1 2 º BACHILLERATO Mónica Trujillano I.E Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Tetuán


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Mónica Trujillano I.E Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Tetuán



Verb Tenses grid (form and use)

Gerunds and Infinitives

Passive voice and Special Passive Structures

Relative Clauses

Wish Clauses

Modal verbs

Expressing preferences (You´d rather)

Giving advice (You´d better)

Subordinate Clauses

Cause and Result Clauses

Purpose Clauses

So that (purpose)/ so that (consequence)

Contrast clauses (in spite of/despite/although)




PRESENT SIMPLE (“-s” en tercera persona singular) (auxiliary do/ does)

Acciones habituales Hechos stativeverbs

frequency adverbs expressions (once a week/ on Sundays, every day) feelings, likes, dislikes

I often play football he goes to the cinema once a week Water boils at 100ºC I don’t remember his name

PRESENT CONTINUOUS (“to be” enpresente + V-ing)

Acción ocurriendo ahora acción en progreso planes en el futuro

now, at the moment this week, this year nextMonday, tonight, tomorrow

He is writing some e-mails now We are studying Bachillerato this year They aren’t coming to my birthday party next weeekend

PAST SIMPLE (“-ed” or irregular verbs) (auxiliary “did”)

Acción acabada en el pasado

yesterday last week two days ago; when

Yesterday we went to the cinema We didn’t come to class last Friday Theyarrived 20 minutes ago

PAST CONTINUOUS (“to be” enpasado + V-ing)

Acción inacabada en pasado interrumpida por otra acción. Acción paralela a otra acción

at eight o’clock yesterday while as

We were watching TV at 8 yesterday While/As I was having a shower, the phone rang While I was reading a book my sister was talking on the phone

PRESENT PERFECT (have/has + participle) en español muchas veces se traduce como presente o con la expresión “llevar + gerundio)

Acción que empezó en pasado y continúa. Acción que terminó en algún momento del pasado pero está conectada con el presente

how long ever just already/ yet for/ since recently, lately

How long have you waited for me? Has he ever been to the USA? We have just finished homework My brother hasn’t arrived yet I have learnt English for 7 years I haven’tseenhimrecently

PAST PERFECT Acción anterior a after, before After we had had lunch we


(had + participle) pretérito pluscuamperfecto en español (había + participio)

otra acción en pasado

by the time already

washed up By the time he arrived, I had already left

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (have been / has been + V-ing)

Como “presentperfect” pero con idea de continuidad, progreso

how long for/ since recently, lately all day long/ all night long

How long have you been waiting for me? She has been learning English for 7 years I’ve been studying all night long


como “pastperfect” pero con idea de contiuidad, progreso

for hours all morning when, before

When you arrived, I had been studying for 2 hours By the time she stopped for lunch, she had been working all morning

FUTURE SIMPLE (will + infinitive)

-horarios -predicciones -decisiones espontáneas

tomorrow/ in an hour I think/ I’m sure thisevening/ later

The exam will start at 10 tomorrow I’m sure that you will pass your exams I’m very tired. I’ll go to bed

BE GOING TO (be going to + infinitive) (conjugar verbo “to be”)

intención, planes en el futuro Evidencia clara de algo

tomorrow/ in an hour this evening/ later nextweekend

We are going to have a party tomorrow Look at those black clouds. It’sgoing to rain

FUTURE PERFECT (will have + participle)

Acción acabada en el futuro

by the end of… by this time next… in fourmonths

By the end of November we will have taken lots of exams In four months we will have finished the second term

FUTURE CONTINUOUS (will be + V-ing)

Acción en progreso en futuro

at this time tomorrow at this time next… on Friday...

At this time next month we will be celebrating Christmas In June we will be doing Selectividad




1.- Detrás de algunos sustantivos: decision, attempt, plan, promise…


Alicia ha tomado la decisión de dejar la universidad

2.- Detrás de algunos adjetivos y adverbios, sobre todo, aquellos que

describen sentimientos como afraid, delighted, desperate, happy, pleased,


EX: WE WERE VERY HAPPY TO SEE HIM. Nos alegramos mucho de verlo

IT IS EASY TO LEARN ENGLISH. Es fácil aprender ingles

También usamos el infinitivo cuando el adjetivo o adverbio va acompañado

de “too” o “enough” o seguido de for+objeto

EX: SHE IS TOO YOUNG TO GET MARRIED.Esdemasiadojovenpara casarse


Mis hijos no son lo suficientemente mayores como para caminar solos por la noche


A mi hermano le gustan las matemáticas, por eso le resultó fácil resolver el problema



Fue muy amable de tu parte visitarnos



Mi padre es siempre el primero en levantarse

5.- Detrás de los pronombres interrogativos excepto WHY que va seguido de

infinitivo sin to.

EX: I DON´T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. No sé que decir

6.- Detrás de los siguientes verbos:


Mi hijo no ha aprendido a leer todavía

Afford Agree Appear Attempt Choose

Decide Deserve Expect Fail Forget

Help Hope Intend Learn Manage

Need Offer Plan Prepare Pretend

Promise Propose Refuse Seem Want

Wish Would like


7.- Detrás de los siguientes verbos seguidos de un objeto


EX: I ASKED THEM TO COME IN. Les pedí que entraran

SHE WANTED ME TO HELP HER. Quería que la ayudara

ERROR COMÚN: Iwantthatyoustayhere

8.- Para expresar la finalidad o la intención con la que se realizan

determinadas acciones. También se puede utilizar IN ORDER + INFINITIVO

CON TO, pero es más formal.


Jane fue a París paraver los monumentos

9.- Para las órdenes, peticiones y otras situaciones en las que una persona

influye sobre las acciones de otra en el estilo indirecto.


La profesora nos ordenó/nos dijo que nos sentáramos


1.-Detrás de losverbosmodales: can, could, may, might, must, shall, will,

should, would, needn´t

EX: I CAN PLAY THE GUITAR. Sé tocar la guitarra

2.- Detrás de las expresiones: HAD BETTER (para hacer

recomendaciones) y WOULD RATHER (para indicar preferencia),



Deberías ser muy cuidadosa si vas a formatear tu PC.


Preferiría quedarme esta noche en casa que salir

3.-Detrás de BUT y EXCEPT


No podemos hacer más que ayudarle

Advise Allow Ask Convince Enable

Encourage Expect Forbid Force Help

Invite Order Permit Persuade Prefer

Recommend Remind Teach Tell Want

Warn Would like



Haz lo que quieras excepto jugar al fútbol

4.- Detrás de los siguientes verbos:


Les dejamos irse a la cama más tarde

MAKE. Cuando se utiliza en voz pasiva, el infinitivo suele llevar TO


Hicieron que me quedara más tiempo


Se hacía estudiar muy duro a los estudiantes

HELP. Cuando detrás va un objeto, puede ir seguido de infinitivo con TO o sin



Le ayudamos a llevar las maletas

5.- Los verbos de percepción SEE, HEAR, FEEL, SMELL Y WATCH

pueden ir seguidos de objeto+infinitivo sin TO o objeto+-ing. La

diferencia entre una y otra es que la forma verbal en –ing sugiere

acciones que estaban realizándose cuando fueron percibidas (estaban en

desarrollo), mientras que la forma en infinitivo se refiere, generalmente,

a acciones que se percibieron de principio a fin (están acabadas).


Ví a un hombre golpeando un perro pero una mujer lo detuvo



Ví a un hombre joven salir de la casa y dos minutos después oí explotar una bomba


1.- Cuando el verbo actúa como sujeto de una oración

Ex: SMOKING IS UNHEALTHY. Fumar no essaludable

2.-Detrás de la mayoría de las preposiciones o conjunciones: after, before,

for, against, by, with, without, in, at, on , of..............

Ex: I’M INTERESTED IN DANCING. Estoy interesada en el baile

3.- Detrás de algunas expresionesdeterminadas :Getused to +v-ing


Me acostumbré a caminar los fines de semana

4.- Para expresar prohibiciones cortas, por ejemplo, en carteles

Ex: NO SMOKING. Prohibido fumar


5. Detrás de los siguientes verbos y expresiones:



1. Se puede utilizar to+infinitivo o gerundio indistintamente detrás de los

siguientes verbos:


Empezó a llover hace tres días

2. BEGIN Y START. Es preferible utilizar el infinitivo con TO cuando aparecen

en tiempos continuos, así como cuando van seguidos de verbos como “know”,

“realise” or “understand”. En el resto de los tiempos se pueden utilizar



Estáempezando a caminardespacio


No empecé a darme cuenta de mi error hasta que me lo dijiste


expresan gusto o desagrado. Cuando aparecen en condicional con WOULD

(wouldlove, wouldlike…) se suele emplear únicamente el infinitivo. En el resto

de los tiempos ambos son posibles.


Nos gusta acampar cerca del río


Nos gustaría acampar cerca del río

4. ALLOW, PERMIT, FORBID. Van seguidos de –ing si no hay objeto directo, pero

si lo hay, se utiliza el infinitivo con TO. En este caso el objeto directo se coloca

entre el verbo principal y el infinitivo.

Admit Dislike Go on Like Resist

Avoid Delay Deny Enjoy Fancy

Help Mind Risk Can´t help Finish

Like Love Miss Imagine Stand

Consider Feel Involve Stop Suggest

Continue Practise Regret Risk Give up

It’s worth Keep Resent

Attempt Continue Begin Dislike Hate

Intend Like Love Prefer Start



Los médicos no dejan fumar en los hospitales


Los médicos no dejan que la gente fume en los hospitales




a) Remember + to+Infinitivo. Significa acordarse de hacer algo que se tiene que

hacer en el futuro.


Cuando salgas, acuérdate de comprar el periódico


Cuando salió, se acordó de comprar el periódico

b) Remember + gerundio. Significa recordar algo que ha ocurrido o se ha hecho en el



Recuerdo haber ido a Francia todos los veranos cuando era niño


a) Forget + to+infinitivo. Significa olvidarse de hacer algo en el futuro


No te olvides de comprar sellos


Me olvidé de comprar sellos

b) Forget + gerundio. Significa olvidar haber hecho algo que se tenía que hacer en el



Se olvidé de haber besado al chico


a) Regret + to+infinitivo. Significa lamentarse por lo que unova a decir


Lamento decirte que no has aprobado el examen

b) Regret + gerundio. Significa lamentarse de algo que se ha hecho en el pasado


Lamento haber dejado la escuela antes de los 17 años

4.- GO ON


a) Go on + to+infinitivo. Lo utilizamos cuando cambiamos de acción; es decir, cuando

uno pasa a realizar una acción diferente


Después de escribir la redacción, pasaron a contar las palabras

b) Goon + gerundio. Significa “continuar” haciendo la misma acción


Continuaron trabajando hasta la mañana siguiente

5.- TRY

a) Try + to + infinitivo. Significa “intentar hacer algo haciendo un esfuerzo debido a

su dificultad ya se física o mental”


Intenta levantar la silla con las dos manos. No te resultará tan pesada


Una vez intenté aprender japonés

b) Try + gerundio. Significa “experimentar o probar”


Si quieres poner el coche en marcha, prueba empujándolo

6.- STOP

a) Stop + to + infinitivo. Significa “dejar de hacer una acción en movimiento para

hacer otra acción distinta”


De camino a casa, paró para visitar a su familia

b) Stop + gerundio. Significa simplemente “dejar de realizar una acción”


Dejó de hacer tanto ruido



Cualquier idioma puede tener dos tipos de voz:

VOZ ACTIVA. El sujeto es el que realiza la acción expresada por el verbo

EX. I read a book Mary bought a new computer yesterday

VOZ PASIVA. El sujeto sufre o experimenta la acción expresada por el verbo; no es el

que realiza la acción

EX. A book is read The best beer is made in Germany

El proceso para transformar en inglés una oración activa en otra pasiva es el siguiente:


El complemento directo de la oración activa pasa a ser sujeto de la pasiva. Sólo es

posible pasar a pasiva aquellas oraciones activas que llevan un verbo transitivo (verbos

que llevan complemento directo), ya que necesitamos el CD como sujeto de la pasiva.

El verbo se forma poniendo el verbo ‘to be’ en el mismo tiempo verbal en el que

aparece en la oración activa y añadiéndole el participio de pasado de dicho verbo


o Casi todas las formas activas tienen su equivalente en pasiva. No

obstante, los siguientes tiempos no suelen aparecer en forma pasiva:

Presente perfecto continuo, Pasado perfecto continuo, Futuro

continuo y Futuro perfecto continuo.

EX. I have been reading a book (ACTIVA) A book has been being read

o Cuando la frase lleve un VERBO MODAL, éste no resulta modificado

en la oración pasiva: “You can writefivelines” (“Tú puedes escribir

cinco líneas”) – “Fivelinescan be written”. Lo único que habría que

hacer es añadirle “be” detrás + participio del verbo principal:

EX. You should write a book A book should be written

El sujeto de la oración activa pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva y va

introducido por la preposición “by” (“por”). El Complemento Agente suele omitirse


1. Está claro quién es el que realiza la acción

EX. The postman delivered the letter early this morning

The letter was delivered early this morning

2. No es importante o se desconoce quién realiza la acción

EX. Somebody found my wallet yesterday


(lo importante es que ha aparecido, no quién la encontró)

EX. They have stolen my bike

Mybike has beenstolen(no sabemos quién la ha robado)

3. Cuando el Sujeto de la oración activa es un pronombre personal o una palabra

indeterminada (people, someone, anyone, no-one, somebody.)

4. Sólo se pone el C. Agente cuando éste es fundamental:

EX. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet Hamlet was written by Shakespeare

* No podemos pasar por alto que cuando el sujeto en la activa es un pronombre

personal sujeto, hay que pasarlo en pasiva a pronombre personal objeto. No obstante,

cuando el sujeto es un pronombre, es normalmente porque el nombre se desconoce o no

es importante, por lo que el Complemento Agente suele omitirse.

She sent a letter A letter was sent (by her)

El resto de los complementos no suelen cambiar


EX.The thievesstolea bank (ACTIVA)


A bankwas stolenby the thieves (PASIVA)


EX.Iwill sellmy flatnext month(ACTIVA)

SUJ V CD CCT My flatwill be soldnext month (PASIVA)



Hay 2 grandes diferencias entre el uso de la pasiva en inglés y en castellano.

1) La voz activa es la norma en cualquier lengua. El sujeto de la frase realiza la acción

descrita por el verbo.

Él bebe un vaso de agua.

La voz pasiva es la excepción y sobre todo en español se utiliza muy poco ya que se

conocen cantidad de alternativas a la voz pasiva, como por ejemplo la pasiva refleja. Sin

embargo, con la pasiva refleja no podemos indicar quién realiza la acción, por lo que sólo

utilizamos en español la pasiva cuando es necesario añadir quién realizó la acción mediante el

complemento agente. En caso de no indicar el ejecutor de la acción, siempre es preferible el

uso de la pasiva refleja.

voz pasiva: El coche fue lavado (NO ES HABITUAL)

pasiva refleja: Se lavó el coche. (HABITUAL)

pasiva: “La colmena” fue escrita por Cela (HABITUAL)

No obstante, en inglés no existe la ‘pasiva refleja’ por lo que el uso de la pasiva es mucho

más frecuente en inglés que en castellano (y debemos utilizarla en nuestras redacciones)

2) La voz pasiva puede describir un proceso o el resultado de un proceso.

descripción del proceso mismo: El coche fue lavado.

descripción del resultado de un proceso: El coche está lavado.

La pasiva que describe un PROCESO se forma en español con el verbo SER y la pasiva

que describe el RESULTADO DEL PROCESO con el verbo ESTAR. En inglés sólo se conoce un

verbo para formar la pasiva, TO BE (ser o estar). Dicho de otra manera, en inglésno se

distingue claramente entre una pasiva que describe un proceso y una que describe el resultado

de un proceso. Se determina por el contexto.



A diferencia del castellano, en inglés cuando el verbo en la oración activa tiene un

complemento directo y un complemento indirecto, ambos pueden ser sujetos en la oración pasiva.

1)PASIVA DEL COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO.Esta forma no suele utilizarse con los verbos

SAY o TELL. Es aconsejable seguir los siguientes pasos:


1º Se busca el Complemento Directo de la oración activa y se pasa a Sujeto de la oración


2º Se pasa el verbo a pasiva 3º Se vuelven a escribir los demás complementos de la oración activa. El único que sufre un

ligero cambio es el COMPLEMENTO INDIRECTO al que se le pone delante la preposición


4ª Se pasa, si es necesario, el Sujeto de la oración activa a Complemento Agente de la

oración Pasiva. Dichocomplementovaprecedido de la preposición ‘BY’. ACTIVA: My father gave me a book for my birthday

PASIVA: A book was given to me for my birthday by my father

2)PASIVA DEL COMPLEMENTO INDIRECTO.Se trata de una forma idiomática muy común

en inglés y que no existe en castellano. Entre los verbos que admiten esta estructura

destacan: “give”, “send”, “show”, “lend”, “ask”, “tell”, “offer”, “order”, “pay”, etc. Siempre que

sea posible, es preferible utilizar este tipo de pasiva que la anterior, ya que es más habitual

en inglés. Es aconsejable seguir los siguientes pasos

1º Se busca el Complemento Indirecto de la oración activa y se pasa a Sujeto de la oración

pasiva. Si se trata de un pronombre personal objeto, hay que convertirlo en pronombre

personal sujeto al convertirse en sujeto de la oración pasiva.

2º Se pasa el verbo a pasiva 3º Se vuelven a escribir los demás complementos de la oración activa sin cambios.

4ª Se pasa, si es necesario, el Sujeto de la oración activa a Complemento Agente de la

oración Pasiva. Dichocomplementovaprecedido de la preposición ‘BY’. ACTIVA: My father gave me a book for my birthday

PASIVA: I was given a book for my birthday by my father


. Tanto en inglés como en castellano, estas pasivas impersonales se crean a partir de oraciones

activas complejas, compuestas por una oración principal y una oración subordinada sustantiva que

funciona como CD de la principal.

EX. María cree que tú eres inteligente Mary thinksthatyou are intelligent

No obstante, en pasiva, hay ciertas diferencias:

Son construcciones oracionales bastante típicas en inglés y cada vez más utilizadas.

En español serían pasivas reflejas del tipo: “se dice…”, “se comenta…”, “se rumorea...”

, etc.

Existen 2 formas de convertir a pasiva dichas oraciones activas. Hagámoslo a partir de la

siguiente oración activa:

Theybelieve (that) he isplayingfootball





He isbelieved to be playingfootball (“Se cree que él está jugando al fútbol”).

2) IT + verbo oración principal en pasiva+THAT+ORACIÓN SUBORDINADA

It is believed that he is playing football (“Se cree que élestájugando al fútbol”).

Los verbos empleados normalmente en este tipo de construcciones son:


believed “se cree”

reported “se informa”

said “se dice”

thought “se piensa”

known “se sabe”

supposed “se supone”

considered “se considera”

expected “se espera”


Hay verbos en inglés que pueden aparecer solos o seguidos de 1 o varias preposiciones

en un contexto determinado y cuyo valor semántico (significado) cambia en función de la

preposición que va detrás. Algunos ejemplos son:

To look= ver

To look for: buscar

To look after: cuidar

To look at: mirar

To take= tomar

To take care of: ocuparse de

Si en una frase pasiva hay un verbo de este tipo, al complemento que aparece detrás de la

preposición se le denomina ‘complemento preposicional’, ‘complemento suplemento’ o

‘complemento de régimen’ y puede convertirse en sujeto de la oración pasiva. La preposición se

mantiene detrás del verbo al que acompaña. Muy a menudo es imposible traducir esta

construcción al español con la voz pasiva (y tampoco con la pasiva refleja).

EX.They looked for the history book. Han buscado el libro de historia.

The history book was looked for (by them). El libro de historia fue buscado.

They took care of the children. Se ocuparon de los niños.

The children were taken care of. Se ocuparon de los niños.

Nobody has slept in this bed for years. Nadie ha dormido en esta cama desde hace años. Thisbedhasn'tbeenslept in foryears. Nadie ha dormido en esta cama desde hace años.


The reporting verbs think, believe, say, report, know, expect, consider, understand,

suppose,etc, are used in the following passive patterns in personal and impersonal


Active: People believe that retail anthropologists know everything.

Passive: a) It is believed that retail anthropologists know everything.

b) Retail anthropologists are believedto know everything.

Active: Experts say that a lot of changes will occur on Earth in 10 years.

Passive: a) It is said that a lot of changes will occur on Earth in 10 years.

b) A lot of changes are saidto occur in 10 years.

Present reference

The passive is followed by the present infinitive (to-infinitive).

Eg: People think that Smith is in England.

Smith is thoughtto be in England.

Past reference

The passive is followed by the past infinitive (to have + past participle).

Eg: People know that Smith left England last week.

Smith is knownto have leftEngland last week.

Past reporting verb

When this is in the past, the past infinitive tends to follow, though not

always with the verb to be.

Eg: People said that Sue had paid too much.

Sue was saidto have paid too much.

The police thought that the thiefwas still in the house.

The thief was thought to still be in the house.

Continuous infinitive

Present and past continuous infinitive are used.

Eg: Mary is supposed to be living in Scotland.

Passive infinitive

Eg: Everyone knows the portrait was painted by an Italian.

The portrait is known to have been painted by an Italian.


If there are two objects, two versions are possible.

Eg: An Italian is known to have painted the portrait.

The portrait is known to have been painted by an Italian.


Estas oraciones se denominan en español “oraciones subordinadas adjetivas” o “oraciones

subordinadas de relativo”. Dan información sobre un nombre o pronombre que aparece en la

oración principal. A este nombre o pronombre se le denomina “antecedente” y la oración

subordinada de relativo actúa desde un punto de vista sintáctico como complemento de dicho

nombre. La oración de relativo siempre tiene que ir detrás de su antecedente.

The boy, whose hair is blond, is my brother



SUBORDINATE CLAUSE (Complemento del nombre: boy)



______________________ __ ___________


Las oraciones subordinadas de relativo pueden ser introducidas por:

1. Unpronombrerelativo (who, whom, which o that). Estos nexos se traducen por “quien o

que” y pueden ser sustituidos por “el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales”.

EX. Este es el coche que(el cuál) compramos ayer

2. Unadverbiorelativo (whose, where, when, why, what). En castellano estos nexos se

traducen por “cuyo” (si la oración subordinada expresa posesión con respecto al

nombre al que modifica de la oración principal), “cuando” (si la oración subordinada

indica temporalidad), “donde” (si la oración subordinada indica localización), “por el

cual” (si expresa una causa o consecuencia de la oración principal), “lo que” (no tiene


Ésta es la oficina dónde trabajo

El chico, cuyojersey es gris, es mi hermano



WHO = que, quién, el cual… Se utiliza cuando el antecedente es una persona. Se puede

sustituir por THAT en las ‘definingrelativeclauses’.

Ex: I told you about the womanwho/ that lives next door

The girl, who is wearing a blue jacket, is my mother

WHOM= quién, quiénes, que, el cual o los cuales…. Se utiliza, al igual que WHO, cuando el

antecedente es una persona. La diferencia está en que WHO puede utilizarse si funciona como

sujeto o complemento de la oración de relativo y WHOM sólo se puede utilizar cuando

funciona como complemento.

