A SIMULATION MODEL FOR A SINGLE POINT MOORED TANKER Dr.Ir. J.E.W. Wichers Publication No. 797 TR diss j Maritime Research Institute Netherlands 1637 Wageningen, The Netherlands


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Dr.Ir. J.E.W. Wichers

Publication No. 797 TR diss j Maritime Research Institute Netherlands 1637 Wageningen, The Netherlands



ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus,

Prof. Dr. J.M. Dirken, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van een commissie

door het College van Dekanen daartoe aangewezen, op dinsdag 7 juni 1988

te 14.00 uur


Johannes Everardus Wicher Wichers

■ . ^ ' " ' ^ ^ N .

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geboren te Groningen

civiel ingenieur


I Het computermodel voor de s i m u l a t i e van een SPM-systeem b l o o t g e s t e l d aan s t room ( wind en o n r e g e l m a t i g e golven kan gecompl iceerd z i j n . De m o e i l i j k h e i d s g r a a d van h e t model i s e c h t e r vaak omgekeerd even red ig met de s c h a a l van B e a u f o r t .

I I Voor he t bepa len van de k r a c h t in de boegdraad van een t a n k e r afgemeerd in stroom a l l e e n moeten beha lve de gemiddelde s t roomsne lhe id ook de r i c h t i n g s - f l u c t u a t i e s v e r o o r z a a k t door bv. macro-wervels bekend z i j n .

I I I Op de huid van een afgemeerde t a n k e r worden vele z inkanoden a a n g e b r a c h t . D i t maakt de s c h a l i n g van de R e y n o l d s - a f h a n k e l i j k h e i d van de model- n a a r de p r o t o t y p e - w a a r d e n een s tuk g e m a k k e l i j k e r .

IV Door de bodem van de v o o r s t e en a c h t e r s t e tankcompar t imenten van een t anke r afgemeerd in golven t e ve rwi jde ren en de compart imenten aan te s l u i t e n op w i n d t u r b i n e s kan e n e r g i e opgewekt worden." Deze e n e r g i e kan aangewend worden om de g r o t e l a a g f r e q u e n t e schr ikbewegingen t i j d e n s s to rm t egen te werken.

V Men kan de natuur slechts overwinnen door zich naar haar te schikken (Francis Bacon/ 1561-1626). VI Het gebruik van de resultaten van vroegere experimentele onderzoeken naar de neerwerking rondom een zandribbel te zamen met de recente vortex blob theorieën kan leiden tot nieuwe inzichten in zand transportberekeningen. VII Het toepassen van het oude p r i n c i p e van de spudpaa l -a fmer ing voor s n i j k o p z u i g e r s b u i t e n g a a t s d u i d t op he t o n d e r s c h a t t e n van de k rach t en van de z e e .

VIII Zolang een t e c h n i c u s 10 kN b l i j f t voe len a l s een tonf i s voor hem de overgang van he t t e c h n i s c h m a a t s t e l s e l naa r het p r a k t i s c h m a a t s t e l s e l ofwel het S i - s t e l s e l een wel z e e r o n p r a k t i s c h e s t a p .

IX Op de ringwegen van de g r o t e Amerikaanse s t e d e n houden de a u t o m o b i l i s t e n z ich a l j a r e n k e u r i g aan de s n e l h e i d s l i m i e t . D i t hoef t n i e t het gevolg te z i j n van de vermoede d i s c i p l i n e van de Amerikanen.



Publication No. 797 Maritime Research Institute Netherlands

Wageningen, The Netherlands

SHELL Tunirex - Tazerka Field - FPSO Terminal , Tunisia

(a SHELL Photograph)


EXXON - OS & T Terminal, Santa Barbara Channel, California (Courtesy of IMODCO Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA)

ELF I t a l i a n a - Rospo Mare Fie ld - FSO Terminal, Adriat ic Sea, I t a l y (Courtesy of S ingle Buoy Moorings Inc.)

Louis iana Offshore Oi l Port (LOOP), Gulf of Mexico, USA

(Courtesy of SOFEC I n c . , Houston, USA)


Hudbay Oil - Lalang Field FPSO terminal, Malacca Strait (Courtesy of Bluewater Terminals S.A. Switzerland)

PEMEX - CAYO ARCAS, FSO Terminal Baya de Campeche Gulf of MEXICO, MEXICO

(Courtesy of Enterprise d'Équipement Mechanique et Hydraulique, Paris, France)





2. LOW VELOCITY DEPENDENT WAVE DRIFT FORCES 23 2.1. Introduction 23 2.2. Equations of motion for a tanker in head waves 24 2.3. Displacement and velocity dependency of the hydrodynamlo

forces 33 2.4. Experimental verification of the velocity dependency of the

mean wave drift force in regular waves 37 2.4.1. Test set-up and measurements 37 2.4.2. Extinction tests in still water and in waves 40 2.4.3. Towing tests 45 2.4.4. Evaluation of results of extinction tests and towing

tests 47 2.4.5. Deviation from linearity at higher forward speeds .... 50

2.. 5. The mean wave drift force in regular waves combined with current 55 2.5.1. Towing speed versus current speed 55 2.5.2. Regular waves traveling from an area without current

into an area with current 59 2.6. Computation of the low velocity dependent wave drift forces ••• 64

2.6.1. Introduction — 64 2.6.2. Theory ; 65 Linear- ship motions at forward speed 66 Wave drift force at low forward speed 68 2.6.3. Results of computations and model tests 71 2.6.4. Evaluation of results 74

2.7. The low frequency components of the wave drift forces and the wave drift damping coefficient 75

- to be continued -


- continued -

2.7.1. Introduction 75 2.7.2. Wave drift forces at zero speed 76 2.7.3. The approximation of the low frequency components .... 79 2.7.4. Total wave drift force in irregular waves without

current 80 2.7.5. Stability of the solution and contribution of the

oscillating wave drift damping coefficient 82 2.7.6. Total wave drift force in irregular waves combined with

current 85 2.7.7. Evaluation of results in irregular waves 87



3.1. Introduction 91 3.2. Equations of the low frequency motions 95 3.3. Hydrodynamic viscous damping forces in still water 100

3.3.1. Equations of motion in still water 100 3.3.2. Test set-up and measurements 101 3.3.3. Viscous damping in the surge mode of motion 103 3.3.4. Viscous damping due to sway and yaw motions 109

3.4. Hydrodynamic viscous damping forces in current 115 3.4.1. Equations of motion in current 115 3.4.2. Test set-up and measurements 119 3.4.3. Current force/moment coefficients 122 3.4.4. Relative current velocity concept for the surge mode

of motion 123 3.4.5. Relative current velocity concept for the sway mode

of motion 128 3.4.6. The dynamic current contribution 129

- to be continued -


- continued

i 3.4.7. Evaluation of the semi-empirical mathematical models in current 138



4.1., Introduction 147 4.2. Frequency domain computations in irregular head waves without

current 148 4.2.1. Theory 148 4.2.2. Computations 152 4.2.3. Model tests 153 4.2.4. Evaluation of results 157

4.3- Time domain computations in irregular head waves with and without current 161 4.3.1. Theory 161 4.3.2. Computed wave drift forces and mean wave drift

damping coefficient 163 4.3.3. Computed motions 166 4.3.4. Model tests 167 4.3.5. Evaluation of results ' 170



5.1. Introduction 175 5.2. Tanker moored by a bow hawser exposed to regular waves 176

5.2.1. Introduction 176 5.2.2. Computations '•• 177

- to be continued -


- continued -

5.2.3. Model tests 179 5.2.4. Evaluations of results 180

5.3. Tanker moored by a bow hawser exposed to current 180 5.3.1. Introduction 180 5.3.2. Computations 181 5.3.3. Model tests , 182 5.3.4. Evaluation of results 182

5.4. Tanker moored by a bow hawser exposed to current and wind 185 5.4.1. Dynamic stability of a tanker moored by a bow hawser .. 185 5.4.2. Determination of the stability criterion 190 5.4.3. Computations 192 5.4.4. Model tests r 193 5.4.5. Evaluation of results. 194



6.1. Introduction 199 6.2. Equations of motion 200 6.3. Computations 204 6.4. Model tests 208 6.5. Evaluation of results 209



APPENDIX , .. 223


- to be continued -







Systems consisting of jackets with process platforms and seabed pipe­lines to produce and transport crude are normally used for large off­shore fields. For medium sized and marginal oil fields more and more tanker-shaped vessels moored to a single point are used. To this end the processing equipment is placed on the deck of the tanker, serving as a loading terminal. Transportation of crude is then accomplished by mostly special purpose tankers shuttling back and forth. In case a tanker moored to a single point is used as a storage unit the tanker serves as loading terminal only. For this type of system the tankers are kept on station by using one mooring point. This solution allows the tanker to weathervane according to the prevailing weather conditions and to stay on location with mini­mum mooring loads.

Single point mooring (SPM) systems have been installed in areas with moderate to severe weather conditions.

1 A.\"<<W^V*SyA\\

///W///W//A&//AV'//AV'///ÏX( y/^//^vy/£y//j4>y/# y / w ^ M x w x i w ^

Figure 1.1 Examples of mooring systems of single-point moored tankei


An example of a permanently moored process and storage tanker under moderate weather conditions is Weizhou, People's Republic of China [l-l]. In this case the tanker has been moored by means of a bow hawser to a fixed pile. In areas with more severe weather conditions the mooring systems can vary from chain/turret systems (Rospo Mare [l-2]) to rigid articulated systems (Tazerka [l-3]) and hybrid-type structures (Jabiru [1-4]). Some examples of SPM systems are shown in Figure 1.1.

SPM moored vessels are subjected in irregular waves to large, so-called first order wave forces and moments, which are linearly proportional to the wave height and contain the same frequencies as the waves. They are also subjected to small, so-called second order, mean and low frequency wave forces and moments, which are proportional to the square of the wave height. The frequencies of the second order low frequency compo­nents are associated with the frequencies of the wave groups occurring in irregular waves as indicated in Figure 1.2.




MEASURED : 4^S"„=12.6 m; T , = 1 4 . 0 s THEORETICAL: c 0 » 1 3 . 0 m ; =12 .0s (P .M. )


A '


\ \

- - » . -

re c 2000


•z. o


a. i / l



\ \ \\ \\ V

\\ \\

0 .5


1.0 -1

0.25 GROUP FREQUENCY in rad.s"


Figure 1.2 Spectra of waves and wave groups (wave registration lasted 12 hours prototype time)


The first order wave forces and moments are the cause of the well-known first order motions- Due to the importance of the first order wave forces and motions they have been subject to investigation for several decades. As a result of these investigations, prediction methods have evolved with a reasonable degree of accuracy for many different vessel shapes, see for instance [1-5], [l-6] and [1-7].

Typical features of SPM moored tankers are the very low natural frequen­cies of the modes of motion in the horizontal plane. At low frequencies the hydrodynamic damping values are small. Excited by the second order wave forces and moments large amplitude low frequency motions may be induced in the horizontal plane. The origin and characteristics of the second order wave drift forces and moments in irregular waves have been the subject of study for some time, see for instance [l-8], [l~9] and [1-10]. /

The result is that it could be established that the motions of a vessel moored to a single point not only consists of high frequency motions (with wave frequency) but also of low frequency motions. These motions induce mainly the mooring forces.

For the design of mooring systems it is still common practice to carry out physical model tests to obtain the design loads. In the last ten years, however, several computer simulation programs for vessels moored to a single point have been developed. At present the application of such programs, if at all, is limited to preliminary calculations. The reasons for the reluctance to apply such computation methods are due to failures in describing the governing physical phenomena and a lack of reliable input data.

In this thesis a theoretical study will be described and experimental results will be presented for the input and the methodologies involved in the computer simulations of the low frequency motion behaviour of a tanker moored to a single point-


Concerning the low frequency motions in the horizontal plane, distinc­tions and restrictions will be made for the 1- and the 3- degrees-of-freedom (DOF) case.

The 1-DOF case concerning SPM tanker systems exposed to severe weather conditions, in which the waves, wind and current are co-linear, is con­sidered to be one of the most important design conditions. For the 1-DOF case of the moored tanker the study will deal with: - the total drift forces in head waves with and without current; - viscous surge damping in still water and in current; - solution of the equations of the low frequency surge motion in the

frequency and time domain.

The 3-DOF case considers SPM tanker systems in moderate weather condi­tions. For this kind of system a tanker moored by a bow hawser is chosen. Such a system can, due to unstabilities of the system combined with the environmental conditions, perform large amplitude, low frequen­cy motions in the horizontal plane. For the 3-DOF case the following re­search has been carried out: - formulation of the coupled equations of the low frequency tanker mo­

tions in the horizontal plane for non-current (still water) and cur­rent condi t ions;

- solution of the equations of the low frequency motions in the horizon­tal plane in the time domain for a tanker exposed to waves only;

- solution of the equations of the low frequency motions in the horizon­tal plane in the time domain for a tanker exposed to wind, waves and current.

These SPM simulations are based on studies performed in the past and are indicated in Figure 1.3.

Of the present developments, the theory and the experimental results will be given in the following chapters. In Chapter 2 attention is paid to the wave drift excitation as a function of low speed of the vessel.


DRI FTP 1980 [1-10]

DIFFRAC 1976 [1-7]






Figure 1.3 Historical review and present developments of SPM simula­tions

Experimental research showed that the introduction of the low velocity in the hydrodynamic theory is necessary in order to obtain the complete expression for the wave drift excitation. As a basic principle it was experimentally found that the total wave drift excitation can be assumed to be of potential origin and can be expressed as a' linear expansion to small values of the speed of the vessel. As a result of the expansion of the dependency of the low frequency velocity of the vessel on the qua­dratic transfer function of the wave drift force in non-current condi­tion the transfer function can be split in two parts. One part of the quadratic transfer function is the low frequency velocity independent wave drift force (zero speed) while the other concerns the low frequency velocity dependent part of the wave drift force. Because of the low fre­quency velocity dependency that part of the wave drift force will act as a damping force. The damping force, linearly proportional to the low


frequency velocity, is called the wave drift damping force. Based on the wave drift force for small values of forward speed, transformations to the current condition can be carried out to obtain the quadratic transfer functions of the wave drift force in the steady current speed and of the associated wave drift damping coefficient.

The reason for the speed dependency of the wave drift excitation must be found in the first order hydrodynamic theory. Computations by means of 3-dimensional potential theory including linear expansion to small va­lues of forward speed confirmed the velocity dependency of the first order hydrodynamic theory and that the low velocity dependency on the second order wave forces can be reasonably approximated [1—11 ], [l-12]. In this study the experiments and theoretical calculations have been restricted to vessels moored in head waves.

Considering the hydrodynamic reaction forces of potential nature besides the wave drift damping also the low frequency (first order) added mass and damping coefficients exist. The latter, however, is negligibly small. Because the tanker is surging in a real fluid the total damping consists of both the wave drift damping and a damping contribution caused by viscosity, see Figure 1.4.

For a sinusoidal excitation the transfer function of the low frequency surge motion of a tanker, moored in a linear system can be written as:

J± (u) = l (1.i)

la \ F 2,2 .22 y(Cll-muu ) + bnu

in which: Xi (u ) = amplitude of low frequency excitation force u = low frequency c,, = spring coefficient mll = v i r t u al mass coefficient b-ti = damping coefficient


Since the total damping is relatively small resonance motions can take place. Because in an irregular sea low frequency wave drift force compo­nents at the resonance frequency will occur, the magnitude of the trans­fer function will be determined by the value of the damping coefficient. To simulate the low frequency surge motion not only the wave drift damp­ing but also the damping from viscous origin has to be known. The forces caused by viscosity cannot be fully solved by mathematical models. In Chapter 3 the experimentally derived damping coefficients for both the non-current and current condition are presented.




Figure 1.4 Origins of the important parts of the hydrodynamics of SPM systems

In Chapter 4 results of computations of the low frequency motions of a tanker for the 1-DOF case are given. To elucidate the effect of 'the qua­dratic transfer function of the wave drift damping on the low frequency surge motions for the non-current condition frequency domain computa­tions have been carried out. Therefore the tanker was moored in a linear mooring system and exposed to waves with increasing significant wave heights. The results of the computations have been verified by means of physical model tests. Exposed to a survival sea both without and with a co-linear directed current time-domain simulations of the low frequency


motions of the moored tanker were carried out. As a result of the speed dependency of the wave drift forces the excitation in waves combined with current will increase. The computed wave drift forces with and without current have been compared with results of measurements. Using the theoretical data as input the tanker motions have been simulated and the results compared with model measurements. So far the SPM simulations concern the computations of the low frequency surge motions only. The system involved is a permanently moored tanker exposed to survival con­ditions.

In this thesis on the one hand a system under severe weather conditions is considered while on the other hand a system will be studied which will be exposed to more moderate weather conditions. To this end a tan­ker moored by a bow hawser is chosen. A feature of such a system is that the tanker can perform low frequency motions in the horizontal plane with relatively large amplitudes. In absence of wind and waves the determination of the equations of motion of the low frequency motions in the horizontal plane give rise to difficulties in the description of the low frequency • hydrodynamic reaction force/moment components. As mentioned already for the viscous damping for the surge mode of motion also the damping force/moment components in the sway and yaw mode of motion can not be attributed to forces of potential nature only; they are for a dominant part determined by viscosity, see Figure 1-4. The force/moment components caused by viscosity can be determined by means of physical model tests.

In addition to the determination of the viscous damping coefficients in surge direction, in Chapter 3 the resistance forces and moments caused by the sway and yaw mode of motion have been determined by means of physical oscillation tests. Because it may be assumed that oscillations at low frequencies will induce different flow patterns along the vessel in still water or current a clear distinction is made between the non-current and the current condition for the formulation of the resistance components. For the non-current condition no formulation was found in literature. By means of the results of oscillation tests a formulation


of the resistance force/moment components has been established. For the current field case, however, several investigations have been carried out in the past to formulate the low frequency hydrodynamic damping force/moment components. By means of the formulation derived in this thesis the description as proposed by Wichers [l-13], Molin [l-14] and Obokata [l-15] has been evaluated.

In Chapter 5 the low frequency hydrodynamic viscous damping force/moment components have been validated by means of the low frequency motions in the horizontal plane. For the evaluation the results of the computations are compared with the results of physical model tests. For the non-cur­rent condition time domain computations for a bow hawser moored tanker exposed to long crested waves only were carried out. Large amplitude unstable low frequency motions occur in the horizontal plane. In the general case, however, a tanker moored by a bow hawser will be exposed to irregular waves, wind and current. Each of the weather components can have an arbitrary direction. To evaluate the large amplitude unstable low frequency motions the condition has to be considered in a current (and wind) field only. By means of the theory of dynamic instability the unstable conditions have been determined and used for the evaluation.

In Chapter 6 the simulations of the moored tanker under the influence of wind, current and a moderate, long crested sea state are discussed. In the equations of motion of the low frequency motions a distinction will be made between mathematical models. The distinction in the models con­cerns the relatively small or large low frequency motion amplitudes. The differences will be found in the treatment of the wave drift forces.

Because the large amplitude model consumes considerably more preparation and computer time for the simulation than the small amplitude model the dynamic stability program facilitates the choice of the model before­hand, as is shown in the flow diagram in Figure 1.5. The results of the computations have been compared with the results of model tests.

Finally, a review of the main conclusions is given in Chapter 7.


/ /























Figure 1.5 Review of the hydro- and aerodynamic input for the SPM simulation program



1-1 Mathieu, P. and Bandement, M.A.: "Weizhou SPM: a process and stor­age tanker mooring system for China", OTC Paper No. 5251, Houston, 1986.

1-2 Boom, W.C. de: "Turret moorings for tanker based FPSO's", Workshop on Floating Structures and Offshore Operations, Wageningen, Novem­ber 1987.

1-3 Carter, J.H.T., Ballard, P.G. and Remery, G.F.M.: "Tazerka float­ing production system: the first 400 days", OTC Paper No. 4788, Houston, 1984.

1-4 Mace, A.J. and Hunter, K.C.: "Disconnectable riser turret mooring system for Jabiru's tanker-based floating production system", OTC Paper No. 5490, Houston, 1987.

1-5 Korvin-Kroukovsky, B.V. and Jacobs, W.R.: "Pitching and heaving motions of a ship in regular waves", Trans. S.N.A.M.E. 65, New York, 1957.

1-6 Hooft, J.P.: "Hydrodynamic aspects of semi-submersible platforms", MARIN publication No. 400, Wageningen, 1972.

1-7 Oortmerssen, G. van: "The motions of a moored ship in waves", Marin Publication No. 510, Wageningen, 1976.

1-8 Remery, G.F.M. and Hermans, A.J.: "The slow drift oscillations of a moored object in random seas", OTC Paper No. 1500, Houston, 1971-SPE Paper No. 3423, June 1972.

1-9 Molin, B.: "Computation of drift forces" OTC Paper No. 3627, Houston, 1979.


10 Pinkster, J.A.: "Low frequency second order wave exciting forces on floating structures", Marin Publication No. 600, Wageningen, 1980.

11 Hermans, A.J. and Huijsmans, R.H.M.: "The effect of moderate speed on the motions of floating bodies", Schiffstechnik, Band 34, Heft 3, pp. 132-148, 1987.

12 Huijsmans, R.H.M. and Wichers, J.E.W.: "Considerations on wave drift damping of a moored tanker for zero and non-zero drift angle", Prads, Trondheim, June 1987.

13 Wichers, J.E.W.: "Slowly oscillating mooring forces in single point mooring systems", BOSS 1979, London, August, 1979.

14 Molin, B. and Bureau, G.: "A simulation model for the dynamic behaviour of tankers moored to SPM", International Symposium on Ocean Engineering and Ship Handling, Gothenburg, 1980.

15 Obokata, J.: "Mathematical approximation of the slow oscillation of a ship moored to single point moorings", Marintec Offshore China Conference, Shanghai, October 23-26, 1983.


21l^__Int reduction

To solve the low frequency surge motions of a moored tanker exposed to irregular head waves, the hydrodynamic input for the equation of the mo­tion, being the low frequency reaction and excitation forces, have to be known.

By means of linear three-dimensional diffraction potential theory making use of a source distribution along the actual hull surface the reaction forces at the low frequencies can be computed, see Figure 2.1. The theo­ry behind these reaction forces has been reported by van Oortmerssen [2-l]. The values of the component of the hydrodynamic reaction forces, which is in phase with the surge velocity becomes zero for the low fre­quencies. By means of extinction model tests Wichers and van Sluijs [2-2] showed, however, that for the low frequencies damping exists. This damping, as is indicated in Figure 2.1, is assumed to be of viscous ori­gin.

Figure 2.1 Measured and computed low frequency surge damping and non-dimensional added mass coefficients in still water [2-2]


The excitation, inducing the low frequency motion, is supposed to be caused by the wave drift forces. Based on the output of the diffraction program and the transfer function of the first order motions, the direct pressure integration technique as proposed by Pinkster [2-3] delivers the quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force.

Applying the mentioned results as input to the equation of motion the low frequency surge motions can be computed. On base of the results of model tests Wichers [2-4] showed, however, that the predicted motions were overestimated. For a similar problem we have to go back to the work of Remery and Hermans [2-5] in 1971. In their experimental investigation and validation they had to use a surprisingly large damping coefficient for a correct prediction of the low frequency surge response.

In the last decade research has been carried out to understand the na­ture of the damping mechanism. Results of model experiments in regular waves followed by implementing low forward speed in the 3-dimensional diffraction potential theory showed that a large part of the damping could be attributed to the velocity dependency of the wave drift forces, [2-6] and [2-7]. In the next sections first the physical explanation will be given of the features associated with the velocity dependency of the wave drift forces followed by the computation procedures.

2.2._Ec[uations of_m°tion_for a tanker in_head waves

The motions of a moored tanker in irregular head waves consist of small amplitude high (= wave) frequency surge, heave and pitch motions and large amplitude low frequency surge motions. The frequencies of the low frequency surge motions are concentrated around the natural frequency of the system, see Figure 2.2.

To study the motions use has been made of two different systems of axes as indicated in Figure 2.3; the system of axes 0x(l)x(3) is fixed in space, with the Ox(l) in the still water surface and the 0x(3) axis coinciding with the vertical axis Gx3 of t h e ship-fixed system of axes 6x^x3 at rest.



TIME (s)

Figure 2.2 A registration of the motions of a moored tanker model in head waves

Figure 2.3 System of co-ordinates


We shall assume that the surge, heave and pitch motions can be decoupled into the following form:

*i = «[^.o + Mll^+ 411^ x3 - « ^ . t ) +e2[x521)(t)+x^)(2i(t)]

x 5 = e*<l)(£,t) + e 2[xg(t) + x(2)(lL>t)] (2.2.1)

with e and n being small parameters, viz.: - e is related to the wave steepness; - T| considers the ratio between the two time scales of the motions: the

\i frequency range around the natural frequency of the system and the 10 frequency range of the wave spectrum frequencies.

And further: - xi' , X3' ' and xc' ' are related to the wave frequency surge, heave

and pitch motions; - xjif « x3lf anc* x51f stand for the large amplitude low fre­

quency second order surge, heave and pitch motions; - xij,f* , x3hf an(^ x5hf represent the second order motions of

which the frequency range is twice the wave frequency range.

Of the second order motions only the low frequency part will be considered and will be denoted x *• '. For a simple sinusoidal excitation with wave frequency the equations of motion can be written as follows:

for k = 1,3,5 (2.2.2)

in which M, . is the inertia matrix of the vessel. Since the origin of the system of axes coincides with the centre of gravity of the vessel the inertia matrix can be written as follows:


Mkj =

M 0

0 M

0 0





while further: ai j(io) = matrix of added mass coefficients b^^u) = matrix of damping coefficients c^j = matrix of force restoring coefficients X^a ' = amplitude of the first order wave w = wave frequency exC = P n a s e angle between the first order wave force and the wave M = mass of the vessel Ic = moment of inertia of the vessel

The indices kj indicate the direction of the force in the k-th mode due to a motion in j-direction.

Besides the hydrostatic restoring forces, c ^ may also include restoring forces due to the mooring system, as long as this mooring system has linear load-excursion characteristics.

Since the hydrodynamic reaction coefficients a -j and bj. are frequency dependent, equation (2.2.2) can only be used to describe steady oscil­latory motions for a purely linear response in the frequency domain. In irregular head waves the first order wave forces/moment will present all kinds of frequencies. In this case equation (2.2.2) cannot describe the motions in irregular waves. To describe the equations of motion one has to return to the time domain description using memory functions to re­present the frequency dependent added mass and damping terms. This me­mory function or impulse response function is given by the Duhamel, Fal-tung or convolution integral. This function states that if for a linear system the response K(t) to an unit impulse is known then the response of the system to an arbitrary forcing function X(t) can be determined. The formulation is as follows:


x(t) = ƒ K( T ) X(t-x) dt (2.2.4) O

The impulse response theory has been used by Cummins [2-8] to formulate the equations of motions for floating structures. According to Cummins the reaction forces due to the water velocity potential may be derived by the impulse response theory by considering the vessel's velocity as input of the system.

Applied to equation (2.2.2) for a tanker moored in irregular head waves the time domain equations of motion can be formulated as follows:

J.l'3,5 K^ +^J ) S5 1 >V" K kJ ( X ) 4J 1 ) ( t" T ) ^ + CkJXJ1>} = X^)(t) for k = 1,3,5 (2.2.5)

where: Mu-j = inertia matrix of vessel mkj = matrix of constant (frequency independent) added mass coeffi­

cients Kk. = matrix of impulse response function x = time shift c^j = matrix of force restoring coefficients X, ' ' = time varying first order wave exciting forces

Ogilvie [2-9] showed that the function Kk.,(t) is given by:

K, .(t) = - ƒ b, .(00) cos(ut) du (2.2.6) kj n Q KJ

where th,-(a>) are the first order potential damping coefficients of the vessel at the frequencies 00. The constant inertia coefficients were de­termined by:

m k j = akj(u) + ±r ƒ ^.(t) sinCu't) dt (2.2.7)


where aj.(w') is the frequency dependent added mass coefficient:corre-' sponding to an arbitrary chosen frequency u'.

Considering the complete equations of motion the total wave exciting force has to be taken into account. The total wave exciting force as present in irregular head waves consists of the following parts:

Xk(t) = x£1}(t) + x£2)(t) .. for k = 1,3,5 (2.2.8)

where X^ '(t) is the first order wave exciting force with the wave fre­quencies and X ^ '(t) represents the mean and the slowly oscillating parts of the second order wave drift force. The result will be that the equations of motion comprise a second order mean displacement and low and high frequency motions.

The natural frequencies in heave and pitch direction for mono-hull type structures are in the wave frequency range. In this range the induced mean and low frequency heave and pitch motions will be negligibly small. For the surge direction, however, the natural frequencies of the con­sidered systems are in the low frequency range. The damping at these low frequencies is small. The result will be that in surge direction large amplitude low frequency motions combined with high frequency motions will occur.

The total fluid damping in surge direction is caused by the combined high and low frequency motions. Since for the low frequencies in surge direction negligibly small damping due to wave radiation exists (to < 0.08 rad.s ; see Wichers and van Sluijs [2-2]). The fluid damping force is assumed to be of viscous origin. Because the origin of the damping mechanisms are completely different (wave radiation versus viscosity) it is assumed that the damping forces will not mutually interfere. There­fore we assume that the wave radiation damping is excited through the first order motions, while the viscous damping forces are generated by the first and second order motions.


Following the afore-mentioned assumptions the equations of motion can be written as follows:



l i ^ M ^ - h u * ^ - *[2)<t> (2.2.9) 00

r {(M +m )x(1)+ ƒ K (x)i(1)(t-u)dT + c x(I)} = X(1)(t) j=l,3,5 J J J 0 J J iJ J L

(2.2.10) and

for k = 3,5 (2.2.11)

in which: aii(|ii) = added mass coefficient in surge direction at frequency u, B^(u^) = linear viscous damping coefficient in surge direction at fre­

quency u^ Biiod^l) = quadratic viscous damping coefficient in surge direction at

frequency u, Ui = natural frequency of the system in surge direction X, ( '(t) = first order wave forces in surge direction Xi^ '(t) = second order wave forces in surge direction X^(t) = total wave forces in the k-direction x.j ' = wave frequency motion in j-direction x.^ ' = second order motion in j-direction x. = total motion in j-direction

Neglecting the influence of X-j' '(t) and X5( '(t) the moored tanker will oscillate with high frequencies in surge, heave and pitch directions and simultaneously perform low frequency large amplitude oscillations in surge direction. The hydrodynamic reaction and wave forces may be ef­fected by the slowly varying velocity.


As an introduction to the problem of the velocity dependency of the hy-drodynamlc forces a simplified mathematical model of a linearly moored tanker will be considered: - the tanker will be exposed to a regular head wave with frequency u; - the linear spring constant of the mooring system will be C-Q; - a low frequency oscillating external force acting in surge direction will be applied to the tanker:

x\(t) = Xlacos t^t (2.2.12)

in which: u- = natural surge frequency of the system.

The total wave exciting forces in regular head waves consist of the following parts:

Xfc(t) = x£X)(t) + x£ 2 ) for k = 1,3,5 (2.2.13)

where Xk (t) is the first order wave exciting force and Xk^ ' is the mean wave drift force.

