2527 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1. Introduction In 1888, Iowa weather researcher Gustavus Hinrichs gave widespread convectively induced wind- storms the name “derecho” (Hinrichs 1888). Refine- ments to this definition have evolved after numerous investigations of these systems (e.g., Howard et al. 1985; Johns and Hirt 1985, 1987; Johns et al. 1990). A derecho includes any family of downburst clusters with temporal and spatial continuity and a major axis length of at least 400 km (Fujita and Wakimoto 1981; Johns and Hirt 1987, hereafter JH87). Derechos are produced by midlatitude mesoscale convective sys- tems (MCSs) and occur throughout the Great Plains and eastern United States. Investigations of derecho-producing MCSs (here- after DMCS) have primarily dealt with single events and mesoanalysis of the near-storm environment (Johns 1993; Przybylinski 1995; Bentley and Cooper 1997). These investigations have identified two pri- mary structures of DMCSs: serial and progressive (JH87). A serial DMCS consists of individual seg- ments of a squall line and is often associated with strong surface low pressure centers. Given the dynamic environment normally producing serial DMCSs, they can occur at any time of the year. Progressive DMCSs, on the other hand, form in conjunction with strong low-level instability and a weaker dynamic environ- ment. They form primarily during the warm season (May–August) when convective instability is the greatest. Numerical models have also been developed to determine the internal dynamics that sustain these systems (Rotunno et al. 1988; Schmidt 1991; Weisman 1990, 1992, 1993). The resulting loss of property from severe thun- derstorms ranges from $1 billion to $3 billion annu- ally (Golden and Snow 1991). Due to the potential A Climatology of Derecho-Producing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Central and Eastern United States, 1986–95. Part I: Temporal and Spatial Distribution Mace L. Bentley and Thomas L. Mote Climatology Research Laboratory, Department of Geography, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Corresponding author address: Mace L. Bentley, Climatology Research Laboratory, Department of Geography, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2502. E-mail: [email protected] In final form 19 June 1998. ©1998 American Meteorological Society ABSTRACT In 1888, Iowa weather researcher Gustavus Hinrichs gave widespread convectively induced windstorms the name “derecho”. Refinements to this definition have evolved after numerous investigations of these systems; however, to date, a derecho climatology has not been conducted. This investigation examines spatial and temporal aspects of derechos and their associated mesoscale convective systems that occurred from 1986 to 1995. The spatial distribution of derechos revealed four activity corridors during the summer, five during the spring, and two during the cool season. Evidence suggests that the primary warm season derecho corridor is located in the southern Great Plains. During the cool season, derecho activity was found to occur in the south- east states and along the Atlantic seaboard. Temporally, derechos are primarily late evening or overnight events during the warm season and are more evenly distributed throughout the day during the cool season.

A Climatology of Derecho-Producing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Central and Eastern United States, 1986–95. Part I: Temporal and Spatial Distribution

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2527Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

1. Introduction

In 1888, Iowa weather researcher GustavusHinrichs gave widespread convectively induced wind-storms the name “derecho” (Hinrichs 1888). Refine-ments to this definition have evolved after numerousinvestigations of these systems (e.g., Howard et al.1985; Johns and Hirt 1985, 1987; Johns et al. 1990).A derecho includes any family of downburst clusterswith temporal and spatial continuity and a major axislength of at least 400 km (Fujita and Wakimoto 1981;Johns and Hirt 1987, hereafter JH87). Derechos areproduced by midlatitude mesoscale convective sys-tems (MCSs) and occur throughout the Great Plainsand eastern United States.

Investigations of derecho-producing MCSs (here-after DMCS) have primarily dealt with single eventsand mesoanalysis of the near-storm environment(Johns 1993; Przybylinski 1995; Bentley and Cooper1997). These investigations have identified two pri-mary structures of DMCSs: serial and progressive(JH87). A serial DMCS consists of individual seg-ments of a squall line and is often associated withstrong surface low pressure centers. Given the dynamicenvironment normally producing serial DMCSs, theycan occur at any time of the year. Progressive DMCSs,on the other hand, form in conjunction with stronglow-level instability and a weaker dynamic environ-ment. They form primarily during the warm season(May–August) when convective instability is thegreatest. Numerical models have also been developedto determine the internal dynamics that sustain thesesystems (Rotunno et al. 1988; Schmidt 1991;Weisman 1990, 1992, 1993).

