Alternative activation of ruminant macrophages by Fasciola hepatica R.J. Flynn a , J.A. Irwin a , M. Olivier b , M. Sekiya a , J.P. Dalton c , G. Mulcahy a, * a Veterinary Sciences Centre, School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, College of Life Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland b Infectiologie Animale et Sante ´ Publique, INRA, Centre de Tours, 37380 Nouzilly, France c Institute of Biotechnology for Infectious Diseases, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2065, Australia Abstract The helminth parasite, Fasciola hepatica, has a worldwide distribution and infects a wide variety of mammalian hosts, including ruminants and man. In response to infection, these hosts mount a type 2 helper (Th2) response that is highly polarized and results in the downregulation of type 1 helper (Th1) mechanisms. In a murine macrophage model F. hepatica induces alternative activation of macrophages. These macrophages differ from classically activated cells in that they preferentially use arginase instead of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) for metabolism of nitrogen. In this study we sought to characterize macrophage phenotype following stimulation of the ovine cell line MOCL7 with recombinant F. hepatica enzymes and crude parasite extracts. An in vitro model using the MOCL7 cell line was established and arginase levels in cells were used to determine the activation status of cells. Stimulation of this cell-line in vitro with F. hepatica products induces alternative activation. We have also found a chitinase-like protein in supernatants which is capable of differentiating alternatively activated from classically activated macrophages. # 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. Keywords: Macrophage; Fasciola hepatica; Helminth; Immunoregulation; Alternative activation 1. Introduction Infection with the helminth parasite Fasciola hepatica (fasciolosis) causes major morbidity and economic losses in sheep and cattle in temperate areas (Spithill et al., 1999). Fasciolosis is also a major zoonotic disease and it is estimated that 2.4 million people worldwide are infected (Mas-Coma et al., 1999). Problems with drug resistance in F. hepatica popula- tions are also a growing concern (Coles, 2005). Progress in developing a vaccine against the parasite is ongoing and appears the most promising option in combating the disease in animal hosts (Dalton et al., 2003). Helminth parasites, including F. hepatica, also cause concern due to powerful immune regulatory abilities (Maizels et al., 2004), that have the potential to decrease immune- mediated protection against other diseases (Aitken et al., 1978; Brady et al., 1999). In ruminants F. hepatica can survive for long periods of time, extending to a number of years in chronic cases of the disease. Sheep, however, may succumb to acute forms of the disease, where, if the worm burden is too great, death may occur (Mulcahy et al., 1999). Both hosts, however, show the same general patterns in terms of immune response. Clery and Mulcahy (1998) www.elsevier.com/locate/vetimm Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–40 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +353 1 716 6180; fax: +353 1 716 6185. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Mulcahy). 0165-2427/$ – see front matter # 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2007.07.003

Alternative activation of ruminant macrophages by Fasciola hepatica

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Alternative activation of ruminant macrophages

by Fasciola hepatica

R.J. Flynn a, J.A. Irwin a, M. Olivier b, M. Sekiya a,J.P. Dalton c, G. Mulcahy a,*

a Veterinary Sciences Centre, School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, College of Life Science,

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Irelandb Infectiologie Animale et Sante Publique, INRA, Centre de Tours, 37380 Nouzilly, France

c Institute of Biotechnology for Infectious Diseases, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2065, Australia


Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–40


The helminth parasite, Fasciola hepatica, has a worldwide distribution and infects a wide variety of mammalian hosts, including

ruminants and man. In response to infection, these hosts mount a type 2 helper (Th2) response that is highly polarized and results in

the downregulation of type 1 helper (Th1) mechanisms. In a murine macrophage model F. hepatica induces alternative activation of

macrophages. These macrophages differ from classically activated cells in that they preferentially use arginase instead of inducible

nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) for metabolism of nitrogen. In this study we sought to characterize macrophage phenotype following

stimulation of the ovine cell line MOCL7 with recombinant F. hepatica enzymes and crude parasite extracts. An in vitro model using

the MOCL7 cell line was established and arginase levels in cells were used to determine the activation status of cells. Stimulation of

this cell-line in vitro with F. hepatica products induces alternative activation. We have also found a chitinase-like protein in

supernatants which is capable of differentiating alternatively activated from classically activated macrophages.

