works by Jamie Fine, Susanne Stephenson, Pat Loughran, Jenny Lind and Steffanie Samuels and summer wearables by Judy Corlett. 301 Fisher Building, Detroit. • BELIAN ART CENTRE

New gallery offers an eclectic bal-ance of works, including Appel and Lichtenstein. in a serene setting, 5980 Rochester at Square Lake.. Troy. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Saturday. • TOWN CENTER GALLERY

"The Bible Revisited," new carborun-dum etchings and lithographs plus orig-inal pastels by Israeli artist, Theo To-baisse. Continues through June, 3000 Town Center. Suite 45 (use theater en-trance) Hours are 10 a m to 5:30 p.m Monday-Friday and 11 a m to 4 p m Saturday. • FEIGENSON GALLERY

Landscape paintings by Ruth Leon-ard of Detroit and New York will be on

display through June 29 Hours are 11 a m to 5 p.m Tuesday-Saturday. 310 Fisher Building, Detroit. • HALSTED GALLERY

Photographs by the great Western photographer, Edward S. Curtis, and a selection of North American Indian baskets and Navajo rugs are on display-through July 14 Hours are 10 a m to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, 560 N Woodward, Birmingham • PHYLLIS KRAUSE GALLERY

Among the art objects in this new gallery are a collection of tribal bead-ed jewelry from Nagaland. India, pup-pets from Burma and Thailand and small rugs from Morocco and Afganis-tan. Hours are 11 a m to 5 p.m Tues-day-Saturday, 29 W. Lawrence, Ponti-

• PRESTON M. BURKE Works by Shaye, Risak. Lencioni,

Nani and Loos are on exhibit through July 1. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p m weekdays, 430 W, Larned. Detroit • CENTER FOR CREATIVE STUDIES

-Largest and oldest student show and sale continues through June 12. Show, which is all over the campus, is 11 a m to 4 p.m. (except May 25,26), 245 E Kirby. Detroit. • GALLERY BIRMINGHAM

Recent works on paper by Susan Thomas will continue through June 17 Thomas is an award-winning Birming-ham artist having her first one-artist show Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon-day-Saturday, until 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 223 S Woodward. Birming-ham


New paintings by Ron Gorchov will

be on display through June 22 Hours are 11 a m to 5 p m Tuesday-Satur-day, 555 S. Woodward, Birmingham

• PIERCE STREET GALLERY "Visualities" by Judith Winston com-

bines fine art and photography in an unusual series of hand-painted pho-togrphs using historic Michigan barns. 217 Pierce. Birmingham Hours are noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday


"The Forest — Sculpture Installation " by Guinovart continues through June 20 Hours are- 11 a.m. to 5 p.m Tues-day-Saturday, 29 W Lawrence. Ponti-ac.

• MORIAH FINE ART Twelve Michigan Artists includes

works by some of the area 's well re-spected Continues through June Hours are 10 a m to 6 p.m Monday-Friday, until 8 p.m Thursday and until 5 p.m Saturday, 29512 Northwestern in Sun-set Strip. Southfield


Kite paintings, paintings on canvas acrylics on paper, watercolors and graphics by Richard Smith continue through June Hours are 10 m. to 5 p.m Monday-Saturday, until 8 p.m Thursday, 6917 Orchard Lake. West Bloomfield

• COUNTY GALLERIA Drawings and paintings by Jean

Harding Brown and sculpture and paintings by Jean Spreen are on dis play through June 21. The gallery is in the Executive Office Building, 1200 N Telegraph. Pontiac

Artists Market show spotlights the auto

"Auto Suggestions." the final exhibi-tion of the 1984-85 season at the Detroit Artists Market, has been organized to run concurrent with the Detroit Insti-tute of Arts salute to the automobile and its impact on American culture

"Auto Suggestions" will run through July 19 The opening reception for the show will take place 5-7 30 p.m. Fri-day. June 14.

The Detroit Artists Market is located at 1452 Randolph in Detroit Regular hours are 11 a m to 5 p.m Tuesday-Saturday. Call 962-0337

The exhibition is in three parts. In the main gallery are three installation pieces by five invited artists: Jorg Eri-chsen. A1 Hebert, Jim Pallas, John Slick and Ann Treadwell. Also in the

main gallery is an "Auto Shop" where multiple artworks by the exhibiting artists and other contributors will be offered for sale

IN THE UPPER Gallery is a photo-graphic exhibit, juried by Dorothy Manty of the Detroit Public Library staff, which includes images related to the world of the automobile

The main gallery exhibitions include "Installation De-Installation" by He-bert, in which an automobile will be disassembled, a triptych for the high-way by Slick; Erichsen's "Hulks." trashed cars and inventive designs; a roadway fantasy by Pallas, complete with blinking barricades and a truck-stop diner, and "The Carburator Cafe," a paper environment by Treadwell

Prices star t ing at ^ $ 110,900

1 2 % FIXED 1 5 YEAR T| & 1 2 " 8 % FIXED 3 0



ioo ' p -an

e e v a t r o n s n a c r e s i


1 to 8 Weekdays

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A L U M I N U M RANCH. Very nice, neat a n d c lean 3 b e d r o o m ranch In P l y m o u t h Townsh ip Full b a s e m e n t , gas f o r ced air heat w i th s e p a r a t e w o o d bu rn ing s tove v e n t e d t h r o u g h the fu rnace . $ 4 9 , 9 0 0 455-7000.

A P P E A L I N G EXTERIOR C h a r m i n g In ter ior . 3 b e d r o o m Tr l -Leve i w i th d e n a n d spac ious fami ly r o o m wi th f i rep lace , n ice coun t r y k l t c h e n - d o o r w a l l to pa t io . VA baths , a t t a c h e d 2V« car garage , a b o v e g r o u n d poo l , f e n c e d and more . $62 ,750 . 4 5 5 - 7 0 0 0

3 B E D R O O M BRICK R A N C H . 2 ful l ba ths , s p a c i o u s l iv ing room. Del ight fu l k i t c h e n w i t h d in ing area. Fami ly r o o m w i th ful l wal l f i rep lace. N u m e r o u s upda tes a n d 2 car garage . $74 ,800 4 5 5 - 7 0 0 0

L A U R E L PARK C O N D O Beaut i fu l 2 b e d r o o m c o n d o 2 full ba ths , enc losed p o r c h w i t h g lass a n d screens. Ga rage w i th un i t s w i m m i n g pool . Be t te r t han b r a n d new $79,900 261-0 7 0 0


S T A R T A FAMILY HERE! 3 b e d r o o m ranch on 2 f enced lo ts , ful l baeemery . 1% car o a r a g e i M n g r o o m a n d hall c a r p e t e d b e d r o o m s have h a r d w o o d f loo rs Many treee. roees Livonia ba rga in $54 ,400 2 6 1 - 0 7 0 0

G R E A T BUY - F a r m i n g t o n s c h o o l s L a r g e fami ly r o o m o p e n s l o Wg 22 * 19 deck New roo f , oen t ra l air. comp le te l y new k i t chen wfth bu l«4na . l a rge f e n c e d y a r d Star te r o r re-t i ree h o m e $43,000 4 7 7 - 1 1 1 1 .

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C L E A N 3 b e d r o o m co lon ia l A very c lean h o m e , f o r m a l d in -ing r o o m , f i r ep lace wet p laster Pr iced t o sell at $49 ,900 525-0990


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H O M E O W N E R ' S D R E A M ! Beaut i fu l ly d e c o r a t e d a n d ma in -ta ined 3 b e d r o o m brtcfc ranch In R e d f o r d ' • p res t i g i ous gol f cou rse area Fami ly r o o m , rec r oom, a t t a c h e d g a r a g e poo l separa te d in i ng M o r e ! $67 ,500 525 -0990

C E N T R A L AIR - M A I N T E N A N C E w f t h large baaemen t , enc toeed pe t to c a r be ueed m o a l of year Ex t ra meule t ton. a t t ic fan . g a r a g e d o o r opener M a n y • x l r a a $67,a00. 4 7 7 - 1 1 1 1 .

3 B E D R O O M LARGER RANCH has b e e u t t f i * y r e m o d e l e d fa r r t f y r o o m . 2'A bathe, fun wan br ick 2 - w e y Arepiaoe. for-ma l d i n i n g r o o m L o w heat NSa due t o a d d e d meu la t lon and t h e r m a l w i n d o w s 161.900 4 6 6 - 7 0 0 0

CITY OF P L Y M O U T H I n c o m e L a n d C o n t r a c t r o o m e f f i c iency upeta l rs L a r g e b r t c * famSy I r o o m c o u n t r y k i t chen , b a t h w i t h laundry , rx decor t o p e r f e c t i o n . $73 ,500 . 4 6 6 - 7 0 0 0

POINT W I T H PRIDEI This lovely h o m e w o n ' t teat! 3 bed-r o o m br ick ranch , l a rge 1st f loor l aundry . Th ca r g a r a g e and eve ry th ing In newer c o n d i t i o n $39 ,500 3 2 6 - 2 0 0 0

C f LATHRUP VILLAGE 559-2300 WESTLAND 326-2000 L I V O N I A 5 2 5 - 0 9 9 0 FARMINGTON 4 7 7 - 1 1 1 1 FARMINGTON HILLS 8 5 1 - 1 9 0 0 LIVONIA 2 6 1 - 0 7 0 0 PLYMOUTH/CANTON 4 5 5 - 7 0 0 0 NORTHVILLE 3 4 8 - 6 4 3 0

Thursday. June 13, 1965 O i i E * 3 E

Photographer preserves barn art B y C o r t n n e A b a t t

staff writer

A 400mm lens b rough t the lion in close for Monte Nagler. Not ice how the use of a w i d e aper tu re b l u r s ou t t h e b a c k g r o u n d .

Zoo animals make some great photos

the zoo

Most zoos. especially here in Detroit, a \ ' ••hmmated cages as much as pos-bU' Instead, there a r e habitats close-

-jsemb'in* th- :ctua! environment -E an:m J.S on exhibit i!5 presents a tremendous opportu-• the photographer who wishes to

oh.:ur«.- ar; initr.al >n film in his natu-

Let's begin with equipment. In addi-i,.>n to your camera body, a long tele-ih<'to 130" 400mm and a short telepho-

•:85-135mmi Will work just fine liash f • indoor, exhibi ts will round

i. : he essential equ ipmen t Provisions tm clr.is.-tip photography will come in handy too

l i ke people animals have distinct personalities Some are active some Lazy Some are interested in us "humans" peering at them and some could care less

Take t ime to study the movements and habits of the an imals Watch their routines — an imal s tend to be repeti-

Village holds shooters test

-Readv aim fun!" could well be the rai-ding cry as Greenfield Village welcomes back its annual Muzzle Loaders Festival, Saturday-Sunday June 15-16 The black powder event brings its own brand of high-powered excitement to open a season of summer festivals in the village

Now in its 31st year, the Muzzle Loaders Festival assembles hundreds of costumed enthusiasts for team ar. J individual shooting matches with 19th retilury pistols, muskets and rifles An array of contests both days tests the marksmanship and

Is if the men and women snooters. Demonstra-tions of cannon and galling gun firing add to the d« i.ghtful din

Festivities begin both Saturday and Sunday with a colorful parade through the village, comprised of soldiers trappers and camp followers accompanied by the lively music of attending Civil War era bands Throughout the weekend, related activities will include individual concerts featuring mid-19th wrnturv music, and costume judging of the various period clothing worn by-flien. women and children participants

ON THE VILLAGE Green, the 17th Michigan will demonstrate infantry drills of the I nion Army, followed by exercises in horsemanship and maneuvers of equestrian troops by the 6th Ohio Cavalry

Civil War encampment and military field hos-p t u l will enable visitors to see the equipment and <k.ilv routine of the soldfers Adventuresome guests may even accept temporary recruitment into the frnks of Mr Lincoln's Army beginning with a -medical" and then shouldering arms in some fun-damental field drills

Those with no desire for combat duty may enjoy instead the activities of the Ladies Soldier Aid Soci-3 ty sewing nightcaps and havlocks, and making Tmon ribbons for the troops The sutler's tent near^ ty will offer tin whistles, clay pipes, hardtack and ir.any other items that were not government issue for Civil War soldiers

Z In the pioneering spirit, a fur traders camp will Show the kind of wilderness rendezvous in the early "3&th century where trappers, hunters and Indians •would gather for trading, supplies, comradery and fnendlv contests Shooting matches, tomahawk throwing and tepee construction will be part of this

primitive camp life For a contrast in 19th century lifestyles, visitors the village mav also want to visit the recently

Dpened Firestone Farm The birthplace of industri-a l ^ Harvey Firestone, it is being operated year round as a working farm of the 1880s complete

2ri th crops livestock and domestic activities

Recitals scheduled Recitals by students enrolled in the Schoolcraft

- College piano preparatory program will be held 7 30 p m Thursday, 3 p m Saturday and 4 p.m Sun-day in the college's Liberal Arts Theater.

Admission is free Schoolcraft College is located on Haggerty in Livonia

The performers have a wide range of ablliUea For more information, call Donald Morelock. Piano Department director at 591 6400 E n 51

p h o t o g r a p h y

Monte Nagler

uous Focus in on the part of the act you like and shoot

.ANIMALS .ARE most alert and ac-tive right before feeding, so be on the alert, too Shortly after feeding, most animals clean and groom themselves and then it's siesta time. Each of these phases of animal behavior will offer rewarding photographs

As always, be sure to check out your backgrounds Make them as natural as possible, avoiding fences, telephone poles and other zoo visitors

What are we waiting for? Let's go to c1985, Monte Nagler

JUDITH WINSTON'S photo-art show, "Visualities," at Pierce Street Gallery through June 29 is clear documentation of what

separates the pros from the amateurs For the nine enlarged, hand-painted

photographs in the bam series which is at least half of the show, she took a subject that was open to all Michigan photographers, improvised, researched and came up with a spectacular pres-entation

Winston, who lives in Los Angeles, grew up in Detroit. Her parents now live in Bloomfield Hills, so she's back quite frequently in the summers.

She had been a successful fashion photographer in San Francisco with a decided preference for black and white When she moved to Los Angeles, "everybody wanted color" and she soon became bored with the rather rigid re-quirements.

"I started to do hand coloring to re-lieve the monotony." she said.

.As she was practicing on photos f rom her files, she pulled out one of a barn with a painting of the Mona Lisa on it that she had taken during the summer of 1972 when she was driving on Halst-ed Road in Farmington Hills She shot it in black and white using a yellow filter to bring out the clouds

After she painted the photo (using an-iline watercolor dyes), she gave it to her mother who was told by a friend that there wepeDther barns with simi-lar painting^-tR. 1979 her search for more of the barns began

"It became a treasure hunt." said Winston

SINCE Winston admits being fasci-nated with art work and photography that has a sense of mystery, the trea-sure hunt was an ideal project.

She asked questions, drove country roads, and followed leads that turned out to be blind alleys

By that time, the original Mona Lisa had burned down, but eventually they turned up two more barn paintings on Haggerty — a second Mona Lisa on one side of the road and the Duke of Urbino on the other

They were so weathered, the images were almost unrecognizeable. The slats on Mona Lisa's face were missing, but Winston knew the image could be saved with the help of filters and her color technique

H f i S d

Judi th Winston ta lks about her plans for a book t ime she saw it, the barn and por t ra i t were al-wi th the pho tog raph of the barn w i th the self- mos t h idden by tal l corn . She re turned early the por t ra i t of ar t is t D o u g Tyler beh ind her. The f i rs t fo l low ing spr ing to get her shot .

Next they found Baldassare Casti-glione on a barn near Hartland and Paul Revere (by Copley), on old 23. north of Faucett.

A portrait of the ar t is t ' s (at that time unknown) father as a boy turned in the Fenton area, but wouldn't be in the proper light for several months.

One of the most exciting of the barn paintings, that of a Japanese gisha. from an 18th century Japanese print, was already lost, The barn had burned, but Balthazar Korab, had photo-graphed it for Horizon magazine and was willing to loan Winston his nega-tive which she cropped to her format.

She found "Portrait of a Man," nine miles north of Howell and the last one, a self-portrait of the artist , on a barn, almost completely hidden by the corn around it and not photographable a un-til the following spring when the field was clear

On a transcontinental business trip, she got off the plane in Detroit one dreary April day. Her mother was there to meet her and the two drove out to shoot the remaining barn, one step ahead of angry neighbors threatening to call the sheriff.

Later she found her "unknown art-ist," Doug Tyler, teaching at St. Mary College in South Bend. lnd.

HE PAINTED the barns between 1968 and 1972 while an art student and told her he did them because he wanted to "bring art to the people." About half way through the project he did get NEA funding.

Winston said, "I feel real lucky 1 could Lake his work and augment."

Her intent with the dyes isn't to du-

plcate nature, but to enhance the photo-graph. And through her use and choice of color, she builds the sense of mys-tery that is already present in the pho-tographs.

Winston uses a 35mm camera and a cold light enlarger The Latter leaves her work with little if any grain. She calls her process "real straightfor-ward."

The show also includes four hand-colored photographs, the image is the same, only the color is changed, and several f rom other series she has done or is working on.

She is presently trying to find a pub-lisher for a book she's doing.

Pierce Street Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday, 217 Pierce. Birmingham.

M A G N I F I C E N T C O U N T R Y E S T A T E H O M E n e s t l e d o n t e n a c r e s o f r o l l -

i n g . w o o d e d t e r r a i n in M e t a m o r a . T h i s h o m e h a s b e e n b u i l t In t h e

h i g h e s t o f s t a n d a r d s w i t h e x a c t a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e t a i l i n g t h r o u g h o u t ,

r e m i n i s c e n t o f t h e G e o r g i a n p e r i o d L a r g e o p e n r o o m s w i t h h i g h c e i l -

i n g s , 3 f i r e p l a c e s , m o d e r n k i t c h e n . 5 b e d r o o m s a n d 5 % b a t h s . B e a u t i -

f u l w o o d w o r k a n d p l a s t e r d e t a i l t h r o u g h o u t , i n c l u d i n g t o p q u a l i t y w n -

d o w s w i t h m a r b l e s i l l s . E x t r a a m e n i t i e s I n c l u d e a w e l l m a i n t a i n e d In-

g r o u n d p o o l , a t t a c h e d 3 c a r g a r a g e w i t h a s p h a l t c i r c l e d r i v e , h i l l t o p

s e t t i n g w i t h e x p a n s i v e v i e w o f g r o u n d s , m a t u r e p i n e s a n d f l o w e r s .

Z o n e d f o r h o r s e s w i t h a d d e d a d v a n t a g e o f h u n t c l u b w i t h i n w a l k i n g

d i s t a n c e . O w n e r Is s e r i o u s . F i n a n c i n g a v a i l a b l e . $ 2 4 5 , 5 0 0

M A R G E H E N R Y R E A L T O R C A L L 6 7 8 - 2 4 4 6


classified a aas C o u n t >

5» I -OUO© O a k l a n d < o u n l *

« t t - ! 0 7 0 K m h e o i e r \ \ o n




N«w artistic four bedroom m u l t l - l e v s l c o n t e m p o r a r y r>om«, with multiple deefci and 3 levets of glass com-manding the woodland set-t ing A large game room wttn natural fireplace, wet Par and bridge pathway over Indoor twin reflecting ponds-ad)o<nlng guest bedroom-powder room, bath and sauna. Marble entrance wfth atrium, large kitchen with abundant cabinets and top grade appliances, master bedroom with Jacuzzi tub, central air. alarm system,central vacuum system, direct access to 2V4 car garage with atectnc door opener and triple Insulated windows Approximately 8,400 square feet ot luxury living on 1 '4 woodland acres with beautiful low maintenance isndscaplng. and Orchard Laxa privileges. Located near fine schools, shopping and churches

4215 V i l l age C o u r t , Wee t B J o o m f l e k ) Approximately % mile Weet of Orchard Lake Road, South of Pontiac Trail

3 1 3 / 3 6 ® - 2 1 0 0 $689 ,000 A S K F O R A R L I N E P E T K U S


O F W E S T 6 L O O M F I E L D

Live in West Bloomfie ld for $8^,500?

You've got to be kidding!

.nuhlr -UrtintM \i-ii i ir .iw.irJ winning IU in-i- ti -r ihc M< >nc\

i m m . i t T o r i l . i h i l i t \ it

W r->f Hl» « •"I l l f l<

W/.-v nfficcphxne 6-Y. /fit! lUith 12 t

I nmrui/is

4 n. .th,T /, .TuU.miruu m ikr>+ t h\ Vf. Interment

•- . r

Maple Place has become a living legend.

Maple Place West will soon become

a new legend.

Watch for it!



T h u r s d a y . 13. 1 9 6 6 Q 4 E # 5 E

4 E * O & E T h u r s d a y , J u n e 1 3 . 1 9 8 5


G L Q 6 6 I F I E D REf iL E6TATE 3 1 2 U v o n i a

A BURTON HOLLOW RAVINE LOT Oraralae 4 bednxoi co ta l aL 1H «»atha.

" • f S B . 2 2 S . S 2 r °SU& Owoer Burioc Laue

•AFFORDABLE-PLUS caa M tomni Is thla beautiful I M t J bedroom brich r u A i B oo Mt1 TIM pins * are twTMnwi c«Btr»j air « r t « * W al*nn t j t u m . Urfe

roontrr kitchen. fall b o e m m l » ma*1


4 7 6 - 7 0 0 0

Century HOME CEN"

312 Livonia 312 Livonia

A S S U M P T I O N Very Larj« family h o c * with j reat a» mmpooe u n n S to 4 bedrooma, JW batha. flalahad baaeroent. n r t p cloer to acfeoote aad ahopfMJit am) great price lor only 174,»00

C e n t u r y 2 1

Gold House Realtors 459-6000

ATTRACTIVE J bedroom brie* ranch, lv, hatha. car t*rm*e central air. fUUatMd b w m o t . a t * roof. « * r p ef-ficient. N Urco l a » J »0C ( I M 9 4 «

CLASSIC 4 badroom cokxual with fee. form*! lOmnf lamlly room. 1 car at-tached ( a n f c , lar fa lot and garden, dec* and apnnkler ty t tem |1M.H>0, opeo tc offera Call 471-04JJ

COUNTRY SETTING J aettnxxr. r a m * o acre lot CVoae to achoola. fxpr tea a , 4 .hopping I ' p -da -d

iULrter 4ZJ-51M

A + L I V O N I A MINT CONDITION Jua: Hated large, inaiotmance free. brie* ranch. IV, batha, ceetral air, walkoot dack. fla-lahed baaecnect and J * car | « r t r M l K C

t k WAYNE Call the mover* afUff yos tour Uua *ary large 4 bedjocm colonial maatar bedroom H f t ) , I full and 1 ball batha. central air, 1 flreplacea, f t n t noor Uandry. finlahed beaemmt, rarioe yard and mora Won t laat at tM.Mo

C E N T U R Y 2 1 T o d a y 2 8 1 - 2 0 0 0

BEALTLK'LX J bedroom ranch, 1H batha. j**"'"! room, tiring room. iv» car arage. Ne-etmrgb Ajea Jail oow

B E S T B U Y ! LIVONIA SCHOOLS Joy M a m m a a 4 Bedroom i v, Bath Bnc t Colonial For. mal Dining Room, ttMahed Baawnent. Covered Patio, and AlanlBom 2 Car Garage Low *4« • Call

" k a t h y r o c k e f e l l e r " IE MAX FOREMOST 4M-40M


SpaOooa ranch-Ay ta alnmlnam nded bedroom. |V» bath, dining room, new kjtcMc with dtahwaaber Family room baa fireplace and doorwall to d « M « U M n r a o t . • h r * f c ' t r * " * Need. T L i-Offared at t*4.»& See It bo*

C A L L T O M B U C H A N A N R e / M a x W e s t 2 6 1 - 1 4 0 0

A R A R E F I N D Very wall kept « bedroom brtck ranch with 1 v, batha, Large kitchen with oo-waz floor, full baeement, triple doorwall to Florida room, alomtman trim k mock more CASTLE GAR-DENS W4.404

E x e c u t i v e Q u a l i t y Fr*ah k taatefoll? decorated J400 k) f t t bedroom cokmlaJ featurai gorjeoM U f t maatar bedroom aolta, formal

room, Larg* updated t l tchm.

U l - I M !

R e a c h is/1 I c h l g a n ' s F i n e s t

S u b u r b a n M a r k e t

1 l T i i ^ , i t

312 Livonia 312 Livonia

5 9 1 0 9 0 0 Z

312 Livonia


B U R T O N H O L L O W L a n e S bedroom brtck ranch Id dear-" able Bortoo Hollow DUUM room. batha. flmahed baaemeot- FamllT room with natural fireplace owOooklni 1 (niC Lncroawl pool hew b®aBUrui Landacapin* for ee jor i s i thoae hot aam-bmt danL Aakina TTTVLO Call Mark Bowlby^ENTUffV" II Today, « l - » r :

COVENTRY GARDENS . bedroocoa den. batha. oatara) I fireplace, flniabed baaemaoL Ujwertna | L-«a tardac area KM 900 t lWMsJ |

C U T E & C O Z Y ' Jeacrlbea thla well maintained J bad-room aluminum bon«alow Pluah car ] r*un« oeatral color*, textured cetLlnga newer family room tnakea thla a very comfortable 'bocoe OvarBiad V* •car • a r a f e Seller annoua and wlU took at all caah-type oew mort^afea Aakin< M 1 » 0

C E N T U R Y 2 1 Gold House Realtors

464-8881 420-2100

Entertainer's Delight Verv iharp » bedroom brtck r an r t with all aluminum trim highlighted by full flmabed baaenxnt - carpet, bar and (aa

B O B C R A V E R 4 2 2 - 6 0 3 0

R E / M A X F O R E M O S T . Inc .

BY OWNER Loraiy « bedroom. 1V» bath Tri Level, manicured lot, p a grill, 10ft family room, updated kitefcao. ceo--g a l air. 1 car | a r a g e l 7 » . W W - 1 W

BY OWNER MalnUoance free brick ranch. 1 v» batlm, 4th bedroom In baae-meet Anc Artwr Tr - N e w t « r | t Ar»a WO.DOC Call after t PM. 4J:-SJ14

BY OWNER S bedrooma. 1 * bath brtck ranch In mint condition Central air, family room, Uvtng room, natural fireplace, covered patio, full ertraa US.OW 10* Aaklng " oolj

FIRST OFFERING Immediate occupancy Thli country | borne ranch la m Impeccable cooditioo with J bedrooma. 1W batha, attached garage tiled baaement aluminum t r im Newer furnace with central air, new palic, larf« living room iod more. ooly. fo.WO


R O B E R T O L S O N 9 8 1 - 4 4 4 4


>C timpif aaaumptioc at r T S f c firm ^

apactooa family room fire-place. (IntlVoor laundry,YInlahed baae-ment, tomaly patio. Btuated oo a cul-de-aac la nwat dearable area New to mar-ket U9S,*Xl

D k * o r A r t e n e B o y d R e / M a x W e s t 2 6 1 - 1 4 0 0

BY OWNER- 4 bedroom colonial love-ly lot with towering tree* gas grill, 1 full * 1 half batha, "int floor laundry. I flreplacea baaeroenL family room. M7 M0 Call for appt 4»-W»5

CHARMING J bedroom bnck ranch, large touAea, 1 ^ batha. flmahed baae-roeot IV, car all brtck garage, alee treed vard, too many extraa to ll»t

,»04 Beyer* only tn-«o»4

S H A R P C O U N T R Y H O M E O N 1 .74 A C R E S

3 b e d r o o m s , 2 fu l l b a t h s , f o r m a l d i n i n g r o o m , f a m i l y

r o o m w t t h f i r e p l a c e , 2 % c a r g a r a g e Y a r d b e a u t i f u l l y

l a n d s c a p e d . C a n t o n . A s k i n g $ 1 0 5 , 0 0 0

H a r o l d F i s c h e r Rea l E s t a t e 4 5 5 - 5 1 0 0


1105 S. MAIN, PLYMOUTH 455-5100

H I D E & S E E K j Lou of room to do thla oo a W acre tot in lovely area wber* thla bnck and cedar ranch la altuated. 4 bedrooraa. PLUS rec room, PL 1 3 family room | PLUSfireplace, PLUS 1 car attached garage No baaemont who need* It with 3000 aq ft of bouae Aaklng $77,SOfl

C a l l B E T T Y S C H A R P F

C E N T U R Y 2 1 Gold House Realtors

464-8881 420-2100 I MODELS - MAYVILi-E STREET |

tat Merrtman betweee t k 7 Mile Rd. I I Open 1 -4 SO Dally k Sun

M A N Y N E W B U I L D I N G , S I T E S F R O M $ 8 9 , 9 9 0 J i. 4 bedrooma - Ranchea 4 Colonlala | All face bnck. full baaeroent, IV» bath*, fireplace, cathedral celling Great Room, first floor laundry, many other features.

D I O R E B U I L D I N G C O 5 5 9 - 3 2 3 0 5 2 5 - 0 7 5 2


302 BtrmaVwrv-BloomfveW

303 weet BtoomfieM 30a farmi^gtoo

Farminotoo HWa 30ft BrtgftOf»-Harliand S i ron 306 SoutMlato-Latnrup 307 MtWof<5- Mariland 308 Rocnee!er-Tro» 30« Royal Oa*-Oa* Par"

Munitngton Wood* 310 C o m m w c a - J n w L»«* 31 • Orcnard Lake

Aaiwd Lake 312 Livonia 313 Dwarbcxn

Dearborn neurit* 31* P i y m o u t ^ a n t o n 315 NortTivlM -iHovi 316 Waetiand-aarde« CIT> 317 GroaaaOomte 318 RetHofd 318 Hoi^e*«o' Sale-

Oakland County 320 H o m o for Sala-

WiajTie Count, 321 Ko«nas 'or Sale

Goonry 322 Homea tor Sale

Macomb Coorr , 323 HorTa* lor Sa»e

Waantenew County 324 Other SuburCari Homea 325 Raal Eatate Service* 326 Condoe lor Sale 327 DufMa 'or Saw 326 TownfKKiaea 'or Sale 330 Apanmanl* for Saie 332 Mobile Momee 'or Saia 333 Hon hern Property 33* Ou1 o< 7 own Property 335 rune Share 336 Florida Property 'or

Sale 337 Farm* for Sale 338 Country Homea 338 Lota & Acreage 34C Lake River Reaon

property 'or Sale 342 La*.* Property 3*8 Cemetery Lots 351 Blaine** & Profeaaional

Bid* 'or Sa>* 352 Commercial/Rata* 353 Industrial/Warehouse 354 .ncoma Property

lor Sale 356 Inveetmeni Property

lor Sale 358 Mortgagee*'

Land Contract* 360 Bu*»nae* OpponurMtte* 361 Money to Loar, 362 Real E*iate Wanted 364 L«*t>ng» wanted

. TRO* B L O O M F I E L D W E S T

B L O O M F I E L D ' 7 ^ -b i r m i i v ^ a m

L I V O N I A & A R E A CONTEMPORARY COLONIAL Uataa* architectar* a a 1»71 bwlli 1 Mary with 1 bedroom* IV, baths, lat Door !*•>-dry, great room wtth wood «o r* .

] meot d tau* room and 1 v» **• re. 170 f t garage. 17C P

ma I 1 H M . creed lot In Central live-

BRICK BEAUTY Something apectal at i an affordable pr ice Soeth Redford 1 ' • * wtth - »


p\.VMOUTH R E D f O R D j


C A f O f N l X I TV

| m a * 1 M baths. 1 car g s r a i a aad ah -I m l a n n t r im Pie* a new Utffcan, all : Dew ptambMi and c t a r m t t g dinette with bay window M4.M6

I HANDYMAN SPSC1AL Tarn a quick profit with TOUT hard work. FaMaeOc tocattoe in tke heart of Llvoou oo a 71 I 1M f t lot wrroended by fine he 1000 aquare f t . 1 bedroom ranch i

[ ga* heat Jaat Ustad for only O l . M *

I COUNTRY GOLD Strike tt rtci with a ' - ' oo

, J *

L I V O N I A Vz A C R E Big treed tot. atce I room a l ao t fnab

s S r - ^ 5 r £ £ * , £ s , s r 2 H U N CaU.


C E N T U R Y 2 1 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700

I i p a r k l l n g \ m aquare f t brtck ranch oo 1 half s e n

Perfect Jewel.


400 Apartment* to Rem 401 Furniture Rertei 402 Furroahed

Ajyarl mania 403 Renlal

Agency 404 Houeee !0 Rent 406 Furnlaneo Houeee 407 Mobile Homee 406 Dupleaee to Rent 410 Rat* to Rem 412 TownHouae*<


413 Time Snare 414 Florida Ren tale 415 Vacation Renlatt 416 Mane for Rani 418 Mottle Home Spece 420 Room* to Rent 421 Livwg Querter* to Share 422 Wanted to Rem 423 Wanted to Rent-

Raeort Property 424 House Strang Service 425 Convaleacent Muremg

Homae 426 Gar egea/Mim Storage 432 CommerOel/Retail 434 inOuatrkalWerehouae 436 Offtce Bu*«>ee* Space

j manicured hali a c r e 1 ) batha. IK. floor la tadry,

family room. 1 natural firepUce* and 1 car attactod garage. Summer fan with

| an ingramd gaalta pool I7I.»00

j TIP TOP SHAPE Fine tocaOos la Weet ere Westland for tUa 1 bedroom home offertag a family room. I * bathe and

I an aluminem atdiad 1 car garage A raal I pleasure to rtew *>1^M


WOLFE 4 2 1 - 5 6 6 0

Snedooi 4 bedroom brtck eotaotal J H bath* (mala bath doable Uvl, axceUeot paaa hall traffic pattern, formal dining room. Urge kttefcao with 1 pentrtee and L'-akaped counter family room with oatural fireplace aad doorwall flntatted baaamant, wet bar, newer furnace wtth

• m l air 1 car attached garage 4 "gardao h o w e ' IMxSM f t tot wtth iJce Landacapvng Pared rec vehicle parting. CNraar Ftortda b o n d aay* I n r S o B U T

C H U C K G A V L I K R e - M a x W e e t 2 6 1 - 1 4 0 0


Seller LraMferred Lovely 1 bedroom rnamteoaoce free brick W » e , family room, first floor Unndry. 1V» bathe, country kltdhao. All for Ml.KH) Aak lor Bar t

CHALET 477-1800

LIVONIA ONE 0 * THE FINEST AREAS! Spe d o a 1 bedroom brtck ranch with ca-thedral celling*, well planned kl tciae with diahwaaber ftnlabed rec room, IV* beta*, central air. I4X.800


T R A N S F E R E E S E R V I C E ! 8 5 1 - 6 7 0 0 LIVONIA Ml44 Parkville

] (7 Mile • Mlddlebelt area)

Place your Classified Real Estate Advertisement in more than 150,000

affluent Suburban Detroit Homes


At ram tstat* aefvemens n ma rwwapeper « au^acf to tt» f*D*m f a r Hou&nn Act of I95S wOc* ,>na»es a «apa/ to aOerrrae "an.r wwHerance. 4rnir*nor or oacrlmlrmtton Baaed on race. coKn. ratffor ae> or mtamior to maxa any *lc* pratararca. kmitanon or OScrimrtalwrt * Tr* newspaper wrtf not Kwvx/y accapt any eOrartamg tor rami aetata wfacn «<n rwiafwn ot trie le» Our raedert are tmety rrtormea mat an Ow**cqS atfwrrostf f !ftb newspaper are avaflafMe on an epuaf oppofurwry Oasis

R E D U C E D Sharp 1 bedroom M l brtck ranch, fine Livonia neighborhood, family room. Hn-tohed beeemeot garage, nectral decor Priced right at Mat I U > M

B O i R I C H A R D RE MAX r O M M O n UJ-44M

LARGE J bedroom brtck ranch, formal room, bath* full flniahed

baaement Nice bome, eicelleot coodl-tioe. »M .»0C 4M-4S41

312 Livonia L I V O N I A B E A U T I F U L H O M E

GREAT LOCATION l i B r c n i l i n i 100 X 300 treed tot Sprawling brtck i L A R G E U U A U ! rancb. family room. J fireplace*. fl»- Fine area. »7».W>0 4 b e A o a m a l b a t k e . labed baaement. 1 r«r attadCBd garage. [ pluah carpet large yard, attadied ga « ^ b ^ m o r t g a P A p e a t twy1 Aah* | rage fc

MAYFAIR 522-8000 326-2600

At aiJverr-ar^ puOaahed m The Oteerver & Eccentric a «ubteci lo the conditlone t'.atec n the acCcaWe rate card, copm ot which are available from the Advenemg Depe^mem. OOeerver & Eceenir-c H a ^ a p a r y 36251 3choolcf*« Roe<l. Lfvoma Ml 46150 ;313( 591-2300 The OOeerver & Eccentric .eaerve* the rlgfil not to accept ar acNeneer s order Observer & Ecoenmc A<J-Taker* have no auiMonty 10 t*nd the newspapw and only puWcaion oi an advemeemeni shell coneatule llnal acceptance o> the aefverneer-a order

312 Livonia 31 2 Livonia

PARK LIKE SETTING, 1 ac re s 1 bed-room brick ranch. Large living room wtth natural fireplace, country atae kitchen with all built-in*, family room. game room. Ftortda room. 1W bath*. central air, 14 f t x 41 f t garage I l l t . M O Owner agent 4T4-MM

L I V O N I A & A R E A ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT -clou* 4 bedroom brick ranch feat a family room with fireplace fit. baaemeoL aluminum garage aad 1V« bath*, ooly M9 »00

HILL TOP VIEW oo a roiling pictar-eaqtae aetOng really a c c « i l a gor-reoua cuatom tpli-level. Wtth 1 ipa-S S bedroomaTv* baths, tap U«*" eo_ and family room with natural fire-place, you'll love the open feeling There la even a 1 car attacked garage and Florida room to en)oy the view 1104.000

STRETCH YOUR DOLLAR In thla a p -prising 4 bedroom, 1 alary home With 1 full be tha. thla *pr*wllng home also fea-ture* a deo, formal dining room, full baaeroent aad 1 car garage |4«,M«

A RARE FIND and aure t o g o f a * . t o absolutely maintenance free 1 bed-room, lVk atorv bome oo a large doebie wooded tot With tot* of p n v a c j TKla bocoe offer* a ceramic die b a t t and oew ceramic Ule kltcken floor With a garage It'a )o*t *M.S«0

LOOK AT THAT PRICE, which Inlcude* * 1 bedroom brtck ranch with • fireplace in the living room aad a large country kitchen. Thla cee la brand new oo the m a r k e t Livonia achools. M l . WO


WOLFE 4 7 4 - 5 7 0 0

ion on thla d a a a a l e m l i e m 1 bed-

room home. Extra lasalattnn, lat floor 1 car Lauadrr. and ovenUad 1 car garage

Beeutlful piece of property M7>00

S P O T L E S S 1 bedroom ranch compiatefy remodeled In neutral tone* New carpet and cm-torn window treatnMOta. new Solarium ( toon wired 1 car g a r a g e H I M *

R O O M Y R A N C H Is daMrahk* tocattoe. 1 large bedroom*. IV, batha. wet-bar In beautifully fln-Labed baaamant 1 car attached g a n g * Just $43,500

C E N T U R Y 2 1 H a r t f o r d 4 1 4 , I n c . 4 7 6 - 6 0 0 0

$ 3 0 0 0 D O W N $ 4 4 0 P E R M O N T H

For qualified buyers New 1 bedroom ranch all brtck. full b a a e o M t Earn

rJ enair rirrwrv. MVTMDt 4 ClOSlBf H VI raj


$ 3 5 0 0 D O W N $ 3 7 0 P E R M O N T H

For ouallfled buyer* FHA « 1 J * * 0 ? new J bedroom ranch. *31 brick, full

i t large tot.


S U M M E R F U N Delightful home an 1 acre, fabutoua in-ground pool huge aun deck, walkout baaeroent 1 bedrooms comtry-l lke aet-Ong- AaUM »T».»*4. Call


L O C A T I O N , Minded Sbopoerv come aee thla valae packed I bedroom brick ranch located Ingreet neighborhood N. at Schoolcraft and W of Newburgh. Feeturea full basement. 1". car attached garage, family room, fireplace, central air . and more. Ctoee to park Asking W9.M0. CaU

B E V E R L Y W A Y R e / M a x B o a r d w a l k 4 5 & - 3 6 0 0

TERMS TRADE large 1 home, large lo t first floor baaeroent pool tMyeraooly

laundry 5X3-1411

TOP VALUE FOR YOUR FAMILY Maintenance free exterior brick coloni-al In daairabia Brookwood ERatee aah Feature* 1 bedrooma. 1H baths, ceram-ic Ule,


4 5 5 - 8 4 0 0


Nekt aad clean 4 bedroom bome oo large tot Famil? room, 1 car garage, plua more- M7.W4

O L D R O S E D A L E Charming brtck ranck oOw* n e i "

• ' - - J with old world

1 car

L I V O N I A aL A R E A TREED ACRE Ftrat oflertng In Northweataro UvonU for t ha cu«om 1,00« aquare foot 4 or 1 bedroom brick ranch. 1H baths, basement dining room, fireplace, 1 car g r a g e a c r e a n e d porch and aluminum trim. Din Into a cool M f t gunlte pool With elide I I 1 1 W


. aeoarate dining, kitchen eating family room w/oa ta ra l flreolace

with adjacent Ftortda room. Fall baee-mea t CarpMad. 1 car attached garage Kitchen buUt-laa Blue refr igerator and illtai e eehir Included Convenient to all amenities Offered by relocated owner for only 171.500 M1-4441

L O T S A LAND IN LlvoolaP Sharp and clean 4 bedroom, lVk *tory alnrnlnuin bome tltuated oo 1M f t wide tot Plen-ty ol mature trern aad garden area In-terior in boroe decorated to light color* and feature* n p e r a t e dining room Only M1.M4 Call KEN W for more info R« Mm Bo*ntw*Lk M I 9700

WOODCREEK FARMS 4 bedrooms I living. k family rooms, library. I m batha, fuL baeement profeaaiooallT

Landecaped. Buyer* Only g»7,96o Terms Evea 51VJ715 or 581-IM7


anrrouada thla 4 bedroom brick and alu-minum '-rrfrnif*1 Dtntag room, comfort able family room, can&al air. tiled rec room. Bag* attached garage All thla for V * J 4 4 S o < 4 Mile

S T A T E W I D E S U M M I T 4 2 7 - 3 2 0 0

5 MILE/Mlddlebelt. 1 bedroom ranch Modem kitchen, large k*. I*-, car g»-

1. Aaklng 441,000 E v e e ^ 417-4714 s r .

charm. Natural flreoiace. formal dia-ry. fuB bear

garage, excellent cnmiltino 447 >00 inf room, Librmrr

i|e exctUM* S P R A W L I N G R A N C H

Immaculate I haJreean brick ranch ot-f e n natural fireplace in haae Hviag room, formal dining room. Full tiled baaament 1 car attaiched garage large tread tot country area. 174.440

S T U N N I N G C O L O N I A L Lovely 4 bedroom 1V» bath brtck colo-

L formal dining room, country kttck-famlly room with natural fireplace.

u _ e o e n t 1 car attached garage, large l a n ^ ^ p a d yard. g44,»40

S P E C T A C U L A R V I E W QjtcrtilBZNot and comfort sorcmad thla aprawllng 1 bedroom brick ranch overlooking roiling goif course, 1H bath*, formal dmhM room, family room with natural Rrap&ce. lat floor laun-dry. full t e*Tianf ceokral air, 1 car at-tached garage piaa more I104.»4«

C E N T U R Y 2 1 H a r t f o r d S o o t h 4 6 4 - 6 4 0 0

through new vinyl insulated windows Central Uvoaia brick Cape Cod offer-ing J bedroom* plaa dan. 1 full ba ths (inlahed baeement fireplace and 1 car garage »4», MM

GRACED WITH SPACE Extra room lo-Hde aad out Juat Hated Uvooia vlar - -1 atory 4 bedioom with 1 fall batha. Log room aad a iv t car ga " for a garden on an 40 f t tot

NEWER LIVONIA 1 ranch. IVk car

_ bedroom brick ranch. 1V» car garage, central air.

s 7 Mile, W of MhWehelt 4T4-44U

8 M o n t h s O l d Former builder*! model taatefully decorated In neutral tooea. cathedra: ceiling In family room adda to the n « ctouaneaa 4 large bedrooms library lat floor laundry aad more I1X4.M4

L a r g e F a m i l y F i n d j to 1 bedroom reach wltB upatair* dor-mer for 1 more bedrooma and v» bath Bome needa flntahlng t r im Land coo tract t e rms 141.860

C E N T U R Y 2 1 S U B U R B A N

3 4 9 - 1 2 1 2 2 6 1 - 1 8 2 3

aide aad out Juat Hated Uvooia vintage 1 atory 4 bedi oom with 1 fall baths, din-ing room and a 1H c a r ^ r ^ ^ R o o m

FEATURE PACKED J a m packed with value, thla South Redford brtck ranch baa it a l l 1 * batha. natural fireplace, flniabed central air aad 1 car garage with door opener. I U J M

ATTENTION BEGINNERS Be first to aee a Ilka new 1MM built ilumtimm aided ranch In Radford Hot new llatlng wiht 1 bedrooma. aad 1W car p r a g s Low beat bills with Insula tad window*, met lculoua In te r io r , and nicely landacaped. 417.444


WOLFE 4 2 1 - 5 6 6 0

N . L I V O N I A

living room, flnlrtml basement 1V» car brtck front garage Qtfdk OODWPEACJ t . i w win pay pant*. Priced to eeil at ouly $44,444

A s k t o r R A Y H U R L E Y CENTURY 11 - Oold House

4 7 8 - 4 6 6 0

N LIVONIA. Small eooaoantohl 1 b e £ aided baacatow wtth

$1X040 Excellent mveetroeot ( M 4 total month-


N W LIVONIA - Golf Coarse Arua Custom built Colonial, 1.440 * t f t For-mal living k dining rooms, white For-mica kitchen, panelled family room with fireplace fcParqaet floor, wool

313 D—rtoom D—ftoorn Ha*ght>

AWordable/Prost lgious Cuatom built 1 bedroom brtck. 1 car ga rage, 1W baths, formal dlnlog. natural fireplace, Ftortda room, rec room, beeutlful yard. Juat ledaced. 444J40

C E N T U R Y 2 1 Y o u r R e a l E a t a t e 5 2 5 - 7 7 0 0

c u n i j ^ 1 bedioupis. IV* baths Immaculate ALSO COMPLETE APT with private

DEARBORN HEIGHTS Charming three bedroom brtck ranch, central air, fin-ished baaeroent with d r r bar. IV* car garage Fenced yard In * very Bice area 144,440. Call V44-4700

Thompson-Brown FORD RD * Outer Drive. 1 bedroom. 1 ttory brick, dlnli* room, fireplace, fall baaament 1% car garage, quiet older neighborhood 513-OllS 445-1040

Weir, Manuel, Snyder & Ranke

L A M O C O K T R A C T W E t T L A M O t e r m * a » a M a * i H . r a m o d a l a d 3 bedreewn. 1 V i b a t h tormhouee. H u g e c o u n t r y k i t c h -e n , n e w oefc ceb4nets , n e w o a t p m U n q . An-

t d I n s y l a l s d w M e m n . t T M C O .

Q R E A T P R I V A C Y P L Y M O U T H w i t h l a r g e r e a r y a r d b e c k i n g t o a w o o d e d a r e a . Or tg lnaJ o w n e r s . K H c h e n c a r p e t i n g la n e w e r . 4 b e d r o o m a , 2 b a t h e I n t h e q u * d . H 7 . 7 0 0 .

L J J k i

I M M A C U L A T E C A M T O N c u a t o m q u a d . F i v e b e d r o o m s , f i n i s h e d b a s e m e n t . C o m p l e t e l y f e n c e d y a r d w i t h l i g h t e d b a c k y a r d . S i m p l e A s s u m p t i o n a t 8 % w i t h $ 4 6 1 - 0 0 p a y m e n t s . C a U l o r d e -ta i ls . $>7 ,000 .

4«W S o u t h M . i i n S l i e r t P l y m o u t h • I'IIHIH- IS'' -'•» »»

S b e d r o o m a . 2 tuH

a n o u t a t a n t M n g un i t . I

P L Y M O U T H • the I n t h i s f o r m e r It d o o r s t o pe t to , H r o p * e o e I n i v l n g

sr b e d r o o m . T h i s la

ROUJNO TERRAIN »UPCRK>R TWP. U 6 a c r e s , a 4 b e d r o o m c o l o n i a l . 2 V. b a t h e , f i r s t f loor l a u n d r y a n d d a n . L a r g e l i v i n g r o o m w t t h for f o r m a l d i n i n g . F a m i l y r o o m w i t h n e w e r c a r p e t i n g . W a l k - o u t b a a a m a n t p h i s f a m i l y i

C U S T O M B U I L T P L Y M O U T H 4 b e d r o o m h o m e I n H o u g h P a r k . M a r h l s f o y e r , c r y s t a l c h a n d e l i e r s . I n t e r o o m , o e n -t re l v a c u u m s y s t e m , u n d e r g r o u n d s p r i n -k l e r s , h e a t e d I n g r o u n d pool w t t h h u g e pe t to , t m o o o .

The 10.25% assumption Is an added bonus on this Immaculate three bedroom ranch In Sunflower. Swim club and tennis courts in subdivision will please any buyer. $74,900 459-2430

Immaculate Plymouth Ranch has lovely gen-erous rooms, CENTRAL AIR, g lamorous f in -ished rec room, den and wet bar, main level laundry and Jenn-Aire kitchen. $129,900 459-2430

4.32 Acre Horse Farm In Canton Township/ Plymouth Schools. Lovely older home with detached garage workshop, good usable barn with stalls. Much more wi th all city con-veniences $105,000 459-2430

This Low Maintenance Colonial Is In 'A-OOe* condi t ion. Three generous bedrooms, fire-place In fami ly room, fenced yard, two-car garage and full basement all add up to a f ine value In P lymouth. $69,900 459-2430-

H you need apace, then you must see this four bedroom, one and on*-het f beth Coloni-al wi th a large kitchen wi th eat ing space, family room, and fenced In yard . $57,900 459-2430

Charm and a Country Feeling are combined In this Immaculate three bedroom ranch In Plymouth Township. Extra storage and a de-tached garage are added bonuses $50,900 459-2430

313 Dearborn Dearborn Heights

I M M A C U L A T E Only 41444 down, I 7 4 * , ranch. 1 bed-rooms. remodeled kitchen k bath, built la itubwaahar a s c e n t * dinette wtth bay wtadow. carpeting thru oat. 444.444

Castelli 525-7900

314 Plymouth-Canton 314 Plymouth-Canton 314 Ptymouth-Canton

r v OWNER - Nlcuir decor*ted 4 b a « T P A l i C C C C I A D C M C I I W 9 _ I BY OWNER Nicely d»t room. lVk bath, let noor n u l Many! ! k taenia co

r s — 477-1414


ed, central *ir, 1 car landscaped. 141,440

itha. fully carpet — = 3 ^

CANTON brtck colonial beautifully Laa<kcaped with hasted pool 4 b a t room, 1>* beth piu* dan. over 1444 enf} wtth large fenced tot W U 4 4 444-41 >4

• JUNE SPECIAL" car-fin

room with BUY In area!

niper brtck ranch offer* oew pluah -jr\ formal dining room, fan! eel tr

| CANTON By Owner 4 IW batha, family room with baaament 1 car attached garage

1 patio 171.404 Farapp t 44

[abed liaeeineeit with bar, 1 car garage 4M WW

Century H O M E C E N -


4 7 6 - 7 0 0 0

CANTON By Owner 4 bedroom Coie-n u l ^vauti) kit Cher formal dining room, family room with ftruplaoa, 1V4 batha, lat floor Laundry new carpeting, central atr. flalahed beaaonanl, 1 car ai-lached garage, Aadaraon window* abov* ground pool/wood dack. 444-4*17

L A R G E C O L O N I A L 4 bedroom with attached garage, fam) ly room, fireplace and more Room to roam In thla large family h o n e Call for deialla 441.400

C E N T U R Y 2 1 Y o u r R e a l E s t a t e 5 2 5 - 7 7 0 0

MODELING DEBUT for thla model of a bome Definitely going to eeU f a a t thla gorgeoua bome offer* a huge living room, a kitchen lo make anyone * heart throb, and a garage A beauty pageant winner Ooly I M **)


WOLFE . 4 7 4 - 5 7 0 0

N E W L I S T I N G 7144 Am boy Sharp, J bedroom, iv* bath bock ranch, central air, wpe r fin-ished rec room, wet bar, 1W car ga-rage. 141 MO Aak for ..


2 6 1 - 0 7 0 0 4 2 1 - 8 6 8 1

N DEARBORN HGTS With or Without In-ground

CANTON CENTER-FORD RD Near Meyer* Thrifty Acree

B A C H E L O R P A D - P L U S Back oa market Nice 1 bedroom alum ranch with wood burner atove k reanod-eled bath Plua aecand house (runted) small 1 bedroom frame Newer me-chanics dream Sil Car Garage Situated oo 1W acre* wtth many treee All For 144,444.


C O M E SEE! What 4*4,44* will buy « u In N Imagine 1 bediuuena, IW baths, familr roam with fireplace, country kilchau. I car garage, baaament hardwood floor*, patio »ad refrigerator A Move lai lertert A wull matatalaed home CaU

Sandy Petrovich R e / M a x B o a r d w a l k 4 6 & - 3 6 0 0

314 Plymouth-Canton

n D C K l C I I M o c Q U I C K O C C U P A N Y O P E N S U N . 2 - 5 i „ oTieri-g H - c U m » d *

Don't talm thla aharp 1 baWuum raadL area Plctareqaa tot e * » back* to park. New roof, deck and pooma, 1 full batha, FULL - - - --more 44*4 Ardaley. W of Ultoy, 1 of .oachad garage ataa c * P « aad Warren 4*4444 Aak fo r lorn fUWrea \od (Wy, Id4>44


C E N T U R Y 2 1 R Q B E R T Q L S O N a a i - 4 4 4 4

H a r t f o r d 4 2 9 . I nc . 9 6 1 - 2 9 0 0 h

314 Plymouth-Canton

D O N ' T S A C R I F I C E Oet tt all u> thla beautiful ranch offer-ing I bedroom*. 1 * baths Full bsih off master bedroom, f to* floor l a « * y . large country kitchen, family room with aee thru fireplace lo living room full baaament All thla and more oa a

R e / M a * B o a r d w a l k 4 6 9 - 3 6 0 0

-S^HAW—NIL R E D U C E D PLYMOUTH BuetSuy-1 heWuoap and } b - r e o o J lee tare* oi

C r i f S X r u T — - — 1 — SWETTZER fUCAL B T ATT

J U S T R E D U C E D ... $ 5 8 , 9 0 0

Sharp 1 beat uom brtck ranch, extra large tot garage, flawed baeeroeat central air, cluae to downtown Plvm-outh k park Baal value In town. Call


C E N T U R Y 2 1 Gold House Realtors

420-2100 464-8881


PLYMOUTH BY OWNER 444 Roe. 9*4,444 Walk to urw* from t h * 1 bad-room home with encloaad porch, l a t noor laundry 1 car garage aad I ful yard. C*>en House Sat tan. 14 7 p m

P L Y M O U T H - Much daa l rod LAKKPOINTE VILLAGE 1 *ory 4 bedrooma. iv» batha. large tot patio

Offered at


at tached garage


CANTON N of Ford Road. Back* to field and wood* 1 bedrooms, 1 baths, family room, fireplace, dining room, l ^ a g e 144.400 AJtar4PM f W - U l l

CANTON aharp ctoaa 1 bedrootn colo-nial. 1V> batha. 1% car garage, family room fireplace, apacioua coun ty kitch-en H I 000 By appointment 441-1477

CANTON By Owner Brick I bedroom ranch, family room with fireplace, fin-

PLYMOUTH neat 1 bedroom doU home on v. Acre tot. Youtl (all la ton with thla oo*. FamllT room. 1 car ga-rage aad more for 1*3.140 rtHLlG REAL ESTATE 4S1-7400

ONLY 44.444 ASSUMES Canton aimple aaaumotlon. no red

Deluxe 4 bedroom tape Dei attached flreolace. pro* I . * * *q > 4 7 , 0

floor aad aupur kitch jad yard, a t e n i utility ahed. tot

i S I l i t M4 444

C E N T U R Y 2 1 Gold House Realtors

420-2100 464-8881

THREE BSDROOtl. 1 bath brtck ranch Family ream, fireplace. <**re l air, 1 car garage, fully carpeted. E of Sheldon. N ^ V e r d . 44W711

PLYMOUTH I bedroom hrtck runch. 1 bathe, iv» car y r * # * . family reuan.

^ S a n a p p U a a c e s |g7JS4. ^ * 2 5 m



T R Y M E ! Before yuu bay la PlymoWh. C W k - o e l tha 1 bedroom 1H bath home with p -n f e ko* traffic a r t s , mrsJ n h a for r\jnxMXk prtcad at W * CiJ l


C e n t u r y 2 1

Gold House Realtors 459-6000

excellent area walk to t o p p i n g «*!>**

C e n t u r y 2 1 Gold House Realtors


315 WwUi»*s Wovi

11 » M " S a r i Rd.. 417 1*44

N O R T H V I L L E S C H O O L S N o v i T w p .

^ a u Q f u l Briweiand F a r m s Counary aettlag Lar*i coraar tot, wrufa around tM* long tow ranch. * baWooana, family roomwlth Biuplare dack. 1 car at-tached garage wtth opener*. A really dmi key for l4* .*ar



315 Horthrtis Hovl

PLYMOUTH Nice older home. 4 baths, livlagroom. dtalag n f ln iah iH -

Otd Village, by Owner iv*

1 car garaga. family room/ dining room vurr clean, ap-

. __0C aq f t CaU for addreaa ,00 balance Century 11.

CANTON Open Sat k Sun.. 11 noon -J p m I room colonial, with many, many extraa. Aaeume » * % mortgage 7744 Capri Drive, N of Warren, one block W of Sheldon

CANTON 1440 lO-ft colonial. 4 bed-rooms, IV* batha. dining room, foyer, oaaeltod family room, atady. deck, cen-S 2 a i r tow 1144 (Wa Owner 41SMW

POOL Ford-Beech Daly 1 bedroom brick reach. taWe ipece kitchen plua dining L. doorwall. recreation room with half beth. 1 car garage, central air condi-tioning. aluminum trim, existing 1 * , purchase price 1M.M0

C H U C K G A V L I K R e / M a * W e s t 2 6 1 - 1 4 0 0

CANTON S bedroom CokoaUl, 1H baths- 1 car attacbad ( a r a f e . flr«f>lac«,

, ^ £ S 2 i S : ' S 7 5 £ " 1 > S ^


CITY OF PLY-MOtTTH - 1 atory coloni-al on tree-lined atreet I or 4 bedrooms completely up-dated Maintenance tree_ Central air 411-51M

OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 741* Kakaer South of Joy. East of 1-171 Holiday Park Sab Super 4 bedroom boroe wtth attached garage oo fenced tot. Decorated In neutral tones Great room wtth fireplace Patio aad pool pe r iod for aummer entertaining Great family bome

JOHN COLE REALTY 4 5 5 - 8 4 3 0 2 5 5 - 5 3 3 0

• 4 U - M 4 7

I PLYMOUTH OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-4 J bedroom b — a t o w In a t t tec t t re neighborhood la CJty Of 141 Sunset 447 4 4 H d

f Plymouth.

PLYMOUTH right la the heart of town. Thla 1 bedroom home ha* a full

it. large garage aad extra daap

tot o a l j a lew block* from duwnUiwn.

' REAL ESTATE 441-THS » 1 * * 4 FEHLIG

THREE ACRES beawtlful 4 bedroom brick raach. aaper kitchen, formal d»a-tng room, U m S y r o o m , with l w a y f l r * -place, 1 car attached garage AMo adih-uonal garage for wokah iy . Piytpoutk mailing * Schoola! Asking I I 44.SM

REDUCED 44.004 - Just ahy of having 1 acres Beeutlful 1 bedoom brtck home, tecoratad la earthlonaa. family room

. . , j « 1144.400

EXQUISITE CUSTOM QUAD OB large wooded parcel wtth bars 1 fireplace*, wr lnaa l aan room over pa-tio. IV* hatha, lacwaxl 4 aaaaa room with boitor beater caatral air aad much more! Call for details. W 4 4 0 0

" EARL KEIM W e s t B l o o m f i e l d 8 5 5 - 9 1 0 0

315 HorthvWe-Hovi 315 Horthvil je-*o*

N O R T H V I L L E $ 6 5 , 0 0 0

N O V I - $ 5 7 , 9 0 0 i

NOV] MRADOWBROO* LAKK 4 ar » l i t n a , 1*4 hath ootaw

•> wooded toC Drat fleer l a a W y . u t n l air. baaamaak. garage

Lake ft park • Sab Land Contract

NOVI D U N ^ K T O W J T N I S ^ «Mrlml

S S i l coart tot «a Northville achoola


3 4 8 - 4 3 2 3



l a s r & i « « r r . ?T

S bath» IV* hatha, far . wtth tory hey w i e with bar Mrary w4tt

mailing i Schools! Aaklag

N DEARBORN HTS 1 bedroom aluna-SOjc nded bungalow, iv* car garage, junroom, new carpeting ft floora, *ome appiiancea, LC lerma 141000 After tpSi 441-4M1 |

PAMPERED PERFECTION la evident in thla Dearborn brtck 1 bedroom. 1 full batha. 14 f t family room with fireplace flmahed baaeroent aluminum trim and 1 •» car garage with ooetier 1*4.400


WOLFE 4 2 1 - 5 6 6 0

_ _ _ 314 Ptymouth-Canton

V2 A C R E Thii Impeccable Plymouth Twp f a r m bouae offer* > martona bedrooma. large kitchen, formal dining, poaalble atady baaeroent, updated features and a treed aetting. Ooly Ml,400

Century 21 Gold House Realtors

459-6000 BEACON HILL. 1400 aq f t Traditional Colonial 00 lovely tot opening unto a

Crk-like Betting 4 bedroom, 1H tha large ninny kitchen with built-in

appliances natural fireplace in family room, deo with beamed celling, first floor laundry, Large *creen«l porch, earthtooea throughout 1141,0410 After i p m 414-4441

C O U N T R Y - L I K E A R E A I 4 Bedroom Broadfront Ranch. 1 Full Batha, Famllv Room/Fireplace. At-tached 1 Car Garage. Hurry oo thii one

" k a t h y r o c k e f e l l e r " RE MAX FOREMOST 4H-4410

PLYMOUTH - Executive walkout ranch oo 14.4 gorgeoua ecrea F ly ing pood. bare, greenhouae and mack more, t a l l for detail* tXU.404 FEHLIG REAL ESTATE 441-7400

PLYMOUTH, LIVONIA BARGAINS PLYMOUTH Unique ranch home, for mai nir.in t room, aundrenched kitchen, baaemeot. 1 car garage and more. Large tot 141.440

LIVONIA - Pride of ownership nwwe In 1 bedroom brtck ranch,

PLYMOUTH TWP BY OWNER Pneed to Bell Large custom executive bome la L» i l l g l f n Gtoavtow Sub Quality feature* throughout too aainar-oua to liat 4-4 bediwaua piaa famlljr room. IV* batha. dual level patlaa with walkouts 1111.400 Term* available 4M-1M7 141JM*1

Breathtaking ranch: m, great room. 4 bad-

TWO ACRES Formal dinUM roam, great r o o m 1 ™ 1 tofta, ftajahed garag* moch roora. \Mkia4


Aak for Sandy Btovtne 444-^M7

FIRST OFTERING Northville Colony extra apectal colonial with all tha ex-traa 4 bedroom brtck and aluminum in-cludes IV* hatha, dtnlag roam. 1 * floor laundry, family room and attached ga-rage Plaa now vinyl window* and timed apriakler*. 1114.400


WOLFE 4 2 1 - 5 6 6 0

Looky haruf 1 acrea raach. partially itniim •peda l fruit ft ahad* true* gator* Aa-^ l U g k mortgage of M1.4®*N<-hike

i r S r a t a s r C a wua t l a * B R U C E R O Y R E A L T Y , I N C

3 4 9 - 8 7 0 0

12 R o l l i n g A c r e s + 11 box alalia, l a rgr toaae . pond. 14 mla ate* to 1-M and 11 Oak* Mail g».44i H4.400 down on 11* five year cont rac t Call


C E N T U R Y 2 1 Gold House Realtors

family room wtth natural fireplace, central air basement 1 car attached garage. M7.400.

C E N T U R Y 2 1 H e r t f o r d S o u t h 2 6 1 - 4 2 0 0

PLYMOUTH, walk to Town! I baWciom Brtck Ranch Immaculate, move-la condition! Beautiful Ftortda Room, din-lag room, flalahed baaemaat 1 car ga

^ t s^ r t r r sa V I E W O F L A K E

Walk eeroaa the atreet and drop la your fiahing Une Offering thia "pacioua older 1 atory bome with 1 batha, basement garage and land coo t ract terma I 5 6 M 0

C E N T U R Y 2 1 Gold House Realtors

420-2100 464-8881

Transferred Owner S A Y S , M u s t S e l l Todayl

ice reduction for — quad-level located In

Extraordinary price reduction for thla great 1.440 aq. f t qnnd-level located la desirable N Canton neighborhood. F e e •.urea huge family room wtth fireplace, central air. baaamant ! H car heated garage, delightful patio with gaa grill and nice l a n s c a p u i g la front and back yards Priced now at only 17'. 400 Har-ry-Call

Sandy Petrovich R e / M a * B o a r d w a l k 4 5 9 - 3 6 0 0

JUST LISTED Enjoy country living In th room brick ranch wtth 1 ca. _ . _ cated oa v* acre tot Large family room with fireplace newer e a n a U a s . and patio Needi aoroe T L C Xafcing » u 900

JOHN COLE REALTY 4 5 5 - 8 4 3 0 2 5 5 - 5 3 3 0

S i m p l e A s s u m p t i o n and dean country air - what » combina-tion! 1 bedrooms, dining room. 1 car de-tached garage, oo v* acre. Low taxes

MT " C E N T U R Y 2 1

Gold House Realtors 420-2100 464-8881


A N D W E C A N T E L L Y O U A L L A B O U T IT. . .

ft Garage. wtth Towahoaa* Uaf ts Get th* beat price with pre-a — r a t l o a rua»vat ton _

Bagianlng price 47440* Call Today to raaarve yoar a i t Occapanry la approximately 4 months

C A R O L M A S O N R E A L T Y 3 4 4 - 1 8 0 0

til* toys. 1st I carpet throe

_ m A D l M a a t Call 1-7 p m. « » • j day

r eectoMve*

3 4 9 - 6 9 6 9

ftanarM t e r f t o o e l le ntota. 1

p a m u M ^

aeiar t a r h a i l n p lav warm la Wln-ta

if l-rn at Mlltord Bd a r i t oa 1M Ft x IM Ft . a v e r s e ) lota la p e ^ e d e ^ f l v k n « Coenyleta h o — h * » a a h b t o r ^ mediate n u - ^ i a a n - P 1 - * " * *** 171JS* MaM aeerShowa by apjrt-DAVID MCGRATH

SOUTH SUN D«V 0 0 7-4414

NORTHVILLE TWP 1 • » toft lor that apectal home Rolling hill«»de view

.near Uavbwy Park. 1 acrua. MM«* -478-4660 2 6 1 - 4 7 0 0 ] t h » p a r « l la U « « l f u i ttl-SM»

O W N E R T R A N S F E R R E D Novi. Turtle Creek. Maa.liiaWniS.-4 Mile p t t l g t o m custom built 1 bed-room. IV* bath. 1 atory. large family

lat floor laandrr. carpeting _ l«k car attached garage

Cloae to X-way ft Twalvu Oaka Mall 4114JM. l * * i

f dvircl p a r f i

T U E S D A Y , J U N E 1 8 T H O P E N H O U S E F O R R E A L T O R S C O N T I N E N T A L B R E A K F A S T - 1 0 A M T O N O O N

BY OWNER CANTCWi Sanfiower tab. 4 bedroom quad. 1H baths, panelled family room with fireplace. 1 >4 car at-tached garage, deck, taatefully decorat-ed. U i W Call after 4 l i P M ^aod

BY OWNER- Executive h o m e <jPCtora annona to tDorc La iunooi quad 1 all level* finiabed i oa a large corner tot in Cantoo aub with central park. Ex-travagant in-ground Ganntte pool fMl-amJ Hne Water) Und*captng wtth decks Centra] air, fireplace, 4 or & bed-rooma Shown by appointment only M S » « " "



BY OWNER In Plymouth. . raach, 1 baths large kitchen. Uvtng room with fireplace, large treed tot

Ml. 400 Call 411-1*44

2 6 8 1 H A D L E Y R O A D E x q u i s i t e l y r e m o d e l e d H i s t o r i c f a r m h o u s e w t t h o v e r 4 , 0 0 0 S q . F t 4

3 % b a t h s . I n - g r o u n d s o l a r h e a t e d p o o l , p o n d , n u m e r o u s b a r n s a n d o u t b u i l d i n g .

2 4 0 a c r e s o t l a n d p r e s e n t l y In h a y a n d o a t s . 6 0 a c r e s is w o o d s . A n e x c e l l e n t

p r o p e r t y f o r y o u r c l i e n t s w h o w o u l d l i ke a w o r k i n g f a r m , b u t l u x u r i o u s I M n g o ^ y

50 S t e s f r o m B i r m i n g h a m . T a k e 1-75 N o . t o O K t c ^ d / L ^ e O r t ^ / L a p w j r e x i t

t a k e M - 2 4 ( L a p e e r R o a d ) n o r t h p a s t O x f o r d t o P r a t t R d . ( b l i n k e r l i gh t ) , g o le f t o n

P r a t t a b o u t 5 m i l e s t o H a d l e y R d . t o S t e w a r t , j o g le f t o n S t e w a r t t h e n r i g h t o n

H a d l e y R d a g a i n T h e f a r m Is a t t p u t a m i l e d o w n o n t h e r i g h t . F o r f u r t h e r

i n f o r m a t i o n , Ca l l :

S h e r r y T h o m p a o n


678-2256 Metamora, Mich., 48455 678-3321

C a r o l Qr) M a s o n

" ^ U B F

H O W A B O U T Y O U R O W N L I T T L E A C R E ? c o m p l e t e l y r e n o v a t e d l a r g e h o m e l o c a t e d o n I t s o w n a c r e R o o m f o r t h e c h i l d r e n t o g r o w a n d r o a m . T h i s p r o p e r t y g i v e s y o u t h e f r e e d o m o f t h e c o u n -t r y a n d a l l t h e a d v a n t a g e s o f t h e c i t y . C l o s e t o T w e l v e O a k s M a l l , s c h o o l s a n d e x p r e s s w a y s a n d p r i c e d f o r y o u a t $69 ,900

3 4 4 - 1 8 0 0

4 1 7 6 6 W . 1 0 M i l e RD. N o v i , M l 4 8 0 5 0


T H E P I O N E E R *79,750 3 bedroom starter ranch, family room wtth fireplace, V/» baths, basement, quality built with natural stained trim, wood windows, oak cabinetry, ceramic tile, birch doors, (10 YEAR HOME WARRANTY).


C O N S T R U C T I O N CO. , INC.


Open 1-6 Daily. 12-6 Weekends Closed Thursday

4 6 4 - 3 5 3 5


T h e IKr I p i II I

People •

We're spina the distance to find a cure for

Muscular Dystrophy.

Livonia. C o v e n t r y G a r d e n s , ' 04d worWJ c h a r m <feac i ib«e t f w a r s a of thl* a p h c * x j s c u s t o m 3 b e d r o o m b r i c k r a n c h Mint c o n -di t ion t h r u - o u t . l a r g a f a m i l y r o o m , b«**-m w i t a n d 2 c a r « t t a c r » d g a r a g a J u s t L is tad . $ 7 4 , 9 0 0 2 « 1 - 1 8 0 C

C U S T O M BUILT R A N C H h a s »ust b ^ n r a d u c a d t o $ 7 9 , 9 0 0 I n c l u d e 3 full b a t h * 2 ca r a t t a c h e d g a r a g e , f o r m a l d tn ing r o o m , l a n c e d y a r d a n d A n d a r a a n * m -r j o w s T o o m a n y e x t r a a t o m e n t i o n , Call t o d a y 4 5 3 - 0 0 1 2 .

R E D F O R D - MINT CONDITION B e a u t i f u l Brick R a n c h . 3 b e d r o o m a . 2 b a t h a m o d e m k i t c h e n , c o v e r a d p a t i o , r e c r o o m . O w n e r will o o n a k l a r L a n d C o n -t r a c t T e r m * 5 3 6 - 6 3 0 0

WDl you meet us halfway?

Sa tu rday , J u n e n t h E R A * Real Esta te Specialists will be o u t co l lec t ing for the musc la r dys t rophy cause.


Please give~generously. If we all w o r k t o g e t h e r

t oward bea t ing this cr ippl ing disease, we w o n ' t have

far t o g o .

Livonia , P h beau t i fu l ly

Pride of ownerahlp thru-out thM oaauurolly decorated 3 bedroom brick • n d aluminum maintenance free ranch Formal dining room, oantral air, rec room m baaament urtth fireplace and bar 2 oar garage $ 5 7 . S 0 0 2 6 1 - 1 8 0 0

. U v o m e . 0 » e r 1300 *q « • of living * o a c a o r i w a d m th la « b e d r o o m h o m e 2 be tha ,

_ and garaga AS mi* lor

$45,000 261-1800

Bedford c w e a and cream <*^=ribe» tMs 3 bedroom brick bt*>ge»o««» with * r g e maatar aufta Formal « m n g room, piueh carpeting thrv-out. Use am ant. na«er fur-nace w>d 2 cm attached garage Move m dondttlon $49 200 261-1600 OvonM. Greet Terme A v - M d » a 9 p a « x -4 bedroom bungeiow on e^eto t^For -

ment aeith v* beth piua pool lor th* .ummer a r — d $63 6 0 0 261-1600

Uvonia. Re-queBfy aaet*wp«on * — ^ on this preetigious h o m e . H o u e e beeuMM

thru-out this 3 bedroom. 2 U beihe. formal dining room, family room adth ee-tfMdrM oaMnga and driftrook Srepleea Large lot end 2 cer a t » * f » a d « « j r j a Too many er t re* to ">entlon $138,000 2« 1600



C O M F O R T A B L E C O U N T R Y LIVING In th i s 3 b e d r o o m r a n c h o n 'A a c r e m i n u t e s f r o m d o w n t o w n P l y m o u t h Lovely family r o o m with f i r e p l a c e t h a t o p e n s t o c o v e r e d pa t io , f o r m a l d m m g r o o m , o a n t r a l air a n d m o c h . m u c h m o r a $ 1 1 9 , 9 0 0 Qlve u s s call 4 5 3 - 0 0 1 2

W O W l Thla h o m e a ftewieeal S o o o d e e r a n d * h a r p R e m o d e l e d k i t c h e n , f in i shed D a a a m a n t 3 b e d r o o m a . m a l n t e n e n c e f r e e M o v e r igh t in. / o u r worit Is s i r e e d y d o n e lor you A s k i n g only $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 453 -0 0 1 2

O U T 8 T ANOINO R A N C H with c o u n t r y d» -oor l S e c l u d e d b e c k y s r d with g a r d e n a p a c e fo r t o w e r e n d v e g e t a b l e l o v e r s F in i shed b a e e m e n t m c r e e a a e t h e c o m f o r t a n d BvebWty E x t r a Inaula t lon $ 4 5 , 5 0 0 4 5 3 - 0 0 1 2

B E A U T I F U L E X E C U T I V E R A N C H In a e c t u d e d a r e a of C a n t o n E n t e r t a i n your M e n d a m t h i s l o r m a l d m m g r o o m a n d h u g e f ami ly r o o m wftti i m p r e e e i v e «e»d-M o n e f t r a p i a o e a n d c a t h e d r a l c e « r v g FVv l e h e d r e c r o o m e n d m u c h m o r e . 453 -0 0 1 2

T R A N S F E R R E D O W N E R a e i e C h a r m i n g 3 b e d r o o m o n c o m e r lot w»th w N t e p i c k e t f e n c e , c a r -p e t e d t h r u - o u t . m M b u n d s . M l b e e e -m e n t P r i c e d right e t $ 6 4 , 9 0 0 4 6 ^ 0 0 1 2

P L Y M O U T H / C A N T O N


werrts < * * *

' • —

FARMINGTON HILLS - PRICE REDUCED Large Kende»wood Cotonial. 4 bed-rooma. large den as ws> es tanWy with fireplace, petlo ancioeed wfth privacy fence, two car garage, lovely corner lot wfth fruit treee. can for detela. 536-6300

REDFORD - FIRST OFFERING Quick Occupancy on this 3 bedroom Brick Ranch m South Redlord. 1V% bathe, pi oleeekinel rec room wfth bar extra m-auleUon only $45 ,900 5 3 6 ^ 3 0 0 REDFORD ASSUME LAND CONTRACT BeautifuBy decorated 3 bedroom Brick Cape Cod, Mtuated on lerge lot. new oer-pet. ftrapiaca, lovely Ftoride room, rec room, ettachad geraoe 838 H O C

S O U T M W t L D - MUST SEE Lwge and lovely Brick Colonial. 4 spe-cious bedrooma. 2N4 wfth brick w e t Brepl den. V e t door laundry. *ew4ng room, huge Floride room, pallo and murt» i two ow attached garspa i l l 6300 FARMINGTON MILLS - LANO CON-


Custom BuM OusMy Brick Rene4\. beautt-M marble foyer, apedoua rooms, $ bm6-

rooma. 2 M i and 2 haff batfta. hardwood

MARY ANN M e A L L M T E R L 0 U « G A D 0 I S


ayeteme. ca* tor lilaBi 5 3 8 WOO




E R A a n d M D A G o i n g t h e d i s t a n c e together .

I ^Tiii

6 E * O A E T h u r s d a y , J u n e 1 3 . 1 9 8 5


C L A 6 6 I F I E D REAL E6TPTE 5 9 1 0 9 0 0

3 1 6 W e e t l a n d

G a r d e n C i t y

316 Wsstland Garden City

316 Westlsnd Garden City

316 Westland Gar dan City

3 1 8 R a d f o r d 3 1 8 R e d f o r d

BY OWNER. L; vacua schools W s : a a l > 8% u s u m p t i o c . e m tot, recently re-modetod, new root. 1 bedroom*, family room, ettacbed ( i » | t t40.500415^><tt»

GARDEN CITY Colt s tar ter ranch oo ext ra Large lot, Land Contract avai lable Neat aa • ptn plus ooly $34,500

Century I I Coo* 4 Associates


GARDEN CITY REDUCED" P R I D E of c/wnersfilp tt j

shown throughout thla J bedroom ranch, off m u g full finished bsesmen t over-Uxed garage all setting oo a lovely treed lot. asking. 445.000


GARDEN CTTi" 3 bedroom bungalow. (til* baseroeoi told aa u tlO.OOfl

I 1st COLONIAL REALTY 513 5910

"HEY" -loo* me over, I fes ture total rwlecora uoo. mm mooey with my complete kitchen and home warranty, l '»e got a finished recreation room, central air k J car garage, Uvooia Schools, Priced In

i t i e low Fifties'

Century HOME CEN

2 1 TER

HOT NEW LISTING Super ipotiess 3 bedroom bock ranch, large uxicr kltcten, living room with tug window, carpeted throughout patio, newer window*, roof and furnace, f a i f f beautiful yard W W

SPUSH SPLASH ngjouod pool to keep roe cool featured

with this mint conditioned I bedroom ranci , country t i tcben flalahed baae-m e n t 1 full batha, private yard. ! S car garage £ A a y ^ a i » ^ ^ W o _ _ M t » 0

Bnck ranch offers I large bedrooma



ish Village will be the right bouse for vou 1»* batha. plaa large timing area are just a few of the extraa Asking.

GARDEN CITY Speokous bungalow « bedrooma, I H baths finished base- _ _ meet, all new carpet , large yard, ga , 5 S ^ rage Ml,900 I T H 1 M i W - l B l |

KENNELLY SUPER 4 bedroom 2 bath, flniated basement, overslnr 1 car garage, fenced corner lot Great terras Simple Assumption FHA'VA Anxious Sellers 144 #00 Aak lor



427-1700 ONLY $4,900 ASSUMES

4 bedroom brtck ranch, rec room, base-ment, 1W bat to Owner t ransferred MS 900 value Call for address Century 11, ABC 415-1150

WESTLAND by owner, 1 bedroom bralck ranch !Vi batik, partially fin-ished baaeroent with fireplace, carpet In* t iruougbout, appliance* 31* car at-tached garage, large fenced lot oo aulet atreet. AssamsMe mortgage or land

l contract , $44 900 7U-11II

BRICK RANCH 7 room*. 1-4 bed^ r t n » . I H bath* IW car garage.. Queen kitchen, sunroom. full Move-In condition 9i~ « r

WESTLAND by o bnck ranch. f tmteed

bedroom baaeroent central

air, deck, S of Cherry HU1, W of Mem-man Wayne Weetland echoois Ml.9*0 Buyer* oily 4?**497

Softool. Super

CENTURY 21 NADA, INC. 477-9800

age negotiable 523 1 $30

LIVONIA SCHOOLS Super 1 bedroom bnck trl level. 1W baths. country kitcbec. huae fsmily room with fireplace, attached 1 car rage. » »

Castelli 525-7900

WESTLAND - Livonia achoota, 4 bed-room brtck. 1 full batha, remodeled kitchen, 3W car aluminum aided ga-rage. completely finished baaeroent. central air covered patio with redwood privacy fence, many more featarea. m w b t . n i $59.9*1 I * a s « m a b l e


JUST LISTED | 7 SOfl DOWN Specious 4 bedroom bnck with dining room, f louted baae-roent. 1 batba garage 4 more CaU lor detalla.

WESTERN GOLF CLUB 4 bedroom bnck ranch with i p M o a kltcben wtth built-lna. attached garage and more Priced to aril

LAND CONTRACT No closing costs oo thia 1 bedroom bock ranch with dining room and garage on * acre Call lor tbe low down

CENTURY 21 Today 538-2000

REDFORD 1 bedroom brtck ranch Central air . I S batha. f iaisted baae-ment with har, 1 Mi car garage. $41,400 534-9401 Ml-1100

REDFORD 5-BEECH 119*9 Kintocb New vinyl u d l n g . 1 bad-room, baaeroent, garage Good lor MSHDA $34 900

15914 Woodworth Broad front. 1 bed-room aluminum, bigger than moat full baaeroent $17 900 ~ ' Call Ray Taylor

3 0 2 B i r m i n g h a m

B J o o m f l e W

3 0 3 W e a l B t o o m f l e t d 3 0 3 W e s t B l o o m f i e l d


Fast poaaaabon



411 North Cranbrook Road

s O t e panelled library. I « l < f r e e ' room, u n t a room. first floor laandry. !1n-

baameot. walk-In cedar cloaet. 1 u r a g e PrtrfaariooaUv landacapad

with apriakiliM *y*tam Perfec t toca-Uoo u, K r a u ^ t e m pablic * •evera l private tcbool* H l ' O J f Shown by appointment

WESTLAND lovely remodeled 1 bed-room aluminum aided oo >0x110' Ic* 1 car g a r a f e Eocloaed carpeted laeeie-< 1 1 U O 0 0 For Appc 59V1 M l

/ c h o t e i t z e r B e t t e r

j - j o m e s

PlYMOCTH Cuslorr built 3 CwOrowr 'amffy roon. lor-x»i flinins roon. aisJOft C»* nome or 10'k xx* WM farm. 6 sti* fwse sarr •Wi xrra, ft«y AoU 'X KXitf SOe Of

Sorw Inckioas ooodec larC it Ba3 C 5»rc®l Ood'ocrr bome - 2 •m Wklk-ir aoiats c«n*» room V»-plan tomb 3«wi5 room "f. Vxx laurv dr. torW* 'Kxr, $l9«.5a iP06CJfti 4S3-M0C

SALEM TOWNSHIP \ =*x*JC»J S3C 000' 3UW«r $ a n CuKom xrler xra-- or, 5.9® w« ,usl -rmutas Ir'Dm Ann Atto of PtymouCi Master 0*0-room su«« compwe «flh otic* ar*3 |acuz-li Extras inOua* mufit-tonBd iMtng mc rroW TKrt Home ia» *»• Baorowm. •Mr,. >o »ul bams infl f»c lad b*ff« Pn-vsle oonfi tot at fW racrsebor H O T B S

ire *no»»a PricaC Mlo» »liu» $'77,000 (P20FIVI iSJ-MOC

SALEM Baaullful to ftr»c 4 aee-sor &-c« rarcf or 3 acrss .arjs kn»«r 'am«v room i« 1 m flr«pla» °VS nutf mora PtymouW -niing ar>0 atJvxes1 Musi •m JUS.900 i P60NAP! 4S3-6800

SALEM TOWNSHIP Saauwlu T-v«eal Oacoratacl <r aartn looes 3 3«oroopa V* baths, oamtrj krteftan c*d«i turj-ojl Ptymc»,-Bi ma*n( »r-o P^mouth Softools Musi s«e S 1-3.000 I:P3*HOU|

SALEM Clstom M l 4 aedroorr raw 2 V»->aMS, 2 lofts fmtsfwd wafc-oul l asfr-mart. Northville mailing $t79DM ;P55Cum t s ^ e a a '

LIVONIA s « « r 3 beortxxr, Wlc* rancii • » tamd> •oom anc firae«ac« tKjfle oxjn!r> >ttcner Of axiM B* form* Olmng ira* Nk». oper 1ae*ng IK ttoor lauMr* room attached 2 oar garage cr nW*r landscaped lot Or* $86 90Q (L-32PCI522-5333

, WESTLAND fl*caritty t n o o a n : BMava x larja W 4 Bedrooms and attached parage Naiwr a r s« tn j . krtcMt IVaonng "»sta»u»y Oac-

oratadiL-tJSCH: 522-5333

METXXlLOUS.f MAINTAINED Origina oa^ar? lave •a*(N Mmoerad t?*s well ztnc 'Of 3 OeOrocn L,vo»*a b o o rarer, ^eabjrss 1H battis. iWsfwd rac -oom. TiaiMararce f ^ e ertenor Tt oar ga-spe mors ImmatMW Occupancy $55 900 522-5333IL-36WCHI

REOfORO Bnc* rancf 3 SaOroom,, txcatan ConcH-lior 80 'OOt Kf. c H>„ V A or M S H.O.A. i sms $32,900 522-5333 (L-18WK1

TREAT YOO«S£LF ;c x nsoectior <f t r» sueerWy 3ecor»t-ed C* i tx Ot-ad-Wva lome arti 3 Sad--ooms. 1'A &atrs 23«17 tanlN room a«s firetnaM. oantral m eood toe* Saaa-nent. more $59 9C0 Rr» Oflwmg! Tfw icme sMINT-1 t-5#J0Hi 522-5333

CJAbTfPvUS i j oa r t area ot Daaft»n His., N o< Ann Vbor 4 E Of 'aegrapr .Www 1 90C »Q ft Cap« S W Bnck *t» plaster natir» Veptac*. 4 DWooms torn® atoms mom, countiy kitoftar. 2 zx garage A*, rfl»T5.90C (L-TOAPfl 522-5333

4 5 3 - 6 8 0 0 5 2 2 - 5 3 3 3 218 S. Main St.

Plymouth 32744 5 Mile Rd.


REALLY NICE Super .harp ranch feature* 1 bedroom. 1 w batha. Uvlnf room, kltcben. dinette, family room with naturai fireplace, 1 car attached garage, finished rec ra*n is baaeroent Simile aaammptloe Ju*< reduced 1M 900 See lor youraeli caU


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700

WESTLAND - Nice J bedroom, dining room and large utility room, no outsJde maintenance. 1*» car garage.

SHARP RANCH O f f e r . 1 bedroom, family room with fireplace, attached g*r**e flnlated baaeroent with wet bar, FJorlda room and lovely k*. Aaaume roort«ace with

l o w ^ T S T ^ S m MIDWEST 477-OgM



Juat Hated • only 111,900 for tbia .harp 3 bedroom aluminum aided ranch

country kitchen, !ull baae-' g i i furnace, leoced yard.

featuring meol oew g a . more Hurry and call ANDY now

Land Contract Terms oo thla beautiful 3 bedroom bnc* ranc t Ln Redford Rec room with fireplace. I S car garace - really . .harp home Brtng o f fe r s Call


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700 LETS MAKE A DEAL

Attract ive k a p a d o u . 1 bedroom ranch N e w l y r e m o d e l e d k i t chen w l tb dia iwaaher . newer carpeting tbrwwL central air . partially flniated baeement w l t i f lniated extra room phi. 1H car

TAKE YOUR PICK! BRICK RANCH with aluminum trim In better than new condition Full flalahed baaeroent and garage IM.900

ALUMINUM bungalow and super yard for th* gardener Ener ty efficient furnace and rrtamtenance free exterior 111,900

Call BOB CRAVER 422-6030


CTTY OF BAoomflrid HlBa oo qr ta t pri-vate road Quality built custom 4 bed-room colonial oo 1 plua acre, 1H bath*. S flreplacea, » « « porch, a larm ay»-tem. mrlnkler lyBem. all In excellent condition B N , W Attract ive financ-ing available M 4 - H 1 1


Sylvan Lake AH bnck 1 bedroom ranch Dramatic 11 vine room. dtai*« room * kitchen, all with vaulted k

celiings Updated U t c t e c wth apetlaac** large m mia i l terrace.

rec room with bar pta* 4th bed-room or offtce 1 car garage New roof Newer carpets A pl.aeui ' . U. aee Anx bow wUar CDonaf cmi <x Miu

CENTURY .21 ' Secontine Assoc.

6 2 6 - 8 8 0 0

W BLOOMFIELD LAKEFRONT re-locating oat of slat*, taking o*fer» of cash buyer., oootamporary trl level, 3 bedrooma bath* Broker PO Boi MM! W Bloomfield Ml tt«

with central air tbe kid* and bome

REDECORATE t i n 3 bedroom brtck ranch tbe price 1* right Full baaeroent, covered patio. Great terma Aakini 115.900 Call


SIMPLE ASSUMPTION $1.7 00 Aluminum 1 bedroom, 1W car garage

Wayne We*tland school* Days. 473-4**0 Evea, 4 U 4 1 M

SIMPLE ASSUMPTION Low down, 1 bedroom ranch, large kitchen, carpeting thru o«L finished baaeroent. gas log fireplace. 1W car

CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700 WESTLAND Fami ly room

qulsh Sub Quad Family room fireplace. l«xlS Itayak pool Immaculate ' M9.000 110 0M aa-

'" 9% or new mortgage 1M-7M*

rage M^.9

Castelli 525-7900

WESTLAND Colonial. 3 bedrooma. newlv decorated. 1 bath*, kitchen, fami-ly room, baaeroent. 1 car attached I*_ rage. 75x171 lot. >57,900 _ 7M-77M

$3,000 Slmpte Assumption Sharp and clean 1 bedroom ranch, beautifully finished baaeroent, plurit carpet ing, no-wax floor, screened-In back porch, large covered froot porch, garage, pretty treed y*rd C*ll



Lounge in your own p*rk like backyard when you own this well maintained attractive 1 bedroom brtck Bungalow Two b a t h a finished baaeroent. 1 ca r garage plu* other Prtdeof ownership touches Ml,000 Call Ml-50*0



Two Magnificent Tudor*

4 bedroom*, 4 bath* plua 1 ball bath* on i wooded setting Uaballev-tbroaghout with extaoalve

Every amenity poaatbi* I7M.M0

5 Bedroom*. 1 faU plu* 1 hadf b*th* on a wooded acre plu. lot with teonla court. Fabulous grounds k Interior baa won-derful quality moldings everywhere $779,000


MAX BROOCK. INC. 644-* 7 00 Ml-1011

THREE BEDROOM brtck bungalow approximately $4,MO to aasume prea-es t mortgage. ASk for.


261-0700 533-2031

LAND CONTRACT TERMS AVAIL-ABLE oo this 5 bedroom. 1"> hath. New

Country bome Pr ivate lot wl& mature t ree* circular dr ive appll ancea ar* very new 1H car oversisad j a r a j e ^ War Bloomfield SchoaU


851-7711 Esecutive R«loc*tioo Service*

3 0 4 F a r m i n g t o n

F a r m i n g t o n HNIa

MATLbWWU . T v m u - - 1 bedroom colonial. W i d e bridge view oo a large graa t room with place k foyer Big dining, d s n wet

JUST LISTED Spacioua. charming home la Mldvale area 5 bedrooma, 1H batha, new fur

m l car-

MAPLEWOOD NORTH M M aq f ' •" «e with

ith fire-wet bar

XkiidHU. Brat floor laundry, 1"4 Romano tab to mas te r bath, ce-tile 10 foyer, cathedral celling In

master Mdroom doabta beating k *ir system. Intercom, *l*rm. sprinkler, (fact., full baaeroent, 1W car garage. drcul*r drlv*. $1M.#00 A l t t r l g ^

VA SPECIAL Total c o r $W0 oo t h a I bedroom Aluminum sided with breeseway. attached garage, large lot

• • ' .only $M, •NIAL


3 1 8 R e d f o r d

BRICK bungalow, I bedroom* alumi-num tr im, recreation room. 1 car ga-rage immediate occupancy Ml,900

V A R T I N , KETCHVM J. M . » j m N

5 2 2 - 0 2 0 0

Priced Right 1 bedroom brtck rsJfch, oew car-r in living room, spdated kitchen.

ful l baaeroent. newly tiled and much more Newer furnace and garage Ooly $45,900.

CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

464-8881 420-2100 R E D F O R D BY OWNER 1 bedroom bungalow, newly sided, remodeled k i t S e n , finished baaeroent Wolman-txed deck. 1 car garage 512-Mli

1001 134,1 i r COLON

e d g a r a g e .

REALTY 511-5910

3 0 2 B i r m i n g h a m

B l o o m fleid

A VERY UNIQUE Bloomfield Lake-front home near the Golf. Village. * Hunt claba Beautiful trees encircle 4 bed room 1H bath. 1 car garage site-Much more Rhodes Realty Ml-0014







BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Coloo.ai Famltj room fireplace, buill-ma b 'aakfaa t room formai dining baaamant . a a r age ^amir* rwflh-bcxno-CKt $93,500 S-?684 338-60 *7 or 6*2-1620 TROY - Colonial. Prime a r ea Family room fireplace formal

dining, central air, large lat noor laundry, outdoor lighting and fountain, mucri more $92,500 Z-3028


COMMERCE TWP. - "n-level f amity room, fireplace 2'4 car g a r a g e , l a -ge w o o d e d lot. $79,900 N-2-917 AUBURN HILL a Colonial ••"-ing r o o m b a s e m e n t g a r a g e Walk to school Near * -»ays $51,000 S-29*9 MO ROYAL OAK - Brick -aoch. 2 oa lbs large kiicIWi base-m a r t . low mainteciance $61,500 M-2796

A GREAT LOCATION lntown BLr charmer 4 bedrooms, son-

room. extras Simple loan assumption possible For u l e by owner $114,900 See 11M Villa, Open SaL, l#-«. 3a» 11-S or call M4 1 KM for appointment

nace. updated kitchen new i petlng. library and Florid* room C*ll tor private abowuig 1174 900


Merrill Lynch Realty-

ss i - 8100 651-9382 OPEN SUN 1-4

27M Hooters Hill Rd Bloomfield Hills Off Eaatways at Great Oaks

I acre wooded lot, l , m aq ft- Oi-lrvei. 4 bedroom* 1 fall bath* MoT see to appreciate! I179.000

• S ince 1976

8 8 4 S , A d a m s

6 4 2 - 1 6 2 0

B i r m i n g h a m 4 9 0 1 1


2-5 P.M. EXCELLENT SCHOOLS' 1 bedroom ranch with large Uvtng are*., great for enter ta ining ASKING $54,900


P E R F E C T R E T I R E E OR STARTER HOME! Beautiful wooded double lot. n a t u r a l f i r e p l a c e REDUCED TO $48 900




851-6700 REDFORD S x t T H

FAMILY ROOM Mint cmuxn t*uU J b o d r o o m r a n c j 2jJ fool IivIac room. Btoarp rec room^ 2 fmli bath* on f lMu owner F i m of ter lnf Only %i.0006on CaU Barb MArtio.

CHALET 477-1800


English Tndor Young profaaBonal coa-ple would like to pmrhaae authentic re-modeled English Tudor willing to pay bank appraised value $17-UOT


BLOOMFIELD HILLS Off Squirrel Rd between Wattle* Long Lake Ranch style 1 bedroom. 1H bath bome In beautiful Woodcreat Lake Sub Mod country kltcben with ca l t e -

Florid* room i tree lined acr* s i t i n g

will co-op

BIRMINGHAM Opeo June rt, 11 S »50 C b e m o t By owner, charming 1 bedroom brick bungalow, walkint dis-tance lo shopping dlatrtct Full base-ment, g* raga$74%)0 540-1154

PLEASANT STREET CAPE COD Charming bome cloae to town 1 bed r o o o v l ? bath.- Uvlng room with fire-place, breakfast room with bay wtn-dowa k room, all with hardwood floor* Bright kitchen * cosy tei Ex-quisite tower level family room, oew roof k gutters Completely car garage with opener Per fec t coodo a l ternat ive UM.WO Opeo

BIRMINGHAM Quartoo ETatea area 1 story, 1 bedroom*. 1H bath*, ga-

rage No thru t raf f ic New roof Charm-ing Call for appotntmeoL M1-49M

BIRMINGHAM Updated ID-Town 1 bedroom*. I "4 bath*. room, dining room, nmroocn. i den i. finlahed basement, new f« central air, a larm, privacy fenced yard, garage 1I19 900 M 4 - I U J

. flraplaca. Uvtng nmroom. Ubrary it. new furnace k

BIRMINGHAM. 1171 Yoeemite. 1-* bedroom bnc* ranch, aluminum trim, g a * 11* batha, 1H car carpeted b|»e-mertt. many extra*. $109,900 M t - l l l t

BIRMINGHAM $ bedroom ranch 1 car garage w , opener New carpe t ing Ap-p l i a n c e Flniated baaeroent Walk to town $77,000 4*0-'


Spectacular lot abows off UOO aq Robertson built quad with

$149700 By 540-117$

All Farmington Area WALK TO DOWNTOWN Mint condi Uoo 1 bedroom brich ranch, nicei* landecaped. newer carpeting, beautiful ly flnlated rec room Area at tached to rear of 1 car garage for storage or porch. Third bedroom could be dining room or den $71,900

INDULGE IN AN AFFAIR with naOrr* Your famUy will love thia 4 bedroom. 1 bath charmer nestled In 1H wooded acres along side a natural beauty road lo Farmimgtoo Hill* $119.$00

WOODED SETTING In pr*atlgk«a» Meadowbrook Hill* Freahlypaloted in-side *nd out. 1 bedroom brtck ranch, large countrv kitchen with newer *ppll ancea. Mturs i fireplace in f*mily room, hardwood floor*, oew w*llpaper well for watering lawn. $94,900

CENTURY 21 Today 553-0700

Middle Strai ts Lake >•» block to n r tmming *nd booting f rom this 1 bedroom brtck ranch Ref lniAed hardwood floor*, levators and a i r condi tlooing make this * great buy Owner anxious to sell $54,000


Merrill Lynch Realty

647-5100 641-7207

BY OWNER- Farmingtoo Hills Be*uty 1 bedrooma spr*wllng' brtck k «lum, num ranch "w acre fenced lot Excel-lent entertainment home. Huge family room, full tiled baaeroent, 1H ba th* central sir. buUt-lra, l * car attached garage $9«.00« Beware of Great Dane oo premises 477-M 97

BY OWNER Spacious 4 bedroom. IMi bath cotootal. with oversixed Country kitchen Large family room with vaulted celling * bar overlooks secluded patio Formal dic-ing room. 1H car garage, 1 flreplacea M a t u r e t r e a d s e t t i n g oo w e l l landacaped acre corner V*. AMUCTSEE $114,900


MOVE RIGHT IN 1 bedroom ranch, features extrs L*r« family r o o m sepa-rate ^ " t " t room, living room k den. ell decorated In neutrals with a contempo-rary flair, located on lovely cul-daaac. $94,500 $14-0991

OPEN FATHERS DAY W Bloomfield contemporary near Mid-dle Straits Lake S oo Elder off Com-merce Rd. between Gree r lake k Union I a t . Rd Sets oo treed lot offering seclusion. 1400ft of Uvtng area , com-pletely separate master suite, ideal for the busy y illusion.I. Has all the fea-ture* one would expect ln a bome for $149,000 Your boat Ted R o c k w e U ^ _

Son, 1 M to

OPEN SUN, 1-4PM. 511$ Corner* Dr f Maple , 'Mlddlebel t ) . B i r m i n g h a m Schools 4 bedroom Colonial, central air. 1H bath* redone interior, 1st floor laundry loaded with options Assuro-

SS, S O T .

BY OWNER 4 Bedroom goad, 1 batha large family room, fireplace, air very nice Open Sun,, l « n - 4pm Call Farmingtoo Hills 474-0041

Cheaper Than Rent Sharp brlc* ranch with formal dining, modem kitchen and country slsied lot, 2 car garage * plus Oily $49,900 Call JAN BURKHOLDER CENTURY 51 Today 44V0700

4 40 Call

PRIME LOCATION Btocmfield Hills Schools Tranaltlonal Interior 4 bed-room* 1 * batha, l ibrary, etc B I » M

SPECTACULAR ln-towi> unique tow maintenance bom* k property William Flnnlcum-deaJgnad addition (b 19$1 makes 3 - generous bedrooms, s spaooua m a * « r suite, 1W baths fireplaces In sumii family room 1. living room, separa te dining room. U-brary, greenhouse room, oak ftoor* thru-out, 1 car garage " " $179,900.

PARK LIKE SETTING with this beat) tifully decorated and very well main

' -"Ir i i• i Four bedrooros. 1H bath* fireplace aad unusual wet bar In family room, f inished baaeroent

Hing system aad. air conditioning. nfleld Hills Schools - Andover

High. $1$4,000


851-7711 Executive Relocation S e r n c e *


1 1 -1 l ] -m

O f P L Y M i u f H * CITY OF P L Y M O U m i f - u r ' U L A R •HOUGH PARK" presents original

owner ColoniaJ on...PARK PLACE. 5 bedrooma. 2Vi batha, 24x15 living room w/f l replace, formal dining room, family room w/f i replace, baeement. Spectacu-lar pat io and yard. 2 year oW roof. Cen-tral Air, Anderaen windows LOVELY FAMILY HOME. $164,900 (453-8200) .

CITY OF P L Y M O U T H ! " H O U G H PARK"....pleasingly contemporary and custom built. 4 bedrooms, 2'<4 baths, large living room with fireplace, formal dining room, family room with fireplace, 1st floor laundry, finished recreat ion room, sensational pat lo/ terrace. 2 year old roof. $169,000 (453-8200)

• " * * *

. K .

CITY OF PLYMOUTH! S M A L L BUT AT-TRACTIVE 1V4 story home privately lo-cated. Cory two bed room (master Is 20 x 12), spacious k i tchen with stove and refrigerator, full basement with washer and dryer and V/t car garage. The rear yard Is fenced and roofed, furnace and siding and sliding have been recently replaced S39.9Q0. (453-8200)

I quad bedroona. I * ba t t e large family room wtth fireplace. 10 ft- rec room with bar - great for witertaining. Walkout brich patio f rom family room laada oo to the v e r y h * a v l l y t r * * d b a a a t l f a l l y landacaped y a r d Home it newly deco-ra ted la neutral tooaa with new carpe t Ing E x t r a . - TV system, a larm system and built-in wall unit lo Uvtng room $,$« O p « 9 - n M , S o f ^ L o n j

WALKOUT RANCH on s p e c U c a l « 1 acre « ^ t e In Q t y of Blocmfleld Hilta 1 fireplace* glass expanse overlooks pool, b r a a m i t e f toanHnf 11.1%. **

'caE'sandri i Duchtow ,'Randal Goodaoo

Merrill Lynch Realty


Lake. E, of Call Eve* $44-1

WALK TO TOWN f r o m this 4 bedroom, 1 bath f r ame colonial Separata dining worn wood burner ln living room, K e r -ry efficient furnace, newer roof, large cheerful kitchen, full baaeroent. I car de tached l * r * » « J ° " * i e , l o c * < !

$110,000 Aak for M A D E L E I N E CENTURY 11 Today 541-0700

BLOOMFIELD HILLS mer 5 bedroom*. 1 * ba th* pU-

[ lared colonial. Original owner. Sprin-kler*. air conditioning, flnlahad base-ment. Tennis k swim d o b ln sub. $117,000. 440-4MM

BLOOMFIELD SCHOOLS By | Desirable Adam* Square Sab 4 bed-room. 1% beth Colonial, family room with fireplace, d t o u a room, treed toe

I many extraa $114.OOo 1 SUN, l -4pm

I BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Contampo-' rary Bill Km Y.maaekl itaelgbad, 19M

1 i O m aedoded by wood* A i r j klgh txuined beam c e l l i g . lots d window*

l l G S o o m * 1 f*B hatha, apper level dan with balcony F ^ K a b i r l Barman

I Millar, Nocnchl k Charlea Kama* F1re-place. Owner t r ans fe r red $144,000

I4T90 W Maple By AppntntnMrt o n l ^

i n i

PLYMOUTH1 OUTSTANDING AND EX-TENSIVE UPDATING ...large rooms and many welcomed surprises 3 bed-rooms. formal dining room, greet room with a fireplace, a complete new bath-room, lovely patio, 3 car garage, a large t reed pr ivate lot on a court. $67,800. (453-8200)


presents an original owner home of Interest to those desiring the best in location, setting, and architectural deelgn Decidedly Country French wtth a Cedar shake roof. There are 4 bedrooms, 2'A baths, front to rear living room with fireplace, a lovely entrance foyer, family room wtth fireplace, formal dining room wtth French doors to a kJylHc pat io pro-tected by a canvas awning, wa lk -out baeement. side entrance garage Central Air. specimen plantings, etc $217,000 (453-6200)


LOCATED ON A QUIET COURT, this exceptional brick home has It all: sensational Interior deelgn skills, a welcoming foyer, a great room wtth fireplace open wood'eta l rcaae, for-mal dining room, a dream Island counter kitchen, fami ly room wtth fireplace, 1st floor laundry, base-ment, outstanding summer terraces, patio's, and decks. A SUPERB LO-C A T I O N E X P E N S I V E L Y A N D T H O U G H T F U L L Y C R E A T E D $179,500.(453-6200)

W BEVERLY 4 bed room 1 bath quad, m story foyer, large family room, bnck wall f ireplace, raised hearth. dr . a r inground pool $44-7914

3 0 3 W e s t E M o o m f i e t d

CITY OF FARMINGTON If vou r* looking for . 1 bedroom home that is filled with love k cha rm and if you Deed a delightfully beamed family room. I1* baths. 1 car garage, fenced yard, and K you thought you'd never find a real neighborhood, then we are awaiting your c*U $77,100 Aak for ArlenePrey


851-7711 Executive Relocation Services

COUNTRY LIVING in Farmingtoo Hills older home completely remodeled on fenced 1 acre 1100 iq ft. I l a r t e bedrooma. living room k large family room No basement 1 car garage, ten-oil cowl, Lnground 5*^°' Mt*t «eL

PRESTIGIOUS Location near Schools k Churches Spacious 4 bedroom. 1>* bath Colonial, central air, large deck over looking l ove ly w o o d e d lot $111,000 By Owner $51-1107

Private Lake Retreat Sharp walkout ranch ln great a r ea slta-a ted at end of street. Fea tur ing 1 fire-place* updated kltcben in almond col-

r super view f rom hiU-top setting

St on Morris Lake, plus more. 900 Call


Century 21 Gold House Realtors


$79,000 Term* negotiab 154-5444 or 47$-M43

COUNTRY STYLE BUNGALOW By owner Fieldstone brtck k aluminum aiding, private large fenced tot. 104 i 117 5 possibly 4 bedrooms, family room, 1 raUbatb* f l repUce, hill base ment, 1 car garage heat pump c e n t r . . s i r with ga* furnace city water k tew age Aaklng $74,400 Opeo Houae Sat., 1 5pm k Sun l lnoon - 1 p m 19700 Omen-wood. Farmingtoo Hills W of MIAlto belt between 1 5 * 1 1 mile. 477-M75

DOWNTOWN Historical X7S0 B ^ f t , 1 full batha, 1 bedrooma down 1100 aq t t luxurious suite up. sitting area, fire-place, walk-In closet New custom kitchen, gorgeoua oak. landed more A must aee! $114.»

1 claaa k 474-4124

PROFESSIONAL'S HOME with onloue features aad tnxnria* Jacasatt. dacha.

EVERYTHING NEW Carpeting, cuatom drapes, kitchen floor Beautifully finlahed huge recre-ation room, deck. 1 car garage. $47,400


porch. Sylvan Lake. 179.400 4*1-4*115

BLOOMFIELD TWP Dastrabia Hicko-ry Height . 1 bedroom ranch, dee. 1 * baths. l a rge family room. 1 fireplaces. 1V» car garage oo private well U aad H acre tot Hasted mground g - u t e neoL Birmingham School* $11$ 4*4 M4-9M9

I BLOOMFIELD TWP Wastcteatar Vil-lage. Open Sst 1 4 P M $44 Wadswer th l J w e B J t < * » i w baths, ceo room w/hr tch room. 1 pstto* 44S-11M

central air . large family


Desirable brtck raach 1 bedroom*. 1W batha oo large lovely tot Huge 14 fi-ll r ing room with vasl tad k beamed ceiling 4 bnck fireplace Formal dining room country k i t c i s e family room. S car attached garage Walk to Orchard

^ t a d ^ ^ t j ^ s r

CENTURY 21 Secontine Assoc.

6 2 6 - 8 8 0 0

QUALTTY COLONIAL 4 bedrooma, l * batha, fireplace, fall tMMCMoL. c«otr*J air . beairtiful yard. $112,OM.


SACRIFICE Lakairontage 1MV 1.008

Fast occupancy $144,400 ISO-OSIO


M Ln

BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCBOOLS - wall " 4 bediucru* 1H


1 U J M

Merrill Lynch . Realty

626-9100 553-3558


C S t M i r t t e i ^ r i ? ? yttne m il i i i • a r ea 1-4 bedrooms. 1 full

• i f e h a y r e a a a o n n room drcmlar

JLL^NEW MDfT^CWCDmONl f o e mss t aaa thla M a . to a o n r e d a u 1 $114,900 Please caU E v e s $011001

. j r coma to <m Opae Hoeee Ssnday. Jane 10th 11 Noos 4PM a t

15441 Raven Rd

BY OWNER 4 lonlal 10x40 I _ Matin* k air c n w t t t v i n a a t tBtar-com t i r o t ^ o v L LiL floor

U L L U 1

AND MEADOW, this original owner home has 4 bedrooma. 2'A batha, for -mal dining room, premium ki tchen cab-inets and appliances, a study. 1 « floor laundry, family room wrtth f ireplace, up-graded floor coverings, a large wood deck , and oversized garage. $125,900. (453-6200)


PLYMOUTHI NEVER BEFORE OFFSREOl Cus tom bum one-of-a-k ind oeder ranch tucked awey on a lovely tree aheded lot. Privacy and aurprialno «P*ce en-compaaemg 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathe (a master bath), formal dmmg, gathering room wtth f ireplace, family room, let floor laundry, f inished beeernem. and attached garage Central Air and a large w o o d deck. FAULTLESSLY MAINTAINED BY THE ORIGINAL O W N E R $»6.000 (463-6200)


with nreeteca. a d r apa* . t t a r b d 1 eda t 174JOO


BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS 4 1W hath >4 level Family

I l L F S ' T W N t t k W W MlLC

LIVING SO VERY WELL In a home known and admired tor Its distin-guished exterior and majeetlc setting 4 bedrooma (one o n the mam floor), 3 ' * baths, large formal dmmg room, a greet room wtth flreplece, ecreened porch, walk-out finished lower level with s 2nd fireplace, d ramat ic foyer and stslrcaee. f a f t ^ o o o . (463-6200)


MarklBg Oar l»«h Year, 1000- l ie* i l l N Woodward S47-1WS


r H ^

® R o b e r t B a k e ffllW R f A L T O R S

s f t -*

2 M t u k s wt-st v\ th«* M . i v l l o v v t ' j l i o t o

ItH>S Wt-st A n n A I I k j i ' l r . n l

I ' l y i i x n i t h

a _ > m



WEST BLOOMFIELD CoMtry Mttlna P l c t v e a q s e treed rita o a i j * •ada r one acre, to tee off this raised ranch. Ca*ha*a l catling la Great room, oantral air cov-ered patio $01,400 Call 041-0701

Thompson-Brown WEST BLOOMFIELD Pleasant L a t e

— • • 5 1 s s s ; 1 full hatha wtth everything ewe New kltchaa cnMneta * Bnh New roof F l r » place aad Fraakl lo Stove $100 900



Farming ton /Farmington Hills BEST BUY1 Very well prtcod freshly painted all brtck r a a c h 1 bedrooms, finlabed basement with wet bar. I'm bath* 1 car garage, fenced yard $49,900

SIMPLE ASSUMPTION Lovely brtck 4 bedroom tn-tovel with updaun* galore oo a beautiful treed tot. Family room and Florida Room: $111,900



851-6700 Farmingtoo Farmingtoo Hills

City or Country Spacfeas I bedroom ranch <rff«a the best oi both Large conntry U t c t e c gutgeoin Wolmaniaad dsck. quiet c a n try atmosphere. move-In condmoo

HILLTOP SETTING In lis aaslm 4 bedroom ranch sets oo V acre n t e Ceramic foyer laada to living room with European a rc tee and 11 f t c a t l a p SpacVtm kitchao with 11 f t

Largs rec room wtth oaOaral aad wet-bar, 1W batha. walk teat and 4 car garage for yonr

collection at 'bag w h . . i r $ l l $ OOQ

WINDING STREAM PU imeauaa maitl-leval custom hallt

runs thru acentc tot Master bedroom has balcooy aad maa-tar ba th Fee tares - 1st floor Landry formal dlalag room, f l o a t e d rec room and IV* car garage H 5 1 4 0 0

CENTURY 21 Hartford 414. Inc. 476-6000

CHOICE LOCATION W W Lake Rd M at t i W La te Rd. Lovely 4 bedroom home aa pro* l n a . Uj laadaeaaad cul 0e ear 1st » 0 O sq f l riaalial dacor central air . Ssch. hssa-

rac resaa M l all the ex t r aa Call for datall* 111S.9S0 001 M M


1144 904 aOl T M . 4T1-TSS4


Merrill Lynch Realty

S 6 3 - 5 2 4 2

WEST RLOOMFTELD • Flah, SalBt. SalL W M aarf la d a a a . d e a r naa imnai l L a h a Eatoy / e a r around fan * • a a r t e l n l n g Lower level family reom with wet bar aad fireplace kae wall daar that apaaa to anaelnaa yard with 9T l a t a t r e a t $ 1 0 4 J M




FARMINGTON HILLS THREE badreem brtck raach. large family room. 1 fireplaces


FARMINGTON HILLS Conntry ~ tvh I una 4 badrooe

meat. K car garage l $ x l l bare, oo 114 acre wooded tot By ( Bayer* Only 1140,000


ravtoa lot. »T» JSO t e v w a a s

FARMINGTON HILLS S . E W c k n » i a a . l > « b n t l . extraa 940 900

L a t Weak Only


. » i r a « s

s e t 1 l i n - n a a , i »

J U S T R E D U C E D !

W E S T B L O O M F I E L D U F * CAN BE SMALTIFVU Hajay S t Mg a «MS ap^la- ranch tenn. I t e O -m a s s M r f m i DTtaf rrwtri, ' t l irhna 1% car a a r a a e L a t e PrlvV lagaaaa all aporta C * » T 1 J S S

ST L U 1 S U WUtow sad WUm Rsad sa l lM 4 teSreeaa calaatal aa l a r f a

fei aai e A raal $•1000 441-01 $7

FARMINGTON HILLS- Lsea f r 4 bed mam Mich n a i l . I , 1 * k e l M ^

E S e

1000 a a a ) a h a apses W a a U M

?!!+. sTtfcv p n m T ^ n l a 7 i $ s 5

i r t k faaaUy reaaa Ma*




8 5 1 - 6 7 0 0

W. BLOOMFIELD Move ijsS* Was aoa apartaae heme a Had a a J & n I 11 tmaa. a a^dy oea

s g g g r . s c g

^ E R T r y u a l S Y M E S 8 5 1 - 9 7 7 0

mm urr rear* oa <*«wl

fcaaattfal l l l i l S M l W 1«4 hatha r a r reem. ( m U t

with f h i j l i m * Beat ' letrv Large coanOrr kt te tea With M . e . k **ha. dMpasar uMMty reena wtt l wester 4 dryar 1W ear a t t e r h e i ga

- " r New 1 level

T K T C t

& h $>30 000 W E


Thursday, June 13, 1»65 0 6 E * 7 E

3 0 4 F a r m i n g t o n

F a r m i n g t o n Hi l l s

FARMINGTON $ Bedroom raach. 1 >4 batha. 1 car garage Large family room e cathedral celliac. fireplace k aptral s t a i n to toft Newly decorated, Lovely treed aree Simple assumpuoo. tow down payment $07,500 474-1471

FIRST OFFERING Specloas 1 bedroom like new raach with many fee tares oo treed 1 S Acres in Pr ime Area $114,900


3 0 8 ftoMthfWid-Latnn*p 3 0 8 R o c h e t t e f - T r o y 325 Real Estate Services' 3 2 6 C o n d o e F o r S a l e 3 2 6 C o n d o s F o r S a l e

ALUMINUM RANCH By room* large kitchen, laaadry carpet-ing. new hssrlng syetam ceatrai air. 1 car garag* gJOiOO 4 4 * - 9 i r

HEAVILY WOODED 11* acrea for the baver who wants pri-vacy this aecluded 4 bedroom rough aaws cedar bome offer* 19 doorwalla lo fantastic view of woods, huge 1 1 1 1 0 f t

ASSUMPTION POSSIBLE TERRIFIC LOCATION Warm home has 4 bed-room* living room wit* fireplace, hardwood floors aad a large ruWlc tread tot Walk to library ahatiaa rtnfc aaffCtvtc Center facllltl** $M 400 (H-474001


ROCHESTER COLONIAL 4 l - i baths Fsa tares Great Room-etylo ftoor plan with 14' cathedra, celling In family room 1x10 master bsth with JactuaD Ex eel lent cul da sac location Move-In condition $107,400 U i m ? $41-1000

ROCHESTER HILLS - -bath custom Trl oo pins treed acre In prestigious Christian Hills Term* Be-fore i t e m or between l-7pm w . s k i l y r .

CASH FOR Land Contracts

Any type property anywhere In Michigan 24 hra. - Call Free 1-800-2«2-1550. First National Acceptance Co.

BEAUTIFULLY maintained 1 bedroom Owner — •

natural fireplace, stove re fngere to r to " r l ' * v , d "°°< 4*d * c r * 4 b * c l n

gathering room, library. Large country Lichen, multi-level dec*. 1 car -plus mmoch. much more Call tails $310,000

f lay 2 CAT Simple ssumpUon Itfan. $47,400 John « m a n Great tocati

agen t

CENTURY 21 Hart ford South 464-6400

Finally Found It Iroom hr tc* ranch In Floral P

BY OWNER beestiful raach over 1900 aq f t t 1 acre lo t 1 bedroom* 1W baths full basemant central air . l* t car garage with op system. 1 fireplace

Park, offering 2 car attached garage, lamlly roomTrtonda room, all anpllancea and

VeD priced at ready to $01,400


OPEN SUN. 2-5 Tree-lined dead-end street affords soil tade for this Immaculate 1 bedroom aluminum home. Ftortda room and at-tached garage This hcene sparkles! $41,400


349-1212 261-1823 ) so. f t .

. bedroom colonial, l i t ba tha Large family room with wet bar. 1st ftoor laundry, Oen. deck with patio, under ground sprinkler system $179,900

MEADOWBROOK WOODS GORGEOUS borne with many extra*, great for a family and entertaining Owner transferred, realistically priced at $159,900 but all offers consldared


NEW ENGLAND CHARM Is gtowinf from this exquisite 1 bedroom Cane Coi in downtown Farmingtoo Yool l dis-cover rich tradition like a formal Uvlng room with natural fireplace, large

ROCHESTER HILLS, brtck r anch very d a . 1 V> baths, formal d i a l s . basement JW car garag*. all extra*

$01 194$

901 1301

excluded wooded acre 4 bedivoma 1W baths. Large family room with wet bar opening to Kreaned patio 4 deck a r ea | 1 I M S O 041-4441

arlty a larm 1-100-4171

BY OWNER-cranbrook village Weil m . i n i . i ^ » t brick ranch oo large treed tot 4-bedroom, 1"4 baths. 1 car at-tached garag* Call af ter 4pm 549-1010

ROCHESTER SCHOOLS by owner Beautiful private 1 acre cwnrtry a t ta Brtck raach n , walk-out tower level 14x14 country kitchen w/natural brtck Fireplace, 4 bedroom* (1 ap. 1 dpwnl, 1 full batha 1 f i replace* hardwood

- wall* One horse a l lowed 441-0170

COLON1AL-4 bedroom, m batha, fam-Uy room, utility room fireplace Must see to appreciate Super condition. extras-Buyer! only* 447-1110

Country Living m th* City Sktrf J bedroooF brich ranch with full basement and alde-ea>-trance 1 car garage Large corner tot formal dining room natural f i replace in Uvlng room, $51900 Call:


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700

floors, plaster i $103,000

FARMDOOTON HILLS Fanniagtoa Sq Condominiums 11 Mile A Orchard La te area. 1 baW-orm. walk oat Level, complete kitchen aar thtonaa car po r t A*lng MO.OOO Meatewmaaaa i Inc Bruce Ltoyd M l

ROCHESTER BILLS, 1 batha psOo with tech. 1

S S E a l

3 2 6 C o n d o e F o r 8 a l e

ADAMS WOOOB CONDO Schools, original ranch moda l Profee-

^ i g a o u ? " paranet floors la k j e r fining room 1 bedrooma. 1 fall batha a t r ium, basamanl. 1 car attached ga-rage $140,000. Call f rom 9-4 P M 904-13 t-1140 Aftsr 4 1411414

ANN ARBOR AREA By i rooms, 1 v» batha. full baa



DETACKH> COHDO HOMES Now taking i • e r v a t l — Ranches h T l eshiiaaaa wtth garagee h Ii mi, f rom $74,900

1TOODLAND PINEB Model* open Man. thru » n . I -4pm

closed Wed 14000 Orchard L a t e Rd. >10 4 11 Mil* Rd 471-7441

$49,900 Call 114-971 1991

FARMINGTON HILLS 1 Unrnhoosa 1«» bath. 1 ca r a t tac ted ga ruga fall basemant. fireplace, sir coa-diuoned. 1st ftoor U « d r r . eorth tones Must asD thla weekend »1*4.904

OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 11400 Hunters Orel* . & ot 14 Mile. W off Orchard Lake Liquidation Realty Corp. 440-0177

k $7»J«0 - S h e ;

• " * = " g * ! . ^ . v « _ e wet bar. aD anal lasrea i s m l

ROYAL OAS COay 11 tree Used a t ree t Air t tr*l color*, all appll rondltma $10,000. so land con t r a* .

ROYAL OAE Larva 1 Tower Coart, wtth swti $41,000 1 * down Open S a n ^ 1 1 4 t000Crook>R4L.CS. »*-4**4


ROCHESTER 1,000 so. f t , brick coto-m. l « bedrooma. 114 ba th* air coadl-tiocung. fireplace, dock, wet bar. naar Walton 4 Adam. Rd* $09,400 1751 $44

ROCHESTER MOO sq f t 1 story o a c -stive hosm* with *11 amanirlee Three quarter acre tot Mm* see to aporacl-s te ' $104,000 $$1-043$ TM-1100

TROY. Big Besvsr Adsms a r e a Con-temporary brick ranch an large Used tot with 'new circular dr ive 1 bed-rooms. 1 baths, family room. central ajr, cathedral celling A s s u m a b l e l * * mortgage 1744. Bolingbroke By owner 044-7970

FANTASTIC STARTER HOME Move right Lnto this weU malntslnwl ranch In a great location 3 bedrooms. 1 bath, Uvlng room with fireplace and lovely decorating $47,400. fH-47579)


NEW LISTING Desirable Colonial In family neighborhood Mint condition Redecorated In November 1

rotxn wiui Q«UU*I ' a* — . . _ country kltcben. famUy room, "ma ted , l * 5 S l l . c ! 2 5 basement $91,000

1 car garage and more?


WOLFE 474-5700

NORMANDY HILLS by owner Lovely } bedroom, iv* bath, family room, fin-abed basement, fireplace, large kitch-en. KTeeped porch, sir, p u r e l i t o r U r g e

904 Brick and dovbie

doorwall m family room 4 bedrooms, 1H baths Includes wsster and dryer A MtrST SEE. $9$ ,400


851-7711 Executive Relocation Services

treed lot. Principal* $ P M 474-17W

OPEN SAT 4 SUN. 1-4PM 11570 SJiady Ridge, off Power R d be-tween 10-11 Mile Secluded country Uv-lng. 4 bedrooms. I 1* baths. 1 flreplacea 1 Story borne In forest. Large tot * l lh Bream, magnificent view $119,000 Diace


TROY Emerald Lakea. 4-4 bed iwma . multi level home wtth master bedroom suite, pool $144,000 ERA LAURENCELLE 449-7400

TROY Stooefldge Snb 4 bedroom Colo-nial. I >4 baths, 1st floor laundry, family room fireplace, full finished b a s t o a n l . 1 car a t tac ted garage, contrai air. Newly decorated thro-ool Beautifully la»d»c*ped $04,000.. $40-117$

ANNOUNCING A New Condomin ium

$3,390 DOWN $573 per month CROSSWINDS


Farmington Hills bedroom cotodhl , I H ba th* I fire-

place. central air. studio catling* Pri-vate walled patio, sheltered par t ing

$66,990 346-0600

AUBURN HILLS - 1 bedroom Condo. include* carpeting, drape* combination washer ;dryer In unit, central air, view of pond $34 DOO $41-0*47

Kvan Glen Sub , 4 bedroom bath*, deck, large

quiet cal-L . . Call: $79-0441

TROY -colonial. IV, batha, deck, large yard, 1 ca r garage on quiet ca l -oe-aac $ l $ l j J »

3 0 9 R o y a l O a k - O a k P a r k

H u n t i n g t o n W o o d s

GOVERNMENT OWNED Oak P a r t $1,400 down. $13,000 I bed-room. basement, garage, vacan t Needa decorating Century 11, ABC

Madeline 41V1344

N OF 10 Mile, 1 bedroom grey brick ranch. I t car garage. fuU b a w m a n t m baths family room covered patio. $45,900 $$1-0449

OPEN SUN. 1-4 PM. 22426 Fairway S of 9, off Berg. Attractive street leads to this 1 bed-room brick ranch, dining room, flre-

som. deck

PINES OF FARMINGTON HILLS Lovely contemporary new constructlca 1 story with J bedrooms, 1H baths and laroUy room wtth . and spacious with sky

V - \ ° S !

decor' throughout Lovely almond for-mica Island kitchen and first floor .sundry Sharp $97,400

C r a n b r o o k Assoc.. Inc. Rea l to r .


„ . finished rec room, deck overlook-treed ravine eetttng. $44,900.



OPEN SUN. 2-5PM IMlfl Brooks Lane, Twycklngham Large 1 bedroom colonial. 1H baths, U-brarv family room many extraa Call


851-1900 352-2396


Huntington Wooda Charmer on a treed winding s t r ee t Contemporary 4 bod-room colonial with library plus open family room Pegged hardwood floors, Berber carpeting sad levator* This Is s must see l l l M W


Merrill Lynch Realty .

626-9100 398-9811 PLEASANT RIDGE Gracious family home has 4-5 bedroom* 3 '"•» ba th* stained hardwood floors in Uvlng room srlth fireplace, dining room sad foyer, wlanut built-lna, separate »«a t}a .S room, burglar and fire a l a rm $119,900 (H-041391



Entoy tbe view f rom every wiadow of this lovely home with neutral decor. 4 bedrooms. 1 v. bath*, family room Bal-cony off dining area overlooks wooda and stream. Brick patio, 1 car garage Take a took at this onef $114,900 $41-1101


• RAVINE LOT" . i ^ i n g to s tream sets tbe scene for this beauty, nice Uvlng room, fireplace, din-ing room, opens to cute kitchen, family room with lots of windows, deck wtth BBQ, k n o t t wortshop P R i


b a s e m e n t > by $4,000-

2 1 TER

ROYAL OAK Exceptional 1300 sq f t classic on sscludwi street Ln Vlnaetta P a r t a res A class home for • r a d o n s mtertainUM and lamlly Uvlng Fl$9,900 ERA/LAURENCELLE 449-7400


Mint condition 4 bed-new root, all sppU-bungalow.. — _

neu&al cotora, knotty pine 4 ca r peted rec room. Near Kboola p a r t 4 tipnwt. court* 11 Mile area $49,400 Owner

SIMPLE ASSUMPTION Sharp 1500 square foot full brick ranch offers 3 bedrooms, 1W ba tha family room 4 more Terrific subdivision. Only $47,000

RIVERFRONT Unbelievable charm throughout, 4 room 1*4 b s t h * Cap* Cod, m c — kltcben with breakfast nook, family room. flniated walkout basement. 1 fireplaces, lota at nstaral wood on love-ly 1 75 acre wooded tot with breathtak-ing views of river aa t lag $1»0.900.



> bed-


REDUCED FOR FAST SALE - Well maintained 3 bedroom 1 bsth Coloni-al borne Shows pride of ownership Large lamlly room with f ireplace great for relaxing and entertaining Central air - attached 1 car garage Reduced to $05,900


851-7711 Executive Relocation Services


4 Bedroom Ranch on s targe k*. Ftortda room, lat floor utility, 1 car garage. 1 full b a t h a and more. Owner want* * dssl. Asking $41 900 C a l l RAY LAVASILE R E MAX FOREMOOT 433-0010

SOUTHFIELD -room Trt Level

contemporary 1 bedr 1 full 4 1 half ba tha

3 0 5 B r t g h t o n - H a r t l a n d

S o u t h L y o n

.nacloua family room with alarm sprinklers. gril l $11,000

f lreolace air, patio with gas


SOUTHFIELD - Priced lo seU Open Sun. 1pm - 5pm

1 bedroom contemporary ranch, newly renovated Cathredral celling - Uvlng room, new carpeting Summer proch 4 new wolmanlssd deck, central air, fin-ished basement, at tached 145 940

3 1 0 U n i o n L a k a

C o m m e r c e

[3INGHAM WOODS MANORWOOD Main ftoor boasts a living room, dining r o o m , l i b ra ry and m a s t e r b e d r o o m suite. The living room celling soars to the 2nd f loor wtth a balco-ny connect ing 2 good size bedrooms and a bath. Fall delivery.


WOODGLEN Ranch wtth full baee-ment and a deck backing to a 5 acre park Is now available for July delivery.

. $203,900 Call Us for An Appointment


SALES OFFICE South off 13 Mile Rd.

Between Laheer 4 Telegraph Birmingham

e Open Every Day 13-0 e


FARMINGTON HILLS Haotsrs Grove. One of a kind exciting luxurious coodo 1 b o a noma, 1 fall be t i n flraplaca, customised ceramic foyer All formica kitchen, complete se-curity a l a rm Borne Warranty Plan. $111,900

. MADISON HEIGHTS Willow Hill Coodamlntsm. Doot miss this one Excellent locat ion close to the Tech Center 1 bedrooma, 1«4 ba tha seller t ransferr ing Considering all of-fers. $01,100

JUST REDUCED This lovely 1 bedroom. 1 bath. lad. floor security All new carpeting, ap-pliancea wiadow t r e a t m e n t . Move In condition Call now for s tewing ONLY $51,900

FARMINGTON Dream condo" Spadoos 1 bedroom. 1 bsth in well maintained duplex, lad. "oor with balcony all neutral decor,

pro isnrea carport- swimming pool ITOTBE SEEN$S5.»00

Condominium Realty


Southfield Condo 1 bedrooms 1H bath tri-toeM with Be-lated family room, flrspiaca. fall mir-rored wall la ttvbag room a t e aoaMsr bedroom, aad antt wtth attached 1 car garage Poo l tennis, l a t h i s a i w s a t v i dryer aad petto f r n t a r * stay


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700 SOUTHFBLD Fabulous argraan W o o * Cathedral — Livtsg Room 4 DUteg room. Ftr

EL°aE&B&: R E MAX at btrmlngham lac. 047-0M0 Rsa 100-4147 SOUTHFIELD beesttfully dsoorstsd. f b t e t e d meat, low down n s r m e n t asaumei Land cont rac t $00 .MO $01

ST CLAIR MK3H. -baths, acrsaasd balcony, walk ami tower level oa S t Clair River $110,000 Days; 904-4044 Anytime 13*0*40

SUMMER NEST tor you "Saww that waat to apand y e w s

FARMINGTON Square- apartoua 1 bed-room central air, verticals, mirrored riinin. room walL balcooy overlooks Pool fc tennis cou r t Bast tocstioa In complex $41400 firm.1 Owner $01-1300

Glamor Ranch 1950 square feet

The most exd t lng . sophisticat-ed ftoor plan for contempo-rary Uvlng- Enormous G n a t Room with fireplace ~ dona kitchao with fa ing nook The master •site itasorvaa appLsoss. Three walk-la closets. Roman bsth with sunken tab. F i rs t ftoor utility room plus basemeot See pure luxury for Uvlng.

The Newport f rom $159,900

The Village at Pebble creek is locatadof l 14 Mile Road. West of Orchard L a t e Road. Enter through the ga t PebWe C r e e l

Sales Information: 851-3500 Main OffVce: 626-3500

Open noon to $ p.mjctoned Thursday! Sales by

Tbe Herman Frankel Orgs ni ts llor

This L . - y g sad overtooks the |

It fee tares a baaament, temsl area, aad nice alas bed room for the retired couple. $44,900


WOLFE 474-5700

TROY 1 b e d r o o m . 3H hatha, Uvtng room, fireplace, dlalag U atady. fto-

noortgage $00,400 441-7341

TROY - I bedroom* 3 V, baths. Urtog room, fireplace, dining L, atady. fla-tated bs semen t garage Aasun mortgage $00-4*0 Ml-THi

TWO BKDROOM alee qatst a res of Plymouth. — Uvlng room, private patio, ralasd saps ra tedlnlng room, carpeting, central air. IV* ba th* fall bi-ievei bssamant, car-port avallabto. »$7.»0«. Aak for..


1261-0700 533-2031

BEAUTIFUL Lakefront home Just re-duced drastically Must aelll 1-4 bed-room bome oo Long Lake, walk-out bal-cony. sandy beach 1117,000 143-4353

FOUR YEAR OLD cootamporar? quad-level m very desirable area. Beautifully decorated 4 landscaped, automatic sprinkler «yst«m snd outdoor decora-tive lighting 3-4 bedrooma, 1V» baths, brsnd new carpeting Including appll-ancea Aasumsfue 11^»% $79^0® By owner W-9749



Beautiful 1 story Uvlng room featuring soaring white brtck Areplace 4 vaulted celling with Panama fan. Formal din-ing room, kitchen wtth eating area, fir* floor Laundry appliances, 1 large bed-

ima akyUte. patio Many amenitM*

CENTURY 21 Secontine Assoc.

6 2 6 - 8 8 0 0

Greenbrooke Park Homee 3 bedroom 1 bsth r e a c t , formal dining room full baseaneart, Hraplaoa Simple aasumptioa a t 731% $74,400 Call:


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700

Two Story 1* " ith, fall

kitchen appliance* vaulted • w i i f i s is i a I air, aad fall basement Natural f l rspiaca In Uvtng room open la aky lights above atalrway Large deck la court yard Custom fea ture* $34,706 Call 1014000

T h o m p s o n - B r o w n


i P i e c e o t

d i n n e r w a r e

6 In f r o n t of

1 1 S e a m a n

12 M e r c h a n t

14 W o o d y p l a n t

1 5 R e p u l s e

17 S y m b o l f o r i r o n

1 8 T h r e e - t o e d

s l o t h s

1 9 s n o w e d

c o n c e r n

2 0 O c e a n

2 1 P r o n o u n

2 2 G l o s s y f a b r i c

2 3 P r e t e n s e

2 4 A c t i v e

2 6 C e r t a i n m u s i c a l

n o t e s

2 7 F i s h s a u c e

2 8 W i n g l i k e

2 9 B a d g e r l i k e

m a m m a l

3 1 F o r m o f l i g h t

s h o e

3 4 W o r d of s o r r o w

3 5 S e c r e t a g e n t s

3 6 C o o l e d l a v a

3 7 S i c k

3 8 A b o u n d s

3 9 G r e e k l e t t e r

4 0 N o t a t a l l

4 1 S e t of o p i n i o n s

4 2 B o u n d

4 3 S t r i p e

4 5 S t o n e s

4 7 A p p e a r s

4 8 P e r > o d s of t i m e

^ D O W N

1 E q u a l i t y

2 F a l s e h o o d s

3 S u d s y b r e w

4 I n h o n o r of

A n s w e r t o P r e v i o u s P u x x t e T R !

5 E c c e n t r i c

6 T r e m u l o u s

.7 P a y a t t e n t i o n

8 C l o t h m e a s u r e

9 Indian mulberry 10 Loss 11 Sedate 13 Paper measures 16 Man's name 19 Ship of the

desert" 20 Keen 22 Transactions 23 Strikes 25 Pertaining to

birth 26 Insects 28 Maintenance 29 Showers 30 Apport ions 31 Hurried 32 Artists stands 33 Forays 35 Searches lor 38 English

streetcar 39 Dock 41 Letter of

alphabet 42 Federal agency

init. " ^ 7 44 Concerning----' 46 Faeroe is laod*


© 1 9 8 5 U n i t e d f e a t u r e S y n d i c a t e

3 2 6 C o n d o a F o r S a l e . 3 2 6 C o n d o a F o r S a l e 3 2 7 D u p l e x e s F o r

WEST BLOOMFIELD Basat l fa l pri-vate entry condo. Cathedral celling* fireplace, library, wat bar, 1 bedivxao* all aggLancea, garage aad basemenl


Merr i l l L y n c h R e a l t y

626-9100 559-3537






C A N T E R B U R Y Are now .i:hsrtula1 f i* « m » dattv-ery Dajoy the etogaace 4 earafcae We-style In year owa cluster home. Sas oar

s teass 4 raach hoanss wtth total acy - 1 car g a r a g . wtth direct ac-1 4 mack m o r a Create your own

c a t o m Interior 4 experience a eam-fcrtabte Ufa atyto. u j t i i e u l l l y totaled

won't wart to lesvef

RANCH with walk-out I t s ac re ravine lot 1.100 eq f t - m a l n level 1.300 sq . f t -lower level 1 bedrooma, 1W b s t h * for-mal kitchen with nook, lat ftoor laundry, ft real room 4 family room Many extraa Builder ' , own home. Ex-cellent quality1 $149,000 100-1101

BIRMINGHAM Fantast ic location 3 bedroom Townhouse. Neutral dacor Central air . b s semen t Immediate occa-

aase Option Purchase possible a. M13O0. MARCIA ME1SE1

RE/MAX of btrmlngham, lac $47-0000 R e a 140-4147

BLOOMFIELD HILLS-A Beautiful con-do. Uvlng room wtth aanksn area, flra-pLace. formal *^wi"^g 3 bedrooms, bal-cooy basement completed Into family room, garage, 'carport $14 400 54*4441

ALL SPORTS lake front . 1700 sq. f t Georgian Colonial. 4 bedroom* I t t baths, finished basement hot tub 4 more. Minutes to 1-94 4 US 11 $197,900 U X

EXECUTIVE 5 bed room 7 bath* $

acres, 5 minutes to 1-90 or US-11. $494 000

EXECUTIVE COLONIAL f e s t a n n s 4 bedroom* 1V» baths. 1st floor Laundry oo large manicured corner tot 1 ts mln--jtee to I-M 4 US-11, $100,340 C-114

SPIT POLISH CLEAN - 1 bedroom ranch 3 car a t tac ted garage, fall fto-tsted bassaxtsnC flrspiaca 4 mora J i l n -stes to US-SI or 1-00. 444 *44 W-103

SOUTHFIELD SIMPLE ASSUMPTION North Sooth-fleld colonial with Immediate inns as Hon' 1 bedrooms, main floor laundry, niper family room with fireplace, at-tached 1 car garage, central air. $09 900


UNDER $00,000 Assume 11* land c o n t r a c t P a y m e n u $404 month Fee taring 1 bedroom brick ranch, large tot a t t ac ted garage 140,900 B-tOl

AaaforNlck Natoli CaU Livingston Group 137-4000

. . . ASSUMPTION this speaooo 1 lisdroom brtck ranch on 1 acre treed tot Huge Uvtag room plaa famUy room, 1 flrsnlacsa. f o rma l din-ing. large updated kitchen This bome Ir raadly i a rp 1 134 .900

ENJOY THE ECONOMIC ALTERNA TTVE To Franklin Bingham Gorgnoa* New England ranch oo over aa acre of

N e a t clean with many extraa (aclodee family room, 1 bath* uveralxad 1 car garage, large tot la quiet paved atreet subdivision Asking 179.900 fall Evenings >40-1011

3 1 1 O r c h a r d L a k a

W a l l e d L a k e

WALLED LAEE a r e a Bv owner 1 bed-room all brtck ranch Finished 11x11 garage, completely finished ; . with rec room 4 fireplace, enclosed porch, central air. close to Williams Re-search $09,400 i 434-347S

3 1 9 H o m e s F o r S a l e

O a k l a n d C o u n t y

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Beeatlful 3 bed-room. 1 bath raach coodo Laka view, all sports lake Fireplace, $37,900

carport , 134-4411


Laurel Woods Condomin iums From....$77,900


Salsa Center Open Dally-! to $ p .m

Weekends-Noon to 5 p .m (Ctossd Thursdays)

North of Six ($) Mile West of Newturgh


WALLED LAEE. W Bioomfteld. 3 bed-room. g a r a g * central air . all appU-

* 10% assumabte m o r t g a g a $51,990 «14-U11

lodala Open 13-0 Located No Norlhstda tt 11 MUe Rd

Jast Cast at Telegraph Rd.

3 5 4 - 4 3 3 0 Dsvatopoaant By III IISOIIIW Group

Co-op f



-—inct ivsty Issdgin il raach 4 3-story sal ts wtth 1 bedioem* 1 * I t * b s t h * 1 car g a n g s wtth ooener csatral air 4 mack, mack mora f rom UOO JO*

IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ervstioee for Phsss •

f rom 1 1 1 1 * . Ttaus selecOon* Financing at

Pi • • t i l l by: fl Le i Opea Deity 4 Wsskeada U

Ctoaad Wed. 4 T W a 661-0338 557-2080

Locatsd South M Walaat Laka HA On* strast Wsst of ttrska R d

DUPLEX. $00300 Owaara a d s has S of

t ' a s S S r a M a Fl 1 fan baths, two half ha th* teaeks at** has l tk baths. taO hssa-


Out of Towrtars 1-800-462-0309

GOOD D t V O m B f T . b r i ck 1 bodnwrn* hssa ttoa of Waya* 903.40* Call sitor 4p«a

WESTLAND - oypcrtmttj- *! Aaa Ar-IwrTrai l 4 M s r r t a s a . a t a d t o k j t 1 ted-rdom near ahmnOsg a r e a s $34,000 IBM


28200 7 Mile 533-7272


BLOOMFIELD HILLS, ^actoas 1 bsd-room, 1 bsth condo, carport, lake privi-leges Ajsusaable mortgage, immediate occupancy $49,900 M* *011

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Spacious Square Lake coodo lake view, privi-leges 1 belli uom* 1 bath* many ex-tras $00,900 Open San 13-$ 13*3«04

LIVONIA $41,500

Lovely coodo In Woodtore. A most pop-ular adah community Beeutlful vtow from porch Sonny aad thina fal salt In s very quiet area Brsnd new lWlag. Call Joe Ballsy

MAYFAIR 522-8000 CANTON CONDO Badford Villa* 1 bedrooms, 1* bsth* central air. An-

& attached garag*. $40 900 CaU af pm. 901-1401

A PLACE IN THE COUNTRY IS heavily wooded acres with ftowln^ creek. BesuUful ranch with cathedra! ceilings, greet room. flrW ftoor laaadry. inssla bedionm with bath 4 ii W M

a foyer 1 car attached lllliOOO

brary, family room Potential malng for office* $110,000




BERKLEY nicest ho«D* In *re* 1 bed-room* 1 bath* premium ASCOT Ftn-

d bssement 6ar»ge Manyjortrm $41,900 Buyers only 541-4349

CENTURY 21 Hertford SoutbWest

3 * 6 - 6 5 0 0 4 7 1 - 3 5 5 5

BRIGHTON TWP 19T9 brtck *snch wtth walteut 1 bsanoans. f a ^ l y roas*. fireplace, 1>» teths, llvlag, dlalag room, attached garag* $110 000 After 1PM. t » MM

SOUTHFIELD TWYCEINGHAM SLTJ ssper 4 bad-room brick cotoalsl tsanls court, patio, stlacted gar**, mack more WASHINGTON HTS inground teetad POOL asper 4 bedroom brick colonial. P* bath*, custom thru out attacted ga-rag* extra* gatore

MCGLAUN 559-0990 „

320 Homee For Sale Wayne County

c m o r WAYfO, good location. A dot) oom brtck • * ranch. Beautiful

remodeled kitchen, flniated beam .si, garage lmaiaculata yard. Many extra* C 4 « 0 Earl Kstm Raslty AMfor Kara Bieiak 44*4011

CANTON Nice 1 bedroom condo, bedroocc sp Uv-lng room and largs kitchen down, full basement, attacted garage Boat Is decorstsd in good taste Assume $45,000 mortgage aad muck mora $44,900 Call:


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700

NORTHVILLE Highland Lakes 1 bed-room. It* bath, conversation ptt In Uv-lng room, ftnisted room la bsssmsait, kitchen apollanrss. central atr

After 4PM 410-9007

BY OWNER In Nnvl NorthvUto ares, coovement lo X-wsys. Ci»lry Place Townhoue* 1 bediouans. Its bsths. ga rag* full bsssmsait swtamlr- •" clab bouse 4 lovely treed large rooms i profeeslooaUy cotors.

asd 3io»di, at closet spsos.

decorated la soft neutral 44*7111

N R08KDALE PARK - For Sals or Rant Beewtifsl 1 be<*oam. 3 nlal. Owners moving Is July 111.900 or giM per math reaL 433-0791

BRIGHTON-$52,900 1 bedroom 1% bath brick 4 s l s snwn

Its car attacted hsatsd p n f Ltee access Close to l-M 4 US » exits Vsry a n family nslghhorbond Immediate occapeacy Callfisrfs Evartert

T h e L M o g e t o n G r o u p 4 7 7 - 0 7 1 1 2 2 7 - 4 8 0 0

^HOO$am» *« ju r^**aees s . satt. inc. bssvlly treed, sewfy OecoraSed WU llTioliw | dscor. As i n . is wiadow* tertl-oJ floor* cternri-gasst I

SOUTHFIELD, 10 ares 1 bsfcoom Reach, screened porch. 1 ear fenced yard btrss! "

nek carpeted snzR SOtTHFTKLD 4 bedroom lt» hath co-

lonial. ceatrai sir Lsthrap fflah srsn Beyer to accept buyout by >sly 1 * WUI Ssilsow Opsn Sst. h a . *4. »4M E Larkmoor w PtotyHBl

Norms* Ctetary 11 441-11M

fgX MILE-T.lesrspk steel aided raacL 1 bath. I

garage aa eeoerl In 1.1*0

ek porch 40a-7043

7 MILE W ot Telegraph reach Its car prsga . titeamen! .pplianres i Una $33 400 possible LC

NOVI Open Floor Plan. 1 ba*ooma. nostra] dscor all appliance* garag* swim-ming pool. $44*00



pool. $07 • w r .

322 Homea For Sale-Mecomb County


TWO BEDROOM s l a m I a liT u V ~ -MTT]

bedroom qasd. rscuutly 'a tearrtsd Many extrasf 731-4*70

Xnj* fhf w MM* tnek #ta

437 9044 N O C ^ g k L T Y 43*4140

DUMB LIKE A FOX... « yosTe a M t e r M o M ^ h r . o . e -mood Is the r s ^ Is ceu—i te e



d* PMI i 323 Homes For Sale

Waahtanaw County

307 HIGHLAND SOLLY eS*l with screes* C>| •Stung, sssr laka*

Mac* Vet ffeer Isaajo. teA S n d to sell quickly $73*9* 9*7

m Mm , •• 7 a*. A m c * m * 7 ^ h l ^ s f j r w


waft out sttsd Oral aW bsra. fsaosd. I t m $ acre* 1 1 » 000 C

306 Huchaalar-Troy


1Mb i o r e — .

car s s s u a Ateest W s e n ML $0*000 M A f f f t L L Y Re Mss WoM Ml 10*$

gQCTE LTOW - 4 l i e o i t e

MODULAR HOMES MH oa year let m m n Ceo be modl-nsd «o meet aD year ee.ds Prieaa

• O l M n laft 4a Dsrtsr 4 tare rlgM oa Dexter Rd CaU

SPAi ($1

3 2 4 O t h e r S 4 * « r b a n i i , M e a f n r

a mm

•Y O W » . Fil-Lseul. e a s s e y * ^ ^ " a n a . t t e m t s Ctoee M ENTMARYMJOO 04KT11


s-rrsrr resaa. tsatfy r ee^ws l bsr 4 wssJ

hwaster Osse as j , . eia^tfli te • l a t e s a f 904J9Q0 0M-0711 haOroemosssemfarsry Jast M n t e Far ealeer Mi

+ m o w o e s / M I

— * •• l i f P ^ irith MMNHB - — • —•-


bard M Bad as dnut delay ss priced ooodol 1 faaar-w& epsrtHap haP asd

sa f f lKk f t aasJ® BLOOMFIELD HILLS

't aaa at oofy 1 iiisiMm—i slaa ya-oalta M DEVON SQUARE Two beeuuna. 1 Ml bath* IprivaU

I - - bath I. breskfast eeek sad for-mal M M room Cue is l te cs ryr t aad Mat a Map away DtSCT WATT Call 03*41M

A LOTTY VIEW a your from tMe third level o

; a laaMrig i< osurtyi

rawKT-as 'ss laaaftry aad eansr t A VAJU71

AT $40,000 Can a o - o i *

ENJOY THE OEEEWERY neeted l_hj^wiei

C0ND0-MART 626-6100

c o u r r m r P i j h C E T n ^ i w i ' O i a s * i t

I t . baths, attacted 1 ear forsg*

oa wsstMde ol Drake M l at Walaat Lake Rd, 4144 Patonste) CX

Century 21 Gold House Realtors


Picture Perfect Flswiass dscor M tMs 1 bsdrn large loosns. waM-M Ckaet la ceraauc ftoore M foyer ead hUrtes. complex has pool Caat beat It M $33tiOO Can.


Century 21 Gold House Realtors


fM aad MariM U i i a l r m aadsL

CENTURY 21 GoW Houae Realtors

420-2100 464-8881

. m e t i i

$117*0* LC swaO-

SiAXSfCTmS? ass are YOU COIXOUnWQ ee * Lead Centred ar ssoste assrtM* mt mm

EVSemuaBO MEADOW1. n^ate e>-|


aa t 17*7000


That's exactly what you

do when you advertise

the items you no longer need in the classified

columns. Your ad will reach more than 150,000

area hom6s - each of them containing one or

more prospective buyers. Put a fast-acting

classified ad to work for you today.


— c - t i r y j l at ooo Cat


Century 21 Gold Houae Realtors


classified ads


•44-1070 O e k l e n d C o u n t y M1-4800 W a y n e C o u n t y 081-122* Roctieeter-Avon Twp.

T h u r s d a y . J u n e 1 3 . 1 9 6 6 O f t E •96

8E* O i E T h u r s d a y . J u n e 1 3 . 1 0 8 5


G L R 6 6 I F I E D R E A L E 6 T A T E

330 Apt*. For Saie "CASH FLOW 1*117 laharr 4 unit. ft .MO

333 Northern For Sato


Kisilt Try W W down. tarma T? Reaity 47 t -?M0

NORTH WOOOWARD AREA F-.vr unit apartment Ixuidtnt

For sale by owner Pnoctpato ooly pkeaae 1*0-1 WO

WESTLAND ReaXJaotiai tot. lS4x»B 10 Oakwood off Wayne $34,000 AMk for Doag M 0 - 0 » i

332 Mobile Horn* For Sato

C O M M E R C I A L • Main S» Hartwr S{*-tn^ 4.900 aq.ft ot prune r«tai] spac« modera bvuldlop can be divided Into J or more >ep»riK sbopa Excellent p a r t i a l

• Bav Str«e< •• slating rentaJ income, excellent f i p u u m opportonltj incluO ing coodo overlooking harbor Located oc ' J * New Merdiana Walkway

333 Northern For Sale

Property 338 Country Homes For Sale

• Beautiful Charlevoix Retail uc mam level with apartment above Ideal for boutique or specialty atop

OWN ONE Of NORTHERN MicSlfaa s F1n«at Executive or peraooal retraata Located on JJ0 wooded acraa wit* your own >4 acre lake 5,000 aq tt cwlar bome oo two level* overlook* lake ( Sndrxxxna. 1 U t c h m , 1 Urtaa area* I fireplace* Lower level walka out to Lake Upper level include* e x p a m v e .Jec-t overlooklna lake 1540 aq f l at-tached cttdar buQdin( wit* pool, aauna whirpool spa cabana lounce area, wet bar aod fLrrplace (Xb«r fadliUea In-lode attached heated | l : i r > f » e «

two additional laracea, cfeli

A SMASHING EXECVTTVE ESTATE lo Roue City 4 bedroom ranck com curtatt rarabkad. 1 mocked lakea 11 l o b acrea II7VOOO Call for detail* aad dtracoona

Mary Ann Benclvenga R E A L E S T A T E O N E

6 4 6 - 1 6 0 0

339 Lota and Acraaga For Sato

; " L O T " to build oo. East Llocoloabire Sub very nice area Farminf too Hill*, Improve-ment* ai road'

m m u

tB fcrftfc d d y r

342 Lakatront Proparty


m i l


$ 1 1 , 9 0 0 IS year financing leatarea lar^e bay window fc larden tub bath Completely »urai*bed delivered. *et up. siepa, skirt inf k U< Oowo*

W o n d e r l a n d MOBILE HOME SALES INC

4J4TS Mjc4u*an Ave at BeUevUie Rd

397-2330 BEAUTIFUL PAR* Pooc Qub bout 1971 Waldec Super aharp, cmaK aee Double wide, J bedrooma, 1 hatha. ex tra* Holiday Eatataa. $11,400 Call: S41-4040 or 4»4-0««i

COLONADE 1»T« Front den. 1 bed-rooma Corner lot Holiday Eatatea Can too Simple asumpUoo. Call after 4f*M or weekend* »»V 11 »4


6 1 6 - 5 2 6 - 2 1 7 8

oa . p r a j e a . dreo i pUygroead. small kennel two out building* Located *• hour drive Southeast of Gaylord. near Lewwtoo $840 900 Call or write $00 Norlran. Howell, Mlc&laac. 4*»4$ (111) U7-iS»7

or P 0 Box ITS, LewtBoo, Mkchkfao 49744 (S17J7M-J1M

! GAYLORD Commercial frontage oo Male Street Heavy traffic r ipcaurr Remodeled »0C aq. ft building CouM be

I uaed for an* twaineaa or Uvtng quarter! lot will allow lor expansion

Call Birmingham $41-49S4 Loog li $44 900

GAYLORD Ml Clean reatauraot oo 7 acrva with room to expand, private parting $*9,90C terma Call (or more detail* Profitable Variety Sure * Laundro-mat. plu* mobile borne rental $$9 900, terma Call for more detail* We have a Large aelerttot ot acreage * lots to cfcocae from


11®J OW 17 S , Gaylord. Ml 49714 417-711-1011

VACATION CABIN- Sit* oo a Hill up North u» town of deno te , Mich o«f M<4 4 Mi br drive, 1$« milea Include* furmablng* plo* 15 f t Pootooo wttk 44HP motor 4 14 ft Ward * aluminum Doa'. $47 900 Term* Ca*k 4114M1

V I E W L O T S Overlooking Grand Tr*ver*e Bay Ooly 4 milea from Traverae Oty . by owner S!«.M4-»00«

334 Out 01 Town Property For Sato

SECLUDED ESTATE In lietamora Hunt Conntry oa « acrea l -*ory brick bome baa t$6o aq fi of Living area and baa many fine quality featarea Alao in-dudaa boated mgrouod pool pood and bam $1*4 .900

METAMORA HUNT Country Eatate MOO aq f t I bedroom. 4H bath

main borne piua 1 otber boroaa, Tbere are 4 bama plo* otter tbe 71 acre parcel which ladi «prtng-fed pood, river, inground pool and tend* court. $440,900

A FREE Brochure including all oor listing* •* at the printer* right now Call to get oo our mailing l i t for your FREE R J

339 Lota and Acraapa For Sato

C e n t u r y HOME CEN

2 1 TER

4 7 6 - 7 0 0 0

MIl-FORD FORECLOSED SITE Take over t i n moothly 1 1» acrea - parked.

Progreaatve $4$-1110

LAKE ANGELUS Spring and Summer - aaior It all wit* Lake Angela* lakefroot Til* baautlfal ranch o e l acTea ha* fantastic feature 4 plua bedroom*. $ bathe, library 1 rec room* wit* wet bar billiard room. la*i but not least. *trium All t*B and a great view of the Lake Reduced to $179,900 Call Shir lev a l $l>-«4«7


j351 But. 4 Profaaaional Bldga. For Sato


I Oc Caaa Elisabeth Lake Rd 1 $00 e f t | oo «5 acre. *ooed otflcea- Nice for doc-tor Lawyer, real eetate office, beauty

I *bop. etc Aak for

Mary Lou Sommer R E A L E S T A T E O N E

1 6 4 4 - 4 7 0 0 . 8 5 1 - 6 1 2 6

360 Buainaaa Opportunittoa

BEALrnr&ALON Southfield1 Oak Park area $ Stallone, i U J Sq F i $15,000 or bf*t ottm After •pm. 4*4 5915 5 H 0 4 5

BEAIfTY SALON Southfield. excellent locaooo. 4 «U


352 Comm*rctoi / Ratail

QUARTON ROAD - VACANT LAND 19 acrea, Bloomfield Twp Bloomfield Hill* School* » poaalble bomreitea. few-er ft water Area o< $140,000 W40 #00 homes Partly treed Call Enid Miller

M a x B r o o c k , Inc. 6 4 4 - 6 7 0 0

REDFORD Vacant lot 40 x 140. all aUlitiea builder terma. $7000


FARMINGTON HILLS Small ahop-p m j canter oa bury major road Land Contract available Reaaooablv priced at $140 000 Call W1-I4M

ROCHESTER HILLS Beautifully wooded and Inclined cul-de-»ac lot in Ravines n Sub. paved street ft utilities. Near Cllntoo River W1-T7M

LAKE FRONTAGE oa beestlful Torch Lake with large dec* ovwlookiag spec-tacular view Excellent beach Year round vacation home, clone to *kl areas. golf etc Income opportunity Ec)oy It or rent It. Deeoiy wooded. 1 car la rage i ^ gm- ie . Century 11. Suburt>an wit* remote ifoor ooeoer carpeted, aU m . . . . , , 144-4714 cccvenleocea, 1 flreplacea. family room, living room. 1 large bedrooma. 1

NORTfrVILLE professional office building for aale lease or leeae wit* op-UooCall

room, tt batha. Lai

i vine roorx mndry *4 $44-0441

LAKEFRONT COTTAGE. 1 bedrooma. family room, fireplace C*»e bour from

~ of Fento Uvooia, Weet down After $pm

entoo, $44 900 1 0 * 4 t l 7144

COLONNADE. 1»7$, 14 x 70', 1 bed-rooot. 1 full bathe, all appliance* stay 2 shed*, skirting, can stay on lot located In Canton Call 494-00<7

COMMODORE 197$- $0x11, furolahed, fully carpeted, kitchen appllancea. fuel efficient furnace double InaulaBon. air roodltiooed. exellent condition 411-0411

GLEN LAKE. Michigan. We are subdi-viding our beautiful Glen Lake water froet estate and will have several wooded lakefroot lot* available for sale Owner I ' . H i t l l l l or 114-1441

HOLLY PARK. 1977 14 X 70. excellent condition. 1 bedrooma Carpet, r d n g e r atar stove and shed only 1 years old $11,400 offer Plymouth Hill* Park Alter 5 P M 441101$

GLEN LAKE WORKSHOP Attractive proeperou* *ouvemr manu-facturing buaineaa •;retail ft wholesale' at GieoLake Illness forces older owner to *ell Thl* remarkable offering In-cudes tn-levei borne - large display store - shop - tool* Ideal location for a buiunes*


ROOSTER REALTY - Roland Clark Sr Box S3! Glen Arbor, MI 49«14

$1 $-114-4400

HILTON HEAD laland - S. Carolina, 11 Yorkshire Dr Wexford Plantation 1 bedroom, 1V» bath*, fairway ft lagooo view Living room, dining room, library with fireplace, family room, kltcben with fireplace. 1 car garage. M»V900 M4 41M 151-1»4

TRAVERSE CITY Ea*t Bay Beautiful coodo with lovely view 1 bedrooms, 1 ^ baths, beach fc'ooderful or vacation bome

APPRO X 1 acre lot, residential m Brighton Twp - Pleasant View Hills 34. very nice Vocatioo

SOUTH LYON 10 acrea partially wooded North of $

1 Mile between ft ash too ft Manhall 114,000 CaU after ( pm. 474-7149

After very mc •r I PM ca l l 411-0411

BEAUTIFULLY WOODED 10 acre par eel oear US-U and N Territorial with 1 1 acre pood site. Perked. Land con-tract terms- $17,000 1-111-1S71

IDEAL FOR couple can stay oc lot. 41.40

r single pereon, 400 Southfield area


R E S A L E C O N D O M I N I U M S I J bedrooma, 5 bath* fireplace, all ap-

KROPF. 11X44. 1 bedroom, natural | pliaoces ft laniitmT Ikooktof L t k e Michigan Afklfif 1115.000

335 Tima Shara For Sato

TRAVERSE CITY Plneatead Reef In October Wee* 41 Thirty per cent below market 414-1419

336 Ftortda Property For Sato

BEAUTIFUL o n of • kind 1 5 acres Wooded, high, pood view, secluded, pri-vate road, perked 10 minute* N of Ro-chester $lV»00 $41 M74

BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP Bono Road Beautiful I S acres in area of fine tomes, perked 1 miles from 94 ft l i $17,400 or offer 911-1114

CITY of Bloomfield Hill* beautiful, hilly wooded. M acre lot. all utilities In Private cul-de-sac N of Loog Late, W of Woodward $104 000 440-40M,

m - M M

pet, air. ceiling fan, 16x1 ft. deck a s w s i n t $x4 ft shed, immaculate Livanka-Westland border $4M0 or best offer 141 1449 or 444 4591

MOBILE HOME. 11 i » , 1 bedroom located at Sonthfleld Downs at 11H

of $104 per month After <

MOBILE HOME. 1 bedrooms l * baths, central air, 14x70 with t x l l Ex pando Can stay oo lot $17,900 or best ofjer 479-07 $4

NOVI, FRIENDSHIP 1979, 14x70, 1 bedrooms, appliances, central air, awn-ing porch, other extraa Must saertftc* Aaking $14X4. negotiable T44-7414

NOVI must aell immediately DWtrei sale. 1 bediooma washer, dryer, abed.

_ close to 194 Very nice "

Clean aandv beach front condominium with excellem beach ft rwtmmlng 1 bedrooma. ! batha, S flreplacea. bar Includes furniture ft all applar Dtvidable unit Aakmg $110,1

High Vn-faijan room unit* from $74,400 $114,900


GLEN ARBOR REALTY" INC 1(141 114-1044

CLEARWATER, FLA niabed 3 bedroom. ] bath mobile bome CesKral air ft beet, family room, screened porch. 5 atar adult park. 114,400 After 7pm 4M-0410

•COMMERCE TWP Almost I 1 1 sere: HhrtLO Cloae to Glengarry ElemenU

! ry School. Close to BensteW ft Glengar-14 X 40 fur r j R d $u,000 M4-1711 141-1444

FT LAUDERDALE Area Coodo oo In-tracoastal 1 bedrooma, 1 beth. martna. health club, pool ft tennis, 11th floe*, total •ecurtty 1199,900 M1-11M

the ridge toe overlooking Lake 337 Farma For Sato 3 • vow choice of 1. 1 ft S bed- | r r r T T T : — —






Year round cottage os 1 M s oo prestigious Green Lake Pbone 7 10am-4pm: 11V444-1447 Buyer* Only

OFFICE SITE Prime comer Ln growing Canton area 144x10] ready to build City water and sewer and utilltiee Land contract term* »vallable 1IKL900

TEPEE 2 8 2 0 0 7 M i l e 5 3 3 - 7 2 7 2

BUYING A BUSINESS" Selling * Bosioes*" •mat ! Our BOSUmb


362 Raal Estate Wantad HOUSE IN BIRMINGHAM wtth floor master bedroom, private party „ r t e s U, purchase from same f W after 4pm * * * " • ' "

PRIV ATE INVESTOR seeks broker to assist in buying homes Inquire. P O Box 14 Westland. MI 41114

PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING wanted Appro* 10.»0 Sq F l and ade-qu*i« partAnf ia LirooU ^ o-rt.

400 Apartmanta For Rant 400 Apartmanta For Rant 400 Apartments For Rant 400 Apartmanta For Rant 400 Apartmanta For Rant


Behind BoUfurd Hospital S P E C I A L ! S A V E O N 1 B e d r o o m f o r $ 4 7 9 2 B e d r o o m ( o r $ 5 8 9 3 B e d r o o m f o r $ 6 6 9 P E T S P E R M I T T E D Smoke Detectors Installed

Singles Welcome Immediate Occupancy


BIRMINGHAM Prime location. 1 bedrooms. I * baths, $414 tenant paya gas ft eisctrtc Moo

th ru Fr i 1 am to 1 p«n.44»-4»tl

GARDEN CITY , a dean quiet balding. Includes apoll

s ft heat. 1440 month, available early July. 477-1441

CARPET ft UPHOLSTERY CLEAN-ING, take over buatwaa, all

SMALL INVESTOR rill boy 1 lan Reken

1 or 1 """I l Land contracts 4*4-4701

equipment ft aocoonta Fcr Information -J-J20is needed or trade wanted Llvo call 1 7 1 - m i ^ f o r Plymouth. Canton. F a r m

Lngton. Nov., W Bloomfield bOTW See COMPLETE CAR REPAIR Facility wit* f rame shop, used car M aU eoalp-ment, car* ft low truck. 5 stall blag ft offices 1 acre of property Going twsi nea* now 1174,000 or beat offer Red ford-Uvooia location Call John. 917-1110 evening*. 414-4444

VACANT BUILDING LOT Pnva teoa . same Pnooe after 5 00


LAKE HURON available

round heroes Estate Counselors

a terf reot properties

ROCHESTER PRIME commercial space oo W Ird St. Just off Main St Good traffic* exposure parking $41-4130 141-4449

vear r k e a l l

TEN SQUARE wooied acres East of Grayling- Sell or trade lor ml table Motor Home 474

UNION LAKE LOT 77 x 100 Clone to shopping Trees cn property »,000. Land Contract terms


CHALET 477-1800

COUNTRY SETTING -1.1 ACRES Rochester Schools »J5 <XK 441-7770

CUSTOM HOME BUILDING Free preliminary plan and estimate Financing help Building all or apart. o«r Land or yours

F L Robert* Building Co 9am - 4pm 441-411$

WABEEK FOREST Land Contract t e r m available and negotiable, at Birch way Drive and Wabeek Lake Road Corner M walk out possible Bloomfield Hill* School* with Andover High $97,000

C e n t u r y 21 R O B E C P R O P E R T I E S

8 5 1 - 7 7 1 1 Executive Relocation Services

Port Huron. Cottages "

.ooc to »*£$£ j 354 Income Proparty For Sato LAKE SHANNON - Currently available

are a wide selection of premier homes at beautiful Lake Shannon ranging m price from 149,900 to $115 040 We .•..il be pleased to ahow the homes that fit your needs on our private all *nort* lake ft aeod you free brochures, Lake siTnivm map ft Information letter

Call Nancy or Gordon Pedersen Specl alixang to lake property at our red-dence oo the Lake - 114-4710 - or o«r office Earl Keim Dowsett U tnc $19-1111

COURT ORDERED SALE 40 Unit* well located between Detroit Medical Center ft Wayne State Univer-sity. Good financing available Renaissance Investment Co $11-1440

LAND CONTRACT terms pot* you Into this excellent buy oo prestigious Lake Angelu* Treed rollin* acreage *loping down to *andy beact. Let your Imagina-tion recreate 1,000 *q ft of living area Lot* of potential Offered by owner, broker. Shirley,

MULLETT LAKE MOft frontage, 1 bedroom. 1 bath, furniabed ranch, none fireplace, year round home garage l lx iof t - pole bare 10x44ft. sandy

110ft tk beach.. 411-7170

dock ft boat bout. $114,000 Weekend* 114-114-7444

FENTON HOLLY AREA 11 acres Frontage oo paved Hickory Ridge Rd ft Baker Rd - Nice 1 bedroom remod-eled bouse ft barn 191,400 Call Birmingham. 141-4944

FARMINGTON HILLS ResidmUsl tot. 01x110 All utilities, paved street

Loade4d with beautiful pine ft mnace trees 114,000 47^0440

carpel, plumbing. Ice, $1,900 for all



Near Rarobr Spring* 1 beautiful wood-ed waterfront lot* ranging In *Ue from 111 to 140 ft frontage, priced from

SKYLINE. -94C $4 i 14, 1 bedrooms. M4.900 to $117,400 Also lota with garden tab, celling fan. re-ftstove Nice location Ptym-

flreplace. frlgerator out* Hill* Park-114.000

Michigan. [,000 to 4

333 Northarn For Sato


ramie view of Lake privileges Priced t i l . I Prestigious area, owner

6 1 6 - 5 2 6 - 6 1 5 6

FIRST CLASS Working borae farm. 40 acres, indoor arena. 44 stalls, paddocks, 1400 sq ft. ranch bome, $144,900

GORGEOUS FARM HOME ESTATE, MOO *q ft home, $1 acrea, tndoor a r e

| na, 14 atalls, $140,000

Both Farms N of Rochester Land contract term* upon request Aak for Shirley LltUefleld, Vice Pree


WESTLAND *ooed |m.if«as)nn»l Cor oer. 190ft (rootage oo MerTiman Rd Excellent exposure aero center , high traffic, owner 47

340 Laka-Rhrar-ftaaort Proparty For Sato

PINE LAKE PROPERTIES for tale or trade for totowu Birming-ham bouse, rental property or coodo

144-7479 or W4-W01

DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM 1 luxury contemporary townhouses with aU the amenities Shown by ap-pointment $114,000, assumable l lv»% mortgage available Call between 1 ft S l f c $44-1111

GOOD INCOME, tax shelter brick 1 family fiat. $ room Woodward 7 lrfile Golf course 145,000 $10,000 (town. After 7 144-1497

CURTAIN SHOPPE Well established buslnea* Prime loca-tion oo Ami Arbor Trail to downtown Plymouth Specialising to ready-made curtain*, rod* ft country accessories Substantial investment required No In-formation will be given by phooe Send all a e r i oa Inquiries to:

CORNER CURTAIN SHOPPE P O Box 749, Plymouth Ml 44171

GAYLORD Commercial frontage oo Main Street. Heavy traffic exposure Remodeled $00 sq f t building Could be used for any boslnea* or Uvlng quarter* Long M will allow for expansion $4V040 Call Birmingham $51 54S5

HOME DECORATING Plymouth area Beautiful location Now i* the time to get ttarted Call now' VR BUSINESS BROKERS. 471-4440

ICE CREAM SHOP $100,000 yearly *ale* Get with Sum-m e r s hottest food) Don't wall. VR BUSINESS BROKERS, 471 -4440

INCOME Lincoln Park Walled Lake tlake front) Garden City I *pt utilities i Wayne Milford


4.1 unit i unit*

$. 11 unit* n units

. 41 unit* t Specialist*"


SACRIFICE Leaving State East Lans-ing Student Rooming House Cash Flow plus excellent tax ane for parents with students

PINE LAKE SUNSET SIDE Spectacular multi level 4 bedroom. 4 bath, 1 fireplace. J car, roughed in you

3ii*e ft flntoh $114,000 "

FARMINGTON HILLS, Farmingtoo Ridge Sub, beautiful M oo cvl-de-ue Scottahire St.. approximate M four

of an acre Growing area with country setting Convenient to Farm-ingtoo Hill* school* and ters Sertoa* buyers ooly Fri 9 AM-5 P M 444-4141 $ P M - 10 PM 441-0141

FOWLERVILLE 19 5 Acres Bradden Rd frontage Land Contract terma. After 4pm 441-7111

B U I L D E R S S P E C I A L Brand new 1 bedroom chalet Only $14,990 at beautiful HlggLna Lake Nice-

pe r t ; Lake ac 'tiding 1

y Call

ly wooded property Lake access Heme 1* finished Including well ft septic New

Two Lakes Buiid-bome warranty Ing Corp n i - n i - i e i o

APPAREL SHOP WOMENS ft GIRLS NW Lake Michigan coastal d tv . Ma±n & location Days $14-141-4111

LELAND- Northpor. area lake Michi-gan cottage, furnished, fteldstooe fire-place large dec*, sandy beach. 141.00« 10* down, adjoining lake front lot 1M.400 4444771

TEN ACRE FARM With bam ft shed Off M-44, Gleonle, Michlgar 141 miles

FRAINS LAKEFRONT HOMESITES Ann Arbor Plymouth area Great ac

to US-11 and M-14 Ann Arbor

cSr v ^ a p ^ t m e n t c a U ^ R o t e j J e

CANADIAN LAKES W*terfroot Lot*, starting at $14,000 Membership toe* One of a kind. 1100 so ft lakefroot dome, inground pool, loaded with extraa $149,900 1 bedroom Lakefroot. great t e r m , $49,900 1 bedroom *uner starter or Investment home. 141.900 , term* Large Lakefront, landy beach, roomy, attractive 144,400 terma Send for an

i update oo our properties Garner ft Assoc Realty, 9011 70th Ave , Mecosta. Ml. 49111 111-971 1444

. LEW1STON - Lake frontage oo West after 1pm 114-141-4M1 j t c T m _ j Bedjoom boeoe,

ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom cotiage with natural gas heat, large deck ft 94 ft frontage oo beautiful Hart Lake. Ideal retirement or vacation retreat 141.400 LC terms. Call 111-111-1401, 441-1870 or write to D 0 Harrison, PO Box 94, Water*. Ml. 44797

CABIN - in Frederic. Michigan. Sell or trade for antable motor bome 474-9177

CABIN ON LAKE. Great for *wtm-t f i s h i n g ft hooting. Leas than 10 miles from 1-74 E of Grayling Greet buy? All year round fan. 111,000 cash or land contract. W.000 dn_ 114-414-4111-

save deck overlooking water, cut-fireplace, 1 car garage. 10 minutes from Garland GoU Course, $114,900


MULLETT LAKE Executive retreat Secluded lodge ft guest cottage with mature pines oo 4 acrea, 140 ft frontage, spectacular view Well maintained; many extras. $140,900. Buyers only (1UJ1M-9175

NEAR TORCH LAKE 10 seres, beau-tiful hardwood*. 179*4 - $400 down 1100 month. 11% 1 0 l''iw»s> i. Rt si - Box ill A Kalkaaka. Ml 49444 or call day* or eves 114-1M-5747

338 Country Homes For Sato

E Q U E S T R I A N S - D E L I G H T Oc 15 besutifully landscaped

a l has 4 bed

HAMBURG PLNCKNEY AREA I H acres with p a , paved road, perked. $14,400 Land Contract term* F L Robert* Btiilder 441-4111

Large country co lk> baths and a i

LIVONIA two beautifully wooded half acre lot* to prime NW location All util-

-Ities $17-400 each or best offer Terms I kltcten i available Most sell!

filled with quality FOR THE HORSE ! Buyer* only LOVER there Is a 90" x 94' 10 stall bans that lndudes a 10 x 14 Indoor riding

II bat* arena with observation room, full I and kitchen A11 of thia and a solar heat-ed inground pool 14 additional acres available for approx 11 a year Asking. $144,090 R-411

• - ii e m t i

ONE ACRE boineslu, hilly, wooded, private

Howell area, 474-9144

IRISH HILLS area year-round lake-froot cottage 1 bedroom, garage appli-ance* fully carpeted, fireplace Scenic view $14,900. negotiable 911-4979

356 Invaatmant Proparty For Sato

customise I 414-1417 SECLUDED LAKE SETTING ;«ri on magnificent Upper Strait*

pnv*te all *port* lake C** year old cu*tom built contemporary oo approxi cnately 1 4 ac re s P r o f e s s i o n a l landscsping. prlvste road entrance Separate J a c u n l and tauna room Call for detail*. Offered at 1447,000 LA

E A R L KEIM W e a l B l o o m f i e l d 8 5 5 - 9 1 0 0

WHITE LAKE beautiful double wood-ed lake lot lake frontage, Tn Level, built 1977 , 4 bedrooms. IH be tha, 1V» attached garage Fireplace sprinkling system I f t W $47-11!"

YEAR ROUND Uvlng oo all sports lake Upper ft lower level walkout*, 1

LAKEFRONT LOT, Lake Oeemav near West Branch $10,900 10* L C Also 1 back lota, your choice $1,994. $199 down; 10% L.C. 115-0431

fireplace Newly decorated BeauiUui lakefroot living only M minutes from Southfield Asking M7.90C 449-9440:

Weekends. Brighton 117-407$

E. LANSING - MSU Invest dent* education Great tax cellent hoene* to purchase and ren t

lie Raines Inc Lu John

to roar i stealer


FERRY LANDING, INC A Michigan Landmark bar ft restaurant operation with 100 ft of commercial lake frontage Includes dock rentals, fuel sales ft cabin rentals Over 1 acres wit* frontage oo Perry Rd ft M-14 ft a high lake view commercial building site Large modern owner •• manager apart meet above restaurant Cla*« 'C" resort license


DAY'S 111-414^ 1141 AFTER 4PM 111-M1-4444

pur t iu ie frocn ptn


• Transferred ' • Behind In your payments" • Tired of being a landlord with

tenant problema* e In forecMmre'

It's not too Private investor

air conditioning, carpeting. *tove fngerator . aT. utilities excspl electnci-tv Included- Warm apta Laundry facili-ties Intercom system Good security Playground on premises. For more information, phone

4 7 7 - 6 4 6 4 2 7 8 6 3 I n d e p e n d e n c e

F a r m i n g t o n Hi l l s

GARDEN CITY. 1 bedroom, carpeting, appliances, air cceallturning, heat ft wa-ter 1110 - Security 174-41 »1

CANTON - Sublease 1 bedroom apart-ment for SH moo tha Must move Hooeytree Apartment*. Call after 1PM all but Wednesday 444-1111


W i t h a t t a c h e d g a r a g e


Bet Drake ft Halatead

1 & 2 BEDROOMS from $435

F a b u l o u s C l u b h o u s e Y e a r A r o u n d

S w i m m i n g P o o l & S a u n a s S o u n d 4 F l r e p r o o f e d C o n s t r u c t i o n & M o r e

O p e n D a l l y 1 2 - 6 p m 476-8080

BIRMINGHAM IV* bath, all new Berber carpet, mini blind* ft kitchen 1444 per moot* Avail-able July I 441-4497

LAKE ORION Extra large 1 bedroom, carpeting, dishwasher extrs storage la apt. 1414 par moat* including heat ft

- • - ~ l Vf f l— 711-7

hot water Adalta. no psta The Village East oa the Paint Creek 711-7747

GRAND RIVER 7 MILK AREA Large 4 room apartment Formal din-ing room. U M plus utilities Call after Iprn. 155-1143


Oo Marrtmaa Rd by Ann Arbor Trail

1 & 2 BEDROOMS from $360

Includes Beet - Carpetinj Air Conditioning - Patio ft Pool

Sound Conditioned Walls ft Ftoor* 5 2 2 - 3 3 6 4



Brand new l v a r t o a s 1 ft 1 bedroom apes Plush carpet. GE self-cleaning oven, deluxe dlsfawaaher. patio, central


Includes Heat Water Air Conditioning. Carpeting. Laundry. Pool

• 1 9 2 5 5 S H I A W A S S E E • Between Laheer ft Tetecraph

1 bloc* north of 7 Mile . 5 3 6 - 0 2 8 1 •

security Intercom system clut* | ^nan-bat very nice New s wtth sauna ft heated pool Free refrigerator 1404 + util-

cerpcrt ; l U — HJUT S p m 444-7M7

bedroom, coenplstely

JOY RD AT HIX RD Managed by Paragon Properties Co

$ n 4 7 M

or 441-1744

NINE MILE HOOVER AREA Spacious 1 bedroom Urwuhoas* $174 monthly Decorated, central air, base-ments No pets Mac Arthur Manor 714-79W

DOWNTOWN NORTHVILLE Newly referbtshed 1 beifcoom apart-ment. New York style New snpUancus lndudes washer ft dryer Call 4-4 M, Men.-Fri. 441-1*71

NOVI RIDGE APTS ft TOWNHOUSES Apartments starting at - H10

Townhouse* $114 Ptoa*e cail Mon thru F r i , I M a m to 5pm. M9-4100


in Sooth Lyon on Pontiac Trail between 10 ft 11 Mile Cable TV available

Rent from HOC mo HEAT INCLUDED Spacious 1 ft 1 bedroom units svallabie with central air carpeting, all electric kitchen, clubhoase and pool

4 3 7 - 3 3 0 3

400 Apartmanta For Rant SOUTHFIELD 11 ft Greenfield a r e a Spacious 1 bedroom townhoue* 1% be tha, c a r p * central air, rail b s n m i m ft fenced In yard. From 1414 Call Fairfax Townhouse 7W-T741

T O W N & C O U N T R Y A P T S IN W I X O M

S p a c i o u s 1 & 2 b e d r o o m a p t a P o d . f u l l y c a r p e t e d , a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g , m a n y e x t r a a . I m m e d i a t e l y a v a i l a b l e H e a t I n c l u d e d , f r o m , $ 3 2 5

- 6 2 4 - 3 1 9 4

PREMIER APARTMENTS Laheer & of 7 Mile Nice one bedroom, U M a month lndudes beet, wster, air. " a l new carpeting. 417-

400 Apartmanta For Rant Atwrndoc Ycmr Hunt - Ail At«l»

C A L L U S F O R • Q U A L I F I E D R E N T A L S "

SHARE LISTINGS 141-1410 $14 S- Adams- Birmingham. Mich

$40'a-$70'a. Tomle I 1-417-151-M17, -417-149-4571

Twelve Unit- Good Investment. $14,944 down L C Terms Four Unit- Needs work. $10,900 down L C Terms Small imp . $100,000, $40,000 (town For de-taili call John at J R Jones Property Investment* "11-1212

OWN YOUR OWN J««u>-Sporiswear la-dles appareL chlldjens. laixe siae. com-blnation store aoi isarne* Jordacte Chic, Lee. Levi. E Z Street, Ixod. Spiri t . Tomboy, Calvto Klein. Sergio Valente, Evan (Scone. Llx Claiborne, Member* Only Organically Grown. Gasoline, Healthtex. over 1.000 c«hers $11,100 to $14,900 Inventory, training, fixtures, grand opening, etc Can open 14 day*. Mr Loughlln (<11| M4-&555

358 Mortgagaa4 Land Contracts


C o * for FytMing Land Contract* Or Second Mortgages a Highest $41

Perry Realty 471-7MO

360 Buainaaa Opportunittoa

LAKE OGEMAW near West Branch. 4 bedrooms. 1 * baths, many extras Lakefroot 1 car garage Fuhtog. iwlm-min« h~tin.s on private lake 141.900 10* L.C. 147,900 caah. 4J4-0411


1 lota, to Garden of Ascensioo. asking,. M i l for pair 4U-74M

PLYMOUTH AREA < •••-« r*aglng_lnjoi 141 acres

building s to l i

I Work 41' JUrryYoung ft , FEHLIG REAL ESTATE

Northern Property For Sale

t o

acres plus, spUttahM la

s a y . . . v'

t h e g o o d I r f e c a n b e

a s m a r t i n v e s t m e n t t o o !

i the many "Baby-Boomers it always seam to make the

i rtahl moves and wise frveatmentl By purchsafrtg your

| own vacation proparty. North-arn MIchlQen, the bast of Winter and the beet of Summer, an "endteas vacation Save time end money by viewing video tepes of all our proparttoe to And the area of your choice Right now there are unbelievable bargains Northarn propartiaa ao don't delay.