For the simplified model the equations of motion can be written as:

(M+a1 1(u1))x{2 )+B1 1( l i l)(xJ2 )^1 ))+B1 1 2(u1)(x52 )-Hi51 ))

| x p ) + x ^ 1 ) | + c n x p ) = x£2)+XL(t) (2.2.14)

;<1>4.„ r,,^lK, JV\ = vW, S ((H +a ( » ) ) x i ; + b M i 1 J + c X1 J | = X ^ ' ( t

j = l , 3 , 5 J J J J J J J (2.2.15)


_ 2 {(Mkj+akj(oo))x^bkj(üOi..+ck.x.} = Xk(t) for k = 3,5 (2.2.16)

Due to the wave forces the tanker will perform high frequency motions around a mean displacement. Due to the external force X (t) the result


will be that in surge direction large amplitude low frequency motions combined with high frequency motions will occur.

The coefficients ak-(u)) and b^iC") are the coefficients of the hydrody-namic reaction forces when the vessel oscillates with wave frequency u. Computed by means of the 3-D potential theory the coefficients are only dependent on the wave frequency, the water depth and the geometry of the underwater hull. Therefore the hydrodynamic reaction coefficients should be written as:

akj< u« il ( 2 ) = °>

b k j ( u ' h < 2 ) " ,°> (2.2.17)

The first order wave forces can be calculated with the 3-D potential theory.. The computed first order wave forces X, ' are only dependent on the amplitude and period of the incoming wave, water depth and the geo­metry of the, underwater hull of the body. The second order wave forces Xvv ' on a stationary floating body exposed to regular waves may be calculated by the direct pressure integration technique. In the theory of the direct pressure integration technique it .is assumed that the floating body only performs small amplitude high frequency motions around the mean position. Following the conditions of the mentioned computations the first order wave forces and the second order wave drift forces should be written as follows:

X^( X< 2?=0, X<2>=0,t)

x^V'M2^0' ii -0) (2-2-18)

As mentioned earlier, in reality the moored vessel in irregular waves performs small amplitude high frequency motions while traveling with large amplitude low frequency surge oscillations. In our simplified model with the tanker moored in regular waves it performs small ampli­tude high frequency oscillations while traveling with large amplitude


low frequency surge oscillations.

These observations imply that not only the hydrodynamic reaction forces but also the wave exciting loads may be influenced by the low frequency displacement and velocity of the vessel. By using the simplified model these effects on the motions in surge direction will be discussed in the next section.

213^_Disglacement_and_velocit2 dep_endency_ of the_hydrod2namic forces

Oscillating at high frequencies and simultaneously performing the low frequency large amplitude oscillations the hydrodynamic reaction forces of a structure will be affected by the slowly varying speed. Further, due to the low frequency large amplitude oscillations through the reg­ular wave field, the wave forces will be affected by both the displace­ment and the speed. To study the displacement and velocity dependency we shall restrict our­selves to the equations of motion in surge direction, which are given by equations (2.2.14) and (2.2.15). The actual high frequency hydrodynamic reaction coefficients and the first order and second order wave forces should be written as follows:


bj^Oo.i/2)) for j = 1,3,5

X^Hx^^W.t) X^txd)^2),^2)) (2.3.1)

By applying the Taylor expansion of the reaction coefficients and the wave forces to the low frequency displacement and velocity up to the first order variations we obtain for the hydrodynamic reaction coeffi­cient:


öa^co.O) j »lj(«-.il(2)) = a1;]((ü,0) + l i , xj


, . C ) \ ^ Öb (ü),0) b^u),*^') = b^Oo.O) + x3 x ^ ; for j-1,3,5 (2.3.2)

for the first order wave forces:

X1(D(x1(2))il(2))t) . Xl(l)(0,0,t) + Z L _ ^ I 1 . X ( 2 ) + ax,(1)(o,o,t)


ax.(1)(o,o,t) " 1 <■->->"' , ( 2 ) + -T7(2) - ^ ^.3.3) öx

and for the second order wave drift forces: dX(2)fx(1) 0 O)

X1(2)(x(D)x1(2),x1(2)) - X ^ H x ^ . O . O ) + l V-{2)' ' ;.X;2> +

ox^x^.o.o) + - ^ i}2) (2-3.4)


in which a^co.O), bj.((ü,0) and X1(1)(0,0,t), X1(2)(x(1) ,0,0) correspond to the coefficients and the wave forces as specified in equation (2.2.17) and equation (2.2.18). Substitution of equation (2.3.4) into equation (2.2.14) and equations (2.3.2) and (2.3.3) into equation (2.2.15) leads to an approximation of the assumed general equations of motion in surge direction of the vessel moored in regular head waves:

(M+au(^1))x(2)+B11(ul)(x(2)+x(1))+Bu2(,1)(x(2)+x(1))|x(2)4i(1)| +

(2) (2), (1) , °X<2)(x(1).°>°) (2) + c n.x(^ = x { ^ V .0,0) +— (Ij xl +


ax^feW.o.o) m „ — -jj- iJz;+X(t) (2.3.5) öx


n ■* öa (u,0) Z { M x 1 ) + (a «„.O) + ^ .x<2>)x^ +

j=i,3,5 iJ J iJ ai^ ; l J

db (o),0) + fb Oo 0) + ^ .x(2)].x( ) + c x ( l ) =

l lj^' ; .-(2) -X1 j-Xj + cljXj öx)

n. ax(1)(o,o,t) ax(1)(o,o,t) X^;(0,0,t) + — ^ -Xl + . ( 2 ) *i (2.3.6)


In equation (2.3.5) and equation (2.3.6) both the high and low frequency surge motion components are incorporated. The displacement and/or speed effects on the force components will be studied. Therefore the wave force components and the hydrodynamic reaction forces will be considered in more detail.

A regular1 wave can be described by:

C(t) = Ca.cosü)t

Relative to the slowly oscillating vessel this regular wave can be writ­ten as:

C(t) = Ca cos(wet + K Xl<2>) (2.3.7)

where u = frequency of encounter = io + K ii' ' < = wave number = 2n/X. X = wave length


The associated first order wave force in surge direction will yield:

X ^ H x / 2 ) , ^ 2 ) ^ ) = Xla^>((üe) c o s ( V + < x1(2)+exC(o,e)) (2.3.8)

in which: Xi ' '(u> ) = amplitude of the first order wave force e >-(io ) = phase angle between the first order wave force and the wave

For small values of x^ ' and x. equation (2.3.8) should actually correspond to equation (2.3.3). Equation (2.3.8) shows that the ampli­tude of the first order wave force will be low frequency modulated by the frequency of encounter. Further, the frequency of the wave force will result in a high frequency oscillation modulated by the frequency of encounter and the low frequency phase shift. The result is that the frequency of the first order wave force will vary but within the wave frequency range. Because the frequency is in the high frequency range the first order wave does not contribute to the low frequency damping. Considering the hydrodynamic reaction force components in equation (2.3.6) a similar explanation and conclusion can be drawn.

Of the second order wave drift force in a regular wave, as is indicated by equation (2.3.4), the first term is the mean wave drift force and will be a constant. Since the mean wave drift force is independent of the position of the tanker in the regular wave the derivative to the displacement will be zero. After inspection of the terms of equation (2.3.5) the equation of the low frequency motion in regular waves can be reduced as follows:

s(2) _ _ „ ,,. VA(2) _ „ ,., ,-(2) (M+a u(u 1))x^ ; = - B u ( u 1 ) x ^ ; - B u 2( li 1)^ 1 •(2) xl

+ ^2)(^/0,0).i[2>-c11.,<2)+t{2)(x<2>,0,0)+X1(t) 5x^



In the right hand side of equation (2.3.9) three low frequency damping coefficients can be recognized. The first two terms are assumed to be of viscous nature, while the last term relates to the low frequency veloci­ty of the mean wave drift force.

In order to analyse and verify the separate terms of equation (2.3.9) model tests were carried out: 1. Motion decay tests.

- in still water - in regular head waves with various heights and periods

2. Towing tests at low speed. - in still water - in regular head waves with various heights and periods

2.4. Experimental verification of_the_velocity_ dependency of_the_mean wave drift force in regular waves

2.4.1. Test set-up and measurements

To verify the terms in equation (2.3.9) extinction and towing tests have been carried out. Use was made of a model of a loaded 200 kDWT tanker (scale 1:82.5). The particulars of the vessel for different loading con­ditions as will be used in this work are given in Table 2.1. The body plan and the general arrangement are given in Figure 2.4. For the extinction tests a linear mooring system was employed. The test set-up for the mooring arrangement is shown in Figure 2.5. The spring constant was 16 tf/m. The extinction tests were carried out in the Wave and Current Laboratory of MARIN measuring 60 * 40 m. The tests were per­formed in a water depth of 1 m. The low speed towing tests were carried out in the Seakeeping Laboratory of MARIN, having a water depth of 2.5 m, a length of 100 m and a width of 24 m. For the towing tests the mooring system, consisting of linear springs, was connected to the towing carriage. The spring constant amounted to 257.4 tf/m. During the towing tests the model was kept in


longitudinal direction by means of a light weight trim device connected at its forward and aft perpendicular.


Loading condition Draft in per cent of loaded draft Length between perpendiculars Breadth Depth Draft Wetted area Displacement volume Mass Centre of buoyancy forward of section 10 Centre of gravity above keel Metacentric height transverse Metacentric height longitudinal Transverse radius of gyration in air Longitudinal radius of gyration in air Yaw radius of gyration in air

Wind area of superstructure (a - lateral area - transverse area

Added mass a) » 0 rad/s (water depth 82-5 m)




kll k22 k66

ft): ALS ATS all a22 a26 a62 a66


m m m

Ü* m tfs2/m m m m m


m m

"2 ID'

tfs2/m ■ t£s2/m tfs2

t£s2 tfms2



100% 100X

310.00 47.17 29.70 18.90

22,804 234,994 24,553

6.6 13.32 5.78



77.47 79.30

922 853

1,594 25,092

-83,618 -83,618



602 70% 310.00 47.17 29.70 13.23

18,670 159,698 16,686

9.04 11.55 8.66


77.52 83.81

922 853

755 10,940

-30,400 -30,400



25% 40%

310.00 47.17 29.70 7.56

13,902 88,956 9,295

10.46 13.32 13.94


82.15 83.90

922 853

250 5,375

-16,132 -16,132


Table 2.1 Particulars of the tanker

During the tests the surge, heave and pitch motions and the longitudinal mooring forces were measured. The surge and heave motions were measured in the centre of gravity (G) by an optical tracking device. The pitch motion was measured by means of a gyroscope. The sign convention is given in Figure 2.5. The mooring lines were connected to force transdu­cers. All measurements were recorded on magnetic tape to facilitate the data reduction. All data were scaled to prototype values according to Froude's law of similitude.



fe ^



Figure 2.4 General arrangement and body plan


1 /


3 '*—l

" j4

J t k . G


+ x3

~ ^ x 6

l «—— +x,



" * '


. ,, > •'•'


1 / J -C



Figure 2.5 Test set-up


2.4.2. Extinction tests in still water and in waves

Applying equation (2.3.9) to the condition of extinction in still water the equation of motion reduces to:

(M+an(u1))x1(2) = -B u(u 1)xJ 2 )-B u 2(u 1)x5 2 )|x{ 2 )|-c 1 1x[ 2 ) (

The results of the extinction tests are shown in Figure 2.6 and 2.7. It appears that for the large amplitude surge motions the viscous damping force is approximately linearly proportional to the low frequency velo­city (6112(^1) ~ 0 tf.s.m ). The theory and the procedure of deter­mining the linear damping coefficient will be explained below.

Equation ( can be written in a linear differential equation with constant coefficients:

(M+au(u1))xJ2)+B11(a1)xJ2)+c11xJ2) = 0 (

The solution of equation ( is:

x ( 2 ) = e 2(M+a u ) ( C i C 0 S t i i t + ^ s i n ^ t ) ( 2 .4 .2 .3 )

in which:

, , C l l r B l l -.2 " l \ / ( M + a u ) L2(M+an)-1

= natural frequency of the system

and C, and Co are constants dependent on the initial position of the vessel.

Following equation ( the decrease of the amplitudes of the decay curve x and x will be:

N N+l


hl'* A = _ ! ? L = e < M + all^l = e 6 (


in which 6 is named the logarithmic decrement.

Because of the low damping of the considered system.i.e.

R 2 c böH^y] « (M^T < 2 - 4 - 2 - 5 >

the natural frequency will approximately correspond to the natural fre­quency of the undamped system. Because of the linearity of the damping for the large surge amplitudes the logarithmic decrement is constant and the value of the decrement can be determined from:

in xx - In x N + 1 o = ^

in which: N = number of oscillations

The damping coefficient becomes:

B l l , 6V c l l ( M f aU>'

5 c n B,, = —— ( 2 . 4 . 2 . 6 )

11 itjj. v J

For a detailed description reference is made to Hooft [2-10 ]. From Figure 2.6 and 2.7 the natural frequency and the damping coefficient can be determined. They amount to Uj = 0.0238 rad.s"1 and B n ( u ) = 18.2 tf.s.m respectively. As is indicated in Figure 2.1 the still water damping coefficient is caused by viscosity. The potential damping due to radiated waves is negligibly small at low frequencies.








"1 1 \l lf\ \

1 i 1 i 11 i 1 i

1 I \ I 5°°



1 / ' 'V if 1000 ^

-- 3.11 m ; T

' / ' 1' ' l\ \ 1500

11.8 s

». TIMF fs l

Figure 2.6 Registration of extinction test in s t i l l water and in regu­lar waves





^s2 ^^**,s^.

N> L.

r = 3.11 m ; T = 11.8 s \

C = 0.0 m ; T = 11.8 s * ~ » ^ ' ( s t i l l water)

k c <<u J l , , " \ i £ = 1.88 m ; " ^ ^ *

X T = 11.8 s



Figure 2.7 Determination of the damping coefficients in. still water and in regular waves


Equation ( applied to the condition of extinction in regular waves gives:

(M+ a i l(^))x[ 2 ) = - B u(u 1)i; 2 ) - c n X ; 2 ) + X<2)(x(1),0,0) +

ax}2>(5Ci),o,o) + 77(2) •*! <2-4-2-7)

ox| Further, if it is assumed that the damping coefficient in the last term on the right hand side of equation ( is constant in the regular wave and denoted -B^» equation ( reduces to:

(M+au(u))xJ2) = -(Bn+B1)x1(2)-c11x{2)+X1

(2)(XJ1),0,0) (

Results of the extinction tests in still water and in regular waves are given in the Figures 2.6 and 2.7.

Figure 2.7 shows that for both wave amplitudes used in the tests (con­stant wave frequency u) the total low frequency damping force is linear­ly proportional to the low frequency surge velocity. This leads to the conclusion that the contribution of the quadratic viscous damping to the total damping is negligibly small (B]_]_2~0)-

Based on the linearity of damping coefficients the viscous damping coef­ficient Bii can be separated from the total damping coefficient. The re­maining damping coefficient is assumed to be caused by the waves. There­fore extinction tests were carried out in different wave heights and va­rious wave frequencies. The separated damping coefficient Bi caused by the waves as function of the wave height squared is shown in Figure 2.8.

The damping coefficient appears to be linearly proportional to the square of the wave height. Since the wave drift force is linearly pro­portional to the square of the wave height the damping coefficient B- is assumed to be related to the wave drift force. For this reason B- is assumed to be of potential nature. The coefficient B^ is called the wave drift damping coefficient. The wave drift damping quadratic transfer


function as a function of the wave frequency can be written as follows:

B1(w) ox{2)(x{1),0,0)

< * ! 2 ) (




A u = 0.36 r a d . s "

• u = 0.38 r a d . s "

X u = 0.532 r a d . s "

D u = 0.56 r a d . s "

A u = 0.628 r a d . s " 1

O u = 0.80 r a d . s "


x ^ ^ _ ^ . -


^ x ^

. - — • —

10 2 . 2

C in m

Figure 2.8 Wave drift damping related to the wave height squared

Following equation (2.3.9) it appears that in a regular wave the wave drift damping coefficient represents the derivative with respect to the low frequency vessel velocity of the mean longitudinal wave drift force at zero speed. Based on the foregoing results the hypothesis can be made that for small values of the vessel's velocity the total or velocity de­pendent mean wave drift force can be written as:


(1))iJ2),u))=xWLx(1),0>(l))-B1((l)).iJ2) (

To prove this hypothesis the dependency of the mean wave drift force on the vessel speed has to be known. For this purpose towing tests were carried out in a range around zero speed.


2.4.3. Towing tests

Prior to the towing tests in regular waves towing tests in still water were carried out at various speeds. The towing directions were both backward and forward. Following equation (2.3.9) and taking for the low

.(2) frequency oscillating speed the steady speed x. = U the mean resis­tance force 3L, can be described as:

X T - - B i l ü - B 1 1 2 ü ü *pLTClc(U,4.cr)U (

in which: C^c(U,(|;cr) = longitudinal resistance coefficient


= relative current angle = mass density sea water = length between perpendiculars = draft of the vessel

The measured resistance coefficients C^(U,4>cr) as a function of the vessel's velocity and towing direction are shown in Figure 2.9.

* =0° us




O 0





-1 0


+ 1


U in m.s" +2

g 0


* = 180 . Figure 2.9 Resistance coefficient measured during towing tests in still


The towing tests in regular waves were carried out under the same speed conditions as the still water towing tests (except for the 5 knot


speed). Following equation (2.3.1) and equation ( and assuming that 5L, represents the total mean resistance force for the steady state condition, the total mean resistance force will be:

Xj = fcLTC^U.^tl^+Ki^)2] + x{2>(x(1),x[2),u) (

Since in a regular wave X^' '(x. ,x^ ' ,\j) is independent of x-^ ' and for the viscous resistance force formulation U » h[k\ ) equation ( can be simplified into:

X,. = ^pLTClc(U,4,cr)U2 + x[2)(x(1),u) (

The force Xj^ '(x* ',U) actually represents the velocity dependent mean wave drift force or the added resistance force at a speed U of the ves­sel. From the experiments carried out for various wave heights, wave periods and speeds the mean wave drift force can be established as a function of the vessel's speed. In Figure 2.10 the measured quadratic transfer function of the mean wave drift force as function of the ves­sel's speed based on the earth-bound wave frequencies is shown. The results clearly indicate the dependency of the mean wave drift force on the speed of the vessel. It can be concluded that the mean wave drift force or added resistance seems to be a linear function of the (low) speed of the vessel.

Since the mean wave drift force is approximately linearly proportional to the low values of the vessel's speed U the gradient of the added re­sistance will be constant by approximation. The gradient of the transfer function derived from Figure 2.10 can be written as:

oX^dJ.x* 1)) — — , (

C ÖU a Similar conclusions were derived from the results of experiments carried out by Saito et al. [2-ll] and Nakamura et al. [2-12]. •



2 0 , 2 (m.s"1)

»=0.457 rad.s"1

O 2 c = 4.0 m 3

• 2 t = 6.0 il Ü



. / /

/> -5-"



-2 0 2 (m.s"1) .

0.625 rad.s"1




-2 0 2 (m.s-1) - U

0.765 rad.s"1

Figure 2.10 The quadratic transfer function of the mean wave drift force as function of the towing speed for three earth-bound wave frequencies

2.4.4. Evaluation of results of extinction tests and towing tests

In terms of the quadratic transfer function of the wave drift damping coefficient the results as obtained from the extinction and towing tests have been plotted in Figure 2.11.




X 2c = 6.0 m 9




\ A.


0 0.5 1.0 u in rad.s

Figure 2.11 Experimentally derived values of the wave drift damping quadratic transfer function

The trend of the experimentally deter­mined transfer function is supported by the results of the experi­ments carried out by Faltinsen et al. [2-13]. From the experi­mental findings one may conclude that the ex­pansions used in equation (2.3.4) hold for the added resis­tance gradient for low forward speed. The gradient corresponds to the wave drift damping coefficient, or:

B.<») SxP'tx'1'^!2'.») cl *<» a*u

öx[2)(x(1),U,U)) C2 au a



As a consequence of equation ( the transfer function of the total wave drift force in a regular wave with frequency u can be written as:

x^CiJ2'.») x{2)(0,u) B1(io).i{2) (


From the experiments it was found that the wave drift force increases approximately linearly for low forward speeds. Based on the gradient the quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force as function of low vessel speed U in a regular wave with frequency w can be approximated by:

X(2)(U,io) X(2)(0,oo) B (u).U -^—5 —j i-, (

C £ «I a a a

The total transfer function of the wave drift force in a regular wave acting on a tanker, which performs low frequency oscillations superim­posed on the steady toWing speed U can be approximated by:

X<2>(lHi<2),<-) X<2><0,eo) B.CoO.tu+x^) _i _è i i *: (

c r c a a a

This procedure will further be referenced to as the gradient method. Following the gradient method the quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force for various forward and backward steady speeds can be approximated. The values of the quadratic transfer function of the wave drift damping are taken from Figure 2.11, while the quadratic transfer function of the wave drift forces for zero speed have been computed [2-3]. The result is given in Figure 2.12.

From Figure 2.12 it can be concluded that the quadratic transfer func­tions of the wave drift force with low forward speed increase signifi­cantly. The knowledge of the gradient of the added resistance for zero speed or the wave drift damping coefficient is of importance.

From the experiments it was concluded that the wave drift force linearly increased for low forward speeds. In the next section a study is made at what speeds the increase of the wave drift force deviates from lineari­ty-


COMPUTED U=0: WATER DEPTH =206.0 m [2-6]

« -WATER DEPTH = 82.5 m[2-3]

u> in rad.s

Figure 2.12 Quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force as function of the towing speed in regular head waves (earth-bound wave frequency) [2-6]

2.4.5. Deviation from linearity at higher forward speeds

The prediction of the wave drift force with low frequency velocity or constant speed is based on the gradient method for the wave drift force at zero speed. The gradient method assumes a linear increment of the wave drift force or added resistance for low forward speed (= order of the current speed).


In order to check the afore-mentioned condition the added resistance for low and higher forward speeds has been studied. In this study the vessel concerns a 125,000 m LNG carrier sailing in head waves at relatively deep water (175 m). The particulars of the LNG carrier are given in Table 2.2, while the body plan is shown in Figure 2.13.

For the zero speed case the transfer function of the wave drift force has been determined by means of computations, while the wave drift damping coefficient has been derived from decay tests as described by Wlchers and van Sluijs [2-2]. The values for the added resistance for higher forward speeds have been determined by means of model tests [2-14]. For the computation of the transfer function of the wave drift force the facet distribution is shown in Figure 2.14. The results of the computations are presented in Figure 2.15. The wave drift damping coef­ficients as derived from decay tests have been plotted in Figure 2.16.

M5336 scale 1:70


Length between perpendiculars Breadth Draft, even keel Displacement volume Metacentric height Centre of gravity above keel Centre of buoyancy forward of section 10 Longitudinal radius of gyration Block coefficient Midship section coefficient Waterline coefficient Pitch period Heave period




c9" Tz


m m


m m m m m

sec sec

125,000 m3

LNG carrier

273.00 42.00 11.50 98,740 4.00 13.70

2.16 62.52 0.750 0.991 0.805 8.8 9.8

Table 2.2 The particulars of the LNG carrier


Figure 2.13 Body plan of the LNG carrier

Figure 2.14 Facet distribution LNG carrier (symmetrical starboard side)


The extinction tests in still water and in regular waves to derive the wave damping coefficients were carried out in the Seakeeping Laboratory of MARIN. In the same basin the towing tests to determine the added re­sistance RAW for the higher speeds (Fn = 0.14, 0.17 and 0.20) were car­ried out. The description of the laboratory and the test set-up is given in Section 2.4.1. The results of the measured transfer functions of the added resistance for the higher speed values are given as function of the forward speed in Figure 2.17 for 6 wave frequencies. The wave fre­quencies are defined in an earth-bound system of co-ordinates. In the same Figure the transfer functions of the computed added resistance for zero speed and of the estimated values of the wave damping coefficients are plotted. Using these data the curves of the transfer functions of the added resistance as function of the forward speed have been faired.


'f 1

/ 1


r\ ■ \


Figure 2.15 The computed transfer Figure 2.16 The measured quadratic function of the wave transfer function of drift force for zero the wave drift coeffi-speed of the LNG cient of the LNG carrier carrier


RAW ( U )

X ( ,2 )(U)

( t f . n i )

n=0.400 rad.s 0.433 rad.s

o 0.476 rad.s


=0.532 rad . s " 0.616 rad .s " 0.785 rad .s "


MEASURED [ 2 - 1 4 ]

U in m.s U in m.s Figure 2.17 The quadratic transfer function of the added resistance

curve as function of forward speed.

The results from Figure 2.17 indicate that the gradient method may be applied to predict the wave drift forces or added resistance for small values of forward speed being in the range of current speeds. For the forward speeds in the order of current speeds the added resistance will be approximately linear with the speed. At higher speeds, however, the added resistance becomes a strongly non-linear function of the speed. To approximate the total wave drift force of a vessel, which performs low frequency oscillations superimposed on the higher forward speeds U both the wave drift force and its derivative at speed U has to be known, which can be expressed as:

t<2Vx<2),u,) X[2)(U,U) B1(U,0)).xJ2) (

So far the quadratic transfer functions of the wave drift forces in reg-


ular waves were considered under towed conditions. In reality the tanker is moored in a current. The consequences for the transfer functions will be dicussed in the next sections.

2.5. The mean wave_drift_force in_regular waves combined with_current

2.5.1. Towing speed versus current speed

In the previous sections the quadratic transfer function of the mean wave drift force as function of towing speed U was dealt with. In reali­ty, however, the tanker is stationary moored in current. From a theore­tical point of view the transfer function of the wave drift force acting on a tanker towed with speed U or a stationary tanker moored in current with velocity V (=U) is the same if the frequency of encounter and the earth-bound frequency, respectively, are the same.

According to the linear wave theo­ry the wave relations are defined with regard to the system of co­ordinates bound to the fluid, in which the wave propagates [2-15]. Using the system of axis ZQOQXQ, as indicated in Figure 2.18, for the regular wave with the poten­tial <|>Q the following relations for the wave characteristics can be determined:

wave height: CQ = C&Q cos(ü)Qt + K Q X 0 )

and from the dispersion relation:

Figure 2.18 Earth-bound system of co-ordinates


u0 = K0g t a n h ( K O h )

with the wave velocity: CQ = \)/Tn = \ / — 2 ~ t a n n (Kr>'1) * (

in which: h = water depth K 0 = 2%/\Q

X = wave length

■ V

Figure 2.19 System of co-ordinates Z1O1X1 moving with speed U

For a towing speed U the regular wave should be related to a system of co-ordinates ZiOiXi moving with regard to system ZQOQXQ with velo­city U in the direction of the po­sitive XQ axis as is indicated in Figure 2.19.

With respect to the wave characteristics the following relationship exists between both systems of co-ordinates:

w l c l

h C a l

= = = =

io0 +

co +

\ C a0




For a tanker moored stationary in current the regular wave exists in combination with current. In this case it is normally assumed that both for prototype and model tests the wave frequencies and wave heights are" defined relative to an earth-bound system of co-ordinates. The linear wave theory, however, always defines the relations for wave characteris­tics relative to systems of co-ordinates bound to the fluid in which the wave propagates. In case of current the wave characteristics can be des-


cribed r e l a t i v e to a system of co-ord ina tes Z0O2X2 moving with the cur­rent speed as indica ted in Figure 2.20.


z 3 0 3 x 3 FIXED TO EARTH



^ \ «? ~'\J

V c ■

^ / ^ x ^ w / W i W ! ; SYSTEM OF CO-ORDINATES ■

z 2 0 2 x 2 FIXED TO CURRENT

Figure 2.20 System of co-ord ina tes r e l a t e d to current

Based on the fluid-bound system of co-ord ina tes the r e l a t i o n s descr ibed by the wave p o t e n t i a l $2 w i l l be s i m i l a r to the one descr ibed by the wave p o t e n t i a l <1>Q. Therefore the wave c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s in the system of co-ordinates moving with current speed V w i l l be analogous to equation ( 2 . 5 . 1 . 1 ) by changing the subscr ip t 0 i n t o 2:

wave he igh t : C, = C 0 c o s ( " ) 2 t + K2X2^


io„ = K2S t anh (K„h)

with the wave velocity: C2 = 2^T2 = \/~T~ t a n h (K2h) (

With regard to the system of co-ordinates fixed to the earth Z3O3X3 the following relations can be obtained:

= (02 + K2Vc

= C + V 2 c

Cal Ca0 (


Comparing equation ( with equation ( analogous wave characteristics exist if the vessel will be either towed with speed U in regular waves with frequency UQ or stationary moored in a current with speed V (=U) in regular waves with frequency uio if both frequencies are related to the fluid.

If current is considered the values of the quadratic transfer function of the velocity dependent wave drift forces as shown in Figure 2.12 and Figure 2.17 can be considered to be related to o -

Due tó the current speed V the wave frequency Uj will be transformed into the frequency of encounter 103 according to equation ( Based on the gradient method and using the relation for the frequency transformation, the quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force and the wave drift damping coefficient as function of the current speed V can be determined according to:

Xl 2 ) ( Vc , U3 ) xi 2 ) ( 0 , w2 ) Bi(0.«>2>-Vc 2 = 2 2

C C C ^a a a B1(Vc,u3) B^O,^) 2 = 2 a a

in which: (1)3 = 102 + K2*Vc


Applied to the loaded 200 kTDW tanker moored in 82.5 m water depth the quadratic transfer function have been approximated for 2 kn head cur­rent; the results are presented in Figure 4.7.


2.5.2. Regular waves traveling from an area without current into an area with current

In the previous section the quadratic transfer functions of the second order forces were considered when acting on a vessel both towed and sta­tionary moored in a current field. In this section the transfer func­tions of a tanker moored in an area without current and an area with current will be considered. It is assumed that the current is directed in the same direction as the propagation of the wave. To determine the relation between both regular waves the following conditions have to be fulfilled [2-15]:

- the relations between the wave characteristics are given with regard to the fluid, in which the wave propagates;

- the wave period in an earth-bound system of co-ordinates does not change when the wave travels from the area without current into the area with current.

To study the wave relations use can be made of earth-bound systems of co-ordinates, viz. Z-JOJX-J and ZQOQXQ for the areas with and without current respectively and the system zft-yK-) moving with the current as is shown in Figure 2.21.

Using the system of co-ordinates 2^02X2 moving with the current the wave relations can be determined. With regard to the wave frequencies Ü)Q the frequencies 002 will shift to smaller values by the term <2'Vc' s e e

Figure 2.21. The value <^ as function of the relations for the still water case can be numerically solved. For deep water the values <^ can be derived from:


^ 3 . yS^ ^

V c


0 3 S

• r^ ' • ' \^/

! x i '•aO,

"0= U J3







Figure 2.21 The system of co-ordinates

the wave length relations

X2 = X3 = c\ 2n/g and \ Q = C2Q 2n/g

the celerity of the wave in current

c3 = c2 + vc

and further


X3 \ = 0


C2 =



C3 = -p— and


1 ^ l + \

the wave


«f 4V — ) co J


/>♦ 4V — )

C2+Vc co



In this situation the frequencies of the transfer functions of the wave drift force and the damping coefficient for zero speed as presented in Figure 2.22 have to be considered on base of frequency (Oo-

In order to arrive at the transfer functions belonging to the wave fre­quency Wo in the earth bound system of co-ordinates z,0-,x, the frequen­cies of the transfer function have to be shifted to:

U3 = U 2 + V V c ■

The appropriate values of the transfer function of the wave drift force can be determined by means of the gradient method, see Figure 2.22.