# 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Macrophage; Fasciola hepatica; Helminth; Immunoregulation; Alternative activation

1. Introduction

Infection with the helminth parasite Fasciola

hepatica (fasciolosis) causes major morbidity and

economic losses in sheep and cattle in temperate areas

(Spithill et al., 1999). Fasciolosis is also a major

zoonotic disease and it is estimated that 2.4 million

people worldwide are infected (Mas-Coma et al., 1999).

Problems with drug resistance in F. hepatica popula-

tions are also a growing concern (Coles, 2005). Progress

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +353 1 716 6180;

fax: +353 1 716 6185.

E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Mulcahy).

0165-2427/$ – see front matter # 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


in developing a vaccine against the parasite is ongoing

and appears the most promising option in combating the

disease in animal hosts (Dalton et al., 2003). Helminth

parasites, including F. hepatica, also cause concern due

to powerful immune regulatory abilities (Maizels et al.,

2004), that have the potential to decrease immune-

mediated protection against other diseases (Aitken

et al., 1978; Brady et al., 1999).

In ruminants F. hepatica can survive for long periods

of time, extending to a number of years in chronic cases

of the disease. Sheep, however, may succumb to acute

forms of the disease, where, if the worm burden is too

great, death may occur (Mulcahy et al., 1999). Both

hosts, however, show the same general patterns in terms

of immune response. Clery and Mulcahy (1998)

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–4032

reported that cattle showed reduced lymphocyte

responsiveness and IFN-g production after 3–4 weeks

of infection and also demonstrate a highly skewed

antibody response where IgG1 dominates (Clery et al.,

1996). Parasite persistence within the host suggests the

presence of immune regulatory networks. This reg-

ulatory and immune suppressive effect has been

examined in depth in the murine model of infection.

Mice infected with F. hepatica were seen to initiate Th2

effector mechanisms such as IL-4 and IL-5 secretion.

Th1 effector cytokines were suppressed when PBMC’s

from infected mice were re-stimulated in vitro with IFN-

g production being compromised. Antibody responses

were skewed towards IgG1, while IgG2a production

was diminished. The magnitude of these effects were

seen to be dependent on the final parasite burden

(O’Neill et al., 2000).

An understanding of how helminths are able to

generate immune environments which favour pathogen

persistence and chronic infection is important for

developing successful strategies for immunoprophy-

laxis. Modulation of macrophage and dendritic cell

function and interaction with toll-like receptors (TLR)

are thought to be some of the fundamental events

involved in establishing this immune regulation.

Macrophages function not only in the innate but also

in the adaptive immune response by presenting antigen

to primed T cells. The cytokine environment in which

they do so will influence the T cell subsets that later

develop. Macrophages metabolize L-arginine in two

ways either using inducible nitric oxide synthase

(iNOS) or arginase (arg). The differential regulation

of these enzymes is known to correspond to either

classical or alternative macrophage activation (Gordon,

2002). iNOS is used as a marker of classical activation,

while arginase is used to identify alternatively activated

macrophages (AAMF). It has reported that F. hepatica

infection induces AAMF in the murine model.

Furthermore, a recombinant version of a F. hepatica

enzyme peroxiredoxin (Prx) can also induce AAMF.

Inoculation of mice with Prx created a population of

macrophages with suppressed iNOS mRNA levels and

elevated TGF-b levels an immune regulatory cytokine

(Donnelly et al., 2005). The importance of the effects of

this molecule is two-fold. Prx is thought to act in the

defence of F. hepatica by detoxification of hydrogen

peroxide (H2O2) released by the host (Sekiya et al.,

2006). The level of H2O2 released by macrophages in

the presence of pathogens may also be determined by

the phenotype of macrophages. If F. hepatica has

evolved an enzyme to detoxify host H2O2 and modulate

the macrophage phenotype then it would appear that the

parasite defence mechanisms are tightly linked with

those of the host.

