.. COLUMBUS, OHIO BUI 1 IlN JUNE, 1995 VOL. 66 , NO.6 THREE DIVISIONS OF SACRED SCRIPTURE--THREE DIVISIONS OF LIFE Students of Sacred Scripture know that there are three main divisions of the text, Torah, Neviim, and K'tuvim: The Torah (The Law), the section known as The Prophets, and The Writings. We call our scripture TaNaCh, an acronym made of the first letter of each of these sections. Convenient as these holy elements are to distinguish between different authors, time periods and thoughts, taken separately as well as combined, their structure alone can tdch us about life. - Torah is the first main section containing the Five Books of M9ses. We aU know them as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Their combined wisdom transcends the ages and, as I view it, reflects the first stage of our lives. "In the Beginning" from birth to youth as we grow and develop, it is the laws and commandments, the rules, that form our behavior patterns. We learn right from wrong, how to make choices, and what paths to follow in living quality lives. The Torah, at the onset, positions us for well-being as we develop our faith in God and in ourselves. .. The second division of holy writ is the Prophets, from Joshua and Judges to Zechariah and Malachi. Here we find not only their teachings but also the hopes and dreams, the triumphs and failures, the satisfactions and frustr. of real men and women. The struggles and realities of the prophets reflect our own mid- life. How s· 'eet :::; life and yet so sad. As we make our way in the world, we are fulfilled and found wanting both at the same time. Relationships with parents, children, spouses, friends, God and our own inner selves often seem in conflict and challenge us each day. How wonderful is this business of living, how wonderful and yet at times so maddening and, after all , so exciting. The word of the Prophets is the stuff of life. The third division of sacred text is The Writings, from Psalms and Proverbs to Chronicles. This part of Tanach is reflective as much as it is instructive. Here in this section the divinely inspired authors pause from life's warp and woof and share with us their deepest thoughts, what they have learned, and what they feel they must grasp in the years remaining. Here in The Writings, we are welcomed into the inner court of humanly discerned wisdom: what health and illness, welcome and loneliness, and love all mean and so much more. After living some, and yet with so much more to do, the Wisdom literature of our people helps us to see the truths we may have overlooked before it is too late. Each of the three main divisions of the Tanach has its own message, but combined there is a lesson too. Taken separately, the sections reflect the stages of our lives, but jointly they teach us about faith. And, thus, their unified greatness is revealed when we can understand more clearly the faith we need in God and in ourselves. God gives us the means, but we must realize we can and must use our gifts, the sacred gifts we each receive. Tanach teaches us of life. May we each live it with faith, love, and joy. Rabbi Bradley N Bleefeld 1

BUI 1 J-~ IlN - American Jewish Archives

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Students of Sacred Scripture know that there are three main divisions of the text, Torah, Neviim, and K'tuvim: The Torah (The Law), the section known as The Prophets, and The Writings. We call our scripture TaNaCh, an acronym made of the first letter of each of these sections. Convenient as these holy elements are to distinguish between different authors , time periods and thoughts, taken separately as well as combined, their structure alone can tdch us about life.

- Torah is the first main section containing the Five Books of M9ses. We aU know them as Genesis, Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , and Deuteronomy. Their combined wisdom transcends the ages and, as I view it, reflects the first stage of our lives.

"In the Beginning" from birth to youth as we grow and develop, it is the laws and commandments , the rules, that form our behavior patterns. We learn right from wrong, how to make choices , and what paths to follow in living quality lives. The Torah, at the onset , positions us for well-being as we develop our faith in God and in ourselves. ..

The second division of holy writ is the Prophets, from Joshua and Judges to Zechariah and Malachi. Here we find not only their teachings but also the hopes and dreams, the triumphs and failures , the satisfactions and frus tr. of real men and women. The struggles and realities of the prophets reflect our own mid­life. How s· 'eet :::; life and yet so sad. As we make our way in the world , we are fulfilled and found wanting both at the same time. Relationships with parents, children, spouses, friends, God and our own inner selves often seem in conflict and challenge us each day. How wonderful is this business of living, how wonderful and yet at times so maddening and, after all , so exciting. The word of the Prophets is the stuff of life.

The third division of sacred text is The Writings , from Psalms and Proverbs to Chronicles. This part of Tanach is reflective as much as it is instructive. Here in this section the divinely inspired authors pause from life's warp and woof and share with us their deepest thoughts, what they have learned, and what they feel they must grasp in the years remaining. Here in The Writings, we are welcomed into the inner court of humanly discerned wisdom: what health and illness, welcome and loneliness, and love all mean and so much more. After living some, and yet with so much more to do, the Wisdom literature of our people helps us to see the truths we may have overlooked before it is too late.

Each of the three main divisions of the Tanach has its own message, but combined there is a lesson too. Taken separately, the sections reflect the stages of our lives, but jointly they teach us about faith.

And, thus, their unified greatness is revealed when we can understand more clearly the faith we need in God and in ourselves. God gives us the means, but we must realize we can and must use our gifts , the sacred gifts we each receive.

Tanach teaches us of life. May we each live it with faith, love, and joy.

Rabbi Bradley N Bleefeld




Serve the Lord with gladness . ..

There are many ways that one serves -- as congregant, as leader, as Jewish professional. It is the role of the cantor to serve Jewish music, to serve the Jewish people, and to serve Judaism. God gives the cantor the gift of voice and then we raise our voices in service ultimately to God.

Over the past four years I have had the added privilege of serving my cantorial colleagues as the first woman president of the American Conference of Cantors. I am grateful to you, my congregational family, for allowing me to serve in this manner, and I would like to share with you some of the recent activities of the American Reform Cantorate which have had an impact on synagogue life and, therefore, on Temple Israel.

As the voice of the American Reform Cantorate, the ACC serves first and foremost to preserve and perpetuate synagogue life through music. The ACC has been a partner with the UAHC, HUC-JIR, and the CCAR on the Commission on Synagogue Music since it was called into being by Rabbi Alexander Schindler at the UAHC Biennial in 1985. I have had the personal honor of serving continuously on the Commission, first as an ACC delegate, then as the ACC chair, and now ex-officio.

Additionally, in the last four years we have increased ACC representation on virtually all committees and commissions of the UAHe. We have cantors serving actively on committees and commissions dealing with Education, Outreach, ReligiOUS living, Synagogue Management, Youth, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Youth Suicide, Ethics, Small Congregations, and Older Adults. We have an ever-increasing number of cantors serving on planning committees and as faculty at UAHC Camp-Institutes such as GUCr.

The leadership of the ACC has been meeting and dialoguing regularly with the leadership from the UAHC, HUC-JIR, our rabbinic and administrative colleagues in their professional organizations of the Reform movement, the Cantors' Assembly, (our counterpart in the Conservative movement), and the Guild of Temple Musicians, our affiliate organization made up of composers, organists, music directors, music teachers, and temple soloists.

Last year our annual convention took place in Baltimore, Maryland. Because of the proximity to Washington, D.C. , we were able to spend a day at the US Holocaust Museum. We were well over 100 cantors, temple musicians and families touring together as a very unique community. The day ended with a cantorial memorial concert. Almost all of those who participated were either survivors or family of survivors. I was given the honor of closing the concert by leading all of the cantors in singing "Ani Maamin."

This year our annual concert will take place in Houston, Texas, with the theme, "Reclaiming the Spiritual." Each day will begin with a keynote address dealing with issues of integrating spirituality into our lives, our communities, our music.