The resulting loss of property from severe thun-derstorms ranges from $1 billion to $3 billion annu-ally (Golden and Snow 1991). Due to the potential

A Climatology of Derecho-ProducingMesoscale Convective Systems

in the Central and Eastern UnitedStates, 1986–95. Part I: Temporal

and Spatial DistributionMace L. Bentley and Thomas L. Mote

Climatology Research Laboratory, Department of Geography,The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Corresponding author address: Mace L. Bentley, ClimatologyResearch Laboratory, Department of Geography, The Universityof Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2502.E-mail: [email protected] final form 19 June 1998.©1998 American Meteorological Society


In 1888, Iowa weather researcher Gustavus Hinrichs gave widespread convectively induced windstorms the name“derecho”. Refinements to this definition have evolved after numerous investigations of these systems; however, to date,a derecho climatology has not been conducted.

This investigation examines spatial and temporal aspects of derechos and their associated mesoscale convectivesystems that occurred from 1986 to 1995. The spatial distribution of derechos revealed four activity corridors during thesummer, five during the spring, and two during the cool season. Evidence suggests that the primary warm season derechocorridor is located in the southern Great Plains. During the cool season, derecho activity was found to occur in the south-east states and along the Atlantic seaboard. Temporally, derechos are primarily late evening or overnight events duringthe warm season and are more evenly distributed throughout the day during the cool season.

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hazard to life, property, and agriculture produced byderechos, it is important to understand how, when, andwhere these systems form. It is also important to edu-cate the public on the severity of a derecho so they cantake steps to mitigate the potential hazards of thesesystems as they approach. Although derechos arenot as life threatening as tornados, on average theyaffect a larger portion of the population and inflictmore minor to moderate damage over a much largerarea.

A synoptic climatology of derecho events east ofthe Rocky Mountains was conducted in order to pro-vide a much-needed foundation for linking ad-vancements made from case studies and numericalinvestigations. Determining the spatial distribution,location, orientation, and timing of DMCSs will likelyassist in resolving the environment that produces andsustains these events. To date, a synoptic climatologyof the derecho has not been performed. A 4-yr studyof derechos has yielded insights into the spatial dis-tribution and synoptic scale processes initiating andsustaining these events (JH87). The JH87study documented 70 derechos that oc-curred during the warm season (May–August) for the period 1980–83. In fact,results of this study have been used torefine the definition of a derecho. TheJH87 study will be used as a comparisonto the following climatology.

After an initial review of relevant re-search into MCSs, criteria were devel-oped to identify derecho events fromarchived convective wind reports duringthe period 1986–95. The derecho eventsidentified were then mapped annuallyand seasonally in order to construct spa-tial and temporal distributions of theseevents. Further examination entailed de-termining regional corridors of derechoactivity by season. During the analysis itbecame evident that derecho eventstended to cluster seasonally by locationand orientation. Analysis of these corri-dors was conducted to determine tempo-ral and spatial similarities.

2. Identification of derechos

Methodology already proposed toidentify derechos using Storm Data (i.e.,

JH87) was utilized in this analysis. However, slightmodifications were made to the criteria in order to fa-cilitate analyses of a large dataset. Data used in thisinvestigation were derived from one primary source:the Storm Prediction Center’s online database of se-vere convective wind gusts (> 26 m s−1). For the pur-pose of this study, a wind event is identified as aderecho if six criteria are met (Table 1). Like JH87,there must be a concentrated area of convectively in-duced wind gusts greater than 26 m s−1 that has a ma-jor axis length of at least 400 km. The wind reportsmust also have chronological progression. However,the proposed criteria restricts the temporal criteria tono more than 2 h elapsing between successive windreports. The proposed criteria also add a spatial restric-tion allowing a maximum of 2° of latitude or longi-tude separating successive wind reports. By restrictingthe bounds on the time interval and distance betweensuccessive wind reports, multiple damage swaths areassured to be emanating from the same MCS. Once apotential derecho is identified, wind reports compos-

TABLE 1. Criteria used to identify derecho events utilizing data and windreports.