If the regular wave travels from an area without current into an area with current not only attention must be paid to the frequency transfor­mation but also to the wave amplitude. For sake of completeness the theory on the change of the amplitude of waves running from still water into a current area will be shown below. Assuming continuity in trans­port of wave energy through zQ00 and z,0, we find:

V0 = V3 (

in which:


vo - Eo,cgO V3 = E3.Cg3

where the wave energy in each system of co-ordinates amounts to:

Eo = ** 4 E3 = hps Ca3 (

and the celerity of the wave energy will be:

cgo ° noco C g 3 = n 2 C 2 + V c ( 2 . 5 . 2 . 5 )

in which the transmission coefficient provided with the appropriate sub­scripts will be:

n = + iïnffeh) <2-5-2'6> By means of the energy relations the wave amplitude in the current field becomes:

Ca3 = C a o V n 2 c f ? V c <2'5-2-7>

From the result it can be concluded that the wave height will decrease if a regular wave will travel from an area without current into an area with current. Applied to irregular waves the following conclusion can be drawn: - since for a regular wave in the earth-bound system of co-ordinates the

wave frequency wili not change, the same will hold true for the fre­quency range of a wave spectrum;

- the spectral density of the waves will decrease when the waves are running from the area without current into the area with current.



V =2.06 m.s


- 1 0 -

ID in rad.s


£ , , . , = 8.0 m ; T, = 11.0 s w1/3 1 V = 0 m.s"1


<w1/3 = 5 . 9 m ; T , = 11.0 s V£ = 2.06 m.s"1

in .rad.s

Figure 2.22 Effect of an i r r e g u l a r sea running in to a current f i e l d with a current ve loc i ty of 2.06 m/s on the wave spectrum and the second order t r ans fe r functions


To elucidate the theory on the transfer functions and the wave spectrum an example is given. The wave spectrum concerns a Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum, of which the characteristics for no current amount to ? . ._ = 8.00 m and T. = 11 s. The transfer functions of the wave drift force and the second order fluid damping for the 200 kTDW tanker in zero speed condition are assumed to be known. The water depth is considered to be deep. If the waves travel from the area without current into the area with 4 knot current the effects on the wave spectrum and the quadratic transfer functions of the wave drift force and the wave drift damping coefficient are presented in Figure 2.22.

2i^i_2°5EHË2Ëi22_2£_ËlïS_i2ï_Y£i2£iï.Z_ëSEÊ2É£nt waYË_ÉEi££_£°E£Ê5

2.6.1. Introduction

The transfer function of the wave drift force at zero speed in regular waves can be computed by the direct pressure integration method [2-3]. The input of the direct pressure integration method may be based on the output of the diffraction model as reported by van Oortmerssen [2-1]. The diffraction model treats the ship motions for the zero speed case without any geometrical simplification of the underwater hull. The pro­gram is based on the solution of integral equations, where the potential function is written as a source distribution along the hull.

In order to determine the gradient or the wave drift damping coefficient at zero speed computations for small values of forward speed are neces­sary. For the computation of the velocity dependent wave drift forces the diffraction program has to be adapted for the speed effects.

A direct approach is reported by Inglis [2-16], Chang [2-17] and Bougis [2-18]. They introduced the forward speed effect by using the pulsating translating wave source function and certain line integrals. The present computation procedure is restricted to regular waves in deep water and is based on small values of the forward speed.


The low velocity dependent wave drift forces actually originate from the low speed dependency of the first order wave loads and hydrodynamic reaction forces. Taking the velocity dependence in mind Hermans and Huijsmans [2-7] pointed out that the original diffraction model based on zero speed [2-l] can be adapted for small values of the forward speed. Therefore the potential function written as a source distribution along the underwater hull and water-line was expanded with respect to small values of the forward speed U. Solving the fluid pressures along the hull and the fluid forces acting on the wetted surface the ship motions can be determined. By applying the direct integration method the trans­fer function of the wave drift force for small values of forward speed U can be computed.

Plotting the values of the quadratic transfer function on base of zero speed and small values of forward speed (for the same wave length), the wave drift damping coefficient can be determined. In order to determine the transfer functions for other speeds the gradient method can be ap­plied.

2.6.2. Theory

For the theory on the computations reference is made to [2-7], [2-19], [2-20] and [2-2l]. For the introduction of the forward speed the total potential function can be split up in a steady and a unsteady part in a well-known way:

»(ï(J),t) = -Ux(l) +»(x(j);U) + $(x(j),t;U)

for j=l,2,3 (

in which: x(j) = system of co-ordinates as indicated in Figure 2.3 moving

with speed U in the positive x(l) direction U = incoming unperturbed velocity field obtained by consi­

dering the system of coordinates x(j)

65 '

$ ( x ( j ) ; U ) = steady p o t e n t i a l funct ion <t>(x( j ) , t ;U) = o s c i l l a t i n g p o t e n t i a l function

-lw t = <Kx(j),u)e e

ID = frequency of wave encounter

The steady part does not contribute to the unsteady part directly. It plays a role in the free surface condition. Because of the considered very low Froude numbers (Fn = U//g.L « 0.1) the effect of the free sur­face is not taken into account and the contribution of $(x(j);U) is com­pletely neglected. The time dependent oscillatory potential <t>(x( j) ,t;U) will be written as a source distribution along the hull and the water-line and will be expanded with respect to small values of U. By solving the potential the part linear with speed will lead to the speed effects in the ship motions and to the wave drift damping in the computations of the second order drift forces. The diffraction theory on the low speed dependent potential as derived in [2-7] is discussed in the Appendix.

2^6.2.1. _Linear_ship_motions_at_forward_s£eed

The flow field characterized by the low speed dependent potential can be computed with the diffraction program:

$(x(j),t;U) = *0(x(j),t) + t^CxCJ),!) (

in which: -iw t

*0(x(j),t) = 4>0(x(j)) e e

-iw t ♦jdUJ.t) = (xCj)) e e

u U e g

The oscillating fluid pressure as derived from the linearized Bernoulli equati'pn will be:


P(2(j),t) = -P<t>t(x(j),t;ü) or P(x(j),t) = p0(x(j),t) + xp^xCj)^) (

in which:

P0(ï(J).t) = " PaT * 0(- ( j ) , t )

Pl(x(J),t) --pgl^K^.t) -pi._»rTy0(ï(j),t)

Integration of the pressure along the mean wetted surface results in the hydrodynamic reaction forces in the system of co-ordinates fixed to the vessel:

X = - ƒƒ p.n.dS S0

in which:

n = generalized direction cosine on S (pointing outside is positive) SQ = mean wetted surface of the vessel X = X, for k=l,2,3 -k

Substitution of the pressure expansion ( gives:

f x1


- ƒƒ so

- IS so


p l '

■ n.





X = X° + tX1 (

For the moments analogous expressions can be derived.

For the unit motion in the j-mode one is now able to write the added


mass and damping coefficients as:

2 0 , 0 - to a. .= real X. . e kj kj

" iweh°ki = i m a8 X^j (

with similar definitions for a, . and b, . • kj kj

X, . is the reaction force in the k-mode due to a unit oscillatory motion in the j-mode. From the computed wave loads and added mass and damping coefficients the motion of the vessel can be determined using Newton's law of inertia.

2^6.2.2. Wave_drift_force_at low f.2£W££d_sgeed

For the derivation of the second order wave drift forces the fluid pres­sure as given by the unsteady Bernoulli equation has to be considered:

+ PQ + C(t) ( P(x(j),t) = -pgx(3) - p$t - ^p|V$

where: Pn = atmospheric pressure x(3) = vertical distance below the mean free surface $ = velocity potential C(t) = constant independent of co-ordinates p = mass density of fluid

The second order (with respect to the wave height) wave forces can be computed now. In Bernoulli's equation P~ and C(t) can be taken zero without loss of generality. Assuming that a point on the hull is car­rying out a first order wave frequency motion x, (j) about a mean

(0) position x, (j) and applying a Taylor's expansion to the pressure in the mean position, the following expression is found:

p ,vP<°> + ep(1) + s V 2 ) + 0(e3) (


where: e = a measure related to wave steepness p^ ' = the hydrostatic pressure

= " Pgxn0)(3)

p^ ' = the first order pressure = - PgxJ^O) - p*

(2) pv ' = the second order pressure = " ^p|v*|2 - p(x^1)(j) -V*t) (

The derivatives of the potential <j> are taken at the mean position of the point. The material derivative, D/Dt, results in a ö/öt, and a con-vective term -U.ö/ox operating on the potential $ . The potential 4> is regarded as a first order velocity potential ($ ). In order to determine the second order pressure more exactly a second order

~(2) potential $ has to be added to equation ( The influence of ~(2) the second order velocity potential <|> , however, will be neglected

since this term does not contribute to the wave drift force in a regular wave.

The total force acting on the ship is:

X = - /ƒ p N dS ( S

where: N = the instantaneous normal vector S = the instantaneous wetted surface. X = X(j) for j=l,2,3

Using a similar perturbation scheme for the wave loads as for the fluid pressure, we can write:

X = X ( 0 ) + eX ( 1 ) + e 2X ( 2 ) + 0(e3) (


in which: x(°' = the hydrostatic force obtained from integration of p'ü' along the

t(l) = mean wetted surface SQ the first order wave loads

After some algebraic manipulations the final expressions for the wave drift force becomes:

iw - - M pg WL

,(1) gr 2 n dl + a(1)x(M.x^X)(j)) +

ƒ ƒ -^p|v$|2 n dS - ƒ ƒ -p(x£ >(j) .V*t) n dS ( S0 S0

in which:

a™ - (xf>, x™. x^))1 ... H J O

xi '(j) = first order motions of CG with regard to 0x(l)x(2)x(3) rl) Xy" (j) = first order motions of a point on the hull with regard to


For the moments analogous expressions can be derived.

Since the direct pressure integration method was applied to the case with small values of forward speed the final expression will be analo­gous to the expression for zero speed, see Pinkster [2-3]. Four contri­butions to the wave drift force can be distinguished. The terms in equa­tion ( are caused by: 1. The relative wave height at the mean water line; 2. Product of first order angular motions and inertia forces; 3. Bernoulli pressure drop due to first order velocities; 4. Pressure due to the product of first order motion and gradient of

first order pressure.

In equation ( the forward speed dependent potentials and deri­vatives of these potentials have to be evaluated at the mean waterline and the mean wetted surface. The expressions we obtain are of similar nature as those obtained by Hearn and Tong [2-22J. However, their method


is based on 2-D strip theory with adaptations for the incorporation of diffraction effects. For the numerical scheme of the calculations of the wave drift forces at small values of forward speed reference is made to [2-20'].

2.6.3. Results of computations and model tests

The computations of the quadratic transfer function of the second order wave drift force and the wave drift damping coefficient were carried out for the loaded 200 kTDW tanker sailing at small values of forward speed in deep water and in regular head waves. For the computations for zero speed and small values of forward speed the tanker hull was schematized by a facet distribution as is shown in Figure 2.23. The number of plane elements amounted to 238 and the number of waterline elements was 60.

In section 2.4.4. the results of computations of the wave drift forces for zero speed were used. The computations concern the transfer func­tions of the wave drift force for a water depth of 82.5 m and 206 m. For the computation 302 facets and 74 waterline elements were used. The facet schematization is shown in Figure 2.24. For sake of completeness the results in numerical form are presented in Table 2.3.

Figure 2.23 Facet distribution of the tanker hull for the computation at zero and low forward speed in deep water.


For the hull as shown in Figure 2.23 the transfer function of the wave drift forces for zero speed and 1 kn and 2 kn forward speed have been computed. In Figure 2.25 the results of the computations of the transfer function for zero speed and 2 kn forward speed are given. Based on the transfer function for zero, 1 kn and 2 kn forward speed the gradients at zero speed have been determined in order to obtain the transfer function of the wave drift damping coefficient. The results of the computation and the experimental data are plotted in Figure 2.26.


Figure 2.24 Facet distribution tanker hull for the computation at zero speed in 82.5 m and 206 m water depth

-20 r



U=2 kn


/ / / / 1 II

il jfr

/ °V

\ °

0 -0.5 1-0 u in rad.s"

Figure 2.25 Quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force for a 200 kTDW tanker in head waves at zero and 2 kn forward speed (earth-bound wave frequency)


T( Cil^u^)

w l \

0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.88 0.96 1.04

0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.88 0.96 1.04

0 0

0.1 0.8

3.5 8.7

12.9 11.9

8.6 9.2

302 facets - 74 waterline elements 8.7 frequencies in rad/s 8.7 Water depth 206 m [2-6] 8.8

^ 0.189 0.266 0.354 0.444 0.523 0.560 0.600 0.630 0.713 0.803 0.887 0.978

0.189 0.266 0.354 0.444 0.523 0.560 0.600

0.134 0.597

1.912 6.947



302 facets - 74 waterline elements Frequencies in rad/s Water depth 82.5 m [2-3]

0.630 0.713









0.253 0.354 0.444 0.523 0.560 0.600 0.630 0.713

0.253 0.354 0.444 0.523 0.560 0.600 0.630 0.713

0.462 1.7

5.68 12.79

14.17 13.34

14.50 8.28

238 facets - 60 waterline elements Frequencies in rad/s Deep water

Table 2.3 Computed transfer function of the wave drift force in regular




0.560 rad.s

2 0 (in kn.)


oj=0.600 rad.s


(tf.s.m )


0 0.5 1.0 u in rad.s"

Figure 2.26 Quadratic transfer function of the wave drift damping coefficient for the 200 kTDW tanker in head waves (earth-bound wave frequencies)

2.6.4. Evaluation of results

Comparing the results of the model tests and the computations it can be concluded that a reasonable approximation of the wave drift damping can be achieved by means of the potential theory with low forward speed. A peculiar deviation occurs at wave frequency io = 0.523 rad.s . The results clearly indicate that the damping caused by the waves is dominated by the velocity potential. Viscous drag due to the orbital motions of the fluid particles in combination with the low frequency tanker motions as suggested by Lungren et al. [2-23J and Aage et al. [2-24] can be neglected.


Comparing the results of the computations of the wave drift force for zero speed for deep water and 206 m water depth some deviations occur. The tanker hulls were approximated with 238 and 302 facet elements, while 60 and 74 waterline element were used respectively. In the fre­quency range, where for both configurations deep water is valid, the re­sults are to some extent different. It seems that the results are sensi­tive to the schematization. This might explain the deviation between measured and computed wave drift damping coefficients. It is recommended that more computations be carried out to study the sensitivity of the schematization.

2^7. The_low frec uency_ com£onents_of_the wave drift forces and the wave drift_damging_coefficient

2.7.1 Introduction

The foregoing sections dealt with the transfer functions of the wave drift forces and the wave drift damping coefficient for regular waves only. In irregular waves, however, for both the wave drift forces and the wave drift damping coefficients mean and low frequency components may occur. The frequencies of the low frequency components are associ­ated with the frequencies of the wave groups.

It is assumed that both the transfer functions of the wave drift force for zero speed and the wave drift damping coefficients as obtained in 'regular waves are known. Based on these data approximations will be made to compute the low frequency components of the wave drift forces of the total wave drift forces including low frequency tanker motions with and without current. These approximations are allowed for deep water and small values of the natural frequencies of the system. The procedures will be presented in this section.


2.7.2. Wave drift forces at zero speed

In order to arrive at the theory of the approximations to compute the mean and low frequency components for the total wave drift force first the derivation will be given for the wave drift forces for zero speed as treated in [2-3].

The behaviour of the drift forces in waves can be elucidated by first looking at the general expression for the drift forces in a wave train consisting of two regular sinusoidal waves with frequencies u^ and CO2 and amplitudes Ci and C2*

The wave elevation is written as:

2 C(t) = E C. sin(o).t + E )

i=l x

= Cl sinCoo-t + e ^ + C2 s i n ( u 2 t + e ) ( 2 . 7 . 2 . 1 )



Figure 2.27 Regular wave group

For small differences between o> and u>2 a schematic representation of the wave train is shown in Figure 2.27. Such a wave train will be called a regular wave group. This type of wave train is characterized by a pe­riodic variation of the wave envelope. The frequency associated with the


envelope is equal to Au = u - u>„ being the difference frequency of the regular wave components.

We will write the wave elevation in amplitude modulated form:

C(t) = A(t) sin(wt + ê) (

in which:

u = (w^ + u2)/2 E = (e]_ + e2)/2

It can be shown that the envelope becomes: 2 2

A(t) = [ E T. C.C, cos((io -w,)t + (e -e,))]* ( i=li=l 1 J J 1 J

The square of the envelope is:

2 2 A2(t) = E E C.C. cos((w -w.)t + (E,-£.)) (

1=1 j=i 1 J J x J

A quantity which is a quadratic function of the wave amplitude, in this case the wave drift force, will be:

2 2 X,(2V) = Z E C.G.P, . cos((ü>.-u.)t + (e.-e.)) +

1=1 j=l J J J J

2 2 + £ 2 C.C.Q, . sinf(u -oo.)t + (E - E . ) ) (

1=1 J = 1 i J iJ i J i J

in which PJ, and Qj. are quadratic transfer functions dependent on two frequencies Bj and U)J. Generally P. , and Q. . are computed so that the following relations exist:


p i j - p j i Q i j - - Qji

P^J is that part of the quadratic transfer function which expresses the component of the drift force which is in-phase with the square of the wave envelope and Q ., expresses the quadrature part of the drift force. For the regular wave group the wave drift force is:

xj }(t) = C J P U + C 2P 2 2 + C1C2(P12+P21).cos((u)1-u2)t + (e^e2)) +

+ ^1C2(Q12-Q21) sin((i^-co^t + ( e ^ ) ) (

The formulation shows that the drift force contains several components. The first two are constant parts corresponding to the mean drift force in each of the regular wave components separately. The third and fourth parts are low frequency varying components which arise through the com­bined presence of the two regular wave components in the wave group.

The quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force in terms of am­plitudes and phase angles are defined as:

T = TO^.u) ) = (P2<u)1,uj) + Q V ^ W J ) ) *

= quadratic transfer function of the amplitude of the wave drift force

E. . = arctan - -=-; = - ( ij P(iüi,co )

= phase angle between the low frequency part of the second order force relative to the low frequency part of the square of the wave elevation.

Using the mentioned definition of the quadratic transfer function the wave drift force for the regular wave group can be written as:


2 2 X<2> } ;(t) = E E C.C.T cos((u -oo )t + (e,-e.) + e. .) (

1=1 ï=i J J J ■*■ J XJ

In irregular waves the wave drift force is:

,(2) N N Xj J(t) = E E q t l cos((w -u> >t + (e±-e.) + e ) (

1=1 j=i J J J J . J

The quadratic transfer function P^J and Q.. for zero speed can be com­puted by means of the direct pressure integration method.

2.7.3. The approximation of the low frequency components

The computations of the wave drift forces with low forward speed, however, have been developed for regular waves. Only the values for P(U,üJi,ooi) can be computed. Therefore for all computations the following assumption is made:

xJV) "i,wiy 2

a and

CKo^.wp = 0 (

In order to estimate the unknown low frequency varying components of the drift forces an approximation will be made. The approximation is possi­ble if the water is deep and the natural frequency of the system is very low. In [2-3] it is shown that the influence of the second order poten­tial on the low frequency parts is negligibly small for deep water. Neglecting the effect of the second order potential the low frequency varying part arises through the combined presence of two regular wave components with frequencies GOJ and OJ.. The frequency difference of im-


portance will be IO^-ÜJJ = u, where u is very small. If u is small then 0.( ,(0 .)~0 (for monohull type of structures).

Neglecting the quadrature part of the transfer function the low frequen­cy component can be estimated as proposed by Newman [2-25]:

P(o) ,Q> ) + P((0 ,U) ) PO^.w..) i 5

J - J - (

Because the frequency difference is assumed small equation ( will approximately correspond to:

(o.+u). to.-ho . P^.O.J) = p(^rJ-.-irJ-^

10.+(0 . (O.+ü) . T(Ul,io ) = p("i2-J'''JTJ"^ (

This approximation will be used for all computations.

2.7.4. Total wave drift force in irregular waves without current

Following the gradient method the total wave drift force in a regular wave group can be written as:

4?M . x < 2 > ( t ) + f e i = ox.

= C^T n + C%I22 + 2C1C2T12 cos(Aoo12t + Ae12) +

+ C?Dni1 + ^ D 2 2 X l +

+ 2CLC2D12 cos(Ao)12t + A E 1 2 ) X 1 ( 2 .7 .4 .1 )


in which:


D l l







i ( 2 )

ÖT11 ÖX.

5T22 öx.

ÖT12 öx.

The total wave drift force can be split up in a wave drift force and a wave drift damping part. The wave drift damping force contains several components. The coefficients of the first two terms correspond to the mean wave drift damping in each of the regular wave components seperate-ly. The third term stands for the low frequency varying part of the wave drift damping force. As mentioned for the derivative of 1(00 ,0).) to the low frequency velocity no data exists. To estimate the oscillating part of the damping the same procedure is proposed as applied to the oscilla­ting part of the wave drift force:

u).-ko. to.+w . ÖTO^.Uj) ÖT(-irJ-,-ir

J-) D J (

J öxx bi

The total wave drift force in irregular waves without current will be:

x ! t } - ±ix .ix cicjTij ««««wt + ( e i - e j > + e i j ) +

N N + Z E ZX.O..X (

i=l j=l 3 J


2.7.5. Stability of the solution and contribution of the oscillating wave drift damping coefficient

The effect of the damping will play an important role for the condition that the natural frequency of the moored vessel will correspond to the frequency of the wave group:

Awi2 " » =\JmI^) Assuming a linear viscous damping the equation of low frequency motion can be written as:

(M + a u(u))x 1 + ( B u - C*D n - C2D22 +

- 2C 1C 2D1 2 cos(ut + E 1 2 ) ) X 1 + CJJXJ^ =

= C J T U + C 2T 2 2 + 2CXC2T12 cos(ut + e12) (

The damping term contains linear coefficients and a low frequency oscil­lating coefficient. Due to the low frequency oscillating coefficient the value of the damping coefficient can be positive or negative. Since a negative damping in the equation of motion can cause an unstable solu­tion attention has to be paid to the magnitude of the oscillating damp­ing coefficient with regard to the linear damping coefficients. More­over, attention will be paid to the contribution of the damping force with the oscillating coefficient to the motions.

In order to judge the influence of the low frequency oscillating coeffi­cient on the stability to the solution the equation of motion is simpli­fied:

mx^ + f(t)x. + ex. = a.cosjit (


in which: f(t) = b, + D2 cosut a.cosu.t = oscillating part of the wave drift force.

Starting from the equation of motion for the tanker

mxj + f(t)ix + cxx = 0 (

and multiplying this equation by x.. , we obtain:

.2 mx1x1 + f(t)x + ex ij = 0 (

or in terms of energy:

■£ ( W j + *cxj) = - f(t)xj (

s2 This means that the decrease of the total energy corresponds to f(t).x... The system is called instable if the term f(t) is negative. In order to judge the stability the sign of f(t) will be studied.

The damping function f(t) consists of still water damping and the deri­vatives of wave drift force components to the low frequency velocity.

Because the natural frequency of the moored vessel is usually very low, the frequency difference of importance will be 10 -to. = u with u « 1.

Caused by the small value of the frequency difference the magnitudes of the damping coefficients will have approximately the same value:

oT(w ,10 ) oT((o.,<o ) ÖT(u> co.) ±—— = i-J- = — i - J - (

öi1 ox. ÖJL



Ci + Cj > 2 Ci Cj (

and because the still water damping has to be added to the linear parts of the wave damping coefficients it can be concluded that the low fre­quency oscillating damping coefficient will be smaller than the linear damping coefficient. Therefore the sign of f(t) will be positive for all values of t.

Besides the stability of the solution also attention will be paid to the contribution of the oscillating damping to the motion.

For the considered equation of motion

mx^ + (b^ + b2 cosut)x + ex = a cosut (

the following solution has been assumed:

xx = pQ + E (pn cos(nut) + qn sin(nut)) ( n=l

Substituting the solution in the equation of motion it can be proven that the oscillating damping coefficient hardly contributes to the mo­tions. Because the low frequency oscillating coefficient has to be mul­tiplied by the velocity, of which the dominant components consists of cosut, the product results in a double frequency 2\x. This double fre­quency is beyond the resonance frequency of the low frequency surge mo­tion and so the contribution will be negligible. It must be mentioned that in principle a constant part will remain, which will affect the mean wave drift force slightly.

Neglecting the term with the oscillating coefficient the total wave drift force in a regular wave group will be:


2 2

x^2)( t ) = i=i A CiCjTiJ "" vV + ( v e j> + eij) +

2 2 .

+ Z C D x ( 1=1

Following the mentioned procedure the total wave drift force in irregu­lar waves without current will be:

4? = .fx ^ ciSTij « ^ v v ' + ( e i-e j>+ e i j ) + '

N 2 . + 2 C.D x ( 1=1

2.7.6. Total wave drift force in irregular waves combined with current

Assuming that the vessel is sailing at a low speed U and performing low frequency oscillations x1 in a regular wave group the total wave drift force according to the gradient method is:

Xt 2 > ( ul , w2 , l H il , t ) = C1 TU + C2T22 +

+ 2C1C2T*2 cos(Au12 + Ae12 + e12) + + C ^ ^ + C ^ ^ (

in which:

T* = T + D .U 11 11 11

T* = T + D .U 22 22 22 U

T* = T + D .Ü 12 12 12

The formulation shows an increase of the constant parts and the oscilla­ting part of the wave drift force caused by the low forward speed U.


The formulations mentioned so far were based on a vessel sailing with low forward speed U in combination with low frequency oscillations, while the wave frequencies (o and (02 are considered with regard to earth. If the vessel is moored in a current with speed V (bow directed into the current) the earth related wave frequencies should be transformed into the wave frequencies io„ (= wave frequencies as measured at a fixed point in the Wave and Current Laboratory) at:

<0 . = (i), + T V

el 1 A., c

U) , = u, + I 2 1 V ( The total wave drift force in irregular waves combined with current with a velocity V is:

.9, N N X^z;(t) = S Z C1CjT*(co1,(oj) cos((U.-a)j)t + ( e ^ ) + e^) +

N + £ ^ i ^ V 0 0 ! ^ ! (

in which: 10+10. (0.+10.

u.-hi). u -ho. oT( 1- J-, 1 ■ J) T*(U ,(0 ) = T(^I-jL.-JtJ") + — -Vc

ö ii

while co and w. stand for the frequency transformations according to:

w. = co.» + T V i 10 \i0 c

10, = U-n + T V j JO X j 0 c


in which o^g and W.Q are the frequencies in still water and \^Q and \JQ are the corresponding wave lengths.

2.7.7. Evaluation of results in irregular waves

Knowing the quadratic transfer functions of the wave drift force and the wave drift damping coefficient in regular waves by means of the approxi­mation method the total wave drift force in irregular waves with or without current can be determined. In solving the equation of motion, however, the low frequency hydrodynamic reactive forces have to be known. Therefore in Chapter 3 the low frequency viscous reactive forces will be dealt with in general terms. The evaluation of the calculated wave drift force and the resulting motions in irregular waves with or without current will be done by means of model tests. The validation will be presented in Chapter 4.



2-1 Oortmerssen, G. van: "The motions of a moored ship in waves", MARIN Publication No.510, Wageningen, 1976.

2-2 Wichers, J.E.W. and Sluijs, M.F. van: "The influence of waves oh the low frequency hydrodynamic coefficients of moored vessels", OTC Paper No. 3625, Houston, 1979.

2-3 Pinkster, J.A.: "Low frequency second order wave exciting forces on floating structures", MARIN Publication No. 600, Wageningen, 1980.

2-4 Wichers, J.E.W.: "On the low frequency motions of vessels moored in high seas", OTC Paper No. 4437, Houston, 1982.

2-5 Remery, G.F.M. and Hermans, A.J.: "The slow drift oscillations of a moored object in random seas", OTC Paper No. 1500, Houston, 1971.

2-6 Wichers, J.E.W. and Huijsmans, R.H.M.: "On the low frequency hydrodynamic damping forces acting on offshore moored vessels", OTC Paper No. 4813, Houston, 1984.

2-7 Hermans, A.J. and Huijsmans, R.H.M.: "The effect of moderate speed on the motions of floating bodies", Schiffstechnik, Band 34, Heft 3, September 1987, pp. 132-148.

2-8 Cummins, W.E.: "The impulse response function and ship motions", Department, of the Navy, David Taylor Model Basin, Washington D.C, Report 1661, October 19.62 / Schif f stechnik, Vol. 47, No. 9, Jan. 1962, pp. 101-109.


9 Ogilvie, T.F.: "Recent progress towards the understanding and prediction of ship motions", Fifth Symposium on Naval Hydrodyna­mics, Bergen, 1964.

10 Hooft, J.P.: "Advanced dynamics of marine structures", Wiley-Interscience Inc., New York, 1982.

11 Saito, K., Takagi, M., Okubo, H. and Hirashima, M.: "On the low-frequency damping forces acting on a moored body in waves", J. Kansai Soc- N.A., Japan, No. 195, 1984 (in Japanese).

12 Nakamura, S., Saito, K. and Takagi, M.: "On the increased damping of a moored body during low-frequency motions in waves", Proc. 3rd Offshore Mechanics and Artie Engineering (OMAE) Conference, Tokyo, April 1986.

13 Faltinsen, O.M., Dahle, L.A. and Sortland, B.: "Slow drift damping and response of a moored ship in irregular waves", Proc. 3rd OMAE Conference, Tokyo, April 1986.

14 "Added resistance in waves", MARIN Report No. 50332-1-OE, December 1983.

15 Ippen, A.T., Editor: "Estuary and Coastline Hydrodynamics", Engineering Societies Monographs, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966.

16 Inglis, R.B.: "A three dimensional analysis of the motion of a rigid ship in waves", PhD Thesis, University College, London, 1980.

17 Chang, M.S.: "Computation of three dimensional ship motions with forward speed", Proc. 2nd International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Berkeley, 1977.


2-18 Bougis, J.: "Etude de diffraction-radiation dans Ie cas d'un flotteur indeformable animé par une houle sinusoidale de faible amplitude", PhD Thesis, Université de Nantes, 1980.

2-19 Huijsmans, R.H.M, and Hermans, A.J.: "A fast algorithm for the computation of 3-D ship motions at moderate forward speed" 4th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Washington, 1985.

2-20 Huijsmans, R.H.M.: "Wave drift forces in current", 16th Conference on Naval Hydrodynamics, Berkeley, 1986.

2-21 Huijsmans, R.H.M. and Wichers, J.E.W.: "Considerations on wave drift damping of a moored tanker for zero and non-zero drift angle", Prads, Trondheim, June 1987.

2-22 Hearn, G.E. and Tong, K.C.: "Evaluation on low frequency wave damping", OTC paper No. 5176, Houston, 1986.

2-23 Lungren, H. Sand, S.E. and Kirkegaard, J.: "Drift forces and damping in natural sea states", International Symposium on Ocean Engineering and Ship Handling, Gothenburg, 1982.

2-24 Aage, C , Lungren, H., Jensen, 0. and Velk, P.: "Scale effects in model testing of floating offshore structures", Proc 3rd OMAE Conference, Tokyo, April 1986.

2-25 Newman, J.N.: "Second order, slowly varying forces on vessels in irregular waves", International Symposium on the Dynamics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Waves, London, 1974.





A single point moored tanker exposed to irregular waves, wind and cur­rent will undergo not only low frequency surge motions, but in general will perform low frequency motions in the horizontal plane. The equa­tions of motion will be governed by the low frequency force components as is shown in Figure 3.1.


mean current

mean drift force

slowly varying drift forces

mean wind


hydrodynamic viscous damping

wave drift damping

wind damping


added mass

Figure 3.1 The mean and low frequency force components

In establishing the equations of motion difficulties arise in the description of the low frequency hydrodynamic reaction forces and moment acting on the hull. In the low frequency range the damping parts of the hydro-dynamic reaction forces and moments cannot be attri­buted to forces of poten­tial nature only, but are for an important part de­termined by viscosity.