The concerts will consist of six segments presented in two evenings. The segments are: The Woman's Voice in Jewish Music, The Music of St. Petersburg, Yiddish Choral Music, Organ Masterpieces, The Houston Children's Choir, and Music of the Jewish South: A Multimedia Presentation.

During our convention we will honor the 25- , 36-, and 40-year graduates of the HUC-JIR School of Sacred Music. We will induct new members into the ACC, including the 1995 graduates of HUC, and install a new president. The ACC will honor Cantor Barbara Horowitz, the 1st woman graduate of HUC-JIR SSM, and I will be honored as I complete my term as the first woman president of the ACe.

Stepping down as president of the ACC represents for me, not an end, but a new beginning, just as our Temple is preparing for new beginnings. This has been an exciting time to serve my cantorial colleagues ; this promises to be a very exciting time to serve Temple Israel.

I wish all of you a restful, peaceful summer of blessings and renewal.

Cantor Vicki L. Axe


With Summer approaching .. here are a few simple reminders for you:

1. Temple Israel functions between the end of school and the beginning of school. Our offices will continue to be open Monday - Friday and we're here to serve you. our congregants. with whatever you need from your house of worship.

2. Summer Shabbat Eve Services will continue our pattern with First Friday services at 7PM and all others at 8PM. Check the calendar in this issue.

3 . Our fiscal year ends June 30th , so those of you that not as yet fulfilled your membership contribution pledge , please contact the business office this month. (For your convenience , we do accept Visa & MasterCard.)

4 . This is YOUR congregation . We hope you will suggest Temple Israel to new and/or unaffiliated families moving to Columbus , or fellow Jews who are looking for a spiritual home. (We also have a home for your energies , with a committee for everyone! Call the Temple office at 866-0010.)

5 . Our July Bulletin is a combined July and August publication. If you have calendar items that need to be printed for August distribution , please have them to us by June 15th .

Finally, if you're going out of town over the summer , please do so carefully! Have a great summer!

Paul Dicker, Executive Director



Temple Israel's sanctuary is equipped with a transmitter that feeds our public address system into portable receivers for use by our hearing impaired congregants . Recently , having rece ived a notification that the system wasn 't working properly. we invited the local distributor out to check the system. We found that one of our receivers was in fact in need of repair and have sent it off to the shop.

Each receiver costs approximately $250. If you would like to purchase your own unit. you may do so by contacting the Columbus Speech & Hearing Center on North High Street . (Tell them it ' s for use at Temple Israel to make certain you g.; t the right frequency model.) If , on the other hand, you 'd like to purchase one for the Temple ' s use , please contact Paul Dicker at 866-0010.

(Rahbi Bleefeld addresses the Annual Congregational Meeting on April 28th.)

(Immediate past president Fred Summer administers the oath of office to 3 Temple Israel president Dr. Steven A. Tuckerman while the rest of the officers and new Board afTrustee memhers look on at the Annual Meeting)


As we told you via via letter May 2nd, a special congregational meeting wiD be held on Tuesday, June 6th at TPM for the purpose of ratifying the Board of Trustees' selection of Rabbi Arthur P. Nemitoff as the new Spiritual leader of Temple Israel. Please make every effort to attend. (Baby sitting will be provided for those who need it.)

A brief vitae fo Rabbi Nemitoff appears below. If you have any questiona about Rabbi Nemitoff or the process or selection, please call any of the officers or

members or the Board of Trustees (whose names are found elsewhere in this Bulletin.)

Steven A. Tuckerman, President


Personal Data: Married: Children:



Born July 29, 1954, Kansas City, Missouri December 27, 1987 to Leslie Ringel Elana Rose & William Samuel (5 & 3 years old)

HUC-JIR, Cincinnati, 1981 Master of Hebrew Letters, HUC-Cincinnati BA, Washington University, St. Louis

Temple Ohabei Shalom, Brookline, Massachusetts (currently) Temple Beth Shalom, Peabody, Massachusetts Temple Shalom, Levittown, Pennsylvania Congregation Beth EI, Missouri City, Texas Congregation Beth Israel, (Assistant Rabbi) Houston, Texas

Rabbi Nemitoff has been the chair of the Conversion Committee of the CCAR, a member of the UAHC/ CCAR Commission on Reform Jewish Outreach, a member of the Joint Commission on Jewish Education, a member of the Bio-Ethics Committee of the UAHC, member of the North Shore Rabbinical Association, the Massachusetts Board of Rabbis , the Northeast Association of Reform RabbiS, the Boston Association of Reform Rabbis, and the Greater Philadelphia Board of Rabbis. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of the North Shore, is a past president of the Delaware Valley Association of Rabbis, a former advisor to the Hillel Society of Bucks County Community College, and a member of the Commission On Jewish Education for the Delaware Valley.

Rabbi Nemitoff brings 14 years of rabbinic experience with him. He has a deep commitment to the concept of Tikkun Olam, bringing wholeness and healing to the world. In this regard , he has been involved for years in issues of Social Justice, Outreach and Spirituality, as evidenced above.

Beyond his congregational duties, Rabbi Nemitoff serves as a bi-weekly religion columnist for two daily Boston-area newspapers and has produced numerous articles , liturgical ceremonies , and books . He is an accomplished author, poet, and lecturer. Among his list of awards, he is most proud to have been the recipient of the HUC-JIR Cora Kahn prize for best sermon delivery and oratory in 1981.

4 He and his family enjoy the outdoors, especially hiking. In his "spare time," Rabbi Nemitoff writes, explores

hO\.V to interface Judaism with modem technology, and is an amateur photographer.

Y AC Picnic with the POPS will be Saturday, July 22, 1995. You must be at Temple Israel by 6:00 PM to caravan. Dinner will be provided -but you must pre-purchase tickets at any Big Bear Supermarket. RSVP to Laura Greenland, 855-3051, no later than July 15th.

The YAC is having a Shabbat Service on Friday , June 23rd at 7 :00 PM in the Temple Israel Chapel. It will be followed by a potluck dessert in the Temple Library. This is a free event . New members and prospective members are encouraged to attend .

Long-time congregant Reva Shaman has moved to Karrington at Tucker Creek and is enthusiastically welcoming guests and calls!

Reva's address & phone are:

RevaShaman Karrington at Tucker Creek 6525 North High Street Worthington OH 43085

(614) 846-6500 (Main Phone) (614) 785-6213 (private Phone)

We are again planning our new fiscal year. Your Brotherhood officers and board are excited about all the "regular" and "new" projects on our calendar. We need your support both personally and financially . Please respond positively when you receive your dues statement soon to come in the mail. Your membership is an automatic invitation to our FREE Paid­Up Members Dinner which always proves to be enjoyable.

We are in the middle of preparing committees for the follOWing projects: "The Temple Directory," "Social Action ," and "Social Events ." We would like your help. Please contact me any time at 459-3297 if you would like to become involved in any of our committees or functions or simply if you have any questions .

Sincerely, Ted M Srm1ey, Brotherhood President

(The ladies of Sisterhood prepare for their annual Sisterhood Sabhath on May 19th.)

(The 1995-96 Temple Israel Women of Reform Judaism Sisterhood Executive Board: Bottom row. left to right: Marsha Cooper. Tussy Shnider. and Belle .10 Stempel. Second row: Ellen Half, Judi Cooper. and Dehorah Kuhr. Top row: 5 Barbara Seeder. Judy Herman. and marci Delson. Not pictured: Dena Goodman. Lane Wood. and Donna Smiley.)