A number of other markers of alternative activation

are known to exist in the murine model, namely Ym1

and FIZZ1 which are non-functional members of the

chitinase family of proteins (Donnelly and Barnes,

2004). In the last decade, there have been several

chitinases and chitinase-like molecules identified in

higher mammals including chitotriosidase (Chit) and

acidic mammalian chitinase (AMCase) (Boot et al.,

2001; Renkema et al., 1995). AMCase, a 50 kDa

protein, is strongly expressed in the gut in the rodent,

where it has a pH optimum of 2 (Donnelly and Barnes,

2004). Unlike other members of this family of proteins,

AMCase also has enzymatic properties which involve

the 39 kDa N-terminal catalytic region which can

cleave chitin (Boot et al., 2001). Zhu et al. (2004) have

shown a possible role of AMCase expression in alveolar

macrophages to be under the control of IL-13, a Th2

cytokine, and also provide evidence for a role of this

protein in the pathology of asthma. Nair et al. (2005)

have also reported upregulated levels of chitinase and

FIZZ type proteins during nematode infection.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the

activation of ruminant macrophages following exposure

to F. hepatica molecules by using arginase as a marker

of alternative activation. We also sought to identify if

chitinase or chitinase-like proteins could be used as

markers of macrophage activation in the ruminant


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Cell line

The cell line used in these experiments was the ovine

monocyte cell line, MOCL7 (Olivier et al., 2001). This

cell line expresses membrane antigens representative of

blood derived monocytes, such as CD14 and poly-

morphic MHC II. The ability of MOCL7 cells to behave

similarly to native monocytes is also demonstrated by

phagocytosis of latex beads and a Salmonella abortu-

sovis strain (SAO Rv6).

2.2. Cell culture

MOCL7 cells were grown to confluency in 75 cm2

tissue culture flasks (Sarstedt) at 37 8C in 5% CO2,

using RPMI 1640 (Invitrogen), supplemented with

2 mM L-glutamine and 10% FCS (Sigma), containing

200 U/ml penicillin (Sigma) and 200 mg/ml strepto-

mycin (Sigma), 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Invitrogen),

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–40 33

5 � 10�5 mM mercapoethanol (Invitrogen), 1% non-

essential amino acids (Invitrogen). Cells were grown to

confluency and then collected by disassociating the cell

layers in Mg2+ and Ca2+ free trypsin/EDTA (Invitrogen)

for 10 min at 37 8C. Cells were collected in centrifuge

tubes and washed three times in warm Mg2+ and Ca2+

free Hanks Buffered Saline Solution, HBSS (Invitro-

gen). Following this, viable cells were counted using the

trypan blue method and resuspended in complete

medium at a final concentration of 1 � 106/ml.

Prior to stimulation, 500 ml of cell suspension was

added to every well of a 12 well flat-bottomed tissue

culture plate (Sarstedt). The cells were allowed to

adhere for 2–3 h and then the medium was removed.

Following this the wells were washed by rinsing in

Mg2+ and Ca2+ free HBSS and fresh medium was

added. Antigens were added at the indicated concen-

trations in final volumes of 20 ml. For control cultures,

the same volume of sterile PBS was added. Following

stimulation, the supernatant was removed and stored at

�20 8C until further use, and the cells were lysed using

1% Triton X-100 before freezing at �20 8C.

2.3. Antigen preparation

Liver fluke homogenate (LFH) and excretory-

secretory (ES) products were prepared as previously

described (Smith et al., 1993). Recombinant peroxir-

edoxin (Prx) was produced in an Escherichia coli

system also as described (Sekiya et al., 2006).

Recombinant peroxiredoxin (rPrx) was available in

our lab in two forms mutant (mu) and wildtype (wt).

rwtPrx behaves in a similar manner to the native forms

purified from ES (Sekiya, personal communication).

rwtPrx contains a 2 Cys active site, in the mutant form

the cysteine residue at position 47 has been mutated to a

tyrosine reside by a single nucleotide change.

2.4. Endotoxin removal

For preparation of endotoxin free F. hepatica

molecules polymyxin B columns (Pierce) or a phase

separation technique was used according to a previously

described method (Gao and Tsan, 2003a; Aida and Past,

1990). Briefly, columns were washed with 5 volumes of

1% sodium deoxycholate (Sigma) followed by 10

volumes of sterile PBS. rPrx or LFH was then added to

the column in aliquots of 250 ml and incubated for 1 h at

room temperature. They were eluted in sterile endotoxin

free PBS and following this the column was flushed

with sterile PBS. The phase separation method was also

used for endotoxin removal. Briefly proteins, adjusted

to 1 mg/ml in sterile endotoxin free PBS, were vortexed

with 5% Triton X-114, and incubated on ice for 5 min,

then at 37 8C for 5 min. Following the last incubation

solutions were centrifuged, in a microcentrifuge, at

5000 � g for 7 s at 37 8C. Following centrifugation, the

upper phase of the solution was collected, containing

the endotoxin free proteins. For all proteins used in

experiments, two cycles of phase separation were used.

