Aguidelinetoutilizeautomaticcode checkingcapabilitiesofbuilding informationmodellingapplications simultaneouslyinthedesigncycleof buildingconstruction. Shaikh Hafizur Rahman Page | 1

A Guideline to utilize auto code checking capabilities of BIM Applications simultaneously in the design cycle of Building construction

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A guideline to utilize automatic code checking capabilities of building information modelling applications

simultaneously in the design cycle of building construction.

Shaikh Hafizur Rahman

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A guideline to utilize automatic code checking capabilities of building information modelling applications simultaneously in the design cycle of building construction.

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Contents Page

List of Figures 6

Abstract 7

1.0 Introduction 8

1.1 Background to the research

1.2 Research question, Research Aims and Research Objectives

1.2.1 Research question

1.2.2 Research Aims

1.2.3 Research Objectives

1.3 Research Scope

1.4 Research significance

1.5 Brief description of the contents of subsequent chapters

2.0 Literature Review 12

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Origin of CAD & BIM

2.3 Design process & BIM

2.4 Automatic code compliance check

2.5 Conclusion

3.0 Research Method 29

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research Subjects

3.3 Critical Discourse

3.4 Application of Methodology

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3.5 Limitations

3.6 Conclusion

4.0 Discussion 37

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Automatic Building Code Check using BIM

4.3 Suggested design process utilizing BIM

4.4 Limitation

4.5 Results

4.6 Conclusion

5.0 Conclusion 51

5.1 Research Objective

5.2 Research Aims

5.3 Research Question

5.4 Scope for Further Research

Reference: 54

Appendix: 57

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List of Figures Page

Figure 2.1 Graphic representation of nD BIM technology. 14

Figure 2.2 The logical basis of integrated design process. 16

Figure 2.3 Integrated design process 17

Figure 2.4 The four classes of functionality a rule checking system should support. 19

Figure 2.5 Overview matrix of rule checking systems. 21

Figure 2.6 Automated code conformance checking ACCC System. 22

Figure 2.7 An approach to code compliance check. 23

Figure 2.8 A framework for the EDM prototype system. 24

Figure 2.9 A framework for the SMC prototype system. 25

Figure 2.10 A framework of model checking system based on SMARTCodes. 26

Figure 2.11 A framework of DesignCheck system. 26

Figure 2.12 Automatic code checking in building design process. 27

Figure 3.1 Disciplinary model. 30

Figure 3.2 Economic models: Methodology flow chart. 31

Figure 3.3 Applied research method. 33

Figure 4.1 Example of BASIX Certificate. 40

Figure 4.2 Example of Ecotect Solar radiation analysis. 41

Figure 4.3 Example of Ecotect Shading analyses. 41

Figure 4.4 Example of Ecotect indoor Light analyses. 42

Figure 4.5 Example of Ecotect Building surface analysis. 42

Figure 4.6 Example of Solibri space analyses. 44

Figure 4.7 Example of Solibri Escape route analyses. 44

Figure 4.8 Object modelling using UK component grade. 46

Figure 4.9 Architectural modelling based on Level of Details AIA BIM standard E202. 47

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Automatic building code check using building information modelling is an emerging field of study. BIM has progressive implications in the building design and construction industry. Building design and construction industry is in the process of accommodating BIM technologies. Limited and controlled building design and construction projects proved that BIM applications are capable of checking building codes automatically. Interpretation of linguistic building codes into logical verifiable digital codes remains a significant challenge in the development of automatic code checking BIM applications. Regulatory authority manages code compliance check of building design and construction. Automatic code check using building information modelling applications to achieve maximum benefit of code compliance building construction is the research interest. A hypothesis of improved BIM skills and knowledge of automatic code checking building information modelling applications to wrench maximum benefits out of code compliance check is generated to answer the research question. A cyclic process of alteration and modification to hypothesis to filter out research findings is implemented. Mixed methods of holistic and qualitative research data collection approach have been utilized. Informative data are collected from published literature on Building information applications, building design processes, code checking process and automatic code check. These collected data are synthesized and evaluated to formulate results and answers against the hypothetical answer. Suitable design stage to use automatic code check BIM applications in the design process is given investigative measures. Building design processes varies significantly at an individual level to achieve desired creative outcome. Practice of building design and construction requires moderately standard processes for collaboration and coordination between professional consultants. Desired design phase in which automatic code checking BIM applications will be used in the design cycle is synthesized out of BIM standard. The research formulates a conceptual guideline to use automatic code checking BIM applications simultaneously in the design cycle of building construction.

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1. Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background to the Research

Building construction is regulated by building codes. These building codes vary according to the origin of the site and regulatory authority. Building codes have been developed in accordance with needs, tastes and visions of the time to construct safe, comfortable and coherent buildings. There are various codes that regulate building’s life span from design stage, to construction stage, to occupancy stage, to demolition or to redevelopment stage. Concept of a building, designed as code compliant will have lesser regulatory obstruction to construct. Building information modelling is capable of checking an object against a parameter. Building code as a parameter can be used to check code compliance of a building. Code compliance checked in the earlier stages of a design cycle can maximize the efficiency in the process of code compliant building construction. The research proposes to investigate available building information modelling applications and their code checking capabilities that can be used effectively in the design cycle to minimize regulatory compliance obstruction and thus to maximize efficiency in the code compliance process of building industry. Superfast development of information technology in recent decade has contributed to the virtuality of our current modern life. Building information modelling applications have also been developed at the similar pace. Building industry is in the process of this transformation to accommodate virtual skills and needs of our time. Recent building information modelling applications have developed capabilities which can be used effectively in the design cycle of building industry to check codes automatically. Proposed research aims to investigate those code checking capabilities of current Building information modelling applications. This research study will enrich building designers, educators, students and practitioners with concurrent knowledge of auto code checking capabilities of existent building information modelling applications and will contribute as a guideline in the implementation of BIM applications in the design cycle, to construct code compliant buildings in practice.

1.2 Research Question, Research Aims and Research Objectives

1.1.1 Research Question

The research seeks to find an answer to the research Question: At what stage in the building design cycle should building information modelling Auto-code checking systems be used to achieve maximum benefit for compliance checking?

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Critical points of the research question are to find out the ‘stage’ or ‘phase’ in the design cycle and how to achieve ‘maximum’ benefit.

A hypothetical answer to the research question is formulated:

Improved BIM skills will create auto-code checking capabilities of BIM as an integral part of building design cycle to be used simultaneously to produce code compliant design outcome.

The hypothesis put emphasis on ‘BIM skills’, Auto code checking capabilities of BIM and ‘simultaneous usages while designing’.

A logical structure is utilized to derive the hypothetical answer.

To find out the ‘stage’ or ‘phase’ in the process: the hypothesis utilize ‘Simultaneous’ as unknown and accept it as true.