The forces and moments caused by viscosity cannot be fully solved by mathematical models but have to be determined by means of model tests. As a result the formulations for the horizontal motions are called semi-theoretical empirical mathematical models. In the past many investigations have been carried out to describe the manoeuvring of ships. Since the physical aspects of the low frequency motions of a moored vessel are similar to those of a vessel manoeuvring


at low speed, some of the formulations will be briefly reviewed here. Most of the manoeuvring models are based on the model presented by Abkowitz [3-l], see Section 3.2. In this model the manoeuvrability is described by means of linear and non-linear derivatives of the hydrody-namic forces and moments by perturbation models. Examples of these models are given by: - Inoue, Hirano and Kijima [3-2], 1981; - Hirano and Takashina [3-3], 1980.

In general these kinds of models are used for relatively high sailing speeds and small drift angles.

Another category of models describes the physical behaviour as a result of the three flow fields: - ideal incompressible flow; - viscous flow generating lift forces; - viscous cross flow in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of

the ship.

Examples of these models are given by: - Gerritsma, Beukelman and Glansdorp [3-4], 1974; - Glansdorp [3-5], 1975; - Sharma and Zimmermann [3-6J, 1981; - Sharma [3-7], 1982.

An advantage of the proposed models is the increased insight of the contributions of the force and moment components in the physical pro­cess. Furthermore the drift angle can vary 360 degrees. A disadvantage as a consequence of the modeling is, however, that at zero rate of turn the remaining resistance force and moment components do not correspond to the actual steady current force and moment. This is of importance for the mean position of the tanker moored to an SPM in a combined weather condition.


A model describing the physics by taking into account only the ideal incompressible flow and the viscous cross flow In the plane perpendicu­lar to the longitudinal axis of the vessel was proposed by: - Faltinsen, Kjaerland, Liapis and Walderhaug [3-8], 1979.

As a consequence of the modeling the same disadvantage for the mean position of the tanker can be mentioned as before.

An improvement for the mean position of the tanker was applied by: - Ractliffe and Clarke [3-9], 1980.

In accordance with [3-8] they replaced in the formulation the non-stabilizing Munk moment, which originates from the ideal incompressible flow (see Section 3.4.1), by the current moment formulation.

For a tanker moored in a current field the hydrodynamic forces on the hull consist of inertia parts caused by the ideal incompressible flow and resistance parts induced by viscosity. The resistance forces and moments (including the Munk moment) on a steady tanker in a real flow are dominated (or modified) by viscosity and are called the current force and moment components. For tanker-shaped bodies a considerable amount of data on the current force and moment components is available, see for instance [3-10] and [3—11J. Based on this knowledge a category of models has been developed of which the descriptions of the physics are based on the relative current concept:

- Wichers [3-12], 1979; , - Molin and Bureau [3-13], 1980; - Obokata [3-14], 1983.

These models ensure that in current and at zero rate of turn the tanker will take up the correct mean position in a combined weather condition. The total relative current force formulation consists of a quasi-steady relative current part and a dynamic current contribution. The dynamic current contribution involves the part of the hydrodynamic forces caused


by yaw of the tanker in the current field, see Section 3.4.

In order to determine the dynamic current force contribution model tests may be carried out. The tanker is rotated about a vertical axis through the centre of gravity for a number of steady low yaw velocities in a number of steady current velocities, while measuring the force/moment components in surge, sway and yaw direction [3-13].


(Vc=l.03 m.s


(V =1.03 m.s"' ; |*6a|= .003 rad.s"') POTENTIAL PART


" I t fyn

A2dyn. . „. In t f


^A . -x-j


1 ' /

90 180 (♦c-x6) in deg

Figure 3.2 The dynamic current force and moment contribution due to steady yaw and an oscillating yaw motion

The tanker moored to an SPM, how­ever, performs slowly varying os­cillating yaw motions in the cur­rent field. Figure 3.2 shows that in order to obtain the correct information on the forces in a current field low frequency yaw oscillating tests have to be car­ried out instead of the steady yaw rotation tests.

It 'may be assumed that the oscil­lations at low frequencies will induce different flow patterns around the vessel in still water and in a current field. Therefore a clear distinction will be made between the damping forces and moment in still water and in cur­rent. For the determination of the low frequency damping forces a series of model tests were car­ried out as is indicated in Table 3.1.


surge mode sway mode yaw mode

oscillatory motions in calm water

steady linear motions / steady current forces

oscillatory motions in current

Table 3.1 Review of experiments

Based on the results of the experiments a description of the damping forces and moments in still water and in current can be derived. Using the experimental results the category of models based on the relative current concept [3-12], [3-13] and [3-14] will be checked with respect to their reliability. For the still water case no formulation was found in literature. A formulation for the still water case will be proposed in this chapter.

5i^ • _lSH££i°5Ë_°l the_l°w_!Ee3uËI?£v._9°£i:2!ïs.

To study the motions of the vessel in 3 degrees of freedom (in the hori­zontal plane) use is made of two systems of co-ordinates as is indicated in Figure 3.3: - the system of axes 0x(l)x(2) is earth-fixed; - the frame Gx-^ is linked to the vessel with its origin in the centre

of gravity. Based on the earth-fixed system of co-ordinates the differential equa­tions of motion according to Newton's second law are:

Mx(l) = X(l)

Mx(2) = X(2)

Ix(6) = X(6) (3.2.1)


in which: M = mass of the tanker I = moment of inertia of the tanker.


Figure 3.3 System of co-ordinates of a tanker moored to a SPM and sign convention of weather direction

In literature the ship's manoeuvrability is mostly described by a set of differential equations of motion relative to a ship-fixed system of co­ordinates. The transformation to the ship-fixed system of co-ordinates has the following consequences:



X(j) = T Xj for j = 1,2,6 (3.2.2)


2( j ) = T i j


T =

COS X. 0

sin x,


( 3 . 2 .

- s i n x 0 6 cos x, 0

0 0 1

while for the acceleration the following transformation

Figure 3.4 The origin of the centrifugal is found: effects


5(J) = T 5j + T ïj - (3-2.4)

Substitution of equation (3.2.2) through equation (3.2.4) in equation (3.2.1) yields the equations of motion for the ship-fixed system of co­ordinates:

M.Cx-1 ~ x2x6) = Xx

M(x2 + i:x6) = X2

Iï6 = X6 (3.2.5)

The acceleration components are modified by the so-called centrifugal effects as shown in Figure 3.4.

Consequently the equations of motion expressed in the absolute ship's accelerations along the instantaneous directions of the ship-fixed axes are as follows:

M.x1E = Xj_

M.x2E = X2

l/x6 = X6 (3.2.6)

in which x^E and x 2 E are the accelerations in the earth-fixed system of co-ordinates along x^ and x2~axis respectively.

For the low frequency motion components x, , x2 and x,- the complete equa­tions of motion for the ship-bound system of axes are:

M(x+Dx) = X H + X w + X m + X D + X T ( 3 . 2 . 7 )

w h e r e :


X = <



O O I ,

O O -x„

O O +i,


X^ = hydrodynamic reaction and current forces X = wind force -w X = mooring force —m

wave drift force X = thrust of main and auxiliary propellers

The hydrodynamic forces X arise from changes in the relative motions of the ship and the surrounding fluid. In unrestricted water the forces are independent of the co-ordinates x(l) and x(2).

According to classical hydrodynamic theory the hydrodynamic forces will not be dependent on higher derivatives of the displacement than the second [3.lJ and are usually expressed as:

XJJ = f(u,v,x6(u,y),x6>x,x) (3.2.8)

in which: u,v = components of the steady stPte drift velocity x^(u,y) = steady state drift angle x = variations about the steady state condition


Expansion of the Taylor series about the steady state condition results in the following expression for the hydrodynamic forces and moment:

v If 9 _,. 9 , • 9 j. • ° j_ •• ° ' ; X„ = E -j- LXA + xi + XT + XA + xi + n=0 ox, ox. ox„ ox, ox. 6 1 2 6 1

+ x 2 —^- + x6 -^-] * f(u>v,x6(u,v),x6>x)x) ox» 9x, x =0,x=O,x=0

° (3.2.9)

If the expansion is carried out for the first or higher order terms a number, of terms are generated. The coefficients, in general, are assumed to be constant while the magnitudes have to be determined by means of model tests or calculations.

Contrary to normal manoeuvring applications (high speed, high rate of turn and relatively small drift angles) for a tanker moored to an SPM specific requirements have to be fulfilled:

- large drift angles (0 - 360 degrees); - small values of the drift velocity (current speed); - small values of oscillating rate of turn; - relatively large transverse motions; - for zero rate of turn the hydrodynamic forces and moment correspond to the steady current loads.

Specifically for these conditions the equations of motion and the hydro-dynamic viscous forces have been derived for still water and current, see Sections 3.3 and 3.4.


3^31_H^drod^namic_viscous damping forces in still_water

3.3.1 Equations of motion in still water

In deriving the low frequency fluid reactive forces in calm water, the external force X^ in equation (3.2.7) will be considered only:

M(x+Dx) = X (

Because of the low frequency motions it can be assumed that the distur­bances of the free surface of the fluid are negligible. Assuming an ideal and Irrotational fluid, Norrbin [3-15] derived for the forces exerted on the vessel:

.2 X1H ~ allxl + a22x2x6 + a26X6

X2H = _a22X2 " allXlX6 " a26X6

X6H = _a66X6 " (a22-all)xlX2 " a62 ( x2 + Xl X6 ) (3.3-1.2)

where a, . = added mass coefficient at low frequency.

The above equations lead to the well-known d'Alembert paradox since the right-hand sides are equal to zero for:

*1 = x2 = x6 = °

The term ~(a22-aii)^.i_ is the only term arising in an ideal and irrota­tional fluid and is often referred to as the Munk-moment [3-16]. The force distribution of the Munk-moment caused by the linear velocity is shown in Figure 3.5. In real fluid, however, viscosity is involved. The viscosity introduces additional damping forces. Further it may be assumed that the accelera­tion dependent terms are hardly affected by viscosity and may be deter­mined by means of the 3-D potential diffraction theory.


Xfi = -(a22"air)'r^2

Figure 3.5 The force distribution of the Munk-moment caused by linear velocity

For the equations of motions the following formulations are assumed:

.2 = (M+a22)x2x6 + a 2 6x 6 + X ^ (M+au)x1

(M+a22)x2 + a26x6 = - ( H f a ^ x ^ + X ^

<I+a66)X6 + a62X2 " _(a22-all>iii2 " a62ili6 + X6SW (

in which X-,gw> X2SW an<* X6SW a r e the '*'ow f r e < 3 u e n c v viscous fluid resis­tance force/moment components in still water. The low frequency viscous fluid resistance terms are determined by means of physical experiments.

3.3.2. Test set-up and measurements

In order to determine the low frequency viscous resistance force/moment components in still water caused by the sway and yaw modes of motion


planar motion mechanism (PMM) tests were performed. For the surge mode of motion extinction tests in still water were carried out. The tests were done with the 200 kTDW tanker at scale of 1 to 82.5, see Section 2.4.1. The PMM tests were carried out in the Shallow Water Laboratory of MARIN. The water depth amounted to 1 m. The basin measures 15.75 m x 210 m and is provided with a carriage.

For the PMM tests a hydraulic oscillator was used. The oscillator was fixed to the carriage and was driven by means of two hydraulic pistons. When separately adjusted the pistons can perform a prescribed dis­placement, frequency and phase angle with a high degree of accuracy. The test set-up of the oscillator is shown in Figure 3.6- By means of two ship-bound two-component force transducers the vessel was connected to the oscillator allowing pitch, roll and heave motions. By means of the transverse forces measured with the force transducers located at the fore and aft part of the vessel the total transverse force and the moment can be determined.

Figure 3.6 Test set-up with the hydraulic oscillator


Both sway and yaw oscillation tests were performed. For the oscillator tests the stroke was kept constant, but the frequency of the motions was changed for each test. The amplitude of the yaw angle amounted to approximately 16.2 degrees, while for the sway motion the amplitude was approximately 30.2 m. The frequencies applied were 0.0111, 0.0179 and 0.0248 rad.s . The values given are for full scale.

To evaluate the viscous damping forces for the surge mode of motion ex­tinction tests were carried out.

All presented results were obtained by scaling the measured model re­sults to prototype according to Froude's law of similitude.

3.3.3. Viscous damping in the surge mode of motion

Computations by means of 3-D potential diffraction theory have shown that the radiated damping can be neglected for to/L/g < 0.5 , see Figure 2.1. This means that for the low frequencies the viscosity will dominate the damping. Since in the low frequency range the amplitudes of oscilla­tion will be large, the steady current force formulation is normally used. The equation of the low frequency motion for a motion decay test can be described as:

(M+au(u1))x1 - IjpLTC^C^pxJ + c ^ = 0 (

in which: Cif.C'lv,-) = resistance coefficient in current cb = relative current direction Ycr

Based on equation ( thé decaying surge motion of a linearly moored and loaded 200 kTDW tanker in 82.5 m water depth was computed. The computations were performed for two spring constants viz. c,. = 53.72 tf.m ' and 251.15 tf.rn" . The resistance coefficients were derived from Figure 2.9 and amount to C1(,(180°) = -0.032 and C^ (0°) = 0.038.


The results of the computations are presented in Figure 3.7. For the same conditions physical extinction tests were carried out. The results of the model tests are also given in Figure 3.7. Comparing the measured and calculated results it can be concluded that for the determination of the surge damping in calm water the relative current concept is not ap­plicable.

Test No. 8053 Test No. 8069 200 kTDW - c „ = 53.72 tf.nf1- »,, = 0.046 rad.s"1 200 kTDW - c ,, = 251.15 tf.m"'- „,, = 0.099 rad.s"

^ k L V v 1

L l

\ 1


ft \


^ }

COMPUTED B n = 13.71 tf .m" .5


k ^


^ N

N ***-s


MEASURED B n = 41 .2 t f .m" ' . s

^ h 0



V ^ ■ * >



[ \ \

x, l

\ ;








COMPUTED B n = 8 .43t f . ro" , . s

^ c, ■ 2J

M d l oi \

MEASURED B ( 1 = 23 .4 t f .m" ' . s

L t; V



e ï


20 19 18 17 16 15 14

13 12







5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

N Number of oscillations '"*

Figure 3.7 Results of decaying surge motions in still water

A possible explanation for the discrepancies between the measured and calculated motion decay is a different boundary layer behaviour. The longitudinal frictional resistance coefficient C l c was determined for a steady current. In this steady current the boundary layer is assumed to be turbulent. For the oscillating ship in still water it can be assumed that the boundary layer is laminar. In order to study the laminar case the theory of an oscillating plate with a laminar boundary layer can be used, see Article 328 of reference [3-17]. For the laminar boundary layer theory the general Navier-Stokes equation can be written as:


ö 2 P?rv. + pV.fv.v.) = -V .p + T)V v. Kot j y iv i y y J

in j-direction for i = 1,2,3 (

in which: T) = dynamic viscosity = v.p

v = kinematic viscosity p = mass density

and the equation of continuity:

V i = ° (

For a flat plate oscillating in its plane the sign convention for the displacement, velocities and forces is given in Figure 3.8.

+x 3




+ i i_ 3X3


d x i




'1 Figure 3.8 Sign convention

For the plate the equation can be reduced as follows: öv 1 dt p Vi ( vi vl } nvV o (

Local Convective term Viscous term term (destabilizing term) (stabilizing term)


The viscous term can be written as:

ox dx- ( 3

öv in which the laminar shear force: x = v.p -*—


Assuming that the non-linear convective term can be neglected the equation will be linear:

öv 5 v. P-OF" V ^ = °

ÖX3 öv. ö v. ^ - ^ = 0 (


For: x3 = 0 , v^ = vla-sin ut x3 = », V l = 0

the solution will be:

-px, / = vla-e J.sin((0t-Px3) (

in which:

P = /u/2v and u = 2n/T

The distribution of the velocity in the laminar boundary layer alongside an oscillating surface is shown in Figure 3.9. Following equation ( and equation ( the laminar shear tension along the plate can can be derived as follows:

T = v.p.p.Vla/ï.cos(-| - ut) = p/onv. vlacos(^ - ut) (


-1. O / / / / / / / / X / / / / / / / 0 Oscillating +1 . 0 surface


Figure 3.9 Distribution of the laminar flow

Applying equation ( to the resistance force on a tanker oscillating in surge direction we obtain:

/ ft C = p/cü.v .S. vla.cos(x - ut) (


in which: p = 0.1045 tf.s2.m~ v = 1.18831*10~6 m 2.s - 1

S = wetted surface = (3.4 * V 1 / 3 + 0.515*L)V1/3 3 V = displacement in m

L = length between perpendiculars


The theoretical resistance damping coefficients were determined for the loaded 200 kTDW tanker and for 4 different spring constants. The theoretical results were compared with the damping values as obtained from physical extinction tests. The results are presented in Table 3.2.

Tanker kTDW


S (m2)











0.2162 0.4178 0.9027 1.5531




0.024 0.046 0.099 0.171

Calculated En (tH.nf1)

10.97 15.6 23.0 30.1

Measured B,.

, H -1\ (t.s.m x) 18.2 23.4 41.2 92.6

Table 3.2 Results of calculated and measured surge damping coefficients in calm water

In Table 3.2 the damping values are derived for model scale and scaled to prototype values according to Froude's law of similitude. The results show that the calculated values based on the oscillating linearized la­minar boundary layer theory, for which no correction is made for form resistance, are lower than the measured values. Because of the relative large differences between the calculated and the measured results, for the applications use will be made of empirical surge damping coefficients. To this end extinction tests for various vessel types and linear spring constants were performed. The results, scaled according to Froude's law of similitude, are presented in Figure 3.10.





^-4-> c





Ta ffkpy"* C ") 7 P '

e>' 200 kDWT (100% loaded) • 250 kDWT (100% loaded) + 55 kDWT ( 80% loaded) 3 o Symmetrical v = 213,717 m

LNG car r ie r : ., X 1250,000 nT Ref. [2-2]


• o


5*10-w * S 3 / 2 in m3 . s " 1

Figure 3.10 Measured viscous damping coefficient for the surge mode of motion as function of wetted hull area and surge frequency

3.3.4. Viscous damping due to sway and yaw motions

By means of PMM tests in still water the loaded and ballasted 200 kTDW tanker was subjected to sinusoidal oscillations in both the sway and the yaw direction. Based on the known displacement, frequency and the phase lag of the oscillator pistons and the measured oscillating force/moment components the low frequency resistance force/moment components were derived. The low frequency resistance force/moment components in sway and yaw direction due to the motion in sway and yaw direction, X22>X62 and xtg>X26 respectively, are given in Figure 3.11.


o x62 X X „

SWAY MODE OF MOTIONS - moment about CG - ver t ica l scale for

posit ive sway veloci ty

i l l a t i o n tests (19B*)


xzz n t f








i i i

■ («,,.«)' in m'.s"'

VAW NODE OF MOTION - moment about CG - ver t ica l scale for

posit ive yaw veloc i ty

* X66 rotat ion tes t ! (1982)

■ . v osc i l l a t ion tests ( * 1984, • 1985)


*66 in t f .m --10,000





*— * ' * *>

1 i


Hi .

' 1.0 1.0

( » , , . . ) ' In r .o ' .s

t-0 2.0 3.0 4.0 S.C .,2 . . . . „ ! . " ! (< j , . . ) ' In r.d'.r

Figure 3.11 Hydrodynamic viscous resistance force/moment due to motions in sway and yaw direction

Instead of employing the coefficients as can be derived from the Taylor expansion, see equation (3.2.9), an approximation has been made to ex­press the coefficients in terms of damping resistance coefficients aver­aged over the length of the vessel. For the sway direction the damping coefficient B 2 2

an^ B6? w e r e obtained as follows:

FP X22 = ~^pTB22 J ^ l ^ l 0 * = _^PTB22 CFP-AP)x2 I i2 I

AP i ' '


FP „2 .„2, X62 = "^pTB62 ' 2 * 2 * d A = - i ;P T B62 ( F P -AP ^ 2 * 2 (

AP • '

while in yaw direction the coefficients B 2 6 and Bg6 can be determined from:

FP X26 = -^TB26 i V | V | d A " ' £ PTB26(FP3

+AP3)x6 AP ' '



FP X66 " "*PTB66 1 V l V l * dJl " - l< ,TB66(Fp4+Ap4> i6| i6| AP


in which:

X99, X A ? > X?A> X,, = measured forces/moment, in-quadrature with the ap-^22' ^62' 26' A66


plied displacements = ordinate of aft perpendicular = ordinate of fore perpendicular

In terms of damping resistance coefficients the results of the oscillation tests for the sway and yaw modes of motion are presented in Figure 3.12.



? n




KC = 4




KC = 4


( 4 . 0 9 ) '

— ■ m -

(2 .28)

0 0.025 0.050 0.075

■fê 0 0.025 0.050 0.075







•— •—

—•-■ - > "

(1.333) •

— — • 1






r •

• f-

(4.09) •

«._ (2.28)

0 0.025 0.050 0.075

V? 0 0.025 0.050 0.075

\S 9 V g Figure 3.12 Low frequency viscous damping coefficients for the sway and

yaw mode of motion in still water


Although the stroke was kept constant and the frequencies of the motion were changed during the tests, the results show that the coefficients B22' B62' B26 a n d B66 a r e frequency-independent. The fluid flow along an oscillating body can be characterized by the Keulegan-Carpenter number. Because the stroke was kept constant the results for the sway mode cor­respond to a constant Keulegan-Carpenter number:

KC x_ T 2a 2nx, 2a = 4 (

in which:

2a = amplitude of oscillating velocity T = period of oscillating velocity B = breadth of tanker

Faltinsen et al. [3-18] show that for other KC numbers in the same low range the transverse resistance coefficients for tanker-shape cross sections are approximately constant. The results of their measurements of the transverse coefficients are shown in Figure 3.13.

B22. 1


In spite of the fact that B22~B66 a n d B62~B26 b u t

because B22~B66 ^ B62~B26 a

non-homogenous distribution of the transverse coeffi­cient over the length of the vessel must exist. This im­plies that the resistance force and moment due to a

Figure 3.13 Transverse resistance coeffi- combined sway and yaw motion cients as function of the cannot be determined direct-Keulegan-Carpenter number ly on the basis of the re-[3-I8] sistance coefficients.

• • 1 • •

• 1

• 1


In order to determine the resistance due to a combined sway and yaw motion the distribution of the resistance coefficient along the length of the vessel has to be known. For the approximation a simplified strip theory approach has been used'.

For the approximation the length of the vessel is divided in sections assuming constant local resistance coefficients for each section. Since according to equation ( through equation ( four equa­tions are available, four unknown local resistance coefficients can be solved. To this end the length of the vessel can be divided in four sec­tions. Taking into account the body plan as is shown in Figure 2.4 four sections with each a typical cross section were chosen: - section 0- 2; - section 2- 4; - section 4-18; - section 18-20.

The resistance coefficients as function of the longitudinal position of the considered sections along the tanker centreline, as is indicated in Figure 3.14, can be found as follows:

for n=l, B k j = B 2 2

for n-2, B k. = ^

-c0_2(^n)-c2_4(^)+<:4_18(^)+c18_20(^-^) = B k.(^)

for n=3, B k j = B 2 6

for n=4, Bk:j = B & 6 (







l 5


1 1 ! ! ' I i i |

1 1 1 ^ W !

"■■■— 0 ''

G ♦ * t*= («P> (FP)

Figure 3.14 Transverse resistance coefficient as function

By means of equation ( the four resistance coefficients can be solved. The results are given in Figure 3-14.

Applying the assumed distribution of the transverse viscous fluid resistance coefficients along the length of the vessel and assuming a decoupling in the surge direc­tion the low frequency resistance of the longitudinal po

sition along the tanker forces/moment can be described as: centre line

X1SW ~ ~B11X1

FP 2SW -5jPT ƒ C(A)(x,+x,A)|x?+x,A|dA


2 A 6 ^ r 2 ' " 6 '

X6SW = "*pT J' CW(x2+x6A)|x2+x6*|A dSL AP


From Figure 3.14 it can be seen that the mean transverse resistance coefficient (B-,) is much higher than found from steady current load* measurements at a current angle of 90 degrees (see Section 3.5). This is analogous to the results found for the surge mode of motion.

Based on the derived equations of motion, time domain simulations may be carried out for the non-current condition. To evaluate the proposed description of the equations of motion the results of the time domain computations have to be compared with the results of model tests. This validation is presented in Chapter 5.


3.4. Hy_drody_namic_yiscous damping forces in current

3.4.1. Equations of motion in current

In deriving the low frequency fluid reactive forces in current, only the external force Xg in equation (3.2.7) will be considered:

M(x + Dx) = JC (

The relative velocity of the vessel with respect to the fluid is:

Vcr = (ur + vr ) % (

in which the relative velocity components are:

u = x, - V cos(<|> - x , ) r 1 c c 6'

v = i . - V sin(<|> - x . ) ( 3 . 4 . 1 . 3 ) r 2 c c b

and the relative acceleration components:

u = x, - v x. sin(4< -x.) r 1 c 6 c b

v = x, + V i. cos(c|* -x£) ( r ^ cb c o

while: V = current velocity 4>c = current direction Xf. = yaw angle in global co-ordinates

Because of the low frequency motions it can be assumed that the distur­bances of the free surface of the fluid are negligible. Assuming an ideal fluid, Norrbin [3-15] derived for the forces exerted on a vessel:

X1H " ll^r + a22V6 + "26*6


X2H = _ a 2 2 \ " allurX6 " a26X6

6H = ~a66x6 " <a22-all)urvr " a 6 2 ( V u r i 6 ) (

where a. . = added mass coefficient at low frequency

Following the equations (, ( and ( we will ob­tain:

X1H = "allxl " (a22-aU)Vc s i n < W X 6 + a22x2x6 + a26X6

X2H = _a22X2 " a26X6 " (a22_all)Vc C08< W ^ ~ allxlx6

X6H = _a66X6 " a62X2 " (a22-all)urVr " a62XlX6 (

Equation ( leads to the well-known d'Alembert paradox since the right hand sides are equal to zero for x\ = x^ = x, = 0. The term -(a22-all^urvr *s t*le on^y t e r m arising in an ideal fluid and often referred to as the Munk-moment [3-16].

In a real current, however, viscosity is involved. The viscosity leads to modifications of the velocity dependent terms and/or introduces addi­tional damping terms. The degree of modification to the Munk-moment as a result of the viscosity is shown in Figure 3.15. Further it may be as­sumed that the acceleration dependent terms in the relative low current speed will hardly be affected by the viscosity. It is assumed that these terms may be determined by 3-D potential diffraction theory.

Replacing the destabilizing Munk-moment by the steady current moment .2 • • formulation and neglecting the small contributions of a2(-x, and a.„x x,

in respectively the x,- and x6-direction we rewrite equation ( and equation ( by the following formulation thereby combining expressions for a real and ideal fluid:



Figure 3.15 Flow stream and force distribution along a body in an ideal and a real fluid

(M+a11)x1 = (M+a )i x + X. + X, , 11 2 6 lstat ldyn

(M+a22)x2 + a26x6 = " ( M + a ^ x ^ + X 2 s t a t + X ^ ^

(I +a )'x. + a,,x, = X, _ k + X, , 6 66 6 62 2 6stat 6dyn (

in which:

X, H t = hp LTC, (4< )V^ lstat v lc cr' cr

X,ot. . = ip LTC„ (4- )V2 2stat 2c cr' cr

\ ,. . = ^P L2TC. (<|> )V2 6stat 6c cr cr (

being the quasi-steady current forces/moment components


where: V = (u 2 + v 2 ) ^ vcr v r vr '

= relative current velocity 4>cr = arctan(-vr/-ur)

= relative current angle of incidence

and the dynamic current load contribution is assumed' to be:

Xldyn " -(a22_all)Vc sint+c-Jt6)i6

X2dyn = -(a22_all)Vc cos< W X 6

X = 6dyn L

+ X1D

+ X2D

+ X6D i




( 3 . 4 . 1 . 9 )

potential part

which consists of a potential part and a viscous part.

For the viscous parts the following three formulations based on the lo­cal cross flow principles have been used in the past. The viscous part is assumed to take into account the additional force/moment components caused by the yaw motion in the relative current velocity field. The parts are assumed to be described as follows:

1. The integration over the length of the vessel of the relative trans­verse current force minus the undisturbed transverse current force (1979), [3-12]:

X1D = °

X„„ = ^pTC. (90°) ƒ [(v -x,X)lv -i,A I - v |v I ldA 2D w 2cv ' LV cr 6 ' cr 6 cr cr J A P ' < I '

FP X 6 D = ƒ A X 2 D a (



2. The integration over the length of the vessel of the current forces based on the local transverse velocity and the local relative velo­city, the undisturbed transverse and total velocity and the constant transverse current coefficient (1980), [3-13]:

X1D = ° FP

X,n = ijpTC, (90°) ƒ [(v - * , * ) ( ( v -x,A)2+u2 )^-v V ]dl 2D 2c .„ L cr 6 *■ cr 6 c r ' c r c r J AP

FP \ D = / AX2Da (3 .4 .1 .11 )


3. The integration over the length of the vessel of the relative current force minus the undisturbed current force (1983), [3-14]:

X1D = °

X = 0 (was not taken into account in [3-14]) 2D FP

,2. 2 -, . „ , , N„2 x,. = hpr ƒ [c. (4 W)((v -x,x) +u ) - c„ (cp )v ]A dA 6D ' L 2cv crx 'JK cr 6 ' cr' 2c cr crJ

AP (

where: u c r = -ur

v = —v cr r v -x.,.1 <\> (£) = arctan cr 6 rcrx ' u

cr In order to judge the reliability of the assumed approximations of the low frequency hydrodynamic viscous reactive forces in a current field model tests were carried out. The model tests are dealt with in the next section.

3.4.2. Test set-up and measurements

The mathematical approximations as treated in the previous section are based on relative current formulations. To evaluate the relative current concep-ts the following model tests have been carried out:


- steady current force/moment measurements; - extinction tests in the surge mode of motion; - planar motion mechanism (PMM) tests in the sway mode of motion; - PMM tests in the yaw mode of motion to measure the dynamic current


The tests were carried out with a model of the 200 k.TDW tanker as dis­cussed in Section 2.4.1.

The tests, except the extinction tests, were carried out in the Shallow Water Laboratory of MARIN. The water depth was 1 m. The basin measures 15.75 m * 210 m and is provided with a towing carriage.

For the PMM tests both an electrically driven oscillating rotator and an hydraulically driven oscillator were used. The test set-up with the electrically driven oscillating rotator is shown in Figure 3.16.

Figure 3.16 Test set-up of the oscillating rotator.


In order to apply the yaw mode of motion to the tanker in the PMM tests, use was made of the oscillating rotator. A description of the rotator set-up is given below. The vertical shaft of the rotator was connected to the carriage. A horizontal yoke was mounted at the lower end of the shaft. The vessel was connected to the yoke by means of three rods, two in transverse direction and one in longitudinal direction of the vessel. In the three rods the force. transducers were incorporated. On each end the rods were fitted in ball joints, allowing displacements in heave, roll and pitch direction. In still water the position of the rods was located in the horizontal plane through the centre of gravity of the vessel. The center of the vertical axle was located above the centre of gravity. By means of the trans­ducers in the transverse rods the force in sway direction and the moment in yaw direction were obtained, while the transducer in the longitudinal rod gives the force in surge direction.