Ex: I invited the teacher who/whom I met at the conference


The boy who is in the garden is my cousin


o Cuando el antecedente es la palabra “people” sólo se admite “who” como relativo.

WHICH= que, el cual… Se utiliza cuando el antecedente es un animal o cosa. Se puede sustituir

por THAT en las “definingrelativeclauses”.

Ex: Do you see the catwhich is lying on the roof?

En algunos casos WHICH puede tener como antecedente una oración completa. En estos casos

se traduce por “lo que” o “el que” y se separa la oración principal de la subordinada con una


Ex: It’s very cold, which wasn’t surprising

THAT= Se utiliza cuando el antecedente es una persona, animal o cosa, sustituyendo a WHO o

WHICH. Solo se usaráen las “defining relative clauses”.

Ex: I don’t like the tablewhich/that stands in the kitchen.


WHEN= cuando. Se utiliza cuando el antecedente es una expresión de tiempo. Se

puedesustituirpor “in which” o “on which”

Ex: The yearwhen/in which we met him was fantastic

The daywhen/on which they arrived was wonderful

WHERE= dónde. Se utiliza cuando el antecedente es un lugar. Se puedesustituirpor “in which”

o “at which”

Ex: The supermarketwhere/in which/ at which we bought it, was extremely big

WHY= por el que/cual, la que/cual, los que/cuales, las que/cuales. Se utiliza cuando el

antecedente indica una razón, motivo…Se puede sustituir por “forwhich”

Ex: That is the reasonwhy/for which I feel happy

WHOSE= cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas. Indica posesión y se utiliza cuando el antecedente es una

persona, animal o cosa.

Ex: Do you Knowthe boywhose mother is a nurse?


WHAT= lo que, qué. Es el único adverbio o pronombre relativo que introduce una oración

subordinada adjetiva que no tiene antecedente.

Ex: I don´t understand what you mean


Las oraciones subordinadas de relativo pueden ser de dos tipos:


caracterizan por:

Dan una información esencial sobre su antecedente, por lo que la oración

subordinada no se puede omitir en ningún caso ya que nos ayuda a identificar a

la persona, animal o cosa de la que se está hablando y si se omitiese la oración

principal no tendría sentido.

Ex. The person who/that makes bread is called a baker

No van entre comas

Ex. The shop which/that sells vegetables is called a greengrocer

Los pronombres y adverbios de relativo pueden omitirse cuando no funcionan

como sujeto de la oración subordinada.

Ex. The present (which/that) I will give to you is a car



The boy who/that has got a piercing is my brother



WHO y WHICH pueden ser sustituidos por THAT.

Ex: The boy (who/that) we met yesterday is very nice

A seaman is someone who/that works on a ship


que una oración de relativa es explicativa cuando el antecedente es un nombre propio

(persona, animal, lugar, cosa…) o aparece un posesivo. Se caracterizan por:

Dan una información adicional/complementaria y no significativa sobre su

antecedente, por lo que la oración subordinada puede omitirse, sin afectar en

absoluto al significado de la oración principal.

Ex. Shakespeare, who died in 1616, wrote ‘Othello’

Van entre comas

Ex. My new bike, which I bought last week, is fantastic


Los pronombres y adverbios de relativo no pueden omitirse en ningún caso

Ex. Antonio Banderas, whosefamilyisSpanish, is a great


THAT no podrá sustituir ni a WHO ni a WHICH en ningún caso

Ex. Nick, who is my best friend, is a lawyer


Los pronombres/adverbios de relativo sólo pueden omitirse en las ‘definingrelativeclauses’ y

cuando no funcionan como sujeto de la oración subordinada. Es fácil darse cuenta si detrás del

pronombre o adverbio aparece un sujeto.

Ex. El coche que mi padre compró es muy bonito

The car (which/that)my fatherbougth is very nice.

Las oraciones con una “relativeclause” en la que el pronombre/adverbio relativo está omitido

se denominan CONTACT CLAUSES

Cuando el pronombre/adverbio funciona como sujeto, éste no puede omitirse

Ex. La gente que vino al concierto era de Madrid.

The people who/that came to the concert were from Madrid

La cartera que está encima de la mesa es mía.

The schoolbag which/that is on the table is mine.


En ocasiones la oración de relativo requiere el uso de una preposición, que acompaña

fundamentalmente a los pronombres relativos WHO, WHOM, WHICH o THAT

Cuando se trata de una Definingrelativeclause son posibles varias opciones:

1. Preposición + pronombre relativo (WHOM/WHICH) + oración de relativo

Ex. This is the radio to which I was listening yesterday


This is the woman about whom I was talking yesterday


2. Pronombre relativo (WHO/WHICH/THAT) + oración de relativo (la preposición se

coloca detrás del verbo o detrás del complemento directo si lo lleva)

Ex. The person who/that I was talkingabout is my sister


The pen which/that I was writingmy homeworkwith is yours



3. Oración de relativo (el pronombre relativo se omite y la preposición se coloca detrás

del verbo o detrás del complemento directo si lo lleva)

Ex. This is the radio I was listeningto yesterday


The knife we cutthe turkeywith belonged to my aunt


* Cuando aparece una preposición delante de un pronombre relativo en una

‘definingrelativeclause’ cuyo antecedente es una persona, sólo puede utilizarse WHOM, nunca

WHO (1). No obstante, es muy frecuente que la preposición se coloque detrás del verbo o del

complemento directo si lo lleva, y usemos WHO (2) u omitamos el relativo (3)

The boy with whom I was speaking yesterday is very intelligent (1)

The boy that/who I was speaking with yesterday is very intelligent (2)

The boy I was speaking with yesterday is very intelligent (3)

Cuando se trata de una Non-definingrelativeclause son posibles sólo dos


1. Preposición+pronombre relativo (WHOM/WHICH) +oración de relativo

Ex. Caesar, about whom our teacher talked about, was a generous person


2. Pronombre relativo (WHO/WHICH) + oración de relativo (la

preposición se coloca detrás del verbo o detrás del complemento

directo si lo lleva ).

Ex. Caesar, who our teacher talkedabout, was a generous person


Mary, who I boughta presentto, is my best friend


* La opción 3 no es posible ya que el pronombre relativo en las non-definingrelativeclauses

no se puede omitir en ningún caso.


Las oraciones de relativo con los pronombres WHO, WHICH, THAT, con función de sujeto

(seguidos de un verbo) pueden ser sustituidas por el verbo de la oración de relativo en su

forma –ING.


.- I told you about a woman who lives next door=I told you about a woman living next


- Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof? = Do you see the cat lying on the




Son un tipo de oraciones que intentan enfatizar que fue el nombre/pronombre, y no otro, el

que realizó o recibió la acción indicada en la oración principal. Tienen la siguiente estructura:

El pronombre relativo más usual y que se puede utilizar siempre para introducir la

‘definingrelativeclause’ es THAT

Ex. It was Ann that I saw ( Fue Ann a quiényoví, ‘no a Jane ni a Mary’)

It’s the manager that we want to see (Es al manager al que queremosver, ‘no al


It was wine that we ordered (Fue vino lo que pedimos, ‘no cerveza’)

WHO solo se puede utilizar cuando detrás del verbo TO BE aparece un nombre propio de

persona. No obstante, sigue siendo más común el uso de THAT

Ex. It was Tom who/that helped us ( Fue Tom el que nosayudó)


Delante de los pronombres relativos WHOM or WHICH que introducen la oración subordinada

adjetiva, pueden aparecer distintos determinantes que indican cantidad + OF.

Her sons, both of whom work abroad, visit her every month

Sus dos hijos que trabajan en el extranjero la visitan todos los meses

He went with a group of people, few of whom were correctly equipped to ski

Fue con un grupo de gente en el que pocos estaban correctamente equipados para esquiar

The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd

La mayoría de los autobuses que estaban ya llenos, estaban rodeados por una multitud enfadada

I met several fruit-pickers, several of whom were university students

Conocí a varios recolectores de fruta de los cuales varios eran estudiantes universitarios

The house was full of boys, some of whom where their own grandchildren

La casa estaba llena de niños, algunos de ellos eran sus propios nietos




Es de suma importancia saber cuando debemos o no debemos poner entre comas las oraciones de

relativo, ya que de lo contrario, el significado de la oración puede cambiar sustancialmente. Basta

con varios ejemplos:

Ex. Thetravellerswhoknewaboutthefloodstookanotherroad(Los viajeros que sabían de la existencia

de inundaciones cogieron otra carretera. Implica que otros viajeros, que no lo sabían, se fueron por

la carretera inundada )

Thetravellers, whoknewaboutthefloods, tookanotherroad (Los viajeros, que sabían de la

existencia de inundaciones, por lo que cogieron otra carretera. Implica que todos los viajeros

sabían de las inundaciones por lo que optaron por otro camino)

Ex, Theboyswhowanted to playfootballweredisappointedwhenitbegan to rain (Los niños que

querían jugar al fútbol estaban decepcionados cuando comenzó a llover. Implica que había otros

niños que no querían jugar al fútbol.

Theboys, whowanted to playfootball, weredisappointedwhenitbegan to rain (Los niños, que

querían jugar al fútbol, estaban decepcionados cuando comenzó a llover. Implica que todos los niños

querían jugar al fútbol)




Suelen introducir oraciones subordinadas adjetivas, aunque a veces introducen otro tipo de


Se pueden traducir de dos formas fundamentalmente.

1) Incluyen en su traducción CUALQUIER/CUALQUIERA

a) WHOEVER/WHOMEVER= cualquier persona / cualquiera/ el que/la que. Usamos

‘whomever’ sólo cuando funciona como complemento y, por tanto, lleva un sujeto

detrás. ‘Whoever’ podemos usarlo cuando funciona tanto como sujeto como


Whoever took my pen should give it back now!

You can give it towhoever needs it.

You can give it to whoever/whomever you like.

Whoever/whomever I spoke to said they didn’t like the film.

I think I have the freedom to talk to whoever/ whomever I choose.

Whoever wants to come with us should decide now.

b) WHICHEVER/WHATEVER= cualquier cosa/cualquier/el que/la que/lo que

Usamos WHICHEVER cuando elegimos una cosa dentro de una cantidad limitada de

cosas y WHATEVER cuando elegimos una cosa dentro de una cantidad ilimitada de


There are three rooms left at the hotel. You can choose whichever you want.

Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking


We shall try to do whatever is needed to make your stay enjoyable

You can eat whatever you want

c) WHEREVER= (en, a) cualquier lugar, en el lugar, al lugar, dónde

You will see that ad wherever you go

Go wherever you like

d) WHENEVER= (en) cualquier/el momento, cada vez que, cuando

My roof leaks whenever it rains

2) Incluye en su traducción NO IMPORTA…

a) WHOEVER/WHOMEVER. No importa quién

Whoever you are, you must be happy

b) WHICHEVER/WHATEVER= No importa que/ lo que

Whatever you do, don´t mention my name

Whichever bedroom you like, buy it

c) WHEREVER= No importadónde

I’ll find him wherever he has gone

d) WHENEVER= No importa cuándo

I’ll find him whenever he has gone

e) HOWEVER= No importa como.Va seguido de un adjetivo o un adverbio

I’d prefer to have my own room, however small it is, than share a room

However hard I worked, she was never satisfied

WISH CLAUSES (I wish, If only…)___________

From: http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-5529.php

1. Wishes about the present

We use wish with past Tense forms (simple and continuous) to express regret

about present situations:

- I wish I was taller/ I wish I were taller = (I’m not very tall)

- I wish I was going with you = (but I'm not)

We use wish with could to express a wish for a present situation to be


Could present I wish I could give you an answer. (= I can't)


I wish I could use a computer well. (But I can’t)

X I wish I would tell her about it.

2. Wishes about the future

We use wish with would to say how we would like somebody to behave in the


Would future I wish you would be quiet. (= Your talking irritates me.)-

Always different subjects-

X I wish you to stop talking.

/I wish you would stop talking.

• We can also use this pattern in situations that do not involve people: I wish

this car would go faster.

3_Wishes about the past

We use wish with the Past Perfect when we have regrets about the past:

I wish I hadn't taken your advice. (= but I did)

I wish she could have come. (= but she didn't).

If only

If only can be more emphatic than I wish. The verb forms after if only are the

same as the patterns with wish:

If only I had more money! (= but I haven't)

If only you were here. (= but you re not)

If only the sun would come out!

If only you could be here! (= but you're not)

If only I'd listened to you! (=but I didn't )


If only he could have explained! (=but he wasn't able to)

MODAL VERBS_____________________________

Modal Verbs for Certainty

Certainty about the Present

When making deductions about the present, we use must if we are sure something is

true and can’t if we are sure that something is impossible.

Carla works every day from 9 AM to 5 PM. Right now it’s 10:30 AM, so…

She must be at work.

She can’t be at home.

Certainty about the Past

When we consider some present evidence and draw a reasonably certain conclusion

about what happened in the past, we use must have and couldn’t have + the past

participle of the verb.

must have + past participle

when we draw the conclusion that something DID happen

Sheila got a tan. She must have spent a lot of time in the sun lately.

There was one banana left, but now it’s gone. My husband must have eaten

Can’t have /couldn’t have + past participle

when we are certain that something was IMPOSSIBLE

Martha couldn’t have taken your notebook; she wasn’t even in class



The cookies are gone. But Eric couldn’t have reached the cookies on the top

shelf; he must have asked his older brother to get them.

Modal Verbs for Expectation

Present/Future Expectation

When you expect something to happen (although you are not completely, 100%

certain), you can use should/shouldn’t for the present or future:


I took my car to the mechanic yesterday and he said the problem would be

fixed in a day – so my car should be ready by now.


Can you please type up these notes? It should only take about half an hour.


The weather is clear, so our flight shouldn’t be delayed.


I’ve written out all the instructions for this task step by step, so

you shouldn’t run into any problems when you try to do it.

Past Expectation

For expectations about what was supposed to happen in the past, you can

use should have and shouldn’t have plus the past participle:

I sent the package three weeks ago with express mail. They should

have received it already. = I expect that they have already received it

This car is brand new. It shouldn’t have broken down.

= I expected it NOT to break down

Because should/shouldn’t are also used for giving advice and recommendations, we

can also use should have and shouldn’t have for evaluating things in the past and

declaring them to have been right or wrong, good or bad:


Lindsay saw a woman who needed help, but did nothing.

“Lindsay, you should have helped her.”

I said something mean to my best friend during an argument.

“I shouldn’t have said that. It really hurt her feelings.”

Modal Verbs for Possibility

Present/Future Possibility

We can use may, might and could to talk about things that are possible in the

present and future.


Where’s Fred? He’s not in his office.

He maybe in the bathroom… or he might be in the conference room.

Don’t eat that mushroom. It could be poisonous.


The weather forecast says it may rain tomorrow.

Your daughter is really smart. She could be very successful someday.

We might take a road trip this weekend.

Some people say that might is less certain than may, but in spoken English there is

really no effective difference. It’s probably best to use might. The word may is less

common, and we can only use could in the positive form, not the negative form, for

talking about possibility:

Are you sure that’s a good idea?

The boss may not / might not like it when he finds out.

The boss could not like it when he finds out.

I may not /might not be the smartest person in the class, but I definitely work

the hardest.


I could not be the smartest person in the class, but I definitely work the


Past Possibility

When talking about past possibilities, we can use… might have / may have / could

have + past participle (for positive possibilities) and might not have / may not have

+ past participle (for negative possibilities).

Positive Past Possibilities:

She’s not home. She might have gone to the store.

He may have misunderstood you when you talked to him yesterday.

The person who stole the documents could have been one of the employees.

Could have is usually used in unreal conditions – when we are imagining a possibility

if something in the past had been different: “If we had started this project earlier,

we could have finished on time.”

Negative Past Possibilities:

John’s not here. He might not have known about the meeting.

If she hasn’t called you back, she may not have listened to your voicemail yet.

Remember that couldn’t have is only used when we are certain that something

is logically impossible in the past:

She couldn’t have taken the car; she doesn’t have a key.


Use must (present) and must have (past) when you are very certain that something

is/was true


Use can’t (present) and couldn’t have (past) when you are very certain that something

is/was impossible

Use should/shouldn’t (present) and should have / shouldn’t have (past) to talk about

things you expect to be true, although you don’t have complete certainty

You can also use should have / shouldn’t have for judging actions in the past to be good

or bad

Use might (most common), may, or could to talk about present and future possibilities

Use might have, may have, or could have to talk about past possibilities

For a possibility that something did NOT happen, use might not have and may not have

EXPRESSING PREFERENCE_________________________________


I prefer coffee to tea (NOUNS)

I prefer skiing to swimming. (GERUND+ GERUND)

I preferto eatfishrather than (eat)meat (INFINITIVE )


I’d preferto havesome water. (To talk about specific preference)

Prefer takes an object when we want to introduce a new subject:

I would prefer herto stay at home

Another clause can be introduced by rather than + bare infinitive :

He’d prefer to stay at home rather than drive to the restaurant )


Would rather + bare inf (same subject)

“ I´d rather stay at home (than go out) / I´d rather not stay at home”

(or the Perfect Infinitive: I'd rather have stayed at home)

Would rather + simple past (different subjects)

“I´d rather you stayed at home/ I´d rather you didn´t stay at home”


(or Past perfect : I'd ratheryou hadn't told her the truth)


HAD BETTER + Bare Infinitive (= should/ought)

You´d better book your flight early

This structure is used to give advice or to say what the best thing to do in a particular situation

is.Had better is more emphatic than Should or Ought to but it is not as emphatic as Must

You must see a lawyer (strong advice)

You ´d better see a lawyer ( less emphatic than "Must")

You should/ought to see a lawyer (even less emphatic)

IT´S HIGH TIME + past if you say it's high time that something happened, you mean

that it should already have been done

“It´s high time you went to bed”

SUBORDINATE CLAUSES Subordinate Clauses of Cause (reason)


We moved to another city because my

father got another job.


Because of

(por/debido a)

We moved to another city because of my

father´s new job BECAUSE OF + NOUN

Since /As (como, puesto que)

As/Since it is your birthday, I´ll lend you my best clothes.

They had to leave early as/since their

train left at 8.30.

‘Since’ tends to be used in informal spoken

English. ‘As’ tends to be used in more formal,

written English. They are generally used at the beginning of a sentence. (Important note: “Since” can be used as a

conjunction to refer to a period of time.)

Due to the fact that (debido a)

We will be staying for an extra week due

to the fact that we have not yet finished. DUE TO THE FACT + CLAUSE It is generally used in very formal, written



Due to Owing to (debido a)

The flight was

delayed, due/owing to bad


DUE TO /OWING TO + NOUN They are often separated from the rest of their

sentence by a comma.

Subordinate Clauses of Effect(result)


I didn´t pass the examination at the first

attempt, so I had to resit it. It is placed after the main clause . A comma

usually separates the clause.

As a result, Therefore, Thus, In consequence,

Consequently, For this/that reason (por tanto, como consecuencia, por esa razón)

I failed my English test and therefore

/as a result /etcI took it again in

September. I failed my English exam.Therefore,/As

a result, /etc I took it again…

They can also be used at the beginning of a

new sentence followed by a comma.

So….. that

It was so expensive (that) we didn´t buy

it SO+ADJ/ADV+ (THAT)…. It expresses a cause-effect relationship.

Such …..that

It is such a big city(that) I always get


SUCH+ ADJ+NOUN+ (THAT)…. It expresses a cause-effect relationship. If the noun is plural or uncountable no

article is used ,ex: “It was such nice weather


REASON CLAUSES (CAUSE) Estas subordinadas se denominan en la sintaxis española SUBODINADAS CAUSALES. Explican la causa de la acción expuesta en la oración principal. Los nexos que se utilizan para introducir estas subordinadas son los siguientes: BECAUSE-porque SINCE/AS-ya que; puesto que BECAUSE OF-a causa de… DUE TO-debido a DUE TO THE FACT THAT_ debido a…

BECAUSE >va seguido de una oración (sujeto+verbo+complementos)

EX: I couldn't go fishing last Saturday because I had to work.

SINCE/AS >. va seguido de una oración (sujeto+verbo+complementos)

EX: We don't need to clean the kitchen today since we cleaned it twodays ago.

BECAUSE OF/ ON ACCOUNT OF>vaseguido de un sintagna nominal


EX: The flight was delayed because of/on accaunt of severe weather.

DUE TO >va seguido de un sintagna nominal

EX: I got home late due to a flight delay.

DUE TO THE FACT THAT>va seguido de una oración

(sujeto+verbo+complementos) EX: I got late due to the fact that she phoned me NOTA: Estas subordinadas podrían ir a principio de la oración pero siempre se debe usar coma para después especificar la oración principal. EXAMPLES: - Because I had to work, I couldn't go fishing last Saturday. - Since we cleaned the kitchen two days ago, we don't need to clean it - today. - Because of severe weather, the flight was delayed. - Due to a flight delay, I got home late.

RESULT CLAUSES (consecutiveclauses)

Estas subordinadas se denominan SUBORDINADAS CONSECUTIVAS en las sintaxis

española. Se utilizan para expresar el resultado o consecuencia de algo.

Los nexos de estas subordinadas son:



- So + adjetivo + oración con that

EX: Hoy hace tanto frío que tuve que pedir prestado un abrigo

It’s so cold today that I had to borrow a coat

- So + Adverbio + oración con that

EX: A veces las temperaturas bajan tan rápido que se me congela el aliento

Sometimes the temperature falls so quicky that my breath freazes

- Such + a(n) + adjetivo + nombre singular + oración con that

EX: Es un país tan bonito que me gustaría quedarme

It’s such a beatiful country that I’d like to stay.


- Such + adjetivo + nombre incontable + oración con that

EX: Hace tan mal tiempo que es demasiado peligroso salir a la calle

It´s such bad weather that it’s too dangerous to go out.

PURPOSE CLAUSES Purpose clauses express the reason why someone did something.

When the subject of the main clause is the same as the subject of the

purpose clause:

- To + Infinitive He plays the guitar to free his emotions.

- In order to + Infinitive He plays the guitar in order to free his emotions.

- So as to + InfinitiveHe plays the guitar so as to free his emotions.

When the subject of the main clause is different from the subject of the

purpose clause:

- So that + subject + can/will

Her mother will give her some money so that she can go to the concert.

- So that + subject + could/would

Her mother gave her some money so that she could go to the concert.

- In order that + subject + can/will

Her mother will give her some money in order that she can go to the concert.

- In order that + subject + could/ would

Her mother gave her some money in order that she could go to the concert. - For+ pronombreobjeto+ to infinivite

She gave permission for her to go to the concert

So that Expressing Purpose (FINALIDAD para…)


The that-clause often includes a modal — can, could, may, might, etc.



We take blanketsso that we can keep warm.

We took blanketsso (that) we could keep warm.


Other expressionsare followed by infinitive clauses or gerund .

We take blankets to keep warm. (INF)

so as to keep warm. (INF)

in order to keep warm. (INF)

for warmth. (noun phrase)

for the purpose of keeping warm.

So that Expressing Result (CONSECUENCIAasí que…)

So that also joins a clause stating an effect for the action in the first clause. The

clauses are separated by a comma.


We took blankets,so (that) we weren't cold.


We took blankets as a result, we weren't cold.

Consequently, we weren't cold.

For this reason, we weren't cold.

Therefore, we weren't cold.

