An Abstraction Model for a Grid Execution Framework Kaizar Amin, c,a Gregor von Laszewski, *,a,b Mihael Hategan, b,a Rashid Al-Ali, d Omer Rana, d and David Walker c a Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA b University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA c University of North Texas, Denoton, TX 76203, USA d Cardiff University, Wales, UK Accepted for publication in Euromicro Journal of Systems Architecture accepted 2004, publication date 2005. Abstract Computational Grids have been identified as one of the paradigms revolutionizing the discipline of dis- tributed computing. The contributions within the Grid community have resulted in new Grid technolo- gies and continuous improvements to Grid standards and protocols. Though crucial to the success of the Grid approach, such an incremental evolution of Grid standards has become a primary cause of frustra- tion for scientific and commercial application com- munities aspiring to adopt the Grid paradigm. Moti- vated by our rich experience and the need to decouple the application development and the Grid technology development processes, we propose an abstraction- based Grid middleware layer as part of the Java CoG Kit. In this paper, we showcase our abstrac- tion model and verify its extensibility by integrating it with an advanced quality-of-service–based execution framework. Keywords: Grid computing; Java CoG Kit; Grid abstractions; Grid execution patterns; Grid quality of service (QoS) With the recent advancements in Grid technolo- gies, a majority of the Grid community has focused on the development of advanced Grid protocols and so- phisticated Grid services. These Grid services include execution services, data management services, infor- mation services, workflow services, quality-of-service (QoS) management services, fault-tolerance services, * Corresponding author, Gregor von Laszewski, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave, Argonne, IL 60439, USA, [email protected] security services, and Grid infrastructure manage- ment services. At the same time, a large number of elementary commercial and scientific applications have been identified and implemented reusing avail- able Grid services. Intuitively, it should be sufficient for Grid applications to directly invoke Grid services and employ their functionality. However, applica- tions developed with such a two-layered model are severely restricted in their adaptability, extensibility, and stability for several reasons. First, Grid protocols and services are not standardized yet. Hence, inte- grating Grid protocols within applications increases their maintenance because of continuous changes in the “evolving” Grid standards. Second, changes in the Grid computing models [1, 2, 3] can ren- der applications using a particular technology obso- lete. Third, incorporating advanced Grid semantics and implementation dependencies directly within the applications can introduce unnecessary complexities, thereby shifting the focus from its primary commer- cial or scientific objective. Hence, there is an uncon- tested need for an additional layer bridging the Grid services layer (such as provided by the Globus Toolkit [4]) and the application layer (see Figure 1). This in- termediate layer represents application development frameworks such as the Java Commodity Grid (CoG) Kit [5]. We refer to this layer as the Grid abstraction layer [6]. The Grid abstraction layer offers high-level abstractions[7] to Grid applications, shielding them from the technical and semantic complexities of var- ious Grid implementations [3, 4, 8, 9, 10]. The Grid abstraction layer can adapt to many changes and en- hancements to Grid protocols and the Grid architec- 1

An abstraction model for a Grid execution framework

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An Abstraction Model for a Grid Execution Framework

Kaizar Amin,c,a Gregor von Laszewski,∗,a,b Mihael Hategan,b,a

Rashid Al-Ali,d Omer Rana,d and David Walkerc

aArgonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA

bUniversity of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

cUniversity of North Texas, Denoton, TX 76203, USA

dCardiff University, Wales, UK

Accepted for publication in Euromicro Journal of Systems Architectureaccepted 2004, publication date 2005.


Computational Grids have been identified as one ofthe paradigms revolutionizing the discipline of dis-tributed computing. The contributions within theGrid community have resulted in new Grid technolo-gies and continuous improvements to Grid standardsand protocols. Though crucial to the success of theGrid approach, such an incremental evolution of Gridstandards has become a primary cause of frustra-tion for scientific and commercial application com-munities aspiring to adopt the Grid paradigm. Moti-vated by our rich experience and the need to decouplethe application development and the Grid technologydevelopment processes, we propose an abstraction-based Grid middleware layer as part of the JavaCoG Kit. In this paper, we showcase our abstrac-tion model and verify its extensibility by integratingit with an advanced quality-of-service–based executionframework.

