An Analysis of Code Mixing in Raditya Dicka’s “Kambing Jantan the Movie” A PROPOSAL Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of the Literary and linguistics Research Method Assignment Guided by: Drs. Surono M. Hum Proposed By: Rika Danik Utami 07004016 / A

An Analysis of Code Mixing in Raditya Dicka's "Kambing Jantan the Movie" ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF TEACHER TRANING AND EDUCATION

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An Analysis of Code Mixing in Raditya


“Kambing Jantan the Movie”


Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of the Literary and


Research Method Assignment

Guided by:

Drs. Surono M. Hum

Proposed By:

Rika Danik Utami

07004016 / A




2010A. Background of the Study

Language is a tool to communication. Language is an

important factor in communication. By using language,

people can communicate and share with others without any

difficulties. We use language to express our purpose in

order that the other people can understand with us.

Communication is a process by which information is

exchanged between individuals through a common system of

symbols, sign, and behaviour. Communication process is a

fundamental part of virtually every aspect of social life.

As we know, there are many languages that exist in

this world. Every country has its own national language

and even every tribe in country has their own native

language too. As a country made up of plurality of ethnic

groups and culture, Indonesia has many languages. It can

be said that Indonesia is a multilingual country. In a

multilingual country we also find bilingual communities

where people have or use two languages habitually.

Nowadays, people often use Indonesian and English

language in their conversation and utterance. This

situation makes a new social phenomenon in our countries.

The use of Indonesian and English language together by the

people in their conversation and utterance is called code


Code mixing happened if the speaker mixes two

languages or language varieties because of the ease and

not because of the demand of such of language. Code mixing

can happen within the communication events involving the

participant from more than one ethnic group.

In our society code mixing is usually used in

informal situation and in formal situation code mixing

seldom happens. Code mixing is used in written and oral

communication. There are many cod mixing in oral

communication used by the artist in Indonesia. They mix

their languages in their daily conversation. And nowadays

they also used code mixing in a movie. And code mixing in

written form is often used by mass media such as newspaper

and magazine.

In their conversation people can use code mixing in

some forms. They are words, phrase and sentence. For

example: ”Diputuskan, Dika akan belajar Finance di

Australia” . In this sentences, the speakers uses code

mixing in the word form. And in daily conversation people

sometimes mix more than two languages. For example:

“Panjenengan sudah di calling belum?” in this sentences

the speaker mix Indonesian, English, and Javanese. In code

mixing they do not only use English to mix with the other

language, but people can use another language in their

conversation. Like Chinese, Korean language, Sundanese,


People have some reasons why they use code mixing in

their conversation. The first is to show that they are

educated people. The second is that there is no exact term

or word in Indonesian language to replace the English term

or word. The third is habit.

The writer chooses the subject entitled “An Analysis

of Code Mixing in Raditya dicka’s “Kambing Jantan” the

movie. The writer has some reasons: first, that nowadays

code mixing can be a new social phenomenon in our life.

Second, in “Kambing Jantan” the movie there are some

scripts spoken by the artists use code mixing.

B. Identification of the Problem

Nowadays in our countries we find a new social

phenomenon. This phenomenon comes from the people daily

conversation. They try to mix one language with another

language in their conversation. This situation shows that

the people in our countries use code mixing in their


Code mixing is used by people in bilingual or

multilingual society. In bilingual or multilingual

society, people sometimes use two or more languages in

daily conversation. Code mixing can happen in whole social

background, not only people who live in a big city but

also people in village using code mixing in their daily


Based on this situation we can see that nowadays code

mixing becomes a new social phenomenon in our country, and

now some artists also use code mixing when they show in

television. So it can be imitated by the people who see

the artists’ dialogue.

Code mixing can be seen by grammar criteria. When the

speaker uses code mixing in their speech, they mix not

only in one form of language, but also in the word form,

phrase form, idioms form, and sentence form. Most of the

code mixing used in multilingual society are in word

forms, phrase forms, and sentence forms.

When people do something, they have reasons why they

do this. And when people use code mixing in their speech,

they also have some reasons. People mix the language

because they want to show that they are educated people,

to make the listener more interested and they cannot find

the words that have similar meaning in their language.

In our country there are so many languages used by

people in their daily conversation. And each of the

language can mix with the other, like Indonesian, English,

Chinese, Javanese, etc. But most of people in our country

usually mix between Indonesian and English.