The ‘maximum benefit’ element is logically dependable on: Who is deriving, how it is derived and what it will be derived with. ‘BIM Skills’ satisfy who and how, with what part is satisfied by the ‘code check process’. But ‘code check process’ itself does not indicate any metric quality unless ‘capability’ is attached. The research will investigate BIM & skills, Auto code checking capabilities of BIM and a suitable ‘phase’ or ‘stage’ to utilize the code checking capabilities of BIM.

1.1.2 Research Aims:

Aims of the proposed research are to:

• Investigate BIM process and Skills involve.

• Evaluate code checking capabilities of BIM.

• Synthesize information to compose a suitable ‘phase’ or ‘stage’.

1.1.3 Research Objectives :

• Investigate BIM applications.

• Investigate Design process.

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• Investigate code compliance checking capabilities of BIM Applications.

• Synthesize the information to compose a suitable ‘phase’ or ‘stage’.

1.3 Research Scope:

Discussions on the research topic can be expansive. The research project will be limited within the scope of the course outline and assessment. Following parameters will be used in restraining the research topic within an achievable outcome:

• Qualitative information from literatures will be used to compose an outcome.

• Discussion will be minimized within the scope of the collected literature to synthesize findings.

1.4 Significance of Research:

The research on automatic building codes check using BIM applications will enrich building designers, educators, students and practitioners with concurrent knowledge of auto code checking capabilities of existent BIM applications. Contribution of the research will manifest as a guideline in implementing BIM applications simultaneously in the design cycle of code compliant building construction.

The research will reveal the knowledge range of practical uses of automatic code checking capabilities of BIM applications. The process involved in such operations.

Success of this project may have an impact on the progress of automatic code checking process and on the constructing of code compliant building construction utilizing BIM applications.

1.5 Brief description of the contents of subsequent chapters:

Chapter Two: Literature Review

Origin of CAD and BIM, Design process & BIM and automatic code compliance check in the literature are broadly investigated in this chapter.

Chapter Three: Research Methods

Research method suitable for the research project is explored and explained in this chapter. A mixed methodology is applied with quality data collection, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of findings as a methodological process.

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Chapter Four: Discussion

Discussion focuses on auto code checking capabilities of BIM applications, processes involve in design and construction and synthesis these information to find a suitable stage in the design cycle to use auto code checking capabilities of building information modelling applications simultaneously.

Chapter Five: Conclusion

Conclusion on research aims, objectives and questions are drawn from research findings using stated research methods. Scope of further research will allow the research subject to be explored in depth with survey, and quantitative data to support this qualitative research conclusion.

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2. Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Extensive research study indicates BIM is more than a digital drafting instrument. Race (2013) argued to interpret BIM acronym as Building information management instead of Building information modelling to indicate BIM’s capacity, capability, potential and future growth. Russel, Cho, Y. & Cywik (2012) interchanged BIM (Building information Modelling) acronym with VDC (Virtual design and construction) to explain functionality of BIM. Weygant (2011) invented a simple algorithmic formula (CAD + SPECS = BIM) to describe BIM. In the linear growth of BIM, it is common understanding that 2d CAD (Computer aided design) is BIM’s predecessor but BIM is more than ‘dumb’ 3d representation, BIM’s 3d space embodies smart objects (Heidari, Allameh, de Vries, Timmermans, Jessurun & Mozaffar, 2014) which provide exploratory benefits of 4D or 5D technology (Lee, Dossick & Foley, 2013). Succar (2009) & Russel et al. (2012) agrees that this nD quality of BIM facilitate information to be retrieved from BIM models for purposes other than 3d representation such as cost estimation, code checking, product manufacturing & performance simulation. Eastman, Teicholz, Sacks & Liston (2011) dismissed 3d models that does not contain object attributes, behaviour, building definitions and automatic reflection of changes in all view as BIM. Study shows academic investigations (Lam, 2004; Tan, Hammad & Fazio, 2010; Ding, Drogemuller, Jupp, Rosenman & Geor, 2004; Eastman, Lee, Jeong & Lee, 2009; Nawari, 2012) and implemented building design checking mechanism (Corenet, 1998; Basix, 2005) provide sufficient evidences that BIM has the capacity to check compliance of building design automatically against building codes by retrieving information embedded in the BIM objects. However, progressive utilization of BIM in checking building code compliance automatically is at the stage of development and will require considerable moderation in the coming years before wide spectrum of knowledge and skills on checking building codes using BIM application will be available. (Eastman et al., 2009). This review of the literatures examines progression of BIM, processes involve while using BIM as a design tool, methods and processes involve in checking compliance of building design against building codes using BIM.

2.2 Origin of CAD & BIM:

Historical analysis on the origin of CAD suggests “the first graphic system was in mid -1950 the US Air Force's SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment) air defence system. The system was developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory. The system involved the use of CTR displays to show computer-processed radar data and other information. Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty known as "the Father of CADD/CAM" for his

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pioneering contributions to the field of computer-aided design and manufacturing, developed in 1957 PRONTO, the first commercial numerical-control programming system. In 1959 the CalComp company is founded. In 1960, Ivan Sutherland used TX-2 computer produced at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory to produce a project called SKETCHPAD, which is considered the first step to CAD industry. Bill Barnes established in his garage in Denver on 15 January 1962, Auto-trol and manufactured the first product, a digitizer. Mr. Barnes named the company Auto-trol as a shortened version of automated control, which he had given to a product he developed in the 1950s. Parallel projects were developed at ITEK and General Motors. The ITEK project was called The Electronic Drafting Machine and used PDP-1 computer from Digital Equipment Corp., a vector -refresh display and a large disk memory device used to refresh the graphic display. Inputs commands were done with an electronic light pen while at General Motors Research Laboratories in the 1960s, Dr. Hanratty was a co-designer of DAC (Design Automated by Computer), the first production interactive graphics manufacturing system. In 1960 McDonnell Douglas Automation Company (McAuto) founded. It will play a major role on CAD developments with the introduction of CADD program”. (CAD chronology: before 1970, 1999). CAD’s representation of graphics progressed from 2 dimension to 3 dimension.

Eastman et al. (2011) and Azhar, Khalfan & Maqsood (2012) explained differences between 3D CAD and BIM. On the origin of 3D CAD and BIM, Eastman et al. (2011), stated 3D geometric model using CAD was first developed in 1960s. Two different branches, B-rep and CSG were developed to create early 3D geometric models. Models based on 3D solid modelling was first developed in the late 1970s. Parametric objects who contain shape instances & defining properties and are controllable at the assembly, sub-assembly and object level according to hierarchy of parameters are the originating concept of present day developed BIM. Parametric modelling emerged from an extension of B-rep and CSG technologies and a mixture university research and intense industrial development in the 1980s.