JH87 criteria Proposed criteria

There must be a concentrated area Sameof convectively induced windgusts greater than 26 m s−1 that hasa major axis length of at least400 km.

The wind reports must have Samechronological progression.

No more than 3 h can elapse No more than 2 h can elapse betweenbetween successive wind reports. successive wind reports.

There must be at least three wind Not usedreports of either F1 damage orwind gusts greater than 34 m s−1

separated by at least 64 km.

The associated MCS must have The associated MCS must havetemporal and spatial continuity. temporal and spatial continuity with no

more than 2° of latitude or longitudeseparating successive wind reports.

Multiple swaths of damage must Multiple swaths of damage must bebe part of the same MCS as part of the same MCS as seen byindicated by National Weather temporally mapping the wind reportsService radar summaries. of each event.

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ing the event are mapped and visually inspected tofurther ensure temporal and spatial continuity. Thus,derechos can be identified without having to refer tosubsequent radar and satellite imagery. Another modi-fication involves eliminating the requirement that threewind reports of F1 damage (wind gusts greater than34 m s−1) separated by at least 64 km be identified. Ourrefinement of the criteria is not unique. Earlier inves-tigations refined the original meaning of derecho(Hinrichs 1888) using the definition of a family ofdownburst clusters: a series of downbursts producedby one storm system as it travels at least 400 km (Fujitaand Wakimoto 1981). There is no reference to windthreshold criteria, other than severe wind gusts, in thisdefinition.

To determine whether the proposed criteria accu-rately identify derechos, previously identified eventsbetween 1986 and 1995 were examined. Eleven for-merly studied events satisfied the new criteria forinclusion into the dataset (Table 2). All but one previ-ously published derecho event for the period 1986–95met the currently established criteria. This substanti-ated the use of these criteria in the investigation. Theevent that did not meet the criteria was a proposedDMCS that occurred over the northern Great Plainsthat produced reported wind burst swaths that wereover 2 h apart (Abeling 1990).

3. The spatial distribution of derechos

a. Comparison to JH87In comparing the general distribution of DMCS

events, both datasets were gridded and mapped. Forthe current investigation, a derecho event is countedif a wind report along the path is located within a 1.83°× 1.83° grid cell. If several wind reports from the samederecho event are located in a grid cell, only one eventis counted. The JH87 frequency was redrawn and con-toured using their original 2° × 2° grid cell spacing.The contour scale was changed to ensure consistencywith this climatology.

A number of interesting features are illustratedwhen comparing the warm season distribution of dere-chos in this climatology to the JH87 investigation.One striking feature is the locations of the relativemaxima in derecho events (Fig. 1). In the JH87 study,a corridor existed from the upper Midwest to the OhioValley. In this climatology there exists a maximumin the Ohio Valley; however, the primary maximumof derechos occurs in the southern Great Plains. A re-

gion in central Oklahoma recorded 15 derecho eventsduring the 10-yr period. Emanating from this regionare two primary corridors. One runs from Oklahomaand Kansas eastward through central Missouri, whilethe other extends southeastward into Texas and Loui-siana. Previous investigations into the climatology ofsevere thunderstorm events have also found that thegreatest overall severe thunderstorm frequency occursin eastern Kansas, Oklahoma, and central Texas(Kelly et al. 1985). The JH87 distribution indicatesa southeastward corridor. However, there is a sig-nificant discrepancy when comparing both derechodistributions.

Further analysis of the synoptic environment inplace during months of maximum derecho occurrencefrom 1980 to 1983 explains this discrepancy. Figure 2depicts both the average and actual 500-hPa heightpattern for June and July. Anomalous ridging over thesouthern Great Plains produced a favorable 500-hPaflow pattern for producing northwest-flow severeweather outbreaks from the northern Great Plains intothe Ohio Valley (Johns 1984). This caused an increasein derecho activity along the northern derecho corri-dor and a decrease in activity over the southern GreatPlains during 1980. At least 29 events, or 41% of the

TABLE 2. Previously identified derecho events that also satisfythe proposed criteria for inclusion into this investigation.