Keywords: Grid computing; Java CoG Kit; Gridabstractions; Grid execution patterns; Grid qualityof service (QoS)

With the recent advancements in Grid technolo-gies, a majority of the Grid community has focused onthe development of advanced Grid protocols and so-phisticated Grid services. These Grid services includeexecution services, data management services, infor-mation services, workflow services, quality-of-service(QoS) management services, fault-tolerance services,

∗Corresponding author, Gregor von Laszewski, ArgonneNational Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S.Cass Ave, Argonne, IL 60439, USA, [email protected]

security services, and Grid infrastructure manage-ment services. At the same time, a large numberof elementary commercial and scientific applicationshave been identified and implemented reusing avail-able Grid services. Intuitively, it should be sufficientfor Grid applications to directly invoke Grid servicesand employ their functionality. However, applica-tions developed with such a two-layered model areseverely restricted in their adaptability, extensibility,and stability for several reasons. First, Grid protocolsand services are not standardized yet. Hence, inte-grating Grid protocols within applications increasestheir maintenance because of continuous changes inthe “evolving” Grid standards. Second, changesin the Grid computing models [1, 2, 3] can ren-der applications using a particular technology obso-lete. Third, incorporating advanced Grid semanticsand implementation dependencies directly within theapplications can introduce unnecessary complexities,thereby shifting the focus from its primary commer-cial or scientific objective. Hence, there is an uncon-tested need for an additional layer bridging the Gridservices layer (such as provided by the Globus Toolkit[4]) and the application layer (see Figure 1). This in-termediate layer represents application developmentframeworks such as the Java Commodity Grid (CoG)Kit [5]. We refer to this layer as the Grid abstractionlayer [6].

The Grid abstraction layer offers high-levelabstractions[7] to Grid applications, shielding themfrom the technical and semantic complexities of var-ious Grid implementations [3, 4, 8, 9, 10]. The Gridabstraction layer can adapt to many changes and en-hancements to Grid protocols and the Grid architec-


Figure 1: The Grid middleware layer decouples theapplication development process and the Grid servicedevelopment process.

ture without reflecting them in the offered abstrac-tions. As a result, applications developed with suchabstractions do not have to be actively maintained orupdated to become compatible with developing Gridtechnologies [2, 11], thereby providing long-term in-vestment protection.

This paper describes the design and implemen-tation of the Grid abstractions offered by the JavaCoG Kit. We outline the key components of our ab-stractions and describe the important patterns in ourabstraction-based execution framework. Our Gridabstraction also provides pluggable functionality ex-tensions, allowing the Grid community to incremen-tally interface to new Grid middleware once theybecome available, and to develop new abstractionsif desired. We demonstrate the extensibility of ourframework by showcasing the integration of Qualityof Service adaptors for job submission, allowing ourexecution framework to support QoS-enabled Gridexecution without requiring modifications in the ap-plications employing our abstractions.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 1 presents a brief overview of several researchprojects working toward provisioning advanced Gridmiddleware. Section 2 gives a detailed overview ofthe various abstractions offered by the Java CoG Kitand their intended use. Section 3 discusses the exten-sion of our Abstractions with QoS adaptors. Section4 summarizes the current status of the project.

1 Related Research

The Java CoG Kit has its origin in a Grid like appli-cation development framework dating back to 1994[12, 13, 14]. Since then a variety of Grid and Gridabstraction frameworks have been discussed in lit-erature [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. However, mostof the available frameworks concentrate on providingan integrated API that is built to support a particu-lar Grid tool, rather than focusing on an abstractionmodel. Frameworks that do not adopt an abstractionmodel are tightly bound to the semantics of a specificGrid technology and exhibit the same shortcomingsdescribed in the previous section, such as increasedmaintenance, additional complexity, and lack of in-vestment protection. In this section we discuss someof the most prominent Grid middleware frameworksthat share our philosophy on the importance of anabstraction-based execution framework.