June 3: Michael Steven Manket Son of Ken & Linda Manket

June 10: Hilary Elizabeth Wolf Daughter of Barnet & Judith Wolf

June 17: Andrew Jared Kellerman Son of Robert & Cathryn KeDennan

June 17: Brian Jeffrey Kellerman Son of Robert & Cathryn KeDennan

Parents: Pictures for Bar/ Bat Mitzvah must be received by the first of each month prior to the month of the BarlBat Mitzvah. Put in Bulletin mailbox. Wallet size school pictures are recommended.


Our library shelves have new books for summer reading enjoyment.

Sacred Chain - The History of the Jews - by Norman Cantor

Putting God on the Guest list - How to reclaim the spiritual meaning of your child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah - by Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin

FaSCinating Rhythm -- The collaboration of George and Ira Gershwin - by Deena Rosenberg

Prizes - by Eric Segal

Carousel - by Belva Plain

Now - by Lauren Bacall


The Shabbat van is scheduled for June 9. For reservations, call Kim at Heritage Tower, 237-252l. Seats are available on a first­come, first-served basis .


... to Mrs . PollyCallif on the birth of her grandson, William David Eisenman, on May, 6, 1995;

· . . also to grandparents Dr. Lawrence and Jean Eisenman.

· .. to John and Bev Anderson on the birth of their granddaughter, Andrea Rene Hanson, on April 13, 1995.

· . . to Barry Darce, son of Bob and Irene Darce, and Julie Harris , daughter of and Betty Harris , on their forthcoming marriage.

June Schedule

of Services

Sabbath Services: Hrs! Friday of the Month

7:00PM Other Friday Evenings

8:00PM Saturday Mornings

10:30 AM

Friday, June 2,1995 First Friday

Shabbat Evening Sel'Vices 7:00 PM

Saturday, June 3, 1995 Shabbat Morning Sel'Vices

Bar Mitzvah: Michael Manket 10:30 AM

Sunday, June 4, 1995 Confirmation


Friday, June 9, 1995 Shabbat Evening Services

8:00 PM

Saturday, June 10, 1995 Shabbat Morning Sel'Vices Bat Mitzvah: Hilary Wolf


Friday, June 16, 1995 Shabbat Evening Sel'Vices

Sermon-in-Song 8:00PM

Saturday, June 17, 1995 Shabbat Morning Services

Bar Mitzvah: Andrew KeDE!lman Brian KeDennan

10:30 AM

Friday, June 23, 1995 Shabbat Evening Sel'Vices


Saturday, June 24, 1995 Shabbat Morning Sel'Vices

10:30 AM

Friday, June 30, 1995 Shabbat Evening Sel'Vices


Saturday, July 1, 1995 Shabbat Morning Sel'Vices

10:30 AM

1995 June

4 5 6 7 SHAVUOT 7:00 p.m. Jewish

7:00 p.m, Genealogical Society

Congregational Meeting 10:00 AM


11 12 13 14 , 10:00 a.m. Sisterhood I' Rabbi's Israel Trip , 7:30 p .m. Brotherhood 6:30 p.m. Calendar

Board Orientation - Library Board - Library Meeting

, 7:00 p.m. New Journey

18 19 20 21 7:30 p.m. Sisterhood Budget Meeting - Library

, Camp Begins

251 26 27 28 7:00 p.m. New Journey , 7:00 p .m. Sisterhood



II' 9:00-3:00 Sisterhood - 2 3

7:00 p.m. Budget Committee

7:30 p.m. New Journey

7:00 p.m. New Journey


15 7:00 p.m. New Journey

22 6:30 p.m. Hospice Grief Group

7:00 p.m. New Journey

29 7:00 p.m. New Journey


, 7:00 p.m.Shabbat Evening 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Services (FIRST FRIDA Y ) Morning Services

, 8:00 p.m. Sisterhood Bar Mitavah Michael Study Group - Library Manket

9 10 , 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening , 9:00 a.m. Meal & Spiel

Services , 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services

, Bat Mitzvah Hilary Wolf

16 17 8:00 p.m. Shabbat ' 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Evening Services Morning Services

, Bar Mitzvah Andrew & Brian Kellerman

23 24 7:00 p.m. YAC Service & 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Potluck Dessert -- Chapel Morning Services & Library

8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services

30 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services



At the May 2nd Open Congregational Meeting, a request was made for a listing of the officers and trustees of Temple Israel. We are pleased to provide you \\<ith the following.

IRE OFFICERS: President... ...................... Steven A. Tuckennan ... ........... .. .. 215 N. Parkview (09) ................ ... ... .. ............ 252-0759 First vice president... ...... . Jody Scheiman ..... ... ... .. ..... .. ...... .. 218 N. Parkview (09) ....... ... .......................... 258-7667 Vice president... ... ......... .. Barbara Seeder.. ... ..... ............ ... . ..4 78 Greenglade Ave. (085) .. .. ........... ..... .. .... .436-1176 Vice president. ................ Asher Moser... ........ ............... ...... 245 Eastmoor Blvd. (09) ... ... .. ..... .. ...... ....... ... 237-6371 Secretary .. .. .... ....... ....... ... Tod Friedman .. ... .. .... .................. . 226 N. Ardmore (09) .................... ...... ........... 253-4321 Asst. Secretary .. ....... .... .. . Stuart Levine .... ..... ... ........ ..... ....... 835 Strawberry Hill Road, West (13) .. .. ...... 864-5747 Treasurer ......................... Robert Kellennan ........ ....... ... ... ... 180 N. Roosevelt (09) ........... ...... ................. 239-7515 Asst. Treasurer... ... ..... .... . Michael Kuhr .. .... .............. ..... . 10367 N. Crossett Hill Drive, NW (147) .......... 866-5593 Imm. Past President... ..... Fred Summer... .... ... ........ .. ............ .40 S. Merkle Road (09) ................ .. ... .. ...... . 237-1337

AUXll.IARY PRESIDENTS: Brotherhood President...Ted Smiley ....................... .......... 1329 Langston Dr. (20) ... ... ................ ............ .459-3297 Foundation President. .... Tanny Feerer ...... .. .. ................... . 2762 Plymouth (09) ........... ........ ... ....... ..... ....... 236-8322 Sisterhood President... ... Judy Hennan ... .. .... ........... ........... 4443 Johnstown Raod (30) ...... .. ...... .... .... .... .. . 855-1357 YAC President... ............ David Hirsh ......... ....... ..... .. ......... ... 360 Spruce Hill Drive (30) ......................... 337-0946 YFTL President... ..... .... .Jenny Knight... ...... ...... .. .. .. ........ l0281 Oxford Drive, NW(147) .... ............. .. ..... 866-8536