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nD (n=…..,4,5,6 and so on) BIM technology is a project simulation consisting of 3D virtual models of the project components with links to all the required information connected with the project planning, design, construction or operation. (Kymmell, 2008).

Chang & Shih (2013) refer BIM as an evolution form CAD in the domain of CAAD (Computer aided architectural design) and links the evolution to the development of computer hardware and information technology. The periodic development of computer hardware and CAAD research chart separated in five different ages (Mainframe, Work Station, PC, Internet and Cloud) records this evolution and progress of functionality provided by the CAD & BIM software.

2.3 Design Process & BIM:

Case studies shows instances of Inspiration and motivation for Design cannot be described in a standard format however, design practice maintains phases to collaborate and exchange information in intervals (Shoshkes, 1989). Creation of building and spaces is a continuing process of assimilating, modifying and reinventing bases of practical building knowledge. (Miller, 1995). Shoshkes (1989) states design solution needs to respond to

Figure 2.1 Graphic representation of nD BIM technology. (Image Courtesy: Kymmell)

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various aspects of building, both intangibility of ideas as well as tangibility of human, environment and technical reality. The design process is an evolution of the interactions of people, events, problems, ideas and images, contains certain mystique and so hard to explain and to describe the exact moments. Miller (1995) describes design process in the group of ‘Known’, ‘Unknown’ and ‘return to known’ to manage and respond to the intangible and tangible aspects of design. This managing information (known, unknown, return to known) connects to the description of the architect as a composer by Architect Robert Geddes who explains acts of design as a collaborative orchestrated efforts with innovation, imagination and creativity and emphasizes on design decisions as the key to successful projects but renders importance on the design of the processes involving the intervals of the projects and shared understanding of the vocabulary to profit on collective actions which guide the design process (Shoshkes, 1989).

Individuality in design process is observed in the architect’s interviews presented by Miller(1995):

Steve Badanes described his practice as Old fashioned involving one building design at a time, travelling to the site and occasionally living in the site. The practice constructed structures on site which he compared with a painter receiving instant feedback for the artwork and thus extended design process to the site. On actual design process, He stated it was two parts of his brains working at once which began with the program, then building decision, client consultation & solving problems, at the same time generating & integrating Light bulb ideas.

Robert Doran with 15 years of academic experiences of design theory and practice settled on European “Atelier” style practice with the idea of ‘anything but the normal hierarchical, ego-driven practice’ and took organic induction process to design, spending time with clients at the predesign stage to learn and to deliver.

Scott Johnson ran a research driven practice and assessed and interpreted knowns into programming and selected a set of values to process the acquired knowledge into design by sketching, drawing or modelling.

Stan Laegreid’s practice designed commercial buildings with mostly defined programs by industry standards and client’s prior experience. He declined to any conscious design process to generate design rather stated quick drawing to generate idea as a method.

Szalapaj (2005) commented on processing the known and unknown information in digital format as a cyclic process: changed interactions and particular prominences of design criteria

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require continual cyclical process of model generation irrespective of the priorities of criteria in different phases.

It is to mention that the standard project phases typically consist of planning, programming, schematic design, design development, contract documentation and contract administration. (Shoshkes, 1989.)

Information acquired, produced or generated in various phases are processed differently while designing in traditional process or in BIM process. (Azhar et al., 2012).

BIM process is integrative and collaborative that increases accuracy and efficiency in design with optimized design quality, aesthetics, constructability, affordability, timeliness and seamless flow into lifecycle management while traditional process is more linear (Azhar, et al. 2012). This notion of BIM resonates with IDP (Integrative design process). Mcdonald & Persram (2011) credited IDP with helping buildings to achieve high performance and significant reduction of cost and disruption by maximum integration at the beginning.


Figure 2.2 The logical basis of integrated design process ( Courtesy Larsson/ iiSBE).

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Larsson (2004) as cited in Mcdonald & Persram (2011) emphasized IDP contained no radically new elements, but integrated ‘well proven approaches into systematic total process’. Gaps of knowledge while shifting from traditional to BIM process might raise some operational project issues. In a laboratory exercise environment addressing issues of previous experiences with CAD and mood of output as drawings to share information generated necessary anticipation of needs of design collaboration while building models which helped to overcome initial barriers and improved quality of the collaborative approach (Plume & Mitchel, 2007).

Eastman et al (2008), considered role and process of design using BIM from four different viewpoints: Concept design, design and analysis, developing construction level information and design & construction integration: Conceptual design requiring generation of basic building plan, its massing and general appearance, determining the building’s placement and

Figure 2.3 Integrated design process ( Courtesy Larsson/ iiSBE).

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orientation on the site, structure and basic building programs can be greatly enhanced using BIM. Analysis requires intense collaboration among team members of specialists which can be effectively generated by mix of configurable tools. Construction level information is still outputted by drawings but in future practice, BIM model itself can serve as the legal basis for construction documentation. Design and construction integration can easily be processed by BIM as a collaboration facilitator to provide benefits of early identification of long lead-times and shorten procurement process, value engineering as design proceeds, early exploration and setting of design constraints related construction issues, facilitating identification of the interaction, reducing differences between designed construction model and manufactured model, significantly shortened cycle times for fabrication detailing.

2.4 Automatic code compliance check:

Investigative study refers parts of building codes as linguistically complex and are often structured arbitrarily convoluted clusters requiring expert interpretations (Eastman et al, 2011). Fenves’ (1966) work initially addressed these issues of building codes and put efforts in logical structure of building codes in decision table. Decision trees, regulation management, families of related codes, question and answer user interface were some of developing methods to address those issues.

Manual methods of building code check require analysis of presented building information, counterchecks of references and output results against building codes by designers and so has an increasing possibility of making mistakes during the process of code compliance checking. (Tan, Hammad & Fazio, 2010). Wu and Handzuik (2013) found code checking for ‘Aging-in-Place’ projects daunting with manual code checking methods. Because, this method involves building’s life cycle analysis. Building code changes over the life time of the buildings and so maintaining consistency with changed building codes becomes systematically complex with layers of codes that needed to be checked against the submitted ‘Aging-in-place’ building proposal.

Industry contributions and academic research have responded to the issues. An institutional approach to accommodate automatic code check was introduces in 1995 by Singapore building officials considering code checking on two dimensional drawings which evolved to CORENET in 1998 working with IFC (industry foundation classes) building models (Nawari, 2013). There have been other intensive research and dedicative efforts made to facilitate automatic code compliance check. SmartCode initiative in the USA, Design check & Basix for part of the codes in Australia are to be mentioned. Platforms that have initiated Automatic

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code checking and continued progress till this days were Solibri Model Checker, Jonte ED model Checker and Fornax. The field of rule checking is only emerging (Eastman et al, 2011).

