Vol. 29, No. 52' Knt«r-d M Beconl .C ) ^ »att«r. Aparll H. IM» if tbf *>« Office ut Newark, N. J., under the Act March' á, îgT9, BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1954 A ll A rou n d T h e T ow n' Yorf.'meet 'go ipEtfiy-'interest- ing people Síí fiowjpaper work ■7—' •and , samjíUnies I tháíik tMwmost investing lá rrie ! ‘Otherwise, why should $¿¡5* pWit Tree ncm,* pftd- iyit¡b- /ç®t a^ÿdntÿ? wpuid lik^ noe pSfLä-jJ-Wj W ■vip te a, taètePMÎéi rqçlù$n. i i. ; tira i HAVE-,/.' be'. jkt&htííjg« f©‘ ' pût' yo«* i pdaHMwWndTÍ# A1 'xídoBe. pfiJy “iutarftslùipl i iánT 'qui te the W in te r il. , ' ¿í ’Searching; wfSk aftej week gM tobt gear of to ¿bCetd#, that ' ¿Säiöjl fascinrang' fejäft is a teds -Jhftfc ( Sälgj rtrfehg hum„e&h face QgWïïffî J. ,hapta dways ‘‘tóíd1that when m ■entns to tte|| |ipbpf a^i I A , y®® jM inelbtfe’ Mi? 'traf'.1 But diere m pagy:e,|&ûJf;S, ftaf lí%“¡Bp9 late "M retreati il I g| * - l 'J l 'fipuila, 'VfMÄ-jI afe pother «HfrjnrtÆ ^do. npi; ! threaten' * t®'write tÖa^ÄTOiB-fl etehy Wbefej tJÉibgjb lt i^jld ind jftfty a ï® « » feat often. .SssdaW , ï Ata btefe?- soBçiting ™^ijÂïïjK!^iy ’ f 1 0y& ..dtfeSyons vistateAdi tìiìp nÄpfeper1 'âfliÂte^atiïîg. gtéîhé ahput peoplai euÄ-ttS, fljttpy, PP HSTÉWWa Sïôfe ’dtitee-^WB of tfffK — heaven help ps w-t bright s®Mÿ of xÂâEd^ Ittst Je suça * tes in<5aâi t e f e , addrfete, and- phmia i§dp 3 öiß pîeaspp ; Henwriber Benjamin'* Benragk tile Bpil^yiiie'.barfaeywH^'VT'on 4M,!- t|(#jrisb, gwesj&tftkes aSdrt; fiffcr weeks &gp? -W^S we* were getting worried., akput Whsttet d£ a * t be had -pscgi^efithp ta-stmr yet*’ ss) we sail him up, He ® A he, > kign’.v.iw^^s.ps vlr nfents sent him, "W tie/Biyeepi stakes people, and that, ue §hhuld: git the «hack it -about sigt -weeks,1 If the i4§a®ai BOjnte pert monSL ' »«v-$ P?i tn# tew *! vary ef- ffeent ajrd Sfeái^xp'iáfcÉ' Mîïea- tÇn dirldtdï» ttóK® jffis <a^¿i IwhAji ®èfe SCHOOL SUPPLIES — Gérard* Kn.oaîjëèjf.'^i gilt), stock '.ejeik; atì4 ^eymfetvrj'^ossjnan, higti Äeia>öl' Lnê^sh ^èteiter / (w‘ôïkiiïg -during thp Yacati^n penotl as a pai® timîy’helper), hsgiij ojio ûfjfeusaûds < 6 i l’irai^ i^p^é¿S®,Bce 'SGhoois ose daimg ^hjefïàll ^àimKôîGin. Supplies were rdûèivé'd at SçKooí X c¿ à,’ ijheré'fccfii'ml ^oreidfftaHji, lî^àted #lá^ÍÍDrffiK’K ûiiç I m No Vacation For Employes Still Working In Schools LOCAL MAN NAMED DEAN OF MEN AT OHIO COLLEGE Fraoil- f l l 'Ckam'bers,. who1 was “7 graduated 'íypjü-JSelle- ■^SÎb High M yW. be'en iiamed Dean öl Men at Musknigtuia OollegeŸ- in ’isfoy ÇôhhtfrdyOÿ a news • râ ’âasV f Belleville’s schools may be closed"for -¿h,e summer SO far ’students and‘their parents are cdncsernBd, but for Kuel E. Daniels, school- board secretary and business manager and" the sehooFfiysi^m’s' siafS of maintenance men and cus- todians, it’s • ^0*y^ihtioav'', '< '■ j * - J .U From the *time t'he; schools closed" Qp June /*T£uek Alley1* ’ ^ as the unloading yard at Schdol- j ^o.* 8 is called '— has .ifeaoimded, to the nufiMQ of t r O ^ ’ bringing in sehoolj t|h7'coliage ajjnohnaed ^pgtehday Supplies for the fall school term ‘Mo^e than'18 tons have J'ho^gh thgio ‘is no "¿dinectoiy rial taraiflqr who appearad w'ith, already arrived, and more-is on the way, c '|Jlstif4;V f *a/jQ«ai -addrcir» U\1 hJr lClTaU 7 ’ vti«^rj7 Sfhp5b‘8- h the denial --------------------Chambeca, the Muik.ngum- pPhl.C vdle’s fnd#n.%i6 Day Cblebra-.^ m 0 oi far1 tiori, n ts t '%irivet! here, she stop-. ,, , 1 y , Sets 1 1 » off af •Mimfdtar k M E E 0 1»'l+'-Ier.- p h b l^ -s c L .o h , :;Aiid lands ^ items-^e kept w ,h^vd 4,hreq sprayding, cpoKy I^e- qUJtitlomfc were mhded oat by 1 btiU1 ' 5 « ® ’palte-i idiSro. 'wswevi l*sre will bf n’p to ®heek| sappje.? Gibbons Resigns, Charter Commission To Name Successor " 4 *iolttijlP Gibbons, ^ohngest f^einbei of Bellev dle's^harf e* Btudy (^oVnmjhSion, has pA’eredhhu'ib 'resignation from thel Cemimssion becSinse he -im mo'vihg’ ‘to iSllort ;$|i3is'i ;aiid the resignation has f\eon, accepted, 'ft,was leabnefUlast- night Gibjbons, ho.wdver, .will' gon,®.Uey his;'association> . with the ..eomraigsioii p s an unpaid oonsultant t Boyd ’Hartley(vdftmmlssion chairman,' ssftftthhtjhe and' the other three mcmMrs of tbe’Sltpdy giopp areleippowered under'the law to appoint a hffh, (pmmisijohife'r lo ¿Jl the| feieandy created \fo: Gibbonii withdrawal, and tbathsofhe! 'M ' S | n h h f e ' f ' i d b ® —<V">'"f*rW'■— SCHOOL PRINCIPAL ËxpM inir Firecraker ■ H I S M ,> t V a w v in âar» A sth ^ BdÿyfitikM'uh pie of Ms guns | 3 Är wt«Mß.,i; M ~W Bcffifcilfi? — view fgwihmg ahe jS t ó b fe*hto bflftt# ’eqstuae m 1m kst a whip ‘ftnd let Chari» ba,#|lWi[4hts,käd of tha wfei# íftarhe dAheheiJns‘;|tol 4 $n<j me- ' .................. IB ISO WhgA l|p|!»|gef' Ja# ^ j r o r ' A bid hpy phonsd iihA TtóltetSOUr l ^ S Ä W v w I 'S P W t tf)4t B ni v r l s e í , i 4 f n f with a % w jíl™ t. dfljlvyoskfifel * ' *ÿbr ' Sneíandé) ;»■& ntäftiyteftahae: 'tlèÂ;tKîà: six vfSwîïsi:. yejsffcbijV® tte^Aasiest fvttothMM!^88tw| 3 «g ' ' îa Jersey Ime , Mpÿjfet "was Parks v sàff"pbiffiÂDîraielûriBlme?; ‘SPHyáe, . rÿ% j{it9 f®. boni Ite dppJÄiwe Bay protrasi gpati -1 s R j to' M^ilì^erkrtiBn depart-, n»it «t • ,'slalati^fe ifiÿg/sœ^mç^ cf(gti sa, jweffwä» /or -e®;» .œpjsffîr thatlhi 'ga^valtaa» "af mp|F5F às he d‘4 bt t&TO’dSraiii. , . when, Af®W4 )ÿP3 v’dfi fall, Waid fö ôhjîtot utßÄftfet im, . ■ , yBoft|ihjgffi|Ser’ 'BÉnaitt’ Bt SSîiïh 'fflfflSKbod, ; blweifo, ajó ajrsfll 4 wJdgh iain w p â ‘havfe.ïstjogd in- f&estalling ths water jExswtier COdra!»»!? On Säge Two) ; must' he kbhp m K&H» fità op: dOrriii^ps*mttir W6 "can be. dallveiiiî tp th#l441®ï!i^ÆihQôlà!,, ,í® í% ‘r y ®?f ^ smay. of the work, tiba^ ÄtJÄ tsmperary ela,Bgrótotg:(4i'fe erf baas- meut rophil'.MT^feof'gapi-iiieaë',. urd to the evlïda- hèêasii^vewoïtai^it ih thsisèÿ'Ols,' are béiijç tniiit 'Sdltbol % •• ahd^’one efteh ftsLfg|hotìé pj B, St tuicjrj. ,Tfa. y ,8ni||t; hdatìgf anuip1*1611« ,%tj4 o'she.r /Offe. r ’Tl» esÿtidôÀ, .jtairwÄts, a*t# t^lÖöbftis tibrVn^tottt ,t^*e -’high' sditosi «rç pajpiTOywhereyer that- | 8.î^êÿôafiœ-' 'latéj giris1 / gynii^&Äj » ¡ale osiag âiffiî^afeÿ' wlh tiâGgS In tane of S»; acS^ç fbo* to® l^kwr-k jWÄhä* w c¿8 3 ¿h£. ,as ' work;?toi' tíeatin¿:“^h .dt° electrical eçisS®ffi®î ^ykfav^e in Sbhefe'îffP U abe álsó''ë®tiîig :f¿téírdn. fh *ÎS8gîerenp£yl!«^*i blfl jr’ h i I i P Blanch of 132 - .Crest Drive found an unexplodéd firecrack- er lying? in thé street. It had 110 fuse*, so his 'broke it open andv lit the exposed powder. Xt Columbus hospital, where 'he was taken, soon after, doctors said ; he had suffered Severe burns’ tb tvs ! hands. Elsewhere throughout the 'town police re- ceived a numbe io f complaints . that children were shooting roff firecrackers, but no other càsu-; alties -were rsported, 7 NEW TEACHERS NAMED TO FILL SCHOOL IDBS ,Qn V&i&.fivpy lb iV I'a 1 niij? ap*Sm "l'esci irohy ’ As/ioolv system, grapi-ljug^ of leaves q£ abf^bâe^rio'?W7 and- ll@ iœ QÌ '&é$m ÿ,1v bes'chsi's for, the -aw i^ tç ^ f|A ,Æ "difa Pîiïicrwîbf^' W W am 'Ji. ThOmagf’ SB^ïœbteb4en| 7 W'' Jè|B,ols, HS®® attiJibiSSalion Baaÿïl «f- HMeatioïr. jJ®»? Illness Fails To Prevent Golden Anniversary Party ilisess'.oft Abi^’l|^e.Viiciii »¿.piversary, Angelo Risoli, 75, ox 42 JeraldQ.BD.'b®1 '’ iefused - jJlfiftrtdfll ug iehfytlttM, exeept on a mpted neib, |2 JX’s Tfe^al of Tteii. 'ffUsii MeneguS) p a s te p f'th e Shuych of St, Anthony an^ iUa te e that h r Waited av^Jje, ixmrp fkwly than uaual1whan he arose to • "hiis wiff a4,-jthaf dha^ jg te t odae m ag take their aiatriage vgg^tbefprB the mod ^ * ‘* T r ' ~f "TntTraTrnrry with b iTKbss ihbo.’^k©ÿ.j'#sipn.e4 f rs Iiilgi»-ÿaîlè-E- -."tekrtg,. thiïtkjgïôdÂ; teaêlj^3^ÆdBpdf5?0£ Mi®v Bh*-. ■Äi|% fifth gradé, Y» Tn- fatósll% |bëôÉy gAcief' gehbbl iio,^ 1 ¡.«Mrs. i 'MarKa''^ib6W(&on,.:‘%ö.V»: ’Ä graáe, Sítótel WiT'Ar •jfaripaífií^tjiÄa^Ra|Äit:itaa beeif city jffice -a il timt u liad iticord- edj.Jfelleyille as Im hom«, ¿¿M' ««L ''¡^ ® n a yye©lk% . tiiiièi ‘ -■ .rf W'd ,4b' he - .aaddii who-, ig nietti- ber otf?,®s-ìfSiyaìfe'.lk'^ifinn ®nflte®¥ 0tn^|i&,.e; An^^wWii -He' Saìd-Oast nfj^bJ .tbat he hatl nfestefited -ifte --MMÈèiffièa? witir bét^jjé© he feltVi'tÌtf« •tòi.d;vp-t. servòd ,:lhs' 1hr,& w tofc .ro] ilré-’ B w , '(■Kr ft. ,'Sfey w e r * '- ^ y ^ H | Béjibgfjng ft,” ’vhbi hfiid'. ,i ■fie -d'e- '^¡toà ho ■«iMr^wtì'itenh'tliitt :)&e| of geiield^le V ili giV5f,':théfh «Bw ^padfe?Afey autìtotizibd hy"à ffre Votp,'" B r a i^S^vaHaKJrìi •^Mi’siire à •denù are XsÈlfiSffif^ it b>' a -A 4 | w .oi'-ftwsijSfrds^gM ’yHTbk -W b%,4ffel',d'tSvedr toKxìus àh-d:■ t^p :■ .lipfbttt «jMtIcwtt-**t 74 Óvérloofc Boad. Hh nfew ,4rp® in .& o ^ t HiUe wih t» 90 MettAowljrook fidi-di !iVim,yvjj#g»o'ip^g fanajly yt© ne.eded ftbg^r cAspt^rai IIM? abÌg,*w^findvwTOV^Ii,'^ hf" her©, a t i At d ? ( , j d o d ‘ to movs/’ Ite ejx- .j^llìlViÒi „ ■Skteh StrBenfedicfcJa-Pt,ep, .Crnai Obltes, Mfd’ finali? Har vani b&W *<£ti^irr wkich ’hs w«s g r a d u a ta i&Him lawle. ij^ited tKn'Xlìarwni baw BbvÌ'éw of;1^iV ^ "S^dn fiali 'I 4 w Schopl fPji 'af 1i]>&sll®s& ‘County .Ine^ „ -jWtev ' ;»(«£ ^riiéRCàn Bar A' sfinp4 a .. j^.,. a anp,. w«ry .haunv that.,,1 ./.vSll «iHo^rrie-Wf rnr,r,,i- r«,v>j Il i oWm,~ ‘r W’ colistiI fan t’,” 'l i è 43 ® 1 *&«tftet6ere4' thè National Yéat C P«M$<Mj mrJH be,yiftiablo dei’© . Hc 'róvivl tp‘ Flntjda tbjde 1 Iti - addjtìwa. JiojH arUsy, or.Vti't- yeaÿg ago. - t ' -5' * ^jTneTPb^rg' of Dlve?‘!"^ d ^ i^ iô n '7TÆrMnd .Mrs. 'Caanft«r§ w ©, i g n o r a .Wibdfil,liâmes Gdi< a ^TOÌtmlv V ib ì» CSjtìfrtTWà av rU tp ,ahd’ felt5hnon4 ( y f ç ’dtt, f i MSÆ M M ÈM } JrS tëtM ' Theh Vosmìiasiòa, ’ ' t /• - ì; a j É # MÌ n ^ t ^ , r 6 j 2 ^ i a ^ 0 Ù ^ v l, M ' Cbaiuberg w v e d hai rjje.'Ìlectorat© in ite «final rebok ÎW SJ I,awrence.Xjp.vet- has owanj7<ìd a p^ ie3 of pubfie lf w ': whinh-'EvòiW j master o f sc.iençp degree from Coi. ^ a t d 'by'- the &«oponen!Î $ ’ bÆ w Æ pu 'fjifk ,V«Ï ",î Spino. tttœ,' tkeff krthawl ih® ,,behHngid#Kasfefine téaWto and Sweet Boy And Foui* Bikes Are All Reported Missing A wáve o/j t h e f t s , the-escape of á'ralkingipara- kéet, the^location of h "iftikteg” payroll, and a fight b’ètwceij tyo patients, in the County Eolätum rlospi’tali are included ip. the varied record of mcidents”-set d o te in this-week’ pOliÄtbiiÄ^ Mr». wNÿli •*( )iw> ,iiiN í<tf<b;i blowgr Avéiuic reported the flight bf the parakeet, vljito aïifwé*s, fe .the iuÛse'*oï fgjjît psi© Mue-iç aeWt.'ffh* tard, HbfvÜjí flifeì.’ ^jtS taking pare o£ it for a Ôieird, After it efeApSd/frota the ^ ¡p e .ft rer sismes}, fou- $>tifbk in a bsaÿby trew/Anà a neighbor Wad. o tea^irasÄh %lw4eR Aut iwtfit: Boy flftAlli flÿfr away. /«ffibtìf bieÿcie "theffe werk re«, 0ii»4r lOT'v^ere stoW. fSbm’ porrea. Frinlsetpffi Terrade) aï»! ÏVeJT Marijib©dft>» í-% «MälepeiÄvesv,©, »during- »thètjfegqjpttk Sf Jülg/cslebratifWi at Municipal S|hdiÙin,*iXâeîte®5 ,wag -takwr from Âr^Sï’ Dáhaer - &f 'ff1? Seres; vthi2¿é'Hrf/viLg parsati leave « m a SÂÆÎorfN Vf i TO tarf& ue: 8ÎÔ1K affli litfee/ifûhiffli. ! fÇbita ,á pjmdjivSt É&laôat a| imi £opt b f Terry âtrae^ n^ the: Y.P.W. Æip. 'fottçg ,'warn!âd.y>hft' f|i|desfe ' s^etìd’. ®at logkj/w l iba Ijöjiitiöft Jícsfi f ifaftssnajurred m vaviveljm'/labwe, B art rt4¿y g . One ajan allegedly nfcruofc ilié .other-wiffV ¿ipthee Itiiigeij örittmÄ,;,«A sui:| i a r t * # u# ÖÄ'.Teft éMb/«Aiftrffi|ïA/re?« : stitchés \| ,eroilrefapçéd ,té close/he wöiifid*, àpd tte-tlsrUl’díed röte suffehfed■ â |eripifflvioMpf^^pbgíllíBítore said. Mo ffitgwg® % íé h^h .pïeferredl fiwie 0¡x¿(p8iáf, garbage soatrabtprB, reported to pprieei-thht $Í}fifiA-P#¥roü''w¿a - iliwestígaSngt. Hetét^yà ■:tc«iii ;,Çto jPîi^e Sove mi .¡nducad. ms it will close plant arid# soia© .of ' M» Z-I'graitilchiiprent tjf'It’s , jttSt ft íii$le ®®St Ü fflr, geútion ' er »igofflettitei v-,hé declar- .&2h.*SfpaIi é r 3 ÿ r " w l'^miEîi®î' “T goj ^ bedi,r He 8ftidyi| Vas t^e, fife? thae that heb fiad BfS yfiftfs, aOjl ‘Qtlffi l|4'r0ïfly Í3B» jiet had ever ''be^ff in a ’hospital six years agffl-jrheii h i gnt& feted S" profe# arm in a fail. Sá® . ®.urredp4ed.'iy roêsibers of hiê ,f afcH'ly ;M - was/aetect* fo r ¿Ms most imtortsuit ruie in makmg a eaol ac|iKfaii'::;'l|lftlTiage. - SKeep your wife .hap» and btfe,vftitd: the hst^ly ib hftif wpa/5 Hieidile’d. xjW fet ifi ■ri^itf* -■ Mrs. .Efeplr agreed, |pjjliBg, '‘auditor the 5fte-, the. vflfe ahbnlcl dtj^jthe same tiling.” jThefl^ tliey laughed together and began busily 'examining some DURING VACATION f- TOg*: iHesiBloifl^c vGerpomtlow. ’¿nil- - 3 &iSe. Jia ¡pjfciS #?E0 Jmy,||^tKii6vgh Augtisi i to p te unit vS&l^aiw- Bdmttetej rpStlr '.w/eihhteSs^aijd, tivegy-iBdgar S.''Beierls| pitesidentjl has TOnputtCT<h?v®ntinK of the ■pH,rdr“irt--“tte< !rHnTn!^ v h e iw i ^donhpitfA'&i, thejifidit dfisij^siMh; peiiodg' o l, W m ster,” he safdT \ #T* ”/ It AatHi$ doPipaiiy» ^bfifthd bf ffitedtars had ¡Sit .S^r^pveHiBje ’jtooK, di, j ROTARY INSTALLATION — New 'officers oi ,% e Belleville Rothrv< OluB were intj^IleCi apprdxupatQly 34. ifOQ-fShares ai e 1 djjrtefJ ay cererhbhy ht St,. Paul’s Methodist. Church ^hlili climaxed A4 , PastPAsi- }l P off Pf't I/I tlfO ^ WaArkllVIlV IT Tk ,\«VS n r, ‘V -i'ri rfx 'i« 4 u t-. .-t-.a-. - A „vvfV j .ft.■ *■ / ’ ’.* 1 * .^ ^ I-’ • *-IY .* . 1 . '* 1 1 ' H S S B ie î f ^ î É ÿ 1^ fiflP*Msçts*'.■méetin¿./..lEvan H/Thótóft|,.-board cham m ih/is^tetur^lhanding, the ftjnmSöllc Ravel i*í ,<í® aétlon W)l1 be to eiimm-11() Hanÿ,Jggsfer, ¿resident. At the left,is Charles M. ^Httlvice-presideift, and af%F| , 6 M H rn iim ote ati ,pi aWf„u ulojj y w kynr hnw . ! xx» ji >o. ucimci*, coiuciil. nv 1 . 11^ jc o^jthe nongratulatbrj, telegram«. won stwj^if\jte ^mpdji state IYUfkt Lubln Palmer J r , secretary Not m the pictgre are Harr^ G r^iayl^^teateer] / S | a l i Bbha^-:dk';ijig«-.--Av«p). ?. hment declared, j , .-JawNUera, Jp ^ tt. ^ j^W-vAij Br.: OtHidkh. aad o te .Y f ^ f , ’ ; M' * ' " i f "i'rTLi deder, --- - ¡-rf- . \ ... » - . • e . a x a - - ... MAKES OCEAN TRIP AS NIGHT,STEWARD . /Thomas (Jrycika, principiai of S'ehooi/iSro. ' 9, was on ml" high, sea^ foday aboard "the swam.s3 im?VuM| tii& iù Btœviird, oàfeiR ela«s!■/, . - ^nçe '!© *& 0ryezka, %ho.'% a c^^fc^rraMg îÿegï&sr o£ ;l|âî.Kw"-> tiphal «MeÿHfl'e^ünlem CIO, hesl msujei nuotìp thfl.n 20* hcefttt^dtbjg- voyafes ftg a gteward or1sTOllftr claSgiftótìoh. ' Bìà|ohÌ/:Hs Ib , éd¿]ú.A rest of i¡iá/^érld,,;áá.hhak^ to be’ thè rposti ^raeüoal ww-Íxc .t|o K, The p r ê te r Wp «will.take fthp lo*; Hhglanàj, He left "yegtacdny noeta teuà*Hôw ïo r k r vdll arrive lñ i^plhiBCâ#çrt, .Wednesday,'nhd' fsdHÆ®' Ä B^IavHI b 'çn Juiy- Ip, Æfterjjt ÎeW“ï^ys here he jyilh iretiiSf-,tp*>theì'up8n,s hWng hall, to gelk~ftn 0 tha^beith. * T5 )e school principali who is SO , is ■ marini ' 1 $^ w&: sé®l'ebi ^ CôîtstîUra^^ atóji MîDIeéJtj T ~ and fives Ihith bfe 'fS^àiÿ on the ÄW" Sl|f£îgliiri’faÿiîi in Wayne tojynehfpry f. "j • Ih. '• phst * y^ssijB jhéi,- traveled torfife We^i TrmidMkWkw ■Middlu EasktSyUth Aïnericà, *and varlouh paçts of Europe, , TJ¡e: Caijuly„ fçe|sHnïe ^bout his P Jb, iif-i-uyjt he U from enl.v ,fm\ i* r o H perlotrv- «rief u Ken «hc ,c.o ùiVs piek, no' has fasoinaung atones Ij> Sède Thl " TAILORS MEET TO MAKE PLANS FOR AN ASSOCIATION K Krorft1^ ^ hf eight jpd^phd.- ont^BIlle-fllje *t|yw|/ pops' inht: yritli teaj' X^íitley-.tñilprs ■ ,this - week in 4 steM , raeetin^diracítedi Í0~J iVugtì estapïÿiiihfÿ;'- of /ffi/neSV piatfoM "whftìt rpòtaKApt taiiforta ppfce^ ïojwfhfmies, Seek «¿n, agrée- itignt, M‘^wotMdjjf hoitírs^-and "éi- "7 ?^'" v'--x, : Among ij/äfa Bèlle-1 ' ville ^grokí S e EÁéfep^r Sg játr BelIb^Hé» Qvte Iftafe Â^ffirôe Temporary chair- man fM/joth »btipg» ig”« TvSurt ; 'The pçdpôSl^lSitÿsistÎgji weald- htepiKiltibed •^löhgk .t^ . lines |£ pEte'WiÄfi; Baibòì’à’ Association of-Belíepjp-fttttl-'Hutlfy,‘Ha spfta-# Sojj¿>Íj 0 Í te/tlA ifteftc* will ’■ spread aàant^ œçl etate, AnotlìbÉ rodptmg.isyiKíiedtílfd M ghtt&iktwfciwemcs,' RIVERS HERE NOT SAFE TO SWIM IN PARENTS WARNED .Bas|defttetoday- were warn- ed in Health Officer Eugene D tel- - w | î ^ S > b f hffff t h e ir children tp -.swim or wade in eitMTifhl Pasá^l, ^tetcT or tuhifn Refers as a sgnMet, i 8íBí,JcftctiBg--,aíi" llteessi-1,■ .«■ Hp-. 'sftrámhftúívftters sufierkl fyhm af cerlftfrr- jfdatptt^'- '¡et” ÿeâta» JSUMOwJ'Jglái^ jí^a>^~A¿o>uinid .^ .. f..r.,-l—f.b.'ii-. it. toJÄtuitj.tKphMB tevèr, jpo%i fila othor dréad.dy-1 [eàeès fitain-frota.1 ‘ v * il Befry ftlsK-IftciVis^d thesé ; sà£efc gtraids^ftetÌK“suMmer‘;se8 ®!»'r —- Don't f% get the 'afó.Blí’s sttteui, iB''ft kth'êfd dfty} exposn yonréeli tò t o ’’ ®mfjWy -vpiy jjradtìally.' - Hdiésti Am haye a spécial fofidc I ja©®! ^nr p¡ii|pTj *iYy, keep nlojsíí- out'föh it binile Btcôllîng, 4Jiï(Jbÿh. tim woods i If~ ySu are Jn,tíA -baek-eop^ iÿy> drink, D îxhv water thA Wöjft en_ be ’lijte - ® safé, *hflâ "'atàV waÿs-froin nol®-ifia£ hdfttiVbeen pasfu.orí;¿ey.^» j,, îl 'S ’Adijifftifig, 'cbildren1 , êSSpeiftl- ebijbhl ,be cayefal yiot to go ^ybhftffiw.'déPwis " in" fe^uutdipl^ed . arene ,.bei<p|e>first iBpfortn^'f^htti^j, '^ñoivrng what i^uìudcpheath the, fir 7an¡/ W Hi)tfyk, will Spe-Bf surface, or'face/the ^ danger of ! oil ‘‘Oup-CoUtaion-iHope” t It will atrikihg; a i jüffin^;|tpçk. • -■ ■ /'/ p'^tbe, a worshto;,hield in th,e Take it May.. . v , -J.agLxeftr pld church. , Grand Exalted Ruler A^ijjiam J. 1er nick Elk^Elect Jernick Grand Exalted Ruler W illim J, ..Jwhich, prndudUhii’mAiiager of the primai'Wi battery division of Thomas A, Edisoivine,, in Relleville, and^, former m ay^ of Nutley, w'lieie’,he is a resident, this weejll wag dieted Grand '«Exalted Ruler of th$ Ddnevolent and l’i:o-J teltiye Gr'der of Elks at t t / ” national convention in L,os;| r/,T 3 te b -8 assum«$ KC'“ ' 05 .^/ largest- fra i hZ--i nal organi^atiop.iij t|ie.w;orld,.with, 1'725 judges and 1. 1 . 10,-'; 000 members -ip al> 48 states,-, Alltleka and Hawaii, / .„S Elk$ m this hrea. are planning,' tp take part in a iiomo-S - r e ^ W t e t e t e r^ ^ T tte~ *^ !'J^"^i 5 bJolll 1 g'*i^)ebtaOon for the 'iiand^ Exalied/*'Rnler >On. -'hi? return tp GROUND-BREAKING SUNDAY FOR ST. ANTHONY’S CLUB /h ilft!? * ,Îc,ï>' thff. ^himadiate cqpgteefion $$£a, "new $ I líeadquartex's building te St Aïithonÿts_ ijield,/ Club, ernor Itobert B, MeynerJ í withtv’the ’ groundbreaking 'Áte to-‘Los Angeles/h/ihé iiref tK||--S,itoàlfc MP « r natrëïDwide af 2f80 , p.-'m., Were announced Iftst MgMîhy1/. Relplv ,f fifsölh*1 ”kene?al c f» -® whe .ÿvilïîiiig %iteJ s â* Höntefe-Staeefc -and » .Bngime 'Hlace;- fcpláJ^iíd s§tÿtg o>r ^.niSlifWb haft*1Seen .aÄDe' in yÂctùiîtehte |tprt®^«li#é).'-Heíke àïe|i' Kptley nn.HHy' 2âffi01 iow’ing the - Los Aügelea jn^railuio ■'‘rc*® nmnîe£./Th.e B 1 gplebi,apuin, -is, b*ing - sppqsejrpd MM Nutl. Elkx Lodge, and/alTo/ ToageS w .t;tie»^ stàtd .-aré ,,hMh|)"in vi S® 5 , uti‘ eipate In the yelçôftis - h&it^^ ffesflVÎtfeéb «QT?«!'0 .orva.riiy.fttih'aM hafà:'■ '■ ’fàx f ftlso ,^-ÿsÿer.ea » jÿikï In-ihe-r^adi whkh wfill be one.^ fbWü4 ä$'t>;f ®8,ÍKIWiBSBa pMigríSfl ÌeSÉidi-’',v^Ajlottìinated bÿ, GmÊm Éttongç telw^í,-wflVertur eg,,., wM cít¡ m¿y Be1 ., w.ipfeltid^ te eiiantuS ea^dftfhov-ìpr the Vice Presideh^J on .rftp-.Hefefflcmtle tickefe \ nt- Ifc. ..Lod|e,-of-Elks hadhtakan' the/ /mttadwfottviipftT tnehthç ftg-o, ' b/ja 'pr^porffeWerniek’s'-noininatitipst-S -, í a^*#*«nftliimf'gB Ï alectíbn “ öS -'fevftfe Wid a>®ate ffif othÄ of- t Mb' altk , 3 S at-TT Hake W ■#? .te Ugobm oi lhapj ahDÄflsfterW-p^'tf, a n d - feite1« sessterei ihg^, n§R # t f n^rt-the1 w . Wpeffefft Will' J&S "Bsv7 Gptfçtte' ftt W 3 ^;fialP'OTWeMfeÂd' teh,,^at^'-'fiods^®®K îte"(n* teeiAe'^^liytmKtos’r ßlc, xttrait Menegn®* - pfüSsa! of-, the ÄfsiiÄra i$jíí¡¡¡,4 /reitÀ -/ ,~ i * Withe nfeli se ne-ohisHian -tfetr— fbl djte PteÄi’ft® ^riiJpSàt ! WUitóf!(®B 'mel'P®j®feÄS_ H w i, “Lgsri&A Zacbòàe, «.ntt LediiWeÄilW'^rasi- Stent- jé -Al.tefMM Rftnÿè5 %lipë*p^|tel1 S Cftiroíne IP P A f t-K l i M A I I I f T ) T A ^ « r r e w e M À Î l l F K S:ô|h tpa-hd «Wd-ÿf-itenVentídMI^B ~ wal & .'Vá’^ ^ ^ ^p^ á 8 ÍeW3eIeg 5ffl| W^rèa^^cHii a i ^ d .0 rfttehitiî® •wMete^plhdébcílrafeens tttïh. sfe'?! Tfti^ratete6 BDOd 8u«rairtB. Íito B Elks té’- g 'i<vß-undfeded^ aSeg^nce fa -thd, ; Aíuepean ’íh»e;, • -• 1 %-î I - - uuee/- ft^B'fe-feîh^cki- reaffjnned iüH] «taitfefdip öhnoidcan -B entoéraeyTiNH HvstW'Oto' Wÿlflfi -tengs Îie PWwß' 5 v;-: 5^/Ä 8 ■'Mfdj'Qger, sbi&nH ■V»SWÿWÎ'-m ?áK 8 Twaí-ií dPaseiohia-; seftcefcftrS'^ Bftk ÄlVfwch ï ;Tfee/<¿UBií%háhe'S«¿0 ifflserperati ed t# Wî# stó~i!5 .u ntebhra; ¡ÄStd^tfOfcäiBr it* if Frank Paaafaro. of Biponwe-i-1 ADD $750,090 TO DEWITT SAVINGS I -E ate^Äfä ’ :tH©?/|SwfisWÄW 1 iaisöH have^Wereftgei thefe- savings af vlinF ip-o'Oj-r ÄjÄSg the pa«t yeaÿ!j,>bÂig’ inc- the, company’a total assets to W; a lugli of BtaBÎMifi-U,. à f f »tem eW '«Msftsed/by- Sfeityd' u?l dar#welly .eiieBn'ttfffve-ittle^.ry, y^!M-t®i|-yf - •,? l 2ha.XA^t®ia|iafilf. JPSiryeff ¿5 been’ fnerea6 s4 -te f#6 i, 4®, ^ ® t* Wslh, Map %ftnjiowsied that the raettffUfa»»' depaptfi^rtt ,-.-#owt hae «SBbibio in mortgage Joans, a» 8l>ft -inereaab*,d,y&|; iare ^yeat, thug ¿nabhpg -a growing ndjhber A ‘f MSanes 'tt. th%.dft^aanttp-,fQ,4^aa heir own hom 'efe Durbig this Dr. Struyk To Preach Oft “Ote Common Hope” HEAD KNIGHTS OF I COLUMBUS COUNCIL George Mahler, S8 -Wdson-i Piace, ;hag Been elected Granii’’ Kid gilt 6f Ä s ^elteiville Coph“j .oil,’ r Knights' off- iOulumbú» succeeding L a u r á p c c M ® ¡Gairk,.» livwW announeed yesUftH âaftt»Ecétafti ínstjfflajáoW '".oí^ ö g j fitîerftïwdll bp'-hâld on 'SepteiuÄeiS gaHenhefh, h|u-rmy uH-Northv à rti .ÄtÖa*wftg narasd Beputy - Gmlfci Enigtt, .ûthsÊ éketdd »officers, alfi ftei'tevi'fer ÿÈm ■ GtthOTliant -Fred ■ - 8ehsw*rf afttift,» Wa'WwfTtebdyfc E r e d w tfe-fl HeaeEddTjt? J 3fi jh tri GaPagtaet»! Tfehs-r|r; peter Fitspatricit, Le(ÿ<| furer; W-hefnE» -Headlete ■Tsd, D3L ®bss.ò, Al C te a g a M Henry .^fttters, « > Whe" tìraitd ■Knight * heii Bèon à tnémb&T o£ the lofeâf Oqj^H eli Ì6s the.-pagi five years, ata® has bduif^t naet'we figure V varbl èÿR eftlféh' organizations. He. ,$9 piame '-öhciefj-, a mereber ot-! iste® ivfdSktâ&afrâi of .Honoi:,^M|| ûita;? ôB St, Peter’s Okurcln /tSH - MshJdr, ®|k»)ckhieaibe¥s fpr ari¡j-|| itott’ df program idra |hfe’.,S} 15 hfflér i Mniitha,.-w«fhl^h-. i M ■'-,.-aii.-.v.■-.y,-..o|ï.]îu4éifoctat^h%®0îig tô. the Ésaefl| tfo* Sunday the^ Belleydlo Colinta’ B-loO’d’ Bank, participation BrofitamW i $S?r «a®Kï£' tourhaïàhoM will., be Gkiiî^l KôteçeicÎilj^dp),/ihnd ftssletan^ in witeriizfttìpn ofe. gï'. 0 'àp..'lâlM l a 1 ' events. 1 :. xíÍÉfiu'.