The Grid application framework for Java (GAF4J)[20] is a prototype developed as a part of IBM’s Gridinitiative [22]. It abstracts several Grid semanticsfrom the application logic and provides a high-levelprogramming model. At the base of its abstractionmodel is the notion of a generic Grid task. Grid-unaware applications formulate a Grid task and acorresponding task definition. This task and its defi-nition are then submitted to a task execution client,which queues the task with the task dispatcher andupdates its status with a console component. Thetask dispatcher services the dispatching queue witha first-in-first-out (FIFO) policy. It also communi-cates with a resource broker to identify suitable Gridresources for the execution of the task. Once the ap-propriate matchmaking is accomplished, the task andthe Grid resource are submitted to the job-starter.The job-starter prepares the task based on its defini-tion and submits it to the remote Grid resource, mon-itoring its status. In its current implementation, thejob-starter component submits Grid jobs to GlobusToolkit [4] v2.4-enabled resources using an older ver-sion of the Java CoG Kit (version 0.9.13). In caseGAF4J would be modified to use our newer versionsof the Java CoG Kit, one could enable support forvarious other Grid implementations without exten-sive changes in the application. However, most of itsabstractions (and more) are already included in theJava CoG Kit.

The Grid Application Toolkit (GAT) [21] of theGridLab project [23] is a set of extensible, abstractAPIs for performing various Grid functions such asjob execution, file transfer, information query, and


data management. The GAT abstraction model isbased on the concepts of capability, capability adap-tors, and capability invocation. The GAT model al-lows for the creation of several capability adaptors,which provide the necessary bridge between somebackend functionality, referred to as capability, and aset of abstract GAT APIs. During the startup phaseof the GAT framework, each of the available capa-bility adaptors registers the abstraction APIs that itsupports with a central capability registry. On invo-cation of any GAT API, the functionbinding compo-nent queries the capability registry for a list of rele-vant adaptors that support the API. Once the appro-priate adaptor is chosen, the API invocation is dele-gated to the adaptor to access the specific capability.The GAT model offers an extensible plug-and-playsolution, whereby the utility of the framework canbe incrementally improved by the provision of addi-tional capability and corresponding adaptors. Themain advantage of GAT is that its abstractions arebased on the C programming language and appro-priate Java bindings are available. However, this isalso its disadvantage as the Java CoG Kit is explic-itly developed to match the framework provided byJava. The CoG Kit effort seeks to implement similarabstraction between Python and Java in the future.

The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) re-search group of the Global Grid Forum (GGF) [24]is combining the benefits offered by several Grid ab-straction frameworks into a well-defined GGF stan-dard. Members from different research and commer-cial projects are participating in this activity. Webelieve that several novel features of our architec-ture will contribute significantly toward this effort,as evident from our presentations at various invitedparticipations at the Global Grid Forum [25, 26].

2 Grid Abstractions

The Grid abstractions offered by the Java CoGKit have been designed with a top-down approach[27, 14, 28]. Rather than exposing the complex Gridfunctionality to an application in a nonintuitive fash-ion, we outline the most general and basic function-alities desired by a number of applications and pro-vide appropriate interfaces. With this approach, ap-plications do not have to be penalized for limita-tions in the existing Grid implementations. Instead,the approach decouples the application developmentand the Grid development processes. In the rest ofthis section we describe important abstractions of our


2.1 Task

At the core of our abstraction model is the notionof a task. It is an atomic unit of Grid execution.Examples of Grid tasks include remote job execution,file transfers, file operations, information query, andresource reservation. Every task is annotated in away specific to its functionality. A task acts as acontainer for several related abstractions:

• Identity: A uniform resource name (URN) thatuniquely identifies the task.

• Specification: A detailed description specifyingthe details of a task including parameters andother requirements. The semantics of the spec-ification depend on the type of the task. Forexample, a job execution specification describesimportant parameters required for job execution,whereas a file transfer specification specifies thesource and destination files along with severalother relevant attributes.