Derecho event Investigator(s)

14–15 July 1995 Bentley (1997)

7 March 1995 Geerts et al. (1996)

1 July 1994 Barlow (1996)

15 April 1994 Przybylinski et al. (1996)

8–9 July 1993 Bentley and Cooper (1997)

8 June 1993 Przybylinski et al. (1995)

7 July 1991 Przybylinski (1995)

9 April 1991 Duke and Rogash (1992)

4 May 1989 Smith (1990)

28 July 1986 Johns and Leftwich (1988)

10 March 1986 Przybylinski (1988)

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FIG. 2. (a) Average 500-hPa height contours for June 1975–95. (b) Average 500-hPa height contours for July 1975–95. (c) 500-hPaheight contours for June 1980 when seven derechos were identified by JH87. (d) 500-hPa height contours for July 1980 when 10derechos were identified by JH87.

FIG. 1. (a) Total number of derechos occurring during the warm season, 1980–83 (JH87).(b) Total number of derechos occurring during the warm season, 1986–95.

total number of derechos identified by JH87, occurredduring periods of strong ridging in the southern GreatPlains. As shown, utilization of a longer time periodidentifies a prominent southern maximum during thewarm season.

b. Entire yearWhen examining the spatial

distribution of derecho eventsfor all seasons within the 10-yrclimatology, three main fre-quency axes are evident (Fig. 3).One axis is located throughOhio and Pennsylvania. Thisone somewhat relates to theJH87 northwest-flow derechoaxis. Another high-frequencyaxis stretches from Oklahomainto central Kentucky. Finally, athird axis stretches from Okla-homa southeastward across theGulf Coast states and into theCarolinas. This axis combined

with the central one produces the overall frequencymaximum of derecho events in Oklahoma.

Overall, the spatial distribution of derecho eventsresembles the spatial distribution of the frequency ofthunderstorm wind gusts greater than 35.5 m s−1 (Kelly

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et al. 1985). Both distributions contain relative maxi-mums in northern Ohio. They also contain high-frequency corridors that stretch from Oklahoma andKansas east into Missouri and south into Texas andLouisiana.

c. Summer: June–AugustTwo primary regions make up the summer derecho

distribution (Fig. 4). One is along the axis of northwest-flow severe weather outbreaks running through north-ern Ohio, with some evidence of an extension into theMidwest and Dakotas, while another more significantmaximum is located in Kansas and Oklahoma.Derechos forming this maximum generally progressdue south, characteristic of the southward-burst typeof MCS (Porter et al. 1955). The southern region ap-pears to be the primary location for derechos to de-velop during the entire warm season (May–August).

When characterizing events by location and ori-entation, four corridors of derecho activity were iden-tified by looking at individual tracks. To qualify as acorridor, there must be at least four events that havesimilar regional and orientation characteristics. Thesoutheastward-moving northern tier events are ori-ented parallel to the axis of northwest-flow severeweather outbreaks (Fig. 5). This was the prominentregion of derecho occurrence during the JH87 inves-tigation. DMCSs in this corridor appear to be most

prominent in June and July, with 79% of the eventsoccurring at this time. This is also the most activecorridor with 31% of all summer derechos beingsoutheastward-moving northern tier events. Thesederechos are also characterized by rather long dura-tions (on average, 11 h) and tracks. They seem to fa-vor late evening or overnight development, morecharacteristic of nocturnal mesoscale convective com-plexes (Maddox 1980).

The next most active region is located in thecentral and southern Great Plains (Fig. 6). Thesesouthward-burst type DMCSs encompass 24% of allsummer events. Southward-burst DMCSs occurredthroughout the summer months and produced the long-est duration derechos of the season (on average 12.2 h).They also appear to favor initiating during the latemorning to afternoon hours, in distinct contrast to othersummer DMCSs.

Northeastward-moving Great Plains events, prima-rily developing off the front range of the Rocky Moun-tains, form another prominent corridor (Fig. 7).Twenty percent of summer DMCSs were Plains eventsthat, contrary to previous findings, move northeast-ward instead of southerly (JH87). Great Plains DMCSsoccurred in the early summer with 83% developing ineither June or July. Overall, these derechos were ofslightly shorter duration (on average 8.8 h) than dere-chos in other summer corridors. The DMCSs appear,

FIG. 3. Total number of derechos occurring during the entireyear, 1986–95.

FIG. 4. Total number of derechos occurring during the sum-mer, 1986–95.

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however, to be closely linked tonocturnal MCCs, since they tendto form in the overnight hours.