CONCESSIVE CLAUSES (CONTRAST CLAUSES) Estas subordinadas se utilizan para expresar contraste. En español los nexos utilizados son: aunque, a pesar de ..... En inglés los conectores que utilizamos son los siguientes:

ALTHOUGH (formal) / THOUGH (informal) + Oración = aunque…..

EX: My boyfriend loves me although I often get angry with him



pesar de que….. EX: We bought the tickets despite the fact that/ in spite of the fact that they were expensive

DESPITE / IN SPITE OF + Nombre/ Pronombre/ Verbo-ING = a pesar de …..

EX: We bought the tickets despite/ in spite of being expensive NOTA: Estas subordinadas pueden aparecer al principio de la oración pero deben ir seguidas por una coma para después introducir la oración principal

EX: Despite/ in spite of being expensive, we bought the tickets

Good Luck !!!!





Verb Tenses

- Present Simple and Present Continuous

- Past Simple and Past Continuous

- Present Perfect and Past Perfect

- Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous

- Past Perfect and Past simple

- Be going to / will+ inf

- Future Simple and Future Continuous

- Mixed tenses

- Gerunds and Infinitives

Passive voice and Special Passive Structures

Reported Speech

Other verbs of reporting

Relative Clauses

Conditional Clauses

Wish Clauses

Expressing preferences

Modal verbs

Subordinate Clauses

- Cause and Result Clauses

- Purpose Clauses

- Contrast Clauses




- Put the word in brackets in the correct form.

1She is so busy with activities that she has no time for entertainment.


2. Winning the race was an (achieve).

3. Every in science helps you gain new knowledge. (succeed)

4. is increasing by using better methods and tools. ( produce)

5. He’s very in scientific subjects. (interest)

6. There have been many wonderful in this century. ( develop)

7. , he survived the crash without injury. ( miraculous )

8. We are faced with a difficult (choose)

9. Do you need a memory to become a scientist? ( miracle)

10. Our school team won three Games. ( succession)

11. It will take a long time to find out a thorough to this problem. ( solve


12. Paper money is used (increase ) in the modern world.

13. (educate) is very important for everyone.

14. This skirt will lose its color when (wash )

15. This village was (electric ) three years ago.

16. This clock is her most (value) thing.

17. I’ll give you three sweets in (change) for an apple.

18. In recent years, there has been many (develop) in science.

19. Can you (imagination) life without electricity?

20. They at least once every two week.(correspondence)

21. She is quite (recognize) in her shirt.

22. Friendship (base) on trust and understanding is long lasting.

23. The plane arrived after a violent storm. ( safe )

Word Formation 2 - Noun - Adjective

Noun Adjective






















Word Formation - Verb - Noun

Verb Noun


save safe


















1-Forming nouns from verbs, nouns and adjectives by using suffixes.

1. My teacher says there has been a big (IMPROVE) .......... in my English lately.

2. The recipe says you only need to add two (SPOON) .......... of salt.

3. Why did you do that? I thought you had more (INTELLIGENT) .......... than that.

4. The singer gave a briliant (PERFORM) .......... on stage yesterday.

5. Have you seen her magazine (COLLECT) ..........? She must have over 200 editions.

6. On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of (SAD) .......... .

7. When you take the FCE Speaking paper you will be given marks for your

(ACCURATE) .......... and also on how fluent you are.

8. She has the (ABLE) .......... to pass the exam first time round providing she works


2-Choose the correct prefix or suffix to form the opposite of the word in


in- im- il- un- -less dis- ir-

1 When he became a teenager he wanted to be more (DEPENDENT) from his


2 It was really (HONEST) of you to take that money without asking.

3 If you hadn't been so (CARE) with that book you'd still have it now.

4 My broken leg means I'll be (ABLE) to go on holiday with you.

5 In many countries it is (LEGAL) to smoke cigarettes under the age of 16.

6 He waited (PATIENTLY) for the train to arrive at the station.

7 The teacher told me it was (RESPONSIBLE) of me to set off the fire alarm.

3-Forming adjectives and adverbs. Write the correct form of the

adjective or adverb of the word in CAPITALS.

1. Be sure to contact him if you need advice. He's a very (HELP) ..........



2. It was a really (ENJOY) .......... party. Thanks for inviting me.

3. He has just taken out a (MONTH) .......... subscription to the magazine.

4. She smiled (HAPPY) .......... when they offered her the new job.

5. (HOPE) .......... we'll have enough money saved to get married next year.

(2 changes required)

6. In order for the medicine to work (EFFECT) .......... you must take the

correct amount. (2 changes required)

7. Although our teacher is very strict in class, she is (FRIEND) .......... than

you would expect. (2 changes required)

8. What a beautiful vase! That's the (LOVE) .......... present I've ever had.

(2 changesrequired)

3-Complete the following sentences by adapting the word given in brackets.

Exercise 1

1) We need to find a __________ to the problem as soon as possible. (solve)

2) Juan speaks English fluently and makes very few __________ mistakes.


3) The teacher keeps a record of every student's __________ . (attend)

4) Air-conditioning is a ___________ if you live somewhere like the south of

Spain. (necessary)

5) Don't be afraid of the dog. He's absolutely __________ . (harm)

6) The company is trying hard to improve customer __________ . (satisfy)

7) Measures were taken around the world to __________ airport security after

the 11 September attacks. (tight)

8) We're going to change our suppliers as they have become very __________ in

the last year. (rely)


9) Patricia's very __________ . She writes short stories, paints and makes

mosaics. (create)

10) We need your __________ at the bottom of the page. (sign)

Exercise 2

1) The index at the back of the book is in __________ order. (alphabet)

2) The fans waved __________ as the film star stepped out of the limousine.


3) Chickenpox is a highly __________ disease which many people catch as a child.


4) Matt is very __________ . He wants to be number one at everything. (compete)

5) Harry loves cars and he's so __________ about them. (knowledge)

6) There is little __________ of the president being re-elected. (likely)

7) The prime minister thinks there may be a __________ to overthrow him.


8) In __________ with Tokyo, London and Paris are relatively cheap. (compare)

9) The police were unable to __________ that she had committed the crime.


10) The president's speech went on for so long that I almost died of __________

! (bore)


In this exercise, you must change the words given into new adjectives,

adverbs, or verbs by addingthe prefix or suffix that best suits the context.

1-It's totally ______________________________ (understand) that you stayed

home when you weresick.

2-Don't laugh at his stupid jokes! You'll only

______________________________ (courage) him tosay them again.


3-That sidewalk is ______________________________ (slip), I almost fell!

3-AfterMonday, I will no longer be a foreigner--I am receiving

my_____________________________ (citizen)!

4-Arthur will be very lonely unless you ______________________________

(friend) him.

5-Every afternoon, the cooks ______________________________ (sharp) their

knives in preparationfor dinner.

6-I hate being around Mary Lou, she is so ______________________________


7-The stock market crash of 1929 left my great-grandfather


8-I have a class at 8:00 a.m. but I always ______________________________


9-The groom may ______________________________ (veil) the bride only when

their vows havebeen exchanged.

10-I think we should try something else. That strategy seems way

too_________________ (risk).

11-My father's death left me with a great ______________________________

(empty) in my heart.

12-George W. Bush is pretending that he attacked Iraq to

______________________________(liberty) the Iraqis.

13-Americans fought hard to earn their ______________________________

(free) from Britain.

14-When you work at a nuclear power plant, you have to be

extremely____________ (care).

15-Every time I think I've beaten you, you ______________________________

(do) me!

16-I had to take three months off when I was pregnant, but my boss has been very

______________________________ (understand).


17-He will __________________________ (cork) the wine as soon as we are

ready for dinner.

18-You need to work on your orthography so you don't _______________

(spell)these words.

19-The weather ______________________ (cast) looks bad for a picnic--rainy

and windy!


Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line !

Detroit is renowned for the of cars. PRODUCE

If you make a good at the interview, you will get the job IMPRESS

Teaching and medicine are more than , they're professions. OCCUPY

My history teacher has a vast of past events. KNOW

You are never too old to go to college and gain some QUALIFY

My greatest was graduating from the university. ACHIEVE

The weatherman said there is a strong of rain today. POSSIBLE

Some old laws are no longer . EFFECT

Athens is for its ancient buildings. FAME

He was caught shoplifting so now he has a record. CRIME

Despite her severe , she fulfilled her goals in life. DISABLE

Being is the worst thing that can happen to someone. EMPLOY


If you buy presents in the summer your can be very high. SAVE

Due to the pilot's , the copilot managed to land safely. GUIDE

It's important to also see the less sides of the job. DESIRE

I was surprised at his to give up. REFUSE

Children are by nature of danger. AWARE

She is always towards her parents. RESPECT

the hospital has the best medical and fast ambulances. EQUIP

You can relax in the comfortable of the hotel. SURROUND

The looked dark and there were hardly any other guests. ENTER

VOCABULARY 6 (rephrasing)

Complete the sentences using the words in bold so that the sentences have the same


1. 'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her.


He .................................. for dinner at the weekend.

2. His boss won't tolerate lateness. put

His boss won't .................................. lateness.

3. The school I studied at last year was better than this one. good

This school ................... my last one.

4. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time.spite

We had a good time .................... the terrible weather.


5. Being rude is inexcusable.excuse

There is ............................. rude

6. I find driving on the left in England very strange.accustomed

I ..................................... on the left in England.

7. I regret taking up smoking.wish

I ..................................... up smoking.

8. The police are interviewing the suspects. interviewed

The suspects ..................................... by the police.

9. Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed.due

The motorway is closed ........................................ that there was heavy snow the night


10. I don’t care what you do.concerned

As ........................................ you can do what you like.

11. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice.such

It ........................................ meal in the restaurant.

12. He was ordered to leave the field for arguing with the referee.sent

The referee ....................................... for arguing.

13. Do you and your brother have the same looks?like

Does ........................................ you?

14. That’s the garage where I left my car last week.repaired

That’s where I went ........................................ last week.

15. You can't bring food into this room.supposed

You ........................................ food into this room.

16. I want to go to university this year.interested

I ........................................ to university this year.

17. "Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?" asked Tony.if

Tony asked Jane ........................................ on holiday recently.

18. I was too tired to go to the party.so…..that

I was ........................................ I couldn't go to the party.

19. There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.waste

It's ........................................ asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.


20. The union claims its members will only return to work if the company agrees to a


The union claims its members will ....................................... the company agrees to a


21. I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.must

It ........................................ Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

22. We demanded to see the hotel manager to make our complaint.insisted

We ........................................ the hotel manager to make our complaint.

23. The boss wouldn't object to you going early today.objection

The boss would not ........................................ you going early today.

Multiple Choice Cloze

Environmental Concerns

Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1) ...

human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2)

... on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's

population do so (3) ... to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (4) ... resource we

have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (5) ...

built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that

they will never be able to recover (6) ... We discharge pollutants into the

atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (7) ... the planet's

ability to support people is being cut at the very time when rising human numbers

and consumption are (8) ... increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth's (9) ...

resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines,

warmth, shelter and minerals to (10) ... us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If

we are sensible in how we use the resources they will (11) ... indefinitely. But if we

use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer.

1 A Although

B Still C Yet D Despite

2 A



repeats C

carries D


3 A



just C

for D


4 A



individual C

lone D


5 A



neither C

either D



6 A



greatly C

utterly D


7 A



result C

reaction D


8 A



having C

taking D


9 A natural B real C living D genuine

10 A hold B maintain C stay D keep 11 A last B stand C go D remain

Food Production

In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able to

live (0) ….lives in what we would now term NATURE

'free-range' conditions. Such farming methods however,

were not able to supply the rapidly growing (1) ... POPULATE

of the world and the increasing demands on food

(2) ... In order to cope with this rising demand, factory CONSUME

farming methods were introduced along with the (3) ... DEVELOP

of genetically engineered (4) ... hormones, which GROW

resulted in a massive increase in food (5) ... PRODUCE

However, these developments in the use of factory

farming and drug (6) ... have led to a widespread TREAT

feeling that animals are being caused a lot of distress

and that the quality of the food itself suffers as a

consequence. Certainly, many people (7) ... with the idea AGREE

of keeping animals in one building for their entire (8) ... EXIST

and argue that more emphasis should be given to (9) ... ALTERNATE

farming methods. A growing number of people are

choosing to eat organic food, supporting farmers who use

free-range methods, a system which has proved to be

both (10) ... and more humane. ECONOMY


Dress Code

Word Form Quiz – 1 This text was taken from William Jefferson Clinton's Inaugural Presidential Address,

January 20, 1993.

“We earn our _____ (LIVE) in America today in peaceful ______

(COMPETE) with people all across the Earth. Profound and _____ (POWER)

forces are shaking and _____ (MAKE) our world, and the urgent question of

our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy. This

new world has already _____ (RICH) the lives of millions of Americans who

are able to _____ (COMPETITION) and win in it. But when most people are

working harder for less, when others cannot work at all, when the cost of

health care devastates families and threatens to _____ (BANK) our

enterprises, great and small, when the fear of crime robs law abiding

citizens of their _____ (FREE), and when millions of poor children cannot

even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not made change

our friend.


































Word Form Quiz – 2

`It is simply this. That Space, as our _____ (MATH) have it, is spoken of as having

three dimensions, which one may call _____ (LONG), Breadth, and _____ (THICK),

and is always definable by _____ (REFER) to three planes, each at right angles to

the others. But some philosophical people have been asking why THREE dimensions

_____ (PARTICULAR) - why not another direction at right angles to the other

three?--and have even tried to construct a Four-Dimension geometry. Professor

Simon Newcomb was expounding this to the New York Mathematical Society only a

month or so ago. You know how on a flat surface, which has only two dimensions, we

can represent a figure of a three _____ (DIMENSION) solid, and _____

(SIMILAR) they think that by models of thee dimensions they could represent one

of four--if they could master the _____ (PERCEIVE) of the thing. See?'






































Word Form Quiz - 3

Q: In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait

of a young man of _____ (ORDINARY) personal beauty, and in front of it, some little

_____ (DISTANT) away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden

_____ (APPEAR) some years ago caused, at the time, such public _____ (EXCITE), and

gave rise to so many strange conjectures. As the painter looked at the _____ (GRACE)

and comely form he had so _____ (SKILL) mirrored in his art, a smile of ______

(PLEASE) passed across his face, and seemed about to linger there. But he _____

(SUDDEN) started up, and, closing his eyes, placed his fingers upon the lids, as though he

sought to _____ (PRISON) within his brain some curious dream from which he feared he

might _____ (WAKE).










































Present simple & Present continuous.

1. Complete the sentences.

Use the correct form of the


- I ______________ (take)

Sally out for dinner tonight.

- The 3 pm train ___________

(return) by 4:30 pm.

-The girls and I ____________

(go) out tonight.

- At 8 am, we _____ (leave) on

the excursion to Oahu.

-The return train

_____________ (depart) one

hour after the race.

- The office _____________

(throw) a going-away party for


- They __________ (have) very

small wedding on the beach.

- Thanksgiving _____________ (fall) on the 25th of November this


- Eating sandwiches every day is boring, so I ____________ (eat) out


- Mr. President, you ____________ (address) the UN Assembly at

noon on July 10th.

Present simple

We use the present simple to talk about:

events that are part of a timetable or


My plane leaves at 10.15 this evening.

There is a good concert on next week.

While the events are in the future, their

existence is already established in the present.

Present continuous

We use the present continuous to talk about:

a future arrangement:

We're having a party this weekend.

! tonight, next month /year/week, tomorrow,

this weekend etc.

Fixed arrangements can also use going to, but

the present continuous is more common:

- I'm going to visit my family this summer.(A

future plan)

- I'm meeting my family at 6.00. (A fixed

arrangement involving other people)

Will is not used with arrangements and this

sounds unusual.


2.Write the questions. Use the correct form of the verb. Then

answer them.

- What / you / buy / for Janice's birthday present?


- What time / the train / leave?


- What / you / do / tonight?


- When / your parents / leave?


- How often / you / go to the cinema?


3. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present

simple or present continuous.

Kim usually visits (visit) her cousins at the weekend.

At the moment Linda is working (work) as a motorcycle courier.

1 Tom ……………… often ……………… (not go) to the Cyber café.

2 Excuse me. ……………………..…… you ……………… (know) how to get to

Church Street?

3 What …………….…… you ……………… (listen to)?

4 Juan ……………… (work) for the Iberia airline. He’s a pilot.

5 In the summer, the sun ……………… (rise) at five o’clock in the morning.

6 I ………………… (not like) my gym. I ……………..…… (not get) fit fast


7 Tom and I ……………… (go) to the beach this weekend.


A: What ………………………………………………….(you, do) when the accident


B: I ………………………………………………..(try) to change a light bulb that had

burnt out.


2. After I ………………………………………….(find) the wallet full of money, I

…..……………………. (go, immediately) to the police and…………………………….

(turn) it in.

3. The doctor………………………………….. (say) that Tom …………………..(be) too

sick to go to work and that he……………………………………….. (need) to stay at

home for a couple of days.

4. Sebastian ……………………………………………..(arrive) at Susan's house a little

before 9:00 PM, but she ……………………………………..(be, not) there. She

……………………………………(study) at the library for her final examination in


5. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time

yesterday, she ……………………………………………(watch, also) television. That's

all she ever does!

6. A: I …………………………………………………..(call) you last night after dinner,

but you ……………………………………..(be, not) there. Where were you?

B: I ………………………………………………(work) out at the fitness center.

7. When I…………………………………………… (walk) into the busy office, the

secretary ……………………………………………….(talk) on the phone with a

customer, several clerks …………………………………………….(work, busily) at

their desks, and two managers …………………………………………..(discuss, quietly)

methods to improve customer service.

8. I …………………………………………………..(watch) a mystery movie on TV when

the electricity ……………………………………….(go out). Now I am never going to

find out how the movie ends.

9. Sharon…………………………………… (be) in the room when John

………………………(tell) me what happened, but she didn't hear anything

because she ..………………………. ……………………………… (listen, not) .

10. It's strange that you ……………………………(call) because I

……………………………………… (think, just) about you.


Present perfect simple and past simple

Present perfect simple

We use the present perfect simple:

to talk about an experience in somebody’s life. (We don’t say when it happened.)

He has had a mobile phone for a long time .with for and since to talk about an action that

started in the past and continues to the present.

Tim has known Kate since he was ten.

withjust, yet and already for a past action with a result in the present. I have just bought a new mountain bike.

Past simple

We use the past simple to talk about a finished

action that happened at a definite time in the past.

We saw John at the weekend.

1 Choose the correct words.

- They’ve already / yet visited Venice.

- Have you ever / never seen a ghost?

- Has she finished work just / yet?

- They’ve been married for / since October.

- Lucy has worked in the circus since / for she was a child.

- David has just / yet got back from holiday.

2 Complete the newspaper extracts. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or

past simple.

Last night a massive tidal wave 1……………………. (hit) the coast of Mexico. Over 5,000

people 2………………………………..… (already / lose) their homes.

Yesterday a girl 3………………….……… (hand in) a briefcase containing £100,000 to the

police. The girl found the briefcase at Euston railway station.

The cost of living in Britain 4……………… (rise) again. Last year prices in British

supermarkets 5……………… …………(increase) by more than five per cent.

3Complete the text. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or past simple.


1…………… you …………… (ever / dream) of being a film star? Leonardo DiCaprio was only five years old

when he 2………….…(star) in his first TV show, and just thirteen when he 3……………… (appear) in his

first film. Since then he4……………… (not stop) working. He 5……………… (be) in over fifteen films and

he 6……………… (work) with stars such as Robert De Niro and Johnny Depp.

Leonardo 7………………………… (be) born in Los Angeles in 1974. After appearing in TV shows,

he8………………………… (get) his first film role in Critters 3, then he starred in Romeo and Juliet.

But it 9……………..……… (not be) until Titanic that he 10………………..……… (become) a world-famous teen

idol. It was then that Leonardo 11………………… (begin) to appear on magazine

covers around the world.

Since Titanic, Leonardo 12…………...………… (be) very busy. He 13………………..…… (already / make) three

more films and 14………….………… (just / start) work on another.

4 Write questions about Leonardo. Use the present perfect simple or past simple.

1 How old / when / first appear / on TV? ………………………………

2 ever / meet / Robert De Niro? ………………………………………

3 How long / be / an actor? ………………………………………………

4 famous / before Titanic? ………………………………………………

5 How many / films / make / since Titanic? ………………………………

Present perfect simple and continuous PresentPerfect simple

We use the present perfect simple to talk about:

past actions or situations which happened before another past action or situation.

When we arrived to the cinema, the film had already started

events before a specific time in the past

By 6 pm we had already finished the homework.

Present Perfect Continuous


We use the present perfect continuous to talk about:

actions which began in the past and continue in the present

He’sbeen living in Melilla since 1986

past activities that have a result in the present

They have been working hard all morning.

1. Complete using the past simple and the past perfect.

- Where have you been? I ___________ for ages (wait)

- My garden's a jungle. I ____________ any gardening for months (not do)

- How's Maggie? I ________________ her for ages (not see)

- You're covered in hay, Max. What ____________________ you? (do)

- We've discovered this great pub and we______________________ there a lot (go)

- I have to write a 300 word essay. I______________________ about half so far (write)

- That old house now looks fantastic. The owners ____________________ it completely


- I'm exhausted. I_____________________ in the garden all day (work)

- Maggie's gone to the doctor's. She ______________________toowell lately.(not


- I think Maggie and Max are dating. They______________________ a lot of each

other recently (see)

- I ______________________ (practise) these tenses for three weeks now. Do you

think I have made any progress.

- She ______________________ (gossip) about me, hasn't she. I can just feel it.

2. Complete using the correct form of the verb:

- Those young men ________________ (run) nearly two miles.

They ___________________(run) for ten minutes.

- Since tea time Elaine ________________ (do) sums in her exercise book. She

________________ (do) fifty.

- You ________________ (drink) tea all day. You ________________ (drink) at least


ten cups.

- Simon ________________(deliver) about two hundred newspapers.

He ________________(deliver) them since early this morning.

- Bob and his friends________________ (play) golf since lunch time.

They ________________ (play) ten holes.

- Helen ________________(tell) me you are seriously ill. Why didn't you tell me


- Our company ________________(double) its turnover over the past six months.

Past perfect simple and past simple Past perfect simple

We use the past perfect simple to talk about:

past actions or situations which happened before another past action or situation.

When we arrived to the cinema, the film had already started


events before a specific time in the past

By 6 pm we had already finished the homework.

Past simple

We often use the past simple and the past perfect in the same sentence. We use the past perfect for

the fist action and the past simple for the second, later action.

By the time they arrived the train had already left.