• Security Context: A security credential associ-ated with the Grid task. This credential is usedto authenticate the task to the backend Grid im-plementation. Grid implementations may usedifferent security mechanisms. Thus, the secu-rity abstraction in our framework represents ageneralized credential container that can be castto a specialized representation relevant to a par-ticular Grid implementation.

• Service Contact: The endpoint address of abackend service that will be used to execute thistask. For example, if this task is a job executiontask, its service contact represents a job execu-tion service. Similarly, for a file transfer task, itrepresents a file transfer service.

• Status: The progress of the task execution,allowing the application to monitor its execu-tion. The task can be in any one of the fol-lowing states: unsubmitted, submitted, active,suspended, canceled, failed, or completed. Fig-ure 2 shows the state transition diagram of thetask status in our abstraction model.

• Provider: The provider backend used for thistask. The provider attribute plays a key role


in translating the abstract task into protocol-specific constructs. For example, an applica-tion can formulate an abstract Grid task andassign it a provider as GT2, implying that itis to be executed with a Globus Toolkit v2(GT2) service. The service contact, security con-text, and the specification are translated intoGT2 protocol-specific constructs and executedaccordingly. For the same task to be executedwith a Globus Toolkit v3 (GT3) service or aUnicore service, the application merely needs tochange its provider attribute accordingly. Thus,the same abstract task can be executed by mul-tiple Grid implementations and architecturesbased on the application requirement and imple-mentation functionality.

Figure 2: State transition diagram of the task andtask graph status.

Figure 3: Hierarchical task graph.

2.2 Task Graph

A Grid task provides the necessary ability to repre-sent a unit of execution on the Grid. Nevertheless,

advanced applications require a more sophisticatedexecution framework that facilitates complex execu-tion patterns and dependencies. The task graph rep-resents a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that allowsapplications to express execution (control) flows be-tween multiple tasks modeled as DAGs.

Task graphs can support arbitrary levels of hierar-chy. In other words, every node in the task graph canbe either a task or another task graph (see Figure 3).Hierarchies in a task graph enable the Grid applica-tions to conveniently modularize the execution com-ponents without introducing unnecessary complexity.

A task graph has an associated status that rep-resents the collective execution status of all its sub-nodes. The task graph status is determined by thelogic depicted in Figure 4. Additionally, we provideextensions to the basic task graph abstractions toform some common utility objects such as queues andsets. A queue is a task graph with a predefined FIFOexecution ordering. As shown in Figure 5, every ele-ment of the queue can be either a task or a task graph,hence the concept of hierarchical queues. A set is aspecial task graph with no dependencies, thereby of-fering a collective mechanism of parallel execution ofa hierarchy of tasks.

Figure 4: Pseudocode to determine the status of atask graph

if (any Task in the TaskGraph has failed) {status = failed

} else if (all tasks are unsubmitted) {status = unsubmitted

} else if (any task is suspended) {status = suspended

} else if (any task is active) {status = active

} else if (any task is submitted) {status = submitted

} else if (every task is completed) {status = completed


Another notable aspect of a task graph is that it is acheckpointable entity. That is, the execution of everynode of the task graph evolves into a new checkpointstatus. Re-execution of a failed task graph will re-sume the execution from the last valid checkpoint sta-tus (see Figure 8). This type of graph checkpointingnot only allows applications to restart failed execu-tion flows but also allows them to suspend executions


Figure 5: A hierarchical queue is a special case ofhierarchical task graph with a FIFO execution de-pendency.