Exclusive! Properties available


o * < e

PICTURESQUE Black River, 11 wood^ ed acres (134 ft riverfront), E of Indi-an River, modern home with over 1100 *q. ft. living area. IV* baths, wood ft electric beat, I H csr garage ft 1 out-baildlno. Oostandlng vsloe. Mi,400


342 Lakefront Property ALPENA, Ml - Two Famished Year round boroes. Lon* Lake- Sandy beach 00 US 11 Also Lake Huron access Must sell. MO 900 offer 444-4414


1 bedroom contemporary heme wtth lake access via private nark* ft laland* M ft ingroond pool, l o w aq ft. 1 acre M Asking 1110,000

M acre wooded M acros* road from i.>» access park. Southern view of lake. A*king 119,400 with land contract

Lake access wooded hillside lot with ex-ceptional view of lake. Over S* acre of trees ft wlidftowers Asking 1M 000 wlt t land contract tarma

Call for free pictorial brochures of bomea ft tots available oa Uv tao toa County's Largest private. aU sports lske

Sylvia L Cola, Raal Estate Broker 439-4141

BY OWNER-Get 1 building site* for the price of one 1M ft lake froelaee 1

— ' • i future Lake Shirley

131 4117


M K H A i l GROUP. PIC 415- • 113

DUCK LAKE Spectacular o e w fresn laka ode with


Cranbrook Assoc lac Realtor*

ELIZABETH LAKE '«* 11 f t . fully Im-proved Soathera a * p u — » trees sand m . 4 * 4 441-4404

MOUNT AVON Community Mauaole-am, 1 crypts, aide by side,

OAKLAND HILLS Memorial Gardens, Novi. Call or Write: C Westfleld. 41 Brookfleld Rd Upper Monte lair N J , 97941

PIZZERIA ft DELI, carryout. SDM 11-beer ft wine>, grosung over

$130,000 yearly Terms available Ro-Is Ares 191-4411


4 l o c a t i o n s t o s e r v e y o u


Spadoos 1 ft 1 bedroom ft Radios Management by owner

Excellent service Carpeting Appliances

Laundry facilltes Cable TV includes utilities, etc

Open 9am-4pm Moo thru Sat Son by appointment only

4 2 5 - 0 9 3 0

CHICAGO oear Bert Rd I large bed-room, redecorated, stove ft tor, security deposit required pli $110 mocth. $17-1940

DELUXE 1 bedroom apartment, 1 batha. washer dryer book-up Tennis, swimming pool, farmingtoo Hill* sub-let Lease expires l -M No pets M i l . n o plus deposit Ready July I A*k for P a t 474-M10

I n d e p e n d e n c e

Green Located in Farmington Hills We offer luxunoo* apartment living that to-cludea beat and wster. washer and dryer, built-in vacuum system al no ad-ditional cost Air conditioning, club-house wlt t sauna. Indoor and outdoor pool, tennis courts, golf course and much more Is available C A L L O R S T O P BY T O D A Y

477-0133 471-6800

Grand Ri ver ft Halstesd Rda Presented by

Mid-America Management Inc

LAHSER near GRAND RIVER Mod^ dem one - 1 bedrooms, carpetng,

Uancea. central air. feoced pe ts $11-4194 140-1494

SCHOOLCRAFT ft Outer Drive. Studio. 1140 and 1 bedroom-Harts $»5 . newly decorated, drapes, appliances, air, t carpeting. Security lystero 5M-5444

E X T R A O R D I N A R Y SPACIOUS 1 ft 1 Bedroom Apts

Carpet. Patio. Air, Pool, Heat Included 1 BEDROOM $145 1 BEDROOM 1M4 WESTLAND AREA

BLUE GARDEN APTS. C h e r r y Hilt N e a r M e r r l m a n

F o r D e t a i l s 7 2 9 - 2 2 4 2

APARTMENT . $100 . mo ill Bedroom with balcony The Village Apts. Avsil-sble July Call eves 114-4445


SEARCHING ? We guarantee a refoTal to 10 day*


• • L IVONIA Luxury apartments Dtahwaaher. secur-ity. Intercom, soundproof pool, club-bouse Sorry, oo pets Adult community

I ft 1 Bedrooms Available HEAT INCLUDED

Merrlman Rd (Orchard Lake Rd. 1 Just ooe block S of $ Mile Rd

MERRIMAN PARK APTS Tbe Most Besutlfii]

Garden Apartments to Michigan

OLD REDFORD small 1 bedroom to 40 year old 14 unit >—lining Hardwood floor*, appliances, ha* character 1340

• heat. t l»0 includes! $190 deposit U4-10M

PLYMOUTH efficiency downtown, available July I . private parking, ma-tore, professional! only $174 plus utili-ties ft leferences 1513434

R O Y A L O A K Deluxe 1. 1 ft 1 bedroom apartments Microwave. *tove. refrigerator, air con-ditioning. ca rpe t custom made drapes M7lT$i40. $440 I Call bets

Includes beat ft water $am-4pm only. 444-0114

P l y m o u t h iSl PLYMOl



M o d e r n 1 4 2 B e d r o o m Air Conditioned Fully Carpeted


1 & 2 B e d r o o m a iGE appUancea. ceramic baths.ceptral air, shag carpeting, carports, Inter-coms. psiio*,.'balconies ft more On a beautiful wooded Kite.





Peaceful LlvlM la a pnatlgtona loca-tion 1 bedroom salt* with 1 * hatha, balcony fully carpeted, all appliances individual central heat ft carpor ts


SUNNYMEDE APTS Noon-6PM 362-0290

TROY Royal Oak area, baaattful pool side 1 bedroom. air conditioned s p a n

drapes, full klteten •44-1111

WAYNE'S FINEST RENTAL COMMUNITY Offers immaculate I tram $411 l a d * OOOUM. paM teat. ceramic bet* aad Open Moo-Sat M i l 1 Sorry No Pa ts

Wayne Forest Apts. 3 2 6 - 7 8 0 0

VENOY PINES APTS. F o r m e r l y V e n o y H o u a e A p t s .

S E E O U R N E W L O O K I N e w L a n d s c a p e & C a r p e t i n g T h r u O u t . 1 & 2 B e d r o o m

F r o m $350 & U P . S R . C I T I Z E N S W E L C O M E



from $1*4 monthly. sd ft Is a lovely area Hast I Country Village Apartment*

W E S T L A N D A R E A Spaooat I bedroom apar tment MM moothly Attractive 1 bedroom apart meats. $144 Carpeted, decorated ft In s lovely area Heat included

Country Court Apartments 721-0500


Sanctons I aad 1 hedmum apei Hiami ' udes cana l , appliances ceaHral air. storage ft Laundry room snch ftoor Cable TV available 1475 I


402 Furnished Apta For Rant



402'Fumtohad Apts. j For Rant


Dish i t Lai

CABLE TV In-onlt Laundry ft more


SOUTHFIELD 11 ft Greenfield area Spacious 1 bedroom townhoose, 1W baths, carpet, central air, full baaeroent ft fenced to yard From M i l CaU Fairfax Townhouse 734-7741

LAHSER near 7 MILE Modern one bedroom, appliances, carpeting, heat Included, parking No pet* Leave mes-sage 531-3171

From $415 Call Noon to 1 PM

4 5 5 - 4 7 2 1 2 7 6 - 6 3 1 9 Moo Tues Wed Fri Thur* ft Sat

400 Apartments For Rent

W a l t o n S q u a r e

A p a r t m e n t s Beautiful spaoons and well-managed Ideal location to Pontiac near I-7S, Reasonable rates Call Moo thru Fri. lOam-lpm



S p a c i o u s 1 & 2 b e d r o o m a p a r t m e n t s L a r g e c l o s e t s , b a l c o n i e s , c a r p o r t s , s w i m -m i n g p o o l 4 p a r k a r e e a . S e n i o r c i t i z e n s w e l c o m e , F o r d R d . 1 b l o c k E . o f W a y n e .

CALL: 729-4020

400 Apartments For Rent

12 month's for the price of 11 * BONNIE BROOK

MANOR Spacious 1 Bedroom Apta.

Distinctively Different . WaJk-m Ctoeets • H e a t I n c l u d e d • Air Conditioning • Swimming Pool • Laundry fadlltiea • Kitchen Appliances

n m _ i h v Sa io r riUsees 19800 Telegraph, next to Bonnie Brook GoM Club


5 3 8 - 2 5 3 0 For new tanaaU only - "object to

tarma ft conditions la laaaa

BIRMINGHAM hesaOfalty a p p u t t j p k i n s e . 3-3 bedroom apsrtmsnt w*h irrsrls—t'-- view of Detroit and a r -roandiag a r ee s Cable TV . maid **rtoe, ^ Z n T ^ M n a . etc inctedsd No pets. $33M t w » $44-4147 or 444-0414. h

etntiaa Onfy l rears old. Royal Get . $111 par moot*

C A L L M A N A G E R 3 9 8 - 3 4 7 7

400 Apartmanta For Rant

u n j c W. of Woodward. One - two bedrooms. carpeOat air condtttonMc. parking No psta. From $334 leeve

402 Fumtohad Apts. For Rant

Abandon Your Hum All Ares* CALL US FOR


1*4 So Adams. Birmingham Mich.

m Townhouse Co-operat ive

S P A C I O U S 1, 2 . 3 B E D R O O M T O W N H O U S E S


FROM J267 Call 729-3328

35661 Smith Ecoran i Open Weekdays 1-5 p.m.

Sat. & Sun. 12-5 Managed by


w a n j v

S m i t h ?

r i l t i i

400 Apartments For Rent

Available for June Occupancy

CaU 411-4447

PRINT SHOP SoothfleW G n * i of $100,000 pla

I owner

B I R M I N G H A M / T R O Y A beautiful deluxe ooe bedroom apart men t approximately I MO *q f t 1V. baths, microwave, stove, relrtger* tor centrsl air, new carpet Carports available.

$ 6 0 0 a m o n t h (Includes wster)

Call between lam-Sperj 444-0114

TEACHERS' Build your own buslnea* this summer Flexible boors, training Minimum in-vestment 411-4444

BIRMINGHAM Uptown, 144 W Brosrn. 7 room Ind floor 1 bedroom 1 bath apar tment Over 1100 aq f t $400 tnootli. beat ft water included Call OWNER, Mr Libby 444-1000

382 Raal Estate Wantad

A BARBER BEAUTY SHOP Bloomfield Hill* location

Excellent term* Contact, Diversified £*oup, Inc., $41-1400

A CHALLENGING opportunity for In-novative thin*er to boild and promote a ni i^ai Incorporated teiilress Sales marketing backxroond issectlsl Sue ceasfui efforts will determine unlimited financial reward- 447-4111

PARKVIEW CEMETERY, 5 Mile Rd Dear Farmington Rd Livonia. 1 Gravea. Section 714 Block C, 4440 total. $44-1111

R06ELAND PARK to Berkley, section 11. tot U gravea 4 -

[4-1,11000 for all three 134-1744

WHITE CHAPEL- Troy Several single or adjacent lots Section E *•

ASSUMABLE Land Contract - Excel-lent opportunity Fast food restaurant. Excellent suburban location. Newly re-novated Good terms Investment re-

101-744-1444 I turn to $ months Terrific opportunity .. owner moving Ml-1143

ABSOLUTELY CASH in 1 boors for your boeoe

Any condition CADI Ron 444-4400

AN INVESTOR WANTS to boy lncooe property Will look at all. any condition.

5 5 7 - 5 9 6 5

BIRMINGHAM BLOOMFIELD AREA Looking for 1 bedroom home to pur chaae on Land Contract up to 1114.000 A-1 condition, good financial referenc-es. Principals only Eves , 344-4441

Day* 144-4040

351 Bua. ft Protaaatonal Sldqs. For 8ato

ATTENTION TAX LOSS INVESTORS $7 M0 down payment bay* this Sooth

field office building wlt t 111.1M annual depredation plaa other dedocttona Vilb Reken 444-4701

A WINNER Hardware-Home Center business main street n a i l town near popeilar Devils Lake area Excellent market area Mint condition Ml,900 includes

neaa. Inventory ft equipment As* for Herb Hover or Doeig Street

BAR Only ooe to thriving rural area SE Mick. Seat* 47 Constant froa* H0S.040 Ideal lamlly operation 1M.400 Ask for Re* Glover

ICECREAM PARLOR On " . m street Hudson Seats M Nos-talgic atmosptere Serving home make •cop. aandwiehea ft gourmet toe cream desserts $40,000 boys It all. Term* Asking for Vickl Gerlg.

Glover Real Estate Associates Adrian. MI 417-143-4444

B a y b e r r y P l a c e A p t s .


One and 1 Bedroom Apartments from $410 Balconies, Carpeting. Carports, Air Conditioning. Swimming Pool, Club-house No Pet*

S U B U R B I A S ' F I N E S T A P A R T M E N T S T h e M t . V e r n o n T o w n e s

oc M t Vernoo Blvd. (»•>* Mile Road] jBtt W of Southfield, set to a colonial atmosphere Truly luxurious 1401 to 1740 aq, f t plus basement townhouses

• Top o double self-cleaning oven* • Side by side refrigerator* • Decorator carpeting • Garagaa, etc . Children* section

Beautiful Clob Houae and Pool From $444 Heat included



An Apartment Commun i t y o ' Uncompromised Qual i ty

In Farmington Hills


FEATURING • IndMdoalK controlled centra, aw condmoni-ig Si tisai • Large povale

bekrorty ot pane • Soacous ctosei H sio-sge area in apanmen! • Double bo t security sws'etn • Dishwasher & usa ta d.sposal • Sell ciean n j oven & range • Frost Iree retr gerator ' t e e t e r • Statrq glass boorwall • Draoes • Piusi-, carpeivvi • Large paniry • Cor-veme-' c^rH.ngatea • Ej^tgy e!!x>er,i msula'.ior

CLOSE-IN FARMINGTON L O C A T I O N East oil Orchard .ake noed on Folsom Road ie«tennon o1 9 Ml>e Bioadl. corner o1 Tuck Road Q

c i" 76h mile ROAD

F R O M S450 Mode l Open ', S Daily

Model 478 S690

Manager 47S I4S7

S t o n e R i d g e A p a r t m e n t s

o s


•? M iLE I BO AO A ' I h - \

if - 1 %


Qoae to Maple. I Somerset Mall, Troy

1 Block North of of Coolidge oear

FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 6 4 3 - 9 1 0 9

C ASH FOR YOUR HOME to 14 bour*

Ask for Joe or Dick Century 11 Cook ft Associates 114-1411


O R GUARANTEED SALE Also If In Foreclosure

Or Need Of Repair

Castelli 525-7900

400 Apartments For Rent

BIRMINGHAM A luxurious Victorian ttyle one bed-room apartment with approximately 1000 aq. f t , close to downtown Includes itove, dt*hwa*her, refrigerator, mi-crowave. ceiling fan*

$ 6 0 0 a m o n t h llnelodea heat ft water) Call between $am-4pm


BIRMINGHAM near DOWNTOWN Deluxe 1 bedroom with self cleaning oven, frost-free refrigerator dishwash-er fully carpeted, central beat ft air $440 per month 444-14M

400 Apartments For Rent





s . ^ O V R


APARTMENTS . Dishwasher • Utilities Included

• Garbage Disposal • Air Conditioning . Carpeting • Security System • Pool & Clubhouse

& 2 BEDROOM A P A R T M E N T S from # 3 6 0 Cherry Hill a n d Henry Ruff

Between Mlddlebelt ft Mernma.-

729-6636 H O U R S

M O N . t h r u F R I . 9 A . M . - 5 P . M

S A T » A M l P.M

I n S o u t h f i e l d ,

A d v e n t u r e s I n

; # F i n e L i v i n g

S t a r t a t $ 3 9 5

A nur ,-ne acanmen: com nuniiies are located conven ently !9 snooping mans, ex-ores^vvays t-a^spo-tat or and -ecreanco Fea!M'es include spacious iioor p>ans a

c a ' p e t i r g . o ishwashers , poo's, and =a:-os W - i h s o m e , your rer ! even

I N C L U D E S H E A T '

M o v e i n o a r o' - e s e a o a r t - e n t n o m e s o"d enjoy '.ne f ine " f e n O *


' a rc 2 Oel'Ocr-5 ' a"3 2 sai ls C'sose ''Om 4 ssa- o^s 1 co- p 315 S; ' :n s 3e c ' "C V e Roa; ,«/es: oi Te eg1*?"1 ac a:eni lo t E l E* S^oos • ; C e 3 e s o e " Wa-age' 35*'3930


' ana 2 o e c o s - s ' a-d 2 Daih? 7 soac o^4 Hoor p-ans C jCnc-se 9er5 Poao Service C- -e adiaec't lo Hwy . Na-'ir oi lO'-i W'-e Eas" z' "fl'eg'api aeS'ce- i vanase' 358 985 FROM $480*


a i d 2 D a i h j •1 a r c 2 !>«3'00~S • oo* p i a n s C uCnouse 0 Norin*esle-r vianace' 354 033

7 scac'o-is

Fra->i i F"o»3 S o' ; '2 v « R o a d s P e S ' d e " :

FROM $485*


i 2 and 3 bedrooms 1 a-id 2 cams 13 spacious •IOO' sia"s CiuOhouse Heat inciuaed iPrase Njrjr, s>ae of 12 MHe Road Easi o' No'ir »est«T -i«y Res,de-i Manage' 357-1761

FROM $485* THE P I S E S

' and 2 Dec-corns ' a ^ o 2 Oaths Heat • n c j o e d Crjn. l , - . Road N o r t h O' Norlhwestern Hery Res d«n-M»rage'357 0137 FROM $530*


' and 2 0e0«oorr ' and 2 oairs Seven spacious Moor ; i ' s Heai included Weil s-a» o' G'eer '•e'd aoa3 oet*een i0 arc- ' 0 M i l e Roads ««$ ceni Manager 557 3832 FROM $395*

(Main Offlca - 353-9650)

•»e"tai SK»(«t 10 c»snSe viAawl nollee

W i x o m , M i c h i g a n

For advance rental information call 624-6464





GARDEN TYPE UNITS 18252 Middlebelt Road

477-6448 C l o s e t o S c h o o l s , S h o p p i n g ,

C h u r c h e s , F r e e w a y s a n d F u n

An Equal Housing Project

Axii y i w

C A P A R T M E N T p


1 & 2 Bedroom Apartment$ From *415


B E A C H W A L K A P A R T M E N T S On 14 Mil* , between Haggerty & Novi Rd.

Call for information 6 2 4 - 4 4 3 4

L i n c o l n T o w e r s

A p a r t m e n t s 15075 Lincoln Roed

(Greenfield A 10% MUj£ STUDIOS - 1 & 2 BEDROOMS

FROM '320 F R E E C A B L E T V

Adult Community Rfrvtd for Rtsidents Ovr SO Central Air, Heat, Appliances, Carpeting,

Community Room, T.V., & Card Room, Pool,


N o r t h g a t e A p t s . F R O M *325

RENT INCLUDES • Air Conditioning • Range • Refrigerator • Carpeting • Garbage Disposal • Laundry &

Storage Facilities • Swimming Pool • Tennis Courts • Activity Building

• Heat & Hot Water



m m r e

1 a n d 2

B e d r o o m s I n c l u d e s h e a t , w a t e r , a i r

c o n d i t i o n e r , c a r p e t i n g ,

l a u n d r y a n d s t o r a g e

f a c i l i t i e s a n d p o o l

7 M i l e - T e l e g r a p h A r e a

C a l l 5 3 8 - 2 1 5 8


NEW 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Designed

for Adult Living Convenient to 1-96 & Twelve Oaks Mall

385 Beck Rd. • Wixom O p e n D a i l y 1 0 - 6 . S u n d a y 1 2 - 5 C a l l 6 2 4 - 1 3 8 8


Worth shouting about! Play a game of tennis . . . or go for a dip in the heated indoor swimming pool. Westland Towers is high rise lux-ury ...without the high price! Even the heat's included.

1 & 2 Bedrooms Available Rent includes Heat

| L | W e s t l a n d ^ T o w e r s

high-rise apartments L o c a t e d o n W a y n e R d .

b e t w e e n F o r d R d . & W a r r e n .

7 2 1 - 2 5 0 0


. . . y o u ' l l f e e l a i h o m e

w i t h u s .

TCMTIhouses thai offer spaciousness and prtrac? alon? with burden-free care-free living

e 2 Bedrooms • 2 Floors e Full Basemen! Built-in microwaves in newt? designed kitchens

Perfect!? located across from Racbham Golf Course close lo

, Birmingham. Southfield and Tro?

INTEGRITY REALTY 8 5 1 - 2 8 7 0

1 0 0 ' s o f p r o p e r t i e s

t o c h o o s e f r o m

- G r e a t t e r m s ! -

7001 Orchard Lake Rd. Waal Bloomfield (Bat. 13 A 14 Mile Rda.)

HISTORIC 4 t i f r n n i M D M k a O a r t * » araa aa 7 p*aa r a f t * H 11-| | M T at l i W I M t w i u u f I I | — " MT-UIT

P U N O M M « • » *

M M A K * I V * I •afca a r e a a M a • «M Can a t a r

•LAMDPOKIALB TWa t r a a O U*m$ >—a*T * m f k r n la-Iax) M Lata ** m r m * •*—<

n » - r v « w «





' .. N A T U R E A R E A S

t i y ' - r r C O N V E N I E N T S H O P P I N G y


9 -NOON 1-5 P M

CLOSED SAT A SUN. Windsor Woods TWO Ca*.V! we*npn W1H7

:<» W 3 D D I A N D


close to convenience, far from the ordinary

m Swimming Poo' • Bolcony/Pcrho • 60 seconds from Westland Man • .ourxJry foc'irhes i n e a c h b u i l d i n g

• Close to carport and Semta Comrrxjter '^oute • Storage room in apartments a i.ouve<ed verticol biinds a 2 bedroom 1 bath units from $425 Located m WetfkjncJ at Warran and Cowan Ms

Open dotty or<d weekend*.


In the hills of West Bloomfield


Phase II In a Grand Tradition

New lav ish ly l a r g e 1. 2 a n d 3 B e d r o o m t e r r a c e r a n c h d w e l l i n g s t h a ! are u t t e r l y e x t r a o r d i n a r y Pr iva te en t r y , a t t a c h e d g a r a g e , ' ( r ep lace c a t h e d r a l c e i l i n g s , des igne r k i t c h e n s w i t h s e p a r a t e

b ^ a k f a s t a r e a s , m a s t e r b e d r o o m s u i t e s w i t h d r e s s i n g area, d o u B e v a n i t i e s a n d d o u b l e c l o s e t s , p r i v a t e i n - r e s l d e n c e l aund ry a n d s t o r a g e w m s . f u l l c a r p e t i n g , c e n t r a l A /C p a t i o or ba l cony^

p o o l , c l u b h o u s e , t e n n i s c o u r t s 2 4 - h o u r m a n n e c g a t e h o u s e a i l o n over 100 i n c o m p a r a b l e ac res

s.ze, d e s i g n a n d i n c o m p a r a b l e s e t t n g . t h e s e are 1 2 a n d 3 b e d r o o m t e r r a c e s

t h a t y o u m u s t see


»The FottrMldAMe Oo«rp'


For t h e

F r o m • 6 3 0 - ' 1 2 2 5


R e l a x

Y o u ' r e h o m e

Visit our furnished model at 10711 W Ten Mile Rd Open Daily 9 lo 5 Saturday 11 to 4 547-9593

ai - N o r t h v i l l e

S P A C I O L S 1 B D R M — 8_V> Sq Ft 7 B D R M —1015 or 1076 Sq Fl ^ B D R M —128fcSq Fl

\ b u n d a n t S t o r a g e a n d C l o s e t S p a c e

P r i v a t e E n t r a n c e

C l u b h o u s e a n d F i r e s i d e L o u n g e

H e a t I n c l u d e d

Mil* Road Miles m -

(>pen daily " a rv

S j i Sur. 12-S p m

Open daily Aldingbrooktt is located oft Drake Road between Maple and Walnut Lake Road, in West Bloomfield for leasing information Call 661 0770


(0\l\(,TO\(HlP) R a n c h e s ft T o w n h o m e e


introducing Covngton Club, >eased residences with all the features ot a fine home Choose from ranch or town

homes with private entries, whirlpool tubs, two-car garages, private Basements Seiune kitchens patios

parti-like surround"*^ security 1 4 M . l e f t M l d d l e b e l t F a r m i n g t o n H i l l s

2 a 9 awdrooen l>nlta from t1,1T» Pravia»> hours: N o o n to 5 : 0 0 p . m

or call 'or • « appo ln tmant


One of tbe most exclusive addresses in

Southfield wrm nr

ttmxw | > i \ C t

Spacious one floor living or townhouses,

the choice is yoars Limited access service

beautiful setting oo rartom • HEAT INCLUDED • 1579-H89 ft- • Attached garages or covered parking . Central Air • AopHancee. p*ua se»-c»jartng oven • Your own etegeni prtvaie efcib card roome and heated pool, kJtcfwv bar. S w e d i s h aauna • P*ie mue»« morel

Minates from Towa Ceater Lodge Ezpreasway 4 Shopping

From '615 J 58-4154 j s a s ^ a


mzw'Ji'jw j

at Green Hill Commons'? A unique new floor plan.

drawn nxrVnarn has 2 badroows. 2 baths, wsk-out batamy or paHo. ws»-m ctosM. washsr a n q e r y m oounessi "psmpsr you^ldsas. AS In s supart) TO sors Mttmo of lawns and wootasnds. ponds and flsrtsns. C a m ssa. Moh. suooumbi



Ms saourWy mmg pool/laraes oourla/oabls TV

green hill

10E* O A E T h u r s d a y . J u n e 13 . 1 9 8 5



j M O t o — — a Y ^

T , l t • r j "

. C & k » 4 j ^ b r : ! " r r 3 ; £ c p . i

402 Furnished Apts. For Rant

BIRMINGHAM. LNTOWN Lovely 1 bedroom furwabed I S W pin* utilities R r f t n a w No pets Available Sun June 11 848-7411

EXECUTIVE F U R N I S H E D APTS Fi rmingtoc , Bloomfield, Rochester Tech Center i re ia l Completely fur -jabed 1 and 3-bedroom apt* including utilities Short t e rm lease* EXECUTIVE UVTNG SUTTES474-8770

FARMINGTON HILLS- Smart ly fur rushed 1 bedroom, Immedia te occupan-cy Pool, c a r p o r t 8S8S month

M 1 4 S M




37417 Gr ind River i t Hakstead

SOUTHFIELD, 1 5 4 - l l M 28940 Lataer Rd. i t 1 i Mile

404 Houaas For Rent

L A N D L O R D S ! ! You may u v t yoareelf tbe task of i n swermg "hundred of lelepboese cal ls to rent your bocoe or apa r tmen t

Why not let



412 Townhouses-Condos For Rant

415 Vacation Rantats

BIRMINGHAM m a l o M condo. Wil-liamsburg. end unit. 1 bediouem. 1 back, newer kitchen. dryer, t*Ot

redecorated, waaheir 4 Evening*. U U H 4

BLOOMFIELD HILLS Coodo, 1 bad-room, J W baths, b a s e m e n t garage, newly decorated »»00 CaU al ter 4PM.


5 2 2 - 4 4 4 7 LIVONIA Red aluminum « o r y 3 bedroom, gas furnace, electr ic d o v e

E of o garage .

baaement, appliancea. pet* 8450 Mo Available July Eve's only 455-1797

bedroom, [>i furnace, electr ic book-up, 14988 Sunbeirv. 5 bik* Mlddlebelt. Just So of Five No gi

LIVONIA Roeedale - Slate S t 2 bed-room. 1 k» bath. brick ranch. baaeroent, 1H car arage. fenced, ipp l iaocea Available Late June, K U month Plaa aecunty af ter Spm 4X2-01))

EVERGREEN 11 MDe Well located Townhouse. I bedrooma 1 batha. full basement, fireplace, cent ra l air. pool 4 tennis M M month 844 2497

FARMINGTON HILLS, 11 near Or chard Fully famlahed 1 bsdroomCoc-do Color TV. stereo.. micro ware . Pool, t eonl* carport |740 per mo 440-1*4*

EAST TAWAS June Special* 10% Discount U 1 I bedroom cot taga* Vary large beech oo Lake Heron Party • tore on itta. .Alac 1 campsite* i v i l l -*ble. day. week, month or saa*no. Green Gable* Raaort 517 1*2 1444

GATUNBURG, TENN-Lot at ramping reeort, hill book-op Rasaoable ra tes la the Smokies Swimming, taenia, many thing! to do In a r e a . E v e n i n g 8*1-0758

FARMINGTON HELLS 11 Mile * Or chard Lake. 1 bedroom, ] bath, all ap-pliance*. drape*, carport , Oorage room.

' No pets Available July I 477-1781

tennt* pool No peta Available July M t ! Call Day* Or Eves

LIVONIA J bedroom bnck Store , re-fr igerator . carpeting, drape* Finished baaeroent I car garage, pa t io Near golf cour*e | S 7 S ' m o securi ty 411-4*14

TROY, 50*-1*00 1100 E Maple <15 Mile Rd

between Rochester Rd 4 1-75

MAYFLOWER HOTEL Moothly room* avai lab le Maid service, telephone aervsce. color TV. pr ivate bath and more' Star t ing at M M per mooth Contact Creon Smi th 451-1130

PLYMOUTH Deluxe furnished apar t meol Short term leaae Available July 1 Heal Included No pet*. Adult* New furniture 4 boweware*. MOO per month 459-9407

PLYMOLTH, downtown 8375 month, furnl*hed Call Creon or Scott 451-1820

PLYMOUTH Deluxe fural*be«J apart-m e n t *bort t e rm leaae, ava i lab le July I Heat included No peta Adult*. 8400 per month 4S8-9M7

404 rtouaaa For Rent Abandon Your Hunt - All Area*


SHARE LISTINGS M l 1*10 »M S Adam*. Bi rmingham. Mich

LIVONIA. J bedroom, double lot. ga-rage. diihwaaher M M mo MOO security Available July 1 Call 117-9191

FARMINGTON HILLS 11 Bedrooma, 1 batha, MOO per month, heat Included

Condomin ium Realty 559-3800


Spend Your Vacation wtth in Deluxe Accommodations

Golf cour*e riding stable lit air strip J Laka* - flatting - b e a d free - t enon

Clubhouse Indoor pool - bo< tab - sauna Fireplace unit* available

RCM INC. Sherl Klmberty 616-585-6100

415 Vacation Rantala 420 Rooms For Rant

HOMESTEAD LAKE MICHIGAN Beautiful view I bedroom luxurv roo-ds FunUabed aa private home All con-venience* > poof i . 1 dining room* on *ite Waaber dryer , TV, iStroo Clay i w w covrta. aailboata hikut for r e n t U1-7M1

HOMESTEAD, on Lake Michigan New luxury 1 bedroom, 3 bath eeooo. South Beach I I 900 per weak Leave name & phone number U 1 - M 4 !

HOMESTEAD - On Lake Michigan In Glen Arbor Leelanau County Small k large condoa f r o m MM per week. Call evening* weekend* M - 1 U S

HOMESTEAD RESORT Glen Arbor Luxury lakefront coodo. 4 bedroom beat location In tbe Homeatead lower r a t e * reaerve sow prefered datea Owner Office W U H ! Home U«-«M1

GENTLEMAN Joy Rd Middlebeit area Air conditioned kitchen privi-lege* t n - i M i

LIVONIA Near Hix and Ann Arbor Rd

M0 per weak Non-amokar Call. 444-MM

422 Wantad To Rant

WANTED 1 bedroom fumUOad i p a n meat Is th* Birmingham Bloomfield area for July and A a g w , f a r m e r Pub-luher of the Eceeot r tc Call M4 7WS

Joy a r e a Sleeping room employed,

noc^emoklng peraon iO A over 4ZVMM

YOUNG PHYSICIAN i w k to rent •mall 1 bedroom bouae. coodo or apar t ment In Plymouth Northville Uvooia. Farmington cr Birmingham a rea No p e u or children. non-*moker 711-UM

with kitchen privilege* : * n u o 40 A

ROOM for reaponalbie female over 11 with reference*. Kltcben and Laundry Call (or fur ther Information Moo. Thura.. a f t e r 5 P M 711 I M S

423 Wantad To Rant Raaort Proparty

LIVONIA- J bedroom ranch, all anpil-ancea. baaeroent Newly painted Near 7 Mile k Inkater »515 per mo plua ae-curlty Reference* After J p m 4M-10M

F ARMINGTON- 1 bedroom, waaber dryer, atove re f r igera tor pool, club-house, *M0 per month. No peta J to « mooth leaae M4-M10

MILFORO- Cottage oo tbe Lake. 1 bed-rooma stove, ref r igera tor , ex t ra* 1100 * month plu* eecurity and utilities Call 9im-«pcn at 71»-1»50 «pn> 1 Optri and Sunday* 511-M14

OAK PARK 1 4 1 bedroom bouae* M M to IMS per mooth Baaemeou . ap-pliance*. garage or carpor t Evea weekeoda IM-41I9 1014

PLYMOLTH. brick Todor booje In qui-et wooded area Walk lo Downtown. 1 bedrooma Uvtng. dining, kitchen, nook, baaeroent. garage ISM Evea 4SJ-1553

GAYLORD LEWISTON AREA Rustic cottage in beautiful aecluded wooded area oo magnificent lake oo aandy baach Excellent swimming 4 flahing. GoU. tennis, bonehack riding nearby Boat Included. Available poor to July 1 1 4 af ter Aug 9 JS1-SS7I

or ISl-0745

GAYLORD, OTSEGO LAKE S cottage* Boat, dock, campfi re . large pUy a rea GoU 4 , nearby. ( 3 I 3 ) - » a - « 4 l

HOMESTEAD 1 bedroom, J bath coo-do, sleep* 7. Lake 4 river view In-cludes bikes. BBg r a f t a Available July 1-11, 1700.j'Wk. Owner 31S-M&-51H

HOMESTEAD. 1 bedroom, beachfront (Beachcombers weeks of June 13, Aug 10, Sep t 1 tOOO-1775 Deluxe goeat room - July 17 Aug 3 I17S 540-M»3

WESTLAND AREA - IMS per mooth includes all utilities, cablertttoo, 1 meal a day and lauodry dooe Between 9 and 4 PM S9V4S4* After 4. 7H-31M

421 Lhrtng Quartars ToShara

GAYLORD RESORT New Ckalet with pool table Sleeps *. clubhouse with pool, f ree tennis, b e a u . M0« week


u .HOMESTEAD. J bedroom. 1 bath WU-riding deroess Coodo oo Crystal River , near

beach, sleep* « I7M. per week Beach Club privilege* available M7-1M3

LAKE FRONTAGE bring your boat, Walled lake. oew. never been Uved In. 1 bedroom In Shoreline Condominiums Pontiac Trail at West Rd Complete GAYLORD -W Otsego 140' l akef roo t kitchen, waaber 4 dryer Ln un i t g a r a j e % A ! e , bedroom, newly

furniahed. boa t dock.. Jaly 17 thru Immediate occupancy No peta. M*S Meadowmanageroent Inc Bruce Lloyd 8S1-W70

LAKE ST CLAIR Fantast ic view overlooking Cllntoo River Minutes f rom lake. Brand new 1 bedroom luxury coodo All appliances with 40' boat well Lease with option to boy From |11»,»00 Rivervlew Club, J1WS So River Rd.. Open 1.30-0 30 SM-07M

PLYMOUTH TWP Half ac re . M bed room. 1 bath older home Pool Avail-able July 1 ISS0 plu* deposit


ALL the charm of tbe p a s t U> immacu-late coodltion. this 3 s tory home has 3 tjedrootas. 1H baths oo a Large treed lo t Fialabed basement with family room and possible ex t ra bedroom, alao w titter 4 dryer Kitchen, electr ic stove 4 ref r igera tor Leaae for oolv M M mooth Call 477-2471


S E A R C H I N G ? let RENTAL R E F E R R A L S help

Call. Sll-4447 ..Anytime

A VERY UNIQUE Bloomfield Hills i r g e estate heme near Cranbrook

jchoola. I bedrooma, SW batha. much more. 12790'mooth includea mowing, etc Rhodes Realty *41-0«14

BIRMINGHAM Bloomfie ld a r e a i bedroom home, all appliancea and win-dow t rea tments . 1 yea r leaae I11M

PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom upper m tri

Kx, M M plus | M « security, hot wate r luded. available June IS 4M Hamil-

ton at Maple 459-319!

REDFORD good looking 3 bedroom brick ranch. 1W baths, finished base-ment. ga r ige ref r igera tor , range 4 fenced yard M M After *pm 917-1)77

NORTHVILLE TWP near 7 Mile, new carpeted. 2 bedroom. 2 bath coodo. All kitchen ippiiancea Move In today M M per mooth plu* ut i l i t ies Employment reference* required Cali day* till 4 pm. 505-7KW After (pm. M9-7J11

NOV! NORTHVILLE Conntry Place.. 3 bedrooms. 2W batha, garage, ippl i

*n 4 l l - 7 » f

1, Aug 10.17.24 open. Aug 3, Aug 11 AM 511-M72 P M 591-11S7

GAYLORD Pr ime wee** still available In our secluded c h a l e t ( bedrooms oo pr ivate lake 5 minutes f rom town Ex-cellent swimming, golfing. MM.


GAYLORD, I bedroom coodo oo golf courae. complete unit or I single units Pool, tennis, spa and golf available Cheryl, weekday* 9 a m - 5 p m 1M-MOO

GLEN LAKE Area near .Sleeping Bear Sand Dune* Woodland setting Efficien-cy apar tmeots . By week-end, week or month Call 313-34^:331

ancea MM MO After Spcn Days. 4(4-1570

REDFORD TWP 3 bedroom. 5 car ga-rage, central air Available July 531 1893 5 9 I 1 M 7

REDFORD- 3H bedroom, ippl lance* Included, garage, fenced yard. M75 per

• niiTitiea Call MS- "351

mooth plus utilities. Call

PLYMOUTH Brand Dew, 1 bedroom, neutral tones throughout., utility room. appUancaa, cent ra l air . patio, outdoor storage, carport , corner un i t Immedi-ate occupany, M95 » utilities 524-4179

ROCHESTER HILLS Immacula te 2 4 3 bedroom luxury Coo-

GOLFER S cottage Harbor Spring* 3 bedroom, fireplace, nice kitchen, by week or weekend

(117} 117-21*2

GRAND LAKE Alpena a rea 3 Lake-froot cottages Excellent fishing 4 swimming, boat intended. June 19-July « July 11-20 July 17-Aug 3, til" Lsbor Dsy 514 1196

KALE - luxurious family vacation lodge on beautiful, spring fed Loon

dominium with f i replace 4 at tached ga- , L a ^ e . IncradlblT i p a c l o u a prlvste . pCT^ rage Immediate S c u p a n c y One year " * " t e n d e d fami ly sleeps 10 lease from 1950 per mooth Bagley Propertiea, Inc (41-1*00

easily, all new appliances, dryer, dishwasher, etc

REDFORD, 200*4 P o l n d a n a ! bed room ranch. IMO i month. Fi rs t 4 last plus security Call wewkdayi 571-4100

Day* 855-493* Evening* (24-0152

BIRMINGHAM. In-town Small boo-galow. otce for ooe peraoo or couple, all appliances No peta 1725 Eve a or weekends. 8 S 2 - 8 l h Day*. 372-1855

Maple a re bath ranch, lamlly

BIRMINGHAM, bedroom, 1 Florida rooeni J H car garage, central air, newly renovated Available 11.500 mooth

REDFORD 3 bedroom brick 1 v» *t& j ry ftnlibed bssement . 2 car garage, 2 ba tha MOO pins security Stockton Service* Inc . 478-121*

RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY 3 bedroom hou*e in Wayne. Fully car-peted, 28 family room w. ' f i replace, baaement New 1985 furnace . 14*0 mooth 505-47M

ROYAL OAK - coodo 2 Bedroom. 1 baths, dining room, all appllancea. fin-ished basement . Dewly decora ted , pr ime location. M M mooth 929-9048

SOUTHFIELD Balmoral Club coodo. between 11 4 13 Mile 3 bedroom, 2 bath, carpeted, all appliancea Pool, clubhouse MM per mooth plus securi-ty Evenings. 814-1111

HARBOR SPRINGS-Petoakey Lake-side coodo. 2 bedroom*, 1 full ba tha beach, pool-hoiae with Jacuxxl 4 sauna Rent f rom owner 4 save Ml-4177

HARBOR SPRINGS, luxury harbor cove coodo, 3 berti ootua, 2H baths, 2 f l rep lacea deck, pool, tennis, golf, san-dy beach, wooden t ra i ls M1-M89

BIRMINGHAM Newly decora ted . 3 bedrooma, 1*» bath*, garage, b a s e m e n t all appl lancea wooded lot 4 deck No p e u M»S month. After 5 I41-8M5

S a ^ -

SCHOOLCRAFT 4 OUTER DR 3 bed room, 2 car garage, fenced, double l o t appliances included 1275 mooth.



4 bedroom 1 1 bath English Tudor Formal dining room, l ibrary or den. kitchen with eating area Grea t room with cathadral ceiling, f i replace, wet bar with stained gia** celling Sunken marble Jacuxxl in mas te r bath All ap-pliances. 2 decks. 3 large doorwalla. 2 W car garage Basement Sprinkler sys-tem 11500 month plus securi ty deposit Reference* required 7*1-8151

TELEGRAPH GRAND RIVER-*T*a, 2 bedrooma. kitchen appliance*, carpet-ing. baaement 1175 per m o , beat In-cluded 1st 4 Last mos rent plus c l a s s -ing deposit Mature adults no pets


WEST BLOOMFIELD, 4 bedroom. 2V» car garage. 12 to 21 mooth lease, 11100 per month plus utilities, available July

BLOOMFIELD HILLS clean, Dewly remodeled 2 story, able space, very low beat. W acre, great location. M M 1M-7782

BLOOMFIELD HILLS quality home wtth Old World c h a r m ln wooded area 2 bedroom*' l ibrary or 1 bedroom*, Large conntry look kitchen, living roam wi l l bnck chimney and large mant le No peu , MIS. month. M 1 - 1 U 3

DEARBORN HEIGHTS 2 bedroom bouse, newly decorated. Nice fenced | family ' room. 2 car a t t a A e d garage

— with workshop sub)ect to credi t repor t

SMALL Coxy 1 bedroom home for r e n t 1240 mo plus 1H mo securi ty Imme-diate occupancy, Qoae to Downtown Plymouth Perfec t for Single 459-9112

SOUTHFIELD 10 Mile 4 Inkster , la rge country lo t 3 bedrooms, dining room.

vard Walking dis tance to shopping. 451-4M1

DEARBORN HEIGHTS Nice 3 bed-room brick. Utility room, over 1,000 sq f t , fenced yard, carpet ing. M30 Immedia te Occupancy Call 551-9045

4 employment letter. M M per month •No Pe t t Call Mr Hacker a t 478-7000

DETROIT, Tiresnan 4 bedroom bungalow Aluminum sided, full baaement. deck, ca rpe t ing through-out. completely redecora ted . S tore in-cluded. 1375 per nxmth plus security Days M8-24M a f t e r 5 pm. M1-04M

SOUTHFIELD 2 bedroom *1M per month. Includes appliances Security depcalt required Call S91-24M

SOUTHFIELD - II Mile a r e a 3 bed-room colonial. 5W bath, cent ra l air . very clean, no p e u | 7 M mooth Call evenings. Ml -2915

DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM Immnt l _ ate occupancy 11.1M month, I year *450 month plus security deposit.

! SOUTHFIELD. 2 j room appliances

bedroom, dining ga rbage disposal.

lease 4 bedrooms. 2 batha, hardwood floors, brand new appl iances Perfec t for 3 cr 4 single* Open Saturday 10AM-12 Noon. C a n or cert if ied fund* deposit I l »M First come, f i rs t serve 841 E Lincoln. Just W o< Woodward.

FARMINGTON HELLS - 3 bedrooma. 1 bathroom, all appliances, IMC month plua P M for security Re fe r ences

557 2444

FARMINGTON HILLS Clean 2 bed-room. nice area, fenced ya rd 21*09 Colgate- M75 pins securi ty possible porchaae option 4(1-5275

SOUTHFIELD - 3 bedroom brick ranch, stove, refr igerator , tool ihed. carpet ing, drapes, air conditioner 1W month* se-curity, ooe year tea*« 15X5 per month. Call stein or Abel

EARL KEIM West BloooiftoW a55-9100

FARMINGTON HILLS KasxUUwood Sub I bedrooms, family room, st tached 2 c a r garage No P e u . M M per month Subject to credi t repor t aad employ-ment letter Call Mr H a d u r at 478-7000.

FARMINGTON HILLS, mon th to month rental 3 bedroom. 1 bath ranch E Lincolnshire Sah M M per mooth plus sscvrttv > credi t r epor t


Merr i l l L y n c h R e a l t y

626-9100 477-0549

SQUARE LAKE 4 ADAMS R D area, cwtom built bn-level with w ilk-out baaement. 4 bedrooma. 2 H batha, at-tached garage, family room, spec tacu lar setting Call -Berit Pavloff Lincoln


WESTLAND, 2 bedroom Ranch Coodo, central air, garage New carpeting, freshlv painted Close lo 1-275 M M

t- 1 Mooth Security 155-524*

W BLOOMFIELD - upper 2 bedroom 1 bath iownbouse. garage. Aldingbrooke end un i t 10 months. I ' 9 1 month, secur-ity Phil 354-4900 Ml-1127

414 Florida RantaJ* Abandon Your Hunt - All Area* R E F E R R A L SERVICES FOR

Tenant* 4 Landlord* SHARE LISTINGS. Ml -1 t l O

CONDOS, 1 bedrooms, optional third. Clearwater-St Pe te rsburg a rea Pri-vate beach, poo! and parking Inexpen-sive luxury CaU before Noon, 442-1181

FT MYERS BEACH Coodo oo beach, sleeps 8, available week s tar t ing 7-27 Low seasonal ra tes Call a f ter 4pm


MARCO ISLAND "Sea Winds' gulf front beach, 2 bedrooms Children wel-come' Call for brochures Days. M1-M02 Eves., 882-459 3

ORLANDO. DISNEY E P C O T 2 bed-room, 2 bath coodo. furnished, pool, iscuxxi. golf Reaerve now for summer Mr Blrdsall, weekday* 474-51M

WEST PALM BEACH. 1 bedroom coo-do 2 bath, overlooking 12 Har-tru Courts F Farland, Day*. 444 8540 Evenings 758-OM2

415 Vacation Ran tats Abandon Your Hunt - All Areas R E F E R R A L SERVICES FOR

TenaaU 4 Landlords SHARE LISTINGS, Ml-1*10

SUPER CLEAN 3 bedroom. 2 car ga-r a g * In W Bloomfield. Sqsare Lake A Middlebelt P r e f e r professkmai Avail-able July 1 17M month plus security


TELEGRAPH * Mile. 2 bedroom home with garage, large l o t dead end s t r ee t M00 month. First 4 last pl*a security Cal l 511 -8494

TROY 4 bedroom, den. family room, living room rtinmg. laundry, modern kitchen IW batha, 2W garage, s p r i t klers Near 175. Square Lake 4 Crook* Available July 1, CaU E v s * 8T»-1543

FERNDALZ• rarpet lag. drspsr iea. very clean Pre fe r roujris M00 per mooth - s e u » Uy d »

FRAN1 ranch place Appliances At t ac ted f s r a g s Beautiful lo t Bi rmingham School* I U 0 0 mooch Available J a l y 1 111 1(11


WEST BLOOMFIELD, Orchard Lake-Wslmrt Lake Rd* ares , 1V» s e r e * 1 bedroom ranch, garage M7S month. No p e u Immadls te j c c e p a a c y M1-4M0

411-7811 cwi ty deposit A n Js ly 1 s t After tpen


* M M par

GRAND m V P t - 7 Mils

S s s s m s s t , f s a c e d y s r d . a s h e s s h w Ms pe t s MOe a m i

KAZX2- P A R I la low S to r* a r i p a s garags A n l l a M e Jely 1

TROY * o r t h Z L H n i M " V II iilsh 3

Avallahto July I la Dec I I at *7M «•


GOODE 647-1898

WESTLAND d e a n 3 b e d r o o m s kllch-«a. dining room. bath, low otlUty Mil* M00 par month plas deposit After 7pm.

524-7*0* D a y * 417 1194

WESTLAND F s n n cot tage ranch, 2 bedroom* M M or rent Tree to right ceapia la return for h o u s s t a o n t u sad horse aad land m a n a g e m e n t Serladed

dad area, aaer Livonia border CaU Evenings 811-1011

WESTLAND Rant with option to buy I bodiuom ranch, large koL Larje shad | M 0 month CA11 af ter 5 P M 1 l H 4 »


W BLOOMTIELD school* 4 I T'H f lmi j» rnrwr men t 1H car garage, n privileges I I M 0 Sept

A FRAME IN THE WOOD6 Between Hlgglns 4 Hough too Lake Ide-al recreation area . Sleep* 8 1114 per week 450-0457

i - 2 bed-borne Ca-

vanaugh Lake, tandy beach good iwim-ming. 8325 weak 444 7944

ANN ARBOR room 100 ft. lake

HOUGHTON LAKE Beautiful, knotty pine. 2 bedroom, completely furnished cot tages for rent I100-I2M weekly RowboeU 4 aandy beach. 444 J08S

HOUGHTON L A K E W SHORE Lakefroot modern log cabin, sandy beach, b o a t TV Avsilable Aug., Sept. CaU a f t e r 8 PM. M8-7911

HOUGHTON LAKE CHALET On LaXe Dock. boat, luxurious area Available June 1219 Reduced rate*

39-9558 , 719 7228

IRISH HILLS 2-bedroom lakefroot, ful-ly furnished, oo Lake LeAnn. Excellent condition 14 8-7 912-after Sptr. 14171 M 8 M M - weekends

Abandon Your Hunt All Areas WE GUARANTEE TO OFFER


S H A R E 6 4 2 - 1 6 2 0 8M S ADAMS. BIRMINGHAM. MI

BIRMINGHAM Amiable 1275 mooth pis* "> utilities 1H moo Lbs depos i t 248-4599

FEMALE looking for same who wiahe* to share T H E I R a p a r t m e n t or bome In Rochester or Troy a rea . Call Tool day*. 382-4212 Eve* 4 weekend*. 112-2753

F E M A L E r o o m m a t e for large 2 bed-room. 2 beth a p a r t m e n t In Birming-h a m Clubhouse with pool

Cali 540-4515

KLAW AH ISLAND, S C Select 1 to 5 bedroom accommodation* P a m Harr ington Exclusive*


LAKE CHARLEVOIX, 3 bedroom. 1 bath Coodo Luxury feature* oo beauti-ful beach Owner renting available «-22 thru 8-29 Days, 557-0500 eve* M 2 M25

LAKE HURON safe sandy beach. 7 miles north of Oscoda I bedroom cot-t age* 1245 weekly, 3 bedroom 1284 we«*ly Sao Door Resort 517-730-277*

LAKE MICHIGAN CONDO • at Home-stead, Glen Arbor, 3 bedroom loxun' un i t beachfront , weekly rental, call af-ter June 2 eves. M4-1M1

LELAND-North port Lske Michigan cottage, f i replace, large deck overlook-ing island, beautiful sunaeu secluded sandy beach 1175 weekly 540-8771

LEWISTON, MICHIGAN 1 bedroom cabin, 10 minutes from Garland Golf Course 11M per week Avsilable July M i s t 455-4812

H O M E - M A T H S P E C I A L I S T S

Fea tured oo: "KELLY 4 CO." TV 7

All Ages. Occupations 4 Lifestyle* T S 900 Satisfied C b e n u '

6 4 4 - 6 8 4 5 30455 Southfield Rd Southfield

LOOKING for Born again christian Lady to share my 2 bedroom duplex near Woesderland Shopping C e n u r In Uvoo ia Noo smoker . B I S M1-M49

436 Offtca / Buainaaa Spaca

BERKLEY' MEDICAL CLINICAL Attract ive 14»0 *q ft mi te ava i lab le Immediately Option to puirrkse* furni-ture 4 medica l equipment Ready for c l i n k operat ion Call Moo thru Fr i I 10-5pm 494-9444


Your own pr ivate office without c o « i y overhead. Fully staffed, latest equip-ment, beautifully appointed 4 in p r i m e

NICE LAKE MICHIGAN cot tage j r & ^ S ? ^ n V E GROUP OFFICES, INC bome. July 11-10, for I responsible mlddleaged couple* no p e u or kids Need shower 4 st least 1 f i rm m a t t r e s s References 424-9189

352-2992 18 Yrs of Successful Growth

424 Houaa Sitting Sarvica


1,978 So F t to sublet 111 71 per Sq F l Ase for John J54-48M

436 Ofllca / Buainaas Spaca

LIVONIA OFFICE PAVILION 19400 Middlebelt between 7 4 I Mil* has 1 room suite available - 1M sq f t ; 4 room suite available - 712 sq. f t , 4 5 room suits avsilable - XT aq. f t

CALL KEN HALE Days 514-0010 Evening* 181-1111

M A P L E - O R C H A R D 2,3,4 r oom deluxe suites complete ly f inished, all ser-v ices Included* Ava i lab le now.

T i s d a l e & C o . 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

DETROIT Country Day School Admin-istrator 4 wife would like to bouseait while bouse it being buUt 847-2522 254-8098

F E M A L E A T T O R N E Y d e s i r e s bouses!tting In Bloomfield Hill* Blr mingham, Farmingtoo Hills or Troy 855-9400After Spro 440-1794

HAVE A GREAT TRIP1 One of our careful ly telected, bonded and u » r e d re t i rees wiU reside In your bome 4 pro-vide pet 4 home care while you t rave l HOME SITTING SERVICES 4S5-2177

425 Convalascsnt ft Nursing Homes


800 sq. f t , prime location 540-0448


Prest igious office sddress Cbooae a single office deak space or mai l ing ad-dress only 4 enjoy the convenience o< an oo-the-premlse answering 4 secre-tar ia l services for s well rounded busi-ness Image



MEDICAL/DENTAL SUITE In 3 doctor building 111 Sq F t . Large parking a rea Southheld Rd asar hospi-tals and freeway*. Call to see. Negotl-sble lease terms. 559-8710

MEDICAL OFFICE SUITE 70S sq f t with 1 " " i room* business off-Ice. consultation office, waiting room located In inlsMlshsd complex ln Tbe Professional %rUlsge m SW Uvo-m« For further information or showing caU 427 1110 4 leave I

MEDICAL SUITE 27M4 Schoolcraft. U v o n i * 1400 Sq F t Previously occupied a* clinic for y e a r * CaU 550-11(0

B I R M I N G H A M MAPLE - ADAMS RD. WESTLAND area, need a home for

Mom or Dad to live" WU1 c a r e fof man or woman In my bome with meals and 5 5 0 SQ. f t . S u i t e W i t h 2 p n -

vate of f ices & recep t i on area. Avai lab le now

laundry done, cable TV 594-8548 Af ter 4pm. 722-11M

W BLOOMFIELD - Lovely semi-pri-vate. upstairs, small adult foster care bome 14 hour supervision. Medicine dispensed 481-07*7

T i s d a l e & . c o . 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

426 Commercial & Industrial For Rant PLYMOUTH TWP

New office building. 750-18M sq f t sva l l ab le Immediately

Call J i m Courtney Centruy 31 Gold House 459-4000

MALE. Professional , Straight 18 room Rochester bome. rolling country AU appliancea. furnished Noo-Smoker ut i l i t ies Deposit Refi Leave messsge .

W No pets-374-0029

MOTHER and teenage son to share their Fa rming ton Hills home >45 w t t h includes everything. 1 week security de-pos i t 477-1511

NON -SMOKING female , seeks same to share 2 bedroom apa r tmen t In Troy I J " ! month plaa deposi t Hest includ-ed 889-4532

HARBOR SPRINGS Harbor Cove luxury Coodo, 2 bedroom* plu* a l o f t sleeps 8 to 8

CaU (04-15M

LOVELY LAKEFRONT Swiss Chalet aea r Cadil lac Duhw**her. color TV. deck, etc. Sleep* eight Af ter 8pm 1-284-7119

HARBOR SPRINGS L a r g e older Home 213 E Bay S t , on wate r 7 bed-rooms, fuU kitchen 4 Linens July 22 to July 20th. 1700 weekly 114-414-1M7

HARBOR SPRINGS on Lake Michigan, superb view pr ivs te trail*, beach and canoe, f i replace 4 furnace Day* 842-9797 Evening* M3-9S93

HARBOR SPRINGS CONDO 4 Droiex Ideal location in town oo the bay Condo sleeps I Air, 2*» baths Duplex sleeps

Fully equipped. After SPM 852-11»

HARBOR SPRINGS CONDO weekly rental by owner s t beautiful Harbor Cove H Luxury 2 bedroom and l o f t Sleeps 8-8 Near beach, tennis, and pool. CaU evenings and weekend* 880-44M

HARBOR SPRINGS - Borne Highlands 3 bedroom, 2V» baths luxury Town-house, golf tennis, pool, minutes to beach Sleeps 10 540-2044

HARBOR SPRINGS Harbor Cove Luxury ccodo, sleep* 10 Available July 4-11, a f t e r August 24 special rate* A*k for Steve a t 445-14*5 or 225 1414

HARBOR SPRINGS Coodo Includea pool tennis court, l ieeps * 4 many other amenit ies CaU a f t e r 8 p m


HARBOR SPRINGS Luxury 4 bedroom, 21* bath Coodo. swimming 4 u x m u on premises CaU 124-0348

HARBOR SPRING8. 5 bedroom cha le t fully furniahed. Ideal for summer vaca-tions. Close to swimming, golf, sailing 4 fine res taurants . Eves 851-1185

HARBOR SPRINGS Harbor Cove lux ary condo Special "By Owner" rale Sleeps 9, fully equipped available for summer vacations Days 945-9409 Eves 4 weekends before 9PM 281-1802

HARBOR SPRING P E T 0 8 K E Y AREA Sprtnglake Club Completely furnished luxury coodo 3 bedroom* 3 bath* Jacuxxl In uni t MOO per week Days 342-3400 Evenings 151-711*

HARBOR SPRINGS Beautifully rushed new Victorian Town-bouse overlooking Bey 4 Harbor Point 2 bedrooms. 2*. b s t h * garage, air con-ditioned 1 blocks f rom town Available July 4 A « t IS.000.'mo 444-401*

AUGUST In Hartwr Sonne* l l th-11 available 4 bedrooma, i bath* cottage, deck. griU, f i replace, beech access IMC wt 617 121-4144 or S17-12L 2200

BEAUTIFUL Harbor Spr ing* 1 bed-room coodo, 1W bs th* rally furnish s i with tennis courts 4 pool CaU af tar 7 pm, ask for Tom, 752-2924

BEAUTIFUL LAKE CHARLEVOIX 2 4 3 bedroom f r a m e cottagea 4 log cabtna Located on the waters edge Ideal for the spor t ins lamlly with ex celleot swimming, hshing 4 boating We a re rsatlc yet modern in a peaceful and qaiet surrounding For fur ther info caU 414-5M-71M

HAWAII - Luxury raaort on Molokai secluded beache* world class goU 10 minute* by air f rom Honolulu Mau i M ' Summer Winter 2 bedroom 2 bath MOO par week

Owner 474-4455

HILTON HEAD Coodo- 2 2Vt bsth*, pool scroas roed to beach, wtaher dr re r Photo* available MOO week. 341-1293

HILTON HEAD Fiddler s Cove 2 bedroom 3 beth. lagoon villa, tanais and pool. 100 yards f rom bsest l ful beach 1504 per week 883 50 .1

MACKINAW AREA 25 miles S s t Mul-leti Lske Housekeeping cabins f rom 1175 to MIS . Golfing, sw lmmln* boat-tng. recreation room, II8-827-59M

MODERN Lakefroot cottages. Msnro Lake, Dear Cheboygan 2 bedrooma. sleepa * B o a t * sandy beach Excellent for children-1195 weekly 1 -U7-MM

M Y R T L E BEACH S C 3 bedroom, 2 H bath, oceanside. elevator 2 pool*. F Mc Fa r l and Day* 444-8540

Evening* 754-0342

M Y R T L E BEACH. S C Luxury ocean-side coodo FuUy equipped 2 bedroom*, 2 b a t h * sleeps « Pool* 4 Jacuxxl ISM to M M 313-871-0M2

OSCODA, VanEt tan l akef roo t modern 2 bedroom. *creen porch, gas. sleepa I. 1115 weekly I91-&87

OSCODA 2 bedroom cottase, 3 bour* f rom Detroit. 200ft of Lake Huron* *an-dy beach. I 2 M week MM week wtth 1 bedroom guest house Guest boose avai lab le for I ' .M week 278-8441


Michigan's most luxurious resort Coo-d o m f n l u m Townbouses located in Dorthsvestern Michigan Over 200 acres of lovely rolling woodland* private golf 4 tennis avai lable to all guesu Refer-eoces please For reservation informa-tion call 800-412-8903

W I L D W O O D ON WALLON Wal loon Lake. Ml 49796

PRIVATE OWNER has a prestigious Bloomfield Mansion 4 n s l r a to share this very pr ivate , very exclusive bome with semi ret i red or retired Individual* of good m e a n * A fuU bouse staff 4 many many other ameciltie* are laclud-

II Interested In Uvlng In this besuti-ful 4 luxurious environment please tor-ward a short b to f raphy to: Retirement R e t r e a t % P O Box M, Fraser , Mich 48028

PROFESSIONAL female , non-smoker to share house In Birmingham area with s a m e Evening* 544-0444

PROFESSIONAL FEMALE to share Luxury condo In N o v i July 1st. 1115 a month plus half utilities. CaU Venelta


RESPONSIBLE noo smoking female mid-20's to share with same Apartmenl oo Cass Lske. West B loomf ie l i 1107 50 per month. Before 1pm MI-M41

RESPONSIBLE Roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom home In Canton In-cludes wsaber, dryer , cable TV 4 t i l app l i ance* Cbotce ot rooms. 1100 mo for la rge room. 1100 mo for small S t ra igh ton ly Ml-8290

SINGLE MOTHER wishe* single to share Farming ton borne Private level bedroom, ba th E x t r a s I2M. utilities paid, secur i ty deposit. 477-4830

STRAIGHT MALE. 29, willing to share Redford a rea 2 bedroom bome on cor oer lot- 1175 month plus 1/2 utlUtle* Af ter S P M 518-7102

SYLVAN LAKE, (the prettiest little city In Michigan!, is offering * large suite Like room, srith pr ivate entrance, lake privi leges Utilltie* Included, I24C Call a f t e r * p m Ml-7804


LAKESIDE CLUB CONDOMINIUMS where life Is easy Ln our completely fur ni*hed luxury 2 bedroom. 2 belli uum with l o f t townhouse and garden town-bouse rentals oo Round Cake By the weekessd. week, mooth or *easoo Lake-side's ameni t ies Include our INDOOR P O O L / S P A tennis, beachf ront lalling, fishing, etc with golfing nearby Wster or Poodslde unit* available.

LAKESIDE CLUB 451 E Lake St. Petoakey. Ml 49770

(14-M7-1472 414-M7-7090

SCHUSS MT c h a l e t sleeps 19, 3 ba th* all ameni t ies Indoor outdoor pool. Lake golf, tennis. CaU sifter 5pm, 451-0*1*

SHANTY CREEK Resort Deluxe ehs 1st. located on golfcourse Sleepa 12, In-cludes sports TaciUtle* 4 beach d a b privileges 977-1 M l

SUTTONS BAY 15 milea from Trav-erse City 1 bedroom coodo 1 bsth. su-perb location right on the water Bark en t ine c o m p l e x ISOfl week 154 2140

Three bedroom* Lake Huron cottage Good s w i m m i n g boa t in* golf Weskly rental* fo r June 1174 July 4 August 1200 weskly After 5pm 181-17M

HILTON HEAD ln exclusive Sas Plass Resor t Baestiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath VU- g * _ J * la Sleeps * Pool, f r ee tennis golf P M Moo thru Thar* w*s*ly 444-1IM T B a v n r a r CITY •

TORCH LAKE. Tr* room cottage, aandy beach

week CaU af tar I 4113244

City, I bed-ch Excellent

BEAUTIFUL secluded, fully carpe ted lakefront bean* l e f t deck, g r i l l b o o t laundry room 4 f ireplace Available July IO-July 27 81M weak 88 1 8104 (nLTON

444-1810 | TRAVERSE CITY

HILTON HEAD B L A N D beeattful j

on chais of great swlm-

beach ~l bsidroom 2 ba th* ^

I 'WflM T m M gw1 mm'In* , CibtB V«ry l U r t f l l ' t MW • • • • Golfta*. Tss sa* Of f l e a Ellie Deskin. 4-44-4143 HEAD Island TRAVERSE CITY

i Charming, friendly beschfront resort - Beautiful p r ivsU sandy BOYNE CITY CONDO Oa Lafcs Char ^ T T b t t S T ^ S j h M ? u l M ^ r ^ f a « o u f c i e t t L a y Beaetiful (

lerotx, I bedroom 1 beth. M M M . i f l - S l 5 S M t t V * ' S - Br July 4 August M M week. J s a s 4 Say- 7 1 1 C * n c o U * r t " 414»*8- l74* or 918-1 111 tamber 3*4-5*04 1 r t i TON HKaD KLAND 5 C 1 1 1 :


Farmington CaU Evea 477-4818


New 2 & 3 room sui tes available

T i s d a l e & C o . 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

428 Garagaaft Mini Storaga

PLYMOUTH Ooe car garage, storage only 1*0 per mooth No w o r t done on premises Pr iva te residence M8-S420

432 Commarcial / RaUil BERKLEY' - 1,000 *q ft s tore for lease Excellent exposure sod parking Avail-able Aug I 2972-80 W 12 Mile Rd CaU " Komer at 248-2722

BIRMINGHAM Prime Locatloo. be-tween Woodward 4 Adams We are looking for antique, a r t oriented or c r a f t people who would like to share selling spsce Hr* Moo thru Sat 10am-5:10pm Ample parking in f r o n t 10 year* of wonderful c l ienu guaranteed Reasonable rent. For fur thur Informa-tion., call 444-1082


Medical 750 sq. ft. suite with 2 e x a m rooms.

T i s d a l e & c o . 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

BIRMINGHAM Office Building- Being totally renovated with oo sight park ing Can be customised to tennant 's needs Approximately 1800 sq ft located on I levela, ooe deluxe office wtth bay win-dow* 4 f i replace Rent approximately 110 per sq f t oo * net n e t net basis


BUILDING for lei t iac i Oakland a i rpor t Rd/M-S9), 5.000 sq f t Appoin tment

f r o m Poo-Hlghland



2300 sq. ft., 2nd floor loca-t ion. Signature r ights avai l -able Many deluxe Improve-ments

T i s d a l e & C o . 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

DOWNTOWN NORTHVILLE Approximately 2M t q f t . of c o m r o e r o a i •pace available. IMS month Call Mon F r i . between IAM-4 30PM 581 1871

DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH/RETAIL Fores t Ave location Shared space for sublease Appro I 400 sq f t


BIRMINGHAM Adams - Lincoln area Shared space or pr ivate office available CaU for detai ls R i » d e s Realty M2-0014

BIRMINGHAM Near Downtown, 410 N Woodward 8M

f t Fi rs t floor suite

NEW OFFICE SPACE BINGHAM FARMS GEORGETOWN Telegraph N of 11 Mile, 1000 to 17,900 sq. ft JAMESTOWN N E . corner Telegraph 4 11 Mi l* 1000 - 84,000 sq ft BLOOMFIELD HILLS GOVERNORS POINTE Woodward S of Loog Laka, 1*0* - 70,900 sq ft . SOUTHFIELD QUADRANGLE Telegraph N of 11 Mile, 21M sq ft available now. 11M aq f t available Dsc-TROY CENTURY SQ - Rochester Rd S at Long Lake, 1000 8000 «q. f t WALNUT RIDGE - Loog Lake Rd W of Crook* 1900 40,000 sq fL

CaU Judy Phillip* Beach um 4 Roeaer Dev Corp


Downtown - 1400 aq feet CaU evening*


200 aq eluded

NORTHVILLE ft, ample parking, utilities is-


NOVI OFFICE for r e n t Close to 12-Oai* Mall

Ranging from 1115 to 1175 Call for detail* V* 148-2425

OFFICE SPACE for lease. 300-404 sq ft - immediately available- Orchard Lake Rd . near Pontiac T r a i l CaU Gary or Greg. day*. 824-2122 eve* 348 0484

OFFICE SPACE lOOaqft Pr ime location.

Heart of Birmingham 847-8054

PLYMOUTH, Main S t . functional office space avail-able immediately Several Ass* oi off-Ice sui te* CaU 440-4111

PLY-MOUTH office space for re Completely redecorated. M5 sq f t M al for manufacturer* representat ive

455-8 i »

PLYMOUTH PROFESSIONAL PARK Medical or dental suites avai lable Im-mediately 45S-UM 454-88*1

PLYMOUTH TWP - Ann Arbor Rd. 175 sq ft . at I1M per month include* utilities. Newly decora ted Near I-27S


FARMINGTON - Grand River 4 S Mile Small Commerc ia l Building 1275 per month CaU 474-8773

D O W N T O W N G A R D E N CITY 1800 sq. ft., p r ime c o m m e r -cial . Next t o Orln Jewelers. Ford & Midd le belt


B I R M I N G H A M 1100 Woodward Bldg.

MO-S-IOO aq. f t available June CaU Jack Stab! M2-7*00

BIRMINGHAM 2 adjacent funuahed of-fices located In prestigious Downtow.i a rea Facult ies Include conference room, reception area, secretar ia l ser-vice*, telephone service 540-0444

WILL SHARE beaut i fu l bome In Wayne Freshly painted, oew carpeting,

s u e TV utili t ies Included 1225 mo 594-88M


WOMAN to share bome in country 4 garage, also room for your bor*s Lsoo-ard area.. 17 miles N of Rochester CaU



WOODWARD,'SQUARE LAKE RD Excellent opportunity for retai ler and or service oriented business 2,000 sq f t Immedia te occupancy

Proper t ies Offered by


5 5 7 - 3 8 0 0 5 MILE T e l e g r a p h Working mother o( ooe wtU share her I bedroom bome Pre fe r re t i red or *e»ni-retired single or couple Reasonable Aftar 7pm 512 5825

B I R M I N G H A M 5 5 5 B U I L D I N G

2,800 Sq f t retail office spsce avail-able July I Lower coocwtrse CaU Vince Bronslng 848-1181

B I R M I N G H A M 850 sq. ft. 3 room de luxe syrte wi th lav, on N. W o o d -warf f r available Immediately.

T i s d a l e & C o . 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

422 Wantad To Rant ACTIVE retired couple to rent for 1 months furnished boene apar tment or will s h a r e ln vicinity of So Redford


All Areas Apta House* Coot LANDLORDS 4 TENANTS

•Rant Bv R a f s r r a l -SHARK LISTINGS

He lass - Condo*

COUPLE Cottage House Maid*' T a r t a r * tr

EXECUTIVE COUPLE wtth 1 children would tike to rent mc* single family hosne Is Plymouth Canton area No

EST a f t a r 8pm

MALE dental atadent

beginning In AugasL Call era* M l M M

No fa* to I Jean EfeUrprisss

OAKLAND COUNTY two or laaas 1 or 1 la r I I

BOYNE CITY Lake CiarWvolx. Land-ing* Coodo Uupar a d M t 1 bad rooms. 2 ba th* boat slip, pool

7 M a or < "

HILTON HEAD KLAND S C 1 1 3 badrooms 1 bsth VUJs foe real Call Collect 718-MO-4MO, 71M14-1711 or


810-71M <* 810-801-MM f HILTON HEAD laland Villa Directly

471-8141 Pr iva te A l u m i n a s boat W74 weak

407 MobNaHomaa For Rant

FARMINGTON location. sd

S n T s t w a ^ P M and * P M 470-0117

410 Flata For Rant GARDEN CTTY,



- S^aog-B u y l n g -

- Rent ing -- M e n e g m g -

I T 8 OUR BUSINESS The Restdenttel G r o u p Inc

4*8 Ho Wss*sss8L • REALTORS

M O - 7 8 0 0

P L Y M O t T H DOWNTOWN C h l i - l M a

412 Townhouaas Condoa For Rant


SHARE U f T T X i A 04S-10 804 «» I LULL MI « •» I II Ml


Mr 8471 s a a * pMa M8 l a i n l i t l a

»"* 80 4 1 HILTON HEAD


8 Chansp^-M, S S l i

I Can I HILTON HEAD VILLA •otf Fru* taaaSa renaost hall. | hsdrneena 2 baths F s r e r a h l *

1244-81 CHAR1XVOCX Caaaty front chalet AH " r ep l ace b e a t aaa Oar*. ssrtaOsd area I m r T O R I T Bay View Conag* CWe* s o pett T8I-8TM /PetaAey', 4 bedroom. 4 porrhas Br»

CHARLEVOIX CONDO at L* Havre oa laka Sl**a* 8. I


£ £ a * * " * a a l i * a 818* U M weak | » fore Jan* M *fl*r Aag IT 80S-4M1

CONDO al i 1 ha th* aa J u l y M p t Call a f l a r 8 P M

COTTAGE as Lake M-Jaly I. 4 d t a a N *f

8 Tmmm Caart Meass I. 714-700 MO 1


« W ssEteg 1178 par week ITf-OlM

As WeMa eafy July aad Aag weak Can **ua iMS 447 1844

HOMESTEAD (Bsa Arher I or 1 bed-

TRAVERSE CTTY are* Coodo* oa Vil-lage of Sattoo* Bar Marina 1 bad-r o o m . 1 batha AU th* snunlTt— for a classy place tm West Bay Week* avail-

" 7/7 (.'18 • I ' t h 8-18-8/1 Only 84M w t 1418-844 1X20

TRAVERSE err,1 AREA Lakalreal I

swimming, tot Laundry Located oa qaiet ooee. 7 mile* f rum tow« M M Weakly 818-M1 8008

CTTY sri

r r - t - ^ r - k c a B l 118-041-7848

TRAVERSE CTTY r a a l tarn* aa Bk lake Seedy bench, many trees atesas 18 Avaiulbl. Isst west IS June ITM 1st 4 Md wssk la July M M weskly CaU 844-01M

PLYMOUTH NsrlfcrUls ares

CaU Dsve before SPM I 'OM Village

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or Aag Aftar I 547 4411


Retail - Off ice - Medica l New Main Street Plaza


BUCKINGHAM OFFICE PLAZA Schoolcraft at InUter , Livonia Fo r

J lease 4M *q r t office *p*ce 550-1180

ROCHESTER HILLS 1,500 sq ft s tore

Auburn Roed 445- 2014


FARMINGTON HILLS. 8 Mile 'Middle-belt area wtth 8 Mile Rd- f r o n t a g e Large off ice with H acre fenced yard and small waruhoaa* available for stor-age I I 1 M per mooth. security deposit required Immediate occupancy CaU Gary Sam-5pm Moo-Sat. a t 4 f 0 ^ 0 M


W A N T E D To lease i.500 *q f t of ground floor re-tail- type office space la the foUowint


LIVONIA within an area boanded by 8 Mile. 1-275. 5 Mil* aad F a r m i a f t o n Rd

Phots* Fred Gabriel at 111-171-1014 Michigan Dap t of State

Leasing Section i analog. Mi I M 1 I

Respond try Jane M. IMS

C O R N E R S U I T E Southfield R d N of 12 Mile MO 1M0 Sq F t new carpe t

built imprc


BLOOMFIELD HILLS Woodward Square Lake R d (1-75) cor-ridor 1.400 sq.it. immedia te occupan-cy

DEARBORN -Michigan .'Outer Dr , flexible f loor plan. 700 7.500 aq ft., immedia te occupancy

SOUTHFIELD Office park near Birmingham Pr ivacy , convenience, n a t a l i t y Unique off ice development with Individual b u i l d i n g catering to companie* with g rowth tn mind. 1?700 *qft .

TROY Maple Rd 1-75, 500-1.400 s q . f t . imme-diate occupancy

MEDICAL/DENTAL Dearborn: Michigan Ave Cmur Dr area . Nice suite available, suited for dentist or group of dent is ts 1,500 2.0M aqf t . June occupancy

Propert ies Of fered by


5 5 7 - 3 8 0 0

REDFORD ping Strip IS 10 or 1411125

ROCHESTER 1 room* pr iva te lab. watting area, private entrance, desk furnished. aU utilitM* MOO per mo J Gibbons of Rochester 8414540

14 kr fire detectioo system CaU Boh Cltrin l owt


DELUXE OFFICE SUITE for popular Rochester Hill* office Jani tor ia l a*s »H.« conferetsce r o o m Contact Put KaOey 801-1170

STUDIO, approx. 10M aq ft Frontage unnecessary idsal for buateaa* dasiring adrtltonal income through *ab-JaaMy |

DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH ONE - 2 room suite ONE 4 room suite ONE - 7 room suite

Excellent P a r t i n g 445-7271

434 Induatrtat/Warahouaa

BIRMINGHAM 4001 4001 8001 Sq f t Luxury office*

1012*7 9

EIGHT MILE-MIDOLEBKLT AREA 1100 sq R wai skfiuai and office apace faoced a rea 84 M mooth Ray <74 4813

Executive Off ices Complete I M T m Cuastar*

Beautiful acroeninodatMaa Secretarial, word |ii i •saSug 4 parsuoaUsad phone answering svsilabia PROFESSIONAL OFFICH SERVICES

BIRMINGHAM LIVONIA Talsgrspk 11 Ifcla MMdlskalt I Mils

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436 Ofllca / Businsss

P R O n m i O N A L MALE l8l_yr* s M l

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A Bui lding Dedicated to Shared Tenant Serv ice*



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beach 4 dock Avefiahie Aug I I 411-8M1 ar 10*8448


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FARMINGTON HILLS. M1M Orchard Laka l td ! of 11 Mile I0M to M M a * ft will divide lachadss |ss8»ir1al 4 utd-itlea M1-44T7 or 8M-4180


1100 aq n. oufte wi th sepa-rate e r t race & algrMng avail-able Great locatton.

Tisdale & Co. 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0


Commerc ia l Sui tes Ample P a r t i n g

Full Main tenance Heat Inc luded

From $6 50 Per Sq Ft For Information. 559 -2111


Adjacent lo Piui1dsa»:a lliiapnil Ex ceUaat medical daatal ssilaa available immsdlalaly IM sq. ft to M M sq ft caU Jack SUM 841-TOM

SOUTHFIELD Prime location. 12 1 Rd 4 Northwester* 4M aa ft i available All stilHlsa paid Good |

SOUTHFUID lar Law office tar rent I tsriaL copying aad I

SOUTHFIELD 1 sq ft aad IIM sq. ft IKUMas i janitorial i Vaa Rakaa

SOUTHFIELD 900 aq. f t . deluxe offtee suite. aM earvtoea inc luded Immediate occupancy

Tisdale & Co. 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0


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TisdaJe & Co. 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

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< E t j p ( E a n t o n © b s e r u e r

Ellie G r a h a m edit©' 459-2700 t l n u a M c a M M H n

Thursday, June 13. 1985 0 & E (C)iB

t h e v i e w

Tracey Shipley

G e n e S m i t h

Ellie G r a h a m

T H E R E ' L L BE dancing in the streets again this summer.

Thanks to a donation to the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce by" Dick Scott Buick and the support of the Detroit Federation of Musicians Trust Fund. Friday evening street dances begin June 21

Dennis Harlan of Entertainment Consultants of America Inc. has donated his time in recommending and coordinating all musical groups He has lined up many of the top musicians in the metropolitan area

The Frank Venice Band will open the season. Following in chronological order through the last dance Aug. 30 will be Tony Russo, Bob Du Rant, TBD, Jer ry Stann. Joe Dunlap, Phil Gram, J im Joseph, Dan Venice. Eric Rossenaw and Danny Ascenzo

The band stand will be set up by Kellogg Park and bands play from 7 30-9:30 p . m A good number of people bring their lawn chairs and come just to listen to the music and watcb *he dancers.

Street dancing, like band concerts in the park, is small-town America. The Plymouth Chamber of Commerce is hosting the dances and there is no charge

THREE CITIES Art Club maintains an exhibit of members works in the corridor of Plymouth Township Hall. Ann Arbor Road, east of Mill

Featured artists for the current three-month display are Doreen Law ton and Jessie Hudson

Jessie, former Plymouth High School art teacher, is showing ' 'Chrysanthemums'' and two French landscapes — all in watercolor. Doreen, an art major at Eastern Michigan University, has two mixed-media nature studies and a painting of sheep in a pasture

TRACEY SHIPLEY, 14, of Plymouth has been selected as a semifinalist in Teen Magazine's 1985 great model search.

She is eligible for selection later this year as super semifinalist, the next step in winning the competition. Winner will appear on the cover of Teen and win a $5,000 modeling contract with the Gillette

Company, a 1985 Mazda automobile, a vacation to San Francisco to select a Levi Strauss L Co. wardrobe, and other prizes.

The contest is open to teen-agers 12-18 in the United States and Canada and entry forms are available in the magazine.

VIRGINIA BARNES and Eleanor O'Connor, members of Our Lady of Providence League, received awards for their hours of volunteer service to Providence Hospital patients and staff.

Each clocked up 2,000 volunteer hours. The league is the hospital's principal volunteer support group

DOLLY ETTENHOFER and her crew at Beautiful People Hair Forum on Forest Avenue are celebrating the salon's 10th anniversary They have named June "We Love Our Clients Mooth" with banners, bumper stickers, and lapel pins carrying out the theme

The staff will offer guests summer refreshments, June specials and mini programs

Children's Day will be Monday, Jurve 17, with a magic show, bag lunch at Butterflies Bistro, a special cookie from Baker's Rack in Westchester Square and apple cider from the Plymouth Cider Mill

Magician Gene Smith will present Magical Mystical Moments for the young people Gene is a Canton Township resident who teaches at Wayne Memorial High School You may have seen him pei fm in his magical illusions oo television when he worked with Sir Graves Ghastly in the multiple sclerosis fund-raiser telethons

100 today Pearl Wl laon enjoya a game ot B ingo at Whiaper ing Wi l lowa Manor , Can ton Townahlp , w i t h some he lp f r o m Ron Johnaon, a manor employee. Born in St. Thomas, Ontar io, June 13, 1885, aha was one of Ave ch i l -d ren of Harry and Thereea Jol-l i f fe. The fami ly moved to P l ymou th in 1891. She g radu-a ted f r om the Ypei lant i Nor -mal Schoo l In 1908 and taught achooi In P lymouth. She mar -r ied L loyd E. Wllaon, who aerved aa mayor of P lymouth. They had t w o eone, Lynn and Marv in . Mra. Wileon hae aix g randch i l d ren and four great-g randch i ld ren . She ia a long-t ime m e m b e r of Flrat Un i ted Method ia t Church of P lym-outh.


BILL B R E S L E R / * t « n p h o t o g r a p i

NOW gives 2 young feminist awards By Susan Buck staff wrtter

The Western Wayne County Chapter of the National Organization for Wom-en fNOW) has broken an eight-year tradition and selected two winners for its annual Young Feminist of the Year Award.

Kristin Gudan, 18, a Livonia Bentley High School senior, earned first-place honors and $100.

Yen Luu, 19, a Vietnamese refugee and Plymouth Salem High School sen-ior, won the first-runner-up position, created for the first time this year, and $50.

The young women plan to enter male-dominated fields: chemical engi-neering for Gudan at the University of Michigan and medicine for Luu at Michigan State University.

"WE WERE impressed with both of them," said Laura Callow, a NOW member who served on the selection committee.

"Kristin will bring honor to women, and we were impressed with Yen Luu both for her courage and her humani-tarianism."

Callow said that approximately sev-en girls from tbe Western Wayne Coun-ty area vied for the prize

A representative from NOW present-ed the certificates at each girl's respec-tive school honors nights. The mone-tary award will be given at NOW's gen-eral meeting this at 7:30 p.m.Thursday in the cafeteria at Emerson Junior High School, 29100 W Chicago, Livo-nia

The NOW award is just one of many for Gudan, who has earned scholarships that cover a substantial amount of her tuition at U-M.

HER AWARDS include a $3,000 U-M merit scholarship from the Metallurgi-cal and Materials Science Engineers; a $1,000 U-M Regents-Alumni Award; a $1,000 award from the Valassis Print-ing Co. in Livonia and a recommenda-tion from that company for a summer job; a $100 VFW post and school award for a speech entitled "My Pledge to America"; a fifth-place recommenda-tion for a mathematics prize competi-tion at U-M-Dearborn; and a first-prize blue ribbon award for the State Band Festival in Yp3ilanti.

Gudan said that the NOW competi-tion was not her first initiation into the feminist arena and its battle against sexism.

She said that she heard her mother speak frequently about the problems she experienced as a shy Finnish immi-grant in this country. Gudan said that her mother was not allowed to take higher level mathematica courses in a Detroit high school because she was female.

She added that Mrs Gudan had to pressure Kristin's grandfather to allow her to attend college at Wayne State University, whereas Kristin's uncle registered without a bat of an eyelash from anyone within the family.

EVEN THEN, the only field avail-able to her was teaching. Now her mother is pursuing her doctorate de-gree in educational psychology at U-M but finds her knowledge lacking in ge-ometry and trigonometry, which she was precluded from taking in high school. Consequently, Kristin and her brother have helped her

She said that most young men in her classes respect her ability and are not condescending. However, she said one young man who was used to being 100

percent correct all of the t ime had a problem accepting her correct answer when hi? was wrong. "He told me that I was lucky," she said

Yen Luu, 1"9, said she had'some diffi-culty because of cultural difficulties af-ter she arrived in the United States from Saigon five years ago. Luu said American women have come further in equality than Vietnamese women.

Luu's migration to America was not easy.

IN 1979, after five days and six nights on the sea, Luu arrived at Galang in Indonesia. She lived there for 15 months whilo waiting for the pas-sage to freedom-

Seeing the many problems refugees had to face because of their language difficulty, Luu became involved in the Save the Teacher Training program After her training, Luu volunteered as an English teacher for refugees, even though she knew only a little English.

While living in the refugee camp, Luu developed rheumatism so severely that she feared she might never walk again. Seeing other refugees suffering from other illnesses because of the lack of a doctor in the camp, Luu first start-ed thinking that she would like to be-come a doctor someday.

During her first two years at Central Middle School in Plymouth, Luu won several awards, became involved in the Vietnamese Youth Organization in De-troit and held jobs as a newspaper car-rier and a dishwasher to help support her family an aunt and two brothers who emigrated with her Luu's parents and a younger sister remain in Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City

LUU'S PARENTS wanted her to es-cape the Vietnamese government.

• / ? x

fl *

Kriatin Gudan f i rst-place winner

which recruits both 13-year-old males and females as soldiers. "The local gov-ernment saw the potential for leader-ship in me," Luu said. "I know I have the power."

Even now, Luu knows that she must never mention either American or Vietnamese politics in letters to her parents for fear of censorship and, more important, reprisals against them

Luu said that re-education camps, like those seen in the recent movie "The Killing Fields" threaten Viet-namese who go against the govern-ment.

Even though Luu respects emerging U.S. technology, she fears many Ameri-cans are moving away from personal involvement and interpersonal rela-tionships

LUU FORMED an international club at Plymouth Salem and Canton high schools in order to draw foreign-born

2 Girl Scouts earn gold award

Bridget Lynch and Kelly Wells have been awarded the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest commendation in Girl Scouting. Established in 1980, it symbolizes outstanding accomplish-ments in leadership, community ser-vice, career planning and personal de-velopment

To earn this award the girls had to design and carry out a plan of activi-ties encompassing community service, career exploration, specialised interest projects and leadership skills.

Lynch worked as planner, coordina-tor and evaluator of a community wide service project targeted at collecting and disbursing non-food items to needy families As part of her career explora-tion project. she worked In the child-care unit at an ares day camp The five-day camp Involvement was pre-ceded by participation In all phases of training and planning for the carfip

She Is a junior at Plymouth Salem High School She Is the daughter of Ter-ry and Kathy Lynch of Canton Town-ship and has been in scouting for 10


KELLY WELLS served in a leader-ship capacity for a troop of handi-capped Brownie Girl Scouts, ages 6, 7 and 8 She worked in all phases of plan-ning. organizing and carrying out weekly meetings

At the same time, she worked closely with other leaders to broaden her awareness of the abilities of handi-capped children

Wells is a 10th grader at Plymouth Canton Canton High School She has been a Girl Scout for nine years and plans to study journalism st college

Her parents are Robert and Delorea Wells of Canton Township

The awsrds were presented st a spe-cial Gold Award Recognition Recep-tion Ln McKenny Hall on Eastern Mich-igan University campus.

The Scouts are la the Huron Valley Girl Scout Council, a United Way Agen-cy serving 12,000 girls in Washtenaw. Livingston, western Wayne and north-ern Monroe counties


Yen Luu flrat runner-up

students together. She also was nomi-nated to "Who's Who Among American High School Students'" in June 1984, was chosen as one of the 18 finalists and was a winner of the speech compe-tition.

This year, Luu won the $500 Mabel Lorenz award, a $360 award from the Plymouth Kiwanis Club and was a re-cipient of her high school's English de-partment honor key.

Luu said that even though some stu-dents made fun of her when she first arrived In the United States, they re-spect her now. But her Americaniza-tion did not come easily, and she shed many tears while meeting the chal-lenges of living In a new country and learning a oew language.

"People pay thousands of dollars to go to other countries to do research pa-pers. Why pay so much money when you can talk to m e ' I believe in the power of the individual."

Canton JCs

set deadline

for award

applications Deadline for applications for the

Canton Jaycees annual scholarship awards competition is Monday. July 8

Two scholarship awards of $750 each will be available upon completion of fi-nalists' interviews July 27.

To be eligible, a candidate must be a Canton resident showing scholastic merit, relative financial need, and a letter of acceptance from the college or university the candidate plans to at-tend In the IMS fal l :

Senior Girl Scouts Bridget Lynch (left) Canton Townahlp, earned the hlgheet Gold Award.

K e t f y W a t t e , b o t h o4

I n G i r l S o o u t t n g . t h e

Application blanks are available from high school counseling depart-ments. tbe Canton Public Library, or by wrl t i i* to: 43M7 Southampton. Can-ton, MI 41117.

2B(P.C) O&E Thursday , Juno 13. 1965

Festival opens Friday for 3-day frolic . .. . _ . j ._ »i

Well the Canton Country Festival fi-nally is upon us.

The fun starts tomorrow and you're all invited. This is a weekend that sure-ly will keep you busy We've got some-thing for everyone The festival com-mittee has been working all year long to ensure the best festival ever and here's a sample of what you can ex-pect

So you enjoy arts and crafts . Have we got the arts and craf ts for you, more than 60 exhibitors f rom across the state.

They'll be bringing everything — wooden toys, country crafts, etched slate, weaving, dolls, quilts, ceramics, even the very popular stenciling. If you have children, we have Cabbage Patch Doll clothes and teddy bears. For your mothers, there are dried flowers and leaded stained glass windows And that's but to mention a few

Now lets get started. At 4 p.m. Fri-day the festival begins with concession booths, arts and crafts, and the carni-val all in full swing. From 5 p.m. until dusk, how about an exciting helicopter ride? After landing, step up to the Jay-cees" shish kebab dinner and enjoy your evening meal, served from 5-10 p.m. Then wander over to the millionaires party, from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. for the late-night type ^

But before you settle down to a long evening of chance, take a walk to the rodeo, a sure bet for excitement and thrilling entertainment. It begins at 7 p.n*

ALL THAT and I didn't even mention the special performers.

Let's see — the Sammy Ehika Clown Band, the Bluegrass and Cross town

Cloggers, or the biggie, at dusk when the helicopter stops flying, the fire-works start

That's right, folks, a huge fireworks display.

And here's the best part If you miss Friday night, try Saturday, for the fire-works are not for one, but two nights, And these are not small shows. We are talking big shows. And remember, there is no charge to sit there and enjoy

v > the beautiful display

Don't let a fantastic Friday night stop you from going right back on Sat-urday to do it one more time.

If you have little children, this day will be especially exciting and well suited to you. Elsewhere in this paper you will find a detailed schedule, but let me tempt you with a few of Satur-day's treats.

The Rotary Pancake Breakfast be-gins at 7 a.m. and runs until noon

I recommend an early breakfast then go over to get a great seat for the pa-rade at 10 a.m. I'll be at the grandstand at Griffin park with co-host J .P McCarthy, giving everyone, including the cable T V audience, a fioat-by-float description. If you're in the parade, be sure to wave or give a big hello as you go by. I'll be looking for everyone.

Canton chatter S a n d y P r e b l i c h 981-6354

AS THE PARADE ends, it will have led you right to the festival grounds, where the fun will be running wild

How about another full day of heli-copter rides. 11 a.m. until dusk? At 2 p.m.. for the children, there's a special storytelling session.

While your little ones listen to the wonderful stories, perhaps you can walk over to the ever popular tug-o-war competition. The Chamber of Commerce, police department and rec-

reation department teams will be trying, desperately, to regain some sort of respectability af ter being slam dunked into the "mud last year by the Chamber Chicks (the only female team).

Also, between 2 and 3 p.m.. the Cab-bage Kid Contest will be judged. There will be winners in two categories, tal-ent and or fashion. Now I must warn you. the talent includes your Cabbage Patch Kid's participation. As a contest-ant. you must sing, dance, whatever with your doll. Let your imagination fly' This contest has no age limit for you or your doll.

By the way, you must register in ad-vance, either at Lorraine's Dolls in Plymouth, or at the Canton Library

THAT'S NOT ALL. folks. How about the watermelon-eating contest9

I don't know how many of you have caught my cable show, "Sandy." If you have, you know my co-host. Greg Lea

Well that gorgeous young man and I have challenged each other to a melon eat-off, whatever that is. I'll re-ally be involved in my work. Last year I covered it for cable, doing only inter-views. This year, I'll really get "into" my work, so to speak

How about the Donkey Baseball game?

This I ' v cgo t to see! It seems you hit the bail then mount your donkey and ride him to the bases. Should be very interesting, especially if you know any of the players.

After this interesting and exciting game, please join the Canton Business and Professional Women as they serve their Steakburger Dinner, "5-10 p.m

And finally the millionaires party and rodeo will finish off the day, again, after you see the second beautiful fire-works display.

