University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-19-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-19-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-19-1916." (1916). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1576

Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-19-1916

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University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-19-1916Journal Publishing Company

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, pleasecontact [email protected].

Recommended CitationJournal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-19-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news/1576



TEN PAGES.THIRTY-SEVENT- H YEAH,(il (X1.1X. No. .(.- - ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MI X, fail) bi Carrier ur Mall, mm

h Month. sinKi Copies, ticTEN PAGES.





recant inns were takimight to iii"i



WEATHER FORECAST.Denver, Feb, II. New Mexico:!

Saturday ami Sunday fair, si m litwarmer Saturday extreme south pot- -,ions-

LOCAL WEATHER REPORT.For twenty-fou- r hours, ending at

6 p. in. yeetorday.Maximum temperature) Bfi degrees;

minimum, -- i degrees! range, 41 de-

grees; temperature, at 8 p. m., IS de- -grccs; oast wind; clear.




Jombin- - Coloftel House Is

ve w ee t e itrv

Treaty With Nicaragua Is Rati-- j

tied by Senate After Sharp! WOMEN PRISONERS TO

Fight in Opposition Led by LEAVELEAVENWORTHjo8a by Scaiidmavic renc

r T i i ai. Pitly Capturedre Repulsed'.

m I



Unity isSubstituteClause" F

because ooi i nis Nation, tx-ifor- ms

Committee,Borah, tf'UO o oetlves wotivure of Mails,



Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 18. -- Four- I

teen t the twenty-si- x federal womenI prisoners held In the Kansas stateprison at Lansing will be removed t.o



.il, ,. headquartercity tomorrow, n wereiiium stat, in tne mm, in- wem, rtirce

in,. I,Republican State Chairman I

Knocked Down and Rendeiact That Germany Had Of-- S.TS?!? ff-IlS-

fered Much More for Option '";. v,lnla s,:,t" penitentiary,, For year the State or Kansas had

Used Effectively 111 ClOSIIlg, a contract with the svrnraenl forr. , the care of women federal prisoners

pan's Program, When Com-

pleted, Equals America's,and Secret Construction Is

Thought Quite Probable,

, , . ,,. - ftii-f- i uoorvvays aeroM tinCommonEuropean

Artillery uej

Aus-No- w

Withinf Durazzo,

l Italiangagemetrfanaf'iuht M

. lh onIThei0(1 UllCOnStMOUS DV bli'U OTtaH "Idea of the bull

n6TUS6u 10 Mar

Cause With An

Nation Dm in:: 'li .neniyururtlci i at the Lansing. Institutloi Recentlyitifted gov-ra- ct

wouldt he board ( eorrectcm men I officials iii ONE TOO MANY SHERIFFS


ON At ftCIAt, LIA6IP Vim, MonN

. is i ;, p, in.) I'm-- Okffth(V M, .... JOUMNAl. Ptr,A. LIA1IO WIM1,

While lull details of the OgPtUreBnterUm, Turkish Armenlu, ure

Washington, Feb. 18. The senat"'" ; waahlhgton, Feb. is. -- The British ,

iiii. vipnrainian " navy today is approximately twice asi.,,.,XZJgl 5s to BIG SHIPPERS GET ;r ,;V:rtl!.hi.Tral PASSES AS DIRECTORS I combination has lust about double the L,-

,. time 'on nt w i :,m; i, the Bwed-- j runiuiiouminister to Knglond, has been Ogrtahomi

ling a septan of i'onfreiuiig wlthjtoday whi

Kdward M Huse, President on a sectsell t :i t ivo. mi sigtu u obase In the Bay of Fonaeca for M--'- i aeanffnimK.iorceoirneuniH.amB!, Wilson's personal ,


- 1. 1, knit;. leml'Offlcial advices fromMOAN, Ml ii'iirhii ,v

Clarksdale, Miss. Feb, , Tnnlg.ii "trograd are to the ettact that mo

coahoma county has two shertffs, i '" '"' ,,"rkln mode ih.-i- r

lioldlns office bi election and armed peape Thousand! of Armenianswith a onnncerj eouti Injunction for-'ar- c declared t hAva been massadredbidding Interference with his exercise jul Kurds before the ivaeuatloa.of his official duties, and the otherl Hmrj I lrlnlntr West,holding by appolnttneni of tiovernor. Thete had been considernlile o,

and backed by a detachment iBHery activity around the positionsuf ;,.(,' militia. taken by the Qsrmans recently from

.i i. Baugh, who had bean sheriff British in the vicinity of fprcsand who was ordered deDosed bv the ;"1l several atteiupts by the British

ilbielthe United states supreme court '""itect cause it in effect disfranchised lh

j negro population of the state,il, li Pltdied itattie Rn'snemtune Partisan feeling over U(j new

was j measure finally oulmlnated in an out'the I break, precipitated by charges oi

i.afl.iifio Under the treaty the Unit- - m moii unl imcm. lcao ,n accnraing to inrormaiion m tne PS"jthe subject of the dctentloi,,i State would acquire a nnetynlno Daltaa, Tex, Feb, 18.' Inveptita-- ilon of the navy department. The ,,.. man ,,y bni'ientH.year option on the Nicaragua", canal t tlo ' th Megd grantlna- - of annual cta were dlecloaed to the houae y ,,. whoto fjueniion oi

mute una .t naval base nass.s to shippers through their apnaval committee toiiay by Captain j M A,linn hy aeutratii t

Five democratic senator.- - voted ' Pointmenl as railroad dlrectom wasJdah McKean, of the staff of the ,,,,. , iyhts have n die.

against the treaty. They were fham- - concluded here today. i ,'h,,,f "' operaUona, j Tnp fiw , onfen n, , dunherlaln, Mrtine, Clarke, of Arkan-- !

I:- T- . special examiner rorj Captain McKean also Haw tne ,., Wrangrf and i.'olnas: Thomas and Vardaman. Bepub-- "" commerce eommtssion, will French navy was from 18 to ... pe w,.,,, closeted tor several li

licaha who voted aptmst the ratlfl. r,"J"m" ,h" h";"'in Mday in Amar-jce- nt stronger than he Amer can, ac. arrang.ed ,, ,,. initiativecordis to the latest information, H"Sw.,M,, ,,ister. The ,,,a.,on w.-r- Borah, Clapp Cummlna. i ?

aronna Tones Kenyon LaFolletto During the Inquiry here mass ofloxpialned thai these were rough, es--netween Sweden and Creai

McCOmier. Nelson. Norris. Smith, of testimony has been Introduced m tin .timates ;,,ver detentions of mail bj h

f an alleged short- - to reCaptUf thttf lost gfOUBI by la- -itroversy corruption and the passing of the lie governor oeoau

Britain i between members, during which inU age ir his acciih ,,,,iin- - bottles nanei welahts and .uher fix- - nce of his dut

its. opened perform- - faulty attacks. Ilerlln says thethe court were repulsed with heavy eas-r- ,

iB fisher, provld-- 1 unities, With the exception of ir With mllltlsmsn to j French afsault against the tiernuinin office as llau tH'l "uth Of the Homme, which H r

Mseveral ; tures of the members' deata were llion I,, mow that lexas railroads, ouier nnaw nnxniic, tries an Ininass,Michigan; Bmoot and Warren, Flf- -if apteen repubUcan senators Jond the """u wo maoe a pracn

. , . a..t pointing directors who werSo far as is definitely known, tin

aptain toid the committee, the Jap-i- n

se building program adopted scv-stltllllH

used ss weaponseemed Inevitable i

id ami advanced t

i ans and socialists,

democrats mmrd the reptiArthur II. (li

weeks iign. and pelthcr country sineethen has made any concession, Thquestion becam serious when Swedeniii retaliation tar. the seizure of hertrans-Atlant- ic mails by Great Btiltsln

Brandegee, hlppera 11,1 who received free passes aithe treaty They were..it inii.,..i..,m rtanAni fini. through their official connection with l ei I years ago and which Will not bl

npleted for several years to come chairman of the repthe rath

essor, took possession of the also declares was pui dntwi, BrthoUSS, Late today Baugh was tllleiy of both side has been .hinted ,api,i es ordering the n ir instrument of warfare along tl,i to explain their action. It Ih ex- - French front.led they will be served tomorrow. No Chang Oil Italian front.

The Austrian and Pultuns at va.

lean siai,iked downllngt r, Harding, Uppltt, Lodge, m

proviaeg lor a moaern lieet oi cigni s,,jZ, , ii,,. j.;njrisu postdreadnaughts and eight battle cruls- -

lu(j(liH ApproilmHtelj11 IIS Way to cuDirm foioion tee. w.is iv

liO.MO par-jwi- d rendered unconsdovheld un III s, litative l.oris B,

tepre- - pf Higera, It was possible, he aaaea, ttnu , .. m, now r.rant.EASTLAND CftSE


i.ean, Page, Polndexter, Sutherland,WadSWOrth and Weeks.

Immcdiiitely after the senate hadacted, scnor Chasnmorro, the Nicar-agua- n

minister, said he would at oncecommunicate with his governmentand that he expected ratification ofthe convention by hla govewimew.would soon follow and exchangesmade to put. the treaty Ifwftoree,

nut..! 'la:k.., of AflfciWtSae,

the deniijeral lc opposition to thOtreaty while the republican opposi- -


urns points are still engaged In s

duels and occasional infant rmaneuvers, but no notable victorhave been won by either side. Viennareports leas activity than usual onthe pan of the Italians' guns.

DuraSSO I, Menace!.In Albania the Anair'-Hut.faria- -s

reinforced by Albanians, prcmitnabbIrregulars, have occupied aKavaya,Which Ins eight miles southeast ofDurasio and three miles from th

additional bulldlnf wka In progr. sf as VWi,(lpn bresj tirluUn countered j Heart, usage county,all nations but the United States hadjwjt(l re(U8a to s,,n ,.., , Hweden, Vlgomun OppoelUon,secret building policies. On lh strong lU The proposed law Is the pro luct of

.strength of the known program, how- - Meantime strong representations a democratic uncus, h had passedlever. Captain McKean said, Japan hav (, .,n ,.,,, oy both sides to the the senate and was Up for filial pas- -

would have but Blxteefi capital ships controversy but tpelther lias given an) sags In the house late today wiih rewhen the seventeen Aner'an dread- -' nattsfaotory assiiraii,,, teMdtpg to Its publican and soclallgj !..!. ofn. light..-- built, building or :ii1Iioi i.'i.l. ,, ).:ari in trnVi'ontroversy i feflng vigorous opposition Qelsgler

IWcrc commissioned. W alter lln.es 1'i.ge, the America,, am- - as Mil the floor Ihruufl the courtesyj Tile witness disagreed with lt ii i,,ISSil,,,,. , Ort'ltl Britain, was ap- - Of .1 Visitor's permit IStUed him asAdmiral (Jrant, chief of submarines pcoached bv Swedish diplomats with republican state chairman Bepre-- iwho preceded him, as to the ndvisa-- 1 (ni. 1(1(.t f ,minK th, United States sentatlve Paul Nesbttt, democrat, ofI, ihls of abandoning the preseilt I ta olnl action with Sweden in an j Plttsbnfili COltnty, had voted In favor


i r , it. .smaller submarine types In favor ' effort to settle the question imt thoif the proposed law and as in- - an- -

3nigan juage bcouts iaea M, d thirtv of,Ilc bit.--ton

Adriatic. Hy the capture of this1 '

i town It would seem that tile Teutons, j .nearly have DuraglO surrouniled. T'to

S, Ul'OS aild Utnor Valll- - gendarmes of Kssad l'uiiha, pioviaionlarge boats .should he built amThat Officials of Company'

to the fleets, but that smallWere Guilty of Conspiracy er ones should operate from short

hflAu ..ul'i 1,1 ,vl,...l Bi f'r,-- , 01 inler

Senators Borah rind Smith, of Mich-Igan- .

The convention was favorablyreported iti the last congress but op-

position kept it from reaching n vote.This time the full force Of the' idmin-IStrXtlo- n

got behind it, urging ratifi-- 'atoti, pai'tlculal ly because of the

to further cement friendlywith nations.

Dprlng Hie long debate declarationsWert made in the Senate that Ucimany had offered Nicaragua more

a hies Owjieri

May Be Sold

ederal ComtO DeStlOV Life, vals along the coasts.

Washington government refused t

resulting from mail detentions.ppeiils (o OolOMsH House.

Despairing of settling th,, questlothrough Hie usual channels, CoUllWrangei lost no time in getting Init h w mi Colonel House on his arrival here He found hint quite williiur to listen lo the Swedish side ,,

the controversy but no hint has ye

FnioiiJiini 111 piesidcni ,,f Albania, who defend. ,1

iy rWOHSIWTO Kavaya. made their escape from theUi S,, SaVS ,,,wn and fled on " siiip into tin.

Adriatic.Stead Pasha has been deprived of

Ills rank and removed from the Tur- -

kish army list for having nsnumo.1

1111 -uiatiNeither tl,1lary committee consld

ojnouneed his vote, itepresentatlveH Bams, republican. tannic, I N'esblil

I with being "unfair to republicans."Nesbtti replied thai he was raised in

, a county where the republicans hadoverridden him With nrrupt prgc-,'hr- -s

ami that he had no desire to b

. "They probably took ,,u tor thef crook that you are," shouted Sams,t "If you make that charge you are. a liar," replied Sfesbltt,

Sam.'; arose In bis seal and shouted, i toward the democratic slds of the

, house "Comfl on." In an instantevery democratic ami republicanmember of the house was on Ills feet.

lY MOWN, NO JOUAN.L IPI.IU If A6CO W1BBJ nCSS IlieaSUre.S tod.l'. til' tlllS,. COIll

(irand Rapids. Mich., Feb, It. - mlttee having decided to (akc up thgovernmenl had work or drafting Its federalized nathan had the United Stales for the Holding that tin

rd bill nixt Monday while ( given thai the I'nited Stales in

l the eadeihip of the provisional gov-

ernment of Albania and Jollied theranks of the entente allies.


canal route option, and this is said failed to make out a case against tinto have been used as an argument six men Indicted in connection wit!

for ratification. jthe steamer Kastland disaster in 'hlSenator Stone, ehnlrmnri of the cago last July, which C0M nearly

the siother

committee was directed t

itions temporarily.Military HCOTCts,

lav Moa.itNa jouanAi. RPiri.i lbabbd wiatlKl l'aso, Tex., Feb' is Two car-

loads of hides, valued at 10,t)0, soldi,y Carransa government officials forSport, Hid held lip by United Slateslist uus officials hers pending the fli-

ng of-a- , suit for injunction ""' fad--

iral court at Austin, Tex,, weretonight American and other

lends to change its present policy ,,

playing a loin, hand in an effort t

settle difference', with belligerents. I

is considered significant, Uoweveiforeign relations committee, will rail thousand lives, Judge t larenca V. Th,. bouse committee received,pu the llaltien financial protectorate Sessions in the l'nlte.1 States district however, a statement Horn urigaaie ,,,. Colonel II w in, xpected t Petrograd vis London, Fab. 18, :34

i the I'1! bottles and paper weights weredelas - fifed back and forth betwetn the bel

r ROtteih has b

p, in. i a Neiui-nr- t leiui news agen- .vtreaty next, this to be followed by the court here this afternoon nanaeu aown uenerai William grower, , innamended Colombian treaty. Regard- - a decision , I. living the government's j army ordnance, giving his views

Ins the Colombian treaty there Is aPDlicatlon for the removal of the ac-- , the Tillman bill to prohibit the dif

sail on tinSlIIHg dati

ed. has notdeparture.

lu " '"". ,... .,. ,,, ,Mys:i, ratio membersthe aisles toward hldeS Wers thlr ploperly, decided ' .Tl(. exac number of Turkish

BB0'1 actl'on In the federal courts could jmiiiers ami the troops captured at Braeruw is not

new date for his 'igerents. Theadvanced throtl

.tin- - republicanary secrets.w days," the letter

grave doubt whether it can receive cuged persons to the jurisdiction of the closui f m

the necessary two. thirds vote for ra- - federal 'court for the northern district, "Within a.

se, A C. MefrorCy, ""' successfully prosccutjd In VKW jspeaker of the i

left his chair :i

legislative bib

lisd, "a cas,. has been brought toattention In winch an individual

pOSed to publish a, map showinglocation of all the powder fac

mm plans shed out of thePhe democrats

lineal am of Illinois "Charges Arc Dismissed.

Woman Smutioed for Mfc. By the terms of the decision Un In- - PCiOndon, Feb. 17 (t:40 n. m.) The dli .linen t i ncalnsl Oeol'Ke t. Arnold,!"

I a decision ny tin- t niteii Males y

ouri in New Jersey, that controlling UActions in Mexico could rightfully I

nconfiscate ami sail property. ,

y outnumbered the republicanlimits and .after the harmless

,,i books h id beep thrown tin' Their legalSled mil of Us own accord tonight, lmwi that Claims l"t tin--FAILED TO SAVE

nown, but tin greater part of tin.unison got away, as the fortressas not invested, lull was carried byUMUlt. I'lie number ol guns capin,! reaches I, unit."Before the evacuation, Kurds mer-lessl- y

mas'iacred thousands of Ar- -

"Tbc cliv's ilefenslve works wereganized by the Herman commander,iSSelt, and are spoken of as adiiilr-,1,- ,

and as embodying all theof modern artillery and en- -

case of a woman spy who was recent- - William U. Hull Robert Held, Charlesly sentenced to death but whose sen-'i- -. Bckliffe, Many Pederson and

was commuted to penal pervl-'sep- h M. Grlckson, weie Insufficient soHide for life, was announced in the far as they can applied to in, Id thehouse of commons today by Herbert sjx mm on the Charges of negligenceL Bamttel, the secretary of state for nnd conspiracy alleged In them,

i linlrman Kiu.ci.eii Down. property probably woult filed to-- ; ,.

tories In the I'liited States A sectionshould be added to the Tillman bill

which would authorize the governmerit to prohibit the publication Of

'am information which would operate'against its military interests,

loo Much Publicity,"1 am familiar with the statement No ROBBERS

Representative Tom Henatay, dsm-- mbrrow In the United States court.at. went I,, the side line" and was William Harrel, county hub and anl-(- )

gaged In 'conversation With, '!' Iss- - mal Inspector, said he expected also (1

Wb 'ii Henslcj w alked away Bry-t- o file charge In the state district couri gt sli pped up lo Oetsster and said: here against the Americans who put'What right have you to be talking chased the boles ii, on farranss ufll- - ',

that lent has in, milltarin great part tin.

ollltely so sine,, tinsecrets, whlclall hough not.

nonie aitairs. She wna not a liniisn jn important pan .utilesubject. This is the first time since ,,K t ) 1, actual Jurisdiction f'the beginning of the war. it w;us stat- - i,lf;s m connection with t

ed, thai a woman hail been given so within the body of t ooksevere a prison sentence in Ongland within the jurisdiction of tlfor espionage. uunola "

mm was. This ntitlides that pariEddie Mae Leader ol ban-Ho-

Route of



department has a few . The fad roi suits, however, inn so much from un-

authorised disclosures of confidentialmatter as from our own practice nfspreading in P ports, hearings andother public documents very full In-

formation in regard to our OWU mili-tary secrets. We do this very largely

,n this sublied loW

I let men ts brought under f,

Itcs." By no friction of li

liicago lic.r be regardedtflchixa." says the court, '

The Day in Congress

representatlv the floor ,,f the clals(ft?" (lebwley replied- "Beg par prop

what is your name?" Whereupon ami ,lnt Hclsshr in the fi ac- - HieIng to witnesses, knocking- - him andIn He ,,r and rendering him un- - nf tlClOUg for a few minutes. I ml,yant became b.si m the crowd nmrushed around OelSSleT, No fur- - deteidlstHrbancen occurred, hldei

esldenl Wilson recently pardoned ,,0,,,,Oklahoma election officials who '

,, v

convicted ill federal I foricing the "grandfather test" ami CPVt,

gineeritigf,The latest advices indicate that

lln heavy Turkish reinforcements,Which bad been hastening to the aidof Kizcrum, failed lo arrive In time. '

'i he capture of iCrscrum has arousedthe greatest enthusiasm throughoutIttissia. Towns, large anil small, aret he scenes of demonstrations, paradesMild where Hi. (Irand DUkS Nicholas,In person, announced the news of thelull ,,f Krserum The whole townwas lavishly decorated ami the grandduke appeared several times In

to the acclamations of the

SENATE. ,,f ,u- - hlrh .. I! r m

crime Infill to that liver is cognix- -fll. (n( tll(t guch gubjects a!Senator Sterling spoke on his rese

lutlon pertaining to German admit hie by the COUrtS ot Ih,- slate ol il II. MORN,

Chicago.Hits of Ihilty's order to sink armed merchant jj, ihand not bexceedingly difficult to keep secretand that if We should refrain frompublishing them they would still be

known to foreign military staffs andour own people would be the only in-

terest! d parties noi informed."are two otlnrs now on trial Ii formation thai large quantities of lead

ami copper concentrates, together withWashington Park bank, for Whloh four federal court at Guthrie,young men, who, be says, were ins The election bin passed the house,accomplices) are on trig Mack was :,:t to :il. It Is expected to he ap- -a Mate witness on promise of Immuu- - proved by Governor R, Williams.Ity. Th rsglsuatlon ectlon of the bill




ships Of belligerents. United States."Senator Lodge n speech declared1 jf0 UonSplrSA') PlSISlWC.

abandonmant b- i'nited states- - ofl "Moreover, the defendants were nol

principle that its ports were open to m ,h(, nstland at the time of the al-it- s

citizens and free t. travel on leged noaiect and misconduct, butarmed belligerent' merchantnn n were at their home,' In this districtWould be unneutral. , of the slate of Michigan, It n.ce snr- -

Brandeii nomination investigating ny follows that nom of the defendnnttcommittee adjourned to Fenrwatj be-- coafd possibly be found guilty undeicause of lack of witnesses, this lndlotitsed If held for trial.''

International Harv ester company i if the criminal conspiracy charge,was charged with furnishing arms to the decision saysMexican reovtutlonlsts at agricultural "There is no proof which tends,

lis f;iU. were now iii i srrsnsa i

warehouses ami thai the) IS (via IjoikIoii,Petrograd, Fro,l i b. II) l.'M a.ut


London, Feb. Is. t:6l p. in.) Ma- - mer, Harry I I

jor General iioeheii, commanding the were related '

British forces in West Africa. has they walked OS in a stat iiuni yesterdayarc la, .Mexican i omul hern,ligation hear- - even ill a slight deuce, to fasten guilt transmitted the following telegram autoniohiU' befi

upon any of the respondents. A com- - wntch the governor general of the ing down with !

the hold-up- , markell and p., per all I In

nmiittee's sisal invIng!,

.,ii io .o naiiot was laKcn on tinemergency clause, Speaker Met roreyaim, ,iim ing that Hie Strict party voteon IhS bill showed thai the lu ' cssnrymajority to pm the measure into ef-fect at one could not he obtained,



nt. I The war offle-- 1

cation as issued today says:completeness of the defeat

d by tin Turks and the ter-s- .n the) suffered in the Krxe

b ting ar bSCOmtag more anar. The forts in the fortress

id in the surrounding countryoi Turkish dead.

mnaiilH of the Turkish at nnbv our troops are fleeing in

at main points in different- A severe snow storm hascool Ibe ardor of our men in

fendanta to de- - Spanish isboth unbelievable ,,,,,..-(,.,-1 hiA conspiracy to iinist. r lile crime is itself .;,ermayet

f r'. rnando Po re- - holes ana bumps in the atreisend to the colonial espape would nol be hainpen on behalf of Heir After all Hi" plans wereriior of the Herman the robbery, M a k told the

' full'Tinised

Senator Robinson presented to mil- - lunation of die-

tary committee officers letters which stroy human 111

If. declared proved the army avia- - and unthiukabion corps inefficient. ;commit in imp

Ratified) 5:. t,. i", NiCSiraguan an impossibltlt)rem.- i.., aaSklnlt ih I'oiteH sautes and proved

any obligation to Hi,- minefrom whom they were taken.

Every act charged Karnerun.;ainst these respondents "MinisteIn usual and ordinary mnnitloiis

Years.Sh inillcr Get!lie-'- : Want of wile bve to leave the not kmrile liedI, II- I- e hit

,.f the holdb the bankfollow me in

rotlld SOSHJfe Niearaguan canal rollmd naval base in Bay of FOIMSCS f'

iS.ano.oan.Adjourned l:(G p. m. until no.

oursi of husine4 and is more consist-- , protectorate and moss into Spanish on theni with innocence than with guilt." territory together with my troops ami "I w

'staff. All Hie snk and wounded are Brodie

m .. ., w nun, i

v Haven, Conn . Feb. IS. -- Troop son, head olibe Conned tloul national guard, obtained (",,00was mobilised late todav for a St. I.nllis. paw

de call lo Strike-ridde- n An- - to five years il

is frank rin'mp.'id of swindlers whoun Henry lallanti a.kcT, Was sentemedig Sing Louis Weiss.

than two nor more

l -- nit, who are close o,i the heelsf tin enemy and are annihilating

them or taking prisoners at the tailends of Turkish olumus.

We captured at Krierum the en

I inner Hank ITc-idei- it dieted. ,.,r,. Thej tirafton. W. Va.. Feb 18. A spe- - frontier ih

IIOI S- elal grind Jury here today Indicted ti. fejaj ,1,

gin upontotal t.Vifrom Adluianl leiH.'d to not Ie;il th, idzed the money in the cashlei'ast ure tori i iss and a laTK ait of the

and becked all pi rsons in the bank iligh Sheriff Huku, of New Haven than three ye n s and six months, enemy's fo ld artilli. Up to theniinue.l general debate on post-- 1 L'nsriei K. inirnui. io,,oei irnaav. yeaierosy.third menit Ihe walls with theirlor "Tin Si, a nisi, gov ernme lellce Willih vv, hav. eounte.l 21111 ruiis

taken a huge quantity of arbe robbi is darted ool olippto- - transport to Fernando I'oCe appropriation bill,'aptain McKean toM the navalunttteg th.. navy d, ,artnient s

ded sentence, I realise W, h,t v v i ars old, and In i p rv

I, I. phone today andreceived Instruct ionsi. ti:iii,.ii of ihe hank's funds. Colonel cnmlnsr from the protectorate. Kean- - J.ank and int., an aiitionoliil. . n munitions and arms, several

I . ... . ... , . ... ... ..... .. ... a . . . ,.,.. ., .... a 1 .. .. .. ai 'a.. . .. ... ,1,1., ... ., . , i.e. 11,1 11..V.1.. ,, 1, . . , .var plans arc kept well up to date John T. Mel. raw, WCm vns-mi- i nuo,- nauons nn me oeians 01 iniernmeni auv ues,ioe-i- i o. .,i, even ,0 mo ,,, Ua i.m.u.r mma iu 10. j, uw unuu, ..m- - k wuhub ... aiw uozen moior cars, wireless apparatusnd he saw no need of a general st iff her of Ihe national democratic com- - have not yet been concluded. This details of their inake-uji- slocking Order before I'aHing noon Ihe MtUttS, was known as the "steerer." was ifnt and a pontoon bridXe park. The

vrli..,,rn..a ,i - - ,,' r,,,on niiltee was indicted as I" ing an a' --


report is wriHen en route. leaps pulled over t be, r faces with holcsjTbe sheriff is tdanning to aend fifty to th penitentiary for an Indeteimi- - number of other trophies taken andbefore the fact. d EBEiiMAVKR." dep tomorrow. of the Turk mb soldiers captured inday.





Makes Sen-- 1 Mexican Agitators ill Los An- -Senator RoWnseiStarting Today, 2:30 p. m.

Spraying Does

Pay and Is

Necessary To

Insure a Good


plomatic and Consular Off-

icers of United States Noti-

fied That Government Con-

demns Sinking of Ships,

I'eles Indicted for Publica-

tion of Incendiary Attack?

on Carmnza Government.

shtional purges of Ineffi-

ciency in Management of

Station at San Diego.At 307 West CentralCOMPLETE FURNISHINGS OF A APART-



Note the Following Articles

IB MONN.NO ftCCl A L LIACtO WlfttlI .ok Angeles. . IS. Knrlqur


V. iHhiiiKl. il, Feb. is. K. iiHi.ii..n,,JOUN,l ,f,'l Lf' WISH

Washington. leb, is. ibrmaii.i(ponM t the latest request n( th Miignii, Iticnrdo Klores MugonKli

i r una w i c. OWert, editors of Blcharges again. I In- u aviationservice, with ii demand far immediateInvestigation by oongress, were made(ikitmi. I ilir vv i. rial Itcgelicracioii, a local .M.M.'aii yapp

. fedUSillg

today i.i forc the annate military com-jpo- r, war Indicted late today bj

mltte hi s. nnior Uf.i'innoa. of Ar-lo- grand Jury on a hinge ofMil'

Myers" Sprayers are made in many sizes and shapesfor all spraying conditions. See our

stock of sprayers.

