附件里有兩部分: a1-5 頁,星期天敬拜程序細節。手機/iPad/電腦撥都行,zoom 號碼組數見下。 若線忙,再試。請在敬拜前上線。 b6-尾頁,下週經文閱讀思考。 謝謝大家參與。求主活躍教會的靈命。 7 26 日粵語敬拜 三一主日第八周 1. 敬拜上午 9:30 開始,可以 9:00 時開始撥打。請在 9:20 時前進入群裡。9:28 時主播會 靜音手機,崇拜開始。 2. 粵語敬拜、週日晚上禱告、週三晚上禱告使用 zoom 會議格式聚會。電話 301 715 8592,密碼 797 450 1809 iPad 和電腦可直接點擊鏈接 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7974501809若有更改,會提前通知。謝謝弟兄姊妹的反 饋、耐心和寬容。 o 在線系統對噪聲非常敏感,幾乎你能聽到的聲響別人線上也會聽到,包括叉匙擊 碗碟之聲,電視播音,旁邊說話的人,小孩玩耍,洗碗聲音等。謝謝合作。 o 無論手機、iPad 或電腦,崇拜時請自我靜音。要開音,按“*6”(星 6)即可。再按 *6,你將使靜音自己,如此反複。主持人可以靜音你,但只有你自己可以開音。 如果*6 不起作用,請嘗試按您機器裡的 静音功能。 o 如果 Zoom 網站出問題,將來會改用回 FreeConferencing.com,是之前常用的,電 712-770-5024 按密碼 820-627 3. 溫馨提前通知:所有聚會使用 zoom 應用程式,與今天相同 8 3 日全教會在線 Google Meet 電話禱告會外。 o 8 1 日,星期六,上午 10 每月一次的提摩太 Timothy 查經團契來了!知道 與神有邊 di“約”呢?請在 9:45 之前撥入。 o 8 3 日全教會 Google Meet 在線電話禱告會:疫情期間,每月第一個星期一晚上 7:30-8:30,邀請您參加禱告。牧者們將提供禱告主題。無需解釋或自我介紹,你可 以用任何語言參加。弟兄姊妹可邀請你的屬靈夥伴一起在這段時間上線禱告,為教 會或個人或親友的需要,一起向天父上帝祈禱。請在這段時間撥打電話號碼 1-224- 520-9892,再鍵入密碼 763-875-213#即可加入禱告會。您若被靜音,請按“* 6”音,也可再按* 6 將自己靜音。歡迎大家。 o 8 8 日,星期六,上午 10 時。Howard 弟兄和畢牧師帶領聖經 100Bible 100),查創世紀 31-35 章,請在 9:45 之前撥入。 o 兒童主日學(英語,上午 9:30)已經開始啦!歡迎幼兒園至五年級小朋友們加 入!Zoom 鏈接是 https://saes.zoom.us/j/7884036962

7 月26 日粵語敬拜

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(a) 第 1-5 頁,星期天敬拜程序細節。手機/iPad/電腦撥都行,zoom 號碼組數見下。


(b) 第 6-尾頁,下週經文閱讀思考。


7 月 26 日粵語敬拜 — 三一主日第八周 1. 敬拜上午 9:30 開始,可以 9:00 時開始撥打。請在 9:20 時前進入群裡。9:28 時主播會


2. 粵語敬拜、週日晚上禱告、週三晚上禱告使用 zoom 會議格式聚會。電話 301 715

8592,密碼 797 450 1809 加“井”。iPad 和電腦可直接點擊鏈接



o 在線系統對噪聲非常敏感,幾乎你能聽到的聲響別人線上也會聽到,包括叉匙擊


o 無論手機、iPad 或電腦,崇拜時請自我靜音。要開音,按“*6”(星 6)即可。再按


如果*6 不起作用,請嘗試按您機器裡的 静音功能。

o 如果 Zoom 網站出問題,將來會改用回 FreeConferencing.com,是之前常用的,電

話 712-770-5024 按密碼 820-627 加 “井”。

3. 溫馨提前通知:所有聚會使用 zoom 應用程式,與今天相同 — 除 8 月 3 日全教會在線

Google Meet 電話禱告會外。

o 8 月 1 日,星期六,上午 10 時 — 每月一次的提摩太 Timothy 查經團契來了!知道與神有邊 di“約”呢?請在 9:45 之前撥入。

o 8 月 3 日全教會 Google Meet 在線電話禱告會:疫情期間,每月第一個星期一晚上



會或個人或親友的需要,一起向天父上帝祈禱。請在這段時間撥打電話號碼 1-224-

520-9892,再鍵入密碼 763-875-213#即可加入禱告會。您若被靜音,請按“* 6”開

音,也可再按* 6 將自己靜音。歡迎大家。

o 8 月 8 日,星期六,上午 10 時。Howard 弟兄和畢牧師帶領聖經 100(Bible

100),查創世紀 31-35 章,請在 9:45 之前撥入。

o 兒童主日學(英語,上午 9:30)已經開始啦!歡迎幼兒園至五年級小朋友們加

入!Zoom 鏈接是 https://saes.zoom.us/j/7884036962。

4. 這段時間裡,學習更多地親近神。😊禱告就是親近神,無論你以何種形式。E. M.

Bounds (白邦茲牧師) 說的透徹:講道從來都不能夠使不禱告的靈魂受教 preaching

never edifies a prayerless soul;又,當信仰停止祈禱時,它就不再活下去 when faith

ceases to pray, it ceases to live。你如果不確定該為什麼祈禱,以下是一些建議:

a. 疫情期間,祈求教會討神喜悅、靈命提升,使人認識基督

b. 獲悉教會餐館打工一些弟兄姊妹最近查出新冠陽性,周圍的人也都受到病毒威脅,



c. 求神保守長者們的心思意念,在基督裡心感愉快蒙恩

d. 教會長遠計劃委員會 Long Range Planning committee(三堂均有成員參加,包括

Shirley Lau, Adriano Chau),請為上帝的指引禱告。

e. 為宣教士祈禱:Alan 和 Ahna、王文忠弟兄、Greg 和 Luna 陳國華夫婦、Rev.

Williams Cheng 鄭牧師飛行事工、Eileen 和先生 Hector 在華播事工等

f. 為牧者們祈禱(所有教會的牧師):

o 他們的事奉和學習

o 神裝備、藉著他們帶領教會

o 曺牧師一家 7 月 31 日搬遷、徐傳道的爸爸身體健康

o 徐傳道明天原計劃是想要去教堂講道,現在取消。目前,病毒依然很猖獗,請


g. 其他項目(教會網站有更多資訊):

o 紀念三藩市 Helen 陳師母中風並陳牧師身體康復、梅新愛居家康復、Sally Long


o 為多州的第二波、復工人員、前線人員、失業者、大華府區狀況、社會動盪、



5. 感謝弟兄姊妹分享您的歌曲和建議!Very good!

6. 復活節期的幾週信息主題是有關於主復活的經文。五旬節週日之後,信息主題是教會


7. 五旬節(5 月 31 日),也稱聖靈降臨日和降臨節(十二月)之間的主日是三位一體

主日(簡稱三一主日),紀念上主聖父、聖子、聖靈,長達 26 個主日。根據教會的


8. 粵語禱告會是周日和周三(晚上 7:45),普通話禱告會是周二(晚上 7:00),天上的



9. 我們最近失去了幾位兄弟姊妹,包括廖李美寶、梁琰聰、葉鴻謀、Connie Lee、容


人,讓上帝自己親自來填補我們的傷痛和懷念。帖撒羅尼迦前書 4 章,13 論到睡了的

人,我們不願意弟兄姊妹們不知道,恐怕你們憂傷,像那些沒有指望的人一樣。14 我


來。…1 所以,你們當用這些話彼此勸慰。

10. 居家期間,仍然閱讀專注神的話

o 敬拜神:神仍然掌權,基督徒是上帝的孩子,不要太怕慮。

o 以禱告等候神,重新得力:為受疫情影響的人和地方、疫苗發明、領袖們、安


o 以愛連接:團契、相互關注、幫助有需要的人

11. 鼓勵兄弟姊妹聚會前先閱讀經文、聽聽要唱的詩歌、準備好歌曲視頻等,使崇拜更得




12. 敬拜時一面聽電話,一面看敬拜順序

o 你可以同時看事先放在 WhatsApp 群裡的敬拜順序,如果不知道怎麼做,請告訴

我。(WeChat 也一樣)

o 你可以一面聽電話,一面使用電腦或電話上 CCC 教會的網站看同樣的敬拜順序。

o 如果你不在 WhatsApp 群中,但想你手機事先收到敬拜順序通知,請告訴我,下


o 華樂大廈和一些會友會提前(星期六)收到敬拜程序。感謝上帝,有一青年人願


o 可使用耳機或按電話擴音功能提高收聽效果。需要說話時,請講慢一點,靠近手


13. 奉獻:可以以郵寄支票或銀行轉賬,以及通過 Pay Pal 的方式支持教會目前的開支。

奉獻支票的擡頭是:Chinese Community Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC


14. 歡迎攜朋帶友參加!神與你一起、祝福你!

三一主日第八周 Trinity First Sunday


Please mute your phone thank you. Under 500 $ maybe: bing Contact kumo No meeting tomorrow Timotho Bible 100 Future not zoom LRPC

默禱、詩歌《耶和華神已掌權 Yahweh indeed is Sovereign》,可以選擇聽主播音樂播

放,或在你手機點擊以下鏈接,歌曲視頻自會播放 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LuAlQp_e6o

獨行奇事的上主以色列的神,是應當稱頌的。(詩篇 72)






我心要堅定,我口要歌頌 耶和華神已掌權!

宣召經文:詩篇 113:3;145:3;以賽亞書 26:4;40:28-29;西番雅書 3:17;當代聖經譯本

(Christy 讀,大家聽)

28 難道

詩篇 72:18-19

Contempo version

18 以色列的上帝耶和華當受稱頌,唯有祂行奇妙的事。19 願祂榮耀的名永受稱頌!