Although only four eventsmake up the corridor, north-eastward-moving Ohio ValleyDMCSs combine with northerntier events to produce the second-ary maximum in warm seasonderecho occurrence in Ohio andwestern Pennsylvania (Fig. 8).With a derecho duration of, onaverage, 9 h, these DMCSsformed exclusively in the late af-ternoon or early evening, indica-tive of the importance of thediurnal heating cycle. This cor-ridor consists of 7% of summerDMCSs.

Summer also marks the sea-son of highest derecho occur-rence with 54 identified during the10-yr period (Fig. 9). July is themonth of greatest derecho activ-ity with 28 identified. After July,the activity quickly decreaseswith only nine events in August.

d. Spring: March–MayTransition from a cool sea-

son distribution to the summer

FIG. 5 (top). Summer season, south-eastward-moving northern tier dere-chos for 1986–95. From upper left tolower right: individual event tracks, dayof initiation, temporal length (calcu-lated by finding the time difference be-tween the first and last wind reports),and number of events beginning during6-h time periods (calculated from timeof first wind report).

FIG. 6. Summer season, southeast-ward-moving central and southernGreat Plains derechos for 1986–95.From upper left to lower right: indi-vidual event tracks, day of initiation,temporal length (calculated by findingthe time difference between the firstand last wind reports), and number ofevents beginning during 6-h time peri-ods (calculated from time of first windreport).

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distribution occurs during thesemonths. Early in the period, pri-mary derecho activity is locatedfrom eastern Texas through theGulf Coast (Fig. 10). As May ap-proaches, derecho activity in-creases in Oklahoma, Kansas,and Missouri. Coincidentally, asecond maximum develops inthe Ohio Valley along the Ohio–Pennsylvania border. These tworegions eventually make up theprimary corridors during thesummer. A total of 37 derechoevents were identified during thespring with a considerable in-crease in activity during May(Fig. 9).

Figure 11 illustrates a north-eastward-moving southern GreatPlains corridor. These derechos,primarily forming in April andMay, are of average duration (onaverage 8.7 h) and tended to de-velop in the late afternoon orovernight hours. The DMCSsencompass 22% of all springevents. This corridor is likely theearly season equivalent of thesummer season Great Plainsderecho corridor (Fig. 7). Orien-tation, average duration, and

FIG. 7 (top). Summer season, north-eastward-moving Great Plains dere-chos for 1986–95. From upper left tolower right: individual event tracks, dayof initiation, temporal length (calcu-lated by finding the time difference be-tween the first and last wind reports),and number of events beginning during6-h time periods (calculated from timeof first wind report).

FIG. 8. Summer season, northeast-ward-moving Ohio Valley derechos for1986–95. From upper left to lowerright: individual event tracks, day of ini-tiation, temporal length (calculated byfinding the time difference between thefirst and last wind reports), and numberof events beginning during 6-h time pe-riods (calculated from time of first windreport).

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time of initiation are similar forboth regions.

Northeastward-movingOhio Valley events make up19% of all spring DMCSs (Fig.12). The derechos were longduration (on average 11.7 h)events that favor late evening orovernight development. It is un-clear whether the DMCSs in thiscorridor are similar to summerOhio Valley events (Fig. 8).Spring Ohio Valley events tendto be of longer duration, form

FIG. 11. Spring season, northeast-ward-moving southern Great Plainsderechos for 1986–95. From upper leftto lower right: individual event tracks,day of initiation, temporal length (cal-culated by finding the time differencebetween the first and last wind reports),and number of events beginning during6-h time periods (calculated from timeof first wind report).

FIG. 10. Total number of derechos occurring during the spring,1986–95.FIG. 9. Total number of derechos occurring during each month,


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early in the season, and developin the late evening.

There does appear to be acorrelation between southernGreat Plains events and the sum-mer southward-burst DMCS(Figs. 13 and 6). Like south-ward-burst systems, southernGreat Plains derechos are oflonger duration (on average9.8 h), form primarily in the latemorning to late afternoon, andtrack southeastward into thesouthern gulf states. Also, thiscorridor does not appear to be-come active until late April orMay and encompasses 16% ofspring derechos.