During the day, don't miss Crazee Richard the Madd Juggler. Richard tried desperately to teach me to juggle in the Omnicom studios. He said any-one can do it. Perhaps I'll do better out-side. Lets hope so. At least I'll be less dangerous to people more room for them to run for cover'

WHAT PARTY in Canton would be complete without the Canton Seniors Kitchen Band? Now there's a group that will bring a smile to anyone's face. They never fail to cheer me up. So much energy, and talk about communi-ty spirit They always come out to lend

their special gift to tbe occasion. We can t forget the Don Korte Band

that will bring back many memories of the Big Band Era for all of you who want to reminisce. The Calico Banjo group will be on hand to bring a blend of everything from bluegrass to today's sound as will Pat 's People They return to give us a taste of the Irish, a heri-tage I'm proud to claim as my own-

Not much time to tell you about Sun-day, but here we go. Again we have all the daily events as on Friday and Sat-urday adding a special touch, the Chamber Chicken Barbecue served from noon to 6 p.m.

Another storytelling session at noon, and happily, the return of the children's face painting begins at 1 p.m.

And lest I forget, the COW CHIP FLING also starts at 1 p.m. All those so inclined will once again be flinging a few I'll be there, too. As a matter of fact, I'm honored to have been Aked to be a judge in the Cow Chip Queen Con-test

I don't know if the President or the Governor have accepted invitations, many of our local leaders, our trustees, and, naturally. Supervisor James Poole will be there. Recreation Department Supervisor Mike Gouin will be there to defend his title

Don't miss the Father of the Year Award, or the 50/50 drawing. And re-turning on Sunday will be Crazee Rich-ard and "Little Bit of Nashville" to en-tertain you throughout the afternoon.

Each of the special meal-of-the-day dinners will be under $3 and that 's not half bad

OH MY GOODNESS I forgot to mention the pet show at 1 p.m Satur-day This year, one of my dogs has got to win. They ve been studying Gor-geous" all year I don't know If they've got it, but they do try- I knew they could never win for talent. If I could just find a way to compete against that SNAKE!

Well that's about it. I didn't mention everything, but who could? What I tried to do is give you a lot of reasons not to miss it.

Try to have a ball. Enjoy the parts you like and skip the others. But re-member, the planners are taking note of what people attend. If you want to see an event back next year, check it out this year

CORRECTION: In my column about Cantonite Jim

Hull, the GM Tech employee and would-be big-time race car driver, I said his car would be on display in Kel-logg Park due to the Plymouth Cham-ber of Commerce. Apparently the city of Plymouth OK'd the display, the Chamber did not have anything to do with it. The car will be there today. So if you or your children have ever want-ed to see a real NASCAR race car close up, now is your chance.


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Come Centon Coun t ry Feet iva l t ime, food i s a b ig i tem on the agenda aa everyone p i t chee in to he lp aerve up del lc loua meals. Canton Fi ref ighter M ike Rorabacher donned a checked apron for hia h i tch on the aerv ing l ine du r i ng a previoua feet ival.

Rich, Mu l t i co lo red


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excursions • NEED A JOB?

Are you 55 years or older and need a job? Tbe Wayne County Office on Ag-ing's employment program has a varie-ty of positions available for persons age 55 and older, of low income, and residents of western Wayne County For more information, call 467-3453 or 467-3454

• MACHINIST TRAINING Focus: HOPE Machinist Training In-

stitute is looking for laid-off workers, with little hope of being recalled, to train as skilled machinists. More than 100 openings are immediately avail-able for those with mechanical apti-tude. math and reading skills, and mo-tivation. The institute has openings for Wayne County residents living outside of Detroit who are unemployed or have low family income. The training In-volves a 33-week course in precision machining which includes shop theory, shop math, blueprint reading, inspec-tion processes, set-up and operation of lathes, mills and grinders. The free training is sponsored and funded by Focus: HOPE, City of Detroit, and the Governor's Office of Job Training. For information call 883-7440

• FREE READING CLASSES Do you know someone who cannot

read this newspaper? Adult non-read-ers and those reading below eighth

grade level are eligible for free reading classes Each person will be inter-viewed, evaluated and placed into an individualized program which meets their personal needs. English-as-a-sec-ond-language adults interested in im-proving E'ngii^h reading skills are wel-come. This is a non-credit course made possible by special federal funds

Summers classes will be from 9 a.m. to noon Mondays and Wednesdays in July. Fall classes will begin Sept. 16. The classes will be held at the Starkweather Center, 550 N. Holbrook, Plymouth. To register or for informa-tion, call Plymouth-Canton Community Education offices at 451-6555 or 451-6660 .


The Head Start and the PLUS pre-school programs of Plymouth-Canton Community Schools both are accepting registrations for the 1985-86 school year now through June.

Plymouth-Canton Head Start is re-cruiting 3- and 4-year-olds at the cen-ter at Central Middle School, 650 Church, Plymouth. The program fea-tures classes and activities for parents and children. Eligible children must be age 3 or 4 before Dec 1, 1985, live in Plymouth-Canton Community Schools district, and meet income criteria. For

information or to register, call 451-6656

Applications now are being taken for the free PLUS Pre-School Program PLUS is a Joint parent-child program funded by the federal government un-der Chapter I. It is located at Central Middle School, 650 Church, Plymouth Eligible children must be age 4 by Dec 1, 1985, and live in the attendance a reas of Field, Gallimore, Tanger and Farrand elementary schools, according to Mary Fritx, director. To register or for information, call 451-6656.

• IBM USERS CLUB Washtenaw IBM Personal Computer

User Society (WIPCUS) meets every third Thursday in Room 140 of the Uni-versity of Michigan Business School, Tappan and Monroe, Ann Arbor. Meet-ing time is 7 p.m. for beginners and 7.30 p.m. for the general meeting, which consists of a question-answer session, general discussion and a guest speaker. The group also puts out a monthly newsletter. Dues are $18 per year, $12 for students and senior citi-zens. Questions may be mailed to

Canton Jaycees serve shish kebabs Friday

The Canton Jaycees will serve their annual shish kebab dinner 5-10 p.m. Friday at the Canton Country Festival Dinner includes shish kebab, baked po-tato, roll and coleslaw.

Tickets are $3 in advance at Realty World — Bob Olson Realty, 981-4444, on Ford Road, or $3.50 at the door

Proceeds will go to the Jaycee Sub-stance Abuse Education Program and the Jaycee Scholarship Project.

The three-day Canton Country Festi-val is behind Canton Township Hall and the Canton Historical Museum, Canton Center and Proctor roads.

Heather Hadwick, 1211 City Drive, Ann Arbor MI 48103, or call Hadwick at 769-0785.

• N E I G H B O R H O O D WATCH Tbe Plymouth Police Department is

organizing a Neighborhood Watch pro-gram for city residents. Anyone inter-ested in becoming involved in the pro-gram may call 453-8600 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The program is a protection against residential break-ins and burglaries.

• A M U S E M E N T D I S C O U N T S The City of Plymouth Parks and

Recreation Department, in cooperation with Michgian Recreation L Parks As-sociation, will be selling discount tick-ets to the following amusement parks:

Bob Lo, $10 per child, $11 per adult; Detroit Zoo, $1.25 child, $3 adult; Sea

World, $8.50 child, $9.50 adult; King's Island, $6 75 child, $9.50 adult; Cedar Point, $12 all ages; Great America, $12.25 all ages; Geauga Lake, $8.50 all ages.

The recreation department will not accept personal checks for tbe sale of these tickets. Cash only will be accept-ed. For further information, call the recreation department at 455-6820.

• C O M P U T E R C A M P "Computer Camp For Kids," a 10-

week workshop scheduled for July at Madonna College, is for beginner, in-termediate and advanced students, ages 10-15. Tbe fee is $65 for beginner or intermediate, $75 for advanced. Ma-donna is at 1-96 (Jeffries) and Levan, Livonia. For information, call 591-5188.

March of Dimes wmmmaw- »ncn • • •



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Home tour A steady s t ream oi v is i tors — more than 1,000 — took advanatge of the P lymou th Symphony League's two -day home tour. The viei-tore gave rave review® to the e ight houeee on the tour. Traf f ic at the V ic to r ian Garcia home on Union St reet wee br iek.

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Sizzling Summer Sportswear Sale

Nutur ing educat ion for g i f ted


W i t h i n t h e e x t r a o r d i n a r y c o m m u n i t y a n d c u r r i c u l u m of Roeper s c h o o l for t h e g i f t ed , c h i l d r e n as y o u n g as t h ree c o m e t o a n e w

u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e m s e l v e s a n d t h e w o r l d a r o u n d t h e m .

Fu l l d a y s , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ava i l ab le .

To d i scove r t h e " e x t r a s " tha t are no t e x t r a o r d i n a r y at Roeper ,

c a l l 313/642 1500

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2190 N W o o d w a r d Ave. (nor th of L o n g Lake)

P.O Box 329 B l o o m f i e l d H i l l s , M l 43013


new voices Randy and Miche l le

Brooks of Cattoer. Canton Township announce the birth of their son. Sterling Kenneth Brooks, May 30 in St Joseph Mercy Hos-pital. Ann Arbor They have a daughter, Krystal, 2W

Grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Mer-chant of Plymouth and Marilyn Brooks of Chan-dler. Ariz

D o u g l a s a n d G l o r i a

| Stratum of Woodleigh rv 1 o n r I j IIIUUIII mtw

nounce the birth of their son. Bryan Douglas Strat-

, ton. May 29 in BoUford Hospital , Farmington They have a daughter Jamie. 2

G r a n d p a r e n t s a r e Char tes and Carolyn Howe of Battle Creek, a n d ^ J a l e and Kathleen S t r f H o n of Dowllng Esther Strattoo of Dowl-ing is great-grandmother

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48<P,C) O&E Thursday, June 13, >985

T h u r s d a y . J u i t 13. 1985 U & t

A r m s t r o n g - V a l e r i Julia Deiuse Armst rong of Northville

and Ralph Edward Valeri of Westland plan an August wedding at Rosedale Gardens Presbyter ian Church

She is the daughter of J ean Stearns of Northville and the late Richard G Stearns He is the son of F rank and Al-ice Valen of P lymouth

The bride-to-be is a 1974 gradua te of Livonia Franklin High School and grad-uated f rom the Universi ty of Michigan-Dearborn in 1980 with a business de-gree, She current ly is a t tending the as-sociate's degree nursing p rogram at Schoolcraft College She is employed by Phillips Shoes in Westland

' Her f iance is a 1974 g radua te of Red-ford Thurston High School He is a pur-chasing agent for Zakspeed. USA, in Livonia.

7 clubs in action


Plymouth-Canton Paren ts Without Pa r tne r s will mee t at 8 30 p.m. Fr iday. June 14 m th UAW Hall Local 900. Michigan west of Newburgh All single pa ren t s are welcome. Dancing and socializing until 1 a .m. Admission $2.50 before 9:30 p.m and $3 50 a f t e r 9:30. Reservations a re unnecessary

• FREE B L O O D PRESSURE S C R E E N I N G The American Hear t Association of Michigan

will have a f ree blood pressure screening 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday. June 17 a t the Whitman Center. 32235 W Chicago, between M e r r i m a n and Fa rm-ington roads. Livonia, Counseling on diet and medi-cat ion is provided There is no c h a r g e

• FIRST STEP BENEFIT During the week of June 17-22 Sam Panzica of

the Plymouth Landing Res t au ran t , Main Street . P lymouth will donate $1 to F i r s t Step for each din-ner served First Step of Western Wayne County provides shelter, food, clothing and other services, f r ee of charge, to victims of f ami ly violence For m o r e information about F i r s t Step, call 525-2243; 24-hour line is 525-2230.

• REFUNDERS C L U B The Refunders Club will mee t at 9 30 a.m.

Wednesday. June 19 in the P lymou th Grange Hall, 273 Union Street. Plymouth Bring refund forms, proofs of purchase and comple t e deals to t r ade New member s are welcome

• P L Y M O U T H L IONS Officers installation and Ladies Night party will

begin at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, J u n e 20 in the May-f lower Meeting House. w

• S T A M P C L U B West Suburban S u m p Club will meet at 7:30

p .m.Fr iday. June 21 in the P lymouth Township Meeting Room, Ann Arbor Road eas t of Mill Street, Plymouth, program will begin a t 8:30 p.m Club m e m b e r Paul Stanton, an o f f i ce r in the Tonga Tin Can Society, will present a slide p r o g r a m on Tonga s tamps .


Schoolcraft College Women's Resource Center will continue its single parent p r o g r a m with "Stress Management ," 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 22 m Room B425 of the Liberal Arts Building. One-day class will help single paren t s find ways to deal with their special stresses For m o r e information call 591-6400. Ext. 432

• STREET D A N C E Fi rs t of the summer s t ree t dances in downtown

Plymouth — in the park — will be 7:30-9.30 p.m. Fr iday, June 21 with the F r a n k Venice Band pro-viding the music. No cha rge for dancing or listen-ing.

• B E R E A V E D P A R E N T S Bereaved P a r e n t s group will mee t at 8 p.m Mon-

day, June 17. at Newman House, Schoolcraf t Col-lege. 17300 Hagger ty Road. Livonia P a r e n t s who have lost a child may call Raymond or Gloria Col-lins. 348-1857, for information or assis tance

• LA L E C H E L E A G U E Plymouth Canton La Leche -League gives infor-

mat ion and encouragement to expectant and breas t feeding mothers Women interested in breas t feed ing a r e invited to at tend. Nursing babies are welcome. Next meet ing is at 7:30 p.m. Thurs-day. June 13. at 9001 Hackberry. P lymouth For more informat ion call 459-1322 or 453-9171

• Y S I N G L E S P O T L U C K New Y Singles will have a potluck par ty begin-

ning a t 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at the Y Off ice . 248 Union Street . Plymouth

Bring a dish to serve at least four and your own place setting. If you don't cook, bring pickles, ol-ives, cheese, cold cuts, raw vegetables and dip. fruit , pretzels , chips, dip. cake or cookies (up to $3 worthy Beverages will be furnished Potluck only, $2. if you do not bring a dish, add on $3 For both potluck and par ty . $4 Call 453-2904 for reserva-tions.

• CEP M U S I C B O O S T E R S G A R A G E S A L E Centennial P a r k Music Boosters second ga rage

sale will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Saturday. June 15, at P lymouth Canton High School, Canton Center Road south of Joy. More than 175 famil ies will par t ic i -pate — prizes given every hour. Bake sale. Anyone wanting to donate i tems <tax deductible) m a y do so 4-6 p.m Thursday, June 14. and 8 a m to 6:30 p.m. Fr iday . June 14. For more informat ion call 455-4133 a f t e r 5 p.m.

• B E T H A N Y NW Support group for separa ted , divorced, or wid-

owed Chris t ians meets at 8 p.m. Fr iday . June 14, at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, 23615 Pow-ers, Fa rming ton Guest speaker . Dr Rober t Goodwin, will discuss " Being Single and Loving It ." Call 525-4627 for more information

• S P I N N A K E R S S I N G L E S Group sponsored by United Presby te r i an Church

of Northvil le plans to see s tage play, "The Station Mas te r ' s Daughter . " Van leaves church a t 7:30 p.m Fr iday, J u n e 14, for theater at Greenfield Village Main floor t ickets are $5.50 Reservat ions a re nec-essary. P e r f o r m a n c e s ta r t s at 8 30 p.m Call singles hotline, 349-6474, for information

• C H I L D B I R T H P R E P A R A T I O N C L A S S E S Childbirth and Fami ly Resources is taking reser-

vations for couples expecting a baby in the fa l l . In addition to Lamaze techniques, the eight-week class includes options in childbirth, the bir th pro-cess, Caesa rean delivery, breas t feeding and ea r ly parent ing skills. Class in Plymouth is l imited to seven couples. For more information, cal l Diane Kimball , 459-2360

* Please turn to Page 5

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S w i t a l s k i - R i c h a r d Micbele Renee Richard of Livonia

and Rodney Lee Switalski of Canton were m a r r i e d recently at St Paul of the Cross Monastery

She is the daughter of Donald and Co-lombe Richard of Livonia He is the son of F lo rence Switalslu of Manistee and the la te Ra lph Switalski

The m a t r o n of honor was Donna Richard Bridesmaids were Ju l ie Rich-ard, and Valer ie and Marie Quate re r The f lower girl was Meegan Richard

The best m a n was John Nigg. The g r o o m s m e n were Thomas Cooney, Mark N e i m e r s and Suke Gill The usher was J a m e s Chambers .

The bride graduated f r o m Livonia Churchill High School and received an associa te ' s degree f rom Madonna Col-lege. She gradua ted f rom-the radiology school a t Providence Hospital and is employed as a radiology technician at Woodland Clinic.

Her husband graduated f r o m Catho-lic Cent ra l High School in Manistee and f r o m Centra l Michigan Universi ty. He is a sys tems analyst with Miehigan Bell.

N e i m a n - M a s l y k

Mr and Mrs Elarl Ne iman of Canton announce the e n g a g e m e n t of their daughter , Robin, to T h o m a s Maslyk. son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Maslyk of Livonia

The bride-elect is employed by the Controller 's Division of Michigan Na-tional Bank

Her f iance is employed by Digital Equipment Corp as a senior software specialist.

A summer wedding is planned

^ , ^ 6 L U E F O > c ^ / '


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clubs in action Cont inued f rom Page 4

• L A M A Z E O R I E N T A T I O N An introduction to the Lamaze birth

technique, fea tur ing birth fi lm, "Nan's Class." will be at 7 30 p.m. Monday, June 17, a t Newburg Methodist Church. 36500 Ann Arbor Trail , Livonia. There is a (1 charge per person at the door. For more information, call Plymouth Childbirth Educat ion Association, 459-7477.

• DAR PICNIC Annual picnic of the Sarah Ann Co-

chrane Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be at noon Monday, June 17, a t the home of Mrs Norman Saunders. Speaker will be Mrs Anthony Korte For more infor-mation about the DAR. call 453-4425 or 348-2198

• N O W M E E T I N G Western Wayne County chapter of

the National Organization for Women will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at Emerson Junior High School caf-eter ia , 29100 W. Chicago, Livonia (east of Middlebelt). Year-end meeting will f ea tu re election of of f icers and presen-tation of "Young Feminis t of the Year Award " Two high school seniors, Kris-tin Gudan of Livonia Bentley and Chen Luu of Plymouth Salem will be hon-

ored The meeting is open to the public For information, call 591-9344

• U.S. C O A S T Q U A R D A U X I L I A R Y

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Canton Flotilla 11-11 has changed its monthly meeting to the four th Tuesday of the month and has moved its meet-ing place to Room 2510, P lymou th Sa-l em High School, 46181 Joy Road, just west of Canton Center. The new flotilla is 1 year old and m e m b e r s a r e needed Call Robert Kinsler, 455-2676. fo r in-format ion

• C A N T O N - O O M M U N I T Y F O O D CO-OP

Food co-op meets at 7 p.m. Monday before the second Sa turday of each month in Faith Communi ty Church, 46001 Warren. Food divided the second Saturday. New member s a r e welcome For information, call Alan or Judy Pr ince , 981-4753, F ran or Theresa Kearney, 728-0440, or Jeff or Jan Weicksel, 453-8363

• T A K E OFF P O U N D S TOPS Chapter 1236 m e e t s every

Thursday evening in Fa i th Communi ty Church, 46001 Warren, Canton. Weigh-in s ta r t s at 6:30 p.m., with a mee t ing following. 7-8 p.m. For informat ion, cal l 981-0446

• C IV IL AIR P A T R O L U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Squadron

16-1 invites interested people to a t tend its weekly meetings. 6:30-10 p.m. Thursdays on the fourth floor of the main building, Willow Run Airport. Any U.S. citizen 13 years of age and older may become a volunteer . For in-format ion, call Robert Eizen. com-mander , 326-9673

• W A N T E D : P A R E N T ft C H I L D The Y Indian P r o g r a m is a way to

spend const ruct ive t i m e with your child. Tr ibes of three to eight parents and their children mee t on a rota t ing basis to do c ra f t s , g a m e s and songs Tribal outings and group Federat ion outings a r e held for campouts , tours and skat ing Indian P r o g r a m member -ship includes a P lymouth "Y" Fami ly membersh ip . Call the " Y " for more in-format ion , 453-2904.

• P L Y M O U T H O P T I M I S T S Club m e e t s at 7 p.m. the f irst and

third Mondays of each month in the Miles Standish Room of the Mayflower Hotel. P lymouth and Canton residents may call 453-8547 for membersh ip in-formation.


Medical Ret i rees Support Group, for

people forced to ear ly re t i rement be-cause of medica l problems, meets a t 10 a.m. every Thursday in the People 's Community Hospital Authority Annex. 4420 Venoy, Wayne For more informa-tion, call Dave Brunette , 595-1940

• XI D E L T A ETA Xi Delta E t a Chapter of Beta Sigma

Phi Sorority mee t s the firsrvice, social and cul tural sorori ty a re fellowship and friendship. Anyone interested in more informat ion m a y call 464-9536

• C H O R U S C O O K B O O K Plymouth Community Chorus new

cookbook, "All Our Best," is avai lable a t P lymouth Book World and f r o m cho-rus members . P r ice is |7.95

• ROMP M E E T I N G S Recovery of Male Potency meet ings

a re at 7:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month in Conference Room 2. An-napolis Hospital . Confidentiality as-sured To regis ter , call 467-4570

• C A V A L I E R F E N C I N G C L U B Club mee t s a t 7:30 p.m. Thursdays.

Call Bruce Davis, 455-6418, for details.

• T O P S M E E T I N G TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

meets 7:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays in Central Middle School, Main Street a t

Church, Plymouth. Ideas on weight re-duction a r e discussed. For informat ion, call 453-4756 or 455-1583

• C A N T O N B P W Canton Business and Profess ional

Women meet the second Monday of each month at the Roman F o r u m Res-t au ran t on Ford Road, cocktai ls a t 6 p.m., d inner at 6:30, and p rog ram at 7:30. Dinner charge is $7.50 per person. Call Susan Pack, 455-0873, for in forma-tion.

• ST . J O H N N E U M A N N S E N I O R S

St. John Neumann Modern Mature Adult Club (MMAC) mee t s at the church, Warren west of Sheldon, Can-ton Township, a t 7 p.m. the f i rs t Tues-day of the month. New m e m b e r s a r e welcome. For information, call Bet ty Gruchala , 459-4091.

• SWEET- ADEL INES Midwest Harmony Chapter of Sweet

Adelines sings at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Community Room of Kirk of Our

Savior, Westland, Cherry Hill, b e tween Wayne and Newburgh roads. Women who like to sing four -par t h a r m o n y a r e invited to at tend. For i n fo rma t ion , call, Barbara Williams. 721-5861.

• ZESTERS Zesters, a club for Canton r e s iden t s

55 and older, mee t s a t 1 p.m. Thur s -days in the Canton Rec rea t ion Cen te r , 44237 Michigan a t Sheldon M e m b e r -ship fees are | 1 to join and $1 pe r month. The Zesters have mon th ly pot-lucks, bingo, movies and t r ips . The c lub is looking for pinochle p layers . Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m., and r e s e r v a -tions can be m a d e 24 hours in advance . For more informat ion about the club, call the Canton senior ci t izen of f ice , 397-1000, Ext . 278.

• EPILEPSY GROUP Epilepsy Support P r o g r a m , a self-

help group, meets 7:30 p .m. In A l l Saints Lutheran Church, N e w b u r g h at Joy, Livonia, on the f i r s t and th i rd Thursday of each month for two hours .

HAIR 1 L T D .




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rmxedey, June 13, 1966 O&E * 78


* 0

i nursqay jur>e u , i » q j

\ bu t Invitation to Worship M a / / Copy To: O B S E R V E R & E C C E N T R I C N E W S P A P E R S

3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o l c r a f t , L i v o n i a 4 8 1 5 0 C h u r c h P a g e : 5 9 1 - 2 3 0 0 e x t e n s i o n 2 5 9 M o n d a y s 9 : O Q a . m . - 1 2 : 0 0 n o o n

H M M I S L U T H E R A N M I S S O U R I S Y N O D P R [ S B \ 1 [ R l - W



B E T H E L B A P T I S T T E M P L E 2 9 4 7 5 W . S i x M i l e , L i v o n i a

Sunday School Morning Worsh ip Ev»mng Service

Family Hour Bible Study - Awana Cluba

N E W S R E L E A S E J U N E 16

M L Patty P»»tOT




10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m

261-#275 CAU=C»

• a== -=1AS$P0R"»'0«-

A Church Thar

11:00 a . m . "A FATHER & HIS CHILDREN"

6:00 p . m . " D O YOU KNOW THE FATHER?"

J U N E 24-27 V.B.S.

C H R I S T O U R S A V I O R L U T H E R A N C H U ^ C H

M I S S O U R I S V N O D -14'T5F»-min(jron Ro • Mile N O' Scnoolc>»'t



F R E D E R I C E. REESE Director ot Pariah Education Nureery Provided 6S3;

iinivmri! Atwrtit Pf'pie

F E L L O W S H I P B A P T I S T C H U R C H (A M i n i s t r y o f t h e B a p t i s t G e n e r a l C o n f e r e n c e )


9 : 3 0 A .M. Sunday S c h o o l (For all ages)

10:30 A . M . w o r s h i p " H A V E Y O U G O T T H E W O R D "

Nursery A l s o : C h i l d r e n ' s C h u r c h A v a i l a b l e °rovideo g.QQ P . M . S u n d a y E v e n i n g F e l l o w s h i p

R E V . P E T E R A . F O R E M A N , M I N I S T E R 4 5 5 - 1 5 0 9

St . P a u l ' s L u t h e r a n Miaaouri Synod

20B.QS V.adieDC'1 at 8 M-i* f arminglon Mills .

Oe. Rapn £ unge- Pas '.oi twv C«i-E SATURDAY WORSHIP t"M

SLN0A> WORSHIP S 30 s ' 1 AV sus SCKXX.&®lECLASSES -oa u


Randy Zieiinskl. Principal 47a.2«S8


937 2424 »•. Oar »'»ni(h'> B». i l»n" «OPC«'

S u n d a y W o r a h i p 8:30 A 11:00 A M

9:45 A M.

937 2233


WJc-m, Ifm.!



S C H E D U L E O F S E R V I C E S — 425-6215 or 425-1116




SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 4 11:00 A M 9:15 & 11:00 A M

Rev. V. F. Halboth, Jr., Pastor Rev Victor F Haibot*. S ' Pastor Eme ' i tu i

Nursery Provided Mr James Moi. Parish Ass'1

I U T U t R A N if v n< a: [

2 8 4 4 0 L Y N D O N . L I V O N I A , M l

NORTHWEST BAPTIST C H l ' R C H 23845 Middlebelt Rd i'-» Blocks S o' 10 Mite


Sunday ScTrOO 9 *5 a m Mormng Worship 1140a.ro E/entng Service ";00 p.m

Wednesday Serve* 7:00 p.m .Vwwry A variable

ftev Richard L Kan Pastor

? U/ (?&uic6 P, » K' > ) ' H MIC Ml 1 AN

4W-.1i'- N r E R ° TO Pi At R' i 4' «... _ ' t Mi West of Sheldon

9 : 4 0 A . M . S U N D A Y S C H O O L

1 1 : 0 0 A . M . M O R N I N G W O R S H I P

6 : 3 0 P . M . E V E N I N G W O R S H I P

Dr Will iam Stahi. Sr. Castor Thomas Pais, Associate Mrs Richard Kaye, Music Director

HERALD OF HOPE WYFC 1520 Won thru Fri

8 45 A M


S u m m e r W o r s h i p 9:30 A .M.

Educat ion 0«>c« 471 '35-


W O R S H I P S E R V I C E S 8:30 a .m. 6 10:00 a . m

N u r s e r y Ava i l ab le




B E R E A N B I B L E C H U R C H R E V . T E D S T I M E R S

35375 ANN ARBOR 'RAIL • L VON.A 425-5585 • Deiweer- Wayne & Newburgr


Holding Forth 'he Word ot Life

FIRST A P O S T O L I C LUTHERAN CHURCH 16325 Halataad Rd. at 11 Mile Farming ton Hil la, M i c h i g a n

SERVICES 10:30 A.M. Every Sunday 7:00 P.M. 1at 4 3rd Sunday of each mon th Sunday School 9:15 A.M. &*p t . -May Bible Clasa 7.45 p.m. Tue*. Sept. - May Song Service Laat Sunday ot each mon th Sept.-May


453-5534 9 45 A M Sunday School Bioie

Classes 11 00 A W Morning A'orsh'E 6 OC P M Evening Worsnio " 30 0 M Wee P-ar-er Meetmg


G R A N D R I V E R B A P T I S T O F L I V O N I A (Affil iated with American Baptist Churches, U.S.A.)

, , * 34500 Si* Mile Rd.. Just West of Farmington Rd ) \ - J> S u n d a y

i , 9 :30 A . M . F a m i l y B i b l e S c h o o l V. ' V5 10:45 A .M. W o r s h i p

6 :00 P .M. Y o u t h G r o u p s W e d n e s d a y s

6:15 P . M . C h u r c h D i n n e r 7 :00 P . M . M k i - W e e k P r a y e r

Ronald E Cary, Pastor 261-6950

GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 44240 Michigan Ave.

Canton • 397-2900 9 45 A W Sunoay Scnool 1 •00 A M Morning WO'snifj 6 OC- P U Evening Worship 7 30 P U ifcsOreMay Prayer Mee»mg -lo-Sing tc HmoflC 5«o'«' Cirwmvry n is reform**l e j c e s x i n s

W i s c o n s i n E v a n g e l i c a l L u t h e r a n C h u r c h e s


W C A P 109C S U N D A Y iQ 3C A M

In L ivonia - S* Pau1 Ev Lutheran Church • 78 10 "an r i i ng io r RC

3 a s : c A r ' r e d Koelpm 26 ' -8~59 Church Services 8:30 A M S 10:00 A M

In P lymouth — St Peter Ev Luthera- C l . r c f i 1343 Pennimar, Ave

= 3S-a' gecna 'd K o e n nger - 453-3393 Worship Services 6 4 1'0 30 a "n • Sunday School 9 'S A -r

In Redford Townsh ip - Lola Park Ev. Lutheran Church,

14750 Kinloch ^asior Edward Zen - 532-8655

Worship Services 8 30 a t S H a m • Sunday Schoo' 9 45 a "

Dr Wesley l Evana Pasto asvx °av:

R e d f o r d B a p t i s t C h u r c h 7 Mi le Road ana G r a n d River

Detro i t , M ich igan 533-2300


Dr Wesley I Evans

10:45 A.M. C h u r c h Schoo l

uirs .rift'i V>r»VC '' WuVC



P H O N E 2 5 5 - 3 3 3 3

R e v . T r u m a n D o l l a r , P a s t o r

S U N D A Y S C H O O L 1 0 : 0 0 A M

M O R N I N G W O R S H I P 11:00 A M E V E N I N G W O R S H I P 6 : 3 0 P M W E D N E S D A Y

B I B L E S T U D Y 7 :15 P M


33424 O a k l a n d Farmington. Ml 474-6880

WORSHIP 10:45 A M Chorch School 9:30 A M

Barrier-Free Sactu&ry Nurser> Provided


REV CARL H SCHULTZ Paator Emeritus



NATIVITY CHURCH Henry Ruff at West Chicago

Livonia 421-5406


10 00 A M Dr Michael H Carman


D O U B T E R S N E E D J E S U S ' J o h n 2 0







_ | W L E _ J L


THE R I S E N C H R I S T Missouri Synod

-6250 ANN ARBOR ROAD Plymouth

K e n n e t h Z i e i k e Pa?tor 453-5252 453-1099 EARLY SERVICE 6 3C A M Sun Scr- 4 Bible Classes

9 45 to '0 45 A M LA*E SERVICE " • 00 A M

H \ R I I P R K S B V T i : R I \ > ( H I R C H O I I I t O M t Farmington and Si* Mile Rd 4 2 2 - 1 1 50

Worship and Sunday School 8:30. 10:00 and 11 30 a.m FATHER S DAY

" G O D ' S FATHERHOOD AND O U R S " Dr Bartlett L. Hess


"A F A T H E R ' S LOVE" — j , R e v W ' W a l , a c e H o s , e , 1 e f

Wednesday 7:30 p m —SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (Summer Session)

S u n d a y S e r v i c e B r o a d c a s t 9:30 a .m. , WMUZ-FM 103.5

Nurzery Provided at AH Services


Church & School 5885 Venoy

• Bill N ol Ford Rd., W«f!l»nd 425-<2S0

Ralph Fiacher. Pastor Gary D. Headapohl

Asat Paator

Divine Worsh ip 8 411 a.m Bible Class & SS 9:30 a.m Monday Erening Servica ":35 p m

S T . P A U L S P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H ( U . S . A . ) 27475 Five Mile Rd (at Inksieri 422-1470

8 :45 A .M. A d u l t B ib le S t u d y 10:00 A . M . W o r s h i D & C h u r c h S c h o o

Dr W W h i t l e d g e Rev. K. R. Thoresen


C H U R C H 32430 Ann Arbor Tr. Westland • 422-5550

9 :00 a . m C h u r c h S c h o o l for Al l Ages

10:00 a .m. W o r s h i p 11:00 a . m F e l l o w s h i p PAAVO FRUSTl. Pastor


— ' *


10101 w A n n A r b o r Rd., P l y m o u t h

at G o t f r e d s o n & A n n A r b o r Rd

S u n d a y S c h o o l for all ages 9 : 4 5 a . m

W o r s h i p Se rv i ces

a n d J u n i o r C h u r c h - 8 :30 & 11:00 a.m.-

Rev . W i l l i a m C. M o o r e - P a s t o r N u r s e r y P r o v i d e d P h o n e 459-9550



1 8 4 1 M i d d l e b e l t i One DIOCM south ol Fordl

Sunday Worship 1MB AM

Church School ma Iwsery Gareth D. Baker. Pastor




10:00 A .M. On ly Kenneth F. GruatoaL Paator


IMMANUEL LUTHERAN 27035 Ann Arbor Trail

Dearborn Hgts • 278-5755 REV. ELMER BEYER

Worship 10:30 a.m

New: Sat. School 10:00 A M

The fr iendly Church on the Trail..

for you

R O S E D A L E G A R D E N S P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H ( U . S . A . ,

- l u b b a r d at W C h i c a q o • 4 2 2 - 0 4 9 4 Gerald R; CoD<eigh & Oavid W Good, Ministers

" B E T W E E N H O P E & R E A L I T Y " Baccalaureate Service

" W H O ' S N E X T ? "

W o r s h i p & C h u r c h S c h o o l 10:30 A . M .



16700 Newtwrif • Livonia

11:00 A.M. WORSHIP &


E Dickson Forsylh, Pastor



Canton 459-3333

Pastor Jerry Yarnel l Rev Ted Grotiohn

Worship 0 15 4 11 00 A.M Dennis Beaver - Intern

Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Wednesday Evening teaching

7 00-8:00 P.M Nursery Provided

V I L L A G E P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H 2 5 3 5 0 W. Six Mi le , R e d f o r d (btw. Beech Daly & TelearaDh)

Rev Robert M. Barcus 534-7730 W o r s h i p & C h u r c h S c h o o l

10:00 A . M .

" W H O ' S N E X T ? "

N u r s e r y Ava i l ab le

people Growing In Faith Ana Love

S t . M a r k ' s Presbyterian

26701 JOY RD. Dearborn Hgts.

Pastor John Jeffrey 278-9340 9:30 A.M.

Sunday School 4 Adult Bible 11:00 A.M.

WORSHIP SERVICE Dial-A-Ride 278-9340


4 2 ^ 1 2 C Worship 4 2 1 ^ 4 ?

8:15 4 11:00 A.M. C h u r c h Schoo l 9:30 A.M.

t> Vaiw

U N I I F I ) M f T H ( ) f ) ! S T

a Car-r>g & S h a r i n g C h u r c f G A R D E N CITY L I V O N I A • . - - V • ••..rxt.i- a •

1 . 5 4 3 1 M e r r i m a n R C S U N D A Y W O R S H I P

S U N D A Y W O R S H I P 1

1 1 0 0 A M & 6 0 0 P M

R o b R o b m s o n M i n i s t e r m in i s te rs Dennis Swind le 4 Lamar Ma t thews

« ? 7 8 7 4 3 4 2 2 - 6 6 6 0

' • u ' r TV c w w ?0 S a t u r d a y 9 3C * rn

Ca<- or . V '*• ' n - 1 '« 'n C r " P s p c - v l n - H '• C o u ' . e


C H U R C H 8 8 2 0 W a y n e R d

L i v o n i a , M i . 4 8 1 5 0 PASTOR ROLAND C TROIKE

Summer Worship One Service

9:30 A M OFFICE 427-2290


30900 S-» Mile Pd .1 v

Oavd r Sl'ong M.nislei <22 6036

••0 OC' * M WorVtip Service •0 00 A M Chiurcfi Schoo*

i3 v»s - #f* G'aoe: m 00 * W jr I S ' H-gr Class i i 15 * m Adut Siud» Class

'*u's#r. P-cwdec


.Redlord r0»' S" t •0C0C BFEC.H DALV ROAD


10-00 A.M. Worahip Service 10KW A.M. Nursery - 4th Church School

"A HAND O F BLESSING" Rev. Donlgan

Minister of Music. Ruth Hadley Turner



8850 Newburgh ai Joy Livonia


Merlin E JacoOa Paator Summer Schedule 9 30 A M Worahip Service 10:30 A M


29887 W a s t E l e v e n M i l a R o a d 476 -8860 J u s t W a s t o t M l d d l a b a l t Farmington Hil ls

W O R S H I P 10:00 A.M. " O N E VOICE"

Dr. Rltter Or William A Rltter Paator s Rev Qeoroe Klboum Rev Devta R Strobe, Assoc Paator Judy May. 0»r ot Christian Ed Mr MeMr, Rookus, Dir. ot Mualc Singles Ministry , Rev Strobe

C h r i s t C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h

o f C a n t o n 981-0499

M e e t i n g at : C a n t o n H i g h S c h o o l C a n t o n C e n t e r a t J o y

WORSHIP 1 0 * » A.M. F e l l o w s h i p - Y o u t h C l u b a - Choi r

Bib lo S t u d y R o f o r m o d C h u r c h in A m o r t e a


C O N G R E G A T I O N 290 Fairground at Ann Arbor Trail - Plymouth

Donald W. Lahti , Pastor 471 -1316

No S c h o d u l a d S e r v i c e s

C o n g r e g a t i o n a l M e e t i n g

Finnish language service scheduled monthly Third S<jnday st 11:00 A M



4 5 2 0 1 N. T e r r i t o r i a l R d . 4 5 3 - 5 2 8 0

9:15 A.M Worship & Church School (Nur»ery-5th)

Ministers John N Qrenfetl. Larry J Werbil, Or Frederick Voetxjrg


Parish 44800 Warren Roed

C a n t o n 455-5S10

Fr Edward i SaMvin Paator


( H I R C H O F T H E S A V I O R R e f o r m e d C h u r c h »n A m e r i c a

W O R S H I P S E R V I C E fr.30 A . M . Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Nursery Avertable

34100 Five MHe Roed Weet o* Newborgf i »Wv GERALD DYKSTRA Pastor 464 1062


rC*"tni>r C"u»en 35475 Five Mile Rd

464 6722 McGllVREv Minister


BIBLE SCHOOL (AH agesi 9 30 a m

Morn.ng IWorshiip '0 * m Evening Worship 4 Vooth Meeting*

8 30 p m

Sat 5-OC and » 3C pm Sun I sm >30 am

11-00 a IT md 12:30 pm

36500 Ann Arbor Trail Lhronla s Otdeet Church

Church School and Worrhip


M i n i s t e r s Edward C Co*ey, Roy Forsyth

Nuraary ProvWd

422-0149 10 00 A M


S55 LILLEY RD , CANTON 981-1333

Fr Ernest M Porran Pastor Manet

Sat * M P M Sun J00 am

10 OC am 12 00 noon

" O B I

Sunday School Morning Worship Junior church Praise and Worship Fellowship Wed Family Night

C Harold Home Phone Church Phone


Now worshiping at 44815 Cherry Hill Roed

Canton. Ml 9:45 a m

11:00 a.m 11 30 a.m 6 00 p m 7:00p.m 7:00 p.m

Wetman. Pastor 463-73< 961-53;

By denying truth, we cut ourselves off from life

WHEN I WAS in training as a thera-

pist. I heard my teacher say that we human beings are skilled at avoiding the truth. II we do not

want to believe something, we don't believe it We defend ourselves from the truth because we do not want to deal with it.

A person does not want to believe that some-one has died We will imagine that the person is still alive. I attended a meeting the other might and some things were said that the peo-ple did not want to hear. I could tell by looking at their faces that many were not going to ac-cept what was being presented although it was the truth , ,

We have many ways of turning off our be-lief The ways in which we strive not to believe

are powerful factors in our lives The road blocks we use against facing the truth are le-gion. We call them prejudice, sin, culture, con-ditioning and religion.

ONE KIND OF religion keeps us f rom see-ing life in any other perspective than our pres-ent one The world inside this belief system is safe and good. The world outside the system is evil and wrong. Such a religion sets up many means to defend itself from "those out there

Truth then becomes defined by "what I do It may not even be that we claim that we are always right and those outside wrong It is easy to see all of life through our own glasses Clergy do this when they expect worship^to be valid only when done as they do it.

Another kind of religion seeks the truth how-

/ * "

, moral » perspectives

Rev. David S t r o n g


ever it can be found. Such a faith has its cen-ters of certainty and strength. It also invites an openness to the Spirit. Such people are aware that we all interpret life through our own expe-rience. No one of us can set an absolute for someone else. Otherwise we try to create them in our own image.

THIS KIND of religion is captured in a book

by Vincent Donovan, ' Christianity Rediscov-ered." He is a Catholic priest who travels to the Masai tribes in eastern Africa. He simply goes to these people and asks them If be can tell them about his God and If they will tell him about their God.

It is a fascinating story. Donovan becomes aware of all those things which get in the way of affirming a faith that remains open to life When some of the Masai accept his God, he leaves them to work out bow they will find ways to give their faith meaning. He refuses to at tempt to remake them in his western Euro-pean image

There are many things that can get in our way when we seek the truth. Call these preju-dice, culture, fear or sin. Sometimes we can be

overwhelmed by too much stress and so shut down.

NEVERTHELESS we all need to examine how our beliefs either open us or close us off ^ from life. A religion which cannot be open to the oneness of life and the unity of tbe earth is eventually a defense. A religion that requires that bag and baggage of a culture or practice must be taken with it will not be vital.

The impulse to create others after our ow» image rather than to see truth in life is perva-sive. Its destructive influence is seen in tbe Third World but its effect is just as devastating here at home.

Our world cries for unity and understanding. People strive to live the truth so that it wtB free them. Religion must help people in this great adventure.

church bulletin • UNITED ASSEMBLY OF GOD

Celebration Company, a 13-voice group of high school students, will pres-

ent a Christian youth musical, "Jesus Never Fails." a t 7:15 p.m. Thursday, June 13. at United Assembly of God, 42021 Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth Cel-

Yovx Invitation to Worship


SAINT ANDREW S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 16360 Hubbard Road Livonia Michigan

421 8451

Wednesday 9:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Saturday 5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist Sunday 7 45 a m, - Holy Eucharist

9:00 a.m. - Christian Education for all ages 10:00 a.m, - Holy Eucharist

Sunday Morning - Nursery Care Available

I The Rev. Kenneth a Oatrte, The Rev. Qafy R. Seymour Rector Aseoeiats Rector

Tfce Rev. Edward A King, Deacon


9083 Newburgh Rd Livonia

591-0211 522-0821


8:00 A.M Holy Eucharist

9:30 A M Holy Euchanst

The Rev Emery Graved




Michael A, Halleen Pastor

35415 W, 14 Mile (at Drake) Farmington Htils


Making Faith A Way Ot Lift

S U N D A Y S C H O O L 9:30 A . M . W O R S H I P S E R V I C E 10:45 A . M . E V E N I N G SERVICE 6:00 P . M .

Child Cara and

Nuraary Provided


ebration Company is comprised of stu-dents from First Assembly of God church in Pekin, 111. "Jesus Never Fails" is a contemporary musical cre-ated and arranged by John Lee and John Rososco.

• ALDERSGATE METHODIST Aldersgate United Methodist Church

in Redford will have a farewell recog-nition for its two pastors following the morning worship service at approxi-mately 11 a.m. Sunday. June 16. The Rev. Archie Donigan and the Rev. Bar-bara Byers Lewis are being reassigned within the Detroit Conference follow-ing five years and four years, respec-tively, of* service at Aldersgate. Reser-vations may be made by calling the church office at 937-3170.

• DETROIT LAESTADIAN Paul Nevala of Cokato, Minn., will be

the guest speaker at special services at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. June 18. at the De-troit Laestadian Congregation. 290 Fairground, Plymouth

• UNITED ASSEMBLY It will be Men's Night at United As-

sembly of God at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, June 16. "God in a Man's World" will be the special theme, and six men from the congregation will speak on God in their lives as father, husband, business-man, church elder and church support-er, as well as the presence of God in difficult times. The men also will be providing special music and will sing as part of a large men's choir. A social will follow the service. The service will be at Pioneer Middle School, 46081 W. Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth, during the construction of United's new facility on N. Territorial Road

• WARD PRESBYTERIAN Ward Presbyterian Church and Sin-

gle Point Ministries will sponsor a Seminar on Grief f rom 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, June 15, at the church. 17000 Farmington, Livonia. The semi-nar is for those who have lost a spouse, parent, child or other member of the family. The seminar fee will be $10, which will cover workshop materials, snacks and lunch. For more informa-

CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 41355 Six Mils Northville • 348-9C30

Larry Frick, Sr. Pastor

Sundsy School 10KJ0 a.m. Worship Services 11:00 s.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday Family Night 7:00 p.m. Nursery Avsilsble • Schools : Pre-School - 8th

B r i y b t r n c o r T a h c r p a c l c 2 6 5 5 5 F rank l i n Rd • S o u t h f i e l d M (I-696 & Telegraph - West of Holiday Inn)

A Cnansmatic Church where people of many denominations worship together

9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morn ing Worah ip

6:30 P.M. "Celebrat ion of Pra iee" 7:30 P.M. Wed. Adul t , Youth , Ch i ld ren

Prayer A Praise

Nursery provided at all services T H O M A S E. TRASK. PASTOR

correction Two points made in a recent Observ-

er story on the Muslim religion require clarification. The story stated that Muslims believe "there is no prophet but Muhammad." Muslims actually be-lieve in a number of prophets. Muslims believe Abraham. Moses, Jesus and others who appear in the Old and New Testaments and in the Qur'an were prophets. The story also said that "if the fast is unintentionally broken, it is invalidated and must begin again." The statement should have said, "If the fast is unintentionally broken, it is not in-validated and must be continued as a regular fasting day.'

tion, call the church office at 422-1150. The Ward Church Summer School of

Christian Education will present the John McDowell film series "Evidence for Faith" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, June 12 through Aug. 28, at the church. Ministers of the church will conduct scriptural devotionais and discussions following each film.

• UNITED METHODIST The Rev. Thomas M. Beagan was

elected to Elder's Orders and received as a full member of the Detroit Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church recently at the 144th consecu-tive annual session of the conference in Adrian, Mich. Bishop Judith Craig, res-ident bishop of the Michigan area of the United Methodist Church, ordained Beagan as an elder

Beagan graduated from Livonia Ste-venson High School in 1975, got a bach-elor's degree from Adrian College, and received a master of divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1983 He has been assigned to Utica United Methodist Church as as associ-ated minister for the coming year. He and his wife, Kathleen, have one child. Justin.

• LOLA VALLEY METHODIST The 48th annual Lola Valley Break-

fast will be at 8 a.m. Saturday, June 15, at Lola Valley United Methodist Church, 16175 Delaware, near Park, Redford. Art and Clara Walker will perform gospel music. For reserva-tions, call Gene McAdams at 474-0968 or Ed Reid at 422-0780

• ST. EDITH _ The St. Edith Peace and Justice

Committee will show the film "Be Not Afraid" at 7 p.m. Friday, June 14, in the church hall, Five Mile and New-burgh, Livonia. Pizza and salad will be served at a cost of | 2 per person.

The singing group Friends will per-form in concert 4-6 p.m. Sunday, June 16, on the lawn of St. Edith. Friends is made up of St. Edith's associate pastor, the Rev. Joe Dailey and the Rev. Ber-nard Hall, Denise Leonardi and Pat Madden-Roth. Dailey has composed more than 30 songs, many of which Friends does in concert. This is being billed as the group's farewell concert, since Dailey is leaving St. Edith for a position as campus minister at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo

Celebration Company to perform at Uni ted Assembly

2 3 0 0



• CALVARY BAPTIST The Sonlove musical ensemble f rom

Miami Christian College will present an inspirational concert at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 26, at Calvary Bap-tist Church, 43065 Joy, Canton. Under the direction of Thomas Goetz, chiar-man of the music department at the college, the nine-member Sonlove team was competitively selected to repre-sent the college in a ministry to church-es, schools, youth groups, conferences, prisons and so on. The group generally tours in southern Florida and has tra-veled throughout tbe eastern United States, Canada and the Caribbean

Sonlove in concert at Calvary Baptist

• UNITY OF LIVONIA Nat Starr, speaker, consultant, busi-

nessman and author, will speak at 10 and 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 16, at Uni-ty of Livonia, 28660 FMve Mile. His to-pic for Fathers ' Day will be "How to Throw Away Your Boomerang for Good," in which be offers principles that can enable anyone to transform a negative attitude into a positive ooe.

Gerry Ellen Cunningham will discuss "Healing Systems" 7-9 p.m. Wednes-day, June 19, at the church. • GARDEN CITY METHODIST

The summer worship schedule will begin Sunday, June 16, at First United Methodist Church of Garden City, 6443 Merriman. The worship service will be at 9:30 a.m. There will be nursery and toddler care and a class for children in grades kindergarten through the third grade following the children's sharing time in the service. The church sum-mer office hours are from 9 a.m. to noon daily.

The Rev. Thomas Beagan ordained aa elder


A Full Gospel Church

the lord/ hou/e }6924 Ann Arbor Trail at Newburgh PASTOR JACK FORSYTH •522-8463

Sundsy School 10:00 AJL Mominfl Wonh* 1140 A i l Evanmg Semca 740 P i t Wsdnssdsy Same* 740 P.H

Reysl Rsngsrs * Wssionettse

C o m a Worsh ip the Lord freely with us . Children * at Every Service Visitors Always Welcome'


2100 Herman Rd.. Canton 731-SS32

Btwn m c h i g e n Av« & P«lm®r

Sundry School 9 *5 * M Mornung Worship 1 I O C « U Evening WorV>lc 6 00 P M Wed rsml ly Night 7 00 P M


vacation bible school



U N I T Y O F L I V O N I A 28660 Ftve Mile

421-1760 SU*iDAV 10 00 4 11 30 A M Oai-ft-Tt-ought 261-2440


Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Canton will have vacation Bible school 9-11 30 a.m. Monday through Friday, June 17-21 Children ages 3-13 are in-vitged The church is at 42690 Cherry Hill For more information, call the church office at 981-0286 or the vaca-tion Bible school coordinator at 397 0282


First United Methodist Church of Wayne will have its vacation church school from 9 a.m. to noon. Monday through Friday. June 24-28 There will be a picnic from noon to 4 p.m. Satur-

day, June 29. For more information, call 721-4801,

• WEST CHICAGO BAPT18T West Chicago Baptist Church in

Plymouth will have vacation Bible school 6 30-8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 24-28 Children in grades one through six are invited. There will be puppets, crafts, competitions, re-freshments and Bible stories The church is at 42021 Ann Arbor Trail.

• ST. TIMOTHY PRESBYTERIAN St. Timothy Presbyterian in Livonia

will have vacation Bible school from 9 a m to noon, Monday through Friday, June 24-28 The school is for pre-schoolers through children beginning tbe fifth grade next school year Be-

sides Bible study, the children will be involved in crafts , music, games and recreation. Refreshments will be pro-vided. On Friday, there will be a spe-cial surprise, f rom 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Par-ents are welcome. The church is at 16700 Newburgh. For more informa-

tion. call Marilyn McKinnoo at 346-6236 or Joyce Sproul at 478-4742 • BETHEL BAPTIST

Bethel Baptist Temple in Livonia will have vacation Bible school from 10 a.m. to noon, Monday through Thurs-day, June 24-27 This year's school is entitled Vacation Bible Circus. There is no charge for attending, and free trans-portation is offered to those who call the church. The church is at 29475 W. Six Mile For more information, call

525-3664 or 261-9276

• ST. PAUL PRE8BYTERIAN 7 St. Paul Presbyterian in Livonia * l l l«

have its vacation church school f r t y n j Monday through Friday, July 8-12. The • school is for children ages 3 through those who have completed first grade The theme is "Through the Christian Year." Pre-registration will take place through Friday, June 14. Tbe chureh-will have a summer camp from Sunday through Saturday. July 21-27, at Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake. Tbe camp is for children who have complet-ed secood grade through thoae who have completed eighth grade. They will be studying "God's love throughout the world.'

Sunday 10 00 a.m 6 00 p.m

Wednesday 7 00 p m

] E KARL. Ph D Pastor Phone 422-UFE


New Life C*nrwrtam Acoeiemu K 12 34645 C o w a n Road • Weslland, MI 48185

CHRIST DELPHI AN class reunions

C h r i s l a d e l p h i a n s Cordially mvtte You to a

MSII Lie-rune "TMS OOSKL Of CMfttST vs T o o a r s M O t u u r r -

Swn_ June IS. M S pm

hama imW «l IS lmtm KM a m i nts is

C h r i s t a d e l p h i a n s W l >i Will LMats • U1»

•««o* »n * *

As a a pubiw service a n d u>hen space permits, the Obsen^er and Ec-centric Newspapers u*iJ pr in t an-nouncemen t s of class reunions Send the information to Mane McGee, Observer a n d Eccentrxc Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft. Liixmia 48150 Please include and first and last n a m e unth telephone numbers

• NORTHEASTERN Detroit Northeastern High School

classes 1928-36 will hold a SO-yesr re-

union at Boyne Mountain Call George J Csekas. 464-3469

• BROTHER RICE Brother Rice High School class of

1965 will hold a 26-year reunion Satsr day. July 27 at Somerset Inn, Troy Call Rick Goodrich. 256-5678 af ta r « pan.

• FARMINGTON Farmington High School claas of

1966 will hold a 20-year reunion Satur-

day. July IS at the Nov! Sheraton CaU Stanger, 549-4160 Joyce Com well. 474-3734.

• BIRMINGHAM GROVES Birmingham Groves High School

clasa of 1965 wi l l hold a 26-year re-union Saturday. Aug. 24 at the Novi Hilton Call 646-7369

• ROYAL OAK Royal Oak High School claas ol 1946

F i l l hold a 40-year reunioa Saturday, Sept 7 at tha Troy Hilton Call Marge

• HOLY REDEEMER Holy Redeemer High School

1966 wil l hold a reunion Saturday 5 at Cameron Hall, 1641 Roed, Taylor Call I7V69M

• CENTRAL Central High School da

wil l hold a reunion Saturday, Nov. Roma's of Bloomfield. Call M l f e (Goldman) Marts, 557-5764

0 B * C A E Thursday, June 13, 1965





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Sports ( i l t j r © b s e r u e r ^ r u i s p a p e r s

entertainment, business, classifieds inside

C h r i s M c C o s k y , Brad E m o r t s editors 591 2312

Thursday. June 13, 1985 O&E (P,C)1C

'Monster'-ous Open

Salem'* M i ke Whi te leapt to top O b t e r v e r l a n d t rack honor* , qual i f ier in the h igh hurd les.

Wh i te was a state

Versatile White leads talented dream team By Tom Panzenhegen and Brad Emons staff writers

THE 1985 Observerland boys track season yielded many fine moments.

Livonia Churchill won a close Ob-serverland meet and then went on to cap-

ture the Western Lakes Conference title, edging Farmington by two points.

Redford Bishop Borgess won the Catholic League meet and finished second in the Highland Park re-gional after a disappointing showing at Observer-land and a dual meet loss to Birmingham Brother Rice.

Although there were no state champions from the area. Catholic Central's Steve Shaver made a strong showing at the state Class A meet, finishing third in the l,60G-meter run.

Area coaches gathered recently to select the top individual performers and top relay squads They also selected Plymouth Salem's Mike White as Ob-server land Trackman of \he Year Here are the final results of that meeting

FIELD EVENTS Dave Mix*, shot pat, Livonia Charchill: The Moot-l.

2 SO-pound senior made the All-Are* team last j m j la the dlacu* The four-year vani ty performer led the area to both the ihot

put (SI feet, 7 inches) and the discus (1«7-T) HI* beat throw In the discu* came at the Hidenf elter Relay*

He la a two-time Western Lake* Conference champ In ihot pot and discus and placed second In both event* at the regional He 1* also * two-time Observer land champ la both event*

Dorlr* the yeers Dev* ha* worked very hard to achieve the goal* that be has set for himself." said Churchfll coach Fred Price He will truly be missed

Mlse 1* going to Eastern Michigan University for football

Dave Richards, dlaeas, Livonia Char-chill. a senior Richard* recorded tha ares ' i second best throw in the dtwus <1M-i) behind teammate Mist

Dave operated hi* entire three yew* at Cherchlll in Che ihadow ot Dave Mise and during this time he alway* kept the pressor* oe him," Price said He made a (rest contribution to our program

He was a member of the school isrnrrt ssfflng disco* relay •quad which set * new mark at the Hldenfelter Relay* and sever

By Marty Budner staff writer

A white towel became a symbol of the 1984 U.S. Open played at Winged Foot Golf Club in Mamaroneck, N.Y.

During the final round, as Fuzzy Zoeller stood in the middle of the 18th fairway awaiting his next shot, he heard the gal-lery around the 18th green roar. Thinking Greg Norman had birdied to take the lead, Zoeller, one of the tour's more personable players, waved a towel in mock surrender

As it turned out, Norman had parred the hole, as did Zoeller, and the players were tied af ter 72 holes,

The next day, in the 18-hole playoff, Zoeller easily won, 67-75. As the players approached the 18th green it was Nor-man's turn to wave the towel.

It was all in fun, of course. But that's sometimes how major championships are distinguished.

Oakland Hills, the site of this year's 85th U.S. Open conducted by the United States Golf Association, has had its share of historic moments over the years.

It was 1951 when Ben Hogan labeled it the "Monster" — a moniker that remains to this day. In 1972, during the PGA tour-nament, Gary Player cleared the wall of willow trees surrounding the Lfith green


all-area boys track was defeated in three years.

He also gained third In tbe Western Lakes meet and waa sixth at

the regional

Mike Meehan, high jump, Livonia Churchill: Tbe four-year varsity performer tied for eighth place in tbe state meet

with a leap of »-S Another All-Area repeater. Meehan broke his own school record

in a dual meet, clearing M He also *et * new Western Lakes Conference record in the high Jump at S-6 and won the Westland John Glenn regional at H .

Meehan v i i also a versatile performer for the Chargers, com-peting In the long Jump MO and 1,600 runs, 1.S00 and j j o o relays, and distance medley

"Mike was * true s tnjqUof tbe high Jwng e v < p t 5* "if

"He WOOIffraa i»3 watch tapes ot other jumpers a* weU a* hi* j u m p s

Chock Albright, long jamp, Bishop Borgess: ai bright a senior, was the Catholic League long jump champion He also finlahed fourth in the state meet with a jump (11-4%) that surpassed his league best by more than two inches, and he came In second in regional competition

Borgees coach Gene Grew* called Albright an outstanding com-petitor who won many meets and the league championship on his Last jumps. Be never had a competitive jump of less than 11 feet

Ron Bashaw, John Glenn, pole vaul t Bashaw had a championship yesr, winning the Monroe aad Wayne invitational* the Hidenf elter Relays aad league championships The senior s best vault waa IS feet He cleared that height three times

Glenn coach Ernie Righetti said he considers Bashaw the team's hardest worker and mast dedicated competitor


Mike White, Plymouth Salem, 1 IOmeter hardies: White, a tn-captain who's headed for Eastern Michigan University, to Salem's best all-around trackman, according to hi* coech, Gary Balconi Th* record backs him an tha t

White was the Observerland champion in US hurdle* wtth a Mm* of M M . he also won the regional* and finished *Uth in the •tats

PIMM turn to Page 4

on a blind shot that no one around these parts will forget.

AND THE LAST two tournaments at the famed Bloomfield Township course — the 1979 PGA (won by David Graham) and the 1981 U.S. Senior Open Championship (won by Arnold Palmer) — were decided by playoffs.

How will this year's U.S. Open be re-mebered? What drama will unfold as the 156 pros tee off today in a 72-hole cham-pionship that will conclude Sunday before a world audience?

That remains to be seen. The only certainty this year is Oakland

Hills — which has hosted four previous U.S. Opens, the last in 1961 won by Gene Littler — will be a true test for the world's greatest golfers

Howard Twitty, who finished in a tie for seventh at the r979 PGA, is convinced Oakland Hills is an exceptional major-tournament site.

"It's an Open and this is a classic Open course," said Twitty, who owns a pair of tour victories (the 1979 B.C. Open and the 1980 Sammy Davis Jr .-Greater Hartford Classic) in his 11 years as a pro.

"This course is very well prepared. The rough is not as big, but it's big enough. It doesn't matter though because this is just an awfully hard course.

"This course takes a complete player," he said. "You can't have any flaws on this course."

JOHNNY MILLER, who tied Jim Thorpe for fourth in last year's U.S. Open and won the 1973 U.S. Open championship, also is impressed with the sprawling 6.996-yard, par-70 Oakland Hills South Course.

"This course should provide for a fan-tastic U.S. Open venue," said Miller, who has played only one tournament the last seven weeks and is well rested for this week's action. "If the weather is dry and the wind picks up, it will turn into a course the USGA wants."

Please turn to Page 2

Putting will challenge the pros By Jim Hughes staff writer

There's no official color for touring pro-fessional golfers, but it might as well be green

There's more green on a golf course than you'll find in a St. Patrick's Day pa-rade.

Green is the color of the jacket they give you when you "Master" the Augusta National, and green is what golfers collect when they're consistently in the money.

With so much green associated with the sport, it's no wonder why the "greens" were the topic of conversation at Oakland Hills Country Club during yesterday's first practice round for the 85th U.S. Open Championship.

The greens are so severe that they're keeping many pros on the putting surface where they're trying to find some clues. Hale Irwin, the Open champion in 1974 and 1979 who is ranked fifth among the career money leaders, says "they're im-possible "

HAL SUTTON could have told you that without saying a word. Sutton, whose put-ting has betrayed him recently, was a fix-ture on the practice green most of the day Monday He was no further than five feet f rom the cup, but he stroked one golf ball af ter another into the little cylinder, played his practice round, and was right back on the practice surface.

"It's been a problem," Sutton said of his putting. "I'm trying to work it out. This

course is a good one. You have to hit it straight and pretty long, and you have to putt good. From tee to green, I've been doing OK. If I putt well, I think I'll play well. I'm making some adjustments in my putting.

"These greens are so undulating," added Sutton, who has a pair of holes-in-one to his credit this year. "It's the type of green where you have to have a lot of patience. You're not going to make a lot of long ones, and you have to realize that. You sure don't want to three-putt here."

Greg Norman, who tied Fuzzy Zoeller with a 40-foot putt on tbe last day of regu-lation in last year's Open at Winged Foot Golf Club in Marmaroneck, N.Y., is noted

Please turn to Page 2

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P r o s w i l l b e

s e e i n g ' g r e e n Continued from Page 1

for tus miracle putts. The man they call the "Great White Shark" said the greens well may be the hot

topic of talk this week "I think most of the comments will be about the

greens." said Norman, who is the second leading driver on the PGA tour. "It's supposed to rain to-morrow (Tuesday), so that will slow them down, but come Saturday and Sunday, they'll be hard and fast.

"There's a lot of undulation, and that's why the speed is so severe."

IRWIN, THE 1985 Memorial Tournament winner, said he used Monday's practice round to reacquaint himself with Oakland Hills, and he was greeted by the difficult greens

"Right now they're impossible." he noted "They're f irm greens, and they're so undulated Some are really fast downhill- It's going to make it verv difficult to make putts "

Zoeller, the defending Open champion and Mas-ter 's champ of the one-liners, quipped during his May visit to Oakland Hills that, until they change the'size of the holes on the greens, all tournament courses are tough. Tuesday, Zoeller said the greens alone are enough to make Oakland Hills a chal-lenge.

"With these greens, you don't need a lot of rough here." Zoeller said with a smile

Hubert Green, the 1977 Open winner and rival to Zoeller in the one-liner department, said. "I don't rate girls or golf courses, but I'll tell you this is a great course The greens are hard, but they're fair You have to play the ball well here."

Howard Twitty, 76th on the career money earn-ings list, played the course with Zoeller and Green Monday, and'concurred with his partners about the difficulty of the greens

"Or. the greens, you have to put the ball in the right spot." Twitty said. "If you don't, you'll have to make some great lag putts."

sports shorts • FALL SOCCER

Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department is conducting registration for its fall soccer league from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday through June 28.

Boys and girls ages 6-18 are eligible. Registra-tion fee is $25 League play begins in September

Call 455-6620 for more information.

• CANTON SOCCER Canton soccer club's Bonanza League tryouts are

as follows: Boys born in 1973. 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at the Canton recreation complex; for more information, call Wes Shasko, 459-2133.

Girls born in 1973 and older, 3-5 p.m. Saturday at Fiodin Park; for more information, call Rocoe Nash. 459-0578.

Boys born in 1972 — division 1 tryouts — 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday and June 20. and 10 a.m. to noon June 22 at Fiodin Park; for more information, call Phil Lajoy, 981-4296

Boys bom in 1972 — division 2 tryouts — 6:30-8:30 p.m June 24-26 at Fiodin Park; for more infor-mation. call Jer ry Gibbons, 453-8616.

Boys born in 1971, 6:30-8:30 p.m. today through Wednesday at Floding Park; for more information, call Steve Kozusko, 981-6327.


Boys interested in trying out for fall's Plymouth Salem varsity soccer team should call coach Ken Johnson between 1-7 p.m.


All girls residing in a community belonging to the Western Suburban Soccer League and born in 1972 may attend tryouts for the under-14 Bonanza soccer team at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Schoolcraft Col-lege, field 9 For more information, call Bob Dart at 349-7939


The fifth annual Canton Festival Golf Tourna-ment, sponsored by the Canton Parks and Recre-ation Department, is set for Sunday at Fellows Creek Golf Course

The format for the tourney is a three-person t eam ooacapt- The tournament is open to all area golfers.

A 138-per-team entry fee 4a required. Entry deadline is Thursday

Call 397-1000 for more information.

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C o u r s e m a k e s O p e n s p e c i a l Continued trom Page 1

Oakland Hills, designed by Donald Ross and modernized by Robert Trent Jones, is known for its tight fairways, undulating greens and high rough

But because of the dry spring weather the rough has not developed the texture officials had hoped for. Rainy weather the past couple days may have thickened the rough but not to the extent some pros had feared.

"If the rough was up to what I envi-sioned it, it would be brutal out there." said Miller "Right now it's not as brutal as I thought "


The U.S. Open not only is a showcase for the best golfers but also for the best golf It is a tournament everyone wants to win The recognition and endorsement value from winning is priceless

"If I had to pick my tournament to win. it would be the U.S. Open," said 35-year-old Lanny Wadkins, who has had two top-10 finishes in his last two tournaments

CURTIS STRANGE and Wadkins known for his aggressive play which could be a negative factor at Oakland Hills, cur-rently are the two leading money winners on the tour with 1423,993 and $308,036, re-spectively Ray Floyd, Corey Pavin, Mark O'Meara. Craig Stadler, Bernhard Langer, Tom Watson and Zoeller round out the top 10.

All have to be considered favorites among thia year's Open field. But the fact

remains Oakland Hills is a severe test, and veteran golfers like Miller and Jack Nick-laus may have the experience and savvy to pull out one more championship from their well-traveled bags

"A lot of guys seem to play well for the Open," explained Stadler, who is second among this year's scoring leaders with a 70.47 average. "The guys who are current-ly playing well are usually the ones you have to watch out for. But it just depends on how you like the course."

Miller, who made the cut in the '79 PGA at Oakland Hills but .said "it wasn't a memorable experience," didn't hazard a guess as to who will win this year s Open.



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'fiursO«y, i u r > « 13. '985 O&E (P .cpc

H a w k s s e e k C l a s s A c h a m p i o n s h i p

By Tom Parutanhagan staff writer

Harrison's appearance in the state Class A baseball tournament Friday will be a first for the Farmington Hills high school The Hawks advanced to the semifinals in 1989 as a Class B team.

The Hawks best pitcher, Mike Inch (8-2), will get the start Friday. Asked what he knew about the competition. Jenison High School, Inch replied. "Is that who we're playing''"

For the record, Mike, the Jenison Wildcats are 23-3. They advanced to the state tourney by defeating Michi-gan's No. 1-ranked team, Niles, 7-6 in regional play Saturday.

Jeff Van Zytveld (12-1) and Mark Potter (9-1), both right handers, are

Jenison s top pitchers. Wildcat hitters slammed 38 home runs in 26 games this year

Jenison is a suburb of Grand Rapids

THE PITCHING matchup Friday should be a good one. Inch may not throw as hard as Van Zytfeld or Potter, but when his sinking curve is on the mark it's very hard to hit.

If Harrison should win Friday and Inch goes the distance, he can pitch only three more innings in Saturday's championship game, according to high school rules

Head coach John Herrington has said all along that the Hawks will have to find a No. 2 pitcher if they want to go all the way.

He may have to look no further than Mark Schmidt, who faced 10 batters

baseball and allowed only one hit while preserv-ing a two-run lead against Dearborn on Saturday

HAWK TALES After Harrison sec-ond baseman Ken George doubled home three runs to beat his father s team, Livonia Stevenson, in the region-al semifinals Saturday, he was greeted with offers of free dinners f rom Hawk partisans

The reason: Mary Ellen George —

Ken's mother and wife of Stevenson coach Jim George - jokingly told the Observer last week: "If Ken wins, he might not eat dinner here (at home) for a while."

She also said, "But J im would be happy, and I would too, if Ken did ex-tremely well (against Stevenson)." At last report. Ken, who did extremely well, did not have to accept any of the dinner offers

Hawk catcher Mike Colovos hit a three-run homer in Saturday's game against Dearborn; not a two-run shot as reported here.

Harrison's big inning, the third, in which they scored all TO of their runs, went like this:

Dan Murray singled and Brian Smol inski doubled, sending Murray to third. Ken George was hit by a pitch, loading the bases. John Miller singled bome two runs. Colovos followed with the three-run homer

Brad Rounds walked, Shawn Bren-nan and Ken Rudberg singled, loading the bases Rounds scored on a wild pitch and Brennan and Rudberg moved up a base Vince Enright walked, load-ing the bases. Murray was hit by a pitch, forcing in a run.

Smolinski struck out for the first out of the inning after 10 Hawks reached base safely. George brought home one run with an infield hit. Miller followed with another single, driving in two more runs Colovos lined out to third

and Rounds grounded to short

The Hawks will leave for Kalamazoo Friday morning. After lunch in Mar-shall. they'll work out at Kalamazoo Central High School

They play Jenison at 3 p.m. Fr iday at Woodward Field on the Kalamazoo College campus The winner plays ei-ther Rochester or Bishop Gallagher at 5:30 p.m. Saturday around the corner at Western Michigan University's Hy-ams Field.

If Harrison wins Friday, the team will spend ^he night at a WMU dorm named — most appropriately — Harri-son Hall

M u s t a n g s b l o c k F r a n k l i n ' s p a t h t o t i t l e By Brad E m o n i staff writer

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest softball team of all?

Friday's state Class A semifinal showdown in East Lansing between Ob-serverland's No. 1 team, Livonia Franklin, and Portage Central, will set-tle the issue. It pits two teams who ap-pear to be mirror images of each other

The similarities a re astonishing, and should make for a classic matchup:

• The two teams have similar re-cords — Franklin is 24-3 and Portage is 28-5.

• When the final statewide Softball Coaches Association poll came out, Franklin was ranked No 4 and Portage No. 5.

• Both teams rely on defense and wait for the other team to make the mistake.

e Both teams have outstanding pitchers — junior Tracy Lectka of Franklin and senior Val Searles of Por-tage Neither, however, is a strikeout artist.

• Both teams can also come up with the big hit when they need it.

• Underclassmen play a vital role on both teams.

PORTAGE captured the Lansing Waverly regional last week with a 4-1 victory over Ann Arbor Huron followed by a 3-2 triumph over Grand Ledge

"Consistency on defense has been the key." Portage coach Tom Monroe "You have to have the defense to keep you in it."

Nicknamed the Mustangs, Portage Central finished second in the Big 8 Conference behind St. Joseph, which is a state semifinalist in Class B

"We lost twice to St. Joe and then lost a chance to gain a tie for the con-ference title when we lost our last game to Portage Northern," Monroe explained "We lost two of our five games in one week because we got in a kind of rut with our hitting But our de-fense was pretty solid despite the loss-es."

Searles, who has pitched for four years, became the No 1 hurler this year after an all-stater graduated

"Val has pretty good speed and chal-lenges the hitters," Monroe said. "She's not a strikeout pitcher as such, but she threw a no-hitter against a pretty good East Kentwood team. She's also an ex-cellent fielder "

THE HEART of Portage's lineup

softball consists of senior shortstop Tasha Westland, senior third baseman Cathy Gilmore and junior first baseman Jen-ny Nowling.

"We hit well as a team this year," Monroe said

If Portage has an edge, it's in "final four" experience.

The Mustangs won the state crown in 1977 and reached the final four in 1978 and 1984, as well as 1985.

But the Mustangs may not have the enthusiasm of the Patriots, rfho are making their first final four appear-ance.

"Everybody is 100 percent behind us at school." said Franklin second-year coach Joe Epstein. "Before we went down to Gibraltar, there was a big sign on the door at school saying: 'Good luck, f rom the custodians.'

"All the teachers are talking about it and everbody is excited

Franklin has certainly proven itself over the season, winning the Livonia City Tournament, the Northwest Sub-

urban League, district and regionals

THE PATRIOTS also were impres-sive by the fact that they beat Livonia Stevenson pitcher Lisa Bokovoy, who had a career record of 52-9, three times this season and once last season.

But Epstein was convinced his team was for real even before the team's three encounters with Bokovoy.

"We had a scrimmage about the sec-ond week of the season with 10 teams at Waterford Mott," explained Epstein "We played Mott (the state's No. 1-ranked team), Regina, Warren Cousino, Stevenson, Southfield-Lathrup and Flint Powers — all good clubs. I wasn't sorry we did that because we found out we were competitive, and we got a feel for all the different pitchers.

"It was a confidence builder because we held our own and saw that the other teams were winning, too "

Lectka. who pitched a pair of masterful four-hit shutouts Saturday in

the regional, is taking things easy this week in practice.

"We're resting her as much as we can," Epstein said. "She's not even throwing batting practice. She's had some muscle-related pain in her a rm There's no damage. She's just pitched a lot of innings this year (190)."

AS FAR AS getting the hitters pre-pared, Epstein said: "We're setting up the pitching machine as fast as we can."

Franklin is also working on defense, according to the Franklin coach.

"We spent the first 4 V* weeks work-ing and telling them 6 h a t to do (on fun-damentals) and now they're executing," he said. "We're not going to beat our-selves. Tbe kids have the confidence."

Third base has been a question mark

most of the season for Epstein, but he believes the issue has been settled.

"Patty Wixson is going to play third (defensively), but it's going to be hard to keep Terri Obey out of the batting order," said the Franklin coach. "They'll both play. We'll juggle the line-up around with the DH (designated hitter)."

The rest of the Franklin infield is set: sophomore Maria Vasseliou at short, senior Carolyn Smith at second and senior Sue Panzl at first. Senior Jill Phillips is the catcher, with sophomore Kris Roman in left field, sophomore Cherie Mascarello in center and senior Beth Stewart in right

Epstein is also known to use three or four players off the bench.




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421-5743 (Between Middlebel t and Merr iman)

Thursday, June 13, 1986 O&E (4C*K06C

Borgess spr inters dominate relay spots Continued from P a g e 1

He s also a champion In tbe long Jump, winning the Elks Tigers .eague and OtwerverUnd champioosiups with a best leap of II 81-. White woo the conference championship in the SOO hurdles with a best time of 34 J finished third in tbe regional® and eighth IB ibe sute in that event

In addition, he high jumped «-4 rao the 100 in Zi 1 and anchored Salem's mile relay

"Mike is a very versatile athlete a hard worker who never missed a practice." said Balconi •Obviously be's the best all-around trackman at Salem " And according tc coaches polled, tbf best us the area

Marlon Montgomery, Bishop Borgess, 300 hur-dles: Montgomery makes tbe Observer 9 All-Area squad in the 300 hurdles IS7.8) and as a member of Borgess' lop-finishing 400 42 4 . 800 11 29 71 and 1,600(3.28 9) relays

In the hurdles, the senior won tbe CatboUc League and regional cEiampiooships and finished sixth in the state He also helped set school records in tbe relays

Borgess coach Grewe called Montgomery the team's moot valu-able athlete

Fred Owens, Bishop Borgess, 100 dash: Owens best time of 10 S ranks him No 1 in tbe dash, and he's the regional champ IB that event The senior also was a member of Borgess top-ranked 800 relay team il 29 7) and school record bolder in the 100 and 200 meters

An injury limited his participation in track this year but be suu won the Coaches Award for track and the school's Scholar-Athlete Award Owens who carries a 3 5 grade point average, will attend the University of Wisconsin on a football scholarship

Marion Pittman, Bishop Borgess, 200 dash: The junior finished third In the regional and fourth in tbe Catholic League with a best time of 22 6

He was also a member of tbe Spartans record-setting 400 , 800 and 1 S0« relay squads His best time in the 100-meter dash was 10 B

"Marion was an excellent relay runner as well as an individual event man. said the Borgess coach "He never makes a mistake passing the stick - very dependable

Dave Nagy, Catholic Central, 400 dash: Nagy was CC's most talented sprinter, according to his coach, Kevin Kavan-agh The junior's best time was 50.3. and he finished the season undefeated in dual meets

Dsve was very versatile.' said Kavanagh "He ran all tbe

\ Dave Richards Church i l l

M i k e Meehan Church i l l

all-area boys track sprints and loog jumped He was very consistent In tbe quarter (4401 all vear

Mike McCormkck, Livonia Bentley, 800 run: McCormick » best time in tbe 100 (1 55 7) set a WLLA record and propelled him to tbe league championship McCorrmck also fin-ished first in the Livonia city meet and second in state regiooals He led tbe-area all season long

His coach. Fred Hanert, said of tbe senior, "He was a major factor in turning our final season into a winning one

Steve Shaver, Catholic Central, 1,600 run: Shaver, a senior and two-ume CatboUc League champ in tbe mile, was the regional champ in the 1,600 with a beat time of 4 19 2 He also won the 880 in Catholic League competition, and he finished third in the state in the 1,600

Tbe four-year trackman was a mainstay of CC s team, accord-ing to his coach, who added, "He runs his best against tbe best competition "

David Homann, Garden City, 3,200: Homann, the league record holder in the 1,600 and 3.200. had a best time of 9 29 6 in tbe latter event He was the Hidenfelter Relays" two-mile champion

In the state meet, Homann finished fifth in the 1.600 David has become a very dedicated year-round runner, said

GC distance coach Phil Freeman It would be easy to say that David is a hard worker - all track people are But be has taken Llat a step further "

RELAY EVENTS Bishop Borgess, 400: Steve Staron. Corey Ivey, Pittman

and Montgomery combined to win the Observerland Relays with a best time of 42*4 They took second place a. tbe Catholic league meet

Staron. the senior team leader, anchored the 400 relay and is a second team All-Area pole vaulter

Ivey, a freshman, is also a member of tbe third team in All-Area 100 dash with a best time of 11 1. Grewe calls him "a very strong and mature young athlete " Pittman and Montgomery are on the team as well (see above)

Blsbop Borgess, 800. Ivan Cotman, Pittman, Montgomery and Owens joined forces to lead Borgess to a best time of 1 29 7 in tbe 800

Cotman, a junior, also ran oo the school's record-setting 1,600 relay team and in tbe 100 and 400 meters His coach said Cotman was'our most improved athlete this year, he's Just coming into his own"

Bishop Borgess, 1,600: No surprise" here as Borgess eoo-unues to dominate the relays Brian Kelly, Derrick Green. F: jr. and Cotman ran a record-setting 3 22 9 in the 1,600

The versatile Kelly, a sophomore, also finished oo the second team in tbe 110 hurdles (14 8) and third team in the SOO hurdles ,38 5). Brian wins as much oo determination as talent."' Grewe

Green, also a sophomore, "came oo strong at year s end, ac-cording to the Borgess coach He also ran tbe 800 relay at times

Westland John Glenn, 3,200 relay: Kyle Siukiatis Frank Shelly, Jay Hunt and Tod Ulla led Glenn with a best time of 8 04 3 Tbe foursome also woo tbe Hidenfelter Relays, finished second in the Elks. Monroe arvd regional championships along with a sixth at tbe Class A state meet.

Szukaitis is foursome's ooly junior, while tbe others are seniors

SECOND TEAM Shot p«t: Jim Rxepka, Bishop Borgess Dtscws: Torn Slawski Bishop Borgess High Jmmp: Scott FUiptak. Redford Thurstoc Long jump: Bryan Waldroo. Plymouth Salem Pole vaalt Steve Staron. Bishop Borgess 110 bardie* Brian Kelly Bishop Borgess 300 kartUe*: David Lee. Garden City 100 dash- Brian Neuhardt, Plymouth Salem 200 •<•«* Craig Morton, Plymouth Salem 400 dash: Mike Forge. Farmington 800 ran: Al Stebbwa. Farmingtoo 1,600 ran: Kirk Armstrong. North Farmington 3.200 ran: Martv Hegarty, Catholic Central 400 relay: Ply-mouth Canton - Matt Flower Pat McGow

James RatlUf, Tom Bowie 800 relay: Wayne Memorial — Darren Tatum. Jeff Wadley,

Lorenzo Flukes, Alvtn Allen. 1.600 relay: Wayne Memorial - Bret Thirjung, Sean Crenshaw

Tatum. Wadley 3,200 relay: Catholic Central - Chris Rite Jimm Cauxillo, Mar

tv Hegartv. Steve Shaver THIRD TEAM

Shot pat Craig Petersmark, Farmington Discos: Matt Pulick. Livonia Stevenson High jnmp. Ab Haxen. Farmingtoo •— Loog jamp Marlon Cates. Bishop Borgess Pole vault: John Waak, Farmlagtoc Harrison 110 hurdles: Gordon Babcock. Livonia Churchill 300 hardies: Eric Williams, Livonia Churchill 180 dash Corey Ivey, Bishop Borgess 200 dash: Ivan Cotman, Bishop Borgess 400 dash: Jeff Wadley, Wayne Memorial 800 ran: Kyle Szukaitis, John Glenn 1.600 ran: Doug Plachta. Livonia Churchill 3.200 rao: Eric Buchanan. Redford Union 400 relay: Plymouth Salem - Bryan Waldron. Keith Larson,

White, Morton __ 800 relay. Livonia Churchill - Eric Williams, Dave Gluth. Er-

nie Healy. Gordon Babcock 1.600 relay: Livonia Churchill - Eric Williams, Ernie Healy,

Pete Mills, Babcock 3,200 relay: Redford Union - Greg Wltt, Mike Frampus. Eric

Buchanan. David Adkins

Mar ion P i t tman Borgess

Dave Nagy C C

M i k e M c C o r m i c k Bent ley

Dav id Homann Garden City

Jay Hunt John Glenn

T o d U l l a John G lenn

Chuck A l b r i g h t Borgess

Ivan C o t m a n Borgess

Der r i ck Green Borgess

Corey Ivey Borgess


Br ian Ke l l y Bo rgess

Steve S ta ron Borgess

S p e c i a l d e a l

July leagues offer youths incentives With a look to the future, something

new is being tried in several of the bowl-ing establishments in the Observerland area. It is a farm system and the juniors are being invited, with special induce-ments, to start their leagues or enter the special events in July.

It was started down in the South Bowl lanes when the young bowlers are given two free games each day. And now Merri-Bowl in Livonia has arranged to have the Parks and Recreation league start its reg-ular season in July. There will be special inducements, such as refreshments Other establishments are planning the same thing.

CHARITY The first official reports of the charity bowling came last week when the Johnny Smith Old Timers, a group that

in the pocket by W. W. Edgar

dates back to the day when Johnny Smith was Mayor of Detroit, set a new mark with a contribution of $12,000 to the Capu-chin Fathers Soup Kitchen. The annual dinner and the presentation also set a new high for attendance.

WONDERLAND: Ken Kossick and Mary Mohacsi played starring roles In the trio leagues last week with high scores Kossick in four games in the trio league posted 880 and Mrs. Mohacsi paced the women with a high game of 253 in 837.

WOODLAND LANES: John Anderson was high man for the week with a 663 that included a 289 middle game. Meanwhile Audrey Anderson showed the way to the women with a high game of 210.

BEL-AIRE: Tony Stipich was high man in the trio league with a four game total of 852. He had a high game of 256. Next to him came Mel Partovich with 847 and a high game of 252

RE-ELECTED: Jim Buhai, manager of Clover Lanes in Livonia, who was named president of the Bowling Proprietors As-sociation of Greater Detroit last year, was re-elected at the annual meeting of the group and will head the various programs for the year

Joe Taraskavage hailed Joe Taraskavage, a University of De-

troit baseball sophomore from Garden City, earned honorable mention honors oo the 1985 Academic All-America Baseball Team as selected by tbe Col-lege Sports Information Directors of America (CoSida).

The 5-foot-S, 245-pound first base-man/pitcher's recognition marks the second straight year that a Titan has been honored. Tom Miner, also a first

baseman from Garden City, earned similar laurels last season.

This spring, Taraskavage hit .305 with seven homers and 24 RBI.

An Electrical engineering major with a 3 25 grade point average. Taraskavage also enjoyed a good sea-son on the mound, leading the Titans in games started (nine) and earned run average (3.22).



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Rarely is 'Monster' tamed Thursday, June 13, 1<MJ5 OAE ( P . C g C

By C.J. Rlaak staff writer

Tbe U.S. Open will be tbe seventh major tournament Oakland Hills Coun-try Club has hosted and the fifth Open The Birmingham club had Opens Ln 1924, 1937, 1951 and 1961. and the PGA in 1972 and 1979

ln addition, Oakland Hills has been the site for the Carling World Open jn 1964 and the U.S. Senior Open in 1981

Some of pro golf's greatest legends have left their mark on the Robert Trent Jones-designed course, and each of the last three major tournaments have featured battles down to the final hole

If tournament tradiUon holds, Oak-land Hills will not be tamed easily, and victory will not come easily. It won't be a runaway.

Here's a capsule history of past ma-jor tournament at Oakland Hills

1924 U.S. OPEN

Bobby Jones won his first U.S. Open in 1923 at Inwood on Long Island, N.Y., and came into the first major tourna-ment at Oakland Hills as the heavy fa-vorite.

The 22-year-old king of amateur golf fared well through the first 36 holes, carding rounds of 74 and 73 to tie for the lead at 147. But he collapsed on the final 36 holes, shooting 75/78-153

The title went to Cyril Walker, who remained steady through all four rounds. Walker trailed Jones by a stroke after two rounds, shooting a pair of 74s. But unlike Jones, Walker, an En-glishman, carried his consistent play through the final rounds by shooting 74/75-149. edging Jones by three strokes.

It was Walker's only U.S. Open title

1937 UJ5. OPEN

Maybe this Open will best be remem-bered for what didn't happen instead of what did.

Sam Snead was playing in his first Open, and he fired a 283, just missing the tournament record of 282 set by Tony Manero the previous year at Bal-tusrol.

That score would have been good -enough for most any other Open, and "indeed Snead thought he had won. But

Ralph Guldahl played the final round in 69 and shattered Manero's record with a 281 one stroke over Oakland Hills' par

It was the first of two consecutive Open titles for Guldahl. He repeated in 1938 at Cherry Hills in Denver with a 284. His Open record of 281 stood until Ben Hogan broke it in 1948 with a 276 at Riviera in Los Angeles.

Snead finished second, a great show-ing in his first Open, but second was as close as he would ever come to the most prestigious of American titles.

1$51 U S. OPEN

This single tournament, more than any of the others, secured for Oakland Hills its place in golf history It was here that Ben Hogan muttered that now-famous description, calling the course 'the Monster."

Between the 1937 and this Open, Oakland Hills had been redesigned by Robert Trent Jones, who toughened it so considerably that only two pros managed to record rounds that bettered par-70 One was Hogan.

Hogan had completed his comeback from a near-fatal car accident in 1949 and had won ^he Open in 1950 at Mer-ion, That wintdidn't come easily — he had to beat Lloyd Mangrum and George Fazio in a playoff. His Open win at Oakland Hills was just as diffi-cult, except it was the course that Ho-gan had to tame.

Through three rounds, just who would win the battle — Hogan or "the Monster" — was anybody's guess. Ho-gan started the tournament poorly, shooting a 76. He followed that with a 73, leaving him five strokes behind leader Bobby Locke.

He opened brilliantly in the third round and was three under after 13 holes, but disaster struck with bogeys on 14 and 17 and a double bogey at 15, leaving him one over for the round at 71. Still, he had crept to within two shots of the lead.

Hogan's final round was a master-piece, one that he would later call his greatest single round of golf ever. He shot 35 over the front nine, then birdied 10, 13, 15 and 18, with only a bogey at 14 marring his performance. His 67 lifted him to 287 and a two-stroke win over Clayton Heafner.

Hogan would win the Open again in 1953, giving him four titles in six years

1961 U5 . OPEN By the time the Open made its fourth

appearance at Oakland Hills, new names and new favorites had joined the tour Hogan. the man who tamed the Monster in 1951, played, but for the first time since 1940 he failed to finish among the Open's top 10.

Everyone's favorite for the tourna-ment was golf's hottest sensation — Arnold Palmer Palmer had thrilled enthusiasts in the 1960 Open at Cherry Hills by charging from seven strokes behind in the final round to victory.

But at Oakland Hills Palmer was never a factor after starting with rounds of 74 and 75, which left him 10 strokes behind the leaders. Doug Sand-ers had a 137 and was tied with Bob Rosberg for the lead. But tbe drama was just starting to unfold.

After 54 holes, Sanders still clung to the lead with 210, but 13 others were within five strokes. One was Gene Lit-tler at 213.

Littler's final round was a great one. A par on the final hole would have

matched Hogan s 67 closing master-piece 10 years earlier and assured Lit-tler of the title. But he bogeyed the hole, and that left the door open for Sanders.

On the 18th, Sanders recovered from a poor first shot with a superb recovery to the edge of the green. A chip-in would Ue him with Littler and force a playoff. His attempt narrowly missed, and Littler had his title with a 281 — one over par for the tournament

Hogan and Palmer finished tied for 14th. Jack Nicklaus, playing as an am-ateur, tied for fourth with a 284.

1972 PGA South African Gary Player missed

his family very much and wanted to abandon the tour for a trip home, but not before the PGA. The reason was simple: Player liked Oakland Hills. At the 1961 Open he finished ninth, and in 1964 he shot 281 at the Carling World Open to place third.

Again, the course would not allow a runaway victory. After two rounds, Jerry Heard's one-under-par 139 was best, but nine others — including Play-er — were within three strokes.

.After opening with a pair of 71s, Player shot himself into the lead with a 67 in round three. He bogeyed holes nine and 18, but hit f ive birdies, four OT putts of 25 feet or better. His 209 put him one stroke ahead of Bill Casper, but the title was still up for grabs with six golfers bunched within four shots of the lead.

After his third round, Player said the tournament wouldn't be decided until the final nine holes. He made his pro-phesy accurate by bogeying three of the first four holes. Seven players ei-ther led or shared the lead on the front nine, but over the back nine It nar-rowed to a duel between Player and Jim Jamieson.

A birdie at 12 and Player's bogeys at 14 and 15 gave Jamieson a two-shot lead, but it didn't last. At 16, he missed an eight-foot putt for par, and followed that with two more bogeys to play him-self out of contention. Player birdied 16 and paired 17 and 18 to win the title by two shots with a 281.

The PGA title was Player's second His first, in 1962. earned him $18,000 The popularity of pro golf was evident in the increase in prize money. Player's 1972 championship earned him $45,000

1979 PGA Until this major tournament, no pro

0 & E s p o r t s . . .

y o u r g u i d e t o l oca l s c o r e s

ATTENTION SOCCER PLAYfRS LIVONIA Y BONANZA SOCCER LEAGUE FALL-SPRING TRYOUTS T h e L ivon ia Y Soccer C lub wi l l be c o n d u c t i n g Bonanza League player t r you ts for t h e F a l l - S p r i n g (1985-86) soccer seasons at B lcennt la l Pa rk in L ivon ia acco rd ing t o the fo l low ing schedu le :

A a a G r o u p U - 1 2 gir ls U -13 fllrls U - 1 4 gir ls U - 1 6 g i r ls

Aaa G r o u p 1-12 boys

Birth Y*ar Time FMd (1974) 5:30 p.m. 9 (1973) 5:30 p.m. e (1972) 7:30 p.m. 9

(1970-71) 7:30 p.m. 8

16, 1985 Birth Y n i Time Fie id

(1974) 5:30 p.m 9 (1973) 5:30 p.m. 6 (1972) 7:30 p.m. 8




The Wayne County Intermediate School District will hold an open meeting, Thursday, June IS. 19i5 at its Education Center. Bilingual Department Office, MM0 Van Bom Rd.. Wayne, MI at S 00 p.m

7T»e purpose of this bearing is to obtain communliy views oc, proposed "basic bllinguaT program applicaUoos being submitted under E S E A - TlUe VT1 to the U 5 Depart-ment of Education Draft applicaUona will be available for review on Friday, June 14, IMS between 0 00 a m and 4 00 p m at the above addreaa

pablm j m 11 '.»•»

had been able to beat Oakland Hills Three times, scores of 281 — one over par — were winners That was not tbe case this time.