願普天下充滿祂的榮耀。阿們!阿們! 20 耶西的兒子大衛的禱告結束。

CUV — better

18 獨行奇事的耶和華以色列的神是應當稱頌的!19 祂榮耀的名也當稱頌,直到永


The Lord is in his temple 哈巴谷書 2

20 耶和華住在祂的聖殿中,世人都要在祂面前肅靜。




• 《主禱文》我們在天上的父:願人都尊父的名為聖。願父的國降臨;願父的旨意行




詩歌《慈繩愛索 Ropes of Mercy, Strands of Love》可以選擇聽主播音樂播放,或在你手機

點擊以下鏈接,歌曲視頻自會播放 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDObqPr3tW4

• 何西阿書 11:1-4,1 以色列年幼的時候,我愛他,就從埃及召出我的兒子來。2 先知越發招呼他們,他們越發走開,向諸巴力獻祭,給雕刻的偶像燒香。3 我原教導以法蓮行走,用膀臂抱著他們,他們卻不知道是我醫治他們。4 我用慈繩愛索牽引他們…

• 來到祢的寶座前,我舉起雙手讚頌,祢配得一切榮耀尊貴,祢是王掌管明天。






信息經文:約翰福音 12:23-26;創世記 12:1-3(Wai Tsun 讀,大家聽)

• 23 耶穌說:「人子得榮耀的時候到了。24 我實實在在地告訴你們:一粒麥子不落在

地裡死了,仍舊是一粒;若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。25 愛惜自己生命的,就失

喪生命;在這世上恨惡自己生命的,就要保守生命到永生。26 若有人服侍我,就當


• 1 耶和華對亞伯蘭說:「你要離開本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。2 我



靈命雞湯《神的子民–活著為了榮耀神 The People of God–Living to Glorify God》(CK)

詩歌《主活著 He Lives》與耶穌同行,日復一日;電話靜音,可以選擇聽主持播放音

樂,或在你手機點擊以下鏈接,歌曲視頻自會播放 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6L6-tPJEww




我信恩主必引導,度過每一風暴;充滿榮耀、號角聲 — 祂必再臨。(副)







靈命雞湯《The People of God — Seeking to Glorify God》(CK) Special【為香港守望 Playlist】



我們創作了很多回應世情的詩歌,希望以這詩歌 playlist,與各位為這美麗的城市謙卑禱告,祈求醫治與平安。








為上帝得著榮耀禱告: //you called Abraham (church/us) to bless us and to mak us a blessing to the qworld/others, to reflect and declare your glory. Forgive us cos we often reverse/forgot

the order. // 親愛的上帝,世世代代都要頌讚祢的名。唯獨祢配得一切的榮耀和讚美。//



世人必 認識祢,祢的名必在遍地上被尊崇。//願祢的真光穿透黑暗。照亮一切對死亡、




詩歌《祢是我神 You are my God》與耶穌同行,日復一日;可以選擇聽主持播放音樂,



請開我眼 打開我心 明白祢有多麼深愛我

請釋放我 去我纏累 能讓我 再有力 榮耀祢

請改變我 謙卑我心 明白我有多麼需要祢

心緊靠祢 進祢懷內 容讓我 永貼近 隨著祢

祢為我釘身受死 抹去我的污穢 祢是我神 是我王 我心欣慰

我為祢張開我口 向世界高聲唱 竭力讚揚 願永傳 祢大愛

請改變我 謙卑我心 明白我有多麼需要祢

心緊靠祢 進祢懷內 容讓我 永貼近 隨著祢

祢為我釘身受死 抹去我的污穢 祢是我神 是我王 我心欣慰

我為祢張開我口 向世界高聲唱 竭力讚揚 願永傳 祢大愛

我為祢舉起兩手 永遠高舉祢 讚頌我神 頌我王 我心所愛

我為祢傾出我心 撇棄世間貪愛 放下軟弱 願獻呈 作活祭

祢是我神 祢是我王 到永遠永頌我神 竭力讚揚 敬拜祢

信主的日子漸漸久了, 對於神驚天地的愛與救贖,我們開始習以為常和變得麻木, 當我們慢慢模糊了對神的焦點和減退了對祂的倚靠,遇到困難時便很容易失掉對祂的信心,心中只有愁煩、憂慮和不安。 今

天,願聖靈打開我們視而不見的眼睛,喚醒我們冷卻了的心, 重燃我們專一敬拜主的心。











萬事盡放開,前程由祢主宰,祢是愛。 OR


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMyDAHE_4hQ 是誰令我,迷霧裡覓曙光,困惑跌倒,前路也願去闖;



















Very sensitive to noise Knife fork hitting plate, water faucet doing dish washing. TV background noise – even on low volume People speaking, they may be feet away but if you can hear them, folks on the other end will hear them too. We have been looking at Eater series, then Church illustration since Pentecost, we turn this week to church as God’s people who…

牙結石不要花錢去洗牙 https://sculptnation.com/ Duros Europos https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fusers.stlcc.edu%2Fmfuller%2FDura%2FaaYale2015%2FDuraChurchChristMiracleParalyticCx.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fusers.stlcc.edu%2Fmfuller%2FDuraChurch.html&docid=Mup-TbDTI-jenM&tbnid=8MLvrt52R-KH-M&vet=1&w=873&h=659&itg=1&client=firefox-b-1-d&bih=647&biw=1408&ved=2ahUKEwj4qpvd2cjqAhUFg3IEHbNrBH8QxiAoB3oECAEQKw&iact=c&ictx=1#h=659&imgdii=cKqqKEb1WJXF4M&vet=1&w=873 the place: https://www.wondermondo.com/dura-europos-house-church/ https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fa5%2Fcf%2F37%2Fa5cf371225588b7f248d1515c257a628.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F452682200027595754%2F&docid=kb-JgxkfUJVQtM&tbnid=fE47Klf6cNdhSM&vet=1&w=242&h=390&itg=1&client=firefox-b-1-d&bih=647&biw=1408&ved=2ahUKEwicrqXZ2cjqAhVhg3IEHXunB3gQxiAoB3oECAEQKw&iact=c&ictx=1 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F2d%2Fb4%2F4f%2F2db44fe463adf266358fe77a2ebb1e06.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F219972763030072030%2F&tbnid=_uw50IGro2nk_M&vet=10CA0QxiAoAWoXChMIsKbT3qfI6gIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEEs..i&docid=mPwCsSYdUBHtQM

&w=496&h=600&itg=1&q=images%20of%20paralytic%20following%20Jesus&client=firefox-b-1-d&ved=0CA0QxiAoAWoXChMIsKbT3qfI6gIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEEs (Christ the Shepherd and Adam and Eve) http://users.stlcc.edu/mfuller/DuraChurch.html https://aleteia.org/2019/10/12/the-first-painting-of-any-of-jesus-miracles-dates-from-the-3rd-century/ Timothy Fellowship https://aleteia.org/2020/07/10/walk-through-jerusalems-holy-sites-from-the-comfort-of-your-home/ https://www.gotquestions.org/Book-of-Malachi.html summary of the book of Malachi various covenants (explain what a covenant is between two unequal part, contract, agreement, understanding is a very mild trabslation; also, te new “testament” and what that means.)

這兩種方法,某些手機只能使用二者之一。 聚會之前請早撥入,以便測試。謝謝。

Google Meet 說明早到的幾個參加者進入群時,Google Meet 會詢問主持是否允許他們參

入(詢問“ADMIT 接納”顯示在主持電腦屏幕上)。主持人必須選擇讓此人進入,否則不


持選擇讓他們進入。請儘早撥打電話,最好聚會前 15 分鐘撥打。如果聚會幻燈片

(Power Point slides)和歌曲已經進行中,主持將無法點擊 ADMIT 讓您進入,若是這樣


謝謝兄弟姐妹有用的反饋耐心和寬容。 Google Meet

Aught retreat one day CK: Bible Reading marathon July 6 church wide prayer meet — welcome to listen (not necessary have o pray)


弟兄姐妹主内蒙福!我今天到教会和同工商量,Pastor Joanna and After discussing with fellow pastors and coworkers Pastor Joanna has decided to preach at CCC on July 26, doing so to get a feel of it. She will be at church alone that Sunday. She wants to test it out so (if) come time for reopening in August she would be ready. For July 26 morning the mandarin ministry team will remain at home helping out via zoom. As usual folks will dial in for worship.

For Participants 决定 7 月 26 日我单独去教会讲道,其他同工依旧在家服事;

会众在家通过 zoom 和电话参与敬拜。八月第二个周 8 月 9 日部分同工凭感



请大家祷告,求主给我们最好的解决办法。 Jonna’s dad: recovering at home (hospital Mai and Juanita Thank you for your feedback and helping with dry runs to make Google Meet usage better for all! ZOOM versus Google Meet. ADMIT July 4th 2019 年 7 月 4 日,美国独立日“向美国致敬”阅兵典礼,庆祝美国第 243 个生日。美国独立日阅兵庆典结束时演

唱的一首美国爱国歌曲是:《天佑美国》(God Bless the U.S.A. 上帝保佑美利坚)。 片段来源:福克斯新闻直

播。中英文歌词:g 明日 7 月 4 日 Timothy 提摩太查經團契的谷歌格式(Google Meet)聚會連接號碼組如下:

手機請撥打 386-753-7936,按密碼 862 433 689 加 “井”

iPad 或電腦請點擊鏈接 https://meet.google.com/vdw-akyy-yov


WhatsApp / Wechat 中。 很抱歉。

7/26 and 8/2, maybe just JX alone (RCAT folks will help), CK not planning to be there cos one extra body may create unforeseen convenience Pastoral staff meeting for 7/22

• Communion • Thanksgiving collage for COVID-19 days • LRPC starting or guiding tips for committee form pastors?

• Guidelines on demonstration, election/voting, world unrest, COVID-19 etc.?

• Helen Lew’? • • • CK on personal pay cut???

Board members form Cantonese (what can they do? Why stay on Board? How to work best with CK) What helpful things we did COVID-19 worship that we can consider impleting when we meet in-person worship? Objectives and goals for Cantonese 2020 fall-winter, esp if in-person worship is delayed? Cloud of witness idea from CCC? Teaching on prayer via Sunday worship bulletin? Timothy: covenants???

• Between unequal parties and the stronger party will never back out • How many covenants and when were they made (chronology) • Their significance •


Ideas form other churches but beware of copy-catting cos God leads each church somewhat differently

Ideas form individuals: story form others, from pastors

Whole church and individual congregation

Bible verse to guide us

Vision: local, country, worldwide

Pray for Shirley Lau and Adriano re LRPC. Pray for Mary Woo for Nominating committee.

1. 讚美和崇拜有什麼區別?