Current was simulated by running the carriage. Current speeds, corre­sponding to 2 and 4 knots were applied.

The yaw oscillation tests were performed for sector steps of 45 degrees. For 5 current angles, 4 yaw frequencies and 2 steady current velocities the force/moment components of the dynamic current contribution may be derived as a function of the relative current velocity/angle and the yaw velocity.

Besides the dynamic contributions the steady current force and moment components were also determined. For that purpose the rotator was set in a fixed position and the tanker was towed through the basin at a con­stant carriage speed.

To evaluate the relative current concept for the sway mode of motion oscillation tests were carried out. These tests, however, were performed for a restricted number of current angles. The sway oscillation tests were carried out with the hydraulically driven oscillator, as described in Section 3.3.2.


For both the rotator and oscillator tests the stroke was kept constant, but the frequencies of the motions were changed. The amplitude of the yaw angle amounted to 16.2 degrees, while for the sway motion the ampli­tude was 30.2 m. The frequencies applied to both the rotator and the oscillator were 0.0071, 0.0111, 0.0179 and 0.0248 rad.s-1.

To evaluate the relative current concept for the surge mode of motion extinction tests were carried out in current. The results and the evaluation are presented in the next sections.

3.4.3. Current force/moment coefficients

Since a part of the low frequency viscous damping is related to the steady current forces/moment, the results of these latter quantities will be presented first. In Figure 3.17 the sign convention of the current forces and moment, ship's heading and current direction is given.

Figure 3.17 Sign convention for The current data presented as the the current forces non-dimensional resistance coeffi-

ficients are shown in Figure 3.18. The data concern the loaded and ballasted condition for a water depth of 82.5 m.

The non-dimensional coefficients are as follows:

Xlc (W C. = ~— (longitudinal direction)

X 2 c ( W '2c pLTV

■y— ( t r ansve r se d i r e c t i o n )


'6c DC C O

2 2 ^ PL TVc (yaw direction) (

in which: 4< -xft = undisturbed current angle of incidence V = undisturbed current velocity c

L = length between perpendiculars of the tanker T = draft of the tanker p = specific density of sea water


'1c '• 0

Loaded : » 1.03 m.s • 2.06 m.s o 2.57 m.s

Ballasted: • 1.03 m.s"


-1 -1 h/T = 4.37

h/T = 10.9



L2c 0.5 y«^*W,




<* X •

*k 1) \ \

v. \

Based on CG

\ \


p /4

' i i

1 i i


180 Uc-x6) in deg

90 (*C-Xg) in deg

Figure 3.18 The current force/moment coefficients

3.4.4. Relative current velocity concept for the surge mode of motion

In order to quantify the oscillatory surge damping of a tanker in current the motion decay will be studied. It is assumed that during the decay motions the following relation exists:


X1Nf V IN « V (

in which: current velocity frequency of the slowly oscillating vessel amplitude of the Nth oscillation in surge direction

»*1 X1N x.. = low frequency surge velocity during the Nth oscillation

Under this condition it is plausible that the laminar boundary layer will be disturbed by the current and will be dominated by turbulence. In this case the relative current concept may be used. The relative current concept will be applied to the equations of the low frequency surge mo­tion of a linearly moored tanker in steady current with velocity V and direction (|>c. For the degree in freedom in surge direction and following the sign convention as given in Figure 3.3, the equation of motion can be written as follows:

( M f a ^ ^ + c ^ - *PLTClc«Pcr)Vc (

in which:

v2 cr u cr

V c cr

= = = =

u 2 + cr

V cos c V sin c

2 V c <v < * c arctan v

V " -v /u c cr

x l

Expanded in a Taylor series the current force becomes:

" i c ' V W V " Xlc<Vc'*-Vil) vx6(0)'xr°

+ X . ÖXlc(Vc>'t'-VXl)

Si, x6=x6(0),Xl=0 + higher order terms (

Taking the appropriate terms the equation of motion will read:


(Mfa11(u1))x1 + B n i 1 + c u X l = X l c ( V c , V x 6 ) ( 3 . 4 . 4 . 4 )

in which:

B-Q = current damping coefficient Xg = Xg(0) = constant yaw angle of tanker

The current damping coefficient can be derived as follows:

ÖX lc 11 ox,

- ^PLT Xl=°

3(0, (<|» ) - V lc cr cr ox, Xl=o

- *PLT(V 2 ac

1c<*c> ox,

av xi=°

+ . c l c ( V - 6 ) • ÖX, xl=°

in which: (

ÖC. (<!< ) lc cr ox,

dC. (<P ) 3* ö(v In ) 3u lc cr cr c c c

V° Scp Ö(v /u ) c c 3u 3x, V° oC (<|* -x,) sin(<(, -x,) lc c 6 c 6

3(|> V (


dV cr ax,

av cr av 2 2 a(u +v ) au cr c cr xr° av 2 2 3(u +v ) v cr c' au ax, xr°

= - 2 V cos (<|< -x,) c v c 6' (

Using the equations ( and (, equation ( can be rewritten as follows:


( M + a u ( u 1 ) ) x 1 + {2Xlc(cPc- x 6 ) cos(*c-x6) a(xlc(»c-x6)

a<i< sin(<l» -x )

^ } ix + C n . X l = X l c(Vc ,<Pc-x6) ( 3 . 4 . 4 . 8 )

In case the tanker performs low frequency motions in head current (<k,-x,-= 180°) and|x I « V then the equation of motion can be represented as follows:

(M+an(u1))x1 2Xlc((VX6)=18°°) . . xx + c11x1 - X1(. (

It must be noted that for the current damping the frequency dependency as found for the still water damping does not exist.

l e s t No. 6360 - c . , - 19 .3 tf.m - T-233 s - i

>, ■a,

N>L " n ,

■v k k r ■ ^

'S > L

> o - X


Figure 3.19 Results of measured decay mo­tions in surge direction for head current

To evaluate the relative current concept physical model tests in current were carried out with a loaded 200 kTDW tanker moored in 82.5 m deep water, see Sec­tion 2.4.1. The tanker was moored by a linear spring with c 11 19.3 tf.m and exposed to 2 kn head cur­rent. The measured resis­tance coefficient amounted to C l c = -0.040 (Xlc = -13.1 tf). In terms of lo­garithmic decrements the results of the tests are presented in Figure 3.19.


Using the formulation of the viscous damping coefficient according to equation ( the damping coefficient can be computed and amounts to:

2*X B n = y±£- = 25.4 tf.s.in


From Figure 3.19 it can be seen that the logarithmic decrement 6 for the large low frequency amplitudes may be considered as constant.

Using the constant logarithmic decrement the linear damping coefficient according to equation ( can be derived from Figure 3.19. The linear damping coefficient derived from the decay test amounts to Bii = 27 tf.m.s-1.

Comparing the computed and measured result it may be concluded that the relative current concept for the surge mode of motion is applicable for head current.

Evaluating equation ( reveals that for current angles approach­ing beam current the current damping coefficient becomes negative. In [3-13] model test results of extinction tests in surge direction under different current angles are presented. The results of the measurements show, however, that the damping decreases to some extent for current angles approaching beam current but- remain clearly positive.

The results in [3-13] indicate that contrary to the theory of the rela­tive current concept the experiment shows that the current damping coef­ficient stays positive for the cross current condition. A possible ex­planation is that due to the cross current velocity, the current veloci­ty 'along the hull side at the leeward-side is almost absent. Due to these phenomena a part of the larger stiil water damping is involved and may dominate the damping force. It is therefore recommended that the still watef damping be used as the lower bound for the damping in current.


3.4.5. Relative current velocity concept for the sway mode of motion

To evaluate the relative current concept for the sway mode of motion model tests were carried out in a current field. For the model tests use was made of the hydraulically driven oscillator.

COMPUTED loaded 200 kDWT MEASURED 82.5 m water depth

Test No. 19452

Istat ( t f )

I x f c l 0 * 30.27 nï ; «I = 0.0111 rad.s

40 h

v 800 *2stat ( t f )

20,000h X6stat 0 c (tf.m) 0

.03 "-S

1000 I

2000 (s)

Test No. 19421

I x j j l - 30.1 m ; uc = 0.025 rad.s"

1S" -KAAA/NA/VW (tf)

100,000 6stat (tf.m)

1000 Time in s

Figure 3.20 Computed and. measured re­lative current force and moment components for the sway mode of.motion

Based on the known oscil­latory sway displacement and frequency, the known added mass coefficients and the inertia properties of the vessel, the relative current force and moment components Xlstaf X2stat a n d X6stat can be derived from the measurements using equation ( The dynamic current load contributions are assumed to be dependent on the yaw velocity.

For some specific conditions the results of the derived measurements are presented in Figure 3.20. In Figure 3.20 the results of the computed steady relative current force and moment components based on equation ( have also been plotted. The coefficients used for the computations were obtained from Figure 3.18.


From the results it can be concluded that the application of the steady relative current force concept for the sway mode of motion gives satis­factory results.

3.4.6. The dynamic current contribution

The part of each of the equations of motion in equation ( in-phase with the yaw velocity (x/-=0) represents the components of the quasi-steady current load and the dynamic current contribution. By sub­tracting the components from the steady current load, the components of the dynamic current contribution remain.

By means of the oscillating rotator a total of 70 yaw oscillating tests in current were carried out to determine the dynamic current contribu­tion, see Section 3.5.2. By means of a post-processing computer program applied to the stored digitized data of the measured oscillating forces and moment the amplitudes of the dynamic contributions in-phase with the negative and positive yaw velocities have been derived.

The force and moment components in-phase with the positive yaw velocity were transformed into negative yaw velocities taking into account the appropriate sign and current angle:

X l d y n ( V W x6a = P° S° = ^dyn^c' 3 6 0'"^"^) .*6a = n e S °

X 2 d y n < W x 6 > *6a = P° S° = "X2dyn( V 3 6 0 ' - < V x 6 > >x6a = neS->

X6dyn<Vc'V-x6> x6a = P ° S ° = - X 6 d y n ( V c > 3 6 0 ° - < W >x6a = ne8->


The yaw oscillation tests were carried out for 5 current angle sectors U*c" x6 ) = °*' 4 5 ° ' 9 0 ° ' 1 3 5° and 1 8 0 ° ) - Applying equation ( to the results a presentation of the dynamic contribution is obtained for current angles covering 360 degrees. This presentation corresponds to a rotation of the tanker with a quasi-steady yaw velocity in a current


field and is analogous to the presentation of the results of the rotation with steady yaw velocity as is shown in Figure 3.2. The difference is, however, that the present method takes into account the oscillatory hydrodynamic effects In the current field such as vortex shedding etc.

For the loaded and ballasted tanker both in 2 kn and 4 kn current and based on the negative yaw velocity of the tanker the dynamic current contributions in surge, sway and yaw direction respectively XiJ n, ^?dvn and X/-j derived as function of the undisturbed current angle of incidence or the relative current angle of incidence are given in Figure 3.21 and Figure 3.22.

Based on the results of the model tests a description has to be estab­lished in order to formulate the components of the dynamic contribution. Following the relative current velocity concept and the quantities varied during the tests, being - the frequency of the yaw oscillation; - the current angle of incidence; - the current velocity, it is assumed that the tanker motions may be considered as a combined surge, sway and yaw motion. Therefore the proposed formulation will be expressed in terms of relative current speed and angle.

The force and moment components of the dynamic current contribution as shown in Figure 3.21 and Figure 3.22 are described in the following form:

Xldyn = Cldyn<*cr>r,>^LTVcr

X2dyn - ^ d y n ^ c r - r ' ^ P ^ c r

*6dyn = W ^ ' ^ X r (3"4-6-2)


200 kTDW tanker - 82.5 m water depth - V =1 .03 m.s"

-250 40,000


5 20,000



0.002 rad.s" 0.003 rad.s"


x |*6 | = 0.005 rad.s" o — - |* 6 a | = 0.007 rad.s" '

Fourier approximation


5,000 -

Model tests



Figure 3.21 Dynamic current contribution in surge, sway and yaw direc­tion due to motion in yaw direct ion in 2 knot current, based on negative yaw ve loc i ty


200 kTWD tanker - 82.5 m water depth - Vc = 2.06 m.s -1


> 6a

= 0.002 rad.s = 0.003 rad.s"


• x — u , | = 0.005 rad.s ' 6a' - i

o — l x 1 = 0.007 rad.s , 1 6a' Fourier approximation

Model tests

- 25




180 360

*cr in deg

Figure 3.22 Dynamic current contribution in surge, sway and yaw direc­tion due to motion in yaw direction in 4 knot current, based on negative yaw velocity


in which: V = (u 2 + v , 2 ) ^ vcr v r r ' *cr = arctan(-vr/-ur) C . j = dynamic current coefficient for j=l,2,6 r' = ift-L/V = dimensionless yaw velocity

By means of Fourier theory applied to each of the appropriate curves the dynamic current coefficient can be approximated in terms of Fourier coefficients:

N Cjdyn = C 0 j ( r , ) + J^nj^ 1') «>°("-*cr> + Snj(r') «»i°(n.<|>cr) )

for j=l,2,6 (

Each of the Fourier coefficients will represent a function of r' and is shown in Figures 3.23, 3.24 and 3.25 for the components in surge, sway and yaw direction.

These functions can be described by polynomial terms. As a consequence of equation ( for the description of the components in sway and yaw direction as function of the yaw oscillating velocity at a certain relative current angle a proper approximation of the Fourier coeffi­cients must be applied, being:

Cnj = Vj + Vj r' + cnjr* lr* I V j " dnj + enj| r'| + f n j r ' 2 forj-1,2,6 (

By .substituting the Fourier coefficients in equation (, equation ( and equation ( and after some re-arrangement of the terms the following expressions were found for the components of the dynamic current contribution:

Xldyn " "°-4 * <a22-all> * s i n < W * Vc * *6


X2dyn " - < a 2 2 - a l l > * c °*( W * Vc * *6 + X2D

X, . = X,_ ( 3 . 4 . 6 . 5 ) 6dyn 6D

in which:

X2D = [X2Vr*Vcr**6 + X2V |r) *Vcr* j ^ | + X'2/h*\ + X2 | r | r * L * V N +

+ X 2 r 3 / V ^ 6 * L 2 / V c r + X2 | r 3 | / v * | i 6 | 3 * L 2 / V c r ] ^


X6D = K v r ^ c r S + X6V | r | *Vcr* | ^ 6 1 + ^ / ^ + *6 | r | r * L * V | *6 | +

+ X' *£3*L2/V + X' , * | i , | 3 * L 2 / V lijp.L3.T , 3 ,„ 6 er r 3 ,„ 6 c r J 6r /V 6 | r | /V '

where for the l a t e r a l viscous par t we w i l l have the following

c o e f f i c i e n t s :

X' , = 0.06435 - 0.03996 cos2<|* '+ 0.02654 cos3c|* + 2Vr cr cr

+ (0.00683 cos2(p + 0.06634 cos3<); )Q v ^cr c r "

X 2 V | r | = ( - 0 - 2 2 0 7 + 0.1309Q)sincPcr

X' = (0.3285 - 0.1527Q)sin<J> 2r 2 C r

X' = 0.02157 + 0.01484cos2(J- - 0.03886COS3I|J + 2r r | cr cr

+ (-0.00838 cos2<|> - 0.10804 cos3<|; )Q

X' = (0.01168 + 0.03286Q) cos3<l< 2r /V C


2 rJ|/V = (-0.0664 + 0.05801Q) sin* er

while for the moment component the coefficients of the viscous part will be:


X' 6V|r|

X ^ 2 6r

6r |r

= -0.05659 - 0.00656 cos* + 0.0225 cos2* + er er

+ (-0.02981 + 0.03072 cos* + 0.01994 cos2* )Q er er

= (0.00722 + 0.01847Q).sin*

= (-0.03753


0.01069Q).sin* er


= -0.01706 - 0.00512Q + (0.019122 - 0.0350O2Q).cos*

(-0.007587 + 0.009023Q).cos*

6 r /V (0.00982 + 0.00391Q)'.sin*

0.4U, >,,)

\ Ï O O S T 0.2

40%T \

-2 -1



\ \ — r

Figure 3.23 The derivation of the coef­ficients of the dynamic current contribution in surge direction due to motion in yaw direction in a current field

The denominator in the viscous parts of equation ( contains the current velocity. For this reason it is clear that the derived formulations are only valid for sufficiently high values of the current velocities. Because of the restricted amount of data the validity will hold for current speeds of 2 knots or higher.

From Figures 3.23 through 3.25 it is assumed that the Fourier coefficients are dependent on the draft of


the vessel. The factor Q used for the interpolation can be formulated as follows:

T-T Q = 40

T -T 100 40 (

in which: l100 r40

loaded draft = draft at 40% of loaded draft

The comparison between the Fourier approximation and the test results is given in the Figures 3.21 and 3.22.







- «— 100%T — o — 40ÏT

y ^ ^ *?

— +r'



CQ2 = 0.06435r' * 0.02157r' | r ' |

\ 0.4

° X » s \ . 0 . 2



—— +r'

V *1 +2 \ \

' \ \

(a22 - a l l '

A °-4 A. \ \

V\ 0.2 \\ . -2 -1 - V


1 1

// ft ~—= A +2

—— +r'

S.-(IOOXT) = - 0.08981r' | + 0.1758r'? - 0.00839 | r ' | S,2< 40ST) = - 0.2207|r'| + 0.3285r'd - 0.0664 | r ' |


-2 -1


+r' ♦ 1 +2

C22(100«T) = - 0.03313r' * 0.00646r'|r ' | Cj£( 40J5T) = - 0.03996r' + 0.01484r


r ' |

C„(100ST) = ♦ 0.09288r' - 0.1469 r' | r ' | + 0.044541-':; C||( 40JST) = ♦ 0.02654r' - 0.03886r' | r ' j * 0.01168r,':'

Figure 3.24 The derivation of the coeficients of the dynamic current distribution in sway direction due to motion in yaw direc­tion in a current field


C06(100%T) =

CQ6( 40%T)


0.08640r' + - 0 .02218r ' | r ' |

- 0.05659r ' + - 0.01706r' I r '


S 6(100ÏT) 0.02569 I r ' - 0.04822r ,2

+ 0.01373|r ■ i3

S,6( 40%T) = + 0.007221r'1+ 0.03753r ,2

0.00982 I r '

-.2 -1


-0.2 -



'16 " 2 \




yi -0.01



I s , \ \ 1 \2

— - + r ' \

C16(100%T) = + 0.02416r' - 0.01588r ' | r ' | + + 0.001436r'3

C16( 40CT) = - 0.00656r' + + 0.019122r' |r ' | +




-2 -1

^ -0.1


1 2 — - +r'

C26(100ÏT) = + 0 .04244r ' C26( 40%T) = + 0 .02250r '

- 0.007587r ,3

Figure 3.25 The derivation of the coefficients of the dynamic current contribution in yaw direction due to motion in yaw direc­tion in a current field


3.4.7. Evaluation of the semi-empirical mathematical models in current

By means of the present formulation for the dynamic current contribution according to equation ( the semi-empirical mathematical models based on relative current velocity concepts [3-12j, [3-13j and [3-14] can be evaluated.

In accordance with theory the components of the dynamic current contri­bution in surge and sway direction consist of a potential and a viscous part, see equation ( The experimentally derived component in surge direction shows that the component mainly consists of a potential part. The magnitude of the potential part, however, was found to be lower than predicted by theory. The component in sway direction consists of a potential and a viscous part. The magnitude of the potential part was in good agreement with theory.

To evaluate the dynamic current load contribution, computations on the theoretical models according to the equations (, (, ( and ( and the present formulation were carried out; the results were then compared. The computations concerned the loaded and ballasted tanker in a 2 knot current and a yaw velocity x, = -0.007 rad.s- . The results are presented in Figure 3.26.

The results show that the yaw moment of the dynamic current contribution will be underestimated by applying the theoretical models. The sway cont-ponent shows the importance of the potential part, while the viscous part seems to be to some extent too small by applying the theoretical models.

In accordance with equation ( the total low frequency hydrodyna-mic viscous resistance components in current consist of a relative cur­rent load part and a dynamic current contribution. The magnitudes of each part will depend on the values of the relative current speed, the relative current angle and the oscillating yaw velocity.


82.5 m water depth 200 kDWT loaded tanker V = 1.03 m.s Xg = -0.007 rad.s


80 -



r\ - \ v i ' /

Method Obokata [3-14] — Method Mol in [3-13] i Method Wichers [3-12]

Present formulation • Oscil lation tests


82.5 m water depth 200 kDWT ballasted tanker

-1 1.03 m.s -0.007 rad.s ■1

-40 90 180 270 360

90 180 360

180 270 360




* * " • < .


V '1

/ / /

90 .180 270 360


* c r in deg

3.26 Comparison of the results of the dynamic current contribu­

tion components due to yaw mode motion following the

existing methods and the present formulation


To evaluate the relative differences in the results of the theoretical models computations have been carried out on the total low frequency viscous resistance components in both the sway and yaw direction (XJ t a t + Xjdyn f o r J=2.6>-

The computations were carried out for the loaded and ballasted 200 kTDW tanker in 2 and 4 knot current and yaw velocities x, = -0.002 and

_ i 6

-0.007 rad.s . The results are shown in the Figures 3.27, 3.28, 3.29 and 3.30.

It can be concluded that for low values of the oscillating yaw veloci­ties the results of the theoretical models of Molin [3-13] and Obokata [3-14] are close to the results of the present formulation. For higher values, however, the differences with the present formulation increase considerably.

By means of the present formulation for the low frequency hydrodynamic viscous force/moment components time domain computations of the low fre­quency tanker motions moored in current may be carried out.

To evaluate the proposed description of the equations of motion the re­sults of the time domain computations have to be compared with the re­sults of model tests. This validation is presented in Chapter 5.


Draft 100* = 18.9 m Current = 1.03 m.s" Yaw velocity = FP = 148.4 m AP = -161.6 m

-0.002 rad.s

Obokata 1983 Mol in 1980 Wieners 1979 Present formulation

-1 Draft 40% = 7.56 m Current = 1.03 rad.s ' Yaw velocity = -0.002 rad.s FP = 144.54 m AP = -165.46 m







r —







If // Jl

It 1 1

N \

\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\

/l ^r.y







\ 1 V / \>



f\ \


* c r in deg

90 180 270 . 360

Figure 3.27 Comparison between r e s u l t s of t o t a l low frequency viscous r e s i s t a n c e components in sway and yaw d i r ec t i on due to yaw mode of motion following the ex i s t i ng methods and the p r e ­sent formulation


Obokata 1983 Mol in 1980 Wieners 1979 Present formulation

Draft 100% = 18.9,m Current = 2.06 m.s Yaw velocity = -0.002 rad.s FP = 148.4 m AP = -161.6 m











W / A

/ \

\ / A. /

A \

Draft 40% = 7.56 m , Current = 2.06 m.s" Yaw velocity = -0.002 rad.s" FP = 144.54 m AP = -165.46 m








\ -

180 270 360 ' 7 ' 5 0 0 t

♦ c r in deg

m 90 180 270 360

Figure 3.28 Comparison between results of total low frequency viscous resistance components in sway and yaw direction due to yaw mode of motion following the existing methods and 'the pre­sent formulation


Obokata 1983 Hol in 1980

— Wieners 1979 Present formulation

Draft 100% = 18.9 m. Current = 1.03 m.s Vaw velocity = -0.007 rad.s" FP = 148.4 m AP = -161.6 m

Draft 40% = 7.56 m . Current = 1.03 m.s Yaw veloci ty = -0.007 rad.s" FP = 144.54 m AP = -165.46 m



-150 V ^ -




/ \._y /



/ / / / \

V \





\ A S' '..,


/ 1

/ /

'"N \

- \

V V \\

90 180. 270 360 0 . 90 * in deg

180 270 360

Figure 3.29 Comparison between results of total low frequency viscous resistance components in sway and- yaw direction due to yaw mode of motion following the existing methods and the pre­sent formulation


Obokata 1983 Mol in 1980 Wichers 1979 Present formulation

Draft 100% = 18.9 ra. Current = 2.06 m.s Yaw velocity = -0.007 rad.s" FP = 148.4 m AP = -161.6 m







Draft 40% = 7.56 m Current = 2.06 m.s Yaw velocity = -0.007 rad.s" FP = 144.54 m AP = -165.46 m






, in deg

\y \

/ . / /




Figure 3.30 Comparison between r e s u l t s of t o t a l low frequency viscous r e s i s t a n c e components in sway and yaw d i r e c t i o n due to yaw mode of motion following the ex i s t i ng methods and the p re ­sent formulation



3-1 Abkowitz, M.A.: "Lectures on ship hydrodynamics, steering and manoeuvrability", Hy A Report Hy S, 1964.

3-2 Inoue, S., Hirano, M., Kijima, K. : "Hydrodynamic derivatives on ship manoeuvring", International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 28, 1981.

3-3 Hirano, M. and Takashina, J.: "A calculation of ship turning mo­tion taking coupling effect due to heel into consideration", Transaction of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, No. 59, March 1980.

3-4 Gerritsma, J., Beukelman, W. and Glansdorp, C.C.: "The effect of beam on the hydrodynamic characteristics of ship hulls", Proc. 10th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Boston, 1974.

3-5 Glansdorp, C.C.: "Ship type modelling for training simulator", Proc. 4th Ship Control Systems Symposium, The Hague, October 27-31, 1975, Volume 4.

3-6 Sharma, S.D. and Zimmermann, B.: "Schragschlepp- und Drehversuche in Vier Quadranten- Teil 1", Schiff und Hafen/Kommandobrlicke, Heft 10-33 Jahrgang ,1981.

3-7 Sharma, S.D.: "Schragschlepp- und Drehversuche in Vier Quadranten-Teil 2", Schiff und Hafen/Kommandobrlicke, Heft 9-34 Jahrgang, 1982.

3-8 Faltinsen, O.M., Kjaerland, 0., Liapis, N. and Walderhaug, H.: "Hydrodynamic analysis, of tankers at single point-mooring sys­tems", Proc. Symposium on Behaviour of Offshore Structures, London, August 1979.


3-9 Ractliffe, A.T. and Clarke, D. : "Development of a comprehensive simulation model of single point mooring systems", Royal Institute of Naval Architects, Paper 9, London, 1980.

3-10 Remery, G.F.M. and van Oortmerssen, G.: "The mean wave, wind and current forces on offshore structures and their role in the design of mooring systems", OTC Paper No. 1741, Houston, 1973.

3-11 OCIMF: "Prediction of wind.and current loads on VLCCs", OCIMF, 6th floor, Portland House, Stag Place, London, 1977.

3-12 Wichers, J.E.W.: "Slowly oscillating mooring forces in single point mooring systems", Proc. Symposium on Behaviour of Offshore Structures, London, August 1979.

3-13 Molin, B. and Bureau, G.: "A simulation model for the dynamic behaviour of tankers moored to SPM", International Symposium on Ocean Engineering and Ship Handling, Gothenburg, 1980.

3-14 Obokata, J. : "Mathematical approximation of the slow oscillation of a ship moored to single point moorings", Marintec Offshore China Conference, Shanghai, October 1983.

3-15 Norbinn, N.H.: "Theory and observation on the use of a mathematical model for ship manoeuvring in deep and confined water", Proc. 8th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, 1970.

3-16 Munk, M.: "The aerodynamics of airship hulls", NACA Report No. 184, 1924.

3-17 Lamb, H.: "Hydrodynamics", 6th edition 1932, Cambridge University Press, London

3-18 Faltinsen, O.M., Dahle, L.A. and Sortland, B.: "Slow drift damping and response of a moored ship in irregular waves", Proc. OMAE, Tokyo, 1986.





In Chapter 2 the speed dependency of the potential theory regarding the second order wave drift forces in head waves was discussed. In Chapter 3 the low frequency viscous damping caused by the low frequency motions in the horizontal plane, including surge direction, have been dealt with. In this chapter the results as derived in the previous chapters are ap­plied to the computations of the low frequency surge motions of a moored tanker in irregular head waves with and without current. The current is co-linear with the waves. Computations were carried out for both the frequency and time domain.

To illustrate the effect of the wave drift damping on the low frequency motions, frequency domain computations were performed for sea states with increasing significant wave height [4-1]. The results were compared with the results of model tests. The frequency domain computations are based on the wave spectra as were adjusted for the model tests. As a consequence of the frequency domain approach the results of the computa­tions can only be presented in terms of statistical quantities. For ir­regular waves combined with current a similar computation procedure can be applied [4-2].

To show the deterministic procedure for simulation of the low frequency surge motions in irregular waves with and without current time domain computations were carried out. The time domain computations are based on the wave train registrations as were adjusted for the model tests. Prior to solving the equation of motion the mean wave drift damping co­efficient and the registration of the wave drift force with and without current were computed. The results of the computed wave drift force registration with and without current in terms of spectral densities were compared with the results of model tests. Finally the results of


the computed low frequency motions were compared with the results of model tests.

4.2. Frequency domain computations in irregular head waves without current

4.2.1. Theory

The equation of the low frequency surge motion of a l i n e a r l y moored tan­

ker exposed to i r r e g u l a r head waves can be wr i t t en a s :

( M f a u ( u 1 ) ) x 1 + B n ( u 1 ) x 1 + B ^ + c ^ = X ^ t ) ( 4 . 2 . 1 . 1 )

added mass coefficient at the natural frequency |j.. still water damping coefficient at the natural frequency n, mean wave drift damping coefficient linear spring coefficient wave drift force registration

In the frequency domain the quantities considered are expressed in terms of spectral densities. Since the equation of motion is in a linear form, the spectral density of the low frequency surge motion can be written as:

S (u) = S x ( ^ . ( ^ u ) ) 2

1 1 la

while the variance of the low frequency surge motion will be:

a2 = / S Y (a) ( T T ^ U ) ) 2 da ( xl 0 Xl Xla

where: S (n) = spectral density of the longitudinal wave drift force Xl

in which: all^l> =

Bn(u1) = Sl cll X,(t) =


Xla (|i) = surge amplitude per unit longitudinal wave drift force

la 1

\/ T~2 - TT-^(cu-muH ) +(B11+B1) u

\i = frequency of low frequency part of the second order forces m u = M + a11(u1)

For systems with a small damping, the response of the surge motion at the natural frequency dominates (has a peak). Therefore the spectral density can be kept constant over the frequency range. Following [4-3] the variance reduces to the following form:

ax = SX < M / h r ^ ) ) 2 ^ ( Xl Xl l 0 Xla

which yields:

°l = r 2 S (Ü,) ( 1 2<B11+VC11 l


\ Fïi \i. = \ / = natural frequency of the system 1 V n S ((O = spectral density of the wave drift force at

frequency u.-, To solve equation ( the input data have to be known. The still water damping coefficient can be read from Figure 3.10. The mean wave drift damping coefficient B. in an irregular sea with N wave components can be determined as follows:

in series notation or in spectral notation N o _

B = Z CT.D(o) ) B = 2 ƒ S (oo).D(u)) du ( 1 i=l X l 0 V


in which: S-(w) = spectral density of the irregular sea

B (co)

The quadratic transfer function of the wave drift damping coefficient D(io) can be obtained by means of computations or model tests as is described in Chapter 2.