Figure 6: An active task graph containing two tasks.One task is “completed” while the other is “unsub-mitted”. Hence the overall status of the task graphos “active”

and restart them after migrating the suspended taskgraphs to a different host (see Figure 9). Thus, thecheckpointable task graphs in our abstraction modelsupport the notion of fault-tolerance and migratableexecution. Checkpointing of task graphs is not anal-ogous to checkpointing of tasks. In task checkpoint-ing, the corresponding execution program is instru-mented with special checkpoint-instructions that fa-cilitate the rollback and restart of the executablefrom any checkpoint-instruction. Hence, the restartof any failed task will resume the execution from thelast checkpoint-instruction that was successfully pro-cessed. In the task graph checkpointing scheme, how-ever, rather than checkpointing the progress of a par-ticular task, we checkpoint the progress of the taskgraph. Our checkpointing scheme does not supporttask checkpointing. We assume that this is provided

by the underlaying framework or by the applicationthat is wrapped into a task. To keep our task graphcheckpointing model simple, we maintain the check-point status in XML notation. Listing 7 shows thecheckpointed XML notation for the task graph de-picted in Figure 6.

Figure 8: Checkpointable task graphs allow applica-tions to resume failed execution flows from the pointof failure.

Figure 9: Checkpointable task graphs allow applica-tions to suspend the execution of a task graph, mi-grate the suspended task graph to a different host,and resume the execution from the point of suspen-sion.

2.3 Handler-Exectution Pattern

In our abstraction model, tasks and task graphs arestatic container entities that describe the semanticsof the execution. The actual execution, however, iscarried out by the handlers defined in our model.The handlers transform the abstract representation oftasks and task graphs into protocol-specific objects.

The task handler, as the name suggests, han-dles and processes abstract tasks. It is responsi-ble for translating the specification, security con-text, and service contact into artifacts that areunderstood by the backend Grid implementation.


Figure 7: A sample checkpoint status with an “active” task graph. The task graph has two subtasks, one ofthem “completed” and the other “unsubmitted”. Resubmission of this checkpoint status will execute onlythe unsubmitted task.

<taskGraph><identity> id:taskGraph </identity><name> Main Graph </name>

<task><identity> id:task1 </identity><name> Task1 </name><type> File Transfer </type><provider> GT2 </provider><specification><fileTransferSpecification><source> gsiftp://hot.anl.gov:2811//source.txt </source><destination>gsiftp://cold.anl.gov:2811//dest.txt

</destination><directoryTransfer> false </directoryTransfer><thirdParty> true </thirdParty>

</fileTransferSpecification></specification><status> Completed </status><submittedTime> 2004-06-23T16:27:29.606 </submittedTime><completedTime> 2004-06-23T16:27:47.819 </completedTime>


<task><identity> id:task2 </identity><name> Task2 </name><type> File Transfer </type><provider> GT2 </provider><specification><fileTransferSpecification>


</destination><directoryTransfer> true </directoryTransfer><thirdParty> true </thirdParty>

</fileTransferSpecification></specification><status> Unsubmitted </status>


<dependencyList><dependency from="id:task1" to="id:task2"/>

</dependencyList><status> Active </status><submittedTime> 2004-06-23T16:27:20.606 </submittedTime>



Figure 10: The task handler provides the mappingbetween abstract tasks and protocol-specific entities.We currently provider GT2 and GT3 handlers. Otherhandlers are either under construction or planned forfuture development.

Hence, for every protocol provider there must bea corresponding task handler providing the neces-sary abstract-to-protocol binding. The handler isthe only component in our abstraction model that isbackend implementation-specific, thereby minimizingthe dependency on technology-specific functionality.Therefore, our framework can support and adapt tobackend implementation as long as the appropriatehandlers for it are available (see Figure 10).

A task graph handler, on the other hand, enforcesthe execution ordering on task graphs. It also man-ages the checkpoint status for the task graph and itssuccessful resumption after execution failure or sus-pension. We note that the task graph handler is inde-pendent of the protocol provider. As shown in Figure11, it simply delegates the execution of its nodes tothe appropriate task handlers or task graph handlersin a recursive manner. Since the base elements of atask graph are tasks, this recursive execution of thetask graph is terminated when all the base tasks areexecuted.