TRUSTEES: Cheryl Agranoff ............ ... ..... ....... .. .... ........... .. ........ ......... .. .442 Woodside Lake Drive (30) ..... .. .... ..... .. .. .476-6112 Jody Altschule .. ......... ....... ... ............ .. ..... .......................... 2601 Sherwood Road (09) .. ...... .. ................ ..... 236-0871 Gary Cooper ................ .... .. ......... ...... ........ ....... ....... .... ....... 360 Clemson (30) ... ....... .............................. ... 471-8294 Stanley Cooper. ........... ... ....... ..... ..... ... ...... .. .. .. .............. ... 6232 Olde Orchard Drive (09) .......................... 861-6401 Millard Cummins .. ....... .............. ...... .. ................. ... ........ .... 172 S. Columbia (09) .... ... ..... ... ... ................... 252-3148 Douglas Davis ........ ...... ..... ........ ... ................ ...... ........ ...... 2775 Elm Avenue (09) ... ....... .. .. ... ....... ........ .. ... 237-2374 Pamela Feldman-Hill. .. ................... .. ........................ ......... 309 Sumtion Drive (30) ....... .. .. ... ..... ... ............ 471-8065 Paul Greenland ........ ... .. .... .... ........ ... ........ ... ...... .. .. ... ....... ... 969 Turcotte Drive (30) .................................. 855-3051 Barbara Guthoff .. ...................... ..... ...... .. ... ..... .. ............. .... 161 Shagbark Drive (081) ............... ..... ... .. ..... 890-7646 Robert Kaynes, Jr .. ........................ ....... ..... ....... .......... ... ...... 47 N. Stanwood (09) ........... .. .. ........ ....... ....... 239-6765 Deborah Kuhr .... ... .. .. ... ... .. ........ ............... ....... .. .... ... ...... 10367 N. Crosset Hill Drive, N.W. (147) .. .. ... ... . 866-5593 Sherry Linhart .... ....... .................... .......... .. .. ... ............. ......... 65 S. Merkle Road (09) ... ..... ... ...... .. ... .......... 236-8744 Timothy Madison .. .. .. ...... .. .. ..... .................. ..... ...... .. .... ..... .. 241 E. Kossuth (06) .. .. ........... .. ..... .... ..... ........ 444-5600 Karen Mozenter ..... ... ......... ............ ......... .. ... .. ... ... ..... ...... ... 189 McKenna Creek Drive (30) .. .. ... ... ....... ... .478-1706 Craig Myers ..... ..... .. ..... ... ........ ..... ........... ..... ....... .... .... ... .. 5350 Great Oak Way, Ap!. D. (13) ........... .. ...... 861-1681 Lynda Nacht.. ... .. ... .......... .. ........... .. .......................... .......... .... 8 Lyonsgate (09) ...... .................. : ................ 253.-7455 Barbara Robins ........ ...... ........ .... .............. ...... ........... .... .. ... 160 S. Merkle Road (09) ......... .. ..... .......... .. .. .. 237-8685 Henry Saeman ..... ............. ...... ....... ... ..... ......... ... ..... ...... .. .. .. 239 S. Kellner Road (09) ............................ ... 237-7488 Susan Schubert ..................... ... ..... ........ ........ ............ ........ 7729 Eagle Creek Drive (147) ................. .. ...... 577-0063 Beverly Shafran ........... ...... ................... .. ... .... .......... ............ .24 N. Merkle Road (09) .. ..... ... .. ..... .... .. ....... .231-5140 Tussy Shnider .. ...... ....... ... ........ ... .... ..... ... ... ... ................ ... ... 105 Nob Hill Drive, South (30) .................... .471-7093 Joyce Simson .............. ...... ..... .... ...... .... ... ...... .... ............... .. ... 17 N. Columbia (09) .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .................. . 252-1260 Dr. S. Anne Sostrom ..... ..... .. .. ............. ..... .. .... ...... ... .... ...... .. .. 99 E. Weber (02) .......... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .......... .. 262-9635 Geoffrey Stem. ...... .... ...... ... .... ...... ... ..... ........ .. ... .... ...... ... ..... 278 Crossing Creek, North (30) ...... ........... ... 337-2798 Elaine Tenenbaum .... ..... ... .... .... ...... ........ .. ...... ... .. ..... ... .. ..... . 325 S. Dawson (09) .. ...... .... .. .. .... .... .. ... .. .. ..... 258-1969 Mary Warren .......... .......... ............ ...... .... ... ........... ....... ..... ..... 73 N. Stanwood (09) ...... .... .. ..... ..... .... .... ..... 235-2788 Mindy Worly .. .. .. .. .... .... .............. ....... ........ .... .. ........... ........ .. .44 N. Columbia (09) ....... ...... ... ... .. ............ .. 253-8335

CONGRA TULA TlONS to the following congregants who are celebrating their anniversaries in June:

Allen & Muriel Gundersheimer, Jr. 6/ 01 Ronald & Barbara Robins 6/ 11 Chadwick & Jordana Treadwell 6/ 23 LaTl)' & Jean Spunt 6/ 01 BaTl)' & Peggy Rosenthal 6/ 11 Larry & Jeanne Zipser 6/ 23 Michael & Beth Jarvis 6/ 02 Norman & Rosella Shiff 6/ 11 Allen & Marcia Russakow 6/ 24 Evelyn & Meyer Hoffman 6/ 03 Ernest & Aurelia Stem 6/ 11 Milton & Arline Setnar 6/ 24 George & Vivian Huntress 6/ 03 Herbert & Roselee Weyl 6/ 11 BaTl)' & Annette Turner 6/24 James & Joyce Jacobs 6/ 03 BaTl)' & Carla Skaggs 6/ 13 Marvin & Babette Whitman 6/ 24 Phillip & Merle Greene 6/ 04 Marshall & Annette Harris 6/ 14 Jeffrey & Dawn Langer 6/ 25 Glenn & Maureen Islat 6/ 04 Marvin & Janice Rosansky 6/ 14 Laurence & Bette Jo Stempel 6/ 25 Stephen & Susan Kirschner 6/ 04 Neil & Tussy Shnider 6/ 14 Howard & Deborah Belford 6/ 26 David & Una Knight 6/ 04 Alan & Sandra Katz 6/ 15 Gilbert & Judy Feiertag 6/ 26 Mindy & James Shore 6/ 04 Paul & Lane Wood 6/ 15 Marc & Ellen Half 6/ 26 Karl & Rebecca Schedler 6/ 07 Barnet & Suzanne Greenbaum 6/ 16 Robert & Diane Hersch 6/ 26 David & Susan Selcer 6/ 07 Michael & Ina Bloomfield 6/ 17 Craig & Lisa Myers 6/ 26 Manuel & Cecelia Brandt 6/ 08 Ronald & Julie Feerer 6/ 18 Robert & Cynthia Ruberg 6/ 26 Alan & Shelly Com 6/ 08 Mark & Sheila Feinknopf 6/ 18 Fred & JoAnn Schwartz 6/ 26 Marvin & Amelia Glassman 6/ 08 Marvin & Harriet Sloin 6/ 18 Bruce & Linda Woltman 6/ 26 Franklin & Linda Kass 6/ 08 Richard & Sharon Sorensen 6/ 18 Nathan & Anna Grinshpun 6/ 27 David & Dorothy Lapine 6/ 08 Jeff & Sandra Glassman 6/ 19 Richard & Susan Janusz 6/ 28 Frederic & Maxine Kass 6/ 09 Herbert & Betty Schiff 6/ 19 Leonard & Ruth Rood 6/ 28 Max & Janet Kravitz 6/ 09 Allen & Gay Fields 6/ 20 David & Suzie Hirsh 6/ 29 Walter & Terry Robinson 6/ 09 William & Judith Pope 6/ 20 Sam & Lucille Needleman 6/ 29 Robert & Sue Shamansky 6/ 09 Sanford & Hilda Stem 6/ 20 Jeffrey & Erin Pearson 6/ 29 Kenneth & Diane Cohen 6/ 10 Bradley & Merrie Bleefeld 6/ 21 Alan & Rochelle Rosen 6/ 29 Harvey & Margo Dunn 6/ 10 Randy & Donna Gold 6/ 22 Arnold & Marilyn Berman 6/ 30 Elliott & Pat Grayson 6/ 10 Alan & Carol Lee 6/ 22 BaTl)' & Denise Grossman 6/ 30 Bruce & Sherri Lazear 6/ 10 Gerald & Ann Pruzan 6/ 22 Michael & Deborah Kuhr 6/ 30 Richard & Jean Robbins 6/ 10 Lewis & Barbara Seeder 6/ 22 E. Donald & Julie Zoog 6/ 30 Stanley & Marsha Cooper 6/ 11 Jeffrey & Pamela Borovetz 6/ 23