From the situation above, it inspires the scenario

writer to include code mixing in the script of a movie. In

“Kambing Jantan” movie, we can find some conversation done

by the artist use code mixing. It makes this movie more

interesting. The artists in “Kambing Jantan” the movie use

Indonesian, English and Chinese language in their

conversation. They use code mixing not only in word forms

but also in the phrase forms and clauses or sentence


C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification which have mention above,

the writer limits the problem on the code mixing in

Raditya Dicka’s “Kambing Jantan” the movie, and also the

probable reasons why they use code mixing in their


D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the

writer formulates the problems as follows:

1. What are the forms of code mixing used by the

artists in this the movie?

2. What languages are used in code mixing in “Kambing

Jantan” the movie?

3. What are the probable reasons for using code mixing

in “Kambing Jantan” the movie?

E. Objective of the Study

In accordance with the formulation of the problem

above, the objectives of the studies are:

1. To find the forms of code mixing used by the artists

in this the movie.

2. To find the languages using code mixing in “Kambing

Jantan” the movie.

3. To find the reasons for using code mixing in

“Kambing Jantan” the movie.

F. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this proposal can give many

useful for us. Enrich the research in the linguistic

fields especially in sociolinguistic. And give scientific

knowledge about code mixing used by the artists in a

movie. For teachers, it is hoped this study will be useful

for them to give some contribution in the teaching

sociolinguistic especially about code mixing. And then for

readers, it is hoped this study will be useful for them to

give description of the new phenomenon of code mixing used

by the artists in a movie.

G. Theoretical Framework

1. Language

There are some definitions of language. Hornby

(1987:472) states that language is human and non

instinctive method of communication ideas, feelings,

and desires by means of a system of sound and sound


Oxford (1989:699) mentions language is a system

of sounds, words and patterns used by human to

communicate thoughts and feelings.

Basically language is a tool to convey the

message, to think and communicate with other people

in a society. Alwasilah (1986:9) claims that language

can be said as a method of conveying an idea to the

mind of other person. Without a language

communication will be difficult to carry out in the


In our study, language can be studied in two

ways: internally and externally. The study in

internal ways means that the study is focused on the

structure of the language such as phonology,

morphology, or syntax. The external study, however,

focused on the outside factors of language, it has

relationship with the speaker in the speech community

(Chaer, 1995:1)

2. Concept of Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistic is a branch of linguistics that

discusses something significant between social

community and language. Wardhaugh (2000:12) states

that Sociolinguistic is concerned with investigating

and relationship between language and society with

the goal being a better understanding of the

structure of language and of how language functions

in communication. Hudson (in Wardhaugh, 2000:13)

states that sociolinguistics is the study of language

in relation to society.

It can be said that language and society are

inseparable things. People living in society need a

system and tool to maintain their relationship.

Language is an important tool used in communication

as it is impossible to conduct social cooperation and

communication without it. Language makes people

understand each other. That is why language and

society are studied together in the field of


3. Code Mixing

Code mixing is often used in multilingual

communities around the world and it is often used by

speakers who are highly proficient in all the

languages being mixed. The main characteristic of

code mixing is the use of it in informal situation.

Code mixing is mix of code. Code is a symbol or

speech system used to describe a particular meaning.

Hornby (1990:218) states that code is a system of

words, letters, symbols that represent others, used

for secret messages of presenting or recording

information briefly.

Code mixing is often used in bilingual and

multilingual communities around the world and it is

often used by speakers who are highly proficient in

all the language being mixed.

Code mixing occurs when conversant use both

languages together to the extent that they change

form one language to the other in the course of a

single utterance (Wardhaugh, 1986:103).

Code mixing is the using of language unit from

one to other languages to expand the style of

language or language variety, including the use of

word, phrase, idioms (Kridalaksana, 2001:35).

There are two kinds of code mixing, namely:

inner code mixing and outer code mixing. Inner code

mixing is code mixing of native language elements

with language is one languages family. For example,

in Javanese, Panjenengan mau kemana?. From the

example, the word Panjenengan which is mixed with

Indonesian mau kemana?. Outer code mixing is the code

mixing between foreign with native language. For

example, Ice cream ini sangat mahal. From the example

above, the phrase ice cream in English which is mixed

with Indonesian ini sangat mahal.

4. Forms of Code Mixing

a. Code Mixing in word forms

A word is a unit of language that carries

meaning and consists of one or more morphemes

which are linked more or less tightly together,

and has a phonetical value. Typically a word

will consists of a root or stem and zero or more

affixes. For example, Problem nya yah Australia.

b. Code Mixing in phrase forms

Phrase is a group of word without a finite

verb, especially when they are used to form part

of a sentence. Hornby (1995:868) states that

phrase is group of words without a verb,

especially one that forms part of a sentence.