2. 以弗所書 1:3-14 是希臘語文中一句長句,是聖經中最長的完整的句子之一。今天只看 1:3,整個長

句子都是讚美的延續:1:3, 6, 12, 14

3. 1:3,3 願頌讚歸於我們主耶穌基督的父神!祂在基督裡曾賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣,

一、風扇讚美神的火焰 — 多想下神的恩典


o 保羅這邊:



感恩讚美是因為父神 “ 3 賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣(恩典)”

o 以弗所那邊:

徒行傳 19 章—大亞底米廟宇 the great Artemis;土耳其以弗所遺址廢墟

世界的銀行 bank of Asia

3 我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣(恩典)

o 耶穌也如此:希伯來書 12 ,1.…有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,…[我們] 存心忍耐,

奔那擺在我們前頭的路程,2 仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌。他因那擺在前面的喜樂,就輕


二、風扇讚美神的火焰 — 多想下天上

三、風扇讚美神的火焰 — 多想下與基督接聯

四、以頌讚為祭獻給神 sacrifice of praise — 希伯來書 13:15,15 我們應當靠著耶穌,常常以頌讚為祭獻給神,這就是那承認主名之人嘴唇的果子。

o 是命令

o “常常/不要中斷”

o 來自謙卑的心

o 儘管苦痛卻選擇尊榮上帝的心態

o 那承認主名之人嘴唇的果子

4. 1:3,3 願頌讚歸於我們主耶穌基督的父神!祂在基督裡曾賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣,


1. Church Easter, then chyrch series (parables), now the people of God

2. (SAY: Read scriptures) 自我介紹、問候

3. 以弗所書 1:3-14 是希臘語文中一句長句,是聖經中最長的完整的句子之一。整個長句子都是讚美的延續:1:3, 6, 12, 14。今天只 read 1:3-6 and cos of time 只看 1:3 —

but entire passage is built on praising God; hope you’ll take time to read it at home。

In this text we see the beginning of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, which starts with

praise to God. Chapter 1:3-14 is one long run-on sentence in the Greek 是希臘語文中

的一個單一完整的句子,是一句長句,是聖經中最長的完整的句子之一。. But not

only is it one sentence, it is one long praise to God 一個給神長長的讚美. See the

praise-punctuated long run-on sentence. 用逗號和句號將其分開,以方便閱讀和理


In verse 3, Paul says, “3 願頌讚歸於我們主耶穌基督的父神!” In verse 6 he says, “6 使

祂榮耀的恩典得著稱讚,” then 1:12 as well “12 叫祂(God)的榮耀…可以得著稱讚。”,

and finally in verse 14, he says, “14 的榮耀得著稱讚.” Many theologians believe that Paul is actually singing a song that models a Hebrew blessing song in verses 3-14 some

teachers: 詩歌風格的讚美).

4. Then read 1:3-6

5. 讚美和崇拜有什麼區別?

Question: "What is the difference between praise and worship?" 讚美和崇拜之間有什麼區


Answer: Understanding the difference between praise and worship can bring a new depth to

the way we honor the Lord. Throughout the Bible, the commands to "praise the Lord" are too

numerous to mention. Angels and the heavenly hosts are commanded to praise the Lord

(Psalm 89:5; 103:20; 148:2). All inhabitants of the earth are instructed to praise the Lord

(Psalm 138:4; Romans 15:11). We can praise Him with singing (Isaiah 12:5; Psalm 9:11), with

shouting (Psalm 33:1; 98:4), with the dance (Psalm 150:4), and with musical instruments (1

Chronicles 13:8; Psalm 108:2; 150:3-5).

Praise is the joyful recounting of all God has done for us. It is closely intertwined with

thanksgiving as we offer back to God 感謝/感激 appreciation for His mighty works on our

behalf. Praise is universal and can be applied to other relationships as well. We can praise our

family, friends, boss, or paperboy. Praise does not require anything of us. It is merely the

truthful acknowledgment of the righteous acts of another. Since God has done many

wonderful deeds, He is worthy of praise (Psalm 18:3).

Worship, however, comes from a different place within our spirits. Worship should be

reserved for God alone (Luke 4:8). Worship is the art of losing self in the adoration of another.

Praise can be a part of worship, but worship goes beyond praise. Praise is easy; worship is not

necessary so. (Cos) Worship gets to the heart of who we are. To truly worship God, we must

let go of our self-worship. We must be willing to humble ourselves before God, surrender

every part of our lives to His control, and adore Him for who He is, not just what He has done.

Worship is a lifestyle, not just an occasional activity. Jesus said the Father is seeking those who

will worship Him "in spirit and in truth — (來自)從內心和生命" (John 4:23).

In Scripture, praise is usually presented as boisterous, joyful, and uninhibited. God invites

praise of all kinds from His creation. Jesus said that if people don’t praise God, even the

"stones will cry out" (Luke 19:40). It is through true worship that we invite the Holy Spirit to

speak to us, convict us, and comfort us. Through worship, we realign our priorities with God’s

and acknowledge Him once more as the rightful Lord of our lives.

Worship is an attitude of the heart. A person can go through the outward motions and not be

worshiping (Psalm 51:16-17; Matthew 6:5-6). God sees the heart, and He desires and deserves

sincere, heartfelt praise and worship.

(Ephesians 1:3-6) versus 1:1-3 begins with an emphasis on a life of praise

Several other places in the Bible: This is not the only place where Christians are exhorted to live a life of praise. How can we live a life of constant praise? First Thessalonians 5:18 calls for us to give thanks in all things for this is God’s will for our lives. Ephesians 5:18-20 calls for us to be filled with the Spirit, to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making a melody in our hearts to the Lord, always giving thanks to God for everything. Christians are meant to be a people of praise and worship.

Why do we often fail at this? Why is our praise often so shallow? Some people only worship at church. Others praise God only in good times, but not when things are bad or difficult.

Working from end of verse to start of verse, and focusing on verse 3

1. If you want to grow/increase in your praise for God, focus on God’s grace. 風扇讚美神

的火焰 — 多想下神的恩典 3 願頌讚歸於我們主耶穌基督的父神!祂在基督裡曾賜


Background: Paul


o 保羅這邊:



感恩讚美是因為父神 “ 3 賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣(恩典)”

o 以弗所那邊:

徒行傳 19 章—大亞底米廟宇 the great Artemis;土耳其以弗所遺址廢墟

世界的銀行 bank of Asia

3 我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣(恩典)

o 耶穌也如此:希伯來書 12 ,1.…有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,…[我們] 存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程,2 仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌。他因那擺在前面的喜樂,就輕看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦難…

At this time, Paul was imprisoned in Rome for preaching the gospel, but his heart was

not in prison. While chained next to a Roman soldier (這是規則), his heart was free and lost in worship. And he seeks to draw the Ephesians and us into continual worship as

well—worship not dependent upon our circumstances 崇拜不取決於我們的環境/情

況。(PPT: 保羅因傳福音被監禁在羅馬,他的金屬鏈拴在另一個羅馬士兵身上。崇



感恩讚美都是因為父神 “ 3 賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣(恩典)”

Background on Ephesus: In this song,

Paul praises God for the great riches given to believers in Christ (v. 3 賜給我們天上各樣

屬靈的福氣). This would have resonated 共鳴 with the Ephesians: in Ephesus the

Temple of Diana (使徒行傳 19 Great Atemis 大亞底米的廟; tour of Turkey), one of the

Seven Wonders of the World, was there, hence it was not only a center for idolatrous

worship, but also a depository for wealth as Ephesus was considered then the bank of

Asia 世界的銀行, housing some of the greatest art treasures of the ancient world. (see

the ruins and you get an idea)

However, Paul is saying that the wealth of believers 天上各樣屬靈的福氣 is even greater than that of the city. Therefore, they should praise God no matter their circumstances. This is true for us as well. (CK: at start clarifying that text is rich and loaded and we only want to see aspect of it)

Paul’s praise (and) His focus is not on his circumstances, but on the wonderful grace of God 他

保羅的重點不是他的處境,而是神的奇妙恩典. 我的希望是,當我們了解上帝為我們所做



● 希伯來書 12 ,1.…有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,…[我們] 存心忍耐,奔

那擺在我們前頭的路程,2 仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌。他因那擺在前面的喜


2. 2. In Order to Live in Praise, Believers Must Focus on Their New Home—the Heavenly

Realms 為了活在讚美中,信徒們必須專注於他們的新家-天國 hmmm translation

風扇讚美神的火焰 — 多想下天上 3 願頌讚歸於我們主耶穌基督的父神!祂在基督


The 各樣屬靈的福氣 or the good/pleasant things we received COME from above 天上.

The first aspect of Paul’s praise that must stand out is the believers’ new home. He says that we have been blessed in the heavenly realms; this can be literally translated as “the heavenlies.” This is the first of five times this term is used in Ephesians, and it is not used

anywhere else in Paul’s letters — “天上” 是以弗所書中的一個重要概念— 四次。

1:3 此處

1:20 叫他[基督]在天上坐在自己的右邊

2:6 我們與基督耶穌…一同坐在天上

6:12 及天空(亦即天上)屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰

This is the paradox (矛盾?) of the believer’s existence. Even as we are right now literally on the earth, we are also literally in heaven. This is because of our position in Christ (Eph 1:3). We are

there with God our Father and Christ our Lord. We are dual citizens of earth and heaven (Phil 3:20-21).

The good things in life if focused on without God, soon it will seem that we earned it, we

deserved it, we planned for it with sweat and blood, ourself 打拼得到的.

While in prison, Paul could praise God and rejoice cos he contemplated this reality and worshiped God the Father because of it. If we lost this ID or awareness, we lost ourselves.

Secondly, we must focus on it. 歌羅西書 3:1-2, 所以,你們若真與基督一同復活,就當求在

上面(天上)的事,那裡有基督坐在神的右邊。 2 你們要思念上面(天上)的事,不要


Illustration of an ox ploughing haywire cos the boy looks at the cow

Is your mind consumed with the heavenlies? Have you set your mind on things above and not on earthly things? Or are you consumed with the things of this world? If you’re consumed with the things of this world, your praise will be weak. If we are going to live in praise even while going through trials, we must be consumed with our heavenly home.

3. In Order to Live in Praise, Believers Must Focus on Their Spiritual Blessings

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)

Interpretation Questions: What does the phrase “every spiritual blessing” refer to? And what is the practical application for believers?

The next aspect of Paul’s praise to God (while in prison) focuses 一直看著 on every spiritual blessing of believers in the heavenly realms. What does Paul mean by “every spiritual blessing”? “In the New Testament pneumatikos (spiritual) is always used in relation to the work of the Holy Spirit.”4 In fact, it can be translated “all the blessings of the Spirit”—referring to the Holy Spirit of God.5

While in prison, Paul was probably not only hungry, but also lacking in basic comfort, freedom, and other physical blessings. But that did not stop him from praising God for his blessings! Being a follower of Christ does not exempt us from pain and suffering in this world. In fact, many times it increases pain and suffering. However, God does promise innumerable blessings from the Spirit.

What do these blessings from the Spirit include? We will consider many of them as we go through Ephesians 1:4-13: election, predestination as sons, redemption, etc. However, this list is not exhaustive. There is much, much more. Spiritual blessings include the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”

Paul worshiped in prison because the Holy Spirit gave him joy, regardless of his circumstances. The Spirit gave him love for the churches. The Spirit gave him patience to faithfully endure his trials and deal with difficult people. The blessings of the Spirit are legion, and we should rejoice in them daily. Christ describes those who believe in him as having rivers of living water flowing “from within them” (John 7:38-39). He describes them as those who will never thirst again (John 4:14). That sounds like people who should be rejoicing!

Interpretation Questions: What about physical blessings? Does God promise to give us physical blessings as well?