1954-07-09.pdf - DigiFind-It

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V o l. 2 9 , N o. 5 2 'Knt«r-d M Beconl .C )^ »att«r. Aparll H. IM» if tbf *>« Office ut Newark, N. J., under the Act oí March' á, îgT9,

B E L L E V I L L E , N . J . , F R I D A Y , J U L Y 9 , 195 4

A l l A r o u n d T h e T o w n 'Yorf.'meet 'go ipEtfiy-'interest­

ing people Síí fiowjpaper work ■7—' • and , samjíUnies I tháíik

tM w m ost in v e s t in g l á rrie ! ‘Otherwise, why should

$¿¡5* pWit Tree ncm,* pftd- iyit¡b- /ç®t a^ÿdntÿ?wpuid lik^ noe pSfLä-jJ-Wj W■vip te a, taètePMÎéi rqçlù$n. i i. ;

tira i HAVE-,/.' be'. jkt&htííjg« f©‘ ' pût' yo«* i pdaHMwWndTÍ# A1 'xídoBe. pfiJy “iutarftslùipl i iánT 'qui te the W i n t e r il. , '¿í ’Searching; wfSk aftej week gM tobt gear of to ¿bCetd#, that

' ¿Säiöjlfascinrang' fejäft is a teds -Jhftfc

( Sälgj rtrfehg hum „e&h face QgWïïffî J. ,hapta dways ‘‘tóíd1 that when m ■entns to tte|| |ipbpf a^iIjöA, y®®

WÄjM inelbtfe’Mi? 'traf'.1 But diere m

pagy:e,|&ûJf;S, ftaf lí%“¡Bp9 late "M■ retreati

il I g| * - l 'J l'fipuila, 'VfMÄ-jI afe pother

«HfrjnrtÆ do. npi; ! threaten'* t®'write tÖa ÄTOiB-fl etehy Wbefej

tJÉibgjb lt i^jld ind jftfty aï® «» feat often. .SssdaW , ï Ata btefe?- soBçiting ™ ijÂïïjK! iy ’ f 1 0 y&

..dtfeSyons vistateAdi tìiìp nÄpfeper1 'âfliÂte^atiïîg . gtéîhé ahput peoplai euÄ-ttS, fljttpy, PP HSTÉWWa Sïôfe

’dtitee-^WB oftfffK— heaven help ps w-t bright s® M ÿ of xÂâEd^ Ittst Je suça

* tes in<5aâi te fe , addrfete, and-■ phmia i§dp3öiß pîeaspp ;

Henwriber Benjamin'* Benragk tile Bpil yiiie'.barfaeywH 'VT'on 4M,!-

i£ t|(#jrisb, gwesj&tftkes aSdrt; fiffcr weeks &gp? -W S we* were getting worried., akput Whsttet d£ a*t be had -pscgi efithp ta-stmr yet*’ ss) we sail him up, He ® A he,

> kign’.v.iw s.ps vlrnfents sent him, "W tie/Biyeepi stakes people, and that, ue §hhuld: git the «hack it -about sigt -weeks,1 If the i4§a®ai BOjnte pert monSL

' »«v-$ P?i tn# tew *! vary ef- ffeent ajrd Sfeái^xp'iáfcÉ' Mîïea- tÇn dirldtdï» ttóK ® jffis <a^ ¿i

IwhAji ®èfe

SCHOOL SUPPLIES — Gérard* K n.oaîjëèjf.' i gilt), stock '.ejeik; atì4 ^eymfetvrj'^ossjnan, higti Äeia>öl' Lnê^sh ^èteiter / (w‘ôïkiiïg -during thp Yacati^n penotl as a pai® timîy’helper), hsgiij ojio ûfjfeusaûds <6i l’irai^ i^p^é¿S®,Bce 'SGhoois ose daimg ^hjefïàll^àimKôîGin. Supplies were rdûèivé'd at SçKooí X c¿ à,’ ijheré'fccfii'ml ^oreidfftaHji, lî^àted#lá ÍÍD rffiK ’KûiiçIm

No Vacation For Employes Still Working In Schools


Fraoil- f l l 'C kam 'bers,. who1 was “7 graduated 'íy p jü -JSelle- ■ SÎb High M y W . be'en iiamed Dean ö l Men at Musknigtuia OollegeŸ- in ’isfoyÇôhhtfrdyOÿ a news • r â ’âasV f

Belleville’s schools may be closed"for -¿h,e sum m er SO far ’ students a n d ‘their parents are cdncsernBd, b u t for Kuel

E . Daniels, school- board secretary and business m anager and" th e sehooFfiysi^m’s' siafS of maintenance men and cus­todians, i t ’s • 0*y ^ i h t io a v '' , '<'■ j * - J . U

’ F rom the * time t'he; schools closed" Qp June /*T£uek Alley1*’ ^ as th e unloading y ard at Schdol- j o.* 8 is called '—has .ifeaoimded, to the nufiMQ of t r O ^ ’ bringing in sehoolj t|h7'coliage ajjnohnaed ^pgtehday Supplies for the fall school term ‘Mo^e th a n '18 tons have J'ho^gh thgio ‘is no "¿dinectoiy

rial taraiflqr who appearad w'ith, already arrived, and m ore-is on the way, c '|Jlstif4 ;V f *a/jQ«ai -addrcir» U\1hJ r lClTaU 7’ vti«^rj7 Sfhp5b‘8- h the denial --------------------Chambeca, the Muik.ngum- pPhl.Cvdle’s fnd#n.%i6 Day Cblebra-. m 0 oi far1tiori, ntst '%irivet! here, she stop-. ,, , 1 y , Sets 11» off af •Mimfdtar k M E E 0 1 »'l+'-Ier.- phbl^ -scL .oh , :;Aiid

lands ^ item s-^e kept w ,h vd 4,hreq sprayding, cpoKy I e-

qUJtitlomfc were mhded oat by 1btiU1' 5 « ® ’palte-i idiSro.

'w sw ev il*sre will bf n’p to ®heek|


G ib b o n s R esig n s, Charter CommissionTo Name Successor" 4 *iolttijlP Gibbons, ^ohngest f^einbei of Bellev d le 's^ h arf e* Btudy (^oVnmjhSion, has pA’eredhhu'ib 'resignation from thel Cemimssion becSinse he -im mo'vihg’ ‘to iSllort ;$|i3is'i ;aiid the resignation has f\eon, accepted, 'ft,w as leabnefUlast- night

Gibjbons, ho.wdver, .will' gon,®.Uey his;'association>. with the ..eomraigsioii p s an unpaid oonsultant t ■ Boyd ’H artley(vdftmmlssion chairm an,' ssftftthhtjhe and'the other three m cm M rs of tb e ’Sltpdy giopp areleippowered u n d er'th e law to appoint a h ffh , (pmmisijohife'r l o ¿Jl th e| feieandy created \fo: Gibbonii withdrawal, and tbathsofhe!

•'M ' S | n h h f e ' f ' i d b ® —<V">'"f*rW'■—


Ë x p M i n i r F i r e c r a k e r ■ ■ ■ H I

S M , > t V a w v

in âar» A sth ^ BdÿyfitikM'uh

pie of Ms guns |3Ärwt«Mß.,i; M ~W Bcffifcilfi? — view fgwihmg ahe j S t ó b fe*hto bflftt# ’eqstuae m 1 m k s t a whip ‘ftnd let C hari»

ba,#|lWi[4hts,käd of tha wfei#

íftarhe dAheheiJns‘;|tol4 $n<j me- ' ..................

I BISO WhgA l|p|!»|gef ' Ja#

^ j r o r ' A bid hpy phonsd iihA TtóltetSOUr l^ S Ä W v w I'S P W t tf)4t B ni v r l s e í , i 4 f n f with a % w jíl™ t.

dfljlvyoskfifel * ' *ÿbr ' Sneíandé) ;»■& ntäftiyteftahae:'t lè Â ;tK îà : six

vfSwîïsi:. yejsffcbijV® tte^Aasiest fvttothMM! 88tw|3«g' ' îa

Jersey Im e , Mpÿjfet "was Parks v sàff"pbiffiÂDîraielûr iBlme?; ‘SPHyáe, . rÿ% j{it9 f®. boni Ite dppJÄiwe Bay protrasi gpati-1 s R j to' M ilì erkrtiBn depart-, n »it «t • ,'slalati^fe ifiÿg/sœ^mç cf(gti sa, jweffwä» /or

-e®;» .œpjsffîr thatlhi 'ga^valtaa» "af mp|F5F às he d‘4 • btt&TO’dSraiii. , . when, A f®W 4 )ÿP3

v’dfi fall, Waid fö ôhjîtotutßÄ ftfet im, . ■ , yBoft|ihjgffi|Ser’

'BÉnaitt’ Bt SSîiïh 'fflfflSKbod,; blweifo, ajó ajrsfll4wJdgh iain w pâ ‘havfe.ïstjogd in- f&estalling ths water jExswtier

COdra!»»!? On Säge Two) ;

must' he kbhp m K&H» fità op: dOrriii ps * mttir W6 "can be.dallveiiiî tp th#l441®ï!i ÆihQôlà!,,

,í®í%‘r y®?f ^smay. o f the w ork, tiba^ ÄtJÄ

tsm perary ela,Bgrótotg:(4i'fe erf baas- meut rophil'.MT^feof'gapi-iiieaë',. urd to the evlïda-hèêasii^vewoïtai^it ih thsisèÿ'Ols,'

are béiijç tniiit 'Sdltbol % •• ahd ’one efteh ftsLfg|hotìé

pj B, St tuicjrj. ,T fa. y ,8ni||t;

hdatìgf anuip1*1611« ,%tj4 o'she.r/Offe.r ’Tl» esÿtidôÀ, .jtairwÄts, a*t# t^lÖöbftis tibrVn^tottt ,t *e -’high' sditosi «rç pajpiTOywhereyer that- |8.î êÿôafiœ-' 'latéj giris1/ gynii^&Äj » ¡ale osiag âiffiî afeÿ' wlh tiâGgS In tane of S » ; a c S ^ ç fbo* to®l^kwr-k jWÄhä* w c¿83¿h£. ,as ' work;?toi' tíeatin¿:“ h.dt° electrical eçisS®ffi®î y k fa v ^ e in Sbhefe'îffP U abe álsó''ë®tiîig :f¿téírdn.

fh *ÎS8gîerenp£yl!«^*i blfl j r ’ h i I i P Blanch of 132 - .Crest Drive found an unexplodéd firecrack­er lying? in thé street. It had 110 fuse*, so his 'broke it open andv lit the exposed powder. X t Columbus hospital, where 'he was taken, soon after, doctors said ; he had suffered Severe burns’ tb tvs ! hands. Elsewhere throughout the 'town police re­ceived a numbe i o f complaints

. that children were shooting roff firecrackers, but no other càsu-; alties -were rsported,


,Qn V&i&.fivpy ■

lb iV I 'a 1 niij? a p * Sm "l'esciir o h y ’ As/ioolv

system , grapi-ljug^ of leaves q£abf^bâe^rio'?W 7 and-

l l@ iœ QÌ '&é$m ÿ,1v bes'chsi's for, the -aw i tç^f|A ,Æ "difa Pîiïicrwîbf ' W W am 'Ji. ThOmagf’ SB ïœbteb4en|7 W'' Jè|B,ols, HS®® attiJibiSSalion Baaÿïl «f-HMeatioïr. j J ® » ?

Illness Fails To PreventGolden Anniversary Party

ilisess'.oft Abi ’l| e.Viiciii»¿.piversary, Angelo Risoli, 75, ox 42 JeraldQ.BD.'b®1'’ iefused

- jJlfiftrtdfllug iehfytlttM, exeept on a mpted neib,|2 JX’sTfe al of Tteii. 'ffUsii MeneguS) p a s t e p f 'th e Shuych of St, A n thony an^ iUa t e e th at h r Waited a v ^ Jje , ixmrp fkw ly than uaual1 whan he arose to • "hiis w iff a4,-jthaf dha^ j g t e t odae m a g ta ke their aiatriage vgg ^ tbefprB the mod

‘ ^ * ‘* T r ' ~f

"TntTraTrnrry with b

iTKbss ihbo.’^k©ÿ.j'#sipn.e4 f rs Iiilgi»-ÿaîlè-E- -."tekrtg,. thiïtkjgïôdÂ; teaêlj^3^ÆdBpdf5?0£ Mi®v Bh*-. ■Äi|% fifth gradé,

Y» Tn-fatósll% |bëôÉy gAcief' gehbbl iio, 1 ¡.«Mrs. i 'MarKa''^ib6W(&on,.:‘%ö.V»:

’Ä graáe, Sítótel W iT'Ar •jfari paífií t jiÄa^Ra|Äit:itaa beeif

city jffice -a il timt u liad iticord- edj.Jfelleyille as Im hom«, ¿¿M'

■ « « L

''¡^®n a yye©lk%. tiiiièi ‘ -■.rf W'd ,4b' he - .aaddii

who-, ig nietti-ber otf?,®s-ìfSiyaìfe'.lk'^ifinn ®nflte®¥ 0tn^|i&,.e; An^^w W ii

-He' Saìd-Oast nfj^bJ .tbat he hatl nfestefited -ifte --MMÈèiffièa? witir

bét jjé© he feltVi'tÌtf«

•tòi.d;vp-t. servòd ,:lhs' 1hr,&wtofc .ro] ilré-’B w ,'(■Krf t . ,'Sfey w er*'-^ y ^ H |Béjibgfjng ft,” ’vhbi hfiid'. ,i ■fie -d'e- '^¡toà h o ■«iMr^wtì'itenh'tliitt :)&e|

of geiield^le V ili giV5f,':théfh« B w^padfe?Afey autìtotizibd hy"à ffre

Votp,'" B ra i^S^vaHaKJrìi• Mi’siire à•denù are XsÈlfiSffif it b> ' a

-A 4 i ® | w .oi'-ftwsijSfrds^gM ’yHTbk -Wb%,4ffel',d'tSvedr t o Kxìus

àh-d:■ t^p :■ .lipfbttt «jMtIcwtt-**t 74 Óvérloofc Boad. Hh nfew

,4rp® in .& o ^ t HiUe wih t» 90 MettAowljrook fidi-di

!iVim,yvjj#g»o'ip^g fanajly yt© ne.eded ftbg^r cAspt rai IIM? abÌg,*w findvwTOV Ii,'^hf" her©,at i Atd?( , j dod‘ to movs/’ Ite ejx- .j llìlViÒi „

■Skteh StrBenfedicfcJa-Pt,ep,.Crnai Obltes, Mfd’ finali? Har vani b&W *<£ti irr wkich ’hsw«s graduata i&Him lawle.

ij^ited tKn'Xlìarwni baw BbvÌ'éw

of;1 iV ^ "S^dn fiali ' I 4 wSchopl fPji 'af 1 •i]>&sll®s& ‘County

.In e^ „ -jWtev ' ;»(«£ ^riiéRCàn Bar A' sfinp4a .. j .,. a

anp,. w«ry .haunv that.,,1 ./.vSll«iHo^rrie-Wf rn r,r,,i- r«,v>j

Il i oWm,~‘r W’ c olisti I fan t’, ” 'li è 4 3 ®1 *& «tftet6ere4'

thè National Yéat Co ïP«M$<Mj mrJH be,yiftiablo dei’©. Hc 'róvivl tp‘ Flntjda tbjde 1 Iti - addjtìwa. JiojHarUsy, or.Vti't- yeaÿg ago. - t ■ ' -5' * jTneTPb rg' of Dlve?‘!"^d^i^iôn'7w ç

TÆrMnd .Mrs. 'Caanft«r§ w © , i g n o r a .Wibdfil,liâm es Gdi<a ^TOÌtmlv Vib ì» CSjtìfrtTWà avrUtp ,ahd’ felt5hnon4 ( y fç ’dtt, f iM SsêÆ M M È M } JrS të tM tâ ' Theh Vosmìiasiòa, ’ ' t ■

/• - ì; a j É # M Ì n ^ t ^ , r 6 j 2 ^ i a ^ 0 Ù ^ vl,M' Cbaiuberg w v e d hai rjje.'Ìlectorat© in ite «final rebok

Î W SJ I,awrence.Xjp.vet- has owanj7<ìd a p ie3 of pubfiel f w ' : w h in h - 'E v ò iW jmaster o f sc.iençp degree from Coi. ^ a t d 'by'- the &«oponen!Î

$ ’ b Æ w Æ pu 'fjifk , V « Ï ",î Spino.

tttœ,' tkeff krthawl ih®,,behHngid#Kasfefine téaWto and

Sweet Boy And Foui* Bikes Are All Reported Missing

A wáve o/ j t h e f t s , the-escape of á 'ralkingipara- kéet, the^location of h "iftik teg” payroll, and a fight b’ètwceij ty o patients, in the County E olätu m rlospi’tali are included ip. the varied record of mcidents”-set d o t e in th is-w eek’ p O liÄ tb iiÄ ^

Mr». wNÿli •*( )iw>,iiiNí<tf<b;i blowgr Avéiuic reported the flight bf the parakeet, vljito aïifwé*s, fe .the iuÛse'*oïfgjjît psi© Mue-iç aeWt.'ffh* tard, HbfvÜjí flifeì.’ ^ j t S Â takingpare o£ it for a Ôieird, After it efeApSd/frota the ^ ¡p e .ft rer sismes}, fou- $> tifbk in a bsaÿby trew/Anà a neighbor Wad. o tea^ irasÄ h %lw4eR Aut iwtfit: Boy flftAlli flÿfr away./«ffibtìf bieÿcie "theffe werk re«,

0 ii» 4 r lOT'v^ere stoW. fSbm’porrea.Frinlsetpffi

Terrade) aï»! ÏVeJT Marijib©dft>» í-% «MälepeiÄvesv,©, »during- »thè tjfegqjpttk Sf Jülg/cslebratifWi at Municipal S|hdiÙin,*iXâeîte®5,wag -takwr from Âr^Sï’ Dáhaer - &f 'ff1?Seres; vthi2¿é'Hrf/viLg parsati

leave « m a SÂÆÎorfN Vf i T O t a r f & u e :8ÎÔ1K affli litfee/ifûhiffli. !

fÇbita ,á pjmdjivSt É&laôat a| imi £opt b f Terry âtrae^ n ^ the: Y.P.W. Æip. 'fottçg ,'warn!âd.y>hft' f|i|desfe ' s^etìd’. ®at logk j/ w l

iba Ijöjiitiöft Jícsfi

fifaftssnajurred m vaviveljm'/labwe, B art

rt4¿yg. One ajan allegedly nfcruofc ilié .other-wiffV ¿ipthee Itiiigeij örittmÄ,;,«Asui:|i a r t*# u# ÖÄ'.Teft éMb/«Aiftrffi|ïA/re?« : stitchés \|,eroilrefapçéd ,té close/he wöiifid*, àpd tte-tlsrUl’díed röte suffehfed ■ â |eripifflvioM pf ^pbgíllíBítore said. Mo ffitgwg® % íé h^h .pïeferredl

fiwie 0¡x¿(p8iáf,garbage soatrabtprB, reported to pprieei-thht $Í}fifiA-P#¥roü''w¿a

- iliwestígaSngt. Hetét^yà■:tc«iii ;,Çto j Pîi e Sove

m i .¡nducad. ms it w i l l c l o s e p l a n tarid# soia© .of ' M» Z-I'graitilchiiprent t j f ' I t ’s , jttSt ft íii$le ®®St Ü fflr, geútion ' e r »igofflettitei v-,hé declar-

.&2h.*SfpaIi é r3ÿ r " w l'^m iEîi® î' “T goj ^ bed i,r He 8ftidyi| V as t^e, fife? thae th a t heb fiad BfS yfiftfs, aOjl ‘Qtlffi l|4'r0ïfly Í3B»

• jiet had ever ''be^ff in a ’hospital six years agffl-jrheii h i gnt&

feted S" profe# arm in a fail. Sá® . ® .urredp4ed.'iy roêsibers o f hiê

, f afcH'ly ;M - was/aetect* for ¿Ms most im tortsuit ruie in makmg a eaolac|iKfaii'::;'l|lftlTiage.- SK eep your wife .h a p » and btfe,vftitd: the hst ly ib hftif wpa/5

H ieidile’d.x jW f e t ifi ■ ri^ itf* -■ Mrs. .Efeplr

agreed, |pjjliBg, ' ‘auditor the 5fte-, the. v flfe ahbnlcl dtj^jthe same tiling.”jThefl tliey laughed together

and began busily 'examining some

DURING VACATIONf- TOg*: iHesiBloifl c vGerpomtlow.’¿nil- -3&iSe. Jia ¡pjfciS #?E0Jmy,||^tKii6vgh A ugtisi i to p t e unit vS&l^aiw- BdmttetejrpStlr ' .w / eih h teS s^ a i jd , tivegy-iBdgar S.''Beierls| pitesidentjl has TOnputtCT<h?v®ntinK of the ■pH,rdr“irt--“tte<!rHnTn! v h e i w i ^donhpitfA'&i, thejifid it dfisij siMh; peiiodg' o l, W m ster,” he safdT \ #T * ”/

It A a tH i$doPipaiiy» bfifthd bf ffitedtars had

¡Sit .S^r^pveHiBje ’jtooK, di, j ROTARY INSTALLATION — New 'officers oi ,%e Belleville Rothrv< OluB were intj IleCi apprdxupatQly 34. ifOQ-fShares ai e 1 djjrte fJ ay cererhbhy ht St,. Paul’s Methodist. Church ^hlili climaxed A4, PastPAsi-}l P of f Pf't I /I tl f O WaArkllVIlV IT Tk ,\«VS n r, ‘V-i'ri rfx'i«4ut-. .-t-.a-. - A „vvfVj . ft. ■ *■/ ’ ’.*1*. I-’ • *-I Y .* .1. '* 1 1'H S S B ie îf^ îÉ ÿ 1 fiflP*Msçts*'.■méetin¿./..lEvan H/Thótóft|,.-board cham m ih/is^tetur^lhanding, the ftjnmSöllc Raveli*í ,<í® aétlon W)l1 be to eiimm-11() H anÿ,J g g s f e r , ¿resident. At the left,is Charles M. ^Httlvice-presideift, and af%F|, 6 M H r n i i m ote ati ,pi aWf„u ulojj y w kynrhnw. ! xx» j i >o. ucimci*, coiuciil. nv 1.11 jc

o^jthe nongratulatbrj, telegram«. won stwj if\jte ^mpdji state I YUfkt Lubln Palmer J r , secretary Not m the pictgre are Harr^ G r^ ia y l^ ^ te a te e r]/S | a l iBbha -:dk';ijig«-.--Av«p). ?. hment declared, j , .-JawNUera, Jp^tt. ^ j^W-vAij Br.: OtHidkh. aad o te .Y f^f, ’ ;

M' * ' " i f " i 'r T L i deder, - - - - ¡ - r f - . \ . . . » - . • e . a x a - - . . .