Raabe & Mausrer)rei

Mnttissers. Chiffoniers, Commodti!e Wardrobe, Beds, Sprint;

I miordance Willi established princi-ples of international III M is expected

! her.- to Ik- Ii flu! statement that as-- ,

xurun.'.'H previously given in t h- U

sltaiila and Aral.i. eases bod to doOfrtj with unarmed vessels, '""I 'hatIII" C.iiliian government must feelcertain Hmi Iti nubmarjfien whichwi.ri. ii merchant ship wQI no( be at.

iliinct- -

Kansas. ,. declared that 1" sri Vice I 1111 mails tg .)n( He murder ami ni.wits ' contemptibly Inefficient," and utlmi. Warrants for the man Wei

Hmi it h.ii.i, (jeuteaant ColoitoJ loaned by Judge Oscar A, fi ipi-- t i

Samuel Rober, not vnh was makingjthe iintcd' states dietrlct court.ff.ni to impiov,. it but dellber- - lHv War Indicted on thfee count

ntfly wax preventing Hi" finf from each dtlng eoHtorloja' printed in Bt m


aoies, Nairn'hairs, kock-Kitchc- n

Ta-oa- l

Heaters,m&n other

Rugs, Linoleum, Dining Tables. Kitchen Safe, Gis Ranges,k Stoves, Dishes, Cooking l't:les i'"' numerous to inentioti. and RanchHi III' I

generacion,the Cnltr-i-l

HllOSC of till

attaching t ii actionsiat"." governmenide facto Mexican go


' STREEtharms r, ills

prnbablv Will ask' I'm.rr.,foreign NORTH FIRS'All VOI1

thatll inthe Mi

incnt.file "ilitorial

count i.f tln ivOoeein new of ttythinf

cannot afford to nuarc

I youI't fipec

united mates for its definition r dJ fonnlve U i inn merit

hull. nil. him of what iii' Onrman raI ply ma) be nre understood to have d December is, Inwon publish

firstm.'iitI, ami

with- hanifavorTliat

roadaij "WiIkou in In connivance'Uairanza licunuMo UM old sharp

i "a. hlnK im MUpcrlorH.freoottta in- - .i Pata,

The aonator appeared b'fora the. onimiiti " with a aiaga of aula, in-- I

rludlnK photogeapbic r"pi. a 'i lettoriwinch ii" nald had i. . "ii Aichanged btween Colonel lleber ami Captain Ar.

Ethur H. ('..wan, loiiimiiililin the avl- -

atlon Htation at san Diego, At leoelpari of thiB avldencr wa peoduoedbefore h" court martial ftl Han Kran-- I

' Ibi o whi. h reoentlj ni.-- Lleutehhnit". lent i.owIh B, ooodier, nccufd fImproperly nHerlni certain rhaVgefiled by othrr offlccra uKiiinHt rap-- !

(Kin CowanlAirrplH from l.i't("rs.

Th" fimlltiifH of llili COUM inartiil

J. L. GOBER, Auctioneer BRIAND MINISTRY ifully sustained; I Wanted I

proRiiaed Wilson thai Im wouldAtaeridan catritaileta m Mexico,



been xlvi in Informal coBveraatlonabetaffen utat1 departmeid offlclalaand Teutonic dlplomata Hnbe Oeriniin ami AiiKtrla ann'nii, ed I heirIntention ol etnalng all armed anew)inervhatitmeN after Ki iirim-r- i".i.

DttfaiiprotM Qerfniia Poaltlon,

The Called Knui'K today made itOral formal .In. Iiiiallon thai ' doetnot an . i't im legal tin- announced ulteittldjaa a tna Teatonic powera whenin.' atate department eenl o aLpio.untie und conaubvr refiraaeniatlvaaabroad, for their Information noiifi-cMlo- n

thnt tiii ativernmani eonaldtm that marehani "Iiipm have n rkht

to rariy d.fi'iiHiv" iirrnnnnnl. Thdlipatchea contained Mcarpta fromiii'UMiiniinr article! aatttM forth the.

SCHOOLHICH CONFIDENCE VOTEDnow ai" In thn Iannis ,,f a MpHCinl

commission of ifrnn offlceri appoin'- -

is to a.v. Carran.a has promised to(lerlver the iUtexican people, tied handami toot to (he sani" rapacloun Am-ericii-

plutOoroCy that Dian fay. .red."The editorial Qtfoted in the MlCOnil

count was pttbliahod SeptemberI Kir,, and Was devoted target lo nappeal to Mi xl. aiw In refuse to (1

liver their arms to the 1'nrraiiz.a gov.'I IIIlK lit.

The third and loinrest edllorlal uponwhich the third count Is based Won

printed November I, nur.. it urg.--

attacks nKiiiiiKi the "chiefs and offi-

cers of the ue facto government "tMexico."

"We, the dialnherlted mtiBt rid out


Our Coal Burns.GALLUP LUMP



sugarite trrevBRILLIANT Gralr

ed bj the MOPg necretafy of war tomake a reporl tn Pretldeni Wilton,The comrnjnioo is undefmood to beconHlderlng what ad Ion nhoald betaken us the renuli of rovclattonn during the trial concerning Colonel itc-be-

Captain cowan and the nervk"

Socialists, Believing Too Much;

Power Is Delegated to Gen-

eral Staff, Bring Questionto Issue,





Dry Goods Co.

at 7:30

TONIGHTSee Special Values and

Window Display.

Remember, 7:30 p. m.

kenorauy, aa well is tiie court n de- -

i Ision us to Colon. Hoiatler. Senatorfrom eelvei of those who are in our wayNAilVE KoiaiiHim read liberal excerptaAND MILL WOOD

PHONE 251Ins nllotoeraphs of I. Hers and .Uot- - IV MOBNINd JOUHNAL MSCIAL LIA9KP Willi

uls, Feb. IS (r.:4:. p. m i TheJoseph Giohol, Who Speaks

Seven Languages, PreventsViolence and May Brin.,r

If we can, by h"ok or crook, the sameas wn get rid of the tiger, aa wn

annihilate the rattlaanaHbi ni we.rush th" tarantula,'' one portion otil reads:

p. nation of Hi" CTnNad HtaliH. In

tins connect tan it banana known t imtiti" iwedtah aovarnmont had inatruct. il lln eonautnr offleera to iuIvIhc allHwi'itiHh euhjecti preparing to enhark on v'hk"Ir of th" entente allienof llir wariilnit gtVen by ilirinanvami Auatrla.

it ih conaldared certain 'thai thequestion of defining defenalve arthameni will be tho ihihIh of lengthy nagot lut Irani with tii" central owara oo

ginning whan Uw reply im received tothe meaaaga outlining tha vlewa of

i Aristide Itrlaud was ti'i- -

iu he chamber of deputiesthe socialists and the radi-t- n

who, after loiix prepara-- tto overthrow th" K"M 'n- -

in mist i

uaiphantltoday ovecal social!lion, sou;

l.l'llIK..- -! . I' l,f Wi II Ml

Anson m,ice ai ir points ypu tii" road yoilake," said another para



mi-il- l on

tabulated,Tht iroopB of Km Caticaaaa iirmy.

iioiwIthntiiiiilliiK tht- Biii'i' in' fffoiiHjimandad H thfm in ih eaaaaieeaflKlitlr.K for OTar it month umtor inont

the quei lion win titer il W(

ntlng to., much authority t

staff.i alnst tt

itain theMnpiined

l governmentstriumph of thein the declora- -

''., .ftUIINA. ' ' IA. . I,lin WINII

AiiMonlii, Conn., I'.h Is. JotiepiQrohol, a youth Juki "ill of hlath

until youprinciples

not delegfla

had beentary rjinrwas based

.posed attcommon AAAVv --VvvvtivyvvUnited Stati s win. h mi nt yonH.li.M.I win. Bi.cakH a u u a k: n ' '

Relieves CATARRHrs for i

ick on the ministrytalk in pailiamcn-mont- h

past. II

political rivalriesmes over the ena

theOf September, I'.il I.

'Mexican liberalthat advocate the

of authority ami the

(ion on ill.- - Zendhrpodlted by thiparty' principle!death of i apltal.

u Captain Cowan as writing to C..I-lon-

iteber- thnt if the nnrvtca BVOr

came under invest icat Ion by any oneOUtnidO the signal corpi it Would lieim possible to "xplain the "rotten waym which Iho work lias I. ecu handled."

j other letters were produced to show(that favoritism was practiced In thej promotion of im n in thr service,

ikrocit I'lacgnvit.The senator charged that Colonel

I itei.er bad proinpi.ii captain cowanIi. practice "contemplil.lc ilei. il" to.


ward condrenamen who visited theaviation station, ami that lie attempt

led to net into the annual approprta-tio- n

bill in connection wltli the itemlor pHtcHaie of airships; a itrovisionfor the purfhkoe r.f "aocnanoria' withwhich to luiy airtomobflea He said

lib" colonel wrote that "the word'acCeanorlvf Will be like charity, andcoyer a multitude of sins."

Another letter on Which the .sena

it. i nni..rff. ihf drrman ambaaaador,nan eenl his governninht, in tttUi

.iiHpatiii iho ambaaaador tranaanlttadai inme length th" vlanra axplatocd to

more oi

al differthanhisto

BLADDERand all

enlarges in


din t id' the war. Mr. I'.riand ctoppom nts by daelinlag veaotutel lyhave tiieir LAterpellntlon dtacueai

bin. in Heeretary Lanalnath in

iiiffi. nit gaograplUoal t dltloiu, haveHtffered but ullnlit Iohi-- ami ari'Mldy for fri'nh rxploltM wlon lliclr

Mo'r.lun rlilef 0Vaa ItM onlcr."KlMCk era: imr wiirnlilpM hava

conttnued their aperatioat in theniiKi raglaa. Waal af Trablaond per- -

manent InlilHru have I" . n dmniiacdaim ftftaan Mltlna niiipH tteatroyed,

"in th chui'iuiim eaaai region ourIroopH hai tlllo(1i.-- il,, . in mi v fronu KtrirM of poHitioiiH .mil aptured prlaon. in, ermn, nunltlona ami K ' 1

InK infttcrlal.in thf iaoabatadi .iiKiriit the Oar

ma tin ("'tit rloildH of iinpli) Xial iliK, miH

is m.t nxpocteo r

llcXt HClk.i v'

lllBt Of the chanil.,'1- - and demanded a

hoidH i be aalaara at powi ( lonmhiin iho aifike Kiiiiati'Hi lor, arhereover 1,099 peraona are Idle m lha rehuh of ii Ktrikc of J.B00 dthpldyap olviirioim iuiiih of tin' Aniprican Braalroinpiiny (iroliol wai- t I t to ronllolnti'ii of i li'vcn nat H.iialli i. H ami

miuli rlmli tiian of a in ir -

that will officially preaenl plana toDonipan) afflatala al meetlni tomarrow. da i not mi employe of theoonoern, bttl addraaaad i Btaai meeblux of tin' atrikdri tonlfhl urging tiunaceealty of paace and order.

ifiDSiFltWfc.Mm Writ" I'orinul Not

uB acb otMnn bwrff tit,W ' "" c j ' s x" t (MIOVj

.'IJMJ.V tt ltt. jconfidence in the .government, Thiswas Riven, 3U4 to )!.

Xot all those voting nguinvt post-ponement of M. Kerry's resolution mayhe considered as Opposed to the

tit ti nrui(t,tB..ft

ntata(iiu'BI Ionlb" MM

in" watrfi

ii wan adrnltted at tipal tmenl to'la that thew i itlng a t i null not" on

of th" condacl of nubmajnttef tin ' nmplete derm (ionorrliu-- ami (.loo.an a. ri Big 6 relieved in 1 (o jdsys.

Big G Is lion poisonoutuod effpcllve in treai- -

man ufartu rent n ppealed Off KihlN anil roveni (rilI in-- , nWhen



tor "J"'" Itislincleil Captain ('.wallto have prepared denlgnn for sheets

lion imd Hi nppendla hnvc heftireived, was under conatderatlon,in cfitnin Hun Auatrla atdo winll. i i feel a c.ld coming on. take


upon our Utacjtei, Toda) thein oatlcta on the nth our airman ta ; n not

tliri'U la.mbii on llm'.arr. in thi'!m( n,,, koDaleeter aftdr prolongafj arlillery latuiattofi aid

troopga Ih" Will ftOt I rlStBM. Pmumlax attof

atuWith the views, of the Unitedurpplled I

L'lirgy of all religions."When tin- - officers went to the plant

of lb.- naWapaper to arrest the Maaon'brothers there was a scene of disor-- 'iler. Knr.iie I'lores Magon resistedbut was quickly subdued, lticardo1Klores Magon, also is said to havenhowed resistance bj a dinplay of fir.-- ,

arms. ,S. yen printers iind a number,of M. si. ails, who had rushed into theoffice, became Involved in the fight,The Magon brothers ware finally tak-- 'eu lo the county Jail, the hour beingloo late for them to provide boodelwhich bad been fixed ly I'nited Stales'Jude Oscar A. Tnpi'ct at $ 1,060 each.when '"' Inauad bench warrants,

The Magon brothers were convictedin tlie I lilted Sl a t 'S district court hereIn July, tftl, n chargea of violatingthe neutrality laws in fomenting arevolution n Lower California, (inthai conviction Ni. y were sentenced totwenty-thre- e months each on Mc.Neil's island, H'nii. After their con-- 1

Vlction the priln e here were calledupon to dtnpeme a mob of nymptvtlilin-er-n

that congregated in front of th.--

federal bOlldlng.

is cause ..I Colds 'ml Grip, OnlyBROMO QUININE." K. W,i.'s Itgnature on box. 2.r,c.

BV I'.-I)TJ,- .

J'arcel Post if desire- d- Frier f 1, or V bottles $2 7iPrppth-- byTHE EVANS CHEMICAL CO., CINCINNATI, rf,

OneonoMelllat pi Ithough no far an can on "

i no gtepn in this direction

' to lie pl.K eil under thetors" so s e can' say weaeroplanes."

Tht ci rruUHte wilt aSenator Iloluns. us' reniin v notlgal i"ii Senator

jtlie chairmAn, Ueebu

et been tak tl


t Monday On

lution for anChanberlain,d that th"uitlgated an1

all) beforesubmarine

en days reuand Austrian



An mil. lent!-- j

mid, claim. id tOthe Industrial

i. addrenaed th

(hullrantedricii inbe anW'ui k.rowd,


A Aii whOj itnrganlaar

of Ih" ptii into effect theirers li.'slll t chargen should be Im zoils unload the date forof the new campaign is

Willie tlie United Stales

lid noi undoratand imumuch onfUHlon.

ordei ed t he speaker toWhen he failed 10 do

him from the plat- -

mi tfiem wanQrohol thena" the hall., Urohol tin

i ii av e naked for a post-- 1

lie C. rin,nii unilaissadorJaffa Grocery Co."GOOD THINGS TO EAT"

expressed the ..pinion that i he com-

mittee would order promptly a 1'aV-- ii

. 1. 1" report on the resolution. Someof the coniiiiitieeirien Wggeoted thatan llWCntlgating committee niiicht goto Sail DbngO' Colonel Iteher is sta-

tioned In the iffioc of the chief aig-n-

office there and has duc t charm-of the aviation bpgMh ..f the corps.

inetpoaed,S BM 111 BOl

.uii. meet... beHovedion of hihmi tile i


ftm Speaking In v ariousi. hoi nuggented thai a commutenamed to have fuii chaiKe of th

have "alii;. v ei nmeaiptOtO nppe

I the atlenI,, tiic fardix formlni

d"( larati"o reach ih

this reusoinot he BUT

III,, basis of the Hernialias not vet hul timeHit. t, deparlmeiit andn postpol.. mi ni would



week with si huiiis pa.v nine mid ahnif fog; overtime, and doable time for'gundayn ami hotidaya. Tn, companyhas been given nssiii m . s that noneif those on strike will be dlHcbnimsl

for Striking. Moth sides were hope- -

lui toniKht ..f n poaooaWe Battlement. j

pn piinitlon the I'litmy laiim bi'il anatiiu k aitiiltiHt .mi if ii. In s m arrjaoaienito, which reptileed, Korthcnin of Odai iiowttn (Bvtk"wina) amheavy aHlltery deatroyd ah enotn)battery,"

NtiT Ml't'll I OK I Iti HH,

UMBIM t I'Vi-- i us svlt.'llln, Feb l tla Loudon, Pet

in, 4 p. m) The lierlm newnpapemthin afternoon genern 11. accept a irn"ihc iinnoiino'in. tit from ivtronrad oftin captur- - or tOraerum. although it

bus m.t bynn oon firmed from Tarktehnouroea The ir in iiu lini it t.. minlinlr.i thr Iniiiort-iiici- ' of Hi" ItuhKlmi

' sb Th" l.okal Aiiioln. r says th.farta al Rreemm were aN and prahat iy contained no gunn that worn notbuilt morp than twenty y.ain iiko. Itpolntn out tiuii th" mountatootta dbt- -

tii. to tin' went of ICiva i uin mu kenpoontbte atfaaOve npponttlon by Hi"Tarkn to purnaing Kuaalatua

I'll" Ti.K"bnii thnikK ihc politicalmay ln iiior,' Important than

thn military cottaeauoneea it aaMeven111" ctf.'ct on th. milium irtuatlna willnot i." Mat, a the foetrefo tan nerveHie ftnanlnna for only untnunirtaal lo-

cal operatbuia.e

Hunt tlMMCMI DoOdll

bondOMi fb. IS ( H 0., p m i It Isoff!, tally ana .uncial dial Itcirjnal.iM' I., una. . bancfllor ,.f Hi.' . v, li.ii"i,has neat an appeal to teMka through6BI i.r"nt llrttKin asking thai thi J

pygi ci anoaaar la offer uii a tiiwhiiAmi uraii . ci. rules to th" ireaeury



j MOBN.Na JOURNAL --.FACIAL LtASD WtM)Washington, Keb. IS. Active assist -

.anna In controlling ami preventing.floods on tlie and oth.rIrlvata is being planned by the federal


Fell. lx. Cyrus II. McCor- -



NEW HAVEN S SHIP si. but of the Interiiiltlonal I( iii" v.

arviGONVICI S,pr



ompany, nave out the fot- -

. meat loiiiKhttejfnent before, a nah-co-

the senate at Washlni;ton1 In this afternoons .lis

government. Toe (tuention wan takenup fully at today's cabinet meeting af-

ter Secretary ltedfit-l- hud read a tel-egram uppoaJiiiK for naslatance fromtin New oilcans ClVC oiKailization.s.

The cabinet decided that SecretariesLatlH. Uedfiold and Houston, who havebeen ntudylng th" qiueailon for severalmonths, .should meet Jn the near fu-ture and decide on steps to bo takenb ihc government.


4 Large Heads California Lettuce 25Strawberry Pic Plant, lh 15cExtra Large Navel Oranges, oa 36

I'nll I'int Heinz India Relish !...2(V7 Bars Magic Washer Soap 25r.arpc Package GoM Dust 20Very Fancy Star Bacon, Side 32Star and I 'ryinniin ilanis, II) 20Large Jar Date Xnt Butter 25c

Jars Pane)' Table Mustard 25Laine Bottle Dtwkee's Salad Dressing 50cHeinz Sauerkraut, quftii "'Or?o Bottles Del Mmite Rreserx-e-s .'!..$1.2012 Cans Good Tomatoes, 24b $1.0012 Cans (ci.nl fun, $1.0012 Cms Good String Beans $1.0012 Cans Qood IVas $1.25









i'eb. is Prealdenitrack eighteen months

teem of two years im-tin- e

of l,(0(l upon Wii- -

W ashiiiKtoiWilson tislajfrom the prlsponad with a

itchisti-- r

Vmue.' thr,

that the International Maribmpany furnish 'd money foritaut ravolutiOB is utterlv un-l- i

has never, directly or imli- -

bad ah) connection with po it. im ii vi i. im rung, Jr. of Philadel-phia, for Ins part ill 111" activities ofthe International t.ninlicr and lieyel-opnten- t

eompeny, whose officials woreconvicted In a tcleral court of con-spiracy to defraud.

Armstrong, who was secretary ofthe . i ni .a ii v, was found KUihv withChallos M' Mahon, John It. Mar. la.y,

Isaiah Miller ami Albert 0

III. lit Neallr.

lb.-i- l


'I'd. s


litical conditions in Yucatun or ony-whe-

elae in Mexico.This charge greWa out of the fact

that Ho- harvester company Ix a largeuurchoeer "t sisal, the proJjaclppUpi .duci of Vucatan ii purchasessisal thrOttgh Avelino Monies, u

Wealth mei limit .if M. rida. Vu.atan,who pui.has.il the slsa ami pall theplanters with his own funds. In theregulai course of buaUienn in Febru- -

ir ih. govei ir

fork, New Raol In get lid of

railroad irob- -

i n adeaaate ran

.Mexican Mujor Is Wllef,Nuevo LoradO. .Mexico, Kch. IS.

M.t. lor Soto, a son of Ihe former com-- iinlander ol the Nuevo Laredo garri-- Inoh, was OJSeated bore today charged

j with having stolen property in illspossession. Two M.'Xican soldiershad been arrested previously. A

business man was robbed last nightJoint and n is charged purl of 111"

money was found m Major Soto DMsession.


Ml III HINTNFood is n.ii sun.

nwiihem hm thailor independent

sue. essf ullvi retght

. ould all of thcni receiving the same sen-tenc-

Apidications for pardon (orb. i stgtMIt is aptad Datse

should Bakery Departmenthen .Nature civ en

nomnthlng is weoragWill, th" f 1 Tilew..) fmtrtful and onnsm

To put off the ham". hi ) may be irrcpuinOIUI lli.lll NHVB

land gteetnehln nubsldtan

nry. 1916, Montna had made a con- - all the convicted men wcr.- - denied andtract for sisal for th, harvester coin- - the president refused to commute thepah) ii with th.- Yucatan reg- - gehtencea of any except Armntrong. TSiulatlng uommtttee. the agrnc) through lattW wao in poor health for somewhich Co fuoatan government con- - tunc, ami his ahollcatlon was heM up

my, a Now RaGardner was ubegun here to'ommerce com



Whip C ream Ruffg, Xnt Loaf Cakes. Anl 1

0, Clements on the Snn lniie Cakes, MOca Cakes. Mutter Creamhid 'iiTake


New llm application tO retain con- -Cor v

any oresof break

Be Better Leooking-Oli- ve

Tablets 'ntter.mi controls, tin- .stsal t,, determine whether he was fncura- -

hlv ill Today tthe Whlc House wasonly a small part of this advised thut he hud recovered and ithad been delivered, the wa.s decided that he should not be

ni of Yucatan peremptorily pardoned

x. akes. All Kinds Layer CakesCakes, Pound Cakes,

s 1 caild OOt salt Iv . Att I tried v Mil. His k cili-food- .

t.ut the W.T. allmem. ft which .ive Hie

rsrtio hes. I drank Ml "towinch appeared le bene

dlst ressinr.C.dfrt-- , trt, trcsu oread and Hot Rolls h:rr P v (i 11 o'CIock.notifi. ,1 Monte

rt.llvthai no more stsil iHoWfVer, as evidence was submitted

re, on this contract ,,, .si,. thai ArmstrOi was not a dielit me at tn. tin,., la.i on. ,i to th Don't forget Bran Bread. W e take special care withwould i.eunless besrumeni

iiu,Ui d U, w

m mission uall enters for special (Ycasions and shouldtuna laa gov- - ln.iIIIK figure in the conaplracur and

letter of credit probably was misled by older men. you con- -

artwwoi uld Iitor N.-- Vorh lands tennjjiate giving a r111 ex. hallK" for ,1,,. ,.,, 1..,..,.,,n..,t 10 '. e tn figure with von.Ynctitiin . urreit 1'nilvr this com ih,. laBArlh ,,f lha nce

nts forCHASE D iPFEE

tr.d of us iteemablp lines tinder thePanama cdhal not,

t'onttniiHtioti of th. N,-- Havenscontrol. Mr QaedlMf declared, meanspuhiic oiim im ii.i-- and ooaamannlaiiilvanlaii, s t..r New Knghiiid and w illnot reduce or exclude competition by

wai.r hi any mdeponndanM iineo. AtCo- poll? while the N'.-- Havensboats t..ie h. Ii. said, then- - was id- nt;.f wharfage room far other lines if

they cured lo compct., and he assert-ed thai the New Haven was doingliollllllK I" plevei.l Ih. eSt'lhllslUllelll

f nub PoildnWll s' rviceTh. chamhetft of commerce ..f IIon- -

tmi and Provident ce antoui IM firmand UkS'M lut Piiin located in and nearPinjnldence in. slerrtouitW anvaaaa-Hon of New York ami the WholesaleShoe leug.i. ii.d rwdni gnaa whi.hth, senMaaHntea nawtlMesI as ofntoI. .im' favoring tbe Nam llsvxn'e ap-plication.


SAX lit JNe Finest Or


There U

If your skin Is ysllow '

pallid tongue coated appetite poorou have a bad taete In your moulb abuy, reeling you shonld take

Olive Tublets.Or K.lwards' Olive Tablets 11 sub-

stitute for calomel were prepared byHr. Edwards after IT v,srs of studywith las pstlents.

Or. Kdwur-- l' Olive TsbleiK are a pure--iv vsgetable eompeimd mixed with oiiveoil. I..11 will know them by tltelr olivecolor.

If you want a clear, pink skin, brighteve.--, no pimples, a teelinir ot buovauivlike ehllilboxHl days, you inut gel at the. a use.

Hr. Edwards' Olive Tablets n,-- t on theliver and bowels like calomel yet have nooaanjerpaa after err.,ii?f ,,", !ln,, overcome con- -

That's whv milhons ofAh SVusmslT y 1C ::'C Kr.eurrer.',l.r, ,W0 h !

The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus. O.

bend. ii hi s afterwardA frlen.l persuaded m.- null

coffee am) 'it. itan h) breakfastfoods, slid use Pomuni and tilNuts laslead l shall nev,itaking bin adv i. .

"The changr It workedwonderful. n hav . nion olthe dUtrensniK 101m in inStomach after eating, ami I d..nheadaches. I have galmd 12 i

in .eight and feel i . n i n"Orape-Nul- s make. rt.

well as a nutritious dish mi. I i .1

that I'ostiini Wsria-- s ilv 11. v i

prodUtCS dNp' I'M. I ftl II

"Therr's a Iteaami." "by Poslum Co., Hattle Creek Mich

above kltci ... vI v. iiujI tbeone apix-nri- - from linn i llm flunr,. . lrn ami I .. I "I ImnianInu-rrsA- t.

Iioop- - all. d to Protect Sheriff.Clurksdale. MM., F-l- . U. ttalg

iTtKUgn uud.-- r . oinmntid of Adjutant(i.m-r.i- l Scil.s loduy look charge ofthe oifi.e of (it,, sheriff of Coahagfiacounty to uphold the authority of J.H Kisb. receMay appointed shnriflbp Governor inii.., u awncejad J- - O- -

pulsion. ,Mo in.-- , :, '.etter of.in and after woida snndn a pay

melll ..ii 11 in New York withhi- - . nit (amis None of ihe hnrxest-.--

. 011 1..111 v inonev tin, used in thet, ansm (ion The harvester companv.lid imt know of it until some time

the traaaacttoa was aompleandIf sue of MesttaW mon thus

under the compulsion ,.f his'own n,.v eruineiii, was used l Ihe Yu- -

'..it . oniiniKMoiieift for buying mu- -

n ii, 11 .i- - vviciont th" snnaileitgi


HaiiRh who was removed from offi' elv the go' eenor. llaugb u seekingto have Ihe suprrme court enjoinKtsllel ll.-ii- exMCISills office untilthe Court: can pass on hie eligi'Mhf

nn,t ih.. ...ittrol of ihe liarviftter company. 4 ;.-- a


AZTEC GOLD Millthese particle appear to bo rathergenerally distributed tb rough theshale, imt in others' they occur espeolally in Uu k nodular masses of heavy

ittv t

S DESCRIBED AS Positively YOUR FINAL CHANCE At Our Hugecrystalline rock that ap-n.i-

chiefly of chlorite,s are particular!) tough!g, for they constitute the

ichesThe ii' iii'.;. :uiii is treatre is fit

A REAL BONANZA null.h i uf the goldamalgamatingmi the

in the smelterImpounded for

concentrates are sentand the tailings an

clfax County Property One future treatmentt tiiii i cntiy tiie greater part id

of the Richest in New Mex- - th Ore mined came from the lowerpan uf the conglomeratic sandstonein frmn tin- - fractured portions uf theshale close tn the COhtact, Sparksftninj it mostly lu rusty rone be-

tween the Sandstone and the shale in

calacareous geugue matter, alnly asfree gold but aisu in the sulphides,The ore handled ranges in value from$15 to $l!!ii per ton, In ten monthsmore (han 2.1 00 tons have been treat-ed averaging $ i u 7 o o a ton. Of thisso per f iit was recovered by amal-gamation and JO per cent from theconcentrates. A small amount ofgold remained in Iho tailings ami thatWill be recovered later.

Combination Selling SensationTODAY and MONDAY End the CLEARANCE SEASON In This Store

ico. According to Bulletin

ksued by Government,


Hants fe, Feb, i a New Mexicouiaitta if described in a pamphlet

Willi T. Lee, .Hist issued by thenltPd States geological survey. It isii Aztec gold mini- nt llaldy, Colftxm 11 ty, owned by Jan Van ftouteti,rank and Charlva springer ami bjm

i, i. til s, which lias produced a quayr of h million dollars the past tenonlhs, after having lain idle fOfii Mils. In I still tin- mint yielded

I ."hi. nun and the nearby placers2,i0,0do but since then prospect

p failed to locate any other onidled thftt it Paid to mint', until lastat, wiii n Hie present itrtks wastitle anil is still producing.Thiff'tiilne was descrloed by R, Wnymond in ltfl ami later by k. a.



Do WhatAdvertise

(mciai- connisrotiocNct IO MOSNINtt JOUSNAl

Santa I'c, Pelt. ft,

Hearst, the millionaire publisher, Willi

build a Santa Pe style resilience atSan DlegO. W. Templeton Johnstonwill build a. Santa Ke style residencelor himself .at San lic;, on a t rest


president 01 irve nenooi ors al KoCotfO, anil L ''. lira top of

Kcologlrajl Uvey. An udii atavt-sev'er- a)

ifeari ago was driventh,id

It has been a period of Big Value (living and of most generous patronage. The final DOLLAR DAY SALUSFOR TODAY AND MONDAY are offered as convincing evidence of our appreciation.