After removal of endotoxin, molecules were either

given a prefix of t for polymyxin B column treated

molecules or pt for phase separated molecules. The

protein concentration was measured using the BCA

system (Pierce) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a


2.5. Endotoxin detection

The presence of endotoxin was detected in protein

solutions prior to and after treatments to remove

endotoxin using the Cambrex QCL-1000 Chromogenic

LAL Endpoint Assay. Briefly, 50 ml of sample was

incubated with 50 ml of LAL reagent for 10 min. 100 ml

of substrate solution was added and the reaction stopped

after 6 min with 100 ml of stop reagent (25% glacial

acetic acid). The absorbance was then measured at

405 nm. Endotoxin levels were quantified using a

standard curve and reported as EU/ml.

2.6. Nitric oxide measurement

Supernatants were tested in duplicate for nitric oxide

(NO) using the Griess reagent system (Promega).

Briefly, 50 ml of supernatant was added to wells of a 96

well plate (Sarstedt). To this 100 ml of sulfanimide

solution was added and the plate was incubated for

10 min in the dark at room temperature. Following this,

100 ml of N-1-napthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride

(NED) solution was added and the plate incubated

as before. Readings were taken at 570 nm and NO

concentration was determined by comparison with a

standard curve prepared from a 100 mM solution of


2.7. Arginase activity assay

Cell lysates were prepared by addition of 400 ml of

1% Triton X-100 (Sigma), and incubation on a rocking

platform for 40 min. Lysate (50 ml) was added to 50 ml

of Tris–HCl buffer, pH 7.5, and incubated at 55 8C for

10 min for enzyme activation. Following this, 25 ml of

the activated lysate was added to 25 ml of arginine

substrate at a concentration of 0.5 M (pH 9.7). This

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–4034

Fig. 1. Differential Regulation of iNOS and arginase in MOCL7 cells.

(a) Nitric oxide levels in collected supernatants were taken as indi-

cators of iNOS activity while arginase levels were measure in the same

cell lysates. These measurements were made after 48 h stimulation.

The nitric oxide levels of LPS stimulated cells were significantly

greater than those of PBS stimulated cells (P < 0.05). (b) The arginase

levels of LPS stimulated cells did not reach levels significantly greater

than the PBS control. The levels shown are the mean of three tested

cultures plus S.E.M.

mixture was incubated at 37 8C for 1 h. The reaction was

stopped by addition of 400 ml of acid stop solution,

comprising H2SO4 (96%), H3PO4 (85%), and H2O in a

ratio of 1:3:7. Colour was developed by adding 25 ml of

9% isonitrosopriopherone (Sigma) and heating to 103 8Cfor 45 min. A 1:20 dilution of beef liver homogenate was

used as a positive control. Two hundred microliters of

reaction mixture was added to wells of a 96 well plate and

the OD measured at 570 nm. The levels of urea in

samples were calculated by comparison with a standard

curve. One unit of enzyme activity was defined as the

quantity of enzyme that results in the formation of

1 mmol urea/min. On graphs arginase levels are given as

mU which is milli-units (mU) per 106 cells.

2.8. Chitinase assay

Chitinase activity was measured in supernatants as

previously described using a 96 well fluoregenic assay

(Boot et al., 2001). Briefly, 10 ml of supernatant was

mixed with 40 ml of McIlvaine buffer (100 mM citric

acid and 100 mM sodium phosphate) at the indicated

pH containing 0.25 mM of substrate. The substrate used

was 4-methylumbelliferyl b-D-N,N0-diacetylchitobiose

(4MU-chitobiose; Sigma–Aldrich). Following incuba-

tion of the sample with substrate/buffer for 2 h at

37 8C the reaction was stopped with 200 ml of 0.25 M

Gly/NaOH. Fluorescence was determined using a

Perkin-Elmer fluorimeter (excitation 365 nm; emissions

460 nm). Values are reported as nmol/h/ml following

reference to a standard curve generated from 4-


2.9. Statistical analysis

Data was tested for normality and then levels of

enzyme activity were tested for significant difference by

using the two-tailed Student’s t-test on MiniTab

software (Microsoft). Results were considered signifi-

cantly different if the P-value was <0.05.