(pet Day at the Preschool. Students brought in their favorite pet; some live, some toys. (This one is alive.) 9



We want to acknowledge and thank those members of our congregation listed below who have shown their support and caring by setting their yearly dues at $5,000 or more:

Robert & Joan Aronson Sidney & Sally Blatt Millard & Diane Cummins Robert & Marjorie Garek Kenneth & Carol Gilman Elhott & Pat Grayson Howard & Marcy Gross Franklin & Linda Kass Arthur & Sara Jo Kobacker Arhne Landers Charles & Dorothy Lazarus Robert, Jr. & Mary Lazarus Stuart & Paula Levine Thomas & Nancy Lurie David & Bonnie Milenthal Stephen & Lynda Nacht Eleanor Resler Herbert & Betty Schiff Ernest & Aurelia Stem Steven & Judith Tuckerman Michael & Arlene Weiss Gloria Wells Les & Abigail We:xner

. .. A Tree Grows on Broad Street

Continuing the theme established by the new sanctuary Ark curtains which symbolically tie the heavens to the earth, the 1995 Temple Israel Confirmation Class has presented a living tree to their congregational family in honor of the class .

Planted on the island at the north end of the east parking lot , the 10-foot red oak replaces a tree lost to disease two years ago .

Temple Israel ' s 1995 Confirmation Class members are Rebecca Bodner , Andrea Cohn , Molly Crabill , Dalia Ermann , Lara Gantner , Tammy Girsh , Tracy Grossman, Jeffrey Lipp , Alissa Luck , Lindsey Mayer , Elizabeth Simson, Eric Smiley , Barbi Sorensen, and Jori Sorensen.

,....- ...., A Note from

Rabbi Steven A. Arnold

April 20, 1995

Dear Brad,

Thought folks in the congregation would want to know of this honor to Judah Folkman, who grew up in Columbus.

All the best, Steve

PS I was assistant at Temple Israel 1961-1965 -- regards to anyone who remembers !

From the New York Times,

April 19, 1995

This evening, at the Pierre Ho­tel in New York City, Dr. Judah Folkman, of Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital, will receive a medal, the 18th annual Bristol-Myers Squibb Distinguished Achievement Award in Cancer Research.

Selected for the award by his peers, Judah Folkman's cancer research has forever altered our understanding of the human cell.

His elucidation of the process by which a person's blood supply enables a tumor to grow -- known as angiogenesis, a field he has pioneered - has become the conceptual basis for newthinking in the fight against cancer.


Please correct the follOWing work phone numbers of Board of Trustee members that was mailed to you May 15 (in the letter with information about Rabbi Nemitoff's visit) :

Jody Altschule .. .. ...... (was) 235-1234 15 ......... ...... ...... 237-4488

Craig Myers .............. (was) 644-8597 IS ........ .... ......... 442-4514

From the Mail Bag ...

May, 16, 1995

Dear Cantor Axe,

We would like to thank you for the wonderful naming service you performed for Ashley and Lindsay today. This was not only a very important event for our family, but our first contact with Temple Israel since becoming members .

You made this occasion very special for us and our famiy. We greatly appreciate you taking time to learn about our heritage and incorporating this into the service.


Mike, Amy, Ashley, Lindsay, & Familv (The Effrons)



At a ceremony Thursday night , May 18th, th e Columbus area Salvation Army honored three Temple Israel members for their volunteer service to the Army . Hosted by TV 6 ' s Bob Heatherington , the volunteer recognition saluted nearly 100 persons and companies for their assistance through the year in aiding Columbus' needy families .

The three salutees were Bob Glick , Saul Sokol and Paul Dicker , all of whom also serve on the Army 's Advisory Board .


Perfect attendance Awards were received by: Rachel Cohen, Marguerite Summer, Daniel Eisoll Matthew Farber, Jeffrey Farber, and Kenneth Stempel.

Awards for no more than 2 absences were received by: Tracy Gold, Sophie Loewengart, Daniel Russakow, Shane Brenner. Amy Gold, Rachel Mozenter, Erik Edwards. Gina Loewengart, Rachel Cowen, Lindsey Edwards, Jeffrey Levison, Joel Davis. Mark Stempel, Elliott Edwards, Jordan Hilbrands, Kyle Pearson, Jeffrey Cowen, Andrea Davis, Jennifer Levine, Rachel Lichtcsien, Lindsay Bergman, RebecaPruzan, Joelle Robbins, Danielle Robbins, Wendy Zeldin, Danielle Brazina, Jordan Seeder, Apryl Ehmann, Andrew Dickstein, Jessica Levenstein, Gabrielle Seeder, Stacey Lipp.

Parent Handbook Logo Contest Winners, Runners-Up, and Honorable Mentions: Jeremy Rozensky, Noah Axe, Danielle Robbins, Marguerite Summer, Rachel Mozenter, Jenny Jarvis, Jeff Farber.

Thefollowingfanlilies of the students were recognized for participation in the second-grade program, Bet Bible Heroes: Daniel Elson, JoshuaKirschner, Kevin Bowen, Benjamin Meisel , Lindsey Greenwald,Zachary Sugarman, Billy Ridgway, Diana Schall, Daniel Axe, Lindsay Bergman, Erik Edwards, Jonathan Skaggs, Mitchell Keiden, Debbie Bain.

Thankyou, Marc Simon, Ron Cohen, and Barbara Seeder, for our closing picnic. Leftovers were taken to the Open Shelter.

Religious School students have voted to sent this year's tzedakah collection to these organizations : MAZON, Explosion Relief Fund (Oklahoma City), AIDS Taks Force, Heritage House, Children's Hospital, Jewish National Fund, Shalom House, and Cancer Research.

A great big thank-you to auctioneer extraordinaire Rabbi Bleefeld, bakers, and buyers of the cakes for our first (but certainly not last) Jewish Cake Bake Auction. A total of $502 was collected toward next year's Tu B'Shvat Seder and other special activities!

The Educator's Corne ~-======--~ Do Something Jewish this Summer!

1. Read a Jewish book . 2. Read a Jewish book to your children . 3. Send your children to a Jewish camp . 4. While on vacation , take time to seek out a Jewish site . 5. Come to services . 6 . Give to tzedakah . 7. Perform an act of tzedakah . 8 . Do a mitzvah . 9 . Learn something new about Judaism . 10 . SEND IN YOUR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FORM AND FEE AS

SOON AS YOU GET IT IN THE MAIL! Karen R. Elson, RJE Religious School Director

Card Received by the Religious School

Dear Temple Israel, Thank you for the cards and posters you sent us. They cheer the children, their families. and the people who work at Children's Hospital. Thank you for your prayers. Gratefully, Mary B. Buckner,Pharmacist Children's Hospital, Oklahoma City, OK

The following letter was also received:

Monday. May 01,1995

Karen R Elson Educator Tempie Israel 54) 9 East Broad Street Columbus. OH 43213

Dear Karen,


On behalf of the people of Oklahoma. thank you for your kind words of sympathy in the wake of the Murrah Federal Building tragedy. Although we have much yet to do, the help and suppon of thousands of Americans and people around the world have already made our path to healing smoother.