We refer to the pattern of executing arbitraryGrid tasks using our handler model as the handler-execution pattern. With the handler-execution pat-tern, applications create a task, assign a detailedspecification for the task, associate a security con-text and service contact with the task, and designatea provider. In the case of a task graph, the applica-tion prepares multiple tasks and imposes execution

Figure 11: The task graph handler recursively dele-gates the execution of every node of the task graphto an appropriate task handler or another task graphhandler.

dependencies on these tasks. The task or the taskgraph is then submitted to an appropriate handlerthat executes it on the Grid, allowing the applicationto monitor its execution status.

2.4 Resource-Execution Pattern

Tasks, task graphs, corresponding handlers, and thehandler-execution pattern focus on abstracting unitsof execution in a Grid. Additionally, one can abstractGrid resources. We know that computational Gridsaggregate several services dispersed across geographicboundaries [6]. Our resource abstractions allow ap-plications to map, aggregate, and classify arbitraryGrid services into abstract execution resources. Suchan abstract arrangement of services provides a map-ping from the Grid service space to a user perspectiveof those services in the application space.

In the execution resource pattern, services of dif-ferent types (job execution, file transfer, or informa-tion query) for various providers (GT2, GT3, Uni-core, and Condor) are aggregated into a single exe-cution resource (see Figure 12). The classification ofthe service aggregation is application- or user-defined.Every execution resource contains the following enti-ties:

• Security Context Mapping: Every provider sup-ported by the execution resource needs a corre-sponding security context. This security contextis used by the execution resource to authenticatethe task with the remote service.


Figure 12: The execution resource aggregates geo-graphically distributed Grid services into an abstractentity capable of task execution.

• Service Contact Mapping: The execution re-source maps each provider and service type com-bination to a specific service contact capable ofoffering the required functionality following theprovider protocol.

• Resource Queue: Every task submitted to theexecution resource is appended to the resourcequeue, which manages the execution requests.

• Dispatcher: The resource queue is serviced bythe resource dispatcher. The dispatcher extractstasks from the queue and inspects the task type,protocol provider, and several other attributessuch as the task priority and the estimated exe-cution time. Based on these parameters, it asso-ciates an appropriate service contact and secu-rity context with the task and submits the taskto an appropriate handler for execution. The dis-patcher has a dispatching policy that decides theselection of the next task. This can be a classicalpolicy such as first-in-first-out, shortest job first,or a user-defined customized heuristic policy [29][30].

Such an execution pattern allows the applicationto partition available Grid services into logical orvirtual resources and execute Grid tasks with ab-stract resources. We refer to the pattern of executingGrid tasks as the resource-execution pattern. Unlikethe handler-execution pattern, the resource-executionpattern does not require the knowledge of service con-tacts on a per task basis. Applications classify their

Grid services and partition them into Grid resources,selecting a specific dispatching policy for each of theseresources. The scheduler selects the tasks submittedto a resource and executes them with an appropriateservice, internally employing the handler-executionpattern.

Figure 13: A resource broker aggregates multiple exe-cution resources and performs the necessary resourcemapping to execute the submitted tasks on the ap-propriate Grid resources.

2.5 Broker-Execution Pattern

The broker-execution pattern allows an application toaggregate a set of services into a single resource. Theresource broker model, on the other hand, allows theapplication to aggregate several execution resourcesto represent a distributed Grid. The application cancreate multiple execution resources, thereby forminga working context of a computational Grid. The ex-ecution resources are then associated with a resourcebroker that functions as a matchmaking entity be-tween submitted tasks and their appropriate execu-tion services (see Figure 13). We refer to the patternof submitting Grid tasks as the broker-execution pat-tern.

Every resource broker has the following associatedentities:

• Execution Resource Pool: A set of execution re-sources capable of handling different service typeand provider combinations.

• Broker Queue: An input queue for managing thetask (task graph) execution requests submittedto the resource broker.


• Dispatcher: A means for servicing the brokerqueue. The dispatcher has an associated policythat selects the next brokered task from the bro-kering queue. Several policies can be supported,such as first-in-first-out, shortest job first, or ran-dom.