3. Results

3.1. Differential production of arginase and

nitric oxide

To demonstrate that MOCL7 cells can regulate

arginase and iNOS in a similar manner to other MF

models we first stimulated cells with 5 and 10 mg/ml of

LPS from E. coli strain 111:B4 (Sigma–Aldrich). After

24 h arginase activity was detected in cells, however,

only trace amounts of NO were found. By 48 h after

stimulation, NO was detectable in LPS treated cells and

arginase levels were not significantly greater than PBS

treated cells (Fig. 1). At both 48 and 72 h NO was seen

to increase to levels significantly greater than those of

PBS treated cells (P < 0.05). It was noted that as NO

levels increased in LPS stimulated cells the arginase

levels decreased. This relationship indicates differential

regulation of arginase and iNOS in MOCL7 cells and

demonstrates their ability to undergo both alternative

and classical activation.

3.2. Alternative activation of macrophages by a

panel of F. hepatica molecules

A panel of F. hepatica derived molecules was next

used to stimulate the cells to determine their effect on

activation. The antigens used included rPrx, LFH, and

ES. After 48 h stimulation arginase activity was

detectable in all cells stimulated with F. hepatica

molecules. These levels were all significantly greater

than those found in PBS stimulated cells with Prx giving

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–40 35

Fig. 2. (a) Following 48 h stimulation with a panel of F. hepatica

derived molecules the arginase levels in cells lysates were measured.

The antigens LFH, ES, and rPrx all induced alternative activation. The

arginase levels differed as the dose of antigen increased, however, this

trend was not significant. (b) NO levels of the same cultures were

measured and only high doses of crude antigen resulted in minimal

NO production with levels never being above 1 mM. The results

represent the mean of three cultures plus S.E.M.

Fig. 3. A time course assay was conducted to determine when peak

arginase levels occur. (a) Cells stimulated with LFH were measured

for arginase levels 2, 6, 8, 24, and 48 h post-stimulation. From 2 h

arginase activity was seen in the cells, in this case activity in LFH

treated cells was significantly greater than controls. This trend con-

tinued until 24 h where activity peaked. Here activity in stimulated

cells was not only greater than PBS controls but also significantly

greater than the time point before or after (P < 0.05). (b) Cells were

stimulated with rmtPrx and arginase measured as above. Levels were

seen to rise over time. The peak of enzyme activity was seen to occur

at 24 h. Levels here are significantly greater than the time point before

and after. Levels of arginase induced by rwtPrx are significantly

elevated throughout the experiment when compared to the PBS.

Levels shown are the mean of three cultures.

the highest levels. A dose of LFH at 5 mg/ml produced

the lowest levels of arginase activity with 36 mU while

rwtPrx gave the highest levels of 74.4 mU. As seen in

Fig. 2a the level of arginase following stimulation was

dose dependent. Fig. 2b illustrates the lack of NO in the

supernatants from the same cultures. Only the highest

doses of LFH and ES, crude molecules induced NO

production. These levels failed to exceed 1 mM.

3.3. Maximal arginase levels

Having previously demonstrated that arginase

activity was detectable from 24 h post-stimulation

and that F. hepatica derived molecules can successfully

activate macrophages, we next sought to determine at

what point the peak response, in terms of arginase

activity, would occur. A time course study was

undertaken using LFH to stimulate cells for 2, 6, 8,

24, and 48 h. Following these periods of stimulation we

assayed cell lysates for arginase activity. From 2 h post-

stimulation, measurable arginase activity was present in

cells stimulated with LFH and PBS (Fig. 3a). These

levels were significantly greater than those found in

PBS treated cells with P values being 0.01 and 0.007,

respectively, for the two doses, 5 and 10 mg/ml. The

levels continued to increase until 24 h post-stimulation

where arginase activity was seen to peak at 69.8 and

77.1 mU for the 5 and 10 mg/ml doses, respectively. At

48 h, levels had dropped but remained elevated in

comparison to PBS controls, where levels were 36.1 and

41.9 mU, respectively, for the 5 and 10 mg/ml doses.

Fig. 3b shows a similar pattern for rwtPrx, peak levels of

arginase were found at 24 h where the activity obtained

here was significantly greater than the activity seen at 8

and 48 h.