In light of the above, does this mean God will not supply our physical needs as well? Contrary to the tenets of the prosperity gospel, God does not promise us earthly wealth and health. But, he does promise to meet our needs according to his riches in glory (Phil 4:19). Christ declares that we have a Father who knows our needs, and that we shouldn’t worry about what we will eat, drink, or wear (Matt 6:25-34). Paul says that since God has already given us his best—his Son—surely he will give us all things (Rom 8:32). Yes, we can be sure God will meet all our needs on this earth. Charles Spurgeon says,

“He that gives us heaven will surely give us all that is needful on the road thither.” And, “We shall have enough spending money on the road to glory; for he who has guaranteed to bring us there will not starve us along the way.”6

With that said, how do we receive these spiritual blessings in the heavenly places? How can we access the wealth that the Spirit of God supplies to believers?

3. In Order to Live in Praise, Believers Must Focus on Their Union with Christ

風扇讚美神的火焰 — 多想下與基督接聯

Who gave us all the blessings? Who links and credentials us to belong to heaven? Jesus! 3 願


典), (Ephesians 1:3)

The third thing we must focus on if we are going to live in praise is our 與基督聯合 union with Christ. Scripture teaches that when we were born again, we were united with Christ. When we were saved, we were united with Christ and became members of his body.

Now God no longer sees us in our sins, but he sees us in Christ. We are not accepted because of anything we have done; we are accepted because of Christ.

We are the righteousness of God because God sees us in the Son — the righteous Son living in us.

This is our new position; we are in Christ. And Paul’s focus on this is seen in how he refers to

our positon in Christ, in various ways 在基督裡, 6 times just in Chapter 1: Eph 1:1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 20

How to increase your praise output?

Praise Him because he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. // We should praise him continually because we have been redeemed from sin. //We should rejoice because we have every spiritual blessing in Christ. // In Adam, we had sin, condemnation, and shame. But in Christ we have forgiveness, honor, and power—every spiritual blessing.

This must be our focus and our joy while on this earth. We must rejoice in our position in

Christ 與基督聯合. Are you still rejoicing in your position in Christ?

A sacrifice of praise (希伯來書 Hebrews 13:15 15 我們應當靠著耶穌,常常以頌讚為祭獻




To praise God in those times requires personal sacrifice. 在那種情況下讚美神需要一點


13:15 是命令和“常常/不要中斷”




Answer: Hebrews 13:15 says, "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a

sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." The terms sacrifice and

praise might seem to be opposites 祭和讚美似乎是相反的. We think of sacrifice as offering

something at great cost to ourselves. Praise, on the other hand, sounds joyful as it bubbles

from a grateful heart. However, in the spiritual realm of knowing God 在認識神的過程中,

sacrifice and praise are intertwined.

Praise does not always cost us something. We praise our dogs for fetching the ball and people

for a job well done. Praise is often our response to some action that directly benefits us, and

we feel generous because we extend it. We often find it easy to praise God from the same

motivation. When He has blessed us, helped us, and protected us, we feel generous toward

Him. We can sing, worship, and talk about how good He is because we can see it. That kind of

praise, although worthwhile, does not cost us anything. It is not a sacrifice.


Then there are those times when God did not come through the way we thought He would.

The medical test comes back positive. The spouse wants a divorce. A child is wayward. The

mortgage company calls in the loan. God seems very far away, and praise is the last thing to

bubble up from our hearts. We can’t see His goodness, and circumstances scream that He has

forgotten us.

To praise God in those times requires personal sacrifice. 在在那種情況下讚美神需要一

點代價/犧牲 It takes an act of the will to lay our all on the altar before a God we don’t

understand. When we bring a "sacrifice of praise," we choose to believe that, even

though life is not going as we think it should, God is still good and can be trusted (Psalm

135:2; Nahum 1:7). When we choose to praise God in spite of the storms, He is honored,

and our faith grows deeper (Malachi 3:13-17; Job 13:15).

Funglien’s illsutration: no bone fracture; hand never been so beautiful — no wrinkles


The command in Hebrews 13:15 says that this sacrifice is to be offered "continually." 希伯來

書 13:15 是命令和“常常/不要中斷”。Our praise of God is not to be based on our opinion of

His job performance. Praise cannot be treated as a "reward" we give God for His obvious

blessings. Isaiah 29:13 says, "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me

with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Real praise continues regardless of

circumstances. It flows continually from a worshiping heart in good times and bad (Acts


The "sacrifice of praise" comes from a humble heart 來自謙卑的心 that has been purified by

fire. It rises from a spirit that has chosen to honor God in spite of the pain that life is causing

來自儘管痛苦卻選擇尊敬上帝的心態. Psalm 51:16-17 expresses this idea when it says, "You

do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My

sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise."


1.潔淨大痲瘋〈八 1/4〉 醫管會堂女兒〈九 23/26〉 2.醫血漏婦人〈九 18/22〉 11.醫百夫長僕人〈八

5/10〉 3.醫彼得岳母〈八 14.15〉 12.其他 4.趕出被鬼附〈八 16.17〉 5.平靜風和海〈八 23/27〉 6.趕鬼

入豬群〈八 28/34〉 7.醫治兩瞎子〈九 27/31〉 8.趕出啞巴鬼〈九 32/34〉 9.醫治癱子〈九 1/8〉

http://letsfollowjesus.org/weekly/handouts/FJ0401_0430.pdf 醫治癱子

癱子朋友的信心 (福音書合參)

路加福音 5:17 有一天,耶穌教訓(導)人,有法利賽人和教法師在旁邊坐著;他們是從加利利各鄉

村和猶太並耶路撒冷來的。主的能力與耶穌同在,使他能醫治病人。 18 有人用褥子抬著一個癱

子,要抬進去放在耶穌面前, 19 卻因人多,尋不出法子抬進去,就上了房頂,從瓦間把他連褥

子縋到當中,正在耶穌面前。 20 耶穌見他們的信心,就對癱子說:「你的罪赦了。」 21 文士和

法利賽人就議論說:「這說僭妄話的是誰?除了 神以外,誰能赦罪呢?」 22 耶穌知道他們所議

論的,就說:「你們心裏議論的是甚麼呢? 23 或說『你的罪赦了』,或說『你起來行走』,哪

一樣容易呢? 24 但要叫你們知道,人子在地上有赦罪的權柄。」就對癱子說:「我吩咐你,起

來,拿你的褥子回家去吧!」 25 那人當眾人面前立刻起來,拿著他所躺臥的褥子回家去,歸榮

耀與 神。 26 眾人都驚奇,也歸榮耀與 神,並且滿心懼怕,說:「我們今日看見非常的事了。」

馬太福音 9:1 耶穌上了船,渡過海,來到自己的城裏。 2 有人用褥子抬著一個癱子到耶穌跟前

來。耶穌見他們的信心,就對癱子說:「小子,放心吧!你的罪赦了。」 3 有幾個文士心裏說:

「這個人說僭妄的話了。」 4 耶穌知道他們的心意,就說:「你們為甚麼心裏懷著惡念呢? 5 或

說『你的罪赦了』,或說『你起來行走』,哪一樣容易呢?6 但要叫你們知道,人子在地上有赦

罪的權柄」;就對癱子說:「起來!拿你的褥子回家去吧。」 7 那人就起來,回家去了。 8 眾人

看見都驚奇,就歸榮耀與 神,因為他將這樣的權柄賜給人。

馬可福音 2:1 過了些日子,耶穌又進了迦百農。人聽見他在房子裏, 2 就有許多人聚集,甚至連

門前都沒有空地;耶穌就對他們講道。 3 有人帶著一個癱子來見耶穌,是用四個人抬來的; 4 因


下來。 5 耶穌見他們的信心,就對癱子說:「小子,你的罪赦了。」 6 有幾個文士坐在那裏,心

裏議論,說: 7 「這個人為甚麼這樣說呢?他說僭妄的話了。除了 神以外,誰能赦罪呢?」 8

耶穌心中知道他們心裏這樣議論,就說:「你們心裏為甚麼這樣議論呢? 9 或對癱子說『你的罪

赦了』,或說『起來!拿你的褥子行走』;哪一樣容易呢?10 但要叫你們知道,人子在地上有

赦罪的權柄。」就對癱子說: 11 「我吩咐你,起來!拿你的褥子回家去吧。」 12 那人就起來,

立刻拿著褥子,當眾人面前出去了,以致眾人都驚奇,歸榮耀與 神,說:「我們從來沒有見過


路加福音從 5:17 起到 6:11 止,連續用五個故事,描寫耶穌和猶太人宗教領袖發生很大的衝突。從那時





信心,耶穌就對癱子說:「你的罪赦了」(20 節)。這句話引起了宗教領袖們的反感, 他們不願承認耶

穌是神,就只好指稱耶穌說僭妄的話 (21 節)。


行走』,哪一樣容易呢?(23 節)」這句話的妙處是:若用嘴巴說說「你的罪赦了」很容易,因為沒有方






請注意,主耶穌做事的次序是:(1)「看見他們的信心」(20 節)。(2)「你的罪赦了」(20 節)。(3)「拿你

的褥子回家(治病)」(24 節)。 這個次序是非常重要的,我們在主耶穌所行的其他神蹟裡也可以看到。這


係:赦免在先、醫治在後,醫治之前先有赦免,赦免重於醫治也先於醫治。 (insert somewhere: there are no atheist before the afce of ddeath. You will naturally think about hereafter

when death stares you in the face.) 肉體得醫治固然值得欣喜,但若靈魂得不著赦免,則仍然沒有解決問





1. 帶癱子來的人可能是他的親友,你從何看出他們的「信心」?(18-19 節)

2. (續) 思考:他們為什麼對耶穌這麼有信心?

3. 耶穌見到這癱子的第一句話是什麼?(20 節)

4. (續) 思考:耶穌為什麼先說「你的罪赦了」(20 節),而不是立即的醫好癱子呢?

5. (續) 思考:從耶穌的話中來體會,這個癱子的真正需要是什麼?

6. 對癱子來說,他自己覺得最需要的是什麼?

7. (續) 對耶穌來說,祂覺得這癱子最需要的是什麼?

8. (續) 思考:這癱子最後得到了他自己認為最需要的了嗎?如何得到的?

9. (續) 思考:你覺得,這一點告訴我們什麼功課,是我們可以學習的?

10. 耶穌對文士和法利賽人說:「或說『你的罪赦了』,或說『你起來行走』,哪一樣容易呢?(23


11. 注意:當耶穌赦免了癱子的罪以後,癱子還是不能立刻起來行走。癱子什麼時候才能行走?

12. (續) 耶穌行此神蹟——使癱子起來行走——的目的為何?(24 節)

13. (續) 思考:「罪得赦免」與「病得醫治」有無必然的關係?為什麼?

14. 從耶穌對待癱子一事:看見他們的信心,到赦罪,再到醫治。可看出耶穌心目中最重視什麼嗎?

15. (續) 思考:為什麼耶穌所重視的與一般人如此不同?

16. 「眾人都驚奇......看見『非常的事』了。」(26 節) 這「非常的事」是指癱子得醫治?還是耶穌有

赦罪的權柄?(20,24 節)。

17. (應用) 從今天的經文中,我學到什麼屬靈的功課,是可以在生活中應用的?