Rain softened the course and slowed the greens, and the rough wasn't nearly as treacherous. What would result was evident from the first round: 15 players broke par and 10 others tied it.

Although scores plummeted on the rain-soaked course, the drama didn't diminish. Indeed, the tournament was extended to 75 holes for Ben Crenshaw and David Graham after Graham, on the 18th hole, hit two poor shots and double-bogeyed, allowing Crenshaw to tie him at 272 and force a playoff.

But Graham didn't self-destruct. In fact, he rallied with a 25-foot par putt that matched Crenshaw's two-foot ef-fort on the first extra hole.

Crenshaw again narrowly missed the victory when an eagle effort missed by two inches. He had an easy birdie, but Graham rolled in a 10-footer of his own to stay even.

Crenshaw's victory chance went awry on the third extra hole, a 202-yard par-three. He hit his tee shot into a bunker, blasted out to within 15 feet, but missed his par putt. Graham's tee shot sailed to within eight feet of the cup. He hit his first putt for a birdie, and the victory.

Graham's win was his first in a ma-jor tournament. After three rounds, nine players were under par and had a chance at victory. Rex Caldwell's 203 was tops, with Crenshaw two strokes back and Graham within four. Midway through the final round, those three were the only ones with a chance for victory.

One stroke separated the trio with nine holes left. Crenshaw led at eight under. Caldwell dropped out of the chase with a bogey at 18, ending the day with a 71 and finishing at 274, two shots back.

Crenshaw had a brilliant final-round 67. That won for Hogan in 1951, but it wasn't good enough this time. Graham fired a 65 and, except for his near-dis-aster at 18, was flawless

B e t t e r t e c h n i q u e

l i f ts s h o t - p u t t e r By CJ. Riaak staff writer

A glance a t P a t Reid and ooe would assume he would be a na tura l in his athlet ic endeavor: toasing the shot put. Aren't al l shot put ters thick, bur-ly men who look big enough to l i f t a house?

Reid stands 6-feet-3 and weighs SOO pounds, so the description fits. As a senior at Redford Catholic Centra l in 1982, Reid placed fourth in tbe shot put at the Class A s ta te meet.

That and his size were enough to interest University of Tennessee t rack coach Stan Huntsman.

His interest was rewarded this sea-son when Reid finished third in the shot put a t the Southeastern Confer-ence (SEC) championship m e e t May 16-18 with a toss of 62-3. He followed that with an 11th place a t the NCAA finals June 1-2 with a final e f fo r t of 61-8**.

RFID 'S P E R F O R M A N C E put his athlet ic ca ree r back on t rack. When he enrolled at UT, success w a s no guarantee. Reid discovered quickly that there was more to shot put t ing than throwing his r a the r considerable weight behind the ef for t .

"In high school," Reid recal led, "I just used to muscle i t I c a m e to col-lege and had to s t a r t f r o m s tep one. I learned how to use m y whole body.

"Most high schools don't have the people with the knowledge and t i m e to teach the proper technique."

Reid did not get a scholarship. "They recrui ted me, but couldn't g ive m e a scholarship," be said. "You have to score points in the SEC (Southeast-ern Conference) championships to get a scholarship." _

IT TOOK a while for Reid to ac-complish that. Af ter a nondescript

f r e shman campaign, be decided to be redshir ted for a season

"I wanted to work on school and on my technique," be expla ined . "I worked out with tbe t e a m but didn't go to any meets. It he lped m e a lot."

The t ime off al lowed Re id to con-cen t ra te on developing the proper technique, with the a id of UT assist-an t coach Mike Sanders . Now, Reid said, "my fo rm is coming a long great . I 'm a strong person overa l l , but the biggest improvement has been in my technique."

Reid 's best e f fo r t c a m e May 10-11 at tbe Gatorade T r a c k Classic in Knoxville, Tenn., when be heaved the shot 62-7**. That be t t e r ed the NCAA qualifying s tandard of 61-0 and was f ive feet bet ter than his bes t f r o m a year ago.

JUST AS HIS f r e s h m a n season of college t rack and f ield w a s a learning experience for Reid, so was the NCAA championship m e e t in Austin, Texas. After a solid e f f o r t in the qua! ifying rounds, Reid hit only 61-8*» in tbe finals. Had be m a t c h e d his sea son's best of 62-3*4, be would have placed among tbe top eight and earned al l-American honors.

" I was a l i t t le d isappointed with it," he admit ted. "But it w a s my first nationals and the compet i t ion was re-ally tough. I real ly w a n t e d to be ail-American, and I missed t h a t

"It was a big lea rn ing experience. I learned how to th row with the big boys; how to re lax and concen t ra te on just my throw."

R E I D HAS come a long way, and the goals he missed th i s y e a r will pro-vide incentive for next season

" I 'm more or less looking ahead to next year ," he said.

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B u s i n e s s Bar ry J e n s e n e d r o ' 591 230C

6C* (W.G-5C) O&E Thursday, June 13, 1985

F a r E a s t o f f e r s i n v e s t m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s

Part I

Recently. I was invited to present a seminar at tbe World Congress of the International Association for Financial Planning held in Kyoto (Japan), Hong Kong and China

The topic of my seminar was. "The Lure of the Fa r East for the American Investor." Since I am now more con-vinced that the Far East offers many-a t t rac t ive opportunities, in this two-par t art icle I will reproduce parts of the paper I presented in Kyoto

Impressive record

For the developing economies of Asia, real gross domestic product de-clined f rom 8 percent a year in 1977-78 to 5.5 percent in 1982-83

The r a t e of inflation increased f rom 4 5 percent in 1977-78 to 6 percent in 1982-83 The external deficit peaked at

15 percent in 1980 and declined to 5 percent in 1983

Finally, the external debt rose f rom 78 percent in 1977-78 to 81 percent in 1982-83.

It is remarkable that, out of the 26 countries that undertook debt reduction in 1983. only one was f rom Asia.

THE ADJUSTMENT p rog rams of most Asian economies have been com-prehensive, encompassing not only de-mand-management policies but also s tructural re forms and supply-oriented measures

The Asian economies could not have done as well in the difficult global eco-nomic environment of the early 1980s had they not addressed their fundamen-tal s t ructural problems

Also, these economies began correc-tive action soon a f t e r the second round of oil-price rises, as shown by the modest increase in external borrowing.

f i n a n c e s a n d y o u

Sid Mittra

Futa re of Asian growth

In some Asian countries, external debts are s tagger ing compared with the size of their nat ional economies The problem does seem intractable.

But it can be solved within the pres-ent international economic system, which embraces internat ional coopera-tion mechanisms such as the IMF for dealing with f inancial problems

So far . a pragmat ic case-by-case ap-proach has been followed. However , fu-ture success depends on the coopera-tion of the United States as well as the borrowing countries.

OF THE many relevant issues, at least two deserve special mention.

The first is the developed countries must ma in ta in healthy economic growth The prolonged recession in the

industrialized countries hurt the econo-mies of developing countries

Because developing countries were not able to export enough, and because of unprecedented high interest r a t es in the United States, developing countr ies have had difficulty dealing with exter-nal debt

Now. economic recovery is under way in industrialized countries. This could help ease developing countries ' debt load.

ECONOMIC EXPANSION ; j r o a d should mean more exports With great -er t rade, developing countries should have an easier t ime paying the interest on their debts.

The second issue is protectionism. Developing countires must expand their expor ts if they are to continue to pay interest on their debts and also meet their import requirements.

If these two requirements are met ,

Asia's economic future should be bright

EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR: The Observer & Eccentr ic Newspapers and the Coordinated Financial Planning staff will conduct a seminar 7-9 p.m Tuesday, June 16, at the Baldwin Pub-lic Library, 300 W. Merrill St., Bir-mingham The seminar is free, but reg istration is required. For more details and reservations, call 643-8888

A special seminar will be conducted Tuesday, Aug 13. at the Kingsley Inn Out-of-town guest speakers will pres ent specific investment products. This seminar also will be f ree and registra-tion required

Sid Mittra is president of Coordi-nated F i n a n c i a l Planning Inc in Troy and a professor of economics and management at Oakland L'ni-versity

b u s i n e s s p e o p l e b u s i n e s s b r i e f s

Sha iq Husain Mary Kendx icky

H O M E -O W N E R S :



Y O U N E E D . Best available interest rates

3 5 2 - 6 0 6 0 S E N T R Y M O R T G A G E

Money for your financial strength Mur i broken M.r\ing Michigan

Shaiq Husain of Westland has been appointed execut ive chef for the Novi Hilton. Pr ior to his appointment. Husain had been execut ive sous chef at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D C

Mary Kendzicky of Plymouth has been appointed d i rec tor of front office operations for the Novi Hilton Kend-zicky began her c a r e e r a t the Atlanta Hilton as a switchboard operator and most recently was di rector of front off-ice operations at the Atlanta Airport Hilton

Piflnna McGrath of Livonia has been promoted to district manager for T.J Maxx stores in Michigan Prior to join-ing T.J Maxx four yea r s ago, she was with Sentry Drug Stores

Nona Yackel of Westland was ap-pointed property m a n a g e r with the T r e n c e Management Co.

Sharon M. Kelley of Garden City has been promoted to m a r k e t development representat ive at the Coca-Cola Bot-tlers of Detroit Inc. Kelley has been with Coke for four yea r s and most re-cently was sampl ing supervisor.

Solon J . Pit ts of Garden City has earned the Gold award as a new vehi-c l e s a l e s m a n with Dick G r e e n Chrysler-Plymouth. The Gold award is the highest level of achievement in Chrysler-Plymouth's Sales Profession-als Club.

Daniel S. Mclnerney of Livonia and Mark Woods, also of Livonia, have reached the Silver level of recognition as a new vehicle salesman Mclnery works for Taylor Chrysler Plymouth Woods works for Livonia Chrysler Plymouth in Livonia (vp6)

Please submit black-and-white photographs, if possible, for inclu-s ion in the business people column. Whiie we value the receipt of photo-graphs, we are unable to use every photograph submitted If you want your photograph returned, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Indicate in a margin on the front of the photograph that you want i t r e t u r n e d . We will do our best to comply ivith your request. Send information to business editor. 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150.

• LAB ACQUIRED Professional Village Laboratory of

Livonia was recently acquired by Ad-vance Meidcal 4 Research Center Inc in Pontiac. Professional Village Laboratory will pontinue to provide service to pa-tients at its current location.

• 3RD ANNIVERSARY Reader 's Exchange in Westland is cel-

ebrating its third year anniversary

• TAX WORKSHOP New and prospective owners of small

businesses have an opportunity to learn more about how to deal with federal tax-es at a free tax information workshop The workshop will be offered f rom 10 a.m. to 3:30 p .m Thursday, June 20. at Henry Ford Centennial LiDrary, 16301 Michigan Ave., Room 113 and 113A. To register, call 1 (800) 424-1040 Ext. 3674

S a y y e s t o . . .




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a n d ask fo r the taxpayer educat ion coor

d inator.

• SUPERMARKET VIDEO Two area Great Scott! supermarke t

has started renting and selling video casette recorder tapes Both VHS and Beta tapes will be rented and sold The Westland Store is at 31313 Ann Arbor Trail at Merriman Road The Plymouth store is at 44505 Ann Arbor Road at Sheldon Road in Plymouth


A free international business s e roc i directory is available to any Michigan company doing business abroad. The directory is designed also to help foreign companies move to Michigan. To get a copv, call Mark Santucci at (517) 373-6390.


O \<


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A sunny summer forecast for MSG under-grads —more 1 00 credit courses are available, day-time and evening. From June through August you can earn credit in or near your home town. Eleven loca tions available.

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G a y

Z i e g e r

L a d i e s l o o k b a d

i n ' T h e W o m e n '

P o o l s i d e m u s i c

C o n c e r t g o e r s b a s k i n s u m m e r n i g h t

Performances of the Troy Players produc-tion of "The Women" by Clare Boothe Luce continue at 8 p.m. Fri-day-Saturday. June 14-15. at the Troy Commu-nity Center For ticket information call 879-1285

By Gay Zieger

The audience laughed heartily during the Troy Players ' presentation cf Clare Boothe Luce's "The Women " Individual dra-matic moments drew ap-p l a u s e P a r t i c u l a r l y stinging verbal barbs eli-cited ooooottf of "shock and appreciat ion.

All this shows that there is no accounting for taste and that the re-v iewer^ is but a single member of the audience, a member whose judg-ment or crit ical faculties a r e no weightier than those of anyone else. Re-viewers can wield axes, but the masses make the determination. Or so Burt Reynolds has been saying for years.

Luce's comeuy of ill manners por t rays women

as grasping, manipula-tive, trivial beings whose days are filled with back-subbing, bridge, facials, m a n i c u r e s , p e d i c u r e s , h a i r s t y l i n g , p a r a f f i n baths, dress fitt ings and flights to Reno.

The 1939 movie ver-sion, s t a r r i n g N o r m a Shearer, Rosalind Rus-sell, Paule t te Goddard and Joan Crawford, was a real hit. Maybe the big names obscured a plot with little or no social value or meri t . It is of-f e n s i v e , i n s u l t i n g , simplistic, moronic and lacking in insight. Luce brings to it the wisdom of her sex. the tenor of the times and the shallow-ness of her mind

IT IS HARD to deter-mine whether she dislikes men or women more. When one charac te r ob-serves. "You can ' t t rust any man. That 's all they want," (the female form) and another responds, "What else do we have to give," everyone loses.

This play doesn't com-bine humor with d r ama ; it scrambles them. It is little more than a ta le of a coterie of bitchy broads


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who take swipes at each other and their wimpy men. most of whom a re playing musical beds.

The Troy Players tries their darndest to pull it off. and on occasion a re successful. Two scenes stand out: A gossip over coffee, one in which Mag-gie Shea, a maid, skillful-ly mimics the mas te r and mistress of the house for the housekeeper, Wilms Nichols, who shares some wonderful ly wise and beautifully delivered ob-servations about the sex-es; and a rich-lady ex-ercise class, one in which Sharon Greenlee's half-hearted leg l if ts will knock you off your s e a t

There are other nota-ble performances. Linda Brick, Myszka Rzeck, and Chris Buchalter handle their roles with ease and confidence. But there a r e only about 40 good min-utes here — 15 of them intermission.

It is interesting to note that the Shaw Fest ival at Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, Canada, is pro-ducing "The Women" f rom Friday. June 28, to Sunday, Sept. 22. It might be good to check the full schedule for this sum-mer ' s other offer ings .



Hugh Borde's Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band has been a continuing at-traction at the "Summer Nights" outdoor concert series at the Troy Hilton.

Borde's band played most oi che concerts the first two seasons. Last year, the steel band alternated even-ings with groups offering calypso, reggae, jazz and oldies. A variety of enter ta inment will again be offered this season.

About 1,500-2,500 men and wom-en of all ages, including a large number of 25-35-year-olds, attend each concert. Nostalgia nights tend to draw a slightly older age group.

The Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band will be featured for the next two Fridays. The weekend series contin-

ues with the Teen Angels, Fr iday , June 28, followed by tbe Dr i f te rs , Saturday, June 29, at a KISS Radio Pa r ty .

In Ju ly and August, there a r e m o r e appearances by the Teen An-gels. The Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band will be back in August and September . Other groups pe r fo rm-ing l!m the series include the Lare-dos, Jeff and the Atlantics, Bonnie and the Working Girls, Contours, Latin Count, Coconut Groove, Rum-plestiltskin and Del Vikings.

Doors open at 5 p.m. for the con-certs, which run f rom 5:30 p.m. to 12:30 a .m. Cover charge is $5 a f t e r 7:30 p.m. Cocktails and snack foods a r e served. For more information call 583-0000,

Thia was t h e scene at t h e o p e n i n g conce r t of " S u m m e r N igh ts " at the Troy H i l ton . As m a n y as 2,500 peop le g a t h e r f o r mus ic and soc ia l i z ing o n a ser ies n i g h t .

Hugh Borde (center) and vocalist "The Buzzing Bee" lead the ac-tivity of the Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band, which played opening night. The band returna Fridays, June 14 and 21, aa well aa In Auguat and September, for more outdoor concerts.

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H e r e a r e b e s t o f t h e C a l i f o r n i a s

Marie and Donny Oamond will open the Star Theatre of Flint's aummer season Tuesday, June 18. The brother-and-aister sing-ing team will appear through Sunday, June 23. For ticket infor-mation, call 239-1484.

u p c o m i n g

t h i n g s t o d o

About once a year the lime comes around in this column to nominate the Best Buys in wine available in local stores Previous columns of this genre mention things now long gone, new is-sues come along regularly to take their places

This column will focus on California releases, European buys of merit will come along soon

First mention honors must go to Glen Ellen for their continued excel-lence in their Proprietor's Reserve se-ries, this year a 1982 Cabernet and a 1983 Chardonnay. Year in and year out these wines continue to impress me for their consistency, quality and pricing The Chardonnay this year is especially noteworthy: fresh and full flavors unencumbered by oak overtones At about $5.50 a bottle they are both high-ly recommended

Perhaps most surprising is the 1981 Almaden Cabernet Sauvignon. carrying

a Monterey appelation At $6. this has lovely Cabernet character and has a bite of tanin to compound it. Not known historically for fine Cabernets, both Al-maden and Monterey are unexpected nominations

Two Sauvignon Blancs deserve men-tion. though neither is marketed under that varietal name Wolverine White, made by Granite Spring Winery in Amador, is a joy It has been around since the opening of the 1984 Michigan football season and it continues to de-velop well in the bottle At $4 it is a Best Buy Ln a wholly different cost league is Lyeth's new 1983 White, a $10 50 bottle that should be reserved for only the best occasion. It is blended with pronounced amounts of Semillon that produces an opulent roundness £nd elegance to the wine This is not the grassy style so much in fashion today; it is closer to an exceptional White Bor-deaux (Its companion, a 1981 Red. is

w i n e .

R i c h a r d W a t s o n

still very hard and unforgiving, and at $17 a bottle is a real risk.)

Best Buy among the red wines is the Shafer 1982 Red Table Wine This is the wine John Shafer felt was not good enough to be called a Zinfandel and

sold as Such at a higher cost. This $4 wine continues to improve with age picking up some depth to add to its ini-tial berrv flavors. This is the style of Zinfandel that will soon bring this grape back to the popularity it de-serves

AUDITIONS OPEN Auditions for a summer workshop

will be held at 7 30 p.m. Monday-Tuesday. June 17-18. at the Theatre Guild of Livonia-Redford, 15138 Beech-Daly. Redford. Inexperienced actors are being encouraged to audi-Jjon for the workshop, which will fea-ture an original play by a Michigan author Production dates are Fnday-Satuday. Aug. 2-3. 9-10. For further information, call 464-6796 after 5 p.m.

• PRODUCTION WORKSHOP A technical workshop in the theater

arts, entitled "Production 85." will be offered by the Theatre Guild of Livo-nia-Redford. The workshop will run two nights a week, with some week-ends involved, through July. Registra-tion deadline is Friday, June 21 Workshop fee is $10. To register, call 425-5942 before 5 p.m.; 464-6796 af ter 5 p.m.

• STUDENTS PERFORM Piano recitals by students enrolled

in tbe Schoolcraft College Piano Pre-partory program will begin at 7 30 p.m Thursday, June 13, and 4 p.m Sunday. June 16, in the college's Lib-eral Arts Theater Admission is free

• CENTER STAGE Steve King and the Dittilies will ap-

pear Saturdays, June 15, 22 and 29. at Center Stage in Canton. Admission is for individuals age 21 and over. A 'Super Summer Beach Party," for teens only, will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday. June 25. Nonalcoholic tropi-cal drinks will be served. "In Search of the Summer Blonde Contest'" will be a highlight. For more information call Center Stage at 981-5122

• FALL SCHEDULE Seven plays, including dramas,

musicals, mysteries and comedies will be on the 1985-86 schedule for the Actors Alliance Theatre Company of Southfield. Artistic Director Jeffrey M. Nahan announced the following shows: the Michigan premiere of "Going to See the Elephant," Sept. 6 through Oct. 12; "The Subject Was Roses," Oct. 18 through Nov. 23. "Miracle on 34th Stredt," Nov. 29 through Jan. 4; "Celebration," Jan. 17 through Feb 23; "Ghosts," March 7 through April 13; Michigan premiere of "End of the World," April 25 through May 25, and "Fiddler on the Roof," on dates to be announced for June and July. For ticket information call the box office at 642-1326.

• FOCAL POINT A seminar in film and videotape

production, called Focal Point, will hold its 13th annual session Monday-Saturday. June 17-22, at Kingswood School Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills. Participants will receive hands-on in-struction in a workshop format and make their own films and videotapes Guest artists will exhibit and discuss their work in the evenings. Tuition of $350 includes meals, supplies and use of all equipment. Boarding on the Cranbrook campus is available for an additional $100. For more informa-tion. call Nadine Maynard at 644-6161

• PERFORMERS NEEDED The sixth annual Michigan Renais-

sance Festival will hold auditions from 1-4 p.m. Sundays, June 16 and 23. at the 4th Street Playhouse's new location, 141 W Nine Mile, Ferndale Exprienced street performers are needed, as well as Renaissance musi-cians, dancers, singers, magicians, jugglers, mimes, and students for a Renaissance Academy who will per-form a children's play at the festival. For more information, contact Mag-gie Patton at the festival office, phone 645-9640, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

• STAR SERJES Pianist Roger Williams, accompa-

nied by the Max Davey Orchestra and Singers, will open the Southfield "Star Series" at 8 p.m. Sunday, June 23, in the Civic Center Pavilion. Tickets at $15, $12 and $7 are on sale at South-field's Cultural Arts Division, 26000 Evergreen Road For more informa-tion call 354-4717.

• MUSICAL TRIBUTE "Bop, Be-Bop, Broadway and

Blues," a musical tribute to the Be-Bop era, will be presented by Tap. Ltd. Productions on Saturdays from June 29 through Aug. 31 at the Allen Park Motor Lodge. Admission to the dinner theater evening is $16.99 p t r person For reservations call 386-1300.

• MUSIC WORKSHOP Applications are being taken for

the eighth annual Academy of Popu-lar Vocal Arts Choral Music, Chore-ography, Show Choir and Vocal Jazz Workshop for Students and Teachers to be held Monday-Friday, July 8-12. on the Oakland University campus near Rochester For more informa-tion, call 666-3037.




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s e c o n d r u n s

T o m

P a n z e n h a g e n

"Brainstorm" (1983), 8 p m today and 1 Monday night on Ch 50 Origi-nally 106 minutes TV time slot: 120 minutes.

Like many Douglas Trumbull projects — "Silent Running." for in-stance. "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and even "2001: A Space Oddysey" — "Brainstorm-pays much more attention to form than content. Trumbull, the former special effects mon turned pro-ducer-director, seems always to be involved with good looking movies and banal scripts "Brainstorm," a visually stunning work about a ma-chine that lets its relive each other's memories, is like that Beautiful special effects are wasted when conventional good guys vs bad guys nonsense starts to dominate the film. Ultimately, "Brainstorm" could be about anything because all the possibilities of its original premise are forsaken for predicta-ble plot twists Louise Fletcher, Christopher Walken, Cliff Robert-son and Natalie Wood star Its Wood's last screen appearance, she died in November 1981 during film-ing in on unrelated boating acci-dent

Rating 12 08

"Li fe wttk Pstfcer" (1947), 1 pm Sunday on Ch 50 Originally 118 minutes TV time slot 130 minutes

-Life with Father isn't very good, but it's a curiosity piece Wil-liam Powell stars as the venerable father figure in a movie that takes an overly adoring look at tum-of-the-century mores and lifestyles Life with anyone's father could nev-er have been like this, which leads one to suppose that the maudlin

WHAT'S IT WORTH? A rat ings guide to the movies

Bad $1 Fair $2 G o o d $ 3 Excellent $4

treatment given family life has something to do with renewed good feelings following the end of World War II. Be that as tt may. Irene Dunne co-stars along with a 14-year-old Elizabeth Taylor and na-tive Detroiter Martin "Adam 12" Milner, age 9

Rating. $2

The Awfsl Trstfc" (1937), 1 pm Wednesday on Ch. 50 Originally 90 minutes TV time slot 120 minutes.

Pacing and style are essential to the success of a screwball comedy "The Awful Truth" has both ("Des-perately Seeking Susan," by con-trast, has neither ) The pace is pro-vided by director Leo McCarey; the exquisite style by Cary Grant and Irene Dunne They play a happily married couple who suspect each other of infidelities Both feign non-chalance when confronted untM the other's "treachery," but the unflap-pable pair soon lose thier compo-sure and realize they are very much in love Ralph Bellamy plays the perfect foil for Grant, a role he'd re-play three years later in "His Giri Friday " Grant and Dunne were such a hit that they would work to-gether again, too, in "My Favorite Wife" (1940) and "Penny Serenade" (1941) But this is their best movie

Ratine $8.75.

G r e e n f i e l d

V i l l a g e

P r e s e n t s

A n o t h e r

B l a s t F r o m

T h e P a s t

For our Muzzle Loaders again with some cannon-firing and their military bands. Festival, we've invited just the competitions, target shooting S<) just call 271-1976 for right people to recreate the at- contests, and cavalry charges. m<>re inf< >rnlat k>n. mosphere and action of the Civil But youll also get a bang And then shoot < >n out to War- 3,000Yanks and Rebs. out of their period costumes. the great American museum

They'll be facing off once their precise marching drills, that s also great fun.

T h e M u z z l e L o a d e r s F e s t i v a l A t G r e e n f i e l d V i l l a g e , J u n e 1 5 & 1 6 . Deartnm. Michigan •

N o n c e D a n c e E n s e m b l e b l e n d s a n e x c i t i n g e v e n i n g

By L IM Simon special writer

In a shamefully ill-attended, prem-iere performance June 6 at Oakland Community College's Smith Theatre, the Nonce Dance Ensemble delivered a bizarre, intelligent evening of noveau mixed mediums Performances ran through June 8.

Nonce, an old English, 16th century word, means for the present or. for the occasion. In 1973, artistic director; cho-reographer Denise Szykula applied this word to her newly created modern dance company In this instance, it was a true occasion seeing the Nonce Dance Ensemble in action.

The beginning act entitled, "Scenes at a Bar (RXE)," featured several sepa-rate dance scenes connected in some way to the word bar or to bars as loca-tions or objects

The first of the three scenes centered around six sculptural objects by artist David Barr. Five squarish, cubed struc-tures were placed diagonally across the stage. The nicely scaled, well-crafted structures increased in height from left to right. A sixth sculpture, placed off to the left, was symetrically twisted and taller than the other structures. It was yellow on the outside and red on the inside

FOUR DANCERS interact with the sculptures They dance and jerk ana jump as they weave and wobble around the pieces Each dancer whines a varie-ty of oohs and aahs. as he performs his part. After several minutes of this, ooe dancer says, "I just love art exhibits." In this scene, as opposed to the others, the bizarre overidea an effective mes-sage

The next segment, "Saloon B a r " was propless. A funky crowd emerged from off the stage. The costumes were humorous, colorful, and new-wave. One dancer wore a duck-head hat, and an-other wore black knee socks and laven-der high heeled pumps. The scene in-volves men dancing with men, women with women, and the more usual situa-tion, men dancing with women. The marvelous acoustics of Smith Theatre enhanced the trendy, popular tunes that were picked for the piece.

Toward the end of this scene, five robed, religious cult types, filed around the crowd spiritually humming. They eventually decked everyone at the bar and filed off stage, triumphantly with everyone's cash. This scene dwelled on the unexpected. The shock element is never vulgar, just somehow strange and enlightening. This scene portrayed

r e v i e w

the kind of weirdness that makes one smile, it is shocking but neither threat-ening nor obscene

The final scene, "Dance Barre," is a dance duet and dialogue between a role-reversed couple. Molly Morris and Michael McNeil. This scene included an actual dance barre

The two dancers conversed as they performed excellent dance stunts, creatively involving the barre. Morris and McNeil hanged, contorted, and entwined themselves with the barre Here, the man assumes archetypical female traits, and the woman, men's. At the beginning of the scene, the wom-an hands the man a piece of gum, which we la te r find out is sex-change gum. Throughout the piece, there is fast-paced electronic music softly play-ing. This work was a prize. Morris and McNeil acted and danced fabulously to-gether. Timing was perfect and the dia-logue was clever and suspenseful

Following an extended intermission, "Quintet: A Dance of Mystery and Mur-

der," was presented. The story depicted was included in the program, with one paragraph describing each of the eight scenes. This was a thoughtful commod-ity for the audience.

The dance is an intertwined, new-music fantasy It is at once a dark and daring tale merged with passionate heat and sexual innuendo

-QUINTET," IS an off-beat com-mentary on the music and dance trends of the "80s. In many ways, the violence and sex often portrayed in modern rock videos are seen live in this piece, either for the pleasure or horror of the viewer. This is a rare and exciting ex-ample of live and vibrant steam. There is both an element of enticement and revulsion.

The story includes a pregnant girl, a husband/lover, a wife/mother, a bar dancer/daughter stepdaughter, and a

construction worker, tbe brother of the pregnant girl.

Sharon Unrau as the pregnant girl was excellent as a frazzled and frus-trated mistress of a conniving married man. She and Dennis East, her lover, engage in two passionate, adiUt, love-making choreographies that are either eye opening or closing depending on one's stomach for sex on stage, ln any case, their performance was quite in-vigorating 5

Harriet Payne, the wife, mother, is nasty and strong. Her look and her moves reflect an androgynistic flavor often associated with the '80s fashion trends

McNeil, as the construction worker and brother of the pregnant girl, played his part of anger and confusion well. His brotherly anticipations toward his sister's pregnancy were sensitively ma-cho and well done.

MORRIS, AS a sexy bar dancer was saltry and sleazy. Her moves included throbs and struts as she invited the bar crowd to watch her, and in particular, the construction worker

Tbe supporting dancers performed well together and enhanced the two scenes they danced in. Their choreogra-phy was tough and sensual. Tbe same throbbing and pelvic thrusting Morris performed, is also evident here.

The intrigue ana interconnections among the players finally facilitate themselves with the murder oi the hus-band/lover, the last action on stage. "Quintet" also opened with this same movement, so. the scenes were in actu-ality. a flashback from this point. Tbe twenty or so members of the audience clapped as loud as twenty people can.

Both the first and second acts truly made for an original and interesting production. The integration of new sounds and new moves transcended non-subs tan t ia ted absurd i ty . The Nonce Dance Ensemble is not bizarre for effect. Their level of original weird-ness and their propensity for meaning-ful strangeness enhances the themes of every scene. The talent and percision of the players made all the works rele-vant and enjoyable even to a conventi-onal audience

C r a n b r o o k s u m m e r o f f e r s v a r i e t y

Dance, jazz, d rama, s o c c e r , p h o t o g r a p h y , chamber music, art, golf and camping can be en-joyed through "Summer at Cranbrook" programs beginning June 17.

Cranbrook's lacrosse camp — beginning Mon-day — focuses on individ-ual skills and technical and tactical considera-tions. Call 646-0614. Also beginning Monday is "Fo-cal Point." an intensive institute in filmmaking and videotape produc-tion Call 647-1885

In conjunction with North American Soccer Camps Inc., Cranbrook offers beginning Sunday, June 23, one week of con-centrated soccer training by outstanding coaches. Call 645-3678.

Brookside Day Camp for 5 and 6 year olds, Kingswood Day Camp for girls ages 7 through 12 and Cranbrook Day Camp for boys the same age be-gins Monday, June 24. Fees include instruction in tennis, canoeing, swim-ming, a r che ry , a r t s .

c ra f t s and more, in addi-tion to daily lunch. Call 645-3674.

ALSO BEGINNING June 24 are the Cran-brook Theatre School for third graders through col-lege-age students inter-ested in drama instruc-tion and performance as well as recreation (644-9065), and "Adventures in Dance," a course in mod-ern dance and jazz tech-niques, improvisation and composition. Enrollment is limited; pre-registra-tion interviews are neces-

sary. Call 646-7915. Lectures on contempo-

rary trends in art, music and science, plus a com-puter course and discus-sion groups are offered adults 60 and older dur-ing the Elderhostel pro-gram comprising four one-week sessions begin-ning Sunday, June 30.

Call 646-3448 "or 645-3640.

Cranbrook's "Summer Jazz Ensemble" begin-ning Monday, July 1, of-fers an opportunity for advanced music students to explore and perform a variety of jazz music

Call 645-3640



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Travel <Tbc ( P b s e r u e r Sc t £ c c e n t r i c X e i u s p a p e r s

(Ro -12C,L .P .C-10C.W,Q-12AXO)13C

T h u r s d a y , J u n e 13, 1985 O A F

Mississippi River: just r ight for lazing along By Joy 8chaleben Lswis spec ia l writer

SOME "Hue* Finns" a r r i v e in suits and ties, others in ba th ing suits, worn jeans and f loppy hats They a re bus inessmen,

college students, grandpas and grand-mas , and families with kids to t ing fish-rng gear and inner tubes All a r e fan-cied r iverboat captains about to exper i -ence Old Man River via a houseboat .

Most come from the upper Mississip-pi River ' s bordering s ta tes — Wiscon-sin. Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Miss-ouri — but New Yorkers. Cal i fornians , Texans and anyone else who's d r e a m e d of l ife on the magic Mississippi come for adven ture on the mighty r iver , a w a t e r w a y with its own t e m p e r a m e n t a l will.

So what if they cannot c o m m a n d a s t e a m b o a t as Mark Twain did. They can learn to pilot a rented houseboat and cruise the very wate rs F a t h e r Mar-que t te and Louis Joliet did th ree centu-r ies ago. The beauty of the unglac ia ted val ley flanked with enormous rock for-ma t ions and brooding bluffs r e m a i n s as it w a s then

Houseboats are for rent a t towns along the upper Mississippi. Boate ls , a houseboat mar ina in McGregor . Iowa, has good bargains for those content with simple, cottage-like furn i sh ings I t ' s just south of the highway bridge linking Pra i r ie du Chien. Wisconsin and Marquet te . Iowa

"Pi lot ing a houseboat isn't hard , says Bob Brown, a rugged r iver ra t who works at Boatels "Push the throt-t le fo rward to go ahead, back fo r re-verse . I t 's that simple." he a s su re s a beginner

A f t e r explaining how the 55-horse-power outboard motor works, he con-t inues "You can get gas up and own the r iver But you've got 50 gal lons and that ' l l take you about 100 miles . P re f -e rab ly stay within Lock and D a m s nine and ten — a 40 mile a rea Many say it 's the pret t iest part of the r iver . If you get in trouble, we'll bail you out. But if your houseboat is beyond our service l imit , we charge a smal l mi leage fee."

MOVING TO the f ron t of the boat to the cove ted cap-tain's chair and s teer ing wheel, he says: "Steer ing ' s

no problem. Even children can keep the boat straight in the channel. I t ' s essen-tial to s tay within the m a r k e d channel If you get into shallow wate r , you could d a m a g e the propeller on a submerged s t u m p or wing dam. The b lack buoys a r e the Iowa side; red ones, the Wiscon-sin side."

"Don't t ravel at night — too danger-ous," he warns "I t ' s best to pull up around four. When you're r e a d y to call it a day, nose onto a sandbar a t a right a n g k That 's so you don't hit a wing dam. You can' t see them but t hey ' r e up and down the river. You've got two an-chors, one on each side of the boat . Se-cure the anchors by burying them in the sand at a 45-degree angle f r o m the boat That ' l l hold you just f ioe "

NEXT, BROWN teaches you to read the navigation charts, then t a k e s you fo r a pract ice spin. "Now i t ' s your turn at the helm," he says enthusias t ical ly .

He was right. Even a l and lubber can pilot a houseboat.

Boatels" houseboats range f r o m 36 to 52 feet long, are 12-15 feet wide and s leep f rom four to twelve passengers They ' r e equipped with a gas stove, sink, re f r igera tor , beater , running wa-fer, eat ing and cooking utensils , toilet paper , shower, blankets, pil lows, life jackets , electric lights, table , deck chai rs and charcoal grill.

Bring your own sheets, pi l low case® (or sleeping bags), towels, wash cloths, paper towels, soap, charcoa l , s t a r t e r fluid, matches and, If you smoke , ash-t r a y s Mosquito repellent is a m u s t As



A h o u s e b o a t v a c a t i o n o n t h e M i s s i s s i p p i m e a n s lazy d a y s and qu ie t n i g h t s a n d s u c h p u r -su i t s as f l o a t i n g a l o n g at t h e same s p e e d y o u r h o u s e b o a t m o v e s . O n e of t h e f a v o r e d p a s t -t i m e s is f i s h i n ' , e v e n f o r t h o s e w h o ' v e neve r f i s h e d b e f o r e .

soon as the set t ing sun turns the Missis-sippi golden, mosquitoes delight in join-ing you for cocktails. Also, fl ies adore river life. Your boat comes with a swatter , but having a fly s t r ip would be prudent

I F YOU don't bring binoculars, you'll be sorry They ' re good for clo-seups of what ' s happening on passing barges, spotting good beaches, zeroing in on f lora and fauna , and reading mile marke r s along the river. I t 's also a good idea to bring a tool kit — pliers, wrench, sc rewdr iver , s t rong tape, e tc

You'll find that when you beach a houseboat, there ' s a lways some wa te r between you and the dry sand. Since the houseboats don't have gangplanks, many people bring a smal l s tep ladder or board to use instead of t rying to leap to laqd.

Then there 's food. Some people like to prepare meals ahead of t ime and bring them frozen in a cooler Others prefer to grocery shop just before set-ting out on their Mississipppi adven-ture.

The houseboat ren t var ies with the season, length of cruise and size of boat. For example , ren t for a midweek, four-day cruise — f r o m 1 p.m Monday to 3 p.m Thursday on an eight-passen-ger boat is $500. You can also rent houseboats weekly or weekends f r o m 10 a.m. Fr iday to 3 p.m. Sunday The eight-passenger boat for a weekend is J385. Fuel tanks a r e filled before leav-ing and refi l led a t the ren ter expense on re turn


A S YOU take off, Bob Meyers, the owner of Boatels. has a favor-

/ - % ite bit of advice • R e m e m b e r , a little common sense goes a

long way For example , never get in f ront of barges If you ' re in their way. they can' t s top quickly "

One pleasure you soon discover on the Mississippi is how simple l ife be-comes It 's just you, the boat and that magnif icant rolling river — 2,350 miles of it f r o m Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico For a choice view of Missis-

N o r m a l l y a c i t y d w e l l e r , ' C a p ' n ' B o b L e w i s e n j o y s t a k i n g t h e h e l m of a h o u s e b o a t as h e c r u -i ses pas t c o l o r f u l b a r g e s o n t h e M i s s i s s i p p i .

hull and beach par t ies in ful l swing But come 10 or 11 p.m.. boa te r s invari-ably re t i re to let lapping w a t e r s lull them to sleep

the sky might darken and t r e s s bow to the winds Rain sliced with lightning lashes the river The Mississippi 's awe-some s torms m a y be unnerv ing but at the same t imt spellbinding

Natural ly, the best p lace to watch its show of dazzling l ightning is inside your cozy houseboat - sa fe ly ashore So. whenever the w e a t h e r looks menac-ing, f igure on beaching your boat. It 's not worth second-guessing the river s t emperamen t

STORMS CAN be a good time to play all those g a m e s you brought along or r ead those books you never had t i m e to at

home. And when they pass, the Missis-sippi seems reborn , with glistening greenery and sapphire skies

After a couple of days on the river you might want to t ake a b r eak and vis-it the fr iendly towns of P ra i r i e du Chien and McGregor P r a i r i e du Chien's f amous l a n d m a r k is Villa Lou-is. a lavish Victorian mans ion . It once belonged to Wisconsin's f i r s t million-aire, Colonel Hercules Dousman, a con-fidential agent for John J a c o b Astor

In McGregor, you'l l f ind many re-stored 19th century buildings, Back in the 1860s and '70s, McGregor was a gateway to the west and a thriving grain and produce shipping center Stop at the informat ion booth on Main Street for a f r ee m a p with information on points of interest , including an old winery known for i ts c h e r r y wine, a drugstore in opera t ion since 1872, a wagon works building da t ing to 1862, and a museum open Wednesdays and Saturdays f r o m 2 p.m. to 5 p.m

sippi life you bask on the cabin s roof-sundeck If you ' re lucky, you may spot an eagle soar ing among the high sand-stone bluffs +

The upper Mississippi — all of the r iver north of St. Louis — is a great pleasure boat ing a r ea Besides other houseboats cruis ing a leisurely six miles per hour, you see canoes mean-dering by lotus lillies m the back wa-ters, rowboats anchored at favor i te fishing spots, speedboats towing skiers, sailboats — s o m e on their way to the Gulf — and those wonderful , old-fash-ioned paddlewheelers loaded with the waving touris ts .

BUT U N F O R G E T T A B L E are the enormous linked barges — some three football f ie lds long Strong towboats push their ca rgoes of oil, coal and grain up and down the r iver day and night Don't be a l a r m e d if at night a bright light suddenly burs ts through your cab-in windows. It 's only a barge 's search-light sweeping f r o m bank to bank.

Finding a good beach to overnight

m a y be a problem, even though the riv-er is dotted with wilderness is lands Ask before you depart where the best beaches for houseboats a re and how fa r a w a y they a r e

You'll find several good beaches about 15 miles north of McGregor just below Lock and Dam No. 9 Some pre-fe r the Wisconsin shore (east side) so they can catch the last r ays of sunshine Other say the islands ac ross the way, just west of the channel, a r e unbea tab le — more pr iva te and inter-est ing to explore.

RE M E M B E R , the s t eeper the beach, the easier it is to pull out the next morning. If a

' beach is too flat , your motor could get caught in shallow wa te r as the river drops during the night.

Six miles south of McGregor the re ' s a popular beach on a l a rge island on the west side of the channel It 's across f r o m Wyalusing State P a r k on the Wis-consin side. In high season, you m a y find houseboats and speedboats hull to

THOUGH T H E Mississippi is muddy in appearance , everyone swims in this section of the river What 's super f un is to cut your motor and dr i f t downr iver with the four-mile current . You throw in your inner tubes, plunge into the re-freshing wate r and float downr ive r at the same speed as your boat

I t ' s only swimming f r o m ashore tha t you really feel the current . If you have young children, have them swim on the northside of your houseboat. Tha t way they ' re confined and you won' t find yourself chasing south along the beach to re t r ieve a child not s trong enough to swim against the current .

Even ii you're a non-f i sherman, you'll probably enjoy throwing in a line. Kids and adul ts alike a r e thri l led to catch northerns, crappies, walleyes, bass, sunfish and catf ish, jus t some of the 37 species in the Mississippi. Some house boaters rent a 14-foot a l uminum fishing boat and tow it so they can get into the shallow sloughs and backwa-te rs to explore the islands and fish.

The weather is unpredictable . The Mississippi can be still and sundrench-ing hot for days Then, within an hour.

Five miles north of McGregor are 191 prehistoric Indian bur ia l mounds at Eff igy Mounds Nat iona l Monument The largest is G r e a t Bear Mound — 137 feet long. The year- round visitor center there o f fe r s a slide show on the Indians who called these Mississippi bluffs home 2,500 y e a r s ago.

For a magni f icen t view of the Wis-consin River mee t ing the Mississippi, go to Pikes Peak S ta te Park , three miles south of McGregor . There, the "Fa the r of Wate r s" rolls by 500 feet below, beckoning you back to your houseboat and your Huck Finn adven-ture

Boa te l s houseboating season r u n s May 10 through Oct. 20. The compa-ny recommends two to six-week ad-vance notice. Before June 12 and after Aug 18, there is a 20 percent discount on mid-week and full-week rentals. A 10 percent discount is of-fered on weekends rentals after La-bor Day Two or three couples or two families often share a boat For reservations and more information, caU (319) 873-3718


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©bscrbcr & Eccentric N E W S P A P E R S . I N C


- I N D E X

R E A C H M I C H I G A N ' S F I N E S T M A R K E T

ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! 644-1070 Oakland County 591-0900 Wayne County 852-3222 Rochester-Avon Twp.

R E A L E 8 T A T E F O R S A L E

302 Blrrningfx&m-BIOOmfVeW 303 Wast Bloomftatd 304 F«rmlngton-Farmlngtcxi Hills 305 Brkflhton-M«rtl«r>cl 306 SoutttfleM-Lstrmjp 307 Mlltord-HsrtlsnO 308 Rochestar-Troy 309 Royal Oak-Oak Par*

Huntington Woods 310 Commerce-Union Laka 311 Orchard Laka-Waltad Lake 312 Livonia 313 Daarborn-Oaarbor^ Heights 314 Plymouth-Canton 315 Northvlll®-Nov» 316 Weat land-Qardan City 317 Grosae Polnte 316 Radford 318 n o m a s for Sale-Oakland County 320 Homes for Sale-Wayne County 322 Homes for Sa l^-Macomb 323 Homes for Sale

Wash tenaw County 324 Other S u b u r b a n Homes 325 Raal Es ta te Services 326 Goodos for Sale 327 Duplex for Sale 328 Townhouaes tor Sa>e 330 Apar tmen t s for Sale 332 Mobile Homes for Sale 333 Northern Property 334 Out of Town Property 335 Time Share 336 Florida Property for Sale 337 Farms for Sale 338 Country Homes 339 Lots & Acreage 340 Lake/River /Reaort

Property for Sale 342 Lake Property 348 Cemetery Lots 351 Business & Profeaalonal

Buildings for Sale 356 Investment Property for Sale 3 5 8 Mor tgages /Land Con t rac t s 360 Business Opportunit ies 361 Money to Loan 362 Real Esta te Wanted 364 Listings Wanted

R E A L E 8 T A T E F O R R E N T

400 Apar tmen t s to Rent 401 Furniture Rental 402 Furnished Apar tmen t s 403 Rental Agency 404 Houses lo Rent 406 Furnished Houses 407 Mobile Homes 408 Duplexes to Rent 410 R a t s t o Rent 412 Townhouaes , 'Condominiums 413 Time S h a r e 414 Florida Rentals 415 Vacation Rentals 416 Halls for Rent 419 Mobile Home S p a c e

420 Rooms lo Rant 421 LMng Quar te rs to S h a r e 422 Wantad lo Rent 423 Wanted t o Rem

Resort Property 424 Houae Sitting Service 425 Convalescent Nursing H o m e s 428 Garages/Mini S t o r a g e 432 Commercial /Retall — , 434 Indus t r ia l /Warehouse 436 Office Busineas S p a c e

W E M P L O Y M E N T , I N S T R U C T I O N

500 Help Wanted 502 Help Wanted-Deri ta . Medical 504 Help Wan ted-Off ice Clerical 505 Food-Beverage 506 Help Wanted S a l e s 507 Help Wanted Part Time 508 Help Wanted Domest ic 509 M W t m a n t e d Coup le s 510 Sales Opportunity 511 Entertainment 512 Situations Wanted Female 513 Situat ions Wanted Male 514 Situations Wanted Maie /Female 515 Child Care 516 Summer C a m p s 518 Education Instruct ions 519 Compute r s -Sa le s Service, Sha re 520 Secretarial Bus iness Se rv ices 522 Professional Serv ices 523 Attorneys/Legal Counse l ing

A N N O U N C E M E N T S 600 Persona ls {your discre t ion) 602 LOS1 & Found (by the word) 604 Announcemen t s /No t i ce s 605 Class Reunions 606 Legal Notices 607 insurance 608 Transportat ion 609 Birvgo 610 Cards of Thanks 612 In Memorlam 614 Death Notices

M E R C H A N D I S E Bus 700 Auction Sales Bus 701 Collectables Bus 702 Antiques 703 Craf t s 704 Rummage S a l e s / R e a Marke t s 705 Wearing Apparel 706 Garage Sa le-Oakland 707 Garage Sale-Wayne 708 Household G o o d s - O a k i a n 709 Household G o o d s - W a y n e 710 Mtsc for Sa le -Oakland 711 Mtsc for Sa le -Wayne 712 Appliances 713 Blcycles-Saie 4 Repair 714 Business & Office Equipment 715 Computers 716 Commercial Industrial Equipment 717 Lawn-Garden-Farm Equipment 718 Building Materials 720 Farm Produce 721 Flowers & Plants

722 Hobblea-Coins, S t a m p s 724 C a m e r a and Suppl ies 726 Musical i n s t rumen t s 727 Video Games -VCRs-Tapes 728 TV, Stereo, Hi-fi. Tape Decks 729 CB Radios 730 Sport ing G o o d s 734 Trade or Sell 735 Wanted To Buy

A N I M A L S 738 Household Pe t s 740 Pet Services 744 Horses . Liveslock, Equipment

A U T O M O T I V E / T R A N S P O R T A T I O N

800 Recreat ional Vehicles 802 Snowmobi les 804 Airplanes 806 Boa t s /Motors 807 Boat Par t s A Service 808 Vehicle/Boat S t o r a g e 810 Insurance, Motor 812 Motorcycles, Go-Karls . Mlnibikes 8 1 3 Motorcycles, Pa r t s « Service 8 t 4 Camper s /Moto rhomes /Tra i l e r s 816 Auto,Trucks . Pa r t s A Service 818 Auto Rentals Leasing 819 Auto Rnanc lng 820 Autos Wanted 821 Junk Cars Wanted 822 Trucks lor Sale 823 Vans 824 J e e p s / 4 Wheel Drive 825 Spor t s A Imported 852 Classic Cars 854 American Motors 856 Buick 858 Cadillac 860 Chevrolet 862 Chrysler 864 Dodge 866 Ford 872 Lincoln 874 Mercury 876 Oldsmoblle 878 Plymouth 880 Pontiac 884 Volkswagen



3 Accounting 4 Advertising 5 Air Conditioning 6 Aluminum Cleaning 9 Aluminum Siding

12 Appl iance Service 13 Aquarium Service 14 Art Work 15 Asphalt 16 Asphalt Sea lcoa t lng 17 Auto Cleanup

18 Auto A Truck Repair 21 Awnings 22 B a r b e q u e Repair 24 Baaemen t Waterproofing 25 Bathtub Refimihing 26 Bicycle Main tenance 27 Brick. Block A Cement 29 Boat Docks 30 Bookkeeping Service 32 Building inspection 33 Building Remodeling 36 Burglar Fire Alarm 37 Busineas Machine Repair 39 Carpent ry 42 Carpe l Cleaning A Dyeing 44 Carpet Laying A Repair 52 Cater ing-Flowers 53 Caulking 54 Celling Work 55 Chimney Cleaning 56 Chimney Building A Repair 57 Chr i s tmas Trees 58 Clock Repair 59 Commercia l S t e a m Cleaning 60 Const ruc t ion Equipment 61 Dry Cleaning/Laundry 62 Doors 63 Draper ies 64 Dressing A Tailoring 65 Drywail 66 Electrical 67 Electrolysis 68 Engraving-Glass 69 Excavating 70 Exterior Caulking 72 Fences 75 Fireplaces 76 Fireplace Enclosures 78 Firewood 81 Floor Service 87 Floodlight 90 Fu rnace Repair 93 Furni ture Finishing A Repair 95 Glass-Sta ined-Beveled 96 G a r a g e s 97 Golf Club Repair 98 G r e e n h o u s e s 99 G u t t e r s

102 Handyman 105 Hauling 108 Heat ing 109 Solar Energy 110 House Cleaning 111 Home Safe ty 112 Humidifiers 114 income Tax 115 Industrial Service 116 Insu rance Photography . 117 Insulation 120 Interior Decorating 121 Interior S p a c e Management 123 Janitorial 126 Jewelry Repairs A Clocks 129 Landscap ing 132 Lawn Mower Repair 135 Lawn Main tenance 138 Lawn Sprinkling 142 Llno4eum 145 M a n a g e m e n t 146 Marble 147 Medical /Nursing 149 Mobile Home Service

150 Moving-Storage 152 Mirrors 155 Muaic Instrument 157 Music Instrumen! Repair 158 New Home Services 159 Nursing Centers 165 Painting-Decorating 166 Party Planning

(Flowers, Food, Service 170 Pat ios 175 Peat Control 178 Photography 180 Piano Tuning-Repair-Reflnishlng 200 Plastering 215 Plumbing 219 Pool Water Delivery 220 Pools 221 Porcelain Reflnlshlng 222 Printing 223 Recreationlal vehicle Serv»ce 224 Retail Hardwoods 2 2 5 Ftefinishing 229 Refrigeration 233 Roofing 234 Scissor . Saw A Knife Sharpening 235 Screen Repair 237 Sept ic Tanks 241 Sewer Cleaning 245 Sewing Machine Repair 249 Slipcovers 250 Solar Energy 251 Snow Blower Repair 255 S tu«co 257 Swimming Pools 260 Teiephone Repair 261 TV. Radio A CB 263 Tennis Courts 265 Terrariums 269 Tile Work 273 Tree Service 274 Truck Washing 275 Typing 276 Typewriter Repair 277 Upholstery 279 Vacuums 280 Vandalism Repair 281 Video Taping Service 282 Vinyl Repair 283 Ventilation A Attic Fans 284 Wallpapering 285 Wall Washing 287 Washer/Dryer Repair 289 Water Softening 293 Welding 294 Well Drilling 296 Window Treatments 297 Windows 298 Woodworking 299 Wood burners

WEST b l o o m f i e l d


SOUTHFIEL f a r m i n g t o n





8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. MONDAY - THURSDAY;

AND FROM 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. .


• • •*-



M real es tate advertising in thla newspaper m subjec t t o the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 wtuch m a k e s n «egaf l o advertise "any preference, imitation or cHacnrnmetior based on race, cokx reSgkxi. sex or an intention to meke any such preference, limitation or dscnminatkx»." This newspaper w# not knowingly accept any adver&sng for rami es ta te which is m violation of the law. Our readers a ie hereby miormed that a* dwellings adverf l sed ifi- -tWs newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.-

All a<Jvertising published in the Observer & Eccentric is subject to the conditions stated in me applicable rate card, copies of which are avaiiabte .from the Advertising Department. Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. 36251 Schoolcraft Road. Livorta. Ml 48150. (313) 591-2300. The Observer & Eccentric reserves the right not lo accept an advertiser's order Observer & Eccentric Ad-Takers have no authority to bind this newspaper and only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance ol the advertiser's order.

500 H«4pWant*d ABILITY COUNTS. A H i pbooe too paiiv K " entry level losloe ule* posi-t ion »5 per hr . »S SO »© <Uy* Recent ule* or college decree No Feel Em-ployment Opportunities S40-71J4 • o n rT-I/ THiT vrvr" UtV HiVT ran

500 H*lpWant«d 500 KMpWant*d

ACCOLrNTANT with 3 to S ye*r* CPA firm experience desired for r»Mdiy ei-MDdin* Livonl* CPA firm Seod re-«ttneto Connell * Koltxa PC, W i S * MUe. Uvooia MldiUlSl

AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS jvoou Westland Lsle ifternooo cor-

Sirite c l a m s |10 per bour minimum ,toeaa In Tempo 77S-7S97

a b i l i t y t h a t y o c may h a v e ean supplement yrm Income Income A j s o c » ' rlduala to roariet any Call for appointment m1-it t4

ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for day care »orter* Matt have ' and education In ctuld d Livonia area Please call between

3pm 4X7-WW

ACCOUNTANT J-5 vean experience m auditing am! tax "«mall CPA firm in Southfield Re-

tt, Box S«V Observer k Eccentric ,pen. 3435,1 Schoolcraft Rd

Uvooia, Michigan 41 ISO

AID NEEDED for Handicapped male, I J) years old, for morning care No ex-perience required Call raui or leave

message Plymouth. 4JS-01U

500 H*(p Wantad

ARCHITECTURAL wanted with S to 10 rears experience in working drawiM for desigji Miented office toolset Smith 4 Schurmsn U

PERSONNEL experience in

»oe days or evening*.

ACCOUNTANT CPA Firm Experienced preferred Must have CPA Certificate or CPA Can-didate Growth potential. Salary 4 ben-efit* Send resume to W?0 W Mapta. Suite Ml, W Bioomfleld. Mich MOll

ACCOUNTANT - entry level, for m a l l Southfield CPA firm Send resume to Box 9S4. Observer 4 Eccentric News-paper!, 34XS1 Scfcoolcrsft Rd., Uvonia. Michigan <«1M












Oor )oba pa? roar* i h u tntrnmnm wage Fall or part time wort for light industrial Possible *0 or more boors






5 2 5 - 9 1 9 1

gurtii* he»a»«s. •"» i w *k> i ACCOUNTANT

ACCOUNT MANAGER Computer Marteting Firm In Bloom-field mil , has an opening for an ac-count manager In our admlnistratAc® department "bstMs Include the aupervi-uoe ol V5 program coordinators, •cbeduling. budgeu 4 • good deal of cli-ent cootsct 1-3 yrt of manangerial or lupervlaorv experience Is preferred along with excellent communication •am. 4 the ability to wort with and lead people Full benefit* Reply

Manager of AdmlnstraUcc P O Box 7107

Bkomlleld Hilla. Ml .

Apartment Manager Couple

No experience couple full-time, mcl'

For mature apartment.

gan ««ISO A PERSON with computer word pro-cessing. and or teller or vault experi-ence will qualify for thu Interesting po-rtion with our company pleaaant off-ice 4 good benefits. S-5 Mon. thro Fr. Send restune to Maul mart. 44000 N I-M Service Dr Belleville, Ml. Ml 11

APPLY TODAY Light Industrial

Men 4 Women oewded for light factory wor t Mast be 10 4 have own taUon 4 p6ooe W *0 per bour Employers Temporary Service, Grand River near Beech Daly, between 9am-Spro. Monday thru Friday

500 M p Wantad 500 Help Wantad 500 Halp Wantad

i*r k)g thru flni

ASSISTANT TO CONTROLLER Medium used manufacturer requires a

with good bookkeeping . m i . financial autement Job cost.

rtence desired Supervisor experience helpful Redford sres Send resume 4 aalary history to box 170, Ob-server 4 Eccentric Newspsptrv S*3S1 Schoolcraft Rd. Uvooia, Michigan tOISO

ATTENTION BOMEMAJCERS Purple Heart need* you aa solicitor Wort out of your oi part time No aelling Monday thru Fri-day call 710-4S71

APPRENTICE Artist 4 frame mater »J 7S hour to Bart Call 10am - 4pm 171-1131


Looking for responsible, mature mana «er» lor cleaning crewi In the South field. Westland 4 Uvooia areas Please call Man-Fri 1M-7711

AUDIO SERVICE TECHNICIAN Detroit-baaed motion picture film labo-ratory weki as tndlvldsal wtth 1 yesn of electronic education and 1 years electrical experience to aerrtce elec-tronic 4 recording equipment Competi-tive aalary and benefit psc-tage provid-ed Send qualifications to Personnel. P O Box 441. Lathrup Village, mi 40070

500 Kelp Wantad 500 Halp Wantad

APPRAISER Oakland County Real Eatate Consultant company hai an Im-mediate opening for a residential ap-praiser I to J yean experience re-quired. Thla la a salaried position with full benefits Send .resume and wort sample to Appraiser. PO Box S001, Orchard Lake. MI 40013


ACTRESS WANTED 4 7 1 - 2 3 0 0

A DIESEL MECHANIC for heavy duty trocka Experience oecessary


ADULT Motor Route Drivers Driver applications being taken, morhlng or afternoon posiuona Most have good ve-hicle. Troy, Birmingham, Bloomfield. 4 Rochester areas Ap^T between »-Uam oc VSpm Mon. wed. cr Fn at 1805 Larch wood. Troy, W of John R, N of Maple

AEROBIC INSTRUCTORS Professional fitness company Lo Ro-chester now conducting interviewi and auditions >11-4177


Service person, experienced. Apply in person at:

BRUCE WIGLE CO 17000 Uveraoi* Detroit Mich


INSTALLER For Security World Alarm. 21415 W 8 Mile Rd ,



Can you work 40 hours or more per week' Do you have traoaportaticei' And like to work close to your home"

BENCHMARK pays more than mini-mum wage and you can wort full-time temporary


Jobs are located tn



5 8 9 - 2 1 1 0


l Call Moo ISti Openings Ages 10 thru 21

a. thruFrt 0am-4pm 710-S01"

GALLERY ASSISTANT - Art gallery Ln Birmingham. Fine Arta dejree or gal-lery experience preferred, some secre-tarial aklllj needed Call. Ml-7000

Benchmark Temporary Help

500 Help Wanted

Assemblers Machine Tools


H. R. Krueger 3 1 5 0 6 Grand River


4 7 7 - 8 4 0 0

Assembler Stock Handlers

CBS. FOX VIDEO, a leader ln mak* motion picture duplication on video cassette. Is looking for Assembler Stock Handlers for Its three shift opera-tion Conveniently located lo Lhe Farmingtoo Hilla Industrial Part, between 10 Mile and Halstead Roed.. CBS/FOX VIDEO offers an excellent benefit package, competitive wages and an opportunity to wort m a dynamic Industry

Interested applicants may apply Ln per-son or send resume in confidence to

Kevin A Rourte Human Resources Dept

CBS/FOX VIDEO 11100 Commerce Drive

Farmlagtoe Hilla. Ml 40014

ATTENTION Supplement your income with perma nent part time positions clesmnf office evenings Several Oa areas available Please call


ALTTO MECHANIC Experience pi «ferred Very busy snail •hop needs general mechanic, certified wtth own tools. Good psv. fall benefits, reasonable hours Anion s Asto Service. Uvooia, 401 1000

ALTO BODY Painter's Helper Must have experience Dearborn area 101-1147

AUTO BODY REPAIRMAN Applications being taken at Northwest Car Clinic. 185SO W Warren. Detroit


E. 0 E M F H V


Plastic Container Mil. will train person with mechanical aptltade as Assistant Foreman Steady wort, plus overtime,

have refere

ASSISTANT MANAGER Management opoortunlty available with exclusive ladles acti boutique Retail management experi-ence necessary Call Joy at 041-7741

ASSISTANT MANAGERS for Fair Lane, Northland, Lakeside for Junior sportswear store Accepting apollca •jons with experience No Name Stores Inc CaU SS0-m4 SOl-OTM

AUTO BODY REPAIR PERSON Applications being taken at The Bo dvabop Bines, 577S Lilley. Canton


AUTO DEALER Parts Counter Person needed Experlesjce is ef cried Call Glenn Robber for interview 474-0700


AUTO PARTS MANAGER We offer long term career opportunity, salary. pluB benefi ts , Including Blue Cross, Blue Shield. Must be familiar wtth Ford Lincoln Mercury Parts.

Newspapers, 301S1 Scfroolcraft Rd Uvooia. 40100

AVAILABLE NOW Several openings Drug Clerl Cashiers. Uqaor Personnel. Apply In person only Tows 4

~ WarrretL Dearbar

AUTO MECHANIC for garage tn Troy Must have at •east 5 years experience

041-7 Ml Full time AUTOMOTIVE

Immediate opening far fall time mechanic Good pay 4 company Bene-fit* Applicant must be certified Ln at least 4 major categories. Apply Personnel Office. Montgomery Ward. Tel Twelve Mall

An Equal Opportunity Employer

AVAILABLE POSITIONS Merhanir. Merhanlr Trainee, Wr Driver 4 Service SUtwa Attendant Full 4 Part-time Mast enjoy

i with t*e Public Apply tn p e r r a I 11 Mile 4 E n m a M

BEAUTICIANS Bssy aboptang Eastgate Canter to noaevibe 4 Oa Center, Clawuon Excellent opportamtj lor top-notch stylists 100-4400

BEAUTICIANS. BARBERS II not satisfied at pi uastii locauoi Need working manager plan 1 ~ cians . . Dearborn Heights noo. paid vacation Confidential interview

500 Help Wantad

AUTO RE-CONDITIONING Immediate openings for interior clean-e n 4 detail m n Fall or part Ome ChetD-GLoaa Uvunla-Ml-4M1

Farmington -071-0*40

AUTO SERVICE MANAGER For burglar alarms windshields 4 nmt proofing Experience not nocesaay, stm-

s typing Personable Apply In per- piy , desire to excel Write Asto Ctae Page Torota, Telegraph. N of 0 Of Dearborn. 0000 Telegraph, Dearborn Southfield Heights, M i r

500 Help Wanted

benefits M Mr Scott

Call 151-1 SO*

ATTENDENT CASHIER Wanted for full ar part time Referencea Appiy Immediately a t 1401 South Telegraph. Bloomfield Hills

ATTENTION Bomesnakars Cotleee Students Part time consumer research-ers tn Farmingtoo Hills Good english language skills necessary Eve-ning 4 weekend hours lao sales:, WU1 train Rate increases regularly Flexi-ble days Call Mltu. weekdays. 10am-4 Mpci 000-0'M

500 Halp Wantad

CP" ftrwi Certificate a pOas ha; sol

s -heasfits U> qaaltfylng sehmll III—'I 4 salary ta fen l»4 OIism m 4 KrreatrV- News-Z L * MM , Ochookrafi IU Uvo*a Wlchlgaa 40100

UTTXTTTANT for hat «y a i e * aad ra>Mty gowlag F a r m — f CPA flrw aaa* pONnas wW possess m i mttvatSaa antf wmt In hatp


FLIGHT A T T E N D A N T 2 0 y e a r s o r o l d e r

, w e i g h t / h e i g h t p r o p o r t i o n a t e • 2 years College or business experience • Uncorrected vision 20/20 • Able to relocate • Meet Sow income guidelines

RESERVATION A G E N T • 18 y e a r s or o l d e r • Accurate typing (30 wpm) • Good phone communication skills • High School grad/GED • Able to do shift work • M e e t low i n c o m e g u i d e l i n e s

Send resume to P O. Box 51085 Livonia. Ml 4 8 1 5 1 - 5 0 8 5

An Equal Opportunity Employer

TEMPORARY E M P L O Y M E N T • Clerk Typists (45 w p m ) • Secretar ies • Genera l Clerk • Warehouse W o r k e r s

We are seek ing ind iv idua ls i n t e res ted in w o r k i n g

t e m p o r a r y ass ignments for a m a i o r heal th serv ice

o rgan iza t i on The ma jo r i t y of t h e ass ignments wil l be

loca ted in the Novi and S o u t h f i e l d areas, wi th other

var ious ass ignments th ru -ou t t h e s ta te

Ass ignmen ts will vary in d u r a t i o n up to 90 days

Wages wi l l be paid in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h the company s

s t anda rd rate for the work be ing d o n e

If y o u are in teres ted m p a r t i c i p a t i n g lr> this c o m p a n y

s p o n s o r e d tempora ry e m p l o y e e p r o g r a m please

s u b m i t a resume, ind ica t ing your in te res ts to

Box 204 Observer 4 Eccent r i c Newspapers

36251 Schoo lc ra f t Road Livonia. M ich igan 48150

An Equw OpporufWry gmp»oyw


We have an immediate full time opening tor an

EXPERIENCED SIGN ARTIST Duties include: Hand Lettering, various sized Display Cards, Graphs & 'Charts Individual must be accomplished In rendering layouts in pencil, pen and marker A Portfolio should be furnished at the time of interview Qualified applicants should send a resume to


Advertising Department 12701 Middlebelt, Livonia. Mich 48150

Ar Equal Opportunity Employer

SUMMER JOBS Packagers, l ight industrial and hand assem-bly workers needed in Farmington, Livonia & Plymouth area. Possible 40 hours per week.

18 or over Days. A f t e r n o o n , M idn igh ts avai lable.

C o m e In or call between 9-11:30 am or 1-3:30 pm


19203 M e r r i m a n (V i l l age Fash ion Mal l )

4 7 7 - 0 9 0 0




• Supervisors • Classroom Teachers • Hebrew Tutors • Arts & Crafts Specialists • Music Teachers

Call Temple Israel Director

6 6 1 - 5 7 0 0

T E L L E R S Michigan's largest savings 4 loan association has Taller positions available at office locations listed below Positions offer public contact wtth excel-lent working conditions and competitive aalary A benefits Candidates must have a good math aptitude and light typing ability Office locations Birmingham. 1000 Haynea bet Adams A Hunter Lsthrup 27777 Southf»e*d at 11'A Mile Uvonla, 31441 Ptymouth at Merrlman Troy S5 W Long Lake Rd at LNemots •Detrott. 16601 W Warren at Woodmont • Rochester HWs. 44 N Adams st Walton •Part-t ime poelttone require fuM days Mon -Fri and other days to be dlecueeed Apply In person 10 a_m to 2 p.m., Mon thru Fri. at the location of your cho4ce or at our Main Office Personnel Dept . 5th ftoor

First F«d«ral of Michigan 1001 Woodward, Datroil

of work

G . M . S . Needs

1 0 0 Packagers/Warehouse Workers.

Jr. & Sr. Typists Who are available to work in the Plymouth, Livonia, Farmington.

Royal Oak & Troy Areas. Must Have Car & Own Phone

Day Shift College Students Welcome

t ( t 17 yr OKU worting p«0«r»'

Never A Fee! s 3 0 . B O N U S

For All New Employees Who Work 240 Hours

Between Memorial & Labor Day Call Now For An Appointment

4 2 7 - 7 6 6 0

General Management Service

29701 W. 6 Mile - Livonia The Bell Creek Plaza

Suite 140 A


T h e " K e l l y G i r l Peop le

100 Light Industrial Workers

Needed For Day & Afternoon Shifts • 18 years of age & over • Ava i lab le for 8 h o u r s h i f t s • Re l iab le t r a n s p o r t a t i o n • W o r k in L ivon ia . W e s t l a n d .

P l ymou th , C a n t o n , F a r m i n g t o n Hi l ls and Nov i a reas

J o b Descr ip t ion assembly , p a c k a g i n g , warehouse sh ipp ing & rece iv ing

C o m e dressed to wo rk b e t w e e n 8-4

L IVONIA - 29449 W. SI* Mi le 522-3929

W E S T L A N D - 34240 F o r d Rd. 729-1040

L IVONIA - 33133 S c h o o l c r a f t 522-4020

PLYMOUTH — 41S50 Joy Rd. 453-2211

F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S 3 4 1 1 5 ^ 12 Mile Rd., Su i t e 155 *


N O R T H V I L L E - 339 N. C a n t a r Dr. 348-2820

LATHRUP VILLAGE 19068 W. 11 Mtta ltd.

550-0300 Eausi Oppor tun i ty


2 c * ( R - 8 C , w . a - i o o O A E T h u r s d a y , J u n e 1 3 , 1 9 8 5

E / M P L O Y / f t i E N r 500 M p Wanted 500 Help Wantad 500 Halp Wantad 500 Halp Wantad 500 Halp Wantad 500 Haip Wantad SOO H a * > W a n t a d

T h u r s d a y , J u n e 1 3 . 1 M 6 O A E ( R - 9 C , W , Q - 1 1 C ) * 1 2

E / l / I P L O Y / M E N r B I L L K N A P P ' S

MMM mm Arbor HA la Plymouth Jill h i n t a fine family — — outlet fur u jletndTvldaal U.

JANITOR We offer * f*ll program of m a a i a j hen-•flu topimnw between 11 P™ •*> ' UD m available year round on a fall or - n tunc h u l l So t i f M K '

c l i r a f r i . I

B u i l d i n g O m c i a l ( D e p u t y )

To pasfusui piaa review* aad M B U> OapartnMK —pes s i n e Meet havw builder's U m aad or BOCA Plaa Ex amlnsr Carttlflcaueai Salary to uppur I l l ' s baeed oa experience ptaa excel-

I lent (naflc benefit* Apply a t f n animal Dupartmont

AS 4 pea „ £ q u l Opportuuit y E m p t o r "

too Twp 1 1 1 * i Canton Canter R d

Canton, HI U 1 H Aa Equal Opportunity Emptoyar

JOOKSTORK S i m bright. - a — V H i i A i r u a i tndJvtdBSl (or psrma

**g»teg receiving goa jod Apoh a t 1 B t * k Booto, 13444 V o r ^ a ^ r T . H w T .W Bloomfield

BORING MILL dint h i r e tacar CNC knowledge, aeedy job. ov*rUn>e New mar t ine

Fisher, Inc. 3 5 3 5 5 S c h o o l c r a f t

L i v o n i a

BORING MUX OPERATOR Experienced la mold wort . Dsy*ooly Southflekl area.



•"or B i l l to mediate tool 4 gage wort. >refer 4 n e r * minimum experience > » n . n M e n i shop to W . £ d Lake l tm Benflt* * c o m ^ " w a y *


CANVASSERS WANTED To (Ml Tar ft r a n fur building cempacy

4 Radford area* Call Mac

CERTIFIED SCHOOL BUS DRIFTERS b m M lor Wsel Bloumfleld araa S*n> mar peniUean Call 441-I4*4ext 111

c e r t i f i e s SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS

Needed immediately Pleeae apply Red} a r t CMI Service Oftlcs. l l l f i Beech Daly Applicants must ba Red

531 l l l l a x t m

CHEMICAL MANUFACTURER M t full tima plant laborer Livonia

" c o l l e g e s t u d e n t s Cashiers. stock. w*reho»ne, dellverie* M l . pan * summer powltKM aval) •Ma M a i ba boodabla

D E T R O I T P O P C O R N C O 11045 Telegraph. between Plymouth Rd k I M Radford No phcoe calls


Livonia m i 3 * - i 134-0004

CARPENTERS j n « n minimum experience Lb cabinet

u d formica w o r t Mast have own tools Call after 8 P M 157-4447

CARPET COMPANY hiring panon to learn carpel m e a a n n n i k » n meting r » r Ieqelrad 478-5015



Aisc Mriog expeneoced helperi after Stm. **4-! •1*7»

CASHER C L B I K Poll Una Above i r v « | r atartlng aal-ary Benefits include Malta l a n r a a c * k paid vacation Apply 7 Eleven Store. U144 Port , Garde* City

C H I L D R E N S ' S C A M P S





If y o u a r® I n t e r e s t e d In g e t -

t i n g o u t d o o r * t h i s s u m m e r

r e a d o u r c o r n e r



A p p e a r i n g in t o d a y ' s c l a s s i -

fied s e c t i o n .


„ acfrool diatrVrt la Oakland Cooaty • M i as eoertauc. cre»U»a ladlrtdaal wlti eicaptwoal w n t t t j ^ tt a Lnformauoo Serrtcoa D ^ i r t r o e K R e u a t m a e p o inc lode Bachelor^ De-r r * wlti tna>* emphaata tfl commaoi cauoo «»iib inclodlaa Joaroallam. addl

tralnln®. expertanoe tn T r k r u w i Prodw-uoe u ^ e f e i ied S^xeaafal e i

CONSIDER POSTEH PARENTING SimW or 2 parent family boma i r t needed for rrxcUtJy retarded c^ildreo

i or adnlta Sort* oeed f i r * floor bed-race*. Armey providaa training U-ceauv i and wnporl Pamily la paid over r » « mooth PareoUnc. "^actlaf or o«r«n« iktlli belpfal Pot awr* to-

i formation call Homeflnder Wayne Goont-v S4»-410« Oakland Cowaty call W-lltO

DAY CARE CENTER cwedi CoUe« Hl*fc Sc*ooJ Student*, to wort wlti bkea I » » - » 4 i p o i Moo P n IM woat Wot BloomfieSd M4-I7M

D I R E C T C A R E W O R K E R S For d t i i ahaa i—nl ly dlaahtad

Call I U I M S

DAY JOB Part Time DrlTer wanted for procea wrv1n« company Muat have eood diir tnf record CaU

CONTROLLER Yoonf djverai/ied lnteroatlooal C«npa-oy loewterf In U»o«Ua. MlchHao x Mek-uv* to fill • eo^hly viaable poatuon Ap-plicant moat be a CPA with • »olkJ i » v teme bactgr\iond (Prime JAM) Excal-Mot written k verba] commamcabona

CASHIER C L S I X U T» per bow k booaa Anaroooo »hift ttl' XAM part time. 11 yT» and <jv«r

raoa on l r Mayftower Party I & Main, Plyroowti

j Seeliorotky or Vic

RRIDGEPORT MILLHAND n t h five yra. e i p e o m c * k iiao Machinist 8 Helper Radford

U t - U M

BRIDGEPOBT OPERATOR I rra mffllawm riperMDce Pr«#arably x Indexable Poctr* type Soollny^^

CASHIER PART TIME iTo work In m a l l (eoeral «»ore mom Wan . Write to P O Bcn J4S. Salem, Ml a m


I t be able to work morninci k


B r i d g e p o r t O p e r a t o r > r x » 1 macaiae wlt i at ImhH 1 year •xpeneoca Steady Job, o w r t m

Fisher, Inc. 3 5 3 5 5 S c h o o l c r a f t

L i v o n i a

BUILDING MAINTENANCE Detroit baaed Hnn li .aeklm an indl-( U u i tn fc«.wn» all buiidlnc mainte-nance cwuae A t a w •hipping k dall e -ery dept. Frwrtom r n « l n l i a n r e expen n e t £ valid a r t n T i U c n repaired Salary k benefit paefcafe p r c r n ^ S o d — — ~ to Maintenance PO Box a « t l , Lathrap VUlage. ML W l

B U I L D 4 N G M A N A G E R EtparMncad BaUdtaf Manager re-quired fcr large ofrtee fadl t ty located la Metro-Detroit araa Maat here back ( r o o d in bnildtat operaOona to Inclade

maioteoance. tjm tne inc KXtmoOat. tenant retaOona aad coilecoona Salary

i i i i i m i n »l< with exp«1«oce For immediate i . ia^rtar»firi . a n d r e r o e and salary history to- Mr Gordon, P O Box M7 SoBthfteid, ML 4M11


CHURCH ORGANIST CHOIR Accompanist lor Epiacopal Cbarct m Farmlnrton Hill* l i) S e r w e , (1) Choir Thursday Rehearsal Saodays k Feast Days Start us Sect Call Hm-Afxn. Taes Thmrs or 4at <74- tW



Wlti experience In monidpal otilitlas k site * — ' r P«u time pcaitioaa with ad-

i D c e m e a t o p p o r l s n l t l e s Send Resumes to DBA, 107 S Main, Plym-OBtlLML. « 1 7 0

AnEVjoal - r . Afftrtaatire Action

CASHIERS for aetf-earre (aa statioaa Pall sad part time Days aad e r e n i n ^ Good Mt> for retirees Apply In peraoo only UtZoo 7« Sta t ion . 17iM W , Mile Rdl at l - " - and S U J 5 Ann Arbor

iTraiL ai Merrtman

Immediate ooen iap matnre individual* lo clean Movie T^e CLEANERS

sire Appiv within between 1-5 PM Americana Weet, 67M Orchard Lake Rd , W Bloomfield

CASHIERS | immediate openings for part time Cashiers 4 Sales Associates Petitions available for day*, eveolags k we

S T S ^ S ^ V S t - Twelve MaU Aa Equal Opportaaity Employer

CLEANING PERSON wort showroom. J d a / s per wee*

Appjj wlthin: 1S74S W 7 Mile Rd cor

CASHIERS NEEDED Full part time Experienced preferred

Mobtl Service Station Woodward aod Saaare Lake

An Eqoa. Opportunity Emptoyer

C.VSHIERS NEEDED PbU part time, experience prefer red MobiiService SUtioo. Schoolcraft * pirmington. Livonia

CASHIEH STOCK mod be dependabie, apply st 7-Eleven, j t j l l Orchard Lake Rd FarmlagtoB HU1*



M A N A G E R National corporation, located in con-venient and s t t rac t i re Sonthfteld loca-tion. has opening for a manager of de-partment dealing with f lg t rea data en-ry and collections We are looking lor a

persoc with approx. one year experi-ence In managesnant with good clerical skills and general office procedmr

Thts Is an opportunity to ' tare

M M 441

beckgroand - „ crow wtth a company with a fntare Flease caU Mrs Green a t


Apply »

BfSLNESS TRAVEL CONSULTANT Large oommarcial travel agency Iook-

- ' « - ^ S R s 1 or paid benefits CaU Kathy Mon F n . i ham-tpm only

CABINET MAKER Fjpsnsoced la iaminallrig k aasembiy

4 7 i - c m

CASHIERS WANTED Hoars available afternoon aad midnight shift* Apply Total Petrolenm. t l S M Telegraph at » Mile Rd Aiao m » Northwestern at 11 MOe, Scwthfield

CASHIER Theater now a c c o u u ap-i lions Located I Mile k Bench

Mast be I I w m train CaU be-10am-1pm. J4J-4W0

6 S e

CENTURY TRANE Needs Service Peteusmel ejperienced In beating k cooling Call Mnrphy


500 Halp Wantad

D a t a E n t r y O p e r a t o r

A c c o u n t i n g C l e r k A M u l t i - P l a n t A u t o m o t i v e P a r t s M a n u f a c t u r e r

w i t h i t s C o r p o r a t e o f f i c e l o c a t e d i n S o u t h f i e l d

h a s a n o p e n i n g f o r a D A T A E N T R Y O P E R A -

T O R / A C C O U N T I N G C L E R K . M u s t b e f a m i l i a r

w i t h D a t a P o i n t . C R T & I B M P . C . a p p l i c a t i o n s

r e l a t e d a c c o u n t i n g d u t i e s . Q u a l i f i e d a p p l i c a n t s

s h o u l d s u b m i t r e s u m e i n c l u d i n g s a l a r y h i s t o r y

t o :

B O X 2 2 2

O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r i c N e w s p a p e r s

3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o l c r a f t

L i v o n i a , M i c h i g a n 4 8 1 5 0

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

peneoce ln supervising other employ- i . a m . ».-* a most This position reports ees Is repaired Mlaimsm starting sal- ,inertly to the vice president and yo*

corpora ciaJ st*

ary m I10 WC range with comprehen-sive benefits Send resume to Box IM, Observer * Eccentric Newspapers M i l l Schoolcraft Rd Livonia, Mk*l-gan 481W

An Equal Opportunity Qnployer


Assist wtth Community Reistions Pro-i r an imiM Write news letters. articleB.

releases, cable TV script* etc fe graduate and 1 years expen-n pablic reiauona »oarBali«n- or related fielda Knowledge of pho-

wlll be reepooBible for a staff of I tndi-riduals Job daacnptioc will empharse

crate taxation, cash flow k flnan-su temen t reporting Company of

(era a fall package of benefits * com-pemation will be commensurate with experience Send Resume k aalary re-quirement to Box 111 Observer k Kc

I cectnc Newspapers 34111 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia, Michigan 41 l i e

COOK for Sundays Ln children* home Experienced C a t Mr Richards M«e

DELI CLERKS For making sandwiches k carry out or ders, full time, will train Experience belpa Apply Plaxa Dell. 1*141 Northwestern Hwy at 11 Mile Ask for Lou IS4-U10


For magazines in Livonia, Fl; Redford. Wayne * door NO S H J J N G time Be II y e a n or older, have , k transportation CaU AFM I »#-lpm


permanent part

DRIVER NEEDED Part "m» Local r a Flexible Soar* Gravel t r a m CaU Mr Atkin

DRIVERS Dear tom laboratory fall ume or part time, food driving record Neat appearaaca Mast be I I or gear Reply to Box 141 Observer k Eccentric Newspapers. 1 * » 1 Schoolcraft Rd.. Livonia, Michigan 441M

500 H^p Wantad KSTEK LAUDgK Part Time

Mala k Female make-up artist* Mbsi ba available for flexible boars

1 Mast be s i part f e d have transport* tioo k have referencsa For more tarfor matiOL I H I W

EXCELLENT Oeportaadty I ereat money workkg oatdoo

lows Gaaraateed hoerty


LIVONIA AREA « . . . opsrrtng la shop area BoU

500 Halp Wantad

da^ k aftaraooa bated woodworking experience to M aa hoar to start plas baas

CaU Bob Bechtel » » 7«»C

record profit sharing Start bow IU-1174

EXPANDING O m C * MACHINE 0 0 Has satry level peattiOB Ib " Dupt Michigan Boainseu Machu

DRIVERS Ma tare part time driver* nrnded for sueksnri wort . I to 11 how* Apply tn person Avis Rent A Car, De-troit Metro Airport

DELIVERY PERSON - Part time, re-quired by Auto Trader Msgsfliw to wort on Fridays tn the Metro are* Call


thru Thurs SAM - 11 Nooo

D E L I V E R Y P E R S O N AnJo's Plxx*. Rochester FuU k part ume available- Earn 14 to M an hr 111 7SM

other togrspb hour

h u m :

pby and crapblca IS to M per City of Farmington Hills. S l i i l

. . . Mile, st Orchard Lake Rd Equal Opportunity Employer M F H

COMPANY located tn Birmingham now interviewing for warehouse position For fur ther iniormatioe contact Mr Raylea, l a m 11am M7-0M1

C O O K S I C O O K S I C O O K S I Sosthfleld Charley's b looking for a lew good employees 'an excellent opportu-nity to grow with the leader in the In-dustry Heart of the bouse opening! available Line Cook*. Prep Cook*. Pan

Computer Operator Computer Input Operator Minimum two year* experience with knowledge of bookkeeping for CPA Firm In Northwest So burhs Call Marilyn m - 7 4 M


| Expanding health care provider has im I mediate fuU time opening for expert

try Cook* Starting pay would depend oo your experience Plus beoeflu ply W thru F n 1PMJPM st 1170 11 Mile R d , Just East of Evergreen.

COSMETIC CONSULTANT For top European Line In w o m m high Isshioo store Excellent salary pl"» commission No even ing or Sundays Benefits Experience pref erred Rci k Sberm I S H t M

enced Individual Excellent opportunity i for person interested In diversified po-l ution working with *utorn* ted account-i mg systems Must have 1-4 years expe-

rience on IBM U M with saltans payroll snd account* payable i l l Experience with MAP1CS i

I DFU. SEL'. and SDA preferrat

COLLECTIONS National firm has an for telephcaie blU collector*

ice desired, not required Sal ary bonus plus benefits Those that wish to aspire lo s management level only oeed apply Mr Cohen M7-IIM


National Collection Agency located in Southfield has immediate openings for experlsBxed Telephone Collectors on s lert-time basis Shift available Is every

Sal wort a must Earn top 14 pey


I software. pre! enab l e Com-

i petitive wagea and benefits Qualified applicants Mould contact Mrs Jowey

1 s i 145-7577 An Equal Opportunity Employer



8 A L P R O G R A M M E R National corporation, located in con-venient and attractive Southfield loca uon. has immediate opening for a basic assembler Language programmer with a -~.nim.iTT, of one year IBM aBBrmhtrr experience to wort oo an IBM 4M1 DOS VSE envlorofimeni Excellent communicBtioe skills and the sblllty to interface with user department is destr-sble Attractive saliary and benefit pactage Is offered to Individual who pag potential lo grvw with Uw cotnpe-ny S n d resume and aalarv history to. P 0 Box 171 Southfield Mich. 41017

COUNTER CLERKS Steady lull time, most be mature, will

£ £ a f f t f w . " MUe at Telegraph 51.-M50 COUNTER PERSON NEEDED for dry cleaners Includes gesseral d a Canloo area Experience pref wUl train right person 451-05M

DELIVERY PERSONS wanted prefer student* part time evea Must hare own car. have good driving record k be neat In appearance I4 M per hoar Apply a t Plxxa Saloon, m Plymtxith, »4S4 Lilley Road

for both vice.


0 4 U M

EXPERIENCED Make Ready Screen Technician for expending screen printing company Top pay aad b s » h t T ^ a f t e r t e m I U - I 4 M

oth paciage delivery and tax! aer Call between I and noon for aptx

DRIVERS iRETIREDl Earn ap to I I M per ewak delivering smaU package* Bart time Mon thru Fri Apply IMS Alger, Troy IW-4M1

DRIVER WANTED Distributor needs responsible Track Driver for area deliveries Apply a t 11745 Haas Rd , Wtxom

EXPERIENCED Need Only apply (or this unique fast sssergstic company looking for same to r m their sales markstiag office Light bookkeeping k computer skills mandatory Sand Re-sume to 14440 I Mile. Redford ML t n a

EXPERIENCED PAINTERS Reliable k quality worker* osaly

Must be unlllag to Mara 5I4-14M

DRIVER wanted lor BirmU^ham clothiag store Mast be mature, neat, good driving record Apply In peraon only Kay Baum. 144 W Maple. Birmingham

DEMONSTRATORS Part " m e wort is Suburbs

Call Barbara at Ototen 154-4S5S An Equal Opportunity Employer

DESIGN ASSISTANT interior design. Good clerical and communicative skills Some sales experience a pis*

- - • * tt Barek. 544-1711

Good growth potential CaU Ka The Office Resource.

COUNTER PERSONS Wanted for de-luxe dry cleaning store in Bt-mmgliarr. Very good wages h benefit* Part time k full time 414-7100

COUNTER PERSON Afternoons k Saturdays Experience preferred bait not necessary Rochester area cleaner*

DESIGNER Experienced Only

Permanent position Is development of manufacturing svstems and standartk Emphasis oc special machines desir-able

Excellent Benefits C A R G I L L D E T R O I T C O R P

1 2 5 0 C r o o k s R o a d C l a w s o n

Ar Equal Opportunity Employer

DRY CLEANER la Plymouth oeeds daytime Counter halp. f and S e a m t r c s . FuU or part lima. wlU train If necessary CaU. between I AM and 1 P M 455-1170

EXPERIENCED PAINTERS FuU Ume CaU American Standard Painting Co . Redford 515-4111

EXPERIENCED SCREEN PRINTER needed for expanding company Top pay aod benefit*. CaU after l a m


DRY CLEANER oeeds Pressor k Cornier Personnel Days h evea Willing to train. Plymouth area CaU Mon-Frt, 4-«pm. 455-1171

FAClALiST Rental space available, I X 11 private room, call Shirley at Your Saioo. Ro-


EARN M TO V PER HOUR Telephone marketing No experience necessary W 70 per hoar cocumssaorL FuU or part C ate openings 11 Mile Soathfidd Area


EATON PLACE vice assistants. A , , . , C e D t e ,


PLACE part time food

• * * G e n e r a l H e l p W a n t e d

Are you looking for a good Job, flexlWe boar*, pleasant working conditions and custonasr contact? Ws have tbe need for part-Ume snd faU time help, days *nd^or evening* We expect mature hardworking sad dependable people we offer * progrewtre and fas* growing company to be proud of Musi be at least I I years of age

I Stop by any of the following store loca | and complete as applies Uon oow

' a R B O R D R U G S . I N C .

a 1415 E 15 Mile Rd Sterling Heights

• 41411 Garfield Rd Mt Clemena

• 11OM John R Madison Height*

a 111 E Long Laka Rd., Troy

a 2041 Big Beaver Rd , Troy

• 17117 John R. Madiaon Heights

a 1100 Auburn Rd, UOca.

FACTORY LABORER Machine Opera-tor Days k afternoon shifts availabe 15 hour with overtime


FACTORY WORKERS for molding k fabrication plaat ib Plymouth,'Canton area Steady. fuU Ome )oba for strong, healthy people wiUlna to wor t Heavy Lifting required Applications accepted la person IAM-4 M P M a t 4444 Rooda Dr Located 1/4 mils W of Haggerty Rd. turn South directly off Joy R d

GENERAL LABOR for lawn mainte-nance company 14 per hour Mbs i be 11

of age or older 454-2444

GENERAL SHOP HELP FuU time k Par t time help wanted In tube fabricating shoe In Troy CaU IKH077 between I iOam-4 » p m


CaU Keo between »am-5p«n 580-17II

COUNTER PERSON experience necessary, apply be-

tween 7am-lpm Burtoo Plaxa Clean-ker*. 17170 Farmington Rd, Llvocm


Mr* Grose.

CONSTRUCTION WORKER Carpentry, Drywall Roofing k Siding Must have own truck.

514-4145 - — .

COLLECTOR Southfield based mortgage company Is now interviewing lor a Collector of del-inquent mortgage payment* Must h*ve late model car and good driving record. Sand i assiin to Box M l . Observer k Eccentric Newspaper* M i l l School craft R d . Livonia, Michigan 44154

CONTROLLER i ExceUent opportunity with growing I company In Troy Bachelor* degree I with major in accounting, experience required with stroag background In management Excellent benefit* Sal-ary negotiable Reply to box 114. Ob-server fc Eccentric Newspaper*, M251 Schoolcraft Rd LivotvL*. Michigan 44150

COUNTER SALES SERVICE Insty-Prlnts baa fuU time opening for Counter Sales Person Dultles includes counter sales, service, snd light produc-

. . . good itioc

ad vamcetnent Fringes CaU IS2-M7S or

2111 Crocfci Rd Auburn


LAYOUT Experienced Ln Weld Fixtures Automation and Machine Tools

FuU benefits include Blue Cross Dental for entire family, paid holidays, sick accident pay k Ufe insurance

LEADER DESIGN S4I7 Schaefer Dearborn


CUSTODIAL k MAINTENANCE Work-ers for Summer Day Camp at II Mile k Beck Rd.. Wixom FuU time June 17-Aug 21 Minimum *ge 14 557-7170.