3.4. Peroxiredoxin activates host macrophages

Time course experiments showed that arginase levels

peak again at 24 h post-stimulation with rwtPrx, with

the two doses 5 and 10 mg/ml producing 66.5 and

61.3 mU, respectively. To rule out the possibility that

the enzyme activity of rwtPrx was necessary for this

response, we tested the two forms (mu and wt)

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–4036

Fig. 4. Two forms of rPrx were tested to ensure the enzyme active site

of Prx was not responsible for activation of cells. Macrophages were

treated with 5 mg/ml of rwtPrx or rmuPrx and arginase activity in cell

lysates was determined after 24 h. At this point both treatments had

activated the cells, but no significant difference was seen between the

two treatments. The levels are the mean of three cultures plus SEM.

Table 1

Endotoxin levels of F. hepatica molecules

Endotoxin level (EU/ml) treatmenta

Molecule Native Polymyxin B Phase separation

LFH 0.613 0.066 NDb

Prx 0.103 0.018 ND

a Molecules were tested in the LAL assay either in a native

(untreated) form, or following purification over a polymyxin B

column, or following phase separation.b ND—not detected, endotoxin could not be detected in the samples


Fig. 5. Removal of endotoxin, by two methods, does not inhibit

alternative activation. (a) LFH purified over a polmyxin B column,

tLFH, produces levels of arginase similar to untreated controls. Cells

were treated with 10 mg/ml of LFH or tLFH. (b) Cells treated with

5 mg/ml of untreated or phase separated molecules behave in the same

manner in terms of arginase production. The levels are the mean of

three cultures plus S.E.M.

simultaneously at a dose of 5 mg/ml. Fig. 4 shows that

arginase levels were similar in cultures given both

forms. Both forms again induced levels of activity

significantly greater than PBS controls, with rwtPrx

inducing 66.5 mU of enzymatic activity while rmuPrx

gave 73.9 mU. The levels produced by rwtPrx and

rmuPrx treatmenent were not significantly different

from each other (P > 0.05).

3.5. Removal of endotoxic residues from F. hepatica

molecules fails to stop alternative activation of


Endotoxic residues are ubiquitous and may be

responsible for the activation of macrophages in many

settings (Gao and Tsan, 2003a,b). The possibility that

the activating effect seen in response to stimulation with

LFH or Prx could be a result of endotoxic contamination

had to be ruled out. LFH is a crude antigen prepared

from whole fluke extracts and Prx is produced in a

recombinant E. coli system, where there is a strong

possibility of contaminating LPS being present. To

examine the effect endotoxins have on activation of

macrophages by F. hepatica molecules we removed

endotoxins over a polymyxin B column (t) or by phase

separation (pt). The levels of endotoxin detected prior to

and following treatment are shown in Table 1.

Cells were stimulated as before for 24 h with LFH

and tLFH at a dose of 10 mg/ml. LFH induced 77.1 mU

of arginase activity while tLFH induced 77.4 mU of

activity. These levels are significantly greater than those

found in the PBS controls for the experiment, indicating

that both antigens had alternatively activated the

macrophages. Also, analysis of the individual levels

of activity indicated that there was no significant

difference between the levels induced by LFH or tLFH

(P > 0.05) (Fig. 5a). For protein purified by phase

separation we treated cells for 24 h with 5 mg/ml of

LFH and Prx, and their respective phase separated

forms, ptLFH and ptPrx. No significant changes in

arginase levels were detected between the native form

or phase treated form of the molecule. LFH produced

22.7 mU of arginase activity while ptLFH gave

21.22 mU of enzyme activity (P > 0.05) (Fig. 5b).

When the cells were treated with Prx, the arginase

activities were found to be 20.94 and 19.55 mU

(P > 0.05) for Prx and ptPrx, respectively. This clearly

indicated that the response of cells to F. hepatica

molecules was not due to any contaminating endotoxic

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–40 37

Table 2

Effect of TCA on enzyme activity

% TCA 0.05 1 10 15

% reduction in activity 3.14 2.09 72 95

Prx generated supernatants were incubated for 30 min at room tem-

perature with an equal volume of the indicated TCA solution. Samples

were then tested under standard conditions using McIlvaine buffer at

pH 4.5, the enzyme activities were then compared to a control sample,

incubated with water, and the percentage differences in activity was


residues but to an intrinsic activating ability of these


3.6. Chitinase activity as a marker of alternative

activation in ruminant hosts

To determine whether chitinase could be used as a

marker for activation in ruminant macrophages we

assayed the supernatants of stimulated cells after 48 h.