For example, Seminar kemarin dapat full door

prize nggak?.

c. Code Mixing in idiom forms

An idiom is an expression (i.e., term or

phrase) whose meaning cannot be deducted from

the literal definitions and the arrangement of

its parts, but refers instead to a figurative

meaning that is known only through common use.

In linguistic, idioms are widely assumed to be

figures of speech that contradict the principle

of compositionality; however, some debate has

recently arisen on this subject.

d. Code Mixing in sentence forms

Sentence is the largest unit grammar,

containing a subject, a verb, an object and

expressing a statement, question or command. For

example, It is Ok, kalau kamu mau kamu begitu.

5. Reasons of using Code Mixing

Code Mixing now can be a new social phenomenon

in our country. There so many people that used code

mixing in their daily conversation. People have some

reasons why they used code mixing in their

conversation, such as to show that they are educated

people, there is no exact term or word in Indonesian

language to replace the English term or word and the

third is habit.

H. Research method

This chapter will deal with the research design,

research object, method of collecting data and techniques

of analyzing data.

Methodology is a strategy or a process of procedure

as a way of collecting data then analyzing it. Research is

an effort is done by using scientific method (Hadi,


1. Research Design

Research design is a research plan and procedure

in such kind of way that the writer will get the

answer to the problem formulation stated.

According to Sudaryanto (1986:63) there are some

methodologies in linguistic research such as

descriptive method, comparative method, and

structural method.

Based on the characteristic of the data and

method, research is divided into two, they are

quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative

research is a research that relies on quantitative

data such number and amount than qualitative data

(Ndraha, 1981:118)

Meleong (2003:3) states that qualitative research

is a research produces descriptive data in the form

of written or spoken language and observable


The writer uses descriptive qualitative method

because the writer describes the data in whatever it

is and the produced data are more in the form of

words rather than numbers.

2. Research Object

Arikunto (2002:96) explains that research object is

anything that becomes the attention of a research.

The object of the research is code mixing in

Raditya Dicka’s movie. The writer will analyze the

language in which contains of code mixing and the

researcher will focus on Indonesian and English

(word, phrase, clause, or idiom). Subroto (1992:34)

says that data is all of information or material in

nature which must be looked for or collected by the

writer. According to him, linguistic data can be got

from magazine, newspaper, speech, constitution,

literary work and soon.

Arikunto (2002:136) says that instrument of the

research is a means of facility used by researcher in

collecting data to make it easier processed to get a

good, complete, and systematic result as expected. In

this study, the data sources are taken from the

Raditya Dicka’s movie.

3. Method of collecting data

For collecting the data, the writer will take

sample of conversation in this movie. According to

Sudaryanto (1992: 33-35), there are five techniques

of collecting the data in linguistic research,

namely: teknik pisah (separating technique) the

strategy to separate the similarities and differences

of distribution, teknik rekam (recording technique)

the strategy which uses recording instrument, teknik

catat (nothing technique) the strategy which uses

card, book, note, and the other documents, teknik

balik (transferring technique) the strategy to

transfer the data to another data or another book,

and teknik ganti (changing technique) the strategy to

change the data which is not necessary.

Based on the explanation above, the writer uses noting,

separating and changing techniques. In this research, the

writer uses some instrument such as: pencil, note book.

The process is watching the movie and then writing some of

conversation which is code mixing on the note book and

then classifying the data.

The data in this research are collected as follows:

a. Watching and collecting data

Since the object of this research is this

research is the movie, watching and collecting

data have to be conducted by the writer.

Watching and collecting data are needed to know

the form of code mixing.

b. Noting and selecting data

All the conversation on the movie is necessary

to be noted and selected to support the

collecting data.

c. Classifying the data

The data that have collected would be classified

in the kind of code mixing, and then all data are

collected and written in a notebook.

4. Techniques of analyzing Data

Data analyzing is a process of organizing and

classifying the data into a pattern, category, and

basic unit of analysis in order to find a theme and

can formulate into hypothesis as the data suggest

(Meleong, 2001:103)

In the linguistic research, collecting data can be

done by some strategies. In this proposal, the data

analysis is done based on the following steps:

a. Select the code mixing in each part of the

conversation based on the form (words, phrases,

and sentences) by giving different codes.

b. Identify the code mixing in each part of the

conversation based on the probable factors that

cause them occur.

c. Analyze the data and then make a conclusion

The technique suitable with this research is the

descriptive-qualitative. The descriptive-

qualitative research is the technique stated by

quotation, sentence or described by explanation.

Since the study uses library, it is used the

descriptive qualitative method. In this method,

the writer tries to provide information and

describe the problem of the research by searching

various kind of sources that with the project.

I. Bibliography

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