Therefore, for Today and Monday, Last Days of Our Clearance Sales, We Offer theMost SWEEPING ONE DOLLAR COMBINA TION BARGAINS EVER OFFERED

House Cleaning Is in Order After the Big Selling Riot Since January 15.



overlooking the Mission valley,A. .1. Shut well, of San Ulcgo, writes

the museum for a picture Of SamBridgeT, the famous scout, saying: "IIdiscovered a portrait of up old friend,!Mm I'.ridgcr, the famous scout, whom

I followed many hundreds of milesduring the Indian wars with Sioux audiCheyenne In i6t and IMS, I wagthen a member of the Eleventh Ohiocavalry, stationed at Kurt Laramie1 last saw Brldgcr at POM Kearny, the.first week of January, 1860."

Nathan J. lioldsmith, Who Wa W illithe summer school In th Kilo de losPrljoles. six years ago, was a visitor to I

the museum today. He is now a man-- 'Ufacturlfig chemist in St. Louis. Hebrought his father, H. Goldsmith,!whom many Santa Kcarts will recallwith pleasure, to Bl Paso, to spend

through severs! small deposits ofmodern.! oly rich ore and In August,1914, entered a large body of highgrade ore yielding an average of ISO.'000 a month.

The mini- is located at an altitudeof more tint n 10,01111 feel, or .'.liOO feelbeneath the top of Bttidy peak. Themine Is connected by. Wagon road with

t.- park. Ore was firm discoveredby an Indian 'who fifty years ngo ex-

hibited SOmo specimens of t opper oreat Fort Union, The Mystic lode wasthereupon located at an altitude of1,200 feet, a party bent out In IMdiscovered placer gold on Willowcreek on the western slope of MountHaldy and $2. 250, 000 worth of orewas taken from the placers. In 1SHK

the oUtcrOp of the lode mine was dis-

covered anil the Aztec mine was open-

ed on it- A p mill was put inoperation, the ore averaging $(iS..X3

tier ton and 11, 250,00 to $1, 500, 000erere taken out. It was B V. Dee-hay-

who, following the due givenby j, T. Sparks, who discovered thedeposit being worked at present.Boms difficulty is found in obtainingwater for the mine although it Met

at the head of I'tg i reek. The forma-tions are Pierre shale of Cretaceousand the Raton formation of earlyTertiary age. Tim ingeous lock con-

sists of quarts nion.onite porphyry In

dikes and sills. A prospect tUnnel1.400 feel long on the west side ofMount liiijdv weiu tluopgh six such

n ii

Healthlio.oo,Kcdlllo,$10.00,SALTS FINE FOR

William.'. s;il,ir. 75.00,Walker, salary, R:i.:i3.K. I Matlillson, salary, $100110,M, Harris, salary, ur,.oo.

iirrough Ad. M'h. Co.. repairs,the Com- -

.loanI iff leer,

It. W.menialageni oj



Antoinette Donnelly's Talksto Women on Beauty Topics

Wiley,rluli. ii be si

manager oflutes that'cured at a

some lime for his health.Mrs. M. M. Thornton yesterday be-- 1

came a member of the Archaeological '

Society of New Mexico. J. W. McCoh-nel- li

of New York City, w ho was "TheI Servant In the House" in last even-- lling' Rid path play at the Masonic ca-

thedral, also became member of theiAArohaeologlcal society.

"Olchotomou Sm iai Organisation laj8oUth Central California," by Kdward;Wlnalow G Ifford, Is the formidable;

'sounding title of monograph re-- :

celved by the museum today from the

countyliir' ex

M. Mundell, expres.vACHING KIDNEYS Pedro Or lego, hidgfNina Cable. Hiirvid

glectlon, 't i".as stenogra

Dhit. Ait'yYou Are Thin,XK of the chief liintliaiu-e- to :i

pense t,f gl.gOO.Op. The governmentpiivs 1,060.00 nd 1100.00 will beraised by subscription if the countywill pay 11,000.00. It is ordered thaithe unity appt "PI late Jl.UOil.lltl d

the salary of the county agentAdjourned to meet on call of the

'hail man.Approved,

M R, BPltlNQER,a tie. a Temporary nhalrntw

pher, i''ii.!io.H, 11. Cornell, postage l

Iffloe, l,g0,Adjourned to February IIApprovi d0 lean reinun getting ft Of I fl

person getting thin Is the los i gni i Ity of LaUfornta, put u is mmerest to anthropologists and NHPKLD,heart in tin-- natter, ti

We cat too much meat which1

clogs Kidneys, then theBack hurts,

AtaFRBD iuiAttest

Antoinette Donnelly's Ansncrs.ffhVH KVKS; A K'ltl .'. ft. I In. at Out

use of hi should Weigh 10 pounds. Yousse yours In the right weight. You won'thave anything nan, to worry about In

that linn, will you'.' A girl with darkbrown hgtCi WjM "l aiid vivid coloring

in ,iir black, cream and Ivory white,golden snd soidt-u-iii- brown; all shadsiof blues; all shades of gray, especiallyblue-gra- y; npstard and amtet yeiiow;

K i

or one' Halt 'man.clerk.is UHelft.t. to do ;t ii y hi tig f

sell ami v "h Henri sMdA B, wai.kki:the Chumash

J. i'. H uiillKAmerican Ar

in lb.the i

Sa Hlaif tin

t'trk iitnonBasbara i

School ,,i. K, W M.KKR, Clerk.


fOldthe Session held robruary i. Hie,

ll. Present: lion. A. (Irunsfeld. Chalr--1. insills aggregating 125 feet. Th.ore is closely associated withIfgneous rock, especially at Itstact with the shale.

ceiiioeii ai formation.

gust,If you are vory thin you can't iret eem- - i

fortsbiy fl In ri;i. N. nor In week!Nor in s inonbli! You should not rUlyuur efforts for many mooths nor

it Hon. MI 'id a! Hie mu-i- .

v. DePup,iix. Washing- -New V

Tern orarj Chali mana rmijo, !ommlselonei, r, Clerk,

It Is sord tired Hint 11

point irelits be made

1;. Bpringer, j man, M, it Springer and Poltearplaami Polioarpio j Armiio, Commissioners; a. B, Walk

A. B, Walk- - er, Ch i kw. c. it ltd, Bsq,, appeals in behalf

following ap- - ,,f ti,,. snnia Pe Paclfle RaUway com- -'I the SnllUlng puny ant asks that the Hoard fix th

'value of the lands of said railroad

up In drspa'r even In a ynr. T

t Most folks forgot thai thii kldneyailke the bowels, net sluggish and Clog- -

fed and 'iced ii ihishiug neejisionallv.ids" we hale baeltiii he and dull mis-ery in the kidney region, severe head- -

laches, rheumatic twinge, torpid liver,add stomach, sleeplessness and all

I sorts of bladder disorders

foldingshale i

fissuret He

;y at Santa K

ollofring regis!Mr. and Mis.rk; Chester K

c j, k Bergii pi tiro; Mr.errlngton, Ki

Vmarlllo, Teg,ws; H B. WeiY.: RgV, M

II A I'.eehel.

buiidr too


up a suffteleiicy t

angular nn hjiiuhi

hive fractur-t- s

.mil openedof thes,. open-- i

llicit-- , whichhiill

process, if it lu 1m a last Ing h mlin ing,

h, S. B. tiiilliin-un-

Mrs, .lusticcan.! K A. Arm-- .

Manuel Bander,eks. Port Jeffer-- .

Vermillion, LasSan .lo-e- . Calif.;

inas. Carbondale,

Hope,U vhb


nintycount v

W.HI.network in 'oii siiniilv must keen lour kidney

nigs iii'e n, in filled withappears as an intrieatithe shale The calcltechalcopyritc. sphalerite,

I mi an, .limit, 11 at

ifficer company In Bernalillo county ai notan. itt, exceed $1 per ucie.court it is ordered by the Hoard that the

lvalues of nil classes of land in Barn-allll- o

County be fixed for assessmentthe I purposes at the true value thereof;

carries pyrlteand possibly

urs very gen

getlve and clean, and the moment you MarlahuI feel an ache or pain In iho kidney house,region, i;et about four ouriceg of Jadj Ruppe

!SaitH fioin any Kood druit store in re, Mi .1 IIgalena. Pyrtte

abell ihik. I'e purple carefully andavoid Kfoea,


MA VMM: Vou have tirolmbly Irrlitetedthe pimple unneerssu rlly and this la thereason why hi" Ukeu such a loin.' timefor the "car to no away It Is alwaysbest to apply a drop of pfttoxide to tlilittle wound after qulng0UI a bls

or pus from a pimple You High!even now try applying a tOOfth of peri- -

td nt night before magsiffgg ytiur nose17SS a go id skin food and do not massagewith much vigor, ns the skin, of course, Is

lender and will show Irritation, t sbaM

be elad to send y,,u my formula for iklnfood if you will end ni ti S'lauijied, m

dressed envelope

and Ivoi count; druggist,O'Reilly, on behalf ufJ,

Las Vc;son, N,Cl'Uces;WilliamPa.; X.WeiehsiCharlesand Mrllnghan

Electric company, presents an but Iii to case In be less than Hie I'dtil-- I lowing rates, vis; agricultural landad-- 1 under ditch ami under cultivation, not

he regulation offorndcl

lake a tablespoo'iful In ii glass of water Citybefore breakfast for few dgyi andlordln

lyouy kidneys will then act fine. Thisjncys,famous suits is made from life acid of vlserwgrapes and lemon Jub e, combined with .Mr

OS.it is not ths sllghtesi use of rush I

hoJtsr skelter Into a fattening regime andcrnisuume milk, PKtf. fat meat, and po-

tatoes In ths hop of getting lb" betterof one's icraggfness, 'I'bi trill Inevi-tabl- v

makn mattera Worst, for It willproduce or aemnvale Indigestion, Ae,l

whn all Is sflid and done It Is this tor-

ment poor tllC'Sl Inn which is Keren - I

ally responsible for ScraggtttSja

"xi to ijidigesii'1!! comes a restless,worrvlns rilii,otltion. Vt'llh a omhlna

Goldsmith, St. l.ouis: B, D,

Denver; W. It. Duncan,Beck, Philadelphia; Mr.

Mantle! Baens, Mrs. d. e

PappaPi Pawnee,Harret, Washington, i. C

erally along the contact, The goldoceurs In part as wire gold or as thin,Irregularis shaped masses, as if

In cavities, but usually himinute particles coated with darkmaterial. So that to Hie eye they donot appear metallic, In some placet

Pss than 175,00 per acre; agriculturalpprn-- 1 land under ditch hut not under culti- -nance ,1 alien, not less than $:10.UO per acre:

IS Hiemain!r iht

a Reet1,00Q iMi Rlcu


trial aif the at Hi


TakenSanad- -

llthla, and is harmless to flush cloitgeilkidneys ami stimulate them to normalactivity. 11 also neutralises the addsin the urine m It no lunger Irritates,thus ceding bladder dlwordera,

Jgd Sails Is harmless! Inexpensive;makes a delightful effervescent llthlawater drink which everybody should


BEST ESSAY ONSurveyoranal cutFLAG Aeoui ibe onlj

ome esCSSSt e

itnss is instructedthrough 'he largeRarolas bridge, toIhe liver agattiHl

thing you en

hiill or vatiehii,,

AT.ICIAdo to ovetyiinr hair

grating land, winr water, not cshthan IM par aprl grazing land,without water, not less than ILBoperacre; and n is further ordered "'atall city lots and Imp'l'oveliienls there-on, and all slocks of met clnltidls. andpersonal propeiiy be fixed at the tfUOvalue thereof.

Adjourned.Api'l 01 i ll

ALKRBt) lil'.I NSKKI-n- .

, b.nilnndelteve

.south of Hiecurrent ofSHINU JuURNAt.LFuNtiaMc

ink opposite island, atake now ami I In 11 to keep lluir kid it. 0 to reopiiuthe UarelaaVi'j

11 canal iiboMN. M., Feb. is.being made for anft m- - ' Proparal om- - "bridge

neyt clean, thu.s avoiding seriousplications. itnl to repair Hie fell! e almo;

Dyke "M."

into your si.'slp

J l! : Um.AN"HK F 11,1k of frSuei1 will

heie fo ettntairaei v or the itorosohft should b taken ilhedtiine Chairoslis ibe most beneficial taken nfur eachmeal.

b 111 A 'WjlOelg ni ib nil hat HUPCI nil11 si; hairtnan,B W'AI.KIOlt, Clerk.dof Hchools A Montoya be allow

i A wetlknown local druggist says hsella Ids of lad Salts to folks Who be- -11 eve in overcoming kidney troublewlille it Is only llnublc.

. celebration of Washingtonnext TUeSdaj by the Ptri

idics of Bast Las V'et?as andrroundtng territory. TheM ill be closed in honor of theid exercises will be held com- -



expetiscM iii attunding meeting ofilepartmenl of superintendeni ofNational Kjduuatlonal associationDetroit, Mich., not exceeding SI 71

lssc Adjourned session, i" bl uai1916.

if Pini. itfa tileriii

lion of both -I-ndigestion Htirl ot ry.-tb- e

irnttlns on of Urih la Impossible, no m.T.

tr what kind of food yon est.if you will thoroughly nr lids fa,

you will see tlist Hie Aral step In Mm

rare i to si rerurt he n the digestion or to

tm it it It ! at fnult.Th rt thins l to avoid orry. Tills.

tit ooursfl, Is what some people csti't andSthSfS won't do. But no on r an liresklnnlness and bus; worry Peralstswworry will a woman moresurely and swiftly than anything els.

Of ixiurss. IndtsrsHon opsels itie fem.per ani nerves and thb engenders worry.Tn many cass If you GUT the first youdo away with the setond.

If you want (o get fat von must Reiplenty of sleep, too. Sloth tends to fatmaking. And although you need rotbe SteJtsM. yOU most, lo use a para-go-

exert yourself to 1 hi?.y If you ares,r too reatiessty setlvo disposition.

$!!.'! Oil Is Itol which amAlfred tirunslHpringer and 1'mmlsslonera; A.


event allmentor.itcountry,

The lo

sent: ibman, M,

r, Cleric,larpio Armiio, t

ll post Of Wall!Mr

t warrant:following

Ivaiiccii now.it is ordered ib

in payment of th,. Fleischer,sn.Mui.

Mi dler, on behalf of the Wuiii- -of theI.S,II. .1 ' I. J...tr ul (. , .i ill . I r a niei,i,i,,tf Rn,n,lArill, in H.tl and Uald , ,,i .ii, Vwti, Ittua (tn boa. v1 site n, other Itat t nt ritur

;papi t m

the Grand Anoffered hai

as a prise to I

writing the bi

of the Americ

i flagpupil Oruaclal

KT,HANiP' Pp Ming- iri breaking 'ifthe hair Is UgUSlli Hie rMUlt of egttfmdInjury due to the faet that ,ho halrhSSheeime brltCIs from the lack of oil SnmLie " ib ick of ii comes fiom generaldlsgupbanosaf ths iieaiih. but nruetimoMfrequently It Is due to Improper cue ofthe Tailr. The remedy Is to rive the hairenough oil ts reel 01 'S Us ektsl iotty snd

The split ends should I"' doff about ha If an nu ll nbnve he spilt, Donot slnse, your hair. Singeing the inlr laperfeotly useleaa.

rl III. all OIMOII mil Ml I'll, .. I SSir.irsloio-- n m llr.t. . A way, Hrll.iu






Is, tmr i lub. appear before the Boardland asks fur an appropriation of $'--'

ll- -j towards defraying tin uxpenses of"Muggestloni to .Mothers"

11. among th families hi the county. Iclis mil' red lhat no appropriation Ug

ii, made for such purpose.Mrs, Annie Benson desires to know

Ihe Hoard whether or not she

the originimpetil Ionbeen qgltl

essajs are

Co. Sill VI

$1 pi 40

cliil-som- e


writ- - i

among thikeen am

sure, to bi

action la


n i



Look! Resinol hascleared that awfulskin-eruptio- n away

The moment that Resinol Oint-

ment touches itching skin the itch-it- "'

usually itops and liealim; lie-i- ns.

That is why di ton have prescribedit so suct:ess(ully for over 20 vearsitt even the severest cases of ccjc-m-

ringworm, rashes, and manyoilier tormenting) distitirin skindiseases. Aided by warm baths withResinol Soap, Resinol Ointmentmakes a sick skin or scalp healthy,quickly, easily and at little cost.

lUttaol uintniMiT and Kfsioot Soap alr.ohelp t.i clrar away mi and l.

Sold l,y .t!! drugUta : lor trial Irrr,Misj I,, Kcftuol, Is,t. Uallimorc. Md.

is a result of theeterane. Ti Baa, postage andthe Mandetl,

111.85.Pucheeo. burial

boa a right of wav from her land toiper, jthe road from "id Albuquerque '"

Los Qrlegos as changed by the boardt ;

1)MMISS(I Its' I'ltIK i;i;niN(.s.

Called session January II, I VI I,Present; m R. Bprlngpr, Tempor-- i

ary Chairman, Poliearplo Arinlju,Commissioners; A. B, witlker, Clerk.

The following bills are ordered

Qabrle) Armiio, ass t t,, Co. ,


. Ah l ' j ol coutliv ''iiiiiiiss toilers on April t.TWO NEW PROFESSORS

FOR STATE COLLEGE v roll, flood work, $41.18,B, Walker, drayage and stamps.

I'D;' it, fcrrcti to He l.iiuny sur-veyor.

Mr. .1. II fish appears before t hit

Kiiiiiers' short courses m variousof the state. He also managedof their corn shows.

Mr. Toulouse demonstrated iiiis a natural leader lu this wortfall when he asslgtad In tlio orgtHon ol the l,.is' ami girls' elub

IK'VtdopiHOIII ITailS Atpr'ietl.latst Lag Yegas, N M., Feb. 18.

The board of directors of the Las Ve-

gas Commercial elub, at Its regularmonthly meeting last evening, voidlis approval of the proposal to founda state publicity or development asso- -

einii.ni It endorse! the New Mexico

$10.It, ..nil on behalf of Hie Mountain

i helast

ntsa-- 1



State College, N. M l''eb. 18.- - TWl States Teli phone and Telegraph com

additions in ihe state college fac pany anil st.il'.'t thai buildings andfences obstruct, in phiccN. the alleysw

at Ihe state full' held In AMUlMrllnthave been made during Hit which said company desires lolo!

I'rof. Arnold Z. Smith ha arand assumed his duties as assist -

association, rormeo an miseveral days ago as a We

ganlsatton, but did nntjrjvlub to a full endorsement I an

i levelopmentAlbuqueruuetemporary ocommit the t

until after it

l j of poles to the mesa. Countyeyor Roes la instructed to surveylocate ihe lines of said glle s.

te 'rreasnrcr's report for Ih'iin of December, mis. la aparov- -

instructor in Hie department ofigronomy, Mr. smith is a graduate t'is proven i Mat tin- - organ- -

stan 's Remarre HuHtalntHl,

Santa fe, l ib. 18.- - DIMrtCl JudgeB, (. Abbott today sustained with oneexception the demurrer of ttu (taleagainst the .answer of the SoMtnwest-er- n

Surety company in tin suitin ah! by the state to recover $75,- -

w hcollegtan entirely Washington Stiittization can be pko'filbasis. The


efficientI thought theI PFTTIfOATl club directors I class of 1811. Be comes

f financing the f well recommended hotsomewhal diffl-- i and an instructor, in

in mutter omu towardNew Mexico


CHARITY BALLUnder Auspices of the Civic

Betterment League

Monday, Feb. 21, 1916

matterwould bt

( making an appro.the maintenance of

exhibit al San lu. goit is ordered 'hat nomade for said pur.

I,organisationi a-- 1 1 win enlorlooo on the bond of Mafa.u 0.ag- - j ellyn as treasurer of state college. Thethe student assistantdirector! li taken up, and

I appropriation hiunit lh approtwhloh

year, he Wasrohomy at th-- latioli pepending leg! Washington Institution,

graduation, atr, Smithi time ai the experiment

exception is a. to the allegation lhat121,000 of the StHte college moneyload been lost before the bond wasexecuted. Evidence on this allegation

rk fordidrt tor the nextI fur highwayoples "i a res

Cent of Ihe forest moneten year may be usebuilding and will send

The matterprdinanoa, prtrie company.fol- -

of the proposed .Unit ysented by the city BleoIk taken up and order-li- e

not adopled.Itt. for $:o.no, la dis


Washling a

anillat ge dNewif I, III be taken before V, B. Wood atit ri thai same

laim No.its iass:ig,

tentative iningpn

I'ullmau,in condut if ill of

will bewill hav,

station iiilowed t hidin i hat saduties herthough lie

ingre erfMi 'I' tilhi dt'ellnW 11T

le country.mainly teachsome part tocarried on bj

Bound sta lleaetags,i ; ni".Ho di, (.on i inn VppoiBt Nolarie-hial Santa Feb, H. Oovemot

Tickets OneDollar EachI'llnelltM Armoryl v- - i ni IgoBday i ne

New M' Xit -Santa I'e, Kelarings In tin

ntoya supt. Rchait. Mbh., JU.'i.OO.MoCanna, ins. pn

lii'iialil yesterdas appointed thelowing notaries publfd: Walter M,

A. M

to DetrP I'.City

$ IIIh un, buy ens, m.,

elVIwill lie resumed al I!l

Will be 1'epl'esellted hv a--4I'M- -I'asi

III.I! Toulouse, of Albuquerque,s been i inployetl its lussislant

di r In boys Hiid airla' elubNew MexICO. 'It- Will be as- -

wRh th'- extension dart- -

with Hiedepart m

Mr. .1

N. M., bi state leijwork inI sociated(nienl iio,:

,,f Albuquerque, f

$l."U.O0.elsior Laundry Co.,i 50c and 98c


iJilllghelly, Altesia; Kdwlll llerbeltDewey, Bluewater; PrOderlck ll Kent,Albuquerque; Nettle k. Perkins, Dem-Ing- ;

George H Tyrone,

General C W

Mexico by AttarturAssistant AttoraeTiH lor. and New .",0.ly. tlI'

t hiII, iw Ian,General Frank W Clancy. This ll Marywill assist Prof. V. T. Con- -

Ithn first hearing since UKimnrr - HailHon Mr. linn- - c.,,t ItlU of aH lowel supply,ongb,fleer, llt.00.

i Imperial Laundryin.r,o.civic Betterment

way, state leaner in this worn.After finishing his high school Seme time ago I had ii very bad

but Ihe testimony taken aireaoy imMay lomea. Th mmtssloners h.

will sit in the hearing are W I. League, for iudi- -..it, fu.. i.t liiU',, l 'I'. li ,1 1.. metift L.... - - - f , 1'iUKIl, writes Lewis T. Davie, Iliad-De- l"My hrotivr McCabeties Ito-- ' spent several eais at the Drake law water.chinf I. s ( t lice:


WE i l l M i ITE i i i l.sslt DISPLAY and EXPBXfB.U E l'A No RENT.

I EMPLOV Mi sm i sinI'iunos gtilnasM illicit from ration lo purchaser. Appulntiueuts

made by telephone, telegraph or Ictlcr.

GEORGE P. LEARNARD PIANO COMPANYTelephone lull. V. O. Ilox " '.'II Soiitli Waller Mitct.

GOLDEN RULEII Dry Goods Co. I tearing will school, and for ten year- - was counect- -

Buglncerlngisd with ihe agrlcultaral papers "f that

gents, $30.90.Pitt Kokm. Co. Survey

flood work. $143.00.Adjourned.Approved,

"AI.KiiKD tililI Attest ;

l U WALK Kit. i 'h

Davis gave me a small brittle of cham-berlain's Cough Ksmedy. After tuk-in- g

this I bought half u dozen bottlesof it hut only used one of them as thecough left me and I have not 0troubled Sine.M Obtainable

berg of Kl Past,. Thelast anoth- -i t weeks,problems principally will

to. V It. I'.eher "f LaW. W. Turney of Bl Pasoattorneys in the CMS,

be goneCrilCeswill als,


in- -' state He organlseo ine lirst hoynml 'and girls' club "mp In foWa, attend. l

be! many of the farmers' short COUTSOS atAmes anil later .isisl l m conducting


ITCHY SALT RHEUMTin foui' mouths il McniK I"

M will he I ho must critical of lhiur fur liolh slitea Io the conflict.



particularly foolish. th moral acheI that nines ami gOife with a headai heor the mental in Hon that follows a

aentlmental reaction.Of l oins.- a gtrra Oral duty is to be

kissatde; but what encouragement is

there to Offer at the dentist's. Chew

violet iimps. reaiat potato aalada amikeep continually biting yottf Up! Just

lln order to la- - kissed by a cronn be- -,

IWeen tin- - aroma of a cocktail and thaiflavor of a stplc Clgairet, hencathWhbdtoroom rampant 7

Everyone admins a man of tm tti.'.provided there is not too much braaa,

Here is a tip to husbands. Next,time typewrite your explanations toyour wife and keep a carbon Copy tor

aiater reference. Then you cart call

'strike mi her when she JOB,! tn bat

land keep her from galloping home on

a wild throw.

mmmi .m mm -



Vti-lr- Kelirr-rlilul- l.r

I .1 Ml MOMMaruuellr Itall.llna I blr.iau. III.

fa-lrr- n Hear, nlalliII l I II II ll LMMAN

M lara Ron, r V.irk.

Knterail a mm matter at llereaui.frirf ? ,lbtKiarU, N M, umli r

Mannef O IM .i I, II7.1 Jira, p i Iff Uttloa ilian any afftct pup. r

In Nrw Men u. Tin nl iwiht In ,enMass fi iaaunl nrry Jay In tha

TBKMH OK HllimilH TlnJHkUy by aarrlel r mail. ufM mOVta

NuTR'K To ST HM It IllicitMubacTilwra m ilia Journal Inn iliiiia

I.i )iaw llnli I'iiImi iliiiimiil In n new III- -

dim limit in oiili t,. all Hit. "III a. I.li

Tli' M nilnir I in uai haa a lilnlin eltvu-lallu-

luiinf iliaii la n- -- t.i. i in any Mhripaar tn ,i',i .l.lr. " T'n' Annil h'i

wapnirT lili'.ictory.

Till. Jcl UNAI, Ukee und printalKly huura und thirty rnttUtM of

elrluilvo Aain,lutei ITcnn leapedwire nervlee eiirh Woek. No othPrnewepuper pubihined In New MeJdcoUkkiie mora Mian t went four hmiranf Aaaoebitad Praae aervira dnrtts)thn wr. li

tun niDA i KK.mti akv i, iiMil III I I III II N i iMp.vftjjr,


upon I'n nl' nl Wllanu am t hemiidn nlonif the fnllnnlnir linen

I. That the 1'iidoi wond tariff baivhim not bean nthtfaetory either nn a

revenue pinilinei nr un ii fnnlerer f

American lllialtianThe deiiM'i lata ill idy that the

I'a' h law avlajo wan notand thai I'l cnldent Til ft

ganta Pe Mas RedSanta Pe, Keb. IX. This evenitlB

it the executive office at tlm capttoli meeting was held to organjxe a Redros chapter as pan of the national

Jreparedneaa program, Qovernor ateDonald la prealdent of the American1Cted Croee for New Mexico, while tinother dlreotora arc Judge it, H, Hanjna, II. S, Kaitae, Nathan Jaffa, JnhnR, Joyce, ii. N. Matron ami v i.Murray. S. Poulterer Mnrrls of I M l-

iver is in snit.i Pe to confer with Mis.R. l Aaplund, head of tlm Federa-tion of Women's Glub Mrs. fatW eltnn r, prealdent of the Santa FeWoman's elub; Mrs. A. 1!. Kcnehan,prealdent of the vVomafl'i Board ofTrad', ami Mrs. I'rank W. I'arkcr,regent .f the Daughtera nf the Amer-

ican Revolution, in reference to theorxanlsation.

suite t orlege Commencement Hay.state Cortege, N. M.. Feb. s. It

lias been decided by tlm faculty of theNeW Mexico College of Agtieulturt

Mechanic Arts thai hte week ofMay fl-2- 8 will be observed n

week this year. The priu- -

ripai commencemeni orntron will in

ellvered by Charlea .v. spies, nf KasiI.as Vegna.

ii ( elebrate Waalilngton's Birthday.Santa Fe, Keb. 1 x.- - Sunshine chap-to- r,

Daughters of the American Rev-

olution, met last evening at tin- Pal-ace nf the Governor, with Mrs. Frank'W Parker, preaidlng, ami made final j

arrangement! for th,' public observ-ance nf Waahlngtop'l birthday, notonly in ganta Fe inn throughout thestate.

Ha- - ( sed liaiiiiicrlaln's CoughRemedy for 20 Veara,

"Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy has1been used in my household for thetiast twenty year, j began giving itito my children when they were small.As a quick relief for croup, WhOOplMf

j COUgh, and ordinary colds. It has nol' equal. Being free from opium and,other harmful druga, 1 never feltal'raid to -- ive it to the children. I,hnv. recommended it to a large num-- 1

bcr of ft b ulls ami nelghbora, whohave uaed it itnd speak highly Of it,"'WTlteg Mrs. Mary Mittke, Khorlsville.N. V. ubtainablo everywhere.

reached the jnine eotn iuninii irordlfor other peoplaa, depreaaton doaa Corth. failure i.f that law tbaU Creaidaot I the KukIImIi. win-- otMr MUoHa dn

B luiloi Kill I name l.nn- - nitli'ToMiHiiruoiily In the puh- primathese ilit), iiIhiih, hnwcvcr, niil'iiifiiniii' tc t limns Mexican- - nevermill thiiius New Mexican.