• Brokering Policy: The policy responsible for thematchmaking decisions between the dispatcher-selected tasks and the available set of executionresource. A number of different brokering poli-cies can be formulated with the resource broker,including round-robin, least loaded, or random.

Tasks or task graphs, when submitted to the bro-ker, are appended to the input queue. The dispatcherselects the next task to be brokered from the inputqueue based on its internal selection policy. For ev-ery selected task, the broker consults its policy tochoose a resource from the pool of available executionresources, thereby internally adopting the resource-execution pattern.

Any of the three abstract execution patterns dis-cussed thus far (handler-execution pattern, resource-execution pattern, and the broker-execution pat-tern) can be used by applications. However, thehandler-execution pattern offers maximum controlover task execution with reduced flexibility, whereasthe broker-execution pattern allows maximum flexi-bility with the autonomy delegated to the resourcebroker rather than the application itself.

3 QoS Execution Extensions

To support our philosophy of an extensible Gridabstraction model, we integrate it with an ad-vanced Grid quality-of-service (QoS) execution back-end. Our objective is to showcase the fact that severalGrid frameworks can be interfaced via our abstrac-tions without modifications to existing applicationsthat employ our abstraction model. First, we pro-vide a brief overview of the Grid QoS Managementproject that provides the necessary backend for a pos-sible prototype QoS handler.

3.1 Grid Quality-of-Service Manage-ment

Execution requests from Grid applications are ser-viced by remote execution services on a best-effortbasis rather than with deterministic guarantees. Nev-ertheless, some applications need to obtain results for

their tasks within strict deadlines. Hence, a nonde-terministic scheduling approach without guaranteesis often not suitable. For these applications, it is of-ten necessary to reserve Grid resources and servicesat a particular time (in advance or on demand) toensure deterministic bounds for execution latencies.Such QoS features are highly desirable, indeed re-quired, if the Grid execution management service isto be able to handle complex scientific and businessapplications.

Grid Quality-of-Service Management (GQoSM) isa framework to support QoS management in compu-tational Grids [31, 32]. GQoSM consists of three mainoperational phases: establishment, activity, and ter-mination. During the establishment phase, a clientapplication states the desired service and QoS re-quirements. GQoSM then undertakes a service dis-covery, based on the specified QoS properties, andnegotiates an agreement for the client application.During the activity phase, additional operations suchas QoS monitoring, adaptation, accounting, and pos-sibly renegotiation may take place. During the termi-nation phase, the QoS session is ended as a result ofresource reservation expiration, agreement violation,or service completion; resources are then freed for useby other clients.

Figure 14: GQoSM service architecture.

As shown in Figure 14, one of the key componentof the GQoSM framework is the GQoSM service. TheGQoSM service provides QoS functionalities such asnegotiation, reservation, and resource allocation withcertain quality levels. Each QoS-enabled Grid re-source is accessed through a GQoSM service. Itpublishes itself to a registry service, so clients and


QoS brokers can discover the existence of the differ-ent GQoSM services. The GQoSM service primarilyperforms two functions: resource reservation and re-source allocation.

When a reservation request is received, the GQoSMservice undertakes an admission control to check thefeasibility of granting such a request. This feasibilitycheck is undertaken by the reservation manager. Ifsuch a reservation is possible, the requested resourcesare reserved, the reservation table is updated, and anagreement consisting of the reservation specificationis generated and returned to the client. On the otherhand, when a resource allocation request is received,the GQoSM service verifies that the user has indeedmade a reservation based on the supplied agreement.If this test is successful, then the GQoSM service sub-mits the specification of the job to be executed, alongwith its reservation agreement to the appropriate ex-ecution manager, such as the Globus Resource Allo-cation Manager (GRAM) [33] on that particular Gridresource.