18. 你認為:「罪得赦免」和「病得醫治 」那一個重要?如果你只能二者選一,你會選那一樣?你

知道耶 穌喜悅那一項?

19. (續) 如果你喜歡的與耶穌喜歡的不一樣,你會怎麼做?

20. 假設你是那癱子,如果耶穌赦免了你的罪之後,卻沒有治你的病,你會如何反應?你還會「歸榮

耀給 神」嗎?

21. 「文士和法利賽人」代表宗教界裏有知識和地位的人士;他們只知定罪別人,卻不知自己是在罪

惡 裏。我們都不喜歡他們,但卻又常作與他們相同的事——自以為義。比如說:反省一下,你

最近一次 「論斷人」是什麼時候?你知道聖經對這種行為是怎麼說的嗎(參羅馬書 2:1-3)?

22. 你願意作個「抬癱子去見耶穌」的人嗎?那意味著你必須付代價,且必須忍受別人異樣的眼光,


PRAYER: 主啊,在祢有赦罪的恩典,在祢有無盡的憐憫,謝謝祢赦免我的罪,洗凈我一切的不義!求祢

幫助我,成為 一個把人帶到祢面前的人。奉耶穌基督的名,阿們! Intro: Star-spangled Banner (yesterday Fellowship) was a prayer >> freedom in America (masks; lockdown),

today we look at a different of freedom in the Bible. 路加福音從 5:17 起到 6:11 止,連續用五個故事,描


了。今天我們要看第一件這樣的 conflict 事,這事仍發生在迦百農 situated at northern end of the sea of


由於耶穌的名聲已四處傳揚 (series of miracles and healing and casting out demons in Luke 5, Mt 8-9, Mk 1-2

by then),所以各地(包括耶路撒冷)的猶太人宗教領袖也上門來查個究竟。當天,有人拆了眾人聚會的房


說:「你的罪赦了 God forgives you」(20 節)。A n excellent kind word to the paralytic who back in those

days folks thought sickness was directly due to one’s sin Ps 103 but… 這句話引起了宗教領袖們的反感, 他

們不願承認耶穌是神,就只好指稱耶穌說僭妄的話 (21 節)。


行走』,哪一樣容易呢?(23 節)」這句話的妙處是:若用嘴巴說說「你的罪赦了」很容易,因為沒有方


走,讓人看得見。But Jewish leaders not even entertaining this kind word form Jesus.




Paralytic, what does he desired most? Physical healing. Yet Jesys’ first word was about sin forgiven. Not quite what he was looking for perhaps. Sometimes God’s way and process is not what we might anticipate.

請注意,主耶穌做事的次序是:(1)「看見他們的信心」(20 節)。(2)「你的罪赦了」(20 節)。(3)「拿你

的褥子回家(治病)」(24 節)。



治在後,醫治之前先有赦免,赦免重於醫治也先於醫治。The physical before the spiritual, but God “works the opposite”.

(insert somewhere: there are no atheist before the afce of ddeath. You will naturally think about hereafter

when death stares you in the face.) 肉體得醫治固然值得欣喜,但若靈魂得不著赦免,則仍然沒有解決問


解除人肉體的痛苦,而是為恢復人與神的交通到地上來的 — herein a very important lesson and that’s why

many people wrongly look at Jesus as Guang Ying。「罪」是人類患難痛苦的主因,若不解決罪的問題,



Paralytic desired freedom from his illness/condition, but spiritual freedom from sin is more critical than physical deliverance from ailment.

Placed right at the feet of our Lord is a man whose life has been decidedly unfree.

a. A paralytic. His ailment, his problem, had become his very identity. But there he is, after many long years no doubt, lying there in a true act of faith. What follows speaks to us very profoundly. It dismantles one of the devil’s oldest tactics: tie our sins so closely to us we identify with them and cease to think of ourselves in any other light. That lie is why we’re so often tempted to delay asking for mercy: “I know I’m just going to keep doing the same thing, so what’s the point.” It tempts us to admit defeat even before walking out the door of the confessional: “Yes, I suppose I’ve been forgiven. But I

don’t feel any different. I’m still lying in the same old blanket. — 是的,我想我應該已經被原諒了。但是我沒有感覺什麼不同。癱子對神的良善充滿信心

These patterns of thought are a trap, a kind of blackmail. Preoccupied with the past or discouraged by a supposedly inevitable future, we feel walled in by our own weakness. There is only one antidote and it’s very simple. So simple, in fact, we have a hard time with it: confidence in God’s goodness.

Does this mean sin is a good thing? Certainly not. It simply means the Lord co-opts even our failures as an occasion to love us, leaving the devil without a leg to stand on.

Don’t let your past OR PRESENT hold you ransom.

Let us not miss the wonders of God’s providence here: Had this man not been paralyzed, not had this weakness, who knows where he would have been that day? He might have been dismissive of Jesus, having convinced himself he had no need for the Son of God. Or, had he been so focused on his paralysis as to cease hoping for a life of freedom and mobility, he would not have bothered with being brought to Jesus. And had Jesus performed the miracle straight away the man might have gleefully run off () too happy to talk about forgiveness cos he could walk now!)! Grateful, yes, but still lacking his deeper freedom, never having heard

those words which continue to resound: 20 你的罪赦了。Child. Your sins are forgiven. God works and he

can and he will work in your situation, in church’s situation!!! DO WE BELIEVE THAT?!

1. 20 耶穌見他們的信心,就對癱子說:「你的罪赦了。」Paralytic still has to do it himself. 從耶穌對待癱子一事:看見他們的信心,到赦罪,再到醫治。可看出耶穌心目中最重


Sometimes what we seek after is good but it can hinder us from knowing God: Colgate 高露潔 (mom taught him to revere and love God). His wealth did not become a burden or locking him down, instead it was a blessing to many: university, charity, country etc. Nrothers and sisters, rehardless of what you are seeking or ailment or mental, do not let it stumble you. Let it be one of the carrier bringing you before God.

1. 你願意作個「抬癱子去見耶穌」的人嗎?那意味著你必須付代價,且必須忍受別人異樣的眼光,


Indeed, to be on our knees before the Lord—to be lying at his feet—means all our illusions of self-sufficiency have vanished, and we’re in the best posture possible for receiving everything from Jesus.

This is the way to get to the heart of liberty, and make every day an Independence Day. I love that snippet from Emma Lazarus’ poem, the one mounted in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. With her weathered green skin, Lady Liberty stands proud and tall: visited by millions of tourists each year,

acknowledged by tens of thousands in the midst of their daily commute on the ferry, perpetually glanced at by joggers and cyclists warding off their urban claustrophobia. In fact, when I lived at St. Joseph’s in Greenwich Village I would often walk south along the Hudson River for a chance to stretch the legs and breathe some fresh air myself. I’d soon see the matron of Liberty Island off in the distance, remembering that, since I am part Lebanese, some of my own ancestors were likely greeted by her. For freedom Christ set us free (Galatians 5:1) The Gospel that falls on the Fourth of July this year provides a perfect meditation for our holiday: Jesus came into his own town. And there people brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher (cf. Mt 9:1-2). Placed right at the feet of our Lord is a man whose life has been decidedly unfree. A paralytic. His ailment, his problem, had become his very identity. But there he is, after many long years no doubt, lying there in a true act of faith. What follows speaks to us very profoundly. It dismantles one of the devil’s oldest tactics: tie our sins so closely to us we identify with them and cease to think of ourselves in any other light. That lie is why we’re so often tempted to delay asking for mercy: “I know I’m just going to keep doing the same thing, so what’s the point.” It tempts us to admit defeat even before walking out the door of the confessional: “Yes, I suppose I’ve been forgiven. But I don’t feel any different. I know I will just keep doing the same things.” These patterns of thought are a trap, a kind of blackmail. Preoccupied with the past or discouraged by a supposedly inevitable future, we feel walled in by our own weakness. There is only one antidote and it’s very simple. So simple, in fact, we have a hard time with it: confidence in God’s goodness. “We must have confidence,” wrote Father Jean d’Elbée, “not in spite of our miseries but because of them, since it is misery which attracts mercy.” St. Paul believed it too: He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that Christ may dwell with me (2 Corinthians 12:9). Does this mean sin is a good thing? Certainly not. It simply means the Lord co-opts even our failures as an occasion to love us, leaving the devil without a leg to stand on. Don’t let your past hold you ransom. First things first 20 耶穌見他們的信心,就對癱子說:「你的罪赦了。」

Courage, child. The first words out of Jesus’ mouth are stunning in their simplicity, intimacy, and warmth. In other words, “Before anything else, I am confirming your faith and infusing into your soul confidence. I am adopting you. Lift up your heart, for you must no longer think of yourself merely as ‘a paralytic.’ I give you a new identity in me: Child. Your sins are forgiven.” To some it was an outrageous blasphemy: “Forgiveness of sins? Impossible!” It’s only at that moment, to convert the hearts of those still troubled, that Jesus performs the miracle.

Let us not miss the wonders of God’s providence here: Had this man not been paralyzed, not had this weakness, who knows where he would have been that day? He might have been dismissive of Jesus, having convinced himself he had no need for the Son of God. Or, had he been so focused on his paralysis as to cease hoping for a life of freedom and mobility, he would not have bothered with being brought to Jesus. And had Jesus performed the miracle straight away the man might have gleefully run off! Grateful, yes, but still lacking

his deeper freedom, never having heard those words which continue to resound: 20 你的罪赦了。Child.

Your sins are forgiven. Indeed, to be on our knees before the Lord—to be lying at his feet—means all our illusions of self-sufficiency have vanished, and we’re in the best posture possible for receiving everything from Jesus.

This week he wrote me with fresh insights about our national motto, “In God We Trust.” I want to share some of them with you. Then I’d like to pass along additional reflections Newton stirred up in me about the motto. This blog post is meant to enrich your 2018 celebrations of this Fourth of July—by focusing on how the Lord Jesus can bring us as a nation into the fullest implications of our motto in order for America to truly realize the destiny God wants for her.

What an Audacious Claim for Any Nation to Make!

Listen to what Newton (his friends call him Carl) thinks about the claim we state on all our money: What would move a nation with such bold authority as to inscribe on its currency, “In God We Trust”? No mystery—this is the working power of God himself inspiring a nation that He is the sole source of their revenue. You can’t find a dollar without finding God. This currency penetrates the nations where the Bible is refused and banned, with resounding testimony of a whole nation: “In God We Trust”! We have nothing for Caesar. All we have belongs to God. How humbling a way for a nation to honor its Creator. He’s right, you know. Never in history has any other nation (other than ancient Israel) dared to assume such a claim about its entire population. How did this come about? Although at different points in our history the phrase had been incorporated into hymns and patriotic songs, “In God We Trust” was voted into law as the official motto of the United States in 1956 because of the ominous threat of atheistic Communism during the Cold War at mid-20th century. It was a unanimous Joint Resolution of the 84th Congress, signed by President Dwight Eisenhower. It declared that as our national motto, the words must appear on all American currency, both paper and coin. Shortly after, these words were placed above the dais in the House chamber (between the clock and flag). All of that is well and good—and positive. Yet, the very wording forces me to ask two prior questions: 1. Out of all the deities on planet earth, including a colorful array worshipped in our own land, which god are we being called to trust in? Does knowing this make any difference concerning our strength and fate as a people? 2. Once we settle that question, what are we to trust this god for? In fact, what does “trust” really mean for a whole nation? Is it something we as Americans even know how to do? My initial thoughts follow. I would enjoy hearing from you about how you might answer these same two questions.

