2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market Global Food Emulsifier Market 2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

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2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

01. Executive Summary .............................................. 1

02. List of Abbreviations .............................................. 2

03. Scope of the Report .............................................. 3

03.1 Market Overview ................................................................. 3

03.2 Product Offerings ................................................................. 3

04. Market Research Methodology ........................... 5

04.1 Market Research Process ................................................... 5

04.2 Research Methodology ...................................................... 5

05. Introduction ........................................................... 7

06. Market Landscape ................................................ 9

06.1 Market Overview ................................................................. 9

06.2 Market Size and Forecast by Value ................................ 10

06.3 Market Size and Forecast by Volume ............................. 11

06.4 Five Forces Analysis .......................................................... 12

07. Market Segmentation by Types ......................... 14

07.1 Global Food Emulsifier Market by Type 2013-

2018 .................................................................................... 14

08. Geographical Segmentation ............................. 17

08.1 Global Food Emulsifier Market by Geographical

Segmentation 2013-2018 .................................................. 17

08.1.1 Product Life-cycle of Global Food Emulsifier Market ....................... 19


2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

08.2 Food Emulsifier Market in Europe .................................... 20

08.2.1 Market Size and Forecast ....................................................................... 20

08.3 Food Emulsifier Market in North America ....................... 21

08.3.1 Market Size and Forecast ....................................................................... 21

08.4 Food Emulsifier Market in the APAC region .................... 22

08.4.1 Market Size and Forecast ....................................................................... 22

08.5 Food Emulsifier Market in ROW ........................................ 23

08.5.1 Market Size and Forecast ....................................................................... 23

09. Buying Criteria ..................................................... 26

10. Market Growth Drivers ........................................ 27

11. Drivers and their Impact ..................................... 29

12. Market Challenges ............................................. 30

13. Impact of Drivers and Challenges ..................... 32

14. Market Trends ...................................................... 33

15. Trends and their Impact ..................................... 35

16. Vendor Landscape ............................................. 36

16.1 Competitive Scenario ....................................................... 36

16.1.1 Key News ................................................................................................... 36

16.2 Market Share Analysis 2013 ............................................. 37

16.3 Comparative Analysis of Vendors by

Applications and Products ............................................... 38

16.4 Other Prominent Vendors ................................................. 40

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

17. Key Vendor Analysis ........................................... 41

17.1 Danisco A/S ....................................................................... 41

17.1.1 Business Overview .................................................................................... 41

17.1.2 Business Segmentation ........................................................................... 42

17.1.3 Key Information ........................................................................................ 42

17.1.4 SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................... 43

17.2 Cargill Inc. .......................................................................... 44

17.2.1 Business Overview .................................................................................... 44

17.2.2 Business Segmentation ........................................................................... 44

17.2.3 Key Information ........................................................................................ 45

17.2.4 SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................... 46

17.3 Riken Vitamin Co Ltd. ........................................................ 47

17.3.1 Business Overview .................................................................................... 47

17.3.2 Business Segmentation ........................................................................... 47

17.3.3 Key Information ........................................................................................ 48

17.3.4 SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................... 49

17.4 Palsgaard A/S .................................................................... 50

17.4.1 Business Overview .................................................................................... 50

17.4.2 Business Segmentation ........................................................................... 50

17.4.3 Key Information ........................................................................................ 51

17.4.4 SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................... 52

18. Other Reports in this Series ................................. 53

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Exhibit 1: Market Research Methodology ................................ 5

Exhibit 2: Global Food Emulsifier Market by

Segmentation .............................................................. 9

Exhibit 3: Global Food Emulsifier Market 2013-2018

(US$ million) ............................................................... 10

Exhibit 4: Global Food Emulsifier Market 2013-2018 (

KT) ............................................................................... 11

Exhibit 5: Global Food Emulsifier Market

Segmentation by Type 2013-2018 (KT) ................... 14

Exhibit 6: Global Food Emulsifier Market

Segmentation by Type 2013-2018 (percent) ......... 15

Exhibit 7: Growth Rate Comparison of Food Emulsifiers

by type 2013-2018 .................................................... 16

Exhibit 8: Global Food Emulsifier Market by

Geographical Segmentation 2013-2018 ................ 17

Exhibit 9: Global Food Emulsifier Market by

Geography 2013-2018 (US$ million) ....................... 18

Exhibit 10: Product Life-cycle of Global Food

Emulsifier Market by Geography ............................ 19

Exhibit 11: Food Emulsifier Market in Europe 2013-

2018 (US$ million) ...................................................... 20


2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Exhibit 12: Food Emulsifier Market in North America