This awful event has once again reminded us that we are no! JUS! Oklahomans or Californians or Virginians or Texans, but Americans and members of the world community. When our own are hun or threatened. we respond. irrespective of state line or region. The outpouring of caring and concern from our fellow citizens bas simply overwhelmed us.

The world has touched our hean. As we grieve our losses and repair the damage, you will always be in our thoughts and prayers, as we know wc are in yours.

Frank Keating Governor



It's Child's Play My earliest remembered toys were my paper dolls and my swing set. I remember the best part about getting the common

childhood illnesses and staying home from school was that I would get a new book of paper dolls. Once I would cut the dolls and their wardrobes from the book, I would spend hours changing the dolls fashions and their dialogues.

When I was 4 or 5 years old, my swing set, which had 2 swings and a glider, was where I would spend hours in my cowgirl outfit riding my swings or saddling my glider with my cowboy husband, Randy, who lived 3 doors away. I really wanted to be a cowgirl when I grew up, but only too soon realized that "a nice Jewish girl who has allergies" doesn't end up around horses

on the range! I can think of no other experience in a child's life that provides the same opportunity to grow and interact as does the time

for play where ideas and passions can develop to their fullest. Selma Wasserman (1990) wrote how she saw children and play:

We see young children learning much and we say, "Yes, this is good. They are learning what is important." We see them designing experiments, exploring, investigating, making decisions, and problem solving. We see them generate, create, invent. We see them use language more skillfully and relate to each other more sucessfully. As we observe young children playing, the boundaries of what is work and what is play evaporate. We know, in fact, that children are working and in these work-play settings we see what they are learning. We see how play empowers them.

Cheryl Greenhut, Preschool Director

(Preschoolers rehearse for their gala musical "Tikki Tikki Tembo, " presented May 25th at the Preschool Open House, Musical and Art Show.)


Ingredients: 1 Cup Friendly Words 2 Heaping Cups of Understanding 4 Heaping Teaspoons of Time and Patience A Pinch of Warm Personality Dash of Humor

Mixing: Measure words carefully. Add

heaping cups of understanding . Use generous amounts of time and patience.

Cook on front burner, but keep temperature low, do not boil.

Add generous dash of humor and personality.

Season to taste with the spice of life.

Serve in individual molds.

tHGHt1~ yo !II The Presch ool community

gratefully appreciates the congregants who answered last month's call for donations .

Thank you to Karen Mozenter who donated 2 tricycles .

Thank you to Gerald and Ann Pruzan who donated beautiful potted plants .

We can't do it without all of you!

(. .. The peeker . . .)

Inspired by David Letterman's Nightly Top Ten Lists, the Preschool Staff has observed, and verified, the Top Six Styles in which our students eat their challah:

1. The Dipper - dips challah into apple juice 2. The Peeker - tears out middle of challah and peeks through hole 3. The Ripper - rips the crust off 4 . The Roller - rolls challah into bread balls 5 . The Bird Picker - piCks the middle of the challah like a little bird 6 . The Waiter - doesn't wait on tables, rather s/he waits for butter'

(Here are at least four of the ways to eat challah on Shahhat: The ripper (Ie/i) and The Bird Picker (right).)

"" f

( ... The dipper . . .) 13


T£MVL£I~~£LV~£~GHOOL invitts 1-Yt -5 1ear olds to

CtJM6 PI..AY 4 , L6AI7~~ , .. ~t~LI, (~tIt!.j . ." . cr, . J r--'i' V/ tf'f"I I/ ~\ If,(/ i;l.~"

We Offtr: C.olumbus· l'remitr Multi-agt G.roup 'Prtsthool

A C.hild - dirttltd 'Program' £~ptritnttd. C.trtifitd T eathtrs £~ttndtd Da1 f\. Lunth 'Programs

Optn To Ttmple Isratl Mtmbtrs f\. Non-Mtmbers A\i\:t


~1'Ac.£ 14f> UMIT£D - C.a\\ :mDM!

T£MVL£ I~\ZA£L V1Z-£.UIlOOL 541' £ . ~F-Of'J) ~TF££T C.OLUM~U~. Oil 4'J1.1~

(1,14) SI,I, - 0010 FN<.: SI,I,-1041,

Temple Israel is Proud to Present The Confirmands of 1995

Confirmation will take place on Sunday Morning June 4 , 1995 at 10:00 AM

Rebecca Bodner, daughter of Nathan and Merry Bodner Andrea Denise Cohn, daughter of Bill and Sandi Cohn Molly F. Crabill, daughter of John and Barbara Crabill

Dalia Iris Ermann, daughter of Renato and Edith Ermann Lara Michelle Gantner, daughter of John and Leslee Gantner

Tarruny Girsh, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Girsh Tracy Lynn Grossman, daughter of Bany and Denise Grossman

Jeffrey Andrew Lipp, son of Michael and Barb Upp Alissa Rofsky Luck, daughter of Joel and Rebecca Luck .

Undsey N. Mayer, daughter of Ron and Sue Mayer Elizabeth Bryn Simson, daughter of Douglas and Joyce Simson

Eric Bernard Smiley, son of Dr. Ted and Donna Smiley Barbara Lynn Sorensen, daughter of Richard and Sharon Sorensen

Jori Ann Sorensen, daughter of Richard and Sharon Sorensen

The Congregation is invited to share in this beautiful experience.


The Jewish Genealogical Society of Columbus , founded in February 1995, is now meeting the 1st Wednesday of each month at Temple Israel. The J.G.S.c. , founded by Randy Wasserstrom, Jules Dugre, and Marge Gross, is open to anyone interested in Jewish genealogy, presentations on Jewish genealogical subjects, and sharing information about family ties and histories.

The June meeting will feature a talk, "Records at Temple Israel and The Ohio Historical Society," June 7 , 7:00-8:30 PM, by Kim Feinknopf, Temple Israel member in charge of archives and archivist at The Ohio Historical Society. She brings a unique blend of personal interest and professional expertise to her presentation.

Upcoming talks will be: "How to Preserve your Documents," July 5, Miriam Kahn "Computers and Genealogy," August 2, Leonard Spieler "The Purpose for Writing a Family History," September 6, Morris Schottenstein. There is no fee . For further information, call Randy Wasserstrom at 899-7990.


Young Folks Temple League (YFTL)

Elects New Leaders

On May 21. Temple Israel's YFTL held elections for the 1995-19% year. Those elected are:

Jenny Knight. President

Stephanie Solomon. Vice-President Social Action

Lea Snyder. Vice-President Programming

Lara Gantner, Secretary

Amy Dicker. Treasurer

Jennifer Henkin. Journalist

The congregation and staff of Temple Israel are pleased to announce the introduction of the New Leadership Program. According to Tod Friedman, Chairman of the New Leadership Committee, this program is designed to identify and train temple leaders prior to their assuming leadership roles . A series of seven seminars on Jewish History and Identity, Congregation and Community Involvement, and Effective Leadership will be lead by top nationally recognized speakers .

The Columbus Jewish Federation has taken an active role in the development of this program. According to Mitch Orlich of the CJF, "I view one of the Federation's primary responsibilities as leadership development for our community. Federation is pleased to partner with Temple Israel. I strongly believe in working with our congregations because they are an essential gateway institution for insuring the vibrancy and Jewish character for our community."

There is no program of this nature in effect anywhere in the nation. According to David Dosamantes , Associate Director of the Department of Synagogue Management, Union of American Hebrew Congregations , "This type of project will not only fill a critically important need, but also have the potential of producing valuable written publications so that other synagogues could establish similar efforts ."