The spectral density of the wave drift forces in an irregular sea state with spectral density S(co) can be computed following [4-3]:


Sv CM-) = 8 ƒ Sr(co).Sr(u+u) (TCio.uH-^))2 dio ( Xl 0 Q C

in which: T(w,itH-|i) = amplitudes of the quadratic transfer function of the wave

drift force dependent on u and uH-(i

Because the natural frequency in surge direction for a moored tanker is small the spectral density S„ (^) will approximately be equal to Sx <[i=0), or:

S (u=0) = 8 ƒ S2(a>) (T(to,a>))2 dco ( Xl 0 C v

in which:

4 2 ) ( W ) T(io,io) = 5

It should be noted that in equation ( the spectral density of the wave drift forces is directly related to the theoretically derived spectral density of the wave group in a sea state. To show this relation the derivation of the wave group spectrum will be given. Because the drift force is related to the square of the wave amplitude, the square of the wave envelope for a regular wave group as given in equation


( will be considered. The regular wave group consists of two regular waves with wave amplitudes C. and C„ and with frequencies u, and to, respectively. The square of the wave envelope can be written as


A2 = C^ + Q\ + 2C1C2.cosnt (

in which: \i = co-, - co­

in accordance with the definition of a spectrum the spectral density of

the low frequency part of the square of the wave envelope will be:

S (u) A<o = \{2C, C ? ) 2 ( A

while for wave component n the spectral density is:

Sc(un) Aco = JgC2 (

which w i l l y i e l d :

S 2 ( u ) Aw = 8 S C ( O J 1 ) A U S C (Ü) 2 )AU) ( 4 . 2 . 1 . 1 1 )

or for all the wave groups with the frequency-difference |i in a wave spectrum:


S 9(t0 = 8 / S (u) S (urt-u) dw ( A 1 0 ^ <*

Actually equation ( represents a spectral density of the wave groups for a random process of wave components in the spectrum S-(a> )


for n = infinity. To obtain this result the sea state will have to last infinitely. The consequence is that the variance in equation ( represents the steady state value. Because the sea state or the design storm with a prescribed wave spectrum lasts only for a short duration the wave train has to be considered as one realisation. As a consequence the slowly oscillating wave drift force present in the wave train has to be considered as one realisation also. The result is that the slowly oscillating motion is a representation of that realisation. In terms of the variance the result represents one unique value.

If we consider a number of independent wave trains, statistical theory can be applied to the wave drift force excitation, which results in sta-tictics of the motions. For this alternative approach, which necessi­tates the replacement of frequency domain by time domain, reference is made to [4-4J.

Restricted to the theory on the frequency domain procedure the computa­tions can be carried out.

4.2.2. Computations

The computations were carried out for the loaded 200 kTDW tanker. The particulars and the body plan are given in Table 2.1 and Figure 2.4 res­pectively. The tanker was moored by means of a linear spring in surge direction with a spring constant of 13.6 tf.m . The water depth corre­sponded to 206 m full scale. The tanker was exposed to wave spectra as presented in Section 4.2.3. These spectra were applied to the computa­tions.

For the spectral density of the wave drift forces Sx (n=0) use is made of the computed transfer function of the wave drift forces as given in Figure 2.12 and Table 2.3. The mean wave drift damping has been computed by means of the data given in Figure 2.11.


Wave spectra Nos. 1, 2, 3 (f, - K s) Wave spectra Nos. 4, 5, 6 (ƒ,= 12.0 s)

For the still water damping use is made of measured data, see Section 4.2.3, which resulted in B,, = 24.4 tf.s.nf1. The results of the computa­tions of the spectral densities of the wave drift forces and the mean wave drift damping are given in Table 4.1. The results of the computations with and without wave drift damping

''ui/31 '"m in terms of the root-mean-Figure 4.1 Root-mean-square values of the square values of the low

low frequency surge motion ver- frequency surge motion are sus significant wave height given in Table 4.1 and in squared Figure 4.1.

• without wave d r i f t damping J - o with wave d r i f t damping —J—

A measured /

i 7

y fl V




MARIN T e s t






Wave s p e c t r u m








' - V 3


1 2 . 5 0

9 . 4 0

7 . 5 0

1 2 . 5 0

9 . 8 0

6 . 1 0

? 1


1 4 . 1

1 3 . 7

1 3 . 6

1 2 . 0

1 2 . 0

1 1 . 4

C 1 1

t f . m " 1

1 3 . 6

1 3 . 6

1 3 . 6

1 3 . 6

1 3 . 6

1 3 . 6

M e a s u r e d

0 *1 m



12.80 6.74

Ca lcu la ted data according to frequency domain

m with wave

d r i f t damping




18.4 13.4


without wave d r i f t


25.1 15.4 9.0




S p e c t r a l dens i ty d r i f t

f o r c e s S (u=0>

*1 t f 2 s







mean wave d r i f t damping

= 1 t f . s . m " 1

48.75 27.60 14.14

53.7 34.4 10.6

Table 4.1 Results of computation and model tests

4.2.3. Model tests

To validate the results of the computations model tests were carried out. The model tests were carried out in the seakeeping laboratory of


MARIN, see Section 2.4.1.

Prior to testing the wave spectra were adjusted with the wave probe at the projected location of the centre of gravity of the tanker model. The wave spectra are presented in Figure 4.2 (spectra No. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6). Each sea state was adjusted for a test duration of 2.5 hours prototype t ime.




0.5 .1 -0 0.5 tu i n rad.s u in rad .s

Figure 4.2 The spectral densities of the wave spectra

The tests were performed in the wave spectra No. 1, 2, 5 and 6. The statistical properties belonging to the measured wave spectra are given in Figure 4.3 and 4.4.

The results of the tests in terms of the root-mean-square values of the low frequency motions are given in Table 4.1 and in Figure 4.1.

Prior' to the tests in waves a surge extinction test was performed in still water, to measure the natural period and the still water damping coefficient. The results in terms of the logarithmic decrement are shown in Figure 4.5.



it 10

.A h^ o =3.16m Camax. + = 14.2m

-10 m Ü m 10


Theoret ical ly From time record





0 /

r .


— V

-N '*v

\\ V \




' r \ ■

N ^

v> 0.5 ,1.0

to in rad.s

Figure 4.3 The theoretical and measured distribution function of the wave elevation and square of the wave envelope belonging to spectrum No. 1 (Spectrum 16346)






^ ^

4 crests " I t "*■ " ' " o troughs D fi 11

B = 24.4 t f .s .m

^ 4 ^ c ^ ^ *---c > ^

. -1

n^— (

2 3 4 5 Number of oscillations xu

Figure 4.5 The measured still water damping








T , ■



4.1 s

* ^

From time record


Theoretical W 3 ' 9 - 4 ™ fl • 13.7 s

Theoretical From time record

0.25 0.50

u in rad.s"

\ V

0.25 0.50 u in rad.s


T, . 12.0 s


- Theoretical - From time record

— Theoretical — From time record

•'~\ \ \

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

\ \ *__



'Z. 100




\ \ \

tv \

ÏZ — 0.25 0.50

v in rad.s" 0.25 , 0.50

Li in rad.s

Figure 4.4 The spectra of the wave groups


4.2.4. Evaluation of results

The measured still water damping coefficient as derived in Figure 4.5 is B u = 24.4 tf.s.m , which a be derived from Figure 3.10.

Bll = 24.4 tf.s.m , which approximately corresponds to the data as can

The results of the statistical quantities of the surge motion obtained by computations and model tests will be correlated. To be able to relate the results the statistical properties of the undisturbed wave specCra, adjusted for a duration of 2.5 hours full scale, have to be verified with the theoretical ones.

The theoretical properties of the wave spectra will be reviewed. The theory is based on the random wave model. Given the spectral density of the wave record the random model assumes a normal distribuCion of Che wave elevations (Gaussian model). The random model predicts then the spectral density of the low frequency part of the square of the wave envelope as presented in equation (

The theoretical distribution of the low frequency part of the square of the wave envelope for a random model is given by Davenport and Root [4-

P(A2) = ~ ^ - e 2 m0 ( L 0

in which:


m = ƒ S (oo) dio U 0 ^

The low frequency part of the square of the wave envelope is exponen­tially distributed.

For the measured spectrum No. 1 (C . ,- = 12.5 m and f^ = 14.1 s) the statistical properties will be compared with those derived from theory. By means of low pass filtering of the square of the wave record the low


frequency part of the square of the wave envelope can be determined as follows:

A2(t) = 2cJ(t) (

in which:

2 2 C„(t) = low pass filtering of the square of the wave elevation C (t)

The distribution function of the elevation of the wave and the square of the wave envelope as derived from the experiment and theory are given in Figure 4.3. Furthermore the wave trains of all applied wave spectra were subjected to the analysis on the spectra of the wave groups. The results are presented in Figure 4.4. A good agreement can be found between the actual and the theoretical statistical properties of the wave groups. Knowing the good correlation of the input the statistical quantities of the motions (the output) obtained from computations and model tests can be compared.

The results of the computations and the model tests on the characteris­tic data of the low frequency surge motion are given in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1. The agreement is good.

It can be concluded that the mean wave drift damping coefficient has to. be taken into account to predict the correct motion characteristics of a moored vessel exposed to irregular head waves.

The present wave spectra with approximately the same mean wave period were adjusted in the basin by increasing the stroke of the wave genera­tor. By increasing the stroke the energy of the spectrum increases but the sequence of the wave trains will be approximately the same. The re­sult is that the statistical properties will be the same.

From a point of view of statistics the present realizations of the wave train were more than unique: although the duration was restricted to 2.5


hours full scale the statistical properties of the wave groups corre­spond well with the theoretical ones.

As was mentioned the theoretical spectrum of the low frequency part of the square of the wave heights will be obtained by an infinite long test duration. In this wave train the variance of the low frequency mo­tions will reach the steady state value as given in equation ( If the sea state is stationary during an assumed period of time the variance of the variance of the steady state value of the low frequency motion can be determined. This is demonstrated in [4-4]. The theory is given by Tucker [4-6], who gives the expression to determine the expected variance of the variance of a normally distributed process as function of the test duration.




r NO






\ \

\ fv \


\ J V V A \

Figure 4.6 The normal distribution of the low frequency surge motion

It is assumed that the low fre­quency surge motion is normally distributed. The distribution of the low frequency surge motion as occur in wave spectrum No.1 is shown in Figure 4.6. In terms of standard deviations the distri­bution shows a normal distri­bution. For more support of the assumed distribution reference is made to [4-4J.

According to Tucker the variance of the variance can be written as follows:

<A 2-re ƒ S2 (u) du (


where: T = duration of the record S (u) = spectral density of the motion record Xl

Making use of equation ( for Sx ((J.) and applying the low damping assumption we obtain the following result for the root-mean-square value of the variance:

°l \JTèh 2<B11«1)c11 Xl

in which: 6' = non-dimensional damping

6 Bll+51 = 2^ = — ( cri

where in accordance with equation ( 6 is the logarithmic decrement and

B i = critical damping

= 2/c u(M+a ur (

The part in square brackets in equation ( is recognized as the steady state value of the variance as given in equation (

Dividing by the steady state variance and assuming that 6' « 1 equation ( results in the following assessment for the non-dimensional root-mean-square value of the motion variance:

a' = l ( a1 / T O 7 ] ^ x 1


From this expression we may see which factors are of importance with respect to the root-mean-square value of the variance. We see that, for a given vessel/mooring system, which determines the natural frequency n-, and the non-dimensional damping 6', only the test/computation duration T will influence this quantity. It is seen that given a particular re­quirement with respect to the root-mean-square value of the motion variance a system with low damping and low natural frequency will require a longer test/simulation duration. For examples reference is made to [4-4].

4^3^_Time_domain comgutations_in_irregular h£aQ,_waves_with and without current

4.3.1. Theory

For the time domain computation of the low frequency motions of a moored tanker in irregular head waves with and without current the following equation of motion has to be solved in the time domain:

(M+au(u1))x1 + B 1 1(n 1)i 1 + B ^ + c ^ = X ^ t ) (4.3-1.1)

in which: a, ,((i,) = low frequency added mass coefficient Bll^l) = s t l H water or current damping coefficient B. = mean wave drift damping coefficient c,, = linear spring coefficient in surge direction X1(t) = wave drift force in the time domain ji. = natural frequency of the system

The damping consists of the viscous and the mean wave drift damping. The viscous damping is either the still water or the current damping. The viscous damping coefficients B-^ can be determined as is indicated in Chapter 3.


Further for the time domain computation the wave drift force registra­tion and the mean wave drift damping coefficient are required. To compute the registration and the damping coefficient respectively the wave train and the spectrum have to be known. It is assumed that for zero speed the transfer function of the wave drift forces P(tOj,u.) and the wave drift damping coefficient D(U)J) are known. The transfer func­tions can be derived from either computations or model tests.

Applied to the wave spectrum the mean wave drift damping coefficient can be calculated:

B (V ) = 2 ƒ S (oo) D(o)*) do> ( 1 c 0 c,

in which: Sr(oj) = wave spectrum as measured in situ W* = 00 + K.VC K = wave number V = current velocity D(u)) = B ^ ^ / C g 2

The transfer function of the wave drift force in current can be approximated by the gradient method:

P(OJ*,OJ*) = P(u. ,u.) - D(w.).V v i' i i l i c

The time history of the wave drift force can be obtained by means of the quadratic impulse response function technique applied to the record of the measured wave train as proposed by Dalzell [4-7 ]. By means of the Fourier transform the quadratic impulse response can be written as:

+oo +00 (id) t -iu T ) g(x1,t2) = l ^ ) 2 ƒ ƒ G(2)(oJl,co2)e 1 1 2 2 d ^ doo2 (

~00 —00

in which:


(2) G (w. ,(!)„) = complex quadratic transfer function = P("1>w2

) + iQ(ui»u)2)

t.,T2 = time shifts

Because of the very low natural frequency of the system the matrix (2) G (oo1 ,o)9) may be composed by means of the in-phase components P((D. ,U>2)

approximated on base of P(oo. ,co.) and P(w2,a>2), see equation ( The in-quadrature component Q(io, ,(*)«) will be neglected.

On the base of linear interpolation of u^ and u>. in the matrix the Fourier transforms have been applied to obtain the quadratic impulse

(2) response functions g (t.,t.)-

Using the record of the adjusted waves C(t) the time domain simulation of the wave drift force can be written as:

X,(t) = ƒ ƒ g(i T ) C(t-t ) C(t-T ) dt dx ( 0 0

Using the theory, the wave drift force registration can be determined. After the determination of the viscous damping coefficients by means of model tests or the data given in Chapter 3 the equation of motion can be solved.

4.3.2. Computed wave drift forces and mean wave drift damping coefficient

The quadratic transfer function for the wave drift force P(tü^,u^) for zero speed was computed for the loaded 200 kTDW tanker in 82.5 m deep water. The quadratic transfer function of the wave drift damping coeffi­cient D(oo.) was derived from the experiments as shown in Figure 2.11. Based on the gradient method the transfer functions of the wave drift force P(io* a)*) and the wave drift damping coefficient D(co*) for 1.03 m.s current velocity were determined. The results are shown in Figure 4.7.



Table 4.2 Matrices of the quadratic transfer functions of the wave drift forces with and without current


With the transfer functions P(wi,u^) and P(u)*,u*) the matrices of the quadratic transfer functions P(io. ,<o.) and ~P(u*,u*)t respectively without

■J i J and with current, have been composed and are presented in Table 4.2.

x < 2 > J1

''a in t f .nT2

Fully loaded 200 kDWT tanker Water depth 82.5 m * t r = 180 deg.

%z \ YCurrent \ \ 2 kn.

Current 0 kn.

Current 2 kn.

JCurrent 0 kn.


'a in t f .s .m""

Figure 4.7 The quadratic transfer functions of the wave drift force and wave drift damping coefficients with and without 2 kn current

The impulse response function g^ ^ ( ^ . T . ) has been determined for each of the matrices. For the deterministic approach the convolution was applied to the calibrated wave trains as adjusted in the model basin. For the spectra of the wave trains reference is made to Section 4.3.4. The results of the computed wave drift force regis­tration with and without current are presented in Figure 4.8 in the form of spectral densities over the frequency range of interest.

Using the transfer functions of the wave drift damping as given in Figure 4.7 and applied to the spectra with and without current the following results were computed:

B1(Vc = 0) = 48.2 tf.s.m

B.(V = 1.03 m.s 1) = 42.8 tf.s.m l

1 c

After obtaining the input data for the viscous damping coefficient the equation of motion can be solved.


V =1.03 m.s~' O COMPUTED


Vc=0.0 m.s~' • COMPUTED


ü<2> in t f COMPUTED Vc=0 Vc=1.03 m.s

-135.4 -166.6

MEASURED Vc-0 Vc=1.03 m.s'

-145.1 -166.3

0 0.05 0.10

u in rad.s

Figure 4.8 The spectral densities of the measured and computed wave drift forces

4.3.3. Computed motions

The viscous damping coefficients were obtained from the model tests, see Section 4.3.5. For the still water damping and the current damping the following values were obtained:

Bu(still water) = 25.3 tf.s.m-1

B u ( V c = 1.03 m.s"1) = 27.0 tf.s.m-1

The total damping coefficient for the condition of waves without current is equal to 73.5 tf.s.m , while for the condition of waves with current the total damping amounts to 69.8 tf.s.m • For the spring constant c-,,

-1 = 19.3 tf.m was chosen. The computed results are presented as time do­main plots in Figure 4.9. While the test duration was 2.5 hours for full scale, only the last 1.5 hour have been presented. The first hour was

< 0 >

/ 1

1 0 /

/ /

I / / / /%


o °

\ \ \ \ \ 1

> 0

0 0

\ \ \ » \ *


necessary to account for the transient phenomena in the computations.


4 . 3 . 4 . Model t e s t s

0 m -15 m

0 m 15 m

Test No



= 0 m .s " '



63514-63592 = 1.03 m.s"'



3600 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 91

Time in s

Figure 4.9 The computed and measured low frequency surge motion of the tanker in irregular waves with and without current

In order to correlate the computed registration of the wave drift force and the low frequency surge motion a series of model tests were carried out with the afore-mentioned tanker.

The tests were carried out in the Wave and Cur­rent Laboratory of MARIN at a water depth of 1 m.

Prior to the wave calibration a homogeneously distributed current field was adjusted with a velocity corresponding to 2 kn for the full scale. Combined with current or without current the same wave spectra were ad­justed at the projected location of the centre of gravity of the moored tanker. Each sea state was prepared for a test duration of 2.5 hours full scale time. The spectra and the distribution functions of the waves and the wave groups are shown in the Figures 4.10 and 4.11 respectively.

Both wave drift force and motion measurements were carried out. For the wave drift force measurements a vertically positioned cylinder hinged with air lubricated bearings was used to keep the tanker model on sta­tion. The bearings were earth fixed. As is illustrated in Figure 4.12 the test set-up allows for heave and pitch motions. As a consequence of the set-up the tanker was not able to perform high frequency surge mo­tions. This approach is allowed, because it can be shown that the con­tribution of the high frequency surge motions to the wave drift forces is negligibly small.




Jd ^3

rrK -,

WAVE 8749

° t = 2.88 m Camax+ = 14 .6 m

^amax* = 1 0 . 3 m

Smax = 2 3 . 0 m C w l / 3 = 11 .6 m

E l e v a t i o n i n m


MEASURED : 4 , « ~ . 11 .5 niiT, .

THE0RETICAL(P.M.):4^iJÖ= 11 .5 m;T, ,


ƒ f //



s \ \ ^ - ^

0.3 s

10.8 s

0.5 1.0

u in rad.s"


J F" \

W WAVE 8751

° t = 2 . 9 0 m camax* = 14 .2 m

^amax = 9 . 8 m ;wmax = 2 4 . 0 m ; w 1 / 3 = 11 .6 m

-10 0 10 E l e v a t i o n in m


n -MEASURED :>^\ö" " - S n i T , ■ 10 .3 s THE0RET1£A,L,(P.M.):4.C^Ö"- 11.5 iti.T, . 1 0 . 8 s



^ \\

\\ \\ \ \ \

0 0 .5 1.0

u in r a d . s

Figure 4.10 The adjusted wave spectra with and without current.

Since a force transducer was mounted to the lower side of the cylinder the force was measured in the horizontal direction. The measured hori­zontal force consisted of the first order and the second order wave forces. By means of low pass filtering techniques the low frequency second order wave drift forces were obtained. The measured drift forces are presented in Figure 4.8 in terms of the spectral density.

For the surge motion measurements the tanker was kept on station by a spring system, see Figure 2.5, having a linear spring constant in surge direction of c,, = 19.3 tf.m- . Prior to the tests in waves with and without current, extinction tests were carried out; if applicable the current load was measured. The current force amounts to 13.1 tf. The results of the extinction tests in terms of the logarithmic decrement are shown in Figure 4.13.







Test «0.

/ \ f \


\ \

\ \ N \


\\ \ \ »,

V \\

0.25 0.50 u in rad.s

0.25 0.50 in rad.s"


i Test No. 8749

\5 :


50.0 100.0 fl' i n m'

150.0 0.0






\ \ \ *-\ \


\\ \A * \ A

M \

Test No. 8751


50.0 100.0

A2 in „2 '

Figure 4.11 The spectra and the distribution functions of the wave groups









Figure 4.12 Test set-up for the wave drift force measurements

c,,=19.3 tf .m- ; T=233 s ; v. = .02697 rad.s


" 1

-SS^ h r* Ics

Tost No. 6360 {with current)

„ „ , . . - -1 B l

Test No. 6358 (without current)

B ( ) » 25.3 t f . s .m" 1


aY^T 0 | ■• 0 >

During the tests the surge motions were measured in the centre of gravity (CG) by means of a high accuracy optical tracking device. The result in the form of time traces is shown in Figure 4.9.

10 20 Number of osci l lat ions N'

Figure 4.13 Surge extinction tests with and without current

4.3-5. Evaluation of results

According to equation ( for the still water damping and the current damping the following values were found:


B11(still water) 25.3 t f . s . m

BU(VC = 1.03 m.s L) = 27 t f . s . m - 1

These values correspond approximately to the values as derived in

Chapter 3, being:

BU(VC = 0, ux = 0.02697 r ad . s x ) = 19 tf.s.m"

Bn(V = 1.03 m.s i, X, = -13.1 tf) = 25.4 tf.s.m" 1c

In Figure 4.8 the spectral densities of the computed and measured wave drift forces without current and with 2 kn current are shown. The agree-pent is good for the frequency range of interest. At higher frequencies the computed spectral densities increase due to the approximations of the off-diagonal terms. The effect of the current on the wave drift excitation is clearly demonstrated. By means of the theoretically derived hydrodynamic input data the equa­tions of motion with and without current were solved separately. The weather conditions that were used are presented in Figure 4.10 and re­viewed in the table below:

Pierson-Moskowitz wave spectra

Without current

j-wl/3 = U - 5 m

T = 10.8 s

V = 0 m.

With cu r ren t

'wl/3 11.5 m

10.8 s

1.03 m . s - 1

/ / waves


The computed and measured low frequency surge motions are presented as time domain plots in Figure 4.9. While the test duration was 2.5 hours for full scale, only the results of the last 1.5 hours are presented, see Section 4.3.3. From the results it can be concluded that a good agreement is achieved between theory and experiment.



4-1 Wieners, J.E.W.: "On the low frequency surge motions of vessels moored in high seas", OTC Paper No. 4437, Houston, 1982.

4-2 Wichers, J.E.W.: "Progress in computer simulations of SPM moored vessels", OTC Paper No. 5175, Houston, 1986-

4-3 Pinkster, A.J.: "Low frequency phenomena associated with vessels moored at sea", SPE Paper No. 4857, European Spring Meeting of SPE-AIME, Amsterdam, 1974.

4-4 Pinkster, A.J. and Wichers, J.E.W.: "The statistical properties of low frequency motions of non-linearly moored tankers", OTC Paper No. 5457, Houston, 1987.

4-5 Davenport, H.B. and Root, W.L.: "An introduction to the theory of random signals and noise", Mc Graw-Hill, NY, 1958.

4-6 Tucker, M.J.: "The analysis of finite length records of fluctuating signals", British Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 8, April 1957.

4-7 Dalzell, J.F.: "Application of the fundamental polynomial model to the ship added resistance problem", 11th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, University College, London, 1976.



5.1. Introduction

In Chapter 4 the large amplitude surge motions of a tanker exposed to survival conditions were discussed. The tanker was assumed to be moored directly by the bow by means of a mooring system as is indicated in the lower part of Figure 1.1. For this kind of mooring system it may be as­sumed that if the system is sufficiently stiff the tanker stays in line with the co-linearly directed weather components.

In this chapter a tanker will be considered moored by means of a bow hawser to a fixed pile. This system is shown in the upper part of Figure 1.1. In order to absorb sufficient kinetic energy at acceptable force levels the hawser lines normally consist of synthetic material, so that the load-elongation characteristic of the mooring line will be non-li­near. Because of the limited strength of a hawser these kinds of mooring systems are often used for areas with mild or moderate weather condi­tions.

One of the features of hawser moored tankers is that the system can be dynamically unstable. The result of a dynamically unstable system *is that a tanker exposed to certain weather conditions can perform large amplitude low frequency motions in the horizontal plane even in the ab­sence of low frequency excitation. The large amplitude motions may in­duce considerable loads in the hawser.

In weather conditions without low frequency excitation the tanker can perform large amplitude unstable motions. For these large amplitude motions the description of the equations of motion including the non­linear hydrodynamic viscous damping forces as were derived in Chapter 3 will be evaluated by comparing the results of the low frequency motions obtained from computations and physical model tests.

For still water the large amplitude low frequency motions for dynamical­ly unstable conditions of a tanker exposed to long-crested regular waves will be considered first.

For current a dynamically unstable system which performs the large am­plitude low frequency motions will be selected. In order -to select the conditions the stability criterion will be studied. For steady current and wind velocities under different angles of incidence and for differ­ent loading conditions the unstable conditions were determined as a function of the length of the bow hawser. Derived from the stability criterion, both the stable and unstable conditions are considered in this validation study.

5.2. Tanker_moored_by__a_bow hawser exgos'ed_to_regular waves

5.2.1. Introduction

500 ƒ Load 1 in tf /

250 "/

0 10 20 30 Elongation in m

Figure 5.1 Bow hawser load-elon­gation characteristic

To evaluate the viscous damping values in still water the low fre­quency motions of a tanker moored by means of a bow hawser and ex­posed to regular long crested waves have been computed. The results are compared with the results of model tests. The tanker concerns the loaded 200 kTDW tan­ker moored in 82.5 m water depth, see Section 2.4.1.

The bow hawser was connected to a fixed pile. The length of the un­loaded hawser amounted to 75 m. The non-linear load deflection curve is shown in Figure 5.1.


For the regular waves the following characteristics were used:

Test No.

7219-7215 7224-7218 -


T in s

6.45 7.14 8.00* 9.10

2Ca in m

4.74-2.75 4.72-3.23 5.00-3.00 4.98-3.07

* theory only

5.2.2. Computations

Following equations (3.2.7), ( and ( the equations of motion can be written as follows:

M(X ri 2i 6) = xlp + x l s w + xl(d,Cr) - 51i1 + xlm

M C x ^ i g ) = X 2 p + X2SW.+ X2(*Cr) - B2i2 + X 2 m

Ix, = X, + X,„„ + X,(<lv ) - B.x, + X. 6 6p 6SW 6V Cr' 6 6 6m (

in which: X. = potential inertia parts of the reaction forces/moment kp XkSW viscous parts of the reaction forces/moment

V*. Cr > = mean wave drift forces/moment in a regular wave as function

"Cr o f <\>r Cr <|>r - x, = relative wave angle mean wave drift damping coefficient in a regular wave moorir


X, = mooring force components caused by the bow hawser

The wave d i r e c t i o n as defined in Figure 3.3 was <|>j- = 180 degrees .


The potential inertia parts of the reaction forces/moment are given in equation (, while the values of the coefficients are presented in Table 2.1. The coefficients of the viscous part of the reaction for­ces/moment in surge direction can be found in Figure 3.10, while the va­lues of the transverse resistance coefficients are C(Jl) = 2.402, 0.49, 1.439, 0.361 along the length between sections 0-2, 2-4, 4-18, 18-20 respectively as can be read from Figure 3.14.

The mean wave drift forces/moment in the regular waves as function of the relative wave angle were computed by means of the direct pressure integration method [2-3]. The results in terms of quadratic transfer functions are presented in Figure 5.2.

V 135 deg 150 deg 160 deg 170 deg 180 deg.



-10 / J

1 V*

^ '%

/ i

\ / i-M*






/ i / 1 ' 1/

\ /





0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 -2000

^t % W 0.5 1.0

Wave frequency in rad.s

Figure 5.2 The quadratic transfer function of the wave drift force components as function of relative wave direction

For the mean wave drift damping coefficient in the regular waves a constant coefficient Bi is taken into account only. The value is derived from the quadratic transfer function as is given in Figure 2.11. With regard to the value of the still water damping B u the value of B^ con­tributes significantly. As is shown in [5-1] it may be assumed that for the sway and yaw modes of motion the mean wave drift damping is small. Moreover, due to the appropriate large viscous damping, the wave drift


damping in the sway and yaw modes of motion is deleted. The values for the still water and wave drift damping coefficients for the surge direc­tion as applied to the computations are presented in Table 5.1.


r a d . s


0.88 0.785 0.69 0.924 0.88 0.785 0.69


in s

6.45 7.14 8.0 9.1 6.45 7.14 8.0 9.1



2.75 3.23 3.00 3.07 4.74 4.72 5.00 4.98

B l l

t f . s . m - 1

10.1 10.1 10.9 10.9 11.63 12.40 12.00 11.63

■ 5 i t f . s . m - 1

3.9 4.7 4 .1 4.7

11.8 10.0 11.4 12.4

Table 5.1 The damping coefficients for the surge mode of motion

5.2.3. Model tests

The model tests have been carried out in the Wave and Current Laboratory of MARIN at a scale of 1:82.5. During the model tests the horizontal mo­tions at point A (= fairlead, located 4.5 m in front of the fore perpen­dicular) were measured in an earth-fixed system of co-ordinates as indi­cated in Figure 5.3. The yaw motion and the hawser force were also re­corded. Both the linear and the rotational motions were measured by means of optical tracking devices.

Under influence of the environment the tanker was kept under the following start condition:

x6 = +7.5' xA(2) = 0 m





x6 (0) = 7-5°

«2 —"



—1 Gl


\ \

( ^ ^ = 180°







and in the xA(Indirection restrained by the bow haw­ser force. At t=0 the tan­ker was released and the measurements were started.

5.2.4. Evaluation of re-sults



—c5= =

In Figure 5.4 the compari­son of the results of the simulation and the model test is presented for 2C = 4.72 m and T = 7.14 s. As a result of the unstable be­haviour of the system the dynamic loads in the hawser increase to 160 tf instead of 49 tf, which would have been the result of the sta­tic mean wave drift force in that particular regular

wave. A plot of the behaviour of the tanker and the bow hawser force is given in Figure 5.5. Of the steady parts of the computations and mea­surements the amplitudes of the motions xA(l)> xA(2) and Xg and the maximum bow hawser force are plotted in Figure 5.6. The results of the yaw periods are presented in the same figure. A good agreement is found between the computed and measured values.