WHO Do You Trust? Beyond question, when it came to “God,” our Founding Fathers—including most of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence—held to a vague, remote, providential personality. He was veiled in mystery, responsible for the creation of the cosmos, designer of the human race, generally in charge of the outworking of nature and history, and willing at times to intervene in the affairs of peoples. Thus, they concluded that among the “laws of nature” built into running his universe was the principle that all humans are equal by virtue of having the same Creator—equal in terms of three indisputable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Beyond that, it was anybody’s guess. John Adams saw God as a stern, New England, Old Testament-shaded Being. Thomas Jefferson saw him as merely a benevolent force, which is why he literally used scissors to cut out of the four Gospels everything (like all the miracles) that showed Jesus to be anything more than a wise and determined social reformer. In his first inaugural address, George Washington portrayed God as “Divine Providence” (leaving a lot to the imagination as to what that might include). By the time we get to Abraham Lincoln, “God” had pretty much distilled into the personage envisioned by most Americans today—a generic though semi-personable, intelligent but enigmatic sovereign and lofty figurehead for a civil religion readily embraced by most Americans. He was a god to call on at times of national mourning, in the midst of violent war, during annual celebrations, in times of natural disasters. In his 600-page watershed study, America’s God, Mark Noll, Notre Dame University’s distinguished professor of history, establishes that by the time of the Civil War, the concept of God in our nation, in both the North and South, had been tragically “brought down by the . . . synthesis of Christian theology and American ideology.” Thus, our national religious overtures have been infected by a sub-biblical view of deity, leaving us with a watered-down concept of the Almighty. Noll purports that America’s “God” had become merely the prime moral governor, lawgiver, judge, and dispenser of rewards and penalties (not unlike the Islam’s Allah in many ways). He concludes at one point: By the opening year of Lincoln’s presidency, the Christian view of God had essentially been “trivialized” and replaced. In other words, America’s “God,” our jointly embraced Higher Power, is found to be far off the mark of the claims about God in the New Testament. Jesus nails the difference for us in John 14:

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him . . . Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us the Father”? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? (emphasis added). Scores of other New Testament writings back up his claim, but there’s not enough space to present them here. But the conclusion is inescapable: No Jesus. No God. Know Jesus. Know God. It’s that simple. And that profound. On this 4th of July, we need to come to grips with how pervasive in our land is the concept of a distant, tolerant, shiftshaping, grandfatherly, “generic God” who sits at the head of our national civil religion. Unwittingly for most, but practically speaking, day to day this is the “God” whom we claim to trust as a people. This is the “God” who adorns our currency. This brings me to my fundamental premise in this blog post: If America is to survive and thrive, it will be by divine intervention and reclamation, by the transforming power and grace coming from the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ—the one true God before whom there is no other. Therefore, for decades now I have called for the only hope we have as a nation: We must as a people experience a profound, pervasive, Spirit-driven, nationwide awakening to the supremacy and majesty, to the greatness and glory, to the all-sufficient redeeming reign of God’s sovereign, saving Son—Lord of the nations and ruler of the kings of the earth (Revelation 1)—Jesus. This is the One of whom the Bible says in Colossians 1:15-20 (making him the only hope for America): We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God’s original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. And when it comes to the church, he organizes and holds it together, like a head does a body. He was supreme in the beginning and—leading the resurrection parade—he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he’s there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is he, so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe . . . get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the cross (The Message, emphasis added).

Who Do You TRUST?

The dictionary defines TRUST as: “A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Have you ever experienced anything like the picture above—where you’ve been on a hike in rugged territory and found yourself in a fix with only one option: to reach out, take another’s offer to pull you to safety and trust that person to do what they claim they are able and willing to do? How did it make you feel knowing someone was there for you, in whom you could put total confidence in a moment of helplessness? On the other hand, have you endured a relationship where you concluded, as in the title of this popular Prince ballad: “Eye Love U But Eye Don’t Trust U Anymore.” Trust can easily be dashed to pieces if it is placed in the wrong person for the wrong reason in the wrong way. As noted above, when we say, “In God We Trust,” first we need to decide which “God” we’re trusting: What’s his nature? What is he up to? What are his promises? Where is his power? How do we find him and how do we make contact with him? Important questions. Rather, trust is having “a firm belief” in the totality of who that “God” is and what he offers and then putting ourselves into his hands. Taking a step further: Trust, as used in our motto, requires a commitment to that “God,” a surrender to what that greater Person is ready to do, a willful abandonment to him—in the way patients submit to a surgeon and his skills as they go under the anesthesia. Once again, there’s only one totally reliable option to “trust” for true wholeness—for restoration as an individual or as a nation. The Bible brings us back exclusively to the Lord Jesus Christ, who said at the opening verse of that same section of John 14: “Trust in God. Trust also in me.” Fundamentally, Jesus meant one thing. He was saying to all believers—to all Americans who claim to have faith in God—something like this: You started out trusting God without fully knowing all he is. Now, however, I have been among you and you have been introduced to the fullness of the living God as you’ve grown closer to me, because the Father and I are one—one in essence, in nature, in purpose, in power. So then, take up the trust in God you’ve experienced until now; take it and transfer it and expand it and anchor it in me as God’s Son and your Savior, Lord of all, Hope of the nations, Healer of broken hearts, Fountain of all wisdom, Renovator of the entire universe. This brings me once again to my fundamental premise in this blog post: If America is to survive and thrive, it will be by divine intervention and reclamation, by the transforming power and grace coming from the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ—the one true God before whom there is no other. Therefore, for decades now I have called for the only hope we have as a nation: We must as a people experience a profound, pervasive, Spirit-driven, nationwide awakening to the supremacy and majesty, to the greatness and glory, to the all-sufficient redeeming reign of God’s sovereign, saving Son—Lord of the nations and ruler of the kings of the earth (Revelation 1)—Jesus. Our nation must become saturated with the reality of the REAL and TRUE God, who is none other than the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our nation must become saturated with a life of DEPENDENCE and RELIANCE and wholesale COMMITMENT to God’s Son as the One who brings us to the Father, shows us the Father, unleashes upon us the promises of the Father, and carries us forward in the purposes of the Father. That is just as true for a nation of 360 million other Americans as it is for each one of us who can say, “this land is my land.”

Turn This “Independence Day” Into the Beginning of “DEPENDENCE Day” for You!

Take five minutes—or more!—on July 4th to pray for nothing less in this hour than a nationwide Christ Awakening movement that will awaken and revolutionize our churches first of all and then spread across our whole land, beginning with a fresh encounter with the wonders of God’s Son in your own life. Then take time to ponder the words from the radical Christ proclaimer, Martin Luther, in his introduction to his commentary on the Book of Romans: TRUST in Christ is a living, creative, active and powerful thing. . . . It is a bold TRUST in God’s grace, so certain of God’s favor in Christ that it would risk death a thousand times TRUSTING in Christ. Such confidence and knowledge make you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, while you love and praise the God who has shown you such grace through his Son (emphasis added).

What if this approach became the way of life for every American who claims that

“In God We Trust”? Again, I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this topic.