3.2 GQoSM Handler Integration

The GQoSM framework offers the requisite function-ality for QoS-related features that allows the trans-formation of any arbitrary Grid resource into a QoS-aware Grid entity. However, to take advantage ofsuch QoS-aware Grid resources, applications must beable to interact with such entities without significantchanges in logic and implementation. Hence, we pro-vide interactions with the GQoSM framework via ourabstraction model, making it seamless for Grid appli-cations to benefit from the GQoSM architecture. Theonly additional effort required is the “one-time” de-velopment of a GQoSM handler for our model.

As depicted in Figure 15, a possible implementa-tion of the GQoSM handler is split into two mod-ules: the QoS reservation module and the job exe-cution module. When an abstract Grid task is del-egated to the GQoSM handler, it invokes the reser-vation module to communicate with the peer reser-vation manager of the GQoSM service and obtain itsreservation token. After the token is retrieved, theexecution module of the handler communicates withthe resource allocation manager of the correspondingGQoSM service and submits the Grid task based onthe task parameters (start time and end time).

All Grid applications that currently use our ab-straction model can attain QoS assurances withoutbeing aware of complex QoS discovery, QoS negotia-tion, and QoS execution phases. Applications sim-

Figure 15: GQoSM handler integration.

ply formulate an abstract Grid task and assign ita provider as “GQoSM”. Further, if the applicationrequires asynchronous job startups, additional at-tributes such as task startup and end times can alsobe specified. Based on the degree of autonomy andflexibility, the application can leverage from severalexecution patterns described in the previous sectionswhile interfacing with an advanced QoS architecture.

4 Conclusion

The Grid community under the auspices of the GlobalGrid Forum is moving in the right direction towardstandardizing the Grid architecture. However, theGrid standardization is an incremental process sub-ject to ongoing refactoring. Although such enhance-ments in the Grid architecture will ultimately provebeneficial for the entire Grid community, they im-pose an undue overhead on Grid applications to con-tinuously keep abreast of these changes. Motivatedby the need to provide an application developmentframework that shields the Grid users and applica-tion developers from the technological complexitiesof the Grid implementation, we present a suite ofpattern-based Grid abstractions. Applications usingour framework can concentrate on their objectiveswhile remaining compatible with the latest Grid tech-nologies.

The basic elements in our Grid abstractions aretasks and the task graphs. A Grid task is an atomicunit of work in our framework. Our model can sup-port an execution flow ordered as a hierarchical di-rected acyclic graph, referred to as a task graph.


The task graph is a checkpointable entity facilitat-ing fault-tolerance and mobility in execution flows.An alternative perspective on Grid abstractions isalso presented focusing on the notion of executionresources. Abstract services can be aggregated intoexecution resources capable of servicing execution re-quests. Higher levels of execution abstractions areoffered via the resource broker constructs that aggre-gate multiple execution resources providing advancedmatchmaking functionality.

We have tested the utility and ease of use of ourabstraction model by integrating it with the GQoSMexecution framework with an older version of the JavaCoG Kit. Although the GQoSM handler is not pub-licly distributed with the current Java CoG Kit v4[34], it validates our hypothesis that advanced back-end systems can be seamlessly integrated in our ab-straction model without changes to the application.

A prototype implementation of the elementaryGrid abstractions is available as a part of the JavaCoG Kit v4. In the current distribution, we haveimplemented task handlers for Globus Toolkit v2.4,Globus Toolkit v3.02, Globus Toolkit v3.2.0, GlobusToolkit v3.2.1, and secure shell (SSH). Communitymembers have also provided handlers for the Unicoreframework. A port to Globus Toolkit 4 is under de-velopment. Furthermore, the Globus Toolkit v4 con-tains already several abstractions that have its originin the Java CoG Kit.


This work was supported by the Mathematical, In-formation, and Computational Science Division sub-program of the Office of Advanced Scientific Comput-ing Research, Office of Science, U.S. Department ofEnergy, under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38. DARPA,DOE, and NSF support Globus Alliance research anddevelopment. The Java CoG Kit Project is supportedby DOE SciDAC, NSF Alliance, and the NMI Portalsproject. We acknowledge Philip Wieder and DonalFellows for their contribution in developing the han-dler for the Unicore framework.


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