Eastman et al (2009) has articulated automatic code checking process in four different stages: Rule interpretation, Building model preparation, Rule execution and Rule check reporting; to evaluate case studies of Automatic code compliance check.

Rule interpretation is a logic-based method that interprets from natural language to process able form of machine language using a predicate logic which is well defined and can be evaluated as true or false. Ontology of names and properties translate rules onto context and properties in which the rules apply. Implementation method tests contextual condition using computer language encoded rules and parametric tables. Language driven is a longer term rule implementation method that has been envisioned as predicate logic-based or

domain oriented.

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Building model preparations require adjustment to model views, derive implicit properties using enhanced objects, and derive new models, performance-based model and integrated analysis, Visibility of layout rule parameters. Model views might require purging of unnecessary data and to include necessary details for code checking. Deriving implicit properties using enhanced objects responses issues of insufficient information in the models by precluding them in the object oriented programming principles. Deriving new models require other efforts to prepare the model for code check. Performance-based model and integrated analysis requires a specially derived model view, with its own geometry, materials or other parameters as an input for executing the analysis/simulation. Visibility of layout rule parameters on a drawing are assessed with instances of some type of layout requiring filtering of redundant graphic checking.

Rule execution phase brings together the prepared building model with rules that apply to it which can be performed by model view syntactic pre-checking and management of view submissions. Model view syntactic pre-checking simplify rule execution by checking the rules have been interpreted into computable forms consistent with functions. These functions have been prepared to match the capabilities and information in the building model. Management of view submissions is required to manage the completeness of rule checking and model version consistency.

Rule check reports are rule instances graphical reporting and reference to source rule. Rule instances graphical reporting represents the outcome of the check in a graphic format. Reference to source rule can report much effectively outcome with references to the specific rule.

The table is much explanatory of the overview of currently available rule checking systems.

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Figure 2.5 Overview matrix of rule checking systems (Courtesy C. Eastman)

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Figure 2.6 Automated code conformance checking ACCC System (Courtesy C. Eastman)

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Figure 2.7 An approach to code compliance check. (Courtesy Tan)

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Figure 2.8 A framework for the EDM prototype system. (Courtesy Ding).

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Figure 2.9 A framework for the SMC prototype system. (Courtesy Ding)

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Figure 2.10 A framework of model checking system based on SMARTCodes. (Courtesy Wastman)

Figure 2.11 A framework of DesignCheck system (Courtesy DesignCheck)

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An overview of the proposed auto code checking frameworks presented above shows approaches in which Auto code checking can be performed which differs in details but maintain basic phases ( what are the basic phases) of Building code checking process as articulated by Eastman et al (2011).

Nawari (2012) has proposed a cyclic process in which automatic code checking in building design is integrated in the design process.

Eastman et al (2011) presented auto code checking process that mostly deals with post facto application of rules. A cyclic code check evaluation applied during and supporting design development might be utilized to check every design move and would allow immediate identification of the action violating a rule to facilitate corrections. If the corrections are not made when an error first occurs, then this association of the design action and the rule violations should be saved for later management for correction to a design.

Figure 2.12 Automatic code checking in building design process. (Courtesy Eastman).

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2.5 Conclusion:

This can be concluded from the review of the literatures that BIM as a design process can use time efficiently; check clashes & design errors early in the construction simulation stage and save project time, cost & efforts. In theory, automatic code compliance check is achievable utilizing BIM applications. There are areas of automatic code compliance check using BIM applications need to be addressed. There are not many examples of fully functional automatic code compliance checking applications. This is an emerging field of BIM’s capacity. It is accepted that BIM as a design tool and a process requires new ways of thinking than designing in a traditional process. Automatic code compliance check using BIM as an emerging addition to BIM’s functional capacity will require further studies to be conducted to utilized it’s full potentials. The following discussion fits in that space.

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3. Chapter Three: Research Method

1.1 Introduction

The research project introduces a question which seeks to find out an optimum time span in the building design cycle in which automatic building code checking capabilities of BIM will be utilized in code compliant building construction. The research question is analysed to find out the key elements in the question. Analysis of the research question formulates the hypothesis. Key elements of the hypothesis are designed to satisfy the key elements of the research question. A methodological approach will be applied to research the key elements of the hypothesis. Depending on the research findings, the hypothesis will become a valid answer to the research question or the hypothesis will formulate a partial answer with directions for future research.

1.2 Research Subjects

‘Automatic code compliance check using BIM’ is the primary research topic. An optimum time span for applying the automatic code compliance check in the design process and required skills are the secondary topic for the research. A suitable methodological approach that will integrate with the initial approach to formulate the hypothetical answer in response to the research question is investigated in the literature on research methodologies.

The research hypothesis presumed BIM’s code checking capabilities in its operational potential, and so, improved BIM skill would automatically determine an optimum time span for the code checking task in the design cycle of code compliant building construction at an individual level.

Presumptions of the hypothesis was investigated in the published literatures which have indicated automatic building code check utilizing BIM applications is an emerging capability of Building information modelling. Multiple theoretical code checking frameworks with intensive research prove the possibility of such operation using BIM applications. However, there remains a gap in the development and practical utilization of such BIM application.

There are differences in BIM design process and traditional design process. Synthesisation of information on stages of design process can suggest an optimum time span to draw out

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maximum benefits of utilizing BIM applications in the design cycle of code compliant building construction.

1.3 Critical Discourse

Primary methodological formats often restrain research enquiries. In construction management research studies use of liberated methodologies are observed frequently. Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed and Review are the four broad methodological classifications in the building construction management industry research (Dainty, 2008.)

Strategies implied in architectural qualitative researches are holistic, prolonged contact, Open-Ended, Research as Measurement Device, Analysis through words or visual material and personal or Informal Writing Stance. (Groat & Wang, 2013).

Paul Chynoweth (2008) in his search to determine methods in ‘Legal research’ has utilised Biglan, (1973) disciplinary model. This disciplinary model graphs contain

Figure 3.1 Disciplinary model. (Biglan, 1973).

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parameters from applied to pure on the vertical axis and hard to soft on the horizontal axis. The model indicates law resides in the ‘Applied Soft’ quarter.

The proposed research topic: Automatic building code check using BIM applications relates to fields of studies of technology, management, design and law. Applying Biglan (1973) disciplinary model indicates the research dwells near the neutral axis in ‘Applied soft’ quarter of the spectrum.

Les Ruddock (2008) explained an economic research method starting with a hypothesis. In that systematic approach, it included theoretical identification, data collection and pre-

Figure 3.2 Economic models: Methodology flow chart (based on Maddala, 2000).

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processing, statistical selection and usage.

This methodology of identifying a hypothesis and collecting, processing and selecting data to synthesize an outcome conceptually resonate with this research initiative.