獨立日 Independence Day

依賴日 Dependence Day

1. 詩 118:24 這是耶和華所定的日子.我們在其中要高興歡喜。

2. 詩 34:3 你們和我當稱耶和華為大、一同高舉他的名。

3. 詩 27:4 有一件事、我曾求耶和華、我仍要尋求.就是一生一世住在耶和華的殿中、瞻仰他的榮美、在他的殿


4. 詩 95:6-7 來阿、我們要屈身敬拜、在造我們的耶和華面前跪下。因為他是我們的 神.我們是他草場的羊、


5. 詩 107:1,8 你們要稱謝耶和華、因他本為善.他的慈愛、永遠長存。但願人因耶和華的慈愛、和他向人所行


6. 詩 95:1 來阿、我們要向耶和華歌唱、向拯救我們的磐石歡呼。

7. 詩 95:2-3 我們要來感謝他、用詩歌向他歡呼。因耶和華為大 神、為大王、超乎萬神之上。

8. 詩 96:1-2 你們要向耶和華唱新歌.全地都要向耶和華歌唱。要向耶和華歌唱、稱頌他的名、天天傳揚他的救


9. 詩 96:3-4 在列邦中述說他的榮耀、在萬民中述說他的奇事。因耶和華為大、當受極大的讚美.他在萬神之上


10. 詩 47:1-2 萬民哪、你們都要拍掌.要用誇勝的聲音向 神呼喊。因為耶和華至高者是可畏的.他是治理全


11. 詩 100:1-2 普天下當向耶和華歡呼。你們當樂意事奉耶和華.當來向他歌唱。

12. 詩 100:4-5 當稱謝進入他的門、當讚美進入他的院.當感謝他、稱頌他的名。因為耶和華本為善.他的慈


13. 詩 105:1-2 你們要稱謝耶和華、求告他的名、在萬民中傳揚他的作為。要向他唱詩歌頌、談論他一切奇妙的


14. 詩 105:3-4 你們要以他的聖名誇耀.尋求耶和華的人、心中應當歡喜。要尋求耶和華與他的能力、時常尋求


15. 詩 117:1-2 萬國阿、你們都當讚美耶和華.萬民哪、你們都當頌讚他。因為他向我們大施慈愛.耶和華的誠


16. 詩 118:1 你們要稱謝耶和華、因他本為善.他的慈愛永遠長存。

17. 詩 118:3-4 願以色列說、他的慈愛永遠長存。願亞倫的家說、他的慈愛永遠長存。願敬畏耶和華的說、他的


18. 詩 146:1 你們要讚美耶和華。我的心哪、你要讚美耶和華。

19. 詩 146:2 我一生要讚美耶和華.我還活的時候、要歌頌我的 神。

20. 詩 149:1-2 你們要讚美耶和華、向耶和華唱新歌、在聖民的會中讚美他。願以色列因造他的主歡喜.願錫安


21. 詩 66:1-2 全地都當向 神歡呼、歌頌他名的榮耀.用讚美的言語、將他的榮耀發明。

22. 詩 84:1-2 萬軍之耶和華阿、你的居所何等可愛。我羨慕渴想耶和華的院宇.我的心腸、我的肉體、向永生


23. 詩 98:4-6 全地都要向耶和華歡樂.要發起大聲、歡呼歌頌。要用琴歌頌耶和華、用琴和詩歌的聲音歌頌


24. 詩 111:1-3 你們要讚美耶和華。我要在正直人的大會中、並公會中、一心稱謝耶和華。耶和華的作為本為


25. 詩 113:1 你們要讚美耶和華。耶和華的僕人哪、你們要讚美、讚美耶和華的名。

26. 詩 113:2-3 耶和華的名、是應當稱頌的、從今時直到永遠。從日出之地、到日落之處、耶和華的名是應當讚


27. 詩 138:1-2 我要一心稱謝你、在諸神面前歌頌你。我要向你的聖殿下拜、為你的慈愛和誠實稱讚你的名.因


28. 詩 103:1-2 我的心哪、你要稱頌耶和華.凡在我裡面的、也要稱頌他的聖名。我的心哪、你要稱頌耶和華、


29. 詩 99:9 你們要尊崇耶和華我們的 神、在他的聖山下拜.因為耶和華我們的 神本為聖。

30. 詩 96:7-8 要將耶和華的名所當得的榮耀歸給他、拿供物來進入他的院宇。

31. 代上 16:25 因耶和華為大、當受極大的讚美.他在萬神之上當受敬畏。

32. 創 28:16-17 雅各睡醒了、說、耶和華真在這裡、我竟不知道。就懼怕說、這地方何等可畏、這不是別的、

乃是 神的殿、也是天的門。

33. 約 4:23 時候將到、如今就是了、那真正拜父的、要用心靈和誠實拜他、因為父要這樣的人拜他。

34. 約 4:24 神是個靈.〔或無個字〕所以拜他的、必須用心靈和誠實拜他。

35. 啟 4:11 我們的主、我們的 神、你是配得榮耀尊貴權柄的.因為你創造了萬物、並且萬物是因你的旨意被


36. 羅 11:36 因為萬有都是本於他、倚靠他、歸於他.願榮耀歸給他、直到永遠。阿們。

37. 路 2:14 在至高之處榮耀歸與 神、在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人。

38. 詩 98:1-2 你們要向耶和華唱新歌.因為他行過奇妙的事.他的右手和聖臂、施行救恩。耶和華發明了他的救


39. 詩 145:1 我的 神我的王阿、我要尊崇你.我要永永遠遠稱頌你的名。

40. 詩 145:3-4 耶和華本為大、該受大讚美.其大無法測度。這代要對那代頌讚你的作為、也要傳揚你的大能。

41. 詩 146:1 你們要讚美耶和華。我的心哪、你要讚美耶和華。

42. 詩 146:2 我一生要讚美耶和華.我還活的時候、要歌頌我的 神。

43. 詩 46:10 你們要休息、要知道我是 神.我必在外邦中被尊崇、在遍地上也被尊崇。

44. 詩 150:1,6 你們要讚美耶和華、在 神的聖所讚美他、在他顯能力的穹蒼讚美他。凡有氣息的、都要讚美耶


45. 詩 107:1-2 你們要稱謝耶和華、因他本為善.他的慈愛、永遠長存。願耶和華的贖民說這話、就是他從敵人


46. 詩 122:1 人 對我說、我們往耶和華的殿去、我就歡喜。

47. 賽 33:2 你們應當彈琴稱謝耶和華、用十絃瑟歌頌他。

48. 但 4:3 他的神蹟何其大、他的奇事何其盛、他的國是永遠的、他的權柄存到萬代。

49. 太 11:28 凡勞苦擔重擔的人、可以到我這裡來、我就使你們得安息。

50. 出 15:2 耶和華是我的力量,我的詩歌,也成了我的拯救。這是我的 神,我要讚美他,是我父親的 神,


“講道從來都不能夠使不禱告的靈魂受教。Preaching never edifies a prayerless soul.” ― E.M. Bounds, Power Through Prayer

“The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day.” ― E.M. Bounds

“當信仰停止祈禱時,它就不再活下去。When faith ceases to pray, it ceases to live.” ― E.M. Bounds 白邦茲 “Nothing is well done without prayer for the simple reason that it leaves God out of the account.” ― E.M. Bounds, Weapon of Prayer

15. 請注意:粵語敬拜、週日晚上禱告、週三晚上禱告將使用谷歌會議格式(Google


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God Bless America《天佑美國》,又譯為《上帝保佑美國》談及歌曲的歌詞,格林伍德表示,自己是個保守的基


「主,請庇佑美國!」 『這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂

聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。』 (代下 7:14) 主啊賜福美國 心愛國土 陪伴我們不分離 賜祢光 黑暗中作導引

望眾山巒 遼闊草原 及至海洋浪漲湧 主,請庇佑美國 我的家園 See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK4iDqNLkl0 for alternate translation Lyrics translation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK4iDqNLkl0

願主 賜福美國,心愛國土,陪伴我們不分離,賜祢光,黑暗中作導引


America The Beautiful 美麗的阿美利加 (America the Beautiful's lyrics were written by Katharine Lee Bates and the music was composed by Samuel A. Ward.) “Oh Beautiful, for Spacius…) Maybe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAU2TgfZAcc (2 vv) Maybe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZalFp9WUyM (3 vv) Maybe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0bs9ZvM8gQ (four vv, nip off at 3.31.59 to sever “I pleadge allegiance to the flag of the United States…_) Maybe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3SPjk1ktRQ (1,4 vv) Maybe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHtDCrt1oqA (vv 1,3, medley with God bless America)

我(們)的國家屬於祢 My Country, 'Tis Of Thee》 My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From ev'ry mountainside Let freedom ring!




My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills, like that above.



Let music swell the breeze, and ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake; let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong.



Our fathers' God to Thee, Author of liberty, to Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright, with freedom's holy light, Protect us by Thy might, great God our King.



July 5th Worship?


願你公義降臨 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxDccKsJJhI

世代的禱告 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPh-djQTmhM

求主興起禱告的心 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy7l83UOWcg

Another Sunday Prelude = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMGWj5XhunY 讚美


獻上頌讚 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IjavNqrkxQ


出,我們試過但由于冠狀病毒的限制,我們未能找到人幫助。下週將繼續分發。 Donation to food bank – Board Masks

Caring for needs we know: finance 經濟, LRPC

默禱、詩歌《平安 Peace》,可以選擇聽主播音樂播放,或在你手機點擊以下鏈接,歌


詩歌導讀: 我留下平安給你們;我將我的平安賜給你們。我所賜的,不像世人所賜的。

你們心裡不要憂愁,也不要膽怯。(約 14:27) 他被掛在木頭上,親身擔當了我們的罪,使

我們既然在罪上死,就得以在義上活。因他受的鞭傷,你們便得了醫治。 (彼前 2:24) 作

者分享: //我有一個心願——為孩子們寫經文詩歌,把神的應許都記下來。這年代的





盼望不會死,祂的安慰常在,在祂裡面我們穩如磐石,因我們的主已勝過了世界。 在音



也承載著我們,讓我們注目於神。無論什麽境況,願平安與你常在。 -馬啟邦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewpkz5cW7Co • Screen tell-white 6 豺狼必與綿羊羔同居,豹子與山羊羔同臥,少壯獅子與牛犢並肥畜同群,小孩子要牽引牠們。 7 牛必

與熊同食,牛犢必與小熊同臥,獅子必吃草與牛一樣。 8 吃奶的孩子必玩耍在虺蛇的洞口,斷奶的嬰兒

必按手在毒蛇的穴上。 9 在我聖山的遍處,這一切都不傷人,不害物,因為認識耶和華的知識要充滿遍


The Supreme Court of the United States handed down a landmark ruling yesterday regarding LGBTQ rights that could dramatically impact churches and Christian ministries. To read more about this ruling and its implications for religious liberty, click here: https://ministrywatch.com/supreme-court-lgbtq-ruling-could-have-impact-on-ministries-and-churches/

music 以愛相連 我知誰掌管明天

與神同行 (青年新歌) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP0ZjVD4TpM Lynn Woo

耶穌我感謝你 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=123L18Fq8S8

當我軟弱 你沒有離場 你安慰我 在愛裡堅壯 仍會跌倒 仍會失信 在羞愧裡 你找到我 作我永遠依靠

耶穌 我感謝你 從恩典內 找到自己 在你手中 破碎都可完美 你大能 療癒我心扉 耶穌 我感謝你

暴風裡 我心卻安定 在你手中 患難暗藏祝福 你意念 是賜下平安 是我永遠的依靠

以感恩為祭 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozRtnVOvYvM

主, 為 你 的 恩 典, 我 要 滿 心 感 謝 由 泥 內 生 機, 到 變 幻 天 氣 讓 這 世 界 各 樣 完 備.

主, 為 你 的 恩 手 我 要 滿 心 感 謝, 由 扶 助, 拯 救, 到 試 煉 阻 攔 導 我 按 你 正 路 前 行.

我 出 生 前 你 已 深 知 我 到 了 今 天, 亦 有 幫 助. 為 我 備 救 恩, 召 我 出 黑 暗

做 你 聖 潔 國 度 人 民

主, 為 你 的 恩 言, 我 要 滿 心 感 謝 由 提 示, 安 慰, 到 責 備, 管 教 內 裡 有 你 愛 念 呈 現

主, 為 你 的 恩 情,

我 要 滿 心 感 謝 也 要 常 思 想, 晝 夜 數 算, 藉 愛 見 證 你 大 能 你 的 安 排 往 往 多 新 意, 你 有 豐 賞,

亦 會 收 取 微 細 調 配 中, 讓 我 得 益 處 現 我 再 看 天 恩 處 處

神 呀! 你 恩 典 太 美 妙 神 奇, 配 得 萬 眾 稱 善 我 要 以 感 恩 為 祭 獻 給 你, 並 永 記 念 你 作 為


「將身體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的;你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。」(羅 12:1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4MQx47Gexg










(詩篇一三九 17-18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KM6F_vQSD0

人海裡最終找到是祢, 有悲有喜都經得起

我深信這一切為我預備, 勇敢去走只因身邊有祢

回望人生裡 祢與我一起, 無懼冷風帶給的痛悲

若是軟弱無力的跌倒了, 是祢扶持我再起來奔馳

神啊, 祢意念向我何等寶貴, 其數何等眾多

我若數點 比海沙更多, 我睡醒的時候仍和祢同在

祂永遠都不會撇下我, 哀慟了的人, 祂必安慰我心

祂永遠都不會撇下我, 引領我足印走出黑暗

平安 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewpkz5cW7Co


【Verse 1】

就算世界刮著狂風暴雨, 我心仍是穩妥安舒

無論前路灰暗 憂傷困倦, 祢讓我站穩 磐石之處

【Verse 2】

就算捆鎖劫難縈繞著我, 我心藏著不死盼望

耶穌是我牧者 永在我旁, 祢杖祢竿都安慰我

【Chorus 1】

主 祢賜下平安, 不像世人所賜

我的心 不必再憂愁, 也不用膽怯

【Chorus 2】

主 祢賜下這平安, 是用重價換來的恩典

受鞭傷使我得醫治, 受刑罰讓我得到赦免

《耶和華以勒》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ptl6lbH8pw

耶和華以勒 我的供應, 在恩典裡 我永不缺乏

耶和華我父 我的倚靠, 在主手裡 我永得保障

讓我心稱頌恩主, 祂有無限豐富

賜與我美好人生, 讓我口歌頌恩主

祂有無盡的愛, 帶領我永不缺欠

祢是我神 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ne_YTWSacU

請開我眼 打開我心, 明白祢有多麼深愛我, 請釋放我 去我纏累, 能讓我 再有力 榮耀祢, 請改變我 謙卑我

心, 明白我有多麼需要祢, 心緊靠祢 進祢懷內, 容讓我 永貼近 隨著祢, 祢為我釘身受死 抹去我的污穢, 祢

是我神, 是我王, 我心欣慰, 我為祢張開我口, 向世界高聲唱, 竭力讚揚 願永傳 祢大愛, 我為祢舉起兩手 永

遠高舉祢, 讚頌我神 頌我王 我心所愛, 我為祢傾出我心 撇棄世間貪愛, 放下軟弱 願獻呈 作活祭, 祢是我

神, 祢是我王, 到永遠, 永頌我神, 竭力讚揚 敬拜祢.