Unique to the spring andcool season is the southeasternDMCS corridor (Fig. 14). Thiscorridor is made up of longerduration (on average 12.4 h)northeastward-moving derechosthat form primarily in the morn-ing. Given this preferred forma-tion time and the fact that mostof these events occur in March,southeastern DMCSs likelyform under the dynamic pattern(JH87). Southeastern derechosmake up 14% of spring events.

FIG. 12 (top). Spring season, north-eastward-moving Ohio Valley dere-chos for 1986–95. From upper left tolower right: individual event tracks, dayof initiation, temporal length (calcu-lated by finding the time difference be-tween the first and last wind reports),and number of events beginning dur-ing 6-h time periods (calculated fromtime of first wind report).

FIG. 13. Spring season, southeast-ward-moving southern Great Plainsderechos for 1986–95. From upper leftto lower right: individual event tracks,day of initiation, temporal length (cal-culated by finding the time differencebetween the first and last wind reports),and number of events beginning during6-h time periods (calculated from timeof first wind report).

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A northeastern corridor ofDMCSs appears to develop inApril and May (Fig. 15). Thesenortheastward-moving eventsmay be linked to summer OhioValley events as both tend todevelop in the late afternoon(Fig. 8). Northeastern derechosare of shorter duration (on aver-age 7.2 h) and make up 11% ofspring activity. They alsocontribute to the warm seasonrelative maximum of derechoactivity in Ohio and westernPennsylvania.

e. Cool season: September–March

Although, as anticipated, thefrequency minimum in derechoactivity occurs during the coolseason, there appear to be twomain relative maximums. One islocated along the Gulf Coastfrom eastern Texas throughAlabama, while a second runsfrom northern Virginia to west-ern Connecticut (Fig. 16). A to-tal of 20 derecho events wereidentified during these months,making this period the timewhen derecho activity reaches aminimum across the country(Fig. 9).

FIG. 14 (top). Spring season, south-eastern derechos for 1986–95. Fromupper left to lower right: individualevent tracks, day of initiation, temporallength (calculated by finding the timedifference between the first and lastwind reports), and number of events be-ginning during 6-h time periods (calcu-lated from time of first wind report).

FIG. 15. Spring season, northeasternderechos for 1986–95. From upper leftto lower right: individual event tracks,day of initiation, temporal length (cal-culated by finding the time differencebetween the first and last wind reports),and number of events beginning during6-h time periods (calculated from timeof first wind report).

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The derecho tracks making upthe primary cool season corridorillustrate systems that developalong the southern Gulf Coastand Texas and then move north-eastward through the southeast(Fig. 17). These derechos havean average duration of 10 h andappear to be linked to the springsoutheastern events (Fig. 14).Both corridors’ DMCSs tend toform in the cool season or earlyspring, develop in the morning,and move northeastward. South-eastern DMCSs make up 45% ofall cool season events.

What appears to be a uniquecool season DMCS corridor islocated in the mid-Atlantic re-gion (Fig. 18). These shorterduration (on average 6.6 h)events primarily form in Octo-ber and November. They alsofavor late morning to late after-noon development and are con-fined to the Atlantic seaboard.Given this distribution, it ap-pears the advection of warmmoist air off the coastal waters

FIG. 16. Total number of derechos occurring during the coolseason, 1986–95.

may play a role in the formation of these events. Thesesystems made up 25% of all cool season events. In a28-yr climatology of nontornadic severe thunderstormevents, a relative maximum in the frequency of severethunderstorm winds was also located in the mid-Atlantic region (Kelly et al. 1985). Evidence suggestsderechos occurring in this corridor may be responsiblefor this frequency maximum.

4. Temporal distribution of derechos

Figure 19 shows that the time of initiation of mostderechos is closely associated with the diurnal heat-ing cycle. More than half of the events (68) occurredbetween 0400 and 1600 UTC. This resembles theJH87 study that found that the majority of the eventsoccur late in the day. However, contrary to the JH87study is the relatively large number of events that ini-tiated between 1000 and 1600 UTC. As shown, nearly26% of the events initiated during this time period,

FIG. 17. Cool season, southeastern derechos for 1986–95. From upper left to lower right:individual event tracks, day of initiation, temporal length (calculated by finding the timedifference between the first and last wind reports), and number of events beginning dur-ing 6-h time periods (calculated from time of first wind report).