MAKES OCEAN TR IP AS NIGHT,STEWARD. /Thomas (Jrycika, principiai of S'ehooi/iSro. '9, was on ml" high, sea foday aboard "the swam.s3im?VuM| tii& iù Btœviird, oàfeiR ela«s!■/,. - ^ n ç e ' !© * & 0ryezka, % h o.'% a c^^fc^rraM g îÿegï&sr o£ ;l|âî.Kw"-> tiphal «M eÿHfl'e^ünlem CIO, hesl msujei nuotìp thfl.n 20* hcefttt^dtbjg- voyafes ftg a gteward o r 1sTOllftr claSgiftótìoh.

' Bìà|ohÌ/:Hs Ib , éd¿]ú.A rest of i¡iá/^érld,,;áá.hhak^ to be’ thè rposti ^raeüoal w w -Íxc .t|o K,

The p r ê te r Wp «will.take fthp lo*; Hhglanàj, He left "yegtacdny noeta teuà*Hôw ïo r k r vdll arrive lñ i^plhiBCâ#çrt, .Wednesday,'nhd' fsdHÆ®' Ä jíB IavHIb 'çn Juiy- Ip, Æfterjjt ÎeW“ï^ys here he jyilh iretiiSf-,tp*>theì'up8n,s hWng hall, to gelk~ftn0tha^beith.* T5)e school principali who is SO, is ■ m arini ' 1$^ w&: sé®l'ebi ^ CôîtstîUra^^ atóji MîDIeéJtj T ~ and fives Ihith bfe 'fS^àiÿ on the ÄW" Sl|f£îgliiri’faÿiîi in Wayne tojynehfpry f. " j •

Ih. '• phst * y^ssijB jhéi,- traveled torfife We i TrmidMkWkw■Middlu EasktSyUth Aïnericà, * and varlouh paçts o f Europe,, TJ¡e: Caijuly„ fçe|sHnïe bo ut his

P J b, iif-i-uyjt he U from enl.v ,fm\ i* r o H perlotrv - «rief u Ken «hc ,c.o ùiVs piek, no' has fasoinaung atones Ij> Sède

Thl "

TAILORS MEET TO MAKE PLANS FOR AN ASSOCIATIONK K r o r ft 1 ^ h f eigh t jpd^phd.- ont^BIlle-fllje *t|yw|/ pops' inht: yritli teaj' X íitley -.tñilprs ■, this - week in 4 steM , raeetin^diracítedi Í0~J iVugtì estapïÿiiihfÿ;'- o f / ffi/neSV piatfoM "whftìt rpòtaKApt taiifortappfce ïojwfhfmies, Seek «¿n, agrée- itignt, M ‘ wotMdjjf hoitírs -and "éi-

"7? '" v '--x, :Among ij/äfa Bèlle-1'

ville ^grokí S e EÁéfep^r Sg játr BelIb^Hé» Q v teIftafe  ffirôe Temporary chair­man fM/joth »btipg» ig”«TvSurt ;

'The pçdpôSl lSitÿsistÎgji weald- htepiKiltibed • löhgk.t^ . lines |£ pEte'WiÄfi; Baibòì’à’ Association of-Belíepjp-fttttl-'Hutlfy,‘Ha spfta-# Sojj¿>Íj0Í te/tlA ifteftc * will ’■ spread

aàant œçl etate, AnotlìbÉ rodptmg.isyiKíiedtílfd M ghtt&ik twfciwemcs,'


.Bas|defttetoday- were w arn­ed in Health Officer Eugene D t e l - - w | î^ S > b f hffff th eir children tp -.swim or wade in eitM Tifhl P a s á ^ l , ^ te tc T or tuhifn Refers as a sgnMet, i8íBí,JcftctiBg--,aíi" llteessi-1 ,■.«■

Hp-. 'sftrámhftúívftters sufierkl fyhm af cerlftfrr- jfdatptt '- '¡et” ÿeâta» JSUMOwJ'Jglái jí a>~A¿o>uinid. ..f..r.,-l—f.b.'ii-.it. toJÄtuitj.tKphMBtevèr, jpo%i fila othor dréad.dy-1 [eàeès fitain-frota.1 ‘ v * il

Befry ftlsK-IftciVis d thesé ; sà£efc gtraids^ftetÌK“suMmer‘;se8®!»'r —-

Don't f% get the 'afó.Blí’s sttteui, iB''ft kth'êfd dfty} exposn

yonréeli tò t o ’’ ®mfjWy -vpiy jjradtìally.' -

Hdiésti Am haye a spécial fofidc Ija©®! nr p¡ii|pTj *iYy, keep nlojsíí- out'föh it binile Btcôllîng,4Jiï(Jbÿh. tim woods i

If~ ySu are Jn,tíA -baek-eop^ iÿy > drink, Dîxhv water thA Wöjft en_ be ’lijte - ® safé, *hflâ "'atàV waÿs-froin nol® - ifia£ hdfttiV been

pasfu.orí;¿ey. » j,,îl 'S’Adijifftifig, 'cbildren1, êSSpeiftl- ebijbhl ,be cayefal yiot to go

^ybhftffiw.'déPwis " in"fe^uutdipl ed . arene ,.bei<p|e> first iBpfortn 'f^htti j,' ñoivrng what i^uìudcpheath the, fir 7an¡/ W Hi)tfyk, will Spe-Bf surface, or'face/the danger of ! oil ‘‘Oup-CoUtaion-iHope” t It will atrikihg; a i jüffin ;|tpçk. •-■ ■/'/ p' tbe, a worshto;,hield in th,e

Take it May.. . v , -J.agLxeftr pld church. ,

Grand Exalted Ruler A ijjiam J. 1er nick

Elk^Elect Jernick Grand Exalted Ruler

Willim J, ..Jwhich, prndudUhii’mAiiager of the primai'Wi battery division of Thomas A, Edisoivine,, in Relleville, and , former m ay^ of Nutley, w'lieie’,he is a resident, this weejll wag dieted Grand '«Exalted Ruler of th$ Ddnevolent and l’i:o-J teltiye Gr'der of Elks at t t / ” national convention in L,os;|

r / ,T 3t e b-8 assum«$ KC'“'05. / largest- fra i hZ- -inal organi^atiop.iij t|ie.w;orld,.with, 1'725 judges and 1.1.10,-'; 000 members -ip al> 48 states,-, Alltleka and Hawaii, / .„S

Elk$ m this hrea. are planning,' tp take part in a iiomo-S-re ^ W te te te r ^Ttte~*^!'J " i5bJolll1g'*i )ebtaOon for the 'iiand^

Exalied/*'Rnler > On. -'hi? return tpGROUND-BREAKING SUNDAY FOR ST. ANTHONY’S CLUB/h ilft!?* ,Îc,ï>' thff. ^himadiate cqpgteefion $$£a, "new $ I líeadquartex's building t eSt Aïithonÿts_ ijield,/ Club, ernor Itobert B, MeynerJ í withtv’the ’ groundbreaking 'Áte to-‘Los Angeles/h/ihé iiref

tK||--S,itoàlfc MP « r natrëïDwide v ®af 2f80, p.-'m., Were announced IftstMgMîhy1/. Relplv ,f fifsölh*1 ”kene?alc Œf»-® whe .ÿvilïîiiig %ite J s â* Höntefe-Staeefc -and ». Bngime 'Hlace;-

fcpláJ^iíd s§tÿtg o>r .niSlifWb haft*1 Seen .aÄDe' in

yÂctùiîtehte|tprt® «li#é).'-Heíke


Kptley nn.HHy' 2âffi01iow’ing the - Los Aügelea jn railuio ■'‘rc*® nmnîe£./Th.e B1gplebi,apuin, -is, b*ing - sppqsejrpd MM Nutl. Elkx Lodge, and/alTo/ ToageS w .t;tie» stàtd .-aré ,,hMh|)"invi S® 5 , uti‘ eipate In the yelçôftis - h&it^^ ffesflVÎtfeéb «QT?«!'0 .orva.riiy.fttih'aMhafà:'■'■’fà x f ftlso , -ÿsÿe r.ea » jÿikïIn-ihe-r^adi whkh wfill be one. fbWü4ä$'t>;f ®8,ÍKIWiBSBa pMigríSfl

ÌeSÉidi-’',v Ajlottìinated bÿ, GmÊm

Éttong ç telw^í,-wflVertur eg,,., wM cít¡ m¿y Be1., w.ipfeltid^ te eiiantuS ea dftfhov-ìpr the Vice Presideh^J on .rftp-.Hefefflcmtle tickefe \ nt- Ifc. ..Lod|e,-of-Elks hadhtakan' the/ /mttadwfottviipftT tnehthç ftg-o, ' b/ja'pr^porffeWerniek’s'-noininatitipst-S

-, ía^*#*«nftliimf'gB Ï alectíbn “ öS-'fevftfe Wid a> ®ate ffif othÄ of- t

M b' altk , 3 S at-TT Hake W ■ # ? . t e U g o b m o i lhapj ahDÄflsfterW-p^'tf, a n d - feite1« sessterei ihg ,

n§R # tf n rt-the1 w. Wpeffefft Will' J&S "Bsv7

Gptfçtte' fttW3 ;fialP'OTWeMfeÂd' teh,,^at '-'fiods^®®K îte"(n* teeiAe'^^liytmKtos’rßlc, xttrait Menegn®* - pfüSsa! of-, the

ÄfsiiÄrai$jíí¡¡¡, 4 /reitÀ -/ ,~i * Withe nfeli se ne-ohisHian -tfetr— fbl djte PteÄi’ft®^riiJpSàt ! WUitóf!(®B 'mel'P®j®feÄS_ Hwi, “Lgsri&A Zacbòàe, «.ntt LediiWeÄilW' rasi- Stent- jé -Al.tefMMRftnÿè5%lipë*p^|tel1S Cftiroíne I PPA ft-K li M A IIIfT ) T A^ « r r e w e M À Î l l F K

S:ô|h tpa-hd «Wd-ÿf - itenVentídMI B~ wal &.'Vá’ ^ ^ ^ p ^ á 8ÍeW3eIeg5ffl| W^rèa^^cHii a i^ d .0 rfttehitiî® •wMete plhdébcílrafeens tttïh. sfe'?! Tfti^ratete6BDOd8u«rairtB. ÍitoB

Elks t é ’-g'i<vß -undfeded aSeg^nce fa -thd, ; Aíuepean ’íh»e;, •-•1%-î I - - uuee/-ft^B'fe-feîh^cki- reaffjnned iüH ] «taitfefdip öhnoidcan -B entoéraeyTiNH

HvstW'Oto' Wÿlflfi -tengs Îie PWwß'5v;-:5^ /Ä 8 ■'Mfdj'Qger, sbi&nH

■V»SWÿWÎ'-m ?áK8 Twaí-ií

dPaseiohia-;seftcefcftrS' Bftk ÄlVfwch

ï ;Tfee/<¿UBií%háhe'S«¿0 ifflserperati ed t# Wî# stó~i!5.u ntebhra; ¡ÄStd tfOfcäiBr it* ifFrank Paaafaro. of Biponwe-i-1

ADD $ 7 5 0 ,0 9 0 TO DEWITT SAVINGSI -E ate^Äfä ’ :tH©?/|SwfisWÄW 1 iaisöHhave^Wereftgei thefe- savings af

vlinF ip-o'Oj-r ÄjÄSg the pa«t yeaÿ!j,>bÂig’

inc- the, company’a total assets to W; a lugli of BtaBÎMifi-U,. à f f»temeW '«Msftsed/by- Sfeityd' u?l dar#welly .eiieBn'ttfffve-ittle .ry, y !M-t®i|-yf - •,?

l2ha.XA t®ia|iafilf. JPSiryeff ¿ 5 been’ fnerea6s4 -te f#6i ,4®, ^®t* Wslh, Map % ftnjiowsied that the raettffUfa»»' depaptfi rtt , -.-#owt hae

«SBbibio in mortgage Joans, a» 8l>ft -inereaab*,d,y&|; iare yeat, thug ¿nabhpg -a growing ndjhber A‘f MSanes 'tt. th% .dft aanttp-,fQ,4 aa heir own hom'efe Durbig this

Dr. Struyk To PreachOft “ O t e C o m m o n H o p e”


George Mahler, S8 -Wdson-i Piace, ;hag Been elected Granii’’ Kid gilt 6 f Ä s ^elteiville Coph“j .oil,’ r K n ig h ts ' off- iOulum bú» succeeding L a u r á p c c M ® ¡Gairk,.» livwW announeed yesUftH âaftt» Ecétafti ínstjfflajáoW'".oí ö g j fitîerftïwdll bp'-hâld on 'SepteiuÄeiS

gaHenhefh, h|u-rmy uH-North vàrti .ÄtÖa*wftg narasd Beputy - Gmlfci Enigtt, .ûthsÊ éketdd »officers, alfi

ftei'tevi'ferÿÈm ■ GtthOTliant -Fred ■ - 8ehsw*rf afttift,» Wa'WwfTtebdyfc Eredw tf e-flHeaeEddTjt? J 3 fi jh tri GaPagtaet»! Tfehs-r|r; peter Fitspatricit, Le(ÿ<| furer; W-hefnE» -Headlete■Tsd, D3L ®bss.ò, Al C te a g a M Henry .^fttters, « >

Whe" tìraitd ■ Knight * heiiBèon à tnémb&T o£ the lofeâf Oqj^H eli Ì6s the.-pagi five years, ata® has bduif t naet'we figure V varbl èÿR eftlféh' organizations. He. ,$9

piame '-öhciefj-, a mereber ot-!

iste® ivfdSktâ& afrâi of .Honoi:, M|| ûita;? ôB St, Peter’s Okurcln / tS H - MshJdr, ®|k»)ckhieaibe¥s fpr ari ¡j-|| itott’ df program idra|hfe’.,S}15hfflér i Mniitha,.-w«fhl h-. i M

■'-,.-aii.-.v.■-.y,-..o|ï.]îu4éifoctat h%®0îig tô. the Ésaefl| tfo* Sunday i» the Belleydlo Colinta’ B-loO’d’ Bank, p artic ip a tio n

BrofitamW i $S?r «a®Kï£' tourhaïàhoM will., be Gkiiî l

KôteçeicÎilj^dp),/ihnd ftssletan ^ in witeriizfttìpn ofe. gï'.0'àp..'lâlM l a 1 •' events.

1 :. xíÍÉfiu'.

T i p

y %ß rfrÇSFRIDAY, JU L Y 9,1954 1

S P O T L I G H T S P § R T S

mmmm(M tO R T R

on■fly Bob Go,

To T ry Out With Cardinals

M f-' ristnniiig -ft) attend -the ’St. Louis Cardinals North Jer- ■ P ^ i 'y ç & ts ‘hélft. Wednesday tdr'V étérans’ Field, in Ridge- P 'o ’ ' 1 9 m Rartelltefid Jim Apple, both members of the» *i!, iiLg'd school diamond team. Baytelli, with still fe io ik er •ÿ'eâ’r of eligibility fremaining, won. five and dropped p i this spring while ttfè Bine and Sold finished rn fourth gf/tae in the Big Ï¥ n •Baseball Conférence.

PA L Baseball League has open­ed its '1964 season With three "of the ’"inobt 'figlitly $ played ginies seen this year at Municipal .Sta­dium/ 4 't *s ' „.l^fty-K intainglsBravaa-dafeaU , ed Eddie (laspanni's Cardinals,

with Gober fo r the Curds and Bafra for the Braves each sdoritlg- two hits, and ; Bloejnekc of .the Brakes'doing’ an o’itri.iu/L rig job ah shortstop.

Jack' McHugh pflSfeii ‘*hhg Phil- 1.1 ea fa & the ‘Dodg­ers. Cullco'• struck' out seven iriUn t(5r the tfotdrs and Wat yohd fri m e ‘piii-GheS, - while 'justice ’’"and Warj cub ( n> rt hjite * . )’ ) i’ ~r,t th» Dodger.'1. 'But the star of the game Was Jim Apple Avh<J "lnt a hoiie nui-‘;w>tfi -three men* ’on das&tb fidt the"game oH ice fdi ^ TbltHfs,

-Jith -Pandar’s (¡¡¡ants arid Jhe , - . . . l . , , . . i , i, I Han’ev'a Cilhs nlaved a 2-2 He

divided h is t im e - b e tw een I Z „ ¿ame^yhfeh feadl to I m c V donh accoun t' o f , rain. 'Klein,

EUks Ul#ct( Conti Âeàli Trían ' PS»» On») /

’Jernick said. ’ “ Our' World Hft* been split. Into tWo hostile jpWuph by con flictin g ‘-ndeologies CrimSfrahiftrc ^leaders propaae to overwhelm the UemocracitW 1 to hold, the world in tyranny and slavpr-y. Our 'thinking, our liy- ing, our planning, "our deeds must point*‘fowarrl the preservation o f Our frpedoih against these i very

......... *....,im*!guQng

which he bet

I f f i d '

S'.'"*, iMtiUynig 'vWV yfBTH.Service ss Grand, ’freasurèr 'Mid Sne .year as Grand Trastéç. ’ '

dnlÿ a sophomore,Ssh? 'If,, ahd"playiHg- in the outfield. A t tlfe Cardinals i r y -jffiti^cem p h e "Will c o n c e n tra te o n p la y in g b e h in d 't h e .p late i'for tKfftiubs, '.permitted fettly 1 f ir s t yeAr.-on t h e t h e B e llev ille vaTrsity A p p le w a s o n e '1' 1*- S ® 'bases’ ’on ball/i k e p t^ e t- |f£ r o a r > a ^ e fsri,jto ''fin ish 4 h e -c a m p a ig n o^4S ÿ % e ‘AQO m a r k . m -Grn sÎ l e Pqmplôtèfif th e is c h o la s tic sea so n W ith a l o f t y ffe o ' p e i - Jgnti! ^ - anT Jpyce getttng two! 'centi'ige. j \

f he) box SporesI’ | 'Both 'plavers a te expected ft) help /the young Belleville »(teamond team *to, 'a banner seaspn in 1% 5 Although Bai Slell and Apple are going to attend the tryout c'arrip'the pilr- H.i p s e (if idle V i s i t s to get familiar \Wth thje'\workin^s b f k su ch d program . Tire experience of such a trrp Trfay sopie J,T) ° ¡■ ¡o k y d ay prove a valuable aid in the future. According tq/litN R 'anized baseball re'gulartidus no boy can "p Signed to a pro- wessiolial bafeeball c'o'rttract whfife^still' attending High ’Seiidol.’

He said the ¿Iks 'm ust assume leadership ■ i^yifhTfyihg^the people of mis'^iantfri. “ I f wh wapt our. rmfribrv jto ,turp out the right kind df man, we ''rived to retu'rri Co 'ttfe ancien't- and -proven'•mo'-ali- tirv 't^ '.goun teract. the crippling o ff eels of moral degeneration ’as represented, among other . things, b y parental and religidus laxity, th. -i rl hi- 'j-r.i'Mi of luiem le deling.tten.py; and t>lip disregard for law and authority ”

His election to (hand Exalted Eu)ep.oilftiapf.es itewtipk's 20 years o'f 'hi'e1inbCrahii,p in H < I Ik»- ID itfiri'ed SiutlCy "Lodge in l ‘il'34 arid five iyears later teas its Exalted Ruler. The follow ing year, in 19"4_fl,Mie, beeapie- head ,o f 'th e 1 lodgfe in , tfie. stifej-‘. as_ President, of Che- 'New» , JetHej. ut.m i li<k

Participate In Roller Exhibitions

Deoyolldi J£ BÍas.er, Sh ■ . T-ônî', -cf B'arfa, c .... Sâiôî<&’>rs.

e‘. séói'e;

S à 'l r 'V


,«hyftardielio, t í ......

IfiR öiiäam ' 8h-"..T.....

, A B .

AB R H 1 DáLarie.” ö3 ft rw ilia & X i f ik-ftft''

ï ‘Ë V '"'P.■ CSu-ftSo,, .... 'Z"'

Hég% Jp * iL .t ,r . , s■ (} 0 ; 2■ i ‘ ' 2 '

s te o n ® , ' p ...... . sfl Jp i

... 1 2

f c p A . b

1 , 1 K

...ftf- Ì

CARDINALS¡C. Earning in d iv id u a l tr o p h ie s fo n .- ta k in g V iia H in S p ec ia l R o lle r r a c e s during tile Rollér 'Cifibipionsiffp siionsored, b y R u i Nutley Lodge-pf “Elks -Wcfrev-th®. young L ittig b ro th e rs ./ iB d w a r d , Jr ., . .i f , an^;jTph|i', -Sttit' fa ^ p b le * ®on ‘h a lf-m ile .exhibitimtSi ¿ A n o th e r -bioyéle e n th u s ia s t , N o l^ n a {.& M uía, SfEs^lrpofeg, --wás 'Ehs?., vt< .............P

ffiaift in a special race a t thSiNTutley ClubhoiiBe*« A mem ber ^fyliftaro, rf •of th e Cehtury Road "CluJj,- sli4,^ce'd a ha^f-jnife on roHérít.



J b

§b^tte.n,;ftÍ7,e-r¡ iC Hannan, j


Jahnings, SB- ........ . 2K A agSCtdf ........‘S

SjTan'gredi, -e ,..4.ï..„.î "g < tj ìii|ì-.ss ’ íí.,.',.,«.’. W,

^tr^antsEv/if ......... 1

Krameïy-if ........ g

..gp P itïoâ^

Coaches .Keeping A ctik’® -Diiring Sinnm er

äitvbr óf the d e a r aiybf^the.Gàtskiì] fJountam s m Nçw York FSiate. W ische /tesunle'il ’hi&'sufhmer activifres as director |S# iks-bD ys d ivisieft 'nt 'Gftpír-Wm^peg/'vvtóch-ésioda-tÉd' th Livfcgston Slâtidr.r Another ■ one o f"TfelleviHe’s head çoaches, football -and

¿.tpr of -the summer fecreation progi-am at Clearman Field. B y Ray; Smith, assistant to W^sche m basketball apd an ¿a id e to BUI Bennett ib crew, like Berlinski, isn’t as 'lucky g a sW isd ie ft) get out otf towfc. foh£f t f d d n o n i J i s . SihitH s is 'noW^Ci-ying kar d irector of+iril thd’SViMftieir -playgrounds in kRelleville. Hisr base of operations 'is; tto-e Recreation House K t 'Xoralembn .S treet,; . / , .H I L a ter in the Surpib^T both' BeA n^ ki arfd Sm ith will BwStwS sum m er | M lim c l^ a k | fo r a sef o f A rm y suit* I tan s. Th e . oifigetsv‘both World 'W at I I vM efans, f o r ty o B v eek s will put 'in th e ir annttol tdki-WCeli; sihrimer tra in ing I'w'ith the A rm y -Reserye,

. -pôatÿ yt « 4Âvi s * !

7 , - PH ILLlH ?AB

'2b ....... ., ' 4’-Powl'é, 8b ..............y¡

í 1■ H s . z m æ ü .: Appiè, é .......... p S MSunna,, «-h M Ê mRnJTto,-‘n

'Y ld C - T Î : ; ...... . 1 ■! RapnÿfP®! ;■ V& ’ y „Hinkd’éUo, 4 f ..... .McNally-,t ef ..... ■nV-jji*..

Tatal l S ïJ& k -.... - — DODGERS..


.;■...' . ; '2 •W ârft IL ;.. . . . '. . . ....... 2IK f f l f f io . c ..... 8 . -

B a - '- S -....... 2 i

Democracy Everyone’s Job ISays Revv Morse In, T alk

newa^lTrirH ........ iMastrandea, p ......... ^

p h “A m enca’s . strongest defefisé against .th e forces-of ^ om m u rd ám ' and 'Fâàçism is If* united, and- ’ Unconquerable B raith in freedô’ip. -Had all it meana, to ,ji^ .” ^he-.'HeV, SUnifes B íK. Morse, pastor o f 'T’e ^ q d th r Mêinorial Presbyterian g g hiü'ch, tofd -an IhdöhenHened ï)a y audience a t Municipal ■ p aduAn Monday iiijgh't .¡ ; -

“Fow in the coiffée Óf humkn lñh'tbiy. we-tealiufe Hraf I o 2 iii.erty is /kgMn th f^ tetfed j^ 'h e hïdd. ' “OtimÄ'W&ism 1 n:ìfoad does,nói believe md-ibelk¿ a s A m é r ic a db^s. Geft'áin, obÿijes m our land, fo rc e s of Fascism , ctf fe a r and of igno-. föäÄiei ■wjiä^fcrfe^'^F I

WS ^ ^ â Ê Ê Ê Æ â k , w ••fc^ö^ödiy work íií, 'OTtr, ^ÄipL 'h1; . '•-is.ifiy so that h o tlteàt -fhdhi ahy ths1 rSfiraáJSS $o%$i^ÖhÄ a

■ R bri-rt jViL' . sSfttiÈüBb,. - o^í'SíIi picvffläß Parkv-ay, yvfts ccfemtosióriVíd'.-te ’ li'Jil.ïënànt î fthe HS." A.iK', Mondai:as »hart of the ROTO coursa at ’Lehigh -iUpiVe'rSity, Ha.

Joari Di^rkee, Hàtight’ér of Dii. arid Mr«,- Y ’rhpk ¡Tiímceé, of 4Ü

Î faj|c®^wÊï íVer he >ablé %p t^ke ¡ K, àjow it?, ip ftrfth w iä w aR y ti

BrÿfiKfiït work togptìjgte ^B*t®!*às,thbf'§Wk,tîôn l i the Unit« 1jp(J te- .<y.s’, hnd ^Sgiïré'èïtet •mbìot on the-stthfeoyJfcff-Hmt.sjJ Stäteiis' i i , sdì of,-ps; fe -tó |feris are -linkhil thgèthèr. l'AsÎthrig a# Wh"’'^bn(i tttgefeör in ^p jsfisr,, regardiesr. -<sift «ta.., Bufesi. o j ipoiiiîia #a:; shall d« ■bring fAtÄä1 wftf heiôngI to ttç, an¿ to' sbr.''‘chlMrtiM. H^feagiasös hak/pictured Êod és

at iääfe Kwliÿ' ÓÍ'/tMlTáñ”' Bfege, w a the. nalK É J t S ê ^^eyïtfs pawns. pHe«%S ’-f-feÿinl; wKç jbetet game Mg>I strategy and . His aim w th p-cild up the Kingdom of kígW>gffàtóessi ©odí'has -peteAHted toan Bphfi ' free , - ô} ■mg, - -and «atìtws - fo» make , sntlt K f ) :«s. sten . "to. ; kefard HSs wfllirfess aM ».to ms#Rife-. \

in m e iafrvee jen thè BkeiebaltéÁ- tó- history, - we ■ fasiFU'ut...Go¿.-.i»:.--kafepijtg -.v,-atc4i—ov.<ii/-® ía ,owi, and-in i|i« ead He will HBSfw When 4l rià^on. kdriveg His » ¡v in e .purposes, if .'reihAijis-- on. Re^Äessboasg, - but when we .got’

. ilia way,/» in the way of *tt# B S : man, -rMhofes.<t|g froin Ri®4thvsr4.B^K®ttteen oivilfzatfoites-tha’v'e aft ifcady gone doa-n. Now. Afnäriloa Kf&dld in

#75 fiait gftee award ¿Mapt M Jiáe-jCT&ir -Cfd»e - Jîîm*

paper by fa •



1- 3 6 MONTHS TO P A Y '2— Nri hidden -Ohárgm3- *“4in*Vir«nce cân b* included"4— Yon need NOT be a

depositor *

Ju r t Cejl HU-mboldt -5--S623 Aik fot Rot* Chart


, wÄi'WAv2ii ,aSy'ijgv»ki%: « fo fsAntiMIlWik Department

5<f9 0RAKG1E5 Öt.‘.