Grounded theory approach in architectural qualitative research (Gorat & Wang, 2013) investigates the subject matter holistically and without preset opinions or notions. Grounded theory approach suits the uncertainty of finding a suitable time span.

1.4 Application of Methodology

The research project proposes to utilize a mixed methodology to wrench out the suitability of hypothetical answer to the research question.

The proposed research method was initially separated in three different stages. The intention of the separation was to help identifying particular methods to be applied in each stages and simplify the cognitive process.

First stage of the research was to collect data on building construction codes, regulatory authorities and other compliance checks bodies for building construction. Arrays of the collected data would be used to create a possible syntax which could be used in stages of the design cycle in a progressive manner. This stage of the research requires collection and processing of qualitative data.

In the second stage of the research, BIM applications’ code checking capabilities would be investigated. The investigation process would include review of BIM applications, case studies of BIM applications in checking building construction code. A comparison of the BIM applications in their capabilities of automatically checking building codes would be conducted and would be presented in a formative manner.

Third stage of the research would include quantitative methods. A questionaries survey of building designers’ knowledge on BIM applications’ code checking capabilities would be conducted. Questions would mostly be closed ended. Data collected in this process would direct the research quantitatively. A conclusion could be drawn from this stage of the research in conjunction with the research hypothesis.

Outcome of first and second stages of the research would be used in composing a guideline to utilize BIM applications code checking capabilities. Findings of first and

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second stages of the research would be a complement to the third stage of the research in proving the hypothesis. Third stages of the research needed not to be conducted if BIM applications’ code checking capabilities lacked significantly behind the requirement of a code compliant building construction. Building designers knowledge of BIM would be taken as concurrent and the hypothesis will be proven wrong.

However, a reviewed research method was proposed after initial research findings in the literature which indicated auto code checking capabilities of building information modelling is at a developing stage. Industry initiatives and academic researches exploring the possible suitable frameworks to implement auto code checking capabilities in Building information modelling applications are gradually progressing. There are examples of practical utilization of auto code checking capabilities in real projects to prove the functional capacity of proposed auto code checking framework. Available auto building code compliance check using building information modelling skills with in the building design and construction industry are expected to be significantly marginal. A survey to collect quantitative data from users of auto building code compliance check utilizing building information modelling to determine a suitable time span of wrenching out maximum benefit has been abandoned for future exploration.

The reviewed research method to derive hypothetical answer to the research question

Figure 3.3 Applied research method. Page | 33

has four different stages starting with analysis, collection, synthesis and evaluation.

Analysis stage comprises critical investigation of the research question with prior knowledge of the research topic. This investigation points out the key issues hidden in the research question. Key issues are then neutralizing with hypothetical answers. The hypothetical answer is then critically analysed to find out key topics. Key topics are then separated. These separated key topics are then prepared to be investigated.

Collection of data stage includes literature reviews of published articles, books, building information modelling applications. These are more qualitative data than quantitative data. Holistic data collection approach on each separated topic is utilized. These data gets synthesized.

Synthesis process is latent with in the data collection stages. This process is more about connecting the collected data on those separated topics. Collected data logically connects or disconnects to each other which are discussed in the discussion. This process will inevitably lead to the outcome of the hypothetical answer to the research question.

Evaluation stage indicates success of the research hypothesis in relation to the research questions. This stage also discusses the failure of the hypothesis or areas of the hypothesis require improvements or corrections. Depending on the findings this stage can raise new hypothesis and create a cyclic process starting with analysis.

1.5 Limitations

The research project utilizes mixed method to eliminate constraint of a strictly formulated research method. This mixed method has strength and limitation when applied to this research project.

Firstly, the research project is limited within the time span of the course. This time limitation attribute of the research project restricts data collection stage of this project. Collection of data on topics which have been separated in the analysis stage might not be covered with in this limited time span. Time limitation also partially blocks out the opportunity in reapplying the method to formulate different hypothetical answers to the research questions.

Secondly, the research method has cyclic order imbedded within the research process. This cyclic order of method requires intuitive initiative to terminate the research process at a certain point to verify the hypothetical answer to the research question. Otherwise,

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application of this research method will continue endlessly without any fruitful research outcome which will become waste of time and effort.

Thirdly, data collection process in this research applies holistic approach. This holistic approach does not clarify funnelling or ordering system in gathering qualitative data. Qualitative data collected in this process only maintain a vogue separation in accordance with the separated topics.

While researching, the above mentioned limitations will be given appropriate consideration to minimize their effectiveness on finding the suitability of the hypothesis of the research question.

1.6 Conclusion

The method applied to conduct this research includes mixed mode of methodology. The point of departure for this research project is a hypothetical research question. After analysis of the question a hypothetical answer was formulated. Further analysis was conducted on hypothetical answer to find out topics to collect data. These collected data was synthesised to find out the suitability of the hypothetical answer to the research question.

Grounded theory approach (Gorat & Wang, 2013) which investigates the subject matters holistically will be utilised here while collecting quality data. The research method also implements part of the economic research approach as explained by Les Ruddock (2008). The systematic design model (Duerk, 1993 as cited in Goart & Wang, 2013) approach consisting of Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation has much commonality with the proposed research method for this research project. The systematic design model has been argued as a design process to generate design ideas though good design ideas do not follow analysis and there is no solid boundary between analysis and synthesis.

The proposed research method introduces data collection stage in between analysis and synthesis stage and an evaluation stage at the end. Similar to the systematic design model approach as a design process, it can be argued that after the analysis stage of the research process the research hypothesis might not logically make sense to the research question without the collection, synthesis and evaluation stages.

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4. Chapter Four: Discussion

4.1 Introduction:

Building information modelling is comparatively a new mood of design, documentation and representation in the building construction industry. Automatic building code check is a developing technology with in building information modelling. This research project investigate an answer to the research question of finding a suitable stage to utilize the automatic code checking capabilities of building information modelling for maximum benefit. Literature review and qualitative data collected in this research study suggests building design process is individualistic. Building design method varies from person to person. But, building design practice and building construction industries follows moderately standard design process. Research study suggested building information modelling requires different design process approach than traditional design process. Building design process utilized in the building design & construction industry will play a vital role to decide the stages in which automatic code checking capabilities of building information modelling can be used effectively. This research points out structured building information modelling design process which can facilitate automatic code checking in the stages of building design process. However, translation and interpretation of building codes remains a challenging barrier to automatic code compliance checking technology of building information modelling. Research studies and collected research data suggests only part of building codes has been interpreted in the practical example of auto code checking using building information modelling in real life construction projects. This research project envisions the possibilities of rearranging regulatory building codes. These rearranged regulatory building codes can be applied in the stages of building information modelling in building design process. This discussion points out the possibilities of above narrated hypothetical method with limited examples form the collected data to support research findings.