1. Complete using the past simple and the past perfect.

-My father ________ in Madrid when he was young (live)

- David's car was very new; he just ________ it (buy)

- Ann passed her exam because she ________ a lot (study)

- The oil tanker ________ in the middle of a terrible hurricane (sink)

- Last summer my parents went to London; they never ________ there before (be)

- When the police arrived the terrorist just ________ one hostage (kill)


- Mark ________ me to his birthday party (not invite)

- Yesterday my kids ________ to the zoo (go)

- Ten years ago I ________ 100.000 euros for my house (pay)

- When I saw your father I didn't recognize him. He ________ a lot (change)

- The first time I ________ my wife was in Paris during the Roland Garros Tournament


- Last night I ________ to bed very late because I was reading a book (go)

- The bomb ________ in front of the police station (explode)

- When my mother phoned me yesterday night I just ________ to bed (go)

- I arrived very late at the party and my friends just ________ (leave)

- Mr Wilson ________ alone in his castle (die)

- I ________ for an American firm for 10 years (work)

- We ________ our trip to Italy a lot (enjoy)

- When the vaccine was finally developed that strange illness already ________

thousands of people (kill)

2. Complete using the correct form of the verbs

- Last September the village ________ (be) very quiet: the holiday makers already

________ (leave)

- Last time I ________ (go) to Barcelona they ________the Olympic Village (open)

- When the bomb ________ (explode) the police already ________ the building


- When the helicopter finally ________ (arrive) the oil tanker ________ (sink)

- The public ________ the referee during the match (insult)

- I ________ (not see) my brother last summer. He ________ in France (be)



1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.

- She ________ (play) tennis with Tom on Tuesday.

- When Julia grows up, she ___________ (be) a doctor

- If it gets any colder, it __________ (snow)

- I___________ (meet) Peter on Tuesday.

- Do you know what time _____________ (leave/ the train)?

- I´ve got the tickets for Madonna's concert in London. We__________ (go) next June.

- Jack ______________ (not meet) us next weekend.

- 'It's hot in here.' 'OK, I _________ (open) the window.'

- 'Have you decided what ____________ ( you/do) at Christmas?' 'Yes, we ________

(stay) with my parents.'

Going to

We use “going to” to talk about:

future intentions or plans when a decision has already been made:

She’s going to study History at university.

predictions when there is some evidence you can see now:

The sky is very cloudy, it’s going to rain.


We use “will” to talk about:

decisions at the moment of speaking.

Somebody is knocking at the door. I’ll open.

general predictions:

The forecast says it’ll be cold tomorrow.

things that are certain to happen (they don not depend on our willingness):

I’ll be 18 next summer

!I am sure / I suppose / Perhaps / Probably / Surely / Possibly...


- 'We ____ (go) to Paris for Sylvia's birthday. But it's a secret.' 'Is it? OK, I __________

(not tell) her.'

- My parents _____________ (leave) town tomorrow.

2. Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

In a hundred years time I think people 1……………… (live) on the moon.

What 2 ……………… (wear) you for the party? I haven't decided yet. Maybe I 3 ………………

(wear) my new jeans.

Greg passed his driving test last week. He told me he 4 ……………… (buy) a car.

I feel terrible. I think 5 ……………… (be) sick.

Future perfect simple and future continuous


We use the future perfect simple to talk about an activity that will be finished by a specific time in

the future.

They‘ll have finished building the bridge by next January.

We use the future continuous to talk about an activity that will be in progress at a specific time in the


This time next week I’ll be flying to Rome.


Future perfect simple: we use will + have/has + past participle.

I’llhave finished my homework in an hour.

Future continuous: we use will + be + the -ing

form of the verb.

In an hour, I’llbe getting ready to go out.

1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the future perfect simple

or the future continuous.

1 This time next week we ……………… (ski) in the French Alps.

2 Greg is taking a year off to travel. By the end of next year he ……………… (visit)

seven countries.

3 ‘What will you be doing this time tomorrow?’‘I ………………… (take) my English


4 Don’t come round at six o’clock. I ……………… (still / do) my homework.

If you want to come round at seven, you can. I ……………… (finish) it by then.

5 Jill has accepted a job abroad. This time next month she ……………… (work) in



6 Next year, I ……………… (live) in this house for ten years.

3 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1 This time tomorrow I’ll be ……………………………………………….

2 By next weekend I’ll have ..……………………………………………

3 In six months’ time I’ll be ………………………………………………

4 By the end of this year I’ll have……………………………………………

5 In three years’ time I’ll be ………………………………………………

Mixed tenses

1. "What …………………………………….( Peter /do) now?"

2. Please……………………….(not/make) so much noise. I……………………………………. (study) for my online


3. Ron ……………………………… (phone) Jill again. It ………………….. (be) the third time he

………………………………………….(phone) her this evening.

4. It …………………………….. (rain) now. It……………………………… (begin) raining two hours ago. So

it………………………………….. (rain) for two hours.

5. ……………………………………………….(you/hear) anything from Tom since Christmas?

6. " ……………………………………………(.you /go) out last night?"

John ever (win) a prize at a race?

7. I ………………………….. (fall) asleep yesterday when I …………………………….. (watch) TV.

8. George ………………………………………(neverbe) to Canada.

9. I ………………………………..(not find) the ring which I ……………………….. (lose) at the party


10. Mike………………………………. (write) on his notebook now. How long …………………( he /write)?

11. When they………………………… (work) in the garden, the phone ……………………… (ring).

They………………………………………. (meet) my brother an hour ago.

12. This is the most beautiful painting I…………………………………………… (ever see).

13. My parents ……………………………….(recently/ buy) some property in the south of France. They

…………………………………….. (build) a summer cottage at the moment

14. Andy and Sally ………………………………………. (go) to a concert tomorrow night. They

……………………………………….. (look forward to) it all week

15. When he ……………………………………. (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old.

He................................................. (already/ write) his first computer programme seven years


16. They …………………………………… (stand) in the queue for an hour when the manager

………………………………….. (inform) them that there were no more tickets available


17. An accident ………………………………………. (occur) near my house last night. A car

…………………………………… (hit) a young man. He ………………………………..(ride) a bicycle when suddenly

someone ……………………………………… (open) the front door of a car. Several witnesses

……………………………………….. (see) the accident. The police ……………………………………….(question) them

all night

18. Robert ……………………………………… (watch) the news in English every day on TV and it

………………………………….. (help) him with his English.

19. I …………………………………… (see) a film a week ago, but I ………………………………………(not like) it

very much. The problem was that I …………………………………………….(already/ read) the book

20. Alan ………………………………………….. (be) in a car accident yesterday. The other driver

……………………………….. (lose) control of his car because he ………………………….. (fall) asleep

21. Last night my neighbour………………………… (knock) on the door. She ………………………………..

(want) my father to move the car because she …………………………………(not can) get out of her

parking space

22. My sister …………………………………………. (fly) home from London today. Her flight

……………………………………..(land) in an hour, so I …………………………………… (leave) home right now to

pick her up at the airport

23. I …………………………………(sleep) when the fire …………………………………… (break out)

24. She ……………………………… (not see) her father since she …………………….. (start) working in

France two years ago

24.I……………………………… (not sleep) at all last night because somebody …………………………………

(listen) to very loud music all night long

25.......................................... (you/ write) to him tonight? Yes, I always ………………………………

(write) to him on his birthday. ……………………………………(you/want) to send him a message?

26.I…………………………………. (just/ see) the film “the Da Vinci Code”. ……………………………………. (you/

see) it? No, I ………………………….. Is it like the book? Well, I ……………………………. (not know)

because I ………………………………. (not read) the book

27.While he ………………………….. (wait) for the bus, there ………………….. (be) a robbery at the

bank. The police …………………………….. (appear) after the robbers ……………………………….. (run away),

so they …………………………………… (not catch) them

28.Yesterday before Peter …………………………… (leave) home he …………………………..(write) a note to

his girlfriend

29.He………………………………(always/ say) that he will mend the window, but he

……………………………………..(never/ do) it

30.I used to ski when I ………………….(be) at university, but I …………………………..(break) my leg

five years ago and I ……………………………. (not do) any skiing since then

31. Don’t worry!! I ……………………………. (give) you a call at 6.30

32.I…………………………………………….. (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he ………………..


33.By December 6th we ………………………………….. (finish) the first term exams and we

…………………………………… (have) a long free weekend

34.Why……………………………………….. (she/ learn) Chinese this year? Because she

………………………………………… (work) for a Chinese company at the moment and she

…………………………………………. (work) in the Beijing office next year.


Gerunds and infinitives

We use gerunds after prepositions (e.g. without, before) and after certain verbs (e.g. enjoy,

can’tstand, afraid of).

She left without saying goodbye.

He enjoys going rollerblading at the weekend.

We use infinitives after certain verbs (e.g. want, hope, offer).

Paul offered to repair Sue’s bike.

After some verbs (e.g. like, love, hate, prefer, start, continue) we can use either the gerund or

infinitive with no change in meaning.

I like playing tennis.

I like to play tennis.

1 Rewrite the sentences using gerunds.

Tim cycled into town. He didn’t stop Tim cycled into town without


1 Rachel lost the race. She was very angry. Rachel was angry about ……..


2 We didn’t go to the cinema, we watched a video at hom

Instead of ………………………….………………………………………………

3 Ivan passed his driving test because he practised every weekend.

By ……………………………..……………………………………………………………

4 Gillian read the newspaper then she phoned her friend.

Before ……………………………………………………………………………………

5 They left the disco and went for a coffee.

After …………………………………………………………………………………………

6 Jake has split up with his girlfriend.

He’s upset. Jake is upset about ……………………………………………………

2 Choose the correct forms.

1 Tony wants to go / going travelling before he goes to university.

2 He promised to buy / buying her a diamond ring for their anniversary.

3 Have you ever considered studying / to study abroad?

4 He agreed to buy / buying the motorbike for £2,000.

5 John has been a farmer for twenty years. He’s used to getting up / get

up early.

6 It’s cold today. You shouldn’t go out without wearing / to wear your



3 Complete the story with gerunds or infinitives: A haunted house

When I was a child I used to spend my holidays at my aunt and uncle’s old

country house. One summer I remember having (have) a strange


It was a hot afternoon, and my cousins suggested 1……………… (play) hide-


But instead of 2……………… (go) outside, we decided 3……………… (play) in the

attic. After 4……………… (turn off) all the lights, we all hid in different

places. I managed 5……………… (hide) behind an old sofa.

Then something odd happened. In the darkness we heard footsteps come

into the room. The footsteps seemed 6……………… (walk) towards the sofa. I

wanted 7……………… (move), but I couldn’t. I expected something terrible 8……………… (happen). Then suddenly the footsteps stopped and the door

slammed shut. After 9……………… (wait) for a few seconds, we jumped up and

ran downstairs without 10……………… (stop).

We told my aunt and uncle, but they refused 11……………… (believe) us.

Mysteriously the house burned down a year later. The fire started in the


Passive voice

1-Put these sentences into the passive voice:

1.Somebody might have stolen your car if you had left the keys in it.

............................................................................................................................. ..

2.An electrical fault could have caused the fire.


3.They are going to hold next year´s congress in San Francisco.

............................................................................................................................. ..

4.They shouldn´t have played the football match in such bad weather.

............................................................................................................................. ..

5.They don´t pay Jim very much………………………………………………………

6.They didn´t ask me my name. ……………………………………………………..

............................................................................................................................. ..

7.He likes people to call him "sir"...........................................................................


8.They are going to cut down some trees..............................................................

9.Who painted the Mona Lisa?..............................................................................

10.You must buy tickets for the


11.They are typing the reports..............................................................................

12 People don´t use these road very often............................................................

13.They have changed the date of the


14.Somebody accused me of stealing money.......................................................

15.You will have to put your name in the list of


............................................................................................................................. ..

2-Put these sentences into the active voice:

1.The books were found yesterday.

............................................................................................................................. ..

2.The thieves haven´t been found by the police.


3.I was sent a letter.

............................................................................................................................. ..

4.A new school is going to be built.

............................................................................................................................. ..

5.Who was this book written by?


6.The first man was sent into space by the Americans.

............................................................................................................................. ..


The verbs think, believe, say, report, know, expect, consider,

understand,etc, are used in the following passive patterns in personal and

impersonal constructions.

Active: People believe that he lied in court.

Passive: 1. It is believed (that) he lied in court. (impersonal)

It + passive + that-clause

2.He is believed to have lied in court. (personal)

Subject + passive + to-infinitive


Active: They expect him to arrive soon.

Passive: 3. It is expected (that) he will arrive soon. (impersonal)

It + passive + that-clause

4.He is expected to arrive soon. (personal)

Subject + passive + to-infinitive

Different tenses in personal passive constructions. Present active:

People believe that Mr Brown owns a lot of land in the north.

Present personal passive construction:

Mr Brown is believed to own a lot of land in the north.

Future active:

people expect that a new law will be introduced next year.

Future personal passive construction:

A new law is expected to be introduced next year.

Past active:

People believed that Mr Brown owned a lot of land in the north.

They thought that the prisoners had escaped.

Present personal passive construction:

Mr Brown was believed to have owned a lot of land in the north.

The prisoners were thought to have escaped.

3.-Personal passive:

1.People say that he is a spy.................................................................................

2.They claim that his engine is twice as powerful as the previous one.


3.People know that he is armed.............................................................................

4.Everybody thinks that she lied about her age.


5.People believed that he was killed by the Red Skins.




1.Se dice que Pedro es inteligente.

............................................................................................................................. ..

2.Se sabe que el clima de Alicante es el mejor de España.

............................................................................................................................. ..

3.Se cree que los chinos inventaron la pólvora.


4.Se considera a los americanos el país más desarrollado del mundo.


5.Se supone que el Hércules ganará el partido.

............................................................................................................................. ..


1.-Complete the following sentences with one of the following verbs in the

correct form:

arrest, wake, knock, check, translate, find, drive, make, spend, carry.

1.A decision will not.......................................until the next meeting.

2.That building is dangerous. It ought to..................................down before it falls


3.When you go through customs, your luggage may..................................by a customs


4.I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to.......................up at 6:30.

5.Her new book will probably................................into a number of foreign languages.

6.If you kicked a policeman, you´d...............................

7.Police are looking for the missing boy. He can´t..........................anywhere.

8.Do you think that less money should...................................on arms?

9.I don´t mind driving but I prefer to................................by other people.

10.The injured man couldn´t walk and had to....................................


2.-Put these sentences into the passive voice:

1.People should send their complaints to the head office.


2.They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.


2.They will ask you a lot of questions in the interview.


3.Nobody told me that George was ill.


.4.His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.


5.They didn´t ask me my name.


6.I think they should have offered Tom the job.


3.-Transform into passive:

1.We should give him more money........................................................................

2.They could help him more...................................................................................

3.He might finish it soon.........................................................................................

4.They must decorate the house...........................................................................

5.They ought to send a letter.................................................................................

6.You must not hammer nail into the walls without permission......................


7.They can´t buy the book at the bookshop because it´s too expensive



1. Put these sentences into the

passive voice (2 ways):

- Thomas gave me the books

- ……………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………

- The bank sends me an account

statement every quarter.

- ……………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………

- Another student told me the answer.

- ……………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………

- They will give you your grade after the course

- ……………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………

- The company offered the employees a new wage package.



- The professor told us a funny story



Luis will give you some advice.



I sent him a letter.



Double passive

It occurs whenever a verb has two objects DIRECT and INDIRECT.

- They gave hima prize

Passive transform takes place in two different ways:

a) The direct object (a prize) becomes the new subject:

- A prize was given to him

! Notice we use the preposition “to” before the indirect object in the passive voice.

b) The indirect object (him) becomes the new subject:

- He was given a prize


The police officer showed us the way.



Our neighbour gave me a lift.




1. Use the words in brackets to complete these sentences. Use the

structure “to have something done”.

- We _____________________ (our hours / paint) next summer.

- I have lost my keys. I’ll have to ____________________ (another key /


- Your hair is a mess. You should ________________________ (your hair /


- The floor is very dirty. Why don’t you ________________________ (it /


- My father’s car is not working very well. He ______________________(it /

service) tomorrow.

- Many young people today _______________________ (their nose / pierce).

Have or get something done

This construction (Subject + have / get + object + past participle) is passive in


It may describe situations where we want someone else to do something for us.


- When are you going to get that window mended?

- We're having the house painted.

When the verb refers to something negative or unwanted, it has the same meaning

as a passive sentence:

- Jim had his car stolen last night. (= Jim's car was stolen)


- She has got a bad toothache. She _____________________ (it / remove) in

a week.

- Summers are very hot in Spain. Many people __________________________

(swimming pools / build) in their gardens.

- My office needs a change. I ___________________________ (it /

redecorate) in the spring.

- I ____________________________________ (my house / clean) once a


- They __________________________________ (their computers / repair)


2. Finish the following sentences in a meaningful way, making use of the

causative form “to have something done”.

- We got tired of the old wallpaper so


- Our car had a serious breakdown


- So you have a toothache, I think


- Peter went to the mechanic and


- Are those shelves new? When did you


- Susan is at the optician's


3. Write a suitable reply to the following sentences using the causative


- My motorbike is making very strange noises.

- I think______________________________ (repair)

- What's that noise?

- My neighbours________________________ (floor-change)

- How is your back?

- Pretty well, I______________________ (massage)


- Your dog looks beautiful!

- Oh, yes! I like__________________________ (wash)

- What about your son's teeth?

- Not bad, he is_________________________ (see)

- Your trousers are too long.

- Yes, _____________________________ (shorten)

4. Put the following sentences into the passive mode or add the most

suitable causative.

- Once they asked me to introduce my closest friend to my oldest friend.

- Once ____________________________________

- They have a special firm which delivers quality wine for their restaurant.

- They _____________________________________

- People believe that whales can talk to each other.

- Whales___________________________________

- An American company employed him since he left school.

- He_______________________________________

- A group of workers were filling the holes in the pavement under the sun.

- The holes_________________________________

- Can we paint these walls with plastic paint ?

- Can these walls__________________________

- I am writing all those letters to send them tomorrow.

- All those letters__________________________


Change the following sentences into reported speech.

1. The spokesman said: “I can’t understand why billiards has been prohibited.”

2. Gihan exclaimed: “We have had too many prohibitions.”


3. The young lady said: “I did not make such a mistake.”

4. She said: “We’ll go and get some food.”

5. Winston Churchill said: “I wake up at six every day”

6. A company representative said: “This probably won’t happen.”

7. A farmer said: “If the situation goes on like this, we will lose the

consumers’ confidence forever”.

8. He added: “We need someone who will realise that celibacy has to be a

personal choice”.

9. She said: “I think the amount of immigrants right now is OK, but I don’t

think we need any more”.

10. He said: “In Japan paper-folding was valued for its decorative function”.

11. “If I don’t win this game, I will retire,” Kasparov said.

12. The police said: “Youssef planned the World Trade Centre bombing”.

13. She said: “As a woman, my life will change with the new millennium”.

14. “I watched a documentary about dolphins on TV yesterday,” said John.


15. “I’m living the adventure of my life,” Banderas said.

16. Al Gore said: “As a teenager, one of the books that I read was Silent


17. “I was taught information technology in this course,” she said.

18. My aunt said: “Single men should drive slowly if they want to live longer”

19. He said: “We are here today to reach consensus”

20. Last week Julia said: “We will meet our new instructor tomorrow”

21. He said to one of them: “Let me see the streets once more before I die.

I’ll be back in five minutes.”

22. “Please, don’t say anything to him”, he said.

23. “Don’t talk to me like that,” said his mother.

24. She said: “Don’t smoke if you want to save money.”

25. “Buy me the paper if you’re going out”, Alice asked her brother.

26. He asked: “Do you often play rugby?”

27. The doctor asked: “Do you ever feel this pain in your stomach before



28. Michael asked her: “Where did you find these trainers?

29. Michael wondered: “Why do I do this every day?”

30. “What time did the film start?” she asked.

31. Her parents asked her: “Why do you want to become a bullfighter?”

32. They asked her mother: “Does he often come home late from school?”

33. The judge asked Karl: “How long have you known the accused? “


Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E

verb +object


verb +inf Verb+ Gerund Verb+thatclaus


Verb+(obj)+ prep+

































Apologize for

insist on*

Suggest & Recommend can be used in a number of ways, BE CAREFUL!

suggest/recommend (+ possessive adjective) + gerund:

He suggests going to Glastonbury He suggested my going to Glastonbury

He recommended going to Glastonbury


He recommended his going to Glastonbury

suggest/recommend + that-clause + should+ inf

He suggested that I should go to New York I recommended that he should try the sushi at that Japanese restaurant.

suggest/recommend + that-clause + base form

I suggested that he go and see a doctor (base form: subjunctive) I recommended that he try the sushi at that Japanese restaurant.


1- "I didn't lose it," he said. (deny)


2-"I won't do it," he said. (refuse)

He ...

3-"I promise I'll take you to school," said my sister to them. (promise)

My sister ...

4-"Don't forget to phone when you arrive," said Mum to us. (remind)

Mum ...

5-"We really must go with you," they said to Bob. (insist)

They ...

6-"Have dinner with me," Tom said to Beth. (invite)

Tom ....

7-"Why doesn't she tell him?" said Jim. (suggest)

Jim ...

8- Why don't we go to the cinema?” he said(suggest)

He………………………………………………………to the cinema.

9- “You are right. it was a mistake to get up so early,” Chris said.

Chris………………………………………………….early was a mistake.(admit)

10- “Look, he is a thief!” the greengrocer said.

The greengrocer…………………………………………………………a thief. (accuse)

11-“I will help you, Tom, for sure,” the teacher said.

The teacher ……………………………………………………Tom. (promise)


12- “Stay with us until tomorrow, Tom”.

My uncle ……………………………………………. with them for the night.


13- “How about having a swim?” they said.

They…………………………………………………………………………..a swim. (suggest)

14- “You'd better start learning for the exam, Roger,” the

biology teacher said.

The biology teacher………………………………………………….. learning for the



Defining and non-defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses


We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about the person or thing in

the main clause. The extra information is not essential.

Robbie Williams’ Millennium, which is one of his most successful singles, was released in



In non-defining relative clauses we put a comma before and after the main clause.

We use the relative pronouns who, which, whose, where and when in non-defining relative

clauses. The relative pronoun cannot be omitted.

Mark Smith, who lives next door to us, plays in a rock band.

1 Combine the sentences. Use who, which, whose, where or when.

Ivan is very good-looking. He’s Helen’s brother.

Ivan, who is Helen’s brother, is very good-looking.

1 The book is about a murder on the Nile. (It was written by Agatha



2 The diamond necklace has been found by the police. (It was stolen last



3 Steven Spielberg lives in Hollywood. (He is a famous film director.)


4 My friend Isabel wants to do media studies. (Her father is a TV




5 The new club plays great music. (Jamie works there.)


6 My holiday in Ibiza was wonderful. (I first met Jenny then.)


7 The new band is very good. (It was formed last year.)


Defining relative clauses


We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about the person or thing in

the main clause. It tells us which person or thing we are talking about.

This is the CD which everyone is talking about.


There are no commas in defining relative clauses. We can replace who or which with that

in defining relative clauses.

She’s the woman that works with my mother.

This is the book that I told you about.

Who, which, that and when can be omitted when they are the object of the verb in the

second clause, e.g. There’s the man that the police have been looking for. Whose and

where can’t be omitted.

2 Combine the sentences. Use who, which, that, where or when.

That’s the school. I used to go to it.

That’s the school (that) I used to go to.

1 There’s the girl. I was telling you about her.


2 That was the day. They got married then.


3 She’s the girl. Her brother plays in the football team.


4 That’s the café. I meet my friends there.


5 This is the film. I’ve been waiting to see it for ages.


6 Have you met the girl? She’s going out with Ted.



7 These are the trainers. I bought them yesterday.


Rewrite the sentences using relative pronouns.