KÜFRIITS IffflöLSTERINC647 Washington Avenue

P L 9-7620

Van’ '.H-bu'tdh ' ‘Plaoé, lias bérin aWáfded -a #.TÖ0 generiti Síjhoíar- Ih) for 'New J « ri eV College 'fsv Wom th, '‘ih1 ftte fetìjis- df "lihòms*- tio’ -reóoz-d fiftanemi need’ ahd çbrirajter,“' Joan gfgdttated from Behjmlio'-high ’ÇcbHo} 'last we'ek.

BEAT THE HEAT!With Just The Fan


O SC ILLA TIN G - tà) IN . > A N

- $16'.50 •■ Smg mfmi


$14-95Re«. 16.95

' T H R E E -W A Y W IM K )W F AN

$L9.'95Ref. Í2.89

COMBINATION 'f a n a n d He a t e r

S22-.5Ô : 1mß ísjíB.. •■-. ■


N-Ftley 2-# A 7Open Suhdaya Till ’l tPiM-

Mondays ét iFfk-id a K 9 P.M.

IDEAL VACATION FDR BOYSW h ite B i r c h A th le tic D a y C attip

Make plans rioV fo r yöur boys’ váCíatinh. WhiteBirch is a summer day Camp for. boys f r o m ? to i-2 years of age, inclusive, located a t Oakland, N. J . H oys transported to and from camp site daily without charge,

E xp ert instruction in baseball, swimming track, harmonica playing, and handicrafts. R egister now for «im p’s opening on June 28 th.

FR A N K MONACO, Director •, ^ 5 Y ears Teaching Experience

For Information Phon« F E arn y 2-1743iP’rank Monaco ’ 229 Midland, Ave. Kearny, N. J .

dfflcri: 174 Midland "Ave., Keartty, N. J .


Ctfhirtift«; <rf became chairmaTi Hu

Ion to-the position-of Grand R-uler was- -by- a' series

traditional .step« upward in -the Grand Lodge, including two - years

JCriitck s u c c e e d s Earl ' K-f Jaiftes, of Okalahmna, -«s Grand •Exalted Ruler Hh offices will be -at (hfe Elks National Memori- il Tri Chicago, but it is tradition .that -during hiV .»year o f office ^ rn jc lt will: .vlall-St' ma%; JotS esiis possible Jann't ,i~lfed ’l.j Jodgis in the .pa'st. Q\1rniirgK !

From -Los Ángeles1, Jernipk, who was -accompanied 'to --Oaliv fo m ia -by'MrsP'-Je,rnick,'-an^ fey th e ir ,sona', Dr. Rofeei-t-H. Jèrniok

arid TO,liia,nj J-ctiuek) Jr., and Ms 'w ife."w ill drive to Chicago where he w ill Sôiisult- with thé staffs <ji The Exécutive offices-. In .Chtca- ’go he ‘'will anno.nnc’e- h h filppoinv- Tnerntg -to nattofiaj. ddrtinlttees âfid ’Will Hfawe Ma, district deputiesbefore Bataamifig . .tg-^ÎM fiyw hérér jiuiL-M vic celebration, an Satur- ■(3ay, July 2 4 , he w ill be given a pufeJM in ftie Oveu,I Jernick, y-I.o. j« ah executive o f the -Battery -Division,' •Tho-tna>s

I Tt'díson V Gornpariji, hi j-yápíl stake'iC'yesrs igt j âeîfÂl-é1 ifilSSfefe Whi fa -

ltd lo II c f i of j .ill ’ I 1*»'!. I 5W M

of . Grftn^NEjagI|ed : ß e r pays sóh aHHu r îal^ijr sï #2B7ffÖ0V ", | "-Tn -the loiig- histpry erf th#

J'Jemick is only iaie1 aeeoijd j ,-iéya-jf 'iÆ-feÿiÇTO^Grftiaë

j Ruler, Joseph G> BuCh, pf T¿en» j-torij Ja,-the úply -other B y ; rEByLto- head tHe ríaffiSÍI ' • fraternity. -

T. Gialanella ‘ , G. All

CUSTOM EOUffMEIT CO. Metal Fabrioatere

PLymoUth 9-0’6l)o

d89 Union Avenue Belleville, N. J .ManufacturëTs é î

Stainless Steel, Enamel, Poicelaili and Cial/aiiized






c a b in e t s i

Rdfrigemtion Air CAMMttlfllig


“the only REAL GIFT is a portion of thyself”


There it more to the bu intss of feeing a thrift and ' home fináncín'g instiiutldn (hail shows in the figures of the balance sheet. Our greiUest asset is the knowledge / tfeat We ar<ihelping.folks in this community give4 “¡lortion of themselves”, to their famiUes and loved Ones: a portion or theft earnings in a savings account, complemented fey Better-tban-average, twice-yearly dividends . . . a pOrtloñc of their earnings feeing paid on si home loan thátwill lead'thcm surely,and steadily todfebMrée -hOifi'e OWpériMp and security ¿»matehed.

While the figures in this financial statement reflect the conservative management and completé1 safety of the association, . . (Key afeó give visible proof of the first aim

business . . . to enable people to save profitably, home» practically, to live comfortably and

to prOITdé fdr Wieir future and that of their family by ^giving a portlon of tliemselves."

Stdtemmt o f Condition

lim i: so, 1054

•A g -^ C iS ’vg, Capital, Liabilities and Reserves

F i i s t M ortgage Loans ................$8,255,844,98'C a a i .......... ............... .................. ................................ A.............................. ‘244^ 11,01’0'TiS', Government Secrtrities ..., 151,■990.-90Federal Home Loan'-Bank "Stack 125;000.00 F .H . A', im provem ent Loans .... *4^121.99,Loans .Secured by S av in g s ......... 78,422,66Office Building and fcijuipm'ent 78,784,48 0?the-r -Assets ..................................

Members Savings ...........................$6,227,977.41Federal Hélhe Lû.an Bank *

-Advance 1.................................... 275,000,00JÖ tliei Liabilities ............................. 59,102.66D eferred In c o m e ............................. 9,295.81Reserves ........................................... X 40-1,489.52

Ttítai-Capitel,, Liabilities a n t ftésteiVôA...........................?6 ,832S 14.90

Total A g s d t s ...... $6,972,814,90,

0 f ' f r c - e r

_ .-JO|3F*rKHIG, Prssfdenf.- ......'"W A LTW ’À i â x J v i & ^ P r é s i d e n i . ' '

' '■ - G H A R I3S -

-9DY?ÁRD Ft SANW .^SLL, Ezteet: l t / e S b S r e t a i?

••-;Q920Ä^! -|^-4äfß4i®, 'T réetàu ter -.

t ' I í . ^ A (4 iIS R , 'Ä ss'J iä iü b e e r s t a r y '

: ■ w iu m m

•'MARÄSr.F. -GÖ ®3il€^E'fiSSiëS L iD A f lD i^ í

D i r e c t OT s

■ ' / ' '^ Ä ^ H G i t i i Y ' '


.. CHARLES iyl. HUTTA u g u s t f l a n g e , jr .


:C OH n s s ’l ì '6 r sLAWHENÖE E, XËENAN- -lEVS&TT R. SMITH

d l/ÿ :öT, ä ’7 R S Ä !4 i Pixklhc

280 Wnlrington Ave.

Savings And Loan Association

Belleville, N. J.

Phon* PL 9-6264


1 ... •.rJïfeè.jiiLW?■ Vi. - .......* • É í

FRIÜAY. JULY 9, 1954 .tlMES-NEWs .

Richard Cherin TakeM is Bride Sue A nn Sandei

MÎS'slStc 'AmUSantlel, daughter bf Mr. gnd Wi% 'Âfbéri ^itj-èlv^ï-CMeàgo, was married Sunday to Richard Eidward“ínterin S t r e e t w iiptfgo and'a

ISh'.Wf Mt ártd M n. GWlfcfe -Chelín, 'V f ìli -Pefi-y m M M ¡ M i 'ÄM» ta Shtrtem

in Ä »reception Was h«W Drake Rotel.

oFiiunncM« B I P

carried whil'd cârn’atfe

briile was atCtfqdqd %y 'MiSa ’Ruth |l "Jwseffh, ¡is min'd ot IWn'Sr and l Mfs Ufa idl'd ‘ SvAggoi, as mati-ori, of ti fetid):, lii'o-th ' o f Chicago, 'T V M b TJVJRe *5taMJ Wfei'e a ilapfer t’iffeta ’ gWn, a*K£>ticfCi*3W piitli

UAd todtfeg/J» a chapel M ia . liti''eftdw'Lfefe« jbtfefc a ’fiiMa tiftd v«ShftSfeSw ' vSi S?'5Si 0“ S S W n tf« jrm ‘S t ^ | e r ’sblue ballerina lon^Mws^jreJafed P Church, M iss T h eresa Berga-

| Unite, - daughter o f M r. band i M is Joseph Bergattiino, of 164 Relfevulfi A fentte, 'Was married Id'hnctV i f Spent, of ll14 franklin tv'entfe, Newark, gfin'of Mr and Mrs. John Sp«£g> '-of

| Ua'mbtfrg, Gdimahy. Rev, 'FraficiS nUWlMwI an'd 'a ief-e,pU'6'n fol- I I'dWed hi the ■'RoUhi ’ITOdd Tnn. Clifton, .

’ Tie brftle wore a pown of ¡ifewfc eyelet, 'orpandv and. her sJTnKftrfkp , vel). Sws hold |ov a

II headed crown. She carried an wr- ?ch’id add retai. S1W was‘■attended 'l»y Miss Addle Beiqrnmino as ntaitt, of honfei, arid the ..proem ’ted as

jWm ¡nan Jack iStemfenifen. *Mr. SteiffiNdrved for ,tw'q yean

■with the _ A'r'Stiy ( Jfeo.cujifitifemil feifSer in Germanv nh’d ’¿tbe'hded Rutper« University. He ¡«' fiW ivith /the , FtreirtMi's Ifltfilra'nce Oopipahy itf yje'iiliffk, 1

SÄHia grectó 'Ä d as’JMk''pïîèlaè!i!, Alfred''®'an fcsyjpMÂWœjpîfe ii-nfie, !hé ¿oculte .Wffiiberne ili GraM K., Mw. dherfsp wes

J f e ù pSwjRrjWW® «H'(■Vi/,-, , M r hsMfid: ti, iV’ BfellèYiEtr-ìstìh sen L iSBh'db!.

ÍS8 pi i'i6rWi.';i,îtèi dp itaSasii neMr ateit

0 'Rsi'1 "L-i-


'4$ü,flör $ p îpy t â n £ li'omfe ôîi fsandav, hir, 'áátid .‘ÍNHfeí J^kdtoítíid •ÿ, ÄaÄdfeOi %f -ífóiFntnkhfer Avertie, made krtoWn •f nttogafOitftStfci davsíhter,îpteteaa ? .. *lr • R. ■ jtnjffe>‘-p*,. '» t í o£ ¡h§¡ nhd Mrs. Rjffffe, » A * « . , . ,, L,ôf Fsik Ave'iidi. Ifswark,. vîl»i|,iH,î r l i vaniCCiSSwffiïr ® h¡5^* f|Migs T’tfralW ia a Tp ,e?c#rôlnjÉ r W f tíg li '- 'M o # 1 * áBerkeley Seeí-e)ar>al SelfeSl, l.tid’.ff1* Ij P > tpW . ì r ^lé^typpl/afhqr»

if» eifelaved wiííf featiriK, iPhiSip pSwrdXöd ÇiSntiiifi&d párticípatlonAir 'Îroiidftiônïftr,’ ‘Oonatìidltte®n ! NéV.1 ^êsôcüftidh in » » » le .fíá&ee was platinate! fA m tÿ#i- £- ’h ìjjotS- saíOaL xlh¿ U {34 [ A&\ r~'

¡ ¡ ¡P i , p S w r ■, MÛ . ' . Í J J* }à m .. Furniture i ! .Äwairk, IN O V O C O t l O H S The' couple pljn a hfoverp^är w«d* '

_ _ n :— - i j ,iv „JWasp iimi.^e. küpÖülf'syBtuäpl ÿdÿiîMÿfts 'Çÿÿ' s^ly.5’ 'jlîü-\s*Æs>J ’uhg ,gffiôffi,■''/ wâshiiip 'wails, and :|:-pato^p.eiÀei'ei’fe:flfera. ■ i ■ O. Â.'ÿlâfê'AciîndÂv'ieîng. .Jyitjlt at

HfÄSsr aa' an npshion ir ;'SeHool®h8 J a me s G. 'SRiî^cr'.ïl^dpl- te JSÍQ, 8; i h i Petite G. Ctípparo, m.''PÍ>|b of M t&p Gliddd.&kl|i''ïfràhes 3fnoî5r ÏÎ$. T, Bha/J A»Éâ^eA.tsi'.'âpVea uf absea&i ,fe .-i3a -l!JB ¿ i öfMe0( BdrO’äiy E. Camara, feäeönd ^fceatihp &t SSiaol iiSK 0 lis j erade, >8&S?i No. 4, and, ,;Mrs.-ùse ¿S ia 'playgrdund and. picnic Florence Mansfifldj a teadjíá* ir. .gïTund; is .tieinif.-iyokked oyer. .

s&tr ràdiô raMÂrl'Æô'îaakid1 íJriik Abdutrttie !‘Ttuc1ç Álley’’.- opér?- f T e^MtstoB ’ her ■ prgsraWoíEyei»pít^eh !• Äwre tjiífi; ■$ l'SßSiSik !»■■ híglf’

■:ífemed S í ®ew taadhqygv wer - píthd. diewifitefy art;‘ suh“

l'BI/UK RIBBON PAINTINGS r^ Oji' ti¡e AsITarljj /Iftwn* o¿ GljVtst Episcopal Cfeüfc-b. th¿ thiidf ! antuial óllfd'dw'ajT'Yxhi itíón, sponsored by,($è B¡elloy.})l¿ ^sócìatpd Artí tsi 'i éld T^éjillv fy ands were , gifen tñe - best'' ,pit aM wateroolor pálntinés tröfri firpotig ílrtó 118, vycudts SU,bpuljted Ï Picture'd tke w'imtingi’'pamtmg, Içfi ’w tim í, ’ írs.

I Adeline Èenheti,- ¡p’lmu'mg • "Higliwa\ Exra\ratìoi]-’ , ■; a wBterçpkm byv- Aftdréw lípll; jSd WÌèdìèbitsb,,_ poihling', io Airs’.epòreira Clark’s "'prize’ Tviiniing1 "EHe'Ol’á Barn” ! Amy NfeSg, staìidifiy and Marye Goôper. \ }' ' ' , f


’’Mi4s ‘E lizab eth *+if'Vi3f1 ¡A ■Stvoe'k, dapghter'ayf ‘Mc$. 'Wfilr l.iam B. -'Sch-oènfelder, ;pf Etghland L a k e s ; Vernon, TÍfírneriy *o f B e lie v il 1 e .-and-AKe1 Jain Vv’Ufmm l’a-* ' StÉÿfe, yte 'inár-ñiéH 'ou \SdW<fâ läo rfalph MîcBâal Agostini, ’son oï Mr und Mp, fífijüoí» •. A&ôswy !’of T r ' ■feôàd, ClflÈton, ’in a y fl Hiding dnremony at S t ■Monjati’s'yipiC.. hpréh jn TtoV. C. Haag

öfriciatddIj ■ lu,di i un 'a li •' iï- ,‘d'

jdiÄH' .fiiifk tÿjth w|wte '£ôiiâà8or||s ân'd' MVrtëd IL T O ÍR U ,[!WW¡|Sí Of

!leân y®í°¿P4 t ' ' dr i ftsgrôorh, 'Hvks tn'.'Vid "'of 'Mül*, 'fend j^re, a J$d«i w f w ^ V p îç 'antt Wy¡^ú'fíat&úfed:0feÍ*fíáWOI#S. ■ ■ ' - ' .J/S| C lit'os A^stthi Vvà and WiHiaM ÄÄok« , feystìiesA ìli tìié Brida, HiSnòVad.”' yHó 'bifds's fâofhér ■ 'Wöbe , 9, < ■w3bt?tf f ® y 4y. dress of?lis fìdbm ,ff&V djbQTfjft I» tì)se

dö^J04 W i^i^S'Ü riähÖ Q , 1® % ^pSEÎ * SA'i¡»y¡p•mm tfefe AId''yOTçfe,', E



j p a l k t i i r e k j

45 Quests Attend Bridai | Shower For Peggy Young M

Ey Regina SirtaHdgeMia« Peggy Akin Youfig, oï',î4'2 CTegêni Terrace, wara

'g'fflbsCîof hdnoï at a aürprîse miscellaneous bridai ë]iow |ï| givep recently at Ut® bojïtt o VD's. ïlobcrt XJre, of 13Q Elriffl Street, Kearpy. Âlore tban lo 'gu<sê’ts attended the afla||| -«rrAl ».-‘buifeyynpper'w as-servcd '-Mis,ü1;Ar,pungLJ da-ughlren-ôf* idb; mrë. Iryf%L^^MÉ?' *S>b‘< lie ' fnitt Sci 'l SdrrdyF ÎT itïïhéS ,A:■S^m v4r -IW Yifi, 5dr Mi 1 dfe«l MrSi v f ÏD Mt. RiMot 'ît^èîïUjC ■

7 New

. , Air. ■ ¿Bld; 'ôte.*- Udj^TO‘BaiferJ o®<ï*2 FfeiWvíty Avftî^y and. ton Tïdiyard Jr., ife 'sC.cphd li^uítóaní^'hí "ihSv Air w i,o4''lyjGi i f f l t l hdSiôy*fttnigj3it*j;‘hY TW®

dwÜSv » iP ê f f l thè OTsp^fflP oxerqisea >.thrir *tîdA' frdhï ddin Air ''l’çrcd Oadofe scltdol in i®s| city. Bd’.vard will spend eight, dfeys ai hd«lfe ‘hefçre rípoWíág id t1

..■; -iïr, feri>¡ Mrs.- ç . \Tdh5i¡OT Diehl, o f !lf$ Union' Ayenga» ,îmd‘ use a: ‘fjjjtotà îài*. C'#açk (tS w if

■' .'’dto ïfe“. of Äy'i aad 'Mräs íffiÁrt?hr Hâh&i' i>f,íit^íburÍh(t,Pa. Sg^tdepi4 ht: J3¿}jfiiátari ynid'- t'’'ai,VTOfehjtû í p » SJaS* ks|)t;': Chfer.IcttdiVbúSíy TtlRi

’ Aliène O rfiea.tì <0il,lVfesTO¿V toá. Aybñue, achîfted an W’wr&gS'

dürfet tac äecöftd Anriß?;

'■i m» l'iirkich J>ni:i!irfni‘ G.lliVe tíay ■’änWöl ’."aítd • Vvas hítmecl í Ur.j the' ildans’ list. - -

Joji-p D. poÇanOj sf&Aöf i n Aii’d ‘i f f s, Jiffnes McCmm , of ■%"

hap "bhen :p*0mo$8j|| te ‘ jfcTi'êi of RettaÌM 4 ;i5<dWs, îdoteiSTyas hyUöhm Kiernfea pf ^Xri.^yii'laS^S ¡ffitltóafjhy® ' plufehey pttowgwS Ills f-ënliatffte!i4t ’raîdtHè a p n 'Sh^ jjay -£, J93-2. 3è' ¡pipö : 81 e’ dhWrd ffie destfaysr’U8S AbBoW ipred^hfe'ft sea. Duringrhis, n a ttn career, * Jt»hh ’lias .aeywM .tadEW H IftriSiid, pEBÄnia, a world mirera fffitf kt •aKtei’SjBMFljr'the - StaieM

Rfepiiàatotth 'V thé Nunsio "‘A '» ■cjifflíqji ’pföiOTt in wthe 'natioTiall |snfe»W|jih|i ifetmtest SundariMill

Udfeshn,! ámlyjj, ¡af \¿z ■ m | IfMèfe- ißoiiaid f ís ’ eôter|d,'in Ä g intermediate division and has TOO* iïsw,jfiig síiPítt'® ÿSsy». t f e i t e . a movement from í)i^| Aiár's •"'Ööftcerto in D. bon has, <|Skd'n4tfesal tröphiea to'diIft'crtïS^ g-Reìifi.' re will, luclf fòr a.thìixdBi

3®f%.-J«ÉSW)tót.-òWboY „ „ T» „ _ ; ' 11 ■"Ä&»''fieritri|dn w. McGinnis, ijfth^fSade: Ä ^ SSÄ ’ '|t-ííiáB ‘poijp&Sçc. Gl NtfeSst», third‘ ÿbidè, :SAojSl,,N®...*4ft; Miss-: Marlettë -ÍRsíd

agrade., Scho.cd Np.' .4; Miss Vúdrey Ttfefeî, fepelfd. stade, aftfitu1 md.

l5&fwtorid^R!ÿî d . '"Pbwï'y - thTrd“’

t* t íhe. board’ ■ approved the ;, ap*;

er|ät' htìbt'w e .tW-ìiaAftf clefk sat ^ föo l ere. f , * î / Íiisfíitói itóÉprifed |p'ot5i« F»’4p öf itìia Isiyìtes p i iths, Bhlléfeté*

Vì4ia+ ans VOI/ ,

looping for

'Blies, Kindergarten jnpplig^i and all (;hc tan’ed ltemgi- groüped to ji-ether, Und et “edXioatiönaT' sufe- .nti es ha,vc. beeijj deHvored ’ in the b ty Week.s gfefte ihq a’eitO'Ols' blosed, , THew fange' f¥orn' oue- ipdi aape.i* dlipgiiif aix-föot bläcTt- Dtrardk,

Töxtbijoks, whi^h.- 4re. nxovided p e e , rim t bn stAmpAd wiöi tljb Board df Kflncatfön: ’fmprlnt h&- fsre-Hh -fläpa diatribAtö!,. t ',> Sriae, öf5 die tfre^feilifions, are XiR'-ji& tiiSt1 iio^lmggycan he ohtainetl nnly fr$rn '^ertain firtns. Ode iyear Daniela Vfes ilaked tp fernj Aa»rOT;iailiW ^f«w bb i>bipii*lgfiBin&'-3Eta t tatl%...SiÜni. ejt "¿"¡li' 1 tnallif ’ nhiinied hiere,B MA#»nse. ¿elf

fd Ä iw e Tläft been "efe.jN l^ v e h A V t Weite

p S w l ':.sSw &1 Board- dfecided t» M l ' # awafdwie d&wqtt klddwi cönfendino’ t t o }VE*i »01 cohsjd|r/^te 'd«U mW IsfacSory for Eeveiral VeasonsV


Isa ServiceÄ i ILI iPl^a^i sift o ï Mr. and

Mrs,f J-Öhn F. Pjynh,' o f r2g HoV- d»d Hace^ has h ß tt assirhdd to

wo - s ï s , Redímete' at ç iOTjÏhjc A Rfiof-to ^îiteridff the service,; .Fignp; a iÿtntittolS ‘Û Ofeeeir. Jsf - ^P^aio. h.k'çh’ soliooi ’ih fJ5j ïfviS^Sâfioî^fi ií\yai1 fepli^ylc

Có}4¿ra{i8aIfni JIarn*o«i ' ■-.-* ;iA æ '-:: i V I %fc. -, » ' ★' Ctilcmè) Herbei't V. TCyan, of S& VAii‘Reyper'"Place, is mjw ’on active ’duty . for ió tì-etys of i-ir., tenaive "su-himèr ffai-nîn'g wtôr'the tï.S. Army Reserve sèhbôl. Rte is a- member of the Gontìnand and Geii#âf 'S'M:jÛ sébbol "‘dpçraied by the H)28th USAR school, at KeSfi'.y. -

'i- - . ' :fjk , . % ik will‘S. RlchanlSift), âtdi of Mr.

fend Mrs, *L. S. ‘Richfefdscm, of tSÇ FaftWay ’Avenue, has been ’.assigned to Grifftas Air Force

MAN1 HANDS MAliE LIGHT WORK —"Pitching in (to -help die, Community Clics-t yet its 1954 campaign uiideriAvay toe Ciri SeOuts -ixojh Troops Si 19, (i|f and 2. Pictured iiisertjpg the coin fcMers'into cnTelopes< foi mailing, left to, right, are Qonstahce Tubia. Alice, Gcrdrd, Judy '"Cassaday, Shar'on Riggin anil AhoC’ Eitzpatrick. Citizens'are urg'ed to put* an am'ount into the folder each yveek and u nen the folder is filled, give it ’to. the .VOTUirfeefeV -tvorkers tvlio ’will 'chll at your hnme/hhEis fall,-or nihil’it j;o the BellcyilldSCommu- nrtjr Qhest, 388’ AVashmgVon Avenue, RcsIdenf Twho db xiht USg the folder are requested to return it to ’the Conifnunity Chest headquarters. 1 ■

Reiiiem:berP,1 io. Y««ri ■ A*o V

Airs, b e a P. Hayell is the firs t woman ipenib§rr opr ¿he Belleyille P o s t , Aapericfii. |iétp.É;' : tS I :( iT O ig ä m Ä :’ (ätV fA f i l l i ;iRfal thdfet churoh, ar.d Oongrega“- 'tiofi - AhlPfeílh. ''•■ -k**3L*^?N>í¿ • ■ M isr^'ÿÂi K|Bi4Œ6q7- iÿ^^tjW ëStSf-- of iRev; Güí"! B%wny forriajly- ií jl ^tolled ■fea’Jÿa-ètèi' ikpWoMMfcj1' . M Í tHfeSfe1. * ; ‘

, IS Year« Ago B

Gleftrmad Field chosan 'fes Ä®* fcfeaötebk' époPts , , , : BàV 'Petsr- ■R...'ìwdlfenbach ^hnredkhy ©jdscfoffál - «bwreh .od SSm. Áfehif

-■ 4f 'ÀAîwFcgdU.ajdor.''Iv. .y ôard&&fl.>Stetp grajùâd-r-rodifeaadjiï,

fB'feÿeJ;iR*ônïe, .N¡. - Y . , .A.R1Ö EES „course at Cte1*

neiL^'Uriiftfesîty, JRichfe^dssii hâk ha’ll îftnir jfftSn of training #ì($. 'was CôWihiisfffdîiêd iñ June. ¡

. ‘ ' ÿ k ★ Ar . '. V iö- -■ iiiraîV, Umieph Ve 'UÎ%hç%Xfeoii;of M rs., Mary Gilehnst) of ;4pi- Waähirgtörr Ayènue, a '¿iSelipfeyîs UsïvflçÉuy. ,‘s eastfÄA

i t e , the fifth. ' sanutí. s ì - Wsfcj Military I’oìice Reservé'.OfSfe'eFs. Tralnih e Corps ' summer camp ut 'IÇfeihp U fllÄ », íQa.,.

. CtASSITlfeb ’âlJÇTï®Îï





, E X P E R T TAILORING ' . . ''194 Waáhittgtoti AVenlie »! Beíleviílé, N. J .

I T . 19^108 .

J O H N 0 . Y 0 0 1 GPlumbinf I Heating - Oil & Gas 'Burners

Kitchens Remodeled, Custom Built Cabinets Leader and Gutter W ork i

Furnaces Vacuum Gleaned

U»f Our Bilgat Plan For Payment

teg. 'ßöllferilts,;; -3Sw)hfîsîAi,ÿiW' TW'lfe?1 i. V* ?jÁ i \ t

20 X'»ár» Ago pt Tbb r loöftl i:föodi“Ä:Rmete.%4ver-

!öW'‘jSWhiA''': ribi 'tffi'wéf’Vfei' ‘ ■ |$hf^ts ¿¡fey fend^eggn at 17°¡senes -a - dwen • > . . Polies, bfenks a«d s stôrÂfeœpirs sAiubkii VííJi/.’n Tgtbod b£ cptóiteifféif blS c. . i;

ni® Fodrlfh of July- * cdebTaflon hem at Cleahtfan 'Field, 7sp5fl4 $ o ^ ' , y G We Beagd« ; , ,%,v®> ag^'ifest ’l l iaWb lS r Äaeh%u®J iniflrotol >m¡*? %vîRTO.',’,

$5 Y<!4f« ‘Ago* Jten t ¡.¿bMipaáfepttH’ h'éáá than five ySfers after eoj5$0^oftbh . . . John ‘1 . 'HddJ son, m retarratioTi, 'claims 1:oivT: Ü Ä ik the "Glbwilw |f !hèHft- Ywiwwi • •’ Ur.■nis^SÍ^Mlbpta-fi^f a, lanee-Jpfece RadsM ’mêni

Ita» '6n tfiieitbahröw slid tlk® it to debtor's 'off!Sé” . , ,4^4’DmiFlaS'’'WifeffsloTi 'In Sfeho"lô'ïfellÿSsstefe ii s-,them -è âîf*'Üfejht.v fails' e ’. i'^WHttMs'An'^Pt- 'pares' tei. issile lieSnses dfe 29 gs> iiöonrk.8&pers..,." ,%•

SEND YOUR CHILD■ 'fVo, Pom', 8r Sii WeeksCAViP F ï iR X C t Î P F ■

‘pSîfiiennStk T¿wAítilc's. Je fiïiakîW'y f:‘‘ÿriEÏlfe iïfeéc tör . A DtatUMv* Pir'Clnnpfltéri ■? I ; finís aiíii Giims . ;

PURE LARE SWIMMINGTelephone Evenings .



