Why we love 3D animation and you should too! 3D animation has a very close knit relationship with the entertainment industry! From animation films to the 3D graphics used in video games and tutorial videos, 3D technology has been an indispensable part of our lives. Our childhood was defined by the Disney movies and cartoons. With time many other animation studios joined the race such as Pixar. Gone are the days of 2D animation cartoons, the 21 st century are all about 3D! Movies such as Shrek, Toy Story and Frozen have become blockbuster hits among children and adults alike. This article discussed the many reasons why 3D animation is such a hot favorite among people- User friendly and time efficient – More than ever Unlike 2D cartoons such as Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny that has to be sketched and approved by the designers first, 3D animation can be done by anyone.

Why we love 3D Animation and you should too!

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Why we love 3D animation and you should too!

3D animation has a very close knit relationship with the entertainment

industry! From animation films to the 3D graphics used in video games and

tutorial videos, 3D technology has been an indispensable part of our lives.

Our childhood was defined by the Disney movies and cartoons. With time

many other animation studios joined the race such as Pixar.

Gone are the days of 2D animation cartoons, the 21st century are all about 3D!

Movies such as Shrek, Toy Story and Frozen have become blockbuster hits

among children and adults alike. This article discussed the many reasons

why 3D animation is such a hot favorite among people- User friendly and

time efficient – More than ever Unlike 2D cartoons such as Mickey Mouse

and Bugs Bunny that has to be sketched and approved by the designers first,

3D animation can be done by anyone.

You just need the right software and creative ideas. The 3D animation is

much more accessible and easy to the young tech savvy people and amateur

animators who can create their own games, shows or movies and share it

with the world!

A sudden growth in animation films

Because it is so easy to make, 3D animation movies and shows are in

abundance! Most of the cartoons and kids movies that you see are in 3D. The

statistics prove the same while there were hardly five to eight animated

movies made in 1996, the number has almost doubled in 2005-06.

Movies like Tangled, Frozen and Big Hero 6 have been a rage among people

due to their amazing animation and graphic effects. With 3D animations,

cartoons get a touch of reality. Thus 3D animation is a profitable option for

filmmakers and animators alike.

Complementary items and merchandise contribute to


The filmmakers not only earn profits from the movies but even launch

different merchandise related to the animated character. For example the

many Disney toon t-shirts, pencil cases, tiffin boxes, bags and bottles

available in the market are a way to promote the film as well as earn some


Also the DVDs of these animated movies sell like hot cakes in the market.

They are no longer movies they have become brands that sell themselves!

The youth is more attracted to animation

These animations cater to the younger audience, especially children who are

quite used to the idea of 3D cartoons and animation graphics. They can

understand and grasp the movie better and enjoy it to the fullest.

Also the elders watch these movies with their kids and also learn to enjoy

the films as well. 3D animation movies have created their own audience and

are a very profitable venture for media producers.

Audience love the spectacular effects and graphics

Many people love 3D animations because of their amazing special effects and

graphics. Filmmakers have to produce films that cater to the needs of the

young, the old and the tech savvy. Making a 3D animations movie is no

child’s play!

Veetil Digital, a Perth based company, has already garnered a stellar

reputation for its excellent services and skill in differentiated 3D animation