1. She looked for a moment at Adam. He was staring out of the window.

2. The plane was about to land in London. He was travelling in it.

3. Mr. Holmes discovered the stolen money. This pleased the bank.

4. Mr. Holmes’s farm is in Essex. The bandits hid the money there.

5. The farmer went away on holiday. The bandits had spoken to him.

6. Mars is apparently red because it is covered with iron oxide. This means

that theremust be oxygen in the soil.

7. My friends have gone on holiday. Some of them have finished at the


8. The competitors were ready for the race. Most of them were quite


9. James Long was arrested. His fingerprints were found in the


10. In that cell you´ll find Bonny Clyde. The police have just arrested her.

11. The country has now 300 power stations. All of them are part of


12. Few people attended last night’s meeting. This was a pity.

13. He has taken home a girl. Her car is parked outside.

14. He found a lot of postcards in the drawer. Many of them are from



15.Where are the papers? My doctor told me to take them.

16. Jane Austen mentions Bath in Northanger Abbey. This shows how she

employed her personal knowledge of places.

17. I can’t remember the name of the person. I gave the money to him.

18. Is this the book? You asked me for it.

19. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.

20. He kept on talking about many things. None of them interested me.


1. She had sold everything ________ she could sell.

2. He glanced at the girl ________ hand he was holding.

3. Gretchen, _______ I met, was very interesting.

4. It was the saddest story _______ I had ever heard.

5. She had been on television with her husband, ________ was also her


6. They believe in ghosts, ________ is ridiculous.

7. Is that the train _______ will take us to Denmark?

8. I’d rather see the face of the person ________ I’m talking to.

9. The girl ________ I shared the apartment with was a music student.

10. The bar ________ I phoned from was very noisy.



1. John Grisham’s new novel is brilliant. It was published last week.

2. This is the hospital. Agatha Christie worked here.

3. Have you got the book? I lent it to you last week.


4. Nicole Kidman is a famous actress. Her exhusband was Tom Cruise.

5. The headmaster of your school is an old friend of mine. I am writing a

letter to him.

6. The car runs quite well. Bill sold us it.

7. That is the song. I heard it on the radio this morning.

8. The pyramids of Egypt should not be missed. They have written a lot

about them.

9. She expects me to clean the house. It is impossible.*


First, second and third conditionals

First conditional

We use the first conditional to talk about

situations that are possible or likely to happen.

If he finishes his homework, he’llgo to the cinema.

Second conditional

We use the second conditional to talk about situations which are imaginary or

unlikely to happen.

If I met Leonardo DiCaprio, I’d ask him for his autograph.

Third conditional

We use the third conditional to talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations in the


If she had got up earlier, she wouldn’t have missed the train.

1 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 If she had more time, …

2 If she has the new Star Wars

game, …

3 If I was rich, …

4 He would have phoned the police …

5 If he had a motorbike, …

6 If she had watched the tennis

match, …

a he’d ride it to school.

b she’ll let you play it.

c I’d buy a sports car.

d she would have known the result.

e I’ll tell you.

f she’d learn another language.

g if he’d seen the robbery.

7 If I find the letter, …


2 Read the text. Then complete the sentences in the first, second or third

conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs.

Andrew Chance’s mother was horrified when she received her son’s

Internet shopping bill. Thirteen-year-old Andrew had spent nearly £1

million on eMall, an American Internet shopping site. Andrew used his

parents’ password to get into the

site. He then bought a Rolls Royce, a Van Gogh painting and an antique bed.

‘I’m in big trouble,’ the worried teenager said yesterday.

1 If Andrew’s parents ……………… (not buy) him the computer, he wouldn’t have

shopped on the Internet.

2 Andrew would make more friends if he ……………… (spend) less time on

the Internet.

3 If his parents ……………… (find out) earlier, Andrew would have spent less money.

4 If Andrew’s mother doesn’t pay, she ……………… (have to) go to prison.

5 Andrew ……………… (not get) into trouble if he hadn’t used his parents’ password.

6 If I ……………… (be) Andrew’s mother, I’d sell his computer.

7 If teenagers ……………… (have) a computer, they’ll want to surf the Internet.

3 Rewrite the sentences in the first, second or third conditional.

He can’t find his wallet so he’s angry.

(Second conditional) If he could find his wallet, he wouldn’t be angry.

1 In order to lose weight you need to exercise more.

(First conditional) If you want ……………………………………………………

2 He may be late, but he can meet us at the Blue Note café.

(First conditional) If he’s …………………………………………………………

3 An old woman saw him burgle the house. That’s why he’s in prison.

(Third conditional) If she hadn’t …………………………………………………

4 He wants to be rich and famous. Then he’ll be happy.

(Second conditional) If he was ……………….…………………………………

5 Dave fell asleep so he missed the end of the film.

(Third conditional) If he hadn’t ……………..…………………………………..

4. Rephrase the following sentences into conditionals (types I, II or III)

1-You were not at home yesterday. Your little brother had an accident. (type III)


2- I forgot the car keys at home. I was late for work. (t.III).

3- She hasn't got a university degree. She'd like to have a better job. (t. II)

4- I spent all my money on cigarettes. I need a dictionary. (t. III).

5- You might see my sister. I need to tell her that our father's gone on a business

trip. (t. I - use SHOULD).

6- Susan is going to fail almost every subject this year. She wants to go to

university. (t. I)

7- He's not handsome. He'd like to have a beautiful girlfriend. (type II, use

MIGHT in the main clause).

8- The prison warder was having lunch. The prisoners escaped. (t.III).

9- I don't have enough time. I like reading very much.(t. II)

10- I don't like cooking. I always eat in restaurants(t. II)

11. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and caused the accident.

12. She feels lonely since she hasn't got any friends.

13. I don't have a modem, so I can't e-mail you.

14. I didn't send them a postcard because I didn't know their new address.

15. The restaurant was full so we couldn't get a table.

16. I'm too busy to go to the pub.

17. Ice melts down when you heat it.

We didn't see The Two Towers because the cinema was closed.

You won't get a promotion if your work doesn't improve. (UNLESS)

18. The government won't win the elections unless they create employment. (IF)

19. Whenever I make a promise, I keep it.

20. We haven't got any matches, so we can't light a fire.


21. I didn't renew my subscription because I lost interest in the magazine's


22. He was too slow to win the race.

23. If I don't find a cheap flight, I won't go to Rio. (UNLESS)

24. She will understand you provided that you don't speak too fast.(UNLESS)

25.Whenever Peter and I meet, we talk about the good old times.

26.Should you call Tim, tell him to bring my DVDs back on Sunday.

27.Mancini will be transferred to Juventus only if they accept his offer.



A. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Some

sentences require a negation and use the contractions in the negative form.

1. Bruce wishes he ___________(have) more money so he could buy a new


had Bruce w ishes he2. I wish I ___________( (be) taller so

that I could be in the basketball team.

w ere I w ish I * (be) talle3. I wish you ___________( (stop)

watching television while I am talking to you.

w ould stop I w ish you * (stop4. I wish you ___________( (do) that. It

annoys me.

w ouldn't do I w ish you * (do) 5. I wish the holidays ___________(

(come) so we could go off to the seaside.


w ould come I w ish the holiday6. Of course Tom wishes he

___________( (come) with us to Paris, but he has to stay here.

could come Of course Tom w7. I wish we ___________( (go) to the

match on Saturday but we're visiting my uncle.

could go I w ish w e * (go) t8. I wish you ___________( (keep) your

mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows.

had kept I w ish you * (keep9. If only I ___________( (lose) all my

money. Now I'm broke.

hadn't lost If only I * (lose) al10. Peter is always late. If only he

___________( (turn up) on time for a change!

B. Complete the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the

sentence before it.

Example: I haven’t a job at the moment ---- If only/I wish I had a job

I’m not going to the party --------- If only/I wish I were going to the


I married Myrtle instead of Francis -------- If only/I wish I had

married Francis

You won’t ever wait for me -----------If only/I wish you would wait for


1.We’ve run out of petrol -------- If only/I wish...............................................................

I’m taking a test tomorrow -------- If only/I wish..........................................................

2.This holiday has been a disaster


If only/I wish...............................................................

3.It’s snowing outside

If only/I wish....................................................................

4. People at work always shout at me

If only/I wish................................................................

5.I acted very rudely in front of the headmaster

If only/I wish................................

6.I don’t know how to ride a bicycle

If only/I wish.................................................

7.She never listens to me

If only/I wish............................................................

8.I can’t speak Russian

If only/I wish...................................................................

9.I’m not tall, dark and handsome

If only/I wish...................................................

10.I was caught robbing a bank

If only/I wish.........................................................

11. I crashed the car when I was drunk

If only/I wish................................................

12. She’s making beans again

If only/I wish.............................................................

13. Stop behaving like that!

If only/I wish.........................................................

14. I failed my exam because I didn’t study

If only/I wish.........................................

15. I don’t want to go to school, but I have to

If only/I wish........................................


16. My girlfriend left me after we argued

If only/I wish..............................................

17. I lost a lot of money at cards

If only/I wish..........................................................

18.Why don’t you ever look at me?

If only/I wish......................................................

19. I want to go to the Bahamas for a holiday

If only/I wish........................................

20. I’m sorry I haven’t got more friends

If only/I wish................................................


1 Choose the correct answer

1. I prefer coffee to/ than tea.

2. I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather go/ to go/ going to the cinema.

3. Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer walk /walking in the


4. I'd rather speak to him in person than discuss /to discussing/ to discuss things

over the phone.

5. I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer travelling /travel by train.

6. If I had a choice I think I'd rather live in Paris than London /live in Paris to

London /to live in Paris than London .

7. They'd rather have lunch inside but I'd prefer eating /to eat /eat outside in the


2 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb

1- I think most people prefer _____________ (drive) ___ ___________


2- I´d rather you ________________(not smoke ) in here

3- My mother would prefer you_____________ (help) Peter with his work

4- Boris would rather _____________(drink) Vodka



5- When I was a child I preferred _____________(play) football

___________ (watch) it on the telly. Now I´d rather

______________(sit down) in my armchair with a pint nearby if possible.

6- Would you like some gin? – I´d rather _____________(have) wine, thanks.

7- Would you rather I _____________(finish) this exercise now?

8- My parents would rather I ______________ (study) more, but I´d prefer

them _____________ (mind) their own business.

3- Change to other forms of preference

I prefer driving a car to riding a motorcycle.

1. I like …………………………. better than …………………………….…….

2. I would rather …………….……… than …………………………………..…

3. I wouldprefer …………………… ratherthan ……………………………….

4.Complete the sentences

1 She prefers hot chocolate ……………..... coffee.

2. I would prefer to go by bus rather than ........................ (walk)

3. I'd prefer ………………………………....... fruit juice. (have)

4. Sally would prefer to drive there ……………………..... go by plane.

5. Mom prefers to go to the cinema ............................... stay at home tonight.

6. Would you prefer ................ a comedy film rather than a horror movie?

7. I would prefer cinema .................. theater.

8. I would prefer ....................... tea rather than drink coffee

9. I prefertennis .......volleyball.

10. I prefer watching TV ....... playing computer games.


1.If I had gone to the sales, I'm sure I .............. have bought something.

A. might B. should C would

2.Claire was very upset you didn't go to her birthday party. You ..............have


A. might B. should C. would


3.The lights are out. They ..............have gone to sleep.

A. might B. should C. would

4.We .............. have invited Dave to the party if we had known he was in town.

A. might B. should C would

5.You .............. have come to the pub on Saturday. We had a great time.

A. might B. should C. would

6.You .............. have spent so much money on CDs. You'll have problems getting

to the end of the month now.

A. might B. should C shouldn't

7.She told me she .............. have emailed you if you had given her your address.

A. might B. should C. would

8.He's really shy. You ..............have told him you liked him.

A. might B. should C. would

9.She .............. have said yes to a date. You never know.

A. might B. should C. would

10.You .............. have mentioned her weight. She was very upset.

A. might not B. shouldn't C. wouldn't

10 Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He _________be

exhausted after such a long flight.

Must can had better

11 The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra

credit. But we ________________ read it if we don't want to.

Cannot must not don't have to

12 Susan ___________ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.

couldn't can't might not

13. The television isn't working. It ___________ damaged during the move.

must have been must must be


14 You _____________ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful

people I know haven't got a penny to their name.

can't don't have to shouldn't

15 I've redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong

according to the answer key. The answer in the book ___ be wrong!

have to must should

16 You __________ worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the

job, or you don't. If you don't, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will

find work.

shouldn't don't have to can't

17 You ________________ leave the table once you have finished your meal and

politely excused yourself.

Would might may

18. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ________________ a fortune.

must cost must be costing must have cost

19. ___________ we move into the living room? It's more comfortable in there and

there's a beautiful view of the lake.

Shall Must Will

20. If I had gone white water rafting with my friends, I ________________ down

the Colorado River right now.

would have float would be floating would float

21 At first, my boss didn't want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked

with Sam, I told my boss that he ________________ take another look at his

resume and reconsider him for the position.

Must ought to has to

22. You _____________ take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept

credit cards.

had better has to can

Modals With Perfect Infinitive


Modals with perfect infinitive ( MODAL + HAVE + PAST PART.) Complete the sentences using

perfect modals. In some cases more than one alternative might be suitable.

1. A: I phoned you at nine this morning but got no answer.

B: I'm sorry. I __________ been in the garden.

2. A: I've opened another bottle.

B: You __________ done that. We haven't finished this one yet.

3. A: Perhaps he swam across.

B: He __________ done that. He can't swim.

4. A: I saw Ann in the library this morning.

B: Are you sure? You __________ seen someone else.

5. A: I had to get down the mountain in a very thick fog.

B: Really! It __________ been pretty difficult.

6. A: Joe returned home with a tiger cub in his hands.

B: His wife __________ been very pleased about that. She's fond of animals you know.

7. You __________ made two copies. One would also have been enough.

8. You two went to that party and didn't even tell me. You __________ called me at


9. You __________ informed the company's accountant much earlier. The boss will

surely get

crazy on learning this.

10. Look! It's raining now. You __________ watered the garden at all.

11. I heard the way you were talking to your granny last night and got upset. You

__________talked to her like that since she is a lot older than you.

12. You __________ been at the museum on Tuesday! It was closed all day.

13. Janet said she had bought a brand new car. It __________ cost her a fortune.

14. You __________ told Kate about the accident. I had already told her.


15. My father told me that he himself had taken my mother to the doctor's, so I

__________ drive

her there.

16. I saw the light coming out of his livingroom window last night. He __________ been

reading or

watching TV. I'm not sure.

17. Why did you stay at a hotel when you were in London? You __________ stayed at


18. Shakespeare __________ written this play because the events mentioned in the play

didn't occur till after Shakespeare's death.

19. You __________ brought your kite. It's just the right day for kites.

20. A: I can't think why they didn't help him.

B: They __________ realized that he was drowning.

Fill in the blank with must have (if you think it happened), must not have (if you think it

didn’t happen) or couldn’t have (if you think it’s impossible).

The thief ______________________ gotten in through the window.

I _________________________ left my phone at work; I made a call on the drive


She __________________ been happy when she heard the good news.

They _____________________ bought a house without a loan because they had no


He looks upset. He _________________________ liked whatever she just said.

“How was your presentation?”“Great! It _______________________ been better!”



1-Select the correct connector to fill in the blank. More than one answer may be correct.


1. ……………….my computer froze, I had to restart it.

Since Because Consequently For

2. I had left it on all day;…………………, it was dead.

consequently because so that therefore

3. ………………….I needed to work, I had to go find the power cord

For Since Due to Therefore

4. I had a "splitting headache" today. It got …………………bad that I had to take a


such therefore so much so

5. People choose Apple computers ……………………their ease of use.

because due to due to the fact that because of

6. Other people prefer to use PCs …………………..they are more universally used.

because due to due to the fact that because of

7.He had lots of free time, …………………..he spent it 'surfing' the Internet.

so so that for that reason, since

2-Fill in the blanks with a suitable connector. There may be more than one correct

1. Doctors believe that some new diseases have appeared....because/as/since........

we take too many antibiotics.

2. Scientists argue that the world's climate is changing ..................... the

greenhouse effect

3. ......................... I have finished reading all my library books, I’ll have to borrow

some more

4. Voters are angry ..................... the government has not kept any of its election


5. .................... he's working on this project, Andrew can share in the decision-

making process.

6. ..................... the heavy traffic in cities, the authorities are trying lo improve

the rail system.

7. Many rivers have burst their banks .................the unusually heavy rainfall.


8. .............. the pupils passed the test with such high marks, the teacher decided

she could set a harder test the next time.

9. ........................................... so many pupils failed the test, there will be another

test tomorrow.

10. Many roads need repair................................................ the unusually heavy rainfall.

11. ........................................... she has used up all her savings, she'll have to borrow

some money from her parents.

12. ........................................... the heavy traffic in cities, more people have started

taking the underground train.

13. We were angry ................................................ they hadn't kept their promise.

14. ........................................... you're not very busy, why don't you come to the


Combine the pair of sentences below into one sentence in several ways using:



1- It was a very hot day. We went for a swim.

2- The city was very interesting. We stayed there for three days.

3- He ate two sandwiches. He was very hungry.

4- The lesson was very difficult. We had to study it for 2 hours.



Une cada par de frases usando :”SO………..THAT”, “SUCH (A) …………..THAT”

1- It was a very hot day. We had to stop and drink water.

2- The exam was very difficult. Nobody could pass.

3- The motorbike was too old. It made an unbearable noise.

4.- The coffee was very hot. We couldn’t drink it.

5- The film was very boring. We left in the middle of it.

6- The scenery was breathtaking. We stopped the car to watch it.

7- The ice on the lake was very thick. We could skate on it

8- My friend’s house was very far. We had to take a taxi.

Choose the correct expression of purpose.

1.Concentrate on your exercise so as not to/ to / so that make any mistakes.

2.You have to wake up to/ in order not to/ so thatbe on time.

3.You have to register in order to/ so as not to/ so that participate in the


4.She left work early so as not to/ to /so that be at home when he arrives.

5.Ships carry life boats so as not to/ so as to/ so that the crew can escape

when the ship sinks.

6.I will go to university in order not to/ to/ so that continue my studies.

7.He exercises regularly in order to/ in order not to/ so that be overweight.

8. So as not to/ To/ So that you can produce a good essay, you need to edit

your writing before you hand it in.

9.She works hard so as to/ in order not to/ so that she can earn a living.

10.These men risk their lives to/ not to/ so that we may live more safely.


1. Underline the connectors 1n the sentences below and add commas where


1.Although she was ill she went to work.

2.Their car broke down; nevertheless they managed to get to the garage.


3.They wanted to move to a new neighborhood; however they couldn't afford it.

4.This child is very independent despite his young age.

5.Despite the low price I didn't buy the suit.

6.Rosie is always making jokes yet I don't find her very funny.

7.“Did the stain come out after you washed it?"

“On the contrary it became more noticeable."

8.She won’t go to the theatre although she has a free ticket.

2.Fill in the blanks with a suitable contrast connector.

1.I won’t forgive you....in spite of/despite.... your apology.

2.They haven’t found a house to buy ................................................ they have looked

at quite a few.

3..................................... Andrew knew the risks, he decided to travel alone.

4..................................... her hard work, Maria didn't get a bonus.

5.The speed limit on the highway is 110 kph;...............................................people often

drive faster that that.

6..................................... her skiing accident last year, Diana is going skiing again this


7..................................... he had planned the projed very carefully, he had several

problems along the way.

8.My sister doesn't have a job ................................................ she's a very talented


3. Fill in the blanks with a suitable CONTRAST connector. There may be

more than one correct answer.


1.Some pupils don't mind taking tests, ....while/whereas/but..... others get quite


2.lt's wonderful to have my grandparents spend the summer with us

................................... it's a bit uncomfortable because our flat is quite small.

3."She must have a very interesting job as a travel agent."

"................................, she says it is quite routine."

4.The new car is very economical ............................... the old one was not

5........................................., you could rent a flat instead of buying one.

........................................, you spend all this money and you still don't own a flat.

6.Jane really hates classical music, ........................................ . I love it.

7.We took our holiday in Spain,....................................our neighbours went abroad

8."You seem to be bored." "..................................., l'm having a wonderful time.

4. Choose the correct answer

1. .................. the high price, many people buy these jeans

a. On the one hand b. Despite c. Although

2. Bill is rather clever,....................his brother is just average.

a. in spite of b. on the other hand c. whereas

3. "Wasn't the concert last night terrific?”".................. , I found it quite boring”

a. However b. Eventhough c. On the contrary

4. It was hot and humid. .................., they really enjoyed their holiday.

a. However b.In spite of the fact that c. Whereas

5. Forests are important to our planet, ..........................people are destroying

forests all over the world.

a. yet b. on the contrary c. on the one hand

6. .................. there are laws against pollution, cars and factories continue to

pollute the air.

a. However b. Although c. Despite


7. We like travelling. ............., travelling can be quite expensive

a. In spite of b. While c. However

8. I can't speak Japanese. ..........................., I managed on my trip to Tokyo.

a. Nevertheless b. Whereas c. Even though


1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- She has _____________________________.

2. Although she had been vaccinated, she caught the flu

Despite ________________________________________(Contrast Connector)

3. I love German. Unfortunately, I can’t speak it fluently.(Wish)

- I wish _____________________________________.

4. As he hadn’t behaved himself, his parents got angry with him. (Causal Connector)

- His parents ________________________________________.

5. Everybody must read the instructions first. (Passive)

- The instructions _____________________________.

6. This is the man. His job is very dangerous. (Relative Clauses)

- This is __________________________________________.

7. The engineer has repaired my television. (Have sth. Done)

- I _______________________________________

8. She gave up going to French lessons. (Gerund/ Infinitive)

- She stopped ____________________________________.

9. I regretted having hit the dog on the head. (Wish)

- I wish ___________________________________.

10. “What time do the banks close today?”

- Tim asked me ____________________________________________.

11. Sharon hasn’t eaten junk food since last May.

- Sharon stopped _______________________________________.

12. My kitchen is being redecorated at the moment.

- I am _________________________________________.

13. I am not sure that she is his girlfriend. (Modal Verb)

- She ______________________________________________

14. Albert’s drawing isn’t as good as Gerard’s. (Comparatives)

- Gerard’s drawing ___________________________________.


15. “Why don’t we play computer games?” said Michael. (Reported Speech)

- Michael suggested ______________________________________

16. She said: “Are you coming to the party on Friday?” (Reported Speech)

- She asked him __________________________________________.

17. They came to live in New York two years ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- They have ________________________________________________.

18. Although the weather was horrible, we went skiing. (Contrast Connectors)

- In spite of ________________________________________________.

19. I would like to have more free time these days. (Wish)

- I wish ________________________________________________.

20. I met that famous writer a year ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- It’s been a year _________________________________________

21 .Wendy didn’t study for her test. Therefore, she failed. (Conditionals)

- If _____________________________________________________.

22. “Don’t speak so loud, please”, she said to the students. (Reported Speech)

- She _____________________________________________.

23. We won’t buy that house because we don’t have enough money. (Causal Connectors)

- As _________________________________________________________.

24. Steve advised me to tell Paul about it. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Steve suggested _______________________________________________

25. She lost the race in spite of running well. (Contrast Clauses)

- Although ___________________________________________________.

26. My new neighbours have got a baby. Her name is Wendy. (Relative Clauses)

- My ____________________________________________________________.