Will I.M.UMi III sl'XIlis

The BrttMi n.n ii.nm m ia hiiii aek- -

llIK Inn K" eminent iinlairrnaalii,;iltinatlniia rKiirllni h" fimiluct ofHi" war, unit the K" eminent mvnii-ahl- y

replica, "me ;iti Imping In Ji lc.li r In (lie future."

On of iii mod admlnAMa iiiinxsin Hrltlali character i" tluit it 4oAa

not dany finlumo ami rarely everutt'inpu o excuee them, I'ltiwnf i n i o r n 1 I in iii Ihi conduce of titowr iinvr been muiii' bluntly by t ti

llrlliali preaw ami un frankly admit- -

tt-- i by tin Aaquitii ministry. But tinrrUettton ciim' up DVef and overiiKam, What would lie K'llned lv

leilH'.ilif lln- - im n "I othera wllu i

llllRllt Mj lln ia K i ll llllll W'lli) i it- -

tntnly would hardly da Letter?KiiKlainl la MrVM an ilariKi-riiu- ua

Winn ahe feel licraelf "OP nHiilliHlII." Then la thn line fnr her nppn-ncril- a

In beware. Tndny Knuluiid Ih

In a innai peHainilat lc rrtOOd, Money Ih

ruiiiiiiiK low und hlnlmr Ud iTWffli

afuii IiIiik UUNM innai Ih- - le leil Tindraft, UN provided fur by Hi1' IiihI Mfainn nf '.In- - parliament, lidded in the

nlunteera, will nut provrdv rnoogHlln II for tlm ' far fluuir halll. linn" oftin- The innai ft ren inula

j f I t m nf the blorklldi; In HtraliKli llnr.iiiaiii have nut Hiii i ended and are notHill reedliiK. The iinonln nr.. lakln-- ;

-- illlllw ..i,,u- -

Rventa may 6r may JiiHtilv the '

MOOdi bttl W'hethnr limy do Or do n it

"ill in. alrei t thn fuel that Knr-Inn- d

hoi at lunt pMOtM ilainieroim I"her foen. Vou inav read tlilx (ruthin her olntniy. What ilatinn d

Kiiitlnnd try to plunga tar. into glooonIt In only then the Drltlah In-

llava tio v hava in do aomathiitg daI"'1""1''. "" V Pr'"'' d to do It.

Bttl wiih th monetrouel


For i ladles who am promotingthp "better i.uid ween. MiKues-

rt r


Ml I Mi ll VII, Mil (.11.

lid huiin his letter to Congreaarnan

th' he dwti nol ietI. Cted the p di acy, ii

b," balked In u rtain ouurters.p"'Wben the nan I taeweraJ wiiiium11 11 onci i wan uiein iniienfor the reptililiea n nomination, Im

knld he w ould not ueeept it iminina' -

nil anil woiilil m.t avrvc, ii elected., ...

il mo vm nne o i n i i w in ae.Ii

"ane mno; l..r In


The ni l' limit mi- .uniimi foi ,,..

body Upoh whom to wish tin ,it

Wllnon ha lea. hid frnin the nnnnt- - npair, they are therehy hurl, When;iNfaetiirlni ta Of the I 'inlerwood law Btlgtttld deHnirH, alie iinmea, aim'that the mallei nf lavina; tuiiffn aatffltdl herself.nhnuld Im plin ed In the handn or a The dirrerencp In the pnvi holoKlci I

NlantiflC board With pawart In HUM j make-u- Of Krnnie and of RntaMd Is;field nlmilnr to the powern of the li- - uttented hv the endeavor of tlmteratllta Coinmerne ominlHHlon In tlio Ki mn h leadeln t, keep th.' nation ill


field of transportation, 'jhaart, wheraaa th wlaa doofora ol"'WJtias. That the rnited mati n nhnuld

han Intarvaitad " llaaloo.if the rapubllcani belle vi W ilM I

tin nolemn duty of Urn nmni nine,u j

I.. Intervene la Mexico, uM they have, Root's Astonishing iptured aoth-liasi-

for liar-wha-

Ulitftllmain s i nm

to do to put themaema on record a "aw or ooauoiui u n

and " ,h ,; i pen

the Ameiunn VOtCrB la to bfto "!'. i""1" 111 M"HlHolanua, it bj dolihl- -

aa i republican meaeure, the roeelu 'fl11 ""' BrW people would navelMM introduced after the maaaacre of I'een arouaed even y.-- l had m,t they

faabel bi Senator Borah Wo bean rotuea b Hie dermana them- -

were told' in Ita preaa dlapatehea Hi,,ij-lye- The ralda ,,n the ttritiahnlll Me I ii lllmili.lll Miliilloln full h COO .t In hi- (lillHIln fleit, tlm drop-

imr. e tn ante tor ln Borah urterven- - j P'M ol boinba on London and on thetidn rew. inn,. n. therefore the tdnhoi! ' 11 the aloklna ot the Uual- -

eenator decided that it wax wine iojtl" "n ita execution of Mian Co.- -

let It he i hl'.inlniiin d III the mm- - Veil it tonK all nf thenn thlHfi I

mit tee, fet the Brttiah people aclually inter- -

C) 11 L If f I a

tjpcccti is v it 1 1 if utssectetiW'h' tlni Uew.-.- l tit u lud fr th;rUlh and yVrona; ih.il We have m.i

i"eMi)eii n keynote ro tin eiern bax'tad" nirr a(piom(cy; thai Our"l"" ,"i""' btndpatUia ... a mero threata have njh bnpi ' made koo,i."

cxprcHHlon Of opinion h a veteran Unit w loat mrt- - Ideals and tlm hiiii- -

hiaicniiiaii, iion M ined. laM night a pun of thY moral force1 of the earth,, ,., by Ellhu llool to Uw regular eriy m the warny domr nothlrtlr, andrepubllcann of .ww vmk eannol fall rfloM aatwarng tif Vll, that we are un- -tn be received with aurprua Thr la prepared t6t e)aT beca'oae nobody

IWW 111 . n ! .. il of am anuhl liatl'll to Messrs. liarilm f.fnctlon aaaertlna the Infallibility ofUodte, Btjmaon and i: evelt, wrio


of a great army ami ndVy, ami, herhfghi hot th itaron fornsltiif then

N.i rtu.i men In puDIle lire are mureI,, than Mr. ItObt and .Mr. Rooae

Jfet here we have the rtooaevell

Sometime daHcHl Eowona RemovedIn llood -

Salt Kin tint is one of the worm amiunfortunately one of tlm mot eom- -

rnon of all ilisrases. How it reddensthe skin, itchee, oozes, dries andseal's, and then doc this all overagain! Sometimes it envois tinwhole body with inflamed, burningpat. he and causes Intense suffering,which is enmirmnly worse at niwlit.

Local application may do eomegood, but they cannot permanentlyrelieve, Tlm discus, will continue toannoy, pain and perhaps Bgenlge,until the hi 1 haa been purified amithe general health improved.

Ask your druKK'st for Hood'stin- good old reliable famllj

remedy. It has Riven perfect satis-faction in thousands of cases. Itisisi,,n having Hood's Sarsaparillu, for nosubstitute acts like it. Oel it toduv.

$ Dollar Day $a ibs. BrookfUM Bnttnr si. inia lb- -. Real Read Ric si. on

SI Mis. Broken RJr Il.ouii mil pound pk. Macanml , , f 1 .on

H pkga. Motihor' Wheat Hearts st un

in ihs. nice Meaty Prune S I .mi

gala. Karo syrup .SI. anI 5-- b. can .Icily ,1.00

S ISo pk.s. t offee SI. nai ihs. sOo ( offee S. an

I pkga. 78c Tea si (Ml

I I tall can Milk si.noHi cans fork a'Ul llcaii . st.noi.' i ans i lest xomntoea si. no

i. cans i:ari June Pcaa 11,0(1

l cans suiiur Corn si.naII cans salmon si. on

s i ans ( uHfornia Peaeiaoa Il.ous large cana (AUfornla Humg.gi.otiltd bars Lenox Snap i si. on:;: lun-- s Diamond c vap fel.00

Jii bar Moon Monday soap S I .an

n.aa ini Apptea s (III

Rest ( it I Ok

si. :.'." (.ahanied Wash Holler SI. Hit

SI.!'.". Meal minder SI .On

si. -. SKsd SI. till

g1.2fi rioin- - Bruab S .00

Men'' si.-.'.-, and 91.96 Pant. Ml .00

Men's gl.50 and SI Hats si. oo

Men's ami Roya' si. .vi Sweater 11.0(1

Ileus gl.25 and gtJMt I InnnelMMtia 81 Oti

Men's si. 00 fndeewear, a suit., sue1 aiiics- - si.:0 sweater fonts. . s i.inadics' ixmg oat- - .vie on the M.M

Misses' I mix mts. .Vic oil the S(.on

Ladle' 11.25 House Slippers... 60cWe can ae ton mone 011 yood


Men's SI. 00 It-iU-ok Shoes ,.,.$8.00Itoys1 School sluK's. si.'ir. and up


DOLDE'S210-21- 3 South Second Street.

Ptione ntAH. fiOODS DKI.lVKREl)

Goodyear Tireiare tortiried against

By our ut

feature.Blow-out- s By our On-Ai- r


Looe Treadj By ourKubbcr Riven.

Insecurity- - By our Multi-ple Braided Piano WiieBase

Punctures and SkiddingBy our Double-Thic- k



i"ai orujunixii a nmn larnin .iiiiikhW Immi'diat.'lv the d.stierate need:That tin I .1 Stall in. aid

threat. '

leaajtor Root, in h'a "keynote apeech, j""'t the bablaa be tnuptt 1,1

MM "The tn thing whtoh otr go ruhuttng the voloe in the ba

ernment had warned Germany not toN"" ' hUrht Thaido, ah, did .1 et purpoaa and in lh W--

W make Horn better hah

"M ontnipoteni power to compeliproaperity, iin ti nothing original,,. tin- - plea that de in... al I Ink en pa- -'

iiij for Knii-in- I nera imtn- -

ing Strang.preaaed for H

enda In tKhod to himveothera be

a usi- - he, ai. Mil. ntWaahtngti ed him. j

What il Ulna Mr, i

RooVa ad Itementiuermnny. n ia true euougn

tliat im avowed in- - .leMitmn to

'doctrine Ih the Rthgunge nf Mr. Roolntlaa, nf erilirg, the eitravhganct

.mi exaggeration;, the (irrbgance andatlhlnxter. tn whi. h the has

educated hi disciple. Inn the contentpt for mgutiatinn, the Impatience

rcVfyvftH delay, ih appeal to force, tin


havehundred tire

brands to choose from,and though they could "save"money by selecting one ofmany other types, they giveoverwhelming preference toGoodyear.This is shown by the fact that onein every three cars manufactured for1916 will be Goodyear equipped.

What else can this mean except thatmotor car manufacturers have found,as individual tire buyers have found,that Goodyear Tires go farther andlast longer and so cast less.

for .,, .,. H.1MV wuh ,,. ,,., ,.,.,. ,,,! Hi.w are we to an.mini for Mr.natrium again In regard te the rReot 'a at n cohre,raloh.fo b doctrln.misuse ..i simma Hies, ni ii .'- noentnghut ' idl. ale for nur alienci a tothe one and the laborlo is pi .h i ss S

,....,.., 0 iim other, .milInot'iini, tu auaac limit plane I. tit

lactlon Althouffl tmn is the i rimeof which he , mulcts the Wttaon ad IrtfUrae, they hong h win the up,ort

lmlniatratlort, every child In Arherloa nf the American people next Novem-iknnW-

that wh.n a natlnn mruneH tn ,.r t If so N K)hu Root th.- man alreaaon ami deetdea to ..ct, us only,read) ehoam rotaBertdrlp itnd is.-- 'appeal! - to th" aword hntdon ttetween tlm friend ,,f Mr Taft!

Thin Ih nOl the entile case nl the ,,,,,) , fn, mfs nf Mr RO 'si vell pos- -GOOJEAR

TIRESany to gel from

CoWjeor Senice Station Dealers Lveryvhere

peace prize There ate a nuinliei nfi'" in New MeXlCO who Would i "i

theUltdanep fto.oon with nothing w.t

holds makes all nfUUests ol' little value. SI

have said In fnm. ill the pburglar, wim ha entered a houee ami ,collected the silver Init , aonot getout to dlapeae of It

Now. unless lifrmuliy can niitlnstBritain, or find some waj to exercisecompuhdon upon Britain, "he muei ultimalely go to liOndofl ami ask foripeaee, bis allse shn must ilitiniuti li I'e- -

Mtme her aea commerce, sin- must ul-

timately use tlm oceans. Nothing Is'more idle than to suppose that thereis a market or a fttture for Germany!us a emptte, eynn iftliat empire extends from iHarhBurg tnUagdad, Tlm very character nf Gnrr-m- an

Indugtry makes the sea the nee-- !

eeaarj waj of tranapoift, ami it Is fronti)nt trmie beyond the rfontleri of her'allies that she draws the reycnuiwhlcn kei ps her jreal population llvIng in a restricted ama.

Hi H Mi lilt: II s (

Tlu.ireau. I

i would noi ghbtruci anything fromlln- praise that is due tn philantliroiy,but merely ili tnand .iustice for all whoby their Itvea am a bieaalag to man-liit- ul

do tint valhe chiefly a mun'supritrhtm teg ami benevolence, whlOhare, a It were. it., stem und leaves.These plants of whose greemveta with-ered wd make herb tea tnr the elcksi rve Inn humftle Uae, and are mostemployed by quidta.

I want tlm flower and fruit of a man.it hui ddrke fragr nhoe mas he 'Wafted,over ftnpi him to me, and some I'lpe- -

neaa flavor our Interiuiufee His (;o"d-ncg- a

must not be a partial and tranal- -l

tofj ai l, Init a i nnKtntit superfluity,iv ft lib cdata bim iioihiiif and nf whichhe H' unconscious. This is a charitytylijch tildes a ntuURude Of sins. Theiphilanthropuil loo often atirrotindamankind ijrlth the renirhbrance of!hbr own ra.st-nt- f gfiefa a an atmoa-pher- e,

ami calla it aympathy, WeahOuld impart our courage, and notour dbJCaae, ami take eate thai this'

Pep and Punchmust make a woman chuckle

uiihtiy to heraelt when slm hears alPullman porter address Friend litis-- 'hand as "Boiaa."

There are Women who faithfully w intomb thfl floor with their fingertipstwenty-on- e times In aucceaalon to "re-duce." then ask their little dattphtetsto pick up the hairpins that loosen, d

and fell during the lUhgtheniea,Some folks are always filled with In-

formation when they're sure the lis-

ten, r Is ignorant on the sub.tect underiliscitssion

Now nm! then aomeone perrormi a

good deed mereb r..t adverftetng pur- -

DAn'l ivaati auv lime trying tobreak a tnan'a heart be satisfied ifyou cad iust manage to chip it in a

brand new place.A bachelor likes flattery delicately

dlaguieed and alight h diluted but amarried mini can si, allow it "straighl'without a quiver.

What a man calls "onnsi-lence- iseither a pain in his vanity when heknows tliat hi has done something



MALTED MILK,Cheap substitutes cost Y0I arv- - tIco--

niOM eimteiul'liiouH mil nhnihln'ma n m ''

iii re tgnln, Uia republ leantClean 11 M v alupln nppnrtunllclar tin in. rh i fnr their party. ThItuattanla f ia not yet aeUbxl, iftlnte war eaiiNe fuf war when thIriiK.alv necurred. the ciiiihc remain,it Preatdeal w iisn.r poii. of iryimto netth it hy dlnlumacv instead of

us wmtiK. Th.' i a inildii ani.ii.. iv. i kl ,i.,,,

, .n

mi iiin kiiiK 'Itlnn d ' lal l war ai'ainat (1

ft,an, Tin,, u .,i. .li.,.. ii...it i now a nuttter With the rep

Uejam ..r "jajti up er shut up."

II I I III I KK I Itl runTin- Niii.mm, mienilon ol ,il


aiiwa "t lli' ii' i eiiton 1'in im can '

afford to pay the prtee "i apeetaou i

im ajratater, and huh another, realnl trein h watt an

To brent a the ring around her, ato pre-en- t it- - i hiNtni; in. Is now the .

paipoae of tiermany, Tin- (lermanaafa willtag in pay tin price of mceeaa,II the have im pi u n ne, , nnur That

Ate the allien willing to pu

alao" Th, Frcm-- m Hi

C'humpuxne and th.- llrltinh ,u tanaallow. ii tbemaarvee wiittag to aaetl.fn a mm h Hut the gafna made thenlost mot. than, may were wnrtrw Tk1Raaakuaa are alwava willing to payth, price for any aucceea, partanlailywhen the urand luke Nn tiolaa in In

anwmaadWith im- op-ni- t,f the niimnmr.

after the eprinu ruin. It in ncarlvoartaln that on both the eaaiarn andthe weatera fronti wIM eoanr theMoodleat balths of the war. F."months, all uf tin In IIik'Tcuis havebeen gathering tnaaae of am muni-Ho- n,

iuantltea of aha! la and Nigh ex

tloale null as th. w.uld in . i

dreamed ol helot. In Iin, ,.in

the faclorien of the (Jetted stale ar-Ju- nt

now well under way all lap.,la manuluclurln for Buaala, and theRuaalan fa'torlea ail of them thatcould be built und manned - tavibuay for more than a year. Tho

lactoriea of France and tngland havamore than a million hand in them

doirib' pothlnf "tit making munition..

glorification of acfTon of any kind.nK n- - it is haMv ami fuicthlc,

.1 in tin la

thai he nevei before' ancapted? Rave'both branohaa nf the Mpjnbitcan patty

.mi-nni- l to tidvooate war With ilermanvami the comiueai nf Mexico a the is- -

sue u , which with a .indulalirftad In fhrhl , ,.v B

gihte mi the mi nooaev.n and all-wa- r!

term thai he advance V

w ''re i igen there from the tower, thechapter houae, Wenmhwter, themils chapel and elnewhei'e. Ker.since that lime Hie offi. e has beencnnstaiitlv receiving uecretlon fromthe law its the government de- -

pdrtmenta .mil front various mini

s of records are sept, legal,hiatorleul, ifcneatpglcal, stallstlcal amin curled ate the contents of the of-fl- 'e

thai untiQUarlan feaearch of ui- -

moai evey kind can be made. There;"u will find the rcoofds of the starChamber ami the nhl wards and llver- -fe st.11, papers, domestic. lontaland for'elafri, promptly preaeri d In

the stain paper office In wim. hall,'dre to a -- i n there faually fifty or

Jxt) etudentij are seen working In timrecord Offlefe evcrv day. and atany Hum there is the fasclnatimt

'thought that one of them ma makeaome Intcrcsllna historical dlacoverv.

WIUT sF IMWIil is IKHM,.(frank 11 s, moods in Review of l!e- -

viewsTim real obstacle to peace at the.

preaenl moment, lien in the fact thatOreat Brta.a ha o far been the sole;nation to profit by the wm. and tmrprofit have been absolute. Germanyha made . nuneM on land, slm hasmost of llelgluni. a corner of France,much ot Kiissui. and iwith her ally I, !

s. 'bin and Uontengro; Hut Oerman)ba oet iim aea. Not a lin iiliin ship..10 inn to --en. and ilermanv cannotntuin t.. the ordinary business of lifeuntil sh., can ..K.un begin to ihlpAer

i manufacture by w.it.r and draw her.ran materials by the same route.

Thu. in effect Germany ha occu- -

; Pled Waraaw, Lille, and Itrlgrade.wim h are to all intents und purp. M.--i

im Hrlttsh hand, since they rannnt be!inked b) Oergngnr, Afivr elfhlrenl

atateaman turned warrior ii.- - a.rsthat we have lain neutral bet Ween I

With Scissors and PasteII rXM i i, is s H Fit.

i Engineering Magaxlhe.)Will a declining gold production

ad to a universal fall In textile amiil la so t hi

more work can be 011 tin lip. 11 aI, in ore of lnda, na. it beln a valueof $?.a0 per toi? fVrhapa go to theLntenee .toy of tin- bondholdei w hnseobliiiatloaa run for a century to conniti. snnm ralroad bonda, or it" not maturn at all. like the llrltinh consuls andabme Called Stale bonda, foi their 0b-- I

lia itmo. or the interest on the Irre-- .

deemabli aecurltlea, must be paid ingold coin of the preaenl wobjht and

ifinneeaa Or will the Increaalng ecarc- -

ftj Of gM, and al least ., lempoiarsj dacha in w iga and .ntn remiB in a

atrver-got- d monetary basis .' Thaga areIlntereMIng queatlona t.. the pMitfcal, com niist. It is tlm mining 1 ngltw'ar s

'are or.iv to point nut that a decline,n wold prod ptk ton is not the problemof the far-of- f cent rations it looms

1 m.i whs r hi K HI ( -- i' HIii

itlons v ho passthrough th. , n ,,f London ever)

(w,,-- a work of unparalleled magni- -


nil i u: u.t n;i inTin- ratification of the treaty WWl

Siraragua scons another diplomaticVictor Im the I'nited State and m

in i s one of the IWO possible mmalllin inteio. ann . anal routes on theAllien.. m cnlinelil. Tin- - otheri, u s t'n' Tehauntepi c and righta foitile cnllHtl ut ttnli of nlich mute lllel .'

In out of our final adjustments wit'iMexteo,

There are 111 varieties of utakeam the I tnt.-i- t Mule, hut thin I nolonger an excuae in Acy territory.

w .ill th, aubafltutea German eel.. niistn ara dlaoovtrtng, future genera.Hon would ria. up and Call lln M

Meaaad if th would daaeovei a aub--

stiluli for war.

U he n hat eB Mi ll, n

grandeta f.r ihe nupreme court bedealt the nominee a hanl blow.

I asm 111 ReeaMag' Oliver tante for hook gg m to.

In- - improvingI'm very Klutl to hear thn Hot

at. ,ou tjuite aore about itPerfectly ur. lst week 1 aught

him prrutng a tiv.-ien- i It- -it rjalvt-- i

and thi week hr In readlna nothingMM dime nov' l Thai lua per emimprovement

I tOde at what is known un the puhlurecord . fin e in ''ham cry lane. hasl.een going on for iiuiuber of year.in tin- - offto there are twenty-ftv- v

Imllea bf Mtahr, nil full ..f ktataricalj material, getog back through the cen-tum h tar u Rouniadai' BaoK."1 h jseu mrar iia.ooo a year to kep

u the nvnrd nffiee, tin keeiier of therecord bcina the mual. r of the roll.The office wan etablihed h the

'pabg-reefda- ) h Hit, and Um recorttt MORNING JOURNAL WANT





Rheumatism Due to Bad Blood


No Testimony About

Bear Bio

t i od need R

arres d twice since lb.body of Jose V. Co r inordeiedtoloo p late vei

bounddro B. Tai lagila, of HaiIhe action of the gia ThJusfne fixed their b

each They went to I

stains, was offered ai the nenrtniThe hearing was begun yesterdaymorning ami lasted Ihto ihe after"noon, District Attorney Manuel c.vigil conducted the prosecution andW. A, Keleher, appointed b) tbcourt, was counsel for the four Meat'cans, Angel Rodriguez, QuaUalUpSUoehos, Anostaeln tllmlnei and .loseMedina.

Testimony was adduced by llWprosecution thai Chuvea wished !"marry l.uey, a nice, ,,f Kodrigilcz, andthat RatftguM b.oi refused to ittv

his consciii. It was said, however,ihai no existed betweenth"ni beOftUSe of that.



i if course, nobody Who weni to theCrystal last night to see' "Brluginfrp Bather" expected anything olasat"eui but just ihe same the house waicrowded with people win, Wanted o

he entertained, and the frequent encores of tin musical numbers inducat'd thai they Were not disappointed,

in the main, the show is the samelas the one seen here last year There'were some new soni;, and the situa-

tions Were switched around a littlebit, bill otherwise there was littlchange, johnny feas as "Jiggs" fui- -

filled evefy n ,ttiromcni of the partand was responsible f"r manv laughs,while Sadie Dvtff, the same "Maggie"

ms good as ever. Bulb Trout, as .MisHoles, displayed an exceUegi sopranovoice lo the le s adv atUage, and NatWebster, as Oswald, the bulb r, Iniio-

lovable romedy,Then let's not overlook the chorus.

The girls were prettier and shapelieri im it th,. average, and could sing. Thei'4IW" that they threw into thetfrworliwiy In a large measure responsiblefor the success ,,t the performance,


ludge Craig, of the olty court, yealerday fined Uu Taitagliu $1.', for vio-

lation "f the iiine ordinance. Thecourt suspended the penalty on con-

dition that Taftaglla obey the lltnoybut regulation! hereafter. Tartagflsintends to ult the Jilney business, itwas said sf forward.

Tartitglla was Accused of suspend-ing operation ,,f his bus for a monthAt the trial Thursday If admittedthis, saving the machine had (tebre.ik-- j

down and thai a month and ten dayswere required to make the repairs.Judge Crftlg decided tljat he tookmore than a feasonan)etltnc to makethe repairs.

The complaint against T.utagliawas made bv "the traction company.




The trial of Ihe case of Juan Alue-g-

against the Santa Fe railway wasbegun ia the 1'nltod States districtorturl yesterday. AbregO asks $10, anadamages because of the loss of pariof one f0 I lit an accident The queSllojl of whether AbregO signed a release lhi"ugh undue pressure Wassubmitted (0 the Jury, The huv badnot decided th, question when curladjourned. Judge John c. Pollockdirected that the verdict be cab, I,

if the juiy agreed during the night.The case Of Mrs. Andrea Bacj Wan

taken from the Jury yesterday morn-lug- ,

fudge Pollock directing a verdictfor the defendant, ihe Santa I'e Ratiwily company. Mrs linen sued forjn.non because ,,f the death of



The i hnrily ball which Is In be givenby the ladle i of AlbUiUerUe Moinl.c.night for the benefit of ihe ch ic Bet-


Icajfufe w ill be one of the mostimportant events of the next ffettThe ball will be held in Ihe armonthat being the largest hall In Albu-querque and th" only one of sufficientsiste to accommodate the big crowdthai is sure to attend.

The armory will be deoorated by K,

R. See, tho official decorator for theCattlemen's convention, who has givenhis services gratis to the lad ICS incharge of the affair The Booster or-

chestra will furnish the music, whichinsures that this very essential part of111, program will be well looked after.

There lias been a Large sale of lick-- i

ts to the bull, and il is expected Hint

there will be il re, ord-br- , aklng iii t"ilanee. Tickets my b secured atStrong's of Matson's. or from Mrs.Ivan (irnnsfeld or Mis. Felix Lester,



Clyde Tlngley, who recently Issueda call for a meeting of the democratsof the ey to bo bold ill the Secondward school building next PrMnynight, yestefday announced that It hadbeen found practically impracl I, ableto Secure the building at that dateand that the u ting would bo heldThurr.dny night, February 2 1, at thehigh school auditorium.

At ibis meeting the democrats willdecide whether thej win put out astraight party tickei In the coming, leotfon or will throw their support toa citizens' ticket. Thesentiment of the Individual membersof the party win he sounded ont, amiit is not unlikely that in the eVChl ilshould be decided to nominate a

straight ticket, committees from eachwaril will be named to suggest namesOr the various aldermanie positions andto get together on a choice for mayor.II this should he done, II was predict-ed yesterday, the men det Ided uporl bjthese various committees will in allprobability bo nominated Without op-

position in the convention Which thedemocrats will hold laer,



Miss Bulb Gosaanl,Miss Huth (lossard, I'l years old,

died Thursday night at her home inHie highlands. She was the niece ofw. w. (lossard, millionaire corsetmanufacturer of Chicago, or Ulsterdied hero seven years ago. The. bodywill be shipped by Strong Broth, isto Ulnghampton, tnd., for burial.

t.coi'Kc w. Foster,Oeorge w. Foster died Thursday

night at his a purl nu nl s in the high-lands. His home was at Providence,u. ami he came here on arcduniof poor health. The body Will beshil'ped tills morning on Santa Fotrain No, (0 by strong Brothers.Burial win le in Providence, wherehis mot In r lift s.

( IiiiiiI,. Marcum,Clauds Mariiim, IS yeuiH old, who

arrived Iters Thursday niglil with hisfather from New Augusta, Ind diedyesterday, lie was a high echool sin- -

dent ill New Augusta. The body willbe shipped on Santa I'e train No. 2

mis afternoih by strong Brbthers,by the father. The mother

and five brothers and sisters l(V8 In,'W AngiiHta.

LEATHER AND FINDINGSllano ," Saddles, llevo, I'ulnts, Itool

Taints, Kt-- .



LUMBERPaints, Otis, Giasa, MaltboM Bool

Ing and Kulldlng I'at" r



DUKE CITYCleaners-Hatte- rs


.James Callahan, who was succeed- -

d last ycai by Clan in ,. Rowland,,f the Whib S,,x, has been

named by Barney ,1 Ireyfuss to succeedFred t'lark,- as manager of the Pitts-burgh club. The contract Is for twoyears. Callahan recently acceptedterms to manage the Uoi Angeleieluh,,f the Pacific Coast league, and theowners are satisfied wllh a deal pro-

posed by Dreyfuss, The minorleaguers will Y coive some idayers forallowing Callahan to join the Pirates.

lumen, and special matches at Chrl.tiania and Stockholm. In till tie'sexhibition or tournament bouts thAmerican boxers will spar threrounds of three minutes each withfourth In case the fudges can not doclde the winner at the end of tbnine minutes ,6 boxing. The dccision will be made by tw, judges statinned at the ringside and In casthey dsagree the referee can cist thdeciding vote.





Steamboat springs, Col,,., Feb. is.A new world s record for ski Jump-

ing wan established here today byItagnar Omtvedt, a Chicago profes-sional, who cleared a distance of 102.9feet. This mark establish' s also anew American record by 23.9 feet,Omtvedt's previous best mark.

