Web Designer Day 2013

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1st annualWeb Designer DayMay 31, 2013



I am Rutger, cofounder in Branding Personality, Coworking Fullerton, Hensel Hosting.I used to be an airline pilot, now I build software for the web.

Today, I am going to talk about Web Designer Day

A new annual celebration for web designers.

Other Appreciation Days

Secretary Day well knownWednesday, April 24Administrative Professionals' Day 2013

Sys Admin Day - End of July we helped organize in 2009

Community Manager Day

But no Web Designer Day

Tim Berners Lee - WWW

Where did it all start?

To get an idea of what web designers do, let's start with a little history:


The internet history is a long chain of eventsARPANET TCP/IPDifferent protocols like Gopher

Then Berners-Lee invented World Wide Web WWW 1991

He published it to become widespread

First Browsers

Marc Andreessen built Mosaic later Netscape

The result, NCSA Mosaic, was the first web browser with the ability to display text and images inline, meaning you could put pictures and text on the same page together, in the same window!

And, wow, it was easy. If you wanted to go somewhere, you just clicked. Links were blue and underlined, easy to pick out. You could follow your own virtual trail of breadcrumbs backwards by clicking the big button up there in the corner.

Websites 1995

Here are some websites from around 1995

Google, top leftAmazon bottom leftYahoo top rightCraigslist

Generally the technology was in it's early stages so you could not do too much, but designs were really really simple and generally pretty ugly :) remember geocity websites?

Websites 2013

Same websites from today:

Google, top leftAmazon bottom leftYahoo top rightCraigslist

Even though these specific companies have not changed their philosophy much, their websites have gone through a billion revisions, making them ever more effective


By who? Web DesignersWeb designers have been paving the way forward.

They have to master new technologies every dayMaking websites work in new browsers and keep them working in very old dinosaur browsers like IE6

When Google stopped supporting IE6 in 2010, it was good news, but some clients still want support for it.If you want to upset a webdesigner mention IE6... :)

As the world becomes increasingly more dependent on the internet, web designers need to keep pushing their skills forward


The challenge of a web designer is not to create a product that is self-satisfying, but to make a product that satisfies the aesthetic and ease of use needs of others. Designers cater to people and to the public. Their work is not for personal use alone; it is created so that peoples use of the web on their computers, tablets, and phones is easier and more pleasurable.

Without their dedication to their craft, the Internet would be challenging to navigate and frustrating to look at. All the valuable resources we take for granted day in and day out are carefully crafted by designers so we use them with ease and forget about the how things would be in a harshly laid out webpage.

364 days of hard work

364 days per year they're working way too hard

To make your deadlinesTo finish those numerous changes

Read clientsfromhell.net !

Subject: Need this started ASAP!

Message: I had to take an emergency trip to the Bahamas for a yoga meditation retreat. Can you get started right now, so I can have it by Monday?

Here's Web Designer Day

Here's Web Designer Day

We're going to put an end to the suffering at least 1 day a year.

This is the website's homepage

Shower with Ferraris

If we have it our way, just 1 day per year, web designers will be showered with Ferrari's...

So on May 31st look up or you may get hit by a Ferrari

Sign up

Our website is a place to upload your design.

We have a contest with many prizes and more coming.

You can sign up as a DesignerOr as an appreciator.

An appreciator can cast 3 votes on his favorite designs

The top voted designs will receive the best prizes. We'll try to get everyone a prize.


As of March, we already have an iPad mini, very cool t-shirts and 1 year of wordpress webhosting including domain

And we are looking for a lot more sponsors for prizes so that we can give all web designers prizes around the world

Gift Ideas

Besides the contest it's very much a place to get inspiration on how to appreciate your web designer.

You can read more about web designers and get ideas about gifts

Design Gallery

We have a design gallery where you can browse all the designs that have been submitted

It is ordered by the number of votesWhen you hover over a design, you get some more information

You can click on a design to see the design up close


This is an example of a designers page. People can leave a nice comment on the left for their web designer and cast a vote on the page

It shows the designers contact info (twitter, website)

And there's a link to the website of the design

May 31, 2013


1st annual Web Designer Day will be held on May 31, 2013

That's about 2 months from now.

We expect it to grow significantly the closer we get to the actual day, but we want to get as much momentum as we can get early on

Future Functionality

Keep track of events (parties on WDD)

Up/down voting of prizes by designers

Winners/sponsors per country

Translation in many languages

Keep track of events (parties on WDD)

Up/down voting of prizes by designers

Winners/sponsors per country

Translation in many languages

About Us

Thanks to:Rutger and Robert have been working on this for the past yearLuuk and Petra are on the Hensel Hosting team and work on the promotionMaks from Branding Personality has been working on the website development and the BP team will work on promotionKneadle has kindly sponsored the web design and given great feedbackVery valuable feedback from many different people like Marieke, Matthew, Jordan and many many others.

How can you help?

Our main goal is to get all web designersappreciation for what they do

If you love this, please tweet about it

Ask web designers to sign up

We need more sponsors, to give more prizes

Any feedback

Help organize a party in your city!

Our goal is to get all web designers appreciation for what they do

So we need all web designers on boardWe need more sponsors so we can give more prizes

We need more feedback

Please spread the word to web designers to sign up


Thank you for these images via compfight from Flickr.com

http://www.flickr.com/photos/webco/ - Tim Berners Lee photohttp://www.flickr.com/photos/oxox/ - webdesigner with head in handshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/slworking/ - passed out on keyboardhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/izzacarspotting/ - ferrarishttp://www.flickr.com/photos/carloswes/ - ie6 riphttp://www.flickr.com/photos/lukew/ - girl with devices

Questions, comments?Contact me @rutger