Re s i d e n t i a l

45 -MER-TiZ A V E, ' PLym outh 9-3247


Harold Je Wolff, O. D,.• --EVE ßXAMINATIONS


j Oppofiiu PmI OXttea


V.'lfi. «6* like ilcfeplb and, iire .intlr^steii in a lifetime sales career— offering UNLiMITED 'FOTFN’TfAL EARNING^ co-

••gietkpir •>wRh 'ipfefn iMi(|y and’sectiritj'. ", We hate, ¿ t this itoie, fen tmnttudly fine o i f p ' y - j$ho

qii lifieo to ciitcr fhe life ifeWfancet-btifeinfeSS'as.«, carM ' und'er- wtrtei_ NPo'finfee are wb prepaad to idakg a'd&bwAntlwifigwi* ingnt in our'extensive training tirovrah;. 'hni. ii*’nviile..'B kwn-vear '

• yon.to bferfme-tb^hgldy e^dHlebed * - : - 1 ■ Uo eoUecttohi required. 'Witt ¡s*tibt'ra'dgblt.'‘*L>

.ii-imtolj b vecfotMd ’OntlstaAtlin l-ttedfisS ■in'to*7bU#meBS.UVu wikfawD apWtaderv ;

if .ytofi .fere .btttvlBij ,|»liifi4'©J: W’its tcglfey. And-ifell-ine enodgh-’-'ffiSpfe iyiilfrSwv.TOVf liSjif ai^®jdjMd ■ Int iW-iew.

•jTtoy Guitderidorff, Gerteral A gent -Equitable Life Insurance Company Of Iovyat

1010 Commerce Court Building

Peoples National Bankand Trust Company

. .. .STATEMENT-. OF CONDITION..AS ■; J0'i- aJÙ^E' Sfil 1954

,...................$ 2,527,875.9^. 0 . S. ^ ...... ..... i— 6,504,

Sa-b iVisfeAfe ..... 1,174,538,1812■’j%déral 7 'SSFte Ìbolk'S&k■. ..'............. 16,5Q0 §.first'"■MiSrtGttjib ....,vhki(.i.i..ii.rtw .,,,!v l,096,19SiUl3.|!

; 'Government èuitftoÌèMv’or ?Ji^ured ■ho&ia ,..»;,,k,f,.;'.viv..-iVii"*r“’;“’“............... 85S;§88A6É

' LòóKs' ,...'.,i..2?';;...:.....,'i~.,...... 531 ,QI’4.72i a.IftitfcàtaSttìt' ySa$Sf T,222,981v28ir

'* fflfflE Ì|dto| fl8 476,97.2jOSji1 . ..'■ 81,807.3$ \

Interest aM^u^f'^^SOieurits ■ 44,927fl§fg

’ Total :............ .........:Ù.....;.:.:.... 1.......... .$14.337,189.97.

t ; 'ì<> k l l - i b % T ì E S ; v '•DeptieitS" ■■.■•■.■\ .v..7;iivf .’MMTri;r.T;rr,ìii,vi,;fT.tii,ni$19|344i287.7$7;UiÀcrj^dlSiseiS’Uift ' - . j * ; , - 196,752.80-

1 "Àééiytó ; fot ;ìntSréèf/.;^tì^é'.;Tcixes,..... . 69,951.37

Reserve ...... .....«.-.■w....'.fe .w.i!s.»,~A. i ■ 726,198,C^

' Total ........................ ,..................$1:4,337,189.97 ". ò.:p f. i;:c :ì p 3 ■

;B. Yhs&itta' Altken, Pfesldsnt :''';-'"Aflieff; P.iug£st5Èe, Executive YiOB-P&st'd&nt : ; ’■

Lulher E. Van Peli, Cashier ahd Trust Officer * Fftìrlk 1, fihlisn, Assistant Cashier

i . .. .Louis D. Venturér, Assistant- Cashier

D IR EC T O R S'.Ofenar -B.' Bart , Albert P. Luscombe #

Ptesidsnt • Executive Vice-PresidentPaterson Brass MfB- Co.

M arlin P. C osgro ve Luther E. V an Pell ./President Cashier and Trust Officer.

....... Jidernatianal'Wù'eProducts *Co:

' "C O yN SEL ;(.;fidi'll4s"",A. Gb'Bhdidr •l-'11



You être r i n v i t i m maleatäife ÖMcfeg-séf'/iSís.' '

•# 'ÖH iÄiRy ''A'acöutota .

WtoMT ïîÇfefeY’OW ’!%%

% Oöipifri 'iPÖY'Öl• P^sbhääri?Ä.’’l^hh-.,* hiáfit•• '^ fàsi; l:d a S . -FldiRittry


"è Leans U n Cé’îàtërâl -

Ì^^fifìatàtìSh (PtfA) Loítek *-

'• ipftiàHbirìfe;' '.-fòr CbrBuyers

■ 0 i@ü4t®tl *- #Crtes .'Savings' B cü ^ S old '

(As ♦Âjfffnlifpÿ' theGoverfimenl) ..

B, Thotnq® fSltkèn’ ■President -

' Dr. Ernest"C .rRëbckß e n t i k t

P apk ihg fer Customer» A fa n e s ihr Rutti Building

2 J 7 W Ä 5 P IN O T Ö N A V t N U F


WÊ-Meddtmç ÊMetai 'Beseifpe '¡Suais '

Œ lje H k l l t o j t í e S i m e s E D I T O R I A L S

I THE BELLEVILLE TIMES-NEWSiV“’ Ai* V a)KT1 ¿ I h <j , n e w s a n d B U SIN E SS OFJriCll


Published every' Thursday by The BeOevill«

News Corporation, Belleville, N.Telephone PLymouth 9-3200


Vacation WonderThe highways tfiaf TnivUouhcr towai'd the sea

K y the- lakes, the mountains^ wherever k tra ve le rs- ro a m - * : ^ ^ ! . , r :

and tumjjlec^'oft^j! £aif^ acb tt'con ^ n ^ , * £ , .,'jroll up again to diaw |hem -safely home;; «gj ‘■But sohiewhere gypsy w eather vaught-them,-

tlytkiiwjth' "glowing golden nh throw n stain their R . skins ^ \ , S . K&J ¿S 1& S :•and left them th a t wddHattered^dizzjeye«^ iook of I olkw hotyrr danced toy-violins!' - s#>

Heten 'Harrington" 3

ç,au§e the- -Elks;’- membership now, surpasses¿■l-è5,0C)O-fTh ,The national „fraternal society recognized early-in Jernick exactly the sam e, qualities of integrity, honesty, endeavor- afid ability which- -we,- here in Nutley, recognized When

^ M ^ ÿ ïiê r tnSè we ë iëctH~hi m a s o Qf’Ki'ayor; His record at the head-of our town Ladminis- traiion was' outstanding and his temperate leadership,,, his ’¿J&j&idaheiî b r-th ë Totyn Commission he' estab­lished our mhnici^hl government* ^ a high standard, of honest .-.efficiency..

Lg .^ F o A lie next^y ea fy-B ill J e i n ic k w ill t i;a v e l

t h e . land ,f> e ca u § e .'o n S ro f'th e d u tie s (ff'Jhis vlsjfi’ fck, n rtiny lo d g e s a§- ppssib le.

W h e !reV^r'*he g o es, h e can h u t a d d lo a t h e

p h e stig e o f N n t l b y M t -is w it h ' g r e a t ¡deal o f p r id e a n d h a p p in ess t h a t N u tld §hw iU jp m m

a ' ‘V e lC o m e M o in e , J3iH” tfiesta in t h e O va l on

J u ly 2.4 io?r- h is is'*a p e r s o n a li ty iy h ie h m a ke's o n ly fr ie n d s , ho en em ies. » T o .a lU o f ys , h |,ii§

d j i f e f g o o ^ f i i^ d , „our 'g'ood n e ig ifc o r .EP;H.'

O n e M a n ’s O p in io n"With India’s Backing, And Perhaps Britain’s,

Red China W ill ¿Stock At f N Door, In September, When Assembly Meets


Statejs-lk up'against the grim fact that Red China, having won a trémendous m ilitary and political vic­tory over,: Frapce in Indochina and having aligned herself with pacifist IndiC ni a ^neutralist” pact, will h e knocking with insistence a t the. ^bor'or the United Nations when th e General A,sseni^lly"c°nvences on September 2¡I.

In the Secantv Council, the United States possesses a jxivei of \etdand could use ft against^Red* China«1u¿f. ag the! Soviet Union has fisetplt veto to Jeep ma£ny appjuant-, among,, the smaller' D emocratic hátioíi'sSoiít.’ In theyGenera] As­sembly, We enjoy- tfO Wfeto power. ^beyé/C hina's adpiissian could bo -decided by % m ajority, y,ote‘ and the vám vjq£¡j />i' CoSnmunist ‘China’s ^Vémíer "Chh'u"En^laí-at and Since Gen.0-' Va have“ been m&e helpful to£Pejpng’s cause' than to ours

The recently l'e-chpie.htgd- Anglo-American partnership will be giyof/h trü /< e s tfo t d s ’Herifíifé Ifrength a t Ufé UN. If -Sir W íhstonl:GÉt^&lrill niñearte m His ahaoiftcéd desireto "give “á réabgood try ’ to peaceful pOtfeq tem 1 with C&nW mpiífsm, ih'tóaV~swm'g B rilaín’s^Vófh- ÍÜtd'-tTté-’eánip of tfeef ;Cm|p vL', >1

I f C 'o m m iin fft CliJna, a s ar i f — SSn S— — -— i— *■■■

til*:. o f its ■' he utralis i p ro m is es.. Communist- China pledge* ofily' to, refrain from , aggregaioip^fipy a word: ¿vf 'i3C|tn?^, infiltyft;,tion, and that , i/ it h e , method which Peking has \ise.d;, in ty d o f nesia and Burma With 7yonsiderr able success,

. T h a t is why. the reaction of the ■ Burma*’ press' t y Cftojj/’S';pfo- posal has- been, one of extreme caution.' Burma is 'S r Sdcr^Tisl; country, with- la defin ite-tren d to|. wards ’Western rather .than East-1 erh methodL,. Rddg,o,on%. leading

language newspaper,, the; “Nation^vp-summed upl' the tious attjfcu^ ¡of’ ^hurnieSe politi­cal 'leaders' towardssdftfb'iVV 6ttex f

tatuirr that ® hon-aggi-essSulJ jbar't,, if faithfully, observed” wddld nave a ■ .preat dea! of'.M b^ffiig fÿr .•'Burma, the editorial » icbii; ÌSfliies/j “ This Is -y bat it '\VofiHl

the uimi.esé 0 q®TO»i1?K party,vibicai-is an^ iUfe£al i§tVbvcrslve’ or }Ani?^b1,pH,^flfss&tioD,A the, eaíúT jlaign noW"Tieih&i fi-aflijecl tm' to] 5ub>ert ^he loyally .o tp h e peoples of ' KbjSer areas : C^^tion,

dijìg * to'un'dç^mipp a'4fibio4febc;«JirptresEes

dSh-dofunut' |; Pride In A Good Neighbor

P N tft le y can h ilt fe e l 'a -w anp, g lo w p f e x-

;bi'eme p rid e In t h e S e c t io n in is 'w e e k o f for-^j Ijrier' M a y o r W illia m ,T. Je rn ic k to th e offich

o f J jr a n d E x a lte d R u l e f o f "the" B ^ d evolen t

'a n d 'P r o t e c t iv e O rd er o f E lk s , H is e lec tio n is o n eN rf th o se 'bne-in-a-m iltcm trihu iesT ).,?-.

ahpaf'ènt reward-^or its 'su e- ^Kehruáh^-wfi'XÍ Nñ,,the pj-ime ¡ ipîhi % % ’' e's ciilçaCfiSSfÜl" h gg l’e&’âion s in’ K o re ^ i Minister Of’’ Burma, ' iK ig> WUsb- ! rather than to B ô r n ^ ”

•0r$)wtef 'be$mC8e hftofiifr M t i w i , ] Bwt> ¡vas ad-

timtfid jd WÌI$‘ &A0!?ilÈa¥> Aj3a?'' sedo Gtftteiïw Bnèpi&td) Afferm i!

: ai

‘ Clifford Casé To Campaign Against Democratic Attacks

i t - " A c c u s in g h ie .D e m o c r a tic oppoHSi^D "(Songres^hian C h a r l e s R,1 H ow ell, .of c a m p a ig n in g f o r , hnq. p f N e w J e r g c y ’s “T\wo s e a ts in th e U . S , S e p a te b y afctpikihg:; P reS id c h tt E ise n - ’d io w e r a n d h ie fo r e ig n p o lic ie s ah d - le g is la t iv e ’ p ro g ra m , .‘ C liffo i'd C a se , R e p u b lica n ca n d id a te fo r t h e su ccessio n , ofP ^ n a lo r R o b e r t H en d ipckgorp ,|n a n e x c lu s iv e in te rv ie w *wdth T îfè B e llev ilte TU m iSNefW s bMs w e e k ± % t I S t ^ t t 'w a k ^.a c a m p a ig n is s u e b f t h e D e m o c ra tic a t ta c k s 'a n d v i l i Seek síiis e led d o h on a p ro m ise o f fìr jn su p p o rt o f b a s ic E ise n h o w e r ipolicdes.

4¡JJ, Ü S -BUErV-faVt AO-’ i T r ^aÆaAÿ.iÿ.yj: Jl— -T^r' ■ ' . y" . ?L« I fw g ,; Gase - s p i *»5iia;. vpty, Lfpr- ••• any measui§ “ liS,6d§4 *, '|t)- ^ ■ bpgsthsn 1 ^ ' h bfffiotehtry ■ r egar dlsss^^abiti^flolfba.f o l l y ithkhP13-!8-*' 5®6ipsf!’'p H ujn Pbesident iBisunboWM', theraUtteripafi. ^jpeoplb havg. -ijiia na-w p n 'e lending, expert ip military, p n ia t t e r s ¡, . an -¿gxp^t who can ib e counted -• upo«h,for firm and - vigo«>wi-'>l»«ideAbip- in a ^ n p ld x yfield ,” 'Qpbe si-fd 'w b is d%sui6i0h-]Pof W d H ia f fairs: hte NbttewB&ihS Prevent Another W ar .K T tT h s ' hSte.;^pinhn ’s 5 -ifnitary. Jiwlloy. 3 *:i p e :'f,hc/t|^ .woAflii|w ar. .It ’ cbhtifnplates a'-.-steady |.‘4ain in sthepfib/of» |n * h in i w f g e a r e d r-;S6fowl:m a tio n ’s ., expandiiijr v produPviyftyBSiVuv ,tsch,rtical dFflahned to’ kesp ln 's te p With, in-

Said-''tR'-’-fii^ in terview -herét ■ ._Iniy Locale H ai ChangedJvMKta ""ifj, Indd^fina stoald

pildrl, voterà tb tbe .nfeeql ®ti!ohg;% aélSftgfor ìlo tó forcipi^w jUèies.'fiatoeningi in Ibp , 'Ued BfYpr delta- are a, conseq cp1» ^ injanytcaggressioni. Tbére c#n Jhe.«^)1 tìoubt, « liit.-oevni. Inai iCowunur nisjrT k/trted tbe icttnình' rèbel«

jre-wittl s$~&S /SSSSgM^p :w%'Monntered _ in: ' K ^ 7 l 5 5 if5’'^ e ¡Èhè satd%*“o n ^ che ló c ® . haa ' changed. S . “ Happcnings^-ol <bhe paift fort-

j h t tu G vftt^nsla b^ve-woirèbìi à& 4 '“that v e e ta enutíb - .Çom- bftnfite-lnf|ltratiop àn^tljç Amajr; l*à*L." nontìaant w tà ig j| ik$&. A S|ms Æîÿerieaii, ha3}d|'îSinl W^ftiii^diJr' wi^ed Oìlfì a - Eg^mlin- beachhead in CtóittM1 ‘‘M ^ erin a DnlysàB M u r’s? írtífe theBánaKia* CâPSk.ÿ4

^ ‘W fflóu ì a E e^bítdanfùajoiàty- in both” houses affi Gos? gress, iMsenmiwer SS&ipô% e®ertsfi|et®«Cly[enëé ¡vhieh fe .vitally : neessa^#7s p a l f e Upltad ^ ta t^ M to rfetain thir le^dorshiji M .fÿifdes 'o f fraB,

defeat on O m ta t H® wotfld^se a defeat- ott'fflie woriîd battlefields.” ;

■ TlTd rìòfoeS- Gùjigrefisinwh from’ilJÎSU" a Ifftsitwe

” in*-la ^ íji p íctirím n^ 'aá a d etepftef j u War. iSWiif tSiitnd-1 StafeSf- M aaid in Ifts intpfH«y herí,f cswd ®?FS eff®‘‘Hvç fp ie h p i.',3>Wcy^Mhifr ,ïA|î.îa 'gtrotiger dëf&nse projft^m rfo imás' e u c h 'a policy. , siJ |

-fCass snrdlhe fayored a stronger d£fe® e^’prhftraip poveri, i f ( t-^e

» ' <CI0A l1,‘Uiil « 1 9 « money, njMe iR, r¿h'ti rp.v foftorïi the- uvee,

oftotìr yoptba to. proven! a bolo-dfPBih ,;:h;r 'j. Áe' óú'e. ju b a » o f i t m g t h e n i iÿ 1 din; arma; flare npffed' that

K Í fttrW e^pand ISÎF program ofIteclinicai researeh;. a ® a ^ fe n |gju a g a ra . s% ;,f ¿

Sfeásíng, Çomnpmiàt'hWfiRKBower.K t 'X è t it Be understoodi"' Cétsé

'.'That J '-supÿçrBt,, the IB fo a d - frèïnéWppk .of thta,-. Plain,).

I cbfifeiigé7 'itehmtfef'yijo. snœèâj:, P- ^ better ailtépnative. . ¡■ pS'fehethtiî'fess.’ ’ .‘C'àsé’ ccpi’tÿèeçh

¡jnesper of ’ IJongreâaiïîerÈŒ H ^ ü c is 'U ÿ ■ •ôf-t-^ei a ^ t f arflding'' jf^p.'(hfsit®ty, "to re- ® |fep ¥ à& çqfi|innàîly:, tÈe ade^S

f -tfib.,. coim fyiè ' .dèfaBse j M » ^SafdbiÎB.. ’ ,ASid, ■ i f ' at any “time,

téeapprèisal ah<f?ra.iÜie ueeih ^ B g r *încreaking ' defense exjj.eii^-- ^BaireSiiOï .tM-enlargemei>t--Of-7!hiidi H H pm w l. fofcea I shall-. be-: among ' K w d first tO'-,’ai®port sueh a c tio n » H p £ ls * e , placed RimàâlÎ in 'the te*.' H p R c C a r tb y . Wing, of the Eepvib?l ^E fean ’ parfar attac]ÿkig, the\m eth- B U lfe v$-■ • Senator McCarthy a s 7 ^ fe é cld e sa and unfair,” . '.’ BMË.'-eleeted#.. Ca*e ■ Kpté agairist retattifi'4 ., -îi¿0arthy'

vcbairman ' or tnetn^js th§ ’ wKprriirii'ttee'-. ort gayernftient opéra;

tiens, or any other epmmftiteé IsH'ndih similar functions^ H ^ . ’Aesertiitig“' thkti; iÇongreBiioîial ^pbvestigaj|ohs hftve_eontnhuted iç

aiiyvfd'OT realization of :ÿi .jiHm’s' jhfeahfejK: and thé' thbëat

it .poses tÿ the' 'United E ^ tà te e , Case said tijat^^oIt.H:Qhes Bl m Onld- - continue ¿^¡«.lïffldeçTSad- gU ership pther than . t l ^ of Mc- K H h y .

tfiiigiw» atei rea l, .' theÿ S ^ e r g is t ’ and will Gostint’e,” he de- ^ B ared. “ Uur v i ^ o - i f o s p ids’*46ô BjOotribat .tbCT mgst fi&it'.Mlitin'We m evlrv ' èffec^vi(*'WeanB. . , A n d

I i¡S¡~ mnVtfflrjd' -tlrafr'* w y r total « fo rt7 : to mfeet a ? 4 - defeat „the

HBrognace a i Q atníw $^ ,^ 'fiÍi be,,S, atreng'.i r: •■•■ '.v.hgn ..llm...<iis‘..r¡.-xl •S H ^ g .'- a S d • divise effesfei of Mc-

partiifi^tiohiji'il je -imgfáovtíd.’’l a a wepkiv ren o ri f#ofrt

inlifrTii .TTimufll iufil>ViitlTi

H b ì Ii tpele7 'UntW N4 v»i®>M): O sAtic^jhalleriger. pre-

pen'de+:i.gs*iaae. a. &hHnrriietis# piihe, President and tM Wen majeediy in S ob*w |s rajtm li'he Seerr<\ W'blainM Ifigi w~ B p a t of .-yiiA dJrtHti'g Bill,M'e-— au.iliKeJ-Li - Jin p-_ih trnc-Mp'ljfo■ ^5'S Ef!i3, new pffalte -ferM-; Sh c . pipiB-f a ?yeart ; as Breridwte S|ftgnh®#'er’■ regassted, ihs* B | t e s v t i:^w-yne|lvlWicftnS 'witio' opin ed with I)Stnobr»tavw.d,e-7 iiifest the measure., HowMl report­

ed i j hfs article that lfe x Mm) , in favOr o f the Bulling* Vjnendl“

[ ■ Bsltihfe' ' ’Ver'v evident that ’with4 out a workable niajoHty* in ’"the

;JJvui«e ^ftpate. the Eisenhower . */i~i.iri«er''+4e-i iviH

and its effort, at home and

;ÿ.Tneç èdîwrîiil-. cm ÿhwjd- th<Wk ‘Tÿ. ïa ÿ . ‘ Cblnh iv ife 'o sh y im piesj

to;àvpuH|in teri eli en ee .'ip vitb eg -In tern al- 'afc-k t&hck Òtr&fó 0 # f t f ' byî’ite p p in g ? iiMésíAbtó Will'd'sSw;H ynoiy¿^VS^^d¿tM eJi %t -iípn*J

phot 'twjt}i:‘ iw &^dll he-' Or

Sad dhfttnahi',, !s i l i i S M l S l P i P i s i W a,Jl ig/>gi: the o n , will tb «y t a i ^ re m a in i . , ... ,, - |.oftiha, -indie., and) perhaps, Iftag&

T h e S m ia te F o r e ig n A f f a ir s | nbsfa and* M & # i d f e * s6-cairdf Committee h a s repeatodly'i '‘w ,ml)0 naiaoM^- ■ snokciLkEfe ophoaition- to* the- sj a M l oftina+inofiff R ed G h ffia S& h'ator $ 4 4 :agreed .reluctant-._,.. ... .?xer d l ^ 2 n v i “,' W m m m H to H M W ! conference, | great value to M M W lhamhF. Kpowlantl,hna.]oiir I m io ,50iate China bv-r^ua tlgHhadei', hag

® M 4<| !t h a t £ n & S !p i id ^ ^ e<>k ’'.”:s M^tiy'e Se®acj , a t * &^ev»' ahjh G®^* j f f i M i i thp ‘only diplopjat loot f t i n m rjashed xat "^ ip fe, with Mindep*•^jahoe « o r e t i e h efgstcuatiett' of iiftpwwnt .pirpte-nf.,ijonkm -and the ‘fa.by "wMj i *. agreed* ,14^4iMofthifia, «.ba i^pdfor |ggfptswVTOfl§®es or s^,fi3!pa‘Je^fe^tte fprefgk Int^rvOiifiwkr

N*liru'» PromUe

^ i 's u h h , afT M iiim n iiin g o m i r s . hd , ..jWiil f ig h t f o r t h e T w ith y ‘d ra W a l .o f t h e ; U m te d -*f3 ta 'tS S f r o m t h e U n i te d N a t io n s .

W i t h o u t th o U n l e d t h e U N w o u id 'k a c e a ¿ e r t a i n d e m is e j u s t " a s - t h d '’L e a g u e o f N a tio n s w a s d o on ieii ili*j d i j C o n g re s s -,,fo i b i d S m em *-f ie r s h ip 1 in tfi.e ’'G eh h y -a . o r ­g a n iz a t io n .

Beats Us To Punch.

ÏMS i* % wtty eyiefehtf JS T -tfw îW ® v is it ’ fhe"*- UrprKji’ " P (W -tej fSiifi Red -Rwer feaj-'agreesient rea&héd-- JfiiN sw 1 Itelw: by rTnwaííár'al Nehnj- Add" GhSlÿ to i India's support of-Bed^China’? dom iM tee hr Sbfttheprt Asia, ai& i l l aomponefits- o f the sarahvpySo“lem.\ ChoUj-who defifffitely egtebBshed. iinisftlf as an able ; dipi/Mat iSeheya and.-op^ips . inIndia andlB unnh, p .i; - Jin' curd-

phynO, roMereatibn

Jâylù»»|»ar<is: au;L ,in a • •■ !<■ -» -I Hlf

irtHWg^the . - -I^ œ & d ''tS s' iw^KfK^alPvvalhiîig- ton. believOs* ‘ Cïiop is w t to'

bies>„,of Aèikn non trais h,e f p i e k f t ^ n ^tabSsh our 'STffiB5p t ^ !9 á3i a^ptaiÿ,1-bârçiA* to Jiurth9r'”®aài-:munist' expansion. ■

' Ghou Only WinnerDespite tháf-'secrecy >vitil .which

H Water Dep’t. Night Crew ! Will Work láítil Oct. l

Çiperâtiorœ fpfflie‘.ñtó&XtCp®'Vthe sw te r P |r

pîtrltnéafiriifti, ïte® oÇ-W orbs will fiopfJiii}ev I» itw ai .'lono.un.cèdi JM' iGotenfisEior-er •Em í S í'i.D. i 5im K S 4T*|i

Ini-htetóìw s^àl, > i f I¡^ilreá‘States s © nd2 j® rtcœ t'% ôpps4 istD ïnibeTOteiif 'Æ .'M- by Indis- Thatw buliìkppeaf To' stymie a n y move

1 oecu p f’-T h M i fetÿ? i ^’?if| rhatl'dpai7- iS|fitary.

wák® o f■ fifodra-Wah vfistoiu. i® riw? Com»htttìj§4 any Ate®tioça OfW w é|ío e ffo rt te ijesirniigo spo-h’ AfaoiteihXXJEhjjnfli a t ' fis t i1 0'®«® a f f er tbs jV sh fb - s i^ d h te d 1 at Baine rto a

‘‘híu.nííáiw) Gaop h&s obtained as§pi/|!m«b - th,ai ; 7 "when'- ' ■ uhs

Preach arm y * odjrntfaS op p O ig l&pre ‘ v ilç - h é - f.o' n e# tallitaîÿ .‘ fo i»5® ^ S‘L oppose - here î|.erê.“ , © C M V s dym words, Hed p hin a' is ‘■ temping âiûy'''*-a4 ffeep; tfBghione d£ frieft<U.y-'_.peojil9si-’ . tolie íMofeftí- w,'

Bur Looks A sks

Jrpi'ís- îi_ea;teisse’.' - e f-.-tho ' i-sfàsr wotlid7 ¡appear' ilfi

Sh91ii:i8ttiToœdeâÿlÈ ÿi',telkg with-, hs -in th e '-wSfy .îÿfcrîor!?a wôÆ*

C A N D I D A T E — C liffo rd C a se ( r ig h t) , R e p u b lic a n ca n d id a te f o r -Senator, e x p la in s 'h is v ié w s-a fid c a m p a ig n p la fis to R a lp h

in ’ a f i e x c lu s iv e 'ih t e m e w ,

Mrs* Mary F. AppersonMrs. Mary Franc.es Jacques

 j s i g ^ n h T i S Î B éw h i.Á vejrtT í, Siefl last if t id a y afa home aftejp a : w eeye'ïïliness. Mrs. Appert &ofijteWfeo:,.^a SS<! I l ’ í íw f t h 'y e f . dap^hter," Mrs. Q aa^fa. W# ‘ Ufa*» cei«r,, • Born.'Tp, Newai'k, Mrs. Apper- ¿ á b hvad ,1® - years . in .Bgileville,. S M wae S, 'ipabriher o f1 OhM -: •jBpfewgM. 'Churchy and -a • foœteè -SKâtWenl of Wé oliiiffahV Dadt&ô@&LiP Miù .fl-.teem'cer o f. IS ¡Woia^

Auxfifary. - Abe ...Je-rmèrlyvvofted -iii' tfic lending! d^ÿfiH"iSnf o f the W eF^k mhfae'fa®- leayteg

gc^||3|^‘i|hpÿî:,20 Jtears^a^o.; .sSttfyiffea alio,' ‘ are .'.alìht'tworf. lÿaaÆ ^f. NhfifcMoïH,-:.«,;:. = r w®e h.eid-rl'ués&w'Élhg pim-, -lat fehî W®iaiii ^ fivstep Æ S6B! «PbMlAl TBÿfnÎ, -with 'RW.' P.f% r PS- peckeabstek, res ter îo î7 .’Gortst Jpjpissop»! ■■ ôhtfi^h. offioii« atfe®. BuriaJ was in- Mc, Pleasant jOBînete», *■

Frank SmithI'raug Smith, of 4 Ci> Joratemor.