2013-2018 (US$ million) ............................................ 21

Exhibit 13: Food Emulsifier Market in the APAC

Region 2013-2018 (US$ million) ............................... 22

Exhibit 14: Food Emulsifier Market in ROW 2013-2018

(US$ million) ............................................................... 23

Exhibit 15: Growth Rate Comparison among Key

Geographies in the Global Food Emulsifier

Market (2013-2018) .................................................. 24

Exhibit 16: Annual Growth Rate Comparison among

the Key Geographies (2013-2018) .......................... 25

Exhibit 17: Ranking of the Vendors ....................................... 37

Exhibit 18: Comparative Analysis of Vendors by

Applications and Products ...................................... 38

Exhibit 19: Product Segmentation of Danisco A/S

2013 ............................................................................ 42

Exhibit 20: Product Segmentation of Cargill Inc. 2012 ........ 44

Exhibit 21: Business Segmentation of Riken Vitamin

Co Ltd. 2013 ............................................................... 47

Exhibit 22: Business Segmentation of Palsgaard A/S

by Application 2013 ................................................. 50

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Global Food Emulsifier Market 5

04. Market Research Methodology

04.1 Market Research Process

TechNavio has collected key data related to the Global Food Emulsifier market and analyzed

this data using a variety of methods. The market dynamics have been ascertained following a

detailed study of the micro, meso, and macroeconomic indicators of the market.

04.2 Research Methodology

This report is based on in-depth qualitative and quantitative analyses of the Global Food

Emulsifier market. The quantitative analysis involved the application of various projection and

sampling techniques. The qualitative analysis involved primary interviews, surveys, and vendor

briefings. The data gathered as a result of these processes was validated through experts'


Exhibit 1: Market Research Methodology

Source: TechNavio Analysis

Global Food

Emulsifier Market


2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Global Food Emulsifier Market 6

Based on the research results and technical insights thus gathered, TechNavio analysts have

provided a comprehensive analysis of the varied aspects of the market. The impact of global

economic conditions and other macroeconomic indicators was also considered while assessing

the market.

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Global Food Emulsifier Market 11

06.3 Market Size and Forecast by Volume

Exhibit 4: Global Food Emulsifier Market 2013-2018 ( KT)

Source: TechNavio Analysis

Based on the volume of food emulsifiers consumed, the Global Food Emulsifier market was

valued at x KT in 2013 and this number is expected to reach x KT by 2018, growing at a CAGR of x percent. The Global Food Emulsifier market is expected to witness steady growth during the

forecast period due to the increasing global demand for food emulsifiers. As food emulsifiers

improve the texture and shelf life of food, they are popular among professionals and health

conscious consumers. The increasing disposable income of consumers is also increasing the

consumption of food emulsifiers, in turn driving the growth of the Global Food Emulsifier



2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Global Food Emulsifier Market 18

Exhibit 9: Global Food Emulsifier Market by Geography 2013-2018 (US$ million)

Source: TechNavio Analysis


2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Global Food Emulsifier Market 47

17.3 Riken Vitamin Co Ltd.

17.3.1 Business Overview

17.3.2 Business Segmentation

Exhibit 21: Business Segmentation of Riken Vitamin Co Ltd. 2013

Source: TechNavio Analysis

Riken Vitamin Co Ltd.

Domestic Food

Domestic Chemicals


Riken Vitamin Co. Ltd. is a Japan-based food processing company. The company operates its

business through three segments: Domestic Food, Domestic Chemical......

2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Global Food Emulsifier Market 48

17.3.3 Key Information

Company Details Description

Product Portfolio Monoglyceride

PolyGlycerol Ester

Sorbitan Ester


2014-2018 Global Food Emulsifier Market

Global Food Emulsifier Market 49

17.3.4 SWOT Analysis


Riken Vitamin Co Ltd. is a leading food

emulsifier manufacturer and seller in the

APAC region.



Increasing demand for emulsified foods

in the US, Canada, Europe, and the

APAC region will lead to the expansion

of the company's business and help

generate more revenue.


Stringent regulations by various

government bodies can increase the

operating costs of the company.