4.2 Automatic Building code check using BIM:

Building code check is a stage of building construction process mostly comes after design and documentation stages when building design documents are submitted to the building code checking authority. Building code checking authority processes submitted building design documents applying mostly manual methods. Singapore Corenet is the automated building code checking system initiated by Singapore building construction authority in 1995 to process 2D Cad documents online. The Corenet system was further developed to check 3d models in 2009. (Eastman, 2009). Corenet is an example of checking codes by

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building code checking authority’s automated code checking system at the end of the design and documentation process. In building and construction industries, building code is a vital component to get building design approved to be constructed. Eastman (2009) has investigated five different automatic code checking systems: Corenet Singapore, Norwegian Statsbygg’s design rule checking efforts, Design check by cooperative research centre for construction innovation in the Australia, International code council, General services administration design rule checking. These rule checking systems have been arrayed in a table format which indicates the comparative overview of rule checking in accordance with the narrated rule checking process. This comparative study recommends that building information modelling has the capability of checking building codes automatically. Focus of this research study circulates around capabilities of automatic building code checking system than any specific stages of the design process in which these rule checking systems should be applied for maximum benefits.

Review of different design processes provide enough evidences to conclude that building information modelling requires different approach to building design and construction. Larsson’s (2005) integrated design process indicates building design process using building information modelling follows a circular sequence of design steps. Preliminary design step includes checking of existing site conditions and site boundaries and regulatory site restrictions. From develop concept design step to preliminary verification step building design requires different regulatory issues to be checked and resolved such as site development restrictions, selecting building types and structures, developing building envelope design, developing and resolving environmental performances. These suggested approximate design steps require preliminary regulatory building design codes to be consulted. Building design processes using building information modelling require intuitive restructuring of building design codes. These intuitive restructuring of building design code varies in accordance with the experience and skills of the designer. Current Auto code checking applications using building information modelling have limited capability and capacity to accommodate such restructuring of building design codes. Regulatory environmental performance requirement of Australian building design code commonly named as Part J can be effectively checked by Building information modelling applications. Australian Building sustainability index Basix implies a user oriented web based input system. A basic Building information model with required environmental information is uploaded in this web based auto code checking system to measure environmental performance of building design. An environmental performance certificate is issued after the completion of code checking. This certificate accompanied with marked plans is submitted to the regulatory authority for development or construction approval. In this process of regulatory code checking, automatic code check of environmental performance

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plays a partial and complementary role. At what stage of the building design process this environmental performance check will be conducted to satisfy Part J of Australian Building code depends on the designer. Review of BASIX compliance audit program (April, 2013) informs most building designer marks plans with detailed Basix elements in their submitted plan documents at DA stage which differs very little from CC document submission, though DA documentation requires fewer details to be marked on the submitted documents. These apparent user-behaviour suggests Basix Certificate for environmental performance of building design maintains it’s own space in the building design process and is completed at an early stage of the building design. This can cause disintegration to the overall building design outcome which might require further changes in future and might results in acquiring another environmental performance Basix Certificate at developed building design stage. Retrospectively, design decisions made on the environmental grounds at an early stage of the building design might dominate the building design process and future changes to building design. This is required to mention that Automatic code check of environmental performance of building design stated in part J of Australian building code is a progressive process to automatic building code checking process. But the current building regulatory check process involves two dimensional design documentation preparation and submission. The disintegration of overall design process or domination of environmental design decisions at an early stage of building design due to completed and acquired Basix Certificate is a systematic problem of checking building codes in two dimensional manual and three dimensional automatic system in which the former process maintains its systematic priority. The Basix Certificate, a graphic or word format report generation of automatic building code check, accompanies marked plans in the two dimensional design documentation submission. This dual systems of checking regulatory building codes involves significant time demanding preparatory efforts from building designers and architects. This time demanding preparatory efforts can be improved using solely Automatic regulatory code checks of building designs using building information modelling with higher level of efficiency in the building design process. Automatic regulatory code checks of building designs is expected to take over two dimensional manual regulatory building code checks in future.

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Xiangyang Tan, Amin Hammad and Paul Fazio (2010) demonstrated building envelop can be checked automatically using building information modelling applications. The discussion remains within the limit of ‘hygro-thermal’ performance of building envelop. The steady R value of a wall/roof,steady vapor permeability, the occurrence of condensation within a building envelope, and condensation rate were obtained using steady-state calculation. Autodesk BIM software Ecotech (2011) can perform a comprehensive sustainability analysis on building envelop. Whole building energy analysis: to calculate total energy use and carbon emissions of building model, thermal performance: to calculate heating and cooling loads of models and analyse effects of occupancy, internal gains, infiltration and equipment, water usage and cost evaluation: to estimate water use inside and outside of the building, solar radiation: to visualize incident solar radiation on windows and surfaces, daylighting: to calculate daylight factors and illuminance levels at any point in the model, shadows and reflections: to display the sun’s position and path relative to the model at any date, time and location are stated capabilities on Ecotech broachers. These environmental

Figure 4.1 Example of BASIX Certificate (Courtesy BASIX)

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analysis capabilities will certainly help building designers to design building with required or higher environmental performance requirements of building codes.

Figure 4.2 Example of Ecotect Solar radiation analysis. ( Courtesy Ecotect)

Figure 4.3 Example of Ecotect Shading analysis. (Courtesy Ecotect)

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This is required to mention, Autodesk Ecotech building information modelling software does not guarantee regulatory authorities environmental performance certificate.

Figure 4.4 Example of Ecotect indoor Light analysis. (Courtesy Ecotect)

Figure 4.5 Example of Ecotect Building surface analysis. (Courtesy Ecotect).

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Ecototech is a user oriented stand-alone Autocode checking software using building information modelling. Basix Certificate and NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme) are regulatory authority’s automatic code checking system which are web based. Ecotech can help building designers and similar professional to design energy efficient building to achieve net zero energy ratings in the earlier stages of building design process. Basix or NER certificate are regulatory requirement submitted with building plans to the regulatory authorities. Buildings designed with the aid of Autodesk Ecotech have higher chance to receive Basix certificate or NER ratings certificate with higher efficiency in the design process by saving times for modification or alteration to the virtual BIM models. Collaboration between these Automatic code checking BIM applications from early design stages to certification can transform into a streamline design process to check regulatory building code automatically which will meet the building and construction industry demand by improving efficiency in regulatory check process and that in return will impact the entire economic development.