27. Although Orson was over seventy, he continued to cycle to work every day. (Contrast


- Despite __________________________________________________________

28. “Perhaps it would be better to go out in the afternoon”, Sharon’s mother said.

(Reported Speech)

- Sharon’s mother recommended ________________________________.

29.The fireman managed to rescue the child from the burning house. (Modal Verbs)

- The fireman was_______________________________________________.

30.The police don’t oblige the suspects to say anything. (Passive)

- The suspects ____________________________________________.

31. She hasn’t enjoyed herself so much for years. (Verbal Tenses)

- It is years _______________________________________.

32. I am going to the theatre tomorrow, and I’m really looking forward to it. (Modal


- I’m really looking _____________________________________________.

33. I thought it would be better than that. (Comparatives)

- It’s not ________________________________________.

34. Mary said to us “Don’t be late.” (Reported Speech)

- She told __________________________________________.

35. Despite the fact that it was very hot, she was wearing her winter clothes. (Contrast



- Although ________________________________________________.

36. The teacher said to me “Wait for me outside”. (Reported Speech)

- The teacher _______________________________________.

37. It takes me two hours to get there. (Question)

- __________________________________

38.You must not smoke in here. (Modal Verb)

- Smoking ____________________________

39. Where are my keys? (Question)

I wonder ___________________________________.

40. Will you post this letter for me, please?

- Do you mind ____________________________________________

41. “How much money have you put into your account?” they asked. (Reported Speech)

- ____________________________________________________

42. Although she was ill, she visited other countries. (Contrast Connector)

- Despite ________________________________________________.

43 .I forgot to phone Lisa on her birthday. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- I didn’t remember_____________________________________________

44. The shop assistant didn’t give us the ticket. (Passive)

- We ____________________________________________________.

45. I saw Frank two months ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- I haven’t __________________________________________________

46. You can make green paint by mixing blue and yellow. (Passive)

- Green paint ___________________________________________________

47. Sharon is going to marry a man. He is Eric’s brother. (Relative Clauses)

- The man ___________________________________________________

48. “Why don’t we have dinner out tonight?” said Martin. (Reported Speech)

- Martin suggested ____________________________________________.

49. If you want my advice, go to the dentist! (Modal Verbs)

- You ______________________________________________________.

50. They say this tree is over 400 years old. (Passive)

- This tree _______________________________________________

51.I’m sure they are at home. The lights are on. (Modals)

- They ___________________________________________________________.

52.I last had flu five years ago. (Verbal tenses)

- I haven’t ________________________________________________________.

53. I’m sure she’s telling lies. (Modal Verbs)

- She __________________________________________________________.

54. The teenager in red has broken the window. (Passive)

- The window ______________________________________________.

55. She asked me: “What time does your party start?” (Reported speech)

- She asked _______________________________________________________.

56. We bought our tickets on the Web because it was much cheaper. (Causal connector)

- Since ____________________________________________________________.

57. Albert is coming back from hospital tomorrow. He has just broken his ankle. (Relative



-Albert, ____________________________________________________________

58. Please don’t shoot. (Gerund / Infinitive)

- He begged us ________________________________________.

59. Learning English is not easy. (Gerund / Infinitive)

- It is ___________________________________________________________.

60. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time. (Conditionals)

-If we _____________________________________________________________.

61.They didn’t pay for the ring. (Relative clauses)

- This is the ring _____________________________________________.

62. Although the weather was awful, they had a great time. (Contrast connector)

- In spite of ____________________________________________________.

63. She can’t come to the party because she is so busy. (Conditionals)

- If she _____________________________________________________

64.“Where is the nearest cinema, please?” (Indirect question)

- Could you tell me _______________________________________________.

65. This is the most interesting book I´ve ever read.

I have never read _____________________________________________________

-66. If you don’t hurry up, you won’t get tickets for the concert. (Conditionals)

- Unless ____________________________________________________________

67. I visited a village yesterday but I did not like it. (Relative clauses)

- I _________________________________________________________

68. It’s not necessary for you to make your bed. (Modals)

- You ____________________________________________________________

69. They will tell us the news tomorrow night. (Passive)

- We ________________________________________________________.

70. I don’t earn much money. It’s a pity I can’t buy a new car. (Conditionals)

- If ________________________________________________________

71. No other fictional secret agent is as famous as James Bond. (Superlative)

- James Bond _____________________________________________________

72When did you start to run marathons? (How long)


73 “I lost your camera,” Sally said.

Sally admitted______________________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb.

1.I can’t use the car because it ……………………………… (repair).

2.My girlfriend .…………………………… my parents yet.

4.The mother complained that her baby ………………………… (cry) for hours.

5.She admitted that she .……………………………… the rumour about me.

6.By next year, they ……………………………… (build) their new house.

7.The runner .……………………………..…… a single race until yesterday.


8 Dogs……………………………… (should / not feed) more than once a day.

9.Denise suggested that we ……………………………… (meet) at the café.

10. Last week, all the students ……………………………… (give) free laptops.





MónicaTrujillano I.E.E.S. Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Tetuán



INDEX I PART : VOCABULARY ……………………………….P. 3

II PART : GRAMMAR…………………………………P.15

Verb Tenses

- Present Simple and Present Continuous …….... .p.15

- Past Simple and Past Continuous …………… …p.16

- Present Perfect and Past Perfect ……..…………. p.17

- Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous… p.18

- Past Perfect and Past simple ………………… .p.19

- Be going to / will+ inf …………………………... p.20

- Future Simple and Future Continuous ………….. p.20

- Mixed tenses…………………………………….p.21

- Gerunds and Infinitives………………………… ..p.22

Passive voice and Special Passive Structures…………p. 23

Reported Speech ………………………………………p.25

Other verbs of reporting ……………………………… p.26

Relative Clauses …………………………………… …p.27

Conditional Clauses …………………………………...p.28

Wish Clauses ………………………………………….p.32

Expressing preferences ………………………………..p.34

Modal verbs ……………………………………….…..p.35

Subordinate Clauses …………………………………..p.37

- Cause and Result Clauses…………………………p37

- Consecutive Clauses (so…. that; such…that)…….p38

- Purpose Clauses …………………………………..p39

- Contrast Clauses ………………………………….p41





Word Formation 2 Noun – Adjective-key

Noun Adjective

occasion occasional

tropic tropical

ancestor ancient

metal metallic

thirst thirsty

geography geographical

beauty beautiful

fame famous

tragedy tragic

neighbour neighbouring

selection selective

judgment judgmental

intention intended

event eventful

imagination imaginary

devil devilish

largeness large

specification specific

mythology mythological

glee gleeful

Word Formation - Verb - Noun

Verb Noun

edit edition or editor or editorial


save safe or saver or saving

heat heat or heating or heater

paint paint or painter or painting

use use or usage or user

differ difference

magic magicor magician

connect connection

shake shakeor shaking

suggest suggestion

quarrel quarrel

marry marriage

produce produce or producer or production

isolate isolation


pay or payer or payment or payphone

discriminate discrimination

appoint appointment


1-Forming nouns from verbs, nouns and adjectives by using suffixes.

1. My teacher says there has been a big (IMPROVEMENT) .......... in my English



2. The recipe says you only need to add two (SPOONFUL) .......... of salt.

3. Why did you do that? I thought you had more (INTELLIGENCE) .......... than


4. The singer gave a briliant (PERFORMANCE) .......... on stage yesterday.

5. Have you seen her magazine (COLLECTION) ..........? She must have over 200


6. On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of (SAD) .......... .

7. When you take the FCE Speaking paper you will be given marks for your

(ACCURACY) .......... and also on how fluent you are.

8. She has the (ABILITY) .......... to pass the exam first time round providing she

works hard.

2-Choose the correct prefix or suffix to form the opposite of the word in


in- im- il- un- -less dis- ir-

1 When he became a teenager he wanted to be more (INDEPENDENT) from his


2 It was really (DISHONEST) of you to take that money without asking.

3 If you hadn't been so (CARELESS) with that book you'd still have it now.

4 My broken leg means I'll be (UNABLE) to go on holiday with you.

5 In many countries it is (ILLEGAL) to smoke cigarettes under the age of 16.

6 He waited (IMPATIENTLY) for the train to arrive at the station.

7 The teacher told me it was (RESPONSIBLE) of me to set off the fire alarm.

3-Forming adjectives and adverbs. Write the correct form of the

adjective or adverb of the word in CAPITALS.

1. Be sure to contact him if you need advice. He's a very (HELPFUL) ..........


2. It was a really (ENJOYABLE) .......... party. Thanks for inviting me.

3. He has just taken out a (MONTHLY) .......... subscription to the magazine.

4. She smiled (HAPPILY) .......... when they offered her the new job.


5. (HOPEFULLY) .......... we'll have enough money saved to get married next

year. (2 changes required)

6. In order for the medicine to work (EFFECTIVELY) .......... you must take

the correct amount. (2 changes required)

7. Although our teacher is very strict in class, she is (FRIENDLIER) ..........

than you would expect. (2 changes required)

8. What a beautiful vase! That's the (LOVELIEST) .......... present I've ever

had. (2 changesrequired)

3-Complete the following sentences by adapting the word given in brackets. Exercise 1 1) We need to find a SOLUTION to the problem as soon as possible. (solve) 2) Juan speaks English fluently and makes very few GRAMMATICAL mistakes. (grammar) 3) The teacher keeps a record of every student's ATTENDANCE. (attend) 4) Air-conditioning is UNNECESSARY if you live somewhere like the south of Spain. (necessary) 5) Don't be afraid of the dog. He's absolutely HARMLESS (harm) 6) The company is trying hard to improve customer SATISFACTION. (satisfy) 7) Measures were taken around the world to TIGHTEN airport security after the 11 September attacks. (tight) 8) We're going to change our suppliers as they have become very UNRELIABLE in the last year. (rely) 9) Patricia's very CREATIVE . She writes short stories, paints and makes mosaics. (create) 10) We need your SIGNATUREat the bottom of the page. (sign) Exercise 2

1) The index at the back of the book is in ALPHABETICAL order. (alphabet) 2) The fans waved EXCITEDLY as the film star stepped out of the limousine. (excite) 3) Chickenpox is a highly INFECTIOUS disease which many people catch as a child. (infect) 4) Matt is very COMPETITIVE. He wants to be number one at everything. (compete) 5) Harry loves cars and he's so KNOWLEDGEABLE about them. (knowledge)


6) There is little LIKELIHOOD of the president being re-elected. (likely) 7) The prime minister thinks there may be a CONSPIRACY to overthrow him. (conspire) 8) In COMPARISON with Tokyo, London and Paris are relatively cheap. (compare) 9) The police were unable to PROVE that she had committed the crime. (proof) 10) The president's speech went on for so long that I almost died of BOREDOM !



In this exercise, you must change the words given into new adjectives, adverbs, or verbs

by addingthe prefix or suffix that best suits the context.


1-It's totally UNDERSTANDABLE (understand) that you stayed home when you weresick.

2-Don't laugh at his stupid jokes! You'll only ENCOURAGE (courage) him tosay them again.

3-That sidewalk is SLIPPERY (slip), I almost fell!

3-AfterMonday, I will no longer be a foreigner--I am receiving my CITIZENSHIP (citizen)!

4-Arthur will be very lonely unless you BEFRIEND (friend) him.

5-Every afternoon, the cooks SHARPEN (sharp) their knives in preparationfor dinner.

6-I hate being around Mary Lou, she is so UNFRIENDLY (friendly).

7-The stock market crash of 1929 left my great-grandfather PENNILESS (penny).

8-I have a class at 8:00 a.m. but I always OVERSLEEP (sleep).

9-The groom may UNVEIL (veil) the bride only when their vows havebeen exchanged.

10-I think we should try something else. That strategy seems way tooRISKY (risk).

11-My father's death left me with a great EMPTINESS (empty) in my heart.

12-George W. Bush is pretending that he attacked Iraq to LIBERATE (liberty) the Iraqis.

13-Americans fought hard to earn their FREEDOM (free) from Britain.

14-When you work at a nuclear power plant, you have to be extremelyCAREFUL(care).

15-Every time I think I've beaten you, you UNDO (do) me!

16-I had to take three months off when I was pregnant, but my boss has been very


UNDERSTANDING (understand).

17-He will UNCORK (cork) the wine as soon as we are ready for dinner.

18-You need to work on your orthography so you don't MISSPELL (spell)these words.

19-The weather FORECAST (cast) looks bad for a picnic--rainy and windy!


1) The suffix "-able" is added to verbs to create an adjective (doable, readable,


2) The prefixes "en-" or "em-" are added to n./adj. to create a verb that means "to make

more, toput in (n./adj.)" (empower, enable, entangle, emprison).

3) The suffix "-ery", in this case, means "make likely to".

4) The suffix "-ship" is added to a noun to create a new noun that means "state of being a

(noun)"(leadership, censorship, friendship).

5) The prefix "be-"....see 2.

6) The suffix "-en", just like the prefix "en-", creates a verb that means "to make more

(n./adj.)"(sadden, maddening, shorten)

7) The prefix "un-" is added to adjectives to create a new adj. that means "not (adj.)"

(unhelpful,undesirable, unaware).

8) The suffix "-less" is added to nouns to create an adj. that means "having no (n.)"


helpless, shirtless).

9) The prefix "over-" is added to a verb to create a new verb that means "(v.) too much"

(overdo,overwork, overplay).

10) The prefix "un-" is added to verbs to create a new verb that means "do the opposite of


(undo, unwrap, uncover).

11) The suffix "-y" is added to nouns to create an adjective that means "characterized by


(furry, slimy, catty).

12) The suffix "-ness" is added to adjectives to create a noun that means "the state of


(adj.)" (happiness, readiness, business).


13) The suffix "-ate" is added to n./adj. to create a verb that means "to make (n./adj.)"

(alienate,caffeinate, refrigerate).

14) The suffix "-dom" is added to adj./n. to create a new noun that means "state of having

(adj./n.)" (kingdom, fiefdom, wisdom).

15) The suffix "-ful" or "-full" is added to nouns to make an adjective that means "has the


of (n.)" (masterful, beautiful, flavorful).

16) The prefix "out-" is added to verbs or adjectives to create a new verb that means "(v.)

better"or "act more (adj.)" (outsmart, outrun, outlast).

17) The suffix "-ing" is added to verbs to create an ADJECTIVE (NOT the gerund) that


"having the quality of someone who (v.)" (tempting, daring, amazing, outstanding).

18) The prefix "un-" is added to nouns to create a verb that means "remove the (n.)"



19) The prefix "mis-" is added to verbs to create a new verb that means "(v.) wrong or


(mistake, misinform, misread).






1. 'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her.


He suggested goingfor dinner at the weekend.


2. His boss won't tolerate lateness.


His boss won't put up with lateness.

3. The school I studied at last year was better than this one.


This school is better than my last one.

4. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time.


We had a good time in spite of the terrible weather.

5. Being rude is inexcusable.


There is no excuse for being rude

6. I find driving on the left in England very strange.


I am not accustomed to driving on the left in England.

7. I regret taking up smoking.


I wish I hadn´t taken up smoking.

8. The police are interviewing the suspects.


The suspects were interviewed by the police.

9. Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed.


The motorway is closed due to the fact that there was heavy snow the night before.

10. I don’t care what you do.


As far as I am concerned you can do what you like.

11. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice.


It was such a nice meal in the restaurant.

12. He was ordered to leave the field for arguing with the referee.


The referee sent him off the field for arguing.

13. Do you and your brother have the same looks?


Does your brother look like you?


14. That’s the garage where I left my car last week.


That’s where I went to have my car repaired last week.

15. You can't bring food into this room.


You are not supposed to bring food into this room.

16. I want to go to university this year.


I AM INTERESTED INGOING to university this year.

17. "Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?" asked Tony.


Tony asked Jane if she had been on holiday recently.

18. I was too tired to go to the party.


I was so tired that I couldn't go to the party.

19. There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.


It'sa waste of time asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.

20. The union claims its members will only return to work if the company agrees to a



The union claims its members will not return to work unless the company agrees to a


21. I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.


Itmust have been Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

22. We demanded to see the hotel manager to make our complaint.


Weinsisted on seeing the hotel manager to make our complaint.

23. The boss wouldn't object to you going early today.


The boss would not have any objection to you going early today.



Environmental Concerns

Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1) Still human

activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) carries on consuming two-

thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (3) just to stay alive we are

rapidly destroying the (4) only resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper.

Everywhere fertile soil is (5) eitherbuilt on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited

so much that they will never be able to recover (6) completely. We discharge pollutants into the

atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (7) result the planet's ability to support

people is being (8) cutat the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (9) making

increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth's (10) naturalresources are there for us to use. We need

food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (11) keep us fed, comfortable,

healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will (12) last indefinitely. But if

we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer.

Food Production KEY

In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able to live (0) NATURAL lives in what we

would now termfree-range' conditions. Such farming methods, however,were not able to

supply the rapidly growing (1)POPULATION of the world and the increasing demands on

food (2) CONSUMPTION in order to cope with this rising demand, factoryfarming methods

were introduced along with the (3) DEVELOPMENTof genetically engineered (4) GROWTH

hormones, which resulted in a massive increase in food (5) PRODUCTION; However, these

developments in the use of factoryfarming and drug (6) TREATMENTS have led to a

widespreadfeeling that animals are being caused a lot of distress and that the

quality of the food itself suffers as aconsequence. Certainly, many people (7)

DISAGREEwith the ideaof keeping animals in one building for their entire (8)EXISTENCE

and argue that more emphasis should be given to (9)ALTERNATIVE farming methods. A

growing number of people are choosing to eat organic food, supporting farmers who

usefree-range methods, a system which has proved to be both (10) ECONOMICAL

and more humane.


KEY Dress Code

UK companies have received (0) CRITICISM from CRITICISM

a business forum for what their report refers to as

a rather narrow-minded attitude towards the dress

code for office workers. This follows a case in

which a male (1) ... working in the post room of a EMPLOYEE

large (2) ... in the United Kingdom received a ORGANISATION

(3) ... for wearing jeans to work. SUSPENSION

Whilst the report accepts that there is a need for

people dealing with (4) ... to look well dressed, CUSTOMERS

it questions whether employees who work behind

the scenes necessarily need to dress formally.

The authors of the report made a (5) ... between COMPARISON

the UK and other European nations where

employers seem (6) ... about the need for their UNCONCERNED

workers to wear smart clothes in the office.

Their (7) ... is based on research that claims ARGUMENT

workers are far more (8) ... when they have the PRODUCTIVE

(9) ... to dress in a way that they feel most FREEDOM

(10) ... in. COMFORTABLE

Word form quiz 1

We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all

across the Earth. Profound and powerful forces are shaking and making our

world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our

friend and not our enemy. This new world has already enriched the lives of


millions of Americans who are able to compete and win in it. But when most

people are working harder for less, when others cannot work at all, when the cost

of health care devastates families and threatens to bankrupt our enterprises, great

and small, when the fear of crime robs law abiding citizens of their freedom, and

when millions of poor children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to

lead, we have not made change our friend.

Word Form Quiz - 2 `It is simply this. That Space, as our mathematicians have it, is spoken of as

having three dimensions, which one may call length, breadth, and thickness, and

is always definable by reference to three planes, each at right angles to the

others. But some philosophical people have been asking why THREE dimensions

particularly - why not another direction at right angles to the other three?--and

have even tried to construct a Four-Dimension geometry. Professor Simon

Newcomb was expounding this to the New York Mathematical Society only a

month or so ago. You know how on a flat surface, which has only two dimensions,

we can represent a figure of a three dimensional solid, and similarly they think

that by models of thee dimensions they could represent one of four--if they could

master the perspective of the thing. See?'

Word Form Quiz – 3 In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait

of a young man of ordinarily personal beauty, and in front of it, some little

distance away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden

disappearance some years ago caused, at the time, such public excitement, and

gave rise to so many strange conjectures. As the painter looked at the gracious

and comely form he had so skillfully mirrored in his art, a smile of _pleasure

passed across his face, and seemed about to linger there. But he suddenly

started up, and, closing his eyes, placed his fingers upon the lids, as though he


sought to imprisoned within his brain some curious dream from which he feared

he might awake

From the Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.

- I am taking (take) Sally out for dinner tonight.

- The 3 pm train returns (return) by 4:30 pm.

- The girls and I are going (go) out tonight.

- At 8 am, we are leaving (leave) on the excursion to Oahu.

- The return train departs (depart) one hour after the race.

- The office is throwing (throw) a going-away party for me.

- They are having (have) very small wedding on the beach.

- Thanksgiving falls (fall) on the 25th of November this year.

- Eating sandwiches every day is boring, so I am eating (eat) out today.

- Mr. President, you are addressing (address) the UN Assembly at noon on

July 10th.

2.Write the questions. Use the correct form of the verb. Then answer


- What are you going to buy for Janice's birthday present?

- What time does the train leave?

- What are you doing tonight?

- When are your parents leaving?

- How often do you go to the cinema?

3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple or

present continuous.

Kim usually visits (visit) her cousins at the weekend.

At the moment Linda is working (work) as a motorcycle courier.

1 Tom doesn´t often go (not go) to the Cyber café.


2 Excuse me,do you know (know) how to get to Church Street?

3 What are you listening to(listen to)?

4 Juan works (work) for the Iberia airline. He’s a pilot.

5 In the summer, the sun rises (rise) at five o’clock in the morning.

6 I don´t like (not like) my gym. I am not getting (not get) fit fast enough!

7 Tom and I are going (go) to the beach this weekend.


A: What were you doing(you, do) when the accident occurred?

B: I was trying(try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

2. After I found(find) the wallet full of money, I immediately went

(go, immediately) to the police andturned (turn) it in.

3. The doctorsaid (say) that Tom was (be) too sick to go to work and

that heneeded (need) to stay at home for a couple of days.

4. Sebastian arrived(arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM,

but she wasn´t(be, not) there. She was studying(study) at the library

for her final examination in French.

5. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time

yesterday, she was also watching(watch, also) television. That's all she

ever does!

6. A: I called (call) you last night after dinner, but you were not(be,

not) there. Where were you?

B: I was workingout at the fitness center.

7. When I walked(walk) into the busy office, the secretary …was

talking.(talk) on the phone with a customer, several clerks were

workingbusily at their desks, and two managers were discussing

quietly(discuss, quietly) methods to improve customer service.

8. I was watching(watch) a mystery movie on TV when the electricity

went out(go out). Now I am never going to find out how the movie ends.


9. Sharonwas (be) in the room when John told me (tell) me what

happened, but she didn't hear anything because she wasn´t listening

(listen, not) .

10. It's strange that you called me (call) because I was just

thinking(think, just) about you.

Present perfect simple and past simple

1 Choose the correct words.

- They’ve already visited Venice.

- Have you ever seen a ghost? - Has she finished work yet?

- They’ve been married since October.

- Lucy has worked in the circus since she was a child. - David has just got back from holiday.

2 Complete the newspaper extracts. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or past simple.

Last night a massive tidal wave 1HIT (hit) the coast of Mexico. Over 5,000 people 2HAVE ALREADY LOST (already / lose) their homes.

Yesterday a girl 3HANDED IN (hand in) a briefcase containing £100,000 to the police. The girl

found the briefcase at Euston railway station.