StbMt^ dity-.yr. -Jiid1-aftej: a brief illness, -H ehad lived Bi Belleville* ik r thw e Veal's, for- ¿ le r l^ fii NeVark, yhere lie was employed with the Board o f'E d u ­cation. ■ era custodian teS the annex, of 'East Side high school

| S tfrv iteg 1' biiji grA it's; , tiia« former - B- iciiat Tipmosey, and three daughters, M rf, Vera Wein-

bfoih®®!‘ • c f fio^vArki, ahd , Mrs, Rite ; pepita and Miss,. 'Mildred Ssdthi o f thd address.

He -ii^loÆ.iéàiÉS' three sisters, t e . Catherin a?-Elehslgpik'er, Mrs. M e « Si|® n. and M rs.. Christo- pfiôÿfe Dai^m7 -and two - graadehil'’ fpen .fr PimeraJ services w erèhejd ' JHÿVfaJk©''rèquiem raasfa Was- offered this f e t B w f e t - W P e t e r ’s church. J p B a l- .-was . in è Holy Sepulchre, B ast“|^rahf0.p?“; «

!i jfatnes li,

an'di; Mtei»hft%l;CiS.egei'i-i iade t ie d e l i 's jja ; o«*ijàlrtIngttlïhed -.'fatili; Asms, A fferdíág7 tb art' shhounce- mffit from the deaph faffieb- , 1,

. - ^ t e t o r . G h | n n y oí; SI - P ew ÿ $ ® e t,7 wasw-jr-radteted .froih Hftrt: varo U n p ^ sitv 7i t e : T f - ;;wWf a-’Bachelor' Of Lavv degree. He w hkiM s. A*B‘ tfrpïh, >®utgerà Um* veráity, a t 1 f O ¿ tL*"

p e r s o n a l l o a n sA N O

H E M SH rt

f o r

a t o an to finance that' trip, youfa children’s camp expenses On for any go6d .purpose, is available

at Fidelity Union.Stop in 'and tell us, yotir needs to make this

summer the best ever. Loans are from *100 -tO'f2500 , at lo w bank rates, to regularly employed people

' and those With steady incomes. They are repayable in convenient monthly in'stailcnents tQ. suit your income and are usually granted- within 24 hours.'

Stop in now. W e will be glad to 'h eip you.


IfeiÛ ih u -B âtisâÈ Û Ê Û jiîB h M S, ( l if t s .

DeW iteM VôHiÿ, h a ^ iseM íM B isC fort the Second* fero^ster to« falli dean’s'Jisfa stud$nte atthe* oomw# Mifitem and. Mary in Williamsburg, V a .



E M MCofnf&nt/.


in NiWAKK: 755 Broad Street • 1 Bloomfield Avenue fJ;4^ -5(Wei,''5 ^ GUfi n AVe, • 2 Íeíry S(, * 2ÍQ Je^^î* * 158 Fleming Ave* ¿5>é‘tyooá Avenue M I -ÍOO Orange Street ^4 * 2Ai Springfield Avenue IN fÁ$r oHANOI: 80 Central Afe . • 329,iMiufi Sh *, 1% North 18th Sj. ! IN BHLfVlith i 44 Washifigfon Avç. • in IñViNOJONt M 9t ¿Union Ave. \


P^OTTECTiOK W S - ( CONtïDRîj^tefe VI' ijRANCE'

P È R R O JJX k f i í i í C Y INSURA^èr:‘ ÿ& PK S'

20 WMhinirton Are. Nutley NU 2*5647

Chairs Recaned

B y E X P E R T

GEORGE C. SCHOMP111 Cortlandt St. - Rear

P L y m o u t h 9 - Î 8 6 1

S0DSHIPMAN »vfajieqfe S t r ^ ÿir ^ if iH g '^ f , N o ^ o m :;

’v a. He is piciluréa lyítH radar 'equipment. ’

For Your Photographic Needs Call Belleville’s 1 Stop Studio

• Portraits

• Passports

• Photostats v

• 3-D Color Slides

• Weddings

• Commercïab

K O H D R E C K S T U D I O185 Stephen St., Belleville

P h d n e P L 9 - 2 0 5 0

SO YOU’RE GOING TO BUY A HOUSEsend for a topy o f our book

W e show you the way to go about it — who to see,

who, to talk to, what to check in the community

you choose and in the houses you look at. W e tell

you ■ what things to pay particular attention to if

..you consider .purchasing an old house. W e list

things ’io- expect. in a newly built

I ib m & ^ jj1 explain how the financing

can be arranged. W e make no charge

fo r this hook.. ^Send for a copy.

PUpitrS'ètvîtê iitKiwt und'Das"CtfwpuhyRoom 8311, 80 Park Place, Newark, N, J ,

of yaur beak, “ Who! le look.-Yso Buy 0 Hou

P V B L IC I® S E R V IC E !

- * mm-; ■ i ; tiS k r . ■ ■

PAGE F it »F R Ï f o A Y , J U L Y 9 , 1 9 5 4

at Lake Placid, New York.". t ,„j L^-ola ou her engagement to ] College,, course1 and'hopes tos teach 11 Jack H»<t, who's had a yearning I ta r r y Earl Both are former I grammar school some day, j Thi* ' i . - l « „ o i l . |B H.S grads Sistei, jRhoda, I summer she is assistant program 1for the motmta , ha JEJjia ly | j t0 i,e married tips bwnri director a t Caiup ito-Li and plans 1

f f i g & g B Those two "cate l^0011 ior toaism na to \jsit, hoy shop A m ftg the: aecopd half- o f I , l olvfo i, I fr id n i Nick Betti, at&ieJitTy play- the seaSoTi \

•Ikleagirli at Hahne, & Co npany | lQ^ - v tof: J fo r a touidiarm y Toni w a s ?l seep tins year ad ij F * . n°"I °xu^i P ^Jro3ean* 'B u f' ! ^eninpro baseball\ 1 earn. , President .of Charm CDob^Nd. »8,.ford .and A lic e hneke * — " . T ‘ ‘ nK(i placing . T a t i b a s k p t - i

1 9 3 6 grad „iCoiihie v o u ^ o t ild like^to 'bRW hnii' ‘ volleyball., She -lias'Been |he, seen holding the fort Ch- | ihe r.al« * m»mber 4 11 ■’ * W t t f t

Conn ie :>Is ,a University of ’ Miami' fS. y»%t iC< » A j ' p ?W * J .0;^Yodtii- H ! cdtnmercial |cozed- Sh eila G allav can „Jig., ,' .„¿j ’ - ’.A * - . ; .-f....... .......4 -.T ... xguyae an d .pjans to. .go. .iafey.-.'seef L;fo q n d at W allhce' i T u \ retariai w ork. Tins summer finng |as can Arlene Zalewski who , is A rbinc, m that, .cube ^ed-Jisad her working to the office of Bay!* no$£'„dividing-, tief“t iin e betw een 'w ho was*:el®ffeS trefesvirci '6 f'''Sip'' dn-nc SWcl Product?. ■ v'- ' 1

'the Mctooils 4 >eparfm«nt--at‘’ W & F j deiib^Coutioil-ior .tie coming; sea-. ,,, _ « Tan d secretarial school . ib 'iA g S lid ' has b een ¡^Hve Ifr ' *

1 1 T »» u ■ j StSjifeTrli MMfRjffluRR it's t ittia 'tit S8Y -0 “ * ' < At&eipbly <pf>iaiblttSfti )B®d's fei'hV’ 1 g®d,WyAj ¡¡mj» in bbe fall, as w tlw

I 0 trr * cbn^aps to 'V'qla title tie 'tfp-tmirdl spotte* has a I many of thp 1984 a&itiqrs, wfeffl'

paign, the announcements over ( Lcverde, and Jean Dufford the public -address system, the | but enough reminiscing talent shows, the terrific dance . w . , - -band, the mid-year and final Working For S u .m o rexams, and those pink slips we!d . ,To make a .very;; clevey' cget .every so often for being -vation,. summer is here, and tardy. <• fti' the traditional ,i sumiper

r a : 'instructed us In the gym /or the c o u n " « ^ .^ " 'w f h w r ' t W

S H S M l S S S B Campbell, Harriet Ackerman be back at Belleville High next v wheel er will be coig ¡ I C a ^ 'R o -L i I r itoo, our Principal, Mr. Klttls, p„t Smith has headeiw h b S O - patiently - ~ ^ i d e r - u s - t e ^ through oui highjschool career A jIy Rulz egn be seen a t

But everything’s iust a memory tual Benefit, 'W hile'Else fi< Uowv even, those after graduation sen and Rita^Zimmer are' c parties, givjfin^by P3tP .itzsiYntpoivj, ing their Vork at BallenVp Eddie" Bucciarellfe R ay .SfArohe, permanent ,job for Rita. Iddy Cohen, Alan Ij^ssemer, i/1 Harry Valante plkns ‘ to Corino, Carol" Mucc*gro so, P at h^ vacation playjng with a

SweetNicholas Maiiano wa,s able to trace the, niouey to the c a b p f on« of the •company's..- trucks, where it had 'bepn accidentally left.

Robert Hassyb '1 8 , of 197 Stephen Street’, and Fred Baber,^ 2i'i of 18 l liiiiou s t m t 1 nil reported that they, had ‘bem bjt>

~fi* hy’1 clogs. ltODert“ \ias' treated" a t Cyiupapns lipspita), a,nd Baber' at Jhe American' Eegion Hospital. Nicholas Biss ell, 13, of 452 Stepb-

,en street, suffered an ye, • jh- ''jury >at the Rlansjoen playground.

Wihduw^ \<ii iiiokin in'hiied lunis a l .S>bd<?l ’ Uw J 1 b

'F rw olonc, of i)0"Malnn.e Avenue, reported sorheupe had, sergtehed

. al mark w i ^ 'a .shAirp IpnffbmoM-’ completely arouiiiil'the body of his car. • J obn ■' )^4}ih„%TS0 ftn^iars

,-Sireet., yioldt, symsbne Jistds^ l eft- IS fJ v EboE - h|s apartment while b|| ’ wife. absobt ffomtheiApapbp^rf®^pvfe't'^lOsisnts,A net?1’ six-vear-old Evelyn Plaisto

ItvffCrpnortfed taissing few ipiSsfi I hoops' from her home, at SB ¡Firtn-

b u t .retuKied, sd.dn.afterW'ard.

.Only ^i'h'f e g 'm inor ; accidarife w***! reported— a n |, js® l» of the t ••' iftV o l^ dR aolello ,'? of Av*-nrt«, was lidini'Jtw 'blkdi^n Mafer Sinset 'hn.;!;- ^¿n side ift '1al car '|rppS* ft la n s , UJedar / Hill

uAfewxe.- V y , Eawre^s4 - Aufjbnmhi, o f VR,S IProspect Avenue. .JltocfcoTS iA o e ^min^d her &i fvolnpilws

"Was - nnjnjwiSdy-

ran bi^Pbl^C’e )” if4 tVA rear At a 'cai; (friVan b ^ 2S®sipb,';Hwcnrio. e ’Ujv Of *#'awa'ljki',S'A Ear"rence a ,v|

,B&ekpl,* iiee te l b iff sjtffared onjv twq eSfft'"ldr^veil"by, (Jer-

*hftpt«R“ S9, of 913 B&v-B treet, and fm-als. Gh'inesgi«

^ o , 'tk ' North A rlin vto n figured | ^ f l ' no iei-.n a t .Toraletnon and MBMa^pwA-^pwurian wasm ; ^ e d .^ rbHce -'have vet IdeftHfi^d ® e v threk- ybatiw who 'aSi bveek- afted thsgiigh" BeHevilie ,TB

an hour b-efpre finallv afeg»-' BpiyolTi cr weret driving"K j^ e w e r k .' The chase' > sjp-,-« Wl'.’la'vi Finn .¿ad Thortsa IratjtJwvsr betmn ,an ‘. (^rtlaftd t

"IttW'*' wSSilWiBS ' k F two Mntifis i^to Newark) Tbe car wg^ igtsP-jfeported .stolen bv Anthony ® tp jn n aro,- l f j A .,3fi9 ■ t a K e " sBiiree GairmaVo’s brother, Ratoh, Hold 'nalice^he had borrowed t t e '

a » « A m t f J t b i •• -'.Wo&ar. -and , hwi. Sfift it_ -ngrlied, .0», ftalBlL Biriei

a friend whan .«itawaiu'pbfl:^.. a ,,

£ DONE -4 REASONABLY '4 IJKKAMIt. MKTAL ANI» H.A8T1C;' Imñ« Ór.mie. Kubker A«ph«lt, Vji#

Ctilinx Block* . REPAIRS SUo ‘v o lfour»eIf'>' Kit# ■■ ■’■ ■■[■■

JOHN FO RTE i;C ip!i>lltl AJ «91 diri

’ siitlty J-025S Evenlnn

111 th e r e , ialJks! W e l l , t l ie tiixift h a s co h ie f o r us^ih m a k e oup U 'st ‘ a p p ea ra n c e o i th e y e a r , W it h ;th e f ip a l,s tra in s , o f. Opr c la -s^ so n g , “ W ith a S o n g in Mv Heart” hftvibgi-faded’ opt; w e find -tjiaf those ,fo u i;''yrcll- spenl year-s at Belleville High are 41141 s', thing of th’e pasty .and we i r e left, with*memprieg th.st’ vyifi never h V lfw *

S is , /ive'll irdybr fbxget hiose. faitrf^ ishh fS icp clA ^ sef w ith 'Prg- feasor W ueox, tat^whom -we" decB- catp'd oui t$^4‘ ft|to3iw3^ , or 'Mr. G-rohsjJifiiu^ijyij 1 biagazine cam-

Firm, Ripe, SlicingLocal Man• 1 ¡OoilCtipocl- ,FroK-. Fase Oacf. .

n eU ;,vn ÌV |« Ìte in per,s v i l i i work, aadi his do$ftn| ed- tic^tìpn,dìdgree ' from ,,ti® HhiTOrtHpSfiÌ'.Ì^SSìt I?1. IWS, hb wp«o^iilitei'wied 'an èp stei In < t t s ’ G’. •&-r'N»Viu Reser<e. - .■'■»pr, ■ hansbeis w a s ’-i^ssietant bo ‘t W ’-'dcytR-'-'if" rtifdft-Ats':-at,. -Samnapn- itJai'esSirt ¡New," York; 'foy-thibb'

i; veare- .prìgstii ygH»'èn'r«dl^bnfr % e fjn iv e rs ty ^iFlo,bld% -

TOMATOESServe your family a crisp, tasty, healthful saja.d.1 What

a cooling treat these warm summer days'!

Escarole 6 Chicory Lfe-15L E T T U C E “ 2 ^ 1 9 ' C U C U M B E R S 2 ” 1 9 i B L U E B E R R I E S ^ 2 9 ‘ W A T E R M E L O N ^ 5 ‘

C A N T A L O U P E_ — Large, Sweet I Q c y

w " w E a c h ® 4 r

Delaporte & M ac K in n o n


70 Belleville Avenue Belleville, N, 3.

Phone Plymouth 9^4323

We Honor W arranty, W e M ake Neoesssay Replacement« . and Charge Only for L a b o r .__

‘ “SINCE. ,1946''“ W.e Givat|Öie Einest fW iih ì» .24 H<uS*Sê«diiâ!

3161 Grey lock Parkway - Tel.:*Plynio»th,9-3465 - Bellevjl Initáílation«, Contract« — N*w and Renewal«)

Repair* and Conversion» For AU Modelt Mayonnaise Pears s“Milk Evaporated


Margarine i


132 Washington Avenue Belleville


G all, FL -9 .-.3465 t‘o r 2 4 h r . .T-V - S e r v i c e - .- -


PL 94497 \VA 3-5621

D r . M . R o o c h v a rgOPTOMETRIST

Paily 'IO to 6 Mon, and Fri, to S.;And by AppointmentSat. tp Noon, J«n© 15 to Sept»Closed Wed.




S A V IN G sA N D L O A N A S S O C (A T I O N


2*0 Waihingten Avenwa, leUeVUI« Plymo.th 9-5264

ally, ¿& ¿ Also MQNÓAY jW*. 8:30 to «



R o a s t I A ,o r S t e a k , J 0 #

Solid M eat! No l a t added! Top quality “U* S. Chuiee’' B eef!ROUND

-<ì u Solid M eati Nh Tat added!

Chucks Lamb » 39Three Meals In One Conthinatiojdr—Roasts, Chops, Slew!

Smoked Butts 1Eeg of Rump Veal Veal Chops 59cBreast Veal,Brisket jip Z & S p Plate Beef '/„"V"Shprt Ribs Eaxhb Liver .BacoiV I suci55tfk Tong'ue & S 4?* >•':

^ 0

49c 6.9 c ,

. J 3 #

69c Ía 'íé

,49c : ■29 c’; ”45c

XiverwurstSalamiBolognaP ies’ p “É5* 2"^“G o d f e h X

Fresh Frosted Fish! Pollock Fillet ■ X Haddock Fillet ,/Cod fillet ’ ■Swordfish Steaks ib


D A lR Y C R E S T

Orange SherbetBALA CLUB

Beverages 3 2.? 25cf

Special! Pint Carton 1 9

> T < = Pin, M m # Dep



COOKIES, CRACKERS, ETC, 'Chocolate C ip Graham Crackers ¿ ““‘I’i,’Butter Pretzels 8(.'k,1:Premium Crackers u.w“Vî!ftTown. House ¡ Cn*lY, '* tíí;

49c 32c' 29c* 27 c 22c

PANTRY NEEDSSpanish Ricefea-f-t-Oil--..—.....— .

"aÏ* Ç4” . 19c

Bread Crumbs Lolli Pups C Alin i

i f 15c27c’

Wax Paper ■ S “ llpH 23 cLa Rosa Macaroni EK8ew/%**fò. 39cPickles | p f^ ^ r 15-oz. 25cDole Pineapple sh«*<F 31c

kMeat Balls-1— C A N D Y D E P A R T M E N T

Cracker J ack , 7»'y, ; 6 »i,“'


27c.Raisins irad . pkg. 27cPeanut Blocks rÜîirnVi1Jambo pl|» 21cMarshmallow Peanuts *!£■£« 19cMarshmallows Virginia Lee 25cOrange Slices viifinU'ÎLia«'- 19c f

LAUNDRY NEEDSFels Naptha Soap 3Instant Fels'Naptha Lux Flakes 30cRinso 1 . tl$Surf OJLux Toilet Soap Lux Bath Soap Swan Soap Swan Soap - %Silver Dust-n«:*thnon *

-Silver ■ --;■■Breeze * &{tr‘mno° . v Breeze XhtVY”


Lima Beans43c23c

Lemonade *•*» 2 iv, 31cPotatoes s s 2 ^ 29c

3 rM S - Ä 3~r;a r

St t i n

25 c 30c 60c

_ 60c , 60c

22c 31c 25c

" S T31c

- 4 2 c



2 92 /4D-or” pitas,,- 2 9 C


7 9 4ExtraSharp

Bathroom Tissue

“C eT tO ”^

Gulden's Mustard Planter’s Peanuts Tomato .Juice Pork & Beans Pickles ,Wax É '

Provolone Salami KratOelveeta Glendale Slices ^ Blue Cheese ^ sr Borden’s Gruyere Sharp Cheddar s Cottage Cheese si

57c 53 c 29c 27c 35c 33c l9c


C A K E " 1 9 cServe with Dalrycrest ice cream !

Pecan Buns

Raisin Bread

White BreadSave up toffe a loaf! Dated fo r

treshiiteis! : P'lnest ingredients 1


■■'0 / n iJU J R . u p ^ ! ^ | R P i P 9 P P i p q

t « e j% íf> A V . J U L Y 9¿1W 54

l im e s C la s s ifie d À àv e rtis S ìB é tilsT o S e l l f tu y or T r a d e T elep h on e P l y m o u t h 9 -3 2 0 0

'A lum inum W irid o u ^


' I)0.W $, J # QBNim


yin-cedí tm obligation,, ffelebtapt’ 'n«?iKrthíg« ot'i&biBiay, Fred Rtefe.: jm t t e ' f f® 78. T \

1 a;Rípatoléltal Swim » 0 ^ ; , |ÄR<K>fteg t.•Open all day; aT^.lfenday,-W«tU ¡¡ppday and7 " ö

PVapltllp AYa. ¿»811ÍP■ i p f » it:

AsphaM DrivewaysAsphalt

ri$v^wavs, lefe^/púyeryíimed, ’ 'ft.ll 'inffoäsdi -Dfeáwi|ídg¡ '|tp East Cetiter'1$, # 4tleK Call

2-W C

For Safe

Property ImprovementNEW S tnFW A L K S fed repairfe

New luwnx and repair, All tabu werk f e d trucking. V, Stampale 79 Carmer Ave,., *Relie ville,, ¡N If PL il-feBi). M M

?A OHM ^ffllA g f e g f e ■ $5.Of), pér WO, TeWlrohe Niifclevl'2-

set, ä ® . W t'Cafl H 80‘Mt, PtÖsp.ec;LjS.'?'fiiit;i5,'i'. ':.:... ' . 7-9

12 qöiii’ i®10egj Issici*.f íf ^ c o w e fpl® 2 s-roaffitofíTOe wts w ;tools,-jídiiíon* abf«.')€E';g4C<vafe.-

W W Q f® T ,% V - y® ÍroñlMttecft!-

kUMflfe Wftffe ‘ dsui’day áé ■Sufetjto Ave.'

i , A3.PHAM DRíyEWA.YS ,P a/M Ö E D 'w B iW S t^ 'iS S o,"Parytog:t®aitkpM’fc<3r# )iÄöwa&s . jíá, .^¿kingtlotaA Afl w&í*lt‘gííiftranÍ4é(i, Wertae f-ufiijHtu tetU . 1

BP?f-í fe®¡t fiefeter it, Jítitliy H e 1 , Ntftley 2-5é 26 . « • *

k > v i

',Carpenters’ & Builders; c o m p l e t e i-i-omt: m a jn t e jí- S¿ '-iLlMp: alteration? sfeft

repair jobsí Concrete rr-ixer t*dr .'»ire. Louis SaBliatótdv • 143 Passai^

Spartire, Telephone PLymoutb, 9- W012.’•P A W E N T E R CONTHACTÖ®,

SpeeM u& g SS altärttSons,' Dar* KSBre. l8w(Sti|ä' -Gawaefc. etc. ¡p ite iljfeii ,vfcji ’tisiüsKir. Seife

% t e r work «t reasonable « f ic e s é& t Eretì B sterí P L 9-1916 .

« ALTEHjATtilN,,eHÖMST REJIÖE»' f e EEIlfOís WÍR r«ött:c'dfip£ meperti-. p e ®jt»r\Wfifè fíotaG ¡®?bic. KsÄjcing arranged. ,<3eàl ®L. 8r251ÌMav op-Ä ht; i r e i est-

jjffl.orp: _ tfffiriates.. Ffeijk SajidÍQARPBNTR1 & M A S O N R Y K l A lLjíT S BRAÑEHES ;'"po^r IvtSs, ¿ffágeé, adtSSfiKiíU-vplasteiN

brfck stoops, , ,'c'orterpbe ''WaHis istia. : WmL .Btenfife#». '•«*.• resegli #eorgfe V. Olíven Jir8 Ntìtìey%fe. ÄVÜSyp'H.^. ÍÍ'U H2-8S?2. w

Decorators ■& PaintersOTTERIOR & EßTERIOB, EW a, BfefeMd- -elsajt" jo& at : .reasonable' M ft. Call Tgoomiteld-sSàRSS-i Ed.- ÍZinzer, 62 Patton Drive, Sioom.-IgeS^KVf. T i*h 8-8


P Q m p L fiT S ELEÖTR 1C A L S E S “- y f i V l c % coffifa^eial, “Ö Ä s tr l^ i ÄSiÄentmli, ■OiiÄfg. '^ghts, sVditcbW Enstalled. Bssese:- ElÁciadc. C ¿ . P L I r i t i s or W f l Ä S ? ¡STP.

^ x e a v a t i n g

f f CJCSli'fH'RÖ, ■. 4bpMvki$atfy>; land* ,J ,:seapiag; ííoniolL . so eemed andpí|^Jléén|aí. léBLpeárfng.Karoro, 46 ‘.Barion ,?lal;gi NuiSey, Call1 NUtley 2-7479 W PLyteoMn

Ipifio;, . . . ,. .. tí

F lo o r C overing’

íJRtreB •» WÄB-tO' wallÄrpet,' Lín- t <401», ‘tteis.’v Rai^©® <n]@s. Äefds«MilWr Company, 148 Eroips.

telephone Ñ utíey 2t ■ m @ L*rK , . v 2-25-64 t%,

BQ ¥A L*¿?SÍ'ÁN']M,$.D„, TYPE WMflipc, Hei ‘■oj 1 ,o

®^5 i/^nii‘feipdtíc"'S’í|i6fy Ps?t?fíítíP' tcsÉÌ'iil pH ¿ail qi}:


Sá3 RB S-Oif 71'ovàliftfo«M ä®I®IA«B£PH -* CätsBfeialftöfi

cori àliti ^$9s.ön^#) J^nbeíi* i .- Ple'riítM elmirl a Kd tóte&pto’òlt-1 fpg ■ ai®6Ìi * Air ■? * Ai# '■ läritW* : i & ! scoalj. .roefcir.g S|ai?: chicle ana. ST-ÍÜfc «"tvMaÉE, ßeaaönahle. RLrw B B m : i®

1941, «Hgi tón , äScpE'f Sesi oller. 'raRtìnàite.'

tftrefey 2-6941,. "

R o o fe r s

iE yoVr "ro o f , fìEX'Ks v(’7 hiHAROLD HARRISON, roof ex­

pert;' leaders and gutters installed; all-kinds of roof repair», ■ Hiunnev. repairs anti /■slate repairs, 815 Chestnut Street, Kearny 'pr tele­phone KeariYy 7EOö-EING, QÖNTRAOyOR; ,^1) - ffork-'ppne b y ownjr. Asphalt rPofihg' out specialty. Also sldme, palhtWif ÌMqi ¿dlllwg'ß' Pídjlípí wrV-!

ÉWrgeÄanhöEÄ, JJz TtPrMt Si''Ä ,w A

, insila.'