The former world's record of 177feet was made by Amble Omuntjsen,of the University Ski (dub of Chris-Uanl-

In Norway, in February, IflS.Bars Haugen of Chippewa Falls,

Wis!, won second place In today's cur-- ;

nival by jumping 184 feet, lloetson,a Denver parti, Ipant, was disqualifiedwhen he sustained a fall.

Cfcltvedt's mark was made at th,'annual mid-- "inter skiing carnivalhere.

Several thousand persons assembledat the northwestern Colorado courseto witness the performance. Theweather was ideal for ski jumping.





New York, Feb. 18. Ten race meet-ings were sanctioned by the stewardsof the Jo, key club at a session here!today. The dates awarded follow:

Bowie, April l to April It. IgCluSlve,Havre do (Jrace, April IS to April 29.,

inclusive.Pimlico, May to May 17, inclusive.Jamaica. May IS to May 24, in-

clusive.Belmont Park. May 2G to June 14,'

inclusive. I

Jamaica, Jnue IS to May 23, inclus-- !

ive.Umpire, July 12 to July 29, inclus-

ive.Saratoga, July 23 to August 26, in- -,

elusive,Belmont Park, August 2S to Sop-- j

tember v, inclusive.



Boy I Dinger i Corlian is the firstbig league player to coach the base- -

ball team of the Unlveraity of NewMexico. ( 'urban will train th,. vnr- -

sily sound from now until the timehe leaves t,, report to the St. BonisNational sipiad in, Texas.

( onion (Cancels Bopti Injured.'Chicago, Feb. Is. Johnny Coulon.

former bsoitani weigh champion, who'was I,, return t" the rinB with a bout

'with Krankie Dead at Columbus. ..

next Monday, today telegraphed pro-moters, cancelling the bout Coulon.while skating, fell, injuring one of his

lion Team In Bowling Congress.Chicago. Feb IK, Teams numbe-

ring more than tliiO will take part in

the American Bowling congreea tour- -

namerft at Toledo, t month, aCcorii-- ;ing to etunates Iload on entri,wkLl. - - ,...,1V.,



Business College Will TangleWith High School Five While

Company G Is to OpposeIndian School,

t ITV Li .l NT 1ING.team u. I.. Vet.

University 7 1 .$',"High School . . I 1 .660Forest Service , . B 3 .825Business College 3 4 .429Indians i 2 .sisCompany c 0 7 .000

t'lty Basketball league loams willmeet tonight, ai the armory in adouble-heade- the Business COflegfopposrlig the High Schoi I and Com-pany (1 battling the Indians. Thesewill be the last league games.

If the Business College wins fromihe nighs the BtOnoi will retain thirdplace, but the Forester will go intoBCConfl and the Highs will drop tofourth. Company O Will retain th,.cellar championship, win or lose. Ifthe Indians w,n and the BusinessCollege loses the Bed Men will goInto fourth place, shoving the stenosdown to fifth.

The University, which does not playtonight, has Cittl place cinched.





State College, N. M., Feb. 18. The.N'tv Mexico Aggies, both boys' andKills' teams, will close their intercol-legiate basketball season Saturdayafternoon when they meet the 101 Pasohigh school teams in a doifble-heade- r.

This will be the first meeting of theteams this season. There is always a

j keen riv alry between the athletes ofthe two schools. The high schoolholds second plate in the El I'as,, Cityleague. I

Following the intercollegiate sea- -sop the Aggies will continue to playfor th' school championship, with allinsignia men barred.




Boston, Feb. is Three hard-foug-

matches marked the openingplay today m t In- - National AmateurRacquet championship singles at the

stop T' unis and Itni'quet cltjl, Th,mltsU. A Th, deft itcd II.

B' IS, BS- -

K. W Tux, ilef, mted. H ill ft ir,-- s 18.16; i

N. X. Boston, deft ate, i Hew-15-1-

I .Mori arvard, ir,-- .





has been grant' d by (he Amateur Ath-letic I'nion of the I'nlted Slates to theIllinois Athletic club of Chicago, toconduct ihe lali! junior national in-

door swimming ehampionshlps, it wasannounced today. The followingevents Will bo contested in I hut dub'stank on March 29 and Ml 100 yards,r,0fl yards, fancy diving, 150 yardsback stroke and 200 yards breastbreast stroke,





Natchez, Miss., Feb. 18. TheNatch, , relief company tonight

another appeal froffl Mayor Ja- -, oi,y of Newdllton, La., for the fjootlj


sufferers there. Mayor Jaooby said:i

conditions were becoming distressing"Ve need a hundred tents to shid-te- r

the refugees on the levee nearjhere," he added, "and we need rationsfor three thousand people. The situa-tion is (.rowing worse daily and Ihfni.'i'ooned people are sufferinggreatly."

Three government steamers whicharrived off Newelltoa late hist nighthave afforded partial relief to a largenumber of sufferers. The water atiN'twellton was reported from two tofour feet deep and not rising, and thatthere appeared to be sufficient foodtor Immediate needs.



Chief J. Klein took first skirmishin the district court in his fight forthe office to whi'h the council rein-state- d

him when Judge Baynolds gaved i in permlaaion to begin quo warran-to proceedings yesterday.' Counsellor Chief Burtlass contended thatthey were not the proper proceed-ings.

Too action permitted by the courtwas begun immediately after his rul-

ing was announced. Chief Dill ftless was given five days to plead.


Overlooks Somo Valuables,

but Takes Jewelry and Au-

tomatic Pistol; Entered in

Daylight but Not Seen,

The home of A. 0 Malsh, 112 North(Twelfth street, was robbed laat nightIt was not yet dark, bin notvo of theneighbors saw the burglar, The timewas fixed approximately by the re- -

turn of Mr. and Mrs Ma sh, who werejaway from home at ih, time of therobbery. Kasy entranci was foundby the burglar, who had only to raisean unfastened screen. The windowwas up.

Features of this robbery, whi'h thepolice think are otiat'neterlstlc, leadsthem to the belief that Ihe burglar (s

the same who has committed some ofthe scries of rohberles In the Fourthward. Some of the best Jewelry wasleft at the Maish home. Chief MclaUllth

pointed out.A list of the misi g thim :s Klvon to

the polios Included tibger automatic'pistol, senrf pins, silver Vid goldwatches, an Indtai n'tl neck- -

lac, s.




' Captain Juan B. Fenian, I, z, form-erly of the Mexican federal army, who

lis in the Hnttad Kates on a furloughj is In Albuquerojie for an Indefinite

period. Captain F, rttande Is viepresident of the "t'lal,-- , Mexico," an

lofgnTtfiatlon pesfgncd to riti all clttzens of Mexico now iii ihe UnitedStates into closer union, and expesmto form a branch of that organisationIn AlbUquerqU. A branch of thoclub has been organized in Ban Diegoand other points in the United Slates.The membership is open to all Me-

xicans ,,f good cfturacter now residingIn the United States.

Captain Fernandez Is stopping atthe Combs hotel and will be glad tocommunicate with any of the Mexi-can colony In this"' city relative to thformation' of a brttnen of the "ClubMexico" here.



"EXCUM Me" Will be at Hie highschool auditorium February 21 and2B, as the fourth annual "Follies" ofthe Sigma Tan fraternity. This Is afar hock full of laughter and mer-ry , iilertainmcnt. Il has placed Itsauthor, RUp'ert Hughes, at the hea.lOf I h list of American dramatists

ho get gen native humm n tillstag,

Im ssant laughter Is the sum ofthis farce. It alms only to make

' people laugh. ,lls purpose is o

amuse, and it does thin without stint.'

It is a merry, fan e entertainmentthroughout, ami la he at thai, forwhile il is farce il is not hoisepla"or slapstick clowning. Il is a play,

ja genuine play, with epitOSJag thaimight actually happen, persons whos"counterparts really exist, ami With

leiisp. brisk, snappy action end wit'and comedy all the time.

"Bxcuse Me," is ingenious, there-fore, out Of Hie ordinary. It repre-sents a railway journey from Chicagolo Beno and the stage settings area Pullman sleep, i and club car n

an overland limited express train, T"'Idea of a play on it moving train is

Unusual and mio The passi ng,are women and men of the kind whothrown together n a trip like thiswould be sure to create comic hap-- j

penlngs. There elopers, and a

fond couple who fancy temporarilyj that they had better separate, and aj womun hater who is converted to'matrimony by a womun missionary,land a country minister and his Wifej who try not to gel found out, andinn English tmirisi who cant engineera sleeping berth invd insists on bisbath, and Hie Most amusing conduc-tor who ever ran a train, uml a Pull-man purler who is a whole entertain-ment In himself, and a dog and a

j typical nous "butcher" and all th"amusing persons and funny episodesthat ever made h railway trip mt

Imorable and Interesting,Each COUple has its own story of

romance and adventures to lend zestto unexpected no tings ami unfor-

eseen sequels and h all works into i

delicious comedy as lively and brlsHland amusing as ran be imagined. The

wide diversity of typos In "Fxcus--Mo" give Opportunity for excellent'comedy acting, and Ihe company i

Ideal. Nino months In Now York,six months in chi' ago, four monthsin Boston and red id' rims In othercities are convincing proofs that "EX-ous- e

M, " is the l farce ever se n

Saalfeil sid to simi citjr.Denver, Colo., Fob. 18. I'rlnce Gas-hell- ,

one of the leading pitchers Inthe Western laague '' year, baa, beensold by the Denver ' lull of the U'esleru leugue. to Sioux Cily of the sameleague, according t" James C. .Meilill.

(owner of the Done club. Terms werenot made public.

Too i.ATi: to CLASSIFYFOR BALK I iteon-roo- hotel dotnfl

a good liiiHln. is in a flourishing min-- iing town, als" Store builtlnig andgood rosldi no. 1" "d reasons for sell- -

ing. Address IT. Morning Journal.FOB, RENT Two furnished t ",.ms

for houaekeeplng, modern. Call '.V--Wost ttOipa. I'hone 159SJ.YOt'NO'H Htrainslnale Comb While

Leghorns, unsurpassed layers. Firstprise winners wherever exhibited.Cockerels, IJ.50, eggs, tl.'.o per let-ting. Bhlpped snywhere, B, j. Lag- -

Theii!n,i!i hfcvt been mads wu. Po- -

pln iii the loorstt health, inffsrlnafrom Rketimatlsrs, lth WhomDonstanti Who sslMvsd that their

wa BRpi,i bevend rspalr, itnan pNiVSP 10 them that the CHiii efMo ll iroeblq WSS 'lie I, loo, I: Ihqt BrioA, bl. the moat lain, i.., ant " UaaafW"' - in. em) gripped them. Tli polaonin ih, hliiod bad aappfl Its strength.

' weakened tieuJ i,h,i aiiewci poi-iu-

si d impurllles to accunuilata, and,11 tnsrgy was gon. Thar felt "poor-Ilat'.ea- t.

pain va evfr pras- -

lit, with poor ,llMtlon aiul dyipsgata,They tried I, i I ore's hlooil ionic.Tby Kao, up iliuEa This cae poundOf nature's lemeillea of rOOtS and herbadie what drs rUe,i le do. II mr-aii- y

araatied the bleed fre from poJften,and win, flow of pur blood caniback he,, uti. strength, rigor ami happi-nea-

flet M. U. fc liom your druggist.Insist upon S. S. . If oiira la a lOPK

atandlii( CMS, wilta fur me, Ileal udeato Swift SpeelftS Co., Atlanta t'a., butbegin taklns I, IS. at ouu.


FOR TODAY)nc rji 'en cans Vegetables,

Corn, Pea$i Beans, Toniatoes SI 10

Three ci an Catiip'sChili ci n Carne . ilar'

Three cans I n.i Apricots ofCherru-- .()

Three qttari jars BismarckI'iikli's- - Sweet mitl Sour'icicles, Chnw CtjOAt, Pol-

ish ST. 00Strictly Fresh i lorne Ranch

Eggs 40fLas Crates Spinach, Ib.lOej

Cuban Tcittiatoes, Ih '2QC

California Cauliflower, perlit 15

Urge Heat! Lettuce. 10Illltll'I', llw.

A. J. MAL0YPhones 172-17- 3



Hudson for Signs

i Wall PaperI HUDSON for Picture


fourth St. anil OopiXg Ate,

THE WM. FARR COMPANYWhotesaln and Retail Deulr In

fRESH ami mit mcAtisaiisag,. it Bpeoialti

For ( at 11,, mid Hogs I lie HlageeiMarket Plifiea Are I"atrt

i NOTICE.Ip- public i,; notified that I will

be responsible for any bills noturacied by myself personally.

it DOYtBt.



and the o0--- oo.oo u

My Door" oo



Q oo 0taper i 81 uhhmi n O o

in program ;tsD


or recreation, Wtiile o0 o

oierviriff we lake l lie o 1)

o obattlefields, sire up o D

o oat ;ia-di- r o o

o o.t Q o

0 l)O o

is il to Illy wile, O0


);' by it As weQii


rfc, she talks her O oo o

teach (iur dollars o oa oi 9

o I0 oo oo oQ oo oo Io G

o oo o0 oo oo oo oi 9O Jo o0 ic oo oo o0 oo oo oo Io


Meet Probably Will Be Held

Under Rules of the Interna-

tional Amateur Athletic Fed-



New York, Feb. is. li the propos-- 1

,., invasion of a Sw41ish athleticteam for n series of internationaltrack and field meets eventuates, .isappears likely, the contests in thiscountrywlU In all probability he heldunder the rules of the InternationalAmateur Athletic federation, At theinitial meeting of this body held Ag

Lyons, Franco, June 10-- 1 I'M 4, bothSwcih n and the United States ath-

letic associations weer prominent in

the formation of the federation andl ie drawing up of the rules. One ofthe subjects niven much cou,slderu-iioi- i

was the standardizing of athleticsin all part of the world and the es-

tablishing Of a standard set Of even'sand record tables.

At that meeting, to which the lat.'iJames E. SullivM was the leadingAmerican delegate, the list of recog-

nized world's records was preparedand a tentative progrgra for the ion;Olympic games promulgated. All theitunning events Wire placed under themetric system of measim Blent anduntil the war caused a halt in athleticcompetition all the Kuropean oountries conducted their annual ham-pionlh-

meets in accordance With

these rules. At the Swedish cham-pionship, held at dalle, A moistI'M.',, twenty-on- e events were sched- -

uled, every one of which was con-- 1

ducted under the 1. A. A. F. rules.Fur this reason an aeeurate event

by event comparison of the work of

the Swedish and American winnerslast season is very difficult since itinvolves recourse to mathematics andmuch figuring to ascertain the ap-

proximate time of a loo-.ar- d runneras compared to the winner of a lao-tnet-

sprint. Since a moti r is

inches more than one yard the 1. A.

A. F. or metric system sprinter runs,il) yards against the 101 yards

flat of the American dash athlete.Ernie Hjertberg, the Swedish Olympic!trainer, who is indirectly responsible1fi r the proposed international meets,

was able t" ttive a list of bis bestentrants in the various events but;declined to attempt to figure oul theirtime or ability under the Americanstandards.

For the sprints Sweden has Smed-mar- k

and Ottunder. both of wlmiaare good for eleven sec nds in thehundred meters. This is but one-- t

ftJi f--- s'nd SteWM thnn Cruie.Ytime, when the American won a

similar event in the Olympic gamesat Stockholm in fit, SCSJldeU cmdo r0 seconds in the 400 mete.-- ,

and Helen 1.58 in the 800: Zanderis good for 15.10 in the !i,000 andnhtnnn :i2.3fl in the 10,0u0 meterraces. Zerllng has won the 110 me-

ter hipth hurdle race in K, seconds.In the field events SjobeiK has

dented l feet 2 inches in the highjump: Aberg -- 3 feet. 4 inches in the)

broad jump, and Sahlin 4S feet in theImp, step and Jump. (lillee is goodfor 12 feet, t; Inches in the polevault; Xilsson 4" feet, .', inches in the;shot put; Lind 165 feet for the

hammer and Stromberg 3", feelwith the Weight.

Some of thees marks compare favorably with the records made byOlympic winners four years ago andif the Swedish athletes are called Uponto meet district teams only in theircoming games in America the invadngathteitis WH have an excellent chanceof winning a fair share of the eventsat th" proposed competitions in NWYork, Chicago, Pittsburgh and othercities. Those who know Hjerthergwill realize that the former Americanmiddle distance champion has takenthis into account and that he wouldnot bring a team of his athletic pu-

pils to this country unless he wasthat they would make an ex-

cellent showing.

Three A. A. U. boxing championswill sail this week for DenmarK Whenthey will compote in the internationalamateur glove tournament In March.The trio consists of John Karplnskl,

f Cleveland, O., Athletic club; Wil-

liam Spongier, of the I'nion Settle,ment. New York, and John Maloney,"f the Philadelphia SI. Bita Catho-lic church. Spongier is a light heavyweight; Karplnskl is a lightweight an,iMaloney a Csatherwaght,

The glass for the tour include iheinternational tournament at CopetVl




Dry Goods Co.

at 7:30

TONIGHTSee Special Values and

Window Display.

Remember, 7:30 p. m.

Jjl It in i lilntrlbutofMI MiutiM't'iut', N, Mt S

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tosoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaOo oo oO POta



OOo "6 A. M.

0 0O ' o

World at0 oo o0o o0 oo o0 o0 0o ' '

0 oooo ooo0I)00 o

ill Her I in vi

m leaiiiuiwith me t.

Of O

Of o'j B the s.'uue token I advertise n nun goods

tit it iiiusth in WOftieil ami am getting hi

returns from the investment. I figure thatwhere nearly all the hofWes in AHntQttCRJtlC

around six in the morning welcome the world'snew - hearer as warmlv as we (fo, is whereit's ti business to have MY MERCHAN-DISE, discussed and appreciated,



io fo



I I 3 iUI RIT D Glass-Pain- tLUIVIDCn Cement-Plaste- rAlbuquerque Lumber Company

ill MIHTIIdry. 120 West trt,d I'hone tii in,,, . - , ; " .




CRESCENT HARDWARE CO.femea, llnny- -. llowo PnrnNtitng Uooda, nllflrj, Tanla. Iron Pip. Vale

nil ruling. Hmthl HoU'iic. 'x1 (Opner Work.

M." iai reaiure i"i milium mMid Hooper, n.i. rnterfalnivtille yini danre MunIc b) NoonI'm .ii Ku' l)ri InHia

M'.iin iiiadr I MiiHilr. .i I n

hull -- , I .'II N oi tli l i. n th Mill

RLaraoini mlit. W. CI M ltAI, AVE.

1 ITIVlll llll 1 VFc To Call In and Seethe New Line ol

'YWin DO Till BE81 IKU- -i Wills ivsm ON

Boss Flourlll.( Al si: TIIRT LIT llll. BKHT RIESl'l W

liltl IK KANT II ( N. I ;,. I I i:LB. w I v n mi i t'O.


SUITS for SPRINGPRICE!PRICEI ( il 1:11 I N M I' U Ii I.ltiTjr and aartdln Ii i ntra lYImbb-'- r

Mi,! llnrn

FOUR ROSES"nil niin-- T WIIMKE1 IN ( M'llVliV

I,, r.i ('(MI I I I a HttOfl 101 S'.iih in si. Ptiom ?MI

CRYSTAL They Have Just Arrivedand We Will Be Pleasedto Show Them to YouHAVE YOU EVER


Strong BrothersUndertakers

PROMPT si it in:. PHOmi7ft. HTItoNl. I!l K OPPEH

AM si A OMD,

Monday, Feb. 21ONE NIGHT ONLY


Cole's Bankrupt StockEvery ring is a beauty, either solid gold or gold filled.

The newest creations in teweiry. The Cole price is

low Ours just half and you really get a bargain.Come in today before the one you want is gone.

Cast Your Eyes Down This List:





If yon have or have not

we will give you one free

with a 50c bottle of Liq-

uid Veneer, if bought to-

day. Regular price dustcloth 25c.

lard I a: in. Iinmii. RMi ' " DownRmM Rudi i uh. I'll' Domi.Kan-:- i I nvi l et., .Ill, DtMffM,

adi.es Vniethyst, regular price. So.(

sale price ,I I. adics' Single Turquoise, regular price, Sl.(

sale price



T1IK HI All:I'll M iii CIIA.NtiE



THI I I IK. Ill IN HlMI l'

Hans HansonUh thr liilrnitMi Rwrfllffh


Nelson LorensonI l ilt: V MI I' Mi l and


sl PPOR1 IN'. mi ss NI

ni hum; o n onI UT Oltt'HI s i lt x

Free Street Parade Mon-

day Noon


Sill 1 1 nil Sail' Still llt'l III III)

MfMNtni , sp,-- , ial Itnlnri il


75c, 50c and 25c

M IN ii vlHItnr In Ilii- Ml)Hull H. Invla, prealdenl nl IlK'

Mualtoffae wiioirHn ii (Jrootr) bobiMam', in tti' tttv "n ihimii' nn

('nl .1 V. t'oiiHliiH. iin In, HI offl-c- tj

of ihf Sulviillnn Army, "III '"-du-

ii perlal nii'inm tnnltthl at Rminlvatton Artwj hull, t n

o'clock, aiho hi- - will in, ii mMtlnatitomorrow at 11 o'clock In III mom-iii-

aini hi s u ri, n it nt i. .in avry'

WARD'S STOREnoMi.it H, u x re c Mgr.

SIB Marble Ate. I'liomv 29H.t$9.


BY LOVE REDEEMEDThrw-pa- itrnaiia Htar i ranin- - Willi JewtHI Hunt,

Daughter of the Jungle The Tale of a CoatTi-,.'ii- t im PMMMi llml Unm an nimily.




'i ' il Kappla na BMln nii'K'it ai

Uwtj into tin- liiJlrwm llfr 'f Alin'I'lii ( ii fur mi ThurstlH) In' a' iUll -

nl by nnrrhnae ltl llilfteatli hi tin''m vi'iiiI niiiri gentlemen in the KipplKm n ii in rompHny, "the ftmt wownil KuNl t'l'lltl'Ml avi'llilr,' and In nnUIn ihaii'i- - iik thi' to I numr and inan-M- l

Almut l'n iai nun .Mi

Kapiili' llir inuiinK'im-ii-nf tin eompMy, ha, hownvw, rata Inlint III' i h I . ami Wenl n tti- I'll!

Specials for Today

DUNDEE Butter, lb 90i ii ins liK' ( Mi v e, pints,

egular price 25c ttxlaj .

2 lot 35rQuarts, regular price, 45c j

ilaj 3.VVan Cjunu'a Spaghetti, 3

in urr

Ladies Single Sajipliire, Tiffany Setting,RCgulai puce. $7.00; sale price $3.50

Man's Larcc .lflethj.it, regular price. SLVK"):

Mle price $7.50I. allies' Mil-'- - gate, rfgular price. $2.50; sale

price $1.25Ladies' Real Uloodsfone, regular price. S4.IK);

u)e price $2.00Miinse Is n it; si'lid gold, regttfar price. $15,00;

alc pi lie $7.50Ladies' Wlnic Sapohirt, plain Titlain setting,

rcguiai price, $7.50; sale price $3.75Ladies' l''.nierald Doublet, I'.clchet setting, regtl- -

lar price, $3.50; sale price $1.75Two Rubies and Eight Pearl Ring, regular price,

$0.00; sale price $3.00Genuine Topaz, regular price, $r,00; sale price.. $3.00Lathes 5Stone Rmerakl Doublet, regtilar price.

$5.00; sale pnee , $2.50Ladies ('.cninne Plain Tit tan v Sapphire, regu

lar price. $l6.00; sale price $5.00Three Sci Reconstructed Ruby, regular price.

$12.00; sale price $6.00odd Fellows Solid ('iuld Ring, regular price,

$10.00; sale price $5.00Rmerald Doublet, solid gold ring1, regular price,

$12.00; sale price .' $G.OO

One Plain Tiffanv, $ Karat, Reconstructed Ruby,regu'lfr rice, $12,00: sale price '. .$6.00

Wuiidnien of the .,rld Solid Ring, regu-

lar pHce, $10.00; sale price $5.00Maud l,ngffiv(;d Gentleman's Real Garnet, regu-

lar price, $11.00; sale price $5.5050 Diffefeul Design- - hi Signel Rings, all at 1-- PRICE

NOW!!Right Now! Is the Time


The more shoes von buy. the more dollars you savethat is all there is to it. Spring Shoes arc knocking for ad-mittance- Winter Shoes are making readv to sAv cood-bv- C.

l illlt ni a unnd Irtldr IhrOURllOtlt t i .

wi'xti i n itataa, Pittdlng tiiai tin'mmi kepi hint from hoin ami i

ij) In mail.' an offer to lMJ mil his(Antier HwioclatM, Tin- nffer ,m ar-- I

rrpti-d- ttnnafer made ami imw Mi.Knppli lit one more m th Karncnt.Tim liiiMimi. will In' millmii'dheretuforc ami uhdaf the Mime name,lull nil, Hi Ilii' mi Hi inn I HiiperVln'on,

lotto) .. l.Vfresh shtptnent ni Gukl

en Efts 'i ilit"'. Sophettr,'um;ii-c!ii- . Maeenroni and


Joint Recital

Chas.W. Harrisoni Tutor)

Otto L. FischerPianist)



Wednesday, Feb. 23

AT 8:13 I'. M.

Second (.'niirert in I Ii '

Coursi; 'resented by, thePortnifflitl) Music (Itui

TICKETS - $2.00Ai Grinisliaw's.

Next (loiicert, ,t". INT. IT. I

HI. Ill ITU. I," by Meni

bets ol the KortRtftUy Club.March s

It must he so.



.Not inst some shoes, but all must no -- no oxentions aiul y

ami wi ll eelerted itooh ol furaitura,w, ill iiii i ti , mova, etc, Mir,

K i i thanki iim imiiiir tnr tin ii

mn llhi'i'nl iat iiiiiiui' it nil ImprH I"


notmng resenefi.We would like I., (kniiinsirate n, vmi uhal a saving yo;i

can make In buying shoes now. Xo jobs, no siiooworrigoods, N'otlting hut pur regular stock of ekcellent, stjdisiishoes for men, women and children.


Men's Shoes'$5.00 4.50 4aOQ 3J0 3.00 2.50

II l I Nl .00 TO I Thi: ham: it,

M Wi -- i Central, Phone imi

r tpnmht; Reedrnteriulni'i v,

tnNi' by Itooaterht'stra

Strong's Book Storeami nooper,While you dunUnion Plvep


ii, ia Todav ii Vou Desire Anv oi- These Goods.

Iluy your boy an "Hrei'tor TOy.ilii it at oiwrii Lru company,


tut; Sniuii iii t,i stiii'i, ritii'iiN iionli

?4.00 3.80 3.20 'J..S0 2. (0 2.00

Women's ShoesPainting and PapcrhangingI IIOM IK 7

VWOI'ltsVl'i A LjVN'CASTER$4.1 H 3.50 3.0TJ 2.50 s

Ni )I'alnllii;. r ,. : ri, in 1205,1 if53.2( 2.80 2.10 2.00 1.80 1.00

Children's Shoes"Petticoat

Monday"Dr. C. H. Conner ''""H CRYSTAL THEATERt

Offl m Hldf, PhOnM Hi, I Sj.U .00 .75 1.50 1.25PHONE 1932J 2.I0 2.'00 100 1.40 1.20 1.00N'( )'Tourist Fainted

he saw l In- to, pndilk'. 1 : v, nt t',

m inn s in not it. in nwoi: i.o(. ritii-- sIt TONIGHT at 7:30 and 9


Room I and I, VPhiting HulldlnRCorner Reoond ami Oold

Phoa n. UK,


ItO ,,,, d:iioM M l'. ATSTOUT T

W e use the BEST, we 9 z ?make tlic BEST. W I give I1 ,900 Will II . f I i loi: Ms.

"i.iMitry'i iuaH" hat i' lus-- theiiiniu"-- ( iihiiI '.ia ndn ,,i for rwra, Tin tiiim oatlrtltnl, etauiM'd nii,l raMMtMu,Hold by .tut in KmUqi, i mi. i...

the BEST treatment.


Dry Goods Co.r1 ond Sanitary BuildwgHerboth paints signs, houses

and decorates. Phone 1495J. Ii 122 West Silver Avenue 1

Mannello Shop moved to

Commercial Club Bldg. Skinner's Grocery


M? A ?




POLL TAXPoll Tax nt

Itinldini;. onIH' Ul Cltlaeita

Pay Mnir tin- - Mi. 'is, Im, l'ut l'N'lahia miii Oauk.

ROM s, Ml m It I I S, i. II Ml sIN II PI .ms

Hlf 5 r, :.i) , ,1.,,,,,U 1!. ,,tl'j.i , . . t i

I MM h I t m itMrtllU r.,,1, srH Mrl,





l l l l 1 INI Ol UlOCOl TTOOATKD Ml is f

GRIMSHAW'S1 Ni in i in i n r.


ciiuivc .viangoes rresh tomatoes LettuceCrisp White t'elerv" Parsle) Cauliflower

Mew CabbageRhuharh 10Tangerines on the branch, do 15

We have some very nice Idaho White Potatoes.Picnic I lams, per lb 15"Swift's Ham. per lb 2-4- f


To Reiilaw That Broken Window;iidi


VUnne ill 4ti !. nrat




1 W f THEATER..J. cIMIIlK Today and Tomorrow i


Clara Kimball Young j!

1 II

The Yellow Passport I;

ictlv Fresh Eggs, dozen for 7.V- -

ALL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTIONHenry hauls baggage andother thinas. Phone 939.