CUSTOM DRAPERY SALESPERSON Wanted for Southfield drapery store FuU time Experienced



Engrne or chassis expeneaice reouired FuU benefits Send resume c* apply to

E C S , I n c . . 12011 Martet . Livosiia. Ml 44150


5 0 0 H e l p W a n t e d



ADMINISTRATIVE A8SI8TANTS (FRENCH) M Y R I A D - n e e d s q u a l i f i e d I n d i v i d u a l s f o r s u p p o r t p o -

s i t i o n s a t a m a j o r a u t o m o t i v e c o r p o r a t i o n . S o u t h f i e l d

a n d N . W . D e t r o i t l o c a t i o n . T h e s e a r e l o n g a n d s h o r t

t e r m , fu l l a n d p a n t i m e a s s i g n m e n t s . W e a r e l o o k i n g

f o r b o t h e x p e r i e n c e d a n d e n t r y l e v e l c a n d i d a t e s .

C a l l b e t w e e n 1 0 A . M - 2 P . M


M Y R I A D \


S o u t h f i e l d . M l . Opoorn^*T>


Detroit baaed firm is seeking a c w o m -er service rep Tbe requirement* inchi-deprevioua video tape operations expe-rience. good telephone k weed process-u s skills Excellent salary plus full benefit package Send resume k salary requirements is confidence to

C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e PO Box 451 Lathrap Village, Ml 44471

CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK Permanent posttioo In Farmington area Verv strong customer relations xnd excellent phone skills a must-Knowledge of lower Southesstern Mich helpful Moo thro Fr i lam-Spcn CaU

471-4404, Ext MS

DATA ENTRY National corporation, headquartered in convenient Southfield location, has im-mediate opening for an efficient CRT data entry clerk Attractive starting salary with full benefit package Call Mrs Green. 544-1441

ELECTRICAL SUPPLY WHOLE-SALER needs Counter Man with sales experience Apply 12IM W I Mile. Livonia

ELECTRICIAN Journeyman or equivtlent electrical ex perience Must have good transport* lion After 7 P M caU 421-7444

FARMER'S INSURANCE Group offers opportunities to open your own insur-ance bastosss Start part time without giving up your p r e s s * employmsnt College grads preferred but not re-qulred For s confidential Interview 2*U 544-1441

GET SET FOR SPRING Part time available t plus I

GLASS INSTALLER Comhanatloci benrhmar and auto glass


with a minimum of 5 years iiwign expe-ls analog fc digital arcul try

be able I wllUng to derelop.

perimce" desirable In return, we offer excellent aalary, benefit*, profit shar-ing k an oppotuoity fcr career powth To farther investigate this autMa®3ing opportunity send your i ass me In confi-dence to T E Noutko, President Versatex Industries, PO Box 1440 Brighton. MI 44114

ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS For construction quality control tasdag on soil* coascrete i ssphalt Someeme-rtence desired bat not necassary CaU for Interview 544-1*44 ex t 14 SCHLEEDE HAMPTON ASSOC , INC

FINISH CARPENTER or Caroesstsr-! e. Wort U

IAM-5PM Mon F n


experience Livonia and Farmington ares CaU Sergio, 1-7M-4744

FINISH CARPENTER Experienced Carpenlar wanted with own tools k truck. CaU after 5pm. leave message. S13-0200

GROOMER Experience is el erred C n w n W W i ba si* The Golden Poodle, Dearborr' Heights. 271-2717 or after SPM 4T7-5540

FITNESS INSTRUCTOR wanted for Men s FUnees Center No

GROUP BOME for Michigan Res ides U*1 aseds experienced Home Managers snd Direct Dare Staff FuU time posi Uoos with bsnsfits Immediate ernploj

to S Harvey 10400

DESIGN oriented person wanted for poCXUOO t l Pirmin^Karr famiUlTt

store Reier«ci experteoced r m l r « d c*ll Jams at DormctV 641-42*0

DIRECT CARE needed to work srlth handicapped in group home. Novi area Part lime Flexible hoar* 1171 to s ta r t Must ba I I aad hare GED or high school diploma CaU betwsan 14-2. Mon Frt U4-545I

An Equal Opportunity Employer


Western Wayne County manufacturer seeking experienced person Ib smsll metal stamping processes Mast be able to design k draw tooling. Also willing to get •*»"•+» dirty lo c o m e t problem pro-ceases Good benefit* Indicate desired salary k send resume to Husband k Sharrow. M241 Plymouth Rd , Suite 114. Uvooia. Mich 41150 Attn

Experienced engineers to do e m l n g -part time wort designing ptambtsg. r— ^ condlticning

varwaa building

._ . H1"11

Dealing, ventilating k air criUfinallig 4 elst tr tcal wor t lor

DIRECT CARE WORKER for groop homes Midnight* afternoons and dars ~ 1 and part time posltioBS available CaU between 114-4 :14 P M 471-4404

DIRECT CARE WORKERS needed for fuU time or part time * i f t s available at a new AIS group home for developmen-t a l disabled adult* la Westland. I am looking for hard working, caring peo-p l e d / I n t e r e s t e d call Peggy between 10am- 1pm. Mon thru Frt. * t l l t - 4 » 4

M E N & W O M E N S t u d e n t s , T e a c h e r s , R e t i r e e s

L E T K E L L Y S E R V I C E S H E L P Y O U . . .

Qei M a r * e


College student* living In Southfield Farmingtoo. W Bloomfield Birming-ham, Bloomfield, Novi General coun-selor*. art* 1. crafl* specialists, WSL ' s needed June 14 to August 12

W l l l o w a y D a y C a m p 5 5 7 - 7 1 7 0

DIRECT CARE Workers seceded for bome located in Canton, part

14 10 to start. CaU Cheryl be-10AM-1PM Mon-Fri 45j-2*44

DOG G ROOMERS Excellent opportunity for qualified Grooroer*. Full or par. Ume. 274-0515 542-U40


Serger _ Pleater k Finisher Mai benefit* CaU Mon. thru 4 pan.

4 2 5 - 2 3 5 5

iy ecmpany r r t . l am

5 0 0 H e l p W a n t a d

Tha Largest Real Eatata Company in tha Coun t ry ia having

A C a r e e r N i g h t A c a r e e r i n R e a l E s t a t e c a n o f f e r I n d e p e n d e n c e

a n d h i g h e a r n i n g s . T h e C e n t u r y 2 1 C a r e e r T r a k

P r o g r a m a n d T r a i n i n g A c a d e m y w i l l g i v e y o u

I n - d e p t h t r a i n i n g y o u n e e d t o m a k e It b i g . 1 9 8 5

w i l l b e o n e o f t h e m o s t l u c r a t i v e t i m e s f o r r e a l

e s t a t e s a l e s i n h i s t o r y . M o r e p e o p l e a r e m o v i n g .

I n v e s t i n g In . a n d b u y i n g r e a l e s t a t e t h a n e v e r

b e f o r e .

YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A c a r e e r s e m i n a r t o d i s c u s s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y a n d

a d v a n t a g e s o f a R e a l E s t a t e C a r e e r

Wednesday, June 19th, at 7 p.m. He ld at Sheraton in Novi, near 12 Oaka

Century 21 - Her t fo rd 414

must have — • j—•" — experience

k FuU * ps

FLORAL DESIGNERS experienced with st least 1 rears of shon

- * • - » Ib all . part B o a peel Uon

available ExceUent' beasefit program We areWsrsBt-for full time employes

ed tn ileaniiia i irho a


long term employment person only Mary Jane 21 W 11 mile. Royal Oak.

FLORAL DESIGNER Experienced for floral ahop la Livonia Permanent full and part time positions


-oiect* 4 Draftsparsooa to do drafting _ their own home Send resume to Box U4. Obeer-rer 4 Kcceaatric Newspapw*. 14251 Schoolcraft Rd , Livonia Michi-gan 44154

F L O R A L D E S I G N E R —adsd with n o d designing ability 4 flexibility Ib all arses of a floral busi-ness. Must ba experienced Stop la or caU today 144 Main S t Rochester Ask for J im or Doana I41-U10


We ere seeking qualified individuals for the following poeltione


Qualified candidates must be seU-start-er* and have a minimum of 1

ence We offer an apekage as well

working environment using the bast

applicant* should caU t I M am-4pm for an tourr tew

5 9 1 - 2 0 4 0

An Equal Opportunity Employer

ESTATE HANDYMAN Franklin area Ma t a re sell-starter ex perienced In groumM maintenance and geaseral home repair* FuU-Ume with soane ueeksnda Please caU l am to Noon. 1 4 1 - a i l E x t IT

E X P E R I E N C E D D R I V E R S Dispatchers Needed Msst be available for any shift 4 s s s l m f c Also m f <-available for hall or part Ume. — -want wort! AppUcatloas are bslng tak en on F r t . Jane 14 4 Mon. J a o l 7 Call, between '. Oem-lpm . F r t 4 Mon. Only, 441-2M4

EXPERIENCED FRAMHL to wort ka prestigious Art Gallery il^w stows Ds-roltfaU time Top w a f s a Good how

Expei ienced osaly Mr h r t a H t i n i

e E a r n t o p p a y

e B u i l d e x p e r i e n c e a n d l e a r n n e w s k i l l s

e W i d e c h o i c e o f a s s i g n m e n t s - l o n g a n d s h o r t t e r m

S t a r t W o r k i n g T o d a y !

B e r t c l e y | 7 a m - 5 3 0 p m ) 3 2 3 3 W o o d w a r d A v e n u e

5 3 0 p m i B l o o m f l e M ( 7 a m P o n t i a c 2 0 0 0 N W o o d w a r d A v e n u e

F a r m i n g t o n M » « ( 7 a m - 5 3 0 p m ; , 3 4 1 1 5 W T w e l v e M i l e R d , S u . t e

L a t h r u p V M a g e ( 7 a m - 5 3 0 p m ) 1 9 6 6 8 W E l e v e n M i l e R d

3 9 8 - 7 9 0 0 L i v o n i a ( 7 a m - 5 3 0 p m ) 3 3 1 3 3 S c f > o o t c r a f t R d

5 2 2 - 4 0 2 0

6 4 2 - 9 6 5 0 3 3 8 - 0 3 3 «

L i v o n i a R e c r u i t . C t r ( 8 a m 5 p m ) 2 9 4 4 9 W S i s M i l e R d

5 2 2 - 3 9 2 9

5 5 3 - 7 8 2 0

P l y m o u t h ( 8 a m - 4 p m ;i 4 1 8 5 0 J d y R d

4 5 3 - 2 2 1 1

5 5

5 5 9 - 0 3 0 0

T r o y ( 7 a m - 5 3 0 p m ) 8 0 i w B t g B e a v e r R d S u i t e 4 0 0

3 8 2 - 1 1 8 0

W e s t l a n d ( 8 a m - 4 p m ) 3 4 2 4 0 F o r d R o a d

7 2 9 - 1 0 4 0

KLM& S E P V i - C E S

Giri' , , n e v e r a t e e

E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r M / F / H

N o t a n a g e n c y ,

i i t y

N o w

? O p e n i n g

The largest and fastest pizza delivery company In the world Is now opening In Plymouth and Bedford Township!

W A N T E D : 5 0 h o n e s t e n e r g e t i c i n d i v i d u a l s w h o a r e

w i l l i n g t o r u n o n t h e ) O b ^

AH a p p l i c a n t s m u s t b e 1 8 y e a r s o r o l d e r a n d

m u s t h a v e c l e a n a u t o w i t h i n s u r a n c e

O u r r u n n e r s e a r n u p t o $ 6 - $ 8 p e r h o u r

O n e o f o u r g o a l s i s t o h a v e f u n 1

A p p l y m p e r s o n n o w a t

m o m a m a - m c r r p l y m o u t h

3 9 0 4 4 W . BIX M I L E R O


E O E M / F

E X P E R I E N C E ) G A R D C f l * for 1 or 1 day week

EXPERIENCED INFTALLKR lasta&l er a Helper 4 Telsphoas Parana. Chriv-I e r a License required Apply si Haaey-a Stereo. 744 Abb Arbor R d Ptymsalh

Fitter-Welder Layout Fabricator

.utomitioc etiatpanent maoufacturer

T r i - M a t l o n , I n c . 2 0 7 6 4 W h l t k x * F a r m i n g t o n H l l t s

FLOWER SHOP manager Looking or aggressive o rnn iasd individuals to manage branch shop E x p a r w c s d Is aU phases of design 4 manaaamsnt necessary ExceUent salary l l e t a a f l t program AU apUicat lc danuaL Apply m

am confl

4 include past experieoca. future goals 4 aalary expectsOone to Mary Jane Flower Shop, O l f l l mile. Royal Oek_

FREE COMPVTIOt TRAINING Learn Compwter Programing 4 Opera-t i o n on Apple a Micro Comnatar IBM 170 Mainframe. Free to Oakland Cty resident* who qualify Call 545-4211

F R E E Real Estate Ooe, Uvoada area, offering PTee Pre-License traintag ; small mate-rial charge). We train you t 1 - -you're starting a new career c . , — want to know more about raal astata Morning 4 evening Ism is Call Today L a u r a C a n t l n , M g r . 5 2 5 - 0 9 9 0

G E N E R A L L A B O R G r o u n d s K e e p i n g

F o r l a r g e A p a r t m e n t c o m p l e x

6 6 1 - 0 9 8 6

J&I 5CI r u n arIU.TU n * te lemarte t ia* poeiUooa ^now G u ^ a n u S W ^ - ^

In pea'son. Brooklane Golf Club and Sheldon Roads

sui te H E . L lvonis ment Sendt Middlebelt , Ml 41154

An Equal Opportunity Employer

GROW WITH US Light PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS needed Apoiy tn person. 12240 B u n Rd , Detroit (between Plymouth 4 Schoolcraft)

GUARD fuU-tiroe, day a

_iature individual lo experience necea benefits including f i person Mon - r r .

Immediate fulWime. day dUft employ ment for mature individual with d e a n

. FuU free lunch

record- No

am and tpm. Pursoaassl Dept

F i r s t F e d e r a l

o f M i c h i g a n

1 0 0 1 W o o d w a r d . D e t r o i t An Equal Opportashty Bnployer

HAIR CLTTERS - licensed Cosmetolo t » only, bouriv pay scale plua, M 4 p a n lime Fantastic Same 4511 Middlebelt R d Garden City CaU Uaro-1pm for sppt 515-1441

HAIRDRESSER AaslakaBt wanted licensed ExceUent working conditions ib s contemporary Farmingtoo Hills Hair Shlon 451-0041

HAIRDRESSER Rochester Ares

New Managsancet 451-1134 or fetl551

HAIR DRESSER wanted Street* Hair SOadic la U v o n u


HAIR STYLISTS wanted for busy full service Livonia Salon. Excellent onpor tunlty Hourly wage plus commisskn 4 benefit* Mast be experienced with

skills la aU phase* FuU and part-Mi.5714 C

i .

HAIRSTYLISTS EUponeocwd Needed fall or part time for new salon U v o a l a F a r m l n g t o c Hills area. i T t J n i

FULL TIME person needed for ' a and ulhsr retail fsaac-

_ * Apply within Livonia Tackle Sap-ply, 144M h v e MUe, U

r pialltra available r 14 for gi n i l s i 4 pool car* for



for elegant aalon In Novi. l icense re-red CaU: quired, i 144-1110

HAIR STYLIST with experience Full-time Vacation, food commission Also MANICURIST Sat only T r o ^ S a k *

FURNITURE CLEANERS FuU Urns | m l n p for few good tndl-viduals " " — viduals to leers fui ultaiu rleenlag Earning potential 114.444 lo m . 4 M yasr p&s benefits for ass t . ambitious panoa with wllllngnsss to Mara. CaU U m 4pm M l I I M

FURNITURE Repair company ai i l l sg both Skilled SBaulled l a t a . Send re-susne to P i . i assl DlvWaow m i l Schookraf t LtvonSa Mich MI44

GDfBRAL CLERICAL wtth heevy .cus-uiaxser phone contact M-14 hoar par weak. Permanent pert time srtth fMU-ble — ^ - ^ " " S 11 71 per h o v lo s ta r t Apply m d Slyhisnsnai Highway

nal ihls Ml

500 Help Wantad

HAIRSTYLIST Wtth Clientele for Salon la Livonia

Mbsi Have Experience 444-1441

HALLMARK shop m Soathfleid needs pert time help, days 4 stahsnrts




If possible iw 4-5pm

HANDKNI11U4S4 flnlahers wanted

cjUI M4-44P0


HANDYMAN Mast be handy for betiding and farm projects N<


C i t y o f R o c h e s t e r , a n n u a l b u d g e t $ 5 M i l l i o n .

D e g r e e i n a c c o u n t i n g , b u s i n e s s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ,

p u b l i c a d m i n i s t r a t i o n or r e l a t e d field. C o m p u t -

e r e x p e r i e n c e n e c e s s a r y , m i n i m u m o f 3 y e a r s

e x p e r i e n c e I n a c c o u n t i n g , f i n a n c i a l p l a n n i n g ,

b u d g e t a r y a n d s u p e r v i s i o n I n t h e p u b l i c s e c t o r .

S a l a r y r a n g e : $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 - 4 2 8 , 5 0 0 R e s u m e w i t h

s a l a r y h i s t o r y t o :

CITY MANAGER, P. O. Box 10, R o c h e s t e r , M l 4 8 0 6 3

Aa Cquml Opportunity Emp*cr)*r

HANDYMAN Bortenced la * y well 4 in

for major apartment ry Call Mr J m b I

HANDYMAN "Part Ome Small Aon pert ansa sow. fuU Ome later m i s t meac wans, mast live to araa. French Batarprisaa. Farmington Kill* 474-T144

BARD Mas! ha rape Me at s i i s igMg five san pkryesa mast he k B l i s M ^ i l l l a M aU phesss sf meMOag and racking After

• - Apply winiema » e e J - * 11174

t Apply Diversified


i s r d a l ^ M s H i n l i l saw 4 repair Oeed srsgaa h a t a t a t a t t a s * v» l Can 441-414« M4-4M1

sr sfter 1PM. 477-4344

C U 2 f * 1 1


Y o u r S a l e s A b i l i t y N e e d e d

T h - s t e m p o r a r y a s s i g n m e n t in t h e N o r t h w e s t D e t r o i t a r e a w o u l d i n v o l v e t h e f o l l o w i n g

• A r t i c u l a t e a n d c o m m u n i c a t i v e s k i l l s • M a k i n g o u t - b o u n d p h o n e c a l l s a n c t a k r n g

o r d e r s • W o r k i n g a t o u r h o u r s h i f t

• l n d e f < n ' ' e l e n g t h oi t i m e

C a n f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t

D e a r b o r n 2 7 1 - 5 3 0 0

F a l r l a n a O f f i c e C e n t e r 6 Park l a n e B o u l e v a r d

S u i t e 1 1 2 i e « v i c t 6

K L L U ^

HOMEMAKERS C l e a n E m r t r o n m a n t L i g h t F a c t o r y W o r k

L i g h t A a a a m b f y


F a r m i n g t o n 4 7 7 - 9 B 4 0 8 6 1 - 1 5 0 0


We have DKTVEJt a l •

w 5 6 1 - 0 6 0 0 b 4 4 - 1 1 0 0


500 Ha4p Wanted h i r i n g

STUDENTS twe to summer expansion, several pool T p "**" If ^ ^ £ ^ ^ 0 ^ , ^ 'or wortlag on PC pey If ambitious caU Personnel Be- | ^ , —ers college paefei ied

, S « « p e r m * « n t poeatiooa A ( ^ T o p p o r ^ l t y T T o r T w i U s fast paced company Good pay

- ~ ^ ~ I 0 1 P * 1 ' ! ' Dearborn location. 5 3 7 - 7 0 6 6 | Please caU Gail Wlller

A I R E M A S T E R I N D U S T R I E S K A S L E S T E E L C O R P 943-2500

HIGH SCHOOL GRAD6 4 SENIORS If vou are between the sges of 17 4 14 LABORER needed Must be able lo •_be National Guard has a Training Pro- wort I days Must be High School p a d gram Just for you Bonuses, Pay 4 Re- uate or over 14, able lo Oft 75 lb* Start •Jrement Income ar* lust s few bene- $1 50 per hour 174-4411 fit* For more Information

500 Halp Wanted 5 0 0 H a i p W a n t e d

available For LmmedUte employment ^ ^ 7 ™ c*H between 11-4 at and b e »

MAINTENANCE Full 4 pert time for apartment plex in Farmiagtoa HUM For aonolat-ment 14am-lpm 477-4747

MAINTENANCE Now acceptug applications for full and part tune Carpenter*. PI amber* Elec-tricians sad Jack of aU Trade* Mayflower Hotel. Plymouth Apply tn pea'sob Sst June II. 10-1 PM

SSG Hall, s t 447-0114 LANDSCAPE COMPANY IB Duarbom

or Toll Free ^ ^


11 vou are between the ages of 17 14, "" - 1 Guard has s Trala-Tbe Army National

st 047-0114 or ToU Free 1-404-141-1 M«

stely nust. CaU anytime 541-4054

L-ANIfiCAPE LABORERS WANTED Top wagea Company located la Canton



LABORERS NEEDED Northville Area - 474-7M1

MAINTENANCE for apartmesit complex

CaU between lam-lpm. m - * r i



A growing mortgMs corporation • surfing mortgage toaa processors 4 cl users with axpsslenca C available at oar Warrea 4 bran r i s e An onsnlag for trainee Is available at office located la Sou iii1111»a»—i sin with sxperlenca

lent benefit padtage tacladed For apfwtBtment. caU

SOO H e t p W a n t e d


s r a g offM. proca«Mrea. Alll g

S S T ^ t h ^ a i ' ^ h S S S S r t e ^ -low written 4 oral tastrectkei In rou-tine 4 sausanancy sltastieaa Able lo srork affectively mder stressful condt-uons Applicant n a s i be high school graduate or have th* ai|ulialan»- App6 cant must pess s written, typing 4 oral interview test Applicants meat be able to type 45wpm Mast peaa

HIGHSCHOOL TEACHERS - pert Ume for 1045- 1044 School year to teach LANDSCAPING and raiKh mainte-Geometry 4 Physics st Aklvs Hebrew a j ^ lencv work, garden tractor Day School Call lo arrange lor an In- WOr». etc FuU Ume position. Most have terrtew, S51-04K1 i rsnspor ta t loo Westland Llvoola;

HOUSEKEEPER needed for Senior Cltiasn building m the

MAINTENANCE PERSON for Plymouth-Canton apartment com-plex Full time immediate position CaU I<

Mk for Ms Mc Tag- This posiOoa isa|Uliss rotaOn^ shift*. * aa reouired

' s*l 111.544 Top salary Is 111.1*4 with

may be oMs inert st 10, lam-

5pm. Frt.

10am-4pm. 45V 7104

MAINTENANCE PERSON FuU urns post lion for handv. dsnend sble worker with a working knowledge of electrical plumbing and heeling cooling Misc cleanups and repair* Call Ron Abr*ms 54^5400

MOTORCYCLE parts people seeded Must be hard working Experience

S S ? v J f f « S X S S . E ? f f i S J c Farmington Hill*


S E R V I C E M A N A G E R Immediate opening for oaallftod peron Apply In person to Mark Gilbert a t

efl t* Application* may he ohtai Westland police Dsnt June 14, 5pm.. Mob thru F r i onUI 5pc

SOO H a l p W a n t e d



3 5 - 4 0 H O U R S - D A Y S Salary NignMihli -

EnosOsag h aasfii a for ftaP time CALL FOR APPOINTMENT

C E C I L L E ' S 144 S Woodward. Mnmigkai i :

6 4 2 - 5 1 1 6

5 0 0 H e l p W a n t a d

a tor* for day 4 afternoon shif t* be willing to work 4 day*. Win train a d squats spnUcasts Starting pey M 7I per hoar Time 4 a half over 44 boas* A p ^ J i O d l l Noon 117 P a r t St , S of

STATION i P u n Ume and fuU son 11 Mils 4 Telegraph tioa. SosthflsM

TAP DANCING TEACHER 44. for bb over 14 tap ianr tug

group Ib Livonia area. Friday s snlsas or Sat aftarnaoa. 1PM-4PM 415-4474

RECEIVING CLERK FuU time Experience Bscuasary Apply Mon thru Sat at Mllsatteid* i l l Maib.

STOCK 4 CLEANUP PERSON Retirees welcome Soathfisld araa Good pay compear baasaflta CaU SM or Harry, 181-7177

for infant, toddler chUd cars program Permanent-part Urns M hoars par wsekEar ty Childhood Education or ax-perlenc* m ales rod Jewish Ci lliaiasSrv CssHar. W Blnosnftsld CaU441-144*


Livonia area Must have hoasekeeping lormatioc call

. . LANDSCAPING experience. For more information call Application oow being weekdays only between 1-4PM 475-1M4 Wealthy outdoor wort. ~

\ An Equal Opporttmlty Empkrygr mdlviikal* only nee

HUGS4 KISSES 7 1 ^ ^ N ^ t o L ' ^ 1 2 Davnamn Livonia No phone call*

for energetic

Harold II Rd

MAINTENANCE PERSON for Henry tree ApartmaaS* Experience la haaflng snd air condiuooina necessary Salary with excellent benefit* Apply la paraon between 10-S pm Honeytroe Apart-ment*. 4175 Honeytroe Blvd Canton. mi. « i r

aycamp j seeking teacher* with degrees Ln e s r LATHE HAND6 k MH-I ly L or Oiild Develooment For fuU 4 Experienced In prototype part Ume poaitlon. Call 454-5410 I i m ben f l t* part Ume poaitlon

HUMAN SERVICES WORKERS Use your caring skills to help somecne who reaUy needa you Became s fester

lor a child with mental retarda-Work in your honie and earn U0C-

|700 per month, plus room snd board Fipenaaa CaU Homeflnder ln Wsyne at 144-4100, a Oakland at 111-4410

HYDROTEL OPERATOR Experienced Days only

Southfield area 154-7470

IDEAL POSITION for college student

wagea and benefit*

i MILL HANDS rort. Top


LAWN MAINTENANCE 4 Painting po-litico open CaU after »pm


LAWN' MAINTENANCE 11 or over, high school |

Call betsreen lam-! Ml -Ml 4


Experience Preferred 544-1001


Apply I

H O N D A CITY MM5 MICHIGAN AVE (1 mile W of Tatagraph)

POOL ATTENDANT 4 Swim Instructor Part tUM poaltKaa available, primart ly e v a n t a s aad s aatsmih Life saving or WSJ sot required For more informa-tion ca l l Katy DMhosM al Franklin Ra-ijuet Ouh 4 Spa. l i W t a Ext SI

RED LOBSTER - 1 1 OAKS MALL Novi Now hiring. aU positions avail-able. days or evening! Experience not

try, will train. Apply In person An Equal Opportunity Employer

MAINTENANCE PERSON, expert enced Mast have apartment expwl ence in plumbing. hsetiBg. electrical, sppllancas and boiler* Mast take Limit-ed m m geaicy calls after boar* Apply at Independence Groan Apartment*. M700 Grand River Farmington Hilla. Ml 44011

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL want-ed Janitorial Service* Part time even-ings Experience necessary Farming-ion HLlla and Bloomfield areas U1-41M

MAINTENANCE PERSON Mian have experience In plumbing 4 electrical 4 have car.

Catt: 441-5010



FuU 4 part for bome 4 ume. flexible day 4 benefits, car uss lad

P O R T E R - E X P E R I E N C E D For apartment a m p i n Ib Southfield CaU Mon thru Fri.. I to I . 144-4111

| POSITION AVAILABLE i construction firm which

laltiaa la Mating Position sriU re-

ROOFER - l for srork. Only expen-last have raferenc-

sa Evas

| ROUTE SALESPERSON | driving, masting •Jon your o w T m \ of the tima. then this )ob Is for yoa Both days and afternooaB availabia Good drtvisg

417-514* Downtown pti.ifssslonsl firm located in Ren Can is seeking experienced opera tor of A/M 115*. 1144, Tolal Copy Sys-tem and rarioas other priming equip-men t The successful candidate wUl also ba responsible for other ganaral , - r o ) ^ coordinator fositloo snu re-° m c * d ¥ b " planning production schedulea. eluding salary requirements toe Box 144 a l l l e r i A j seln llnsi 4 purchase order

processing, a* well aa delivery k osstal-Uvonla. Mtchi fa t tm coordinatian Minimum 1 yr A»-


lam-4pm Men Fr i Rd, Gardan City

salary i •ver 4

M151 Schoolcraft Rd . gan 44150

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

NAIL TECH - FuU time posttioo In Sculptured nail* etc Experienced csily Merle Norman Cosmetic*, Tel,Twelve MaU 155-1444

in .hipping department snd Salea or inesmg experience Is preferred r tool sales counter A fuU ume for Farmington ares luxury apartment

r Job WUl train. During school complex Must be articulate, a noo-4hours oact day. (wuiVhexibie lunoker. weU troomed and m a i » « e d

14 Mile , Dequindre a r e a CaU Mon-Fn , and have good communication skills S U) I P M Mr Tbomaa, 544-7111 j Some weekend wort rumored Send — — I complete resume to P O Box 1M0 IF YOU have ever considered a career Fjrmlngton Hills. Michigan, 44011 Ld Reel Estate - please caU Dennis 1 Attention C N Cohoon, Century 11, Suburban. 241-1421 or 141-1111 LICENSED COSMETOLOGISTS

Career opportunity, busy family salon IMMEDIATE OPENING for ongoing Guaranteed wage, no cLlentele oeces-part time position, 4-4pm in the office Canton or Belleville Areas, of s medical manufactortng company Cafl 454-55M located In Southfield Typing 4 other |. general office skills s must Student* welcome CaU Personnel 151-MKI

INJECTION MOLDING shift Foreman fcr expanding North Carolina automo I K I n i I C T D I A I tlve supplier Send resume to P O Box 1117. Livonia, Mich 44151

INSIDE SALiC Chain of private bcslneas scbooia with sever*! ioc*Uotia Ln metropolitan area is looking for inside sales represent* uvea Position Involves Telephone work, face to face Interviewing, ex-plaining programs, enrolling student* and paperwork Persons selected will be enthusiastic, have sales personally and bususess appearance Company of-fers competitive salary and benefi! For a reservation to attend s terview, call 545-7414






MAINTENANCE PERSON General knowledge of office medical building. Need own transportation Ap-ply 11440 Northweatern Hwy., Su. 175, Tarmington Hills

MAINTEN ANCE TECHNICIAN Growing plastic thermoformer Know! edge of electrical, hydraulic. 4 poeu ma tic control* This opening provides good benefits 4 opportunity for *d-i-ancemant Must have references CaU Mr Scott Ml 15*4

MANICURIST Experienced In plastic Up* 4 wraps Nail art a plu* CaU Shirley al Your Salon. Rochester 151-4070

MANICURIST Personable, dependable snd expert enced for part time. Thur* - Sat, "Suite KM", downtown Birmingham CaU 540-4001

NAIL TECHNICIAN, r and do sculptured nails for Birmingham

j f u i ; ume or part time Clientele

sodaias Degree Ib Bsataa trauon Able lo read 4 blueprints 4 architectural drawing* Good eommamcstxns skills, including telephone us* Send Resume lo box • 174, Observer 4 Eccentric Newspa-pers. 1*241 Schoolcraft R d . Livonia. Michigan 44154


MANICURIST wanted lor basy Livonia Salon Must have knowledge snd akills In manicure* oaU wraps and exten-sloos 141-5784

MANICURIST WANTED With or without cllentle

Fri 4 Sat tn start Livonia area 412 5710

Night F o r e m a n



H. R.

Krueger 3 1 5 0 6 G r a n d R i v e r

F a r m i n g t o n


PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Academic program. 1154 per weak, l » l : M pm. Call Apple School IB Clawson. J U - t m

STOCK CLERKS Immediate full 4 part Ume opening?

be II years

15155 Greenfield Rd at 14 Mile. Oak P a r t .

STOCK HANDLER Stock. Inventory control. accurate Call Mr* Gold


M E D I C A L . L E G A L l time for vocatu - - -

Oak CaU Mr* Lang. Part Ume for vocation school ln Royal

T E A C H E R S N E E D E D for Noa ds^rae. Sat 4 eve* adall cauoo d a a a s hMnsMsg Sa

are u i iJ i i ) In &s i

TRAINING r r r OPPORTUNITY.r;./H S . h a s h e s ! awards* 01 u — 1 ' 1 " J

Word ProcesaUBgOffl This special " f

s s s j r s r ^ S r , Dtplosns or GC3. are mm

rrOCK MANAGER WANTED M a t have experience

CaU Sam 454-7781

v e l o p m e o t Boutique la Fartnlnglon HUM 485-5144 fess losa l


for rofl oil 4 t r i a l < 441-44*1

SALES REPRESENTATIVE Immediate tippot tanlly to ass aim a po-st Hon ss sales i s t a s s s l s l H s for a ma-jor FRP Manufacturer Prior O K U

- • with plastic Please send

_ Eagle Plcher Ceotary Sat.

a 144, Dearborn. ML. 44110

product* aeiae p re fe r red Reaume to Ma ghaphsnl. Plastics Division. 15M1 Ca

PRE-SCHOOL and B u h m s t e Teacher* for leading Troy day care center FuU or part time. Call between 4-11 noon Kinder Care Learning Center 514-1111

PRESS OPERATORS Worker* - Die Setters - Die Maksn 4 Apprentice Die Makers. Minimum 1

experience. 41*54 Michigan Ave .

SCIENCE TEACHER - Experienced and certified for full-time posttioo a* u»cher to gifted student* ages 4 to I TEACHER of Language Art*. Math. So-cial Stadiss - Experienced and certified for full-time posttioo to gifted student* a g e s ! to 7 UPPER SCHOOL MATH Instructor srtth experience Ib Algshrs culu* Experience wfth a math students or glftad sired PART-TIME, experienced advanced math Instructor for 1 sections o4 upper school math Send resumes to P. 0 Box 121, Blooo-fleid Hill* Ml 44011

year* ex; Canton.

P R E S S O P E R A T O R S Apply

8**M Industrial. Livonia. Mi

PRINTING PRESSMEN needed for Sir Speedy Printing. Royal Osk. Familiar with A B D4c tM0 bindery snd keylin-ing 544-4414

(real . know year area af inpnt i ss 1

same and general claas oatih 14 to Office of Conttaahu Education, Mercy College of Detroit. (34* W Out-er Drive. Detroit Ml 4*111 - MM No

i calls S T U D E N T S Doe to expansion. Chicago based firm TEACHER - TODDLERS must fill s e m i fuU aad pert tlms i T r O T Must have early childhood Summer posi linns la their advartMag [r.inmf and/or experience Contact aod marteting *S*ai t iueuU Start al Mr* P a u r u a * ar 144-5711 P M (salary). No experience Bscasuary

4. CaU for la ~ " " Need car Over I I D-lpm. Men -Fr i 5 4 1 - 2 0 7 2

T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s

T e c h n l d t a n

C a l l T o d a y l 5 5 7 - 5 7 4 4 D e t r o i t B u a i n a a a

I n a t l t u t e - S o u t h f W d 2 1 7 0 0 N o r t h w e a t e r n H w y .

D e l t a D e n t a l B » d g . . S u i t e 5 1 5


STUDENTS sexobly work Ls Troy to wort 7 days per week tfera 1445 Other* need not apply CaU Byrne between l-8pm only

-n good srages for Our Commaaicatiaaa DapartBMC light taduKrtal as- challeBglBg opportunity for aa ? area. Mast be able enced terhnirlar wtth a irilsln

SCREEN PRINTERS Experienced La multl cnlor and Jacketa Southfield area Ask for lAchael


SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced only Small company In Plymouth CaU for appointment



Q U O T E F O L L O W - U P Redford area S o d resume to

DepXB. P O Box m i o Detroit. Mich., 44111

INSTALLER EXPERIENCED for draperies, vertical 4 horixootal blinds - fuU Ume CaU Mr* Gold st Drapery Boutique, 455-5144

group in- j W e h a v e I m m e d i a t e o p e n -i n g s f o r L i g h t I n d u s t r i a l W o r k in W i x o m . P l y m o u t h , L i v o n i a , W a l l e d L a k e , F a r m i n g t o n Hi l l s , N o v i . M a d i s o n H g t s . . T r o y a n d R o c h e s t e r , 2 s h i f t s a n d 4 0 h o u r w e e k s a v a i l a b l e .

MANICURIST WANTED - fuU 4 part Ume Experience p« efts-red In acrylic fi*il* but srtU train. Plymouth area


MANUFACTURING PLANT la Wayne has openings for Machine Operators 4 Laborer* Must be II Must be ranonsi ble 4 have reference* 124-14*1

NOW HIRING people I I 4 over, for aU shifts. Apply. Wendy* Old Fashioned Hamburger* M701 Plymouth, Livonia.

N C OPERATOR for mold wort. Must be reliable, good In math snd able to program. To^ wi Rochester are* 1-5154

INSULATION INSTALLERS Expenesice not necessary Apply at. Jonse iBSulation

14111 Lanny*. Novi 844-4444

INSURANCE Agency Lb Southfield commercial lines

know property 4 carnal tr rating. Agency background preferred Salary open 544-M5S

• N E V E R A F E E

• N O E X P E R I E N C E


e B O N U S P L A N


INSURANCE SAFETY ENGINEER and . or premium auditor Experienced only FuU or part time Earnings level commensurate with experience. Mr Colllm. 544-0445


ge£r*?knowledge of Southfield Producer, ty casualty in type, excellent beasefit* 4 salary for ca-reer minded person Send resume to: P O Box 1044 Southfield. Mi 44*17

ledge of proper required Most

I N T E R I O R D E S I G N E R S We need 4 people to remodel office space wtth the following experience; Drafting 4 detailing wth some building renovation knowledge and CAD expert ence Top salar ies Rush n a n t to ACRO SERVICE Corp. 13*** School-craft, Suite L 4, Livonia. Ml 44150

Southfield Pontiac Warren Livonia

5 6 9 - 7 5 0 0

3 3 8 - 0 4 0 2

9 7 7 - 5 7 4 0

5 2 5 - 0 3 3 0

S u p p l e m e n t a l

S ta f f ing , Inc. Tbe Temporary Help People

M a n u f a c t u r i n g

Eng ineer ing E X P E R I E N C E IN

P r o c e s s i n g . R o u t i n g , S c h e d u l i n g M a t e r i a l s F o r

S p e c i a l M a c h i n e T o o l s


K R U E G E R 3 1 5 0 6 G R A N D R I V E R



O f f i c e A s s i s t a n t Aggressive individual nesdsd for fast paced Southfield company Duties in-clude MaU processing. *oreroom de-tail and occasional oat of office assign-menu . M a t have sstomobUe. Phone between l am snd 12 noon oaly Ask for Mr Vsaghl 441-42*4

PRINTING PRESSMAN A B Dick 8*4 plas bindery I tak camera .Jvooia araa. 474-4110

OFFICE CLEANING WORKERS Needed Immediate Opening Starting pay 84 per hour


OFFICE GOPHER lo run errands, cher t inventory with phone wort. Heavy lifting Involved Full-time, mast wort Sat* Salary M ** P*r hoar CaU 5-5 pan only 441-0M1

PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR I m m e d i a t e o p e n i n g f o r O f f -s e t P r e a s O p e r a t o r w t t h 3 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e o p e r a t i n g m u l t l - 1 6 5 0 p r e a s a n d k n o w l -e d g e i n r u n n i n g t h e 4 9 7 5 p r e a s h e l p f u l . | 6 . 5 6 h o u r . S h o p In a r e a o f S o u t h f i e l d & P t y m o u - R d s . H o u r s 8 a m 10 4 : 3 0 ^ n . . M o n . t h r u Fr i . F o r a p p o i n t m e n t c a l l :


BORMAN'S, INC. Farmer Jae* Sapermarksts

An Equal Opportunity Employer

SEAMTRESS needed for maaufactar ing w*i ihi. ssi . able to handle tndustrtal machine* some experience lauulred I Mile 4 Telegraph area l S H l l l

S E C U R I T Y O F F I C E R S New n m p a a y )otn now for rapid a d

smant. Part Ux f*lt Hrnai tiroes welcome 1 days pay bonus for tha next 10 nsw employes* Trl Couaty Security Soathfleld557 7721

OFFICE MAINTEN ANCE-Male or female Mon-FrL, approx. 5-4 PM 8118 to s ta r t Advaacamsnt as trained sterling Hgt* a rea Remit to P O Box 274, New Baltimore. ML 1 * 4 7

OFFICE MANAGER for Birmingham Antique Accessory Shop I d a n a weak. Must have basic office skill* l*sm-5 10pm. CaU between 7-lam aad fc-lpm

MANUFACTURING help wanted Ideal for responsible person. Sewing

' . I E ? but not necessary FuU time Telegraph area M14141

LIGHT PACKAGING Reliable person hi• n1 ii i1 for light Able to deal with public and telephoase 118*4 Grand River. Farmington 478-44*4

JANITORIAL AND HANDYMAN Person to do building repair wort and office c leaning 4 hours per night Apply

•on 111*4 W I Mite. Farmington

LOCAL WINDOW pany light wlndcrw assembly

preferred area

JANITORIAL crew supervisor to sa-pervtse handicapped office cleaning crow Evenings Spm-lam. experience with msntaUy retarded adults helpful 1160 per week to s t a r t Livonia area Contact 474-1115

LOOKING FOR WORK' Earn srhile you learn U you are an Oakland County resident and rosel low income guidelines you need a* We *re offering oa>-the-)ob training" at no cost toyouCUU 184-1147

JANITORIAL Part time 4 full time Westland area


JANITORIAL Permanent FuU Time Poaition

At Bloomfield Hills AM. Complex CaU Between 1-4PM Only

6 4 6 - 5 9 6 0

JANITORIAL SERVICE am able help Good drfr iag rocord Must be able to wort e v e n i n g FuU or part Ume 455-44M 455-O40


Must have car 4 be ambitious MI-MS*

JEWELRY BENCH PERSON Must be experienced Ib repelrs Jrwerly fabrications



Peatteaa svallahls la Dearhsro BstgMs 4 YosUaaQ lecaOoas fur larae social aerrfce sgssii f BA ilsgi as (nuMsrud

MACHINE SHOP Mature persoa with broad range of ex perience lb prodactlon machinery in-cluding ~ m - ? c 3 r s £ 2

471-23** Farmingtoo , location. '

Set up 4 Centers.


I only

MARKET RESEARCH In yoair home. Telephone UisesiUss aseded to coan-

• local protect* Strong erganlxa si ability a ''plaa" Sessd letter with

references to M Stacy. Friedman-Swift Assoc 111 Boggs Lane. Suite 110, Cin-cinnati. Ohio 45144

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Expe-rienced organised detail o r W e d per son to direct aU area* of office

JdASSEUSE and MANICURIST full time, experienced only Farming-ton Hills a r ea Contact Janet.


MATURE reliable kitchen at Summer Day Camp at 11 Mile 4 Beck Rd, In Wixom June 17-AogiBt 11 M hours per week. 557-7170

M E A T C L E R K M u s t h a v e e x p e r i e n c e

Fu l l o r p a r t - t i m e . W e s t B l o o m f i e l d . 6 2 6 - 4 6 5 6

OFFICE SUPPLY Dealer iookiag for a Part-time Warehouse Slack Person Now taking application* Modern Off ice, I n c l H u S o u t h f i e l d

SECRETARY /DISPATCHER. Fumingtou Hills office, lam-5pm

CaU 254-4751

S T U D E N T S If y o u a r e 1 8 y e a r s o l d , o r g r a d u a t i n g s e n i o r o r o l d e r , w e h a v e ) o b a w t i e n y o u n e e d t h e m - ' . o w l If y o u h a v e o f f i c e s k i l l s , w e h a v e J o b s I If y o u n e e d l i g h t I n d u s t r i a l o r u n s k i l l e d J o b s , w e h a v e J o b s !

D o n ' t w a s t e % y o u r v a c a t i o n s e a r c h i n g f o r a j o b . w e h a v e t h e m n o w l



Supplemental Staffing, Inc.

The Temporary Help People

21. two yuan ' related i r p s n a a r e ka order to malBtalB aa SL-1 System. Mast have completed training at a Northern Telecom S U T r a i m g

aalary aad a coanpteti-Appiy or send rs-

We offer Uv* some tn


Qnploymuol Services Dept Community Ssrvless IhsUong v 14234 W Mcffichois

Detroit, MI 4*118

equal opportunity employer m/t


TREE CABS * Lia ih ias lak l l i w l i j •

win provide brae HHahsg to M qualify Call. 118-M1-34M

TRUCK DRIVDt Food distrlbnlor is ssafchag part •ami track drivers for local M i l Mast ha re iiilMmMfi I yasr* n a c l s r trailer drtvteg experianca. O a » C - 3 U -

aad excellasst Arlrtag record CaU the 4pm. al ' • P n a

SEMI DRIVERS. M i n m m 1 yean ex-perience wtth hoaaehold cooik ca Local or long distance. Call P a t day only. 1AM-12 Noon

STUDENTS - lo w o r t part time eve*. Plxxa Saloon. Lb Plymouth Mast he 14 4 neat Ln appearance Start ai 11.75 par bour srtth ralaea up to (1.74 boar, beaad on ability Apply 4484 Ldtey Road

TELEMARKETERS FuU 4 Part Time wort Available

CaJl Barbara at OWen -184-4485 An Equal Opportunity Employer

TELEMARKETER Permanent, part Uma Men-Fri 1-8 Ib Southfield Expies touted oaly 84 5* alas incentive No sale* CaU 14-1 857-f»T7

F U L L T I M E p a y . p a r t t i m e w o r k . N e e d e d o u t g o i n g p e r -s o n f o r T e l e m a r k e t i n g p r o -g r a m . E v e n i n g s , f l e x i b l e d a y s a n d h o u r s . T e l e p h o n e v o i c e a m u a t . C a l l M r . H y d r o a t 3 5 2 - 4 7 0 0 .

drir tag record, w i l l | n Z P M * P M a t 1113*

TRUCK RENTAL .umpaay. NevL last-ing for pert time person to hsndta track 4 trailer rental* a te Pteeae call for l»-


T Y P E S E T T E R / K E Y U N E R H a t Know Baa

Willing to TraM oa I 477 1141

TYPESE"! 1 K K K E Y L i r i a j t Part Ume

STUDENTS with traasgiortation to wort Ib home party catering service W e e k n k o n l y 587-4157


p r i n t s h o p p r e s s o p e r a t o r Should ba familiar with I tak Pi s a i l 4 2 Color wort . Tup wagas to qaalified operator No Saturday* or Saadars. For interview- call PaaL Mpsn. 4m-4t i1

S E N I O R C I T I Z E N S Need a J o b ' If yos are 88 r s s n of age or older, low Income. 4 Uvingln BeLle-ville, Canton. Dearborn. Dearborn Height* Garden CKy, Baron Twp Ink

Uvonla, NorthvHte. Northville Plymouth. Plymouth Twp , R a d

l a* Sumpter Twp., Van Wayne or Westland plans*

1 4 * 7 ^

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS 4 AIDES, for J e w M CommuBity Center aaraen child care programs la Oah P a r t aad


WUl train. Soathfisld arse 557-1414

T E L - E X C I N E M A S b a n 4 1

144-*717 hiring Ushsrs 4

after I P M


LTPHOLSTERY TRMMERS - • * Automauve 4 cuatom sgik nMlary -experience. CM 4 ssw _ _>« Please caU 8*4-14*1

v e n d i n g ROUTE PERSON

ence hMpfuL Suad short t P.O. B o T a * . WualtaBl M e t . 4*1**


l am- lpm. 117-4441

ny ha* an opening man. Mast have c

1744 Woodward Ave.. ML 44*11


lance In Superrl-tamcal a p t t a d e

Qectr tcal Hydraulic knowledge help-ful Salary position with good baasfitt . *dv ancemant potential 4 Maady wort. U you feel you are quallflad CaU Ana

sa Bursa Two-call Tbe Wa

iyne or < C u a t ) Office on

4 4 ^ 1 4 5 4 J ( p S ^ o e l ' ^ ° l s not Included). JTPA funded thru Wsyne County Prl-vste Industry Corp

SENIOR PROGRAM AIDE Livonia Working with developmental!? disabled adults la group home. Minimum 1 year

Contact Dae Sl tanhl . 5*1-1712

OPTICAL HELP Large Southfield CBOcal Lab ka* fuU Ume poaltlona avallkble la stock room aad ganaral office irort . Experience preferred, bat arUl Crate oa the >oh CaU kfta- daily U4-4M1

PAINTERS 4 CLEANERS FuU aad part-time, gl.8* to M 0* per Soar Experience helpful Call 195-4 i 17 or Evening only s t 5M-MM

MECHANIC, track 4 conatructlon equipment experience preferred Mast have own tools and be willing to wort-Apply immediately a t 14484 Nowl R d . Novi Aa Equal Opportunity Employer


FABRICATORS W e a r e l o o k i n g t o r e x p e r i -e n c e d a n d e n t r y l e v e l p e o p l e In t h e s e ftelds T h e y a r e l o n g t e r m t e m p o r a r y p o s i t i o n s w t t h s f u t u r e C a l l o u r T e c h -n i c a l D M a l o n

5 6 9 - 7 5 0 0


The Temporary Help Peoni*

MICHIGAN YOUTH CORPS Unemployed 14-11. Wort around B*r


Experienced )oh d a b facilitator

MACHINIST to operate M d y - w i 4 Lath* 1 2 y e a n sxperisnre, * o u M be •Me to read Maapriats 4 set up ow*

t T - e e n Curp « A n w ^ n

MICHIGAN YCHTH CORPS has sum-msr Job* If you're auaaniiloyed Uve In Oakland Couaty and are II ie 11 old you qualify No I Can

li 184-4147

M I L L H A N D Uvonu tool * o p Is •ookiag fcr


PAINTERS 114 par hour Only experi-enced Interior snd exterior Phone af-

a 441-115*. for laterrlaw You

S E R V I C E A D V I S O R Experienced GM only, an other* need apply Top wages, b w f l t s sad qptff program. Apply in persoa only to

B O B S A K S O L D S 1838* Grand River FanniagtoB Hills

PRODUCTION WOREERS Needed for assembly Bne. Two shift* 84 55 how plus bsnsfits. Sand i t w n or letter to Box 111. Mieerver 4 Eccen-tric Newspaper*. 1*381 Schoolcraft R d . Uvonla. flichlgBB M i l *

PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS Troy beeed financial date proceesor ha* immediate need for experience pro-grammer analysts to wort la a techno-logical Innovative environment Posi don entails mslnrsenw-e aad develop-ment of financial applicatton*


a 1 y e a n ftm of c o r a l applications

working with aeon to d fine specification* tar Jesalopmant

Mast be at Meat I I yuan^old neaL. de-

Apply la ^ s r n e R k h - s Mobil Station.


say h o a n at) SU

4 Farmington

SERVICE TECHNICIAN large heavy construction equipment company Is l i l t ing employment of a sates axrtvat-ad Individual to maintain and repair suulpntssd Send "swill to IM, Box Observer 4 Eccentric N ' M P S p a n . M381 Schoolcraft R d . Uvonla. ifichi gaa 4418*

Aa Equal Oppm taa l t j Bnployer

acta Corp. I

PAINTER WANTED- Mast have expe-rience M latex 4 oil Airiees spray heip-f u l Traaanortatloe 4 i CaU I

PARKING LOT STRIPING hours, good pay. only surioas caU

PARTS DELIVERY Persoa for Fann-HlUs Dealer Must have perfect

caU Sieve Sbep-471-M44

a Good vsrhal aad wrtttee commanlca-


wtth 06 , MVS. CHS,


MAID'JANTTOR •tment r teasn I tar Isrgs Mghrtse .

r f c r s kaUwsys 4 vacant MM* Maal dws ii saapiwtaflaa AapHmtteas s t l . l i g i a l i a - i CJreea Apart

M744 Grand Rlwsr

VOCATION AL C O U N g L O e i Y P S n A N T t ^ ^ H


E x p e r t t e d as )uh ctefc tacillutor t» u ^ | P w r t r t r a l f l l l l i g 4 take aBssaassas** 4 Job plai asiivis rw Prep* quired Please send Irtaf i •• a to Bus


MuM have gsad t l i i t laas l

t Be aMa ta sat U t a l l l sad

AD*T*ACO*P 101 Union St.

Plymouth. Ml 44170

PART TIME DIRECT Care • group bean* Days snd a f t a r* able Call 3*7 -1*17




a Experience Easytnrve Am

Swears Data Corporatloe o f t e n a com-petitive salary and benefit pactage Kease seni isssmi to Secure Deta Corporation. Purasanal Mass gar 54*0 Crooks R d . Troy, Michigan. 4MM


M R P G D t o

SHELL SERVICE station Is Soethflaid for fall and part-time at-

heiBfuL bat 144-4144

SUMMER HELP outgoing pc

iimpoos for

Part tlms. tar Franklin Savings I Applies tine* being taken 0 W l l M l t e . Southfield.

rsmpeign Mast ba at least 21 years of age Call Banloyer* Tsmporary vice, b s t s s s a l a m 4 3pm. 17V

protdodaaai •* of Ser


interviewing No Mast have clear


SI M M E R JOBS Now hiring tar i

CaU for interview Michigan Power 4 Qaergy

SIMMER WORK ntenance of

Msst be I I or older Telegraph fries aree. CaU Joe 4:3*am-ll,



SUPERVISOR ExceUent opportunity for an tndlvidaal with experience in Che operation of slitter* A good staal bnckgroend la klao

L If you possess good supervlao-

l la MS posatloci

P . O . B o x 5 3 6 D e t r o i t , M l 4 6 2 3 2

SURFACE GRINDER OPERATOR Gags ahop sxperisnre required mini-mum I y u a n Complete benefit pack age Parrmngton Livonia


V a l - U - T o o M 27478 Joy R a n d W,


Uvoada Area Phone 1PM-SPM


2 W ? ainarianre 4

I le*B s d General aU n Uvenla 341-4134


E D M . O P E R A T O R S M A C H I N I S T S

NIGHT S H U T ProctsaoB p e a r t insnafai I m s ts look lag tar aggrwevw IndKihaets NC/CNC experience Is bslpfaL Ton wagas 4 bsa-efit* CaU or apply at f W h e r a f t Co 3*4** Ryan R d . Warren 834-


P A P P A G A L L 0 F a J r l a n e T o w n C e n t e r

Is la need of both tall aad part-t help. Experience bslpfaL but aot aa sary Apply la parson

Lower Level Lord TayicrWla^ Frt., 13 to I . to 1

THREE PoaUons Opaa tar the right qualifisd psrsonc Office Mansasr, with Accounting 4 MartaOag haAgj i i s s l .

TIL I • • •* 9 V pUcaats mast be waO f i i a i i l m d M

14044 Northland D r , iaulhftald



Detroit ratory IDOtiOB lent aalary 4 faU beasefit package, an qualifications 4 aalary i usali sausafa confidence to Timer. PO Boa 4! «?

Lathrup Village. Ml 44071


g u a r d u n I E S u t a c t u r i n g 12141 l e v a n , l i v o n i a


TOOLMAKER Par umaU toolroom Mast be able to

details from Match aa aaassg miIV a *

tr, equipment aaa in lM tank


FariDtegtoa Area

4 7 1 - 1 5 0 5

t w

• to i

(*Z lYea i

Mlg. Mig Uvonla


YARD 4 LAWN WORE lar | y u a n cr aMar, tar i . ta Uvonla Hourly rata M J * p u r l

YARD WORK - cons for yard wor t 4 oriac.

weU wtth ehUWea t l par h s v . • u n 3 X t S

84 44 AN BOUR G U A R A N T E E No axpertanea an i n Ws w O M n yos to wort M our Tataphna Sates Dent Call between 1 an* 4pm tar Inter-view Aak far Mr Bhaa 833-7744

5 0 0 H e l p W a n t e d


Window Aak tar Steve W H44


la % a i W i i p o - t * * Aa aaeeO wortlag k a i w l i i g i af l . a s t i r s i a e etructtoa plaatlag a m a d i W l

B Fa


W a n e e d e x p e r t e n o e d p e o -p l e f o r l o n g t e r m a l i g n -m e n t s w f t h t h a p o e e l b a f t y o l p e r m a n e n t p o a l t l o n a C a i o u r T e c h n i c a l D f v .

5 6 9 - 7 5 0 0



W e l c o m e W a g o n Ssahs i sasaaaaSallisa M B i I tv artaSsd a* 11tiling 1 n i l i n * i — g sew ta Aaa Arhar, Yp-

' i M i n - - g a r aa* Oaad coanalaslea a a r a t a o . flexible h e m . trataMg mmOti. ear t +

CM Call Malta Thus atnuM The Arhar M a Man. J a s I t . hans-

H a t and Tub* Jmm IS.

AvurUl Lanamg, Ml < Aa Bgaal O p p e r W y

«hflOUCAN YAXAKI CORP L w w c a p m s l u ^ m

M ^ y n M h F l ig lsaBdhArsa l

PERMAJtaWT r i H T - T M S a f P ^ pto aasdsd tm Msnl Mar*

SPOT WELDER OPERATORS WUl Treh* Sams ahop experteucejjre-

M b e e n per weak. U 54 te

Aran CaB betueea

SURFACE GRINDER HAND > be experienced Spacer 1 mouth 488^


Exp» tamed an gs«a Hainan h i tool w a r t K a h M 8 years esq

L S t n r - c "

»par weak- M**_par •dated r*ise*^Troj

P r o j e c t E n g i n e e r

enosd"n**C phaaaa sf n i •ham-sl stec-tncnL h j i h s s l l - aad ) m n i l l r sagl-

500 He4p Wanted

_ Apply at A c c u - M a t l c S y a t e m a , I n c

1 1 9 7 3 M a y f l e l d U v o n l a 2 6 1 - 6 0 6 0

11171 Or


°Tami n?i7TTiijr* *

Baalea «a, — -Baalea «a, n i 4 ateary Mstary fa oan-ijssa. Waeduarl A»a. Baa 13*. MM MBa. Ml 4SM3 pR a j s m t a n t wa n* •msr* ST . rsn efllre sad wurt wRS «f-W—du w4.eate»sa> i M


One of America's leading euppMera of automotive equipment and replacement parts provtdea fertile ground lor future ca-reer growth. A career poeltlon for a pereon-nei profeeetonaJ exiata at our arrveM northeeat Flint. 0elected caodkJate will poeeeae: • Degree m H w w R a e o w o e a . o r s e a a e r • U M n w tm years varied personnel

m d u d k i g M u a l f i a l reMMone • Exper ience la a manulectur lnQ. mmot • Coaeo lNe b e r g a M n g er t rwugt rg f io r • Previous supervisory e i * •*a- n , A,4a a a<MM|a | | | yh

i m s e t e *

" • = 5 2

S t t r t S S S S t e f - ^ s s S n j j t e l p i a n h i s i -fras s weak Cafe M8-1M1 B d 1*811 t r aaB faaaTS-ISS* OsS

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Executive Vice President of outstanding multi-faceted long term care organization tor aged seeks experienced Administrative Assistant. High level written and oral communication skills required. Advanced degree and heelth care background preferred. WW perform wide variety of administrative functions.

Send salary requirements and resume to: C h a r t M 8 . Wolfe,

Executive Vice President JEWISH HOME FOR AGED

19100 W. Seven MUe Roed Detroit, Mich., 48219.


SVBRA INC. - one of the nations largeet franchises of ARBY'S ROAST BEEF RESTAU-RANTS has immediate openings In Its Manage-ment Training Program at several locations In the northern & western suburbs of Detroit. We offer

• Salary Commensurate With Experience • Comprehensive Ufe. Heelth & Dental Ineur-

ance Pack age . • Paid Vacation After 6 Months • 5 Day - 46 Hr. Wort Week

Advancement & frequent eatery reviews based on merit rather then seniority. Qualified appli-cants should poeeeae 1-2 yrs. reeteurent expe-rience. (management experience a piue}. eome college education preferably In buainaaa. the ability to deei with a wide range of people 8 pereonetttlee and well developed communioa-tton stents. It you ere



9 interested In ttteee entry poetttorM><eeae ca* Ale 9-4 P.M.

TOM SAVARD, 8YBRA, INC. 1-744-2729

Equal Opportunity Employer

H H M f e

14C«(R-1QC.W,Q-12C) O&E

» 0 Hetp Wanted WINDOW C U A N D M M

Experienced preferred BesyBse I W n C h u n

902 H a * Wanted Dental Ma die >1

S s H for kmoadUle

u u K o r U Q a M « i > r L . * - 0 p m H14N)

Part 4 Pall Ome ta Troy lor trauma Orally brain

m U l f h ! M t l l l

502 Help Wanted Dental Medics!

Thur»day. June 13, 1985

502 Help Wanted Dentai-Medtcai

D O T A L ASSISTANT needed for Dear bom 'Xhcdootlc practice Othodontic a p n n r p i s f n i s d bet oM a a l M i r y Seod r w x lo Box 111 Observer 4 Eccentric Newspaper-. M i l l School craft Rd Livonia Michigan M ) «

DENTAL ASSISTANT I U M I for modern office is Troy Some EiparwKt m u n Call 4*»-140* o t t t H W

DENTAL ASSISTANT pert k fall Ume. M have experience la 4 handed ,ienusir> Pleesant — Troy

. < in 1 M i W , L growing practice Lc

Kathy U M M


We Need Ttparl—ceil

• Hospital Bll lers • Physician Blllers • Medical Secretaries • ART • Admi t t i ng Clerks • Clerical

478-6815 T e m p o r a r y P ro fess iona l s

DENTAL AaMsunt Receptionist Part time, cheerful, p e r s o n a l rami:?

~ Experienced pre-H M U t

practice in Troy f erred CaU

DENTAL ASSISTANT fall Ume, lor Troy area office Scene evening and Saturdayi Experience preferred


DENTAL ASSISTANT pari Ume oral surgery office 16-M boon per w e * Dental bechgrouod or experience repaired- Call between t 4an>4pen Birmingham 447-7114

D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T Experienced p ie te te i l W Bloomfield area Start Immediately Call 414-0400

502 Halp Wanted Dentat-Madicai

502 Help Wanted Dentat-Medtcai

DENTAL CHAJRSIDe ASSISTANT rol l i i ~ Oak Part- Excellent « t | n 4 benefit! for qualified person

LPN OR Mattca! Pall Ume aad part time Call beta 1-4 PM H M M t

MEDICAL ASSISTANT tor Pamtly Practitioner M

___ mL Por Interview. (all Taea, Thurs or Sat 1*4-40*4

DENTAL HYGIENiyT Part ume 1 or 1 days including some Saturday mornings Weet Bloomfield

M i l 449

LPN OR R.N (or m-home Ujssiaacs physical* Sched ule own appointments M a i live la Livonte Call M m Spm T74-4111

DENTAL HYGIENOT Par t ume for Monday* only Expen

414-0*74 enced or recent gradual

office Walled Lake i

L P * POSITION AVAILABLE Van B r a Cienslouient Canter. Belle-ville, Mich Call M n Ferris for Inter-new M7-0M1

DENTAL HYGDENIST - AU day Mon dayi k $at moraines Livonia family practice Friendly perscnable, team oriented office Slart July 1 CaU Kim Mi-llOO

DENTAL HYQIENIST Part-time Southfield

B M 1 H

MATURE PERSON wtt> central sapply good organisational iklll* naatnaaa Apply ta psnoa 10am_ taan. Mon-Fri Georgian BloomfiaM "Jotum Bocae. l»7b N Adam* Blooro field rnlta

practice la 444^111

DENTAL HYGIENEST for prevention oriented

Part time M4 t i l l

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Kxpeneeiced EKG, V. Westland. CaU for


DENTAL BYCIKN1ST For every other Saturday morning

Oak Par t area Day*. SS4-MOO Erea 1*0-001*

MEDICAL ASSISTANT experienced 'ii.w- in Weetland

blood wort 4 In-box 171, Garden

City- Ml M i l *

person for olakt Knowledge of X-ri

PC* Write

D E N T A L ASSISTANT Experienced, part Ume. Southfield. caU Eve* or weekends. &40-l7»7 Ml-0474


E x p e r i e n c e d Nurse A i d e s & Orde r l i es n e e d e d for a f t e r -n o o n a n d m i d n i g h t sh i f t s . Fui l a n d p a r t t ime p o s i t i o n s ava i lab le . Cal l Beverty M a n o r of Nov i . 4 7 7 - 2 0 0 0


»—" pnaltmn for an A R T in a •mall community feoaplUu to assist

leal i i u i i k director Meat bare at 11 yr* experience ta a Supervisory Ucn Mast ka r e knowledge of all as-

eacts at • madtrsl l a u a d s dapartmeoL CaU Miss Bant s t Radford Commuruty Boapttal . qSll-«3M a t - t »

DENTAL ASSISTANT, Pull or part Ume poaltwn for klj^ly roouvsted. experhnced. mature individual Bknmfletd Hills m 4140

DENTAL ASSISTANT FarrQtn«ton Hilla ar»a Experience preferred bat not oeceaaary Working wltt children Salary plas benefits 111-1160

DENTAL ASSISTANT M Hours General Practice

Plymouth 4S4-11W)

DENTAL HY'GIENIST for fa»t pac»d modern practice. Uvonla Area. Call S14-7«l«

MEDICAL ASSISTANT RecwpOouK Pediatric office Is Sootkfleld Ma« do manual WBC aad D O T Pull Ume Por appointment

DENTAL HYGIENEST Part time posi tioo for profreesive people oriented group tn Livonia Weetland area. Moat be experienced, mature, Happy, caring person who will compliment our team Reply between ldam-4pm. 4U-M70

M E D I C A L A S S I S T A N T Part Ume Experience m EKG vaoa-pBDCtare, X-ray Redford 117-1113

MEDICAL ASSISTANT or LPN for 0 6 GYN office, part time Experlaoce la office skills and *

502 Halp Wantad Dantai-Madical

502 Help Wantad DanteMVtedical


la Mr? O n c o k y office

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Part Ume I m r a a office la SoutkfMd Maat know venapunrpsre Injections

l l H I M

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Pull-dme Por Pediatrics Office In-cludes too

1LUB • V* • I I I Sill HO 4 «* Call Mr I C m m t ,

K arming 477^M7

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Parmlngtoa Dearbora Experienced Raniy wttk i sanmt Ur 113*4 W War-ran. Daartioni, Ml a i 3 « Att Norma


Oar Ml -bad konpltal Is loolung for • top-oo4rt Medical Librarian lo direct our Medi cal Library

RaepanatbtllUas will laclnde developiag and kswlllng aa annual bed#et montbly book •cquMttMna. canputarlaed on-line Utaratare n a i ckie. cataloging. c t m l a t M n and maintenance of medics I li-brary materials, aa well as keeping library servtcae cur-rant regarding aotomation and electronic advances In t4« field of information manage

MEDICAL SECRETARY for Troy * » d a l v t M e t bave experience wttk aU

meurance, typing. dictap4ooe and •ling Send i • a m i , aad salary r »

to Box 341, Otoeerver 4 Newapepen M331 School-

craft Rd Livonia, Mlckiaaa

NLTtSE AIDES 5 day orients Goo claas Apply In pi Mon Uvrs Prl 1 XPM Van Burm Coo-

I4 I1M


Ma tare, wtth p rv rkaa eaperMwre. MaM

^ p i r j & T i ^ r s a j ;

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST We offer above s v e r s j e income plas

Type on state of tbe

MEDICAL ASSISTANT to help rue front office 4 reception deek. mest know vena puartur* EEC. PPT 4 pre-ferred Doppler, U t h r u p Village


MEDICAL ASSISTANT for Troy office, i ( kr w e e t no Sat. cr evea Experience not aeee—ary. ««* ) lent poaitlon to supplemesit kueband i Income CaU Mon- tbra Prt between tam-ooon 141 1112

MEDICAL ASSISTANT, fall Ome, for family practice Garden Ctty area Send reeame to Box t u t , Obeerver 4 Eccen-tric Newspapers, M3S1 Scbodcraft Rd Uvonla, MlcUgan 44110

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST FuU time for Detroit office near Schoolcraft-Evergreen Knowledge of M u . toeurance 4 terminology No evenings or Saturdays 111-1110

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Part Ume. Ear. ooae 4 throat allergy office Vaoa-

experleoce neceeaarj Sceitb-114-1410

MEDICAL BILLER prefer at l ee* 1 year experience 14 hours a week. Gar d e n O t f t r - 4 4 0 1

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Approx) mately 10 h n per srenh Expertmce

not required P a r a m y o n referred bot HQs CaU. leave


DENTAL .ASSISTANT Needed Saturdays Only

Experienced Southfield Location 114-1710

DENTAL ASSISTANT Part Ume, for pragj laatve Uvonla off-Ice, experience pi d e f i e d Ask for Anita

s t l l l - l l O O

BILLING CLERX RECEPTIONIST FaU Ume for busy Sovthfield eyecare clinic aad manuf actarer Varied duties Able to fill la for regular receptionists H w b i

DENTAL ASSISTANT experienced chair side wanted for fast paced mod-em practice Uvooia Area 111-7416

DENTAL ASSISTANT Full Ume Farmlofton Hilla 4 banded denttstry X

Box i n , Otaarvar 4 Eccentric News-papera, 3g341 Schooleraft Rd-. Uvonla. W y - a i f U 1 M

BUSY ORTHODONTIC office Is reanonslhie and matare person

ranee the clinic area Mast be experienced la Orthodontic asatsting Call Rhonda at t u - i t o s

CANTON DENTAL OPTICE looking for fell Ume Tasnporay Hyglesust while Regalar H v p e n * la oa Maternity ieev« 4% days a week, no w Prom Jane 14 Aagaat U CaU


Southfield area Experienced only day wort weet CaU 557-1*10

DENTAL ASSIST ANT For Children Dentistry Office in South-field Mature person Most like chil-dren Experience desired &M-1 m


vldual wl FuU time poeltwo available for an Lndl

Ith aa enthusiastic personality 4 experience working tn a dental office Must be capable of handling a very busy 1 Doctor practice Benefits Westland. 7I3-&111


OFFICE MGR. Immediate opening for mature- respon-sible career oriented person Mass have experience 4 refwencea » - 4 0 hrs per week Union Lake 414-4110

MEDICAL ASSISTANT For docton office Send reeame U> P O. box 111 Observer 4 Eccentric Newspa-pers, M i l l Schoolcraft Rd Uvonla, Michigan U150

MEDICAL ASSISTANT experienced lor part time Experience required In both front 4 back office including Bwrsnce. tvalng. ekxs. vena puncture, etc Posi-tion available starting Mon.. Jaly 1. Please ssod handwritten c o w letter along with typed reeame to: PO 714. 14»01 Norl Rd. Novi. Michigan, 4MM

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST part Ume No experience necessary Pleaaant irowlna practice In Troy

Cathy 141-AOW

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Par t -Hint 1 -1>4 day* a week.

Pediatric off ice Troy area CaU I Mam-4 10pm 444-1430

MEDICAL BILLER Uvonia. full time, noi^amoker, J years experience required- Must know BC

^ S S i ^ " " Pri

»-i PM I

MEDICAL BILLING Clerk Must be fs-mllisr wtth all insurance to phase out computer posting 4 sutas lng U « j j « • f M 42'-J»V4

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Exnerl-eticed lor Birmingham office 115,000 plus benefit! to start. CaU day* 441-4410 after 6pea 11414*4

MEDICAL ASSISTANT 1 year experience preferred

Uvonla area 534-0770

DENTAL ASSISTANT Experience*! 4 handed denUl a * s t a n t d m r e d for full time position with large croup practice In Uvcnla Barbour for interview at

CaU Mrs. 4X7-2134

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Pegboard m t m accounts receivable, appointment boo* control. Insurance forms Downtown Birmingham office. CaU 441-1440 or 4*

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Part Ume experienced in aU laborsto-rv functions Birmingham. Flexible bour. CaU Debbie, 447-4410

- 441-0541

CERTIFIED OccupeUonsi Tberapv A» •istant needed to wort ta physics! iHa-sblltttss Is Westland - Uvonu area Ap-proximstely » bour* per wert . aposftlons opsn. Call 511-15K

CHAIRKDC ASSISTANT for bmy orthodontic office Experienced tn otho-doadc practice u i s f s i i ed but not oec-esssiT Applies uoos being accept*] on U o s u j 4 Tessdsy Jane 10 4 11 7^ur» day 4 Friday. Jans 11 4 14 »am-lpm at B 1 M Garrison. Suite 1«1. Dearlwrn

DENTAL ASSISTANT Part time Must be energetic 4 outgo-ing. aome experience In s dental office deatred Duties include Ajsistlng den-tist 4 some front office procedures Troy Ares MV4M0

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST FuU time position for Northville Dental practice Expenesice with dental inaur ance. pegboard. bookkeeping, cha lmde r i p e n mce preferred Salary o » meourate with experience-144-?W7

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Position open for IndSvidusl st our busy front deak Primary responsibilities In-clude, Post treatment patient check

MEDICAL ASSISTANT. full time For Southfield internist Vena-puncture, Injections. EKG 154-M44


We oeed an experienced phystosn blller familiar with OphUialmologj bUl ing and procedures for an open assign-ment Call

4 7 8 - 6 8 1 5 T e m p o r a r y P ro fess iona ls


needed for August Temporary and/or Call for appointment. pe rmanen t '


MEDICAL OPTICE- needs person to 'wor t . In Accounts Receivable Must hive medical badffround Experience

" u d resume to MUe, Berkley

in collections balpful Send »o< w i i Mr*. Harper,

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST for doctor! office CaU Diane after 4 pm 447-5540

Must have a MLS degree and one or more years experience la a medical library

Eligible candidates please ap-ply or send resume and salary requirements in confidence to


Employment Services Dept 14110 W McNlcholl

Detroit. MI 44114

Equal Opportunity Employer M F

Y t s ' r a t hsve 1 yr* experience, typ-ing O R-D/S- Troy a rea CaU 343-4311

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST FuU Ume position la s SuathftsM medi-cal practice Knowtodfs of medical tsr minology sad experience wtth dictation equipment Inquiries Ur Rstlns Consult ants of Michigan. 3»3#1 Tulsgrsph Rd Suite IM. Southfield. ML, At t Jack

502 Halp Wantad Dantal-Madical

502 Ha4p Wantad Dantal-Madical

Drive. Belleville. Mich

NURSES AIDES aU Sklfta. n j ie i learerl or with cerufica Uon Mt Vernon N w a u g Canter 14714 Greenfield. Southfiekl 547-0050

PHARMACIST Computerised pharmacy needi pert

1 >4 Service I time Pharmacist with hospital experl-Service ^ F o r . j e u u , cootact

G A R D E N CITY HOSPITAL 4 2 1 - 3 3 0 0 . Ext. 277

N U R S D AIDCS PuU or pert time posltloos AU ihlft! Pnmsr t fy interested ta psrmaasnl po-nt loas Good salary, fringe bsosfits. ex cellent working ««<atlons Apolj in person Guoryaa Bloomfield. I»7l N Adam*, corner of 14 Mils Bloomfield Hills

NURSES AIDES bome care Expert eocwd 4 reliable, transportation r» quired. Contact Anna 444-5140

Aa Equal Opportunity Employer



July 1 Aui d i n k

t 15

NURSING AIDES, ... for afternoon ihlft s t 41 bed nursing-home la Soethfield Contact Director of Nursing 547 1111

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST Applicant for this pert Ume position must hsve formal training la Martini Transcription proficient ta medical tar-

ology. type 41 wpm, aad have one year oT recent experience as s Tr*a-scnptionlst WUl consider recant grads of accredited transcription program If you qualify. caU 433-14*7 for an ap-

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Pleaaant 4 exciting West Bloomfield (rnacoiogy practic* hai immediate opening for ex perienced fuU time recept losi&tThis •osltion requires an especially dynam-c interested. 4 orgsaimd person to handle telephone, sdieduling sppotnt ment* 4 asslsUng la aU areas of Insur

billing 4 cooectloo. 151-who

MEDICAL RBUEKnONBT Experienced, full Ume Farmingtoo area Excellent opportunity Ca l l^ ^ ^

NURSING AIDES, , for afternoon shift at II bed bome ta Southfield Contact Director Nursing 547 1111

SOUTHFIELD REHABILITATION CENTER 33401 Foster Winter Dr . Southfield. Mi 40075

An Equal Opportunity Employer

NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATOR Opportunity for weU qualified adminis-trator to manage a nursing home In Soutbeastsrn Mich Mi*t have outstand-mg record and operation* fiscal man-agement and marketing Candidate must possess strong leadership organ!

itiooal ability and excellent interper-sonal •fc"i« Seod i useine snd salary re-

Growing qualified i

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST perienced far b a y OB GYN office Farmlngtos Hills




MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Needed for Troy physician Experience

pegboard and insurance blllljy oeceaarv Hours Mon thru Pr l Call _ ternoons » H 3 M

bome care agency a seeking experienced personnel for pri-

vate duty cases throughout Oakland County Choice of Dsys 4 Hour* CaU between 10am-4pm Monday thru Prl




MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST - Part time to fuU time Must have pleasant ersonallty wtth motivated flexible at-

titude for busy Bloomfield Hills Ophthalmologist office Send replies to Mr* James Mattack. 1304 Farmrtdge Pontiac, Ml 4*054

FULL TIME NURSE AIDES Needed for 7 AM 1 PM and 1 PM 11 PM shifts at smaU nursing bome In Canton. CaU 454-7000


FuU and part time AU shifts Expert ence not necessarv. wUl train. Most be 14 Apply In person cnly. Ms. Wstkin* Nightengale West Nursing Home (145 Newburgh R d . Westland. near Joy Rd No pbooe calls

to Nursing Administrator P O Box MM.

Ann Arbor, M3 4*1*7

OFFICE MANAGER For medium Use medical office. Reqsirea strong person-ality. Send resume to: P.O Box (Hill*. Bloomfield HUM. Mich 44M1

• Modem weU > • FamUy boaati . • PuU recreational faculties For further tnformauon, contact Marvin Barman. RasMsnt Dbuctor at


RECENT HIGH SCHOOL gyad, able, bright. U aasist medical d office WUl teach Experience b Good hours aad pay. M

RECEPTIONIST With Insurance knowledge p i s f a t e d PuU time, la Uvonla a r e* Ask for


RECEPTIONIST for growing Redford Dental Office Experience necaasary Must know insurance 4 pegboard ac-counting system. CaU Sharon. 155-MO1

RECEPTIONIST for phy*4elaa* office Computer experience helpful but not oeceaaary Accurate typist. fuU Ume Uvonla area Ask for Mr* Coooor or Mrs Werner •74-0555

RECEPTIONIST PART TIME. Podia trv office Experience not nee m i 7 Typing 4 telephone abUlties belpfuL 30 hours per week Telegraph-Maple area CaU 4-gpm for appointment, 447 1IX!

MANAGER Receptioaial hflald Podiatry

be good typist 4 tnteili-

OFF1CE General Office for Southfield office — g « t Bring resume For Appt M4-M30

RECEPTIONIST for busy West Bloom field Ophthalmology practice, fuU-tlme Muat have own transportation. Salary commenaurate with experience Musi have resume 4 references CaU be-tween l#am-4pm. Mac Fn411-1144

ON-CALL COORDINATOR To take calls la home eveniag* aad _ - J u n t o , Sat la office Clerical and communication skills necaasary Car 4 telephone needed MldwelnHome Care 171-1500

OPHTHALMIC TECHNICIAN Experienced Ln ultra sound Southfield area. Ultra modern facility Sen-dreaume to Box I N Oteerver 4 Eccen-tric Newspaper* M1S1 Schoolcraft Rri Uvonla. Michigan 4*150

OPTICAL ASST./DISPENSER Experienced Top pay PuU or part-time Farmington location 0*11: 474-5135

REGISTERED X-RAY or TVrapy« Tech for Rochester Are* Radiation Therapy clinic CaU »-4, Monday thru Friday. Mr* Votro, 454-lOOC

0 Y / M E N T Thuredey . June 13. 1986 O&E (R-11C.W.G- 13C)* ISC

502 Haip Wantad Dan tai-Medical

REGISTERED Medical for mutti-eneclalily clinic, part time (PM-4PM Mon thru P r l . alternate Saturday* and vacation nil-la* PMaae send resume to Lab Supervisor Radford Medical Canter. 1411* Grand River. Bedford, 4*140

504 Halp Wanted OfAce-Claricai

504 Halp Wanted Office-CtertcaJ

504 Halp Wanted Office-Clerical

504 Halp Wanted Office-Clerical

504 Help Wanted Office-Clerical

RN and LPN The arse's leading nursing bome p a i t l a . svsllable Immediately on our ^ „ K M 7 7 l w


PAYROLL CLERK Above positions muat have a High School diploma

FINANCIAL ANALYST Entry level liigieed accountant

ACCOUNTING MANAGER Strong accounting background, poten-tial for

AUTO BILLER Experienced, start immediately Sand Resume tn Hlnee P a r t Uacola-Msii s-ry 40001 Ana Arbor Rd., Plymouth. Mt 4*170 Or caU snd ask fo r Mary or Patty 443-3434

PART TIME challenging Job IB busy Southfield TOT p e a l office, front desk re-quired with some knowledge of light medical aa>il»LBj. T h i n g s muat

PART TIME, houriy. medical podiatry assistant WUl train Some typing seed-ed Send resume. Kaplaa 4 Berlin, 1I13SW 11 Mile Rd . Southfield


Applications sre now being sccepted for o u t time Midnight shift poutuon* Qualified caadlates mast be certified or registered by the NBRC ExceUent sai sry offered commensursu wtth expen eoce tn addition to shift differential and weekend premium Apply Employment Office. Mon Frt > l PM

P R O V I D E N C E HOSPITAL Fisher Center

2 2 5 0 0 P r o v i d e n c e D r . , S o u t h f i e l d , Mich igan, 48075

An Equal Opportunity Em plover

out. collecting payment! 4 a friendly, DENTAL ASSISTANT cial someooe with • bscsgroi™ ^ — • - r r r - . . . 1 T U I Ul ESSMUaf' We need > pleasing per Please cal l Linda 431-0700 MnaUty to fit Into our frowing prac- D E N T a J RECEPTIONIST expen-Uce FuU or part Ume CaU 4 ssk for sterling H a area Joy W7J710 97

CHAIRSIDe DENTAL ASSISTANT PuU Ume for prop leave newer office Neabaigh 4 4 MUe Livonia Prefer at least 1 year axperlance This » ™ right position for tha plaasaiH aggres 441

"1-0011. Pleu Bve type. Ml

CHILD BIRTH INSTRUCTOR Par Uvonia location RN required. BSN with some teaching aad OB axaenence

.404-141for 4514414

974-82U D E r t 7 J J " _ A S S ^ r A S . DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Insurance nnall high quaUty dental office Need P r n o r puil-ume for proereeslve <kn-good english 4 some math itoita. You u | m Westland TV»e seeking may be expenenced or y wtU UTdn ' preferred Ex-

Please send or drop your resume » - - - - -W Huron. Pontine, Mich 4*051

Please state salary requirements

only 411-5500


5 s s x r ^ ^ - 5 = ~ i ; s = " s ? ; assistant for group practice In Uvonla. p r T } W T e d oiveril^ed duOea tn a pleaa-Westland Area Must hsve s t r o n g or computer orientated wort environ-

io t e rpe rvnu m t i e - - •• »» . u n I lifinimtm 2 yeaji

COOK ment Salary commenaurste with al*U

^ ^ • 7 R e p f y - t 0 O 3 : » 7 . " ^ " tieteeen 1* a m - I o n

F U L L TJME A F T E R N O O N ir 144 bad convalsscsnt botsa Is Novi

J M qaantity cooking helpful Apply B s w t y Manor of Novl. 14504 Mssilii s Is mi* Rd.. Novi

DENTAL ASST ! Experienced Duntal assistant for our j Preveeitettve Groan D o t a l practice. In i the Uvonia area We Deed • motivate!* 4 dedicated Individual with sincere pa-tient raring skill! Benefits included - -t Linda 411-47 00

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Mature experienced person for well es-tablished FamUy Practice tn Uvonla Must be familiar with meurance peg board, recall 4 scheduling No Satar day* Top pay 4 benefits lo rtgftt ger^

COORDINATOR of ia furoat ion aad pa-tient i ) 1 • ! a Lovely naraon with strong m m m H r u U v e aad U t a r p e r a o t al lUB* organisational ability and peeaeent phone voice - for a high touch, roll-ume position la • progressive val-

antered dental off

DENTAL ASST RECEPTIONIST for Hamtramck dental office

Please c*U M*-3M5

ice Resume to Seyfned 4 Assoc 1400 W Mapie. Birmingham. Mi 4M10 able Old Redford

DENTAL ASST 4 RECEPTIONIST Cheerful, conadentious, experience pre-ferred Part /ful l Ome. Salary oegotl-


DENTAL AastsM-Rscnpttonlst

f r i sn i l lyV^sa rCon i office 543-0401

DENTAL BUSINESS ASSISTANT -Part time, 15 to 10 hour* per week Should have knowledge of front desk duties Pegboard insurance, etc Walled Lake office 414-0074

502 Help Wanted Dental-Medical


PART T IME Enrollment In or completion of Dietetic ' — p r o g r a m necessary Experi-ence ir. nursing home'setting a must AblUty to work weU with staff and resi-dents oeceaaary. Send resume to D i e t a r y S u p e r v l a o r . 14500 Meadcrwbrook Rd , Sort. Ml, 4*050

DIETARY AIDE Mature dependable person. 1 to 4 day* a week. Able to wort 4 am to 1 p m 4 11 am to 7 pm WUl train Caimbrldge Bedford.-.1140 W 11 Mile


A I D E S Caring persons with experience preferred for part time or full time positions. Contact Mrs. Forst-Wat-son, RN for more details.

APPLY 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. APPLY


35100 Ann Arbor Trail, Livonia

5 2 2 - 1 4 4 4


To wort on caU as needed on vartom day*, evening* and weekend! For de-tails contact

G A R D E N CITY H O S P I T A L 6245 N. Inkster Rd.

G a r d e n Ci ty 421-3300, Ext. 277

An Equal Opportunity Employer DIRECTOR OP NURSING

Needed for Milled nursing facility The Ideal candidate must possess recent geriatric aad medlcaJ-wgical experi-ence This multi-facility corporation provides exceptional resources aad op-portunity for upward mobility Send re-sume snd salary requirement* ta confi-dence to Director or Nursing, P O Boi M34. Ann Arbor , MI U107



Do y o u re la te wel l t o p e o p l e ?

Do y o u w o r k e f fec t i ve ly as a m e m b e r of a t eam?

Do y o u see yourseH In a heel th p ro fess ion?

If so. w e wen t t o ta*c w t th youl

To a r range a c o n f i d e n t i a l In terv iew, p lease call

4 5 3 - 6 3 2 0

W* appreciate the value ot outstanding taJentf

DIRECTOR OF N U R S I N G ; experience needed tng position la a ton multi-level care fadl-

RN with geriatric ea challenging

rated, long term. ity Experience la leper vlsaon. achedn ling, snd recruitment oeceaaary Nur» Lng home background preferred Excel-lent aalary and benefits Sand re«mie end salary requirements to-

GREG ADAIR OekhiU Care Canter 143» Grand River

farmington. Mi 4M34


Pal) time ,

Needed for medical lab la Southfleid area 543-017*

ENTHUSIASTIC HYGtENBT needed for our challenging p n H ' i oriented office Four dave per week wtth bene-fits available Send r e a m to Box 134 Observer 4 Eccentric Nawspsner* M3S1 Schoolcraft Rd Uveaia, Mlchi sac 4*150

EXPERIENCED Dental Am'v lmrnedt ate opeaSag 4 day*. 7 14am - 5pm. Moa . Taea W e / 4 Prt No even ing no Sat ^ B t r m ^ b ^ r - j r a g

EXPDUEMCXD BOMZ Health AMee Pun 1 ! « • • > PuU and pert

time positions All * l f t s avsilable & ton. PTymoeth. Novi. and ! • i nsnian| commanltiea

, 1

1 I


O a k C r e a k M e d i c a l C e n t e r i n L i v o n i a h a s a p o s i t i o n a v a i l a b l e f o r a full-time L a b o r a t o r y S u p e r v i s o r T h e i d e a l c a n d i d a t e w i l l p o a a a a s a B a c h e l o r ' s d e g r e e a n d b e M T ( A S C P ) c e r t i f i e d P r e v i o u s s u p e r v i s o r y e x p e r i e n c e i n a n a m b u l a t o r y s e t t i n g is p r e f e r r e d W e o f f e r a n e x c e l l e n t s a l a r y a n d c o m p r e h e n s i v e b e n e f i t p r o g r a m I f y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n t h i s c h a l l e n g i n g p o s i t i o n ,

i f o r w a r d r e s u m e w i t h s a l a r y h i s t o r y t o


28303 Joy Road Waatland. Ml 48185

E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y Emp loye r


f a r m i n g t o n hnxs Dental oone • kookiaa for i raring sad concerned AJSMtANT experience pi sf erred Alee RKXPT10NVT, wtth inlWiig « U h BC/1S I • Mill 4*4-1*31 PULL T M MadKai asneet imlM

•d far C | l l l l i s ll gin Office •

S 7

OPDONG 11 i l l s t l i M Pm ta i l , i

•ureianl l i C u l l > Baaaftts CaU

HOW TO DO A LITTLE BUSINESS ON YOUR OWN... Holding a garage sale is a fun way to do a l i t t le business on your own . . but it

takes a bit of planning. Like you ' l l want to decide what to sell and how much to charge for each item

. . . and then you' l l need price tags so other people wi l l know what you're

charging. And you ' l l have to be able to make change

for all your customers . . . so that means you should have lots of one dol lar bills and

an assortment of coins. Then you ' l l want to advertise your sale to

attract that crowd. You can do it w i t h a sign or signs in your neighborhood . . . but you ' l l want a bigger crowd than that . . . so you ' l l run an ad in Classified which tells the t ime and place of your

' sale to a host of potent ia l buyers.

Have fun w i th your l i t t le business adventure

A » !S vV VO

«• \ \ J *«*<b

fcaN? _


IT YOUR ARE Leektag Mr a M M wtth a Mt ef ^hnnewurt 4 hnvehnaorV

yen Qer4in CMy Area Phane tfTdOt*

D O a n A T E O T B Dental Rereptien

mm ^ m s s ii Mt WaMsd LoSh

Kai v i l l i of Moa p a i i . i n i t . i M y s •ert wssk TJO-OOM

U V B - W OOMPAI lOOMI ansded Mr

S T P I m ^ B MMMM

LIVE-IN psMeM M a s s tar V* days

" i i 1 T

MAKE-UP Alff lST wmm

P i c k up y o u r f r e e G a r a g e S a l e f o l d e r In o u r o f f i c e w h e n

y o u p l a c e y o u r a d ' ( C o n t a i n s t w o s i g n s t w o a r r o w s a

h a n d y l e d g e r 14 t i p s f o r a s u c c e s s f u f s a l e a n d n i n e t i p s

f o r a s u c c e s s f u l a d )

O t e i U c r & ' E t m i t n c

classified ads

644-1070 Oakland County 591-0900 Wayne County 852-3222 Rochester I Avon



afternoon aad midnight Akfta Salary benefits aad stock purchase option very competitive Por lunfldontlsl interview by appointment, call Ms Pruaar. Director of NurMag. I74-03M

WILLIAMSBURG Coova leecent C e n t e r 21017 M ldd lebe f t Rd.