A ll A ro u n dtvMííXlllnitb, ',e.s .pifbli woiks

yiilílri ¿ate A .ls súnur^feif .'the'

Rirg'deärtingTiVG tEjESwi^ftírsptóíta^pPli

Storage ilM mitnre and i^all to wall '6áiroet''Nwtw‘ihyp,tfí hdii1ií&, M'fea% fllttr. ivOöÄ hny, • tHepfeöffe NatW íf fK S s í ,,v è-fjOlid *íf

Tile ContractorsALI PRATICAI3 , h,ö<P • repaìr,

speca'ty H H Mpnthóp»#, Hil anA'ñwfréfe 'cdiifraefor, MafcDöpäld Dtìtsf iPrèaTjaiess. , H Ä , Eirotfc. Mèpìitón yi^w

V pholsteringM w m m m m m à t m w M -

pft'te; Wtí'e7 vaAhy. òf •A .7r¿piee.' Meaos-Jílll er iièor^iMy/'tSIròSéaè Nutrey«^48lí|í M .' J 2-I^-84'tf

i í m | q T j a 0 m ‘fgg; w tM ja I f t S r ext

tíaiujitloii) $40. Sai¿ ÍDjí-; M a t h U-8S:fcB ‘« te r B 't ’.SÉ. | * 7w

GRSYlCCfAL s?<3Wl,*V'vW éit: .. ■ ':Büfá8rs^7íe6'd “tartfe ;?ásd !Í :87 Ptl*' ipt¿ét>,. tanit, m » ' S/Bellfed1tA ¿3 bbS;s’ w5V ‘ ■ * ' '>ÍS'R ®O N pil,10ffB& 'Zrf& BETSk

10’' AWiralMasple, 4 3 9 ; tii* *«rflh, feble fi*4ieU #4&5 12” HrilleiaUfarV ■¿W’Si ••■••• KMl'2r ^Clyrflwc « « nrMH Wlm new- p|fllSi%»Mfej^iaaraf^^d4anS y£6ri- I® r 1211 S«^Lj -ponsnie* tfsgMCTL^iaiirxH* taEte gitfdeh- ^9*^17" Ijfefflirafter, $^9;’ L^,-; T fkipw-Perristife, «ft,tiitf • yeaii$■§!?» l|7 . IHnwovciy, full door cowsM e. 'tew .■ «watan-ts a f one y eai’i„Jitf5yf 3 S Dp- *oib , RM>.ta«flfc--*ad-iN»wBfepsor-Se. jAmy- ¿Btefiri !®|*'yea>' $149

For -Sale > Real EstateÉ w M m í. E lIhTN C¿ llSsuréa' the .. IW buyoreand CfeUssB ~oi $8$ eatl)te. gö be’ stirjSiWtof, the board of Realtors, Ploom- field, JtìJsa- Ridgar^uHiy and.Beìlèvll#

(gutters etrid Lfmdets ,ROOFING A N D 'S ir M r r M E T A L

WORK, -AflMtffft *3BfW Me® t* nix iiu : Aiti» le» BigSfe* Aaeälm#»

BiCiK, i . " i f

H elp W anted - Female■ ''ojerator, ; exfier-

i Ä Ä ’lw ^ ritli 'fe d cay bllííHg'i' Alp^rtímo^ea |;ánBfitSj Äffli páid hote^íM Son. i raff ¿p£íS^.. .B er- igrate, ..%4pit¿o tChevVolèV- Gou

F o r R e n t

‘I r ONT , - R0OM, -ÄMtiGwOr* next to bath,, hot- }7&%t

pjid sb ö d M ö ^ fi.maer’"-Sp!Is15ts‘ ® r:.¥ ! sn^4xnèn.' Cal' PL g-^ílS; /

^ a r Qe d o u b le aL ® P >iw&& R0©M, frrP'BAjgL w.te-rgr vt,te nÈlCffiWt 3®eeEpnd$iBite'et. ’ , ,^ jö * ¡LSEm-ls:

B E A C IL e^eäh M ® lh|, R í f íe w . . $ M tukr. rdi-'ñ insÉJatefl, àtól d|B|ateVemente>®les|)a .¡eteACjAli ^ßalfcHUmbpädi* 6-0m< sf. ' 7-9fSrOUR ROOMS A ^ SATEm^tfc K^heat, |lot water} 'gas apä'Äec- pNc ‘sawilefciBpfineBs couple or

adii]Mwith'XlBeìf:réftfia! preferrsdi, KJall 'BLymopth 9*fi£27. - t-9 p4i

4 [fSE-ÖLt APAftTMEÄfr C ate occppEipcy, with T O r p tr 9->6l2", after“ 6

T H R E E 'R O O M S , 1st floor, V Jropmíly, jioKS8¿rbfla., 'hot fct'f; rigaragS, $fjÌÈ i&èllt* * g ^ 'i s / £ f l ¿ * i P M r í s S S _ * 7iB

, Furnished R oom s

sSLEEPING ROOM, /geHtfemwn ® prfrfetrSd'ln »rivpie hpri Cätf • IM 9*8^4^, si„4" »

•KEDROuM/. next ' tei . bath, .ousi- BN H »' gjrli. it®,- SAJso fàttic"à«rA-. S i r ' room, Sia"», $3. 205 Malo'

fflkeét, 'Eriwfilfei' , ’ ' 1 "7-23.

F o r Salep i ig O E L L A 'N |fflm 4 piace d lV

fcdèulp Ägj- (pPl Ä®ef ’¿hrottiff Spoor Idtttpi/lORfp^ta; nyT ti.fadr- Iteios. KB t f í n s í t

ÉÓ46 PLYM O LPH , ,yafy foodH K f Ä m l T O f ■ CÄll/royrtödth

ÄN/tSIf L04T. «eil tW K §tí.'^Sä, Aii* condiunnad, 9oort pv,»)üjtipici ! S'p-hod dires Barffifrnt $145 ."all “ * 1 Ü W | i A ;'5n"'h' >" Ii 7-23-54-,<Fl,yniniith 9 58n8’

514mouthm s m .

® M W

- AftiSCfteTAKY - ' !* \\Í

'pwifafe wil® jváfjad 4öMes ■ eh&lPhonofByiÄlth . "

InstructionsDtßlP YQTJP CI91LD, NEED

ITClsF I\ READING 7S.ea«í ¥ ^ w s’ T't‘äÄ i'‘i '%fís h^If fléw- '.TfeWiqp, Ädy&Jfflp&efbhwi; SagfiùSa I W w ^ m P W n liar. M.‘ Joriest formerly wkh. Belie*

PL 9-8407. 4 -Ä

Junk Dealers£C W M g ' B l lr l M i i

p j f T P iSL-; ¡¿ii :s •ird@tbis^fl

copper, m.ota.L.'siríf'eT'íe'.viin'g: ma­chia es, :farp*M5‘ss,. patpeps; 36c,pér' 1ÓJ|, Ibi. dSBcà'eiàaterpièXi'ìhìKEbar- ay a t ì^ i ' «ffstal) lT 'á B w ^ í;íA 7e* mie, • Kearny t KEamy ?,-04-32.ATTENTIGGN1 I bay papers ‘and /Jhi&gazii&s-; s c r ate ‘iton arid m.e.tàl ; ragps, ntattreBbes ; '. pMkg ; bsrthttibs aria famweesr Immediate pickup. Telefphorie Níutloy -2-876á.

LostSAVyfC$ TFASgBOOK' # 478BB - JJadelffiTJ^ipn Trust Co- Bel|i

tefffis,' -;BeJ|eyíd;e, %. J . -MMs ______

W a n te d

TftKSfE AppM S . dm?fr ‘four i i B t t e , SirisCfaS. /T v$65. Call ß m & b B-ö98 f . 7-2 S*©4

W a n te d T o BuyaTTENTlQI'!, "üy-eipay i»|¿ p r ‘ 1’lÖB-Äk for newftp&pèfg, mtòa- $lMa. cfeliveted'.'i«. -o® , yérd,ií- W é liso ,*bf5y Ä g a ,- scrap tostel, a H n l tektterms. V>fe a!st>-,r'r«t,jiffi9 L r£a- ÉUSp ™ ? ^ ORhtto ä SIa-' fm'C N, x A P p l , ., ' - Cf

W a n te d T o RentM I.DIH -E-AÄD' SÍOtlFLE (AND

D AUCR TER h e e d . 4- or, ' 6dr HeßföFtbiiT Tsu*

#Rfe é f wpidùt 'h^tt pslwBìe or PJÌy-

» p P E R A M tiY <ì®8SD i f j -rotttna, Bélìè^Ih r-dr -viàpife

imll PLimotìthp w . * . ' % w f. ^ 71* 7*28

W ork W anteduDp-'JQjBg DON®', TOphish -and L fijrt r,fflb^ò4jj?9||àra aad Wirai iffleaímd, 'Dbtopt-raéít tir-Mre.Àfar- kot.g-äB'gl 8 pap, to

W W -’SCHDCt GIRL, rdliabtó DSWtlld' jätifEBt 'johl

Avai'laMe w lif t s ,- jjfeL

Ouesttons consSanlng ttek possi Ivi mr ,‘ofr b-ra -askiaig -fOr'-ahokber six 'month loaté o f absence from -the

ser,tfisave'rntpiv-.s fa 5||et¿'W ',Ahrtt. J5etec|iva M ichac

A. ro ra ife awiwA ¿MBA,, wj,; jvas 4lef¥at| 7. ísoíS ít , .„• iatgei'-wk»’: granted a . LOUR t i l l ; i< .1 ,- ff’6Í4 the -Mif|-J,epar%tók by,IwferkTí.hh y i n i ?»• ,* J whim Sb'fjMk » e*#f t W2m te^Höjlaft »ta-turCto active áervbl 3®Wfi( ifl|8swl|^^rtartee4h*iliat

4,M|.'lie»m ají, tei :Ä .il he tyaÄS- toi-ift ’$o~,e,;‘X &

teä w h , »HcÍm 1 a c c ^ rm fÄ Ä Ä i

18,000 Attend CelebrationOf Independence Day Here

Under (kik wny •íK'jet, th®^ñ7esn,'eíiAéd"j|3:B tliT5]l|1Iout COTrrf!5tgsronsí‘""SWirth 'fftfKs fhfc duy, Bie'lleviHe Mdöijac nlw', . 1 o fi’ rvT'i - "*V; . i(estions com sé an Jug «the possi lnh- i'ndtepiènciop.ce Day (*/elebraL^Jlb'-Di its hiÄo'py/ Y

,.. ’S fd ifh ■ clotólísi'AuVl ^á'light j spritl'itJte' d-ilriiig The- aí'ternfMrn faile'd to ; diseUurage reèidènts - f i orti ' ■kiíberídlng ' th e 12 Hour

■kBCAt 30TJtVK »

Atoff «rffflKK 9#,Mt6a< rasp; ÄlfBS, itoMf »ay™ | i« y u ; , . .

TM: 'í.-fej!

LßßAIi NOTI Gè !New Jcwey.tSlùte D-pA,-i

1, *Ä#ml Servii* n’Q óSd'' cloartel I'ri£V

ÄvI ^ r Civil, - S¿1- - ‘‘Ti'jsntöii jjwBgrjSfeimfa ¡ifMd-L fitfi’anh 'Ma

óyijfUí 'títBíd ht

1 S É ’ m È'BtíÍffiÜGAgks Ñ^ScE7

mU'jiE ÖF AÑJjtó *ÍÍ5lI® 4 MARIE Ö Ä Y fí iE' mclKEÑiMA'í v’d

ÑpÜ öfot tfíe. suüBeDílwi’, Afü fclgtllfeíí' vüáfe eát tfi ' of AKRA MABÉt \NA FÍ; >Á/aÄ . I Ä p f t ' áá-MÑA' MÁRxE McKRNÑA, d’éjl a'ta '

m.P 0O WOMN R; AtjpöMp

totwh 'Ümm&m,. ‘TOBD1C, NOTICIE ir flK p >¡vwrtímt

p.p,sößPÄä fiííij. lirti’d reader iS hb ¡ aítíeAéwi -’ai a rnfötlriif'Gr, thi?.-pigiali». Toi W’ m.Gvá iAíf,' íuire 2 ; - 18 61., í yi'flíí} » arfd ik ìdw -smheuetìgfc1 pöliij shed' ?



«íSíA-|/‘'A: R^^#ä-n5es,>.' A QfTED- &f$xt M>. ‘ i■ iti

' p® m '¡of ml

i l

ALTERStTIÖlfS on aslífef . a¿4 iöhiJfiSsn'a. dregaas, ffira.

ich, -15 ‘LlAdéu Vv.:4>. <||&XfcS.St| ifoMÁN": woTilfl-, like:

’tef-dP Btfcy- SSUögisbjfAKrB ■ for sefpMhvalíd ’$ i4 BfeMg.WOMANt J^ g H Jga TtB-ING to Fe don« ac Beere. ■ weat'SSdi'^htay Ätgi Oall 'rw ®® w ES^ ^T Sv'}!tís,,,’.f'ífr{B* ,’yjc

worlf ;àvsaj%, häwiwmd'ag, teise: rahöltesu. Ä t o Ä t *#^(fösr fetter Irght "Tirase, BoSc 2i0, , J? f¿g jW¡

SUKBOtìATE’a NOTIGííESTATE pF. j-OSÈPHlAjE áoeeíUffid.' ' ■L „ ,; ol’SétllémNotice ’ 1/ í ■ flVdiXiteeh Kàrf;5itaiiìfelsa!al

L * tehsor& i mMtoísirSftWí,. Tistemen*-1! iíOSSPHKS'E E äesoaseä, -»ül b0 siiheñ ■*#

i K i


SBffl® OícSBa3QÍ®teáll'ARTHEE M. PI?EÍt & CIBÍNETT, 9 }


of ,Híí JlR«2?t*o4i15ÍO yW ’-’i; tó«»ìs füí- r.-r'oc-- esf,- pyíJ, a& TOÖl;*t(Ä''tteyjl|!M8. aiHli,á8'tt¿ndlí I&alnit ihákwttUe of R4UÖ detísaHed, mithin eix ßiodilis frohi 'this

p.- Ähey WÍU.líe (orara; jk¡-¡«,. i-ün:

íbfeffraoERAL-TRUST COMPANY B ffiM fP H B p M Attor nay " '’-ciiBeraü Strödt v1 k 2. N. J.

W W #!", ....'.. r-.... i «ero


B L M PARMKEET, - usvme • “CBris”, tHcinfry IeolMon |iöa-

¡títáL íBwatxi. Otót Ptyfttoufh.9*m m ■ ' ■ - ■- .....—

M a *o n CönttactorsD'ÀRC & DEVITO, 217 FairwayAYet»‘i|Belieki3l6f y, ‘jr tifeacfòlfKfs#in garages, sidewalks, liwk eloope, patíos,.glass Eocks, etc 4.11 work guaranteed. Plymouth 9-0952 or’ IinnTìo' !’ T¡-nf. i.

M attrexscjí

CUSf'OY.^hATTBBSÄ M-AKERg; I complete line Of Redding,- fea- turipfg ’-Shuman’', '‘'àidèplnflàter”; ('Serta” "sftdr >Bta^ii4Bjx}8f, ',nmtf.. Itrcsws/ fi pst pjliiKs' mda ‘Jib .or- der. Kenovatripig. same ’day.-sarvice*-

Íulf Rue o f 7 manie Ifurnìturè 86 fa nielli jCye ANutley ¡ 2r-0t7hT Open even lit gru until, *J, Saturdays ® •? tt-

ALICE C. OMILI,. iWsShÄttk« fio« f So.. Ömnsrdi. ,N. J.


^ 6f *fch$' Ä i^ o T ÈAt»P Ö'ijiöÖ'Eöiecilit U jTfi ’ Hal'd d

m ¿ .*¿¿^ÚZ ÌSffl ,4,-M AR y M Ä gAÍ#n‘«yá:' ft -

DT A.RTMRÑT o F RK VEN U1& ™ « !


iffljllPwv upferpáWftiei* 'íléatlAsB ivTi ’Mu-'glcl To#i C|l»k H

p ubi i catiónM . r __I__ ____ mP sádd-flÍ'Bt. rösdins-t Ma#; 1'StH;-lí.olf' Rfeasea, second /reftdítjg r '#un‘é '2z,Fftsaeä,third íeactírir; -Jiinó '22, 10,54. ADpKTw': Túffe: M, M54, ’


A. _I íSNntoh dT smiWHARRY J/,. SyJjLlVA'N

i , « Coh50tfestoiíírft" Jt Ma-REY. ■



Dignified Funeral Service



N o n -s e c t a r ia n



Mflitfvfr.i-i#. liable ü tó'ftí' raivKöä .6 6m loot 31 ¿tees lo ‘-eirejts ñtf,ts!íi % íflreísprk afaplay iai- pip-{.av&. h 1 fi» 1 whl ? a,

timftiä'‘i/ec-r^adon i dá^^.itrin't

5Íor^,íh|.í^^M^TOg ^írW. r f i à , rico iti jshjJfpbjSr Baitltí1’'thè Miadc Wíhtfe al;d AfteB ftr- rangt;d/-by ‘(X#1* BiiÄs,'■nplixdwl W,'afe5yiOT§s, tohctalff-'and’ii é ‘ .íSAsí^^BfWraE ffitíl1B eHV

fwfy tóboe'íbptíj, , l& l tlfaA ncibi- "un v 1 1* 1 e (-.1 ■ Uc * -

’WitìtlhdiStáer&fflP^leffWof tKSbjiiíe utmj WvlKSéiYiee,’,„ , ’

Jyjryftisf ÄiW'W “öf, w%lV4¡ttk, 1^3 Jépfespfftocl .tstjfjSj?!? f P äwa rkrCp tot wlWSÄ-i'.¡dJJhjìt'1 - B Ä l t f e - fjr Ì S ^ y i » '« fé¥6r. B" a i c '^ ì

STiJoSley^ft'^t ’a ÖbiRitdihrl1' Wte: toe&l'»' rji, wfeSí, tripli'•Jy.-at&asd ,%"<tBSjiir ■ üsiol-ÄiÄtetilMr: In amhte’jio bs %rxisfeB'dtey'‘ìrp#htita. .VttíiAl'lW -idj ‘ W >Ahfi'Ìrf “Kvi/hKii o rí ¿ttm'toMDiil;. ,u '. Pl-eb|iid |M?Msaatf, jrS'v-Wft® ‘te . itey,” ()Nfl'.tgpmp03i' "out fir'-'ba'&y Mitjef iytoiU rbvpj ■ 'Wfgive 'xtei-L rh« 4<;MliRt(S? bbttt I f M 11. . i'r .jkli D. OblliW’e'tr Stdil»:® .Itteviarlc, CRaitob"£qtfiWVp.^rCBi'S^A'icei' b4ii4u,,4ia^ to ’•iinBwtf' {C; feiods Jf^. iv - , "Satotto ytetn,1 discord®» tes a .lenoft ;lr. i NeyraA ‘Mpiff, wadi

tte 'n jyiHoj- do flOH Khtok Bel swlt; Mti-e .-rev afttttimX,. , , ffil Story' Ks^fe 1 tl&l.fipi^ier gSyk 4bBW" Jdn'd'l cf „ rjrajMM

answer Was'; , . . , . I atet ;-therefore, after 'feaV?ful

¡j r*« ? ' i A’f« vTiSfeef«.,?, Bo1,;.’ .-11 o tesaa feat hfre, ¡USHitoift -f SSssSili DiPaliHL, E5E;'; altell fffid

'w | Kdvmi-cf Dditoii.R^esSad'&ft Jiatjays.1 Elks.

1u Dos - ‘AngeWS , , *2 BbfilbfPSHisy. teri1 ■4 1- pffp *xct W ftetTSuIay Whs £ failure her«- so i 4a ster»,’ml r hR1 We*- ; :.»»its|(f|n«fe- ftai fh's .-w®g

ftoxt phrlS b* A Terife'i . K-§i bfu‘ tMhkJy? , ki®w why, -sfritietend- let iiie Itaow,

— Morris Goldberg.


ihife;. feauirt igj&Si \Vii,h'Bartel Cayl lilwarji

#6ktodh, Sec-:-MjpssfeBtii»'

•‘tehijf *7®!])* jfetjfdaswtodTea, ift dn'jc " - X'Xjsir i •M’htfeiC i^^^^y-aii -Y^rlffer'Scrb- d^s.*'-®.e-%8p7iifflS ,.^ fe %ag wim' w Marleti-^fBe&ltoy, -t Yiyonictl ^MlfeJ;kk-h;^aA«p.:-Heviiiiiafi’ct- 0,f-:

t?Kl pi&in (Mrt»Sitoisb Del, pfe,er*.Tfe. i*yi3B4TiissUt, and ¡¡iyfe Y’teli

To' ft hoolf Rr. ’W:;v“'n. 1 win receiigt »l-aodufes fiotii' %f®||4imtiaii (JA iw eut, b .76«| ,rw^Wh wiSIteftod 'BtbwTi, y!v> raft

ylB ^ tetflsys lake itVhf tetafe . ' i t o i ^ e a - - «s'(n"’ ItpPfJ .- waftnseci«id; and D&fivwk('/:lftlr£ti»¿¡fom .SRiRyflra- of Hefl-a-rjyfe- mahi

'}ay,ffi&JS9£fe|t rd d«.sh,

•■Sfaiiiwtoi'.'; Dstesbyi-

ffO’-yard • dash. T"B

jflÄ®ive a«d Aib&t* B’r^o jrDan« ir i J l f & h ® ' f S f f l l parti i , aud

■ Ììl4è^te8'4-D»à-I o'wSki IVihñvrí, ‘hi ' 1 4 * 3 » ^ 3- --Ht1 -wete-Detoits

W ■vffV-i ‘iew^Gteka, -«MM'Il'ichaf»l bCWflpp, HWt Be!iiUfí ío -ami-'.)(jl.u ; IVui-sh'n

’The Girls' Midget ¿'-fogged lit;waj-ykoh ‘■bj Wi/irm Gaeta, ("4H: .1 òiijr-lt! 'r.t-.' i-hVtcV -¿hdHmim- dtnrk, -sheorfit, ‘•StfM’ lPTEtTty 'f r u i t e ' ‘ar l Tvith-lélfe MaÄagan; pkt4yiígípqíR!®| Mä.rmYD|t9l’l#iöS-5"®, W>^, .wpiftfel inw r ehe JVfetoN.yiW<sd4g « d ’taee,

■ d wtt&YitiQ F n a £ » f -iMffliRn 5%®resa Mclö l Ä ^ r Ä i ‘'®|iot DJíi-Ba-,

p Ä f i 8 ',S » ' ,® 4 flk&ff às a i m p ’MibteV In-

Fpank Äi'Äo» iä’nS A-n- tetois’^aa Ifffie áifítulty

iWfrí^ttoi?. ■'Ifenme ¡girls ' Cartl %ltiWjVüridgíé äfeci

Bajtoam HwibytAotf ÄrisUfr]- i'foiwSX»’Hltröfä' ÄTOneyrand Lshm vElsy-ifft.ki 1 riigsdik racewwM T R hJ .‘Glfmfeb^eviti ÄÄÄdi.||^f1c'i Ifeffea fi-BSshlsg lit thíit OTcTé}'. •’ . Trttn Kiifjfnè.'n* Jei-rY BUela, ahd^NJpk^Dtìtltefciò

iCIOTBA "-'GoiSfi, -fed fl$athl|B8':< r tom JiQP'PPcl their -^ay te pMs 1 -giws’. sack-i'd. e.

«Sf(b<3l'*fi6, l girlh soflhffifivteafe- |ad by Evelyn Uaiifeon %P. Stedl- kj' Gil^ fijrfe ilvWB6Tbi,j ,,I oan Bailey, Ma.rlo.ne llel-aney* Llealior Seiffeviseii, Lynn Y-tiiiz'io- DflvJs SdhJeetee D#ole- %i4hM,

ski, Elea-hm- MdlhftoWSki, aid ("¿¡1- Vffffleit-'wers awderled YK*tery'JI%i~ P^Ki. - ■f* l IJitle1 League'fkjimheaiifte A ew fe h S(^rt ’t f i;y*8 -tp- • rhitotliottf -th,® ■ 'Afteftmofeis p roSffeli '>■ i Ji«brc'tttii>(i Director: R^bai tfiiiiiJt’ii

¡was ¡chaifemab-for the-tfW xfijpbir' grateh with itaijth.-;-

baiJaufttG Baynj'oji-d, stoith,4||.''' .» jfera Bfrlltiild-. were in, chpiMt ■• cf- the- tfettrr.ir«a- i ar.d1 axtemoM j Sci-rd' ln1 chdir;fen,hy?w*i ¡.iffi,telebriitido wtie . BaVks and Psblic STttB^X‘;36bj6»hi4sloTOa.i.HAfflft, 1L;; ¡Hyd&i'y. 1 ‘

w . T. J1ART1-27-A W«*bÌ4ktèn Bi',

Newark'-¿;■ N. J. ’ 1 , M»rk«t;;..-3-6424 U /


Belleville, l i . J .

Ptyihouth 9-2879^Triis newest and mosit'

complete Ftmeral Home

brings many years repu­

tation for Integrity, and

finer Funeral Service.

Years Have Lent Distinction To Our


Wadsworth Service is ‘ net limited to Belleville and sg|~

-cites. W e have representa­tives. in all'la rges cities andcan provide instant service





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■ ■ ■ P f * ; P P P _ _ . -. . t b * ' • T -»V'A Á ' : c '


y .

S H O P L A T I : TH U ftSD A Y T O 9 F*M. FftfDÄY ?tO 10 K M . Saturday 8 a m . to i p.m.TBpSJ-ijôeiveci,, ffipOTHg *ïvÿo Yföin" |Bwìw»VJ »ipi w. 1 <3Ì'tìT Rgdin®i' ‘Jb-, pÉyfE’3 l5 # ¡HpOTfll J . "aV,b"ró'mso‘rj. ‘

-;ÿ .jjiiéSe iit a t Ìfehe - eel èbration Vtì^O ^the ‘ cqjmle'S ftiffKt Heftig, JoKfì

^artho'uK rco, SfichiLel, "Ralph, ’Ah- thony, 'and 'K '^ ÿR . ’all o l ‘Bgllc-

•„vill -,, apd Jerry 'and Janies, botili ’ » f vNewark^ And tìirfee daughters,■ 'Mrs, ^uiböjpette « Föraiq > apd JJre.

.'Phllpiyiftixa ,’Rftfni.o_,.à£_■N ew ark

Mit aöd- ìfe> RàsôÎi ,wm,e~‘f»ai> W ed1 iad o w e toiicd three fiLra, 4aÿlri''MrtûK-iftg' BfwLwffiCtKa 'f t o ■Mr * ¡jjKäalft ,j#orkêd âs a ■ ¿dal

B t e ô ? 1TÆ$ÿ. ; 'Cd' - IJ'êiêMUé|29 "XMife aito,, ! J fe ,'w as .dìa^.^Sd: a* S il i !Æ w Î î ',' ¿¡ro’gfk. .iliM ìi 'id

S potligh tin g w h a t w e hanesfly b e lieve to be:


What's more, at Food Fair, you ‘will find prices generally lower, "dcross-the>b'o&rd'?! . . . reg’ular everyday shelf 'prides

M oke FO O D ^A IR Y o u r H e a d q u a r te rs f o r

|B&Ueott$‘' LieôiaïWJlt J o in <&Jel tip âsélly gem - of M'tt w ä iÄ t& J B lr ' SjRgbd' )Su?aelî(s.ôf ?D & r;ôriÿ lo ik fj& rkw aÿ; 4iw ;.g ra d u a isC & to 'fiie - . ^podt-'S«widevSdd%i^#dir':'0!£^ier- S B o d ì t e e ■ S t Ji®, ii te Ô ^ 3Si® É fe■ g®, joySTtefti Lettf vtg} "teceritîy. ,■....w f e C KaskeH a  fê fed Beii-ftiîie

hiirJMPMmC t i s i ' 'WW .sgBrfièirisetì'- FKi>i|t ïâ& saail TJhvsfeWlly with <a,

t f f î ; degree, ih 19g'S,' iS'Sj! ha eiy&ewsô tïte ÂBm s, èffe. FoH Lee. ,.

ì m ^ Ì ' 'ddursè,. .L £ ;î.lffiSbelI waà’- tftdfeéfs^rtiraiTjt and ^ r o rvise tfi» ptÄpifarttJn * a id , .s« vln gf o f “fbod *jgtd related ad-

ja2£® Swûdiea ’-w ereiB otritfoaidÄtta • B raffiiirgr Jaedf #wtjìtag*>3iap'j$|£d

Ä e ft le a t , persçhti^ 'ra sm g a j^ S ^ p gai «son diesi oÄjraiSoH,. "iflglit

jî#ding-, -and ' a^ Ü W liitkiag.. •. -.

FYNE-TASTE Vegetarian or Pork

Baked BeansScotkins Napkins, FamTlytSlie Swanee C ite Stfft Colored TOwel* Reynold's Aluminum Foil , Saran-Wrap , 'Tidy House Garbage Hags ’McCormick Ground Paprika


U B b y ’s T o m a to J u ic e H i C O ra n g e D r in k H i'!C P a r ty P u n ch Doles P in e a p p le J u ic e

Red Ripe TomatoesTomato Catsup 2 H un t's T o m a to P as te

S tofcely G o ld e n C o rn G reen G ia n t Peas F re -M a r G re e n Beans

Wesson Ö1I Flavor Kist Fig Bâts

iFyne Taste Peanut Butter Ï Fre Mar Salad Dressing Premium New York Stlye M ustard

COLO-SOFT-ColoredWhere's 6(merfy

Heinz Cider VinegarCarolina Beauty kosher Baby DillsKyne Taife-orM tirdie Stuffed -Olives ,Aristocrat Paper Plates WhiteSweetheart Cold Drink Clip'sChunk-E-Nut Sdlted'Va. PeanutsVyne Taft* Marshma^ws WFiR or^iSii^d;ChiinlrS-Nut S alted C aih ew i ™Mission G rape Drink * fjiiisrdn'CFPan'ge Drink M isaion Lemori S Linse 'Drink ^C & C Super Beverages,.A ll Flavors H ygrade PoftitO Chips f Hygrade Butter Pretzels

iDY FAIR — Enriched

D iji t D v liq h t S lic e d Peaches 2 T a s ti i t i e t -A p r ic d t N e c ta r 12 ^

Banquet ChickenS ta rk is t W h ite M e a t Tuna G iln e t te r 's S a lm d n .5' 1 ' Q-h,M S w anson Boned C h ic k e n D in ty M o o re B ee f S te w

Snappy Dog FoodSPOTLIGHTING 0UR FROZEN FOODS FAIRAll th’e farridbs names >jn fresh'froren foids viewer your fatvor in our big modern sejf-ibrvicp frdzin vfdi>d deparfinef)fsi You'll always find sub­stantial' saVingVright” herel Headcjworters'for sjpckirjg, yaijr horne ,fr?ereL at Real S a v in g s S e e *otir Large Variety; Ser|at?Yoi5rim r! ' > i

Snow Crop Orange Juice * 3Snow Crop Lemonade 34 6i “? 4f Snow Crop Orangeade 2 ‘


Snow Crop Green Peas 2 » * ^Sm»w Crop Broccoli Spears~2 49c Snow Crop Spinach

Snow Crop Strawberries i f • 'l& w


w m w cH mOUYELOV

M u t iPIM ftio i

L a r g s P a c k a g e

A jax C lea n serPalrnolive Soap 3 V‘?