Further development of regulatory building code checks using building information modelling application involves Part D of Australian building code on Access and Egress. ‘DesignCheck,’ an automatic code checking BIM application and examines Part D of Australian building code automatically. DesignCheck has used EDM platform. ‘General services Administration’ funded similar rule checking system for circulation and security validation of US Courthouse using Solibri platform. (Graphic evidences). These automatic rule checking systems provide sufficient evidence that Access and Egress can be checked automatically using BIM application. These BIM applications also create proven platforms to transform manual building code checking into automatic building code checking in the coming years.

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Fiatech ran a project feasibility test on Autocodes project. Fiatech worked with Solibri model checking platform. In phase 1, proof-of-concept’s management report it is evident

Figure 4.7 Example of Solibri Escape route analyses. (Courtesy Solibri)

Figure 4.6 Example of Solibri space analyses. (Courtesy Solibri)

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that building code can be automatically checked using BIM application. More than 85% of the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) representatives confirmed that they will approve the submitted building drawings checked by BIM application if all the A&E (Access and Egress) items that were commented on were fixed. (Fiatech, 2012).

Above discussions on automatic code checks using building information modelling applications prove that Part J and Part D of BCA (Building Code of Australia) check can be successfully performed using Building information modelling application. The discussion only provides indicative direction about the stage Autocode check BIM applications should be utilized in the design process. Given the specialised performance of specific auto code check BIM applications, it can be suggested that Building Information model can be prepared to perform specific code test at a progressive design stage which might require a different design approach.

4.3 Suggested design process utilising BIM:

Building design process is individualistic with various method of traditional approach. Building design utilising Building Information Modelling requires different approach. Standardized building information modelling documentation methods have been developed which can be utilized in the building design process as an approach. Building Information Modelling documentation standard can act as a guideline to the method to design building utilizing BIM application. Building Information modelling documentation standards guide BIM users to create professional industry standard building models. Standard BIM models streamline information exchange between professionals, consultants and regulatory bodies. AEC (UK) BIM Standard for Autodesk Revit and ANZRS (Australia and New Zealand Revit Standards) are few of the initiative to meet industry demand in producing standard building information models. Graded component creation (BIM standard, 2010) methodology plays an important direction to create BIM component. According to AEC (UK) BIM standard for Revit, Component should be created in 3 different stages, Grade 1: Concept. Grade 2: Defined and Grade 3: Rendered.

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Similar methodology in modelling with BIM is recommended in AIA (American Institute of Architect) BIM protocol E202. LOD 100, LOD 200, LOD 300, LOD 400, LOD 500 are the detail level outlined in AIA BIM protocol.

Figure 4.8 Object modelling using UK component grade (Courtesy Practical BIM)

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Figure 4.9 Architectural modelling based on Level of Details AIA BIM standard E202. (Courtesy VAN).

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Graded component creation or Level of Detail/Development is the most suitable design process to utilize automatic building code check utilizing building information modelling applications. These design processes stage out building designs. Building codes staged out in accordance with these design process stages will allow simultaneous code check. Building codes essentially guides building designers in the building design process. In traditional practice building codes are checked by building surveyor before submitting to the regulatory authority. User oriented automatic building code checking BIM applications are bound to become helping tool for building designer. If these building codes are separated and staged in accordance with the stages of building design process, then automatic building code check becomes much effective tools for building designer to make building design decisions at early stage. Building design using building information modelling utilizing Graded Component Creation or LOD (Level of details/development) methods are segregated and well-staged. Taking these BIM methods to design buildings, at conceptual stage (Grade 1 or LOD 100), building designers can check regulatory building codes that apply to this stage such as Site restrictions, setbacks and/or height requirements or restrictions, mass or volumetric requirement of specific building types. A simple massing model will allow these checks with automatic Building information modelling code checking applications. At schematic design stage (Grade 2 or LOD 200), Access and Egress requirements of regulatory building codes, Sunlight-daylight & cross ventilation requirements of regulatory building codes, Internal space requirements of specific building types, opening numbers and types can be checked automatically using Automatic code checking applications of Building Information Modelling. Part D of Building Code of Australia (renamed as National Construction Code) and few elements of Part J can be checked effectively using Automatic code checking applications at this stage. At construction documentation stage (Grade 3 or LOD 300), environmental performance of buildings due to selection of building materials and detailed energy analysis can be conducted with appropriate Automatic Building code checking BIM applications. Part J of Building Code of Australia can be satisfactorily checked at this stage. At other stages (LOD 400 or LOD 500), MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) requirements of Building Code of Australia can be checked using automatic code checking BIM applications. Automatic building code check using BIM applications using BIM modelling methods facilitate simultaneous and stream line design process. Designers can utilize automatic code checking BIM applications simultaneously with other design inputs to make alterations & modifications to building design which effectively helps to make right design decisions at an early stage to design code compliant buildings. This perspective of checking automatic building code check using BIM application is user oriented and designer friendly. Other perspective of using automatic code check using BIM applications is regulatory

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authorities’ certification. It is also possible to utilize automatic building code check in stages with regulatory authorities regulation check process namely Development Application, Construction Certificate, Occupation Certificate. It can be argued that automatic building code check utilizing BIM applications would provide maximum benefit to building designers if these automatic building code checking BIM applications are utilized simultaneously with BIM design methods.

4.4 Limitation:

Building design is not confined within any singular design method or any standardized design process. Building designers’ motivation to create and to produce good designs still remain with in individual’s skills, ability and capacity to accumulate and to translate ‘unknown’ into ‘known’. BIM design methods or standards are well defined to be used as a guideline to reach the end point of that particular design stage.

Building code check has widely been perceived as only regulatory requirements with restrictions to creative development in the arena of creative designers. As such, this has been argued that regulatory building code check at an early stage of building design limits creativity and unlimited capacity of imagination.

Authoritative and administrative capacity of regulatory bodies does not always support user oriented environment. Regulatory building code check maintains an authoritative requirement to meet a minimum standard for safety, security and wellbeing of the building users.

Automatic building code check using Building information modelling applications are mostly in the early stage of development with much complexity to interpret linguistics into logics. Exemplary works on automatic code check using BIM applications were mostly conducted on parts of building codes to prove concept.

4.5 Results:

BIM standard as a design method suits simultaneous use of automatic code check using BIM applications. Design process differs significantly at an individual level for creative works. Moderately standard design stages are followed in practice of building design and construction to facilitate collaboration and efficient workflow. Knowledge and understanding of design process improves communications with in building industry professionals. Standard design method or protocol becomes essential in that respect.

Automatic building code check using BIM application is in a stage of development. Complexity of building code automation is a barrier to this development which will be

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overcome in coming days. Automatic building code check using BIM applications in accordance with design stages will certainly become a great design tool to design code compliant building.