The cost of living in Britain 4HAS RISEN (rise) again. Last year prices in British

supermarkets 5INCREASED (increase) by more than five per cent.

3Complete the text. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or past simple.

1HAVE you EVER DREAMT (ever / dream) of being a film star? Leonardo DiCaprio was only five years old

when he 2STARRED (star) in his first TV show, and just thirteen when he 3APPEARED (appear) in his first film.

Since then he 4HASN´T STOPPED (not stop) working. He 5HAS BEEN (be) in over fifteen films and he 6HAS

WORKED (work) with stars such as Robert De Niro and Johnny Depp.

Leonardo 7WAS (be) born in Los Angeles in 1974. After appearing in TV shows, he 8GOT (get) his first film

role in Critters 3, then he starred in Romeo and Juliet. But it 9WASN´T (not be) until Titanic that he 10BECAME

(become) a world-famous teen idol. It was then that Leonardo 11BEGAN (begin) to appear on magazine covers around the world.

Since Titanic, Leonardo 12HAS BEEN (be) very busy. He 13HAS ALREADY (already / make) three more films

and 14HAS JUST STARTED (just / start) work on another.

4 Write questions about Leonardo. Use the present perfect simple or past simple.

1 How old / when / first appear / on TV? How old was he when he appeared on TV? 2 ever / meet / Robert De Niro? Has he ever met Robert De Niro?

3 How long / be / an actor? How long has he been an actor?

4 famous / before Titanic? Was he famous before Titanic? 5 How many / films / make / since Titanic? How many films has he made since Titanic?


Present perfect simple and continuous 1. Complete using the past simple and the past perfect.

- Where have you been? I have been waiting for ages (wait)

- My garden's a jungle. I haven t́ done any gardening for months (not do)

- How's Maggie? I haven t́ seen her for ages (not see)

- You're covered in hay, Max. What have you been doing? (do)

- We've discovered this great pub and we have been going there a lot (go)

- I have to write a 300 word essay. I have written about half so far (write)

- That old house now looks fantastic. The owners have restored it completely (restore)

- I'm exhausted. I have been working in the garden all day (work)

- Maggie's gone to the doctor's. She hasn´t been feeling toowell lately.(not feel)

- I think Maggie and Max are dating. They have been seeing a lot of each other recently


- I have been practising (practise) these tenses for three weeks now. Do you think I have

made any progress.

- She has been gossiping (gossip) about me, hasn't she. I can just feel it.

2. Complete using the correct form of the verb:

- Those young men have run (run) nearly two miles.

They have been running (run) for ten minutes.

- Since tea time Elaine has been doing (do) sums in her exercise book. She has done (do)


- You have been drinking (drink) tea all day. You have drunk (drink) at least ten cups.

- Simon has delivered (deliver) about two hundred newspapers.

He has been delivering (deliver) them since early this morning.

- Bob and his friends have been playing (play) golf since lunch time.

They have played (play) ten holes.

- Helen has told me (tell) me you are seriously ill. Why didn't you tell me yourself.

- Our company has doubled (double) its turnover over the past six months.


Past perfect simple and past simple

1. Complete using the past simple and the past perfect.

-My father lived in Madrid when he was young (live)

- David's car was very new; he had just bought it (buy)

- Ann passed her exam because she had studied a lot (study)

- The oil tanker sank in the middle of a terrible hurricane (sink)

- Last summer my parents went to London; they had never been there before (be)

- When the police arrived the terrorist had just killed one hostage (kill)

- Mark didn´t invite me to his birthday party (not invite)

- Yesterday my kids went to the zoo (go)

- Ten years ago I paid 100.000 euros for my house (pay)

- When I saw your father I didn't recognize him. He had changed a lot (change)

- The first time I met my wife was in Paris during the Roland Garros Tournament (meet)

- Last night I went to bed very late because I was reading a book (go)

- The bomb exploded in front of the police station (explode)

- When my mother phoned me yesterday night I had just gone to bed (go)

- I arrived very late at the party and my friends had just left (leave)

- Mr Wilson died alone in his castle (die)

- I worked for an American firm for 10 years (work)

- We enjoyed our trip to Italy a lot (enjoy)

- When the vaccine was finally developed that strange illness had already killed thousands of people (kill)

2. Complete using the correct form of the verbs

- Last September the village was (be) very quiet: the holiday makers had already left

- Last time I went(go) to Barcelona they had opened the Olympic Village (open)

- When the bomb exploded (explode) the police had already evacuated the building (evacuate)

- When the helicopter finally arrived(arrive) the oil tanker had sunk (sink)

- The public insulted the referee during the match (insult)

- I didn t́ see (not see) my brother last summer. He was in France (be)



Will/going to

1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.

- She is going (play) tennis with Tom on Tuesday.

- When Julia grows up, she will be (be) a doctor

- If it gets any colder, it will snow (snow)

- I am meeting Peter on Tuesday.

- Do you know what time does the train leave? (present simple for timetables)

- I´ve got the tickets for Madonna's concert in London. We are going (go) next June.

- Jack is not meeting (not meet) us next weekend.

- 'It's hot in here.' 'OK, I will (open) the window.'

- 'Have you decided what you are going to do (do) at Christmas?' 'Yes, we are going to stay

with my parents.'

- 'We are going (go) to Paris for Sylvia's birthday. But it's a secret.' 'Is it? OK, I won´t( tell)


- My parents are leaving (leave) town tomorrow.

2. Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

In a hundred years time I think people 1will live (live) on the moon.

What 2 are you going to wear (wear) for the party? I haven't decided yet. Maybe I 3 will

wear (wear) my new jeans.

Greg passed his driving test last week. He told me he 4 is going to (buy) a car.

I feel terrible. I think 5 am going to be (be) sick.

Future perfect simple and futurecontinuous

1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the future perfect simple or the future


1 This time next week we will be skiing (ski) in the French Alps.

2 Greg is taking a year off to travel. By the end of next year he will have visited (visit) seven


3 ‘What will you be doing this time tomorrow?’‘Iwill be taking (take) my English exam.’

4 Don’t come round at six o’clock. I will still be doing (still / do) my homework.

If you want to come round at seven, you can. I will have finished (finish) it by then.

5 Jill has accepted a job abroad. This time next month she will be working (work) in Paris.

6 Next year, I will have lived (live) in this house for ten years.


Mixed tenses

1. "What IS PETER DOING.( Peter /do) now?"

2. PleaseDON´T MAKE (not/make) so much noise. IAM STUDYING (study) for my

online degree.

3. Ron HAS PHONED (phone) Jill again. It IS. (be) the third time he HAS

PHONED(phone) her this evening.

4. itis RAINING (rain) now. ItBEGAN (begin) raining two hours ago. So itHAS BEEN

RAINING (rain) for two hours.

5. HAVE YOU HEARD (you /hear) anything from Tom since Christmas?

6. " DID YOU GO (.you /go) out last night?"

7. I FELL (fall) asleep yesterday when IWAS WATCHING (watch) TV.

8. George HAS NEVER BEEN (never be) to Canada.

9. I HAVEN´T FOUND(not find) the ring which I LOST (lose) at the party


10. MikeIS WRITING (write) on his notebook now. How long HAS HE BEEN

WRITING( he /write)?

11. When theyWERE WORKING (work) in the garden, the phone RANG (ring).

TheyMET (meet) my brother an hour ago.

12. This is the most beautiful painting IHAVE EVER SEEN (ever see).

13.My parents HAVE RECENTLY BOUGHT (recently/ buy) some property in the south

of France. They ARE BUILDING (build) a summer cottage at the moment

14.Andy and Sally ARE GOING TO/ ARE GOING TO GO (go) to a concert tomorrow

night. They HAVE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO (look forward to) it all week

15.When he FOUNDED (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old. He HAD

ALREADY WRITTEN (already/ write) his first computer programme seven years


16.TheyHAD STOOD/ HAD BEEN STANDING (stand) in the queue for an hour when

the manager INFORMED (inform) them that there were no more tickets available

17.An accident OCCURRED (occur) near my house last night. A car HIT (hit) a young

man. He WAS RIDING (ride) a bicycle when suddenly someone OPENED(open) the

front door of the car. Several witnesses SAW (see) the accident. The police

QUESTIONED/ WERE QUESTIONING (question) them all night

18. Robert WATCHES (watch) the news in English everyday on TV and it HELPS (help)

him with his English.

19. I SAW (see) a film a week ago, but I DIDN’T LIKE (not like) it very much. The

problem was that I HAD ALREADY READ (already/ read) the book

20. Alan WAS (be) in a car accident yesterday. The other driver LOST (lose) control

of his car because he HAD FALLEN (fall) asleep

21. Last night my neighbourKNOCKED (knock) on the door. She WANTED (want) my

father to move the car because she COULDN’T(not can) get out of her parking space


22. My sister IS FLYING (fly) home from London today. Her flight WILL LAND

(land) in an hour, so I AM LEAVING/ AM GOING TO LEAVE (leave) home right now

to pick her up at the airport

23. I WAS SLEEPING (sleep) when the fire BROKE OUT (break out)

24. She HASN’T SEEN (not see) her father since she STARTED (start) to work in

France two years ago

25.IDIDN’T SLEEP (not sleep) at all last night because somebody WAS LISTENING

(listen) to very loud music all night long

26.ARE YOU WRITING/ ARE YOU GOING TO WRITE (you/ write) to him tonight?

Yes, I always WRITE (write) to him on his birthday. DO YOU WANT (you/want) to

send him a message?

27. I HAVE JUST SEEN (just/ see) the film “the Da Vinci Code”. HAVE YOU SEEN

(you/ see) it? No, I HAVEN’T. Is it like the book? Well, I DON’T KNOW (not know)

because I HAVEN’T READ (not read) the book

28.While he WAS WAITING (wait) for the bus, there WAS (be) a robbery at the

bank. The police APPEARED (appear) after the robbers HAD RUN AWAY (run away),

so they DIDN’T CATCH THEM (not catch) them

29.Yesterday before Peter LEFT (leave) home he WROTE/ HAD WRITTEN (write) a

note to his girlfriend

30.He ALWAYS SAYS (always/ say) that he will mend the window, but he NEVER

DOES (never/ do) it

31. I used to ski when I WAS (be) at university, but I BROKE (break) a leg five years

ago and I HAVEN’T DONE (not do) any skiing since then

32. Don’t worry!! I WILL GIVE (give) you a call at 6.30

33. I HAVEN’T SEEN (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he HAS BEEN


34.By December 6th we WILL HAVE FINISHED (finish) the first term exams and we

WILL BE HAVING (have) a long free weekend

35.WhyIS SHE LEARNING (she/ learn) Chinese this year? Because she IS

WORKING (work) for a Chinese company at the moment and she IS GOING TO

WORK/ WILL WORK/ WILL BE WORKING (work) in the Beijing office next year


1 Rewrite the sentences using gerunds.

Tim cycled into town. He didn’t stop Tim cycled into town without stopping.

1 Rachel lost the race. She was very angry. Rachel was angry about loosing the race.

2 We didn’t go to the cinema, we watched a video at home

Instead of going to the cinema, we watched….

3 Ivan passed his driving test because he practised every weekend.

By practising every weekend, Ivan passed…


4 Gillian read the newspaper then she phoned her friend.

Before phoning her friend, Gillian read….

5 They left the disco and went for a coffee.

After leaving the disco, they went for a ….

6 Jake has split up with his girlfriend.

He’s upset. Jake is upset about splitting with his girlfriend

2 Choose the correct forms.

1 Tony wants to go travelling before he goes to university.

2 He promised to buy her a diamond ring for their anniversary.

3 Have you ever considered studying abroad?

4 He agreed to buy the motorbike for £2,000.

5 John has been a farmer for twenty years. He’s used to getting up early (be used

to + gerund: “estaracostumbrado” ,different from used to + inf : “soler” (past


6 It’s cold today. You shouldn’t go out without wearing your coat.

3 Complete the story with gerunds or infinitives: A haunted house

When I was a child I used to spend my holidays at my aunt and uncle’s old country

house. One summer I remember having (have) a strange experience.

It was a hot afternoon, and my cousins suggested 1 PLAYING (play) hide-and-seek. But

instead of 2GOING (go) outside, we decided 3TO PLAY (play) in the attic. After 4TURNIN OFF (turn off) all the lights, we all hid in different places. I managed 5TO

HIDE (hide) behind an old sofa.

Then something odd happened. In the darkness we heard footsteps come into the

room. The footsteps seemed 6TO WALK (walk) towards the sofa. I wanted 7TO MOVE

(move), but I couldn’t. I expected something terrible 8TO HAPPEN (happen). Then

suddenly the footsteps stopped and the door slammed shut. After 9WAITING (wait)

for a few seconds, we jumped up and ran downstairs without 10STOPPING (stop).

We told my aunt and uncle, but they refused 11TO BELIEVE (believe) us. Mysteriously

the house burned down a year later. The fire started in the attic.

PASSIVE CLAUSES KEY__________________________________________________:

.1-Your car might have been stolen if the keys had been left in it

2.The fire could have been caused by an electrical fault

3.Next year´s congress is going to be held in San Francisco.


4.The football match shouldn´t have been played in such bad weather.

5.Jim isn´t paid very much

6. I wasn´t asked my name.

7.He likes to be called “sir”.

8.Some trees are going to be cut down.

9.Who was the Mona Lisa painted by?

10.Ttickets for the concert must be bought.

11.The reports are being typed

12 These road aren´t used very often.

13.The date of the meeting has been changed.

14I was accused of stealing the money.

15.Your name will have to be put in the list of guests.

2-Active voice:

1. We found the books yesterday. (or any other possible subject)

2.The police haven´t found the thieves

3.Someone sent me a letter

4.A new school is going to be built.

5 They are/ the council is going to build a new school.

6 Who wrote this book?

7. The Americans sent the first man into space.

8.-Personal /Impersonal passive:

1.It is said that he is a spy/ He is said to be a spy.

2. It is claimed that his engine is twice as powerful as the previous one/

His engine is claimed to be as powerful……..

3.It is known that he is armed../ He is known to be armed


4.It is thought that she lied about her age./She is thought to have lied about her age

5.It was believed that he was killed by the Red Skins./ He was believed to have been

killed by The Red Skins. (passive perfect infinitive)

3- Personal/ Impersonal passive.Translate:

1. It is said that Pedro is intelligent/Pedro is said to be intelligent

2. It is known that the weather of Alicante is the best in Spain/ The weather of

Alicante is known to be the best in Spain.

3.It is believed that Chinese invented gunpowder. /Chinese are believed to have

invented gunpowder.

4. It is considered that Americans are the most developed country in the world./

Americans are considered to be the most developed country in the world.

5.It is supposed that the Hercules will win the match. /The Hercules is supposed to

win the match.


1. The spokesman said that he couldn’t understand why billiards had been


2. Gihan exclaimed that they had too many prohibitions.

3. The young lady said that she had not made such a mistake.

4. She said that that they would go and get some food.

5. Winston Churchill said that he woke up at six every day.

6. A company representative said that probably wouldn’t happen.

7. A farmer said that if the situation went on like that they would lose the consumers’

confidence for ever.

8. He added that they needed someone who would realise that celibacy had to be a

personal choice.

9. She said that she thought the amount of immigrants at that moment was OK, but

she didn’t think they needed any more.

10. He said that in Japan paper-folding had been valued for its decorative function.

11. Kasparov said that if he didn’t win that game he would retire.

12. The police said that Youssef had planned the World Trade Centre bombing.

13. She said that as a woman, her life would change with the new millennium.

14. John said that he had watched a documentary about dolphins on TV the day


15. Banderas said that he was living the adventure of his life.

16. Al Gore said that as a teenager, one of the books that he had read had been Silent



17. She said that she had been taught information technology in that course.

18. My aunt said that single men should drive slowly if they wanted to live longer.

19. He said that they were there that day to reach consensus.

20. Last week Julia said that they would meet their new instructor the following day.

21. He asked one of them to let him see the streets once more before he died, and

then he promised to be back in five minutes.

22. He begged her not to say anything to him.

23. His mother told him not to talk to her like that.

24. She advised him not to smoke if he wanted to save money.

25. Alice asked her brother to buy her the paper if he was going out.

26. He asked if he often played rugby.

27. The doctor asked me if I ever felt that pain in my stomach before meals.

28. Michael asked her where she had found those trainers.

29. Michael wondered why he did that every day.

30. She asked what time the film started.

31. Her parents asked her why she wanted to become a bullfighter.

32. They asked her mother if she often came home late from school.

33. The judge asked Karl how long he had known the accused.

SPECIAL REPORTING VERBS_______ANSWERS___________________________

1- "I didn't lose it," he said. (deny) He ... He denied losing it.

2-"I won't do it," he said. (refuse) He ... He refused to do it.

3-"I promise I'll take you to school," said my sister to them. (promise)

My sister ... My sister promised to take them to school.

4-"Don't forget to phone when you arrive," said Mum to us. (remind)

Mum ... Mum reminded us to phone when we arrived

5-"We really must go with you," they said to Bob. (insist)

They ... They insisted on going with Bob.

6-"Have dinner with me," Tom said to Beth. (invite)

Tom ... Tom invited Beth to have dinner with him.

7-"If you take my iPod again, I'll pinch you very hard," said my sister to

Tim. (threaten)

My sister ... My sister threatened to pinch Tim very hard if he took her iPod


8-"Why doesn't she tell him?" said Jim. (suggest)

Jim ... Jim suggested that she tell him

Jim suggested (that) she should tell him.

9-Why don't we go to the cinema?” he said(suggest)

He suggested going to the cinema.

10-“You are right. it was a mistake to get up so early,” Chris said.

Chris admitted getting early was a mistake.(admit)


11- “Look, he is a thief!” the greengrocer said.

The greengrocer accussed him of being a thief. (accuse)

12-“I will help you, Tom, for sure,” the teacher said.

The teacher promised to help Tom. (promise)

13- “Stay with us until tomorrow, Tom”.

My uncle insisted on my staying with them for the night. (insist)

14- “How about having a swim?” they said.

They suggested going for a swim a swim. (suggest)

15- “You'd better start learning for the exam, Roger,” the biology

teacher said.

The biology teacher advised Roger to start learning for the exam.(advise)

RELATIVE CLAUSES_____ANSWERS___________________________

1. Rewrite the sentences using relative pronouns.

1. She looked for a moment at Adam, who was staring out of the window.

2. The plane he was travelling in was about to land in London.

3. Mr. Holmes discovered the stolen money, which pleased the bank.

4. Mr. Holmes’ farm, where the bandits hid the money, is in Essex.

5. The farmer the bandits had spoken to went away on holiday.

6. Mars is apparently red because it is covered with iron oxide, which means

that there must be oxygen in the soil.

7. My friends, some of whom have finished at the University, have gone on


8. The competitors, most of whom were quite nervous, were ready for the


9. James Long, whose fingerprints were found in the farmhouse, was


10. In that cell you’ll find Bonny Clyde, whom the police have just arrested.

11. The country has now 300 power stations, all of which are part of national


12. Few people attended last night’s meeting, which was a pity.

13. He has taken home a girl whose car is parked outside.

14. He found a lot of postcards in the drawer, many of which are from Paris.

15. Where are the papers my doctor told me to take?

16. Jane Austen mentions Bath in Northanger Abbey, which shows how she

employed her personal knowledge of places.

17. I can’t remember the name of the person I gave the money to.

18. Is this the book you asked me for?

19. I met Mary, who asked me to give you this./ Mary, whom I met, asked me


to give you this.

20. He kept on talking about many things, none of which interested me.

2. 1. Ø

2. Whose

3. Whom

4. Ø

5. Who

6. Which

7. That / which

8. Ø

9. Ø

10. Ø

3. 1. John Grisham’s new novel, which was published last week, is brilliant.

2. This is the hospital where Agatha Christies worked.

3. Have you got the book I lent to you last week?

4. Nicole Kidman, whose ex-husband was Tom Cruise, is a famous actress.

5. The headmaster of your school, whom I am writing a letter to, is an old

friend of mine.

6. The car Bill sold us runs quite well.

7. That is the song I heard on the radio this morning.

8. The pyramids of Egypt, which they have written a lot about, should not be


9. She expects me to clean the house, which is impossible. (THE ANTECEDENT



1 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 If she had more time, she’d learn another language.

2 If she has the new Star Wars Game, she’ll let you play it.

3 If I was rich, I’d buy a sports car.

4 He would have phoned the police if he’d seen the robbery.

5 If he had a motorbike, he’d ride it to school

6 If she had watched the tennis match, she would have known the result.

7 If I find the letter, I’ll tell you

2 Read the text. Then complete the sentences in the first, second or third

conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs.


Andrew Chance’s mother was horrified when she received her son’s Internet

shopping bill. Thirteen-year-old Andrew had spent nearly £1 million on eMall, an

American Internet shopping site. Andrew used his parents’ password to get into

the site. He then bought a Rolls Royce, a Van Gogh painting and an antique bed.

‘I’m in big trouble,’ the worried teenager said yesterday.

1 If Andrew’s parents HADN´T BOUGHT (not buy) him the computer, he wouldn’t

have shopped on the Internet.

2 Andrew would make more friends if he SPENT (spend) less time on

the Internet.

3 If his parents HAD FOUND (find out) earlier, Andrew would have spent less money.

4 If Andrew’s mother doesn’t pay, she WILL HAVE (have to) go to prison.

5 Andrew WOULDN´T HAVE GOT (not get) into trouble if he hadn’t used his parents’


6 If I WERE (be) Andrew’s mother, I’d sell his computer.

7 If teenagers HAVE (have) a computer, they’ll want to surf the Internet.

3 Rewrite the sentences in the first, second or third conditional.

He can’t find his wallet so he’s angry.

(Second conditional) If he could find his wallet, he wouldn’t be angry.

1 In order to lose weight you need to exercise more.

(First conditional) If you want TO LOSE WEIGHT, YOU´LL HAVE TO EXERCISE MORE

2 He may be late, but he can meet us at the Blue Note café.

(First conditional) If he’s late, he can meet us…..

3 An old woman saw him burgle the house. That’s why he’s in prison.

(Third conditional) If she hadn’t see him burgle the house, he wouldn´t be in prison

4 He wants to be rich and famous. Then he’ll be happy.

(Second conditional) If he was rich and famous, he would be happy

5 Dave fell asleep so he missed the end of the film.

(Third conditional) If he hadn’t fallen asleep, he wouldn´t have missed the end of

the fil

Rephrase the following sentences into conditionals (types I, II or III)

1-You were not at home yesterday. Your little brother had an accident. (type III)

If you had been at home, he wouldn´t have had an accident

2- I forgot the car keys at home. I was late for work. (t.III).

If I hadn´t forgotten the keys, I wouldn´t have been late for work


3- She hasn't got a university degree. She'd like to have a better job. (t. II)

If she had a university degree, she could have a better job

4- I spent all my money on cigarettes. I need a dictionary. (t. III).

If I hadn´t spent all my money, I could have bought a dictionary

5- You might see my sister. I need to tell her that our father's gone on a business


Should you happen to see my sister, tell her that …..

6- Susan is going to fail almost every subject this year. She wants to go to university.

(t. I)

If she fails, she won´t go to university…

7- He's not handsome. He'd like to have a beautiful girlfriend. (type II, use MIGHT in

the main clause).

He might have a beautiful girlfriend if he was handsome

8- The prison warder was having lunch. The prisoners escaped. (t.III).