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while JH87 found only 13% de-veloped during the same 6-h pe-riod. Many of these events arecool season or early springevents that were excluded in theJH87 study.

Examining the average lengthof a derecho event by seasonshows the spring season con-tains the longest-track derechos,with April being the month withthe longest average derechotrack of 833 km (Fig. 20). Theaverage damaging wind track ofsummer derechos is nearly thesame. Cool season derechos aretypically shorter (597 km),

which supports previous findings that derechos form-ing in a dynamic pattern (i.e., serial) are also shorterlived (JH87). Most derecho events identified exhib-ited average tracks well above the 400-km threshold,with only January and September events averagingless than 500 km.

Wide variance exists when examining derechoevents by year. Only one derecho event was identifiedduring the Central Plains drought year of 1988, while1995 had 25 events (Fig. 21). The summer of 1995 wascharacterized by an expansive anticyclone that devel-oped over the eastern United States. Unusually largeamounts of warm, moist air were advected into thecentral and northern Great Plains, then over the top ofthe ridge into the Great Lakes region (Bentley 1997).This provided a favorable low-level environment forderecho development as regions of localized forcingmoved around the periphery of the ridge. From 1986to 1993, however, the number of events remainedfairly steady.

FIG. 18. Cool season, Atlantic sea-board derechos for 1986–95. Fromupper left to lower right: individualevent tracks, day of initiation, tempo-ral length (calculated by finding thetime difference between the first andlast wind reports), and number ofevents beginning during 6-h time pe-riods (calculated from time of firstwind report).

FIG. 19. Number of events beginning during 6-h (UTC) timeperiods (calculated from time of first wind report), 1986–95.

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5. Conclusions

As shown, the spatial distribution of derechos var-ies considerably when examining these events by sea-son. In general, there is a northward movement of themain derecho corridor as the year progresses. Duringthe cool season derecho activity is confined to the GulfCoast states with a secondary maximum in easternPennsylvania. The warm season exhibits two main fre-quency regions, one in the northern Ohio Valley andanother in the southern Great Plains.

Contrary to previous investigations, this climatol-ogy shows that the primary region of maximumderecho activity is in Oklahoma with several seasonalcorridors beginning in this region. The southward-burst, central, and southeastern spring and summerseason corridors all emanate from the southern GreatPlains.

The average distance, as measured by damagingwind swath, shows that warm season events typicallyhave longer major axis lengths than cool season events.Previous findings have concluded that serial derechos,the predominant cool season system, do not last as longas progressive derechos (JH87). Thus, cool seasonevents should exhibit shorter major axis lengths.

FIG. 20. Seasonal average length (km) of damaging wind(> 26 m s−1) swaths produced by derechos, 1986–95.

FIG. 21. Annual frequency of derechos identified in this in-vestigation.

Derechos also exhibit wide temporal variance.Summer is the season of major derecho activity; how-ever, cool season derechos are not uncommon, evenin the mid-Atlantic states. The synoptic-scale environ-ment appears to be very important in determining fre-quencies and locations of derechos. A favorablesynoptic pattern in 1995 assisted in producing 25events, while the Great Plains drought of 1988 keptderecho activity to a minimum. In addition, when ex-amining the orientation and location of individualevents, it is clear that synoptic-scale processesinfluence DMCS development, movement, and dis-sipation. Regions of localized forcing and instabilityare dependent on the larger-scale synoptic environ-ment in place.

Research into the synoptic environment duringderecho events in each corridor is currently ongoing inorder to illuminate the different mechanisms importantfor DMCS formation during different times of the year.This research will incorporate findings of this clima-tology in order to determine if similarities in the syn-optic environment exist between DMCS events withineach corridor. A closer examination of DMCSs affect-ing the Central Great Plains will be conducted undera COMET (Cooperative program for Operational Me-

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teorology, Education, and Training) Partner’s Grantwith the authors and S. Byrd, Science and OperationsOfficer, NWSFO Omaha/Valley Nebraska.


Abeling, W. A., 1990: A case study of the 29 May 1989 derechoover North Dakota and Minnesota. Preprints, 16th Conf. onSevere Local Storms, Kananaskis Park, AB, Canada, Amer.Meteor. Soc., 403–405.

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