Cashmerfe Bouquet 3 'O-ctagon Laundry Spap•Super Suds Blue Detergent

Ginnt Package

h, jr\ TYhere' afets are tiaised'' É b| admiration 'mer$ ■ : irl

^feek- for:.sil'nmer meals !,we .ser'kr/n ,‘sifeh a delightïdf atnids~ Sphere,

IW * * *

Him ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL, HTOE PR. Bm conn at PoÉtMmi«l« (neeet Mm .)

Altra Boar Mt. Boet Sat. A Sun, 1*. W. 41 St, 10 AM, W. 135 St. 10:20

s Dancing« Entert«LIAVI WMT Al« «T




$ 4 9 so


ion thOoii from well Over 3,000 items. . . the foods you like. . . the sizes you want. . . the brands you prefer]— many of them ’so low th'at ydu'd think they were "specials# Food 'Fdir guarantees ydiu sayings ¿n .your total purchases.

PLUS — always added specials t h a t m ean EXTRA sa v in g s to o I C o m p a re

■ Monte Fruit Cocktail N°r21£P ^ î ^ c F re -M a r A p r ic o ts 4 l»»w hklvM Nft. J'/i-Hn 33c

L ib b y 's P in e a p p le C hunks rW l^";29c ■■ Del M o n te C h e rr ie s Ro 1 >ih». No.Mî'g!.« 33cF yn e-T aste B a r t le t t P e a rv N 35c Fyne-T aste A p p le s a u c e ' 2 'Ho' ^ m"s37c

A p r f e b r l w i i i i f fT re e s w e e t Lem on Ju ic e Fyne-T aste P rune J u ic e D on a ld D uck A p p le Ju ic e F re -M a r G ra p e J u ic e

25e 29 c 25c 31c

Ï No. 303 *% ^É4« n s 4 L a J

L ib b y 's S lic e d B ee ts 2 li “ 9|«t“ 33e D el M o n t# A s p a ra g u s n=. im «n 33c F re -M a t S w t. P o ta to e s ”£BS 27cO x fo rd R o y a l M ush roo m s 29c

G fapefriril Sections Fre-M ar 2 - 2 9Blue B oy D ie te t ic Peas Swf- 2 B lue B oy D ie te t ic Beets siw C h ick e n o f th e Sea T u n a c K O ld Lo ndon M e lb a T o a s t ^



Whole B% lb. ¿£Èn z1.29

Veg. C h o w Melt« D in n e r <$*■ 55c S p a g h e tt i & M e a t B a lls 's r 27c F ra n c o A m e r ic a n S]>or^hetti 2 29cA d o lp h 's M e a t T e n d e r iz e r siS 4d': 1°; 45c

Vit. D Increased 3 1 «nr 25'

H u n t C lu b D og Food 31c L a d d ie B oy D og Food Sro4,,d>6*: 2 'a'„b, 39cG ro Pup T-Bone D oq B isbu its ^ 27c Lo lli-P u p s Dog Candy '= 27cRed H e a r t D og F ood ^ 3 Ub, 43c Puss N ' B oo ts ¿ a t Food t 5« ^ 43c -;7 ' f f e b ■' ' ' - - - ■ _ t


T O ir rc h t u t |b


Beach Towels 1 .88Regular $2 .$Q Velile


FABULOUS - - A f f

STRAWBEbdlES 2 9large, S W m |i#^£fe i^9r ir h o O C D C | | # A C MAYFAIR BRAND 8 oz. ^ Q (

U P A m o r , c a n Swiss Pimentcpkg, O E i Æ

5 9Layer Cake LADY PAIR R *g. 6 9 c Family $ i * e . V a lu .

Kitchen Fresh Cole Slàw lb' tóht 33e Sliced Bacon ^®EL(J°RN lkt-pka- ¿9c -,-Grocery-'Prjcet-Effe liva-PHur-uik'y-thrujiyedBatda.y........... ;.............. ..Ail, .0 .f.fciftr..EriVj.i-Ef.fedJ.v.a-Jiiur.t.^Eri_ria iJ-Siil-r:luiy..8r.9,-riad-lri-0 .aly_


T E A B A G S PV ' 58C


C H O C . C H I P C O O K I E S

p ^29c: ^ 34c « ï ; 93c

Wy Yd'tìr Shbirrip ’with $|Wy

Spry Ma,kes*Jhe Différend#


1 S O U P M I X

^ V 3'5C

554 Washington Ave., Belleville

I ike SBOskore'■* M \ \ M t i n i it n > i o n i >

* % i r i i w ’à it - •*«IS*»4”I ' U l l i V\ K.

..... -i u.

w m . t h U mm KWWtWUULW. !

¡R e c re a tio n D e p ’ t . P r o g r a m B o o m in g

f 1 Belleville's youngsters are " swarming th f basketball'xourtvS, ping-pong'Habl'eg, borsesho^-pit's, 'cheekboards, Chi­nese checkers, swings, slides, see-saws, and volfey-ball Courts, .a vailable H q them a t to w n '!‘playground^, lle re are some oetails ot tlie roaeation program -

School H», 10 , » - " • -j. t Dirodtor Thnmas:, _. ‘;• A |>irtL. I’or ¿ Lfo’.i í! i min.. Ihiijk.3 imirfy „' Pindar, Anmltl . I»hi<i, Joyce D’rcycry (5arti|sColUjis> <ji*eg- ory AagUenhai^K^&'kh^'‘ri%ti2gK ko.ski, Maui eeo'.Ue.lJis, ,ajul, Hopkins ii.m[)i’ n.c mm to ,. Imn tirs. The final playoff feifwcen Ac-

toold STobíá: and ¡Ronald ‘JBfapkhw' '•fesulfed in níiw^oajypW ' Arnpí^ pelng ifwwjio5'''”l^nwjpÍOTi after Winning Ju 4,0* 17 .,4 A s e-uHi|t| ■mWÍÍxéprogress. Pláyáf& between»; mokyi

sSsú -$1^*5® >Pítiáar* and Ronadl Ilnpl'i' i.’ l S ffira Mina - ian wil) Ije held SOTO- fijáott pfia 'won 4wp i jm e fc-Tjieresia. Gogiia, ■'Arnold Tooia, Ann Ciesla,and Joimiiy ‘ JBistn%osM tíláyed nut were á§#e&toij.TiV|ita-'

| itor -rbnnMay Six ■ -Ao*# gam©» «re lo find played,, and Í3j¿SfSí;e- will lie AnnoOnnéd if

’ ’ Nilta? £)$Vttg Hilly ,Chfta, Ar- hold' Geetge and; Hronld maPlr-cr have been dhato^ng Cdp®s ,&£' pie MrsesM^ pjKs.' RRiJe Jlnttpy Pnleq, -age S, seor-

1 fed V m wiiifiing pallet; for fils' te^in eaWailned VW Jttgsi^ Biudm*] A ■ .jjeírl \

sSEj E íB? ever^r^sonpefa! ‘ • •play» ^feonjidrgoei»*^®?!; WOrry about Bife laek'Of peles Jo hcft|_ p s Ydlltor’ pall net, Tsey -steipiy to# lió^en «pdsbwitS^BI hgnds, hufcg pin ttapér anda around ttteii necks,:: Jftta mjkMtod, in sgtiOlltS íüréelponá: ®ktil '•íáney’

‘w puai —- a ,y@}l6yb%H court, an® Juwaílle* tost • -’•'

Recreation House’* Rmeetora -— Rita ' Weiniteta,. •add Michadl'Roaijplfe':

• Was ap*.■fibtotad reporter tor this week'dJtotfvitieB; Tfe 'iM i#Jgaments, Gaa,lo*©l^ght,.a¿d, .fi0js,t; gnBMbnr proved«,■»■> "bSíta^psin: ffaidte "tennis — .piand new aCn Jtlvtty this year- Dick • Nl^védcia |«íd’! Soiwia Berc^fprf, were .rtiiy-

SfSfea'Upj AiF.ha^fipMwn 'excejf^ 1 itior.al skill.. at this new game, <whieiii • iaí! an|lajr<,,'sd'ifetírtai’.' '■

/ îto-tpnaineiit despìta the ooipA ■ teetiîion ”1*051 Roitnie Savare1 and ?.ffioh.0acídQÍrd¡rCK.dSIfeated|3^^P

»vere ■; Barney tei^oska.

pong experts JPS.hid^SÄfe iSsäSpSina. BUaáseth ^flapMiBttijS? :• jwal.:' í é i iS o t ó r i l» i-' well a - ® e v e Foxj, ffito ' Sfetell, and

ypdhpdÿ -^ÀrèsfûKiy:i ,A.HFJao ..far do ode ïiaC,'b|en aMe. >fo-; beat r¥^ä. j^pker-board bat he j^a«fie®.ges-*U= ^■mnevs.IfyJ'Shäfte'n girls a sewing

pass, ■ yWclrds eagerly ipfrking fer-, ' t e f ra to thpxir sbcoínf lesson f i ife l , feaking of ,E|o1ilier/and i

parons. Kadlr ¥hnrsrlsy.. aJtêrü'fioii itheigróijp.'‘wfll,¡ipi5e ; ,n .e r fi e ~¿i-

t j j j ß p ' i d i '■îsTI Municipal StadiumI ‘Birecfor *— dnseph Jpignor. : ,, :

T-W-WS- XjfBia Upan Oit.» & Suu.f l- I r a.m. M SfinWA'S


LLtUftN-A J . . .MlLLBeSN. S'B i : Fra«k«Jtöiid^p---Dlra(!nii'.

JNy.YV ;

'G B E A T W A L T Zpffipni

i lth a l®xqUÍ:;c9Pt featuring .' EDKPB iÖOÄDÖN » ‘¿


AK.Q-US.' G&¡JfflS-¡ ■ ate,' < J£re8ge'C(i''J5Ktrt-’B, AH- Agetici

Mail A''0rdei8 -' -

feyorit^' Wr0nfgi .fche 'at^letes,' with Ray MasLandiea, ,Xqhy - Bergam- ini and Mon ( a vthornp sparking % 'P la^p. ,v . .* One «toff- the skiUful hoMeshcje piiclpi^ iis! (JeergS ^heridan. Most avid checker ipfayel is the pretty and, popupi 'Riiyll&.lSiiyifletfi. ■ r

The* baseball enthusiasts arc .pended. by iked Brpno;'. Jipi-, B.a_ toll and. r-arry J-a'ore, Who c,an, be bbiui working out/ almost, ¿very

'fbo siadlnm, athletes clrlend an tnvlintton to all -other playgrounds1 fe. topil* t^ffilWiF'feWpetd^liil"vat-: iat^«®S''dtlS5- pimply Jintife tha dirnefor aii41:'i%8Wb -Wtli iie ar-,

Msgr. kiliy PlaygroundB lrecto ili-^ Jflu , ^atReidnejiifdl)#

ija ry QipwayiAbddt M S j ' j and fcs fa hafd

legistered'«Wtob busy play .area, pMpr grppp basketbiill

ihS" piftgfe^r'favesiiffla'dwings, 4®*g0#fejun4ys n®kd,dwAriefecke3?i., HdisesiiQe# »are - a- favoirttet' « t . A

CÏ* Field, B ireatofC ^ 'Jpraapii ’Berlrpíp, and,<í^j6s IJtorBeí > '„A ,,§ Á larga Apfpitpi eníffiusíai'Ri}, ytSftpgBterSílíw^íg' ni * hitad- os the; tón id g d|* Far*

tedülnrly -p|ea )4g (ío sKhe joang-, gdayb Were tjfe' tiew-* ipíeoteJAf. ap- ppÁfoa ,io ir ■-r - 1 -l11, and Hj

i s d ^ r . p n i v c l extremelv pepplbí' Y-t®,moíb. tbáw 25 yaungsterk pgrtivipating la bfeee&y" toel-wiíiS,, Oharíest;ttod’’,'Faiil.,jShá.pjfd7 •rr.ai.dHg- trÍ3Jl£'et?';,Í"“ ibml u,«.lhf*Ifand- grmd^L^lBhimtó Malango’,(Jeorgtí Budd, Pawla Fdri, Sáchs1 árd' Larsar& , " Jodéph Lllfertelli, Buy vít$Wb ‘ wtKffibj’and Micha» i- 1 n n no >1 u mil excéllent worfc es ’%«ír m;íW«c%

feaáerá ^ t ^ á w -M®®P$i|#wSd% Barsky, Ilarry’ BíbSoii},,, Jldjb9|$,

I A&Mi», "w íls á f itótepíaásí * Baiyi l&ra' w | ^ S 8 r Í^ ^ s .'/»W'0U|( Jpaii Sgroin- Jtyiíp jyóndíta» fpiá ^>b*ert:

^w ^rtst apj;®yedi** iba tae*sawiR whip. 'Giw, fyíirg.'fiy lí^ííih. the tídüv

Sames ¿nd ^ d |,íhg wac^a a s J¡eí|'E|í' f itoge^d,;iCubnto/:. Greg Cánfora, Joseph Brogr.¿. Ha csM, 4«s,tíÍ<taeJ#B'aoTO'e. Büddi "ípaKry' LanzottidAofii'i' I i-; bffíeíli}!ASj' JoíliB-'íESIlásyAt íl-huiu riiiinni-

-681171111 Malanga' pp f®a."rf0OTte *me

fSdfetft vfeiM cEiísraS^¡ni-' 1 o 10

Sck»iiripi|lç.7ÂndBew ?uup* Bufi

1 1 ■ 3 =4;^-»


to'l'A gala checker tournament was held recently, in w h i c fe ' over forty youngsters participated, C-o m i n g- out on t o.p amk crowned checker ciiaWlp was L ar­ry Hemes, who continued his mas­tery of the checker board \from last year.-when he was also champ. Among the other f’hahsts who won all of their*’ games up until the final roiMfa were TtiCme’ Lowack, Robert Bddfn, Robert Gi(chri>t,' aAdtCall Thoynas Also playing in the—tournament— v erb“ Wttltam* Thomas, Harry y Groome,, Robert McGeown, 'Goi'do’ 1 Fotis", Guy ‘Me-- Geown, victor Iannelli, John Gpnr Ron, Oharles Shapiro. Paul .Shapi­ro, vajerie GHuiRopi -HaiMd’' A v^r Jon, Michael jt Sandd'Aen 0, -Rhomad Fetruzelli, Sandra. Re^saido, Judy LibeHelh, Biuce fukowiak, Mjchr del Pellechw, IJilclvfe Rowack,. Jipii-, my pelleehiof ¡Richard I azzara, Joe Buikf, Bpjiaj.d’Mil'lbr, Patrick' Gray; Geofge. Rudd, John flays, tDiane" Yudin, Mike ''Fred!I.uwaok, Art, ,6 dpp.6|ilv Judy Coil- ‘don, Ruth l%yrtaa,’ John Jroraaa, sind David-WoOd

flee who bpuljd make tpc most* bas- ilMiBln'Wy ’of. l e ^ f g - r b ^ j ket-shooting eonieët There was a tie dor lirti plan m in ,1 Ilio m Ä tidS'elH ,;anA .Jjih ii uSudtjit, each flatdpg Ma&baske&s. tRen afiotltor, lie ® wolfttf# ne^tfjame toodnjtV

School No, 2j*4-/ Bire|k<®^'Ma‘ ‘!w hliiie^i* j

Topy R^iñabí ^oîi fç toÂ, à ia ’BbsKluM * M ^ Ä P a ,’, MHfher-up, te : plutei} u. larga 'Bald u f horgbdhpe pit^hd® in tme weeka' tguftiamfei; Ç d  è g d&ieBiÂèr rounds were

MíiS ^ b k S . ' í 3 i ^ 6 '6 S : í S í í S í. Joto. PjRgpbilg.glîtg' afes** a®patiirg Récitera. BaurMlífe 'Rptaíp,] J d ¿'qb'tódy¡4tYrctc% 5Ä s, W d Ravíd' 'DdEàbio/Fèi^BÌiukoviaÌt ’Mas able

* KíáJrSj";? jewing cl ss is eager­ly awaìilìig r iiä1' "Beppíjd , dessoiii: Mora Blau signed pp, with



BotUJlrtíflJagiii.líf- yhe SHr De“DRAGONFLY,

, SQUADRON^Sun., Moi ,. Tii í


r sMieòfor'

“JU B IL E E TR A IL’’ ’Ä ’i&fe ¿ s- J. - FowösL.T-

: T6d;-‘ Unti - • W,||W s2 FiilU^ttelï almyB?Qtf 'lSFi’OJ


“MINGS O F TH E H A W K 1’WiltìRtórllf liíg- Í-D düiató«

Wedí ■#TOC-áÍitiíS.,',Wr'"& Sat.fUly

CARNI Y A L STORY”■1 .. Jn? >fech,.nWpWviy:'1 \rs-,BaRÍeiÉbv;‘ ,■ j -F rgest- Tuckgç.

Tn BSe/FíOar am“MEN OF THE

FIGHTING LADY”Wfifltëï &V in ' Johïiiçf


THS PIACE FOR FUNRiYÎCBmtrî hJ jipbl* 113&i^^ÔTR9H%'4ÔW%àÇ4tsj j Joe Bakiiefs• harid'li 'in’é.Ifidllätfet musR'-eveib' daÿ?

A l* s ^ 1hie,^ | b '!1W -® #*8tleitlMgç8tig6 § ito e M tW ':'-FÂÿuiœîtlftÿrittol-itte -Mw-ftrai^B«s«»s8®è*'th»-S®t4ify- thí,^Jtlá''B.¿Iá^9st • ma|wa®|É|ti6^ifisLMteuftî5iâ|fe:. Inrtgeistsospto rtlfway ss*tem; wa)ttprmjghä{'|pll games,


many more to be on hand.PIu io m Play ground

Directo» — Bob Fteitag, aid Mrs. Blaie Lundy:

About 150 boys and girls have been registered at Plansoen Play­ground with the major portion of

pmg pong Keeping score at the horseshoe

pits, Sonny Note led the group with 118 ringers ’’in. 2 day*. In iron horseshoes Tern -D’Antonio and Fred. Reid joined' forces to " in the doubles tournfuneoU and N ick Bussell • arid ’ P e t e r B o v e , Jloubl.es in rubber shoes.

tjugii ovuuuij iwvvaii bWIU ISig organized by Vincent Por-

The midget teain, boys up to ■6tfi grade, have put a goodthe 6th grade, have,, put a good

team oil the -field — No to, cap­tain,, Jennottee, John J Ray, Mpr-

Zoppa, Miindyy and Jaos will play any "other playground fea'm Ut any time.

No 1 Playground ^’ '-BìrecJpriTÌ-Rveiyn Hannon afid Eiilgejie 'Westlake.’

Great enthusiasm greeted every piece of ethupijnent that arrived here "Sibo'e 'apinung uSy a ylot'iof attention ha,t been given ' to the rubber hdtse sRhes,Un dping gong, crayon biioks, and'Jlaiht sets.

Tim senior softball teatp from Moiisigrfofi ‘ J Kelly’s W M ground werb t i p b y (MB' Sèi- aag/tadbai and nu to,® WgbtWO v, r> l n in _ | I 1 i , 1/lJfegid ef,* jiRiy»

■ ■Obi? fit® w^wfiioii wak firputagd

laslfv^^k. Sue"»! Veronm? A z|àrskl, vYlftnei ‘of/ the •bouMnaipitói' /Si :f iv3yr iiinf toijvl^hje^ is R® w : Rav^touAiS’vicoiii' wnev .to’

tiBìtóhtor A1Attepaanee has Be®tov8fiTOSlifi-

i s g , , J s u Y ' i Y e j p a r -

•nta w ill send their-children to the ptkyground.I Branch Brook

P ing popg Is*'8Ké','mam-attrac­tion a t the Branch Brook play-

Bnd, with Bob Suckey leading d.iat of 'contenders for the

.crown. Joan Mofan is providing competition, as is Fred R u ff and

M anlyn Condith, -Tommy McÑaií. Ran Fritz, Steve Siker, and Louis Rappa have, keen Adding.,, to .¿héir'slpU at var-1 ious games.

Kenneth Ruff has .volunteered for the job of “gatekeeper” and official. assistant inv vgMehi capaa- .ty he pas dbrok’ UM^'^R- ' ' ' '. Sewing has?>hñbb -nVj.oyed by Dia.ne an'd’.Ellejfi jyeinct,.^liee'Da- now, KnthyAff^íoéy, K'ahen Royi- elt, V irgT.nj.tr RenkiRs, (Jarol Fhil- ábo

. Sewing .R ew m g bjifees a t '' eaiójí^íití'ilie

<pl?ygroü-n;ds¡¡havo beeh, >ieJL at-: tended -Mrs Ldlian Wmlfieid iS-m

A j^ j 'F e l^ p rW jw ^ te r ‘'the.season w y ) teach the-basic toihS gSjiih- ab-baMim', ■ imnjii. uicin , gathering, hemiuhig, a id , thaking' a neats seam l i i u bainnm Ini' to use^a needie coiirectly, the girls Will' wiakeyMother^'and"' Daughter iiiat'dinu; apion- ‘ ion. u. i n.uil

Copad ly ” faotosrs sewihg htósat, • The ifangiRg l i tó a W &í

s j to) bp, m ught! to feeogi-Wise fljife .VUrlotillTOds S r ih K w -: ¿filé, I ^ ; !•;,

AtRfgtio'l^ísiar iB 'ftó glass coxq.- I Plated V ’ aproá toi, & s’MORI feid i talahg* 4 to m at it‘.

iJlichelte I n I*» Jl in ii fp W r a Mai-y tolop -.F-om-if e c i , ‘ H w l Á lpsíjR *vRypéit gad

Yíínfl^rÍMiff, Qftaofd S a i . [gent, Irh ara CdtühSj’ Theresa aha

1 ‘ A £?dff| ’upjto ÿ ^,W *ß® ssfiSfeQi||i® Insy.Jii- r elude ElJssa Smurillo® IvSSbria*


Chaplain Harold Lawson, of Fort SldcUm,, Long ls]apd‘ and Belleville, will» be tire guest mih- ister ’this Sunday niorWhlg at -11 o,’clock' ta Fewsmith Memorial Presbyterian chgrph Rev VLavO- son was assistant minister In the Old*First"ehùrch of Newark until je went into the chaplaincy. »

' Dr*‘ James-K.. Morse, pastor ô i F ew sm it{w w lU V be preaching in Philadelphia. The saGiament o f baptism .will be observed * for

Worthless Check Charge ¡ Brings 3-Month Sentence

Pleading guilty to a cjiarge of I issuing a_v worthless ciieck in f Montëiair, * John, A. McKinnon, | 35, of BellevilietA.w.as sen tended I to servé threè mokthï in the I

MM benitenijarv JL- |‘Frank

F R I D A Y , J U L Y » , t 9 H

' 3tor for the, New ‘Jersey Boa of IleaJ tb and WieiloYis a beauty supply- jojibbi*. -

William J. Adelhelm A 25-Year Man At H yatt“

bounty penitentiary ;fy Màgistaato | t ) , Rruneftp, J r . JrlcRmnòt)’ I arrested ’ heye on tire fipjn-

nJaiT¡t tbaj/he had signed a vypítjñl ieSs check for |5g" to pay Si

ïmhfture biit’ ‘ TheM reSs check for $5Ä to pai

Môntclaiï•BeUevill»—man • must - als» answer to 19 similar ¿badges pi eferred agajnst hita." m BeHeviUe, 'Newark, and", other "commùnities. *

daughter o f Mr. and M rs. Richard: BruegnijML who are’^jptip^ -their paren ts‘ from Houston, Tdx. ,r‘

Mi-lii aim», Sheivl Soulh.V'i-lU’Lin- da, Vogel," Lynn Harris, Dianna Calamai, Joyce Grandi,-‘Lora ¿tats, Lynn Smith. Ursula SiJiwaptz and

Four gilts enrolled in tB; Sow­ing ‘at ’Map. Kelly Flay»gfound; Mary Taylor, Margaret tjovV’n'á,* libreen Fay,, and. JoyceFhable,r Àn iPtoi^téìì j|roRp mbt at

Reereatiom»BôTise. Jp & Corbin, Fbjpjlts ölsiifntl, J osaplftne Bieca, Alice Rohjohns, .Joan Behan,- Beth 0<ítell|í¡*R^niia Pariai, Marilyn anm. S ^ Ä n e Haaber. . Qfcw-® and.

Donna Pox. Usrmel |»obi|Of ®fwályn PatóndlR Eloísa« a w n , Hgp-nglii, Divisa ’ tpea;, p^d ‘ Qarol( Cook, a r e , to». bitoding'tijiòSaBitik rs.. 1■■ Scíiw ksíb, 1 tottnC in Carob Miitctoj Judy .Broda) SarüyR, AS-: drea, Saam iw ‘Hujínil/' ’ílplly anR'^tojfeY>risaa«. Jjètobir Place,: B jrM M Piace, 'Jfl% Bitells,>Luv ef% ahi^Lolorea Olir’via SdmOvfSer, 'Bai bara RpMey,' and V^ro^lo Sndsäajskj-ö.'tiillätafe, and íntoá#toá ¿íoRp,-Kf^¿ífls,

Calabrese Sells Waldor Homes To Two Residentsj Sgle’ of tjvp' îtoÿtos i Beliti'

vale's rJYajdop Homes flevdlop- Ipenywas r^portfeCgoday |y Peter: A, aÓMabrése5 -N hä^, hr&aj? and ’

agent f p r toe ...projoei;. Roto ot tom hpfees aré fjv^-rooöi'. pnitp lo’e toH 0ftrpent®‘ S tre e t. The * m v r t'xrwi}ers are Mr. and Mrs. Antoofay, Savanna, find Mr. s%d’ Mrs. ¡ifiB'i’lYteíOei’, both of »sllprilie. - Cavanna- ia an inápee-

- William J„- ■ Adeihelm, ■ o f—R§9 Acaholhv‘rj| g e q t 3s today celebraU ttg- EiSSSplL-AiiWy®rtoj^,ras an" employee at the T ja n iso n plant of the.. Hyatt BearRigs Division, General*. Motors Corpsrati<ii)t. liei»-a. ,u|«.i-...ua *ii. iJ.aige-.ilI p«>-dRBwtt’ pltfftiiing. i \^v,to teSOgnitton i>f hid* ‘aifarter s|fflts:i|h o f iservlcs: ihe.’.'me®P^d‘ a wast ‘ .tvatoi from Jjpnald v £ j&oy’os, -^bMtol.,’W:ao.agfe® - of the vHyafbi.'.Dfvisjon. ,

Virginia Ç-ampbell Is On Dean’s fast At University-, viigrnla' öajl Canajp^ ti# daugh- tey c i ’Mr. MrçT. i/Jip® M f'GapipJiAk L 1 IS Van Hoiilsn Pike®,*. 4> ’’’jw ior '• at ■ M¿$r Wash- iSÄÄ-Swibs® of toe ’ChiverslR' •m* Virginie.,' Was' ndhiSii' to the dean»’« JSflj & r achlayfi®, a ‘'B,1 averágé dprlñg» the secöhd' í ¥


NORTH BELLEVILLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION300 W ashington Ave., Belleville (9 ) NÎ, J.


, Sariìi|» Insure^ ¿$' tn f * ~.. Federai Savings & ; Loan;, insurance «Corn.

A & P H A S A W I D E S E L E C T I O N . . . T H R I F T Y P R I C E S . .

b i t w i th t h e f a m i ly b e c a u s e t h e y t a s t e s o g o o d — ■ a h i t w i th y o u h e - c f i i s e t h e y n e e d l i t t l e o r n c r f i x i n g — ■ a n d a h i t w ith t-y o u r b u d g e t b e c a u s e ? t h e y ’r e a lw a y s lo w - p r ic e d a t A & P ! C o m e s e e - . , . c o m e s a v e a t A & P !~

L i b b y ' s

S w e e t P e n s2 ^ 2 7

i w s*sá¿

L e o f o r C h o p p e d

U W »Y '* S p in a c h

2 i ' 3 3 <

10 8ave you trouble]m

Asparagus Spears Broccoli Spears ubb VGreen Beans L ibby's— French style

Baby Lima Beans ubb> * Lima Beans * - »Green Beans Libb s v>Cut Com Libby's — -iflolden yellow?

Mixed Vegetables y~ Peas & Carrots Ubb s



L ibby's

French fried Libby's

»10 OR pkg-- 1tc10' o l '2 | c

, pkg.T O o z .-l 7 c

L i b b y ' s

Grape Juke

2Cencentrated 6oz.Dans 3 9

Chopped Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Cauliflower PotatoesLemonade 'LibbiLs.fr..coaceniraief SLimeade .-Libby'sophc&ifrtfedPeaches Libby's s lic e d and sugared

Pineapple Chunks - :to i Raspberries . Libby's — syare Melon-Balls“ ^ “0 'Whole Strawberries » j Sliced Strawberries ¿SX2 m 49

l : i S 5 r t

2| ; 6 oz. Q Q c cans J J '

O U z . J n c .JL Ä - v I

2 113 oz. 4 Q c ■. cans d 7

2^1002. < I Q c

’ " i ö c z . O l c '. J 01

l i â t12 oz.

: f t .


183 Waskinflw A«»«ib , Opf. Towi Hall ia laflaviUa m g