4.6 Conclusion:

Automatic building code check using BIM application is inherently connected to design method applied in the building design process to execute maximum benefit. This discussion maintains a conceptual state of the proposed research subject. Evidential proves of the concept in practice would require significant exemplary data collection from suitable auto code checking BIM applications. This conceptual discussion will guide development of automatic building code checking BIM applications. BIM modelling standard as a design method in the design process along with developed automatic code checking BIM applications in a suitable data collection environment will provide evidential prove of simultaneous usage to execute maximum benefits of automatic code checking applications in the design cycle.

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5. Chapter Five: Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion – Research Objective

The research studies has investigated BIM applications, design process, code compliant capabilities of BIM applications and stages or phases in a design process utilizing BIM standard or methods.

Originating from CAD (Computer aided design/drafting) tools, BIM (Building information modelling/management) has evolved. Two dimensional line design work has transformed into three dimensional design models and further information regarding models attributes have been embedded in those design models to be represented as BIM models. Capacity of embedding information in BIM models is increasing with the development and upgrade of computing and information technology.

Design process is individualistic but follows moderately standard design stages in practice. Design motivation, influence and creative output are dependent on individual’s capacity to collect, analyse & synthesize ‘unknown’ into ‘known’ representation. Applying same design method design outcome differs individualistically.

BIM applications are capable of checking building codes automatically. Several BIM applications have been developed based on different ‘rule interpretation’ platform. Translating ‘Linguistic’ into ‘logic’ remain as a challenge to the development of auto building code checking applications. Pilot projects have proven BIM applications’ ability to check building codes automatically.

Qualitative data of this investigation has been discussed in a synthesising manner to compose a suitable ‘stage’ or ‘phase’ in the design process to execute maximum benefit of auto code checking capability of BIM applications. It has been suggested that stages of BIM standards or BIM modelling methods provide the best suitable phasing for simultaneous usage of ‘staged out’ auto code checking BIM applications.

5.2 Conclusion – Research Aims

The research aimed to investigate BIM process and skills involved, evaluate code checking capabilities of BIM application and Synthesize information to compose a suitable ‘phase’ or ‘stage’ to execute maximum benefit.

Literature review and collected qualitative data suggested that building design using ‘BIM’ applications require different approach than traditional method of building design. BIM standards or modelling methods is capable of constituting a ‘BIM’ design process which

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might help to streamline ‘BIM’ processes involved in building design and construction industries.

Investigation of literatures solidified that extensive researches have been conducted to evaluate automatic code checking capabilities of BIM applications which will generate future directions.

Synthesisation of collected qualitative data has been discussed to composed out suitable ‘stage’ or ‘phase’ to utilize automatic building code checking capabilities of BIM applications simultaneously in the design process.

The research maintains the status of a conceptual guideline to streamline BIM process in building design and construction industries with simultaneous usage of auto code check BIM applications in the building design process.

5.3 Conclusion – Research Question

The research started with an investigative question of finding a suitable usage stage of Building Information Modelling auto code checking systems in the building design cycle to achieve maximum benefit for compliance checking.

The research has hypothesized an answer to the research question with emphasize on improving BIM skills to create auto-code checking capabilities of Building Information Modelling as an integral part of building design cycle to be used simultaneously to produce code compliant design outcome. Within the limit and scope of the research, the focus was to find a suitable design stage in the building design process to utilize automatic build code checking building information modelling applications simultaneously to execute maximum benefit of compliance checking.

A mixed research method was applied to find an answer to the research question. Qualitative data was collected on design processes, BIM (Building information modelling/management) applications, automatic building code checking BIM applications, BIM design methods or standards. Analysis and synthesis of the collected qualitative data and evaluation of the hypothetical answer to the research question formulated a suitable ‘stage’ or ‘phase’ in the design process for simultaneous use of automatic code checking building information modelling applications. The research finding maintain a conceptual guideline to utilize auto code checking capabilities of BIM applications simultaneously in

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the design cycle of building construction to achieve maximum benefit of compliance checking.

5.4 Scope for Further Research

Automatic building code check is relatively new research area in the progression of building information modelling. The research subject has broader prospect. The research was completed within the time limit of the course.

Further research should be conducted to materialise the concept. A proof of concept pilot project with appropriate Building information modelling applications and BIM design method is essential to evaluate the hypothetical answer to the research question.

A survey of users of the automatic building code checking building Information modelling applications would provide indication of BIM skills present in the building and construction industry.

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A Preliminary Survey Questionaries was formulated to evaluate knowledge and skills of Building Information Modelling and Automatic building code checking capabilities of BIM applications available in the building construction industries. Due to limitation of time, a human ethics approval was not received to conduct the survey.

Automatic building codes check using BIM applications. Your participation in the survey is earnestly requested. This survey is a part of the Master of Architecture dissertation research project. The research on automatic building codes check using BIM applications will enrich building designers, educators, students and practitioners with concurrent knowledge of auto code checking capabilities of existent BIM applications. Contribution of the research will manifest as a guideline in implementing BIM applications in the design cycle of code compliant building construction. The survey will contribute to the research in understanding the knowledge range of practical uses of automatic codes checking capabilities of BIM applications with in the building industry. The survey results will be used in determining a suitable stage to utilize automatic code checking capabilities of BIM applications in the design cycle of building construction. Success of this project may have an impact on the progress of automatic codes checking process and designing codes compliant building using BIM applications. 1. What type of organisation do you work for? (Mark only one oval.)

Architecture and Building design Building Construction Building Surveying Other:

2. What role do you perform with in the organisation? (Mark only one oval.)

Designer Documenter Drafter Other:

3. Which Australian States does your organisation construct building? (Mark only one oval.)


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4. Does your company use BIM applications? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No

5. What purpose do you use BIM applications? (Mark only one oval.)

Design Documentation Design presentation Construction Management Code checking Other:

6. Are you aware of automatic code checking capabilities of BIM applications? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No

7. How do you ensure codes compliance of building design? (This question is relevant to building designer) (Mark only one oval.)

In house building codes consultant Independent Building surveyor's certificate Other:

8. Do you use different methods to check different building codes? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No Other:

9. Are you aware of Basix Certificate? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No

10. How do you obtain Basix Certificate? (Mark only one oval.)

In house Basix consultant Independent Basix consultant Other:

11. Do you use any BIM applications in documenting Basix Certificate Applications? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No

12. Are you aware of Nathers assessment? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No

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13. Which Nathers software have you used? (Mark only one oval.)

FirstRate 5 BERS pro Accu Rate None Other:

14. Are you aware of BIM applications to check accessibility?

(Mark only one oval.) Yes No

15. Have you used solibri model checker? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No

16. Have you used Express data manager? (Mark only one oval.)

Yes No

17. Have you used any other applications to check building codes? 18. If all the building codes are automated, at what stage in design cycle would you utilize the application to check code compliance? (Mark only one oval.)

Early in the concept design stage Schematic design stage Developed design stage End of design stage Simultaniously in every stages Other:

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