^VTT-^T-CTT-TV^C^V: \*«.».vvvvvv\vv


Figure 5.3 Set-up of the model test

5.3^_Tanker moored_b2_a_bow_hawser_ex22sed_to_current

5.3.1. Introduction

To evaluate the resistance force and moment components in current, low


-10S 100

2; = 4.72 m - T ■ 7.14 s


-'V \f, M u <] f V 1/ A V 1

AfnVA ^-vv fnV -A" /-\A ^M^^\ A i i\ f

^Kj irfVT^ wnöiü iör/zi

D -

^^niDIET ^S\/IW Ji\J V* IFVrYl \JV\1 *MmM 4000 0

Time in s 2000 4000

Figure 5.4 Time domain results from simu­lation and model test (bow haw­ser length 75 m)

frequency motion decay simulations of a tanker moored by means of a bow hawser were carried out. The simulations are com­pared with the results of model tests. The tanker concerns the fully and in­termediately loaded 200 kTDW tanker moored in 82.5 m water depth. The bow haw­ser was connected to a fixed pile. For both the computations and the model tests an unloaded hawser lengths of 45 and 75 m were applied. The non-linear load deflection curve as used for both hawsers is presented in Figure 5.1. The tanker was exposed to current with speeds of 2 and 3 knots.

5.3.2. Computations

Following the equations (3.2.7), ( and ( the equations of motion can be written as follows:

(M+a.-Vx. = (M+a„)x„x, + X, „ ,. + X, , + X. 11 1 22 2 6 lstat ldyn lm

(M+a0,)x + a„.x, = -(Mfa,.)i.x, + X + X,. + X. 22 2 26 6 11 1 6 2stat 2dyn 2m

(l,+a.,,)'i, + a.„x„ = X, + X, . + X, 6 66 6 62 2 6stat 6dyn 6m (



FF(I80°)=49 t:

The current direction as defined in Figure 3.3 was 4>c = 180 degrees. The va­lues of the coefficients used for the potential inertia parts are given in Table 2.1. The coefficients for the steady relative current forces/moment components are shown in Figure 3.18. For the vis­cous part of the dynamic current contribution the coefficients are used as derived in Section 3.4.6.

5.3.3. Model tests

Figure 5.5 Relation between the tanker mo- The SPM model tests were tion and the bow hawser force carried out in the Shallow

Water Laboratory of MARIN. The description of the basin is given in Section 3.3.2. Current speeds of 2 and 3 knots were simulated by towing the set-up, as is shown in Figure 5.3, through the basin. During the tests only the yaw angle was measured.

5.3.4. Evaluation of results

For the initial conditions for both the computations and the model tests a similar procedure is followed as for the still water case with regular waves. In Figure 5.7 the results of the motion decay tests as obtained from the simulations and the model tests are presented.

Sensitivity computations using the present formulation and the formula­tions given by Molin [3-13] and Obokata [3-14] showed that the value of




\ \ £

o ^ - 1

\ > V

o 400

" S " ' ^






X o

, - ■




■ "


—"' '

5 7 9 II WAVE PERIOD in s

5 7 9 11 «AVE PERIOD in s



5 7 9 11 WAVE PERIOD in s

Figure 5.6 Results of computations and model tests

the steady relative current force in longitudinal direction will influ­ence the decay of the motion in the horizontal plane. In spite of the very small value in relation to the other force/moment components the influence on the yaw motion was considerable. To fit the results of the model tests the longitudinal steady current force has to be increased to some extent. Tne reason may be found in some scatter in the experimen­tally determined resistance coefficient in head current C, (180°) but also may be caused by the dynamic behaviour of the tanker. The dynamic force component in surge direction due to the coupling of the low frequency surge and the low frequency yaw motion was not investigated. The simulation model was modified by multiplying the longitudinal steady current force component by a factor 2. This factor was applied to all time domain computations for the 3-DOF model.

In the mentioned cases the tanker performs stable decaying motions after the release from the initial start position.



xA (1) 2 5 r

i n 11 0

Hawser length = 45 m

Vc = 1.54 m.s"1 ; t c = 180°


xA(2) 2 5 r in m 0

H 10 in deg n

Measured: Test No. 13241


I n i t i a l cond i t ions:

x ( l ) = -205.97 m ; x(2) = -27.11 m

xc = +6.33°

Hawser length = 75 m Vc = 1.03 m.s"1 ; * = 18

25 r Computed 0 _ = = _ _ = = = = =


Measured: Test No. 13211

x(1) = -231.12 m ; x(2) = -30.31 m

xc = +5.6°


awser length = 45 m Hawser length = 75 1.54 m.s"1 ; if = 180° u = 1 ""■ m c ' * =

xA(1) 2 5 r

in m 0 Computed

xA(2) 25 in m 0

x6 iu in deg

FF 50 in tf „

\ _

[A A. — 7 V v^^—

1800 3600


in deg

Time in s

Measured: Test No. 13231


1800 3600

Time in s

Measured: Test No. 13221

I n i t a i l condi t ions: x(1) = -198.2 m ; x (2) = -21 .99 m x(1) = -227 .5 m ; j t (2) = -29.95 m x . = +6.33° Xg = +7.5°

Figure 5.7 Results of the motion decay in current


To evaluate the low frequency viscous terms in the equations of motion, conditions have to be found in which the tanker performs large amplitude unstable motions in the horizontal plane. By means of the Routh crite­rion the dynamic instability can be established.

5.4^_Tanker moored by a bow hawser exposed to wind and current

5.4.1. Dynamic stability of a tanker moored by a bow hawser

xA(1) xA(2)

xA(1) xA(2)

DYNAMICALLY STABLE Monotonically Oscillatory

DYNAMICALLY UNSTABLE Monotonically Oscillatory

The procedure of determining the dynamic stability of a tanker moored by a bow hawser has been extensively presented and evalu­ated by Wichers in [5-2 ]. In the following the method will be briefly described. For stable or unstable behaviour of the moored tanker a steady current and wind field will be considered. For the sign convention reference is made to Figure 3.3. Definitions of the dynamic stability in general are graphically shown in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8 Graphical representation For the determination of the sta-of dynamic stability bility of the system the characte­

ristic equations have to be sol­ved. The solution of the characteristic equations gives the motion characteristics due to small deviations around the static equilibrium position of the tanker in the steady current and wind field. To establish the equations of motion equation (3.2.7) has to linearized. Linear equations of motion were obtained by means of a Taylor expansion to the first order yielding the following equations:


£ ((M, .+a, . ) x . + b, .x . ) = X, + X, for j = 1,2,6 and k = 1,2,6 , j = 1 kj kj 3 kj y ke Tem

(5 .4 .1 .1 )

in which: a. . = added mass coefficients at low frequencies in k direction due to

j mode of motion bk . = potential damping coefficients at low frequencies


, ÖXke(V0)) ÖXke^6(0)1 x .

ox. J öx. J J J

ax (x (o)) ax (x.(0)) \m = *|JV0» + ^ Xi + ^ Xi C5.4.1.3) km km o öx_ j ^ j

J J in which: X, (x,(0)) = mean external force component in k direction due to wind

and current X, (x,(0)) = mean bow hawser force component in k direction x (0) = tanker heading in the equilibrium position o x^ = tanker yaw with regard to the equilibrium heading x,(0)

Considering the linearized equations of motion about the equilibrium position and taking into account the appropriate coefficients we obtain:

6 E m x. + B x. + c .x. = 0 for k = 1,2,6 and j = 1,2,6

J_I KJ J fcJ J KJ J (

in which: X j - V e -A- = constant, dependent on the initial disturbance a = complex coefficient mkj " Mkj+akj


ÖXke(x6(0)) 3kj


ai. j + b, . kj

Ö X J X 6 ( 0 ) ) Ö\e^6 ( 0 )) öx. ox.

The complex coefficient defines the characteristics of the motion. When the real part of a is minus, the motion converges. The motion diverges in the plus case. Therefore, the condition of the motion can be deter­mined by the sign of the real part of a. Equation ( can be written as:

A M A.a + B. .A.ö + c. .A. = 0 kj J kj j

or in matrix form:

[ma + Ba + C]{A} = 0

for k = 1,2,6 and j =1,2,6



Since it is assumed that {A} é 0, the following determinant results 2 ma + Ba + c I = 0

On expansion this determinant may be arranged as

S, a + Sca + S, a + S,a + S.a + S, a + S. = 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



in which the coefficients for j = 1,2,6 are symbolically expressed as determinants:

lj D2j D3j

m l j m2j B3j

+ "lj B2i m3j

+ V m2j m3i


s, = n l j m2j C3j

+ 'ij B2j B3j

+ ml.i C2j m3j

+ B U m2j B3j

+ BU B2j m3j

+ CU m2j m3j

s„ = m l j B2j C3j

+ "IJ C2j B3j

+ "ij m2j C3j

+ B U B2j B3j

+ BU C2j m3j

+ CU m2j B3j

+ Cl.i B2j m3j

"ij C2j C3j

+ Blj B2j C3j

+ BU C2j B3J

+ Clj m2j C3j

+ Cl.i B23 B3J

+ Cl.i C2j m3j

B U C2j C3j

+ CU B2j C3j

+ CU C2j B3j

so = c l j C2j C3j


Following the definition In Figure 3.3, the linearized damping and spring coefficients respectively Bj. and Cj. can be written as follows (neglecting the damping due to the wind):

cosU-x (0)) ax U - x (0)) sinU-x (0)) Bll = 2Xlc^c-X6(°)) V •- ^ + b

a l i

R ,v f, „ ^ S l n ( V X 6 ( 0 ) ) . 8 X i A - V ° » c o s ( V x 6 ( 0 ) ) B12 " 2X l c ( ( P c -x 6 (0)) + ^ ^ + b 12

B 1 6 = 0 . 4 ( a 2 2 - a u ) V c s i n ^ - x ^ O ) ) + b 16

B21 = 2 X 2 c < V x 6 ( 0 > >

c o s U - x , ( 0 ) ) OX, (* - x , ( 0 ) ) s i n ( 6 - x , ( 0 ) ) ' c "6 2cVMc 6V

a<i> + b cr



sin(cp -x (0)) ÖX U -x (0)) cos(<P -x (0))

*22 = 2 X 2 c ^ c - X 6 < ° ^ S7— + *C £ V 7 — + b22

B26 = ( a 22- a U ) V c " - ( V X 6 ( 0 ) ) + b 26

cos((l> - x , ( 0 ) ) ÖX, O -x (0 ) ) sln(cb -x ( 0 ) . B, , - 2XA (* - x , ( 0 ) ) V 5 6 C ° 6

v 6 . + b

61 6cv c 6 -1 V_ Z><\> V _ ö<|> V ' " 6 1 c er c

sln(c(,c-x6(0)) ÖX6c(<|,c-x6(0)) cos(<|.c-x6(0).; «62-2x6c(Vx6(o)) - y '+ DC'V. " —^r— + b6 "62 c er e

_ _ (L/2-FB)3 + (L/2+FB)3

B66 ~ 3L B22 + D66

2 ^ FF . 2 c x l = CE cos y + j-g- s in Y

FF C12 = ( C E ~ LË^ C 0 S Y S l n Y

Ö X l eK ( ° l l c = e12AG + FF slny O

C21 °21

2 FF 2 c 2 2 = CE sin Y + ^Ë c o s r

_ ax2e(x6(0): C - , £ = C T ) A G " F F C 0 S ^ " "26 " "22"" " " " ' öx£

C61 = C 21 A G


C62 " C 22 A G

cfifi = ( c o 9 A G ~ F F cosy)AG "66 Vl"22 öx, (

- vo ) in which: Y LE = length of hawser with mean load in the equilibrium position FF = mean hawser load in equilibrium position CE = derivative of the static load deflection curve at position LE and

FF AG =longitudinal distance between centre of gravity and position of


By varying the parameters of the system and solving equation (5.A.1.8) the convergence or divergence of the motion can be determined by the sign of the real part of a. Of the 6 complex solutions, all real parts have to be negative for the motions to be convergent (stable).

5.4.2. Determination of the stability criterion

. y / /


■'—■"*■». 0.5

^ ^ ~ ' ^

>S Based on

Station 10

(V*6* i n d e g 'VK6' i n d e 9

Figure 5.9 The wind forces/moment coeffi­cients [5-3]

For the 200 kTDW tanker in loaded, intermediate and ballasted condition (res­pectively 100%, 70% and 40% of the loaded draft) the stability criterion has been determined. Therefore the tanker was exposed to 2 kn current and 60 knot wind speed. The stability crite­rion was determined as function of the hawser length and angle between current and wind. The


static load-deflection curve of the hawser was assumed to be independent of the hawser length; it is shown in Figure 5.1.

For the computation of the coefficients use has been made of the mass coefficients as given in Table 2.1 (the potential damping coefficients are assumed to be zero), while for the current loads and their deriva­tives the results as presented in Figure 3.18 were applied. For the wind loads on the tanker the data were used as presented by Remery and van Oortmerssen [5-3]. The wind coefficients are presented in Figure 5.9.

The results of the computed stabi­lity criterion are given in Figure 5.10. For the fully loaded tanker unstability will occur for a bow hawser longer than 120 m. From the result it can be concluded that lengthening of the hawser may result in unstable behaviour of the tanker. This agrees with the conclusion of Strandhagen et al. [5-4J, who indicate that a towed vessel will become unstable in the horizontal plane with increasing length of the towing line.

In order to evaluate the equations of motion for the unstable behaviour of the tanker in 2kn current, 60 kn wind an unloaded hawser length of 90 m has been chosen. From Figure 5.10 it can be read that the 70%T and 40%T loaded tanker exposed to the specified parallel directed wind and current will be in the unstable region.

Time domain simulations were carried out of which the results were com­pared with the results of model test. Finally time domain simulations were carried out to check the stability of the system for the 70%T

= 1.03 m.s = 60 kn computed

Figure 5.10 Stability criterion based on the bow hawser length and angle be­tween wind and current


loading condition with an angle a of 45 and 90 degrees between the wind and the current, see Figure 5.10.

5.4.3. Computations

The tanker with the specified loading conditions was moored in 82.5 m water depth and connected by means of the hawser to a fixed pile. The load-deflection curve of the 90 m long hawser is presented in Figure 5.1. Following the equations (3.2.7), ( and ( the equations of motion can be written as:

(M+a,.)x, = (M+a.„)x,x. + X. ,. „ + X, , + X. + X, 11 1 22 2 6 lstat ldyn lw lm i') *

(M+a )x, + a.,x. = - (Mfa.Jx.x, + X, _ _ + X. + X0 + X. 22 2 26 6 11 1 6 2stat 2dyn 2w 2m

C^+a,-,-)*, + a£ o X - = X, „ + X, . + X, + X, (

6 66 6 62 2 6stat 6dyn 6w 6m '

in which: X, , X- , X. = the steady wind force/moment components lw 2w 6w

For the definition of the system of co-ordinates and the definition of the weather directions, see Figure 3.3. The values of the coefficients used for the potential inertia parts of the reaction forces/moment are given in Table 2.1, while the potential damping coefficient b, . = 0. The coefficients for the steady relative current are shown in Figure 3.18. For the viscous part of the dynamic current contribution the coef­ficients are used as derived in Section 3.4.6.

The wind forces are defined as:

,2 Xlw = AW^TS + (H"T)B\

X„ = V . C 0 ((|/ )(ATO + (H-T)L)V2 2w A 2w wr v LS ' wr


X6w " ^AC6w^„r^ALS + ( H" T ) L) L Vwr " X2w F B (5'4-3-2>

in which: p. = specific density of air = 0.00013 tfs2m .

For the further nomenclature, see Table 2.1. The wind coefficients are shown in Figure 5.10. Following [5-3] the wind force coefficients are defined on base of linear interpolation of the loading condition.

5.4.4. Model tests

The SPM model tests were carried out in the Wave and Current Laboratory at a model scale of 1:82.5. The wind field in the basin was generated by means of a battery of portable electrically driven wind fans. The fans were placed some distance from the testing area. The width of the battery was as large as was necesssary for the adjustment of a homoge­neous wind flow over the testing area. At the projected location of the tanker the wind field was adjusted by means of an anemometer. The test set-up is shown in Figure 5.11.

Figure 5.11 Test set-up with the tanker in the wind and current field.


During the model tests the horizontal motions at point A (= fairlead) were measured in an earth-fixed system of co-ordinates as indicated in Figure 3.3. The yaw motion and the hawser force were also recorded. Both the linear and the rotational motions were measured by means of optical tracking devices.

5.4.5. Evaluation of results

In Figure 5.12 and Figure 5.13 the comparison of the results of the si­mulation and the model test for the unstable tanker conditions are pre­sented. It can be concluded that the results of the computations are in good agreement with the results of the model tests. Contrary to the 60% loaded condition the tanker in ballast condition performs considerably large motion amplitudes. As a result of the unstable behaviour of the

1.03 m.s~] ; i|> = 180° 30.9 m.s" ; c = 180°


0 1800 3600 1800 Time in s

Initial conditions: x(1) = -253.20 m ; x(2) = -19.64 m ; xg = +7.5°

Figure 5.12 Computed and measured behaviour of the unstable tanker in wind and current (60% loaded)

v4- = Measured:

x (1) - 4 0 r T e s t No. 23883

in m -90

xA (2) 50

in m

50r in deg g

FF 100 in t f



ballasted tanker the dynamic loads in the hawser increase to values of up to 255 tf instead of 87 tf as results from the static calculation.

-1 V =1.03 m.s"' ; *c = 180° V = 30.9 m.s"1 ; * , = 180° w w

Measured: -40 r Test No. 2393

xA(D in m


x6 in deg

FF in tf

-90 50


50 0

100 0





3600 1800

Initial conditions:

Time in s

x(1) = -250.493 m ; x(2) = -19.64 m ; xg = +7.5°

Figure 5.13 Computed and measured behaviour of the unstable tanker in wind and current (25% loaded)

The computed results of the stable conditions with the 70%T loaded tan­ker are shown in Figure 5.14. In these conditions the model tests showed a stable behaviour of the system also. The measured and computed equili­brium positions are shown in Figure 5.15. A good agreement exists be­tween the computed and measured results.

For the integration procedures of the computations of the low frequency oscillations reference is made to Section 6.5.


LOADING CONDITION: 70% T Hawser length = 90 m

180° V = 1 . 0 3 m.s , ; $ V,c = 30.9 m.s"1 ; * c = 225°

x A (1 ) i n m x A (2 ) in m

x 6 in deg


-200 50




Vr = 1.03 m.s" V„ = 30.9 m.s" w

FF l O O f v / W ^ ^ -in t f

0 1800

I n i t i a l condit ions: x(1) = -218.97 m x(2) = -127.42 m x, = +36.49°

200L 50"




0 3500

' Time i n s

xA (2)


x(1) = -120.88 m x(2) = -22-1.513 m x , = +66.9°

if = 180° * c = 270° w


Figure 5.14 Computed behaviour of a s t a b l e SPM system

Tesc No. 2390

X(2) 100 m

1 —

Loading condition: 70% T Hawser length = 90 m Vr = 1.03 m.s V,, = 30.9 m.s"1

100. m

Test No. 2389

Computed Measured

Figure.5.15 Computed and measured stable equilibrium position of the stable SPM system



5-1 Huijsmans, R.H.M. and Wichers, J.E.W.: "Considerations on wave drift damping of a moored tanker for zero and non-zero drift angle", Prads, Trondheim, June 1987.

5-2 Wichers, J.E.W.: "On the slow motions of tankers moored to single point mooring systems", OTC Paper No. 2548, Houston, 1976/Journal of Petroleum Technology of SPE-AIME, SPE Paper No. 6242, June, 1978, pp. 947-958.

5-3 Remery, G.F.M. and van Oortmerssen, G.: "The mean wave, wind and current forces on offshore structures and their role in the design of mooring systems", OTC Paper No. 1741, Houston, 1973.

5-4 Strandhagen, A.G., Schoenherr, K.E. and Kobayashi, F.M.: "The dynamic stability on course of towed ships", SNAME Spring Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 1950.




6.1. Introduction

In Chapter 5 the theory of the equations of motion in a current field and also of the stability criterion in wind and current including time domain simulations was evaluated. In this chapter simulations will be discussed when the tanker is exposed to current, wind and irregular waves.

For the simulations in wind, waves and current the same mooring system will be used as described in Chapter 5. The tanker will be the 60% loaded 200 kTDW tanker. The weather conditions are assumed to correspond to operational conditions. The weather components consist of a 2 kn cur­rent, a 60 kn wind and a wave spectrum with a significant height of 3.9 m and a mean period of 10.2 s. The weather components were kept con­stant; three different combinations of directions will be applied for the computations. A review of the environmental conditions is presented in Figure 6-1.

Because the significant wave height for the operational condition is relatively small the effect of the wave drift damping coefficients on

■ current: Vc = 2.o kn ' the tanker motions will be » Wind : Vw = 60.0 kn ^\^~ «ave .- j w l / 3 . 3.9 m T, = io.2 s neglected.

In Section 5.4 it was found that under the influence of 2 kn current and 60 kn wind a hawser length of 90 m causes dynamic unstability for environment 1, while stability was obtained for environment 2 and 3. To




Figure 6.1 Review of the environmental conditions on the SPM system


simulate the behaviour of the tanker in the mentioned environments a hawser with a length of 90 m was used. The results of the computations are compared with the results of the model tests.

In the following sections the equations of motions, the computations, the model tests and the evaluation of the results will be dealt with.


For the simulation a computation scheme was followed as is given in Figure 6.2. This scheme tdkes into account the computation procedure for the high frequency motions (six degrees of freedom) and for the low frequency motions (three degrees of freedom in the horizontal plane).

























Figure 6.2 Computation scheme for SPM simulations


To solve the motions of the tanker moored by a bow hawser, the equations of motion can be split up into a high frequency and a low frequency part, viz.:

The low frequency part as a function of the low frequency motion in the horizontal plane can be written as follows:

in which: (2) (2) x = XJ V ' = low frequency motion components for j = 1,2,6 (2) Xl = hydrodynamic loads caused by the added masses and induced by

accelerations and centrifugal effects, see equation ( (2) X = relative current loads, see equation ( -stat > T \ / (2) X: = dynamic current load contributions, see equation (

X ( 2 ) = wind loads -w (2) X = loads induced by the mooring system (2) XJ = time varying second order wave drift force components in the

horizontal plane as function of the low frequency position of

the tanker in the wave field

The matrices M and D are defined according to equation (3.2.7).

The high frequency part is expressed in linear hydrodynamic terms. The impulse response technique according to Cummins has been applied, see equation (2.2.5):

6 °°

+ c -x^1? + X ^ (x(2), x(1),t) = x£1}(x(2).t) for k=l(l)6 (6.2.2)


where: Xj^ ' = high frequency motion in j-direction Xk (x >c) = h l S h frequency time varying wave forces in the In­

direction as function of the low frequency position of tanker in the wave field

Mj. = matrix of inertia of the vessel m^j = matrix of added inertia KJ^J . = matrix of retardation function c^j = matrix of hydrostatic restoring forces XJJJ J*- •'(x*- ',x^ ') = mooring force in k-direction due to high frequency

motion in j-direction as function of the low fre­quency position of the tanker

The wave exciting loads are functions of the vessel's position and of time. For a long-crested irregular wave train CgCt) defined in a fixed position, the wave load on the floating structure moving near this position can be computed as has been shown by Wichers and van den Boom [6-1 ]. The computation of the wave loads using convolution integrals based on the wave height at the actual (instantaneous) position of the vessel in the wave field can be formulated as follows:


X ^ C x ^ . t ) = ƒ g^Cx^,-^) C(s,t-T)dT for k=l(l)6 (6.2.3)

x[2)(x(2),t) = ƒ / g k 2 ) ( x 6 2 > ' V V £( s> t _V C(8,t-i2)dT1,di2

for k=l,2,6 (6.2.4)

in which C(s,t) stands for the wave elevation at the actual location of of the vessel (CG) and can be obtained from the wave elevation at the space fixed point 0, being CQ(t).

The distance s is defined as the length between the space-fixed point 0 and the instantaneous low frequency position of the CG of the vessel projected in the direction of the wave propagation. The transformation


of the reference wave CnCt) t 0 ttie required position will be:


C(s,t) = ƒ w(s,t) C (t-x)dT (6.2.5) 0 u

-H» 2% where W(S,T) = — ^ / W(s,u) e i W t du

and W(s,w) = — C(s,t) .2it

e 1 ^ (6.2.6) C(0,t) in which: F { } denotes the Fourier transform.

It should be noted that this transformation of the wave elevations is only valid for neighbouring locations.

The linear and quadratic kernels g ^ ' and g^ ' in equation (6.2.3) and equation (6.2.4) are found from the Fourier transform of the correspon­ding frequency domain transfer functions:

i1^'^ -2Ï /^(«fUe^-d» (6-2.7)

(2), (2) , 1 f" f~„(2), (2) , i(ü)lTr W 2 V , A

4 (x6 W =7TT2 ' / Gk (x6 ' W e dVu: (2it) -<= -°°

1 2


in which:

a ( ^ ^(x^ 2^,^) = P(x6(2>,u)lfu2) + iQ(x6(2> .^.Uj)

By applying this computation procedure the instantenèous phase relation between the motions and the waves will be taken into account properly.


The high frequency hydrodynamic reaction coefficients, the low frequency added mass coefficients, the transfer functions of the first order wave forces G^ ' and the quadratic transfer functions G ^ ' can be computed with potential theory.

6.3. Computations

In the previous section, for sake of completeness, the description of the equations for both the high and low frequency motions were pre­sented. Since the present computations concern the low frequency motions only the high frequency part will be deleted from now on.

For the computations use will be made of the formulation given in equa­tion (6.2.1). The equations of the low frequency motions, except for the wave drift force components, correspond to equation ( For the present computation the same input data will be used as presented in Section 5.4.3.

In current and wind Figure 5.11 shows that the motions are dynamically unstable for environment 1, while in accordance with Figure 5.12 dynami­cally stable motions were obtained for environments 2 and 3.

In order to account properly for the relatively large amplitude motions for environment 1 the computations of the wave drift force components have to be carried out in accordance with equation (6.2.4), being the large amplitude model. For the large amplitude model the wave loads are supposed to be a function of X]^2'(t), x2' '(t) and x6^2^(t).

Due to the dynamic stability, the small amplitude model is applied to environments 2 and 3. For the small amplitude, model the wave loads are a function of the mean position of the tanker in the wind, current and wave field, being x(l), x(2) and x, . The mean position can be computed by applying the wind, mean wave drift, and current load components to the tanker.


For the large amplitude model, however, the correction of the wave drift force components to the low frequency surge motion with regard to the length of the appropriate wave group components will be small. Therefore in equation (6.2.4) the correction can be reduced to a constant value, being the distance between the position of the reference wave height and the mean position of the tanker.

For the computations the wave drift force components can be simplified as:

CO 00

x[2)(x(2),t) = / ƒ 4 2 ) ( x 6 2 ) , W « ^ - V ■C(ï,t-t2)dT1dx. O O 2

for k=l,2,6 (6.3.1)

in which: (2) xfiv ' = instantaneous yaw angle in environment 1 (2) Xgv ' = mean heading of the tanker for environments 2 and 3

s = projected distance (CG tanker-wave) for the wave transformation

The low frequency added masses ak1 and the quadratic transfer functions of the drift forces P^^ in regular waves were computed for the tanker considered. The results of the quadratic transfer function P u ^ a s func­tion of the wave direction are given in Table 6.1. For the computations the tanker hull was schematized, see Figure 6.3.

Because of the very low natural frequencies of the system the matrices Gi. were composed by approximating the in-phase components P^-M by taking P, ,., see equation ( The quadrature components QT.II were neglected.

By means of the cubic spline interpolation method the main diagonals for different angles of wave attack were determined from.the results given

(2) -1 in Table- 6.1. The matrices G^ with frequency differences 0.02 rad.s for the relative wave directions <p = 160°, 170°, 180°, 190°, 200° for



direction/ frequency



















0 ' 20" 45" 70" 90" 110" 135" 160" 180"










U . 5




























































0.0 0.0

0.0 -0.1

0.0 -0 .3

0.0 -1.0

-0.1 -4 .1

-0.7 -9.5

-2.4 -10.5

-4.5 -16.7

-3.9 -18.9

-2.4 -16.5

-1 .1 -13.1

0.0 -9.9

0.5 -0.7

0.6 -5.2

0.7 -4.9

0.8 -5.9

0.7 -7.4

-0 .1 -0 .3

-0.2 -0 .3

-1 .0 -1.9

-3.8 -6.0

-7.9 -9.4

-12.0 -11.0

-15.7 -14.3

-13.0 -17.4

-12.4 -16.2

-15.3 -10.9

-12.6 -11.3

-10.5 -11.9

-10.4 -10.4

-12.5 -9.7

-11 .3-10 .6

-11.9 -9.9

-12.1 -10.6




-6.4 .











-9 .9



0 ' 20" 45 ' 70" 90' 110" 135" 160" 180"

■ xfW



































0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2

0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4

0.5 0.6 1.3 1.3

2.3 2.3 4.3 4.0

9.8 12.4 24.3 18.0

25.5 53.5 118.0 57.0

51.8 60.9 120.3 66.3

73.9 97.4 158.2 102.8

81.9 120.1 160.3 114.7

84.2 126.9 152.1 120.7

83.7 131.1 145.8 127.4

85.2 136.5 144.2 128.9













87.2 135.2 146.2 131.8 100.1

91.4 122.2 145.8 122.4 103.7

90.6 U5.5 148.1 119.5 104.4

89.3 133.3 158.3 135.5

89.6 153.3 168.8 147.2





































0" 20' 45" 70" 90" 110" 135" 160" 180"

* > 2


















-110.9 -68.3

-290.7 -256.9

-625.0 -659.0

-932.1 -1206.5

-907.0 -1723.0

-548.3 -1581.9

-191.0 -1451.8

200.0 -167.5

-1107.1 129.3

-178.0 -264.0

-493.0 -1241.8

-135.5 -1212.5

-571.0 -1581.8

-229.1 -1486.9

-512.8 -2043.6

-2750.0 -2828.6

-H2.2 -2384.2







































































































a» 200 knw - 60% loaded - 82.5 m t a t e r depth frequency in rad.s" . - i . *<2> /Ca In tf .up* or tf .m"1

environment 1 and C|J (X,) = 218.55° and 205.8° for the environments 2 and 3 respectively were composed. The last mentioned wave angles were results of the computed mean headings of the tanker for the appropriate weather conditions.

Figure 6.3 Facet distribution of the tanker hull, (60% loaded) (symmetrical starboard side)

On base of linear interpolation of w. and u. in the matrices the Fourier transforms have been applied to obtain the quadratic impulse response

(2) functions g^ ' •

For the computation of the registration of the wave drift force compo­nents use was made of the wave registration as simulated in the model basin. For the computation of the mean heading of tanker the spectra of the adjusted waves were applied. The spectra are shown in Figure 6.4. The wave registrations are presented in the Figures 6.6, 6.7 and.6.8.

For the mentioned relative wave angles the registrations of the wave drift force components were computed and stored for the simulations. During the simulation for environment 1 the drift force components were obtained by linear interpolation. of the mentioned pre-processed regi­strations on base of the instantaneous value of the relative wave angle.

The results of the time domain computations of the low frequency motions and the hawser force are presented in Figures 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8. Although


the wave train duration was 2 hours for the full scale, only the com­puted registration of the last 1 hour is shown. Due to zero speed in the start condition the first hour is required to account for the transient phenomena.

6^4^_Model tests

For the description of the tests, the basin and the measuring set-up, reference is made to Section 4.3.4. and Section 5.3.3.

After the adjustment of the homogeneously distributed current speed of 2 kn the waves were calibrated. The waves were adjusted at one location in the basin. For the waves running parallel with and perpendicular to the current approximately the same spectrum type was adjusted. Each sea state was prepared for a test duration of 2 hours. The spectra are shown in Figure 6.4.