OWNERSII, a i .,ii ai iii,- m nana! ot-II- ,

al the niiri HoaMe midiii.il.. Mnir rt t in ii nil It.'iil amiPefMoMal Pmptwlr. R iii ret mil In aot in. nl,- aaj or

laa ,la, ,, I , Ih narywill make ri'tiirn nl

mill iirniNTti anil liPI N VUT1 Ol ':. I I I! I N I'a- - n,iili.,l U a.FRED B. HEYN. Assessor

I ! I I I ri oi mm il I i ll i i i i m ; J. A. SkinnerPhones 60 md 61 205 S. first St.

t I . i ai I lit ' I 4 til . M a im - a u daA ah - . .

Oallnn lump 1 T 1 1 Callnp StoreCerrUiaa l amp 11 ct 1111 V . Oal VO. OerrlUai s,


Coka. Kill Waal, I i, r, Woou. Cord Wood. Nalhr kUidllnc. limaI' ' W ' wm . i.r, x irx. t II l 111. A


ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNALClassified ClassifiedSection Section




Prize, Panama-Pacih- c Exposition, San Francisco, 1915

Prize, Panama-Californi- a Exposition, San Diego, 1915ivr.w ivuiLo trom -v pajs maai


LAID TO FORCE H DO. KELLEY! - wBAKER'S COCOARED CRO WORKStar whose ascent to nation-wid-

popularity is due I,, dramatic abilityFor its Delicious Flavor, its Excellent Quality

and its High Food Value.RIS NOMINATIONOut IKllllrcNo Catholic Funds Used to

Pay for Banquet Given

Archbishop in Chicago; Did

Not Cost $15 a Plate,

GUARD AGAINSTpackage lias the tradethe wrapper aul is ma

IMITATIONS; the Rcnuinemark of the chocolate girl ontie only by

Figures Given

OperationsFrench and

t Show Magnl

mMM liiN-t- Vvv

WALTERMassachusetts Methods to Be

Followed in Every State in

the Union Except Where Fa-

vorite Sons Are in Race,


CHiCftgO, Veli. 1 I, Denial that theCathOllC church here spent 1IIIV luolie.

ri the banquet to Archbishop Mun- -oltintIt. lisdeleln, which the poisoner. Jean

Crone, charged wax extravagant,wu made tonight by the Right Rev,Francis f Kellcy. D, 1. president of

and brilliancy as well as to I barmof person and personality is .Miss AliceBrady.

Mis.. Brad) 1 a New York glH whoturned to the Stage stmplj I, cause it

was impossible to resist (he call ofher natural talent In thai direction.She was educated at the follegc ofSt. Klixaboth in Madison, N, J., andsoon after graduation made her firstappearance in the Metropolitan revi-

vals of Gilbert A Sullivan operettasShe showed SUCh great promise that1she was quickly In demand and up- -

ponied In tthe leading roles in the producinn of "Little Women. The Kam-- 1

iiy Cupboard, Phe Things ThatCount" and "Sinners, ' both in NewYoik and throughout the. country,

Her first venture in the film dramawas Under the World banner In thePicture "As Ye Sow." Then followedher hit in "The Boss." Since then shehas been starred in a number of big I

pictures, Including" The Nure of Wornaft" and "The Ituek. "


since Virginia Pearson has allied,herself with William Fox she ha bscome known as a "modern Cleopatra."It has suddenly been discovered tlt.itMiss Pearson's home in New Jersey

ado ASING BANDITStheir sufferingsmuch more unxiofront than weiohvSpltals last yen

talk about actl

the Catholic extension society, underwhose auspices the banquet whs glv.

The'Tones' letter asserted thai the



Candidates for Delegates in

Various States Must Show

How They Stand in Regardto Naming Colonel.

lie Wit'tslous."an eiil hUSiaS U! that

Monsieur Justin- floveri


tor ol Ibespent thlrtjbe RrSI set

tw,III, In

lodanch inHie

church spent SIB per plate and in-

cluded heluuu, caviar and cham-pagne III the menu. Key. Father Kol-le- y

Issued the following statement.Vet a Dollar 1 loin Iiiiii Ii.

"Neither the Catholic church, Mr

The societyMi lOothd IHnches and stole

se, i tary for warstinltarj departnu nacq rcfila,;ed the tthe Red floss sennine of the mllitai

Independent nursesnurses outside tile

lals, consistgiven a lot ll one mllllo

ddiers IIdays i II nStdi:. Ill,ma iiit, i til'Salonik t,

fine., rti

lo woundedea hospital i

ninety-thre- e

t heBOO


societ;bed Hi

i cstahI'th mil- -

ganl '.ati"iis ll, doped Oil

I the Catholic church extension aoclet)

jl'"'"' "'"' oUt Of its HllldS fOfl.FICIAL CORIKSPON1..NCI TO M9.N,N0 JOU.N.LJ

Washington, Feh. ix. It Is shown I the banquet to Archbishop Mnnde-- y

the maneuvers of Congressman A. 'cin. The banquet was Riven by n

)'. r.aidner of" Massachusetts audi fW gentlemen of Chicago who areethers here I hut the Massachusetts interested ill the society and for the

ilderablethis nouf Red

it brln,;

there was Inthe devotionneither does

' "iiiiuciit, butreflection on

i 'l oss nurses;lisbell II, INC SlJ ll .illItgrj regions In Praflrmiirles in railroadiy.fiVC railroad cante

Tin c ol Ilia lullsole purpose of having the archbishopplan of forcing the nomination ol

of i !u. ilia, , vi, with iieoig. Itendenanil Mrs Henderson, arrived here

They rode borsebacl: betweenTepehitanoH and Bsnilttgii PnrMaqul-ili'- o

Thej i, 'polled that only twobridge between Tcpeh naiios and San-

tiago I'ap.isqulai'o need hi bl! replacedand that the railroad to Diirango Cityotherwise was In good order. Aytonbrought in precipitates and returnedwith merchandise to Onauacovt,

their efflclen, v nil" .picslinti. Paid,trained nurses arc more adaptable tomilitary discipline which must pre-vail in all military establishment!

Colonel Theodore Roosevelt in threpublican niitional convention Is to

contains more of the atmoapnere or'splendor and pomp than that amidwhich the Egyptian queen herself

nived. And 'tis said thai "Innumerablepeacocks strut between the rows ,,f

thai itrime cias near

s,, muchahliah aidiem, but

meet the city's leading business andprofessional men, but chiefly the

ol labor. Because of theirknowledge of the archbishop's planafor social and charitable work, these

nospi- -

S dil'ft- -

H fIU , an


be follwed in every ther state where(he prhnaVy laws do hot make it

The nlan is Kimnte but ef- -ll Ibis society he


Alice Brad)

sin1 is a daughter ,,i WilliamHrutly, llic I anion,, thtatrical producer.she plays the leading role in "The Hal-I- d

(JIM," a very recrni World Film

, a pit , perbe cab ul itIts Cost ibfranca n dt

The Cnlith second

palms and plume themselves In thmirrored surface of the small lugonn,f, nv.. M. n gre to nnuouiuse them-- gentlemen thotmht it best for thelclty

Selves as candidates for election nj" PU i,Uo touch one who

i. of the women who devotethemselves to hospital work arc from

jibe easy classes, they are nccessaripso ji they are required to give notonly their time and sometimes theirlives, but. also their money to the

;, iiisc Sonic of them pay largely forI the privilege of serving the countryns soils of maltls of all work; othersp. , more dearly for the privilege ofworking as Burgeons' aids ami as

n lit retinites lie I'tliuee,in imp, rtanoe ,r tho Baddelegates an the same kind of a plat

torm as that on which the Maskaohu- -

Had lioiii tne power alio win in co-

operate with employer ami otherleaders for the benefit of their em--

.etts men ileelareil themselvCSand the employers and lead;"it-,-

, mm Rnnuuiu ti iu ,,u t hi' ployes

Cross societies has now 2S.-J4- S nuies,equipping 165 hospitals, with 2,000beds, while the Association MSDames Prancalses has 16,000 n Utiles,in :tri(l bos), ti lls, with 2!!,000 beds.

The mortality among the Ke,i Crossnurses has been remarkably heavyconsidering the character ,,f their

ork and the imniuniti they are mip- -

ert themselves, me Danquei eemeato be the quickest and best Way toCarry out the Idea. The society's

io make herppear first inby rtehn"li

olloek. Us si

nd the lilond


Tom Chatterton is producing a tak-'in- g

photoplay In "The Ranger of tiohe-som- e

flulch," which, aa it sounds. Is a

western play in which Anna Littleplays Tom's opposite, lit his last pic-

ture Chatterton got some dandy scenesI of a. dairy farm which are particularlybeautiful. The Combination Of Anna

j Little and Tom Chatterton is rapidly(getting- to be one of the most popularIn picturedom.

To Hpeak at CiiehratJoft,Bantu , Feb. IS. Justice

flat, 'tne .1 Huberts, Supreme CourtJustice it. ,H, ilunnn and Attorney A

II. Hen, 'hnn will be the principalspeaker:, at the Washington'!, birth-day celebration at the capital On nextTuesday afternoon, Qovsrnor McDon-ald Will preside und the state as Wellas city officials will be seated oil theplatform with him in the hall of

The public school pupilswill intend The cm rclses will be in

h trgi .f Sunshine chapter, Ddughtsrs'I A lie i nan Id volill loii.

nurses. Pew of them wctc, beforethe war. accustomed to the hard workof housekeeping;, and some 01 themb iv, b arned Its most eb nientarvprinciples In the hospitals.

Ufname W8I

platform consists of, and it is antici-pated hat in each eu.so where a can-didate for delegate (gives out thatilatform he will drive from cover all, sit ion that Is trying to elect :i!;, rk horse delegation. Gurdncr andlis colleague! m Washington are very

ib the Internatlon-- 1

ora, who aredesired, and

loiety gladlyd to i

eguialAlatilt il al

id only because the y

life members, sotho officials of the

iind tooki banquet arrangements,

kind gentlemen are,trge employers of IgbOl

i what,1 thbegin


bera of tiWoundedlives to th



charge of thThese samethemselves,and the most

e. Tin y are going about among'bars of congress from the varl-- itateS seeking to induce them toandiil.ites for delegates Into the

wenty-tw- o nuun- - j

' for Aid to thehave given th, ir

."tile of them kill-

e, ol hors carriedh diseases. TheSty have receiveds, tin war crosseste Legion of Hon- -I Cross let in of

chari table and generous whofor th,

Kdnaback f r.

Wallace Hopperm France to act Io "In, The banquet did not cost

plate nOf one-thir- d of thatotinl

No ( barges Madeto,


ennaylvaaiaye men pledged tes in more 111.',

oin Pennsylvania,ud lorl HARVESTER TRUSTThe

ASctlvoAlready He

announce lb,twenty distilSeveral distriben reached.


university club, its ir. co-o- p-

by spending every penny it re-o- il

the service, and is in no' crated

Miss darn Kim ball v

knowledge, I by critics to be i

pretties) and oil rarest filmthe WOrk today, Will ap,"iPastime theater today andIII "The Yellow Passport," a

(day of sot i . t v life. In fiv fme eetlonfti The very fact

.ii:-- " j i.i ,' ..

lie of theartists in

r at the.,, morrowpowerfulmlcrest-tha- i

Missi will noid to the

the war was Mademoiselle BUSShncOlUea, who fell al Kiunovtlte with herchest turn by the fragments of u ShellUnit burst inside the hospital Wardwhere she was attending wounded,

i 'I'll It! Has Mad i'ls, IV CagmU'il: nt Cam broii who is declared Io have

been alio! point blank by a Pru-'un-

soldier filing into the hospital


BLAMED Bl HEi Calli ,i.c stale ,

Slllll'llgult I'c

way to blame for the mishap. Thedecorators, the printers, the paintersand everyone else connected with thebanquet did likewise, without beingasked. The Pautlst cholrlstors were

attra.Young w til in tinn andventBuffitenia

ino pioptmauua is iocarried on With all possible sliced

, thai the work will he as fM- -

as possible by the time tin-

ilonel gets wind of what Is noinu on.is intended to have il so far alOtlg

i.'tt nothing he can do will slop it.In the fftVOPite son states no candi- -

ttc for delegate wilt be nominateddistricts where the favorite son

he si rung it t:iIt AGENCYSILESind would

ir servtceiy the leas

f, thnu v

Why Tolerate Catarrh?N'tut have nntici'd.na doubtthst Ml)

cold aggravates natal ottaniv, and theHosj i, I nun nits tmaigl ytut that sttclinbjectionabje matter could lind Ipdg

menl in your head. To Ignore unCgtarrtl when the cold subsides is

wrong because it continue, to.slmvivinjure lite delicate liningsoftlien.is.ilpassages and loj; Inert) up.

i o t innt t catarrh, clcan.se the nckvnils frequently with a solution ol waimwater and salt, insert vaseline on re-

tiring, and take a spoonful of Scott'sl.imilsion after meats for one month.Scott's acts through the blood to feedthe tissue, and COrttajttt .sisDtliitio

glycerine to check the Inflammationund heal the s, iisitive nicinbriliie

Scott's ih pleasant to take.ScbU V Bownt, liluumttcM. N. J. iJ--Jt

lib thePIhimIV Pearl Read slightly Betterst thwhat t

actshouldvelihoo lid morehis I il I, ib) is.-- -M I''it Las


hail ,,i representativehas been secured foi

"here will be addreaseiders In the moveiiicnu will i,e inaugurate

I Ida ten in lb" coinln-woiuan'- s

suffrttg,mini ti tot he const -


i hrough i if indow. i luring thebombardiiicnt ol It lit tins seven wom-en of i he Red Grose became victimsof the bombardment) laeiudlng Ma-- !

dame Fontatne-Fnudla- ri Madentolsells'Causae and five sisters of charity.

(iod-i,iotb- io t'uo.Many women of the Red Oogl give

attention to men at the front whohave no one i remember tbrni nthome, ine member, Madame Itlohe- -

lot, the wile of I ir. I,, ti, RlchfilOt, S

Pc I" en eg.ind w

e didh by o

(indidata f,if publicly

n the favoit the natld

ir delegate pledges ntm-U- -. injure hto vote for Roosevelt af- - than a

rite son has had his run j service to trnal convention and dem-j- n the alti inability to get the nom-- , the danger

yone else.I 'at holio chut

ntlon of 1 iblioi

cam paisthrough

s as the la 'Milli or an llic alwas reportedbetter, desplti

, say she never

peeled lorof an lllegidosage Willitoday to' bethe fact tha

Declare Big Manufacture

Refused to Allow Livii

Profits to Sisal GrowersYucatan,

ni'nunbridled,f granting ,Wh

i phyiwheinot

illation. !u

delegates wilind abuse of publicIt is strange, too,

d plot was aimedChurch which Is i j

the favorite son censC to calumnypledge them-- j agents for good.

to beat a pro- - that tho attemptin If they get to at ie particular

Nh'i s thev willer to BOO soldiers, wh'cli

constitutes a record to date.Regarding the stale of mind of

wounded soldiers now In the hospitalsalter sixteen months Of war. Madame

( Anstipatiou.When costive or troubled Wttti con-

stipation take Chamberlain's Tablets.ThU are easy to take and most agree-able In effect. Obtainable everywhere.

iilege, i io nave atgirl's condition, ll

llminary hearing.factor in Chicago S charitable and hu- -

but the plot mightaimed at any re- - j

'Smoke Them out."I ,rkmumturianeasily have beenllsiOUS organization As many non- -

hay,sue- -


Catholics as as Catholics wouldthe poisonerIrbeen killed


3 RousingCheersforDollar NiehtNEW PRESIDENT OF



WashitiBton, Feb. IS. Charges andcounter-charge- s were heard today by

the senate Committee on agricultureinvestigating the American sellingagency Of the Yucatan sisal growers'combine. Representatives of the com- -

bine and the bankers who financed, itinsisted that the growers were com-

pelled t,, organize to gel a fair price,f,,'r their product from the InternaItlonal Harvester company, their prin-Cip-

purchaser, while spokesmen ofithe harvester company and other sisalbuyers asserted that the combine washolding sisal at New York for arbi-trarily high prices and had put Ame-

rican importers out of commission,Funds' ii ItovoiBtionlsts.

During the examination of wimoss-!es- ,

Levi Mayer, of Chicago, counsel lorthe bankers, declared that the harves

The charge will he made againstfli Ii Sates Who decline to pledge t hem-s' lies that they are not sincerely fnrthe favorite son of the state, but inlealltj are for some man whom theydare not acknowledge. This methodl expected to "smoke out' the darkhorse delegates. The prospect is notagreeable to those who set up ihclavorite son movement.

It is clear, ' said one of these whoplaced Senator John W. Weeks ofMassachusetts in the race, "that, underthe most favorable circumstances noestimgte can be mada of the strengthof either President Wilson or the chiefman suggested as his opponent."

United Party Xcajpasary,Hit) it is evident that whoever the

opposing nominee is he must com-nian- d

all the friends that can 1;scraped together. In other words, hemust he nominated by a conventionv. hlch entertains the solemn and

belief (hat he is the strongest

A Regular Old Time Round Up of Golden

Rule Values for Men. Shirts, Collars,

Ties, Socks, Hats, Underwear, Clothing,

IIV JOUXNUL 1FECL r " !!New York, Feb. IS. K. Grace'

of Hethlehem, Pa., was elected presi-

dent of the Bethlehem Bteel corpora- -j

it ion at a meeting of the directors heretoday. He succeeded in that position.Char M. Schwab, who remains at'

Ithe head Of the corporal ion as chair-- !

man of the hoard.Mr. Schwab announced today thai

the purchase price of the Pennsylvania

urnsf a w- -v

ter coinpa nv lino iiiinisnco iinios use,. h J-- Win Bunches:I ijiincllor ;j i ,uulIllSl 111'y revolutionists'.I by

cgatcd M,Steel company, recently acquinthe Bethlehem corporalon, aggr

' za government ii!

(would produce Ini4 si), (bin si

$:u,!too,ooo.The acquisition of the !' nnsvlvania showing that part Of

rrn ti-

nt! hebills

nt by

pur-'i.'.he- r,


Mr. Schwab s.'iid, was theof the decision reached byman io lead the anti-Wilso- n forces. company

Admitting whnt nmluhlu la Hie trntl, OUtCOmOTonight, 7:30 SharpBe There On Time-I- T'S A SAVER

the company to a sisal buyer intan was paid to a New York arm(basing; concern. Walter I,. I

former secretary of the Interiorthe Hethlehem company some timent-- r to add to its output Itessemerthat this man is either Colonel Roose-

velt, or Justice C. E. Hughes, theproposition must be stated with its

the Harvester company,general st ec e o U Use lotsteel orodticts and oilierhad In the committee room severalgrips full of MeXtcail pesos which hesaid hud been received in exchange for

lines. For 'several reasons, ne

it seemed wiser t" accomplish. , nit, i,.- - i.eroiirimr arilMIHr,,,, M.O - .. . AAA I ."1 ...i.el."

-- .oi., r.'ilher thall iue .,"",""" ,o i.i., ," , nin op .. .1 ,1....,., I..t.. tli.i, if i.i,e ofplant already

to await the

aign with the sincere good will ofII the factions he-in- d

him. Colonel Roosevelt recog-Ize- s

this fact if some of his boom- -

nt do not."

t' t a,. tiiuOith. II, ll" I'll'" i"n "'"'ntJthc mOAey ever went to arms dealers,

at Hethlehem.rri. . , r..y .. ii Mraa o'tinteil out ii was spent oy Mexicans aner iney

in this country bum nwtvou o vmin. it l I. f .. V.... V... -iperties

well as trtant coal! nanes i , a. .... a ....imp

includes ore piand in Cuba adeposits.

Want n hlfrh srndft niptiy,-- ? Or ttia' 'iter Krad of irvantti? Matti ue of the

tnt rnl,imn nf thr .teurnal I porting turn, sain ins conipany rnuiiI been put out of business by the com- -! I U. mi.i.1. il Ki I... V , slate,

BIG UUilsbb ATI THE government to manage tht nbine,Blames Harvester Trust.GOLDEN RULE STORE

bargain hinters inThere weregoodly numbers at the Golden HubDry floods company all day yesterdayand the clerks were busy as bees from

Dr. Victor Itendon, agent of thecommission. ho occupied the wit-- 1

nata Stand most of the day, told thejcommittee that In order to protect)small buv rs and prevent the Inter-- 1

national .Harvester company und the!Plymouth Cordage company from kill-- j

ing all independent li'iyeO. the on.-- 1

mission transported its own product

10 O'clock, the hour the store was I

opened In the moraine until the clos-- 1

LiM hour at ti o'clock. Although bar- -See Windows

Full of siValues for Men

'"III I'gain sales have been the rule, not theI BE ON TIME

7:30 SharpTONIGHT

exception, it this popular store roe1(0 New York and mad, all lis pricesithere. He said thai if eitl-- r of thebli concerns chartered boats and... i.. ... .1... ..f V,!iti,,

past few weeks the crowd at tne stoicyesterday was equally as large as on

this ' "O ll H o l S ISM Ul no- - '"' A " """tho first dav of the sales, and

Goods Co.Rule DryGoldentin' pin - was maoe ine same as atNew York minus transportation rules.

KOI WeSler, of New York, will testi-fy loinorrow and explain the organi-zation of bankers which Is furnishingfunds for the planters. The banks, itis said, agreed to furnish the commis-sion 110,11(1(1,000 a year at 4 to fi

per cent for six years If necessary, andreceived a bonus of but between $4(10,- -

speaks volumes for the goods sold andthe reduction prices put on them to

win over the purchasers. Hig doingsat the Golden Role store today andMonday; so keep your purse open andbe on hand. In order to show theclerks that their work is appreciatedannouncement is made in totlay'sJournal that the Colden Rule stoicwill be closed all day Washington'sbirthday.

tt CO.(jeneral DiirrihutoraAlbu,urmur, .V M.

"We Do What We Advertise"da- -mil for the ac. nun,ooo and V.


MIDDLE WEST NOT LUKEWARM" ESTA BROOKBONAPARTE HI S TEUTON POLICYunderfill lot of fun ami profit thulwould never ha e known hud I been

in emperor I hruc climbed the AlpHi limes. Napoleon did II l)U once,and then It Vu neither for pleasure

I nor scientific NMMtVn but with there p. nxll.lllty of a forthcoming mili-tary cumpalan on IiIm mind.

l'i tendlni; to ihe Imiwrlal leptreJ !., Mxok.Hn anymiy," fle, lured Ihe


Have You a Boy Problem?It cannot be solved by arith-metic. Solve it by feedinghim Shredded Wheat anatural food that makes hisbody buoyant with the en-

ergy of youth a muscleand brain-build- er containsthe life of the wheat in adigestible form. Buildssturdy, robust boys and girls.Serve it for breakfast withhot milk. Made at NiagaraFalls, N. Y.

THE GREAT WAR SENATOR LODGEprince. xine(. the Honun.-ir- t isi dmIrlne in the plebiscite"

The prlnee lives "n Ihe avenued'lenii, in a mod, i n spa- Inns man-nlo-

his enou ili In lie railed n palace,

" '"" ' ""' yr- -r

r w

j jbv Law From Ioliihited - I. lii n vomblint. mole Ihe duaiter of

(in Important nubile nu.tll.iHon or nfin Military Set viceDeclares Recognition of Rigiit

to Si:ik Armed Merchant-

men Would Render United;

States Unneutral,

Geoin Auxiliary towell .idi i d . nnuiioreial enterpriseThere lx 1111 air of (undue nil abouttba plan- in addition W the millionand more of iiiituml liiKl.'iv speol- -Krnhcal Branch ofmeux, till 1 11 a loaned and tie i Hied InM.lnminifiiN puldl' ntlonS, there is allliinry of IO,t - lentlflo works-whic-

the prince puts to consult a hpuA, .luduinii from the volume ivlna ,

(AsMeteeSl Vrr I .lfarts, ten. 14. Prince r.nlahdtt.n(', I lie . rl male dc-- . enilnnt of

If.. old, -- I hi tllir ll of the IlllUMe ofBonaparte having male representatlve IH'Iniar, mill, consequently head'if rli' family g)C0rdlng to the tub-of pi nnoic-nltur- c, In taking n modeslpgr) in Ihe wur. included from ur

lue v.. rvifr. Iiy the law of 1111, im

n member of .1 family having(M I 1. inc., lie u attached In lb0 il ly of civilian Auxiliary to the

H 1ii n! Motion of the army, Bd

about the floor, "ii the chair and I

on ihe of hi ,,wri n ady, which ;

adjoin a chamber where he nenprIn the I,, d Napoleon npled lit Klba. ;

'I heir the print receives with 11 boutlb same h"pilnl.l, as Ihat of i, ion.'genial country gentleman, who doegg I

xi e iloiw n x of cnlb-r- s every day andl( ally triad v.n Ofl me.

When Prime Id, land wag ludci j

liom ihe army juat lifter graduating j

from gainl ' turned to the hIuJnof ihe ii 11 inn 11 rac undei ihe eminent


Waahington, Feb. I S. (lermans'aannounced intention of detrTinRwithout warning armed merchanthips of her enemies Was scathlnSlV

denounced in the m note today by re.publican senators- who declared thatfOKthe Cnitcd Slates to HOqulee In

such a pv.tctice vVould le humllfatlngand a step toward war.

Senator I.udge, ranking minoritymember id the forpinn relation com.mittee, slarttd Ihe disciixsii 11 by de-

livering a long prepared addreaa re-

viewing international law relatlnn I"ihe arming of merchantmen for bCeaaa and declaring n was lnconcrv-abl- e

that the United State ai 'bislime would abandon a principle forwhich! it always had siood. Such a

step, in- insisted, would be an unneu-tral act nnd virtually would makethe United Stajtea an ally of the nationwhi .xe commerce had been awepi fromthe seas. Senator Kterjiux followed

ith a Kpeech assailing Germany an I

charging that the America 11 govera--

th a Little Blossom

To Delight the HomeAVhcn it is known Ihat in ihe

luiure Ihe home iv to be blessed b,i,wneir


h- l (I dlrci the making: ofmillions ol n.ups the field force

"cured.' I ahuuld have been gtuA to I

' ' I n.o Hi the field," he Wild

ti p h illative of the Aau--rreas, "and I would have nervedno h .c,y," ho added; "f have

m i.. in I ambition and nn other

iitithropoloKlxt, lii linen. lie huslinc t i en near!) even Hpe linen ofIi 11 11111 nit mi ii nil ye xo. The sool-on- y

of the Nen, botany, aeoloky, greo- -

ci ipbv, glacier ami aviation sklto"-uu- i

nl ly o, i iipb-- IiIn attention In turnI'eui of lukewarm xentitnent fa

prepari'dnen.--i in the Middle West i

rtci.dmi' Pic nlciil Wit-m- ofi a spcaland furnished him v ti the material, mM1.. aim b. xerve a I ran Ihe enuxefor ,.jK,l.v different aclentlf vvorki' ihif tour of some of Ihe ririncipa

of niy country and the Int.inix I Komi of Prime Itoluml'H diHcoyei ieH

new arrival fhe (iNtllwuirlit should I,

Mather's Friend'1 Ms is an atemnlremedy south- aipli..-over the luroaoh mcs-ga- .

It Djaksa Ibejnuna and pliant, theyexpand naturally win',nut undue strain nremoves from thenvrves thasc s

which arefur much of

ti ,.. .bOlfl 11.



w-ellHM of thai miction. Washingtonhax heard that the Atlantic n ml Pa-

cific coasts are i;tron(rly behind thepi epin eili.es prni' ruin. William .l

lh vanf opponent of prepared-M- i

. dacutrej the people are againsttin policy.

"The people of the Middle Westrietd no reminder of their duty in theprcmiM ," declares Henry lb HitI1100K, of Nebraska and New York.

mem in its recent memorandumthe entente allies supgeting thatdisarming of merchantmen hadforwaid u dangerous principlehad encouraged if not invited theLion of tJerinany. WT I

tvUnrr."I'hyxiially, Prince Itolaml recall"

but feebly hi frunoiii uncle " Thel,IHe forp.irftl", he is n fee( tallinn) built In proportion; what I

hni 0 , Ixtli'ftlly llonnparle nhouttilin I hi untlrina nierity. hi t'or-ieo- n

i omplex Ion and n HOM thatwoul, look like Napoleon had ItI... iiiiinlnch under II.

"He xo kind a to be aented," hald to the enrrcapnndent, polntliiH t

an in in balr in which Napoleon theflrat nt when at work In hi atudy.It Mood In front of one of Nnpoleondesk, on which were pllea of aciun- -

in plaid life have been ol treat valu-ta Ihe Hi lenlllic world, nx conflritliWIIhe theory of Ihe of an in-cle-

lontlnent in the Pacific coni-prlNl-

part of Koiith America, Aus-tralia, MadiiKum ar and India, liefound Hpeoiineii of the same varlc-ti- e

of (mm "ii thoaa ootmtfiM.Prince Itolund Iiiih vert iiKractible

recollectlona of two vihIIh to theI'lilted HIiiIih, In the coume of whichhe BtUdlad the country thornuahlV.He talkx with a familiar a knowledite of Lincoln and l,ee a of French,tat aWan and aoldler. The latter be

admlri'H ii Ihe reateNt of American

;,erlnd cl expectancy. It is lor II .Senator Thomas read into the tecEatubrook, prominently mentioned ready ut all Urm to defend against only through the piotective tariff

aggressions ol any possihie enemy policy and the condition of nationalprosperity that goes hand in hand

t.itjt muih of the disticss sadi as RMrnlsisickaui is avoided. All prospectiveilmuld im to It that the expectaDt nrnthi!h BretMed with a lxiltle of "MothertFriend.