F a r m i n g t o n Hi l ls Equal Opportunity Employer M / F

RN - LPN Afternoon ihlft. fuU time Excellent wagea aad beneflta. Contact. Susan Gilbert. RN at 714-410C

11 Mile R d . Southfleid. Mich 4M34

A COMBINATION of Telemarketing Supervision 4 Office Administration Afternoon 4 eveniag hour* Salaried po-sition Including F r i g e Beneflta Ply-m-outh area CaU after Tpm, 453-1830

AD AGENCY Billing Clerk

ate t fPi"- * — field ofltce :

ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY BOOCKEEPra - successful, growing electronics firm tn Uvonia seeks expe-rienced secretary wtth haalc boofckeep-

ALTO BILLER Large volume Southfleid looking for Auto Blller Must have experience on Oakleaf or ^miliar type hintn. computer PI assent office and good benefits Joe Psalaa Chevrolet, bill Telegraph. Southfleid Call for appointment: M4-1M0

AUTO DEALER BUSINESS MANAGER Prior experience wtth dealership c o m peter system aad financial a i t e m a m

ant experience. Se ary i b t North a eel era Hlghi MicMgeu. M014

Trial Balance •d resume 4 sal-c J A P MT74 ay . Southfield

BOOKKEEPER through financial at 3 yean

i f S J r r


D a u entry experience ssrses i ry , legal secretary Mllle Wtpful Send reeeme to P a t t e r n 4 Patterson. 1* W Square

" "QM, I f t c a i g n

sary Sand i isaini to B a l i t , 4 Eccentric Newspaper* MK craft Rd . Uvonla. Michigan 4*1M

BOOKKEEPING CLERICAL General office Growth opportunity

ranis aetata aggressvie reals daple Telegraph


preparation necessary. Should have complete knowledge of dealership ac-counting systems and office function* Good salary aad benefit* Send resume

Box a i l * , Observer 4 Eccentric Newspaper* M35I Schoolcraft Rd. Uvonla, Michigan M i M

CATERING SECRETARY FuU Ume for Southfield Hilton •" 70wpm. benefit* Salary Resumes onlv tm Director of i Southfleid Hfitou, 17017 W * MUe I Southfleid. MI 40075

RN'S - LPN'S Growing home care agency t* i n k Ing qualified licensed nurses for Interesting private duty cases throughout Oakland Co Choice of day* 4 hour* CaU be-tween 10am - 4pm. Moc thru P r t




tag knowledge for biU posting, ac-counts pavsble. receivable* etc Excel-lent pay 4 beneflta Including health In-surance 4 paid vai fuU time poultion


ANSWERING SERVICE needs Typist for part-time hours. Mast be avsilable or all shifts Previous phone experience preferred 471-IM1


Need slert energetic person for switch-board iHortson) prefer auto dealership experience but will consular other ex-perienced operator* Clerical dutlea also Involved Aak for Mite ta the off-Ice 141-7100

NUNEZ BUICK 14500 W 7 Mile Rd

Detroit, Mich

CDI Tbe -CAN-DO-rr Cot Interviewing NOW for

CDI Temporary Service* lac

1000 Tows Center - suite 1335 Southfield. ML 40075

3 5 2 - 1 0 0 5

DEVELOPMENT 4 Market Research Good typtag aad rrsnmantra tine Mills 4150 par hour Write. E S . D , 100 Parasworth, Detroit, Ml 4*3«3. AU.Stacey

DICTAPHONE OPERATOR General office - experienced. Good typing Mill! reqeired Excellent t m i f i l i Send re-sume wtth salary isuuli am—fi to Jack Wefcetv J Lee Oacfcatt Co, 134*0 Haggerty Rd.. Fsrmiagton. ML. 40034

DOCUMENTATION 4 1 seeing Growing I lmnwMti

Credit Clerk easing company has open&M for branch

office documentation 4 credit c lar t . Experience pisfei ied but ant required. Phone Sandra Henderson for i y ^ a t

Aa Equal Opportunity Employer


gautssil parson for otnoe work. q>eed of M wpm sad good math required Salary to 114,(00 call Paula Ear i* Campbell Ser-


General Office MaM have at least 1 yean offioe expe-rience aad CRT experience Typing. ID-lag aad goad M detail w o r t Office lo-o t e d la Southfleid Call between 4 4 5pm only


904 Help Wanted Office-Clerical




XMM Southfield Rd. Suite 101. field. Mi 40071

557-1004 LEGAL SECRETARY wUl train for Berkley law offioe. good typtej^skUM

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Display writer i f f o n aura ruqMrud. Sand re-sume aad aalary isquUsnisnH In Amer-ican Speedy PrUrta-. M I M Telegraph

I Rd Birmingham, MX 4M1*

General Office TrpiaL flllag. some word s a i iThnlais&uUve office helpfuL Apply

Ardmore Acres Hoept ta l

19810 Fa rm ing ton , U v o n l a 474 -3500 . Ext . 111

LEGAL SECRETARY IBMIWBI 1 yuan e i g t M n c ^ gsnsral practloa te

2 f t .


Needed for home care agency 1 J experience required. Transports! necessary Exert lent salary 4 benefits MIDWEST HOME CARE

RN'S 4 LPN'S Part Ume afternoons only Applications accepted between 10am-4pm Scntb-fleld ares. 154-1333

RNS Part time poultices available. aU ihifts. Good salary, paid John Hancock, paid holiday, paid vacation. Apply In person OecrgUa Bloomfield. 3*75 N Adams corner of 14 Mile. Bloomfield Hill*

R N S work close to home, flexible schedules, top dollar, NICU, ICU. CCU, M/S, Pro Care One 433-0500

SECRETARY, faU Ume, for medical office In Dearbora Must have expert ence la medical billing, typing 4 peg-board Please send resume to Box 141, Observer 4 Eccentric Newspapers. M151 Schoolcraft Rd. Uvonla. Mlchi (an 44150

SOCIAL WORKER M-S.W to coordinate s ma la disciplined therapy program for the closed bead In-jured. Computer aad behavioral re-training experience pielei ied. Send re-sume to

ANNIE'S HOUSE 17054 Selkirk

Southfield. MI 40074

TRANSCRIPTIONIST PuU time poaitlon available In South-field Orthopedic Dr* office for medical traascrtptlonlst wtth knowledge of Blue Shield. Medicare 4 Medicaid billing 4 pegboard posting. No Saturdsys^Excei-


Long & Short Term We oeed experienced

i Sr. Clerks > Receptonists fr.Switchbrd Opr's. i Legal Secy's I Transcriptionists I Word Processors I CPT Opr's


NO FEE Troy 362-4650

Detroit 962-9651 Livonia 464-9490

S'fld 354-0555

OLSTEN Temporary Service

An Equal Opportunity Employer

AVIATION GROUP Now seeking to fUl new posi Horn for execuUve terminal



CLERICAL Busy contractor Hiding versatile 4 energetic individual wtth excel phone 4 bookkeeping skills. Above a v e n g e typing required. Contraction office background pi eferred, but not necaasary Send resume l a 13041 Hesllp. Novt Michigan 40050

CLERICAL Downtown Birmingham worner lng store • In

Aviation experience sume to: Aviation Gi port Rd. Pontiac ML

Detail wort. No typidg. Apply In parscn helpful Seod re- only to

KAY BAUM IM W Maple. Birmingham

Group lac 1515 Air [1 44054 Personnel


Immediate assignment! In the Troy, Madison Hta. Uvonla 4 Novi area ExceUent pay, never s fee. Plesse calL


TROY 585-5595 L IVONIA 478 -1130

CLERICAL - fan Ume. May-No*. Im-mediate opening. Private country dab .

id. Previous experience de-sired, most type, calculator Mills nre-

iD-smoking off ice Sand

BILLING CLERK Troy ad agency has entry level poattloei available in Billing Department Mast be detaU oriented and have good Math aptitude Basic clerical skills and light

required WUl train an computer

Personnel Manager P.O. Box M

Troy Ml 440M

Noo-smaklng resumes to. Box 30*. Observer 4 Ec-centric Newspaper* M i l l Schoolcraft Rd., Uvonia. Michigan M I M

CLERICAL - PART-TIME * AM to 1. Mon- thru P r l Calculator snd basic math Mills s must Mast be neat snd organised Duties wUl include light honkhaeping. telephone answering and filing. Send reply t o Box 1*4, Observer 4 Eccentric News M351 Schoolcraft Rd.. Livonia. g a n U l M

EXECUTIVE SBCRETARY Our •: ontlnsiil growth requires ss to crests this sew fall Urns position m our Troy niglri—-lag denartmsat. Thla ka-di vldual wil l be wording dtrsctlv wtth principal aad hM u i ' a f j o n s l staff Ex cellent communication aad people Mills required-Mast bs weU organtaed, self-motivated Minimum typing skUk -M WPM shorthand aad word process lng s plu* Salary cammsasarata wtth

Georgian Bloomfield a currently accepting tpnllratlnn* I clerical poatious Good typing s t Ability to dual with puhile aad pi islsphrms MUM Apply M perse. thru P r t from l am to 5pm

2975 N. A d a m s C o m e r of 16 Mi le

B ioomf te id HMs

5415. merits t o Box trie Newspaper*. M Rd- U vuBdaTMlchlgan



Exper ienced s e c r e t a r y f o r an execu t i ve v ice p r e s i d e n t of a Sou th f l e id b a a e d f i nanc ia l Ins t i tu t ion . Exce l len t t yp ing , s h o r t h a n d & pubt tc re la t i ons s k i l l s r e q u i r e d . B a n k i n g b a c k g r o u n d he lp fu l . S e n d reeume & salary r e q u i r e m e n t to: Pe rsonne l D i rec to r , P.O. B o x 388, Sou th f l e id M l 48037 .

Aa Equal Oppor t a t t y Employer

GOOD LEGAL SECRETARY wanted fuU Ums for small Birmingham law firm. Gsnsral litigation sxperisnre nec-sasary Eirs i lsnt t rpMf. word BtBcass lng and office MUM Contact Jennifer

" K M

LEGAL SECRETARY • fur law B r a Excailant trphag MIM 4 aond

phone pi issntilinri required Con-tact office maaaasr 343-1*11

904 Help Wanted Office-Clerical


504 Help Wanted ^ Office-Clerical

EPTlOWgT FuU M l a g l J j W I

RECEPTJONWr lor high vols—e tane^

perience isanlisd. P i l l and pnK Obm • a n t e d CaU betweea *am-13aoou


p u n l Excailant salary FarmMgtoa HUM

4 CaU M l -

PAYROLL CLERK Nat iona l A rm baaed In T r o y s e e k s m a t u r e I n d i v i d u a l . S e n d reeume & salary re -q u i r e m e n t s to:

P. B O N N N E L L P.O. BOX 7040

T R O Y , 48007 -7040


LEGAL SECRETARY mast have litigation and

n u n * 534-UM ursa

LEGAL SECRETARY Wasted for ruanc. amMdous firm. Ex psrisnrisd w 5 " s S c 4 secretarial MilM a I Barbs


GROWINO HI-TECH COMPANY I full Ums office. cMrical person a minimum of 3 years axparMacs.

" " can E S T . GROWING LlrooM Ugh Mch comparer

package Please call JaaM to srruags an interview 414-41X5 ext M

LEGALSBCRETARY Pur litigation u s l l i i Mgh-cMas Mw D i m Word | j i i i i ^ i i g h e i p f a l Pliasisit suiiiiwiiII^i OTIryaa Law Center CaUforapocantmanL M0-0303

LEGAL SECRETARY • full-time for

Hills Mw firm MIMmem I . expsrisncn, sxceDent typing

Mills and dk laphme i ips r i sn r i r »

Must ba wail


Hgt*. Ml 40047

PENSION ASSISTANT ties tadadsK bsnefit 4 u o n lor Kial l corporation* Mtarareta-tlon of various psnMoa 4 profit Ma ring

Excel lence M PuBfr taga b a n NW suburb* IMpfr M*' A ) PraMtlln. Mich 4MM

RECrPnOKlST tuna position a v i l l i M i far s r »

MUM person wtth pMsasnt t s i »

ton. SheeM PC. M J M Telegraph. atV Birmingham. ML 4MII

R E C E P T I O N I S T / T Y P I S T Opening for a fall Una rei.epe.HM* typist In s busy Ul u f i l n s s l office M-catsd M P w S n l p o n HUM ladhrldnal should bs shnra, polite, possess excel Mnt tMsphons l i r l a l * u i 4 gaod y u m mar skias 4 have a sense of humor

g a s a a g g g S lag resnms wtth isfeiencee to box MO Obssrver ft Eccentric N in spill m 30341 Schoolcraft Rd.. Uvooia. W t U -( a n M l M



B L O O M F I E L D HILLS CMrical PoMtMu. Front DsM appear ance f-i uflctsnt typtag 4 office expen ance Hectic atmosphare. Good o r a a l -saMon MUM 4 sense of humor - A MaM lam-Opm. Mon. to PrL Send i • • • • ' • t o

o T r a I I I , Blonmiflald HUM. Mich N." "

i h s he with PNMA/FHLMC standanM. Salary range I 1 M M to I I M 0 0 . Paid vacation, paid BC/BS

CLERICAL POSITION avaUahM. part time la ihwiuUruo Birmingham aporca M bour* par weak, typing 4 calculator skills necessary, bookkeeping experi-ence s pins Ssnd letter ol snpUatioa to Mr SLS- Harr t* 331 S Woodward. Suite 110. Birmingham. Mich 4M11.

TWO (3J POSITIONS available for busy Docton office Minimal typing skills

Troysrea 44»-51M

X-RAY TECH Part time, some evening*

tarda y* For Southfield internist

BOOKKEEPER Ajslstant Receptionist Detroit based firm moving to Rochsster Hills seeking person sccurate with number* typing, computer experience helpful Fringe Sne f l t a M0^*1*

BOOKKEEPER - Dearborn based man-agement finance company has an Im-mediate opening for a bookkeeper-clerk. Individual should have an associ-ate '! dsgret In accounting and/or I -.-ears experience in bookkeeping later-tsted tndlvidoal should contact Mr Swatoah

CLERICAL TEMPORARY pert Ume for Southfield law office, exrslMni for Ugh school sta-Mnt- M7-U7*

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to prem dent of national organisation. This posi-tion lequiiss s person wtth high energy and excellent organisational MUM. MaM be abie to take dictation, type MWPM snd uss word procensor. creeUvlty a pie* Send m m t o LMS. P O Box M l . Southftatd. Mich 40017


Call for^ap^centmsnt

CLERICAL We hsve lmmndlale openlnp for High School Graduates with I I b y adding machine ability M oar Accounts Pay able Dept . J r Sncr*ar tss wtth M

BOOKKEEPER Experience necessary

Sonthfleld area Excellent opportunity 4U-5M0

X-RAY TECHNICIAN Must be registered. Part Ume. Week end* For Nort office CaU 514-4700. E x t Ml

M DENTAL ASSISTANT M 1 years experience necessary u> wort in our basv, efficient, caring, pediatric dental office WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER TO THE RIGHT PERSON AN EXCEL-LENT SALARY BENEFITS, PEN-SION PLAN AND BONUSES. Thcne who quality caU M l - M l l

504 Help Wanted Office-Clerical

ACCOUNTING CLERK Experienced ln collections, accounts psyable and computer entry General bookkeeping knowledge required Exrellsnf benefit* Send unuini including salary require-

ments t o Ma Lynn Shlpwsy J LEE RACKET! CO ,

11550 Haggerty. Parmlagton. Ml 4*014


SECRETARY to VP of International firm, type 40 WPM temporary to go permanent, salary I1I.0M wtth benefits

. ACCOUNTING - filing 4 typing clerks 10-50 WPM for Fortune 500 company

In Southfield. 13 mo. assignment

. RECEPTIONIST tioo Ui Southfield.

typist for TV sta-

BOOKKEEPER for Industrial Distribu-tor Hesvy computer experience wtth fiUl background thru Trial Balance Non Smoker Seod Resume to box »173 Observer 4 Eccentric Newspsper* M i l l Schoolcraft Rd.. Uvoma, Michi-gan 4*150

WPM typiag speed. (Word Pi in Mala* ability - a Plea and General Clerical position If you are Interested, please stop by say weekday. Man. thru F r t .

Mam-4 pm 4 leave aa application for "eratlcn. . HANDLEMAN COMPANY

500 Klrts Blvd.. Troy An Equal Opportunity Employer

n p o u w c i D PULL CHARGE I Por Expending Troy Corporation Computer Expos lome s "Plus

Send Resume t o

1075 Rankin. Troy, MI 40001

EXPERIENCED • rial Unas aspport ps r sa toe H I I t * linui sm i firm CaU Mr Accardo a t

BIRMINGHAM-Msnrunce agency nsuns ouahfied personal Uses Underwriter MaM have experience M the insurance field. Vacations, benefit* Salary com-

te with experience Send tndadMg salary MMory t o namwLba t ro iL ML. i M l l 1*7071

INSURANCE AGENCY M Northville -11 perisarart Commercial Lines

l Call l am-5pm Mon thru P r t , M4-14M

INSL-RANCE AGENCY nasds matare person sxpsriencud la psrsonal Unas 4 typing. Southfield l l m i l s s r e e . Call for appointment 547-4111






4 lampo-


PERSONABLE E X P E R I E N C n i sec-retary for Investment firm M Piym-outh. Ask for Lran 440-41M

PERSONNEL SECRET ARY/Rncep-tionML M hour* per weak for small non-smoktag office. MaM he well orga-alasd. have M wpm accurate t y p i s t |

^ ^ H G o o d |MJ0-

5.M per h o « ~ & D Use for h r t h e r ln-formation at 471-4010

An Equal Opportunity bnp toys r

MATURE PERSON for Farmingtoo m i s builders office. MaM have some bookkeeping expsrisnrs good typM 4 good phone personality P a ni issnl po-sition for the right pu

EXPERIENCED WORD PROCESSOR, part Ume Bknmfluid HUM at torney! office Flexible hoar* M0-7<44

B O O K K E E P E R - FULL T I M E For 1 girl office I Mile-Ever green area CaS between l :M 4 5. 155-MOO


Property Mgmt I V m ^ p r o c e

ate f u l l t t m e position. S s n d r e w m e to Box 133, Obaervur 4 Ecesntrtc N m

30351 Schoolcraft Rd.. Uvonia. M I M

papsn . M

BOOKKEEPER - PULL CHARGE For 1 girl office in MadMoc Heights Computer knowledge helpful. Referenc-es seeded CaU Debbie 544-1133

• SECRETARY to train on word proces-sor, must be s b k to wort 1 yrs mini-mum, Troy location


Tuition Relmbursmeni - Vacation Pay «tndentx - Bomemaker*

Retirees Welcome


S ' T H F L D B ' H A M 3 5 7 - 0 0 3 4 646-7660

BOOKKEEPER FULL CHARGE Experienced thru trial balance Pug-master system. Salary plas hospr-tlon 4 pension plan. Can Shirley


CLERK SALES OFFICE Take Phone order* CRT wort. Gsnsral Office - to Include typiag (M-M WPMX Ming Pleaaant phone manner 4 good

mon Irs Ufa MUM needed Troy lo-cation. I I M a w e s t Good H u m s Contact M Kanslnr, 50*1»0»

An Equal Opportunity Employer


Blrmlngahm General contractor needs full charge bookkeeper thru trial bal-ance Experience ln pioperty manage-ment a plu* PuU benefits 4 fnngse available. Send resume 4 ialary re-quirements t o Parllameert Co , 10300 Telegraph Rd. Suite 351, Birmingham, Mich. 40010, Attn. E M Waldman.

An Equal Opportunity Employer


Opportunity pins for s bright trainable person interested in advancement Math aptitude and accurate typing for

maraHns suburben propetyhnan-111,700 P R E P A I D

this agamant company a i l Beraice 341-1

S N E L L I N G & S N E L L I N Q

Accounting Clerk Wa have aa immedia te openli iafor s clerk in our A c c e n t s Payable Depert^ meat TM nsus te fa l candidate will have at leest 1-1 y e a n experience M cMrical accnuntlag or baafclag function, be team ortamsir attentive to detail, have experience u n i t i a g dally deed-Una* have a strong numerical aptitude aad will perform light typ te t To be coMdarud for IMS pneKlnn. pMene isnd your resume or apply tn person to

Vlasic Foods, Inc. 33200 W. 14 M M e R d

Weet B ioomf l e i d . M l 4 8 0 3 3 A t tn : E m p l o y m e n t Asat

851-9400 Equal O p p o r f t t y Employer M/P, H


Who trailer. Is Bloom-H11M. needs Assistant Bookkeeper

with prior General Ledger experience thru Trial Balance • to wort In suhMdl-u y AccountMg Dept Knowleifce of Payroll. Tsxe* Ftxed Assets 4 Accru-sM required (1) In (3) yesrs CoU-e

^ ^ e ^ E - O T F S Benefit Package

PMase caU PERSONNEL 154-5100. ex t 171

B a n d E SALES CO., INC M0 E Long LakaJMite IM

Bloomfield HUM An Equal Oppsrtuaity Employer

BOOKKEEPER Full charge thru trial balance. payroiL payroll taxes. Experienced Southfield Area Rita

BOOKKEEPER Full-time Bookkeeper for attractive N W Suburb II ni1r tm Some computer experience preferred but aot i s s t t i l Opportunity lo help s rapidly Pawing company develop Internal controls Man be Non-Smoker Sand reeume to William Eata* 3*Ml Telegraph. Suite OM. SouthflafaL Mich. 40034

FIGURE CLERKS A major bank assds 1* experienced Figure CV tmmediatalT Typing and ..T—1..~ IM required. Long term

Top pay No

569-1878 VICTOR

T E M P O R A R Y S E R V i C E S M / F BOE

INSURANCE - commercial Haas pro-cessor for Troy ladanendsM agency Send ressme tn Box b t . Observer 4 Eccentric f l i s i p n u e n . 3 W 1 craft Rd.. Uvonu . Michigan M I M

INSURANCE Comnaey Is looUaglor a part-time C M t o O e r t for the South-flsld Service Office. Ms* t y y M WPM

call for . . Aa Equal Opportunity Employer

MEDICAL BILLER MsdW-sIrl Medicare Bine Croe* Com-

3Tu& e S d b H H s r Can MORTGAGE COMPANY Mealed ta

CMrt TypMl wtth

Sn3T: M WPM Can Mr* ^ d w a r d t


MO 177*

U w f l r a , 40-71 wpm Call B t r m t a g l Margaret


RECEPTIONIST Excellent uupui tad t j wtth g i w i a s

seeks ladlviasai wna piee for fuU Ume swltch-

10351 Schoolcraft Rd.. Uvonla. gan 44150


Secretaries - are yon bored with your lobe- Come Join ss sad ths tnM-pncn of tha wurM of computer* Tbe bnaMlts a re sxceiMat ss part of ons M ths P » -

INSURANCE tuns 1M i: mm l a i n , yet YOU remain Part tima to M l Urn* Accounting aad ' aa tnanr tant IsihilOesl M thM Asid Off-

agency or txmpaay Uce of>uB M employee* d t o r n b u r b s n a a s ^ Sncceeafsl appttcants will have a mtai-nsurate with aMMy t t \ year l u i u h s s type M

440-1414 wpm. or batter, and have phone aa-ig Mills Shorthand Is haipfaL MK

RECEPTIONIST - full time position for good typMt wtth tnowledy sf or ability to M a n word Leiii i J a s Plni nhone tnsansr s MUST. W Bloom ^ 1554171

Telephone KM tlal interview

1 -800-223-3932 -WASHTENAW

MORTGAGE CO 1945 Pauline

Ann Arbor , Ml 48103


• U i B m i MM I

d 3U-30M S N E L L I N G & S N E L U N Q

SALES SECRETARY, PART TIME Needed for maaafactarar 's n p i t e M i -Uvu's office. 3 afternoons par week Could Mad to mors hours later. Typtag aad shorthand l euulred Plunaaai Southflaid offioe M l l MUe-!

Hwy area. Call f o r i 345-1113


rs."-paid 115,000

RECEPTIONIST office 111,000

M ^




S O U T H F I E L D 5 5 9 - 0 5 6 0


CPT. Korea M0 4 Ml . Display Writer. hsve excellent typ^ Syvtem i Call Kathy


CLERK TYPIST Finiandal p ' * ~ ' " t firm tn RlmsnfiaM HUM assds ' receptknMt wtth good sec-retarial Mails Typing lOwpm Non smoker u iafs i i sd . Sena resume to Cin-dy Oliver, Octagon Corp.. *M W Long Lake Rd. Michigan 4MI3

ste IM. Bioomfleid HUM

CLERK TYPIST High School EdacatMn. 1-3 yanrs office and Accounts PayabM experience

lred. Paid benefits Mr Kaye a t 47*-31M

COLLECTION CLERK Psychiatric CUMe. fall tima. familiar with BC/BS. sid bUllnt CsU Chrtal

Commission Clerk Por fast paced Uvonia office la figure

PILE CLDUC for I i — a n n offioa. to-cab nal catsd M Southfleid. Raanond to

D e g ^ P O Box 5000 So

FILE CLERK ImmsdMta part tima position available for a file c lsr t to do fillnt some d v l -cal wor t 4 answering phone* Will train. Should bs polite, cheerful 4 wlll-

%lo Mara. Apply by ssndtag Mttsr resume to box 3M. Obssrver 4 Ee-

rie Newspaper* M351 Schoolcraft Rd.. Uvonia.Tflchigan M I M

FRANKLIN SAVINGS 4 LOAN Now accepting applications for AaMM-ant CMrt. Mtntninm Mwpm typing, good phone MUM profseeicnsl appssr-ance Minor computer experience help-

Southflaid Mauranc covara^s 4 r a t i n g

INSURANCE n L t r s n s r service rec lor

" " " k n o w l e i i t f ^ u t o 4

INVENTORY CONTROL posi t ins available for motivated parson wtth ex-perience M ddppna t r ecs iv ia t and innrliatlM Apply M parson a t 339TI



required. FuU or part-Um* Experience a . Redford

417 11M

K E Y - T A P E O P E R A T O R S 1st sh i f t good pay aad benefit* Roches-ter/Troy area.

5 7 3 - 8 3 1 0

KEY-TO-DOS unur i snesd oparators for afternoon aad mMMght

shift* Pull or part Urn* Located Mr* wmiam*

FRONT OfTlCB HELP t m e t y b a y Southflaid Uce, previous experience

heal prac absolutely

l a t filing Call Swai

BOOKKEEPER - PULL CHARGE Accounting 4 financial msnsjament service Meting experienced laifvltaal for dtverBflsd fuU Ume position. MaM poaaeas srartlng knowledge of account lng cnutroM General Ledger 4 payroll i . n . Send leaume snd aalary history la confidence t o Diversified niamiss Service* 134 Peeri Street Suite M0.

rh M1I7

ASSISTANT TO CONTROLLER adge of secoants recMvsbM 4

Accountinc I l i Mag window with offices M W


m a u r benefits Uooa ft ty for the r i ^ t person to D O'Brien. PaQa 1


ASSISTANT TO COWTROIXER yn ilium Used maanfactarer requires s J H o T w l t h good bookhesping Mills tMu financial sUtemsnt Job ooM exps-

ed. SaosrvMory 4 «anpe*sr

r J a S S f t r V S

a i M

BOOKKEEPER GENERAL OPTICE Thru Trial Balance Pegboard experV

s YpsUanU-bsssd Constractlcn Co CPA recruiting lor client Si to Box M l . Observer 4 Newspaper* K M l Schoolcraft Rd Uvoma, Michigan M I M

have UAportsnro on calculatnr and be accurate wtth fine* Benefit! include Insurance, paid hoiiday* etc Aprfy M person *t W T 5 SchuoWaft Rd, Iivo-nla. between 1:30am aad 5pm


penence with IBM LOTUS software. &CB Rnataarant System* Inc., P.O Box 71*4*. htodMoa Bsight* MI 40071 or call M a r t


1 a oa IBMPC or m f r c or Caannq

bnssd oa « n i »

Uvonla firm Is looking for person for their Accounts RacMvnbM Payahto Dept Computer bookkeeping expwi-ence required Send resume to Person asi Director. P O Box 133. Westland ML M I M

- pert time. experV apnroximately 0-1* hr* f m i f i o o m f i e U area Rafersaoti

Attention: • Typists

• Word Processors


• Secretaries

• Data Entry Put your akttte t o wort t n o * , our aaajgnmenta oou ld lead t o t h e Job you ' ve been took-m g tor Sha rpen your akHe a n d 9am t h e e x p o e u r e y o u n e e d CaU n o w

B O O K K E E P E R / S B C R E T A R Y •* trial "


Secretary M—t have Mtttattve and abte to w a r t talit i i i l t l y CnaMrac-Uon e x p e r i s n c e f i p f u L Top m l a r y t o qnaHftod p r s o n Sand r e a m t o Con sbructMn Secretary. P. 0 . field. ML. 40037

4 checking In puttaat* 1 557 1440


Individuals ln following arena 1 Table e w t - e Accounts payable

1111 laasr j excaUent cs Irs is tor 4 ability required _ _

Order Pi in. esalag CMrt ccurate caleuMtor 4

Mills a mast Good beneflta, caU before 11 am


GENERAL OPTICE with Secretarial •klOs plas sales shility in contact eH-ant*Neat appearance. paraoaahM, tn-

stlc, experienced State aalary ra--emsnts ta ressme EWC. 4M Par ty

C O P Y W R I T E R / :

giri ar* lllisrtanra Inulhneid

BOOKKEEPER /SECRET ARY. Bioomflsid t i n n l t e ~ fuU Ume position with

B O S 8 E L L E R 8 POMTIAC 478-aOOO


hosed expsrlenca. hsokkssptag ttra


ACCOUNTING Lnehtag Mr l iasy m r y sad/s r perua

Ml 4MI1. A t t

GENERAL 0TP1CE - pnrt Ums psat-Qoo svaUahM M Uvoaia M tn M knar*

• M f u D U m a Tyy-

I K l i n h r h 1H l ews . M341 Sehsol-craft R d . Uvoua*Mkhigsn^41M

[oENERALOPTICE»nfl wiaMi i tur

P » " p H O S ' ^ ' A M ter^toHu*


Call * 1 4 m . 330-M13


EapsrMnosd tor t r i - e o t y araa. Permanent 4 temporary aotaaoa* available All (use employer paid



hsipfuL You 11 Mnra to ass a e

a w r t o i : well ss gsnsral cMrical 11 this ad has your talari, and you


Ait Harry CoM

LEGAL SECRETARY with inltaii iM 1 r* i n w t M W for gitwiMg Radford

offioa. maM he n p r t m d h ttUga-




Apply today fo r




Job opportunities M ths following arena Tarmtagton. Uvonla. PeaOac. Rochester, Sou&Mid Troy sad War

CaU office nearest you for apvoint-


F a r m i n g t o n 4 7 7 - 9 8 4 0 Rocheeter 6 6 1 - 1 5 0 0

amokar Contact



OTTICE ASSISTANT days p M . t a - ^ , 4 d « y . ^ - ~ t «

SUM a x c s f l l working

P .O Box r t i Farmington HUM MI 4M1*

RECEPTIONISTS M y o u have exper ience o n a c o r d lees oys lem auch aa t h e H o r i z o n or D imene ion , y o u c a n t u r n thoee akl«a t o $S$-Cal l ua for a var iety of I n te r -es t ing ass ignments .

corporate afficaa'M • Interesting position requiring I ing 4 M a i & a l skUMWord pi


9 7 7 - 5 7 4 0 5 6 9 - 7 5 0 0 SJ-JK 9 6 3 - 2 2 9 0 Z ?

SECRETARIAL ^TOehboard 4 typiag lor bus^officn

S e c r e t a r y / A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Ass i s tan t

a l ^ l ^ f o r ' a ^ i i f l S ' o f


The Temporary Be4p People



ftnn, jtm will tw

nat ion sad gi snanartenl sMlttMs re-quired Mnrthsnrt a pM* R " 5 'aMhlli-LAA laclnde tyuis*. kaapMg recorta and

P O Box 13 Troy. MI MM*

SECRETARY Ass is t p e r f e c t t o n M l " p res iden t of Sou th f l ek f -Co rp . F lex ib le o n ove r t ime . P l e e a e

ca l l . .

353-3311, Ext. 17'

bndtBWtedShntbsuMttty to typsVta wpm Switchboard I ips r imre C p s M m M . We

offer a competiUve salary and fan i - - • -


C R E D T T 7 C O L L E C T I O N S C L E R K

WorMwlda hi i J g s n ! • i Mented M 1 I,I slhfi iM has s s Maassdtate opening for an ta#»Munl tn Babe cnOsetM

phone calM reistMg ta fl-annte and M s a d aM oM-

J O S E P H P. B A N D Y K


PO B o x 4601 N o r t h S u b u r b a n , H, 8 0 1 9 8

r M/P

S E C R E T A R Y / A S S I S T A N T High lerhnrilngy SoathfleM firm la *aafc-Mg s a t a M v i S a l M r . tarial pnaHMn ta e m M hour* per week. have h o c — t e TpOag_«M>t

S S S S j s s s : . » $

AaEqnal^piatanMj T M g l i j i r



Southfleid Pontiac Warren L l v o o l a

D e a r b o r n

569-7500 338-0710 977-5740 525-0330 565-8060

copy of

) Bonus Plan


Supplemental Staffing, Inc.

S a T S T C

r w . MMMi W


C T _ e «• P A a - 1014. Trey.

K N T Q O M E R Y B • w a r d H

F e i Twe lve M M




T s r s a s a r S aalsry1J!"*iilaM oa u k M r l M .AaAnsa . J r

Bras. Warn* 13 Win IM* . M a Prt MJOHr Ir. 0 * 4 4 0 0 . e A

504 Help Wanted Office-Clencat

GENERAL O W B - • i l l psreen to mn t ana MaM ha snosBant typMt

c y j a r = s « r t . , s r • s r M r i L S i i

GENERAL OfFlCC rs M ansd M s l E W n

s s r x a v w g gsund^Tup pay

d&Sjgg&n loattAeM M I l n M i •

*353-3311, Ext. 17 r a m c E - P A R T T i S


Ona af sai dtesni n as mmm

DAT A BfTRY FWBCM. p- r t Man.

478^815 •TY

3 5 5 C O M P U T E R OPERATOR = Mum-Plarrt Automotive Parts Manufacturer;:

- t h Its Corporate o«loe m Southflakl hea an hiwiedlate openlnQ lor a COMPUTER O P € R A - f TOR Muat be tamMar.wllh IBM 4361 A DOS/-VSC upeiattng environment. Muet be able 10 work different shifts.

QuaMled appNcenta ahould t u b * * reeume hv dudlQO aalary hle»ory t a

3 o x 2 2 6

Obeerver 4 Eccentric Newspapers

Uvonla. Michigan 46160 o p p o r t u n e e n t w r m

M i

Thuraday, June 13. 1985 16C*(R-12C.W.Q-14C)

E / M P L O Y / M E N l 506 Halp Wantad 506 H^p Wanted 506 I M p W K i M

504 Halp Wanted Offlca-Ctartcal

SECRETARY for a n a 11 Farmington Bills I m o f l l a L e g a l experience mot

y) Good typing ft dicu^ibaor

Secretary fo r heal th ca r e eorporatictf Kxpaii-enced w l t t strong o foc* ft organisa-tional i t i lM Must typ* Mwpm *cc-» r scaly Shorthand 4 word prnrenaing skills * p i s s F i l l Urn* wl t t competit ive •a la ry ft benefi ts If interested call Nancy al

An Equal Opportunity Employer

504 Halp Wantad Offlc»-C>arical

| S E C R E T A R Y R E C E P T I O N I S T lor Physician s Off ice Loterssting (Unrei-ned poaitlon- Prior oxporisac* neces-sary Accuracy tn typing aad ftgaree

I mandatory Salary coenroeaeurst* wt t t experience Written maim required Square Lake, Woodward Araa C a l l * « - U M M u r S M M M f J

504 Help Wanted Office-Clerical

WE NEED BOTH * par t t i n * and • fail

m i l t ima. light bookkeeping Soottfleld a raa . Call I m t a i u 9am-1 peri 1S1-MM

SECRETARY RacapUeUat for small ftnancla! O n e . P a r t t ima w t t t potential (or full t ime F a s t accurate typ ing shorthand or speedwnting. Hlte* 1 communicat ion skills required Word proceaaiag a plua Experienced only. Mod reeume to: T r t ahWei lman , 17117 W I Mile Rd Suite :»»4 Soett-leid. Midi 4M7&

505 Help Wanted Food Beverage

time typist for busv a Raal fiuw appraiser 's office loca CaS Linda at

i tad in Southflaid j w m i

WORD PROCESSING Word Processing Secretary needed lor i w | « i i | aaaiAtimatiU wl t t Fortune WC iwnMwy in ^Vgyy a raa . Word Procees-Ing e iper tence required but to® will ba trained oo their equipment. Plees* call Norroll Service* for additional inlor matloo l i t n i l

SBCRETARY foil time. . depa r tmen t ai Uvonla — _ » f i r m Some eecro tarUl and telephone experience required. Typtag M w p m accura te ly Varlad poaittoo for eeil • t a r t a r who la s«e*lng kmc ta rm

Prevlou* • helpful

e m p l o y m e n t Prevlou* purchasing ex portonc* helpful M l >1171

SECRETARY Highly araaaiaed self s tar ter . excailant benefits. Troy a r a a CaU M n Wilkes 4 4 H S 7 7

Equal Opportunity Employer M P

SECRETARY ImmadUta secretar ia l poaioon Reepoe_ d u d e data entry (typing skllte a light bookkeeping filing aad cu relat ione Excellent aalary and beoef i ta Fa rming ton Hills a r e a 471-1M1

SECRETARY Large Bi rmingham Law ftrrn needs Sec-re ta ry fami l i a r wt t t lax work. Moat be very accura te Typist w l t t t raaacript loo ana organisat ional skills. Challenging posttioo for peraoo who enkoyi wording w l t t number* Excellent benef i t ! ana salary- commensu ra t e w t t t experience

1M-M14 An Equal Oppurtuulty Employer

eoce sougbl »1*,- - . Call J « l y at Personnel at La


Individual required to U K » ln opera-tion at busy building management off ice ta Southf la id Excellent Aula in typ-

correspondence, filing. tttephnsir. a t e required Also must ton working tnowleoge and exper ience In Accomits Payable and Receivable. property man-agement bnckp-ound beiptal Salary commensura te w l t t experiessc* Fcr immedia te consideration, aand remme and sa lary Uatory to Mr Gordon. P 0 Box 107, Southfield. Ml 4M17

SECRETARY ng Confer developer located in J h a min ing a sharp individual

wl t t excellent shorthand k typing aklUa A var ie ty of dotles make thU • cbaUengiag poaitlon Excellent working cmdltioo*. good beneflta Call I M a m -S SOpoi (17-400*

SECRETARY Light Bookkeeping Pull t ime position available far Farm-ington Hilla Raal Es ta te Developer Ac-cu ra t e typiag a must, bookkeeping ft w o r t t* m : » — knowledge belnful P l e a a a n t working condit ion! Noo

only » 1 - M «

SECRETARY OFFICE CLERICAL P a n Ume Non-smoker Church pastor's office. Rochester Hilla. Adams Duttoc a rea . Mon-Fri ( am- lpm. Mast have

SECRETARY P a r t for Somerset area law firm. Good skills required No iega^ « p e n

SECRETARY Typing » - " » WPM. shorthand a mua t E i S S e o c e wl t t market ing or adverua-

Rd.. Uvonia

SECRETARY wanterl for Southfield law f i rm No legal experience needed. Secretarial ft good typtag skllls re-qulred- CaU Susan. JM-toOO

SECRETARY wt t t legal Seod resume and a a l a i j i to American Speedy PncUna. M10 Telegraph Rd.. Birmingham. Ml t«010


LEGAL WORD PROCESSOR Xerox, Wang or D l a p U j Writer expen-

,000-1 ll .WO




12 Mi le /Orchard Lake Rd

J 14 00*0 Pail t ime i

NOT joat s summer )oh Some weekend wort involved- Exper ience helpful Pleaaant s u r r o u n d i n g Aak for Mr Boeco Please call or stop in


BUS PERSONS WANTED Pull ft part t ime Apply in peracei only Rams Horn. 10MS Wldtfieheh. Livonia

CLEAN-UP PERSON 11 PM- • AM U bour* w e a k DISHWASHERS, ma tu re full t ime


Mayflower Hotel. Plymouth

C L E M T Y P I S T entry-level otficee in

typing spend - »S WPM Prior office experience ^ e f n e d Call Mark. U H S N or lasuiui — Sister's Chicken ft Btxcults. 1S470 W 10 Ml>, SU J10. Southfield, Mich 4*074

Troy f l l , b o o to 114.' Calf: [Sue at il4-XS4i


SECRETARY, part Ume. wl t t typtag ft . — n . S e n d resume to PWr One Imports . 4100 No Woodward, Roy-al OukJMl 4M7T Attention Robert Artauakaa

SECRETARY - PART TIME. Binning" ham office needs mature oerscc with good skills. Variety ft challenge In this posi tioo working (or top executives Call Judy >41 m t

SECRETARY par t to* Mon T m P r t lJ-topcc - S.Mpm)

Our company, aa executive placement f i rm is the ' hospitality ft healthcare fields, needa an outgoing geowal c « J « assistant with excellent phone * i l l * typing. Wwpm. receotloniat dutiea. Off-i c e t t i l o c a t e d at 10 Mile ft Greenfield Call Annie H7-1700

SECRETARY p e r m a n a j t j i s r t U m e , l days. 4 hour*'oily, Raal E s u t e P l r m General office duties including -


Suburban off ice and excellent beoefita are offered to a Secretary wl t t root; «am« and outgoing personality F E E PAID Call Rita today




Long & Short' »Xm so>S Term Assignments ^H0STCSSES

• Sr. Clerks • Receptionists

1 ' u r i o i

• Switchbrd. Opr's • Legal Secy's • Transcriptionists • Word Processors i CPT Opr's.


NO FEE Troy Ml-4040

Detroit M3-M51 Uvooia 404-MM

S fld J54-0445

OLSTEN Temporary Services

An Equal Opportunity Employer

506 Halp Wanted i Food-Oavarapa

K ITCHEN HELPER full ume, H M . Sua t h m Thurs !or m citiaen a p t In Plymouth Call MOB thru P r l 8-4 444-Ot^ID

KITCHEN HELP full or p a n Ume Ma tar* peraoo with some experience able to handle scene responsibility Apply E m m a s Restaurant . M4 Peoo imao Ave , P lymou th


BOB E V ^ R £ t A U R A . V T

l - W ft Telegraph Rd Sout tf iekl


poaaHOPS open for

Cooks. Watt persons Host persons

Cocktai l Servers Dishwashers. AlaJe stawards

in a growing res taurant Apply ta parson Tuss- Thsr* l -» . J0pm



Parmingtno Hilla res tauran t 151-4W4


Apply a t El Nibble Nook. mnW. t Mile. Uvooia, 474-07 i i



505 Halp Wanted Food-Bavaraga


Expeneoced necessary bst will t ra in Call 4-4{«P. 44»7W0


No experience us t sass ry i t i i m

WAIT PERSONS e v e n l n e Expen-eoce«l Apply at: Bench Pub. I Mile, Uvooia No phooe calls ptesae

WAJTPERSONS Must be over 11 All shifts Aopl; in person Brooklane GoU C u b . six Mile and Sheidoc RoaOs

WATTPERSON wanted full or par t t ime (or Japanese Restaurant 1a Nccth-west Detor l t Call between I:SO-4pm,


I WAIT PERSON WANTED Day* Apply within

MOYS R S T A f R A N T 1W1S Middlebelt U t o p U

WAITRESSES ft WAITERS needed for oew re s t au ran t Call 1 7 1 - t t l l or apply tn peraoo: *M01 Michigaa Aveoue al Gufiy Road Westpoiat Bar B-Q»e

CARPET MANAGEMENT ft SALES Are you aggress ive ' Prepared l o *_2?""

1 " LHtlM* We re jooklaig

but will career arlsWsd D«r»ooa

exuer ieoce preferred, qualif ied pel

In Need of a SUMMER J O B ' We have P E T SHOP l part-Ume poattloM for StuOsota. IS ft soo for eveolags and '

r No special skills required. Call lami l iar wl t t aquar iums Hayea,T>etw4-«pen. » » - 4 i » 0 fish 477-4000

t ra in Call J ane t Van Coaan t



Are you currantfy aetllng Art . or are you Interested In the growing fleW of corporate Art salea? Lat ua ahow you how to make mora money -Join forces with Michigan's » 1 Corporate Art Dealer. Excellent commission. For more Information, call Mr . Burke or Mr. Pike 963-2350

INSIDE SALES Bamal Faataoar Corporation, aa iu*ss trial distributor located ln Pa rmiag too Hills i M a position opeo on our souwno

r (Usk Coc

a tonAppJy at . . . IM, O c l Park. M I

Uv* order desk Competitive sa lary aad benefits ExceUent ca ree r opport—uty

I Seod resumes la confidence to: AU'n M Miller

Bamal Fastener Corp. U J 4 0 Industrial Park Dr

Pa rmln ton Hilla. Mich . 40014 Aa Equal Opportunity Employer

INSURANCE SALES: Ufa . health, home ft au to Financing up to H.OOC plus annuallaauoo. plaa bonus 1st year oo l ife w l t t ma jo r company 1 yr . of proven experiesice w t t t records nacea-aarv Other benefita Caf lC P Weus ggl-OOOO

COSMETIC SALESPERSON Salesperson wanted for Cnsmaftcu/Gtf t d e p s r t m e o t in large drug «ocu Flexi-ble hour* available Apply

. Prescr ipt ions . 14 Mile Rd ft — _ _ b t iL F i n a i f l f U a Hl lk tSS-1177

COCKTAIL WAIT People, Cook*, ft Restaurant Walt Persons - exper ienced Apply ta peraoo be«weee 1-4 p m Moo. thru F r t , ask (or John Cooti. Crane s Restaurant ft Uwnge, '(Juailty Inn). 100! N Woodward. >4 mile N. of Square Lake Rd . Pont iac. Ml

PULL TIME COOK Needed at nursing bome is Can-too Call 410-7000

COOK for ca r ry r e s t a u r a n t Skould «> ioy customer c o n t a c t o o r t t w e a t De-t ro i t Call Marvta. S37-1717

PART TIME WATT Person wanted for Italian Family res tauran t Most be experienced ft dependable Canton area Call a f t e r 4PM for appointment 4SS-S110

WAITRESSES WAITERS " V t ~ u T u "S/T'k Middle-

Now taking applications for tmmechate | m i u a a a _ i i n employment. 1 l a m - l p m shift and 4-»pm shift to work la senior d t l aen s dln-

| tag room WUl t ra in Good working con diUona Maals ft aniforma furnished


Franklin Club Apts I S M i Franklin Rd


P E R F E C T (or Booaemaker Genera l w o r t in » " l ' cafe, full ft p a n Ume p o xtuoos avsi lable immediately Call be-fore l p m . Soothfleld H H * * *

PERSON WANTED for bartending ft to wait tables. 14 Mile ft Woodward


COOK For Sandwich Board

With Micro-wave i ter 1 P M Forest P lace 1

• cr Sandwich Board o-wave e x p e n a o c e Apply a/

Can Cafe of P lymouth , IS ice l u l l . 4SS-U10


P R I V A T E CLUB Looking for a responsible peraoo Good wages ft f r inge beoefita - for full ft part- t ime positions as s Dtshwaaher ft

Just past 10 Mile

W A I T R E S S - W A I T E R i p r t , n a m - t p m at u k <_. Openings oo our dinner sh i f t Most have c o s m e t i c Counter, located oe good experience with food ft liquor ser- rtoor nea r Pine Jewelry vice Must be able to work acme split shif ts for lunch banquets Apply ta per-son ooly. l l a m - i p m

COSMETIC SALES DEMONSTRATORS Pull ft p a n Ome sales positions avail-able a t the Hudson s Fa i r lane Mall Ca-reer advancement opportunities for the self mot ivated individuals Apply la person, Joanne Sedgewlck. Moo thru p r l 11am - 4pm at the Cardeaux Cosmetic Counter, located oo aecood floor nea r Pine Jewelry


Michigan's finest chain of home deco-rating stores has immediate openings (or experteoced shop-at-home daccra tor* to service all s a b w h a a a r e a s Ex-cellent leads fai ulshsU Good draw against geoeious i rmmlsslno Please call . Ka t e Daniel for interview

Fisher Wallpaper & Paint 832-0310

Dial a Decorator


Greenfield. S s i u Willing lo train. Too pay plus conums-

T • " l l&M ~


Thuraday, June 13. 1966 OAE (R-13C.W.O-18C)*17C

506 Halp Wanted

SALES SALES SALES Business Is Qreatl

O n agala V a t a r h s d GaOsry looks in expaad osr sa les force We hsve tt* tnudsrl . industry ksnwtsdga. locations, aad mac* m o r s which ma Fas ss Mlchi gaa'a I . s f a s i W a t s r t s d Rstallar New „ Watarbad Gal ls ry s u n you! gua l i rtad • i inmlsslm salsa panpia caa ex-pect groat moosy maktsg | i r i iaf ls l . paid vacations. I i n r s n r s nsnsflta and ranch more! Thee* pi Willi an span tm-madlataiy So apply at tha (oiknriog io-

506 Ha4p Wanted Sales

TRAINING CLAM STARTING SOON CaU about our July tralatag c l a s s Raa-

fisxihla hoars, fuU tins* ar p s r t Ume po-•ktioMk. Car a b b L Pur a WELCOME WAOON career call Mondays M

E a s t Martha U a s 44h-0011 West Dtaas Brokl 4 7 » - l g »

1M00 Telegrapk, So 1 M H P o r t Rd. Ws. . 1 M I I I Mile Rd., Ws

» 0 0 h G r a t i o t M t C l u — s HfTS Schoolcraft , Livonia

US0 Waahtanaw, Aaa Arhor 11111 Eureka R d Taylor

PHONE SOUCITORS-At t a^ lon Improve yonr pitch - get more leada

Call Baldwin Lend Sar r ice Aftar hpm. 4H-0141

PHONE WORK No experience oeceaaary W 1 U

PuU or part Ume Westland a r e * 101-Wl*

SALES SERVICE R E P Part Ume. To call oa drug stores, maas merrhanrtlasru for health ft beaaty aid salaa company Hourly wags plaa mile-age Sand repl ies tb Retail Salaa Mana-ger 7001 Orchard Laka Rd. SU U 0 A W Bloomfield, Mich. 40031

507 Halp Wanted Part Tima

506 Halp Wanted

GARDENING and YARD WOIUL F lea A DEPENDABLE b u s s i t n p i r I to • ^ M 4 to I h — x Own Bs—pnr ts f ton .

| t o i l - a . p a y r

TOOL STEEL WAREHOUSE Ts looktag for aa sgi sad i • carear i anted parson, to h s $ Hi isghlsii our siOs sales iMnailunnl- Isrtsnli j e x p


INTERJOR DCSK1N ASSISTANT U b r u n a a ft gsnsrul o f t l o n . j i o m s n s n f per t t i n t Birmingham location

CaU Ul-1100

WE ARE looking for a paraon whs is la tarss tsd ta a aalaa carsar la appti-ances ft TV as l sa No experieoce neces-sa ry we will t ra la yon. All roa have to do is be willing Fall ft par t Ume posi-tions available Worid Wide TV ft Ap-pliance. Farmington 471-00*1

PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO needi mo-ture, energetic 1st Minimum 1 yT* reta i l or direct salea experience- Challenging c a i w

S S ' M J ; ' l ^ ^ y T S t h r u " C ^ R

PNEUMATIC SALES Pneumat ic dwtr lbntor nseds e x p e n enced sales people for s s u b l i ^ e ^ t s r r l lory Seod resume to: Norgrsn D e t r o t t M740 Commerce St. Uvonia. Mkh., 4*1 Ml

SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE Bet ter Hemes ft G a r t e n s has aa opanlag lor a sales manager la their Royal Oak off-kV- Tot MkfltkmfcJ tnfvi

Mr. Kan Karneo Vice President


STEEL SALES TRAINEE Sales t ra inee lor a local 1 steel company We will train the right candi-dal* for a ca ree r la the steel service industry M u s i s chemistry, or draft ing background helpful. Sana your confi-dential rename to box. *M0* Redford Mich 4*110 or CaU »17-«T71


Telegraph at 9 Mile Rd , Southfield

WORK AT HOME s t a m p l n | and label-tag lids at your own pace Paid oo per I tem' baais. Call between 4-4pen o n l y Uvooia ares 47*-«lM


I PuU ft p a r t Ume positions at H Westland store. Career advancement opportunity for the aell motivated Uu»i vidua! Apply ta peraoo to Sharon Ut ley. J a n e 14. l l f t m - l pm at the Car-deaux Cosmetic counter located oo tbe main f loor next to the Up Escalator


Full Ume afternoooa. Apply ta person , _ ^ „ f

at the Glenhurst Golf Course. l s i 4 5 * taterviewtng f • Mile. Redford.

la taking applications ft the following peti t ions.

SEVERAL PART TIME Clerical Posi ooos open la Romulus and Detroit area Clerical expeneaice needed Typiag 4»

Warreo. Mi. 4*0»«

COOK NEEDED Troy a raa . Day ca r e nursery school Cootact Mr* Pauraxaa at M0-S711



RECEPTIONIST Immedia te opportanity la available for s mature , people-oriented individual w l t t 1 to 1 year* related experience. Must also have suitable typing Mills and knowledge of Borneo phone sys-tem or equivalent

We of f s r excellent salary, a compre-benaiv* benefita package and a pleaaant plant location. Qualified applicants are

I urged to fo rward their letter of Intro-

505 Halp Wanted Food-flavacaQa

AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSON Local office of internat ional firm seeks individual for outside sales poaltloo Ca-reer ft goal ortentad persons only ssed applv Auto necessary, experience de-sired Salary, t lusnses . bonus ft bene-f l t a Mr E m s ! 147-1410

COOK - PART-TIME lexibie bo

planning in 1 Flexible boor* for rnesl nren, menu

residential facili ty M 4 4 1 1 1

C O O K / P R E P COOK Cullnarv student or ( r a d a a t e p re fe r red Round Table Club PVymoo th Call Randy at t W I U l

• Cocktai l Servers (all shifts) • Bar Porters (all shifts)

• Doo? Attendenta • Bartenders

Appldtlooa betag accepted b e t w e « the bour* of l pm - l p m . M e n thru F n





Star t • rewarding Career In the Real Business f<

506 Halp Wantad Salaa

Cosmet ics/Fragrances If you a re an enthus ias ts , pleasantly aggress ive salea person, who loves f r s -e r snces and cosmetic*, w* have Imme-diate full and par t - t ime openings

Es ta te Business For a Farmingtoo Hills Off ice Staff TRAINER to insure TOUT chances of success Opanlag available for tt* aggressive-work orientated individual

Call Barney Robb for Interview





KYoung s i a i a ss l i i printing firm oasd_ ed w i c u W * our vohmma printing Oaly a g g r a l v . l a ^ n d u U s wl t t Miss expsr i soos asad apply AK oow ledge of printing procsassss a m s * Excellent opportunity for ths tUk t par-son Openings avai lable tmmedUtelv Seod ^ « S e to G-Granhics001* E

Gran River, B r igh t an ml. U U *

PRODUCT R E P R E S E N T A T I V E - Wis-dow covering mana lnc t a ro r needs sell mouvated. euOmast lc person R e s ^ slbilltes lachsde calling oo retailer* to

display* ft update them oo <wr p r o ^ C o o t i t L « a t l « - n # !

A CAREER OPPORTUNITY with subsidy Farmer* Insurance Group baa ageocy openings Train part t ime w l u l e t S S i l g present Job 557 M M

JUNIOR SALESMEN to sell electronic equipme««t We will t ra in M u d be ambit ious Call » to 5 P M 155-1000


Casual Corner, a Leader of Todays Women s Fastikma, is looking for Store Manager* Aaalstant Stores Manager* We offer excel lent beoefita ft opporta-nity for growth. O p e n i n a in Falrlane. N o r t h l a a l T e l - T w M v s f t P U n t Mkh. Por cooslderatlon. send tout i seame Ut Casual Corner, 17144 Novi Rd. Novi,

507 Halp Wanted Part Tima

BILLING TYPIST, par t Ume *5 WPM. fai uituia and office sep-

" the Mo-m*

Expsr iance In plies s p lu s CaU Ken Burak at tha Office nosoarea .

JANITORS tor office . North l i r a ft 11 M H a R d a r a a . s o o »

a living In tha ares p i s f s i i s d . | l » r h o s r t o s ta r t WT-TMI

NOW. Summer Tee-Bail Coaches sad Umpires M m be 17

g R j j s t g j f . y g a i or stop by Farmington Ares YMCA. t t l M Farmington Rd. Fa rming too HUM

A&tXT aABYSXTTER. n y Laka Orion

ADULT WOMAN m i l l Is c a n l e r 1 childree la my home, twins . S reeee

ekdsy* 1 miles N tt 'Call a f tar tarn. M1-1M0

506 Halp Wanted

HOUSEKEEPER caro ter • month oM

boy and 0a all hossewort • oer LivosSb h o r n . H a y s par weak- MaM have ear .


511 Entertainment 512 Sttuationa Wanted

M u a c K * u m M e P M M M j r

•nog te fsssn taa ft he Cafl Chrta between I t

A Mater* Lovlag Woman to ca r e for

aw m a t t oM sen M oar Fermlngloa t borne. I days a week. Reliable,

*474^H7T or I U O U I

I M H V P q W , lady aseds

C a U b e r w e a l l AM aad • PM. 1U-04M

ADORABLE 1H roar old girl your loving car* tn o w h e b « IAM-i P M M day*,

PART TIME EMPLOYEBB to work ter Conoomar r a s a r o h . Coding Edi t ing Daytime, • ' s e i n s s aad Weskend w o r t Need to ba S S f c Meet hsve a good sense of l seaming, thorough and ba ve a high level ef concentration. Call Carol •« P A C K Marketing R e n a n n * ta

Hilla 5*»-4lM



WINDSURFING 11 you are Interested In get-t ing outdoors thla summer read our comer


Appear ing In today's da*a»-fted aectton.

PART TIME bete, long term, ter I goon's office m fowthrtsld Typing, tng. will train for other datMa. Mon I

ni-5 * ' — Fri . 1 - t p m

BABY SITTER CASS LAKEFROTfT June 17 thra Jaly 1 1 Mon thro Fr i . . t a m - t a m . SchedaW negotiable. I* ft 11 yr o l * . Mast hsve car

*M-4H1. 400-1414 41V1411

BABYSITTER Dspsodahle. I a g o n a l ble aad l o v i ^ . To c a n for my 1<* year old in my home occaMonal t i m i n g s and • • . • ha t i h Located « Nort t rUM. sot-side downtown area. Own t raaapor ta Uoa u t s le t i ed anlaea la tmmedte la

h e e s a call a f ter 1 PM. MO-47M



M - m i

BOUSE AND P E T U 1 1 L K . i •ksnds snd .or several s i l k s e r ences Reply to Bos I M "

^ B e l ^ a n c e r

l eg I I I !

POWER PBOOUCnONS. . DJe. Ptsn j o m part tss Mr the year now W l i a m CMMtmna. say ooco-Mon P s t e a T t n Rich: H U M

VOCALIST. MALE or FEMALE needed for MoToarn aad Rock ft Roil. Saturday Night Practices. Call Steve, a f t e r 1 fepm. Ml-4001

i r h - r a M

515 C h i d Care

GENERAL HOUEECLEANING Hsr t -ft OapaaOaMe ter a Mb wuO

Wear land K III Mm I. D o a r b s n B M Call QryMnl U h - l l l l

512 «Huatk)na Wanted Famate

c r a f t Rd., Uvonu . Newspaper*. M311 School-vonla. Michigan U 1 5 0

PART TIME afternoons wtth dsvetaprosetaDy din-abied youths M Pontine. Trey. Rochss ter . Farmingtcn. Sooth Lyon ft Ps rn-dala. Expel lance aad t raioiag requi red Ideal for Dtroct C a n Worker M an

CaD lOsm- lpm M3-0010

Mich. 4*0M Attention: Bill Howard

T E L E P H O N E SALES Will t rain. >5 M per h o w plot ?erform-

Workiag bour* 5-VPM. ance — M o n - F r t In our Troy office. Call be-tween 1 1 0 A M - 4 M P M » 4 - ( 7 t l

ABILITY COUNTS. A big phone com-pea r needs pros for Telemarketing. Sal-a ry I " 50 per hr Day* Recent Salea No Fee! Employment Opp s. 540-7J1S


Flexible Schedule Super Growth Opportanity Wlt t

CompetlUve Sslary ft P r lMes 4 MAUTSTORES ft MAIN STORE

Send resume or Call for App'l CECILLES

850 S Woodward. Birmingham 4*011


per itore_ Releveot e x p e r t r ^ i r o d ! the

m o o t t plaa Call Sunshine Company

APPLICATIONS taken dally Monday thro Friday. 10em-5pm H o s t Hostess. B a r t e n d e r * . B u s e r s . Wai tpe roons , Cooka, Pan t ry . Dlshwssher*. Experi-enced Ooly Apply Within Topinka's. Seven Mile and Telegraph


COOKS in person a f t e r 1PM. S a k a n . 1*M RocbesM "G

town needs individual for long te rm : a ignmsnt Applicant msot poasees . c eBan ta sc r e i ana l skills inctsdlng wt processing Shorthand balnful bnl i neceassry Paid Vacatloa. Holiday Beoefita for this I

apply In person U>:


23800 Reeearch Dr Farmington. Ml. 4S024

Equal Opportanity Employer M F


WAITPERSONS. hiring fall ft par t Ume Kpp

person Boi Bar ft Grill . 777 W ARBY'S NOW has immedia te positions svai labte for laithnslssrlr cheerful lndt- , person, d u i ami m u i m . . . . viduals I t or older only Opening and Arbor Trail, Plymouth- See A r t r losing positions ava i lab le A ^ tn person i s k s s s i i 1 sjsd » a t 1*000 Middlebelt and T714« Plymouth Rd.

ENTECH SERVICES, LTD. 999 Chicago Rd., Troy


11 Mile ft Orchard Lake Rd Two part t ime or one full t ime PoBUcn available July 1, IMS. 417-0105

SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST Bs^r office nseds well crganjasd ponon w t t t

s e c r e t a r y r e c e p t i o n i s t Uvon la Fwndturo Mfg Good typing ft >—t- m a t t Full Ums permanent Pay d s p a n * on experience AOkter^JTO

Sacrotary I tecspt l rsns l Sa tes Coortl-nator lVp«nC gsnsral office s i p s n -ence Strong phone perscnsjBy t m m -t i a l Sand R i s s m i l e t A Hlnrieha ft Gompeay P O t a t o i l * . Troy, ML, 40004 or caU

SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST wt t t Ksne typing Southfield area Call Mr Johnson 1&H700

TERMTNIX INTERNATIONAL, large national pest control ctxnpi looking for a qualified par t Ume persoo with good phone manner Duties Include: Light typing ft bookkeeping skills. Apply ln person Moo thru PrL, 1PM-4PSC XMto HesUp Dr., N o v ! ML

An Equal Opportanity Employer

TYPIST CLERICAL Par t Ume 1-1 days weak Birmingham area Wor t processing experience hnlp-f* l Accurate work a most- Immediate

Call *4*-MM

or lor interview .pp . US lines

SECRETARY ft RKXPTOMBT Pur a fast once sihnlnsti attve office lo-catad In S o s t t f i s h t ExcoDsnl phone

S 3 K 4 « J S 2 f t , a * ^ S


P a n W a s potetaon w t t t Wssl Daarbora Osse looer Typing s a l dictation experl-I t n i • •on i r l T r T u persos. Mgl* M t c h w i A ^ U n i A a r a . CA * of Ti l i p i i | l ) . M w * s y - PrMay. M

TYPIST entry level position In grow-ing company Respond to Peracunel S p « p T b o i i S i Southfield, Mich

TYPIST National Insurance company located in Southfield has Immedit* openings for experienced TypWs. Sscrotariss, and Ward Piocessnr*. Long and ttort tarm aaslgnments T o p P a y No Fee

569-1878 VICTOR


c n e n c e d or will t ra in right parson k some exper ieoce Apply af ter I Cosy Cafe of Plymouth. 15 Forest

Place Mall 4 U - U 1 0

BAKER'S H E L P E R Must have exper ience Apply In Tsea thro Fri . , U a m - 4 p m

Maadowbrook Country Qnb. 40*41 W I Mile. Northville

BANQUET S E T U P - Full time Major hotel ts seeking dependable indi-viduals to setup 11anting snd receptions for private par t ies and meetings

Please s n p l y Ann A r t o r Marriott M M Plymouth Rd.. Ann Arbor

COOKS ft DISHWASHERS Full or part-Ume. d a n or nights Expe-

I erred, wfll train. A i. Mon. t h ro S a t . 1 to

train. Apotv a only. M o n t h r a S o t , 1 to i P M

POXY-S BY MACHUS 1144 Walton Blvd., Rochester

COOKS. DISHWASHERS. BU3PERSON WAITRESS WAITER, for day* and af ternoooa M o t be experienced good


Immedia te full and part t ime posi t ions available on our breakfas t shift f r o m • a m - 1 pm. Also, pootOons avai lable oo our lunch and midday shif tk All o f f e r flexible hours, tree uniforms, f r ee meal*, beoefita upon meeting qualifica-t i o n and competlUve wages Apply tn person at the following locations

BURGER KING V401 El isabeth Lake Rd

Pontine, Ml Equal Opportunity Employer M / F


Apply In Person Michigan Inn - Southfield

5 50-0500


Licensed salaa people Ume is money Forget residential bome salea MAKE THE MOVE m i l Why limit yourself to a (ranchised a rea* w e cover all of


CHAMBERLAIN REALTORS, eatate tiahed ln 1*4«, is current ly tn t t r r l swlng

rea l eatate f iifinMnnsli-Sse what the pacese t ter in the industry has to offer 18 a r e a officsa. Call today for more Information regarding our omque ft UmcvsUve p rograms

WEST BLOOMFIELD Sylvia S t e m W1-M01

BIRMINGHAM Nancy Leevecwor th 54<K777

TROY BLOOMFIELD Connie Walk. H W 5 0 C

SOUTHFIELD LATHRUP Steve Lelbhan. S57-*7*0

T E L E P H O N E SOLICITORS 1 a r range appotatmeeits for ^kUsinsii Salary k commiss ion Replr to Box 110 Observer ft Eccent r ic Newspaper*. 10151 Schoolcraft Rd. Uvooia. lAchi-gas 4*150

CLERICAL WORK part Ume In the Novi a rea Flexible hours, oo Satar-days. must like filing Sand phone num-ber ft qaaliflcattoen: T. Francis, P.O. Box M s U . Groom Point* Woods. 4 U M


L T * ° If you have a burning

net worth and self p r o g r a m for you. W* are a

m a r k e t e r of e n e r c efficient

ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE Oakland ft Wayne County Why spend

511-1*51 call J an i s at $41-41*4

AMBITIOUS SALES-MINDED for Birmingham specialty gift and (toe - M - . store 1-4 day* week, including Tbur* night aad S a t Call 44V1143

DRIVER/SALES $500 to $1,200


Ask for Frank Morac



a good- Experienced or will t ra in Call for an interview

17*0 Rochester Rd Troy


We of fe r a Complete training e Company vehicle e I m m e d i a t e income _ High repeat — No experience nsceaaary . we will t r am

MANAGEMENT T R A I N E E | Expanding national tour corporat ion I seeding Office Manageer Traiisee No

t ravel experieoce mceasa ry S o n * salea exsor leoce required. Paid while t ra ining Mast be able to re locate

Call 1PM-4 PM. 170-4101

REAL ESTATE Salespeople needed Want shorn M agents for expansion of 1 new offices la the near f u t u r e Call Dave Reardon tar personal confidsnUal interview Call now for the secre t that I have


i t i i* , coollag and energy savings de-. ^ e a We need to be Involved w t t t a few good paople that have the abtlity tn commenlca t* with home owners bv showing tham the benefits of the proo octs we o f f s r Fo r this sbtlity, you will earn In direct proportion to what you want to earn . Our present people make between WO.OOO and (M.*M depewling on their a t t i tude We will CnnUah you wltt the appointments, products, O-

and service for your customer If you're t ired of being paid what some-aoe else thinks yos ' re worth, then set ap an appointment wl t t as and sse4f we d o a t o n e r you the opnortatety to achieve envulnnal and financial i ema The d i f fe rence bet and a loser ts e positive a tu tade aad -legit imate opportunity You will supply the s o i t a d e We will provide the oppor-tani ty Fo r your chance call: Rich r e t t i n g . 471-WM

Wad. Birmingham

044-J 1*1

11:10 to 4 M,

CLERK TYPIST PART-TIME 55 WPM required for Biaisrsl office. Sand i • a m i t o Maiilyo Weldal. J Ls* Hackatt Co.. U U O Haggerty Farmington. Mich.. 4*014


Muat have own t ransporta t ion Seod brief letter iacludtng W k g r o u o d t o Kurt Ladwtssk i 1M4* John R De t ro i t

PART TIME MEDICAL T Y P I S T for aa Orthsosdbc Sui getiai to North-_ _ - r e a . w e oasd aa exnerslBcwl medical typist to work 1 half days s w e e k $7 per boar You may sMnct roorungs cr aftarnooos. any d ^ k ^ M o o

PART-TIME Telephone RscspOoensl 10 b o o n weekly Reqadrm someone with prwrMas receptionist exper ience for a wonderful part-time posi tioo ( a m

l p m daily, Northland location. • "*ort note to s —

Write: C W P., P O EX

•e drop a short note to as tailing of s r a a r i e s r * Wri te " " " n

— Trey. Ml 4*00*

BABYSITTER For 14 month old. M l t ime for Summer Is my • luranf lMd Hills boms Noo-amokar. l e f n e o c s a , own t ransporta t ion good pay I l i W '

BABYSITTER lor my 1 m a l l children. Monday-Fri-day, 7AM-IPM. Is my Rochester home.


» m u m Ow* car Light

Days, 417-7*00

HOUSEKEZPER. Mon-F - F r t f lsxihle bonro. » s s bour Cock. d e a n . I ron Mast havs car C « n for 1 chi ldren Raf-

Furmingteu HUM Ml-1071

HOUSEXEEPER I days a wuek. j w include laundry a i H « I - 7 « 7 1 or 1U-M7*

W Btoomfteld. I

H O U S E K E E P E R 1 days per

j r i i s s u - s s T Held a n a

INFANT Sitt_ woman (or see*end days or

A Balanced Plan Of Care RN'S. LPN'S, AIDES


Hourly • Daily - Weakly

Our Service spsrtallass la the caro of th* uMarty. disabled ft the chronically IH Call Mary - oar RN Supervisor Dte-c m s your special needs with bar Not only do we partlclpeM M the Msdtearu program wu also hsvu ths home c a n t o n e support sarvicm rou may bs hook-lag for Warm personalised service yes can t l W .

GERMAN LADY wh as Will shls sad so Can Ir is a f t e r I


Available July • epouroqasM

541-4141 701-0045 ext**


C H O P C A M Pl jQQBAM - ter a f s s U M B f i s d M t t

CHILD CAR*. 1 II Yr* Uoes Expsriencsd •

Sttfii m-*W4

516 A I n s t r u c t k M i

m i C leas jvm Hoens tor Yon ( O M s a r b o v

CaU a l te r 1PM. 4700471

WILL CARE ter -Man thru PrL . H I weekly E x

asr teacsd ft i Soy Road e m


Will also do Iroutag ft m - i i M

519 Education a I i a •• • • al • • a inatrucnon

LIVONIA Lnlaat or toddler m . —

In children 1V> ft of k m . eosrvuatent te X-wayk 4 » 0 7 » 0

ACADOOC PREPARATION Use Sprteg ft h o a r to tamrwvs r

a math ft s tadv skl lM Also A T eeeestanes CerUfisd I


4 2 3 - 6 5 0 0

BABYSITTER. Is my 1 thro Friday, 7 10-tPM.

Call a f t r 1 P M

t s U l - 0 0 0 1

LIVE-IN female c.au| istene ter 77 yeer old lady 1* Mile, Oresnfis id area Sal-a ry plus (roa room sad bos r t . U 0 - H M or»**-*441

BABYSITTER-Mature woman, m y boms * am-4:M M-P 1 n r io I H T o o n ft * months « mlM-Beeci A s a j ^ D s g j

BABYSITTER Mature woman U> c a n for 1 children in my Canton b o m s for aummsr months After *pm. all a s v

PERMANENT PART-TIME Light amemhly. 1 hour shifts. S t a r t s s t U H Apply s t MOM N I n d u ^ r t a l Dr FarmiaglOB H l l k

COUNTER CLERKS For a f t e r school ft S a t ft psr t Ume

Not Just summer employment Apply in person ac rday 11 noon Mai Kal Clean-ers 1411* W 7 Mile at Tetegl

DETROIT F R E E PRESS Motor Route Single copy d a U v u ^ Car needed Car

e fai nlahill Immediate openings n. Southfield ft W Bloomflsid.

ortn-OMO tn Novi, Contact U7-4040

Telegrapk 51? OOW

PERMANENT P a r t t ime pceluca available tn Tele-marke t ing Hcoriy plus bonuses op lo (11 an bour. 540-M«0, e x t 77.

BABY-HI I I EH nencsd wtth Infant! _

BABYSITTER needed In my P s r m t a g too Hills home. Mon PrL, own t raa-s p o r s u o n Rsfereacea CaU a f t a r * PM.


PHONE SOLICITORS Highly motivated people n e s d s d M a n

good spooking qual i t ies Salary, o a * Ask for Mr Adam ttl-MV

PLASTER'S H E L P E R P a r t Ume. Ideal ter retiree or semi-re-t i ree Expsi ieuce hsipfal but not nscss-sary MnBb* flexible (S7-U74

RETAIL SALESPERSON tar ft • Gif t stead. Farmington

Apftiy In parson s t C a r t J7*U Grand River s t Ral-

BABY SITTER N E H J E D evenings ft weukaads. 1 Inf. year old- Uvooia area '

nt and 4 5I5-I5X1

BABYSITTER far 1 Hills

CaU af ter l p m U i - B M

BABYSITTER needed (or one 7 yea r old boy Bout*. 11 Mpm (pm. 1 days o weak Mast have own car Able tn chauffeur CkU e v e s 5M-*14»

ft own •44-7*17

LOVING MATURE person to ca r e for * old daughter la osr Cantoo b o r a

Sept (am-4 l ( p m Moo thro aaem mm •DOkar,


MATURE , dependable, m n womaa wt t t child car* expe c a n ter 1 yeer oU ft todler ft do light bill a t e a a | < n full Ume Work i s f s i n i -ea ft own tnaspor tsUon. C a « a n a r e a CaU P r t , aftar (pm **7-l(S7

MATURE. for my 1 c Moo-Fri In my Plymont t t ransports Hon. own child wulcomu. good saUry CaU af ter *pnv 4**-7( l l


.TovidMg tndlvidaaltead. s ^ m slued quality s s r s l ag c a n in ths home, nerv-ing facility ft hospital slace 1*7*.


Ranging f rom an occasional 4 hr* to a full 14 i r day

'We Really Caro At Abcarv


MATURE WOMAN wuoM Hke te c a n for your cMMroa. i n b i i h or osun-

. To a r r a a g a latervtew. *4*-7*Q

MOTHER. Exper i enced Babysitter. sriU c a n for your child. PuU or part Uma Meele l a d a d e d . Yoar t raaaaorta-tion. P o r t Rd ft Inkstsr 4115414


Mldweet Home Care. Inc. Skilled unifamliiuiels ft boose health a idm

Hoariy Live In AU w r a n c e a accepted



MOTHER OP O N E your child, j t m I 14 Mile ft Ovhcard 7^S


K tu tor aD tevute ta

r L i t e ra tu re Yoar U a - U T 4


An evening couree of Travel Agent Training

taught by actlye' Travel ProtoeatonUi

Free Placement AaeHlaum



REGISTER NOW FOR June 24th. 1986

CaU or writ* toduy ter full de ta i l s

Travel Educat ion

Institute. Inc. M711 Nut t t s sueoru Hwy ,

SeathfiaM. M t a ^ W e r i (111) 101-4*75

U C d . by the Mich. D e p t of E t t ecsaoo

DRESS AND SEW L I K E A PRO" Sign • now Certified tencher l adMd-aaLsad l o r n Rncheater f l i g h n w v

dvaacsdt t sasa ft a Palis s s teams M1-1U4

MOTHER OT TWO Prefe rs l o a d - u p Y o » t r a o a p r t a q o n Refer eocea span r s q s s * P o r t M /

NURSE AIDE. Exps i tencad . tak* cure of the e losr ty la tea, . _ vslascent bouse or pr ivate bome. CaU

GUITAR 1 B A Barkis* Collage of U r i c . 1 AS levels. Want Bloomfield. Call Je r ry

NURSES AIDES wishes S da;

MATURE days a wsak. household ^maaa^nmeot

quired. Rof of t .

P M (M-0144

MATURE SITTER for 114 yr old. 10 to 40 bra. par weak. Rafa ran — ' 7 MUe A Middlebelt Area Call

APARTMENT CLEANING Hcoes t ilapenrtshls axpartencsd lady, with axcsllaot lufuruncaa Aak lor Tin*


lys s w e a k No lie* l a Good Pleese cal l 517-0417

TUTORING; m e s t a BS- •

n g ^ Wrote) ft

BABYSITTER needed la our Mi mlag bam home for ( yeer old ft 1 your old. 1 flexible days. 1 boars par day Days 44*-1*44

* par day fcvuningl MO-OIM

DIET COUN3LOR-Weut Bloomfield off-ice To assist In c o m e U n g cn an Indl-vidual bas te Mature, personable Bour* 7 10 AM -Noon. M l 1(0*

RETIRED PERSON wanted to t a U charge of f lower shrub sad lawn main-t « M y e ParmiacfcoB Hilta a r e* CaU af tar 7 P M 477-1J04

DRIVER, p a r t Uma Mast bave Chaaffer-s Ucons*. good driving record aad know Detroit area K - M b<*rt week. Apply I AM-4 P M H I Manufac-osrars D r , wes t l and

TOO If yon lmprem a s CkU us at. U4-1M0

AN EXCEPTIONAL Salea Opportunity

Wlt t — limited compensation potential Self-motivated en t repreneurs ! profes-sional with vary strong sates skills for fuU Ume teg

MANAGEMENT T R A I N E E Career Opportanity with top company

, Attend I wuek training school E a s t e r n U ^ B - t ^ e a a A r c n Rep and ^ up ,

Real Estate Trainer Looklag for aa experienced Trainer <* R m T B t t t * Agent Excellent eompen-sstlon plaa w l t t one of tb* top real es-tate companies In Western W a n e Couaty CaU for a confidential Inter view today,


_ _ EARN EXTRA Mooey in ytwr spare

Aa ' squa l Oppc^teiuty Employe r

BANQUET •WAITERS • WAITRESSES -BARTENDERS -DAY PORTERS •COOCS -DISHWASHER Immedia te par t - t ime poalUom avail-able day* ft e v e n i n g to mmplement In-come Wagm to exceed *4.M per benr s f t c r t ra ining No experience usi.ssssry

WUl Train-Apply in person. Mon-Fr i . 10am-4pm

ROMA'S LIVONIA 17777 Schoolcraft Rd. GARDEN CITY 11SW Cherry ffiU BLOOMFIELD 11*1 & Telegraph


PuU ft P a r t Time AH Shif ts

10200 W 11 Mite Rd., Southfleid

Id TH J m* ' n i J 1 1 ' " — | poaitloo with rapidly expand- fu rn i tu re s t a r salaa company The par- i mot iva t ing t a d mast be amtetvwn and Mr Pi l lar I

, to M « of everything you ae l l I CaU Debbie. 45V1*** _

I ESTABLISHED WATERBED C O ! MARKETING ADMINISTRATOR ^^ in is iii i m of expsnslcn. to sulking ex- I Desireabie position for pnrson wtth

salea people Retail and /o r OEM ft af ter ma rke t expe r i ence Out b a c k g r o S d a ^ p t e a Self u a e A telephone contacts 471-1*0*


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

420-2100 464-8881

have a aolld background la sales or business experience Seod Cover le t te r and resume to

P 0 Box 1141 Farmingtoo Hilla, ML, a i l *

teem players I a t

COOKS, PANTRY Duys ft nights Ex per ieoce p r e f e r r e d Apply within Trea t s R e s t a u r a n t 410( { fc rha r t Rd., Orchard Lake. ML

I Lake


Xa n u W i payable checks ft teto-c o U s c t m Pisxlhte horns, ap^

M hours psr week ( Mile-res Send resume to Pa r


i lar ™ulQ M i m

M M H r , jmmmm. — i ^

sense u RaMhow C n s i i l i n (1* E • t e Besver . Troy. Ml 4 0 * 1

BAR HELP port Ume Wait panose , ba r t ends r* bus psrsoos - tar night cWb in Can ton CaU bs twesn *am-(pas

BAR PERSON Sheer style cos tume Good pay Dearborn A r e a Ask (or Warren (41-4*05

Box M M . Camtsi Corp . P 0 MI 1*004 i l l I

B A R T E N D B t ft CASHIER Apply te parson a f t a r 1PM W « o a W W i Sa loon I M * Rochester Rd.. Troy

BARTE?<DER Nssdsil- PuU t i m e Jans"


PuU ft P a r t U m a Day* ft af ternoons

HUM 47*-1*01

An Equal Opportanity Employer

COOKS ft WAIT PERSON Exper ienced Needed Immedia te ly Good aalary ft benef i t* Apply te p e r son. RAM'S HORN R s s t a n a t 174*1 Telegraph Rd. near ( Mil*

SBARR0S The Italian Eatery

Now opesuag new restaurant ta Pal r -taoe MauTLooking to hire day and night


CASHIERS Experience required We offer coenp-tative s tar t ing wages and flexible schedute* Sbarros will b* open t rom 10AM-*PM Pull snd p a r t t ime posi-t i o n available Ptesae apply te person.


ANSWER THIS AD IF YOU ARE READY TO ATTACK AN OUTSTAND-ING OPPORTUNITY' This execuUv* sale* poaitloo requires amteium, e n e r p aod a proveo ability to open ft close tn* sale In t national m a r k e t

C a U 5 U - l M 0



CONTACT BOB OLSON RaaUy World Robert Olson

42141 F o r t Rd.

S , , saa I MATURE PERSON ps r t Ums, te r » " " 1 UgSom store. Radford aroa, 514-7717

APPRAISAL TRAINEE Local office of a National Organisation oeed- (J) full-time career-minded indi-viduaiS willing to work hard. We offer Trainer Earn-While-You-Learn, choice of location Potential 1st year Earn ings in excess of U2.000

Call Mr. H a c k e r 47*-7000


Must bs exper ience For ea tshl i^wf dell ft restaarsnt la Soothf is ld Mast bs sggressive aad ontaolng Apply i n j * _ son I r v t e a Deli ftRmUaraat. 17 i r GreeetfltecTisaar 11 Mite

SECRETARY to work par t Ume dar ing summer months leading to fuU Ume po-sition la the fal l Must have t y p l y skills Send iishiim to P 0 . Box 14* Ob-server ft Eccent r ic Newspaper*. 1*141 Schoolcraft Rd Uvonla , Michigan 4*150

TYPIST/PART TIME test also ba ahle to hsn-saa 441-01*0

TYPIST P a r t Uma ( s in l p m Mon ft P r t Pote-t los iinsnniMolafy. « r o l t e ^ a * o s t t field for rasponeble tadi r ldaai with typing accuracy ft Mwpm opssd ptas

SECRETARY R B C E P T I O N B T 1 Typist/Receptionist B s A d a r e facili ty adtM te Wsya* h m ima i . i h s r a par i Ums ( I 9 4p-

. " a r r a y s

gaterv cenmansaOm with n w n e w ?TTf i i - * - - - — • • * « 11 MBa i i m s m m l . m n A t r * m n

S e t x a ^ m e c g K t o n y t _ _

aft Aagus t P r o

M l - l S o o ask tar R a m o n i thro F r i l l Noon-*:Mpm




COUNTER PERSON tar days or evening* Light food and bsvarug* service Inside Frankl in Racquet!* OMi Club pr iv l t eam Call 1M-7171

DELIVERY PERSON ft aD helper We f i s h c a r Irvlsg-s DslL 1*11 Crook*. Troy CaU l a m - l l a m and




te Can

• M k C a a E a r s s at

. CENTURY 21 Today SM-20Q0 505 Halp Wantad Food-Beverage



Bates Hamburgers Need Help. ALL SHIFTS

FuU so* p a r i U m a B M te ( 4 *0 hoar I . . 1 * 1 1 III IM I " * ' — " T ply te ps r s sa * a m - l l a m or Ipsn-Opm

33406 Bve MUe. Uvonla Aad

Middlebelt at 9 MUe Farmington HWa

SHORT ORDER COOK, par t Uma eran^ Lsgs Call tar appoln iment Th* Trophy Roots Pub, Yari Rd. ft T 1 X & i

Are You Making What You're Worth?

WE O F F E R tt* finest selling, t ra ining and advertising technlquee ln the Indus-try today 1 of tt* top off ices In Wayne County SO YOU TO CAN EARN WHAT YOU ARE WORTH For a new exciting career , c a l l

CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors


420-2100 464-8881 459-6000

MONARCH INSURANCE CO amcee s position opening te Finan-

cial Planning for onr Southfield office. , Th* position r e q u i r e s Sates experieoce;

lor commi t tment to ser-nong: people. desire to build a Clientele for a Life-t ime Professional Career CaU or sand

—. . resume to-. John A Rukktero, ** 1-4444 14*00 Northwestern Hwy . Sott* M T

Southfield, Mich. 4*075 ttl-4740

t o 7 ^ ^ 1 M O O N L I G H T E D b o u m w t r o a a t ^

plus commiss ion 5 ^ 4 1 1 0 D £ D ^ EARN MO.MO

F A R M E R S INSURANCE GROUP of l a s t Y E A R ' YOU CAN WITH U S l n Companies Is -now accepting applies- person only Mon-Tba r* 1-Optc. 1*400 Uona for career agent t ra in ing For fcr u Mile Rd.. Suite M l . Personnel m o r e info call M M 110 »7 -0*05 i > p , . internaUooal Off ice Center


FREE Century 11 Hart lord S Is offer ing f ree pre-l icense training lamaU mate r i a l charge) for its newest U v o n u office

Dearborn Height*


M S - g t l l . E x t IT



NOW HIRING Part time Day

and evening help PREP PERSONS



Flexible hour* amtaWe tor Homemafcere or Of lage or

High School Studenta

Apply in peraon 3 * 3 8 0 W. Ten MHe.

a F i

DISHWASHER, day*, full Om*. sights part Ome Wsitponou ft sulsd person, on tlins Apply within Barsnrt-o Ap-plegatc Square, NorthweMaru Hwy

Ideal tar 91 DISHWASHER

adeat Part Item r i u l i g i 1 PM Con Cafe of P W

-sst Plane Mall Mft-ill*

DISHWASHERS No oyrtenre ssces-

ft QrtlL M7 Mate Rochsotsr DRIVERS wented Cm make hom Mate M 1* yuars aM own car Apply Dieidnn's PI Morttweotern Hwy BoMhfta* MM.

M-M per aad Mv*

I w . l f u » 4 M


la taking appl icat ion* lor KITCHEN HELP DISHWASHERS

PREP Apply Mon -Thura., 2 -4pm 12 Mile & Orchard Lake Rd.

ARE YOU STUCK IN a rut snd tired of yoar present Job* If you can t ra in a sd motivate people, multl-level marke t ing IS for yon By start ing with (-1* b o o n

f u n will i i r o r r s • U s i s l

• e e n T t p m . D D a t e W i Ssi m r m o Orchnr t Lake


M sow taking sppUcstinws l o r


Apply te s a n o o M o n - P r t , 1 M - ( p m

, Kropfcvvr

N A P O L E O N S CLOSET In BirmIngham needs experienced clothing s a t e o p e n c n Store open Fr iday night only. Ideal

aMLreej im iw — ' ——— —---— i work a lied ale Call Mr Mahiauiy for PuU Ume trainer lo help yon to a quick 44151*1 • t a r t Aak sboot onr carear t r a c k Fro- I g r a m Call FRANK IXANGELO for ap-po in tment



adults to seU Mlctu-. j r k s s t t empt* ar? July 4 Good pay E*

| NEED gas _ _ _ _ o u t l e t t T t m e 17

F R E E TRAINING to . . able to motivate other* No exper ience necessary Pull or par t t i m e We will Invest substantially in success m liaileil. as tute , a r t i cu l a t e interested In m a n m u m upward mobility with M



snd becota* jvmt <r Training provided Call M a n (-11 Noon 14*4741 ar 4U-M0*

^ U g 7 ^ ~ " c o r p ~ i ~ new p r o g r s m NOTICE Pleas* apply la person only U a m O p m ( N 4 U O M i y v m has e i r e l l n position M o n . - D n 1 *4MW 1 1 1 ^ * RA Suit* ^^Jtebte ^ I n d i v i d u a l who S a a a M l . Personnel D a p l [ sum* a large d * p e * "

knowteda* or *

ART ft FRAMING Sates Inside ft out-side Grea t money-making potential ta* peopte who a re self-motivated, have a fiair for color ft teBgs N e a t ctenn ft organised Mast have car P re fe r p r e r l

p e r m a l Graf teka

TABLE S X R V E R / « U P n « V I 8 0 R For Catering Faci l i ty Par t T t e o a w s e a e n m

Can U l MM


INTERVIEWERS Evea. & Weekend houra

No sales -TI nil II a svs l l sh l s te am Parnteagtos

ftl^o-i. rfflres Can

U l

itside sates e spe r ioncs ExceOsot tends provldad. Ptease spnly te > ISAM* M P M Moa thra P r t ai

rs f tekaa 111 MsrrilL

ATTENTION NATIONAL TELEX W C • "ooklna tar aa s i l l s m l n sates type to sst) Its ts tex-retetsd servlom to botenassm te

F U L L or part Ume mature sa tes bs flexible apply in g - .

Staffed Safari . 1140* Orchard | he lpful Lake Rd Mon through Fri

Michigan The >ob Uoa rf To

Ion Expnrtenca te hs tpfs£ 477-MO*

FURNITURE SALES Expeneoced sates paonte w rial potential needed for company Eirell*sit i n ian ' lmten with cnarsn tesd monthly income Many beoaf i tk Apply te parson a t

WATERBED CITY l l i l S. Woodward. B t r m M A a m M M * Van Dyta . Sterttek B f t e

14151 Tetegranh. R e d o r t 1*411 P s r f R A . W 15010 Fori St.


help Some kaowte per - M B managt

fcsrd I helpful. For


Phone Mr M a n thru P r t

OUR REPS. ENOW WET*E LOOKING We have the leads Caa roa c t am r — ' 1 psr week equals (M.MO per yeai


E X P E R I E N C E I W i f T T T O BECOME INVOLVED with billing. Radford athe fas tes t growing comps i tes In w i n t rala. Imms

rnty t n d s s t r v ' We ksv* ooenia ca ree r m l n d e i ts ' i f rmlnnsl Sal

E X P C U E N C E D T Y P B T for medical billing. Redford a r e a Up te M boor* WUl t r a i n Immedia te opo teag Vll-1 M l

RETIREES Boms sitt ing ssrvlcss is act ive

; while owner* t n r o l . Bond ft liability p ro tec -tion |.M 11 a liteil 4**-1177

BABYSITTER no sited fuU Ume fur J s ft A u n t 1 year old boy P » T * » " s rea CaU af ter ( PM. 4S»-1M

BABYSTTTER NEEDED (or 1 children, Monday ttr* Friday, prefer "Nanny-t y p o ^ r rm^^Vvm

SALES POSITIONS open tar . ma tu re Individuals at Casual Corner. Twelve Oaks Mall CkU for fu r the r in-formation. *4*-*M7

People We offer complete training, flrsw. ft • protected territory No over-night t ravel . We a re growth orteoUd. Are You* Interviews will be held Wed.. June 11, Thur*., June 11 CaU for ap-pointment M M * 10

WT r r a n Immedia te opantem tar Pood Dmnon-^ ^ ^ H u p o n D i s t r i b n t a n ^ ^ h s t ru te rs . Coupon Peopte Mostly Prt. ft S a t w o r t . *4 par hour Ideal tar sates-orteotnd ft oMoo-ing homemaker* or oHiihsili CkU lor sppolntmeert Intro Marketing M0-7TM

SECRETARY R E C E I T I O N I S T Por M c n i n g s Accurute t y p i n g Light

SELLING carpal r lesnlng ss rv ice by totepfcoaa O w Offio* or your bome pns-

518 Education 4 Inatruction SALES (or BRIDAL SHOP

WeU groomsd. m a t u r e Pe r fec t (or homemaker

Uvonla M V M M

SALES Foll-Um* retail sates p o s l t l o a sv*il able with a growing fu rn i tu re company Store positions svai labte for qualified candidates a l Stare fJVfH' compensation program, tnedirsl ft den-tal benefit*, ft paid vaca t ion* Apply la person s t ttTTl Schoolcrsf i Rd.. Uvo-nia: 40* Elizabeth Lake Rd P o n t i a c 5*44 11 Mile Rd. Warren; 1 M M Tste-grspb Rd., Sonthfirid.

SALES-INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Leading Detroit a rea dealership for a m a j c r l l n * of Industrial sweepers and scrubbers Is expanding terr i tory cover sge Product knowledge aad t r a t e u g provided. ITTpsmss aad benefits fur-nished. Firs t year potent ia l of » K p lu s Seod resume to Box 174. Obsarvur ft Eccentr ic N e w s p s x - * , M » 1 Schoot c raf t Rd.. Uvonla . Michigan 4*150

get in shape for your future

SHIPPING a RECEIVING b o o n weakly. 11 i s i l s o I c o n t a c t phone work, t tea. romdag erratnte WPM, lift M lbs aad t r a a m r t a t t e n C a U A a a n o n a

BABYSITTER needed lor ( mon th old, your bome or mine Rocheteer Vartf l -abl* reference* Noo smoker tam-5 Mpm. Mooday thro Friday. Call a f t e r I M M0-1M1

MATURE Take- c h a r t * L r r n o Baby . . . _ for on* 4 yr. old ft

working m o m Must hsvu own t ransporta t ion Sslary plua private room ft board 15 Mite F a n m a g t c n M0-M41 or *M-Q**1

MATURE WOMAN Mated for light lii line* niiilng and fuU-Um* day ca r* for 1 y o m g Lsdte* ageu 14. 11, a *. North-wesi Liroote. Caff a f t e r *pm 471-0*74

MATURE womaa to caro for oer 7 a 11 year old la Uvonia. M o n ttrs Fr i . ruf-erences CaU a f t e r l p m 5XS-4XM

MATURE WOMAN to alt with oer daagfetsr la our Radford homo. M l t ime approx 7 M to ( pm. CaU a f t e r ( :M pm » « 7 - ' » T

BABYSITTER, reltehte. car, needed lor 1 g i r l* * ft ( yr*.. thru Thur* Troy A r e a Hon Smoker preforred. After 4pm. M1-TM0

MATURE WOMAN - to live In ft c a n for eWterly lady, room ft board plus nominal salary 14 Mite ft Coolktee 41*-1M3 After t p m *4*-041(

BABY STTTER - —— person to care (cr 1 year oM girl In your home. NorttvUte. Nov! Farmtam-Iob a r e a s Tee*. Thur* ft F r i

BABY STTTER - Summer only. Moo-F n 9*m-5pm. my U v o n u home lo r 1* yea r old boy N o M m o k e r own t rans-portat ion CaU a f t e r Opm. 511-1457

MOTHERS HELPER lor pt ofsssinnel perenta la B m i M h a m home. 7:Muin-Vpm, MOB- F r t Must have car ft (hive 1 children, ( roan ft 1 y e a r * After (pm.*44-lM*. wssksnits 0 4 - 0 7 M

watch our 1 boys f rom Ums to t ime te Mkend work ro-helpfuL Uvooia

a n a CaU Jockte


Screened. RN s a p s n h s s d . M i H _ 14 hours 7 days 157 M M

• Health C a n Personnel

ATTENTION Need help I Beck n CaU can do it aU cleaning, parties, decorating For help and info on days snd <*hsr ssr-

^ 1 1 M*-71*l

ATTENTION Single _ Exper ienced ning ion* at

r a t e * Call Linda.