Current velocity 2.0 kn. wave / / current (?

w wave 1 current (

3=3.97 m;Tt=10.1 s;Test No. 2369) =3.91 n; =10.3 s; 2371)




; \ 1.0 • 1 . 5

Prior to the actual tests, trial tests in wind, waves and current were carried out to shift the mooring pile in order to adjust the mean position of the CG of the tanker above the location were the waves were calibrated. During the tests the bow hawser force and the horizontal motions at the location of the fairlead and the yaw angle of the tanker were measured.

Figure 6.4 Measured wave spectra


The measured results presented as the mean positions of the tanker are shown in Figure 6.5, while the time domain plots are presented in Figures 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8. The presented time domain results were not filtered. All signals were recorded with 25 samples per second. The results are given relative to the starting position, see Figure 6.5.

' 2\i 5Y2i"a£i2ÏL2Ë results

In Figure 6-5 the mean positions of the tanker exposed to environments 2 and 3 are presented. With regard to the model test results the computed headings were found to be 9.4 and 4.0 degrees smaller for environment 2 and 3 respectively. Due to the combined action of wind, waves and cur­rent an explanation is hard to give. The effect of doubling the longitu­dinal current component as used for all time domain computations will result in a surge and sway displacement only. Furthermore the deviation can not be explained by the increase of the drift force in current. The wave potential will not be affected by current, which is directed per­pendicular to the direction of the wave propagation.

In Figures 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 the results of the model tests are presented as time domain plots. The results are given relative to the initial start condition as indicated in Figure 6.5. As mentioned earlier the measured signals were not filtered. For the considered conditions it can be concluded that the high frequency, components hardly contribute to the motions or the hawser force. The system is dominated by the low fre­quency motions of the tanker. As discussed before the mean positions as derived from computations and model tests did not completely correspond to each other. In order to compare the low frequency results the mean values of the computed results were shifted to coincide with the means of the measured signals. From the results in Figures 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 it can be concluded that the computed low frequency components are in rea­sonably- good agreement with the measured results.





x(Z) Environment 3

100 m


Figure 6.5 The measured and computed mean position of the bow hawser moored tanker in wind, waves and current



FF tf


Test No. 23884 (wave test No. 2369) Environment 1

I|I =180° ; ii =180° ; I|I =180°


+ 10.00-

*A<2> J A

3600 4000 5000 6000 Time in s


Figure 6.6 The measured and computed results of the tanker exposed to

weather environment 1.



Test No. 2389 (wave test No. 2371) Environment 2 - tanker 60X loaded

* =270° ; + =225° ; if =180°



♦10.00 xA(2)

i ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■

3600 4000 5000 6000 Time in s


Figure 6.7 The measured and computed results of the tanker exposed to

weather environment 2.



Test No. 2390 (wave t e s t No. 2371)

Environment 3 - tanker 60% loaded

50.00 FF t f


+10.00 A6 deg.


-10.00 x A ( 1 )

x A ( 2 ) +10.00

I ■■ I 3600 4000 5000 6000

Time in s


Figure 6.8 The measured and computed results of the tanker exposed to weather environment 3.


Finally some remarks will be given on the computational procedure with respect to the integration procedure and the integration technique. For the computation of the input data for the simulation program pre-proces­sing programs were used. For the simulation the Advanced Continuous Si­mulation Language packet (ACSL) was used [6-2]. All programs were run on a Cyber 175 or 170-855.

For the time domain simulation of the low frequency motions the computa­tional scheme was followed as presented in Figure 6-2. It is assumed that the position and the velocities of the ship in the global system of co-ordinates x(j) and x(j) for j=l,2,6 are known.

To compute the values of the separate terms in the model the position of the vessel in the global system of co-ordinates x(j) and the velocities in the vessel-bound or local system of co-ordinates x. have to be known. The transformation of the velocities from the global to the local system of co-ordinates can be computed with:

x = T x (j)

in which:

cosx6 -sinx6 0

sinxg cosxg 0

Knowing the values of the terms in the equations of motion the accelera­tions x. in the local system of co-ordinates can be solved. For the computation of the large amplitude motions the following integration procedure has been applied. According to equation (3.2.6) the absolute ship's accelerations along the instantaneous directions of the local system of co-ordinates are:


X1E xl X2X6

X2E x2 + xlx6

X6E = X6 ( 6 - 5 a )

The components of the acceleration along the earth-fixed system of co­ordinates can be written as follows:

x (j) = T x -Jfc

which is in accordance with equation (3.2.4) or:

x(j) = Tx + T x for j = 1,2,6 (6.5.2)

By means of numerical integration the global velocities and displace­ments x(j) and x(j) respectively can be determined for the prediction of the next time step. By means of these data the computations of the new acceleration can be carried out.

Some attention has to be paid to the integration technique. Although the natural periods of the system are large, difficulties can occur with the applied integration method. Examples of results of different integration methods are shown in Figure 6.9. The examples concern the 60% loaded tanker exposed to the co-linear directed wind and current (see Figure 5.12). The current velocity was 1.03 m.s , while the wind velocity amounted to 30.9 m.s . The initial conditions in the global system of co-ordinates were:

x(l) = -254.87 m i(l) = 0 m.s"1

x(2) = - 19.64 m x(2) = 0 m.s"1

x(6) = + 7.5° x(6) = 0 rad.s-1


In the first example the first order Runga-Kutta or Euler method was applied. The time step was chosen to be 1/50 of the smallest natural period being in the order of 5-10 seconds. The computation was carried out with a time step of 10 seconds. A higher order integration method was used in the second example. Both higher order Runga-Kutta methods and methods with variable step and variable order, for instance according to Gear[6-3], gave consistent results.


\ A / \ / \ A / \ / \ A / I A A A A A \M\\pJ\\i v j v v


A r ?r A A A nWW / 111/ v 1/ \ 1 .u

A A A A A i ' \ / \ / \ / \ / " W V v V M M


\ A A . " \ / \ / \

vy v \ P> A f

/ \ / \ ' J \J \J


Figure 6.9 Euler and Gear integration method

Because of the occurrence of peak loads in the hawser, as can be seen in Figure 5.12, the integration method of Gear has been used for all the computations. This integration method has proven to be reliable [6-4J. Besides the reliability of the method, also the execution time may not be more than for the Euler method with small time steps. The efficiency is caused by the variable time steps for a relative smooth signal.



6-1 Wichers, J.E.W. and van den Boom, H.J.J.: "Simulation of the behaviuor of SPM-moored vessels in irregular waves, wind and current", Proc. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Deep Offshore Technology, Valletta/Malta, 1983.

6-2 Mitchell, E.E.L. and Gauthier, J.S.: "Advanced continuous simulation language (ACSL)", Simulation, March 1979, pp. 72-76.

6-3 Gear, C.W.: "Numerical initial value problems in ordinary differential equations", Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Yersey, 1971.

6-4 Wichers, J.E.W. and Drimmelen, N.J.: "On the forces on the cutter head and spud of a cutter suction dredger operating in waves", 10th World Dredging Congress, Singapore, April 1983.



As a result of the investigations the following conclusions may be drawn up:

1. For a tanker moored in waves the velocity dependent second order wave drift forces have to be taken into account.

2. For regular head waves and relatively deep water the quadratic transfer function of the velocity dependent wave drift forces for storm wave frequencies can be computed by means of 3-dimensional potential theory at small values of forward speed. The computed re­sults show a satisfactory agreement with values obtained from measurements on small scale models.

3. By means of the quadratic transfer function of the velocity depen­dent wave drift force in regular head waves the transfer function of the total wave drift force is obtained. In case of still water and by means of the gradient method the to­tal transfer function of the wave drift force can be split up in the transfer function of wave drift force for zero speed and the transfer function of the wave drift damping coefficient. In combination with co-linearly directed current and by means of the gradient method the total transfer function of the wave drift force can be split up in the transfer function of the current speed dependent wave drift force and the transfer function of the wave drift damping coefficient.

4. For a moored tanker with a low natural frequency and exposed to ir­regular head waves combined with or without co-linearly directed current the complete matrix of the quadratic transfer function can be composed on base of the main diagonal. The determination of the main diagonal of the transfer function of the wave drift damping coefficient will be sufficient. The contribution of the low fre­quency oscillating wave drift damping force to the motions is negligibly small.


5. For the simulation of the low frequency surge motion of the tanker besides the total wave drift forces, also the hydrodynamic low fre­quency reactive forces have to be known. The added mass coefficient may be computed by means of 3-dimensional potential theory, while for still water the viscous resistance coefficient and for current the current resistance coefficient must be derived from experimen­tal data. Computed results of the surge motions show a good agreement with the results of model tests. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of the application of the velocity dependency of the wave drift forces.

6. To describe the low frequency behaviour of an SPM moored tanker in the horizontal plane sets of equations of motion can be drawn up. Distinction has to be made between the still water and the current condition. The low frequency viscous resistance coefficients for the 3 modes of motion in the horizontal plane can be determined by means of PMM tests.

7. Based on the results of the PMM tests in still water the distribu­tion of the transverse resistance coefficient along the length of the tanker can be approximated.

8. Time domain simulations on the 3 degrees of motion with the bow hawser moored tanker exposed to regular waves were performed. The computed results show a good agreement with values obtained from model tests.

9. For the current condition the viscous resistance force and moment components can be formulated as a steady relative current force/mo­ment contribution and a dynamic current force/moment contribution. The experimentally determined results have been compared with re­sults based on the relative current concept. The recently formu­lated semi-theoretical models based on the relative current con­cept, can only be applied to the very low frequencies of the yaw velocities.


10. Time domain computations of the motions for 3 degrees of freedom of a bow hawser moored tanker in a current field were carried out. The results show that a satisfactory agreement is obtained with the results of model tests when the relative current force in surge di­rection is doubled.

11. Using the linearized criterium of Routh the stability of a bow hawser moored tanker exposed to current and wind was judged. The predictions were in good agreement with the model test results.

12. Computations for the b.ow hawser moored tanker exposed to various operational conditions were carried out. To compute the wave drift force registration a large and a small amplitude motion model was used. The large amplitude model was used for the unstable condi­tions, while the small amplitude model was used for the stable conditions. The result from the motion simulations show a reason-greement with the results of the model tests.





This appendix gives a short account of the underlying theory and method of computation of the velocity potential for an arbitrary tanker-shaped body sailing at low forward speed in regular, long-crested waves and in deep water as given by Hermans and Huijsmans [l-ll]. In keeping with fi­ll] the nomenclature x(l), x(2) and x(3) as used until now will become x, y and z, see Figure A.l. Furthermore the underlying theory is general for drift angles, defined as p. The frequency used must be read as the frequency of wave encounter.


Boundary condition and expansion of the source strength and potential function to small values of forward speed

The total potential function will be split up in a steady and a non-steady part in a well-known way:

$(x,t) = -Ux + 5(x;U) + Kx,t;U) (A.l)

In this formulation U is the incoming unperturbed velocity field, ob­tained by considering a coordinate system fixed to a ship moving under a drift angle p. In this approach the angle does not need to be small. The time dependent part of the potential consists of an incoming wave at frequency co, a diffracted and/or a radiated wave contribution. In the computations all these components will be taken into account. A restric­tion is made to a general theory concerning the wave components.


Figure A.l System of axes

The equations for the total potential <3? can be written as:

A$ = 0 in the fluid domain D (A.2)

At the free surface we have the dynamic and kinematic boundary condi­tion:

gC + $ t + h VS.V4 = const.

z x^x y y t at z = C(x,y,t) (A.3)

When it is assumed that the waves are high compared with the Kelvin wave pattern and that they both are small, the free surface condition can be" expanded at z = 0. Elimination of C leads to the following non-linear condition:

a2* a$ . a ,v®.v®^ + % 'JT+ ■£ (V$.V*) +-^.V[~^) = 0 at z at az at (A.4)

To compute the wave resistance at low speed thé free surface must be treated more carefully, because " the wave height is of asymptotically smaller order. Ttiis problem has been studied extensively by Eggers [A-l], Baba [ A - 2 ] , Hermans [A-3] and Brandsma [ A - 4 ] . The velocity field is well described by the double body potential with a small wave pattern.


Therefore the double body potential is taken into account and the sta­tionary wave pattern is neglected..

For the wave potential $(_x,t;U) the free surface condition now becomes:

4> + g4> + 2U* + 2VÏ.V$ + (U2 + 2UÏ + ï 2)^ + 2(U + 5 )ï Ï + tt e z yxt t x x'Txx v x' y xy

+ $2<)) + (3U$ + 5 Ï + $ * )5 + + (2U$ + $ <£> + $ $ ) $ + y yy xx x xx y xy x xy x xy y yy y

+ L(2){*} = 0 at z = 0 (A.5)

The boundary condition on the hull can be written in a similar way for all radiating and diffracted modes. Generally the condition exists:

(n.?*) = (a + Vx (axW)).n (A.6)

at the mean position of the hull, in which a is the oscillation motion _ T

and W = (u,v,o) . The speed components will be:

u = W cos8 v = W sinB,

with 8 the drift angle of the ship with respect to the velocity field as defined in Figure A.l.

For the six modes of motion the body boundary condition now reads:

T~ <|> = i ioa + Wmfc k = 1 ( 1 ) 6 (A .7 )


in which:

Wmk = -(n.V)w = 0 k = 1,2,3

Wmk = -(n.V)(r x w) k = 4,5,6

which leads to:

m^ = -sinfi ^

n6 = sinp n. - cosp n~

where n^ is the direction cosinus.

The non-linear operator on $ will be neglected as well. The first line in equation (A.5) contains linear terms in U. The Ansatz is that in or­der to obtain the first order appoximation with respect to U the second

t order terms with respect to U may be neglected in the free surface. In the next section it is shown that in general this is true, but first the construction of the regular part of the perturbation problem with the complete linear free surface condition will be discussed.

It is assumed that <t>(x,t;U) is an oscillatory function:

~ -iwt <t>(x,t;U) = <|>(x,U)e (A.8)

The free surface condit ion i s wr i t t en as :

o2<(> - 2iwU<t> + U2<(> + g* = D(U;i){<(>} a t z = 0 (A.9)


where D(U;$) is a linear differential operator acting on <)> as defined in equation (A.5). We apply Green's theorem to a problem in Di inside S and to the problem in Dg outside S where S is the ship's hull. The potential function inside S obeys equation (A.8) with D = 0, while the Green's function fulfills the homogeneous adjoint free surface condition:

-u>2G + 2iu>UGr + U2Grr + gG,. = 0 at z = 0 (A. 10)

This Green's function has the form:

G(x,5;U) = - i + i - - (Kx,5;U) (A.11) 1

where r - | S - £ | rx = I x - 5'| 5' = the image of £ with respect to the free surface.

Combining the formulation inside and outside the ship we obtain a des­cription of the potential function defined outside S by means of a source and vortex distribution of the following form:

" J/Y(5) |n^(5»S)dS5 - //a(5)G(x,£)dS£ - llSS. ƒ Y(£)G(x,§)dTi S S WL

+ J- I l>(§)§gG<2.5> " {\yt(D + aTYT(§)}G(x,5)]dTi 2

+ j - ƒ a a(5)G(x,5)dTi + -^ ƒƒ G(x,5)D{(|>}dS = 4n<|)(x) (A.12) 8 WL g FS ^

a = cos(Ox.t) aT = cos(Ox.T) a = cos(0x,n) n -

where n is the normal and t the tangent to the waterline and T = txn the bi-normal.


It is clear that with the choice y(5) = 0 the integral along the water-line gives no contribution up to order U. The source distribution we obtain this way is not a proper source distribution, because it ex­presses the function <t> in a source distribution along the free surface with strength proportional to the derivatives of the same function $. However, this formulation is linear in U and moreover the integrand tends to zero rapidly for increasing distance R. So finally we arrive at the formulation:

- 2*0(5) - JS o(£) -X- G(x,?) dS + ~- ƒ a a(g)|-G(x,§)dT, S x ^ s WL

+ T^ / / izr G(ï>^) °{*}dsF = ^v(x), x e s (A.i3) g FS x **


4n<t>(x) = - ƒƒ o(|)G(x,£)dS. + 7- / a 0(g)G(x,§)dn S ^ g WL

+ J 7 G(x,§)D{<t>} dS , x SD (A.H) g FS c, e

Now small values of U will be considered, keeping in mind that there are two dimensionless parameters that play a role in the limit. It is consi­dered that 1 = — « 1 and v = 772- » 1- It turns out that the source

8 u

strength and the potential function can be expanded as follows:

o(x;U) = aQ(x) + ta^x) + a(x;U)

<>(x;U) = $0(x) + t()i1(x) + $(x;U) (A.15)

where a and $ are 0(t2) as T+0, while the expansion of the Green's function is less trivial.

The Green's function

In this section an asymptotic expansion of the Green's function will be provided. The Green's function follows from the source function pre-


sented in Wehausen and Laitone [ A - 5 ] .

In the case T<1/4 the function (Kx,^;U) is written as:

■n/2 n <Kx,|;U) = I2" / d0 ƒ dk F(0,k) + -^ ƒ d0 ƒ dk F(0,k) (A.16)

0 LL n/2 L2


v,a M - kexp(k[z + C + i(x-5)cos0])cos[k(y-n)sin0] ^ ö ' ^ " gk - (ui + kUcos0)2 CA.1/;

The contours L, and hn are given as follows:

k1 k2

o V_V ^ — l' k3 k4

\y o* ~L* Figure A.2.

These contours are chosen such that the 'radiation' conditions are sa­tisfied. The radiated waves are outgoing and the Kelvin pattern is be­hind the ship. The values k are the poles of F(0,k). For small values of t these poles behave as:

/gk^, /gk^" ~ id + 0(T) as T+0 (A. 18)

/^2* - / iS~^i0 + °(1) aS T*° (A-19)

A careful analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of <Kx,5;U) for small values of U leads to a regular part and an irregular part:

<Kx,£;U) = <l>0(x,£) + -t(PL(x,<i;) +.. .+ ïQ(x,5) + v ' ^ x . g ) +. . . (A.20)



, k(z+C) V * > P " 2§ / gk - V k R ) d k (A-21>

2 2 k(z+C)

+!<ï.5) = 4ig2cos0' / (gk - M ^ 2 J^lcRjdk (A.22) L2


R2 = (x-5)2 + (y-n)2

0' = arctg ( Ejr) and

■a/2 <|J0(X,§) = -4v ƒ exp[v(z+Qsec26]sin[v(x-£)sec Q] *

* cos[v(y-T))sin0sec2e]sec20 d0 ' (A.23)

Hermans and Huijsmans [A-6] have shown that, due to the highly oscilla­tory nature, the influence of (A.23) may be neglected In the first order correction for small values of t.

Expansion of the source strength

In this section an approximation solution of equation (A.14) will ba derived. Inserting the equations (A.16) and (A.22) in equation (A.12) one obtains for like powers of x the following set of equations:

2u aQ(x) - ƒ ƒ aQ(|) (x.^dS^ = 4nV0(x), x € S (A.24)



8G - 2 ^ ( 5 ) -Ha^l) ^ - (x , | )dS 5 = - / / ö 0 (5 )a ip ^ ( x . ^ d S ^ +

ü X o X

o + T~ H Ö^T ( ^ } VÏ-V<"odsF + 47 tVi(5> (A.25)


G„(x,£) = - — + - 'Iv.Cx.g) is the zero speed pulsating wave source, .and V(x) = VQ(x) + T V ^ X ) + 0(-c2)

This perturbation leads to a fast algorithm that takes into account speed effects once a fast method is available for the zero speed dif­fraction problem. Therefore the diffraction program has been extended with the Newgreen subroutines of Newman [ A - 7 ] .

The potential functions (equation (A.15)) now become:

V*> ■ - h IJ ffo<§> e0<*»£>ds



♦i(ï) = r // v ^ v ^ s ) ^ - h a o1(g)G0(x,5)dsc + b b

+ 2 g~ M G0(x,5)VÏ.V$0dS& (A.26) FS



A-l Eggers, K.: "Non-Kelvin dispersive waves around non-slender ships", Schiffstechnik, Band. 8, 1981.

A-2 Baba, E.: "Wave resistance of ships in low speed", Mitsubishi Technical Bulletin, No. 109, 1976.

A-3 Hermans, A.J. : "The wave pattern of a ship sailing at low speed", Report 84A, University of Delaware, 1980.

A-4 Brandsma, F.J. and Hermans, A.J.: "A quasi-linear free surface condition in slow ship theory", Schiffstechnik, April, 1985.

A-5 Wehausen, J.V. and Laitone, E.V.: "Surface waves", Handbook of Physics, Vol. 9, I960.

A-6 Hermans, A.J. and Huijsmans, R.H.M.: "The effect of moderate speed on the motion of floating bodies", Schiffstechnik, Band 34, Heft 3, sept. 1987.

A-7 Newman, J.N.: "Three dimensional wave interactions with ships and platforms", International Workshop on Ship and Platform Motions, Berkeley, 1983.



Symbols not included in the list below are only used at a specific place and are explained where they occur

affix ( '•■' )>' ) ' ' ' denotes whether a quantity is of zero, first, second, third order, etc.

A envelope of the wave train ALg lateral wind area of superstructure Arpg transverse wind area of superstructure AP ordinate from CG to section 0 (negative) B breadth of the ship B. wave drift damping coefficient in regular wave in

k-direction B mean wave drift damping coefficient in k-

direction . Bi, • damping coefficient in the k- mode due to a

motion in the j-mode

C wave velocity C. coefficient in k-direction C , n-th Fourier cosine coefficient in k-direction D. . components of the quadratic transfer function of

the wave drift damping coefficient dependent on (o. and u. i J

E wave energy FF force in bow hawser FB centre of buoyancy forward of section 10 FP ordinate from CG to section 20 (positive) G Green's function G^ ' linear transfer function

(2) Gv complex quadratic transfer function GMt metacentre height transverse GMi metacentre height longitudinal


body axes with origin in CG depth of the vessel moment of inertia in the k-th mode Bessel function retardation function in the k-th mode due to motion in the j-th mode centre of gravity above keel length of the ship mass of the vessel inertia matrix number of oscillations number of wave components earth-bound system of co-ordinates atmospheric pressure components of the quadratic transfer function dependent on u. and to. added resistance spectrum of quantity u total wetted surface of the hull mean wetted surface of the hull surface element of S or S n-th Fourier sinus component in k- direction wave period draft of the vessel test or computation duration transformation matrix amplitude of the quadratic transfer function mean wave period towing speed transport of wave energy velocity static or mean- waterline on the hull of the body force or moment component in the k-th mode

added mass coefficient in the k-th mode due to motion in the j-th mode damping coefficient in the k-th mode due to motion in the j-th mode spring coefficient in the k-th mode due to motion in the j-th mode line element of the waterline 2.718 (constant of natural logarithm) acceleration of gravity first order impulse response function second order impulse response function water depth imaginary unit frequency-independent added mass coefficient in the k-th mode due to motion in the j-th mode area of spectrum first moment of spectrum ordinate along base line with origin underneath CG (forward positive) normal vector, pointing outside the body generalized direction cosine hydrodynamic pressure dimensionless yaw velocity projected length between location of wave reference and CG time velocity component in x^-direction amplitude of an oscillatory quantity velocity component in X2-direction laminar flow velocity displacement in the j-th direction

first order angular motion vector angle between wind and current direction of bow hawser drift angle logarithmic decrement phase angle between wave and some oscillatory quantity u random phase angle of i-th frequency component free surface elevation significant wave height dynamic viscosity ratio between two time scales wave number wave length low frequency natural frequency in surge direction kinematic viscosity specific density sea water complex coefficient source strength root-mean-square value laminar shear force time shift total velocity potential steady velocity potential oscillatory velocity potential angle of direction wave frequency vector operator volume of the mean submerged part of the body Laplace operator


a amplitude c current D wave drift force

viscous part dyn dynamic current load contribution e encounter

external force components due to wind and current G centre of gravity h point on the hull H hydrodynamic reaction i integer number k,j direction or degree of freedom m restoring due to mooring system n integer

normal directed N number of oscillations p potential origin stat steady current load contribution SW still water t tangential directed T thrusters r relative w wind C wave



It is the intention of this thesis to formulate a simulation model, which can be used to compute the behaviour of a tanker moored to a single point.

Exposed to current, wind and long crested irregular waves the motions of the tanker and the forces in the mooring sytem consist of both high (= wave) frequency and low frequency components.

When computing the low frequency motions, difficulties arise in the description of the mean and second order wave drift forces and the low frequency hydrodynamic reactive forces. For survival and operational weather conditions the wave drift excitation and the hydrodynamic reac­tive forces are discussed in this thesis.

For the survival condition the computer model is restricted to co-linearly directed current, wind and long crested irregular waves. The water is. assumed relatively deep. For most of the mooring systems this condition will determine the design. Experiments on model scale showed that the magnitude of the amplitudes of the low frequency surge motions will be influenced by the low frequency velocity dependency of the wave drift force excitation. The velocity dependency is caused by the Doppler effect on the vessel in a wave field. To account for this effect use is made of the velocity potential for small values of forward speed of the tanker. For small values of forward speed the first order motions were solved. By means of the direct integration method the low velocity de­pendent second order wave drift forces in regular waves were computed. For the simulation the velocity dependent wave drift force is split up into a current velocity dependent wave drift force and a wave drift damping coefficient. The complete matrix of the wave drift force is ap­proximated employing the main diagonal only.

In the low frequency range the wave drift damping and the wave radiated damping can be derived from potential theory. The wave radiated damping


is negligibly small. Except for the damping forces of potential origin also damping forces of viscous nature are present. The viscous damping terms cannot be computed and have to be derived from physical experi­ments.

By means of computations and verified by model tests the importance of the velocity dependency of the wave drift excitation has been confirmed.

In operational conditions the combination of current, wind and irregular long crested waves can be arbitrary in terms of occurrence and direc­tions. In order to formulate the simulation model for the low frequency motions of the tanker in the horizontal plane two problems must be solved. First, a set of equations of motion must be drawn up, which des­cribe the large amplitude low frequency motions. Secondly, the compo­nents in the equations of motion, which adequately describe the low fre­quency hydrodynamic resistance forces, must be derived while the low frequency viscous resistance coefficients must be known.

The flow pattern around the tanker, which performs low frequency oscil­lations, will be different in still water or in a current field. For both conditions semi-theoretical mathematical models were derived. The viscous resistance coefficients were experimentally determined for a 200 kTDW tanker in a water depth of 82.5 m. The derived results were com­pared with existing formulations of the viscous resistance.

The equations of motion are evaluated by means of results of physical model tests for a 200 kTDW tanker moored by means of a bow hawser to a fixed mooring point. To determine the stability of this kind of mooring system the stability criterium of Routh has been applied to the tanker exposed to wind and current.

In order to demonstrate the validity of the derived formulations with respect to arbitrary weather direclons in operational conditions com­puter simulations were carried out. It is shown that the model tests confirm the results of the computations.



De bedoeling van dit proefschrift is een simulatiemodel te formuleren dat gebruikt kan worden voor het berekenen van het gedrag van een tanker afgemeerd aan een een-punts afmeersysteem. Blootgesteld aan stroom, wind en onregelmatige golven bestaan de bewegingen van de tanker en de krach­ten in het afmeersysteem zowel uit hoog-frequente (in de frequenties van de golven) als laag-frequente componenten. De grootte van de laag-frequente bewegingen zijn in vele gevallen bepalend voor het ontwerp van het afmeersysteem.

Bij het berekenen van de laag-frequente bewegingen ontstaan problemen bij het beschrijven van de gemiddelde en laag-frequente tweede-orde golfdriftkrachten en de hydrodynamische reaktiekrachten. De hydrodyna-mische excitatie- en reaktiekrachten worden behandeld voor de tanker in weerscondities tijdens het overleven en het operationeel zijn.

Voor de overlevingsconditie beperkt het model zich tot storm omstandig­heden, waarbij de richtingen van stroom, wind en onregelmatige lang-kammige golven samenvallen. De waterdiepte is relatief groot. Voor de meeste afmeersystemen bepaalt deze weersconditie het ontwerp. Experimen­ten op modelschaal toonden aan dat de grootte van de amplitudes van de laag-frequente schrikbeweglngen van het afgemeerde schip in belangrijke mate beïnvloed wordt door snelheidsafhankelijke golfdriftkrachten. De snelheidsafhankelijkheid wordt veroorzaakt door het Doppler-effeet van het schip in het golfveld. Om dit effect mee te nemen is gebruik gemaakt van de snelheidspotentiaal voor lage voorwaartse snelheden. Voor kleine waarden van voorwaartse snelheid zijn de eerste orde scheepsbewegingen opgelost. Door toepassing van de direkte-druk integratiemethode over het natte oppervlak kunnen de snelheidsafhankelijke tweede orde golfdrift-krachten worden bepaald. Voor het simulatiemodel wordt de snelheidsaf­hankelijkheid verdeeld in een stroomsnelheids-afhankelijke golfdrift-kracht en in een golfdriftdempingscoefficient. De waarden van de complete matrix van de golfdriftkrachten worden benaderd met behulp van de waarden, die berekend zijn voor de hoofddiagonaal.


In het laag-frequente gebied kunnen golfdriftdemping en golfdemplng uit de potentiaaltheorie afgeleid worden. De golfdemplng, die onstaat door de uitgestraalde golven als gevolg van het laag-frequente bewegen van het schip, blijkt verwaarloosbaar klein te zijn. Behalve dempingskrach­ten van potentiaaloorsprong zijn ook weerstandskrachten van visceuze oorsprong aanwezig. De visceuze krachten kunnen niet berekend worden en zijn experimenteel bepaald.

Met behulp van berekeningen, die geverifieerd worden met modelproeven, wordt de belangrijkheid van de snelheidsafhankelijkheid van de golf­drif tkrachten in hoge golven bevestigd.

Tijdens operationele weeromstandigheden kunnen stroom, wind en onregel­matige langkanunige golven zowel in voorkomen als in richting willekeurig zijn. Bij het formuleren van de berekeningswijze van de laag-frequente bewegingen in het horizontale vlak van een afgemeerde tanker treden twee problemen op. Allereerst moet een stelsel bewegingsvergelijkingen opge­steld worden voor de grote bewegingen in het horizontale vlak. Ten twee­de moeten de componenten van de visceuze weerstandskrachten in de bewe­gingsvergelijkingen voldoende beschreven worden en moeten de waarden van de viskeuze weerstandscoefficienten bekend zijn.

Het stromingsbeeld rond een laag-frequent bewegende tanker zal verschil­lend zijn in stil water of stroom. Voor de componenten van de viskeuze weerstandskrachten in de bewegingsvergelijkingen zijn voor beide omstan­digheden formuleringen afgeleid. De formuleringen zijn gebaseerd op theorie en empirie. Voor een 200 kTDW tanker afgemeerd in 82.5 m diep water zijn de visceuze weerstandscoefficienten experimenteel bepaald. De resultaten zijn vergeleken met bestaande formuleringen.

De bewegingsvergelijkingen zijn geëvalueerd met behulp van modelproeven. De validatie betrof een 200 kTDW tanker afgemeerd met een meerlijn, die bevestigd is aan een in de zeebodem geplaatse paal. Onder invloed van de weerscondities kunnen dergelijke systemen instabiel zijn. Instabiele systemen kunnen grote krachten in de meerlijn induceren. Met behulp van


het criterium van Routh is de stabiliteit van het systeem bepaald onder invloed van wind en stroom.

Met het doel de geldigheid aan te tonen van de afgeleide formuleringen zijn tenslotte computersimulaties uitgevoerd met de afgemeerde tanker. Voor de operationele weerscondities zijn verschillende combinaties van stroom, wind en onregelmatige golven toegepast. Er is aangetoond dat de resultaten van de modelproeven in overeenstemming zijn met de theoreti­sche berekeningen.