The directions nre simple. Cot it a nmrInis store. It Is applied by the evix l':,t'

mother herself, it penetrates deeply jnd a

from without.art a in- 101 prcrouein orioic-the Kepublican National Convention,in Juni , declares "If Bryan's opposition to pi epurednena is accounted forby hid otcaaional reaidonco in the

onus ipiM-- ann RpienuKi rellci I" rl nilKtfl nlusriiiuyiiig rrnimer mid reflects

with protection."Preparedness means," he says, "a

big navy us big M any navy in theWorld with every flying, diving,

j amphibious auxiliary that can add toits effectiveness, and with all themunitions and means to boot mu-

nitions for a year's campaign atleast always in cold storage. Itmeans as manv naval officers am!

.., ,., a, 11, me nervous uihimi mi, mbaw, Don'l fail to set a bottis of "MotlssS

To 1'ieht Hall rnieil Is Murder."To fight hull' ..nncd and with a

certainty of losing would be nothingshort of murder, for which you and I

and every taxpayer in the UnitedStates would be measurably jc.spun-siblc,- "

he asserts,Mr. EtUbrook'e preparedness pro-

gram, announced early in September,before the American Hankers' A io--

ord today's news dispct hi',-- announc-ing that the stale department regard-a- d

Germany's notice regarding armedships an inconsistent with previousassurances as to the conduct of sub-marine warfare and would acceptnothing in the pending controversywith the Teutonic powers short of afull and complete agreement to thehigh principles for which the Ameri-can government has contended.

Senator stone, chairman Qf theforeign relauona committee, gays na-tive thai lie would discuss the sub!marine situation next week and Wl aidlake occasion to Criticise a recentspeech by Klihi; Root on the admin-- 'igtratlon's foreign policy.

1 in nn louay anu nu n write llr.idllelilulSjOT Co,. 411 I .umur Hid., AU&tlta

Hi'u- -

02.mi- n pretty mile lamk brimful of lnforss

4 ileligyIS

" " ll" document, ntnoiur Km-rii- l and one of the moal a.lrnli--Pom a copy f hi luteal publication. ' U, Mrntemat m hbitory.

d in. e ihe war beaan. treatliiK "i have mnny hiahly esteemedD( HI Kimip of Icrn. among Which j friend In America, ' he aald, "aom,art Hiiriy-flv- e apeclea and twenty-fou- r of nu.,u ur peraonnlly unltnoun,

it, unknown forma of old frlende, like Wlllluin K. Maxon fapeclea Thoae latet dlaoovariM bring thr Hmithaonian Inatttuta, ami laIlia prince' colleclnm of fern alone nioon of BaoH Parli, who , nd mc

p to about Sr.l.nno different vnrle- - Hpcclinei,tH of fernx that make vaintlaa; hi botanical collection altoilether able addlllon to mv enl Hon "

IWlildlc Western slntcs, then In- nilsrepresents the people of the .MiddleWed. Tb Middle Western peoplerealize that they are the very heartof a mighty Organism whose welfareas a whole dftattdi upon the welfarenf all its members, and I claim tolepic-.en- their senlinienls bctlcr'hnri Mr. Hi van when I say to youthat) in thexo days of trrowitiir appre-hension, the men of the Middle Westwill (five curly notice to their coun-Ityine-

us far away as the Atlantic

Don n,r aspeetaat ntotbsrs. Ittu read it.

ciation, nt Seal lie, and reiterated me!) ;is may be necessary easily towhen he spoke with Hudson Maxim, j operate the machinery furnished byat Kansas City, in November, has as the government,its slogan, "I'n. Urtion, prosperity "To this end, the protection policyand Preparedness," for, he declares, is the onlv source of revenue that I HAWKINS'What appealed to him numt wn

and Purifk states, that the govern- - "the United Stale; cannot have adc-iha- s always Droved attenuate. Whatlie country really needs is a Re-

publican administration of itsment which in lSiill they fought to ouatekave tggjnit the aggl cssions of haverneniie.-- , from within, they stand inucs.

natiouui dcicnse unless wesufficient governmental revc-an- d

We can get the revenues MARKETon Company Amends Charter.

I Santa h'e, Feb. 18. The Oontinent-n- l(hi company today filed wi:h the

State corporation commission anamendment to its charter making

I paragraph 4 read as follows: "There'shall be no cumulative voting atStockholders' meeting of Hum com- -

c. n.prlxe between Slii'.OlO and l.tllhitlOO xpeclmen.

Ile.ul of ltonaHirte I aniilv.' I Hiippoae I am ivnlly Ih

. ui of the houxc of Bonaparte," hreplied to the oorrMpondant'i iiientlon, "but It doeu't mutter mac

ii empire and emperor have verllttl Intartat for me, and there liai" en a wonderful advantage In nobeinn an emperor, nnr even a preb in 1. 1 have K'dten out of life

i' P

the remarkable developmftM of Allicr.'lean uiilvereltle and the mean for'aclenllfic ri'Hearch,

"America In doltiK wonder In Helen-tfl- e

reaeinch," he xilld "Vmi nr.. ilc.vollna morn money to II than anyother nation ami aclence ha now n""1'an deedy Into the inyHterlen of naturethat much money Im repilred forfurther IcHcnrchcx; America Will oneday lead I ho world. The war Inter-rupted a Kreut deal of .scientific work,hut you aen I am contlnulua," nal.lth prince, polnlliiK to open boohl

fEnROR SPREAD S fed Beef, Poric; V caiIdi OWlllg lo the sudden dis- -the authorities ,,f a weak

neighlioring dike, which ne

Ii sea Is bailed fromle Zuyder Zee, the wholes coast line north of therrent dam will be endniiK-r-ptionall- y

high tides, caused

Netherprojci iranis,



is designatedv.. (annum

rqued J.ttle immediate l'illliiK uj of ued by

panjn" Albuquiheadquarters aistatutory ageniit,


not findiiiK il I aci ns- -

lOxperts are siiiithby thetomadrellingH I HOLLAND AT

as to reduce the pressure ofHare, gangs of men wre

th theli li es dependednil ihe water was still gain- -


SPECIAL FOR TODAYd foThe first thing to think about (show

to act lid of the flood water. Theregion known as Waler'and has three

Iks were beginning to evac- -llolnes.COULD NOT and document!! he bad been consul. tin E DARK HAIRlug. MENACE OF FLOOD h'ijfinatl

Mackenirway15r10c a

villana Menaced.Some of the little villages on the edge

of the flood-- now lie level With thesea, and are defended from furthercnctoachinclii by huslily creeled ram- -

i permanent pumping stations capablelot expelHng over 82,000 cubic yards ofWater per hour; hut their machinerywas unable to coin- with the srent

rush of water. All pumpingIs being hurried to the most

SOMETHING NEWLIE ON SIDE Ai L 00K YOUNGparti ,i';i(ic ol is. rantled "box dams," The

plank, securely Clampyumerai le points, and amen is busy night and d

real army ofstrengthen.

linemall' for

abtti ml



ash Waters of Zuyderand Break ThroughSoldiers and Civilians

terming a oreast work aji,,K weak I illkspots In15c--f ii. ba

(OS that have

;.';s"h. "a! Nobody can Tell when you

Ah to the war and lis differentcomplications, the prince Is obligedto maintain a certain rewrve op a,count of hlH delicate position as men.ber of a proscribed family, and asfalher of I'rlnce. lleorge, the

j brother of the king of Oraoca,"When a nation goes to War," he

said, however, "II should wage Warto the limit and when the udvci'Huryrcaorts to methods not countenancedby usage or by the common rules Of

humanity, ho should be paid in kindI have no ofltOism to make on thepoiicv adopted by the United Btatea;H Ima occurred to me, howexer, that

1. A similar structure ls:S(,rd further back, and theith11 filled up With sand and wi

enspi CANNED PRUNESlack the Tides, rib respo

And Had to Sleep With HeadHigh on Pillow, on Accountof Suffering. Says Cardui

Made Her Well.

i.v'no Darken Gray, Faded Hair

with Sage Tea,Ho

on proBems



Small15- -


ends $1.1100,000 perfrom It "never resting

the neceaalt) for thla Isthe fact thai the "pold-Ina- d

tracts of land wrest -

sea ami converted Intor meadows lie from ti n



A PtfSS ('irreiMiiulvnre.)Ainsterdain, Netherlands, Jan, 20.

Once or twice during Ihe pas! week illhas seemed as tli.uuth an awful and


fra raid,

Grandmother kept her hair heautl- -

fullv darkened I? lUmr nnilnnl

he dnu Ihilaud 25f

11..1 lminfiiMo !i on v iliililvI'renldenl Wilson is a fifteen fei t below sea level. The" ' , ,,Ol-- - ; ' . ", ll,.l .....I ..fill' NOW AT THE CRYSTAL a '"' w ot ftaW Tea and Sulphur

Whenever hervhur foil nut or tookon that dull, faded or streaked atinear- -in- auyoer see, (Whipped b- a nor

wester of hurrloane torca, rose to un- -



I.nunci. MlM..Mra. M.irllia A. Cor-bl-

U. F. D. t. of thlx place, WHUaj' in Klad to wrlle tbiH litter and fouere welcome to nae II . . . m any wayyou chooae,

I have had n Hnrenex In my nlde xn

At the Crystal theater today and ;ance, this simple mixture was applied

turf-cover- dikes or embankmentsthat are such ... familiar feature of theDutch landscapes tie armored on theseaside with brick masonry when

precedellted heiKhts, broke thXOUghthe ureal dikes that have for decades

f(.,l it hoy-ar- c in "safe'' positions,protccied lb,- low-lyin- g leriil,Unit I odd not he on II to nleep. The

1. e. runiunu rrom north to south; lintwith basalt blocks and nnerete fai Inga

from encroachment bj the aea, andflooded the country for miles around,

i.Miioirow a, AiyHiei'ioiis r.vening who wonueriui eitect. iiv asking at'will be given by Ihe oriental Wonder a.nV drug store for "Wrath's Sane andWorkera, introducing a company of Sullllllr Compound," you will gotClever artists, featuring Mmc. Zelmaa ,arK bottle of this old-tim- e recipe,in telepathic aatrolpaical visions This VfzS tv !lw' M ftlout b0 nts. '1'his

noted'woman cLves readings that are ?Ti$etoM afCd """n, color tonub s .. sin wealth, health ane,,ho hair and is splendid for dandruff,

sweepinglajMi liki

away fsrmhouses and vll-!- i"":ns ,ml, an- expose,, 10 nn-

as many iiirilboar.l hoxeHlf,in u'Tt'r "f "10 northern and norlh- -

W c have secured ;tcases ni quant sizeof I Iawaiian Slicedapple, good fruit in aricli syrup. TwocanWfdr . .


Pine-goo- d


and i iih riiiL-- fh. rli-l- oiiut,o-..- W'c lern niri is. J lie Irtmi sole ,s,o,Is of plain earth; the con- - ...I.-- wailliun 01 u oiioic ury. licnv sea ll and fa mi--

nee In-- tr than once a iu,l.l, r isa layer ,.f noisome salt marsh. inohno1by null, Soldiers and civilians disputed j Jf"l In- around w on bv immum of lahnr mid Rood!

id, and fi

periodsa heabcpl is

uetelliiiK the most favor-o- f

pronpertive enter-rav- tals to jrou a knowl- -

A well-know- n downtown druggistsays everybody uses Wyeth's Sage andSulphur, because It darkens so natur- -

wilier."Prince Itolatin lloiiapai to Is presi

dent of the, Geographical society anda member of the French institute!honors he ecrin quite as highly ishis tnie or Rrinaa imperial, wlich behas not always be,-- entitled to. I.uclenllonaparlc, his grandfather, was ex-cluded wllh his family by Napoleonfrom the imperial succession, becauseof dlvt'l Sen. les of inatllmouial views.niring the hundred day Luctati eras

reatored to iiih family Hahta in rec- -

ngnltlon for the services he rendere I

Napoleon. Napoleati Ifl, however.modified I Ih- - decision of Nupolcm I,

and IIioukIi he descended from a Junlor branch of the Bonaparte family,claused l.uclsii's descendants union,'ihe "I'lbil Family. Sedan havingCancelled Ibis imperial decree, Ito-laml lionapatie has hIiic- been rec- -

.Kilted as Prince Imperial, Ihe sunnas Prince Victor, the pretender who

mis from Ihe vounger branch,thai of jarome w ho w as kimr of West .

. bulla.

there Is an enormous preh--Hie Inner part of the sea-low- ly

hut Niirely Ihe earth Isen y until only the basalt 01

shell remains. If Storms thenand pumping (vork is Impos- -


ontj retired beaten when the oiicrumbled and sank beneath then- feetdlh(Into the roaring torrents.

A fortunate circumstance wan hut ,"ni,the Kleal Hloilll Clime n ueeL liefm i. colli

in- sell, shOWihg yoiiin"v an" evenly that nobody can telladaptations. With 'the !U ha "I'Pj'ed !' so easy to use,

tin I..., n,oii,y uaiupen a coinii or. a, ...a a...,n. 1, .U .. .Information thus gained

ishal your cverv effort Z , ' " OUK" yonrislble. Un shell at length collapses 1111- -W. L. HAWKINS I4I-PHON- ES-524

' "I my head hurt me S great iVal0 so that I had to lie with my head

hu h on the pillow. Once a month 1

oiild have a great deal of backache. . . Then gfOull suffer from dls.l-nea- a,

which would no bad I couldhardly tl up and would have a Veryuiei r fcelinK in my he id The neUsh-bor- ti

al advl .ej me to have a doctor,but I had hei rd a great dul ,,1 t'anluland ib.M'd to take thin I swelled igreat seal too . . wtran that tirstbi in Oh in 1 WOUld want to Mr, Ii Ii

h 11 1 WCUld streti h. the. p nnWould run to my hips and houhier

Bui 1 began to ilce irdal, and be-

fore I had tshen a half bottle 1

to feel r and the w,ll.s IioShiiI down. Tho pain lu-i- : .1 1., diinln-la- h

and by the time I hud taken twobottles 1 fab wail pnousn to uult tnk-- 1

Ii . . 1 think It the grandee)n dh ine that women can use.

Take Cardul, For Kiile bs all ding- -


onata ughts of ihe : ,

and the jiohli r is

- w"""' "iiauu ii' a time, iiyr'"' OWecta I hrough morning the gray hair disappears; af-- .marvelous pow ers and Iter unother appJlcatlon or two, it is

paraied arc brought to- - restored to its natural color and took

der tile renew,from Withoutdoomed.

Sprlgg lido. Had they coincided, prii'tlcallv (he whole of Holland would!bay,- been Inundated,

Small Heath Hull.ll has bee 11 a narrow escape! but as!

it is, the death roll number twenty-- jone, over Illi.llOll acres of hind havejbeen wholly ,, partially ruined by thesea water; uiouaanda of cattle ami

are mail, iiieinis. lost " ' " ouuuiini.pronerty is

j brushed awayami while nil

ecovared ; the mist isfrom business ventures.gives dates, facts and

Ai ordinary times, Kiiyder Zee watercontains pei litre only aboul twograms of wilt, compared with anaverage (,f three and 00, grantsper litre of North sea Water. llj theViolence of ih,- gale however, muchVortll sen u itAH u... l,l,li,.,l lln Inlfi

rigureq, visitors sit dumfounded atthe revelations mads to them, she

sneep have perished, and the damageis more than 11,600,000,

I h. history ,,f tha "hom Countries" the Zuyder Zee. and thence found its;way into the polders. The salines, ofabounilM m flood i.vordu i Hie, on All

alls you by name, tells you when youwere born, even to the day and hour:and every time she makes a mistakein telling you the date of a coin she

flood w ater aggravates the trouble.ir.7. look a loll of 20.-!1- "Hints' day In180 IIvcm: butCONGRESSMEN ARE

WHITE HOUSEmake y,wIs:':

lld ,

lood ot,BQ( h

not since the last great, when X00 people andf cattle perished, has Ue magnitude overtaken


lio nilaboutarea,year,cl, an.'

IESTSof a silver


e ll ruins the noil for ,. ogtwo. thirds of the inundatedgenerally recovers in about a!pn Ided heav- tins lu lp lo

the surface of pall; bin tlllfdimay be rendered unproductive!(0 and three yean and even

The whole work of swei ten- -

curved coastline of theO'eldsflan uiriiubnt .uyderi l"r iHo rind I null With 1 : ei ls.,1 v .'lom;,ee. gr lesii uciloii 1, im been

wrought, bu! the visitation was ex-l'h- B 'he soil has to be done ov m ain.optionally severe In that part of the Reclaimed land each as ibis Is i lined

provlh I North Holland which lles!hen In Rood condlilon nt 1400 toneeth ol Amsterdam. This iiuamt !:,,lrt I"'"' a, ic The Jbas to Ihe farmaicorner of the NVfherlandN Is nerhans ' having his land thus Is

An Irritable, fault-findin- g dispositionis often due to a disordered stomach.A man wiih good digestion is nearlyalways go..,l natuxod. a great manyhave been t riuaneniry benefited hyC'bamherlaln'i Ttniets after years ofbelter known to Americiins than inn- great, and this faclor also mil.




f or $1.95 & $2.95

othei part of the country, olendiini, j extraordinarily diffiiailt to arriveRdam, Moiinlckend.ini, and especially anything like an accurate eetinuite

H( suffering. These tablel8 strengthenofthc stomitch and enable 1; to perform

j Its fun Hons naturally, obtainableeverywhere. V For 35 Years the Quality Standard

l .oMiNn hiuiin.l ..... mtmi)Washington, Ceb Is. --The annual

white House reception to membars ofthe senate and house was attended

b marly il.imn Hpoak--

Ciarki ,,r th,. house, and Hiiatorok,- preVident pro. tent pors of the

senate. ,., ,e line ot those recelvdb) Ho- president and Mm. Wilson.Only on more While fotnjM f unci ionrfmslio, .ii th.. season's formal hoc la I

program winch win ba brought to aRlOae March with a reception inhonor of army and navy officers.

I If gOSMa lii IV11.

Kant Ijih Vishk, N. M., P'h. IS.Not les than on, yaaf nor kaoM thaneighteen inonllis in the state peniteii-tliu- y

wa the given HuhmorninK i Mom, ,, Holes, wh,. plead-ed guilty lo Mealing cattle from then.v, M eaten boapltal for the insaneand wiling them to Antonio de

the Wati'iland vIIIiik.s have suffered 'he damage done.severely, i ii,. isi.md of Markcn. be- - flreai Druiiumc Projecti.'.-.- of .irlisis. has U'en swept from! The disaster Hum servo, I as a' "' to end Maniac stniaeits ware Jerf u I argument for the promoters of

UkN b) ih, furious waves and the scheme to drain the entire EudyaChurled with rnfi. force upon the. Zee: a prole which has existed for

foe mlM mini npperiunltlee ilalljr If yimhi, ... j.oir-ii.- 1

You and vour friends williisnermen s Ivim, ,,n the .shore. aiiil.Vcars .md has already ofien lieen de- -

RANDREThonly our houses In theoils villaitc ;u.. uiulamait

prospi r- - scribed and debated. It is now againoccupying (,e attention of the chain.

who a nivold Kentucky Bourbon. Nothing better inflavor, richness, purity and mellowness.Use YELLOWSTONE in your toddy.

See WindowI III' llllllllllllcil IjuoIs ber. Th

V. hen the Aiwociate.l I'rens corre-;dik- e ,.fspoodetji sited part of the Inundated im Ilea uu

iOi) rarj nilt I g

land, tin- aspect .1.1 in.- country seem

in idea is to construe) nigious atrenglli, twentycroon the neck of therora Kwycksluis In northaam In PYleeland, and tolie basin ol the Zee. pre-- I

er, certain natural out-- !

n iZuyderHoUamdrain i


in nave gone ihu'K ix ceaturleeof that tinit adleal a chain ofmetCH, ona since drained and

M a pr-

in rgeeon HE MEYERS CO., Inc.



An Eftoctlve LaxativePurely Vegetable

Oonstipation,Indigestion, Biliousness, etc.

GOLDEN RULE I. lea, srocer Kb-n-- toldhe was under the Influence

streams whii h cmpi into.lets for thit. The ,

me court v.rie.i mto smUHkg fields, hut now theof liquor sea has one, nun,, gained the maslei y. si w ..Id he r,ppiouna:elv

$S.mi Wholesale Distributorsl.iit .".OO.at'n a. r.-- of pre- -

good soil would be gained.Sllllisliiand HieDry Goods Co. ALBUQUERQUE NfW urvmn

nen be decided to Hi, i.l the CMttle.He hum Ihat he o, Mr. de llaca Hinthe had IH.. head ..f cattle he wouldba alad t,. s, ll. and that d- - Itaca of-fered him 30 rach tor tho animaJswuhui.i liavimj them.

Q OR Q Qai N V . gtint , 1 . t nt

una ..niy in, gabies of farm housesand the tops ,,f countliwa windmillswere visible abue the troubled waters,on winch h.iMi.gs. dead cat. - Ifarm animals and pieces of furnitureof all daarrip'ioiis were floating aboutAi one point, near the pretty little

isM.iy for maintaining seaI i length of la o Inn ill 4

he curved shores of thedefensesmi SSS along

IIZee would ill Pv Chocolate-Ccutn- .i cr PlainU)m -- afaBiTT rWLi

appearf ihe scheme argue thai BjB , ,itiH'


?iyBringing Up Father- j 1 i I f 1 - r " M Z I . I

M I II III 111 I I V. I

i. I N-- L'-- THR WAVHELP OFCOORSE- - thanks- - k r -- MR.Jl5i 1


y V- --, THAT ROOM P j 1




pripp in.iiii.FI IIIULU

TninmiiI iI 1 1

InflUIAlb LlWl

Less Attention Is Paid to In-

ternational Affairs and More

Consideration Given to Earn-

ings of Corporations.


New York, Feb. 18. Oradunl butgeneral recoveries from low levels of

the earlv week wore in today's deal

gpiiial Sfl-- - JOOIIML CLASSIFIED C0LOMMSrarw i -

.H1.I IWMM. T. I.. !o8S.,lden I I M. -- pa.l.lot.,, ,, H)U sI.K--i..iiM- m

,,,V- - ---- 1 SALE PmneSfflU A llrfai : 'THE EOTANGE

Mverpool quotation gave trenKllft.6flOS-roo- m bungalow, modern, 1 uuJ I 0 .. si.oi ii m HOODS rhk.HTss.5s as-- porches, lot &uxl4; Fourth Jr" Wortfe IMs iri:: ,.rto lc not higher with May ut $3,000--5-ro- om brick, modern, sleep-Ul- g

, ,.n m it,,,... ,. w-.- Vhtmv UH. IN Wn( (KMUl.sais and July at ll..M t.l Third

porch, cellar,close


outbmlding.s; , j bungalow occupied but HiR t Peruser.", mare.ward, . ,mi1'"and "

rr.nfi.rnnn, brick, modern, South ""I I1"-- ciiliphio ""idc """' f i' '.T , " I . 1X51 TTit I OBMTCCinMAIEdith ","". terms. m........ i.ww 1. ,t finn vwll water, clow w '""'.'J: .. ".'."'I' rwriw.ir- -

RcnOOl iinu irnKBiuiK mhi.. - su.r; i,,,rr trio..' OrtlSli.n ATKIItM VS.ioavinK Hy ami has mad.' a i ,.Kk n "a t.n - ?:. s ' " jnt'iv w HII.IM1Nqucn no at -- ,iu". .'.ni.i "'. ..v.,... 1...1 ...1.-- 1 1... work. Reus- - k,i m , 1: 11. .1 . tr.-- .i


r. mniiti, mk 1.5 .. . .......... v...-..- ... ill .. ! Ill W ' ' Ill 1 li flllll I.' II U '



tOln K.llllfd U tO Tic, oats ;S4 to 'ato jj4c, .uid proyialaina Moi.tso.

Announctmenta that export saleswould aggregate 1.2 00,000 lmshels.a. conipani'd the advance of whealto the hiahest boint of the day. mtop level W4 n ached just before theclose of trading, but the market allthrOUgb the session had an upwardslant most of the time owintt ehleflvto --sympathy wnii conaiiwiu u. i.au-- ,

pool, wher, off. , inks Wore reported!exceedingly small and Argentina was!

!a further handicap on Hit bears. Ac- -

t'or.llnn to a w 11 known autnoritytnerecent violent chanRcs in temperaturehad caused alternate thawlnjc andffeesing in numerous sections, andhad not imliK. ly nrouKni anoutsirierable damages to unprotectedfields. On th" other nnnci, enlarge areceipts northwest exerted onlytransient influence aKalnst the bulls,

coarse grains wire f inner. Kor- -

eigners were taking both corn andmils huf mainly COM5. The effect of

iiiKS. TradlnK was dull and subject I urging farmers to hold their wheatto minor reversals during- the fore-jan- ,l was ttlyiiiK as a reason that n

but the undertone was more eon-- j r0pe must buy at any cost,fldent and stable. Less attention wasj DisqiilotinK crop reports from the

Aid to international affairs and moral domestic winter whe at belt acted as Store room on North Kirst stree t. iMim, 1144 per MtiNg "f lli It 1. H'.Ih.wu Rooming house conHlsjlng of nineI 11 si a i lta. t aAb I- IWI'll IK II K'U ITnfllalfi Ml l 1" luvimws..

in parts of the city, prlros from$50 to IWL000. Bavy term

WMI ajps0", ;i c wty ft Um c. ;

..i .....I iin.unnuw.TUKV ILAY. Iliey "I.., n.ey i...v. Hull

r - ' ' ". aokffh ,to My. Navajo fl. I. KtdS, S. cWl.lt.l orpmgtos'i H. '''. Aneo"" B. H.

svJJ-Ui-J- J w.st cold. Phone 77d. KsiabiirM "Miii. ' Bud. ehlskSi u ftx"rl"- - '"'- -' HascldMa'".'i""" V""I"N.',;.,':"M

Ton REXf tni fuinlHl.e.l " ' SVMIHS.

li. .. !.."..:. W I'. II. Mil Al.Tllv ltl.UUI 'l ...... ... . III......FOR hunt-T- wu ttlnaly lumlihKl front I ""0"w"ji'arAl '

" gl w.n '"q"--.- . nnw-- ; L :

and!,,0ol weather and of relatively large i.'oit KENT Nice large roam. With or K" '"' " rnreo-roo- nou ono kiwithout buunl. Ouu North Secolid, i'hunc 1 Sn Prth, Inqulru II0U North MOfSM

lapiy, ' I

George McManus


mi j I KitAllsuru.'i

P.H.IIIN I 1. II. 1. .1 Wit, In.A in.i'lli.n. .'I.IH Mnile l.y Mall

PHVHI4 lNi AMI si Ic.iHiSs

Mil (Ml. IN L III IITUN. M. II.mirsMsa Hint HscgesB

pimiie hit. Bsrnsn was,DIM, I I I I t U iKI

Irraeiies UnlMI Is MM K.ir, N..e undifcisai

1 its Nstlensl iiai.u Bide,

t BENn 1 iii.tt.it m rs, Nine

miii Taisai.- Haws i" i" l to 4

.'Ifl'.j w Mt (M'l.uo. Pnose S'.l9

till I I I AMftpislsHil in 1 . '. v,le sod Throat.

Ht ii,-i- ; Borhstt luds. Albttqusrtus.Hours IS ... p. I p m. I'hune an.

Mil Ml K I'll t I SA.NATOKH M

I nli, reului-l-. id tils I'll. in. .....I I SagS,. 11 y nffloo, lltti Ws( CSBtral Avenue.

, tfict Hours: lo 11 n .1..; 3 is 4 p. m.Phons IMi Rant forium i'hune 4111.

W T .Mn Pin r. M I'. Me.lte.il lilii'.-t.i- r

DR, W, W, DILL1 1 III III I .IMVBids. tn 4 p. m.


Prsetlo l.ln.ltc.l

to Urinary Diseases and

Diseases of the SkinWosssrmann ..uJ Hoeaohl T,m; 8l- -

vi. real, "iiaii" Admlnlnlered.CltlSSOS Hunk Piil...

Mbuquerqus, Nhw Mexico

E, E, ROYER, M. D,

HOMKOl'ATHP PMTBM inOffice I Mhllll.ll ll.llldil.S. I'li.lllit itti IMJ VI n.KNl - ANli RVKTOR1

PITT Itoss. ,111,1 v Surveyor! RdmundBasa U. H. Mineral Hurveyor. '.'10 West

i l.l avenue. Hex i s a lbuquaro.ua, N. M.

WANTBIV Boardei l.y day nr week, alanroii.na aful board Mrs. Plea, .US North

Walnut, .a naturl.lnia.

n ri witin its.At. I, KINHS, I," III new and se,

l.ougt.t, s.thl, rented ami rspsirad.Typowrllar Rsonsnga, Phuna 914,

i"j Anil th "in Hi atrial.( A It II HHiNM I (111 SMI

The Journal now has a full assortment ofCare, riana nn hand. You ean certainly findwhit you want In the following list;

Booms lr"r Rent." "Pnrurnlshe.tIt., una Foe Rent." "For Rent." "For Sale,""II ntini Fur Rent." "Furnished It. ...ma Fortight Houaekeaplnf," "Room and Board,""Tal.ln Board," "llniise For Sale." "HouSSF..r Rent," "Plain S.wlng." "Urenmak-Ing.- "

The carda will be fold at tha Inw prloof 10 e,.nl rS Csll si h. bn.lnsss offlo


.losveDl-iiirnzo2- 0 UaeDally pas Sanger service boning llnawell

and Cariiaoao st oo n. in.Through fare, one way (10.30Inter rnadiata points, per mile 10

i.0 lbs. baggaga froa Bxcasa carried.ROSWKI.r, A I TO 4 0..

owners ami 0ral,.rs. Phune 121

DAIl.T AUTOMoBILdl BTAOB.glx-bo- PaSaangar ServiceLeave Silver City l!t( P. m.la'avo M"lf.lllon (:00 n. 111.

fnra meal all trniiis. largest and heateoulppttl i.uio liv.ry In the soiitbweat.