We found that chitinase activity was indeed present and

that there were higher levels present in the supernatants

taken from cells stimulated with LFH, as compared to

LPS or PBS stimulated cells (data not shown). To

determine the optimum conditions under which this

chitinase was active we assayed three types of super-

natants. Supernatants were taken from cells stimulated

with LFH and rPrx at 10 ug/ml and LFH at 5 ug/ml.

Peak activity occurred between pH 3 and 4 (Fig. 6a).

The peak pH was further pinpointed to 2.5 (Fig. 6b).

This indicated that the chitinase present in the super-

natant was likely to be AMCase since chitriosidase

activity is maximal at a range of pH 4.5–5.2 (Renkema

Fig. 6. Optimum pH of the chitinase enzyme found in supernatants

was determined by buffering McIlvaine buffer to the indicated pH. (a)

Three types of supernatant were used, these were generated by

stimulating macrophages with LFH at 5 or 10 mg/ml and Prx at

10 mg/ml. The chitinase activity in all three supernatants peaked

between pH 2 and pH4. To further pinpoint the pH a range of 1.6–

3.7 was assayed using the same Prx generated supernatant as before. It

can be seen that the pH which produced the optimal activity was 2.5,

indicating an acidic chitinase enzyme.

et al., 1995) and at pH 5, chitinase activity in our

samples had halved as compared to that at pH 2.5. We

further characterized the enzyme by addition of TCA to

the supernatant samples prior to being assayed. Table 2

shows that up to 1% TCA solution had little effect on the

activity of the enzyme, while incubation with TCA

solutions of 10 and 15% reduced enzyme activity by 72

and 95%, respectively. As AMCase is acid stable and

chitriosidase is not, this suggests that the enzyme found

here is similar AMCase (Boot et al., 2001).

To investigate the possibility of using chitinase

activity as a marker of macrophage activation we

assayed supernatants taken from cells stimulated with

either LPS or rwtPrx for 48 h. Following this time

supernatants were collected. Assay of the samples

indicated that a difference in chitinase activities was

present. The LPS dose of 1 mg/ml produced higher

levels of chitinase activity compared to a dose of 5 mg/

ml with chitinase activity being 12.93 and 6.97 nmol/h/

ml, respectively. rwtPrx stimulated cells produced

chitinase activites of 27.42 and 26.45 nmol/h/ml for

cells given a dose of 5 and 10 mg/ml, respectively. In

comparison to the LPS 1 mg/ml generated chitinase

levels, they were significantly greater for the 5 and

10 mg/ml dose where P = 0.0003 and 0.003, respec-

tively (Fig. 7a). In comparison, NO was detected only in

LPS stimulated cells when compared to controls or Prx

activated cells (Fig. 7b). The contrast in NO and

chitinase levels indicates that chitinase activity could

serve as a marker of alternative activation.

4. Discussion

Our results to date demonstrate that molecules

derived from F. hepatica are capable of alternatively

activating macrophages in vitro. This is in agreement

with previous findings (Donnelly et al., 2005). Our

results add to the data available on macrophage

activation by helminths. To date AAMF have been

shown to be induced in models of infection using

Schistosoma mansoni (Herbert et al., 2004), Trichnella

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–4038

Fig. 7. (a) Supernatants taken from activated cells were tested for

chitinase activity 48 h after stimulation. Both LPS treated cultures

failed to induce chitinase activity above that of the control, while Prx

treated cultures had levels of chitinase significantly greater than either

the control or LPS treated cultures (P < 0.05). (b) Levels of NO were

also measured, NO was not detected in cells treated with PBS or both

doses of Prx. However, NO production was detected in cells treated

with increasing doses of LPS. The levels are the mean of three cultures

plus SEM.

spiralis (Dzik et al., 2004), and Taenia crassiceps

(Terrazas et al., 2005). Our results are the first to

describe the response of ruminant-derived macrophages

to F. hepatica molecules. AAMF may prove to be an

important step in the establishment of the immune

regulatory environment during F. hepatica infection.