The prisoner wouldn´t have escaped if he hadn´t been having lunch

9- I don't have enough time. I like reading very much.(t. II)

If I had more time, I would read

10- I don't like cooking. I always eat in restaurants(t. II)

If I liked cooking, I wouldn´t always eat in restaurants

11. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and caused the accident.

If he hadn´t fallen asleep, he wouldn´t have caused the accident

12. She feels lonely since she hasn't got any friends.

If she had friends, she wouldn´t feel lonely

13. I don't have a modem, so I can't e-mail you.

If I had a modem, I would be able to email you (can has no infinitive form)

14. I didn't send them a postcard because I didn't know their new address.


If I had known it, I would have sent them a postcard

15. The restaurant was full so we couldn't get a table.

If it hadn´t been full, we could have got a table

16. I'm too busy to go to the pub.

If I weren´t (wasn´t) so busy, I would go to the pub

17. Ice melts down when you heat it.

If you heat ice, it melts down (0 conditional: present-present)

We didn't see The Two Towers because the cinema was closed.

We would have seen it if the cinema hadn´t been closed

You won't get a promotion if your work doesn't improve. (UNLESS)

Unless your work improves, you won´t get a promotion

18. The government won't win the elections unless they create employment. (IF)

If the government doesn´t create employment, they won´t win the elections

19. Whenever I make a promise, I keep it.

If I make a promise, I keep it (0 conditional)

20. We haven't got any matches, so we can't light a fire.

If we had matches, we would be able to light a fire

21. I didn't renew my subscription because I lost interest in the magazine's articles.

I would have renewed my subscription if I hadn´t lost interest in ….

22. He was too slow to win the race.

I he had been faster, he would have won

23. If I don't find a cheap flight, I won't go to Rio. (UNLESS)

Unless I find a cheap flight, I won´t go to Rio

24. She will understand you provided that you don't speak too fast.(UNLESS)

She will understand you unless you speak too fast


25.Whenever Peter and I meet, we talk about the good old times.

If Peter and I meet, we talk….

26.Should you call Tim, tell him to bring my DVDs back on Sunday.

If you call Tim, tell him to….

27.Mancini will be transferred to Juventus only if they accept his offer.

Provided Juventus accepts Mancini´s offer, he will be transferred to it

WISH CLAUSES – KEY_____________________________

A. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Some sentences require a negation and use the contractions in the negative


1. Bruce wishes he had (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.

2. I wish I were (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

3. I wish you would stop (stop) watching television while I am talking to you.

4. I wish you wouldn't do (do) that. It annoys me.

5. I wish the holidays would come (come) so we could go off to the seaside.

6. Of course Tom wishes he could come (come) with us to Paris, but he has to stay


7. I wish we could go (go) to the match on Saturday but we're visiting my uncle.

8. I wish you had kept (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows

9. If only I hadn't lost (lose) all my money. Now I'm broke.

10. Peter is always late. If only he would turn up (turn up) on time for a change!

B. Complete the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.

We’ve run out of petrol -------- If only/I wish we had petrol

I’m taking a test tomorrow -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t a test tomorrow /

I wish I passed

This holiday has been a disaster -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t been out this


It’s snowing outside -------- If only/I wish it wouldn’t snow


People at work always shout at me ----- If only/I wish people at work

wouldn’t shout at me

I acted very rudely in front of the headmaster -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t

acted so rude...

I don’t know how to ride a bicycle -------- If only/I wish I could ride a bike.

She never listens to me ---------- If only/I wish she would listen to me

I can’t speak Russian -------- If only/I wish I could speak Russian

I’m not tall, dark and handsome -------- If only/I wish I were tall, dark and


I was caught robbing a bank -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t been caught

I crashed the car when I was drunk -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t driven my

car while drunk

She’s making beans again -------- If only/I wish she wouldn’t make beans


Stop behaving like that!--------------If only/I wish you wouldn’t behave like


I failed my exam because I didn’t study -------- If only/I wish I had studied.

I don’t want to go to school, but I have to -------- If only/I wish I didn’t have

to go to school

My girlfriend left me after we argued -------- If only/I wish we hadn’t


I lost a lot of money at cards -------- If only/I wish I hadn’t played cards

Why don’t you ever look at me?---------If only/I wish you would look at me

I want to go to the Bahamas for a holiday -------- If only/I wish I could go to

the Bahamas ...

I’m sorry I haven’t got more friends -------- If only/I wish I had more



EXPRESSING PREFERENCES_________________________________

1 Choose the correct answer

1. I prefer coffee to tea.

2. I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather goto the cinema.

3. Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer walking in the mountains.

4. I'd rather speak to him in person than discuss things over the phone.

5. I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer travelling by train.

6. If I had a choice I think I'd rather live in Paris than London

7. They'd rather have lunch inside but I'd prefer to eat outside in the garden.

2 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb

1- I think most people prefer driving to walking

2- I´d rather you didn´t smoke in here

3- My mother would prefer you to help Peter with his work

4- Boris would rather drink Vodka than water

5- When I was a child I preferred playing football to watching it on the telly. Now I´d

rather sit down in my armchair with a pint nearby if possible.

6- Would you like some gin? – I´d rather have wine, thanks.

7- Would you rather I finished this exercise now?

8- My parents would rather I studied more, but I´d prefer them to mindtheir own


3- Change to other forms of preference

I prefer driving a car to riding a motorcycle.

1. I like driving a car better than riding a ….

2. I would rather drive a car than ride a …

3. I would prefer to drive a car rather than ride a….

4.Complete the sentences

1 She prefers hot chocolate to coffee.

2. I would prefer to go by bus rather than walk

3. I'd prefer to have fruit juice.

4. Sally would prefer to drive there rather than go by plane.

5. Mom prefers to go to the cinema to stay at home tonight.

6. Would you prefer to see a comedy film rather than a horror movie?

7. I would prefer to go to the cinema rather than to the theater.

8. I would prefer to drink tea rather than drink coffee

9. I prefer tennis to volleyball.

10. I prefer watching TV to playing computer games.


MODAL VERBS___________________________________ 1.If I had gone to the sales, I'm sure I .............. have bought something.

A. might B. should C would

2.Claire was very upset you didn't go to her birthday party. You ..............have gone.

A. might B. should C. would

3.The lights are out. They ..............have gone to sleep.

A. might B. should C. would

4.We .............. have invited Dave to the party if we had known he was in town.

A. might B. should C would

5.You .............. have come to the pub on Saturday. We had a great time.

A. might B. should C. would

6.You .............. have spent so much money on CDs. You'll have problems getting to the

end of the month now.

A. might B. should C shouldn't

7.She told me she .............. have emailed you if you had given her your address.

A. might B. should C. would

8.He's really shy. You ..............have told him you liked him.

A. might B. should C. would

9.She .............. have said yes to a date. You never know.

A. might B. should C. would

10.You .............. have mentioned her weight. She was very upset.

A. might not B. shouldn't C. wouldn't

10 Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He _________be exhausted

after such a long flight.

Must can had better

11 The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But

we ________________ read it if we don't want to.

Cannot must not don't have to

12 Susan ___________ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.

couldn't can't might not


13. The television isn't working. It ___________ damaged during the move.

must have been must must be

14 You _____________ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I

know haven't got a penny to their name.

can'tdon't have to shouldn't

15 I've redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong

according to the answer key. The answer in the book ___ be wrong!

have to must should

16 You __________ worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the job,

or you don't. If you don't, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find work.

shouldn't don't have to can't

17 You ________________ leave the table once you have finished your meal and politely

excused yourself.

Would might may

18. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ________________ a fortune.

must cost must be costing must have cost

19. ___________ we move into the living room? It's more comfortable in there and

there's a beautiful view of the lake.

Shall Must Will

20. If I had gone white water rafting with my friends, I ________________ down the

Colorado River right now.

would have float would be floating would float

21 At first, my boss didn't want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked with

Sam, I told my boss that he ________________ take another look at his resume and

reconsider him for the position.

Must ought to has to

KEY Modals With Perfect Infinitive

1. Must have

2. Needn’t have / shouldn’t have

3. Can’t have / couldn’t have

4. May have / might have

5. Must have

6. Must have

7. Needn’t have / shouldn’t have


8. Should have

9. Should have

10. Shouldn’t have / needn’t have

11. Shouldn’t have

12. Can’t have / couldn’t have

13. Must have

14. Needn’t have

15. Didn’t need (have) to

16. May have / might have / could have

17. Could have / might have

18. Can’t have / couldn’t have

19. Should have

20. Mustn’t have / can’t have


1-Select the correct connector to fill in the blank. More than one answer may be correct.

1. ……………….my computer froze, I had to restart it.

Since Because Consequently For

2. I had left it on all day;…………………, it was dead.

consequently because so that therefore

3. ………………….I needed to work, I had to go find the power cord

For Since Due to Therefore

4. I had a "splitting headache" today. It got …………………bad that I had to take a tablet.

such therefore so much so

4. People choose Apple computers ……………………their ease of use.

because due to due to the fact that because of

6. Other people prefer to use PCs …………………..they are more universally used.

because due to due to the fact that because of

7.He had lots of free time, …………………..he spent it 'surfing' the Internet.

so so that for that reason, since

2-Fill in the blanks with a suitable connector. There may be more than one correct 1.Doctors believe that some new diseases have appeared....because/as/since........ we take too many antibiotics. 2. Scientists argue that the world's climate is changing ...because of/due to the greenhouse effect 3..As/since I have finished reading all my library books, I’ll have to borrow some more 4.Voters are angry .because the government has not kept any of its election promises 5. As /since he's working on this project, Andrew can share in the decision-making process.


6. Owing to /due to the heavy traffic in cities, the authorities are trying loimprove the rail system. 7. Many rivers have burst their banks because of/due to/ owing to the unusually heavy rainfall. 8. As/since the pupils passed the test with such high marks, the teacher decided she could set a harder test the next time. 9. As/since so many pupils failed the test, there will be another test tomorrow. 10- Many roads need repair. because of/due to/ owing to the unusually heavy rainfall. 11..As/since she has used up all her savings, she'll have to borrow some money from her parents. 12.Because of/ owing to/due tothe heavy traffic in cities, more people have started taking the underground train. 13.We were angry .because /as/ since they hadn't kept their promise. 14. Since /As you're not very busy, why don't you come to the meeting?

Combine the pair of sentences below into one sentence in several ways using:


1- a. Because/since it was very hot, we went for a swim./ b. We went for a swim because/since it was very hot. /c. It was very hot, therefore/consequently we went for a swim. /d. We went for a swim because of/ due to the heat, 2- a. Because/since the city was very interesting, we stayed there for three days. /b. We stayed in the city for three days because/since it was very interesting. /c. The city was very interesting, therefore/consequently we stayed there for three days. /d. We stayed in the city for three days because of /due to its beauty. 3- a. Because/since he was very hungry, he ate two sandwiches./ b. He ate two sandwiches because/since he was very hungry. /c. He was very hungry,therefore/consequently he ate two sandwiches. / d. He ate two sandwiches because of /due to his hunger. 4- a. Because/since the lesson was very difficult, we had to study it for two hours./ b. We had to study the lesson for two hours because/since it was very difficult. / c. The lesson was very difficult, therefore/consequently we had to study it for two hours. /d. We had to study the lesson for two hours because of/due to its difficulty.

CONSECUTIVE CLAUSES Une cada par de frases usando :”SO………..THAT”, “SUCH (A) …………..THAT 1- a. It was so hot that we had to stop and drink water/ b. It was such a hot day that we had to stop and drink water. 2- a. The exam was so difficult that nobody could pass. /b. It was such a difficult exam that nobody could pass. 3- a. The motorbike was so old that it made an unbearable noise./ b. It was such an old motorbike that it made an unbearable noise.


4- a. The coffee was so hot that we couldn’t drink it. / b. It was such a hot coffee that we couldn’t drink it. 5- a. The film was so boring that we left in the middle of it./ b. It was such a boring film that we left in the middle of it. 6- a. The scenery was so breathtaking that we stopped the car to watch it. /b. It was such a breathtaking scenery that we stopped the car to watch it. 7- a. The ice on the lake was so thick that we could skate on it. /b. It was such thick ice that we could skate on it. 8- . My friend’s house was so far that we had to take a taxi.

Choose the correct expression of purpose.

1.Concentrate on your exercise so as not to make any mistakes.

2.You have to wake up tobe on time.

3.You have to register in order to participate in the forum.

4.She left work early to be at home when he arrives.

5.Ships carry life boats so that the crew can escape when the ship sinks.

6.I will go to university to continue my studies.

7.He exercises regularly in order not to be overweight.

8. So that you can produce a good essay, you need to edit your writing before

you hand it in.

9.She works hard so that she can earn a living.

10.These men risk their lives so that we may live more safely.


Underline the connectors 1n the sentences below and add commas where


1. Although she was ill, she went to work.

2. Their car broke down; nevertheless, they managed to get to the garage.

3. They wanted to move to a new neighbourhood; however, they couldn't afford it.

4. This child is very independent despite his young age.

5. Despite the low price, I didn't buy the suit.

6. Rosie is always making jokes, yet I don't find her very funny.

7. “Did the stain come out after you washed it?"

“On the contrary, it became more noticeable."

8. She won’t go to the theatre although she has a free ticket.


Fill in the blanks with a suitable contrast connector.

1. I won’t forgive you....in spite of/despite.... your apology.

2. They haven’t found a house to buy although they have looked at quite a few.

3. Although/Even though Andrew knew the risks, he decided to travel alone.

4. Despite/in spite of her hard work, Maria didn't get a bonus.

5. The speed limit on the highway is 110 kph; however, people often drive faster

than that.

6. Despite/in spite of her skiing accident last year, Diana is going skiing again this


7. Although/Even though he had planned the project very carefully, he had

several problems along the way.

8. My sister doesn't have a job although she's a very talented person.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable CONTRAST connector. There may be more than

one correct answer.

1. Some pupils don't mind taking tests, ....while/whereas/but..... others get quite


2. lt's wonderful to have my grandparents spend the summer with us although/but

it's a bit uncomfortable because our flat is quite small.

3. "She must have a very interesting job as a travel agent."

".However, she says it is quite routine."

4. The new car is very economical whereas the old one was not

5. On the one hand, you could rent a flat instead of buying one.

On the other hand, you spend all this money and you still don't own a flat.

7 We took our holiday in Spain, but.our neighbours went abroad

8 "You seem to be bored." "On the contrary.,l'm having a wonderful time”.


Choose the correct answer

1. .................. the high price, many people buy these jeans

a. On the one hand b. Despite c. Although

2. Bill is rather clever,....................his brother is just average.

a. in spite of b. on the other hand c. whereas

3. "Wasn't the concert last night terrific?”

".................. , I found it quite boring”

a. However b. Even though c.On the contrary

4. It was hot and humid. .................., they really enjoyed their holiday.

a. However b.In spite of the fact that c. Whereas

5. Forests are important to our planet, ..........................people are destroying forests all

over the world.

a. yet b. on the contrary c. on the one hand

6. .................. there are laws against pollution, cars and factories continue to pollute

the air.

a. However b. Although c. Despite

7. We like travelling. ............., travelling can be quite expensive

a. In spite of b. While c.However

8. I can't speak Japanese. ..........................., I managed on my trip to Tokyo.

a. Nevertheless b. Whereas c. Even though


1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- She has been drinking too much alcohol for two years.

2. Despite having been vaccinated she caught the flu. (Contrast Connector)

- Although she had been vaccinated, she caught flu.

3. “As he hadn’t behaved himself, his parents got angry with him. (Causal Connector)

- His parents got angry with him because he hadn’t behaved himself.

4. Everybody must read the instructions first. (Passive)


- The instructions must be read first.

5. This is the man. His job is very dangerous. (Relative Clauses)

- This is the man whose job is very dangerous.

6. The engineer has repaired my television. (Have sth. Done)

- I’ve had my television repaired (by the engineer)

7. She gave up going to French lessons. (Gerund/ Infinitive)

- She stopped going to French lessons.

8. I regretted having hit the dog on the head. (Wish)

- I wish I hadn’t hit the dog on the head.

9. “What time do the banks close today?” (Reported Speech)

- Tim asked me what time the banks closed that day.

10. Sharon hasn’t eaten junk food since last May. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Sharon stopped eating junk food last May.

11. My kitchen is being redecorated at the moment. (Have sth. Done)

- I am having my kitchen redecorated at the moment.

12.I am not sure that she is his girlfriend. (Modal Verb)

- She might be his girlfriend.

13. Albert’s drawing isn’t as good as Gerard’s. (Comparatives)

- Gerard’s drawing is better than Albert’s drawing.

14. “Why don’t we play computer games?” said Michael. (Reported Speech)

- Michael suggested playing computer games.

15. She said: “Are you coming to the party on Friday?” (Reported Speech)

- She asked him if he was coming to the party on Friday.

16. They came to live in New York two years ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- They have been living in New York for two years.

17. Although the weather was horrible, we went skiing. (Contrast Connectors)


- In spite of the horrible weather, we went skiing.

18. I would like to have more free time these days. (Wish)

- I wish I had more free time these days.

19. I met that famous writer a year ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- It’s been a year since I met that famous writer.

20.Wendy didn’t study for her test. Therefore, she failed. (Conditionals)

- If Wendy had studied for her test, she wouldn’t have failed.

21. “Don’t speak so loud, please”, she said to the students. (Reported Speech)

- She ordered / begged / asked the students not to speak so loud.

22. We won’t buy that house because we don’t have enough money. (Causal Connectors)

- As we don’t have enough money, we won’t buy that house.

23. Steve advised me to tell Paul about it. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Steve suggested telling Paul about it.

24. She lost the race in spite of running well. (Contrast Clauses)

- Although she ran well, she lost the race.

25. My new neighbours have got a baby. Her name is Wendy. (Relative Clauses)

- My new neighbours have got a baby whose name is Wendy.

26. Although Orson was over seventy, he continued to cycle to work every day. (Contrast Connector)

27. “Perhaps it would be better to go out in the afternoon”, Sharon’s mother said. (Reported Speech)

- Sharon’s mother recommended going out in the afternoon.

28. The fireman managed to rescue the child from the burning house. (Modal Verbs)

- The fireman wasable to rescue the child from the burning house.

29. The police don’t oblige the suspects to say anything. (Passive)

- The suspects aren’t obliged to say anything by the police.


30. She hasn’t enjoyed herself so much for years. (Verbal Tenses)

- It is years since she enjoyed herself so much.

31. I am going to the theatre tomorrow, and I’m really looking forward to it. (Modal Verbs)

- I’m really looking forward to going to the theatre tomorrow.

32. I thought it would be better than that. (Comparatives)

- It’s not as good as I thought it would be.

33. Mary said to us “Don’t be late.” (Reported Speech)

- She told us not to be late.

34. Despite the fact that it was very hot, she was wearing her winter clothes. (Contrast Clauses)

- Although it was very hot, she was wearing her winter clothes.

35. The teacher said to me “Wait for me outside”. (Reported Speech)

- The teacher told me to wait for him outside.

36. It takes me two hours to get there. (Question)

- How long does it take you to get there?

37.- Smoking is forbidden here. . (Modal Verb)

You must not smoke in here-

38. Where are my keys? (Question)

I wonder where my keys are.

39. Will you post this letter for me, please? (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Do you mind posting this letter for me, please?

40. “How much money have you put into the account?” they asked. (Reported Speech)

- They asked me how much money I had put into the account.

41. Although she was ill, she visited other countries. (Contrast Connector)

- Despite being ill, she visited other countries.


42. I forgot to phone Lisa on her birthday. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- I didn’t remember

43. The shop assistant didn’t give us the ticket. (Passive)

- We weren’t given the ticket by the shop assistant.

44. I saw Frank two months ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- I haven’t seen Frank for two months.

45. You can make green paint by mixing blue and yellow. (Passive)

- Green paint can be made by mixing blue and yellow.

46. Sharon is going to marry a man. He is Eric’s brother. (Relative Clauses)

- The man who Sharon is going to marry to is Eric’s brother.

47. “Why don’t we have dinner out tonight?” said Martin. (Reported Speech)

- Martin suggested having dinner out that night.

48. If you want my advice, go to the dentist! (Modal Verbs)

- You should go to the dentist.

49. They say this tree is over 400 years old. (Passive)

- This tree is said to be over 400 years old.

50. I’m sure they are at home. The lights are on. (Modals)

- They must be at home because the lights are on.

51. I last had flu five years ago. (Verbal tenses)

- I haven’t had flu for five years.

52. I’m sure she’s telling lies. (Modal Verbs)

- She must be telling lies.

53. The teenager in red has broken the window. (Passive)

- The window has been broken by the teenager in red.

54. She asked me: “What time does your party start?” (Reported speech)

- She asked me what time my party started.


55. We bought our tickets on the Web because it was much cheaper. (Causal connector)

- Since it was much cheaper, we bought our tickets on the Web.

56. Albert is coming back from hospital tomorrow. He has just broken his ankle.(Relative Clauses)

- Albert, who has just broken his ankle, is coming back from hospital tomorrow.

57. Please don’t shoot. (Gerund / Infinitive)

- He begged us not to shout.

58. Learning English is not easy. (Gerund / Infinitive)

- It is not easy to learn English.

59. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time. (Conditionals)

- If we had had time, we would have visited the museum.

60. They didn’t pay for the ring. (Relative clauses)

- This is the ring which they didn’t pay for.

61. Although the weather was awful, they had a great time. (Contrast connector)

- In spite of the awful weather, they had a great time.

62 She can’t come to the party because she is so busy. (Conditionals)

- If she wasn’t so busy, she could come to the party.

63. “Where is the nearest cinema, please?” (Indirect question)

- Could you tell me where the nearest cinema is.

64. I have never read such an interesting book. (Verbal tenses / Superlative)

- This is the first time I have read such an interesting book. / This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read.

65. If you don’t hurry up, you won’t get tickets for the concert. (Conditionals)

- Unless you hurry up, you won’t get tickets for the concert.

66. I visited a village yesterday but I did not like it. (Relative clauses)

- I visited a village yesterday which I did not like.


67. It’s not necessary for you to make your bed. (Modals)

- You don’t have to make your bed. / You needn’t make your bed.

68. They will tell us the news tomorrow night. (Passive)

- We will be told the news tomorrow night.

69. I don’t earn much money. It’s a pity I can’t buy a new car. (Conditionals)

- If I earned much money, I could buy a new car.

70. No other fictional secret agent is as famous as James Bond. (Superlative)

- James Bond Is the most famous fictional secret agent. 71. No other fictional secret agent is as famous as James Bond.


- James Bondis the most famous fictional secret agent

72. When did you start to run marathons? (How long)

How long have you been running marathons?

73 “I lost your camera,” Sally said.

Sally admitted losing my camera

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb. (10 points)

1.I can’t use the car because it is being repaired(repair).

2.My girlfriend hasn´t met my parents yet.

4.The mother complained that her baby had been crying(cry) for hours.

5.She admitted that she had heard the rumour about me.

6.By next year, they will have built(build) their new house.

7.The runner .hadn´t wona single race until yesterday.

8 Dogsshouldn´t be fed(should / not feed) more than once a day.

9.Denise suggested that we meet /should meet(meet) at the café.

10. Last week, all the students were given (give) free laptops.