BBN'NSliver my. Mexico

VII II ISOV I ItPI K V t s i I. ItAtl.- -

WAV ( oeaUjound,

ClnsB. rrlvea DepartsCalifornia Kxpruaa ... 7.30p slopOallfomla Limited .. 1 Ouu 11 :taFast Express O.t.'.a 10:11aFast Mull It:'.p U:Jaa,I.e Luxe (Thiiridaysi Il((a 8:00

.Hltllboillld.Paso Express lnjop

KI Paso Express . . s :.:.aI'aistbi.iiud.

in Atlantic Expreea .... 8.05aEastern Express 7:IOpCalifornia Liinite-- :;IOp 7 llOpK c. k. Chleogo Eg ; :Ua 7:llplie I.UXO I Wi'dilcK.I IV. I lop

I rani (satllKansas city & ChleaguKansas I'ttv A. liiiai:'


Che l's a Call. V AY 111 TreatVon Right.


Magdnlcna, S. M

Copyiiglu 191t.International News Service.

good Rieopini po.cn; cetiari uonirr I

lot; east front. The bwrt toy In Albu- -

' ' " -

JPirftir:iiIldl CBl West Cold,

lteal I'slato, I'ire Insurance, Loans.


NlCB. CI.BAN nirnlshe.l hssisssaoplns andleaping root is by day or week. I'n.ler

new mansgem nt. Americas hnti t. Fifthand Ceniral u inie. Phone 301.

I'OH ItK.NT ' ellerrful rnnin,connected nilli bathroom; good n.'lslit.or-houd- ;

within . asy walking djlstssea ' t(luwn tmni; sill rent lo iinpluycil person

r Jin a month In advance. 111. West Hit-- ravenue.

ill nil'

koii BBNT-W.iI- pt I' arnlahed rooms, sis SoothMr, et. I'bnne l'ii;'.

I'ult ftBJCT Mrhtghed mills .villialsaplsg po IfS Smith th.

KOK RF.NT south WnuihWaller. Pho in;:.

FOB KKNT i,iiy. bright bedroom, """ ' '

furnishiil, n lnwiltdH. Smith Kdllhstreet.


FOll BBSeleep. in?

Oentral.WAMTBO I y to rent pteaannt Irr

nmm In bu .. with two utli.T taint.Call 715 Best .liver.FOR KENT--T- no furnished rooms fee llisbt

houaeke.-iilnr.- . Routh Arno str. elCouple eithoui ehlldraa profarrad.



'WAN-iHI- i T.. uuy a a a rnv V. 11..

WAf Itr W .tag and 'Ironing. 60514U. ...... IIIi.lt .

WANTED- --To my good Pin. im irn,a. L, r mith.

i'aiii'Kt 1. (NiNi-.- . furniturerepairing, w. a. tioff. Phosa ;v

WANTED Autnnteblle atorsgs batterl s tobe made si Kuud na neu. Duller Auto


WASlii' Ai". it feet wi.l. k- -

ell will-- alao 50 or aapa ro-- 1

fiiSwr.'ilm Ph .in 190.1.WANTED Auto n is. U lna I keep our

gang of 4 l me. hanies employed thiswinter. Prices right; uny make of car.Hllller Al.ln CO,

WANTED --4ki its. uii 3erS nt them thatwill hold grain. Buy any amount ona

aaek or more. A. waann will call fur themIf you phono II E. W. K. r.AN AM Kit an tADT and

am dealrbua of finding a

nub cdueatod Hpani.li family..it large ranch Object being the

study of rat. .1. life In New Meilco ana II.opportunity "t iearnjt. in.' spams,,

Ptoose address A. M.. I M. Journa' nffiee ft.itlng location of ranch andterra.; rafarencos exehnnge.l.

tOJjJJFOR HA l.E oR TRADE A P.O. acre farm,

within a mlla sf Dayton, N. M., In HiePacoa valley. Forty acres of apple orch-ard. Id trees; also forty atps Inalfalfa; good Imiiae. barn and fencing. WillBelt on terms or .rada for Albu.iucripie reale.tat. IV W Strong, A IbU'Po I utn . N. M.

FOll SAI.E Five-acre ranch, all In alfalfa.amall house, on main ditch and main

road; two and one-ha- mllea Trent puat- -

nfflee. Ad tresa "Owner " .Inuriial

Real estate problems pure bases.sales or tradeore easily aolved by

Journal Want Ada. Read them, uaethem. Do It todar.

'"""'' 11 ' M.I. UK NT .ftllllillllt.r t.ll'llUhod ll. Kolt Jll'AT N '". """"female. (,,,, ,,. ! ,,.,. heat, ho waier, cij . leoplns poryh, ..o, l.i...re IS0 ."iu.

WnllrrKill SAI.U Pi M ehlCSS, M. O, V. I 'll,

l...m IVI.ni.iry Mnrch ilollvKry. 0 r.'t.iiiittoh; lis per .ui.y, van Ser glul. Uos

"id: sM.f' tiiU.r 1". d Wy.OHl.iil.. Hull'.1 plnillnn. J.i ..u 11 anil Wniie IKlcinH,

.111.1 turlo.v IT KMt Pssl I'll......SA1.I-- - ISSB fur lui.'l.inir I.. .1.1 IT

1' It. I. U.'.l.i; fnii.'V mil nln.Canoy l.reii ... KwelA 0, I'. , .111

North IllN! flrntliri'TINd BOilS Full 1.1 1 lint' oriii. -

U.M; I'lyin.'i.d. l.iHki. itc oi MMllurt.-.'n- i li. I'lii. lie Ufla.

' (jUAl.lTV ClU'NTs.1:111111 fur imi. luiur ieul lu.uv i.u u 11

1)1. finest i".i'f OrplsttoBi Bd Blsek Miaoraas Is lh wc l 11. Korgsn sad ioa81! Boulh Ainu I'liuir I u T

itiii. POULTRY TARDH S. C I! I. BflBg( r BsoKSI sablblttmi and u'll-It-

WOn Hti.to fill- - 1(114. PUpS. I BUStS

cnil ihlr.l; 1K. '.' OHM, I SpMlsIs, 1

nI, i.e iii" il. ' rirmii, aeenndithlriti; eMk.r. -. SIM s tons sutler. 413- -

I11J W'.-- AllallU. I'hnl.i. imW.Foil' suil tthoda Ulsud Rodi and Bh.uk

At llierenv. t'KKH firmi I tie lies. Ill tin"

ill ..It 11. ilk. Sold mil S Put SISleS. li i"a fiw utuity fsmalss. Mammoth Bronisturkey .kkh March booking oHf now,

ordsr ""i itrswlifrry plants see lor tfarasldtllrerV'. Wd PsaHhsr Farm, PortsI.'Vow kttslco,

in 111 MA l.l; At a siii'ilflec HtlldiitinkerIn p. rfei t eun.lltiun. I.. .

POB SAI.U ilyoia iHCUbsUu'. Shsrpleeia iter Hob. ..ek bunny, limno llt'..'V.

Fan kai.i: I'nilei w T i) PS liter.order, IIS: lit) .S.'.nli Fou.th. Pbu

,li: - 1,1: ' 'ypheis Ini'ilbatni norl new,4 'uu ! phons I'ttl. Ada i. -

briskroB SAI.B liieip mil Indian motorcs

''l'' in good condition. A Dpi) ti Sluiilh

'''' "

FOB A l.l:dl

Wlank i

.u HAI.IC ni foul rut alinwrsaiWilli tables f.n Gf.untet talilis. BtrpftB'

Punk HtrtTe,

BAf.B --Oray elf itartar totKnr.l ran In it ltd

Hi, In 11,11, ii I'll 17

pi 111 SAJ.B Oruphoplttu. nis the double

7?4'', Kulltll Hi WS

I'Olt spooma

Address(rOB gAI.E lust If - plal

eeiii.tn condition, at biirna.iip. k. .... osra journal iffl.-n- .

nut HALE in. aharaaatrrshca eompanV stuek st no cent

dollar, wuiu Ford, Ruswall, N. UtPOP s.m.i: At i" to '.'0 par cant off list

ti, olase 1"" '"'" ,,r fuiiv icuaran-- ,

leed Urea I ' male room fur new Hues.

cutler Auto . Co.

VOU sai.i,: Rimming bona, wall rurniasaoduink-- good buslneaa, centrally Ideatodi .

bargain; mar i" Collfornis ressnn fur sellin AdgraSa 6. A M.. Journal.POP SA l.l Navajo blankets. Solpsaddlng

tshdurd Diieci from res rvstidni Ouar'ant. . .I be absnliiti ly genulrte. lb s.prices . sr offarad In nunucrs,ue. P. B.

McKee, raaidane lot Borth Thlrteantbalr.-- t. Thnne 999,

mti nnm akim;TmRSHMAKINO Mending. Infanta Oil. fill.

priees reason ab la. 1117 NoHh gosond.

M RS .1 II II MIR, first .lass tl es, looker,fitlii.ss nt vonr home. I). p a postal

(a lit Korth First .11 e.


run B NT flood location f ieanlagestal.llsi.mf.it it. bavny h a. blnck. In- -

f small" '"U""n rnuma full.S41 west

Full j:i monthly "u wi ricalva two

ilais.s s week of good Spanish; try a l"s.s..n without charge. Addraag Mr, J. C

II North Fourth street.

Mil I. k i i i i ion.in the Matter of Wo t .. ..i w ain i

j Allen, dacasaad,I K olios l hereby Ki' r

I.. S. Xcel.l'tl tha last will and testa -

,,,, ,,r w imam Allen, lie, eased, hasntVd in tha Pro ei- uf BertaatttleemfSt) New Mexico, Ills final report sa

j aueh axacutor ant lb mt lies appointedM. sday, Hu SI Ii day of .March. 1911, aant., day for bearing oblectMas, If any

Sa spproval of sold final rsdlachariic uf said execumr.

A. K. vai.ki:iierk uf said probata Court.

wastiMj tiouielcfcper for 10 Appi) t j Wert ( oppor. """ 111

Ml Soutll WnUi r ttml a. onc. Soi'li COh II ISN'T Thre-- i iiw, rarBlsned

L'll We t (iuM Vt'nuc

ifom raffDesk space in modi i n building.

FOU KENT- - Nifty three nhlahed bungalos III Hi all.

FOrt ItK.NT nlco five 111 cottage,ne-n- tinted, painted and eloSnad tl!

Si iiii Hi nn.lw ay.

Foil 11BNT Twu-rin- furnished ootlggSittlih sIn'iiliiK punii; neat and eleiiu. lOlS

8011II1 Walter street.t oil REST lOttl 1111111. in.plnlely

furnlsli.it. rnnvo.ilent to tlmin, H..OO in-- r

mi. nth. 1415 South Amu streeti'ult BENT--Seve- n room llouso with two

large sleeping porehea, modern,cor.illHoa. Phone 11.57 or tall Jul SouthAino.

WANTED Dining room Hrl Snd kitohon uniprniiaoai i""'"'"'- ' " "".... ... .... .m: Iiext Tun r.,i- 111: in lu.usi.- - v....i, ....i , n.ru :i :i Ruin . ! rl. In.'ipM'; Amcrn'.i.is. i iium. twmw, 7--

- - - -- . '- i ' West run. " " :." .:. Xllllll.

''-'-" BBRT M dorn room., steam cat. no - i.rmm, h.ium.

Uk. ..US'; C'litral 111.1HI.'. ,,.,,,,. u ,.., i.,.,i.M-- RB.NT I.lnSI Souwksoplns no KOK 11KVT Thio'e-rm- h..ui Ajj'"-'.'':.- . (il

WAXTBD Compsjlsnt alestadf lor .nulla-- ' jjdtj im .is Wi si .;r,t,i. w furn,ne(1, i,min ttt rrn i:i..m: ij..s;rsi..l i. . . Phun.'ry ispartment. Apply BooOomlit, FOR JtKST- - One ulecping room; alooj fral, room 8, TfrTn rai.i:. Siul.llu In u 1 condition, l...

IZ '"T" K""' fOR RKNT-f- wo rpfi -- ungsioe. with JPhowlMW .,.-- u. " u"'. union. - i" m. " kiiH HAI.IC A inuiiunnnn

Vri-llT'osrilol- hI.U. no ihllilrmi. 414 Won Silver. plctely rornlWIed, lit per muiith. Ill West ,.,., ,.,., Kmh First.wiyMW FOB IlKNT- Thiee nicolj lhl ' ',l L run sai.i. iV A condition,

WA.vi'Kli position by color. l chstttftur. for tkiln(i in. 1ik. IU Soutb JTGH HKKT Two unf ur.illd brlcH !

pl.,r r,lt lutlpr Auto7 SilV'"'' :,:'- -' M- gdHI W "- 'r"!!.!,."",n KotS."".!


foSTlAE-Ss- on rosi.r; a bussl to,nailii.mpi.uii. I FOP. RK.NT Tno rooms and sloopln. purl.,'"" "' ,ndWi, .1 1. car. Journsl,WANTBD-rPosltl- on l.y young


Mills'"for llslit h.Mneketplng. es 17 wont Stover avrnut.

IffirtT fi HAbK"llukk automoTlfc''''goodwoman, clerical work or cure nm .run. rimne i.nuiv Highlands. ,....1 ..

in; cusyJ.,3.".0 brick, modern, well-buil- t,

two sleeping porches, goodoutbuildings; terms.

$4,000 two-stor- iramedwelling, modern. South Kdlthstreet, close in.

$3,300 New bungalow, Justfinished, modern, fireplace, finesleeping porch, good location, high-land?, close in.Many other bargains In improved

and unimproved property.

A. M11SC1E1lteal EatOt and fcfHlMMIOe.

Ill South I'oiutli Street.- I

" '

Jfir sirrfy"' sL1(to Jauraal office.

liiivUiZiii '

Hate.IwANTKI.- - (..vp.m.'i. ... ..li'- -. H.ou 9&

(lav. Kmplovment Anacy, 110 BOttth'P.:...l ........ Uknn.

WANTED UB tu learn tM brr GSdt!k.'w wi.'ks eocssietes. sjettta) isprunc.

careful limtrui'iions; S Btsthod that hasplaced thoustindo In Kind punttiunl; can whelp yi.u. Write Mulir U.irl.iT Collfac,

WANTl',11 IllnlllB in. 11. Kill .ll'll pnyKniillnrlnm: nin.lv to J, V. Kuller

ran. win scospt anything reasonable. A8- -

ilre.sH It. N. Journal.WANTED At ones! work ut any honor.

Ohio kind by young man, IS: can nun-Is-

reference; any reasonable wagonApply 605 South Seeond atrect.

WANTBIV Poult Inn by cupula.' lntelliKe.itman of DO. employed but desiMI tu

chtinn.': sxpertsncea In several lines; lie

Pad habits; prefer to leave city; re(rnetI.. B; Br, Journal,

Tie half blood combing, 75 If) 77c;Ihr. -- eighths blood combing, 7or.i;

pulled extra, 7NTi80e; AA, TSfl78e fine A, 70frt72o; A supers, 05tt68c.

i:v iroRK mom v MxitKirp.

New York, Kelt. IS. Mercantilepaper -- 3 if 3 per cent.

Sterling Sixty day hills, $4.71 Vi :

demand, $4.76.Par silver 56 c.Mexican dollars 4 3 e.Oovernment bonds Steady.Hail road bonds Steady.Time loans Ka.sy. SiMy days, 2

02 per cent; !o days, 2 per cent,Call money Steady. Itullng rate,

1 p.-- cent.


Chicago Livestock,Chicago, Feb. 18. Cattle Receipts;

2,000. Market Weak. Native beefsteers, $6.(0 6 8.(5 ! western steers,;$(.70I.15; COWS and heifers, $34 5

().. 11; calves, $8.507)11.25.Hogs Receipts 35,000. Market j

weak, mostly 10c under yesterday's,'average. Hulk, $X.10ffi S.20; light,$7.75( 8.30; heavy, $7.85fa 8.35; pigs,$6.257.40.

Sheep Receipts 8,00 Marketsteady. Wethers, $7.75' lambs,$9.00 (rll. 35.

Kim tan tit Livestock.Kansas City, Feb. 18. Cattle Re-

ceipts 900. Market steady. Primefed steers, $8.509.50; dressed beef '

steers, $7.00 S. 40; western steers.$(.7t(M,4i; cows. $4.25 (in 7.00; helf-- .rs, $g,fi0i 8.50; calves. $6.50i. 1 1.50

Hogs Receipts 5.000. Marketlower. Hulk, $7.80 Ti s. 1 r. ; havy,$8.0flfi8.22 ; light. $7.75W,00; pigs,$6.50 n 7.75.

Sheep Receipts 1.000. Marketsteady. Lambs, $10.40(i 1 1.00; year-lings. (,2S 10.00; wethers, 7.7tflUS,

Denver i.i.eto-k- .

Denver, Peh. IS. Cottle Receipts200. Market steady. Beef steers,I6.00ai7.50; cows and heifers, S."'.50

(.JO; calves, $s .01 (j 10.00. ,

Hogs Keinpts bun. Mark, t steady.Top. $7.90; bulk, $7.75tt7.S5.

She.p Receipts 2,300. Market!highur. I

consideration was gfvan to such PO-tent (actOta as excellent railway andindustrial earnings, continuance of thecurrent high pressure of activity andexpansion in general trade was againreflected in the heavy hank clearings.

Toppers and other metal sharesfeatured the operations to an unusual

Hatte and Sujierior and Amer- -

i. an Zinc beinj- - especially prominent j

at now hlch records. Zin.'s maxi - ;

muni of Bf was accom nied byconsider.! Id,, activity', maki that is- -

rue the hader. Anaconda, Utah. !hino also registered tins if a pointor more.

Contrary to their usual course, warli ., y, ei maims 11 rrgumr,

came forward in the latter dealings.:United States Steel was only mod-

erately active, but strong in connec-lio- n

with forecasts of record, break- - j

ing earnings for the current quarter,Announcement that the steel corpora-- ;

tlon had acquired from ubiuud ap-

proximately $23,000,000 of its first'mortgage bonds for sinking fund pur-- ,poses constituted another bullish fac- - j

tor for that stock.Final prices were a shade under

maximums.Total sales of stocks amounted to

41!r.,00n shares.Bonds responded to the improved;

tone of stocks, although trading inthat division was nominal.

Total sales, jar value, were $3.270,-- ;

000. " j

I'nlttd States bonds were unchang-e- d

on call.Closing nrices:

Alaska Gold . 2 2 r-

.s . 35

American luvt Sugar ,' 70

American Can ,. 61 "g

American Locomotive . 6 5

Amer. Smelt. & ltefng Kill-- ,,

Amer. Smelt. & ltefng pfd. .112'.American Sugar Iteflning. . . 1 1 2

American Tei. & Tel .127American Tobacco .193Anaconda Copper y 19

Atchison .103URaldwin Locomotive .108Baltimore1 & Ohio 86

Bethlehem Steel .465Brooklyn Itapid Transit... . 86 'i

California Petroleum .. 30

Canadian Pacific .168Central Leather . 54Chesapeake & Ohio . 62Chicago, (treat Western... . 1 2

Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul . . 9.".

Chicago Northwestern..., .129Chicago, It. 1. & Pacific lly. ,. 19Chin Copper . 58Colorado Fuel & Iron ..Crucible Steel . 80

Denver & Hlo Grande pfd. . 18

Pistillers' Securities . 47

Krie . .. 37

Cener.il Kl.-etrl- .109Oreat Northern pfd .120Ori-a-t Northern Ore ctfs.... .. 45Guggenheim Exploration . . . 21

Illinois Central . 103Interboroiigh Consol. Corp.. . 17

Inspiration Copper 4G'2

International Harvester. N. J., .110Kansas City Soutlv-r- . 26

Dehigh Valley . 77

Louisville &. Nashville 122

Jilexican Petroleum .105Miami Copper 36

Missouri, Kansas & Texas pfd. . 13

Missouri Pacific . 6

F(IH kBKT-r-Tw- n and three ruurn huna.i-lows- ,

llaoplng room Klusaml In, oompleta- -

!jy fsrnlshed, HI and 111 per month. Ap- -

,,l i.i t,.,,lh A rrn'.HI IlKNT Nllie-roon- i mndi-r- linus.i Willi

receipts of corn was thus made an offset.

Provisions dvanced notwithstand-- I

ing R decline in the value of nOgB.l

Commission houses were generally onthe buying si.l P. Ariel the 11p111.11,

packers led th S selling side.nig prices: .. I

Wheat .May. $1 fttt! July, $1.23.Corn 7 ' ; July, ?gC.Oat-M- y, 48c; July, 46c.

Pork Mav $20 87- .Tllh $20.87.I.ard-M- i.y. $10.'32;" July.'yl 10.50.

RlbS May, IXl-SII- , JUiy, 1 fl. ',

KANSAS em-'i'lMl-t

Kansas City, Feb. IS. Wheat No.

hard. $1.20Gr 1.27; No. 2 Igd, I1.J2I l.S is . iv tl '.111;' In v 11.1S... i

2 mlx-'d- ,

whiti (i 71c; No. i yellow, 'n'c; July. 74c.

DUN' i :i K I A lil VI1AV.

New York Feb, 18 -- TomorrowPun's will say:

Accumulation of forward businessjis only limited by the ability and dis-

position of manufacturers to furtherextend Commitments, Disproportionbetween demand and supply hereto-fore apparent in comparatively few

j lines is spreading, and it is increas-lingl- y

manifest that productive und! distributing facilities have not keptpace with the rapid growth in re-- I

qulrcments. Scarcity of materials is

la more noticeable feature.Frequent complaints are still hoard

of tardy deliveries but moderateprogress is made in relieving tin. traf-fic congestion und there was a 50 per

cent reduction In the number of Idlej freight ears during. January. Prep?

jstire upon the transporting Interestslis further reflected in the substantialgulp in gross earnings last month,

j Unsolicited business continues ofheavy volume in iron and stc. 1.

Under the stimulus of large buyingI by retailers, jobbers of dry goods areincreasing orj.-r- with muis ana sning agents and prices arc uutu. ...sharply,

Various influences still combine to

restrict cotton exports, but domesticconsumption continues in unprece-dented volume.


New York, Feb. 18- .- The metalchnnge quoted lead Spot,$6.27 bid.

Spelter Not quoted.


Poston. Feb. 18 The Cpmmer. ini

Bulletin will say tomorrow:Business has continued steadily and

above the normal in volume duringthe week and prices arc generallyfirm lo higher, especially on certain

llasplag purii.rH. Ut Snulli Kdllh. Idas!""jlucntlon fur rooming and boarding Imuae.

A. Tliuni. phone 1701.

FOB HKNT 1301 South Waln-- atreet, I

tsrnlahed, prscUoolly new fuur-ruui- .i

Koii HKKT Four-roo- apartment nt 409i in 11.

aseul. T"

pj"llt KKNT Office ll.iouis.

TPT! '


hettsa on corner lot, Iplendtd sleepingpoiebas. Apply Thoatea n, Co., of i;iiKasl Cenlral.

-HI Ul ;N T parliiiriilx.

FOll HKNy One-hal- f nffb bpll' ",path Poetth street. Apply W. P. Met

en If.

poll RENT a til ti d off toe rooms,(Irani Bids, ;io:i'i West Central, ap- -

ply room If.

roit HKNT lio.mi- - wiih Wofinl.

KOII IlPNi' it'll., will. or wltliutilboard. Ill Hmith Broadway.

P. HI IIBNT --Boo ma ami hoard, Hale 1. .pi

per day f.lt Krnitb llrondwoy.y, ill KENT R. al.- - ping (Sforv .... I

bourd fur get an In private family.Call In fun noun I West iJiaitral. Phone1(41

FOB RENT Nloe r.wm. iood location,I2.T.0 and 13.00 per b..ard. 5.00;

nlan heess furnished or unfurntshi-d- . 4

Hniilh Eillih atr.it.McKI'I.i.ah lu.v.t. --wu.ci a...

health resort, two mi hi north of pn.tnf- -

.:... ...1 e , ..:ie;. ;ieTplng phor cottsi7. Phone Cliowfonlre S.....V hotal offlca.


v.. ,T..Vn ; ..... 7r...r..T.7ii'r; FUR SALE r trade, furniture



National His. nitNational Lead

'Nevada CopperNew York ( 'entralN. Y., N. B. ri HartfordNorfolk & WesternNorthern I'aciflcPacific MailPacific Tel. & TelPennsylvaniaPullman Palace CarPay Consolidated Capper. . .

PeadingP.epublic iron & SteelSouthern PacificSouthern P.ailwayStudebaker CoTennesset) CopperTcva CompanyUnion Pacific

'"b'.imn 'rVsorr--

o'ne mhaAll milk, cream nnd egga Dlndit, ed on pla.e.Free carriage for guests. Eleinic Iniiits.cltr mall service. Ilnome or ctiagesPhuna in.19. Mra. W. II. Reed.

ti'i.Jiyjc:lVi"!S--- -

i OB SA I.F. - heap, house nndar Meal Poultry r.m.h. Old rows. W,

1 liilylu.lll. old Albuipiel uue.I uli KAI.K MtMlern .i lol noitsa,

small cash payment, balance aa rent.Call ::I9 N,,rth Thtit.enUi atreet.Folt s.M.i: . x n'lirb-- In the lieh- -

lands by owner; wrth ll.500.00; :' 1.50

east, tskea II. Addrisa Owner, care P. O.

Ilox tta City. ..

Foil AleE tl aVoi.li Walt.--

owner out of inwn. praetlcally new rour-roo-

house on nice corner lot, splendidsleeping porches; your own tein.i. ApplyI2IK Kaat Contra!

I ll.siill. from Ji.iirnnl Want ASS.

. 68 j low and medium wools. Fine wools

tH I hats not made any general advance,113 althonph they are very strong.. 16 The situation at the mills is very. 36 Vi healthy and values on goods, yarns. 57 and tops are strengthening. Advices.163 from the west indicate that contra' t- -.

ing l continuing slowly ut prices ful-- .

78 ly on a level with selling pri es in th". i2 eastern markets.. 99 Scoured basis : ,

. 20 Texas fine 12 months, 72 75c; fine

. 147 8 months, 62 (i (Sc.

. 57 .Territory fine ataplc, 80c;, fine mo-.20- 0

dium Staple, 75f7t-.e-; fine clothing,

.134 73 11 fin.- - medium clothing, "Oil


A ttractive


.: " '


.... -- jJMjr?ra. - M

r - -" " r "" -

iff 1! - V








:, IWEUpWx ff4MftT' ''' .' "sm. - VMl '0f,C"s&plRecToM:

' '"'

(y V , V"''...

' "Sft I "U SWLlN,Wl1 '' if i '.' OtO, F ALBR.OHT,

tgj&r "y ' UK SELLERS. secv wj 1

' '- - ''-- ' . ' L SOANDROS 11. I..



'' "" V ' AlIM OFFICES- Hi I

' " IJx . W

. T V" Ha


' fe V iv"' ' " J ""l1' y TEN MUE8 OF ORAOtO 3TtTSi E9f JllBS5S ORMAMFNTAL LI6HT.N0 SySfCM

"t X ' ' "V WNIVMWITV or "2S I?, r X - N0 'NT """. n. tar. ums. oh saloons

j: -A tlSrC" -VV t"v..A .i L0TS:5O..FT AVENUES: 7S FT.


- ' ' -- .- v .,. ... x ' ' . jmtiJS-- y i ttJn ai - X, ' w ni j



RESTRICTIONSf Good) Pure, Pfeih Air.

Delightful SnnsiWric.j Above the Smoke and )u-- t.

j Desirable Neighbors.i Garden Soil, But No MudADVANTAGES

25-fo- oj Frottf BufMing I.inc

No ,S;ilotui. Saiiiitoriiuiis or lYni l!i.ne.All Stores and Aitiusernenl Buildings Confined Mortli one hali of Blocks

l. 8 and 9 Wy.

Rxtension (rf GiQ VVatcr Supply Smnce, at Construction i" Buildings orl ornes May Reouire,

City Electric Street Car Service Xow Building,

Ornajuental Street Lighting, Contract Warded, Material in TransitGrading of Ten Miles 64 Stretts " Under

Telephone and fOectric Light Service Nfovs Ready to Install.

Iron Posts and Street Signs n Being Erected at Street Intersections.

Street Car Waiting Room and Companj Office Building Now BeingConstructed,


Beautiful Mountain and Valley Scenery.No City Taxes but All Citv Improvements,The University of New Mexico and It, Environments.

A 50-oo- u GaUon Stand-pip- e Will Be Erected on the Highest iv,mtin the Addition. One Mile Southeast of the Presen Reservoir by the Ubu-querq-

Water Supply Company.

Note the Pollowing:

I'Vbniarv 8, 1916.his is to certify that the University Heigitts Development Company

has made satisfactory arrangements with the Water Supply Company forthe extension ol water m the University Heights Addition as fast its theconstruction m buildings makes the same practicable.

(Signed) A. n. McMILLEN.

To Cost

$24,600.00Now Contracted


the South Boundary of theTall Tamarack Hedge t' Be PlantedProperty in the Early Spring,

President W ater Supply Company.

In order to pay for these improvements, we will sell the first three hundred lots at from $50 to $200 per lot. easy terms, accordng to location (bear in mind 50-fo- ot lots) and as soon a thrPPhundred are sold we will then pos.tivcly raise the pr.ee on all the unsold lots 20 per cent at one jump. By buying now. you can make 20 per cent on your investment within xixtv' " y! oucent within the year.


Jay A. lluhbs

Jos. A. Root .Soft's menD. K. B. Sellers, Secretary

Rooms 5-- 7 1st National Bank Bldg.Phone 899Harold B. Sellers, Special Company Representative on Grounds