These types of immune responses are important because

of their inhibitory effect on Th1 responses in F. hepatica

infected animals and the associated hyporesponsiveness

of associated immune mechanisms. Our results also

highlight the ability of proteins secreted by parasites to

influence the immune environment. Since the Prx active

site is not responsible for the activation of cells; the

mechanism of action remains to be defined.

Classically activated macrophages (CAMF) are

usually associated with Th1 responses and thereby

combat bacterial infections, via free radical production.

AAMF are linked to Th2 responses, which occur during

asthma, fungal and parasitic infections. The differential

regulation of these two macrophage phenotypes has been

shown to correlate with the Th1/Th2 cytokine balance

and T cell subsets (Hesse et al., 2001; Munder et al.,

1998). The modulatory capacity of helminth-induced

macrophages in murine models is well documented.

Using a T. crassiceps model of infection, Terrazas et al.

(2005) have shown that T cell anergy induced by AAMF

was contact dependent, while simultaneously being

independent of IL-10, IFN-g, and NO. Examination of

the surface of these macrophages revealed that pro-

grammed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) and PD-L2 were

upregulated. Neutralization of PD-L1, PD-L2, or their

receptor PD-1 restored lymphocyte responsiveness.

Smith et al. (2004) found S. mansoni infection to have

the same effect on MF where typical Th2 cytokines IL-4

and IL-13 and regulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-b

were found to have no role in the MF dependent cell

anergy. Blockade of PD-L1 restored lymphocyte

responses. This evidence extends the dual role MF play

in immunity, as APCs they may have a critical role in

induction of downstream responses.

Ym1 and Fizz-1 are commonly used markers of

AAMF in the murine model, they are also non-

functional members of the chitinase family of proteins.

Nair et al. (2005) found these proteins to be upregulated

in nematode infection. This study also showed an

increase in AMCase expression; however, this expres-

sion was restricted to the lungs. The role of chitinases in

helminth infections is still unclear; however, since Ym1

and Fizz are non-functional it remains to be defined

whether they may act as chemokines. Webb et al. (2001)

found Ym2, whose expression was IL-13 dependent, to

have weak chemotactic ability. However, the chitinase

identified in our work is fully functional and appears

similar in enzymatic properties to AMCase. A role for

AMCase has been identified in the murine model of

asthma and its presence was detected in human

bronchoalveolar (BAL) samples taken from asthmatics

(Zhu et al., 2004). In a murine model of a sensitized

airway both mRNA and protein levels of AMCase were

upregulated in an IL-13 dependent manner. Further

examination showed that AMCase was incapable of

upregulating cytokine expression on its own. Using in

situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry AMCase

was localized to macrophages and epithelial cells

derived from the airway. Chitinases, and in particular

AMCase, have also been implicated in the asthmatic

response and have been identified as potential

therapeutic targets (Donnelly and Barnes, 2004; Elias

et al., 2005). A chitinase like protein, SI-CLP, has also

been linked to AAMF (Kzhyshkowska et al., 2005). In

this study AAMF were generated by stimulating

cells with IL-4 and levels of SI-CLP were examined

and found to be upregulated. It was found that

human cartilage glycoprotein 39 (HC-gp39), a chitinase

family member, inhibited cellular responses to IL-1 and

R.J. Flynn et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (2007) 31–40 39

TNF-alpha (Ling and Recklies, 2004). This would mirror

the action of cytokines produced by AAMF. The

potential role that chitinases have in helminth infections,

either as functional enzymes or possible chemokines,

must be investigated further.

To conclude, the results presented here demonstrate

the induction of alternative activation of a ruminant

derived MF cell line by F. hepatica molecules. We have

also identified a novel ovine chitinase that appears

similar to AMCase and is associated with the induction

of AAMF in this model. The role of AMCase warrants

particular study since it is a functional enzyme and

could also have a possible chemokine role in promoting

eosinophilia, which is an important process in helminth

infections. The role of AAMF need to be further

investigated in respect of their effect on bacterial

coinfections in F. hepatica hosts needs be determined

and their role in the establishment of adaptive immune

responses in chronic Th2 responses must also be fully



R.J. Flynn would like to thank The Irish Research

Council for Science Engineering and Technology for

funding under the EMBARK Initiative. Funding for

the study was also provided by the EU Commission

under Framework 6, Project ref.FOOD-CT-2005-

02305-DELIVER. The authors would also like to thank

Drs. Donnelly and O’Neill for helpful discussions.


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