AVOID GRIME ft PUNISHMENT H a v e n e r ! b o u m cleaned by reliable ft

S S J T s w r a r * US-7M1


Its not fust a name ... It 'a a promise



Dedicated To Quality Home Health Care

557-2505 Available 14 Hrs - 7 Days

PROFESSIONAL Housekeeper - Ds-ndabte. non smoker, i i i l l s k f u n tins*

_ day e m i t o j t m n t te Bioomiteld Hills ft Farmington a r e a s Bsst of n t o w -ea Previous )ob * y u a n . MO-15*1

L e g a l & M e d i c a l

Term. & Offlce Procedurea

CI a* * so Forming NOW

I.D.E.A. Career Training




UAW Tuition Approved.

In l i t i* i I s l DnU Ent ry At i i m i y 111 W «tt 9L. Royal Onk. lfiaft .


520 Sacratarial &

MEDICAL ASSISTING A p « m A C B R j m £ 5 i S e T ^ r f f !

J J o b Placement Aastetaace eP lnanc te l Aid Available eQuat t tv Carusr Tra te iug

Call tar m s r u teformatloo 333-7028

BABYSITTING Area. Wstelaa— maals . any sh i f t Can between H a n . 5 (V*M* After 4om TM-*1M

Wayne - P a l m a r Rd. Rsssonahte aU batwue After 4pm

CHILD CARE. More ttaa qualified, more than care. In-home and pi s s c t o d

ps r t enca Huge fenced yard. MMdte-[t ft 7 Mils. 4T7-OS15

CHRISTIAN LADY wlU do Ing, Exrelleeit lufarancas. Fro* es t tmatea Farmtegten or Soet t-fleld a r e a Thar* open M7-14T*

SPRING CLEANING dons by PROS Hire s team tar qeSck. ttorougfc d o s s -ing reasonably No d b a r a m n r * ^ - Ouk areas 5M-1M*

THOROUGH BOUSECLEANING Reasonable pr icm. Days or P i snlngl

- "TH TM-T7M.

TWO (INDEPENDABLE WOMEN will Ctesa your S o m e to

Call _ I M M M or MVOOM

te y AU a a m . Pteno

Rental svsi labte. Tbe AaaoOatlca of H l O l l l or M l MM

SUMMER MATH T U T O I 0 K 3 AU Orndoa M A M A D i » M l Exportencad. CsrUflsd Tencher

S A . T 7 A C T P r o g r a m s *U-*4M

SUMMER TURORINO - R mg, m a t t . 1 4 Cer t i f ied



Grades K - l l , cerUfisd Tsnchsr with a Mooters te OuMancu aad C m i i H s g l win Inter te my home or yoo«».M»-lIM

CLEANING - Apsr tment /Cando/ Office by C a r o l WUl also run s r . Pe r f ec t i on Souttfteld Area E r o e m e i ; .

513 smwttora Wantad M a l t . .

ACCOUNTANT/CONTROLLER hff iA S S h t e t S o ^ C P A seeks par t Ume_Bnaactel j ioaWm ] .va l lahte


R a s t e g i T ^ S T p u t

b s r o ^

471-Ml 0

opera BABYSITTER wanted. 1 c h i l t t e n Ught

tzz&zrsz m m m af ter 5 P M

NURSES AIDE live-In wl t t our mother Ra fu runcm re-quired. Oak P a r t . Call.

41*-14*4 or 5 * 0 - 4 i r

STUDENT (or pormansnt par t Ume po-si t ion 11-* P M General off ice, some t y p ^ ^ R ^ . A M - 1 ^

BABY SITTER wanted te i home Part-Ume r r o a l pendabte. Pleas* caU I ft 5pm.

STTTER N E E D B > Moa ttru P r t 1PM-( P M 1 children 1 1 and I roars. Your

•por ta t lon 11 hour R o t a r e n c m re-e d 11 Mile ft Drak* ( U - M U

SALES MANAGERS Macomb, Oakland. W Wsyn* Cosnt tea Successful sates persoa moUvslor tor te bome s a t e s Manage I* - 11 p e n o n * Pre-qaallfiad loads aad sppotetmasitt set by other* No PuU t l m s sa tes and closing only E a n n l n p , *4M* par m o o t t pins, exceptional career o o p o r t K l t y Call b e t w u m 1 aad 11 a m for a p p t 500-MM

SALES OTFICE MANAGER Hinlnsas f o r m s dtetr ibstor te A a h v n

full Ume apenteg tar : ^ ^ p ^ U v i N5 caUk Duttes Inclnds: handling custom-er* on Uteuhrsw B film, working with - m p U a n . ' al work, w r i t l ^ order*, soma » » • 1 te g Fo r more In format ion caU J im o rDlan* a t - M1-M74

SALESPERSON skk iomlm. wOl trail! right pe r son faU tim*. VUteg* Shoe l a n located te VUtea* Ou t l e t Fa rming t a n 474-71*4

STUDENT, par t Uma. to do stex la knitting store Floxlbte houra. Franklin A r e a CaU, b a t w f s n 4.10pm *

stock w o r t


BABY STTTER WANTED for ( M t e t h old. my boms or your* M a n ttru P r t , «V4 boura. W t a m or F a r m i n g t o s Hlfls A r a a CkU af ter * P M U * - * * M

SITTER • o — ( T m o n t h s m y Wsst-tead bom*, for 1 chi ldren 1 s f ta rnooos

sek. &»-M71

SUMMER EMPLOYMENT F a n t i m a J r . or Sr

In dent w t t t major lng to do B a n c 1 pertenoo w t t t P i m m send

S a " « ttr A W Director

(lysis. Cent ra l Credi t 3 o o i M i l * . D e t r o i t

BABYSITTER wantad 1 days a weak te to car* for 1 children ft do Ught b o u s e keeping. In our Souttfislil townhoss*. Prefer T a a e ft TVB*. Mast have refor-

m ft own t ranspor ta t ion 5M-Q1M

BABYSTTTER Reltehte be InUrssted la permanent pos i t i on — i e r u n c e a 11 Mite / M U d t e h e n f o r o a Aftar 4 P M 4 7 7 - O M

SUMMER WORK, P U N for . . student ovur 1* wt t t good imag ina t ion Plymouth couple looking for companion far taenage boy Activities' Incteri* •porta, chorea sdncstVwsl a cul tura l e r e n t t 4 dsys p - P«y

BABY-SITTER persoa lo car* tar i n f an t par t - t ime, te our home Refe rences own t r anspor ta -t ion Farmingtoo. 47*-* 111


T E L L E R Par t ume posltteu svai labte bunk Appr

CARING ADULT wantad p a r t Uma to babysit two chilteeo te my P l y m o u t t home Non anoka r CkU a f t e r

WANTED Child care . faU Uma, te my home, Mon. thra P r t , for 1% y u s r oM

H Bloomfield Hills CaU Moo. thro , (am-4pm W * 4 * l «

WELL KNOWN media oersoaal l ty • is* liig ftopsndnbte humsk»spirr 5 d a y s cteanlng. ^ prepara t ion oo childreB or p e t * Rofer-a n c m a m o t West BloomfiaM locat ion CaUSmaa CM-MO*

CLEANING WTTH A NEW TWIST Tha oM fashioned way"

Ws wash window*, scrub Boors. * c tesn ovens Becky'• CteoMog S o n i c * wlU ctesn yoar bom* to your mt tefact ten ft be te 4 out te I H hour* ExeaDent ref-

DPCOUNT R P U M y ft P<L _

m j c t ^ t ^ i n t e r n i s o s l t

u sn rov tdsd . : * feslaugh

Pick-up or 404-M7*



J ft D COMPUPRINT - E x p e r i e n c e W o r t P r o c e s s o r T e r m n s p e r s .

I i smi I'tennu term tet-ta W 4 < 7 t M1-M04

U V O N U 1-17* a t * ML P h — s s o u s sr^

l t x l j office s p a c a Mft-TTSJ M ft M WORD P f l O C n B N G

tegalft. JSr5T P a n t accura te w o r t o roo

•ANCE M * - U M

M~Walled L a t a . M t e h ^ M g

AMBITIOUS T E E N A G B l would Uk*


W Bloomfield Office Novi Office

COMPANION ours*.throughly **per1-encud, wtehm Nights or 14 h r , good rof M-M hour.

Can relocate If required H M - M 1 1

E X P E R I E N C E D A I D E s v a l l o b l *

pr iva te duty te yonr bome Conter t to a f t a r 5 PM- 4*5-*M7

EXPERIENCED MOTHER " lakes te ca r e tar school age chi ldren Your t ranspor ta t ion SouUtftehl ft 11 Mite

S*0-*lMor M M M I

wt t t ch l ld run Westland. Llroula. a s . P tease caU MBa TM-704*

C A R P E N T E R WORK of all kiads Inte-rior ft exter ior R o m o d s t t * repslr*.

515 C h i d Cara EARLY CHILDBOOO certified

Many years

'uSS rs experieooe


EVELYN'S o r TROY oow accepting summer or faU enroUmeot Uteqns borne-style una smoking m i l i i a s n s n t TLC, fun ft maate. 514-4*71



Day ft Evening C la s se s i training Included. S t a n your I reerwttt the Loader te Travel

THE U r T T d WRITER rmm —cTstartel sorvtna, runmoa. cum-

i R



Master Caro ft Vtea Accepted

522 f totaaalonal Sanricaa

MUty >i i i g M * - n r r

RESUME PREPARATION W s p r o v M s a c o m n M s p a d t a a s

Can MS-0X15

WOMAN tar Ught " by retired.

l e c h o d after (pm

bousekeeplng ft


WOMAN naadsd 1 days s week (over night) to care for Mck w o m a n Mate be experienced- Oak Park a r a a CaU Week-days, tam-*pm. M*-4*M

train. Apply at FVteUty Bank. I M * E Maple U s pie ft Adantei. Bi rmingham. Mon-Fri f rom M 0 a m - 4 : M p &

CHILD CARE H . ss te i sr sr - B i n ham s raa 1 children 1 ft *, Mon prl. Own t ransports Ocn. Non o m Refe reocm Aftar 7pm.



CaU tar

to work Antique

PART TIME . . . . m o o t t Natteual Marketing to

XSSSL k . Southgst* aw, A a a l r b o r

j PERSONABLE PERSON lo do prosoo-j Uoaal w o r t tar local bowling oslshhsh

ATTENTION Sports I l l s 111 P e o p l e MC J P O R T W O O O O O a Is teottek tar

sates peopte tar f a n

At Sisters we have the FACTS: C B w U l S

Advancement OppmUaiWaa

FACTS Mid how we

P O. t o n T t C S ^ ^ • H a . H « l 7 l

UNCLE L f ^ r n r n

m e n i ••••ashte M a p * Apply te lorson, mk tar A t a . S & m U WkTUOlM-Wm*te


H u d s o n ' s


33466 W. Seven MNe.

•. issrs • WATTH P i j a p * » 1 —

^ ( o f l r s ^ M . : i " s i

yut c l i n s m retail

^ , ^ T * t f c p M Mf iPORTTNG OOOC*

OaklaaO MaU - Troy Southfited 11 MO* ft Souttf teld Rftk

- - I I MDe ftOraltet l i t e ft Ontea rd


Workbench, on* of tt* contemporary fwettu..

on* of thatr met ro a rea Moras If j o s i _-_r,

"* < n M T * Z j L T Z , aad locsot l ro plaa o f t a r e ^ CaU Batea Mon-Pr t (M-*»M os —

sm B U v n r i a u J m

s a l Ltem D u a l Saterv oao>-l w l t t atellty Karoo *M-*M*


" C l 0 M 7

R k U v o m a .

SALES P B t a O N looking tar produce Ka s r e t aTud . sand M P l a n i • ft Ec-

Nerwsnuper* M M 1 i •ouSa Michlgsa M I M

SALES PERSON FuU Uma Satsrdays

SALESPERSON P For LadMs Den t MM* H rtenesd ft ps sfsssOnusI

uitmuSPl i t n t e h i !

Register nov> for career program at

Dorsey Business Schools and receive a reduced membership at any Michigan Elaine Powers Fitness Clubs.


TELLER Par t - t im* poteUon M open a t oar office located in Dsarbos-s ca Mlrhtgaii near Telegraph. Posi tioo o f t e n public con-t a c t wtth *xcull*nt working cnar tmrae aad corapst i t tve sa lary aad benefi t* Caadhtetea moot kavo a asod m a t t ap-Utuds aad Hgte typtng a S b t y CaMter experience psofu i ied P a r t - t e e pote-Uon raqterm taU days of work M o n d n s ft Fr idays and other day* to be dte-

' Apply in

€« ILPCARE. 'Housskaspe r . 1 to 4 days per week, help care for n e w b o r n Ro-

' uncm inquired. N o n o m o h e r Farmington Bills 474-1M1

W BLOOMFIELD peodabte. loving wosnan to o c t tor M r Infant la her Psrmlngtoo Hills home, starting In 1st* Aagss t 7:1( sm-4 I ( g ^


CHILD CARE in my hom* 1 dsvs per week. Wkrren ft lnkater Rd* 1 children ages i l and I CaU af ter 4i*0pm


Prt. 10-4 Own star a r u s CaU af ter

! - Raapoutebla pe r sos tar of * a i 14 yr o C s Moa^-

i n

CHURCH RECTOR , eraem te c a n tar OM 1 Yr. oM boy and do general ku seeks spine Sepa ra t e bod-

™ ' l r t i » T

508 Halp Wantad Coupla<

Apartment Manager Couple

No expertenc* a i . f 17 ma te r* couple, fun-tins*, tectedm a p a r t m e n t aalary, and other benef i t*


Make the Most of our Youth

HIRE A STUDENT 530 Oakland County [530 Oakland County 532 Wayna County

DORSEY Business \ Schoois

588-9560 352-7830

First Federal of Michigan

23801 MIcMper, Dearborn

CLEANING LADY - Expar tencad te hs—owort ft lasadry 1-1 4*y* a o c M M c a n Have own ear, iMotun tun F a r m -ingtoo Hills a n o . Top salary n n » 7 i

E X P E R I E N C E D R E S I D E N T I A L Maintenance/I taaaor Comtea nssded tar 1 s p a r t m m t i n i in ianl t tes Experi-• r . and teHls s mute In malntananre .

office sdmte te t r s t lnu aad a t l cas I M texssv o M te W

Btoomfteld or M suboMtend m t t s te Ds-tratt {Ssetten ( o ipor tenca piutetTsd tar Dotrolt apsrtmostsV Ap*rtm*nt aad salary EOE. M n a n tn B a t IM, Ohmrre r ft Encaatr tc Newspaper*. M i l l Schoolcraft Rd. UvuMa. l i c M -g s a U l M

MATURE Girl 1 1 k*- Caa do



532 Wayna County . slsaliinm 1* rm 17 Th* )**s r » *mHfli* *mm»

* - = r . Con 711-MOl record I | l i g • * "

M t t s g l s r l o m r p i t e k s te UuooM. Oe wt t t th* ^ r t e s m 7

experteaced s t MrfteusMo waiting experience a t smafl

t o tak | i i n s i s s m pu t t Ums

D C E N D A B L t H o n e * h u r t w o r t h s 1( yr oM fomatesask teg p m t teorf tea work or bahytet t teg PanuSsg t ro


In (all of IM* Have wort eaps-


m MM C s f » * w s r * . M * - M M

JUNE GRAD; tmmm tadsn t Tuooa ho-

S S T o I A»te On Um m i k m i a i

Troy Southfield H o B i g P o w e r s R t n e s s C k i b s

ward s re > witt i (M-7M4

Mr. Duncan Cralfl WORKBENCH

410 N. Fourth Ave. Ann After, MIcNpen. 4S104

AUTO SALES Cereer opportunity

Vaftey Llnootr Mercury 1250 Oakland Ave.. Pontiac


AVON - WE'RE HOT! ril Avon la yuer s i l M ( . r h M < or te

VMM**MW»*- 'I- " I ' —

' If sa, teifcs te t n R m yun W* ^ h n r o m m a a m f o m l m m o u * ^

Y a a u r n M7( Tteegronh R d

r M / P


We Win tram you A n d a t a r i y o u o n a

kxiQ-term, Mgrv-

t hns tarJsutei) n o d Ca l l t a r op-

rai l laim, I H E » y Mate rs t ty

KMMii i i j a i w < p r w r n n n ® f k i f t t o lAla r r m m o t i H wUIi a -perieuce App^ M E Leag Lahe Troy AMt tar Ink

Be A Top Paid M Eatate Prcrfeeator*

CENTURY 21 Today 53S-2000

OWH » '>• m mm


' — — T "


e a For M » M o ( M mvtn «• • w«

t * i r rmmhr oma* * »»

. M*-1(K

CMooi ul—Oil psoMMo ta* M M

Mr Mans MT-MT*

Cieaeea atartmg now Cell

pi, „ilnjiti^—' D H T I » n g r > i F r.| - - ,-. | LilMa

o » o o r n n ® k j nmm

Farmlnoton . . Farmington HUla Lathrup VMIaga Uvonla (South) Uvonla (Weet) Ptymouth Troy

S46-1600 S44-4700 477-1111 « s 1 - 1 ^ 0 c

55»-2300! 525-OOW3 M 1 - 0 7 0 0 466-7000! 8 6 2 « 0 0

52S-1300 a«i -«700l 326-2000



- A D Y M A D O N N A

• a a * h h | W

nisi II mil I - mil in lak* charge of ^d^ervtes staff of l M n * npart-moat rnmptef te YpMtentl taurt Ex-

: 14 yr oM prl wtB ba Throe yuun bnbytemng etaiunum on I I | I I»

M • o n i i s r i Atee moth mater.Mner

- ^ - g i DRIVER drive 1 • P B B B H H B I Weekdsy* eMy. * m * i t eb lo JMy X I

a w a e a g j 17V41M

ENJOY YOUR SUMMER Lot s group M TnMwido yorn work. Piteltec dsnoratteg. et etc Por ^ip I i l I ite can

5 6 0 - 6 4 9 2


I a t t e n d e d Pon t iac Bus iness Ins t i tu te and rece ived qua l i t y ca ree r t ra in ing a n d a g o o d job ! You c o u l d too !

Tra in In:

• Da ta P rocess ing • W o r d P rocess ing • A c c o u n t i n g • Secre tar ia l

• Bus iness M a c h i n e

Repai rs • Robo t ron i cs • Med ica l Ass i s t i ng • Denta l Ass i s t i ng

Job Placement Assistance Financial Aid Available Afternoon Classes Accredited by A ICS Baby Sitting Call today for more intormat


O X F O R D 6 2 8 - 4 8 4 6

1 8 C » ( R - 1 4 C , W . Q - 1 9 C )

522 ProfMMonat Sarvtcaa

O i E Thursday , June 13. 1985

ARE Y O U U N E M P L O Y E D ? Earn ing m i n i m u m w e g e ? Dtseat taned wt th your )oto? R e - E n t e r i n g the j o b m a r k e t ?

l ac .

aoo • A . N T n > WIDOWER

O o r u t U i a . i i i | i i l l l | Lady n e w k SouthftaM i m Calf Jean

b « n a h o 4 f t a * 511 IW*

700 Auction Salaa 702 Antique*

• ^ a good Job by heipias yoe wrua • anise. prepare lor interview* M a

mine year b w aad l a t a r v n nu> self-confidence and t paeiUv*

• Call lor • Proa Initial C o m I u m • "• n FYii|ili jiiimii a In

11M N. Woodward Ar« Se l l a I I* Birmingham. MI IM11 M M t t

• Licenced by D w of Lirmsl ig 4 FUgulatloo. L a M * . Ul

802 L o t * F o u n d BLOOMFIELD TWP SHELTER

a) or Found a pet* Monday Friday also i lea PM* for


Serving L J m l a 4 riorthvllle areaa M M * T7

YOUR RKSUMZ prepared by uonal wbo Las bean ta the p l a a u B M timlnim IT yr* 4 knows what the <*n ployer look* far Call

523 Attorney* Legal CounaaNng

A T T O R N E Y Persons! Injury Caaaa Divorce - Raal Eatat* Other Legal Matters


A T T O R N E Y Personal Injury Cases Divorce - Raal Estate Otbsr Laaal Ma n a n




D'Avanzo & Meconi 44I4S FORD RD , SUITE .*:

9 8 1 - 5 3 0 0

.-Mm. also I i f t M g r e p h

POUND black c a t wMte m . r t w p rtiu naa cottar Quartan 4 Inksur (M-*IH

naa. white r toat ty of


POUND- DOBERBAN Beeetlful b r e n feme*. oa aaai Caaa Laka Corn, mornings Oaly. I M Wstarford off Caaa

Snuff Bottles Large collect


SUMMER HOURS Moo . Wed. Thur*. Se t . l l t o * : M P M

East Wind Ant iques I M S W n l l i g l o e at Slxtl St .

JM-11 TO R oy*l Oak M7-I145

POUND Emerson TV Troy Police Dept Proparty Dept


p u a make, black 4 white 14 mile betwemDrake POUND I 4 white l U t d Sat rac« J u s t I

I 4 Hal M l - M l l

f r ay Tabby c a t Loot Pine 4 Mlddlebelt*I*-7»M

POUND WUU lamale Poodla. 9 m Jane 9 la Southfleid oaar Greenfield Rd- aod Catapla 5(7 MM

LOST - Black 4 white female c a t Aaa Arbor Road 4 LflJ»y Road. Plymouth

m i m m

LOST Grand K l n r

Calico Cat. vicinity P w t f i 4 a to "Kit Hat

4 7 i - m

LOST CAT Rmt 4 rtlu mala VidMty 7 MUa 4 Merr iman U w U


LOST COLUE. large mala; vicinity 11 Mile 4 n a n Call

*4«-1(17 or M 1-07(1

GOLDEN RETRIEVER Ughl color Middlebelt 4 Maple araa


LOST roidec colo sobstanuaJ Reward'

LOST Jane lat. IMS Female Terrior MIL URTI brown, brown collar, DO tag* Araa Hampton Apt* Rochester Aa-born Rd Reward E re a I 1 H H 1 or anytime at

LOST- Jane I . Rocbaeter Hilla araa White 4 Hirer Permian cat, male, a& m n to Lokie | U Reward I5S-4M5


Tractors Machinery MMc We will have a pafcttr auooe at M i l Peckiae Rd., Chi le i s Taka l-»4 to Flachar Rd thaa aoatk to Sdo ChardL thee W a t to Packiaa. or M-M lo Soo Church thaa eeat

SUN JUNE l i AT 1PM Ba oa time - law m a l l Itama

Owner NeMoa Bbolllaaar Brans 4 Maimer Aactlca fa-vice

Lloyd Bra on Aaa Arbor 6 6 5 - 9 6 4 6

Jerry Haimar <ui»~

9 9 4 - 6 3 0 9

BEDROOM Set escsUont oas dudes kaabte bad. head 4

B O R O O M SUTTX Orca 1»M. haad 4 footboard, h mm mirror 4 cheat Col-

aftar t p n Hl-SMT

BREAEPRONT M a ^ t l k a M a a t M e whKa. t r wMk oaa oi a D M II .4M

cocktail labia

lag aauqae Praack pSaoa typ laaaa

c C ^ , 'fZS-M7-4SU

DESK wtth bow (laaa door. b»i alail mirror, carrlnga > drawara. coxa I I M Moat aaa! MM or beat offer U M 7 M

rare Victorian ptaao. wartt-obe radio, collactiblaa 174-M7J

FOOT STOOL. ortfMal aaidliaotat top aad Qaaae Aaoa < f i MS Hand c r » chatad whJU badapraad aod acre table-cloth. M y a a n old. a r r a r a a d . SM each. Livonia 474-1711

GARLAND faa atora. U M axcallaBt coodluon. Tr ra



WINDSURFING It y o u era In te res ted In flat-t ing o u t d o o r s th la s u m m e r read our c o r n e r


. LARGE SELECTION Of Stained 4 Be-A p p e a r l n a In t o d a y ' s d a s s j - vaUad ( U a . doora. Window* Tlffagy / j . 1 t y p e U m a . etc ru ra l tore, bric-a-brac f t e d s e c t i o n . , Larae wafi dtaplay c m . IM d r aww file

caMaet. I U«al Maa file raMwati, farro-ar« Kale Aaat maatc Aatlqnaa 3 t Sal-ly Wrifbt. D M Woudaaid. PeraAala

705 Wearing Apparel



Naw Pas Jaekatc ISM-MM (Lyax, SaMe Poa. Pad Pas. Cuieta, Su-rer P o j with laathv. n a Mill papBa 4 far 4 Raccnaa)

ALSO oew Faa Coat* MM (Ly*!. Sable Foa. Red Fox. Coyote, mi-

All made eapaoally for oa Uaad fara al all U a a oa aale

The B R O A D W A Y S H O P aa aaaa aa Good AJXmnoaa Detroit

14 Mile 4 Mktdlebali Mon. thra Sat , U-4:M B1-7M1

700 Oarage Salaa:

BLOOMFIELD VILLAGE famllMa T M n P i t S a l M Snmelhn« for for i i m ^ i - U> M m

^ T l k l i r 4 MoSa M a ^ T * "

CANTON aatta aat, TV

fall bad. a -

M47 R I I I J I I n i l . bet a aaa M M 4 LUtoy. N of Far t , S of Hanfart J en . 1V1I, Mm-Spo.

LADIES CLOTHING Sue 14 4 Up Por Reaale an CaaMaaMM



HAZE MINK ondtOon. m - » i M

70S Oarage Salaa: Oakland


J i T " •at - Edward M. Knoiaa. 1111 placa aettlnt. FVata, MM


600 Porsonals ARE YOU SINGLE 4 A PARENT"

If n>. we have tbe oraaiUxaUoc for you For DetaSi Call

Tim. 7J1 -1714 Bart, M1-4JM

A T T E N T I O N I artiaa tared of (oui( anaoOcod' Treat rooraelf to anmrtilna ipaclai and bare aa Undertorarwaar llatarle party We have erar r th lnc fnxn mild to exqtdalu taate and anmetlilrn for eraryone'i M d f f t Receive i special (Ift the nl<ht of yovr abow when yoa manttor thla ad.

Call 291-9341



WINDSURFING It y o u a re In teres ted In s e t -t ing o u t d o o r s th i s s u m m e r r e a d o u r co rner


LOST MINIATURE Male Collie, medi-a n l n u e t with white collar, aa rwen to Joab" 4S1-S7I7. »I)-M«fl

LOST - Reward, female lilac point Siamese c a t deelawad Joy 4 HII area. May M Call 4M-U4S

L06T Small black female doa. brown coUat. do L i n Warroo MkMleMl

LOST sna i l freylah black female Tab-by c a t white Ilea collar, fro c lawed 5 Mile 4 Merrlman

collar, frrat paw* de-423-741*

LOST- Small white brown female d o t rad collar, chain attached, Wayne, Cherry Hill area Rew ard JJ4-1 US

LOST 1/1, Beach 4 Grand Rlrar Araa Male Cockapoo, beife color "BenJI

to Spaaki M7-41M

REWARD-Biack kitten, while under coa t white pew* whlaker* a a a w t n to Du«an U exec pleaae call 474-om

SHAGGY friendly black 4 brown doa. a boot M poanda. W corractlTe wtre tn hla lower Jaw Call I774M4

TOES la loat yallow with S I n on front I

tonf hatred cat paw* daciawed 4

fixed. Morrtauxwn Apt area, child oarenta loved pet, reward - 474-SM1



Hooaehold - OMar Machinery Gardaa Tractor

We will have a pabllc aactloa al XM« Waten Rd Abb Arbor take Saline-Aaa Artor Rd lo Watara then waat between Saline-Ann Artor R d 4 W a n a r

THURS. JUNE M AT 1PM Estate EUxaheth LMka

Braon 4 Helroer AacOon Service Uoyd Bra on Jarry Helroer Ann Artor Saline 665-9646 9 9 4 - 6 3 0 9


Ion Ot Aatomo-C*y of Troy PabUc A action live Repair Eqalpmaol - iTrom RlAt-Of-Way Acoslatuca Pro)acta) aad Re-covered Stolen P iuva i t ) - (Pram Police D e p ' U Salaa Site: Ctty Of Troy DPW Garaee 44*1 Rochester R d . Troy Fall Line Of Automotive EqupeMot Pram Several Service Station* Compraaaor* Modem Allan TaaOaf Marhlnaa, Tire Chancer* Hotst* Jack* Gaa Pump* Etc Plaa Police Unclaimed Good* Bi-cycle* Audio. Tool* Etc For List CaU

a t y Of Troy. « 4 - » 7 » or John Bell Auctioneer* (111) I M U l l

MARITIME COLLECTION - Many rare Elastic*] itama All or p a r t Call a f ta r I N V44-MM

M A T E R I A L S U N L I M I T E D lavltaa yoa to coma view aa elegant [allery of all new fraoch 4 anld wood entry doora handcrafted from the finest oak. mabogaay 4 ptne

We've also added a line of new bevelid 4 leaded (laaa door, windowi 4 en-trance a d . hand carved oak alaliraaaa and a vary enmptete Una of handcarrad oak archttactaral embeiHahment* la addition wa now offer a Una at aoUd oak paneled interior doora 4 a Una of hand carved oak 4 mahogany avail-able ta any aiae

Stop by 4 view all of thla aa wall as the finest aelactloo of archltectaral an-tlqee* Ana aatlqoe f a r n l t v * 4 accaaao-rtea at J W Michigan Ave YsMUbU. open 7 day* lAam-fpm i M d S M


Yellow Bid* at raar of parUa* kit Moa. Sat noon - Tom


Royal Oak - M4-T744

BEVERLY HILLS 1MM block 1 of 14 MUe at Pterc*. Thar* 1 Sat I

BEVERLY HILLS AaOqaa* t r v k * cheat of drawer* huaaahnlil I tem* vin-tage VCR car Marao-caeaatta. clothe* 4 other aeat s taff 11M1 R l i e m e w l> betweeea II 4 I I MU* E of Laheer Jane II thra ISth. Tbnra-Set »am-ipm



WINDSURFING tt y o u a re In te res ted In ge t -t ing o u t d o o r s th i s s u m m e r read our co rne r


700 OaraooSateK Oakland

OAK PARK Moving laM P a r a t t r a . clothing, h a i l , Mcrcta* all | i i l f 1 a » , etc lfeM Barton. Palmar Wooda Manor S a t . oft 1* MU* acreaa from Reckham GoU C a v a * between Scotia 4 Woodward S a t 4 San h-4

family < F r t . Se t . I ta Dr . W of

SIM 4 MM Palm-Aire So of

ROCHESTER. . Hills Sab . IMS Concord. Avon 4 Crooka area Jane 11,14.11. M P M CVxhlag. toy* fai a t t a r * etc

MOVING Sa anpjlanraa. f a s grtU. lota mar* , tn. S a t B i d HlUandate, be-

tween Avon 4 Walton. I 7 H M 4

ROCHESTER - Malti family Gerog* town Sab N of TMnken. E of ' F r t . S-ipm. Sa t , S-1S noon

•qeipmeet 4 conch m a n . Come'S'SS ^ ' — " - Jane 11.14.11.

700 Qaraga 700 Qaraga Salaa: Oakland

TROY. Moving SnM F r t . Set , 14. 11. M FaU mat t rea* boa sprhsp W a

fmt W «f D a q a l a e i - Caah. aa pre eelee

TROY Mowing SnM. U M of Big Beever. E <d Thar* llaoon-7pm. FVt, Sa t . tam^pm. Larye variety

t r o y . u n Phee

1 H I

' J E V

TROY Malti-(amity. J a a 14 4 IS. S U 1 lgg l Crestline. N of IS MU* sMar on Crlmeon off John R Bike* ck tkmMc.

TROY MalU Pa r i so f* chair* tablss.M petlng. kids clothee 1 W h off Long L h k a . H Stoddard Thara Frt-SeL

e T J O ^ R

TROY, 1 family Oase l p m Jmse 14. 1( Record* last* sparM eqsument cann-ing Man. TV. a w n . mar* ITT Leveil. I 3 c £ v ef SsaM Med. E ef UwurasM

WEST BLOOMFI tabi* for. MM. 5

K-df Lona PM* W ef MIMIikiH


ma* W of Inkster

OX) Set-San, llarn-

N aft WaMm Lake

WEST BLOOMFI T W l - h l 0-4. Pi room set* labia* hold. 4141 lvarnas between Orchard I

ELD Moving Sale

Tamgn! n h c taea"' s J I ^ J j s . Fine

priced to eeU.' l a m 4pm . ISM T Tlvertoa Trail, off Tlenken mile e of A itama

A p p e a r i n g In t o d a y s c lass* - R o c h e s t e r h . . . s a i * J . a e f l e d s e c t i o n . 1S.1«.1». T W * thra Set . 4-4 i n s

Washington R d . ( e off TMaken 4 Ro-cbeetar Rd > Maay Many Goodie* CLARKSTON - Moving Sale SStT I

•rood R d . 1-71 lo Oarkaton Da exi t Twa right (D i / i s mUe to Cran ROCHESTER - I family berry Laka R d t w n right 4 foOow V. Sab. oH Tlenken between Brawler 4 mUe to Deerwood Sab Sat J a a 11. , Uveraoi* T M i 4 F r t . Sam-4:Mpm

SOUTHFIELD to 41. many baby Item*


" S t wing chair, oak stereo.

matching drape* aoOqna oak coffee table, s o u 4 lovsaeeta, toy* bik* exar- ., ., _ c y d * mlac tool* clothing. Mc | ^ S a ^ S e T T l ^ S I C . . U ^ t

U 4 M 4 m i l Fairway Dr . So of », E of Telegraph off B a r | Rd

BIRMINGHAM - Aa tin sea. joUecttbloe T W i . F r t . 17*1 VUla. 1 blocks S of E of Adams

CLAWSON 1:M to 4. F r t . Sat U l FtMar Ct, 1 bik* N of 14 MU* E of Llvernoi* Braaa raAster, aloe ma-chine, 14 C* F t apngBI f n . i w farm tare, baby Item* clnthaa 1 girl's half

Weber B-B-Q. himldtfler. toy* etc.

i m |

SOUTHFIELD - Fantastic 1 family aale! I t speed bike, maay k T i h n l r l I tem* some baby Item* all mast (O Thur* thra Sa t , I to 1 Off » MUa. W of

FARMINGTON HILLS MOVING Telegraph at 1 M U Rockingham

BIRMINGHAM antique clock* tool* exorcise equipment am lamp, so cloths* 4 nuac FrL S a t only. 4-1 I I M Latham, near Soathfield 4

M I M Piper. Laaa Coart Kimberly MMuahelt

WATERMAN B BACK With A General Aactloo

Every F r t Evenlnk at 7 M PM s h e l d o n B a l l

44*41 Mtrhl jaa ave Canton w 4 i j 1

NATIONAL Bran* 1111, 1 drawer caah register excellent condition Antique Oak bar with copper stak 4 bnck splaaba* Ornate I lag Oak labia, wtth 1 leave* 4 matching carved back chair*


606 C l a n Reunions ED6EL FORD HIGH School so year d a m reunion will be Aagaat S. IMS Contact Jneeph B n a x r a t

A p p e a r i n g In t o d a y s c l a s s l - h i - i m i

f l e d s e c t i o n WALLED LAKE Senior High Claas of O b class re-

al t 17, IMS For mare details 614-1411

COUPLES-emabie to have children, willing to pay 414.M0 fee 4 expenses to woman to carry their child Coaceptloe to be by artificial Inawnlitafinn All re-•nonaaa confldanttai Contact Noel P Keane, attorney »M Maaon. Dearborn Mt 4«i i4 ( i i i ) nt-tm COUPLES enable to have children wtD-mg to pey | l t , I M fee aad i i f i w n to woman lo carry their child CoacnpOon to be by artificial inseminetk* AS i teponrs confldantial Contact Noel P Keen* attorney. I * Mason. Dearborn. MI 4*114, ( i n ) m - m i

IMC ar* planning their onion an Jaly 17, II call Mike

606 Lagal Notices

- F R E E -P R E G N A N C Y T E S T W o m a n ' s Right To C h o o s e

F inanc ia l ass is tance No ap-p o i n t m e n t needed. 2 6 7 1 1 S o u t h f l e i d Rd., su i te 101, L a t h r u p Vi l lage 559 -7440 HAPPILY MARRIED wtt» tr> a<kxK a Cii pe« all legal aad medical siiisnasa Kieae answer oar prayer* M11471

JACK On F a t h e n Day. my heart be iono to yoa. Dad TUaak yoa for L B. Tivlah. Elaine aad Brace Aad for Arik. Maya aad Dahna Lyn and the little mystery to come Maternally, Shlriee


The next regular meeting of the Board of DUwctora of-the Soathaastern Mkhl-

BTransportation Aothonty wtll be on Tnsaday. Jane 11. IMS. at I M

pm tn the Aothonty"! main conference room located ta the P in t National Building. 4*4 Woodward Ave 1Kb floor, Detroit ML 4*11* Tha meeting H open to the pebile aad copies of the agenda are available at the 5EMTA ot-flcee M boars prior lo the meeting

600 Tranaportatkm k Travel

DRIVER needed weekdayi leaving Maple 4 Laheer 7-7 M a m lo I-M,Tele-graph a r e * Retormng from same area aboat 1 Mpm to Maple 4 Laheer Please r m a d lo: P 0 Box 701. Bloomfield Hill* Ml 4M1I

LOOKING far . i m v — comedy Video tape*

Strictly veiiantaeriag 4 fcr fan. Send reeame to Hollywood Video, PO Box 11S4S. Birmingham. Ml 4M11 - m i

M A K E O V E R M A G I C F O R Y O U 1

Mi-chael Maran't make-ap nrhnlriaoo vl-deol 1 - Yoar peraooa] ooior aaalyal* I

Complete facial makeover (14 o f f t l i Call R a t i 4M-14M

MAKE YOUR Next Party I Rant a Hot Tab by the Day,


Looking p e a t at M; Feeling ftne at M Happy Birthday

NU-YU - Purtnaaaaf Hair Removal Agpe Wallace. R E Elee t jo lywa^ar tno tyaa - Man Free Cocaaltatloe

PREGNANCY COUNSELING A womea' i^ri^t M chooee

CaU ToB Free I-MS-Q1-M7*

THANK YOU St Jade for y

EIGHT American Airttneo first ciaee round trtp tickets to Hawaii or Arabs No restrictions. MM each. Daya*M-

i r - 4 * M Eve* a Weakand* 1S4-1S4*


Antique Crocks - FaiulUue 41 Antique Wood Plane*

1111 N Territorial. North Lake Ml II Mile W of US-11

WED JUNE If AT 11 NOON Owner Robert 4 Shirley Wiener B r a n 4 Hetmar Aaction Service

Uoyd Braun Jerry Helmer Ann Artor Saline 6 6 5 - 9 6 4 6 994 -6309

701 CoHactiblaa FORTY yeei old « M m OOflOC trutfl Cali Atom 4 JOpm

complete Lionel set Needs work

4*4 1157

HUMMELS - 1F71 M M or beat offer Alao 1171 plate

After (pm 1H-1U4

PORCELAIN nativity ace 4 Romao figurine, by

<cm\ SIM


RUDOLF NUREYEV la f l n p l n g Bee* ty 11.004 M*-*M1

SIGNED SET of 11 Leroy Neimaa A.P Serigrapha Beeutlful vivid water col-ors of I m Otrmpiad featuring Mart Spit* 04ga Kor tn t Pnnceas Ann 4 oth-er* One af only I a a a available world-wide, sold as set only, beaatlfally f r amed 11x31 each. Aftar 7pm

( M - T L M

drop It 1175 Many antique stain

Qaean Am walnut china cabinet Cherry Victorian Faatlake baffet MM Cherry service table 111! 4*1^1*4

OLD FURNTTURE 4 antiques- Fr i *am-4pm H i l l Fourteen Mile. Frank-lin. (Jast E of Inkster) Oak dining tabW/chelrs, Ump walnut m v l a c ubte . bmek, H** cor some coUerTlhlaa 4 huusM ol i) good*

b a f f e t organ 4 ( n e t deak chair.

ORNATE oak annoire B 7 I Walaat ga

Vlctroia M l *

teleg table 1171 _ . cabinet M l Console crank ( H I All excellent condition

OVER M ANTIQUE dow* beveled aad stained glass. ( acts leaded glass French door* partial aad fall beveled 1 single door* fall be-veled l-**7-*lM


Going West 4 Traveling Light Many Itama like new 4 priced lo aelL' Coach with matching chair, book caaa. 1 drawer chest doable bed stereo Housrwarea 4 hardware, mini-blind* linen* Franciscan dlnnerware. vacu-anm. yard loot* mower Much, much more.' Sat . Jane IS, l t a m - l p m U M Bird. 1 bioch W of Woodward, * block N. of 14 MUe Caah Only

f a r m i n g t o n h i l l s - Maadow hiu* Estate* So of * m u * W af Halstsd 1 I (M Otasrwtld Farnt tar bike* large maa 's stasa (M to MX

Jane 11.14. i v * to I p m

FARMINGTON HILLS Century 7 to aelL Ii clothing, toy* movie camera, crib 4 dreasar, gold sofa

wUaat condition. Dry Sink Jane 11.14 »aro-4pm USM Scott Dr. V of 1* MUa between Inkster 4 Mlddlabelt

BIRMINGHAM Fri. S a t San. Jane 14-1 H * . 9AM-4PM (7M Woodbank. 1 bik W Telegraph. s of Maple

BIRMINGHAM, f a r a l t a r e . knlck knack* anUooaa and mnch more J « 11.14.1V M l t t r d St.. 1 block N of 14

FARMINGTON HILLS - Loaded Aa-tlque* coUsctablaa. CMldcraft book* vintage 4 " > n — i i r i l i 1 wicker 4 aak furniture. western hat* mlac Mnch more Silvsr->Ute matching service. Thur* 4 F r t , am-4pcr_ MM* Parry Croaalag. 14

MUa 4 Farmington R d M1-11M


of 11, W of Coolidge Sal-Son. 10-lpm

FARMINGTON HIU* Jane 14.11. Mm-4pm. n » * Bala t re* N of 11 MU* W of Orchard Laka oft KandaOwood

BIRMINGHAM MOVING Sals' 1 fam-lllea New hoasehrld gooda, new appli-ance* glassware, dUmtrware. stereo equipment baby 4 toddler d o t h a * toy* collectible* new Mary Kay Make-ap + more Jane l l-l»-KKh. 10-4pm l i i » Stanley. N oft 14 Mil*

BIRMINGHAM - Multl family sale Porn! tare, clothe* toy* antique com-mode M*7 Polo Place (off Cranbrook S of Lincoln). Thara 4 Fri. Iam-4pm

BIRMINGHAM Sat »-S 1M4 Pem-broke, furniture, camera equipment bike* clothee sewing machine etc

BIRMINGHAM Frl-Sat, (-(pen. MM Dr . betw Laheer 4 Tele-

Good clothing, household etc

BIRMINGHAM June lMh a l l •

me 11.14. ( -1 Mpm. I1M1 Hl^>baafc. 11

Mile 4 Telegraph ta tha Georgetown Sob Camera* sewing machine, ate.

UNIQUE ANTIQUE Sale piaa chest i t armoiru, primitive* bras* china. 4 glass Dealers wel-

1 M pm . IM* CkrMty Ct , ; F e " ' — 4 Crooks

Rd*. Rochester HUM

702 Antiquaa • ANTIQUES ON MAIN! •

Cenlral MaU - M Royal Oak CVoeed Ssmdan till Labor Day)

TEN AMSUCAN AIRLINES f i r * claas rooad trip upgrades good from any fare. t l M each DayaM0 - i r -4*M Eves 4 Weekends


Festival Ground* I I M So CantonCantar Rd

S e t Jane II ; 11 Noon - SPM

<Claeed Sundays Oil Labor Day Victorian Clocking lo Early 4 f t

Country CoUectttta* PM Safe* OaUta ~ ay Lamp* Cut Giasa

D i l i sasitin Glaaa OU. Brio* Tlffaay

R Doalton. Dent •Coffee whUa

Lay-away , 'Vta n t r " ~ Mai* Royal Oak.

THE M A I N E X C H A N G E 107 S Mala. Royal Oak (at 11 MUe)

. r r J ' ' tlhtee

EVER-7 SPORTS HALL Saturday 4 45 PM

27511 Grand River, W of Inkster Rd Uvooia 47MM1

EVER-7 SPORTS HALL Fr iday * 41 PM

17511 Grand River. W of Inkster Rd Uvonu 47*-M*l

700 Auction Salae

Tom Petty. Steele Ray Vaughn Hasy Lewi* Heart All pevittoa aeat CaU Ml IM*


Antiquee - Farnl la ie - Boets - Computer Moved lo retlreeoeca canter we wtll

I have a public suction at 4M* Dexter Aan Artor R d , Ann Artor. 1 mile west of Wagner Rd

SAT JUNE 11 AT 11 AM Owner- Bertha Bird

Braon 4 Helmer Aacttoa Service Uoyd Bra BE Jerry Helmer Aaa Artor Saline 6 6 5 - 9 6 4 6 9 9 4 - 6 3 0 9

Antique Complete Jewelry

Setting, Watch 4


New Jewelry

FREE V t r t a U p p r a l s a l

ANTIQUE CHINA cah tas t milk cans 4 ( 11 -7771

ANTIQUE FaiaUag com 175 C a u E v n c

ANTIQUE 4 Garage Sale MdM Hemept* Gardea City. S of Ford. W of Mhfelohefl Jase li.14.15tk Walaat dresser with tUt mirror 4 hs4 box. mar bis lop server, oak chak dining room taMs 4 I i . beck chair* large variety of t

BLOOMFIELD TWP June 11, everything mss t go today »am Spm SU* Kanmor* 1 Mock W of Inkater off of Quarto*

CLARKSTON Flea Market . Jobs 14.lS.10tk. 1 1 J U 1 , 10M Dodge M0 SWD I H f t snowpiow. John Deore farm tractor 4 eoulpmenl, gun* fMUag tack-1* tool* l i f t alamunlmam boa t farm t a r * satlqaaa. aid d o c k * itisliss, mlsc T(M " s s h l h i - N af Clarkatoa R d

FLEA MARKET (outside) Canton. Mi^aiean Ave 4 Hainan R d exn 11 off I-XT1, W mile eea t »an>-*pm Frt. S a t

LADIES AUXILIARY of Aires Grotto Rummage Sal* Saturday June I I . Oam-lpm Airea Colony Hall. HTM Ev • glaaa. Soathfield ( * MlleN of I MUel

BIRMINGHAM Moving Sale S a t Only I I M 1UTS Locherbie. <* MUe W of Southfleid * MUe S. of 14 MU* E>ec-| trie range, furniture, garde mlac busssheild I tem* bicycle.

BIRMINGHAM. I families 7114 Cathe-dral. I blocks W of Telegranh off MapM Rd I am to S pen T h a n * DC Frt.

BIRMINGHAM- 11714 E. V*Uey Woed* S af 14 ML E of Laheer Thar* Frt Oi -

iviU* S of oodward Sat Jaae 11,

0-4. Toy* clothe* mlac


BIRMINGHAM. IM Maple F r t 4 S a L 10-4 Lots of mlac. Items!

Shirley, S of

BLOOMFIELD HILLS 9ob Antique* clotklng, appliancea. misc. Sat . 0-*. Sq Lake and Eastway. Concord Green Sab.

b l o o m f i e l d h i l l s . other »*••* June 11.14, Manor R d off Hunter, S. af Big

BLOOMFIELD HILLS. I Colherry HUls 4 Hickory Grow* IM home* Sat . Juaa 11. lOam-lpm. lOM's of ltam* S of Square Lake. Jest E of Woodward

F r t . Sat aaa Coart

Bait 11 MUe

SOUTHFIELD - F r t , Jane 14, Si Jane 11. 0am-Spm. I1»M Beeck Rd S -o fOMU*

TROY - S a t . Jos* lMh. 1* la 1 Rldhsa mower. Chinetrelelo s i r i l M r * sofa 4

a . * pc t^omss-1 4 » O g d o * K of

S of Wattlaa vtUo dlalag a a t mlac

TROY - Several garagaa ternlty baby 4 c t k t r e n .

a* f a m i tare. Mho* E l tam* mlac. J a n s IV IV 4 II. 10 M *. On Stoddard 4 Terov* E of Joha R . So of Lsag Lake, follow dgna

TROY BABY f s n t t a r * baby Mka s s a t car chair, riding toy* f u i a i f * general huaaihrlrl, dolhing. MM Pa&s™«. Stoneridge Sab.. Jwta 11-1*

TROY F r t 4 S a t 0-1 1TM of 1*. W off CooiMf* All

office desk* filing caSnso^ l io tbas 4 more! June 11.1*. Oam-Spm M U Kris-tin. (between 1*-17. off Coolidge)


SOUTHFIELD- Garage Moving Sale After 17 yr* Houseware* fai ill Lai e. ap-pl iance* air conditioner, antiqne chairs-table, lawn a n b r e l l * picnic ta-ble* folding labia* hardware, sets, sewing malar ia l* yarn, wins mat ins supplies, dree. J o e 11 until aoid J IM* P o t a d a a * N of * MU* E of Inkster

a 1* OMy. 1 off Adams

Wattle* Sa i—naa ' s samples of tools 4 many othar llama

TROY - 1 family Baby I t e m 4 do tha* farm tare, organ, aad mora 10M F r e e m o n t off Northfleld Park way, of t Coolidge. be leaes Long Lake 4 Square Lake. T W s . only. I to €

BLOOMFIELD go. Ou* J m l*. Ha

dialng set I piece* cocktail table, par-aoa's table, lota of odds 4 ends UM Potomac Roa South. Potasnm. Taera.

. PrteaM a o v u , PMase call Day*

4 Sua Ml-1*10


MM Wild 14

0-0 p m . Sat. off Maple

BLOOSCFIELD Sal* F r t thra Sat, TIM VaUsyhrook. off

Valley 14 4 I I Mile

R d 4pm GI clothe* t a r * Ma

Pocono, N off Walnut 1 nhrlar Dr. Tbv*-8aL. 1

aa t 1 family sal* Daet_ * ^itece ^wr iaghl patio fsrai-

i Rap. Dpla*p*c-

T h i a C l a s s i f i c a t i o n c o n t i n u a l on tha First

P a g e of S e c t i o n D

SOUTHFIELD - Gigantic Jane 1S-1T. I IS 18 Braadywynn* off » between Telegraph 4 Beach Antique vanity, chi-

* Silver -new small appllsnres am-«> 4 eratc aa. snort*

alamlnom awning, a

702 Antiques

brelle* rings 4 watcbeat Jewelry, pic Avon, flower pou

No i

SOUTHFIELD. Hnassholil Item* small appliance* clothe* tool* J a w 11 -Jane 1*. 1«1>1 Summerdale. 11 MUe 4 Inkster Ul-1717 U1-1T11

HILLS I lamiUss Frt. S s t ^ M ^ m MM* Valley

FARMINGTON Thar* F i t Si Forg* 11 MUe

FARMINGTON HILLS - F r t thru Smt. KMT W 11 MU* betweee Inkster 4 Middlebelt. Lota af fanritare 4 mlsc

FARMINGTON HILLS, Jane 14-1V 1* 1. 1M1I Balmoral Way. 11 MUe bo-twusa Inkster 4 MlddMbelL Farnitur*

FARMINGTON HILLS Yard aale Some clothing, book* kindling wood pottery, etc S474 Tack. W af^i lddle * l t 1 b i t N of 0 Thar*. F r t . IM

FARMINGTON HILLS - T h a n thru Sat 1 Oam-Spm Antique* fa i ik ta i* rUshss, clothing. 1M*1 Lincoln view I blocks E of Inkster <M 11 MUa.

SOUTHFIELD- Kids Wothe* toy* more Oam-lpm. F r t 4 Sat 1MM E3ev

ML. betw Southfield Greenfield

SOUTHFIELD - MovH* Sal* Jane I I thru I I . 10 to S IMS! Rock Creek Dr . I biks W of Southfield R d . N of 11


S X T H F I N U • Oliver Court off Berg Rd , between 0 4 10 MUe Rd* Jane l i -l t Wide i t

SOUTHFIELD Quality bikes, book* clothe* coats, furnltare, gas dryer, household mlsc 1P1U Dorset. N of ( . E of Evergreen. Starts SaL

SOUTHFIELD - Thar*. F r t , Woodcrest N. of 11 MUe 1 • hew 4 Evergreen Couch, dining hutch, fixtures, dishes, children d o t h e * household Items, muck mora

FARMINGTON HILLS. MM1 0 MUa •wan Mlddlabelt 4 lakstar An-

tique* trunk* baby Items, toy* do the* furndtar* mlsc 10am-*pm T W * - S a t

SOUTHFIELD Farnttwu. bike* tool* lots of good staff - cheap 1M4I Adrian. 10 MUe 4 Southfield Rd Sst-Su* 10am-

FARMINGTON HILLS Garage Sal* Baby Toddler clothee 4 aexamorla* UMS W 0 MU* near Farmingtoo R d Thar* F r t Sot lOom-tpm

SOUTHFIELD Frv-Sal ONLY 0-*pm Boys clothe* H I Chair, ot toma* bed room* cottage eeppliaa more 17111 Anna, off Retkand betw ML Ver non 4 10 MU* E of Southfleid Rd

FARMINGTON HILLS. I1TM Lnody. 1 blks W of Morrtmaa off

Too mnch lo list' Jeme 14-11. M

FARMINGTON HILLS I pisce aL antique beffet bicyris* ion. ski

Sal-Sac Jane 11-lV 10-1 Gettysburg

FARMINGTON HILLS 1S1U Caetl»eigh. FYti[««C<f to 1

btkes. dlshe* baby Item* more


t u r * baby t tam* mlsc huasMald. Jane 11 4 14, 0 to 4. M141 Castlsmaadc 1st street W of Drake. No o f f » Mile

FARMINGTON HILLS yard sal* Sa t . June l l tk . I to 1 Yoa name I t we have l£

Unlveraallst Unitarian Oarck . U M 1 HaMad R d le N. of Grand River

FARMINGTON HILLS - U M * Har-grove Ct . Caater tury Corrunnus 1Mb. N S 11 MU* betweee OrtAard Laka 4 Farnungtoe Rd Seertng marhlne 4 lots m o r * T W * . F r t . Sa t . 14-4.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS Tons of d o t h b * . kitchen Item* hair snppiie* toy* book* mlsc Frt 4 S s t Jans 14 4 IS. 0AM-*PM 1114 KaUar Lane. 1 street N of Lone Pine off Franklin R d

BLOOMFIELD HILLS- Opdyka - V Blvd Sat . June I I Only 0-4- *T7 Roil-ing Rock. Oven 4 stove lop, LeGour-maad chopping tab i* childruns do tha* toya. HoeeakoiS. Lighting Fixture* etc

PTNE HILL CHURCH I I M Middlebelt, Weet Btoomfletd

I Laka Rd)


(1 M S. of Long Laka R d ) Thar* J m i f Oam-lpm J « e 14. Oam-lpm Half |

70S Waaring Apparal

a BUYING ALL ANTIQUES' • Glass, postcard* d o c k * art glas* an-tique <Wkkewe4r7, f M h n , Shady rtln* b e e d s o p v a s * MS-UM-MS-T0S4

MINX COAT, its* 7. Me langth. white 4 buff s t r laad«l yeer* o l d p e e l coodl Hon. M*t Anrwerlag mach5*47*- lM4

NORWEGIAN SUvar Fen Door loncth 11 MISS can* Daatpa to 1 lengths for daytime wear MUrhlag detachable hood (10M N a n c y l M - M M H M 0 1

WEDDING GOWN 4 VEIL sine I (for I ' tall gtril I I M CaU s i i t i i y e ^ o n f ^ ^

BABY CLOTHES girl* thra 4T, m e + Can after (PM. 7M-I1W

BLOOMFIELD w t t i a Jaae 14,11. 0-1 777 N Woodward be-tween Cranbrook 4 Lone P M * Book*

* clothing, appliance* instrument* Greet picki

BLOOMFIELD TWP 1 Family Moving 4 Oarage Sal* Tbera-Fr i 0-4. I I M Idlewyt* No of MapM. W of Franklin. Lots of fai m till a. mia ttam* aprlgM piano, toy* etc

BLOOMFIELD TWP - I family, Sa Jaa 14th. I to 1 P M 7IM Cathedral W of Telegraph off of 14 MUa Mlac.

BLOOMFIELD TWP. - Big 4 family sal* f si a l ias* hnmMaliL d o t h a * oof-lactal m a n

5 a

FARMINGTON Estate SaM J u l l k 4 14, H M I M Las Lao* 10 Mlle-Or

609 Bingo



23414 Orchard Laka Rd. (N. of G r a n d River)




(PtynwuBi Hd sl Fsnengion «a.i 281-9340


15080 Nawburgh (S of 5 Mi le Rd.)

L ivonia 484-2027



(Plymouth Rd. St Farmingtor fVJ.|



MONDAY 10-.48 A M 16800 W. 12 MMe Rd.

A r • nnfl el <1 a fla. .* *, n a | .1 o w " » r o r l s r * 6 r t w c a o o u i r i n v o

FATHER OAMEL A LORD n r»kght» o4 Cotumbo*

MONDAY 700 P.M. • n L n a i r , m i t t B j i <>cnoo i c r«T i n o




Weetland C h e r r y HW & M a m m e n



(Joy Ad 3 Mts. L of UlddMtMR]


TUESDAY 11:00 A.M. Monaghan K-C HmH

19801 Farmington Rd. (Be tween 7 8 6 Mile)


WEDNESDAY 7AO P.M. MONA OMAN K-C HALL 18801 Farmington Rd.

(Between 7 8 8 M«e)





THURSDAY 8.-00 P.M. 16880 W. 12 MUe Rd.

(Bstwesn QresnNMd A SoutMMd) 550-5880


THUR8DAY 7 * 0 P.M. 22001 Northweetem Hwy.

(Be tween 8 & 9 Mi le)



FRIOAY 8:30 P.M. Bat* HM ahepplna Center

Cherry HM A Mer r lman.

17th Congraaa Dlatrtct Democratic Party Friday 8J0 P.M.

Shaidon fPtymooBi Ad. SI fsnwM|>0B Ad)


F innCu l tu ra l Cantar Sr. Cttiren Housing Corp. FRIDAY 11:00 A.M. 35200 W. 8 Mile Rd.

(1 MIM W of Fsrmington Rd.)




38800 Schoolcraft Rd.

A M E R I C A N L E G I O N P O S T 2 8 1


182 8. Merrlman (8. of Cfterry HW) W e e t l a n d

To plmc* your

ad in thia

directory, plaaae

call Joania at


FARMINGTON HELLS Thar* l l -*pm New braaa nautical Hams for boater, g r - i * * m - . M f i f t * v ^


SOUTHFIELD Grean Dolphin Jhborhood sale 0 Mile

Beech 4 Telegraph T h a n thar San.

June* 1 ( 2 * 1 l p m I47H off 10 MU* betw 1

SOUTHFIELD Grunt Sale> Cab Scout Pack 1M7 Baby i tem* tiisashnU

book* etc. Saturday Only, ry C t .

Lahaar 4 Telegraph


June 1V14.1V v ia* 1* MUa 4 Inkster area.

SOUTHFIELD IS mile W of Beech R d 144(1 Samoeet Trail Look for stgne. T h a n June 11 thru II. Book* mens


SOUTHFIELD 17 c * f t anright r . II apeed bike,

sot af I folding patio chair* playpen, screen house, lent* down Jacket* camping equipment draaeerv lamp* t o n of clothee 4 mor* 114M Twyck-! • « > • » between Laheer 4 BeU Rd. S of i fMUeSaL-Sun- . 10-S

SOUTHFIELD June 1 (-14-17

14505 Green Valley. OdpmTelegrap* 4

SOUTHFIELD 1*4*0 Stnart S of 11 MU* K. of Southfield Jaae 10-11 Oam-Spm Kid's staff 4 lots of mlsc

clothing 4 mlac. 1 Mil* 4 Drake.

Valley F o r f * II

SOUTHFIELD- 1*5*1 Pierce. S off 11 Ml Jane 14 thru 1(Ul Oam-Spm ChU-drens toys 4 cUothss plus lot* of mlsc

FARMINGTON HILLS. 1 families Far Mtur* dlshe* drape* lines*, globe bar

D organ, b a r m * noei. childrens item* anSqns* coAert shies F r t 0 to 4

m m 1 Oak Point Dr 11 MU* 1 k W of Farmington Rd

FARMINGTON H I U A F r t . J*M 14. 0-Cowt, Fa of Drake

4 P M M I M L i s s t w g C o v t Farming-North. W of Drake an I I • at VaUey Band Portable

ton Green MUe

C T m


QIANT Y A R D S A L E SAT. , J U N E 15, 9 T O 4


(1/1 MUe weet of Fai niMgtnn Band). FARMINGTON HUM. blended family MT71 Raleigh. LMenM stow a * OB Lyndford 11 mile E ef 14-11. 04pm

S i FARMINGTON >144 11.0am to I

SOUTHFIELD 0 MUe Laheer Bed-room s e t table* mlsc boaashold Item* 11777 Mahon June 15-14. 0AM-*PM

TROY, ll« IM! Adam*

lam* June I I 4 bet 1* 4 17 off

TROY follow balloons lo M41 Scott I * * MUe west of Cooiidne F r t 0-4 S e t 0 - ' CVXhe* tnclsdlag Infant 4 tod-dler. beby i tem* toy* typewriter. " ma l* antiqne wash s tand Ml* mlsc

TROY June 14-lKh (Frl-Sat), 0-4pm 4055 Buttemct HUL Wsttlss 4 Adams Clothing, baby 4 kitchen Item* etc

TROY. June 14 4 11. M 1404 Tenny-son. E of Rochester Rd. S «f Wattles


One item lo Eatalae Bougfti or Con ngned Monthty Antique Conelgnment Auctlexianl: YpehenG Historic Oupoi Frelgfithoune

D, DALTON a u c n o n c e j u n o


THE CARRIAGE STOP 3*835 Grand Rlvor - Fa/mmgtor.

Sanctuary Snop* EngKah & European AntKjuws

Country & Primitive Pine Furniture Lace - Stained Giaea - Clilna

OPEN 11-3:30 Tues thru Sat or by Appt.

474-7858 — 348-9038


Rnal Estate - Farm Housanow - Antkjuee Uoyd R Br sun

A n n A r b o r Jerry L. Helmdr

In thd'T of an GRAND RIVER

itlque counirv r m h i c h a n f s



1039 W Grand River WILLIAMSTON

1-96 Exit 117


OLD VILLAGE Shops open 12-5 p.m. daily

Sunday 1-5 p.m. Mon dealers discount day.


C A L L M B S t , . . , Weekends 728-3030

35340 M I C W Q A N AVE. WAYNE, M I C H I G A N

Friday 4 PM - 0 PM Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM Sunday 10 AM - 6 PM


Open every Sat. and Sun. 7 a.m. lo * p.m.

DooMn •10. plu* tax. Oar age SaM* ipvttad

Sbacpers hue adManon. fiua parking 3 5 8 - 1 9 2 8 or 3 6 6 - 0 2 9 2

To place your advertisement in

this Directory, Call Dorothy at 591-0916


Recently purchased a huge col lect ion of es ta te Jewelry

Pr ices be low retai l . 14 Mile « Frankl in Rd. *



Sat.. June 15 4 Sun. , June 16


20 Win southwast of Ann Arbor Open 7 days 10 a.m -5 p.m.


FAJUCNOTON ON J m 14.15th. 1*41 W af Fei •Sagfee R d A *

FaRMINOTON Jena l*. IS, 1*. F r t 1>-I h t l M I M TwM •a l i i s*a 4

t M a * * mar* 114SS ( 4 n < e - f - a ^ - r d


FRANKLIN, J m 14. IV Mas lpm M * M M i B i l j • CL S ef I I MU* off PraMMMM eatar on BartMywaM Md

lamp* lata of mlsc

FRANKLIN Frt. Sat. (zzTjrx£!:im',mTt

M*ls ta af ariac AM prices BaaSM*

M O V I N G S A L E MUfT MBX E v w r r m i N c


PLUBiorr I



June 16th - Our 17th Season

Browse for Amer ican In the country aettlnQ of the Ann Arbor Antiques Market , 5 0 5 5 A n n Arbor - Sal ine Road, Ann Arbor . Held on the third S u n d a y of the month except N o v e m b e r , the market offers over 3 0 0 dealers of quality antiques and select collectibles, country quilts to Georgian silver. Sun., June 16. Houra are 5 a.m. until 4 p .m. Free parking, admission *2.

For m o r e I n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a c t :

P . O . B o x 1 5 1 2 , A n n A r b o r , M l 4 8 1 0 6


U . S . O I » E l V

A k l . A M ) H I L L S

1 » « . » -


» j - i r l '

Supplement to The Observer A E c c e n t r i c Newspapers Thursday. June 13. 1985

Page 2- U S Open ThursGav. J u n e , t 3 . 1 9 8 : Thursday. June "3. ' 9 8 5 J . S . Open Page 3 *

Pat io Door Sa les , Inc .






S38-6288 L i e s 2 1 0 0 4 F a c t o r y / S h o w r o o m S i n c e 1963 538-6212


w i t h A 0 O j j J

REDUCTION ana ENLARGEMEN; because at! originals aon'? come in perfect sizes

Don Tbe rvtedtspresei cop* sues W ih me DC-3"3Z p-a-r-cape' cop "66 aifere-i s'eOs o' T-.agn.ncation are poss-o-e Anc ,">e DC-C- '32 cfers

c o p i e s a s c i q 3 s ' * 1

Convenient 4-way cape' leedmg syster-Autortatic magni'-calic-n seleciiof1

30 copies per mnule I Snap in loner cartridge fo'

easy loading


• Easy to -eac display • 7-slep dens iv seieclior • ^eiter perfect or> copies^ • Optional auiomaiicdocu- f S ^ - '

men feeder a id sorter

C A L L 9 7 8 - 8 2 2 2 f o r a F R E E D E M O N S T R A T I O N

in your o f f i c e Over v td

m e t r o p o l i t a i n j o f f i c e e q u i p f v t e n t c o . , i f s j c

• 00 p v r w s e 1 :

.i-h. 1 n v11 7256 ML-'M 1

Have a ball at Livonia Mall

I t 's P.G.A. t ime at L ivonia Mall so quit pu t t ing a round and dr ive to the nicest , most comp le te mall in the area. Livonia


No sand t raps or water holes to

d is turb your shopping. 62

s tores and services for the

Whole- in -One t r ip .

7 Mile & Middlebelt I 4 7 s - 1 1 6 0

Plenty of parking spots available for tournament By Brad Emons staM writer

What s the parking situation. Lor the I" S

Open' ' Things will r emain pretty much the

same when Oakland HtUs Country Club hosted the 1981 U S Senior Open and the 1979 PGA Tournament

The man responsible' for parking during those two tournaments Mack Quick re •urns for the 1985 event - June 13-16)

We can take 10.QUO cars on the North Course said Quick "They r e all pre-paid "

Park ing is included oil the pre-paid $25 admission ticket for the championship rounds Thursday through Sunday)., as well as the $15 admission ticket for the prac-tice rounds .Tuesday and Wednesday;

In the event that the tournament is not sold oui. parking spots will be m a d e avail-able to the general public for $4 on the North Course .Tickets can be purchased a: Oakland Hills or ordered* over the phone, using your Master or Visa < ard number, at 644-19851

All coupon, clubhouse and season t ickets were sold out last month

PARKING IS ALSO available at the St Regis Church. Brother Rice High School and Marian High School complex at $5 per c a r (located on Lasher, just south of 14 Mile Road) Three vans will t r anspor t fans to and f rom the bus unloading zone on the south side of Maple Road (where the course is located). 100 yards south of the pedestrian bridge, which links the North and South courses.

"We're encouraging fans to park there if

ttiev don't have a s t icker which will ge-•hem into the North Course." Quick said

The task of rout ing t r a f f i c in and out of the Oakland Hills Course is under the ju-risdiction of the Bloomfield Township Pc-lice

Oakland Hills m e m b e r s will enter the Gilbert Lake Road en t rance , near the No 18 hole on the North Course The huge m e - . dia entourage and tournament staff off: cials will be directed in to the club's main lot ioff Maple) by valet service

According to Bloomfield Township Dep utv Police Chief Dennis McGee, as many as"eight lanes, if necessary , will be opened for the Maple Road en t rances (just east of Telegraph! in and out of the North Course parking lot

"WE CAN EMPTY OUT pretty quick barr ing rain," McGee said Things ran pretty smooth around the re in 1979 But if it gets soggy <on the North coursei. we could have some p rob lems

We'll have 10 addi t ional men. all regu-lar police off icers , t h e r e on Friday, Satur-day and Sunday We also have men on the pedestrian bridge crossing to m a k e sure everything is safe and orderly

"We had very few t r a f f i c accidents an 1981 and 19791"

The main a r t e r y in which fans can reach Oakland Hills is Telegraph Road

McGee said that it 's not really neces-sary to have o f f i ce r s direct t ra f f ic on that main thoroughfare

Things don't get backed up that far he

said McGee added tha t upwards of 35.000

fans will invade the course during the fi-nal three days of championship play


Imagine yourself lounging in your own personal paradise...

Peature-. i n c l u d e • P u l s a t i n g H v d r o T h e r a p v J e t s • Air I n d u c t i o n • : in-

t e r T o u c h C o n t r o l • T w o t o Six Sea t i ng C a p a c m • F i v e Y e a r L i m i t e d

W a r r a n t y • Factor\ S e r v i c e • Ins ide . O u t s i d e . All Y e a r R o u n d • I d e a l h

Sui ted t o r C o n d o s . A p a r t m e n t s . D e c k s

^paajihif... Priced from *2195

MENTION THIS AD FOR '300 CREDIT ON SPA OF YOUR CHOICE! For more information call

474-9600 38255 West 10 Mile Road Freeway Plaza

Farmington Hills Mem -Fn ICt-M Sot .Sun J.'

Not bad for Qpen-ers Zoeller challenges Monster, chases legend

By J i m Hughes

When F r a n k U r b a n Z o e l l e r t e e s off today in m e f i r s t r ound of the l S Open on the O a k l a n d Hi l l s C o u n t r y C u b ' s 6 . 9 9 6 - y a r d . p a r - / 0 v, u th C o u r s e he will c h a l l e n g e the M o n s t e r a n d c h a s e a e g e n d

Z o e l l e r - w h o s e in i t i a l s <F.U Z a r e the roo t s fo r t h e mon ik -e r F u z z y the n a m e he a n s w e r s to — cou ld be t h e f i r s t g o l f e r

c a p t u r e b a c k - t o - b a c k O p e n t i t l e s s ince t h e l e g e n d a r y Ben H' gar. t u r n e d the t r i c k in 1950 and 1951 I r o n i c a l l y H o g a n • i c e s s f u l l v d e f e n d e d his 1950 t i t l e at O a k l a n d H i l l s on the -—arse he l a b e l l e d T h e M o n s t e r

! Zoeller repea ts h» will join Hoga. 1 a 1 ph Guldahl 1937-33). Robert T Jor.es J r . <1929-30 j »hn McDermott a i 1-12- and Will ie A n d e r s o n > 1903-05) as t h o s e wh< s u c c e s s f u l l y

:efenc!ed the i r c h a m p i o n s h i p s If s" . a n d a s the s a v i n g g o e s it cou ldn ' t h a p p e n t o a n i c e r guy

Z O E L L E R HAS t h e t y p e oi p e r s o n a l i t y r e l i s h e d by t n e Un i t ed S t a t e s Golf .Associat ion ' Un l ike M a c O ' G r a d v . Z o e l l e r is w a r m , f r i e n d l y and jov ia l to t h e m e d i a and g a l l e r y — a p e r f e c t pub l ic p - i a t i o n s m a n f o r t h e golf a s s o c i a t i o n s

His m e r e p r e s e n c e b r i n g s s m i l e s to those a r o u n d h i m Despi te his 1984 h a m p i o n s h i p a t W i n g e d F o o t in M a m a r o n e c k . N Y. , h i s 1979 M a s t e r s

a m p i o n s h i p . his e s t i m a t e d $1,390,970 c a r e e r e a r n i n g s and th i s -e a r ' s win a t the Bay Hill Class ic , Zoel le r s t i l l is Z o e l l e r . t he

good old boy whose d e v i l i s h gr in and wise c r a c k s a r e a s r o u t i n e now a s t hey w e r e in his y o u n g e r d a y s g r o w -ing up in N e w Albany , Ind .

S u c c e s s h a s n ' t c h a n g e d Za td le r a b r Why should i t ? " Z o e l l e r a sked Why be

m i s e r a b l e ' ' L i f e ' s t oo s h o r t to be m i s e r a b l e I ' m j u s t lucky. T h e r e ' s no r e a s o n to get a b ig h e a d j u s t b e c a u s e I ' ve b e e n s u c c e s s f u l

T h e r e ' s no r e a s o n t o c h a n g e . Why let y u u r h e a d ge t a n y b igge r . ' ' h e s a id wi th t h a t c h a r -i s m a t i c g r i n .

D e s p i t e a l o w e r b a c k p r o b l e m which s o m e t i m e s c a u s e s Z o e l l e r pa in w a l k i n g or s w i n g i n g a c lub, he m a i n t a i n s a kind d e m e a n o r H e w h i s t l e s w h e n he w a l k s the c o u r s e , and o f t e n j o k e s wi th the g a l l e r y

" I J U S T T R Y to r e l a x f r o m the t e n s i o n . " Fuzzy e x p l a i n e d d u r i n g his t r i p to O a k l a n d Hi l l s May < " a n d t h a t ' s jus t p a r t of i t . H e y t h e s e p e o p l e pay o u r s a l a r i e s If t h e v c o m e out a n d e n j o y you. t h e y m a y c o m e b a c k a n d b r ing t h r e e o r f o u r f r i e n d s w i t h t h e m . '

Zoe l l e r won the 84 th O p e n in a p l a y o f f a g a i n s t G r e g N o r m a n T h e p layof f w a s s u p p o s e d to be a



s l u g fes t b e t w e e n t w o long h i t t e r s , bu t in i rony . - i t w a s d e c i d e d

b y a 68- foot p u t t . On t h e s e c o n d hole of the p layof f w i t h bo th p l a y e r s e v e n ,

v Zoe l le r s a n k the long pu t t w h i l e N o r m a n t h r e e - p u t t e d

f r o m 25 f e e t . It g a v e Z o e ' l e r a t h r e e - s t r o k e lead , a n d he

w e n t on to l e n g t h e n the m a r g i n to e i g h t s t r o k e s by d a y s


Z o e l l e r f in i shed wi th a r o u n d of 67. whi le N o r m a n

sho t 75. I t w a s the l a r g e s t m a r g i n of v i c t o r y in Open p l a y o f f h i s t o r y

W h a t m a d e t h e t u r n a r o u n d r e m a r k a b l e w e r e t h e e v e n t s in S u n d a y ' s f m a i r >und. w i t h N -rrr.ar. p u l i n g • t h e m a g i c . N o r m a n p u r r e d the l a s t t h r e e holes, tr.e l ' t r . c o m i n g t h e h a r d w a y

On t h e 18th. N o r m a n hit. t he f a i r w a y w i t h his t ee sho t . i - but his s e c o n d shot wi th a s ix - i ron s e n t t h e baii in to t h e

g r ands t and . . A f t e r a f r e e d r o p . N o r m a n p i t ched : r o m a d e e p r o u g h , but t he bal l s k i r t e d a c r o s s the g r e e n . 41

f e e t uph i l l f r o m the hole . N o r m a n ' s pu t t f o u n d i t s m a r k , and Zoe l l e r . w a i t i n g on the 18th f a i r w a y t o f in ish. w a \ e d a

w h i t e towe l in m o c k s u r r e n d e r A p p a r e n t -ly. Zoe l l e r t h o u g h t N o r m a n b i r d i e d the hole . - ^

Z O E L L E R H I T t h e g r e e n on his s econd shot , a n d t w o - p u t t e d f r o m 20 fee t to f in i sh m a t ie wi th N o r m a n Zoel le r sho t 71-66-69-70 - 276. w h i l e N o r m a n shot 70-68-69-69 — 276

A n o t h e r t w i s t in t h e t o u r n a m e n t w a s F u z z y ' s r o a r to t h e f o r e f r o n t — and his n e a r f a l l . I n S u n d a y ' s r o u n d , h e s t o r m e d p a s t t h r e e - d a y l e a d e r H a l e I r w i n by o w n i n g the f r o n t n ine . He s a n k f o u r s t r a i g h t b i rd ie p u t t s — f r o m 20. 20. 15 a n d e igh t f e e t on ho les 3-6, r e s p e c t i v e l y — to t a k e a f o u r - s t r o k e l e a d .

At t h e t u r n , Z o e l l e r had a t h r e e -s t r o k e l e a d o v e r N o r m a n , but t h e c r a c k p o t f r o m I n d i a n a w e n t t h r e e -o v e r on t h e l a s t n i n e holes, and N o r -m a n p l a y e d e v e n p a r . t h a n k s to t h r e e c los ing p a r s a n d o n e - p u t t i n g on f o u r of the l a s t f i v e h o l e s .

Z o e l l e r ' s e v e n t u a l win b r o u g h t h i m b a c k in to t h e l i m e l i g h t he b a s k e d in a f t e r w i n n i n g t h e 1979 M a s t e r ' s w i t h a s u d d e n - d e a t h p l a y o f f v i c to ry o v e r T o m W a t s o n a n d S a m S n e a d .

As F u z z y w o u l d pu t i t . " I t ' s not a

bad d e a l . "

GARY CASKEY/s ta t f pho tog raphe r

D e f e n d i n g U.S. Open c h a m p i o n Fuzzy Zoe l le r su rveys t he O a k l a n d Hi l ls

S o u t h C o u r s e d u r i n g a r ecen t v i s i t .

Open tourney dates back to 1895 By Marly Budnar staff writer

There a re four m a j o r golf tournaments in the world - the United States Open, the Professional Golf Association champion-ship, the British Open and the Masters

Often they are r e fe r red to as the "Grand Slam" of golf

Well, this week, perhaps the most pres-tigious of those t ou rnamen t s - the U S Open championship of the United States Golf AssociaUon - will be played at the opulent Oakland Hills Country Club in Bloomfield Township

Most touring pros consider the Open THE p r e m i e r event in golf

w h y " 5

Simply because it's America 's cham-pionship The winner is crowned champion of these United States

It 's the s toned history which m a k e s the Open such an important part of golf lore

Golfers have been competing for a U S Open t i t le since 1895 when, ironically, a 21 -year-old Englishman named Horace Rawlins won the inaugural championship Rawlins pocketed $335 and a $50 gold cup for his e f fo r t s in what was then a 36-hole tournev

ENGLISHMEN dominated the tour ney's early years, capturing the first 16 U.S. Open titles

In 1911, an American named John McDermott snapped the British winning streak with a playoff victory at the Chica-go Golf Club He defended his crown the following summer

With American golfers starting to em-erge as a force on the golf scene, the U S Open became increasingly popular Open tickets were sold for the first t ime in 1922, and, two years later, the concept of sec tional qualifying was introduced

The tournament has been getting

record-breaking participation, perfor-mances and publicity ever since

There were, for example, a record 5.274 entries accepted for this year s Open A record 5,353 golfers applied to play.

Michigan was granted two local qualify-ing tournaments because of an unusually high number of 227 area pros and ama teurs hoping to get a crack at the par 70, 6,996-yard Oakland Hills South Course

In 1954. at New Jersey's Baltusrol Golf

Ptease turn to P a s * 1 *

U.S. Open Thursday , J u n e 13,1985 Thursday , J u n e 13, 1985 U.S. O p e n

Page 5 *

I 4^



'Lord intended this for a golf course' By Chris McCosky staff writer

Wonder what old Mr Miller would think of his f a r m these days 1

Back in the ear ly 1900s, Miller decided to sell his f a r m land on Maple Road in Bi rmingham to a couple of businessmen One of the first things the businessmen did with their new land was show it to Donald Ross

"The lord intended this for a golf course," said Ross upon initial viewing

Indeed Ross, the most renowned golf course archi tec t of his era, p rompt ly t r ans fo rmed Miller's f a r m into Oakland Hills Country Club - the site of six m a j o r professional* golf tournaments since 1924 including this year 's U.S. Open June 13-16

Having Ross design the course and chos-ing U S Open champ Walter Hagen as the f irst club pro — which Oakland Hills did in 1922 - certainly helped lend prest ige to the fledgling country club.

But Oakland Hills grew with the t imes and has. through its 67-year history, re-mained one of nation's most chal lenging golf courses

HOWEVER, HAVING a challenging golf course isn't the only c r i t e r i a used to select a site for a m a j o r United States Golf Association (USGA) tou rnamen t .

According to Mike Butz, USGA's on-site representa t ive at the 1985 U.S. Open, there are many va r i ab le s — f rom geo-graphic location to the number of hotel rooms avai lable in the vicinity of the country club — tha t f igu re into the site selection process

-The way the U.S. Open courses are se-lected." Butz said, "is we en te r t a in invita-tions f rom clubs across the country There a r e usually about 20 to 25 that we'd be interested in.

"Then the USGA Execu t ive Commit tee , which meets three t imes a year , makes the final decision on the U S Open cours-es "

Fac tors involved in select ing champion-ship courses, according to Butz, include

• The golf coarse i t se l f . "The longer courses are the ones we general ly go for , ' Butz said "Most championsh ip courses range f rom 6.800 to 7.000 yards long Length of the course and the fairness of

the course a re key factors . When it's all over, you want the champion to feel like, Hey, I really won something. ' You want to

chal lenge the players." • Room oo coarse fo r television and

galleries: The physical set up of the golf course is crucial , Butz said. The course mus t be able to fac i l i ta te ABC television network equipment on all 18 holes as well a s up to 25.000 spectators . Pa rk ing facili-ties, t ranspor ta t ion and access to the course a re also impor tan t

• Hospitality of regioo: When the pro golf tour comes to town, 1,200 to 1,400 ho-tel rooms must become avai lable for the weekend

• Geographic Location: "The USGA. as a national organization, likes to move the Open around the country," Butz said In recent years , the Open has t raveled f rom New Jersey , to Phi ladelphia , out to the West Coast" to Pi t t sburgh and this year in the Midwest

USGA officials also t ake history into considerat ion when chosing the Open site F o r example , in 1986 the Open will return to Shinnecock Hills Golf Course in Long

Island. The second U.S. Open was played there back in 1896.

The Open sites have been picked through 1990 Olympic Country Club of San Francisco in 1987, Boston Country Club in 1988, Rochester, N.Y., in 1989 and Medinah Country Club in Chicago in 1990

SO, HOW does Oakland Hills r a t e in this comprehensive selection process 7 Consid-er ing the place will host its f i f th U.S. Open this year , it rates ra ther well.

"Oakland Hills is probably one of the be t te r places we go," Butz said "The facil-ity lends itself ext remely well to all the production elements of the Open, and it has a t remendous golf course to go along with it."

The Oakland Hills South Course is 6.996 yards long And probably the best testimo-ny to its competi t iveness was of fe red up by 1951 U.S. Open champ Ben Hogan: "I'm glad I brought this course, this mons ter , to its knees. This is the grea tes t tes t of golf I have ever played and the toughest course."

Mr Miller should be r ight proud of his

old f a r m

A hole-by-hole look at 'The Monster The 85th U S r g p e n Championship s t a r t s

today on Oakland Hills' fo rmidable 6,996-yard, par-70 South Course.

It 's re fe r red to by golfers who have played i t ^ a s the "Monster." and it 's a course that few have been able to m a s t e r

The shor ter front nine is a 3,472-yard. par-35. The back nine measures 3,524. but also is a par-35 Following is a hole-by-hole description of the course and what the golfers can expect:

• No. 1 — 436 yards, par 4: An excel-lent s ta r t ing hole for a championship course, the f irst hole can get a golfer into t rouble right away. It 's heavily bunkered on both the left and right sides of the fair-way and the green. Most golfers will use a medium iron to reach the undulat ing green The long dr ivers will have the ad-vantage because the ent rance to the green is tight.

• No 2 — 527 yards, par 5: The eas ies t of the par 5s. this hole is a birdie haven. It yielded the most birdies in the 1979 PGA Championship Because some of the long-er h i t ters will reach the green in two, a few eagles also could be recorded Fai r -way bunkers off the tee could pose a prob-lem for the boomers, however Shor ter dr ivers may lay up on both the dr ive and second shot" relying on a good pitch to get close to the hole

. \ 0 3 — 199 yards, par 3: A classic pa r 3, the third hole gives the gol fe rs a good chance for birdie — if they hit the green But if the green is missed, they'l l be hard-pressed to sa lvage par The main hazard is a large bunker in front left of the green This hole decided the 79 PGA title as David Graham (a birdie) defea ted Ben Crenshaw <a bogey) in a sudden-death playoff

• No 4 - 433 yards, par 4: A s t ra igh t long drive is the key to scoring well on this hole With out-of-bounds m a r k e r s on the left side of the narrow fai rway and bunk-ers left and right of the driving zone, i t 's impera t ive that golfers line up s t ra igh t The best position to approach the well bunkered green is f rom the right center of the f a i rway Tall t rees line the left side

• No. 5 — 457 yards , pa r 4: An accu-ra t e tee shot is impor t an t on the long f i f th hole Bunkers are located on the right side of the fairway and t r e e s line the left side A small creek crosses the fa i rway about 300 yards f r o m the tee. The ideal drive would land on the l e f t side of the fa i rway. Because the green s lopes f rom right to left , the worst thing to do would be to overshoot the green on the right, making it near impossible to get close to the pin on the shot back

• No. 6 — 359 yards, par 4: The shor-test par 4 on the course, this hole also has the distinction of having the longest green f r o m front to back — about 45 yards Heavily bunkered around the green, it's considered a "birdie" hole But many golf-e r s find themselves three-put t ing the long, sloping green

• No. 7 — 405 yards, par 4: A pond and bunkers highlight this hole The water haz-ard lies to the right of the driving a rea .

with bunkers on the lef t . The hole also has a new green for this yea r ' s championship, which is flat and bunkered, lef t to r ight

• No. 8 — 439 yards, par 4: This hole is considered one of the toughest on the course and will test the golfers ' skills It runs uphill all the way to the green. Golf-ers with a big hook a re asking for trouble

P l ease turn to P a g e 15

" . . k WmBL

V: v - \ ' W i

T h e w i l l ow t r e e s a n d w s t e r h a z a r d a f o u n d the 16th f a i rwsy s n d g r e e n m a y p r e s e n t t he m o a t p i c t u r e s q u e

ecenery , b u t t h e 16th a lso p resen t s t o u g h

go l fe rs .

GABY C A S K E Y p h o t o g r a p h

o b s t a c l e s tor

"hursday, June 13. 1965 U .S O p e n P a g e 7 * |

A hole-bu-hole look at The Monster' ; n r-.^ec fro-r. p a g e 5

P ine tr*

• -.he «:ree Lit to put

g e n e r a l l y : .in the

• No. 9

and bunkers line the left side of a rea K'a\ ing approach shot

n or an unplayable l:e It s d;ffi-f r o m above the hole It was

jnsidered the most difficult f ront nine in the 79 PGA

— 217 yards, par 'S It 's always • comple te the front nine with a par

this hole definitely poses j bogey : I; ; j k e s a ior.g iron or fairway

! i r e a t h the green which is aretl-erec ir.c f fers rr.e of the : .ghest r.g su r faces or. the .r--o The he>" t> be ir. is below the h le

No 1>) — 154 yards, par 4 \ golfer

:as • put .• all together - a good drive, t-i -md shut aad approach putt to gel off o : good start en the back nine A small . . '. ing jri-a blind >ei:~nd shot and sWping treen make it difficult to s a v e p a r .Bogeys •.."d double bogeys a re not unusual her '

• No. i ; - i i beer. adde-d

- r.'-lt- bv i i .

,way fr m the bunkers ard the ereer. to the rig • a.'h t narrow, se

yards, par 4 \ new increase the lengtr. .

irds Tu P-a'. the fcolt-lust s tay lef t 'of f the tee

jnd t r ees that

sloping greer

w i.,

• s .

. ereiy -• below

yards . par


I 0 0 . 3 95

**y*on c«rp«i u—c 'or »c c«y* Agio SfK>w* Cor* on ro* jsti M»ec-l*on 30 000 ac 8V»I*D*»




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(Open Sunday 11-4)

-hots a re needed U reach the green on thi-monstrous par 5 the longest hole on the

arse. Two long wood shot? and an a c n , ra te wedge will put the compet i tors m B<n-d position to make birdit The mos r

hf fn jit p-.n position is tucked <m the righ" 1e of the reduced green, behind :i larg<

•greenside f ront-r ight bunker

. . * Vn i ' ! — 172 yards, par 3: This p .:resque h-'-le is short but surrounded t >3p« and rr tv. •-level g*eer. It take?

r e a r perfec t .shot ii get close ti the pir

»ardv1 -par I. [-or t.-*

• So 16— 409 yards, par 4 The highly spected 16th is the most f a m o u s hole a1

aklar.d Hills and has beer, named • I f - All-American golf course as vne •

-:e top 18 holes ir. America La rge will w: _:ird the lake which sur rounds the righ de and - jp . e s across the front of th--•>en ?h. h. - where- Garv P l a v e r :fr

-igr >n hi

201 yards, par

p e s :: back

• No. I t — iSI* >ards. par 1 \ driver skills a r e tes ted on this hole which severe-,\ dog legs, f r o m right to left With j bunk er entered in the middle of the fairway :r.e golfer has tc decide whether to shoo be tween the bunker and t rees on the . e r or play it s'aft to the right The heavil}

• Ns i — 431 \ a r d s . par 5 T.. •• tough a finishing hole as y..»,u ,. find

the 1979 PGA :i had the fewes t pars & gey- .loubie-bogeys and triple-b"-


r putation ol being the most diff icul t hole . prims uphill to a green thai i> surround-

•d in fr> nt by bunker- If a p layer plans t reach .n two. he'll have to c a r r \ the ba'. the green in the air

Signif icant U.S. Open winners Cent nuec f rorn P a g e 3

Club, the Open received its f irst national television exposure It also marked the first t ime an Open course was roped f rom tee to green as specta tors were no longer allowed on f a i rways

THOSE ARE a few reasons why the U S Open is considered THE event in goif Following a re significant Open his torical notes and highlights

• Five a m a t e u r s have been crowneG I" S Open winners. The last was John Goodman in 1933. The others include Franc is Ouimet (1913). J e r o m e D Trave r s 11915), Char les Evans J r (1916) and Rob-ert Trent Jones Jr . (1923,'26.'29, 30)

• Ben Hogan. who won the 1951 Open at Oakland Hills, plus the 1948. 1950 and 1953 titles, is one of four golfers to have won four Open championships The others

.nclude Willie Anderson "< 1901. 03.'04. 051 Jack NicklauS'il962.'67.'72 '80i and Jones

• Jack Nieklaus owns the Open's 72-hole scoring record at 272, shot in 1980 at he Baitusrol Golf Club's Lower Course

• The USGA revamped its f o rma t f r o m 36 to 72 holes m 1898 The three-day. 72-hole playing schedule — insti tuted in .898 — was changed to the cu r r en t 18-hole four-da;, fo rmat in 1965

• National television coverage was ex-panded to include all 18 holes of live cov e r age over the final two rounds in 1977 by-ABC Sports. In 1982. the first two rounds received live national television cove rage for the first t ime on the cab le network ESPN

• Although the annual t ou rnamen t . r igmated ir. 1895. this is only the USGA'"s

85th tournament Why the f ive-year lapse" Well, the tournament was suspended in 1917 and 1918 and 1942-45 because of the

Here is the prize money distribution tor pro- 2 6 6.4-30 fessionals in the 1985 U S Open al Oakland 6 2 4 3 Hills Country Club. The total purse is 6 0 5 6 $650,000 5 8 6 9 Place Amount 30 5 68"

$.103,000 5 555 -51 .000 32 5 4 3 ' 39 .260 5 307

i 27 ,295 * 5.183 21 476 5 356

r 1 7 730 36 4 93" 7 16.170 37 4 8 0 6

8 14.92- 36 4 . 6 8 3 g ' 3 . 7 3 6 39 4 5 5 9 10 12 736 4 0 4 4 33 1 • 11 987 4 ' 4 309 12 11.300 42 4 183 13 10,736 43 4 0 5 9 •4 10,237 44 3.934 ' 5 9 740 45 3,808 16 9 303 46 3 684 17 8 865 47 3,558 18 8.490 46 3 434 19 8.116 49 3 309 20 7.806 50 3 184 2 i 7 555 51 3 . 0 5 9 22 7 305 52 2 934 23 7 055 53 2.809 24 6 805 54 2 746 25 6 6i8 55 2.698

One great round deserves another.

> r ; ~ '•>*- *


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