Candidates will be contacted shortly, inviting them to participate in the Temple Israel New Leadership Program. The program is scheduled to kick off in August and run through the Spring of 1996. Upon completion, participants will be encouraged to become active leaders in the Temple and the community.

(Goodies from the Annual Meeting on April 28th.) 15









The Human Race is the largest community-wide fund raising event for non-profit organizations in central Ohio. It is sponsored by FIRSTIJNK and WENS lOW. 1995 will mark the 6th year of the event and the 1st for our congregation.

The sixth annual Human Race will be held Sunday July 9,1995 rain or shine The event begins at the State House Lawn -High St, Downtown

Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. Offidal start is 7:30 a.m. The course remains open until 11 :00 a.m.

You may Choose: A 10k course through Downtown and Gennan Village sidewalks and bike paths or a 2.8 Mile "fun course." On the morning of the race registration time is flexible. Temple Israel Preschool will have a booth set up on the state house lawn.

Come out to walk, run, or stroll with us and support your congregation's Preschool.

You need not walk, run, or stroll to help in our effort. Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated.

Our preschool kids and parent's need your help to reach our $5,000 goal! (A computer, video camera, laminating machine, t~pe players, and earphones, are some of the items our classroom needs for the 1995-96 school yeil'; ,\' .

I In 1994 $130,000 was raised for 116 organizations I 75% of the first $5,000. we raise goes to Temp!e Israel Preschool I 90% of all additional funds we raise goes to Temple Israel Preschool I FIRSTUNK uses the balance of the proceeds for prizeS' and event expenses I Your contribution is Tax Deductible

If you have questions please call Cheryl Greenhut, Preschool Director, at 866-0010, or Donna Honick at 855-7907.

Please print. All checks should be made payable to The Human Race. Thanks for your support!

Name ________________________________________ __ Phone # ______________ _

Address __________________________________ City _____ State __ Zip __

__ I am making a Tax-Deductible Donation of $ __ . My check is enclosed. __ I also would like to participate in the event on Sunday, July 9th. __ I would like to walk, and am willing to circulate a pledge fonn at my place of business and in my

neighborhood. (For raising $100 or more you will receive a Temple Israel Preschool supporter's T-Shirt.)

If you are planning to walk. or will walk and circulate a pledge fonn, please return this fonn to Temple Israel Preschool as soon as possible. You will receive additional infonnation through the mail.




Donor Harriet Schiff Ann Pollack Shirley Stern


Donor Sue Cohn Richard & Bunny Kotzer Dick & Judy Ridgway

Donor Dottie Fenburr

In Appreciation of Birthday Uniongram Birthday Uniongram Birthday Uniongram


Donor Ted & Bevlyn Simson

Judith Summer Hope Ellen, Geoff, Glenn & Betsy Kaplan

In Appreciation of Giant " 5 7th Anniversary" Uniongram Birthday Uniongram Uniongram & Shabbat Dinner after Leonard Kaplan 's death

In Memory of Leonard Schiff JEWISH CHAUTAUQUA SOCIETY Dr. Mervyn L. Falk

Donor In Memory of

Joan Hattenbach Ira Hattenbach In Honor of Anniversaries of: Mr. & Mrs . Paul Brisk Harry & Lois Hofheimer Irving & Mildred Schuster Mr. & Mrs . Gilbert Siegel


If you prefer not to receive recognition in the Temple Israel Bulletin for your anniversary, please call Barbara Wilson at the Temple office, 866-00 1 O.

(Karen Mitzman and Karen Elson, Religious School Director, set up for the Kindergarten Shabbat Dinner.) (Kindergarten Shabbat Dinner, May 5, 1995 .)



Donor Walter & Terry Robinson

Richard & Bunny Kotzer


Donor Mark & Sheila Feinknopf


Donor Betty B. Luft

Aladar Zipser


Donor Jules & Judy Garel Matthew & Ilene Bronson Ethel Schreiber

In Memory of Mimi Dinitz Sophie Gelbort Leonard Schiff Sophie Gelbort Jack Jay

Special Holiday Contribution

In Memory of Jacob F. Luft Charles F. Luft Wife, Bess Zipser Father, Louis Zipser

In Memory of Leonard Schiff Nathan Bronson Samuel Schreiber Daniel Minner

Howard Jay RosenbergMother, Martha Rosenberg

Donor Dick & Gig Matheney

In Honor of Robert Shamansky's Birthday


Donor Esther B. Greenwald

In Memory of Mother, Mildred Bondy


Donor Sharon S. Henkin Dr. & Mrs . William Schiff

In Memory of Abraham Weissman Leonard Schiff


Donor Mary M. Brandwein

Mona Adams

Donor Michael & Barb Weckstein Dan & Heather Stanich Ted & Bev Simson

Mitchell & Sylvia Blazar Mary M. Brandwein Betty J. Jay

In Memory of Max Moskowitz Esther Pasternack Moskowitz Samuel H. Stem Sophie Gelbort

In Appreciation of His visit with David & Brian Assistance and caring support Conducting members ' trip to Israel & presentation at Adult Education Anniversary Uniongram Beautiful baby naming service Assistance at funeral service for Jack


Donor Ernest & Aurelia Stem


Donor Raymond Kahn Bertha Fine Ralph & Joan Rosenblum

Donor Cliff & Deane Schall

In Memory of Yetta Grundstein Jack Jay Leonard Kaplan Leonard Schiff

In Memory of Aaron Kahn Malcolm Fine Harry & Ruth Friedman

In Appreciation of Rabbi Bleefeld ' s help in planning our wedding & for officiating at the ceremony



Temple Israel Foundation was established in 1969 in order to insure Temple Israel's financial security. The Foundation has its own board of directors , committee structure, and operates under its own Articles and Guidelines . Temple Israel Foundation uses the funds that have been set up to assist Temple Israel with special projects and events. At this time , the Foundation has several different funds set up for specific and general purposes . The Foundation would like to thank all of those involved with making these funds possible . Each year the Foundation helps to fund trips to Israel , New York City, and GUCI Camp . The Foundation also assists with other events throughout the year . We would like to thank all of our donors for being so generous during the past year .

If anyone would like information on any of our funds or would like would like to make a contribution, please contact Gloria McCoy, Administrator , at Temple Israel Foundation , (614) 866-0010 .




PRESIDENT Stanton Feerer


SECRETARY Irving Barkan

TREASURER Henry Epstein

Nathan Goldberg Fred Goodman

Lee Hess Robert Kaynes, Sr. Sara Jo Kobacker

B.D. Krakoff Thomas Lurie

Leonard Nusbaum George Rosenberger

Ernest Stern Herbert Weyl

Steven Tuckerman, Temple President Judy Herman, Sisterhood President Ted Smiley, Brotherhood President

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the board members that served during this past year. We would also like to welcome the newest board members to the Foundation board. Everyone at Temple Israel Foundation is looking forward to meeting the needs of the congregants to the best of our ability.