天空飛鳥 不收不種 你天父尚且養活牠 野地青草 田園百合露水般短暫 祂都悉心裝飾 難道你不比鳥

兒珍貴 愁慮哪可使你的歲月變多 難道你一生 就是這樣憂慮 吃甚麼喝甚麼穿甚麼 你們要先祈求祂的

國與祂的義 你所需的都要加給你 明日自有明日的憂慮風雨 一天的難處一天當可夠了, 你們要先祈求

祂的國與祂的義 你所需的都要加給你, 明日自有明日的憂慮風雨, 一天的難處一天當就夠了.

萬有都歸祢 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOXdBgXWw4M

祢是榮耀 至美尊崇 萬有都歸於祢名下 配受傳頌 至偉至聖尊貴 願讚揚 獨有主美善的真諦

【Chorus】齊向祢舉手傳揚 神的犧牲與十架 同頌祢深厚大愛 竟為我披戴荊棘冠冕 原是祢恩典降

臨 眾山海都震撼呼應 讓我靈 為祢歌 獻奉至誠頌讚 到萬世

【Coda】讓我靈 為祢歌 獻奉至誠頌讚 到萬世

神恩典夠我用 (哥林多後書 12:9 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjs3xUvpDDc

神祢的恩典 這生夠我用 沒有可誇 現靠主才得勝 每當我軟弱時 主能力更顯完全 願我這生 能緊


【Chorus】 一生多次軟弱過 懇請主祢去掉這刺 掙扎中願盼仍讚美 未對祢消減信心 主祢旨意最完美

高於一切世上心意 今我心為祢全獻上 願意順服讚美

【Chorus B】儘管禱告祢未允 主祢不會去掉這刺 掙扎中讓我仍讚美 願靠祢堅守信心 主祢旨意最完美

(我願把一生交於祢手)高於一切世上心意(讚頌祢深恩施於我心今我心為祢全獻上 願意順服讚美

信心的等待 Wait with faith 雅各書 四 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mn6wvX1l18

明天怎麼你還是不知道 越想得到的總會得不到 人生就像一片雲霧 出現少時就不見到 何必計較那得失終

老 在這幽谷之中我宣告 不必怕因有祢同在 別人笑我為甚麼等待 因我知道 盼望因祢而來 耶穌捉緊我雙

手 有祢的恩典我便足夠 讓我可清心見祢面 使我必得見光 耶穌捉緊我雙手 仰望那財寶在天上 愛慕神的

抱著平安 感謝祢為我所編寫的一切

盼望在乎祢 All my hope is in You ( 詩篇六十二 1-2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldT0EZcUYyo

祢是我的主 我的好處不在祢以外 縱使孤單疲乏困倦 祢總會在我身旁

我的心默默無聲專等候神 我的救恩是從祂而來 惟獨主是我的磐石 我的拯救 是我高台讓我不致動搖

我的心默默無聲專等候神 我的救恩是從祂而來 惟獨主是我的磐石 我的拯救 是我高台讓我不致動

搖 盼望在乎祢

一生在神手裡 My life is in Your hand (以賽亞書三十 21)


我的一生在神的手裡 挫敗困難有祢的許可 踏過幽谷絕路 祢仍與我同在 夜間依然在歌唱 無論我往那

裡去 祢必與我同在 有聲音在我後邊說這是正路 祢應許每一天陪我上路 暴風中依然在起舞

賜我力量 Give me strength https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1hotIathug

我心知道 在我裡頭沒有良善 主傾聽我 引導我走永生路 我深深知道 不要效法這世界 只要心意更新而變

化 主 賜我力氣跨過困難和軟弱 縱然危急不退縮 主 賜我勇氣走過生命幽暗處 求聖靈為我禱告 請不要懼

怕當前的 艱辛苦痛的日子 在黑暗裡定必得曙光 當捨去自我交託主 一心一意頌主心意 靠著禱告祈求 我

天天親近主 讓聖靈每天充滿我

再次站起來 Standing up again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-zNT8BxkD4

窄路難走困倦了心 惟有祢的恩典夠我跨過 心存感恩來到祢寶座前 禱告讚美 歌頌愛我的主 祢賜我新生

命 安慰我 祢是我在暴風中避難所 把我下垂的手 再次舉起 發酸的腿再次站起 祢賜我新生命 安慰我 祢是

我在暴風中避難所 把我下垂的手 再次舉起 發酸的腿再次奔跑

伴我跨過 Walk With Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRshS8mIwkM

祢讓我看見祢的信實 祢的醫治 陪伴我同走過危難憂愁 哪怕崎嶇 憂傷困倦 平安的約 伴我跨過 感激祢愛

我 從不撇下我 來感激祢顧念我 用祢寶血救贖我 用祢手扶持我 引導我 是祢溫柔雙手 是祢長闊高深的愛


晴天雨天 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygYZzAhfyz8

望見天空蔚藍如詩 清風送上笑臉引牽 各樣美善 滲在眼簾 領略到神伴我身邊 也許一天密雲驟變 天空蓋

上暗淡襯衣 偶爾發現 葉散落腳前 淚像雨灑幾遍 回到夢裡尋 尋找那足印 神卻未應許全沒苦困 但每遇上

悲 也會抱我起 神應許說寸步也不離 誰會伴我行 雷雨漸走近 神定會保守我前行 深觸我心 迷霧裡不再問

原因 一心交託前行 望見天空蔚藍如詩 清風送上笑臉引牽 各樣美善 滲在眼簾 領略到神伴我身邊 也許一

天密雲驟變 天空蓋上暗淡襯衣 偶爾發現 葉散落腳前 涙像雨灑幾遍 回到夢裡尋 尋找那足印 神卻未應許

全沒苦困 但每遇上悲 也會抱我起 神應許說寸步也不離 誰會伴我行 雷雨漸走近 神定會保守我前行 深觸

我心 迷霧裡不再問原因 一心交託前行 望向天空白雲漸見 清風悄悄送別雨天 快樂有時 靜默有時 記住那


全因為你 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AWdsW86LAE

常言道:人生像演戲,回看這生精彩:因有你, 人在世永恆何在?或如流星閃耀掠過,是你令我人生

找到靠依。 死蔭幽谷中,你伴我過渡,歡欣裡,風光裡你共我同在; 當身處孤單傷痛,來擁我入懷,

你是我神,是我奇妙救恩。 全因為你,令我一生都佳美,你令我生命從空虛,化做傳奇; 無論我壯如

紅日,或如黃昏般漸漸老,是你令我如鷹般高飛。 全因為你,令我一生都佳美,你令我生命從空虛,

化做傳奇; 唯獨你是我拯救,我總不至死,直到永遠,從心底讚美!

足印 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlYP3gkaNYM 歌詞: 憶當天的那段舊夢,祂仿似與我夜裡共行; 沙灘中的每段道路,編出你與我兩雙足印; 漫漫路

無論多少崎嶇,都有基督緊握我手; 遇寂寞但也不孤單,明白你是共行。 祂當天親身的應許,祂必會

與我伴結前行; 一生中的每段道路,都必會帶領我經過; 路漸盡回望我的一生,雖有祂一起的腳蹤,

但絕望並困境之中,全是孤單足印。 每次我心中多悲傷,祂怎卻遠去剩我獨行; 每次我感到是寂寞,

祂怎卻遠去剩我孤單; 默默地在我身邊的主,跟我低聲輕輕說出; 「在絕望路裡的一雙,原是我的足

印。」 副歌:回望我過去多少的失意,但你每次每次也在旁, 是你抹我淚痕,是你揹我經過,

明白到有你居於心深處,我不再是獨行(我不再迷路向), 前路有你共行,留下雙雙足印。

我向祢禱告 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IVXs-rBonc

祢是我神 是我的依傍 在我無助困苦中 祢在細聽察看 是我磐石與拯救 是我高臺與詩歌

祢體恤我 祢保守我

祢是我神 是我的依傍 在我無助困苦中 祢在細聽察看 是我能力與保障 是我盾牌與幫助

祢應許我 祢在掌舵 Chorus 1

我向祢禱告 縱使我軟弱 我雖失信 祢仍然可信 面對的山嶺那麼高 路徑艱難如沒去路

但信靠祢 祢定會開路 Chorus 2

向世界宣告 祢是我盼望 我心相信 靠著祢(終會)得勝 讓祢的手替我爭戰 奉祢的名成就美事

一心倚靠祢 遵行祢旨意 (神蹟必可看見)

Bridge 1

我看著眾山嶺 吩咐它們挪開 在祢並沒有難成的事 祢教導我禱告 要帶著信心 宣告

相信祢定會聽到 Bridge 2

我看著眾山嶺 吩咐它們挪開 在祢並沒有難成的事 祢教導我禱告 要帶著權柄宣告

相信祢定會聽到 Coda 讓祢的手替我爭戰 奉祢的名成就美事 只想看見 我只想看見 祢旨意彰顯 我實在告訴你們, 無論何人對這座山

說:你挪開此地,投在海裡! 他若心裡不疑惑,只信他所說的必成,就必給他成了。所以我告訴你們,凡你們

禱告祈求的,無論是甚麼,只要信是得著的, 就必得著。(馬可福音 11 章 23-24)

愛的印記 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhoREkEibHQ 沒法想像,十架之上, 是神犧牲的愛。 被掛於木頭,汗血灑遍地, 來為我潔淨洗罪。 付上一切,為我捨命,

換來更新的我。 十架的記號,烙印心坎內, 常念記救贖主的愛。 神大愛,緊伴我, 是救主默然擔我罪。 我這

生,原屬你, 有著你愛的印記。 盡我心意,頌讚不斷, 主愛深刻真摰。 每一刻每天我願全奉獻, 隨著你的腳