Donor Seyman & Sadie Stem

Harold & Harriet Korn Harriet Schiff Jim & Barbara Brenner Murray & Norma Katcher Seyman & Sadie Stem Richard & Bunny Kotzer Allen & Muriel Gundersheimer Betty Mattlin

In Memory of Dr. Mervyn L. Falk Morton Wechter Jack Jay Leonard Schiff

Leonard Schiff Pearl Sillman


Donor David & Bea Roth


In Memory of Leonard Schiff


Donor Neil & Tussy Shnider

Donor Neil & Tussy Shnider

In Memory of Leonard Schiff

In Honor of Birth of Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Yavitch's granddaughter


Donor Ted & Bevlyn Simson

Donor Ted & Bevlyn Simson

In Memory of Yetta Grundstein Rose Gurevitz Willard Levin David Levison Richard Lieberman Leonard Schiff

In Honor of Anniversaries of: Morton & Frances Gumble Ben & Charlotte Kahn Robert & Mary Lazarus Allan & Rose Meyer Gordon & Fehce Schiffman


Donor Lester & Barbara Weinberg

Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Burman & Family

In Memory of Dr. Mervyn L. Falk Ida Green Ida Green

~ 00 o

.... 1


(Rabbi Bleefe/d makes certain all the "i'lls are dotted and all the "t";s are crossed on the marriage license of new congregants Craig Friedman and Dehorah Howard. )


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1l1e following yahrzeits will be read on the dates listed,

June2&3 Ellen Bric. Saide Weiss Welber Rose Alexander Rostie Cohen Jennie Weston U1tian Baum Walter W. Cohn Rose Zager Nathan Bennigson Leonard Dammann Catherine GUlwin Caller Max Dreifus June 16 & 17 Hetman Cantor Miriam Mickey Oritz Alexander Berger

Ethel Davis Etta Epstein Faye Btiman

Jeffrey Delnostm David M. Feerer Abe H . Borisky

Edith Engelman Rosa FOlman David Brandt Rose Fink Sadie Friedman Esther Heinbet'g Boxer Josef Fleisch Frank A. Glick Atice Cheses

Hany Freid Emily D . Goldsmith Fannie Cohen

Lillian Freidenbet'g Robeti M. Granat, Sr. Nathan Cohen

Rose Fliedman Pesha Gurwin Matilda Cooper

Helen Gusky Goodman Annie Hacker Raymond L. Effron

Ethel Grossman Jane K Hess Etta Freeman

Bess Heller Jack HOlWitz Charlie Freidenberg

Sidney Hollander Stuart Alan Hyman Arnold Goldman

George Kamer Mildred Kellerman Barney Goldstein

Betty Kapson Dora Krakoff Nicholas M. Greenberger

Isadore Klein Mildred Landesman Esther Gross Monis Lerer Sol Leland Ruth Gup

Rae Levine Eva Levy Hamel Gurwin

Reva Levoff Hattie Kaichen Levy Wiltiam V. Kahn

Alan Mickler Kurt M. Loewengart Augusta Kirschner

Ben Newhouse Morris Matttin Ellis G . Krupnick

Margaretha Reich Charlotte Mark Mentser Virginia Levison

Martin Samann Leo B. Pilzer Sayde Maybrook

Benjamin Shafran Bernard Pollack Isaac Miller

Hany Sher J . C. Robins Fannie Papier

Harold I. Shuman Samuel Israel Rothman Rose G. Rosenberg

Alfred Sigall Lucy Rubin Zalmon Rosenfeld

Ralph Soller Theodore H. Schmidt Moltie Rotblatt

A1bet1 Z. Sutton Belle Dreyfus Silverman Getirude Rubenstein

Douglas Joseph Walker Henry O. Slone Hyman Schram

Ann Weinberg MOIion S. Solomon Clara Schwartz

Celia Wolinetz Reily Stoltz Lena Cohen Shore

Wiltiam G . Summer Yetta Silberman June 9 & 10 Donna Teitelbaum Abraham Sillman

Bamey Brandwene Florence Josel Tenenbaum Justin L. Sillman

INMEMORIUM We record with deep sorrow the passing of:

Jack Cupples Paul Herwald SyMa SeJcer

Leo Silverberg Joseph Skilken Sam SkuJler Frances Stein

Dr. Samuel L. Thall Isaac M. Teitelbaum Dr. I.Jonel Weston Alex Winner

June 23 & 24 David Block Isadore Wiltiam Brandwein Jack Brenner Joseph Busch Herbert Todd Cobey Esther S . Cohen Katheryn Levy Cohen Ben Cowail Max David Freed

Bertha Haas Freedman Maurice Goldberg Abraham Greenberg Harry L. Gurwin Bruce Hoffman Meyer Jacobson Lina H. Judis Alta Kravitz Ralph Lazarus Hermine Lehnet1 Benjamin H . Lurie Herbert Marcus Minnie Marinoff Reuben Nusbaum Louise Omstein Ralph Frederick Pariser Menhler Pass Nancy Pope Rose Shenk Reich Newman W. Roseberry

Hany Rubenstein Benjamin Rudolph Harry Shiff Jacob Shohet Helen Tarcov

~erry Wechsler A,Iex .Weinberg Lottie Lopin WeIIs~

June 30 & JyJy I Lena Atkin Dena Bennetf

" Edward Blazar ~ Emestine Burman Loraine Coombs Dorothy Donanberg Ben Dorman Dr. Sheldon Fellman Herbert L. FenbUlT Gerald Melvin Friedman Samuel Goldstein Clara Goodman David Gyer Harriet Silverman Hailperin Sam Heller Morris Kohn Morton G. Levy Jerry Office Ethel Rose Pautine Rosen Dr. Henry Ross Sam J . Schlonsky Fred Silbet,stein

Robet1 P . Spunt Lillian Union Marcy Nadine Zitron Joseph Zox Josephine Zuckerman Louis ZucketTnan

TEMPLE ISRAEL 5419 E. Broad st.

Columbus, Ohio 43213-1499 (614) 866-0010 Fax: (614)866-0046


Cousin of Tussy Shnider Uncle of Ronald M Cohen Brother-in-lL1w of Erwin Cohen

Mother of David Selcer ~18~ ~~~~18~~t :.:::::: ~~~a~~~:;'d"'~ VICE PRESIDENT H HHHH ........... Asher Moser

Norma Darnrauer Pearle SiDman Mother of Nancy Greenwald Esther Mozenter

Grandmother of Michael Mozenter Patricia Rossio Stupay Mary Scheinblatt Elegant Grandmother of Karen Dicker


HUC-JIR Library 3101 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati OH 45220

Aunt of Marc Rossio Sister-m-lL1w of Sandy Rossio

TREASURER ..................... Robert Kellerman ~~~kJfi~SURE.R. .. ............. .. Michael Kuhr

..... Tod Friedman

bS~~WIR~1IDENT :::"F~~agu~~~~ RELI IOJJ J'6~I5btOR .............. Paul Dicker DIRECTOR .... H .. H.............. Karen Elson PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR ..... Cheryl Greenhut ~f§~~~~B8N PRESIDENT .. ·· H. Tanny Feerer

D PRESIDENT ....... Judy Herman ~§8~~EMOfr~ t~~~REGiiii6NTed Smiley PRES ....................... H ................... David Hirsh YOUTH GROUP PRESIDENT ..... Jenny Knight ~ULL~IN EDITOR ...................... Paul DiCKer p~§!r pk~§fdtfNl{-l, ·HH Heather Mobe~y Robert S. Aronson ............. Charles Y. Lazarus JSadmes BrBelnner ........ Ernest Stern

I ney I. att . . Seyman L. Stern Rita Cohen ..... Joseph Summer Norman Folpe ............... Wilham L. Glick

THETE;MPLEISRAEL BULLETIN USPS 537600 ~~~II§\'edC~~~I~s~yoT~m~~\s3~1eM41~;d classpostaQ.e paid at Columbus, Ohio. POST, MASTER: Send address changes to Temple Israel Bulletin, 5419 E. Broad st. Columbus Ohio 43213,1499. ' ,